1985_Intel_Microsystem_Components_Handbook_Volume_1 1985 Intel Microsystem Components Handbook Volume 1
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LITERATURE In addition to the product line handbooks listed below, the INTEL PRODUCT GUIDE (no charge, Order No. 210846-003) provides an overview of Intel's complete product lines and customer services. Consult the INTEL LITERATURE GUIDE (Order No. 210620) for a listing of Intel literature. TO ORDER literature in the U.S., write or cal! the INTEL LITERATURE DEPARTMENT, 3065 Bowers Avenue, Santa Clara, CA 95051, (800) 538-1876, or (800) 672-1833 (California only). TO ORDER literature from international locations, contact the nearest Intel sales office or distnbutor (see listings ill the back of most any Intel literature). Use the order blank on the facing page or call our TOLL FREE number listed above to order literature. Remember to add your local sales tax. 1985 HANDBOOKS Product line handbooks contain data sheets, application notes, article repnnts and other design information. *U.S. PRICE QUALITY/RELIABILITY HANDBOOK (Order No. 210997-001) Contains technical details of both quality and reliability programs and principles. $15.00 CHMOS HANDBOOK (Order No. 290005-001) Contains data sheets only on all microprocessor, peripheral, microcontroller and memory CHMOS components. $12.00 MEMORY COMPONENTS HANDBOOK (Order No. 210830-004) $18.00 TELECOMMUNICATION PRODUCTS HANDBOOK (Order No. 230730-003) $12.00 MICRO CONTROLLER HANDBOOK (Order No. 210918-003) $18.00 MICROSYSTEM COMPONENTS HANDBOOK (Order No. 230843-002) Microprocessors and peripherals-2 Volume Set $25.00 DEVEWPMENT SYSTEMS HANDBOOK (Order No. 210940-003) $15.00 OEM SYSTEMS HANDBOOK (Order No. 210941-003) $18.00 SOFTWARE HANDBOOK (Order No. 230786-002) $12.00 MILITARY HANDBOOK (Order No. 210461-003) Not available until June. $15.00 COMPLETE SET OF HANDBOOKS (Order No. 231003-002) Get a 25% discount off the retail price of $160. *V.S. 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Source HB Mail To: Intel Literature Distribution Mail Stop SC6-714 3065 Bowers Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95051. inter MICROSYSTEM COMPONENTS HANDBOOK 1985 About Our Cover: The design on our front cover is an abstract portrayal of microprocessors and associated peripherals as the building blocks which provide total systems development solutions. Intel superior technology and reliability provide easier solutions to specific development problems thereby cutting "time-to-market" and creating a greater market share. Intel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of Its products and assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear il) this document nor does It make a commitment to update the information contained herein. Intel retains the right to make changes to these specifications at any time, without notice. Contact your local sales office to obtain the latest specifications before placing your order. The following are trademarks of Intel Corporation and may only tie used to identify Intel Products: BITBUS, COMMputer, CREDIT, Data Pipeline, GENIUS, i,~, ICE, ICS, iDBp, lOIS, 12 1CE, ILBX, 1m, iMDDX, IMMX, Inslte, Intel, Intel, InteIBOS, Intelevision, Inlellgent Identifier, intellgent Programming, Intellec, Intel/Ink, iOSp, IPDS, iRMX, ISBC, iSBX, iSDM, iSXM, KEPROM, Library Manager, MCS, Megachassis, MICROMAINFRAME, MULTI BUS, MULTICHANNEL, MULTI MODULE, OpeNET, Plug-A-Bubble, PROMPT, Promware, QUEST, QueX, Ripplemode, RMX/80, RUPI, Seamless, SLD, SYSTEM 2000, and UPI, and the combination of ICE, ICS, iRMX, ISBC, iSBX, MCS, or UPI and a numencal suffix ( MDS IS an ordering code only and is not used as a product name or trademark. MDS') is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation, * MULTIBUS is a patented Intel bus, Additional copies of this manual or other Intel literature may be obtained from: Intel Corporation Literature Department 3065 Bowers Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95051 © INTEL CORPORATION 1984 Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW Introduction 1-1 CHAPTER 2 MCS®-80/85 MICROPROCESSORS 8080Al8080A-1/8080A-2, B-Bit N-Channel Microprocessor.. .. ...... .... ...... ....... . .... 2-1 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 B-Bit HMOS Microprocessors .............................. 2-10 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 2048-Bit Static HMOS RAM with I/O Ports and Timer ....... 2-26 8185/8185-21024 x 8-Bit Static RAM for MC5-85 ........................................ 2-38 8205 High Speed 1 out of 8 Binary Decoder ............................................ 2-43 8224 Clock Generator and Driver for 8080A CPU ........................................ 2-48 8228/8238 System Controller and Bus Driver for 8080A CPU ............................. 2-53 8237A18237A-4/8237A-5 High Performance Programmable DMA Controller................ 2-57 8257/8257-5 Programmable DMA Controller............................................ 2-72 8259A18259A-2/8259A-8 Programmable Interrupt Controller.... .... .... .. .... ....... ..... 2-89 8755A18755A-2 16, 384-Bit EPROM with I/O ............................................ 2-107 AP-59 USing the 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller ... : ........................... 2-118 CHAPTER 3 IAPX 86, 88, 186, 188 MICROPROCESSORS iAPX 86/10 16-Bit HMOS Microprocessor............................................... iAPX 186 High Integration 16-Bit Microprocessor.... .............. .... .. .. ......... ..... iAPX 88110 B-Bit HMOS Microprocessor .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iAPX 188 High Integration B-Bit Microprocessor ......................................... 80898& 16-Bit HMOS I/O Processor .................................................. 8087/8087-218087-1 Numeric Data Coprocessor ......................................... 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30,88/30.186/30.188/30 iRMX'· 86 Operating System Processors .... 80150/80150-2 iAPX 86/50.88/50, 186/50, 188/50 CP/M'-86 Operating System Processors .... 8282/8283 Octal Latch ............................................................... 8284A/8284A-1 Clock Generator and Driver for iAPX 86, 88 Processors .................... 828618287 Octal Bus Transceiver ...................................................... 8288 Bus Controller for iAPX 86. 88 Processors ......................................... 82188 Integrated Bus Controller for iAPX 86, 88, 186, 188 Processors ..._......... > • • • • • • • • • 8289/8289-1 Bus Arbiter .............................................................. AP-67 8086 System Design ........................................................... AP-123 Graphic CRT Design Using the Intel 8089 ....................................... AP-113 Getting Started with the Numeric Data Processor ................................. AP-143 Using the iAPX 86/20 Numeric Data Processor in a Small Business Gomputer ....... AP-144 Three Dimensional Graphics Application of the iAPX 86/20 Numeric Data Processor ......•...................................................... AP-186 Introduction to the 80186 ........................... : .......................... 3-1 3-25 3-79 3-106 3-161 3-175 3-198 3-220 3-232 3-237 3-245 3-250 3-257 3-274 3-285 3-348 3-420 3-481 3-504 3-543 CHAPTER 4 IAPX 286 MICROPROCESSORS iAPX 286110 High Performance Microprocessor with Memory Management and Protection .. 4-1 80287 8Q-Bit HMOS Numeric Processor Extension ...................................... 4-54 82258 Advanced DMA Controller Architectural Overview ................................. 4-79 82284 Clock Generator and Ready Interface for iAPX 286 Processors ...................... 4-92 82288 Bus Controller for iAPX 286 Processors .......................................... 4-100 82289 Bus Arbiter for iAPX 286 Processor Family .......... ~ ............................ 4-118 'Cp/M is a Trademark of Digital Research. Inc. iii CHAPTER 5 MEMORY CONTROLLERS DATA SHEETS 8202A Dynamic RAM Controller................................................. 8203 64K Dynamic RAM Controller ...................... ,....................... 8206/8206-2 Error Detection and Correction Unit .................... , . . .. . . .. . ... 8207 Dual-Port Dynamic RAM Controller ........................................ 8208 Dynamic RAM Controller ............................'. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . ... USERS MANUAL Introduction ................................................................... Programming the 8207 ........................................................ RAM Interface ................................................................. Microprocessor Interfaces ...................................................... 8207 with ECC (8206) .......................................................... Appendix ...................................................................... APPLICATION NOTES AP-97A Interfacing Dynamic RAM to iAPX 86/88 Using the 8202A and 8203 ........ AP-141 8203/8206/2164A Memory Design ........................................ AP-167 Interfacing the 8207 Dynamic RAM Controller to the iAPX 186 ............. AP-168 Interfacing the 8207 Advanced Dynamic RAM Controller to the iAPX 286 ... ARTICLE REPRINTS AR-364 FAE News 1/84 "8208 with 186" .......................................... AR-231 Dynamic RAM Controller Orchestrates Memory Systems .................. 5-1 5-15 5-30 5-51 5-98 5-117 5-118 5-123 5-132 5-140 5-143 5-147 5-183 5-189 5-194 5-201 5-212 -VOLUME2SUPPORT PERIPHERALS DATA SHEETS 8231A Arithmetic Processing Unit ................................................. 8253/8253-5 Programmable Interval Timer ......................................... 8254 Programmable Interval Timer ................................................ 82C54 CHMOS Programmable Interval Timer ...................................... 8255A!8255A-5 Programmable Peripheral Interface ................................. 82C55A CHMOS Programmable Peripheral Interface ............................... 8256AH Multifunction Microprocessor Support Controller ........................... 8279/8279-5 Programmable Keyboard/Display Interface ............................. APPLICATION NOTES AP-153 Designing with the 8256 .................................................. AP-183 8256AH Application Note ................................................. FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLERS . DATA SHEETS 8272A Single/Double Density Floppy Disk Controller ............................... APPLICATION NOTES AP-116 An Intelligent Data Base System Using the 8272 ............................. AP-121 Software Design and Implementation of Floppy Disk Systems ................. HARD DISK CONTROLLERS DATA SHEETS 82062 Winchester Disk Controller ................................................. 82064 Winchester Disk Controller with On-Chip Error Detection and Correction ....... UPI USERS MANUAL Introduction .................................. ,., ............ , ................... Functional Description ........... '................................................ Instruction Set .................................................................. Single-Step, Programming, and Power-Down Modes ................................ System Operation .................................•.............................. Applications .................................................................... AP-161 Complex Peripheral Control with the UPI-42 ................................ AP-90 An 8741A/8041A Digital Cassette Controller .................................. iv 5-219 5-229 5-240 5-256 5-273 5-294 5-317 5-340 5-352 5-427 5-444 5-463 5-504 5-574 5-601 5-635 5-639 5-656 5-683 5-688 5-694 5-750 5-806 DATA SHEETS 8041A/8641 A/8741 A Universal Peripheral Interface 8-Bit Microcomputer ............... 8042/8742 Universal Peripheral Interface 8-Bit Microcomputer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8243 MCS-48 Input/Output Expander ............................................. APPLICATION NOTES AP-182 Multimode Winchester Controller Using the 82062 ........................... SYSTEM SUPPORT ICE-42 8042 In-Circuit Emulator .................................................. MCS-48 Diskette-Based Software Support Package ................................. iUP-200/iUP-201 Universal PROM Programmers .................................... 5-814 5-826 5-840 5-846 5-910 5-918 5-920 CHAPTER 6 DATA COMMUNICATIONS INTRODUCTION Intel Data Communications Family Overview....... .................. .......... .. .. GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS DATA SHEETS 8251 A Programmable Communication Interface.. ........ ................ ...... .... 8273/8273-4 Programmable HDLC/SDLC Protocol Controller ........................ 8274 Multi-Protocol Serial Controller (MPSC) ...................................... 82530/82530-6 Serial Communications Controller (SCC) ............................ APPLICATION NOTES AP-16 Using the 8251 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous ReceiveriTransmitter ........................................................... AP-36 Using the 8273 SDLC/HDLC Protocol Controller ........................... AP-134 Asynchronous Communications with the 8274 Multiple Protocol Serial Controller ....................................................... AP-145 Synchronous Communications with the 8274 Multiple Protocol Serial Controller ....................................................... AP-222 Asynchronous SDLC Communications with 82530 ........................ LOCAL AREA NETWORKS DATA SHEETS 82501 Ethernet Serial Interface .................................................. 82C502 Ethernet Tranceiver Chip Data Sheet ..................................... 82586 Local Area Network Coprocessor ......................................... 82588 Personal Workstation Lan Control ......................................... ARTICLE REPRINTS AR-345 Build a VLSI-Based Workstation for the Ethernet Environment .......................•........................................... AR-346 VLSI Solutions for Tiered Office Networks ............•................... AR-342 Chips Support Two Local Area Networks ................................. OTHER DATA COMMUNICATIONS DATA SHEETS , 8291A GPIB Talker/Listener ..................................................... 8292 GPIB Controller ........................................................... 8294A Data Encryption Unit ..................................................... APPLICATION NOTES AP-66 Using the 8292 GPIB Controller ........................................... AP-166 Using the 8291A GPIB Talker/Listener .................................... ARTICLE REPRINTS AR-208 SLI Transceiver Chips Complete GPIB Interface .......................... AR-113 LSI Chips Ease Standard 488 Bus Interfacing ............................. TUTORIAL Data Encryption Tutorial ........................................................ v 6-1 6-3 6-20 6-48 6-85 6-113 6-144 6-191 6-228 6-268 6-288 6-299 6-302 6-336 6-362 6-370 6-380 6-386 6-415 6-430 6-442 6-496 6-528 6-536 6-546 CHAPTER 7 ALPHANUMERIC TERMINAL CONTROLLERS DATA SHEETS 8275H Programmable CRT Controller ........•............._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8276H Small System CRT Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPLICATION NOTES AP-62 A Low Cost CRT Terminal Using the 8275 . \. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARTICLE REPRINTS AR-178 A Low Cost CRT Terminal Does More with Less ........................... GRAPHICS DISPLAY PRODUCTS DATA SHEETS 82720 Graphics Display Controller .............................................. ARTICLE REPRINTS AR-255 Dedicated VLSI Chip Lightens Graphic Display Design Load ....•.•........................ ; ................................... AR-298 Graphics Chip Makes Low Cost High Resolution, Color Displays Possible .............................................................. TEXT PROCESSING PRODUCTS DATA SHEETS 82730 Text Coprocessor ........................................................ 82731 Video Interface Controller ................................................ ARTICLE REPRINTS AR-305 Text Coprocessor Brings Quality to CRT Displays ......................... AR-297 VLSI Coprocessor Delivers High Quality Displays ......................... AR-296 Mighty Chips .•........................•................................ vi 7-1 7-25 7-42 7-84 7-91 7-128 7-136 7-143 7-187 7-20p 7-214 7-217 Numeric Index 80130/81030-2 iAPX 86/30,88/30,186/30,188/30 iRMX'· 86 Operating System Processors ...... 3-198 80150/80150-2 iAPX 86/50, 88/50, 186/50, 188/50 C/PM*-86 Operating System Processors ...... 3-220 80186 (iAPX 186) High Integration 16-Bit Microprocessor ................................. 3-25,3-543 80188 (iAPX 188) High Integration 8-Bit Microprocessor ....................................... 3-106 80286 (iAPX 286/10) High Performance Microprocessor with Memory Management and Protection .......................................................................... 4-1 80287 80-Bit HMOS Numeric Processor Extension ............................................. 4-54 8041A/8641A/8741A Universal Peripheral Interface 8-Bit Microcomputer .......... 5-814,5-635,5-639 8042/8742 Universal Peripheral Interface 8-Bit Microcomputer ............. 5-826,5-635,5-639,5-910 8080A/8080A-1/8080A-2, 8-Bit N-Channel Microprocessor ....................................... 2-1 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 8-Bit HMOS Microprocessors .................................... 2-10 8086 (iAPX 86/10) 16-Bit HMOS Microprocessor .......................................... 3-1,3-285 8087/8087-2/8087-1 Numeric Data Coprocessor ..................... 3-175,3-420,3-481,3-504,6-362 8088 (iAPX 88/10) 8-Bit HMOS Microprocessor ................................................ 3-79 80898 & 16-Bit HMOS I/O Processor .................. : ................................ 3-161, 3-348 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 2048-Bit Static HMOS RAM with I/O Ports and Timer ........... 2-26 8185/8185-2 1024 x 8-Bit Static RAM for MCS®-85 .............................................. 2-38 8202A Dynamic RAM Controller .......................................................... 5-1, 5-147 8203 64K Dynamic RAM Controller ............................................... 5-15,5-147,5-183 8205 High Speed 1 out of 8 Binary Decoder .................................................... 2-43 8206/8206-2 Error Detection and Correction Unit ................................. 5-30,5-183,5-212 82062 Winchester Disk Controller ...................................................... 5-574,5-846 82064 Winchester Disk Controller with On-Chip Error Detection and Correction ............... 5-601 8207 Dual-Port Dynamic RAM Controller ............................ 5-51, 5-118, 5-123, 5-132, 5-140 5-143,5-183,5-189,5-194,5-212 8208 Dynamic RAM Controller .......................................................... 5-98, 5-201 82188 Integrated Bus Controller for iAPX 86, 88, 186, 188 Processors .......................... 3-257 8224 Clock Generator And Driver for 8080A CPU .............................................. 2-48 82258 Advanced DMA Controller Architectural Overview ....................................... 4-79 8228/8238 System Controller and Bus Driver for 8080A CPU ................................... 2-53 82284 Clock Generator and Ready Interface for iAPX 286 Processors ........................... 4-92 82288 Bus Controller for iAPX 286 Processors ................................................ 4-100 82289 Bus Arbiter for iAPX 286 Processor Family ............................................. 4-118 8231 A Arithmetic Processing Unit ............................................................ 5-219 8237 A/8237 A-4/8237 A-5 High Performance Programmable DMA Controller ..................... 2-57 8243 MCS-48 Input/Output Expander .................................................. 5-635,5-840 82501 Ethernet Serial Interface .................................................. 6-288, 6-362, 6-38'0 82C502 Ethernet Tranceiver Chip ............................................................. 6-299 8251 A Programmable Communication Interface ...........................•.............. 6-3,6-113 8253/8253-5 Programmable Interval Timer .................... '" .... '" ...................... 5-229 82530/82530-6 Serial Communications Controller (SCC) ................................. 6-85, 6-268 vii 8254 Programmable Interval Timer ........................................................... 5-240 82C54 CHMOS Programmable Interval Timer ....... '," ....................................... 5-256 8255A/8255A-5 Programmable Peripheral Interface ............................. " ....... 5-273, 7-84 82C55 CHMOS Programmable Peripheral Interface ........................................... 5-294 8256AH Multifunction Microprocessor Support Controller ....... " ............... 5-317, 5-352, 5-427 8257/8257-5 Programmable DMA Controller ................... '" ........................ , ..... 2-72 82586 Local Area Network Coprocessor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-302, 6-362, 6-370, 6-380 82588 Personal Workstation Lan Control ...................................................... 6-336 8259A/8259A-2/8259A-8 Programmable Interrupt Controller .............................. 2-89, 2-118 8272A Single/Double Density Floppy Disk Controller ..................... 5-444,5-463,5-504,7-128 82720 Graphics Display Controller ........................... 7-91,7-128,7-136,7-206,7-214,7-217 8273/8273-4 Programmable HDLC/SDLC Protocol Controller ..................... 6-20,6-144,6-380 82730 Text Coprocessor .................................... 6-262,7-136,7-143,7-206, 7-214, 7-217 82731 Video Interface Controller ...................................................... .7-187,7-206 8274 Multi-Protocol Serial Controller (MPSC) ..............................,6-48,6-191,6-228,6-380 8275H Programm~ble CRT Controller ..................................................... 7-1, 7-42 8276H Small System CRT Controller ..................................................... 7-25, 7-84 8279/8279-5 Programmable Keyboard/Display Interface ...................................... 5-340 8282/8283 Octal Latch ....................................................................... 3-232 8284A/8284A-1 Clock Generator and Driver for iAPX 86, 88 Processors ........................ 3-327 , 8286/8287 Octal Bus Transceiver ............................................................. 3-245 8288 Bus Controller for iAPX 86, 88 Processors .......,.................................. 3-250,6-362 8289/8989-1 Bus Arbiter .............................................., ........................ 3-274 8291A GPIB Talker/Listener .............................................. 6-386,6-496,6-528,6-536 8292 GPIB Controller .................................................... 6-415,6-442,6-528,6-536 8294A Data Encryption Unit .................................................................. 6-430 8755A/8755A-2 16,384-Bit EPROM with I/O ................................................... 2-107 / viii j Overview 1 , I I inter INTRODUCTION replacing numerous parts, microprocessor and peripheral solutions can contribute dramatically to lower product costs. Intel microprocessors and peripherals provide a complete solution in increasingly complex application environments. Quite often, a single peripheral device will replace anywherefrom 20 to 100 TIL devices (and the associated design time that goes with them). HIGHER SYSTEM PERFORMANCE , Intel microprocessors and peripherals provide the highest system performance for the demands of today's (and tomorrow's) microprocessor-based applications. For example, the iAPX 286 CPU, with its on-chip memory management and protection, offers the highest performance for multitasking, multiuser systems. Built-in functions and a standard Intel microprocessor/ peripheral interface deliver very real time and performance advantages to the designer of microprocessorbaseq systems. REDUCED TIME TO MARKET HOW TO USE THE GUIDE When you can purchase an off-the-shelf solution that replaces a number of discrete devices, you're also replacing all the design, testing, and debug time that goes with them. ' The following application guide illustrates the range of microprocessors and peripherals that can be used for the applications in the vertical column on the left. The peripherals are grouped by the 1/ 0 function they control: CRT, datacommunication, universal (user programmable), mass storage dynAmic RAM controllers, and CPU/bus support. INCREASED RELIABILITY At Intel, the rate offailure for devices is carefully tracked. Highest reliability is a tangible goal that translates to higher reliability, for your product, reduced downtime, and reduced repair costs. And as more and more functions are integrated on a single VLSI device, the resulting system requires less power, produces less heat, and requires fewer mechanical connections-again resulting in greater system reliability. An "X" in a horizontal application row indicates apotential peripheral or CPU, depending upon the features desired. For example, a conversational terminal could use either of the three display controllers, depending upon features like the number of characters per row or font capability. A "Y" indicates a likely candidate, for example, the 8272A Floppy Disk Controller in a small business computer. LOWER PRODUC~ COST By minimizing design time, increasing reliability, and The Intel microprocessor and peripherals family provides a broad range of time-saving, high performance solutions. 1-1 POTENTIAL CANDIDATE X-TYPICAL CANDIDATE Y DATACOMM DISPLAY j.lPROCESSOR , UPI DISKS DRAM CONTROL SUPPORT C\I APPLICATION co co co co ClO ClO 0 -4 ~ PERIPHERALS Printers Plotters Keyboards MASS STORAGE Hard Disk Mini Winchester Tape Cassette Floppy/Mini COMMUNICATIONS PBX LANS Modems Bisync SOLC/HOLC Serial Back Plane Central Office Network Control OFFICE/BUS Copier/FAX Word Processor Typewriter Elect. Mail Transaction System Data Entry COMPUTERS SM Bus Computer PC Portable PC Home Computer co co co co co co 0 C\I co co 0 « U; co r-- r-- C\I C\I C\I ~ ~ Sir-- It) 0> ~ "- N a'" co 0 '" 0> C;; C\I C\I co co C\I '"co It) C\I co ClO 0 c;; r-- C\I co ~ '0::> co <.0 oOooco CX) CX) 00 N 00 a ~ 00 N 00 ~ ~ N N N 00 TERMINALS Conversational Graphics CRT Editing Intelligent Videotex Printing, Laser, Impact Portable MI 0 ~ ID M ~ ~ ~ N N ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 0 5~ ~~ ~~ V 00 ~ ~ v N 0 N N 00 00 0 00 ~ ID 00 M 00 ~ m ~ N N N ~ 00 ~ 00 M ~ ~ ~ 00 v ~ ~ N ~~ a 010 N ~ M 00 N 00 N 00 ID aN 00 ~ aN 00 00 0 N 00 .... ll) ll) ll) N N CX) CX) « ;;; N CX) kesl:,;;:>~kJ,~Jc"",~~~;",h'2:J, "J: /,,,1cs""0b,Ui;o,"" r'yr;,; '~~~ "7fT I Y xI X I X xtxTXi')t~ INDUSTRIAL AUTO Robotics Network Num Control Process Control instrumentation AVlatlon/Navlg -4 c:, Xl X ~x X x ' ) ( x x x X r'~' . X F F'" ~ ,~""7,, ~~kdw Y 'X"' ' ] x ' X X ) ( Y X : ' ~. /, 'X'~:;,25 X XX 'X "X 'X 'x INDUST/DATA ACO Laboratory Instr Source Data Auto Test Medical Test Instr Security X :x X,lLI xTx'lx X COMMERCIAL DATA PROCESSING POS Terminal Financial Transfer Automatic Teller Document Processing WORKSTATIONS Office Engineering CAD 'X "4;;:>J~,~"",, . ru,,,,X 'x', X r'X X -~r'x~&,."", X [x,IXIx" [x XiX [y'l)( 1..,,, X X X XIX h,\ "x X Xl~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~l~~~~~a~~~~;~l;~ X X ltt"~~~\~rYTV L~~11~~J,~J~!I!~1~--, 'WA~A lX'll< ~w_ ~,_. C.»=." Cl MINI MAINFRAME Processor & Control Store Database Subsys ilO Subsystem Comm Subsystem X YIY X "-~x' xTx'T"'ix X ( MCS®-SO/S5 Microprocessors 2 8080A/8080A·1/8080A·2 8·BIT N.. CHANNEl MICROPROCESSOR • TIL Drive Capability • 2 /-'s ( - 1:1.3 /-'s, - 2:1.5 /-,s) Instruction Cycle • Powerful Problem Solving Instruction Set • 16·Bit Stack Pointer and Stack Manipulation Instructions for Rapid Switching of the Program Environment • Decimal, Binary, and Double Precision Arithmetic • Ability to Provide Priority Vectored Interrupts • 612 Directly Addressed flO Pons • Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range • 6 General Purpose Registers and an Accumulator • 16·Bit Program Counter for Directly Addressing up to 64K Bytes of Memory The Intel"' aOaOA is a complete a-bit parallel central processing unit (CPU). It is fabricated on a single LSI chip using Intel's n-channel silicon gate MOS process. This offers the user a high performance solution to control and processing apQlications. The aOaOA contains 6 a-bit general purpose working registers and an accumulator. The 6 general purpose registers may be addressed individually or in pairs providing both single and double precision operators. Arithmetic and logical instructions set or reset 4 testable flags. A fifth flag provides decimal arithmetic operation. The aOaOA has an external stack feature wherein any portion of memory may be used as a last in/first out stack to store/retrieve the contents of the accumulator, flags, program counter, and all of the 6 general purpose registers. The 16-bit stack pointer controls the addressing,of this external stack. This stack gives the aOaOA the ability to easily handle multiple level priority interrupts by rapidly storing and restoring processor status. It also provides almost unlimited subroutine nesting. This microprocessor has been designed to simplify systems design. Separate 16-line address and a-line bidirectional data busses are used to facilitate easy interface to memor" and I/O. Signals to control the interface to memory and 110 are provided directly by the aOaOA. Ultimate control of the address and data busses resides with the HOLD signal. It provides the ability to suspend processor operation and force the address and data busses into a high impedance state. This permits OR-tying these busses with other controlling devices for (DMA) direct memory access or multi-processor operation. NOTE: The 8080A is functionally and electrically compatible with the Intel"' 8080. 0,°0 &IDIRECTIONAl DATA BUS '10 GNO 8080A RESET HOLD INT SYNC '5V Figure 1. Block Diagram 40 3. 3. 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 2' 2. 27 26 25 24 23 22 2' ..'. '3 .," +12V Ao WAIT READY "HLDA Figure 2. Pin Configuration 2-1 8080AI8080A·118080A·2 Table 1. Pin Description Symbol Type Name and Function A15.AO 0 Address Bus: The address bus provides the address to memory (up to 64K a-bit words) or denotes the I/O device number for up to 256 Input and 256 output devices Ao IS the least significant address bit. DrDo I/O Data Bus: The data bus provides bl-dlrectlonal communication betweeen the CPU, memory, and I/O devices for Instructions and data transfers. Also, dUring the first clock cycle of each machine cycle, the aOaOA outputs a status word on the data bus that describes the current macHine cycle. Do IS the least significant bit. SYNC 0 Synchronizing Signal: The SYNC pin provides a signal to indicate the beginning of each machine cycle DBIN 0 Data Bus In: The DBIN signal Indicates to external circUits that the data bus IS In the input mode. This signal should be used to enable the gating of data onto the aOaOA data bus from memory or I/O READY I R!'ady: The READY signal indicates to the aOaOA that valid memory or Input data is available on the aOaOA data bus This signal is used to synchronize the CPU With slower memory or I/O devices If after sending an address out the aOaOA does not receive a READY Input, the aOaOAw11i enter a WAITstate for as long as the READY line IS low. READY can also be used to Single step the CPU. WAIT 0 Wait: The WAIT signal acknowledges that the CPU IS In a WAIT state. WR 0 Write: The WR signal IS used for memory WRITE or I/O output control. The data on the data bus IS slable while the WR signal IS active low (WR ~ 0). HOLD ,I Hold: The HOLD signal requests the CPU to enter the HOLD state. The HOLD state allows an external device to gain control of the aOaOA address and data bus as soon !\S the 8080A has completed its use of these busses for the current machine cycle. It IS recognized under the following conditions: • the CPU is in the HALT srate. • the CPU IS In the T2 or TW state and the READY signal is active. As a result of entering the HOLD state the CPU ADDRESS BUS (A1S-Ao) and DATA BUS (Dr Do) will be In their high Impedance state. The CPU acknowledges ItS state With the HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE (HLDA) pin HLDA 0 Hold Acknowledge: The HLDA signal appears in response to the HOLD signal and indicates that the data and address bus will go to the high impedance state. The HLDA signal begins at· • T3 for READ memory or input. \ • The Clock Period following T3 for WRITE- memory or OUTPUT operation. In either case, the HLDA signal appears after the rising edge of <1>2 INTE 0 Interrupt Enable: Indicates the content of the Internal Interrupt enable flip/flop This flip/flop may be set or reset by the Enable and Disable In\;rrupt instructions and inhibits interrupts from being accepted by tbe CPU when It IS reset It IS automatically reset (disabling further interrupts) at time T1 of the instruction fetch cycle (M1) when an Interrupt is accepted and is also reset by the RESET signal. INT I Interrupt Request: The CPU recognizes an interrupt request on this line at the end of the current Instruction or while halted If the CPU IS In the HOLD state or if the Interrupt Enable flip/flop is reset it will not honor the request RESET 1 I Reset: While the RESET signal IS activated, the content of the'program counter is cleared. After RESET, the program will start at location 0 In memory. The INTE and HLDA flip/flops are also reset. Note that the flags, accumulator, stack pOinter, and registers are not cleared. Vss Ground: Reference VDD Power: +12 ±5% Volts Vee Power: +5 ±5% Volts. Vss Power: -5 ±5% Volts. <111, <1>2 Clock Phases: 2 externalfy supplied clock phases. (non TTL compatible) 2-2 inter 8080Al8080A·1/8080A·2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· "NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absoluta maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Temperature Under Bias. . . . . . . . . .. . dOc to +70° C Storage Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . -65°C to +150°C All Input or Output Voltages With Respect to Vee . . . . . . . . . . . -0.3V to +20V Vcc , VOO and Vss With Respect to Vee -0.3V to +20V Power Dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5W D.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O"C to 70"C, VOO = +12V ±5%, VCC = +5V ±5%, Vee = -5V ±5%, Vss =OV; unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Typ. Min. Max. Unit Vss+o.8 V VILC Clock Input Low Voltage VIHC Clock Input High Voltage 9.0 Vo o +l V VIL Input Low Voltage Vss-l Vss+0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage 3.3 Vcc+l V VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage Vss-l 0.45 V } IOL = 1.9mA on all outputs, IoH =-150~. V 3.7" Test Condition loe(AV) Avg. Power Supply Current (Voo) 40 70 mA ICC (AV) Avg. Power Supply Current (Vcc) 60 80 mA .01 }O..... ';M T Cy '" .48 J.Lsec IBe(AV) Avg. Power Supply Current (V Be ) 1 mA IlL Input Leakage ±10 J.LA Vss .;;;; VIN .;;;; Vcc ICL Clock Leakage ±10 J.LA Vss .;;;; VCLOCK .;;;; Voo IOL[2] Data Bus Leakage in Input Mode -100 -2.0 J.LA mA Vss ';;;;VIN ';;;;VSS +0.8V +10 -100 J.LA IFL Address and Data Bus Leakage During HOLD VSS+0.8V';;;;VIN ';;;;VCC VAOOR/OATA = Vcc V AOOR/OATA = Vss + 0.45V ,. CAPACITANCE (TA = 25°C, VCC = VOO =VSS = OV, Vee = -5V) Typ. Max. Unit C", Clock Capacitance 17 25 pf fc = 1 MHz C IN I nput Capacitance 6 10 pf Unmeasured Pins COUT Output Capacitance 10 20 pf Returned to Vss Symbol Parameter Test Condition NOTES: 1. The RESET SIgnal must be active for a mInimum of 3 clock cycles. 2. 2 +'<1>2 + tf>2 + t02 + tr>l ;;. 480 ns ( - 1:320 ns, - 2:380 ns). J TYPICAL L> OUTPUT DELAY VS. L> CAPACITANCE -. ----+---- -- -. +20 'FO ,. c ~~ ~'5-AO ~0 .. ::> ~ -~ 0,.°0 +10 ::> 0 -10 CSPEC, subtract .3nsipF (from modified delay) If CL < CSPEC. 4. tAW = 2 tCY- t03 - tr>2 - 140 ns ( - 1:110 ns, - 2:130 ns). S. tow = tCY - t03 - tr>2 - 170 ns ( - 1:1S0 ns, - 2:170 ns) . 6. If not HLDA, two = tWA = t03 + tr>2 + 10 ns. If HLDA, two = tWA = tWF' 7. tHF = too + tr>2 -SO ns). B. tWF = too + tr>2 - 10ns. 9. Data In must be stable for this period during DBIN T3. Both tOSl and tOS2 must be satisfied. 10. Ready signal must be stable for this period during T2 or T w. (Must be externally synchronized.) 11. Hold Signal must be stable for this period during T2 or TW when entering hold mode, and during T3, T4, T 5 and TWH when in hold mode. (External synchronization is not required.) 12. Interrupt signal must be stable during this period of the last clock cycle of any instruction in order to be recognized on the following instruction. (External synchronization is not re,qulred.) 13. this timing diagram shows timing relationships only; it does not represent any specific machine cycle. READY WAIT HOLD ~ HLDA INT ..... INTE 2-6 inter SOSOAISOSOA·1/&OSOA·2 INSTRUCTION SET The accumulator group instructions include arithmetic and logical operators with direct, indirect, and immediate addressing modes_ increment and decrement memory, the six general registers and the accumulator is provided as well as extended increment and decrement instructions to operate on the register pairs and stack pointer. Further capability is provided by the ability to rotate the accumulator I!lft or right through or around the carry bit. Move, load, and store instruction groups provide the ability to move either 8 or 16 bits of data between memory, the six working registers and the accumulator using direct, indirect, and immediate addressing modes. Input and output may be accomplished using memory addresses as I/O ports or the directly addressed I/O provided for in the 8080A instruction set. The ability to branch to different portions of the program is provided with jump, jump conditional, and computed jumps. Also the ability to call to and return from subroutines is provided both conditionally and unconditionally. The RESTART (or single byte call instruction) is useful for interrupt vector operation. The following special instruction group completes the 8080A instruction set: the NOP instruction, HALT to stop processor execution and the DAA instructions provide decimal arithmetic capability. STC allows the carry flag to be directly set, and the CMC instruction allows it to be complemented. CMA complements the contents of the accumulator and XCHG exchanges the contents of two 16-bit register pairs directly. Double precision operators such as stack manipulation and double add instructions extend both the arithmetic and interrupt handling capability of the 8080A. The ability to Data and Instruction Formats Data in the 8080A is stored in the form of 8-bit binary integers. All same format. ID7 d~ta transfers to the system data bus will be in the D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D, Dol DATA WORD The program instructions may be one, two, or three bytes in length. MUltiple byte instructions must be stored in successive words in program memory. The instruction formats then depend on the particular operation executed. One Byte Instructions I D7 TYPICAL INSTRUCTIONS D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D, Do I OP CODE Register to register, memory reference, arithmetic or logical, rotate, return, push, pop, enable or disable Interrupt instructions Two Byte Instructions I D7 I D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D, Do D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D, Do I OPCODE I OPERAND Immediate mode or I/O instructions Three Byte Instructions ID7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D, I D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D, I D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D, I OPCODE Do I LOWADDRESSOR OPERAND 1 Do I HIGH ADDRESSOR OPERAND 2 DO Jump, call or direct load and store instructions For the 8080A a logic "1" is defined as a high level and a logic "0" is defined as a low level. 2-7 8080Al8080A·118080A·2 Table 2. Instruction Set Summary Instruction Code [1] Mnemonic 0] 06 05 04 D:3 D:1 01 DO MOvE, LOAD, AND STORE MOVr1,r2 0 1 0 0 0 MOVM,r 0 1 1 1 0 S S S S S S MOVr,M 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 MVlr 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 MVIM 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 LXI B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 LXI 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 LXI H 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 STAXB STAXO LOAX B LOAXO STA' LOA SHLO LHLO XCHG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 STACKOPS 1 PUSH B 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 PUSH 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 PUSH H 1 1 1 0 0, 1 0 1 PUSH PSW POPB 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 POP 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 POPH 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 POPPSW 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 XTHL 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 SPHL LXISP 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 f 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 INXSP OCXSP 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 JUMP JMP JC JNC JZ JNZ JP JM JPE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0' 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operations Description Move register to register Move register to memory Move memory to register Move immediate re9j5ter Move immediate memory Load immediate register Pair B & C Load Immediate register Pair 0& E Load immediate register PalrH&L Store A Indirect Store A Indirect Load A Indirect Load A indirect Store A direct Load A direct Store H & L direct Load H & L direct Exchange 0 & E, H & L Registers Clock Cycle. [2] Instruction Code [1] MnemoniC 0] 06 Os 04 03 02 01 5 JPO PCHL 7 CALL 7 CALL CC CNC 7 CZ 10 10 7 7 7 7 13 13 16 16 4 Push register Pair B & C on stack Push register PaH 0 & E on stack Push register Pair ~ & L on stack Push A and Flags on stack Pop register Pair B & C off stack Pop register Pair 0 & E off stack Pop register Pal r H & L off stack Pop A and Flags off stack Exchange top of stack, H & L H & L to stack pOinter Load Immediate stack pOinter Increment stack pointer Decrement stack pointer 11 Jump unconditional Jump on carry Jump on no carry Jump on zero Jump on no zero Jump on positive Jump on minus Jump on parity even 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 l' 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A A A 1 DECREMENT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 Restart 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 Increment register Decrement registe~ Increment memory Decrement memory Increment B & C registers Increment 0 & E registers Increment H & L registers Decrement B & C Decrement D & E Decrement H & L CNZ CP CM CPE CPO RETURN 1 1 RET RC 1 1 RNC 1 1 1 1 RZ RNZ 1 1 RP 1 1 RM 1 1 RPE 1 1 RPO 1 1 RESTART RST 1 1 INCREMENT AND INRr 0 0 OCRr 0 0 INRM 0 0 OCRM 0 0 INXB 0 0 10 10 11 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 5 10 2-8 5 Return Return on carry Retu rn on no carry Return on zero Return on no zero Return on positive Return on minus Return on parity even Return on panty odd 10 5111 5111 5111 5111 5111 5111 5111 5/11 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 OCXB OCXO OCXH ADD AOOr AOCr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 S S S Add register to A S S S AOOM AOCM 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 AOI ACI 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 OAOB DADO OAOH OAOSP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Q 0 1 1 1 1 0 10 17 11/17 11/17 11/17 11/17 11/17 11/17 11/17 11/17 0 5 5 [2] unconditional on carry on no carry on zero on no zero on positive on minus on parity even on parity odd INXH 10 10 Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call INXO 11 10 Jump on parity odd H & L to program counter Clock Cycle. I 11 10 Operations Description Do 0 0 0 0 0 0 Add register to A With carry Add memory to A Add memory to A With carry Add Immediate to A Add immediate to A With carry AddB&CtoH&L AddO&EtoH&L AddH&LtoH&L Add stack pointer to H&L 11 5 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 '5 4 4 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 inter 8080Al8080A·1/8080A·2 SUm....ry of Proce_r Instructions (Cont.) Mnemonic D7 Instruction Code [1] Ds Ds D4 OJ D2 Dl DO Clock Clock Cycl.s [2] Mnemonic D7 Instruction Code [1 ) De Ds D4 OJ II:! Dl Dc Cycle. Operetlons Description 121 ROTATE SUBTRACT SUBr 1 0 0 1 0 SBBr 1 0 0 1 1 SUBM 1 0 0 1 0 SBBM 1 0 0 1 1 SUI 1 1 0 1 0 SBI 1 1 0 1 1 LOGICAL ANAr XRAr 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 ORAr CMPr ANAM XRAM 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 ORAM CMPM 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 ANI XRI 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 ORI CPI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Operations Description 0 1 1 1 1 1 S S S Subtract regIster from A S S S Subtract regIster from A WIth borrow 1 1 0 Subtrect memory from A 1 1 0 Subtract memory from Awlth borrow 1 1 0 Subtract ImmedIate from A 1 1 0 Subtract immedIate from A WIth borrow S S S And regIster with A S S S ExcltJsive Or register wIth A S S S Or regIster WIth A S S S Compare regIster WIth A 1 1 0 And memory WIth A 1 1 0 ExclUSive Or memory wIth A 1 1 0 Or memory WIth A 1 1 0 Compare memory WIth A 1 1 0 And Immediate With A 1 1 0 ExclUSive Or Immediate wIth A 1 1 0 Or ImmedIate with A 1 1 0 Compare ImmedIate wIth A Rotate A lell Rotate A roght Rotate A lell through carry Rotate A right through carry 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 Complement A Set carry Complement carry DeCImal adlust A 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 Input Output 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 Enable Interrupts Disable Interrupt No-operatlDn Halt RLC RRC RAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 RAR 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 7 SPECIALS 0 0 1 CMA STC 0 0 1 0 0 1 CMC OM 0 0 1 INPUT/OUTPUT IN 1 1 0 1 1 0 OUT CONTROL 1 1 1 EI 1 1 1 01 0, 0 0 NOP HLT 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 7 7 4 4 4 4 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 NOTES: 1 DOD orSSS' B~OOO, C~OOl, D~OlO, E-Oll , H~lOO, L~lOl, Memory~llO, A~111. 2. Two possIble cycle times (6112) Indicate InstructIon cycles dependent on condItion flags. 'All mnemonIcs copyroght Clntel Corporallon 19n 2-9 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 4 10 10 4 4 4 .. 7 SOSSAH/SOSSAH-2/S0SSAH-1 8-BIT HMOS MICROPROCESSORS • Single + 5V Power Supply with 10% Voltage Margins • On-hhiP System Controller; Advanced Cycle Status Information Available for Large System Control • Four Vectored Interrupt Inputs (One is Non-Maskable) Plus an SOSOA-Compatible Interrupt • Serial In/Serial Out Port • Decimal, Binary and Double Precision Arithmetic • Direct Addressing Capability to 64K Bytes of Memory • Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range - Extended Temperature Range • 3 MHz, 5 MHz and 6 MHz Selections Available • 20% Lower Power Consumption than SOS5A for 3 MHz and 5 MHz • 1.3 JLS Instruction Cycle (SOS5AH); O.S JLS (SOS5AH-2); 0.67 JLs (SOS5AH-1) • 100% Compatible with SOS5A • 100% Software Compatible with SOSOA • On-Chip Clock Generator (with External Crystal, LC or RC Network) The Intel® 8085AH is a complete 8 bit parallel Central Processing Unit (CPU) implemented in N-channel, depletion load, silicon gate technology (HMOS). Its instruction set is 100% software compatible with the 8080A microprocessor, and it is designed to improve the present 8080A:s performance by higher system speed. Its high level of system integration allows a minimum system ofthree IC's [8085AH (CPU), 8156H (RAM/IO) and 8755A (EPROM/IO)] while maintaining total system expandability. The 8085AH-2 and 8085AH-1 are faster versions of the 8085 AH. The 8085AH incorporates all of the features that the 8224 (clock generator) and 8228 (system controller) provided for the 8080A, thereby offering a high level of system integration. The 8085AH uses a multiplexed data bus. The address is split between the 8 bit address bus and the 8 bit data bus. The on-chip address latches of 8155H/8156H/8755A memory products allow a direct interface with the 8085AH. I i"NTA Vee RESET OUT SOD SID *: :~: ,: REG REG STACK POINTER 1161 PROGRAM COUNTER 11$1 }REGISTER ARRAV 11~1 HOLD HLDA elK (OUT~ RESET IN READY 101M 5, AD ViR lNTA ALE ADo AD, So A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 AD2 AD3 AD, ADS INCREMENTERIOECREMENTER AOORESS LATCH RST 75 RST 65 RST 5 5 lNTR 3 AlO A, A8 AD7-ADo AODRESSIOATA BUS Figure 1. BOB5AH CPU Functional Block Diagram Figure 2. BOB5AH Pin Configuration Intel Corporation Assumes No Responsibllty for the Use of Any Circuitry Other Than Circuitry Embodied In an Intel Product. No Other Circuit Patent lIcenses ale Implied ·INTEL CORPORATION. 1981 2-10 intJ 8085AH/8085AH-218085AH-1 r--::---;--;-_r=----._ _:-:-_---,--:-_ _--=T..:8..:b.:.:'e:....1..:.:....;Pln Description Symbol lYpe READY I Ready: If READY is high during a read or wrote cycle, It indicates that the memory or peropheralls ready to send or receive data. If READY is low, the cpu Will walt an Integral number of clock cycles for READY to go high before completing the read or wrote cycle. READY must conform to specified setup and hold times. HOLD I Hold: Indicates that another master IS requesting the use of the address and data buses. The cpu, upon receiving the hold request, will relinquish the use of the bus as soon as the completion of the current bus transfer Internal processIng can continue. The processor can regain the bus only after the HOLD IS removed. When the HOLD IS acknowledged, the Address, Data RD, WR, and 101M lines are 3-stated HLDA 0 Hold Acknowledge: Indicates that the cpu has received the HOLD request and that It will relinquish the bus In the next clock cycle. HLDA goes low after the Hold request IS removed. The cpu takes the bus one half clock cycle after HLDA goes low. INTR I Interrupt Request: Is used as a general purpose Interrupt. It is sampled only during the next to the last clock cycle of an instruction and during Hold and Halt states. If It IS active, the Program Counter (PC) will be I~ited from Incrementing and an INTA will be Issued. During this cycle a RESTART or CALL instruction can be inserted to Jump to the Interrupt service routine. The INTR IS enabled and disabled by software It IS disabled by Reset and immediately after an interrupt IS accepted INTA 0 Interrupt Acknowledge: Is used InsteaE..,of (and has the same timing as) RD during the Instruction cycle after an INTR IS accepted. It can be· used to activate an 8259A Interrupt chip or some other Interrupt port. RST 5.5 RST 6.5 RST 7.5 I Restart Interrupts: These three Inputs have the same timing as INTR except they cause an internal RESTART to be automatically Inserted. ( 2-11 Name and Funcllon The priority of these interrupts IS ordered as shown In Table 2. These interrupts have a higher priority than INTR. In addition, they may be indiVidually masked out using the SIM instruction. intJ 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 Table 1. Pin Description (Continued) Symbol Name and Function Type Name and Function Symbol lYpe TRAP I Trap:' Trap interrupt IS a non· maskable RESTART interrupt. It is recognized at the same time as INTR or RST 5.5·7.5. It is unaffected by any mask or Interrupt Enable. It has the highest priority of any interrupt. (See Table 2.) RESET OUT 0 Reset Out: Reset Out Indicates cpu is being reset. Can be used as a system reset. The signal IS synchronized to the processor clock and lasts an.integral number of clock periods. XI, X2 I RE~ETIN I R••• t In: Sets the Program Counter to zero and resefs the Inter· rupt Enable and HlDA flip-flops. The data and address buses and the control lines are 3-stated during RESET and because of the asyn· chronous nature of RESET, the processor's internal registers and flags may be altered by RESET with unpredictable results. RESET IN is a Schmitt·triggered input, allowing connection to an R-C network for power-on RESET delay (see Figure 3). Upon power·up, RESET IN must remain low for at least 10 ms after minimum Vee has been reached. For proper reset operation after the power-up duration, RESET IN should be kept Iowa minimum of three clock periods. The CPU is held in the reset condition as long as RESET IN is applied. XI and X2: Are connected to a crystal, le, or RC network to drive the internal clock generator. XI can also be an external clock input from a logic gate. The input frequency is divided by 2 to give the processor's internal operating frequency. ClK 0 Clock: Clock output for use as a sys· tern clock. The period of ClK is tWice the X1, X2 input period. SID I Serial Input Data line: The data on thiS line is loaded Into accumulator bit 7 whenever a RIM instruction IS executed. SOD 0 Serial Output Data Line: The output SOD IS set or reset as specifIed by the SIM instruction I, i Vee Power: +5 volt supply. Vss Ground: Reference. Table 2. Interrupt Priority, Restart Address, and Sensitivity Name Priority Address Branched To (1) When Interrupt Occurs Type Trigger 1 24H RST 7.5 2 3CH Rising edge (latched). RST 6.5 3 34H High level until sampled. RST 5.5 4 2CH High level until sampled. INTR 5 See Note (21 High level until sampled. TRAP Rising edge AND high level until sampled. NOTES: 1. The processor pushes the PC on the stack before branching to the Indicated address. 2. The address branched to depends on the instruction provided to the cpu when the Interrupt IS acknowledged. VecO L~ c, f TYPICAL POWER.()N RESET RC VAWES' I~ R, C, ~75Kn ~1.,F "VAWES MAY HAVE TOVARY DUE TO APPLIED POWER SUPPLY RAMP UP TIME. Figure 3. Power-On Reset Circuit 2-12 intJ 8085AH/8085AH-218085AH-1 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The· three maskable interrupts cause the internal execution of RESTART (saving the program counter in the stack and branching to the RESTART address) ifthe interrupts are enabled and ifthe interrupt mask is not set. The nonrriaskable TRAP causes the internal execution of a RESTART vector independent of the state of the interrupt enable or masks. (See Table 2.) The 8085AH is a complete 8-bit parallel central processor. It is designed with N-channel, depletion load, silicon gate technology (HMOS), and requires a single +5 volt supply. Its basic clock speed is 3 MHz (8085AH), 5 MHz {8085AH-2), or6 MHz (8085AH-1), thus improving on the present 8080A's performance with higher system speed. Also it is designed to fit into a minimum system of three IC's: The CPU (8085AH), a RAM/IO (8156H), and an EPROM/IO chip (8755A). There are two different types of inputs in the restart interrupts. RST 5.5 and RST 6.5 are high levelsensitive like INTR (and INT on the 8080) and are recognized with the same timing as INTR. RST 7.5 is rising edge-sensitive. The 8085AH has twelve addressable 8-bit registers. Four of them can function only as two 16-bit register pairs. Six others can be used interchangeably as 8-bit registers or as 16-bit register pairs. The 8085AH register set is as follows: Mnemonic Register Contents ACC orA PC BC,DE,HL Accumulator Program Counter General-Purpose Registers; data pointer (HL) Stack Pointer Flag Register 8 bits 16-bit address 8 bits x 6 or 16 bits x 3 SP Flags or F For RST 7.5, only a pulse is required to set an internal flip-flop which generates the internal interrupt request (a normally high level signal with a low going pulse is recommended for highest system noise immunity). The RST 7.5 request flip-flop remains set until the request is serviced. Then it is reset automatically. This flip-flop may also be reset by using the SIM instruction or by issuing a RESET IN to the 8085AH. The RST 7.5 internal flipflop will be set by a pulse on the RST 7.5 pin even when the RST 7.5 interrupt is masked out. 16-bit address 5 flags (8-bit space) The status of the three RST interrupt masks can only be affected by the SIM instruction and RESET IN. '(See SIM, Chapter 5 of the MCS-80/85 User's ManuaL) The 8085AH uses a multiplexed Data Bus. The address is split between the higher 8-bit Address Bus and the lower 8-bit Address/Data Bus. During the first T state (clock cycle) of a machine cycle the low order address is sent out on the Address/Data bus. These lower 8 bits may be latched externally by the Address Latch Enable signal (ALE). During the rest of the machine cycle the data bus is used for memory or I/O data. The interrupts are arranged in a fixed priority that determines which interrupt is to be recognized if more than one is pending as follows: TRAPhighest priority, RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5, INTRlowest priority. This priority scheme does not take into account the priority of aroutine that was started by a higher priority interrupt. RST 5.5 can interrupt an RST 7.5 routine if the interrupts are re-enabled before the end of the RST 7.5 routine. The 8085AH provides Fm, WR, So, 51, and 10/M signals for bus control. An Interrupt Acknowledge signal (INTA) is-also provided. HOLD and all Interrupts are synchronized with the processor's internal clock. The 8085AH also provides Serial Input Data (SID) and Serial Output Data (SOD) lines for simple serial interface. The TRAP interrupt is useful for catastrophic events such as power failure or bus error. The TRAP input is recognized just as any other interrupt but has the highest priority. It is not affected by any flag or mask. The TRAP input is both edge and level sensitive. The TRAP input must go high and remain high until it is acknowledged. It will not be recognized again until it goes low, then high again. This avoids any false triggering due to noise or logic glitches. Figure 4 illustrates the TRAP interrupt request circuitry within the 8085AH. Note that the servicing of any interrupt (TRAP, RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5, INTR) disables all future interrupts (except TRAPs) until an EI instruction is executed. In addition to these features, the 8085AH has three maskable, vector interrupt pins, one nonmaskable TRAP interrupt, and a bus vectored interrupt, INTR. INTERRUPT AND SERIAL I/O The 8085AH has 5 interrupt inputs: INTR, RST 5.5, RST 6.5, RST 7.5, and TRAP. INTR is identical in function to the 8080A INT. Each of the three RESTART inputs, 5.5, 6.5, and 7.5,has a programmable mask. TRAP is also a RESTART interrupt but it is nonmaskable. 2-13 I inter SOS5AH/SOS5AH-2!SOS5AH-1 , Parallel resonance at twice the clock frequency desired CL (load capacitance) .;; 30 pF Cs (shunt capacitance) .;; 7 pF Rs (equivalent shunt resistance) .;; 75 Ohms Drive level: 10 mW Frequency tolerance: ± .005% (suggested) IN8IDETHE EXTERNAL IICII5AH TRAP INTERRUPT REQUEST TRAP SCHMITT TRIGGER +5V D elK o FIF INTERNAL TRAP F F TRAP ACKNOWLEDGE Note the use of the 20 pF capacitor between X2 and ground. This capacitor is required with crystal frequencies below 4 MHz to assure oscillator startup at the correct frequency. A parallel-resonant LC circuit may be used as the frequency-determining network for the 8085AH, providing that its frequency tolerance of approximately ± 10% is acceptable. The components are chosen from the formula: Figure 4. TRAP and RESET IN Circuit The TRAP interrupt is special in that it disables interrupts, but preserves the previous interrupt enable status. Performing the first RIM instruction following a TRAP interrupt allows you to determine whether interrupts were enabled or disabled prior to the TRAP. All subsequent RIM instructions provide current interrupt enable status. 'Performing a RIM instruction following INTR, or RST 5.5-7.5 will provide current Interrupt Enable status, revealing that Interrupts are disabled. See the description of the RIM instruction in the MCS-80/85 Family User's Manual. The serial I/O system is also controlled by the RIM and SIM instructions. SID is read by RIM, and SIM sets the SOD data. DRIVING THE X 1 AND X 2 INPUTS You may drive the clock inputs of the 8085AH, 8085AH-2, or 8085AH-1 with a crystal, an LC tuned circuit, an RC network, or an external clock source. The crystal frequency must be at least 1 MHz, and must be twice the desired internal clock frequency; hence, the 8085AH is operated with a 6 MHz crystal (for 3 MHz clock), the 8085AH-2 operated with a 10 MHz crystal (for 5 MHz clock), and the 8085AH-1 can be operated with a 12 MHz crystal (for 6 MHz clock). If a crystal is used, it must have the following characteristics: fF - - - - ' - - - - To minimize variations in frequency, it is recommended that you choose a value for Cext that is at least twice that of Cint, or 30 pF. The use of an LC circuit is not recommended for frequencies higher than approximately 5 MHz. An RC circuit may be used as the frequencydetermining network forthe 8085AH if maintaining a precise clock frequency is of no importance. Variations in the on-Chip timing generation can cause a wide variation in frequency when using the RC mod~. Its advantage is its low component cost. The driving frequency generated by the circuit shown is approximately 3 MHz. It is not recommended that frequencies greatly higher or lower than this be attempted. Figure 5 shows the recommended clock driver circuits. Note in 0 and E that pullup resistors are required to assure that the high level voltage of the input is at least 4V and maximum 10"':' level voltage of 0.8V. For driving frequencies up to and including 6 MHz you may supply the driving signal to X1 and leave X2 open-circuited (Figure 50). If the driving frequency is from 6 MHz to 12 MHz, stability of the clock generator will be improved by driving both X1 and X2 with a push-pull source (Figure 5E). To prevent self-oscillation of the 8085AH, be sure that X2 is not coupled back to X1 through the driving circuit. 2-14 inter 8085AH/8085AH-218085AH-1 X, ---..., I I I C,NT .,... I X i 2_ _ _ ....J .L L-'--4-----t 2 - +5V 4700 TO ~15pF 1IUl ·20 pF CAPACITORS REQUIRED FOR CRYSTAL FREQUENCY" 4 MHz ONLY a. Quartz Crystal Clock Driver ---..., X, * IllllAH ")(2 LEFT FLOATING d. 1·6 MHz Input Frequency External Clock Driver Circuit I I C'NT ...L.=16pF LeXT CEXT T 2 I X2_ _ _ ..J +5V .......4_700_I'--LOW-i TIME> 40 .. 1c b. LC Tuned Circuit Clock Driver X, 4700 '------1X2 e. 1·12 MHz Input Frequency External Clock Driver Circuit c. RC Circuit Clock Driver Figure 5. Clock Driver Circuits - GENERATING AN 8085AH WAIT STATE + CLEAR ALE°---. ClK If your system requirements are such that slow memories or peripheral devices are being used, the circuit shown in Figure 6 may be used to insert one WAIT state in each 8085AH machine cycle. CLKOUTPUT' "'D" F/F +5V-0 Q - TO IOIIAH ClK "0"' F/F 0 a READY INPUT ->--- ·AlE AND CLK (OUT) SHOULD BE BUFFERED IF CLK INPUT OF LATCH EXCEEDS 8085AH IOl OR IOH The 0 flip-flops should be chosen so that • ClK is rising edge-triggered ' • CLEAR is low-level active. Figure 6. Generation of a Wait State for 8085AH CPU 2-15 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 ~ A8-15 ~ A . ADO-7 ALE 8085AH r--r--r--r--- RD WR 101M elK vee Vee t-- RESET OUl r-r-- READY I I. :TIMER RESET -- I IN WARD ALE AD eE 07 A8AIO 101M AD _ 10/ 07 CE M. ALE RDl"'lW CLKRS~RDY T6~~R_ 8156H [RAM + 1/0 + COUNTERITIMERJ "NOTE OPTIONAL CONNECTION 8755A [EPROM + 1/0] BB B 88 Figure S. MCS-S5® Minimum System (Memory Mapped I/O)· ---- TRAP x, x, HOLD HLDA RST6 SOD 8085AH RST5 AODR tt- 510_ lNTR fNfA - RESET IN RST7 s,tRESET ADDR/ DATA ALE R5 Wl'i: SotOUT 101M ROY eLK '''I~' ~~ 101M les) \VA RD DATA j,. L STANDARD MEMORY ADDR (CS) Y (16) ~ r- l- t - elK RESET 101M (es) I/O POR TS. lS \VA RB DATA STANDARD I/O B ADDR 0DI 1 1 v" v" Vee Figure 9. MCS-S5® System (Using Standard Memories) 2-16 I I. I Vee 808SAH/808SAH-2/808SAH-1 As in the 8080, the READY line is used to extend the read and write pulse lengths so that the 8085AH can be used with slow memory. HOLD causes the CPU to relinquish the bus when it is through with it by floating the Address and Data Buses. SYSTEM INTERFACE The 8085AH family includes memory component~, which are directly compatible to the 8085AH cpu. For example, a system consisting of the three chips, 8085AH, 8156H, and 8755A will have the following features: ---- riD~ x, TRAP x, TTl RESET !N HOLD AST75 HLDA RST6,5 RST5,5 ts,tsor- SlOt- INTR RESET TrilTA ADOR ff- SOD 8085AH OUT ADOR/ DATA ALE AD WR IO/M ROY elK v" 181 v" IBI ~ POR:~ IH- WR _ PORT RD 8156H B ALE DATAl fOV ADDR • • • • 2K Bytes EPROM 256 Bytes RAM 1 Timer/Counter 4 8-bit I/O Ports • 1 6-bit I/O Port • 4 Interrupt Levels • Serial In/Serial Out Ports IN ~t- r- 101M TIMER RESET (8) PORT~ C (6) - QUlt-- '---- .--tOW AD ALE l+.A {';= This minimum system, using the standard I/O technique is as shown in Figure 7. PORT A EE V A8-10 ~ 8755A DATA! ADDR 101M In addition to standard I/O, the memory mapped I/O offers an efficient I/O addressing technique. With this technique, an area of memory address space is assigned for I/O address, thereby, using the memory address for I/O manipulation. Figure 8 shows the system configuration of Memory Mapped I/O using 8085AH. ~+- -- '- PORT RESET B ~ V" ROY 16R-l >--- CCK t Vss Vee Voo PROG V" V" V "NOTE The 8085AH CPU can also interface with the standard memory that does not have the multiplexed address/ data bus. It will require a simple 8-bit latch as shown in Figure 9. OPTIONAL CONNECTION Figure 7. 8085AH Minimum System (Standard I/O Technique) 2-17 8085AH!80&5AH-2!8085AH-1 BASIC SYSTEM TIMING Table 3. 8085AH Machine Cycle Chart The 8085AH has a multiplexed Data Bus. ALE is used as a strobe to sample the lower 8-bits of address on the Data Bus. Figure 10 shows an instruction fetch, memory read and I/O write cycle (as would occur during processing of the OUT instruction). Note that during the I/O write and read cycle that the I/O port address is copied on both the upper and lower half of the address. MACHINE CYCLE OPCODE FETCH MEMORY READ MEMORY WRITE I/O READ 110 WRITE ACKNOWLEDGE OF INTR BUSIDLE STATUS 101M S1 SO RD WR INTA 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 10FI IMRI IMWI IIOR) IIOWI IINAI IBII DAD ACK OF RST,TRAP HALT There are seven possible types of machine cycles. Which of these seven takes place is defined by the status of the three status lines (101M, S1, So) and the three control signals (RD, WR, and INTA). (See Table 3.) The status lines can be used as advanced con~ trois (for device selection, for example), .since they become active at the T1 state, at the outset of each machine cycle. Control lines RD and WR become active later, at the time when the transfer of data is to take place, so are used as command lines. CONTROL 1 1 1 1 1 TS 0 0 TS TS Table 4, 8085AH Machine State Chart Status & Buses Machme State 81,SO 101M As-A15 ADo-AD7 A machine cycle normally consists of three T states, with the exception of OPCODE FETCH, which normally has either four or six T states (unless WAIT or HOLD states are forced by the receipt of READY or HOLD inputs). Any T state must be one of ten possible states, shown in Table 4. Control Ro,WR iNTA ALE T, X X X X 1 1 l' T2 X X X X X X 0 TWAIT X X X • X X X 0 T3 X X X X X X 0 T, 1 X TS 1 1 0 T5 1 ot ot ·X TS 1 1 0 T6 1 0' X TS 1 1 0 TRESET X TS TS TS TS 1 0 THALT 0 TS TS TS' TS 1 0 THOLD X TS TS TS TS 1 0 0= LogiC "0" 1'" LogiC "'" I TS = High Impedance x = Unspecified .. ALE not generated during 2nd and 3rd machine cycles of DAD instruction t 101M = 1 dUring T4 - T6 of INA machine cycle PC H (HIGH ORDER ADDRESS) PC, ~ ___ _ (LOW ORDER ADDRESS) DATA FROM MEMORY (INSTRUCTION) ALE WR 101M STATUS 10 (READ) Figure 10. 8085AH Basic System Timing 2-18 01 WRITE 11 1 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 'NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Ambient Temperature Under Bias ......... O°C to 70°C Storage Temperature ............... -65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pin With Respect to Ground .............. -0.5V to +7V Power Dissipation ........................... 1.5 Watt -D.C. CHARACTERISTICS 8085AH,8085AH-2: (TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = 5V ±10%, VSS =OV; unless otherwise specified)' 8085AH-1: (TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = 5V ±5%, VSS = OV; unless otherwise specified) Symbol Max. Units -0.5 +0.8 V 2.0 Vee +0.5 V 0.45 V IOL = 2mA V IOH = -400/LA Parameter Min. VIL Input low Voltage VIH Input High Voltage VOL Output low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage lee Power Supply Current IlL Input leakage ILO Output leakage VILR Input low level, RESET VIHR Input High level, RESET VHY Hysteresis, RESET 0.15 2.4 Test Conditions 135 rnA 8085AH, 8085AH-2 200 rnA 8085AH-1 (Preliminary) ±10 /LA 0,,;; VIN ,,;; Vee ±10 Ji,A 0.45V ,,;; VOUT ,,;; Vee -0.5 +0.8 V 2.4 Vee +0.5 V V A.C. CHARACTERISTICS 8085AH,8085AH-2: (TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = 5V ±10%, VSS = OV)' 8085AH-1: (TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = 5V ±5%, VSS = OV) Symbol teye 8085AH[21 8085AH-2[21 8085AH-1 (Final) (Final) (Preliminary) Parameter ClK Cycle Period Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 320 2000 200 2000 167 2000 Units ns t1 ClK low Time (Standard ClK loading) 80 40 20 ns t2 ClK High Time (Standard ClK loading) 120 70 50 ns t r , tf ClK Rise and Fall Time tXKR X1 Rising to ClK Rising tXKF X1 Rising to ClK Falling tAe Aa-15 Valid to leading Edge of ControPI 270 tAeL AO-7 Valid to leading Edge of Control 240 tAD AO-15 Valid to Valid Data In tAFR Address Float After leading Edge of READ (INTA) tAL AS- 15 Valid Before Trailing Edge of ALE [11 30 30 ns 20 100 20 100 ns 20 110 20 110 ns 30 20 120 20 150 115 115 ns ns 60 575 350 225 ns 0 0 0 ns 115 'Nole: For Extended Temperature EXPRESS use MS085AH Electricals Parameters. 2-19 70 50 25 ns 8085AH/8085AH-2!8085AH-1 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) 8085AH[21 (Final) Parameter Symbol Min. Max. 90 8085AH.2[21 (Final) 8085AH·1 (Preliminary) Min. Min. Max. 50 Units Max. 25 tAll AO-7 Valid Before Trailing Edge of ALE tARY READY Valid from Address Valid tCA Address (Aa-1S) Valid After Control 120 60 30 ns tcc Width of Control Low (RD, WR, INTA) Edge of ALE 400 230 150 ns tCl Trailing Edge of Control to Leading Edge of ALE 50 25 0 ns tow Data Valid to Trailing Edge of WRITE 420 tHABE HLDA to Bus Enable 100 220 230 210 210 tHABF Bus Float After HLDA tHACK HLDA Valid to Trailing Edge of CLK tHOH HOLD Hold Time tHOS HOLD Setup Time to Trailing Edge of CLK tlNH INTR Hold Time tiNS INTR, RST, and TRAP Setup Time to Falling Edge of CLK tLA ns 40 140 ns ns 150 150 ns 150 150 ns 110 40 0 ns 0 0 0 ns 170 120 120 ns 0 0 0 ns 160 150 150 ns Address Hold Time After ALE 100 50 20 ns tlC Trailing Edge of ALE to Leading Edge of Control 130 60 25 ns tlCK ALE Low During CLK High 100 tLOR ALE to Valid Data During Read tLOW ALE to Valid Data During Write tll ALE Width 50 175 ns 200 140 110 ns 80 110 ALE to READY Stable tRAE Trailing Edge of READ to Re-Enabling of Address tRO READ (or INTA) to Valid Data tRY Control Trailing Edge to Leading Edge of Next Control tROH ns 270 140 tlRY 15 460 150 50 30 50 90 150 300 ns 10 ns ns 75 ns 400 220 160 ns Data Hold Time After READ iN'i'A 0 0 0 ns tRYH READY Hold Time 0 0 5 ns tRYS READY Setup Time to of CLK 110 100 100 ns two Data Valid After Trailing Edge of WRITE tWOl LEADING Edge of WRITE to Data Valid ~eading Edge 100 60 40 2-20 30 20 ns 30 ns inter 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 NOTES: 1. As-A'5 address Specs apply IO/M, So, and S, except Aa-A'5 are undefined dUring T4-Ts of OF cycle whereas IO/M, SO, and S, are stable. 2. Test Conditions; tCYC = 320 ns (8085AH)/200 ns (8085AH-2);/ 167 ns (8085AH-1); CL = 150 pF. 3. For all output timing where CL 1150 pF use the following correction factors: 25 pF '" CL < 150 pF: -0.10 ns/pF 150 pF < CL '" 300 pF: +0.30 ns/pF 4. Output timings are measured with purely capacitive load. 5. To calculate timing specifications at other values of tCYC use Table 5. A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICE UNDER TEST ''}CC_ 15OPF -::- A C TESTING INPUTS ARE DRIVEN AT 2 4V FOR A LOGIC 1 AND 0 45V FOR A LOGIC 0 TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 2 OV FOR A LOGIC 1 AND 08V FOR A LOGIC 0 Cl=150pF C L INCLUDES JIG CAPACITANCE Table 5. Bus Timing Specification as a TCYC Dependent 8085AH Symbol 8085AH-2 8085AH-1 tAL (1/2) T - 45 (1/2) T - 50 (1/2) T - 58 Minimum tlA (1/2) T - 60 (1/2)T - 50 (1/2) T - 63 Minimum tll (1/2) T - 20 (1/2) T - 20 (1/2) T - 33 Minimum tlCK (1/2) T - 60 (1/2) T - 50 (1/2) T - 68 Minimum (1/2) T - 58 Minimum tlC (1/2) T - 30 (1/2) T - 40 tAD (5/2 + N) T - 225 (5/2 + N)T -180 tRD (3/2 tRAE (1/2)T - 10 + N)T - 150 (5/2 + N)T -192 Maximum + N)T -175 Maximum (3/2 + N)T - 150 (3/2 (1/2) T - 10 (1/2)T - 33 Minimum (1/2) T - 40 (1/2) T - 53 Minimum tCA (1/2) T - 40 tDW (3/2 tWD (1/2) T - 60 tcc (3/2 tCl (1/2)T - 110 (1/2) T - 75 (1/2) T - 83 Minimum tARY (3/2) T - 260 (3/2) T - 200 (3/2) T - 210 Maximum tHACK (1/2) T - 50 (1/2) T - 60 tHABF (1/2) T tHABE + N) T - 60 + N) T - 80 (3/2 + N) T - 70 (1/2) T - 40 (3/2 + N) T - 70 (3/2 + N)T -110 (1/2) T - 53 (3/2 + N)T - 100 Minimum Minimum Minimum (1/2) T - 83 Minimum + 50 (1/2) T + 67 Maximum (1/2) T + 50 (1/2) T + 50 (1/2) T + 67 Maximum tAC (2/2) T - 50 (2/2) T - 85 (2/2) T - 97 Minimum t1 (1/2) T - 80 (1/2) T - 60 (1/2)T - 63 Minimum t2 (1/2) T - 40 (1/2) T - 30 (1/2) T - 33 Minimum tRY (3/2) T - 80 (3/2) T- 80 (3/2) T - 90 Minimum tLDR (4/2) T - 180 (4/2) T - 130 (4/2) T - 159 Maximum NOTE: + 50 (1/2) T N IS equal to the total WAIT states. T = tCyc. 2-21 inter SOS5AH/SOS5AH-2/S0SSAH-' WAVEFORMS (Continued) READ OPERATION WITH WAIT CYCLE (TYPICAL) TO WRITE T, T, SAME READY TIMING APPLIES T, TWAIT CLK _tCA_ As A,s ~~--+---------+---------~I~----------+-~~---- ALE READY NOTE 1 READY MUST REMAIN STABLE DURING SETUP AND HOLD TIMES INTERRUPT AND HOLD 1------ BUS FLOATING" ------1 ~--------------t-----~----------------~ HOLD HLDA "101M IS ALSO FLOATING DURING THIS TIME 2-22 inter 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 Table 6. Instruction Set Summary Mnemonic I Operations Description Instruction Code 07 06 05 04 03 02 0, 00 Instruction Code MOVE, LOAD, AND STORE MOVr1 r2 MOVMr MOVrM MVI r MVIM LXI B 0 0 0 0 0 0 LXI D 1 1 1 0 0 0 D 1 D D 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 LXI H 0 0 1 0 STAX B STAXD LDAX B LDAX D STA LDA SHLD LHLD XCHG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 STACK OPS PUSH B 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 PUSH D 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 PUSH H 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 PUSH PSW 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 POPB 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 POP D 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 POP H 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 POPPSW 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 XTHL 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 SPHL LXI SP 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 CZ 1 1 0 0 1 CNZ 1 1 0 0 0 CP 1 1 1 1 0 CM 1 1 1 1 1 CPE 1 1 1 0 1 CPO 1 1 1 0 0 RETURN RET 1 1 0 0 1 RC 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 RNC 1 1 0 0 1 RZ RNZ 1 1 0 0 0 RP 1 1 1 1 0 RM 1 1 1 1 1 RPE 1 1 1 0 1 RPO 1 1 1 0 0 RESTART RST 1 1 A A A INPUT/OUTPUT IN 1 0 1 1 OUT 1 0 1 0 INCREMENT AND DECREMENT INR r 0 0 D D D DCR r 0 0 D D D INR M 0 0 1 1 0 DCR M 0 0 1 1 0 INX B 0 0 0 0 0 D S S S Move register to register 0 S S S Move register to memory D 1 1 0 Move memory to register D 1 1 0 Move Immediate register 0 1 1 0 Move Immediate memory 0 0 0 1 Load Immediate register l'alrB&C 0 0 0 1 Load Immediate register PalrD&E 0 0 0 1 Load Immediate register PalrH&L 0 0 1 0 Store A Indirect 0 0 1 0 Store A indirect 1 0 1 0 Load A indirect 1 0 1 0 Load A I nd I rect 0 0 1 0 Store A direct 1 0 1 0 Load A direct 0 0 1 0 Store H & L direct 1 0 1 0 Load H & L direct 1 0 1 1 Exchange D & E, H & L Registers D 1 D D 1 I~ Push register Pair B & C on stack Push register Pair D & E on stack Push register Pair H & L on stack Push A and Flags 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 CALL CALL CC CNC 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Call on zero Call on no zero Call on positive Call on minus Call on panty even Call onpantv odd 1 Return 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Return on carry Return on no carry Return on zero Return on no zero Retu rn on positive Return on minus Return on panty even Return en panty odd 1 1 1 Restart 0 0 1 1 1 1 Input Output 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 Increment register Decrement register Increment memory Decrement memory Increment B & C registers Increment 0 & E registers Increment H & L registers 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 on stack 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Pop register Pair B & C off stack Pop register Pair 0 & E off stack Pop register Pair H & L off stack Pop A and Flags DCX DCX DCX ADD ADD ADC B D H 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 r r 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 S S S Add register to A 0 0 1 S S S Add register to A ADDM ADCM 1 1 0 C 0 0 0 0 1 ADI ACI 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 DAD B DAD D DADH DADSP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 SUBTRACT SUB r 1 SBB r 1 SUB M SBBM Exchange top of stack, H & L H & L to stack pOinter Load Immediate stack Increment stack pOinter Decrement stack ralnter JUMP JMP JC JNC JZ JNZ JP JM JPE JPO PCHL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INX H pomter INX SP DCX SP 1 1 1 1 1 1 INX D off stack 1 Operations Description Mnemonie 0, 06 05 04 D3 D2 0, 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 Call unconditIonal 0 0 Call on carry 0 0 Call on no carry Jump unconditional Jump on carry Jump on no carry Jump on zero Jump on no zero Jump on positive Jump on minus Jump on panty even Jump on panty odd H & L to program counter 2-23 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 S S S 0 0 1 1 S S S 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 SUI 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 SBI 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 Decrement 8 & C Decrement 0 & E Decrement H & L with carry Add memory to A Add memory to A with carry Add Immediate to A Add Immediate to A with carry AddB&CtoH&L AddD&EtoH&L AddH&LtoH&L Add stack pOinter to H&L Subtract regIster from A Subtract register from A with borrow Subtract memory from A Subtract memory from A With borrow Subtract Immediate from A Subtract Immediate from A With borrow 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 Table 6. Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Operations Description Instruction Code Mnemonic 0-, O~ 0 5 04 ~ 02 0, DO LOGICAL ANAr XRA r 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 ORA r CMPr ANAM XRAM 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 S 1 S 0 1 1 1 S S S S S S S S S S 1 1 0 0 DRAM CMPM 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 ANI XRI 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 ORI CPI 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 I I I I I I 0 0 ROTATE RLC RRC RAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 RAR 0 0 1 1 1 1 Mnemonic And register with A Exclusive OR register with A OR register With A Compare register With A And memory With A Instruction Code~ 07 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D, Do SPECIALS CMA 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Complement STC CMC 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A Set carry Complement carry DAA 0 0 1 0 0 CONTROL EI 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 0 NOP 0 0 0 0 0 HLT 0 1 1 1 0 NEW BOB5A]NSTRUCTIONS RIM 0 0 1 0 0 SIM 0 0 1 1 0 Exclusive OR memory With A OR memory With A Compare memory With A And Immediate With A Exclusive OR Immediate With A OR immediate With A Compare Immediate With A 0 1 Rotate Rolate Rotate carry Rotate A left A right A left through A right through carry NOTES: 1. DOS or SSS' BODO, COOl, 0010, EO'", H 100, L 101, Memory 110, A 111 2. Two possible cycle times (6(12) indicate instruction cycles dependent on conditIOn flags "All mnemonics cOPYrighted ©Intel Corporation 1976 2-24 Operations Description 1 1 1 Decimal adjust A 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 Enable Interrupts Disable Interrupt Halt 0 0 0 0 0 0 Set Interrupt Mask No~operatlon Read Interrupt Mask intJ 8085AH/8085AH·2/8085AH·1 WAVEFORMS CLOCK X1 INPUT tr _ _ _ _ _ - t2 _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ tf elK OUTPUT ---------- READ tXKf T, 1 i- )! As-A15 } -- - . l lL I- 'LA - -I----'AC I - -tLC - 7/11 11111) _I'D-~ _---ICC I r- I T, I \ I T3 _______ / j r-'OA-I - ) I DATA OUT tLA-~ - ALE _ T, X tLDW ADDRESS ~tLL-1 I I ADDRESS ) 1'---- 1'' 11 tLDR--~ ~ 1- I' ! r-'''K-I AD o-AD 7 -1,-- ...-.''AE ---I T, ) DATA IN I leA_ _I) I RDH ___ .. --_I eLK As-A15 -: t AD - T, \ I. ~- -..-. I Al --. WRITE / I tAFR ___ ALE RD/INTA r---\ ----- ADDRESS I T3 1 ADDRESS ) [- tlCK - ~ -- ~--- AD o-AD 7 ------~I T, 1 / eLK \ , teve -- ____ X . ~'wo-I 'ow f--tWDL Al ~ - WR _______ tLc ~'AC HOLD T, elK \ HOLD t 1- t HOS " I j \ "l.. I,HDH r- t HLDA BUS T HOlD T3 / (ADDRESS, CONTROLS) - 'CC =1 _ t CL - T, T HOLD \ \ :~ t HACK -- '\ t HABF - 1>-1 2-25 IHABE-H I! 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 2048-BIT STATIC HMOS RAM WITH 1/0 PORTS AND TIMER Programmable 6·Bit I/O Port • 1Programmable 14·Blt Binary Counter/ Single +5V Power Supply with 10% • Voltage Margins 30% Lower Power Consumption than • the 8155 and 8156 • • • • • • Timer with 8085AH, 8085A and • Compatible 8088 CPU 100% Compatible with 8155 and 8156 256 Word x 8 Bits Completely Static Operation Internal Address Latch 2 Programmable 8·Blt I/O Ports • Multiplexed Address and Data Bus in EXPRESS • Available - Standard Temperature Range - Extended Temperature Range I The Intel$ 8155H and 8156H are RAM and 1/0 chips implemented in N-Channel, depletion load, silicon gate technology (HMOS), to be used in the 8085AH and 8088 microprocessor systems. The RAM portion is designed with 2048 static cells organized as 256 x 8. They have a maximum access time of 400 ns to permit use with no wait states in 8085AH CPU. The 8155H-2 and 8156H-2 have maximum access times of 33b ns for use with the 8085AH-2 and the 5 MHz 8088 CPU. The I/O portion consists of three general purpose I/O ports. One of the three ports can be programmed to be status . pins, thus allowing the other two ports to operate in handshake mode. A 14-bit programmable counter/timer is also included on chip to provide either a square wave or terminal count pulse for the CPU system depending on timer mode. ~ 10 1M ADo 7 256 X 8 STATIC RAM * PAo~7 Rll iVA RESET TIMER ITIMER eLK pBo·, G ~veel+5V) TIMER OUT '8155H/815611-2 = CE, 815811/811811-2 = CE Figure 1. Block Diagram vee PC. PC 2 TIMER IN PC, RESET PCo PCs PB, TIMER OUT G ALE PC 3 Vss IOV) PCO- 5 101M PBs CE OR CE* PB. RJj PB 3 iNA PB 2 ALE PB, ADo PBo AD, PA, AD2 PAs AD3 PAs AD. PA. AD. PA 3 AD. PA 2 AD, PA, ' Vss PAo f Figure 2. Pin Configuration. Intel Corporation A••ume. No R••ponaibilty for the Use of Any Circuitry Other Than Circuitl")' Embodied In an Intel Product No Other CirCUit Patent Licenses a'. Implied. 1981 2-26 © INTEL CORPORATION, inter 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 Table 1 Pin Description Symbol Type Name and Function I Reset: Pulse provided by the BOB5AH to Initialize the system (connect to BOB5AH RESET OUT). Input high on thiS line resets the chip and initializes the three 1/0 ports to Input mode The width of RESET pulse should typically be two BOB5AH clock cycle times I/O Address/Data: 3-state AddresslData lines that Interface with the CPU lower B-blt AddresslData Bus The B-blt address is latched into the address latch inSide the 8155H/56H on the falling edge of ALE. The address can be either for the memory section or the 1/0 sectIOn depending on the 101M Input The B-bit data IS either written Into the chip or read from the ChiP, depending on the WR or RD Input signal. CEorGE: I Chip Enable: On the B155H, thiS pin IS CE and IS ACTIVE LOW On the B156H, thiS pin IS CE and is ACTIVE HIGH RD I Read Control: Input Iowan thiS line with the Chip Enable active enables and ADo_7 buffers If 101M pin IS low, the RAM content Will be read out to the AD bus OtherWise the content of the selected 1/0 port or commandlstatus registers Will be read to the AD bus WR I Write Control: Input Iowan thiS line with the Chip Enable active causes the data on the AddresslData bus to be written to the RAM or 1/0 ports and commandlstatus register, depending on 101M ALE I Address Latch Enable: ThiS control signal latches both the address on the ADO_7 lines and the state of the Chip Enable and 101M Into the chip at the failing edge of ALE I 1/0 Memory: Selects memory If low and 1/0 and commandlstatus registers If high RESET ADO_7 101M PAO-7(B) 1/0 Port A: These 8 pinS are general purpose 1i0 pinS The Inlout direciion IS selected by programming the command register PB O_7(B) 110 Port B: These B pinS are general purpose 1/0 pms The In/out direction IS selected by programming the command register PCo-s(6) I/O Port C: These 6 pinS can function as either Input port, output port, or as control Signals for PA and PB Programming IS done through the command register When PC o- s are used as control Signals, they Will proVide the follOWing I;'C o - A INTR (Port A Interrupt) PC t - ABF (Port A Buffer Full) PC2 - A STB (Port A Strobe) PC3 - B INTR (Port B Interrupt) PC4 - B BF (Port B Buffer Full) PCs - B STB (Port 8 Strobe) TIMER IN I TIMER OUT 0 - - Timer Input: Input to the counter-timer Timer Output: This output can be either a square wave or a pulse, depending on the timer mode. Vcc Voltage: +5 volt supply Vss Ground: Ground reference FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION I I I The 8155H/8156H contains the follOWing: • 2k Bit Static RAM organized as 256 x 8 • Two 8-blt I/O ports (PA & PB I and one 6-blt I/O port r PC i • 14-blt timer-counter The lo/Kii (IO/Memory Select I pin selects either the five registers (Command, Status, PAO-7, PBo-7, PCO-SI or the memory r RAM I portion The 8-blt address on the Address/Data lines, Chip Enable Input CE or CE, and 10iM are all latched on-chip at the falling edge of ALE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L ____ _ _____ ~ ___ J Figure 3_ 8155H/8156H Internal Registers 2-27 I I intJ CE(8155H) 8155H/8156H/8155H-218156H-2 \ V \ / 1\ / \ V \ oR CE(81&8H) 101M , X 7 ADDRESS J 1\ V " X DATA VALID Al E R NOTE: FOR DETAILED TIMING INFORMATION, SEE FIGURE 12 AND A.C CHARACTERISTICS. Figure 4. 8155H/8156H On-Board Memory Read/Write Cycle PROGRAMMING OF THE COMMAND REGISTER 76543210 1:= ITM,ITM11IEBI'EAI pC21 PC, The command register consists of eight latches Four bits (0-3) define the mode of the ports, two bits 14-51 enable or disable the Interrupt from port C when It acts as control port, and the last two bits 16-71 are forthe timer L - ----' The command register contents can be altered at any time by using the 110 address XXXXXOOO dunng a WRITE operation with the Chip Enable active and lo/fiil = 1 The meaning of each bit of the command byte IS defined in Figure 5. The contents of the command register may never be read. PB I PA I DEFINES PAQ., } 0= INPUT DEFINES PBo-7 1 11"" ALT 2 01 = AL T 3 10 = ALl 4 ~:r~RL:u~RT A t } L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _• READING THE STATUS REGISTER The status register ConSiStS of seven latches, one for each bit, SIX 10-5) for the status of the ports and one 161 for the status of the timer. ~TIMER COMMAND r 00 = 01 = OUTPUT OO=ALT1 DEFINES PCo-5 { L--,-_ _ _ _ _ = ~:TAEBRL:U~RT B = ENABLE 0= DISABLE NOP _ DO NOT AFFECT COUNTER OPERATION STOP - NOP IF TIMER HAS NOT STARTED; STOP COUNTING IF THE TIMER IS RUNNING 10'" STOP AFTER Te - STOP IMMEDIATELY AFTER PRESENT Te IS REACHED (NOP IF TIMER HAS NOT STARTED) 11 = 8T ART - LOAD MODE AND CNT LENGTH AND START IMMEDIATELY AFTER LOADING (IF TIMER IS NOT PRESENTLY RUNNING) IF TIMER IS RUNNING, START THE NEW MODE AND CNT LENGTH IMMEDIATELY AFTER PRESENT TC IS REACHED The status of the timer and the I/O section can be polled by reading the Status Register (Address XXXXXOOO) Status word format is shown in Figure 6. Note that you may never write to the status register since the command register shares the same I/O address and the command register 15 selected when a wnte to that address IS Issued Figure 5. Command Register Bit Assignment 2-28 inter 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 interrupt that the 8155H sends out. The second is an output signal indicating whether the buffer is full or empty, and the third IS an input pin to accept a strobe for the strobed input mode. (See Table 2.) AD, AD6 AD, IXJTlME'RIIN;EI AD, SBF AD3 ADz AD, ADo When the 'C' port IS programmed to either AL T3 or AL T4, the control signals for PA and PB are initialized as follows IIN;RIIN;EI ~ [INIRI L I I I L PORT A INTERRUPT REQUEST CONTROL INPUT MODE ~"'. ,"m. >"""-, (INPUT/OUTPUT) BF Low Low INTR Low High STB Input Control Input Control PORT A INTERRUPT ENABLE PORT B INTERRUPT REQUEST OUTPUT MODE PORT B BUFFER FULL/EMPTY (INPUT/OUTPUT I PORT B INTERRUPT ENABLED TIMER INTERRUPT (THIS BIT IS LATCHED HIGH WHEN TERMINAL COUNT IS REACHED, AND IS RESET TO LOW UPON READING OF THE CIS REGISTER AND BY HARDWARE RESET) I/O ADDRESS+ SELECTION A7 A6 X X X X X X Figure 6. Status Register Bit Assignment X X X X X X AS A4 A3 A2 A1 X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 0 X X X X X X 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 AO 0 1 0 1 0 1 Interval Command/Status Register General Purpose 1.'0 Port A General Purpose I/O Port B Port C - General Purpose 1/0 or Control low-Order 8 bits 01 Timer Count High 6 bits 01 Timer Count and 2 bits of Timer Mode X Don't Care t I/OAddress must be qualified by CE "" 1 (8156H) or order to select the appropnate register CE "" 0 (8155H) and 101M"" 110 INPUT/OUTPUT SECTION The I/O section of the 8155H/8156H consists of five registers: (See Figure 7.) Figure 7. I/O Port and Timer Addressing Scheme • CommandlStatus Register (CIS) - Both registers are assigned the address XXXXXOOO The CIS address serves the dual purpose Figure 8 shows how I/O PORTS A and B are structured within the 8155H and 8156H: When the CIS registers are selected during WRITE operatIOn, a command IS written into the command register. The contents of this register are not accessible through the pins 8155H/8156H ONE BIT OF PORT A OR PORT B When the CIS (XXXXXOOO) is selected dUring a READ operation, the status Information of the I/O ports and the timer becomes available on the ADo-7 lines. • PA Register - This register can be programmed to be either Input or output ports depending on the status of the contents of the CIS Register. Also depending on the command, this port can operate In either the basic mode or the strobed mode (See timing diagram) The I/O pins assigned in relation to this register are PAO-7 The address of this register is XXXXX001. • PB ,Register - This register functions the same as PA Register. The I/O PinS assigned are P80-7. The address of this register is XXXXX010 • PC Register - This register has the address XXXXX011 and contains only 6 bits. The 6 bits can be programmed to be either input ports, output ports or as control signals for PA and PB by properly programming the AD2 and AD3 bits of the CIS register. NOTES (1) OUTPUT MODE } (2) SIMPLE INPUT (3) STROBED INPUT STO (4) MULTIPLEXER CONTROL = 1 FOR OUTPUT MODE '" 0 FOR INPUT MODE READ PORT = (lO/M=1). (RD=O). (CE ACTIVE). (PORT ADDRESS SELECTED) WRITE PORT = (IO/M"'1). (WR=O). ICE ACTIVE). (PORT ADDRESS SELECTED) When PCO-5 is used as a control port, 3 bits are assigned for Port A and 3 for Port B. The first bit is an Figure 8. 8155H/8156H Port Functions 2-29 · 8155H/8156H/8155H-218156H-2 Table 2. Port Control Assignment ALT 1 Pin PCO PCl PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 Input Input Input Input Input Input Port Port Port Port Port Port ALT2 Output Output Output Output Output Output Port Port Port Port Port Port ALT3 ALT 4 A INTR (Port A Interrupt) A BF (Port A Buffer Full) A STB (Port A Strobe) Output Port Output Port Output Port A INTR (Port A Interrupt) A BF (Port A Buffer Full) A STB (port A Strobe) B INTR (Port B Interrupt) B BF (Port B Buffer Full) B STB (Port B Strobe) Note In the diagram that when the I/O ports are prog rammed to be output ports, the contents of the output ports can still be read by a READ oper<\.tion when appropriately add ressed. TIMER SECTION The timer is a 14-bit down-counter that counts the TIMER IN pulses and provides either a square wave or pulse when terminal count (TC) is reached The outputs olthe 8155H/8156H are "glitch-free" meaning that you can write a "1" to a bit position that was previously "1" and the level at the output pin will not change. The timer has the I/O address XXXXX100for the low order byte of the register and the I/O address XXXXX101 for the high order byte of the register. (See Figure 7.) Note also that the output latch is cleared when the port enters the input mode. The output latch cannot be loaded by writing to the port if the port is in the input mode. The result is that each time a port mode is changed from input to output, the output pins will go low. When the8155H/56H is RESET, the output latches are all cleared and all 3 ports enter the input mode. To program the timer, the COUNT LENGTH REG is loaded first, one byte at a time, by selecting the timer addresses. Bits 0-13 of the high order count register will specify the length of the next count and bits 14-15 of the high order register will specify the timer output mode (see Figure 10). The value loaded into the count length register can have any value from 2H through 3FFFH in Bits 0-13. When in the AL T 1 or AL T 2 modes, the bits of PORT C are structured like the diagram above in the simple input or output mode, respectively. 6 Reading from an input port with nothing connected to the pins will provide unpredictable results. M2 4 5 2 0 M, ! T13! T'2! T" ! T,o ! T9! Tal II I i I MSB OF CNT LENGTH TIMER MODE Figure 9 shows how the 8155H/8156H I/O ports might be configured in a typical MCS-85 system. 6 5 4 LSB OF 3 C~T o 2 LENGTH Figure 10. Timer Format ---t . PORT A There are four modes to choose from: M2 and Ml define the timer mode, as shown in Figure 11. TO 8OB5AH RST INPUT OUTPUT t PORT A A INTR (SIGNALS DATA RECEIVED) PORT C "."''',o,,'"''~, I A STB (ACKNOWL DATA RECEIVED) III B STS (LOADS PORT B LATCH) B BF (SIGNALS BUFFER IS FULL) B INTR (SIGNALS BUFFER } TIMER OUT WAVEFORMS TO/FROM MODE PERIPHERAL 1 START COUNT BITS INTERFACE" M2 Ml o 0 TERMINAL COUNT ~ (TERMINAL) COUNT _____ l ____ _ 1 SINGLE SQUARE WAVE READY FOR READINGI.l PORT B A. INPUT • TO INPUT PORT (OPTIONALI 2 CONTINUOUS SQUARE WAVE TO BOB5AH RST INPUT 3 SINGLE PULSE ON, TERMINAL COUNT 4. CONTINUOUS PULSES Figure 9. Example: Command Register = 00111001 2-30 v----------- u Figure 11. Timer Modes 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 The counter in the 8155H is not initialized to any particular mode or count when hardware RESET occurs, but RESET does stop the counting. Therefore, counting cannot begin following RESET until a START command is issued via the CIS register. Bits 6-7 (Tfv12 and TM1) of command register contents are used to start and stop the counter. There are four commands to choose from: TM2 TM1 o o 0 NOP - Do not affect counter operation. STOP - NOP if timer has not started; stop counting if the timer is running o Please note that the timer circuit on the 8155H/8156H chip IS designed to be a square-wave timer, not an event counter. To achieve thiS, it counts down by twos tWice In completing one cycle. Thus, its registers do not contain values directly representing the number of TIMER IN pulses received. You cannot load an initial value of 1 into the count register and cause the timer to operate, as its terminal count value IS 10 (binary) or 2 (decimal). (For the detection of single pulses, it is suggested that one of the hardware interrupt pins on the 8085AH be used.) After the timer has started counting down, the values residing in the count registers can be used to calculate the actual number of TIMER IN pulses required to complete the timer cycle if desired. To obtain the remaining count, perform the following operations in order: STOP AFTER TC - Stop Immediately after present TC is reached (NOP if timer has not started) START - Load mode and CNT length and start immediately after loading (If timer is not presently running). If timer is running, start the new mode and CNT length immediately after present TC is reached. Note that while the counter IS counting, you may load a new count and mode into the count length registers Before the new count and mode will be used by the counter, you must issue a START command to the counter. This applies even though you may only want to change the count and use the prevIous mode. Stop the count 2. Read In the 16-blt value from the count length registers 3. Reset the upper two mode bits In case of an odd-numbered count, the first half-cycle of the squarewave output, which IS high, is one count longer than the second (low) half-cycle, as shown In Figure 12. 4. Reset the carry and rotate right one position all 16 bits through carry 5. If carry IS set, add 1/2 of the full original count (1/2 full count - 1 if full count is odd). Note: If you started with an odd count and you read the count length register before the third count pulse occurs, you will not be able to discern whether one or two counts has occurred. Regardless of this, the 8155H/56H always counts out the right number of pulses in generating the TIMER OUT waveforms. NOTE 5 AND 4 REFER TO THE NUMBER OJ" CLOCKS IN THAT TIME PERIOD Figure 12. Asymmetrical Square-Wave Output Resulting from Count of 9 2-31 inter,. 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 808SA MINIMUM SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Figure 13a shows a minimum system using three chips, containing: • • • • • 256 Bytes RAM 2K Bytes EPROM 381/0 Pins 1 Interval Ti mer 4 Interrupt Levels 8085 MINIMUM SYSTEM CONFIGURATION A8-15 r... ADO-1 " I. ALE 8085AH ~ C> RD V ;. f----.t--t--f----f----f----- ~ 101M elK RESET OUT READY Vee TIMER WR AD IN RESET ALE 7- eE ..; 101M 7-~~~ 7~D 0-7 CE '~I ALE iIDliOil I=lKRS I T6~~R_ , B 815611 '--7l -'-CONTROL - LATCHES I I 266)( 8 RAM 8755A [EPROM + I/0j t ~cPcP~ B BB I BB Figure 13a. 8085AH Minimum System Configuration (Memory Mapped 1/0) 2-32 ROY . inter 8155H/8156H/8155H-218156H-2 • 381/0 Pins 8088 FIVE CHIP SYSTEM Figure 13b shows a five chip system containing: • 1 Interval Timer • 1.2SK Bytes RAM • 2 Interrupt Levels • 2K Bytes EPROM /} 0- Vss Vee I I II+- PORr~ CE ~+---_VIR _ _ Rij PORT ~ (8) 815614-2 8 PORT~ ALE DATAl C (6) -,/ ADDR IN_ 101M TIMER OUT f-RESET ~ Aa-A19 ~OoR ClKADo - AD 7 ,- ~ ADDRIDATA lOW Rij h J~ ALE ~ 8088 READY rl X, RST lID X, ClK READY I-- V 8284 ALE l- I- Rij l- f- +- \vR l- 101M I- --y ADDR I RESET 101M ~- I- PORT 8 READY Vee VIR Rij CD CE1 8185-2 ALE \115-1II-I- CS. CE, As.Ag V ADo_7 --y JJ Vss Figure l3b. 8088 Five Chip System Configuration 2-33 LROG Vss Vee Voo Vee ...." pV iOR ....J 111 I- RESET RCYl 8755A-2 DATAl .--- RES pV A S_10 MN/MX I--Vee O PORT A CE Vee 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* TemperatureUnderBlas ................ OOeto+70oe Storage Temperature ........; ....... -65°C to +150 oe Voltage on Any Pin With Respect to Ground ............... -0.5V to +7V Power Dissipation ............................. 1 5W 'NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specificatIOn is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS ::!: (TA = ooe to 70°C, Vee = 5V 10%) Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units VIL Input Low Voltage -0.5 0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee+{)·5 V VOL Output Low Voltage 0.45 V IOL VOH Output High Voltage V IOH 2.4 IlL I n put Lea kage ILO Output Leakage Current lec Vee Supply Current IIL(CE) Chip Enable Leakage 815"5H 8156H A.C. CHARACTERISTICS = 2mA = -400!.£A ±10 !.£A OV,s; VIN ,s; Vee ±1O !.£A 0.45V <; VOUT <; Vee 125 mA +100 -100 (TA Test Conditions = ooe to 70°C, Vee = 5V !J.A !J.A OV,s; VIN,s; Vee ±10%) 8155H/8156H 8155H-2/8156H-2 Symbol Parameter tAL Address to Latch Set Up Time 50 30 tLA Address Hold Time after Latch 80 30 ns tLe Latch to R EADIWR ITE Control 100 40 ns tAO Valid Data Out Delay from READ Control 170 140 ns tLO Latch to Data Out Valid 350 270 ns tAD Address Stable to Data Out Valid 400 330 ns Min. 100 Max. / Min. Max. Units ns tlL Latch Enable Width tROF Data Bus Float After READ 0 70 tCl READ/WRITE Control to Latch Enable 20 10 ns tee R EADIWR ITE Control Width 250 200 ns tow Data In to WRITE Set Up Time 150 100 ns two Data In Hold Time After WR ITE 25 25 ns tRV Recovery Time Between Controls 300 200 twp WR ITE to Port Output tpA Port Input Setup Time 70 tAP Port Input Hold Time 50 tSBF Strobe to Buffer Full tss Strobe Width tABE READ to Buffer Empty 400 300 ns tSI Strobe to I NTR On 400 300 ns 100 0 400 ns ns 50 ns 10 200 ns ns 300 400 2-34 ns 80 300 ns ns 150 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) (TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = 5V ±10%) 8155H/8156H Symbol Parameter 8155H-2/8156H-2 Max. Min. Min. Max. Units 300 ns tRDI READ to INTR Off 400 tpss Port Setup Time to Strobe Strobe 50 0 tpHS Port Hold Time After Strobe 120 100 tSBE Strobe to Buffer Empty 400 300 ns tWBF WR ITE to Buffer Full 400 300 ns tWI WRITE to INTR Off 400 300 ns tTL TIMER-IN to TIMER-OUT Low 400 300 ns 400 300 ns ns ns tTH TIMER-IN to TIMER-OUT High tRDE Data Bus Enable from READ Control 10 10 ns t, TIMER-IN Low Time 80 40 ns t2 TIMER-IN High Time 120 70 ns tWT WRITE to TIMER-IN (for writes which start counting) 360 200 ns A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICE UNDER rEST ifcLe1soPF -= A C TESTING INPUTS ARE DRIVEN AT 2 4V FOR A LOGIC 1 AND 0 45V FOR A LOGIC 0 TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 2 OV FOR A LOGIC 1 AND a BV FOR A LOGIC 0 CL "" 150pF C L INCLUDES JIG CAPACITANCE WAVEFORMS READ CE (B155H I --""- OR ~ CE (8156HI 1\ \ 101M V \ 'AD 1< 7 --'LA-- - t AL AL E 2 ADDRESS / DATA VALID ~ I \ ...,t RDE _ --'LL-- \--'RD-- RD l/ --'CL- - - - t LC - r-----'CC'LO 2-35 I-tRDF- _ t RV - 1"- 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 WAVEFORMS (Continued) WRITE \ V \ CE(8156H) / ~I\ / 101M \ V CE(8155H) OR ~ ADO_7 ~tAL- ~ ~tDW~ - t LA - K DATA VALID - - t CL - ~\ / ALE K ADDRESS \ ~ ~tLL- V ~ 'LC -------:1· ~tWD- 1I WR 1----------- tee ----------+- I~ \- 'WT tRY ------------ TIMER IN STROBED INPUT / BF tSBF \~~-'~~ \ INTR t pHS ---- tpss INPUT DATA FROM PORT X ~ 2-36 'RBE--J "'i \ \-) / j / 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 WAVEFORMS (Continued) STROBED OUTPUT / BF \ -3 ~~ ~K. STROBE tWBF ~ INTR I 'WI ) \ WR j / / If~ I--twP ~ OUTPUT DATA TO PORT BASIC INPUT RD 'ee INPUT DATA BUS' BASIC OUTPUT !._!___"_';~'I, ~-----------K= ~-= ===: ~'-_________ *DATA BUS TIMING IS SHOWN IN FIGURE 7 TIMER OUTPUT COUNTDOWN FROM 5 TO 1 LOAD COUNTER FROM CLR I 2 I _I RELOAD COUNTER FROM CLR 2 1 TIMER IN our " ~ TIMER (PULSE) {NOTE 1) ___ J" 'T'l"MERouT (SQUARE WAVE) " ~ _ _ _(NOTE _ _1)_ _ _ J " NOTE 1 THE TIMER OUTPUT IS PERIODIC IF IN AN AUTOMATIC RELOAD MODE IM1 MODE BIT = 1) 2-37 I , inter 8185/8185-2 1024 x 8-BIT STATIC RAM FOR MCS-85@ • Multiplexed Address and Data Bus • Low Standby Power Dissipation • Directly Compatible with 8085AH and iAPX 88 Microprocessors • Single +5V Supply • Low Operating Power Dissipation • High Density 18-Pin Package The Intel@ 8185 is an 8192-bit static random access memory (RAM) organized as 1024 words by 8-bits using N-channel Silicon-Gate MOS technology. The multiplexed address and data bus allows the 8185 to interface directly to the 8085A and iAPX 88 microprocessors to provide a maximum level of system integration. • The low standby power dissipation minimizes system power requirements when the 8185 is disabled. The 8185-2 is a high-speed selected version of the 8185 that is compatible with the 5 MHz 8085AH-2 and the 5 MHz iAPX 88. ADD Vee cs AD, RD CE, CE2 RD WR ALE A~ WR AD3 ALE A/W LOGIC l 1\ ADo-A07 ---v DATA BUS BUFFER 1KxB RAM MEMORY ARRAY AD. CS ADs CE, ADs CE2 A07 As Vss As X-YDECODE As. As ALE ~~ur ADo-A07 As. As CS CE, CE2 ALE WR Figure 1. Block Diagram Figure 2. Pin Configuration Intel Corporatton Assumes No Responsibilty for the Use of Any Circuitry Other Than CircuItry Embodied © INTEL CORPORATION. 1980 ADDRESS/DATA LINES ADDRESS LINES CHIP SELECT CHIP ENABLE (101M) CHIP ENABLE ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE WRITE ENABLE 2-38 In an Intel Product No Other Circuit Patent licenses afe Implied inter 8185/8185·2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The 8185 has been designed to provide for direct interface to the multiplexed bus structure and bus timing of the 8085A microprocessor. --- At the beginning of an 8185 memory access cycle, the 8bit address on ADo-7, As and Ag, and the status of CE, and CE2 are all latched internally in the8185 by the falling edge of ALE. If the latched status of both CE, and CE2 are active, the 8185 powers itself up, but no action occurs until the CS line goes low and the appropriate Ri5 or WR control signal input is activated. The CS input is not latched by the 8185 in order to allow the maximum amount of time fori address decoding in selecting the 8185 chip. Maximum power consumption savings will occur, however, only when CE, and CE2 are activated selectively to power down the 8185 when it is not in use. A possible connection would be to wire the 8085A's 101M line to the 8185's CE, input, thereby keeping the 8185 powered down during 1/0 and interrupt cycles. -- J1D~ X, X, TRAP Vss Vee III RESET IN HOLD RST7,5 HLDA RST6.S RSTS.5 SOD SOS5A SID INTR RESET TIiITA ADDR --- s,f-s"f-- OUT AODR/ DATA ALE AD WR IOliVI ROVelK 18/ Vi' Vr 18/ i~- CE, CE2 CS 1 X X 0 y IO/Iiit 0 1 1 0 Powered Up and Function Disable!,] 0 1 0 1 Powered Up and Enabled X 0 TIMER OUT 8 II W (6) ~ RD ALE ~- ~= CE "- PORT A AS10 V fN 8755A DATAl ADDR Power Down and Function Disable!,] 101M PORT B RESET RDY ........ ~ elK vs! v!c Joo tROG NOTES: X: Don'l Care. 1: Function Disable implies Dala Bus in high impedance slale and nol writing. 2: CS· = (CEI = 0) • (CE2 = 1). (CS = 0) CS· = 1 signifies all chip enables and chip selecl aclive WR I[!; eE, 8185 ALE 1+H- es, eE2 As.A9 Table 2. Truth Table for Control and Data Bus Pin Status (CS·) RD B lOW Power Down and Function Disablel'] 0 PORT RESET 8185 StatuI X WR ALE PORT DATAl C ADDR IN Table 1. Truth Table for Power Down and Function Enable (CS·)12]· POR!W 1[!;8156 ~ W eE ADo.7 v!s vL During Data -WR AD0-7 Portion of Cycle 8185 Function X Hi-Impedance X 1 0 1 Data from Memory Read 1 1 0 1 1 1 Hi-Impedance Data to Memory Vee No Function 0 Vee Figure 3. 8185 In an MCS·85 System Write 4 Chips: 2K Byles EPROM 1.25K Byles RAM 38110 Lines 1 CounlerlTimer 2 Serial 1/0 Lines 51nterrupllnpuls Reading, but not· Driving Data Bus NOTE: X: Don'l Care. 2-39 inter 81.85/8185-2 iAPX 88 FIVE CHIP SYSTEM: • • • • • 1.25 K Bytes RAM 2K Bytes EPROM 38 I/O Pins 1 Internal Timer 2 Interrupt Levels Vss Vee I I t--t-T-t----t---t---I ~ POR! r r - - - - WR RD t--t--t--t---J-. POR~ 8155-2 W W (8) PORTW ALE DATAl e /~~-~~~~--"~ADDR (6) IN_ t - - t - - - - I 'O/M TIMER t - - - . ( RESET OUT I--As- A19 t-----;A"'DC;;CDR;;-----'" t-+-+---IIOW t-+-+-t----IRD ADo - AD7 .---------- eLK I'-r ADDRIDATA t - - t - T - r - - r - - - ,ALE r--T-t----t---t-t---I CE f=~~=;:~=;===-1', 8088 -V , - - READY vee. ~ D~ ~ r-~ I I'''MA:~~L GND RESET eLK RES READY 8284A I f- I-r--- r---rr--- ALE RST® RD WR - 1 RESET t - - - - + - - - - - - - - - t - - - I Vee RDY1 .... - - POR~~ 101M ~-RESET f - 101M r--- [ 8755A.2 DATAl ADDR MNIMX r--Vcc I AB· " ~ READY Vcr; iOR -.J I----t---j--j--t-t-~ 1 1 I LROG Vss Vee Voo - t-+-+-t------1RD (Vss) t - - i - - - - j eE, t-i--t-T-r-----1 ALE 8185-2 r--+T--t---t----t------1 CS. r--+T--t---t----t------1 eE, r--TT--r---t---t---c- As. Ag ADO_7 I I Vss Figure 4. i,APX 88 Five Chip System Configuration 2-40 Vee 8185/8185-2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* 'NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Temperature Under Bias .............. O°C to +70°C Storage Temperature .............. -65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground .............. -0.5V to +7V Power Dissipation ............................. 1.5W D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol (TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = 5V ± 5%) Min. Max. Units Input Low Voltage -0.5 0.8 V V,H Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee+0.5 V VOL Output Low Voltage 0.45 V VOH Output High Voltage V,L Parameter Test Conditions IOL 2.4 IOH = 2mA = - 400J,tA IlL Input Leakage ±10 J,tA OV ,;;;V,N ,;;;Vcc ILO Output Leakage Current ±10 /J A 0.45V ,.; VOUT ,.; Vee Icc Vec Supply Current Powered Up Powered Down 100 35 mA mA A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to 70°C, Vcc = 5V ± 5%) 8185 Symbol Parameter Min. 8185-2 Max. Min. Max. Units tAL Address to Latch Set Up Time 50 30 ns tLA Address Hold Time After Latch 80 30 ns tLC Latch to READ/WRITE Control 100 tRO Valid Data Out Delay from READ Control 170 140 ns tLO ALE to Data Out Valid 300 200 ns tLL Latch Enable Width tRoF Data Bus Float After READ 80 ns tCL READ/WRITE Control to Latch Enable 20 10 ns tcc READ/WRITE Control Width 250 200 ns tow Data In to WRITE Set Up Time 150 150 ns two Data In Hold Time After WRITE 20 20 ns tsc Chip Select Set Up to Control Line 10 10 ns tcs Chip Select Hold Time After Control 10 10 ns tALCE Chip Enable Set Up to ALE Falling 30 10 ns tLAeE Chip Enable Hold Time After ALE 50 30 ns 40 100 0 2-41 ns 70 100 0 ns inter 8185/8185-2 A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT \ INPUT/OUTPUT =:)(2.0 > 2.4 TEST POINTS 0.8 0.45 A C TESTING <2.o)C DEVICE UNDER TEST 0.8 iJCL~'50PF INPUTS ARE DRIVEN AT24V FORA lOGIC 1" AND'045V FOR A LOGIC "0" TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 2 OV FOR A LOGIC "1" CL = 150 pF, AND 0 8V FOR A LOGIC "0 ., CL INCWDES JIG CAPACITANCE WAVEFORM ALE (Ge,"O). (CE,",) ADo-AD7 (READ CYCLE) (AS. AS) tcc---~'I (WRITe CYCLE) ---"x- (SELECTED) (DESELECTED) 2-42 8205 HIGH SPEED 1 OUT OF 8 BINARY DECODER • Low Input Load Current - .25 mA max., 1/6 Standard TTL Input Load • Minimum Line Reflection - Low Voltage Diode Input Clamp • I/O Port or Memory Selector • Simple Expansion - Enable Inputs • High Speed Schottky Bipolar Technology - 18ns Max. Delay • Outputs Sink 10 mA min. • 16-Pin Dual-In-Line Ceramic or Plastic Package • Directly Compatible with TTL Logic Circuits The Intel@ 8205 decoder can be used for expansion of systems which utilize input ports, output ports, and memory components with active low chip select input. When the 8205 is enabled, one of its 8 outputs goes "low," thus a single row of a memory system is selected. The 3-ch ip enable inputs on the 8205 allow easy system expansion. For very large systems, 8205 decoders can be cascaded such that each decoder can drive 8 other decoders for arbitrary memory expansions. The 8205 is packaged in a standard 16-pin dual in-line package, and its performance is specified over the temperature range of O°C to + 75°C, ambient. The use of Schottky barrier diode clamped transistors to obtain fast switching speeds results in higher performance than equivalent devices made with a gold diffussion process. AO A, Ao 16 Vee A, A, 15 00 A, 14 0, 8205 13 0, E, E, 12 03 E, E3 11 04 E3 0, 10 °5 GRD 9 06 E1 8205 ADDRESS ENABLE A, A, A, E, E, E, 0 l l l l l H H H H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X l l l l l l l l l H l H l l l l l l l l l l H H l H H H H H H H H H H l l l l l l H l H l H l l H H l l H H H H l H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H , OUTPUTS 7 3 4 H l H H H H H H l H H H H H H l H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H l H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H " H H H H H L h I H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H l H H H H H l H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Ao A2 E 1 E3 00· 07 Figure 1. Logic Symbol ADDRESS INPUTS ENABLE INPUTS DECODED OUTPUTS Figure 2. Pin Configuration 2-43 8205 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Decoder o~ A., The 8205 contains a one out of eight binary decoder. It ac· cepts a three bit binary code and by gating this input, creates an exclusive output that represents the value of the input code. A, 0, A, 6; 0, For example, if a binary code of 101 was present on the AO, A 1 and A2 address input lines, and the device was enabled, an active low signal would appear on the 05 output line. Note that all of the other output pins are sitting at a logic high, thus the decoded output is said to be exclusive. The decoders outputs will follow the truth table shown below in the same manner for all other input variations. 0. 0; 66 0, Enable Gate E,----E, ,,----L..J When using a decoder it is often necessary to gate the out· puts with timing or enabling signals so that the exclusive output of the decoded value is synchronous with the overall system. Figure 3. Enable Gate The 8205 has a built-in function for such gating. The three enable inputs (El, E2, E3) are ANDed together and create a single enable signal for the decoder. The combination of both active "high" and active "low" device enable inputs provides the designer with a powerfully flexible gating func· tion to help reduce package count in his system. ADDRESS OUTPUTS A, A2 E, E2 E3 a 1 2 3 4 L H L H L H L L L L L L H L L L L L L L L L H L H L L L L L L L L L L H H L H H H H H L H L H H H L H H H H H H H l H X X X X X X X 2-44 ENABLE Ao H H L L H f' X H H H X X X X X X X X X X X X X H L H H H H H H L L L L H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H L H H H H L H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H " ., 6 7 H H H H H H H H L H H H H H H H L H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H L H H H H H H H 8205 Applications of the 8205 ray of 8205s can be used to create a simple interface to a 24K memory system. The 8205 can be used in a wide variety of applications in microcomputer systems. I/O ports can be decoded from the address bus, chip select signals can be generated to select memory devices and the type of machine state such as in 8008 systems can be derived from a simple decoding of the state lines (SO, Sl, S2) of the 8008 cpu. 1/0 PORT DECODER Shown in the figure below is a typical application of the 8205. Address input lines are decoded by a group of 82055 (3). Each input has a binary weight. For example, AO is as· signed a value of 1 and is the LSB; A4 is assigned a value of 16 and is the MSB. By connecting them to the decoders as shown, an active low signal that is exclusive in nature and represents the value of the input address lines, i~ available at the outputs of the 8205s. This circuit can be used to generate enable signals for I/O ports or any other decoder related application. Note that no external gating is required to decode up to 24 exclusive devices and that a simple addition of an inverter or two will allow expansion to even larger decoder net· works. The memory devices used can be either ROM or RAM and are 1K in storage capacity. 2708s and 2114As are devices typically used for this application. This type of memory device has ten (10) address inputs and an active "low" chip select (CS). The lower order address bits AG-A9 which come from the microprocessor are "bussed" to all memory elements and the chip select to enable a specific device or group of devices comes from the array of 8205s. The output ofthe 8205 is active low so it is directly compatible with the memory components. 8asic operation is that the CPU issues an address to identify a specific memory location inwhich it wishes to "write" or "read" data. The most significant address bits A 10·A 14 are decoded by the array of 8205s and an exclusive, active low, chip select is generated that enables a specific memory de· vice. The least significant address bits AO-A9 identify a specific location within the selected device. Thus, all ad' dresses throughout the entire memory array are exclusive in nature and are non· redundant. This technique can be expanded almost indefinitely to sup· port even larger systems with the addition of a few inverters and an extra decoder (8205). CHIP SELECT DECODER Using a very similar circuit to the I/O port decoder, an ar· A" A,\L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- . ) A, 0, 0, p---p---- A, A, A, 0, p....- A, 0, p---- 820S E, p....0, p....- E, 0, E, 0, °0, 0 A, ~A, I-I-- p---p---p---p---p---p---o,p---0, 0, A, E, E; 0, 11 0, 12 0, 13 o,p.:- E, C--- A, 0, ""RT eND ' - - - - - A, 0, c>-- _A, 0, c>-- c>-- '9 0, c>-- 20 EN 0, 0, c>-- 22 E, 0, c>-- 23 0-7 :::;--- I Figure 4. 1/0 Port Decoder ::>-- eS a ~A, 0; ::r---- CS'O 0-; :)----- ts;, 8205 0; _0. OS;; r; 0;0-- ~ E, o,p-- ~4 E, 0; CHIP SELECTS p....- CS;-" 1=>--- CS'6 0, p....- ~ 0·, p....- ~ 0; p....- CS,-g O~ -A, -A, I 820S I CS 7 I ~~A2 I 0------ CS;; ~o-- CS g I c>-- E; E, ~ , , I 8205 E, 06 ~A, I 18 0, Os J------ es, E; ~A" 15 c>-- 16 0, ::>--- cs-] 6; ::>--- es, E, NUMBERS 14 CS, D------ CS, I It- 0, A, 8205 EN p---p---- C>-------- 6; ::r---- es, 8205 0, A, ~~MORIES o,p-- es" E, 6;p....- cs;, E, 0; E, a,p....- CS;; p---- CS;; Figure 5. 24K Memory Interface 2-45 8205 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· Tempera~ure underlias: ° ° Ceramic .......................... -65 C to +125 C Plastic ............................ -65°C to + 75°C Stcrage Temperature ............... -65°C to +160°C All Output or Supply Voltages ........ -0.5 to +7 Volts All Input Voltages .................. -1.0 to +5.5 Volts Output Currents ............................. 125 mA "NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or at any other condition above those indicated in the operational sections of this specificatioll is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to +75°C. Vee = 5V ±5%) Symbol Parameter Limit . MaX:- Min. INPUT LOAD CURRENT IF Unit -i--~- Test Conditions :~ rnA -025 "-- Vee = 5.25V, V F = 0.45V -~ IR INPUT LEAKAGE CURRENT Ve INPUT FORWARD CLAMP VOLTAGE V -10 ------OUTPUT "LOW" VOL TAGE V 045 - .. -------.. _ - - -V OUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE 24 -_..._------ - - ---- _ . _ - - i-~-.- - _ . INPUT "LOW" VOLTAGE 0.85 V - - -1 - - . - - INPUT "HIGH"~VOLTAC;E~' . - 2.0 V . _ - - - _ . - _._-- . _.. _- - - _ . -40 OUTPUT HIGH SHORT -120 rnA CIRCUIT CURRENT VOL 10 Vee = 5 25V, V R = '5.25V I'A Vee = 4 75V, Ie = -5.0 rnA Vee = 4 75V. IOL = 10.0 rnA ---~ VOH V IL V IH Ise Vee = 4.75V. IOH = -1.5 rnA ~- Vee=50V ._... Vee=50V ..- ~. Vee = 5.0V, VOUT = OV .. .---~------ Vox OUTPUT "LOW" VOLTAGE @ HIGH CURRENT lee POWER SUPPL Y CURRENT A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA Symbol = O°C to 08 70 + 75°C. Vee Parameter t -+ ADDRESS OR ENABLE TO OUTPUT DELAY t+ t CIN (1, 1 This parameter INPUT CAPACITANCE IS rnA Vee = 525V lox - = 40 rnA Test Conditions Unit 18 ns 18 ns 18 ns 18 ns 4(typ) 5(typ.) P8205 C8205 Vee = 5V ±5%; unless otherwise specified) Max. Limit '+ + = 5.0V, V pF pF I = , MHz. Vee = OV VBIAS = 2.0V. TA • 250 e periOdically sampled and IS not 1 OQ"'o tested TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS OUTPUT CURRENT VS. OUTPUT "LOW" VOLTAGE OUTPUT CURRENT VS. OUTPUT "HIGH" VOLTAGE DATA TRANSFER FUNCTION 50 20 40 40 10 80 i-t-+-r--+'-Ij. 20 ·30 20 ~40 , 0 ~ , 0 OUTPUT "LOW" VOL lAGE (VI --t- 50 '---'----i-.....~I..--'--_'__'____'_J......I 10 o 20 30 40 50 OUTPUT 'HIGH" VOL TAGE (V) 2-46 4 6 8 10 1214 16 18 20 INPUT VOL lAGE (V) 8205 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) ADDRESS OR ENABLE TO OUTPUT DELAY VS. LOAD CAPACITANCE ADDRESS OR ENABLE TO OUTPUT DELAY VS. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 20,.------------.., Vee ~ 5.OV TA = 25"C .. ~~ g 20,-------------, ,, " 15 t+_,L_ ~ Ww \SO ~5 --------~~---------10 '++ 2i§ !;i) 0~0---~2~5---~50~--~75 0 0 50 150 100 200 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE rC) LOAO CAPACITANCE (PF) SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS TEST LOAD CONDITIONS OF TEST: TEST LOAD: 39011 Input pulse amplitudes: 2.5V Input rise and fall times: 5 nsec between 1V and 2V Measurements are made at 1.5V All TranSIstors 2N2369 or EQuIvalent CL = 30 pF WAVEFORMS ADDRESS OR ENABLE INPUT PULSE --I . OUTPUT .. ~ -.-.--------------~ ~ _______________ _ ______ • _______ J 2-47 8224 CLOCK GENERATOR AND DRIVER FOR 8080A CPU Single Chip Clock Generator/Driver for • BOBOA CPU • Power-Up Reset for CPU • Ready Synchronizing Flip-Flop • Advanced Status Strobe, O-scillator Output for External System • Timing Controlled for Stable System • Crystal Operation • Reduces System Package Count in EXPRESS • Available - Standard Temperature Range The Intel® 8224 is a single chip clock generator/driver for the 8080A CPU. It is controlled by a crystal, selected by the designer to meet a variety of system speed requirements. Also included are circuits to provide power-up res~t, advance status strobe, and synchronization of ready. The 8224 provides the designer with a significant reduction of packages used to generate clocks and timing for 8080A. I)D XTAL1 OSC 1!9 XTAL2 @> TANK 13> RESET Vee RESIN XTAL 1 RDYIN ¢, " XTAL 2 READY lD> TANK rf!2 (TTL) ., STSTB ~2 OSC SYNC ij9 ¢2(TTU[D. GND lD SYNC 'D RESIN [D RDYIN STSTB !I>- RESET [!> READY~ RESiN RESET INPUT RESET RESET OUTPUT RDYIN READY INPUT READY READY OUTPUT SYNC SYNC INPUT XTAL 1 XTAl2 TANK OSC STSTB STATUS STB ¢2 (TTL) ¢2 elK (TTL LEVEL) Vee +5V 8090 Voo +12V CLOCKS GND OV ., ~ Figure 1. Block Diagram Voo ! (ACTIVE LOW) ( CONNECTIONS FOR CRVSTAL USED WITH OVERTONE XTAl OSCILLATOR OUTPUT Figure 2. Pin Configuration 2-48 8224 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· *NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Temperature Under Bias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2°C to 70:C Storage Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -65 C to 15El C Supply Voltage, Vee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5V to +7V Supply Voltage, Voo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5V to +13.5V Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1.5V to +7V Output Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100mA D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol (TA = O°C to 70°C. Vee +5.0V ±5%. VOD Limits Typ. = +12V ±5%) Max. Units IF Input Current Loading -.25 mA VF ~ .45V IR Input Leakage Current 10 /lA VR ~ 5.25V Ve I nput Forward Clamp Voltage 1.0 V Ie V 1l Input "Low" Voltage V 1H Input "High" Voltage 2.6 2.0 V1WV1l RESIN Input Hysteresis .25 VOL Output "Low" Voltage VOH Parameter = Output "High" Voltage <1>, , <1>2 READY, RESET All Other Outputs Min. .8 Vee Reset Input All Other Inputs V Vee ~ 5.0V .45 V (<1>1,<1>2), Ready, Reset, STSTB IOl ~2.5mA All Other Outputs IOl ~ 15mA Power Supply Current 115 mA Power Supply Current 12 mA For crystal frequencies of 18 MHz connect 5100 regIsters between the X11nput and ground as well as the X2 Input and ground to prevent QscHlatlon at harmonic frequencies 2-49 5.0V V Icc ·Wlth tank CirCUit use 3rd overtone mode ~ V V V V Tolerance: 0.005% at 0·C-70·C Resonance: Series (Fundamental)* Load Capacitance: 20-35 pF Equivalent Resistance: 75-20 ohms Power Dissipation (Min): 4 mW -5mA .45 9.4 3.6 2.4 Crystal Requirements ~ V IDO Note 1 Test Conditions IOH ~ -1 OO/lA IOH ~ -100/lA IOH ~ -lmA ".nf_r 'ell 82244 I I A.C. C;:HARACTERISTICS Symbol (Vee = +5.0V ±5%, Voo = +12.0V ±5%, TA = O°C to 70°C) Parameter tq,1 <1>1 Pulse Width, 2tcy _ 20ns 9 t>2 <1>2 Pulse Width 5tcy _ 35ns 9 tOl <1>1 to <1>2 Delay 0 t02 <1>2 to <1>1 Delay 2tcy _ 14ns 9 t03 <1>1 to <1>2 Delay 2tcy 9 tR <1>1 and <1>2 Rise Time tF <1>1 and <1>2 Fall Time to>2 <1>2 to <1>2 (TTL) Delay toss Limits Typ. Min. Max. Units Test Conditions ns CL = 20pF to 50pF 2tcy + 20ns 9 20 20 -5 +15 <1>2 to STSTB Delay 6tcy _ 30ns 9 6tcy 9 tpw STSTB Pulse Width t~y _ 15ns tORS RDYIN Setup Time to Status Strobe 50ns _ 4tcy 9 tORH RDYIN Hold Time After STSTB tOR RDYIN or RESIN to <1>2 Delay tCLK ClK Period jf max Maximum Oscillating Frequency 27 MHz Cin Input Capacitance 8 pF ns 2TTl,Cl=30 R1=300n R2=600n STSTB, Cl=15pF Rl = 2K R2 = 4K 9 4tcy 9 Ready & Reset Cl=10pF Rl=2K R2=4K 4tcy _ 25ns 9 tcy 9 , , 2-50 Vcc=+5.0V Voo=+12V VB IAS=2.5V f=1 MHz i~· 8224 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Symbol Parameter (For tCY = 488.28 ns) (TA Voo = +12V ±5%) Min. Limits Typ. = O·C to 70·C. Voo = +5V ±5%. Max. Units tq,1 t/>1 Pulse Width 89 ns t4>2 t/>2 Pulse Width 236 ns ns t01 Delay t/>1 to t/>2 0 t02 Delay t/>2 to t/>1 95 t03 Delay t/>1 to t/J2 Leading Edges 109 tr tf toss t/>2 to STSTB Delay t04>2 t/>2 to t/J2 (TTL) Delay tpw Status Strobe Pulse Width 40 ns tORS RDYIN SetupTimeto STSTB -167 ns tORH RDYIN Hold Time after STSTB 217 ns tOR READY or RESET to t/J2 Delay 192 ns fMAX Oscillator Frequency ns 129 ns Output Rise Time 20 ns Output Fall Time 20 ns 296 326 ns -5 +15 ns 18.432 A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM Test Conditions tCy=488.28ns r- t/>1 & t/J2 Loaded to CL = 20 to 50pF Ready & Reset Loaded to 2mA/10pF All measurements referenced to 1.5 V unless specified otherwise. MHz A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT INPUT/OUTPUT j"Vcc "~u > 045 08 TEST POINTS <":C R, DEVICE UNDER TEST 08 R, -= ,- AC TESTING INPUTS ARE DRIVENAT24V FORA LOGIC"1 " ANDO.45VFOR A LOGIC "0 "TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADEAT2 OV FORA LOGIC "1" AND 0 BV FOR A LOGIC "0" (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) CL INCWDE$ JIG CAPACITANCE 2-51 inter 8224 WAVEFORMS ., \ ., SYNC (FROM 8080A) I I--.--------toss------ 1-------tDRH----~1 "\Ir---------'\I, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '\~-----+------------ READY OUT -------------'1'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . RESET OUT VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT POINTS: <1>,. <1>2 Logic "0" = 1.0V. logic "'" = a.ov. All other signals meesured at 1.5V. CLOCK HIGH AND LOW TIME (USING X1, X2) 18MHz $ X, X2 R, ":" R2 - 2-52 elK 8228/8238 SYSTEM CONTROLLER AND BUS DRIVER FOR 8080A CPU • Single Chip System Control for MCS-80® Systems • User Selected Single Level Interrupt Vector (RST 7) • 28·Pin Dual In· Line Package • Bullt·ln Bidirectional Bus Driver for Data Bus Isolation Ii Reduces System Package Count • 8238 Had Advanced IOW/MEMW for Large System Timing Control • A"ows the Use of Multiple Byte Instructions (e.g. CALL) for Interrupt Acknowledge • Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range The Intel'" 8228 Is a single chip system controller and bus driver for MCS·80. It generates ail signals required to directly interface MCS·80 family RAM, ROM, and 1/0 components. A bidirectional bus driver is included to provide high system TTL fan·out. It also provides isolation of the 8080 data bus from memory and 1/0. This allows for the optimization of control signals, enabling the systems designer to use slower memory and 1/0. The isolation of the bus driver also provides for enhanced system noise immunity. A user selected single level interrupt vector (RST 7) is provided to simplify real time, interrupt driven, smail system requirements. The 8228 also generates the correct control signals to ailow the use of multiple byte instructions (e.g., CALL) in response to an interrupt acknowledge by the 8080A. This feature permits large, interrupt driven systems to have an unlimited number of interrupt levels. The 8228 is designed to support a wide variety of system bus structures and also reduce system package count for cost effective, reliable design of the MCS·80 systems. Note: The specificallons for the 3228/3238 are identical with those for the 8228/8238 CPU DATA BUS r~ -~t = 0,_ - 0 81 °2°3- - 0 82 .-,°°5' 0 °6,4 - g:~ SYSTEM DATA BUS STSTB v" HlDA I/aw WR - 0 85 - D B6 MEMW i70R OBIN - O B7 084 DRIVER CONTROL ~''''"' MEMR 04 INTA iiUsEN DB' ;;m;nI 06 0' IroM'i DB3 LATCH GAriNG ARRAY i70R 03 I/OW DB2 STSTS DBS OS DB. 02 OBIN 01 - - BUS!N WFi HLDA OBl iNTA Figure 1. Block Diagram 011 INTA INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE 0700 DATA BUS !8080 SIDE) DB7 aBO DATA BUS (SYSTEM SIDE) HLDA HLDA (FROM 8080) IIOR I/OW MEMR I/ORUD I/O WRITE MEMORY READ \VIi iJUSEN WR I FROM 80801 BUS ENABLE INPUT STATUS STROBe (FROM 8224) MEMW OBIN MEMORY WRITE OalN (FROM 80801 STSTB Vee ••v GNO o VOLTS Figure 2. Pin Configuration 2-53 IntJ 8228/8238 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· 'NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This Is a stress rating only and functional opera· tion of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated In the operational sections of this specifi· cation is not limited. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Temperature Under Bias .....•.•...... - O·C to 70·C Storage Temperature ...•..•.••..•. - 65°C to 150°C Supply Voltage, Vee ............••••. -_0.5V to + 7V Input Voltage ......................• - 1.5V to + 7V Output Current. ......•................... 100 mA D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol (TA = o·c to 70·C, Vcc = 5V ±5%) Parameter Ve Input Clamp Voltage. All Inputs IF Input Load Current, STSTB 02& Os Limits Min. Typ.(1) Max. Unit .75 V Vee=4.75V; IC=-5mA 500 IlA Vcc=5.25V 750 IlA VF=0.45V --&, 250 All Other Inputs Input Leakage Current STSTB IlA Vcc=5.25V 20 IlA VR =5.25V All Other Inputs 100 IlA Input Threshold Volt!lge, All Inputs Power Supply Current VOL 2.0 V 190 mA Output Low Voltage, 00-0 7 .45 V Vcc=4.75V; 10L =2mA All Other Outputs .45 V 10L = 10mA 0.8 140 Output High Voltage, 00-0 7 3.6 All Other Outputs 2.4 los Short Circu it Cur-rent, All Outputs 10 (off) Off State Output Current, All Control Outputs Not. 1: IlA 100 Icc liNT 250 OBo·OB7 VTH VOH Test Conditions ~A 00,0,.04. 05, & 07 IR -1.0 3.8 15 INTA Current 2-54 Vcc=5.25V V Vcc=4.75V; lOH=-10IlA V 10H = -lmA 90 mA Vcc=5V 100 IlA Vcc=5.25V; Vo=5.25 -100 IlA Vo=·45V mA (See INTA Test Circuit) .- 5 Typical values are for T A = 250 C and nominal supply voltages. Vcc=5V -- ---- inter 8228/8238 CAPACITANCE This parameter IS (VBIAS = 2.5V, Vee = 5.0V, TA = 25°C, f = 1 MHz) periodically sampled and not 100% tested. limits Parameter Symbol Min. Typ.lll Max. Unit C,N Input Capacitance 8 12 pF GoUT Output Capacitance Control Signals 7 15 pF I/O I/O Capacitance (D or DB) 8 15 pF A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = 5V ±5%) limits Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units tpw Width of Status Strobe 22 ns tss Setup Time, Status Inputs Do·D 7 8 ns tSH Hold Time, Status Inputs Do·D 7 5 toc Delay from STSTB to any Control Signal 20 Condition ns 60 -- ns CL = 100pF ns tRR Delay from DBIN to Control Outputs 30 tRE Delay from DBIN to Enable/Disable 8080 Bus 45 ns CL = 100pF ----C L = 25pF tRO Delay from System Bus to 8080 Bus dUring Read 30 ns CL = 25pF 45 ns CL = 100pF 30 ns CL = 100pF ns CL = 100pF C L = 100pF t-~ tWR Delay from WR to Control Outputs tWE Delay to Enable System Bus DBo·DB7 after STSTB two Delay from 8080 Bus 0 0 -0 7 to System Bus DBO-DB7 during Write /-----f-- 5 5 j--------- 40 tE Delay from System Bus Enable to System Bus DB o ·DB 7 30 ns tHO HLDA to Read Status Outputs 25 ns tos Setup Time, System Bus Inputs to H LOA 10 ns tOH Hold Time, System Bus Inputs to HLDA 20 ns C L = 100pF +12V A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT 1KH'10% -rVcc R, 8228 OEVICE UNOER TEST 23 INTA p------~ For 00-07: Rl = 4Kn, R2 = ~n, CL = 2SpF. For ~II other outputs' Rl = soon, R2 = 1 KP., CL = 100pF. INTA Test Circuit (for RST 7) 2-55 8228}8238 WAVEFORM ., ., _ _ _ _J ________ -+~tMv--~------------,_-~ STATUSSTFioiE MMroDATABUS _________ OBIN -J)(~_+_+--~~~------------------------------------------t~ ,,;;--1 += - \. -------------r-r----~I I\, INTA. lOR. MfpjiR --1'RR rlr--------- N-----~------~ I.. HLDA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t-;-___;-__--1 'oc- INTA. lOR. MElitR DURING HLDA SYSTEM BUS DURING READ --------n\'+-___+ ___- +JJI,'I"'" __ --- -- - -,-------- B0808USDURINGREAD .1_tDS ___ ~ -----I ~ I- ___ _________ 'R.- tD~. X Ef _ 'R~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r---'_ I", \ IOWOR tHO I 'wR-1 .1-11-'wR ___________ ~\----~l MEMW 8080 BUS DURING WRITE SYSTEM BUS DURING WRITE - - - - - - - - -,' < I - 'w.SYSTEM BUS ENA8LE SYSTEMBUSQUTPUTS- - - - - - - - - - - - - J - - ' j 'E~r - - - - - - - - - - - - -- VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT POINTS: 00-07 (when outputs) Logic "0" at 1.5V. "ADVANCED IOW/MEMW FOR 8238 ONLY. 2-56 = O.BV. Logic "I" = 3.0V. All other signals measured 8237A/8237A-4/8237A-5 HIGH PERFORMANCE PROGRAMMABLE DMA CONTROLLER performance: Transfers up to 1.6M • High Bytes/Second with 5 MHz 8237A·5 Enable/Disable Control of Individual • DMA Requests Directly Expandable to any Number of • Channels End of Process Input for Terminating • Transfers • Software DMA Requests • Four Independent DMA Channels Independent Autoinitialization of all • Channels • Memory·to·Memory Transfers • Memory Block Initialization Independent Polarity Control for DREQ • and DACK Signals in EXPRESS • Available - Standard Temperature Range • Address Increment or Decrement The 8237A Multimode Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller is a peripheral interface circuit for microprocessor systems. It is designed to improve system performance by allowing external devices to directly transfer information from the system memory. Memory-to-memory transfer capability is also provided. The 8237A offers a wide variety of programmable control features to enhance data throughput and system optimization and to allow dynamic reconfiguralion under program control. The 8237A is designed to be used in conjunction with an external 8-bit address register such as the 8282. It contains four independent channels and may be expanded to any number of channels by cascading additional controller chips. The three basic transfer modes allow programmability of the types of DMA service by the user. Each channel can be individually programmed to Autoinitialize ,to its original condition following an End of Process (EOP). Each channel has a full 64K address and word count capability. The 8237A-4 and 8237A-5 are 4 MHz and 5 MHz selected versions of the standard 3 MHz 8237A respectively. ffiW MEMW COMMANO CONTROL A'N Vcc(+5V) HRQ '" OB' RESET OB' Figure 2. Figure 1. Block Diagram 2-57 Pin Configuration intJ 8237 A/8237 A-4/8237 A-5 Table 1. Pin Description Symbol I I Type Chip Select: Chip Select is an ac· tive low input used to select the 8237A as an I/O device during the Idle cycle. This allows CPU com· munication on the data bus. RESET I Reset: Reset is an active high in· put which clears the Command, Status, Request and Temporary registers. It also clears the first/last fliplflop and sets the Mask register. Following a Reset the device is in the Idle cycle. I Ready: Ready is an input used to extend the memory read and write pulses from the 823?A to accom· modate slow memories or 1/0 per· ipheral devices. Ready must not make transitions during its speci· fied setuplhold time. HLDA I Hold Acknowledge: The active high Hold Acknowledge from the CPU indicates that it has relin· quished control of the system busses. DREQO-DREQ3 I DMA Request: The DMA Requfilst lines are individual asynchronous channel request inputs used by pe· ripheral circuits to obtain DMA service. In fixed Priority, DREQO has the highest priority arid DREQ3 has the lowest priority. A request is generated by activating the DREQ line of a channel. DACK will acknowledge the recognition of DREQ signal. Polarity of DREQ is programmable. Reset intializes these lines to active high. DREQ must be maintained until the corre· sponding DACK goes active. 1/0 Name and Function ory·to·memory operations, data from the memory comes Into the 8237A on the data bus during the read·from·memory transfer. In the write·to·memory transfer, the data bus outputs place the data into the new memory location. Clock Input: Clock Input controls the internal operations of the 8237A and its rate of data trans· fers. The input may be driven at up to 3 MHz for the standard 8237A . and up to 5 M Hz for the 8237A·5. I DBO-DB? Type Symbol Ground: Ground. I CS READY I-----------.--~------------------~--- Power: + 5 volt supply. Vee Vss CLK Name and Function lOR 1/0 1/0 Read: 1/0 Read is a bidirec· tional active low three·state line. In the Idle cycle, it is an Input control signal used by the CPU to read the control registers. In the Active cy· cle, it is an output control signal used by the 8237 A to access data from a peripheral during a DMA Write transfer. lOW 1/0 1/0 Write: 1/0 Write is a bidirec· tional active low three·state line. In the Idle cycle, it is an input control signal used by the CPU to load in· formation into the 8237 A. In the Ac· tive cycle, it is an output control signal used by the 8237 A to load data to the peripheral during a DMA Read transfer. EOP 1/0 End of Process: End of Process is an active low bidirectional signal. Information concerning the 'com· pletion of DMA services is avail· able at the bidirectional EOP pin. The 8237A allows an external sig· nal to terminate an active DMA service. This is accomplished by pulling the EOP input low with an external EOP signal. The 8237A al· so generates a pulse when the ter· minal count (TC) for any channel is reached. This generates an EOP '!ia!!al which is output througtL!.!l.e EOP Line. The reception of EOP, either internal or external, will cause the 8237 A to terminate the service, reset the request, and, if Autoinitialize is enabled, to write the base registers to the current registers of that ,channel. The mask bit and TC bit in the status word will be set for the currently active channel by EOP unless the channel is programmed for Autoinitialize. In that case, the mask bit remains unchanged During memory·to·memory transfers, EOP will be output when the TC for channel 1 occurs. EOP should be tied high with a pull·up resistor if it is not used to prevent erroneous end of process inputs. 1/0 Address: The four least significant address lines are bidirectional three·state signals. In the Idle cy· cle they are inpu'ts and are used oy the CPU to address fh-e- registe-r to be loaded or read. In the Active cycle they are outputs and provide the lower 4 bits of the output address, I Data Bus: The Data Bus lines are bidirectional three·stilte signals connected to the system data bus. The outputs are enabled in the Pro· gram condition during the 1/0 Read to output the contents of an Ad· dress register, a Status register, the Temporary register or a Word Count register to the CPU. The out· puts are disabled and the inputs are read during an 1/0 Write cycle when the CPU is programming the 8237A control registers. During DMA cycles the most significant 8 bits of the address are output onto the data bus to be strobed into an external latch by ADSTB. In memo AO-A3 I 2-58 inter 8237 A/8237 A-4/8237 A-5 Table 1. Pin Description (Continued) Symbol Type Name and Function Symbol A4·A7 0 Address: The four most significant address lines are three·state outputs and provide 4 bits of address. These lines are e~abled only during the DMA service. HRQ 0 Hold Request: This is the Hold Re· quest to the CPU and Is used to reo quest control of the system bus. If the corresponding mask bit is clear, the presence of any valid DREQ causes B237A to issue the HRQ. After HRQ goes active at least one clock cycle (TCY) must oecur before HLDA goes active. DACKO·DACK3 0 DMA Acknowledge: DMA Acknowledge is used to notify the individual peripherals when one has been granted a DMA cycle. The sense of these lines is programmable. Reset Initializes them to active low. Type Name and Function AEN 0 Address Enable: Address Enable enables the B-bit latch containing the upper B address bits onto the system address bus. AEN can also be used to disable other system bus drivers dUring DMA transfers. AEN is active HIGH. ADSTB 0 Address Strobe: The active high, Address Strobe is used to strobe the upper address byte into an external latch. MEMR 0 Memory Read: The Memory Read signal is an active low three-state output used to access data from the selected memory location during a DMA Read or a memory-to-memory transfer. MEMW 0 Memory Write: The Memory Write IS an active low three-state output used to write data to the selected memory location during a DMA Write or a memory-to-memory transfer. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The 8237A block diagram includes the major logic blocks and all of the internal registers. The data i nterconnection paths are also shown. Not shown are the various control signals between the blocks. The 8237A contains 344 bits of internal memory in the form of registers. Figure 3 lists these registers by name and shows the size of each. A detailed description of the registers and their functions can be found under Register Description. Name Base Address Registers Base Word Count Registers Current Address Registers Current Word Count Registers Temporary Address Register Temporary Word Count Register Status Register Command Register Temporary Register Mode Registers Mask Register Request Register Size Number 16bits 16bits 16 bits 16 bits 16 bits 16 bits B bits Bbits Bbits 6 bits 4 bits 4 bits 4 4 4 4 be the >2 TTL clock from an 8224 or ClK from an 8085AH or 8284A. For 8085AH-2 systems above 3.9 MHz, the 8085 ClK(OUT) does not satisfy 8237A-5 clock lOW and HIGH time requirements. In this case, an external clock should be used to drive the 8237 A·5. DMA Operation The 8237A is designed to operate in two major cycles. These are called Idle and Active cycles. Each device cycle is made up of a number of states. The 8237A can assume seven separate states, each composed of one full clock period. State I (SI) is the inactive state. It is entered when tM 8237A has no valid DMA requests pending. While in SI, the bMA controller is inactive but may be in the Program Condition, being programmed by the processor. State SO (SO) is the first state of a DMA service. The 8237 A has requested a hold but the processor has not yet returned an acknowledge. The 8237 A may still be programmed until it receives HlDA from the CPU. An acknowledge from the CPU will signal that DMA transfers may begin. S1, S2, S3 and S4 are the working siates of the DMA service. If more time is needed to complete a transfer than is available with normal timing, wait states (SW) can be inserted between S2 or S3 and S4 by the use of the Ready line on the 8237A. Note that the data is transferred directly from the I/O device to memory (or vice versa) with lOR and MEMW (or MEMR and lOW) being active at the same time. The data is not read into or driven out of the 8237 A in I/O-tomemory or memory-to-I/O DMA transfers. 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 Figure 3. 8237 A Internal Registers The 8237 A contains three basic blocks of control logic. The Timing Control block generates inlernal timing and external control signals for the 8237 A. The Program Command Control block decodes the various commands given to the 8237 A by the microprocessor prior to servicing a DMA Request. It also decodes the Mode Control word used t9 select the type of DMA during the servicing. The Priority Encoder block resolves priority contention between DMA channels requesting service simultaneously. Memory-to-memory transfers require a read-from and a write-to-memory to complete each transfer. The states, which resemble the normal working states, use two digit numbers for identification. Eight states are required for a single transfer. The first four states (S11, S12, S13, S14) are used for the read-from-memory half The Timing Control block derives internal timing from the clock input. In 8237A systems this input will usually 2-59 8237A/8237~4/8237A-5 becomes active. Again, an Autoinitialization will occur at the end of the service if the channel has been pro· grammed for it. and the last four states (S21, S22, S23, S24) for the write· to·memory half of the transfer. IDLE CYCLE When no channel is requesting service, the 8237A will enter the Idle cycle and perform "SI" states. In this cycle the 8237A will sample the DREQ lines every clock cycle to determine if any channel Is requesting a DMA service. The device will also sample CS, looking for an attempt by the microprocessor to write or read the Inter· nal registers of the 8237A. When CS Is low and HLDA is low, the 8237A enters the Program Condition. The CPU can now establish, change or inspect the internal deflnl· tion of the part by reading from or writing to the internal registers. Address lines AO-A3 are inputs to the device and select which registers will be read or written. The lOR and lOW lines are used to select and time reads or writes. Due to the number and size of the internal regis· ters, an Internal fllp·flop Is used to generate an addl· tlonal bit of address. This bit is used to determine the upper or lower byte of the 16·blt Address and Word Count registers. The fllp·flop Is reset by Master Clear or Reset. A separate software command can also reset this fllp·flop. ' Special software commands can be executed by the 8237A In the Program Condition. These commands are decoded as sets of addresses with the CS and lOW. The commands do not make use of the data bus. Instruc· tions include Clear First/Last Flip·FLop and Master Clear. Demand Transfer Mode - In Demand Transfer mode the device is programmed to continue making transfers until a TC or external EOP is encountered or until DREQ goes inactive. Thus transfers may continue until the I/O device has exhausted Its data capacity. After the I/O device has had a chance to catch up, the DMA service Is re·establlshed by means of a DREQ. During the time between services when the microprocessor is allowed to operate, the intermediate values of address and word count are stored in the 8237A Current Address and Cur· rent Word Count registers. Only an EOP can cause an Autoinitialize at the end of the service. EOP is generated either by TC or by an external signal. Cascade Mode-This mode is used to cascade morethan one 8237 A together for simple system expansion. The HRQ and HLDA signals from the additional 8237 A are connected to the DREQ and DACK signals of a channel of the initial 8237A. This allows the DMA requests of the additional device to propagate through the priority network circuitry of the preceding device. The priority chain is preserved and the new device must wait for its turn to acknowledge requests. Since the cascade channel of the initial 8237 A is used only for prioritizing the additional 'device, it does not output any address or control signals of its own. These could conflict with the, outputs of the active channel in the added device. The 8237A will respond to DREQ and DACK but all other outputs except HRQ will be disabled. The ready input is ignored. ACTIVE CYCLE When the 8237A is in the Idle cycle and a non·masked channel requests a Dt.1A service, the device will output an HRQ to the microprocessor and enter the Active cy· cle. It is in this cycle that the DMA service will take \. place, In one of four modes: Figure 4 shows two additional devices cascaded Into an Initial device using two of the previous channels. This forms a two level DMA system. More 8237As could be added at the second level by USing the remaining channels of the first level. Additional devices can also be added by cascading Into the channels of the second level devices, forming a third level. Single Transfer Mode - In Single Transfer mode the device Is programmed to make one transfer only. The word count will be decremented and the address dec· remented or incremented following each transfer. When the word count "rolls over", from zero to FFFFH, a Ter· minal Count (TC) will cause an Autoinitialize if the chan· nel has been programmed to do so. 2ND LEVEL 8237A 1ST LEVEL MICRO~ROCESSOR DREQ must be held active until DACK becomes active in order to be recognized. If DREQ Is held active through· out the single transfer, HRQ will go inactive and release the bus to the system. It will again go active and, upon receipt of a new HLDA, another single transfer will be performed, in 8080A, 8085AH, 8088, or 8086 system this will ensure one full machine cycle execution between DMA transfers. Details of timillg between the 8237A and other bus control protocols will depend upon the char· acteristics of the microprocessor involved. I-- r--- HRQ DREQ 1- HR,Q HlDA DACK t-- HLDA DREQ r- HRQ DACK t-" HLOA 8237A INITIAL DEVICE Block Transfer Mode - In Block Transfer mode the device Is activated by DREQ to continue making trans· fers during the service until a TC, caused by wor~unt going to FFFFH, or an external End of Process (EOP) is encountered. DREQ need only be hE!ld ~ctive until DACK 8237A ADDITIONAL DEVICES Figura' 4. Cascaded 8237As 2-60 inter 8237 A/8237A-4/8237 A-5 TRANSFER TYPES which fixes the channels in priority order based upon the descending value oftheir number, The channel with the lowest priority is 3 followed by 2, 1 and the highest priority channel, O. After the recognition of anyone channel for service, the other channels are prevented from interferring with that service until it is completed. Each of the three active transfer modes can perform three different types of transfers. These are Read, Write and Verify. Write transfers move data from and 1/0 device to the memory by activating MEMW and lOR. Read transfers move data from memory to an 1/0 device by activating MEMR and lOW. Verify transfers are pseudo transfers. The 8237 A operates as in Read or Write transfers generating addresses, and ~esponding to EOP, etc. However, the memory and 1/0 control lines all remain inactive. The ready input is ignored in verify mode. The second scheme is Rotating Priority. The last channel to get service becomes the lowest priority channel with the others rotating accordingly. Memory-to-Memory-To perform block moves of data from one memory address space to another with a minimum of program effort and time, the 8237 A inc;.Iudes a memory-tomemory transfer feature. Programming a bit in the Command register selects channels 0 to 1 to operate as memory-tomemory transfer channels. The transfer is initiated by setting the software DREQ for channel O. The 8237 A requests a DMA service in the normal manner. After HLDA is true, the device, using four state transfers in Block Transfer mode, reads data from the memory. The channel 0 Current Address register is the source for the address used and is decremented or incremented in the normal manner. The data byte read from the memory is stored in the 8237 A internal Temporary register. Channel 1 then performs a four-state transfer of the data from the Temporary register to memory using the address in its Current Address register and incrementing or decrementing it in the normal manner. The channel 1 current Word Count is decremented. When the word count of channel 1 goes to FFFFH, a TC is generated causing an EOP output terminating the service. 1st Service highest lowest 2nd Service 2. . -- o service 1 ~ service ' \ 3 - . - request 3rd Service \3......- service 0 2 ,0 1 3 1 2 With Rotating Priority in a single chip DMA system, any device requesting service is guaranteed to be recognized after no more than three higher priority services have occurred. This prevents anyone channel from monopolizing the system. Channel 0 may be programmed to retain the same address for all transfers. This allows a Single wl/lrd to be written to a block of memory. The 8237A will: respond to external EOP sign~ls during memory-to-memory transfers. Data comparators in block search schemes may use this input to terminate the service when a match is found. The timing of. memory-to-memory transfers is found in Figure 12. Memory-to-memory operations can be detected as an active AEN with no DACK outputs. Autoinitialize-By programming a bit in the Mode register, a channel may be set up as an Autoinitialize channel. During Autoinitialize initialization, the original values of the Current Address and Current Word Count registers are automatically restored from the Base Address and Base Word count registers of that channel following EOP. The base registers are loaded simultaneously with the current registers by the microprocessor and remain unchanged throughout the DMA service. The mask bit is not altered when the channel is in Autoinitialize. Following Autoinitialize the channel is ready to perform another DMA service, without CPU intervention, as soon as a valid DREQ is detected. In order to Autoninitialize both channels in a memory-to-memory transfer, both word counts should be programmed identically. If interrupted externally, EOP pulses should be applied in'both bus cycles. Compressed Timing - In order to achieve even greater throughput where system characteristics permit, the 8237 A can compress the transfer time to two clOCk cycles. From Figure 11 it can be seen that state S3 is used to extend the access time of the read pulse. By removing state S3, the read pulse width is made equal to the write pulse width and a transfer consists only of state 52 to change the address and state S4 to perform the read/write. S1 states will still occur when A8-A 15 need updating (see Address Generation). Timing for compressed transfers is found in Figure 14. Address Generation - In order to reduce pin count, the 8237A multiplexes the eight higher order address bits on the data lines. State S1 is used to output the higher order address bits to an external latch from which they may be placed on the address bus. The falling edge of Address Strobe (ADSTB) is used to load these bits from the data lines to the latch. Address Enable (AEN) is used to enable the bits onto the address bus through a threestate enable. The lower order address bits are output by the 8237A directly. Lines AO-A7 should be connected to the address bus. Figure 11 shows the time relationships between ClK, AEN, ADSTB, DBO-DB7 and AO-A7. During Block and Demand Transfer mode services, which include multiple transfers, the addresses generated will be sequential. For many transfers the data held in the external address latch will remain the same. This data need only change when a carry or borrow from A7 to A8 takes place in the normal sequence of addresses. To save time and speed transfers, the 8237A executes S1 states only when updating of A8-A15 in the latch is necessary. This means for long services, S1 states and Address Strobes may occur only once every 256 transfers, a savings of 255 clock cycles for each 256 transfers. Priority-The 8237 A has two types of priority encoding available as software selectable options, The first is Fixed Priority 2-61 8237A/8237~4/8237~5 REGISTER DESCRIPTION Command Register 7 3 2 1 0 ""f--Bit Number 1 Memory-te-memory disable Memory-te-memory enable o Y Channel 0 address hold disable 1 Cllannel 0 address hold enable X II bit 0=0 I o \ 1 Controllet enable Controller disable Normal timing I o, 'Compressed timing I X IlbltO=' . , f o I , Fixed priority Rotating priority I o1 IX Late write selection Extended write selection II bit 3=1 o DREQ sense active high DREQ sense active low o DACK sense active low DACK sense active high f \ , f I , Mode Register Base Address and Base Word Count Registers - Each channel has a pair of Base Address and Base Word Count registers. These 16-bit registers store the original value of their associated current registers. During Autoinitialize these values are used to restore the current registers to their original values. The base registers are written simultaneously with their corresponding current register in 8-bit bytes in the Program Condition by the microprocessor. These registers cannot be read by the microprocessor. Command Register - This 8-bit register controls the operation of the 8237A. It is programmed by the microprocessor in the Program Condition and is cleared by Reset or a Master Clear Instruction. The following table lists the function of the command bits. See Figure 6 for address coding. 5~ 4 Yo Current Address Register - Each channel has a 16·bit Current Address register. This register holds the value of the address used during DMA transfers. The address is automatically incremented or decremented after each transfer and the intermediate values of the address are stored in the Current Address register during the transfer. This register is written or read by the microprocessor in successive 8-bit bytes. It may aiso be reinitiallzed by an Autoinitialize back to its original value. Autoinitialize takes place only after an EOP. Current Word Register - Each channel has a 16-bit Current Word Count register. This register determines the number of transfers to be performed. The actual number of transfers will be one more than the number programmed in the Current Word Count register (i.e., programming a count of 100 will result in 101 transfers). The word count is decremented after each transfer. The intermediate value of the word count I~ stored in the register during the transfer. When the value In the register goes from zero to FFFFH, a TC will be generated. This register is loaded or read In successive 8-blt bytes by the microprocessor in the Program Condition. Following the end of a DMA service it may also be reinltialized by an Autoinitialization back to its original value. AutoInitialize can occur only when an EOP occurs. If 'it Is not Autoinitialized, this register will have a count of FFFFH after TC. • I I I I I I II I 00 01 ' - - - - - { '0 11 XX '--_ _ _ _-1 0 '--------1 Verily transler Write transfer Read transler Illegal If bits 6 and 7= 11 1 AutOinitialization disable AutOinitialization enable 0 1 Address increment select Address decrement select 00 '--_ _ _ _ _ _ _-{ 01 10 11 Demand mode select Single mode select Block mode select CaScade mode select Request Register Mode Register - Each channel has a 6-bit Mode register associated with it. When the register is being written to by the microprocessor in the Program Condition, bits oand 1 determine which channel Mode register Is to be written. '--__-I Request Register - The 8237 A can respond to requests for DMA service which are initiated by software as well as by a DREQ. Each channel has a request bit associated with it in the 4-bit Request register. These are nonmaskable and subject to prioritization by the Priority Encoder network. Each register bit is set or reset sepa- 0 , Reset request bit Set request bit rately under software control or is cleared upon generation of a TC or external EOP. The entire register is cleared by a Reset. To set or reset a bit, the software loads the proper form of the data word. See Figure 5 for register address coding. In order to make a software request, the channel must be in Block Mode. 2-62 8237 A/8237 A-4/8237A-5 o ~ Bit Number Mask Register - Each channel has associated with it a mask bit which can be set to disable the incoming DREQ. Each mask bit is set when its associated channel produces an EOP if the channel is not programmed for Autoinitialize. Each bit of the 4-bit Mask register may also be set or cleared separately under software control. The entire register is also set by a Reset. This disables all DMA requests until a clear Mask register instruction allows them to occur. The instruction to separately set or clear the mask bits is similar in form to that used with the Request register. See Figure 5 for instruction addressing. Select Select Select Select Don't Care ~_ _--! 0 ,,~--,-,--,-,--,-, Channel 0 has reached TC Channell has re,ached TC Channel 2 has reached TC Channel 3 has reached TC Channel 0 request Channell request Channel 2 request Channel 3 request Temporary Register - The Temporary register is used to hold data during memory-to-memory transfers. Following the completion of the transfers, the last word moved can be read by the microprocessor in the Program Condition. The Temporary register always contains the last byte transferred in the previous memoryto-memory operation, unless cleared by a Reset. channel 0 mask bit channell mask bit channel 2 mask bit channel 3 mask bit Software Commands-These are additional special software commands which can be executed in the Program Condition. They do not depend on any specific bit pattern on the data bus. The three software commands are: Clear mask bit Set mask bit Clear First/Last Flip-Flop: This command is executed prior to writing or reading new address or word count information to the 8237A. This initializes the flip-flop to a known state so that subsequent accesses to register contents by the microprocessor will address upper and lower bytes in the correct sequence. All four bits of the Mask register may also be written with a single command. 7 6 5 4 3 2 O~BIINumber 1 0 Clear channel 0 mask bit Set channel 0 mask bit 0 Clear channell mask bit Set channell mask bit 0 Clear channel 2 mask bit Set channel 2 mask bit 0 Clear, channel 3 mask bit Master Clear: This software instruction has the same effect as the hardware Reset. The Command, Status, Request, Temporary, and Internal First/Last Flip-Flop registers are cleared and the Mask register is set. The 8237A will enter the Idle cycle. Clear Mask Register: This command clears the mask bits of all four channels, enabling them to accept DMA requests. Set channel 3 mask bit Register Operation Command Mode Request Mask Mask Temporary Status Write Write Write SetiReset Write Read Read Figure 6 lists the address codes for the software commands: Signals CS lOR lOW A3 A2 Al AO 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 " 0 0 Signals Figure 5. Definition of Register Codes A3 A2 A1 AO lOR lOW 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Write Command RegIster 1 0 0 1 0 1 Illegal 1 0 0 1 1 0 Wnte Request Register 1 0 1 0 0 1 Illegal 1 0 1 1 0 Write SIngle Mask RegIster elt 0 , 0 1 , Status Register - The Status register is available to be read out of the 8237A by the microprocessor. It contains information about the status of the devices at this point. This information includes which channels have reached a terminal count and which channels have pending DMA requests. Bits 0-3 are set every time a TC is reached by that channel or an external EOP is applied. These bits are cleared upon Reset and on each Status Read. Bits 4-7 are set whenever their corresponding channel is requesting service. , , , 0 , , , , , 1 0 Write Mode Register 0 0 0 1 Illegal 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 , , , , , , , , , , , , , -, , , , , 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 Operation Read Status RegIster 1 1 0 Illegal Clear Byte Pomter Fhp/Flop Read Temporary RegIster Master Clear Illegal Clear Mask Register Illegal Wnte All Mask Register Bds Figure 6. Software Command Codes 2-63 8237 A/8237 A-4/8237 A-5 Signals Channel 0 Regisler . Base and Current Address Current Address Base and Current Word Count Current Word Count 1 Base and Current Address Current Address Base and,Current Word Count Current Word Count 2 Base and Current Address Current Address Base and Current Word Count Current Word Count 3 Base and Current Address Current Address Base and Current Word Count Current Word Count Operalion Write Read Write Read Write Read Write Read Write Read Write Read Write Read Write Read Inlernal Fllp·Flop Oala Bus OBO-OB7 0 0 0 AO-A? A8-A15 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 ,0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 CS ~OR lOW A3 A2 AI AO 0 0 I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 7. Word Count and Address Register Command Codes PROGRAMMING The 8237A will accept programming from the host proc· essor any time that HLDA is inactive; this is true even if HRQ is active. The responsibility of the host is to assure that programming and HLDA are mutually exclusive. Note that a problem can occur if a DMA request occurs, on an unmasked channel while the 8237A is being pro· grammed. For instance, the CPU may be starting to reprogram the two byte Address register of channel 1 when channel 1 receives a DMA request. If the 8237A is enabled (bit 2 in the command register is 0) and channel 1 is unmasked, a DMA service will occur after only one byte of the Address register has been reprogrammed. This can be avoided by disabling the controller (setting bit 2 in the command register) or masking the channel before programming any other registers. Once the pro· gramming is complete, the controller can be enabled/un· • masked. After power·up it is suggested that all internal locations, especially the Mode registers, be loaded with some valid value. This should bd done even if some channels are unused. 2-64 AO-A? A8-A15 WP-W? W8-W15 W)O-W? W8-W15 AO-A? AS-A15 AO-A? A8-A15 WO-W? W8-W15 WO·W? W8-W15 AO-A? A8-A15 AO-A7 A8-A15 WO-W? W8-W15 W)O-W? W8-W15 AD-A? A8-A15 AO-A? A8-A15 WD-W? W8-W15 W)O-W? W8-W15 inter 8237 A/8237 A-4/8237 A-5 APPLICATION INFORMATION operation comes out in two bytes - the least significant 8 bits on the eight address outputs and the most significant 8 bits on the data bus. The contents of the data bus are then latched into the 8~82 8-bit latch to complete the full 16 bits of the address bus. The 828.2 is a high speed, 8-bit, three-state latch in a 20-pin package. After the initial transfer takes place, the latch is updated only after a carry or borrow is generated in the least significant address byte. Four DMA channels are provided when one 8237A is used. Figure 8 shows a convenient method for configuring a DMA system with the 8237A controller and an 8080AI 8085AH microprocessor system. The multi mode DMA controller issues a HRQ to the processor whenever there is at least one valid DMA request from a peripheral device. When the processor replies with a HLDA signal, the 8237A takes control of the address bus, the data bus and the control bus. The address for the first transfer ,) ADDRESS BUS AO-A1S ...., ~ ~ AS-A15 Joo,. I'" r----- J AO-A3 A4-A7 8282 STB 1 ~ AEN AO-A15 OE 8·BIT LATCH ADSTB CS ~ BUSEN HLDA 8237A HLDA I- HOLD HRO :5 () CPU CLOCK RESET J w w a: U) I l~ I~ @ I~ .., .., 8w ~ a: Q DBODB7 A .~ ~ r r () '" Q ft' MEMR l~'"" MEMW BUS lOR lOW DBO-DB7 ~ . i'" ;,.. 7 SYSTEM DATA BUS Figure 8. 8237A System Interface 2-65 ,) 8237 A/8237 A-4/8237 A-5 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Ambient Temperature under Bias ..•...... O·C to 70·C Storage Temperature .....•....... - 65·C to + 150·C Voltage on any Pin with Respect to Ground .............. 0.5 to 7V Power Dissipation •.........•.............. 1.5 Watt c •••••• _ D.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to 70°C, Vcc = Symbol Parameter Min. 'NOTICE: Stresses above tholie listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 5.0V ±5%, GND = OV) Typ,(1) Max. 2.4 Test Conditions Unit VOH Output High Voltage V VOL Output LOW Voltage VIH Input HIGH Voltage VIL Input LOW Voltage 'l Input Load Current ±10 !LA ILO Output Leakage Current ±10 !LA 0.45V os VOUT os Vcc Icc VccSupply Current 110 130 mA TA = +25°C 130 150 mA TA=O°C Co Output Capacitance 4 8 pF IOH = -200 !LA V IOH = -100 !LA (HRQ Only) .45 V IOL = 2.0mA (data Bus, EOP) IOL = 3.2mA (other outputs) (Note 8) IOL = 2.5mA (ADSTB) (Note 8) 2.2 Vcc+ 0.5 V -0.5 0.8 3.3 V. C1 Input Capacitance 8 15 pF ClO 110 Capacitance 10 18 pF OV os VIN os Vcc Ic = 1.0 MHz, Inputs = OV NOTES: 1. TYPIcal values are for TA =: 25°C, nominal supply voltage and nominal procesSing parameters 2 Input timing parameters assume transition times of 20 ns or less Waveform measurement points for both input and output signals are 2 OV for HIGH and 0 8V for LOW, unless otherwise noted Output loading IS 1 TTL gate plus 150pF capacitance, unless otherwise noted The nel lOW or MEMW Pulse width for normal write will be TCY-1 00 ns and for extended write will be 2TCY-1 00 ns The net lOR or MEMR pulse width for normal read will be 2TCY-50 ns and for compressed read will be TCY-50 ns 5. TDQ IS specified for two different output HIGH levels TDQ1 IS measured at 2 OV TDQ2 is measured at 3 3V The value for TDQ2 assumes an external 33kll pull-up resistor connected form HRQ to Vec 6. DREQ should be held active until DACK is returned 7 DREQ and DAC~ signals may be active high or active low TII1;1tng diagrams assume the active hi~h mode 8. A revision of Ihe 8237 A is planned for shipment In April 1985. which will Improve the following characlerlstlcs 1. VIH from 2.2V to 2.0V 2 VOL from 0 45V to O.4V on all outputs Test condilion IOL = 3 2 mA Please contact your local sales office at that time for more Information. g. Successive read and/orwrite operations by the external processor to program or examme the controller must be timed to allow at least 600 ns for the 8237 A, at least 500 ns for the 8237 A-4 and at least 400 ns for the 8237 A-5, as recovery time between active read or write pulses 10. EOP IS an open collector output ThiS parameter assumes the presence of a 2 2K pullup to Vee 11 Pin 5 is an input that should always be at a logic high level An Internal pull-up resistor Will establish a logic high when the pin is left floallng It is recom- mended however. that pin 5 be lied to VCC 12 Output Loading on the Data Bus IS ITTL Gate plus 100 pF capacitance A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM :=X2.0> INPUT/OUTPUT 2.4 0•• 0.45 - TEST POINTS <2oX== 0•• - AC TESTING INPUTS ARE ORIVENAT24V FOR A LOGIC '1"AND045VFOR A LOGIC"O" TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 2 OV FOR A LOGIC "1" AND 0 BV FOR A LOGIC "0 .. (Note 2) 2-66 inter 8237 A/8237 A-4/8237 A-5 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS-DMA (MASTER) MODE (TA=O'C to 70'C, Vee= +5V±5%, GND=OV) 8237A 8237A·4 8237A-5 Max. Unit TAEl AEN HIGH from ClK lOW (S1) DelayTlme 300 225 200 ns TAET AEN lOW from ClK HIGH (SI) DelayTlme 200 150 130 ns TAFAB ADR Active to Float Delay from ClK HIGH 150 120 90 ns TAFC READ or WRITE Float from ClK HIGH 150 120 120 ns TAFDB DB Active to Float Delay from ClK HIGH 250. 190 170 ns TAHR ADR from READ HIGH Hold Time TAHS DB from ADSTB lOW Hold Time TAHW ADR from WRITE HIGH Hold Time Symbol TAK Parameter Min. : Max. Min. Max. Min. TCY-100 TCY-100 40 40 30 TCY-50 TCY-50 TCY-50 .TCY-100 ns ns ns DACK Valid from ClK lOW Delay Time (Note 7) 250 220 170 ns EOP HIGH from ClK HIGH Delay Time (Note 10) 250 190 170 ns 250 190 170 ns 250 190 170 ns EOP LOW from CLK HIGH Delay Time iI TASM ADR Stable from ClK HIGH TA&S DB to ADSTB lOW Setu p TI me 100 100 100 ns TCH Clock High Time (Transitions,;; 10 ns) 120 100 80 ns TCl Clock lOW Time (Transitions,;; 10 ns) 150 110 68 ns TCY ClK Cycle Time 320 250 200 TDCl ClK HIGH to READ orWRITE LOW Delay (Note 4) TDCTR TDCTW TD01 I . READ HIGH from ClK HIGH (S4) Delay Time (Note 4) WRITE HIGH from ClK HIGH (S4) DelayTlme (Note 4) HROValld from.ClK HIGH Delay Time (Note 5) TDQ2 ns 270 200 190 ns 270 210 190 ns 200 150 130 ns 160 120 120 ns 250 190 120 ns 60 45 40 300 225 220 ns TEPS EOP LOW from ClK lOW Setup Time TEPW EOP Pulse Width TFAAB ADR Float to Active Delay from ClK HIGH 250 190 170 ns TFAC READ or WRITE Active from CLK HIGH 200 150 150 ns TFADB DB Float to Active Delay from ClK HIGH 300 225 200 THS HlDA Valid to ClK HIGH Setup Time TIDH Input Data from MEMR HIGH Hold Time TIDS Input Data to MEMR HIGH Setup Time TODH Output Data from MEMW HIGH Hold Time TODV Output Data Valid to MEMW HIGH TOS DR EO to ClK lOW (SI, S4) Setup Time (Note 7) I--~- 100 75 ns ns 75 ns 0 0 0 ns 250 190 170 ns 20 20 10 ns 200 125 125 ns 0 0 0 ns ns TRH ClK to READY LOW Hold Time 20 20 20 TRS READY to ClK lOW Setup Time 100 60 60 TSTl ADSTB HIGH from ClK HIGH DelayTlme TSTT ADSTB lOW from ClK HIGH D\,layT!m~ I 2-67 ns 200 150 130 ns 140 110 90 ns 8237A/8237A-4/8237 A·5 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS-PERIPHERAL (SLAVE) MODE = O°Cto 70°C, VCC = 5.0V ±5%, (TA GND = OV) Symbol 8237A Parameter Min. 8237A·4 Max. Min. 8237A·5 Max. Min. 'lJnit Max. TAR ADR Valid or CS LOW to READ LOW 50 50 50 ns TAW ADRValid to WRITE HIGH Setup Time 200 150 130 ns TCW CS LOW to WRITE HIGH Setup Time 200 150 130 ns TDW Data Valid to WRITE HIGH Setup Time 200 150 130 ns TRA ADR or CS Hold from READ HIGH 0 0 0 TRDE Data Access from READ LOW (Note 3) TRDF DB Float Delay from READ HIGH TRSTD Power Supply HIGH to RESET LOW Setup Time TRSTS RESET to First IOWR TRSTW 200 20 ns 200 100 20 100 140 ns 70 ns 0 500 500 500 2TCY 2TCY 2TCY ns RESET Pulse Width 300 300 300 ns TRW READ Width 300 250 200 ns TWA ADR from WRITE HIGH Hold Time 20 20 20 ns CS HIGH from WRITE HIGH Hold Time 20 20 20 ns TWD Data from WRITE HIGH Hold Time 30 30 30 ns TWWS Write Width 200 200 160 ,~s TWC I ns WAVEFORMS SLAVE MODE WRITE TIMING TCW I TWWS TAW ~ AO-A3 DBO-DB7 ---1 ~ INPUT VALID , TOW - j - j-TWC (NOTE B) I -TWA J-TWD ~ INPUT VALID Figure 9. Slave Mode Write SLAVE MODE READ TIMING cs~ AO-A3~ lOR ..:;,V HM1 h r( ADDRESS MUST BE VALID , l TRDE DBO-DB7 Figure 10. Slave Mode Read 2-68 =E' : TRW t ~OTE9) TRDF3- DATA OUT VALID _ inter 8237 A/8237A-4/8237 A-5 WAVEFORMS (Continued) DMA TRANSFER TIMING ., eLK DREG ~ TOO_ \\ X l\\ F \ \ \' l.LiJ - S .\\\\\\\\\ TAEL~I) TAET 1V'f TIll .2!!T - IF- 1\ ADSTB " TFADa r f~f--~T' f:: rFAA. r- I ~ •• HF¥ t· - r-- TFAC l- I TDCL TDCTA r- ~ --" TOCT. ~ v~ ~ TDCTW TDCTW ~(fDA - I- -TAHA 1\ I ... _TAFAI t-TAHW ADDRESS VALID :..- I- -TAHA Ir------. ~ENDED WAITE) HPW \ TAHW } I \ -- TASM ADDRESS VALID ~ OAeK ~ --TEPS rr I I i f- I I INTIIIP ., (NOTE 6) TOG_ .EN D80-DI7 51 \....J THS_ HLOA ., ~~~~~H:~~rl~~ ~~~~~ -;r- -jTQS rf1/I HAC . \\\\\\\\\\'\. 1- _TAFe Ir- .... ..Jr"'""'""\ ~ t1VIIIIIIIIIII ~}-~ Figure 11. DMA Transfer 2-69 - ' TAK TeH inter 8237A/8237A·4/8237~5 WAVEFORMS (Continued) ! MEMORY-TO-MEMORY TRANSFER TIMING AOSTB AO-A7 OBO-OB7 EXT EOP -....,....,~""T'""\ Figure 12. Memory·to·Memory Transfer READY TIMING elK TDCTW- READY Figure 13. Ready 2-70 8237AJ8237~4/8237~5 WAVEFORM~ (Continued) COMPRESSED TRANSFER TIMING ClK AO-A7 TDCl-j--+1 READY ~~: ___________TA_K_-_--"'--_~ EXT --------..,....,,~ \TE\~oC--.L~t tv EDP Figure 14. Compressed Transfer RESET TIMING ~c ______J~r~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-T-R-ST-D-------------------_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~-----~I~I------------- I lOR OR RlW Figure 15. R...t 2-71 8257/8257·5, PROGRAMMABLE DMA CONTROLLER • MCS-85@ Compatible 8257-5 • Single TTL Clock • 4·Channel DMA Controller • Single + 5V Supply • Priority DMA Request Logic • Auto Load Mode • Channel Inhibit Logic • Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range • Terminal Count and Modulo 128 Outputs The Intel' 8257 is a 4-channel direct memory access (DMA) controller_ It is specifically designed to simplify the transfer of data at high speeds for the Intel"' microcomputer systems. Its primary function is to generate, upon a peripheral request, a sequential memory address which will allow the peripheral to read or write data directly to or from memory. Acquisition of the system bus i.n accomplished via the CPU's hold function. The 8257 has priority logic that resolves the peripherals requests and issues a composite hold request to the CPU. It maintains the DMA cycle count for each channel and outputs a control signal ·to notify the peripheral that the programmed number of DMA cycles is complete. Other output control signals simplify sectored data transfers. The 8257 represents a significant savings in component count for DMA-based microcomputer systems and greatly simplifies the transfer of data at high speed between peripherals and memories. \. DRQO =n ORO 1 0Aci("i ORO 2 ., ., ., ... Dm"l cs-------' 0, ., 0, " DACI( 3 'EN AOST8 TC MARK :==:::'.J Figure 2. Pin Configuration Figure 1. Block. Diagram 2-72 inter 8257/8257 ·5 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Block Diagram Description 1. DMA Channels General The 8257 provides four separate DMA channels (labeled CH-O to CH-3). Each channel includes two sixteen-bit registers' (1) a DMA address register, and (2) a terminal count register. Both registers must be initialized before a channel IS enabled. The DMA address register is loaded with the address of the first memory location to be accessed. The value loaded Into the low-order 14-blts of the terminal count register specifies the number of DMA cycles minus one before the Terminal Count (TC) output IS activated. For Instance, a terminal count of 0 would cause the TC output to be active in the first DMA cycle for that channel. In general, If N = the number of desired DMA cycles, load the value N-1 into the low-order 14-blts of the terminal count register. The most significant two bits of the terminal count register specify the type of DMA operation for that channel The 8257 IS a programmable, Direct Memory Acess (DMA) device which, when coupled with a single 8-bit latch provides a complete four-channel DMA controller for use in Intel@ microcomputer systems. After being initialized by software, the 8257 can transfer a block of data, containing up to 16,384 bytes, between 'memory and a peripheral device directly, without further intervention reqUired of the CPU. Upon receiving a DMA transfer request from an enabled peripheral, the 8257: 1. Acquires control of the system bus. 2. Acknowledges that requesting peripheral which IS connected to the highest Priority channel 3. Outputs the least significant eight bits of the memory address onto system address lines ArrA7, outputs the most significant eight bits of the memory address to the 8-bit latch via the data bus (the outputs of the latch should drive address lines AIf"A'5), and 4. Generates the appropriate memory and 1/0 readl write control signals that cause the peripheral to receive or deposit a data byte directly from or to the addressed location in memory. The 8257 will retain control of the system bus and repeat the transfer sequence, as long as a peripheral maintains ItS DMA request Thus, the 8257 can transfer a block of data tolfrom a high speed peripheral (e g , a sector of data on a floppy disk) In a single "burst". When the specified number of data bytes have been transferred, the 8257 activates ItS Terminal Count (TC) output, informing the CPU that the operation IS complete The 8257 offers three different modes of operation' (1) DMA read, which causes data to be transferred from memory to a peripheral, (2) DMA write, which causes data to be transferred from a peripheral to memory, and (3) DMA verify, which does not actually Involve the transfer of data. When an 8257 channel IS In the DMA verify mode, It will respond the same as described for transfer operations, except that no memory or 1/0 read/wnte control signals will be generated, thus preventing the transfer of data The 8257, however, will gain control of the sYlltem bus and will acknowledge the peripheral's DMA request for each DMA cycle The peripheral can use these acknowledge signals to enable an Internal access of each byte of a data block In order to execute some verification procedure, such as the accumulation of a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Code) checkword For example, a block of DMA verify cycles might follow a block of DMA read cycles (memory to peripheral) to allow the peripheral to verify ItS newly acqUired data Figure 3. 8257 Block Diagram Showing DMA Channels 2-73 8257/8257·5 These two bits are not modified during a DMA cycle, but can be changed between DMA blocks, BIT 15 Each channel accepts a DMA Request (DROn) input and provides a DMA Acknowledge (DACKn) output (ORO O-DRO 3) BIT 14 TYPE OF DMA OPERATION 0 0 0 1 1 0 Verily DMA Cycle Write DMA Cycle Read DMA Cycle (Illegal) 1 1 DMA Request: The'S'e are Individual asynchronous channel request inputs used by the peripherals to obtain a DMA 'cycle, If not in the rotating priority mode then DRO 0 has the highest priority and DRO 3 has the lowest. A request can be generated by raising the request line and holding It high until DMA acknowledge, For multiple DMA cycles (Burst Mode) the request line is held high until the DMA acknowledge of the last cycle arnves, (DACK 0 - DACK 3) DMA Acknowledge: An active low level on the acknowledge output informs the peripheral connected to that channel that it has been selected for a DMA cycle, The DACK output acts as a "chip select" for the penpheral device requesting service_ This line goes active (low) and inactive (high) once for each byte transferred even if a burst of data is being transferred, 0Acifl ORO 2 A, tmn 2_ Data Bus Buffer '" This three-state, br-directional, eight bit buffer interfaces the 8257 to the system data bus, A. A, A. A. (0 0.07) Data Bus Lines: These are bl-directional three-state hnes When the 8257 is being programmed by the CPU, elghtbits of data for a DMA address register. a terminal count register or the Mode Set register are received on the data' bus, When the CPU reads a DMA address register, a terminal count register or the Status register, the data is sent to the, CPU over the data bus, DUring DMA cycles (when the 8257 is the bus master), the 8257 Will output the most significant eight-bits of the memory address (from one of the DMA address registers) to the 8212 iatch via the data bus, These address bits Will be transferred at the beginning of the DMA cycle; the bus WI)I then be released to handle the memory data transfer dUring the balance of the DMA cycle, 0iC'if"l MfMR M'E"MVi Figure 4. 8257 Block Diagram Showing Data Bus Buffer 2-74 8257/8257·5 3. ReadlWrite logic (Ao-A3l When the CPU is programming or reading one of the 8257's registers (Le., when the 8257 is a "slave" device on the system bus), the ReadlWrite logic accepts the 110 Read (i7OR) or I/O Write (i7OW) signal, decodes the least significant four address bits, (Ao-A3), and either writes the contents of the data bus into the addressed register (if I/OW is true) or places the contents of the addressed reJister onto the data bus (if i70R is true). Address Lines: These least significant four address lines are bi-directional. In the "slave" mode they are inputs which select one of the registers to be read or programmed. In the "master" mode, they are outputs which constitute the least significant four bits of the 16-bit memory address generated by the 8257. DUring DMA cycles (I e, when the 8257 IS the bus "master"), the Read/Wrote logic generates the I/O read and memory write (DMA write cycle) or I/O Write and memory read (DMA read cycle) signals which control the data link with the peripheral that has been granted the DMA cycle. Chip Select An active-low Input which enables the I/O Read or I/O Wrote Input when the 8257 IS being read or programmed In the "slave" mode In the "master" mode, CS is automatically disabled to prevent the chip from selecting Itself whole performing the DMA function Note that during DMA transfers Non-DMA I/O devltes should be de-selected (disabled) uSing "AEN" signal to Inhibit I/O deVice decoding of the memory address as an erroneous deVice address. 4. Control logic ThiS block controls the sequence of operations dUring all DMA cycles by generatong the appropriate control signals and the 16-blt address that specifies the memory locallon to be accessed (I/OR) I/O Read' An acllve-Iow, bi-directlonal three-state lone. In the "slave" mode, It is an Input which allows the 8-blt status register or the upper/lower byte of a 16-blt DMA address register or terminal count register to be read. In the "master" mode, I/OR IS a control output which is used to access data from a peripheral dUring the DMA write cycle. o~oo (I/OW) I/O Write' An active-low, bl-dlrectional three-state line In the "slave" mode, It IS an Input which allows the contents of the data bus to be loaded onto the 8-blt mode set register or the upper/lower byte of a 16-blt DMA address register or terminal count register In the "master" mode, I/OW IS a control output which allows data to be output to a peripheral dUring a DMA read cycle ES----' A. A, A. A, CONTROL LOGIC AND MOOE (ClK) SH Clock Input: Generally from an Intel®8224 Clock Generator device. (¢2 TTL) or Intel ® 8085AH ClK output. (RESET) Reset: An asynchronous input (generally from an 8224 or 8085 device) which disables all DMA channels by clearing the mode register and 3-states all control lines. Figure 5. 8257 Block Diagram Showing Read/Write Logic Function 2-75 825718257·5 (Te) Address lines These four address lines are three-state outputs which constitute bits 4 through 7 of the 16-blt memory address generated by the 8257 dUring all DMA cycles (READY) Ready: This asynchronous Input is used to elongate the memory read and write cycles In the 8257 with wait states if the selected memory requires longer cycles READY must conform to specified setup and hold times (HRQ) Hold Request: This output requests control' of the system bus In systems with only one 8257, HRQ Will normally be applied to the HOLD input on the CPU HRQ must conform to specified setup and hold times, (HLDA) Hold Acknowledge: This input from the CPU indicates that the 8257 has acquired control olthe system bus. HLDA must remain stable during the specified set-up time. ' Terminal Count. ThiS output notifies the currently selected peripheral that the present DMA cy<;le should be the last cycle for thiS data block If the TC STOP bit In the Mode Set register IS set, the selected channel Will be automatically disabled at the end of that DMA cycle TC is activated when the 14-bit value in the selected channel's terminal count register equals zero. Recall that the loworder 14-blts of the terminal count register should be loaded with the values (n-1), where n =the deSired number of the DMA cycles. (MARK) Modulo 128 Mark ThiS output notifies the selected peripheral that the current DMA cycle IS the 128th cycle Since the prevIous MARK output MARK always occurs at 128 (and all multiples of 128) cycles from the end of the data block Only If the total number of DMA cycles (n) IS evenly dlvlsable by 128 (and the,termlnal count register was loaded With n-1). Will MARK occur at 128 (and each succeeding multiple of 128) cycles from the beginning of the data block (MEMR) Memory Read ThiS active-low three-state output IS used to read data from the addressed memory location dUring DMA Read cycles DROO (MEMW) Memory Write ThiS active-low three-state output IS used to write data Into the addressed memory location during DMA Write cycles. OAa, (ADSTB) Address Strobe: This output strobes the most significant byte of the memory address into the latch device from the data bus. (AEN) Address Enable ThiS output IS used to disable Ifloall the System Data Bus and the System Control Bus It may also be used to disable Ifloatl the System Address Bus by use of an enable on the Address Bus drivers In systems to inhibit non-DMA deVices from responding dUring DMA cycles It may be further used to Isolate the 8257 data bus from the System Data Bus to facilitate the transfer of the 8 most significant DMA address bits over the 8257 data 1/0 PinS without sublecting the System Data Bus to any timing constraints for the transfer When the 8257 IS used in an 1/0 deVice structure las opposed to memory mappedl,thls AEN output should be used to disable the selection of an 1/0 deVice when the DMA address IS on the address bus The 1/0 deVice selection should be determined by the DMA acknowledge outputs for the 4 channels Figure 6. 8257 Block Diagram Showing Control Logic and Mode Set Register 2-76 825718257·5 5. Mode Set Register When set, the various bits in the Mode Set register enable each of the four DMA channels, and allow four different options for the 8257: 76543210 Enables Enables En~ble. E.. b'.. ~II~ I AUTOLOAD Enable, DMA TC STOP Enables OMA EXTENDED W R ' T E E M b ' " DMA ROTATING PR'OR'TY En,b'.. OMA Channel 0 Channell Ch.nn,' 2 Ch,nn"3 The Mode Set register IS normally programmed by the CPU after the DMA address reglsterts) and terminal count register(s) are initialized. The Mode Set Register IS cleared by the RESET Input, thus disabling all optIOns, inhibiting all channels, and preventing bus conflicts (l)n power-up. A channel should not be left enabled unless ItS DMA address and terminal count registers contain valid values; otherwise, an Inadvertent DMA request (DROn) from a peripheral could initiate a DMA cycle that would destroy memory data The variOus optoons which can be enabled by bits In the Mode Set register are explained below' Rotating Priority Bit 4 In the Rotating Priority Mode, the Priority of the channels has a circular sequence After each DMA cycle. the Priority of each channel changes The channel wh,ch had lust been serviced Will have the lowest Priority Note that rotating priority will prevent anyone channel from monopolizing the DMA mode; consecutive DMA cycles will service different channels if more than one channel is enabled and requesting service. There is no overhead penalty associated with this mode of opera· tion. All DMA operations began with Channel 0 initially assigned to the highest priority for the first DMA cycle. Extended Write Bit 5 If the EXTENDED WRITE bit IS set, the duration of both the MEMW and IIOW signals IS extended by activating them earlier In the DMA cycle Data transfers Within microcomputer systems proceed asynchronously to allow use of variOus types cif memory and 1/0 devices with different access times If a device cannot be accessed Within a spec,flc amount of time ,t returns a "not ready" indication to the 8257 that causes the 8257 to insert one or more walt states In ItS Internal sequencing Some devices are fast enough to be accessed Without the use of wait states, but If they generate their READY response With the leading edge of the IIOW or MEMW signal (which generally occurs late In the transfer sequence), they would normally cause the 8257 to enter a walt state because It does not receive READY In time For systems With these types of devices. the Extended Write option provides alternative timing for the 1/0 and memory write s'gnals which allows the devices to return an early READY and prevents the unnecessary occurrence of walt states In the 8257. thus increasing system throughput TC Stop Bit 6 If the TC STOP bit IS set, a channel IS disabled (I e., ItS enable bit IS reset) after the Terminal Count (TC) output goes true, thus automatically preventing further DMA operation on that channel The enable b,t for that channel must be re-programmed to continue or begin another DMA operatIOn If the TC STOP bit IS not §et, the occurrence of the TC output has no effect on the channel enable bits In thiS case, It IS generally the responsibility of the peripheral to cease DMA requests In order to terminate a DMA operation If the ROTATING PRIORITY bit IS not set (set to a zero), each DMA channel has a fixed Priority In the flxed,prlorlty mode, Channel 0 has the highest Priority and Channel 3 has the lowest p'rlorlty If the ROTATING PRIORITY bit IS set to a one, the Priority of each channel changes after each DMA cycle (not each DMA request) Each channel moves up to the next highest Priority assignment. while the channel which has lust been serviced moves to the lowest Priority assignment CHANNEL'" CH-O CH-1 CH-2 CH-3 JUST SERVICED Priority _ A"'gnman'. High"' ~ Lowa.' CH-1 CH-2 CH-3 CH·O CH-2 CH-3 CH-O CH·1 CH-3 CH-O CH·1 CH-2 CH-O CH-1 CH·2 CH·3 Auto Load Bit 7 The Auto Load mode permits Channel 2 to be used for repeat block or block chaining operatoons, without Immediate software Interventoon between blocks Channel 2 registers are Inlt,allzed as usual for the first data block, Channel 3 registers, however, are used to store the block re-Inltlallzatlon parameters (DMA starting address, terminal count and DMA transfer mode) After the first block of DMA cycles IS executed by Channel 2 (I e , after the TC output goes true), the parameters stored In the Channel 3 registers are transferred to Channel 2 dUring an "update" cycle Note that the TC STOP feature, desCribed above, has no effect on Channel 2 when the Auto Load bit IS set 2-77 8257/8257·5 If the Auto Load bit is set, the initial parameters for Channel 2 are automatically duplicated in the Channel 3 registers when Channel 2 is programmed. This permits repeat block operations to be set up with the programming of a single channel. Repeat block operations can be used in applications such as CRT refreshing. Channels 2 and 3 can still be loaded with separate values if Channel 2 is loaded before loading Channel 3. Note that in the Auto Load mode, Channel 3 is still available to the user if the Channel 3 enable bit is set. but use of this channel will change thE! values to be auto loaded into Channel 2 at update time. All that is necessary to use the Auto Load feature for chaining 'operations is to reload Channel 3 registers at the conclusion of each update cycle with the new parameters for the next data block transfer. TC STATUS FOR CHANNEL 0 TC STATUS FOR CHANNEL 1 ' - - - - T C STATUS FOR CHANNEL 2 ~----TC STATUS FOR CHANNEL 3 The TC status bits are set when the Terminal Count (TC) output is activated for that channel. These bits remain set until the status register is read or the 8257 is reset. The UPDATE FLAG. however. is not affected by a status register read operation. The UPDATE FLAG can be cleated by resetting the 8257. by changing to the non-auto load mode (Le .• by resetting the AUTO LOAD bit in the Mode Set register) or it can be left to clear itself at the completion of the update cycle. The purpose of the UPDATE FLAG~s to prevent the CPU from inadvertently skipping a data block by overwriting a starting address or terminal count in the Channel 3 registers before those parameters are properly auto-loaded into Channel 2. Each timll that the 8257 enters an update cycle, the update flag in the status register is set and parameters in Channel 3 are transferred to Channel 2, non-destructivelY for Channel 3. The actual re-initialization of Channel 2 occurs at the beginning of the next channel 2 DMA cycle after the TC cycle. This will be the first DMA cycle of the new data block for Channel 2. The update flag is cleared at the conclusion of this DMA cycle. For chaining operations. the update flag in the status register can be monitored by the CPU to determine when the re-initialization process has been completed so that the next block parameters can be safely loaded into Channel 3. The user is cautioned against reading the TC status register and using this information to reenable channels that have not completed operation. Unless the DMA channels are inhibited a channel could reach ter· minal count (TC) between the status read and the mode write. DMA can be inhibited by a hardware gate on the HRQ line or by disabling channels with a mode word before reading the TC status .. 6. Status Register The eight-bit status register indicates which channels have reached a terminal count condition and includes the update flag described previously. _IPARAMETERSI_IPARAMETERSI_ FOR BLOCK 1 I FOR BLOCK 2 _1:~:AB~~~~R:1c CHANNEL 2 UPDATE OCCURS HERE ~ -I ETC - - - - - CHANNEL 2 UPDATE OCCURS HERE ~ I/O WRITE ORo2 ------------~-\.--DATABLDCK '_1 TC UflDATE fLAG Figure 7. Autoload Timing 2-78 --~~~---DATA BLOCK 2 - l I-TDATA BLOCK 3 - 8257/8257·5 OPERATIONAL SUMMARY Programming and Reading the 8257 Registers There are four pairs of "channel registers'" each pair consisting of a 16-bit DMA address register and a 16-blt terminal count register (one pair for each channel) The 8257 also includes two "general registers". one 8-bit Mode Set register and one 8-bit Status register. The registers are loaded or read when the CPU executes a write or read instruction that addresses the 8257 device and the appropriate register within the 8257. The 8228 generates the appropriate read or write control signal (generally IIOR or IIOW while the CPU places a 16-bit address on the system address bus, and either outputs the data to be written 'onto the system data bus or accepts the data being read from the data bus. All or some of the most significant 12 address bits A4-A'5 (depending on the systems memory, liD configuration) are usually decoded to produce the chip select (CS) Input to the 8257, An liD Write input (or Memory Write in memory mapped liD configurations, described below) specifies that the addressed register is to be programmed, while an liD Read Input (or Memory Read) specifies that the addressed register IS to be read Address bit 3 specIfies whether a "channel register" (A3 = 0) or the Mode Set (program only)/Status (read only) register (A3 = 1) IS to be accessed. The least significant three address bitS, Ao-A2, indicate the specific register to be accessed. When accessing the Mode Set or Status register, Ao-A2 are all zero. When accessing a channel register bit Ao differentiates between the DMA address register (Ao = 0) and the terminal count register (Ao = 1), while bits A, and A2 specify one of the CONTROL INPUT Cs IIOW IIOR A3 Program Hall 01 a Channel Register 0 0 1 0 Read Hall 01 a Channel Register 0 1 0 0 Program Mode Set Register 0 0 1 1 "Read Status Register 0 1 0 1 four channels Because the "channel registers" are 16bits, two program instruction cycles are required to load or read an entire register. The 8257 contains a first/last (F/L) flip flop which toggles at the completion of each channel program or read operation, The F/L flip flop determines whether the upper or lower byte of the register IS to be accessed. The F/L flip flop IS reset by the RESET input and whenever the Mode Set register is loaded. To maintain proper synchronization when accessing the "channel registers" all channel command instruction operations should occur in pairs, with the lower byte of a register always being accessed firSt. Do not allow CS to clock while either IIOR or IIOW is active, as thiS Will cause an erroneous F/L flip flop state In systems utiliZing an Interrupt structure, Interrupts should be disabled prior to any paired programming operations to prevent an Interrupt from splitting them, The result of such a spilt would leave the F IL F IF In the wrong state This problem is particularly obVIOUS when other DMA channels are programmed by an Interrupt structure 8257 Register Selection 'BI-DIRECTIONAL DATA BUS ADDRESS INPUTS REGISTER BYTE CH-O DMA Address F/L A3 A2 A1 Ao LSB MSB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 LSB MSB 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 LSB MSB 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 CH-l Terminal Count LSB MSB 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 CH-2 DMA Addre.s LSB MSB 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 LSB MSB 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 LSB MSB 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 LSB MSB 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 MODE SET (Program only) - 1 0 0 0 0 AL TCS EW RP EN3 EN2 ENI ENO STATUS (Read only) - 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UP TC3 TC2 TCI TCO CH-O Terminal Count CH-l DMA Addres. CH-2 Terminal Count 'CH-3 DMA Addres. CH-3 Terminal Count 0 0 1 1 0-, Ds Ds D4 D3 D2 D1 Do A7 A1S C7 Rd As A14 Cs Wr As A13 Cs C13 A4 A12 C4 C12 A3 A11 C3 C11 A2 A10 C2 C10 A1 Ag Ao As C1 Cg Co Ca Same as Channel 0 I I I Same as Channel 0 I I I Same as Channel 0 1 'AO-A1S: DMA Starting Address, Co-C13:Terminal Count value (N-1), Rd and Wr: DMAVerify (00), Write (01) or Read (10) cycle selection, AL: Auto Load, TCS: TC STOp, EW: EXTENDED WRITE, RP: ROTATING PRIORITY, EN3-ENO: CHANNEL ENABLE MASK, UP: UPDATE FLAG, TC3-TCO: TERMINAL COUNT STATUS BITS. 2-79 inter 825718257·5 read and write commands and byte transfer occurs between the selected I/O device and memory. After the trans'fer is complete, the OACK line is set HIGH and the HRO line is set LOW to indicate to the CPU that the bus is now free for use. ORO must remain HIGH until OACK is issued to be recognized and must go LOW before S4 of the transfer seque,nce to prevent another transfer from occuring. (See timing diagram.) RT' SI SAMPLE OROn LINES SET HRO If ORO" '" 1 ~DRQt, Consecutive Transfers \ so SAMPLE HLOA RESOLVE OROn PRIORITIES l ,--.. HLDA 1 S' PRESENT AND LATCH UPPER ADDRESS PRESENT LOWER ADDRESS , ~ Control Override S2 ACTIVATE READ COMMAND ADVANCED WRITE COMMAND AND DACKn ~ r-- S3 ACTIVATE WRITE COMMAND ACTIVATE MARK ANO lC IF APPROPRIA re ~ READY -- OROn HLDA I READY VERIF; SN ~~ READY LINE '-+ VERIFY S4 RESET ENABLE fOR CHANNEl N If Te STOP AND TC ARE ACTIVE DEACTIVATE COMMANDS DEACTIVATE OACKn MARK AND TO READY SAMPLE QROn AND HLOA RESOLVE OROn PRIORITIES RESET HRO IF HLOA ~ 0 OR ORO" 0 l If more than one channel requests service simultaneous· Iy, the transfer will occur in the same way a burst does. No overhead is incurred by switching from one channel to another. In each S4 the ORO lines are sampled and the highest priority request is recognized during the next transfer. A burst mode transfer in a lower priority channel will be overridden by a higher priority request. Once the high priority transfer has completed control will return to the lower priority channel if its ORO is still active. No extra cycles are needed to execute this sequence and the HRO I'ine remains active until all ORO lines go LOW, The continuous OMA transfer mode described above can be interrupted by an external device by.lowering the HLOA line, After each OMA transfer the 8257 samples the HLOA line to insure that it is still active. If it is not active, the 8257 completes the current transfer, releases the HRO line (LOW) and returns to the idle state. If ORO lines are still active the 8257 will raise the HRO line in the third cycle and proceed normally. (See timing diagram.) Not Ready The 8257 has a Ready input similar to the 8080A and the 8085AH, The Ready line is a sampled in State 3. If Ready is LOW the 8257 enters a waft state. Ready is sampled during every wait state, When Ready returns HIGH the 8257 proceeds to State 4 to complete the transfer. Ready is used to interface memory of I/O devices thatcannot meet the bus set up times required by the 8257. j.iLOA + oROn Speed lORan REFERS TO ANY ORO LINE ON AN ENABLEO OMA CHANNEL Figure 8. DMA Operation State Diagram The 8257 uses four clock cycles to transfer a byte of data. No cycles are lost in the master to master transfer maximizing bus efficiency. A 2MHz clock input will allow the 8257 to transfer at a rate of 500K bytes/second. Memory Mapped I/O Configurations DMA OPERATION Single Byte Transfers A Single byte transfer is initiated by the I/O device raising the ORO line of one channel of the 8257. If the chan· nel is enabled, the 8257 will output a HRO to the CPU. The 8257 now waits until a HLOA is received insuring that the system bus is free for its use. Once HLOA is received the ~ line for the requesting channel is ac· tivated (LOW). The ~ line acts as a chip select for the requesting I/O device. The 8257 then generates the The 8257 can be connected to the system bus as a memory deVice Instead of as an I/O deVice for memory mapped I/O configurations by connecting the system memory control lines to the 8257's I/O control lioes and the system I/O control lines to the 8257's memory control lines ThiS configuration permits use of the 8080's conSiderably larger repertoire of memory instructions when reading or loading the 8257's registers. Note that With thiS connection, the programming of the Read (bit 15) and Wnte (bit 14) bits In the terminal count register Will have a different meaning 2-80 inter 825718257·5 ii01i5" MEMRD MEMWR I/OWR I/O AD M'E'MA'5 i70WR MEMWR 8257 Figure 9. System Interface for Memory Mapped I/O BIT 15 READ BIT 14 WRITE 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 DMA Verify Cycle DMA Read Cycle DMA Write Cycle Illegal Figure 10. TC Register for Memory Mapped I/O Only SYSTEM APPLICATION EXAMPLES \ \ \ ADDRESS BUS fr II Jj CONTROL BUS 1''1 flOW i70R DATA BUS D U II I " " 11 D I ORO 0 ------- ORO 1 DISK 2 DACK 1 \ U D JJ_ DISK 1 OACK 0 8251 AND 8212 II I SYSTEM RAM . MEMORY ------ OR02 DISK 3 OACK 2 DRQ3 ------- DACK 3 DISK 4 OMA CONTROLLER Figure 11. Floppy Disk Controller (4 Drives) ORO 8257 AND 8212 DACK 8251 USART SYSTEM RAM MEMORY MODEM TElEPHONE LINES Figure 12. High-Speed Communication Controller 2-81 \ inter 8257/8257-5 A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFPRM A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT I INPUT/OUTPUT "=X > 2.0 08 0.45 < 2.0 TEST POINTS 0.8 x= DEVICE UNDER TEST ICL~150PF ':" A C TESTING INPUTS ARE DRIVEN AT 2 4V FOR A LOGIC 1 AND a 45V FOR A LOGIC 0 TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 2 OV FOR A LOGIC 1 AND 0 8V FOR A LOGIC 0 CL INCWDES JIG CAPACITANCE Tracking Parameters Signals labeled as Tracking Parameters (footnotes 1 and 5-7 under A.C. Specifications) are signals that follow similar paths through the silicon die. The propagation speed of these signals varies in the manufacturing process but the relationship between all these parameters is constant. The variation is less than or equal to 50 ns. Suppose the following timing equation is being evaluated, TA(MIN) + T8(MAX) s 150 ns and only minimum specifications exist for TA and TB. If TA(MIN) is used, and if T A and TB are tracking parameters, T8(MAX) can be taken as T8(MIN) + 50 ns. TA(MIN) + (T8(MIN)- + 50 ns) s 150 ns Olf TA and TBare trackl ng parameters WAVEFORMS-PERIPHERAL MODE WRITE _ _ _" -TAW-- f.TWA CHiI'"S£UC'f READ __________ DATA BUS J~----~--~p __ I/OWR 2-82 inter 825718257 ·5 WAVEFORMS-DMA CONSECUTIVE CYCLES AND BURST MODE SEQUENCE ~ I ~ I • I ~ I g I a I Y SI S2 I S3 Y I SI SI SI CLOCK DR003 __~__~+- ______ ~-4 ____-+____ -J~ -+____________ ________4-____________~~____ HRO ________J - \._---- HLDA ____________- / 1 AEN ____________ ~--Jj ADR 07 (LOWER ADR)- DATA - a 7 (UPPER ADR) _ _ - _ ADR STB _______" DACK 0 3 MEMIRD/i'7'ORiJ_ READY Te/MARK CLOCK NOTE The clodo: w..... form 1$ duplicated for clarity The 8257 requires only one clock mput SI I SI so S1 S2 S3 2-83 Y S1 a Y SI SI SI intJ 825718257·5 WAVEFORMS (Continued) CONTROL OVERRIDE SEQUENCE 1 54 I so SI SI S1 I. S2 CLOCK OROO.3 -----"\.,.,--------T------ HRO HLOA -..11 F HS T - - - - - - - . "'"""- _ _ _ _ _ t-- TAEl - - \ AEN J J.--- ''-_ _ _-'7 NOT READY SEQUENCE SOl ~ 1 S2 ~ 1 I ~ 1 ~ 54 ~ 1 SI 1 SI CLOCK DR003 _~ --+"Io--_____ ____ =~~~~~: TR_·1~:~ F REAOV TC/MA.RK _____ I 2-84 I :J.,.I-..,. . .T_ 11 ~ RS_ _ __ \ ___ _ in1er 825718257·5 A .. , , A. ~ ALE r---..!.!. STB DS2 13 MD OS; 01,--01, , , , r- r- AD, V" JIll Wli ~ ~Al ~B, ~A2 --! ~ B, ~B3 ~A' ;!: 0, , , , , 0, ~A. 4 7 • 12 ~ rrr- il!l\ lOW r- 13 B. CHIP SelECT DE SEL (B) IO/Q 1 L :; HOLD HLOA elK (OUT) RESET iN RESET OUT r-- A, V" m ~ AD, .... AODRESS BUS 00.--00, 8212 -f G~" )~' V DATA BUS 0, MEMR Il!II I~ READY I· "1es READY A, , :7 - ~7- 0, 82575 RESET - r-- '----- - "' ----2...: ----l..: ~ MEMR DRDo il!l\ OACKo ORO, MEMW ----l...,: iOW OACK, ORa, --!.L HRO ~ HLOA --.2.!- elK ~ RESET DACK, ORO] OACK 1 TC MARK AEN • 2. 17 ,. ,.,. '" • ADST8 • j' " r-13 ~ " ,. 2' DS2 CLR 01, , , 8212 01, MD STB DO, , , 00, os; t l' Figure 13. Detailed System Interface Schematic 2-85 ORa, DACK o ORO, QACK, ORO, DACK 2 OR03 i5'AC'K 1 TC MARK CONTROL BUS inter 8257/8257-5 ABSOLUTE M~XIMUM RATINGS· Ambient Temperature Under Bias ......... O°C to 70°C Storage Temperature ............... -65°C to +150°C ' Voltage on Any Pin With Respect to Ground .............. -0.5V to + 7V Power Dissipation ............................ 1 Watt D.C. CHARACTERISTICS "NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. (8257: TA = O°C to 70°C. Vee = 5.0V ±5%. GND = OV) '(8257-5: TA = O°C to 70°C. Vee = 5.0V ±10%. GND = OV) Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Unit V,L Input low Voltage -0.5 0.8 Volts V,H Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee+· 5 Volts VOL Output low Voltage 0.45 Volts IOL = 1.6 rnA VOH Output High Voltage 2.4 Vee Volts IOH =-150IlA for AB. DB and AEN IOH =-80IlA for others 3.3 Vee Volts IOH = -801lA 120 rnA \ VHH HRQ Output High Voltage Icc Vee Current Drain I,L Input leakage ±10 IlA IoFL Output leakage During Float ±10 IlA CAPACITANCE Symbol Test Conditions OV '" V,N '" Vee 0.45V '" Vour '" Vee (TA = 25°C; Vee = GND = OV) Parameter Min. Typ. Test Conditions Max. Unit C'N Input Capacitance 10 pF fc = lMHz CliO 1/0 Capacitance 20 pF Unmeasured pIns returned to GN 0 2-86 intJ 8257/8257·5 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS-PERIPHERAL (SLAVE) MODE (8257: TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = 5.0V ±5%, GND = OV) (8257-5: TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = 5.0V ±10%, GND = OV) 8080 Bus Parameters READ CYCLE 8257 Symbol Parameter CS~ Setup to Min. RD~ 8257·5 Max. Min. Max. Unit TAR Adr or TRA Adr or cst Hold from RDt 0 TRo Data Access from R D ~ 0 300 0 220 ns ToF D8 .... Float Delay from RDt 20 150 20 120 ns TRR RD Width 250 0 Test Conditions ns 0 ns 0 ns 250 WRITE CYCLE 8257 Symbol Parameter Min. WR~ 8257·5 Max. 20 Min. Max. Unit Adr Setup to TWA Adr Hold from WRt 0 0 ns Tow Data Setu p to WR t 200 200 ns 10 10 ns 200 200 ns Two Data Hold from WR t Tww WR Width T est Conditions ns TAW 20 OTHER TIMING 8257 Symbol Parameter -, 8257-5 Max. Min. Min. Max. Reset Pulse Width 300 300 ns TRSTo Power Supplyt.(Vccl Setup to Reset~ SOO 500 }J.S T, Signal Rise Time 20 20 ns Tf Signal Fall Time 20 20 ns TRSTS Reset to First I/OWR :t 2 Test Conditions Unit T RSTW tCY A.C. CHARACTERISTICS-DMA (MASTER) MODE (8257: TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = 5.0V ±5%, GND = OV) (8257-5: TA = O°C to_70°C, Vee = 5.0V ±10%, GND = OV) TIMING REQUIREMENTS Symbol 8257·5 8257 Parameter Min. Max. Min. Max. Unit TCY Cycle Time (Period) 0.320 4 0.320 4 P.s T6 Clock Active (High) 120 .8TCY SO .8TCY ns Tas DROI Setup to ClKI (SI, S4) 120 120 TaH ORal Hold from HlDAI[1] 0 0 T HS HlDA I or ISetup to CLKI(SI, S4) [7J 100 T RS READY Setup Time to ClKI(S3, Sw) 30 30 ns TRH READY Hold Time from ClKI(S3, Sw) 30 30 ns 2-87 280 100 ns ns 280 ns inter 825718257·5 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS-DMA (MASTER) MODE (82S7: TA = O'C to 70'C, vcc = S.OV ±S%, GND = OV) (82S7-S: TA = O'C to 70'C, vcc = S.OV ±10%, GND = OV) TIMING RESPONSES 8257 Parameter. Symbol Min. 8257·5 Max. Min. Unit Max. Too HRQi or tDelay from ClKt (SI, S4) (measured at 2.0V) 160 160 ns TOOl HRQi or tDelay from ClK, (SI, S4) (measured at 3.3V)[3] 2S0 2S0 ns TAEL AENt Delay from ClKt (S1) 300 300 ns TAET AENt Delay from ClKi (SI) 200 200 ns TAEA Adr (AB) (Active) Delay from AENt (81)[1] TFAAB Adr ,tAB) (Active) Delay from ClK, (S1 )[2] 2S0 2S0 ns TAFAB Adr (AB) (Float) Delay from ClK, (SI)[2] 1S0 1S0 ns TASM Adr (AB) (Stable) Delay from ClKt (S1)[2] 2S0 2S0 ns TAH Adr (AB) (Stable) Hold from ClKt (S1)[2] TASM-SO TASM -SO ns TAHR Adr (AB) (Valid) Hold from RDt (S1, SI)[l] 60 60 ns TAHW Adr (AB) (Valid) Hold from Wrt (S1, SI)[l] 300 300 ns TFAOB Adr (DB) (Active) Delay from ClKt (S1 )[2] TAFOB Adr (DB) (Float) Delay from ClKt (S2)[2] TASS Adr (DB) Setup to Adr Stbt (S1-S2)[1] 100 100 TAHS Adr (DB) (Valid) Hold from Adr Stbt (S2)[1] 20 20 TSTL Adr Stbi Delay from ClKt (S1) 200 200 ns TSTT Adr Stbt Delay from ClKt (S2) 140 140 ns TSW Adr Stb Width (S1-S2)[1] TASC 20 20 300 TSTT+20 2S0 ns 300 TSTT+20 170 ns ns ns . ns TCy-100 TCy-100 ns Rdt or Wr(Ext)t Delay from Adr Stb,l (S2)[1] 70 70 ns TOBC RDt OrWR\Ext),l Delay from Adr (DB) (Float) (S2) 1] 20 20 ns TAK DACKt or tDelay from ClKt (S2, S1) and TC/Markt Delay from ClKt (S3) and TC/Markt Delay from ClKt (S4)[4] 250 2S0 ns TOCL ROt or Wr(Ext),l Delay from ClK, (S2j and Wrt Delay from ClKt (S3)[2,5] 200 200 ns TOCT wrt Rdt Delay from ClK,l (S1, SI) and Delay from ClKt (S4)[2,6] 200 200 ns TFAC Rd or Wr (Active) from ClKt (S1 )[2] 300 300 ns TAFC RdiorWr (Active) from ClKt (S1)[2] 1S0 1S0 ns TRWM Rd Width (S2-S1 or SI)[l] TWWM WrWidth (S3-S4)[1] TWWME WR(Ext) Width (S2·S4)[1] 2TCy+TO-SO ns TCY-SO TCY-SO ns 2TCY-SO 2TCY-SO ns 2TCy+TO-SO NOTES: 1. Tracking Parameter. 2. Load = + 50 pF. 7. HLOA must remain stable during tHS. 3.. Load = VOH = 3.3\1. 4. ATAK < 50 ns. 2-88 5. ATOCL < 50 ns. 6. AToCT < 50 ns. 8259AI 8259A-2 18259A-8 PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER • iAPX 86, iAPX 88 Compatible • Individual Request Mask Capability • MCS-80®, MCS-85® Compatible • Single • Eight-Level Priority Controller • 28-Pin Dual-In-Line Package • Expandable to 64 Levels • Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range - Extended Temperature Range • Programmable Interrupt Modes + 5V Supply (No Clocks) The Intel'" 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller handles up to eight vectored priority interrupts for the CPU. It is cascadable for up to 64 vectored priority interrupts without additional circuitry. It is packaged in a 28·pin DIP, uses NMOS technology and requires a single + 5V supply. Circuitry is static, requiring no clock input. The 8259A is designed to minimize the software and real time overhead in handling multi·level priority interrupts. It has several modes, permitting optimization for a variety of system requirements. The 8259A is fully upward compatible with the Intel'" 8259. Software originally written for the 8259 8259A in all 8259 equivalent modes (MCS·80/85. Non·Buffered, Edge Triggered). °7-°0 DATA BUS BUFFER operate the CONTROL lOGIC Cs Wii i'i5' IRO IRI IR2 Ri5 WR cs CASO CASCADE CAS 1 Will Vee "0 iNfA 0, IR7 D. IR6 0,. IR5 D, IR4 D, IR3 D, IR2 D, IR1 Do IRO CASO INT CAS 1 SP/EN GND CAS2 BUFFERI COMPARATOR CAS2- SP/EN ~INTEANAl BUS Figure 1. Block Diagram Intel Corporatton Assumes No Responslbllty for the Use of Any CircUitry Other Than Clrcultrv Embodied ©INTEL CORPORATION, 1 9 8 0 ' 2-89 Figure 2. Pin Configuration In an Intel Product No Other Circuit Patent licenses afe Implied 8259A/8259A-218259A-8 Table 1. PI!, Description Symbol Name and Function Pin No. Type Vee 28 I Supply: +5V Supply. GND 14 I Ground. 1 I Chip Selact: A low on this pin enables RD and WR communication between the CPU and the 8259A. INTA functIons are independent of CS. WR 2, I Write: A low on this pin when CS is low enables the 8259A to accept command words from the CPU. RD 3 I Raad: A low on this pin when CS is low enables the 8259A to release status onto the data busforthe CPU. C§ 4-11 I/O Bidirectional Data Bus: Control, status a,nd Interrupt-vector information Is transferred via thIs bus. 12,13,15 I/O Cascade Lines: The CAS lines form a private 8259A bus to control a multiple 8259Astructure. These pins are outputs for a master 8259A and inputs for a sla~e 8259A. SP/EN 16 I/O Slave Program/Enable Buffer: This is a dual function pin. When In the Buffered Mode it can be used as an '!utput to control buffer transceivers (EN). When not in the buffered mode it is used as an input to designate a master (SP = 1) or slave (SP = 0). INT 17 0 Interrupt: This pin goes hIgh whenever a valid Interrupt request is asserted, It is used to interruptthe CPU, thus It IS connected to the CPl!'s interrupt pin. 18-25 I Interrupt Requests: Asynchronous Inputs. An Interrupt request is executed by raising an IR input (low to high), and holding it high until it is acknowledged (Edge Triggered Mode), or Just by a high level on an IR input (Level Triggered Mode). INTA 26 I Interrupt Acknowledge: ThIS pin Is used to enable 8259A interrupt-vector data onto the data bus by a sequence of interrupt acknowledge pulses Issued by the CPU. Ao 27 I AO Address Line: This pin acts in conjunction wIth the CS, WR, and RD pins. It IS used by the 8259A to decipher various Command Words the CPU writes and status the CPU wishes to read. It is typically connected to the CPU AO'l!ddress line (Al for iAPX 86, 88). 0-,-00 CASo-CAS2 IRO-IR7 2-90 inter 8259A/8259A-2/8259A-8 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Interrupts in Microcomputer Systems Microcomputer system design requires that 1/0 devices such as keyboards, displays, sensors and other com· ponents receive servicing in an efficient manner so that large amounts of the total system tasks can be assumed by the microcomputer with little or no effect on through· put. match his system requirements. The priority modes can be changed or reconfigured dynamically at any time duro ing the main program. This means that the complete interrupt structure can be defined as required, based on the total system environment. CPU-DRIVEN MULTIPLEXOR CPU The most common method of servicing such devices is the Polled approach. This is where the processor must test each device in sequence and in effect "ask" each one if it needs servicing. It is easy to see that a large por· tion of the main program is looping through this con· tinuous polling cycle and that such a method would have a serious, detrimental effect on system through· put, thus limiting the tasks that could be assumed by the microcomputer and reducing the cost effectiveness of using such devices. ---- --r~ ~Q \ RAM A more desirable method would be one that would allow the microprocessor to be executing its main program and only stop to service peripheral devices when it is told to do so by the device itself. In effect, the method would provide an external asynchronous input that would Inform the processor that it should complete whatever instruction that is currently being executed and fetch a new routine that will service the requesting device. Once this servicing is complete, however, the processor would resume exactly where it left off. ROM ~ ~ I )~ 1/0(11 1/0(2) ~ r-- r---, ~L ___ 1/0 IN} I J ...J V This method is called Interrupt. It is easy to see that system throughput would drastically increase, and thus more tasks could be assumed by the microcomputer to further enhance its cost effectiveness. Figure 3a. Polled Method The Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) functions as an overall manager in an Interrupt·Driven system environment. It accepts requests from the peripheral equipment, determines which of the incoming requests is of the highest importance (priority), ascertains whether the incoming request has a higher priority value than the level currently being serviced, and issues an interrupt to the CPU based on this determination. CPU .NT RAM Each peripheral device or structure usually has a special program or "routine" that is associated with its specific functional or operational requirements; this is referred to as a "service routine". The PIC, after issuing an Inter· rupt to the CPU, must somehow input information into the CPU that can "point" the Program Counter to the service routine associated with the requesting device. This "pointer" is an address In a vectoring table and will often be referred to, in this document, as vectoring data. 1/01'1 ROM I/O 121 The 8259A The 8259A is a device specifically deSigned for use in real time, interrupt driven microcomputer systems. It manages eight levels or requests and has built·ln fea· tures for expandabiiity to other 8259A's (up to 64 levels). It is programmed by the system's software as an 1/0 peripheral. A selection of priority modes is available to the programmer so that the manner in which the reo quests are processed by the 8259A can be configured to I I/O{N) I 1_____ J1 Figure 3b. Interrupt Method 2-91 inter 8259A/8259A-2/8259A-8 INTERRUPT REQUEST REGISTER (IRR) AND IN-SERVICE REGISTER (ISR) The interrupts at the IR input lines are handled by two registers in cascade, the Interrupt Request Register (IRR) and the In-Service Register (ISR). The IRR is used to store all the interrupt levels which are requesting service; and the ISR is used to store all the interrupt levels which are being serviced. PRIORITY RESOLVER This logic block determines the priorities of the bits set in the IRA. The highest priority is selected and strobed into the corresponding bit of the ISR during INTA pulse. INTERRUPT MASK REGISTER (IMR) The IMR stores the bits which mask the interrupt lines to be masked. The IMR operates on the IRA. Masking of a higher priority input will not affect the interrupt request lines of lower priority. INT (INTERRUPT) This output goes directly to the CPU interrupt input. The VOH level on this line is designed to be fully compatible with the 8080A, 8085A and 8086 input levels. Figure 4a. 8259A Block Diagram INTA (INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE) INTA pulses will cause the 8259A to release vectoring information onto the data bus. The format of this data depends on the system mode ("PM) of the 8259A. DATA BUS BUFFER This 3-state, bidirectional 8-bit buffer is used to interface the 8259A to the system Data Bus. Control words and status information are transferred through the Data Bus Buffer. ',-', READIWRITE CONTROL LOGIC The function of this block is to accept OUTput commands from the CPU. It contains the Initialization Command Word (ICW) registers and Operation Command Word (OCW) registers which store the various control formats for device operation. This function block also allows the status of the 8259A to be transferred onto the Data Bus. ~ CS (CHIP SELECT) If\lHRfIIAl 8US A LOW on this input enables the 8259A. No reading or writing of the chip will occur unless the device is selected. Figure 4b. 8259A Block Diagram WR(WRITE) A LOW on this input enables the CPU to write control words (leWs and OCWs) to the 8259A. Ao This input signal is used in conjunction with WR and RD signals to write comr;nands into the various command registers, as well as reading the various status registers of the chip. This line can be tied directly to one of the address lines. RD (READ) A LOW on this input enables the 8259A to send the status of the Interrupt Request Register (IRR), In Service Register (ISR), the Interrupt Mask Register (IMR), or. the Interrupt level onto the Data Bus. 2-92 8259A18259A-2/8259A-8 THE CASCADE BUFFER/COMPARATOR This function block stores and compares the IDs of all 8259A's used in the system. The associated three 1/0 pins (CASO-2) are outputs when the 8259A is 'used as a master and are inputs when the 8259A is used as a slave. As a master, the 8259A sends the 10 of the inter· rupting slave device onto the CASO-2 lines. The slave thus selected will send its preprogrammed subroutine address onto the Data Bus during the next one or two consecutive INTA pulses. (See section "Cascading the 8259A".) If no interrupt request is present at step 4 of either sequence (Le., the request was too short in duration) the 8259A will issue an interrupt level 7. Both the vectoring bytes and the CAS lines will look like an interrupt level 7 was req uested. INTERRUPT SEQUENGE The powerful features of the 8259A in a microcomputer system are its programmability and the interrupt routine addressing capability. The latter allows direct or indirect jumping to the specific interrupt routine requested without any polling of the interrupting devices. The nor· mal sequence of events during an interrupt depends on the type of CPU being used. The events occur as follows in an MCS·80/85 system: 1. One or more of the INTERRUPT REQUEST lines (IR7-0) are raised high, selling the corresponding IRR bit(s). 2. The 8259A evaluates these requests, and sends an INT to the CPU, if appropriate. 3. The CPU acknowledges the INT and responds with an INTA pulse. 4. Upon receiving an' INTA from the CPU group, the highest priority ISR bit is set, and the corresponding IRR bit is reset. The 8259A will also release a CALL instruction code, (11001101) onto the 8-bit Data Bus through'its 07-0 pins. 5. This CALL instruction will initiate two more INTA pulses to be sent to the 8259A from the CPU group. 6. These two INTA pulses allow the 8259A to release its preprogrammed subroutine address onto the Data Bus. The lower 8-bit address is released at the first INTA pulse and and the higher 8-bit address is released at the second INTA pulse. 7. This completes the 3-byte CALL instruction released by the 8259A. In the AEOI mode the ISR bit is reset at the end of the third INTA pulse. Otherwise, the ISR bit remains set until an appropriate EOI command is issued at the end of t,he interrupt sequence. SPIE'N _ __ ~INlEflNAl8US Figure 4c. 8259A Block Diagram The events occurring in an iAPX 86 system are the same until step 4. 4. Upon receiving an INTA from the CPU group, the highest priOrity ISR bit is set and the corresponding IRR bit is reset. The 8259A does not drive the Data Bus during this cycle. 5. The iAPX 86/10 will initiate a second INTA pulse. During this pulse, the 8259A releases an 8-bit pointer onto the Data Bus where it is read by the CPU. I INTERRUPT REQUESTS 6. This completes the interrupt cycle. In the AEOI mode the ISR bit is reset at the end of the second INTA pulse. Otherwise, the ISR bit remains set until an appropriate EOI command is issued at the end of the interrupt subroutine. ,Figure 5. 8259A Interface to Standard System Bus 2-93 inter 8259A18259A-2/8259A-8 INTERRUPT SEQUENCE OUTPUTS MCS-80®, MCS~85® This sequence is timed by three INTA pulses. During the first INTA pulse the CALL opcode is enabled onto the data bus. Content 01 First Interrupt Vector Byte 07 I CALL CODE 06 1 05 04 0 0 03 02 01 not issue any data to the processor and leaves its data bus buffers disabled. On the second interrupt acknowledge cycle In iAPX 86 mode the master (or slave if so programmed) will send a byte of data to the processor with the acknowledged interrupt code composed as follows' (note the state of the ADI mode control is ignored and As-All are unused in iAPX 86 mode):" Content 01 Interrupt Vector Byte lor IAPX 86 System Mode 00 1 I 07 IR7 IR6 IR5 IR4 IR3 IR2 IRI IRO During the second fIiIiA pulse the lower address of the appropriate service routine is enabled onto the data bus. When Interval = 4 bits As-A7 are programmed, while AoA4 are automatically inserted by the 8259A. When Inter· val = 8 only As and A7 are programmed, while Ao-As are automatically inserted. Content 01 Second Interrupt Vector Byte IR 7 S S 4 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 06 AS AS .AS AS AS AS A6 A6 05 AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS 04 1 1 1 1 03 1 1 02 1 01 00 0 0 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 OS T5 T5 T5 TS T5 T5 T5 T5 04 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 '03 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 02 01 1 1 1 1 1 0 DO 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 06 A6 A6 AS A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 05 1 '1 1 1 04 1 1 03 02 01 00 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 InteN,I=8 PROGRAMMING THE 8259A The 8259A accepts two types of command words gener· ated by the CPU: 1. Initialization Command Words (JCWs): Before normal operation can begin, each 8259A in the system must be brought to a starting point - by a sequence of 2 to 4 bytes timed by WR pulses. 2. Operation Command Words (OCWs): These are the command words which command the 8259A to oper· ate in various interrupt modes. These modes are: a. Fully nested mode b. Rotating priority mode c. Special mask mode d. Polled mode The OCWs can be written into the 8259A anytime after initialization. INITIALIZATION COMMAND WORDS (ICWS) GENERAL During the third INTA pulse the higher address of the appropriate service routine, which was programmed as byte 2 of the initialization sequence (As - A 1s), is enabled onto the bus. 07 A1S T7 OS T6 T6 TS TS TS T6 T6 TEl Interv.I.4 07 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 IR 7 6 S 4 T7 Content 01 Third Interrupt Vector Byte 06 05 04 03 02 A14 A13 A1l A10 A12 01 DO A9 AS Whenever a command is issued with AO = 0 and D4 = 1, this is interpreted as Initialization Command Word 1 (ICW1). ICW1 starts the initialization sequence during which the following automatically occur. a. The edge sense circuit is reset, which means that following initialization, an interrupt request (IR) input must make a low-to-high transition to generate an interrupt. b. The Interrupt Mask Register is cleared. c. IR7 input is assigned priority 7. d. The slave mode address is set to 7. e. Special Mask Mode is cleared and Status Read is set to IRR. f. If IC4=O, then all functions selected in ICW4 are set to zero. (Non-Buffered mode', no Auto-EOI, MCS-80, 85 system). iAPX 86, iAPX 88 iAPX 86 mode is similar to MCS-80 mode except that only two Interrupt Acknowledge cycles are issued by the processor and no CALL opcode is sEmt to the processor. The first interrupt acknowledge cycle is similar to that of MCS-80, 85 systems in that the 8259A uses it to internally freeze the state of the interrupts for priority resolution and as a master it issues the interrupt code on the cascade lines attheend of the INTA pulse. On this first cycle it does • Note: Mast~rlSlave In ICW4 IS only used in the buffered mode. 2-94 intJ 8259A18259A-2/8259A-8 INITIALIZATION COMMAND WORD 3 (ICW3) INITIALIZATION COMMAND WORDS 1 AND 2 (lCW1, ICW2) This word is read only when there is more than one 8259A in the system and cascading is used, in which case SNGL = O. It will load the 8·bit slave register. The functions of this register are: A5-A 15: Page starting address of service routines. In an MCS 80/85 system, the 8 request levels will generate CALLs to 8 locations equally spaced in memory. These can be programmed to be spaced at intervals of 4 or 8 memory locations, thus the 8 routines will occupy a page of 32 or 64 bytes, respectively. The address format is 2 bytes long (Ao-A15)' When the routine interval is 4, Ao-A4 are automatically inserted by the 8259A, while A5-A 15 are programmed externally. When the routine interval is 8, Ao-A5 are automatically inserted by the 8259A, while As-A15 are programmed externally. The 8·byte interval will maintain compatibility with cur· rent software, while the 4·byte interval is best for a com· pact jump table. ' In an iAPX 86 system A1S-A11 are inserted in the five most significant bits of the vectoring byte and the 8259A sets the three least significant bits according to the interrupt level. A1O-AS are ignored and ADI (Address interval) has no effect. LTIM: If LTIM=1, then the 8259A will operate in the level Interrupt mode. Edge detect logic on the Interrupt inputs will be disabled. ADI: CALL address Interval. ADI = 1 then interval = 4; ADI = 0 then Interval = 8. If this bit Is set - ICW4 has to be read. If ICW4 Is not needed, set IC4 = O. NO (SINGL = SFNM: If SFNM = 1 the special fully nested mode is programmed. BUF: If BUF = 1 the b'uffered mode is programmed, In buffered mode SP/EN becomes an enable output and the masterlslave determination is by MIS. MIS: If buffered mode is selected: MIS = 1 means the 8259A is programmed to be a master, MIS = 0 means the 8259A is programmed to be a slave. If BUF = 0, MIS has no function. AEOI: If AEOI 1 the automatic end of interrupt mode is programmed. "PM: Microprocessor mode: I'PM = 0 sets the 8259A for MCS-80, 85 system operation. I'PM = 1 sets the 8259A for iAPX 86 system operation. = SNGL: Single. Means that this Is the only 8259A In the system. If SNGL= 1 no ICW3 will be issued. IC4: a. In the master mode (either when SP = 1, or in buffered mode when M/S= 1 in ICW4) a "1" is set for each slave in the system. The master then will release byte 1 of the call sequence (for MCS·80/85 system) and will enable the corresponding slave to release bytes 2 and 3 (for iAPX 86 only byte 2) through the cascade lines. b. In the slave mode (either when SP = 0, or If BUF = 1 and MIS = 0 in ICW4) bits 2-0 identify the slave. The slave'compares its cascade input with these bits and, if they are equal, bytes 2 and 3 of the call sequence (or just byte 2 for iAPX 86 are released by it on the Data Bus. INITIALIZATION COMMAND WORD 4 (lCW4) 1) NO (IC4 =- 0) Figure 6. Initialization Sequence 2-95 8259A/8259A·2/8259A·8 ICWl 1 leW4 NEEDEO o ~ NO lew.. NEEDED 1 '" SINGLE CASCADE MODE o= CALL A[,OAESS INTERVAL 1 ~ INTERVAL OF,. o~ INTERVAL OF B 1 '" LEVEL TRIGGERED MODE 0= EDGE TRIGGERED~MODE A7-A5 01 INTERRUPT VECTOR ADDRESS (Mes·aO/85 MODE ONL Y) A 15 -"8 OF INTERRUPT VECTOR ADDRESS (McsaD/85 MODE) T 7- T3 OF INTERRUPT VECTOR ADDRESS (808618088 MODE) ICW) IMASTER DEVICE) 1 - IF! INPUT HAS A SLAVE o . IR INPuT DOES NOT HAVE A SLAVE o o. 1 1 1 1 1 "" 8086/8088 MODE 0= MeS-SO/85 MODE 1 AUTO EOI O· NORMAl EOI lliE 1 1 x 0 1 NON BUFFERED MODE - BUFFEReD MODE/SLAVE - BUFFERED MODE/MASTER 1 :: SPECIAL FULLY NESTED '--------~-l NOTE 1: SLAVE 10 IS EQUAL TO THE CORRESPONDING MASTER IR INPUT 0 = ~gf~PECIAL FULLY NESTED MODE Figure 7. Initialization Command Word Format 2-96 8259A/8259A-2/8259A-8 OPERATION COMMAND WORDS (OCWS) OPERATION CONTROL WORD 1 (OCW1) After the Initialization Command Words (ICWs) are programmed into the 8259A, the chip Is ready to accept Interrupt requests at its input lines. However, during the 8259A operation, a selection of algorithms can command the 8259A to operate in various modes through the Operation Command Words (OCWs). OCW1 sets and clears the mask bits in the interrupt Mask Register (IMR). M 7 - Mo represent the eight mask bits. M = 1 indicates the channel is masked (inhibited), M 0 indicates the channel is enabled. = OPERATION CONTROL WORD 2 (OCW2) R, SL, EOI - These three bits control the Rotate and End of Interrupt modes and combinations of the two. A chart of these combinations can be found on the Operation Command Word Format. OPERATION CONTROL WORDS (OCWs) oew1 AO ~ 07 I M7 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO M6 M5 M4 M3 M2 Ml MO L2 , L 1 , Lo-These bits determine the interrupt level acted upon when the SL bit is active. I OPERATIClN CONTROL WORD 3 (OCW3) oeW2 0 I R SL EOI 0 0 L2 Ll LO oeW3 0 0 ESMM SMM 0 P RR RIS ESMM - Enable Special Mask Mode. When this bit is set to 1 it enables the SMM bit to set or reset the Special Mask Mode. When ESMM = 0 the SMM bit becomes a "don't care". I SMM - Special Mask Mode. If ESMM = 1 and SMM = 1 the 8259A will enter Special Mask Mode. If ESMM = 1 and SMM = 0 the 8259A will revert to normal mask mode. When ESMM = 0, SMM has no effect. I 2-97 8259A/8259A-2/8259A-8 DCW' 0, 0, INTERRUPT MASK 1 - MASK SET o • MASK . RESET DCW. 0, 0, D. D. 03 0, 0, 0" I' " I "I I • I • I I I I EO' L, L, L, • • • • I r l ,r.-r., ct. r+ P,7, , 1010 • r,-rt , r,-r,- r,-I;T tIt:!: •• , , • • IRLEYIlTOIE ACTED . . . . , •, • ,•••, , •, •, , ••, , , , , , • I l NON-SPECIFIC EOICOMMAND SPeCIFIC EOI COiIWAND IND OF INTERRUPT } A01lUE ON NDN-8PECIFIC EOI COMMAND RO'WE IN AUTOMATIC EOI MODE (8E1) ROTATE .. AUTOMA'IlC EOI MODI (CLEAR) AUTOMATIC AO'IUION l *ROTATE ON SPECIFIC EOI COMMAND *8ET PRKNUTY COMIIIAND NO OPERATION SPECIFIC R01JQ1ON "LO-U:AR£U8I!D DCW' I . I I'WMI I • I ' I I I·IS I 0 SMM p RR I L ., READ RmIITER COMMAND 0 I 1 • I • NO ACTION " I , 1 .EAD IR REG READ ONNE'(T ON NEXT RDPULSE RDPULSE ISREG 1.. POLLCOMMAHD D"'NO POLL COMMAND J SPECIAL MASK MODE • I , • I • •, RESET NO ACTION SPECIAL MASK FIgure 8. OperatIon Command Word Format 2-98 , , SET SPECIAL MASK 8259A!8259A-2/8259A-8 FULLY NESTED MODE This mode is entered after initialization unless another mode is programmed. The interrupt requests are ordered in priority form 0 through 7 (0 highest). When an interrupt is acknowledged the highest priority request is determined and its vector placed on the bus. Additional· Iy, a bit of the Interrupt Service register (ISO-7) is set. This bit remains set until the microprocessor issues an End of Interrupt (EOI) command immediately before returning from the service routine, or if AEOI (Automatic End of Interrupt) bit is set, until the trailing edge of the last INTA. While the IS bit is set, all furtfier interrupts of the same or lower priority are inhibited, while higher levels will generate an interrupt (which will be acknowledged only if the microprocessor internal Interrupt enable flip-flop has been re-enabled through software). AUTOMATIC ROTATION (Equal Priority Devices) In some applications there are a number of Interrupting deviees of equal priority. In this mode a device, after being serviced, receives the lowest priority, so a device requesting an interrupt will have to walt, in the worst case until each of 7 other devices are serviced at most once. For example, if the priority and "In service" status is: Before Rotate (IR4 the highest priority requiring service) IS7 "IS" Status lSI IS5 1114 IS3 IS2 lSI Hlghel~rlOrity Lowelt Priority Priority Status After the Initialization sequence, IRO has the highest priority and IR7 the lowest. Priorities can be changed, as will be explained, In the rotating priority mode. ISO 10ltlol101010101 718 1 1 5 14 13 12 1 lfo 1 After Rota.e (lR4 was serviced, all other priorities rotated correspondingly) END OF INTERRUPT (EOI) The In Service (IS) bit can be reset either automatically following the trailing edge of the last in sequence INTA pulse (when P.EOI bit in ICW1 is set) or by a command word that must be Issued to the 8259A before returning from a service routine (EOI command). An EOI command must be issued twice if in the Cascade mode, once for the master and once for the corresponding slave. IS7 lSI IS5 1114 IS3 182 lSI ISO 101 1 1010101010101 Highe" Priority Priority Status There are two forms of EOI command: Specific and NonSpecific. When the 825!!A is operated In modes which preserve the fully nested structure, it can determine which IS bit to reset on EOL When a Non-Specific EOI command is issued the 8259A will automatically reset the highest IS bit of those that are set, since In the fully nested mode the highest IS level was necessarily the last level acknowledged and serviced. A non-specific EOI can be issued with OCW2 (EOI = 1, SL = 0, R = 0). L_e.. Priority 12 1)0 17EGS 4 I 31 There are two ways to accomplish Automatic Rotation using OCW2, the Rotation on Non-Specific EOI Command (R = 1, SL = 0, EOI ,;, 1) and the Rotate in Automatic EOI Mode which is set by (R = 1, SL = 0, EOI = 0) and cleared by (R = 0, SL = 0, EOI = 0). SPECIFIC ROTATION (Specific Priority) When a mode IS used which may disturb the fully nested structure, the 8259A may no longer be able to determine the last level acknowledged. In this case a Specific End of Interrupt must be issued which includes·as part onhe command the IS level to be-reset. A specific EOI can be issued with OCW2 (EOI = 1, SL = 1, R = 0, and LO-L2 is the binary level of the IS bit to be reset). The programmer can change priorities by programming the bottom priority and thus fixing all other priorities; i.e., if IR5 is programmed as the bottom priority device, then IR6 will have the highest one. It should be noted that an IS bit that is ma'sked by an IMR bit will not be cleared by a non-specific EOI if the 8259A is in the Special Mask Mode. Observe that in this mode internal status is updated by software control during OCW2. However, it is independent of the End of Interrupt (EOI) command (also executed by OCW2). Priority changes can be executed during an EOI command by using the Rotate on Specific EOI command in OCW2 (R = 1, SL = 1, EOI = 1 and LO-L2 = IR level to receive bottom priority). The Set Priority command is issued in OCW2 where: R= 1, SL = 1; LO-L2lsthebinary priority level codeofthe bottom priority device. AUTOMATIC END OF INTERRUPT (AEOI) MODE If AEOI = 1 In ICW4, then 'the 8259A will operate in AEOI mode continuously until reprogrammed by ICW4. In this mode the 8259A will automatically perform a nonspecific EOI operation at the trailing edge of the last interrupt acknowledge pulse (third pulse in MCS-80/85, second in iAPX 86). Note that from a system standpoint, this mode should be used only when a nested multilevel interrupt structure is not required within a single 8259A. INTERRUPT MASKS Each Interrupt Request Input can be masked Individually by the Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) programmed through OCW1. Each bit in the IMR masks one interrupt channel If It is set (1). Bit 0 masks IRO, Bit 1 masks IR1 and so forth. Masking an IR channel does not affect the other channels operation. The AEOI !TIode can only be used in a master 8259A and not a slave. 2-99 8259A18259A-2/8259A-8 SPECIAL MASK MODE POLL COMMAND Some applications may require an interrupt service routine to dynamically alter the system priority structure during its execution under software control. For example, the routine may wish to inhibit lower priority requests for a portion of its execution but enable some of them for another portion. . In this mode the INT output is not used or the microprocessor internal Interrupt Enable flip-flop is reset, disabling its interrupt input. Service to devices is achieved by software using a Poll command. The Poll command is issued by setting P= "1" in OCW3. The 8259A treats the next RD pulse to the 8259A (i.e., RD = 0, CS = 0) as an interrupt acknowledge, sets the appropriate IS bit if there is a request, and reads the· priority level. Interrupt is frozen from WR to RD. The difficulty here is that if an Interrupt Request is acknowledged and an End of Interrupt command did not reset its IS bit (i.e., while executing service routine), the 8259A would have inhibited all lower priority requests with no easy way for the routine to enable them a The word enabled onto the data bus during ~ is: 07 That is where the Special Mask Mode comes in. In the special Mask Mode, when a mask bit is set in OCW1, it inhibits further interrupts at that level and enables interrupts from al/ other levels (lower as well as higher) that are not masked. I 05 04 03 02 01 00 W2 Wl wol WO-W2: Binary code of the highest priority level requesting service. I: Equal to a "1" if there is an interrupt. Thus, any interrupts may be selectively enabled by loading the mask register. This mode is useful if there is a routine command common to several levels so that the Ilii1'A sequence is not needed (saves ROM space). Another application is to use the poll mode to expand the number of priority levels to more than 64. The special Mask Mode is set by OCW3 where: SSMM=1, SMM=1, and cleared where SSMM=1, SMM=O. l TIM BtT De I TO OTHER PAtORTY CELLS O=EDGE ,:: lEIJEl EDGE +___+-_+__ SENSE ~LA~TC~H~+-_ _ SET de is programmed using bit 3 in ICW1. If LTIM = '0', an interrupt request will be recognized by a low to high transition on an IR input. The IR input can remain high without generating another interrupt. If LTIM = '1', an interrupt request will be recognized by a 'high' level on IR Input, and there is no need for an edge detection. The interrupt request must be removed before the EOI command is issued or the CPU interrupt is enabled to prevent a second interrupt from occurring. The priority cell diagram shows a conceptual circuit of the level sensitive and edge sensitive input circuitry of the 8259A. Be sure to note that the request latch is a transpare.nt D type later. In both the edge and level triggered modes the IR inputs must remain high until after the falling edge of the first INTA. If the IR input goes low before this time a DEFAULT IR7 will occur when the CPU acknowledges the interrupt. This can be a useful safeguard for detecting interrupts caused by spurious noise glitches on the IR inputs. To implement this feature the IR7 routine is used for "clean up" simply executing a return instruction, thus ignoring the interrupt. If IR7 is needed for other purposes a default IR7 can still be detected by reading the ISR. A normal IR7 interrupt will set the corresponding ISR bit, a default IR7 won't. If a default IR7 routine occurs during a normallR7 routine, however, the ISR will remain set. In this case it is necessary to keep track of whether or not the IR7 routine was previously entered. If another IR7 occurs it is a default. IR 8086/8088 INT 8080/8085 -----+--' 8086/8088 INTA -----f------~ 8080/8085 LATCH" ARMED EARLIEST IR 'EDGE TRIGGERED MODe ONLY CAN BE REMOVED Figure 10. IR Triggering Timing Requirements 2-101 LArCH" ARMED 8259A/8259A-2/8259A-8 THE SPECIAL FULLY NESTED MODE mode, whenever the 8259A's data bus outputs are ena· bled, the SP/EN output becomes active. This mode will be used in the case of a ')Ig system where cascading is used, and the priority has to be con· served within each slave. In this case the fully nested mode will be programmed to the master (using ICW4). This mode is similar to the normal nested mode with the following exceptions: This modification forces the use of software program· ming to determine whether the 8259A is a master or a slave. Bit 3 in ICW4 programs the buffered mode, and bit 2 in ICW4 determines whether it is a master or a slave. CASCADE MODE a. When an interrupt request from a certain slave is in service this slave is not locked out from the master's priority logic and further interrupt requests from higher priority IR's within the slave will be recognized by the master and will initiate interrupts to the proc· essor. (In the normal nested mode a slave is masked out when its request is in service and no higher requests from the same slave can be s,erviced.) The 8259A can be easily interconnected in a system of one master with up to eight slaves to handle up to 64 priority levels. . The master controls the slaves through the 3 line cascade bus. The cascade bus acts like chip selects to the slaves during the INTA sequence. In a cascade configuration, the slave interrupt outputs are connected to the master interrupt request inputs. When a slave request line is activated and afterwards acknowledged, the master will enable the corresponding slave to release the device routine address during bytes 2 and 3 of INTA. (Byte 2 only for 8086/8088). b. When exiting the Interrupt Service routine the soft· ware has to check whether the interrupt serviced was the only one from that slave. This is done by sending a non·specific End of Interrupt (EOI) command to the slave and then reading its In·Service register and checking for zero. If it is empty, a non·specific EOI can be sent to the master too. If not, no EOI should be sent. The cascade bus lines are normally low and will contain the slave address code from the trailing edge of the first INTA pulse to the trailing edge of the third pulse. Each 8259A in the system must follow a separate initialization sequence and can be programmed to work in a different mode. An EOI command must be issued twice: once for the master and once for the corresponding slave. An address decoder is required to activate the Chip Select (CS) input of each 8259A. BUFFERED MODE When the 8259A is used in a large system where bus driving buffers are required on the data bus and the cas· cadlng mode Is used, there exists the problem of enabl· Ing buffers. The buffered mode will structure the 8259A to send an enable signal on SP/EN to enable the buffers. In this The cascade lines of the Master 8259A are activated only for slave inputs, non slave inputs leave the cascade line inactive (low). \ ADDRESS BuS (16) \ CONTROL BUS , \ \ INT REO \ \ OAT A BUS (8) - - --- - --r- - --- -- - r- -- - - - -- - r- Ao ,,00-7 INT INTA '0 CS CASO 82S9A CAS 1 SLAVE A SPIEN7 GrO 5 • J 2 J 2 I I• I 1• 1 1 1 I 6 5 I 00-7 ~lAVE SPIEN7 6 G!O 11 ] 6 IN' INTA CASO 8259A I - I- iTl - - I 1-' cs - 5 4 e J 2 1 CAS 1 CAS 1 CAS 2 0 • 3 2 1 0 I INTERRUPT REQUESTS Figure 11. Cascading the 8259A 2-102 Ao 00·7 INTA INT 8259A CAS 2 1 1 1111 5 CS CASO MASTER SPIENM7 M6 M5 M4 M3 M2 Ml MO lel,l.l 1 I, •• !! 1 0 I 8259A/8259A·2/8259A·8 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* 'NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Ambient Temperature Under Bias .......... O°C to 70°C Storage Temperature .............. - 65°C to + 150°C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground ............. -0.5V to + 7V Power Dissipation .......................... 1 Watt D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol [TA = O"C to 70"C, Vee Parameter Vil input Low Voltage = 5V ±5% (8259A-8), vee = 5V ±10% (8259A, 8259A-2)l Min. -0.5 VIH Input High Voltage Val Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage VOH(lNT) Interrupt Output High Voltage 2.0' Max. Units 0.8 V Test Conditions Vee +0.5V V 0.45 V IOl 2.4 V IOH - -400p,A 3.5 V IOH 2.4 V IOH = 2.2mA = = -100p,A -400p,A III Input Load Current -10 +10 p,A OV ,,;;VIN ,,;;Vee ILOl Output Leakage Current -10 p,A 0.45V ,,;;VOUT ,,;;Vee Icc Vee Supply Current +10 85 mA ILiR IR Input Load Current -300 p,A VIN - 0 10 p,A VIN 'Note: For Extended Temperature EXPRESS V 1H CAPACITANCE (TA = Vee = 2.3V. = 25°C; Vee = GND = OV) Symbol Parameter Max. Unit Test Conditions CIN Input Capacitance Min. Typ. 10 pF fc = 1 MHZ Clio I/O Capacitance 20 pF Unmeasured pins returned to Vss A.C. CHARACTERISTICS [TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = 5V ±5% (8259A-8), Vee = 5V ± 10% (8259A, 8259A-2)l TIMING REQUIREMENTS Symbol Parameter 8259A-8 Min. Max. 8259A Min. Max. 8259A-2 Min. Units TAHRL AO/CS Setup to RD/INTAI, 50 0 0 ns TRHAX AO/CS Hold after RD/INTAt 5 0 0 ns TRLRH RD Pulse Width 420 235 160 ns TAHWL AO/CS Setup to WR~ 50 0 0 ns TWHAX AO/CS Hold after WRt 20 0 0 ns TWLWH WR Pulse Width 400 290 190 ns TDVWH Data Setup to WRt 300 240 160 ns TWHDX Data Hold after WRt 40 0 0 ns TJLJH Interrupt Request Width (Low) 100 100 100 ns TCVIAL Cascade Setup to Second orThird INTAj, (Slave Only) 55 55 40 ns TRHRL End of RD to next RD End of INTA to next INTA within an INTA sequence only 160 160 160 ns TWHWL End ofWR to nexlWR 190 190 190 ns 2-103 Test Conditions Max. See Note 1 8259A/8259A-2/8259A-8 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Symbol Min. 'TCHCL 8259A 8259A·8 Parameter End of Command to next Command (Not same command type) Max. Min. 500 8259A·2 Max. Min. 500 Units Test Conditions Max. 500 ns End of INTA sequence to next INTA sequence. • Worst case timing for TCHCL In an actual microprocessor system IS tYPically much greater than 500 ns (I.e. 8085A = 1.6I's, 8085A·2 = 11's, 8086 = 11's, 8086·2 = 625 ns) NOTE: This is the low time required to clear the input latch in the edge triggered mode. TIMING RESPONSES Min. TRLDV 8259A 8259A·8 Parameter Symbol Max. Data Valid from RD !lNTAI 8259A·2 Max. Min. 300 Units Test Conditions Max. Min. 200 120 ns C of Data Bus= 100 pF C of Data Bus Max text C = 100 pF Min. test C = 15 pF TRHDZ Data Float after RD !lNTA T 85 ns TJHIH Interrupt Output Delay 400 350 300 ns TIALCV Cascade Valid from First INTAI (Master Only) 565 565 360 ns CINT = 100 pF CCASCADE = 100 pF 10 200 10 100 10 TRLEL Enable Active from RD I or INTAI 160 125 100 ns TRHEH Enable Inactive from ROT or INTA T 325 150 150 ns TAHDV Data Valid from Stable Address 350 200 200 ns TCVDV Cascade Valid to Valid· Data 300 300 200 ns A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM INPUT/OUTPUT '.'=X > 2.0 TEST POINTS 0.8 045 A C TESTING < )C 2.0 DEVICE '1CL~100PF UNDER TEST 0.8 INPUTS ARE DRIVEN AT 2 4V FOR A LOGIC 1 AND 0 45V FOR A LOGIC 0 TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 2 OV FOR A LOGIC 1 AND 0 BV FOR A lOGIC 0 C L = 100 pF CL INCLUDES JIG CAPACITANCE WAVEFORMS WRITE TWLWH \ Ci ADDRESS IUS ) TAHWL - - TWHAX ~ K -TDVWH- .) DATA IUS 2-104 -TWHDX r- 8259A/8259A-2/8259A-8 WAVEFORMS (Continued) READ/INTA ROONTA------------~ 1 - - - - - - TRLRH------i ,'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ TRLEL i " TRHAX TAHRL C I - - - - -...... ADDRESS BUS "" _ _ _ _ _ _ _J -_-~-~~91._ DATA BUS- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ T_R_HD_Z___'I_ m m OTHER TIMING All fNfA WR All lIITA Wi! All I~A \ \ \ A=TRHRL~ !F=TWHWL=1\ / / c~""~ / 2-105 82S9A/8'2S9A-2/82S9A-8 1 WAVEFORMS (Continued) INTA SEQUENCE 'R /' 'NT-------' 'NTA-----------------~ -- -0-- 01------- _____ _ _TCVIAL TCYDY C02-------------________~----~L4-------L-----L-L--------------~-TIALCV---.--.- NOTES: Interrupt output must remain HIGH at least 'until leading edge of first INTA. 1. Cycle 1 in iAPX B6, iAPX BB systems, the Data Bus is not active. 2-106 inter 8755A 18755A-2 16,384-8IT EPROM WITH 1/0 • 2048 Words x 8 Bits • 2 General Purpose 8·Bit 110 Ports • Single + 5V Power Supply (Vee> • Each 1,O Port Line Individually Programmable as Input or Output • Directly Compatible with 808SA and 8088 Microprocessors • Multiplexed Address and Data Bus • 40·Pin DIP • U.V. Erasable and Electrically Reprogrammable • Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range - Extended Temperature Range • Internal Address Latch The Intel@ 8755A is an erasable and electrically reprogrammable ROM (EPROM) and 1/0 chip to be used in the 8085AH and iAPX 88 microprocessor systems. The EPROM portion is organized as 2048 words by 8 bits It has a maximum access time of 450 ns to permit use with no wait states in an 8085AH CPU. The 1/0 portion consists of 2 general purpose 1/0 ports. Each 1/0 port has 8 port lines, and each 1/0 port line is individually • programmable as input or output. The 8755A-2 IS a high speed selected version of the 8755A compatible with the 5 MHz 8085AH-2 and the 5 MHz iAPX 88 microprocessor. ClK----' ClK PB, PBs READV----I PB. PBa PB, Aa--10 _ _- V CE,----ooj IOiM---.J 2K)( 8 EPROM AlE---.J Ril---.J IOW---.J G G .... PB, PAo-7 ~-~/ PB, lOW PA-, ALE PA, PA, AD, PA. AD, RESET---.J ADa PAi iOR---+I AD. PA, AD, PA, PROG/CE, V DD - - - ' - - - ' AlO Vee (+5V) AD, ' - - - - Vss (OVI Vss Figure 2. Pin Configuration Figure 1. Block Diagram Intel Corporabon Assumes No Responslbllty for the Use of Any Circuitry Other Than Circuitry Embodied In an Intel Product No Other Circuit Patent Licenses are Implied © INTEL CORPORATION. 1980 2-107 8755A/8755A-2 Table 1. Pin Description" Type Name and Function Symbol lYpe ALE Symbol I Address latch Enable: When Address latch Enable goes high, ADO-7, 10/M, As-Hi, CE2, and CE, enter t~ address latches. The signals (AD, 10/M ADs-,o, CE2, eEl) are latched in at the trailing edge of ALE. READY 0 Ready is a 3·state output controlled by CE" CE2, ALE and ClK. READY is forc· ed low when the Chip Enables are active during the time ALE is high, and reo mains low until the rising edge of the next ClK. (See Figure 6c.) ADo-7 I Bidirectional Address/Data Bus: The lower 8-bits of the PROM or I/O address are applied to the bus lines when ALE is high. PAO-7 I/O Port A: These are general purpose I/O pins. Their input/output direction is determined by the contents of Data Direction Register (DDR). Port A is selected for write operations when the Chip Enables are active and lOW is low and a 0 was previously latched from ADo, AD,. During an 110 cycle, Port A or B is selected based on the latched value of ADo. IF RD or lOR is low when the latched Chip Enables are active, th}e output buffers present data on the bus. As-,o I Address Bus: These are the high order bits of the PROM address. They do not affect 110 operations. PROG/CE, CE2 I Chip Enable Inputs: CE, is active low and CE2 is active high. The 8755A can be accessed only when both Chip Enables are active at the time the ALE signal latches them up. If either Chip Enable input is nof active, the ADo-7 and READY outputs will be in a high impedance state.CE, is also used as a programming pin. (See section on programming.) IO/M I 110 Memory: If the latched 10/M IS high when RD is low, the output data comes from an I/O port. If it is low the oulput data comes from the PROM. RD I Read: If the latched Chip Enables are active when RD goes low, the ADo-7 output buffers are enabled and output either the selected PROM location or I/O port. When both RD and lOR are high, the ADo-7 output buffers are 3-stated. lOW I I/O Write: If the latched Chip Enables are active, a Iowan lOW causes the output port pointed to by the latched value of ADo to be writte'!..wlth the data on ADo-7. The state of 10/M is ignored. ClK I Clock: The ClK is used to force the READY into its high impedan~state after it has been forced low by GE, low, CE2 high, and ALE high. Name and Function Read Operation is selected by either lOR low and active C~ Enables and ADo and AD, low, or 10/M high, RD low, active Chip Enables, and ADo and AD, low. PBO-7 I/O Port B: This general purpose I/O port is identical to Port A except that It is selected by a 1 latched from ADo and a'O from AD,. RESET I Reset: In normal operation, an input high on RESET causes all pins In Ports A and B to assume input mode (clear DDR register). lOR I I/O Read: When the Chip Enables are active, a Iowan lOR will output the selected I/O port onto the AD bus. TOfi low performs the s~me functio~s the combination of 10/M high and RD low. When lOR is not used in a system, lOR should be tied to Vee ("1"). Vee Power: +5 volt supply. Vss Ground: Reference. Voo Power Supply: Voo is a programming voltage, and must be tied to Vee when the 8755A is being read. For programming, a high voltage is supplied with Voo = 25V, typical. (See section on programming.) 2-108 8755A/8755A-2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 8755A ONE BIT OF PORT A AND ODR A PROM Section The 8755A contains an 8-bit address latch which allows it to interface directly to MCS-48, MCS-85 and iAPX 88/10 Microcomputers without additional hardware. The PROM section of the chip is addressed by the 11-bit address and the Chip Enables. The address, CE 1 and CE2 are latched into the address latches on the falling edge of ALE. If the latched Chip Enables are active and 10iM is low when RD goes low, the contents of the PROM location addressed by the latched address are put out on the ADO_7lines (provided that Voo is tied to Vee·) The I/O section of the chip is addressed by the latched value of ADo-1. Two 8-blt Data Direction Registers (DDR) In 8755A determine the input/output status of each pin in the corresponding ports. A "0" In a particular bit positIOn of a DDR signifies that the corresponding I/O port bit is In the Input mode A "1" In a particular bit position signifies that the corresponding I/O port bit is In the output mode. I n this manner the I/O ports of the 8755A are bit-bybit programmable as Inputs or outputs. The table summarizes port and DDR designation. DDR's cannot be read. ADo 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 ~ READ PA WRITE PA ~ liOW;O)e (CHIP ENABLES ACTIVE). (PORT A ADDRESS SelECTED) 1/0 Section AD1 Do Selection Port Port Port Port A B A Data Direction Register (DDR A) B Data Direction Register (DDR B) WRITE CDR A ~ liOW:O). (CHIP ENABLES ACTIVE). (OOR A AODRESS SELECTEO) REAO PA = {[(IOIM"l). (RD=on+ (jijR"'Dl}. (CHIP ENABLES ACTIVE). (PORT AADDRfSSSELECTED) NOTE WRITE PA IS NOT nUALIFIED BY 101M Note that hardware RESET or writing a zero to the DDR latch will cause the output latch's output buffer to be disabled, preventing the data in the Output Latch from being passed through to the pin. This is equivalent to putting the port In the Input mode. Note also that the data can be written to the Output Latch even though the Output Buffer has been disabled. This enables a port to be initialized with a value pnor to enabling the output. The diagram also shows that the contents of PORT A and PORT B can be read even when the ports are configured as outputs. TABLE 1. 8755A PROGRAMMING MODULE CROSS REFERENCE When lOW goes low and the Chip Enables are active, the data on the ADo_7 is written into 1/0 port selected by the latched value of AD o_ 1. During this operation all 1/0 bits of the selected port are affected, regardless of their 1/0 mode and the state of 101M. The actual output level does not change until lOW returns high. (glitch free output) MODULE NAME USE WITH UPP 955 UPP UP2(2) PROMP'F 975 PROMPT 475 UPP(4) UPP 855 PROMPT 80/85(3) PROMPT 48(1) NOTES: 1. Described on p. 13-34 of 1978 Data catalog. 2. Special adaptor socket. 3 Described on p. 13-39 of 1978 Data Catalog. 4.. Described on p. 13-71 of 1978 Data catalog. 'A port can be read out when the latched Chip Enables are active and either RD goes low with 10iiVi high, or lOR goes low Both input and output mode bits of a selected port will appear on lines ADo-7. To clanfy the function of the I/O Ports and Data Direction Registers, the following diagram shows the configuration of one bit of PORT A and DDR A The same logic applies to PORT Band DDR B. 2-109 inter 8755A/8755A-2 ERASURE CHARACTERISTICS The erasure characteristics of the 8755A are such that erasure begins to occur when exposed to light with wavelengths shorter t/;lan approximately 4000 Angstroms (}\). It should be noted that sunlight and certain types of fluorescent lamps have wavelengths in the 3000-4000A range. Data show that constant exposure to room level fluorescent lighting could erase the typical 8755A in approximately 3 years while itwould take approximately 1 week to cause erasure when exposed to direct sunlight. If the 8755A is to be exposed to these types bf lighting conditions for extended periods of time, opaque labels are available from Intel which should be placed over the 8755 window to prevent unintentional erasure. The recommended erasure procedure for the 8755A is exposure to shortwave ultraviolet light which has a wavelength of 2537 Angstroms (A). The integrated dose (i.e., UV intensity X exposure time) for erasure should be a minimum of 15W-sec/cm2. The erasure time with this dosage is approximately 15 to 20 minutes using an ultraviolet lamp with a 12000"W/cm 2 power rating. The 8755A should be placed within one inch fro.m the lamp tubes during erasure. Some lamps have a filter on their tubes and this filter should be removed before erasure. SYSTEM APPLICATIONS System Interface with 8085AH and iAPX 88 A system using the 8755A can use either one of the two I/O Interface techniques: • Standard I/O • Memory Mapped I/O If a standard 1/0 technique is used, the system can use the feature of both CE2 and CE 1. By using a combination of unused address lines A 11 - 15 and the Chip Enable inputs, the 8085AH system can use up to 5 each 8755A's without requiring a CE decoder. See Figure4a and 4b. If a memory mapped 1/0 approach is used the 8755A will be selected by....!he combination of both the Chip Enables and 101M using ADs_ 15 address lines. See Figure 3. ...--- K A PROGRAMMING ~ ) As-. s '\J Initially, and after each erasure, all bits of the EPROM portions of the 8755A are in tlie "1" state. Information is introduced by selectively programming "0" into the desired bit locations. A programmed "0" can only be changed to a "1" by UV erasure. 8085AH kl ) Do7 '\J ALE ~ RD ~ WR The 8755A can be programmed on the Intel® Universal PROM Programmer (UPP), and the PROMPT'" 80/85 and PROMPT-48'" design aids. Theappropriate programming modules and adapters for use in programming both 8755A's and 8755's are shown in Table 1. ,-- elK 1$2) !-- READY . !--- 101M vl'' - The program mode itself consists of programming a single address at a time, giving a single 50 msec pulse for every address. Generally, it is desirable to have a verify cycle after a program cycle for the same address as shown in the attached timing diagram. In the verify cycle (i.e., normal memory read cycle) 'VDD' should be at +5V. I 7 A/ DO_7 iOR I AS_10 RD ALE eLK iiiW 101M READY 8755A Preliminary timing diagrams and parameter values pertaining to the 8755A programming operation are contained in Figure 7. Figure 3. 2-110 8755A in 8085AH System (Memory-Mapped 1/0) CE 8755A/8755A-2 iAPX 88 FIVE CHIP SYSTEM Figure 4 shows a five chip system containing: • 1.2SK Bytes RAM • 2K Bytes EPROM .381/0 Pins • 1 Interval Timer • 2 Interrupt Levels Vss I--r-r-r-+~----ICE Vee I I po~~ >-t-- - - - - iNA Ril PORT 8155-2 B ALE /'-..... _-'---'---'--'-_ _-"\ OAT AI ADDR ~IV-:Y (8) PORT~ C (6) IN_ 101M TIMER _ _ _ RESET OUT t- - - - lOW R_-_V AS-A191--CA .c:D"'Dc.:. "" v. /1 o AD -AD7 "'r ADDR/OATA I ' ,-------- ClK Ril I "- 1-" ALE ~~ J', ,-- 8755A-2 1AI ', - GND MANUAL GND IVss) RESET ® X, XI ClK READY r-- ~ ALE RST I- RES Ril t- VIR t- 101M t- ,--- 8284 RDY1 t- r-- RESET Vee 101M ~-RESET t-t- f r---t--i-----t--t-"-t--- POR~~ IVY READY Vee iOll-..J !!! LROG Vss Vee Voo t--t---t-----i iNA ...." t--t-+-+---1Ril CD t--t-----i CE I 8185-2 t - - t - - r - r - r - - - - i ALE It1ftII-t- I--+-r-+-+~--~~. I--+-+-+-+~_ _~ CE, Figure 4a. iAPX 88 Five Chip System Configuration 2-111 fA> DATAl ADDR MN/MX t--Vcc rD1 A A8~10 v r - READY Vee PORT CE ~ 8088 r--- i ~ A8-15 "T'I ij' A" c (; ~ ~ p- ALE ~ ~ '" I" - - - - - - - - s· WR - - 00 0 00 eLK (12) )- en 8085AH - READY )fJ) 101M '< A1SI v A" - AD ..... en A" - en 00 '", A" - - - ,v CD ...... en en ~ CD ...... en en :,- '"CD 3 N ~ Ql ::I Co Ql a .9 T\ 1_ lOR AID" 7<; 7 AI-OO r' 11_ v RD_ClK ALE lOW 8755A (2K BYTES) 001._, READY eEl A/Ooo-, lOR " 7 AI-OO RD eLK 001l!, ALE iOW READY 8755A (2K BYTES) eE 2 I Vee J iOR ",7 A/Ooo-, RD~LK 'II''T\ AI-OO ALE lOW READY 101MeE 2 8755A (2K BYTES) lOR AlDoo-, " 7 " 'II t A._" ALERDroweLKREADY101M1:E2 v iOR 8755A (2K BYTES) Note: Use CEl for the first 8755A in tho system, and CE2 for the other 8755A's. Permits up to 5-8755A's in a system without CE decodor_ A/DG-J 7 A._oo RD eLK 101M, \ ALE lOW READY CEl 8755A 12K BYTES) 8755A/8755A·2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· Temperature Under Bias . Storage Temperature Voltage on Any Pin With Respect to Ground Power DIssipation "NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated In the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ...... O°Cto +lO°C -65°Cto+150°C . -0 5V to +7V . 15W D.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to 70°, Vee = Voo = 5V ± 5%; Vee = VOO = 5V ±10% for 8l55A-2) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. MAX. UNITS Vil Input Low Voltage -0.5 0.8 V Vee = 50V VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee +O·5 V Vee = 5.0V VOL Output Low Voltage 0.45 V IOl = 2mA VOH Output High Voltage V IOH = -400J.1A III Input Leakage ILO Output Leakage Current lee 2.4 10 - TEST CONDITIONS J.1A VSS "" VIN "" Vee ±10 J.1A 0.45V ,.. VO UT Vee Supply Current 180 rnA Voo Supply Current rnA Voo CIN 10 pF fe CVo Capacitance of 1/0 Buffer 15 pF fe D.C. CHARACTERISTICS-PROGRAMMING Symbol ) Parameter Voo Programming Voltage (during Write to EPROM) 100 Prog Supply Current 2-113 Vee = Vce = 1JLHz = 1JLHz 30 Capacitance of Input Buffer 100 ,.. (TA = O°Cto 70°, Vee = 5V±5%,Vss = OV, Voo=25V±1V; Vee = Voo = 5V ±10% for 8755A-2) Min. Typ. 24 25 26 V 15 30 mA Max. Unit inter 8755A18755A.2 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to 70°, Vee = 5V ± 5%; Vee = VDD = 5V ±10% for 8755A-2) 8755A·2 (Preliminary) 8755A Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Min. Max. Units tCYC Clock Cycle Time 320 200 ns T1 ClK Pulse Width 80 40 ns T2 ClK Pulse Width 120 70 tdr ClK Rise and Fall Time tAL Address to latch Set Up Time 50 30 ns tLA Address Hold Time after latch 80 45 ns tLC latch to READ/WRITE Control 100 40 tRD Valid Data Out Delay from READ Control* 170 140 ns tAD Address Stable to Data Out Valid** 450 300 ns tLL latch Enable Width tRDF Data Bus Float after READ 0 tCl READ/WRITE Control to latch Enable 20 10 ns tcc READ/WRITE Control Width 250 200 ns tow Data In to Write Set Up Trme 150 150 ns two Data In Hold Time After WRITE 30 10 twp WRITE to Port Output tpR Port Input Set Up Time 50 tRP Port Input Hold Time to Control 50 tRYH READY HOLD Time to Control 0 tARY , ADDRESS rCEr to READY tRV Recovery Trme Between Controls 300 200 ns READ Control to Data Bus Enable 10 10 ns tRDE , 30 ns ns 30 100 ns 70 100 0 400 ns 85 ns ns .300 ns 50 ns 50 160 0 160 ns 1.60 ns 160 ns NOTE: CLOAD = 150pF. *Or TAD - (TAL + T Lel, whichever is greater. "Defrnes ALE to Data Out Valid rn conjunction with TAL A.C. CHARACTERISTICS-PROGRAMMING , Symbol (TA = 0°Ct070°, Vee = 5V±5%, Vss =OV,VDD = 25V±1V; vee = VDD = 5V ±10% for 8755A-2) Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit tps Data Setup Time 10 tPD Data Hold Time 0 ns ts Prog Pulse Setup Time 2 JlS tH Prog Pulse Hold Time 2 tPR Prog Pulse Rise Time 0.01 2 tPF Prog Pulse Fall Time 0,01 2 JlS tPRG Prog Pulse Width 45 50 msec 2-114 ns JlS JlS intel' 8755A/8755A·2 A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICE UNDER TEST A C TESTING A LOGIC 0 ~CC~150PF -= INPUTS ARE DRIVEN AT 2 4V FOR A LOGIC 1 AND 0 45V FOR TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 2 OV FOR A LOGIC 1 AND 0 8V FOR A LOGIC a CL = 150pF C L INCLUDES JIG CAPACITANCE WAVEFORMS CLOCK SPECIFICATION FOR 8755A PROM READ, I/O READ AND WRITE A8~~ ADDRESS ADDRESS 101M tAol ADo7 ) t 1>---"'0 ADDRESS 1>-----( DATA " ALE I--tAC~ - (PROG)/CE, eE, \ / ADDRESS tLL~ r---tLA~ ,- ~/J [II/, VII t---tRDE tROF ~ f5Riffi _tRu tDW~ ~ IL.. tcc··----_ _ Please note that CE1 must remain low for the entire cycle tCL~ tRV 2-115 , IL.. -two If lOW , \ - / ~tLC~ >- 8755A/8755A·2 WAVEF:ORMS (Continued) I/O PORT A. INPUT MODE ~OR ~"' ----,.~ INPUT ~~ -J;1f __________ .r,,, !--{/,.'R_P____ A . . ____ ~ DATA' BUS - - - - - -)( ------- -------------------- B. OUTPUT MODE lOW PORT OUTPUT \ { __________ '=~X/g~~p~~FREE ------------ WAIT STATE (READY = 0) 2-116 _ ""-------- intJ 8755A18755A·2 WAVEFORMS (Continued) 8755A PROGRAM MODE FUNCTION 1....1-------- PROGRAM CYCLE ------~ I·~~----VERIFY ... CYCLE' ---1__ ALE DATA TO BE AlDa.7 PROGRAMMED 'PO AB·10 'PS +25 Vee --f +5 ................................................ \J-*VERIFY CYCLE loS A REGUL~R MEMORY READ CYCLE !WITH VOO = +5V FOR 8755A) 2-117 PROGRAM CYCLE APPLICATION NOTE Ap·59 September 1979 © Intel Corporation, 1979 2-118 121500-001 AP59 INTRODUCTION The Intel 8259A is a Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) designed for use in real-time interrupt driven microcomputer systems. The 8259A manages eight levels of interrupts and has built-in features for expansion up to 64 levels with additional 8259A's. Its versatile design allows it to be used within MCS-80, MCS-85, MCS-86, and MCS-88 microcomputer systems. Being fully programmable, the 8259A provides a wide variety of modes and commands to tailor 8259A interrupt processing for the specific needs of the user. These modes and commands control a number of interrupt oriented functions such as interrupt priority selection and masking of interrupts. The 8259A programming may be dynamically , changed by the software at any time, thus allowing complete interrupt control throughout program execution. The 8259A is an enhanced, fully compatible revision of its predecessor, the 8259. This means the 8259A can use all hardware and software originally designed for the 8259 without any changes. Furthermore, it provides additional modes that increase its flexibility in MCS-80 and MCS-85 systems and allow it to work in MCS-86 and MCS-88 systems. These modes are: • • • • • MCS-86/88 Mode • Automatic End of Interrupt Mode Level Triggered Mode Special Fully Nested Mode Buffered Mode Each of these are covered in depth further in this application note. This application note was written to explain completely how to use the 8259A within MCS-80, MCS-85, MCS-86, and MCS-88 microcomputer systems. It is divided into five sections. The first section, "Concepts", explains the concepts of interrupts and presents an overview of how the 8259A works with each microcomputer system mentioned above. The second section, "Functional Block Diagram", describes the internal functions of the 8259A In block diagram form and provides a detailed functional description of each device pin. "Operation of the 8259A", the third section, explains in depth the operation and use of each of the 8259A modes and commands. For clarity of explanation, this section doesn't make reference to the actual programming of the 8259A. Instead, all programming is covered in the fourth section, "Programming the 8259A". This section explains how to program the 8259A with the modes and commands mentioned in the previous section. These two sections are referenced in Appendix A. The fifth and final section "Application Examples", shows the 8259A in three typical applications. These applications are fully explained with reference to both hardware and software. The reader should note that some of the terminology used throughout this application note may differ slightly from existing data sheets. This is done to better clarify and explain the operation and programming of the 8259A. 1. CONCEPTS In microcomputer systems there is usually a need for the processor to communicate with various Input/Out- put (1/0) devices such as keyboards, displays, sensors, and other peripherals. From the system viewpOint, the processor should spend as little time as possible servicing the peripherals since the time required for these 110 chores directly affects the amount of time available for other tasks. In other words, the system should be designed so that 1/0 servicing has little or no effect on the total system throughput. There are two basic methods of handling the 1/0 chores in a system: status polling and interrupt servicing. The status poll method of 1/0 servicing essentially involves having the processor "ask" each peripheral if it needs servicing by testing the peripheral's status line. If the peripheral requires service, the processor branches to the appropriate service routine; if not, the processor continues with the main program. Clearly, there are several problems in implementing such an approach. First, how often a peripheral is polled is an important constraint. Some idea of the "frequency-of-service" required by each peripheral must be known and any software written for the system must accommodate this time dependence by "scheduling" when a device is polled. Second, there will obviously be times when a device is polled that is not ready for service, wasting the processor time that it took to do the poll. And other times, a ready device would have to wait until the processor "makes its rounds" before it could be serviced, slowing down the peripheral. Other problems arise when certain peripherals are more important than others. The only way to implement the "priority" of devices is to poli the high priority devices more frequently than lower priority ones. It may even be necessary to poll the high priority devices while in a low priority device service routine. It is easy to see that the polled approach can be inefficient both time-wise and software-wise. Overall, the polled method of 1/0 servicing can have a detrimental effect on system throughput, thus limiting the tasks that can be performed by the processor. A more desirable approach in most systems would allow the processor to be executing its main program and only stop to service the 1/0 when told to do so by the 1/0 itself. This is called the interrupt service method. In effe}:t, the device would asynchronously signal the processor when it required service. The processor would finish its current instruction and then vector to the service routine for the device requesting service. Once the service routine is complete, the processor would resume exactly where it left off. Using the interrupt service method, no processor time is spent testing devices, scheduling is not needed, and priority schemes are readily implemented. It is easy to see that, using the interrupt service approach, system throughput would increase, allowing more tasks to be handled by the processor. However, to implement the interrupt service method between processor and peripherals, additional hardware is usually required. This is because, after interrupting the processor, the device must supply information for vectoring program execution. Depending on the processor used, this can be accomplished by the device taking control of the data bus and "jamming" an instruction(s) onto it. The instruction(s) then vectors the pro2-119 121500-001 AP59 gram to the proper service routine. Tl)is of course reo quires additional control logic for each interrupt reo questing device. Yet the implementation so far is only in the most basic form. What if certain peripherals are to be of higher priority than others? What if certain inter· rupts must be disabled while others are to be enabled? The possible variations go on, but they all add up to one theme; to provide greater flexibility using the interrupt service method, hardware requirements increase. So, we're caught in the middle. The status poll method . is a less desirable way of servicing 1/0 in terms of throughput, but its hardware requirements are minimal. On the other hand, the interrupt 'service method is most desirable in terms ,of flexibility and throughput, but additional hardware is required. The perfect situation would be to have the flexibility and throughput of the interrupt method in an implementation with minimal hardware requirements. The B259A Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) makes this all possible. The B259A Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) was designed to function as an overall manager of an inter· rupt driven system. No additional hardware is required. The B259A alone can handle eight prioritized interrupt levels, controlling the complete interface between peripherals and processor. Additional B259A's can be "cascaded" to increase the number of interrupt levels processed. A wide variety of modes and commands for programming the B259A give ft enough flexibility for almost any interrupt controlled structure. Thus, the B259A is the feasible answer to handling 1/0 servicing in microcomputer sY,stems. Now, before explaining exactly how to use the B259A, let's go over interrupt structures of the MCS·BO, MCScB5, MCS-B6, and MCS·BB systems, and how they interact with the B259A. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the B259A interfacing with a standard sy~tem bus. This may prove useful as reference throughout the rest of the "Concepts" section. I INTERRUPT REQUESTS Figure 1. 8259A Interlace 10 Standard Syslem Bus 1.1 MCS·80 -8259A OVERVIEW In an MCS-BO-B:;!59A interrupt configuration, as in Figure 2, a device may cause an interrupt by pulling one of the B259A's interrupt request pins (IRO-IR7) high. If the B259A accepts the interrupt request (this depends on its programmed condition), the B259A's INT (inter· rupt) pin will go high, driving the BOBOA's INT pin high. The BOBOA, can receive an interrupt request any time, since its INT input is asynchronous. The BOBOA, however, doesn't always have to acknowledge an interrupt request immediately. It can accept or disregard requests under software control using the EI (Enable Interrupt) or 01 (Disable Interrupt) instructions. These in· structions either set or reset an internal interrupt enable flip·flop. The output of this flip-flop c,ontrols the state of the INTE (Interrupt Enabled) pin. Upon reset, the BOBOA interrupts are disabled, making INTE low. At the end of each instruction cycle, the BOBOA examines the state of its INT pin. If an interrupt request is present and interrupts are enabled, the BOBOA enters an interrupt machine cycle. During the interrupt machine cycle the BOBOA resets the internal interrupt enable flipflop, disabling further interrupts until an EI instruction is executed. Unlike normal machine cycles, the interrupt machine cycle doesn't increment the program counter. This ensures that the B080A can return to the pre· interrupt program location after the interrupt is completed. The 8080A then issues an INTA (Interrupt Acknowledge) pulse via the 8228 System Controller ,Bus Driver. This INTA pulse ~ignals the 8259A that the 8080A is honoring the request and is ready to process the inter· rupt. The B259A can now vector program execution to the cor· responding service routine. This is done during a se· quence of the three INTA pulses from the 80BOA via the 822B. Upon receiving the first INTA pulse the 8259A places the opcode for a CALL instruction on the data bus. This causes the contents of the program counter to be pushed onto the stack. In addition, the CALL instruction caus'es two more INTA pulses to be issued, allow· ing the 8259A to place onto the data bus the starting address of the corresponding service routine. This address is called the interrupt·vector address. The lower B bits (LSB) of the interrupt-vector address are released during the second INTA pulse and the upper B bits (MSB) during the third INTA pulse. Once this sequence is comllieted, program execution then vectors to the service routine at the interrupt·vector address. If the same registers are used by both the main program and the interrupt service routine, their contents should be saved when entering the service routine. This includes the Program Status Word (PSW) which consists of the accumulator and flags. The best way to do this is to "PUSH" each register used onto the stack. The ser· vice routine can then "POP" each register off the stack in the reverse order when it is completed. This prevents any ambiguous operation when returning to the main \ program. Once the service routine is completed, the main program may be re·entered by using a normal RET (Return) instruction. This will "POP" the original con· 2-120 121500-001 AP59 tents of the program counter back off the stack to resume program execution where it ,left off. Note, that because interrupts are disabled during the interrupt acknowledge sequence, the EI instruction must be executed either during the service routine or the main program before further interrupts can be processed. uration. When an interrupt occurs, a sequence of three INTA pulses causes the 8259A to release onto the data bus a CALL instruction and an interrupt-vector address for the corresponding service routine. Other events that occur during the 8080A interrupt machine cycle, such as disabling interrupts and not incrementing the program counter, also occur in the 8085A interrupt acknowledge machine cycle. Additionally, the instructions for saving registers, enabling or disabling of interrupts, and returning from service routines are literally the same. For additional information on the 8080A interrupt structure and operation, refer to the MCS-80 User's Manual. 1-2 MCS-85' :-8259A OVERVIEW The 8085A, however, has a different interrupt hardware scheme as shown in Figure 3. For one, the 8085A supplies Its own INTA output pin rather than using an addi- An MCS-85-8259A configuration processes interrupts in much the same format as an MCS-80-8259A con fig- INTE A O- 1S ___ HOLD ~ t------· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2AD::.:D"R:=E:::ss"'e"'~:o:r----------V TO MEMORY AND 110 INTI----------- • 5V a2S9A 8080A 8, e, WI! WR 91 'K C ~ECT CS TallO IRO- e, INTERRUPT 8224 READY READY RESET RESET SYNC SYNC REQUEST INPUTS Figure 2. MCS·80 8259A Basic Configuration Example TO MULTIPLEXED Mesas FAMilY - - rD~ t t Xl X2 RESET elK OUT A8·15 RESET IN HOLD HlDA ROY ALE TRAP S08SA 11l:D ~ I!!!!! I I AO_7 0°0_7 HSTe 8282 01 0_7 RST 75 E2 E3 OE INTR INTA W. ADO_7 Vt-- E1 A2 '" o STANDARD MEMORY A NO OTHER 1/0 AO Al AO 8205 00 01 02 03 04 Os 06 0, 111J111 RST 6.5 RST 55 T ADDRESS BUS 110 SELECT To STANDARD MEMORY A NO OTHER 110 MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS/DATA BUS I laiM Ali .51K TO 1/0 & MEMORY aUALIFIED BY loiM a2S9A SELECT SPIEN AO Os ~ DO-7 I I 8259A 00 WR INTA INT CASO_2 I Flgur. 3. MC5-85 IRO_ IR1 102 103 104 IR5 106 107 - '--, ,.-1 - '--i - INTERRUPT REQUEST INPUTS '--I T o SLAVE 8259A 8259A Basic Configuration Example 2-121 121500-001 AP59 tional chip, as the 8080A uses the 8228 System Controller Bus Driver. Another hardware difference is the 8085A has five hardware interrupt pins: INTR, RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5, and TRAP. The INTR (Interrupt Request) pin Is the equivalent to the 8080A's INT pin. The RST (Restart) pins and TRAP pin are all restart Interr-upts which vector program execution to an individual dedicated address when asserted. The important factor associating these interrupts is their relative priority, as shown below: Highest Priority, TRAP RST 7.5 RST 6.5 RST 5.5 INTR Lowest Priority tions. That is, a device can cause an Interrupt by pulling 'on.e of the 8259A's interrupt request pins (I RO-IR7) high. If the 8259A honors the request, its INT pin will go high, driving the 808818088's INTR pin high. Like the 8080A and 8085A, the INTR pin of the 8086/8088 Is asynchronous, thus it can receive an interrupt any time. The 8086/8088 can also accept or disregard requests on INTR unde(software control using the STI (Set Interrupt) or CLI (Clear Interrupt) instructions. These instructions set or clear the interrupf-enabled flag IF. Upon 8086/8088 reset the IF flag is cleared, disabling external interrupts on INTR. Beside the I!',ITR pin, the 8086/8088 provides an NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt) pin. The NMI functions similar to the 8085A's TRAP; it can't be disabled or masked. NMI has higher priority than INTR. Figure 4 shows an MCS-86 MAX Mode system interfacing with an 8259A on the local bus. This MCS-86-8259A configuratibn is also representative of an MCS-888259A configuration except for the data bus which is 16 bits for 8086 and 8 bits for 8088 .. In the MCS-86 system. the 8259A must be on the lower 8 bits of the data bus. Note that the 8259A could also be interfaced on the system bus. The INTR pin has lowest priority among the other 8085A hardware Interrupts. Thus, precautions to prevent interrupting 8259A service routines may be necessary. This, of course, depends on how the 8085A Interrupts are being used in a particular application. Such precautions can be implemented, however, by masking the RST pins using the SIM instruction. The TRAP pin on the other hand Is non-maskable; all interrupt pins but TRAP can be controlled by the EI (Enable Interrupt) and 01 (Disable Interrupt) instructions., Although there are some basic similarities, the actual processing of interrupts with an 8086/8088 Is different than an 8080A or 8085A. When an Interrupt request is present and interrupts are enabled, the 8086/8088 enters its Interrupt acknowledge machine cycle. The interrupt aqknowledge machine cycle pushes the flag registers onto the stack (as in a PUSHF instruction). It then clears the IF flag which disables interrupts. The contents of For a complete description of the 8085A interrupt structure, refer to the MCS-85 User's Manual. 1.3 MCS-88188 -8259A OVERVIEW Operation of an MCS-86/88-8259A configuration has basic similarities of the MCS-80/85-8259A conflgura- r.S;;;YS~T;;EM::-A~D=DR;;;ES;;;:S;-;.;:'U::-S-;'."'1IIII!mi.... l~:~~ORY A1 MULTIPLEXED ADDRESSIDATA BUS ! _..J.... I/'----'-.=Y=ST"'EM"""'DA"'TA"'.=U"'. v--'--"'-'===""--,/ TO MEMORY AND 110 8259A SELECT NMI INTH ---v Figure 4. MSC-88, TO SLAVE 825BA a25IA a ..le Conllgurellon Example (8088 In Max. Mode) 2-122 121500-001 AP59 both the code segment and the instruction pointer are then also pushed onto the stack. Thus, the stack retains the pre·interrupt flag status and pre·interrupt program location which are used to return from the service routine. The 8086/8088 then issues the first of two INTA pulses which signal the 8259A that the 8086/8088 has honored its interrupt request. If the 8086/8088 is used in its "MIN Mode" the INTA signal is available from the 8086/8088 on its INTA pin. If the 8086/8088 is used in the "MAX Mode" the INTA signal is available via the 8288 Bus Controller INTA pin. Additionally, in the "MAX Mode" the 8086/8088 LOCK pin goes low during the interrupt acknowledge sequence. The LOCK signal can be used to indicate to other system bus masters not to gain control of the system bus during the interrupt acknowl· edge sequence. A "HOLD" request won't be honored while LOCK is low. The 8259A is now ready to vector program execution to the corresponding service routine. This is done during the sequence of the two INTA pulses issued by the 80861 8088. Unlike operation with the 8080A or 8085A, the 8259A doesn't place a CALL instruction and the starting address of the service routine on the data bus. Instead, the first INTA pulse is used only to signal the 8259A of the honored request. The second INTA pulse causes the 8259A to place a single interrupt,vector byte onto the data bus. Not used as a direct address, this interrupt· vector byte pertains to one of 256 interrupt "types" sup· ported by the 8086/8088 memory. Program execution is vectored to the corresponding service routine by the contents of a specifie<;l interrupt type. All 256 interrupt types are located in absolute memory locations 0 through 3FFH which make up the 80861 8088's interrupt-vector table. Each type in the interrupt· , vector table requires 4 bytes of memory and stores a code segment address and an instruction pOinter ad· dress. Figure 5 shows a block diagram of the interrupt· vector table. Locations 0 through 3FFH should be reserved for the interrupt·vector table alone. Further· more, memory locations 00 through 7FH (types 0-31) are reserved for use by Intel Corporation for Intel hardware and software products. To maintain compatibility with present and future Intel products, these locations should not be used. 3FFH INTERRUPT TY~E 255 3FCH 3FBH INTERRUPT TYPE 254 ·• · 3F8H BH INTERRUPT TYPE 2 8H 7H INTERRUPT TYPE 1 4H 3H INTERRUPTTYPE 0 OH Figure 5. 8085/8088 Interrupt Vector Table When the 8086/8088 receives an interrupt-vector byte from the 8259A, it multiplies its value by four to acquire the address of the interrupt type. For example, if the interrupt·vector byte specifies type 128 (80H), the vec· tored address in 8086/8088 memory is 4 x 80H, which equals 200H. Program execution is then vectored to the service routine whose address is specified by the code segment and instruction pointer values within type 128 located at 200H. To show how this is done, let's assume interrupt type 128 is to vector data to 8086/8088 memory location 2FF5FH. Figure 6 shows two possible ways to set values of the code segment and instruction pOinter for vectoring to location 2FF5FH. Address generation by the code segment and instruction pointer is ac· complished by an offset (they overlap). Of the total 20·bit address capability, the code segment can desig· nate the upper 16 bits, the instruction pOinter can designate the lower 16 bits. CS(MSB) 2FH FOH DOH 5FH CS(LSB) IP(MSB) IP(LSB) - :: I 1 1 1 FOH 1 FCH TYPE 128 - 1~~~ CS(MSB) CS(LSB) 20H DOH 1 IP(MSB) IP(LSB) FFH 5FH 1 FOH 1FCH I TYPE 128 ~ Figure 6. Two Examples of 8086/8088 Interrupt Type 128 Vectoring to Location 2FF5FH When entering an interrupt service routine, those regis· ters that are mutually used between the "main program and service routine should be saved. The best way to do this is to "PUSH" each register used onto the stack immediately. The service routine can then "POP" each register off the stack in the same order when it is completed. Once the service routine is completed the main program may be re-entered by using a IRET (Interrupt Return) instruction. The IRET instruction will pop the pre-interrupt instruction pOinter, code segment and flags off the stack. Thus the main program will resume where it was interrupted with the same flag status regardless of changes in the service routine. Note especially that this includes the state of the IF flag, thus interrupts are reenabled automatically when returning from the service routine. Beside external interrupt generation from the INTR pin, the 8086/8088 is also able to invoke interrupts by soft- . ware. Three interrupt instructions are provided: INT, INT (Type 3), and INTO. INT is a two byte instruction, the second byte selects the interrupt type. INT (Type 3) is a one byte instruction which selects interrupt Type 3. INTO is a conditional one byte interrupt instruction which selects interrupt Type 4 if the OF flag (trap on overflow) is set. All the software interrupts vector program execution as the hardware interrupts do. 2-123 121500-001 AP59 For further information on 8086/8088 interrupt operation and internal interrupt structure refer to the MCS-86 User's Manual and the 8086 System Design application note. 2_ 8259A FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM A block diagram of the 8259A is shown in Figure 7. As can be seen from this figure, the 8259A consists of eight major blocks: the Interrupt Request Register (IRR), the In-Service Register (lSR), the Interrupt Mask Register (IMR), the Priority Resolver (PR), the cascade buffer/ comparator, the data bus buffer, and logic blocks for control and read/write. We'll first go over the blocks directly related to interrupt handling, the IRR, ISR, IMR, PR, and the control logic. The remaining functional blocks are then discussed. 2_1 INTERRUPT REGISTERS AND CONTROL LOGIC' Basically, interrupt requests are handled by three "cascaded" registers: the Interrupt Request Register (IRR) is use to store all the interrupt levels requesting service; the In-Service Register (ISR) stores all the levels which are being serviced; and the Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) stores the bits of the interrupt lines to be masked. The Priority Resolver (PR) looks at the IRR, ISR and IMR, and determines whether an INT should be issued by the the control logic to the processor. Figure 8 shows conceptually how the Interrupt Request (IR) input handles an interrupt request and how the various interrupt registers interact. The figure repre- sents one of eight "daisy-chained" priority cells, one for each IR input. The best way to explain the operation of the priority cell is to go through the sequence of internal events that happen when an interrupt request occurs. However, first, notice that the input circuitry of the priority cell allows for both level sensitive and edge sensitive IR inputs. Deciding which method to use is dependent on the particular application and will be discussed in more detail later. When the IR input is in an inactive state (LOW), the edge sense latch is set. If edge sensitive triggering is selected, the "Q" output of the edge sense latch will arm the input gate to the request latch. This input gate will be disarmed after the IR input goes active (HIGH) and the interrupt request has been acknowledged. This disables the input from generating any further interrupts until it has returned low to re-arm the edge sense latch. If level sensitive triggering is selected, the "Q" output of the edge sense latch is rendered useless. This means the level of the IR input is in complete control of interrupt generation; the input won't be disarmed once acknowledged. When an interrupt occurs on the IR input, it propagates through the request latch and to the PR (assuming the input isn't masked). The PR looks at the incoming requests and the currently in-service interrupts to ascertain whether an interrupt should be issued to the processor. Let's assume that the request is the only one incoming and no requests are presently in service. The PR then causes the control logic to pull the INT line to the processor high. PIN CONFIGURATION cs . BLOCK DIAGRAM Vee WR AD II" 0, IR7 D. IR6 Os 'R5 D4 IR4 03 'R3 D, 'R2 D, 'AI INTA DATA BUS BUFFER CONTROL lOGIC Do 'AO CASO 'NT CAS 1 SP/EN lA' GND CAS2 IR3 IRO RD IR' IR4 ro;=o;;-- PIN NAMES es DATA BUS (B'·DIRECTIONALI -~~--' ~--'-READ INPUT~~-'-'---'-' WII--- -wRiTEINi>UT~------'-1\0 COMMAND SELECT ADDRESS CS CAS1-CASO CHIP SELECT CASCADE LINES -- SPfEN SLAVE PROGRAMJENABLEBUFFER INT INTA INTERRUPT OUTPUT INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE INPUT IRO-IR7 INTERRUPT REOUEST INPUTS ~ INTERNAL BUS Figure 7. 8259A Block Diagram and Pin Configuration 2-124 121500-001 AP59 LTiM BIT TO OTHER PRIORITY CELLS 0= EDGE 1 LEVEL CLRISR = CLR Q ISA BIT SET ~~--+-----+----l--l---<~t=ll-;;;~~;j SET ISA PRIORITY RESOLVER CONTROL lOGIC IR MesaD/as MODE NON- -*-{;>O---+---- 7rn M7 M6 00-7 INT INTA 8259A MASTER M5 M4 M3 M2 Ml MO LLl.] 1 5 4 3 111 2 1 0 1 INTERRUPT REQUESTS Figure 18. Cascaded 8259A'S 22 Interrupt Levels Besides hardware set-up requirements, all 8259A's must be software programmed to work in the cascade mode. Programming the cascade mode is done during the initialization of each 8259A. The 8259A that is selected as masteJ must receive specification during its initialization as to which of its IR inputs are connected to a slave's INT pin. Each slave 8259A, on the other hand, must be designated during its initialization with an ID (0 through 7) corresponding to which of the master's IR inputs its INT pin is connected to. This is all necessary so the CASO-2 pins of the masters will be able to address each individual slave. Note that as in normal operation, each 8259A must also be initialized to give its IR inputs a unique interrupt vector. More detail on the necessary programming of the cascade mode is explained in "Programming the 8259A". Now, with background information on both hardware and software for the cascade mode, let's go over the sequence of events that occur during a valid interrupt request from a slave. Suppose a slave IR input has received an interrupt request. Assuming this request is higher priority than other requests and in-service levels on the slave, the slave's INT pin is driven high. This signals the master of the request by causing an interrupt request on a designated IR pin of the master. Again, assuming that this request to the master is higher priority than other master requests and in-service levels (possibly from other slaves), the master's INT pin is pulled high, interrupting the processor. The interrupt acknowledge sequence appears to the processor the same as the non-cascading interrupt acknowledge sequence; however, it's different among the 8259A's. The first INTA pulse is used by all the 8259A's for internal set-up purposes and, if in the 8080/8085 mode, the master will place the CALL opcode on the data bus. The first INTA pulse also signals the master to place the requesting slave's ID code on the CAS lines. This turns control over to the slave for the rest of the interrupt acknowledge sequence, placing the appropriate pre-programmed interrupt vector on the data bus, completing the interrupt request. During the interrupt acknowledge sequence, the corresponding ISR bit of both the master and the slave get set. This means two EOI commands must be issued (if not in the automatic EOI mode), one for the master and one for the slave. Special consideration should be taken when mixed interrupt requests are assigned to a master 8259A; that is, when some of the master's IR inputs are used for slave interrupt requests and some are used for individual interrupt requests. In this type of structure, the master's IRO must not be used for a slave. This is because when an IR input that isn't initialized as a slave receives an interrupt request, the CASO-2 lines won't be activated, thus staying in the default condition addressing for IRO (slave IRO). If a slave is connected to the master's IRO when a non-slave interrupt occurs on another master IR input, erroneous conditions may result. Thus IRO should be the last choice when assigning slaves to IR inputs. Special Fully Nested Mode Depending on the application, changes in the nested structure of the cascade mode may be desired. This is because the nested structure of a slave 8259A differs from that of the normal fully nested mode. In the cascade mode, if a slave receives a higher priority interrupt request than one which is in service (through the same slave), it won't be recognized by the master. This is because the master's ISR bit is set, ignoring all requests of equal or lower priority. Thus, in this case, the higher priority slave interrupt won't be serviced until after the master's ISR bit is reset by an EOI command. This is most likely after the completion of the lower priority routine. If the user wishes to have a truly fully nested structure within a slave 8259A, the special fully nested mode should be used. The special fully nested mode is pro2-134 121500-001 AP59 grammed in the master only. This is done during the master's initialization. In this mode the master will ignore only those interrupt requests of lower priority than the set ISR bit and will respond to all requests of equal or higher priority. Thus if a slave receives a higher priority request than one in service, it will be recognized. To insure proper interrupt operation when using the special fully nested mode, the software must determine if any other slave interrupts are still in service before issuing an EOI command to the master. This is done by resetting the appropriate slave ISR bit with an EOI and then reading its ISR. If the ISR contains all zeros, there aren't any other interro.jJts from the slave in service and ~ an EOI command ran be sent to the master. If the ISR isn't all zeros, a:, EOI command shouldn't be sent to the master. Clearing the master's ISR bit with an EOr com· mand while there are still slave interrupts in service would allow lower priority interrupts to be recognized at the master. An example of this process is shown in the second application in the "Applications Examples" sec· tion. how can it be used for both master-slave selection and buffer control? The answer to this is the provision for software programmable master-slave selection when in the buffer mode. The buffered mode is selected during each 8259A's initialization. At the same time, the user can assign each individual 8259A as a master or slave (see "Programming the 8259A"). 4. PROGRAMMING THE 8259A Programming the 8259A is accomplished by using two types of command words: Initialization Command Words (ICWs) and Operational Command Words (OCWs). All the modes and commands explained in the previous section, "Operation of the 8259A", are pro· grammable using the ICWs and OCWs (see Appendix A for cross reference). The ICWs are issued from the proc· essor in a sequential format and are used to set-up the 8259A in an initial state of operation. The OCWs are issued as needed to vary and control 8259A operation. Both ICWs and OCWs are sent by the processor to the 8259A via the data bus (8259A CS 0, WR 0). The 8259A distinguishes between the different ICWs and OCWs by the state of its AO pin (controlled by processor addressing), the sequence they're issued in (ICWs only), and some dedicated bits among the ICWs and OCWs. Those bits which are dedicated are indicated so by fixed values (0 or 1) in the corresponding ICW or OCW pro· gramming formats which are covered shortly. Note, when issuing either ICWs or OCWs, the interrupt request pin of the processor should be disabled. = Buffered Mode The buffered mode is useful in large systems where buf· fering is required on the data bus. Although not limited to only 8259A cascading, it's most pertinent in this use. In the buffered mode, whenever the 8259A's data bus output is enabled, its SP/EN pin will go low. This signal can be used to enable data transfer through a buffer transceiver in the required direction. Figure 19 shows a conceptual diagram of three 8259A's in cascade, each slave is controlling an individual 8286 8-bit bidirectional bus driver by means of the buffered mode. Note the pull·up on the SP/EN. It is used to enable data transfer to the 8259A for its initial program· mingo When data transfer is to go from the 8259A to the processor, SP/EN will go low; otherwise, it will be high. A question should arise, however,. from the fact that the SP/EN pin is used to designate a master from a slave; = 4.1 INITIALIZATION COMMAND WORDS (leWs) Before normal operation can begin, each 8259A in a system must be initialized by a sequence of two to four programming bytes called ICWs (Initialization Com· mand Words). The ICWs are used to set·up the neces· sary conditions and modes for proper 8259A operation. MASTER 8259A INT INTR Figure 19. Cascade·Buffered Mode Example 2-135 121500-001 AP59 Figure 20 shows. the initialization flow of the 8259A. Both ICW1 and ICW2 must be issued for any form of 8259A operation. However, IGW3 and ICW4 are used only if designated so in ICW1. Determining the' necessity and use of each ICW is covered shortly in individual groupings. Note that, once intialized, if any programming changes within the ICWs are to be made, the entire ICW sequence must be reprogrammed, not just an individuaIICW,. The ICW programming format, Figure ·21, shows bit designation and a short definition of each ICW. With the ICW format as reference, the functions of each ICW will now be explained individually. ,cw, Certain internal set-up conditions occur automatically within the 8259A after the first ICW has been issued. These are: 1 ICW4NEEoED o ~ NO ICW4 NEEDED o" A. Sequencer logic is set to accept the remain'ng ICWs as designated in ICW1. CASCADE MODE CALL INTERVAL B. The ISR (In-Service Register) and IMR (Interrupt Mask Register) are both cleared. 1 ~ INTERVAL OF 4 o ~ INTERVAL OF 8 C. The special mask mode is reset 1 ~ LEVEL TRIGGERED INPUT 0" EDGE TRIGGERED INPUT D. The rotate in automatic EOI mode flip-flop is c,leared. E. The IRR (Interrupt Request Register) is selected for the read register command. ' F. If the IC4 bit equals 0 in ICW1, all functions in ICW4 are cleared; 8080/8085 mode is selected by default G. The fully nested mode is entered with an initial priority assignment of IRO highest through IR7 lowest H. The edge sense latch of each IR priority cell is cleared, thus requiring a low to high transition to generate an interrupt (edge triggered mode effected ICW31MASTER DEVICE I o~ly). NO (SNGL=1) NO (IC'= 0) NOH 1 SU\Vf Il) I', I OU/l,L TO lHE' (.ORHfSPONlJIN(, MASI EH If{ INPUT NOT~ 2 x INDICAl,S DON T CARr SOME OF THE TERMINOLOGY USED MAY DIFFER SLIGHTLY FROM EXISTING 8259A DATA SHEETS. THIS IS DONE TO BETTER CLARIFY AND EXPLAIN THE PROGRAM· MING OF THE 8259A, THE OPERATIONAL RESULTS REMAIN THE SAME. Figure 20. Initialization Flow Figure, 21 , Initialization Command Words (ICWS) Programming Format 2-136 121500-001 AP59 ICW1 and ICW2 IT,I T.I T.I T.' T.I Issuing ICW1 and ICW2 is the minimum,amount of programming needed for any type of 8259A operation_ The majority of bits within these two ICWs are used to designate the interrupt vector starting address. The remaining bits serve various purposes. Description of the ICW1 and ICW2 bits is as follows: IC4: SNGL: ADI: LTIM:' The IC4 bit is used to designate to the 8259A whether or not ICW4 will be issued. If any of the ICW4 operations are to be used, ICW4 must equal 1. If they aren't used, then ICW4 needn't be issued and IC4 can equal O. Note that if IC4 = 0, the 8259A will assume operation in the MCS-80/85 mode. The SNGL bit is used to designate whether or not the 8259A is to be used alone or in the cascade mode. If the cascade mode is desired, SNGL must equal O. In doing this, the 8259A will accept ICW3 for further cascade mode programming. If the 8259A is to be used as the Single 8259A within a system, the SNGL bit must equal 1; ICW3 won't be accepted. The ADI bit is used to specify the address interval for the MCS-80/85 mode. If a 4-byte address interval is to be used, ADI must equal 1. For an 8-byte address interval, ADI must equal O. The state of ADI is ignored when the 8259A is in the MCS-86/88 mode. T3-T7: The T3-T7 bits are used to select the interrupt type when the MCS-86/88 mode is used. The programming of T3-T7 selects the upper 5 bits. The lower 3 bits are automatically inserted, corresponding to the IR level causing the interrupt. The state of bits A5-A10 will be ign_ored when in the MCS-86/88 mode. Establishing the actual memory address of the interrupt is shown in Figure 22. I I I I I : _UPPER 5 BITS OF ~11081 INTERRUPT TYPE (USER PROGRAMMED) IT21 T1 !TO' - ~EU~~:!~~~AI~L~~~~iRTED BY 826M) I I I I r--I r-...J 'T71T81 T51141T31T21 ill Tof - COMPLETEIOB6I8088 INTERRUPT TYPE 10 !0 I 0 I 0 IT7 !Ts!Ts!T4!T3!T2! r,j TolD I 0 I_MEMORY ADDRESS OF 808818088 INTERRUPT TYPE (TYPE x 4) Figure 22. Establishing Memory Addre•• of 8086/8088 Interrupt Type ICW3 The 8259A will only accept ICW3 if programmed in the cascade mode (ICW1, SNGL=O). ICW3 Is used for specific programming within the cascade mode. Bit definition of ICW3 differs depending on whether the 8259A is a master or a slave. Definition of the ICW3 bits is as follows: SO-7 (Master): If the 8259A is a master (either when the SP/EN pin is tied high or in the buffered mode when MIS = 1 in ICW4), ICW3 bit definition is SO-7, corresponding to "slave 0-7". These bits are used to establish which IR inputs have slaves connected to them. A 1 designates a slave, a 0 no slave. For example, if a slave was connected to IR3, the S3 bit should be set to a 1. (SO) should be last choice for slave designation. 100-102 (Slave): If the 8259A is a slave (either when the SP/EN pin is low or in the buffered m'ode when MIS = 0 in ICW4), ICW3 bit definition Is used to establish its individual identity. The 10 code of a particular slave must correspond to the number of the masters IR input it is connected to. For example, if a slave was connected to IR6 of the master, the slaves 100-2 bits should be set to 100 = 0, 101 = 1, and 102= 1. The LTIM bit is used to select between the two IR input triggering modes. If LTIM = 1, the level triggered mode is selected. If LTIM = 0, the edge triggered mode is selected. A5-A15: The A5-A15 bits are used to select the interrupt vector address when in the MCS-80/85 mode. There are two programming formats that can be used to do this. Which one is implemented depends upon the selected address interval (AD I). If ADI is set for the 4-byte interval, then the 8259A will automatically insert AO-A4 (AO, A1 = 0 and A2, A3, A4= IRO-7). Thus A5-A15 must be user selected by programming the A5-A15 bits with the desired address. If ADI is set for the 8-byte interval, then AO-A5 are automatically inserted (AO, A1, A2=0 and A3, A4, A5=IRO-7). This leaves· A6-A15 to be selected by programming the A6-A15 bits with the desired address. The state of bit 5 is ignored in the latter format. I ICW4 The 8259A will only accept ICW4 if it was selected in ICW1 (bit IC4= 1). Various modes are offered by using ICW4. Bit definition of ICW4 is as follows: "PM: The "PM bit allows for selection of either the MCS-80/85 or MCS-86/88 mode. If set as a 1 the MCS-86/88 mode is selected, if a 0, the MCS-80/85 mode is selected. AEOI: The AEOI bit is used to select the automatic end of interrupt mode. If AEOI = 1, the automatic end of interrupt mode is selected. If AEOI = 0, it isn't selected; thus an EOI command must be used durir:Jg a service routine. MIS: The MIS bit is used in conjunction with the buffered mode. If in the buffered mode, MIS defines whether the 8259A is a master or a slave. When MIS is set to a 1, the 8259A operates as the master; when MIS is 0, it operates as a slave. If not programmed in the buffered mode, the state of the MIS bit is ignored. 2-137 121500-001 AP59 BUF: The BUF bit is used to designate operation in the buffered mode, thus controlling the use of the SP/EN pin. If BUF is set to a 1, the buffered mode is programmed and SP/EN is used as a transceiver enable output. If BUF is 0, the buf· .fered mode isn't programmed and SP/EN is used for masterlslave selection. Note if ICW4 isn't programmed, SP/EN is used for masterl slave selection. SFNM: The SFNM bit designates selection of the special fully nested mode which is used in conjunction with the cascade mode. Only the master should be programmed in the special fully nested mode to assure a truly fully nested structure among the slave IR inputs. If SFNM is set to a 1, the special fully nested mode is selected; if SFNM is 0, it is not selected. 10 'I" I" 1 I 01 0 c,1 c, 1 I I L Co IR LEVEL TO BE ACTED UPON o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 f--lO 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 o 0 1 1 0 0 1 T NON SPECIFIC EOI COMMAND "SPECIFIC eOI COMMAND ROTATE ON NON SPECIFIC EOI COMMAND 4.2 OPERATIONAL COMMAND WORD (OCWs) 1 0 ROTATE IN AUTOMATIC Eor MODE ISETI o 0 ROTATE IN AUTOMATIC EOI MODE ICLEARI } AUTOMATIC ROTATION } Once initialized by the ICWs, the 8259A will most likely be operating in the fully nested mode. At this pOint, operation can be further controlled or modified by the use of OCWs (Operation Command Words). Three OCWs are available for programming various modes and commands. Unlike the ICWs, the OCWs needn't be in any type of sequential order. Rather, they are issued by the processor as needed within a program. I 0 1 ' I"MMI ' 'M 1 0 END OF INTERRUPT } SPECifiC ROTATION 1 ' I ' I '" I '" I IL4_____'{"-O~:-"'ln-'-OO~MM-"TO.~~ ---;-+---1----1 Figure 23, the OCW programming format, shows the bit designation and short definition of each OCW. With the OCW format as reference, the functions of each OCW will be explained individually. READ IRRlG ONNE'<.T ISRfG ONNf)(T ROPULSE AD PULSE 1 - POLL COMMAND o " NO POL L COMMAND OCW1 OCW1 is used solely for 8259A masking operations. It provides a direct link to the IMR (Interrupt Mask Regis· ter). The processor can write to or read from the IMR via OCW1. The OCW1 bit definition is as follows: RESET SHCIAl MO-M7: The MO-M7 bits are used to control the mask· ing of IR inputs. If an M bit is set to a 1, it will mask the corresponding IR input. A 0 clears the mask, thus enabling the IR input. These bits convey the same meaning when being read by the processor for status update. 'in SPECIAL ~ASk SOME OF THE TERMINOLOGY USED MAY DIFFER SLIGHTLY FROM EXISTING 8259A I DATA SHEETS. THIS IS DONE TO BETTER CLARIFY AND EXPLAIN THE PROGRAM· MING OF THE 8259A, THE OPERATIONAL RESULTS REMAIN THE SAME. Figure 23. Operational Command Words (OCWs) Programming Format OCW2 OCW2 is used for end of interrupt, automatic rotation, and specific rotation operations. Associated commands and modes of these operations (with the exception of AEOI initialization), are selected using the bits of OCW2 in a combined fashion. Selection of a command or mode should be made with the corresponding table for OCW2 in the OCW programming format (Figure 20), rather than on a bit by bit basis. However, for com· pleteness of explanation, bit definition of OCW2 is as follows: LO-L2: The LO-L2 bits are used to designate an interrupt level (0-7) to be acted upon for the opera· tion selected by the EOI, SL, and R bits of OCW2. The level designated will either be used to reset a specific ISR bit or to set a specific priority. The LO-L2 bits are enab.led or disabled by the SL bit. EOI: The EOI bit is used for all end of interrupt coin, mands (not automatic end of interrupt mode). If set to a 1, a form of an end of interrupt command will be executed depending on the state of the SL and R bits. If EOI is 0, an end of inter· rupt command won't be executed. SL: The SL bit is used to select a specific level for a given operation. If SL is set to a 1, the LO-L2 bits are enabled. The operation selected by the EOI and R bits will be executed on the specified interrupt level. If SL is 0, the LO-L2 bits are disabled. R: The R bit is used to control all 8259A rotation operations. If the R bit is set to a 1, a form of priority rotation will be executed depending on the state of SL and EOI bits. If R is 0, rotation won't be executed. 2-138 121500-001 AP59 OCW3 OCW3 is used to issue various modes and commands to the 8259A. There are two main categories of operation associated with OCW3: interrupt status and interrupt masking. Bit definition of OCW3 is as follows: RIS: The RIS bit is used to select the ISR or IRR for the read register command. If RIS is set to 1, ISR is selected. If RIS is 0, IRR is selected. The state of the RIS is only honored if the RR bit is a 1. RR: The RR bit is used to execute the read register command. If RR is set to a 1, the read register command is issued and the state of RIS determines the register to be read. If RR is 0, the read register command isn't issued. P: The P bit is used to issue the poll command. If P is set to a 1, the poll command is issued. If it is 0, the poll command isn't issued. The poll command will override a read register com· mand if set simultaneously. ' SMM: The SMM bit is used to set the special mask mode. If SMM is set to a 1, the special mask mode is selected, If it is 0, it is not selected. The state of the SMM bit is only honored if it is enabled by the ESMM bit. ESMM: The ESMM bit is used to enable or disable the effect of the SMM bit. If ESMM is set to a 1, SMM is enabled. If ESMM is 0, SMM is disabled. This bit is useful to prevent interference of mode and command selections in OCW3. 5. APPLICATION EXAMPLES In this section, the 8259A is shown in three different application examples. The first is an actual design implementation supporting an 8080A microprocessor system, "Power Fail/Auto Start wit/l Battery Back-Up RAM". The second is a conceptual example of incorporating more than 64 interrupt levels in an 8080A or 8085A system, "78 Level Interrupt System". The third application is a conceptual design using an 8086 system, "Timer Controlled Interrupts". Although specific microprocessor systems are used in each example, these applications can be applied to either MCS-80, MCS-85, MCS-86, or MCS-88 systems, providing the necessary hardware and software changes are made. Overall, these applications should serve as a useful guide, illustrating the various procedures in using the 8259A, 5.1 POWER FAIL/AUTO·START WITH BATTERY BACK-UP RAM The first application illustrates the 8259A used in an 8080A system, supporting a battery back-up scheme for the RAM (Random Access Memory) in a microcomputer system. Such a scheme is important in numerical and process control applications. The entire microcomputer system could be supported by a battery back-up scheme, however, due to the large amount of current usually required and the fact that most machinery is not supported by an auxiliary power source, only the state of calculations and variables usually need to be saved. In the event of a loss of power, if these items are not already stored in RAM, they can be transferred there and saved using a simple battery back-up system. The vehicle used in this application is the Intel® SBC·80/20 Single Board Computer. An 8259A is used in the SBC-80/20 along with control lines helpful in implementing the power-down and automatic restart sequence used in a battery back·up system. The SBC-80/20 also contains user·selectable jumpers which allow the on·board RAM to be powered by a supply separate from the supply used for the non-RAM components. Also, the output of an undedicated latch is available to be connected to the IR inputs of the 8259A (the latch is cleared via an output port), In addition, an undedicated, buffered input line is provided, along with an input to the RAM decoder that will protect memory when asserted. The additional circuitry to be described was constructed on an SBC-905 prototyping board. 'An SBC-635 power supply was used to power the non-RAM section of the SBC-80/20 while an external DC supply was used to simulate the back-up battery supplying power to the RAM. The SBC-635 was used since it provides an open collector ACLO output which indicates that the AC input line voltage is below 103/206 VAC (RMS). The following is an example of a power-down and restart sequence that introduces the various power fail signals. 1. An AC power failure occurs and the ACLO goes high (ACLO is pulled up by the battery supply). This indicates that DC power will be reliable for at most 7.5 ms. The power fail circutry generates a Power Fail Interrupt (PFI) signal. This signal sets the P"R latch, which is connected to the IRO input of the 8259A, and sets the Power Fail Sense (PFS) latch. The state of this latch will indicate to the processor, upon reset, whether it is coming up from a power failur~ (warm start) or if it is coming up initially (cold start). 2. The processor is interrupted by the 8259A when the PFI latch is set. This pushes the pre-power-down program counter onto the stack and calls the service routine for the IRO input. The IRO service routine saves the processor status and any other needed variables. The routine should end with a HALT instruction to minimize bus transitions. 3. After a predetermined length of time (5 ms in this ex· ample) the power fail circuitry generates a Memory Protect (MPRO) signal. All processing for the power failure (including the interrupt response delays) must be completed within this 5 ms window. The MPRO signal ensures that spurious transitions on the system control bus caused by power gOing down do not alter the contents of the RAM. 4. DC power goes down. 5. AC power returns. The power-on reset circuitry on the SBC-80/20 generates a system RESET. 6. The processor reads the state of the PFS line to determine the appropriate start-up sequence. The PFS latch is cleared, the MPRO signal is removed, and the PFI latch driving IRO is cleared by the Power Fail Sense Reset (PFSR) signal. The system then continues from the pre·power-down location for a warm start by restoring the processor status and popping the pre-power-down program counter off the stack. Figure 24 illustrates this timing. 2-139 . 121500-001 AP59 POWER DOWN RESTART \~---- ACLO '---------' 1--_/ IRO PFS PFSR MPRD ---+------------\I-------~ ---+---""""\ DC----+------~ "--~J UP ROUTINE POWER Figure 24. Power Down Restart Timing Figure 25 shows the block diagram for the system. Notice that the RAM, the RAM decoder, and the powerdown circuitry are powered by the battery supply. The schematic of the power-down circuitry and the SBC-80120 interface is shown in Figure 26. The design is very straightforward and uses CMOS logic to minimize the battery current requirements. The cold start switch is necessary to ensure that during a cold start, the PFS line is indicating "cold start" sense (PFS high). Thus, for a cold start, the cold start switch is depressed during power on. After that, no further action is needed. Notice that the PFI signal sets the on-board PFI latch. The output of this latch drives the 8259A IRO input. This latch is cleared during the restart routine by executing an OUTput D4H instruction. The state 01 the PFS line may be read on the least significant data bus line (080) by executi~g an INput D4H instruction. An 8255 port (8255 #1, port C, bit 0) is used to control the PFSR line. BATTERY SUPPLY CONTROLBUS-i-i-4----~----+_~~ DATABUS-i-4------+-·---1·-*------+_--~~--~+_------·~-~------J ADDRESSBUS~~-----~----~ Figure 25. Block Diagram of SSC 80/20 with Power Down Circuit 2-140 121500-001 AP59 "" '" SSC80/20 '" LATCH RAMCS 'AM DECODER , , J. COLO-j START "-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--/I" 1-_ _ _ _ _--'-"'' -10 ~=T Figure 26. Power Down CirculI - SBe 80/20 Inlerlace The fully nested mode for the 8259A is used in its initial state to ensure the IRO always has the highest priority. The remaining IR inputs can be used for any other purpose in the system. The only constraint is that the service routines must enable interrupts as early as possible. Obviously, this is to ensure that the power-down interrupt does not have to wait for service. If a rotating priority scheme is desired, another 8259A could be added as a slave and be programmed to operate in a rotating mode. The master would remain in the initial state of the fully nested mode so that the IRO still remains the highest priority input. The software to support the power-down circuitry is shown in Figure 27. The flow for each label will be discussed. After any system reset, the processor starts execution at location OOOOH (STARn. The PFS status is read and execution is transferred to CSTART if PFS indicates a cold start (i.e., someone is depressing the cold start switch) or WSTART if a warm start is indicated (PFS LOW). CSTART is the start of the user's program. The Stack Pointers (SP) and device initialization were included just to remind the reader that these must occur. The first EI instruction must appear after the 8259A has received i.ts initialization sequence. The 8259A (and other devices) are initialized in the INIT subroutine. When a power failure occurs, execution is vectored by the 8259A to REGSAV by way of the jump table at JSTART. The pre-power-down program counter is placed on the stack. REGSAV saves the processor registers and flags in the usual manner by pushing them onto the stack. Other items, such as output port :>tatus, program- mabie peripheral states, etc., are pushed onto the stack at this time. The Stack Pointer (SP) could be pushed onto the stack by way of the register pair HL but the top of the stack can exist anywhere in memory and there is no way then of knowing where that is when in the power-up routine. Thus, the SP is saved at a dedicated location in RAM. It isn't really necessary to send an EOI command to the 8259A in REGSAV since power will be removed from the 8259A, but one is included for completeness. The final instruction before actually losing power is a HALT. This minimizes somewhat spurious transitions on the various busses and lets the processor die gracefully. On reset, when a warm start is detected, execution is transf,erred to WSTART. WSTART activates· PFSR by way of the 8255 (all outputs go low then the 8255 is initialized). In the power-down circuitry, PFSR clears the PFS latch and removes the MPRO signal which then allows access to the RAM. WSTART also clears the PFI latch which arms the 8259A IRO input. Then the 8259A is re-initialized along with any other devices. The SP is retrieved from RAM and the processor registers and flags are restored by popping them off the stack. Interrupts are then enabled. Now the power-down program counter is on top of the stack, so ~ecuting a RETurn instruction transfers the processor to exactly where it left off before the power failure. Aside from illustrating the usefulness of the 8259A (and the SBC-80/20) in implementing a power failure protected microcomputer system, this application should also point out a way of preserving the processor status when using interrupts. 2-141 121500-001 AP59 , 0, ,.,. 2 ,PM, 00rIN fIfD ..,. """ ,." ..., ....... - _1>00' ",>!, 89930112001 '!i S'1":i[1:/'I 6PT5'" jl'PUC lli1::.1'~VE Er.u 11JrT 'OI ,STWTtl~ 11 195TFfT " ". ". ,20 21 - ". ". 1M l..!>lAtT b4 6'5 6G 6( ""'" iJltZSDS 88..~C5 "'""""" "'"", ,1'ISI:Ilf"8't:l9MI'rPBU:. ,', .!,'£l',Opr~jTftTU5 ,t'fSION~ .rr"..~ -"" -Ol" ;«iI6TflRT IWI OUI "" " "" "" " JO ".ll'" 0I1Iltt).>E6 .... DlD< .... COW," 981l2ll8llJ':l ,.,'" 881(C1 89191:1 801BtB Ill!1{,C9 "'t POP POP ,RI.!.TMDE POP ,h'f.SrUlt.Hl. ,Resroorf1l"l.l.JSrLJtf:D ""OO 41 <2 43 ""UlLD . 47 .INITIm.IlllrION • "OJill " ~INII 51 52 '"" """ INn ::;f~fM OOT ~'l:ml'fII.IlTct! .00 JNlflfUzr ElJi:.RYIIIII«l ~t.l'IVE 51' rl10llllffl ~OOrI/£ fl.Jrl ORG 181i1H, JIf' ~lC%' "134 NO' JIfI ::':.;11"»1 "S6 NO' Jtf' _'lIlIIl "88 NO' 1ft> ~ NO' J1'f 134!11f JIf' 'Mel! " 92 "" """. ". ,I1r.:-fflIEI:-[)(JIrftfo'l.,lWTOPOF:;lfICI.. ,R[H./RN ro II ~Lr ~I~l ~f' I([](f. OOT IU 1.lC1 ,II ~tII'I ~F IN(Ul>E~' II,;F I~L;~IiE. ..... ,tION-::rUH EO! 6~~ POIo'T WI[I, rtt='\ Hti.1 uO (iU1oli OJRf)fEfI.l~', . ."" I"" m ('uT '" EI '" """" ,~f'«!TNITHnI=1 IN '" ,,, 1>' I 3IlfI iJ1.98C121OS "" 45 "'"(" """D' IJiMCltllS .OOiPUTCOIYIfiM)JIIIt;'~I'ruI/GfJl.OWl.nUl~"'f.'o.'fH) OOT ""001 001 ILl S2 918798 31 l8 13 14 et "" """"" ""'" .:;t;1 !;I.!~'5 11 TO fJUTruT IU)( a25')I..IJfTROLf'Ukr. tf~.. Glt.$LIJI ,Q.ERI1".;I'r5Lf1TCIl A,9lH >PllC ~8(" LIlI 19· "'"" """"" """ """"" ""'" "',. . """"'" ... " .. """ ,."" Pf'I1Ct H ~'9'1 .. 2..!.W5TARTlOCAllCW 1+:.1"" I/IEHWAF" SII\I<'I ",. rlV! "". tUl1NC~h'" II(N CIA.I) ,jIART ::.H~1iE ~QINlfL ~m"L" WINOl ,'1 P1J.r. i'Lti\f.. ;It,'J( fi. ..f:.1M. ~l' AI(i :THV_ ~!f'~ • e "(1 Rl5/:.T ~'t. ~[f.li~,EI:: F'USH ) ':iH rIM rl HJSlI.. PUSH Li'I ~ 81J88H C/lI.,.. 68 CY 8Il2E228IiI:r.l ~rBl ,. ""' """ "" 6l11~G~ ""''' ,!USSPOPTWiltI1'l9-1 J255 U ~OOTm. f'@T ,:.Jffl t1 rou c ::;r:.TOIo.'I""rINRAI1 e11l t'OINr f'f11.R ~ S259PORTWIlHIM=I:l ItllllfLIlfIrIlItS ID[ _-- 60 .)a./E;'" [000l0 IlOOTllE I'J 8 PflI1tT EIlI 14 ....". D.UlTE~ ,," .,.. "'" ''''''" ''"EI" "" IE"' ". ". "". -"" "'''' rlj, ml: 5BC. C!I.'213 RE~IIIRT .reo (fN lfflIER " LOC OOJ " UX"S "roGRAI'! ~1-'.JrSaI om:~ l~lTlt\.l2l:. flFl ,; INIT I~ITU1LI.:l(VL.WTIIlttj 00411 Fot,3llf'FllflllH 1.fto&U. mTE~'J.'IJfl= l.i....>E '" Figure 27, Power Down and Restart Software 5.2 78 LEVEL INTERRUPT SYSTEM CAS BUS The second application illustrates an interrupt structure with greater than 64 levels for an 8080A or 8085A sys· tem. In the cascade mode, the 8259A supports up to 64 levels with direct vectoring to the service routine. Extending the structure to greater than 64 levels requires polling, using the poll command. A 78 level interrupt structure is used as an illustration; however, the prin· ciples apply to systems with up to 512 levels. SAOO SAO INTA MO IRO To implement the 78 level structure, 3 tiers of 8259A's are used, Nine 8259A's are cascaded in the master·slave scheme, givihg 64 levels at tier 2. Two additional 8259A's are connected, by way of the INT outputs, to two of the 64 inputs. The 16 inputs at tier 3, combined with the 62 remaining tier 2 inputs, give 78 total levels. The fully nested structure Is preserved over all levels, although direct vectoring is supplied for only the tier 2 inputs. Software is required to vector any tier 3 re· quests, Figure 28 shows the tiered structure used In this example. Notice that tNe tier 3 8259A's are connected to the bottom level slave (SA7). The master-slaves are inter· connected as shown in "Interrupt Cascading", while the tier 3 8259A's are connected as "masters"; that is, the SP/EN pins are pulled high and the CAS pins are left un· connected. Since these 8259A's are only gOing to be used with the poll command, no INTA is required, there· fore the INTA pins are pulled high. SP07 INT SA10 INTA Sii INTA SBOO SA' lNTA SBO MASTER IR' M' INT SA'7 INT SA70 SP S807 INTA 5810 SA7 INT S8l INTA ~ SA76 IR7 M7 INT SA77 INT 5817 Figure 28. 78 Level Interrupt Structure 2-142 121500-001 AP59 The concept used to implement the 78 levels is to directly vector to all tier 2 input service routines. If a tier 2 input contains a tier 3 8259A, the service routine for that input will poll the tier 3 8259A and branch to the tier 3 input service routine based on the poll word read after the poll command. Figure 29 shows how the jump table is organized assuming a starting location of 1000H and contiguous tables for all the tier 2 8259A's. Note that "SA35" denotes the IR5 input of the slave connected to the master IR3 input. Also note that for the normal tier 2 inputs, the jump table vectors the processor directly to the service routine for that input, while for the tier 2 inputs with 8259A's connected to their IR inputs, the processor is vectored to a service routine (i.e., S80) which will poll to determine the actual tier 3 input requesting service. The polling routine utilizes the jump table starting at 1200H to vector the processor to the correct tier 3 service routi ne. LOCATION 8259 CODE 1000 H SAO JMP lOlC H SAl 1020 H 103C H • SADa SERVICE ROUTINE JMP SA07 , SA07 SERVICE ROUTINE JMP SAlO , SAlO SERVICE ROUTINE JMP SA17 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , SA 17 SERVICE AOUTINE --- - - - - - - - - , SA20-SA67 SERVICE ROUTINES - ---------------------- 10EO H SA7 10F8 H 10FC H 1200 H JMP SA70 • SA7a SERVICE ROUTINE JMP JMP SBO SBl SBOO · S8l POLL ROUTINE JMP SBO 121C H 1220 H SBl 123C H Each 8259A must receive an initialization sequence regardless of the mode. Since the tier 1 and 2 8259A's are in cascade and the special fully nested mode is used (covered shortly), all ICWs are reqlJired. The tier 3 8259A's don't require ICW3 or ICW4 since only polling • will be used on them and they are connected as masters not in the cascade mode. The initialization sequence for each tier is shown in Figure 30. Notice that the master is initialized with a "dummy" jump table starting at OOH since all vectoring is done by the slaves. The tier 3 devices also receive "dummy" tables since only polling is used on tier 3. As explained in "Interrupt Cascading", to preserve a truly fully nested mode within a slave, the master 8259A should be programmed in the special fully nested mode. This allows the master to acknowledge all interrupts at and above the level in service disregarding only those of lower priority. The special fully nested mode is programmed in the master only, so it only affects the immediate slaves (tier 2 not tier 3). To implement a fully nested structure among tier 3 slaves some special housekeeping software is required in all the tier-2-withtier-3-slave routines. The software should simply save the state of the tier 2 IMR, mask all the lower tier 2 interrupts, then issue a specific EOI, resetting the ISR of the tier 2 interrupt level. On completion of the routine the IMR is restored. COMMENTS SADQ • SSO POLL ROUTINE • S800 SERVICE ROUTINE JMP 5801 , S807 SERVICE ROUTINE JMP S810 • S810 SERVICE ROUTINE JMP SB17 • SB17 SI;RVICE ROUTINE - ---- ----- -- Figure 29. JumlJTable Organization INITIALIZATION SEQUENCE FOR 78 LEVEL INTERRUPT STRUCTURE INITIALIze MASTER MINT: A,15H MVI OUT MV' OUT OUT MPTA A,OOH MPTB A,OFFH MPT8 MY' A,IOH OUT MPTB MY' ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ICWI,LTM",O,4DI=1,S=O,IC4=1 MASTER PORT AO ... 0 ICW2, DUMMY ADDRESS MASTER PORT AD 1 JCW3, S7·SO 1 MASTER PORT AD = 1 ICW4, SFNM", 1 MASTER PORT AO 1 = = = INITIALIZE SA SLAVES - X DENOTES SLAVE 10 (SEE KEy) SAXINT: A,. MVI OUT MV' OUT MV' OUT SAXPTA A,10H SAXPTB AOXH SAXPTB A10H SAXPTS MY' OUT ; SEe KEY FaR ICW1, LTM=O, AOI=1, S=O, IC4=1 ; SA"X" PORT AO=O ; ICW2. ADDRESS Msa ; SA"X" PORT AO = 1 ; ICW3, SAID ; SA"X" PORT AO", 1 ; ICW4,SFNM=1 ; SA"X" PORT AO=1 REPEAT ABOVE FOR EACH SA SLAVE INITIALIZE 58 SLAVES ~ X DENOTES 0 or 1 (DO SBO, REPEAT FOR S81) 5BXINT MV! OUT A,I8H SBXPTA My' A,OOH OUT SBXPTB ; ; ; ; ICW1. LTM=O, ADI '" 1, 5=1, lC4=0 SB"X" PORT AD 0 , ICW2, DUMMY ADDRESS S8"X" PORT AO:= 1 = SA INITIALIZATION KEY Figure 31 shows an example flow and program for any tier 2 service routine without a tier 3 8259A. FJgure 32 shows an example flow and program for any tier 2 service routine with a tier 3 8259A. Notice the reading of the ISR in both examples; this is done to determine whether . or not to issue an EOI command to the master (refer to the section on "Special Fully Nested Mode" for further details). SA"X" 0 a (ICW1) 1 3. 2 3 4 5 5 7 15 •• 1. 9'a. D5 F5 JUMP TABLE START (H) 1000 1020 1(14D 1060 1080 10AD lOCO 10EO Figure 30. Initialization Sequence for 78 le.el Interrupt Structure 2-143 121500-001 AP59 ; SA"X" "OUTINE • GENERAL INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTtNE ; FOR TIER 2 ',NTERRUPTS WITHOUT TIER 3 125M PUSH D SAX j j PUSH 8 PUSH H SAVE DE SAve Be • SAYE HL , SAVE A, FUGS • ENABLE INTERRUPTS PUSHPSW EI : ,SEAVlqE AOUTtNE ODES HERE DI MVI ~PTA MUI OUT IN ANI , ocwa. READ REGISTER. ISA A,OBN SAXPTA , SA"X" PORT 401110 • SA"X" PORT AD = 0, SA"X" ISA I TEST FDA ZERO SAXPTA OFFH JZN , , • , SAXRSA MYI A,OBH MASPTA PSW OUT SAXASA I DISABLE INTERRUPTS • DCW2, NON·SPECIFIC EOI j SA"X" PORT AU III 0 20. OUT POP pop pop pop ., IF NOT ZEAO, RESTORE STATUS OCW2, NON SPECIFIC E01 MASTER PORT AO ... O RESTORE A, FLAGS H B : RESTO"E HL D • RESTORE DE • RESTORE Be • ENABLE INTERRUPTS • RETURN . RET Figure 31. Example Service Routine for Tier 2 Interrupt (SA"X', without ner 3 8259A (SB"X', • sa"X" ROUTINE. SERVICE ROUTINE FOR TIER 2 j INTERRUPTS WITH nEA 3 IUlAS PUSH D I SAVE DE PUSH I , SAVE Be sax PUSH H PUSH paw IN SAXPTB MOV D.A MVI OUT MVI OUT A,xXtt SAXPT. LXI MVI MYI OUT IN ANI ADD ADD MOV DAD : SAVE Hl i SAVE A, FlAGS IJ j READ SA"X"'MR I I SAVE ; MASK SA"X" LOWER IA I SA"X" PORT AD '"' 1 A.8XH ; OCW2 SPECIFIC EOI SA"X" SAXPTA • SA"X" PORT AD ... ' H,1_H I JUMP TABLE START B.cMltt ' CLEAR a A,oe.. • OCW3. POLL COMMAND SBlCPTA ; SB"X" PORT AD-O saXPTA. GET POLL WORD 07H • LIMIT TO 3 BIT$ A : GET TABLE OFFSET A C,A I EI : OFFSET TO C : HL HAS TAILE ADDAESS I ENABLE INTERRUPTS S8"X"RET ROUTINE - FOR EOI AND MASK RESTORE AFTER SB"X" ROUTINE SIXRET OUT ..... MVI ",B. OUT SAXPTA saXPTA OFFH SIXRSR A,20H DI MYI 'IN, ANI JHZ MVI OUT saXRSR" MOV OUT PDP POP POP POP EO RET SIXPTA • DISABLE INTERRUPTS • OCW2, NON SPECIFIC EOI , SA"X" PORT AD-O • ocwa, READ REGISTER ISR : :::~::~: =:~\ISA ; TEST FOR ZERO ; IF.ORESTOREIMR : 0CW2, NON-5PEClftC EOI MABPTA A.D : MASTER PORT AD_ 0 I RESTORE SAlOl(" IMR SAXPT8 , SA"X" PORT AD-1 • RESTORE A, FLAGS PSw H B D , RESTORE HL ; RESTORE BC , RESTORE IC i RESTORE DE ; RETURN Figure 32. Example Service Routine for Tier 2 Interrupt (SA"X") with n.r 3 8259A (SB"X', 2-1~ 121500-001 AP59 5.3 TIMER CONTROllED INTERRUPTS In a large number of controller type microprocessor designs, certain timing requirements must be imple· mented throughout program execution. Such time dependent applications include control of keyboards, displays, CRTs, printers, and various facets of industrial control. These examples, however, are just a few of many designs which require device serviCing at specific rates or generation of time delays. Trying to maintain these timing requirements by processor control alone can be costly in throughput and software complexity. So, what can be done to alleviate this problem? The answer, use the 8259A Programmable Interrupt Con· troller and external timing to interrupt the processor for time dependent device servicing. This application example uses the 8259A for timer controlled interrupts in an 8086 system. External timing is done by two 8253 Programmable Interval Timers. Figure 33 shows a block diagram of the timer controlled inter· rupt circuitry which was built on the breadboard area of an SDK·86 (system design kit). Besides the 8259A and the 8253's, the necessary 1/0 decoding is also shown. The timer controlled interrupt circuitry interfaces with the SDK·86 which serves as the vehicle of operation for this design. A short overview of how this application operates is as follows. The 8253's are programmed to generate inter· rupt requests at specific rates to a number of the 8259A IR inputs. The 8259A processes these requests by interrupting the 8086 and vectoring program execution to the appropriate service routine. In this example, the routines use the SDK-86 display panel to display the number of the interrupt level being serviced. These routines are merely for demonstration purposes to show the necessary procedures to establish the user's own routines in a timer controlled interrupt scheme. Let's go over the operation starting with the actual inter· rupt timing generation which is done by two 8253 Pro· grammable Interval Timers (8253 #1 and 8253 #2). Each 8253 provides three individual 16-bit counters (counters 0-2) which are software programmable by the proc· essor. Each counter has a clock input (ClK), gate input (GATE), and an output (OUT). The output signal is based on divisions of the clock input signal. Just how or when the output occurs is determined by one of the 8253's six programmable modes, a programmable 16-bit count, and the state of the gate input. Figure 34 shows the 8253 timing configuration used for generating interrupts to the 8259A. The SDK·86's PClK (peripheral clock) signal provides a 400 ns period clock to ClKO of 8253 #1. Counter 0 is used in mode 3 (square wave rate generator), and acts as a prescaler to provide the clock inputs of the other counters with a 10 ms period square wave. This 10 ms clock period made it easy to calculate exact timings for the other counters. Counter 2 of the 8253 #1 is used in mode 2 (rate gener· ator), it is programmed to output a 10 ms pulse for every 200 pulses it receives (every 2 sec). The output of counter 2 causes an interrupt on IR1 of the 8259A. All the 8253 #2 counters are used in mode 5 (hardware triggered strobe) in which the gate input initiates counter operations. In this case the output of 8253 #1 counter 2 controls the gate of each 8253 #2 counter. When one of the 8253 #2 counters receive the 8253 #1 counter 2 out· put pulse on its gate, it will output a pulse (10 ms in duration) after a certain preprogrammed number of clock pulses have occurred. The programmed number of clock pulses for the 8253 #2 counters is as follows: 50 pulses (0.5 sec) for counter 0, 100 pulses (1 sec) for counter 1, and 150 pulses (1.5 sec) for counter 2. The outputs of these counters cause interrupt requests on IR2 through IR4 of the 8259A. Counter 1 of 8253 #1 is used in mode 0 (interrupt on terminal count). Unlike the other modes used which initialize operation automatically or by gate triggering, mode 0 allows software controlled counter initialization. When counter 1 of 8253 ,,#1 is set during program execution, it will count 25 clocks (250 ms) and then pull its output high, causing an interrupt request on IRO of the 8259A. Figure 35 shows the timing generated by the 8253's which cause inter· rupt request on the 8259A IR inputs. EACH DEVICE Vee'" +5V, GND ;; ~ Figure 33. Timer Controlled Interrupt Circuit on SDK 86 Breadboard Area 2-145 121500-001 AP59 GATE1 f+sV eLK1 GAlEa I y+5V 82"" COUNTERO MODE 3 J I GATE2 y+5V II OUT 0 (10 ms) ClK2 J 8~53#1 8253#1 COUNTER 1 MOOED II OUT1 I lOU12 I C~UON.,r:~ I 2 GAlEO CLKO _I I 1 C~~~3T~2R 0 MODES ,.2 I aUTO I CLK1 GATE1 J I 8253*2 COUNTER 1 MODe 5 II I OUT1 CLK2 GATE2 I c~~~~~~ -I 2 OUT2 MODES T ,.4 Figure 34. 8253 Timing Conllguration lor Timer Controlled Interrupts ,.0 8253#1 \ COUNTER 1 82531#2 COUNTER 0 \ ,., u.-----I·,\ ,.2 u r------u u u..----I\\ ,.3 c~~~~~~ 1 I\-\-----,Ur--------,U c~a~~:~2 r \ -\------,'U'r--------,U I \ \ \ ! \ I \ ! S 'R4 \ 250 ms PER DIVISION (EACH SMAL.L PULSE IS 10 ms IN DURATION) Figure 35. 8259A IR Input Signal From 8253S There are basically two methods of timing generation that can be used in a timer controlled interrupt structure: dependent timing and independent timing. Dependent timing uses a single timing occurrence as a reference to base other timing occurrences on. On the other ~ hand, independent timing has no mutual reference between occurrences. Industrial controller type applications are more apt to use dependent timing, whereas independent timing is prone to individual device control. Although this application uS\lsprimarily dependent timing, independent timing is also incorporated as an example. The use of dependent timing can be seen back in Figure 34, where timing for IA2 through IA4 uses the lAt pulse as reference. Each one of the 8253 #2 counters will generate an interrupt request a specific amount of times after the IA1 interrupt request occurs. When using the dependent method, as in this case, the IA2 through IA4 requests must occur before the next IA1 request. Independent timing is used to control the lAO interrupt request. Note that its timing isn't controlled by any bf the other IA requests, In this timer controlled interrupt configuration the dependent timing is initially set to be self running and the independent timing is software initialized, However, both methods can work either way by using the various 8253 modes to generate the same interrupt timing. IA jnput becomes active on the rising edge. With this in mind, Figure 35 shows that lAO will generate an interrupt every half second and IA1 through IA4 will each generate an interrupt every 2 seconds spaced apart at half second intervals. Interrupt vectoring in the MCS-86/88 mode is programmed so lAO, when activated, will select interrupt type 72. This means IA1 will select interrupt type 73, IA2 interrupt type 74, and so on through IA4. Since IA5 through IA7 aren't used, they are masked off. This prevents the possibility of any accidental interrupts and rids the necessity to tie the unused IA inputs to a steady level. Figure 36 shows the 8259A IA levels (lAO~IA4) with their corresponding interrupt type in the 8086 interrupt-vector table. Type 77 in the table is selected by a software "INT" instruction during program execution. Each type is programmed with the necessary, code segment and instruction pOinter values for vectoring to the appropriate service routine. Since the 8259A is programmed in the automatic EOI Mode, it doesn't require an EOI command 1'0 designate the completion of the service routine. TYPE 77 TYPE 76 TYPE 7S The 8259A processes the interrupts generated by the 8253's according to how it is programmed. In this application it is programmed to,operate in the edge triggered mode, MCS-86/88 mode, and automatic EOI mode. In the edge triggered mode an interrupt request on an 8259A SOFTWARE INT I ' R4j' 8259A TYPE 74 I R3 I R2 TYPE 73 I R1 TYPE 72 I RO Figure 38. Interrupt "Type" Designation 2-146 121500-001 AP59 As mentioned earlier, the interrupt service routines in this application are used merely'to demonstrate the timer controlled interrupt scheme, not to implement a particular design. Thus a service routine simply displays the number of its interrupting level on the SDK·86 dis· play panel. The display panel is controlled by the 8279 Keyboard and Display Controller. It is initialized to display "Ir" in its two left·most digits during the entire display sequence. When an interrupt from IR1 through IR4 occurs the corresponding routine will display its IR number via the 8279. During each IR1 through IR4 servo ice routine a software "INT77" insiruction is executed. This instruction vectors pro,Qram execution to the servo ice routine designated by type 77, which sets the 8253 counter controlling IRO so it will cause an interrupt in 250 ms. When the IRO interrupt occurs its routine will turn off the digit displayed by the IR1 through IR4 routines. Thus each IR level (IR1-IR4) will be displayed for 250 ms followed by a 250 ms off time caused by IRO. Figure 37 shows the entire display sequence of the timer controlled interrupt application. ., I ,.", , 'R1 , I I , .RO 2 ['J'J J .R2 "1' I I I I I , .RO "1' I I 131 I , .R3 ,,1, I I I I I , .RO . , "1' I I 8259A for the edge triggered mode, automatic EOI mode, and the proper interrupt vectoring (IRO, type 72). OCW1 is used to mask off the unused IR inputs (IR5-IR7). The 8279 is then set to display "IR" on its two left·most digits. After that the 8086 enables interrupts and a "dummy" main program is executed to wait for in· terrupt requests. y .R4 I I I , .RO Figure 37. SDK Display Sequence lor Timer Conlrolled Inlerrupls Program (Each Display Block Shown Is 250 msec in Duration) Figure 38. Inilializalion Program Flow for Timer Conlrolled Inlerrupls There are six different interrupt service routines used in the program. Five of these routines, "INTR72" through "INTR76", are vectored to via the 8259A. Figure 39A·C shows the program flow for all six service routines. Note that "INTR73" through "INTR76" (IR1-IR4) basically use the same flow. These four similar routines display the number of its interrupting IR level on the SDK·86 display panel. The "INTR77" routine is vectored to by software during each of the previously mentioned routines and sets up interrupt timing to cause the "INTR72" (IRO) routine to be executed. The "INTR72" routine turns off the number on the SDK·86 display panel. ' Now that we've covered the operation, let's move on to the program flow and structure of the timer controlled interrupt program. The program flow is made up of an initialization section and six interrupt service routines. The initialization program flow is shown in Figure 38. It starts by initializing some of the 8086's registers for pro· gram operation; this includes the extra segment, data segment, stack segment, and stack pointer. Next, by using the extra segement as reference, interrupt types 72 through 77 are set to vector interrupts to the appro· priate routines. This is done by moving the code seg· ment and instruction pOinter values of each service routine into the corresponding type location. The 8253 counters are then programmed with the proper mode and count to provide the interrupt timing mentioned earlier. All counters with the exception of the 8253 #1, counter 1 are fully initialized at this point and will start counting. Counter 1 of 8253 #1 starts counting wtien its counter is loaded during the "INTR77" service routine, which will be covered shortly. Next, the 8259A ill issued ICW1, ICW2, ICW4, and OCW1. The ICWs program the ( A INTERRUPT ON 8259AIRO INTR73-76 B. INTERRUPT ON 8259A IR1-IR4 ) C. SOFTWARE INVOKED INTERRUPT Figure 39. A-C. Interrupts Service Routine Flow for Timer Conlrolled Interrupts. 2-147 121500·001 AP59 To best explain how these service routines work, let's assume an interrupt occurred on IR·l of the 8259A. The associated service routine for IRl is "INTR73". Entering "INTR73", the first thing done is saving the pre·interrupt program status. This isn't really necessary in this program since a "dummy'\main program is being executed; however, it is done as an example to show the operation. Rather than having code for saving the registers in each separate routine, a mutual call routine, "SAVE", is used. This routine will save the register status by pushing it on t~e stack. The next portion of "INTR73" will display the number of its IR level, "1", in the first digit of the SDK-86 display panel. After that, a software INT instruc· tion Is executed to vector program execution to the "INTR77" service routine. the "INTR77" service routine simply sets the 8253 #1 counter 1 to cause an interrupt on IRO in 250 ms and then returns ,to "INTR73". Once back in "INTR73", the pre·interrupt status Is restored by a call routine, "RESTORE". It does the opposite of "SAVE", returning the register status by popping it off the stack. The "INTR73" routine then returns to the "dummy" main program. The flow for the "INTR74" through "INTR76" routines are the same except for the digit location and the IR level displayed. After 250 ms have elapsed, counter 1 of 8253 #1 makes an interrupt request on IRO of the 8259A. This causes the "INTR72" service routine to be executed. Since this routine interrupts the main program, it .also uses the "SAVE" routine to save pre·lnterrupt program status. It then turns off the digit displaying the IR level. In the case of the "INTR73" routine, the "1" is blanked out. The pre-interrupt status Is then restored using the, "RESTORE" routine and program execution returns to the "dummy" main program. The complete program for the timer controlled interrupts application is shown In Appendix B. The program was executed in SDK-86 RAM starting at location 0500H (code segment 0050, Instruction pOinter 0). = = CONCLUSION This application note has explained the 8259A in detail and gives three applications Illustrating the use of some of the numerous programmable features available. It should be evident from these discussions that the 8259A Is an extremely flexible and easily programmable member of the Intel@ MCS-80, MCS-85, ~CS-86, and MCS-88 families . .. 2-148 APPENDIX A Thi.s table is provided merely for reference information between the "Operation of the 8259A" and "Programming the 8259A" sections of this application note. It shouldn't be used as a programming reference guide (see "Programming the 8259A"). Operational Description MCS-80/85 Command Words ,Mode Bits ICW1,ICW4* IC4,I'PM* Address Interval for MCS·80/85 Mode ICW1 ADI Interrupt Vector Address for MCS·80/85 Mode ICW1,ICW2 A5-A15 MCS-86/88 Mode ICW1,ICW4 IC4,I'PM Interrupt Vector Byte for MCS-86/88 Mode ICW2 T3-T7 Fully Nested Mode OCW-Default Non-Specific EOI Command OCW2 EOI Specific EOI Command OCW2 SEOI, EOI, LO-L2 Automatic EOI Mode ICW1,ICW4 IC4, AEOI Rotate On Non-Specific EOI Command OCW2 Rotate In Automatic EOI Mode OCW2 Set Priority Command OCW2 Rotate on Specific EOI Command OCW2 R, SEOI, EOI Interrupt Mask Register OCW1 MO-M7 Special Mask Mode OCW3 ESMM-SMM Level Triggered Mode ICW1 LTIM Edge Triggered Mode ICW1 LTiM Read Register Command, IRR OCW3 ERIS, RIS Read Register Command, ISR OCW3 ERIS, RIS Read IMR OCW1 MO-M7 Poll Command OCW3 P Cascade Mode ICW1,ICW3 SNGL, SO-7, 100-2 Special Fully Nested Mode ICW1,ICW4 IC4, SFNM Buffered Mode ICW1,ICW4 IC4, BUF, M/S EOI . R, SEOI, EOI LO-L2 *Only needed if ICW4 is used for purposes other than pP mode set 2-149 121500-001 APPI:NDIX 8 t1CS-86 ASSEI'IBLER TCI59A PAGe ISIS-II t1CS-86 ASSCI'IBLER 111. 8 flSSEl'IBL1' OF t10DULE TCI59A OBJECT MODUlE PLACE!) IN :F1: TCI59A. 08.J ASSEI'IIllER INYOKED BI': :F1:A5MS6 :F1.TCI59A.SRC LOC 08J LINE 1 2 3 9120 9120 9491 9122?m 8124 1801 8126 ???? 9128 3801 912ft ???? 812C4801 912E m? 8130 6001 8132 ???? 91347801 8B6 ???? 0000 ???? ilI:l02 m? 0004 ?? 4 5 6 7 B 9 19 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 1S 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 39 31 32 3J . 34 SOURCE ******************** TIMER CONTROLLEf) INTI:.RRUPTS ******""-****"'''''''****''' j i EXTRA SEGMENT DECLARATIONS j EXTRA SI:.UMENl TP72IP TP72CS TPnIP TPnCS TP74IP TP741.'S TP75IP TP75CS lP76IP ORO OW OW DId OW OW OW I.lW OW I.lW TP76C5 DW TP77IP DId TP77CS OW B80800 SEC9 887009 8El>B llll7898 000D SEOO 000F BC8000 j TYPE 72 INSTRUCTION POINTER ; WPE 72 CODE SEGMENT ; T'r'PE i'J INS1RUCTIUN POINTER ; TYPE n CODE SEG/1ENr ; TYPE 74 INSTRUCT ION POINTER ; TYPE i'4. eWE SEGMENT ,TYrE 75 INSTRUCTION PO INTER ; WPE 7S CODE Sf:.Gl'lENl ; lYPE 76 INSTRUCTION POINTER .' TYPE 76 CODE SEGMENT ; TYrE 77 INSTRUCTION PUINTl:.R ,T'r'PE 77 CODE SEGMENT ? INTR74 ? INTR7S ? IN1R76 ? INTR77 ? EXTRA ENDS DATA SEGMENT DEClAl?.RTI ONS DATA SEGMENT STACK! DW AXTEMP DId DIGll DB DAm ; YARIABlE TO SAllE t;AlL flI.lDRtSS ; VARIABLE TO SAllE AX REGIS rEk ; VARIABLE TO SAVE SELEmD DIGIT ? ? ? ENl)S ; 35 36 0000 0093 eoos 0008 090A 12aH INTR72 ? INTR73 CODE SEGMENT DECLARATION 37 CODE 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4B 49 ; SCGMENT ASSUI'IE ES: EXTRA, OS: DrlTA, CS: CODE INITIflLI2E REGISTERS START: HOII 1'1011 1'10.,. MOl/ I'1OV I'1OV I'1OV AX,0H ES,AX AX,70H D$,fil( AX,?SH SS,AX SP,8aH ; CXTRA SCGt1ENT AT 0H 'DATA SEGMENT AT 709H ; S1 ACK SEGMENT fiT 7130H ; STACK POINT£R AT 80H (STflCK=890H) 2-150 121500-001 1 APPENDIX B (continued) MCS-86 ASSEI'IBLER 0012 0015 9019 901E 9021 9025 002A Il02l) 0031 0036 0039 903D 9042 0945 0949 904E 9951 9955 TCI59A PAGE. LINE LOC OBJ B80481 2CH32801 26SC0E2291 881801 26A32491 26SC9E2691 883001 26A32atJ1 268C8E2A91 884881 26A32C81 26SC8E2E91 BI?.6991 26A33001 26SC9E3201 li87881 26fm491 268C0E3691 SOURCE 50 51 52 ; ~iJ Tl'PE.S. 54 55 LOAI) INTcRRUf'l VECTOR TABLE I'IOV r10V :)6 MO\I r10V 57 I'lO\l sa 59 69 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 79 71 1'1011 I'IOY I'IOY I'IOY HOV MOY MOY MOY MOil I10V MOil 1'10'.' I'IOY 72 73 AX., OFfSET "iP72IP, AX "iP72CS, CS AX.. OFFSET TP73IP,Al( lP73CS. I,;S AX, OFFSET TP74IP,ffX lP74CS,CS AX, OFFSET TP75IP, AX Tf'7SCS. CS AX, OFF5[1 TP76IP,AX TP76CS,CS AX.OfFSEf TPmf', AX IP77CS, CS 9989 EE 100 998A B000 191 192 103 11011 104 I'IOY AL,09H BA8EFF 8036 EE B071 EE B0BS EE etJ66 BA08FF 0069 B3AS 006B IT 886C 006E 8iI6F 0072 9974 007S 9977 9978 9978 11970 997E lI889 9081 9983 9984 8061 EE BAOCFF B099 EE BOO2 EE BA16FF 803B EE 1l97B EE BllBB EE BA10FF 9881' ~58 008C EE 808D BA12FF 9999 B0!l0 , 74 7S 76 77 ?8 ?9 80 81 82 83 84 as 86 87 88 89 99 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 9S 99 •LOAI) TYPI: i'2 ,LOAD TYPE 73 (WTR74) ; LOAD PIPE 74 (INTR75> ; LOAI) TYPE 75 (INTR76) ; LOAI) Tl'PE 76 (lNT"'??) ; LOHD T't'PE 7"t 8253 INlTIALIZATION [)X,eFF8EH AL,36H DX,AL AL.71H DX,AL AL,0BSH ox..AL OX,0FF08H AL,0A8H DX,AL AL,61H DX,AL DX,0FFOCH AL,90H DX,AL AL 92H DX,AL ox, 0FF16H AL, $BH DX,AL AL,7BH DX,AL AL,9BBH DX,AL DX,0FF19H AL, 59H DX,AL AL,90H DX,AL Dx.. 0FF12H 985A 005D 995F 9060 9062 0063 9965 (INTR72> SETS31: 1'1011 I10V OUT I'lO\l OUT I'lO\l OUT 1'1011 I10V OUT I'lO\l OUT I'IOY I'IOY OUT I10V OUT SETo32: I'IOV 1'1011 OUT !'lOY OUT I10V OUT I10V !'lOY OUT 1'1011 OUT 2-151 ; 8203 iii CONTROL WORD •COUNTER 0, MODE 3, BINARY .; coum!:R 1, MODE 0, BCD ; COUNTER 2. MODE 2, BCD ; LOAI) COlllHER 0 (101'1S) ,LSB iMSB ; LOAD COUNTER 2 (2SEC) ;LSIi i I'ISB i 8253 12 (;ON] ROL WORD .; COLINTER 0, I'IODI: 5, BCD ; COUNTER 1, MODE !), BCD .' COUNTER 2, MODE 5, BCD i LOAI) COUNTER 0 C 5SU;) iLSB ;I'ISB ;LOAD COUNTER 1 ,LSB (1SE~) .121500-001 2 APPENDIX ~ (continued) I1C5-86 f6SEMBLEI? lOC OBl 0092 0093 a095 0096 EE Btllil EE BA14fr 0099 0fl9B 009C €IB9E B05fl tE Bt101 Ef: f'fIGI: . 3 TCI59A LINE 105 106 5OI.*CE , OUT [):~,AL MO'} AL 91H I)X,AL OK.8FF14H AL 5flH I)X,AL AL,81H OX,AL our 1'101/ 107 198 199 110 111 112 113 MOV OUT MOV OUl 114 009F 0BA2 f.l0A4 88A5 OOAB BA08FF B£l1:.< Ef: Bft!i<:Ff B043 115 116 117 W3 119 1211 OOAA EE 121 00AB OOAD !lBAE a8Bt] 12'2 123 124 125 126 127 BOO:; EE 8eE0 EE 0081 BlUFF 00B4 BaD0 OOB6 EE a0B? EC eaBa 00ce OOBA ?2FB OOBe 8087 eOOE EE 000F 6AE8FF 9!JC2 6006 00(;4 EE !1OCS BAEAFF ooee B086 OOCA EE 80CB BAE8FF OOCE B850 OOoo·E£ 13001 FB .iMSB . LOA]) tOUNTI::R 2 (1. 5SEe) iL~B . MSB fJ259fl INITIflllZkTION SET59A: MOIl MOl{ our MO~' MO'1 OUT MOY OUT MOl/ our , 129 130 -,ET79: MOV 131 132 133 134 (VJT WAIT79: IN MO~' ~ JB MOV om 136 B7 138 139 140 141 142 143 . 144 145 MOI/ MOil OUT ~101/ MO',' OUT MOV MOI/ OUT STJ 146 . 825% 00=0 lCW1-L TlM:f1. 5=1, IC4=1 i ;8259A flO=1 .i ICW2-INTERRlJrr TYf'1:: ;'2 (120H) .i ICfl4-SFNt-1=B, Bur=0, flEOI=1, MPt-1=l ; 0CI41-MASK IRS, 6, 7 (NOT USED) 8279 INITIAL UflTION 128 135 DK.8FFOOH Al,13H DK.AL DX.0FF02H AL, 48H DX,Al AL 0St-1 DX,AL AL,0EeH DX,AL DX, OFFEAlI AL,ooeH DX,AL AL,DX tiLl WAlT79 AL, 87H DX,AL OX,0FFESH ALtltolI DX,AL DX, aFFEAH AL,86H DX,AL DX,8FFE8H AL,59H . 8279 COI'1MANI.l loJORDS ftN!) STATUS . CLEAR D1SPLA'r' ; ~r.D S1ATlJS .' "[lU' BIT TO CARRY ; JIJMP 1F DISf'LA'1 IS UNAIIAILABLE ;r,I61T a ; 8279 DATA WORD i CHARACH:R 'I" . 8279 COMMAND WORD . DIGIT 7 ; 82(9 DATA WORD ; CHARACTER "RH DX,K ; ENABLE ltITERRUf'TS 147 148 149 DUMMY PROGRAM 150 0002 EBFE 0004 A30200 000758 0008 A30000 OODB A1B230 00DE !le OODF 53 151 152 153 154 155 1~ 157 1~ 159 ~'. JMP ; WAIT FOR INTtRRIJPT . DUMMY ; SAllE . MOV pop MOil 110V PUSH PUSH AXTEMP, AX AX STACK1, AX AX,AXTEMP AX BX 2-152 ; SAI/E AX ; POP CALL RETURN ADOOESS ,SAllE CALL RETlJr~N ADDRl:SS ; RESTORE AX ; SAVE PROCESSOR STft-IIJ5 121500-001 APPENDIX B (continued) 11(:5-86 A:;SEMBLER LOC OBJ OOE0 00E1 OOE2 00E3 OOE4 00E5 00E6 00E7 00EA 00EB !)1 52 55 56 57 1E 06 A10f:l00 50 C3 OOEC 58 00EO A30000 001'0 07 00Fl1F OOF2 5F 5E SD SA 59 58 58 A38280 Al0000 ~FF 50 IUOO Al0200 0103 G3 001'3 OOF4 00F5 00F6 00F7 80F8 00F9 00FG 9194 0197 , 010A 0l0D 010£ 0111 01:8 0114 0117 ESCDFF BAEAFF AOO400 EE BAESFF B000 EE E805FF CF TCI59A PAGE LINE SOURCE 160 161 162 163 164 165 PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH 166 PUSH 167 16B 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 1(7 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 1S7 188 189 199 191 192 193 194 195 1% 197 lSS 199 200 1'1011 PUSH RET PU5~1 0118 911B 011£ 0120 012J 0124 0127 0129 012A 012!: 012~ E8B9FF Bf1EAFF B088 A20400 E.E BAESFF B006 EE CD4D ESBDfF GF 205 206 MOV POP POP POP POP POP POP AX STACK1,AX ES OS 01 51 BP OX pop ex POP POP BX AX AXTEMP, AX AX, STACK1 A.'< AX, AXTEMP 1'1011 i'IO'v' PUSH 1'10\1 RET ; POP CALL RETURN ADIII 1Gll 4 ; 82(9 DATA i CHARA(;T[R "4· ; 1mER DELAY FOR ill ON 'liME ; ROUTINE TO RESTORE PROCESSOR SlATIJS ; RETlJRN FROM INlERRlJ!T ~ INTERRUPT 77. TIMER llELAY. SOFTWARE CONTROLLED IIITR77: I'IOV t10V OOT t10V OUT IRET DX,IlFF9AH ; LOfb COUNTER 1 8'253 11 (259 I'ISEC) ftL.25H iL!'£! DX,fIl. ; IISB Al.08H DX,fIl. ; R[I URN FROI'I INTERRUPT 2-154 12150()"()()1 APPENDIX B (continued) 1ICS-86 ASSEIfJlEl1 TCI59A PfI(£ LINE LOG OBJ 6 SOlRCE 270 271 m 27~ CODE , 274 275 11000 ENDS; END START SYI1BOL TABLE U!.oTlNU ---- ---- ------ NftME TYPE VALUE ATTRIBUTES ??SEG . AXTEMP CODE DATA DIGIT . DUIt1Y . EXTFA INTR7"Z INTP.7J INm4 INTR75 INTI176. INTR77 RESTOR SI:.GI1ENT V WOI1[l SEGMENT SEGI1ENT II BYTE L NEAP, SEGMENT L NEAR L NEAR L NUIF L NEAR L NEAR L NEAR L NEfIF L NEilR L NEAA L NEAF L NEAll L NEAR II IoIOIi'D L NEAR V WOf1[I II IO[l II WOR{) II IoIORf) SIZE=98OOH PARA PUBLIC 0002H DATA SIZE=0182H PAPA SIZE=01.105H P~A 0004H [lATA 00D2H CODE SIZE=013SH PARA 0104H COLlE 9118H CODE 913ati CODE 9148H CODE 9160H CODE 9178H CODE SAVE. SET531 SET532. SET59A SET79 STACK1 START. TP72CS TP72IP TP73CS. Tf'73IP. TP74CS TP74IP. TP75CS TP75IP. TP76CS. TP76IP , TP77CS. TP77IP TYPES WAIT79 II WORD II WORD II WORD II WORD II WOFD II WORD II IoIORI) V IoIORI) L NEAR L NEAR 09ECH CODE 0904H CODE 095I*l CODE 09781-1 CODE 0991"H CODE 1l9B1H CODE 1l8e9H Il8e9H ~ 0122H EXTRH 9120H EXTRA 0126H EXTRA 9124H EXTRA 012AH EXTRA 0128H EXTRA 912EH EXIRA 912CH EXTRA 01::;2H EXTRA 9130H EXTRA 0136H EXTRA 0134H EXTRA 0012H CODE 9087H CODE f:SSEI'IIlL Y COMPLETE. NO EFRORS FruND ~ 2~155 121500-001 iAPX 86, 88, ·186, 188 Microprocessors 3 iAPX 86/10 16-81T HMOS MICROPROCESSOR 8086/8086-2/8086-1 Arithmetic in Binary or Decimal Including Multiply and Divide • Direct Addressing Capability 1 M Byte of Memory • Architecture Designed for Powerful Assembly Language and Efficient High Level Languages. • 14 Word, by 16·Bit Register Set with Symmetrical Operations • Range of Clock Rates: 5 M Hz for 8086, 8 M Hz for 8086·2, 10 MHz for 8086·1 • MULTIBUSTM System Compatible Interface • 24 Operand Addressing Modes • Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range - Extended Temperature Range • Bit, Byte, Word, and Block Operation.s • 8 and 16·Bit Signed and Unsigned The Intel iAPX 86/10 high performance 16-bit CPU is available in three clock rates: 5, 8 and 10 MHz. The CPU is implemented in N-Channel, depletion load, silicon gate technology (HMOS), and packaged in a 40-pin CerDIP package. The iAPX 86/10 operates in both single processor and multiple processor configurations to achieve high performance levels. BUS INTERFACE UNIT r , REGISTER FILE - - , RELOCATION REGISTER FILE DATA POINTER AND INDEX REGS f8 WORDS} GND Vee A014 A015 A16fS3 A012 A17/S4 AD11 A18/55 AD10 A19fS6 AD9 SHE/S7 ADS MNIMX AD7 RO AD6 ROIGTO (HOLD) FLAGS 6 BYTE INSTRUCTION ADS RafGl1 (HlDA) AD. LOCK (WIl) AD3 52 (MliO) AD2 Si (DTlR) AD1 So (DEN) ADO aso (ALE) NMI aS1 (lNTA) QUEUE ffi'i_r----......;:"""----, INTR INT NMI- - 2 CONTROL & TIMING HOlD- 050 aS1 -r---.---.-r .......,~ HlDA---..... . . i eLK I ReSET READY I JetNIM); TEST elK READY GND RESET 40 LEAD OND V" Figure 2. iAPX 86/10 Pin Configuration Figure 1_ iAPX 86/10 CPU Block Diagram 3-1 iAPX 86/10 Table 1. Pin Description ( The following pin function descriptions life for iAPX 1J6 systems In either minimum or maximum mode. The "Local Bus" In these descriptions is the direct multiplexed bus interface connection to the 8086 (without regard to additional bus' buffers). Symbol Pin No. Type AD15·ADo 2·16,39 I/O 35·38 0 A1g1S6, A1a1S5, A17/S 4, A 16/S 3 Name and Function Address Data Bus: These lines constitute the time multiplexed memoryllO address (T 1) and data (T2, T3, Tw, T4) bus. Ao is analogous to BHE for the lower byte of the data bus, pins DrDo. It is lOW during T1 when a byte is to be transferred on the lower portion of the bus in memory or I/O operations. Eight·bit oriented devices tied to the IQwer half would normally use Ao to condition chip select functions. (See BHE.) These lines are active HIGH and float to 3·state OFF during interrupt acknowledge and local bus "hold , acknowledge." Address/Status: Durir:lg T, these are the four most sign ificant address lines for memory operations. During I/O operations these lines are lOW. During memory and I/O operations, . status information is available on these ,Iihes during T2, T3> Tw, and T4. The status of the interrupt enable FLAG bit (S5l is updated at the beginning of each ClK cycle. A17/S4 and A,e/S3 are encoded as shown. This information indicates which relocation register is presently being used for data accessing. A17/S4 A,eis3 Characteristics o (LOW) 0 , , Alternate Data 0 '(HIGH) 0 Code or None Data , 86 IS Stack 0 (LOW) These lines float to 3·state OFF during local bus "hold acknowledge." BHE/S 7 34 0 Bus High Enable/Status: During T, the bus high enable signal (BHE) should be used to enable data onto the most significant,half cif the data bus, pins 0,5-08' Eightbit oriented devices tied to the upper half of the bus would normally use BHE to condition chip select func' tions. BHE'is lOW during T, for read, write, and interrupt acknowledge cycles when a byte is to be transfer· red on the high portilZln of the bus. The S7 status informa· tion is available during T2, T3, and T4. The signal is active lOW, and floats to 3·state OFF in "hold." It is lOW duro ing T1 for the first interrupt acknowledge cycle. iiHE Ao 0 0 0 , , , 0 ,. Characteristics Whole word Upper byte froml to odd address Lower byte froml to even address None RD 32 0 READY 22 I READY: is the acknowtedgement from the addressed memory or I/O device that it will complete the data transfer. The READY signal from memory/IO is synchronized by the 8284A Clock Generator to form READY. This signal is active HIGH. The 8086 READY input is not synchronized. Correct operation is not guaranteed if the setup and hold times are not met. INTR 18 I Interrupt Request: is a level triggered input which is sampled during the last clock cycle of each instruction to determine if the processor should enter into an interrupt acknowfedge operation. A subroutine is vectored to via an interrupt vector lookup table located in system memory. It can be. internally masked by software resetting the interrupt enable bit. INTR is internally synchronized. This signal is active HIGH. TEST 23 I TEST: input is examined by the "lIIIait" instruction. If the TEST input is lOW execution continues, otherwise the processor waits in an "Idle" state. This input is synch~onized internally during each clock cycle on the leading edge of ClK. Read: Read strobe indicates that the processor is performing a memory of I/O read cycle, depending on the state = T DE 8286 DATA TRANSCEIVER (21 ~ BHEJliol1 CSOH CSOL WE 00 2142 RAM (4) J11f J1 CE DE 2716·2 PROM (2) es AD Wft Mes-ao PERIPHERAL (21 1Kxs (21 1Kx8 2K ... 81 2K" 8 Figure 4b. Maximum Mode iAPX 86/10 Typical Configuration 3-7 iAPX 86/10 Status bits S3 through S7 are multiplexed with high· order address bits and the BHE Signal, and are therefore valid during ;-2 through T4. S3 and S4 indicate which segment register (see Instruction Set description) was used for this bus cycle in forming the address, accord· ing' to the following table: BUS OPERATION The 86/10 has a combined address and data bus commonly referred to as a time multiplexed bus. This tech· nique provides the most efficient use of pins on the processor while permitting the use of a standard 40·lead package. T~is "local bus" can be buffered directly and us~d throughout the system with ad,dress latching pro· vided on memory and I/O modules. In addition, the bus can also be demultiplexed at the processor with a Single set of address latches if a standard non·multiplexed bus is desired for the system. S4 o (LOW) 0 1 (HIGH) 1 Each processor bus cycle consists of at'least four elK cycles. These are referred to as T 1, T2, T3 and T4 (see Figure 5). The address is emitted from 'the processor during T 1 and data transfer occurs on the bus during T3 and T 4' T2 is used primarily for changing the direction of !tie bus during read operations. In the event that a "NOT READY" indication is given by the addressed device, "Wait" states (T w) are inserted between T3 and T4. Each inserted "Wait" state is of the same duration as a elK cycle. Periods can occur between 8086 bus cycles. These are referred to as "Idle" states (T I) or inactive elK cycles. The processor uses these cycles for internal housekeeping. During T1 of any bus cycle the ALE (Address latch Enable) Signal is emitted (by either the processor or the 8288 bus controller, depending on the MN/MX strap). At the trailing edge of this pulse, a valid address and cer· tain status information for the cycle may be latched. Status bits So, S1, and S2 are used, in maximum mode, by the bus controller to identify the type of bus transac· tion according to the following table: S2 S; SO o (LOW) 0 0 0 1 (HIGH) 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 CHARACTERISTICS Interrupt Acknowledge Read I/O WriteI/O Halt Instruction Fetch Read Data from Memory Write Data to Memory Passive (no bus cycle) S3 0 1 0 1 CHARACTERISTICS Alternate Data (extra segment) Stack Code or None Data S5 is a reflection of the PSW interrupt enable bit. S6=Oand S7 is a spare status bit. . 110 ADDRESSING In the 86/10, I/O operations can address up to a maximum of 64K I/O byte registers or 32K I/O word registers. The I/O address appears in the same format as the memory address on' bus lines A1s-A o. The address lines A19 -A 16 are zero in I/O operations. The variable I/O instructions which use register OX as a pointer have full address capability while the direct I/O instructions directly address one or two of the 256 I/O byte locations in page 0 of the I/O address space. . I/O ports are addressed in the same manner as memory locations. Even addressed bytes are transferred on the 0rOo bus lines and odd addressed bytes on 015-08' Care must be taken to assure that each register within an 8·bit peripheral located on the lower portion of the bus be addressed as even. 3-8 IAPX 86/10 , '0------~ (4 + NWAlT) '" Tey n n ______ - ...'------ -<'~, ~ ~ (4 + NwAITJ =Tcy n n ------_,' _ ~ eLK \ ADDRI $7-53 STATUS -----8___ ADDRIDATA D_A_TA_O_UT_ID_15_-D_O_'- - - - ) - - READY READY READY WAIT WAIT DTiR .....-- MEMORY ACCESS TIME-+- Figure 5. Basic System Timing 3-9 ~ inter iAPX86/10 EXTERNAL INTERFACE sequence, which is used to "vector" through the ap· propriate element to the new interrupt service program location. PROCESSOR RESET AND INITIALIZATION NON·MASKABLE INTERRUPT (NMI) Processor initialization or start up is accomplished with activation (HIGH) of the RESET pin. The 8086 RESET is required to be HIGH for greater than 4 ClK cycles. The 8086 will terminate operations on the high-going edge of RESET and will remain dormant as long as RESET is HIGH. The low-going transition of RESET triggers an internal reset sequence for approximately 10 ClK cycles. After this interval the 8086 operates normally beginning. with the instruction in absolute location FFFFOH (see Figure 3Bl. The details of ihis operation are specified in the Instruction Set description of the MCS-86 Family User's Manual. The RESET input is internally synchronized to the processor clock. At initialization the HIGH-to-LOW transition of RESET must occur no sooner than 50 /J-s after power-up, to allow complete initialization of the 8086. The processor provides a single non·maskable interrupt pin (NMI) which has higher priority than the maskable in· terrupt request pin (INTR). A typical use would be to ac· tivate a power failure routine. The NMI Js edge-triggered on a lOW-to-HIGH transition. The activation of this pin causes a type 2 interrupt. (See Instruction Set description.) NMI is required to have a duration in the HIGH state of greater than two ClK cycles, but is not required to be synchronized to the clock. Any high-going transition of NMI is latched on-chip and will be serviced at the end of the current instruction or between whole moves of a block-type instruction. Worst case' response to NMI would be for multiply, divide, and variable shift instructions. There is no specification on the occurrence of the low-going edge; it may occur before, during, or after the servicing of NMI. Another high-going. edge triggers another response if it occurs after the start of the NMI procedure. The signal must be free of logical spikes in general and be free of bounces on the low-going edge to avoid triggering extraneous responses. NMI may not be asserted prior to the 2nd CLK cycle following the end of RESET. INTERRUPT OPERATIONS Interrupt operations lall into two classes; software or hardware initiated. The software initiated interrupts and software aspects of hardware interrupts are specified in the Instruction Set description. Hardware interrupts can be classified as non·maskable or maskable. MASKABLEINTERRUPTPNT~ The 86/10 provides a single interrupt request input (INTR) which can be masked internally by software with the resetting of the interrupt enable FLAG status bit. The interrupt request Signal is level triggered. It is internally synchronized during each clock cycle on the high-going edge of ClK . .To be responded to, INTR must be present (HIGH) during the clock period preceding the end of the current instruction or the end of a whole move for a block-type instruction. During the interrupt response sequence further interrupts are disabled. The enable bit is reset as part of the response to any interrupt (INTR, NMI, software interrupt or Single-step), although the Interrupts result in a transfer of control to a new pro· gram location. A 256·element table containing address pointers to the interrupt service program locations resides in absolute locations 0 through 3FFH (see Figure 3b), which are reserved for this purpose. Each element in the table is 4 bytes in size and corresponds to an interrupt "type". An interrupting device supplies an 8·bit type number, during the interrupt acknowledge I A,E T, TJ T4 \ \ INTA ~FlOAT n'---- I TI I J\\.........------t! [oCR ADo-AD,s T2 ! I ( 1 rr' I I i I T, I T, / ~ \ \ >- Figure 6. Interrupt Acknowledge Sequence 3-10 TYPE VECTOR iAPX 86/10 to become active. It must remai~ active for at least 5 CLK cycles. The WAIT instruction is re·executed repeatedly until that time. This .activity does not consume bus cycles. The processor remains in an idle state while waiting. All 8086 drivers go to 3·state OFF if bus "Hold"is entered. If interrupts are enabled, they may occur while the processor is waiting. When this occurs the processor fetches the WAIT instruction one extra time, processes the interrupt, and then re·fetches and re·executes the WAIT instruction upon returning from the interrupt. . FLAGS register which is automatically pushed onto the stack reflects the state of the processor prior to the interrupt. Until the old FLAGS register is restored the enable bit will be zero unless specifically set by an instruction. During the response sequence (figure 6) the processor executes two successive (back-to-back) interrupt acknowledge cycles. The 8086 emits the LOCK signal from T2 of the first bus cycle until T2 of the second. A local bus "hold" request will not be honored until the end of the second bus cycle. In the second bus cycle a byte is fetched from the external interrupt system (e.g., 8259A PIC) which identifies the source (type) of the interrupt. This byte is multiplied by four and used as a pointer into the interrupt vector lookup table. An INTR signal left HIGH will be continually responded to within the limitations of the enable bit and sample period. The INTERRUPT RETURN instruction includes a FLAGS pop which returns the status of the original interrupt enable bit when it restores the FLAGS. BASIC SYSTEM TIMING Typical system configurations for the processor operating in minimum mode and in maximum mode are shown in Figures 4a and 4b, respectively. In minimum mode, the MN/MX pin is strapped to Vce and the proc· essor emits bus control signals in a manner similar to the 8085. In maximum mode, the MN/MX pin is strapped to Vss and the processor emits coded status information which the 8288 bus controller uses to generate MULTIBUS compatible bus control signals. Figure 5 il· lustrates the signal timing relationships. HALT When a software "HALT" instruction is executed the p~ocessor indicates that it is entering the "HALT" state in one of two ways depending upon which mode is strapped. In minimum mode, the processor issues one ALE with no qualifying bus control signals. In Maximum Mode, the processor issues appropriate HALT status on 828 180 and the 8288 bus controller issues one ALE. The 8086 will not leave the "HALT" state when a local bus "hold" is entered while in "HALT". In this case, the processor reissues the HALT indicator. An interrupt request or RESET will force the 8086 out of the "HALT" state. AX AH AL ACCUMULATOR BX BH BL BASE CX CH CL COUNT OX DH DL DATA ~~ READ/MODIFY/WRITE (SEMAPHORE) OPERATIONS VIA LOCK I The LOCK status information is provided by the proc· essor when directly consecutive bus cycles are required during the execution of an instruction. This provides the processor with the capability of performing read/modify/ write operations on memory (via the Exchange Register With Memory instruction, for example) without the ,possibility of another system bus master receiving intervening memory cycles. This is useful in multi· processor system configurations to accomplish "test and set lock" operations. The LOCK signal is activated (forced LOW) in the clock cycle following the one in which the software "LOCK" prefix instruction is decoded by the EU. It is deactivated at the end of the last bus cycle of the instruction following the "LOCK" prefix instruction. While LOCK is active a request on a RQ/GT pin will be recorded and then honored at the end of the LOCK. BASE POINTER 51 SOURCE INDEX DI DESTINATION INDEX IP FlAGSH I C5 - STACK POINTER BP FLAGSL I INSTRUCTION POINTER STATUS FlAGS CODE SEGMENT D5 DATA SEGMENT 55 STACK SEGMENT E5 EXTRA SEGMENT Figure 7. iAPX 86/10 Register Model SYSTEM TIMING - MINIMUM SYSTEM The read cycle begins in T1 with the assertion of the Address Latch Enable (ALE) signal. The trailing (low· going) edge of this signal is used to latch the address information, which is valid on the local bus at this time, into the 8282/8283 latch. The BHE and Ao signals address the low, high, or both bytes. From T1 to T4 the M/iO signal indicates a memory or I/O operation. At T2 the address is removed from the local bus and the bus goes to a high impedance state. The read control signal is also ass~rted at T2. The rllad (RD) signal causes the addressed device to enable its data bus drivers to the local bus. Some time later valid data will be available on the bus and the addressed device will drive the READY line HIGH. When the processor returns the read signal EXTERNAL SYNCHRONIZATION VIA TEST As an alternative to the interrupts and general I/O capabilities, 'the 8086 provides a single software· testable input known as the TEST signal. At any time th.e program may execute a WAIT instruction. If at that time the TEST signal is inactive (HIGH), program execution becomes suspended while the processor waits for TEST 3-11 intJ iAPX 86/10 to a HIGH level, the addressed device ,will again 3-state its bus drivers. If a transceiver (8286/8287) is required to buffer the 8086 local bus, signals oTIA' and DEN are provided by the 8086. ' , A write cycle also begins with the assertion of Al.;E and the emission of thel address. The M/iO signal is again asserted to indicate a memory or 110 write operation. In the T2 immediately following the address emission the processor emits the data to be writtell into the addressed location. This data remains valid until the middle of T4' During T2, T3, and Tw the processor asserts the write control signal. The write (WR) signal becomes active at the beginning of T2 as opposed to the read which is delayed somewhat into T2 to provide time for the bus to float. The BHE and Ao signals are used to select the proper byte(s) of the memoryllO word to be read or written according to the following table: BHE AO 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 CHARACTERISTICS Whole word Upper byte froml to odd address Lower byte froml to even address None r 1/0 ports are addressed in the same manner as memory location. Even addressed bytes are transferred on the 07-00 bus lines and odd addresse~ bytes on 015-08' The basic difference between the interrupt acknowledge cycle and a read cycle is that the interrupt acknowledge signal (INTA) is asserted In place of the read (!W) signal and the address bus is floated. (See Figure 6.) In the second of two successive INTA cycles, a byte of Information is read from bus lines 07-00 as supplied by the interrupt system logic (i.e., 8259A Priority Interrupt Controller). This byte identifies the source (type) of the interrupt. It is multiplied by four and used as a pointer into an interrupt vector lookup table, as described earlier. BUS TIMING-MEDIUM SIZE SYSTEMS For medium size systems the MN/MX pin is connected to Vss and the 8288 Bus Controller is added to the system as well as an 828218283 latch for latching the system address, and a 8286/8287 transceiver to allow for bus loading greater than the 8086 is capable of handling. Signals ALE, DEN, and OT/R are generated by the 8288 instead of the' processor in this configuration although their timing remains relatively the same. The 8086 status outputs (52 ,51 , and So), provide type-of-cycle information and become , 8288 inputs. This bus cycle information specifies read (code, data, or 1/0), write (data or I/0h.interrupt acknowledge, or software halt. The 8288 thus issues control signals specifying memory read or write, I/O read or write, or interrupt acknowledge. The 8288 provides two types of write strobes, normal and advanced, to be applied as required. The normal write strobes have data valid at the leading edge of write. The advanced' write strobes have the same timing as read strobes, and hence data isn't valid at the leading edge of write. The 8286/~287 trl!nsceiv~ receives the usual T and OE inputs from the 8288's OT/R and DEN. The pOinter into the interrupt vector table, which is passed during the second INTA cycle, can derive from an 8259A located on eitlier the local bus or the -system bus. If the master 8259A Priority Interrupt Controller is pOSitioned on the local bus, a TTL gate is required to disable the 8286/8287 transceiver when reading from the master 8259A during the interrupt acknowledge sequence and software "poll". 3-12 .. iAPX 86/10 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· Ambient Temperature Under Bias ......... O·C to 70·C Storage Temperature ............. - 65·C to + 150·C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground .................. - 1.0 to + 7V Power Dissipation ........................ 2.5 Watt D_C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol "NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. (8086: TA = O°C to 70°C. Vcc = 5V ± 10%) (8086-1: TA = O°C to 70°C. Vcc = 5V ± 5%) (8086-2: TA = O°C to 70°C. Vcc = 5V ± 5%) Parameter Min. Test Conditions Max. Units +0.8 V Vce+ 0.5 V 0.45 V IOl=2.5 mA V 10H= -400,..A Input Low Voltage -0.5 VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage Icc Power Supply Current: 8086 8086-1 8086-2 340 360 350 mA III Input Leakage Current ±10 IJA OV "" VIN "" Vce ILO Output Leakage Current ±10 IJA 0.45V " VOUT " Vee Vel Clock Input Low Voltage -0.5 +0.6 V VeH Clock Input High Voltage 3.9 Vee + 1.0 V C IN Capacitance of Input Buffer (All input except ADo - AD 15 • RQ/GT) 15 pF fc= 1 MHz C IO Capacitance of 1/0 Buffer (AD o -AD 15• RQ/GT) 15 pF fc= 1 MHz Vil 2.4 Note. 1 V'L tested with MN/MX Pin = av. 2. V,H tested with M N/M X Pi n = 5V MN/MX Pin is a Strap Pin 3-13 T A= 25°C iAPX 86/10 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (8086: TA = ooe to 70oe. Vcc = 5V (8086-1: TA = ooe to 70oe. Vcc = 5V (8086-2: TA" = ooe to 70oe. Vcc = 5V :!: :!: :!: 10%) 5%) 5%) MINIMUM COMPLEXITY SYSTEM TIMING REQUIREMENTS Symbol Parameter 8086 8086·1 (Preliminary) 8086·2 Units TJlst Conditions Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. TCLCL CLK Cycle Period 200 500 100 500 125 500 TCLCH CLKLowTime 118 53 68 TCHCL CLK High Time 69 39 44 TCH1CH2 CLK Rise Time 10 10 10 ns From 1.0Vto 3.5V TCL2CL1 ClK Fall Time 10 10 10 ns From 3.5Vto 1.0V ns ns ns TDVeL Data 30 5 20 TCLDX Data In Hold Time 10 10 10 ns TR1VCL ROY Setup Time Into 8284A (See Notes 1. 2) 35 35 35 ns TCLR1X ROY Hold Time into 8284A (See Notes 1. 2) 0 0 0 ns TRYHCH READY Setup Time Into 8086 118 53 68 ns TCHRYX READY Hold Time into 8086 30 20 20 ns TRYLCl READY Inactive to eLK (See Note 3) -8 -10 -8 ns ~ In Setup Time ns THVeH HOLD Setup Time 35 20 20 ns TINVCH INTR. NMI. TEST Setup Time (See Note 2) 30 15 15 ns TILIH Input Rise Time (Except ClK) 20 20 20 ns From O.8Vto 2.0V TIHll Input Fall Time (Except elK) 12 12 12 ns From 2.0Vto 0.8V 3~14 iAPX 86/10 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) TIMING RESPONSES Symbol Parameter 8086-1 (Preliminary) 8086 8086-2 Units Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. TCLAV Address Valid Delay 10 110 10 5ll 10 60 TCLAX Address Hold Time 10 TCLAZ Address Float Delay TCLAX 10 80 40 ns 50 ns TlHll ALE Width ALE Active Delay 80 40 50 ns TCHll ALE Inactive Delay 85 45 55 ns TlLAX Address Hold Time to ALE Inactive TClDV Data Valid Delay 10 TCHDX Data Hold Time 10 10 10 ns TWHDX Data Hold Time AfterWR TClCH-30 TClCH-25 TClCH-30 ns Control Active TClCH-l0 TCLAX ns TCllH , TCVCTV TClCH-20 10 10 TCHCl-l0 TClCH-l0 TCHCl-l0 110 10 ns TCHCl-l0 50 10 Test Conditions ns 60 ns 10 110 10 50 10 70 ns 10 110 10 45 10 60 ns 10 110 10 50 10 70 ns ·Cl ~ 20-100 pF for all 8086 Outputs (In addi-, tlon to 8086 selfload) Delay 1 TCHCTV Control Active i Delay 2 TCVCTX Control Inactive Delay TAZRl • Address Float to READ Active TClRl RD Active Delay 10 165 10 70 10 100 TClRH RD Inactive Delay 10 150 10 ,60 10 80 TRHAV RD Inactive to Next TClHAV HlDA Valid Delay TRlRH RDWidth 2TClCl-75 2TClCl-40 2TClCl-50 ns TWlWH WRWidth 2TClCl-60 2TClCl-35 2TClCl-40 ns TClCH-60 TClCH-35 TClCH-40 ns 0 0 TClCl-45 ns 0 TClCl-35 TClCl-40 ns ns ns Address Active TAVAl Address Valid to • ALE low 10 160 10 60 10 100 ns TOlOH Output Rise Time 20 20 20 ns From 0,8Vto 2.0V TOHOl Output Fall Time 12 12 12 ns From 2,OVto 0,8V NOTES: 1. Signal at 8284A shown for reference only, 2, Setup requirement for asynchronous signal only to guarantee recognition at next ClK, 3, Applies only to T2 state, (8 ns into T3), 3-15 inter IAPX 86/10 A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT INPUT/OUTPUT 24 ~'5_T~STPOINTS_1'5~ DEVICE UND~R TEST i } C L . , 0 0 PF 0.45 -= A C TESTING INPUTS ARE DRIVEN AT 2 4V FOR A LOGIC 1" AND 0 45V FOR A LOGIC O· TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 1 SV FOR BOTH A LOGIC 1" AND '0" CL INCLUDES JIG CAPACITANCE WAVEFORMS MIN,MUM MODE T1 T2 T3 T. Tw VCHv----\ -TClC~ TCH1CH2, t--=t.='vJ~ CLK (8284A Oulpul) "de - f i\--.-J "----I TCHCTV ~TCHCl "---Jr\.._TClCH- M/KI - TClAY- rCLDV fo-' TClAXI- TCHDX- BHE, A19-A18 TCllHALE f- 87-53 TlHll-=:: I I .I-TllAX r-I - TJAl TCHll-1 RDY (828411 Inpu~ SEE NOlE4 V,H ,...., " V'L~ Dc- -TR1VCl 'R}\\\~~~"\\ ' \,,"'\~~:' " TRYlCl- \ - --- \ I-iClR1X ~ - h READY (8088 Inpul) f - 1 TClAV- lAVAL - _ - TLLAX- TRYHCH- 1--1 I:~ClAZ TClAX TAZRlRD R~AD CYCLE =~TCHCTV (NOTE 1) !WR, INTA = VOH) - ~TDVCl- -TClDXII A1S-ADo AD,.-ADo -TCHRYX DATA IN ~rr TCLRH- ~ TRLRH TClRl DT/R TCVCTV- 3-16 f FlO~~ 1- f-TRHAV 1 TCVCTX- I -TCHCTV inter iAPX86/10 WAVEFORMS (Continued) MINIMUM MODE (Continued) T, ClK (8284A OulpuQ MfiO I ALE r-- WRITE CYCLE Q !i SERIAL UO TERMINAL A1 A2 I INTO DISK INTERFACE INT11--------------------I HARDWARE ~8 0 DISK ............... ~r-----------------~ DRQOI--------------------I Figure 39. TyplcallAPX 186 Computer 3-60 210451-1)04 inter iAPX 186 16 MHz rD~ Vee r1 X1 X2 UCS cs RD UF RES .I ,----v-' 8282 OR 8283 LATCH 6E STB OE STB • ALE LCS RESET ROM -:? ns r:=- LOW RAM CS BHE WR /\ b ADO-AD19 8282 OR 8283 LATCH STB ADDRE$S BUS 6E ~~6E STB 80186 t NMI HOLD ~ ~-----"-:; , t 8286 OR 8287 TRANSCEIVER ~ r ;> DATA BUS ~~- t DT/R CLK ALE CLKOUT SO-S2 ,-1- ~ 8288 SO-52 BUS --./ CONTROLLER --- CEN lOB MULTI MAST ER SYST EM BUS > BUS CONTROL COMMANDS AEN 1 -:? [ --=> PCSO PCS1 LOCK SRDY ARDY SO-S2 CLK ---r AEN 8289 AR~~iER MULTIBUS ARBITRATION SYSB/RESB lOB ~ I LOCK RESB L+ 5v '-.J. XACK Figure 40. Typical iAPX 186 Multi-Master Bus Interface 3-61 210451~004 inter iAPX 186 PACKAGE NOTE: The lOT 3M Textool 68-pin JEOEC Socket is required for 12 1CETM-186 operation. See Figure 42 for details. The 80186 is housed in a 68-pin, lead less JEOEC type A hermetic chip carrier. Figure 41 illustrates the package dimensions. 106 m .066 :o5ii [ .050 BSC TYP t .LD .039 TYP (68) PLCS [m , 1-lc.006 , [ .055 :li45 Figure 41. 80186 JEDEC Type A Package 3-62 210451-004 intJ iAPX 186 - 268-5400-50 268-5400-00 .. ,,--k _ --~l+;-PC OARD PATTE:..:...R_N__ B }~~mr ~~~r:~~~ \ \ \++I+. t:J+ ~ • +;*- SOCKET ORIENTATION /1.1 -I~-'~SO I .015 -i Ii b....i • + ' I • PIN CLR HOlE-¥+I '\ '\ '\;+= ~ >>~).m,.. .1.l1l!. ii.~'i:i'. 800fl ----j --l t+ L ~'"')o G. FRONT I 1.00 ALUMINUM (HEATSINK PROVISIO . ~~i~~~~T ~- ,- TO SCALE FRONT P'N NOl ~ FOR>g~~)~a._'i 12~4) DEVICEPADS_~71(' ~ ~TYP SHOWN FOR !+ 7 , ¥~ ++ •• -.i. (2.54) ~ ~ CONTACT t'+'" CKEr ORIENTATION PIN I 'i-• ~I~ OPTIONAL) CLOSED ~ \ TVP (2.54) OPEN (20.32) UM TVP 4 PLCS .020:=1" 8 SPCS@.100TOLNON Ace (0.51) (2.54) CONTACT TAIL (0.30) n are for reference only. Please consult 3M Textool for comp lete information on the eocket. NOTE, Ph....a' d.mens.on. show 1·~==__----::==:~~;::d~C;h~IP~ - (C::aarrrlier Socket Figure 42. Textool 68 Lea 3-63 210451-004 iAPX 186 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Ambient Temperature under Bias ..... O°C to 70°C Storage Temperature ........... -65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground .............. -1.0V to +7V Power Dissipation ......................... 3 Watt 'NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximUl:n rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 0°-70°C, Vee = 5V ±10%) Applicable to 80186 (8 MHz) and 80186·6 (6 MHz) , Symbol Min. Max. Units v" Input Low Voltage 0.5 + 08 Volts V,H Input High Voltage (All except Xl and (RES) 2.0 Vee + 0.5 Volts V,H1 Input High Voltage (RES) 3.0 Vee + 0.5 Volts Val Output Low Voltage 0.45 Volts r--V la ~ 2.5 mA for OO·~ " la ~ 2.0 mA for all other outputs Output High Voltage Volts loa ~ -400 ~A OH Parameter 2.4 Test Conditions Icc Power Supply Current 550 450 rnA Max measured at TA TA III Input Leakage Current ±10 ~A OV 0.45V V,N < < ILO Output Leakage Current ±10 ~A Clock Output Low 06 Volts la = 4.0 mA VCHO Clock Output High Volts loa Veu VCHI Clock Input Low Voltage -0.5 Clock Input High Voltage 3.9 40 0.6 Volts Vce+ 1.O Volts G'N Input Capacitance 10 pF G ,O I/O Capacitance 20 pF ~ VOUT -200 O°C lO°C Vee Vela < ~ ~ < Vee ~A PIN TIMINGS A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 0°_70°C, Vee = 5V ± 10%) 80186 Timing Requirements All Timings Measured At 1.5 Volts Unless Otherwise Noted. Applicable to 80186 (8 MHz) and 80186·6 (6 MHz) Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units T DVCL Data in Setup (ND) 20 ns T CLDX Data in Hold (AID) 10 ns TARYHCH Asynchronous Ready (AREADY) active setup time' 20 ns TARYLCL AREADY inactive setup time 35 ns TCHARYX AREADY hold time 15 ns TARYCHL Asynchronous Ready inactive hold time Synchronous Ready (SREADY) transition setup time 15 ns TSRYCL 20 ns T CLSRY' SREADY transition hold time 15 ns T HVCL HOLD Setup' 25 ns Test Conditions 'To guarantee recognition at next clock. 3-64 210451-004 intJ IAPX 186 80186 Timing Requirements (Continued) Symbol Parameter Min. T1NVCH INTR, NMI, TEST, TIMERIN, Setup' TINVCL OROO, OR01, Setup' Max. 25 25 Units Test Conditions ns ns 'To guarantee recognition at next clock. 80186 Master Interface Timing Rssponsea 80186 (8 MHz) Symbol TCLAV Parameters Min. Address Valid Delay 5 10 80188-6 (6 MHz) Max. 55 Min. Max. Units 5 63 ns TCLAX Address Hold TClAZ Address Aoat Delay TCHCZ Command Lines Float Delay TCHev Command Lines Valid Delay (after float) TLHLL ALE Width TCHLH ALE Active Delay 35 44 ns TCHLL ALiE Inactive Delay 35 44 ns TLLAX Address Hold to ALE Inactive TCLOV Data Valid Delay 10 TCLDOX Data Hold Time 10 TWHOX Data Hold after WR TCVCTV Control Active Delay 1 10 70 10 87 ns TCHCTV Control Active Delay 2 10 55 10 76 ns TevCTX Control Inactive Delay 5 55 5 76 ns TCVOEX DEN Inactive Delay (Non-Write Cycle) 10 70 10 87 TAZRL Address Aoat to RD Acllve 0 TCLRL RD Active Delay 10 70 10 87 ns TCLRH RD Inactive Delay 10 55 10 76 ns TCLAX ns 10 35' TCLAX 45 55 TCLCL-35 44 ns 56 ns 76 ns TCLCL-35 TCHCL-25 ns TCHCL-30 44 10 ns 55 10 ns ns TCLCL-50 TCLCL-40 ns ns ns 0 TRHAV RD Inactive to Address Active TCLHA~ HLDA Valid Delay TCLCL-50 TRLRH RDWidth 2TcLCL-50 2TCLCL-50 ns 2TcLCL-40 2TCLCL-40 ns TCLCH-25 TCLCH-45 TCLCL-40 5 5 50 ns 67 ns TWLWH WRWidth TAVAL Address Valid to ALE Low TCHSV Status Active Delay 10 55 10 76 ns TCLSH Status Inactive Delay 10 65 10 76 ns TCLTMV Timer Output Delay 60 75 ns TCLRO Reset Delay 60 75 ns 35 1lIat Condition. CL - 20-200 pF all outputs ns 44 100 pF max ns TCHQSV Queue Status Delay TCHO~ Status Hold Time 10 10 ns TAVCH Address Valid to clock high 10 10 ns 80186 Chip-Select Timing Responses Symbol Parameter Min. TCLCSV Chip-Select Active Delay Tcxcsx Chip-Selct Hold from Command Inactive 35 TCHCSX Chip-Select Inactive Delay '5 Max. Min. 66 Max. Units 80 ns ns 35 35 5 3-65 Test Conditions 47 ns 210451...()()4 intel' iAPX 186. A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) 80186 ClKIN Requirements 80186 (8 MHz) Symbol Parameter 80186-6 (6 MHz) Min. Max. Min. Max. Units 62.5 250 83 250 ns Test Conditions TCKIN ClKIN Period TC,KHL ClKIN Fall Time 10 10 ns 3.5 to 1.0 volts TCKLH ClKIN Rise Time 10 10 ns 1.0 to 3.5 volts TCLC;K ClKIN'low Time 25 33 ns 1.5 volts TCHCK ClKIN High Time 25 33 ns 1.5 volts 80186 ClKOUT Timing (200 pF load) Symbol Parameter TClco ClKIN to ClKOUT Skew Min. Max. Min. 50 125 167 Units 62.5 ns 500 ns Test Conditions TCLCL ClKOUT Period TCLCH ClKOUT low Time 1f, T CLCL-7.5 V,TCLCL-7.5 ns TCHCL ClKOUT High Time V, TCLCL-7.5 1f, T CLCL-7.5 ns 1.5 volts TCH1CH21 ClKOUT Rise Time TCL2CLl ' ClKOUT -Fall Time 500 Max. 1.5 volts 15 15 ns 1.0 to 3.5 volts 15 15 ns 3.5 to 1. volts 3-66 210451-004 iAPX 186 WAVEFORMS MAJOR CYCLE TIMING T, T, CLKOUT ~ T3 Tw v-t-=n~'A~ VCL~ =-r f\-----I 1\ I -Tc LAX~ rCLD' TC i A V - V BHE/57 , A'9/Ss- A16/S, "T,., .u;-::; f-/,_ r> ~ \ -- ~ ,"Ii;, 57-53 ., ALE ' ., ~ ./1 ~~ '-1 - - - - I...J~ WRITE CYCLE ~ Tr ;~AZ·_ 1:= -- J I- I- VOH J .v.v.n ~_TCLAZ -+ FLOAT 'I -=:f-I.I~ INTA CYCLE DT/R TCHCTV \ roon t JI~ - ~I I RD,~~V9H A~ NOTE 2 j.. ;: ~ ::;~ 50FIYOIRE HALT-DTIR ~VOL' RD, WR, INTA, DEN ~ VO H PCS, MC5 LCS, UCS 1FLOAT f:J 1 ~~ CLDX 1\ V II 1-1 .~.~ -~ tlt1t: - VOL I-- 1- l-~ AD15-ADo 1- VTCI:;:;; 1"=.- IOU· ,,~v~lv-1~ f---+I TLLA: RQ, INTA, DT/R I:: i~5~Ao AD15-ADo >--TCHCZ NOTE 1 --1 - - - - ~~. TCH --",~.... - INval In annA","" TCLAV_ - :- Tr"1 .. _TCLC5V 3-67 TCXCSX- 1- Jr- 210451-004 intel' iAPX 186 WAVEFORMS (Continued) MAJOR CYCLE TIMING (Continued) BHE/S7,A19/S6-A161S3 r-- AO'5-ADo READ CYCLE RD TCLRL 1-4---+I< -l OTfil WR, INTA = YOH PCS, MCS ----4-..,. LCS, UCS NOTES: 1. FOllowing a Write cycle, the Local Bus is floated by the 80186 only when the 80186 enters a "Hold Acknowledge" state. 2. INTA occurs one clock later in RMX-mode. 3. Status inactive just prior tc? T4 3-68 210451-004 intel' iAPX 186 WAVEFORMS (Continued) CLKOUT ---- TCLAV - LOCK CLKOUT ~ INTO-3 TIMERIN 3-69 210451-004 inter iAPX 186 WAVEFORMS (Continued) HOLD-HLDA TIMING T, T, T3 CLKOUT ARDY TARYLCL- ___ ARDY CLKOUT SRDY T, CLKOUT AD1S-ADO - - - - 80186 DEN----- }--- A19/S6-Al61S3, - - - - RD, WR, 80186 BHE,----- )--- - -- .... __ J TCHCV_ -- .... __ J ~ r-TCLAV 80186 80186 DT/R, 52-SO 3-70 210451-004 intel· iAPX 186 WAVEFORMS (Continued) TIMER ON 80186 CLKIN TCKHL TCH1CH2 ~---TCLCH----t-o.".---TCHCL--_,,- CLKOUT i-------TCLCL --------1 I ---./ _TINVCH TIMERIN ='~rTIMEROUT _ _ ~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_2_-_6_CL_O_C_KS_ _ _----------f---'~ 80186 INSTRUCTION TIMINGS • All word-data is located on even-address boundaries. The following instruction timings represent the minimum execution time in clock cycles for each instruction. The timings given are based on the following assumptions: All jumps and calls include the time required to fetch the opcode of the next instruction at the destination address. • The opcode, along with any data or displacement required for execution of a particular instruction, has been prefetched and resides in the queue at the time it is needed, • No wait states or bus HOLDS occur. All instructions which involve memory reference can require one (and in some cases, two) additional clocks above the minimum timings shown. This is due to the asynchronous nature of the handshake between the BIU and the Execution unit. 3-71 inter iAPX 186 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY FUNCTION FORMAT DATA TRANSFER MOV; Move: Register to ReglsterlMemory 11 000100w mod reg rim Register/memory to register 11 000101w mod reg rim Immediate to register/memory 11 1 0 0 0 1 1 w modOOO rim Immediate to register 11 01 t w reg Clock Cycles Comments 8/16-bit 8/16-bit data dat.,1 w ~ 1 2/12 2/9 12-13 3-4 datalfw=1 data Memory to accumulator 11 010000w addr-Iow addr-hlgh 9 Accumulator to memory 11 010001w addr-Iow addr-hlgh Register/memory to segment register 11 00 0 1 1 1 0 mod 0 reg rim Segment register to register/memory rim 8 2/9 2/11 11 00 0 1 1 0 0 mod 0 reg PUSH; Push: Memory 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mod 1 1 0 rim Register 10 1 0 1 0 Segment register. 10 0 0 reg 1 1 0 16 10 reg I 9 '~i~ti!i~:>::/ii:~:;;;" i!.'fi;! ,f::;:f(iI~;;;;.J~;1r;;:Al:;:;:;·l~. .-!lr&C:;;I)·~I):;;"k~!i'~':7'(!~@:r:.,::r,11~:>," :i·.;'I'"l7",·.:'·:o"iIa;C·fa~'~Is""'\.It'·O ,t;. :'""7"1' pop; Pop: Memory 1100011111 Register 10 1 0 1 1 Segment register 1000regllli reg 20 10 8 modOOO rim I (reg ,,01) ., . .' XCHG ; Exchange: Reglsterlmemory with register Register with accumulator 11 00 0 0 1 1 wi 11 00 1 0 reg IN ; Input trom: Fixed port 11 1 1 00 lOw vaflable port 11 1 1 0 1 lOw OUT; Output to: Fixed port 11 1 1 001 1 w vaflable port 11 1101 11 w XLAT ~ Translate byte to AL 11 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 mod reg I I 3 port 10 8 port 9 7 11 6 18 18 2 3 9 8 11 00 0 1 1 0 1 mod reg rim LOS ~ Load pOinter to DS 11 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 mod reg rim (mod ,,'11) LES ~ Load pOinter to ES 11 1000100 mod reg rim (mod LAHF ~ Load AH with flags 11 00 1 1 1 1 1 SAHF ~ Store AH IOta flags 11 00 1 11 0 PUSHF ~ Push flags 11 00 1 10 0 POPF ~ Pop flags 11 00 1 10 1 OS I0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 I 10 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 I 10 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 I ES 1001001101 CS ss .ii'" 4/17 rim I LEA ~ Load EA to register SEGMENT = Segment Override: " ~ 11) 2' 2 2 2 Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in iAPX 86,88 microsystems. 3-72 210451-004 iAPX 186 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY (Continued) FUNCTION FORMAT ARITHMETIC ADD = Add: Reg/memory with register to either 10 OOOOOdwl mod reg rim Immediate to register/memory 11 OOOOOswl modOOO rim Immediate to accumulator 10000010wl data ADC = Add with carry' Reg/memory with register to either 10 00 1 0 0 d wi mod reg Immediate to register/memory 11 00000 s wi modOl0 rim Immediate to accumulator rim I I I 10001010wl data 11 111111 wi modOOO rim I Register 10 1 0 0 0 SUB = Subtract Reg/memory and register to 8lther 1001010dwi mod reg rim Immediate from register/memory 1100000swi mod 1 01 rim Immediate from accumulator 10010110wl data I I I SBB = Subtract with borrow: Reg/memory and register to either 1000110dwi mod reg rim Immediate from register/memory 1100000swi mod 0 11 rim Immediate from accumulator 10 00 1 1 lOw I data 11 1111 11 wi Register 10 1 0 0 1 CMP =Compare' Register/memory With register 10 0 1 1 1 01 w mod reg rim I Register With register/memory 10 0 1 1 1 00 w mod reg rim Immediate WIth re9l.~ter/memory 1100000sw mod 111 rim ImmedIate With accumulator 10 0 1 1 1 lOw data NEG = Change sign' I I I 11 11 1 011 w mod 0 11 AAA=ASCII adJust for add 10 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 DAA = DeCimal adjust for add 10 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 AAS = ASCII adlustfor subtract 10 0 1 1 1 111 DAS = DeCimal adjust for subtract 10 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 MUl = MuJtlply (unsigned) Register-Byte Register-Word Memory-Byte Memory-Word 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 wi IMUl = Integer multiply (signed) Register-Byte Register-Word Memory-Byte Memory-Word 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 wi ~ -" y ''''''''''",..~ iC,iC'F~' D!V = DIVide (unsigned) Register-Byte Register-Word Memory-Byte Memory-Word ·:4 reg mod 0 0 1 rim data datalfw=1 I I datalf s w = 01 I I datalf s w _. 01 Comments I 3/10 4/16 3/4 8/16-bit I 3/10 4/16 3/4 8/16-bit 3/15 3 data datalf w= 1 I I I DEC =Decrement: Register/memory t3lM,\! , 't I data Ifw 1 I I I INC = Increment· Register/memory reg data Clock Cycles data datalfw-l I I datalfsw-Ol I I datalfsw=OI r data I I I datalfsw-Ol 3/15 3 3/10 3/10 3/10 3/4 3 I 8/16-bit 8 4 7 4 I mod 1 00 mod 1 01 ~htr%: "Z''"":,; 4]: -.I:: 'Z.'>,T'C' " ' 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 wi 8/16-bit 3/4 I datalfw-l 8/16-bit 3/10 4/16 I I rim 3/10 4/16 3/4 I rim rim I 26-28 35-37 32-34 41-43 I 'eJIl!l~r: '-::";' mod 11 0 rim ; ,; 25-28 34-37 31-34 40-43 ',Ilata > .. :.;,;,.r:: ,f,'?"' '0'" :.;: "',,',:;'.': I :" 29 38 35 44 Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in iAPX 86,88 microsystems. 3-73 ~;:~~:Z~~;J~ iAPX 186 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY (Continued) FUNCTION Clock Cycles FORMAT ARITHMETIC (Continued): 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 w I IDIV = Integer divide (signed) Register-Byte Register-Word Memory-Byte Memory-Word AAM = ASCII adlust lor multiply mod 111 rim 1110101001000010101 AAD = ASCII adjust lor divide 1110101011000010101 CBW = Convert byte to word 1100110001 CWO = Convert word to double word 11 00 1 1 0 0 1 LOGIC ShiWRolalelnst,ucltons: ReglsterlMemory by 1 11 1 0 1 0 0 0 wi· mod Tn rim ReglsterlMemory by CL 11 1 0 1 0 0 1 w 44-52 53-61 50-58 59-67 19 15 2 I I Comments 4 mod TIT rim I I 2/15 5+n/17 +n .. "~~+=Mn-.!1 ~~~ilry~rit. TTT Instruction o 00 RDL o 0 1 RDR o 1 0 RCL o 1 1 RCR 1 0 0 SHUSAL 10 1 SHR 11 1 SAR AND=And: Reg/memory and register to either mod reg rim Immediate to register/memory 10 01000dwi 11000000wl mod 1 00 rim data Immediate to accumulator 10010010wl data dat.,lw = 1 TEST = Apd function to flags, no ,esufl: Register/memory and register 11 000010wl mod reg rim Immediate data and register/memory 11 11 1 011 w modOOO rim Immediate data and accumulator 11 010100wl OR=Or: Reg/memory and register to either 1000010dwi mod reg rim Immediate to register/memory 11000000wl modOOI rim Immediate to accumulator 10000110wl data I .ata datallw=1 dat.,lw= 1 dat.,lw=1 data data dat.,lw= 1 dat.,lw=1 3/10 4/16 3/4 8/16-bit 3/10 4/10 3/4 8116-bit 3/10 4/16 3/4 8116-bit XOR = Exclusive or: Reg/memory and register to either 10 0 1 1 0 0 d w Immediate to register/memory 11000000wl mod 11 0 rim data Immediate to accumulator 10011010wl data dat.,1 w = 1 NOT = Invert register/memory 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 wi modOl0 STRING MANIPULATION: MOVS = ~ove bytelword 11 010010wl 14 CMPS = Compare bytelword 11 01 00 1 1 wi 22 SCAS = Scan byte/word 11 01 0 1 1 1 wi 15 LODS = Load bytelwd to AUAX 11 12 I mod reg 3/10 rim dat.,lw= 1 4/16 3/4 8116-bit 3 rim Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in iAPX 86, 88 microsystems. 3-74 210451-004 IAPX 186 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY (Continued) Clock Cycles FUNCTION FORMAT STRING MANIPULATION (Contonued)Repeated by count In CX MOVS - Move string 11 11 1 0 0 1 CMPS - Compare string 11 11 1 0 0 1 z 11 0 1 00 1 1 wi SCAS - Scan string 11 11 1 0 0 1 z 11 0 1 0 1 1 1 wi LOOS - Load string 11 11 1 0 0 1 8+8n 5+22n 5+15n 6+11n 6+9n 11010010wl 11 0 1 0 1 lOw Comments I ~~},,; . '. CALL; Call Direct within segment 11 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 Register/memory mdlrect within segment 11 111 111 1 Direct mtersegment 11 00 1 1 0 1 dlsp-Iow I dlsp-hlgh modOl0rm segment offset 15 13/19 23 segment selector Indirect Intersegment 11 111111 1 JMP; Uncond,tlOnallumpShortJlong 11 1 , 0 , 0 , dlsp-Iow Direct within segment 11 1 , 0 1 00 dlsp-Iow modOll rm (mod. II) 38 dlsp-hlgh 14 14 ,I I Reglster/memory mdlrect within segment I1 1'1'11 I Direct Intersegment 1 1 0 1 0 1 11 oI I modl00 r'm ,I mod'OI r,m (mod Til) 26 data-low data-high 16 18 22 data-low data-high 25 Indirect mtersegment I' ' 1 ' "" 11/17 segment offset 14 segment selector RET; Return from CALL Within segment 11 1 0 0 0 0 , 11 Within seg adding Immed to SP 11 1 0 0 0 0 1 01 Intersegment 11 1 0 0 1 0 1 11 Intersegment adding Immediate to SP 11 1 0 0 1 0 1 oI Shaded al eas indIcate InstructIons not avaIlable in iAPX 86,88 mlcrosystems 3-75 210451-004 inter IAPX 186 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY (C~ntinued) Clock Cycles FUNCTION FORMAT JE/Jl = Jump onequallZero 10 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 dlsp 4/13 JLlJNGE ~ Jump,on lessmot greatel 01 equal 10 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 dlSp JLElJNG ~ Jump on less o"quaJlnot greater 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 dlSp JB/JNAE ~ Jump on OOI../nolab"" 01 equal 10 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 dlSp JBElJNA ~ Jump on 001 .. 01 equalmolabove 10 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 dlSp 4/13 4/13 4/13 4/13 JP/JPE ~ Jump on panty/panty even 10 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 dlSp JO ~ Jump on ""rtlo. , 101110000 dlSp JS~JumponSign 10 1 1 1 1 00 0 dlSp 10 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 dlsp JNLlJGE ~ Jumpon not lesslgreaterorequal 10 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 dlSp JNLElJG ~ Jumpon not less OI,equai/grealer 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 dlSp 4/13 JNB/JAE ~ Jump on nol boo./ab"" or equal 10 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 dlSp 4/13 JNBElJA ~ Jump on not below o"quaVabove 10 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 dlSp JNP/JPO ~ Jump on not p~/par odd 10 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 dlSp 4/13 4/13 JNO ~ Jump on not""rtlow 10 1 1 1 0 00 1 dlSp JNS ~ Jumpon not sign 10 1 1 1 1 00 1 dlSp JeXl ~ Jumpon ex zero 11 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 dlSp LOOP ~ loop ex times 11 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 dlSp LOOPZlLOOPE ~ loop_hIIe zero!equal 11 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 dlSp LOOPNZlLOOPNE ~ loopwhllenot zero/equal 11 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 'I dlSp I I JMP not taken/JMP taken 4/13 4/13 4/13 ' JNElJNl ~ Jump on notequallnotzero INT~lnt.rrupt: Comments 4/13 4/13 4/13 4/13 5/15 6/16 6/16 6/16 Type specified 11 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 Type 3 11 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 INTO ~ Interrupt on overflow 11 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 45 48/4 IRET ~ Interrupt return 11 1 0 0 1 1 1 11 28 type LOOP not taken/LOOP taken 47 if INT. taken/ if INT. not taken Shiided areas indicate instructions not available in iAPX 86, 88 microsystems. 3-76 210451-004 IAPX 186 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY (Continued) FUNCTION FORMAT PROCESSOR CONTROL CLC ~ Clear carry 11 1 1 1 1 00 0 CMC ~ Complement carry 11 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 STC ~ Set carry 11 1 1 1 1 00 1 CLO ~ Clear dlreclion 11 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 STO ~ Set directIOn 11 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 CLI ~ Clear Interrupt 11 1 1 1 1 01 0 STI ~ Set Interrupt 11 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 HLT~Halt 11 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 Clock Cycles WAIT~walt 11 00 1 1 0 1 1 LOCK ~ Bus lock prellx 11 1 1 1 0 00 0 ESC ~ Processor Exte,nSlon Escape mod LLL rim 11 101 1 TT T (ID LLL are opcode to processor extenSion) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 6 I Comments if test = 0 Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in iAPX 86,88 microsystems. 3-77 210451-004 iAPX 186 FOOTNOTES The effective Address (EA) of the memory operand is computed according to the mod and rim fields: REG is assigned according to the following table: 16-Bit (w = 1) 000 AX 001 CX 010 OX 011 BX 100 SP 101 BP 110 SI 111 01 if mod = 11 then rim is treated as a REG field if mod = 00 then OISP = 0*, disp-Iow and disp-high are absent if mod = 01 then OISP = disp-Iow sign-extended to 16-bits, disp-high is absent if mod = 10 then OISP = disp-high: disp-Iow if rim = 000 then EA = (BX) + (SI) + OISP 8-Bit(w = 0) 000 AL 001 CL 010 OL 011 BL 100 AH 101 CH 110 OH 111 BH if rim = 001 then EA = (BX) + (01) + OISP + (SI) + OISP + (01) + OISP = (SI) + OISP = (01) + OISP = (BP) + OISP* = (BX) + OISP if rim = 010 then EA = (BP) if rim = 011 then EA = (BP) if rim = 100then EA if rim = 101 then EA if rim = 110 then EA if rim = 111 then EA the physical addresses of all operands addressed by the BP register are computed using the SS segment register. The physical addresses of the destination operands of the string primitive operations (those addressed by the 01 register) are computed using the ES segment, which may not be overridden. OISP follows 2nd byte of instruction (before data if required) "except If mod ~ 00 and ,1m ~ 110 then EA ~ disp-high' disp-Iow. NOTE: EA CALCULATION TIME IS 4 CLOCK CYCLES FOR ALL MODES, AND IS INCLUDED IN THE EXECUTION TIMES GIVEN WHENEVER APPROPRIATE SEGMENT OVERRIDE PREFIX 10 0 1 reg 1 1 0 I reg is assigned according to the following: reg Segment Register 00 01 10 11 ES CS SS OS 3-78 210451-004 iAPX 88/10 8-BIT HMOS MICROPROCESSOR 8088/8088-2 • 8·Bit Data Bus Interface • 8·Bit and 16·Bit Signed and Unsigned Arithmetic in Binary or Decimal, Including Multiply and Divide • 16·Bit Internal Architecture • Direct Addressing Capability to 1 Mbyte of Memory • Compatible with 8155·2, 8755A·2 and 8185·2 Multiplexed Peripherals • Direct Software Compatibility with iAPX 86110 (8086 CPU) • Two Clock Rates: 5 MHz for 8088 8 MHz for 8088·2 • 14·Word by 16·Bit Register Set with Symmetrical Operations • Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range - Extended Temperature Range • 24 Operand Addressing Modes • Byte, Word, and Block Operations The Intel® iAPX 88/10 is a new generation, high performance microprocessor implemented in N-channel, depletion load, silicon gate technology (HMOS), and packaged in a 40-pin CerDIP package. The processor has attributes of both 8- and 16-bit microprocessors. It is directly compatible with iAPX 86/10 software and 8080/8085 hardware and peripherals. MEMORY INTERFACE C·BUS MIN MODE GND Vee A1' A15 INSTRUCTION STREAM BYTE A13 A16/S3 QUEUE A1. A17/S4 A11 A18/55 A10 CS BUS INTERFACE UNIT A191S6 (HIGH) A9 SSO A8 MNIMX 05 AD7 Ali IP AD6 HOLD (ROIGTO) AD5 HlDA (RO/GT1) AD. WR (LOCK) AD3 101M (52) AD. DTiR AD1 DEN (51) (SO) ADO ALE (050) NMI INTA (051) INTR TEST AH UNIT 1 MODE 55 A·BUs EXECUTION (MAX AL BL CL Dl BH CH DH SP BP 51 01 ClK READY GND RESET FLAGS Figure 1. iAPX 88/10 CPU Functional Block Diagram Figure 2. iAPX 88/10 Pin Configuration Intel Corporatton Assumes No Rssponslbllty for the Use of Any CIrcUItry Other Than Circuitry EmbodIed 1M an Intel Product No Other ©INTEl CORPORATION, 1980 3-79 ClfCUlt Patent Licenses afe Implied intJ iAPX 88/10 Table 1. Pin Description The following pin function descriptions are for 8088 systems in either minimum or maximum mode. The "local bus" in these descriptions is the direct multiplexed bus interface connection to the 8088 (without regard to additional bus buffers). Symbol AD7-ADO A15-A8 A19/56, A18/55, A17/54, A16/53 Name and Function Pin No. Type 9-16 I/O Address Data Bus: These lines constitute the time multiplexed memory/IO address (Tl) and data (T2, T3, Tw, and T4) bus. These lines are active HIGH and float to 3-state OFF during interrupt acknowledge and local bus "hold acknowledge". 2-8,39 0 Address Bus: These lines provide address bits 8 through 15 for the entire bus cycle (T1-T4). These lines do not have to be latched by ALE to remain valid. A 15-A8 are active HIGH and float to 3-state OFF during interrupt acknowledge and local bus "h<:>ld acknowledge". 35-38 0 Address/Status: During T1, these are the four most significant address lines for memory operations. During I/O operations, these lines are lOW. During memory and I/O operations, status information is available on these lines during T2, T3, Tw, and T4. 56 is always low. The status of the interrupt enable flag bit (55) is updated at the beginning of each clock cycle. 54 and 53 are encoded as shown. . O'(LOW) 0 , 1 (HIGHI 53 , , 0 0 CHARACTERISTICS AltemateData Slack Code or None Data S6Is0(LOW) This information indicates which segment register is presently being used for data accessing. These lines float to 3-state OFF during local bus "hold acknowledge". RD 32 0 Read: Read strobe indicates that the processor is performing a memory or I/O read cycle, depending on the state of the 10/1VI pin or 52. This signal is used to read devices which reside on the 8088 local bus. RD is active lOW during T2, T3 and Tw of any read cycle, and is guaranteed to remain HIGH in T2 until the 8088 local bus has floated. READY 22 I READY: isthe acknowledgement from the addressed memory or I/O device that it will complete the data transfer. The RDY Signal from memory or I/O is synchronized by the 8284 clock generator to form READY. This signal is active HIGH. The 8088 READY input is not synchronized. Correct operation is not guaranteed if the set up and hold times are not met. INTR 18 I Interrupt Request: is a level triggered input which is sampled during the last clock cycle of each instruction to determine ilthe processor should enter into an interrupt acknowledge operation. A subroutine is vectored to via an interrupt vector lookup table located in system memory. It can be internally masked by software resetting the interrupt enable bit. INTR is internally synchronized. This signal is active HIGH. TE5T 23 I TEST: input is examine~ by the "wait for test" instruction. If the TE5T input is lOW, execution 1\ lJ.ll Jll V INTS:=~PT CONTROL WE 001 I 2142 RAM (2) - 21162 PROM OEII B IIIIWRI Mes 80 PERIPHERAL I INT - ¢==='R..' Figure 6. Demultiplexed Bus Configuration t I GND rol U II284A CLOCK GENERATQR An ~ rr- K CL READY elK MADe MN''''' rOND So So S1 S; S, s, RESET ....CPU RO' MWTC IiI!WC _NC r - - DEN r---- 8288 lORe C~~~R lowe AT6WC -NC DT/R ALE INTA r---:l I I ST' GNC- r--- OE ADo-AD1 8282 LATCH (1,20R3) As-AlIl ~DDRIOA~ INT 5= F I ADDRESS I l T OE --j I fJ 82" DATA TRANSCEIVER ill ~ V INT8:~~PT CONTROL - ~. 1 II II I I II WE OEIIB 11 001 lln III 2142 RAM (2) ~I~' Figure 7. Fully Buffered System Using Bus Controller 3-87 I 21162 PROM IIIIWR Mesao PERIPHERAL , iAPX 88/10 Bus Operation The 8088 address/data bus is broken into three parts the lower eight address/data bits (ADO-AD7), the middle eight a(ldress bits (A8-A15), and the upper four address bits (A16-A19). The address/data bits and tile highest four address bits are time multiplexed. This technique provides the most efficient use of pins on the proc· essor, permitting the use of a standard 40 lead package. The middle eight address bits are not multiplexed, i.e. they remain valid throughout each bus cycle. In addi- tion, the bus can be demultlplexed at the processor with a single address latch If a stanpard, non-multiplexed bus is desired for the system. Each processor bus cycle consists of at least four elK cycles. These are referred to as T1, T2, T3, and T4. (See Figure 8>' The address is emitted from the processor during T1 and data transfer occurs on the bus during T3 and T4. T2 is used primarily for changing the direction of the bus during read operations. In the event that a "NOT READY" \indicatlon. is given by the addressed device, 1-------(4+NwAIT):oTc v - - - - - - , - - - - - - - ( 4 + N w A I T ) .. T e v - - - - - - - - j T, T, T3 TWAIT I T4 T1 T2 T3 eLK \ ADDRISTATUS ADOR -----GXI...__ ADDRIDATA )---<=><= D_AT_A_O_UT_ID_'._DoI_ _ _ _ READY DT/R MeMORY ACCESS TIME \------/ Figure 8. Basic System Timing 3-88 iAPX 88/10 "wait" states (Tw) are inserted between T3 and T4. Each inserted "wait" state is of the same duration as a ClK cycle. Periods can occur between 8088 driven bus cycles. These are referred to as "idle" states (Ti), or inactive ClK cycles. The processor uses these cycles for internal housekeeping. During T1 of any bus cycle, the ALE (address latch enable) signal is emitted (by either the processor or the 8288 bus controller, depending on the MN/MX strap). At the trailing edge of this pulse, a valid address and certain status information for the cycle may be latched. Status bits SO, Sf, and S2 are used by the bus controller, in maximum mode, to identify the type of bus transaction according to the following table: S2 o (LOW) 0 0 0 1 (HIGH) 1 1 1 S; ·0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 So CHARACTERISTICS 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Interrupt Acknowledge Read I/O Write I/O Halt Instruction Fetch Read Data from Memory Write Data to Memory Passive (no bus cycle) Status bits S3 through S6 are multiplexed with high order address bits and are therefore valid during T2 through T4. S3 and S4 indicate which segment register was used for this bus cycle in forming the address according to the following table: S. S3 o (LOW) 0 1 0 1 0 1 (HIGH) 1 CHARACTERISTICS Alternate Data (extra segment) Stack Code or None Data S5 is a reflection of the PSW interrupt enable bit. S6 is always equal to O. EXTERNAL INTERFACE Processor Reset and Initialization Processor initialization or start up is accomplished with activation (HIGH) of the RESET pin. The 8088 RESET is required to be HIGH for greater than four clock cycles. The 8088 will terminate operations on the high-going edge of RESET and will remain dorl)1ant as long as RESET is HIGH. The low-going transition of RESET triggers an internal reset sequence for approximately 7 clock cycles. After this interval the 8088 operates normally, beginning with the instruction in absolute location FFFFOH. (See Figure 4.) The RESET input is internally synchronized to the processor clock. At initialization, the HIGH to lOW transition of RESET must occur no sooner than 50 JLS after power up, to allow complete initialization of the 8088. If INTR is asserted sooner than nine clock cycles after the end of RESET, the processor may execute one instruction before responding to the interrupt. All 3-state outputs float to 3-state OFF during RESET. Status is active in the idle state for the first clock after RESET becomes active and then floats to 3-state OFF. Interrupt Operations Interrupt operations fall into two classes: software or hardware initiated. The software initiated interrupts and software aspects of hardware interrupts are specified in the instruction set description in the iAPX 88 book or the iAPX 86,88 User's Manual. Hardware interrupts can be classified as nonmaskable or maskable. Interrupts result in a transfer of control to a new program location. A 256 element table containing address pointers to the interrupt service program locations resides in absolute locations 0 through 3FFH (see Figure 4), which are reserved for this purpose. Each element in the table is 4 bytes in size and corresponds to an interrupt "type." An interrupting device supplies an 8-bit type number, during the interrupt acknowledge sequence, which is used to vector through the appropriate element to the new interrupt service program location. Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) I/O Addressing In the 8088, I/O operations can address up to a maximum of 64K I/O registers. The I/O address appears in the same format as the memory address on bus lines A15-AO. The address lines A19-A16 are zero in I/O operations. The vari'able I/O instructions, which use register DX as a pointer, have full address capability, while the direct I/O instructions directly address one or two of the 256 I/O byte locations in page 0 of the I/O address space. I/O ports are addressed in the same manner as memory locations. Designers familiar with the 8085 or upgrading an 8085 design should note that the 8085 addresses I/O with an 8-bit address on both halves of the 16-bit address bus. The 8088 uses a full 16-bit address on its lower 16 address lines. The processor provides a single non-maskable interrupt (NMI) pin which has higher priority than the maskable interrupt request (INTR) pin. A typical use would be to activate a power failure routine. The NMI is edge-triggered on a lOW to HIGH transition. The activation of this pin causes a type 2 interrupt. NMI is required to have a duration in the HIGH state of greater than two clock ·cycles, but is not required to ·be synchronized to the clock. Any higher going transition of NMI is latched on-chip and will be serviced at the end of the current instruction or between whole moves (2 bytes in the case of word moves) of a block type instruction. Worst case response to NMI would be for multiply, divide, and variable shift instructions. There is no specification on the occurrence of the low-going edge; it may occur 3-89 iAP)( 88/10 before, during, or after the servIcing of NMI. Another high-going edge triggers another response if it occurs after the start of the NMI procedure. The signal must be free of logical spikes in general and be free of bounces on the 10w-gQing edge to avoid triggering ·extraneous responses. and sample period. The interrupt return instruction includes a flags pop which returns the status of the original interrupt enable bit when it restores the flags. HALT When a software HALT instruction is executed, the processor indicates that it is entering the HALT state in one of two ways, depending upon which mode is strapped. In minimum mode, the processor issues ALE, delayed by one clock cycle, to allow the system to latch the halt status. Halt status is available on 10/M, DT/R, and SSO. In maximum mode, the processor issues appropriate HALT status on S2, S 1, and SO, and the 8288 bus controller issues one ALE. The 8088 will not leave the HALT state when a local bus hold is entered while in HALT. In this case, the processor reissues the HALT indicator at the end of the local bus hold. An interrupt request or RESET will force the 8088 out of the HALT state. Maskable Interrupt (INTR) The 8088 provides a single interrupt request input (INTR) which can be masked internally by software with the resetting of the interrupt enable (IF) flag bit. The interrupt request signal is level triggered. It is internally synchronized during each clock cycle on the high-going edge of CLK. To be responded to, INTR must be present (HIGH) during the clock period preceding the end of the current instruction or the enq of a whole move for a block type instruction. During interrupt response sequence, further interrupts are disabled. The enable bit is reset as part of the response to any interrupt (INTR, NMI, software interrupt, or single step), although the FLAGS register which is automatically pushed onto the stack reflects the state of the processor prior to the interrupt. Until the old FLAGS register is restored, the enable bit will be zero unless specifically set by an instruction. Read/Modify/Write (Semaphore) Operations via LOCK The LOCK status information is provided by' the processor when consecutive bus cycles are required during the execution of an Instruction. This allows the processor to perform read/modify/write operations on memory (via the "exchange register with memory" instruction), without another system bus master receiving intervening memory cycles. This is useful in multiprocessor'system configurations to accomplish "test and set lock" operations. The ~ signal is activated (LOW) in the clock cycle following decoding of the LOCK prefix instruction. It is deactivated at the end of the last bus cycle of the instruction following the LOCK prefix. While LOCK is active, a request on a RQ/GT pin will be recorded, and then honored at the end of the LOCK. During the response sequence (See Figure 9), the processor executes two successive (back to back) interrupt acknowledge cycles. The 8088 emits the LOCK signal (maximum mode only) from T2 01 the lir!lt bus cycle until T2 of the second. A local bus "hold" request will not be honored until the end of the second bus cycle. In the second bus cycle, a byte is letched from the external interrupt system (e.g., 8259A PIC) which identifies the source (type) of the interrupt. This byte is multiplied by four and used as a pointer into the interrupt vector lookup table. An INTR slgnallelt HIGH will be continually responded to within the limitations of the enable bit ALE I JlL.....--_ _nL....-_ _ T1 I T2 f3 T4 T1 T, \'------;-_ _----'1 ADo-AD, FLOAT Figure 9_ Interrupt Acknowledge Sequence 3-90 T, iAPX 88/10 External Synchronization via TEST a byte of information is read from the data bus, as sup· plied by the interrupt system logic (i.e. 8259A priority in· terrupt controller). This byte identifies the source (type) of the interrupt. It is multiplied by four and used as a pOinter into the interrupt vector lookup table, as de· scribed earlier. As an alternative to interrupts, the 8088 provides a single software·testable input pin (TEST). This input is utilized by executing a WAIT instruction. The single WAIT instruction is repeatedly executed until the TEST input goes active (LOW). The execution of WAIT does not consume bus cycles once the queue is full. If a local bus request occurs during WAIT execution, the 8088 3-states all output drivers. If interrupts are enabled, the 8088 will recognize interrupts and process them. The WAIT instruction is then refetched, and reexecuted. Bus Timing (See Figure 10J For medium complexity systems, the M N/MX pin is con· nected to GND and the 8288 bus controller is added to the system, as well as an 8282/8283 latch for latching the system address, and an 8286/8287 transceiver to allow for bus loading greater than the 8088 is capable of handling. Signals ALE, BEN, and DT/R are generated by the 8288 instead of the processor in this configuration, although their timing remains relatively the same. The 8088 status outputs (82, S1, and SO) provide type of cycle information and become 8288 inputs. This bus cycle information specifies read (code, data, or 110), write (data or 110), interrupt acknowledge, or software halt. The 8288 thus issues control signals speCifying :nemory read or write, 110 read or write, or interrupt acknowledge. The 8288 provides two types of write strobes, normal and advanced, to be applied as required. The normal write strobes have data valid at the leading edge of write. The advanced write strobes have the same timing as read strobes, and hence, data is not valid at the leading edge of write. The 8286/8287 trans· ceiver receives the usual T and OE inputs from the 8288's DT/R and DEN outputs. Basic System Timing In minimum mbde, the MN/MX pin is strapped to Vee and the processor emits bus control signals compatible with the 8085 bus structure. In maximum mode, the MN/MX pin is strapped to GND and the processor emits coded status rnformation which the 8288 bus controller uses to generate MULTIBUS compatible bus control signals. System Timing - lIiIedium Complexity Systems Minimum System (See Figure 8J The read cycle begins in T1 with the assertion of the ad· dress latch enable (ALE) signal. The trailing (lOW going) edge of this signal is used to latch the address informa· tion, which is valid on the address/data bus (ADO-AD7) at this time, into the 8282/8283 latch. Address lines A8 through A15 do not need to be latched because they reo main valid throughout the bus cycle. From T1 to T4 the 101M signal indicates a memory or 110 operation. At T2 the address is removed from the address/data bus and 1he bus goes to a high impedance state. The~ad con· trol signal is also asserted at T2. The read (RD) signal causes the addressed device to enable its data bus drivers to the local bus. Some time later, valid data will be available on the bus and the addressed device will drive the READY line HIGH. When the processor returns the read signal to a HIGH level, the addressed device will again 3-state its bus drivers. If a transceiver (8286/8287) is required to' buffer the 8088 local bus, signals DT/R and DEN are provided by the 8088. The pointer into the interrupt vector table, which is passed during the second INTA cycle, can derive from an 8259A located on either the local bus or the system bus. If the master 8289A Priority Interrupt controller IS positioned on the local bus, a TTL gate is required to disable the 8286/8287 transceiver when reading from the master 8259A during the interrupt acknowledge se· quence and software "poll". The 8088 Compared to the 8086 The 8088 CPU is an 8-bit processor designed around the 8086 internal structure. Most internal functions of the 8088 are identical to the equivalent 8086 functions. The 8088 handles the external bus the same way the 8086 does with the distinction of handling only 8 bits at a time. Sixteen·bit operands are fetched or written in two consecutive bus cycles. Both processors wil'l appear identical to the software engineer, with the exception of execution time. The internal register structure is iden· tical and all instructions have the same end result. The differences between the 8088 and 8086 are outlined below. The engineer who is unfamiliar with the 8086 is referred to the iAPX 86, 88 User's Manual, Chapters 2 and 4, for function description and instruction set information. Internally, there are three differences between the 8088 and the 8086. All changes are related to the 8-bit bus in· terface. A write cycle also begins with the assertion of ALE and the emission of the address. The 101M signal is again asserted to indicate a memory or 110 write operation. In T2, immediately following the address emission, the processor emits the data to be written into the ad· dressed location. 'fhis data remains valid until at least the middle of T4. During T2, T3, and Tw, the processor asserts tile write control signal. The write (WR) signal becomes active at the beginning of T2, as opposed to the read, which is delayed somewhat into T2 to provide time for the bus to float. The basiC difference between the interrupt acknowl· edge cycle and a read cycle is that the interrupt acknowledge (INTA) signal is asserted in place of the read (RD) signal and the address bus is floated. (See Figure 9J:.ln the second of two successive INTA cycles, 3-91 iAPX 88/10 o The queue length is 4 bytes in the 8088, whereas the 8086 queue contains 6 bytes, or three words. The queue was shortened to prevent overuse of the bus by the BIU when prefetching instructions. This was required because of the additional time necessary to fetch instructions 8 bits at a time. o To further optimize the queue, the prefetching algorithm was changed. The 8088 BIU will fetch a new instruction to load into the queue each time there is a 1 byte hole (space available) in the queue. The 8086 waits until a 2-byte space is available . _ o The internal execution time of the Instruction set is affected by the 8-bit interface. All 16-bit fetches and writes fromlto memory take an additional four clock cycles. The CPU is also limited by the speed of instruction fetches. This latter problem only occurs when a series of simple operations occur. When the more sophisticated instructions of the 8088 are being used, the queue has time to fill and the execution proceeds as fast as the execution unit will allow. The 808S and 8086 are completely software compattble by virture of their identical execution units. Software that is system dependent may not be completely transferable, but software that is not system dependent will operate equally as well on an 8088 or an 8086. The hardware interface of the 8088 contains the major differences between the two CPUs. The pin assignments are nearly identical, however, with the following functional changes: o A8-A 15 - These pins are only address outputs on the 8088. These address lines are latched internally and remain valid throughout a bus cycle in a manner similar to the 8085 upper addr~ss lines. o BHE has no meaning on the 8088 and has been eliminated. o SSO provides the SO status information in the minimum mode. This output occurs on pin 34 in minimum mode only. DT/R, 101M, and SSO provide the complete bus status in minimum mode. o 10iM has been inverted to be compatible with the MCS-85 bus structure. ,0 3-92 ALE is delayed by one clock cycle in the minimum mode when entering HALT, to allow the status to be latched with ALE. iAPX 88/10 T, ClK T, I' ---.F' T, T, 1M I' aS1, aso Y ===>- $2, Sf, SQ // / / / '--- 8088 A191S6 - A161S3 A19-A16 ALE '\ ROY 8284 READV 8088 8288 S6-S3 ,-- I I I ! AD7 - ADO 8088 A7 DATA IN AO A15-A8 A15-AB RD I Dr/R 8288 MRDC -------- \ / DEN Figure 10. Medium Complexity System Timing 3-93 iAPX 88/10 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Ambient Temperature Under Bias ......... O·C to 70·C Storage Temperature ............. - 65·C to + 150·C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground .................. - 1.0 to + 7V Power Dissipation ........................ 2.5 Watt D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol . VIL 'NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional opera-' tion of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. (8088: TA = O°C to 70·C. Vee =.5V ±10%)' (8088-2: TA = O·C to 70·C. Vee = 5V ±5%) Min. Max. Units Input Low Voltage Parameter -0.5 +0.8 V (See note 1) 2.0 Vee+ 0.5 V (See note 1,2) 0.45 V IOl V IOH Test Conditions VIH Input High Voltage VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage lee 340 350 250 mA TA III 8088 Power Supply Current: 8088-2 PSOSS Input Leakage Current ±10 /LA OV ""VIN' ""Vee ILO Output Leakage Current ±10 /LA 0.45V "" Your "'" Vee Vel Clock Input Low Voltage -0.5 +0.6 V VeH Clock Input High Voltage 3.9 Vee+ 1.O V CIN Capacitance if Input Buffer (All input except ADo-AD7. RQ/GT 15 pF fc = 1 MHz CIO Capacitance of I/O Buffer (ADo-AD7 • RQ/GT 15 pF fc • Note: For Extended Temperature EXPRESS Vce 2.4 =5V ± 5% Note 1: VIL tested with MN/MX Pin = OV VIH tested with MN/MX Pin = 5V MN/MX Pin is a strap Pin Note 2: Not applicable to RQ/GTO and RQ/GT1 Pins (Pin 30 and 31) 3-94 = 2.0 mA = -400 /LA = 25·C = 1 MHz iAPX 88/10 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (8088: TA = ODC to 70DC, Vee = 5V ±10%)* (8088-2: TA = ODC to 70DC, Vee = 5V ±5%) MININ/UM COMPLEXITY SYSTEM TIMING REQUIREMENTS 8088 Symbol Parameter , 8088-2 Min. Max. Min. Max. Units 500 125 500 ns Test Conditions TCLCL CLK Cycle Period 200 TCLCH CLK LowTime 118 68 ns TCHCL CLK High Time 69 44 ns TCH1CH2 CLK Rise Time 10 10 ns From 1.0V to 3.5V TCL2CL1 CLK Fall Time 10 10 ns From 3.5V to 1.0V TDVCL Data in Setup Time 30 20 ns TCLDX Data in Hold Time 10 10 ns TR1VCL ROY Setup Time into 8284 (See Notes 1,2) 35 35 ns TCLR1X ROY Hold Time into 8284 (See Notes 1,2) 0 0 ns 118 68 ns TRYHCH READY Setup Time into 8088 TCHRYX READY Hold Time into 8088 30 20 ns TRYLCL READY Inactive to CLK (See Note 3) -8 -8 ns HOLD Setup Time 35 20 ns 30 15 ns THVCH TlNVCH INTR, NMI, TEST Setup Time (See ,Note 2) '" TILIH Input Rise Time (Except CLK) 20 20 ns From 0.8V to 2.0V TIHIL Input Fall Time (Except CLK) 12 12 ns From 2.0V to 0.8V *Note: For Extended Temperature EXPRESS Vcc=5V±5% 3-95 iAPX 88/10 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) TIMING RESPONSES 8088 Symbol Parameter 8088·2 Min. Max. Min. Max. Units 10 110 10 60 ns 80 TClAX TClAV Address Valid Delay TClAX Address Hold Time 10 TClAZ Address Float Delay TClAX TlHll ALE Width 10 TClCH-20 ns 50 TClCH-10 ns ns TCllH ALE Active Delay 80 50 ns TCHll ALE Inactive Delay 85 55 ns TllAX Address Hold Time to ALE Inactive TClDV Data Valid Delay 10 TCHDX Data Hold Time 10 TWHDX Data Hold Time After WR TCHCl-10 TCHCl-10 110 10 ns 60 10 TClCH-30 Test Conditions ns CL = 20·100 pFfor all 8088 Outputs in addition to internal loads ns TClCH-30 ns 10 110 Control Active Delay 2 10 Control Inactive Delay 10 TAZRl Address Float to READ Active 0 TClRl RD Active Delay 10 165 10 100 ns TClRH RD Inactive Delay 10 150 10 80 ns TRHAV RD Inactive to Next Add ress Active TClHAV HLDA Valid Delay TRlRH RDWidth 2TClCl-75 2TClCl-50 ns TWlWH WRWidth 2TClCl-60 2TClCl-40 ns TAVAl Address Valid to ALE low TClCH-60 TClCH-40 TOlOH Output Rise Time 20 20 ns From 0.8V to 2.0V TOHOL Output Fall Time 12 12 ns From 2.0V to O.8V ?TCVCTV Control Active Delay 1 TCHCTV TCVCTX 10 70 ns 110 10 60 ns 110 10 70 ns TClCl-45 10 ns 0 TClCl-40 160 A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM 10 ns 100 ns ns A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT lNPUTIOUTPUT DEVICE UNDER TEST iJc, 100pF -= A C TESTING INPUTS ARE DRIVEN AT 2 4V FOR A LOGIC 1 AND 0 45V FOR A LOGIC 0 THE CLOCK IS DRIVEN AT 4 3V AND 025V TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 1 5V FOR BOTH A LOGIC 1 AND 0 Cl INCLUDES JIG CAPACITANCE 3-96 iAPX 88/10 WAVEFORMS BUS TIMING-MINIMUM MODE SYSTEM T, T, T, Tw I I---- TCLCL -rCH1CH2J I- --I i-- TCL2CL1 elK (8284 Output) VCH,,~}----1 ~ TCHCTV Ir'"'"'"\ \-1 TCHCL T, ~~ _TCLCH~ IO/M,SSO - TCLAV-- TCLLH- f A,s - I=-T TClAX- -Aa (Float during INTAI - TCHDX-- DV &s-Sa A'9-A16 I-- T~LAX TLH~L-=: r-/ ALE -.:1 - i-- TCHLL-I vr :\\~ \'0"""'" -TAVAL- ROY (8284 Input) VIL~ SEe NOTE 5 READY (8088 Input) ---- --.; TR1VCl ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ j'~q - f - I I 1 :-TC~AZ AD1-ADO TAZRL- =----z- READ CYCLE (NOTE 1) (WA, im'A = VOH) TCHCTV TDVCL- i--TCLDX_ -hi I feLRl I DT/R TCVCTV- 3-97 -TCHRYX - TRYHCH- AD7-ADo ·FrClR1X ~ DATA IN FLOA::JL TCLRH- H -TRHAV f---~CHCTV TRLRH I! TCVCTX- [:.1 fJ intJ iAPX88/10 WAVEFORMS (Continued) BUS TIMING-MINIMUM MODE SYSTEM (Continued) ... -t" elK (8284 Output) TCHDX DATA OUl AD7-ADO -TWHOX-TCVCTX WRITE CYCLE NOTE 1 --+---r---------+,I·----r-----TWLWH--------~-I,~_+------- WR TCVCTX--TCLAZ AOr-ADo DT/R INTA CYCLE NOTES 1,3 (RD, WR = VOH) SOFTWARE HALT DEN,Ro,WR,INTA =0- INVALID ADDRESS YOH ' DT/RINDETERMINATE SOFTWARE HALT relAV NOTES: 1. ALL SIGNALS SWITCH BETWEEN VOH\AND VOL UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 2. ROY IS SAMPLED NEAR THE END OF T2, Ts. Tw TO DETERMINE IF Tw MACHINES STATES ARE TO BE INSERTED. 3. TWO lNTA CYCLES RUN BACK·YO·BACK. THE 8088 LOCAL ADDRIOATA BUS 1$ FLOATING DURING BOTH INTA CYCLES. CONTROL SIGNALS ARE SHOWN FOR THE SECOND INTA CYCLE 4. SIGNALS AT 8284 ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. 5. ALLTIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 1.5V UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3-98 inter iAPX 88/10 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS MAX MODE SYSTEM (USING 8288 BUS CONTROllER) TIMING REQUIREMENTS 8088-2 8088 Symbol TClCl Min. Max. Min. Max. Units ClK Cycle Period 200 500 125 500 ns Parameter TClCH ClK low Time 118 68 ns TCHCl ClK High Time 69 44 ns TCH1CH2 ClK Rise Time 10 10 Test Conditions 10 ns From 1.OV to 3.5V 10 ns From 3.5V to 1.OV TCl2Cl1 ClK Fall Time TDVCl Data In Setup TIme 30 20 ns TClDX Data In Hold Time 10 10 ns TR1VCl ROY Setup Time into 8284 (See Notes 1, 2) 35 35 ns TClR1X ROY Hold Time into 8284 (See Notes 1, 2) 0 0 ns TRYHCH READY Setup Time into 8088 118 68 ns TCHRYX READY Hold Time into 8088 30 20 ns TRYlCl READY Inactive to ClK (See Note 4) -8 -8 ns TlNVCH Setup Time for Recognition (INTR, NMI, TEST) (See Note 2) 30 15 ns TGVCH RQ/GT Setup Time 30 15 ns TCHGX RQ Hold Time into 8086 40 30 ns TILIH Input RiseTime (Except ClK) 20 20 ns From O.SV to' 2.0V Input Fall Time (Except ClK) 12 12 ns From 2.0V to 0.8V 1--' TIHll NOTES: 1 Signal at 8284 or 8288 shown for reference only. 2. Setup requirement for asynchronous signal only to guarantee recognition at next elK. 3. Applies only to T2 state (8 ns into T3 state). 4. Applies only to T2 state (8 ns into T3 state). 3-99 iAPX 88/10 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS TIMING RESPONSES 8088 Symbol 8088·2 Min. Max. Min. Max. Units TCLML Command Active Delay (See Note 1) 10 35 10 35 ns TCLMH Command inactive Delay (See Note 1) 10 35 10 35 ns! TRYHSH READY Active to Status Passive (See Note 3) 65 ns ns Parameter 110 TCHSV Status Active Delay 10 110 10 60 TCLSH Status Inactive Delay 10 130 10 70 ns TCLAV Address Valid Delay Address Hold Time 10 10 110 10 10 60 ns ns TCLAZ Address Float Delay TCLAX 80 TCLAX 50 ns TSVLH Status Valid to ALE High (See Note 1) 15 15 ns TSVMCH Status Valid to MCE High (See Not~ 1) 15 15 ns TCLLH CLK Low to ALE Valid (See Note 1) 15 15 ns TCLMCH CLK Low to MCE High (See Note 1) 15 15 ns TCHLL ALE Inactive Delay (See Note 1) 15 15 ns TCLMCL MCE Inactive Delay (See Note 1) 15 15 ns TCLDV Data Valid Delay 10 60 ns TCHDX Data Hold Time 10 TCVNV Control Active Delay (See Note 1) 5 45 5 45 ns TCVNX Control Inactive Delay (See Note 1) 10 45 10 45 ns TCLAX 110 10 10 ns Test Conditions CL = 20-100 pF for all 8088 Outputs in addition to internal loads TAZRL Address Float to Read Active 0 TCLRL RD Active Delay 10 165 10 100 ns TCLRH RD Inactive Delay 10 150 10 80 ns TRHAV RD Inactive to Next Address Active TCHDTL Direction Control Active Delay (See Note 1) 50 50 ns TCHDTH Direction Control Inactive Delay (See Note 1) 30 30 ns TCLGL GT Active Delay 85 50 ns TCLGH GT Inactive Delay 85 50 ns TRLRH RDWidth TOLOH Output RiseTime 20 20 ns From 0.8Vto 2.0V TOHOL Output Fall Time 12 12 ns From 2.0V to 0.8V ns 0 TCLCL-45 TCLCL-40 2TCLCL-75 3-100 ns 2TCLCL-50 ns iAPX 88/10 WAVEFORMS BUS TIMING-MAXIMUM MODE T, T, ---I I--TClCl-TCH1CH2--! IClK .r--\ VCH,f\. VCl...} TClAV~ 1\---:---1 _ S2,'S1,So (EXCEPT HALT) I-TCl2Cl1 j\---J "'--J I - - TCHCl TCHSV - 0/ \ ;0f/;7(SEE NOTE 8) ll~---+---+----~--~~~~ --~~~ l L- I--- TClCH_ ~+--'""'"'"" -TClSH S TSVLH-I TCLlH~ r-r.=. ---+-,' - TCLDV TCHDX- -r-+---l--f--+----l----t----. I---- \.----- \ Ss·S:3 A19- A 16 SEE NOTE 5 ~ 1\----11 ~--~---+--~---+--~~~~~---+-------- _TClAV TClAX - AlE (8288 OUTPUT) Tw r'........ .,r--,j I-- ~___ ~---- TCHLl .1 r-I ~----+_--+_+__+--_+----~---.J-----j !--TR1VCL ~§(:~~~~~~ ROY (8284 INPUT) TRYLCL_ _ -TCHRYX TYHSH-t READ CYCLE TCLAV-I AD7-ADO F ..... TeLAX I-- TRYHCH -TClAZ I-- i TDVCL-~I--TCLDX~ ---,('1' }-W--'-FL-OA-T AD,-AD, TAZRL- L DATA IN TCLRH FLOAT-I I--+--i+-'TRHAV~ ----------~----~~ RD _ _ _ _ _T_cH_D_T_L_-_1'"'""{ ~f.T~C-L+,f-R--1L+-':~~~.~~~T-R-L-RH-_-_~-_-_-_~-_-_-_..I-i'l\~\ TCLML-- - TCLMH- 8288 OUTPUTS ~~I-- SEE NOTES 5,6 TCVNV- ________ ____________________- J f TCVNX- 3-101 ~ ~_.J It-- - TCHDTH inter iAPX 88/10 - WAVEFORMS (Continued) T, BUS TIMING-MAXIMUM VCH MODE SYSTEM CLK (USING 8288) VCL ~ f----J T, r--. 1'-------/ T, r--. ii. 51. so (EXCEPT HALn WRITE CYCLE ~ ~" "---.J~ -----..i!IIIIf ----_. (1M r- rClAY-- ~ - TCL~~j.:- TCLAX h- AD7- AD o f--TCLSH TCLMH- -TCLML ~ note 8) TCHDX- r- TCVNX- J- DATA - fCVNV-DEN 8288 OUTPIJTS see NOTES 5,6 Tw AMWC OR AIOWC _ {TCLML - J_TCLMH INTA CYCLE A15- A8 (SEE NOTES 3,4) J FlOAT - t- - TCLMCH- DTIR FLOAT r-1/ FLO~ -I \I- {r"·' TCLML- INTA FLOAT \ /{TTZ TCLMCL MCEI 8288 0lm'UlS SEE NOTE~ 5,6 CASCADE ADDR J TSVMCH- I'DEN RESERVED FOR \ ~ - / I-TCLDX TDVCL POINTER I FLOAT \ I ~1 TCVNV -~MH DEN TCVNX- SOFTWARE HALT - (DEN.., vOL;IUj,mme,iORC,MWfC.AMWc;IOWC,~.iN"fA, DT/A = VOH. INVALID ADDRESS relAV /r---------"""T' ------- ~ \'----~ NOTES: 1. ALL SIGNALS SWITCH BETWEEN YOH AND VOL UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 2. ROY IS SAMPLED NEAR THE END OF T2, T3. Tw TO DETERMINE IF Tw MACHINES STATES ARE TO BE INSERTED 3 CASCADE ADDRESS IS VALID BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND INTA CYCLES. 4. TWO INTA CYCLES RUN BACK·TO·BACK. THE 8088 LOCAL ADDRfDATA BUS IS FLOATING DURING 80TH INTA CYCLES. CONTROL FOR POINTER ADDRESS IS SHOWN FOR SECOND INTA CYCLE. 5. SIGNALS AT 8284 OR 8288 ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. 6. THE ISSUANCE OF THE 8288 COMMAND AND CONTROL SIGNALS (M1Il!C, MWTC, AMWl:, lORe, rowe, A1llWe, INTA AND DEN) LAGS THE ACTIVE HIGH 8288 CEN. 7. ALL TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 1.SV UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 8, STATUS INACTIVE I~ STATE JUST PRIOR TO T" 3-102 \._----- r-- ---- TCHDTH iAPX 88/10 WAVEFORMS (Continued) BUS LOCK SIGNAL TIMING (MAXIMUM MODE ONLy) ASYNCHRONOUS SIGNAL RECOGNITION Any elK CYCle----j Any elK Cycle _I CLK LOCK NOTE 1 SETUP REQUIREMENTS FOR ASYNCHRONOUS SIGNALS ONLY TO GUARANTEE RECOGNITION AT NEXT elK REQUEST/GRANT SEQUENCE TIMING (MAXIMUM MODE ONLY) ~ I PrevIous grant A19/SeA:l~ 11-----------------1 A07-400 COPROCESSOR ~:~ ~'---------------~ (SEE NOTE 1) NOTE 1 THE COPROCESSOR MAY NOT DRIVE THE BUSSES OUTSIOE1HE REGION SHOWN WITHOUT RISKING CONTENTION HOLD/HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE TIMING (MINIMUM MODE ONLy) _'CLKCVCLE- CLK ~ _I _T"VC" (SEE NOT", "\~'-'" "O'"~ "'OA \--_ _ _ _ _ _ _-\\--_ _-+---' I-r-T-ICI--'"_AV_ _ _--I\--_ _ _ I-------_--<~----_{ .,.. 1"'-fCLAZ ---i J r---I C_OP_R-i0~,I_~E-SS-O-R-----~ ' -_ _ _ _ _ 3-103 ': ~{~I_,'-j"I_V_ _ _ iAPX 88/10 iAPX 86/10, 88/10 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY DATA TRANSFER MOV MlVI 76543210 11oo010dwlmod reg Immedlale 10 .e!l'Slerimemorv j1 I 0 11 (I Immed,ale 10 1~!I'S1et (I 0 11 'II 1 1 w reg I , (I 1 0 (I (I (I w I\tcurnulator 10 memory 1 (I 1 0 0 (I 1 'II Reg,slerimemor, 10 segment reglsler , 000 11 I0 Memory 10 accumulalo, 7650210 76$4321(} ReQ,slellmem~!yl0·tlomTeg,sle( I mild 0 0 0 I I ,1m I m I I I I a\ld, low mod 0 reg !lala ,t 'II 1 I ~d(jr h~ add, hlqtl ] 'II 1 Demment DEC 1654321(1 -di;ia~ ~~~Io ,I 165431111 Compare eMP ~11(! regIster 1001 I 10 d 1/1 100000 S 1/1 I mOd Immed,ale""lh reQ"lel memOly PUSH AASI\SCI13dIUSIIOlsubllaCI~ Immed'~le mOd!!O~ 11111111 Register/memory Reg,ster 01010 reg ~ Segment register wllh ilHLlIII"lalor OASDeClmal.dlusllnlsublla~1 ~ MUL MultIply [unslgnedl II AAM ASCII adlusl 10' 01011 XCHG reg 11oo001lwimod ReI/'SItr wIth accumulator ~oregl lN~lnpYI mulllpl~ I I 0 I 0 I 0 0 0000 I 0 I 0 II 1 I lOT I '" ImOd 110 I rn:J ~'I",lmOdllllm I Gl010101100001~ ~ ~O 0 t , ~ leg~ from I FlJedp0ri li:1 100 \ 0 w VarrablepoTI ~ OUT-OutllutiO fl~ed 1 101 I W ImOd 100 1m 'OIVlnleg~rd'vldelslgned' CWO Conve!l worD 10 double wo'd hCblllg' ! IIIV Olv,deluns,gnedl CBWConvellbylelowo.(j R/!gl51erlmemory w'lh register dala Ifsw 01 data I!W I I 1 1 101 I w mod 10 I 1m AADASClladIUSllo,d,v.de ~ Segmenl register reg mOd 1 I 11'm 0011110w IMUL Inlege, multIply Is,gnedl 10001111 ,modO 0 0 ,m Register/memory 16543210 ~ SegmeI11reg,sterto'e9'sler,memoIV [i0001-10~~ PUll! 1654JlIII 11 I I 101 I w :mOdO \ I JIIEGChanges'gn Reg,sle, memOly 11m 16543110 ~J.6.iil~ I i port 1 I t 001 I w LOGIC I I 1 I 1 1 0 11 '" I~0~_O_10--I~ 1II0T IlIve" pori ] $Hl'SAL SMI IO~'(~1 ~"Ihnwtoc lelt ~-O~O~~_ ~ moo! 0 0 l:nl 1 VaflablepO!1 SHRShlltloq'la:llq~1 ~~~ XlUTlansfatehyleloAL SAftS~dla'dhmell{""ght [2101_00;_~~ AIlLRolafelel1 ~OOvwmOdOOOlm UA-loadEA'oreglsler lDS Loadpomler laDS mM r~g I! 000101 mod leg~ 111000100 Imod UMf~loaa l' 00111 11 I AH with !lags r m 10001101 UI=loadpolnlerloES IAMF SloreAHlnl0 !Jags PUIMF-Pushl!ags 1,00111101 POI'f=Popflags 110011101 1,0011 1 001 I reg 1m I HOM Rolale lIynt ACL Rotate [1"1 0 I 0 0 v w mOd 0 0 1 I m Ih'ou~n cafly flag lefl ACRRolillelhloughca"y"ghl AND 1 I 0 I 00 v w mod 010 I'm (!~~-.2_~~ And Regmemo,yand,eqISlelloelthe'ioo,ooodwl~ Immea,alel0,eg,ste,memOly il0000oowimodlOO r'm Immedlille10 Jnumulalol l~~~ 1 dala I data ,1 w 1 I ~ata I data 11 wI I data II wI I __d_al~l~~ ARITMMETIC ADD A~ Reg Imemory W'lh reglSler10 ellher Immed,ate 10 reg'slerlmemOI~ Immed'aleto accumulal01 AUC Add wllhmt¥ Reg Imemory w,1h reg'SIer 10 Mhel DR Dr Reg Imemo,y and leq 011 Status Word does not set the associated ih-service bit. These words are located in two adjacent memory locations in the register file. Trigger Mode The four external interrupt pins can be programmed in either edge- or level-trigger mode. The control register for each external source has a level-trigger mode (LTM) bit. All interrupt inputs are active HIGH. In the edge sense mode or the level-trigger mode, the interrupt request must remain active (HIGH) until the interrupt req uest is acknowledged by the 80188 CPU. In the edge-sense mode, if the level remains high after the interrupt is acknowledged, the input is disabled and no'further requests will be generated. The input level must go LOW for at least ol]e clock cycle to reenable the input. In the level-trigger mode, no such provision is made: holding the interrupt input HIGH will cause continuous interrupt requests. 3-134 210706-004 iAPX 188 Interrupt Vectoring The 80188 Interrupt Controller will generate interrupt vectors for the integrated OMA channels and the integrated Timers. In addition, the Interrupt Controller will generate interrupt vectors for the external interrupt lines if they are not configured in Cascade or Special Fully Nested Mode. The interrupt vectors generated are fixed and cannot be changed (see Table 4). Interrupt Request Register The internal interrupt sources have interrupt request bits inside the interrupt controller. The format of this register is shown in Figure 24. A read from this register yields the status of these bits. The TMR bit is the logical OR of all timer interrupt requests. DO and 01 are the interrupt request bits for the OMA channels. The state of the external interrupt input pins is also indicated. The state of the external interrupt pins is not a stored condition inside the interrupt controller, therefore the external interrupt bits cannot be written. The external interrupt request bits show exactly when an interrupt request is given to the interrupt controller, so if edge-triggered mode is selected, the bit in the register will be HIGH only after an inactiveto-active transition. For internal interrupt sources, the register bits are set when a request arrives and are reset when the processor acknowledges the requests. Interrupt Controller Registers The Interrupt Controller register model is shown in Figure 23. It contains 15 registers. All registers can both be read or written unless specified otherwise. In-Service Register This register can be read from or written into. The format is shown in Figure 24. It contains the InService bit for each' of the interrupt sources. The In-Service bit is set to indicate that a source's service routine is in progress. When an In-Service bit is set, the interrupt controller will not generate interrupts to the CPU when it receives interrupt requests from devices with a lower programmed priority level. The TMR bit is the In-Service bit for all three timers; the DO and 01 bits are the In-Service bits for the two OMA channels; the 10-13 are the In-Service bits for the external interrupt pins. The IS bit is set when the processor acknowledges an interrupt request either by an interrupt acknowledge or by reading. the poll register. The IS bit is reset at the end of the interrupt service routine by an end-of-interrupt command issued by the CPU. Mask Register This is a 16-bit register that contains a mask bit for each interrupt source. The format for this register is shown in Figure 24. A one in a bit position corresponding to a particular source serves to mask the source from generating interrupts. These mask bits are the exact same bits which are used in the individual control registers; programming a mask bit using the mask register will also change this bit in the individual control registers, and vice versa. 80188 INTO INT , 8259A PIC iNTA INTAO Figure 22. Cascade Mode Interrupt Connection 3-135 210706-004 iAPX 188 Priority Mask Register This register is used to mask all interrupts below particular interrupt priority levels. The format of this register is shown in Figure 25. The code in the lower three bits of this register inhibits interrupts of priority lower (a higher priority number) than the code specified. For example, 100 written into this register masks interrupts of level five (101), six (110), and seven (111). The register is reset to seven (111) upon RESET so all interrupts are unmasked. OFFSET INT3 CONTROL REGISTER 3EH INT2 CONTROL REGISTER 3CH INT1 CONTROL REGISTER 3AH INTO CONTROL REGISTER 38H DMA 1 CONTROL REGISTER 36H DMA 0 CONTROL REGISTER 34H TIMER CONTROL REGISTER 32H INTERRUPT STATUS REGISTER 30H INTERRUPT REQUEST REGISTER 2EH IN·SERVICE REGISTER 2CH PRIORITY MASK REGISTER 2AH MASK REGISTER 28H POLL STATUS REGISTER 26H POLL REGISTER 24H EOI REGISTER 22H Interrupt Status Register This register contains general interrupt controller status information. The format of this register is shown in Figure 26. The bits in the status register have the following functions: DHLT: DMA Halt Transfer; setting this bit halts all DMA transfers. It is automatically set whenever a non-maskableinterrupt occurs, and it is reset when an IRET instruction is executed. The purpose of this bit is to allow prompt service of all non-maskable interrupts. This bit may also be set by the CPU. IRTx: These three bits represent the individual timer interrupt request bits. These bits are used to differentiate the timer interrupts, since the timer IR bit in the interrupt request register is the "OR" function of all timer interrupt requests. Note that setting anyone of these three bits initiates a,n interrupt request to the interrupt controller. Figure 23. Interrupt Controller Registers (Non-iRMX 86 Mode) 15 I o 14 10 0 o I 9 0 I 0 ~ I ~ I N I ~ w DO Figure 24. In-Service, Interrupt Request, and Mask Register Formats 15 o 14 J 0 ,3 I 2 1 0 o I PRM21 PRM1J PRMO 0 IIRT2 I Figure 25. Priority Mask Register Format, 15 14 7 o I0 I 5 4 0 o 2 I 1 I IRTtI 0 IRTO I Figure 26. Interrupt Status Register Format 3-136 210706-004 iAPX 188 Timer, DMA 0, 1; Control Registers These registers are the control words for all the internal interrupt sources. The format for these registers is shown in Figure 27. The three bit positions PRO, PR1, and PR2 represent the programmable priority level of the interrupt source. The MSK bit inhibits interrupt requests from the interrupt source. The MSK bits in the individual control registers are the exact same bits as are in the Mask Register; modifying them In the individual control registers will also modify them in the Mask Register, and vice versa. INTO-INT3 Control Registers These registers are the control words for the four external input pins. Figure 28 shows the format of the INTO and INn Control registers; Figure 29 shows the format of the INT2 and INT3 Control registers. In cascade mode or special fully nested mode, the control words for INT2 and INT3 are not used. level is preceded by an inactive-to-active transition on the line. In both cases, the level must remain active until the interrupt IS acknowledged. MSK: Mask bit, 1 = mask; 0 = nonmask. " C: Cascade mode bit, 1 = cascade; 0 = direct SFNM: Special fully nested mode bit, 1 = SFNM EOI Register The end of the interrupt register is a command register which can only be written into. The format of this register IS shown in Figure 30. It initiates an EOI command when written to by the 80188 CPU. The bits in the various control registers are encoded as follows: The bits in the EOI register are encoded as follows: PRO-2: Sx: LTM: Priority programming information. Highest priority = 000, lowest priority = 111. Level-trigger mode bit. 1 = level-triggered; edge-triggered. Interrupt Input levels are active high. In level-triggered mode, an interrupt is generated whenever the externalline is high. In edge-triggered mode, an interr~pt will be generated only when this o= 15 14 o 0 Encoded information that specifies an interrupt source vector type as shown in Table 4. For example, to reset the In-Service bit for DMA channel 0, these bits should be set to 01010, since the vector type for DMA channel 0 is 10. Note that to reset the single In-Service bit for any of the three timers, the vector type for timer 0 (8) should be written in this register. 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 Figure 27. Tlmer/DMA Control Register Formats 15 5 14 o 4 3 I SFNMI Figure 28. INTO/INT1 Control Register Formats 15 14 5 o 0 o 4 3 ILTMIMSKlpR21PR11pROI Figure 29. INT2IINT3 Control Register Formats 3-137 210706-004 intJ iAPX 188 NSPEC/: A bit that determines the type of EOI comSPEC mand. Nonspecific = 1, Specific = O. Poll and Poll Status Registers These registers contain polling information. The format of these registers is shown in Figure 31. They can only be read. Reading the Poll register constitutes a software poll. This will set the IS bit of the highest priority pending interrupt. Reading the poll status register will not set the IS bit of the highest priority pending interrupt; only the status of pending interrupts will be provided. Encoding of the Poll and Poll Status register bits are as follows: Sx: Encoded information that indicates the vector type of the highest priority interrupting source. Valid only when INTREQ = 1. Because of pin limitations caused by the need to interface to an external 8259A master, the internal interrupt controller will no longer accept external inputs. There are however, enough 80188 interrupt controller inputs (internally) to dedicate one to each timer. In this mode, each timer interrupt source has its own mask bit, IS bit, and control word. The iRMX 86 operating system requires peripherals to be assigned fixed priority levels. This is incompatible with the normal operation of the 80188 interrupt controller. Therefore, the initialization software must program the proper priority levels for each source. The required priority levels for the internal interrupt sources in iRMX mode are shown ill Table 16. Table 16. Internal Source Priority Level INTREQ: This bit determines if an interrupt request is present. Interrupt Request = 1; no Interrupt Request = O. Pr.iority Level Upon reset, the 80188 interrupt controller will be in the non-iRMX 86 mode of operation. To set the controller in the iRMX 86 mode, bit 14 of the Relocation Register should be set. 15 I:~bl 14 o I Timer 0 (reserved) OMAO OMA1 Timer-1 Timer 2 3 4 5 iRMX 86 COMPATIBILITY MODE This mode allows iRMX 86-80188 compatibility. The interrupt model of iRMX 86 reqUires one master and multiple slave 8259As in cascaded fashion. When iRMX mode is used, the internal'80188 interrupt controller will be used as a slave controller to an external master interrupt controller. The internal 80188 resou'rces will be monitored through the internal interrupt controller, while the external controller functions as the system master interrupt controller. Interrupt Source 0 1 2 These level assignments must remain fixed in the iRMX 86 mode of operation. iRMX 86 Mode External Interface The configuration of the 80188 with respect to an external 8259A master is shown in Figure 32. The INTO input is used as the 80188 CPU interrupt input. INT3 functions as an output to send the 80188, slaveinterrupt-request to one of the 8 master-PIC-inputs. 0 13 I 0 0 S4 S3 S2 S1 53 52 S1 II SO Figure 30. EOI Register Format 15 I:~ 14 13 I I 0 5 4 I I I 0 0 54 0 I so I Figure 31. Poll Register Format 3-138 210706-004 iAPX 188 8259A MASTER INTA 80188 INT. IN <== REQUESTS FROM OTHER SLAVES IRO INT 1 - IR7 CASo-2 80188 ~~ INTO INT2 INT3 I SLAVE SELECT INn I - ") CASCADE ADDRESS DECODER 80188 SLAVE INTERRUPT OUTPUT Figure 32. iRMX 86 Interrupt Controller Interconnection Correct master-slave interface requires decoding of the slave addresses (CASO-2). Slave 8259As do this internally. Because of pin limitations, the 80188 slave address will have to be decoded externally. INT1 is used as a slave-select input. Note that the slave vector address is transferred internally, but the READY input must be supplied externally. INT2 is used as an acknowledge output, suitable to drive the INTA input of an 8259A. Specific End-of-Interrupt In iRMX mode the specific EOI command operates to reset an in-service bit ofa specific priority. The user supplies a 3-bit priority-level value that points to an in-service bit to be reset. The command is executed by writing the correct value in the Specific EOI register at offset 22H. Interrupt Controller Registers in the iRMX 86 Mode Interrupt Nesting iRMX 86 mode operation allows nesting of interrupt requests. When an interrupt is acknowledged, the priority logic masks off all priority levels except those with equal or higher priority. Vector Generation in the iRMX 86 Mode Vector generation in iRMX mode is exactly like that of an 8259A slave. The interrupt controller generates an 8-bit vector which the CPU multiplies by four and uses as an address into a vector table. The significant five bits of the vector are user-programmable while the lower three bits are generated by the priority logic. These bits represent the encoding of the priority level requesting service. The significant five bits of the vector are programmed by writing to the Interrupt Vector register at offset 20H. 3-139 All control and command registers are located inside the internal peripheral control block. Figure 33 shows the offsets of these registers. End-of-Interrupt Register The end-of-interrupt register is a command register which can only be written. The format of this register is shown in Figure 34. It initiates an EOI command when written by the 80188 CPU. The bits in the EOI register are encoded as follows: Lx: Encoded value indicating the priority of the IS bit to be reset. In-Service Register This register can be read from or written into. It contains the in-service bit for each of the internal 210706-004 inter iAPX 188 interrupt sources. The format for this register is shown in Figure 35. Bit positions 2 and 3 correspond to the DMA channels; positions 0, 4, and 5 correspond to the integral timers. The source's IS bit is set when the processor acknowledges its interrupt request. prx: 3-bit encodE;ld field indicating a priority l.evel for the source; note that each source must be programmed at specified levels. msk: mask bit for the priority level indicated by prx bits. OFFSET Interrupt Request Register This register indicates which internal peripherals have interrupt requests pending. The format of this register is shown in Figure 35. The interrupt request bits are set when a request arrives from an internal source, and are reset when the processor acknowledges the request. Mask Register This register contains a maSk bit for each interrupt source. The format for this register is shown in Figure 35. If the bit in this register corresponding to a particular interrupt source is set, any interrupts from that source will be masked. These mask bits are exactly the same bits which are used in the individual control registers, i.e., changing the state of a mask bit in this register will also change the state of the mask bit in the individual interrupt control register corresponding to the bit. Control Registers These registers are the control words for all the internal interrupt sources. The format of these registers is shown in Figure 36. Each of the timers and both of the DMA channels have their own Control Register. The bits of the Control Registers are encoded as follows: LEVEL 5 CONTROL REGISTER (TIMER 2) 3AH LEVEL 4 CONTROL REGISTER (TIMER 1) 38H LEVEL 3 CONTROL REGISTER (DMl1) 36H LEVEL 2 CONTROL REGISTER (DMAO) 34H LEVEL 0 CONTROL REGISTER (TIMER 0) 32H INTERRUPT STATUS REGISTER 30H INTERRUPT REQUEST REGISTER 2EH IN-SERVICE REGISTER 2CH PRIORITY·LEVEL MASK REGISTER 2AH MASK REGISTER 2BH SPECIFIC EOI REGISTER 22H INTERRUPT VECTOR REGISTER 20H Figure 33. Interrupt Controller Registers (iRMX 86 Mode) Figure 34. Specific EOI Register Format 15 14 13 I I I I Figure 35. In-Service, Interrupt Request, and Mask Register Format 3-140 210706-004 inter iAPX 188 Interrupt Vector Register This register provides the upper five bits of the interrupt vector address. The format of this register is shown in Figure 37. The interrupt controller itself provides the lower three bits of the interrupt vector as determined by the priority level of the interrupt request. The format of the bits in this register is: 5-bit field indicating the upper five bits of the vector address. Priority-Level Mask Register This register indicates the lowest priority-level interrupt which will be serviced. tx: The encoding of the bits in this register is: mx: 3-bit encoded field indication priority-level value. All levels of lower priority will be masked. Interrupt Status Register This register is defined exactly as in non-iRMX mode (see Figure 26). Interrupt Controller and Reset Upon RESET, the interrupt controller will perform the following actions: • All SFNM bits reset to 0, implying Fully Nested Mode. • All PR bits in the various control registers set to 1. This places all sources at lowest priority (level 111 ). • All LTM bits reset to 0, resulting in edge-sense mode. All Interrupt Service bits reset to O. All Interrupt Request bits reset to O. All MSK (Interrupt Mask) bits set to 1 (mask). All C (Cascade) bits reset to 0 (non-cascade). All PRM (Priority Mask) bits set to 1, implying no levels masked. • Initialized to non-iRMX 86 mode. • • • • • Figure 36. Control Word Format Figure 37. Interrupt Vector Register Format Figure 38. Priority Level Mask Register 3-141 210706-004 intJ iAPX 188 16 MHz r1 0 Vee f1 .l Xl X2 - UCS .--- RES f~ ~ 82::8~R ADD-AD7, A8-A1S ALE t-- I'<- '="- ~ STB OE 80188 I'm WR I T 1 MCS0-3 SRDY RESET ROM ADDRESS 1 1 PROGRAM RAM r*SV AROY NMI HOLD ~ . ~ ~ ~ LOW RAM Tr LCS I TMR INO t--*SV { -. TMROUTO CLOCK ~ ~ 8286 OR 8287 TRANSCEIVER T ~ PCSO Al A2 Ft=:i ~ 1---+ ~ 00-07 K==>Ji.;; T ERMINAL 110 ~ I INTO DISK INTERFACE HARDWARE INT1 PCS4 ORQO Figure 39. , SERIAL OE ~8DIS K Typical iAPX 188 Computer 3-142 210706-004 iAPX 188 16 MHz rD~ Vee n Xl X2 UCS CS FlO RES .I r----V" 8282 OR 8283 LATCH OE sTB STB DE • ALE LCS -;:- RESET ROM L1f Ilb ~ . ' lOW RAM CS WR (\ b ADo-AD7 A8:,.A15 8282 OR 8283 LATCH ADDRESS BUS STB OE f t ~~sTB OE 80188 NMI HOLD R '-~ 8286 OR 8287 TRANSCEIVER :>DATABUs OE T MULTI MAST SYST EM BUS ER r DT/R ClK ' - - - ALE CLKOUT SO-S2 ,-----..--r- t- f----- DEN 8288 BUS CONTROLLER SO-S2 CEN lOB AEN -;:- b PCSO PCS1 AADY 1 J SO-S2 AEN 8289 CLK AR':I:ER ====r ./ :> SYSB/RESB lOB lOCK SRDY BUS CONTROL COMMANDS LOCK Fa-r~ RESB ~~~Ti~~~ION ~~5V XACK , Figure 40. Typical iAPX 188 Multi·Master Bus Interface 3-143 210706-004 IAPX 188 PACKAGE NOTE: The lOT 3M Textool 68-pin JEOEC Socket The 80188 is housed in a 68-pin, leadless JEOEC type A hermetic chip carrier. Figure 41 illustrates the package dimensions. is required for ICE™ operation. See Figure 42 for details. [.055 :N5 . Figure 41. 80188 JEDEC Type A Package 3-144 210706-004 inter iAPX 188 1 ~ (30;3) sa~ 1210 GUIDE BOSS -- 3PLCS~~ r-lTrIHIDDffBa~HEJLHE4D~~~1\-' INDEX 'l-~ FRONT PC BOARD PATTERN 'i. SOCKET ORIENTATION PIN ~"")- .rP1N NO 1 ~:tt(tttt~ .. p. ~~~E~E;ATlON -::::: FRONT r ;..:../ DEVICE PADS ~ SHOWN FOR -~ CONTACT, ~~J LOCATION ~ PIN CLR HOLE:r-:; +. FORI .021 OIA ~ --,:+(O.741~ ~-tt. i / I • . Iii ..r:1 I (2' : ) TYP ~~i~-.~~T p~ ~-:JJ.)JJ 'I ~~ l ...Q!!.----I (038) r-- IIJ O~~ (0.51) CONTACT TAIL ~ .l.•• , . . .•. 'i. ALUMINUM LID 100 (25.4) ~ 1 (HEATSINK PROVISIONS OPTIONAL) TEST PROBE POINT r -- \ '..--.- CLOSED ~ '-.. \ 1.00 -..j r-(2")TY· OPEN e+---(2~2)-~ 8 spes" 100 TOl NON ACCUM TVP .. PLes (2.") NOTE: PhYSical dimenSions shown are for reference only. Please consuU 3M Textoetl tor complete informatIOn on the socket. Figure 42. Textool 68 Lead Chip Carrier Socket 3-145 210706-004 inter iAPX 188 --NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Ambient Temperature under Bias ..... O°C to 70°C Storage Temperature ........... -65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground .............. -1.0V to + 7V Power Dissipation ........................ 3 Watt D.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA ~ 0°-70°C. Vcc ~ 5V < 10%) Symbol Parameter V,L Input Low Voltage V,H Input High Voltage (All except Xl and (RES) V,H1 Input High Voltage (RES) VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage Icc Power Supply Current Min. Max. Units - 0.5 +0:8 Volts 2.0 Vcc + 0.5 Volts 3.0 Vee + 0.5 Volts 0.45 Volts 2.4 Volts 550 450 mA Test Conditions la ~ 2.5 mA for SO-S2 la = 2.0 mA for all other outputs loa ~ -400 MA Max measured at TA TA III Input Leakage Current ±10 MA OV ILO Output Leakage Current ±10 MA 0.45V VCLO Clock Output Low 0.6 Volts I. = 4.0 mA Volts loa ~ -200 MA VCHO Clock Output High VCLl Clock Input Low Voltage -0.5 VCHI Clock Input High Voltage 3.9 C'N C,O 4.0 0.6 Volts Vcc + 1.0 Volts Input Capacitance 10 pF I/O Capacitance 20 pF V,N < < < ~ ~ O°C 70°C Vcc Vour < Vcc , , PIN TIMINGS A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 0°-70°C. Vee = 5V ± 10%) 80188 Timing Requirements All Timings Measured At 1.5 Volts Unless Otherwise Noted. Symbol TOVCL If -T-CLOX . Parameter Min. Max. Units Data in Setup (AID) 20 ns Data 10 ns In Hold (AID) TARYHCH Asynchronous Ready (AREADY) active setup time' 20 ns TARYLCL AREADY inactive setup time 35 ns Asynchronous Ready Inactive hold time 15 ns TCHARYX AREADY hold time 15 ns TSRYCL Synchronous Ready (SREADY) transition setup , time TARYCHL 20 ns TCLSRY SREADY transition hold time 15 ns THVCL HOLD Setup' 25 ns T,NVCH INTR. NMI. TEST. TIMERIN. Setup' 25 ns T,NVCL DRao. ORal. Setup' 25 ns - Test Conditions .-- 'To guarantee recognition at next clock. 3-146 210706-004 iAPX 188 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) 80188 Master Interface Timing Responses 80188 (8 MHz) Symbol TCLAV Parameters Address Valid Delay Min. 5 80188-6 (6 MHz) Max. Min. 55 5 Max. Units 63 ns ns TCLAX Address Hold TCLAZ Address Float Delay TCHCZ Command Lines Float Delay TCHCV Command Lines Valid Delay (after float) TLHLL ALE Width TCHLH ALE Active Delay 35 44 ns TCHLl ALE Inactive Delay 35 44 ns TLLAX Address Hold to ALE Inactive TCLDV Data Valid Delay 10 TCLDOX Data Hold Time 10 TWHDX Data Hold after WR TCVCTV Control Active Delay 1 10 70 10 87 ns TCHCTV Control Active Delay 2 10 55 10 76 ns TCVCTX Control Inactive Delay 5 55 5 76 ns TCVDEX DEN Inactive Delay (Non-Write Cycle) 10 70 10 87 ns TAlRL Address Float to RD Active 0 TCLRL RD Active Delay 10 70 10 87 ns TCLRH RD Inactive Delay 10 55 10 76 ns TRHAV RD Inactive to Address Active TCLHAV HLDA Valid Delay TRLRH RDWidth 2T cLcL-5O 2T CLCL-50 ns TWLWH WRWidth 2TCLCL-40 2TCLCL-4O ns TAVAl Address Valid to ALE Low TCLCH-25 TCLCH-45 TCHSV Status Active Delay 10 55 10 76 ns TeLsH Status Inactive Delay 10 65 10 76 ns T CLTMV Timer Output Delay 60 75 ns TeLRo Reset Delay 60 75 ' ns 10 10 TCLAX 35 TeLAX 45 55 TCLCL-35 ns 56 ns 76 ns ns ns TCHCL-3O 10 44 55 10 ns ns 0 ns TCLCL-50 TCLCL-4O 50 5 ns ns TCLCL-5O TCLCL-4O 5 44 TCLCL-35 TCHCL-25 67 ns ns Queue Status Delay Status Hold Time 10 10 ' ns T AVCH Address Valid to clock high 10 10 ns 44 100 pF max ns TeHQSV T CHDX 35 Test Conditions CL = 20-200 pF all outputs 80188 Chip-Select Timing Responses Symbol Parameter Min. TeLesv Chip-Select Active Delay Texesx Chlp-Selct Hold from Command Inactive 35 TCHesx Chip-Select Inactive Delay 5 Max. Min. 66 Max. Units 80 ns 35 5 35 3-147 . Test Conditions ns 47 ns 210706-004 iAPX 188 . A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) 80188 CLKlNRequirements Symbol TCKIN - 80188·6 (6 MHz) 80188 (8 MHz) Parameters ClKIN Period Min. Max. Min. Max. Units 62.5 250 83 250 ns Test Conditions TCKHL ClKIN Fall Time 10 10 ns TCKLH ClKIN Rise Time 10 10 ns 1.0 to 3.5 yolts TCLCK ClKIN Low TIme 25 33 ns 1.5 volts TCHCK ClKIN High TIme 25 33 ns 1.5 Yolts - 3.5 to 1.0 Yolts 80188 CLKOUT Timing (200 pF load) Symbol Parameter Tclco ClKIN 10 ClKOUT Skew Min. TCLCL ClKOUT Period TCLCH ClKOUT low Time TCHCL ClKOUT High Time TCH1CH2 ClKOUT Rise Time 15 15 ns 1.0 to 3.5 Yolts TCL2CL1 CLKOUT Fall TIme 15 15 ns 3.5 to 1. volts Mix. Min. 50 125 500 'h TCLCL-75 'h TCLCL-75 167 Max. Units 62.5 ns 500 ns Test Conditions '/2 TCLCL-75 ns 1.5 yolts 'h TCLCL-7.5 ns 1.5 volts 3-148 21070&-004 iAPX 188 WAVEFORMS MAJOR CYCLE TIMING ~ T CLKOU T, -T~'~~C~JAru ~ !----- _TCHS' TCI~AV ___ 1\ l-------r ~ITCHCL 1_ _ ",Ie,.,. u, . -1-' f-7 - /r- -~: ~t~~ :::: ~AO DATAOU' 1\ INTA CYCLE DTI II -- f - . , , .. / ,....... , -=:H; TCl -ITLLAl R - ~ ___ TCLAZ ' FLOAT '1 TCHCTV II_Tn",.., Ri5.~~ I:5Ht: = V OH VOL ,. . . . _[1 SOFnYARE HALT-11!!~ ~ Vo RD. WR. INTA. DEN ~ Vo H " , , PCS MCS ,LCS lieS TCLAV_ - ,~ I FLOAT I___ TCHCTV 1\ 1- ...1 V !j 1--1 TCVD!'X- ~ N I :::~ TCVC _';CLDX A'~'~ - ~I po;: r"'--iiI - \ 1 A - TCLAZ,_ I~ TOVCTV- ADI5-ADo ---- .- ---- "~"-1~ iii Rjj.INTA. DT/R ~ VOH ~.'::.~'::.L. 'I ~~ T'''~': WRITE CYCLE ~ ~TA' ~~' 1 :LAV-ADI5-ADo \~. ---- - S,-S3 S, TCH~ r--\ "'Tci:CH -TC~LAX~r(;LLJ'~ ' ,. A LE ' ~, ~~ ~~ t 'I~ TCHC! ~X_ _TCLCSV TCXCSX- 3-149 I- - 210706-004 iAPX 188 WAVEFORMS (Continued) MAJOR CYCLE TIMING (Continued) CLKOUT ~. ~~--~r-----+----+~----r----+~ SHE/S7.A191S8-A111/S3 ,r-- ALE TCHLH FLOAT Ao,s-ADo READ CYCLE , TC~L~--~~--+--TRL~IH-----~--~-~ pcs, Mel! ----I-~I LeI, UCS NOTES: 1. Following a Write cycle, the Local Bus is floated by the 80188 only when the 80188 enters a "Hold Acknowledge" state. 2 INTA occurs one clock later in RMX-mode. 3 Status inactive just prior to T4 3-150 210706-004 inter iAPX 188 WAVEFORMS (Continued) CLKOUT - TCLAV - LOCi( CLKOUT TINVCL- ~ INTO-3, TlMERIN,'-_ _ _ _ _ _---' CLKOUT V J TCHQSV \/ QSO, QS1 --------------~/\~------3-151 210706-004 intJ IAPl( :188 WAVEFORMS (Continued) HOLD-HLDA TIMING CLKOUT ARDY '~ r~~' TARYLCL_ ARDY _ _ _ _ __ _ CLKOUT SRDY T, CLKOUT~'HVCL HOLD ""-t--+-- HLDA --- ---. AD150ADO - - - 80188 __ J DEN---- TCHCV A19/S6-A16/S3, - - - RD, WR, 80188 )--- H,---- ---.. __ J r- ,TCLAV 80188 80188 DT/A, i2-SiI 3-152 210706-004 IAPX 188 WAVEFORMS (Continued) TIMER ON 80188 ClKIN TCKHl TCH1CH2 '!<+---TCLCH·-:"'·--!-'",,"---TCHCl--_1... dLKOUT ~-------TCLCl-------~ TINVCH TIMERIN 'WW~ TIMEROUT _ _ ~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_2-_6_C_LOC_K_S_"-----------r--~~ 80188 INSTRUCTION TIMINGS • All' word-data is located on even-address boundaries. The following instruction timings represent the minimum execution time in clock cycles for each instruction. The timings given are based on the following assumptions: All jumps and calls include the time required to fetch the opcod~ of the next instruction at the destination address. • The opcode, along with any data or displacement required for execution of a particular instruction, has been prefetched and resides In the queue at the time it is needed. • N'o wait states or bus HOLDS occur. All instructions which involve memory reference can require one (and in some cases, two) additional clocks above the minimum timings showl1. This is due to the asynchronous nature of the handshak~ between the BIU and the Execution unit. 3-153 210706-004 inter IAPX 188 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY Clock Cycles FUNCTION FORMAT DATA TRANSFER MOY: Move: Reglsterto Reglster'Memory 11 0,00100wl mod reg r:rn Register/memory to register 11 000101wl mod reg r'm Immediate to register memory 11 10001 1 w modOOO rim Immediate to register 11 01 1 w Memory to accumulator reg I I 0100001'1 I 11 010001wl Register/memory to segment register 11 00 0 1 1 1 0 mod 0 reg rim Segment register to register/memory 11 mod 0 reg rim ' addr·low I 00 0 1 1 0 0 I 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RegISter 10 1 0.1 0 Segment register 10 0 0 reg 1 1 0 I I dat.,f w-l addr·hlgh addr·low Accumulator to memory PUSH: Push' Memory data datalfw-l data 2/12' 2/9' 12-13" 3-4 g" S" 2/13 2115 mod 11 0 r'm addr·hlgh I I I 1- I POP: Pop Memory 11 00 0 1 1 1 11 RegISter 10 lOt 1 Segment register 10 00 reg :.:' :r·,:~::'·~4,~·, modOOO rim I 11 1I 24 14 12 reg (reg/Ol) 'r_:;".~'i1:i\l,!'f1:~~;:t:;>~'.~:iG~it; 1t":a,ll"~1 Ji;~, '" :.• '~,f'.',,: :"~', ',: ' " " 83, XCHG : Exchange' Register/memory with register 11 000011wl Register with accumulator 11 00 1 0 IN: Input from: FI""d port 11 1 1 0 \} lOw va"able port It OUT: Output to' FIXed port 11 1 1 001 1 w variable port 11 1101 11 w 7" XLAT c Translate byte to AL 11 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 LEA ~ Load EA to rpglSter 11 00 0 1 1 0 1 mod reg LOS c Load pOinter to OS 11 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 mod reg rim (mod .. 11) LES ~ Load pOinter to ES 11 1000100 mod reg rim (mod" 11) LAHF - Load AH with flags 11 00 1 1 1 1 1 SAHF - Store AH Into flags 11 001 1 1 1 0 15 6 26 26 2 3 13 12 reg 1 1 0 1 1 '0"", PUSHF =Push flags 11 00 1 1 1 0 0 POPF - Pop Jlags 11 00 1 1 1 0 1 mod reg rim I I I S/16-bit S/16-bit 20 14 13 reg I\ij~~~~$) ~;!MI,,~,::i)ii:W-;~~I;,';i):- < .... 0 VOl UNlESS OTHERWISE Sl'EClfl~D : ;g~ll~~:;~:TEEA~vr;L~ ~~~~~ET~:t;;V~~I~E~~A::::~Tl~:~~EU~~~~~SL~~~~~~; ~~~~~~fgEcmfs TO ~u,. ANOT"~~ aus CVCLE Hili LOC"'l'USI$ FlOATED 8V THE ~WHEN Tke ~ ENTEASA AeOUEST BUS ACKNOI'jLEOGE STATE 'SIGIOAL$ATUUOA82MAAESHOI'jNFOAAeFEAE"CEONlV ______ _ 5 !~~,~~~::;HG~ G1:NE 82\111 GOMfIIAIOO AND C()NTROt. SIGNALS IMFIOC MI'jTC AMI'jC [OAC 10l'jC A,OWC '''ITA A"O DEN, LAGS THE 6 iIot.L TlMII30 29 ROtGT1 - iiQmo ' He _J He 52 '" §3'" BUSY RESET Figure 2. 8087 Pin Configuration Figure 1. 8087 Block Diagram Intel Corporation Assumes No Reaponslbilly for the Use of Any Circuitry other Than CirCUitry Embodied ©INTEL CORPORATION, 1984 3-175 In an Intel Product No Other CirCUit Patent Licenses 8'f'e Implied ORDER NUMBE~~~5~5~~ 8087/8087-2/8087-1 Table 1. 8087 Pin Description Symbol Type Name and Function AD15-ADO 1/0 Address Data; These lines constitute the time ~ultlplexed memory address (T 1) and data (T2. T 3. T w. T 4) bus. AO is analogous to BHEforthe lower byte of the data bus. pins 07-00. It is lOW during T1 when a byte is to be transferred on the lower portion of the bus in memory operations. Eight-bit oriented devices tied to the lower half of the bus would normally use AO to condition chip select functions. These lines are active HIGH. They are input/output lines for 8087-driven bus cycles and are inputs wtiich the 8087 monitors when the CPU is in control olthe bus. A 15-A8 do not requirean address latch in an iAPX 88/20 or iAPX 188/20. The 8087 will supply an address for the TrT4 penod. A19/S6. A18/S5. A17/S4. A16/83 1/0 Address Memory: During T1 these are the four most sigmficant address lines./or memory operations. During memory operations. status information is available on these lines during T 2. T 3• T w. and T 4' For 8087-controlled bus cycles. S6. S4. and S3 are reserved and currently one (HIGH). while S5 is always lOW.These lines are inputs which the 8087 monitors when the CPU is in control of the bus. BHE/S7 1/0 Bus High Enable: During T1 the bus high enable signal (BHE) should be used to enable data onto the most significant half of the data bus. pins D15-D8. Eight-bit-oriented devices tied to the upper half of the bus would normally use BHE to condition chip select functions. BHE is lOW during T1 for read and write cycles when a byte is to be transferred on the high portion of the bus. The 87 status information is available during T2. T3. Tw. and T4' The signal is active LOW. 87 is an input which the 8087 monitors during the CPU-controlled bus cycles. 82.81.80 1/0 Status: For 8087 -driven bus cycles. these status lines are encoded as follows: S2 51 1 (HIGH) 1 1 1 X 0 0 1 1 o(lOW) SO X 0 1 0 1 Unused Unused Read Memory Write Memory Passive Status is driven active during T4. remains valid during T1 and T2 • and is returned to,lhe passive state (1.1.1) during T3 or during Tw when READY is HIGH. This status is used by the 8288 Bus Controller (or the 82188 Integrated Bus Controller with an 80186/80188 CPU) to generate all memory access control signals. Anychange in S2. S1. or SOduring T4 is used to indicate the beginning of a bus cycle. and the return to the passive state in T3 orTw is used to indicate the end of a bus cycle. These signals are monitored by the 8087 when the CPU is in control of the bus. RQ/GTO 1/0 Request/Grant: This request!grant pin is used by the 8087 to gain control of the local bus from the CPU for operand transfers or on behalf of another bus master. It must be connected to one of the two processor request! grant pins. The request grant sequence on this pin is as follows: 1. A pulse one clock wide is passed to the CPU to indicate a local bus request by either the 8087 or the master connected to the 8087 RQ/GT1 pin. 2. The 8087 waits for the grant pulse and when it is received will either initiate bus transfer activity in the clock cycle following the grant or pass the grant out on the RQ/GT1 pin in this clock if the initial request was for another bus master. 3: The 8087 will generate a release pulse to the CPU one clock cycle after the completion olthe last 8087 bus cycle or on receipt of the release pulse from the bus master on RQ/GT1. -- For iAPX 186/188 systems. the same sequence applies except- RQ/GT signals are converted to appropriate HOLD. HlDA signals by the 82188 Integrated Bus Controller. ThiS is to conform with iAPX 186/188's HOLD. HlDA bus exchange protpcol. Refer to the 82188 data sheet for further information. 3-176 205835-003 inter 8087/8087-2/8087-1 Table 1. 8087 Pin Description (Continued) Symbol RQ/GTI Type Name a"d Function I/O Requesl/Grant: This request/grant pin is used by another local bus master to force the 8087 to request the local bus. If the 8087 is not in control of the bus when the request is made the request/grant sequence is passed through the 8087 on the RQ/GTO pin one cycle later. Subsequent grant and release pulses are also passed through the 8087 with a two and one clock delay, respectively, for resynchronization. RQ/GTt has an internal pullup resistor, "nd so may be left unconnected. If the 8087 has control of the bus the request/ grant sequence is as follows: 1. A pulse 1 ClK wide from another local bus master indicates a local bus request to the 8087 (pulse 1). 2 During the 8087's next T4 or T, a pulse 1 ClK wide from the 8087 to the requesting master (pulse 2) indicates that the 8087 has allowed the local bus to float and that it will enter the "RQ/GT acknowledge" state at the next ClK. The 8087's control unit is disconnected logically from the local bus during "RQ/GT acknowledge." 3. A pulse 1 ClK wide from the requesting master indicates to the 8087 (pulse 3) that the "RQ/GT" request is about to end and that the 8087 can reclaim the local bus at the next ClK. Each master-master exchange of the local bus is a sequence of 3 pulses. There must be one dead ClK cycle after each bus exchange. Pulses are active lOW. For iAPX 186/186 systems, the RQ/GTI line may be connected to the 82188 Integrated Bus Controller In this case, a third processor with a HOLD, HlDA bus exchange system may acquire the bus from the 8087. Forthis configuration, RQ/GTI will only be used If the 8087 is the bus master Refer to 82188 data sheet for further information. QS1,QSO I QS1, OSO: QSl and QSO provide the 8087 with status to allow tracking of the CPU instruction queue. 0$1 o (lOW) 0 1 (HIGH) 1 QSO 0 1 0 1 No Operation First Byte of Op Code from Queue Empty the Queue Subsequent Byte from Queue - INT 0 Interrupt This line IS used to Indicate that an unmasked exception has occurred during numeric instruction execution when 8087 interrupts are p-nabled Thissignal is typically routed to an 8259A for 8086 systems and to INTO for iAPX 186/186 systems INT is active HIGH BUSY 0 Busy: This signal indicates that the 8087 NEU is executing a numeric instruction. It is connected to the CPU's TEST pin to provide synchronization. In the case of an unmasked exception BUSY remains active until the exception is cleared. BUSY is active HIGH. READY I Ready: READY is the acknowledgement from the addressed memory deVice that It will complete the data transfer. The RDY signal from memory is synchronIZed by the 8284A Clock Generator to form READY for 8086 systems. For iAPX 186/188 systems, ROY is synchronized by the 82188 Integrated Bus Controller to form READY This Signal IS active HIGH. RESET I Reset: RESET causes the processor to immediately terminate its present activity. The signal must be active HIGH for at least four clock cycles. RESET is internally synchronized. ClK I Clock: The clock provides the basic timing for the processor and bus controller. It is asymmetric with a 33% duty cycle to provide optimized internal timing. Vcc Power: Vcc is the +5V power supply pin. GND Ground: GND are the ground pins. NOTE: For the pin descriptions of the 8086, 8088, 80186 and 80188 CPU's, reference the respective data sheets (iAPX 86/10, iAPX 88/10, iAPX 186, iAPX 188). 3-177 205835-003 8087/8087-218087-1 APPUCATION AREAS The 8087 is a numeric processor extension that provides arithmetic and logical instruction support for a variety of numeric data types. It also executes numerous built-in transcendental functions (e.g., tangent and log functions). The 8087 executes instructions as a coprocessor' to a maximum mode CPU. It effectively extends the register and instruction set of the system and adds several new data types as we". Figure 3 presents the registers of the CPU+8087. Table 2 shows the range of data types supported by the 8087. The 8087 is treated as an extension to the CPl,), providing register, data types, control, and instruction capabilities at the hardware level. At the programmers level the CPU and the 8087, are viewed as a single unified processor. The 8087 provides functions meant specifically for high performance,numeric processing requirements. Trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions are built into the coprocessor hardware. These functions are essential in scientific, engineering, navigational, or military applications. The 8087 also has capabilities meant for business or commercial computing. An 8087 can process Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) numbers up to 18 digits without roundoff errors. It can also perform arithmetic on integers as large as 64 bits ± 1018). PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE SUPPORT System Configuration Programs for the 8087 can be written in Intel's high-level languages for iAPX 86/88 and iAPX 186/188 Systems; A5M-86 (the iAPX 86,88 assembly language), PUM-86, FORTRAN-86, and PA5CAL-86. As a coprocessor to an 8086 or 8088, the 8087 is wired in para"el with the CPU as shown in Figure 4. Figure 5 shows the iAPX 186/188 system configuration. The CPU's status (50-52) and queue status lilies (OSo-OSl) enable the 8087 to monitor and decode instructions in synchronization with the CPU and without any CPU overhead. For iAPX 1861188 systems, the queue status signals of the iAPX 1861188 are synchronized to 8087 requirements by the 82188 Integrated Bus Controller. Once started, the 8087 can process in para"el with, and independent of, the host Cpu. For resynchronization, the 8087's BUSY signal informs the CPU that the 8087 is executing an instruction and the CPlJ WAIT instruction tests this signal to insure that the 8087 is ready to execute subsequent instructions. The 8087 can interrupt the CPU when it detects an error or exception. The RELATED INFORMATION For iAPX 86/10, iAPX 88110, iAPX 186 or iAPX 188 details, refer to the respective data sheets. For iAPX 186 or iAPX 188 systems, also refer to the 82188 Integrated Bus Controller data sheet. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The 8087 Numeric Data Processor's arcHitecture is designed for high performance numeric computing in conjunction with general purpose processing. 8087 DATA FIELD CPU AX ' i ! FILE 5 0 ax -a DX SI DI BP SP II "l-gs:f:N~;7~8E~X~PO;N~EN~T~8';83~===:::;S;IG;N~IFI~CAN:;:~D====~O RI R2 I : III R3r---r-------+----------------; R.I--__~------+_---------------; 'i TAG FIELD O RS r---r--,-----+--,--------------; R8 R71----~------+----------------; R8 L-_.L..-_ _ _..L....._ _ _ _ _ _ _....J L __ , I----:::-"""P :::-__ FLAGS I -'1' • 15 CONTROL REGISTER STATUS REGISTER T"GWORD :1 L.. _ _ _ _ --, I- INSTRUCTION POINTER_ §' i------------fl .. i I- DATA POINTER - Figure 3. CPU+8087 Architecture 3-178 205835-003 ' 8087/8087-2/8087-1 Integrated Bus Controller. Because the iAPX 186/188 has a HOLD, HLDA bus exchange protocol, an interface is needed which will translate RQ/GT signals to corresponding HOLD, HDLA signals and visa versa. One of the functions of the 82188 IBC is to provide this translation. RQ/GTO is translated to HOLD, HLDA signals which are then directly connected to the iAPX 186/188. The RQ/GT1 line is also translated into HOLD, HLDA signals (referred to as SYSHOLD, SYSHLDA Signals) by the 821881BC. This allows a third processor (using a HOLD, HLDA bus exchange protocol) to gain control of the bus. 8087's interrupt request line is typically routed to the CPU through an 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller for 8086, 8088 systems and INTO for iAPX 186/188. The 8087 uses one ofthe request!grant lines of the iAPX 86/88 architecture (typically RQ/GTO)to obtain control of the local bus for data transfers. The other request! grant line is available for general system use (for instance by an I/O processor in LOCAL mode). A bus master can also be connected to the 8087's RQ/GT1 line. In this configuration the 8087 will pass the request! grant handshake signals between the CPU and the attached master when the 8087 is not in control of the bus and will relinquish the bus to the master directly when the 8087 is in control. In this way two additional masters can be configured in an iAPX 86/88 system; one will share the 8086 bus with the 8087 on a first come first served basis, and the second will be guaranteed to be higher in priority than the 8087. Unlike an iAPX 86/20 system, RQ/GT1 is only used when the 8087 has bus control. If the third processor requests the bus when the current bus master is the iAPX 186/188, the 82188 IBC will directly pass the request onto the iAPX 186/188 without going through the 8087. The third processor has the highest bus priority in the system. If the 8087 requests the bus while the third processor has bus control, the grant pulse will not be issued until the third processor releases the bus (using SYSHOLD). In this configuration, the third processor has the highest priority, the 8087 has the next highest, and the iAPX 186/188 has the lowest bus priority. For iAPX 186/188 systems, RQ/GTO and RQ/GT1 are connected to the corresponding inputs of the 82188 Table 2. 8087 Data Types Data Formats Range Most Significant Byte Precision 7 104 16 Bits -- i---- 109 Short Integer 017 017 017 017 017 32 Bits 017 017 01 115 ~ Two's Complement 131 --~ Two's Complement ~- r-.-10 18 Long Integer 64 Bits 163 ---=--=------------------~- Packed BCD 1018 Short Real 10±38 -- ------~- Long Real f--- 017 --~ - Word Integer 017 _~_D17D1L 18 Digits 24 Bits SI E7 I Two's 10 Complement 101 Dol ~ Fo Implicit EoIF1 ----~ 10±308 53 Bits S IE10 10±4932 64 Bits ~- -EoIF1 F521 Fo Implicit --- Temporary Real EJo F63[ --~- j---------~--- Real. (_1)S(2E-BIAS)(Fo;F1' .) Integer: I Packed BCD' (-1)S(D17 Sias=127 for Short Real 1023 for Long Real 16383 for Temp Real Dol -------- 3-179 205835-003 intJ 8087/8087-218087-1 Bus Operation The 8087 bus structure, operation and timing are identical to all other processors in the iAPX 86/88 series (maximum mode configuration). The address is time multiplexed with, ,the data on the first 16/8 lines of the address/data bus. A 16 through A 19 are time multiplexed with four status lines 83-86. 83, 84 and 86 are always one (HIGH) for 8087-driven bus cycles while S5 is always zero (LOW). When the 8087 is monitoring CPU bus cycles (passive mode) 86 is also monitored by the 8087 to differentiate 8086/8088 activity from that of a local I/O processor or any other local bus master. (The 8086/8088 must be the only processor on the local bus to drive 86 LOW). 87 is multiplexed with and has the same value as BHE for all 8087 bus cycles. The first three Stl\tus lines, 80-82, are used with an 8288 bus controller or 82188 Integrated Bus Controller to determine the type of bus cycle being run: S2 Sf SO 0 X 0 0 1 1 X 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Unused Unused Memory Data Read Memory Data Write Passive (no bus cycle) Table 2 lists the eight data types the 8087 supports and presents the format for each type. Internally, the 8087 holds all numbers in the temporary real format. Load and store instructions automatically convert operands represented in l1Jemory as 16-, 32-, or 64-bit integers, 32- or 64-bit floating point numbers or 18digit packed BCD numbers into temporary real format and vice versa. The 8087 also provides the capability to control round off, underflow, and overflow errors in each calculation. Computations in the 8087 use th!l processor's register stack. These eight 80-bit registers provide the equivalent capacity of 20 32-bit registers. The 8087 register set can be accessed as a stack, with instructions operating on the top one or two stack elements, or as a fixed register set, with instructions operating on explicitly designat~d registers. Table 5 lists the 8087's instructions by class. All appear as ESCAPE instructions to the host. Assembly language programs are written in ASM-86, the iAPX 86, 88 assembly language. Table 3. Execution Times for Selected iAPX 86/20 Numeric Instructions and Corresponding IAPX 86/10 Emulation Approximate Execution Time Vts) Programming Interface Floating Point Instruction The 8087 includes the' standard iAPX 86/10, 88/10 instruction set for general data manipulation and program control. It also includes 68 numeric instructions for extended precision integer, floating pOint, trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions. 8ample execution times for several 8087 functions are shown in Table 3. Overall performance is up to 100 times that of an iAPX 86/10 processor for numeric instructions. IAPX 86/20 iAPX 8611 0 (5 MHz Clock) Emulation Add/Su btract Multiply (single precision) Multiply (extended precision) Divide Compare Load (double precision) Store (double precision) Square Root Tangent Exponentiation Any instruction executed by the 8087 is the combined result of the, CPU and 8087 activity. The CPU and the 8087 have specialized functions and registers providing fast concurrent operation. The CPU controls overall program execution while the 8087 uses the coprocessor interface to recognize and perform numeric operations. , I 3-180 17 1,600 19 1,600 27 39 9 10 21 36 90 100 2,100 3,200 1,300 1,700 1,200 19,600 13,000 17,100 , 205835-003 intJ 8087/8087-2/8087-1 NUMERIC PROCESSOR EXTENSION ARCHITECTURE with the CPU while the NEU is busy processing a numeric instruction. As Shown in Figure 1, the 8087 is internally divided into two processing elements, the control unit (CU) and the numeric execution unit (NEU). The NEU executes all numeric instructions, while the CU receives and decodes instructions, reads and writes memory operands and executes 8087 control instructions. The two elements are able to operate independently of one another, allowing the CU to maintain synchronization Control Unit The CU keeps the 8087 operating in synchronization with its host CPU. 8087 instructions are intermixed with CPU instructions in a single instruction stream. The CPU fetches all instructions from memory; by monitoring the status (SO-S2, S6) emitted by the CPU, the control unit determines when an instruction is being fetched. The Figure 4. iAPX 86/20, 88/20 ~ystem Configuration r -.., INT t-I-~-~IINTR 8259A PIC IAPX86 MULTIMASTER SYSTEM BUS BUS INTERFACE COMPONENTS B284A CLOCK GENERATOR ~~: eLK H---.,.-<>----iCLK .... _ _ ....J Figure 5. IAPX 186/20, 188120 System Configuration ...... , I .,,,,r. """" ." W ..... QlI - "" QS011-.:-- oso IIUSV 1 06111_091 "'w ~" IItT II "" .~ OSD 1AI'II;,88I,18 '~r--- ,~ ".. I----- ""' /'-----'\ 'v-I 3-181 W ....,. '"' .~"" ""~- (::j !I; 205835-003 8087/8087-218087-1 CU monitors the data bus in parallel with the CPU to obtain instructions that pertain to the 8087. The CU'maintains an instruction queue that is identical to the queue in the host CPU. The CU automatically determines if the CPU is an 8086/186 or an 8088/188 immediately after reset (by monitoring the BRE/S7 line) and matches its queue length accordingly. By monitoring the CPU's queue status lines (OSO, OS1), the CU obtains and decodes instructions from the queue in synchronization with the CPU. A numeric instruction appears as an ESCAPE instruction to the CPU. Both the CPU and 8087 decode and execute the ESCAPE instruction together. The 8087 only recognizes the numeric instructions shown in Table 5. The start of a numeric operation is acomplished when the CPU executes the ESCAPE instruction. The instruction mayor may not identify a memory operand. The CPU does, however, distinguish between ESC instructions that reference memory and those that do not. If the instruction refers to a memory operand, the CPU ca.lculates the operand's address using any one of its available addressing modes, and then performs a "dummy read" of the word at that location. (Any location within the 1M byte address space is allowed.) This is a normal read cycle except th'at the CPU ignores the data it receives. If the ESC instruction does n<\lt contain a memory reference (e.g. an 8087 stack operation), the CPU simply proceeds to the next instruction. An 8087 instruction can have one of three memory reference options; (1) not reference memory; (2) load an operand word from memory into the 8087; or (3) store an operand word from the 8087 into memory. If no memory reference is required, the 8087 simply executes its instruction. If a memory reference is required, the CU uses a "dummy read" cycle initiated by the CPU to capture and save the address that the CPU places on the bus. If the instruction is a load, the CU additionally captures the data word when it becomes available on the local data bus. If data required is longer than one word, the CU immediately obtains the bus from the CPU using the requesVgrant protocol and reads the rest of the information in consecutive bus cycles. In a store operation, the CU captures and saves the store address as in a'ioad, and ignores the data word that follows in the "dummy read" cycle. When the 8087 is ready to perform the store, the CU obtains the bus from the CPU and writes the operand starting 'at the specified address. ' Numeric Execution Unit The NEU executes all\ instructions that involve the register stack; these include arithmetic, logical, transcendental, constant and data transfer instructions. The data path in the NEU is 84 bits wide (68 fraction bits, 15 exponent bits and a sign bit) which allows internal operand transfers to be performed at very high speeds. When the NEU begins executing an instruction, it activates the 8087 BUSY signal. This signal can be used in conjunction with the CPU WAIT instruction to resynchronize both processors when the NEU has completed its current instruction. Register Set The CPU+8087 register set is shown in Figure 3. Each of the eight data registers in the 8087's register stack is 80 bits and is dividecj into "fields" corresponding to the 8087's temporary real data type. At a given point In time the TOP field in the control word identifies the c(Jrrent top-of-stack register. A "push" operation decrements TOP by 1 and loads a value into the new top 'register. A "pop" operation stores the value from the current top register and then increments TOP by 1. Like CPU stacks in memory, the 8087 register stack grows "down" toward lower-addressed registers. Instructions may address the data registers either implicitly or explicitly. Many instructions operate on the register at the top of the stack. These instruc-, tions implicitly address the register pointed to by the' TOP. Other instructions allow the programmer to explicitly specify the register which is to be used. Explicit register addressing is "top-relative." Status Word The status word shown in Figure 6 reflects the overall state of the 8087; it may be stored in memory and then inspected by CPU code. The status word is a 16-bit register divided into fields as shown in Figure 6. The busy bit (bit 15) indicates whether the NEU is either executing an instruction or has an interrupt request pending (B 1), or is idle (B 0). Several instructions which store and manipulate the status word are executed exclusively by the CU, and these do not set the busy bit themselves. = 3-182 = 205835-003 8087/8087-2/8087-1 I B 1 c, .1 I TOP C, 1 c, 1 C·I'R 1 X 1 PE I UE 1 11 OE ZE DEl'E J l EXCEPTION FLAGS (1 = EXCEPTION HAS OCCURRED) INVALID OPERATION DENORMALIZED OPERAND ZERO DIVIDE OVERFLOW UNDERFLOW PRECISION (RESERVED) INTERRUPT REQUEST(l) CONDITION CODE(2) TOP OF STACK POINTER(3) NEU BUSY 111IR IS set If any unmasked exception bit IS set, cleared otherwise (2)8ee Table 3 tor condition code Int,erpretatlOn (3)Top Values 000" Register 0 IS Top of Stack 001 " Register ~ IS Top of Stack 111 = Register 7 IS Top of Slack Figure 6. 8087 Status Word The four numeric condition code bits (CO-C3) are similar to flags in a CPU: various instructions update these bits to reflect the outcome of 8087 operations. The effect of these instructions on the condition code bits. is summarized in Table 4. Bits 14-12 of the status word point to the 8087 register that is the cu~rent top-of-stack (TOP) as described above. Bit 7 is the interrupt request bit. This bit is set if any unmasked exception bit is set and cleared otherwise. word can be used, however, to interpret the contents of 8087 registers. Instruction and Data Pointers The instruction and data pointers (see Figure 8) are provided for user-written error handlers. Whenever the 8087 executes an NEU instruction, the CU saves the instruction address, the operand address (if present) and the instruction opcode. 8087 instructions can store this data into memory. Bits 5-0 are set to indicate that the NEU has detected an exception while executing an instruction. TAG VALUES 00 = VAllO 01 = ZERO Tag Word 10 " SPECIAL 11 = EMPTY The tag word marks the content of each register as shown in Figure 7. The principal function of the tag word is to optimize the 8087's performance. The tag Figure 7. 8087 Tag Word 3-183 205835-003 8087/8087-2/8087-1 Table 4a. '-Condition Code Interpretation Instruction Type Compare, Test C:3 C:! Cl Co 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 X X X X 01 0 00 02 U 1 U U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Remainder Examine 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 1 '1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Interpretation ST ST ST ST > Source or 0 (FTST) < Source or 0 (FTST) \ = Source or 0 (FTST) is not comparable Complete reduction with three low bits of quotient (See Table 4b) Incomplete Reduction Valid, positive unnormalized Invalid, positive, exponent =0 Valid, negative, un normalized Invalid, negative, exponent =0 Valid, positive, normalized Infinity, positive Valid, negative, normalized Infinity, negative Zero, positive Empty Zero, negative Empty Invalid, positive, exponent = 0 Empty Invalid, negative, exponent = 0 Empty NOTES: 1. ST = Top of stack 2. X = value IS not affected by Instruction 3. U = value is undefined following instruction 4. Qn = Quotient bit n MEMORY OFFSET 15 Table 4b. CONTROL WORD +0 STATUS WORD +2 Condition Code bterpretation after As a Function of FPREM Instruction Dividend Value Dividend Range Dividend < 2 • Modulus Dividend < 4 • Modulus Dividend;;. 4 • Modulus Q2 C3' C3' O2 Ql ,Qa C1' 00 00 00 0, 0, TAG WORD +4 INSTRUCTION POINTER (15-0) +6 i)1 I INSTRUCTION POINTER (19-16) 0 INSTRUCTION OPCODE (10-0) DATA POINTER (15-0) DATA POINTER'I (19-16) 15 NOTE: 1. Previous value of indicated bit, not affected by FPREM instruction execution. ' 3-184 0 +8 +10 +12 1211 Flgure8. 8087 Instruction and Data Pointer Image in Memory 205835-003 inter 8087/8087-2/8087-1 Control Word Exception Handling The 8087 provides several processing options which are selected by loading a word from memory into the control word. Figure 9 shows the format and encoding of the fields in the control word. The 8087 detects six different exception conditions that can occur during instruction execution. Any or all exceptions will cause an interrupt if unmasked and interrupts are enabled. The low order byte of this control word configures 8087 interrupts and e? I~P=, =: 53-65 + EA ~ ~ ~I~P ~ 290-310 +EA J 17-22 STORE - 1 MOD 0 ,1 I~ ~ ~ ~I~P ~ = Exchange ST(,) and ST(O) ESCAPE ESCAPE 1 I MOD 1 1 RIM [ 1 1 1 RIM 1- l' I MOD 1 1 1 RIM [ 1 1 1 0 RIM 84-90 +EA 82-92 +EA 15-22 0 ST(,) 1 STORE AND POP = -: 1- ~ ~ ~I~P ~ J ~ ~ ~I~P ~ : 94-105 +EA ~ ~ ~I~P ~ ~ 52-58 +EA ~ ~ '~I~ ~ T 520-540 +EA 86-92 +EA 84-94 +EA 1 1 ST(,) 1 17-24 0 0 1 ST(,) I 10-15 l' 0 Comparison FCOM = Compare FCOMP ESCAPE ESCAPE 0 0 0 I 1 1 FCOMPP = Compare ST(I) to ST(O) and Pop Tw,ce ESCAPE 1 1 0 = Test ST(O) = J 60-70 +EA 78-91 +EA 40-50 1 Fk~s;;C,;,:A,;,:PE~M~F~0~1=M~O~D~O~I~I==R~/M====jI_ ~I~P==: ST(,) to ST(O) FXAM 1_ ~ ~ ~I~ ~ = Compare and Pop IntegerlReal Memory to ST(O) FTST 0 RIM Exam,ne ST(O) ES;CAPE }O 0 ESCAPE 1 0 0 1 I 1 1 I1 I 1 1 1 0 1 1 ST(,) 63-73 80-93 +EA +EA 45-52 1 45-55 1,0 {) 1 0 0 38-48 1 0 0 1 0 12-23 0 1 1 0 0 1 MnemoniCS © Intel 1982 3-194 205835-003 " inter 8087/8087·2/8087·1 Table 5. 8087 Extensions to the 86/186 Instruction Sets (cant.) I Constants [ MF ~ LOAD + 00 Into ST(O) IESCAPE 0 oYJ, FLOl ~ LOAD + 1 0 Into ST(O) I ESCAPE I ESCAPE I ESCAPE I ESCAPE 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ LOAD 1f mto ST(O) FLOL2T ST(O) ~ LOAD IOg2 10 mto FLOL2E ST(O) ~ LOAD log2 e mto FLOLG2 ST(O) ~ LOAD 1091O 2 Into FLOLN2 ST(O) ~ 1 I' , 0 1 -'-0--'-0001 15-21 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 IntegeriReal Memory With ST(O) I ESCAPE MF ST(I) and ST(O) I ESCAPE d I ESCAPE I ESCAPE MF I1 I1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 , 1 I MOD 0 0 0 RiM I1 0 0 0 ST(I) 0 11 16-22 ~---~Ol 1 10 16 Bit Integer '6-22 0~11'0101!l 0 01 11-17 1 0 Clock Count Range 32 Bit 64 Bit Integer Real 0:] 1 , I, , , ,, I ,I , , , , I I ESCAPE I ESCAPE LOAD log.2 Into 1 32 Bit Real 00 ~ FLOZ FLOPI Optional 8,16 Bit Displacement 15-21 I 18-24 ~ 17-23 Arithmetic FAOO FSUB ~ ~ Addition ST(I) and ST(O) ~ P 0 1 d 0 P 0 I ESCAPE d I ESCAPE MF I ESCAPE d P 0 I ESCAPE 0 0 1 I 1 1 Scale ST(O) by ST(l) I ESCAPE 0 0 1 I1 FPREM ~ Partial Remainder of ST(O) -ST(l) I ESCAPE 0 0 1 I ESCAPE 0 0 1 FDIV = DIVISion IntegerlReal Memory With ST(O) ST(I) and ST(O) ~ FSCALE Square Root of ST(O) ~ FRNOINT Integer ~ Round ST(O) to 0 P 0 0 - - - -, - _. .J I I ST(I) and ST(O) MF MOD 0 0 1 RIM 1 0 0 1 RIM I MOD I1 1 1 1 R RiM I1 1 -I -' DISi' I - - - - -I DISP - - - -' - - - - -I DISP - - - -' I- 90-120 +EA 108-143 95-125 +EA +EA 90-120 108-143 95-125 +EA + EA +EA 110-125 130-144 112-168 +EA +EA +EA 215-225 230-243 220-230 +EA + EA +EA 0 I 180-186 0 1 I 32-38 0 0 0 I 15-190 1 0 0 I 16-50 RIM 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 I1 1 1 1 1 I1 1 1 1 1 124-138 +EA 90-145 (Note 1) 193-203 (Note 1) R 102-137 +EA 70-100 (Note 1) I 1 102-137 +EA 70-100 (Note 1) I I ,- DISP - - - L- Multiplication ESCAPE - - I MOD 1 0 R RIM I 1 1 1 0 R RIM IntegerlReal Memory With ST(O) FSQRT J~ ] Subtraction IntegerlReal Memory With ST(O) FMUL 0 224-238 + EA NOTE: 1. If P= 1 then add 5 clocks. 3-195 205835-003 8087/8087-2/8087-1 Thble 5. 8087 Extensions to the 86/186 Instructions Sets (cont.) Optional 8.16 Bit Displacement FXTRACT ~ Extract Components of St(O) 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 27-55 0 0 0 1 10-17 ESCAPE 0 0 0 0 o o 000 FABS ST(O) ~ Absolute Value of ESCAPE FCHS ~ Change Sign of ST(O) ESCAPE 1 Clock Coun! Range 10-17 Transcendental ~ FPTAN ST(O) Partial Tangent of FPATAN ~ Partial Arctangent of ST(O) -ST(l) F2XMl ~ 2 STlO )_1 ~ FYL2X ISl(O)1 Sl(l)· Log2 'FYL2XPl ~ Sl(l)· Log2 [ST(O) +lJ ESCAPE 0 ____ 0 1 L-______________ 1 1 1 1 0 0 l' 0 ESCAPE 0 0 ESCAPE 0 0 ESCAPE o ESCAPE o ,1 o 0 o 0 o o 30-540 ~ 250-800 o 310-630 o 900-1100 0 700-1000 Processor Control FINlT FENI FOISI Initialized 8087 ~' = Enable Interrupts = Disable Interrupts FLDCW ~ Load Control Word ESCAPE o 0 o ESCAPE ESCAPE o 0 0 2-8 0 2-8 000 o ESCAPE 0 2-8 MOD o : 7-14 + EA RI_M~ ~ ~ ~I~~ ~ ~: 12-18 + EA ~ ~ ~I~~ ~ ~ 12-18 +EA RIM DISP FSTCW ~ Store Control Word '-E_S_C_A_P_E_O_O_ _'-M_O_D _____ FSTSW ~ Store Status Word '-E_SC_A_P_E_ _ _ O_-'-_M_O_D _ _ _ _ _R_IM _ _'--'I FCLEX ~ Clear Exceptions ESCAPE 0 1 1 FSTENV ~ Store Environment ESCAPE 0 0 MOD FLDENV ~ Load Environment ESCAPE 0 0 MOD FSAVE ~ FRSTOR Save State ESCAPE o MOD ~ ESCAPE o MOD FINCSTP Restore State ~ ~ o o 2-8 0 0 1 0 o RIM --T -DiS;; --: 40-50 + EA 0 RIM ?I~~ _ ~ 35-45 +EA o RIM 0 RIM , __ DISP : 197-207+EA 197 -207 + EA Increment Stack POinter FDECSTP o Decrement Stack ESCAPE 0 o ESCAPE 0 o 6-12 o 6-12 POinter 3-196 205835-003 8087/8087-2/8087-1 1iIbie 5. 8081 Extensions to the 861186 Instructions Sets (conl) Clock Count Range FFREE FHOP ~ ~ FWAIT Free ST(I) 1 0 ESCAPE No Operation = CPU WaH for 8087 1 I1 1 ESCAPE0011 11 o 0 1 o 1 0 0 0 ST(I) 9-16 01000-y] 10-16 1 I 3+5n' on = number of limes CPU examines TEST line before 8087 lowers BUSY NOTES: 1. If mod=OO then if mod=01 then if mod=10 then if mod = 11 then 2. if rim =000 then if r/m=001 then if r/m=010 then If r/m=011 then If r/m=100 then if r/m=101 then if r/m=110 then if r/m=111 then OISP=O', disp-Iow and disp-high are absent OISP=disp-low sign-extended to 16-bits, disp-high is absent OISP=disp-high; disp-Iow rim is treated as an ST(i) field EA=(BX) + (SI) +OISP EA=(BX) + (01) +OISP EA=(BP) + (SI) +OISP EA=(BP) + (01) +OISP EA=(SI) + OISP EA=(OI) + OISP EA=(BP) + OISP EA=(BX) + OISP "except if mod=OOO and r/m=110 then EA =disp-high; disp-Iow. 3. MF= Memory Format 00-32-bit Real 01-32-bit Integer 10-64-bit Real 11-16-bit Integer 4. ST(O)= Current stack top ST(i) ith register below stack top 5. d= Destination O-Destination is ST(O) 1-Destination is ST(i) 6 P= Pop O-No pop 1-PopST(O) 7. R= Reverse: When d=1 reverse the sense of R O-Destination (op) Source 1-Source (op) Destination 8. For FSQRT: -0 "" ST(O) "" +:x: For FSCALE: _2'5 "" ST(1) < +2'5 and ST(1) integer 0 "" ST(O) "" 2- 1 For F2XM1: For FYL2X: 0 < ST(O) <:x: -oc < ST(1) < +:x: For FYL2XP1: 0"" IST(O)I < (2 -V2)/2 -oc < ST(1) < oc For FPTAN: 0"" ST(O) ""1T14 For FPATAN: 0"" ST(O) < ST(1) < +oc 3-197 205835-003 ( 80130/80130-2 . iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 iRMX 86 OPERATING SYSTEM PROCESSORS • High-Performance 2-Chip Data Processors Containing Operating System Primitives. • Standard iAPX 86/10, 8811 0 Instruction Set Plus Task Management, Interrupt Management, Message Passing, Synchronization and Memory Allocation Primitives • Fully Extendable To and Compatible With iRMX®86 • Supports Five Operating System Data 'lYpes: Jobs, Thsks, Segments, Mailboxes, Regions • 35 Operating System Primitives • Built-In Operating System Timers and Interrupt Control Logic Expandable From 8 to 57 Interrupts • 8086/80150/80150-218088/80186/80188 Compatible At Up To 8 MHz Without Wait States • MULTIBUS® System Compatible Interface The Intel iAPX 86/30 and iAPX 88/30 are two-chip microprocessors offering gen~ral-purpose CPU (8086) instructions combined with real-time operating system support. They provide a foundation for multiprogramming and multitasking applications. The iAPX 86/30 consists of an iAPX 86/10 (16-bit 8086 CPU)' and an Operating System Firmware (OSF) component (80130).'The 88/30 consists of the OSF and an iAPX 88/10 (8-bit 8088 CPU). (80186 or 80188 CPUs may be used in place of the 8086 or 8088.) Both components of the 86/30 and 88/30 are implemented in N-channel, depletion-load, silicon-gate techno 1. ogy (HMOS), and are housed in 40-pin packages. The 86/30 and 88/30 provide all the functions of the iAPX86/10, 88/10 processors plus 35 operating system primitives, hardware support for eight interrupts, a system timer, a delay timer and a baud rate generator. PROGRAM MEMORY 8284A CLOCK DRIVER RDY DATA MEMORY BUS INTERFACE INTERRUPT CS,LlR 1-'-------' 80130 INTERRUPT REQUESTS _J~ BAUD RATE TIMER DELAY TIMER SYSTEM IAPX 9130, 88/30 TIMER Figure 1. iAPX 86/30, 88/30 Block Diagram Intel Corporabon Assumes No Re.ponslbllty for the Use of Any CirCUitry Other Than Circuitry Embodied In an Intel Product No Other CirCUit Patent Licenses aye Implied ©INTELCORPORATION,1981 . 3-198 OCTOBER 1981 210216-002 80130/80130·2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 Vss Vss Vee Vee A014 A015 (A'4) A014 AD'S AD13 SHE (A'3) AD13 A16/S3 AD" IR7 (A'2) AD12 A17/S4 AD11 IR6 (A11) AD11 A1B/S5 AD10 IRS (A'O) AD10 A19/S6 AD. IR4 (A9) AD. SHEiS7 (HIGH) AD. IR3 (AB) AD. MN/Mx Rii (A'S) AD7 IR. AD7 AD6 IR' ADS RO/GTO ADS IRO ADS RO/GT1 AD4 INT AD4 LOCK AD3 S. AD3 S2 51 AD. 51 AD. AD' SO AD' ADO ACK ADO 050 LlR NMI as, INTR TEST MEMCS IOCS SVSTlCK ClK DELAY ClK READY Vss BAUD Vss RESET Figure 2. iAPX 86/30, 88/30 Pin Configuration Table 1. 80130 Pin Description Symbol AD1S- ADo Type Name and Function I/O Address Data: These pins constitute the time multiplexed memory address (Tl) and data (T2' T3, TW, T4) bus. These lines are active HIGH. The address presented duringTl of a bus cycle will be latched internally and interpreted as an 80130 internal address if MEMCS or lacs is active for the invoked primitives. The 80130 pins float whenever it is not chip selected, and drive these pins onlyduringT2-T4 of a read cycle andTl of an INTA cycle. Bus High Enable: The 80130 uses the BHE signal from the processor to determine whether to respond with data on the upper or lower data pins, or both. The signal is active Law. BHE is latched by the 80130 on the trailing edge of ALE. It controls the80130 output data as shown. BHE/S7 -BHE 0 0 1 1 ( S2,Sl' So I AO 0 1 0 1 Word on AD1S-ADo Upper byte on AD 1S -ADa Lower byte on AD7-ADO Upper byte on AD7-ADO Status: For the 80130, the status pins are used as inputs only. 80130 encoding follows: S2 Sl So 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 X INTA lORD IOWR Passive Instruction fetch MEMRD Passive 3-199 210216-002 80130/80130·2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 Table 1. 80130 Pin Description (Continued) Type Name and Function ClK I Clock: The system clock provides the basic timing for the processor and bus controller. It is asymmetric with a 33% duty cycle to provide optimized internal timing. The 80130 uses the system clock as an input to the SYSTICK and BAUD timers and to syncllronize operation with the host CPU. INT 0 Interrupt: INT IS HIGH whenever a valid interrupt request is asserted. It is normally used to interrupt the CPU by connecting it to INTR. IRrlRo I Interrupt Requests: An Interrupt request can be generated by raising an IR input (lOW to HIGH) and holding it HIGH until it is acknowledged (Edge-Triggered Mode), or just by a HIGH level on an IR input (level-Triggered Mode). ACK 0 Acknowledge: This line is lOW whenever an 80130 resource is being accessed. It is also lOW dUring the first INTA cycle and second INTA cycle if the 80130 is supplying the interrupt vector infornlatlon ThiS signal can be used as a bus ready acknowledgement and/or bus transceiver control. MEMCS I Memory Chip Select: This input must be driven lOW when a kernel primitive is being fetched by the CPU. AD13-ADo are used to select the instruction. IOCS I Input/Output Chip Select: When this input is low, during an lORD or IOWR cycle, the 801S0's kernel primitives are accessing the appropriate peripheral function as specified by the following table; Symbol LlR 0 BHE A3 A2 A1 0 X X 1 1 1 1 1 X X 0 0 1 X X X X X X Ao X 1 X 0 1 1 1 a 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 a ( Passive Passive Passive Interrupt Controller Systlck Timer Delay Counter Baud Rate Timer Timer Control a local Bus Interrupt Request: This signal is lOW when the interrupt request is for a non-slave input or slave input programmed as being a local slave. Vee Power: Vee is the +5V supply pin. Vss Ground: Vss is the ground pin. SYSTICK 0 System Clock Tick: Timer 0 Output. Operating System Clock Reference. SYSTICK is normally wired to IR2 to implement operating system timing interrupt. DELAY 0 DELAY Timer: Output of timer 1. Reserved by Intel Corporation for future use. BAUD 0 Baud Rate Generator: 8254 Mode 3 compatible output. Output of 80130 Timer 2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ment which constantly controls the telephone traffic in a multiphone office, file servers/disk subsystems controlling and coordinating multiple disks and multiple disk users, and transaction processing systems such as electronics funds transfer. The increased performance and memory space of iAPX 86/10 and 88/10 microprocessors have proven sufficient to handle most of today's Single-task or single-device control applications with performance to spare, and have led to the increased use of these microprocessors to control multiple tasks or devices in real-time. This trend has created a new challenge to designers-development of real-time, multitasking application systems and software. Examples of such systems include control systems that monitor and react to external events in real-time, multifunction desktop and personal computers, PABX equip- The iAPX 86/30, 88/30 Operating System Processors The Intel iAPX 86/30, 88/30 Operating System Processors (OSPs) were developed to help solve this 3-200 210216-002 8()130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 r----------------------------------~ I I OPERATING SYSTEM UNIT I I I I I 00-7 r I I I I I I I I ~ I 08-15 - i f--------------- I I ------ SYSTEM TIMER ~ LE -- SYSTEM DElAY DelAY TIMER I : : :I I BAUD qATE GENERATOR BAUD RATE I I I -------,-------1 I I --r-- k- I ADDRESS; DATA BUS INTERRUPT OUT CONTROL STORE : ,. INTERRUPT INP UTS I I : : < Z. I I I : 8 I PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT LOGIC I I I DATA I BUFFER & AND I I I I I ADDRESS LATCH CONTROL 1'------- BUS INTERFACE I 3 I 4 ~ STATUS ~BUSCON TROL ~ CONTROL UNIT L __________________________________ CLOCK LOCAL I INTERRU PT I (UFt) ~ Figure 3. OSF Internal Block Diagram problem. Their goal IS to simplify the design of multitasking application systems by providing a welldefined, fully debugged set of operating system primitives implemented directly in the hardware, thereby removing the burden of designing multitasking operating system primitives from the application programmer. Both the 86/30 and the 88/30 OSPs are two-chip sets consisting of a main processor, an 8086 or 8088 CPU, and the Intel 80130, Operating System Firmware component (OSF) (see Figure 1). The 80130 provides a set of multitasking kernel primitives, kernel control storage, and the additional support hardware, including system timers and interrupt control, required by these primitives. From the application programmer's viewpoint, the OSF extends the base iAPX 86, 88 architecture by providing 35 operating system primitive instructions, and supporting five new system data types,' making the OSF a logical and easy-to-use architectural extension to iAPX 86, 88 system designs. The OSP Approach The OSP system data types (SOTs) and primitive instructions allocate, manage and share low-level processor resources in an efficient manner. For example, the OSP implements task context management (managing a task state image consisting of both hardware register set and software control information) for either the basic 86110 context or the extended 86/20 (8086+8087) numerics context. The OSP manages the entire task state image both while the task is actively executing and while it is inactive. Tasks can be created, put to sleep for specified periods, suspended, executed to perform their functions, and dynamically deleted when their functions are complete. 3-201 210216-002 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 The Operating System Processors support eventoriented systems designs. Each event may be processed by an individual responding task or along with other closely related events in a-common task. External events and interrupts are processed by the OSP interrupt handler primitives using its bUilt-in interrupt controller subsystem as they occur in realtime. The multiple tasks and the multiple events are, coordinated by the OSP integral scheduler whose preemptive, priority-based scheduling algorithm and system timers organize and monitor the processing of every task to guarantee that events are processed as they occur in order of relative importance. The 86130 also provides primitives for interta$k communication (by mailboxes) and for mutual exclusion (by regions), essential functions for multitasking appl ications. (Table 4). A representative ASM86 sequence for calling a primitive is shown in Figure 4. In PL/M the OSP programmer uses a call to invoke the primitive. SAMPLE ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PRIMITIVE CALL ;PUSH PARAMETER 1 ;PUSH PARAMETER 2 PUSH P N :PUSH PARAMETER N PUSH BP ;STACK CALLING CONVENTION MOV BP,SP LEA SI,SS:NUM_BYTES_PARAM , 2[BPI ,$5:$1 POINTS TO FIRST ,PARAMETER ON STACK ,AX seTS PRIMITIVE ENTRY CODE MOVAX, ENTRY CODE ;OSF INTERRUPT INT 184 QSP PRIMITIVE INVOKED POP 8'P RET NUM_BYTES_PARAM_ ,pop PARAMETERS ,ex CONTAINS EXCEPTION CODES ;OL CONTAINS PARAMETER NUMBER , THAT CAUSED EXCEPTION (IF , ex IS NON ZERO) ;AX CONTAINS WORD RETURN VALUE ,ES:BX CONTAINS POINTER : RETURN VALUE Programming Language Support Programs for the OSP can be written in ASM 86/88 or PL/M 86/88, Intel's standard system languages for iAPX 86,88 systems. The Operating System Processor Support Package (iOSP 86) provides an interface library for application programs written in any model of PL/M-86. This library also provides 80130 configuration and initialization support as well as complete user documentation. Figure 4. ASM/86 OSP Calling Convention OSP Functional Description Each major function of the OSP is described below. These are: Job and Task Management Interrupt Management Free Memory Management Intertask Communication Intertask Synchronization Environmental Control OSF PROGRAMMING INTERFACE r The OSF provides 35 operating system kernel primitives which implement multitasking, interrupt management, free memory management, intertask communication and synchronization. Table 4 shows each primitive, and Table 5 gives the execution performance of typical primitives. OSP primitives are executed by a combination of CPU and OSF (80130) activity. When an OSP primitive is called by an application program task, the iAPX CPU registers and stacks are used to perform the appropriate functions and relay the results to the application programs. OSP Primitive Calling Sequences A standard, stack-based, calling sequence is used to invoke the OSF primitives. Before a primitive is called, its operand parameters must be pushed on the task stack. The SI register is loaded with the offset of the last parameter on the stack. The entry code for the primitive is loaded into AX. The primitive invocation call is made with a CPU software interrupt The system data types'(or SDTs) supported by the OSP are capitalized in the description. A short description of each SDT appears in Table 2. JOB and TASK Management Each OSP JOB is a controlled environment in which the applications program executes and the OSF system data types reside. Each individual application program is normally a separate OSP JOB, whether it has one initial task (the minimum) or multiple tasks. JOBs partition the system memory into pools. Each memory pool provides the storage areas in which the OSP will allocate TASK state images and other system data types created by the executing TASKs, and free memory for TASK working space. The OSP supports multiple executing TASKs within a JOB by managing the resources used by each, including the CPU registers, NPX registers, stacks, the system data types, and the available free memory space pool. 3-202 210216-002 intJ \ 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 When a TASK is created, the OSP allocates memory (from the free memory of its JOB environment) for the TASK'u stack and data area and initializes the additional TASK attributes such as the TASK priority level and its error handler location. (As an option, the caller of CREATE TASK may assign previously defined stack and data areas to the TASK.) Task priorities are integers between 0 and 255 (the lower the priority number the higher the scheduling priority of the TASK). Generally, priorities up to 128 will be assigned to TASKs which are to process interrupts. Priorities above 128 do not cause interrupts to be disabled, these priorities (129 to 255) are appropriate for non-interrupt TASKs. If an 8087 Numerics Processor Extension is used, the error recovery interrupt level assigned to it will have a higher priority than a TASK executing on it, so that error handling is performed correctly. the OSP switches the control of the processor to the higher priority TASK. First, the OSP saves the outgoing (lower priority) TASK's state including CPU register values in its TASK state image. Then, it restores the CPU registers from the TASK state image of the incoming (higher priority) TASK. Finally, it causes the CPU to start or resume executing the higher priority TASK. TASK scheduling is performed by the OSp. The OSP's priority-oriented preemptive scheduler determines which TASK executes by comparing their relative priorities. The scheduler insures that the highest priority TASK with a status of READY will execute. A TASK will continue to execute until an interrupt with a higher priority occurs, or until it requests unavailable resources, for which it is willing to wait, or until it makes specific resources available to a higher priority TASK waiting for those resources. EXECUTION STATUS A TASK has an execution status or execution state. The OSP provides five execution states: RUNNING, READY, ASLEEP, SUSPENDED, and ASLEEPSUSPENDED. TASKs can become READY by receiving a message, receiving control, receivi'ng an interrupt, or by timing out. The OSP always monitors the status of all the TASKs (and interrupts) in the system. Preemptive scheduling allows the system to be responsive to the external environment while only devoting CPU resources to TASKs with work to be performed. - A TASK is RUNNING if it has control of the processor. - A TASK is READY if it is not asleep, suspended, or asleep-suspended. For a TASK to become the running (executing) TASK, it must be the highest priority TASK in the ready state. - A TASK is ASLEEP if it is waiting for a request to be granted or a timer event to occur. A TASK may put itself into the ASLEEP state. - A TASK is SUSPENDED if it is placed there by another TASK or if it suspends itself. A TASK may have multiple suspensions, the count of suspensions is managed by the OSP as the TASK suspension depth. - A TASK is ASLEE"P-SUSPENDED if it is both waiting and suspended. TASK attributes, the CPU register values, and the 8087 register values (if the 8087 is configured into the application) are maintained by the OSP in the TASK state image. Each TASK will have a unique TASK state image. SCHEDULING The OSP schedules the processor time among the various TASKs on the basis of priority. A TASK has an execution priority relative to all other TASKs in the system, which the OSP maintains for each TASK in its TASK state image. When a TASK of higher priority than the executing TASK becomes ready to execute, TIMED WAIT The OSP timer hardware facilities support timed waits and timeouts. Thus, in many primitives, a TASK can specify the length of time it is prepared to wait for an event to occur, for the desired resources to become available or for a message to be received at a MAILBOX. The timing interval (or System Tick) can be adjusted, with a lower limit of 1 millisecond. APPLICATION CONTROL OF TASK EXECUTION Programs may alter TASK execution status and priority dynamically. One TASK may suspend its own execution or the execution of another TASK for a period of time, then resume its execution later. Multi-' pie suspensions are provided. A suspended TASK may be suspended again. The eight OSP Job and TASK management primitives are: CREATE JOB Partitions system resources and creates a TASK execution environment. CREATE TASK Creates a TASK state image. Specifies the location of the TASK code instruction stream, its execution priority, and the other TASK attributes. 3-203 210216-002 inter 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 DELETE TASK Deletes the TASK state image, removes the instruction stream from execution and deallocates litack resources. Does not delete INTERRUPT TASKS. SUSPEND TASK Suspends the specified TASK or, if already suspended, increments its suspension depth by one. Execute state is SUSPEND. RESUME TASK Decrements the TASK suspension depth by one. If the suspension depth is then zero, the primitive changes the task execution status to READY, or ASLEEP (if ASLEEP/ SUSPENDED). SLEEP SET PRIORITY Places the requesting TASK in the ASLEEP state for a specified number of System Ticks. (The TICK interval can be configured down to 1 millisecond.) INTERRUPT HANDLER can queue for the INTERRUPT TASK can be limited to the value specified in the SET INTERRUPT primitive. When the INTERRUPT TASK is finished processing, it issues a WAIT ,INTERRUPT primitive, and is immediately ready to process the queue of interrupts that the INTERRUPT HANDLER has built with repeated SIGNAL INTERRUPT primitives while the INTERRUPT TASK was processing. If there were no interrupts at the level, the queue is empty and the INTERRUPT TASK is SUSPENDED. See the Example (Figure 5) and Figures 6 and 7. OSP external INTERRUPT LEVELs are directly related to internal TASK scheduling priorities. The OSP maintains a single list of priorities including both tasks and INTERRUPT LEVELs. The priority of the executing TASK automatically determines which interrupts are masked. Interrupts are managed by INTERRUPT LEVEL number. The OSP supports eight levels directly and may be extended by means of slave 8259As to a total of 57. The nine Interrupt Management OSP primitives are: DISABLE Disables an external INTERRUPT LEVEL. ENABLE Enables an external INTERRUPT LEVEL. ENTER INTERRUPT Gives an Interrupt Handler its own data segment, separate from the data segment of the interrupted task. EXIT INTERRUPT Performs an "END of INTERRUPT' operation. Used by an INTERRUPT HANDLER which does not invoke an INTERRUPT TASK. Reenables interrupts, when the INTERRUPT HANDLER gives up control. GET LEVEL Returns the interrupt level number of the executing INTERRUPT HANDLER. RESET INTERRUPT Cancels the previous assignment made to an interrupt level by SET INTERRUPT primitive request. If an INTERRUPT TASK has been assigned, it is also deleted. The interrupt level is disabled. SET INTERRUPT Assigns an INTERRUPT HANDLER to an interrupt level and, optionally, an INTERRUPT TASK. Alters the priority of a TASK. Interrupt Management The OSP supports up to 256 interrupt levels organized in an interrupt vector, and up to 57 external interrupt sources of which one is the NMI (NonMaskable Interrupt). The OSP manages each interrupt level independently. The OSF INTERRUPT SUBSYSTEM provides two mechanisms for interrupt management: INTERRUPT HANDLERs and INTERRUPT TASKs. INTERRUPT HANDLERs disable all maskable interrupts and should be used only for servicing interrupts that require little processing time. Within an INTERRUPT HANDLER only certain OSF Interrupt Management primitives (DISABLE, ENTER INTERRUPT, EXIT INTERRUPT, GET LEVEL, SIGNAL INTERRUPT) and basic CPU instructions can be used, other OSP primitives cannot be. The INTERRUPT TASK approach permits all OSP primitives to be issued and masks only lower priority interrupts. Work flow between an INTERRUPT HANDLER and an INTERRUPT TASK assigned to the same level is regulated with the SIGNAL IN"\ERRUPT and WAIT INTERRUPT primitives. The flow is asynchronous. When an INTERRUPT HANDLER signals an INTERRUPT TASK, the INTERRUPT HANDLER becomes immediately available to process another interrupt. The number of interrupts (specified for the level) the 3-204 210216-002 80130/80130·2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 r CODE. EXAMPLE A INTERRUPT TASK TO KEEP TRACK OF TIME-OF-DAY DECLARE SECOND$COUNT BYTE, MINUTE$COUNT BYTE, HOURS$COUNT BYTE: TIME$TASK: PROCEDURE: DECLARE TIME$EXCEPT$CODE WORD: ACSCYCLESCOUNT=O: CALL RQ$SET$INTERRUPT(AC$INTERRUPT$LEVEL, 01H), @AC$HANDLER,O,@TIME$EXCEPT$CODE): CALL RQ$RESUME$TASK(INIT$TASK$TOKEN,@TIME$EXCEPT$CODE): DO HOUR$COUNT=O TO 23: DO MINUTE$COUNT=O TO 59: DO SECOND$COUNT=O TO 59: CALL RQ$WAIT$INTERRUPT(AC$INTERRUPT$lEVEl, @TIME$EXCEPT$CODE): IF SECOND$COUNT MDD 5=0 THEN CALL PRDTECTED$CRT$OUT(BEL): END: SECOND LOOP '/ END: MINUTE LOOP '/ END: HOUR LOOP '/ CALL RQ$RESET$INTERRUPT(AC$INTERRUPT$LEVEL, @TlME$EXCEPT$CODE): END TIME$TASK: r r r /' CODE EXAMPLE B INTERRUPT HANDLER TO SUBDIVIDE A.C. SIGNAL BY 50. DeCLARE AC$CYCLE$COUNT BYTE; '/ AC$HANDLER: PROCEDURE INTERRUPT 59: DECLARE AC$EXCEPTSCODE WORD: AC$CYCLE$COUNT=AC$CYCLE$COUNT +1: IF AC$CYCLE$COUNT> =50 THEN DO: AC$CYCLE$COUNT=O: CALL RQ$SIGNAL$INTERRUPT(AC$INTERRUPT$LEVEL,@AC$EXCEPT$CODE): END: END AC$HANDLER: Figure 5. OSP Examples YES NO INTERRUPT HANDLER CALLS EXIT$INTERRUPT INTERRUPT HANDLER CALLS SIGNAL$INTERRUPT INTERRUPT TASK COMPLETES INTERRUPT SERVICING CONTROL RETURNS lOAN APPLICATION TASK Figure 6. Interrupt Handling Flowchart 3-205 210216-002 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 r----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~.[!] O ! ~~~::" I --- J ........ , / / " " INTERRUPT TASK , ~ " ,_.... ,/ "- '\ \ / .... __ "'~ \ I @ INTERRUPT TASK I PROCESSES FULL BUFFER I Figure 7. Multiple Buffer Example SIGNAL INTERRUPT Used by an INTERRUPT HANDLER to activate an Interrupt Task. WAIT INTERRUPT Suspends the calling Interrupt Task until the INTERRUPT HANDLER performs a SIGNAL INTERRUPT to invoke it. If a SIGNAL INTERRUPT for the task has occurred, it is processed. FREE MEMORY MANAGEMENT The OSP Free Memory Manager manages the memory pool which is allocated to each JOB for its execution needs. (The CREATE JOB primitive allocates the new JOB's memory pool from the memory pool of the parent JOB.) The memory pool is part of the JOB resources but is not yet allocated between the tasks of the JOB. When a TASK, MAILBOX, or REGION system data type structure is created within that JOB, the OSP implicitly allocates memory for it from the JOB's memory pool, so that a separate call to allocate memory is not required. OSP primitives that use free memory management implicitly include CREATE JOB, CREATE TASK, DELETE TASK, CREATE MAILBOX, DELETE MAILBOX, CREATE REGION, and DELETE REGION. The CREATE SEGMENT primitive explicitly allocates a memory area when one is needed by the TASK. For example, a TASK may explicitly allocate a SEGMENT for use as a memory buffer. The SEGMENT length can be any multiple of 16 bytes between 16 bytes and 64K bytes in length. The programmer may specify any number of bytes from 1 byte to 64 KB, the OSP will transparently round the value up to the appropriate segment size. The two explicit memory primitives are: ~lIocation/dealiocation CREATE SEGMENT Allocates a SEGMENTof specified length (in 16-byte-long paragraphs) from the JOB Memory Pool. DELETE SEGMENT Deallocates the SEGMENT's memory area, and returns it to the JOB memory pool. Intertask Communication The OSP has built-in intertask synchronization and communication, permitting TASKs to pass and share information with each other. OSP MAILBOXes contain control/ed handshaking facilities which guarantee that a complete message will always be sent from a sending TASK to a reeeiving TASK. Each MAILBOX consists of two interlocked queues, one of TASKs 3-206 210216-002 intJ 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 There are five OSP primitives for mutual exclusion: and the other of Messages. Four OSP primitives for intertask synchronization and communication are provided: CREATE REGION Create a REGION (lock). SEND CONTROL Give up the REGION. CREATE MAILBOX Creates intertask message exchange. ACCEPT CONTROL DELETE MAILBOX Deletes an intertask message exchange. Request the REGION, but do not wait if it is not available. RECEIVE CONTROL RECEIVE MESSAGE Calling TASK receives a message from the MAILBOX. Request a REGION, wait if not immediately available. DELETE REGION Delete a REGION. SEND MESSAGE Calling TASK sends a message to the MAILBOX. The OSP also provides dynamic priority adjustment for TASKs within priority REGIONs: If a higherpriority TASK issues a RECEIVE CONTROL primitive, while a (lower-priority) TASK has the use of the same REGION, the lower-priority TASK will be transparently, and temporarily, elevated to the waiting TASK's priority until it relinquishes the REGION via SEND CONTROL. At that point, since it is no longer using the critical resource, the TASK will have its normal priority restored. The CREATE MAILBOX primitive allocates a MAILBOX for use as an information exchange between TASKs. The OSP will post information at the MAILBOX in a FIFO (First-In First-Out) manner when a SEND MESSAGE instruction is issued. Similarily, a message is retrieved by the OSP if a TASK issues a RECEIVE MESSAGE primitive. The TASK which creates the MAILBOX may make it available to other TASKs to use. OSP Control Facilities If no message is availab!e, the TASK attempting to receive a message may choose to wait for one or continue executing. The OSP also includes system primitives that provide both control and customization capabilities to a mUltitasking system. These primitives are used to control the deletion of SDTs and the recovery of free memory in a system, to allow interrogation of operating system status, and to provide uniform means of adding user SDTs and type managers. The queue management method for the task queue (FIFO or PRIORITY) determines which TASK in the MAILBOX TASK queue will receive a message from the MAILBOX. The method is specified in the CREATE MAILBOX primitive. Intertask Synchronization and Mutual Exclusion Mutual exclusion is essential to multiprogramming and multiprocessing systems. The REGION system data type implements mutual exclusion. A REGION is represented by a queue of TASKS waiting to use a resource which must be accessed by only one TASK at a time. The OSP provides primitives to use REGIONs to manage mutually exclusive data and resources. Both critical code sections and shared data structures can be protected by these primitives' from simultaneous use by more than one task. REGIONs support both FIFO (First-In First-Out) or Priority queueing disciplines for the TASKS seeking to enter the REGION. The REGION SDT can also be used to implement software locks. DELETION CONTROL Deletion of each OSP system data type is explicitly controlled by the applications programmer by setting a deletion attribute for that structure. For example, if a SEGMENT is to be kept in memory until DMA activity is completed, its deletion attribute should be disabled. Each TASK, MAILBOX, REGION, and SEGMENT SDT is created with its deletion attribute enabled (i.e., they may be deleted). Two OSP primitives control the deletion attribute: ENABLE DELETION and DISABLE DELETION. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL The OSP provides inquiry and control operations . which help the user interrogate the application environment and implement flexible exception handling. These features aid in run-time decision making and in application error processing and recovery. There are five OSP environmental control primitives. Multiple REGIONs are allowed, and are automatically exited in the reverse order of entry. While in a REGION, a TASK cannot be suspended by itself or any other TASK, and thereby avoids deadlock. OS EXTENSIONS The OSP architecture is defined to allow new userdefined System Data Types and the primitives to manipulate them to be added to OSP capabilities 3-207 210216-002 801 S0/80130·2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 provided by the built-in System Da~a Types. The type managers created for the user-defined SDTs are called user OS extensions and are installed in the system by the SET OS EXTENSION primitive. Once installed, the functions of the type manager may be invoked with user primitives conforming to the OSP interface. For well-structured extended architectures, each OS extension should support a separate user-defined system data type, and every OS ext~n sion should provide the same calling sequence and program interface for the user as is provided for a built-in SDT. The type manager for the extension would be written to suit the needs of the application. OSP interrupt vector entries (224-255) are reserved for user OS extensions and are not used by the OSP. After assigning an interrupt number to the extension, the extension user may then call it with the standard OSP call sequence (Figure 4), and the unique software interrupt number assigned to the extension. ' allow the OSP primitives,to, report parameter errors in primitive calls,and errors in primitive usage. Exception handling procedures are flexible and can be individually programmed by the application. In general, an exception handler if called will perform one or more of the following functions: -Log the Error. -Delete/Suspend the Task that caused the exception. -Ignore the error, presumably because it is not serious. An EXCEPTION HANDLER is written as a procedure. If PLM/86 is used, the "compact," "medium" or "large" model of computation should be specified for the compilation of the program. The mode in which the EXCEPTION HANDLER operates may be specified in the SET EXCEPTION HANDLER primitive. The return information from a primitive call is shown in Figure 4 .. CX is used to return standard system error conditions. Table 7 shows a list of these conditions, using the default EXCEPTION HANDLER of the OSP. ENABLE DELETION jI.llows a specific SEGMENT, TASK, MAILBOX, or REGION SDT to be deleted. DISABLE DELETION Prevents a specific SEG- . MENT, TASK, MAILBOX, or REGION SDT from being deleted. GET TYPE Given a token for an instance of a system data type, returns the type code. GET TASK TOKENS Returns to the caller information about the current task environment. GET EXCEPTION HANDLER Returns information about the calling TASK's current information handler: its address, and when it is used. SET EXCEPTION HANDLER Provides the address and usage of an exception handler for a TASK. SET OS EXTENSION Modifies one of the interrupt vector entries reserved for OS extensions (224-255) to ppint to a user OS extension procedure. SIGNAL EXCEPTION For use in OS extension error processing. EXCEPTION HANDLING The OSP supports exception handlers. These are similar to CPU exception handlers such as OVERFLOW and ILLEGAL OPERATION. Their purpose is to HARDWARE DESCRIPTION The 80130 operates in a closely coupled mode with the iAPX 86/10 or 88/10 CPU. The 80130 resides on the CPU local multiplexed bus (Figure 8). The main processor is always configured for maximum mode operation. The 80130 automatically selects oetween its 88/30 and 86/30 operating modes. The 80130 used in the 86/30 configuration, as shown in Figure 8 (or a similar 88/30 configuration), operates at both 5 and 8 MHz without requiring processor wait states. Wait state memories are fully supported, however. The 80130 may be configured with both an 8087 NPX and an 8089 lOP, and provides full context control over the 8087. The 80130 (shown in Figure 3) is internally divided into a control unit (CU) and operating system unit (OSU). The OSU contains facilities for OSP kernel support including the system timers for scheduling and timing waits, and the interrupt controller for interrupt management support. iAPX 86/30, iAPX 88/30 System Configuration The 80130 is both I/O and memory mapped to the local CPU bus. The CPU's status SOI-S21 is decoded along with 10CSI (with BHE and AD3ADo) or MEMCSI (with AD13-ADo). The pins are internally latched. See Table 1 for the decoding of these lines. 3-208 210216-002 inter 80130/80130·2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 Memory Mapping RAM Requirements Address lines A19 -A14 can be used to form MEMCS/ since the 80130's memory-mapped portion is aligned along a 16K-byte boundry. The 80130 can reside on any 16K-byte boundry excluding the highest (FCOOOH-FFFFFH) and lowest (00000H-003FFH). The 80130 control store code is position-independent except as limited above, in order to make it compatible with many decoding logic designs. AD13-ADo are decoded by the 80130's kernel control store. The OSP manages its own interrupt vector, which is assigned to low RAM memory. Working RAM storage is required as stack space and data area. The memory space must be allocated in user RAM. . I/O Mapping The I/O-mapped portion of the 80130 must be aligned along a 16-byte boundry. Address lines A1S -A4 should be used to form 10CS/. System Performance The approximate performance of representitive OSP primitives is given in Table 5. These times are shown for a typical iAPX 86/30 implementation with an 8 MHz clock. These execution times are very comparable to the execution times of similar functions in minicomputers (where available) and are an order of magnitude faster than previous generation microprocessors. OSP interrupt vector memory locations OH-3FFH must be RAM based. The OSP requires 2 bytes of allocated RAM. The processor working storage is dynamically allocated from free memory. Approximately 300 bytes of stack should be allocated for each OSP task. TYPICAL SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Figure 8 show.s the processing cluster of a "typical" iAPX 86/30 or iAPX 88/30 OSP system. Not shown are subsystems likely to vary with the application. The configuration includes an 8086 (or 8088) operating in maximum mode, an 8284A clock generator and an 8288 system controller. Note that the 80130 is located on the CPU side of any latches or transceivers. See Intel Application Note 130 for further details on configuration. OSP Timers Initialization. Both application system initialization and OSPspecific initialization/configuration are required to use the OSp. Configuration is based on a "database" provided by the user to the iOSP 86 support package. The OSP-specific initialization and configuration information area is assigned to a user memory address adjacent to the 80130's memory-mapped location. (See Application Note 130 for further details.) The configuration data defines whether 8087 support is configured in the system, specifies if slave 8259A interrupt controllers are used in addition to the 80130, and sets the operating system time base (Tick Interval). Also located in the configuration area are the exception handler control parameters, the address location of the (separate) application system configuration area and fhe OSP extensions in use. The OSP application sY'3tem configuration area may be located anywhere in the user memory and must include the starting address of the application instruction code to be executed, plus the locations of the RAM memory blocks to be managed by the OSP free memory manager. Complete application system support and the required 80130 configuration support are provAded by the iAPX 86/30 and iAPX 88/30 OPERATING SYSTEM PROCESSOR SUPPORT PACKAGE (iOSP 86). The OSP Timers are connected to the lower half of the data bus and are addressed at even addresses. The timers are read as two successive bytes, always LSB followed by MSB. The MSB is always latched on a read operation and remains latched until read. Timers are not gatable. Baud Rate Generator The baud rate generator is 8254 compatible (square wave mode 3). Its output, BAUD, is initially high and remains high until the Count Register is loaded. The first falling edge of the clock after the Count Register is loaded causes the transfer of the internal counter to the Count Register. The output stays high for N/2 [(N+1)/2 if N is odd] and then goes low for N/2 [(N-1)/2 if N is odd]. On the falling edge of the clock which signifies the final count for the output in low state, the output returns to high state and the Count Register is transferred to the internal counter. The whole process is then repeated. Baud Rates are shown in Table 6. The baud rate generator is located at OCH (12), relative to the 16-byte boundary in the I/O space in which the 80130 component is located ("OSF" in the following example), the timer control word is located at 3-209 210216-002 intJ 80130/80130·2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 elK 0 f- CONTROL M elK !lii_ ~ 8288 ~ 8086 F==il BHE A1. ~RESS/O~ INTR BHE A1. ADDRESS t----- ADO AD '-- -= 8286 C- INT elK S2 /1. !lii~ ADO lOCi ~ MEMes r- DECODE LOGIC 015 " ~ b , , DO J " AeK llA lAO lA' SVSTICK ~~ , A015 LOCAL AND SYSTEM RESOURCES J-- 8282 INTERRUPT REoueSTS ~ IR2 Figure 8. Typical OSP Configuration relative address, OEH(14). Timers are addressed with IOCS=O. Timers 0 and 1 are assigned to the use by the OSp, and should not be altered by the user. For most baud-rate generator applications, the command byte OB6H Read/Write Baud-Rate Delay Value will be used. A typical sequence to set a baud rate of 9600 using a count value of 52 follows (see Table 6): ;Prepare to Write Delay to Timer 3. OUT OSF+14,AX ;Control Word. MOV AX, 52 OUT OSF+12,AL ;LSB written first XCHG AL,AH OUT OSF+12,AL ;MSB written after. MOV . AX,.OB6H The 80130 timers are subset compatible with 8254 timers. Interrupt Controller The Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC), is also an integral unit of the 80130. Its eight input pins handle eight vectored priority interrupts. One of these pins must be used for the SYSTICK time function in timing waits, using an external connection as shown. During the 80130 initialization and configuration sequence, each 80130 interrupt pin is individually programmed as either level or edge sensitive. External slave 8259A interrupt controllers can be used to expand the total number of OSP external interrupts to 57. In addition to standard PIC. funtions, 80130 PIC unit has an LlR output signal, which when low indicates an interrupt acknowledge cycle. LlR=O is provided to control the 8289 Bus Arbiter SYSB/RESB pin. This will avoid the need of requesting the system bus to acknowledge local bus non-slave interrupts. The user defines the interrupt system as part of the configuration. 3-210 210216-002 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 INTERRUPT SEQUENCE The OSP interrupt sequence is as follows: signal which drives one of 80130 edge-triggered interrupt request pins once each A.C. cycle. The Interrupt Handler responds to the interrupts, keeping track of one second's A.C. cycles. The Interrupt Task counts the seconds and after a day deletes itself. In typical systems it might perform a data logging operation once each day. The Interrupt Handler and InterruptTask are written as separate modular programs. 1. One or more of the interrupts is set by a low-tohigh transition on edge-sensitive IR inputs or by a high input on level-sensitive IR inputs. 2. The 80130 evaluates these requests, and sends an INT to the CPU, if appropriate. 3. The CPU acknowledges the INT and responds with an interrupt acknowledge cycle which is encoded in 8 2 -S 0 . 4. Upon receiving the first interrupt acknowledge from the CPU, the highest-priority interrupt is set by the 80130 and the corresponding edge detect latch is reset. The 80130 does not drive the address/data bus during this bus cycle but does acknowledge the cycle by making ACK=O and sending the LlR value for the IR input being acknowledged. 5. The CPU will then initiate a second interrupt acknowledge cycle. During this cycle, the 80130 will supply the cascade address of the interrupting input at T1 on the bus and also release an 8-bit pointer onto the bus if appropriate, where it is read by the CPU. If the 80130 does supply the pointer, then ACK will be low for the cycle. This cycle also has the value LlR for the IR input being acknowledged. 6. This completes the interrupt cycle. The ISR bit remains set until an appropriate EXIT INTERRUPT primitive (EOI command) is called at the end of the Interrupt Handler. OSP APPLICATION EXAMPLE Figure 5 shows an application of the OSP primitives to keep track of time of day in a simplified example. The system design uses a 60 Hz A.C. signal as a time base. The power supply provides a TTL-compatible The Interrupt Handler will actually service interrupt 59 when it occurs. It simply counts each interrupt, and at a count of 60 performs a SIGNAL INTERRUPT to notify the InterruptTask that a second has elapsed. The Interrupt Handler (ACS HANDLER) was assigned to this level by the SET INTERRUPT primitive. After doing this, the InterruptTask performed the Primitive RESUME TASK to resume the application task (IN ITS TASKS TOKEN). The main body of the task is the counting loop. The InterruptTask is signaled by the SIGNAL INTERRUPT primitive in the Interrupt Handler (at interrupt level ACS INTERRUPTS LEVEL). When the task is signalled by the Interrupt Handler it will execute the loop exactly one time, increasing the time count variables. Then it will execute the WAIT INTERRUPT primitive, and wait until awakened by the Interrupt Handler. Normally, the task will now wait some period of time for the next signal. However, since the interface between the Handler and the Task is asynchronous, the handler may have already queued the interrupt for servicing, the writer of the task does not have to worry about this possibility. At the end of the day, the task will exit the loop and execute RESET INTERRUPT, which disables the interrupt level, and deletes the interrupt task. The OSP now reclaims the memory used by the Task and schedules another task. If an exception occurs, the coded value for the exception is available in TIMES EXCEPTS CODE after the execution of the primitive. A typical PL/M-86 calling sequence is illustrated by the call to RESET INTERRUPT shown in Figure 5. 3-211 210216-002 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 Table 2. OSP System Data TYpe Summary Job Jobs are the means of organizing the program environment and resources. An application consists of one or more jobs. Each iAPX 86/30 system data type is contained in some job. Jobs are independent of each other, but they may share access to resources. Each job has one or more tasks, one of which is an initial task. Jobs are given pools of memory, and they may create subordinate offspring jobs, which may borrow memory from their parents. Task Tasks are the means by which computations are accomplished. A task is an instruction stream with its own execution stack and private data. Each task is part of a job and is restricted to the resources provided by its job. Tasks may perform general interrupt handling as well as other computational functions. Each task has a set of attributes, which is maintained for it by the iAPX 86/30, which characterize its status. These attributes are: its its its its its its its containing job register context priority,(0-255) execution state (asleep, suspended, ready, running, asleep/suspended). suspension depth user-selected exception handler optional 8087 extended task state Segment Segments are the units of memory allocation. A segment is a physically contiguous sequence of 16-byte, 8086 paragraph-length, units. Segments are created dynamically from the free memory space of aJob as oneof its Tasks requests memory for its use.Asegment is deleted when it is no longer needed. The iAPX 86/30 maintains and manages free memory in an orderly fashion, it obtains memory space from the pool al?signed to the containing job of the requesting task and returns the space to the job memory pool (or the parent job pool) whim it is no longer needed. It does not allocate memory to create a segment if sufficient free memory is not available to it, in that case it returns an error I exception code. Mailbox Mailboxes are the means of intertask communication. Mailboxes are used by tasks to send and receive message segments. The iAPX 86/30 creates and manages two queues for each maHbox. One of these queues contains message segments sent to the mailbox but not yet received by any task. The other mailbox queue consists of tasks that are waiting to receive messages. The iAPX 86/30 operation assures that waiting task.s receive messages as soon as messages are available. Thus at any moment one or possibly both of two mailbox queues will be empty. Region Regions are the means of serialization and mutual exclusion. Regions are familiar as "critical code regions." The iAPX 86/30 region data type consists of a queue of tasks. Each task waits to execute in mutually exclusive code or to access a shared data region, for example to update a file record. Tokens The OSP interface makes use of a 16-bitTOKEN data type to identify individual OSF data structures. Each of these (each instance) has its own unique TOKEN. When a primitive is called, it is passed the TOKENs of the data structures on which it will operate. 3-212 210216-002 inter 80130/80130·2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 Table 3. System Data Type Codes and Attributes Attributes S.D.T. Code Jobs 1 Tasks Memory Pool S.D.T. Directory Tasks 2 Priority Stack Code State Exception Handler Mailboxes 3 Queue of S.D.T.s (generally segments) Queue ofTasks waiting for S.D.T.s Region 5 Queue of Tasks waiting for mutually exclusive code or data Segments 6 Buffer Length Table 4. OSP Primitives Class J 0 B T A S K I N T E .R R U P T S E G M E N T OSP Primitive Parameters On Caller's Stack Interrupt Number Entry Code in AX CREATE JOB 184 0100H 'See 80130 User Manual CREATE TASK 184 0200H DELETE TASK SUSPEND TASK RESUME TASK SET PRIORITY SLEEP 184 184 184 184 184 0201H 0202H 0203H 0209H 0204H Priority, IP Ptr, Data Segment, Stack Seg, Stack Size Task Information, ExcptPtr TASK, ExcptPtr TASK, ExcptPtr TASK, ExcptPtr TASK, Priority, ExcptPtr Time Limit,ExcptPtr DISABLE ENABLE ENTER INTERRUPT EXIT INTERRUPT GET LEVEL RESET INTERRUPT SET INTERRUPT 190 184 184 186 188 184 184 0705H 0704H 0703H NONE 0702H 0706H 0701H SIGNAL INTERRUPT WAIT INTERRUPT 185 187 NONE NONE Level, ExcptPtr Level #.. ExcptPtr Level #, ExcptPtr Level # ,ExcptPtr Level #, ExcptPtr Level #, ExcptPtr Level, Interrupt Task Flag Interrupt Handler Ptr, Interrupt Handler DataSeg ExcptPtr Level, ExcptPtr Level, ExcptPtr CREATE SEGMENT DELETE SEGMENT 184 184 0600H 0603H Size, ExcptPtr SEGMENT, ExceptPtr 3-213 210216-002 inter 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 Table 4. Class M A I L B 0 asp asp Primitives (Continued) Primitive Interrupt Number Entry Code In AX CREATE MAILBOX DELETE MAILBOX RECEIVE MESSAGE 184 184 184 0300H 0301H 0303H SEND MESSAGE 184 0302H Parameters On Caller's Stack Mailbox flags, ExcptPtr i MAILBOX, ExcptPtr MAILBOX, Time Limit ResponsePtr, ExcptPtr MAILBOX,Message Response, ExcptPtr ~i X R E G I 0 ACCEPT CONTROL CREATE REGION DELETE REGION RECEIVE CONTROL' SEND CONTROL 184 184 184 184 184 0504H 0500H 0501H 0503H 0502H REGION, ExcptPtr Region Flags, ExcptPtr REGION, ExcptPtr REGION, Excp~Ptr ExcptPtr DISABLE DELETION ENABLE DELETION GET EXCEPTION HANDLER GET TYPE GET TASK TOKENS SET EXCEPTION HANDLER SET OS EXTENSION SIGNAL EXCEPTION 184 184 0OO1H 0OO2H TOKEN,ExcptPtr TOKEN,ExcptPtr 184 184 184 0800H OOOOH 0206H Ptr,ExcptPtr TOKEN,ExcptPtr Request, ExcptPtr 184 184 0801H 0700H Ptr, ExcptPtr Code,lnstPtr, ExcptPtr 184 0802H Exception Code, Parameter Number, StackPtr,O,O,ExcptPtr N E N V I R 0 N M E N T A L , NOTES: All parameters are pushed onto the OSP stack. Each parameter is one word. See Figure 3 for Call Sequence. Explanation of the Symbols JOB TASK REGION MAILBOX SEGMENT TOKEN OSP JOB SOT Token OSP TASK SOT Token OSP, REGION SOT Token OSP, MAILBOX SOT Token OSP SEGMI'NT SOT Token Any SOT Token Level ExcptPtr Message Ptr Seg Interrupt Level Number Pointer to Exception Code Message Token Pointer to Code,Stack etc. Address Value Loaded into appropriate Segment Register' Value Parameter. 3-214 210216-002 intJ. 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 Table 5. OSP Primitive Performance Examples ' Primitive Execution Speed(microseconds) Datatype Class JOB TASK SEGMENT MAILBOX CREATE JOB CREATE TASK (no preemption) CREATE SEGMENT SEND MESSAGE (with task switch) SEND MESSAGE (no task switch) RECEIVE MESSAGE (task waiting) RECEIVE MESSAGE (message waiting) SEND CONTROL RECEIVE CONTROL REGION '8 MHz iAPX 86/30 2950 1360 700 475 265 540 260 170 205 asp Configuation. Table 6. Baud Rate Count Values (16X) Baud Rate 8 MHz Count Value 5 MHz Count Value 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 1667 833 417 208 104 52 1042 521 260 130 65 33 3-215 210216-002 inter 80130180130-2 IAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 Table 7a. Mnemonic Codes for Unavoidable Exceptlo!,s E$OK Exception Code Value - 0 the operation was successful , E$TIME Exception Code Value - 1 the specified time limit expired before completion of the operations was possible E$MEM Exception Code Value = 2 insufficient nucleus memory is available to satisfy the request E$BUSY Exception Code Value = 3 specified region is currently busy E$LIMIT Exception Code Value = 4 atte"!1pted violation of a job, semaphore, or system limit E$CONTEXT Exception Code Value - 5 the primitive was called in an illegal context (e.g., call to enable for an already enabled interrupt) E$EXIST Exception Code Value = 6 a token argument does not currently refer to any object; note that the object could have been deleted at any time by Its owner - E$STATE Exception Code Value = 7 attempted illegal state transition by a task E$NOT$CONFIGURED Exception Code Value = 8 the primitive called is not configured in this system E$INTERRUPT$SATURATION Exception Code Value - 9 The interrupt task on the requested level has reached its user specified saturation point for interrupt service requests. No further interrupts will be allowed on the level until the interrupt task executes a WAIT$INTERRUPT. (This error is only returned, in line, to interrupt handlers.) E$INTERRUPT$OVERFLOW Exception Code Value - 10 The interrupt task on the requested level previously reached its saturation point and , caused an E$INTERRUPT$SATURATION condition. It subsequently execllted an ENABLE allowing further interrupts to come in and has received another SIGNAL$INTERRUPTcall, bringing it over its specified saturation point for interrupt service requests. (This error is only returned, in line, to interrupt handlers). Table 7b. Mnemonic Codes for Avoidable Exceptions E$ZERO$DIVIDE Exception Code Value - 8000H divide by zero interrupt occurred E$OVERFLOW Exception Code Value - 8001 H overflow interrupt occurred E$TYPE Exception Code Value,= 8002H a token argument referred to an object tha was not of required type E$BOUNDS / Exception Code Value = 8003H an offset argument is out of segment bounds E$PARAM Exception Code Value = 8004H a (non-token,non-offset) argument has an illegal value E$BAD$CALL Exception Code Value = 8005H an entry code for which there is no corresponding primitive was passed \ E$ARRAY$BOUNDS - 8006H Hardware or Language has detected an array overflow E$NDP$ERROR Exception Code Value - 8007H an 8087 (Numeric data Processor) error has been detected; (the 8087 status information is contained in a parameter to the exception handler) 3-216 210216-002 80130/80130-2 iAPX 86/30, 88/30, 186/30, 188/30 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* "NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended period may affect device reliability. Ambient Temperature Under Bins ......... O'G to 70'G Storage Temperature ................. -65°G to 150°C Voltage on Any Pin With Respect to Ground .................. - 1.0V to +7V Power Dissipation .......................... 1.0 Watts D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol (T. =O°C to 70°C, Vee =4.5 to 5.5V) Min. Max. Units V'L V,H Input Low Voltage - 0.5 0.8 Input High Voltage 2.0 V V VOL VOH Output Low Voltage Icc III ILR , Parameter Output High Voltage Power Supply Current Vcc +.5 0.45 V 10L ~ 2mA V 200 rnA 10H ~ -400/LA T. ~ 25 C 10 /LA O FLOAT ® POINTER I -------I I r-rCHEH ---v--- TCHEH J NOTES 1 CASCADE ADDRESS PRESENTED ON ADS A09 AND A010 CORRESPONDING TO CASO CASt AND CAS2 RESPECTIVELY A011-A01 5 LINES ARE ACTIVE AND HAVE UNKNOWN VALUES ADO-A07 ARE TRISTATE 2 POINTER VALUE IS ACTIVE ONLY IF POINTER IS GENERATED FROM THE 80150 AND NOT FROM EXTERNAL SLAVE UNIT ACTIVE LOWDNlY WHEN POINTER DATA IS BEING SUPPLIED BY T-HF 80150 LOW ONLY FOR LOCAL INTERRUPT 3-231 210705-003 828218283 OCTAL LATCH • Address Latch for iAPX 86,88,186, 188, MCS®·80, MCS·85 , MCS·48 Famlies • 3·State Outputs • 20·Pin Package with 0.3" Center • High Output Drive Capability for Driving System Data Bus • No Output Low Noise when Entering or Leaving High Impedance State • Fully Parallel 8·Blt Data Register and Buffer • • Transparent during Active Strobe Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range - Extended Temperature Range The 8282 and 8283 are 8-bit bipolar latches with 3-state output buffers_ They can be used to implement latches, buffers, or multiplexers. The 8283 inverts the input data at its outputs while the 8282 does not. Thus, all of tbe principal peripheral and input/output functions of a microcomputer system can be implemented with these devices. 1 /' &-- Figure 1. Logic Diagrams Figure 2. Pin Configurations 3-232 intJ 8282/8283 Table 1. Pin Description Pin STB OE FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Description STROBE (Input). STB is an input control pulse used to strobe data at the data input pins (Ao-A7) into the data latches. This signal is active HIGH to admit Input data. The data is latched at the H1GH to LOW transition of STB. OUTPUT ENABLE (Input). <5E Is an input control signal which when active LOW enables the contents of the data latches onto the data output pin (Bo-B7). OE being inactive HIGH forces the output buffers to their high impedance state. 010- 017 DATA INPUT PINS (Input). Data presented at these pins satisfying setup lime reo qulrements when STB is strobed and latched into the data input latches. 000-00 7 (8282) 000-5(j7 (8283) DATA OUTPUT PINS (Output). When OE is true, the data in the data latches Is presented as inverted (8283) or non·inverted (8282) data onto the data output pins. The 8282 and 8283 octal latches are 8-bit latches with 3-state output buffers. Data having satisfied the setup time requirements is latched into the data latches by strobing the STB line HIGH to LOW. Holding the STB line in its active HIGH state makes the latches appear transparent. Data is presented to the data output pins by activating the OE input line. When OE is inactive HIGH the output buffers are in their high impedance state. Enabling or disabling the output buffers will not cause negative·going transients to appear on the data output bus. 3-233 inter 8282/8283 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· 'NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Temperature Under eias ................. O·C to 70·C Storage Temperature ............. - 65°C to + 150°C All Output and Supply Voltages ........ - 0.5V to + 7V All Input Voltages .................. - 1.0V to + 5.5V Power Dissipatiol! .......................... 1 Watt D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol (Vcc = 5V ±10%, TA = Parameter o·c to 700C) Max. Units Vc Input Clamp Voltage -1 V Icc Power Supply Current 160 rnA Min. Test Conditions Ic'= -5 rnA IF Forward Input Current -0.2 rnA VF = 0.45V IR Reverse Input Current 50 ,.A V R = 5.25V VOL Output low Voltage .45 V IOL = 32 rnA VOH Output High Voltage IOFF Output Off Current VIL Input low Voltage VIH Input High Voltage C tN Input Capacitance, 2.4 V IOH = -5 rnA ±50 ,.A VO FF = 0.45 to 5.25V 0.8 V Vcc= 5.0V See Nole V Vcc=5.0V See Note 1 2.0 12 1 F= 1 MHz V SIAS =2.5V, Vcc=5V TA=25°C pF NOTE: 1. Output loading ioL = 32 mA, IOH = -5. mA, CL = 300 pF.' A.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol TIVOV TSHOV o·c (Vcc = 5V ±100/o, TA = to 70·C (See Note 2) loading: Outputs-IOl = 32 rnA, IOH = -5 rnA, Cl = 300 pF') Min. Max. Units Input to Output Delay -Inverting -Non·lnverting Parameter 5 5 22 30 ns ns STe to Output Delay -Inverting -Non-Inverting 10 10 40 45 ns ns Test Conditions (See Note 1) TEHOZ Output Disable Time 5 18 ns TElOV Output Enable Time 10 30 ns TIVSl Inpuno STe Setup Time 0 ns TSLIX Input to STe Hold Time 25 ns TSHSl STe High Time 15 TOlOH Input, Output Rise Time 20. ns From 0.8V to 2.0V TOHOl Input, Output Fall Time 12 ns From 2.0V to 0.8V ns NOTE: 'CL = 200 pF for plastic 828218283. 1. See waveforms and test load circuit on following page. 2. For Extended Temperature EXPRESS the Preliminary Maximum Values are TIVOV = 25 vs 22, 35 vs 30; TSHOV = 45, 55; TEHOZ = 25; TElOV ,= 50. 3·234 8282/8283 A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM INPUT/OUTPUT 24 -v, 5_ TEST POINTS _ , 04S~ sV~ AC TESTING. INPUTS ARE DRIVEN AT24V FOR A LOGIC "1" ANDO.45V FOR A LOGIC "0" TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 1 5V FOR BOTH A LOGIC "1" AND "0" INPUT RISE AND FALL TIMES ARE MEASURED FROM o BV TO 2 OV AND ARE DRIVEN AT 5ns ± 2ns OUTPUT TEST LOAD CIRCUITS 1.5V - 1.5V 332 r OUT 0 - - - 300pF" 3·STATE TO VOL 2.14V 1802 OUTC>-- I300PF" 3·STATE TO VOH "200 pF for plastic 8282/8283. 3-235 52.72 r OUT 0 - - :iOOpF" SWITCHING intJ 828218283 WAVEFORMS \V \V /1\ INPUTS /1\ !---TIVSL- !--TSLIX. STB V --.J \ T S H S L - \. , V - \ ---- ---t= , / !-TIVOV4 1\ VOH-.W OUTPUTS \V ,,<1\. 1>------VOL +.W SEE NOTE 1 !--TSHOV- NOTE: 1. OUTPUT MAY BE MOMENTARILY INVALID FOLLOWING THE HIGH GOING STB TRANSITION. 2. ALL TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 1.SV UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 50 50 40 40 ~ ~ z 30 z s i III D 20 10 pFLOAD pF LOAD Output Dele, va. Capacitance 3-236 8284A/8284A·1 CLOCK GENERATOR AND DRIVER FOR iAPX 86, 88 PROCESSORS • Generates the System Clock for the iAPX 86, 88 Processors: 5 MHz, 8 MHz with 8284A 10 MHz with 8284A-1 • Uses a Crystal or a TT.L Signal for Frequency Source • • Single +5V Power Supply • Generates System Reset Output from Schmitt Trigger Input • Capable of Clock Synchronization with Other 8284As Provides Local READY and MULTIBUS® READY Synchronization • • 18·Pin Package D 0 RES Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range - Extended Temperature Range RESET X1 XTAl OSCillATOR X2 OSC Vee Fie ~3 PClK X2 EFI RDY1 CSYNC READY ASYNC EFI Fie RDY1 OSC ClK AEN1 RESET RDY2 AEN2 CKt Q D READY FF1 ASYNC ~284A/8284A-1 Block Diagram 3-237 8284A/8284A-1 Pin Configuration 8284A/8284A-1 Table 1. Pin Description Symbol Type Name and Function Name and Function Symbol Type AEN1, AEN2 I Address Enable: AEN is an active LOW signal. AEN serves to qualify its respecti~e Bus Ready Signal (RDYI or RDY2). AENI validates RDYI while AEN2 validates RDY2. Two AEN signal inputs are useful in system configurations which permit the processor to access two Multi-Master System Busses. In non Multi-Master configurations the AEN signal inputs are tied true (LOW). CLK 0 Processor Clock: CLK is the clock output used by the processor and all devices which directly connect to the processor's local bus (i.e., the bipolar support chips and other MOS devices). ClK has an output frequency which is Y3 of the crystal or EFI input frequency and a Y3 duty cycle. An output HIGH of 4.5 volts (Vcc= 5V) is provided on this pin to drive MOS devices. RDY1, RDY2 I Bus Ready: (Transfer Complete). ROY is an active HIGH signal which is an indication from a device located on the system data bus that data has been received, or is available. RDYI is qualified by AENI while RDY2 is qualified by AEN2. PCLK 0 Peripheral Clock: PCLK is a TTL level peripheral clock signal whose output frequency is Y2 that of CLK and has a 50% duty cycle. OSC 0 Oscillator Output: OSC is the TTL level output of the internal oscillator circuitry. Its frequency is equal to that of the crystal. RES I Reset In: RES is an active LOW signal which is used to generate RESET. The 8284A provides a Schmitt trigger input so that an RC connection can be used to establish the power-up reset of proper duration. RESET 0 Reset: RESET is an active HIGH signal which is used to resetthe 8086 family processors. Its timing characteristics are determined by RES. CSYNC I Clock Synchronization: CSYNC is an active HIGH signal which allows multiple 8284As to be synchronized to provide clocks that are in phase. When CSYNC is HIGH the internal counters are reset. When CSYNC goes LOW the internal counters are allowed to resume counting. CSYNC needs to be externally synchronized to EFI. When using the internal oscillator CSYNC should be hardwired to ground. ASYNC READY I 0 Ready Synchronization Select: ASYNC is an input which defines the synchronization mode of the READY logic. When ASYNC is low, two stages of READY synchronization are provided. When ASYNC is left open (internal pull-up resistor is provided) or HIGH a single stage of READY synchronization is provided. Ready: READY is an active HIGH signal which is the synchronized ROY signal input. READY is cleared after the guaranteed hold time to the processor has been met. Xl,X2 I Crystal In: Xl and X2 are the pins to which a crystal is attached. The crystal frequency is 3 times the desired processor clock frequency. F/C I Frequency/Crystal Select: F/C is a strapping option. When strapped LOW, FIG permits the processor's clock to be generated by the crystal. When F/Gis strapped HIGH, CLK is generated from the EFI input. EFI I External Frequency: When F/C is strapped HIGH, CLK is generated from the input frequency appearing on this pin. The input signal is a square wave 3 times the frequency of the desired CLK output. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION General The 8284A is a single chip clock generator/driver for the iAPX 86, 88 processors. The chip contains a crystal-controlled oscillator, a divide-by-three counter, complete MULTI BUS "Ready" synchronization and reset logic. Refer to Figure 1 for Block Diagram and Figure 2 for Pin Configuration. Oscillator The oscillator circuit of the 8284A is designed primarily for use with an external series resonant, fundamental mode, crystal from which the basic operating frequency is derived. The crystal frequency should be selected at three times the required CPU clock. XI and X2 are the two crystal input crystal connections. For the most stable operation GND Ground, Vee Power: +5V supply. . of the oscillator (OSC) output circuit, two series resistors (Rl = R2 = 510 fl) as shown in the waveform figures are recommended. The output of the oscillator is buffered and brought out on OSC so that other system timing signals can be derived from this stable, crystal-controlled source. For systems which have a Vee ramp time'" 1Vlms and/or have inherent board capacitance between XI or X2, exceeding 10 pF (not including 8284A pin capacitance), the two 510fl resistors should be used. This circuit provides optimum stability for the OSCIllator in such extreme conditions. It is advisable to limit stray capacitances to less than 10 pF on XI and X2 to minimize deviation from operating at the fundamental frequency. If EFI is used and no crystal is connected, it is recommended that X1 or X2 should be tied to Vcc through a 510n resistor to prevent the oscillator from free running which might produce HF noise and additional Icc current. 3-238 8284A/8284A-1 Master system is not being used the A8il pin should be tied lOW. Clock Generator The clock generator consists of a synchronous divideby-three counter with a special clear input that inhibits the counting. This clear input (CSYNC) allows the output clock to be synchronized with an external event (such as another 8284A clock). It is necessary to synchronize the CSYNC input to the EFI clock external to the 8284A. This is accomplished with two Schottky' flipflops. The counter output is a 33% duty cycle clock at one-third the input frequency. Synchronization is required for all asynchronous activegoing edges of either ROY input to guarantee that the ROY setup and hold times are met. Inactive-going edges of ROY in normally ready systems do not require synchronization but must satisfy ROY setup and hold as a matter of proper system design. The ASYNC input defines two modes of READY synchronization operation. The FIG input is a strapping pin that selects either the crystal oscillator or the EFI input as the clock for the +3 counter. If the EFI input is selected as the clock source, the oscillator section can be used independently for another clock source. Output is taken from OSC. When ASYNC is lOW, two stages of synchronization are provided for active READY input signals. Positivegoing asynchronous READY inputs will first be synchronized to flip-flop one at the rising edge of ClK and then synchronized to flip-flop two at the next falling edge of ClK, after which time the READY output will go active (HIGH). Negative-going asynchronous READY inputs will be synchronized directly to flip-flop two at the falling edge of CLK, after which time the READY output will go i nactive. This mode of operation is intended for use by asynchronous (normally not ready) devices in the system which cannot be guaranteed by design to meet the required ROY setup timing, TR1VCL , on each bus cycle. Clock Outputs The ClK output is a 33% duty cycle MOS cloQk driver designedto drive the iAPX 86, 88 processors directly. PClK is a TTL level peripheral clock Signal whose output frequency is V2 that of ClK. PClK has a 50% duty cycle. . Reset Logic The reset logic provides a Schmitt trigger input (RES) and a synchronizing flip-flop to generate the reset timing. The reset signal is synchronized to the falling edge of ClK. A simple RC network can be used to provide power-on reset by utilizing this function of the 8284A .. READY Synchronization When ASYNC is high or left open, the first READY flipflop is bypassed in the READY synchronization logic. READY inputs are synchronized by flip-flop two on the falling edge of ClK before they are presented to the processor. This mode is available for synchronous devices that can be guaranteed to meet the required ROY setup time. Two READY inputs (RDY1, RDY2) are provided to accommodate two Multi-Master system busses. Each input has a qualifier (AEN1 and AEJii2, respectively). The Am signals validate their respective ROY signals. If a Multi- ASYNC can be changed on every bus cycle to select the appropriate mode of synchronization for each device in the system. CLOCK SYNCHRONIZE >--+----H 0 EFI >-.....-f.>O-~> Q o Q t ....... _--' (TO OTHER 8284As) Figure 3. CSYNC Synchronization 3-239 8284A/8284A-1 -NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· Temperature Under Bias ................. O·C to 70·C Storage Temperature .............. -65·C to +150·C All Output and Supply Voltages ......... -0.5V to + 7V All Input Voltages ................... -1.0V to +5.5V Power Dissipation .......................... 1 Watt D.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA=O·C to 70·C, Vcc=5V± 10%) Symbol Parameter Min. Max. . Units Test Conditions IF Forward Input Current (ASYNC) Other Inputs -1.3 -0.5 mA mA VF=0.45V VF= 0.45V IA Reverse Input Current (ASYNC) Other Inputs 50 50 ,..A ,..A VA= Vcc VA=5.25V Ic= -5mA Vc Input Forward Clamp Voltage -1.0 V Icc Power Supply Current 162 mA VIL Input lOW Voltage 0.8 V V IH Input HIGH Voltage 2.0 V VIHR Reset Input HIGH Voltage 2.6 V VOL Output lOW Voltage VOH Output HIGH Voltage ClK Other Outputs VIHA - VILA RES Input Hysteresis V 5mA 4 2.4 V V -1mA -1mA 0.25 V 0.45 A.C_ CHARACTERISTICS (TA= O·C to 70·C, Vcc= 5V ± 10%) TIMING REQUIREMENTS Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units Test Conditions tEHEL External Frequency HIGH Time 13 ns tELEH External Frequency lOW Time 13 ns 10%-10% VIN tELEL EFI Period 33 ns (Note 1) 90%-90% VIN XTAl Frequency 12 t A1VCL RDY1, RDY2 Active Setup to ClK 35 ns ASYNC= HIGH t A1 VCH RDY1, RDY2 Active Setup to ClK 35 ns ASYNC=lOW tA1vCL RDY1, RDY21nactive Setup to ClK 35 ns tCLA1X RDY1, RDY2 Hold to ClK 0 ns tAYVCL ASYNC Setup to ClK 50 ns tCLAYX ASYNC Hold to ClK 0 ns tA1VA1V AEN1, AEN2 Setup to RDY1, RDY2 15 ns tCLA1X AEN1, AEN2 Hold to ClK 0 ns tYHEH CSYNC Setup to EFI 20 ns tEHYL CSYNC Hold to EFI 10 ns t YHYL CSYNCWidth 2·tELEL ns tl1HCL RES Setup to ClK RES Hold toClK 65 ns (Note 1) 20 ns (Note 1) tCLl1H , 3-240 25 MHz .- . 8284A/8284A·1 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) TIMING RESPONSES Min. 8284A 125 Parameter Symbol Min. 8284A-1 Max. Units 100 ns (V3 tcLcd + 2 39 ns (% t cLc d-15 53 ns tpHPL PClK HIGH Time tCLCL -20 tCLCL -20 ns tPLPH PClK lOW Time tCLCL-20 !eLCL -20 ns tRYlCL Ready InactIve to ClK (See Note 3) -6 tRYHCH Ready Active to ClK (See Note 2) (2h t cLc d-15 tCUl ClK to Reset Delay 40 ns tCLPH ClK to PClK HIGH DELAY 22 ns tCLPL ClK to PClK lOW Delay 22 ns tOLCH OSC to ClK HIGH Delay -5 -5 22 ns 2 2 tCLCl ClK Cycle Period tCHCL ClK HIGH Time t CLCH ClK lOW Time tCH1CH2 ClK Rise or Fall Time 10 Test Conditions ns 1.0V to 3.5V tCl2CL1 -8 ns 53 ns tOlCL OSC to ClK lOW Delay 35 ns tOLOH Output Rise Time (except ClK) 20 ns From 0.6V to 2.0V tOHOl Output Fall Time (except ClK) 12 ns From 2.0V to 0.6V NOTES: 1. Setup and hold necessary only to guarantee recognition at next clock. 2. Applies only to T3 and TW states. 3. Applies only to T2 states. A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT INPUT/OUTPUT - VL = 2.0BV RL DEVICE UNDER TEST r------- ICC -= A C TESTING INPUTS ARE DRIVEN AT 2 4V FOR A LOGIC "1" AND 045V FOR A LOGIC "0." TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 1 5V FOR BOTH A LOGIC "1" AND "0" INPUT RISE AND FALL TIMES (MEASURED BETWEEN 0 AND 2 OV) ARE 5.± 2 NS CL ~ 100pF FOR ClK av CL ~ 30pF FOR READY 3-241 = 3250 , 8284A/8284A-1 WAVEFORMS CLOCKS AND RESET SIGNALS NAME EFI OSC C~K 0 PCLK 0 CSYNC I RESET 0 NOTE: A~~ ______~/~--------------~~~t= TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 1.5 VO~TS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. READY SIGNAI.S (FOR ASYNCHRONOUS DEVICES) C~K RDY1,2 READY tRYLCL tRYHCH 3-242 intJ 8284A/8284A-1 WAVEFORMS (Continued) READY SIGNALS (FOR SYNCHRONOUS DEVICES) elK RDY1,2 READY tRVLCL IRYHCH Xl 24MHZD T R2 R, - I LOAD (SEE NOTE 1) I X2 FIC 1 CSYNC J. - I CLK R Clock High and Low Time (Using X1, X2) I PULSE GENERATOR I J EFI CLK I I LOAD (SEE NOTE 1) Vee L .,r- FIC CSYNC Clock High and Low Time (Using EFI) 3-243 I inter 8284A/8284A-1 VCC nm CLK X1 24MHz CJ READY X2 R, R2 RDY2 OSC FIe AEN2 CSYNC R, = R. = 510(1. Ready to Clock (Using X1, X2) h r - - - - I EFI CLK 1----1 F/~ nm t---"'1 RDY2 1IDl2 CSYNC READY'I------1 NOTES: 1 Ct.-100pF 2. CL=30pF Ready to Clock (Using EFI) 3-244 8286/8287 OCTAL BUS TRANSCEIVER • Data Bus Buffer Driver for iAPX 86,88,186,188, MCS·80™, MCS·8S™, and MCS·48™ Families • High Output Drive Capability for Driving System Data Bus • Fully Parallel 8·Bit Transceivers • 3·State Outputs • 20·Pin Package with 0.3" Center • No Output Low Noise when Entering or Leaving High Impedance State • Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range - Extended Temperature Range The 8286 and 8287 are 8-bit bipolar transceivers with 3-state outputs. The 8287 inverts the Input data at its outputs while the 8286 does not. Thus, a wide variety of applications for buffering in microcomputer systems can be met. AO Vee AO Al BO Al A2 Vee So Bl A2 51 B2 A3 B3 A4 ii2 83 B4 BS B6 B7 GND Figure 1. Logic Diagrams T OE GND Figure 2. Pin Configurations 3-245 B6 B7 T 8286/8287 Table 1. Pin Description Type Name and Function T I Transmit: T is an input control signal used to control the direction of the transceivers. When HIGH, it configures the transceiver's Bo-B7 as outputs with Ao-A7 as inputs. T LOW configures Ao-A7 as the outputs with Bo-B7 serving as the inputs. DE I Output Enable: OE is an input control signal used to enable the appropriate output driver (as selected by T) onto its respective bus. This signal is active LOW. Ao-A7 I/O Local Bus Data Pins: These pins serve to either present data to or accept data from the processor's local bus depending upon the state of the T pin. Bo-B7(8286) 60-87(8287) 1/0 System Bus Data Pins: These pins serve to either present deta to or accept data from the system bus depending upon the state of the T pin. Symbol FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The 8286 and 8287 transceivers are 8-bit transceivers with high impedance outputs. With T active HIGH and OE active LOW, data at the Ao-A7 pins is driven onto the Bo-B7 pins. With T inactive LOW and OE active LOW, data at the Bo-B7 pins is driven onto the Ao-A7 pins. No output low glitching will occur whenever the transceivers are entering or leaving the high impedance state. A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM INPUT/OUTPUT 24 J S _ T E S T POINTS 0.45 -'x= A C TESTING INPUTS ARE DRIVEN AT2 4V FORA LOGIC "1" ANOO 45V FOR A LOGIC "0" THE CLOCK IS DRIVEN AT 4 3V and 025V TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 1 5V FOR BOTH A LOGIC "1" AND "0" INPUT RISE AND FALL TIMES ARE 5 ± 2 NS , MEASURED BETWEEN 0 BV AND 2 OV 3-246 8286/8287 TEST LOAD CIRCUITS 2.14V ,",~~N I 3OOP F' SWITCHING B OUTPUT 2.28V '"'~"" rl00PF SWITCHING A OUTPUT ·200 pF for plastIc 8286/8287 3-247 inter 8286/8281 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· 'NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Temperature Under Bias ................. O·C to 70·C Storage Temperature ............. -65·C to + 150·C All Output and Supply Voltages ........ - 0.5V to + 7V All Input Voltages ....... : .......... - 1.0V to + 5.5V Power Dissipation .......................... 1 Walt D.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Vee = +5V ± 10%, TA = O°C to 70°C) Max Units -1 V Power Supply Current-8287 -8286 130 160 mA rnA IF Forward Input Current -0.2 mA V F =0.45V IR Reverse Input Current 50 ,..A V R =5.25V VOL Output Low Voltage .45 .45 V V IOl = 32 mA IOl = 16 rnA VOH Outpui High Voltage -B Outputs -A Outputs V V IOH=-5 rnA IOH=-1 mA IOFF IOFF Output Off Current Output Off Current V,l Input Low Voltage V,H Input High Voltage C 'N Input Capacitance Symbol Parameter Min Ve Input Clamp Voltage Icc NOTE: 1. B Outputs-IOL = 32 mA, IOH = -5 mA, A.C. CHARACTERISTICS -B Outputs -A Outputs 2.4 2.4 Test Conditions le= -5 mA V OFF =0.45V V OFF =5.25V IF Itl -A Side -B Side 0.8 0.9 2.0 12 Ct. = 300 pP: A Outputs-IOl = V V Vee= 5.0V, See Note 1 Vee= 5.0V, See Note 1 V Vee= 5.0V, See Note 1 pF F= 1 MHz V BIAS =2.5V, Vee=5V TA= 25·C 16 mA, 10H = -1 mA, Cl = 100 pF. (Vee = +5V ±10%, TA = O°C to 70°C) (See Note 2) Loading: B Outputs-Iol = 32 mA, IOH = -5 mA, Cl = 300 pP A OutputS-IOl = 16 rnA, IOH = -1 rnA, Cl = 100 pF Symbol TIVOV Parameter Input to Output Delay Inverting Non-Inverting Min Max Units 5 5 22 30 ns ns Test Conditions (See Note 1) TEHTV TransmitlReceive Hold Time TTVEl Transmit/Receive Setup TEHOZ Output Disable Time 5 18 ns TELOV Output Enable Time 10 30 ns TOLOH Input, Output Rise Time 20 ns From 0.8 V to 2.0V TOHOL Input, Output Fall Time 12 ns From 2.0V to 8.0V ns 5 10 ns Cl - 200 pF for plastic 8286/8287 NOTE: 1. See waveforms and test load circuit on following page. 2. For Extended Temperature EXPRESS the Preliminary Maximum Values are TIVOV = 25 vs 22, 35 vs 30; TEHOZ = 25; TElOV = 50. 3-248 inter 8286/8287 WAVEFORMS \/ INPUTS ./ \. V \ / I-TIVOV- - \V OUTPUTS TEH02 :"":. VOH - TELOV~ 1V ~:------ JI\. VOL + 1V :\ C= ----:----]----t-- TIVEL _TEHTV NOTE: 1. All timing measurements are made at1.5V unless otherwise noted. 50 50 8287 40 .,&l z ;w Q 10 200 400 200 pf LOAD 400 600 pF LOAD Output Delay versus Capacitance 3-249 600 1000 8288 BUS CONTROLLER FOR iAPX 86, 88 PROCESSORS • Bipolar Drive Capability • Provides Advanced Commands Provides Wide Flexibility in System • Configurations with 10 MHz iAPX 86 and • 8Compatible MHz iAPX 186 based systems. • 3·State Command Output Drivers • Conflgurable for U~e with an I/O Bus •• Facilitates Interface to One or Two Multl·Master Bus$es in EXPRESS • Available - Standard Temperature Range - Extended Temperature Range The Intel® 8288 Bus Controller is a 2o-pin bipolar component for use with medium-to-Iarge iAPX 86, 88 processing systems. The bus controller provides command and control timing generation as well as bipolar bus drive capability while optimizing system performance. A strapping option on the bus controller configures it for use with a multi-master system bus and separate 1/0 bus. 8086 STATUS {So~- _ MRDC STATUS DECODER S2-' ~. COM· MAND SIGNAL GENER· ATOR 108 MWTC AMWC IORC lowe, MUlTIBUS™ COMMAND SIGNALS AIOWC {CLKAEN- CEN- CONTROL LOGIC CONTROL SIGNAL GENER· ATOR 108- +5V DT/R } DEN MCE/PDEN ALE S1 DTiR INTA CONTROL INPUT ClK ADDRESS LATCH. DATA TRANSCEIVER, AND INTERRUPT CONTROL SIGNALS vcc so S2 MCE/PDEN ALE DEN AEN CEN MRDC INTA AMWC 10RC MWTC GND AIOWC IOWC GND Figure 2_ Pin Configuration Figure 1. Block Diagram 3-250 intJ 8288 Table 1. Pin Description Symbol ~pe GND So, S" S. ~pe Status Input Pins: These pins are the status input pins from the 8086, 8068 or 8089 processors. The 8288 decodes these inputs to generate command and control signals at the appropriate time. When these pins are not in use (passive) they are all HIGH. (See chart under Command and Control Logic.) I Clock: This is a clock Signal from the 8284 clock generator and serves to establish when command and control signals are generated. ALE a Address Latch Enable: This signal serves to strobe an address into the address latches. This signal is active HIGH and latching occurs on the falling (HIGH to LOW) transition. ALE is intended for use with transparent D type latches. DEN a Data Enable: This signal serves to enable data transceivers onto either the local or system data bus. This signal is active HIGH. DT/R a Data Transmit/Receive: This signal establishes the direction of data flow through the transceivers. A HIGH on this line indicates Transmit (write to I/O or memory) and a LOW indicates Receive (Read). I Addres. Enable: AEN enables command outputs of the 8288 Bus Controller at least 115 ns after it becomes active (LOW). AEN going inactive immediately 3-states the command output drivers. AEN does not affect the I/O command lines If the 8288 is in the I/O Bus mode (lOB tied HIGH). CEN I Command Enable: When this signal is LaWall 8288 command outputs and the DEN and PDEN control outputs are forced to their inactive state. When this signal is HIGH, these same outputs are enabled. lOB I Input/Output Bus Mode: When the lOB is strapped HIGH the 8288 functions in the I/O Bus mode. When it is strapped LOW, the 8288 functions in the System Bus mode. (See sections on I/O Bus and System Bus modes). 3-251 Name and Function AIOWC a Advanced I/O Write Command: The AIOWC issues an I/O Write Command earlier in the machine cycle to give I/O devices an early indication of a write instruction. Its timing is the same as a read command signal. AIOWC is active Law. 10WC a I/O Wrtte Command: This command line instructs an I/O device to read the data on the data bus. This Signal is active LOW. 10RC a I/O Read Command: This command line instructs an I/O device to drive its data onto the data bus. This Signal is active LOW. AMWC a Advanced Memory Write Command: The AMWC issues a memory write command earlier in the machine cycle to give memory devices an early indication of a write instruction. Its timing is the same as a read command signal. AMWC is active LOW. MWTC a Memory Wrlle Command: This command line instructs the memory to record the data· present on the data bus. This signal is active LOW. MRDC a Memory Read Command: This command line instructs the memory to drive its data onto the data bus. This signal is active Law. INTA a Interrupt Acknowledge: This command line tells an interrupting device that its interrupt has been acknowledged and that it should drive vectoring Information onto the data bus. ThiS Signal is active Law. MCE/PDEN a This is a dual function pin. MCE (lOB is lied LOW): Master Cascade Enable occurs during an interrupt sequence and serves to read a Cascade Address from a master PIC (Priority Interrupt Controller) onto the data bus. The MCE signal is active HIGH. PDEN (lOB Is lied HIGH): Peripheral Data Enable enables the data bus transceiver for the I/O bus that DEN performs for the system bus. PDEN is active Law. Ground. I CLK AEN Symbol Name and Function Power: +5V supply. Vcc inter 8288 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIOH Co~mand and Control Logic The command logic decQdes the three 8086. 8088 or 8089 CPU status lines Sl. 82) to determine what command Is to tHllssued. This chart shows the meaning of each status "word". (so. 52 S; SO c 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 -1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 Procenor Stille 0 InterruptAcknowledae 1 1 1 1 Read 1/0 Port Wrlle 110 Port Hall Code Access Read Memorv WrrteMemory Passive 8288 Command INTA 10RC . 10WC,AIOWC None MRDc MRDC - MWfC,AMWC None The command Is Issued in one of two ways dependent on the mode of the 8288 Bus Controller. 1/0 BUll Mode - The 8288 Is in the 110 Bus mode if the lOB pin is strapped HIGH. In the 110 Bus mode ali 110 command lines (I0RC, lOWe, AIOWe. iNTA) are always enabled (i.e., not dependent on ~). When an 110 com· Il)and is initiated by the processor, the 8288 immediately activates the command lines using Pi'5E'N and DTIR to control the 110 bus transceiver. The 110 command lines should not be used to control the system bus in this configuration because no arbitration IS present. ThiS mode allows one 8288 Bus Controller to handle two ex· ternal busses. No waiting is involved when the CPU wants to gain access to the 110 bus. Normal memory ac· cess requires a "Bus Ready" signal (AEN LOW) before it will proceed. It is advantageous to use the lOB mode if 110 or peripherals dedicated to one processor exist in a multl·processor system. System Bus Mode - The 8288 is in the System Bus mode if the lOB pin is strapped LOW. In this mode no command is Issued until 115 ns after the. AEN Line is activated (LOW). This mode assumes bus arbitration logic will Inform the bus controller (on the AEiii line) when the bus is free for use. Both memory and 110 commands wait for bus arbitration. This mode Is used when only one bus exists. Here. both 1/0 and memory are shared by more than one processor. COMMAND OUTPUTS The advanced write commands are made available to Initiate write procedures early In the machine cycle. This signal can be used to prevent the processor from entering an unnecessary walt state. The command outputs are: MRi5C - Memory Read Command MiiiiTC - Memory Write Command iORC - 1/0 Read Command 10WC - 1/0 Write Command AMWC - Advanced Memory Write Command AIOWC - Advanced 110 Write Command iN'i'A - Interrupt Acknowledge • INTA (Interrupt Acknowledge) acts as an 1/0 read during an Interrupt cycle. Its purpose Is to Inform an Interrupting device that Its Interrupt is being acknowledged ·and that it should place vectoring informatlon'onto the data bus. CONTROL OUTPUTS The control outputs of the 8288 are Data Enable (DEN). Data Transmit/Receive (DT/A) and Master Cascade EnablelPeripheral Data Enable (MCElPi'5E'N). The DEN signal determines when the external bus should be enabled ,onto the local bus and the DT/R determines the direction of data transfer. These two signals usually go to the chip select and directlCOMMAND/CONTROL ..IClK ... flI ..... CD I\) en CD CD -" UJ '< IIJ (,) I I\) 0) -.,j ~:!! IIJCC _·c RQ/GTl ARDY SRDY ClK RESET READY 82285 Vee ClK 74lS 373 ADDRESS II ::J ... CC" -CD ::T. "... CD I\) CD CD S" CD 0 CD CD ~c~ RESET READY ~ElP 9°' 1\ DIR 74LS 245 I I( CO N CO CO ) DATA II: 0 a. " nARD:_p~~/MX ~ <"@J 2& IiiiiI F =::0 ~ TO SERIAL INTERFACE c:::J 231051-8 ~ ~ ~ inter 82188 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS * Temperature under bias O"Cto 70°C Storage temperature - 65°C to 150°C -1.0V to 7.0V Voltage on any pin with respect to GND Power Dissipation 0.7 Watts "NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under ABSOlUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DC CHARACTE·RISTICS (Vee = 5V ± 10%, TA Symbol = O°C to 70°C) Parameter Min Max Units TestCond. VIL Input low Voltage -0.5 +0.8 volts VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee + 0.5 volts VOL Output Low Voltage 0.45 volts VOH Output High Voltage Icc Power Supply Current 100 mA III Input Leakage Current ±10 p.A OV .!I.S priority (BPRN true) then seizes the bus and pulls BUSY low to keep other arbiters off of the bu~. See waveform timing diagram, Figure 5. Note that all multl·master system bus transactions are synchronized to the bus clock (BClK). This allows the parallel priority resolving circuitry or any other priority resolving scheme employed to settle. 74148 PRIORITY ENCODER 74138 3TOB DECODER Figure 4. Parallel Priority Resolving Technique I 2 3 HIGHER PRIORITY BUS ARBITER REQUESTS THE MULTI·MASTER SYSTEM BUS. ATTAINS PRIORITY. LOWER PRIORITY BUS ARBITER RELEASES BUSY. 4 HIGHER PRIORITY BUS ARBITER THEN ACQUIRES THE BUS AND PULLS BUSY DOWN. Figure 5. Higher Priority Arbiter obtaining the Bus from a Lower Priority Arbiter 3-277 inter 8289/8289-1 SERIAL PRIORITY RESOLVING The serial priority resolving technique eliminates the need for the priority encoder·decoder arrangement by daisy·chaining the bus arbiters together, connecting the higher priority bus arbiter's BPRO (Bus Priority Out) out· put to the BPRN of the next lower priority. See Figure 6. THE NUMBER OF ARBITERS THAT MAY BE DAISY-CHAINED TOGETHER IN THE SERIAL PRIORITY RESOLVING SCHEME IS A FUNCTION OF BCLK AND THE PROPA· GATION DELAY FROM ARBITER TO ARBITER. NORMALLY, AT 10 MHz ONLY 3 ARBI· TER MAY BE DAISY-CHAINED Figure 6. Serial Priority Resolving ROTATING PRIORITY RESOLVING The rotating priority resolving technique is similar to that of the parallel priority resolving technique except that priority is dynamically re·assigned. The priority en· coder Is replaced by a more complex circuit which roo tates priority between requesting arbiters thus allowing each arbiter an equal chance to use the multl·master system bus, over time. Which Priority Resolving Technique To Use There are advantages and disadvantages for each of the techniques described above. The rotating priority resolving techn,ique requires substantial external logic to implement while the serial technique uses no exter· nallogic but can accommodate only a limited number of bus arbiters before the daisy·chain propagation delay exceeds the multi·master's system bus clock (BCLK). The 'parallel priority resolving technique is in general a good compromise between the other two techniques. It allows for many arbiters to be present on the bus while not requiring too much logic to Implement. 8289 MODES OF OPERATION There are two types of processors in the iAPX 86 family. An Input/Output processor (the 8089 lOP) and the iAPX 86/10, 88/10 CPUs. Consequently, there are two ba,sic operating modes in the 8289 bus arbiter. One, the lOB (I/O Peripheral Bus) mode, permits the processor access to both an I/O Peripheral Bus and a multi-master system bus. The sec· ond, the RESB (Resident Bus mode), permits the processor to communicate over both a Resident Bus and a multi-master system bus. An I/O Peripheral Bus is a bus where all devices on that bus, including memory, are treated as I/O devices and are addressed by I/O commands. All memory commands are directed to another bus, the multi·master system bus. A Resident Bus can issue both memory and I/O commands, but it is a distinct and separate bus from the multi·master system bus. The distinction is that the Resident Bus has only one master, providing full availability and being dedicated to that one master. The lOB strapping option configures the 8289 Bus Ar· biter into the lOB mode and the strapping option RESB configures it into the RESB mode. It might be noted at this point that if both strapping options are strapped false, the arbiter interfaces the processor to a multi· master system bus only (see Figure 7). With both op· tions strapped true, the arbiter interfaces the processor to a multi·master system bus, a Resident Bus, and an I/O Bus. In the lOB mode, the processor communicates and con· trois a host of peripherals over the Peripheral Bus. When the I/O Processor needs to communicate with system memory, it does so over the system memory bus. Figure 8 shows a possible I/O Processor system configuration. The iAPX 86 and iAPX 88 processors can communicate with a Resident Bus and a multi-master system bus. Two bus controllers and only one Bus Arbiter would be needed in such a configuration as shown in Figure 9. In such a system configuration the processor would have access to memory and peripherals of both busses. Memory mapping techniques are applied to select which bus is to be accessed. The SYSB/RESB input on the arbiter serves to instruct the arbiter as to whether or not the system bus is to be accessed. The signal connected to SYSB/RESB also enables or disables commands from one of the bus controllers. A summary of the modes that the 8289 has, along with its response to its status. lines inputs, is summarized in Table 2. *In some system configurations It is possible for a non-1I0 Processor to have access to more than one Multi-Master System Bus, see 8289 Application Note. 3-278 8289/8289-1 Table 2. Summary of 8289 Modes, Requesting and Relinquishing the Multi-Master System Bus Single Status Lines From 8086 or 8088 or 8089 1/0 COMMANDS HALT lOB Mode Only 52 51 So 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 x x x 0 1 1 x 1 0 1 0 1 MEM COMMANDS 1 1 0 0 1 IDLE 1 1 RESB (Mode) Only lOB = High RESB = High lOB Mode RESB Mode lOB = Low RESB = High lOB = Low SYSB/RESB = High SYSB/RESB = Low x x x SYSB/RESB = High SYSB/REsB = Low x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X x Multi·Master System Bus Pin Strapping Requested·· Single Bus Multi·Master Mode 10B= High RESB= Low Whenever the processor's status lines go active RESB Mode Only 10B= High RESB= High SYSB/J:fESij = High. ACTIVE STATUS lOB Mode Only 10B=Low RESB= Low Memory Commands lOB Mode RESB Mode 10B=Low RESB= High (Memory Command),. (SYSB/RESB= High) SurrenderedHLT + TI- CBRQ+ HPBROt (SYSB/~ = Low + TI) • CBRQ+ HLT + HPBRQ (1/0 Status + TI) • CBRQ + HLT+ HPBRQ ((1/0 Status Commands) + SYSB/~ = LOW)) • CBRO + HPBRQt + HLT NOTES: 'LOCK prevents surrender of Bus to any other arbiter, CRQLCK prevents surrender of Bus to any lower priority arbiter. ""Except for HALT and Passive or IDLE Status. t HPBRQ, Higher priority Bus request or iiPRiii = 1. 1. lOB Active Low. 2. RESB Active High. 3. + is read as "OR" and· as "AND." 4. TI= Processor Idle Status 52, 51,50= 111 5. HLT= Processor Halt Status 52,81, SO=OII 3-279 x x x x NOTES: 1. X= Multi-Master System Bus IS allowed to be Surrendered. 2. ,., = Multi-Master System Bus is Requested Mode ~ lOB = High RESB = Low x 8289/8289-1 rO~ .......AENa~ Yah T CLOCtC CPu MULn.IlA8TER SYSTEM BUS PROCESSOR LOCAL BUS C3 '----'\I DTIR TRANSCEIVER IlItIU81 k~================J MULTI MASTER SYSTEM DATA 00 - Figure 7. Typical Medium Complexity CPU System XACK!IIO BUSI ..... >---- CLOCK RDY1 R D Y 2 i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - { X A C K MULTI MASTER SYSTeM 8US .m READY C," BUS ARBITER K======:)MULTIMASTEA CONTROL BUS REAOY CllC ..., lOP 10 COMMAND BUS ¢= MULTI MASTER ~~~==-==l~~~:~ND BUS MULTtMASTER SYSTEM 8US 10 BUS -t------« 10 DATA BUS ===:> SYSTEM AODRESS ~"elE BUS -~-- ---- ADDRESS MULTI MASTER K~============>MULTIMASTER .US SYSTEM DATA Figure 8. Typical Medium Complexity 108 System 3-280 8289/8289-1 o AEN2 AEN1I>-------, -.. ct.""" =£NT B U S - - - - - - - - l ADV2 1-------+-------- XACK MULTI-MASTER SYSTEM 8US Vee SVS8IiiRJ "'====::====l MULTI MASTER SYSTEM RESIDENT COMMAND \ BUS COMMAND BUS MULTI MASTER "ISIDENT BUS SYSTEM 8US PROM OR DECODER RESIDENT ADDRESS eus RESIDENT DATA ADDR 1---- LATCH \--------1 828218283 (20R3) MULTI MASTER SYSTEM ADDRESS BUS /'--------J\J IUS "BY ADDING ANOTHER 8289 ARBITER AND CONNECTING ITS AEN TO THE 8218 WHOSE nH IS PRESENTLY GROUNDED, THE PROCESSOR COULD HAYE ACCESS TO TWO MULTI MASTER BUSES Figure 9. 8289 Bus Arbiter Shown in System-Resident Bus Configuration 3-281 8289/8289-1 'NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· Temperature Under Bias .............•.. O·C to 70·C Storage Temperature ............. - 65·C to + 150·C All Output and Supply Voltages ........ - 0.5V to + 7V All Input Voltages .................. -1.0V to + 5.5V Power Dissipation •........................ 1.5 Watt D.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee 1= +5V ±10%) Test Condition Max. Units Ve Input Clamp Voltage -1.0 V IF Input Forward Current -0.5 mA Vee = 5.50V, VF = 0.45V IR Reverse Input Leakage Current 60 "A Vee = 5.50, VR = 5.50 VOL Output Low Voltage BUSY,CBRQ AEN BPRO,BREQ 0.45 0.45 0.45 V V V IOl=20 mA IOl= 16 mA IOl= 10 mA V IOH=400 "A Symbol Min. Parameter Output High Voltage BUSY,CBRQ VOH Open Collector 2.4 All Other Outputs Power Supply Current Icc V1l Input Low Voltage 165 mA .8 V Input High Voltage Input Capacitance 25 pF Cln (Others) Input Capacitance 12 pF (Vee = I V 2.0 V1H Cin Status A.C. CHARACTERISTICS Vee=4.50V, le= -5 mA +5V ±10%, TA ,;" O°C to 70°C) TIMING REQUIREMENTS Symbol Parameter Max. Unit 8289 Min. 8289·1 Min. 125 100 ns 65 53 ns 35 26 TCLCL CLK Cycle Period" TCLCH CLKLowTIme TCHCL CLK High Time TSVCH Status Active Setup 65 55 TCLCL-10 ns TSHCL Status Inactive Setup 50 45 TCLCL·10 ns THVCH Status Active Hold 10 10 ns THVCL Status Inactive Hold 10 10 ns TBYSBL BUSYj J.-Setup to BCLKJ.- 20 20 ns TCBSBL CBROjJ.-Setup to BCLKJ.- 20 20 ns TBLBL BCLK Cycle TIme 100 • 100 TBHCL BLCK High Time 30 30 TCLLL1 LOCK Inactive Hold 10 10 TCLLL2 LOCK Active Setup 40 40 ns TPNBL BPRNj J.- to BCLK Setup Time 15 15 ns TCLSR1 SYSB/RESB Setup 0 0 ns TCLSR2 SYSB/RESB Hold 20 20 ns TIVIH Initialization Pulse Width' 3TBLBL+ 3 TCLCL 3TBLBL+ 3 TCLCL ns 3-282 ns ns ,65[TBLBLJ ns ns Test Condition inter 8289/8289-1 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) TIMING RESPONSES Symbol Parameter TBLBRL BCLK to BREa Delay~ t Min. Max. Unit 35 ns TBLPOH BCLK to BPROH (See Note 1) 40 ns TPNPO BPRN~ tto BPRO~ tDelay 25 ns Test Condition (See Note 1) TBLBYL BCLK to BUSY Low 60 ns TBLBYH BCLK to BUSY Float (See Note 2) 35 ns TCLAEH CLK to AEN High 65 ns TBLAEL BCLK to AEN Low 40 ns TBLCBL BCLK to CBRa Low 60 ns TRLCRH BCLK to CBRa Float (See Note 2) 35 ns TOLOH Output Rise Time 20 ns From 0.8V to 2.0V TOHOL Output Fall Time 12 ns From 2.0V to 0.8V ~ t Denotes that spec applies to both transitions of the signal. NOTES: 1. BCLK generates the first BPRO wherein subsequent BPRO changes lower in the chain are generated through BPRON. 2. Measured at .5V above GND. A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCWT A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM INPUT/OUTPUT 2.4 = X S _ T E S T P O I N T S 0.45 -'x:= DEVICE UNDER TEST ICL~'OOPF -=- A.C TESTING INPUTS ARE DRIVEN AT 2 4V FOR A LOGIC "1" AND a 45V FOR A LOGIC "0" THE CLOCK IS DRIVEN AT 4 3V and 025V TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 1 5V FOA BOTH A LOGIC "1" AND "0" INPUT RISE AND FALL TIMES (MEASURED BETWEEN 0 BV AND 2 OV) ARE DRIVEN AT 5 ± 2 NS. C L = 100 pF C L INCLUDES JIG CAPACITANCE ~ 3-283 intJ 8289/8289·1 WAVEFORMS WfR (SEE NOTE 1) AEN !SEE NOTE 3) PROCESSOR eLK RELATED IUS eLK RELATED 1IJiMi .. (1J5Jm'1) 1I1'l10 .. (J151IIiI #3) NOTES: 1 LoCK ACTIVE CAN OCCUR DURING ANY STATE, AS lONG AS THE RELATIONSHIPS SHOWN ABOVE WITH RESPECT TO THE ClK ARE MAINTAINED. INACTIVE HAS NO CRITICAL TIME AND CAN BE ASYNCHRONOUS. -GRQlCK HAS NO CRITICAL TIMING AND IS'CONSIDERED AN ASYNCHRONOUS INPUT SIGNAL 2 GLiTCHING OF SYSB/REsB PIN IS PERMITIED DURING THIS TIME. AFTER 2 OF n, AND BEFORE <1>1 OF T4, SYSB/RESBSHOUlD BE STABLE 3 AEN lEADING EDGE IS RELATED TO BClK, TRAILING EDGE TO ClK THE TRAILING EDGE OF AEN OCCURS AFTER BUS PRIORITY IS lOST. LoCK ADDITIONAL NOTES: The signals related to ClK are typical processor signals, and do not relate to the depicted sequence of events of the signals referenced to BClK. The signals shown related to the BClK represent a hypothetical sequence of events for illustration. Assume 3 bus arbiters of priorities 1, 2 and 3 configured In serial priority resolving scheme as shown In Figure 6. Assume arbiter 1 has the bus and is holding busy low. Arbiter #2 detect~rocessor wants the bus and pulls low BREO#2. If BPRN#2 is high (as shown), arbiter #2 will pull low CBRO line CBRO signals to the higher priority arbiter #1 that a lower priority arbiter wants the bus [A higher priority arbiter would be granted BPRN when it makes the bus request rather than haVing to wait for another arbiter to release the bus through cmm]." Arbiter #1 will relinquish the multi-master system bus when it enters a state not requiring it (see Table 1), by lowering ItS BPROHl (tied to BPRN#2) and releasing BUSY. Arbiter #2 now sees that It has Priority from BPRN#2 being low and releases CBRO. As soon as BUSY signifies the bus is available (high), arbiter #2 pulls BUSY low on next failing edge of BClK. Note that if arbiter #2 didn't want the bus at the time It received priority, It would pass priority to the next lower priority arbiter by lowering its BPRO #2 [TPNPOj. ··Note that even a higher Priority arbiter which IS acqu"lng the bus through BPAN will momentarily drop 3-284 C'B'R'Q untl! It has acquired the bus APPLICATION NOTE AP·67 September 1979 @ Intel Corporation 1979 ORDER NUMBER: 230792·001 3-285 8086 System Design Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ............................ . 2. 8086 OVERVIEW AND BASIC SYSTEM CONCEPTS . ... : ........................... . A. B. C. D. Bus Cycle Definition ...................... . Address and Data Bus Concepts ............ . System Data Bus Concepts ................ . Multiprocessor Environment. .............. . 3. 8086 SYSTEM DETAILS ..... ......, ........... . A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Operating Modes., ...................... . Clock Generation ........................ . Reset .................................. . Ready Implementation and Timing .......... . Interrupt Structure ....................... . Interpreting the 8086 Bus Timing Diagrams ... . Bus Control Transfer .. : .................. . 4. INTERFACING WITH 1/0 ..................... . 5. INTERFACING WITH MEMORIES. " ........... . 6. APPENDIX . ................................ . Intet CorporatIon Assumes No ResponsibIlity for the Use of Any Circuitry Other Than Circuitry Embodied in an Intel Product No Other Circuit Patent Licenses are Implied 3-286 230792-001 AP-67 1. INTRODUCTION guage Reference Guide (9800749A), AP·28A MULTI· BUS ™ Interfacing (98005876B), INTEL MULTIBUS® SPECIFICATION (9800683), AP·45 Using the 8202 Dy· namic RAM Controller (9800809A), Ap·51 Designing 8086, 8088, 8089 Multiprocessor Systems with the 8289 Bus Arbiter and AP·59 Using the 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller. References to other Intel publica· tions will be made throughout this note. I The 8086 family, Intel's new series of microprocessors and system components, offers the designer an ad· vanced system architecture which can be structured to satisfy a broad range of applications. The variety of speed, configuration and component selections avail· able within the family enables optimization of a specific design to both cost and performance objectives. More important however, the 8086 family concept allows the designer to develop a family of systems providing multi· pie levels of enhancement within a single design and a growth path for future designs. 2. 8086 OVERVIEW AND BASIC SYSTEM CONCEPTS 2A. 8086 Bus Cycle Definition The 8086 is a true 16·bit microprocessor with 16·bit in· ternal and external data paths, one megabyte of memory address space (2**20) and a separate 64K byte (2**16) 1/0 address space. The CPU communicates with its ex· ternal environment via a twenty·bit time multiplexed ad· dress, status and data bus and a command bus. To transfer data or fetch instructions, the CPU executes a bus cycle (Fig. 2A1). The minimum bus cycle consists of four CPU clock cycles called T states. During the first T state (T1), the CPU asserts an address on the twenty·bit This application note is directed toward the implemen· tation of the system hardware and will provide an in· troduction to a representative sample of the systems configurable with the 8086 CPU member of the family. Application techniques and timing analysis will be given to aid the deSigner in understanding the system require· ments, advantages and limitations. Additional Ihtel publications the reader may wish to reference are the 8086 User's Manual (9800722A), 8086 Assembly Lan· -T,- -- - T 2 ClK ---' ~ ~ - ~T,JTw v----. T.- - -,~ -, r---I A19/S6,Al6JS3 .J.. ADDR ) - READY - .x. ADDRESS A1S-Ao \ y" STATUS P< FlOA/'---1X DATA IN 015-DO 1--- )r;;:OA"T r----- --- ----- RD READ CYCLE V DTIR ( 1\ DEN y., "ADDRESS V ~ DATA OUT WRITE CYCLE / DEN DTIR --- ----Figure 2Al. Basic 8086 Bus Cycle 3-287 230792-001 AP-67 multiplexed address/data/status bus. For the second T state (T2), the CPU removes the address from the bus and either three·states Its outputs on the lower slxte~n bus lines in preparation for a read cycle or asserts write data. Data bus transceivers are enablee in either T1 or T2 depending on the 8086 system configuration and the direction of the transfer (into or out of the CPU). Read, write or Interrupt acknowledge commands are always enabled in T2. The maximum mode 8086 configuration (to be discussed later) also provides a write command enabled in T3 to guarantee data setup time prior to command activation. During T2, the upper four multiplexed bus lines switch ,from address (A19·A16) to bus cycle status (S6,S5,S4,S3). The status Information (Table 2A1) is available primarily for diagnostic monitoring. However, a decode of S3 and S4 could be used to select one of four banks of memory, one assigned to each segment register. This technique allows partitioning the memory by segment to expand the memory addressing beyond one megabyte. It also provides a degree of protection by preventing erroneous write operations to one segment from overlapping into another segment and destroying information in that segment. The CPU continues to provide status Information on the upper four bus lines dl.lrlng T3 and will either continue to assert write data or sample read data on the lower sixteen bus lines. If the selected memory or I/O device is not capable of transferring data at the maximum CPU transfer rate, the device must signal the CPU "not ready" and force the CPU to Insert additional clock cycles (Wait states TW) after T3. The 'not ready' indication must be presented to the CPU by the start of T3. Bus activity during TW is the same as T3. When the selected device has had sufficient time to complete the transfer, it asserts "Ready" and allows the CPU to continue from the TW states. The CPU will latch the data on the bus during the last walt state or during T3 if no wait states are requested. The bus cycle Is terminated In T4 (command lines are disabled and the selected external device deselects from the bus), The bus cycle appears to devices in the system as an 'asynchronous event consisting of an address to select the device followed by a read strobe or data and a write strobe. The selected device accepts bus data during a. write cycle and drives the desired data onto the bus during a read cycle. On termination of the command, the device latches write data or disables its bus drivers. The only control the device has on the bus cycle is the Insertion of wait cycles. The 8086 CPU only executes a bus cycle when instructions or operands must be transferred to or from memory or I/O devices. When not executing a bus cycle, the bus Interface executes idle cycles (TI). During the idle cycles, the CPU continues to drive status information from the previous bus cycle on the upper address lines. If the previous bus cycle was a write, the CPU continues to drive the write data onto the multiplexed bus until the start of the next bus cycle. If the CPU executes idle cycles following a read cycle, the CPU will not drive the lower 16 bus lines until the next bus cycle is required. Since the CPU prefetches up to six bytes of the instruction stream for storage and execution from an internal Instruction queue, the relationship of instruction fetch and associated operand transfe~s may be skewed In time and separated by additional Instruction fetch bus cycles. In general, If an Instruction is fetched into the 8086's Internal Instruction queue, several additional instructions may be fetched before the instruction Is removed from the queue and executed. If the Instrw;:tlon being executed from the queue is a jump or other' control transfer instruction, any instructions remaining in the queue are not executed and are discarded with no effect on the CPU's operation. The bus activity observed during execution of a specific Instruction is dependent on the preceding instructions but Is always deterministic within the specific sequence. Table 2A1 S3 S4 o o Alternate (relative to the ES segment) 1 0 Stack (relative to the SS segment) o Code/None (relative to the CS seg· ment or a default of zero) 1 Data (relative to the OS segment) S5 = IF (interrupt enable flag) S6 = 0 (Indicates the 8086 Is on the bus) 2B. 8086 Address and Data Bus Concepts Since the majority of system memories and peripherals require a stable address for the duration of the bus cycle, the address on the multiplexed address/data bus during T1 should be latched and the latChed address used to select the desired peripheral or memory location. Since the 8086 has a 16-bit data bus, the multiplexed bus components of the 8085 family are not ap· plicabh~ to the 8086 (a device on address/data bus lines 8-15 will not be able to receive the byte selection address on lines 0-7). To demultiplex the bus (Fig. 2B1a), the 8086 system provides an Address Latch Enable signal (ALE) to capture the address in either the 8282 or 8283 8-bit bi-stable latches (Oiag. 2B1). The latches are either inverting (8283) or non-inverting (8282) and have outputs driven by three-state buffers that supply 32 mA drive capability and can switch a 300 pF capacitive load in 22 ns (inverting) or 30 ns (non-inverting). They propagate the address through to the outputs while ALE is high and latch the address on the falling edge of ALE. This only delays address access and chip select decoding by the propagation delay of the latch. The outputs are enabled through the low active OE input. The demultiplexing of the multiplexed address/data bus (Iatchings of the address from the multiplexed bus), can be done locaily at appropriate points In the system or at the CPU with a separate address bus distributing the address throughout the system (Fig. 2B1b). For optimum system performance and compatibility with multiprocessor and MULTIBUS™ configurations, the latter technique is strongly recommended over the first. The remainder of this note will assume the bus is demultiplexed at the CPU. 3-288 230792-001 AP-67 The programmer views the 8086 memory address space as a sequence of one million bytes in which any byte may contain an eight bit data element and any two con· secutive bytes may contain a 16-bit data element. There is no constraint on byte or word addresses (boundaries). The address space is physically implemented on a sixteen bit data bus by dividing the address space into two banks of up to 512K bytes (Fig. 2B2). One bank is connected to the lower half of the sixteen-bit data bus (07-0) and contains even addressed bytes (AD = 0). The other bank is connected to the upper half of the data bus (015-8) and contains odd addressed bytes (AO= 1). A specific byte within each bank is selected by address lines A19-Al. To perform byte transfers to even addresses (Fig. 2B3a), the information is transferred over the lower half of the data bus (07-0). AD (active low) is used to enable the bank connected to the lower half of the data bus to participate in the transfer. Another signal provided by the 8086, Bus High Enable (SHE), is used to disable the bank on the upper half of the data bus from participating in the transfer. This is necessary to prevent a write operation to the lower bank from destroying data in the upper bank. Since BHE is a multiplexed signal with timing identical to the A19-A16 address lines, it also should be latched with ALE to provide a stable signal during the bus cycle. During T2 through T4, the BHE output is multiplexed with status line S7 which is equal to BHE. To perform byte transfers to odd addresses (Fig. 2B3b), the information is transferred over the upper half of the data bus (015-08) while BHE (active low) enables the upper bank and AD disables the lower bank. Directing the data transfer to the appropriate half of the data bus and activation of BHE and AD is performed by the 8086, transparent to the programmer. As an example, consider loading a byte of data into the CL register (lower half of the CX register) from an odd addressed memory location (referenced over the upper half of the 16-bit data bus). The data is transferred into the 8086 over the upper 8 bits of the data bus, automatically redirected to the lower half of the 8086 internal 16-bit data path and stored into the CL register. This capability also allows byte 1/0 transfers with the AL register to be directed to 1/0 devices connected to either the upper or lower half of the 16-bit data bus. 8086 ADDRESS BUS Figure 2B1a. Demultiplexing the 8086 Bus ADDRESS BUS 8086 CPU DATA BUS SEPARATE ADDRESS AND DATA BUSSES r------., I I I I I I I I I r·----~-+~ f-~----- ALE 8086 CPU '--.J.....____J\ ADDRESSJDATA BUS I II I ______ JI L MULTIPLEXED BUS WITH lOCAL ADDRESS DEMUlTIPlEXING I I To access even addressed sixteen bit words (two consecutive bytes with the least significant byte at an even Figure 2B1 b. T, ClK ---J r--"\ r---\ ,-I" -- --- ~ DATA IN OR OUT T, T, ,--.. ~-- ALE \ 'Tw T, r--\ 'j --- --- _X __ ,...-- --- I ,Diagram 2B1. ALE Timing 3-289 230792-001 I I AP-67 byte address), A 19-A 1 select the appropriate byte within each bank and AO and BHE (active low) enable both banks simultaneously (Fig. 2B3c). To access an odd addressed 16-bit word (Fig. 2B3d), the least significant byte (addressed by A19-A1) is first transferred over the upper half of the bus (odd addressed byte, upper bank, BHE low active and AO = 1). The most significant byte is accessed by incrementing the address (A 19-AO) which allows A19-A1 to address the next physical word location (remember, AO was equal to one which indicatef! a word referenced from an odd byte boundary). A second bus cycle is then executed to perform the transfer of the most significant byte with the lower bank (AO is now active low and BHE i.s high). The sequence is automatically executed by the 8086 whenever a word transfer is executed to an odd address. Directing the upper and lower bytes of the8086's internal sixteen-bit registers to the appropriate halves of the data bus is also performed automatically by the 8086 and is transparent to the pro· grammer. TRANSFER X + 1, X r----, r----, (X) Ao(LOW) Figure 2B3c. Even Addressed Word Transfer ' ' I FIRST BUS CYCLE ~------~. ~------~ (8) PHYSICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE IA) LOGICAL ADDRESS SPACE ADDRESS SPACE FFFFF FFFFE 512K BYTES 51::K BYTES FFFFF FFFFE FFFFC FfFFD FFFFO SHE (LOW) FFFFC 07-00 Ao(HIGH) SECOND BUS CYCLE m ~--~ ~~-, Y+l X+l (V) A. 1 MEGABYTE Figure 2B2. 8086 Memory SHE (HIGH) Ao(LOW) Figure 2B3d. Odd Addressed Word Transfer All-A, 015-08 07-00 Ao (LOW) Figure 2838. Even Addressed Byte Transfer TRANSFER X + 1 .--J\ rv' 1 All-A, Y+l "'" i'- '" 7 015-08 Y X .J., ~(X+l);;;:; 1 _I SHE (LOW) rv' During a byte read, the CPU floats the entire sixteerl-bit , data bus even though data is only expected on the upper or lower half of the data bus. As will be demonstrated later, this action simplifies the chip select decoding requirements for read only devices (ROM, EPROM). During a byte write operation, the 8086 will drive the entire sixteen-bit data bus. The information on the half of the data bus not transferring data is indeterminate. These concepts al.so apply to the 1/0 address space. Specific examples of 1/0 and memory interfacing are considered in the corresponding sections. 2C_ System Data Bus Concepts L. .>.. "" "7 07-00 Figure 2B3b. Odd Addressed Byte T,ansfer When referring to the system data bus, two Implementation alternatives must be considered; (a) the multiplexed addressldata bus (Fig. 2C1a) and a data bus buffered from the multiplexed bus by transceivers (Fig. 2C1b). . Ao (HIGH) If memory or 1/0 devices are connected directly to the multiplexed bus, the designer must guarantee the devices do not corrupt the address on the bus during n. 3-290 230792-001 AP-67 To avoid this, device output drivers should not be enabl· ed by the device chip select, but should have an output enable controlled by the system read signal (Fig. 2C2). The 8086 timing guarantees that read is not valid until after the address is latched by ALE (Oiag. 2C1). All Intel peripherals, EPROM products and RAM's for microproc· essors provide output enable or read inputs to allow connection to the multiplexed bus. MULTIPLEXED DATA BUS 8086 ALE 1-4--......- , ADDRESS 8282's ALE----I ADDRESS BUS ' -_ _ _ _....:..;AD""ccS-.:cAc::;DO'-'\ MULTIPLEXED ADDRESS/DATA MULTIPLEXED BUS Figure 2Cla. Multiplexed Data Bus WR------01 BUFFERED DATA BUS RD------01 Figure 2C2. Devices wilh Output Enables on the Multiplexed Bus 8282 ALE ADDRESS 1--;'--_1 SYSTEM BUS A subsequent limitation on the multiplexed bus is the 8086's drive capability of 2.0 mA and capacitive loading of 100 pF to guarantee the specified A.C. character· istics. Assuming capacitive loads of 20 pF per I/O device, 12 pF per address latch and 5·12 pF per memory device, a system mix of three peripherals and two to four memory devices (per bus line) are close to the loading limit. DATA Figure 2Clb. Buffered Data Bus T1 ALE Several techniques are available for interfacing devices without output enables to the multiplexed bus but each introduces other restrictions or limitations. Consider Figure 2C3 which has chip select gated with read and write. Two problems exist with this technique. First, the chip select access time is reduced to the read access time, and may require a faster device if maximum system performance (no wait states) is to be achieved (Oiag. 2C2). Second, the designer must verify that chip select to write setup and hold times for the device are not violated (Oiag. 2C3). Alternate techniques can be ex· tracted from the bus interfacing techniques given later in this section but are subject to the associated restric· tions. In general, the best solution is obtained with devices having output enables. T2 T3 T4 ,---,:.---- \ Diagram 2Cl. Relationship of ALE to READ 3-291 230792-001 AP-67 To satisfy the capacitive Ipading and drive requirements of larger systems, the data bus must be buffered. The 8286 non-inverting and 8287 inverting octal transceivers are offered as part of the 8086 family to satisfy this requirement. They have three·state output buffers that drive 32 mA on the bus interface and 10 mA on the CPU interface and can switch capacitive loads of 300 pF at the b.us interface and 100 pF on the CPU interface in 22 ns (8287) or 30 ns (8286). To enable and control the direction of the transceivers, the 808/l-system provides Data ENable (DEN) and Data Transmit/Receive (DT/Ai signals (Fig. 2Cl b). These signals provide the appropriate timing to guarantee isolation of the multiplexed bus from the system during Tl and elimination of bus contention with the CPU during read and write (Diag. 2C4). Although 'the memory and peripheral devices are isolated from the CPU (Fig. 2C4), bus contention may still exist in the system if the devices do not have an output enable control other than chip select. As an example, bus contention will exist during transition from one chip select to another (the newly selected device begins driving the bus before the previous device has disabled its drivers). Another, more severe case exists during a write cycle. From chip select to write active, a device whose outputs are controlled only by chip select, will drive the bus simultaneously with write data being driven through the transceivers by the CPU (Oiag. 2C5). The same tech· nique given for circumventing these problems on the multiplexed bus can be applied here with the same limitations. Figure 2C3, Device. without Output Enable. on the Multiplexed Bu. AOORE.. - - < ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ '\ . 1 _2 __ \ Cs.RDiWR DATA 1 ACCESS TIME FOR CS GENERATED FROM ADDRESS DeCODe 2 ACCESS TIME IF CS IS GATED WITH AD/WR. Diagram 2C2. Acce.s Time: CS Gated with RiiIWR AOOR--<'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1u WR---------~ an 1 CS IS NOT VALID PRIOR TO WRITE AND BECOMES ACTIVE ONE OR TWO GATE DELAYS LATER. 2 ~ CS REMAINS VALtO AFTER WRITE ONE OR TWO GATE DELAYS. Diagram 2C3. CS to WR Set·Up and Hold One last extension to the bus implementation is a second level of buffering to reduce the tot!).1 load seen by devices on the system bus (Fig_ 2C5). This is typically done for multi board systems and isolation of memory arrays. The concerns with this configuration are the additional delay for access and more important, control of the second transceiver in relationship to the system bus and the device being interfaced to the system bus. Several techniques for controlling the transceiver are given in Figure 2C6. This first technique (Fig. 2C6a) simply distributes DEN and DT/R throughout the system. DT/R is inverted to provide proper direction control for the second level transceivers. The second example (Fig. 2C6b) provides control for devices with output enables. RD is used to normally direct data from the system bus to the peripheral. The buffer is selected whenever a device on the local bus is chip selected. Bus contention is possible on the device's local bus during a read as the read simultaneously enables the device output and changes the transceiver direction. The contention may also occur as the read is terminated. For devices without output enables, the same technique can be applied (Fig. 2C6c) if the chip select to the device is conditioned by read or write. Controlling the chip select with read/write prevents the device from driving against the transceiver prior to the command being received. The limitations with this technique are acces~ limited to read/write time and limited CS to write setup and hold times. 3-292 230792-001 AP-67 ADo -----Tlll~T2 _ _-_T3_~T4- AD1s~ADo ADDRESS A15~Ao CYCLE DT/R 1 r-- DATA IN -------X FLOAT 015- 0 0 --- ----- \ AD 1 READ - -- D< I FLOAT - i"\ , DEN ADDRESS AD1S"ADo V 1\ X DATA OUT I FLOAT ViR WRITE CYCLE V DEN Dnil - --- _J I 1 DEN IS ENABLED AFTER THE 8086 HAS FLOATED THE MULTIPLEXED BUS 2 DEI'I ENABLES THE TRANSCEIVERS EARLY IN THE CYCLE. BUT DTIR GUARANTEES THE TRANSCEIVERS ARE IN TRANSMIT RATHER THAN RECEIVE MODE AND WILL NOT DRIVE AGAINST THE CPU. Diagram 2C4. Bus Transceiver Control ADDR~~_____________________________ .:~_?r--_----.~-)+-------- ~ BUS CONTENTION ~ BOTH DEVICES DRIVE _______ THE BUS Figure 2C4. Devices with Output Enables on the System Bus --<. . ------------------ Diagram 2C5. 3-293 230792-001 AP-67 CPU LOCAL BUS MEMORY/IO LOCAL BUS SYSTEM BUS Figure 2C5. Fully Bullered System I \r-;:;C;;;--11 MEMORYniO DEVICES 828817 Figure 2C6a. Controlling System Transceivers with DEN and DT/R WR----------------------_, An alternate technique applicable to devices with and without output enables is shown In Figure 2C6d. RD again controls the direction of the transceiver but it Is not enabled until a command and chip select are active. The possibility for bus contention still exists but Is reduced to variations in output enable vs. direction change time for the transceiver. Full access time from chip select is now available, but data will not be valid prior to write and will only be held valid after write by the delay to disable the transceiver. e!----p------------, ilI----------~--------_, RD--------~--~--------~~~ SYSTEM / L.._ _ _ _.J \1 MEMOAYIlIO DATA DEVICE BUS 8211/7 Figure 2C6b. Bullerlng Devices with OEiiiO MEMORY/UO DEVICE Figure 2C6d. Sullerlng Devices without or Separate Input/Output MEMORY/I/O DEVICE Figure 2C6c. Bullerlng Device. without OEiiiO and with Common or Separate Input/Output OEliiD and with Common One last technique Is given for devices with separate Inputs and outputs (Fig. 2C6e). Separate bus receivers and drivers are provided rather than a single transceiver. The receiver Is always enabled while the bus driver Is controlled by RD and chip select. The only possibility for bus contention in this system occurs as multiple devices on each line of the local read bus are enabled and disabled during chip selection changes. Throughout this note, the multiplexed bus will be considered the local CPU bus and the demultlplexed address .and buffered data bus will be the system bus. For additional information on bus contention and the system problems associated with It, refer to Appendix 1. 3-294 230792-001 AP-67 strapping options) extend the configuration options beyond a pure CPU interface to ,he multi master system bus for access to shared resources to include concur· rent support of a local CPU bus for private resources. For specific configurations and additional information on the 8289, refer to application note AP·51. ~~------------------------, lI1l--qL-'/ WR--------1---------------~ SYSTEM DATA 74504 OR 748240 -1-------+-; 3. 8086 SYSTEM DETAILS LOCAL WRITE BUS o BUS MEMORY/I/O LOCAL READ BUS DEVICE 748240 Figure 2C6e. Buffering Devices without Input/Output OEIRD and with Separate 3A. Operating Modes Possibly the most unique feature of the 8086 is the abili· ty to select the base machine configuration most suited to the application. The MN/MX Input to the 8086 Is a strapping option which allows the deSigner to select between two functional definitio(ls of a subset of the 8086 outputs. MINIMUM MODE 20. Multiprocessor Environment The 8086 architecture supports multiprocessor systems basad on the concept of a shared system bus (Fig. 201). All CPU's in the system communicate with each other and share resources via thl! system bus. The bus may be either the Intel Multibus™ system bus or an extension of the system bus defined in the previous section. The major addition required to the demultiplexed system bus is arbitration logiC to control access to the system bus. As each CPU asynchronously requests access to the shared bus, the arbitration logic resolves priorities and grants bus access to the highest priority CPU. Hav· ing gained access to the bus, the CPU completes its transfer and will either relinquish the bus or wait to be forced to relinquish the bus. For a discussion on Multibus™ arbitration techniques, refer to AP·28A, Intel Multibus™ Interfacing. Figure 201. 8086 Family Multiprocessor System To support a multimaster interface to the Multibus system bus for the 8086 family, the 8289 bus arbiter is included as part of the family. The 8289 is compatible with the 8086's local bus and in conjunction with the 8288 bus controller, implements the Multibus protocol for bus arbitration. The 8289 provides a variety of arbitra· tion and prioritization techniques to allow optimization of bus availability, throughput and utilization of shared resources. Additional features (implemented through The minimum mode 8086 (Fig. 3A1) is optimized for small to medium (one or two boards), Single CPU systems. Its system architecture is directed at satisfy· ing the requirements of the lower to middle segment of high performance 16·bit applications. The CPU main· tains the full megabyte memory space, 64K byte 110 space and 16·bit data path. The CPU directly provides all bus control (DT/R, DEN, ALE, M/iO), commands (RD,WR,INTA) and a Simple CPU preemption mech· anism (HOLD, HLDA) compatible with existing DMA controllers. MAXIMUM MODE The maximum mode (Fig. 3A2) extends the system ar· chitecture to support multiprocessor configurations, and local instruction set extension processors (co· processors). Through addition of the 8288 bipolar bus controller, the 8086 outputs assigned to bus control and commands in the minimum mode are redefined to allow these extensions and enhance general system perform· ance. Specifically, (1) two prioritized levels of processor preemption (RO/GTO, RO/GT1) allow multiple proc· essors to reside on the 8086's local bus and share its in· terface to the system bus, (2) Oueue status (OSO,OS1) is available to allow external devices like ICeM·86 or special instruction set extension co·processors to track the CPU instruction execution, (3) access control to shared resources in multiprocessor systems is sup· ported by a hardware bus lock mechanism and (4) system command and configuration options are ex· panded via ancillary devices like the 8288 bus controller and 8289 bus arbiter. The queue status indicates what information is being removed from the internal queue and when the queue is being reset due to a transfer of control (Table 3A 1): By monitoring the SO,51,52 status lines for instructions entering the 8086 (1,0,0 indicates code access while AO and 'BHE indicate word or byte) and OSO, OS1 for in· structions leaving the 8086's internal queue, it is possi· ble to track the instruction execution. Since instruc· tions are executed from the 8086's internal queue, the queue status is presented each CPU clock cycle and is not related to the bus cycle activity. This mechanism (1) allows a co·processor to detect execution of an 3-295 230792-001 AP-67 ESCAPE instruction which directs the co-processor to perform a specific task and (2) allows ICE-S6 to trap execution of a specific memory location. An ex~mple of a circuit used by ICE is given In Figure 3A3. The first up down counter tracks the depth of the queue while the second captures the queue depth on a match. The second counter decrements on further fetches from the queue until the queue is flushed or the count goes to zero indicating execution of the match address. The first counter decrements on fetch from the queue (050= 1) and increments on code fetches into the vee queue. Note that a normal code fetch will transfer two bytes into the queue so two clock increments are given to the counter (T201 and T301) unless a single byte is loaded over the upper half of the bus (AO-P is high). Since the execution unit (EU) is not synchronized to the bus interface unit (BIU), a fetch from the queue can occur simultaneously with a transfer into the queue. The exclusive-or gate driving the ENP input of the first counter allows these simultaneous operations to cancel each other and not modify the queue depth. ~O~ ~ -,~. GENERATOR RES T MN/MX "'-Vcc _ ClK _ READY INTA _ RESET AD WR MIlO ROY t GND DTiR DEN 8086 CPU ALE } COMMAND BUS ----, ----, I I I II A16·A19 BHE I I STB Of GND!! 1,.1 ADo~AD15 r----..,I I I ~ ~DDR/~ATA Y ,--- I I II IL 8282 lATCH 2qR 3 J > 1 MEGABYTE ADDRESS BUS J----:1 T---'I L---'oe I 8286 TRAN~gEIVER II II ~ > l6·BIT DATA BUS OPTIONAL FOR INCREA'SED DATA BUS DRIVE Figure 3Al. Minimum Mode 8086 Vee ~ T GND rO~ - CLOCK t _ So 51 52 SO ~NERATOR RES ClK MN/MX J-GND ClK S; . . READY _ RESET 52 RDY t LoCK r- iOWC AK!Wl: INTA ALE COMMAND BUS - - N.C. GND ADo-A015 A A16-A19 rDDR/DATA BHE I--- r--- DT;R - r--- 8288 AMWC BUS IORC I - - CTRlR ; - - - - DEN 8086 CPU MRDC MWTC - - STB OS f" 8282 lATCH (2 OR 3) V \ 1 MEGABYTE V ADDRESS BUS r I Lt;: T OS 8286 TRANSCEIVER (2) ~ III I~ f" Y l6·BIT DATA BUs' -~ FIgure 3A2. MaxImum Mode 8086 3-296 230792-001 AP..67 TABLE 3A1. QUEUE STATUS QS1 QSo o(LOW) 0 1 0 1 0 1 (HIGH) 1 tion of the locked instruction) without intervention and possible corruption of the data by another CPU. A classic use of the mechanism is the 'TEST and SET, semaphore' during which a CPU must read from a shared memory location and return data to the location without allowing another CPU to reference the same location between the TEST operation (read) and the SET operation (write). In the 8086 this is accomplished with a locked exchange instruction. No Operation First Byte of Op Code from Queue Empty the Queue Subsequent Byte from Queue The queue status is valid during the CLK cycle after which the queue operation is performed. To address the problem of controlling access to shared resources, the maximum mode 8086 provides a hard· ware LOCK output. The LOCK output is activated through the instruction stream by, execution of the LOCK prefix instruction. The LOCK output goes active in the first CPU clock cycle following execution of the prefix and remains active Yntil the clock following the completion of the instruction following the LOCK prefix. To provide bus access control in multiprocessor systems, the LOCK Signal should be incorporated into the system bus arbitration logic resident to the CPU. During normal multiprocessor system operation, priority of the shared system bus Is determined by the ar· bitration circuitry on a cycle by cycle basis. As each CPU requires a transfer over the system bus, it requests access to the bus via its resident bus arbitration logic. When the CPU gains priority (determined by the system bus arbitration scheme and any associated logic), it takes control of the bus, performs its bus cycle and either maintains bus control, voluntarily releases the bus or is forced off the bus by the loss of priority. The lock mechanism prevents the CPU from losing bus con· trol (either voluntarily or by force) and guarantees a CPU the ability to execute multiple bus cycles (during execu- LOCK XCHG reg, MEMORY ; reg is any register ;MEMORY is the address of the ;semaphore The activity of the LOCK output is shown in Diagram 3A 1. Another interesting use of the LOCK for multiprocessor systems. is a locked block move which allows high speed message transfer from one CPU's message buf· fer to another. During the locked instruction, a request for processor preemption (RQ/GT) is recorded but not acknowledged until completion of the locked instruction. The LOCK has no direct affect on interrupts. As an examE.\e, a locked HALT instruction will cause HOLD (or RQ/GT) reo quests to be ignored but will allow the CPU to exit the HALT state on an interrupt. In general, prefix bytes are considered extensions of the instructions they precede. Therefore, interrupts that occur during execution of a , prefix are not acknowledged (assuming interrupts are enabled) until completion of the instruction following the prefixes (except for instructions which allow servic· ing Interrupts during their execution, i.e., HALT, WAIT and repeated string primitives). Note that multiple prefix bytes may precede an instruction. As another example, consider a 'string primitive' preceded by the repetition . - - - -...D>o----2~CLK =============!r:~!-------------1-----~~------~8~LOAD74S169 OCTO MHtlVTE AND 1 CLKA OS1, QSO T301, T201 - SODf-S2t'R' C ACCESS OCTO AO·P 1OOl---:;-"""I SWI-----.....:.~,/ MATCH CONDITIONS CPU CLOCK CPU QUEUE STATUS T STATES T3 and 12 (CLOCK LOW TIME_01) CPU STATUS SG-S2 - CODE ACCESS - QUEUE MATCH .. - SINGLE BYTE ON UPPER HALF OF THE 8US - ~13~-----------------------------------------------------CACC~ mR _____-"1,3 74S04 Figur. 3A3. Example Circuit to Track the 8086 Queue 3-297 230792-001 AP-67 prefix (REP) which is interruptible after each execution of the string primitive. This holds even if the REP prefix is combined with the lOCK prefix and prevents inter· rupts from being locked out during a block move or other repeated string operation. As long as the operation is not interrupted, lOCK remains active. Further information on the operation of an interrupted string operation with multiple prefixes is presented in the section dealing with the 8086 interrupt structure. Three additional stah:Js lines (SO, 51, 52) are defined to provide communications with the 8288 and 8289. The status lines tell the 8288 when to initiate a bus cycle, what type of command to issue and when to terminate the bus cycle. The 8288 samples the status lines at the beginning of each CPU clock (ClK). To initiate a bus cycle, the CPU drives the status lines from the passive state (SO, 51, 52 =1) to one of seven possi ble command codes (Table 3A2). This occurs on the rising edge of the c,lock during T4 of the previous bus cycle or a TI (idle cycle, no current bus activity). The 8288 detects the status change by sampling the status lines on the high to low transition of each clock cycle. The 8288 starts a bus cycle by generating ALE and appropriate buffer direction control in the clock cycle immediately following detection of the status change (T1). The bus transceivers and the selected command are enabled in the next clock cycle (T2) (or T3 for normal write commands). When the status returns to the passive state, the 8288 will terminate the command as shown in Diagram 3A2. 5ince the CPU will not return the status to the passive state until the 'ready' indication is received, the 8288 will maintain active command and bus control for any number of wait cycles. The status lines may also be used by other processors on the 8086's local bus to monitor bus activity and control the 8288 if they gain control of the local bus. TABLE 3A2. STATUS LINE DEcODES 52 51 So o(lOW) 0 0 1· 1 0 0 1 1 0 > 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 (HIGH) 1 1 1 Interrupt Acknowledge Read 110 Port Write 110 Port Halt Code Access Read Memory Write Memory Passive The 8288 provides the bus control (DEN, DTlR, ALE) and commands (INTA, MRDC, 10RC, MWTC, AMWC, 10WC, AIOWC) removed from the CPU. The command structure has separate read and write commands for memory, and 110 to provide compatibility with the Multibus command structure. The advanced write commands are enabled one clock period earlier than the normal write to accommodate the wider write pulse widths often required by peripherals and static RAMs. The normal write provides data setup prior to write to accommodate dynamic RAM memories and 110 devices which strobe data on the leading edge of write. The advanced write commands do not guarantee that data is valid prior to the leading edge of the command. The DEN signal in the maximum mode is inverted from the minimum mode to extend transceiver control by allowing logical conjunction of DEN with other signals. While not appearing to be a significant benefit in the basic maximum mode configuration, introduction of inter~upt control and various system configurations will demonstrate the usefulness of qualifying DEN. Diagram 3A3 compares the timing of the minimum and maximum mode bus transfer commands. Although. the CLK "---------~~ QSO ~--------------------~ LOCK LOCKED INSTRUCTION NOP BYTE FROM THE QUEUE (LOCKED NOP) LOCK PREFIX BYTE FROM QUEUE 1 QUEUE STATUS INDICATES FIRST BYTE OF OPCODE FROM THE QUEUE. 2 THE 3 TWO CLOCKS ARE REQUIRED FOR DECODE OF THE LOCK PREFIX AND ACTIVATION OF THE LOCK SIGNAL. 4 SINCE QUEUE STATUS REFLECTS THE QUEUE OPERATION IN THE PREVIOUS CLOCK CYCLE, THE i:OCR OUTPUT ACTUALLY GOES ACTIVE COINCIDENT WITH THE START OF THE NEXT INSTRUCTION AND REMAINS ACTIVE FOR ONE CLOCK CYCLE FOLLOWING THE INSTRUCTION. i:OCR OUTPUT WILL GO INACTIVE BETWEEN SEPARATE LOCKED INSTRUCTIONS. S IF THE INSTRUCTION FOLLOWING THE LOCK PREFIX IS NOT IN THE QUEUE, THE LOCK OUTPUT STILL GOES ACTIVE AS SHOWN WHILE THE INSTRUCTION IS BEING FETCHED. 6 THE BIU WILL STILL PERFORM INSTRUCTION FETCH CYCLES DURING EXECUTION OF A LOCKED INSTRUCTIQN. THE i:OCR MERELY LOCKS THE BUS TO THIS CPU FOR WHATEVER BUS CYCLES THE CPU PERFORMS DURING THE LOCKED INSTRUCTION. Diagram 3A 1. 8086 Lock Activity 3-298 230792-001 AP-67 maximum mode configuration is designed for multiprocessor environments, large single CPU designs (either Multibus systems or greater than two PC boards) should also use the maximum mode. Since the 8288 is a bipolar dedicated controller device, Its output drive for the commands (32 mAl and tolerances on AC characteristics (timing parameters and worse case delays) provide better large system performance than the minimum mode 8086. In addition to assuming the functions removed from the CPU, the 8288 provides additional strapping options and controls to support multiprocessor configurations and peripheral devices on the CPU local bus. These capabilities allow assigning resources (memory or I/O) as shared (available on the Multibus system bus) or private (accessible only by this CPU) to reduce contention for access to the Multibus system bus and improve multi~CPU system performance. Specific configuration possibilities are discussed in AP-51. ClK GOES INACTIVE IN THE STATE ::~ /=€~'. \ READY \\\\~\~ READY 9 WAIT Diagram 3A2. Status Line Activation and Termination ClK (8284 OUTPUT) MN MODE 8088 TCVCTV WI! TCVCTX- TClMl TClMH 35 "flIiIjl!ORmJie MX MODE BOS8 WITH 8288 35 ft8 TClMl .lil.WmOR~ MW'Tl: OR lOWe Diagram 3A3. 8086 Minimum and Maximum Mode Command Timing 3-299 230792-001 AP-67 38. Clock Generation The 8086 requires a clock signal with fast rise and fall times (10 ns max) between low and high voltages of - 0.5 to + 0.6 low and 3.9 to VCC + 1.0 high. The max· imum clock frequency of the 8086 is 5 MHz and 8 MHz for the 8086-2. Since the design of the 8086 incorporates dynamic cells, a minimum frequency of 2 MHz is reo' quired to retain the state of the machine. Due to the minimum frequency requirement, single stepping or cycling of the CPU may not be accomplished by disabling the clock. The timing and voltage requirements of the CPU clock are shown in Figure 3B1. In general, for frequencies below the maximum, the CPU clock need not satisfy the frequency dependent pulse width limitations stated in the 8086 data sheet. The values specified only reflect the minimllm values which must be satisfied and are stated in terms of the maximum clock frequency. As the clock frequency approaches the maximum frequency of the CPU, the clock must conform to a 33% duty cycle to satisfy the CPU minimum clock low and high time specifications. 500 ns MAX Flgur.381. 8086 Clock An optimum 33% duty cycle clock with the required voltage levels and transition times can be obtained with the 8284 clock generator (Fig. 392). Either an external frequency source or a series resonant crystal may drive the 8284. The selected source must oscillate at 3X the desired CPU frequency. To select the crystal Inputs of the 8284 as the frequency source for clock generation, the Fie Input to the 8284 must be strapped to ground. The strapping option allows selecting either the crystal or the external frequency Input as the source for clock generation. Although the 8284 provides an Input for a tank circuit to accommodate overtone mode crystals, fu ndamental mode crystals are recommended for more accurate and stable frequency generation. When selec· tlng a crystal for use with the 8284, the series resistance should be as low as possible. Since other circuit com· ponents will tend to shift the operating frequency from resonance, the operating Impedance will typically be higher than the specified series resistance. If the attenuation of the oscillator's feedback circuit reduces the loop gain to less tl1an one, the oscillator will fall. Since the oscillator delays In the 8284 appear as induc· tlve elements to the crystal, causing it to run at a fre· quency below that of the pure series resonanc.e, a capaCitor should be placed in series with the crystal and the X2 input of the 8284. This capaCitor serves to cancel this inductive element. The value of the capaCitor (CL) must not cause the impedance of the feedback circuit to reduce the lOOp gain below one. The impedance of the capaCitor is a fun«tion of the operating frequency and can be,determined from the following equation: XCL= 1/211*F*CL 17 XTAL I:J Y OSC X, 12 8088 8284 18 CL 13 19 elK CLK X, F/I:: Figure 382. 8284 Clock Generalor It is recommended that the crystal series resistance plus XCL be kept less than 1K ohms. This capacitor also serves to debias the crystal and prevent a DC voltage bias from straining and perhaps damaging the crystalline structure. As the crystal frequency increases, the amount of capacitance should be decreased. For example, a 12 MHz crystal may require CL 'V 24 pF while 22 MHz may require CL'V 8 pF. If very close correlation with the pure series resonance Is not necessary, a nominal CL value of 12-15 pF may be used with a 15 MHz crystal (5 MHz 8086 operation). Board layout and compo· nent variances will affect the actual amount of inductance and therefore the series capacitance required to cancel it out (this is especially true for wire-wrapped layouts). Two of the many vendors which supply crystals for Intel microprocessors are listed in Table 381 along with a list of crystal part numbers for various frequencies which may be of interest. For additional Information on specifying crystals for Intel components refer to application note AP-35. TAaLE 3al. CRYSTAL VENDORS f Parallell Series Crystek(l) Corp. CTS Knlght,(2 Inc. 15.0 MHz 18.432 24.0 MHz S S S CY15A CY198* CY24A MP150 MP184* MP240 , 'Inlel also supplies a cryslal numbered 8801 for Ihls application. Notea: I. Address: 1000 Crystal Drive, Fort Meyers, Florida 33901 ,2. Address: 400 Reimann Ave., SandWich, illinois If a high accuracy frequency source, externally variable frequency source or a common source for driving mUltiple 8284's is desired, the External Frequency Input (EFI) of the 8284 can be selected by strapping the FICinput to 5 volts through 'V1 K ohms (Fig. 383). The external frequency source should be TIL compatible, have a 50% duty cycle and oscillate at three times the desired CPU operating frequency. The maximum EFI frequency the 8284 can accept is slightly above 24 MHz with minimum clock low and high times of 13 ns. Although 3-300 230792-001 AP-67 no minimum EFI frequency is specified, it should not violate the CPU minimum clock rate. If a common frequency source is used to drive multiple 8284's distributed throughout the system, each 8284 should be driven by its own line from the source. To minimize noise In the system, each line should be a twisted pair driven by a buffer like the 74lS04 with the ground of the twisted pair connecting the grounds of the source and receiver. To minimize clock skew, the lines to all 8284's should be of equal length. A simple technique for generating a master frequency source for additional 8284's is shown in Figure 384. One 8284 with a crystal is used to generate the desired frequency. The oscillator output of the 8284 (OSC) equals the crystal frequency and is used to drive the external frequency to all other 8284's in the system. +s X, i:X2 EXTERNAL 'Fie FnEQUENCy----'=-! EFI SOURCE ClK 1-=-_ _-""'-1 ClK 8284 8088 Figure 3B3. 8284 with External Frequency Source There are three frequency outputs from the 8284, the oscillator (OSC) mentioned above, the system clock (ClK) which drives the CPU, and a peripheral clock (PClK) that runs at one half the CPU clock frequency. The oscillator output is only driven by the crystal and is not affected by the Fie strapping ortion. If a crystal is not connected to the 8284 ,when the external frequency input is used, the oscillator output is indeterminate. The CPU clock is derived from the selected frequency source by an internal divide by three counter. The counter generates the 33% duty cycle clock which is optimum for the CPU at maximum frequency. The peripheral clock has a 50% duty cycle and is derived from the CPU clock. Diagram 380 shows the relationship of ClK to OSC and PClK to ClK. The maximum skew is 20 ns between OSC and ClK, and 22 ns between ClK and PClK. Since the state of the 8284 divide by three counter is indeterminate at system initialization (power on), an external sync to the counter (CSYNC) is provided to allow synchronization of the CPU clock to an external event. When CSYNC is brought high, the ClK and PClK outputs are forced high. When CSYNC returns low, the next positive clock from the frequency source starts clock generation. CSYNC must be active for a minimum of two periods of the frequency source. If CSYNC is asynchronous to the frequency source, the circuit in Figure 385 should be used for synchronization. The two latches minimize the probability of a meta-stable state in the latch driving CSYNC. The latches are clocked with the inverse of the frequency source to guarantee the 8284 setup and hold time of CSYNC to the frequency source (Diag. 381). If a single 8284 is to be synchronized to an external event and an external frequency source is not used, the oscillator output of the 8284 may be used to I:J Y The oscillator output Is inverted from the oscillator Signal used to drive the CPU clock generator circuit. Therefore, the oscillator output of one 8284 should not drive the EFI input of a second 8284 if both are driving clock inputs of separate CPU's that are to be synchronized. The variation on EFI to ClK delay over a range of 8284's may approach 35 to 45 ns. If, however, all 8284's are of the same package type, have the same relative supply voltage and operate in the same temperature environment, the variation will be reduced to between 15 and 25 ns. 18 13 +s Figure 384. External Frequency for Multiple 8284$ O~ ClK PClK Diagram 3BO. OSC ~ ClK and ClK 3-301 ~ PClK Relationships 230792-001 AP-67 synchronize CSYNC (Fig. 386). Since the oscillator output is inverted from the internal oscillator signal, the inverter in the previous example is not required. If multiple 8284's are to be synchronized, an external frequency source must drive all 8284's·and a single CSYNC synchronization circuit must drive the CSYNC input of all 8284's (Fig. 387). Since activation of CSYNC may cause violation of CPU minimum clock low time, it should only be enabled during reset or CPU clock high. CSYNC must also be disabled a minimum of four CPU clocks before the end of reset to guarantee proper CPU reset. +5 lK EXTERNAL TO L--------------EFI INPUT Figure 3B5. Synchronizing CSYNC with EFI EFI CSYNC J, I --J Figure 387. Synchronizing Multiple 8284s TO CSYNC INPUT SYNC-----( CONDITION EXTERNAL FREQUENCY I I f--TYHEH Due to the fast transitions and high drive (5 mAl of the 8284 ClK output, it may be necessary to put a 10 to 100 ohm resistor in series with the clock line to eliminate ringing (reSistor value depending on the amount of drive required). If multiple sources of ClK are needed with minimum skew, ClK can be buffered by a high drive device (74S241) with outputs tied to 5 volts through 100 ohms to guarantee VOH = 3.9 min (8086 minimum clock input high voltage) (Fig. 388). A single 8284 should not be used to generate the ClK for multiple CPU's that do not share a common local (multiplexed) bus since the 8284 synchronizes ready to the CPU and can only accommodate ready for a single CPU. If multiple CPU's share a local bus, they should be driven with the same clock to optimize transfer of bus control. Under these circumstances, only one CPU will be using the bus for a particular bus cycle which allows sharing a common READY signal (Fig. 389). -MAX IS SPEC'ED TO GUARANTEE MAX 8086 CLOCK FREQUENCY Diagram 3Bl. CSYNC Setup and Hold to EFI +5 ClK OSC 12 +5 Cl ~ 8284 18 lOOQ X, FIC CSYNC elK 8 SYNC 100Q Figure 3B6. EFI from 8284 Oscillator Figure 3B8. Buffering the 8284 ClK Output 3-302 230792-001 AP-67 MULTIPLEXED BUS Figure 3B9. 8086 and Co-Processor on the Local Bus Share a Common 8284 3C. Reset The 8086 requires a high active reset with minimum pulse width of four CPU clocks except after power on which requires a 50 '"'s reset pulse. Since the CPU internally synchronizes reset with the clock, the reset is internally active for up to one clock period after the external reset. Non-Maskable Interrupts (NMI) or hold requests on RQ/GT which occur during the internal reset, are not acknowledged. A minimum mode hold request or maximum mode RQ pulses active immediately after the internal reset will be honored before the first instruction fetch. guarantee the inactive state of these lines in systems where leakage currents or bus capacitance may cause the voltage levels to settle below the minimum high voltage of devices in the system. In maximum mode systems, the 8288 contains internal pull-ups on the SO-52 inputs to maintain the inactive state for these lines when the CPU floats the bus. The high state of the status lines during reset causes the 8288 to treat the reset sequence as a passive state. The condition of the 8288 outputs for the passive state are shown in Table 3C2. If the reset occurs during a bus cycle, the return of the status lines to the passive state will terminate the bus cycle and return the command lines to the inactive state. Note that the 8288 does not three-state the command outputs based on the passive state of the status lines. If the designer needs to three-state the CPU off the bus during reset in a single CPU system, the reset signal should also be connected to the 8288's AEN input and the output enable of the address latches (Fig. 3C2). This forces the command and address bus interface to three-state while the inactive state of DEN from the 8288 three-states the transceivers on the data bus. From reset, the 8086 will condition the bus as shown in Table 3C1. The multiplexed bus will three-state upon detection of reset by the CPU. Other signals which three-state will be driven to the inactive state for one clock low interval prior to entering three-state (Fig. 3C1). In the 'minimum mode, ALE and HLDA are driven inactive and are not three-stated. In the maximum mode RQ/GT lines are held inactive and the queue status in: dicates no activity. The queue status will not indicate a reset of the queue so any user defined external circuits monitoring the queue should also be reset by the system reset. 22K ohm pull-up resistors should be connected to the CPU command and bus control lines to Table 3Ct. 8086.Bus During Reset Signals Condition AD 15·0 A 19.1 slS6-3 BHE/S 7 S2/(M/IQ) S1/(DT/R) SOlD EN LOCKlWR RD INTA ALE HLDA RQ/GTO RQ/GT1 QSO QS1 Three-State Three-State Three-State Driven to "1" then three-state Driven to "1" then three-state Driven to "1" then three-state Driven to "1" then three-state Driven to "1" then three-state Driven to "1" then three-state 0 0 1 1 0 0 CLOCK RESET INPUT INTERNAL RESET BUS t LFLOATBUS ~ DRIVE OUTPUT TO INACTIVE STATE Figure 3Cl. 8086 Bus Conditioning on Reset 3-303 230792-001 AP-67 TABLE 3C2. 8288 OUTPUTS DURING PASSIVE MODE o o ALE DEN DTiA 1 0/1 MCE/PDEN COMMANDS 1 8088 Figure 3C2. Reset Disable lor Max Mode 8086 Bus Interlace For multiple processor systems using arbitration of a multimaster bus, the system reset should be connected to the INIT input of the 8289 bus arbiter in addition to the 8284 reset input (Fig. 3C3). The low active INIT input forces all 8289 outputs to their inactive state. The inactive state of the 8289 AEN output will force the 8288 to three-state the command outputs and the address latches to three-state the address bus Interface. DEN inactive from the 8288 will three-state the data bus Jnterface. For the multimaster CPU configuration, the reset should be common to all CPU's (8289's and 8284's) and satisfy the maximum of either the CPU reset requirements or 3 TBLBL (3 8289 bus clock times) + 3 TCLCL (3 8086 clock cycle times) to satisfy 8289 reset requirements. If the 8288 command outputs are three-stated during reset, the command lines should be pulled up to Vee through 2.2K ohm resistors. The reset signal to the 8086 can be generated by the 8284. The 8284 has a' schmitt trigger Input (RES) for generating reset from a low active externai res'et. The hysteresis specified in the 8284 data sheet implies that at least .25 volts will separate the 0 and 1 switching point of the 8284 reset input. Inputs without hysteresis will switch from low to high and high to low at approximately the same voltage threshold. The inputs are guaranteed to switch at specified low and high voltages (VIL and VIH) but the actual switching point is anywhere in-between. Since VIL min is specified at .8 volts, the hysteresis guarantees that the reset will be active until the input reaches at least 1.05 volts. A reset will not be recognized until the input drops at least .25 volts below the reset inputs VIH of 2.6 volts. To guarantee reset from power up, the reset input must remain below 1.05 volts for 50 microseconds after Vcc has reached the minimum supply voltage of 4.5 volts. The hysteresis allows the reset input to be driven by a simple RC circuit as shown in Figure 3C4. The calculated RC value does not include time for the power supply to reach 4.5 volts or the charge accumulated during this interval. Without the hysteresis, the reset output might oscillate as the input voltage passes through the switching voltage of the input. The calcuiated RC value provides the minimum required reset period 01'50 microseconds for 8284's that switch at the 1.05 voit level and a reset period of approximately 162 microseconds for 8284's that switch at the 2.6 volt level. If tighter tolerance between the minimum and maximum reset times is necessary, the reset circuit shown in Figure 3C5 might be used rather than the simple RC circuit. This circuit provides a constant current source and a linear charge rate on the capacitor rather than the inverse exponential charge rate of the RC circuit. The maximum reset period for this implementation is 124 microseconds. +Y RESET IN _ _+-_...;1'-'-11 m 8284 8284 RESET t _ SO"sec Y Yo = 4.5 = 1.05 RC ~ 188x10- 8 RESET 8086 ~ o Figure 3C3. Reset Disable 01 lor Max Mode 8086 Bus Interlace in Multi CPU System Figure 3C4. 8284 Reset Circuit 3-304 23079;1-001 AP-67 3D. Ready Implementation and Timing Vee As discussed previously, the ready signal is used in the system to accommodate memory and 1/0 devices that cannot transfer information at the maximum CPU bus bandwidth. Ready is also used in multiprocessor systems to force the CPU to wait for access to the system bus or Multibus system bus. To insert a wait state in the bus cycle, the READY signal to the CPU must be Inactive (low) by the end of T2. To avoid insertion of a wait state, READY must be active (high) within a specified setup time prior to the positive transition during T3. Depending on the size and characteristics of the system, ready implementation may take one of two approaches. 0, R, R2 - 02 DETERMINES CURRENT TO CHARGE C VALUE NOT CRITICAL ~10K Ie = CHARGE CURRENT = V.olD, RESET IF ALL ~ 02 - T11 SEMICONDU~TORS ARE SILICON. Ie. ~ ,~_ _ _ _ ~vee-'6 T Figure 3C5. Constant Curren! Power·On Reset Circuit The 8284 synchronizes the reset Input with the CPU clock to generate the RESET signal to the CPU (Fig. 3C6). The output Is also available as a general reset to the entire system. The reset has no effect on any clock circuits in the 8284. 17 t:l Y +5 19 8284 18 13 11 SYSTEM RESET CLK 8 X, X, Fie CLK 8086 RESET 10 21 RESET The classical ready implementation is to have the system 'normally not ready.' When the selected device receives the command (RD/WR/INTA) and has had sufficient time to complete the command, it activates READY to the CPU, allowing the CPU to terminate the bus cycle. This implementation is characteristic of large multiprocessor, Multibus systems or systems where propagation delays, bus access delays and device characteristics inherently slow down the system. For maximum system performance, devices that can run with no wait states must return 'READY' within the previously described limit. Failure to respond in time will only result in the insertion of one or more'wait cycles. An alternate technique is to have the system 'normally ready.' All devices are assumed to operate at the maximum CPU bus bandwidth. Devices that do not meet the requirement must disable READY by the,end of T2 to guarantee the insertion of wait cycles. This implementation is typically applied to small single CPU systems and reduces the logic required to control the ready signal. Since the failure of a device requiring wait states to disable READY by the end of T2 will result in premature termination of the bus cycle, the system timing must be carefully analyzed when using this approach. The 8086 has two different timing requirements on READY depending on the system implementation. For a 'normally ready' system to insert a wait state, the READY must be disabled within 8 ns (TRYLCL) after the end of T2 (start of T3) (Diag. 3D1). To guarantee proper RES .I Figure 3C6. 8086 Reset and System Reset CLOCK 8088 READY 30 ns READY INACTIVE 8 ns I-- 119 ns TO GUARANTEE THE NEXT CYCLE IS T4 Diagram 3D1. Normally Ready System Inserting a 'wait State 3-305 230792-001 AP-67 operation of the 8086, the READY input must hot change from ready to not ready during the clock low time of T3. For a 'normally" not ready' system to avoid wait states" READY must be active within 119 ns (TRYHCH) of the' positive clock transition during T3 (Diag. 3D2). For both cases, READY must satisfy a hold time of 30 ns (TCH!;,!YX) from the T3 or TW positive clock transition. CLOCK 8088 READY Diagram 302. Normally Not Ready Sys em Avoiding a Wait State To generate a stable READY signal which satisfies the previous setup and hold times, the 8284 provides two separate system ready inputs (RDY1, RDY2) and a single synchronized ready output (READY) for the CPU. The RDY inputs are qualified with separate access enables (AEN1,AEN2, low active) to allow selecting one of the two ready signals (Fig. 3D1). The gated signals are logically OR'ed and sampled at the beginning of each ClK cycle to generate READY to the CPU (Diag. 3D3). The sampled READY signal is valid within 8 ns (TRYlCl) after ClK to satisfy the CPU timing requirements on 'not ready' and ready. Since READY cannot change until the next ClK, the hold time requirements are also satisfied. The system ready inputs to the 8284 (RDY1,RDY2) must be valid 35 ns (TRIVCl) before T3 and AEN must be valid 60 ns before T3. For a system using only one RDY input, ~associated AEN is tied to ground while the other AEN is connected to 5 volts through "'1 K ohms (Fig. 3D2a). If the system generates a low active ready Signal, it can be connected to the 8284 AEN input if the additional setup time required by the 8284 AEN input is satisfied. In this case, the associated RDY input would be tied high (Fig. 3D2b). ClK CJ Y +5 8 19 21 RESET 10 18 13 X, FIe 22 READY ClK RESET READY 8086 8284 11 RES AEN1 RDY1 7 AEN2 6 RDY2 3 I Figure 301. Ready Inputs to the 8284 and Output to the 8086 , CLOCK 8284 RDY SETUP 8284 READY OUT (TO 8086) NOTE: THE 8284 DATA SHEET SPECIFIES READY OUT DELAY (TRYLCl) AS -8 ns 'BEFORE" THE END OF T, WHICH IMPLIES THE TIMING SHOWN. Diagram 303. 8284 with 8086 Ready Timing 3-306 230792-001 AP-67 memory. If the access to non·existent memory fails to enable READY, the system will be caught in an in· definite wait. 8284 +5 Figure 3D2a. Using RDY1/RDY2 10 Generale Ready Figure 3D3. Single Wail State Generator 3 4 AEN1 8284 RDY1 3E. Interrupt Structure ~AEN2 RDY2 1K +5 Figure 3D2b. Using AEN1/AEN2 10 Generale Ready The majority of memory and peripheral devices which fail to operate at the maximum CPU frequency typically do not require more than one wait state. The circuit given in Figure 3D3 is an example of a simple wait state generator. The system ready line is driven low whenever a device requiring one wait state is selected. The flip flop is cleared by ALE, enabling RDY to the 8284. If no wait states are required, the flip flop does not change. 'If the system ready is driven low, the flip flop toggles on the low to high clock transition of T2 to force one wait state. The next low to high clock transition toggles the flip flop again to indicate ready and allow completion of the bus cycle. Further changes in the state of the flip flop will not affect the bus cycle. The circuit allows approximately 100 ns for chip select decode and condi· tloning of the system ready (Diag. 3D4). The 8086 interrupt structure is based on a table of inter· rupt vectors stored in memory locations OH through 003FFH. Each vector consists of two bytes for the in· struction pOinter and two bytes for the code segment. These two values combine to form the address of the in· terrupt service routine. This allows the table to contain up to 256 interrupt vectors which specify the starting ad· dress of the service routines anywhere in the one mega· byte address space of the 8086. If fewer than 256 differ· ent interrupts are defined in the system, the user need only allocate enough memory for the interrupt vector table to provide the vectors for the defined interrupts. During initial system debug, however, it may be desir· able to assign all undefined interrupt types to a trap 'routine to detect erroneous interrupts. If the system is 'normally not ready,' the programmer should not assign executable code to the last six bytes of physical memory. Since the 8086 prefetches instruc· tions, the CPU may attempt to access non·existent memory when executing code at the end of physical Each vector is associated with an interrupt type number which points to the vector's location in the interrupt vec· tor table. The interrupt type number multiplied by four gives the displacement of the first byte of the associ· ated interrupt vector from the beginning of the table. As an example, interrupt type number 5'points to the sixth entry in the interrupt vector table. The contents of this entry in the table points to the interrupt service routine for type 5 (Fig. 3E1). This structure allows the user to specify the memory address of each service routine by placing the address (instruction pOinter and code seg· ment values) in the table location provided for that type interrupt. Diagram 3D4. 3-307 230792-001 AP-67 INTERRUPT TYPE TYPE 1 - MEMORY r ~U~B!.A - ,-----:::----;:-::O:.OO"'-''=;.., • 1----;:;,---.; I r-----r---~~--~ 004 ~§'08 ;-;--- I I ooe 01' :--- t==~=::j L_~__ INTERRUPT VECTOR TABLE 3FE : __~ 400 TYPE 5 INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE TYPE 2 - NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt) This is the highest priority hardware interrupt and is non-maskable. The input is edge triggered but is synchronized with the CPU clock and must be active for two clock cycles to guarantee recognition. The interrupt signal may be removed prior to entry to the service routine. Since the input must make a low to high transition to generate an interrupt, spurious tranSitions on the input should be suppressed. If the input is normally high, the NMI low time to guarantee triggering is two CPU clock times. This input is typically reserved for catastrophic failures like power failure or timeout of a system watchdog timer. ' - -_ _ _ _..J FFFFE Figure 3El. Direction to Interrupt Service Routine through the Interrupt Vector Table All interrupts in the 8086 must be assigned an interrupt type which uniquely identifies each interrupt. There are three classes of interrupt types in the 8086; predefined interrupt types which are issued by specific functions within the 8086 and user defined hardware and software interrupts. Note that any interrupt type Including the predefined interrupts can be issued by the user's hardware and/or software. TYPE 3 - ONE BYTE INTERRUPT This is invoked by a special form of the software interrupt instruction which requires a Single byte of code space. Its primary use is as a breakpoint interrupt for software debug. With full representation within a Single bytE!, the instruction can map into the smallest instruction for absolute resolution in setting breakpoints. The interrupt is not maskable. PREDEFINED INTERRUPTS The predefined interrupt types in the 8086 are listed , below with a brief description of how each is invoked. When invoked, the CPU will transfer control to the memory location specified by the vector associated with the specific type. The user must provide the interrupt service routine and initialize the interrupt vector table with the appropriate service routine address. The user may additionally invoke these interrupts through hardware or software. If the preassigned function is not used in the system, the user may assign some other function to the associated type. However, for compatibility with future Intel hardware and software products for the 8086 family, interrupt types 0-31 should not be assigned as user defined interrupts. TYPE 0 - SINGLE STEP This interrupt type occurs one instruction after the TF (Trap Flag) is set in the flag register. It is used to allow software single stepping through a sequence of code. Single stepping is initiated by copying the flags onto the stack, setting the TF bit on the stack and popping the flags. The interrupt routine should be the single step routine. The interrupt sequence saves the flags and program,counter, then resets the TF flag to allow the Single step routine to execute normally. To return to the routine under test, an interrupt return restores the IP, CS and flags with TF set. This allows the execution of the next instruction in the program under test before trapping back to the Single step routine. Single Step is not masked by the IF (Interrupt Flag) bit In the flag register. TYPE 4 - INTERRUPT ON OVERFLOW This interrupt occurs if the overflow flag (OF) is set in the flag register and the INTO instruction is executed. The instruction allows trapping to an overflow error service routine. The interrupt is non-maskable. Interrupt types 0 and 2 can occur without specific action by the programmer (except for performing a divide for Type 0) while types 1, 3, and 4 require a conscious act by the programmer to generate these interrupt types. All but type 2 are invoked through software activity and are directly associated with a specific instruction. DIVIDE ERROR This interrupt type is invoked whenever a division operation is attempted during which the quotient exceeds the maximum value (ex. division by zero). The interrupt is non-maskable and is entered as part of the execution of the divide instruction. If interrupts are not reenabled by the divide error interrupt service routine, the service routine execution time should be included in the worst case divide instruction execution time (primarily when considering the longest instruction execution time and its effect on latency to servicing hardware interrul1ts). USER DEFINED SOFTWARE INTERRUPTS The user can generate an interrupt through the software with a two byte interrupt instruction INT nn. The first byte is the INT opcode while the second byte (nn) contains the type, number of the interrupt to be performed. The INT instruction is not maskable by the interrupt enable flag. This instruction can be used to transfer control to routines that are dynamically relocatable and whose location in memory is not known by the c;;tlling 3-308 230792-001 AP-67 program. This technique also saves the flags of the calling program on the stack prior to transferring control. The called procedure must return control with an interrupt return (IRET) in,struction to remove the flags from the stack and fully restore the state of the calling program. UNINTERRUPTABLE INSTRUCTION SEQUENCE MOV SS, NEW$STACK$SEGMENT MOV SP, NEW$STACK$POINTER Also, since prefixes are considered part of the instruction they precede, the 8086 will not sample the interrupt line until completion of the instruction the prefix(es) precede(s). An exception to this (othE1r than HALT or WAIT) is the string primatives preceded by the repeat (REP) prefix. The repeated string operations will sample the interrupt line at the completion of each repetition. This includes repeat string operations which include the lock prefix. If multiple prefixes precede a repeated string operation, and the instruction is Interrupted, only the prefix immediately preceding the string primative is restored. To allow correct resumption of the operation, the following programming technique may be used: All interrupts invoked through software (all interrupts discussed thus far with the exception of NMI) are not maskable with the IF flag and initiate the transfer of control at the end of the instruction in which they occur. They do not initiate interrupt acknowledge bus cycles and will disable subsequent maskable interrupts by resetting the IF and TF flags. The interrupt vector for these interrupt types is either implied or specified in the instruction. Since the NMI is an asynchronous event to the CPU, the point of recognition and initiation of the transfer of control is similar to the maskable hardware interrupts. LOCKED$BLOCK$MOVE: LOCK REP MOVS DEST, CS:SOURCE ANDCX, CX USER DEFINED HARDWARE INTERRUPTS JNZ LOCKED$BLOCK$MOVE The maskable interrupts initiated by the system hardware are activated through the INTR pin of the 8086 and are masked by the IF bit of the status register (interrupt flag). During the last clock cycle of each instruction, the state of the INTR pin is sampled. The 8086 deviates from this rule when the instruction is a MOV or POP to a segment register. For this case, the interrupts are not sampled until completion of the following instruction. This allows a 32-bit pOinter to be loaded to the stack pointer registers SS and SP without the danger of an interrupt occurring between the two loads. Another exception is the WAIT instruction which waits for a low active input on the TEST pin. This instruction also continuously samples the interrupt request during its execution and allows servicing interrupts during the wait. When an interrupt is detected, the WAIT instruction is again fetched prior to servicing the interrupt to guarantee the interrupt routine will return to the WAIT instruction. T, ALE I T2 ~~ T3 T4 TI The code bytes generated by the 8086 assembler for the MOVS instruction are (in descending order): LOCK prefix, REP prefix, Segment Override prefix and MOVS. Upon return from the interrupt, the segment override prefix is restored to guarantee one additional transfer is pertormed between the correct memory locations. The instructions following the move operation test the repetition count value to determine if the move was completed and return if not. If the INTR pin is high when sampled and the IF bit is set to enable interrupts, the 8086 executes an interrupt acknowledge sequence. To guarantee the interrupt will be acknowledged, the INTR input must be held active until the interrupt acknowledge is issued by the CPU. If the BIU is running a bus cycle when the interruptcondition is detected (as would occur if the BIU is fetching an instruction when the current instruction completes), the -----,n,---__ TI Tt I T, _ _ \'------------'/ \ FLOAT FLOAT REDRIVEN BY CPU IF QUEUE IS NOT FULL Figure 3E2. Interrupt Acknowledge Sequence 3-309 230792-001 AP-67 interrupt must be valid at the 8086 2 clock cycles prior to T4 of the bus cycle if the next cycle is to be an interrupt acknowledge cycle. If the 2 clock setup is not satisfied, another pending bus cycle will be executed before the interrupt acknowledge is issued. Ita hold request is also pending (this might occur if an interrupt and hold request are made during execution of a locked instruction), the interrupt is serviced after the hold request is serviced. ' The interrupt acknowledge sequence is only generated in response to an interrupt on the 8086 INTR input. The associated bus activity is shown in Figure 3E2. The cycle consists of two INTA bus cycles separated by two idle clock cycles. During the bus cycles the INTA command is issued rather than read. No address is provided by the 8086 during either bus cycle (BHE and status are valid), however, ALE is still generated and will load the address latches with indeterminate information. This condition requires that devices in the system do not drive their outputs without being qualified by the Read Command. As will be shown later, the ALE is useful in' maximum mode systems with multiple 8259A priority interrupt controllers. During the INTA bus cycles, DTiFi and DEN are conditioned to allow the 8086 to receive a one byte interrupt type number from the interrupt system. The first INTA bus cycle signals an interrupt acknowledge cycle is in progress and allows the system to prepare to present the interrupt type number on the next INTA bus cycle. The CPU does not capture information on the bus during the first cycle. The type number must be transferred to the 8086 on the lower half of the 16-bit data bus during the second cycle. This implies that devices which present interrupt type numbers to the 8086 must be located on the lower half of the 16-bit data bus. The timing of the INTA bus cycles (with exception of address timing) is similar to read cycle timing. The 8086 interrl:lpt acknowledge sequence deviates from the form used on 8080 and 8085 in that no instruction is issued as part of the sequence. The 8080 and 8085 required either a restart or call instruction be issued to affect the transfer of control. In the minimum mode system, the MilO signal will be low indicating 1/0 during the INTA bus cycles. The 8086 internal LOCK signal will be active from T2 of the first bus cycle until T2 of the second to prevent the BIU from honoring a hold request between the two INTA cycles. In the maximum mode, the status lines SO-82 will request the 8288 to activate the INTA output for each cydIe. The LOCK output of the 8086 will be active from T2 of the first cycle until T2 of the second to prevent the 8086 from honoring a hold request on either RQ/GT input and to prevent bus arbitration logic from relinquishing the bus between INTA's in multi-master systems. The consequences of READY are identical to those for READ and WRITE cycles, Once the 8086 has the interrupt type number (from the bus for hardware interrupts, from the instruction stream for software interrupts or from the predefined can· dition), the type number is multiplied by four to form the displacement to the corresponding interrupt vector in the interrupt vector table. The four bytes of the interrupt vector are: least significant byte of the instruction pointer, most significant byte of the instruction pointer, least significant byte of the code segment register, most significant byte of the code segment register. During the transfer of control, the CPU pushes the flags and current code segment register and instruction pointer onto the stack. The new code segment and instruction painter values are loaded and the single step and interrupt flags are reset. Resetting the interrupt flag disables response to further hardware interrupts in the service routine unless the flags are specifically re-enabled by the service routine. The CS and IP values are read from the interrupt vector table with data read cycles. No segment registers are used when referencing the vector table during the interrupt context switch. The vector displacement is added to zero to form the 20-bit address and S4, S3 10 indicating no segment register selection. = The actual bus activity associated with the hardware interrupt acknowledge sequence is as follows: Two interrupt acknowledge bus cycles, read new IP from the interrupt vector table, read new CS from the interrupt vector table, Push flags, Push old CS, Opcode fetch of the first instruction of the interrupt service roufine, and Push old IP. After saving the old IP, the BIU will resume normal operation of prefetching instructions Into the queue and servicing EU requests for operands, S5 (interrupt enable flag status) will go inactive in the second clock cycle following reading the new CS. , The number of clock cycles from the end of the instruction during which the interrupt occurred to the start of interrupt routine execution is 61 clock cycles. For software generated interrupts, the sequence of bus cycles is the same except no interrupt acknowledge bus cycles are executed. This reduces ihe delay to service routine execution to 51 clocks for "!NT nn and single step, 52 clocks for INT3 and 53 clocks for INTO. The same interrupt setup requirements with respect to the BIU that were stated for the hardware interrupts also apply to the software interrupts. If wait states are inserted by either the memories or the device supplying the interrupt type number, the given clock times will increase accordingly. When considering the precedence of interrupts for multiple simultaneous interrupts, the following guidelines apply: 1.INTR is the only maskable interrupt and if detected simultaneously with other interrupts, resetting of IF by the other interrupts will mask INTR. This causes INTR to be the lowest priority interrupt serviced after all other interrupts unless the other interrupt service routines reenable interrupts. 2. Of the nonmaskable interrupts (NMI, Single Step and software generated), in general, Single Step has highest priority (will be serviced first) followed by NMI, followed by the software interrupts. This implies that a simultaneous NMI and Single Step trap will cause the NMI service routine to fo!low Single step; a simultaneous software trap and Single Step trap will cause the software interrupt service routine to follow single step and a simultaneous NMI and software trap will cause the NMI service routine to be executed followed by the software interrupt service routine. An exception to this priority structure occurs if all three interrupts are pending. For this case, transfer of control to the software interrupt ser- 3-310 230792-001 AP-67 vice routine followed by the NMI trap will cause both the NMI and software interrupt service routines to be ex· ecuted without single stepping. Single stepping resumes upon execution of the instruction following the instruction causing the software interrupt (the next in· struction in the routine being single stepped). TF=' IF=1 INTR If the user does not wish to single step before INTR ser· vice routines, the single step routine need only disable interrupts during execution of the program being single stepped and reenable interrupts on entry to the single step routine. Disabling the interrupts during the pro· gram under test prevents entry into the interrupt service routine while single step (TF =1) is active. To prevent single stepping before NMI service routines, the single step routine must check the return address on the stack forthe NMI service routine address and return control to that routine without single step enabled. As examples, consider Figures 3E3a and 3E3b. In 3E3a Single Step and NMI occur simultaneously while in 3E3b, NMI, INTR and a divide error all occur during a divide instruction being Single stepped. TF,IF=1 NMI CONTINUE TO SINGLE STEP THE PROGRAM Figure 3E3b. NMI, INTR, Single Step and Divide Error Simultaneous Interrupts NORMAL SINGLE STEP OPERATION . SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS To accommodate the INTA protocol of the maskable hardware interrupts, the 8259A is provided as part of the 8086 family. This component is programmable to operate in both 8080/8085 systems and 8086 systems. The devices are cascadable in master/slave arrange· ments to allow up to 64 interrupts in the system. Figures 3E4 and 3E5 are examples of 8259A's in minimum and maximum mode 8086 systems. The minimum mode con· figuration (a) shows an 8259A connected to the CPU's Figure 3E3a. NMI During Single Stepping and Normal Single Step Operation 3-311 230792-001 AP-67 the 8086/8288 to control the bus transceivers. To select the proper slave when servicing a slave interrupt, the master must provide a cascade address to the slave. If the 8288 is not strapped in the 1/0 bus mode (the 8288 lOB Input connected to ground), the MCE/PDEN output becomes a MCE or Master Cascade Enable output. This signal is only active during INTA cycles as shown in Figure 3E6 and enables the master 8259A's cascade address onto the 8086's local bus during ALE. This allows the address latches to capture the cascade address with ALE and allows uS,e of the system address bus for selecting the proper slave 8259A. The MCE is gated with LOCK to minimize local bus contention between the 8086 three-stating its bus outputs and the cascade address being enabled onto the bus. The first INTA bus cycle allows the master to resolve internal priorities and output a cascade address to be transmitted to the slaves on the subsequent INTA bus cycle. For additional information on the 8259A, reference application note AP-59. multiplexed bus. Configuration (b) illustrates an 8259A connected to a demultiplexed bus system. These inter· connects are also applicable to maximum mode systems. The configuration given for a maximum mode system shows a master 8259A on the CPU's multiplexed bus with additional slave 8259A's out on the buffered system bus. This configuration demonstrates several unique features of the maximum mode system inter· face. If the master 8259A receives interrupts from a mix of slave 8259A's and regular interrupting devices, the slaves must provide the type number for devices connected to them while the master provides the type number for devices directly attached to its interrupt inputs. The master 8259A is programmable to determine if an interrupt is from a direct input or a slave 8259A and will use this information to enable or disable the data bus transceivers (via the 'nand' function of DEN and EN). If the master must provide the type number, it will disable the data bus transceivers. If the slave provides the type number, the master will enable the data bus transceivers. The EN output is normally high to allow ADDRESS ~-----r-------.-r----~,-----~/BUS IJL-------------..::..::...------"''"'-----..I\ DATA ~~----------------------------~/BUS a. b. Figure 3E4. Min Mode 8086 with Master 8259A on the Local Bus and Slave 8259As on the System Bus 3-312 230792-001 AP-67 ~~----~~r-------4r----+-----4r----+---~INTA ADDRESS ~'--------r--------",-------~ro--------,/BUS ' -________________-"'0-________-""'-______.... \ DATA ,---------------------------------------'/BUS Figure 3E5. Max Mode 8086 with Master 8259A on the Local Bus and Slave 8259As on the System Bus I ALEf\'----_ _",\---In'---__ I T1 T2 T3 T4 TI T[ T1 T, T3 \~_ _ _ ____J/ FLOAT \'---------'/ \'----- Figure 3E6. MCE Timing to Gate 8259A CAS Address onto the 8086 Local Bus 3-313 230792-001 AP-67 3F. Int~rpretlng the 8086 Bus Timing Diagrams At first glance, the 8086 bus timing diagrams (Diag. 3F1 min mode and Diag. 3F2 max mode) appear rather com· plex. However, with a few words of explanation on how to interpret them, they become a powerful tool in deter· mining system requirements. The timing diagrams for both the minimum and maximum modes may be divided into six sections: (1) address and ALE timing; (2) read cycle timing; (3) write cycle timing; (4) interrupt acknowledge timing; (5) ready timing; and (6) HOLD/HLDA or RQ/GT timing. Since the A.C. characteristics of the Signals are specified relative to the CPU clock, the relationship between the majority of signals can be deduced by simply determining the clock cycles between the clock edges the signals are relative to and adding or subtracting the appropriate minimum or maximum parameter values. One aspect of system timing not compensated for in this approach is the worst case relationship between minimum and maximum parameter values (also known as tracking relationships). As an example, consider a signal which has specified minimum and maximum turn on and turn off delays. Depending on device characteristics, it may not be possible for the component to simultaneously demonstrate a maximum turn-on and minimum turn-off delay even though worst case analysis might imply the possibility. This argument is characteristic of MOS devices and is therefore- applicable to the 8086 A.C. characteristics. The message is: worst case analysis mixing minimum ood maximum delay parameters will typically exceed the worst case obtainable and therefore should not be subjected to further subjective degradation to obtain worst-worst case values. This section will provide guidelines for specific areas of 8086 timing sensitive to tracking relationships. A. MINIMUM MODE BUS TIMING 1. ADDRESS and ALE The address/ALE timing relationship is important to determine the ability to capture a valid address from the multiplexed bus. Since the 8282 and 8283 latches capture the address on the trailing edge of ALE, the critical timing involves the state of the address lines when ALE terminates. If the address valid delay is assumed to be maximum TCLAV and ALE terminates at its earliest pOint, TCHLLmin (assuming zero minimum delay), the address would be valid only TCLCHmin-TCLAVmax= 8 ns prior to ALE termination. This result is unrealistic in the assumption of maximum TCLAV and minimum TCH LL. To provide an accurate measure of the true worst case, a separate parameter specifies the minimum time for address valid prior to the end of ALE (TAVAL). TAVAL = TCLCH-60 ns overrides the clock related timings and guarantees 58 ns of address setup to ALE termination for a 5 MHz 8086. The address is guaranteed to remain valid beyond the end of ALE by the TLLAX parameter. This specification overrides the relationship between TCHLL and TCLAX which might seem to imply the address may not be valid by the end of the latest possible ALE. TLLAX holds .for the entire address bus. The TCLAXmin spec on the address indicates the earliest the bus will go invalid if not restrained by a slow ALE. TLLAX and TCLAX apply to the entire multiplexed bus for both read and write cycles. AD15-0 is three- stated for read cycles and immediately switched to write data during write cycles. AD19-16 immediately switch from address to status for both read and write cycles. The minimum ALE pulse width is guaranteed by TLHLLmin which takes precedence over the value obtained by relating TCLLHmax and TCHLLmin. To determine the worst case delay to valid address on a· demultiplexed address bus, two paths must be considered: (1) delay of valid address and (2) delay to ALE. Since the 8282 and 8283 are flow through latches, a valid address is not transmitted to the address bus until ALE is active. A comparison of address valid delay TCLAVmax with ALE active delay TCLLHmax indicates TCLAVmax is the worst case. Subtracting the latch propagation delay gives the worst case address bus valid delay from the start of the bus cycle. 2. Read Cycle Timing Read timing consists of conditioning the bus, activating the read command and establishing the data transceiver enable and direction controls. DT/R is established early in the bus cycle and requires no further consideration. During read, the DEN signal must allow the transceivers to propagate data to the CPU with the appropriate data setup time and continue to do so until the required data hold time. The DEN turn on delay allows TCLCL+ TCHCLmin - TCVCTVmax - TDVCL = 127 ns transceiver enable time prior to valid data required by the CPU. Since the CPU data hold time TCLDXmin and minimum DEN turnoff delay TCVCTXmin are both 10 ns relative to the same clock edge, the hold time is guaranteed. Additionally, DEN must disable the transceivers prior to the CPU red riving the bus with the address for the next bus cycle. The maximum DEN turn off delay (TCVCTXmax) compared with the minimum delay for addresses out of the 8086 (TCLCL+ TCLAVmin) indicates the transceivers are disabled at least 105 ns before the CPU drives the address onto the multiplexed bus .. If memory or I/O devices are connect.ed directly to the multiplexed address and data bus, the TAZRL parameter guarantees the CPU will float the bus before activating read and allowing the selected device to drive the bus. At the end of the bus cycle, the TRHAV parameter specifies the bus float delay the device being deselected must satisfy to avoid contention with the CPU driving the address for the next bus cycle. The next bus cycle may start as soon as the cycle following T4 or any number of clock cycles later. The minimum delay from read active to valid data at the CPU is 2TCLCL - TCLRLmax - TDVCL = 205 ns. The minimum pulse width is 2TCLCL- 75 ns = 325 ns. This specification (TRLRH) overrides the result which could be derived from clock relative delays (2TCLCL": TCLRLmax+ TCLRHmin). 3. Write Cycle Timing The write cycle involves providing write data to the system, generating the write command and controlling data bus transceivers. The transceiver direction control signal DT/R is conditioned to transmit at the end of each read cycle and does not change during a write cycle. 3-314 230792-001 AP-67 This allows the transceiver enable signal DEN to be ac· tive early in the cycle (while addresses are valid) without corrupting the address on the multiplexed bus. The write data and write command are both enabled from the leading edge of T2. Comparing minimum WR active delay TCVCTVmin with the maximum write data delay TCLDV indicates that write data may be not valid until 100 ns after write is active. The devices in the system should capture data on the trailing edge of the write command rather than the leading edge to guarantee valid data. The data from the 8086 is valid a minimum of 2TCLCL - TCLDVmax + TCVCTXmin = 300 ns before the trailing edge of write. The minimum write pulse width is TWLWH= 2TCLCL- 60 ns= 340 ns. The CPU maintains valid write data TWHDX ns after write. The TWHDZ spec· ification overrides the result derived by relaling TCLCHmin and TCHDZmin which implies write data may only be valid 18 ns afterWR. The 8086 floats the bus after write only if being forced off tfle bus by a HOLD or RQ input. Otherwise, the CPU simply switches the out· put drivers from data to address at the beginning of the next bus cycle. As with the read cycle, the next bus cy· cle may start in the clock cycle following T4 or any clock cycle later. DEN is disabled a minimum of TCLCHmin + TCVCTXmin - TCVCTXmax = 18 ns after write to guarantee data hold time to the selected device. Since we are again evaluating a minimum TCVCTX with a max· imum TCVCTX, the real minimum delay from the end of write to transceiver disable is approximately 60 ns. 4. Interrupt Acknowledge Timing The interrupt acknowledge sequence consists of two in· terrupt acknowledge bus cycles as previously de· scribed. The detailed timing of each cycle is identical to the read cycle timing with two exceptions: command timing and address/data bus timing. He' h=C~ T, T, T3 eLK (8284 OUTPUn vfc - TCHCTV I-- MilO Tw I r", r-----TCLCL--TCH1CH2VCHv----\ T, -~ r--TCLCH~ TCHCL I\. --TCLDV relAV-- TCLLH--- -J , - lTcLA;: f TCHDX --- 57-53 SKE, A19-A1 -T~LAX TL1L-=: r-I ALE r-- TCHLL-I ~TAVAl- RDY (8284 INPUT) r-- SEE NOTE 4 :n~~ --- _TR1VCl ~~~\\~ ~~~~ ~~~\\\ ~ r-- TCLRIX +RYLCL ------ - h READY (8086 INPUT) 1 TCLAV~ - 1 r-- TAVAL t-- - --TCHRYX - :=TRYHCHl - TLLAX- r- A15-Ao TAZRL~ READ CYCLE NOTE 1 -=y--rCHCTV TDVCL ___ -TCLDX-- j-TCLAX f{ J. TCLRL I (WR, INTA=VOH) DTIR TCVCTV- Figure 3F1. 8086 Bus Timing - 3-315 DATA IN { TCLRH-- 1 FLOA~--J' 1---1 r- TRHAV ~ TRlRH I TCVCTX - TCHCTV -/ Minimum Mode System 230792-001 AP-67 CLK (8284 OUTPUT) M/ili ALE WRITE CYCLE NOTE 1 (i'iii, iN'fA, DTfll=vOH) TCVCTX- FLOAT INTACYCLE NOTES 1 DTIR "3 Ri5', TCVCTV- W'R=VOH I!m=VOL) SOFTWARE HALT - (DEN = VOL; RD, ViR, TN'TA. DT/Fi =VOH; AD1S-ADO TI'S FOLLOW n, THEN NMI OR INTR BEGIN A NEW n. INVALID ADDRESS AD1S- AD o TCLAV NOTES: 1. ALL SIGNALS SWITCH BETWEEN VOH AND VOl UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 2. ROY IS SAMPLED NEAR THE END OF T2, T3, TW TO DETERMINE IF Tw MACHINES STATES ARE TO BE INSERTED. 3. BOTH INTA CYCLES RUN BACK·TO·BACK. THE 8088 LOCAL ADDRJDATA BUS IS FLOATING DURING THE SECOND INTA CYCLE. CONTROL SIGNALS SHOWN FOR SECOND INTA CYCLE. 4. SIGNALS AT 8284 ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. 5. ALL TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 1.5V UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Figure 3Fl. 8086 Bus Timing - Minimum Mode System (Con't) I 3-316 230792-001 AP-61 r----TCLCLCLK VCHr--... ..J VCL TCLAV- r\ ~- :JHCr~ ~n!--TCLCH_ TCHCL X I--- - TCHSV -TCLSH '1;/1;; /j/I s"s"s, (EXCEPT HALT) ~ tTCLAV TCLAX- TCLLH~ ALE (8288 OUTPUT) SEE NOTES 1 ~ J - \ SEE NOTE 8 ~CLOV ----- '------ TCHoX~ iHE, A19-A16 TSVLH , 57-53 {TCHLL ' I ---- ~ -'fu~~~~~~ ~~~~~ !-Tr1VCL ~ ROY (8284 INPUT) r-- ' TRYLCl __ TYHSH~t TCLAV~ READ CYCLE f Ro TCHDTL-I -- TRYHCH- ... -TCLAZ I- ~ TAZRL- - - r--------- I f(' -TCHRYX - ToVCL- -TCLoX- FL~~ TRHAV TCLRH i'\ TCLRL TRLRH TCLMH- 8288 OUTPUTS SEE NOTES 5,6 TCVNV- It- ¥ TCVNX-- Figure 3F2a. 8086 Bus Timing - ~ DATA IN ./' - TCLML-- f- A TCHoTH \ - Maximum Mode System (Using 8288) 3-317 230792-001 AP-67 T, T, TW CLK VCL \ Si."!i.SO (EXCEPT HALn WRITE CYCLE \._--- TCHDXDATA TCVNX-DEN TCLMH8288 OUTPUTS seE NOTES 5,6 MWfC OR iO'WC INTACYCLE AD1S-ADo seE NOTES 3 • 4 FLOAT TC OX FLOAT TSYMCH I r-- MCEI i'li£N TCHDTH DTtR ..... 0lITPIJTS seE NOTES 5,6 DEN TCVNX Ao,,-ADo INVAUD AOORE118 TCLAV ~ /r-----~\------'--._ _ _ _..J. \. _____ _ NOTES: 1. ALL SIGNALS SWITCH BETWEEN VOH AND VOL UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 2. ROY IS SAMPLED NEAR THE END OF T2. T3J Tw TO DETERMINE IF Tw MACHINES STATES ARE TO BE INSERTED. 3. CABCADE ADDRE118 IS VAUD BElWEEN FIRBT AND SECOND INTA CYCLES. 4. BOTH INTA CYCLES RUN BACK·T().BACK. THE 8088 LOCAL ADDRIDATA BUS IS FLOATING DURING THE SECOND INTA CYCLE. CONTROL FOR POINTER ADDRE118 IS SHOWN FOR SECOND INTA CYCLE. 5. SIGNALS AT 8284 OR 8211 ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. I. THE ISSUANCE OF THE 8211 COMMAND AND CONTROL SIGNALS (IIImC, 1iW'Ill, AII\'Vl:, \mm, ll!Wl:, liIOW1i, 1IITl AND DEN) LAGS THE ACTIVE HIGH 82IICEN. 7. ALL TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT 1.IV UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED• •• STATUS INACTIVE IN STATE JUST PRIOR TO T4. Figure 3F2b. 8086 Bus Timing - Maximum Mode System (Using 8286) (Con'l) 3-318 230792-001 AP-67 The multiplexed address/data bus floats from the beginning (T1) of the INTA cycle (within TCLAZ ns). The upper four multiplexed address/status lines do not three-state. The address value on A19-A16 is indeterminate but the status information will be valid (S3 = 0, 84 = 0, S5 = IF, S6 = 0, S7 = BHE = 0). The multiplexed address/data lines will remain in three-state until the cycle after T4 of the INTA cycle. This sequence occurs for each of the INTA bus cycles. The interrupt type number read by the 8086 on the second INTA bus cycle must satisfy the same setup and hold times required for data during a read cycle. normally ready, devices not requiring wait states do nothing to RDY while devices n~eding wait states should disable RDY via the address decode and use a combination of address decode and command to activate a delay to re-enable RDY. The DEN and DT/R signals are enabled for each I NTA cycle and do not remain active between the two cycles. Their timing for each cycle is identical to the read cycle. 6. Other Considerations ThelNTA command has the same timing as the write command. It is active within 110 ns of the start of T2 providing 260 ns of access time from command to data valid at the 8086. The command is active a minimum of TCVCTXmin = 10 ns into T4 to satisfy the data hold time of the 8086. ThiS provides minimum INTA pulse width of 300 ns, however taking signal delay tracking into consideration gives a minimum pulse width of 340 ns. Since the maximum inactive delay of INTA is TCVCTXmax= 110 ns and the CPU will not drive the bus until 15 ns (TCLAVmin) into the next clock cycle, 105 ns are available for interrupt devices on the local bus to float their outputs. If the data bus is buffered, DEN provides the same amount of time for local bus transceivers to threestate their outputs. 5. Ready Timing The detailed timing requirements of the 8086 ready signal and the system ready signal into the 8284 are described in Section 3D. The system ready Signal is typically generated from either the address decode of the selected device or the address decode and the command (RD, WR, INTA). For a system which is normally not ready, the time to generate ready from a valid address and not insert a wait state, is 2TCLCLTCLAVmax - TR1 VCLmax = 255 ns. This time is available for buffer delays and address decoding to determine if the selected device does not require a wait state and drive the RDY line high. If wait cycles are required, the user hardware must provide the appropriate ready delay. Since the address will not change until the next ALE, the RDY will remain valid throughout the'cycle. If the system is normally ready, selected devices requiring wait states also have 255 ns to disable the RDY line. The user circuitry must delay re-enabling RDY by the appropriate number of wait states. o If the RD command is used to enable the RDY Signal, TCLCL- TCLRLmax- TRIVCLmax= 15 ns are available for external logic. If the WR command is used, TCLCLTCVCTVmax - TRIVCLmax = 55 ns are available. Comparison of RDY control by address or command indicates that address decoding provides the best timing. If the system is normally not ready, address decode alone could be used to provide RDY for devices not requiring wait states while devices requiring wait states may use a combination of address decode and command to activate a wait state generator. If the system is If the system requires no wait states for memory and a fixed number of wait states for RD and WR to all I/O devices, the M/iO signal can be used as an early indication of the need for wait cycles. This allows a common circuit to control ready timing for the entire system without feedback of address decodes. Detailed HOLD/HLDA timing is covered in the next section and is not examined here. One last signal consideration needs to be mentioned for the minimum mode system. The TEST input is sampled' by the 8086 only during execution of the WAIT instruction. The TEST signal should be active for a minimum of 6 clock cycles during the WAIT instruction to guarantee detection. B. MAXIMUM MODE BUS TIMING The maximum mode 8086 bus operations are logically equivalent to the minimum mode operation. Detailed timing analysis now involves signals generated by the CPU and the 8288 bus controller. The 8288 also provides additional control and command Signals which expand the flexibility of the system. 1. ADDRESS and ALE In the maximum mode, the address information continues to come from the CPU while the ALE strobe is generated by the 8288. To determine the worst case relationships between ALE and the address, we first must determine 8288 ALE activation relative to the SO-52 status from the CPU. The maximum mode timing diagram specifies two possible delay paths to generate ALE. The first is TCHSV + TSVLH measured from the rising edge of the clock cycle preceding T1. The second path is TCLLH measured from the start of T1. Since the 8288 initiates a bus cycle from the status lines leaving the passive state (SO-52 = 1), if the 8086 is late in issuing the status (TCHSVmax) while the clock high time is a minimum (TCHCLmin), the status will not have changed by the start of T1 and ALE is issued TSVLH ns after the status changes. If the status changes prior to the beginning of T1, the 8288 will not issue the ALE until TCLLH ns after the start of T1. The resulting worst case delay to enable ALE (relative to the start of T1) is TCHSVmax + TSVLHmax - TCHCLmin = 58 ns. Note, when calculating signal relationships, be sure to use the proper maximum mode values rather than equivalent minimum mode values. 3-319 The trailing edge of ALE is triggered in the 8288 by the positive clock edge in T1 regardless of the delay to enable ALE. The resulting minimum ALE pulse width is TCLCHmax - 58 ns = 75 ns assuming TCHLL = O. TCLCHmax must be used since TCHCLmin was assumed to derive the 58 ns ALE enable delay. The address is guaranteed to be valid TCLCHmin + TCHLLmin - TCLAVmax= 8 ns prior to the trailing edge 230792-001 AP-67 of ALE to capture the address in the 8282 or 8283 latches. Again we have assumed a very conservative TCHLL = O. Note, since the address and ALE are driven by separate devices, no tracking of A.C. characteristics can be assumed. The address hold time to the latches is guaranteed by the address remaining valid until the end of T1 while ALE is disabled a maximum of '15 ns' from the positive clock transition in T1 (TCHCLmin - TCHLLmax = 52 ns address hold time). The multiplexed bus transitions from address to status and write data or three·state (for read) are identical to the minimum mode timing. Also, since the address valid delay (TCLAV) remains the critical path in establishing a valid address, the address access times to valid data and ready are the same as the minimum mode system. 2. Read Cycle Timing The maximum mode system offers read signals generated by both the 8086 and the 8288. The 8086 RD output signal timing is identical to the minimum mode system. Since the A.C. characteristics of the read com· mands generated by the 8288 are significantly better than the 8086 output, access to devices on the demultiplexed buffered system bus should use the 8288 commands. The 8086 RD signal is available for devices which reside directly on the multiplexed bus. The following evaluations for read, write and interrupt acknowledge only consider the 8288 command timing. The 8288 provides separate memory and 1/0 read signals which conform to the same A.C. characteristics_ The commands are issued TCLML ns after the start of T2 and terminate TCLMH ns after the start of T4. The minimum command length is 2TCLCL- TCLMLmax+ TCLMLmin = 375 ns. The access time to valid data at the CPU is 2TCLCL-TCLMLmax-TDVCLmax=335 ns. Since the 8288 was designed for systems with buffered data busses, the commands are enabled before the CPU has three-stated the multiplexed bus and should not be used with devices which reside directly on the multiplexed bus (to do 50 could result in bus contention during 8086 bus float and device turn-on). 3. Write Cycle Timing I n the maximum mode, the 8288 provides normal and advanced write commands for memory and 1/0. The advanced write commands are active a full clock cycle ahead of the normal write commands and have timing identical to the read commands. The advanced write pulse width is 2TCLCL- TCLMLmax+ TCLMHmin=375 ns while the normal write pulse width is TCLCLTCLMLmax + TCLMHmin = 175 ns. Write data setup time to the selected device is a function of either the data valid delay from the 8086 (TCLDV) or the transceiver enable delay TCVNV. The worst case delay to valid write data is TCLDV= 110 ns minus transceiver propagation delays. This implies the data may not be valid until 100 ns after the advanced write command but will be valid approximately TCLCL- TCLDVmax + TCLMLmin = 100 ns prior to the leading edge of the normal write command. Data will be valid 2TCLCL- TCLDVmax+ TCLMHmin = 300 ns before the trailing edge of either write command. The data and command overlap for the advanced command is 300 ns while the overlap with the normal write command is 175 ns. The transceivers are disabled a minimum of TCLCHmin - TCLMHmax + TCVNXmin = 85 ns after the write command while the CPU provides valid data a minimum of TCLCHminTCLMHmax + TCHDZmin = 85 ns. This guarantees write data hold of 85 ns after the write command. The transceivers are disabled TCLCL - TCVNXmax + TCHDTLmin = 155 ns (assuming TCHDTL= 0) prior to transceiver direction change for a subsequent read cycle. 4. Interrupt Acknowledge Timing The direction control for data bus transceivers is estab, lished in T1 while the transceivers are not enabled by DEN until the positive clock transition of T2. This provides TCLCH + TCVNVmin = 123 ns for 8086 bus float delay and TCHCLmin+TCLCL-TCVNVmaxTDVCLmax = 187 ns of transceiver active to data valid at the CPU. Since both DEN and command are valid a minimum of 10 ns into T4, the CPU data hold time TCLDX is guaranteed_ A maximum DEN disable of 45 ns (TCVNX max) guarantees the transceivers are disabled by the start of the next 8086 bus cycle (215 ns minimum from the same clock edge)_ On the positive clock transition of T4, DT/R is returned to transmit in preparation for a possible write operation on the next bus cycle. Since the system memory and 110 devices reside on a buffered system bus, they must three-state their outputs before the device for the next bus cycle is selected (approximately 2TCLCL) or the transceivers drive write data onto the bus (approximately 2TCLCL). The maximum mode INTA sequence is logically identical to the minimum mode sequence. The transceiver control (DEN and DT/R) and INTA command timing of each interrupt acknowledge cycle is identical to the read cycle. As in the minimum mode system, the multiplexed addressldata bus will float from the leading edge of T1 for each INTA bus cycle and not be driven by the CPU until after T4 of each INTA cycle. The setup and hold times on the vector number for the second cycle are the same as data setup and hold for the read. If the device providing the interrupt vector number is connected to the local bus, TCLCL - TCLAZmax + TCLMLmin = 130 ns are available from 8086 bus float to INTA command active. The selected device"on the local bus must disable the system data bus transceivers since DEN is still generated by the 8288. If the 8288 is not in the lOB (1/0 Bus) mode, the 8288 MCE/PDEN output becomes the MCE output. This output is active during each INTA cycle and overlaps the ALE signal during T1. The MCE is available for gating cascade addresses from a master 8259A onto three of the upper AD15-AD8 lines and allowing ALE to latch the cascade address into the address latches. The address lines may then be used to provide CAS address selection to slave 8259A's located on the system bus (reference Figure 3E5). MCE is active within 15 ns of status or the start of T1 for each INTA cycle. MCE should not enable the CAS lines onto the multiplexed bus during the first cycle since the CPU does not guarantee to float 3-320 230792-001 AP-67 the bus until 80 ns into the first INTA cycle. The first MCE can be inhibited by gating MCE with LOCK. The 8086 LOCK output is activated during T2 of the first cycle and disabled during T2 of the second cycle. The overlap of LOCK with MCE allows the first MCE to be masked and the second MCE to gate the cascade address onto the local bus. Since the 8259A will not pro· vide a cascade address until the second cycle, no information is lost. As with ALE, MCE is guaranteed valid within 58 ns of the start of T1 to allow 75 ns CAS address setup to the trailing edge of ALE. MCE remains active TCHCLmin - TCHLLmax + TCLMCLmin = 52 ns after ALE to provide data hold time to the latches. If the 8288 is strapped in the lOB mode, the MCE output becomes PDEN and all 1/0 references are assumed to be devices on the local bus rather than the demultiplexed system bus. Since INTA cycles are considered 1/0 cycles, all interrupts are assumed to come from the local system and cascade addresses are not gated onto the system address bus. Additionally, the DEN signal is not enabled since no 1/0 transfers occur on the system bus. If the local 1/0 bus is also buffered by transceivers, the PDEN signal is used to enable those transceivers. PDEN A.C. characteristics are identical to DEN with PDEN enabled for 1/0 references and DEN enabled for instruction or memory data references. ments are identical to those stated for the minimum mode. To inform the 8288 of HALT status when a HALT instruc· tion is executed, the 8086 will initiate a status transition from passive to HALT status. The status change will cause the 8288 to emit an ALE pulse with an indeterminate address. Since no bus cycle is initiated (no com· mand is issued), the results of this address will not af· fect CPU operation (Le., no response such as READY is expected from the system). This allows external hard· ware to latch and decode all transitions in system status. 3G. Bus Control Transfer (HOLD/HLDA and RQ/GT) The 8086 supports protocols for transferring control of the local bus between itself and other devices capable of acting as bus masters. The minimum mode config· uration offers a signal level handshake similar to the 8080 and 8085 systems. The maximum mode provides an enhanced pulse sequence protocol designed to optimize utilization of CPU pins while extending the system configurations to two prioritized levels of alter· nate bus masters. These protocols are simply tech· niques for arbitration of control of the CPU's local bus and should not be confused with the need for arbitration of a system bus . • 5. Ready Timing Ready timing based on address valid timing is the same for maximum and minimum mode systems. The delay from 8288 command valid to RDY valid at the 8284 is TCLCL- TCLMLmax- TRIVCLmin= 130 ns. This time is available for external circuits to determine the need to insert wait states and disable RDY or enable RDY to avoid wait states. INTA, all read commands and advanced write commands provide this timing. The normal write command is not valid until after the RDY signal must be valid. Since both normal and advanced write commands are generated by the 8288 for all write cycles, the advanced write may be used to generate a RDY indication even though the selected device uses the normal write command. Since sepa~te commands are provided for memory and 1/0, no MilO signal is specifically available as in the minimum mode to allow an early 'wait state required' in· dication for 1/0 devices. The S2 status line, however is logically equivalent to the MilO signal and can be used for this purpose. 6. Other Considerations The RQ/GT timing is covered in the next section and will not be duplicated here. The only additional signals to be considered in the maximum mode are the queue status lines QSO, QS1. These signals are changed on the leading edge of each clock cycle (high to low transition) including idle and wait cycles (the queue status is in· dependent of the bus activity). External logic may sam· pie the lines on the low to high transition of each clock cycle. When sampled, the signals indicate the queue ac· tivity in the previous clock cycle and therefore lag the CPU's activity by one cycle. The TEST input require· 3-321 1. MINIMUM MODE The minimum mode 8086 system uses a hold request input (HOLD) to the CPU and a hold acknowledge (HLDA) output from the CPU. To gain control of the bus, a device must assert HOLD to the CPU and wait for the HLDA before driving the bus. When the 8086 can relin· quish the bus, it floats the RD, WR, INTA and M/iO command lines, the DEN and DT/Rbus control lines and the multiplexed addressldata/status lines. The ALE signal is not three-stated. The CPU acknowledges the request with HLDA to allow the requestor to take control of the bus. The request6r must maintain the HOLD request ac· tive until it no longer requires the bus. The HOLD request to the 8086 directly affects the bus interface unit and only indirectly affects the execution unit. The CPU will continue to execute from its internal queue until either more instructions are needed or an operand transfer is required. This allows a high degree of overlap between CPU and auxiliary bus master operation. When the requestor drops the HOLD signal, the 8086 will respond by dropping HLDA. The CPU will not re·drive the bus, command and control signals from three-state until it needs to perform a bus transfer. Since the 8086 may still be executing from its internal queue when HOLD drops, there may exist a period of time during which no device is driving the bus. To prevent the command lines from drifting below the minimum VIH level during the transition of bus control, 22K ohm pull up resistors should be connected to the bus command lines. The timing diagram in Figure 3G1 shows the handshake se· quence and 8086 timing to sample HOLD, float the bus, and enableldisable HLDA relative to the CPU clock. To guarantee valid system operation, the designer must assure that the requesting device does not assert con- 230792-001 AP-67 trol of the bus prior to the 8086 relinquishing control and that the device relinquishes control of the bus prior to the 8086 driving the bus. The HOLD request Into the 8086 must be stable THVCH ns prior to the CPU's low to high clock transition. Since this Input is not synchronized by the CPU, signals driving the HOLD input should be synchronized with the CPU clock to guarantee the setup time is not violated. Either clock edge may be used. The maximum delay between HLDA and the 8086 floating the bus is TCLAZmaxTCLHAVmin = 70 ns. If the system 'cannot tolerate the 70 ns overlap, HLDA active from the 8086 should be delayed to the device. The minimum delay for the CPU to drive the control bus from HOLD inactive is THVCHmln + 3TCLCL= 635 ns and THVCHmin + 3TCLCL+ TCHCL = 701 ns to drive, the multiplexed bus. If the device does not satisfy these requirements, HOLD inactive to the 8086 should be delayed. The delay from HLDA inactive to driving the busses Is TCLCL + TCLCHmlnTCLHAVmax = 158 ns for the cont1'ol bus and 2TCLCLTCLHAVmax = 240 ns for the data bus. ,1.1 Latency of HLOA to HOLD The decision to respond to a HOLD request is made In the bus interface unit. The major factors that Influence the decision are the current bus activity, the state of the LOCK signal Internal to the CPU (activated by the software LOCK prefix) and Interrupts. If the LOCK is not active, an interrupt acknowledge cycle Is not in progress and the BIU (Bus Interface Unit) is executing a T4'orTI when the HOLD request Is received, the minimum latency to HUlA Is: 35 ns 65 ns 200 ns 10 ns THVCH min (Hold setup) TCHCL min TCLCL (bus float delay) TCLHAV min (HLDA delay) 310 ns @ 5 MHz The maximum delay under these conditions is: 34 ns 200 ns 82 ns 200 ns '160 ns Oust missed setup time) delay to next sample TCHCL max TCLCL (bus float delay) TCLHAV max (HLDA delay) 677 ns @ 5MHz If the BIU just Initiated a bus cycle when the HOLD Request was receiveq, the worst case response time is: 34 ns 82 ns 7*200 N*200 160 ns THVCH Oust missed) TCHCL max bus cycle execution N walt states/bus cycle TCLHAV max (HLDA delay) 1.676/As @ 5 MHz, no wait states Note, the 200 ns delay for just missing is included in the delay for bus cycle execution. If the operand transfer is ,a word transfer to an odd byte boundary, two bus cycles are executed to perform the transfer. The BIU will not acknowledge' a HOLD request between the two bus cycles. This type of transfer would extend the above maximum latency by four additional clocks plus N additional wait states. With no wait states in the bus cycle, the maximum would be 2.476 microseconds. Although the minimum mode 8086 does not have a hardware LOCK output, the software LOCK prefix may stili be Included In the Instruction stream. The CPU Internally reacts to the LOCK prefix as would the maximum mode 8086. Therefore, the LOCK does not allow a HOLD request to be honored until completion of the Instruction following the prefix. This allows an instruction which performs, more ,than one memory reference (ex. ADD [BX], CX; which adds CX to [BXD to execute without another bus master gaining control of the bus between memory references. Since the LOCK signal is active for one clock longer than the instruction execution, the maximum latency to HLDA is: elK HOLD CONTROL HlDA _ _ _ _..J Figure 3C1. HOLD/HLDA Sequence 3-322 230792-001 AP-67 34 ns 200 ns 82 ns (M+ 1)'200 ns 200 ns 160 ns THVCH (just miss) delay to next sample TCHCL max LOCK instruction execution set up HLDA (internal) TCLHAV max (HLDA delay) (M'200 ns)+ 876 ns @ A typical use of the HOLD/HLDA signals in the minimum mode 8086 system is bus control exchange with DMA devices like the Intel 8257-5 or 8237 DMA controllers. Figure 3G2 gives a general interconnect for this type of configuration using the 8237-2. The DMA controller resides on the upper half of the 8086's local bus and shares the A8-A 15 demultiplexing address latch of the 8086. All registers in the 8237-2 must be assigned odd addresses to allow initialization and interrogation by the CPU over the upper half of the data bus. The 8086 RD/WR commands must be demultiplexed to provide separate 1/0 and memory commands which are compatible with the 8237-2 commands. The AEN control from the 8237-2 must disable the 8086 commands from the command bus, disable the address latches from the lower (AO-A7) and upper (A19-A16) address bus and select the 8237-2 address strobe (ADSTB) to the A8-A15 address latch. If the data bus is buffered, a pull-up resistor on the DEN line will keep the buffers disabled. The DMA controller will only transfer bytes between 5 MHz If the HOLD request is made at the beginning of an interrupt acknowledge sequence, the maximum latency to HLDA is: 34 ns 82 ns 2600 ns 160 ns THVCH (just missed) TCHCL max 13 clock cycles for INTA TCLHAV max 2.876 fls @ 5 MHz 1.2 Minimum Mode DMA Configuration Vee T DEMULTIPLEX MIN MODE COMMANDS rD~ I 8284 I L I T RDIWRIIO/M BHE A19-18 8086 READY CLK RESET HOLD ALE - AD150 HLDA - EJiIAB[E 8282 _01 00 STB -r T ~ = DOr- UPPER DMA ADDR - >0- 01 - 8282 110 PORT LOADED DURING 8237 INITIALIZATION - I LOCAL DATA BUS --s2ii2 74LS74 Q CLR l~LD ,-- COMMAND BUS 01 ~ 00 STB - AD7·0 --s2ii2 _01 STB 00 EN ~ - (AO) - 0670 AEN ADSTB ·'1 -- lOR lOW 8237·2 MOO HLDA HRQ CLK r 4 MEMW rESET Figure 3G2. DMA Using the 8237·2 3-323 230792-001 l memory and 1/0 and requires the 1/0 devices to reside on an 8·bit bus derived from the 16·blt to 8·bit bus multiplex circuit given in Section 4. Address lines /!t.7·AO are driven directly by the 8237 and BHE is generat"ed by inverting AO.lf A19·A16 are used, they must be provided by an ad· ditlonal port with either a fixed value or initialized by software and enabled ont9 the address bus by AEN. Figure 3G3 gives an Interconnection for placing' the 8257 on the system bus. By using a separate latch to hold the upper address from the 8257·5 and connecting the outputs to the address bus as shown, 16·bit DMA transfers are provided. In this configuration, AEN simultaneously enables AO and BHE to allow word transfers. AEN still disables the CPU interface to the command and address busses. 2. MAXIMUM MODE (RQ/GT) The maximum mode 8086 configuration supports a sig· nlficantly different protocol for transferring bus control. When viewed with respect to the HOLD/HLDA sequence of the minimum mode, the protocol appears difficult to i"1plement externally. However, it is necessary to under· stand the intent of the protocol and its purpose within the system architecture. 2.1 Shared System Bus (RQ/GT Altemative) The maximum mode RQ/GT sequence is intended to transfer control of the CPU local bus between the CPU and alternate bus masters which reside totally on the local bus and share the complete CPU interface to the system bus. The complete interface Includes the ad· dress latches, data transceivers, 8288 bus controller and 8289 multi master bus arbiter. If the alternate bus' masters In the system do not reside directly on the 8086 local bus, system bus arbitration is required rather than local CPU bus arbitration. To satisfy the need for multi· mallter system bus arbitration at Elach CPU's system in· terface, the 8289 bus arbiter should be used rather than . the CPU RQ/GT logic. To allow a device, with a simple HOLD/HLDA protocol to gain control ot a single CPU system bus, the circuit in Figure 3G4 could be used. The design Is effectively a simple bus arbiter which isolates the CPU from the system bus when an alternate bus master Issues a HOLD request. The output of the Circuit, Ai:N (Address ENable), disables the 8288 and 8284 when the 8086 in· dicates idle status (SO,81 ,82 1), LOCK is not active and a HOLD request is active. With AEN Inactive, the 8288 three·states the command outputs and disables DEN = 8282 A1916 ALE 01 A19-11 DO A,. STB BtiE BHE OE cpu" BUS INTERFACE 8282 AD1S-8 01 A15-9 DO A, STB (jI[ 8282 AD7.o 01 A7·1 DO STB OE DTfR '------' Ao TO GROUND AND r-±:-----..",:l-~=-+__:J......, UPPER BITS OF DMA ADDRESS (FIXED OR REG) HOLD . . .- - - - - - ! HLDA-------I~I CONTROLS ARE SAME AS 8-BIT TRANSFER CONFIGURATION WITH MANIPULATION OF THE DATA BUS Figura 303. 8086 Min System, 8257 on System Bus 16-Blt Transfers 3-324 230792-001 AP-67 which three-states the data bus transceivers. AEN must also three-state the address latch (8282 or 8283) outputs. These actions remove the 8086 from the system bus and allow the requesting device to drive the system bus. The AEN signal to the 8284 disables the ready input and forclls a bus cycle initiated by the 8086 to wait until the 8086 regains control of the system bus. The CPU may actively drive its local bus during this interval. A circuit configuration for an 8257-5 using this technique to interface with a maximum mode 8086 can be derived from Figure 3G3. The 8257-5 has its own address latch for buffering the address lines A15-A8 and uses its AEN output to enable the latch onto the address bus. The maximum latency from HOLD to HLDA for this circuit is dependent on the state of the system when the HOLD is issued. For an idle system the maximum delay is the propagation delay through the nand gate and RlS flip-flop (TQ1) plus 2TCLCL plus TCLCHmax plus propagation delay of the 74LS74 and 74LS02 (TD2). For a locked instruction it becomes: TD1 + TD2 + (M + 2) *TCLCL+ TCLCHmax where M is the number of clocks required for execution of the locked instruction. For the interrupt acknowledge cycle the latency is TD1 + TD2+ 9 *TCLCL+ TCLCHmax. The requesting device will not gain control of the bus during an 8086 initiated bus cycle, a locked instruction or an interrupt acknowledge cycle. The LOCK signal from the 8086 is active between INTA cycles to guarantee the CPU maintains control of the bus. Unlike the minimum mode 8086 HOLD response, this arbitration circuit allows the requestor to gain control of the bus between consecutive bus cycles which tran,sfer a word operand on an odd address boundary and are not locked. Depending on the characteristics of the requesting device, any of the 74LS74 outputs can be used to generate a HLDA to the device_ 2.2 Shared Local Bus (RQ/GT Usage) Upon completion of its bus operations, the alternate bus master must relinquish control of the system bus and drop the HOLD request. After AEN goes inactive, the address latches and data transceivers are enabled but, if a CPU initiated bus cycle is pending, the 8288 will not drive the command bus until a minimum of 105 ns or maximum of 275'ns later. If the system is normally not ready, the 8284 AEN input may immediately be enabled with ready returning to the CPU when the selected device completes the transfer. If the system is normally ready, the 8284 AEN input must be delay~d long enough to provide access time equivalent to a normal bus cycle. The 74LS74 latches in the design provide a minimum of TCLCHrnin for the alternate device to float the system bus after releasing HOLD. They also provide 2TCLCL ns address access and 2TCLCL- TAEVCHmax ns (8288 command enable delay) command access prior to enabling 8284 ready detection. If HLDA is generated as _shown in Figure 3G4, TCLCL ns are available for the 8086 to release the bus prior to issuing HLDA while HLDA is dropped almost immediately upon loss of HOLD. The RQ/GT protocol was developed to allow up to two i nstruction set extension processors (co-processors) or other special function processors (like the 8089 I/O processor in local mode) to reside directly on the 8086 local bus. Each RQ/GT pin of the 8086 supports the full protocol for exchange of bus control (Fig. 3G5). The sequence consists of a request from the alternate bus master to gain control of the system bus, a grant from the CPU to indicate the bus has been relinquished and a release pulse from the alternate master when done. The two RQ/GT pins (RQ/GTO and RQ/GT1) are prioritized with RQ/GTO having the highest priority. The prioritization only occurs if requests have been received on both pins before a response has be,en given to either. For ex, ample, if a request is received on RQ/GT1 followed by a request on RQ/GTO prior to a grant on RQ/GT1, RQ/GTO will gain priority over RQ/GT1. However, if RQ/GT1 had already received a grant, a request on RQ/GTO must wait until a release pulse is received on RQ/GT1. The request/grant sequence interaction with the bus interface unit is similar to HOLD/HLDA. The CPU continues to execute until a bus transfer for additional instructions or data is required. If the release pulse is +5 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A f N (TO 8288 & 828213'.) So S, slOCK HOLD AEN' (TO 8284) +5 ClK HLDA Figure 3G4. Circuit to Translate HOLD into AEN Disable for Max Mode 8086 3-325 230792-001 Ap·67 received before the CPU needs the bus, it will not drive the bus until a transfer is required. Upon receipt of a request pulse, the 8086 floats the multiplexed address, data and status bus, the SO, 51, and 52 status lines, the LOCK pin and' RD. This action does not disable the 8288 command outputs from driving the command bus and does not disable the address latches from driving the address bus. The 8288 contains internal pull-up resistors on the SO, 51, and S2 status lines to maintain the passive state while the 8086 outputs are three-state. The passive state prevents the 8288 from initiating any commands or activating DEN to enable the transceivers butfering the data bus. If the device issuing the RQ does not use the 8288, it must disable the 8288 command outputs by disabling the 8288 AEN input. Also, address latches not used by the requesting device must be disabled. GND Vee AD14 AD15 AD13 A18/S3 AD12 A17/S4 AD11 A18iS5 AD10 A191sa ADS BHElS7 ADS MN/MX AD7 iiii ADa RQlGTO AD5 ROtori AD4 LOCK AD3 S2 AD2 Si 2.3 RQ/GT Operation Detailed timing of the RQ/GT ,equence Is given In Figure 3G6. To request a transfer of bus control via the RQ/aT lines, the device must drive the line low for no more than one CPU clock Interval to generate a request pulse. The pulse must be synchronized with the CPU clock to guarantee the appropriate setup and hold 'times to the clock edge which samples the RQ/GT lines in the CPU. After Issuing a request pulse, the device must begin sampling for a grant pulse with the next low to high clock, edge. Since the 8086 can respond with a grant pulse in the clock cycle immediately following the request, the RQ/GT line may not return to the positive level between the request and grant pulses. Therefore edge triggered logic is not valid for capturing a grant pulse. It also Implies the circuitry which generates the request pulse must guarantee the request is removed In time to detect a grant from the CPU. After receiving the grant pulse, the requesting device may drive the local bus. Since the 8086 does not float the address and data bus, LOCK or RD until the high to low clock transition following the low to high clock transition the requestor uses to sample for the grant, the requestor should wait the float delay of the 8086 (TCLAZ) before driving the local bus. This precaution prevents bus contention durIng the access of bus control by the requestor. To return control of the bus to the 8086, the alternate bus master relinquishes bus control and Issues a release pulse on the same RQ/GT line. The 8086 may drive the SO-S2 status lines, RD and LOCK, three clock cycles after detepting the release pulse and the address/data bus TCHCLmln ns (clock high time) after the status lines. The alternate bus master should be threestated off the local bus and have other 8086 interface circuits (8288 and address latches) re-enabled within the 8086 delay to regain control of the bus. AD1 so ADO QSO NMI QS1 2.4 RQ/GT Latency INTR TEST CLK READY GND RESET The RQ to GT latency for a single RQ/GT line is similar to the HOLD to HLDA latency. The cases given for the minimum mode 8088 also apply to the maximum mode. For each case the delay from RQ detection by the CPU to GT detection by the requestor is: (HOLD to HLDA delay)- (THVCH + TCHCL+ TCLHAV) Figure 3G5. 8086 RQ/GT Connections , THIi/lll88FLQAT8AxDx8usiiiiANOiliCii:ONftlI5EDOI! I THI anti .. IIIIIsnR Fl..DAT&1i.Ii.1i FROM 111 STAT! OM THIS eDGE : ;::=~RI!=;'f:~HT~:-mH,ANDmmtQNTHISEDIHi a THEIOIIREDRNUTHEADo;LlNEI Flg~re 3G6. Request/Grant Sequence 3-326 230792-001 AP-67 This gives a clock cycle maximum delay for an Idle bus interface. All other cases are the minimum mode result minus 476 ns. If the 8086 has previously issued a grant on one of the RQ/GT lines, a request on the other RQ/GT line will not receive a grant until the first device releases the interface with a release pulse on its RQ/GT line. The delay from release on one RQ/GT line to a grant on the other is typically one clock period as shown in Figure 3G7. Occasionally the delay from a release on RQ/GT1 to a grant on RQ/GTO will take two clock cycles and is a function of a pending request for transfer of control from the execution unit. The latency from request to grant when the interface is under control of a bus master on the other RQ/GT line is a function of the other bus master. The protocol embodies no mechanism for the CPU to force an alternate bus master off the bus. A watchdog timer should be used to prevent an errant alternate bus master from 'hanging' the system. CHANNEL 0 TO 1 CLOCK RQIGTO "----I RELEASE "----I RQIGT1 GRANT CHANNEL 1 TO 0 CLOCK RO/GT1 RQIGTO "----I RELEASE \ ' -_ _ _ _/ GRANT OR \ / GRANT Figure 3G7. Channel TranSler Delay 3-327 230792-001 AP-67 2.5 RQ/GT to HOLD/HLDA Conversion of HLDA, it may be desirable to delay the acknowledge one clock period. The H LOA is dropped no later than one clock period after HOLD is disabled. The HLDA also drops at the beginning of the release pulse to provide 2TCLCL + TCLCH for the requestor to relinquish control of the status lines and 3TCLCL to float the remaining signals. A circuit for tran·slating a HOLD/HLDA hand-shake sequence into a RQ/GT pulse sequence is given in Figure 3G8. After receiving the grant pulse, the HLDA is enabled TCHCLmin ns before the CPU has three-stated the bus. If the requesting circuit drives the bus within 20 ns ClOCK--------------------------------------, A 741578 fr--rH J 74802 Q t-~----~-...., ClK ClR HlDA a HOLD 74502 +5 741578 »-t-..,--H J Q ClK K ClR a R 74LS04 RE5ET-----------------------------------" Figure 3G88. HOLD/HLD~iiQIGr Conversion Circuit 88.3 MIN---1 r- -1 r-44.6MIN -I [ . - DATA BUS FLOATS ClK HLDR A RQ HLDA ~ --------------------------~I Figure 3G8b. HOLDIHLDA--C_Q/GT Conversion Timing 3-328 230792-001 AP-67 4. INTERFACING WITH 110 The 8086 is capable of interfacing with 8· and 16·bit 110 devices using either 110 instructions or memory mapped 110. The 110 instructions allow the 110 devices to reside in a separate 110 address space while memory mapped 110 allows the full power of the Instruction set to be used for 110 operations. Up to 64K bytes of 110 mapped 110 may be defined in an 8086 system. To the program· mer, the separate 110 address space is only accessible with INPUT and OUTPUT commands which transfer data between 110 devices and the AX (for 16·bit data trans· fers) or AL (for 8·bit data transfers) register. The first 256 bytes of the 110 space (0 to 255) are directly addressable by the 110 instructions while the entire 64K is accessible via register indirect addressing through the OX register. The later technique is particularly desirable for service procedures that handle more than one device by allow· ing the desired device address to be passed to the pro· cedure as a parameter. 110 devices may be connected to the local CPU bus or the buffered system bus. provide full decoding in a single package and allow in· serting a new PROM to reconfigure the system 110 map without circuit board or wiring modifications (Fig. 4A2). ADDRESS EVEN ADDRESSED WORD OR BYTE PERIPHERALS 000 ADDRESSED BYTe PERIPHERALS BHe--+-oj (0) EVEN ADDRESSED BYTE PERIPHERALS 4A. Elght·Blt 110 Eight·bit I/O devices may be connected to either the up· per or lower half of the data bus. Assigning an equal number of devices to the upper and lower halves of the bus will distribute the bus loading. If a device is con· nected to the upper half of the data bus, all 110 ad· dresses assigned to the device must be odd (AO= 1). If the device is on the lower half of the bus, its addresses must be even (AO = 0). The address assignment directs the eight·bit transfer to the upper (odd byte address) or lower (even byte address) half of the sixteen·bit data bus. Since AO will always be·a one or zero for a specific device, AO cannot be used as an address input to select registers within a specific device. If a device on the upper half of the bus and one on the lower half are assigned addresses that differ only in AO (adjacent odd and even addresses), AO and SHE must be conditions of chip select decode to prevent a write to one device from erroneously performing a write to the other. Several techniques for generating 110 device chip selects are given in Figure 4A 1. 000 ADDRESSED BYTE PERIPHERALS (b) (e) Figure 4A 1. Techniques tor 110 Device Chip Selects The first technique (a) uses separate 8205's to generate chip selects for odd and even addressed byte periph· erals. If a word transfer is performed to an even ad· dressed device, the adjacent odd addressed I/O device is also selected. This allows accessing the devices in· dividually with byte transfers or simultaneously as a 16·bit device with word transfers. Figure 4A1(b) restricts the chip selects to byte transfers, however a word transfer to an odd address will cause the 8086 to run two byte transfers that the decode technique will not detect. The third technique simply uses a single 8205 to generate odd and even device selects for byte transfers and will only select the even addressed eight·bit device on a word transfer to an even address. If greater than 256 bytes of the 110 space or memory mapped 110 is used, additional decoding beyond what is shown In the examples may be necessary. This can be done with additional TTL, 8205's or bipolar PROMs (In· tel's 3605A). The bipolar PROMs are slightly slower than multiple levels of TTL (50 ns vs 30 to 40 ns for TTL) but 10 CSl CS2 Au A, 380. A, A·l A, A, A, Ao 0, n 0, 12 02 13 01 14 A. 1. Ao 16 A, 17 Figure 4A2. Bipolar PROM Decodor One last technique for interfacing with eight·blt periph· erals is considered in Figure 4A3. The sixteen·bit data bus is multiplexed onto an eight·bit bus to accom· modate byte oriented DMA or block transfers to memory mapped eight·bit 110. Devices connected to this inter· face may be assigned a sequence of odd and even ad· dresses rather than all odd or even. 3-329 230792-001 AP-67 74L802 74LS368 lOR iffi -~=+=L)o-----t;><>-- ~--r.~--------~ A...J'--__J\ a·Blt I~BIT I PERIPHERAL DATA BUS D:~~ 1 ~-L.LJ\ (L__ DEFINED EN~:~: _______________+--...J BHE PERIPHERAL CS NOTE: IF IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO THREE·STATE THE COMMAND LINES, A DECODER (8205 OR 745138) COULD BE USED. THE 74LS257 IS NOT RECOMMENDED SINCE THE OUTPUTS MAY EXPERIENCE VOLTAGE SPIKES WHEN ENTERING OR LEAVING THREE·STATE. .. Figure 4A3. 16· 10 8·Bil Bus Conversion 4B. Sixteen· Bit 110 For obvious reasons of efficient bus utilization and /lim· plicity of device selection, sixteen·bit 110 devices should be assigned even addresses. To guarantee the device Is selecte:! only for word operations, AO and BHE should be conditions of chip select code (Fig. 4B1). ADDRESS -----'hI "0·2 "0 -----+-01 E; lIfE E; E3 Figure 4Cl. Decoding Memory and 11.0 lUi and WR Commands lor Minimum Mode 8086 Syslems Linear select techniques (Fig. 4C2) for 110 devices can only be used with devices that either reside in the 1/0 ad· dress space or require more than one active chip select (at least one low active and one high active). Devices with a single chip select input cannot use linear select If they are memory mapped. This is due to the assignment of memory address space FFFFFOH·FFFFFFH to reset startup and memory space 00000H·003FFH to interrupt vectors. O. 8205 1 EVEN ADDRESSED WORD PERIPHERALS 07 (al SEPARATE 110 COMMANDS Figure 4B1. Sixleen·BilllO Decode 4C. General Design Considerations ADDRESSI{]S LINES) (j! ;1115 1115 110 DEVICE MINIMAX, MEMORY 110 MAPPED AND LINEAR SELECT Since the minimum mode 8086 has common read and write commands for memory and 1/0, if the memory and 1/0 address spaces overlap, the chip selects must be qualified by MilO to determine which address space the devices are assigned to. This restriction on chip select decoding can be removed if the 1/0· and memory ad· dresses in the system do not overlap and are properly decoded; all 1/0 is memory mapped; or RD, WR and M/iO are decoded to provide separate memory and 1/0 readlwrite commands (Fig. 4C1). The 8288 bus controller in the maximum mode 8086 system generates separate 1/0 and mernory comma[1ds in place of a M/iO signal. An 1/0 device is assigned to the 1/0 space or memory space (memory mapped 1/0) by connection of either 1/0· or memory command lines to the command inputs of the device. To allow overlap of the memory and 1/0 address space, the device must not respond to chip select alone but must require a combination of chip select and a read or write command. W1\ W1\ (b) MULTIPLE CHIP SELECTS Figure 4C2. Linear Selecllor 110 4D. Determf~lng 1/0 Device Compatibility This section presents a set of A.C. characteristics which represent the timing of the asynchronous bus interface of the 8086. The equations are expressed in terms of the CPU clock (when applicable) and are derived for minimum and maximum modes of the 8086. They repre· sent the bus characteristics at the CPU. The results can be used to determine 1/0 device reo quirements for operation on a single CPU local bus or buffered system bus. These values are. not applicable to 3-330 230792-001 AP-67 a Multibus system bus interface. The requirements for a Multibus system DUS are available in the Multibus interface specification. A list of bus parameters, their definition and how they relate to the A.C. characteristics of Intel peripherals are given in Table 401. Cycle dependent values of the parameters are given in Table 402. For each equation, if more than one signal path is involved, the equation reflects the worst case path. the relaxed device requirements for even a large complex configuration. The analysis assumes all components are exhibiting the specified worst case parameter values and are under the corresponding temperature, voltage and capacitive load conditions. If the capacitive loading on the 8282/83 or 8286/87 is less than the maximum, graphs of delay vs. capacitive loading in the respective data sheets should be used to determine the appropriate delay values. ex. TAVRL(address valid before read active) = (1) Address from CPU to RO active (or) (2) ALE (to enable the address through the address latches) to RO active TABLE 402. CYCLE DEPENDENT PARAMETER REQUIREMENTS FOR PERIPHERALS (8) Minimum Mode TAVRL= TCLCL+ TCLRLmln- TCLAVmax= TCLCL-100 TRHAX= TCLCL- TCLRHmax+ TCLLHmln=TCLCL-150 TRLRH =2TCLCL- 60= 2TCLCL- 60 TRLDV = 2TCLCL- TCLRLmax - TOVCLmin = 2TCLCL - '195 TRHOZ= TRHAVmin = 155 ns TAVDV= 3TCLCL- TDVCLmln- TCLAVmax= 3TCLCL-140 TRLRL = 4TCLCL = 4TCLCL TAVWL= TCLCL+ TCVCTVmin- TCLAVmax=TCLCL-100 TWHAX= TCLCL+ TCLLHmln- TCVCTXmax= TCLCL-110 TWLWH = 2TCLCL- 40= 2TCLCL- 40 TOVWH = 2TCLCL+ TCVCTXmin- TCLOVmax= 2TCLCL-100 TWHOX = TWHDZmln = 89 TWLCL= 4TCLCL= 4TCLCL TWHOXB=TCLCHmln+(- TCVCTXmax+ TCVCTXmln)= TCLCHmin - 50 The worst case delay path is (1). For the maximum mode 8086 configurations, TAVWLA, TWLWHA and TWLCLA are relative to the advanced write signal while TAVWL, TWLWH and TWLCL are relative to the normal write signal. ,TABLE 401. PARAMETERS FOR PERIPHERAL COMPATIBILITY TAVRL - Address stable before RO leading edge TRHAX - Address hold after RO trailing edge TRLRH ~ Read pulse width TRLOV - Read to data valid delay TRHOZ - Read trailing edge to data floating TAVOV - Address to valid data delay TRLRL - Read cycle time TAVWL- Address valid before write leading edge TAVWLA - Address valid before advanced wnte TWHAX - Address hold after write trailing edge TWLWH - Wnte pulse width TWLWHA - Advanced write pulse width TOVWH - Data set up to write trailing edge TWHDX - Data hold from write trailing edge TWLCL - Write recovery time TWLCLA - Advanced write recovery time TSVRL - Chip select stable before RO leading edge TRHSX - Chip select hold after RO trailing edge TSLDV - Chip select to data valid delay TSVWL - Chip select stable before WR leading edge TWHSX - Chip select hold after WR trailing edge TSVWLA - Chip select stable before advanced write (TAR) (TRA) (TRR) (TRO) Note Delays relative to chip select are a function of the chip select decode technique used and are equal to· equivalent delay from address- chip select decode delay. (TO F) (TAD) (TRCYC) (TAW) (TAW) (TWA) (TWW) (TWW) (b) Maximum Mode TAVRL= TCLCL+ TCLMLmin- TCLAVmax = TCLCL-100 TRHAX= TCLCL- TCLMHmax + TCLLHmin = TCLCL- 40 TRLRH = 2TCLCL- TCLMLmax + TCLMHmln= 2TCLCL- 25 TRLOV = 2TCLCL - TCLMLmax - TDVCLmln = 2TCLCL - 65 TRHOZ= TRHAVmin = 155 TAVOV= 3TCLCL- TOVCLmln- TCLAVmax= 3TCLCL-140 TRLRL= 4TCLCL= 4TCLCL TAVWLA= TAVRL= TCLCL-100 TAVWL= TAVRL+ TCLCL= 2TCLCL-100 TWHAX = TRHAX = TCLCL - 40 TWLWHA= TRLRH = 2TCLCL- 25 TWLWH = TRLRH - TCLCL= TCLCL- 25 TOVWH =2TCLCL+ TCLMHmln - TCLDVmax= 2TCLCL-100 TWHOX = TCLCHmln - TCLMHmax + TCHOZmln = TCLCHmln - 30 TWLCL= 3TCLCL= 3T~LCL TWLCLA = 4TCLCL= 4TCLCL (TOW) (TWO) (TRV) (TRV) (TAR) (TRA) (TRO) (TAW) (TWA) (TAW) Symbols In parentheses are equivalent parameters specified for Intel penpherals In the given list of equations, TWHOXB is the data hold time from the trailing edge of write for the minimum mode with a buffered data bus. For this equation, TCVCTX cannot be a minimum for data hold and a maximum for write inactive. The maximum difference is 50 ns giving the result TCLCH-50. If the reader wishes to verify the equations or derive others, refer to Section 3F for assistance with interpreting the 8086 bus timing diagrams. TABLE 403. COMPATIBLE PERIPHERALS (5 MHz 8086) Configuration Minimum Mode 8251A 8253·5 8255A·5 8257·5 8259A 8271 8273 8275 8279·5 8041A" 8741A 8291 Figure 401 shows four representative configurations and the compatible Intel peripherals (including wait states if required) for e'ach configuration are given in Table 403. Configuration 1 and 2 are minimum mode demultiplexed bus 8086 systems without (1) and with (2) data bus transceivers. Configurations 3 and 4 are maximum mode systems with one (3) and two (4) levels of address and data buffering. The last configuration is characteristic of a multi-board system with bus buffers on each board. The 5 MHz parameter values for these configurations are given in Table 404 and ~emonstrate Maximum Mode Unbuffered Buffered Buffered Fully Buffered v 1W 1W 1W 1W v v v v "" ""v ""v v v v v v v v v v ".. v v 1W 1W 1W 1W 1W 1W v ""v v v v v v"" v v v v ".. "" ".. "Includes other Intel peripherals based on the 8041A (I.e., 8292, 8294, 8295) ",.. Implies full operation with no walt states W implies the number of walt states reqUired 3-331 230792-001 AP-67 Peripheral compatibility is determined from the equations given for the CPU by modifying them to account for additional delays from address latches and data transceivers in the configuration. Once the system configuration is selected, the system requirements can be determined at the peripheral interface and used to evaluate compatibility of the peripheral to the system. During this process, two areas must be considered. First, cah the device operate at maximum bus bandwidth and if not, how many wait states are required. Second, are there any problems that cannot be resolved by wait states. TABLE 404. PERIPHERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR.FULL SPEED" OPERATION WITH 5 MHz 8086 Configuration Minimum Mode TAVRL TRHAX TRLRH TRLDV lRHDZ TAVDV TRLRL TAVWL TAVWLA TWHAX TWLWH TWLWHA TDVWH TWHDX TWLCL TWLCLA TSVRL TRHSX TSLDV TSVWL TWHSX TSVWLA - Unbuffered Buffered 70 57 340 205 155 430 800 70 72 27 320 150 158 400 770 72 - - 97 360 67 340 - - 300 88 800 339 15 772 52 50 412 52 90 54 50 382 54 90 - - - - Maximum Mode Buffe.',td 70 169 375 305 382 400 800 270 70 169 175 375 ·270 95 600 800 52 171 382 252 171 52 Fully Buffered 58 141 347 261 360 372 772 258 Examples of the first are TRLRH (read pulse width) and TRLDV (read access or RD active to output data valid). Consider address access time (valid address to valid data) for the maximum mode fully buffered configuration. 58 141 147 347 258 13 572 772 40 143 354 240 143 40 TAVDV = 3TCYC - 140 ns - address latch delay address buffer delay - chip seleot decode delay - 2 transceiver delays Assuming inverting latches, buffers and transceivers with 22 ns max delays (8283, 8287) and a bipolar PROM decode with 50 ns delay, the result is: Not applicable. TAVDV=322 ns @ 5 MHz 8. MINIMUM MODE b MINIMUM MODE BUFFERED DATA AND COMMAND BUSSES Figure 401. 8086 System Configurations 3-332 230792-001 AP-67 c MAXIMUM MODE BUFFERED DATA BUS elK 8284 NOTE FOR OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE WITH INTEL PERIPHERALS, WRITE) SHOULD BE USED AiOW (ADVANCED d MAXIMUM MODE DOUBLE BUFFERED SYSTEM 8284 Figure 401. 8086 System Configurations (Con't) The result gives the address to data valid delay required at the peripheral (in this configuration) to satisfy zero wait state CPU access time. If the maximum delay specified for the peripheral is less than the result, this parameter is compatible with zero wait state CPU opera· tion. If not, wait states must be inserted until TAVDV + n * TCYC (n is the number of wait states) is greater than the peripherals maximum delay. If several parameters require wait states, either the largest number required should always be used or different transfer cycles can insert the maximum number required for that cycle. The second area of concern includes TAVRL (address set up to read) and TWHDX (data hold after write). Incompatibilities in this area cannot be resolved by the insertion of wait states and may require either addi· 3-333 tional hardware, slowing down the CPU (if the parameter is related to the clock) or not using the device. As an example consider address valid prior to advanced write low (TAVWLA) for the maximum mode fully buf· fered system. TAVWLA = TCYC - 100 ns - address latch delay address buffer delay - chip select decode delay + write buffer delay (minimum) Assuming inverting latches and buffers with 22 ns delay (8283, 8287) and an 8205 address decoder with 18 ns delay TAVWLA=38 ns which is the time a 5 MHz 8086 system provides 230792-001 AP-67 4E. 1/0 Examples 1. Consider an Interrupt driven procedure for handling multiple communication lines. On receiving an interrupt from one of the lines, the Invoked procedure polls the lines (reading the status of each) to determine which line to service. The procedure does not enable lines but' simply services input and output requests until the associated output buffer is empty (for output requests) or until an Input line is terminated (for the example only' EOT Is considered). On detection of the terminate condl· tlon, the routine will disable the line. It is 'assumed that other routines will fill a lines output buffer and enable the device to request output or empty the input buffer and enable the device to Input additional characters. The routine begins operation by loadfng CX with a count of the number of lines In the system and OX with the I/O address of the first line. The 1/0 addresses are assigned as shown In Figure 4E1 with 8251A's as the 1/0 devices. The status of each line Is read to determine if it needs service. If yes, the appropriate routine Is called to input or output a character. After servicing the line or if no service Is needed, CX Is decremented and OX is incremented to test the next line. After all lines have been tested and serviced, the routine terminates. If all interrupts from the lines are OR'd together, only one interrupt is used for all lines. If tM Interrupt Is input to the CPU through an 8259A interrupt controller, the 8259A should be programmed in the level triggered mode to guarantee all line Interrupts are serviced. To service either an Input or output request, the called routine transfers OX to ax, and shifts ax to form the offset for this device into the table of input or output buffers. The first entry in the buffer is an index to the next character position in the buffer and Is loaded into the 81 register. By specifying the base address of the table of buffers as a displacement Into the data segment, the base + index + displacement addressing mode allows direct access to the appropriate memory location. 8086 code for part of this example Is shown in Figure 4E2. 2. As a second example, consider using memory mapped I/O and the 8086 string prlmative instructions to perform block transfers between memory and I/O. By assigning a block of the memory' address space (equivalent in size to the maximum block to be transferred to the I/O device) and decoding this address space to generate the 1/0 device's chip select, the block transfer capability Is easily implemented. Figure 4E3 gives an interconnect for 16-bit I/O devices while Figure 4E4 Incorporates the 16-blt bus to 8-blt bus multiplexing scheme to support 8-bit 1/0 devices. A code example to perform such a''transfer Is shown In Figure 4E5. ; THts CODE DEMONSTRATES TESTING DEVICE ; STATUS FOR SERVICE, CONSTRUCTING THE ; APPROPRIATE UNE BUFFER ADDRESS FOR INPUT • AND OUTPUT AND SERVICING AN INPUT ; REQUEST CHECK_STATUS: MASK EOU OFFFDH INPUT AL, OX AH.AL AH. READ_OfLWRITLSTATUS JZ CALL NEXT-'O TEST JZ CALL WHlrLSERVICE. NEXT_IO. READ AH, WRITE STATUS JZ CALL DEC NEXLJO WRITE CX EXIT DX.MASK DX. 3 DX._ CHECLSTATUS DX.MASJ< BH,DL BH BH BL, BL AND MOV INC SHR XOR RET READ' ADDRESS AH. READ STATUS WRITILSEHVICE TEST JNC AND ADD OR JMP ADDRESS' ; GET 8261A STATUS. MOV TEST ; TEST IF DONE. ; YES. RESTORE. RETURN. ; REMOVE A1 AND i INCREMENT ADDRESS. ; SELECT STATUS FOR ; NEXT INPUT. ; SELECT DATA. ; CONSTRUCT BUFFER ; DISPLACEMENT FOR ; THJS DEVICE. ; ax IS THE DISPLACEMENT. ; READ CHARACTER. INPUT AL. DX ; GET CHARACTER POINTER. MOV 81, READJUFFERS [BlCI MOV READ_BUFFERS [IX + sq, AL ; STORE CHARACTER. ; INCR CHARACTER POJNTER. INC READJUFFERS [BlCI i END OF TRANSMISSION? CMPAL,EOT JNZ CONT_READ CALL DISABLE READ CONT_READ: RET ; YES. DISABLE RECEIVER. ; SEND MESSAGE THAT INPUT ; IS READY. Figure 4E2. 015-8 \r-------------, 1/0 CHIP SELECT D,,,, ,,__ ":;><:--_ _ _ _---:::""'""_ _- , BIPOLAR PROM lS· BIT 1/0 DEVICES ARE CONNECTED TO THE UPPER AND LOWER HALVES OF THE DATA BUS, ADDRESS o 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 ETC. TRANSFER 256 BYTE BLOCKS TO THE 1/0 DEVICE DEVICE 0 DEVICE 1 DEVICE 0 DATA DATA CONTROUSTATUS DEVICE 1 CONTROUSTATUS DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE DATA DATA CONTROUSTATUS CONTROUSTATUS 2 3 2 3 Figure 4El. Dev[ce Assignment THE ADDRESS SPACE ASSIGNED TO THE 1/0 DEVICE IS A,. FROM THRU t.- BASE i+-BASE ADDRESS ADDRESS =*= 8 A7 0', 1', ~ MEMORY DATA NEED NOT BE ALIGNED TO EVEN ADDRESS BOUNDARIES 1/0 TRANSFERS MUST BE WORD TRANSFERS TO EVEN ADDRESS BOUNDARIES Figure 4E3. Block Transf.r 10 16·BIII/O Using 8086 Siring Primallves 3-334 230792-001 AP-67 A198'-_ _ _----, number the device can accept, leaving the remaining address lines for chip enable/select decoding. To connect the devices directly to the multiplexed bus, they must have output enables. The output enable is also necessary to avoid bus contention in other configurations. Figure 5A1 shows the bus connections for ROM and EPROM memories. No special decode techniques are required for generating chip enables/selects. Each valid decode selects one device on the upper and lower halves of bus to allow byte and word access. Byte access is achieved by reading the full word onto the bus with the 8086 only accepting the desired byte. For the minimum mode 8086, if RD, WR and M/iO are not decoded to form separate commands for memory and I/O, and the I/O space overlaps the memory space assigned to the EPROM/ROM then M/iO (high active) must be a condition of chip enable/select decode. The output enable is controlled by the system memory read signal. 3605 A·1 CHIP SELECT 0158 \,-,--_ _, / CS 8·BIT DATA 1/0 DEVICE _+----'1 ) HIGH BAN~E(~-----------, ADDRESS ASSIGNMENT SAME AS PREVIOUS EXAMPLE. 16·BIT BUS IS MULTIPLEXED ONTO AN 8·BIT PERIPHERAL BUS. ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _- , Figure 4E4. Block Transfer 10 8·Bit I/O Using 8086 Siring Primalives ; DEFINE THE 1/0 ADDRESS SPACE 1/0 SEGMENT ORG BLOCK_ADDRESS I/O_BLOCK, OW 128 DUP (?) 1/0 ENDS CONTROL DATA ; ASSUME THE DATA IS FROM THE CURRENT ; DATA SEGMENT CLD ; OF = FORWARD LES 01, I/O_BLOCKJDDRESS ; 1/0 BLOCK ADDRESS ; CONTAINS THE ADDRESS ; OF 110 BLOCK MOV CX, BLOCLLENGTH MOV SI, SOURCEJDDRESS MOVS 110 BLOCK ; PERFORM WORD TRANSFERS ; END CODE EXAMPLE SEL:;~~~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ NOTE THE CODE IS CAPABLE OF PERFORMING BYTE TRANSFERS BY CHANGING THE 110 BLOCK DEFINITION FROM 128 WORD TO 256 BYTES Figure 5.1. 8086 Memory Array Figure 4ES. Code for Block Transfers 5. INTERFACING WITH MEMORIES CHIP SELECT Figure 5.1 is a general block diagram of an 8086 memory. The basic characteristics of the diagram are the partitioning of the 16-bit word memory into high and low 8-bit banks on the upper and lower halves of the data bus and inclusion of BHE and AD in the selection of the banks. Specific implementations depend on the type of memory and the system configuratiorf. 0815 ----.,....----ct CE \r---,----.-i A112 _ _ _ _" iiO----H SA. ROM and EPROM The easiest devices to interface to the system are ROM and EPROM. Their byte format provides a simple bus interface and since they are read only devices, AO and BHE need not be included in their chip enable/select decoding (chip enable is similar to chip select but additionally determines if the device is in active or standby power mode). The address lines connected to the devices start with A1 and continue up to the maximum 3-335 00-1 r -_ _- r_ _ _- l 00.7 '----OICE NOTe Ao AND SHE ARE NOT USED. Figure SAl. EPROMIROM Bus Inlerface 230792-001 AP-67 Static ROM's and EPROM's have only four parameters to evaluate when determining their compatibility to the system. The parameters, equations and evaluation tech'niques given in the I/O section are also applicable to these devices. The relationship of parameters is given in Table 5A1. TACC and TCE are related to the same equation and differ only by the delay associated with the chip , enable/select decoder. As an example, consider a 2716 EPROM memory residing on the multiplexed bus of a minimum mode configuration: devices with single chip selects and no output enables (2114, 2141, 2147). Figure 5B3 gives selection techniques for devices with chip selects and output enables. cs TACC = 3TCLCL-140- address bufferdelay= 430 ns (8282 = 30 ns max delay) cs 0, TCE = TACC - decoder delay = 412 ns (8205 decoder delay= 18 ns) ADDRESS 0, WR--~ TOE = 2TCLCL - 195 = 205 ns 00 TDF= =155ns 0, TABLE SAl. EPROM/ROM PARAMETERS TOE - Output Enable to Valid Data'" TRLDV TACC - Address to Valid Data'" TAVDV TCE - Chip Enable to Valid Data'" TSLDV TDF - Output Enable High to Output Float'" TRHDZ Figure SB1. Incorrect Connection of 2142 Acros. Byte Boundarle. The first group requires inclusion of AO and BHE: to decode or enable the chip selects. Since these memories do not have output enables, read and write are used as enabies for chip select generation to prevent bus contention. If read and write are not used to enable the chip selects, devices with common input/out· put pins (like the 2114) will be subjected to severe bus contention between chip select and write active. For devices with separate input/output lines (like 2141, 2147), the outputs can be externally buffered with the buffer enable controlled by read. This solution will only allow bus contention between memory devices In the array during chip select transition periods. These techniques are considered in more detail in Section 2C. The results are the times the system configuration requires of the component for full speed compatibility with the system. Comparing these times with 2716 parameter limits indicates the 2716-2 will work with no wait states while the 2716 will require one walt state. Table 5A2 demonstrates EPROM/ROM compatibility for the configurations presented in the I/O section. Before designing a ROM or EPROM memory system, refer to AP-30 for additional information on design techniques that give the system an upgrade path from 16K'to 32K and 64K devices. TABLE 5A2. COMPA~IBLE EPROM/ROM (5 MHz 8086) Configuration Minimum Mode 2716·1 2716·2 2732 2332 2364 .. Unbuffered Buffered Buffered Fully Buffered 1W 1W 1W 1W 1W 1W 1W .... .... . ... For devices with output enables (2142), write may be gated with BHE and AO to provide upper and lower bank write strobes. This simplifies chip select decoding by eliminating BHE and AO as a condition of decode. Although both devices are selected during a byte write operation, only ~>ne will receive a write strobe. No bus contention will exist during the write since a read command must be issued to enable the memory output drivers. . Maximum Mode ... . ... 58. Static RAM Interfacing static RAM to the system introduces several new requirements to the memory design. AO and BHE must be included in the chip select/chip enable decoding of the devices and write timing must be considered In the compatibility analysis. For each device, the data bus connections must be restricted to either the upper or lower half of the data bus. Devices like the 2114 or 2142 must not straddle the' upper and lower halves of the data bus (Fig. 5B1). To allow selecting 'either the upper byte, lower byte or full 16-bit word for a write operation, BHE must be a condition of decode for selecting the upper byte and AO must be a condition of decode for selecting the lower byte. Figure 5B2 gives several selection techniques for If multiple chip selects are available at the device, SHE and AO may directly control device selection. This allows normal chip select decoding of the address space and direct connection of the read and write com· mands to the devices. Alternately, the multiple chip select Inputs of the device could directly decode the ad· dress space (linear select) and be combined with the separate write strobe technique to minimize the control circuitry needed to generate chip selects. As with the EPROM's and ROM's, if separate commands are not provided for memory and I/O in the minimum mod.e 8086 and the address spaces overlap, M/iO (high active) must be a condition of chip select decode. Also, the address lines connected to the memory devices must start with A 1 rather than AO. 3-336 230792-001 Ap...67 2142's ADDRESS '--_ _ _ _, A1Q-1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _---, Ao-----"1 LOW BANK' RD-----------~ CHIP SELeCTS "o-- -.....- - - - - q CSbS2 18) (a) HIGH AND LOW BANK WRITE STROBES ADDR '---,.--r-,/ LOW BANK CHIP SELECT 2142's A10.1-----------·\ HIGH BANK CHIP SELECT iiii----~--__, WR-------,-, Ao-------------- AO-------~ BHE---------(~b)~--" 0",. SHE----......~ Ao-----l~ iiii CHIP SELECTS iiilE------t------ Minimum Mode TW=TWLWH=2TCLCL-60=340 ns TWR = TCLCL- TCVCTXmax + TCLLHmln = 90 ns TOW = 2TCLCL - TCLDVmax + TCVCTXmin = 300 ns TDH=TWHDX=88 ns TAW=3TCLCL- TCLAVmax+ TCVCTXmin .. SOO ns TCW = TAW - Chip Select Decode TASW = TCLCL- TCLAVmax+ TCVCTXmln = 100 ns (b) Maximum Mode TW = TCLCL- TCLMLmax + TCLMHmin= 175 ns TWR = TCLCL - TCLMHmax + TCLLHmin = 165 ns TDW=TW= 175 ns TDH=TCLCHm,n- TCLMHmax+ TCHDXmin=93 ns TAW=3TCLCL- TCLAVmax+ TCLMHmln=SOO ns TCW=TAW-Chip Select Decode TASW=2TCLCL-TCLAVmax+ TCLMLmln=3OO ns TWA'=TW+ TCLCL=375 ns TDWA'=2TCLCL- TCLDVmax+ TCLMHmln=300 ns TASWA' = TASW- TCLCL= 100 ns • Relative to Advanced Write, Comparing these results with the 2142 family Indicates the standard 2142 write timing is fully compatible with this 8086 configuration. Read timing analysis is also necessary to completely determine compatibility of the devices. sc. Dynamic RAM Dynamic RAM Is perhaps the most complex device to design Into a system. To relieve the engineer of most of this burden, Intel provides the 8202 dynamic RAM con· troller as part of the 8086 family of peripheral devices. This section will discuss using the 8202 with the 8086 to build a dynamic memory system for an 8086 system. For Figure 5B4. Sample Configuration lor Compatibility Analysis Example S.C.1 Standard 8086·8202 Interconnect Figure 5.C.1.1 shows a standard Interconnection for an 8202 into an 8086 system. The configuration accom· modates 64K words (128K bytes) of dynamic RAM ad· dressabje as words or bytes. To access the RAM, the 8086 Initiates a bus cycle with an address that selects the 8202 (via PCS) and the appropriate transfer com· mand (MRDC or MWTC). If the 8202 is not performing a refresh cycle, the access starts Immediately, otherwise, the 8086 must wait for completion of the refresh. XACK from the 8202 Is conn'ected to the 8284 ROY input to force the CPU to walt until the RAM cycle Is completed before the CPU can terminate the bus cycle. This effec· tlvely synchronizes the asynchronous events of refresh and CPU bus cycles: The normal write command (MWTC) is used rather than the advanced command (AMWC) to guarantee the data Is valid at the dynamic RAMS before the write command is issued. The gating of WE" with AO and BFiE provides selective write strobes to the upper and lower banks of memory to allow byte and word write operations. The logic which generates the strobe for the data latches allows read data to prop· agate to the system as soon as the data Is available and latches the data on the trailing edge of CAS. DETAILED TIMING Read Cycle For no walt state operation, the 8086 requires data to be valid from MRDC in: 2TCLCL- TCLML- TDVCL- buffer delays = 291 ns. Since the 8202 Is CAS access limited, we need only ex· amine CAs access time. The 8202/2118 guarantees data valid from 8202 RD low to be: (tph + 3tp +'100 ns) 8202 TCC delay + TCAC for the 2118 3-338 230792-001 J AP-67 uyc BHE I I .. HIGH BYTE WRITE 8287 XCEIVER 2118 Figure SCI.I. S MHz 808618202/128K Byte System than 64K byles are used) Double Data, Control and Address Buffering (Note: Bus driver on 8202 Is not needed if less For a 25 MHz 8202 and 2118-3, we get 297 ns which is insufficient for no walt state operation. If only 64K bytes are accessed, the 8202 requires only (tph + 3tp + 85 ns) giving 282 ns access and no walt states required. Refer to Figure 5.C.l.2 and 5C.l.3 for timing information on the 8202 and 2118. Write Cycle An important consideration for dynamic RAM write cycles is to guarantee data to the RAM is valid when both CAS and WE are active. For the 2118, if WE is valid prior to CAS, the data setup Is to CAS and if CAS is valid before WE (as would occur during a read modify write cycle) the data setup time is to WE. For the 8202, the WR to CAS delay Is analyzed to determine the data setup time to CAS inherently provided by the 8202 command to RAS/CAS timing. The minimum delay from WR to CAS is: TCCmin = tph + 2tp + 25 = 127 ns @ 25 MHz Subtracting buffer delays and data setup at the 2118, we have 83 ns to generate valid data after the write command is issued by th$ CPU (in this case the 8288). Since the 8086 will not guarantee valid data until TCLAVmax-TCLMLmin=100 ns from the advanced 3-339 write signal, the normal write signal is used. The normal write MWTC guarantees data is valid 100 ns before it is active. The worst case write pulse width is approximately 175 ns which is sufficient for all 2118's. Synchronization To force the 8086 to wait during refresh the XACK or SACK lines must be returned to the 8284 ready input. The maximum delay from RO to SACK (if the 8202 is not performing refresh) is TAC = tp + 40 80 ns. To prevent a walt state at the 8086, ROY must be valid at the 8284 TCLCHmin - TCLMLmax - TR1VCLmax = 48 ns after the command is active. This implies that under worst case conditions, one wait state will be inserted for every read cycle. Since MWTC does not occur until one clock later, -two wait states may be inserted for writes. = The XACK from command delay will assert ROY TCC + TCX = (tph + 3tp + 100)+ (5tp + 20) = 460 ns after the command. This will tYPically insert one or two wait states. Unless 2118-3's are used in 64K byte or less memories, SACK must not be used since it does not guarantee a wait state. From the previous access time analysis we saw that other configurations required a wait state. 230792-001 AP-67 IpH XlCLK ---. RDORWR lac ~,P- -----,\ ~leA r---------------------L __ I IeHs-;---- lAP Iec , S - AO·A .... ~ I-'..A 11--- 1Aeo t - , 1'-- IRO_ IRSH '(rELAY I ONLYj " I • - -, lRAH 1-\ ROW f-J ADDR t.- X -I COL ADDR leAH lAse l- , S !-leA--! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K \ .1 - ICAS - ,------------, \ tACK- I - WE \WE-VOH FOR A RD eye LE) Iww r----------'j f -I IeKj,"eH I- I- >CAeK lex r £ Ixw-J . ICWH IwC,.s I- Figure SC1.2. 8202 Timing Information 3-340 230792-001 AP-67 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = Measurements made with respect to RAS,- RAS 4 , CAS, WE, OUTo- OUT6 are at 2.4V and 0.8V. All other pins are measured at 1.5V. o·c to 70·C, VCC= 5V ± 10% CL= 30 pF CL= 320 pF CL=230pF CL=450 pF CL=640 pF Loading: 64 Devices Symbol Parameter tp Clock (Internal/External) Period (See Note 1) tAC Memory Cycle Time Min Max 40 54 Units ns 10 tp- 30 12 tp ns tAAH Row Address Hold Time tp-10 ns tASA Row Address Setup Time tpH ns tCAH Column Address Hold Time 5 tp ns tASC Column Address Setup Time tp-35 ns tACO RAS to CAS Delay Time twcs WE Setup to CAS 2 tp- 10 2 tp+45 ns tp-40 ns tASH RAS Hold Time 5 tp-30 ns tCAS CAS Pulse Width 5 tp-30 ns tRP RAS Precharge Time (See Note 2) 4 tp-30 ns tWCH WE Hold Time to CAS 5 tp-35 ns tREF Internally G~nerated Refresh to Refresh Time 64 Cycle 128 Cycle 548 tp 264 tp 576 tp 288 tp ns ns ns tCR RD, WR to RAS Delay tpH+ 30 tpH + tp+ 75 tcc RD, WR to CAS Delay tpH+2tp+25 tpH + 3 tp+ 100 ns tRFR REFRQ to RAS Delay 1.5 tp+ 30 2.5 tp+ 100 ns tAS Ao-A,s to RD, WR Setup Time (See Note 4) tCA RD, WR to SACK leading Edge tCK RD, WR to XACK, SACK Trailing Edge Delay tKCH RD, WR Inactive Hold to SACK Trailing Edge 10 tsc RD, WR, PCS to X/ClK Setup Time (See Note 3) 15 tcx CAS to XACK Time tACK XACK leading Edge to CAS Trailing Edge Time txw XACK Pulse Width tLL ns 0 5 tp- 40 tp+ 40 ns 30 ns ns ns 5 tp+ 20 ns 10 ns 2 tp-25 ns REFRQ Pulse Width 20 ns tCHS RD, WR, PCS Active Hold to RAS 0 tww WR to WE Propagation Delay 8 tAL S, to ALE Setup Time 40 ns tLA S, to ALE Hold Time External Clock low Time 2 tp+40 . 15 ns tpL tpH External Clock High Time 22 ns External Clock High Time for VCC= 5V ± 5% 18 ns . tpH ns 50 ns ns Noles: 1. tp minimum determines maximum oscillator frequency. tp maximum determines mtnlmum frequenqyJg mamtain 2 ms refresh rate and tRP minimum. 2. To achieve the minimum time between the RA-S- of a memory cycle and the ~ of a refresh cycle, such as a transparent refresh, REFRQ should be pulsed in the previous memory cycle. , 3. tsc is not required for proper operation which is in agreement with the other specs, but can be used to synchronize external signals with XlCLK if it is desired. ' 4. If tAS is less than 0 then the only impact is that tASR decreases by a corresponding amount. Figure SC1.2. 8202 Timing Information (Con't) 3-341 230792-001 AP-67 ". READ CYCLE iiii "AS v" GY ~ VIL v,. @ I v,. 1"" VIL K. ~ ·1...· -- IA. r-fAAH-! ROW I ADDRESS V,. leAs \\\\ ® CD --I"'. ·i r -... .... ' . .0 ~ ADDRESSES V ..... IcRP-j VIL CAS J r---"'---! ... - , --:-- K COLUMN ADDRESS 1- tRCH- ®~ W. VIL 0 \ IeAC DoUT VOL ~toFF 'RA. VOH --------~~~~~--------------------®~.~ WRITE CYCLE m <>-+--+=-t MRDC 1 MWTC 2 ~+----,1.,1 C~4LS74 Q 8 CLR ' -_ _----'13 ALE J r---- ~--------------------------~ EARLY RD Figure 5C2.1. Early Read and W~te 3-344 Command Generation 23079:1-001 AP-67 We can now use the slowest 2118 which gives 8202 and 2118 access of 320 ns. Early command to RDY timing is TCLCL- TCHLLmax - circuit delays - TR1VCLmax = 115 ns and provides 35 ns of margin beyond the 8202 command to SACK delay. The write timing of the 8202 and write data valid timing of the 8086 do not allow use of an early write command. However, if the 8202 clock is reduced from 25 MHz to 20 MHz and WE to the RAM's is gated with CAS, the advanced write command (AMWC) may be used. At 20 MHz the minimum command to CAS delay is 148 ns while the maximum data valid delay is 144 ns. refresh. Delaying SACK until XACK time causes the CPU to enter wait states until the cycle is completed. If the cycle is a read cycle, the XACK timing guarantees data is valid at the CPU before RDY is issued to the CPU. The use of the early command signals also solves a proble~ not mentioned previously. The cycle rate of the 8202 @ 20 MHz requires that commands (from leading edge to leading edge) be separated by a minimum of 695 ns. The maximum mode 8086 however may issue a read command 600 ns after the normal write command. For the early read command and advanced write command, 725 ns are guaranteed between commands. The reduced 8202 clock frequency still satisfies no wait state read operation from early read and will insert no more than one wait state for write (assuming no conflict with refresh). 20 MHz 8202 operation will however require using the 2118-4 to satisfy read access time. Note that slowing the 8202 to 22.2 MHz guarantees valid data within 10 ns after CAS and allows using the 2118-7. Since this analysis is totally based on worst case minimum and maximum delays, the designer should evaluate the timing requirements of his specific implementation. It should be noted that the 8202 SACK is equivalent to XACK timing if the cycle being executed was delayed by 3-345 EARLY RO--" AD 8202 AMWC iNA WE <---..........---... CASr--T--<.J._ WE TO RAMS "----CAS Figure 5C2.2. Delayed Write to Dynamic RAMs 230792-001 AP-67 APPENDIX I ,BUS CONTENTION AND ITS EFFECT ON SYSTEM INTEGRITY SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE As higher performance microprocessors have become available, the architecture of microprocessor systems has been evolving, again placing demands on memory, ' For many years, system designers have been plagued with the problem of bus contention when connecting multiple memories to a common data bus, There have been various schemes for avoiding the problem, but device manufacturers have been unable to design internal circuits that would guarantee that one memory device would be "off" the bus before another device was selected. With small memories (512x8 and 1Kx8), it has been traditional to connect all the system address lines together and utilize the difference between tACC and tco to perform a decode to select the correct device (as shown in Figure 1). function, chip select (CS), which is very fast (tco= 120 ns) with respect to the overall access time (tACC= 450 ns) of the 2708. It is this time difference (330 ns) that is used to perform the decode function, as illustrated in Figure 2. The scheme works well and does not limit system performance, but it does lead to the possibility of bus contention. I ADDRESS CS DATA OUT ==:x I tACC I I { i_o;'i~I,J~~ Figure 2. Single Line Control Architecture BUS CONTENTION Figure 1. Single Control Line Architecture With the 1702A, the chip select to output delay was only 100 ns shorter than the address access time; or to state it another way, the tACC time was 1000 ns while the tco time was 900 ns. The 1702A tACC performance of 1000 ns was suitable for the 4004 series microprocessors, but the 8080 processor required that the corresponding numbers be reduced to tACC= 450 ns and tco= 120 ns. This allowed a substantial improvement in performance over, the 4004 series of microprocessors, but placed a substantial burden on the memory. The 2708 was developed to be compatible with the 8080 both in access time and power supply requirements. A portion of each 8080 machine cycle time had to be devoted to the architecture of the system decoding scheme used. This devoted portion of the machine cycle included the time required for the system controller (8224) to perform its function before the actual decode process could begin. Let's pause here and examine the actual decode scheme that was used so we can understand how the control functions that a memory device requires are related to system architecture. The 2708 can be used to illustrate the problem of having a single control Une. The 2708 has only one read control There are actually two problems with the scheme described in the previous section. First, if one device in a multiple memory system has a relatively long deselect time, and a relatively fast decoder is used, it would be possible to have another device selected at the same -time. If the two devices thus selected were reading oppOSite data; that is, device number one reading a HIGH and device number two reading a LOW, the output transistors of the two memory devices would effectively produce a short circuit, as Figure 3 illustrates. In this case, the current path is from Vcc on device number one to GND on device number two. This current is limited only by the "on" impedance of the MaS output transistors and can reach levels in excess of 200 mA per device, If the MaS transistors have a lot of "extra" margin, the current is usually not destructive; however, an instantaneous load of 400 mA can produce "glitches" on the Vcc supply-glitches large enough to cause standard TTL devices to drop bits or otherwise malfunction, thus causing incorrect address decode or generation. The second problem with a single control line scheme is more subtle. As previously mentioned, there is only one control function available on the 2'708 and any decoding scheme must use it out of necessity, In addition, any inadvertent changes in the state of the high order address lines that are inputs to the decoder will cause a cnange in the device that is selected. The result is the same as before-bus contention, only from a different source. The deselected device, cannot get "off" the bus before the selected one is "on" the bus as the addresses rapidly change state. One approach to solving this problem would be to deSign (and specify as a maximum) devices 3-346 230792-001 ., AP-67 with tOF time less than tco time, thereby assuring that if one device is selected while another is simultaneously being deselected, there would be some small (20 ns) margin. Even with this solution, the user would not be protected from devices which have very fast tco times (tco is specified as a maximum). r----270S::! 2708='-----, Vee I I I DN1 Vss I OR TIE I I I I _______ .J I I I I DATA Vee I I I Vss L ______ _ BUS RESULTS OF IMPROPER TIMING WHEN OR TYING MULTIPLE MEMORIES. generate the unique device selecting function, but a separate and independent Output Enable (OE) control is now used to gate data "on" and "off" the system data bus. With this scheme, bus contention is completely eliminated as the processor determines the time during which data must be present on the bus and then releases the bus by way of the Output Enable line, thus freeing the bus for use by other devices, either memories or peripheral devices. This type of architec· ture can be easily accomplished if the memory devices have two control functions, and the system is im· plemented according to the block diagram shown in Figure 5. It differs from the previous block diagram (shown in Figure 1) in that the control bus, which is connected to all memory Output Enable pins, provides separate and independent control over the data bus. In this way, the microprocessor is always in control of the system; while in the previous system, the microproc· essor passed control to the particular memory device and then waited for data to become available. Another way to look at it is, with a single control line the sytem is always asynchronous with respect to microprocessor/ memory communications. By using two control lines, the memory is synchronized to the processor. Figure 3. Results of Improper Timing when OR Tying Multiple Memories The only sure solution appears to be the use of an external bus driver/transceiver that has an independent enable function. Then that function, not the "device selecting function," or addresses, could control the flow of data "on" and "off" the bus, and any contention problems would be confined to a particular card or area of a large card. In fact, many systems are implemented that way-the use of bus drivers is not at all uncommon in large systems where the drive requirements of long, highly capacitive interconnecting lines must be taken into consideration-it also may be the reason why more system designers were not aware of the bus contention problem until they took a previously large (multicard) system and, using an advanced micorprocessor and higher density memory devices, combined them all on one card, thereby eliminating the requirement for the bus drivers, but experiencing the problem of bus contention as described above. ADDRESS -V --"_ _ _ _V-A- SELECTION OUTPUT ENABLE D~G~ -------~(\-____'}r---- Figure 4. Two Control Line Architecture THE MICROPROCESSOR/MEMORY INTERFACE From the foregoing discussion, it becomes clear that some new concepts, both with regard to architecture and performance are required. A new generation of two control line devices is called for with general requirements as listed below: 1. Capability to control the data "on" and "off" the system bus, independent of the device selecting function identified above. 2. Access time compatible with the high performance microprocessors that are currently available. Now let's examine the system architecture that is required to implement the two line control and prevent bus contention. This is shown in the form of a timing diagram (Figure 4). As before, addresses are used to Figure 5. Two Control Line Architecture 3-347 230792-001 APPLICATION NOTE AP-123 March 1982 MARCH 1982 ORDER NUMBER: 210355-001 ©INTEL CORPORATION, 1982 3-348 Graphic CRT Design Using the Intel 8089 Contents INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW OF CRT GRAPHIC SYSTEMS ..... . Typical Design Technique ... -............... . Performance Requirements ................ . System Bottlenecks ........................ . OVERVIEW OF THE 8089 .................... . Architectural Overview ..................... . System Configurations ..................... . Software Interface ......................... . Timing Details ............................ . GRAPHIC CRT SYSTEM DESIGN ............. . System Partitioning ........................ . 8086/8089 Software Interface ............... . 8089 Display Hardware Interface ............ . 8089 Display Functions Software ........... . System Performance ...................... . CONCLUSIONS ............................. . APPENDIX A APPENDIX B 3-349 210355-001 AP-123 INTRODUCTION ( This application note is presented in five sections: 1. Introduction The purpose of this application note is to provide the reader with the conceptual tools and factual information needed to apply the Intel 8089 to graphic CRT de~ign. Particular attention will be paid to the requirements of high-resolution, color graphic applications, since these tend to require higher performance than those which do not use color. The Intel 8089 is a microprocessor system which contains an 8086 CPU and an 8089 Input! Output Processor. In the graphic CRT application, the 8089 performs DMA transfers from the display memory to the CRT controller, and also serves as a CPU for functions such as keyboard polling and initialization of the CRT controller chips. The DMA transfers are done in such a manner that they do not tie up the system bus. The system is organized so that the 8086 and the 8089 can perform concurrent processing on separate buses. Using the inherent ability of the 8089 to execute programs in its own I/O space, the 8086 can successfully delegate many of the chores that have specifically to do with the CRT display and keyboard, thus reducing the 8086'8 processing overhead. For these reasons, the capabilities of the 8086 as a CPU can be more fully utilized to perform calculations dealing with the material to be displayed. Thus, more complex types of displays can be undertaken, and the terminal will also be more interactive. 2. Overview of Graphic CRT Systems 3. Overview of the 8089 4. Graphic CRT System Design 5. Conclusions Section 2 discusses typical CRT designs, shows how performance requirements increase when the capability for color graphics is included, and explains' some of the system bottlenecks that can arise. Section 3 describes the capabilities of the 8089, which can be brought to bear to resolve these bottlenecks. Section 4 gives detailed information for a color graphic CRT system using the Intel 8089 (8086 and 8089). The reader may obtain useful background information on the 8086 and 8089 from iAPX 86,88 User's Manual. It would also be helpful to read the data sheets on the 8086,8089,2118 Dynamic RAM, 8202 Dynamic Ram Controller, 8275 CRT Controller, 8279 Keyboard/Display Interface, and 2732A EPROM. OVERVIEW OF CRT GRAPHIC SYSTEMS Typical Design Technique A typical microprocessor-based CRT terminal i~ shown in block diagram form in Figure I. The terminal consists CHARACTER GENERATOR ROM CAT TERMINAL SERIAL INPUT LINE CAT TERMINAL PARALLEL INPUT/OUTPUT LINES POWER SUPPLY Figure 1. Typical CRT Terminal Block Diagram 3-350 210355-001 AP-123 of a CRT monitor, monitor electronics, a CRT controller and character generator ROM, display memory, a DMA device, a central processor and associated program memory, a keyboard and keyboard interface, and serial and/or parallel communication devices. The primary function of the non-graphic CRT controller is to refresh the display. It does this by controlling the periodic transfer of information from display memory to the CRT screen, with the help of the DMA device. The central processing unit (CPU) coordinates the transfer of information to and from the external devices. When information from an external device is received by the terminal, the CPU performs character recognition and handling functions, display memory management functions, and cursor control functions. The CPU also interrogates the keyboard interface device. If a key depression is detected, the ASCII character representing that key is sent to the display memory and/or an external.device. The design shown in Figure 1 could be implemented using Intel LSI products. The CPU could be an 8085, the DMA device an 8237 A DMA controller, the CRT controller an 8275, the character generator ROM a 2708, program memory ROM a 2716, display memory 2114s (2K x 8), and the keyboard interface an 8279 keyboard controller. These choices would result in a CRT terminal capable of displaying 25 lines of text containing 80 characters each. As the design is upgraded to add color and graphics capability, performance requirements increase accordingly. The components most likely to require changing are the CPU, the DMA device, the CRT controller, and the display memory. Thus, it is desiral;>le at this point to examine the operation of these components in more detail to provide a foundation for graphic system operation. Later we shall give a specific example of a more complex display, and examine the performance requirements imposed. Figure 2 is a block diagram showing only those components involved with the non-graphic CRT refresh function, with more detail provided regarding the connecting signal lines. The refresh function proceeds as follows. The 8275, having been programmed to the specific screen format, generates a series ofDMA request signals to the 8237 A. This results in the transfer of a row of characters from display memory to one of two row buffers within the 8275. From this row buffer, the characters are sent, via lines CCO-CC6, to the character generator ROM. The dot timing and interface circuitry is then utilized to convert the parallel output data from the character generator ROM into serial signals for the video input of the CRT. DISPLAY IIEMORY !J { ( SYSTEliauS ~ liE "0 ~7 WR lOW IIEIIW iOii iiii Cii HRO HACK IRO Cii 1237A OIIA CONTROLLER LC~3 ORO VIDEO SIGNAL CHARACTER GENERATOR OACK 1275 CRT CONTROLLER DOT CC~. CCLI( TilliNG ANO INTERFACE HORIZONTAL SYNC VERTICAL SYNC INTENSITY VIDEO CONTROLS Figure 2. Components Involved in the CRT Refresh Function 3-351 210355-001 AP-123 ---:.----------------1st Character 2nd Character 4th 3rd Character, Character 5th Character 6th Character 7th Charscter 00 •••• 000.0000.00 • • • • • 000000000 • • • • 0000 • • • 000.000.0 First Line of a Character Row 1st Character 2nd Character 3rd Character 4th Character 5th Character 6th Character 7th Character 8~~~~~88:~8g8:gg:~~~~888gg8ggB:~~~~g8~~~~~gg:gB8:g Second Line of a Character Row 1st Character ) 2nd Character 3rd Character 4th Character 5th Character 6th Character 7th Character 00 •••• 000.0000.00 • • • • • 000000000 • • • • 0000 • • • 000.000.0 0.0000.00 • • 000.0080000000000000. OWODOO.OOWOODO.OO.ODDODOODDOOOOWODO.OO.OOO.OO.ooowo Third Lme of a Character Row -------"----1st Character 2nd Character 3rd Character 4th Character 5th Character 6th Character 7th Character 00• • • • 000.0000.00 • • • • • 000000000 • • • • 0000 • • • 000.000.0 o.oooo.oO •• ooo.Qo.OOOOOODOOOOOO.ooo.oo.oOO.OO.ooo.O O.ODOO.OO.0.OO.CO.000000D0000008000. 0.0000.00.0000.00 • • • • 0000000000 • • • • 0.0000800.'00000.0.0000. O.OOOO.OO.OOO •• CO.OOOOOODOOOOOO.OO.ODO.OOO.OO.O.O.O 00 • • • • 000.0000.00 • • • • • 000000000.00.0000 • • • 0000.0.00 Seventh Line of a Character Row Figure 3. Character Row Display The character rows are displayed on the CRT one line at a time. Line count signals LCO-LC3 are applied to the character generator ROM by the 8275, to specify the specific line count within the row of characters. This display process is shown in Figure 3, using a seven-line character for purposes of illustration. The entire process is repeated for each row of characters in the display. At the beginning ofthe last display row, the 8275 issues an interrupt request via the IRQ output line. This interrupt output is normally connected to the interrupt input of the system CPU. The interrupt causes the CPU to execute an interrupt service subroutine.- This subroutine typically reinitializes the DMA controller parameters for the next display refresh cycle, polls the system keyboard controller, and executes other appropriate functions. Performance Requirements In the example we have discussed thus far, a display consisting of 25 rows, each containing 80 text charac- ters, with no color or graphic capability, has been assumed. Such a screen can be represented by 80 x 25 = 2000 bytes of data. If the screen is refreshed 60 times per second, then a total of 120,000 bytes will need to be transferred each second from display memory to the 8275 CRT controller. This figure is well within the capability of the 8237 A DMA controller, even allowing for vertical retrace time and other overhead. In this application then, both the display memory and the system bus remain available to the system CPU most of the time, and no bottleneck occurs because of the DMA transfer process. The situation is quite different when a high-resolution, color graphics capability is desired. The performance requirements are obviously much greater. To derive a quantitative requirement it is necessary to choose, even if somewhat arbitrarily, a specific display method and screen format. The display method chosen for the system described in this application note is called the virtual-bit mapping technique. When this technique is used, the graphic material to be displayed is haqdled on a character basis. Figure 4 shows the structure of the text and graphic characters used. The text character is a 3-352 210355-001 AP-123 the remaining two bytes are not used. If it is a graphics character, the second, third, and fourth bytes contain the color specification for each of the twenty distinct picture elements (pixels) within the character. Use of the foreground color is indicated by a one in the respective bit position, while a zero specifies use of the background color. 7 x 5 character in an 8 x 5 matrix. The graphic character is a 4 x 5 matrix. The size of a graphic character is the same as the size of a text character. In addition, the text characters may be in color. The resolution (horizontal) for a graphic character is twice as coarse as the dot spacing for a text character. One of eight colors may be selected for foreground and for background within a particular character. The screen format chosen has 80 characters per row and 48 rows. Thus the resolution (in terms of picture elements) is 640 x 480 for text characters and 320 x 240 for graphic characters. AJull screen contains 80 x 48 = 3840 characters. Thus, a single frame ofthe display can be represented by 3840 x 4 = 15,360 bytes. If the screen were updated 60 times per second, the CRT refresh function would require a DMA transfer rate of 15,360 x 60 = 921,600 bytes per second. Figure 5 shows how the display character can be specified using four bytes. The first byte determines whether the character is a text character or a graphic character, and specifies the colors for foreground and background. If it is a text character, the second byte specifies the character with a seven-bit ASCII code, and LINE COUNT (LCO-LC21 COL3 000 I COL2 COL1 I I I I I I I COLO 001 I I 010 I I I I I I 011 I I I I 100 I I I I I ROWB I ROWC I I (AI TEXT CHARACTER REPRESENTING THE LETTER A. I I ROW A I I I I ROWD ROWE (B) GRAPHIC CHARACTER Figure 4. Character Structure '-----r-" I I I ~ I I BACKGROUND COLOR (1 of 8) I FOREGROUND COLOR (1 of 8) MODE-O == ALPHANUMERICS 1 = GRAPHICS COLOR CODE COLOR iiTcK 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 RED GREEN YELLOW BWE MAGENTA CYAN WHITE (a) Byte 0 Figure 5. Display Character ~pecification 3-353 210355-001 AP-123 06 ~~ D. 04 05 _______________ 'y-~ 02 0' DO ____________--JI 7 BIT ASCII MODE"" 1 , RB2 RBO RA. ROW B GRAPHICS RA2 RA1 RAO ROW A GRAPHICS 1 = FOREGROUND COLOR o ~ BACKGROUND COLOR (b) Byte' NOTE: RB1 IS INTENTIONALLV MOVED TO BVTE 3 SUCH THAT REPRESENTATION OF A BLANK CHAAACTER FOR EITHER TEXT OR GRAPHIC IS THE SAME. RC2 RC1 ---- ~ \.'---~........ I I I I RCO R83 ...../'--' ROW B GRAPHICS ROW C GRAPHICS I ROW 0 GRAPHICS (c) Byte 2 RB, , RE. , RE2 RE' , REO , RD.' RD2' '-----"~---.""---_/ ~. I ROW 0 GRAPHICS I I I I ROW E GRAPHICS ROW B GRAPHICS (d) Byte 3 Figure 5. Displ~y Character Specification (Cont.) 3-354 210355-001 AP-123 System Bottlenecks It can be seen from the above calculation that nearly one megabyte of data must be transferred per second to effect the CRT refresh function alone. Even with the fastest available DMA controllers, this represents the major part of the bandwidth for such devices. When the design shown in Figure 1 is used, the system bus must also be used by the CRT terminal processor for such functions as keyboard polling and communication with external devices. In addition, any changes made to the material being displayed would require use of the system bus for the purpose of storing. the new material in the display memory, and possibly also for access to system memory during the calculation process. It is easy to see, therefore, that severe bottlenecks can occur in terms of system bus utilization. Problems involving bus contention could also be difficult to resolve. Display underruns could become difficult or impossible to avoid in some cases, such as when graphics computations require excessive use of the system bus. The situation can be improved substantially if provision is made for concurrent processing. One CPU can be doing calculations on the material to be displayed, while another CPU can be managing the CRT terminal functions and the 110 devices simultaneously. Local buses can be used for access to the respective program memories, with the system bus used only for transfer of new display data and for communication between the two processors. The Intel 8089 offers a convenient and economical way of implementing this mUltiprocessing approach. In particular, the 8089 has unique capabilities that simplify the design process. OVERVIEW OF THE 8089 Architectural Overview The 8089 Input/Output Processor is a complete 110 management system on a single chip. It contains two independent 110 channels, each of which has the capabilities of a CPU combined with a programmable DMA controller. The DMA functions are somewhat more flexible than those of most DMA controllers. For example, a conventional DMA controller transfers data between an 110 device and a memory. The 8089 DMA function can operate between one memory and another, between a memory and an 1/0 device, or between one 110 device and another. Any device (110 or memory) can physically reside on the system bus or on the 1/0 bus. The bus width for the source and destination need not be the same. If the source, for example, is a 16-bit device, while the destination is an 8-bit device, the 8089 will disassemble the 16-bit word automatically as part of the DMA transfer process. The transfer can be synchronized by the source, by the destination, or it can be free running. The 8089 can effect data transfers at rates up to 1.25 megabytes when a 5 MHz clock is used. Unlike most DMA controllers, the 8089 uses a twocycle approach to DMA transfer. A fetch cycle reads the data from the source into the 8089, and a store cycle writes the data from the 8089 to the destination. This two-cycle approach enablj:s the 8089 to perform operations on the data being transferred. Typical of such operations are translating bytes from one code to another (for example, EBCDIC to ASCII) or comparing data bytes to a search value. A variety of conditions can be specified for terminating DMA transfers, including single cycle, byte count (up to 64K) , external event, and data-dependent conditions, such as the outcome of a masked compare operation. The CPU in each channel can execute programs in the system space (from a memory on the system bus) or in the 110 space (from a memory on a separate 110 bus). Thus, complete channel programs can be run by the 8089 without tying up the system bus or interfering with the operation of the system CPU. Figure 6 is a simplified block diagram of the 8089, showing how the 8089 interfaces with these two buses. The programs that the 8089 executes may be preexisting programs stored in ROM or EPROM, or they may be programs prepared for the 8089 by the system CPU. In the latter case, the programs are typically in modular form, contained in "task blocks" that the system CPU places in a memory location accessible to the 8089. During normal operation, the system CPU then directs the 8089 to the various task blocks, according to which programs are to be executed. The details of how this is done are given below under Software Interface. The 8089 has an addressing capability of 64K bytes in the 110 space, and thus can support multiple peripherals, as illustrated in Figure 7. In the system space, the 8089 supports I-megabyte addressing, and is directly compatible with the 8086 or 8088, and with Intel's Multibus. The 8089 operates from a single +5V power source, and is housed in a standard 40-pin, dual in-line package. The instruction set for the 8089 lOP is specifically designed and optimized for 1/0 processing and control. In addition to being able to execute DMA 3-355 210355-001 AP-123 HOST CPU SYSTEM BUS EXT' CPU "CHANNEL 1" DAQ. SINTR1 CA SEL SINTR2 CPU "CHANNEL 2" EXT2 .. DAQ2 LOCAL VO BUS AND MEMORY PERIPHERALS Figure 6. Simplified Block Diagram of the 8089 transfers under a wide variety of operating conditions, the 8089 can perform logic operations, bit manipulations, and elementary arithmetic operations on the data being transferred. A variety of addressing modes may be used, including register indirect, index auto increment, immediate offset, immediate literal, and indexed. The register set for the 8089 is shown in Figure 8. Each channel lias an independent set of these registers, not accessible to the other channel. Table 1 gives a brief summary of how these registers are used during a program execution or during a DMA transfer. Four of the registers can contain memory addresses which refer to either the system space or the 110 space. These registers each have an associated tag bit. Tag = 0 refers to the system space and tag = 1 refers to the 110 space. More details on how the registers are used are given below as part of the Software Interface section. 3-356 210355-001 AP-123 DRQ2,EXT2 8089 lOP DRQ1, EXT1 8088/ 8086 CPU 8275 CRT CONTROLLER 8271 FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER 8279 KEYBOARD CONTROLLER Figure 7. 1/0 System with Multiple Peripherals \ USER PROGRAMMABl£ TAG 19 J G P ADDRESS A (GA) G P ADDRESS B (GB) G P ADDRESS C (GC) TASK POINTER (TP) _ _ 1-BIT POINTER TO EITHER 110 OR SYSTEM MEMORY SPACE 15 0 INDEX (IX) BYTe COUNT (BC) I. MASK logic with the host CPU, They reside on the same bus, sharing the same system address buffers, data buffers, and bus timing and control logic, The 8089 requests the use of the bus by activating the request/grant line to the host CPU, When the host relinquishes the bus, the lOP uses all the same hardware, and the host CPU is restricted from accessing the bus until the 8089 returns control of the bus to the host CPU. COMPARE (Me) CHANNEL CONTROL (CC) NON USER PROGRAMMABLE (ALWAYS POINTS TO SYSTEM MEMORy) IL'·_J________~~~~~~~ PARAMETER POINTER (PP) ______~O~ r CHANNEL CONTROL POINTER (CP) Figure 8. 8089 Register Set System Configurations The hardware relationship between the host CPU and the 8089 can take one of two basic forms--local configuration or remote configuration, In local configuration (Figure 9) the lOP shares the system bus interface The local configuration is a very economical configuration in terms of hardware cost, but it does not allow concurrent processing, and thus it is not able to really take advantage of the 8089's capabilities for independent operation. In the local configuration, the 8089 acts as a local DMA controller for the CPU, providing enhanced DMA capabilities and I-megabyte addressing. For applications such as the color graphics terminal, where system bus utilization (and other overhead) due to I/O processing would clearly be excessive in the local configuration, it is far more desirable to use the remote configuration, illustrated in Figure 10. The two processors both access VIe system bus, but each may have its own local bus in addition. Each of the processors may execute programs from memory on its own local bus, or 3-357 210355-001 AP-123 Table 1. Channel Register Summary Register Size Program Access System or 1/0 Pointer Use In DMA Transfers Use by Channel Programs GA 20 Update Either General, base Source/destination pointer GB 20 Update Either General, base Source/destination pointer GC 20 Update Either General, base Translate table pointer TP 20 Update Either Procedure return, instruction pointer Adjusted to reflect cause of termination PP 20 Reference IX 16 Update N/A General, auto-increment N/A BC 16 Update N/A General Byte counter MC 16 Update N/A General, masked compare Masked compare CC 16 Update N/A Restricted use recommended Defines transfer options System Base N/A SYSTEM MEMORY BUS CONTROLLER LATCHESf TRANSCEIVERS ., PERIPHERAL PERIPHERAL "P2 Figure 9. CPU and lOP in Local Configuration 3-358 210355-001 intJ AP-123 Figure 10. CPU and lOP in Remote Configuration on the shared system bus. This creates a much more flexible arrangement. Concurrent processing may be used, and it is not necessary to synchronize the processors. An 8086, for example, may run at 8 or 10 MHz while the 8089 operates at 5 MHz. The specific terminal design described later in this application note makes use of one additional technique to further decouple the operation of the two processors. This is a dual-port RAM, which is located between the system bus and the 8089, and serves as display memory and as storage for the task blocks created by the 8086 CPU. Details on how this dual-port RAM operates are given below in the sections describing the terminal design itself. Figure 11 illustrates the method of communication between the CPU and the lOP. The CPU communicates to the lOP by placing messages in memory and activating the lOP's channel attention (CA) input. The lOP communicates to the CPU by placing messages in system memory and making an interrupt request on one of its system interrupt request (SINTR-l or SINTR-2) outputs. The messages in memory take the form of linked blocks. These blocks are of the following five types: 1. System Configuration Pointer (SCP) 2. System Configuration Block (SCB) 3. Channel Control Block (CCB) 4. Parameter Block (PB) Software Interface 5. Task Block (TB) Although the 8089 is an intelligent device which hasla great deal of ability to function independently when managing the course of I/O operations, it typically operates under the overall supervision ofthe host CPU. The SCP and SCB blocks are used by the CPU (only after reset) to initialize the 8089. The CCB, PB and TB blocks are used when the CPU wishes to instruct the 3-359 210355-001 Ap·123 CHANNEL ATTENTION CPU MESSAGES IN MEMORY lOP INTERRUPT Figure 11. CPU/lOP Communication lOP to perform a particular sequence of operations. Figure 12 shows these five blocks and how they are linked. The SCp, SCB, CB, and PB must be in memory which is accessible from both the CPU and 8089 (either system memory or for this application note, dual-port !l\emory). The TB may be in either system or 8089 local , memory. local configuration or in multiple-lOP systems). Bit 0 specifies the 110 bus width (designated I). When I = 0, the 110 bus is an 8-bit bus. I = 1 denotes a 16-bit1l0 bus. The lOP then proceeds to read the double-word pointer to the channel control block, converts it to the 20-bit physical address, and stores it in an internal register (the channel control pointer register). This register is loaded only during initialization and is not available to channel programs. For this reason the channel control block cannot be moved unless the lOP is reset and reinitialized. The system configuration pointer is always found at the same location (FFFF6) in the system memory. The first time channel attention is activated (after an lOP reset) the 8089 reads the system configuration pointer from this location. The SYSBUS field contains only one significant bit (Bit 0), designated by the letterW. If W = 0, the system bus is an 8-bit bus. W = I denotes a 16-bit system bus. The lOP first assumes an 8-bit bus and reads the SYSBUS field. It stores the information as to the physical width of the system bus, then immediately uses this information in the process effetching the next four bytes, which contain the address of the system configuration block. The addresses used to link blocks are standard iAPX 86, 88 pointer variables, each occupying two word locations in system memory. The lower-addres~ed word contains an offset, which is added to the segment base value (left-shifted four places) found in the upperaddressed word to derive the complete 20-bit physical address in system memory. If the block is in an 1/0 memory (as a task block might be), only the offset value is used. After thus deriving the address of the system configuration block, the lOP reads this block, starting with the system operation command (SOC) field. Bit 1 of the SOC field specifies the request/grant mode (used in The initialization is complete when the channel control pointer has been stored. The lOP indicates this by clearing the busy flag in the channell control block (which must be set by the host CPU before the initialization sequence began). The host CPU can monitor this flag to determine when initialization is complete, and then to initialize any other 8089s in the system. It is the responsibility of the host CPU to make sure that the SCP and SCB have the proper contents before issuing the channel attention (CA) that begins the initialization sequence. After initialization, the host CPU must also assure that the channel control block (CCB), parameter block (PB), and task block (TB) all have the proper contents, before issuing a subsequent CA. The CA may be issued in the form of an 110 write command to the address of the lOP on the Multibus. Figure 13 shows a typical decoding circuit for this write command. The lOP actually occupies two consecutive address locations on this bus, because the AO line is tied to the select (SEL) input of the 8089. A zero on the SEL line specifies lOP channel 1 for the impending operation, while a one specifies lOP channel 2. 3-360 210355-001 Ap·123 RESET I f' SCB ADDRESS SCB RELOCATION r- CB ADDRESS L....- ca' RELOCATION I L- PB ADDRESS PB RELOCATION I INITIALIZATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION POINTER FFFFA SYSTEM CONFIGURATION BLOCK CCW I BUSY FFFF8 FFFF8 SOC I BUSY "- • SYSBUS I L- CHANNEL 1 CCW PB ADDRESS PB RELOCATION }_R""~'_" }~""'" I TB ADDRESS TB RELOCATION W ........ ~ .....PARAMETER BLOCK T T "m1T lOP TASK PROGRAM 1 T Figure 12. Linked Block Communication Structure reads the channel command word (CCW). It then sets or clears the busy flag (FFH = set, OOH = clear). The encoding of the channel command word is shown in Figure 14. The CCW provides the lOP with a functional command (START in 110 space, HALT, etc.) and specifies some of the operating conditions, such as interrupt handling, bus load limit, or priority relative to the other channel. If the CPU is instructing the lOP to execute a program, it is at this point that the CPU specifies, via the CCW, whether the instructions are to be fetched from the system space or from the 8089's 110 space. Refer to iAPX 86,88 User's Manual for specific details on the setting and clearing ofthe busy flag and on CCW specifications. .7----; .6-----1 .5----; •• -----1":""'\ .3----~';,I .2---......; iCiWl: - - - - - - -......:::::.1 c. Ao---------PORT FC=CHANNEL 1 CA PORT FD=CHANNEL 2 CA Figure 13. Chan~el Attention Decoding Circuit After the CCW has been read, the lOP reads (if appropriate to the command) the address of the parameter block associated with the impending operation, and stores the translated address (from the two-word segment and offset pair to the 20-bit physical address) in The channel control block has a section for each channel. When the CA is received, the lOP goes to the section corresponding to the selected channel, and 3-361 210355-001 ,AP-123 7 0 I I I I I~F I P CF 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 , 111 0 B CF COMMAND FIELD UPDATE PSW START CHANNEL PROGRAM LOCATED IN 1/0 SPACE. (RESERVED) START CHANNEL PROGRAM LOCATED IN SYSTEM SPACE. (RESERVED) RESUME SUSPENDED CHANNEL OPERATION SUSPEND CHANNEL OPERATION HALT CHANNEL OPERATION ICF 00 01 10 11 INTERRUPT CONTROL FIELD IGNORE, NO EFFECT ON INTERRUPTS. REMOVE INTERRUPT REQUEST; INTERRUPT IS ACKNOWLEDGED. ENABLE INTERRUPTS. DISABLE INTERRUPTS. B o 1 BUS LOAD LIMIT NO BUS LOAD LIMIT BUS LOAD LIMIT P PRIORITY BIT Figure 14. Channel Command Word Encoding the parameter pointer (PP) register. PP is another register which is not programmable by the channel program. The lOP then goes to this location in system memory, and fetches the address of the task block itself. The task block contains the actual program to be executed, while the parameter block contains parameters to be used by that program. Except for the first two words, which contain the task block address, the parameter block format is up to the discretion of the user. Similarly, the task block may have any format whatsoever, as long as the lOP can execute the program. The parameter block is always in system memory, but the task block may be either in system memory or in I/O (local) memory. The host CPU may prepare as many parameterblock/task-block sets as it wishes. An individual set is then activated for execution by placing its parameter block pointer in the desired channel's control block, loading the appropriate channel control word, and issuing a CA to that channel. The registers shown in Figure 8 store (in addition to pointer variables) various flags and parameters associated with the lOP's operation: Some of these registers are loaded automatically with information fetched during the initialization sequence or during channel attention processing. Others must be set by executing a program using instructions from the lOP's instruction set that are specifically designed for loading these registers. Channel programs (task blocks) are written in ASM-89, the 8089 assembly language. About 50 basic instructions are available. The lOP instruction set contains some instructions similar to those found in CPUs, and also other instructions specifically tailored to I/O operations. Data transfer, simple arithmetic, logical, and address manipulation operations are available. Unconditional jump and call instructions are provided so that channel programs can link to each other. An individual register or even a single bit may be set or cleared with a single instruction. Other instructions specify conditional jumps, initiate DMA transfers, perform semaphore operations, and issue interrupt requests to the CPU. A channel program typically ends by posting the result of an operation to a field supplied in the parameter block, then interrupting the CPU (if interrupts are enabled) and halting. When the channel halts, its associated BUSY flag is cleared in the channel control block. The CPU can poll this flag (as an alternative to being interrupted) to determine when the operation ha~ been completed. Timing Details The basic bus timing relationships for the 8089 are identical to those of the 8086 or 8088, in that all cycles consist of four states (assuming no wait states), and use the same time-multiplexing technique for the address/data lines. The address (and ALE signal from the 3-362 210355-001 AP-123 ClK S2-SO ADDRESS/STATUS BHE S2-SO ACTIVE =~~J----{ A1~A16 X ~~~A- ____________ S6-S3 \... __ _ ~ ~ =~ ~ =f-----{L_1Iiii!_H_E_LOW_F_D_R_DA_TA"'ah....RA....E ....N,8"'fs-cER"'.3!Lr_H_IG_H_-Q_R_DE_R--Ir- ADDRESS/DATA (AD1S-ADO) 'ALE 52-SO INACTIVE DATA IN A15-AO -F\~ 015-00 ___________ *MORC or ·IORC *DT/R -- T'- - - - - - , __ ~' r- '---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~, -DEN --------------~ '8288 BUS CONTROllER OUTPUTS Figure 15, Read Bus Cycle 8288 bus controller) is output during state Tl for either a read or write cycle, During state T2 for a read cycle (Figure 15) the address/data lines are floated. During state T2 for a write cycle (Figure 16) data is output on these lines. During state T3, the write data is maintained or the read data is sampled. The bus cycle is concluded in state. T4. Figure 17 shows some details on the wait state timing and Figure 18 shows the RESET-CA initialization timing. During DMA transfers, the transfer cycle may be synchronized by either the source or the destination. Figure 19 (source-synchronized transfers) and Figure 20 (destination-synchronized transfers) show the relationships among the basic clock cycles, the DRQ signals, and the DACK signals. The 8089 does not have a DACK output signal. Rather, it uses· the more general process of issuing a command (for example, 110 read or write) to an address on the 110 bus. This command is then hardware decoded to obtain 3-363 a chip select signal for the addressed device. This method enables the 8089 to relate to a variety of 110 devices in a very flexible manner. Figures 19 and 20 also show how the 8089 inserts idle clocks to accommodate various DRQ latency conditions. If maximum efficiency (transfer rate) is desired, it is usually possible to remove this latency by techniques such as generating an early DRQ. Another possibility is to use the unsynchronized DMA transfer mode (DRQ is not examined) and to use the READY signal for synchronizing transfers. The early DRQ technique will be discussed later.. GRAPHIC CRT SYSTEM DESIGN Having examined the requirements for graphic CRT systems in general, and having also discussed the capabilities of the 8089, we can now proceed to describe a specific graphic CRT design using the 8089. In this design. the system CPU is an 8086. Thus. the entire system is called an Intel 8089. 210355-001 ~AP-123 ClK 52-SO S2-SO ACTIVE ==~ ~ }--{ ADDRESS/STATUS A19-A16 52-SO INACTIVE L~ ~ = Y iHE ==~ ~}--{,-_BH_E_LDW __ FO_R_D_A... ~~,-,T....~... W,-,1S",1..",~",lD_N_H_IG_iAl_R_DE_R-Jl- ADDRESS/DATA (AD15__AOO) =~ ~ ~ :>----{'-_A_15--_AO_J1iX'---_ _D_A_~A_D_U_T_D_15--_oo_ __ _ _ ' l - ~'---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 'AlE ,Ai,iWC DR 'AIDWC *MWTC OR -lowe ---,, ___ -DEN -',~ _ _ _ _....J '8288 BUS CDNTRDllER OUTPUTS Figure 16. Write Bus Cycle System Partitioning ONE BUS CYCLE ClK ' ~ TR1VCl'-.lI_R1VCl-.J1++I ~TClR1X" va ROY INPUT READY OUTPUT V/1 NOT READY READY fREADY '*REFER TO THE 8284A CLOCK GENERATOR/DRIVER SHEET FOR TIMING INFORMATION Figure 17. Wait-State Timing (Synchronous ROY Input) ClK~ RESET . MUST BE ACTIVE \ FOR FIVE CLOCK !-.- - - - : - - - CYCLES 1 eLK MIN I... CA - - - - - - - - - - ' . - - - - - - - I .I~CA - - ' 1 elK MIN , The 8086 and 8089 are arranged in the remote configuration. This assures that concurrent processing can occur. As mentioned earlier, an additional step is taken to further decrease system bus utilization for I/O-related processes. This step is the inclusion in the system of a dual-port RAM, located between the system bus and the 8089~ This qual-port RAM contains the display memory and also contains the linked message blocks used for communication between the 8086 and the 8089. The system configuration then becomes that shown in Figure 21. The dual-port RAM becomes the only data path between the 8086 and the 8089. Access to this memory is time-shared between the 8086 and the 8089, with the 8089 taking less than 50% of the total time available. Since the 8089 does not access the system bus, the host system can enjoy complete freedom to allocate its resources between its own local bus and the system bus. The CPU and the lOP can operate asynchronously, with the 8086 running on an 8 MHz clock and the 8089 on a 5 MHz clock. :LL/.. RECOGNIZED The division of responsibility between the 8086 and the 8089 is then very clearly defined. The 8086 initializes the 8089 and specifies the task parameters, storing them in Figure 18. Reset and Channel Attention Timing 3-364 210355"()01 AP-123 TRANSFER CYCLE 1~:'-_T-,------~:~:T~e~H~.~u~S~e~ye~l=:~-------~--~:I~:.--T-,-------s~T~:~R~E~.~us~e~y~C~lE~~---------T-4-:~1 I-.. 0 IDLE ',.... ORO HOLD .... (FROM 110 ~I~ I--CLOCKS 1 FROM READ 2 IDLE ~l....- 1-- CLOCkS 1 410LE CLOCKS 1 DE~~CQ~:"')--------------.,\:~.,.\U.,.\:\:\.1.\...,J..\~\:\\U3~_....!./_r_-__-_-_-_-:_R_~_F_~_R_:_E-_XT_~_R_:-_N_::_E_;;_e_;_el_;_-_-__-_-__-_-_ OAeK~ (DECODED 1/0 ADDRESS) VALID 110 ADDRESS PRESENT \'-------- NOTES 1) INDICATES THE NUMBER OF IDLE CLOCKS INSERTED AFTER T4 OF THE STORE CYCLE BEFORE THE NEXT TRANSFER CYCLE BEGINS IF DRO IS RECEIVED BEFORE THE RISING EDGE OF ClK IN THE CURRENT FETCH CYCLE, THE NEXT FETCH BEGINS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE CURRENT STORE 2) IF THE 8089 IS IDLE WHEN DRO IS RECOGNIZED, FOUR OR FIVE MORE IDLE ClOCO< CYCLES OCCUR BEFORE THE ASSOCIATED TRANSFER CYCLE BEGINS (DRO IS lATCHED ON THE RISING EDGE OF ClK ) 3) TO PREVENT THE START OF THE NEXT TRANSFER CYCLE, DRO MUST BE BROUGHT lOW BY THE RISING EDGE OF ClK IN T4 OF THE CURRENT FETCH (FOR B/B~W SOURCE SYNCHRONIZED AND W~B/B DESTINATION SYNCHRONIZED IT MUST BE , lOW BY THE RISING EDG~ OF ClK IN THE FOURTH ClOCK'OF THE CURRENT BUS CYCLE INCLUDING WAIT STATES) Figure 19. Source-Synchronized Transfer Cycle TRANSFER CYCLE 1 .. .. FETCH BUS CYCLE 2 2 FETCH BUS CYCLE 1 1 elK _I_ 1 ~\\m5 r ORa HOLD FROM.-I----J .. ADVANCED WRITE ,-....... DRQ 4 (FROM 110 DEVICE) --I 2 IDLE 4 IDLE ..,1" CLOCKS;'I .. CLOCKS 3 :a-:O:-N:T:A::R o. -7---------...\,,\...,..,.,.,\,\ - "\\U-..J\IL-,.i -_-- IDLE CLOCKS 3 OACK (DECODED 110 AODRES_S_)______J VALID I/O ADDRESS PRESENT \ L-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...J L NOTES 1) FIRST DMA FETCH CYCLE OCCURS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE lAST TASK PROGRAM INSTRUCTION IS EXECUTED 2) FETCH CYCLE 2 BEGINS IMMEDIATELY AFTER STORE CYCLE 1 3) INDICATES THE NUMBER OF IDLE CLOCKS INSERTED AFTER T4 OF THE FETCH BEFORE STORE CYCLE 2 BEGINS IF ORO IS RECEIVED BEFORE THE RISING EDGE OF ClK IN THE CURRENT STORE CYCLE, THE NEXT STORE BEGINS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE NEXT FETCH 4) IF THE 8089 IS IDLE WHEN ORO IS RECOGNIZED, FOUR OR FIVE MORE IDLE CLOCK CYCLES OCCUR BEFORE THE ASSOCIATED STORE CYCLE BEGINS (ORO IS lATCHED ON THE RISING EDGE OF ClK ) 5) TO PREVENT THE NEXT STORE CYCLE FROM OCCURRING, DRO MUST BE BROUGHT lOW BY THE RISING EDGE OF ClK IN T4 OF THE CURRENT STORE (FOR B/B~W SOURCE SYNCHRONIZED AND W~B/B DESTINATION SYNCHRONIZED, IT MUST BE lOW BY THE RISING EDGE OF ClK IN THE FOURTH CLOCK OF THE CURRENT STORE CYCLE INCLUDING WAIT STATES) Figure 20. Destination-Synchronized Transfer Cycle 3-365 210355-001 AP·123 32K BYTE 2732A-2 EPROM - ~ CPU - 8K BYTE 2141-4 SRAM RESIDENT BUS INTER- FACE r-- - ~I w C a: BUS ARBITER .~.--1 ...z iii W 8289 ~ .," MULTI BUSTM, INTERFACE 8259 INTERRUPT CONTROLLER " 9 U> CPU 32K BYTE 8K BYTE 2732A EPROM 2K BYTE 2~14AL-3 SRAM 8279 KyaO/DISPLAY CONTROLLER 2118-12 DRAM - LOCAL ~ -. 110 BUS INTERFACE -- 0 ... CRT CONTROLLERS - CONTROL ~ g 4·8275 : DUAL-PORT MEMORY lOP ::E "9 .," U> w In > U> ;I "u> 9i1 , PERIPHERAL CONTROLLER Figure 21. Remote Configuration with Dual-Port RAM 3-366 210355-001 AP-123 the dual-port RAM. In many cases, the 8086 also prepares the task programs and stores them in the dualport RAM, from which they may be downloaded to a memory on the 8089's 110 bus. The 8089 executes the task programs (from the dual-port RAM or from a local memory on the 110 bus), while the 8086 simultaneously executes other control or application programs. The. application programs may encompass a wide variety of operations, but they will always generate the display characters and store them in the dual-port RAM. The 8089 returns status to the 8086 when task program execution has been completed. BOOTSTRAP LOADER FFFFF OPERATING SYSTEM APPLICATION PROGRAMS EPROM - }-."~ FlOG. DISPLAY BUFFER PROGRAM STORAGE (DOWNLINE LOADED) 2118-12 DUA~POAT DYNAMIC RAM FOOOO ;..~ ~ .21'. NON-VOLATILE DATA STORAGE Figures 22 and 23 show the manner in which the memories are organized. Figure 22, which shows the memory configuration for the 8086, should be taken as an example, since many different configurations are possible, according to the user's application. Figure 23 shows the memory configuration for the 8089, given the particular choices made for the application discussed in this note. Of the memories shown in Figure 22, the 2141 static RAMs and the 2732A EPROMs are located on the 8086's local bus, while the 2816.EEPROM and the 2118 dual-port RAM are interfaced to the Multibus. The 2816 is a non-volatile read/write memory equivalent in its storage capacity to the 2716 EPROM. } 11K BYTES 01000 = ~ INTERRUPT VECTOR TABLE STACK SCAATCHPAD 01FFF 2141·" CPU LOCAL MEMORY }.~ 00000 Figure 22. CPU Memory Organization ....1""" ,.~ VOSPACE . . . - - - - - - - - - , FFFFF BUFFER OFFFF EEPROM SYSTEMS.....CE 2 PAGES DISPLAY }-- 2732A-2 2118·12 12K BYTES DYNAMIC RAM 1-..,.-------jFlOOO T l VOPORTS KEYBOARD caoo OACK AOOO ClKENA 8000 CRT CONTROLLER , 1000 CRT CONTROLLER 2 4000 CHANNEL PROGRAM 2732A EPROM SCRATCH .....D 2"4Al-3 RAM 2000 07FF 0000 Figure 23. lOP Memory Organization 3-367 210355-001 AP-123 8086/8089 Software Interface Comparing Figures 22 and 23, it can be seen that the 2118 dynamic RAM appears in the memory configurations for both the 8086 and the 8089. In the 8086's system space, this memory occupies addresses FOOOO through F7FFF, while in the 8089's system space, its address range is F8000 through FFFFR FFFFF LINKED lOP CONTROL BLOCKS } FFEFF Figure 24 shows the organization of the dual-port RAM. The addresses given are those seen by the 8089. The display data (for the CRT refresh function) is contained in the two largest blocks-Display Page 0 and Display Page 1. Each page contains 15K bytes, enough to refresh a color graphic screen containing 48 rows of 80 characters each. In typical operation, the 8086 and the 8089 both access the same page of display data. In special cases, such as animated displays, the 8089 performs repetitive DMA transfers from one of these pages, while the 8086 is generating new display material and storing it in the other page. The display page pointer (DSPLYJG--PTR) in the parameter block specifies which of these pages is to be displayed at any given time. This pointer may be changed by the 8086, or by a command from the terminal keyboard. SPARE 15K BYTES DISPLAY PAGE 1 FCOOO FBFFF KEYBOARD BUFFER ) 256BYTES } 256BYTES } ;56BYTES FBFDO FBEFF EEPROM BUFFER FBEOO FBDFF COMMAND BUFFER FBODO FBCFF SPARE ) 256BYTES FBCOO FBBFF The EEPROM Buffer is a 256-byte area used in connection with the non-volatile EEPROM memory, an optional memory which may be located on the Multibus. One use of such a memory would be to store ASCII strings, which could then be recalled by the 8086 upon recognition of special keyboard control code sequences. ' The Spare blocks total lK (1024) bytes, and may be used for any purpose, according to the user's application. }m~ FFCOO FFBFF The Command Buffer is a 256-byte area set aside for transferring ASCII characters from the 8086 to the 8089. It is like a second keyboard, scanned by the 8089. It takes precedence over any real keyboard activity. The COM_8086 flag in the parameter b.lock is used to indicate when there are entries in the command block area. The Keyboard Buffer/is a 256-brte area which serves as a storage area for ASCII characters entered from the terminal keyboard. When this buffer becomes full, or when a return is entered at the keyboard, an end-of-file byte is placed after the last entered character, and the keyboard buffer full (KBD_BUFJULL) flag is set in the parameter block. This prevents the 8089 from processing any more inputs from the keyboard, until the 8086 resets KBD--I3UFJULL. 256BYTES FFFOO DISPLAY PAGE 0 15K BYTES FIOOO Figure 24. Organization of the Dual-Port RAM The Linked lOP Control Blocks are those which have been discussed above, as part of the 8089 overview. The specific memory locations are as shown in Figure 25. Note that there is only one parameter block, and no task blocks present. Only one task block is used in this application, and it is stored in the 2732A EPROMs on the 8089's 1/0 bus. 3-368 210355-001 AP·123 In the above table, DB represents a one-byte quantity, and DW represents a two-byte quantity. FFFFF SPARE } 4BVTES FFFFC FFFFB SYSTEM CONFIGURATION POINTER } 6 BYTES } BBYTES FFFFS FFFF5 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION BLOCK FFFFO FFFEF CHANNEL CONTROL BLOCK' TP_LSW and TP_MSD are the two words making up the task pointer. However, since in this application the task program is in the 1/0 space, only the leastsignificant word (LSW) is fetched. EEP-INH, when not equal to zero, indicates that the EEPROM buffer is closed to keystrokes or 8086 ASCII commands. }. ~. EEP_BUF_FULL, when not equal to zero, indicates that the EEPROM buffer is full. FFFEO FFFDF PARAMETER BLOCK EEP_RECALL, when not equal to zero, indicates that the 8089 is recalling the contents of an EEPROM buffer area. 224 BYTES COL_CH-INH, when not equal to zero, inhibits the color control keys on the keyboard. KBD_INH, when not equal to zero, inhibits the processing of keystrokes (entered at the keyboard) by the 8089. Up to 6 keystrokes may be saved in the keyboard controller and may be processed later. FFFOO Figure 25. Organization of the Linked lOP Control Blocks Area As mentioned earlier, the structure of the parameter block is very flexible. Only the first four bytes are fixed (because of the 8089's requirements). These four bytes contain the address of the task block. The remaining space in the parameter block may be defined by the user. The following list shows the parameter block structure that is used in support of the channel program contained in the 2732A EPROMs on the 8089's 110 bus. TP_LSW DW TP-MSD DW EEP-INH DB EEP_BUF_FULL DB EEP-RECALL DB COL-CH-INH DB KBD-INH DB KBD_BUF-FULL DB COM-8086 COLOR STR-PTIL8086 BACICCOL-SW MON..:.JNH DSPLYJGJTR SCROLLREQ DB DB DW DB DB DB DB MON_HOM MON_END MON_LMARG MON-RMARG KBD_BUFJTR DW DW DW DW DW KBD_BUFJULL, when not equal to zero, indicates that a new line of keyboard data needs to be processed by the 8086. The 8089 sets KBD-BUF_FULL equal to , -1 when the return key is pressed. The 8086 resets KBD_BUF_FULL to zero after it has read this data. COM-8086, when not equal to zero, indicates that there are ASCII commands in the command buffer areas of dual-port RAM that need to be processed by the 8089. COLOR determines the foreground and background colors to be used in connection with ASCII characters entered at the keyboard, or sent by the 8086 via the command buffer area. In the COLOR byte, bits BO-B2 determine the background color, while B3-B5 determine the foreground color. The following code is used: 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Black Red Green Yellow Blue Magenta Cyan White STR-PTIL8086 is a two-byte quantity that serves as an offset address for the ASCII characters in the command buffer. 3-369 210355-001 Ap..123 BACIC.COLSW determines whether the 8089 color control keys will alter the foreground or the background portions of the COLOR byte. If BACK_CQL_SW,equals zero, the foreground color is altered. If BACLcOLSW is not equal to zero, the background color is altered. MON_INH, when not equal to zero, suspends DMA transfers by the 8089 from display memory to the 8275s. When M6N----INH is cleared, DMA will resume. DSPLYJG-PTR determines which of the two display pages will be used to refresh the CRT. If DSPLY_PG_PTR equals zero, page 0 will be displayed. If DSPLY_PG-PTR does not equal zero, page 1 will be displayed. SCROLL-REQ is set by the 8089 to indicate to the 8086 that the cursor is at the bottom of the page, and that key entry/command processing has been halted, pending a display'memory scroll operation. When the 8086 has performed this operation, it clears SCROLL-REQ. MON_HOM, MOK_END, MON_LMARG, and MON_RMARG specify, respectively, the upper, lower, left, and right boundaries of the region on the screen in which keyboard entries will be displayed. KBD-BUF-PTR is a two-byte quantity that serves as an address for the ASCII characters in the keyboard buffer. Note that a number of these parameters support options (e.g., EEPROM buffer) and are not critical to the graphic operation described in this application note. 8089 Display Hardware Interface This section describes the hardware of the peripheral processing module (PPM), which includes everything between the system bus and the CRT display/keyboard unit. The overall organization of the PPM is as shown in Figure 21. The dual-port RAM can be accessed from either the system bus otthe 8089's local bus. The 8089 is said to be operating in the system space when it is accessing the dual-port 'RAM, and in the I/O space when it is accessing devices on the I/O bus. Included on the I/O bus are four 8275 CRT controllers, an 8279-5 keyboard controller, two 2732A EPROMs, which are used to hold channel programs, and four 2114 static RAMs, which are used as scratch-pad RAM for the 8089. As explained above (under OVERVIEW OF CRT GRAPHIC SYSTEMS, Performance Requirements), four bytes are used to specify ,each 'character in the display. The first byte determines whether the character is a text character or a graphic character, and specifies the colors for foreground <;md background. If it is a text character, the second byte specifies the character with a seven-bit ASCII code, and the remaining two bytes are not used. If it is a graphics character, the second, third, and fourth bytes contain the color specification for each ofthe twenty distinct picture elements (pixels) within the character. Use of the foreground color is indicated by a one in the respective bit position, while a zero specifies use of the background color. The structure of the display characters and the formats of the individual bytes are shown in Figures 4 and 5. The four 8275 CRT controllers on the 8089's I/O bus are used to process the four bytes comprising each character. Since the 8089 can transfer two bytes at a time in DMA mode, the four bytes are transferred in two stages. In the first stage, the 8089 fetches the first two bytes from the dual-port RAM, and transfers these two bytes into the first pair of CRT controllers. In the second stage, the 8089 fetches the second two bytes from the dual-port RAM, and transfers these two bytes into the second pair of CRT controllers. This process is repeated 80 times to transfer the 80 characters making up each row in the display. The distinction between text and graphic characters is entirely transparent 4> the 8089. Four bytes are transferred in every case, even though the text information only requires two bytes per character. We shall now examine the hardware schematics in detail, to see how the various functions of the PPM are implemented. Figure 26 shows the 8089 lOP and its associated bus controller. At the top left are the inputs through which the 8089 is controlled. The DRQF signal (detailed later) is the DMA request that initiates the transfer of two bytes from the lOP to two of the four CRT controllers. DRQF comes from the 8275s via a one-shot, and is connected to the DRQ 1 input of the 8089. IRQ is an interrupt request that comes from the 8275s. It is activated after an entire screen's video information has been transferred from the dual-port RAM to the 8275s: IRQ is connected to the EXT 1 input ofthe 8089. It is necessary to program the 8089 to terminate the DMA transfer on an external event, in order for this signal to be effective. CA is the channel attention signal. Upon receipt of CA, the 8089 reads the channel control word (CCW) from the dual-port RAM. From the CCW, the 8089 determines the nature of the operation assigned to it by the 3-370 210355-001 AP·123 DRQF IAQ CA Am.-.!f":: ADY AST 8 31 33 23 24 22 21 OROl AD/DO 16 EXT1 CA SEL ADY AST A1/D1 "2/02 "3/D3 "4/04 "DIDO-A 151015 "'6IS3-A19156. iiii 15 14 13 12 52 A&lOB A71D7 AalD6 A8I09 A101D10 10 9 8 7 8 A11/011 : A12/D12 ",3/D'3 A14/014 A15/015 A1&183 A17I84 "18/85 A19/5& 12 8 11 9 1910 AS/OS 11 381 18 ft 2 Vcc~ 15 ( 3 2 39 38 37 36 35 AiOWC ~ ~ IIim 7 ClK lOB CEN m "48 8288 iilIl5i! iOR 13 14 4 5 16 17 iiiTi.(A EADI/O) DTIlf "LE DEN IImi P1 ("v ~: SO 27 r--1! 51 iii A29 fWL 28 A3 $INTR.1 17 SINTR.2 18 41 42 6089 ...r CLK Figure 26. 8089 I/O Processor and 8288 Bus Controller , 8086. CA is derived by hardware decoding of an I/O write command made by the 8086 to address OOH or address OIH on the Multibus. The lowest-order bit of this address is used to specify whether channel 1 or channel 2 of the lOP is to be selected, and is connected to the 8089's SEL input. In this application, the DMA transfers are always performed by channel 1. RDY is the ready signal that comes from the 8202 dynamic RAM controller, and is synchronized by the 8284A clock generator. RDY is low whenever the 8086 is accessing the dual-port RAM. The RDY signal is used to establish a master/slave relationship between the 8086 and the 8089, with the 8086 as the master. As mentioned earlier, the 8089 accesses the dual·port RAM about 50% of the time during DMA transfers. It can be seen, referring to Figure 20, that ifno idle clocks occur, the lOP will access the dual-port RAM during the four clock times of the DMA·fetch bus cycle, and will access the I/O bus during the four clock times of the OMA-store bus cycle. While the 8089 is doing the store operation, the 8086 can access the dual-port RAM. Once the 8086 has gained this access, the ROY signal will remain low until the 8086 is finished. The 8089 waits for ROY to go high before making a subsequent fetch. 3-371 At 5 MHz, the 8089 requires 3.2 microseconds (16 clock cycles) to transfer the four bytes representing a graphic character from the display memory to the four 8275s, assuming that no wait states have been inserted because of the 8086's access to the dual-port RAM, or because of dynamic RAM refresh functions. A complete row, consisting of 80 characters, requires 80 x 3.2 = 256 microseconds. The time allowed to complete the transfer of one row must be less than the time it takes to display that row on the screen. This latter time is equal to 1/50 of the total screen update time, or 1/3000 of a second (333 microseconds). Comparing the two figures (256 vs 333), it can be seen that there are 77 microseconds available for such wait states. It is the responsibility of the software designer to control the 8086's access to dual-port RAM in such a mannner that the added wait states do not total more than 77 microseconds in any span of 333 microseconds. Otherwise, underruns may occur and the CRT screen will be blanked. See System Performance (below) for further discussion on this effect. RST is the lOP reset signal, which comes from the 8284A clock generator. The first CA after RST causes the lOP to access address FFFF6 in the dual-port RAM, in order to read the system configuration pointer. 210355-001 AP-123 Outputs from the lOP are the time-multiplexed address and data lines, BHE( (bus high enable), status line SO, SI, and S2, a~d the system interrupt request lines, SINTR-I and SINTR2. The interrupt lines go directly to the MULTIBUS, and from there they become inputs to the 8086's 8259 A interrupt controller. The DACKI signals are generated in the following manner: 1. Both 8275 pairs are accessed by the 8089 (DMA mode) via port AOOOH. 2. Hardware is used to select one pair of CRT controllers (bytes 0 aJ;ld I or bytes 2 and 3). 3. As the 8089 reads (DMA) the word from the dualport memory, address bit I (SAl) is' latched with the memory read command (MRDC/). Figure 27 shows the 110 address latches and decoder, and the circuitry used to generate the DACKI signals for the CRT controllers. The lOP status bit S2 indicates whether the lOP is accessing the 110 space or the system space. Latched by ALE (address latch enable), S21 generates 10 and 101. 10 and 101. are used to indicate that the 8089 is not accessing dual-port RAM. 101 goes to the dual-port RAM controller. 4. When SAl = 0, DACK 11 is activated. 5. When SAl = I, DACK 21 is activated. 6. In this manner the 8089 performs alternating writes (DMA) to the 8275 pairs. "49 ALE AOIDO-AI51DI5 11 STa I DIO DII DI2 DI3 DI4 DI5 DI6 DI7 A1/D1 2 A2ID2 A3ID3 A4ID4 A5ID5 A6ID6 A7ID7 3 4 5 6 7 8 DOO DOl D02 D03 D04 DOS D06 D07 OE ~ 19 18 17 16 15 14 '3 '2 10A0-10A15 10A'3 10A14 f0A1S • 2 3 A2 8262 r 6 A66 11 • ABlD8 2 A9/09 A101D10 • .Al1,Dl1 4 12 5 AI3/D•• 6 A140147 AI51DI58 19 18 17 16 15 .4 .3 .2 A25 15 14 AO A. f i E. E2 E1 T T .2 11 10 ClK CRT KEY I 7 6205 Vee SA'~ MiiDcr-JI 6262 A2' 4 .0 9 .2 D A20 Q ~ 10 IDE •• ., 74lS74 Q """"or;;- ~DA 5-~ 8 ~DA _~ .0 8 A2' Vee" 4 2 ~ • 2 A20 5 Q D 74LS74 6 iii Ii 10 A'9 RST 3 4 1" A19 Figure 27. Address Latches, Decoders, and DACK Generator 3-372 210355-001 AP-123 Figure 28 shows the bus transceivers used between the 8089 and the I/O bus, and also shows the 2732 EPROMs. Figure 29 shows the 2K bytes of 2114 static RAM on the I/O bus, which are used as scratch-pad RAM for the 8089. Figure 30 shows the 8279-5 keyboard controller, and also shows the 8284A clock generator that produces the CLK, RDY, and RST signals for the 8089. For more information on interfacing the 8279-5 to the keyboard (Cherry Electrical Products B70-05AB), refer to the 8279/8279-5 data sheet and application noteAP-32, CRT Terminal Design Using the Intel 8275 and 8279. Figure 31 shows the clock generator for the character timing and dot timing. The character clock frequency (C CLK) is 118 of the dot clock frequency (D CLK), 10.8 MHz. Also shown in Figure 31 is a 9602 one-shot used to generate the video sync pulses. Figure 32 shows the CRT Controllers #0 and # 1. Bit 6 of Byte 0 determines whether the display character is text or graphic. If Bit 6 is low, the character is a text character, and Byte 1 is used to address the 2732A character generator ROM. Bytes 2 and 3 are ignored. The line count outputs LCO-LC3 of an 8275 (any 8275 can be used, since they are all synchronized) are also applied to the character generator to perform the line select function. IOAo-IOA15 A.O DT/R AO/OO-A15/015 " 1 AD 2 Al ~ I'---"- t---+ ~ r-----.!.. r---!-9 T BO Bl B2 A2 A3 AO ,. ,. IODO-IOD1S 18 17 B3 1S BO 10 B. 13 B6 12 A. A6 A7 A07 ,'8 eE B~ OE 8286 10A1 8 10A2 10A3 10AO 10AS 7 B S 0 3 2 1 IOA6 10A7 IOA8 A31 " 1 ~ 3 IOA9 23 IOA10 22 10A11 19 10A12 21 ,. -----. 18 17 ----+----+- 10 13 12 ~ A2 A3 Do O. AO AS A6 O. Ds Or A7 9 10 11 13 10 ,. 1000 1001 1002 IOD3 1004 10DS 16 1006 17 1007 A8 AS A10 A" 2732A 1 20 " -----.L 0, OE 16 ----.!.. 00 AD A1 118 9 8286 • 1008 IOA1 8 IOA2 7 6 10 11 13 1009 4 10 1S 16 17 10012 IOA3 IOA4 lOA' IOA6 IOA7 IOA8 IOA9 1'CiEPRiiM Ce • 3 2 1 A6' 10010 10D11 10013 10014 10015 23 IOA10 22 IDA" 19 IOA12 21 2732A 0- A18 1 3 , 12D --./ Figure 28. Bus Transceivers and EPROMs on I/O-Bus 3-373 210355-001 A~·123 10A1-10A1 0 A2I I • 7 • 3 2 1 17 11 15 ~01 AD 1.1 1.2 V03 1.3 V04 ~02 ,. 13 12 11 10DD 1001 IOD2 10Dl M ~ t----.!.. ~ ~ 13 12 1OD4 I0OI JODI 11 IOD7 r-..--!. ~ AI AI 1.7 AI AI 21.AL·3 WE 10 ,. 5 1 ~ AU ~ 21141.1.-3 WE Ci CS 8 I• 10 12_ _ iOiWi~_----.J lOA 13 ," 1.2 / 14 13 12 ~ r----!- I---t 11 10Dl IODI IOD10 IOD11 ~ ~ 4 ., ,. 10D12 13 12 11 IOD13 IOD1. 10015 ~ ~ ~ t-----! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ All 18 A7. ~ ~ ~ 2144A1.-3 214'41.1.-3 10 I I 10 I 81 ~11 13~ 1.21 IODD-10D15 Figure 29. Static RAMs on 1/0 Bus 3-374 210355-001 AP-123 1000- 10015 ~ 1000 12 1001 1002 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 10 11 1003 1004 1005 1005 1007 10RC A -IOWC 22 21 ~ OARO IOAl ~ ,...!. A17 OBO 38 39 RlO RLl RL2 RL3 RL4 Rl5 Rl6 OBl OB2 OB3 OB4 OB5 OB6 OB7 RO WR Rl7 STa CS AD RESET ClK 8279-5 RlO Rll RU RU RU RLS RLI Rl7 1 2 • 8 7 8 -F- 43 44 45 48 47 48 41 50 STRB 53 ~ ~ ~ r-- 51 I-- 52 --- 69 ~ 80 510 Vee 15MHz ~ 14 l...-7 SACK 10 M BRW 16 A4 IN914 4 ~ i5: 5 6~110n -- 117 560K ::!: 11 A37 iiSi' t~F RST ClK A3 -45 510 1Di ~ 4 4 RDY1 6 ROY2 7 AEN2 ROY 10 RST 8 ClK 5 RO Y Fli: "1i AENi "i ....,:. CSYNC 8284A Figure 30. Keyboard Controller and Clock Generator 3-375 210355-001 AP-123 510 . . - - - - - - - -...- - - - - CCLK 21.' MHz 510 r-------~-------------_+----------- LDCHAA 1'.1 15 osc 1'.21 185163 12 f CUi 1. 1 L-__--..,._____....___ Vcc' 1'.15 13 DCLK F/f CSYNC P2 8284A Vee· 9602 INTVTRC A2 VCC*1 HRTC _________________________________________-J Figure 31. Character Clock Generator and Video Sync Pulse 3-376 210355-001 PI ~ CCLK 10lI0 1QD1 1QQ2 1ODO-IOD15 IGD4 ,. 17 IODI 1OD7 ,. • 18 22 , f 2 ., ~cu ceo ~ OBO CC1 DBa DBa CCI DBa DBa GB4 ~)4 2 5 FGR FGG 2 5 7 A11 4Q 10 12 sa 15 FQ8 BQR 11 10 10 CC2 ~2D CC2 ~ 3D CC4 I 27 11 4D CC5 ~ 50 2Q 3D - "* BGQ iiii Wii a • 10 ID 74LS1741G 13 CLK r' DB7 1" 15 Ycc* 1A IY 1B 2A 211 SA 2Y 3a 4A 3Y 4B S o AD 4Y _ • 54 II BLUE II ~ h 5 DRQ1 DAD CCLK cao-caa LPEN 31 A13 1AD 1275 11 CRT CONTROLLER #0 3 iRAPHMODE T OCLK I,. 10DS 12 1008 13 10010 1QD11 14 15 10012 10013 10014 17 ,. 18 19 • 10 ceo CC1 CC2 CC3 CC4 CC5 CC8 LeO LC1 21 LC2 22 LC3 A14 8275 Oe D. 0. 23M 22 AI 18 A10 27 21 21 0" 0.. 0, 4 3 2 r-1CFIT CONTROLLER #1 00 ~A1 t LC1 5 AI 8 AD FBO FB1 15 FB2 14 13 FB3 11 10 FBS Faa FB7 17 , FB4 DH :: H G 11 F ': E 4 0 3 C B f 13 1 AI pu;- A40 ! Imr A Ycc'- 6 A2 r LC2 v ,. 2732A A28 A11 DE - ~20 CLKINH SRIN 7nS1.. Lii 15 l.CO-LC2 , LDCiiiiI '_Fa7 RYV - ---- •! ~ 7 FE Or . 3 AS 2 M 1 A7 21 6 f 4 A4 23 24 25 30 ; 7 A5 10015 ~ RED 4 74157 as • DACK 30 OCLK ~ 14 15 10 21 GCCLK -, 13 lOGS 1000 iOiiC AiiiWC iOA1 Ciffi iiACK1 12 -- Figure 32. CRT Controllers, Color Muniplexer, and Character Generator AP-123 shades of color. The D CLK signal is ORed with the VSP (video suppress) si8'nlll from the 8275, to produce complete video blanking when desired. For each character, the foreground and background color bits are output from Byte 0 and latched into the 74LS174, from which they are applied to the input of the 74LS157 multiplexer. Selection between foreground and ba~kground is done by the output of the 74LSl66 parallel-to-serial converter, which operates from either the text or graphic character generator, as appropriate. The roles of foreground and background color may be reversed by the RVV (reverse, video) signal from the 8275, which is exclusive-ORed with this color select output. Figure 33 shows the CRT Controllers #2 and #3, the decoder for the line select function, and latches for the video control signals. CRT controllers #2 and #3 are operational in graphics mode only. Synchronization of the two pairs of CRT controllers is discussed in the 8089 Display Functions Software section. Figure 34 shows the tri-state butTers used to handle the color information within a graphic character. The decoded line count outputs (ROW O/-ROW 4/) are used to select which butTer is enabled onto the bus. The butTer A36, enabled by the GRAPH MODE sigllal, is used to "double up" the four graphic cells to produce eight (horizontal) dot inputs to the shift register (Figure 32). Since the RBG (red-blue-green) inputs of the color monitor (Aydin Controls 8039D) are AC coupled, return-to-zero type outputs are needed to pass these signals through the input stages. This is provided by strobing the gate input of the 74LS157 multiplexer with the D CLK (dot clock) signal. By varying the duty cycle of the D CLK, the user can produce many different - - ""'" 10110-1001' 1001 IOD2 1004 IODI ,. 12 13 "11 IODS ,. 1007 11 17 I lORe 10 A'IIiR il!ii' e1I'i'i' DACKi 21 22 081 oa2 ceo cel CC2 CC3 CC4 085 CCI OBI CCI oa7 RO WR AO ca OACK • cell< 2D GCCLI< f 22 24 H 21 27 21 21 • AI. DRQI 1 ....... 1 i5iiQ 10~ f-!- r- AM CAl CONTROLLER #2 Al7 OROI LCD LC1 LCD-LC~ GRAPHMDDE I' IODS I . 12 13 22 24 10011 15 H 21 1DD12 10013 11 '27 17 21 10014 18 21 10015 11 I , KIDIo ,. 7 C811 call CB2D 31 35 2D 7 • f , 1275 A.. • "12 ! ...!!- f' iiiiWo iiiiii1 RIiiiii iiOWi iiiiWi + 2- II Ii I2DI 74175 IG r:r=I I CAl CONTROLLER #3 iii 1i2 11 • 22 ,. ~ 11 AO AI At I • call 21 \ 1 2 3 LC2 ca,. ca15 10 CCu( CI7-C8ft , -----J r!- ~N 117' C87 C8I C8I C810 C811 C812 C811 -'41 10 10 2Q 50 3D 3D 4Q 40 2 ~ 7 ~ I-M15 >JL RVV VIP HlRC INT~RC CLI< CLR l' Vee· Figure 33. CRT Controller., Line Decoder, and Video Control Signal Latch 3-378 210355-001 Ap·123 C80-C820 cao C81 C8. ca. C8. cno CBs C87 A73 2 • •• 11 la ,. 17 lAl lA. lA3 lA' .Al 2.\' • Aa ,. lVl 11 IV. IV. IV' ,Vl 1 " .V. "s .va .A. .V. 74lS!44 lG 2G 580 S81 58. 5" sao 7 S81 a S8. S8a sao 2 SB1 ~ SB2 L7, 583 ~ , . L..!! 18 I. I. A36 F80 F81 F8. F83 • 7 FB. 3 FBI F87 Fao- FB7 F84~ 74LS244 y, 118 'iiCiYo ,. iiOW1 • GRAPH MODE 8 ']'" A7 CBI C8. C810 CB11 • ••• C814 ,. ,. Cl15 17 C812 C813 1. ,. " I. A54 S81 S8. 7 S" S80 S81 S8. S83 ,. S80 581 • •• 11 S80 74LS244 r l' 18 C81. ca17 C81. C819 • •• 18 " •" c+• 8 11 13 15 A55 --!!. r 74LS244 yl 58. S8a , • 10 Figure 34. Trl·State Buffers for Graphic Color Information 3-379 210355-001 AP-123 The block diagram in Figure 35 shows how the text characters are processed. The following statements apply to Figure 35: 4. The eight output signals from the text character generator are transmitted to the parallel-ta-serial converter. 5. The serial, horizontal dot data is transmitted to. the multiplexer and selects foreground (dot data bit = 0) or background (dot data bit = 1) color signals. 6. The red, blue, and green color signals are transmitted to the color monitor.. 7. CRT Controllers #2 and #3 are not operational in text mode. 1. Byte 0, Bit 6 = 0 indicates text mode. 2. The six color signals from CRT Controller #0 (three foreground and three background) are latched and transmitted to the multiplexer. 3. The seven character output signals and the three line count signals from CRT Controller #1 are transmitted, to the text character generator. CRT . CONTROLLER #0 MULTIPLEXER LATCH CCCI-CCIi FOREGROUND. BACKGROUND 6 6 COLOR SELECT 74LS157 75LS174 U75 r-r-r-- RED aWE GREEN SEIlIAL HORIZONTAL DOT DATA j CRT CONTROLLER #1 U75 cco-c:cs 7 LC»-LC2 3 TEXT CHARACTER GENERATOR 8 /, PARALLELTO SERIAL CONVERTER 74LS166 2732A Figure 35. Processing of Text Characters 3-380 210355-001 AP-123 The block diagram in Figure 36 shows how graphic characters are processed. The following statements apply to Figure 36: 5. The four pixel signals of the selected row (based on the row select signals) are transmitted to another octal buffer. I. Byte 0, Bit 6 = I indicates graphic mode. 6. The octal buffer converts these four bits to eight bits by duplicating each signal. Thus, output bits 0 and I are equal, 2 and 3 are equal, etc. 2. The six color signals from CRT Controller #0 (three foreground and three background) are latched and transmitted to the mUltiplexer. 3. The three line count signals from CRT Controller # I are transmitted to a one-of-eight decoder which generates five row select signals (ROW 0ROW 4). 7. The eight output signals of the octal buffer are transmitted to the parallel-to-serial converter. 8. The serial, horizontal dot data is transmitted to the multiplexer and selects foreground (dot data bit = 0) or background (dot data bit = 1) color signals. 4. The twenty pixel signals from CRT Controllers #1, #2, and #3 are transmitted to three octal buffers. CRT CONTROLLER •• 9. The red, blue, and green color signals are transmitted to the color monitor. lATCH ceo-ccs MULTIPLEXER 6 6 FOREGROUND & BACKGROUND COLOR SELetCT 8275 CRT CONTROLLER 74LS174 LCO-LC2 • *' 8275 ---, 74LS157 ROW. DECODER '-- -- RED BLUE GREEN SERIAL HO AIZONTAL ooTDATA (1 OF 8) ROW 1 8205 I-- 6 . CRT CONTROLLER BUFFER ~ • • 8275 ~ ~ 74LS244 BUFFER • ---f+74LS244 PARALLElTO SERIAL CONVERTER 74LS166 ROW' ROW. .. CRT CONTROLLER + BUFFER ~ • • '--f--' 74LS244 8275 ROW" + BUFFER ~ " 74LS244 Figure 36. ProceSSing of Graphic Characters 3-381 210355-001 Ap·123 cient. To preclude this, the circuit shown in Figure 37 generates a surrogate (early) DRQ signal, DRQF, using a one-shot triggered by the trailing edge ofDRQ (DRQ 1 AND DRQ 2). The one-shat times out prior to the rising edge of eLK in T4 of the DMA's store bus cycle. Figure 37 shows the circuit used to synchronize the 8275s, and also the circuit used to generate the DRQF signal. As mentioned earlier (see Figure 20), if the 8089 were to wait for a subsequent DRQ signal from the 8275s, some clock cycles would be allocated to idle clocks, and the DMA transfer would become less effi- IIlI'f ------4r---, 10DO CLiffii iOWc GCCLK Vee· Vee· Vee· A7 CCLK UK SOpF Vee DiiQ 12 11 DRQF Vee· 10 A2 ORQl DRQ2 10 SCSTRB ALi Figure 37. Circuits to Synchronize CRT Controllers and Generate DRQF 3-382 210355-001 AP·123 Figure 38 shows the relationship between the individual DRQ signals from the 8275s and the DRQF signal that is sent to the 8089. DRQ 1 is the data request representing the 8275s #0 and # I, while DRQ 2 similarly represents the 8275s #2 and #3. The DACK 1/ and DACK 2/ signals (along with AIOWC/) are used to deactivate DRQ 1 and DRQ 2, respectively. Figure 39 shows the multiplexer used to control writing of data to the dual-port RAM. When 10 and SWTC/ are both low, the 8089 data is gated to the dual-port RAM. When BDSELI and SWTC/ are both low, the 8086 data is gated to the dual-port RAM. BDSELI may be active only when the 8089 is in the I/O space. Note that the address range for the dual-port RAM is F8000-FFFFF as seen by the 8089, and FOOOO-F7FFF as seen by the 8086. BYTES OAND 1 FETCH T2 I 13 I T4 I BYTES 2 AND 3 STORE Tl I STORE T2 T2 I T~ ORal (FADM 8215 #0 and #1) '-----fl J- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- DR02 (FROM 8275 #2 AND #3) Q (FROM 9602) DROF (TO 8089 ORal INPUT) DAcK1 (TO 8275 #0 AND #1) 'iiAcK2 (TO 8275 #2 AND #3) AiOWc (FROM 8288) - - - - - - "LAST TRANSFER Figure 38. Derivation of DRQF Signal 3-383 210355-001 A3 ADii15' ./ AO/DO-Al51015 10 SVifC 1 -"""'- 3 ., • iOWC MiiDC MwiC iORc 22 A22 A4 I""' ~ SC STRB 19 20 ., ~ 1 010 2 011 DOD DOl ~ SiffiC ~ SWTC DI. 002 .2!..- L.± ~ 5 '-------.!... ~ "iACK A70 8T8 ~~CA SiOii S-~ lK 014 DIS 004 DOS ,. 14 I cA. 11 A22 10 .. 9 10 ~ 13 AI. 12 MBRW 5V lK 8282 8 A18 ~ I To..!.. FE 5V Di-DiS I WSDO-WSD15 ~ lIi D' 69 68 61 62 59 50 ~ ! $wiC 8 .--!-- • Vee" Do T A72 AO AI Bl B. A. ii Ba U A. A4 AS . is A6 B7 A7 DE 012 Dl. 01. 1115 WSDO 18 WSD1 AOiOO A1/01 17 WSD. A2ID2 16 15 WSD. WSD4 WSDS WSDI WSD7 A3ID3 ,. 13 I. A71 ABlD6 A7/D7 2 3 4 S • ~ 11 1 WSDI WSD10 WSD11 WSD12 AtlD9 A101010 A11/D11 3 AU/D12 5 WSDt3 A131013 6 WSD1. A14/014 7 WSDts A151D15 8 7 8 I. 12 " 8287 Yee" WSDe 18 17 18 15 ~ A4I04 ,AS/05 11 1 19 5 6 9 Vee" 9 11 r-;-- •• 1m ,. 8287 2 D9 Dl0 l.-iD"SiL 7 D6 D7 67 64 5 6 ~. 70 63 2 3 4 In 154 7' 65 .. Vee·+- iii 73 74 71 A8/D6 T AO AI A35 SO Bl B. A' A. B. A4 AS B4 B5 8& A6 A7 Oe B7 WSDO WSD1 U WSD2 16 .~D. 15 14 WSD4 WSDS 13 WSD6 12 WSD? 8286 A53 • 19 WSD8 18 WSDS 17 WSD10 • • 19 18 16 WSD11 15 WSD12 14 WSD13 '" 13 WSD14 12 WSD1S 8286 A22 ==ifY10 Figure 39. Multiplexer for Writing to Dual-Port RAM ~ ...l' ~ AP·123 Figure 40 shows the demultiplexer used to control reading of data from the dual-port RAM. The internal transfer acknowledge (SACK!) signal from the dynamic RAM controller latches this data. If MRDC/ is active, the data is then gated to the 8089. IfBD ENA! is active, the data is gated to the Multibus for transmission to the 8086. Figure 41 shows the multiplexer for the address inputs to,the dual-port RAM. If the 10 signal is high, the address on the Multibus is gated into the dual-port RAM. If 10 is low, the address from the 8089 is gated into the dual-port RAM. AOIDO-A 151015 8089 BUS - 1NT"XAc'K ASDO-RSD1S 11 1 RSDO •• • • RlI01 RSD2 RSD3 S RSD4 RSDS RSOS RSD7 7 8 • RSOS RSD9 RS010 RS011 RSD12 RSD13 RSD1. RSD1S 11 1 A34 STa DID 011 01' 01' 01. DIS 01. 017 DOD 001 DO. DO. D04 OOS 00. 007 ,. 18 17 15 " ,." 11 AOIOO Al/Dl A2/D. A3JD3 A4/D4 ASIDS RSDO RSOl RSD2 RSD3 RSD' RSDS A6/D6 RSD6 RSD1 1.7/07 OE 8.82 AS. • • • 1 •• • • S 7 8 • 11 " "BIDS 000 DID 011 01. 01. 01. DIS 01. 017 001 DO. D03 DO. DOs 60i Do7 ,. ,. DO Do-Dii 18 iii MULTIBUS 17 D' lS D4 05 D. 07 " ",. 8283 AG8 "18 58 ii10 0" A14/014 RSD13 7 ,. ,. Al5/015 RSD1. RS01S 8 9 " 17 A1OJ010 16 "'1/011 15 "'2/D12 14 .,31013 RS010 RSD1l RSD12 8.82 Pi OE 1 R50S RSD9 ,." A.' STa • • •• • 18 AIID9 S 8 7 8 • ,. 17 09 lS Iffi 14 1m Dl"D1S 828. Figure 40. Demultiplexer for Reading from Dual-Port RAM 3-385 210355-001 AP·123 AD-A 11.I!HE ALE SAD-SA11,BHEN P1 A3 rA6Ro :: Aijjff VCC *+ 2 ~ 1= 3 4 5 55 milS . ADiii AlIIii I: 1 52 T 1051 -= ~ AD 101 102 103 104 JI AS 8 9 A6 107 OE 11 ~ = ~ 11 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 SAO 101 ~'SA2 SA3 SA4 A2 A3 10"AS A6 SA5 SA6. SA7 107 2 3 • ~ 6 7 8 I I:: ~ ~ 1: : •• '5 :! ... ~ *+ 1050 19 18 3 4 ..!II ,. 5 6 7 8 9 108 A9 1010 1011 SA8 SA9 SA10 sllJ~ ·15 &1012 13 12 SA13 5101' SA1' 1012 ,1013 101,' A.. 11 1 :: t-' 1= 127 l- Doe D07 SAO 18 SA1 ,. ,. 15 13 12 ~ SA3 SA< SA5 SA6 SA; 107 i!! 1033 19 18 2 3 • .16 5 6 7 SA8 5109 SA10 SA1: 15 f!AJ!. 13 51013 SA1. SA15 • 9 8292 8287 VCC'..!j- DI6 DI7 ,. 9282 8287 VCC STBA32 DID DOO DI1 DD1 DI2 DD2 DI3 D03 DO< DI4 DIS DDS JJ. 1087 19 SA18 -,!.SA.!.7.. SA",1Z 18 SA19 15 BHEN 2 3 S 1016 101; A1.8 A19 1010 1 18 2 3 4 18 17 16 15 BH~ SA18 SA1; SA18 SA19 BH!t! \ A7 l.r 9 9 8282 9287 iO 10 Figure 41. Multiplexer for Address Inputs to Dual-Port RAM 3-386 210355-001 AP-123 Figure 42 shows the 8202 dynamic RAM controller. The inputs SAO-SA19 come from the multiplexer shown in Figure 41. The dynamic RAM controller generates the control signals (shown at the right of the page) for operating the dynamic RAM. 8089 Display Functions Software The 8089 display functions software consists of a single program which is executed by the 8089 on a continuous basis. This program performs the following functions: Initialization for the 8089 itself and for the CRT controllers and the keyboard controller. Figures 43 and 44 show the dynamic RAM itself. 1K 24 MHz H(] 36 SAo-SA19 SA1 0 SA2 SA3 8 SA4 SAS AL2 Oiffi ffirfi AL3 AU i5iffi ALS OuTs 14 16 18 SA8 SA9 5 4 . SA10 3 2 SA11 0uT0 AL1 12 SAO SA? 1 SA12 SA13 39 SA14 38 137 ALO 10 0uT3 0Uri ALB AHO AH1 AH2 CAS AH3 AH4 RASO AHS AH6 We SA16 ill 12 XAcK Rli 13 15 OUT4 17 OUTS 19 i5Iffii 0 27 CA RA 28 WE 2. IN SA 33 9 OUT1 OUT2 I5"UT3 A12 11 13 0uT0 11 ViR A1. A9 7 9 21 32 31 680 8 ~ ~ ~ PCS P1 80 SACK 81 30 13 12 . REFRQ/ ALE 82n.4 I 10 A22 A4 11 ~ 1 2 O.C. XACK ( L BD SA19 Si1i ~ .~ 1 AS 1 3 J BD f 2"'--' A24 Figure 42. Dynamic RAM Controller 3-387 210355-001 WSOO-WS07 RSDO-RSD7 5 OUTIH)I t--L r--!f'---!!.. AD A42 A2 15 3 DtN 2- WSDO I--- --' l.--- WSD1 I--- A4 AS ,06 r-- l.--- .~ A3 ~ ~ 4 A43 r-- A1 DoUT ~f-' l.--- 'RSDO I--- >-- RSDt A44 ,--- A45 ,--- l.--l.--- I--V-l.--V-- ,--- r---- WSD2 r- RSD2 ,--,--- ,--,--- -- WSD3 ~ RSD3 RAS CAS I--- WE 2118-12 2118·12 2118·12 2118-12 ~. i ]! ~ ~ ,--- A46 t'-- A60 i--- ~ ~ ~ fwSo. r---- i----' '-- R504 2118-12 >-->--- iWsii's :.-- I·RSOs :.-i--- 2118·12 V-V-V-V-l.--V-V-- ~D6 i----' RS06 2118-12 AS We .. SAO !::1 8 ~ V-V-- A61 Figure 43. Dynamic RAM (Low Data Byte) A62 r--r--- ~7 V-V-V-- I-RSD7 2118-12 WSD8-WSDIS RSDB-ASD15 OUTG-OUTI ,.-- A63 '-- r-- ~ f---' '-'-'-- iWi ,.-r-- ,..-- A64 r---- ,.-,.-,.-- f--i-' r- ,.-- r-r-,..->--r-- ,..-,..-- A77 A78 ,..-- ~ - ,--- ,..-,..-,..-- ~ - r- CA 2118~12 2118·12 :I> ~ ]! I\) '-- r-r-r-- r-- A79 ~ ~ - ~ '---- 2118-12 >--r->--,--- ABO f---' -r->--- W A81 --' ~ ~ r-- f-------' 2118-12 rLr-r ,..-- A82 t--"" ,..-- l--~ ---' l--2118-12 AS WE ~ iiiEN 10 ~ I 2118-12 2118-12 Figure 44. Dynamic RAM (High Data Byte) ,..-,..-- !---- 2118-12 Ap·123 addresses 0000-07FF). The CRT controllers are accessed by using addresses 4000 and 6000 on the 110 bus. Address 6000 is "CRT Controller I" and actually refers to the first pair of 8275s. Address 4000 is "CRT Controller 2," the second pairof8275s. Address 8000 is a clock enable address. Write commands to this address enable or disable the GC clock, which is the character clock for the 8275s. Address AOOO is decoded to produce the DACK signal for the 8275s. Address COOO is the address of the keyboard controller. The transfer instruction which causes the DMA transfer of the CRT refresh data to begin. Polling routines for the keyboard and the command buffer. Figure 45 is a simplified flowchart showing the relationships among these three main functions. The program begins upon receipt of the second CA (channel attention) following an lOP reset. After the initialization processes have been completed, the program loops continuously, alternating between DMA transfer and polling processes. There are 48 rows of characters on the screen. The polling processes are carried out during the vertical retrace time, .which is the equivalent of 2 rows. Thus, it is easy to see that the DMA process uses up 96% of the 8089's time, leaving 4% for the polling processes. The exact manner in which the channel program executes depends on the flag settings and parameter values in the parameter block. Appendix A is a flowchart for the complete channel program. Appendix B is the corresponding ASM-89 assembly language listing. In the paragraphs to follow, a general overview of the channel program is given. The reader may refer to the flowchart and listing if a more detailed description is desired. CA ~ The first CA after lOP reset causes the 8089 to fetch the system configuration pointer (SCP) and system configuration block (SCB) from dual-port memory. These blocks contain certain very basic system-level information for the 8089, as explained above under Overview of INITIALIZATION the 8089. The next CA causes the channel program to begin execution (at the point marked START on the flowchart). The initialization portion of the channel program consists of the following operations: CRT REFRESH Start and initialize the 8275 CRT controllers. (OMAJ Initialize the 8279 keyboard controller. Initialize the dual-port variables (parameter block). Synchronize the 8275 CRT controllers. To initialize and synchronize the 8275s, the channel program performs the following operations: POLLING Figure 45. Channel Program Simplified Flowchart As mentioned earlier, the channel program is stored in the 2732A EPROMs on the 1/0 bus. Figure 23 (above) shows the address assignments for devices on the 110 bus. The 2732As occupy addresses 2000-3FFR The 8089 also uses a scratch-pad static RAM (2K bytes at 3-390 Enable the GC CLK to the 8275s by writing OIH to 110 port address 8000H. Send the Reset command to the 8275s, followed by the four screen format parameters (all commands sent to the 8275s are sent first to the pair of 8275s at address 6000H and then repeated for the second pair of 8275s at address 4000H). Send the Preset Counters command to the 8275s. Disable the GC CLK by writing OOH to address 8000H. Send the Start Display command to the 8275s. Enable the GC CLK again by writing OIH to address 8000H. The 8275s are now initialized and synchronized. 210355-001 ( AP-123 After the initializations have been completed, the channel program enters its main loop. The 8089 channel control register is loaded to specify the following DMA conditions: Data traJ?sfer from memory to I/O port. Destination-synchronized transfer. GA register pointing to data source. Termination on external event. Termination offset = O. CNTRL-W CNTRL-X CNTRL-Y CNTRL-Z CNTRLCNTRL-I CNTRL-DEL System Performance The 8089 performs DMA transfers on 921,600 bytes of display data per second. In addition, the 8089 executes a polling routine (described above) during the vertical retrace time (the equivalent of two display rows). The DMA transfer (for a single frame) takes 16.000 milliseconds. This leaves .667 milliseconds for the polling routine to execute, out of. a total of l/60-second CRT refresh period. The program listed in Appendix B takes about 300 microseconds to execute, approximately half the available time. When the polling process is finished, the channel program goes back to DMA mode, and waits for the first DRQ signal from the 8275s . The 8089 then executes the SINTR instruction, Which causes an interrupt to be sent to the 8086 (SINTR-lline on the Multibus), to notify the 8086 that the page transfer has been completed. The 8089 then reads the CRT controller status registers which causes the IRQ signal (from the 8275s to the 8089) to be reset. The channel program then begins the polling process which checks for ASCII commands from the 8086 (in the command buffer) and also for key depressions at the keyboard. In addition to the alphanumeric characters, . the channel program recognizes the following control characters: ' Code Ql 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Set Color to White Abort Line Cursor Right Cursor Down and Left Cursor Up Cursor Home Recall EEPROM Buffer The first four commands listed above are not recognized if they originate from the physical keyboard, but are recognized if they appear as ASCII commands in the command buffer (that is, if they come from the 8086). Refer to the flowchart (Appendix A) for more details on how the channel program responds to the control characters: The source for the DMA transfer (display page 0 or 1) is then selected according to the value of DSPLY_PG-PTR (the display page pointer initialized by the host CPU) in the parameter block. The CRT character clock is then started and the DMA transfer begins. When the entire screen has been refreshed, the 8275s activate the 8089's EXT input. Character CNTRL-A CNTRL-B CNTRL-C CNTRL-D CNTRL-E CNTRL-F CNTRL-G CNTRL-H CNTRL-I CNTRL-J CNTRL-K CNTRL-L CNTRL-M CNTRL-N CNTRL-O CNTRL-P CNTRL-Q CNTRL-R CNTRL-S CNTRL-T CNTRL-U CNTRL-V 17 18 19 lA IE lC IF While the polling routine is executing, the 8089 makes most of its memory accesses in the I/O space, and the dual-port RAM is available to the 8086. When the 8089 returns to the DMA routine, however, it hangs the dual-port RAM while waiting for DRQ. This occurs because the fetch from the dual-port RAM deactivates the 10 signal which locks out the 8086 from the dualport RAM. The 10 signal is then not activated until DRQ is received and the data is written to the CRT controllers. This can adversely affect system throughput. Therefore, if it is desired to increase the. 8086's access to the dual-port RAM during this period, the user should insert NOPs into the channel program so that it spends more time in the I/O space before returning to DMA. Description Monitor Inhibit Monitor Uninhibit EEPROM Inhibit EEPROM Uninhibit Turn on EEPROM Buffer Display Page 0 Display Page 1 Backspace TAB (Every 8 Characters) Linefeed EEPROM Buffer Off Erase Page Carriage Return Set Background Color Set Foreground Color Set Color to Black Set Color to Red Set Color to Green Set Color to Yellow Set Color to Blue Set Color to Magenta Set Color to Cyan The 8086 may also access dual-port RAM during the DMA transfer. The dual-port RAM is available to the 8086 on approximately a 50% duty cycle (during the store portion of the DMA transfer cycle). The 8089's store cycle.is 800 nanoseconds long (assuming a 5 MHz clock). The 8086's access to dual-port RAM (assuming an 8 MHz clock) takes 500 nanoseconds. However, since the two processors operate asynchronously, the 8086 may begin its access at any point during the 8089's 3-391 210355-001 AP·123 DMA store cycle. Since the 8086 is the master relative to the dual-port RAM, the ready signal for the 8089's next fetch operation will not be generated until the 8086 is through. Thus, on occasion, the 8089 will have to wait. High-speed DMA transfers (up to 1.25 megabytes/second) without wait states. Capabilities of a CPU and a DMA controller in a single 40-pin package. Support of concurrent operation for the system CPU and the 110 processor. Ability to access memory and address devices on both a system bus and a separate 110 bus. Flexible, memory-based communications between the 110 processor and the system CPU. Each row of characters requires 256 microseconds of DMA transfer time if no such wait states occur. The repetition rate for rows of characters is 333 microseconds (1/3000 second). Thus, the accumulated wait states due to the 8086's access to dual-port RAM may total 77 microseconds before any underrun occurs. The 8086 programs should be written in such a manner that the added wait states do not total 77 microseconds during anyone period of 333 microseconds. The most important single factor in assuring this is to avoid making long burst transfers to or from the dual-port RAM. If an underrun does occur, the entire screen will be blanked until the beginning of the next frame. Aside from the shared access to dual-port RAM, the two processors may operate concurrently with no coordination necessary. Operations performed by the 8086 (such as numeric processing of display data) may be programmed without regard to the o:verhead associated with lOP operations. Capability for I-megabyte addressing in the system space. Capability for 16-bit DMA transfer, with external event termination. Support of modular, subsystem development effort due to the simple software interface (memory-based communications, plus channel attention and interrupt signals) and the simple hardware interface (CA, SEL, and SINTR lines). The following 8089 capabilities were not used in the design described in this note, but may be useful in other graphic CRT systems or 110 proce,ssing systems: Conclusions Two channels, each of which may execute instructions and perform DMA transfers. Bit manipUlation instructions. Support of both 8-bit and 16-bit bus width in the system space and in the 110 space. Enhanced DMA capabilities, including: This application note has demonstrated that a high-performance, color-graphic CRT terminal can be Gonveniently built using the Intel 8089 microprocessor system, This system utilizes a high-performance 8086 CPU operating at 8 MHz and an 8089 I/O processor operating at 5 MHz. Translation (e.g., ASCII to EBCDIC code). Termination on masked compare. Word assembly/disassembly (8-bit word to/from 16bit w<;>rd). In particular, the unique abilities of the 8089 lend themselves to the graphic CRT application by enabling a true multiprocessing approach to be used. The following list summarizes the capabilities used in this specific design: Memory-to-memory or 1I0-to-II0 transfer. Synchronization on source, destination, or neither. 3-392 210355-001 APPENDIX AlAP-123 INITIALIZATION AND MAIN LOOP ( STAP-r ) --,...------' + n START AND INITIALIZE 8275 CRT CONTROLLERS STRIN - '" .., '!I~I~L '--- The 8087 adds 15 pF to the total capacitive loading on the shared address/data and status signals. Like the 8086 or 8088, the 8087 can drive a total of 100 pF capacitive load above its own self load and sink 2.0 rnA DC current on these pins. This AC and DC drive is sufficient for an 86121 system with two sets of data transceivers, address latches, and bus controllers for two separate busses, an on-board bus and an off-board MUL TIBUSTM using the 8289 bus arbiter. Later in this section, what to do with the 8087 INT and RQ/GT pins, is covered. It is possible to leave a prewired 4O-pin socket on the board for the 8087. Adding the 8087 to such a system is as easy as just plugging it in. If a program attempts to execute any numeric instructions without the 8087 installed, they will be simply treated as NOP instructions by the host. Software can test for the existence of the 8087 by initializing it and then storing the control word. The program of Figure 6 illustrates this technique. 3-425 8282 8282 8088~o:3o~P_;_ QOOOOOOO ti,) Ai0 14 005 A9 13 006 016 015 6 AS 12 007 017 8 - !... AUll 7 AC10 IIII : :: ADS 1 1~8 0E 6 7 11 10 AD6 "ADS 12 AD4 13 AD3 ~A02 , - ; ; - A01 r=- 16 ADO 19 000 001 002 A7 A6 18 AL-!! A4 A3 16 003 15 004 A2 14 005 A1 13 00. AO 12 007 OE I 015 19 80 014 013 18 17 B1 82 012 15 B4 14 85 '" M ~~ ~ 9 ~ 2 3 4 AA 5 ~ U AEN l> "tI 241 251 301 23 aS1 aso RQ/Gfi 'fES'f 35 36 A18/55 37 A17/S4 (SSO) BHEfS7 READY 22 II I 38 A16fS3 RESET 121 I I I A19/S6 " ~ c~g: III ~I~ III 3: AD1S(A15) AD14(A14) : >:~~~:~i. .. ~l! ..... cr. ,, !!.~ .~~, ~2. :1 .;!. s'! 5 AD11(A11) _ • A010(A10) :!::!: CO CD 7 AD9(A9) 8 AD8(A8) zz 00 ani H ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ :~ ~ 1: AD7 82 A2 11 83 ~ 85 0) ~ 86 ~ -- - CD B4 87 OE '1 T 3 ... ~ ) I I I ,...----J NMI 17 INTR 18 NMI INTR ,~ 12 A 4 2 13 eLK AEN A~3 AS 6 14 AD2 15 AD1 ,. ADO 52 51 so Vee GND GNDMN/Mi' 40l il 111 +5V .A "'f +5V :ror-'" I ~ 2~ 1 3 " CD 51 ALE DT/R DEN 41 = 1.1 ~ lowe 11 ~ N ~ so 51 10· 2 0 b 108 GNO Vee CEN MCEI 18 52 21 26 6 J MCE -=- A4 5 A6 7 A7 • -= IiIi A3 4 ~ ~ .S!! CD ~ ..... Co) :~: §! i§. 3i 26 ~10K 7 8 T r 051 aso GTO 8USY SO 24 251 31 23 ~ OE ~ - MI. zCD -... 09-1,! 86 D8~ 87 51 27 RQI I I ~ 16 83 011 010 ~ ~~llllllllllllllllllllll S2~8 _ >-- ~ AIOWC ~ MRDC MWfC AMWC iNfAl 71 ,I .1 141 ~II~II~II~I AP·113 cution. The host's coprocessor interface can read a value from memory, or identify a region of memory the coprocessor should use while performing its function. All the addressing modes of the host are available to identify memory based operands to the coprocessor. WHAT IS THE iAPX 86, 88 COPROCESSOR INTERFACE? The idea of a coprocessor is based on the observation that hardware specially designed for a function is the fastest, smallest, and cheapest implementation. But, it is too expensive to incorporate all desired functions in general purpose hardware. Few applications could use all the functions. To build fast, small, economical systems, we need some way to mix and match components supporting specialized functions. Concurrent Execution of Host and Coprocessor After the coprocessor has started its operation, the host may continue on with the program, executing it in parallel while the coprocessor performs the function started earlier. The parallel operation of the coprocessor does not normally affect that of the host unless the coprocessor must reference memory or I/O-based operands. When the host releases the local bus to the coprocessor, the host may continue to execute from its internal instruction queue. However, the host must stop when it also needs the local bus currently in use by the coprocessor. Except for the stolen memory cycle, the operation of the coprocessor is transparent to the host. Purpose of the Coprocessor' Interface The coprocessor interface of the general purpose 8086 or 8088 microprocessor provides a way to attach specialized hardware in a simple, elegant, and efficient manner. Because the coprocessor hardware is specialized, it can perform its job much faster than any general purpose CPU of similar size and cost. The coprocessor interface simply requires connection to the host's local address/data, status, clock, ready, reset, test and request/grant signals. Being attached to the host's local bus gives the coprocessor access to all memory and 110 resources available to the host. This parallel operation of host and coprocessor is called concurrent execution. Concurrent execution of instructions requires less total time then a strictly sequential execution would. System performance will be higher with concurrent execution of instructions between the host and coprocessor. The coprocessor is independent of system configuration. Using the local bus as the connection point to the host isolates the coprocessor from the partil;:ular system configuration, since the timing and function of local bus signals are fixed. SYNCHRONIZATION In exchange for the higher system performance made available by concurrent execution, programs must provide what is called synchronization between the host and coprocessor. Synchronization is necessary whenever the host and coprocessor must use information available from the other. Synchronization involves either the host or coprocessor waiting for the other to finish an operation currently in progress. Since the host executes the program, and has program control instructions like jumps, it is given responsibility for synchronization. To meet this need, a special host instruction exists to synchronize host operation with a coprocessor. Software's View of the Coprocessor The coprocessor interface allows specialized hardware to appear as an integral part of the host's architecture controlled by the host with special instructions. When the host encounters these special instructions, both the host and coprocessor recognize them and work together to perform the desired function. No status polling loops or command stuffing sequences are required by software to operate the coprocessor. More information is available to a coprocessor than simply an instructio.n opcode and a signal to begin exe- Test for the existence of an 8087 in the system. This code will always recognize an 8087 independent of the TEST pin usage on the host. No deadlock is possible. Using the 8087 emulator will not change the function of this code since ESC instructions are used. The word variable control is used for communication between the 8087 and the host. Note: if an 8087 is present, it will be initialized. Register ax is not transparent across this code. ESC XOR MOV ESC OR JZ 28, bx ax, ax control, ax 15, control ax, control no_8087 FNINIT if 8087 is present. The contents of bx is irrelevant These two instructions insert delay while the 8087 initializes itself Clear intial control word value FNSTCW if 8087 is present Control =03ffh if 8087 present Jump if no 8087 is present Figure 6. Test for Existence of an 8087 3-427 207865-001 AP·113 The host coprocessor synchronization instruction, called "WAIT", uses the TEST pin of the host. The coprocessor can signal that it is still busy to the host via this pin. Whenever the host .executes a wait instruction, it will stop program execution while the TEST input is active. When the TEST pin becomes inactive, the host will resume program execution with the next instruction following the WAIT. While waiting on the TEST pin, the host can be interrupted at 5 clock intervals; however, after the TEST pin becomes inactive, the host will immediately execute the next instruction, ignoring any pending interrupts between the WAIT aIid following . instruction. COPROCESSOR CONTROL The host has the responsibility for overall program control. Coprocessor operation is initiated by special instructions encountered by the host. These instructions are called "ESCAPE" instructions. When the host en~ counters an ESCAPE instruction, the coprocessor is expected to perform the action indicated by the instruction. There are 576 different ESCAPE instructions, allowing the coprocessor to perform many different actions. The host's coprocessor interface requires the coprocessor to recognize when the host has encountered an ESCAPE instruction. Whenever the host begins executing a new instruction, the coprocessor must look to see if it is an ESCAPE instruction. Since only the host fetches instructions and executes them, the coprocessor must monitor the instructions being executed by the host. Host Queue Tracking The host can fetch an instruction at a variable length time before the host executes the instruction. This is a characteristic of the instruction queue of an 8086 or 8088 microprocessor. An instruction queue allows prefetching instructions during times when the local bus would be otherwise idle. The end benefit is faster execution time of host instructions for a given memory bandwidth. The host does not externally indicate which instruction it is currently executing. Instead, the host indicates when it fetches an instruction and when, some time later, an opcode byte is decoded and executed. To identify the actual instruction the host fetched from its queue, the coprocessor must also maintain an instruc· tion stream identical to the host's. Instructions can be fetched in byte or word increments, depending on the type of host and the destination address of jump instructions executed by the host. When the host has filled its queue, it stops prefetching instructions. Instructions are removed from the queue a byte at a time for decoding and execution. When a jump occurs, the queue is emptied. The coprocessor follows these actions in the host by monitoring the host's bus status, queue status, and data bus signals. Figure 7 shows how the bus status signals and queue status signals are encoded. IGNORING 1/0 PROCESSORS The host is not the 'only local bus master capable of fetching instructions. An Intel 8089 lOP can generate instruction fetches on the local bus in the course of executing a channel program in system memory. In this case, the status signals S2, SI, and SO generated by the lOP are identical to those of the host. The coprocessor must not interpret these instruction prefetches as going to the host's instruction queue. This problem is solved with a status signal called S6. The S6 signal identifies when the local bus is being used by the host. When the host is the local bus master, S6 = 0 during T2 and T3 of the memory cycle. All other bus masters must set S6 = 1 during T2 and T3 of their instruction prefetch cycles. Any coprocessor must ignore activity on the local bus when S6= 1. S2 S1 SO Function QS1 QSO Host Function Coprocessor Activity 0 0 0 Interrupt Acknowledge 0 0 No Operation 0 0 1 Read I/O Port 0 1 First Byte Decode Opcode Byte 0 1 0 Write I/O Port 1 0 Empty Queue Empty Queue 1 1 Subsequent Byte Flush Byte or if 2nd No Queue Activity 0 1 1 Halt 1 0 0 Code Fetch Byte of Escape 1 0 1 Read .Data Memory Decode it 1 1 0 Write Data Memory 1 1 1 Idle Figure 7. 3-428 207865-001 Ap·113 They, together with the R/M field, bits 2 through 0, determine the addressing mode and how many subsequent bytes remain in the instruction. DECODING ESCAPE INSTRUCTIONS To recognize ESCAPE instructions, the coprocessor must examine all instructions executed by the host. When the host fetches an instruction llyte from its internal queue, the coprocessor must do likewise. The queue status state, fetch opcode byte, identifies when an opcode byte is being examined by the host. At the same time, the coprocessor will check if the byte fetched from its internal instruction queue is an ESCAPE opcode. If the instruction is not an ESCAPE, the coprocessor will ignore it. The queue status signals for fetch subsequent byte and flush queue let the coprocessor track the host's queue without knowledge of the length and function of host instructions and addressing modes. All ESCAPE instructions start with the high-order 5-bits of the instruction being 11011. They have two basic forms. The non-memory form, listed here, initiates some activity in the coprocessor using the nine available bits of the ESCAPE instruction to indicate which function to perform. MOD 11 I 1 I I I I I COPROCESSOR INTERFACE TO MEMORY The design of a coprocessor is considerably simplified if it only requires reading memory values of 16 bits or less. The host can perform all the reads with the coprocessor latching the value as it appears on the data bus at the end of T3 during the memory read cycle. The coprocessor need never become a local bus master to read or write additional information. I I Memory reference forms of the ESCAPE instruction, shown in Figure 8, allow the host to point out a memory operand to the coprocessor using any host memory addressing mode. Six bits are available in the memory reference form to identify what to do with the memory operand. Of course, the coprocessor may not recognize all possible ESCAPE instructions, in which case it will simply ignore them. If the coprocessor must write information to memory, or deal with data values longer than one word, then it must save the memory address and be able to become a local bus master. The read operation performed by the host in the course of executing the ESCAPE instruction places the 2O-bit physical address of the operand on the address/data pins during T1 of the memory cycle. At this time the coprocessor can latch the address. If the coprocessor instruction also requires reading a value, it will appear on the data bus during T3 of the memory read. All other memory bytes are addressed relative to this starting physical address. Memory reference forms of ESCAPE instructions are identified by bits 7 and 6 of the byte following the ESCAPE opcode. These two bits are the MOD field of the 8086 or 8088 effective address calculation byte. MOD 11111011111 '15 '14 '13 '12 '11 I '10 '9 RIM 1°1 0 1 I I '8 '7 '6 '5 111111°1 '4 '3 '2 MOD 11111 ° 111111 '15 '14 '13 '12 '11 '10 I '9 '8 '7 '6 I '5 I '4 '15· 114 '13 112 111 I '10 1°1 1 1 I I '9 '8 17 IS 15 I '3 I 14 I '2 • MOD 11111011111 '15 '14 '13 '12 '11 I '10 I '9 '7 '6 '1 '0 13 I '2 10 I '5 I '4 I '3 I '2 I I 16·blt direct displacement I I I I I I I I I I I I 07 D7 05 04 03 D5 D4 1 D8 a·blt displacement I I I I I I 06 D6 16·blt displacement I I I I I D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 I I D8 02 01 DO D7 D6 DS I D3 I D4 I D2 I D3 I D1 I D2 D1 I DO I I DO I I I '1 I D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 Dg I I '1 I I I RIM 1°1°1 '8 '0 RIM I MOD 11111011111 '1 RIM 111 ° I Instruction The memory reference ESCAPE instructions have two purposes: identify a memory operand and for certain instructions, transfer a word from memory to the coprocessor. Escape Instruction Encoding I E~cape Host's Response to an The host performs one of two possible actions when encountering an ESCAPE instruction: do nothing or calculate an effective address and read a word value beginning at that address. The host ignores the value of the word read. ESCAPE instructions change no registers in the host other than advancing IP. So, if there is no coprocessor, or the coprocessor ignores the ESCAPE instruction, the ESCAPE instruction is effectively a NOP to the host. Other than calculating a memory address and reading a word of memory, the host makes no other assumptions regarding coprocessor activity. '0 Figure 8. Memory Reference Escape Instrucllon Forms 3-429 207865-001 AP·113 Whether the coprocessor becomes a bus master or not, if the coprocessor has memory reference instruction forms, it must be able to identify the memory'read performed by the host in the course of executing an ESCAPE instruction. Identifying the memory read is straightforward, requiring all the following conditions to be met: ' 1) A MOD value of 00, 01, or 10 in the second byte of the ESCAPE instruction executed by the host. The next section examines how the 8087 uses the coprocessor interface of the 8086 or 8088. 8087 COPROCESSOR OPERATION The 8086 or 8088 ESCAPE instructions provide 64 memory reference opcodes and 512 non-memory reference opcodes. The 8087 uses 57 of the memory reference forms and 406 of the non-memory reference forms. Figure 9 shows the ESCAPE instructions not used by the 8087. 2) This is the first data read memory cycle performed by the host after it encountered the ESCAPE instruction. In particular, the bus status signals S2-SO will be 101 and S6 will be O. The coprocessor must continue to track the instruction queue of the host while it calculates the memory address and reads the memory value. This is simply a matter of following the fetch su~sequent byte status commands occurring on the queue status pins. 11 1 1°1 1 1 1 1 'is '14 '13 '12 '11 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 HOST PROCESSOR DIFFERENCES I A coprocessor must be aware of the bus characteristics of the host processor. This determines how the host will read the word operand of a memory reference ESCAPE instruction. If the host is an 8088, it will always perform two byte reads at sequential addresses. But if the host is an 8086, it can either perform a single word read or two byte reads to sequential addresses. The 8086 places no restrictions on the alignment 'of word operands in memory. It will automatically perform two byte operations for word operands starting at an odd address. The two operations are necessary since the two bytes of the operand exist in two different memory words. The coprocessor should be able to accept the two possible methods of reading a word value on the 8086. A coprocessor can determine whether the 8086 will perform one or two memory cycles as part of the current ESCAPE instruction execution. The ADO pin during TI of the first memory read by the host tells if this is the only read to be performed as part of the ESCAPE instruction. If this pin is a 1 during Tl of the memory cycle, the 8086 will immediately follow this memory read cycle with another one at the next byte address. 19 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 IS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I' 1 '10 '8 14 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 13 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 11 1 1 I '8 "7 12 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 11 1 1 '5 '8 11 10 0 1 1 - 1 '0 1 4 1 - 2 2 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 2 1 2 1 8 18 ----0 0 0 0 1 I '1 2 -1 1 0 1 1 0 1 I '2 Available codas ---- . -0 I '3 '4 32 0 0 0 1 0 O· 1 0 0 1-1--- 1 1 4 8' 18 ---- -- 105 total Available Non·Memory Reference Escape Instructions . MOD 11 1 1°1 1 1 1 1 '15 '14 '13 '12 '11 110 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Coprocessor Interface Summary The host ESCAPE instructions, coprocessor interface, and WAIT instruction allow easy extension of the host's architecture with specialized processors. The 8087 is such a processor, extending the host's architecture as seen by the programmer. The specialized hardware provided by the 8087 can greatly improve system performance economically in terms of both hardware and software for numerics applications. 19 IS 0 1 1 1 1.1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 15 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 I '10 '9 14 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 13 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Available Memory I I '8 I '7 ~ference RIM I '8 I '5 I '4 I '3 1 '2 '1 1 '0 Escape Instructions Figure 9. 3-430 207865-001 \ AP·113 Using the 8087 With Custom Coprocessors Custom coprocessors, a designer may care to develop, should limit their use pf ESCAPE instructions to those not used by the 8087 to prevent ambiguity about whether anyone ESCAPE instruction is intended for a numerics or other custom coprocessor. Using any escape instruction for a custom coprocessor may conflict with opcodes chosen for future Intel coprocessors. Operation of an 8087 together with other custom coprocessors is possible under the following constraints: 1) All 8087 errors are masked. The 8087 will update its opcode and instruction address registers for the unused opcodes. Unused memory reference instructions will also update the operand address value. Such changes in the 8087 make software-defined error handling impossible. 2) If the coprocessors provide a BUSY signal, they must be ORed together for connection to the host TEST pin. When the host executes a WAIT instruction, it does not know which coprocessor will be affected by the following ESCAPE instruction. In general, all coprocessors must be idle before executing the ESCAPE instruction. Operand Addressing by the 8087 The 8087 has seven different memory operand formats. Six of them are longer than one 'word. All are an even number of bytes in length and are addressed by the host at the lowest address word. When the host executes a memory reference ESCAPE instruction intended to cause a read operation by the 8087, the host always reads the low-order word of any 8087 memory operand. The 8087 will save the address and data read. To read any subsequent words of the operand, the 8087 must become a local bus master. When the 8087 has the local bus, it increments the 2O-bit physical address it saved to address the remaining words of the operand. When the ESCAPE instruction is intended to cause a write operation by the 8087, the 8087 will save the address but ignore the data read. Eventually, it will get control of the local bus, then perform successive write, increment address operations writing the entire data value. 8087 OPERATION IN IAPX 86,88 SYSTEMS The 8087 will work with either an 8086 or 8088 host. The identity of the host determines the width of the local bus path. The 8087 will identify the host and adjust its use of the data bus accordingly; 8 bits for an 8088 or 16 bits for an 8086. No strapping options are required by the 8087; host identification is automatic. The 8087 identifies the host each time the host and 8087 are reset via the RESET pin. After the reset signal goes inactive, the host will begin instruction execution at memory address FFFFOI6. If the host is an 8086 it will perform a word read at that address; an 8088 will perform a byte read. The 8087 monitors pin 34 on the first memory cycle after power up. If an 8086 host is used, pin 34 will be the BHE signal, which will be low for that memory cycle. For an 8088 host, pin 34 will be the SSO signal, which will be high during Tl of the ftrst memory cycle. Based on this signal, the 8087 will then configure' its data bus width to match that of the host local bus. For 88/2X systems, pin 34 of the 8087 may be tied to Vee if not connected to the 8088 SSO pin. The' width of the data bus and alignment of data operands has no effect, except for execution time and number of memory cycles performed, on 8087 instructions. A numeric program will always produce the same results on an 8612X or 8812X with any operand alignment. All numeric operands have the same relative byte orderings independent of the host and starting address. The byte alignment of memory operands can affect the performance of programs executing on an 86/2X. If a . word operand, or any numeric operand, starts on an odd-byte address, more memory cycles are required to access the operand than if the operand started on an even address. The extra memory cycles will lower system performance. The 86/2X will attempt to minimize the number of extra memory cycles required for odd-aligned operands. In these cases, the 8087 will perform first a byte operation, then a series of word operations, and finally a byte operation. 88/2X instruction timings are independent of operand alignment, since byte operations are always performed. However, it is recommended to align numeric operands on even boundaries for maximum performance in case the program is transported to an 8612X. 3-431 207865-001 AP·113 ClK 1..1 ~ I~ r AID r-- r--r+ RESET imJM1 as """ TDT hi ... 1-' STB ,.. IRl/QTli as BUSY ;L- ~ ,L--.J. AID riD~ 'r- READY ADDRESS LATCHES ----v ~ .===1 (3)8282 ~ STATUS I ! ADDRESS I I 8088 READY .., I hi r-" DATA ~ II 8286 DATA TRANSCEIVER -V \j READY 8087 8284A ClK CLOCK GENERATOR RESET T OE ClK RESET STATUS RO/GT1 M 'nI I '-- SylEM READY .l~ '- - RQ/GT RESET • AID 8089 ,fL- ---l\ ' r -V READY ClK DTIIi STATUS ---l\ DEN ALE "V - 8288 STATUS BUS CONTROllER ClK ICOMMAN~sl I ,): I I ISYSTEMI I BUS I L __ .J Figure 10. IAPX 88121 3-432 207865-001 Ap·113 RQIGT CONNECTION As Table 2 implies, three factors determine when the host will release the local bus: Two decisions must be made when connecting the 8087 to a system. The first is how to interconnect the RQ/GT signals of all local bus masters. The RQ/GT decision affects the response time to service local bus requests from other local bus masters, such as an 8089 lOP or other coprocessor. The interrupt connection affects the response time to service an interrupt request and how user-interrupt handlers are written. The implications of how these pins are connected concern both the hardware designer and programmer and must be understood by both. The RQ/GT issue can be broken into three general categories, depending on system configuration: 86120 or 88/20, 86/21 or 88121, and 86122 or 88122. Remote operation of an lOP is not effected by the 8087 RQ/GT connection. I) What type of host is there, an 8086 or 8088? 2) What is the current instruction being executed? 3) How is the lock prefix being used? An 8086 host will not release the local bus between the two consecutive byte operations performed for oddaligned word operands. The 8088, in contrast, will never release the local bus between the two bytes of a word transfer, independent of its byte alignment. Host operations such as acknowledging an interrupt will not release the local bus for several bus cycles. Using a lock prefix in front of a host instruction prevents the host from releasing the local bus during the execution of that instruction. 8087 RQIGT Function iAPX 86120, 88120 For an 86120 or 88120 just connect the RQ/GTO pin of the 8087 to RQ/GTl of the host (see Figure S), and skip forward to the interrupt discussion on page IS. iAPX 86121, 88121 For an 86121 or 88121, connect RQ/GTO of the 8087 to RQ/GTI of the host, connect RQ/GT of the 8089 to RQ/GTl of the 8087 (see Figure 10, page 12), and skip forward to the interrupt discussion on page 15. The RQ/GTl pin of the 8087 exists to provide one 1/0 processor with a low maximum wait time for the local bus. The maximum wait times to gain control of the local bus for a device attached to RQ/GTl of an 8087 for an 8086 or 8088 host are shown in Table 2. These numbers are all dependent on when the host will release the local bus to the 8087. The presence of the 8087 in the RQ/GT path from the lOP to the host has little effect on the maximum wait time seen by the lOP when requesting the local bus. The 8087 adds two clocks of delay to the basic time required by the host. This low delay is achieved due to a preemptive protocol implemented by the 8087 on RQ/GTl. The 8087 always gives higher priority to a request for the local bus from a device attached to its RQ/GTl pin than to a request generated internally by the 8087. If the 8087 currently owns the local bus and a request is made to its RQ/GTl pin, the 8087 will finish the current memory cycle and release the local bus to the requestor. If the request from the devices arrives when the 8087 does not own the local bus. then the 8087 will pass the request on to the host via its RQ/GTO pin. Table 2. Worst Case Local Bus Request Wait Times in Clocks I System Configuration No Locked Instructions Only Locked Exchange Other Locked Instructions iAPX 86121 even aligned words 151 35 1 max (lSI' *) iAPX 86121 odd aligned words 151 43 2 max (43 2, *j iAPX 88121 151 43 2 max (43 2, *j Notes: 1. Add two clocks for each wait state inserted per bus cycle 2. Add four clocks for each wait state inserted per bus cycle • Execution time of longest locked instruction 3-433 207865-001 AP·113 I 'ADDRESS / READY - ,.. ClK AID I!L- I~ ~ --V • (3) 8089 (IOPAl .1 1 8282 VI; : STB ~ -l\ ---y STATUS RESET ~ , ADDRESS LATCHES RQ/GT I I 1 I 1DATA SYSTEM REt Y READY 8284A -1\ IA RQ/GlO READY AIDF-v 8086 ClK as r--- CLOCK l\ ~ V ~l\ STATUS ClK Iii DATA TRANSCEIVERS (2)8286 T IV r--- GENERATOR RESET RESET J!Q/GTf ~Dr-l 'fEST t- ALE ~ --V DT/I! OE ! DEN 8288 STATUS BUS CONTROllER ClK ~ 1 ",I I I 1 , ,, , ~ M', L.!U! ICOMMAN OS ISYSTE .J Ra/GTO BUSY READY . Vi- ~Ir- 8087 t- t- r-- r- AfD~ ClK r-v RESET STATUS J!Q/GTf ~ ~ IV ~ RO/GT READY ~ AID ~ \r--yI 8089 (lOPS) t- ClK "- RESET ~ STATUS Figure 11. iAPX 86/22 System 3-434 207865-001 Ap·113 IAPX 86/22, 88122 ditional clocks for an 8086 or 8088 respectively, for the equivalent save and restore operations. These operations appear in ·time-critical context-switching functions of an operating system or interrupt handler. This technique has no affect on the maximum wait time seen by 10PB or wait time seen by 10PA due to 10PB. An 86122 system offers two alternates regarding to which lOP to connect an I/O device. Each lOP will offer a different maximum delay time to servide an I/O request. (See Fig. 11) The second 8089 (lOPA) must use the RQ/OTO pin of the host. With two lOPs the designer must decide which lOP services which 110 devices, determined by the maximum wait time allowed between when an I/O device requests lOP service and the lOP can respond. The maximum service delay times of the two lOPs can be very different. It makes little difference which of the two host RQ/OT pins are used. Which lOP to connect to which I/O device in an 86122 or 88/22 system will depend on how quiCkly an 110 request by the device must be serviced by the lOP. This maximum time must be greater than the sum of the maximum delay of the lOP and the maximum wait time to gain control of the local bus by the lOP. If neither lOP offers a fast enough response time, consider remote operation of the lOP. The different wait times are due to the non-preemptive nature of bus grants between the two host RQ/OT pins. No communication of a need to use the local bus is possible between lOPA and the 8087/IOPB combination. Any request for the local bus by the 10PA must wait in the worst case for the host, 8087, and 10PB to finish their longest sequence of memory cycles. 10PB must wait in the worst case for the host and 10PA to finish their longest sequence of memory cycles. The 8087 has little effect on the maximum wait time of 10PB. 8087 INT Connection The next decision in adding the 8087 to an 8086 or 8088 system is where to attach the INT signal of the 8087. The INT pin of the 8087 provides an external indication of software-selected numeric errors. The numeric program will stop until something is done about the error. Deciding where to connect the INT signal can have important consequences on other interrupt handlers. WHAT ARE NUMERIC ERRORS? DELAY EFFECTS OF THE 8087 A numeric error occurs in the NPX whenever an operation is attempted with invalid operands or attempts to produce a result which cannot be represented. If an incorrect or questionable operation is attempted by a program, the NPX will always indicate the event. Examples of errors on the NPX are: 1/0, square root of - 1, and reading from an empty register. For a detailed description of when the 8087 detects a numeric error, refer to the Numerics Supplement. (See Lit. Ret). The delay effects of the 8087 on 10PA can be significant. When executing special instructions (FSAVE, FNSAVE, FRSTOR), the 8087 can perform SO or 96 consecutive memory cycles with an 8086 or 8088 host, respectively. These instructions do not affect response time to local bus requests seen by an 10PB. If the 8087 is performing a series of memory cycles while executing these instructions, and 10PB requests the local bus, the 8087 will stop its current memory activity, then release the local bus to 10PB. WHAT TO DO ABOUT NUMERIC ERRORS The 8087 cannot release the bus to lOPA since it cannot know that 10PA wants to use the local bus, like it can for IOPB. REDUCING 8087 DELAY Two possible courses of action are possible when a numeric error occurs. The NPX can itself handle the error, allowing numeric program execution to continue undisturbed, or software in the host can handle the error. To have the 8087 handle a numeric error, set its associated mask bit in the NPX control word. Each numeric error may be individually masked. E~FECTS For 86122 or 88122 systems requiring lower maximum wait times for lOPA. it is possible to reduce the worst case bus usage of the 8087. If three 8087 instructions are never executed; namely FSAVE, FNSA VE, or FRSTOR, the maximum number of consecutive memory cycles performed by the 8087 is 10 or 16 for an 8086 or 8088 host respectively. The function of these instructions can be emulated with other 8087 instructions. Appendix B shows an example of how these three instructions can be emulated. This improvment does have a cost, in the increased execution time of 427 or 747 ad- The NPX has a default fixup action defined for all possible numeric errors when they are masked. The default actions were carefully selected for their generality and safety. For example, the default fixup for the precision error is to round the result using the rounding rules currently in effect. If the invalid error is masked, the NPX will generate a special value called indefinite as the result of any invalid operation. 3-435 207865-001 \ AP·113 NUMERIC ERRORS (CON'T) Any arithmetic operation with an indefinite operand will always generate an indefinite result. In this manner, the result of the original invalid operation will propagate throughout the program wherever it is used. When a questionable operation such as multiplying an urtnormal value by a normal value occurs, the NPX will signal this occurrence by generating an unnormal result. The required response by host software to a numeric error will depend on the application. The needs of each application must be understood when deciding on how to treat numeric errors. There are three attitudes towards a numeric error: I) No response required. Let the NPX perform the default fixup. 2) Stop everything, something terrible has happened! 3) Oh, not again! But don't disrupt doing something more important. SIMPLE ERROR HANDLING Some very simple applications may mask all of the numeric errors. In this simple case, the 8087 INT signal may be left unconnected since the 8087 will never assert this signal. If any numeric errors are detected during the course of executing the program, the NPX will generate a safe result. It is sufficient to test the final results of the calculation to see if they are valid. The 8086 Family Numerics Supplement recommends masking all errors except invalid. (See Lit. Ref.). In this case the NPX will safely handle such errors as underflow, overflow, or divide by zero. Only truly questionable operations will disturb the numerics program execution. An example of how infinities and divide by zero can be harmless occurs when calculating the parallel resistance of several values with the standard formula (Figure 12). If RI becomes zero, the circuit resistance becomes O. With divide by zero and precision masked, the NPX will produce the correct result. NUMERIC EXCEPTION HANDLING For some applications; a numeric error may not indicate a severe problem. The numeric error can indicate that a hardware resource has been exhausted, and the software must provide more. These cases are called exceptions since they do not normally arise. Special host software will handle numeric error exceptions when they infrequently occur. In these cases, numeric exceptions are expected to be recoverable although not requiring immediate service by the host. In effect, these exceptions extend the functionality of the NDP. Examples of extensiorts are: normalized only arithmetic, extending the register stl!-ck to memory, or tracing special data values. Special values like not-a-number (NAN), infinity, indefinite, denormals, and unnormals indicate the type and severity of earlier invalid or questionable operations. SEVERE ERROR HANDLING For dedicated applications, programs should not generate or use any invalid operands. Furthermore, all numbers should be in range. An operand or result outside this range indicates a severe fault iIi, the system. This situation may arise due to invalid input values, program error, or hardware faults. The integrity of the program and hardware is in question, and immediate action is required. In this case, the INT signal can be used to interrupt the program currently running. Such an interrupt would be of high priority. The interrupt handler responsible for numeric errors might perform system integrity tests and then restart the system at a known, safe state. The handler would not normally return to the point of errpr. R, Unmasked numeric errors are very useful for testing programs. Correct use of synchronization, (Page 21), allows the programmer to find out exactly what operands, instruction, and memory values caused the error. Once testing has finished, an error then becomes much more serious. Equivalent resistance = 1 .1 1 R1 R2 R3 -+-+- Figure 12. Infinity Arithmetic Example 3-436 207865-001 AP·113 HOST INTERRUPT OVERVIEW The host has only two possible interrupt inputs, a nonmaskable interrupt (NMI) and a maskable interrupt (INTR). Attaching the 8087 INT pin to the NMI input is not recommended. The following problems arise: NMI cannot be masked, it is usually reserved for more important functions like sanity timers or loss of power signal, and Intel supplied software for the NDP will not support NMI interrupts. The INTR input pf the host allows interrupt masking in the CPU, using an Intel 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) to resolve mUltiple interrupts, and has Intel support. NUMERIC INTERRUPT CHARACTERISTICS Numeric error interrupts are different from regular instruction error interrupts like divide by. zero. Numeric interrupts from the 8087 can occur long after the ESCAPE instruction that started the failing operation. For example, after starting a numeric mUltiply operation, the host may respond to an external interrupt and be in the process of servicing it when the 8087 detects an overflow error. In this case the interrupt is a result of some earlier, unrelated program. From the point of view of the currently executing interrupt handler, numeric interrupts can come from only two sources: the current handler or a lower priority program. To explicitly disable numeric interrupts, it is recommended that numeric interrupts be disabled at the 8087. The code example of Figure 13 shows how to disable any pending numeric interrupts then reenable them at the end of the handler. This code example can be safely placed in any routine which must prevent numeric interrupts from occurring. Note that the ESCAPE instructions act as NOPs if an 8087 is not present in the system. It is not recommended to use numeric mnemonics since they may be converted to emulator calls, which run comparatively slow, if the 8087 emulator used. Interrupt systems have specific functions like fast response to external events or periodic execution of system routines. Adding an 8087 interrupt should not effect these functions. Desirable goals of any 8087 interrupt configuration are: - Hide numeric interrupts from interrupt handlers that don't use the 8087. Since they didn't cause the numeric interrupt why should they be interrupted? - Avoid adding code to interrupt handlers that don't use the 8087 to prevent interruption by the 8087. - Allow other higher priority interrupts to be serviced while executing a numeric exception handler. - Provide numeric exception handling for interrupt service routines which use the 8087. - Avoid deadlock as described in a later section (page 24) Disable any possible numeric interrupt from the 8087. This code is safe to place in any procedure. If an 8087 is not present, the ESCAPE instructions will act as· nops. These instructions are not affected by the TEST pin of the host. Using the 8087 emulator will not convert these instructions into interrupts. A word variable, called control, is required to hold the 8087 control word. Control must not be changed until it is reloaded into the 8087. , ESC 15, control NOP NOP ESC 28,cx (FNSTCW) Save current 8087 control word Delay while 8087 saves current control register value (FNDISI) Disable any 8087 interrupts Set IEM bit in 8087 control register The contents of cx is irrelevant Interrupts can now be enabled (Your Code Here) Reenable any pending interrupts in the 8087. This instruction does not disturb any 8087 instruction currently in progress since all it does is change the IEM bit in the control register. TEST control,80H JNZ $+4 ESC 28,ax Look at IEM bit If IEM = 1 skip FNENI (FNENI) reenable 8087 interrupts Figure 13. Inhibit/Enable 8087 Interrupts 3-437 207865-001 AP·113 Recommended Interrupt Configurations 5. Case 4 holds except that interrupt handlers may also generate numeric interrupts. Connect the 8087 INT signal to multiple interrupt inputs. One input would still be the lowest priority input as in case 4. Interrupt handlers that may generate a numeric interrupt will require another 8087 INT connection to the next highest priority interrupt. Normally the higher priority numeric interrupt inputs would be masked and the low priority numeric interrupt enabled. The higher priority interrupt input would be unmasked only when servicing an interrupt which requires 8087 exception handling. Five categories cover most uses of the 8087 interrupt in fixed priority interrupt systems. For each category, an interrupt configuration is suggested based on the goals mentioned above. 1. All errors on the 8087 are always masked. Numeric interrupts are not possible. Leave the 8087 INT signal unconnected. 2. The 8087 is the only interrupt in the system. Connect tlie 8087 INT signal directly to the host's INTR input. (See Figure 14 on page i9). A bus driver supplies interrupt vector 10 16 for compatibility with Intel supplied software. All of these configurations hide the 8087 from all interrupt handlers which do not use the 8087. Only those interrupt handlers that use the 8087 are required to perform any special 8087 related interrupt control activities. 3. The 8087 interrupt is a stop everything event. Choose a high priority interrupt input that will terminate all numerics related activity. This is a special case since the interrupt handler may never return to the point of interruption (i.e. reset the system and restart rather than attempt to continue operation). A conflict can arise between the desired PIC interrupt input and the required interrupt vector of 1016 for compatibility with Intel software for numeric interrupts. A simple solution is to use more than one interrupt vector for numeric interrupts, all pointing at the same 8087 interrupt handler. Design the numeric interrupt handler such that it need not know what the interrupt vector was (i.e. don't use ,specific EOI commands). 4. Numeric exceptions or numeric programming errors are expected and all interrupt handlers either don't use the 8087 or only use it with all errors masked. Use the lowest priority interrupt input, The 8087 interrupt handler should allow further interrupts by higher priority events. The PIC's priority system will automatically prevent the 8087 from disturbing other interrupts without adding extra code to them. If an interrupt system uses rotating interrupt priorities, it will not matter which interrupt input is used. 3-438 207865-001 Ap·113 r-- ,, I ADDRESS~ r--m~ - READY ,r- RESET • SYSTEM READY elK ~ h STATUS RESET 8086 -< V ~ '-- - --- elK INTR l- TEST I- RQ/GT1 OS f ~J,. RQIGIO OS (218286 DATA TRANSCEIVERS T I--T i- ;1-~ ::'lI -V = 8286 OE V FV Vi I I I I ,11 DATA STB CLOCK GENERATOR AID r- ADDRESS LATCHES -V 8284A READY ~ (318282 ~ OE h I I I I I I I I I VI \[1 ISYSTEMII L~U~ ...J I VECTOR BUSY ~ READY INT RESET " - elK ALE ~ 8087 8288 h STATUS H y-------y DTIA BUS CONTROLLER AID V INTA h ] STATUS V DEN elK Figure 14. iAPX 86/20 With Numerics Interrupt Only 3-439 207865-001 AP·113 GETTING STARTED IN SOFTWARE Concurrency Overview Now we are ready to run numeric programs. Developing numeric software will be a new experience to some pro· grammers. This section of the application note is aimed at describing the programming environment and providing programming guidelines for the NPX. The term NPX is used to emphasize that no distinction is made between the 8087 component or an emulated 8087. With the NPX initialized, the next step in writing a numeric program is learning about concurrent execution within the NDP. Two major areas of numeric software can be identified: systems software and applications software. Products such as iRMXThI 86 provide system software as an offthe-shelf product. Some applications use specially developed systems software optimized to their needs. Whether the system software is specially tailored or common, they share issues such as using concurrency, maintaining synchronization between the host and 8087, and establishing programming conventions. Applications software directly performs the functions of the application. All applications will be concerned with initialization and general programming rules for the NPX. Systems software will be more concerned with context switching, use of the NPX by interrupt handlers, and numeric exception handlers. How to Initialize the NPX The first action required by the NPX is initialization. This places the NPX in a known state, unaffected by other activity performed earlier. This initialization is similar to that caused by the RESET signal of the 8087. All the error masks are set, all registers are tagged empty, the TOP field is set to 0, default rounding, precision, and infinity controls are set. The 8087 emulator requires more initialization than the component. Before the emulator may be used, all its interrupt vectors must be set to point to the correct entry points within the emulator. To provide compatibility between the emulator and component in this special case, a call to an external procedure should be used before the first numeric instruction. In ASM86 the programmer must call the external function INIT87. (Fig. 15). For PLM86, the programmer must call the built-in function INIT$REAUMATHSUNIT. PLM86 will' call INIT87 when executing the INIT$REAUMATHSUNIT builtin function. Concurrency is a special feature of the 8087, allowing it and the host to simultaneously execute different instructions. The 8087 emulator does not provide concurrency since it is implemented by the host. The benefit of cpncurrency to an application is higher performance. All Intel high level languages automatically provide for a~d manage concurrency in the NDP. However, in exchange for the added performance, the assembly language programmer must understand and manage some areas of concurrency. This section is for the assembly language programmer or well-informed, high level language programmer. Whether the 8087 emulator or component is used, care should be taken by the assembly language programmer to follow the rules described below regarding synchronization. Otherwise, the program may not function correctly with current or future alternatives for implementing the NDP. Concurrency is possible in the NDP because both the host and 8087 have separate arithmetic and control units. The host and coprocessor automatically decide who will perform any single instruction. The existence of the 8087 as a separate unit is not normally apparent. Numeric instructions, which will be executed by the 8087, are simply placed in line with the instructions for the host. Numeric instructions are executed in the same order as they are encountered by the host in its instruction stream. Since operations performed by the 3087 generally require more time than operatiuns performed by the host, the host can execute several of its instructions while the 8087 performs one numedc operation. r-----------------------------__-----.----, I IN PLM86: CALL INIT$REAL$MATH$UNIT; IN ASM86: EXTRN • • • • The function supplied for INIT87 will be different, depending on whether the emulator library, called EB087.LlB, or component library, called 8087.LIB, were used at link time. INIT87 will execute either an FNINIT instruction for the 8087 or initialize the 8087 emulator interrupt vectors, as appropriate. CALL INIT87:FAR INIT87 Figure .15. 8087 Initialization 3-440 207865-001 Ap·113 MANAGING CONCURRENCY Instruction Synchronization Concurrent execution of the host and 8087 is easy to establish and maintain. The activities of numeric programs can be split into two major areas: program control and arithmetic. The program control part performs activities like deciding what functions to perform, calculating addresses of numeric operands, and loop control. The arithmetic part simply performs the adds, subtracts, multiplies, and other operations on the numeric operands. The NPX and host are designed to handle these two parts separately and efficiently. Instruction synchronization is required because the 8087 can only perform one numeric operation at a time. Before any numeric operation is started, the 8087 must have completed all activity from previous instructions. The WAIT instruction on the host lets it wait for the 8087 to finish all numeric activity before starting another numeric instruction. The assembler automatically provides for instruction synchronization since aWAIT instruction is part of most numeric instructions. A WAIT instruction requires 1 byte code space and 2.5 clocks average execution time overhead. Managing concurrency is necessary because the arithmetic and control areas must converge to a well-defined state when starting another numeric operation. A welldefined state means all previous arithmetic and control operations are complete and valid. Instruction synchronization as provided by the assembler or a compiler allows concurrent operation in the NDP. An execution time comparison of NDP concurrency and non-concurrency is illustrated in Figure 16. The non-concurrent program places aWAIT instruction immediately after a multiply instruction ESCAPE instruction. The 8087 must complete the mUltiply operation before the host executes the MOV instruction on statement 2. In contrast, the concurrent example allows the host to calculate the effective address of the next operand while the 8087 performs the mUltiply. The execution time of the concurrent technique is the longest of the host's execution time from line 2 to 5 and the execution time of the 8087 for a mUltiply instruction. The execution time of the non-concurrent example is the sum of the execution times of statements 1 to 5. Normally, the host waits for the 8087 to finish the current numeric operation before starting another. This waiting is called synchronization. Managing concurrent execution of the 8087 involves three types of synchronization: instruction, data, and error. Instruction and error synchronization are automatically provided by the compiler or assembler. Data synchronization must be provided by the assembly language progarnmer or compiler. This code macro defines two instructions which do not allow any concurrency of execution with the host. A register version and memory version of the instruction is shown. It is assumed that the 8087 is always idle from the previous instruction. Allow space for emulator fixups. R233 Record RF6:2, Mid3:3, RF7:3 CodeMacro NCMUl dst:T, src:F RNfix OOOB R233 (11 B, 001 B, src) RWfix EndM CodeMacro NCMUl memop:Mq RNfixM 100B, memop ModRM 001 B, memop RWfix EndM Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Concurrent FMUl MOV MUl MOV FMUl st(O), st(1) ax, size A index bx, ax A [bx] Non Concurrent NCMUl MOV MUl MOV NCMUl st(O), st(1) ax, size A index bx, ax A [bx] Figure 16. Concurrent Versus Non·Concurrent Program 3-441 207865-001 AP-113 Data Synchronization Managing concurrency requires synchronizing data references by the host and 8087. Figure 17 shows four possible cases of the host and 8087 sharing a memory value. The second two cases require the FWAIT instruction shown for data synchronization. In the first two cases, the -host will finish with the operand I before the 8087 can reference it. The coprocessor interface guarantees this. In the second two cases, the host must wait for the 8087 to finish with the memory operand before proceeding to reuse it. The FWAIT instruction in case 3 forces the host to wait for the 8087 to read I before changing it. In case 4, the FW AIT prevents the host from reading I before the 8087 sets its value. The data synchronization purpose of any FWAITor numeric instruction must be well documented. Otherwise, a change to' the program at a later time may remove the synchronizing numeric instruction, causing program failure, as: FISTP FMUL MOV AX, I Case 1: Obviously, the programmer must recognize any form of the two cases shown above which require explicit data synchronization. Data synchronization is not a concern when the host and 8087 are using different memory operands during th~ course of one numeric instruction. Figure 16 shows such an example of the host performing , activity umelated to the current numeric instruction being executed by the 8087. Correct recognition of these cases by the programmer is the price to be paid for providing concurrency at the assembly language level. MOV FILD 1,1 I Case 2: ; I is safe to use Case 3: FILD FWAIT MOV 1,5 Case 4: MOV AX, I FISTP I FISTP FWAIT MOV AX,I Figure 17. Data Exchange Example Automatic Data Synchronization Two methods exist to avoid the need for manual recognition of when data synchronization is needed: use a high level language which will automatically establish concurrency and manage it, or sacrifice some performance for automatic data synchronization by the assembler. This is a code macro to redefine the FIST instruction to prevent any concurrency while the instruction runs. A wait instruction is placed immediately after the escape to ensure the store is done before the program may continue. This code macro will work with the 8087 emulator, automatically replacing thewait escape with a nop. When a high level language is not adequate, the assembler can' be changed to always place aWAIT instruction after the ESCAPE instruction. Figure 18 shows an example of how to change the ASM86 code macro for the FIST instruction to automatically place an FWAIT instruction after the ESCAPE instruction. The lack of any possible concurrent execution between the host and 8087 while the FIST instruction is executing is the price paid for automatic data synchronization. , CodeMacro FIST memop: Mw RfixM 111 B, memop ModRM 010B, memop RWfix EndM An explicit FWAIT instruction for data synchronization, can be eliminated by using a subsequent numeric instruction. After this subsequent instruction has started execution, all memory references in earlier .numeric instructions are complete. Reaching the next 'host instruction after the synchronizing numeric instruction indicates previous numeric operands in memory are available. Figure 18. Non·Concurrent FIST Instruction Code Macro 3-442 207865-001 Ap·113 DATA SYNCHRONIZATION RULES EXCEPTIONS ERROR SYNCHRONIZATION FOR EXTENSIONS There are five exceptions to the above rules for data synchro~tion. The 8087 automatically provides data synchronization for these cases. They are necessary to avoid deadlock (described on page 24). The instructions FSTSW IFNSTSW, FSTCW IFNSTCW, FLDCW, FRSTOR, and FLDENV do not require any waiting by the host before it may read or modify the referenced memory location. The NPX can provide a default fixup for all numeric errors. A program can mask each individual error type to indicate that the NPX should generate a safe, reasonable result. The default error fixup activity is simply treated as part of the instruction which caused the error. No external indication of the error will be given. A flag in the numeric status register will be set to-indicate that an error was detected, but no information regarding where or when will be available. The 8087 provides the data synchronization by preventing the host from gaining control of the local bus while these instructions execute. If the host cannot gain control of the local bus, it cannot change a value before the 8087 reads it, or read a value before the 8087 writes into it. The coprocessor interface guarantees that, when the host executes one of these instructions, the 8087 will immediately request the local bus from the host. This request is timed such that, when the host finishes the read operation identifying the memory operand, it will always grant the local bus to the 8087 before the host may use the local bus for a data reference while executing a subsequent instruction. The 8087 will not release the local bus to the host until it has finished executing the numeric instruction. Error Synchronization Numeric errors can occur on almost .any numeric instruction at any time during its execution. Page IS describes how a numeric error may have many interpretations, depending on the application. Since the response to a numeric error will depend on the application, this section covers topics common to all uses of the NPX. We will review why error synchronization is needed and how it is provi~ed. Concurrent execution of the host and 8087 requires synchronization for errors just like data references and numeric instructions. In fact, the synchronization required for data and instructions automatically provides error synchronization. However, incorrect data or instruction synchronization may not cause a problem until a numeric error occurs. A further complication is that a programmer may not expect his numeric program to cause numeric errors, but in some systems they may regularly happen. To better understand these points, let's look at what can happen when the NPX detects an error. If the NPX performs its default action for all errors, then error synchronization is never exercised. But this is no reason to ignore error synchronization. Another alternative exists to the NPX default fixup of an error. If the default NPX response to numeric errors is not desired, the host can implement any form of recovery desired for any numeric error detectable by the NPX. When a numeric error is unmasked, and the error occurs, the NPX will stop further execution of the numeric instruction. The 8087 will signal this event on the INT pin, while the 8087 emulator will cause interrupt 1016 to occur. The 8087 INT signal is normally connected to the host's interrupt system. Refer to page 18 for further discussion on wiring the 8087 INT pin. Interrupting the host is a request from the NPX for help. The fact that the error was unmasked indicates -that further numeric program execution under the arithmetic and programming rules of the NPX is unreasonable. Error synchronization serves to insure the NDP is in a well defined state after an unmasked numeric error occured. Without It well defined state, it is impossible to figure out why the error occured. Allowing a correct analysis of the error is the heart of error synchronization. NDP ERROR STATES' If concurrent execution is allowed, the state of the host when it recognizes the 'interrupt is undefined. The host may have changed many of its internal registers and be executing a totelly different program by the time it is interrupted. To handle this situation, the NPX has special registers updated at the start of each numeric instruction to describe the state of the numeric program when the failed instruction was attempted. (See Lit. Ref. p. iii) Besides programmer comfort, a well-defined state is important for error recovery routines. They can change the arithmetic and programming rules of the 8087. These changes may redefine the default rDmp from an error, change the appearance of the NPX to the progralnmer, or change how arithmetic is defined on the NPX. 3-443 207865-001 AP·113 EXTENSION EXAMPLES A change to an error response might be to automatically normalize all denormals loaded from memory. A change in appearance might be extending the register stack to memory to provide an "infinite" numoer of numeric registers. The arithmetic of the 8087 can be changed to automatically extend the precision and range of variables when exceeded. All these functions can be implemented on the NPX via numeric errors and associated recovery routines in a manner transparent to the programmer. Without correct error synchronization, numeric subroutines will not work correctly in the above situations. Incorrect Error Synchronization An example of how some instructions written without error synchronization will work initially, but fail when moved into a new environment is: FILD INC COUNT COUNT The BUSY signal will never go inactive during a numeric instruction which asse~ts INT. The WAIT instructions supplied for instruction synchroni~tion prevent the host from starting another numeric instruction until the current error is serviced. In a like manner, the WAIT instructions required for data synchronization prevent the host from prematurely readinl! a value not yet stored, by the 8087, or overwriting a value not yet read by the 8087. The host has two, responsibilities when handling numeric errors. I.) It must not disturb the numeric context when an error is detected, and 2.) it must clear the numeric error and attempt recovery from t~e error. The recovery program invoked by the numeric error may resume program execution after proper fixup, display the state of the NDP for programmer action, or simply abort the program. In any case, the host must do something with the 8087. With the INT and BUSY signals active, the 8087 cannot perform any useful work. Special instructions exist for controlling the 8087 when in this state. Later, an example is given of how to save the state of the NPX with an error pending. (See page 29) , FSQRT Three instructions are shown to load an integer, calculate its square root, then increll.lent the integer. The coprocessor interface of the 8087 and synchronous execution of the 8087 emulator will allow this program to execute correctly when no errors occur on the FILD instruction. An undesirable situation may r~sult if the host cannot be interrupted by the 8087 when asserting INT. This situation, called deadlock, occurs if the interrupt path , from the 8087 to the host is broken. But, this situation changes if the numeric register stack is extended to memory on an 8087. To extend the NPX stack to memory, the invalid error is unmasked. A push to a full 'register or pop from an empty register will cause an invalid error. The recovery routine for the error must recognize this situation, fllmp the stack, then perform the original operation. The 8087 BUSY signal prevents the host from executing further instructions (for instruction or data synchronization) while the 8087 waits for the host to service the exception. The host is waiting for the 8087 to finish the current numeric operation. Both the host and 8087 are waiting on each other. This situation is stable unless the host is interrupted by some other event. The recovery routine will not work correctly in the example. The problem is that there is no guarantee that COUNT will not be incremented before the 8087 can interrupt the host. If COUNT is incremented before the interrupt, the recovery routine will load a value of COUNT one too large, probably causing the program to DeadlOCK has varying affects on the NDP's performance. If no other interrupts in the'system are possible, the NDP will wait forever. If other interrupts can arise, then the NDP can perform other functions, but the affected numeric program will remain "frozen". fu~ . Error Synchronization and WAITs Error synchronization relies on the WAIT instructions required by instruction and data synchronization and the INT and BUSY signals of the 8087. When an unmasked error occurs in the 8087, it asserts the BUSY and INT signals. The INT signal is to interrupt the host, while the BUSY signal prevents the host from destroying the current numeric context. Deadlock SOLVING DEADLOCK Finding the break in the interrupt path is simple. Look for disabled interrupts in the following places: masked interrupt enable in the host, explicitly masked interrupt request in the interrupt controller, implicitly masked interrupt request in the interrupt controller due to a higher priority interrupt in service, or other gate functions, usually in TTL, on the host interrupt signal. 3-444 207865-001 Ap·113 DEADLOCK AVOIDANCE Application programmers should not be concerned with deadlock. Normally, applications programs run with unmasked· numeric errors able to interrupt them. Deadlock is not possible in this case. Traditionally, systems software or interrupt handlers may run with numeric interrupts disabled. Deadlock prevention lies in this domain. The golden rule to abide by is: "Never wait on the 8087 if an unmasked error is possible and the 8087 interrupt path may be broken." Error Synchronization Summary In summary, error synchronization involves protecting the state of the 8087 after an exception. Although not all applications may initially require error synchronization, it is just good programming practice to follow the rules. The advantage of being a "good" numerics programmer is generality of your program so it can work in other, more general environments. Summary Synchronization is the price for concurrency in the NDP. Intel high level language compilers will automatically provide concurrency and manage it with synchronization. The assembly language programmer can choose between using concurrency or not. Placing a WAIT instruction immediately after any numeric instruction will prevent concurrency and avoid synchronization concerns. The rules given above are complete and allow concurrency to be used to full advantage. Synchronization and the Emulator The above discussion on synchronization takes on special meaning with the 8087 emulator. The 8087 emulator does not allow any concurrency. All numeric operand memory references, error tests, and wait for instruction completion occur within the emulator. As a result, programs which do not provide proper instruction, data, or error synchronization may work with the 8087 emulator while failing on the component. Correct programs for the 8087 work correctly on the emulator. Special Control Instructions of the NPX The special control instructions of the NPX: FNINIT, FNSAVE,FNSTENV,FRSTOR,FLDENV,FLDCW, FNSTSW, FNSTCW, FNCLEX, FNENI, and FNDISI remove some of the synchronization requirements mentioned earlier. They are discussed here since they represent exceptions to the rules mentioned on page 21. The instructions FNINIT, FNSAVE, FNSTENV, FNSTSW, FNCLEX, FNENI, and FNDISI do not wait for the current numeric instruction to finish before they execute. Of these instructions, FNINIT, FNSTSW, FNCLEX, FNENI and FNDISI will produce different results, depending on when they are executed relative to the current numeric instruction. For example, FNCLEX will cause a different status value to result from a concurrent arithmetic operation, depending on whether is is executed before or after the error status bits are updated at the end of the arithmetic operation. The intended use of FNCLEX is to clear a known error status bit which has caused BUSY to be asserted, avoiding deadlock. FNSTSW will safely, without deadlock, report the busy and error status of the NPX independent of the NDP interrupt status. FNINIT, FNENI, and FNDISI are used to place the NPX into a known state independent of its current state. FNDISI will prevent an unmasked error from asserting BUSY without disturbing the current error status bits. Appendix A shows an example of using FNDISI. The instructions FNSAVE and FNSTENV provide special functions. They allow saving the state,of the NPX in a single instruction when host interrupts are disabled. Several host and numeric instructions are necessary to save the NPX status if the interrupt status of the host is unknown. Appendix A and B show examples of saving the NPX state. As the Numerics Supplement explains, host interrupts must always be disabled when executing FNSAVE or FNSTENV. The seven instructions FSTSWIFNSTSW, FSTCW I FNSTCW, FLDCW, FLDENV, and FRSTOR do not require explicit WAIT instructions for data synchronization. All of these instructions are used to interrogate or control the numeric context. Data synchronization for these instructions is automatically provided by the coprocessor interface. The 8087 will take exclusive control of the memory bus, preventing the host from interfering with the data values before the 8087 can read them. Eliminating the need for aWAIT instruction avoids potential deadlock pro. blems. The three load instructions FLDCW, FLDENV, and FRSTOR can unmask a numeric error, activating the 8087 BUSY signal. Such an error was the result of a previous numeric instruction and is not related to any fault in the instruction. Data synchronization is automatically provided since the host's interrupts are usually disabled in context switching or interrupt handling, deadlock might result if the host executed aWAIT instruction with its interrupts disabled after these instructions. After the host interrupts are enabled, an interrupt will occur if an unmasked error was pending. 3-445 207865-001 Ap·113 PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES NPX Register Usage The NPX provides a stack-oriented register set with stack-oriented instructions for numeric operands. These registers and instructions are optimized for numeric programs. For many programmers, these are new resources with new programming options available. The eight numeric registers in the NDP are stack oriented. All numeric registers are addressed relative to a value called the TOP pointer, defined in the NDP status register. A register address given in an instruction is added to the TOP value to form the internal absolute address. Relative addressing of numeric registers has advantages analogous to those of relative addressing of memory operands. Using Numeric Registers and Instructions The register and instruction set of the NDP is optimized for the needs of numeric and general purpose programs. The host CPU provides the instructions and data types needed for general purpose data processing, while the 8087 provides the data types and instructions for numeric processing. The instructions and data types recognized by the 8087 are different from the CPU because numeric program requirements are different from those of general purpose programs. Numeric programs have long arithmetic expressions where a few temporary values are used in a few statements. Within these statements, a single value may be referenced many times. Due to the time involved to transfer values between registers and memory, a significant' speed optimization is possible by keeping numbers in the NPX register rlie. In contrast, a general data processor is more concerned with addressing data in simple expressions and testing the results. Temporary values, constant across several instructions, are not as common nor is the penalty as large for placing them in memory.As a result it is simpler for compilers and programmers to manage memory based values. Two modes are availa~le for addressing the numeric registers. The first mode implicitly uses the top and optional next element on the stack for operands. This mode does not require any addressing bits in a numeric instruction. Special purpose instructions use this mode since full addressing flexibiiity is not required. The other addressing mode allows any' other stack element to be used together with the top of stack register. The top of stack or the other register may be specified as the destination. Most two-operand arithmetic instructions allow this addressing mode. Short, easy to develop numeric programs are the result. Just as relative addressing of memory operands avoids concerns with memory allocation in other parts of a program, top relative register addressing allows registers to be used without regard for numeric register assignments in other parts of the program. STACK RELATIVE ADDRESSING' EXAMPLE Consider an example of a main program calling a subroutine,~ each using register addressing independent of the other. (Fig. 19) By using different values of the TOP field, different software can use the same relative register addresses as other parts of the program, but refer to different physical registers. MAIN_PROGRAM: FLO FAOO CALL FSTP A ST, ST(1) SUBROUTINE B Argument is in ST(O) SUBROUTINE: FLO FSQRT FAOO FMULP RET ST(O) = ST(1) = Argument Main program ST(1) is safe in ST(2) here ST C ST(1), ST Figure 19. Stack Relative Addressing Example 3-446 207865-001 Ap·113 Of course, there is a limit to any physical resource. The NDP has eight numeric registers. Normally, program· mers must ensure a maximum of eight values are pushed on the numeric register stack at any time. For timecritical inner loops of real-time applications, eight registers should contain all the values needed. 3) Return all numeric values on the numeric stack. The caller may now take advantage of the extended precision and flexible store modes of the NDP. 4) Finish all memory reads or writes by the NPX before exiting any subroutine. This guarantees correct data and error synchronization. A numeric operation based solely on register contents is safe to leave running on subroutine exit. REGISTER STACK EXTENSION This hardware limitation can be hidden by software. Software can provide "virtual" numeric registers, expanding the register stack size to 6000 or more. 5) The operating mode of the NDP should be transparent across any subroutine. The operating mode is defined by the control word of the NDP. If the subroutine needs to use a different numeric operating mode than that of the caller, the subroutine should first save the current control word, set the new operating mode, then restore the original control word when completed. The numeric register stack can be extended into memory via unmasked numeric invalid errors which cause an interrupt on stack overflow or underflow. The interrupt handler for the invalid error would manage a memory image of the numeric stack copying values into and out of memory as needed. The NPX will contain all the necessary information to identify the error, failing instruction, required registers, and destination register. After correcting for the missing hardware resource, the original numeric operation could be repeated. Either the original numeriC>instruction could be single stepped or the affect of the instruction emulated by a composite of table-based numeric instructions executed by the error handler. PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES The last section of this application note will discuss five programming examples. These examples were picked to illustrate NDP programming techniques and commonly used functions. All have been coded, assembled, and tested. However, no guarantees are made regarding their correctness. With proper data, error, and instruction synchronization, the activity of the error handler will be transparent to programs. This type of extension to the NDP allows programs to push and pop numeric registers without regard for their usage by other subroutiIles. The programming examples are: saving numeric context switching, save numeric context without FSAVE/FNSAVE, converting ASCII to floating point, converting floating point to ASCII, and trigonometric functions. Each example is listed in a different appendix with a detailed written description in the following text. The source code is available in machine readable form from the Intel Insite User's Library, "Interactive 8087 Instruction Interpreter," catalog item AA20. Programming Conventions With a better understanding of the stack registers, let's consider some useful programming conventions. Following these conventions ensures compatibility with Intel support software and high level language calling conventions. 1) If the numeric registers are not extended to' memory, the programmer must ensure that the number of temporary values left in the NPX stack and those registers used by the caller does not exceed 8. Values can be stored to memory to provide enough free NPX registers. 2) Pass the first seven numeric parameters to a subroutine in the numeric stack registers. Any extra parameters can be passed on the host's stack. Push the values on the register or memory stack in left to right order. If the subroutine does not need to allocate any more numeric registers, it can execute solely out of the numeric register stack. The eighth register can be used for arithmetic operations. All parameters should be 'popped off when the subroutine completes. The examples provide some basic functions needed to get started with the numeric data processor. They work with either the 8087 or the 8087 emulator with no source changes. The context switching examples are needed for operating systems or interrupt handlers which may use numeric instructions and operands. Converting between floating point and decimal ASCII will be needed to input or output numbers in easy to read form. The trigonometric examples help you get started with sine or cosine functions and can serve as a basis for optimizations if the angle arguments always fall into a restricted range. 3-447 207865-001 Ap·113 APPENDIX A OVERVIEW,-- Using FSAVE Appendix A shows deadlock-free examples of numeric context switching. Numeric context switching is required by interrupt handlers which use the NPX and operating system context switchers. Context switching consists of two basic functions, save the numeric context and restore it. These. functions must work independent of the current state of the NPX. The FSAVE instruction performs the same operation as FNSAVE but it uses standard instruction synchronization. The host will wait for the FEU to be idle before initiating the save operation. Since the host ignores all interrupts between completing a WAIT instruction and starting the. following ESCAPE instruftion, the FEU is ready to immediately accept the operation (since it is not signalling BUSY). No recursion of the save context operation in the BIU is possible. However, deadlock must be considered since the host executes a WAIT instruction. Two versions of the context save function are shown. They use different versions of the save context instruction. The FNSAVEfFSAVE instructions do all the work of saving the numeric context. The state of host interrupts will decide which instruction to use. USing FNSAVE The FNSAVE instruction is intended to save the NPX context when host interrupts are disabled. The host does not have to wait for the 8087 to finish its current operation before starting this operation. Eliminating the instruction synchronization wait avoids any potential deadlock. The 8087 Bus Interface Unit (BIU) will save this instruction when encountered by the host and hold it until the 8087 Floating point Execution Unit (FEU) finishes its current operation. When the FEU becomes idle, the BIU will start the FEU executing the save context opera~ tion. The host can execute other non.:numeric instructions after the FNSAVE while the BIU waits for the FEU to finish its current operation. The code starting at NOjNL..NPX~AVE shows how to use the FNSAVE instruction. When executing the FNSAVE instruction,. host interrupts must be disabled to avoid recursions of the instruction. The 8087 BIU can hold only one FNSAVE instruction at a time. If host interrupts were not disabled, another host interrupt might cause a second FNSAVE instruction to be executed, destroying the previous one saved in the 8087 BIU. It is not recommended to explicitly disable host inter- rupts just to exFCute an FNSAVE instruction. In general, such an operation may not be the best course of action or even be allowed. If host interrupts are enabled during the NPX context save function, it is recommended to use the FSAVE instruction as shown by the code starting at NP~AVE. This example will always work, free of deadlock, in" dependent of the NDP interrupt state. To avoid deadlock when using the FSAVE instruction, the 8087 must be prevented from signalling BUSY when an unmasked error exists. The Interrupt Enable Mask (IBM) bit in the NPX control word provides this function. When IEM = I, the 8087 will not signal BUSY or INT if an unmasked error exists. The NPX instruction FNDISI will set the IEM independent of any pending errors without causing deadlock or any other errors. Using the FNDISI and FSAVE instructions together with a few other glue instructions allows a general NPX context save function. Standard data and instruction synchronization is required after executing the FNSAVEIFSAVE instruction. The wait instruction following an FNSAVEl FSAVE instruction is always safe since all NPX errors will be masked as part of the instruction execution. Deadlock is not possible since the 8087 will eventually signal not busy, allowing the host to continue on. PLACING THE SAVE CONTEXT FUNCTIQN Deciding on where to ;save the NPX context in an interrupt handler or context switcher is dependent on whether interrupts can be enabled inside the function. Since interrupt latency is measured in terms of the maximum time interrupts are disabled, the maximum wait time of the host at the data synchronizing wait instruction after the FNSAVE or the FSAVE instruction is important if host interrupts are disabled while waiting. The wait time will be the maximum single instruction execution time of the 8087 plus the execution time of the save operation. This maximum time will be approximately 1300 or 1500 clocks, depending on whether the host is an 8086 or 8088, respectively. The actual time will depend on how much concurrency of execution between the host and 8087 is provided. The greater the concurrency, the lesser the maximum wait time will be. 207865-001 I AP·113 If host interrupts can be enabled during the context save Using FRSTOR function, it is recommended to use the FSA VE instruc· tion for saving the numeric context in the interruptable section. The FSAVE instruction allows instruction and data synchronizing waits to be interruptable. This technique removes the maximum execution time of 8087 instructions from system interrupt latency time considerations. Restoring the numeric context with FRSTOR does not require a data synchronizing wait afterwards since the 8087 automatically prevents the host from interfering with the memory load operation. It is recommended to delay starting the numeric save function as long as possible to maintain the maximum amount of concurrent execution between the host and the 8087. The code starting with NPXJESTORE illustrates the restore operation. Error synchronization is not necessary since the FRSTOR instruction itself does not cause errors, but the previous state of the NPX may indicate an error. If further numeric instructions are executed after the FRSTOR, and the error state of the new NPX context is unknown, deadlock may occur if numeric exceptions cannot interrupt the host. NP>Lsave General purpose save of NPX context. This function will work independent of the interrupt state of the NDP. Deadlock can not occur. 47 words of memory are required by the variable save_area. Register ax is not transparent across this code. NP>L..save: FNSTCW NOP FNDISI MOV FSAVE ax, save_area save_area FWAIT MOV Save IEM bit status Delay while 8087 saves control register Disable 8087 BUSY signal Get original control word Save NPX context, the host can be safely interrupted while waiting for the 8087 to finish. Deadlock is not possible since IEM = 1.Wait for save to finish. Put original control word into NPX context-area_ All done Save the NPX context with host interrupts disabled. No deadlock is possible. 47 words of memory are required by the variable save_area_ nO_inLNP>L..save: FNSAVE save_area FWAIT Save NPX context. Wait for save to finish, no deadlock is possible. Interrupts may be enabled now, all done NP>Lrestore Restore the NPX context saved earlier. No deadlock is possible if no further numeric instructions are executed until the 8087 numeric error interrupt is enabled_ The variable save_area is assumed to hold an NPX context saved earlier. It must be 47 words long. N P>L..restore: FRSTOR Load new NPX context 3-449 207865-001 AP·113 APPENDIX B OVERVIEW Appendix B shows alternative techniques for switching the numeric context without using the FSAVEl FNSAVE or FRS TOR instructions. These alternative techniques are slower than those of Appendix A but they reduce the worst case continuous local bus usage of the 8087. Only an iAPX 86122 or iAPX 88122 could derive any benefit from this alternative. By replacing all FSAVE/FNSAVE instructions in the system, the worst case local bus usage of the 8087 will be 10 or 16 consecutive memory cycles for an 8086 or 8088 host, respectively. Instead of saving and loading the entire numeric context in one long series of memory transfers, these routines use the FSTENV IFNSTENV IFLDENV instructions and separate numeric register load/store instructions. Using separate load/store instructions for the numeric registers forces the 8087 to release the local bus after each numeric load/store instruction. The longest series of back-to-back memory transfers required by these instructions are 8/12 memory cycles for an 8086 or 8088 host, respectively. In contrast, the FSA VEl FNSAVE/FRSTOR instructions perform 50/94 backto-back memory cycles for an 8086 or 8088 -host. Compatibility With FSAVE/FNSAVE This function produces a context area of the same format produced by FSAVE/FNSAVE instructions. Other software modules expecting such a format will not be affected. All the same interrupt and deadlock considerations of FSAVE and FNSAVE also apply to FSTENV and FNSTENV. Except for the fact that the numeric environment is 7 words rather than the 47 words of the numeric context, all the discussion of Appendix A also applies here. The state of the NPX registers must be saved in memory in the same format as the FSAVB/FNSAVB instructions." The program example starting at the label SMALL..-.-BLOCK~PX_SAVE illustrates a software loop that will store their contents into memory in the same top relative order as that of FSAVE/FNSAVE. To save the registers with FSTP instructions, they must be tagged valid, zero, or special. This function will force all the registers to be tagged valid, independent of their contents or old tag, and then save them. No problems will arise if the tag value conflicts with the register's content for the FSTP instruction. Saving empty registers insures compatibility with the FSAVE/FNSA VB instructions. After saving all the numeric registers, they will all be tagged empty, the" same as if an FSAVE/FNSAVE instruction had been executed. Compatibility With FRSTOR Restoring the numeric context reverses the procedure described above, as shown by the code starting at SMALL_BLOCK_NP"-.RESTORE.AlI eight regissters are reloaded in the reverse order. With each register load, a tag value will be assigned to each register. The tags assigned by the register load does not matter since the tag word will be overwritten when the environment is reloaded later with FLDENV. Two assumptions are required for correct operation of the restore function: all numeric registers must be empty and the TOP field must be the same as that in the context being restored. These assumptions will be satisfied if a matched set of pushes and pops were performed between saving the numeric context and reloading it. If these assumptions cannot be met, then the code exam- ple starting at NPX_CLEAN shows how to force all the NPX registers empty and set the TOP field of the status word. 3.-450 207865-001 Ap·113 smalLblocLN P><-save Save the NPX context independent of NDP interrupt state. Avoid using the FSAVE instruction to limit the worst case memory bus usage of the 8087. The NPX context area formed will appear the same as if an FSAVE instruction had written into it. The variable save_area will hold the NPX context and must be 47 words long. The registers ax, bx, and cx will not be transparent. small_block_N PX_save: FNSTCW save_area NOP FNDISI MOV ax, save_area MOV cx, 8 XOR bx, bx FSTENV save_area FWAIT XCHG save_area + 4, bx FLDENV save_area MOV save_area, ax MOV save_area + 4, bx XOR bx, bx reg_store_loop: FSTP saved_reg [bx] ADD bx, type saved_reg LOOP reg_store_loop ; ; ; ; ; Save current IEM bit Delay while 8087 saves control register Disable 8087 BUSY signal Get original control word Set numeric register count Tag field value for stamping all registers as valid Save NPX environment Walt for the store to complete Get original tag value and set new tag value Force all register tags as valid. BUSY is still masked. No data synchronization needed. Put original control word into NPX environment. Put original tag word into NPX environment Set initial register index Save register Bump pointer to next register ; All done ; ; ; ; Force the NPX into a clean state with TOP matching the TOP field stored in the NPX context and all numeric registers tagged empty. Save_area must be the NPX environment saved earlier. Temp_env is a 7 word temporary area used to build a prototype NPX environment. Register ax will not be transparent. NPX_clean: FINIT MOV AND FSTENV ax, save_area + 2 ax, 3800H temp_env FWAIT OR FLDENV temp_env + 2, ax temp_env Put NPX into known state Get original status word Mask out the top field Format a temporary environment area with all registers stamped empty and TOP field =O. ; Wait for the store to finish. Put in the desired TOP value. Setup new NPX environment. Now enter smaILblock_NPX_restore. 3-451 207865-001 Ap·113 smalLbloclLNP>Lrestore Restore the NPX context without using the FRSTOR instruction. Assume the NPX context is in the same form as that created by an FSAVElFNSAVE instruction, all the registers are empty, and that the TOP field of the NPX matches the TOP field of the NPX context. The variable save_area must be an NPX context save area, 47 words 10f'g. The registers bx and cx will not be transparent. small_blocLNPLrestore: MOV cX,8 MOV bx, type saved_reg*7 reg_load_loop: FLO saved_reg [bx] SUB bx, type saved_reg LOOP reg_load_loQp FLOENV save_area Set register count Starting offset of ST(7) Get the register Bump pOinter to next register Restore NPX context All done APPENDIX C OVERVIEW Exception Considerations Appendix C shows how floating point values can be converted to decimal ASCII character strings. The function can be called from PLM/86, PASCAL/86, FORTRAN/86, or ASM/86 functions. Care is taken inside the function to avoid generating exceptions. Any possible numeric value will be accepted. The only exceptions possible would occur if insufficient space exists on the numeri~ register stack. Shortness, speed, and accuracy were chosen rather than providing the maximum number of significant digits possible. An attempt is made to keep integers in their own domain to avoid unnecessary conversion errors. The value passed in the numeric stack is checked for existence, type (NAN or infinity), and status (unnormal, denormal, zero, sign). The string size is tested for a minimum and maximum value. If the top of the register stack is empty, or the string size is too small, the function will return with an error code. Using the extended precision real number format, this routine achieves a worst case accuracy of three units in the 16th decimal position for a non-integer value or integers greater than lOIS. This is double precision accuracy. With values having decimal exponents less than 100 in magnitude, the accuracy is one unit in the 17th decimal position. Higher precision can be achieved with greater care in programming, larger program size, and lower performance. Function Partitioning Three separate modules implement the conversion. Most of the work of the conversion is done in the module FLOATING_TO.-ASCII. The other modules are provided separately since they have a more' general use. One of them, GET-.POWER_tO, is also used by the ASCII to floating point conversion routine. The other small module, TOS_STATUS, will identify what, if anything, is in the top of the numeric register stack. Overflow and underflow is avoided inside the function for very large or very small numbers. Special Instructions The functions demonstrate the operatIon of several numeric instructions, different data types, and precision control. Shown are instructions for automatic conversion to BCD, calculating the value of 10 raised to an integer value, establishing and maintaining concurrency, data synchronization, and use of directed rounding on the NPX. Without the extended precision data type and built-in exponential function, the double precision accuracy Ofl this function could not be attained with the size and speed of the shown example. The function relies on the numeric BCD data type for conversion from binary floating point to decimal. It is 3-452 207865-001 Ap·113 not difficult to unpack the BCD digits into separate ASCII decimal digits. The major work involves scaling the floating point value to the comparatively limited range of BCD values. To print a 9·digit result requires accurately scaling the given value to an integer between lOS and 109 • For example, the number +0.123456789 requires a scaling factor of 109 to produce the value + 123456789.0 which can be stored in 9 BCD digits. The scale factor must be an exact power of 10 to avoid to changing any of the printed digit values. These routines should exactly convert all values exactly representable in decimal in the field size given. Integer values which fit in the given string size, will not be scaled, but directly stored into the BCD form. Non· integer values exactly representable in decimal within the string size limits will also be exactly converted. For example, 0.125 is exactly representable in binary or ., decimal. To convert this floating point value to decimal, the scaling factor will be 1000, resulting in 125. When scaling a value, the function must keep track of where the decimal point lies in the final decimal value. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION Converting a floating point number to decimal ASCII takes three major steps: identifying the magnitude of the number, scaling it for the BCD data type, and converting the BCD data type to a decimal ASCII string. Identifying the magnitude of the result requires finding the value X such that the number is represented by 1*IOX, where 1.0 < = 1< 10.0. Scaling the number requires multiplying it by a scaling factor lOS, such that the result is an integer requiring no more decimal digits than provided for in the ASCII string. Once scaled, the numeric rounding modes and BCD conversion put the number in a form easy to convert to decimal ASCII by host software. Implementing each of these three steps requires attention to detail. To begin with, not all floating point values have a numeric meaning. Values such as infinity, indefinite, or Not A Number (NAN) may be encountered by the conversion routine. The conversion routine should recognize these values and identify them uniquely. Special cases of numeric values also exist. Denormals, unnormals, and pseudo zero all have a numeric value but should be recognized since all of them indicate that precision was lost during some earlier calculations. Once it has been determined that the number has a numeric value, and it is normalized setting appropriate unnorrnal flags, the value must be scaled to the BCD range. Scaling the Value To scale the number, its magnitude must be determined. It is sufficient to calculate the magnitude to an accuracy of 1 unit, or within a factor of 10 of the given value. After scaling the number, a check will be made to see if the result falls in the range expected. If not, the result can be adjusted one decimal order of magnitude up or down. The adjustment test after the scaling is necessary due to inevitable inaccuracies in the scaling value. Since the magnitude estimate need only be close, a fast technique is used. The magnitude is estimated by multiplying the power of 2, the unbiased floating point exponent, associated with the number by log lO2. Rounding the result to lID integer will produce an estimate of sufficient accuracy. Ignoring the fraction value can introduce a maximum error of 0.32 in the result. Using the magnitude of the value and size of the number string, the scaling factor can be calculated. Calculating the scaling factor is the most inaccurate operation of the conversion process. The relation IOX=2**(X*log210) is used for this function. The exponentiate instruction (F2XM1) will be used. Due to restrictions on the range of values allowed by the F2XM I instruction, the power of 2 value will be split into integer and fraction components. The relation 2**(1 + F) = 2**1 * 2**F allows using the FSCALE instruction to recombine the 2**F value, calculated through F2XMI, and the 2**1 part. Inaccuracy in Scaling The inaccuracy of these operations arises because of the trailing zeroes placed into the fraction value when stripping off the integer valued bits. For each integer valued bit in the power of 2 value separated from the fraction bits, one bit of precision is lost in the fraction field due to the zero fill occurring in the least significant bits. Up to 14 bits may be lost in the fraction since the largest allowed floating point exponent value is 214-1. AVOIDING UNDERFLOW AND OVERFLOW The fraction and exponent fields of the number are separated to avoid underflow and overflow in calculating the scaling values. For example, to scale 10- 4932 to 108 requires a scaling factor of 104950 which cannot be represented by the NPX. By separating the exponent and fraction, the scaling operation involves adding the exponents separate from multiplying the fractions. The exponent arithmetic will involve small integers, all easily represented by the NPX. 3-453 207865-001 AP·113 FINAL ADJUSTMENTS Output Format It is possible that the power function (GeLPower_lO) For maximum flexibility in output formats, the position of the decimal point is indicated by a binary integer called the power value. If the power value is zero, then the decimal point is assumed to be at the right of the right-most digit. Power values greater than zero indicate how many trailing zeroes. are not shown. For each unit below zero, move the decimal point to the left in the string. could produce a scaling value such that it forms a scaled result larger than the ASCII field could allow. For example, scaling 9.999999999999999ge4900 by l.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOlOe-4883 would produce 1.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOe18. The scale factor is within the accuracy of the NDP and the result is within the conversion accuracy, but it cannot be represented in BCD format. This is why there is a post-scaling test on the magnitude of the result. The result can be multiplied or divided by 10, depending on whether the result was too small or too large, respectively. LINE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The last step of the conversion is storing the result in BCD and indicating where the decimal point lies. The BCD string is then unpacked into ASCII decimal characters. The ASCII sign is set corresponding to the sign of the original value. SOURCE $title(Convert a floating point number to ASCII) name floating to ascii public floating-to-ascii extrn get_power_18:near,tos_status:near 16 This subroutine will convert the floating point number in the top of the 8~87 stack to an ASCII string and separate power of 10 scaling value (in binary)_ The maximum width of the ASCII string formed is controlled by a parameter which must be > 1. Unnormal values, denormal values, and psuedo zeroes will be correctly converted. A returned value will indicate how many binary bits of precision were lost in an unnormal or denormal value. The maqnitude (in terms of binary power) of a psuedo zero will also be indicated. Integers less than 10**18 in magnitude are accurately converted if the destination ASCII string field is wide enough to hold all the digits. Otherwise the value is converted to scientific notation. 17 18 19 The status of the conversion is identified by the return value, it can be: 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 conversion complete, string size is defined invalid arguments exact integer conversion, string size is defined indefinite + NAN (Not A Number) - NAN + Infinity - Infinity psuedo zero found, string_size is defined 30 31 The PLM/86 calling convention is: 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 floating to ascii: procedure (number,denormal ptr,string ptr,size ptr,field size, power-ptr) word external; declare (denormal ptr,string ptr,power ptr,size ptr) pointer; declare field size word, strIng size based size-ptr word; declare number real; declare denormal integer based denormal ptr; declare power integer based power ptr; end floating_to_ascii; - 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 The floating point value is expected to be on the top of the NPX stack. This subroutine expects 3 free entries o~ the NPX stack and will pop the passed value off when done. The generated ASCII string will have a leading character either '-' or '+' indicating the sign of the value. 'l'he ASCII decimal digits will immediately follow. The numeric value of the ASCII str.ing is (ASCII STRING.)*10**POWER. 3-454 207865-001 AP-113 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 It the given number was zero, the ASCII string will contain a siqn and a single zero chacter. The value string size indicates the total length of the ASCII string including the sign character. String(liJ) will always hold the sign. It is possible for string size to be less than field size. This occurs for zeroes or integer values. A psuedo zero will return a special return code. The denormal count will indicate the power of two originally associated with the value. The power of ten and ASCII string will be as if the value was an ordinary zero. ~8 This subroutine is accurate up to a maximum of 18 decimal digits for integers. Integer values will have a decimal power of zero associated with them. For non integers, the result will be accurate to within 2 decimal digits of the 16th decimal place (double precision). The exponentiate instruction is also used for scalinq the value into the range acceptable for the BCD data type. The roundinq mode in effect on entry to the subroutine is used for the conversion. 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 14 bp_save 15 es save 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 The followinq registers are not transparent: ax bx cx dx si di flags Define the stack layout. return ptr power ptr field-size size ptr string ptr denormal_ptr equ equ equ equ equ egu equ equ word ptr [bpJ bp save + size bp_save es-save + size es save return ptr + size-return ptr power-ptr + size power ptr field size + size fiela size size ptr + size size ptr string_ptr + size string_ptr parms_size equ size power ptr + size field size + size size ptr + size strinq_ptr + size nenormal_ptr & Define constants used BCD DIGITS WORD bIZE BCD irIZE MINUS NAN INFINITY INDEFINITE PSUEDO ZERO INVAL1D ZERO DENORMAL UNNORMAL NORMAL EXACT equ equ equ egu equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ Number of digits in hcd value 18 2 1~ Define return values The exact values chosen here are important. They must correspond to the possihle return values and be in the same numeric order as tested by the proqram. 1 4 6 3 8 -2 -4 -6 -8 o 2 Define layout of temporary storage area. status power two power-ten bcd value bcd-byte fraction equ equ equ equ equ equ word ptr [bp-WORD bIZE) status - WORD bIZE power two - WORD bIZE tbyte-ptr power ten - BCD bIZE byte ptr bcd value bcd val ue - local size equ size status + size power_two + size power_ten + size bcd value & - Allocate stack space for the temporaries so the stack will be big enough stack segment stack .'stack· db (10cal_size+6) dup (?) stack ends 3-455 207865-001 inter 128 121 122 123 124 125' 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 AP-113 cgroup code group code segment public 'code' assume cs:cgroup extrn power _table:qword Constants used by this function. even const10 ; Optimize 'for 16 bits ; Adjustment value for too big BCD dw .Convert the C3,C2,C1,C0 encoding from tos status into meanin7ful bIt flags and values. status table db 13 :, '.J()R~~L, 136 ZERO, INVALID, ZERO + MINUS, INVALID, 137 DENORMAL, INVALID, DENORMAL + MINUS, INVALID I'IFINITY, NOR"IAL + MINllS, INFINITY + MINUS, 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 call mov mov cmp jne 145 146 147 148 ~T(0) 149 150 151 ; found_infinity: 156 Look at status of ST(0) Get descriptor trom table al,status tab1e[bxj aI, INVALID not_empty IS empty! Look for empty ST(0) Return the status value. Remove infinity from stack and exit. 152 153 154 155 tos status bx,ax fstp jmp st (9) OK to leave fstp runninq short ex i t_proc 157 158 159 169 String space is too small! Return invalid code. small_string: 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 178 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 188 mov a1,INVALID mov pop pop ret sp,bp bp es parms_size ST(II IS NAN or indefinite. Free stack space Restore registers Store the value in memory and look at the ~raction field to separate indefinite ~rom an ordinary NAN. NAN_Of_indefinite: fstp test hait jz fraction aI,MINUS e.xltyroc Remove value from stack for examination Look at sign bit Insure store is done Can't be indefinite If positive 3-456 207865-001 AP-113 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 wov sub or or or jnz bx,0C000H bx,word ptr bx,~ord ptr bx,word ptr bx,word ptr exit_proc 1~8 mov jmp al,INDEFINITE exit_proc 189 190 I'll 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 2.,3 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 22fi 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 24fi 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 fraction+6 fraction+4 fraction+2 fraction Match against upper 16 bits of fraction Compare bits 63-48 Bits 32-47 must be zero Bits 31-16 must be zero Bits l5~0 must be zero Set return value for indefinite value Allocate stack space for local variables and establish parameter addressibility. not empty: - push push mov sub es bp bp,sp sp,local size Save working register mov cmp j1 cx,field size cx,2 small strinq Check for enough string space dec cmp jbe cx cX,RCD DIGITS size ok Adjust for sign character See if string is too large for BCD mov cx,BCD DIGITS Else set maximum string size cmp jge ill,INFINITY found_infinity Look for infinity Return status value for + or - cmp jge al,NAN NAN or indefinite Look for NAN or INDEFINITE Establish stack addressibility - - size ok: - info - Set default return values and check that the number is normalized. fabs < mov xor mov mov mov mov cmp jae c dx,ax ax,ax di ,denormal ptr word ptr [di] ,ax bx,power ptr word ptr-[bx] ,ax dl,ZERO real zero cmp jae d 1 ,DENORMAL Use positive value only sign bit in al has trua sign of value Save return vaiue for later Form 0 constant Zero denormal count Zero power of ten value Test for zero Skip power code if value is zero Look for a denormal value Handle it specially found_denormal fxtract cmp d 1, UNNORMAL jb normal value sub Separate exponent from siqnificand Test for unnormal value dl,UNNORMAL-NORMAL ; Return normal status with correct sign Normalize the fraction, adjust the power of two in STIll and set the denormal count value. Assert: 0 <= ST(!'!) < 1.0 ndl Load constant to normalize fraction normalize fraction: fadd st (1) ,st fsub fxtract Set integer bit in fraction Form normalized fraction in ST(9) Power of two field will be neqative of denormal count Put denormal count in ST(9) fxch 3-457 207865-001 inter 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 AP-113 word ptr [di] st(2),st neg jnz word ptr [dil not_psuedo_zero Put negative of denorma1 count in memory Form correct power of two in stell OK to use word ptr [di] now Form positive denormal count A psuedo zero will appear as an unnormal number. When attempting to normalize it, the resultant fraction field will be zero. Performing an fxtract on zero will yield a zero exponent value. fxch fistp word ptr [di] sub jmp dl,NORMAL-PSUEDO ZERO convert_inteqer - Put power of two value in st(ll) Set denormal count to power of two value Word ptr [di] is not used by convert integer, OK to leave runninq Set return value savinq the sign bit Put zero value into me~ory The number is a real zero, set the return value and setup for conversion to BCD. sub jmp , dr, ZERO-NORMAL convert _i nteger Convert status to normal value Treat the zero as an integer The number is a denormal. FXTRACT will not work correctly in this case. To correctly separate the exponent and fraction, add a fixed constant to the exponent to guarantee the result is not a denormal. found_denormal: Prepare to bump exponent fldl fxch fprem Force denormal to smallest representable extended real format exponent This will work correctly now fxtract The power of the original denormal value has been safely isolated. Check if the fraction value is an unnor~al. fxam fstsw fxch fxch sub test jz st(2) dl,DENOHMAL-NORMAL status,4400H normalize fraction See if the fraction is an unnormal Save status for later Put exponent in ST(0) Put 1.0 into ST(0), exponent in ST(2) Return normal status with correct sign See if C3=C2=0 impling unnormal or NAN Jump if fraction is an unnormal fstp st (0) Remove unnecessary status l.~ from st(ll) Calculate the decimal magnitude associated with this number to within one order. This error will always be inevitable due to rounding and lost precision. As a result, we will deliberately fail to consider the LOG10 of the fraction value in calculating the order. Since the fraction will always be 1 (= F ( 2, its LOG10 will not change the basic accuracy of the function. To get the detimal order of magnitude, simply multiply the power of two by LOG10(2) and truncate the result to an integer. 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 fillt faddp 1 normal value: not~psuedo_zero: fstp fist fldlg2 fmul fistp Save the fraction field for later use Save power of two Get LOG10 (2) Power two is now safe to use Form LOG10(of exponent of number) Any rounding mode will work here fraction power_two power _ten Check if the magnitUde of the number rules out treating it as an integer. CX has the maximum number of decimal digits allowed. 3-458 207865-001 AP-113 328 329 33e 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 fwa it mov sub ja Wait for power ten to be valid Get power of ten of value Form scaling factor necessary in ax Jump if number will not fit ax,power_ten ax,cx adjust_result The number is between and l"**(field_size). Test if it is an integer. power two si ,dx dl,NORMAL-EXACT fraction 347 fild mov sub fld fscale fst frndint fcomp fstsw test jnz 348 349 350 fstp mov st(0) dx,si 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 Restore original number Save return value Convert to exact return value Form full value, this is safe here Copy value for compare Test it its an integer Compare values Save status C3=1 implies it was an integer stell status status,4000H convert_integer Remove non integer value Restore original return value 351 352 353 354 355 Scale the number to within the range allowed by the BCD format. The scaling operation should produce a number within one decimal order of magnitude of the largest decimal number representable within the given string width. 356 357 358 359 360 The scaling power ot ten value is in ax. , adjust result: 361 362 363 364 mov neg word ptr [bxJ ,ax ax call get _power_ 10 fld fmul mov shl shl shl fild faddp fscale fstp fraction Set initial power ot ten return value Subtract one for each order of magnitude the value is scaled by Scalinq factor is returned as exponent and fraction Get fraction Comoine fractions Form power of ten of the maximum BCD value to fit in the string Index in si 365 366 367 3<;8 369 37e 371 372 373 j74 375 37h 377 378 379 3-86 fstsw test jnz power _table [si) +type power table; Compare against exact power entry. Use the next entry since ex has been decremented by one No wait is necessary status status,4HHlH If C3 = CII = " then too big test for_small fidiv and inc jmp constl!! dl,not EXACT word ptr [bx) short in _range Else adjust value Remove exact flag Adjust power of ten value Convert the value to a BCD integer power_table lsi I status Test relative size No wait is necessary feom 393 4"" 4"1 Form full value, exponent was safe Remove exponent stell testyower: 387 388 389 390 391 392 394 395 396 397 398 399 Combine powers of two Test the adjusted value against a table of exact powers of ten. The combined errors of the maqnitude estimate and power function can result in a value one order of magnitude too small or too large to fit correctly in the BCD field. To handle this problem, pretest the adjusted value, if it is too small or large, then adjust it by ten and adjust the power ot ten value. 3110 381 382 383 384 385 si,ex si ,1 si,l s i ,1 power_two st(2) ,st - test for_small: - fcom fstsw 3-459 207865-001 AP-113 411J2 test jz 403 If CIIJ = IIJ then stlllJ) )= lower bound Convert the value to a BCD integer status,lllllJH . in_range 411J4 fimul dec 4I!J5 411J6 411J7' 4118 411J9 Adjust value into range Adjust power of ten value inJ~nge: 4111 411 frndint ; Form integer value Assert: IIJ <= TOS <= 999,999,999,999,999,999 The TOS number will be exactly rep~esentable in 18 digit BCD format. 412 413 414 415 416 constlllJ word ptr [bxj convert_inteqer: fbstp 417 Store as BCD format number 418 While the store BCD runs, setup registers for the conversion to ASCII. 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 43 t 1<" Y("~itive si ,BCD SIZE-2 cx ,lIfII4h bx,l di,string ptr ax,ds es,ax mov mov mov mov mov mov cld mov test jz aI, 1+' dl,MINUS positive_result JT'IOV aI, • -' Initial BCD index value Set slitft count and mask Set initial size of ASCII field for siqn Get address of start of ASCII string Copy ds to es Set autoincrement mode Clear sign field Look for aeqative value r(l~'111t: "::V '37 43r. 439441') Pll~P C;t0Sr. ~nd ol,not MINUS fwa it rnint~r nast pinn Register usaqe: 441 442 443 444 445 446 ah: "1:' ox: ch: cl: hx: si: eli: ds,es: 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 q~rin~ Turn off siqn bit Walt tor fbstp to finish BCD byte value in use ASCII character value Return vAlue RCD mask = I'Jfh BCD shift count = 4 ASClI string field wioth BCD field index ASCII strinq field pointer ASCII string seqment base Remove leading zeroes from the number. ; skip_leading_zeroes: mov mov shr and jnz ah,bcd _byte[sij al,ah alJcl al,ch enter odd Get BC,D byte Copy value Get high order digit Set zero flag Exit loop if leading non zero found mov and jnz al,ah al,ch enter _even Get BCD byte again Get low order digit Exit loop'if non zero digit found dec jns si skip_leading _zeroes Decrement BCD index 467 468 469 4711J 471 472 473 474 mov stosb inc jmp 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 '1'he significand was- all zeroes. aI, '11lJ' Set initial zero bx short exit_with_value Bump string length 3-460 207865-001 inter 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 '!>00 501 502 503 504 !>05 506 507 508 509 510 AP-113 NOW , expand the BCD string into digit per byte values 0-9. dieli t_loop: mov mov shr ah ,bcd_byte [si I al,ah al,cl Get BCD byte aI, '0 Convert to ASCII Put digit into ASCII string area Get low order digit Get high order digit enter odd: add stosb mov and inc I al,ah al,ch bx Bump field size counter enter even: - add stosb inc dec jns , al,'" Convert to ASCII Put digit into ASCII area Bump field size counter ~o to next BCD byte I bx si digit_loop Conversion complete. Set the string size and remainder. exit_with value: mov mov mov jmp di,size ptr word ptr [di] ,bx ax,dx exi t_proc floating to ascii code - Set return value endp ends 511 end ASSEMBLY COMPLETE, NO ERRORS FOUND LINE 1 2 3 4 SOURCE ~title(Calculate This subroutine will calculate the value of l0**ax. All 8086 registers are transparent and the value is returned on the TOS as two numbers, exponent in STIll and fraction in ST(I'l). The exponent value can be larger than the maximum representable exponent. Three stack entries are used. 5 6 7 8 name public !i 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 the value of l0**ax) stack get power 10 get=power~10,power table segment stack 'stack' dw 4 dup (1) stack ends cgroup code group code segment public 'code' assume cs:cgroup Allocate space on the stack Use exact values from- 1.0 to le18. even power table dq Optimize 16 bit access 1.",lel,1e2,1e3 3-461 207865-001 AP-113 24 dq le4,le5,le6,le7 25 dq le8,le9,le10,lell 26 dq le12,le13,le14,le15 27 dq le16,le17,le18 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4" 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 proc cmp ja ax,18 out_of_range Test fer" push mov shl shl shl fld pop fxtract ret bx bx,ax bx,l bx,l bx,l power table[bx] bx- Get working index register Form table index (= ax < 19 Get exact value Restore register value Separate power an~ fraction OK to leave fxtract running Calculate the value using the exponentiate instruction. The following relations are used: l0**x = 2**(log2(10)*x) 2**(1+F) 2**1 * 2**F if st(l) = I and st(") = 2**F then fscale produces 2**(1+F) fldl2t push mov push push fimul fnstcw bp bp,sp ax ax word ptr [bp-2] word ptr [bp-4] mov and or xchg ax,word ptr [bp-4) aX,not 0C00H ax,04""H aX,word ptr [bp-4) fldl fchs fld fldcw frndint mov fldcw st(l) word ptr [bp-4) TOS = LOG2 (Hll) Establish stack addressibility Put power (P) in memory Allocate space for status TOS,X = LOG2/10)*P = LOG2(l"**P) Get current control word Control word is a static value Get control word. no wait necessary Mask off current rounding field Set round to negative infinity Put new control word in memory old control word is in ax Set TOS = -1.0 Copy power value in base t~o Set new control word value TOS I: -inf < I (= X, I is an integer Restore original rounding control = word ptr [bp-4),ax word ptr [bp-4) 3-462 207865-001 AP-113 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 fxch pop fsub pop fscale f2xml pop fsubr fmul ret qet_power_ 10 code TOS ~ x, ST(l) = -1.0, ST(2) Remove oriqinal control word TOS,F = X-I: 0 <~ TOS < 1.0 Restore power of ten TOS ~ F/2: 0 <= TOS < 0.5 TOS = 2**(F/2) - 1.0 Restore stack Form 2** (F/2) Form 2**F OK to leave fmu1 runninq st(2) ax st,st (2) ax bp st,st(ll) endp ends end ASSEMBLY COMPLETE, NO ERRORS FOUND GOlHIO: 1 $title(Determine TOS reqister contents) 2 This subroutine will return a value from 0-15 in ax correspondinq to the contents of 8087 TOS. All registers are transparent and no errors are possihle. The return value corresponds to c3,c2,cl,cll of FXAM instruction. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 name public tos status tos-status II! 11 stack segment stack 'stack' dw 3 dup (?) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31'l 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 stack ends cgroup code group code segment public 'code' assume tos _status fxam push push mov fstsw pop pop mov and shr shr shr or mov ret tos status code Allocate space on the stack cs:cqroup proc ax bp bp,sp word ptr [bp+21 bp ax al,ah aX,4""7h ah,l ah,1 ah,1 al,ah ah,0 Get reqister contents status Allocate space for status value Establish stack addressibility Put tos status in memory Restore reqisters Get status value, no wait necessary Put bit 10-8 into bits 2-0 Mask out bits c3,c2,cl,c0 Put bit c3 into bit 11 Put c3 into hit 3 Clear return ~alue endp ends end ASSEMBLY COMPLETE, NO ERRORS FOUND 3-463 207865-001 AP·113 APPENDIX D code simply determines the meaning of each character encountered. Two separate number inputs must be recognized, mantissa and exponent values. Performing the numerics operations is very straightforward. OVERVIEW Appendix D shows a function for converting ASCII input strings into floating point values. The returned value can be used by PLM/86, PASCALl86, FORTRAN/86, or ASM/86. The routine will accept a' number in ASCII of standard FORTRAN formats. Up to 18 decimal digits are accepted and the conversiqn accuracy is the same as for converting in the other direction. Greater accuracy can also be achieved with similar tradeoffs, as mentioned earlier. The length of the number string is determined first to allow building a BCD number from low digits to high digits. This technique guarantees that an integerwill be converted to its exact BCD integer equivalent. If the number is a floating point value, then the digit string can be scaled appropriately. If a decimal point oc-' curs within the string, the scale factor must be decreased by one for each digit the decimal point is moved to the right. This factor must be added to any exponent value specified in the number. Description of Operation Converting from ASCII to floating point is less complex numerically than going from floating point to ASCII. It consists of four basic steps: determine the size in decimal digits of the number, build a BCD value corresponding to the number string if the decimal point were at the far right, calculate the exponent value, and scale the BCD value. The first three steps are performed by the host software, The fourth step is mainly performed by numeric operations. ACCURACY CONSIDERATIONS All the same considerations for converting floating point to ASCII apply to calculating the scaling filctOr. The accuracy of the scale factor determines the accuracy of the result. The exponents and fractions are again kept separate to prevent overflows or underflows during the scaling operations. The complexity in this function arises due to the flexible nature of the input values it will recognize. Most of the LINE 1 SOURCE Stitle(ASCII to floating point conversion)' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 \I 10 11 Define the publicly known names. name public extrn ascii to floating ascii-to-floating get-power_ll!l:near This function will convert an ASCII character string to a floating point representation. Character strings in integer or scientific form will be accepted. The allowed format is: 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 [+,-j [digit(s)1 [.1 [digit(s)] [E,e) [+,-) [digit(s)} Where a digit must have been encountered before the exponent indicator IE' or'e'.. If a 1+', '_I, or I. I was encountered, then at least one digit must exist before the optional exponent field. A value will always be returned in the BA8? stack. In case of invalid numbers, values like indefinite or infinity will be retur,ned. The first character not fitting within the format will terminate the conversion. The address of the terminating character will be returne~ by this.subroutine. 28 29 The result will be left on the top of the NPX stack. This subroutine expects 3 free NPX stack reqisters. The sign of the result will correspond to any sign characters in the ASCII string. The rounding mode in effect at the time the subroutine was ~alled will be used for the conversion from h,se 10 to base 2. Up to 18 significant decimal 30 digits may appear in the number. 31 exponent riQits ro not count towards the 18 riiQit maximum. Integers or exactly representable decimal numbers of 18 digits or less will be exactly converted. The technique used constructs a BCD number 26 27 32 33 Leari~~ 7~rne~, rr~i]jnn 7ArOp.s, or . 3-464 207865-001 AP-113 representing the siqnificant ASCII digits of the string with the decimal point removed. 34 35 36 37 38 39 An attempt is made to exactly convert relatively small inteqers or small fractions. ror example the values: .1'16125, 1234567891'112345li78, le17, 1.23456e5, and 125e-3 will be exactly converted to floating point. The exponentiate instruction is used to scale the generated BCD vaslue to very large or very small numbers. The basic accuracy of this function determines the accuracy of this subroutine. For very large or very small numbers, the accuracy of this function is 2 units in the llith decimal place or double precision. The ranqe of decimal powers accepted is 11'1-*-4930 to 11'1**4931'1. 411 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 The PLM/86 calling format is: ascii to floating: procedure (string ptr,end ptr,status ptr) real external; declare (string ptr,end ptr,status ptr) pointer; declare end based end ptr pointer;declare status based status ptr word; end; ~l 52 53 54 55 The status value has Ii possible states: ~6 57 58 59 9 1 2 3 4 • 60 61 1i2 63 64 65 li6 67 68 69 711 A number was found. No number was found, return indefinite. Exponent was expected but none found, return indefinite • Too many digits were found, return indefinite. Exponent was too biq, return a siqned infinity. The following registers are used by this subroutine: ax bx ex dx di si Define constants. 71 72 73 74 75 76 LOW EXPONENT HIGH EXPONENT WORD-bIZE BCD bIZE 1116 1"7 Smallest allowed power of 10 Largest allowed power of III -4931l 4931'1 2 III Define the parameter layouts involved: 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 91'1 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 101'1 1111 192 1113 1Il4 IllS equ equ equ equ hp save return ptr status -ptr end ptr strTngytr equ equ equ equ equ word ptr [bp] bp save + size bp save return ptr + size-return ptr status-ptr + size status-ptr endytr + size end_ptr - equ size status_ptr + size endytr + size string_ptr Define the local variable data layouts power ten bed form local size equ equ word ptr [bp- WORD SIZE] ; power of ten value tbyte ptr power_ten - BCD_SIZE; BCD representation equ size power_ten + size bcd_form Define common expressions used bed byte bcd-count bcd-sign bCd:S ign _ bi t equ equ equ equ byte ptr bed form (type(bcd form)-1)*2 byte ptr bed form + 9 811H - Current byte in the BCD form Number of digits in BCD form Address of BCD sign byte Define return values. ; NUMBER FOUND equ NO NUMBER equ NO-EXPONENT equ TOO MANY DIGITS equ EXPONENT-TOO BIG equ Number was found No number was found No exponent was found when expected Too many digits were found Exponent was too big Il 1 2 3 4 3-465 207865-001 inter 108 U9 110 AP-113 AI-locate stack space to insure enough exists at run time. , III stack segment stack • st'ack' (local _size+4) dup (?) db 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 stack ends cgroup code group code segment public 'code' assume cs:cgroup 112 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 Define some of the possible return values. dd dd 0FFCI!01H10R 07FF80"'00R ascii to_floating proc fldz push mov sub Get any leading sign character to form initial BCD template. mov xor cld si ,string ptr dx,dx - Register usage: 140 all cx: dx: si: 141 142 143 144 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 Prepare to zero BCD value Save callers stack environment Establ i sh stack addressi bili ty Allocate space for local variables bp bp,sp sp,local size 138 139 145 14fi 147 Optimize 16 bit access Single precision real for indefinite Single precision real for +infinity even indefinite infinity Get starting address of the number Set initial decimal digit count Set auto increment mone Current character value being examined Digit count before the necimal point Total digit count Pointer to character string Look for an initial sign and skip it if found. lodsb cmp jz aI, '+ I scan_leading diqits Get first character Look for a siqn cmp jnz al, ,_I enter_leading_digits fchs If not "-" test current character Set TOS = -0 < Count tbe number of digits appearing before an optional decimal point. scan_leading_digits: Get next character lodsb 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 call jnc ; Test for digit and bump counter test digit scan~leading_digits Look for a possible decimal point and start fbstp operation. Tbe fbstp zeroes out the BCD value and sets the correct sign. fbstp mov. cmp jnz Set initial sign and value of BCD number Save count of digits before decimal point bcd form cx,dx a1,' . I test_for_digits Count the number of digits appearing after the decimal point. 177 178 179 lodsb Look at next character 3-466 207865-001 AP-113 188 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 191'1 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 call jnc test digit scan:trai1ing_digits There must be at least one digit counted at this point. dec or jz si dx,dx no _number found Put si back on terminating character Test digit count Jump if no digits were found push dec si si Save pointer to terminator Backup pointer to last digit Check that the number will fit in the 18 digit BCD format. CX becomes the initial scaling factor to account for the implied decimal point. sub cX,dx 201 202 203 neg dx 204 cmp jb dX,-bcd count ; test for unneeded _digi ts 200 21'15 206 For each digit to the right of the decimal point, subtract one from the initial scaling power Use negative digit count so the test_digit routine can count = 1. call fbld fmul jmp 509 510 get power Hl bcd:form - Get the adjustment power of ten Get the digits to use Form converged result short done Calculate a power of ten value> 1 then divide the BCD value with it. This technique is more exact than multiplying the 8CD value by a fraction since no negative power of ten can be exactly represented in binary floating point. Using this technique will guarentee exact conversfon of values like .5 and .0625. 511 512 513 514 515 516 ; Adjust string pointer get negative_power: 517 neg call fbld fdivr fxch fchs fxch 518 519 5213 521 522 523 524 525 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 Force positive power Get the adjustment power of ten Get the digits to use Divide fractions Negate scale factor All done, set return values. 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 ax get power 10 bcd:=form - done: fscale mov fstp Update exponent of the result Set return value Remove the scale factor ax,NUMBER FOUND stell - exit: mov mov mov mov mov pop fwait ret di,status ptr word ptr Tdil,ax di ,end ptr word ptr [dil,si sp,bp bp Set status of the conversion Set ending string address Deallocate local storage area Restore caller's environment Insure all loads from memory are done Test if the character in al is an ASCII digit. If so then convert to binary, bump cx, and clear the carry flag. Else leave as is and set the carry flag. 3-471 207865-001 AP·113 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 , test_digit: cmp ja aI, '9 See i f a digit I not_digi t cmp al,' g. jb not_digit Character is a digit. inc sub ret , dx al,'0' Bump digit count Convert to binary and clear carry flag Character is not a digit not digit: stc ret Leave as is and set the carry flag ascii to floating endp code - ends end ASSEMBLY COMPLETE, NO ERRORS FOUND APPENDIX E OVERVIEW Appendix E contains three trigonometric functions for sine, cosine, and tangent. All accept a valid angle argument between - 262 and + 262. They may be called from PLM/86, PASCALl86, FORTRAN/86 or ASM/86 functions. They use the partial tangent instruction together with trigonometric identities to calculate the result. They are accurate to within 16 units of the low 4 bits of an extended precision value. The functions are coded for speed and small size, with tradeoffs available for greater accuracy. FPTAN and FPREM These trigonometric functions use the FPTAN instruction of the NPX. FPTAN requires that the angle argument be between 0 and P'I/4 radians, 0 to 45 degrees. The FPREM instruction is used to reduce the argument down to this range. The low three quotient bits set by FPREM identify which octant the original angle was in. One FPREM instruction iteration can reduce angles of 10 18 radians or less in magnitude to P1I4! Larger values can be reduced, but the meaning of the result is questionable since any errors in the least significant bits of that value represent changes of 45 degrees or more in the reduced angle. Cosine Uses Sine Code To save code space, the cosine function uses most of the sine function code. The relation sin (IAI + PI12) = cos(A) is used to convert the cosine argument into a sine argument. Adding PI12 to the angle is performed by adding 0102 to the FPREM quotient bits identifying the argument's octant. It would be very inaccurate to add PI12 to the cosine argument if it was very much different from PII2. Depending on which octant the argument falls in, a different relation will be used in the sine apd tangent functions. The program listings show which relations are used. For the tangent function, the ratio produced by FPTAN will be directly evaluated. The sine function will use either a sine or cosine relation depending on which octant the angle fell into. On exit these functions will normally leave a divide instruction in progress to maintain concurrency. If the input angles are of a restricted range, such as from o to 45 degrees, then considerable optimization is possible since full angle reduction and octant identification is not necessary. All three functions begin by looking at the value given to them. Not a number' (NAN), infinity, or empty registers must be specially treated. Unnormals need to be converted to normal values before the FPTAN instruction will work correctly. Denormals will be converted to very small unnormals which do work correctly for the FPTAN instruction. The sign of the angle is saved to control the sign of the result. Within the functions, close attention was paid to maintain concurrent execution of the 8087 and host. The concurrent execution will effectively hide the execution time of the decision logic used in the'program. 3-472 207865-001 Ap·113 LINE SOURCE $tit1e(8187 Trignometric Functions) 1 2 3 4 5 6 +1 7 8 9 111 11 public name $include (:fl:8187.anc) Define 8187 word packing in the environment area. ,, , ,,sw 87 , ,tw 87 cw 87 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 211 21 record res871:3,infinity control:1,rounding control:2, precision control:2,error enable:l,res872:l, precision-mask:l,underflow mask:l,overflow mask:l, zero_divlde_mask:l,denormaf_mask:l,invalid:mask:l record busy:l,cond3:I,top:3,cond2:I,condl:l,condll:l, error-pending:l,res873:l,precision error:l, underflow error:l,overflow error:l;zero divide error:l, denormal_error:l,invalid_error:l - record reg7 tag:2,reg6 tag:2,regS tag:2,req4 taq:2, reg3:tag:2,reg2:taq:2,reql:tag:2,req8:taq:2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 311 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 48 ~ low_ip_87 record low_ip:16 high_ip_op_87 record hi_ip:4,res874:l,opcode_87:l1 low_op_87 record low_op:16 high_op_87 record hi_op:4,resB7S:12 environment_87 env87 cw env87-sw env87-tw env87-low ip env87nip-op env87-low-op env87-hopenvironment_87 struc dw dw dw dw dw dw dw ends 41 42 43 sine,cosine,tangent trig_functions 81187 environemnt layout ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Define 81187 related constants. ; TOP_VALUE_INC equ VALID TAG ZERO TAG SPECrAL TAG EMPTY TAG REGISTER MASK equ equ equ equ equ sw 87 44 45 46 47 48 49 58 51 52 53 54 <8,8,l,I,8,8,~,Il,Il,Il,0,1l,0,0> o I Tag register values 1 2 3 7 Define local variable areas. ; stack segment stack 'stack' local_area sw1 local_area struc dw ends stack db ends size local_area+4 segm~nt public 'code' cs:code,ss:stack 55 56 57 58 S9 68 61 62 63 64 "6S 66 67 68 69 78 code assume 8087 status value ? Allocate stack space Define local constants. ; status equ [bpJ.swl 8087 status value location 3FFEC98FDAA22168C235R PI/4 even 71 72 dt 3-473 207865-001 inter AP-113 indefinite 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 dd II FFCIIl0 II I!JIIR Indefinite special value This subroutine calculates the sine or cosine of the angle, given in radians. The angle is in ST(II), the returned value will be in ST(II). The result is accurate to within 7 units of the least significant three bits of the NPX extended real format. The PLM/86 definition is: 811 81 82 83 sine: procedure (angle) real external; declare angle real; end sine; 84 85 86 87 cosine: procedure (angle) real external; declare angle real; end cosine; 88 89 911 91 92 Three stack registers are required. The result of the function is defined as follows for the following arguments: angle result 93 valid or unnormal less than 2**62 in magnitude zero denormal valid or unnormal greater than 2**62 infinity NAN empty 94 95 96 97 98 99 11111 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 This function is based on the NPX fptan instruction. The fptan instructioh will only work with an angle of from 0 to PI/4. With this instruction, the sine or cosine of angles from 0 to PI/4 can be accurately calculated. The technique used by this routine can calculate a general sine or cosine by using one of four possib1e'operations: Let R = lang1e mod PI/41 5 = -lor 1, according to the sign of the angle 110 III 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 1) sin(R) ' octant sine cosine 0 1 2 5*1 ,5*4 5*2 5*3 -5*1 -5*4 -5*2 -5*3 2 3 -1*1 -1*4 -1*2 -1*3 1 4 124 125 3 4 5 6 126 7 123 132 3) sin(PI/4-R) 2) cos(R) 4) cos(PI/4-R) The choice of the relation and the sign of the result follows the decision table shown below based on the octant the anqle falls in: 120 121 122 127 128 129 1311 131 correct value II or 1 correct denormal indefinite indefinite NAN empty . Angle to sine function is a zero or unnorma1. sine zero_unnormal: 133 fstp jnz 134 135 136 Remove PI/4 Jump if angle is unnormal Angle is a zero. 137 138 139 pop ret 1411 141 142 143 144 145 stIll enter_sine_normalize bp Return the zero as the result Angle is an unnormal. ; enter_sine_normalize: 3-474 207865-001 inter AP-113 call jmp .~6 147 normalize value short enter_sine 148 149 lSI 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 169 161 162 163 164 165 cosine Entry point to cosine proc fxam push sub mov fstsw fld mov pop lahf jc bp sp,size local_area bp,sp status pi quarter cl-;"l ax funnyyarameter Look at the value Establish stack addressibility Allocate stack space for status Store status value Setup for angle reduce Signal cosine function Get status value ZF = C3, PF = C2, CF = Clil Jump if parameter is empty, NAN, or infinity Angle is unnormal, normal, zero, denormal. 166 fxch jpe 167 168 169 1711 171 fstp jnz st(Il) angle, stell = PI/4 Jump if normal or denormal enter sine Angle is an unnormal or zero. st (1) enter sine normalize Remove PI/4 172 Angle is a zero. 173 174 175 176 fstp pop fldl ret 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 st (II) bp Remove " Restore stack Return 1 All work is done as a sine function. By adding PI/2 to the angle a cosine is converted to a sine. Of course the angle addition is not done to the argument but rather to the program looic control values. Entry point for sine function sine: fxam push sub mov fstsw fld pop lahf jc bp sp,size local_area bp,sp status pi_quarter ax funny _parameter Look at the parameter Establish stack addressibility Allocate local space Look at fxam status Get PI/4 value Get fxam status CF = CIl, PF = C2, ZF = C3 Jump if empty, NAN, or infinity Angle is unnormal, normal, zero, or denormal. 196 197 198 199 21111 cos(9) = 1.0 fxch mov jpo cl,9 sine_zero_unnormal = STell PI/4, st(ll) angle Signal sine Jump if zero or unnormal 2111 2112 293 204 2115 206 2117 298 ST(II) 1S either a normal or denormal value. Both will work. Use the fprem instruction to accurately reduce the range of the given angle to within III and PI/4 in magnitude. If fprem cannot reduce the angle in one shot, the angle is too big to be meaningful, > 2**62 radians. 'Any roundoff error in the calculation of the angle given could completely change the result of this function. It is safest to call this very rare case an error. 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 enter sine: fprem Reduce angle Note that fprem will force a denormal to a very small unnormal Fptan of a very small unnormal will be the same very small unnormal, which is correct. Allocate stack space for status rhack if renuction WAS COMplete 217 218 219 mov fstsw sp,bp status 3-475 207865-001 inter 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 2511J 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 2&0 261 262 263 264 2&5 266 267 268 269 270 271 AP-113 pop test jnz 277 278 279 2811J 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 2911J 291 292 293 Quotient in C0,C3,C1 Get fprem status , sin (2*N*PI+x) - sin (x) Set sign flags and test 'for which eighth of the revolution the angle fell into. Assert: -PI/4 < st(l) < PI/4 Force the argument positive condl bit in bx holds the sign Test for sine or cosine function Jump if sine function ~abs cl,cl sine_select or jz This is a cosine function. Ignore the original sign of the angle and add a quarter revolution to the octant id from the fprem instruction. cos (A) • sin(A+PI/2) and cos(IAI) • cos(A) , and or ah,not high(mask condl) bh,high(mask busy) add mov rcl xor bh,high(mask cond3) al,1 al,l bh,al Turn off sign of argument Prepare to add III to C0,C3,C1 status value in ax Set busy bit so carry out from C3 will go into the carry flag Extract carry flag Put carry flag in low bit Add carry to CI not chanqing Cl flag , See if the argument should be reversed, depending on the octant in which the argument 'fell during fprem. sine_select: test jz bh,high(mask cond1) no_sine_reverse Reverse angle if Cl =1 Angle was in octants 1,3,5,7. fsub jmp I Invert sense of rotation arg <- PI/4 o< Angle was in octants 0,2,4,6. for a zero argument since f~tan will not work if st(lI) • 0 ,Test no_sine":reverse: 272 273 274 275 276 bx bh,high(mask cond2) ang1e_too_big . ; ftst mov fstsw fstp pop\ test jnz sp,bp status st(l) cx ch,high(mask cond3) sine_argument_zero Test for zero angle Allocate stack space cond3 • I if st(0) = 0 Remove PI/4 Get ftst status If C3-1, argument is zero Assert: 0 < st(0) <- PI/4 ; do_sine_fptan: fptan TAN ST(I) • ST(l)/ST(I) - Y/X after_sine_fptan: pop test jpo bp ; Restore stack bh,high(mask cond3 + mask condl); Look at octant angle fell into Calculate cosine for octants X numerator 1.2,5,6 Calculate the sine of the argument. sin (A) • tan(A)/sqrt(l+tan(A)**2) sin (A) = Y/sqrt(X*X + y*y) fld jmp if tan (A) • Y/X then Copy Y value Put Y value in numerator st(l) short finish_sine, 3-476 20786~1 AP-113 294 295 296 297 298 299 31111 31ll 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3lll 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 321l 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 351l 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 361l 361 362 363 364 365 366 The top of the stack is either NAN, infinity, or empty. ; funnyyarameter: fstp jz st(ll) return _empty Remove PI/4 Return empty if no parm jpo return NAN Jump if st(Il) is NAN st(Il) is infinity. Return an indefinite value. fprem ; STIll can be anything return NAN: return:empty: pop ret Restore stack Ok to leave fprem running bp Simulate fptan with st(ll) Il sine_argument zero: fldl jmp ; Simulate tan(ll) ; Return the zero value after sine_fptan The angle was too large. Remove the modulus and dividend from the stack and return an indefinite result. ; angle_too_big: fcompp fld pop fwa i t ret , Pop two values from the stack Return indefinite Restore stack Wait for load to finish indefinite bp Calculate the cosine of ' the argument. cos (A) 1/sqrt(1+tan(A)**2) if tan (A) cos (A) = X/sqrt(X*X + y*y) Y/X then X numerator: fld fxch st(ll) st(2) Copy X value Put X in numerator st,st(ll) Form X*X + y*y finish sine: fmul fxch fmul fadd fsqrt st,st(ll) st (0) st(ll) X*X + y*y = sqrt(X*X + y*y) Form the sign of the ,result. The two conditions are the Cl flag from FXAM in bh an~ the Cil flag from fprem in ah. . • and and or jpe bh,high(mask condll) ah,high(mask condl) bh,ah positive_sine fchs Look at the fprem C9 flag Look at the fxam Cl flag Even number of flags cancel Two negatives make a positive Force result negative positive_sine: fdiv ret cosine Form final result Ok to leave fdiv running endp 3-477 207865-001 AP-113 367 368 This function will calculate the tangent of an angle. The angle, in radians is passed in ST(Il), the tangent is returned in ST(Il). The tangent is calculated to an accuracy of 4 units in the least three significant bits of an extended real format number. The PLM/86 calling format is: 369 371l 371 372 373 374 tangent: 375 376 procedure (angle) real external; declare angle real; end tangent; 377 378 Two stack registers are used. The result of the tangent function is defined for the following cases: 379 38(1) 381 382 angle result valid or unnormal < 2**62 in magnitude ,383 correct value 384 II II 385 denormal valid or unnormal NAN infinity empty correct denormal indefini te NAN indefinite empty 386 387 388 389 39(1) 391 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 tan(R) 1) octant o 410 6 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 4"27 428 2) tan (PI/4-R) 3) l/tan (R) 4) 1/tan(PI/4-R) The following table is used to decide which relation to use depen9ing on in which octant the angle fell. 404 405 406 407 408 409 416 Four possible Let R = langle MOD PI/41 S = -lor 1 depending on the sign of the angle 401 402 403 414 415 2**62 in magnitude The tangent instruction uses the fptan instruction. relations are used: 392 411 412 413 ~ 1 2 3 4 5 . 7 relation 5*1 5*4 -5*3 -S*2 5*1 5*4 -S*3 -S*2 tangent proc fxam push sub mov fstsw fld pop lahf jc bp sp,size local_area bp,sp status pi _quarter ax Look at the parameter Establish stack addressibility Allocate local variable space Get fxam status Get PI/4 CF funny_parameter = CIl, PF C2, ZF C3 Angle is unnormal. normal, zero. or denormal. fxch jpe ; st(ll) = angle. stIll PI/4 429 4311 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 4411 Angle is either an normal or denormal • . Reduce the angle to the range -PI/4 < result < PI/4. If fpre~ cannot perform this operation in one try, the magnitude of angle must be > 2**62. 5uch an angle is so large that any rounding errors could make a very large difference in the reduced angle. It is safest to call this very rare case an error. fprem th~ Quotient in CIl,C3.Cl Convert denormals into unnormals 3-478 207865-001 inter AP-113 441 442 443 444 445 446 mov fstsw sp,bp status pop test jnz bx bh,high(mask cond2) angle_too_big Allocate stack spce Quotient identifies octant original angle fell into tan(PI*N+x) = tan(x) Test for complete reduction Exit if angle was too big 447 See if the angle must be reversed. 448 449 4511 451 452 Assert: -PI/4 < st(II) < PI/4 ~ <= st(II) < PI/4 Cl in bx has the sign flag must be reversed fabs 453, 454 455 test jz bh,high(mask condl) no tan reverse 456 Angle fell in octants 1,3,5,7. 457 458 459 4611 461 462 fsub jmp Reverse it, subtract it from PI/4. Reverse angle short do_tangent Angle is either zero or an unnormal. 463 ; 464 tan zero unnormal: 465 466 fstp jz 467 468 469 4711 471 Remove PI/4 stIll tan_angIe_zero Angle is an unnormal. 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 call jmp normalize value tan normar pop ret bp Restore stack Angle fell in octants 11,2,4,6. 479 Test for st(~) II, fptan won't work. 4811 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 4911 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 no tan reverse: - ftst mov fstsw fstp pop test jnz do tangent: - fptan tan ST(II) 5111 5112 5113 5114 5115 5116 5117 5118 5119 5111 ST( 1) /ST (II) a fter _tangent: Decide on the order of the operands and their sign for the divide operation while the fptan instruction is working. 499 51111 Test for zero angle Allocate stack space C3 = 1 if st(II) = II Remove PI/4 Get ftst status sp,bp status stIll cx ch,hiqh(mask cond3) tan _zero pop mov and test jpo . bp Restore stack al,bh Get a copy of fprem C3 flag ax,mask condl + hiqh(mask cond3) ; Examine fprem C3 flag and ; Extract Cl flag bh,high(mask condl + mask cond3); Use reverse divide i f in octants 1,2,5,6 reverse_divide Notel parity works on low 8 bits only! Angle was in octants 11,3,4,7. Test for the sign of the result. Two negatives cancel. 511 512 513 or jpe al,ah positive_divide 3-479 207865-001 514 515 516 517 Force result negative fchs positive_divide: 518 Form result Ok to leave fdiv running fdiv ret 519 520 521 522 523 fldl jmp 524 525 526 Force 1/0 tan(PI/2) after_tangent Angle was in octants 1,2,5,6. Set the correct sign of the result. 527 528 529 530 reverse divide: 531 or jpe 532 533 534 al,ah positive_r_divide fchs 535 Force result negative 536 537 positive_r_divide: 538 Form reciprocal of result Ok to leave fdiv running fdivr ret 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 tangent endp This funct'on will normalize the value in st(0). Then PI/4 is placed into stIll. 546 547 normalize value: 548 55e 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 Force value positive o (= st(l!) ( 1 Get normalize bit Normalize fraction Restore original value Form original normalized value Remove scale factor Get PI/4 fabs fxtract fldl fadd stell ,st fsub fscale st (l) fstp pi _quarter fld fxch ret 549 code ends end ASSEMBLY COMPLETE, NO ERRORS FOUND 3-480 207865-001 intJ APPLICATION NOTE Ap·143 March 1982 © INTEL CORPORATION, 1982 Order Number 3-481 210383-001 AP-143 • Linear Programming. These calculations require extensive use of floating point multiplication and division. One of many applications for linear programming is the determination of optimum production quantities of diverse products when the quantities of their various constituents are both overlapping and limited. INTRODUCTION As the performance of microcomputers has improved, the types of functions performed by these microcomputers have grown. One application filled by these machines has been to perform typical "adding machine" type calculations, balancing ledgers, etc. This type of machine has come to be called a "small business computer." To bea true business computer, however, the types of operations performed by these machines need to be expanded beyond simple "balance the books" types of operations. There are many algorithms that have been impractical for these small business computers because the number of calculations required by the algorithms and the performance available from these machines did not make them feasible. Such operations were available only on large mainframe or minicomputers. With the introduction of the iAPX 86/20, a microcomputer can finally perform these types of calculations at a cost level appropriate to small business co~puters. The iAPX 86120 features the Intel 8086 with the 8087 numerics co-processor. This combination allows for high-performance, high-precision numeric calculations. Many types of operations require this performance to provide accurate results in a reasonable amount of time. This increased performance will also be particularly welcome in the interactive user environment typically found in small business computers. It is very frustrating to wait many seconds or even minutes after hitting "return" for the computer to 'generate results. ' In general, if there are many methods to solving a " business computer problem, the method requiring the largest number or calculations will provide the best results. In many applications, approximate methods have been used because the speed of the hardware (or the cost of the computer time) did not allow a more exact method to be used. Because of the high performance of the iAPX 86120, these numeric intensive methods , may now be used in small business computer software. The types of calculations demonstrated in this note are: • Interest and Annuities. These calculations require the use of floating point multiplication, division, exponentiation and logarithms. These calculations are used to determine the present or future value of certain types of funds. • Restocking, These iterative calculations require extensive use of floating point multiplication and division. They are used to determine the optimum restocking times for a given item when the set-up charges, holding costs and demand for the item are known or can be estimated. iAPX 86/20 HARDWARE OVERVIEW The iAPX 86/20 is a 16-bit microprocessor based on the Intel 8086 CPU. The 8086 CPU features eight internal general-purpose 16-bit registers, memory segmentation, and many other features allowing for efficient code generation from high-level language compilers. When augmented with the 8087, it becomes a vehicle for highspeed numerics processing. The 8087 adds eight 80-bit internal floating point registers, and a floating point arithmetic logic unit (ALU) which can speed floating point Qperations up to 100 times over o!her software floating point simulators or emulators. The 8086 and 8087 execute a single instruction stream. The 8087 monitors this stream for numeric instructions. When a numeric instruction is decoded, the 8086 generates any needed memory addresses for the 8087. The 8087 then begins instruction execution automatically. No other software interface is required, unlike other floating point processors currently available where, for example, the main processor must explicitly write the floating point numbers and commands into the floating point unit. The 8086 then continues to execute non-numeric instructions until another 8087 instruction is encountered, whereupon it must wait for the 8087 to complete'the previous numeric instruction. The overlapped 8086 and 8087 processing is known as concurrency; Under ideal conditions, it effectively doubles the throughput of the processor. However, even when a steady stream of numeric instructions is being executed (meaning there is no concurrency), the numeric performance of the 8087 ALU is much greater than that of the 8086 alone. The "hardware interface between the 8086 and the 8087 is equally simple. Hardware handshaking is performed through two sets of pjps. The RQ/GT pin is used when the 8087 needs to transfer operands, status, or control information to or from memory. Because the 8087 can transfer information to and from memory independent of the 8086, it must be able to become the "bus master," that is, the processor with read and write control of all the address, data and status lines. Only one unit is permitted to have control of these lines at a time; chaos would exist otherwise, like four people talking at once with each trying to understand the others. 3-482 210383-001 AP-143 The TEST IBUSY pin is used to manage the concurrency mentioned above. Whenever the 8087 is executing an instruction, it sets the BUSY pin on high. A single 8086 instruction (the WAIT instruction) tests the state of this pin. If this pin is high, the WAIT instruction will cause the 8086 to wait until the pin ~ returned to low. Therefore, to insure that the 8086 does not attempt to fetch a 'numeric instruction while the 8087 is still working on a previous numeric instruction, the WAIT instruction needs to be executed. The 8086/87/88 assembler, in addition to a:ll Intel compilers, automatically inserts this WAIT instruction before most numeric instructions. Software polling can be used to determine the state of the BUSY pin if hardware handshaking is not desired. In addition to the 8087 hardware, the 8086 is also supported by Intel compilers for both Pascal and FORTRAN. Code generated by these compilers can easily be combined with code generated from the other compiler, from the Intel 8086/87 188 macro assembler or the Intel PL/M compiler. In addition, these compilers produce' in line code for the 8087 when numeric operations are required. By producing in line code rather than calls to floating point routines, the software overhead of an unnecessary procedure call and return is eliminated. The combination of both hardware co-processors and software support for the iAPX 86120 provides for greater performance of both the end product, and its development effort. Most other lines (address, status, etc.) are connected directly in parallel between the 8086 and the 8087. An exception to this is the 8087 interrupt pin which must be routed to an external interrupt controller. An example iAPX 86120 system is shown in Figure 1. A more complete discussion of both the handshaking protocol between the 8086 and the 8087 and the internal operation of the 8087 can be found in the application note Getting Started With the Numeric Data Processor, AP-l13 by Bill Rash, or by consulting the numerics section of the July 1981 iAPX 86,88 Users Manual. ROUTINES IMPLEMENTED All routines implemented in this application note were written entirely in either Pascal 86 or FORTRAN 86. In addition, a FORTRAN program available from IMSL I for use in solving linear programs was used. In each IIMSL, Inc., Sixth Floor-NBC Building, 7500 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, Texas, 77036. (713) 722-1927. -, r I I I I L -- J INT - 8259A PIC r- IRn INTR jLJ 808618088 CPU ClK RaJGT1 OSO OS1 \r ~ TEST t t t OSO !"II' BUSY L.., RaJGTO 8284A CLOCK GENERATOR ClK OS1 ;t- 8087 ClK I I L K .A '\j SYSTEM BUS V II) :::> 'y- ...OJ . SOURCE TEXT: :F6:SMCT.PAS (* This is going to try to find the optimal replacement cost * for a rather variable demand product over 20 months, when * the demand is known, an example could be a video game, using * a single chip ROM programmed microcomputer with an initial set * up charge of $3000.00, demand varies a lot with peak in october * and november(for Christmas), droops in may(vacations), etc. * The cost per part varies from $20.00 per part up to 500, * $17.50 per part from 500 to 5000, and $15.00 above 5,000. * The Sliver-Meal heuristic is going to be used. *) module silver meal; public timers; function rtimer:integer; procedure stimer; program silver meal(input,output); const months 20; monthspl 21; setupcost = 3000.0; holdcost 0.4; real large 1.0e10; rea1l"argei = 32000; var ,rep1: (* first time stock goes to 0 for a given month *) array[l •• months] of integer; tomake, (* the number of boxes to make in a month *) require: (* number of boxes required in a given month *) array[1 •• monthsp1] of real; , trcut, ho1dcostv: (* holding costs *) array[l •• months] of real; cost, (* calculated cost in a given situation *) cost1, (* production cost *) cost2, (* holding cost *) tota1cost, (* the total cost of it all *) 1astcost, (* used in determining the total cost *) tota1ho1dcost: (* the total hold cost *) real; i, j,k: (* counters *) integer; totcnt, (* accumulated number of boxes in a batch *) ho1dcnt: (* number of boxed holding *) real; (* the 10 ms count *) count: integer; = = = = begin require[l] require[2] require[3] require[4] / 500; 1500; 2500; := 2000; := := := 3-497 210~3-001 AP·143 SOURCE. TEXT: :F6:SMCT.PAS require[5] := 2000; require[6] := 1000; require[7] := 3500; require[8] := 2500; require[9] := 5000; require[lO] := 7500; require[ll] := 9500; require[12] := 10000; require[13] := 500; require[14] := 1500; require[15] := 2500; require[16] := 2000; require[17] := 2000; require[18] := 1000; requiref19] := 3500; require[20] := 2500; (* stop here, because the next m~nth is much higher can assume will restock then *) require[monthspl] := reallargei; (* start the timer *) stimer; i := 1; while i <= months do begin trcut[i] := reallarge; totcnt := 0; (* i is the month working on *) j := i; while j <= monthspl do begin totcnt := totcnt + require[j]; if totcnt < 500 then costl := 20.0 * totcnt else if totcnt < 5000 then costl := 17.5 * totcnt else costl := 15.0 * totcnt; cost2' := 0.0; holdcnt := totcnt; for k := i to j - 1 do begin holdcnt := holdcnt - require[k]; cost2 := cost2 + holdcnt * holdcost; end; cost := (setupcost + cost2 + costl)/(j - i + 1); if cost < trcut[i] then begin trcut[i] := cost; tomake[i] := totcnt; holdcostv[i] := cost2; end else begin repl Ci] : = j; i := j; j := monthspl; end; j := j + 1; end; end; count := rtimer: j := 1; 3-498 210383·001 AP·143 SERIES-III Pascal-86, Vl.l SOURCE TEXT: :F6:SMCT.PAS writeln('month restock# optimal cost per period'); totalcost := 0; for i := 1 to months do begin if i = j then begin write( i: 5, ' , ,tomake[i] :6, ' , ,trcut[i]: 10: 2) : writeln(' * restocking now'); j : = repl [ j ] ; lastcost := trcut[i]; totalcost := totalcost + lastcost; end else begin totalcost := total cost + lastcost; writeln(i:5); end; end~ i j := I; := 0; totalholdcost := 0.0; while i <= months do begin totalholdcost := totalholdcost + holdcostv[i]; j:=j+l; i := repl[i]; end; writeln('the total hold cost is' ,totalholdcost:12:2); writeln('stock gets replenished' ,j:4,' times'); writeln('replenishment cost is' ,j*setupcost:12:2); writeln('the total cost thingy is' ,totalcost); writeln('the 10 ms count is ',count); end. Summary Information: PROCEDURE SILVER MEAL OFFSET 0108H Total CODE SIZE 05F7H 1527D DATA SIZE 01ACH 428D STACK SIZE OOOEH 14D 06FFH 01ACH 0042H 1791D 428D 66D 135 Lines Read. o Errors Detected. 41% Utilization of Memory. 3-499 210383-001 AP·143 SERIES-III Pascal-86, Vl.l Source file: :F6:WAGCT.PAS Object File: :F6:WAGCT.OBJ Controls Specified: . SOURCE TEXT: :F6:WAGCT.PAS (* This is going to try to find the optimal replacement cost * for a rather'variable demand product over 20 months, when * the demand is known, an example could be a video game, using * a single chip ROM programmed microcomputer with an initial set * up charge of $3000.00, demand varies a lot with peak in october * and november(for Christmas), droops in may(vacations), etc. * The cost per part varies from $20.00 per part up to 500, " * $17.50 per part from 500 to 5000, and $15.00 above 5,000. *) module wag withl public timersl function rtimer:integerl procedure stimerl program wag with(input,output)1 const months = 201 monthspl = 211 (* mask set up charge *) setupcost = 3000.001 (* cost 'per part of maintaining inventory *) holdcost = 0.41 reallarge 1.Oe91 var require, (* number of chips requir~d in a given month *) tomake: (* the number of chips to make in a month *) array[l .• months] of reall repl: (* first time stock goes to 0 for a given month *) array[l .. months] of integer 1 optwz: (* optimum cost for a given month with zero stock to start with *) array[l .. monthspl] of reall holdcostv: (* holding costs *) array[l .. months] of reall cost, (* calculated cost in a given situation *) costl, (* production cost *) cost2, (* holding cost *) totalcost, (* the total cost of it all *) totalholdcost: (* the total hold cost *) real: (* counters *) i ( I j ,k: integer: (* accumulated number'of chips in a batch *) totcnt, (* number of boxed holding *) holdcnt: reall (* 10 ms count *) count: integer 1 begin optwz[monthspl] := 01 requ~re[l] := 5001 require[2] := 15001 require[3] := 25001 require[4] := 20001 3-500 210383·001 AP-143 SERIES-III Pascal-86, Vl.l SOURCE TEXT: :F6:WAGCT.PAS require[5] := 2000: require[6] := 1000: require[7] := 3500: require[8] := 2500: require[9] := 5000: require[lO] := 7500: require[ll] := 9500: require[12] := 10000: require[13] := 500: require[14] := 1500: require[15] := 2500: require[16] := 2000: require[17] := 2000: require[18] := 1000: require[19] := 3500: require[20] := 2500: (* stop here, because the next month is much higher can assume will restock then *) stimer~ for i := months downto 1 do begin (* i is the month working on *) optwz[i] := reallarge: totcnt := 0: for j := i to months do begin (* is the option working on *) totcnt := totcnt + require[j]: costl := setupcost+optwz[j+l]: if totcnt <= 500 then costl := cost 1 + 20.0*totcnt else if totcnt <= 5000 then costl := cost1 + 17.5*totcnt else cost1 := cost1 + 15.0*totcnt: cost2 := 0.0: ho1dcnt := totcnt: for k := i to j - 1 do begin holdcnt := ho1dcnt - require[k]: cost2 := cost2 + ho1dcnt * holdcost: end: cost := cost1 + cost2: if cost < optwz[i] then begin optwz[i] := cost: repl[i] := j + 1: tomake[i] := totcnt: ho1dcostv[i] := cost2: end: end: end: count := rtimer: j := 1: writeln('month restock# optimal cost'): for i := 1 to months do begin write(i: 5, ' , ,tomake[i]:6, ' , ,optwz[i] :10: 2): if i = j then begin writeln(' * restocking now'): j : = repl[ j] : end else write1n: end: 3-501 210383-001 AP·143 SERIES-III Pascal-86, Vl.l SOURCE TEXT: :F6:WAGCT.PAS i j := l; := 0; totalholdcost := 0.0; while i <= months do begin totalholdcost := totalholdcost + holdcostv[i]; j := j + 1; i := repl[i]; end; writeln('the total hold cost is',totalholdcost:l2:2); writeln('stock gets replenished',j:4,' times'); writeln('replenishment cost is' ,j*setupcost:l2:2); writeln('the 10 ms count is ',count); end. Summary Information: PROCEDURE WAG WITH OFFSET 00E5H Total CODE SIZE 0576H l398D DATA SIZE OlASH 424D STACK SIZE OOOEH l4D 065BH 01A8H 0042H 1627D 424D 66D 119 Lines Read. o Errors Detected. 41% Utilization of Memory. 3-502 210383·001 AP·143 FORTRAN-86 COMPILER :Fl:COOKIE.FOR SERIES-III FORTRAN-B6 COMPILER X023 COMPILER INVOKED BY: FORT86.86 :Fl:COOKIE.FOR 1 2 3 c c this routine will solve a linear problem using the IMSL fortran c library. the IMSL routine used is "zx3lp" which solves the problem c using the revised simplex method. c integer ia,n,ml,m2,iw(37),ier real*8 a(13,4),b(13),c(4),rw(206),psol(11),dsol(13),s integer*4 rtimer,count 4 * * data a/2.,1.,1.,0.,2.25,1.,0.,12.,0., .15,.25,0.,0., 2. ,1. ,1. , ,2. 25, 1 • , 12 . , .5, . 15, .45, 0. , °. * 5 6 °., 4. ,2. ,0. ,4. ,1.25,0. ,1. ,0., .65, .5, .45,0. ,0./ data b/lOOO. ,600. ,200.,700. ,600. ,150. ,150. ,1500. ,125. ,560.,750. ,0. ,0./ data c/.85,.95,1.10,1.25/ c c c c c n is the number of variables ml is the number of inequality constraints m2 is the number of equality constraints ia is the declared number of columns of a c 7 8 9 ml m2 n = 11 =0 =4 10 ia = 13 11 print *, 'the input tableau:' do 100 i=1,ia-2 write(6,BOO)a(i,1) ,a(i,2) ,a(i,3) ,a(i,4) ,b(i) format(4flO.4,' <= ',flO.4) continue 12 13 14 15 °., 4.,2.,0.,4.,~.25,0.,1.,0.,0.,.5,.25,0.,0., BOO 100 16 17 IB call stimer call zx3lp(a,ia,b,c,n,ml,m2,s,psol,dsol,rw,iw,ier) count = rtimer() 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 print *,'ier = f,ier print *, 'the final value of the objective function(profit!) is:' ,s print *,'batches of chocolate chip w/o walnuts: ',psol(l) print *,'batches of chocolate chip with walnuts:' ,psol(2) print *,'batches of brownies without walnuts:' ,psol(3) print *, 'batches of brownies with walnuts: ',psol(4) print *, 'the dual solutions follow:' do 200 i=1,ia-2 print *,1 var ' ,i, I = ',dsol(i) continue print *,'the calculation time here (in seconds .•. ) is: ',count/lOO. stop end 200 3-503 APPLICATION NOTE Ap·144 ~I October 1983 @ INTEL CORPORATION, 1982 3-504 Order Number 210384-001 AP-144 INTRODUCTION As the performance of microcomputers has improved, these machines have been used in many applications. With the introduction of 16-bit microprocessors (along with the associated CPU enhancements, especially the integer multiply instruction) the operations required to manipulate graphic representations of threedimensional objects were made easier. Only integer values could be used to define figures, however, because only integer multiplies were supported in hardware. While software floating point routines existed, the speed at which a general purpose microprocessor could execute even the simplest floating point operation precluded the use of these routines because of the number of floating point operations which must be performed to manipulate all but the simplest of objects. The lack of high performance floating point math or the restriction of using only integer representations severely limits the types and sizes of objects that can be defined. Imagine limiting everything in the universe to be less than 32,000 millimeters long, high, or wide! This limitation could severely impact any system that is used to model real world objects. An example of such an application is a Computer Aided Design (CAD) system. If real or floating point numbers are used, however, practically any object can be defined (after all, there are only 9,397,728,000,000,000,000 millimeters in a light year(!), well within the range of floating point numbers). Witb the introduction of the iAPX 86120, the performance required to execute the requisite operations on floating point representations of three-dimensional figures has finally been achieved in a microprocessor solution, at a microprocessor price. The iAPX 86/20 features the Intel 8086 with the 8087 numerics co-processor. This combination allows for high performance, high precision numeric operations. This performance is especially important in the graphics routines implemented in this note because of the large number of floating point operations performed for each line drawn. In addition, the precision is required to maintain the image quality of the represented figures. This application note shows the fundamental components of a three-dimensional graphics package. As stated before, if the objects are to be described in real size, floating point values must be used. Since the operations performed require many multiplies and divides, a high performance floating point arithmetic unit is a must. Note that the operations to be performed by this software are not those of a "bit map" controller: single chip devices performing this specialized task are or will soon be available. Because they are special-purpose devices, they can also execute this task quickly, offloading the task from the general purpose 3-505 microprocessor allowing the processor to perform other work in parallel. In addition, since the size of the memory used in a bit-mapped controller is constrained (one could hardly have unlimited memory for the refresh map), only integer math is required. This graphics package is a much higher level type of routine, where the inputs are three-dimensional line drawing commands (which could be fed into a bit map controller). The three-dimensional graphics package implemented in this note allows for the entry of three-dimensional figures, the manipulation of these figures, the setting of the viewer's location, the size of the picture to be seen, and the position of the picture on the graphics output device. Along the way, it performs perspective transformations, window clipping and projection. All figures are defined using floating point numbers. Thus, any figure may be defined "real size" without pre-scaling. This means that the size of the figure defined within the package may be the actual size of the object, i.e. the size of the object is not arbitrarily limited by the machine, whether the object be a sub-nuclear particle, or a cellestial body. iAPX 86/20 HARDWARE OVERVIEW The iAPX 86120 is a 16-bit microprocessor based on the Intel 8086 CPU. The 8086 CPU features eight internal general purpose 16-bit registers, memory segmentation, and many other features allowing for compact, efficient code generation from high-level language compilers. When augmented with the 8087, it becomes a vehicle for high-speed numerics processing. The 8087 adds eight 80-bit internal floating point registers, and a floating point arithmetic logic unit (ALU) which can speed floating point operations by up to'100 times over other software floating point simulators or emulators. The 8086 and 8087 execute a single instruction stream. The 8087 monitors this stream for numeric instructions. When a numeric instruction is decoded, the 8086 generates any needed memory addresses for the 8087. The 8087 then begins instruction execution automatically. No other software interface is required, unlike other floating point processors currently available where, for example, the main processor must explicitly write the floating point numbers and commands into the floating point unit. The 8086 then continues to execute nonnumeric instructions until another 8087 instruction is encountered, whereupon it must wait for the 8087 to complete the previous numeric instruction. The parallel 8086 and 8087 processing is known as concurrency. Under ideal conditions, it effectively doubles the throughput of the processor. However, even when a steady stream of numeric insructions is being executed (meaning there is no concurrency), the numeric perforAFN-02185A Ap·144 is not desired. mance of the 8087 ALU is much greater than that of the. 8086 alone. Most other lines (address, status, etc.) are conn~ed directly in parallel between the 8086 and the 8087. An exception to this is the 8087 interrupt pin. This signal must be routed to an external interrupt controller. An example iAPX 86120 system is shown in Figure 1. A more complete discussion of both the handshaking protocol between the 8086 and the 8087 and the internal operation of the .8087 can be found in the application note Getting Started With the Numeric Data Processor, Ap Note #113 by Bill Rash, or by consulting the numerics section of the July 1981 iAPX 86, 88 Users Manual. The hardware interface between the 8086 and the 8087 is equally simple. Hardware handshaking is performed through two sets of pins. The RQ/GT pin is used when the 8087 needs to transfer operands, status, or control information to or from memory. Because the 8087 can access memory independently of the 8086, it must be able to become the "bus master," that is, the processor with read and write control of all the address, data and status lines. The TEST I BUSY pin is used to manage the concurrency mentioned above. Whenever the 8087 is executing an instruction, it sets the BUSY pin high. A single 8086 instruction (the WAIT instru~tion) tests the state of this pin. If this pin is high, the WAIT instruction will cause the 8086 to wait until the pin is returned low. Therefore, to Insure that the 8086 does not attempt to fetch a numeric instruction while the 8087 is still working on a previous numeric instruction, the WAIT instruction needs to precede most numeric instructions (the only class of instructions which do not need to be prece<,led by a WAIT instruction are those which access the control registers of the 8087). The 8086/87/88 assembler, in addition to all INTEL compilers, automatically inserts this WAIT instruction before most numeric instructions. Software polling can be used to determine the state of the BUSY pin if the hardware handshaking INT I . PIC INTR - 8259A I ~n_J 8284A ROIGT1 QSO QS1 '-- .;U 8086/8088 • CPU ClK r- CLOCK OENERATOR ClK The combination of both hardware co-processors and software support for the iAPX 86/20 provid.es for greater performance of the end product, and a quicker, easier development effort. -, r I I L In addition to the 8087 hardware, the 8086 is also supported by Intel compilers for both Pascal and FORTRAN. Code generated by these compilers can easily be combined with code generated from the other compiler, from t!J.e Intel 8086/87/88 macro assembler, or the Intel PLiM compiler. In addition, these compilers produce in-line code for the 8087 when numeric operations are required. By producing in-line code rather than calls to floating point routines, the software overhead of an unnecessary procedure call and return is eliminated. \r- TeST ~ t t t QSO QS1 BUSY ROIGTO k= .. 8087 ClK T A \ SYSTEM BUS " V I :::I 01 ... NOP ~ 9 INT ROIOT1 I I I r I. I L IV' 8086 FAMilY BUS INTERFACE COMPONENTS - -1RQ/GT lOP I I.- - I I . ,1_ 8089 ~ClK I . - ~'r-I ....l Figure 1. Example 86/20 System 3-506 210384-001 AP-144 Scaling is the mUltiplication of all coordinates of the points defining a figure by a constant number such that the object becomes larger or smaller. Example scales are shown in Figures 9-11. This scaling need not be uniformly performed for all dimensions of an object. If, for example, the Z coordinates of a cube are all scaled to be twice as large as they originally were, the image shown in Figure 9 would be produced. Notice here that the X and Y coordinates have not been altered; only the Z coordinates are twice as large as they originally were, or alternatively, the front and back of the cube are closer and farther away from the viewer than in the original, unaltered cube. Figure 10 shows this same operation being performed on the X coordinates, while Figure 11 shows this operation being performed on Y coordinates. THREE·DIMENSIONAL GRAPHICS FUNDAMENTALS The charter in life of a three-dimensional graphics package is to take a three-dimensional rendering of an object and to transform it such that it can be accurately represented on the two-dimensional surface of a graphics output device. To fulfill these requirements, the graphics package 'must: • AUow for the entry of three-dimensional data. Since all figures inside the package are represented as a series of points in three-dimensional space, there must be a way of entering these figures into the computer. • Perform the current transformation. This transformation rotates, translates and scales the three-dimensional object throughout threedimensional space. Example rotates, translates and scales are shown in Figures 2-11. In all diagrams, the first coordinate indicated is X, the second Y, the third Z. The viewpoint is the location of the viewer in three-dimensional space in relationship to an arbitrarily chosen but consistent origin. Translations are movements of the object in threedimensional space. Example translations are shown in Figures 3-5. Figure 3 shows a translation of two units in the pius Z direction. Since the viewpoint is ten units up along the Z axis, this moves the cube one-fifth the distance toward the viewer, or in other words, the cube seems to get larger. Figure 4 shows the same cube translated two units in the plus X direction. Since the cube is four units on a side, this moves the cube such that the viewer is looking straight down one side of the cube. The viewer is also looking straight down a side in Figure 5. Figure 2. 2 x 2 x 2 Cube Centered at (0,0,0) Viewed from (0,0,10) Rotations are movements of the object in threedimensional space about the three-coordinate axis: X, Y, and Z. The rotation of the object must specify both the magnitude of the rotation, and the axis about which the rotation must take place. Example rotates are shown in Figures 6-8. Figure 6 shows the cube rotated 45 degrees about the Z axis. Since the viewpoint is straight up the Z axis, the cube is seen to keep its same face towards the viewer. Figure 7 shows the cube rotated 45 degrees about the X axis. Here, the cube no longer shows the same face it has previously. The face previously turned directly toward the viewer has been rotated such that the edge between this face and another face is immediately before the viewer. The same is also shown in the rotation about the Y axis in Figure 8. Figure 3. Same Cube and Viewpoint, Translation 3-507 +2 Z 210384-001 AP-144 Figure 5. Same Cube, Viewpoint, + 2 Y Translate Figure 4. Same Cube, Viewpoint, + 2 X Trenslate B Figure 8. Same Cube, Viewpoint, 45 Degree Rotation About Z Figure 7. Same Cube, Viewpoint, 45 Degree Rotation About X . 3-508 210384-001 AP·144 Figure 8. Same Cube, Viewpoint, 45 degree Rotation About Y " ./ ....- ....... Figure 9. Same Cube, Viewpont 2 x Scale of Z Figure 10. Same Cube, Viewpoint, 2 x Scale of X r\ / 1I " Figure 11. Same Cube, Viewpoint, 2 x Scale of Y 3.509 210384-001 Ap·144 '\ / V '" Figure 12. 2 x 2 x 2 Cube Centered at (0,0,0) Viewed from (0,0,10) Then from (10,10,0) • Perform the viewing transformation. This transformation moves and rotates the three dimensional figure according to the viewer's location and orientation (the direction the viewer is facing) in space. An example of changing the view location is shown in Figure 12. Again, this location, or viewpoint, is the viewer's location with relation to an arbitrarily chosen origin. • Perform Z-clipping on the three-dimensional data. This insures that only data in front of the viewer are displayed. In addition, it allows that objects beyond a certain distance from the viewer will not be displayed. • Project the three-dimensional data onto a two dimensional surface. The objects must be projected onto a two-dimensional surface according to the laws of perspective. By changing the "vanishing point," interesting effects are also possible. An example of this is shown in Figure 13. Here, the first figure shows exaggerated perspective (that is, the difference in perceived size between the front face and the back face of the cube is exaggerated), where the second figure shows the object with subdued perspective (the difference in the perceived sizes of the front and back faces is much less than in the first figure). Exaggerated perspective is generated for objects close to the viewer, while subdued perspective is generated for objects distant from the viewer. Note that the same figure, with the same dimensions, is shown in both figures; only the perspective values have been changed. • Perform X-Y clipping on the projected data. This cuts off lines in the projected data extending beyond the specified "window." • Perform the window to viewport transformation. This takes the two-dimensional projected values and scales them according to the relative sizes of . the "window" and th~ "viewport." . The "window" describes the size of the viewer's portal into the data, whereas the "viewport" describes the size and position of this portal on the graphics output device. Whereas the window's size is determined by the size of the input data, the viewport size is determined by the physical characteristics of the graphics display device. For example, the viewport coordinates of a certain CRT display may be constrained to be between O' and 1023 in both the X and Y dimensions, whereas the window limits are determined only by the maximum size of numbers the computer can store. Thus, for maximum generality and utility, floating point numbers must be used to represent the three-dimensional figures. A good reference to the techniques used in this threedimensional graphics implementation can be found in Newman and Sproull i • William M. and Robert F. Sproull, Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1979. i Newman, 3-510 210384-001 Ap-144 Figure 13. Example Cube Shown with Exaggerated Perspective, then with Subdued Perspective quirements is a Computer Aided Design (CAD) system. However, since these graphics systems often exist in an) interactive environment, picture processing delays greater than a few seconds for simple figures, or greater than a few minutes for very complex figures cannot be tolerated. Because of these processing requirements, a mini-computer with a hardware floating point unit has been required to drive these graphics systems. However, with the introduction of the 8087, the floating point processing performance required by these systems can finally be met in a microcomputer solution. IMPLEMENTATION Three·dimensional graphics systems can be split into three functional modules: the input hardware, the pro· cessing hardware, and the output hardware. The graphics software is executed by the processing hard· ware and is used to receive figure definitions from the input hardware, store them in one form or another, and maniplJlate them such that they can be displayed on the output' hardware. Input hardware can range from the common typewriter keyboard to sophisticated three· dimensional input devices. Output hardware can range from a plotter to a storage tube terminal to a bit-mapped raster scan display or a vector drawing CRT. The microcomputer system used in this threedimensional graphics application is a general purpose microcomputer embodied in the iAPX 86/12 board found in an Intel Intellec4l' Series III development system. All routines 'implemented in this application note were written entirely in FORTRAN using the Intel FORTRAN 86 compiler. Any iAPX 86/20 (or iAPX 88120) with enough memory can be used to execute the programs, however. The amount of memory required depends on the number and complexity of the figures to be displayed., The source code for all routines used in this note are given in the appendix. The processing hardware can range from general purpose minicomputers to very fast, specialized graphics processing hardware. General purpose computers are used because they allow applications programs to be written in higher level languages. Specialized hardware is sometimes employed when very fast manipulations are required, such as in t~e real time graphics applications found in flight simulators. This specialized hardware can be used to perform whole matrix transformations. Many applications do not require figures to be drawn real time (on the order of one complete picture every 1130 sec), however, and can be satisfied by the performancetof the general purpose computer alone. A typical application which is satisfied by these latter re- 3-511 210384-001 AP-144 337 muilimodule 86112 board Figure 14. Computer System Used in This Graphics Implementation The graphics output device used was a HP 7225A flat bed plotter. Communications were performed using the RS232 serial link on the 86/12 board. The communications speed of the line to the plotter was 600 baud. Because of the number of lines drawn in the more com. plex figures, the physical characteristics of the plotter, and the communications line speed,' the amount of time required to draw a large picture was a function of the plotter speed, not the execution speed of the iAPX 86/20. As a result, all times quoted in this note do not reflect the plotting time. Only the time up to placing the ASCII character into the buffer of a serial communications chip is included for all machines quoted. Higher speed graphics display devices (which are not limited by the physical characteristics of plotters) can use the speed of the iAPX 86120 to full advantage. The graphics input device used was the standard alphanumeric keyboard attached to the development system. This allows entry of figures, as well as control of the graphics system. Input can also be fetched from disk storage, however, to allow for greater speed in defining large figures. A block diagram of the hardware system used in this implementation is shown in Figure 14. All routines were run using both the 8087 and the 8087 software emu)ator. The 8087 software emulator is a software package exactly emulating the internal operation of the 8087 using 8086 instructions. When the emulator is used, an 8087 is not required. The emulator is a software product available from Intel as part of the 8087 support library. The performance of the 8087 hardware is much better than that of the software emulator, as one would expect from a specialized hardware floating point unit. The 8087 supports various data formats. For real numbers, these formats are short real (or single precision), long real (or double precision), and temporary real (or extended precision). The differences among the three are in the number of bits allocated to represent a given floating point number. In all real numbers, the data is split into three fields: the sign bit, the exponent field and the mantissa field. The sign bit shows whether the number is positive or negative. The exponent and mantissa together provide the value of the number: the exponent providing the power of two of the number, and the mantissa providing the "normalized" value of the number. A "no;f1llalized" number is one that always lies within a certain range. By dividing a number by a certain power of two, most numbers can be made to lie between the numbers 1 and 2. The power of two by which the number must be divided to fit within this range is the exponent of the number, and the result Of this division is the mantissa. This type of operation will not work on all numbers (for example, no matter what one divides zero by, the result is always zero), so the nUlJlber system must ' allow for these certain "special cases." As the size of the exponent grows, the range of numbers representable also grows, that is, larger and .smaller numbers may be represented. As the size of the mantissa grows, the resolution of the points within this range grows. This means the distance between any two adjacent numbers decreases,.or, to put it another way, finer detail may be represented. Short real numbers provide 8 exponent bits and 23 significand or mantissa bits. Long real numbers provide 11 exponent bits and 52 significand bits. Temporary real numbers provide 15 exponent bits and 64 significand bits. These data formats are shown in Figure 15. Thus, of the three 'data formats implemented, short real provides the least amount of precision, while temporary real provides the. greatest amount of precision. These levels of precision represent only the external mode of storage for the numbers; inside the 8087 all numbers are represented to temporary real precision. Numbers are automatically converted into the temporary real precision when they are loaded in3-512 210384-001 AP-144 SIGNIFICAND LONG REAL II S " BIASED EXPONENT 83 TEMPORARY REAL I 52\: BI,ASED EXPONENT lSi SIGNIFICAND " fil SIGNIFICAND 84 83 1 79 NOTES: ~I _=INTEGER =:m.~;I=:~Ji'~:R:~~J~ BIT OF SlONIF1CAND; STORED IN TEMPORARY REAL, IMPLICIT IN SHORT AND LONG REAL EXPONENT BIAS (NORMALIZED VALUES) SHORT REAL" 127 (7FH) LONG REAL 1023 (3FFH) TEMPORARY REAL: 16383 (3FFFH) Figure 15. Floating Point Data Fonnats Three-Dimensional Figure Description and User Interface to the 8087. In addition to real format numbers, the 8087 automatically converts to and from external variables stored as 16, 32 or 64-bit integers, or 80-bit binary coded decimal (BCD) numbers. The graphics user interface implemented in this note is both functional and simple. It does not require the use of specialized three-dimensional input hardware. All input data is keyed in through the keyboard. Memory requirements also increase as precision increases. Whereas a short real number requires only four bytes of storage (32 bits), a long real number requires eight bytes (64 bits) and a temporary real number ten bytes (80 bits). In many floating point processors, processing time also increases dramatically as precision is increased, making this another consideration in the choice of precision to be used by a routine. The differences in 8087 processing time among_short real, long real and temporary real numbers are insignificant compared to the processing time, however, since all operations are performed to the internal 80-bit precision. This makes the choice of which precision to use in an iAPX 86/20 system a function only of memory limitations and precision requirements. The package allows for definition of figures for future use within the' graphics package. This feature could be useful in generating multiple views of a certain object. It requires that the object be "defined" at the beginning of the session, but then allows the user to view the object from any location, with any rotation, scale, or translation. Commands to the graphics package consist of a set of alphanumeric commands followed by the necessary numeric constants. To enter commands to the graphics package, one enters an alphanumeric command enclosed within the single quotes followed by the appropriate numeric arguments. The maximum number of arguments required by any command is six. If less than six arguments are entered -on a line, the line must be terminated by the 'I' character, however. These requirements (having the command enclosed within single quotes, explicitly terminating the line) are a result of using the list-directed input format of FORTRAN. Double precision numbers were chosen for this graphics implementation because they allow a very wide range of numbers to be represented with high precision. This is important, since the package allows the user to magnify small parts of defined figures. Without the precision gained by using double precision numbers, the image of the object could easily be distorted under such scrutiny. 3-513 AFN-02185A AP-144 The commands recognized by the graphics processor are: pop. This command causes the matrix stack to be popped into the current matrix. comment argl. This command instructs the graphics processor to ignore the next argl lines. This can be used to insert comments within the graphics commands. rotate argl arg2 arg3. This command causes the viewer's perception of the three-dimensional figure to be rotated around the X, Y, and Z axjs byargl, arg2 and arg3. The angles are in degrees. The definition of an obiect is not altered. define argl. This command instructs the graphics processor that the next N lines (up to the enddef command) are to be entered into an internal buffer for future reference as figure argl. The graphics commands are not interpreted, i.e. they do not cause figures to be drawn as they are )entered. In this way, three-dimensional objects may be defined, or to put it another way, placed into an internal display list. Up to ten objects may be defined using the current version of the program. This may be increased to the limits of available memory. Currently there is in:ternal storage space for up to SOO total graphics commands. These may be spread in any combination among the ten figures. This number may also be modified to reflect memory restrictions. translate argl arg2 arg3. This command causes the viewer's perception of the three-dimensional figure to be translated in the X, Y, and Z directions by argl, arg2 and arg3. Again, the definition of an object is not altered. scale argl arg2 arg3. This command causes the viewer's perception -of the three-dimensional figure to be scaled in the X, Y and Z directions by argl, arg2, and arg3. window argl arg2. This command sets up the window parameters. These parameters determine the visible side to side portion of the projected images. This amounts to placing an infinitely tall pyramid within three-dimensional space with the viewing location located at its aPex (looking down). All objects within this pyramid will be visible; all objects outside this pyramid will nqt be visible. enddef. This command terminates a figure definition, and returns control back to the main graphics processor. viewport argl arg2 arg3 arg4. This command sets up the viewport parameters. These parameters determine the size and location of the above window on the plotter surface. The center of the area on the plotter surface is giv~n by argl, arg2 with the X and Yhalf sizes given by arg3, arg4. The plotter is assumed to have an X dimension between 0 and 12, and a Y dimension between 0 and 10. The translation to the dimensions the plotter recognizes is done in a lower level plotter interface routine. By performing this task in a lower level of software, the package is maae more general. call argl. This command causes the graphics processor to fetch graphics commands from the internal buffer of the previously defined figure number argl. line argl arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6. This command causes a line to be drawn in three-dimensional space from the point argl, arg2, arg3 to the point arg4, arg5, arg6. The current object rotation, object scale, object translation, viewer location, window, and viewport are used. plot argl arg2 arg3 arg4. This command causes a line to be drawn from the endpoint of the last line plotted to the point argl, arg2, arg3 using the "pencode" arg4. The current pen codes supported are '2' (indicating that a solid line is to be drawn), and '3' (indicating that no line i,s to be drawn; this is used only to change the location of the plot head). Additional pencodes could be implemented allowing for dashed lines, dotted lines, etc. viewpoint argl arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6. This command sets up the "viewing" transformation. argl, arg2, arg3 represent the location of the viewer in three-dimensional space, while arg4, arg5, arg6 represent the "Iookat" location in three-dimensional space. Together they form a vector pointing to the area to be viewed whose length determines the perspective variables (only single point perspective is currently implemented). ident. This command causes the "current" matrix to be set to the identify matrix. This causes all rotates to be set to zero, all translates to be set to the origin, and all scales to be set to one. push. This command causes the current matrix to be pushed onto a 10 location matrix stack. The current matrix is not altered. 3-514 210384-001 AP-144 zclip argJ arg2. This command sets up the "Z·clipping" parameters. These determine the visible distance in front of the viewer. ArgJ specifies the near boundary of the viewing area while arg2 specifies the far boundary of the area. Together with the window command, it defines a solid delimiting the visible objects from the not· visible objects. THE CURRENT TRANSFORMATION If each object were to be modified whenever a translate, rotate, or scale were to be performed, performance of the package could be quite slow. In addition, the original definition of the figure would be lost (although not irreversibly). If there were a method of performing these three operations at a single time, allowing the original definition of an object to remain unaltered, both the performance and ease of use of the graphics package would be enhanced. cube argJ arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6. This com· mand draws a cube centered at argJ, arg2, arg3 with half·widths of arg4, arg5 and arg6. One way in which these operations can be combined is by u$ing what is called the "current" matrix. The cur· rent matrix is a 4 by 4 double precision real matrix. It numerically represents any combination of rotates, translates and scales in any order. The matrix is multiplied by each 1 by 4 point definition vector on its way to being plotted. The result of this multiplication is a point that has been rotated, scaled, and translated the proper amount. If this matrix is the identity matrix, the point will pass through unaltered. Thus, the identity matrix represents no scaling, translating, and rotating. This multiplication is performed in the routine pline lines 20 and 21. arrow. This command draws an arrow from (0,0,0) to (1,0,0). pyramid argJ arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6. This com· mand draws a four·sided pyramid whose base is centered at argJ, arg2, arg3 and whose half·widths are arg4, arg5, arg6. The X half·width arg4 is used as the height of the pyramid. current. This command prints the current matrix on the terminal. priDtdef. This command prints the definition of the given figure. When a rotate, scale, or translate command is interpreted, the current matrix is multiplied by another 4 by 4 matrix representing only this transformation. Since matrix mUltiplication is not commutative, the order these operations are performed in is preserved. This is important, because, for example, a rotate before a translate is not the same as a rotate after a translate because all rotations are performed pivoting around the origin (see Figure 16). Initially, the current matrix is set to the identity matrix. The first operation is performed relative to state of the current matrix immediately preceding the operation. startt. This command starts the 10 ms timer on the iSBC 86/12 board. readt. This command stops the 10 ms timer on the iSBC 86/12 board and prints the 10 ms count on the terminal. end. This command stops execution of the graphics package, prints the total numbers of points plotted and "success!!!" on the terminal, and returns control back to ISIS. Internal Operation of the Package All internal operations are performed using 1 by 4 or 4 by 4 double precision real matrices. Points are defined in 1 by 4 double precision vectors where the first three coordinates are used to hold the X, Y and Z location of the point. The fourth location is always set to one, and is used when the point is projected onto a two· dimensional plane. In most cases, the routine perform· ing the task, outlined is named the same thing as the name of the task outlined (within the six· character limit imposed by FORTRAN). The order the routines are described is roughly the order a line would encounter them on its way from existing as a three· dimensional en· tity inside the machine to a line drawn on the bed of a plotter. All routine names are set in boldface. 3-515 Parameters are set up into the current matrix through the rotate, scale, translate, ident, push, and pop operations. Each name describes the function of the operation performed. The routines performing these tasks (in order) are: rotate, scale, transI, Ident, pusb, and pop. Ideot is included to allow all rotates and translates to be set to zero and all scales to be set to one. The pusb and pop operations are ,included in order that figures may save the state of the current matrix, while subsequently performing operations altering it. This is important when a large figure is defined as a set of parts, each of which may merely be rotations, etc., of a simpler list of parts. 210384-001 AP-144 Figure 16. Example Cube Viewed from (0,0,10) FIrSt Rotated then Translated then Translated then Rotated. Before an object can be plotted, the viewpoint of the viewer must be known. This information provides the location of the viewer in three-dimensional space, and the direction the viewer is pointing. It is incorporated into the 4 by 4 "view" matrix. It is another rotation performed on the object in order that it is viewed from the proper viewing angle. All points are passed through the view matrix after they are passed through the current matrix. What comes out of these two transformations is a set of points located in the proper relative positions in three-dimensional space when the figure is rotated, translated, and scaled by the operations performed on the current matrix, and is also rotated properly by the operations set in the view matrix. The view matrix is set up by the viewpoint command. This command will place in the view matrix the proper rotations in order that the image of the object will be correct. The routine performing this task is the viewpn routine. "Z-clipping." Simply, it examines the Z parameter of every point being considered and determines if it is in front of the viewer. In addition, cine may not wish to display lines a great distance from the viewer. These lines may be removed by a similar process. The only complication of clipping is the action performed if only part of the line is visible. In this instance, the point where the line leaves the visible area must be calculated. The method used to calculate this point in this iniplementation is the method of "like triangles." The Z-clipping parameters are set through the command zclip in the routine zclip. The arguments to this command are used to determine the visible distance in front of the viewer. The 'first' argument sets the minimum distance in front of the viewer before any line will be visible. Legal values for this parameter are anything greater than zero. The 'Second argument sets the far distance beyond which no lines will be visible. Any value larger than the first argument may be used for this parameter. The clipping itself is performed in the routine zclipp. Z·CLlPPING. All points passed through the current and view matrices are located at their proper locatio~s in threedimensional space. How~verl' only a portion of this space is' visible to the viewer. Specifically, objects behind the viewer will not be visible. Every point of an object has been mapped to the viewer's space, however, including those behind the viewer. These "invisible" points are removed by an operation called ·3-516 210384-001 AP-144 PROJECTION Projection maps the three-dimensional points previously encountered and projects them onto a twodimensional plane. Only single-point perspective is currently supported in the package. Here, the projection is performed by using the Z parameter to modify the X and Y parameters. As the points get more distant, their deviation from the center of the picture should get smaller, if the X an_d Y parameters remain constant. Most people are aware of this effect. For example, if you look down a set of railroad tracks, the rails seem to converge, even though the distance between the rails is constant (see Figure 17). Two or three-point perspective would be easy to implement; all one must do is generate the projected X and Y parameters by using the nonprojected X and Y parameters in addition to using the Z parameter. This. projection is performed in the graphics package by multiplying the 1 by 4 point location vector by a 4 by 4 "projection" matrix. This matrix is simply the identity matrix except the perspective value is placed in location (3,4) of the matrix. perspective. This normalization is performed by dividing every element in the vector by the last element of the vector. Thus, the Z element of the original vector has modified the X and Y elements. If two or threepoint perspective is desired, one must only place perspective values in locations (1,4) and (2,4) of the projection matrix; all subsequent processing will be identical. The routines performing these operations are: viewpn (sets up vanishing point for perspective), projct (sets up the projection matrix, and performs the perspective multiplication), and rtorm (normalizes the vector). x·y CLIPPING Once the data is projected onto a two-dimensional plane, X-Y clipping must be performed. This operation could also be performed on the three-dimensional data, but by deferring it until after the data have been projected, the calculations required are simpler. This is not true for Z-clipping, since once the data are projected onto a plane, the Z parameter is no longer in its original form. X-Y clipping is performed by comparing X and Y parameters with the window values set up by the window command. This comparison is a bit more complicated than the comparison required by Z clipping, however as two clipping parameters are involved. There ar~ nine possible regions in which each endpoint of a line ·may reside. For example, some of these regions are: within the X and Y window regions, less than the X window region but within the Y region, less than the X region and less than the Y region, etc. If one or both of the endpoints of the line are within the visible region, then at least part of the line will be visible. Also, even if neither of the endpoints of the line is in the visible region, part of the line may still be visible. One must therefore determine whether any part of this line would be visible. A simple way of performing the task is to assign a bit of a word for each of less than and greater than the X and Y window limits. This requires four bits. The value of the X and Y parameters are then each compared with the window limits. If the value exceeds the limit of the window, the corresponding bit of this point descriptor is set. After this "code" has been determined for both of the points, the codes for two endpoints are bit-wise ANDed together (an extension to FORTRAN 77 available in FORTRAN 86 allows this operation). If the result of this ANDing is zero, then part of the line would be visible. If, however, it is not zero, then the entire line lies outside the visible area. If only part of the line is visible, then the point where it leaves the visible area must be calculated. The point where the line leaves the viewing area is calculated using the same "like triangle" method used when Z-clipping is performed. Figure 17. Two Rails, Vanishing into the Distance This value is calculated from the viewpoint parameters. After the matrix multiply, the only element modified in the 1 by 4 point definition vector is the last one (the one which is supposed to have the value of one). After the multiplication, this location will contain the number representing the modification which must be performed on the X and Y parameters of the vector to exhibit the projection. When this vector is "normalized," the point will have been projected using the rules of single-point 3-517 210384-001 AP-144 The routines performing these operations are wtovp (calls the xyclip routine with the proper parameters), xyclip (performs the actual clipping), code (returns the binary code for the point position in relation to the win· dow), and ppush (calculates the point at which line leaves the visible area). PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS The above'routines were compiled using the Intel FORTRAN 86 compiler and exeucted on an Intellec@ Series III development system. The 8086 hardware consists of an Intel iSBC® 86/12 board with the 8087 in the iSBC® 337 card. The iAPX 86/20 (the 8086 with the 8087) operate with a clock frequency of 5 MHz. The on board memory (64K DRAM) inserts between one and three wait states per memory fetch. In addition, owing to the size of the memory arrays, the program size, and the memory reguirements of the Series III, off board memory was required to run the program. WINDOW TO VIEWPORT TRANSFORMATION Finally, after the points have been processed through all of the above, comes their day of glory. Because the lines have been clipped, they are constrained to be within the given window. Remember, however, that the values for this window are in "real world" units. These sizes could be measured in inches or miles. These are not generally suitable for plotting on a graphics output device. In order for the "window" to be displayed on the graphics output device, one more transformation must be performed: the window to viewport transformation. A viewport represents a physical location and size on the graphics output device. The viewport command sets up the appropriate parameters for this transformation. It requires four arguments, which allow the viewport to be moved around the graphics display surface, and allow the' size of the viewport to be set. Notice that the viewport and the window are not constrained to the same aspect ratios, that is, the ratios between the vertical sizes and the horizontal sizes of the window and viewport need not be the same. If these ratios are not the same, the figures will be distorted. Performing this transformation is simply a matter of scaling the windowed values to fill the viewport. The code performing this transformation is contained within the wtovp routine. The times shown in the table do not show the plotting time; only the time to generate the output that would be sent to the plotter is given. This is because the physical speed limitation of the plotter used would not allow the iAPX 86/20 system to produce the plotting commands at its maximum computational speed. The plotter required approximately half an hour to 45 minutes to actually draw the second demonstration picture. For each line plotted, five 1 by 4 times 4 by 4 matrix multiplies must be performed along with a non-trivial amount of other floating point operations, such as divides and compares. For example, when clipping is performed, the line endpoint values must be compared to the clipping parameters. If only part of the line is visible, then the point the line leaves the visible area must be calculated. This requires twelve additional floating point operations. Another example is in the window to viewport transformation. For each line drawn, four floating point multiplies, four floating point divides, and four floating point adds must be performed. In addition, whenever the rotation, Scale, translation or viewpoint is changed, 4 by 4 matrix multiplies must be performed. In addition, various trigonometric routines, such as sines and cosines, must be performed to set up the rotation parameters into the matrix. PLOTTER INTERFACE This graphics package was written to interface to a Hewlett-Packard 7225A flat bed plotter. Communications were performed through an RS232 serial link at 600 baud. Physically, this is done using the 8251 serial controller on the iSBC® 86/12 board inside the Intellec@ Series III. The plotter has a smart interface. The commands it accepts are in ASCII, and are on the level of "lower the pen," and "draw a line from the current pen position to another pen position." The routines performing these operations are plot (deter,mines the characters needing to be sent to the plotter), ponum (converts a floating point number to an ASCII representation of the integer value of the truncated floating point number), putout (handles the interface to the 8251 serial controller chip) and plots (initializes the baud rate generator and 8251 serial controller chip on the iSBC® 86/12 board). The performance measurements are given in Table 1. Table 1. Performance Measurements number of points in picture number of points actually plotted execution time of the 86/2O(sec) execution time of the 86 with 87 emulator(sec) exection time of PDP11145(sec)2 Picture Number Two One 9131 117 117 6114 188 2.84 144.77 9801 1.7 120 2A PDPll/45 mini-computer with 256K MOS RAM, and a FPll-B floating point unit running the UNIX operating system during a period of light load. The program was com, piled using the UNIX F77 FORTRAN compiler. 3-518 , 210384-001 AP-144 Figure 18. Demonstration Picture 1 The results show that the performance of the iAPX 86120 is close to the performance of the mini-computer. The figures drawn are shown in Figure 17 for Picture 1 and Figure 18 for Picture 2. The graphics commands required to generate Picture 1 are given in Appendix B. Picture 2 shows three views of a single shuttle. (Hint: you are looking out the window of one of the shuttles!) The shuttle is defined only once in the input data. Another point to notice is that each shuttle is a conglomeration of parts. For example, the shuttle wing is defined only once in input data. Tp.e complete shuttle contains two views of this same wing, translated and rotated to attach to the appropriate location on the fuselage of the shuttle itself. The engine nozzles take this same approach a bit further. The complete nozzle is defined only once, and is attached in three places on each shuttle. In addition, each nozzle is made up of replications of the same circle scaled and translated through space. Each circle is, in turn, composed of four views of one quarter-circle, each rotated a proper amount to form one complete circle. 3-519 210384-001 AP-144 Figure 19. Demonstration Picture 2 CONCLUSIONS The routines demonstrated in this note show that the types of operations required to manipulate and display a three-dimensional figure on a two-dimensional surface are far from trivial, involving very many floating point operations. With the introduction of the iAPX 86120, the floating point performance required by this type of application is finally within the performance limits of microcomputers selling for a fraction of the cost of the previously required mini- or maxi-computers. Examples of systems in which this performance is required are Computer Aided Design (CAD) or Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) systems. In addition, the availability of a full ANSI 77 standard FORTRAN compiler (FORTRAN 86) for the iAPX 86120 enhances the production or transportation of existing software to the machine. This combination of high performance hardware with high performance software allows the iAPX 86120 to fill applications never before filled by a microprocessor. 3-520 210384-001 AP-144 APPENDIX A Contents Main Routine get proc ident defn printd call it printm pline pplot push pop rotate transl pscale window viewpr viewpn zclip zclipp projct norm wtovp xyclip code ppush copym mplot cube arrow pyrmd mmult4 mmult1 plot ponum plots putout wastet 3-521 ' ' .' 210384-001 AP-144 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ,11 12 lJ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 c c this is the main routine of the graphics program. basically c it sets up default parameters for the rest of the routines, then c enters an infinite loop, alternatively fe~ching lines from the input c (using routine getl) and sending them to be prqcessed qy the graphics c processor (proc) c common /windoe/wxh,wyh common /viewp/vxh,vyh,vxc,vyc real*8 wxh,wyh,vxh,vyh,vxc,vyc common /matrix/currm,view,curp real*8 currm(4,4),view(4,4),curp(4) common /clip/hither,yon,dee real*8 hither,yon,dee common /stacks/stackp,sspace real*8 sspace(10,4,4) integer stackp common /defns/dargl,darg2,darg3,darg4,darg5,darg6,darg7,entry,tailp,ends character*lO dargl(500) real*8 darg2(500),darg3(500) ,darg4(500) ,darg5(500),darg6(500) ,darg7(500) integer entry(lO),enqs(lO) integer tailp common /cstack/cnum,cnump integer cnum(lO),cnump common /penpos/xpos,ypos,pcount real*8 xpos,ypos integer*4 pcount c 21 c 22 c 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 initialize the plotting package call plots initialize the stack pointer stackp if 1 set up a few defaults wxh 10. wyh 10. vxh 5. vyh 5. vxc 5. vyc 5. hither = l. yon = 100. dee = 10. tailp = 1 cnump = 1 xpos = -i. ypos = -l. pcount = 0 print * , 'GRAPHICS program entered! ! ! I C c c 38 3~ 40 41 42 initialize the current matrix call ident(currm) c c and process all the input lines c 100 call getl call proc goto 100 end 3-522 210384-001 AP·144 c c c c c c c c c c c c getl(line) fetches the next line from the input file, and grabs the first 7 things from it, the first being an alpha command contained within (') and the rest being numbers. If less than 6 number are input the input line must be terminated by a (I) in order for the read statement to be correctly interpreted. The arguments are then placed in the common block "args". When the 'end' command is encountered, "success" is printed on the terminal, and the graphics program terminates. 43 44 45 46 subroutine get 1 common /args/argl,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7 character*lO argl real*8 arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 read (5,*)argl,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7 if(argl .eq. 'end') then call plot(0.,O.,999) print ., 'success!!1' stop endif return end c c c c c c proc proc() does all the processing for a line. It gets its arguments from the common block args, and does it's thing 55 subroutine proc 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 common /matrix/currm,view,curp real*8 currm(4,4),view(4,4),curp(4) common /args/argl,arg2,arg3,arg4,argS,arg6,arg7 character*lO argl real*8 arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7 common /clip/hither,yon,dee real*8 hither,yon,dee common /cstac~/cnum,cnump integer cnum(lO),cnump integer i integer*4 rtimer,countt c c c c 67 68 69 '70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 determine the command entered (HUGE if-then-else if-,etc) and call the appropriate routine with the correct' arguments if(argl .eq. i 100 800 = 'comment') then 1 read(5,800) i = i + 1 if(i .le. int(arg2» got a 100 format(al) else if(argl .eq. 'define') then i = int(arg2) call defn (i) call printd(i) else if(argl .eq. 'call') then cnum(cnump) = int(arg2) cnump = cnump + 1 if(cnump .gt. 10) then print *, 'call nesting level too deep, sorry' cnump = 10 endif call callit(cnum(cnump - l),cnump - 1) cnump = cnump - I else if(argl .eq. 'line') then 3-523 210384-001 AP-144 87 8B 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 9B 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 III 112 113 114 115 116 117 11B 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 call pline(arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,2} else if(argl .eq. 'plot'} then i = int(arg5} call pplot(arg2,arg3,arg4,i} else if(argl .eq. 'ident'} then call ident(currm} else if(argl .eq. 'push'} then call push(currm} else if(argl .eq. 'pop'} then call pop(currm} else if(argl .eq. 'rotate') then call rotate(arg2,arg3,arg4,currm} else if(argl .eq. 'translate'} then call transl(arq2,arg3,arg4,currm} else if(argl .eq. 'scale') then call pscale(arg2,arg3,arg4,currm) else if(argl .eq. 'window'} then call window(arg2,arg3) else if(argl .eq. 'viewport'} then call viewpr(arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5) else if(argl .eq. 'viewpoint'} then call viewpn(arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7) else if(argl .eq. 'zclip') then call zclip(arg2,arg3} else if(argl .eq. 'cube'} then call cube(arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7) else if(argl .eq. 'arrow') then call arrow else if(argl .eq. 'pyramid'} then call pyrmd(arg2,arg3,ar~4,arg5,arg6,arg7) else if(argl .eq. 'current'} then call printm(currm} else if(argl .eq. 'printdef'} then i = int(arg2) call printd(i) else if(argl .eq. 'startt'} then call stimer else if(argl .eq. 'readt') then countt = rtimer(} print *, 'the time (in seconds) from the last startt is:' ,countt/IOO. else print *, 'error, command' ,argl, 'unknown' endif 130 131 return end c c c c c ident(matrx) ident(} sets the given 4 X 4 matrix to the identity matrix. 132 133 134 subroutine ident(matrx} real*B rnatrx(4,4} integer i,j 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 do 100 i=I,4 . do 100 j=1,4 matrx (i, j ) continue do 110 i=I,4 matrx(i,il 1continue' return end 100 110 O. 3-524 210384-001 AP-144 c c c c c c c c subroutine defn(number) defines figure number. the defined figure is contained in a large common block "defns" which contains enough space for a total of 500 commands. comments are not stored along with the define commands to save space. the variables entry and ends contain the starting and ending indexes of the 10 possible defined figures 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 subroutine defn(number) integer number common /defns/darg1.darg2.darg3.darg4.darg5.darg6.darg7.entry.tailp.ends character*10 darg1(500) real*8 darg2(500).darg3(500).darg4(500).darg5(500).darg6(500).darg7(500) integer entry(10).ends(10) integer tailp common /args/arg1.arg2.arg3.arg4.arg5.arg6.arg7 character*10 arg1 rea1*B arg2.arg3.arg4.arg5.arg6.arg7 integer i ' 155 156 entry(number) = tailp print *. 'start of define is at'.tai1p 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 100 c c c call get 1 check for terminate of define if(arg1 .eq. 'enddef') then ends (number) tailp print *.'end of figure define is at' .tailp return else if(arg1 .ne. 'comment') then dargl(tailp) arg1 darg2(tailp) arg2 darg3(tailp) arg3 darg4(tailp) arg4 darg5(tailp) arg5 darg6(tailp) arg6 darg7(tai1p) arg7 tailp = tai1p + 1 if(tai1p .gt. 500) then print *.'define memory overrun!!!' tailp = 500 endif else i 1 read(5.BOO) = 150 = i =i + 1 if(i .1e. int(arg2» format(al) 800 goto 150 endif goto 100 end 3-525 210384-001 AP-144 c c c 1B4 1B5 1B6 1B7 1BB 1B9 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 19B subroutine printd(number) integer number common /defns/darg1,darg2,darg3,darg4,darg5,darg6,darg7,entry,tai1p,ends character* 10 darg1'( 500) rea1*B darg2(500) ,darg3(500),darg4(500),darg5(500) ,darg6(500) ,darg7(500) integer entry(10),ends(10) integer tai1p integer i i = entry(number) 100 BOO c c c c c 100 c c c c 223 224 225 226 227 22B 229 230 231 if(i .eq. ends(number» return write(6,800)darg1(i),darg2(i),darg3(i),darg4(i),darg5(i),darg6(i),darg7(i) format(a10,6f11.4) i i + 1 goto 100 end = subroutine ca11it(rtumber,nest) causes the defined figure number to be input to the graphics processor, nesting level must be provided to allow pseudo-recursive type calls ••• subroutine ca11it(number,nest) integer number, nest common /defns/darg1,darg2,darg3,darg4,darg5,darg6,darg7,entry,tai1p,ends character*10 darg1(500) rea1*8 darg2(500) ,darg3(500) ,darg4(500) ,darg5(500) ,darg6(500) ,darg7(500) integer entry(10),ends(10) integer tai1p common /args/arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7 character*10 arg1 rea1*8 arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7 integer i(10) 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 20B 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 21B 219 220 221 222 subroutine printd(number) prints the defined figure commands " 100 BOO i(nest) = entry(number) if(i(nest) .eq. ends(number» arg1 darg1(i(nest» arg2 darg2(i(nest» arg3 darg3(i(nest» arg4 darg4(i(nest» arg5 darg5(i(nest» arg6 darg6(i(nest» arg7 darg7(i(nest» call proc i(nest) = i(nest) + 1 goto 100 end return printm(matrx) printm prints out the given 4x4 double precision matrix subroutine printm(matrx) rea1*B matrx(4,4) integer i do 100 i=l,4 write(6,800)matrx(i,l),matrx(i,2),matrx(i,3),matrx(i,4) continue format ( 4f15. 4) return end 3-526 210384-001 AP-144 c c c c c c 1 \ pline() draws a line from (x,y,z) to (a,b,c) with pencode s, using the current window, viewpoint, viewport, etc. subroutine pline(x,y,z,a,b,c,s) real*R x,y,z,a,b,c integer s common /matrix/currm,view,curp real*A currm(4,4),view(4,4),curp(4) logical zclipp,junk real*A tmpf(4),tmpt(4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tmpf(l) = x tmpf( ::1) y tmpf(3) z tmpf(4) 1. tmpt(l ) a tmpt(2) b tmpt(3) c tmpt(4) 1. curp(l ) a curp(2) b curp(3) = c curp(4) 1. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Ie} c c c 20 21 22 23 perform translations, and viewing translation call call call call c • c c 24 75 mmultl(tmpf,currm,tmpf) mmultl(tmpt,currm,tmpt) mmultl(tmpf,view,tmpf) mmultl(tmpt,view,tmpt) perform zclipping on both points .•• if(zclipp(tmpf,tmpt).eq . . false.) goto 200 junk=zclipp(tmpt,tmpf) c c c 26 project the vector into ?-D call projct(tmpf) call projct(tmpt) n c c c 28 29 30 pline(x,y,z,a,b,c,s) do x/y clipping, the window to viewport transform, and plot the vector call wtovp(tmpf,tmpt,s) 200 return end 3-527 210384-001 AP-144 c c c c c c c pplot(x,y,z,t) plot a line from the current position to (x,y,z) using pencode t. Basically, sets up a call to pline' from the current position to the new position using the appropriate pencode. 31 subroutine pplot(x,y,z,t) 3? real*q x,y,z 33 34 35 integer t common /matrix/currm,view,curp real*8 currm(4,4),view(4,4),curp(4) 36 37 38 call plinelcurp(1),curp(2),curp(3),x,y,z,t) return end c c c c c c c 39 40 41 42 43 integer stackp if(stackp .gt. 10) then print *, 'stacK overflow' return end if call copym(sspace(l,l,stackp),matrix) stackp=stackp+l return end ~O c c c c c c 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 current matrix. dimension matrix(4,4) common /stacks/stackp,sspace 51 56 push() pushes the given matrix onto the matrix stack, checks for stack overflow, and won't let youl III Does not alter the subroutine push(matrix) real*8 matrix,sspace(4,4,10) 44 45 46 47 48 49 52 51 54 pushlmatrix) pop(matrix) pop() pops the top of stack into the given matrix. stack underflow, and again won't let you do it!!I! Checks for subroutine pop(matrix) real*R matrix,sspace(4,4,10) integer stackp dimension matrix(4,4) common /stacks/stackp,sspace stackp=stackp-l if(stackp .It. 1) then print *, 'stack underflow' sta"kp = 1 return end if call copym(matrix,sspace(l,l,stackp» return ' end 3-528 210384-001 AP-144 c c c c c c c rotate(x,y,z,matrix) rotate() pre-concatenates the given (x,y,z) rotation, to the supplied matrix(usually the current matrix). x,y,z are given in degrees. subroutine rotate(x,y,z,matrix) 1 2 3 4 5 real*B x,y,z,matrix dimension matrix(4,4) real*8 tmp dimension tmp(4,4) 6 7 8 9 10 call ident(tmp) tmp(2,2) cos(x * 0.01745329) tmp( 3,3) tmp( 2,2) tmp(2,3) sin(x * 0.01745329) tmp(3,2) - tmp(2,3) 11 call mmult4(tmp,matrix,matrix) 12 14 15 16 call ident(tmp) tmp(l,l) cos(y * 0.01745329) tmp(3,3) tmp(l,l) tmp(3,1) sin(y * 0.01745329) tmp(1,3) - tmp(3,1) 17 call mmult4(tmp,matrix,m~trix) 18 19 20 21 22 call ident(tmp) tmp(l,l) cos(z * 0.01745329) tmp ( 2, 2 ) tmp ( 1, 1) tmp(1,2) sin(z * 0.01745329) tmp(2,1) - tmp(1,2) 23 call mmult4(tmp,matrix,matrix) 24 25 end 13 return c c c c c c translate( X, y., z, matrix) translate() pre-concatenates the given tranlation (x,y,z) to the given matrix(usually the current matrix). 26 27 28 dimension matrix(4,4) subroutine transl(x,y,z,matrix) 29 30 real*8 tmp dimension tmp(4,4) 31 32 33 34 call ident(tmp) tmp(4,1) x tmp(4,2) = y tmp(4,3) = z 35 call'mmult4(tmp,matrix,matrix) 36 37 return end real*8 x,y,z,matrix 3-529 210384-001 AP-144 c c c c c c pscale(x,y,z,matrix) pscale pre-concatenates the given scaling (x,y,z) onto the given matrix_ 38 39 40 dimension matrix(4,4) 41 42 real*8 tmp dimension tmp(4,4) 43 44 45 46 call ident(tmp) tmp(l,l) = x tmp(2,2) y tmp(3,3) = z 47 call mmult4(tmp,matrix,matrix) 48 49 return end subroutine pscale(x,y,z,matrix) real*8 x,y,z,rnatrix c c c c c c window(a,b) viewport(a,b,c,d) these two routines set up the global variables according to the given parameters_ 50 51 52 53 subroutine window(a,b) real*8 a,b reaP'8 wxh,wyh common /windoe/wxh,wyh 54 55 56 57 wxh = a wyh = b return end c 58 59 60 61 subroutine viewpr(a,b,c,d) real*8 a,b,c,d real*8 vxh,vyh,vxc,vyc Common /viewp/vxh,vyh,vxc,vyc 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 vyc b vxh c vyh d call mplot(vxc call mplot(vxc call mplot(vxc call mplot(vxc call mplot(vxc return vxc a - vxh;vyc + vxh,vyc + vxh,vyc + - vxh,vyc + - vxh,vyc - vyh,3) vyh,2) vyh,2) vyh,2) vyh,2) ~nd 3-530 210384-001 AP-144 c c c c c c c viewpoint(a,b,c,d,e,f) viewpoint sets up the viewing transformation for the given to and from points---the eye position is (a,b,c) the lookat position is (d,e,f). 1 2 subroutine viewpn(a,b,c,d,e,f) real*8 a,b,c,d,e,f 3 4 5 6 7 8 real*8 real*8 common real*8 common real*8 angle tmp(4,4),tmpp(4) /matrix/currm,view,curp currm(4,4),view(4,4),curp(4) /clip/hither,yon,dee hither,yon,dee c c c initialize the viewing transformation call ident(view) 9 c c c 10 move lookat position to origin call transl(-d,-e,-f,view) c c c rotate view matrix per the lookat angle =a 11 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 b .. b - - d 20 call mmult4(view,tmp,view) 21 22 23 24 25 26 angle atan2(b,sqrtia*a + c*c» call ident(tmp) tmp(2,2) cos(angle) tmp(3,3) tmp(2,2) tmp(2,3) sin(angle) tmp(3,2) - tmp(2,3) 27 call mmult4(view,tmp,view) 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 a a + b b + c - c + tmpp(l) tmpp(2) tmpp(3) tmpp(4) 35 call mmultl(tmpp,view,tmpp) 36 37 38 dee" tmpp(3) return end e c = c - f angle - atan2(a,c) call ident(tmp) tmp(l,l) cos(angle) tmp(3,3) .. tmp(l,l) tmp(3,l) = sin(angle) tmp(l,3) tmp(3,l) = =- = = d e f a b .. c 1. 3-531 210384-001 AP-144 c c c c c c c c zclip(a,b) zclip() sets up the global clipping parameters, a is the hither, b the yon, does not allow the hither plane to be behind the viewer, nor does it allow the yon to be between the viewer and the hither. 39 40 41 42 subroutine zclip(a,b) real*8 a,b real*8 hither,yon,dee common /clip/hither,yon,dee 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 if(a .It. 0) then print *, 'bad hither parameter' a = a end.if if(b .It. a) then print *, 'bad yon parameter' b = a + 100 end if hither = a yon = b return end c c c c c c c c zclipping(vectl,vect2) zclipping() performs the zclipping on vectl using the global zclipping parameters. Modifies ONLY vectl, returns true if a portion of the vector indicated by (clipped)vectl and vect2 will be visible in the scene. 55 56 57 58 logical function zclipp(vectl,vect2) real*8 vectl(4),vect2(4) common /clip/hither,yon,dee real*8 hither,yon,dee 59 real*8 htr,yn 60 61 htr = dee - hither yn dee - yon 62 zclipp = .true. 63 64 65 66 if(vectl(3) .gt. htr) then if(vect2(3) .gt. htr) then zclipp = .false. else = c c c c you must modify the x and y parameters (according to like triangles) when the z parameter is modified!11 67 vectl(l) (vectl(l) (vectl(3) vectl(2) (vectl(2) (vectl(3) vectl ( 3 ) htr zclipp .true. 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 - vect2(1»*«htr - vect2(3»/ vect2(3») + vect2(1) vect2(2»*«htr - vect2(3»/ vect2(3») + vect2(2) = end if else i~.(vectl(3) .It. yn) then if(vect2(3) .!t. yn) then zclipp .false. else = 3-532 210384-001 AP-1~4 76 vectl(1 ) *' 77 vectl (2) * 78 79 80 81 82 83 vectl(3) zclipp = (vect2(1) (vect2(3) (vect2(2) (vect2(3) yn .true. - vectl(l»*«yn - vectl(3»/ vectl(3») + vectl(l) vectl(2»*«yn - vectl(3»/ vectl(3») + vectl(2) end if end if return end c c c c c c projct(vector) projct() projects the given vector to a point in 2-D space using the global "dee" parameter, for single point perspective. 1 2 3 4 5 sUbroutine projct(vector) real*8 vector(4) common /clip/hither,yon,dee real*8 hither,yon,dee real*8 tmp(4,4) 6 call ident(tmp) if(dee .ne. 0) then tmp(3,4) 7 8 9 10 else 11 endif 12 call mmultl(vector,tmp,vector) call norm(vector) return end tmp(3,4) 13 14 15 c c c c c c 1 / dee - 1000000000. norm(vector) norm() normalizes the given vector. 16 17 subroutine norm(vector) real*8 vector(4) 18 19 20 21 22 23 vector(l) vector(2) vector(3) vector(4) = return end vector(l) / vector(4) vector(2) I vector(4) vector(3) / vector(4) 1. 3-533 210384-001 Ap·144 c c c c c c c c wtovp(from,to,pencode) wtovp( ) takes the projected from and to points, and: 1: does x/y clipping on the window 2: does the window to viewport translation 3: plots the transformed points onto the device 24 2"5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 subroutine wtovp(from,to,pencde) real*8 from(4),to(4) integer pencde common /windoe/wxh,wyh real*8 wxh,wyh common /viewp/vxh,vyh,vxc,vyc real*8 vxh,vyh,vxc,vyc logical xyclip real*8 xp,yp 33 34 35 if(xyclip(from,to» then xp (from(l» * vxh / wxh + vxc yp = (from(2» * vyh / wyh + vyc 36 37 38 call mplot(xp,yp,3) xp (to(l» * vxh / wxh + vxc yp = (to(2» * vyh / wyh + vyc 39 40 41 42 call mplot(xp,yp,pencde) endif return end c c c c C C C 100 xyclip = .false. call code(from,cf) call code(to,ct) if«cf .and. ct) .ne. 0) goto 105 if(cf .ne. 0) call ppush(cf,from,to) if(ct .ne. 0) call ppush(ct,to,from) if«cf + ct) .ne. 0) goto 100 xyclip = .true. 50 51 52 53 54 55 xyclip() performs the x/y clipping on both the from and t vectors in the window cooridinates. Returnes false if none of the vector would be visible. logical function xyclip(from,to) real*8 from(4),to(4) integer*2 cf,ct 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 xyclip(from,to) 105 return end 3-534 210384·001 AP-144 c c c c c c code(vector, flag) code() returns the binary code in flag for vector indicating it's position relative to the window, 6 subroutine code(vector,flag) real*8 vector(4) integer flag common jwindoejwxh,wyh real*8 wxh,wyh real*8 tmp 7 flag = 0 1 2 3 4 5 tmp = vector(l) if(tmp .It. - wxh) flag = 1 if(tmp .gt. wxh) flag = flag + 2 tmp = vector(2) if(tmp .It. -wyh) flag = flag + 4 if(tmp .gt. wyh) flag = flag + 8 return end 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 c c c c c c c ppush(flag,to, from) ppush() pushes "to" towards "from" according to flag, which contains the code returned by code(). used to insure that the line exits the window at the correct point 16 17 18 19 20 subroutine ppush(flag,to,from) real*8 to(4),from(4) integer flag common jwindoejwxh,wyh real*8 wxh,wyh 21 if( (flag .and. 1) .ne. 0) then 22 23 24 25 to(2) * to(l) to(2) * to(l) to(l) * to(2) + from(2) «-wyh - from(2» j(to(2) - from(2»)*(to(1) - from(l» -wyh + from(l) endif if«flag .anll. 8) .ne. 0) then to(l) 34 35 36 37 38 «wxh - from(l» j(to(l) - from(1»)*(to(2) - from(2» wxh endif if«flag .and. 4) .ne. 0) then 30 31 32 33 + from(2) endif if«flag .and. 2) .ne. 0) then 26 27 28 29 «-wxh - from(l» j(to(l) - from(1»)*(to(2) - from(2» -wxh * to(2) «wyh - from(2» j(to(2) - from(2»)*(to(1) - from(l» wyh + from(l) endif return end 3-535 210384-001 AP-144 c c c c c copym(dst,src) copym() copies the src 4X4 matrix to the dst 4X4 39 40 subroutine copym(dst,src) real*8 dst(16),src(16) 41 integer i 42 43 44 45 46 do 100 i 1,16 dst(i) = src(i) continue return end 100 c c c c c c c mplot(argl,arg2,arg3) mplo't() calls plot with argl,arg2,arg3. inserted as another level of indirection in order to allow the actual plot commands to be written to a file, etc. 47 48 49 subroutine mplot(argl,arg2,arg3) real*8 argl,arg2 integer arg3 50 51 52 call plot(argl,arg2,arg3) return end 'c c c c c c matri~. cube(argl,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6) cube() generates a cube centered at (argl,arg2,arg3) with arg4,arg5.arg6 as it's half widths 1 2 subroutine cube(argl,arg2,arg3,arg4,argS,arg6) real*8 argl,arg2,arg3,arg4,argS,arg6 3 4 S 6 call pline{argl-arg4,arg2-argS,arg3-arg6.argl+arg4,arg2-arg5.arg3-arg6,2) call pplot(argl+arg4,arg2+argS,arg3-arg6,2) call pplot(argl-arg4,arg2+arg5,arg3-arg6,2) call pplot{argl-arg4,arg2-arg5,arg3-arg6,2) call pplot(argl-arg4,arg2-argS.arg3+arg6,2) call pplot(argl+arg4,arg2-argS,arg3+arg6,2) call pplot(argl+arg4,arg2+argS,arg3+arg6.2) call pplot(argl-arg4,arg2+arg5,arg3+arg6,2) call pplot{argl-arg4,arg2-arg5,arg3+arg6,2) call pline{argl+arg4,arg2-arg5,arg3-arg6,argl+arg4,arg2-arg5,arg3+arg6,2) call pline{argl+arg4,arg2+arg5,arg3-arg6,argl+arg4,arg2+arg5,arg3+arg6,2) call pline{argl-arg4,arg2+arg5.arg3-arg6,argl-arg4,arg2+argS,arg3+arg6,2) return end 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3-536 210384-001 Ap·144 c c c c c arrow( ) arrow() draws a sort-of arrow from (0,0,0) to (1,0,0) c 17 subroutine arrow() 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 call p1ine(0.,0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,2) call p1ine(1. ,0. ,0., .8, .2,0.,2) call pline(I.,0.,0.,.8,0.,.2,2) call pline(I.,0.,0.,.8,-.2,0.,2) call pline(1.,O.,O.,.8,O.,-.2,2) return end c c c c c c c pyrmd(argl,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6) pyrmd() draws a pyramid with the center of it's base at (argl,arg2,arg3) and half x,y,z widths of arg4,arg5,arg6. The height is the x half width. 25 26 subroutine pyrmd(argl,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6) real*8 argl,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6 27 real*8 height 28 29 30 31 call call call call 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 height = arg4 - argl call pline(argl-arg4,arg2-arg5,arg3-arg6,argl,arg2,arg3+height,2) call pline(argl+arg4,arg2-arg5,arg3-arg6,argl,arg2,arg3+height,2) call pline(argl-arg4,arg2+arg5,arg3-arg6,argl,arg2,arg3+height,2) call pline(argl+arg4,arg2+arg5,arg3-arg6,argl,arg2,arg3+height,2) return end pline(argl-arg4,arg2-arg5,arg3-arg6,argl+arg4,arg2-arg5,arg3-arg6,2) pplot(argl+arg4,arg2+arg5,arg3-arg6,2) pplot(argl-arg4,arg2+arg5,arg3-arg6,2) pplot(argl-arg4,arg2-arg5,arg3-arg6,2) 3-537 210384-001 Ap·144 c c c c c c c c c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 subroutine mmu1t4(mp1,mp2,mpr) subroutine mmu1t4 multiplies the mp1 4x4 matrix and multiplies it by the mp2 4x4 matrix. the result is placed in the mpr 4x4 matrix. internal results are placed in a temporary matrix, then copied over in order that one of the operands may be used as the destination matrix subroutine mmu1t4(mp1,mp2,mpr) rea1*8 mp1(4,4),mp2(4,4),mpr(4,4) rea1*8 acc real*8 temp(4,4) integer i,j,k 110 100 120 c c c c c c c c c do 100 i=1,4 do 100 j=1,4 acc = O. do 110 k=1,4 acc acc + mpl(i,k)*mp2(k,j) continue temp(i,j) acc continue do 120 i=1,4 do 120 j=1,4 mpr(i,j) temp(i,j) continue return end subroutine mmultl(mp1,mp2,mpr) subroutine mmu1tl multiplies the mp1 4 position vector by the mp2 4x4 matrix. _the result is put in the mpr 4 position vector. results are calculated into a temporary vector, then copied over so that the mpl vector may be used as the destination of the result 20 21 22 23 24 subroutine mmu1t1(mp1,mp2,mpr) real*8 mp1(4),mp2(4,4),mpr(4) rea1*8 acc real*8 temp(4) integeri,j,k 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 do 100 j=1,4 acc = O. do 110 k=1,4 acc = acc + mp1(k)*mp2(k,j) 110 100 120 continue temp(j) = acc continue do 120 i=1,4 mpr(i) = temp(i) continue return end 3-538 210384·001 AP·144 c c c c c c c c c c c c c c subroutine plot(x,y,penc) subroutine plot plots a line from the current pen position to the given pen position using the pencode given. The possible pen codes are: 2: pen down 3: pen up 999: terminate plotting the actual interface described here if for the serial port on the iSBC 86/12a board connected to an HP7225A flat bed plotter. no handshaking is done. 1 2 3 4 5 6 subroutine plot(x,y,penc) real*8 x,y integer penc common /penpos/xpos,ypos,pcount real*8 xpos,ypos integer*4 pcount 7 pcount 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 = pcount + 1 if(penc .eq. 999) then call putout( 'p') call putout('U') call putout('~ ') print *, 'the number of points plotted is:' ,pcount goto 200 endif if«xpos.eq.x).and.(ypos.eq.y» then if(penc .eq. 2) then call putout('P') call putout('D') call putout('~') call putout('P') call putout('U') call putout('~') else goto 200 endif else if(penc .eq. call call else if(penc call call else call call call goto endif 3 ) then putout ( 'P' ) putout ( 'U') .eq. 2) then putout ( 'p' ) putout ( , D' ) putout ( 'P' ) putout ( 'U') putout ( , ~ , ) 200 3·539 210384-001 Ap·144 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 200 c c c c c c c c -end if xpos = x ypos .. y return end call call call if(x call call if(y call call putout(';') putout('p') putout('A') .gt. 12) x - 12 ponum(x) putout(',') .gt. 10) y - 10 ponum(y) putout(';') subroutine ponum(number) subroutine ponum takes the given double precision real number, truncates it to integer, then runs the resultant integer out the iSBC 86/l2a serial port. leading zeros are suppressed. the maximum number is 99999111 53 54 55 56 57 58 subroutine ponum(number) real*8 number character lookup(9) logical flag integer multip(5) integer work 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 '66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 data lookup/Ill, '2',13','4', '5',16' ,'7','S','9'/ data multip/lOOOO,lOOO,lOO,lO,ll flag = •falSe. if(number .It. 0) number" O. number number * 800. do 100 i .. 1,5 work aint(number 1 real(multip(i») if(work .eq. 0) then if(flag) call putout('O') el'se call putout(lookup(work» flag . . . true. endif number .. number - work * multip(i) continue if(.not. flag) call putout('O') return end = = 100 r 3-540 210384-001 AP·144 c c c c c c c c subroutine plots subroutine plots initialized the iSBC86/l2 board baud rate generator(really part of the 8253 timer) and serial line. the given numbers will set it up for 600 baud, 8 bits, no parity 77 78 79 subroutine plots common /penpos/xpos,ypos real*8 xpos,ypos 80 81 82 83 84 xpos 10000. 10000. ypos call output(#Od6h,intl(#Ob6h» call output(#Od4h,intl(#80h» call output(#Od4h,intl(0» 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 calloutput(#Odah,intl(#72h» call wastet call output(#Odah,intl(#25h» call wastet calloutput(#Odah,intl(#62h» call wastet call output(#Odah,intl(#Oceh» call wastet calloutput(#Odah,intl(#27h» return end c c c c c c c 100 call input(#Odah,status) status = status .and. 4 if(status .eq. 0) goto 100 calloutput(#Od8h,intl(ichar(c») return end 102 103 104 c c c c c c 105 106 107 subroutine putout puts the character given out on the iSBC 86/12 board serial line (checks for transmitter empty, loops on not empty, on empty puts out the character) subroutine putout(c) character c integer· 1 status 96 97 98 99 100 101 subroutine putout(c) subroutine wastet subroutine wastet wastes a little bit of time while the 8253 gets its act together subrou~ine wastet return end 3-541 210384-001 APPENDIX B run : f5:graph 'define' 1 / 'viewport' ?.5 'viewpoint ' 10 , windo\/' l() lrl 'cube' () () () /. 'viewport' 7.5 I rotate I 15 15 'cub(" () 'l () ? vie\..,port '.5 I I 'id~nt' I 2.5 ~ 2 10 IO f) / 0 0 I 2 ~ / 2.5 ? '2 IS / /. ;> / 7.'i 2 '2 / / 'vlp.wpoint' 10 0 0 0 (l 0 'cub~' 0 () 0 2 ? '- / 'viewport' 7.S 7.5 2 '1 / 'roti'tte' 3() 30 3() / 'cube' 0 () () :2 ? 2 I en(lrief' 'call' I I I end I I I I I / 3-542 210384-001 APPLICATION NOTE AP-186 March 1983 © INTEL CORPORATION, 1983 ORDER NUMBErR: 210973-003 3-543 AP-186 1. on a single chip (see Figure 1), system construction is simplified since many of the peripheral interfaces are integrated onto the device. INTRODUCTION As state of the art technology has increased the number of transistors possible on a single integrated circuit, these devices have attained new, higher levels of both performance and functionality. Riding this crest are the Intel 80186 and 80286 microprocessors. While the 80286 has added memory protection and management to the basic 8086 architecture, the 80186 has integrated six separate functional blocks into a single device. The 80186 family actually consists of two processors: the 80186 and 80188. The only difference between the two processors is that the 80186 maintains a 16-bit external !lata bus while the 80188 has an 8-bit external data bus. Internally, they both implement the same processor with the same integrated peripheral components. Thus, except where noted, all 80186 information in this note also applies to the 80188. The implications of having an 8-bit external data bus on the 80188 are explicitly noted in appendix I. Any parametric values included in this note are taken from the iAPX 186 Advance Information data sheet, and pertain to 8Mhz devices. The purpose of this note is to explain, through example, the use of the 80186 with various peripheral and memory devices. Because the 80186 integrates a DMA unit, timer unit, interrupt controller unit, bus controller unit and chip select and ready generation unit with the CPU INT3IINTAI INT2IIIiITAO CLKOUT Vee GND rD~ I I X, !! TMR 'EXECUTION uNiTJ X, 16·BIT AW CLOCK GENERATOR 16·BIT GENERAL PURPOSE REGISTERS {( ) I I I I I I I t INi"' ! ! I~ 1 TMR IN 1 t t PROGRAMMABLE TIMERS 0 1 2 BS:S MAX COUNT REGISTER B :-. PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER MAX COUNT REGISTER A CONTROL REGISTERS CONTROL,] REGISTERS .J 16·BIT COUNT REGISTER {' INTERNAL BUS U J SRDY ARDY TEST HOLD tiLDA liES RESET - ...... r U .-- DRQO DRQl PROGRAMMABLE DMAUNIT 1 o 2O·BIT SOURCE POINTERS CHIP-SELECT UNIT .. ::: ... .. - t TMR OUT 1 TMR OUT 0 INn NTI BUS INTERFACE UNIT ~ I&-BIT SEGMENT REGISTERS PROGRAMMABLE CONTROL REGISTERS &-BYTE PREFETCH QUEUE I I 1-1 DEN LOCK DTIFI llLH RD BHE/S7 II I 2O·BIT DESTINATION POINTERS 16·BIT TRANSFER COUNT Il CONTROL REGISTERS u!sl !.L PCS6IA2 ADO-' AI6/S3AD15 AI91S6 LCS PCS5IAI Figure 1. 80186 Block Diagram 3-544 210973-003 inter 2. 2.1 AP-186 OVERVIEW OF THE 80186 The CPU The 80186 CPU shares a common base architecture with the 8086, 8088 and 80286. It is completely object code compatible with the 8086/88. This architecture features four 16-bit general purpose registers (AX,BX, CX,DX) which may be used as operands in most arithmetic operations in either 8 or 16 bit units. It also features four 16-bit "pointer" registers (SI,DI,BP,SP) which may be used both in arithmetic operations and in accessing memory based variables. Four 16-bit segment registers (CS,DS,SS,ES) are provided' allowing simple memory partitioning to aid construction of modular programs. Finally, it has a 16-bit instruction pointer and a 16-bit status register. Physical memory addresses are generated by the 80186 identically to the 8086. The 16-bit segment value is left shifted 4 bits and then is added to an offset value which is derived from combinations of the pointer registers, the instruction pointer, and immediate values (see Figure 2). Any carry out of this addition is ignored. The result of this addition is a 20-bit physical address which is presented to the system memory. The 80186 has a 16-bit ALU which performs 8 or 16-bit arithmetic and logical operations. It provides for data movement among registers, memory and I/O space. In addition, the CPU allows for high speed data transfer from one area of memory to another using string move instructions, and to or from an I/O port and memory using block I/O instructions. Finally, the CPU provides a wealth of conditional branch and other control instructions . . In the 80186, as in the 8086, instruction fetching and instruction execution are performed by separate units: the bus interface unit and the execution unit, respectively. The 80186 also has a 6-byte prefetch queue as does the 8086. The 80188 has a 4-byte prefetch queue as does the 8088. As a program is executing, opcodes are fetched from memory by the bus interface unit and placed in this queue. Whenever the execution unit requires another instruction, it takes it out of the queue. Effective processor throughput is increased by adding this queue, since the bus interface unit may continue to fetch instructions while the execution unit executes a long instruction. Then, when the CPU completes this instruction, it does not have to wait for another instruction to be fetched from memory. 2.2 80186 CPU Enhancements Although the 80186 is completely object code compatible with the 8086, most of the 8086 instructions require fewer clock cycles to execute on the 80186 than on the 8086 because of hardware enhancements in the bus interface unit and the execution unit. In addition, the 80186 provides many new instructions which simplify assembly language programming, enhance the performance of high level language implementations, and reduce object code sizes for the 80186. These new instructions are also included in the 80286. A complete description of the architecture and instruction execution of the 80186 can be found in volume I of the iAPX86/186 users manual. The algorithms for the new instructions are also given in appendix H of this note. \ SEGMENT VALUE I' I -I 16 BITS I" 'I 16 BITS I + OFFSET PHYSICAL ADDRESS = I I· Figure 2. 20 BITS I -I Physical Address GeDeration in the 80186 3-545 210973-003 AP-186 2.3 DMA Unit The 80186 includes a DMA unit which provides two high speed DMA channels. This DMA unit will perform transfers to or from any combination of I/O space and memory space in either byte or word units. Every DMA cycle requires two to four bus cycles, one or two to fetch the data to an internal register, and one or two to deposit the data. This allows word data to be located on odd boundaries, or byte data to be moved from odd locations to even locations. This is normally difficult, since odd data bytes are transferred on the upper 8 data bits of the l6-bit data bus, while even data bytes are transferred on the lower 8 data bits of the data bus. Each DMA channel maintains independent 20-bit source and destination pointers which are used to access the source and destination of the data transferred. Each of these pointers may independently address either I/O or memory space. After each DMA cycle, the pointers may be independently incremented, decremented, or maintained constant. Each DMA channel also.maintains a transfer count which may be used to terminate a series of DMA transfers after a pre-programmed number of transfers. ' 2.4 Timers The 80186 includes a timer unit which contains 3 independent J6-bit timer/counters. Two of these timers can be used to count external events, to provide waveforms derived from either the CPU clock or an external clock of any duty cycle, or to interrupt th'e CPU after a specified number of timer "events." The third timer counts only CPU clocks and can be used to interrupt the CPU after a programmable number of CPU clocks, to give a count pulse to either or both of the other two timers after a programmable number of CPU clocks, or to give a DMA request pulse to the integrated DMA unit after a programmable number of CPU clocks. 2.5 Interrupt Controller The 80186 includes an interrupt controller. This controller arbitrates interrupt requests between all internal and external sources. It can be directly cascaded as the master to two external 8259A interrupt controllers. In addition, it can be configured as a slave controller to an external interrupt controller to allow complete compatibility with an 80130, 80150, and the iRMX@ 86 operating system. 2.6 Clock Generator The 80186 includes a clock generator and crystal oscillator. The crystal oscillator can be used with a parallel resonant, fundamental mode crystal at 2X the desired CPU clock speed (i.e., 16 MHz for an 8 MHz 80186), or with an external oscillator also at 2X the CPU clock. The output of the oscillator is internally divided by two to provide the 50% duty cycle CPU clock from which all 80186 system timing derives. The CPU clock is externally available, and all timing parameters are referenced to this externally available signal. The clock generator also provides ready synchronization for the prOCessor. 2.7 Chip Select and Ready Generation Unit The 80186 includes integrated chip select logic which can be used to enable memory or peripheral devices. Six output lines are used for memory addressing and seven output lines are used for peripheral addressing. The memory chip select lines are split into 3 groups for sliparately addressing the major memory areas in a typical 8086 system: upper memory for reset ROM, lower memory for interrupt vectors, and mid-range memory for program memory. The size of each of these regions is user programmable. The starting location and ending location of lower memory and upper memory are fixed at OOOOOH and FFFFFH respectively; the starting location of the mid-range memory is user programmable. Each Of the seven peripheral select lines address one of seven contiguous 128 byte blocks above a programmable base address. This base address can be located in either memory or I/O space in order that peripheral devices may be I/O or memory mapped. Each of the programmed chip select areas has associated with it a set of programmable ready bits. These ready bits control an integrated wait state generator. This allows a programmable number of wait states (0 to' 3) to be automatically inserted whenever an access is made to the area of memory associated with the chip select area. In addition, each set of ready bits includes a bit which determines whether the external ready signals (ARDY and SRDY) will be used, or whether they will be ignored (i.e., the bus cycle will terminate even though a ready has not been returned on the external pins). There are 5 total sets of ready bits which allow independent ready generation for each of upper memory, lower memory, mid-range memory, peripheral devices 0-3 and peripheral devices 4-6. 2.8 Integrated Peripheral AcceSSing The integrated peripheral and chip select circuitry is controlled by sets of l6-bit registers accessed using standard input, output, or memory access instructions. These peripheral control registers are all located within a 256 byte block which can be placed in either memory or I/O ,space. Because they are accessed exactly as if they were external devices, no new instruction types are required to access and control the integrated peripheralso For more information concerning the interfacing and accessing of the integrated 80186 peripherals not in' cluded in this note, please consult the 80186 data sheet, or volume II of the iAPX86/186'users manual. 3-546 210973-003 AP·186 3. USING THE 80186 3.1 3.1.1 Bus Interfacing to the 80186 ~1 OVERVIEW The 80186 bus structure is very similar to the 8086 bus structure. It includes a multiplexed address/data bus, along with various control and status lines (see Table 1). Each bus cycle requires a minimum of 4 CPU clock cy· cles along with any number of wait states required to accommodate the speed access limitations of external memory or peripheral devices. The bus cycles initiated by the 80186 CPU are identical to the bus cycles initiated by the 80186 integrated DMA unit. """1---' I I I In the following discussion, all timing values given are for an 8 MHz 80186. Future speed selections of the part may have different values for the various parameters. Each clock cycle of the 80186 bus cycle is called a "T" state, and are numbered sequentially T I, T 2, T 3, Tw and T 4 • Additional idle T states (T i ) can occur between T4 and TI when the processor requires no bus activity (instruction fetches, memory writes, I/O reads, etc.). The ready signals control the number or wait states (Tw) inserted in each bus cycle. This number can vary from 0 to positive infinity. Figure 3. 01 02 (LOW (HIGH PHASE) PHASE) L T-state in the 80186 The beginning of a T state is signaled by a high to low transition of the CPU clock. Each T state is divided into two phases, phase 1 (or the low phase) and phase 2 (or the high phase) which occur during the low and high levels of the CPU clock respectively (see Figure 3). Different types of bus activity occur for all of the Tstates (see Figure 4). Address generation information occurs during T I, data generation during T 2, T 3, Tw and 1,or • T3 T, T. .T. LINES DATA LINES ADDRESS! "T----n.~~~~ y----r-----+!--.J CONTROL ..,-----1"""---__n. SIGNALS (RD,WR) I' Figure 4. Example Bus Cycle of the 80186 Table 1. 80186 Bus Signals Function Signal Name address/data address/status co-processor control local bus arbitration local bus control multi-master bus ready (wait) interface status information ADO-AD15 A 16/S3-A 19-56,BHE/S7 TEST HOLD,HLDA ALE,RD,WR,DT /R,i5EN LOCK SRDY,ARDY SO-S2 3-547 210873-003 AP-186 T 4' The beginning of a bus cycle is signaled by the status lines of the processor going from a passive state (all high) to an active state in the middle of the T-state immediately before TI (either a T4 or a TJ Because information concerning an impending bus cycle occurs during the T-state immediately before the first T-state of the cycle itself, two different types of T 4 and T; can be generated: one where the T state is immediately followed by a bus cycle, and one where the T state is immediatly followed by an idle T state. During the first type of T 4 or T;, status information concerning the impending bus cycle is generated for the bus cycle immediately to follow. This information will be available no later than t CHSV (55ns) after the low-tohigh transition of the 80186 clock in the middle of the T state. During the second type of T 4 or T; the status outputs remain inactive (high), since no bus cycle is to be started. This means that the decision per the nature of a T 4 or T; state (Le., whether it is immediately followed by a T; or a T I) is decided at the beginning of the T-state immediately preceding the T4 or T; (see Figure 5). This has consequences for the bus latency time (see section 3.3.2 on bus latency). 3.1.2 PHYSICAL ADDRESS GENERATION Physical addresses are generated by the 80186 during T 1 of a bus cycle. Since the address and data lines are multiplexed on the same set of pins, addresses must be latched duri~g TI if they are required to remain stable for the duration of the bus cycle. To facilitate latching of the physical address, the 80186 generates an active high ALE (Address Latch Enable) signal which can be directly connected to a transparent latch's strobe input. Figure 6 illustrates the physical address generation parameters of the 80186. Addresses are guaranteed valid no greater then tCLAV (44ns) after the beginning ofT 1, and remain valid at least tCLAX (IOns) after the end of T I' The ALE signal is driven high in the middle of the T state (either T4 or T;) immediately preceding TI and is driven low in the middle of T I' no sooner than t AVAL (30 ns) after addresses become valid. This parameter (tAVAL ) is required to satisfy the address latch set-up times of address valid until strobe inactive. Addresses remain stable on the address/data bus at least tLLAX (30 ns) after ALE goes inactive to satisfy address latch hold times of strobe inactive to address invalid. Because ALE goes high long before addresses become valid, the delay through the address latches will be chiefly the propagation delay through the latch rather than the delay from the latch strobe, which is typically longer than the propagation delay. For the Intel 8282 latch, this parameter is t,vov> the input valid to output valid'tlelay when strobe is held active (high). Note that the 80186 drives ALE high one full clock phase earlier than the 8086 or the 8288 bus controller, and keeps it high throughout the 8086 or 8288 ALE high time (Le., the 80186 ALE pulse is wider). T. or Tw ,1 T. DeciSion No bus actIVity required, Idle bus cycles will be Inserted I CLOCK OUT STATUS ACTIVE STATUS INFO I 1 1 I 'I T.or 1 Tw I I INACTIVE STATUS ,T. T, Dec!s'On Another bus cycle Imme ecome queue status outputs, reflecting the status of the internal prefetch queue during each clock cycle. These signals are provided to allow a processor extension (such as the Intel 8087 floating point processor) to track execution of instructions within the 80186. The interpretation of QSO (ALE) and QSl (WR) are given in Table 2. These signals change on the high-to-Iow clock transition, one clock phase earlier than on the 8086. Note that since execution unit operation is independent of bus interface unit operation, queue status lines may change in any T state. Table 2. QS1 QSO 0 no operation 1 first byte of instruction taken from queue 1 0 queue was reinitialized 1 I subsequent byte of instruction taken from queue Since the ALE, RD, and WR signals are not directly available from the 80186 when it is configured in queue status mode, these signals must be derived from the status lines SO-S2 using an external 8288 bus controller (see below). To prevent the 80186 from accidentally entering queue status mode during reset, the RD line is internally provided with a weak pullup device. RD is the ONLY three-state or input pin on the 80186 which is supplied with a pullup or pUlldown device. Status Lines The 80186 provides 3 status outputs which are used to indicate the type of bus cycle currently being executed. These signals go from an inactive state (all high) to one of seven possible active states during the T state immediately preceding T] of a bus cycle (see Figure 5). The possible status line encodings and their interpretations are given in Table 3. The stafus lines are driven to their inactive state in the T state (T3 or Tw) immediately preceding T 4 of the current bus cycle. 8288 SO'52 SIGNALS CLOCK OUT ClK Figure 14. Table 3. Interpretation 0 / BUS CONTROL 80186 Queue Status 0 ,3 SO-52 80186/8288 Bus Controller Interconnection 80186 Status Line Interpretation S2 S1 SIJ 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Operation interrupt acknowledge read I/O write I/O halt instruction fetch read memory write memory passive The 80186 provides two additional status signals: S6 and S7. S7 is equivalent to BHE (see section 3.1.2) and appears on the same pin as BHE. BHE/S7 changes state, reflecting the bus cycle about to b~ run, in the middle of the T state (T 4 or T) immediately preceding T] of the bus cycle. This means that BHE/S7 does not need to be latched, i.e., it may be used directly as the BHE signal. S6 provides information concerning the unit generating the bus cycle. It is time multiplexed with A19, and is available during T 2' T 3' T 4 and Tw' In the 8086 family, all central processors (e.g., the 8086, 8088 and 8087) , drive this line low, while all I/O processors (e.g., 8089) drive this line high during their respective bus cycles. Following this scheme, the 80186 drives this line low whenever the bus cycle is generated by the 80186 CPU, but drives it high when the bus cycle is generated by the integrated 80186 DMA unit. This allows external devices to distinguish between bus cycles fetching data for the CPU from those transfering data for the DMA unit. The status lines may be directly connected to an 8288 bus controller, which can be used to provide local bus control signals or multi-bus control signals (see Figure 14). Use of the 8288 bus controller does not preclude the 'use of the 80186 generated RD, WR and ALE signals, however. The 80186 directly generated signals may be used to provide local bus control signals, while an 8288 is used to provide multi-bus control signals, for example. 3-554 Three other status signals are available on the 8086 but not on the 80186. They are S3, S4, and S5. Taken together, S3 and S4 indicate the segment register from which the current physical address derives. S5 indicates the state ofthe interrupt flip-flop. On the 80186, these signals will ALWAYS be low. TEST and LOCK Finally, the 80186 provides a TEST input and a LOCK output. The TEST input is used in conjunction with the 210973-003 AP-186 processor WAIT instruction. It is typically driven by a processor extension (like the 8087) to indicate whether it is busy. Then, by executing the WAIT (or FWAIT) instruction, the central processor may be forced to temporarily suspend program execution until the processor extension indicates that it is idle by driving the TEST line low. 80186 CPU has executed a HLT instruction. It differs from a normal bus cycle in two important ways. The LOCK output is driven low whenever the data cycles of a LOCKED instruction are executed. A LOCKED instruction is generated whenever the LOCK prefix occurs immediately before an instruction. The LOCK prefix is active for the single instruction immediately following the LOCK prefix. This signal is used to indicate to a bus arbiter (e.g., the 8289) that a series of locked data transfers is occurring. The bus arbiter should under no circumstances release the bus while locked transfers are occurring. The 80186 will not recognize a bus HOLD, nor will it allow DMA cycles to be run by the integrated DMA controller during locked data transfers. LOCKED transfers are used in multiprocessor systems to access memory based semaphore variables which control access to shared system resources (see AP-I06, "Multiprogramming with the iAPX88 and iAPX86 Microsystems," by George Alexy (Sept. 1980». On the 80186, the LOCK signal will go active during T} of the first DATA cycle of the locked transfer. It is driven inactive 3 T-states after the beginning of the last DATA cycle of the locked transfer. On the 8086, the LOCK signal is activated immediately after the LOCK prefix is executed. The LOCK prefix may be executed well before the processor is prepared to perform the locked data transfer. This has the unfortunate consequence of activating the LOCK signal before the first LOCKED data cycle is performed. Since LOCK is active before the processor requires the bus for the data transfer, opcode pre-fetching can be LOCKED. However, since the 80186 does not activate the LOCK signal until the processor is ready to actually perform the locked transfer, locked pre-fetching will not occur with the 80186. Note that the LOCK signal does not remain active until the ehd of the last data cycle of the locked transfer. This may cause problems in some systems if, for example, the processor requests memory access from a dual ported RAM array and is denied immediate access (because of a DRAM refresh cycle, for example). When the processor finally is able to gain access to the RAM array, it may have already dropped its LOCK signal, thus allowing the dual port controller to give the other port access to the RAM array instead. An example circuit which can be used to hold LOCK active until a RDY has been received by the 80186 is shown in Figure 15. 3.1.7 HALT TIMING A HALT bus cycle is used to signal the world that the b-::-_-L.Jb--e..--- LOCK Figure 15. Circuit Holding Lock Active Until RUdy is Returned The first way in which a HALT bus cycle differs from a normal bus cycle is tha t since the processor is entering a halted state, none of the control lines (RD or WR) will be driven active. Address and data information will not be driven by the processor, and no data will be returned. The second way a HALT bus cycle differs from a normal bus cycle is that the SO-S2 status lines go to their passive state (all high) during T 2 of the bus cycle, well before they go to their passive state during a normal bus cycle. 'Like a normal bus cycle, however, ALE is driven active. Since no valid address information is present, the information strobed into the address latches should be ignored. This ALE pulse can be used, however, to latch the HALT status from the SO-S2 status lines. The processor being halted does not interfere with the operation of any of the 80186 integrated peripheral units. This means that if a DMA transfer is pending while the processor is halted, the bus cycles associated with the DMA transfer will run. In fact, DMA latency time will improve while the processor is halted because the DMA unit will not be contending with the processor for access to the 80186 bus (see section 4.4.1). 3.1.8 8288 AND 8289 INTERFACING The 8288 and 8289 are the bus controller and multimaster bus arbitration devices used with the 8086 and 8088. Because the 80186 bus is similar to the 8086 bus, they can be directly used with the 80186. Figure 16 shows an 80186 interconnection to these two devices. The 8288 bus co!!!roller generates control signals (RD, WR, ALE, DT fR, DEN, etc.) for an 8086 maximum mode system. It derives its information by decoding status lines SO-S2 of the processor. Because the 80186 and the 8086 drive the same status information on these lines, the 80186 can be directly connected to the 8288 just as in an 8086 system. Using the 8288 with the 80186 does not prevent using the 80186 control signals directly. Many systems require both local bus control signals and system bus control signals. In this type of system, the 80186 lines could be used as the local signals, with the 3-555 210973-003 Ap·186 has acquired control of the bus, then it allows the processor to drive address, data and control information onto the system bus. The system determines when it requires system bus resources by an address decode. Whenever the address being driven coincides with the address of an on-board resource, the system bus is not required and thus will not be requested. The circuit shown factors the 80186 chip select lines to determine when the system bus should be requested, or when the 80186 request can be satisfied using a local resource. TO MULTI-MASTER BUS ADDRESS LATCHES. DATA BUFFERS 80186 8288 Slj-t--_.j SOALE S2 S2 DEN DT/R CLOCKOUT H - f - . j CLK 3.1.9 READY INTERFACING The 80186 provides two ready lines, a synchronous ready (SRDY) line and an asynchronous ready (ARDY) line. These lines signal the processor to insert wait states (Tw) into a CPU bus cycle. This allows slower devices to respond to CPU service requests (reads or writes). Wait states will only be inserted when both ARDYand SRDY are low, i.e., only one of ARDY or SRDY need be active to terminate a bus cycle. Any number of wait states may be inserted into a bus cycle. The 80186 will ignore the RDY inputs during any accesses·to the integrated peripheral registers, and to any area where the chip select ready bits indicate that the external ready should be ignored. Figure 16. 80186/8288/8289 Interconnection 8288 lines used as the system signals. Note that in an 80186 system, the 8288 generated ALE pulse occurs later than that of the 80186 itself. In many multimaster bus systems, the 8288 ALE pulse should be used to strobe the addresses into the system bus address latches to insure that the address hold times are met. The timing required by the two RDY lines is different. The ARDY line is meant to be used with asynchronous ready inputs. Thus, inputs to this line will be internally synchronized to the CPU clock before being presented to the processor. The synchronization circuitry used with the ARD Y line is shown in Figure 17. Figure 18A and 18B show valid and invalid transitions of the ARDY line (and subsequent wait state insertion). The first flip-flop is used to "resolve" the asynchronous transition of the ARDY line. It will achieve a definite level (either high or low) before its output is latched into the second flip- The 8289 bus arbiter arbitrates the use of a multi-master system bus among various devices each of which can become theJ!.uLmaster. This component also decodes status lines SO-S2 of the processor directly to determine when the system bus is required. When the system bus is required, the 8289 forces the processor to wait until it ARDY INPUT , - - - - - - - - 80186 ---------;-1 . I I I D I I ---IL...J---- Q ...,(i)",,1 TO BUS INTERFACE UNIT I c c I CPU ILCLOCK________ _ _ _ _ ...J FROM SYNCHRONOUS READY '1 . Asynchronous Resolution Flip Flop 2. Ready Latch Flip Flop NOTE: The second flip-flop is not actually in the circuit. It is drawn here only to show the functional equivalent of the interface to the BIU. Figure 17.' Asynchronous Ready Circuitry 9f the 80186 3-556 210973-003 AP·186 flop for presentation to the CPU. When latched high, it allows the ~el present on the AROY line to pass directly to the CPU; when latched low, it forces not ready to be presented to the CPU (see Appendix B for 80186 synchronizer information). by any inactive going transition of the AROY line. The reason AROY is implemented in this manner is to allow a slow device the greatest amount of time to respond with a not ready after it has been selected. In a normally ready system, a slow device must respond with a not ready quickly after it has been selected to prevent the processor from continuing and accessing invalid data from the slow device. By implementing AROY in the above fashion, the slow device has an additional clock phase to respond with a not ready. With this scheme, notice that only the active going edge of the AROY signal is synchronized. Once the synchronization flip-flop has sampled high, the AROY input directly drives the ROY flip-flop. Since inputs to this ROY flip-flop must satisfy certain setup and hold times, it is important that these setup and hold times (tARYLCL = 35ns and tCHARYX = IS ns respectively) be satisfied If ROY is sampled active into the ROY flip-flop at the beginning of T3 or Tw (meaning that AROY was sam- 1. No set-up or hold times required 2. tcLARvx: Clock low to ARDY inactive (ARDY active hold time) = 15 ns min : T, T. : : _ Tw : T. OUT CLOCK~ CD ARDY g?g? .I.I.I.l.I.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.lL----'~WJJII 1. tARYHCH: ~RDY valid until clock high (ARDY inactive set-up time to clock high) = 20 ns min 2. No set-up or hold time required ONLY if Gl is guaranteed 3. tcLARYX: Clock low to ARDY inactive (ARDY active hold time) = 15 ns min ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ CLOCK~ OUT CD 0~ ARDY .w.w.l.W.l.l..I.I.I.L...---I 1. tARYLCL: ARDY low to clock low (ARDY inactive set-up time to clock low) = 35 ns min must be satisfied since synchronizing FLIP-FLOP has sampled active 2. tARYHCH: ARDY high to clock high (ARDY active set-up time) = 20 ns min must be satisfied ONLY to guarantee recognition at the next clock (Le. to guarantee synchronizing FLIP-FLOP will sample ARDY active) 3. tCLARYX: Clock low to ARDY inactive (ARDY active hold time) = ~ 5 ns Figure 18A. Valid ARDY Transitions 3-557 210973-003 Ap·186 I CLOCK OUT T, T. ~ I I I I I I ARDY I I I I I , I I I I I I I I CD LESS THAN 35 ns CLOCK OUT ARDY ~ 0¥0~ I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. Less than 20 ns 2. Less than 35 ns Figure 18B. Invalid ARDY Transitions pled high into the synchronization flip-flop in the middle of a T state, and has remained high until the beginning of the next T state), that T state will be immediately followed by T 4 • If RDY is sampled low into the RDY flipflop at the beginning of T3 or Tw (meaning that either ARDY was sampled low into the synchronization flipflop OR that ARDY was sampled high into the synchronization flip-flop, but has subsequently changed to low before the ARDY setup time) that T state will be imme~iately followed by a wait state (Tw)' Any asynchronous transition on the ARDY line not occurring during the above times, that is, when the processor is not "looking at" the ready lines, will not cause CPU malfunction. Again, for ARDY to force wait states to be inserted, SRDY must be driven low, since they are internally ORed together to form the processor RDY signaL· The synchronous ready (SRDY) line requires that ALL transitions on this line during T 2' T 3 or Tw satisfy a certain setup and hold time (tSRYCL = 35 ns and t cLSRY = 15 ns respectively). If these requirements are not met, the CPU will not function properly. Valid transitions on this line, and subsequent wait state insertion is shown in Figure 19. The processor looks at this line at the beginning of each T 3 and Tw' If the line is sampled active at the beginning of either of these two cycles, that cycle will I I T, CLOCK OUT SRDY ~ ~ 1. Decision: Not ready. T-state will be followed by a wait state 2. Decision: Ready. T-state will not be followed by a wait state 3. tSRYCl: Synchronous ready stable until clock low (SRDY set-up time) = 35 ns min 4. tClSRY: Clock low until synchronous ready transition (SRDY hold time) = 15 ns min Figure 19. Valid SRDY transitions on the 80186 3-558 210973-003 AP-186 of each bus cycle used for instruction fetching, since each fetch will access two bytes of information. It is also good programming practice to locate all word data at even locations, so that both bytes of the word may be accessed in a single bus cycle (see discussion on data bus interfacing for further information, section 3.1.3 of this note). be immediately followed by T 4' On the other hand, if the line is sampled inactive at the beginning of either of these two cycles, that cycle will be followed by a Tw' Any asynchronous transition on the SRDY line not occurring at the beginning ofT3 or Two that is, when the processor is not "looking at" the ready lines will not cause CPU malfunction. 3.1.10 Although the amount of bus utilization, i.e., the percentage of bus time used by the 80186 for instruction fetching and execution required for top performance will vary considera bly from one program to another, a typical instruction mix on the 80186 will require greater bus utilization than the 8086. This is caused by the higher performance execution unit requiring instructions from the prefetch queue at a greater rate. This also means that the effect of wait states is more pronounced in an 80186 system than iIi an 8086 system. In all but a few cases, however, the performance degradation incurred by adding a wait state is less than might be expected because instruction fetching and execution are performed by separate units. BUS PERFORMANCE ISSUES Bus cycles occur sequentially, but do not necessarily come immediately one after another, that is the bus may remain idle for several T states (T) between each bus access initiated by the 80186. This occurs whenever the 80186 internal queue is full and no read/write cycles are being requested by the execution unit or integrated DMA unit. The reader should recall that a separate unit, the bus interface unit, fetches opcodes (including immediate data) from memory; while the execution unit actually executes the pre-fetched instructions. The number of clock cycles required to execute an 80186 instruction vary from 2 clock cycles for a register to register move to 67 clock cycles for an integer divide. 3.2 If a program contains many long instructions, program execution will be CPU limited, that is, the instruction queue will be constantly filled. Thus, the execution unit does not need to wait for an instruction to be fetched. If a program contains mainly short instructions or data move instructions, the execution will be bus limited. Here, the execution unit will be required to wait often for an instruction to be fetched before it continues its operation. Programs illustrating this effect and performance degradation of each with the addition of wait states are given in appendix G. The addresses are latched using the address generation circuit shown earlier. Note that the AO line ,of each EPROM is connected to the Al address line from the 80186, NOT the AO line. Remember, AO only signals a data transfer on the lower 8 bits of the 16-bit data bus! The EPROM outputs are connected directly!Q.!he address/data in2!!!§ of the 80186, and the 80186 RD signal is used as the OE for the EPROMs. All instruction fetches are word (l6-bit) fetches from even addresses unless the fetch occurs as a result of a jump to an odd location. This maximizes the utilization 2764 CE 13 A13 A1 /13 A12 OE RD 00-07 t /8 ADO-AD7 / 8 2764 L.....o. CE A12 ~ AO / Example Memory Systems 3.2.1 2764 INTERFACE With the above knowledge of the 80186 bus, various memory interfaces may be generated. One of the simplest of these is the example EPROM interface shown in Figure 20. I r- AO OE 00-07 , AD8-AD15 Figure 20. Example 2764/80186 Interface 3-559 210973-003 inter AP·186 The chip enable of the EPROM is driven directly by the chip select output of the 80186 (see section 8). In this configuration, the access time calculation for the EPROMsare: time from address: (3 + N)*tcLCL -tcLAV - t Nov(8282) - t evcL = 375 + (N * 125) - 44 - 30 - 20 = 281 + (N * 125) ns time from chip select: (3 + N)*tCLCL - tCLCSV - t evcL = 375 + (N * 125) - 66 - 20 = 289 + (N * 125) ns time from RD (OE): (2 + N)tCLCL - tCLRL - t evcL = 250 + (N * 125) - 70 - 20 = 160 + '(N * 125) ns t evcL = 186 data valid input setup time until clock low time of T 4 tCLCSV time from clock low in T 1 until chip selects are valid tCLRL = time from clock low in T 2 until RD goes low N = number of wait states inserted Thus, for 0 wait state operation, 250ns EPROMs must be used. The only significant ~ameter not included above is tRHAV> the time from RD inactive (high) until tlle 80186 begins driving address information. This parameter is 85ns, which meets the 2764-25 (250ns speed selection) output float time of 85ns. If slower EPROMs are used, a discrete data buffer MUST be inserted between the EPROM data lines and the address/data bus, since these devices may continue to drive data information on the multiplexed address/data bus when the 80186 begins to drive address information for the next bus cycle. where: tCLAV = time from clock low in Tl until addresses are valid 3.2.2 2186 INTERFACE An example interface between the 80186 and 2186 iRAMs is shown in Figure 21. This memory component is almost an ideal match with the 80186, because of its large integration, and its not requiring address latching. t CLCL = clock period of processor t lVOV = time from input valid of 8282 until output valid of 8282 CLKOUT LCS = ---.;;;::-:---:--r-b----r-'" ,\ BHE AO ----------------------------+-------------------L-" -------------------------------L~ CLKOUT --.~---1-"\..\___..r__ WR 2186 RD 2186 CE CE WE WE OE OE AO-A12 AO,A12 4.7K ARDY ADO- ___________________________________AD~1~3~~______~~~----_+~~----~ AD15 Figure 21. Example 2186/80186 Interface 3-560 210973-003 Ap·186 The 2186 internally is a dynamic RAM integrated with refresh and control circuitry. It operates in two modes, pulse mode and late cycle mode. Pulse mode is entered if the CE signal is low to the device a maximum of 130ns, and requires the command input (RO or WE) to go active within 90ns after CEo Because of these requirements, interfacing the 80186 to the 2186 in pulse mode would be difficult. Instead, the late cycle mode is used. This affords a much simpler interface with no loss of performance. The iRAM automatically selects between these modes by the nature of the control signals. The 2186 is a leading edge triggered device. This means that address and data information are strobed into the device on the active going (high to lo~..transition of the command signal. This requires both CE and WR be deliyed until the address and data driven by the 80186 are guaranteed stable. Figure 21 shows a simple circuit which can pe used to perform this function. Note that ALE CANNOT be used to delay CE if addresses are not latched externally, because this would violate the address hold time required by the 2186 (30ns). Because the 2186s are RAMs, data bus enables (BHE and AO, see previous section) MUST be used to factor either the chip enables or write enables of the lower and upper bytes of the 16-bit RAM memory system. If this is not done, all memory writes, including single byte writes, will write to both the upper and lower bytes of the memory system. The exampl~stem shown uses BHE and AO as factors to the 2186 CEo This may be done, because both of these signals (AO and BHE) are valid when the address information is valid from the 80186. The 2186 requires a certain amount of recovery time between its chip enable going inactive and its chip enable going active insure proper operation. For a "normal" cycle (a read or write), this time is tEHEL = 40ns. This means that the 80186 chip select lines will go inactive soon enough at the end of a bus cycle to provide the required recovery time even if two consecutive accesses are made to the iRAMs. If the 2186 CE is asserted without a command signal (WE or OE), a "False Memory Cycle" (FMC) will be generated. Whenever a FMC is generated, the recovery time is much longer; another memory cycle must not be initiated for 200ns. As a result, if the memory system will generate FMCs, CE must be taken away in the middle of the T state (T 3 or Tw) immediately preceding T 4 to insure two consecutive cycles to the iRAM will not violate this parameter. Status going passive (all high) can be used for this purpose. These lines will all go high during the first phase of the next to last T state (either T3 or Tw) of a bus cycle (see section 3.1.5). Finally, since it is a dynamic device, the 2186 requires refresh cycles to maintain data integrity. The circuitry to generate these refresh cycles is integrated within the 2186. Because of this, the 2186 has a ready line which is used to suspend processor operation if a processor RAM 3-561 access coincides with an internally generated refresh cycle. This is an open collector output, allowing many of them to be wire-OR'ed together, since more than one device may be accessed at at time. These lines are also normally ready, which means that they will be high whenever the 2186 is not being accessed, i.e., they will only be driven low if a processor request coincides with an internal refresh cycle. Thus, the ready lines from the iRAM must be factored into the 80186 ROY circuit only during accesses to the iRAM itself. Since the 2186 refresh logic operates asynchronously to the 80186, this ROY line must be synchronized for proper operation with the 80186, either by the integrated ready synchronizer or by an external circuit. The example circuit uses the integrated synchronizer associated with the AROY processor input. The ready lines of the 2186 are active unless a processor access coincides with an internal refresh cycle. These lines must go inactive soon enough after a cycle is requested to insert wait states into the data c~. The 2186 will drive this line low within 50ns after CE is received, which is early enough to force the 80186 to insert wait states if they are required. The primary concern here is that the AROY line be driven not active before its setup time in the middle of T 2' This is required by the nature of the asynchronous ready synchronization circuitry of the 80186. Since the ROY pulse of the 2186 may be as narrow as 50ns; if ready was returned after the first stage of the synchronizer, and subsequently changed state within the ready setup and hold time of the high to low going edge of the CPU clock at the end of T 2, improper operation may occur (see section 3.1.6}. The example interface shown has a zero wait state RAM read access time from CE of: 3 * t CLCL - tCLCSV - (TTL delay) - t DvCL = 375 - 66 - 30 - 20 ns = 259 ns where: t CLCL = tCLCSV t DVCL = = CPU clock cycle time time from clock low in T 1 until chip selects are valid 80186 data in setup time before clock low in T4 The data valid delay from OE active is less than lOOns, and is therefore not an access time limiter in this interface. Additionally, the 2186 data float time from RO inactive is less than the 85ns 80186 imposed maximum. The CE generation circuit shown in Figure 21 provides an address setup time of at least 11 ns, and an address hold time of at least 35ns (assuming a maximum two level TTL delay of less than 30ns). 210973-003 Ap·186 Write cycle address setup and hold times an: identical to the read cycle times. The circuit shown provides at least Ilns write data setup and -lOOns data hold time from WE, easily meeting the Ons setup and 40ns hold times required by the 2186. For more information concerning 2186 timing and interfacing, please consult the 2186 data sheet, or the application note AP-132, "Designing Memory Systems with the 8Kx8 iRAM" by John Fallin and William Righter (June 1982). 3.2.3 8203 DRAM INTERFACE An example 8203/DRAM interface is shown in Figure 22. The 8203 provides all required DRAM control signals, address multiplexing, and refresh generation. In this circuit, the 8203 is configured to, interface with 64K DRAMs. MCS1 MCSO J A17·A1 ~ All 8203 cycles are generated off control signals (RD and WR) provided by the 80186. These signals will not go active until T 2 of the bus cycle. In addition, since the 8203 clock (generated by the internal crystal oscillator of the 8203) is asynchronous to the 80186 clock, all memory requests by the 80186 must be synchronized to the 8203 before the cycle will be run. To minimize this synchronization time, the 8203 should be used with the highest speed crystal that will maintain DRAM compatibility. Even if a 25 MHz crystal is used (the maximum allowed by the 8203) two wait states will be required by the example circuit when using 150ns DRAMs with an 8 MHz 80186, three wait states if 200ns DRAMs are used (see timing analysis, Figure 23). The entire RAM array controlled by the 8203 can be selected by one or a group of the 80 )86 provided chip selects. These chip selects can also be used to insert the I wait states required by the interface. 8203 SEL WR AO' A16, WE 1~ , eo AROY J u220 UPPER BYTE WE LOWER BYTEW'E r-DRAMS, SACK .-- 220 XACK RD 1 /.. AOO·AD15 010:15 000·15 8282 ~ =n - P"- 000·7 i OE 010·7 I-- P"- I-'- STB 8282 '--- 000·7 OE '- Figure 22. STB 010·7 - Example 8203/DRAM/80186 Interface 3-562 210973-003 AP-186 T, T, 186 ____-+~,.;;..., RD 8203 RAS 8203 CAS --------------"t---___, ------i--------i--......~_+___, RAM ~~~""~mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm""~~'r----+----------- DATA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\f---+~--------- LATCH ~""rrri~~mm~""""""~~~mm~""""""~~~r~~-----DATA ~~~~~~~~~~~~"¥~~~~~~~u~_-+______ 1. tCLEL: Clock low until read low = 70 ns max 2. tCR: Command active until RAS = 150 ns max' 3. tcc: Command active until CAS = 245 ns max' 4. 'cAC: Access time from CAS = 85 ns max 5. tISOU: Input to output delay = 30 ns max 6. tOVCL: Data valid to clock low (data in set up) = 20 ns min Total Access Time = 70 + 245 +85 +30 +20 = 450 ns (3.6 T-states) Figure 23. CD & ® are 186 specs ® & @ are 8203 specs @ @ is a 2164A-15 spec is on 8282 spec 'Assumes 25MHz 8203 operation 8203/2164A-15 Access Time Calculation Since the 8203 is operating asynchronously to the 80186, the RDY output of the 8203 (used to suspend processor operation when a processor DRAM request coincides with a DRAM refresh cycle) must be synchronized to the 80186. The 80186 ARDY line is used to provide the necessary ready synchronization. The 8203 ready outputs operate in a normally not ready mode, that is, they are only driven active when an 8203 cycle is being executed, and a refresh cycle is not being run. This is fundamentally different than the normally ready mode used.2Y...!!!.e 2186 iRAMs (see previous section). The 8203 SACK signal is presented to the 80186 only when the DRAM is being accessed. Notice that the SACK output of the 8203 is used, rather than the XACK output. Since the 80186 will insert at least one full CPU clock cycle between the time RDY is sampled active, and the time data must be present on the data bus, using the XACK signal would'insert unnecessary additional wait states, since it does not indicate ready until valid data is available from the memory. For more information about 8203jDRAM interfacing and timing, please consult the 8203 data sheet, or AP97A, "Interfacing Dynamic RAM to iAPX86j88 Systems Using the Intel 8202A and 8203" by Brad May (April 1982). 3.2.4 8207 DRAM INTERFACE The 8207 advanced dual-port DRAM controller provides a high performance DRAM memory interface specifically for 80186 or 80286 microcomputer systems. This controller provides all address multiplexing and DRAM refresh circuitry. In addition, it synchronizes and arbitrates memory requests from two different ports (e.g., an 80186 and a Multibus), allowing the two ports to share memory. Finally, the 8207 provides a simple interface to the 8206 error detection and correction chip. The simplest 8207 (and also the highest performance) interface is shown in Figure 24. This shows the 80186 connected to an 8207 using the 8207 slow cycle, synchronous status interface. In this mode, the 8207 decodes the type of cycle to be run directly from the status lines of the 80186. In addition, since the 8207 CLOCKIN is driven by the CLOCKOUT of the 80186, any performance degradation caused by required memory request synchronization between the 80186 and the 8207 is not present. Finally, the entire memory array driven by the 3-563 210973-003 AP-186 8207 may be selected using one or a group of the 80186 memory chip selects, as in the 8203 interface above. 80186 When the 80186 recognizes a bus hold by driving HLDA high, it will float many of its signals (see Figure 25). ADO - AD15 (address/data 0 - 15) and DEN (data enable) are floated within tCLAZ (35ns) after the same clock edge that HLDA is driven active. A16-A19 (addresU6 - 19), RD, WR, BHE (B~Hi.8..h Enable), DT /R (Data Transmit/Receive) and SO - S2 (status 02) are floated within t CHCZ (45ns) after the clock edge immediately before the clock edge on which HLDA comes active. 6207 ClKOUT ClK so WR Sf RD S2 +5 PCTC U PCTl PE lMCS AACK SRDY -4 CLOCK I T.OR T, OUT HOLD --....:....-----,''-::+------"--- HlDA --";---1'-/0---"" Figure 24. 80186/8207/DRAM Interface The 8207 AACK signal may be used to generate a synchronous ready signal to the 80186 in the above interface. Since dynamic memory periodically requires refreshing, 80186 access cycles may occur simultaneously with an 8207 generated refresh cycle. When this occurs, the 8207 will hold the AACK line high until the processor initiated access is run (note, the sense of this line is reversed with respect to the 80186 SRDY input). This. signal should be factored with the DRAM (8207) select input and used to drive the SRDY line of the 80186. Remember that only one of SRDY and ARDY needs to be active for a bus cycle to be terminated. If asynchronous devices (e.g., a Multibus interface) are connected to the ARDY line with the 8207 connected to the SRDY line, care must be taken in design of the ready circuit such that only one of the ROY lines is driven active at a time to prevent premature termination of the bus cycle. 3.3 HOLD/HLDA Interface The 80186 employs a HOLD/HLDA bus exchange protocol. This protocol allows other asynchronous bus master devices (i.e., ones which drive address, data, and control information on the bus) to gain control of the bus to perform bus cycles (memory or I/O reads or writes). 3.3.1 AD15-ADO DEN A16-A19 RD,WR,BHE DT/R,SO-S2 _ _-;-_oJ Figure 25. In the HOLD/HLDA protocol, a device requiring bus control (e.g., an external DMA device) raises the HOLD line. In response to this HOLD request, the 80186 will raise its HLDA line after it has finished its current bus activity. When the external device is finished with the bus, it drops its bus HOLD request. The 80186 responds by dropping its HLDA line and resuming bus operation. Signal Float/HLDA Timing of tl)e 80186 Only the above mentioned signals are floated during bus HOLD. Of the signals not floated by the 80186, some have to do with peripheral functionality (e.g., Tm·rOut). Many others either directly or indirectly control bus devices. These signals are ALE (Address Latch Enable, see section 3.1.2) and all the chip select lines (UCS, LCS, MCSO-3, and PCSO-6). The designer must be aware that the chip select circuitry does not look at, externally generated addresses (see section 10 for a discussion of the chip select logic). Thus, for memory or peripheral devices which are addressed by external bus master devices, discrete chip select and ready generation logic must be used. 3.3.2 HOLD RESPONSE --------r------J HOLD/HLDA TIMING AND BUS LATENCY The time required between HOLD going active and the 80186 driving HLDA active is known as bus latency. Many factors affect this latency, including synchronization delays, bus cycle times, locked transfer times and interrupt acknowledge cycles. The HOLD request line is internally synchronized by the 80186, and may therefore be an asynchronous signal. To guarantee recognition on a certain clock edge, it must satisfy a certain setup and hold time to the falling 3-564 210973-003 AP-186 cuss ion of 80186 synchronizers). If the bus is idle, HLDA will follow HOLD by two CPU clock cycles plus a small amount of setup and propagation delay time. The first clock cycle synchronizes the input; the second signals the internal circuitry to initiate a bus hold. (see Figure 26). edge of the CPU clc~k A full CPU clock cycle is required for this synchronization, that is, the internal HOLD signal is not presented to the internal bus arbitration circuitry until one full clock cycle after it is latched from the HOLD input (see Appendix B for a dis- T, Many factors influence the number of clock cycles between a HOLD request and a HLDA. These may make bus latency longer than the best case shown above. 'Perhaps the most important factor is that the 801\86 will not relinquish the local bus until the bus is idle. An idle bus occurs whenever the 80186 is not performing any bus transfers. As stated in section 3.1.1, when the bus is idle, the 80186 generates idle T-states. The bus can become idle only at the end of a bus cycle. Thus, the 80186 can recognize HOLD only after the end of its current bus cycle. The 80186 will normally insert no T j states between T 4 and T I of the next bus cycle if it requires any bus activity (e.g., instruction fetches or I/O reads). However, the 80186 may not have an immediate need for the bus after a bus cycle, and will insert T j states independent of the HOLD input (see section 3.1.7). T, HOLD HLDA 1. tHVCL: Hold valid until clock low = 25 ns min 2. tCLHAV: Clock low until HLDA active = 50 ns max Figure 26. 80186 Idle Bus Hold/HLDA Timing When the HOLD request is active, the 80186 will be T, CLOCK OUT HOLD HLDA 1. DecIsion: No additional internal bus cycles required, idle T-states will be Inserted after T4 2. Greater than 25 ns (tHvCLl 3. Less than 50 ns (tCLHAVl 4. HOLD request internally synchronized I I CLOCK OUT HOLD T 3 0R Tw I I T. I T, l ~ I I I I I I HLDA -----------------------------------------1. Decision: Additional internal bus cycles required. no idle T-states will be Inserted. Hold not active soon enough to force idle T-states 2. Greater than 25 ns (tHVCLl: not required since it will not get recognized anyway 3. HOLD request internally synchronized Figure 27. HOLD/HLDA Timing in the 80186 3-565 210973-003 AP-186 CLOCK OUT HOLD HLDA ,. I I ., I I 1. HOLD request internally synchronized 2. Decision: HOLD request active, idle t-states will be inserted at end of current bus cycle 3. Greater than 25 ns 4. Less than 50 ns Figure 27A.HOLD/HLDA Timing in the 80186 forced to proceed from T 4 to T j in order that the bus may be relinquished. HOLD must go active 3 T-states before the end of a bus cycle to force the 80186 to insert idle Tstates after T 4 (one to synchronize the request, and one to signal the 80186 that T4 of the bus cycle will be followed by idle T-states, see section 3.1.1). After the bus cycle has ended, the bus hold will be immediately acknowledged. If, however, the 80186 has already determined that an idle T-state will follow T 4 of the current bus cycle, HOLD need go active only 2 T-states before the end of a bus cycle to force the 80186 to relinquish the bus at the end of the current bus cycle. This is because the external HOLD request is not required to force the generation of idle T-states. Figure 27 graphically por,trays the scenarios depicted above, require thousands of bus cycles, bus latency time will suffer if they are locked. The final factor affecting bus latency time is interrupt acknowledge cycles. When an external interrupt controller is used, or if the integrated interrupt controller is used in iRMX 86 mode (see section 4.4.1) the 80186 will run two interrupt acknowledge cycles back to back. These cycles are automatically "locked" and will never be separated by any bus HOLD, either internal or external. See section 6.5 on interrupt acknowledge timing for more information concerning interrupt acknowledge timing. 3.3.3 COMING OUT OF HOLD After the 80186 recognizes that the HOLD input has gone inactive, it will drop its HLDA line in a single clock. Figure 28 shows this timing. The 80186 will insert only two T j after HLDA has gone inactive, assuming that the 80186 has' internal bus cycles to run. During the last T" status information will go active concerning the "bus cycle about to be run (see section 3.1.1). If the 80186 has no pending bus activity, it will maintain all lines floating (high impedance) until the last T j before it begins its first bus cycle after the HOLD. An external HOLD has higher priority than both the 80186 CPU or integrated DMA unit. However, an external HOLD will not separate the two cycles needed to perform a word access when the word accessed is located at an odd location (see section 3.1.3). In addition, an external HOLD will not separate the two-to-four bus ~y cles required to perform a DMA transfer using the integrated controller. Each of these factors will add additional bus cycle times to the bus latency of the 80186. Another factor influencing bus latency time is locked transfers. Whenever a locked transfer is occurring, the 80186 will not recognize external HOLDs (nor will it recognize internal DMA bus requests). Locked, transfers are programmed by preceding an instruction with the LOCK prefix. Any transfers generated by such a ' prefixed instruction will be locked, and will not be separated by any external bus requesting device. String instructions may be locked. Since string transfers may 3.4 Differences Between the 8086 bus and the 80186 Bus The 80186 bus was defined to be upward compatible with the 8086 bus. As a result, the 8086 bus interface components (the 8288 bus controller and the 8289 bus arbiter) may be used directly with the 80186. There are a few significant differences between the two processors which should be considered. 3-566 210973-003 AP-186 CLOCK OUT HOLD ~--'" HLDA ----~----"*"\ ADo-AD15 ......... ~----""'~""''''''~'''''''''''''''~''''';-~L- A18/53-A19/S8 RD,WR,BHE -----:------:-----~-~ --i---_.... DT/R,SO-Sl 1. HOLD internally synchronized 2. Greater than 25 ns 3. Less than 50 ns 4. Lines come out of float only if a bus cycle is pending Figure 28_ 80188 Coming out of Hold CPU Duty Cycle and Clock Generator ther two synchronous ready inputs or two asynchronous ready inputs as a user strapable option. The 80186 employs an integrated clock generator which provides a 50% duty cycle CPU clock (1/2 of the time it is high, the other 1/2 of the time it is low). This is different that the 8086, which employs an external clock generator (the 8284A) with a: 33% duty cycle CPU clock (1/3 of the time it is high, the other 2/3 of the time, it is low). These differences manifest themselves as follows: 6) The CLOCKOUT (CPU clock output signal) drive capacity of the 80186 is less than the CPU clock drive capacity of the 8284A. This means that not as many high speed devices (e.g., Schottky TTL flip-flops) may be connected to this signal as can be used with the 8284A clock output. I) No oscillator output is available from the 80186, as it is available from the 8284A clock generator. 7) The crystal or external oscillator used by the 80186 is twice the CPU clock frequency, while the crystal or external oscillator used with the 8284A is three times the CPU clock frequency. 2) The 80186 does not provide a PCLK (50% duty cycle, 1/2 CPU clock frequency) output as does the 82&4A. 3) The clock low phase of the 8.0186 is narrower, and the clock high phase is wider than on the same speed 8086. Local Bus Controller and Control Signals 4) The 80186 does not internally factor AEN with RDY. This means that if both RDY inputs (ARDY and SRDY) are used, external logic must be used to prevent the RDY not connected to a certain device from being driven active during an access to this device (remember, only one RDY input needs to be active to terminate a bus cycle, see section 3.1.6). ' The 80186 simultaneously provides both local bus controller outputs (RD, Wlh..ALE, DEN and DT/R) and status outputs (SO, SI, S2) for use with the 8288 bus controller. This is different from the 8086 where the local bus controller outputs (generated only in min mode) are sacrificed if status outputs ( generated only in max mode) are desired. These differences will manifest themselves in 8086 systems and 80186 systems as follows: 5) The 80186 concurrently provides both a single asynchronous ready input and a single synchronous ready input, while the 8284A provides ei- 1) Because the 80186 can simultaneously provide local bus control signals and status outputs, many systems supporting both a system bus (e.g., 3-567 210973-003 Ap·186 ample the 82586 Ethernet· controller or 82730 high performance CRT controller /text coprocessor). a Multibus®) and a local bus will not require two separate external bus controllers, that is, the 80186 bus control signals may be used to control the local bus while the 80186 status signals are concurrently connected to the 8288 bus controller to drive the control signals of the system bus, Status Information The 80186 does not provide S3-S5 status information. On the 8086, S3 and S4 provide information regarding the segment register used to generate the physical address of the currently executing bus cycle. S5 provides information concerning the state of the interrupt enable flip-flop. These status bits are always low on the 80186. 2) The ALEsignal of the 80186 goes active a clock phase earlier on the 80186 then on the 8086 or 8288. This minimizes address propagation time through the address latches, since typically the delay time through these latches from inputs valid is less than the propagation delay from the strobe input active. Status signal S6 is used to indicate whether the current bus cycle is initiated by either the CPU or a DMA device. Subsequently, it- is always low on the 8086. On the 80186, it is low whenever the current bus cycle is initiated by the 80186 CPU, and is high when the current bus cycle is initiated by the 80186 integrated DMA unit. 3) The 80186 RD input must be tied low to provide queue status outputs from the 80186 (see Figure 29). When so s~ped into "queue status mode," the ALE and WR outputs provide queue status information. Notice that this queue status information is available one clock phase earlier from the 80186 than from the 8086 (see Figure 30). Bus Drive The 80186 output drivers will' drive 200pF loads. This is double that of the 8086 (lOOpF). This allows larger systems to be constructed without the need for bus buffers. It also means that it is very important to provide good grounds to the 80186, since its large drivers can discharge its outputs very quickly causing large current transients on the 80186 ground pins. 80186 aso aS1 ALE WR ~ Figure 29. RD Misc. The 80186 does not provide early and late write signals, as does. the 8288 bus controller. The WR signal generated by the 80186 corresponds to the early write signal of the 8288. This means that data is not stable on the address/data bus when this signal is driven active. Generating Queue Status Information from t,he 80186 HOLD/HLDA vs. RQ/GT The 80186 also does not provide differentiated I/O and memory read and write command signals. If these signals are desired, an external 8288 bus controller may be used, or the S2 signal may be used to synthesize differentiated commands (see section 3.1.4). As discussed earlier, the 80186.uses a HOLD/HLDA type of protocol for exchanging bus mastership (like the 8086 in min mode) rather than the RQ/GT protocol used by the 8086 in max mode. This allows compatiblity with Intel's the new generation of high performance/ high integration bus master peripheral devices (for ex- "Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corp. CLOCK OUT 166 ... ----....:.----..:........,-h)'-J+:.;;...~ ,.:.....;~~-- as _------~------~~--~r~~----~_;.....,----6066 -----;.-----i-----~,r_--~:"\I'--- as __________ ~ ______ ~ ______ ~~ _____ 1. 80186 changes queue status off falling edge of ClK 2.8086 changes queue status off rising edge of ClK Figure 30. 80186 and 8086 Queue Status Generation 3-568 210973-003 AP-186 4. DMA UNIT INTERFACING Programmable generation of DMA requests by: The 80186 includes a DMA unit which provides two independent high speed DMA channels. These channels operate independently of the CPU, and drive all integrated bus interface components (bus controller, chip selects, etc.) exactly as the CPU (see Figure 31). This means that bus cycles initiated by the DMA unit are exactly the same as bus cycles initiated by the CPU (except that S6 = I during all DMA initiated cycles, see section 3.1). Thus interfacing with the DMA unit itself is very simple, since except for the addition of the DMA request connection, it is exactly the same as interfacing to the CPU. EXTERNAL ADDRESS/DATA, CONTROL, CHIP SELECTS, ETC. I) the source of the data 2) the destination of the data 3) timer 2 (see section 5) 4) the DMA unit itself (continuous DMA requests) 4.2 DMA Unit Programming Each of the two DMA channels contains a number of registers which are used to control channel operation. These registers are included in the 80186 integrated peripheral control block (see appendix A). These registers include the source and destination pointer registers, the transfer count register and the control register. The layout and interpretation of the bits in these registers is given in Figure 32. BUS INTERFACE The 20-bit source and destination pointers allow access to the complete I Mbyte address space of the 80186, and that all 20 bits are affected by the auto-increment or auto-decrement unit of the DMA (Le., the DMA channels address the full I Mbyte address space of the 80186 as a flat, linear array without segments). When addressing I/O space, the upper 4 bits of the DMA pointer registers should be programmed to be O. If they are not programmed 0, then the programmed value (greater than 64K in I/O space) will be driven onto the address bus (an. area of I/O space not accessable to the CPU). The data transfer will occur correctly, however. & CHIP SELECT CIRCUITRY After every DMA transfer the 16-bit DMA transfer count register it is decremented by I, whether a byte transfer or a word transfer has occurred. If the TC bit in the DMA control register is set, the DMA ST /STOP bit (see below) will be cleared when this register goes to 0, causing all DMA activity to cease. A transfer count of zero allows 65536 (2 16) transfers. DMA REQUESTS Figure 31. 4.1 80186 CPU/DMA Channel Internal Model DMA Features Each of the two DMA channels provides the following features: Independent 20-bit source and destination pointers which are used to access the I/O or memory location from which data will be fetched or to which data will be deposited Programmable auto-increment, auto-decrement or neither of the source and destination pointers after each DMA transfer Programmable termination of DMA activity after a certain number of DMA transfers Programmable CPU interruption at DMA termination Byte or word DMA transfers to or from even or odd memory or I/O addresses The DMA control register (see Figure 33) contains bits which control various channel characteristics, including for each of the data source and destination whether the pointer points to memory or I/O space, or whether the pointer will be incremented, decremented or left alone after each DMA transfer. It also contains a bit which selects between byte or word transfers. Two synchronization bits are used to determine the source of the DMA requests (see section 4.7). The TC bit determines whether DMA activity will cease after a programmed number of DMA transfers, and the INT bit is used to enable interrupts to the processor when this has occurred (note that an interrupt will not be generated to the CPU when the transfer count register reaches zero unless both the INT bit and the TC bit are set). The control register also contains a start/stop (ST /STOP) bit. This bit is used to enable DMA transfers. Whenever this bit is set, the channel is 3-569 210973-003 AP-186 OFFSET DEH DCH DAH D8H D6H x i19 15 DOH CEH 15 C4H C2H COH X I I Ixl I I I I I 15 D4H D2H CCH CAH C8H C6H X I 119 X X 0 16 0 16 0 TRANSFER COUNT DESTINATION POINTER SOURCE POINTER CHANNEL 1 t X I I I I I Ixl I I x x X 119 X X X 119 I CONTROL WORD 15 15 15 0 16 0 16 0 CHANNELOl CONTROL WORD TRANSFER COUNT DESTINATION POINTER SOURCE POINTER (1) CONTROL REGISTER LAYOUT: DESTINATION ---- SOURCE SYNCHRONIZATION Figure 32. 80186 DMA Register Layout Figure 33. DMA ContrQI Register "armed," that is, a DMA transfer will occur whenever a • DMA request is made to the channel. If this bit is cleared, no DMA transfers will be performed by the channel. A companion bit, the CHG/NOCHG bit, allows the contents of the DMA control register to be changed without modifying the state of the start/stop bit. The ST /STOP bit will only be modified if the CHG/NOCHG bit is also set during the write to the DMA control register. The CHG/NOCHG bit is write only. It will always be read back as a O. Because J:>MA transfers could occur immediately after the ST /STOP bit is set, it should c;mly be set only after all other DMA controller registers have been programmed. This bit is automatically cleared when the transfer count register reaches zero and the TC bit in the DMA control register is set, or when the transfer count register reaches zero and unsynchronized DMA transfers are programmed. All DMA unit programming registers are directly accessable by the CPU. This means the CPU can, for example, modify the DMA source pointer register after 137 DMA transfers have occurred, and have the new pointer value used for the l38th DMA transfer. If more than one register in the DMA channel is being modified at any time that a DMA request may be generated and the DMA channel is enabled (the ST/STOP bit in the control register is set), the register programming values should be placed in memory locations and moved into the DMA registers using a locked string move instruction. This will prevent a DMA transfer from occurring after only half of the register values have changed. The above also holds true if a read/modify/write type of operation is being performed (e.g., ANDing off bits in a pointer register in a single AND instruction to a pointer register mapped into memory space). 3-570 210973-003 AP-186 CLOCK ' : Tn : OUT~ DRQ~ ADO- --~----H AD15 --+----H RD --..:..----~ I \ I I I ~ : CD I \ I I I I I I :I~ CD: CD ~~--~~----~----------- :\~~----~----~--~/ I I 1. 2. 3. 4. I I I 0: I I I I I I :\I If I Source address Source data Destination address Destination data NOTE: Wait states are Inserted by the bus condition during the bus cycle, not by the DMA controller Figure 34. 4.3 Example DMA Transfer Cycle on the 80186 DMA Transfers Every D MA transfer in the 80186 consists of two independent bus cycles, the fetch cycle and the deposit cycle (see Figure 34). During the fetch cycle, the byte or word data is accessed from memory or I/O space using the address in the source pointer register. The data accessed is . placed in an internal temporary register, which is not accessible to the CPU. During the deposit cycle, the byte or word data in this internal register is placed in memory or I/O space using the address in the destination pointer register. These two bus cycles will not be separated by bus HOLD or by the other DMA channel, and one will never be run without the other except when the CPU is RESET. Notice that the bus cycles run by the DMA unit are exactly the same as memory or I/O bus cycles run by the CPU. The only difference between the two is the state of the S6 status line (which is multiplexed on the AI9line): on all CPU initiated bus cycles, this status line will be driven low; on all DMA initiated bus cycles, this status line will be driven high. 4.4 DMA Requests Each DMA channel has a single DMA request line by which an external device may request a DMA transfer. The synchronization bits in the DMA control register determine whether this line is interpreted to be connected to the source of the DMA data or the destination of the DMA data. All transfer requests on this line are synchronized to the CPU clock before being presented to in- ternal DMA logic. This means that any asynchronous transitions of the DMA request line will not cause the DMA channel to malfunction. In addition to external requests, DMA requests may be generated whenever the internal timer 2 times out, or continuously by programming the synchronization bits in the DMA control register to call for unsynchronized DMA transfers: . 4.4.1 DMA REQUEST TIMING AND LATENCY Before any DMA request can be generated, the 80186 internal bus must be granted to the D MA unit. A certain amount of time is required for the CPU to grant this internal bus to the DMA unit. The time between a DMA request being issued and the DMA transfer being run is known as DMA latency. Many of the issues concerning DMA latency are the same as those concerning bus latency (see section 3.3.2). The only important difference is that external HOLD always has bus priority over an internal DMA transfer. Thus, the latency time of an internal DMA cycle will suffer during an external bus HOLD. Each DMA channel has a programmed priority relative to the other DMA channel. Both channels may be programmed to be the same priority, or one may be programmed to be of higher priority than the other channel. If both channels are active, DMA latency will suffer on the lower priority channel. If both channels are active and both channels are of the same programmed priority, DMA transfer cycles will alternate between the two channels (i.e., the first channel will perform a fetch and 3-571 210973-003 Ap·186 T.or : 1 1 1 1 DRQ T.or T.or T.or T, or Taor, T. or 1 1 1 Twor T, Twor T, T.Or T. or 1 1 1 Tw or T, l i T 1 I' 1 T.or of OMA . 1 T, 1 CYCLE i ~ I 1 1 1 1 I' 1 I. Q) 1 1 .1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 CD 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I I 1. tORCCl = DMA request to clock low = 25 Jls min to guarantee recognition 2. Synchronizer resolution time 3. DMA unit priority arbitration. etc. time 4. Bus Interfa~e Unit latches DMA request and decides to run DMA cycle Figure 35. DMA Request Timing on the 80"186 '(showing minimum response time to request) deposit, followed by a fetch and deposit. by the second channel, etc). The minimum timing required to generate'a DMA cycle is shown in Figure 35. Note that the minimum time from DRQ becoming active until the beginning of the first DMA. cycle is 4 CPU clock cycles, that is, a DMA request IS sampled 4 clock cycles before the beginning of a bus cycle to determine if any DMA activity will be required. This time is independent of the number of wait staters inserted in the bus cycle. The mal(imum DMA latency is a function of other processor activity (see above). . Also notice that if ORQ is sampled active at 1 in Figure 35, the DMA cycle will be executed, even if the DMA request goes inactive before the beginning of the first ~MA cyc~e. This does not mean that the DMA request IS latched mto the processor such that any transition on the D~A request line will cause a DMA cycle eventually. QUIte the contrary, DMA request must be active at a certain time before the end of a bus cycle for the DMA . request to be recognized by the processor. If the DMA request line goes inactive before that window, then no DMA cycle~ will be rim. ADDR. LATCH 80186 A6 DMADEVICE ALE~----------------------~ ACKNOWLEDGE PCs0t-------------4-----.J CHIP SEL DRQO~---------------~~DMAREQUEST Figure 36. DMA Acknowledge Synthesis from the 80186 3-572 ,210973-003 AP-186 4.5 maximum count register regardless of the state of the TC bit in the DMA control register. DMA Acknowledge The 80186 generates no explicit DMA acknowledge signal. Instead, the 80186 performs a read or write directly to the DMA requesting device. If required, a DMA acknowledge signal can be generated by a decode of an address, or by merely using one of the PCS lines (see Figure 36). Note ALE must be used to factor the DACK because addresses are not guaranteed stable when chip selects go active. This is required because if the address is not stable when the PCS goes active, glitches can occur at the output of the DACK generation circuitry as the address lines change state. Once ALE has gone low, the addresses are guaranteed to have been stable for at least t AvAL (30ns). 4.6 4.7 Internally Generated DMA Requests There are two types in internally synchronized DMA transfers, that is, transfe~ initiated by a unit integrated in the 80186. These two types are transfers in which the DMA request is generated by timer 2, or where DMA request is generated by the DMA channel itself. The DMA channel can be programmed such that whenever timer 2 reaches its maximum count, a DMA request will be generated. This feature is selected by setting the TDRQ bit in the DMA channel control register. A DMA request generated in this manner will be latched in the DMA controller, so that once the timer request has been generated, it cannot be cleared except by running the DMA cycle or by clearing the TDRQ bits in both DMA control registers. Before any DMA requests are generated in this mode, timer 2 must be initiated and enabled. A timer requested DMA cycle being run by either DMA channel will reset the timer request. Thus, if both channels are using it to request a DMA cycle, only one DMA channel will execute a transfer for every timeout of timer 2. Another implication of having a single bit timer DMA request latch in the DMA controller is that if another timer 2 timeout occurs before a DMA channel has a chance to run a DMA transfer, the first request will be lost, i.e., only a single DMA transfer will occur, even though the timer has timed out twice. The DMA channel can also be programmed to provide its own DMA requests. In this mode, DMA transfer cycles will be run continuously at the maximum bus bandwidth, one after the other until the preprogrammed number of DMA transfers (in the DMA transfer count register) have occurred. This mode is selected by programming the synchronization bits in the DMA control register for unsynchronized transfers. Note that in this mode, the DMA controller will monopolize the CPU bus, i.e., the CPU will not be able to perform opcode fetching, memory operations, etc., while the DMA transfers are occurring. Also notice that the DMA will only perforIll th,e number of transfers indicated in the Externally Synchronized DMA Transfers There are two types of externally synchronized DMA transfers, that is, DMA transfers which are requested by an external device rather than by integrated timer 2 or by the DMA channel itself (in unsynchronized transfers). These are source synchronized and destination synchronized transfers. These modes are selected by programming the synchronization bits in the DMA channel control register. The only difference between the two is the time at which the DMA request pin is sampled to determine if another DMA transfer is immediately required after the currently executing DMA transfer. On source synchronized transfers, this is done such that two source synchronized DMA transfers may occur one immediately after the other, while on destination synchronized transfers a certain amount of idle time is automatically inserted between two DMA transfers to allow time for the DMA requesting device to drive its DMA request inactive. 4.7.1 SOURCE'SYNCHRONlZED DMA TRANSFERS In a source synchronized DMA transfer, the source of the DMA data requests the DMA cycle. An example of this would be a floppy disk read from the disk to main memory. In this type of transfer, the device requesting the transfer is read during the fetch cycle of the DMA transfer. Since it takes 4 CPU clock cycles from the time DMA request is sampled to the time the DMA transfer is actually begun, and a bus cycle takes a minimum of 4 clock cycles, the earliest time the D MA request pin will be sampled for another DMA transfer will be at the beginning of the deposit cycle of a DMA transfer. This allows over 3 CPU clock cycles between the time the DMA requesting device receives an acknowledge to its D MA request (around the beginning of T 2 of the D MA fetch cycle), and the time it must drive this request inactive (assuming no wait states) to insure that another DMA transfer is not performed if it is not desired (see Figure 37). 4.7.2 DESTINATION SYNCHRONIZED DMA TRANSFERS In tlestination synchronized DMA transfers, the destination of the DMA data requests the DMA transfer. An example of this would be a floppy disk write from main memory to the disk. In this type of transfer, the device requesting the transfer is written during the deposit cycle of the DMA transfer. This causes a problem, since the DMA requesting device will not receive notification of the DMA cycle being run until 3 clock cycles before the end of the DMA transfer (if no wait states are being 3-573 210973-003 AP-186 DEPOSIT CYCLE FETCH CYCLE T, T, T, T, T, T2 DRO _....,...._ _.L..._ _~_~--\ 80186 DECISION: 1. Current DMA source synchronized transfer will not be immediately followed by another DMA transfer NEXT DMA TRANSFER DEPOSIT CYCLE T, T, : T, : T, Tw T, T, T, DRO _..I-_ _.L..._ _L--=~--., 80186 Decision: 1. Current DMA destination synchronized transfer will be followed immediately by another DMA transfer . Figure 37. Source & Destination Synchronized DMA Request Timing inserted into the deposit cycle of the DMA transfer) and it takes' 4 clock cycles to determine whether another DMA cycle should be run immediately following the current DMA transfer. To get around this problem, the DMA unit will relinquish the CPU bus after each destination synchronized DMA transfer for at least 2 CPU clock cycles to allow' the DMA requesting device time to drop its DMA request if it does not immediately desire another immediate DMA transfer. When the bus is relinquished by the DMA unit, the CPU may resume bus operation (e.g., instruction fetching, memory or I/O reads or writes, etc.) Thus, typically, a CPU initiated bus cycle will be inserted between each destination synchronized DMA transfer. If no CPU bus activity is required, however (and none can be guaranteed), the DMA unit will insert only 2 CPU clock cycles between the deposit cycle of one DMA transfer and the fetch cycle of the next D MA transfer. This means tha t the D MA destination requesting device must drop its DMA request at least two clock cycles before the end of the deposit cycle regardless of the number of wait states inserted into the bus cycle. Figure 37 shows the DMA request going away too late to prevent the immediate generation of another DMA transfer. Any wait states inserted in the deposit cycle of the DMA transfer will lengthen the amount of time from the beginning of the deposit cycle to the time DMA will be sampled for another DMA transfer. Thus, if the amount oftime a device requires to drop its DMA request after receiving a DMA acknowledge from the 80186 is longer than the 0 wait state 80186 maximum (100 ns), wait states can be inserted into the DMA cycle to lengthen the amount of time the device has to drop its DMA request after receiving theDMA acknowledge. Table 4 shows the amount of time between the beginning of T 2 and the time D MA re. quest is sampled as wait states are inserted in the DMA deposit cycle. 3-574 Table 4. DMA Request Inactive Timing Number of Wait States Max Time(ns) For DRQ Inactive From Start of T2 0 100 1 225 2 350 3 475 210973-003 AP-186 DMA FETCH CYCLE DMA DEPOSIT CYCLE ORQ (ALWAYS HIGH) I I I. Q) I NMI / I- CDI 01- ..I I ·1 CD / I OHLT (INTERNAL REGISTER BIT) CD ! 1. DMA request synchronization 2. Decision: Will DMA cycle be run? Answer: No DMA request is active but DHLT is set (from NMI request) 3. NMI synchronization time 4. Logic delay time from synchronized NMI until DHLT set (note: DHLT is in the interrupt control status register) Figure 38. 4.8 NMI and DMA Interaction DMA Halt and NMI Whenever a Non-Maskable Interrupt is received by the 80186, all DMA activity will be suspended after the end of the current DMA transfer. This is performed by the NMI automatically setting the DMA Halt (DHLT) bit in the interrupt controller status register (see section 6.3.7). The timing of NMI required to prevent a DMA cycle from occurring is shown in Figure 38. After the NMI has been serviced, the DHLT bit should be cleared by the programmer, and DMA activity will resume exactly where it left off, Le., none of the DMA registers will have been modified. The DMA Halt bit is not automatically reset after the NMI has been serviced. It is automatically reset by the IRET instruction. This DMA halt bit may also be set by the programmer to prevent DMA activity during any critical section of code. 4.9 4.9.1 Example DMA Interfaces 8272 FLOPPY DISK INTERFACE An example DMA Interface to the 8272 Floppy Disk Controller is shown in Figure 39. This shows how a typical DMA device can be interfaced to the 80186. An example floppy disk software driver for this interface is given in Appendix C. The data lines of the 8272 are connected, through buffers, to the 80186 ADO-AD7 lines. The buffers are required because the 8272 will not float its output drivers quickly enough to prevent contention with the 80186 driven address information after a read from the 8272 (see section 3.1.3). DMA acknowledge for the 8272 is driven by an address decode within the region assigned to PCS2. If PCS2 is assigned to be active between I/O locations OSOOH and OS7FH, then an access to I/O location OSOOH will enable only the chip select, while an access to I/O location OS10H will enable both the chip select and the DMA acknowledge. Remember, ALE must be factored into the DACK generation logic because addresses are not guaranteed stable when the chip selects become active. If ALE were not used, the DACK generation circuitry could glitch as address output changed state while the chip select was active. . Notice that the TC line of the 8272 is driven by a very similar circuit as the one generating DACK (except for the reversed sense ofthe output!). This line is used to terminate an 8272 command before the command has completed execution. Thus, the TC input to the 8272 is software driven in this case. Another method of driving the TC input would be to connect the DACK signal to one of the 80186 timers, and program the timer to out- 3-575 210973-003 "nt_l® 111'e' ' AP-186 ,r- DRO D 7474 ex CLKOUT PCS2 or-- CL 7474 C. CL I 1 H> oj D DRO CLK CS A D- ALE DACK ADDR LATCH 8272 tP- M TC AO DATA / AD7-ADO 8 DISK NTERFACE DBO- aUFFER FLOPPY DB7 8'- RD RD WR WR RESET RESET C. = 7474 CLOCK INPUT CL Figure 39. = 7474 CLEAR INPUT Example 8272/80186 DMA Interface put a pulse to the 8272 after a certain number of DMA cycles have been run (see next section for 80186 timer information). The above discussion assumed that a single 80186 PCS line is free to generate all 8272 select, signals. If more than' one ch.!JL!.elect is free, however, different 80186 generated PCS lines could be used for each function. For example, PCS2 could be used to select the 8272, PCS3 could be used to drive the DACK line of the 8272, etc. DMA requests are delayed by two clock periods in going from the 8272 to the 80186. This is require.!!..Qy the 8272 tRQR (time from DMA request to DMA RD going active) spec of 800ns min. This requires 6.4 80186 CPU clock cycles (at 8 MHz), well beyond the 5 minimum provided by the 80186 (4 clock cycles to the beginning of the D MA bus cychl to the beginning ofT2 of the D MA bus cycle where RD will go active). The two flip-flops add two complete CPU clock cycles to this response time. DMA request will go away 200ns after DACK is presented to the 8272. During a DMA write cycle (i.e., a destination synchronized transfer), this is not soon enough to prevent the immediate generation of another DMA transfer if no wait states are inserted in the deposit cycle to the 8272. Therefore, atleast 1 wait state is required by this interface, regardless of the data access parameters of the 8272. 3-576 210973-003 AP-186 4.9.2 5. 8274 SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE The 80186 includes a timer unit which provides three independent 16-bit timers. These timers operate independently of the CPU. Two of these have input and output pins allowing counting of external events and generation of arbitrary waveforms. The third timer can be used as a timer, as a prescaler for the other two timers, or as a DMA request source. An example 8274 synchronous/asynchronous serial chip/80l86 DMA interface is shown in Figure 40. The 8274 interface is even simpler than the 8272 interface, since it does not require the generation of a DMA acknowledge signal, and the 8274 doe.'! not require the length of time between a DMA request and the DMA read or write cycle that the 8272 does. An example serial driver using the 8274 in DMA mode with the 80186 is given in Appendix C. DRQO 8274 TxDRQ. DRQ1 RxDRQ. r--- ADDR LATCH / 2/ 5.1 ADO·AD7 AO,A1 8/ 8288 DATA BUFFER / (rf DBD-DB7 5.2 RD WR RESET Figure 40. Timer Registers Each timer is controlled by a block of registers (see Figure 43). Each of these registers can be read or written whether or not the timer is operating. All processor accesses to these registers are synchronized to all counter element accesses to these registers, meaning that one will never read a count register in which only half of the bits have been modified. Because of this synchronization, one wait state is alftomatically inserted into any access to the timer registers. Unlike the DMA unit, locking accesses to timer registers will not prevent the timer's counter element from accessing the timer registers. RD WR RESET Example 8274/80186 DMA Interface The data lines ofthe 8274 are connected through buffers to the 80186 ADO-AD7lines. Again, these are required not because of bus drive problems, but because the 8274 will not float its drivers before the 80186 will begin driving address information on its address/data bus. If both the 8274 and the 8272 are included in the same 80186 system, they could share the same data bus buffer (as could any other peripheral devices in the system). The 8274 does not require a DMA acknowledge signal. The first read from or write to the data register of the 8274 after the 8274 generates the DMA request signal will clear the DMA request. The time between when the control signal (RD or WR) becomes active and when the 8274 will drop its DMA request during a DMAwrite is 150ns, which will require at least one wait state be inserted into the DMA write cycle for proper operation of the interfacll. Timer Operation The internal timer unit on the 80186 could be modeled by a single counter element, time multiplexed to three register banks, each of which contains different control 'and count values. These register banks are, in turn, dual ported between the counter element and the 80186 CPU (see Figure 41). Figure 42 shows the timer element sequencing, and the subsequent constraints on input and output signals. If the CPU modifies one ofthe timer registers, this change will affect the counter element the next time that register is presented to the counter element. There is no connection between the sequencing of the counter element through the timer register banks and the Bus Interface Unit's sequencing through Tstates. Timer operation and bus interface operation are completely asynchronous. lV A" A./ TIMER UNIT INTERFACING Each timer has a 16-bit count register. This register is incremented for each timer event. A timer event can be a low-to-high transition on the external pin (for timers 0 and I), a CPU clock transition (divided by 4 because of the counter element multiplexing), or a time out of timer 2 (for timers 0 and 1). Because the count register is 16 bits wide, up to 65536 (2 16) timer events can be counted by a single timer/couRter. This register can be both read or written whether the timer is or is not operating. Each timer includes a maximum count register. Whenever the timer count register is equal to the maximum count register, the count register will be reset to zero, that is, the maximum count value will never be stored in the count register. This maximum count value may be written while the timer is operating. A maximum count 3-577 210973-003 "1 _I® Im I-e- AP-1.86 To T, IN IN CPU DMA REQUEST Figure 41. 80186 Timer Model TI~ER 1 SERVICED TIMER 0 TIMER 2 SERVICED DEAD SERVICED TIMER IN o TIMER IN 1 TIMER OUT o TIMER OUT 1 1. 2. 3. 4. Timer in 0 resolution time Timer in 1 resolution time Modified count value written into 80186 timer 0 count register Modified count value written into 80186 timer 1 count register Figure 42. 80186 Counter Element Multiplexing and Timer Input Synchronization 3-578 210973-003 AP-186 OFFSET 54H COUNT REGISTER ----------MAX COUNT REGISTER A ----------MAX COUNT REGISTER B 56H - 58H COUNT REGISTER ----------MAX COUNT REGISTER A ----------MAX COUNT REGISTER B SOH 52H SAH 5CH 5EH 60H - CONTROL REGISTER-d) - CONTROL REGISTER-(i) - TIMER 1 - - - - 64H COUNT REGISTER ----------MAX COUNT REGISTER -- - - -X- - - - -XX 66H - 62H TIMER 0 -- CONTROL REGISTER-aT - - - TIMER 2 - CD CONTROL REGISTER LAYOUT o 15 Figure 43. 80186 Timer Register Layout value of 0 implies a maximum count of 65536, a maximum count value of 1 implies a maximum count of 1, etc. The user should be aware that only equivalence between the count value and the maximum count register value is checked, that is, the count value will not be cleared if the value in the count register is greater than the value in-the maximum count register. This could only occur by programmer intervention, either by setting the value in the count register greater than the value in the maximum count register, or by setting the value in the maximum count register to be less than the value in the count register. If this is programmed, the timer will count to the maximum possible count (FFFFH), increment to 0, then count up to the value in the maximum count register. The TC bit in the timer control register will not be set when the counter overflows to 0, nor will an interrupt be generated from the timer unit. Timers 0 and 1 each contain an additional maximum count register.-When both maximum count registers are used, the timer will first count up to the value in maximum count register A, reset to 'zero, count up to the value in maximum count register B, and reset to zero again. The ALTernate bit in the timer control register determines whether one or both maximum count registers are used. If this bit is low, only maximum count register A is used; maximum count register B is ignored. If it is high, both maximum count register A and maximum count register B are used. The RIU (register in use) bit in tile timer control register indicates which maximum count register is currently being used. This bit is 0 when maximum count register A is being used, 1 when maximum count register B is being used. This RIU bit is read only. It is unaffected by any write to the timer control register. It will always be read 0 in single maximum count regis- ter mode (since only maximum count register A will be used). Each timer can generate an interrupt whenever the timer count value reaches a maximum count value. That is, an interrupt can be generated whenever the value in maximum count register A is reached, and whenever the value in maximum count register B is reached. In addition, the MC (maximum count) bit in the timer control register is set whenever the timer count reaches a maximum count value. This bit is never automatically cleared, i.e., programmer intervention is required to clear this bit. If a timer generates a second interrupt request before. the first interrupt request has been serviced, the first interrupt request to the CPU will be lost. Each timer has an ENable bit in the timer control register. This bit is used to enable the timer to count. The timer will count timer events only when this bit is set. Any timer events occurring when this bit is reset are ignored. Any write to the timer control register will modify the ENable bit only if the INHibit bit is also set. The timer ENable bit will not be modified by a write to the timer control register if the INHibit bit is not set. The INHibit bit in the timer control register allows selective updating of the timer ENable bit. The value of the INHibit bit is not stored in a write to the timer control register; it will always be read as a 1. Each timer has a CONTinuous bit in the timer control register. If this bit is cleared, the timer ENable bit will be automatically cleared at the end of each timing cycle. If a single maximum count register is used, the end of a timing cycle occurs when the count value resets to zero after reaching the value in maximum count register A. If dual maximum count registers are used, the end of a 3-579 210973-003 Ap·186 timing'cycle occurs when the count value resets to zero after reaching the value in maximum count register B. If the CONTinuous bit is set, the ENable bit in the timer control register will never be automatically'reset. Thus, after each timing cycle, another timing cycle will automatically begin. For example, in single maximum count register mode, the timer will count up to the value in maximum count register A, reset to zero, count up to the value in maximum count register A, reset to zero, ad infinitum. In dual maximum count register mode, the timer will count up the the value in maximum count register A, reset to zero, count up the value in maximum count register B', reset to zero, count up to the value in maximum count register A, reset to zero, et cetera. 5.3 Timer Events Each timer counts timer events. All timers can use a transition of the CPU clock as an event. Because of the counter element multiplexing, the timer-count value will be incremented every fourth CPU clock. For timer 2, this is the only timer event which can be used. For timers oand I, this event is selected by clearing the EXTernal and Prescaler bits in the timer control register. Timers 0 and 1 can use timer 2 reaching its maximum count as a timer event. This is selected by clearing the EXTernal bit and setting the Prescaler bit in the timer control register. When this is done, the timer will increment whenever timer 2 resets to zero having reached its own maximum count. Note that timer 2 must be initialized and running for the other timer's value to be incremented. Timers 0 and 1 can also be programmed to count low-tohigh transitions on the external input pin. Each transition on the external pin is synchronized to the 80186 clock before it is presented to the timer circuitry, and may, therefore, be asynchronous (see Appendix.B for information on 80186 synchronizers). The timer counts transitions on the input pin: the input value must go low, then go high to cause the timer to increment. Any transition on this line is latched. If a transition occurs when a timer is not being serviced by the counter element, the transition on the input line will be remembered so that when the timer does get serviced, the input transition will be counted. Because of the counter element multiplexing, the maximum rate at which the timer can count is 1/4 of the CPU clock rate (2 MHz with an 8 MHz CPU clock). ' 5.4 Timer Input Pin Operation Timers 0 and 1 each have individual timer input pins. Alliow-to-high transitions on these input pins are synchronized, latched, and presented to the counter element when the particular timer is being serviced by the counter element. Signals on this input can affect timer operation in three different ways. The manner in which the pin signals are used is determined by the EXTernal and RTG (retrig- ger) bits in ~he timer control register. If the EXTernal bit is set, transitions on the input pin will cause the timer count value to increment if the timer is enabled (the ENable bit in the timer control register is set). Thus, the timer counts external events. If the EXTernal bit is cleared, all· timer increments are caused by either the CPU clock or by timer 2 timing out. In this mode, the RTG bit determines whether the input pin will enable timer operation, or whether it 'will retrigger timer operation. If the EXTernal bit is low and the R TG bit is also low, the timer will count internal timer events only when the timer input pin is high and the ENable' bit in the timer control register is set. Note that in this mode, the pin is level sensitive, not edge sensitive. A low-to-high transi~ tion on the timer input pin is not required to enable timer operation. If the input is tied high, the timer will be continually enabled. The timer enable input signal is completely independent of the ENable bit in the timer control register: both must be high for the timer to count. Example uses for the timer in this mode would be a real time clock or a baud rate generator. If the EXTernal bit is low and the RTG bit is high, the timer will act as a digital one-shot. In this mode, every low-to-high transition on the timer input pin will cause the timer to reset to zero. If the timer is enabled (i.e., the ENable bit in the timer control register is set) timer operation will begin (the timer will count CPU clock transitions or timer 2 timeouts). Timer operation will cease at the end of a timer cycle, that is, when the value in ~he maximum count register A is reached and the timer count value resets to zero (in single maximum count register mode, remember that the maximum count value is never stored in the timer count register) or when the value in maximum count register B is reached and the. timer count value resets to zero (in dual maximum count register mode). If another low-to-high transition occurs on the input pin before the end of the timer cycle, the timer will reset to zero and begin the timing cycle again regardless of the state of the CONTinuous bit in the timer control register the RIU bit will not be changed by the input transition. If the CONTinuous bit in the timer control register is cleared, the timer ENable bit will automatically be cleared at the end of the timer cycle. This means that any additional transitions on the input pin will be ignored by the timer. If the CONTinuous bit in the timer control register is set, the timer will reset to zero and begin another timing cycle for every low-tohigh transition on the input pin, regardless of whether the timer had reached the end of a timer cycle, because the timer ENable bit would not have been cleared at the end of the timing cycle. The timer will also continue counting at the end of a timer cycle, whether or not another transition has occurred on the input pin. An example use of the timer in this mode is an alarm clock time out signal or interr~pt. 3-580 l 210973-003 AP-186 5.5 Timer Output Pin Operation a baud rate generator. Timers 0 and 1 each contain a single timer output pin. This pin can perform two functions at programmer option. The first is a single pulse indicating the end of a timing cycle. The second is a level indicating the maximum count register currently being used. The timer outputs operate as outlined below whether internal or external clocking of the timer is used. If external clocking is used, however, the user should remember that the time between an external transition on the timer input pin and the time this transition is reflected in the timer out pin will vary depending on when the input transition occurs relative to the timer's being serviced by the counter element. When the timer is programmed in dual maximum count register mode (the ALTernate bit in the timer control register is set), the timer output pin indicates which maximum count register is being used. It is low if maximum count register B is being used for the current count, high if maximum count register A is being used. If the tiIl\er is programmed in continuous mode (the CONTinuous bit in the timer control register is set), this pin could generate a waveform of any duty cycle. For example, if maximum count register A contained 10 and maximum count register B contained 20, a 33% duty cycle waveform would be generated. When the timer is in single maximum count register mode (the ALTernate bit in the timer control register is cleared) the timer output pin will go low for a single CPU clock the clock after the timer is serviced by the counter element where maximum count is reached (see Figure 44). This mode is useful when using the timer as 5.6 Sample 80186 Timer Applications The 80186 timers can be used for almost any application for which a discrete timer circuit would be used. These include real time clocks, baud rate generators, or event counters. TIMER 0 SERVICED INTERNAL COUNT VALUE TMR OUT PIN ---------""\1-----+----------------------i"1 Figure 44. 80186 Timer Out Signal 80186 r-- +5V + 5V TMRINol TIMER TMR IN 1 0 '--- TMR OUT 1 TMROUTO TxC } SERIAL RxC CONTROLLER TMR INO Figure 45. 80186 Real Time Clock Figure 46. 3-581 80186 Baud Rate Generator 210973-003 AP-186 0 0 0 80186 JL TMR INO 3GLIGHT ~ Figure 47. 5.6.1 80186 TIMER REAL TIME CLOCK The sample program in appendix D shows the 80186 timer being used with the 80186 CPU to form a real time clock. In this implementation, timer 2 is programmed to provide an interrupt to the CPU every millisecond. The CPU then increments memory based clock variables. 5.6.2 80186 TIMER BAUD RATE GENERATOR The 80186 timers can also be used as baud rate generators for serial communication controllers (e.g., the 8274). Figure 46 shows this simple connection, and the code to program the timer as a baud rate generator is included in appendix D. 5.6.3 80186 TIMER EVENT COUNTER The 80186 timer can be used to count events. Figure 47 shows a hypothetical set up in which the 80186 timer will count the interruptions ill a light source. The number of interruptions can be read directly from the count register of the timer, since the timer counts up, i.e., each interruption in the light source will cause the timer count value to increase. The code to set up the 80186 timer in this mode is included in appendix D. TIMER TIMER TIMER o 1 2 INTO INT1 INT2 INT3 NMI TIMER CONTROL REG. INTERRUPT REQUEST REG. DMAO CONTROL REG. DMA 1 CONTROL REG. INTERRUPT MASK REG. EXT. INPUT 0 CONTROL REG. EXT. INPUT 1 CONTROL REG. INTERRUPT PRIORITY RESOLVER IN-SERVICE REG. PRIOR. LEV. MASK REG. INTERRUPT STATUS REG. EXT. INPUT 2 CONTROL REG. INTERRUPT REQUEST TO PROCESSOR INTERNAL ADDRESS/DATA BUS Figure 48. 80186 Interrupt Controller Block Diagram 3-582 210973-003 AP-186 6. 80186 INTERRUPT CONTROLLER INTERFACING The 80186 contains an integrated interrupt controller. This unit performs tasks of the interrupt controller in a typical system. These include synchronization of interrupt requests, priortization of interrupt requests, and request type vectoring in response to a CPU interrupt acknowledge. It can be a master to two external 8259A interrupt controllers or can be a slave to an external interrupt controller to allow compatibility with the iRMX 86 operating system, and the 80130/80150 operating system firmware chips. 6.1 operates as a slave to an external interrupt controller which operates as the master interrupt controller for the system. Some of the interrupt controller registers and in, terrupt controller pins change definition between these two modes, but the basic charter and function of the interrupt controller remains fundamentally the same. The difference is when in master mode, the interrupt controller presents its interrupt input directly to the 80186 CPU, while in iRMX 86 mode the interrupt controller presents its interrupt input to an external controller (which then presents its interrupt input to the 80186 CPU). Placing the interrupt controller in iRMX 86 mode is done by setting the iRMX mode bit in the peripheral control block pointer (see appendix A). Interrupt Controller Model 6.3 The integrated interrupt controller block diagram is shown in Figure 48. It contains registers and a control element. Four inputs are provided for external interfacing to the interrupt controller. Their functions change according to the programmed mode of the interrupt controller. Like the other 80186 integrated peripheral registers, the interrupt controller registers are available for CPU reading or writing at any time. 6.2 Interrupt Controller Registers The interrupt controller has a number of registers which are used to control its operation (see Figure 49). Some of these change their function between the two major modes of the interrupt controller (master and iRMX 86 mode). The differences are indicated in the following section. If not indicated, the function and implementation of the registers is the same in the two basic modes of operation of the interrupt controller. The method of interaction among the various interrupt controller registers is shown in the flowcharts in Figures 57 and 58. Interrupt Controller Operation The interrupt controller operates in two major modes, non-iRMX 86 mode (referred to henceforth as master mode), and iRMX 86 mode. In master mode the integrated controller acts as the master interrupt controller for the system, while in iRMX 86 mode the controller 6.3.1. CONTROL REGISTERS Each source of interrupt to the 80186 has a control register in the internal controller. These registers contain MASTER MODE OFFSET ADDRESS ,RMX86 N Mode INT3 CONTROL REGISTER 3EH CD 3CH 3AH ===========0=========== 38H TIMER 1 CONTROL REGISTER DMA1 CONTROL REGISTER 36H DMA1 CONTROL REGISTER DMAO CONTROL REGISTER 34H DMAO CONTROL REGISTER 32H TIMER 0 CONTROL REGISTER INTERRUPT CONTROLLER STATUS REGISTER 30H INTERRUPT CONTROLLER STATUS REGISTER INTERRUPT REQUEST REGISTER 2EH INTERRUPT REQUEST REGISTER IN-SERVICE REGISTER 2CH PRIORITY MASK REGISTER ----------------------MASK REGISTER 2AH IN SERVICE REGISTER ----------------------PRIORITY MASK REGISTER 28H MASK REGISTER POLL STATUS REGISTER 26H POLL REGISTER 24H EOI REGISTER 22H INT2 CONTROL REGISTER INn CONTROL REGISTER ----------------------INTO CONTROL REGISTER ----------------------TIMER CONTROL REGISTER -----------0----------- 20H TIMER 2 CONTROL REGISTER SPECIFIC EOI REGISTER ----------------------===========$=========== INTERRUPT VECTOR REGISTER 1. Unsupported in this mode: values written mayor may not be stored Figure 49. 80186 Interrupt Controller Registers 3-583 210973-003 AP-186 ent o 15 0 SPECIAL FULLY NESTED BIT 0 CAS- LEVEL CADE MODE TRIG. 0 I PRIORITY BITS I I MASK MOD~CD : BIT 1. This bit present only in INTO-INT3 control registers 2. These bits present only in INTO-INT1 control register Figure 50_ MASTER MODE 15 x x Figure 51. Interrupt Controller Control Register o 15 x x 0 x 80186 Interrupt Controller In-Service, Interrupt Request and Mask Register Format 6.3.3 MASK REGISTER AND PRIORITY three bits which select one of eight different interrupt priority levels for the interrupt device (0 is highest priority, 7 is lowest priority), and a mask bit to enable the interrupt (see Figure 50). When the mask bit is low, the interrupt is enabled, when it is high, the interrupt is masked. MASK REGISTER The interrupt controller contains a mask register (see Figure 51). This register contains a mask bit for each interrupt source associated with an interrupt control register. The bit for an interrupt source in the mask register is identically the same bit as is provided in the interrupt control register: modifying a mask bit in the control register will also modify it in the mask register, and vice versa. There are seven control registers in the 80186 integrated interrupt controller. In master mode, four of these serve the external interrupt inputs, one each for the two DMA channels, and one for the collective timer interrupts. In iRMX 86 mode, the external interrupt inputs are not used, so each timer can have its own individual control register. 6.3.2 iRMX N 86 MODE The interrupt controller also contains a priority mask register (see Figure 52). This register contains three bits which indicate the lowest priority an interrupt may have that will cause an interrupt acknowledge. Interrupts received which have a lower priority will be effectively masked off. Upon reset this register is set to the lowest priority of 7 to enable all interrupts of any priority. This register may be read or written. REQUEST REGISTER The interrupt controller includes an interrupt request register (see Figure 51). This register contains seven active bits, one for each interrupt control register. Whenever an interrupt request is made by the interrupt source associated with a specific control register, the bit in interrupt request register is set, regardless if the interrupt is enabled, or if it is of sufficient priority to cause a processor interrupt. The bits in this register which are associated with integrated peripheral devices (the DMA and timer units) can be read or written, while the bits in this register which are associated with the external interrupt pins can only be read (values written to them are not stored). These interrupt request bits are automatically cleared when the interrupt is acknowledged. o 15 x x Figure 52. 6.3.4 x 80186 Interrupt Controller Priority Mask Register Format IN-SERVICE REGISTER The interrupt controller contains an in-service register (see Figure 51). A bit in the in-service register is associated with each interrupt control register so that when an interrupt request by the device associated with the con- 3-584 210973-003 AP-1S6 trol register is acknowledged by the processor (either by the processor running the interrupt acknowledge or by the processor reading the interrupt poll register) the bit is set. The bit is reset when the CPU issues an End Of Interrupt to the interrupt controller. This register may be both read and written, i.e., the CPU may set in-service bits without an interrupt ever occurring, or may reset them without using the EOI function of the interrupt controller. 6.3.5 sor had acknowledged the interrupt through interrupt acknowledge cycles. The processor will not actually run any interrupt acknowledge cycles, and will not vector through a location in the interrupt vector table. Only the interrupt request, in-service and priority mask registers in the interrupt controller are set appropriately. Reading the poll status register will merely transmit the status of the polling bits without modifying any of the other interrupt controller registers. These registers are read only: data written to them is not stored. These registers are not supported in iRMX 86 mode. The state of the bits in these registers in iRMX 86 mode is not defined. POLL AND POLL STATUS REGISTERS The interrupt controller contains both a poll register and a poll status register (see Figure 53). Both of these registers contain the same information. They have a single bit to indicate an interrupt is pending. This bit is set if an interrupt of sufficient priority has been received. It is automatically cleared when the interrupt is acknowledged. If (and only if) an interrupt is pending, they also contain information as to the interrupt type of the highest priority interrupt pending. 6.3.6 o 15 x x x SO-S4 = interrupt type Figure 53. 80186 Poll & Poll Status Register Format Reading the poll register will acknowledge the pending interrupt to the interrupt controller just as if the proces- 15 o MASTER MODE J;SPEC'x iRMX86 MODE 15 x SO-S4 Interrupt type = x x x o x LO-L2 = interrupt priority level Figure 54. 15r I I END OF INTERRUPT REGISTER The mterrupt controller contains an End Of Interrupt register (see Figure 54). The programmer issues an End Of Interrupt to the controller by writing to this register. After receiving the End Of Interrupt, the interrupt controller automatically resets the in-service bit for the interrupt. The value of the word written to this register determines whether the End Of Interrupt is specific or non-specific. A non-specific End Of Interrupt is specified by setting the non-specific bit in the word written to the End Of Interrupt register. In a non-specific End Of Interrupt, the in-service bit of the highest priority interrupt set is automatically cleared, while a specific End Of Interrupt allows the in-service bit cleared to be explicitly specified. The in-service bit is reset whether the bit 'Was set by an interrupt acknowledge or if it was set by the CPU writing the bit directly to the in-service register. If the 80186 End of Intenupt Register Format o DHLT x x Figure 55. x x x 80186 Interrupt Status Register Format o 15 x Figure 56. x x 80186 Interrupt Vector Register Format (IRMX 86 mode only) 3-585 210973-003 AP-186 highest priority interrupt is reset, the pnonty mask register bits will change to reflect the,next lowest priority interrupt to be serviced. If a less than highest priority interrupt in-service bit is reset, the priority mask register bits will not be modified (because the highest priority interrupt being serviced has not c:hanged). Only the specific EO! is supported in iRMX 86 mode. This register is write only: data written is not stored and cannot be read back. 6.3.7 INTERRUPT STATUS REGISTER The interrupt controller also contains an interrupt status register (see Figure 55). This register contains four significant bits. There are three bits used to show which timer is causing an interrupt. This is required because in master mode, the timers share a single interrupt control register. A bit in this register is set to indicate which timer has generated an interrupt. The bit associated with a timer is automatically cleared after the interrupt request for the timer is acknowledged. More than one of these bits may be set at a time. The fourth bit in the interrupt status register is the DMA halt bit. When set, this bit prevents any DMA activity. It is automatically set whenever a NMI is received by the interrupt controller. It can also be set explicitly by the programmer. This bit is automatically cleared whenever the IRET instruction is executed. All significant bits in this register are read/write. 6.3.8 INTERRUPT VECTOR REGISTER Finally, in iRMX 86 mode only, the interrupt controller contains an interrupt vector register (see Figure 56). This register is used to specify the 5 most significant bits of the interrupt type vector placed on the CPU bus in response to an interrupt acknowledgement (the lower 3 significant bits of the interrupt type are determined by the priority level of the device causing the interrupt in iRMX 86 mode). 6.4 Interrupt Sources The 80"'86 interrupt controller receives and arbitrates among many different interrupt request sources, both internal and external. Each interrupt source may be programmed to be a different priority level in the interrupt controller. An interrupt request generation flow chart is shown in Figure 57. Such a flowchart would be followed independently by each interrupt source. 6.4.1 INTERNAL INTERRUPT SOURCES The internal interrupt sources are the three timers and the two D MA channels. An int~rrupt from each of these interrupt sources is latched in the interrupt controller, so that if the condition causing the interrupt is cleared in the originating integrated peripheral device, the interrupt request will remain pending in the interrupt controller. The state of the pending interrupt can be obtained by reading the interrupt request register of the interrupt controller. For all internal interrupts, the latched interrupt request can be reset by the processor by writing to the interrupt request register. Note that all timers share a common bit in the interrupt request register in master mode. The interrupt controller status register may be read to determine which timer is actually causing the interrupt request in this mode. Each timer has a unique interrupt vector (see section 6.5.1). Thus polling is not required to determine which timer has caused the interrupt in the interrupt service routine. Also, because the timers share a common interrupt control register, they are placed at a common priority level as referenced to all other interrupt devices. Among themselves they have a fixed priority, with timer 0 as the highest priority timer and timer 2 as the lowest priority timer. 6.4.2 EXTERNAL INTERRUPT SOURCES The 80186 interrupt controller will accept external interrupt requests only when it is programmed in master mode. In this mode, the external pins associated with the interrupt controller may serve either as direct interrupt inputs, or as cascaded interrupt inputs from other interrupt controllers as a programmed option. These options are selected by programming the C and SFNM bits in the INTO and INTI control registers (see Figure 50). When programmed as direct interrupt inputs, the four interrupt inputs are each controlled by an individual interrupt control register. As stated earlier, these registers contain 3 bits which select the priority level for the interrupt and a single bit which enables the interrupt source to the processor. In addition each of these control registers contains a bit which selects either edge or level triggered mode for the interrupt input. When edge triggered mode is selected, a low-to-high transition must occur on . the interrupt input before an interrupt is generated, while in level triggered mode, only a high level needs to be maintained to generate an interrupt. In edge trig~ gered mode, the input must remain low at least 1 clock cycle before the input is "re-armed." In both modes, the interrupt level must remain high until the interrupt is acknowledged, i.e., the interrupt request is not latched in the interrupt controller. The status of the interrupt input can be shown by reading the interrupt request register. Each of the external pins has a bit in this register which indicates an interrupt request on the particular pin. Note that since interrupt requests on these inputs are not latched by the interrupt controller, if the external input goes inactive, the interrupt request (and also the bit in the interrupt request register) will also go inactive (low). Also, if the interrupt input is in edge triggered mode, a low-to-high transition on the input pin must occur before the interrupt request bit will be set in the interrupt request register. If the C (Cascade) bit of the INTO or INTI control registers are set, the interrupt input is cascaded to an external interrupt controller. In this mode, whenever the 3-586 210973-00~ AP-186 Figure 57. 80186lnterrupt.Request Sequencing interrupt presented to the INTO or INTI line is acknowledged, the integrated interrupt controller will not provide the interrupt type for the interrupt. Instead, two INTA bus cycles will be run, with the INT2 and INT3 lines providing the interrupt acknowledge pulses for the INTO and the INTI interrupt requests respectively. INTO/INT2 and INTI/INT3 may be individually programmed into cascade mode. This allows 128 individually vectored interrupt sources if two banks of 9 external interrupt controllers each are used. rupt requests only from the integrated peripherals. Any external interrupt requests must go through an external interrupt controller. This external interrupt controller requests interrupt service directly from the 80186 CPU through the INTO line on the 80186, In this mode, the function of this line is not affected by the integrated interrupt controller. In addition, in iRMX 86 mode the integrated interrupt controller must request interrupt service through this external interrupt controller. This interrupt request is made on the INT3 line (see section 6.7.4 on external interrupt connections). 6.4.3 6.5 iRMX'" 86 MODE INTERRUPT SOURCES When the interrupt controller is configured in iRMX 86 mode, the integrated interrupt controller accepts inter- Interrupt Response The 80186 can respond to an interrupt in two different ways. The first will occur if the internal controller is pro3-587 210973-003 AP-186 WAIT FOR NEXT INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE GENERATE INTA CYCLES FOR EXTERNAL INTERRUPT CONTROLLER PLACE INTERRUPT TYPE ON INTERNAL ri\ BUS DURING SECOND \.!I INTACYCLE YES PROVIDE HIGHEST PRIORITY INTERRUPT VECTOR ON INTERNAL BUS 1. Before actual interrupt ackno'wledge is run by CPU 2. Two interrupt acknowledge cycles will be run, the interrupt type is read by the CPU on the second cycle 3. Interrupt acknowledge cycles will not be run, the interrupt vector address is placed on an internal bus and is not available outside the processor 4. Interrupt type is not driven on external bus in iRMX86 mode Figure 58. 80186 Interrupt Acknowledge Sequencing viding the interrupt vector information with the controller in master mode. The second will occur if the CPU reads interrupt type information from an external interrupt controller or if the interrupt controller is in iRMX 86 mode. In both of these instances the interrupt vector information driven by the 80186 integrated interrupt controller is not available outside the 80186 microprocessor. 6.5.1 INTERNAL VECTORING, MASTER MODE In each interrupt mode, when the integrated interrupt controller receives an interrupt response, the interrupt controller will automatically set the in-service bit and reset the interrupt request bit in the integrated controller. In addition, unless the interrupt control register for the interrupt is set in Special Fully Nested Mode, the interrupt controller will prevent any interrupts from occurring from the same interrupt line until the in-service bit for that line has been cleared. In master mode, the integrated interrupt controller is the master interrupt controller of the system. As a result, no external interrupt controller need know when the integrated controller is providing an interrupt vector, nor when the interrupt acknowledge is taking place. As a restilt, no interrupt acknowledge bus cycles will be generated. The first external indication that an interrupt has been acknowledged will be the processor reading the interrupt vector from the interrupt vector table in low memory. In master mode, the interrupt types associated with all the interrupt sources are fixed and unalterable. These interrupt types are given in Table 5. In response to an internal CPU interrupt acknowledge the interrupt controller will generate the vector address rather than the interrupt type. On the 80186 (like the 8086) the interrupt vector address is the interrupt type multiplied by 4. This speeds interrupt response. 3-588 AP-186 Table 5. 80186 Interrupt Vector Types Interrupt Name Vector Type Default Priority timer 0 timer I timer 2 DMAO DMAI INTO INT I INT 2 INT 3 8 18 19 10 11 12 \3 14 15 Oa Ob Oc 2 3 4 5 6 7 6.5.2 In iRMX 86 mode, the integrated interrupt controller will present the interrupt type to the CPU in response to the two interrupt acknowledge bus cycles run by the processor. During the first interrupt acknowledge cycle, the external master interrupt controller determines which slave interrupt controller will be allowed to place its interru pt vector on the microprocessor bus. During the second interrupt acknowledge cycle, the processor reads the interrupt vector from its bus. Thus, these two inter- . rupt acknowledge cycles must be run, since the integrated controller will present the interrupt type information only when the external interrupt controller signals the integrated controller that it has the highest pending interrupt request (see Figure 59). The 80186 samples the Because the two interrupt acknowledge cycles are not run, and the interrupt vector address does not need be be calculated, interrupt response to an internally vectored interrupt is 42 clock cycles, which is faster then the interrupt response when external vectoring is required, or if the interrupt controller is run in iRMX 86 mode. If two interrupts of the same programmed priority occur, the default priority scheme (as shown in table 5) is used. T, T, T, CLKOUT INTERNAL VECTORING, iRMX'" 86 MODE In iRMX 86 mode, the interrupt types associated with the various interrupt sources are alterable. The upper 5 most significant bits are taken from the interrupt vector register, and the lower 3 significant bits are taken from the priority level of the device causing the interrupt. Because the interrupt type, rather than the interrupt vector address, is given by the interrupt controller in this mode the interrupt vector address must be calculated by the CPU before servicing the interrupt. T, T, T, 1 1 S~S2 ------~------~------~:-r----+-------+-------+----,-+-------+:------~I~~~-------1 1 1 1 1 1 INTE RUPT ACKNOWLEDGE INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE INTO ______~------~------~------_+------_+------_+------_+'------_+'-----~'~~~~----(HIGH) INT3 (HIGH) CAS ------~------~------~------~------~------_r------_r------_r------~f_---~----- ~~----~-'j~----~----~----~----~----~----~~~~;80186 SLAVE ENABLE C SCADE ADDRESS FROM 8259A CD ------~------~---,\-~------~'------~:------~'-------'~---~'~---~'------~---.~-- SLAVE -------+-------+---~ SELECT 1 CD - INTA 1 1 , 1 1 ~I..._--'_ _-'-_--'...J ;/ I :\ 1 / LOCK4 , I'---~----~---+----~----~---+----~ I 'I 1 1 1. SLAVE SELECT = INT1 2. INTA = INT2 3. Driven by external interrupt controller 4, SLAVE SELECT must be driven before Phase 2 of T2 of the second INTA , QYQ!L--5, SLAVE SELECT read by 80186 Figure 59. 80186 iRMX-86 Mode Interrupt Acknowledge Timing 3-589 210973-003 AP-186 so- S2 INTA ADO-AD7 :-i.__~_.1j-i- -~--~--~--~--~--~--~-__ I I I INTERRUPT TYPE (FROM EXTERNAL CONTROLLER) Figure 60. 80186 Cascaded Interrupt Acknowledge Timing SLAVE SELECT line during the falling edge of the clock at the beginning of T 3 of the second interrupt acknowledge cycle. This input must be stable 20ns before and IOns after this edge. These two interrupt acknowledge cycles will be run back to back, and will be LOCKED with the LOCK output active (meaning that DMA requests and HOLD requests will not be honored until both cycles have been run). Note that the two interrupt acknowledge cycles will always be separated by two idle T states, and that wait states will be inserted into the interrupt acknowledge cycle if a ready is not returned by the processor bus interface. The two idle T states are inserted to allow compatibility with the timing requirements of an external 8259A interrupt controller. Because the interrupt acknowledge cycles must be run in iRMX 86 mode, even for internally generated vectors, and the integrated controller presents an interrupt type rather than a vector address, the interrupt response time here is the same as if an externally vectored interrupt was required, namely 55 CPU clocks. 6.5.3 EXTERNAL VECTORING External interrupt vectoring occurs whenever the 80186 interrupt controller is placed in cascade mode, special fully nested mode, or iRMX 86 mode (and the integrated controller is not enabled by the external master interrupt controller). In this mode, the 80186 generates two interrupt acknowledge cycles, reading the interrupt type off the lower 8 bits of the address/data bus on the second interrupt acknowledge cycle (see Figure 60). This interrupt response is exactly the same as the 8086, so that the 8259A interrupt controller can be used exactly as it would in an 8086 system. Notice that the two interrupt acknowledge cycles are LOCKED, and that two idle Tstates are always inserted between the two interrupt acknowledge bus cycles, and that wait states will be inserted in the interrupt acknowledge cycle if a ready is not returned to the processor. Also notice that the 80186 provides two interrupt acknowledge signals, one for interrupts signaled by the INTO line, and one for interrupts signaled by the INTI line (on the INT2/INTAO and INT3/INTAI lines, respectively). These two interrupt acknowledge signals are mutually exclusive. Interr~t acknowledge status will be driven on the status lines (SO-S2) when either INT2/INTAO or INn/ INTAI signal an interrupt acknowledge. 6.6 Interrupt Controller External Connections The four interrupt signals can be programmably configured ,into 3 major options. These are direct interrupt inputs (with the integrated controller providing' the interrupt vector), cascaded (with an external interrupt controller providing the interrupt vector), or iRMX 86 mode. In all these modes, any interrupt presented to the external lines must remain set until the interrupt is acknowledged. 3-590 210973-003 \ AP·186 6.6.1 DIRECT INPUT MODE When the Cascade mode bits are cleared, the interrupt input lines are configured as direct interrupt input lines (see Figure 61). In this mode an interrupt source (e.g., an 8272 floppy disk controller) may be directly connected to the interrupt input line. Whenever an interrupt is received on the input line, the integrated controller will do nothing unless the interrupt is enabled, and it is the highest priority pending interrupt. At this time, the interrupt controller will present the interrupt to the CPU and wait for an interrupt acknowledge. When the acknowledge occurs, it will present the interrupt vector address to the CPU. In this mode, the CPU will not run any interrupt acknowledge cycles. on the SO-S2 status lines. On the second pulse, the interrupt type will be read in. The 80186 externally vectored interrupt response is covered in more detail in section 6.5. 8259A 80186 INT INTO INTA INT2 8259A INT INT1 INTA INT3 80186 INTO . INTERRUPT SOURCES , Figure 61. Figure 62. INT1 INT2 INTO/INT2/INTAOand INTI/INT3/INTAI maybe individually programmed into interrupt request/acknowledge pairs, or programmed as direct inputs. This means that INTO/INT2/INTAO may be programmed as an interrupt/acknowledge pair, while INTI and INT3/INTAI each provide separate internally vectored interrupt inputs. INT3 80186 Non-Cascaded Interrupt Connection These lines can be individually programmed in either edge or level triggered mode using their respective control registers. In edge triggered mode, a low-to-high transition must occur before the Interrupt will be generated to the CPU, while in level triggered mode, only a high level must be present on the input for an interrupt to be generated. In edge trigger mode, the interrupt input must also be low for at least I CPU clock cycle to insure recognition. In both modes, the interrupt input must remain active until acknowledged. 6.6.2 80186 Cascade and SpeCial Fully Nested Mode Interface CASCADE MODE When the Cascade mode bit is set and the SFNM bit is cleared, the interrupt input lines are configured in cascade mode. In this mode, the interrupt input line is paired with an interrupt acknowledge line. The INT2/ INTAO and INT3/INTAllines are dual purpose; they can function as direct input lines, or they can function as interrupt acknowledge outputs. INT2/INTAO provides the interrupt acknowledge for an INTO input, and INT3/INTAI provides the interrupt acknowledge for an INTI input. Figure 62 shows this connection. When programmed in this mode, in response to an interrupt request on the INTO line, the 80186 will provide two interrupt acknowle~ses. These pulses will be provided on the INT2/INTAO line, and will also be reflected by interrupt acknowledge status being generated 3-591 When an interrupt is received on a cascaded interrupt, the priority mask bits and the in-service bits in the particular interrupt control register will be set into the interrupt controller's mask and priority mask registers. This will prevent the controller from generating an 80186 CPU interrupt request from a lower priority interrupt. Also, since the in-service bit is set, any subsequent interrupt requests on the particular interrupt input line will not cause the integrated interrupt controller to generate an interrupt request to the 80186 CPU. This means that if the external interrupt controller receives a higher priority interrupt request on one of its interrupt request lines and presents it to the 80186 interrupt request line, it will not subsequently be presented to the 80186 CPU by the integrated interrupt controller until the in-service bit for the interrupt line has been cleared. 6.6.3 SPECIAL FULLY NESTED MODE When both the Cascade mode bit and the SFNM bit are set, the interrupt input lines are configured in Special Fully Nested Mode. The external interface in this mode is exactly as in Cascade Mode. The only difference is in the conditions allowing an interrupt from the external interrupt controller to the integrated interrupt controller to interrupt the 80186 CPU. When an interrupt is received from a special fully nested 210973-003 inter AP-186 mode interrupt line, it will interrupt the 80186 CPU if it is the highest priority interrupt pending regardless of the state of the in-service bit for the interrupt source in the interrupt controller. When an interrupt is acknowledged from a special fully nested mode interrupt line, the prioritytmask bits and the in-service bits in the particular interrupt control register will be set into the interrupt controller's in-service and priority mask registers. This will prevent the interrupt controller from generating an 80186 CPU interrupt request from a lower priority interrupt. Unlike cascade mode, however, the interrupt controller will not prevent additional interrupt requests generated by the same external interrupt controller from interrupting the 80186 CPU. This means that if the external (cascaded) interrupt controller receives a higher priority interrupt request on one of its interrupt request lines and presents it to the integrated controller's interrupt request line, it may cause an interrupt to be generated to the 80186 CPU, regardless of the state of the in-service bit for the interrupt line. If the SFNM mode bit is set and the Cascade mode bit is not also set, the controller will provide internal interrupt vectoring. It will also ignore the state of the in-service bit in determining whether to present an interrupt request to the CPU. In other words, it will use the SFNM conditions of interrupt generation with an internally vectored interrupt response, i.e., if the interrupt pending is the highest priority type pending, it will cause a CPU interrupt regardless of the state of the in-service bit for the interrupt. ' 6.6.4 iRMX™ 86 MODE When the RMX bit in the peripheral relocation register' is set, the interrupt controller is set into iRMX 86 mode. In this mode, all four interrupt controller input lines are used to perform the necessary handshaking with the external master interrupt controller. Figure 63 shows the hardware configuration of the 80186 interrupt lines with an external controller in iRMX 86 mode. ARDY , INTO INT INT2 INTA . INTl - ~> CASCADE ADDR. DECODE INT3 Figure 63. 80186 iAMX86 Mode Interface Because the integrated interrupt controller is a slave controller, it must be able to generate an interrupt input for an external interrupt controller. It also'must be signaled when it has the highest priority pending interrupt to know when to place its interrupt vector on the bus. These two signals are provided by thdNT3/Slave Interrupt Output and INTI /Slave Select lines, respectively. The external master interrupt controller must be able to interrupt the 80186 CPU, and needs to know when the interru~est is acknowledged. The INTO and INT2/INTAO lines provide these two functions. .--. 80186 8259A 80186 OTHERARDY 'U INTO 10 INT2 EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS 8259A-2 INTl / INT 8" INT3 ADO-AD7 INTA DO-D7 RD RD WR WR SP CS U t PCSA Figure 64_ +5V 80186/8259A Interrupt Cascading 3-592 210973-003 inter 6.7 AP-186 The 80186 generates an interrupt request to the 80130 interrupt controller when one of the 80186 integrated peripherals has created an interrupt condition, and that condition is sufficient to generate an interrupt from the 80186 integrated interrupt controller. Note that the 80130 decodes the interrupt acknowledge status directly from the 80186 status lines; thus, the INT2/INTAO line of the 80186 need not be connected to the 80130. Figure 65 uses this interrupt acknowledge signal to enable the cascade address decoder. The 80130 drives the cascade address on AD8-ADIO during TI of the second interrupt acknowledge cycle. This cascade address is latched into the system address latches, and if the proper cascade address is decoded by the 8205 decoder, the 80186 INTl/SLAVE SELECT line will be driven active, enabling the 80186 integrated interrupt controller to place its interrupt vector on the internal bus. The code to configure the 80186 into iRMX 86 mode is presented in appendix E. Example 8259A/Cascade Mode Interface Figure 64 shows the 80186 and 8259A in cascade interrupt mode. The code to initialize the 80186 interrupt controller is given in Appendix E. Notice that an "interrupt ready" signal must be returned to the 80186 to prevent the generation of wait states in response to the interrupt acknowledge cycles. In this configuration the INTO and INT2 lines are used as direct interrupt input lines. Thus, this configuration provides 10 external interrupt lines: 2 provided by the 80186 interrupt controller itself, and 8 from the external 8259A. Also, the 8259A is configured as a master interrupt controller. It will only receive interrupt acknowledge pulses in response to an interrupt it has generated. It may be cascaded again to up to 8 additional 8259As (each of which would be configured in slave mode). 6.8 Example 80130 iRMX™ 86 Mode Interface 6.9 Figure 65 shows the 80186 and 80130 connected in iRMX 86 mode. In this mode, the 80130 interrupt controller is the master interrupt controller of the system. 80186 ALE ADDR ,2 6 ClK V3 80130 A8-A 10 ,- ADO-AD15 ClK MMCS2 MEMCS IROIOCS IR7 PCS3 SO-52 AO-A15 lATCH r- ADO-AD15 Interrupt Latency Interrupt latency time is the time from when the 80186 receives the interrupt to the time it begins to respond to the interrupt. This is different from interrupt response /3 ,- / 2 / 2 INTERRUPT REQUESTS .. SO-52 ' BHE BHE INT J INTO INT3 U +5 8205 E2 E3 INT2 El INT1 7 Figure 65. 80186/80130 iRMX86 Mode Interface ;3-593 210973-003 AP-186 time, which is the time from when the processor actually begins processing the interrupt to when it actually executes the first instruction of the interrupt service routine. The factors affecting interrupt latency are the instruction being executed and the state of the interrupt enable flip-flop. Interrupts will be acknowledged only if the interrupt enable flip-flop in the CPU is set. Thus, interrupt latency will be very long indeed if interrupts are never enabled by the processor! When interrupts are enabled in the CPU, the interrupt latency is a function of the instructions being executed. Only repeated instructions will be interrupted before being completed, and those only between their respective iterations. This means that the interrupt latency time could be as long as 69 CPU clocks, which is the time it takes the processor to execute an integer divide instruction (with a segment override prefix, see below), the longest single instruction on the 80186. 7. CLOCK GENERATOR The 80186 includes a clock: generator which generates the main clock signal for aU 80186 integrated components, and all CPU synchronous devices in the 80186 system. This clock generator includes a crystal oscillator, divide by two counter, reset circuitry, and ready generation logic. A block diagr.am of the clock generator is shown in Figure 66. 7.1 Crystal Oscillator The 80186 crystal oscillator is a parallel resonant, Pierce oscillator. It was designed to be used as shown in Figure 67. The capacitor values shown are approximate. As the crystal frequency drops, they should be increased, so that at the 4 MHz minimum crystal frequency supported by the 80186 they take on a value of 30pF. The output of this oscillator is not directly available outside the 80186. Other factors can affect interrupt latency. An interrupt will not be, accepted between the execution of a prefix (such as segment override prefixes and lock prefixes) and the instruction. In addition, an interrupt will not be accepted between an instruction which modifies any of the segment registers and the instruction immediately following the instruction. This is required to allow the stack to be changed. If the interrupt were accepted, the return address from the interrupt would be placed on a stack which was not valid (the Stack Segment register would have been modified but the Stack Pointer register would not have been). Finally, an interrupt will not be accepted between the execution of the WAIT instruction and the instruction immediately following it if the TEST input is fictive. If the WAIT sees the TEST input inactive, however, the interrupt will be accepted, and the WAIT will be re-executed after the interrupt return. This is required, since the WAIT is used to prevent execution by the 80186 of an 8087 instruction while the 8087 is busy. The following parameters may be used for choosing a crystal: Temperature Range: o to 70° C ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance): 30n max Co (Shunt Capacitance of Crystal): 7.0 pf max C 1 (Load Capacitance): 20 pf ± 2 pf I mw max Drive Level: 80186 x, x, t-------1 I2~F Figure 67. x, x, 80186 Crystal Connection CPU CLOCK & CLOCKOUT ARDY -------~_Ir_;;;~-, SRDY -------It.::==~ FiR r-----~~-----, ---------1 CPU READY CPU RESET & RESET OUTPUT Figure 66. 80186 Clock Generator Block Diagram 3-594 210973-003 AP-186 EFI CLKOUT Figure 68. 7.2 80186 Clock Generator Reset Using an External Oscillator An external oscillator may be used with the 80186. The external frequency input (EFI) signal is connected directly to the X 1 input of the oscillator. X2 should be left open. This oscillator input is used to drive an internal divide-by-two counter to generate the CPU clock signal, so the external frequency input can be of practically any duty cycle, so long as the minimum high and low times for the signal (as stated in the data sheet) are met. 7.3 Clock Generator The output of the crystal oscillator (or the external frequency input) drives a divide by two circuit which generates a 50% duty cycle clock for the 80186 system. All 80186 timing is referenced to this signal, which is available on the CLKOUT pin of the 80186. This signal win change state on the high-to-low transition of the EFI signal. 7.4 The reset signal presented to the rest of the 80186, and also the signal present on the RESET output pin of the 80186 is synchronized by the high-to-low transition of the clockout signal of the 80186. This signal remains active as long as the RES input also remains active. After the RES input goes inactive, the 80186 will begin to fetch its first instruction (at memory location FFFFOH) after 61/2 CPU clock cycles (Le., Tl of the first instruction fetch will occur 61/2 clock cycles later). To ins"ure that the RESET output will go inactive on the next CPU clock cycle, the inactive going edge of the RES input must satisfy certain hold and setup times to the low-tohigh edge of the clockout signal of the 80186 (see Figure 69). Ready Generation RESET The clock generator also includes the circuitry required for ready generation. Interfacing to the SRDY and ARDY inputs this provides is covered in section 3.1.6. -----------,,1..___ Figure 69. 7.5 80186 Coming out of Reset Reset The 80186 clock generator also provides a synchronized reset signal for the system. This signal is generated from the reset input (RES) to the 80186. The clock generator synchronizes this signal to the clockout signal. The reset input signal also resets the divide-by-two counter. A one clock cycle internal clear pulse is generated when the RES input signal first goes active. This clear pulse goes active beginning on the first low-to-high transition of the X 1 input after RES goes active, and goes inactive on the next low-to-high transition of the X 1 input. In order to insure that the clear pulse is generated on the next EFI cycle, the RES input signal must satisfy a 25ns setup time to the high-to-low EFI input signal (see Figure 68). During this clear, clockout will be high. On the next high-to-low transition of XI, clockout will go low, and will change state on every subsequent highto-low transition of EFI. 3-595 8. CHIP SELECTS The 80186 includes a chip select unit which generates hardware chip select signals for memory and I/O accesses generated by the 80186 CPU and DMA units. This unit is programmable such that it can be used to fulfill the chip select requirements (in terms of memory device or bank size and speed) of most small and medium sized 80186 systems. The chip selects are driven only for internally generated bus cycles. Any cycles generated by an external unit (e.g., an external DMA controller) will not cause the chip selects to go active. Thus, any external bus masters must be responsible for their own chip select generation. Also, during a bus HOLD, the 80186 does not float the chip select lines. Therefore, logic must be included to enable the devices which the external bus master wishes to access (see Figure 70). 210973-003 inter AP-186 80186 CHIP SELECT~ _ MEMORY or I/O E ...X..T... E.. RN ..A ..L·L"Y"GCPEN ...E"'R..A"'T... ED..-C"'HwIP....-..;SE ...L·E"'C"'T ~ DEVICE CHIP SELECT Figure 70. 8.1 80186/External Chip Select/Device Chip Select Generation Memory Chip Selects The 80186 provides six discrete chip select lines which are meant to be connected to memory components in an 80186 system. These signals are named UCS, LCS, and MCSO-3 for Upper Memory Chip Select, Lower Memory Chip Select and Midrange Memory Chip Selects 0-3. They are meant (but not limited) to be connected to the three major areas of the 80186 system memory (see Figure 71). FFFFF STARTUP ROM MCS3 { -PROGRAM MCS2 {. On reset, only UCS is active. It is programmed by reset to be active for the top I K memory block, to insert 3 wait states to all memory fetches, and to factor external ready for every memory fetch (see section 8.3 for more information on internal ready generation). All other chip select registers assume indeterminate states after reset, but none of the other chip select lines will be active until all necessary registers for a signal have been accessed (not necessarily written, a read to an uninitialized register will enable the chip select function controlled by that register). 8.2 MEMORY Peripheral Chip Selects The 80186 provides seven discrete. chip select lines which are meant to be connected to peripheral components in an 80186 system. These signals are named PCSO-6. Each of these lines is active for one of seven contiguous 128 byte areas in memory or I/O space above a programmed base address. --MCS1 { --MCSO { INTERRUPT VECTOR TABLE 0 Figure 71. The memory chip selects are controlled by 4 registers in the peripheral control block (see Figure 72). These include I each for UCS and LCS, the values of which determine the size of the memory blocks addressed by these two lines. The other two registers are used to control the size and base address of the mid-range memory block. 80186 Memory Areas & Chip Selects As could be guessed by their names, upper memory, lower memory, and mid-range memory chip selects are designed to address upper, lower, and middle areas of memory in an 80186 srtem. The upper limit of UCS and the lower limit of CS are fixed at FFFFFH and OOOOOH in memory space, respectively. The other limit of these is set by the memory size programmed into the control register for the chip select line. Mid-range memory allows both the base address and the block size of the memory area to be programmed. The only limitation is that the base address must be programmed to be an integer multiple of the total block size. For example, if the block size was 128K bytes (4 32K byte chunks) the base address could be 0 or 20000H, but not 10000H.' The peripheral chip selects are controlled by two registers in the internal peripheral control block (see Figure 72). These registers allow the base address of the peripherals to be set, and allow the peripherals to be mapped into memory or I/O space. Both of these registers must be accessed before any of the peripheral chip selects will become active. A bit in the MPCS register allows PCS5 and PCS6 to become latched Al and A2 outputs. When this option is selected, PCS5 and PCS6 will reflect the state of Al and A2 throughout a bus cycle. These are provided to allow external peripheral register selection in a system in which the addresses are not latched. Upon reset, these lines are driven high. They will only reflect Al and A2 after both PACS and MPCS have been accessed (and are programmed to provide Al and A2!). 8.3 Ready Generation The 80186 includes a ready generation unit. This unit generates an internal ready signal for all accesses to memory or I/O areas to which the chip select circuitry of the 80186 responds. 3-596 210973-003 inter AP-186 OFFSET: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. AOH UPPER MEMORY SIZE A2H LOWER MEMORY SIZE A4H PERIPHERAL CHIP SELECT BASE ADDRESS A6H MID·RANGE MEMORY BASE ADDRESS A8H MID·RANGE MEMORY SIZE I~ I ~ I CD CD CD CD CD UMCS LMCS PACS MMCS MPCS Upper memory ready bits Lower memory ready bits PCSO-PCS3 ready bits Mid·range memory ready bits PCS4-PCS6 ready bits MS: 1 = Peripherals active in memory space = Peripherals active in I/O space EX:1 = 7 PCS lines 0= PCS5 = A1, PCS6 = A2 o Not all bits of every field are used Figure 72. 80186 Chip Select Control Registers :or each ready g.eneration area, 0-3 wait states may be mserted by the mternal unit. Table 6 shows how the ready c??trol bits should be programmed to provide this. In addItIOn, the ready generation circuit may be programme~ to ignore the state of the external ready (i.e., only the Internal ready circuit will be used) or to factor the state of the external ready (i.e., a ready will be returned to the processor only after both the internal ready circuit has gone ready and the external ready has gone ready). Some kind of circuit must be included to generate an external ready, however, since upon reset the ready generator is programmed to factor external ready to all accesses to the top 1K byte memory block. If a ready was not returned on one of the external ready lines (ARDYor SRDY) the processor would wait forever to fetch its first instruction. Table 6. 80186 Wait State Programming R2 R1 RO 0 0 0 0 I I I I 0 0 I I 0 0 I I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I Number of Wait States o + external ready I 2 3 8.4 Examples of Chip Select Usage M~ny exampl.es of the use of the chip select lines are given m the bus mterface section of this note (section 3.2). These examples show how simple it is to use the chip select function provided by the 80186. The key point to remember when using the chip select function is that they are only activated during bus cycles generated by the 80186 CPU or DMA units. When another master has the bus, it must generate its own chip select function. In addition, whenever the bus is given by the 80186 to an external master (through the HOLD/ HLDA arrange· ment) the 80186 does NOT float the chip select lines. 8.5 Overlapping Chip Select Areas Generally, the chip selects of the 80186 should not be programmed such that any two areas overlap. In addition, none of the programmed chip select areas should overlap any of the locations of the integrated 256-byte control register block. The consequences of doing this are: Whenever two chip select lines are programmed to respond to the same area, both will be activated during any access to that area. When this is done, the ready bits for both areas must be programmed to the same value. If this is not done, the processor response to an access in this area is indeterminate. + external ready + external ready + external ready o(no external ready required) 1 (no external ready required) 2 (no external ready required) 3 (no external ready required) If any of the chip select areas overlap the integrated 256·byte control register block, the timing on the 3-597 210973·003 inter AP-186 chip select line is altered. As always, any values returned on the external bus from this access are ignored. 9. SOFTWARE IN AN 80186 SYSTEM Since the 80186 is object code compatible with the 8086 and 8088, the software in an 80186 system is very similar to that in an 8086 system. Because of the hardware chip select functions, however, a certain amount of initialization code must be included when using those functions on the 80186. 9.1 System Initialization in an 80186 System Most programmable components of a computer system must be initialized before they are used. This is also true for the 80186. The 80186 includes circuitry which directly affects the ability of the system to address memory and I/O devices, namely the chip select circuitry. This circuitry must be initialized before the memory areas and peripheral devices addressed by the chip select signals are used. Upon reset, the UMCS register is programmed to be active for all memory fetches within the top 1K byte of memory space. It is also programmed to insert three wait states to all memory accesses within this space. If the hardware chip selects are used, they must be programmed before the processor leaves this 1K byte area of memory. If a jump to an area for which the chips are not selected occurs, the microcomputer system will cease to operate (since the processor will fetch garbage from the data bus). Appendix F shows a typical initialization sequence for the 80186 chip select unit. Once the chip selects have been properly initialized, the rest of the 80186 system may be initialized much like an 8086 system. For example, the interrupt vector table might get set up, the interrupt controller initialized, a serial I/O channel initialized, and the main program begun. Note that the integrated peripherals included in the 80186 do not share the same programming model as the standard Intel peripherals used to implement these functions in a typical 8086 system, i.e., different values must be programmed into different registers to achieve the same function using the integrated peripperals. Appendix F shows a typical initialization sequence for an interrupt driven system using the 80186 interrupt controller. 9.2 model is not the same as is implemented by the 80186. Because of this, the 80186 interrupt controller must be placed in iRMX 86 mode after reset. This initialization can be done at any time after reset before jump to the root task of iRMX 86 System is actually performed. If need be, a small section of code which initializes both the 80186 chip selects and the 80186 interrupt controller can be inserted between the reset vector loca tion and the beginning of iRMX 86 System (see Figure 73). In this case, upon reset, the processor would jump to the 80186 initialization code, and when this has been completed, would jump to the iRMX 86 initialization code (in the root task). It is "important that the 80186 hardware be initialized before iRMX 86 operation is begun, since some of the resources addressed by the 80186 system may not be initialized properly by iRMX 86 System if the initialization is done in the reverse manner. 8086 80186 FFFF:O Figure 73. 9.3 iRMX-86 Initialization with 8086 & 80186 Instruction Execution Differences Between the 8086 and 80186 There are a few instruction execution differences between the 8086 and the 80186. These differences are: Initialization for iRMXTM 86 System Using the iRMX 86 operating system with the 80186 requires an external 8259A and an external 8253/4 or alternatively an external 80130 OSF component. These are required because the operating system is interrupt driven, and expects the interrupt controller and timers to have the register model -of these external devices. This 3-598 Undefined Opcodes: When the opcodes 63H,64H,65H,66H,67H,F1H, FEH XX111XXXB and FFH XX111XXXB are executed, the 80186 will execute an illegal instruction exception, interrupt type 6. The 8086 will ignore the opcode. OFH opcode: When the opcode OFH is encountered, the 8086 will execute a POP CS, while the 80186 will execute an illegal instruction exception, interrupt type 6. Word Write at Offset FFFFH: When a word write is performed at offset FFFFH in a segment, the 8086 will write one byte at offset FFFFH, and the other at offset 0, while the 80186 will write one byte at offset 210973-003 AP-186 by 1 to include 8000H and 80H. These numbers represent the most negative numbers representable using 2's complement arithmetic (equaling - 32768 and -128 in decimal, respectively). FFFFH, and the other at offset 10000H (one byte beyond the end of the segment). One byte segment underflow will also occur (on the 80186) if a stack PUSH is executed and the Stack Pointer contains the value 1. ESCOpcode: Shift/Rotate by Value Greater Then 31: The 80186 may be programmed to cause an interrupt type 7 whenever an ESCape instruction (used for co-processors like the 8087) is executed. The 8086 has no such provision. Before the 80186 performs this trap, it must be programmed to do so. Before the 80186 performs a shift or rotate by a value (either in the CL register, or by an immediate value) it ANDs the value with 1FH, limiting the number of bits rotated to less than 32. The 8086 does not do this. LOCK prefix: The 8086 activates its LOCK signal immediately after executing the LOCK prefix. The 80186 does not activate the LOCK signal until the processor is ready to begin the data cycles associated with the LOCKed instruction. Interrupted String Move Instructions: If an 8086 is interrupted during the execution of a repeated string move instruction, the return value it will push on the stack will point to the last prefix instruction before the string move instruction. If the instruction had more than one prefix (e.g., a segment override prefix in addition to the repeat prefix), it will not be re-executed upon returning from the interrupt. The 80186 will push the value of the first prefix to the repea ted instruction, so long as prefixes are not repeated, allowing the string instruction to properly resume. Conditions causing divide error with an integer divide: The 8086 will cause a divide error whenever the absolute value of the quotient is greater then 7FFFH (for word operations) or if the absolute value of the quotient is greater than 7FH (for byte operations). The 80186 has expanded the range of negative numbers allowed as a quotient These differences can be used to determine whether the program is being executed on an 8086 or an 80186. Probably the safest execution difference to use for this purpose is the difference in multiple bit shifts. For example, if a mUltiple bit shift is programmed where the shift count (stored in the CL register!) is 33, the 8086 will shift the value 33 bits, whereas the 80186 will shift it only a single bit. In addition to the instruction execution differences noted above, the 80186 includes a number of new instruction types, which simplify assembly language programming of the processor, and enhance the performance of higher level languages running on the processor. These new instructions are covered in depth in the 8086/80186 users manual and in appendix H of this note. 10. CONCLUSIONS The 80186 is a glittering example of state-of-the art integrated circuit technology applied to make the job of the microprocessor system designer simpler and faster. Because many of the required peripherals and their interfaces have been cast in silicon, and because of the timing and drive latitudes provided by the part, the designer is free to concentrate on other issues of system design. As a result, systems designed around the 80186 allow applications where no other processor has been able to provide the necessary performance at a comparable size or cost. 3-599 210973-003 AP-186 APPENDIX A: BLOCK PERIPHERAL CONTROL All the integrated peripherals within the 80186 microprocessor are controlled by sets of registers contained within an integrated peripheral control block. The registers are physically located within the peripheral devices they control, but are addressed as a single block of registers. This set of registers fills 256 contiguous bytes and can be located beginning on any 256 byte boundary of the 80186 memory or I/O space. A map of these registers is shown in Figure A-I. A.1 Setting the Base Location of the Peripheral Control Block In addition to the control registers for each of the integrated 80186 peripheral devices, the peripheral control block contains the peripheral control block relocation register. This register allows the peripheral control block to be re-located 'on any 256 byt~ boundary within the processor's memory or I/O space. Figure A-2 shows the layout of this register. This register is located at offset FEH within the peripheral control block. Since it is itself contained within the peripheral control block, any time the location of the peripheral control block is moved, the location of the relocation register will also move. In addition to the peripheral control Qlock relocation information, the relocation register contains two additional bits. One is used to set the interrupt controller into iRMX86 compatibility mode. The other is used to force the processor to trap whenever an ESCape (coprocessor) instruction is encountered. OFFSET , Relocation Register FEH DAH DMA Descriptors Channel 1 DOH CAH DMA Descriptors Channel 0 COH ASH Chip-Select Control Registers AOH 66H Timer 2 Control Registers 60H / 5EH Timer 1 Control Registers 58H 56H Timer 0 Control Registers SOH Interrupt Controller Registers 3EH 20H Figure A-1. 80186 Integrated Peripheral Control 3:'600 BI~ck 210973-003 AP-186 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 o OFFSET: FEHL:~~~-=-i~:L__________~R~el~o~ca~t~io_n_A~d_d_re_S_S_B_it_S_R_1_9_-R_8____________~ ET MIlO RMX = ESC Trap I No ESC Trap (1/0) = Master Interrupt Controller mode/lRMX compatible = Register block located in Memory 11/0 Space (1/0) Interrupt Controller mode (011) Figure A-2. 80186 Relocation Register Layout Because the relocation register is contained within the peripheral control block, upon reset the relocation register is automatically programmed with the value 20FFH. This means that the peripheral control block will be located at the very top (FFOOH to FFFFH) of I/O space. Thus, after reset the relocation register will be located at word location FFFEH in I/O space. If the user wished to locate the peripheral control block starting at memory location 10000H he would program. the peripheral control register with the value IIOOH. By doing this, he would move all registers within the integrated peripheral control block to memory locations lOOOOH to lOOFFH. Note that since the relocation register is contained within the peripheral control block, it too would move to word location lOOFEH in memory space. I Whenever mapping the 188 peripheral control block to another location, the programming of the relocation register should be done with a byte write (i.e. OUT OX,AL). Any access to the control block is done 16 bits at a time. Thus, internally, the relocation register will get written with 16 bits of the AX register while externally, the BI U will run only one 8 bit bus cycle. If a word Instruction is used (i.e. OUT OX,A~), the relocation register will be written on the first bus cycle. The BIU will then run a 'second bus cycle which is unnecessary. The address of the second bus cycle will no longer be within the control block (i.e. the control block was moved on the first cycle), and therefore, will require the generation of an external ready signal to complete the cycle,For this reason we recommend byte operations to the relocation register. Byte instructions may also be used for the other registers in the control block and will eliminate half of the bus cycles required if a word operation had been specified. Byte operations are only valid on even addresses though, and are undefined on odd addresses'. 3-601 A.2 Peripheral Control Block Registers Each of the integrated peripherals' control and status registers are located at a fixed location above the programmed base location of the peripheral control block. There are many locations within the peripheral control block which are not assigned to any peripheral. If a write is made to any of these locations, the bus cycle will be run, but the value will not be stored in any internallocation. This means that if a subsequent read is made to the same location, the value written will not be read back. The processor will run an external bus cycle for any memory or I/O cycle which accesses a location within the integrated control block. This means that the address, data, and control information will be driven on the 80186 external pins just as if a "normal" bus cycle had been run. Any information returned by an external device will be ignored, however, even if the access was to a location which does not correspond to any of the integrated penpheral control registers. The above is also true for the 80188, except that the word access made to the integrated registers will be performed in a single bus cycle internally, while externally, the BIU runs two bus cycles. The processor internally generates a ready signal whenever any of the integrated peripherals are accessed; thus any external ready signals are ignored whenever an access is made to any location within the integrated peripheral register control block. This ready will also be returned if an access is made to a location within the 256 byte area of the periperal control block which does not correspond to any integrated peripheral control register. The processor will insert 0 wait states to any access within the integrated peripheral control block except for accesses to the timer registers. ANY access to the timer control and counting registers will incur I wait state. This wait state is required to properly multiplex processor and counter element accesses to the timer control registers. 210973-003 inter AP-186 All accesses made to the integrated peripheral control block will be WORD accesses. Any write to the integrated registers will modify all 16 bits of the register, whether the opcode specified a byte write or a word write. A byte read from an even location should cause no problems, but the qata returned when a byte read is performed from an odd address within the peripheral control block is undefined. This is true both for the 80186 AND the 80188. As stated above, even though the 80188 has an external 8 bit data bus, internally it is still a 16 bit machine. Thus, the word ~ccesses performed to the integrated registers by the 80188 will each occur in a single bus cycle internally while externally the BIU runs two bus cycles. STROBE / INPUT ---S""E"',,"".U""P-T""IM""E..I· HOLD TIME ·rr ACTUAL SAMPLING INSTANT INVALID _ _ _....;JII} 1 ~ INPUT RESPONSE -------1. RESOLUTION TIME _I VALID~ INPUT APPENDIX B: 80186 SYNCHRONIZATION INFORMATION -..J/ RESPONSE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Many input signals to the 80186 are asynchronous, that is, a specified set up or hold time is not required to insure proper functioning of the device. Associated with each of these inputs is a synchronizer which samples this external asynchronous signal, and synchronizes it to the internal 80186 clock. B.1 Why Synchronizers Are Required Every data latch requires a certain set up and hold time in order to operate properly. At a certain window within the specified set up and hold time, the part will actually try to latch the data. If the input makes a transition within this window, the output will not attain a stable state within the given output delay time. The size of this sampling window is typically much smaller than the actual window specified by the data sheet, however part to part variation could move this window around within the specified window in the data sheet. , . Even if the input to a data latch makes a transition while a data latch is attempting to latch this input, the output of the latch will attain a stable state after a certain amount of time, typically much longer than the. normal strobe to output delay time. Figure B-1 shows a normal input to output strobed transition and one in which the input signal makes a transition during the latch's sample window. In order to synchronize an asynchronous signal, all one needs to do is to sample the signal into one data latch, wait a certain amount of time, then latch it into a second data latch. Since the time between the strobe into the first data latch and the strobe into the second data latch allows the first data latch to attain a steady state (or to resolve the asynchronous signal), the second data latch will be pre~ented with an input signal which satisfies any set up and hold time requirements it may have. Figure B-1. Valid & Invalid Latch Input Transitions & Responses Thus, the output of this second latch is a synchronous signal with respect to its strobe input. A synchronization failure can occur if the synchronizer fails to resolve the asynchronous transition within the time between the two latch's strobe signals. The rate of failure is determined by the actual size of the sampling window of the data latch, and by the amount of time between the strobe signals of the two latches. Obviously, as the sampling window gets smaller, the number of times an asynchronous transition will occur during the sampling window will drop. In additi<>i1, however, a smaller sampling window is also indicative of a faster resolution time for an input transition which manages to fall within the sampling window. B.2 80186 Synchronizets The 80186 contains synchronizers on the RES, TEST, TmrInO-I, DRQO-I, NMI, INTO-3, ARDY, and HOLD input lines. Each of these synchronizers use the two stage synchronization technique described above (with some minor modifications for the ARDY line, see section 3.1.6). The sampling window of the latches is designed to be in the tens of pico-seconds, and should allow operation of the synchronizers with a mean time between failures of over 30 years assuming continuous operation. 3-602 210973-003 'Im _I® •• ~ APPENDIX C: AP.-186 80186 EXAMPLE DMA INTERFACE CODE $modl86 name This file contains an example procedure which initializes the 80186 DMA controller to perform the DMA transfers between the 80186 system the the 8272 Floppy Disk Controller (FDC). It assumes that the 80186 peripheral control block has not been moved from its reset location. argl arg2 arg3 DMA_FROM_LOWER DMA..FROM_UPPER DMA_TO_LOWER DMA..TO_UPPER DMA_COUNT DMA..CONTROL DMA..TO_DlSK.CONTROL equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ word ptr [BP word ptr [BP word ptr [BP OFFCOh OFFC2h OFFC4h OFFC6h OFFC8h OFFCAh 01486h + 4] + 6] + 8] DMA register locations destination synchronization source to memory, incremented destination to 1/0 no terminal count byte transfers source synchroniza tion source to 1/0 destination to memory, incr no terminal count byte transfers FDC DMA address FDC data register FDC status register OA046h FDC_DMA FDCDATA FDCSTATUS equ equ equ 6B8h 688h 680h cgroup code group segment public assume code public 'code' seLdma_ cs:cgroup seLdma (offset,to) programs the DMA channel to point one side to the disk DMA address, and the other to memory pointed to by ds:offset. If 'to' = 0 then will be a transfer from disk to memory; if 'to' = I then will be a transfer from memory to disk. The parameters to the routine are passed on the stack. seLdma_ proc enter push push push test near 0,0 AX BX DX arg2,1 set stack addressability save registers used check to see direction of transfer jz from..disk performing a transfer from memory to the disk controller mov rol AX,DS AX,4 get the segment value gen the upper 4 bits of the physical address in the lower 4 bits of the register 3-603 210973-003 AP-186 moy moy out and BX,AX DX,DMA.FROM_VPPER DX,AX AX,OFFFOh add moy out jnc inc moy moy out AX,argl DX,DMA.FROM_LOWER DX,AX no_carry_from BX AX,BX DX,DMA.FROM_VPPER DX,AX moy moy out xor moy out moy moy out pop pop pop leaye ret AX,FDCDMA DX,DMA.TO_LOWER DX,AX AX,AX DX,DMA.TO_VPPER DX,AX AX,DMA.TO_DISK.CONTROL; DX,DMA.CONTROL DX,AX DX BX AX saye the result. .. prgm the upper 4 bits of the DMA source register form the lower 16 bits of the physical address add the offset prgm the lower 16 bits of the DMA source register check for carry out of addition if carry out, then need to adj the upper 4 bits of the pointer no_carry_from: < prgm the low 16 bits of the DMA destina tion register zero the up 4 bits of the DMA destination register I prgm the DMA ctl reg note: DMA may begin immediatly after this word is output from_disk: performing a transfer from the disk to memory moy rol moy out moy and add moy out jnc inc moy moy out AX,DS moy AX,FDCDMA moy out xor moy out moy moy DX,DMA.FROM_LOWER DX,AX AX,AX DX,DMA.FROM_VPPER DX,AX AX,DMA.FROM_DISK.CONTROL DX,DMA.CONTROL A~,4 DX,DMA.TO_VPPER DX,AX BX,AX AX,OFFFOh AX,argl DX,DMA.TO_LOWER DX,AX no_carry_to BX AX,BX DX,DMA.TO_VPPER DX,AX no_carry_to: 3-604 210973-003 AP-186 seLdma_ code out pop pop pop leave ret endp DX,AX DX BX AX ends end 3-605 210973-003 inter AP-186 APPENDIX D: 80186 EXAMPLE TIMER INTERFACE CODE $modl86 name example_80 I 86_timer_code this file contains example 80186 timer routines. The first routine sets up the timer and interrupt controller to cause the timer to generate an interrupt every 10 milliseconds, and to service interrupt to implement a real time clock. Timer 2 is used in ' this example because no input or output signals are required. The code example assumes that the peripheral COnirol block has not been moved from its reset location (FFOO·FFFF in I/O space). + 4] + 6] + 8] argl arg2 arg3 timer_2int timer_2control timer.2malLcti timednLcti eoi.register interrupLstat equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ data msec_ hour_ minute_ second_ data segment public db db db db ends cgroup dgroup group group code data code segment public assume seUime_ cs:code,ds:dgroup word ptr [BP word ptr [BP word ptr [BP 19 OFF66h OFF62h OFF32h OFF22h OFF30h timer 2 has vector type 19 interrupt controller regs public 'data' hour_,minute_,second_,msec_ ? ? ? ? public 'code' , seUime(hour,minute,second) sets the time variables, initializes the 80186 timer2 to provide interrupts every 10 milliseconds, and programs the interrupt vector for timer 2. seUime_ proc enter push push push push near 0,0 xor AX,AX mov OS,AX mov SI,4 * timer2..int set stack addressability save registers used AX OX SI OS set the interrupt vector the timers have unique interrupt vectors even though they share the same control register 3-606 210973-003 inter seUime_ timer2JnterrupLroutine AP-186 mov inc inc mov pop os: lSI] ,offset timer_2JnterrupLroutine SI SI OS:[SI],CS OS mov mov mov mov mov mov mov AX,argl hour_,AL AX,arg2 minute_,AL AX,arg3 second.,AL msec_,O set the time values mov mov OX,timer2..malLctl AX,20000 set the max count value 10 ms /500 ns (timer 2 counts at 1/4 the CPU clock rate) out mov mov OX,AX OX,timer2..control AX, 111 000000000000 1b out OX,AX mov mov OX,timerinLctl AX,OOOOb out sti OX,AX pop pop pop leave ret endp SI OX AX proc push push far AX OX cmp jae inc jmp msec_,99 bump..second msec_ reseLinLctl see if one second has passed if above or equal... mov cmp jae inc jmp mscc-,O second.,59 bumpJIlinute second_ reseLinLctl reset millisecond see if one minute has passed mov cmp jae inc jmp second.,O minute_,59 bumpJtour minute_ reseLinLctl set the control word enable counting generate interrupts on TC continuous counting 'set up the interrupt controller unmask interrupts highest priority interrupt enable processor interrupts bump..second: bump_minute: 3-607 see if one hour has passed 210973-003 AP-186 bump.hour: mov cmp jae inc jmp minute.,O hour., 12 reseLhour hour. reseLin Lctl mov hour., I mov mov out OX,eoLregister AX,8000h OX,AX pop pop iret endp ends end OX AX see if 12 hours have passed reseLhour: reseLinLctl: timer2.interrupLroutine code $modl86 name non·specific end of interrupt example.80 I 86.baud.code this file contains example 80186 timer routines. The second routine sets up the timer as a baud rate generator. In this mode, Timer I is used to continually output pulses with a period of 6.S usec for use with a serial controller at 9600 baud , programmed in divide by 16 mode (the actual period required for 9600 baud is 6.S1 usec). This assumes that the 80186 is running at 8 MHz. The code example also assumes that the peripheral control block has not been moved from its reset location (FFOO·FFFF in I/O space). timer Lcontrol timer LmalLcnt equ equ OFFSEh OFFSAh code segment assume cs:code public 'code' seLbaudO initializes the 80186 timer! as a baud rate generator for a serial port running at 9600 baud seLbaud. proc push push near ·AX OX save registers used mov mov out mov mov OX,timerLmalLcnt AX, 13 OX,AX OX,timerLcontrol AX, 11 0000000000000 1b out OX,AX pop pop OX AX 3-608 set the max count value SOOns * 13 = 6.S usec set the control word enable counting no interrupt on TC continuous counting single max count register 210973·003 AP-186 seLbaud. code $modl86 name ret endp ends end example_80 I 86_counLcode this file contains example 80186 timer routines. The third routine sets up the timer as an external event counter. In this mode, Timer I is used to count transitions on its input pin. After the timer has been set up by the routine, the number of events counted can be directly read from the timer count register at location FF58H in I/O space. The timer will count a maximum of 65535 timer events before wrapping around to zero. This code examRle also assumes that the peripheral control block has not been moved from its reset location (FFOO-FFFF in I/O space). timer Lcontrol timer Lmax..cnt timerLcnLreg equ equ equ OFF5Eh OFF5Ah OFF58H code segment assume cs:code public 'code' seLcountO initializes the 80186 timer! as an event counter seLcounL seLcounL code proc pu&h push near AX DX mov mov DX,timerLmax..cnt AX,O out mov mov DX,AX DX,timer Lcpntrol AX,! 100000000000 I 0 I b out DX,AX xor mov out AX,AX DX,timerLcnLreg DX,AX pop pop ret DX AX save registers used set the max count value allows the timer to count all the way to FFFFH set the control word enable counting no interrupt on TC continuous counting single max count register external clocking zero AX and zero the count in the timer count register endp ends end 3-609 210973-003 AP-186 APPENDIX E: 80186 EXAMPLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER INTERFACE CODE $mod186 name example_80 186jnterrupLcode This routine configures the 80186 interrupt controller to provide two cascaded interrupt inputs (through an external 8259A interrupt controller on pins INTO/INT2) and two direct interrupt inputs (on pins INTI and INn). The default priority levels are used. Because of this, the priority level programmed into the control register is set the 111, the level all interrupts are programmed to at reset. intO,control inLmask equ equ OFF38H OFF28H cede segment assume proc push push CS:code near OX AX mov AX,0100111B mov out OX,intO_control OX,AX mov AX,01001101B mov out pop pop ret endp ends end OX,inLmask OX, AX AX OX seLinL seLinL code $mod186 name public 'code' cascade mode interrupt unmasked now unmask the other external interrupts example_80 186jnterrupLcode This routine configures the 80186 interrupt controller into iRMX 86 mode. This code does not initialize anyofthe 80186 integrated peripheral control registers, nor does it initialiie the external 8259A or 80130 interrupt controller. { relocation_reg equ OFFFEH code segment assume proc push push CS:code near OX AX mov in or out OX,relocation_reg AX,OX AX,O 1OOOOOOOOOOOOOOB OX,AX seUmx_ public 'code' 3~61O read old contents of register set the RMX mode bit 210973-003 AP·186 seLrmlL code pop pop ret endp ends end AX DX 3-611 210973-003 inter AP-186 APPENDIX F: 80186/8086 EXAMPLE SYSTEM INITIALIZATION CODE name This file contains a system initialization routine for the 80186 or the 8086. The code determines whether it is running on an 80186 or an 8086, and ifit is running on an 80186, it initializes the integrated chip select registers. restart segment at OFFFFh This is the processor reset address at OFFFFOH restart iniLhw org jmp ends 0 far ptr initialize extrn segment assume monitor:far at CS:iniLhw OFFFOh This segment initializes the chip selects. It must be located in the top lK to insure that the ROM remains selected in the 80186 system until the proper size of the select area can be programmed. UMCS_reg LMCS_reg PACS_reg MPCS_reg UMCS_value LMCS_value PACS_value MPCS_value equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ OFFAOH OFFA2H OFFA4H OFFA8H OF038H 07F8H 007EH 8lB8H initialize proc mov mov shr test jz far AX,2 CL,33 AX,CL AX,1 noL80186 mov mov out OX,UMCSJeg AX,UMCS_value OX,AX program the UMCS register mov mov out OX,LMCS_reg AX,LMCS_value OX,AX program the LMCS register mov OX,PACSJeg set up the peripheral chip selects (note the mid-range memory chip selects are not needed in this system, and are thus not initialized mov out AX,PACS_value OX,AX chip select register locations 64K, no wait states 32K, no wait states peripheral base at 400H, 2 ws PCS5 and 6 supplies, peripherals in I/O space determine if this is an , 8086 or an 80186 (checks to see if the multiple bit shift value was ANOed) 3-612 210973-003 AP-186 mov mov out DX,MPCS_reg AX,MPCS_value DX,AX Now that the chip selects are all set up, the main program of the computer may be executed. noL80186: initialize iniLhw jmp endp ends end far ptr monitor 3-613 210973-003 inter AP-186 APPENDIX G: 80186 WAIT STATE PERFORMANCE Because the 80186 contains seperate bus interface and execution units, the actual performance of the processor will not degrade at a constant rate as wait states are added to the memory cycle time from the processor. The actual rate of pefformace degradation will depend on the type and mix of instructions actually encountered in the user's program. Shown below are two 80186 assembly language programs, and the actual execution time for the two programs as wait states are added to the memory system of the processor. These programs show the two extremes to which wait states will or will not effect system performance as wait states are introduced. Program 1 is very memory intensive. It performs many memory reads and writes using the more extensive memory addressing modes of the processor (which also take a greater number of bytes in the opcode for the instruction). As a result, the eX!;lcution unit must constantly wait for the bus interface unit to fetch and perform the memory cycles to allow it to continue. Thus, the execution time of this type of routine will grow quickly as wait states are added, since the execution time is almost totally limited to the speed at which the processor can run bus cycles. Note also that this program execution times calculated by merely summing up the number of clock cycles given in the data sheet will typically be less than the actual number of clock cycles actually required to run the program. This is because the numbers quoted in the data sheet assume that the opcode bytes have been prefetched and reside in the 80186 prefetch queue for immediate access by the execution unit. If the execution unit cannot $modl86 name access the opcode bytes immediatly upon request, dead clock cycles will be inserted in which the execution unit will remain idle, thus increasing the number of clock cycles required to complete execution of the program. On the other hand, program 2 is more CPU intensive. It performs many integer multiplies, during which time the bus interface unit can fill up the instruction prefetch queue in parallel with the execution unit performing the multiply. In this program, the bus interface unit can perform bus operations faster than the execution unit actually requires them to be run. In this case, the performance degradation is much less as wait states are added to the memory interface. The execution time of this program is closer to the number of clock cycles calculated by adding the number of cycles per instruction because the execution unit does not have to wait for the bus interface unit to place an opcode byte in the prefetch queue as often. Thus, fewer clock cycles are wasted by the execution unit laying idle for want of instructions. Table G-I lists the execution times measured for these two programs as wait states were introduced with the 80186 running at 8 MHz. Table G-1 # of Wait States 0 I 2 3 Program 1 Exec Time Perf (~sec) Degr 505 595 669 752 18% 12% 12% Program 2 Exec Time Perf Degr (~sec) 294 311 337 347 6% 8% 3% example_waiLstate_performance This file contains two programs which demonstrate the 80186 performance degradation as wait states are inserted. Program I performs a transformation between two types of characters sets, then copies the transformed characters back to the original buffer (which is 64 bytes long. Program 2 performs the same type of transformation, however instead of performing a table lookup, it multiplies each number in the original 32 word buffer by a constant (3, note the use of the integer immediate multiply instruction). Program "nothing" is used to measure the call and return times from the driver program only. cgroup dgroup data group group segment code data public 'data' 3-614 210973-003 inter AP-186 Ltable Lstring IILarray data db db dw ends 256 dup (7) 64 dup (7) 32 dup (7) code segment assume public proc push push push, push public 'code' eS:cgroup,DS:dgroup bench_I,bench..2,nothing..,waiLstate_,seUimer_ near SI ; save registers used ex BX AX mov mov mov eX,64 SI,O BH,O mov mov mov inc loop BL,Lstring[SIJ AL,Ltable[BXJ Lstring [SIJ,AL SI loop_back pop pop pop pop ret endp AX BX ex SI proc push push push near AX SI ex mov mov eX,32 Sl,offset IILarray multiply 32 numbers imul mov inc inc loop AX,word ptr [SI],3 word ptr [SIJ,AX SI SI loop-back-2 immediate multiply pop pop pop ret endp ex SI AX bench..l ; translate 64 bytes loop_back: bench_l bench..2 get the byte translate byte and store it increment index do the next byte save registers used loop_back-2: bench..2. 3-615 210973-003 AP-186 nothing. nothing. proc ret endp near waiLstate(n) sets the 80186 LMCS register to the number of wait states (0 to 3) indicated by the parameter n (which is passed on the stack). No other bits of the LMCS register are modified. wait-state. proc enter push push push near 0,0 AX BX DX mov mov BX,word ptr [BP DX,OFFA2h in AX,DX and and or out AX,OFFFCh BX,3 AX,BX DX,AX pop pop pop leave ret endp DX BX AX set up stack frame save registers used + 4] get argument get current LMCS register contents waiLstate. and off existing ready bits insure ws count is good adjust the ready bits and write to LMCS tear down stack frame seuimerO initializes the 80186 timers to count microseconds. Timer 2 is set up as a prescaler to timer 0, the microsecond count can be read directly out of the timer 0 count register at location FF50H in I/O space. seUimer. proc push push near AX DX mov mov out DX,Off66h AX,4000h DX,AX stop timer 2 mov mov out DX,Off50h AX,O DX,AX clear timer 0 count mov mov out DX,Off52h AX,O DX,AX timer 0 counts up to 65535 3-616 210973-003 AP-186 seLtimer_ code moy moy out OX,Off56h AX,OcOO9h OX,AX enable timer 0 moy moy out OX,Off60h AX,O OX,AX clear timer 2 count moy moy out OX,Off62h AX,2 OX,AX set maximum count of timer 2 moy moy out OX,Off66h AX,OcOOlh OX,AX re-enable timer 2 pop pop ret endp ends end OX AX 3-617 210973-003 inter AP-186 immediate value. This is different from the 8086, where only a single bit shift can be performed, or a multiple shift can be perf0rmed where the number of bits to be shifted is specified in the CL register. APPENDIX H: 80186 NEW INSTRUCTIONS The 80186 performs many additional instructions to those of the 8086. These instructions appear shaded in the instruction set summary at the back of the 80186 data sheet. This appendix explains the operation of these new instructions. In order to use these new instructions with the 8086/186 assembler, the "$mod186" switch must be given to the assembler. This can be done by placing the line: "$modI86" at the beginning of the assembly language file. All of the shift/rotate instructions of the 80186 allow the number of bits shifted· to be specified by an immediate value. Like all multiple bit shift operations performed by the 80186, the number of bits shifted is the number of bits specified modulus 32 (Le. the mal\imum number of bits shifted by the 80186 multiple bit shifts is 31). PUSH immediate These instructions require two operands: the operand to be shifted (which may be a register or a memory location specified by any of the 80186 addressing modes) and the number of bits to be shifted. This instruction allows immediate data to be pushed onto the processor stack. The data can be either an immediate byte or an immediate word. If the data is a byte, it will be sign extended to a word before it is pushed onto the stack (since all stack operations are word opera tions). block input/output The 80 18~ adds two new input/output instructions: INS and OUTS. These instructions perform block input or output operations. They operate similarly to the string mov.e instructions of the processor. PUSHA, POPA The INS instruction performs block input from an I/O port to memory. The I/O address is specified by the DX register; the memory location is pointed to by the DI register. After the operation is performed, the DI register is adjusted by I (if a byte input is specified) or by 2 (if a word input is specified). The adjustment is either an increment or a decrement, as determined by the Direction bit in the flag register of the processor. The ES segment register is used for memory addressing, and cannot be overridden. When preceeded by a REPeat prefix, this instruction allows blocks of data to be moved from an I/O address to a block of memory Note that the I/O address in the DX register is not modified by this operation. These instructions allow all of the general purpose 80186 registers to be saved on the stack, or restored from the stack. The registers saved by this instruction (in the order they are pushed onto the stack) are AX, CX, DX, BX, SP, BP, SI, and DI. The SP value pushed onto the stack is the value of the register before the first PUSH (AX) is performed; the value popped for the SP register is ignored. This instruction does not save any of the segment registers (CS, DS, SS, ES), the instruction pointer (lP), the flag register, or any of the integrated peripheral registers. IMUL by an immediate value This instruction allows a value to be multiplied by an immediate ·value. The result of this operation is 16 bits long. One operand for this instruction is obtained using one of the 80186 addressing modes (meaning it can be in a register or in memory). The immediate value can be either a byte or a word, but will be sign extended if it is a. byte. The 16-bit result of the mUltiplication can btl placed in any of the 80186 general purpose or pointer registers. This instruction requires three operands: the register in which the result is to be placed. the immediate value, and the second operand. Again, this second operand can be any of the 80186 general purpose registers or a speci-. fied memory location. shifts/rotates by an immediate value The 80186 can perform multiple bit shifts or rotates where the number of bits to be shifted is specified by an 3-618 The OUTS instruction performs block output from memory to an I/O port. The I/O address is specified by the DX register; the memory location is pointed to by the SI register. After the operation is performed, the SI register is adjusted by I (if a byte output is specified) or by 2 (if a word output is specified). The adjustment is either an increment or a decrement, as determined by the Direction bit in the flag register of the processor. The DS segment register is used for memory addressing, but can be overridden by using a segment override prefix. When preceeded by a REPeat prefix, this instruction allows blocks of data to be moved from a block of memory to an I/O address. Again note that the I/O address in the DX register is not modified by this operation. Like the string move instruction, these two instructions require two operands to specify whether word or byte operations are to take place. Additionally, this determination can be supplied by the mnemonic itself by adding a "B"·or "W" to the basic mnemonic, for example: lNSB ; perform byte input REP OUTSW ; perform word block output 210973-003 AP-186 BOUND The 80186 supplies a BOUND instruction to facilitate bound checking of arrays. In this instruction, the calculated index into the array is placed in one of the general purpose registers of the 80186. Located in two adjacent word memory locations are the lower and upper bounds for the array index. The BOUND instruction compares the register contents to the memory locations, and if the value in the register is not between the values in the memory locations, an interrupt type 5 is generated. The comparisons performed are SIGNED comparisons. A register value equal to either the upper bound or the lower bound will not cause an interrupt. This instruction requires two arguments: the register in which the calculated array index is placed, and the word memory location which contains the lower bound of the array (which can be specified by any of the 80186 memory addressing modes). The memory location containing the upper bound of the array must follow immediatly the memory location containing the lower bound of the array. ENTER and LEAVE The 80186 contains two instructions which are used to build and tear down stack frames of higher level, block structured languages. The instruction used to build these stack frames is the ENTER instruction. The algorithm for this instruction is: PUSH BP if level = 0 then BP:= SP; else tempi := SP; /* save the previous pointer */ frame 1* save current frame pointer */ temp2 : = level - I; do while temp2 > 0 1* level BP:= BP- 2; PUSH [BP]; BP:= tempi; PUSH BP; /* frame 1* in the save area */ SP:= SP - disp; copy down previous frame * / 1* pointers */ put current level pointer */ 1* for create space on the */ stack 1* local variables */ Figure H-I shows the layout of the stack before and after this operation. This instruction requires two operands: the first value (disp) specifies the number of bytes the local variables of this routine require. This is an unsigned value and can be as large as 65535. The second value (level) is an unsigned value which specifies the level of the procedure. It can be as great as 255. The 80186 includes the LEAVE instruction to tear down stack frames built up by the ENTER instruction. As can be seen from the layout of the stack left by the ENTER instruction, this involves only moving the contents of the BP register to the SP register, and popping the old BP value from the stack. Neither the ENTER nor the LEAVE instructions save any of the 80186 general purpose registers. If they must be saved, this must be done in addition to the ENTER and the LEAVE. In addition, the LEAVE instruction does not perform a return from a subroutine. If this is desired, the LEAVE il).struction must be explicitly followed by the RET instruction. ? BP~ BEFORI: AFTER SP-BP_ OLDBP f-- OLD FRAME PTRS. I CURRENT FRAME PTR SP- Figure ,H-1. - LOCAL VARIABLE AREA ENTER Instruction Stack Frame 3-619 210973-003 AP-186 APPENDIX I: 80186/80188 DIFFERENCES The DMA controller. of the 80188 only performs byte transfers. The B/W bit in the DMA control word is ignored. The 80188 is exactly like the 80186, except it has an 8 bit external bus. It shares the 'same execution unit, timers, peripheral control block, interrupt controller, chip select, and DMA logic. The differences between the two caused by the narrower data bus are: The 80188 has a 4 byte prefetch queue, rather than the 6 byte prefetch queue present on the 80186. The reason for this is since the 80188 fetches opcodes one byte at a time, the number of bus cycles required to fill the smaller queue of the 80188 is actually greater than the number of bus cycles required to fill the queue of the 80186. As a result, a smaller queue is required to prevent an inordinate number of bus cycles being wasted by prefetching opcodes to be discarded during a jump. AD8-ADI5 on the 80186 are transformed to A8A15 on the 80188. Valid address information is present on t~ese lines throughout the bus cycle of the 80188. Valid address information is not guaranteed on these lines during idle T states. BHE/S7 is always defined HIGH by the 80188, since the upper half of the data bus is non-existant. Execution times for many memory access instructions are increased because the memory access must be funnelled through a narrower data bus. The 80188 also will be more bus limited than the 80186 (that is, the execution unit will be required to wait for the opcode information to be fetched more often) because the data bus is narrower. The execution time within the processor, however, has not changed between the 80186 and the 80188. Another important point is that the 80188 internally is a 16-bit machine. This means that any access to the integrated peripheral registers of the 80188 will be done in 16-bit chunks, NOT in 8-bit chunks. All internal peripheral registers are still 16-bits wide, and only a single read or write is required to access the registers. When an access is made to the internal registers, only a single bus cycle will be run, and only the lower 8-bits of the written data will be driven on the external bus. All accesses to registers within the integrated peripheral block must be WORD accesses. 3-620 210973-003 iAPX286 Microprocessors 4 iAPX 286/1 0 £@'I§£~©~ O~IF@IRl~£'jj'O@~ HIGH PERFORMANCE MICROPROCESSOR WITH MEMORY MANAGEMENT AND PROTECTION (80286-8, 80286-6, 80286-4) Performance • High Processor (Up to six times iAPX 86) Large Address Space: • -16-Megabytes Physical • • • Optional Processor Extension: • -iAPX 286/20 High Performance 8o-bit Numeric Data Processor -1 Gigabyte Virtual per Task Integrated Memory Management, FourLevel Memory Protection and Support for Virtual Memory and Operating Systems Two iAPX 86 Upward Compatible Operating Modes: -iAPX 86 Real Address Mode -Protected Virtual Address Mode Range of clock rates -8 MHz for 80286-8 -6 MHz for 80286-6 -4 MHz for 80286-4 System Development • Complete Support: -Development Software: Assembler, PUM, Pascal, FORTRAN, and System Utilities -In-Circuit-Emulator (ICE ™ -286) Bandwidth Bus Interface • High (8 Mega~yte/Sec) • Available in EXPRESS: -Standard Temperature Range The IAPX 286/10 (80286 part number) is an advanced, high-performance microprocessor with specially optimized capabilities for multiple user and multi-tasking systems. The 80286 has built-in memory protection that supports operating system and task isolation as well as program and data privacy within tasks. An 8 MHz iAPX 286/10 provides up to six times greater throughout than the standard 5 MHz IAPX 86/10. The 80286 includes memory management capabilities that map up to 230 (one gigabyte) of virtual address space per task into 224 bytes (16 megabytes) of physical memory. The iAPX 286 is upward compatible with iAPX 86 and 88 software. Using iAPX 86 real address mode, the 80286 is object code compatible with existing iAPX 86, 88 software. In protected virtual address mode, the 80286 is source code compatible with iAPX 86, 88 software and may require upgrading to use virtlJal addresses supported by the 80286's integrated memory management and protection mechanism. Both modes operate at full 80286 performance and execute a superset of the iAPX 86 and 88's instructions. The 80286 provides special operations to support the efficient implementation and execution of operating systems. For example, one instruction can end execution of one task, save its state, switch to a new task, load its state, and start execution of the new task. The 80286 also supports virtual memory systems by providing a segment-not-present exception and restartable instructions. ~ADDRESSUNl'r(AU) - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, A23 - Ao. I SHE. MilO I I I PEACK I-~-PEREQ '----i+~~-REAOY. HOLD S1, so, COD,I~fTA lOcK, HLDA I I I I L __ I I I RESET I elK I ~ ~ ~E~u:!'I~N~~T.!.E~ __'--_-_-_-_-_'r_r_.-:r"'..-----:-:--L2~~L==..J Vee L-~~~~~~~~~~~Ff~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CAP Figure 1. 80286 Internal Block Diagram The follOWing are trademarks of Intel Corporation and tts affltlstesand may be used only to Identify Intel products exp, CREDIT, I, ICE, ICS, 1m, InSlte, Intel, INTEl,lnteleVISlon, Intelhnk, ~~e~:~~,~~~~: ~~~~:~~~~~p~: ~~~~h~S!~~:~~~;~n~~~~~;R~~~;s~~~;~~~~~~~2~e~,a~g~~~~u~:C:~::~~;:;:;~~~u~~:~Y~'e~~~;~~~~t~~~' :~~~.~~~~~b~~:p~~~:i;t~~~~t~:r:~ of Any CIrcuItry Other Than CIrcuItry EmbodIed In an Intel Product No Other Patent llcenSf'lS are Implied ©INTEl CORPORATION, 1983 4-1 NOVEMBER 1983 ORDER NUMBER: 210253-007 IAPX 286/10 Component,Pad View-As viewed from underside of component when mounted on the board. P.C: Board View-As viewed from the component side of the P.C. board. . , "" " A, A, l.JL...JL..JLJL.JLJL.JULJLJLJLJLJ UL.JU c: A, A, eLK :~. ~ eLK Vee RESET I:T~ ~ NUl ,' , "" "" Vss PEREQ HOLD HLDA eolllllM MI11l ~ . Vee RESET A, l r11r lrlrlnrlrlr lr lnr lr lrlrl rlrl r A" PINHO 1 MARK NOTE: N.C. pads must not be connected. Figure 2. 80286 Pin Configuration Table 1. Pin Description The following pin function descriptions are for the 80286 microprocessor: Symbol elK ~pe I 015-00 I/O A23-Ao 0 BHE 0 Name and Function System Clock provides the fundamental timing for IAPX 286 systems. It is divided by two inside the 80286 to generate the processor clock. The internal dlvlde-by-two circuitry can be synchronized to an external clock generator by a lOW to HIGH transition on the RESET Input. Data Bus inputs data during memory. I/O. and interrupt acknowledge read cycles; outputs data during memory and I/O write cycles. The data bus is active HIGH and floats to '3-state OFF during bus hold acknowledge. Address Bus outputs physioal memory and I/O port addresses. AD is LOW when data is to be transferred on pins 07-0. A23-A16 are lOW during I/O transfers. The address bus is active HIGH and floats to 3-state OFF during bus hold acknowledge. Bus High Enable indicates transfer of data on the upper byte of the data bus. DI5:::a:...Eight-bit oriented devices ~igne limit. Data segment may not be written into. Data segment may be written into. 3 2 Executable (E) Conforming (C) E= 1 C = 1 1 Readable (R) R=O R= 1 Code segment may not be read. Code segment may be read. 0 Accessed (A) A=O A = 1 Segment has not been accessed. Segment selector has been loaded into segment register or used by selector test instructions. 4 3 2 L Cod, Sogmoo' ""'"""e ,po ;" J"J' Data Segment (5 = 1, E = 0) Code segment may only be executed when CPL 2:: DPL and CPL remains unchanged. ~Ode t egmen (5 - 1 E =- 1)' • . Figure 11. Code and Data Seg'T'ent Descriptor Formats 4-15 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 System Segment Descriptor Code and data (including stack data) are stored in two types of segments: code segments and data segments. Both types are identified and defined by segment descriptors (S = 1). Code segments are identified by the executable (E) bit setto 1 in the descriptor access rights byte. The access rights byte of both code and data segment descriptor types have three fields in common: present (P) bit, Descriptor Privilege Level (DPL), and accessed (A) bit. If P = 0, any attempted use of this segment will cause a not-present exception. DPL specifies the privilege level of the segment descriptor. DPL controls when the descriptor may be used by a task (refer to privilege discussion below). The A bit shows whether the segment has been previously accessed for usage profiling, a necessity for virtual memory systems. The CPU will always set this bit when accessing the descriptor. o7 +7 +p+1 +5 INTEL RESERVED' +6 I +4 TYtE, BASE23-16 BASE15-0 +3 +2 L1M1T15-0 +1 15 8 7 • MUlt be ••t to 0 for compatablllty with lAPX 386. System Segment Descriptor Fields Data segments (S = 1, E = 0) may be either read-only or read-write as controlled by the W bit of the access rights byte. Read-only (W = 0) data segments may not be written into. Data'segments may grow in two directions, as determined by the Expansion Direction (ED) bit: upwards (ED = 0) for data segments, and downwards (ED = 1) for a segment containing a stack, The limit field for a data segment descriptor is interpreted differently depending on the ED bit (see Figure 11), . Name Value TYPE 1 2 3 0 P Description !\vailable Task State Segment (TSS) Local Descriptor Table §.i,!§y Task State Segment (TSS) Descriptor contents are not valid Descriptor contents are valid 1 Descriptor Privilege Level DPL 0-3 BASE 24-bit number Base Address of special system data segment in real memory LIMIT 16-bit number Offset of last byte in segment Figure 12. System Segment Descriptor Format A code segment (S = 1, E = 1) may be execute-only or execute/read as determined by the Readable (R) bit. Code segments may never be written into and execute-only code segments (R=O) may not be read. A code segment may also have an attribute called conforming (C). A conforming code segment may be shared by programs that execute at different privilege levels. The DPL of a conforming code segment defines the range of privilege levels at which the segment may be executed (refer to privilege discussion below). The limit field identifies the last byte of a code segment. " is a system cClntrol descriptor. The type field specifies the descriptor type as indicated in Figure 12. GATE DESCRIPTORS (S = 0, TYPE = 4-7) Gates are used to control access to entry points within the target code segment. The gate descriptors 'are call gates, task ;gates, interrupt gates and !@Q gates. Gates provide a level of indirection between the source and destination of the control transfer, This indirection allows the CPU to automatically perform protection checks and control entry point of the destination. Call gates are used to change privilege levels (see Privilege), task gates are used to perform a task switch, and interrUpt and trap gates are used to specify interrupt service routines. The interrupt gate disables interrupts (resets IF) while the trap gate does not. SYSTEM SEGMENT DESCRIPTORS (S = 0, TYPE = 1-3) In addition to code and data segment descriptors, the protected mode 80286 defines System Segment Descriptors, These descriptors define special system data segments which contain a table of descriptors (Local Descriptor Table Descriptor) or segments which contain the execution state of a task (Task State Segment Descriptor). Figure 13 shows the format of the gate descriptors. The descriptor contains a destination pointer that points to the descriptor of the target segment and the entry point offset. The destination selector in an interrupt gate, trap gate, and call gate must refer to a code segment descriptor. These gate descriptors contain the entry point to prevent a program from constructing and using an illegal entry point. Task gates may only refer to a task state segment. Since task gates invoke a task switch, the destination offset is not used in the task gate. Figure 12 gives the formats for the special system data segment descriptors. The descriptors contain a 24-bit base address of the segment and a 16-bit limit. The access byte defines the type of descriptor, its state and privilege level. The descriptor contents are valid and the segment is in physical memory if P = 1. If P = 0, the segment is not valid. The DPL field is only used in Task State S,egment descriptors and indicates the privilege level at which the descriptor may be used (see Privilege). Since the Local Descriptor Table descriptor may only be used by a special privileged instruction, the DPL field is not used. Bit 4 of the access byte is 0 to indicate that it Exception 13 is generated when the gate is used if a destination selector does not refer to the correct de- 4-16 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 ception 11 if referenced. DPL is the descriptor privilege level and specifies when this descriptor may be used by a task (refer to privilege discussion below). Bit 4 must equal 0 to indicate a system control descriptor. The type field specifies the descriptor type as indicated in Figure 13. Gate Descriptor .7 +5 +6 INTEL RESERVED' +7 +PLIOI TYPE Ix x xl .. +4 Ix x +2 ~g:r DESTINAnON SELECTOR,s-. +3 SEGMENT DESCRIPTOR CACHE REGISTERS DESTINATION OFFSET'5-0 +1 A segment descriptor cache register is assigned to each of the four segment registers (es. 55, OS, ES). Segment descriptors are automatically loaded (cached) into a segment descriptor cache register (Figure 14) whenever the associated segment register is loaded with a selector. Only segment descriptors may be loaded into segment descriptor cache registers. Once loaded, all references to that segment of memory use the cached descriptor information instead of reaccessing the descriptor. The descriptor cache registers are not visible to programs. No instructions exist to store their contents. They only change when a segment register is loaded. 87 15 *Mult ba HI to 0 tor compltlbility with IAPX 388. (X I. don't care) Gate Descriptor Fields Description value -Call Gate 4 5 -Task Gate TYPE -Interrupt Gate 6 7 -Trap Gate -Descriptor Contents are not P 0 valid 1 -Descriptor Contents are valid DPL Descriptor Privilege Level 0-3 Number of words to copy WORD COUNT from callers stack to called 0-31 procedures stack. Only used with call gate. Selector to the target code segment (Call, Interrupt or DESTINATION 16-bit Trap Gate) SELECTOR selector Selector to the target task state segment (Task Gate) DESTINATION 16-bit Entry pOint within the target OFFSET offset code segment Name SELECTOR FIELDS A protected mode selector has three fields: descriptor entry index, local or global descriptor table indicator (TI), and selector privilege (RPL) as shown in Figure 15. These fields select one'of two memory based tables of descriptors, select the appropriate table entry and allow highspeed testing of the selector's privilege attribute (refer to privilege discussion below). SELECTOR II Figure 13. Gate Descriptor Format BITS scriptor type. The word count field is used in the call gate descriptor to indicate the number of parameters (0-31 words) to be automatically copied from the caller's stack to the stack of the called routine when a control transfer changes privilege levels. The word count field is not used by any other gate descriptor. The access byte format is the same for all gate descriptors. P = 1 indicates that the gate contents are valid. P = 0 indicates the contents are not valid and causes ex- ! , , ! 3 2 1 0 FUNCTION NAME 1-0 REQUESTED PRIVILEGE LEVEL (RPL) INDICATES SELECTOR PRIVILEGE LEVEL DESIRED 2 TABLE INDICATOR (TI) TI = 15-3 INDEX SELECT DESCRIPTOR ENTRY IN TABLE ° USE GLOBAL DESCRIPTOR TABLE (GDT) TI = 1 USE LOCAL DESCRIPTOR TABLE (LDT) Figure 15. SeleCtor Fields r---------PRoGR~~~~;---------, PROGRAM VISIBLE SEGMENT SELECTORS I ACCess I RIGHTS 0 SEGMENT REGISTERS (LOADED BY PROGRAM) 147 I f _ SEGMENT PHYSICAL BASE ADDRESS SEGMENT SIZE I I : ~~ill 15 INDEX ! 15 4039 1615 SEGMENT DESCRIPTOR CACHE REGISTERS L ______ (~~~~L:~~~~C~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j I Figure 14. Descriptor Cache Registers 4-17 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 / LOCAL AND GLOBAL DESCRIPTOR TABLES Two tables of descriptors, called descriptor tables, contain all descriptors accessible by a task at any given time. A descriptor table is a linear array of up to 8192 descriptors. The upper 13 bits of the selector value are an index into a descriptor table, Each table has a 24-bit base register to locate the descriptor table in physical memory and a 16-bit limit register that confine descriptor access to the defined limits of the table as shown in Figure 16. A restartable exception (13) will occur if an attempt is made to reference a descriptor outside the table limits. One table, called the Global Descriptor Table (GOT), contains descriptors available to all tasks. The other table, called the Local Descriptor Table (LOT), contains descriptors that can be private to a task. Each task may have its own private LOT. The GOT may contain all descriptor types except interrupt and trap descriptors. The LOT may contain only segment, task gate, and call gate descriptors. A segment cannot be accessed by a ta~k if its segment descriptor does not exist in either descriptor table at the time of access. 'V MEMORY 07 +5 INTEL RESERVED' 1 +4 BASE23_16 BASE15_0 +3 +2 LIMITl5-0 +1 15 8 7 .. Must be set to 0 for compatability with IAPX 386. Figure 17. Global Descriptor Table and Interrupt Descriptor Table Data Type INTERRUPT DESCRIPTOR TABLE The protected mode 80286 has a third descriptor table, called the Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) (see Figure 18), used to define up to 256 interrupts. It may contain only task gates, interrupt gates and trap gates. The IDT (Interrupt Descriptor Table) has a 24-bit physical base and 16-bit limit register in the CPU. The privileged LlDT instruction loads these registers with a six byte value of identical form to that of the LGDT instruction (see Figure 17 and Protected Mode Initialization). 'V CPU 'r " ,~ l CURRE~T ~~~ 15 LOT I 0 ~ u MEMORY 'V GATE FOR INTERRUPT #n GATE FOR INTERRUPT #n·1 ··· INTERRUPT DESCRIPTOR TABLE (lOT) GATE FOR INTERRUPT #1 GATE FOR INTERRUPT #0 lOT BASE 23 0 ~ 'V Figure 18. Interrupt Descriptor Table Definition Figure 16. Local and Global Descriptor Table Definition The LGDT and LLDT instructions load the base and limit of the global and local descriptor tables. LGDT and LLDT are privileged, i.e. they may only be executed by trusted programs operating at level O. The LGDT instruction loads a six byte field containing the 16-bit table limit and 24-bit physical base address of the Global Descriptor Table as shown in Figure 17. The LDT instruction loads a selector which refers to a Local Descriptor Table descriptor containing the base address and limit for an LDT, as shown in Figure 12. References to lOT entries are made via INT instructions, external interrupt vectors, or exceptions. The lOT must be at least 256 bytes in size to allocate space for all reserved interrupts. Privilege The 80286 has a four-level hierarchical privilege system which controls the use of privileged instructions and access to descriptors (and their associated segments) within a task. Four-level privilege, as shown in Figure 19, is an extension of the user/supervisor mode commonly found in minicomputers. The privilege levels are numbered 0 through 3. Level 0 is the most privileged level. Privilege 4-18 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 CPU ENFORCED SOFTWARE INTERFACES lege Level (DPL) field of the descriptor access byte. DPL specifies the least trusted task privilege level (CPL) at which a task may access the descriptor. Descriptors with DPt = 0 are the most protected. Only tasks executing at privilege level 0 (CPL = 0) may access them. Descriptors with DPL = 3 are the least protected (I.e. have the least restricted access) since tasks can access them when CPL = 0,1,2, or 3. This rule applies to all descriptors, except LDT descriptors. HIGH SPEED OPERATING SYSTEM INTERFACE NOTE: PL BECOMES NUMERICALLY LOWER AS PRIVILEGE LEVEL INCREASES Figure 19. Hierarchical Privilege Levels levels provide protection within a task. (Tasks are isolated by providing private LDT's for each task.) Operating system routines, interrupt handlers, and other system software can be included and protected within the virtual address space of each task using the four levels of privilege. Each task in the system has a separate stack for each of its privilege levels. Tasks, descriptors, and selectors have a privilege level attribute that determines whether the descriptor may be used. Task privilege effects the use of instructions and descriptors. Descriptor and selector privilege only effect access to the descriptor. TASK PRIVILEGE SELECTOR PRIVILEGE Selector privilege is specified by the Aequested Privilege Level (APL) field in the least significant two bits of a selector. Selector APL may establish a less trusted privilege level than the current privilege level for the use of a selector. This level is called the task's effective privilege level (EPL). APL can only reduce the scope of a task's access to data with this selector. A task's effective privilege is the numeric maximum of APL and CPL. A selector with APL = 0 imposes no additional restriction on its use while a selE.lotor with APL = 3 can only refer to segments at privilege Level 3 regardless of the task's CPL. APL is generally used to verify that pointer parameters passed to a more trusted procedure are not allowed to use data at a more privileged level than the caller (refer to pointer testing instructions). Descriptor Access and Privilege Validation Determining the ability of a task to access a segment involves the type of segment to be accessed, the instruction used, the type of descriptor used and CPL, APL, and DPL. The two basic types of segment accesses are control transfer (selectors loaded into CS) and data (selectors loaded into DS, ES or SS). A task always executes at one of the four privilege levels. The task privilege level at any specific instant is called the Current Privilege Level (CPL) and is defined by the lower two bits of the CS register. CPL cannot change during execution in a single code segment. A task's CPL may only be changed by control transfers through gate descriptors to a new code segment (See Control Transfer). Tasks begin executing at the CPL value specified by the code segment selector within TSS when the task is initiated via a task switch operation (See Figure 20). A task executing at Level 0 can access all data segments defined in the GDT and the task's LDT and is considered the most trusted level. A task executing a Level 3 has the most restricted access to data and is considered the least trusted level. DESCRIPTOR PRIVILEGE Descriptor privilege is specified by the Descriptor Privi- DATA SEGMENT ACCESS Instructions that load selectors into DS and ES must refer to a data segment descriptor or readable code segment descriptor. The CPL of the task and the APL of the selector must be the same as or more privileged (numerically equal to or lower than) than the descriptor DPL. In general, a task can only access data segments at the same or less privileged levels than the CPL or APL . (whichever is numerically higher) to prevent a program from accessing data it cannot be trusted to use. An exception to the rule is a readable conforming code segment. This type of code segment can be read from any privilege level. If the privilege checks fail (e.g. DPL is numerically less than the maximum of CPL and APL) or an incorrect type of descriptor is referenced (e.g. gate descriptor or execute only code segment) exception 13 occurs. If the segment is not present, exception 11 is generated. 4-19 21025~-007 iAPX 286/10 Instructions that load selectors into SS must referlo data segment descriptors for writable data segments. The descriptor privilege (DPL) and RPL must equal CPL. All other descriptor types or a privilege level violation will cause exception 13. A not present fault causes exception 12. CONTROL TRANSFER Four types of control transfer can occur when a selector i) loaded into CS by a control transfer operation (see Table 10). Each transfer type can only occur if the operation which loaded the selector references the correct descriptor type. Any violation of these descriptor usage Plies (e.g. JMPthrough a call gate or RETtoa Task State ~ egment) will c~use exception 13. 1 he ability to reference a descriptor for control transfer if, also subject to rules of privilege. A CALL or JUMP instruction may only reference a code segment descriptor with DPL equal to the task CPL or a conforming segment with DPL of equal or greater privilege than CPL. The RPL of the selector used to reference the code descriptor must have as much privilege as CPL. RET and IRET instructions may only reference code segment descriptors with descriptor privilege equal to or less privileged than the task CPL. The selector loaded into CS is the return address from the stack. After the return, the selector RPL is the task's new CPL. If CPL changes, the old stack pointer is popped after the return address. When a JMP or CALL references a Task State Segment descriptor, the descriptor DPL must be the same or less privileged than the task's CPL. Reference to a valid Task State Segment descriptor causes a task switch (see Task Switch Operation). Reference to a Task State Segment descriptor at a more privileged level than the task's CPL generates exception 13. When an instruction or interrupt references a gate descriptor, the gate DPL must have the same or less privilege than the task CPL. If DPL is at a more privileged level than CPL, exception 13 occurs. lithe destination selector contained in the gate references a code segment descriptor, the code segment descriptor DPL must be the same or more privileged than the task CPL. If not, Exception 13is issued. After the control transfer, the code segment descriptors DPL is the task's new CPL. If the destination selector in the gate references a task state segment, a task switch is automatically performed (see Task Swit?h Operation). The privilege rules on control transfer require: -JMP or CALL direct to a code segment (code segment descriptor) can only be to a conforming segment with DPL of equal or greater privilege than CPL or a non-conforming segment at the same privilege level. -interrupts within the task or calls that may change privilege levels, can only transfer control through a gate at the same or a less privileged level than CPL to a code segment at the same or more privileged level than CPL. -return instructions that don't switch tasks can only return control to a code segment at the same or less privileged level. -task switch can be performed by a call, jump or interrupt which references either a task gate or task state segment at the same or less privileged level. Table 10. Descriptor Types Used for Control Transfer Control Transfer Types Operation Types Descriptor Referenced Descriptor Table Intersegment within the same privilege level JMP, CALL, RET, IRET' Code Segment GOT/LOT Intersegment to the same or higher privilege level Interrupt within task may change CPL. CALL Call Gate GOT/LOT Interrupt Instruction, Exception, External Interrupt Trap or Interrupt Gate lOT Intersegment to a lower privilege level (changes task CPL) Task Switch , RET,IRET' Code Segment GOT/LOT CALL,JMP Task State Segment GOT CALL,JMP Task Gate GOT/LOT IRET" Interrupt Instruction, Exception, External Interrupt Task Gate lOT NT (Nested Task bit of flag word) = 0 "NT (Nested Task bit of flag word) = 1 4-20 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 PRIVILEGE LEVEL CHANGES Table 11 Segment Register Load Checks Any control transfer that changes CPL within the task, causes a change of stacks as part of the operation. Initial values of SS:SP for privilege levels 0, 1, and 2 are kept in the task state segment (refer to Task Switch Operation). During a JMP or CALL control transfer, the new stack pointer is loaded into the SS and SP registers and the previous stack pointer is pushed onto the new stack. Descriptor table limit exceeded When returning to the original privilege level, its stack is restored as part of the RET or IRET instruction operation. For subroutine calls that pass parameters on the stack and cross privilege levels, a fixed number of words, as specified in the gate, are copied from the previous stack to the current stack. The inter-segment RET instruction with a stack adjustment value will correctly restore the previous stack pointer upon return. Error Description Exception Number 13 Segment descriptor not-present I1or12 PriVilege rules violated 13 Invalid descriptor/segment type segment register load: -Read only data segment load to SS -Special control descriptor load to DS, ES,SS -Execute only segment load to DS, ES,SS -Data pegment load to CS -Read/Execute code segment 10adtoSS 13 Protection The 80286 includes mechanisms to protect critical instructions that affect the CPU execution state (e.g. HLT) and code or data segments from improper usage. These protection mechanisms are grouped into three forms: Table 12 Operand Reference Checks Error Description Write Into code segment Read from execute-only code segment Write to read-only data segment Segment limit exceeded' Restricted usage of segments (e.g. no write allowed to read-only data segments). The only segments available for use are defined by descriptors in the Local Descriptor Table (LOT) and Global Descriptor Table(GDT). Exception Number 13 13 13 120r13 Note 1: Carry out In offset calculations IS Ignored. Table 13. Privileged Instruction Checks Restricted access to segments via the rules of privilege and descriptor usage. Privileged instructions or operations that may only be executed at certain privilege levels as determined by the CPL and I/O Privilege Level (IOPL). The 10PL is defined by bits 14 and 13 of the flag word. Error Description Exception Number CPL + 0 when executing the following instructions: LlDT, LLDT, LGDT, LTR, LMSW, CTS,HLT 13 CPL> IOPL when executing the following Instructions: " INS, IN, OUTS, OUT, STI, CLI, LOCK These checks are performed for all instructions and can be split into three categories: segment load checks (Table 11), operand reference checks (Table 12). and privileged instruction checks (Table 13). Any violation of the rules shown will result in an exception. A not-present exception related to the stack segment causes exception 12. 13 EXCEPTIONS The 80286 detects several types of exceptions and interrupts, in protected mode (see Table 14). Most are restartable after the exceptional condition is removed. Interrupt handlers for most exceptions can read an error code, pushed on the stack after the return address, that identifies the selector involved (O if none). The return address normally pOints to the failing instruction, including all leading prefixes. For a processor extension segment overrun exception, the return address will not point at the ESC instruction that caused the exception; however, the processor extension registers may contain the address of the failing instruction. The IRET and POPF instructions do not perform some of their defined functions if CPL is not of sufficient privilege (numerically small enough). Precisely these are: • The IF bit is not changed if CPL > 10PL. • The IOPL field of the flag word is not changed if CPL > O. No exceptions or other indication are given when these conditions occur. 4-21 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 Table 14 Protected Mode Exceptions Interrupt Vector Return Address Function At Failing Instruction? 8 9 10 11 12 13 Double exception detected Processor extension segment overrun Invalid task state segment Segment not present Stack segment overrun or stack segment not present General protection Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Always Restartable? N02 N02 Yes Yes Yes 1 N02 Error Code on Stack? Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes NOTE 1: When a PUSHA or POPA instruction attempts to wrap around the stack segment, the machine state after the exception will not be restartable because stack segment wrap around is not permitted. This condition is identified by the value of the saved SP being eigher OOOO(H), 0001 (H), FFFE(H), or FFFF(H). NOTE 2: These exceptions indicate a violation to privilege rules or usage rules has occurred. Restart is generally not attempted under those conditions. " These exceptions indicate a violation to privilege rules or usage rules has occurred. Restart is generally not attempted under those conditions. All these checks are performed for all instructions and can be split into three categories: segment load checks (Table 11), operand reference cheCks (Table 12), and privileged instruction checks (Table 13). Any violation of the rules shown will result in an exception. A not-present exception causes exception 11 0(12 and is restartable. Special Operations TASK SWITCH OPERATION The 80286 provides a built-in task switch operation which saves the entire 80286 execution state (registers, address space, and a link to the previous task), loads a new execution state, and commences execution in the new task. Like gates, the task switch operation is invoked by executing an inter-segment JMP or CALL instruction which refers to a Task State Segment (TSS) or task gate descriptor in the GOT or LOT. An INT n instruction, exception, or external interrupt may also invoke the task switch operation by selecting a task gate descriptor in the associated lOT descriptor entry. The TSS descriptor pOints at a segment (see Figure 20) containing the entire 80286 execution state while a task gate descriptor contains a TSS selector. The limit field of the descriptor must be >002B(H). Each task must have a TSS associated with it. The current TSS is identified by a special register in the 80286 called the Task Register (TR). This register contains a selector referring to the task state segment descriptor that defines the current TSS. A hidden base and limit register associated with TR are loaded whenever TR is loaded with a new selector. The IRET instruction is used to return control to the task that called the current task or was interrupted. Bit 14 iii the flag egister is called the Nested Task (NT) bit. It controls the function of the IRET instruction. If NT = 0, the IRET instruction performs the regular current task return by popping values off the stack; when NT = 1, IRET performs a task switch operation back to the previous task. When a CALL, JMP, or INT instruction initiates a task switch, the old and new TSS will be marked busy and the back link field of the new TSS set to the old TSS selector. The NT bit of the new task is set by CALL or INT initiated task switches. An interrupt that does not cause a task switch will clear NT. NT may also be set or cleared by POPF or IRET instructions. The task state segment is marked busy by changing the descriptor type field from Type 1 to Type 3. Use of a selector that references a busy task state segment causes Exception 13. PROCESSOR EXTENSION CONTEXT SWITCHING The context of a processor extension (such as the 80287 numerics processor) is not changed by the task switch operation. A processor extension context need only be changed when a different task attempts to use the processor extension (which still contains the context of a previous task). The 80286 detects the first use of a processor extension after a task switch by causing the processor extension not present exception (7). The interrupt handler may then decide whether a context change is necessary. Whenever the 80286 switches tasks, it sets the Task Switched (TS) bit of the MSW. TS indicates that a processdr extension context may belong to a different task than the current one. The processor extension not present exception (7) will occur when attempting to execute an ESC or WAIT instruction if TS = 1 and a processor extension is present (MP = 1 in MSW). . POINTER TESTING INSTRUCTIONS The iAPX 286 provides several instruqtions to speed pOinter testing and consistency checks for maintaining system integrity (see Table 15). These instructions use the memory management hardware to verify that a selector value refers to an appropriate segment without risking an exception. A condition flag (ZF) indicates whether use of the selector or segment will cause an exception. 4-22 210253-007 IAPX 286/10 , ';J CPU INTEL RESERVED pJrI+yp~1 TASK REGISTER SYSTEM TRD--- ,. ,. I • r---------., I I :I LIMIT BASE I ___ L 23 • ---• BASE23-16 AN AVAILABLE TASK STATE SEGMENT. MAY BE USED AS THE DESTINATION OF A TASK SWITCH OPERATION. 3 A BUSY TASK STATE SEGMENT CANNOT BE USED AS THE DESnNATION OF A TASK SWITCH. UMIT15-0 H ------ -----------: ~ I --' 0 15 BYTE OFFSET TASK LOT SELECTOR 4 DSSELECTOR 40 SSSELECTOR 3 CSSELECTOR 3 ESSELECTOR 3 DI 3 SI 3 P 1 0 \ TASK STATE SEGMENT DESCRIPTION 1 BASE15--G I I PROGRAM INVISIBLE I I ~ SEGMENT DESCRIPTOR TYPE BP 28 SP 26 BX 2 DX 2 CX 2 AX 1 FLAG WORD 1 IP (ENTRY POINT) 1 SSFOR CPL 2 1 SP FORCPL2 1 SS FOR CPL 1 SP FOR CPL 1 DESCRIPTION BASE AND LIMIT FIELDS ARE VALID SEGMENT IS NOT PRESENT IN MEMORY. BASE AND LIMIT ARE NOT DEFINED CURRENT TASK STATE INITIAL STACKS FOR CPL 0.1.2 . SSFORCPLO SPFORCPLO BACK LINK SELECTOR TO TSS , Fihure 20. Task State Segment and TSS Registers 4-23 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 Table 15. 80286 Pointer rest Instructions Instruction ARPl Operands Selector, Register Function Adjust Requested Privilege Level: adjusts the RPL of the selector to the numeric.maximum of current selector RPl value and the RPL value in the register. Set zero flag if sel!!ctor RPL was changed by ARPL. VERR Selector VERW Selector lSL Register, Selector LAR Register, Selector VERify for Read: sets the zero flag if the segment reo ferred to by the selector can be read. VE Rify for Write: sets the zero flag if the segment referred to by the selector can be written. load Segment Umit: reads the segment limit into the register if privilege rules and descriptor type allow. Set zero flag if successful. Load Access Rights: reads the descriptor access rights byte into the register if priv· ilege rules allow. Set zero flag if successful. To force the 80286 CPU registers to match the initial protected mode slate assumed by software, execute a JMP instruction with a selector referring to the initial TSS used in the system. This will load the task register, local descriptor table register, segment registers and initial general register state. The TR should point at a valid TSS since any task switch operation involves saving the current task state. SYSTEM INTERFACE The 80286 system interface appears in two forms: a local bus and a system bus. The local bus consists of address, data, status, and control signals at the pins of the CPU. A system bus is any buffered version of the local bus. A system bus may also differ from the local bus in terms of coding of status and control lines and/or timing and loading of signals. The iAPX 286 family includes several devices to generate standard system buses such as the IEEE 796 standard Multibus T• • Bus Interface Signals and Timing The iAPX 286 microsystem local bus interfaces the 80286 to local memory and I/O components. The interface has' 24 addre!is lines, 16 data lines, and 8 status and control signals. DOUBLE FAULT AND SHUTDOWN The 80286 CPU, 82284 clock generator, 82288 bus controller, 82289 bus arbiter, 8286/7 transceivers, and 8282/3 latches provide a buffered and decoded system bus interface. The 82284 generates the system clock and synchronizes READY and RESET. The 82288 converts bus operation status encoded by the 80286 into command and bus control signals. The 82289 bus arbiter generates Multibus bus arbitration signals. These components can provide the timing and electrical power drive levels required for most system bus interfaces including the Multibus. If two separate exceptions are detected during a single instruction execution, the 80286 performs the double fault exception (8). If an exception occurs during processing of the double fault exception, the 82086 will enter shutdown. During shutdown no further instructions or exceptions are processed. Either NMI (CPU remains in protected mode) or RESET (CPU exits protected mode) can force the 80286 out of shutdown. Shutdown is externally signalled via a HALT bus operation with A1 HIGH. PROTECTED MODE INITIALIZATION The 80286 initially executes in real address mode after RESET. To allow initialization code to be placed at the top of physical memory, A 23 -20 will be HIGH when the 80286 performs memory references relative to the CS register until CS is changed. A 23•20 will' be zero for references to the OS, ES, or SS segments. Changing CS in real address mode will force A23•20 LOW whenever CS is used again. The initial CS:IP value of FOOO:FFFO provides 64K bytes of code space for initialization code without changingCS. Physical Memory and 1/0 Interface . A maximum of 16 megabytes of physical memory can be addressed in protected mode. One megabyte can be addressed in real address mode. Memory is accessible as bytes or words. Words consist of any two consecutive bytes addressed with the least significant byte stored in the lowest address. Byte transfers occur on either half ofthe 16·bit local data bus. Even bytes are accessed over 07-0 while odd bytes are transferred over 0 15- 8 , Even·addressed words are transferred over 0 15-0 in one bus cycle, while odd·ad· dressed words require two bus operations. The first .transfers data on 0 15-8, and the second transfers data on 07-0. Both byte data transfers occur automatically, transparent to software. Protected mode operation requires several registers to be initialized. The GOT and lOT base registers must refer to a valid GOT and lOT. After executing the LMSW instruction to set PE, the 80286 must immediately execute an intra-segment JMP instruction to clear the instruction queue of instructions decoded in real address mode. Two bus signals, Ao and SHE, control transfers over the lower and upper halves of the data bus. Even address 4-24 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 byte transfers are indicated by Ao lOW and BRE HIGH. Odd address byte transfers are indicated by Ao HIGH and BRE lOW. Bot" Ao and BRE are lOW for even address word transfers. RESET The I/O address space contains 64K addresses in both modes. The 110 space is accessible as either bytes or words, as is memory. Byte wide peripheral devices may be attached to either the upper or lower byte of the data bus. Byte-wide I/O devices attached to the upper data byte '(015-8) are accessed with odd I/O addresses. Devices on the lower data byte are accessed with even I/O addresses. An interrupt controller such as Intel's 8259A must be connected to the lower data byte (07-0) for proper return of the interrupt vector. Figure 22. 80286 Bus States Bus States Bus Operation The 80286 uses a double frequency system clock (ClK input) to control bus timing. All signals on the local bus are measured relative to the system ClK input. The CPU divides the system clock by 2 to produce the internal processor clock, which determines bus state. Each processor clock is composed of two system clock cycles named phase 1 and phase 2. The 82284 clock generator output (PClK) identifies the next phase of the processor clock. (See Figure 21.) The idle (T i) state indicates that no data transfers are in progress or requested. The first active state Ts is signaled by status line S1 or SO going lOW and identifying phase 1 of the processor clock. During Ts, the command encoding, the address, and data (for a write operation) are available on the 80286 output pins. The 82288 bus controler decodes the status signals and generates Multibus compatible read/write command and local transceiver control signals. . After Ts' the perform command (Tcl state is entered. Memory or I/O devices respond to the bus operation during Tc, either transferring read data to the CPU or accepting write data. Tc states may be repeated as often as necessary to assure sufficient time for the memory or I/O device to respond. The REAOY signal determines whether Tc is repeated. A repeated Tc state is called a wait state. ONE PROCESSOR CLOCK CYCLE ClK _ PClKY ONE SYSTEM----.J ClKCYClE -------"l v During hold (T h), the 80286 will float all address, data, and status output pins enabling another bus master to use the local bus. The 80286 HOLD input signal is used to place the 80286 into the Th state. The 80286 HlDA output signal indicates that the CPU has entered Th. \ ' - -_ _...J Figure 21. System and Processor Clock Relationships Six types of bus operations-are supported; memory read, memory write, I/O read, I/O write, interrupt acknowledge, and halt/shutdown. Data can be transferred at a maximum rate of one word per two processor clock cycles. The iAPX 286 bus has three basic states: idle (Til. send status (Ts), and perform command (Td. The 80286 CPU also has a fourth local bus state called hold (Th). Thindicates that the 80286 has surrendered control of the local bus to another bus master in response to a HOLD request. ' Pipelined Addressing The 80286 uses a local bus interface with pipelined timing to allow as much time as possible for data access. Pipelined timing allows a new bus operation to be initiated every two processor cycles, while allowing each individual bus operation to last for three processor cycles. The timing of the address outputs is pipelined such that the address of the next bus operation becomes available during the current bus operation. Or in other words, the first clock of the next bus operation is overlapped with the'last clock of the current bus operation. Therefore, address decode and routing logic can operate in ad- Each bus state is one processor clock long. Figure 22 shows the four 80286 local bus states and allowed transitions. 4-25 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 F TI ., 0 15 - "" - - - - - - -- - ; - - -- - -I" READ BUS CYCLE N Ts~'I Q I - - - - - - READ BUS CYCLE N +1~. --Tc~~Ts-----------'l _ _ _ _ c ~ I. ~ I Q ~ I - - - - - --c:::::>- ------------ -----cJVALID READ DATA (N) PlPELlNING: VALID ADDRESS (N Q VALID REAO DATA (N + 1) + 1) AVAILABLE IN LAST PHASE OF BUS CYCLE (N). Figure 23. Basic Bus Cycle Command Timing Controls vance of the next bus operation. External address latches may hold the address stable for the entire bus operation, and provide additional AC and DC buffering. Two system timing customization options, command extension and command delay, are provided on the iAPX 286 local bus. The 80286 does not maintain the address of the current bus operation during all T c states. Instead, the address for the next bus operation may be emitted during phase 2 of any T c. The address remains valid during phase 1 of the first Tc to guarantee hold time, relative to ALE, for the address latch inputs. Command extension allows additional time for external devices to respond to a command and is analogous to inserting wait states on the 8086. External logic can control the duration of any bus operation such that the operation is only as long as necessary. The READ? input signal can extend any bus operation for as long as necessary. Bus Control Signals The 82288 bus controller provides control signals; address latch enable (ALE). ReadlWrite commands, data transmit/receive (DT/R) , and data enable (DEN) that control the address latches, data transceivers, write enable, and output enable for memory and 110 systems. Command delay allows an increase of address or write data setup time to system bus command active for any bus operation by delaying when the system bus command becomes active. Command delay is controlled by the 82288 CMDLY input. After Ts , the bus controller samples CMDLY at each failing edge of CLK. If CMDLY is HIGH, the 82288 will not activate the command signal. When CMDLY is LOW, the 82288 will activatathe command signal. After the command becomes active, the CMDLY input is not sampled. The Address Latch Enable (ALE) output determines when the address may be latched. ALE provides at least one system CLK period of address hold time from the end of the previous bus operation until the address for the ne~t bus operation appears at the latch outputs. This address hold time is required to support Multibus® and common memory systems. When a command is delayed, the available response time from command active to return read data or accept write data is less. To customize system bus timing, an address decoder can determine which bus operations require delaying the command. The CMDLY input does not affect the timing of ALE, DEN, or DT/R. The data bus transceivers are controlled by 82288 outputs Data Enable (DEN) and Data Transmit/Receive (DT/ R). DEN enables the data transceivers; while DT/R controls transceiver direction. DEN and DT/R are timed to prevent bus contention between the bus master, data bus transceivers, and system data bus tranceivers. 4-26 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 1 - - - - - - - - READ BUS CYCLE N - 1 - - - - - - - - - I - ! - - - - - READ BUS CYCLE N - - - - . I elK PRoe - - - . . , elK S:1 • SO ALE _ _ _.J A~ADV EX' ~ AD COMMAND CMDLY _ _ _- - ' EX 2 ~ RD COMMAND CMDlY Figure 24. CMDlY Controls the leading Edge of Command Signal. Figure 24 illustrates four uses of CMDlY. Example 1 shows delaying the read command two system ClKs for cycle N-1 and no delay for cycle N, and example 2 shows delaying the read command one system ClK for cycle N-1 and one system ClKdelayfo~ cycle N. current bus operation. The bus master and bus controller must see the same sense of the READY signal, thereby requiring REA[)? be synchronous to the system clock. Synchronous Ready The 82284 clock generator provides READY synchronization from both synchronous and asynchronous sources (see Figure 25). The synchronous ready input (SRlJ'Y) of the clock generator is sampled with the falling edge of ClK at the end of phase 1 of each Tc' The state of SRlJ'Y is then broadcast to the bus master and bus controller via the READY output line. Bus Cycle lermination At maximum transfer rates, the iAPX 286 bus alternates between the status and command states. The bus status signals become inactive after Ts so that they may correctly signal the start of the next bus operation after the completion of the current cycle. No external indication of Tc exists on the iAPX 286 local bus. The bus master and bus controller enter T c directly after Ts and continue executing T c cycles l:mtil terminated by REAJ:5'i'. READY Operation The current bus master and 82288 bus controller terminate each bus operation simultaneously to achieve maximum bus operation bandwidth. Both are informed in advance by READY active (open-collector output from 82284) which identifies the last Tc cycle of the Asynchronous Ready Many systems have devices or subsystems that are asynchronous to the system clock. As a result, their ready outputs cannot be guaranteed to meet the 82284 ~ setup and hold time requirements. But the 82284 asynchronous ready input (AR'Ijy) is designed to accept such signals. The i\fIDY input is sampled at the beginning of each Tc cycle by 82284 synchronization logic. This provides one system ClK cycle time to resolve its value before broadcasting it to the bus master and bus controller. 4-27 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 • ' .1. MEMORY CYCLE N - 1 ·1 MEMORY CYCLE N --Ts--------.l~Tc-------. 4-------1S-------'I"""-- TC-------'I-4------ Tc-------' I d>2 I dot I d>2 dJ1 I 2 <.1>1 I 4>2 elK PROCCLK A23 - Ao ---------------7~ FIEAllY (SEE NOTE 1.) (SEE NOTE 2.) -~~ (SEE NOTE 3.) NOTES: 1. SRDYEN IS active low 2. If SRDYEN IS high, the state of SRDY will not effect READY 3. ARDYEN is active low Figure 25. Synchronous and Asynchronous Ready ARDY or ARDYEN must be HIGH at the end of Ts. used to terminate bus cycle with no wait states. The data bus is driven with write data during the second phase of Ts. The delay in write data timing allows the read data drivers, from a previous read cycle, sufficient time to enter 3-state OFF before the 80286 CPU begins driving the local data bus for write operations. Write data will always remain valid for one system clock past the last Tc to provide sufficient hold time for Multibus or other similar memory or 1/0 systems. During write-read or writeidle sequences the data bus enters 3-state OFF during the second phase of the processor cycle after the last Tc. In a write-write sequence the data bus does not enter 3-state OFF between Tc and Ts. ARDv cannot be Each ready input of the 82284 has an enable pin (SRDYEN and ARDYEN) to select whether the current bus operation will be terminated by the synchronous or asynchronous ready. Either of the ready inputs may terminate a bus operation. These enable inputs are active low and have the same timing as their respective ready inputs. Address decode logic usually selects whether the current bus operation should be terminated by ARDY orS"RDY. Bus Usage Data Bus Control The 80286 local bus may be used for several functions: instruction data transfers, data transfers by other bus masters, instnJction fetching, processor extension data transfers, interrupt acknowledge, and halt/shutdown. This section describes local bus activities which have special signals or requirements. Figures 26, 27, and 28 show how the DT/R, DEN, data bus, and address signals operate for different combinations of read, write, and idle bus operations. DT/R goes active (LOW) for a read operaton. DT/R remains HIGH before, during, and between write operations. 4-28 210253-007 IAPX 286/10 1- READ BUS CYCLE -I' --TI~4-----Ts---'-4--Tc~ 1,1>2 WRITE BUS CYCLE ~......---T, 4-----Ts--"""-Tc J>'10I41".11<1>2 ,MI.J4Id>11.J4 'b11~ ClK AZ3 - Ao SO. S1 MRDC MWTC DEN --------+----J't DTR Figure 26. Back to Back Read-Write Cycles READ CYCLE WRITE CYCLE eLK D1S-Do - - - - - - - - - - VAUD WRITE DATA DEN DTIR Figure 27. Back to Back Write-Read Cycles 4-29 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 WH ________________ ~ ___________________________________________ DTfR Figure 28. Back to Back Write-Write Cycles HOLD and HLDA A prefetch bus operation starts when at least two bytes of the 6-byte prefetch queue are empty. HOLD and HLDA allow another bus master to gain control of the local bus by placing the 80286 bus into the T h state. The sequence of events required to pass control between the 80286 and another local bus master are shown in Figure 29. The prefetcher normally performs word prefetches independent of the byte alignment of the code segment base in physical memory. The prefetcher will perform only a byte code fetch operation for control transfers to an instruction beginning on a numerically odd physical address. In this example, the 80286 is initially in the T h state as signaled by HLDA being active. Upon leaving T h, as signaled by HLDA going inactive, a write operation is started. During the write operation another local bus master requests the local bus from the 80286 as shown by the HOLD signal. After completing the write operation, the 80286 performs one Tj bus cycle, to guarantee write data hold time, then enters Th as signaled by HLDA going active. Prefetching stops whenever a control transfer or HLT instruction is decoded by the IU and placed into the instruction queue. In real address mode, the prefetcher may fetch up to 6 bytes beyond the last control transfer or HLT instruction in a code segment. In protected mode, the prefetcher will never cause a segment overrun exception. The prefetcher stops at the last physical memory word of the code segment. Exception 13 will occur if the program attempts to execute beyond the last full instruction in the code segment. The CMDLY signal and.ARO"? ready are used to start and stop the write bus command, respectively. Note that S'RD'i" must be inactive or disabled by SRDYEN to guarantee ARO"? will terminate the cycle. Instruction Fetching If the last byte of a code segment appears on an even physical memory address, the prefetcher will read the next physical byte of memory (perform a word code fetch). The value of this byte is ignored and any attempt to execute it causes exception 13. The 80286 Bus Unit (BU) will fetch instructions ahead of the current instruction being executed. This activity is . called prefetching. It occurs when the local bus would otherwise be idle and obeys the following rules: 4-30 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 BUS CYCLE TYPE I. .1 BUS HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE TH 1.2 I TH .1 1.2 I TH .' .'I 1.2 BUS HOLD ACKNOWLED~E I WRITE CYCLE Ts .1 I 2 I 1 Te I .2 I Tc 1 I .2 q,1 Tc I 4>2 I r/!1 T, I ,p2 ¢1 ~H 4>2 I CLK HOLD HLDA r-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . }2.... lS:.E~~~ (SEE NOTE 2) Au - Ao MIlO, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COD/INTA ~~~~~t»»--------(SEE NOTE 3) BHE, LOCK ------------------·~==t~~==J~7]~ffi7]~~~tZ~tB~--------- D" - DO ------------------------:(I.._______VA_L_'D_ _ _ _ _ _--'-"»t--------- !:E~~'<@&I~~,,&JW'#$Jd NOT READY NOT READY MWTC VOH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DTiIi ,'----- DEN ALE _______________________~~~________________________________ TS - STATUS CYCLE Te -- COMMAND CYCLE NOTES: 1 Status hnes are not dnven by 80286, yet remain high due to pullup resistors In 82288 and 82289 dunng HOLD state 2 Address, M/iO and COD/INTA may start floating dunng any TC depending on when Internal 80286 bus arbiter deCides to release bus to external HOLD The float starts In·4>2 of TC 3 SHE and LOCK may start floating after the end of any TC depending on when Internal 80286 bus arbiter deCides to release bus to external HOLD The float starts In 4>1 of TC 4 The minimum HOLD 5 The earliest HOLD to HLDA time IS shown MaXimum IS one TH longer time IS shown It Will always allow a subsequent memory cycle If pending IS shown 6 The minimum HOLD to HLDA Interrupts, Walts, Lock, etc) time IS shown MaXimum IS a function of the Instruction, type of bus cycle and other machine status (I e , 7 Asynchronous ready allows termination of the cycle. Synchronous ready does not Signal ready In thiS example Synchronous ready state IS Ignored after ready IS Signaled via the asynChronous Input Figure 29. Multibus Write Terminated by Asynchronous Ready with Bus Hold 4 -31 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 Processor Extension Transfers Local Bus Usage Priorities The processor extension interface uses 1/0 port addresses 00F8(H), OOFA(H), and OOFC(H) which are part of the 1/0 port address range reserved by Intel. An ESC instruction with Machine Status Word bits EM = 0 and TS = 0 will perform 1/0 bus operations to one or more of these 1/0 port addresses independent of the value of 10PL and CPL. The 80286 local bus is shared among several internal units and external HOLD requests. In case of simultaneous requests, their relative priorities are: (Highest) ESC instructions with memory references enable the . CPU to accept PEREa inputs for processor extension operand transfers. The CPU will determine the operand starting address and read/write status of the instruction. For each operand transfer, two or three bus operations are performed, one word transfer with I/O port address OOFA(H) and one or two bus operations with memory. Three hus operations are required for each word operand aligned on an odd byte address. Any transfers which assert ITJCK either explicitly (via the LOCK instruction prefix) or implicitly (Le. segment descriptor access, interrupt acknowledge sequence, or an XCHG with memory). The second of the two byte bus operations required for an odd aligned word operand. The second or third cycle of a processor extension data transfer. Local bus request via HOLD input. Interrupt Acknowledge Sequence Processor extension data operand transfer via PEREa input. Figure 30 illustrates an interrupt acknowledge sequence performed by the 80286 in response to an INTR input. An interrupt acknowledge sequence consists of two INTA bus operations. The first allows a master 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) to determine which if any of its slaves should return the interrupt vector. An eight bit vector is read on 00-07 of the 80286 during the second INTA bus operation to select an interrupt handler routine from the interrupt table. Data transfer performed by EU as part of an instruction. (Lowest) The Master Cascade Enable (MCE) Signal of the 82288 is used to enable the cascade address drivers, during INTA bus operations (See Figure 30), onto the local address bus for distribution to slave interrupt controllers via the system address bus. The 80286 emits the ITJCK ~ignal (active LOW) during Ts of the first INTA bus operation. A local bus "hold" request will not be honored until the end of the second INTA bus operation. An instruction prefetch request from BU. The EU will inhibit prefetching two processor .clocks in advance of any data transfers to minimize waiting by EU for a prefetch to finish. Halt or Shutdown Cycles The 80286 externally indicates halt or shutdown conditions as a bus operation. These conditions occur due to a HLT instruction or multiple protection exceptions while attempting to execute one instruction. A halt or shutdown bus operation is signalled when Sl, "SO and COD/ ll'iITA are Low and MOO is HIGH. A1 HIGH indicates halt, and A1 LOW indicates shutdown. The 82288 bus controller does not issue ALE, nor is READ'? required to terminate a halt or shutdown bus operation. Three idle processor clocks are provided by the 80286 between INTA bus operations to allow for the minimum INTA to INTA time and CAS (cascade address) out delay of the 8259A. The second INTA bus operation must always have at least one extra Testate added via logic controlling READ'? A23-AO are in'3-state OFF until after the first Tc state of the second INTA bus operation. This prevents bus contention between the cascade address drivers and CPU address drivers. The extra Testate allows time for the 80286 to resume driving th"e address lines for subsequent bus operations. During halt or shutdown, the 80286 may service PEREa or HOLD requests. A processor extension segment overrun exception during shutdown will inhibit further service of PEREa. Either NMI or RESET will force the 80286 out of either halt or shutdown. An INTR, if interrupts are enabled, or a processor extension segment overrun exception will also force the 80286 out of halt. 4-32 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 BUS CYCLE TYPE I TC <1>1 1.1>2 I """---INTA CYCLE 1 ~I .bl ~ I c/fl. CLK MlI~, ! ,)" ~ I 1/>2 I 1/1' ~ 1,1,2 4>1 ~ I c/fl. I <1>1 ~ ~ I clfJ.l 11 I cIfJ. 1-4---'NTA <1>' CYCLE ~. ~ I 11 1 ~ I c/fl. ,I,' ~ I.ill I COOIINTl liliE 015 - Do »»»»)}----------- -<. . .__ DO_N'_TC_AR_E ':"WeV~~'i:~E _---J}- - -- - - - - - - - >------- 0- -- --- --- -- --- - - ----- -c= (SEE NOTE 1) {VECTOR}- - ON 07·00 (SEE NOTE 2 ) IIEADV S\\\\\\ 1l111/01/R/I \\\\\\ IIOVllIIOVIIllOlll107IIII1OO/l \\\\\\ NOT READY NOT READY READY MCE f\ f\ ALE n n DTf" DEN \ / / I \ / \ mmz REAOY ~ \ / \ lIlT.{ I (SEE NOTE 3.) '--- NOTES: 1. Data is ignored. 2. First INTA cycle should have at least one walt state Inserted to meet 8259A minimum INTA pulse width. 3 Second INTA cycle must have at least one wait state inserted since the CPU Will not drive A23 - Ao, BHE, and [QCj( until after the first TCstate. The CPU Imposed one/clock delay prevents bus cQntention between cascade address buffer being disabled by MCE +and address outputs. Without the wait state, the 80286 address will not be valid for a memory cycle started Immediately after the second INTA cycle. The 8259A also requires one wait state for minimum INTA pulse Width, 4. [QCj( is active for the first INTA cycle to prevent the 82289 from releasing the bus between INTA cycles in a multi·master system. 5. Azl - Ao exits 3·state OFF during --l r*' ri--H-+-f-l r--I===: GRQlCK BREa BPRQ $0 BPRN ~ 51 BUSY READY caRD elK LOCK AEN M 10 82289 SLOCK MUlTiBUS BUS ARBITRATION f.---f.---- 1f--- r-- - BUS ARBITER '-+~H-+-f.j R= " I _ _ JDREAD 10 WRITE x, AES READY elK ENABLE - - CM:JLY I I ~~~~~ I I I I GENERATOR II II _ RESET ~ ~ ~ I( _______ J II - J....,.. READY S1 An ! " ERROR I 1 I " BUSY PEACK II "I I 1. r - - - -- -!...,. 1111II JI' I I I 1 I II r - I I I" I I I I I I : 1 I I r -! I :I I ~~~~~~g: (OPTIONAL) CAPI:;:h I 0" IT 1- • Do __ I - L I ...J CHIP SELECT ----I WA ....l\- SP EN ,...;1--- Do v--- IRo ' - -_ _ _ --v' AD ~;59A >R, INTERRUPT CONTROLLER ~ k'l- - : '.- cs _ 1----+-+-++-f------1 '"' I INTA r------ L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -.J ADDRESS BUS 8283 /'--CAS 01 I CPU r' _ _ _ 80287 ~- I~~ B0286 lllilllllr..J 1l l lI_I __ I_'_'_t_,-+~ I Ao ~t-=~=:=~=:=:;:~~~ ' INTR PEREa I _J l.....- I BHEr.I-+H-+t-=I I-;-HOLD ! -, t=;=) STB DE __ coo INTA ---, I _1_ - r- ~ _ i--l-I-I-,-HLDA 1 - _ - -11 r=:=-- LOCK - elK r-------11 Jf f M 10 'I~SO I I I~NMI I - R - M 10 RESET r-t,'H-+-IH---'l ~ I I ---.L ARDVEN 'I DEN - CONTROLLER I Vee 20K!! READY AROY INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE ;~: ~=tt===tl=t==~-+~ H-~-+-H.j CL~2288 BU~T I ENABLE - - SROYEN MEMORY WRITE INTA :~ f4t----1H-+-f·1 :~ SYNC READY - - SROV ASYNC READY - - MEMORV READ lowe F C -::!:- f-H------H--- IORC I EFI --=..... MRDe MWTC PCLK _ MB ,D t X2 -:=-1!o::~4-~ AEN .....--lnh I _ ~ -r - - .- OE ' - - - - - - - r - - - - - - y / I T~!~S ~ ~ OATA BUS CEIVER T Figure 32. Multibus System Bus Interface degradation caused by address propogation and decode delays. In addition to selecting memory and 110, the advanced selects may be used with configurations supporting local and system buses to enable-the appropriate bus interface for each bus cycle. The COD/Tf\JTA and MIlO signals are applied to the decode logic to distinguish between interrupt, 110, code and data bus cycles. By adding the 82289 bus arbiter chip the 80286 provides a Multibus system bus interface as shown in Figure 32. The ALE output of the 82288 for the Multibus bus is connected to its CMDlY input to delay the start of commands one system ClK as required to meet Multibus address and write data setup times. This arrangement will add at least one extra Testate to each bus operation which uses the Multibus. A second 82288 bus controller and additional latches and transceivers could be added to the local bus of Figure 32. This configuration allows the 80286 to support an on-board bus for local memory and peripherals, and the Multibus for system bus interfacing. 4-35 210253-007 IAPX 286/10 8286 OATAD 15 - 8287 Do DATA DRAM 2118,2164 80286 CPU MULTIBUS SELECT elK XACK STATUS SO. ii. M/iO MULTIBUS COMMAND (MADe, iiWfc) DECODE lOCAL SELECT ' - - - - - 1 t-"-----;S;;;:;El"'EC=T ' - - - - - ADDRESS ADDRESS AZ3 - Ao. SHE, LOCK Figure 33. IAPX 286 System Configuration with Dual-Ported Memory Figure 33 shows the addition of dual ported dynamic memory between the Multibus system bus and the iAPX 286 local bus. The dual port interface is provided by the 8207 Dual Port DRAM Controller. The 8207 runs synchronously with the CPU to maximize throughput for local memory references. It also arbitrates between requests from the local and system buses and performs functions such as refresh, initialization of RAM, and read! \ modify/write cycles. The 8207 combined with the 8206 Error Checking and Correction memory controller provide for single bit error correction. The dual-ported memory can be combined with a standard Multibus system bus interface to maximize performance and protection in multiprocessor system configurations. Table 16.80286 Systems Recommended Pull up Resistor Values 80286 Pin and Name 4-81 5-50 6-PEACK 53-ERROR Purpose Pullup Value 20KO ± 10% Pull 50, 'ST, and PEACK inactive during 80286 hold periods 20KO ±.10% Pull ERROR and BUSY inactive when 80287 not present (or temporarily removed from socket) 9100 ± 5% Pull READY inactive within required minimum time (CL !as 7mA) 54-BUSY 63-READY 4-36 = 150pF, 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 PACKAGE The 80286 is packaged in a 68-pin, leadless JEDEC type A hermetic lead less chip carrier. Figure 34 illustrates the package, and Figure 2 shows the pinout. F 1 ----lI H: 050 .I (1.68) .0 .800 ('0.3') (O~~:)l L_ PIN NO. 18 094 066 PIN NO. 52 iPlNNO.35 (' ~9) 960 ('4.38) ~PIN PINNO.1 NO 1 MARK 130 (3.30) INCHES 960 (24.38) (MILLIMETERS) Figure 34. JEDEC Type A Package ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· 'NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not Implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. AmbientTemperature Under Bias .......... O°C to 70"C Storage Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . .. - 65°C to + 150°C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -1.0 to +7V Power Dissipation ...................... 3.3 Watt D.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = ooe to 70 oe, Vee = 5V, ±5%) 4MHz 6MHz 8MHz -4 Min -4 Max -6 Min -6 Max -8 Min -8 Max Unit Input lOW Voltage -.5 .8 -.5 .8 -.5 .8 V VIH Input HIGH Voltage 2.0 Vee +.5 2.0 Vee +.5 2.0 Vee + .5 V VILe ClK Input lOW Voltage -.5 .6 -.5 .6 -.5 .6 V 3.8 Vee +.5 3.8 Vee + .5 3.8 Vee +.5 V .45 V Sym VIL Parameter VI He ClK Input HIGH Voltage VOL VOH Output lOW Voltage Output HIGH Voltage III Input leakage Current IlL Input sustaining Current on BUSY and ERROR pins ILO Output leakage Current ILO Output leakage Current +-1 lee Supply Current (turn on, O°C) 600 NOTE 1: Low temperature IS worst case .45 2.4 .45 2.4 +-10 30 500 2.4 +-10 30 500 4-37 30 IOL = 2.0mA IOH =-400JlA +-10 JlA OV-::;VIN-::;V ee = OV 500 JlA VIN +-10 JlA 45V-::;Vour-::;Vee +-1 +-1 mA OV-::;V our <.45V 600 600 rnA Note 1 +-10 +-10 V Test Condition 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 D.C. CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (TA = DOC to 7DOC, Vcc = 5V, ±5%) 4 MHz Sym Parameter -4 Min SMHz 6MHz -S Min -6 Max -6 Min -4 Max -S Max Unit Test Condition C CLK ClK Input Capacitance 20 20 20 pF Fc = 1MHz C IN Other Input Capacitance 10 10 10 pF Fc = 1MHz Co Input/Output Capacitance 20 20 20 pF Fc=1MHz NOTE 1: Low temperature IS worst case A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 0 °G to 55°C, Vcc = 5V, ± 5%) AC timings are referenced to O.SV and 2.0V points of signals as illustrated in datasheet waveforms, otherwise noted. 6MHz 4MHz Parameter Sym unles~ SMHz -4 Min -4 Max -6 Min -6 Max -S Min -S Max Unit 124 250 83 250 62 250 ns Test Condition 1 System Clock (ClK) Period 2 System Clock (ClK) lOW Time 30 210 ,20 225 15 225 ns at 1,OV 3 System Clock (ClK) HIGH Time 40 220 25 230 25 235 ns at 3,6V 17 System Clock (ClK) Rise Time 10 10 10 ns 1 OV to 3 6V 18 System Clock (ClK) Fall Time 10 10 10 ns 3,6V to 1 OV 4 Asynch Inputs Setup Time 40 30 20 ns Note 1 5 Asynch, Inputs Hold Time 40 30 20 ns Note 1 6 RESET Setup Time 40 33 28 ns 7 RESET Hold Time 5 5 5 ns 8 Read Data Setup Time 30 20 10 ns 9 Read Data Hold Time 8 8 8 ns 38 ns 10 READY Setup Time 75 50 11 READY Hold Time 50 35 12 Status/PEACK Valid Delay 1 80 1 55 1 40 ns Note 2 Note3 13 Address Valid Delay 1 120 1 80 1 60 ns Note 2 Note 3 14 Wri,te Data Valid Delay 0 100 0 65 0 50 ns Note 2 Note 3 15 Address/Status/Data Float Delay 0 120 0 80 0 50 ns Note 2 Note 4 16 HlDA Valid Delay 0 120 0 80 0 50 ns Note 2 Note 3 ns 25 NOTE 1: Asychronous Inputs are INTR, NMI, HOLD, PEREQ, ERROR, AND BUSY This speCification assure recognition at a speCific elK edge IS given only for testing purposes, to NOTE 2: Delay from 0 8V on Ihe ClK, to 0 8V or 2 OV or float on the output as appropriate for valid or floating condition NOTE 3: Ouput load C L = 100pF NOTE 4: Float condition occurs when output current IS less than ILO In magnitude 4-38 210253-007 IAPX 286/10 DEVICE OUTPUT I 9: NOTE AC Test loading on Outputs 4.0V ClKINPUT O.45V NOTE 6: AC Drive and Measurement POints - ClK Input 4.0V ClK INPUT 1.0V O.45V - - - - - - - - tHOLD 2.4V OTHER DEVICE INPUT tDELAY ---~ 2.0V DEVICE OUTPUT O.BV NOTE 7. AC Setup, Hold and Delay Time Measurement - General 4-39 210253-007 "m.;..lt!> I. '-e- iAPX 286/10 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Cont.) 82284 Timing Requirements 82284-6 Symbol Parameter Min. 11 12 13 14 SRDY/SRDYEN setup time SRDYISRDYEN hold time ARDY/ARDYEN setup time ARDY/ARDYEN hold time 19 PClK delay 82284-8 Max. 25 Min. Max. 0 5 30 45 0 Max. Min. 20 0 3 0 Units ns ns ns ns 15 0 0 16 45 ns Test Conditions See note 1 See note 1 CL = 75pF IOL = 5 ma IOH=-1ma NOTE: These times are gIVen for testtng purposes to assure a predetermined acton 82288 Timing Requirements 82288-6 Symbol 12 13 30 29 16 17 19 22 20 21 23 24 Parameter CMDlY setup time CMDlT hold time Command delaylCommand Inactive From ClK Command Active ALE active delay ALE inactive delay DTIR read active delay DTIR read inactive delay DEN read active delay DEN read inactive delay DEN write active delay DEN write inactive delay II Min. 25 0 3 3 3 f5 10 3 3 82288-8 30 40 25 35 40 45 50 40 35 35 3 3 Max. 2Q 3 1.5: 20 40 40 ~ 30 30 NOTE 1: Asychronous Inputs are INTR, NMI, HOLD, PEREQ, ERROR, AND BUSY This specificatIOn assure recognitIOn at a specific elK edge 4-40 ns .2.0 20 0 10 10 3 Units ns ns IS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Test Conditions CL - 300 pF max IOL = 32 ma max IOH = 5 ma max CL =150pF IOL = 16 ma max IOH = -1 ma max given only for testing purposes, to 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 WAVEFORMS MAJOR CYCL~ TIMING READ BUS CYCLE TYPE eLK S1 • so AZ3-AO 7'rTT7"T7CrTT77'l"Ti'm,I,...+---l---+---I. ~;"'I:r-+---+---+----+"'''''''' ,...1---+---- + __-{'""-LUII'-!-_ _-+___+-__-+f\L.Lf.I.f'-+-_ _-+-':...._ _ M,IO, COOIINTA CLi.£.I..<..u... 2 of a processor cycle. EXITING AND ENTERING HOLD BUS CYCLE TYPE ClK HLOA BHE,LOCK A23 - lAo M/ID, ----+::::,,1 (SEE NOTE 4.) (SEE NOTE 5.) ~,----------- COO/INTA 0 15 - . '________________ (SEE NOTE _6.) Do ________ I "-'>..>..~~)-.::....::.:;="'-'~ ~[ PClK . -----' NOTES: 1 These signals may not be dnven by the 80286 dUring the time shown. The worst case in terms of latest float time 2 The data bus Will be driven as shown If the last cycle before TI in the diagram was a write TC. 3 The 80286 floats Its status pms dUring TH External20Ko reSistors keep these signals high (see Table 16). 4 For HOLD request set up to HLDA. refer to Figure 29. 5 SHE and lOCK are driven at thiS time but Will not become valid until TS 6 The data bus will remain in 3-state OFF If a read cycle IS performed 4-42 IS shown 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 WAVEFORMS (Continued) 80286 PEREQ/PEACK TIMING FOR ONE TRANSFER ONLY BUS CYCLE TYPE ClK A23 - AO MilO CODJINTA PEACK PEREQ ASSUMING WORD·ALlGNED MEMORY OPERAND. IF ODD ALIGNED, 80286 TRANSFERS TO/FROM MEMORY BYTE·AT·A·TIME WITH TWO MEMORY CYCLES. NOTES: 1. PEACK always goes active during the first bus operation of a processor extension data operand transfer sequence. The first bus operation Will be either a memory read at operand address or 1/0 read at port address OOFA(H) 2. To prevent a second processor extension data operand transfer, the worst case maximum time (Shown above) IS. 3X G) -@max -0 m,n . The actual, configuration dependent, maximum time IS' 3X G) -@max-0m,n + A X 2 XG). A is the number of extra T c states added to either the first or second bus operation of the processor extension data operand transfer sequence. INITIAL 80286 PIN STATE DURING RESET BUS CYCLE TYPE ClK RESET AT lEAST 16 ClK PERIODS UNKNOWN UNKNOWN SHE MilO UNKNOWN COD/INTA LOCK UNKNOWN ------5S--------- DATA IF HOLD IS NOT ACTIVE (SEE NOTE 4). HLDA UNKNOWN NOTES: 1 Setup time for RESET '[ may be violated with the consideration that 01 of the processor clock may begin one system elK period later 2 Setup and hold times for RESET must be met for proper operation, but RESET 1 may occur dUring ,,1 or ",2 3 The data bus IS only guaranteed to be In 3·state OFF at the time shown 4 HOLD IS acknowledged dUring RESET, causing HlDA to go active and the appropriate PinS to float If HOLD remains active while RESET goes Inactive, the 80286 remains In HOLD state and Will not perform any bus accesses until HOLD IS de-actlVlated c 4-43 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 I BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 3 BYTE 4 r-'"T"T.,...;-nT""':;"r--TTT"'..";""";"'r'-r'-I - - - - ---.,. - - - - - - -"'T I I LOW DISP/DATA I HIGH DISP/DATA I '--_.,...;-_......,...........,.............,......... ~---' - _ _ _ _ _ _ .... - ______ • BYTES - - - BYTES - - - --y-- - - - - - - . , I I LOW DATA ___ - REGISTER OPERAND/REGISTERS TO USE IN OFFSET - - _~ HIGH DATA __ - _ _ _ _ ..I CALCULATIO~ ' - - - - REGISTER OPERAND/EXTENSION OF OPCODE ' - - - - - - REGISTER MODE/MEMORY MODE WITH DISPLACEMENT LENGTH ' - - - - - - - WORD/BYTE OPERATION ' - - - - - - - - DIRECTION IS TO REGISTER/DIRECTION IS FROM REGISTER ' - - - - - - - - - - - OPERATION (INSTRUCTION) CODE A. SHORT OPCODE FORMAT EXAMPLE BYTE 1 BYTE 2 BYTE 3 BYTE 4 BYTES B. LONG OPCODE FORMAT EXAMPLE Figure 35. 80286 Instruction Format Examples 80286 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY Instruction Timing Notes Instruction Set Summary Notes Addressing displacements selected by the MOD field are not shown. If necessary they appear after the instruction fields shown. The instruction clock counts listed below establish the maximum execution rate of the 80286. With no delays in bus cycles, the actual clock count of an 80286 program will average 5% more than the calculated clock count, due to instruction sequences which execute faster than they can be fetched from memory. Above/below refers to unsigned value Greater refers to positive signed value Less refers to less positive (more negative) signed values = if d To calculate elapsed times for instruction sequences, multiply the sum of all instruction clock counts, as listed in the table below, by the processor clock period. An 8 MHz processor clock has a clock period of 125 nanoseconds and requires an 80286 system clock (CLK input) of 16 MHz. 1 then to register; if d = 0 then from register if w = 1 then word instruction; if w = 0 then byte instruction if s = 0 then 16-bit immediate data form the operand if s = 1 then an immediate data byte is sign-extended to form the 16-bit operand x don't care Instruction Clock Count Assumptions z used for string primitives for comparison with ZF FLAG 1. The instruction has been prefetched, decoded, and is ready for execution. Control transfer instruction clock counts include all time required to fetch, decode, and prepare the next instruction for execution. If two clock counts are given, the smaller refers to a register operand and the larger refers to a memory operand 2. Bus cycles do not require wait states. • = add one clock if offset calculation requires summing 3 elements 3. There are no processor extension data transfer or local bus HOLD requests. n = number of times repeated 4. No exceptions occur during instruction execution. m = number of bytes of code in next instruction Level (L)-Lexical nesting level of the procedure 4-44 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 not-present exception (11). If the SS register is the destination, and a segment not-present violation occurs, a stack exception (12) occurs. The following comments describe possible exceptions, side effects, and allowed usage for instructions in both operating modes of the 80286. 11. All segment descriptor accesses in the GOT or LOT made by this instruction will automatically assert IDCK to maintain descriptor integrity in mUltiprocessor systems. REAL ADDRESS MODE ONLY 1. This is a protected mode instruction. Attempted execution in real address mode will result in an undefined opcode exception (6). 2. A segment overrun exception (13) will occur if a word operand r~ference at offset FFFF(H) is attempted. 12. JMP, CALL, INT, RET, IRET instructions referring to another code segment will cause a general protection exception (13) if any privilege rule is violated. 3. This instruction may be executed in real address mode to initialize the CPU for protected mode. 13. A general protection exception (13) occurs if CPL oF O. 4. The IOPL and NT fields will remain O. 14. A general protection exception (13) occurs if CPL> IOPL. 5. Processor extension segment overrun interrupt (9) will occur if the operand exceeds the segment limit. 15. The IF field of the flag word is not updated if CPL > IOPL. The IOPL field is updated . only if CPL = O. EITHER MODE 16. Any violation of privilege rules as applied to the selector operand do not cause a protection exception; rather, the instruction does not return a result and the zero flag is cleared. 6. An exception may occur, depending on the value of the operand. 7. IT>CK is automatically asserted regardless of the presence or absence of the LOCK instruction prefix. 17. If the starting address ·of the memory operand violates a segment limit, or an invalid access is attempted, a general protection exception (13) will occur before the ESC instruction is executed. A stack segment overrun exception (12) will occur if the stack limit is violated by the operand's starting address. If a segment limit is violated during an attempted data transfer then a processor extension segment overrun exception (9) occurs. 8. LOCK does not remain active between all operand transfers. PROTECTED VIRTUAL ADDRESS MODE ONLY 9. A general protection exception (13) will occur if the memory operand can not be used due to either a segment limit or access rights violation. If a stack segment limit is violated, a stack segment overrun exception (12) occurs. 18. The destination of an INT, JMP, CALL, RET or IRET instruction must be in the defined limit of a code segment or a general protection exception (13) will occur. 10. For segment load operations, the CPL, RPL, and OPL must agree with privilege rules to avoid an exception. The segment must be present to avoid a 4-45 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 80286 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY "" CLOCK COUNT COMMENTS Real Address Mode Protected Virtual Address Mode Real Address Mode Protected Virtual Address Mode FUNCTION FORMAT DATA TRANSFER MOY = Move: Reglsterto ReglsterlMemory 11 000100w mod reg, rim 2,3' 2,3' 2 9 rim mod 000 rim 2,5' 2,5' 2 9 Immediate to reglSterlmemory 11 OOOtOlw 11 1000 1 1 w data 2,3' 2,3' 2 9 Immediate to regIster 11 01 1 W reg data datalfw= 1 2 2 Memory to accumulator 11 010000w addr-Iow addr-hlgh 5 5 t 9 Accumulator to memory 11 010001w addr-Iow addr-hlgh 3 3 2 9 2,5' 17,19' 2 9,10,11 2,3' 2,3' 2 9 5' 5' 2 9 3 3 2 9 ReglSterlmemory to register mod reg Reglsterlmemory to segment regISter 11 0001110 mod 0 reg Segment regISter to reglSterlmemory 11 0001100 mod 0 reg PUSH = Push: Memory 11 111111 1 RegISter ,,' modll0 rim ~Io nOlO's '" 01 100't (HI 00 ~ PUIIM .. I'Ushldl 11 00 0 1 11 11 RegISter 10 1 0 1 1 Segment regISter 10 00 reg 1 1 11 IiOPA '" P1lj) All; " XCHG = Exchange: Reglsterlmemory with regISter ! <", I dala1t,t'" °I I POP = Pop: Memory reg I I I I ,daIa ~ ~, modOOO rim I I (reg ,,01) ,> 10 l11HlOil 1 I mod reg rim I datalfw=1 , 10 1 0 1 0 reg 1000 reg 110 1 Segment regISter ~.lmmdl!f' I I rim rim I I '" 3 3 2 '$; 3 .,2 9 ' 9 ',' , 17 a 5' 5' 2 5 5 2 9 5 20 2 9,10,11 19 19 2 j 3,5' 3,5' 2,7 7,9 3 3 5 5 14 5 5 14 ,11 ' '" 9,,, 9 RegISter with accumulator 11 000011 wi 11 00 1 0 reg IN = Input lrom: Fixed port, 11 110010wl vanable port 11 1 1 0 1 lOw OUT = Outputlo: Fixed port 11 110D11w 3 3 14 vanable port 11 110111w 3 3 14 XLAT = Translate byte to AL 11 1 0 1 0 11 1 5 5 9 LEA = Load EA to "eglSter 11 0,0,01101 11 1 0, 0, 0, 1 0, 1 mod reg rim 3' 3' mod reg r r 2 9,10,,11 mod reg rim rim 21' 11 10,0,0,10,0, 11 0, 0, 11 1 1 1 21' 2 9,10,,11 2 2 LOS = Load pointer to OS LES = Load pomter to ES LAHF = Load AH With flags SAHF = Store AH Into flags I I port I I port I I I (mod'" 11) (mod'" 11) 11 0,0,11110, 11 0, 0, 1 1 1 0, 0, 2 2 PUSHF = Push flags 3 3 2 9 POPF = Pop flags 11 0,0,11'101 5 5 2,4 9,15 Shaded areas indicate instructions not aval able in iAPX 86,88 microsystelT)s, 4-46 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 80286 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY (Continued) CLOCK COUNT FUNCTION Real Address Mode FORMAT ARITHMETIC ADD = Add: Reglmemory with regISter to either 1000000dwi mod reg rim Immediate to register/memory 1100000swl modOOO rim I Immediate to accumulator 10000010wl data I I ADC = Add with carry: Reglmemory with regISter to either 10 0 0 1 0 0 d w I Immediate to register/memory 1100000swi Immediate to accumulator 10001010wl mod reg rim I modO 1 0 rim I data I INC = Increment: ReglSterlmemory 11 111111 wi modOOO rim I RegISter 10 1 0 0 0 reg I data Ilw= 1 I data I data Ilw= 1 I datallsw=OI datallsw=OI I I I SUB = Subtract: Reglmemory and regISter to either 1001010dwi mod reg Immediate lrom reglSterlmemory 1100000swl mod 101 Immediate from accumulator 10 0 1 o t lOw I data SBB = Subtract with borrow: Reglmemory and regISter to either 10 00110dwl mod reg Immediate from register/memory 1100000swl mod 0 11 rim I rim I Immediate from accumulator IOOO1110wl data I DEC = Decrement: ReglSterlmemory 11 111111 wi modOOl rim I RegISter 10 1 0 0 1 CMP=Compare' ReglSterlmemory with regISter 10 0 1 1 1 0 1 wi mod reg RegISter with reglSterlmemory 10011100wl mod reg rim I rim I Immediate with reglSterlmemory 1100000swi mod 111 rim I Immediate with accumulator 10 01 1 1 lOw I data I NEG = Change Sign 11 11 1 01 1 wi mod 0 11 rim I AM = ASCII adlust lor add 10 0 1 1 0 1 1 11 reg data rim I rim I data datalfw=1 I I datallsw=OI I I data I datallw=1 I datallsw=OI I I data I datall W= 1 I datallsw=OI I COMMENTS Prolecled Virtual Address Mode Real Address Mode Protected Virtual Address Mode 2,7' 2,7" 2 9 3,7' 3,7" 2 9 3 3 2,7' 2,7" 2 9 3,7' 3,7" 2 9 3 3 2,7" 2,7" 2 9 2 2 2,7' 2,7" 2 9 3,7" 3,7" 2 9 3 3 2,7' 2,7' 2 9 3,7' 3,7' 2 9 3 3 2,7' 2,7' 2 9 2 2 2,6' 2,6' 2 9 2,7" 2,7' 2 9 3,6' 3,6' 2 9 3 3 2 7' 2 7 3 3 DAA= DeCimal adlust lor add 10 0 1 0 0 1 1 11 3 3 AAS = ASCII adjust lorsubtract 10 0 1 1 1 1 1 11 3 3 DAS = D~clmal adlust lor subtract 10 o 1 0 1 1 1 11 3 3 MUL = Multiply (unSigned) Register-Byte Register-Word Memory-Byte Memory-Word 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 wi 13 21 16' 24' 13 21 16' 24' 2 2 9 9 IMUL = Integer multiply (Signed) RegISter-Byte RegISter-Word Memory-Byte Memory-Word 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 wi 13 21 16' 24' 13 21 16' 24' 2 2 9 9 21,24' 21,24* 2 9 14 22 17' 25' 14 22 17" 25' 6 6 2,6 2,6 6 6 6,9 6,9 , 1MUl= Integer Immediate multiply ($igftod) DlV = D,v,de (unSigned) RegISter-Byte RegISter-Word Memory-Byte Memory-Word c/o U 0,1 Os 11 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 wi mod 1 00 mod 1 01 mod!!!l rim I rim I rim I data I datajls=O mod 11 0 rim I J Shaded areas Indicate instructions not available in IAPX 86, 88 microsystems. 4-47 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 80286 INSTRUCTION SEt SUMMARY (Continued) CLOCK COUNT FUNCTION FORMAT COMMENTS Real Address Mode Protected Virtual Address Mode Real Address Mode Protected Virtual Address Mode 17 25 20' 28' 16 6 6 6 6 2,6 2,S 6,9 6,9 14 ARITHMETIC (Continued): 11 1 1 1 01 1 wi IDIV ~ Integer divide (Signed) Register-Byte Register-Word Memory-Byte Memory-Word AAM ~ ASCII adlust for multiply 11 10101001000010101 17 25 20' 28' 16 AAD ~ ASCII adjust for divide 11 101()'1011000010101 14 caw ~ Convert byte to word 11 00 1 1 00 0 11 00 1 1 00 1 2 CWD ~ Convert word to double word LOGIC ShiftlRotate Instructions' ReglsterlMemory by 1 '1le!llmrlMemory by'COUrrt rim I I 11 1 0 1 000 w mod m rim I 2,7" 2,7' 11 1 0 1 001 w mod m rim I 5+',8+,' 5+',8+,' I I 11 1 000 D(} wI ReglsterlMemory by CL mod 111 TTT Instruction o0 0 ROL o 0 1 ROR o10 RCL o 1 1 RCR 1 0 0 SHUSAL 101 SHR 111 SAR AND=And: Reglmemory and register to either 1001000dwi mod reg Immediate to register/memory 11000000wl mod 1 00 rim data Immediate to accumulator IOO10010wl data dat.,fw ~ 1 TEST = And function to flags, no result: Reglsterlmemory and register 11 0OOO10wl Immediate data and reglsterlmemory 11 11 1 011 wi mod reg rim dataifw~1 Immediate data and accumulator 11 010100wl OR=Or: Reg/memory and register to either IOOOO10dwi mod reg rim Immediate to reglsterlmemory 11000000wl modOOl rim Immediate to accumulator 10000110wl data dat"fw~ data IOO1100dwi mod reg Immediate to register/memory 11000000wl mod 1 t 0 rim Immediate to accumulator 10011010wl data NOT ~ Invert reglster/memory 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 wi modOl0 rim STRING MANIPULATION: !IIOVS ~ Move bytelword 11 010010wl CMPS ~ Compare bytelword 11 01 00 1 1 wi SCAS ~ Scan byte/word 11 01 0 1 1 1 wi data\fw~1 2,S' 3,S' 2,7' 2,7' 3,7' 3,7' 1 3 rim data\fw~1 data data\fw~ 2,S' 3,S' 3 1 data data\fw~ XOR = Exclusive or: Reglmemory and register to either dat.,f w~ 1 data 2,7' 3,7" 3 rim modOOO rim 2,7" 3,7' 2,7' 2,7' 3,7' 3,7' 2,7' 2,7' 1 3 LODS ~ Load bytelwd to AUAX STOS ~ Stor bytelwd from AUA .~ It\gut byte/yIIllfumo}( pelf OUT$"' O\Ifput ~l1imito Ox~' ', Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in iAPX 86, 88 microsystems. 4-48 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 - 80286 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY (Continued) CLOCK COUNT COMMENTS Protected Virtual Address Mode 11 11 1 0 0 1 0 11010010wl 5+4n 5+4n 2 9 5+9n 5+9n 2,8 8,9· SCAS ~ Scan string z 11 0 1 00 1 1 wi 11 1 1 1 0 0 1 z 11 0 1 0 1 1 1 wi LOOS ~ Load string 11 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 11 0 1 0 1 lOw STOS ~ Store string 11 1 1 1 0 0 1 FORMAT STRING MANIPULATION (Continued): Repeated by count In CX MOVS ~ Move string CMPS ~ Compare string 11 11 1 0 0 1 ::=~: ",' \ )1 11 Real Address Mode Protected Virtual Address Mode Real Address Mode FUNCTION 5+8n 5+8n 2,8 8,9 I 5+4n 5+4n 2,8 8,9 o 11010101wl 4+3n 4+3n 2,8 8,9 t'O 0 lD 10,' , "',~'t:~ J~::; t ;:.'2\( ;:~:\1i~N:~ . ,: ,'+AtI '<.sWf4n ' ')j:::,: l,~l11Wl' '11H1Ul r;~\~~~( CONTROL TRANSFER CALL~Call: I I o0 1 1 0 1 0 I I DIrect wlthm segment 11 1 1 0 1 00 0 dlsp-Iow ReQlster/memory indirect Within segment Direct mtersegment 11 111111 1 mod 0 10 rim 11 I I dlsp-hlgh 7+m I I segment offset segment selector 13+m 2il+m 2 18 2,8 8,9,18 2 11,12,18 8,11,12,18 8,11,12,18 8,11,12,18 8,11,12,18 8,11,12,18 41+m 82+m Bti+4x+m l77+m 182+m 11 11 11111 I mod 0 11 rim I 16+m (mod" 11) Protected Mode Only (Indirect intersegment): Via call gate to same privilege level Via call gate to different privilege level, no parameters Via call gate to different privilege level, xparameters VIaTSS Via task gate 29+m' 2 11 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 dlsp-Iow Direct Within segment 11 1 1 0 1 00 1 dlsp-Iow I I Reglsterlmemory ",direct Within segment I1 111111 1 I Direct ",tersegment 11 1 1 0 1 0 1 o I I Protected Mode Only (Direct intersegment): mod 1 00 rim I I I dlsp-high I segment offset segment selector mod 1 01 rim I 7+m 7+JI1 18 7+m 7+m 18 7+m,ll+m' 7+m,ll+m' Via call gate to same privilege level Via TSS Via task gate 11 1111111 I . I I 11 +m 15+m' (mod" 11) 8,9,11,12,18 8,9,11,12,18 8,9,11,12,18 8,9,11,12,18 8,9,11,12,18 8,9,11,12,18 44+m' 83+m' 90+4>+m' 180+m' 185+m' JMP ~ Unconditional jump: Short/long Indirect intersegment 7+m 7+m,ll+m' 7+m,11+m' Protected Mode Only (Direct intersegment): Via call gate to same privilege level Via call gate to different privilege level, no parameters Via call gate to different privilege level, xparameters V,aTSS Via task gate Indirect tntersegment I Protected Mode Only (Indirect Intersegment): Via call gate to same privilege level VIaTSS Via task gate 2 9,18 23+m 11,12,18 38+m 175+m 180+m 8,11,12,18 8,11,12,18 8,11,12,18 26+m' 2 41+m' 178+m' 183+m' 8,9,11,12,18 8,9,11,12,18 8,9,11,12,18 8,9,11,12,18 RET ; Return from CALL: Within segment 11 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 Within seg adding immed to SP 11 1 0 0 0 0 1 01 Intersegment 11 1 0 0 1 0 1 11 Intersegment adding immediate to SP 11 1 0 0 1 0 1 . I oI data-low data-low I I data-high data-high I I Protected Mode Only (RET): To different privilege level 11+m 11+m 2 II+m 11+m 2 8,9,18 15+m 25+m 2 8,9,11,12,18 2 8,9,11,12,18 15+m 55+m 8,9,18 9,11,12,18 Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in iAPX 86,88 microsystems_ 4-49 210253-007 "l1teIe. I IAPl;( 286/10 .. 80286 INSTRUCTION SET FUNCTION ~@W~OO©I§ OOO[F@ffi1[M)~ii'O@OO FORMAT Re.1 Reel Addn.s Addn81 Protected VlrlUal Made Mode Addn81 MOde JElJZ=JumponequaJ/l8ro 10 11.1 01 0 0 disp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 J'{JNGE = Jumpon IessIootgrealerorequ~ 10 11 1 1 1 0 0 dlsp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JLElJNG =Jumpon less orequallnotgrealer 10 11 1 1 1 1 0 disp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JBlJNAE = Jump onbeioo/notaboYe orequ~ 10 11 1 001 0 dlsp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JBElJNA= JumponbelOOOlequalJnotabove 10 1 1 1 01 1 0 dlsp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JP/JPE= JllnponpantylpantyMII 10 11 1 1 01 0 dlsp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JO = Jump onoverlllw 10 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 disp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JS=JumpooslJi 10 1 1 1 1 00 0 dlsp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JNElJNZ = Jumpon notequaVnot18ro 10 1 1 1 01'0 1 dlsp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JNLlJGE Jumpon notlesslgreaterorequal 10 11 1 1 1 0 1 dlsp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JNLElJG = Jumpon notlessorlQlllilgrealer 10 11 1 1 1 1 1 disp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JNB/JAE =Jumpoo notbelowlaboveorequal 10 11 1 001 1 disp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 = I JNBElJA= Jumponnotbeloworequallabove 10 11 1 01 1 1 dlsp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JNP/JPO = Jump oonotparlparlidd 10 11 1 1 01 1 dlsp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JNO=.ltlnponnotoverlow 10 11 1 000 1 dlsp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JNS=Jumponnot~gn 10 1 1 1 1 00 1 dlsp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 LOOP = loo!i CX1Jmes 11 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 dlsp 8+mor4 8+mor4 18 LOOPZlLOOPE = loopWhiezeroiequai 11 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 disp 8+mor4 8+mor4 18 LOOPllZlLOOPNE = ~ MIle not zero/equal 11 HOOOOO 11 11 0001 1 disp 8+mor4 8+mor4 18 drsp 8+mor4 8+mor4 18. JC:XZ = Jump 00 CX zero 2,&· .J.8 2,8 U INT= Intel'fllpt Type specified 11 1001 1 0 1 23+m 2,7,8 lYpe3 11 1001 1 0 0 23"tm 2,7,8 INTO = Inlerrupl on overflow 11 2l+mor3 (3dno (3dno Ilttrrupti InIlmrpfj I I 1001 1 1 0 I type Pnlecled Made Only: Via interrupt or lrap gate to same privilege level Via interrupt ortrap gate to 111 different privilege level Via Task Gate IRET = Interrupt return 11 1001 11 17+m .8.9 2,6,8 4O+m 78+m 167+m 11 8.!1 $,9 1/,' 31+m 7,8,11,12,18 7,8,11,12,18 7,8,11,12,18 2,4 8,9,11,12,15,18 PnIIecIe. Mode Only: To different privilege level To dlfferenllesk (NT 1) 55+m 169+m = 8,9,11,12,15,18 8,9,11,12,18 Wlttt.lt Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in iAPX 86,88 microsystems. ., 4-50 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 80286 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY Real Address Mode FUNCTION FORMAT PROCESSOR CONTROL CLC = Clear carry 11 1 1 1 1 00 0 I CMC = Complement carry 11 1 1 1 01 0 1 I sre = Set carry CLD = Clear direction 11 1 1 1 1 00 1 sm = Set direction 11 CLI =Clear Interrupt 11 STt = Set interrupt 11 HLT=Halt 11 WAIT =wait 11 LOCK =Bus lock prefix 11 Protected Vtrtuat Addres. Mode Reel Address Mode I I 111110 1I 111 1 0 1 0I 111101 1I 111 0 10 0I 00 1 1 0 1 1 I 111 0 00 0I Protected Vlrt••1 Addre•• Mode 11 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 14 14 13 14 ESC = Processor Extension Escape 9-20' 5,8 8,17 , 9.13 il $,13 il 9,11,13 9 9.11.13 9 9.t3 9 9,11.16 9,11,1. 8,9 9,11,16 9,lf.18 Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in iAPX 86, 88 microsystems. 4-51 210253-007 iAPX 286/10 The effective Address (EA) of the memory operand is computed according to the mod and rim fields: REG is assigned according to the following table: 16-Bit (w = 1) 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 if mod = 11 then rim is treated as a REG field if mod = 00 then OISP = 0', disp-Iow and disp-high are absent if mod = 01 then OISP = disp-Iow sign-extended to 16-bits, disp-high is absent if mod = 10 then OISP = disp-high: disp-Iow if rim = 000 then EA = (BX) + (SI) + OISP if rim = 001 then EA = (BX) if rim if rim if rim if rim if rim if rim AX CX OX BX SP BP SI 01 a-Bit (w ;= 0) 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 AL CL OL BL AH CH OH BH + (01) + OISP = 010 then EA = (BP) + (SI) + OISP = 011 then EA = (BP) + (01) + OISP = 100 then EA = (SI) + OISP = 101 then EA = (01) + OISP = 110 then EA = (BP) + OISP' = 111 then EA = (BX) + OISP The physical addresses of all operands addressed by the BP register are computed using the SS segment register. The physical addresses of the destination operands of the string primitive operations (those addressed by the 01 register) are computed using the ES , segment, which may not be overridden. OISP follows 2nd byte of instruction (before data if required) 'except if mod = 00 and rim = 110then EA = disp-hlgh.dlsp-Iow. SEGMENT OVERRIDE PREFIX 10 0 1 reg 1 1 01 reg is assigned according to.the following: reg Segment Register 00 01 10 11 ES CS SS OS 4-52 210253-007 IAPX 286/10 268-5400-00 \0 268-5400-51 '\ GUIDE BOSS 3 PLes INDEX J ------+I'f;--PC BOARD PATTERN ~ ~~1!~"t:~~~~ ~ i% HOlE~ PIN ClR • FOR I .021 OIA + (O.74)-r.1-Ii. .oaa :-:J CONTACT TAil q'" ~ ~I +0 ALUMINUM LID 00 ~54) ...... I' /+I ;:) TVP ~~~~~~T ~~>-»»»~-!- t ..:!1! ii.....~•••••••• (0.31)., ti L ----l ~ 1+ o (0.51) I ~E~;rATION .r+I FRONT -V7+1 DEVICE PADS ! + /" SHOWN FOR CONTACT F)LOCATION ~ ! -'tSOCKET LIENTATION PIN .rPINNOl Ii.-.FRONT 1.00 Ii. (2.54) TVP .100 (20.32) I SPCS. ~TOl NON ACCUM TVP 4 PlCS (2.54) (HEATSINK PROVISIONS OPTIONAL) TEST PROBE POINT .342 !t (8 .•1) .100 \ ;;:7.-- ~JL~_ :.~) TVP 5 PlCS OPEN Ii. (2.54) Figure 36. Textool 68 Lead Chip Carrier Socket 4... 53 210253-007 80287 80-Bit HMOS NUMERIC PROCESSOR EXTENSION 80287-3 • Implements Proposed IEEE Floating Point Standard 754 • Protected Mode Operation Completely Conforms to the iAPX 286 Memory Management and Protection Mechanisms • Expands iAPX 286/10 Datatypes to Include 32-, 64-, 80-Bit Floating Point, 32-, 64-Bit Integers and 18-Digit BCD Operands • Directly Extends iAPX 286/10 Instruction Set to Trigonometric, Logarithmic, Exponential and Arithmetic Instructions for All Datatypes • Object Code Compatible with 8087 • BUilt-in Exception Handling • 8x80-Bit, Individually Addressable, Numeric Register Stack • Operates in Both Real and Protected Mode iAPX 286 Systems • Available in EXPRESS-Standard Temperature Range • High Performance 80-Bit Internal Architecture The Intel® 80287 is a high performance numerics processor extension that extends the iAPX 286/10 architecture with floating point, extended integer and BCD data types. The iAPX 286/20 computing system (80286 with 80287) fully conforms to the proposed IEEE Floating Point Standard. Using a numerics oriented architecture, the 80287 adds over fifty mnemonics to the iAPX 286/20 instruction set, making the iAPX 286/20 a complete solution for high performance numeric processing. The 80287 is implemented in N-channel, depletion load, silicon gate technology (HMOS) and packaged in a 40-pin ceramic package. The iAPX 286/20 is object code compatible with the iAPX 86/20 and iAPX 88/20. READY So 8US INTERFACE UNIT CKM COD/INTA NUMERIC EXECUTION UNIT N.C. T~~~--" DI. DI' HLDA 4 CLK286 PEACK RESET Ni'S1 NPS2 Vee Vss CLK DID CMDO N.C. NPWR CMD1 Vss D9 - _ ~ --~ ~ _ L ______ "'"""""" ,", ~-_ .~BI~~ _-~ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ NPRD ERROR D7 BUSY De PEREa DS D. DO D. D2 NOTE: N.C. PINS MUST NOT BE CONNECTED. Figure 2. 80287 Pin Configuration Figure 1. 80287 Block Diagram Intel Corporation Assumes No Responsibility for the Use of Any Circuitry Other Than Circuitry Embodied in an Intel Product. No Other Circuit Patent Licenses are Implied. January 1985 © INTEL CORPORATION, 1983. Order Number: 210920-003 4-54 80287 Table 1. 80287 Pin Description Symbols Type Name and Function ClK I Clock input: this clock provides the basic timing for internal 80287 operations. Special MOS level inputs are required. The 82284 or 8284A ClK outputs are compatible to this input. CKM I Clock Mode signal: indicates whether ClK input is to be divided by 3 or used directly. A HIGH input will cause ClK to be used directly. This input may be connected to Vcc or Vss as appropriate. This input must be either HIGH or lOW 20 ClK cycles before RESET goes lOW. RESET I System Reset: causes the 80287 to immediately terminate its present activity and enter a dormant state. RESET is required to be HIGH for more than 480287 ClK cycles. For proper initialization t~e HIGH-lOW transition must occur no sooner than 50 f.Ls after Vee and ClK meet their D.C. and A.C. specifications. 015-00 I/O Data: 16-bit bidirectional data bus. Inputs to these pins may be applied asynchronous to the 80287 clock. BUSY 0 Busy status: asserted by the 80287 to indicate that it is currently executing a command. ERROR 0 Error status: reflects the ES bit of the status word. This signal indicates that an unmasked error condition exists. PEREa 0 Processor Extension Data Channel operand transfer request: a HIGH on this output indicates that the 80287 is ready to transfer data. PEREa will be disabled upon assertion of PEACK or upon actual data transfer, whichever occurs first, if no more transfers are required. PEACK I Processor Extension Data Channel operand transfer ACKnowledge: acknowledges that the request signal (PEREa) has been recognized. Will cause the request (PEREa) to be withdrawn in case there are no more transfers required. PEACK may be asynchronous to the 80287 clock. NPRD I Numeric Processor Read: Enables transfer of data from the 80287. This input may be asynchronous to the 80287 clock. NPWR I Numeric Processor Write: Enables transfer of data to the 80287. This input may be asynchronous to the 80287 clock. NPS1, NPS2 I Numeric Processor Selects: indicate the CPU is performing an ESCAPE instruction. Concurrent assertion of these signals (i.e., NPSl is lOW and NPS2 is HIGH) enables the 80287 to perform floating point instructions. No data transfers involving the 80287 will occur unless the device is selected via these lines. These inputs may be asynchronous to the 80287 clock. CMD1, CMDO I Command lines: These, along with select inputs, allow the CPU to direct the operation of the 80287These inputs may be asynchronous to' the 80287 clock. 4-55 210920-003 80287 Table 1. 80287 Pin Description (cont.) Type Name and Function ClK286 I CPU Clock: This input provides a sampling edge for the 80287 inputs S1, SO, COD/INTA, READY, and HlDA. It must be connected to the 80286 ClK input. S1,SO COD/INTA I Status: These inputs must be connected to the corresponding 80286 pins. HlDA I Hold Acknowledge: This input informs the 80287 when the 80286 controls the local bus. It must be connected to the 80286 HlDA output. READY I Ready: The end of a bus cycle is signaled by this input. It must be connected to the 80286 READY input. VSS I System ground, both pins must be connected to ground. Vee I +5V supply Symbols effectively extends the register and instruction set of an iAPX 286/10 system for existing iAPX 286 data types and adds several new data types as well. Figure 3 presents the program visible register model of the iAPX 286/20. Essen~ially, the 80287 can be treated as an additional resource or an extension to the iAPX 286/10 that can be used as a single unified system, the iAPX 286/20. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The 80287 Numeric Processor Extension (NPX) provides arithmetic instructions for a variety of numeric data types in iAPX 286/20 systems. It also executes numerous built-in transcendental functions (e.g., tangent and log functions). The 80287 executes instructions in parallel with a 80286. It 80287 STACK: 80286 15 o I FILE: I AX I I I I BX CX OX 51 I 01 I BP SP I 79 SIGN R1 78 64 63 EXPONENT 0 TAG FIELD 0 1 SIGNIFICAND R2 R3 R4 RS RS R7 R8 IL _ _ , 15 I FLAGS I: CONTROL REGISTER STATUS REGISTER L _ _ _ _ -., 15 ;11 o 15 o I IP 0 TAG WORD I I I- INSTRUCTION POINTER - I I- DATA POINTER 1 II - Figure 3. iAPX 286/20 Architecture 4-56 210920-003 80287 The 80287 has two operating modes similar to the two modes of the 80286. When reset, 80287 is in the real address mode. It can be placed in the protected virtual address mode by executing .the SETPM ESC instruction. The 80287 cannot be switched back to the real address mode except by reset. In the real address mode, the iAPX 286/20 is completely software compatible with iAPX 86/20, 88/20. Once in protected mode, all references to memory for numerics data or status information, obey the iAPX 286 memory management and protection rules giving a fully protected extension of the 80286 CPU. In the protected mode, iAPX 286/20 numerics software is also completely compatible with iAPX 86/20 and iAPX 88/20. HARDWARE INTERFACE Communication of instructions and data operands between the 80286 and 80287 is handled by the CMDO, CMD1, NPS1, NPS2, NJ5Ii[), and NJ5WR signals. lID port addresses 00F8H, OOFAH, and OOFCH are used by the 80286 for this communication. When any of these addresses are used, the NJ5S1 input must be lOW and NPS2 input HIGH. The IUIiC and inWC outputs of the 82288 identify 110 space transfers (see Figure 4). CMDOshould be connected to latched 80286 A1 and CMD1 should be connected to latched 80286 A2. The ST, 50, COD/JNTA,REAOY, HlDA, and ClK pins of the 80286 are connected to the same named pins on the 80287. I/O ports 00F8H to OOFFH are reserved for the 80286/80287 interface. To guarantee correct operation of the 80287, programs must not perform any I/O operations to these ports. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION As a processor extension to an 80286, the 80287 can be connected to the CPU as shown in Figure 4. The data channel control Signals (PEREQ, PEACK), the BUSY Signal and the NPRD, NPWR signals, allow the NPX to receive instructions and data from the CPU. When in the protected mode, all information received by the NPX is validated by the 80286 memory management and protection unit. Once started, the 80287 can process in parallel with and independent of the host CPU, When the NPX detects an error or exception, it will indicate this to the CPU by asserting the ERROR signal. The PEREQ, PEACK, BUSY, and ERROR signals of the 80287 are connected to the same-named 80286 input. The data pins 0.1 the 80287 should be directly connected to the 80286 data bus. Note that all bus drivers connected to the 80286 local bus must be inhibited when the 80286 reads from the 80287. The use of COD/INTA and M/ra in the decoder prevents INTA bus cycles from disabling the data transceivers. PROGRAMMING INTERFACE The NPX uses the processor extension request and acknowledge pins of the 80286 CPU to implement data transfers with memory under the protection model of the CPU. The full virtual and physical address space of the 80286 is available. Data for the 80287 in memory is addressed and represented in the same manner as for an 8087. Table 2 lists the seven data types the 80287 supports and presents the format for each type. These values are stored in memory with the least significant digits at the lowest memory address. Programs retrieve these values by generating the lowest address. All values should start at even addresses for maximum system performance. The 80287 can operate either directly from the CPU clock or with a dedicated clock. Foroperation with the CPU clock (CKM=O), the 80287 works at onethird the frequency of the system clock (i.e., for an 8 MHz 80286, the 16 MHz system clock is divided down to 5.3 MHz). The 80287 provides a capability to internally divide the CPU clock by three to produce the required internal clock (33% duty cycle). To use a higher performance 80287 (8 MHz), an 8284A clock driver and appropriate crystal may be used to directly drive the 80287 with a 1/3 duty cycle clock on the ClK input (CKM=1). Internally the 80287 holds all numbers in the temporary real format. load instructions automatically convert operands represented in memory as 16-, 32-, or 64~bit integers, 32- or 64-bit floating point number or 18-digit packed BCD numbers into temporary real format. Store instructions perform the reverse type conversion. 80287 computations use the processor's register stack. These eight 80-bit registers provide the equivalent capacity of 40 16-bit registers. The 80287 register set can be accessed as a stack, with 4-57 210920-003 inter 80287 Vee ;; 20Kn RESET a Vee iiEADv 82284 - ClK "L:.- Si So <;.' 20Kn 20Kn I ADDRESS ~--~~'::'--+-----~~~;~~~~~~~~~I<~~~~~[~~~~~~~!C~~~~<~- ~ A'5-Ao '-~f-I RESET iiEADv ~~~~--~~~ ClK ~~"",+-+-~~ClK Si ~H""""+-I---+-+-I 81 So t-t-I-++-I--t-+--I So 80286 D,s-Do M/iO t-t-I-++-r.-t-+--I M/iO -- I- EFiRoR PEREa ' 82288 ~ , BUSY PEACK ~ COD/iN'i'A HlDA A2 A1 AO E1 8205 r - - - E2 _ I....,;E:;:3~__..;;G,f_... DEN ~4-~1 r-----~ DT/R iOWC D D 1-C-+--I--_----II Cl: ALE IORC ra a a COD/INTA HlDA '---t-H RESET PEACK - '---t-i-l READY PEREa - ~ ~ <>----I-I--1HOE t---I-+-I ClK286 '-+---+-+--181 T D,s-Do -DATA 8:6 80287 t------------------r-r-......-t 8287 '---+--++-1 So '-----+----+-+-1 NPRD '-------I--~~-iNPWR r----, ~ ERROR ~ BUSY ClK NPS2 -Vee => - NPS1t---------~ CMD1 t - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' CMDOt---------------~ CKM :r:--, , / C' 8284A ------<>' :i:_JL ___ -', Figure 4, iAPX 286/20 System Configuration 4-58 210920-003 $0287 Table 2. 80287 Datatype Representation in Memory Data Formats Word Integer Precision 104 16 Bits 7 017 017 017 017 017 017 017 017 017 01 I (TWO'S COMPLEMENT) 15 Short Integer 109 0 I (TWO'S COMPLEMENT) 32 Bits 31 .Long Integer HIGHEST ADDRESSED BYTE Most Significant Byte Range 1019 0 I(TWO'S COMPLEMENT) 64 Bits 63 Packed BCD 1018 18 Digits sl 79 Short Real 10±38 24 Bits 0 x I MAGNITUDE d17 10±308 53 Bits ;1 EXPONENT BIASED I 64 Bits SIGNIFICAND 23'- sl d9 dB d7 d, ds dJ d, d2 d, do I SIGNIFICAND 52'- BIASED EXPONENT I 0 I. I BIASED EXPONENT 63 Temporary Real 10±4932 dlO 0 5 sl d 14 d 13 d 12 d 11 72 31 Long Real d 1b d 15 hl I 0 I. I SIGNIFICAND 64 63" 79 NOTES: (1) S = Sign bit (0 = positive, 1 = negative) (2) dn = Decimal digit (two per byte) (3) X= Bits have no significance; 8087 ignores when loading, zeros when storing. (4) • = Position of implicit binary point (5) I = Integer bit of significand; stored in temporary real, implicit in short and long real 0 (6) Exponent Bias (normalized values): Short Real: 127 (7FH) Long Real: 1023 (3FFH) Temporary Real: 16383 (3FFFH) (7) Packed BCD: (-l)s(D17 ... 0 0) (8) Real: (-1 )S(2E-BIAS)(Fo F1... ) instructions operating on the top one or two stack elements, or as a fixed register set, with instructions operating on explicitly designated registers. Table 6 lists the 80287's instructions by class. No special programming tools are necessary to use the 80287 since all new instructions and data types are directly supported by the iAPX 286 assembler 4-59 and appropriate high level languages. All iAPX 86/88 development tools which support the 8087 can also be used to develop software for the iAPX 286/20 in real address mode. Table 3 gives the execution times of some typical numeric instructions. 210920-003 80287 Table 3. Execution Time for Selected 80287 Instructions Approximate Execution Time (J.Ls) Floating Point Instruction 80287 (5 MHz Operation) 14/18 Add/Subtract Multiply (single precision) 19 Multiply (extended precision) 27 Divide 39 Compare 9 Load (double precision) 10 Store (double precision) 21 Square Root 36 Tangent 90 Exponentiation 100 SOFTWARE INTERFACE PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE The iAPX 286/20 is programmed as a single processor. All communication between the 80286 and the 80287 is transparent to software. The CPU automatically controls the 80287 whenever a numeric instruction is executed. All memory addressing modes, physical memory, and virtual memory of . the CPU are avail~ble for use by the NPX. As shown in Figure 1, the NPX is internally divided into two processing elements, the bus interface unit (BIU) and the numeric execution unit (NEU). The NEU executes all numeric instructions, while the BIU receives and decodes instructions,' requests operand transfers to and from memory and executes processor control instructions. The two units are able to operate independently of one another allowing the BIU to maintain asynchronous communication with the CPU while the NEU is busy processing a numeric instruction. Since the NPX operates in parallel with the CPU, any errors detected by the NPX may be reported after the CPU has executed the ESCAPE instruction which caused it. To allow identification of the failing numeric instruction, the NPX contains two pointer registers which identify the address of the failing numeric instruction and the numeric memory operand if appropriate for the instruction encountering this error. INTERRUPT DESCRIPTION Several interrupts of the iAPX 286 are used to report exceptional conditions while executing numeric programs in either real or protecteq mode. The interrupts and their functions are shown in Table 4. . 4-60 BUS INTERFACE UNIT The BIU decodes the ESC instruction executed by the CPU. If the ESC code defines a math instruction, the BIU transmits the formatted instruction to the NEU. If the ESC code defines an administrative instruction, the BIU executes it independently of the NEU. The parallel operation of the NPX with the CPU is normally transparant to the user. The BIU generates the BOSY and ERROR signals for 80826/80287 processor synchronization and error notification, respectively. The 80287 executes a single numeric instruction at a time. When executing most ESC instructions, the 210920-003 80287 Table 4. 80286 Interrupt Vectors Reserved for NPX Interrupt Number Interrupt Function 7 An ESC instruction was encountered when EM or TS of the 80286 MSW was set. EM=1 indicates that software emulation of the instruction is required. When TS is set, either an ESC or WAIT instruction will cause interrupt 7. This indicates that the current NPX context may not belong to the current task. 9 The second or subsequent words of a numeric operand in memory exceeded a segment's limit. This interrupt occurs after executing an ESC instruction. The saved return address will not point at the numeric instruction causing this interrupt. After processing the addressing error, the iAPX 286 program can be restarted at the return address with IRET. The address of the failing numeric instruction and numeric operand are saved in the 80287. An interrupt handler for this interruptmust execute FNINIT before any other ESC or WAIT instruction. 13 The starting address of a numeric operand is not in the segment's limit. The return address will point at the ESC instruction, including prefixes, causing this error. The 80287 has not executed this instruction. The instruction and data address in 80287 refer to a previous, correctly executed, instruction. 16 The previous numeric instruction caused an unmasked numeric error. The address of the faulty numeric instruction or numeric data operand is stored in the 80287. Only ESC or WAIT instructions can cause this interrupt. The 80286 return address will point at a WAIT or ESC instruction, including prefixes, which may be restarted after clearing the error condition in the NPX. 80286 tests the eosY pin and waits until the 80287 indicates that it is not busy before initiating the command. Once initiated, the 80286 continues program execution while the 80287 executes the ESC instruction. In iAPX 86/20 systems, this synchronization is achieved by placing a WAIT instruction before an ESC instruction. For most ESC instructions, the iAPX 286/20 does not require a WAIT instruction before the ESC opcode. However, the iAPX 286/20 will operate correctly with these WAIT instructions. In all cases, a WAIT or ESC instruction should be inserted after any 80287 store to memory (except FSTSW and FSTCW) or load from memory (except FLDENV or FRSTOR) before the 80286 reads or changes the value to be sure the numeric value has already been written or read by the NPX. Data transfers between memory and the 80287, when needed, are controlled by the PEREQ PEACK, NPRD, NPWR, NPS1, NPS2 signals. The 80286 does the actual data transfer with memory through its processor extension data channel. Numeric data transfers with memory performed by the 80286 use the same timing as any other bus cycle. Control signals for the 80287 are generated by the 80826 as shown in Figure 4, and meet the timing requirements shown in the AC requirements section. NUMERIC EXECUTION UNIT The NEU executes all instructions that involve the register stack; these include arithmetic, logical, transcendental, constant and data transfer instructions. The data path in the NEU is 84 bits wide (68 significand bits, 15 exponent bits and a sign bit) which allows internal operand transfers to be performed at very high speeds. When the NEU begins executing an instruction, it activates the BIU BUSY signal. This signal is used in conjunction with the CPU WAIT instruction or automatically with most of the ESC instructions to synchronize both processors. REGISTER SET The 80287 register set is shown in Figure 5. Each of the eight data registers in the 8087's register stack 4-61 210920-003 "n+_I® . III-e- 80287 _ DATA FIELD ~~79~r7~8~~~~6~4r6~3__~~~==~~ SIGN EXPONENT SIGNIFICAND ____-10 TAG FIELD 1 0 o 15 CONTROL REGISTER STATUS REGISTER TAG WORD r- INSTRUCTION POINTER t- DATA POINTER - Figure 5. 80287 Register Set is 80 bits wide and is divided into "fields" corresponding to the NPX's temporary real data type. The instructions FSTSW, FSTSW AX, FSTENV, and FSAVE which store the status word are executed exclusively by the BIU and do not set the busy bit themselves or require the Busy bit be cleared in order to be executed. At a given point in time the TOP field in the status word identifies the current top-of-stack register. A "push" operation decrements TOP by 1 and loadsa value into the new top register. A "pop" operation stores the value from the current top register and then increments TOP by 1. Like 80286 Stacks in memory, the 80287 register stack grows "down" toward lower-addressed registers. The four numeric condition code bits (C O-C 3) are similar to the flags in a CPU: instructions that perform arithmetic operations update these bits to reflect the outcome of NPX operations. The effect of these instructions on the condition code bits is summarized in T~bles 5a and 5b. Instructions may address the data registers either implicitly or explicitly. Many instructions operate on the register at the TOP of the stack. These instructions implicitly address the register pointed by the TOP. Other instructions allow the programmer to explicitly specify the register which is to be used. T\1is explicit register addressing is also "top-relative." Bits 14-12 of the status word pOint to the 80287 register that is the current top-of-stack (TOP) as described above. Figure 6 shows the six error flags in bits 5-0 of the status word. Bits 5-0 are set to indicate that the NEU has detected an exception while executing an instruction. The section on exception handling explains how they are set and used. STATUS WORD Bit 7 is the error summary status bit. This bit is set il any unmasked exception bit is set and cleared otherwise. II this bit is set, the ERROR signal is asserted. The 16-bit status word (in the status register) shown in Figure 6 reflects the overall state of the 80287. It may be read and inspected by CPU code. The busy bit (bit 15) indicates whether the NEU is executing an instruction (B = 1) or is idle (B = 0). 4-62 210920-003 I "nt_I'" 111'eII ' 80287 o 15 I B 1c..1 TOP ICd C, ICoIESI X IPEluEloElzEIDEI rEI . I EXCE PTION FLAGS (1 ~ EXCEPTION HAS OCCURRED) INVALID OPERATION' DENORMALIZED OPERAND' ZERO DIVIDE' OVERFLOW' UNDERFLOW' PRECISION' (RESE RVED) ERROR SUM!IIARY STATUS!') COND 1TI01i! COD.:'2) TOP OF STACK POINTER(3) NEU BUSY g:ES IS SET IF ANY UNMASKED EXCEPTION BIT IS SET, CLEARED OTHERWISE. (3)~g~ ~~~b~~ FOR CONDITION CODE INTERPRETATION. 000 001 ~ ~ Register 0 is Top of Stack Register 1 is Top of Stack " 111 ~ Register " 7 Is Top of Stack "For definitions, see the section on exception handling Figure 6. 80287 Status Word TAG WORD The tag word marks the content of each register as shown in Figure 7. The principal function of the tag word is to optimize the NPX's performance. The eight two-bit tags in the tag word can be used, however, to interpret the contents of 80287 registers. INSTRUCTION AND DATA POINTERS The instruction and data pointers (See Figures 8a and 8b) are provided for user-written error handlers. Whenever the 80287 executes a new instruction, the BIU saves the instruction address, the operand address (If present) and the instruction opcode. 80287 instructions can store this data into memory. The instruction and data pointers appear in one of two formats depending on the operating mode of the 80287. In real mode, these values are the 20-bit physical address and 11-bit opcode formatted like the 8087. In protected mode, these values are the 32-bit virtual addresses used by the program 4-63 which executed an ESC instruction. The same FLDENV/FSTENV/FSAVE/FRSTOR instructions as those of the 8087 are used to transfer these values between the 80287 registers and memory. The saved instruction address in the 80287 will point at any prefixes which preceded the instruction. This is different than in the 8087 which only pointed at the ESCAPE instruction opcode. CONTROL WORD The NPX provides several processing options which are selected by loading a word from memory into the control word. Figure 9 shows the format and encoding of fields in the control word. The low order byte of this control word configures the 80287 error and exception masking. Bits 5-0 of the control word contain individual masks for each of the six exceptions that the 80287 recognizes. The high order byte of the control word configures the 80287 operating mode including precision, 210920-003 80287 Table Sa. Condition Code Interpretation Instruction Type Compare, Test Remainder Examine Cs ~ C1 Co 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 X X X X 0 1 0 1 01 0 00 ~ U '1 U U Complete reduction with three low bits of quotient (See Table 5b) Incomplete Reduction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Valid, positive unnormalized Invalid, positive, exponent =0 Valid, negative, un normalized Invalid"negative, exponent =0 Valid, positive, normalized Infinity, positive Valid, negative, normalized Infinity, negative Zero, positive Empty Zero, negative Empty Invalid, positive, exponent = 0 Empty Invalid, negative, exponent = 0 Empty "- , 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Interpretation ST ST ST ST > Source or 0 (FTST) < Source or 0 (FTST) = Source or 0 (FTST) is not comparable , NOTES: 1. ST = Top of stack 2. X = value is not affected by instruction 3. U = value is undefined following instruction 4. Qn = Quotient bit n Table 5b. Condition Code Interpretation after FPREM Instruction As a Function of Dividend Value Dividend Range Dividend < 2 • Modulus Dividend < 4 • Modulus Dividend ~ 4 • Modulus ~ Q1 00 Ca Ca C1 01 01 00 00 00 02 NOTE: 1. Previous value of indicated bit, not affected by FPREM instruction execution. rounding, and infinity control. The precision control bits (bits 9-8) can be used to set the 80287 internal operating precision at less than the default of temporary real (80-bit) precision. This can be useful in providing compatibility with the early generation arithmetic processors of smaller precision than the 80287. The rounding control bits (bits 11-10) provide for directed rounding and true chop as well as the unbiased round to nearest even mode specified in the IEEE standard. Control over closure of the number space at infinity is also provided (either affine closure: ± 00, or projective closure: 00, is treated as unsigned, may be specifieCl). 4-64 210920-003 inter 80287 TAG VALUES: 00 = VALID 01 = ZERO 10 = INVALID or INFINITY 11 = EMPTY NOTE: The index i of tag(i) is not top-relative. A program typically uses the "top" field of Status Word to determine which tag(i) field refers to logical top of stack. Figure 7. 80287 Tag Word MEMORY OFFSET o 15 CONTROL WORD +0 STATUS WORD +2 TAG WORD +4 IPOFFSET +6 CS SELECTOR +8 DATA OPERAND OFFSET +10 DATA OPERAND SELECTOR +12 Figure 8a. Protected Mode 80287 Instruction and Data Pointer Image in Memory EXCEPTION HANDLING INDEFINITE, or to propagate already existing NANs as the calculation result. The 80287 detects six different exception conditions that can occur during instruction execution. Any or all exceptions will cause the assertion of external El1RCJR" signal and ES bit of the Status Word if the appropriate exception masks are not set. Overflow: The result is too large in magnitude to fit the specified format. The 80287 will generate an encoding for infinity if this exception is masked. Zero Divisor: The divisor is zero while the dividend is a non-infinite, non-zero number. Again, the 80287 will generate an encodjng for infinity if this exception is masked. The exceptions that the 80287 detects and the 'default' procedures that will be carried out if the exception is masked, are as follows: Invalid Operation: Stack overflow, stack underflow, indeterminate form (0/0, 00, - 00, etc) or the use of a Non-Number (NAN) as an operand. An exponent value of all ones and non-zero significand is reserved to identify NANs. If this exception is masked, the 80287 default response is to generate a specific NAN called Underflow: The result is non-zero but too small in magnitude to fit in the specified format. If this exception is masked the 82087 will denormalize (shift right) the fraction until the exponent is in range. The process is called gradual underflow. 4-65 210920-003 80287 o 15 CONTROL WORD +0 STATUS WORD +2 TAG WORD +4 INSTRUCTION POINTER (1!>-0) +6 ;)1 1 INSTRUCTION POINTER (19-16) 0 INSTRUCTION OPCODE (10-0) +8 DATA POINTER (1!>-0) DATA POINTER (19-16) 15 MEMORY OFFSET I +10 +12 0 o 1211 Figure 8b. Real Mode 80287 Instruction and Data POinter Image in Memory o 16 IxxxllclRCl PC 1 xl xjPMlu~oMlzMIDt.1IMJ I EXCEPTION MASKS (1: EXCEPTION IS MASKED) INVALID OPERATION DENORMALIZED OPERAND ZERO DIVIDE OVERFLOW UNDERFLOW PRECISION (RESERVED) (RESERVED) PRECISION CONTROL 11) RpUNDING CONTROLI2 ) INFINITY CONTROL (0 : PROJECTIVE, 1 : AFFINE) (RESERVED) 11)PRECISION CONTROL 00 = 24 BITS (SHORT REAL) 01 = RESERVED 10 53 BITS (LONG REAL) '1 64 BITS (TEMP REAL) = = (2)ROUNDING CONTROL 00 : ROUND TO NEAREST OR EVEN 01 : ROUND DOWN (TOWARD -x) 10 : ROUND UP (TOWARD +x) 11 : CHOP (TRUNCATE TOWARD ZERO) Figure 9. 80287 Control Word 4-66 210920-003 80287 Denormallzed Operand: At least one of the operands is...denormalized; it has the smallest exponent but a non-zero significand. Normal processing continues if this exception is masked off. Inexact Result: The true result is not exactly representable in the specified format, the result is rounded according to the rounding mode, and this flag is set. If this exception is masked, processing will simply continue. If the error is not masked, the corresponding error bi! and the error status bit (ES) in the control word will be set, and the ERROR output signal will be asserted. If the CPU attempts to execute another ESC or WAIT instruction, exception 7 will occur. The error condition must be resolved via an interrupt service routine. The 80287 saves the address of the floating point instruction causing the error as well as the address of the lowest memory location of any memory operand required by that instruction. iAPX 86/20 COMPATIBILITY: iAPX 286/20 supports portability of iAPX 86/20 programs when it is in the real address mode. However, because of differences in the numeric error handing techniques, error handling routines may need to be changed. The differences between an iAPX 286/20 and iAPX 86/20 are: 1. The NPX error signal does not pass through an interrupt controller (8087 INT signal does). 4-67 Therefore, any interrupt controller oriented instructions for the iAPX 86/20 may have to be deleted. 2. Interrupt vector 16 must point at the numeric error handler routine. 3. The saved floating point instruction address in the 80287 includes any leading prefixes before the ESCAPE opcode. The corresponding saved address of the 8087 does not include leading prefixes. 4. In protected mode, the format of the saved instruction and operand pointers is different than for the 8087. The instruction opcode is not saved-it must be read from memory if needed. 5. Interrupt 7 will occur when executing ESC instructions with eitherTS or EM of MSW=1.lfTS of MSW=1 then WAIT will also cause interrupt 7. An interrupt handler should be added to handle this situation. 6. Interrupt 9 will occur if the second or subsequent words of a floating point operand fall outside a segment's size. Interrupt 13 will occur if the starting address of a numeric operand falls outside a segment's size. An interrupt handler should be added to report these programming errors. In the protected mode, iAPX 86/20 application code can be directly ported via recompilation if the 286 memory protection rules are not violated. 210920-003 80287 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Ambient Temperature Under Bias .. O·C to 70·C Storage Temperature ........ -65·C to +150·C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground ............... -1.0 to +7V Power Dissipation .................... 3.0 Watt ·NOT/CE: Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended petiods may affect device reliability. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee = 5V, +1-5% 5 MHz Symbol Parameter -3 Min -3 max Unit V1l Input lOW Voltage -.5 .8 V VIH Input HIGH Voltage 2.0 Vcc +.5 V VllC Clock Input lOW Voltage CKM=1: CKM=O: -.5 -.5 .8 .6 V V VIHC Clock Input HIGH Voltage CKM=1: CKM=O: 2.0 3.8 Vee + 1 Vcc +1 V V Test Conditions 0 VOL Output lOW Voltage VOH Output HIGH Voltage III Input leakage Current ILO , .45 V IOL =3.0 rnA V IOH = -400 iJ,A ±10 ,.,.A OV ::sV1N ::sVcc Output leakage Current ±10 iJ,A .45V ::s VOUT ::s Vee Icc Power Supply Current 600 rnA CIN Input Capacitance 10 pF Fc= 1 MHz Co InpuVOutput Capacitance (00-015) 20 pF Fc= 1 MHz CCLK ClK Capacitance 12 pF Fc= 1 MHz 2.4 4-68. 210920-003 80287 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to 70°C, Vee + 5V,=/-5%) TIMING REQUIREMENTS A.C. timings are referenced to O.BV and 2.0V points on signals unless otherwise noted. 5 MHz Symbol Parameter ·3 Min 8 MHz -3 max Min max Unit Test Conditions TCLCL ClK Period CKM=l: CKM=O: 200 62.5 500 166 125 62.5 500 166 ns ns TCLCH ClKlOWTime CKM=l: CKM=O: 118 15 343 146 68 15 343 146 ns ns At 0.8V AtO.6V TCHCL ClK HIGH Time CKM=l: CKM=O: 69 20 230 151 43 20 230 151 ns ns At2.0V At3.8V TCH1CH2 ClK Rise Time 10 10 ns 1.0V to 3.6V if CKM = 1 TCL2CL1 ClK Fall Time 10 10 ns 3.6V to 1.0V If CKM = 1 TOVWH Data Setup to iii'PWfi Inactive 75 75 ns TWHOX Data Hold from ~ Inactive 30 15 ns TWLWH' TRLRH JiIPWR, 'fiII5R[j Active Time. 95 90 ns TAVRL , TAVWL Command Valid to ~ or 'fiII5R[j Active 0 0 ns TMHRL Minimum Delay from PEREQ Active to 'fiII5R[j Active 130 130 ns TKLKH J5EACK Active Time TKHKL ~ Inactive Time TKHCH ~ Inactive to ~, 'fiII5R[j TCHKL 'NPWR, 'fiII5R[j Inactive to ~ TWHAX , TRHAX Command Hold from ~, 'fiII5R[j Inactive TKLCL J5EACK Active Setup to T2CLCL ClK286 Period Inactive Active 'fiII5R[j Active ~, AtO.8V 85 85 ns At 0.8V 250 250 ns At2.0V 50 40 ns ·30 -30 ns 30 30 ns 50 40 ns 62.5 62.5 ns At 0.8V At 2.0V T2CLCH ClK286 lOW Time 15 15 ns T2CHCL ClK286 HIGH Time 20 20 ns T2SVCL SO, 'Sl Setup Time to ClK286 22 22 ns T2CLSH SO, 'Sl Hold Time from CLK286 0 0 ns 4-69 210920·003 80287 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS, continued TIMING REQUIREMENTS 8 MHz 5 MHz Sym Parameter . -3 Min -3 Max TCIVCL COO/INTA Setup Time to ClK286 0 TCLCIH COO/INTA Hold Time from ClK286 , Min Max Unit Test Conditions 0 ns 0 0 ns 38.5 38.5 ns T RVCL REAOY Setup Time to ClK286 TCLRH REAOY Hold Time from ClK286 25 25 ns T HVCL HlOA Setup Time to ClK286 0 0 ns TCLHH HlOA Hold Time from ClK286 0 0 ns T 1vCL NPWR, NPRO to ClK Setup Time 70 70 ns NOTE 1 TCLIH NPWR, NPRO from ClK Hold Time 45 45 ns NOTE 1 T RSCL RESET to ClK Setup Time .20 20 ns NOTE 1 T CLRS RESET from ClK Hold Time 20 20 ns NOTE 1 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS, TIMING RESPONSES 5MHz Sym Parameter -3 Min -3 Max T RHQZ NPRO Inactive to Oata Float T RLQV NPRO Active to Oata Valid TILBH ERROR Active to BUSY Inactive T wLBV NPWR Active to BUSY Active 100 TKLML PEACK Active to PEREQ Inactive 127 TCMDI Command Inactive Time Write-to-Write Read-to-Read Write-to-Read Read-to-Write TRHQH Data Hold from NPRO Inactive 8MHz Min Max Unit Test Condition 37.5 35 ns NOTE 2 60 60 ns NOTE 3 ns NOTE 4 100 ns NOTE 5 127 ns NOTE 6 100 100 2.0V 2.0V 2.0V 2.0V 95 250 ·105 95 95 325 95 95 ns ns ns ns At At At At 5 5 ns NOTE 7 NOTES: 1. This is an asynchronous input This specification is given for testing purposes only, to assure recognition at a specific ClK edge. 2. Float condition occurs when output current is less than ILO on 00-015. 3. 00-015 loading: Cl = 100pF 4. BUSY loading: Cl =100pF 5. BUSY loading: Cl = 100pF 6. On last data transfer of numeric instruction. 4. 00-015 loading: Cl = 100pF 4-70 210920-003 80287 4.0V 2.4V CKM =0 CKM =1 0.4SV CKM = 0 0.2V CKM = 1 NOTE 8: 4.0V 2.4V CKM=O CKM = 1 0.4SV O.45V CKM =0 CKM = 1 AC Drive and Measurement Points - ClK Input 3.6V CKM = 0 2.0V CKM = 1 ClK INPUT CKM=O CKM =1 1.0V CKM =0 0.8V CKM = 1 tHOLO OTHER DEVICE INPUT 2'4VmFT~m 2.0V tOELAY ----I 2.0V DEVICE OUTPUT O.8V NOTE 9: AC Setup. Hold and Delay Time Measurement - General DEVICE OUTPUT NOTE 10: AC Test loading on Outputs 4-71 210920-003 inter 80287 WAVEFORMS I(cont.) DATA TRANSFER TIMING (INmATED BY 80286) ) CMDO CMD1 Nm,NPS2 _TRLRH NPRD l( .. VALID ~~VRL; _ ,v -- ILL-'Y I 1\ DATA OUT VALID \.\.\.\. TAVWL'_ _ TWLW_ .. 1/ .. \ - -, BUSY - ) - TWHAX - I{ DATA IN VALID =~ DATA TRANSFER FROM 80287 I DATA TRANSFER TO 80287 TWHDX TDVWH DATA MAY CHANGE ) - TRHQZ_ _TRHQH_ I- TRLQV TRHAX DATA MAY CHANGE ~J--- TWLBN --4-- DATA CHANNEL TIMING (INITIATED BY 80287) C~CMD1---1~ NI':;l,NPS2 ---l J---J--.:r TAVWL TAVRL '\ \ _TMHRL PEACK -,t TRHAX TWHAX .. _TCLML_ - TKLCL_ _---I - VALID ~ r- - .. ------------i S... TKLML_' TKLKH 4-72 TCMDI_ _TCHKL_ .. TKHCH __ TKHKL ___ --- }f- ~ "-- 210920-003 80287 WAVEFORMS (cont.) ERROR OUTPUT TIMING BUSy _ _ _ _, ERROR r"'~d' ~ 80286 STATUS TIMING .. NOTES: 1. This input transition occu rs before T5. 2. This input transition occurs after Te. 4-73 210920-003 80287 WAVEFORMS (Reset, iiiPWR, NPiIDare inpulsasynchronoustoCLk TIming requlremenlsonthispage are given fortesting purposes only, to assure recognition at a specific ClK edge.) ClK, RESET TIMING (CKM f/J 1 f/J 2 f/J 1 =1) f/J 2 \. ClK (IFCKM =1) ~ TOC," _ _• TNCO.,. RESET ClK, NPRD, NPWR TIMING (CKM 1/)2 1/)1 ~ ClK (IFCKM =1) NPRD, NPWR I 1/)1 f/J 2 - T~" ~!TNCO.- ~ \\\\\\\\\ ClK, RESET TIMING (CKM RESET =1) =0) d::--------1! NOTE: Reset must meet timing shown to guarantee known phase of internal..;- 3 circuit CLK, NPRD, NPWR TIMING (CKM = 0) I \\\\\\\\\\\ 4-74 210920-003 80287 Table 6. 80287 Extensions to the 80286 Instruction Set I Data Transfer Optional 8,16 Bit Displacement 32 Bit Real Clock Count Range 32 Bit 64 Bit Integer Real 16 Bit Integer I FLO LOAD ~ 1 MF 1_ Integer/Real Memory to ST(O) 1 ESCAPE Long Integer Memory to ST(O) LIE_S_C_A_P_E__ l _ l _l--LI_M_O_D_l__ 0_1_R_/M---..J[ Temporary Real Memory to I ESCAPE 0 1 1 I MOD 1 0 1 R/M BCD Memory to ST(O) 1 ESCAPE 1 1 1 1 MOD 1 0 0 R/M [ ST(I) to ST(O) 1 ESCAPE 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 ST(ll 1 1 MOD 0 1 0 1 1 MOD MF 0 0 0 R/M ST(O) FST ST(O) to ST(I) ~ 10 11 38-56 52-60 40-60 46-54 96-104 80-90 98-106 82-92 65-75 72-86 67-77 74-88 60-68 r 53-65 ~ ~ ~I~P ~ J 290-310 17-22 1 1 ESCAPE MF I ESCAPE 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 R/M 1- = = ~I~P= -: ~ 84-90 82-92 15-22 STORE AND POP ST(O) to Integer/Real Memory ST(O) to Long Integer Memory ST(O) to Temporary Real Memory ST(O) to BCD Memory ST(O) to STi'l FXCH ST(O) 01 STORE ~ ST(O) to Integer/Real Memory FSTP == 00 Exchange ST(I) and ~ ~IE=S=C=A=P=E==M=F==I~I=M=O=D=O==I=I=R=/=M~I:_ ~ ~ ~I~P ~ J LIE_S_C_A_P_E__ l_1_'I--LI_M_O_D_l__ 1_1_R_/M--lI_ ~ ~ ~I~P ~ J J ~ ~ '~I~ ~ 1 E=S=C=A=P=E===O==I==I==I==M=O=D==I===I==I==R=/M=:::1~ ~ ~ ~I~~ =1 1 ESCAPE 1 1 1 1 MOD 1 1 0 R/M 1_ ~======~=======: 1ESCAPE 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 ST(I) 1 I ESCAPE 0 1 I 1 1 0 0 1 ST(i) 0 86-92 84-94 94-105 52-58 520-540 17-24 I 10-15 Comparison FCOM ~ Compare l_0_~_M~I_- ~ ~ Integer/Real Memory to ST(O) LIE_S_C_A_P_E__ M_F__0--,I_M_O_D_0__ ST(i) to ST (0) I ESCAPE FCOMP ~ 0 0 0 I 1 1 0 1 0 :=1E=S=C=A=P=E==M=F==0=tI=M=O=D=O==1=1=R=/M===lI_ 1 ESCAPE 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 FCOMPP ~ Compare ST(I) to ST(O) and Pop TWice I ESCAPE 1 1 0 I 1 1 0 1 1 0 FTST I ESCAPE 0 0 1 I 1 1 1 0 I ESCAPE 0 0 1 I 1 1 1 0 ~ 78-91 Compare and Pop Integer/Real Memory to ST(O) FXAM 60-70 40-50 STi'l I ST(I) to ST(O) ~ DISP Test ST(O) Examine ST(O) STi'l ~I~P==: 63-73 80-93 1 45-52 0 1 I 45-55 0 1 0 0 I 38-48 0 1 0 1 I 12-23 Mnemonlcs@lnteI1982 4-75 210920-003 80287 Tab,le 6. 80287 Extensions to the 80286 Instruction Set (cont.) I Constants I MF ~ LOAD + 0 0 Into ST(O) I ESCAPE 0 FLD1 ~ LOAD + 1 0 Into ST(O) I ESCAPE 0 0 1 I 0 0 1 ~ LOAD" into ST(O) FLDL2T ST(O) ~ LOAD log2 10 Into FLDL2E ST(O) ~ LOAD log2 e Into FLDLG2 ST(O) ~ LOAD log, 0 2 Into FLDLN2 ST(O) ~ LOAD 10ge2 Into 'ESCAPE 0 1 I ESCAPE I ESCAPE 0 0 1 0 0 I ESCAPE I ESCAPE 0 0 1 0 0 I ESCAPE I ESCAF!E MF 1 1 I1 1 1 0 1 I1 I1 I1 I1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 I MOD 0 0 0 RIM I 0 0 0 ST(i) I I 1 32 Bit Real Clock Count Range 32 Bit 64 Bit Integer Real 00 ~ FLDZ FLDPI Optional 8,16 Bit Displacement 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 01 I 11-17 I I I I 15-21 10 16 Bit Integer 11 16-22 16-22 15-21 I I 18-24 17-23 Arithmetic FADD ~ Aadition IntegerlReal Memory with ST(O) ST(i) and ST(O) FSUB ~ ST(i) and ST(O) ~ P 0 DISP I ESCAPE I ESCAPE MF d 0 P 0 ST(i) and ST(O) FDIV ~ Division IntegerlReal Memory with ST(O) ST(I) and ST(O) FSQRT ~ Square Root of ST(O) 1 ESCAPE MF I ESCAPE d I MF ESCAPE I ESCAPE d 0 P 0 0 P 0 ESCAPE 0 0 1 Scale ST(O) by ST(I) I ESCAPE 0 0 1 FPREM ~ Partial Remainder of ST(O) -ST(l) I ESCAPE 0 0 1 I ESCAPE 0 ~ FRNDINT Integer ~ Round ST(O) to 1 0 1 1 MOD 0 It I I I 1 I I I 1 RIM 1- 1 RIM I 0 0 MOD 1 1 R RIM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - -I -,- .... -' - - DISP 90-120 108-143 95-125 110-125 130-144 112-168 124-138 , - 215-225 230-243 220-230 I 193-203 (Note 1) I 180-186 1 0 1 I 32-38 1 0 0 0 I 15-190 0 I 16-50 1 0 102-137 90-145 (Note 1) -- 1 0 102-137 70-100 (Note 1) -, [ -DISP - - -' R RIM 90-120 108-143 95-125 70-100 (Note 1) -DISP - - -,_, 0 1 I -' L- - - I MOD 1 0 R RIM I 1 1 1 0 R RIM Multiplication IntegerlReal Memory with ST(O) FSCALE 1 1 - - - [ - -I Subtraction IntegerlReal Memory with ST(O) FMUL d 0 224-238 NOTE: 1. If P= 1 then add 5 clocks. 4-76 210920-003 80287 Table 6. 80287 Extensions to the 80286 Instruction Set (cont.) Optional 8,16 Bit Displacement FXTRACT ~ Extract Components of St(O) ESCAPE FABS ST(O) = Absolute Value of FCHS ~ Change Sign of ST(O) 0 0 1 1 1 1 ESCAPE o 1 1 1 1 0 ESCAPE o 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Clock Count Range 1 0 0 27-55 0 0 0 1 10-17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 30-540 1 1 250-800 1 0 10-17 Transcendental FPTAN Partial Tangent of '=' ESCAPE 0 1 1 ST(O) FPATAN ~ Partral Arctangent of ST(O) -ST(1) ESCAPE o 1 F2XMl ~ 2 STlOI _l ESCAPE o 1 0 1 FYL2X [ST(O)) ~ ST(l)' Log2 ESCAPE 0 ESCAPE 0 0 ESCAPE 0 Enter Protected ESCAPE 0 ~ ESCAPE 1 ESCAPE o FYL2XPl ~ ST(l)' Log2 [ST(O) +11 o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 310-630 0 0 900-1100 1 700-1000 Processor Control FINIT Initialize NPX ~ ~ FSETPM Mode FSTSW AX Word Store Contr~1 o 1 1 1 2-8 o 2-8 o 1 o 0 FLDCW ~ Load Control Word FSTCW ~ Store Control Word L-E_S_C_A_P_E_ _O_--'L-M_O_D _____ FSTSW ~ Store Status Word L-E_S_C_A_P_E_ _0__1_---'-_M_O_D_ _ _ _ FCLEX ~ Clear Exceptions FSTENV FLDENV FSAVE ~ FRSTOR ~ Store Environment ~ Load Environment Save State ~ FINCSTP Pomter FDECSTP Pomter Restore State ~ ~ RIM DISP : R_I_M~ _ ~ ~I~~ ~ ~: R~ _ ~ ~I~~ ~ ESCAPE 0 1 LESCAPE -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ° 1 ~ 1 o ° 1 J ° MOD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _RIM ____ ~ DISP 35-45 '--E_S_C_A_P_E_ _O _ _'--M_O_D_ _O_O__ R/_M_----'I_ ESCAPE 0 0 6 1 1 1 0 4-77 12-18 40-50 : ..JI- - Disp -: °° 12-18 DISP ___ ___ _: L-E_S_C_A_P_E_ _O _ _L-M_O_D_ _ _O __ R/_M_ _ ESCAPE 7-14 2-8 li_S_C_A_P_E_O_O_ _L-M_O_D _ _ _ _O_R_I_M_-----' Increment Stack Decrement Stack MOD 10-16 ~ ~~~ =J 205-215 205-215 6-12 1 1 0 6-12 210920-003 80287 Table 6. 80287 Extensions to the 80286 Instruction Set (cont.) Clock Count Range FFREE FNOP = Free ST(i) = No Operation NOTES: 1. if mod=OO then if mod=Ol then if mod=10 then if mod=ll then 2. if r/m=OOO then if r/m=OOl then if r/m=010 then if r/m=Oll then if r/m=100 then if r/m=101 then if r/m=110 then if r/m=lll then ESCAPE 1 0 1 ESCAPE 0 0 1 I1 I1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 ST(I) 9-16 0 0 0 10-16 ' DISP=O', disp-Iow and disp-high are absent DISP=disp-low sign-extended to 16-bits, disp-high is absent DISP=disp-high; disp-Iow rim is treated as an ST(i) field EA=(BX) + (51) +DISP EA=(BX) + (01) +DISP EA=(BP) + (51) +DISP EA=(BP) + (01) +DISP EA=(SI) + DISP EA=(DI) + DISP EA=(BP) + DISP EA=(BX) + DISP 'except if mod=OOO and r/m=110 then EA =disp-high; disp-Iow. 3. MF= Memory Format 00-32-bit Real 01-32-bit Integer 10-64-bit Real 11-16-bit Integer 4. ST(O) = Current stack top ST(i) ith register below stack top 5. d= Destination O-Destination is ST(O) I-Destination is ST(i) 6. P= Pop O-No pop I-POP ST(O) 7. R= Reverse: When d",l reverse the sense of R " O-Destination (op) Source I-Source (op) Destination 8. For FSQRT: -0 .;; ST(O) .;; +00 For FSCALE: _215 .;; ST(l) < +215 and ST(l) integer For F2XM1: 0.;; ST(O).;; 2- 1 0 < ST(O) <00 For FYL2X: -00 < ST(l) < + 00 For FYL2XP1: 0.;; IST(O)I < (2 -\1'2)/2 -00 < ST(l) < 00 For FPTAN: 0.;; ST(O) ';;1T/4 For FPATAN: 0.;; ST(O) < ST(l) < +00 9. ESCAPE bit pattern is 11011. 4-78 210920-003 June 1984 82258 Advanced DMA Controller Architectural Overview @INTEL CORPORATION. 1984 4-79 Order Number: 230606-002 82258 OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION As the processing of microprocessor based systems grows, it is increasingly necessary to have support components which relieve the processor from jobs like data movement, peripheral control, etc., and leave it to do what it can do best-data processing. Among the support components necessary is a DMA (Direct Memory Access) controller. A DMA controller must match the performance and architectural needs of the processor it supports to optimize the performance. The 82258 is a 16-bit DMA controller designed primarily to meet the needs of systems based on the 80286 and 80186 processors. The 80286 is the fastest 16-bit processor available commercially with more than five times the throughput of the standard 8086. The 80186, on the other hand, integrates the functions of a CPU board (CPU, Clock, DMA, Interrupt Control, Timer Counter, Chip Select) on one chip, replacing 15-20 IC's. The 82258 is designed to support this level of performance and integration by offering features generally found only in mainframe computer systems. FEATURES • 8 MBytes/ second transfer rate in 8 MHz iAPX 286 Systems • 4 independent channels-each channel having its own set of registers and control lines • Multiplexor channel operation for up to 32 I/O subchannels • 16 MByte physical addressing range • Block size (byte count) up to 16 MBytes • Command chaining • Data chaining • Adaptive bus interface for - 80286 - 80186 - 80188 -8086 - 8088 processors • Automatic assembly-disassembly for dissimilar bus widths • "On the fly" compare, verify and trdnsiate operations duringDMA • Single and double bus cycle transfers • Local (with CPU) and remote (stand-alone) modes of operation FLEXIBLE BUS INTERFACE Although the 82258 is primarily designed for the 80286, it fits equally well in 8086, 8088, 80188, and 80186 based systems. This is possible because of its adaptive bus interface. The logic level on a specific pin on RESET configures the bus interface of the 82258 for the 80286 (demultiplexed) bus, or for the 80186 or minimum mode' 8086 (multiplexed)"bus, with all the necessary signals and timing. In the 8086 mode, the 82258 can have RQ/ GT signals for the maximum mode 8086 or 8088. This adaptive bus interface makes it very easy to use the 82258 in different processor systems. It is possible to select 8- or l6-bit wide bus operations by software. Figure I shows the pin configuration of the 82258 in the 286 and 186 modes. The high performance (8 MB/sec) pipelined bus of the 286 allows the 82258 to provide maximum performance. This bus enables the 80286 and the 82258 to read or write a word (16 bits) in 250 ns, when operating at 8 MHz. Therefore, in the 286 mode, the 82258 can achieve data transfer rates of 8 MBytes/ second. In the 186 and 8086 mode, the data transfer rate is4 MBytes/ second, since each buscycJe is4 clocks or 500 ns at 8 MHz. The 82258 has four (4) independent channels. Each channel has three (3) dedicated pins; DREQ (DMA request), DACK (DMA acknowledge) and EOD (End ofDMA). See Figure 2. A peripheral generates request for DMA over the DREQ line. DACK is sent by the 82258 to the peripheral, indicating that a data transfer operation can begin. EOD is used by the 82258 to generate an interrupt on the completion of a DMA operation. The EOD line can also be used by a peripheral to terminate the DMA. 4-80 230606-002 82258 OVERVIEW HOLD HOLD HLDA HLDA A19/86 CLK A?3 A16/S3 A!5 RESET Ail CLK Ail A? RESET A7 Ail DREQ 3 DREQ 0 A~15 DREQ 0 DO DA~K 3 BHE 82258 (IN 286 MODE) Ad DR~Q 3 D15 M/iO DACK 0 S1 SO EO~ 3 READY EODO 82258 (IN 186 MODE) <==> ADO BHE S2 Sf SO SREADY AREADY ALE DT/A CS AD i5Ef.I WR RD WR Vas Vas Vee Vee Vas Vas Vee Vee Figure 1. 82258 82258 CH.O ------------------CH.1 DREQ PERIPHERAL CONTROLLER • ~ CH.2 DACK < EOD INTERRUPT CONTROLLER CH.3 ~ :, 8259A • ~ • , i'- 'IIi ~ BUS > Figure 2. Each Channel with 3 line Interface 4-81 230606-002 82258 OVERVIEW MULTIPLEXOR CHANNEL b) Block Multiplex Operation: Here the channel IS enabled for another device only after transfer of complete data block. The actual block transfer is carried out at a rate of 4M Byte/sec (maximum). For supporting a large number of relatively slow equipment (e.g. 9600 baud) like CRT terminals and line printers etc., channel 3 of the 82258 can be programmed to be a multiplexor channel. In this mode channel 3 can service up to 32 subchannel request lines. The multiplexor network is implemented using 8259A interrupt controllers. The multiplexor channel has two modes of operation: Each individual device can be programmed into its own operating mode so various combinations of bytejword and block mUltiplex are possible. Each device on the multiplexor channel has its own program. Command chaining is supported on the multiplexor channel. Single cycle transfers are not allowed on the multiplexor channel. a) Byte or Word Multiplex Operation: In this case the channel is enabled for another device after each byte or word transfer. The maximum cumulative data rate for multiplexor channel in this mode is approximately 275 K byte per second. < > CH.O HOLD HLDA CH.1 T 0 82258 • • • UPTO 32 REQUEST LINES CH.2 C P U IOREQ MULTIPLEXOR IOACK CH.3 MULTIPLEXOR CONSISTS OF ONE OR MORE 8259A (INTERRUPT CONTROLLER) Figure 3. Multiplexor Channel Configuration 4-82 230606-002 intel" 82258 OVERVIEW TRANSFER IN 1 OR 2 BUS CYCLES The 82258 is capable of doing single cycle and two cycle data transfers. See Figure 4. In a single cycle transfer, the data is transferred between a peripheral and memory (in either direction) in a single bus cycle. Single cycle transfers provide the maximum DMA throughput. In a two cycle operation, the data is read by the 82258 using a normal bus operation before sending it out to the destination using a normal bus operation. The 82258 can do "on the fly" operations like translate and compare during a two cycle transfer. The data being transrerred can be compared with a given pattern (mask-compare) and the DMA transfer can be optionally stopped on encountering that pattern. The 82258 supports this mask-compare operation on 8- and 16-bit patterns. The data can also be , translated on the fly before sending it to the destination. Data can be transferred from one memory region to another in a two cycle transfer mode-this is not possible with single cycle transfer. Another feature of two cycle transfer is automatic assembly/ disassem\lly of data. This means that data can be read as one word (16 bits) and written as • two bytes or vice versa. Automatic assembly/disassembly is very often desirable when using 8-bit wide peripherals in a 16-bit system. When writing data to the 8-bit peripheral from memory, data could be retched as a 16-bit word and written out as two 8-bit bytes. The reverse is true for reading data out of an 8-bit peripheral. This feature saves time and reduces the number of bus cycles to transfer a given block of data. FAST CHANNEL SWITCHING For high speed DMA controllers with multiple channels, it is very important to minimize overhead for switching from one channel to another. The 82258 imposes no performance penalty for switching channels. Therefore, the maximum cumulative transfer rate of an 82258 is 8 MBytes/ second even if multiple channels are used. The priority of different channels can be programmed to be fixed or rotating. It is also possible to have a combination of the two, i.e., channels 0 and I, having higher priority than channels 2 and 3, and rotating priority within each pair. The channel with the highest priority gets processed first when multiple channels have to be serviced at the same time . SINGLE MEMORY PERIPHERAL ADVANTAGE: "SPEED1 BUS CYCLEITRANSFER 82258 • DOUBLE MEMORY PERIPHERAL ADVANTAGE: "'ON THE FLY" • MASK/COMPARE • TRANSLATE • VERIFY "MEM. TO MEM. TRANSFERS "DISSIMILAR BUS WIDTH SUPPORT 82258 Figure 4. Single/double cycle transfer 4-83 230606-002 82258 OVERVIEW are used to specify the bus load which is permissible for the 82258. 16 MBYTE ADDRESSING Being the D MA controller for the 80286, the 82258 supports an address range of 16 MBytes in memory and I/O space. Thus, the source and destination pointers for a DMA are each twenty-four bits long. The 82258 can transfer data blocks as big as 16 M Bytes. That is, the byte count for the transfet is also twenty-four bits long. MEMORY BASED COMMANDS The 82258 and the CPU communicate via memory based commands. All relevant data (parameters) for DMA transfer is written by the CPU in a "cOJ;nmand block" in memory which is accessible to the CPU and the 82258. See Figure 6. the command pointer on the 82258 is loaded with the based address of the command block by the CPU. After getting a start channel command from the CPU, the 82258 loads the contents of the command block into its registers and starts the D MA. After completing operation on Ii command block, the 82258 writes back the channel status in the command block in memory. Optionally, source pointer, destination pointer and byte counter register may also be written out to the command block. Although all channel registers are user accessible, they need to be directly accessed only for diagnostic purposes. Figure 5 shows the user visible registers of the 82258. A set of five registers, called the General Registers, is used for all four channels. There is a set of channel registers for each of the four channels. The mode register is written first after reset and describes the 82258 environment-bus widths, priorities, etc. The General Command Register (GCR) is used to start and stop the DMA transfer on different channels. The General Status Register (GSR) shows the status of all four channels: i.e., if the channel is running, if an interrupt is pending, etc. The General Burst Register (GBR) and the General Delay Register (GDR) o 15 GCR COMMAND GSR STATUS MODE GMR GBR GDR l l BURST DELAY o 7 GENERAL REGISTERS CHANNEL REGISTERS (4 SETS: 1 PER CHANNEL) o 23 CPR COMMAND POINTER SPR SOURCE POINTER DPR TTPR DESTINTATION POINTER TRANSLATE TABLE POINTER LIST POINTER LPR BCR BYTE COUNT CCR CHANNEL COMMAND MASKR MASK COMPR COMPARE , ASSEMBLY DAR 15 CSR L CHANNEL STATUS 7 o Figure 5. 82258 Register Set 4-84 230606-002 inter 82258 OVERVIEW ON CHIP h3 COMMAND POINTER 0 ) IN MEMORY T 15 lII: TYPE 1 COMMAND 0 SOURCE POINTER u 9 -0- ID Q Z CC ::& ::& I DESTINATION POINTER -0- 0 u Ii:0 I BYTE C,OUNT :I: -0- UI t I CHANNEL STATUS COMMAND EXTENSION 0 iii z MASK t f--- III ~ ~ ~ COMMAND .... 82288 HOLD HOLDA MilO SO_1 ADDR. r :i! w III > III ADDRESS 8283 7 > 24 82258 l- DACK 0-3 ( DATA DREQ 0-3 DATA 8287 } 16 Figure 12. 82258 in 80286 SY8tem 4-90 230606-002 inter 82258 OVERVIEW -' .A. < , RESIDENT BUS "I i' '< r-- ~ BUS INTERfACE , ~ DREQ ~ 82258 ~ ~ ADDRESS DATA STATUS A BUS INTERfACE v ...... -.. r ::;) ::E w ... 0-3 Ul DACK 0-3 Ul ID >- J .A. ~ ADDR. SELECT PROCESSOR BOARD Ul I f A. ...... v --y ~ Figure 13. 82258 In Remote or Stand-Alone Configuration 4-91 230606-002 82284 CLOCK GENERATOR AND READY INTERFACE FOR iAPX 286 PROCESSORS (82284, 82284-6) • Generates System Clock for iAPX 286 Processors • 18-pin Package • Single • Uses Crystal or TTL Signal for Frequency Source + 5V Power Supply • Generates System Reset Output from Schmitt Trigger Input • Provides Local READY and Multibus* READY Synchronization • Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range - Extended Temperature Range The 82284 is a clock generator/driver which proviQes clock signals for iAPX 286 processors and support components. It also contains logic to supply READY to the CPU from either asynchronous or synchronous sources and synchronous RESET from an asynchronous input with hysteresis. RESET fJ RESET SYNCHRONIZER x1_1--r=-l X2 1IL=-J ClK EFI--t-------' FIC ARDYEN ARDY -+----------' -+---<>1'"""'\ -t--d...J SRDYEN -+-~~ SRDY -t---d...J S1 -+--<11"-'" VCC 2 3 4 5 82284 6 7 8 9 ARDYEN S1 SO N.C. PClK RESET RES ClK READY so -+--<:11._ Figure 1. ARDY SRDY SRDYEN READY EFI F/C X1 X2 GND PClK Figure 2. 82284 Pin Configuration 82284 Block Diagram * Multibus is a patented bus of Intel Intel Corporation Assumes No Responsibility for the Wae of Any Circuitry Other Than CircUItry Embodied In an Intel Product No Other ClrCUlt Patent Licenses are Imphed OJ INTEL CORPORATION 1982 4-92 January 1985 ORDER NUMBER' 210453-003 82284 Table 1. Pin Description The following pin function descriptions are for the 82284 clock generator. Type Name and Function ClK a System Clock is the signal used by the processor and support devices which must be synchronous with the processor. The frequency of the ClK output has twice the desired internal processor clock frequency. ClK can drive both TTL and MaS level inputs. F/C I X1, X2 I EFI I PClK a ARDYEN I ARDY I Asynchronous Ready is an active lOW input used to terminate the current bus cycle. The ARDY input is qualified by ARDYEN. Inputs to ARDY may be applied asynchronously to ClK. Setup and hold times are given to assure aguaranteed response to synchronous inputs. SRDYEN I Synchronous Ready Enable is an active lOW input which qualifies SRDY. SRDYEN selects SRDY as the source for READY to the CPU for the current bus cycle. Setup and hold times must be satisfied for proper operation. SRDY I Synchronous Ready is an active lOW input used to terminate the current bus cycle. The SRDY Input IS qualified by the SRDYEN input. Setup and hold times must be satisfied for proper operation. READY a Ready IS an active lOW output which ~nals~ current bus cycle is to be completed. The SRDY, SRDYEN, ARDY, ARDYEN, S1, SO and RES inputs control READY as explained later in the READY generator section. READY is an open collector output requiring an external 300 ohm pullup resistor. SO,S1 I Status inputs prepare the 82284 for a subsequent bus cycle. SO and S1 synchronize PClK to the internal processor clock and control READY. These inputs have pullup resistors to keep them HIGH if nothing is driving them. Setup and hold times must be satisfied for proper operation. RESET a Reset is an active HIGH output which is derived from the RES input. RESET is used to force the system into an initial state. When RESET is active, READY will be active (lOW). RES I Reset In is an active lOW input which generates the system reset signal RESET. Si~s to RES may be applied asynchronously to ClK. A Schmitt trigger input is provided on RES, so that an RC circuit can be used to provide a time delay. Setup and hold times are given to assure a guaranteed response to synchronous inputs. Symbol Vee GND Fr~quency/Crystal Select is a strapping option to select the source for th~ ClK output. When F/C is strapped lOW, the internal crystal oscillator drives ClK. When Fie is strapped HIGH, the EFI input drives the ClK output. Crystal In are the pins to which a parallel resonant fundamental mode crystal is attached for the internal oscillator. When FIG is lOW, the internal oscillator will drive the ClK output at the crystal frequency. The crystal frequency must be twice the desired internal processor clock frequency. External Frequency In drives ClK when the F/C input is strapped HIGH. The EFI input frequency must be twice the desired internal processor clock frequency. Peripheral Clock is an output which provides a SO% duty cycle clock with 112 the frequency of ClK. PlCK will be in phase with the internal processor clock following the first bus cycle after the processor has been reset. Asynchronous Ready Enable is an active lOW input which qualifies the ARDY input. ARDYEN selects ARDY as the source of ready for the current bus cycle. Inputs to ARDYEN may be applied asynchronously to ClK. Setup and hold times are given to assure a guaranteed response to synchronous Inputs. System Power: +SV power supply System Ground: 0 volts FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ready synchronization logic and system reset generation logic. Introduction Clock Generator _ The 82284 generates the clock, ready, and reset signals required for iAPX 286 processors and support components. The 82284 is packaged in an 18-pin DIP and contains a crystal controlled oscillator, MOS clock generator, peripheral clock generator, Multibus The elK output provides the basic timing control for an iAPX 286 system. elK has output characteristics sufficient to drive MOS devices. elK is generated by either an internal crystal oscillator or an external source as selected by the Fie strapping option. When 4-93 210453-003 82284 Ftc is 'lOW, the crystal oscillator drives the ClK out" put. When Ftc is HIGH, the EFI input drives the ClK output. The 82284 provides a second clock output (PClK) for peripheral devices. PClK is' ClK divided by two. PClK has a duty cycle of 50% and TTL output drive characteristics. PClK is normally synchronized to the internal processor clock. After reset, the PClK signal may be out of phase with the internal processor clock. The 'Sf and 'SO signals of the first bus cycle are used to synchronize PClK to the internal processor clock. The phase of the PClK output changes by extending its HIGH time beyond one system clock (see waveforms). PClK is forced HIGH whenever either 'SO or Sf were active (lOW) for the two previous ClK cycles. PClK continues to oscillate when both 'SO and Sf are HIGH. Reset Operation The reset logic provides the RESET output to force the system into a known, initial state. When the RES input is active (lOW), the RESET output becomes active (HIGH). RES is synchronized internally at the failing edge of ClK before generating the RESET output (see waveforms). Synchronization of the RES input introduces a one or two ClK delay before affecting the RESET output. At power up, a system does not have have a stable Vce and ClK. To prevent spurious activity, RES should be asserted until Vcc and ClK stabilize at their operating values. iAPX 286 processors and support components also require their 'RESET inputs be HIGH a minimum of 16 C,lK cycles. An RC network, as shown in Figure 4, will keep RES lOW long' enough to satisfy both needs. Since the phase of the internal processor clock will not change except during reset, the phase of PClK will not change except during the first bus cycle after reset. Vee Oscillator 82284 ' The oscillator circuit of the 82284 is a linear Pierce oscillator which requires an external parallel resonant, fundamental mode, crystal. The output of the oscillator is internally buffered. The crystal frequency chosen should be twice the required internal processor clock frequency. The crystal should have a typical load capacitance of 32 pF. Figure 4. lYPical RC RES Timing Circuit X1 and X2 are the oscillator crystal connections. For stable operation of the oscillator, two loading capacitors are recommended, as shown in Table 2. The sum of the board capacitance and loading capacitance should equal the values shown. It is advisable to limit stray board capacitances (not including the effect of the loading capacitors or crystal capacitance) to less than 10 pF between the X1 and X2 pines. Decouple Vee and GND as close to the 82284 as possible. A Schmitt trigger input with hysteresis on RES assures a single transition of RESET.with an RC circuit on RES. The hysteresis separates the' input voltage level at which the circuit output switches between HIGH to lOW from the input voltage level at which the circuit output switches between lOW to HIGH. The RES HIGH to lOW input transition voltage is lower than the RES lOW to HIGH input transition voltage. As long as the slope of the RES input voltage remains in the same direction (increasing or decreasing) around the RES input transition voltage, .the RESET output will make a single transition. CLK 1-'1.:..0- - I ClK Vee D 8 X2 r -........--'i SEE TABLE 2 FOR CAIW:ITOR VALUES Ready Operation '9!~OI c~::O~~k 82284 . __ 4 READY ,APX286 CPU or h,;: ....Il!:R~'i!A~D~Y_.-J I ,18 I The 82284 accepts two ready sources for the system ready signal which terminates the current bus cycle. Either a synchronous (SRDY) or asynchronous ready (AROY) source may be used. Each ready input has an enable (SRDYEN and ARDYEN) for selecting the type of ready source required to terminate the current bus cycle. An address decoder would normally select one of the enable inputs .. DECOUPLING CAPlACI10R Figure 3. Recommended Crystal and RElDV Connections 4-94 210453-003 intJ 82284 READY is enabled (lOW), if either SRDY + SRDYEN = 0 or ARDY + ARDYEN = 0 when sampled by the 82284 READY generation logic. READY will remain active for at least two ClK cycles. SRDYEN. These inputs are sampled on the falling edge of ClK when S1 and SO are inactive and PClK is HIGH. READY is forced active when both SRDY and SRDYEN are sampled as lOW. The READY output has an open-collector driver allowing other ready circuits to be wire or'ed with it, as shown in Figure 3. The READY signal of an iAPX 286 system requires an external 910 ohm ± 5% pull-up resistor. To force the READ? Signal inactive (HIGH) at the start of a bus cycle, the READY output floats when either S1 or SO are sampled lOW at the falling edge of ClK. Two system clock periods are allowed for the pull-up resistor to pull the READY signal to V1H • When RESET is active, READY is forced active one ClK later (see waveforms). Rgure 6 shows the operation of ARDY and ARlJYEiiI. These inputs are sampled by an internal synchronizer at each falling edge of ClK. The output ·of the synchronizer is then sampled when PClK is HIGH. If the synchronizer resolved both the ARDY and ARl:i"Yrn have been resolved as active, the SRDY and SRDYEN inputs are ignored. Either ARDY or ARDYEN must be HIGH at end of Ts (see figure 6). READY remains active until either 51 or SO are sampl~d LOW, or the ready inputs are sampled as inactive. Figure 5 illustrates the operation of SRDY and Table 2. 82284 Crystal Loading Capacitance Values Crystal Frequency C1 Capacitance (pin 7) 60 pF 25 pF 1 to 8 MHz 8 to 16MHz C2 Capacitance (pin 8) 40 pF 15 pF NOTE: Capacitance values must include stray board capacitance. T, ClK PClK READY - - - - -_ _ _, Figure 5. Synchronous Ready Operation 4-95 210453-003 82284 Ts elK PClK READY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......l.... Figure 6. Asynchronous Ready Operation *Notice: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maxmum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS" Temperature Under Bias ............ ooe to 70 0 e Storage Temperature .......... -6Soe to + 1S0oe All Output and Supply Voltages ....... -O.SV to + 7V AlllnputVoltages ............... -1.0Vto +S.SV Power Dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ....... 1 Watt D.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = ooe to 7o oe, Vee = SV, ± 5%) 8 MHz 6 MHz Sym Parameter -6 Min -6 Max -8 Min -8 Max Input lOW Voltage Input HIGH Voltage 20 2.0 V V1HR VHYS RES and EFI Input HIGH Voltage 2.6 26 V RES Input hysteresis 0.25 0.25 VOL VOH RESET. PClK Output lOW Voltage VOLR ~, Output lOW Voltage .45 VOLe VoHe ClK Output lOW Voltage 45 Ve Input Forward Clamp Voltage RESET. PClK Output HIGH Voltage ---- ClK Output HIGH Voltage .8 Unit Test Condition V1L V1H 8 V V IOL -5mA V IOH - -1mA .45 V IOL =7mA 45 V IOL =5mA 45 45 24 2.4 4.0 40 -1.0 - V IOH - -8001lA -10 V le=-5mA -.5 mA iF Forward Input Current IR Reverse Input Current 50 50 Icc C1 Power Supply Current 145 145 Input Capacitance 10 10 -5 4-96 V VF~ 45V uA VR-Vee mA pF Fe=1MHz 210453-003 82284 (TA = D·C to 7D·C, vee = 5V, ± 5%) AC timings are referenced to O.SV and 2.0V points of signals as Illustrated In datasheet waveforms, unless otherwise noted. A.C. CHARACTERISTICS 6MHz Sym Parameter -6 Min SMHz -6 Max -S Min -S Max Unit Test Condition 1 EFI to ClK Delay 2 EFI lOW Time 40 3 EFI HIGH Time 35 4 ClK Penod 83 5 ClK lOW Time 20 15 6 ClK HIGH Time 25 25 7 ClK Rise Time ns 1.0V to 3.6V Note 1 8 ClK Fall Time 9 Status Setup Time 10 Status Hold Time 11 35 500 30 ns at 1.5V Note 1 25 ns at 1 5V Note 1 Note 7 25 ns at 1.5V Note 1 Note 7 ns at 1.0V Note 1 Note 2,8 ns at 3.6V Note 1 Note 2,8 62 10 500 10 10 10 ns ns 3.6V to 1.0V Note 1 28 22 ns Note 1 1 1 ns Note 1 SRDY or SRDYEN Setup Time 25 15 ns Note 1 12 SRDY or SRDYEN Hold Time 0 0 ns Note 1 13 ARDY or ARDYEN Setup Time 5 0 ns Note 1 Note 3 14 ARDY or ARDYEN Hold Time 30 30 ns Note 1 Note 3 15 RES Setup Time 25 20 ns Note 1 Note 3 16 RES Hold Time 10 10 ns Note 1 Note 3 17 READY Inactive Delay 5 5 ns at 0.8V Note 4 18 READY Active Delay 0 33 0 24 ns at 0.8V Note 4 19 PClK Delay 0 45 0 45 ns Note 5 20 RESET Delay 5 50 5 34 ns NoteS 21 PClK lOW Time t4-20 t4-20 ns Note 5 Note 6 22 PClK HIGH Time t4-20 t4-20 ns Note 5 Note 6 NOTE 1: ClK loading. C L = 150pF. NOTE 2: With the internal crystal oscillator uSing recommended crystal and capacitive loading, or with the EFI input meeting specifications t2, and t3 Use a parallel-resonant, fundamental mode crystal. The recommended crystal loading for ClK frequencies of8-16MHz are 25pF from pin X1 to ground, and 15pF from pin X2 to ground. These recommended values are ± 5pF and include all stray capacitance, Decouple Vee and GND as close to the 82284 as possible. NOTE 3: This is an asynchronous input. This specification is given for testing purposes only, to assure recognition at specific ClKedge. NOTE 4: READY loading: IOL = 7mA, C L = 150pF. In system application, use 910 ohm ±5% pull up resistor to meet 80286, 80286-6 and 80286-4 timing requirements. NOTE 5: PClK and RESET loading: C L = 75pF. PClK also has 750 ohm pullup. NOTE 6: t4 refers to any allowable ClK period. NOTE 7: When driving the 82284 with EFI, provide minimum EFI HIGH and lOW times as follows: ClK Output Frequency: 8MHz ClK 12MHz 16MHz ClK ClK" Min. required EFI HIGH time 52ns 35ns 25ns Min. required EFI lOW time 52ns 40ns 25ns At ClK frequencies above 12MHz, ClK output HIGH and lOW times are guaranteed only when using crystal with recommended capacitive loading per Table 2, not when dnvlng componentfrom EFI All features ofthe 82284 remain functional whether EFI or crystal is used to drive the 82284. NOTE S: When using crystal (with recommended capacitive loading per Table 2) appropriate for speed of 80286, ClK output HIGH and lOW times guaranteed to meet 80286 requirements. 4-97 '210453-003 82284 EFI ~rtv. and M_ _ PoInIo I ~ AY 1.SY 1.:/ 1.SY OA5Y \; 1.DY NOTE 10: NOTE 9: 82284 eLK OUTPUT DEVICE INPUT NOTE 11. AC Setup. HOld and Delay Tome Measurement - General vq Ycc Q ~ j. 75Oohm~ 9100hm~ » peLK output ... READY 0_ 0 output outputs -1 1~~t l ~I NOTE 12. AC Test Loading on Outputs 4-98 210453-003 82284 Waveforms CLK as a Function of EFI EFI CLK NOTE: The EFllnput lOW and HIGH times as shown are required to guarentee the elK lOW and HIGH times shown. RESET and READY Timing as a Function of RES with S1 and SO HIGH NOTE 1: This IS an asynchronous input. The setup and hold times shown are required to guarantee the response shown. NOTE 2: Tie 910 ohm ""5% pullup resistor to the READY output READY and PCLK Timing with RES HIGH NOTE 1: This is an asynchronous input. The setup and hold times shown are reqUired to guarantee the response shown. NOTE 2: Tie 910 ohm ±5'10 pullup resistor to the READY output 4-99 210453-003 82288 BUS CONTROLLER FOR iAPX 286 PROCESSORS (82288-8, 82288-6) • Provides Commands and Control for Local and System Bus • Optional Multibus· Compatible Timing • Offers Wide Flexibility in System Configurations • Control Drivers with 16 ma IOL and 3·State Command Drivers with 32 ma IOL • Flexible Command Timing • Single + 5V Supply The Intel 82288 Bus Controller is a 20-pin HMOS component for use in iAPX 286 microsystems. The bus controller provides command and control outputs with flexible timing options. Separate command outputs are used for memory and I/O devices. The data bus is controlled with separate data enable and direction control signals. Two modes of operation are possible via a strapping option: Multibus compatible bus cycles, and high speed bus cycles. 3-STATE COMMAND STATU; [ 51 READY OUTPUTS r;:D=~T=lo=T~=~=R::;---;::::cg=L~=~=P~=c~=D::;' :~:~] ClK VCC So 51 M/iO MCE DTiA" ALE DEN M/iO Mii5C MWi'C MB ClK-+--i CONTROL INPUTS CEN/AEN CMDlY CENl CEN/AEN CENl MRDC INTA MWTC IORC CMDlY REAiiY GND MB Figure 1_ 82288 Block Diagram Figure 2. IOWC 88228 Pin Configuration *Multibus is a patented bus of Intel. Intel Corporation Assumes No Responsibility for the Use of Any C)rcultry Other Than Circuitry Embodied In an Intel Product No Other Circuit Patent Licenses are Implied ©INTELCORPORATION,1982 4-100 January 1985 ORDER NUMBER: 210471-004 inter 82288 Table 1. Pin Description The following pin function descriptions are for the 82288 bus controller. Symbol Type Name and Function ClK I System Clock provides the basic timing control for the 82288 in an iAPX 286 microsystem. Its frequency is twice the internal processor clock frequency. The falling edge of this input signal establishes when inputs are sampled and command and control outputs change. SO, S1 I Bus Cycle Status starts a bus cycle and, along with MilO, defines the type of bus cycle. These inputs are active lOW. A bus cycle is started when either S1 or SO is sampled lOW at the falling edge of ClK. Setup and hold times must be me1 for proper operation. , iAPX 286 Bus Cycle Status Definition MilO S1 SO 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 t 1 0 0 1 1 Type of Bus Cycle Interrupt acknowledge I/O Read I/O Write None; idle Halt or shutdown Memory read Memory write None, idle MIlO I Memory or I/O Select determines whether the current bus cycle is in the memory space or 110 space. When LOW, the current bus cycle is in the 110 space. Setup and hold times must be met for proper operation. MB I Multibus Mode Select determines timing of the command and control outputs. When HIGH, the bus controller operates with Multibus-compatible timings. When LOW, the bus controller optimizes the command and control output timing for short bus cycles. The function of the CEN/AEN input pin is selected by this signal. This input is typically a strapping option and not dynamically changed. CENL I Command Enable Latched is a bus controller select signal which enables the bus controller to respond to the current bus cycle being initiated. CENL is an active HIGH input latched internally at the end of each Ts cycle. CENl is used to select the appropriate bus controller for each bus cycle in a system where the CPU has more than one bus it can use. This input may be connected to Vcc to select this 82288 for all transfers. No control inputs affect CENL. Setup and hold times must be met for proper operation. CMDLY I Command Delay allows delaying the start of a command. CMDLY is an active HIGH input. If sampled HIGH, the command output is not activiated and CMDLY is again sampled at the next eLK cycle. When sampled LOW the selected command is enabled. If READY is detected LOW before the command output is activated, the 82288 will terminate the bus cycle, even if no command was issued. Setup and hold times must be satisfied for proper operation. This input may be connected to GND if no delays are required before starting a command. This input has no effect on 82288 control outputs. READY I READY indicates the end of the current bus cycle. READY is an active LOW input. Multibus mode requires at least one wait state to allow the command outputs to become active. READY must be LOW during reset, to force the 82288 into the idle state. Setup and hold times must be met for proper operation. The 82284 drives READY LOW during RESET. 4-1Q1 210471-004 inter 82288 Table 2. Command and Control Outputs for Each Type of Bus Cycle Type of Bus Cycle MIlO S1 SO Interrupt Acknowledge 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 I/O Read I/O Write None; idle Halt/Shutdown Memory Read Memory Write None; idle Command Activated Command and Control Outputs The type of bus cycle performed by the local bus master is encoded in the M/iO, S1, and SO inputs. Different command and control outputs are activated depending on the type of bus cycle. Table 2 indicates the cycle decode done by the 82288 and the effect on command, DT/R, ALE, DEN, and MCE outputs. ALE, DEN Issued? MCE Issued? YES NO INTA LOW 10RC LOW YES YES 10WC HIGH YES NO None None HIGH HIGH LOW NO NO MRDC MWTC None Operating Modes Two types of buses are supported by the 82288: Multibus and non·Multlbus. When the MB input is strapped HIGH, Multibus timing is used. In Multibus mode, the 82288 delays command and data activation to meet IEEE-796 requirements on address to command active and write data to command active setup timing. Multibus mode requires at least one wait state in the bus cycle since the command outputs are delayed. The non-Multi bus mode does not delay any outputs and does not require wait states. The MB input affects the timing of the command and DEN outputs. DT/R State. NO NO HIGH YES YES NO NO HIGH NO NO Bus cycles come in three forms: read, write, and halt. Read bus cycles Include memory read, I/O read, and interrupt acknowledge. The timing of the associated read command outputs (MRDC, 10RC, and INTA), control outputs (ALE, DEN, DT/R) and control inputs (CEN/AEiii, CENL, CMDLY, MB, and READY) are identical for all read bus cycles. Read cycles differ only in which command output is activated. The MCE control output is only asserted dl!ring interrupt acknowledge cycles. Write bus cycles activate different control and command outputs with different timing than read bus cycles. Memory write and I/O write are write bus cycles whose timing for command outputs (MWi'C and iO"IiV"e), control outputs (ALE, DEN, DT/R) and control inputs (CEN/AEN, CENL, CMDLY, MB, and READY) are Identical. They differ only in which command output is activated. Halt bus cycles are different because no command or control output is activated. All control Inputs are ignored until the next bus cycle Is started via S1 and SO. 4-102 210471-()04 inter 82288 ;' Table 1. Pin Description (Cont.) Symbol Type Name and Function CEN/AEN I Command Enable/Address Enable controls the command and DEN outputs of the bus controller. CEN/AEN inputs may be asynchronous to CLK. Setup and hold times are given to assure a guaranteed response to synchronous inputs. This input may be connected to VCC or GND. When MB is HIGH this pin has the AEN function. AEN is an active LOW input which indicates that the CPU has been granted use of a shared bus and the bus controller command outputs may exit 3-state OFF and become inactive (HIGH). AElii HIGH indicates that the CPU does not have control of the shared bus and forces the command outputs into 3-state OFF and DEN inacti~OW). AEN would normally be controlled by an 82289 bus arbiter which activates A N when that arbiter owns the bus to which the bus controller is attached. When MB is LOW this pin has the CEN function. CEN is an unlatched active HIGH input which allows the bus controller to activate its command and DEN outputs. With MB LOW, CEN LOW forces the command and DEN outputs inactive but does not tristate them. ALE 0 Address Latch Enable controls the address latches used to hold an address stable during a bus cycle. This control output is active HIGH. ALE will not be issued for the halt bus cycle and is not affected by any of the control inputs_ MCE 0 Master Cascade Enable signals that a cascade address from a master 8259A interrupt controller may be placed onto the CPU address bus for latching by the address latches under ALE control. The CPU's addreSs bus may then be used to broadcast the cascade address to slave interrupt controllers so only one of them will respond to the interrupt acknowledge cycle. This control output is active HIGH. MCE is only active during interrupt acknowledge cycles and is not affected by any control input. Using MCE to enable cascade address drivers requires latches which save the cascade address on the falling edge of ALE. DEN 0 Data Enable controls when data transceivers connected to the local data bus should be enabled. DEN is an active HIGH control output. DEN is delayed for write cycles in the Multibus mode. DTIR 0 Data Transmit/Receive establishes the direction of data flow to or from the local data bus. When HIGH, this control output indicates that a write bus cycle i~being performed. A LOW indicates a read bus cycle. DEN is always inactive when DTIR changes states. This output is HIGH when no bus cycle is active. DTiR is not affected by any of the control inputs. 10WC 0 1/0 Write Command instructs an I/O device to read the data on the data bus. This command output is active LOW. The MB and CMDLY inputs control when this output becomes active. READY controls when it becomes inactive. 10RC 0 I/O Read Command instructs an I/O device to place data onto the data bus. This command output is active LOW. The MB and CMDLY Inputs control when thiS output becomes active. READY controls when it becomes inactive. MWTC 0 Memory Write Command instructs a memory device to read the data on the data bus. T\his command output is active LOW. The MB and CMDLY inputs control when this output becomes active. READY controls when it becomes inactive. MRDC 0 Memory Read Command instructs the memory device to place data onto the data bus. This command output Js active LOW. The MB and CMDLY inputs control when this output becomes active. READY controls when it becomes inactive. INTA 0 Interrupt Acknowledge tells an interrupting device that its interrupt request is being acknowledged. This command output is active LOW. The MB and CMDLY inputs control when this output becomes active. READY controls when it becomes inactive. VCC System Power: + 5V power supply GND System Ground: 0 volts 4-103 210471-004 82288 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Introduction The 82288 bus controller is used in iAPX 286 systems to provide address latch control, data transceiver control, and standard level-type command outputs. The command outputs are timed and have sufficient drive capabilities for large TTL buses and meet all IEEE-796 requirements for Multibus. A special Multibus mode is provided to statlsfy all address/data setup and hold time requirements. Command timing may be tailored to special needs via a CMDlY input to determine the start of a command and READY to determine the end of a command. Connection to multiple buses are supported with a latched enable input (CENl). An address decoder can determine, which, if any, bus controller should be enabled for the bus cycle. This input is latched to allow an address decoder to take full advantage of the pipelined timing on the iAPX 286 local bus. Buses shared by several bus controllers are supported. An AEN input prevents the bus controller from driving the shared bus command and data signals except when enabled by an external bus arbiter such as the 82289. Separate DEN and DT/R outputs control the data transceivers for all buses. Bus contention is eliminated by disabling DEN before changing DT/R. The DEN timing allows sufficient time for tristate bus drivers to enter 3-state OFF before enabling other drivers onto the same bus. The term CPU refers to any iAPX 286 processor or iAPX 286 support component which ,may become an iAPX 286 local bus master and thereby drive the 82288 status inputs. Processor Cycle Definition Any CPU which drives the local bus uses an internal clock which is one half the frequency of the system clock (ClK) (see Figure 3). Knowledge of the phase of the local bus master internal clock is required for proper operation of the iAPX 286 local bus. The local bus master informs the bus controller of its internal clock phase when it asserts the status signals. Status signals are always asserted beginning in Phase 1 of the local bus master's internal clock, VeH ClK Vel 82284 (FOR REFERENCE) Figure 3. PClK _ _I-J ClK Relationship to the Processor Clock and Bus T·States 4-104 210471-004 inter 82288 Bus State Definition Bus Cycle Definition The 82288 bus controller has three bus states (see Figure 4): Idle Status (TS> and Command (Te>. Each bus state Is two ClK cycles long. Bus state phases correspond to the internal CPU processor clock phases. The 51 and SO inputs signal the start of a bus cycle. When either input becomes lOW, a bus cycle is started. The Ts bus state is defined to be the two ClK cycles during which either S1 or SO are active (see Figure 5). These inputs are sampled by the 82288 at every falling edge of ClK. When either S'i or SO are sampled lOW, the next ClK cycle is considered the second phase of the internal CPU clock cycle. m The TI bus state occurs when no bus cycle is currently active on the IAPX 286 local bus. This state may be repeated indefinitely. When control of the local bus is being passed between masters, the bus remains in the TI state. The local bus enters the Te bus state after the Ts state. The shortest bus cycle may have one Ts state and one Testate. longer bus cycles are formed by repeating Te states. A repeated Te bus state is called a walt state. The READY Input determines whether the current Te bus state is to be repeated. The RI:AuY input has the same timing and effect for all bus cycles. READY is sampled at the end of each Te bus state to see if it is active. If sampled HIGH, the Te bus state Is repeated. This is called inserting a wait state. The control and command outputs do not change during walt states. When READY is sampled lOW, the current bus cycle is terminated. Note that the bus controller may enter the Ts bus state directly from Te if the status lines are sampled active at the next falling edge of ClK. . READY NEW CYCLE Figure 4. 82288 Bus States VCH ClK VeL iI.iii V.. ....,._""""\ FROM CPU VOL Figure 5. Bus Cycle Definition 4-105 210471-004 82288 Figures 6-10 show the basic command and control ,output timing for read and write bus cycles. Halt bus cycles are not shown since they activate no outputs. The basic idle-read-idle and idle-write-idle bus cycles are shown. The signal label CMD represents the appropriate command output for the bus cycle. For Figures 6-10, the CMDLY input is connected to GND and CENL to Vee. The effects of CENL and CMDLY are described later in the section on control inputs. f-o---READ BUS CYCLE T, I 'I T, +---' DEN _ _ _ _ _ _ DTfR CMD -------"r-\ Figure 6. Idle· Read· Idle Bus Cycles with MB =0 WRITE BUS CYCLE Ts Tc AlE _ _ _ _---' Figures 6, 7 and 8 show non-Multibus cycles. MB is connected to GND while CEN is connected to Vee' Figure 6 shows a read cycle with no wait states while Figure 7 shows a write cycle with one wait state, The "FlEADY input is shown to illustrate how wait states are added, T, I Ts ClK Tc ~WAIT~:ATE ::j I T, elK ALE _ _ _ _-¥ DEN _ _ _ _- - ' VOH DTiR -------f------+------Jr------- Figure 7. Idle·Wrlte·ldle Bus Cycles with MB = 0 4-106 210471-004 intJ 82288 Bus cycles can occur back to back with no T, bus states between Te and Ts. Back to back cycles do not affect the timing of the command and control outputs. Command and control outputs always reach the states shown for the same clock edge (within Ts , Te , or following bus state) of a bus cycle. 1ST WRITE CYCLE + Tc 2ND WRITE CYCLE I Ts I Tc ClK A special case in control timing occurs for back to back write cycles with MB = O. In this case, DT/R and DEN remain HIGH between the bus cycles (see Figure 8). The command and ALE output timing does not change. Figures 9 and 10 show a Multibus cycle with MB=1. AEN and CMDLY are connected to GND. The effects of CMDLY and AEN are described later in the section on control inputs. Figure 9 shows a read cycle with one wait state and Figure 10 shows a write cycle with two wait states. The second wait state of the write cycle is shown only for example purposes and is not required. The READY input is shown to illustrate how wait states are added. OE~OH --+---------+ VOH OT/ii ---+----------j- CMD _ _ _- - ' Figure 8. T, Tc Ts Write·Write Bus Cycles with MB = 0 Tc T, ClK AlE _ _ _ _- - ' +--rJ OEN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OT/II - - - - - - - - ; - , \ CMO Figure 9. Idle·Read·ldle Bus Cycles with MB = 1 4-107 210471-004 inter 82288 T, T. To T, To ClK j§'i.§ii j AlE _ _ _ _ _..J DEN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' CMD-----------~-~ Figure 10. Idle·Wrlte·ldle Bus Cycles with MB =1 The MB control input affects the timing of the command and DEN outputs. These outputs are automatically delayed in Multibus mode to satisfy three requirements: Back to back bus cycles with MB = 1 do not change the timing of any of the command or control outputs. DEN always becomes inactive between bus cycles with MB= 1. 1) 50 ns minimum setup time for valid address Except for a halt or shutdown bus cycle, ALE will be issued during the second half of Ts for any bus cycle. ALE becomes inactive at the end of the Ts to allow latching the address to keep it stable during the entire bus cycle. The address outputs may change during Phase 2 of any Tc bus state. ALE is not affected by any control input. before any command output becomes active. 2) 50 ns minimum setup time for'valid write data before any write command output -becomes active. 3)65 ns maximum time from when any read command becomes inactive until the slave's read data drivers reach 3-state OFF. Three signal transitions are delayed by MB = 1 as compared to MB=O: 1) The HIGH to lOW transition of the' read com- mand outputs (IORC, MRDe, and INTA) are delayed one ClK cycle. Figure 11 shows how MCE is timed during interrupt acknowledge (INTA) bus cycles. MCE is one ClK cycle longer than ALE to hold the cascade address from a master 8259A valid after the failing edge of ALE. With the exception of the MCE control output, an INTA bus cycle is Identical in timing to a read bus cycle. MCE is not affected by any control input. 2) The HIGH to lOW transition of the write command outputs (IOWC and MWTC) are delayed two ClK cycles. 3) The lOW to HIGH transition of DEN for write cycles is delayed one ClK cycle. 4-108 210471-004 intJ 82288 T, T, CENL must be sampled HIGH at the end of the Ts bus state (see waveforms) to enable the bus controller to activate its command and control outputs. If sampled LOW the commands and DEN will not go active and DT/R will remain HIGH. The bus controller will ignore the CMDLY, CEN, and READY inputs until another bus cycle is started via 51 and SO. Since an address decoder is commonly used to identify which bus is required for each bus cycle, CENL is latched to avoid the need for latching its input. Tc ClK ALE _ _ _ _'\--' MCE _ _ _ _ __ Figure 11. MCE Operation for an INTA Bus Cycle Control Inputs The control inputs can alter the basic timing of command outputs, allow interfacing to multiple buses, and share a bus between different masters. For many iAPX 286 systems, each CPU will have more than one bus which may be used to perform a bus cycle. Normally, a CPU will only have one bus controller active for each bus cycle. Some buses may be shared by more than one CPU (Le. Multibus) requiring only one of them use the bus at a time. Systems with multiple and shared buses use two control input signals of the 82288 bus controller, CENL and AEN (see Figure 12). CENL enables the bus controller to control the current bus cycle. The AEN input prevents a bus controller from driv· ing its command outputs. AEN HIGH means that another bus controller may be driving the shared bus. In Figure 12, two buses are shown: a local bus and a Multibus. Only one bus is used for each CPU bus cycle. The CENL inputs of the bus controllers select which bus controller is to perform ·the bus cycle. An address decoder determines which bus to use for each bus cycle. The 82288 connected to the shared Multibus must be selected by CENL and be given access to the Multibus by AEN before it will begin a Multibus operation. The CENL input can affect the DEN control output. When MB = 0, DEN normally becomes active during Phase 2 of Ts in write bus cycles. This transition occurs before CENL is sampled. If CENL is. sampled LOW, the DEN output will be forced LOW during Tc as shown in the timing waveforms. When MB = 1, CEN/AEN becomes AEN. AEN controls when the bus controller command outputs enter and exit 3-state OFF. AEN is intended to be driven by a bus arbiter, like the 82289, which assures only one bus controller is driving the shared bus at any time. When AEN makes a LOW to HIGH transition, the command outputs immediately enter 3-state OFF and DEN is forced inactive. An inactive DEN should force the local data transceivers connected to the shared data bus into 3-state OFF (see Figure 12). The LOW to HIGH transition of AEN should only occur during T, or Ts bus states. The HIGH to LOW transition of AEN signals that the bus controller may now drive the shared bus command Signals. Since a bus cycle may be ac· tive or be in the process of starting, AEN can become active during any T-state. AEN LOW immediately allows DEN to go to the appropriate state. Three CLK edges later, the command outputs will go active (see timing waveforms). The Multibus requires this delay for the address and data to be valid on the bus before the commands become active. When M B = 0, CEN/AEN becomes CEN. CEN is an asynchronous input which immediately affects the command and DEN outputs. When CEN makes a HIGH to LOW transition, the commands 4-109 210471-004 inter 82288 and DEN are immediately forced inactive. When CEN makes a LOW to HIGH transition, the com· mands and DEN outputs immediately go to the appropriate state (see timing waveforms). READY must still become active to terminate a bus cycle if CEN remains LOW for a selected bus controller (CENL was latched HIGH). Some memory or I/O systems may require more address or write data setup time to command ac· tive than provided by the basic command output timing. To provide flexible command timing, the CMDLY input can delay the activation of com· mand outputs. The CM DL Y input must be sampled LOW to activate the command outputs. CMDLY does not affect the control outputs ALE, MCE, DEN, and DTiR. rD~ X1 READY F CMD <= X2 SRDffi ClK XACK ARiiY SRDY 82284 ARDYEN 9100 ±S% READY 51.S0 READY CMD ClK 82288 MiiO MliO 51,So CENl COMM ANDS READY CMD 82288 ClK ,.. ~ CEN MB t +!v Jv READY ~ DTIR ALE CENl MB ~ DEN S1.So AEN t AEN CONTROl ClK 82289 ADDRESS MliO S1.So DECODER CNTl SYSIRESB ADDRESS DATA n MilO so 20KO §1 .... +5V /Si-ii= ,...., / L ADD RESS 8283 II A 2So0 ClK READY MilO 51,So V~ 1.1 /Tm 80286 DATA D, .. I - - ----'\ Figure 12. ) 8287 V System Use of AEN arid CENL 4-110 210471-004 82288 CMDlY is first sampled on the falling edge of the ClK ending Ts. If sampled HIGH, the command output is not activated, and CMDlY is again sampled on the next falling edge of ClK. Once sampled lOW, the proper command output becomes active immediately if MB O. If MB 1, the proper command goes active no earlier than shown in Figures 9 and 10. = sitions of all Signals in all modes. Instead, all signal timing relationships are shown via the general cases. Special cases are shown when needed. The waveforms provide some functional descriptions of the 82288; however, most functional descriptions are provided in Figures 5 through 11. = READY can terminate a bus cycle before CMDlY allows a command to be issued. In this case no commands are issued and the bus controller will deactivate DEN and DT/R in the same manner as if a command had been issued. To find the timing specification for a Signal transition in a particular mode, first look for a special case in the waveforms. If no special case applies, then use a timing specifi'cation for the same or related function In another mode. Waveforms Discussion The waveforms show the timing relationships of in· puts and outputs and do not show all possible tran· 4-111 210471-004 intJ 82288 • NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· Ambient Temperature Under Bias .... O°C to 70°C Storage Temperature ......... -65°C to + 150°C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to G N D ............... - O.5V to + 7V Power Dissipation ...................... 1 Watt D.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA ~ ooe to 7ooe, vcc ~ 5V, ± 5%) 8 MHz 6 MHz -6 Min_ -6 Max. -8 Min. -8 Max. Units Input lOW Voltage -.5 .8 -5 .8 V Vi}:{ Input HIGH Voltage 20 Vcc +.5 2.0 Vcc +.5 V VILC ClK Input lOW Voltage -.5 .6 -.5 .6 V VIHC ClK Input HIGH Voltage 3.8 Vcc +.5 3.8 Vcc +.5 V VOL Output lOW Voltage Command Outputs Control Outputs .45 45 V V IOL IOL ~ V V IOH IOH ~ -.5 mA VI Symbol VIL VOH Parameter Output HIGH Voltage Command Outputs Control Outputs .45 .45 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 Test Conditions 32 mA Note 1 16mA Note 2 ~ ~ ~ IF Input Current (80 and 81 inputs) -.5 IlL Input leakage current (all other inputs) ±10 ±10 ~A OV ILO Output leakage Current ±10 ± 10 ~A .45V Icc Power Supply Current 120 120 mA -5mA Note 1 -lmANote2 .45V :5 VI IN :5 :5 VOUT CCLK ClK Input Capacitance 12 12 pF Fc ~ 1 MHz CI Input Capacitance 10 10 pF Fc ~ 1 MHz Co Input/Output Capacitance 20 20 pF Fc ~ 1 MHz Vce :5 Vcc NOTE: 1: Command Outputs are INTA, IORC, IOWC, MRDC, MWRC. 2. Control Outputs are DTIR, DEN, ALE and MCE. 4-112 210471-004 inter 82288 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA ~ OOG to 70 o G, Vcc ~ 5V, ± 5%) AG timings are referenced to O.BV and 2.0V points of signals as illustrated in data sheet waveforms, unless otherwise noted 6 MHz Sym Parameter 1 CLK Period 8 MHz -6 -6 Min. Max. -8 Min. -8 Max. Unit 83 250 62 250 ns Test Condition 2 CLK HIGH Time 25 230 20 235 ns 3 CLKLOWT,me 20 225 15 230 ns all0V 4 CLK Rise Time 10 ns 1 OV 10 3 6V 5 CLK Fall Time 10 ns 36Vlol0V 6 MilO and Status Setup Time 7 MilO and Status Hold Time 8 CENL Setup Time 9 10 , CENL Hold Time 10 22 28 al36V ns 1 1 ns 30 20 ns 1 1 ns 10 READY Setup Time 50 38 ns 11 READY Hold Time 35 25 ns 12 CMDLY Setup Time 25 20 ns 13 CMDLY Hold Time 1 1 ns 14 AEN Setup Time 25 20 ns Note 3 15 AEN Hold Time 0 0 ns Note 3 16 ALE, MCE Active Delay from CLK 3 20 ns Note 4 17 ALE, MCE Inactive Delay from CLK 35 25 ns Note 4 18 DEN (Write) Inactive from CENL 35 35 ns Note 4 19 DT IR LOW from CLK 40 25 ns Note 4 20 DEN (Read) Active from DTIR 5 50 5 35 ns Note 4 21 DEN (Read) Inactive Diy from CLK 3 40 3 35 ns Nole 4 22 DT IR HIGH from DEN Inactive 5 45 5 35 ns Note 4 23 DEN (Write) Active Delay from CLK 30 ns Note 4 24 DEN (Wrile) Inactive Diy from CLK 30 ns Note 4 25 DEN Inactive from CEN 40 30 ns Note 4 26 DEN Active from CEN 35 30 ns Note 4 27 DT IR HIGH from CLK LOW) 50 35 ns Note 4 28 DEN Active from AEN 35 30 ns Note 4 29 CMD Active Delay from CLK 3 40 3 25 ns Nole5 30 CMD Inactive Delay from CLK 3 30 3 25 ns Note 5 31 CMD Inactive from CEN 35 25 ns Note 5 32 CMD Active from CEN 45 25 ns Nole 5 33 CMD Inactive Enable from AEN 40 40 ns Note 5 34 CMD Float Oelay from AEN ns Note 6 35 MB Setup Time 25 20 ns 36 MB Hold Time 0 0 ns 37 Command Inacllve Enable fromMBI 40 40 ns Nole 5 38 Command Floal Time from MBI 40 40 ns Note 6 39 DEN Inacllve from MBI 40 30 ns Nole 4 40 DEN Active from MBI 35 30 ns Note 4 (when CEN 0 25 3 35 3 35 3 40 40 NOTE: 3 AEN IS an asynchronous Input ThiS specification IS for testing purposes only, to assure recognition at a specific CLK edge 4 Control oulput load CI = 150pF 5 Command' oulpulload CI = 300pF 6 Float conditIOn occurs when output current IS less then ILO 4-113 In magnitude 210471-004 inter 82288 4.0V O.4SV NOTE 7: AC Drive and Measurement Points - ClK Input 4.0V CLKINPUT 1.OV O.45V 'HOLD 2.4V OTHER DEVICE :INPUT O.8V O.45V 'DELAY 2.0V DEVICE OUTPUT O.8V NOTE 8: AC Setup, Hold and Delay Time Measurement - General DEVICE OUTPUT NOTE 9: AC Test loading on Outputs 4-114 210471-004 inter 82288 WAVEFORMS ClK CHARACTERISTICS CLK STATUS, ALE, MCE, CHARACTERISTICS 1 + - - - - Ta - - - - - t.......- - - CLK M/iO,S1,Sii ---t=liLI+< ALE _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ MCE _ _ _ _ _ _---J CENL, CMDlY, DEN CHARACTERISTICS WITH MB=O AND CEN=1 DURING WRITE CYCLE CLK DEN _ _ _ _+-J CENL 4-115 210471-004 inter 82288 WAVEFORMS (Continued) READ CYCLE CHARACTERISTICS WITH MB = 0 AND CEN = 1 TS---+/-O----ClK CMDlY DTiii"----+-'=\ -+=--, DEN _ _ CMD----+-'\ CENl WRITE CYCLE CHARACTERISTICS WITH MB =0 AND CEN =1 ClK DEN _ _ _ _ _ _-' VOH---------H---+--,..---j/-----t----DT/A CMDlY CENl 4-116 210471-004 intJ 82288 WAVEFORMS (Continued) CEN CHARACTERISTICS WITH MB =O' ClK CEN DEN CMD +./ DT/R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _II___ ill CHARACTERISTICS WITH MB = 1 ClK AEN DEN _ _ _. J NOTE 1: AEN is an asynchronous input. AEN setup and hold time is specified to guarantee the response shown 4-117 In the waveforms. 210471-004 82289 BUS ARBITER FOR iAPX 286 PROCESSOR FAMILY • Supports Multi-master System Bus Arbitration Protocol • Three Modes of Bus Release Operation for Flexible System Configuration • Synchronizes 80286 Processor with Multlmaster Bus • Supports Parallel, Serial, and Rotating Priority Resolving Schemes • Compatible With Intel Bus Standard Multibus®* (IEEE 796 Standard) • Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range The Intel 82289 Bus Arbiter is a 5-Volt, 20-pin HMOS III component for use in multiple bus master iAPX 286 systems. The 82289 provides a compact solution to system bus arbitration for the 80286 CPU. The complete IEEE 796 Standard bus arbitration protocol is supported. Three modes of bus release operation support a number of bus usage models. l lOCK# STATUS lSO#/HOLD -ISl# INPUTS -fM/IO# -f- r l' MULTIBUS INTERFACE' PROCESSOR INTERFACE -IREA~~~ -I- LOCAL SYSTEM CONTROL LOCK# ALWAYS #/CBQLCK # STATE STATE MACHINE ~ACHINE I- I- - BPRN# SIGNALS I- BPRO# l- I - BClK# I- r--'CBRQ# ~ BUS REQUEST AND RELEASE LOGIC - MULTIBUS BREQ# INTERFACE - BUSY# INIT# SB/~E::E~ SY AEN# '1 M/IO# READY# SYSB/RESB# RESET BCLK# INIT# BREQ# BPRO# BPRN# GND 3 6 7 Vee Sl# Soo/HOlD ClK LOCK# ALWAYS# lLOCK# I CBQLCK# AEN# CBRQ# BUSY# # INDICATES FUNCTION IS ACTIVE LOW Figure 1. 82289 Block Diagram Figure 2. 82289 Pin Diagram Intel Corporation Assumes No Responslblltyforthe Useof Any CircUitry Other Than Circuitry Embodied In an Intel Product No Other CirCUit , Patent Licenses are Implied Information Contained Herein Supercedes Previously Published SpeCifications of These DeVices from Intel ©INTEl CORPORATION 1984 4-118 ORD~R NUMBER 231095-002 '82289 Table 1. 82289 Pin Definition Symbol Pin(s) Type Name and Function ClK 17 I SO#/HOLD 18 I SYSTEM CLOCK accepts the ClK signal from the 82284 Clock Generator chip as the timing reference for the bus arbiter and processor interface signals, STATUS INPUT SO# or HOLD is either the SO# status signal from 80286 or the HOLD signal from some other bus master, The function of this input is established during the processor reset of the 82289 Bus Arbiter. The 80286 SO# pin meets the setup and hold time requirements of this pin. The SO# pin function is selected by forcing this input high during the falling edgeof processor reset. If the 82289 is used to support an 80286 processor, the SO# output of the processor will be high during reset. In supporting the 80286 processor, the 82289 decodes the SO# pin together with the other status input pins, S1# and M/IO#, to determine the beginning of a processor bus cycle and initiate bus request and surrender actions. I- The HOLD function of the SO#/HOlD pin is selected by holding this input low during the falling edge of processor reset. When supporting a bus master other than 80286, the 82289 monitors the HOLD signal to initiate bus request and surrender actions. sm. M/IO# 19, 1 I , STATUS INPUTS are the status input signal pins from the 80286 processor. The arbiter decodes these inputs together with SO#/HOlD input to initiate bus request and surrender actions. A bus cycle is started when either S1# or SO# is sampled lOW at the falling edge of ClK. The 80286 S1# and M/IO# pins meet the setup and hold time requirements of these pins. 80286 Bus Cycle Status Encoding M/IO# 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 S1# 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 SO#/HOLD 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Type 01 Bus Cycle Interrupt acknowledge I/O Read I/O Write None; bus idle Halt or shutdown Memory read Memory write None; bus idle When supporting the HOLD output of another bus master, the S1# and M/IO# pins must be held HIGH during Ts, the Status Cycle, for proper operation. SYSB/RESB# 3 I SYSTEM BUS/RESIDENT BUS# is an Input signal which determines when the multi-master system bus is required for the current bus cycle. The signal can originate from address mapping circuitry such as a decoder or PROM attached to the processor address and status pins. The arbiter will request or retain control of the multi-master system bus when the SYSB/RESB# pin is sampled HIGH at the end of the Ts bus state. During an interrupt acknowledge cycle, this input is sampled on every falling edge of ClK starting at the end of .the Ts state until either SYSB/RESB# is sampled HIGH or the bus cycle is terminated by the READY# signal. Setup and hold times for this pin must be met for proper operation. 4-119 231095-002 82289 Table 1. 82289 Pin Definition (continued) Symbol Pines) Type Name and Function READY# 2 I READY# is an active-lOW signal which indicates the end of the bus cycle. The 80286 halt or shutdown cycle does not require READY# to terminate the bus cycle. Setup and hold times for this pin must be met for proper operation. lOCK# 16 I LOCK # is a processor-generated signal which when asserted (lOW) prevents the arbiter from surrendering the multi-master system bus to ariy other bus arbiter, regardless of its priority. lOCK# is sampled by the arbiter at the end of the Ts (status) bus state. Setup and hold times for this pin must be met for proper operation. ALWAYS RELEASE# or COMMON BUS REQUEST LOCK# can be programmed at processor reset to be either the ALWAYS RELEASE (AlWAYS#) strapping option or the COMMON BUS REQUEST lOCK (CBQlCK#) control input. Setup and hold times for this pin must be met for proper programming. AlWAYS#/ CBQlCK# --15 -- I When this pin is lOW during the falling edge of processor reset (AlWAYS# option) the arbiter is programmed to surrender the multimaster system bus after each bus transfer cycle. The 82289 will remain in the ALWAYS RELEASE mode until it is reprogrammed during the next processor reset. The bus arbiter is programmed to support the COMMON BUS REQUEST lOCK function by forcing this input pin HIGH during the falling edge of the processor reset. CBQlCK# itself is an activeclOW signal which when active prevents the arbiter from surrendering the multi-master system bus to ,a common bus request through the CBRQ# input pin. PROCESSOR RESET is an active-HIGH i"nput synchronous to the system clock (ClK). RESET is the processor initialization ofthe arbiter to release the mUlti-master bus and clear any pending request. RESET 4 I INIT# 6 I INITIALlZE# is an active-low Multibus signal used to reset all arbiters on the Multlbus system. It will cause the release of the multi-master bus, but will not clear the pending bus master request so that the arbiter can again request the multi-master bus. No arbiters have the use of the multi-master bus Immediately after initialization. INIT# is an asynchronous signal to ClK. BClK# 5 I BUS CLOCK# is the multi-master system bus clock to which the multi-master bus interface signalsare synchronized. BClK# can be asynchronous to ClK. BREQ# 7 a BUS REQUEST# is an active-lOW output signal used in the parallel and rotating priority resolving schemes. The arbiter activates BREQ# to request the use of the multi-master system bus. The arbiter holds BREQ# active as long as it is requesting or has possession of the multi-master system bus. CBRQ# 12 I/O (opendrain) COMMON BUS REQUEST# is a Multibus signal that indicates when an arbiter is requesting the Multibus. This pin is an open-drain input/output requiring an external pullup resistor. As an input CBRQ# indicates that another arbiter is requesting the multi-master system bus. The input function of this pin is enabled by the CBQlCK# signal. Setup and hold times forthis pin must be met for proper operation. As an output CBRQ# is asserted to indicate that this arbiter is requesting the Multibus. The arbiter pulls CBRQ# low when it issues a BREQ#. The arbiter release CBRQ# when it obtains the Multibus. 4-120 231095-002 inter 82289 Table 1. 82289 Pin Definition (continued) Symbol Pin(s) Type Name and Function BPRN# 9 I BUS PRIORITY IN# is an active-low input indicating that this arbiter has the highest priority of any arbiter requesting the system bus. BPRN# HIGH signals the arbiter that a higher priority arbiter is requesting or has possession of the system bus. Setup and hold times for this pin must be met for proper operation. BPRO# 8 0 BUS PRIORITY OUT# is an active-low output signal used in the serial priority resolving scheme. BRPO# is connected to BPRN# of the next lower priority to ,grant or revoke priority from that arbiter. BUSY# 11 -I/O (opendrain) BUSY# is a Multibus signal which is asserted when the system bus is in use. BUSY# is an open drain input/outp'ut requiring an external pullup resistor. As an input BUSY# asserted indicates when the Multibus is in use. Setup and hold times must be met for proper operation, As an output BUSY# is asserted to signal when this arbiter has taken control of the Multibus. AEN# 13 0 ADDRESS ENABLE# is the output of the arbiter which goes directly to the processor's address latches, the 82288 Bus Controller and the 82284 Clock Generator. AEN# asserted causes the bus controller and address latches to enable their output drivers. AEN# also drives the clock generator ARDYEN# input to enable its asynchronous ready input (ARDY#). AEN# can also be used as an active-lOW Hold Acknowledge to a bus master other than 80286. It signals to the bus master that control of the system bus has been relinquished when AEN# is inactive (HIGH). llOCK# 14 0 Note that AEN# goes active relative to BClK# and goes inactive relative to ClK. LEVEL LOCK# is an active-low output signal decoded from processor lOCK# signal. llOCK# can be used as Multibus lOCK# when buffered with a tri-state buffer enabled by the AEN# Signal. llOCK# will be cleared by RESET but not by INIT#. Vee 20 I +5 volts supply voltage GND 10 I Ground FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The 82289 Bus Arbiter in conj unction with the 82288 Bus Controller and the 82284 Clock Generator interfaces the 80286 processor or some other bus master to a multi-master system bus. The arbiter multiplexes a processor onto a multi-master system bus. It avoids contention with other bus masters. determine which bus cycles require the system bus and to resolve priorities of simultaneous requests for control of the system bus. 82289 with 80286 In an iAPX 286 system using ar:1 82289 Bus Arbiter, the 80286 processor is unaware of the arbiter's existence and issues cammands as though it had exclusive use of the multi-master system bus such as Multibus'", If the processor cycle requires Multibus access, the arbiter requests control of the Multibus. Until the request is granted the 82289 keeps AEN# disabled to prevent the 82288 Bus Controller and the address latches from accessing the Multibus. AEN# inactive also disasserts the The 82289 has two separate state machines which communicate through bus request and release logic. The processor interface state machine is synchronou~ with the local system clock (ClK) and the multi-master system bus interface state machine is synchronous with the bus clock (BClK#). The 82289 performs all signalling to request, obtain, and release the system bus. External logic is used to 4-121 231095-002 inter 82289 asynchronous ready enable (ARDYEN#) input of the 82284 clock chip so that the system bus will appear a;s "NOT READY" to the 80286 processor. Once the 82289 Bus Arbiter ha acquired the bus, it will assert AEN# allowing the 82288 Bus Controller and the address latches to access the system bus and asserting the ARDYEN# input of the 82284 Clock chip. Typically, once the data transfer command has been issued by the 82288 and the data transfer has taken place, a transfer acknowledge (XACK#) signal is returned to the processor on the multi-master system bus to indicate "Ready" from the accessed slave device. The processor remains in a series of "Wait States" (Repeated Tc states) unitl the addressed device responds with XACK# asserted signal to the 82284 ARDY# input and the 82284 asserts READY# to the processor. The processor then completes its bus cycle. 82289 with other Bus Masters When supporting other bus masters, the SO#/HOlD and READY# pins of the bus arbiter can be connected to the 'Hold' pin of that master. The inverted AEN# signal from the 82289 can be used as the hold acknowledg~ (HlDA) input forthe other bus master. ClK ~ONE SYSTEM _ I ClKCYClE-J PClKY ' ...._ _ _--:1 Figure 3: elK Relationship to Internal Processor Phase, and Bus T-States Bus State Definition The 82289 Bus Arbiter has three processor bus states (see figure 4): Idle (TI ), Status (T s), Command (T d. Each bus state is two ClK cycles long. Bus state phases correspond to the internal CPU processor clock phases. The bus master sends a HOLD signal to the bus arbiter when it needs the system bus for a memory access. If the arbiter currently controls the system bus, AEN# will be active. Otherwise, AEN# will be inactive and the arbiter will request control of the system bus. The bus master will have to wait until the 82289 has asserted AEN# (lOW), before it starts its bus cycle. When the bus master no longer requires the Multibus it will have to inactivate the HOLD signal. The arbiter interprets the Multibus access as a single bus cycle which is terminated by HOLD going inactive (lOW). Thus the arbiter will not release the Multibus to any other bus master during a bus access cycle. Processor Cycle Definition Any iAPX 286 system which gains access to the Multibus through the 82289 Bus Arbiter uses an internal clock which is one half the frequency of the system clock (ClK) (see figure 3). Knowledge ofthe phase of the local bus master internal clock is required for proper 82289 control of the iAPX 286 interface to Multibus. The local bus master informs the bus arbiter of its internal clock p'hase when it asserts the status signals. The 80286 SO# and S1# status signals are always first asserted in phase 1 of the local bus master's internal clock. RE~DY NEW ,CYCLE Figure 4: 82289 Pr~essor, Bus States 231095-002 82289 Bus Cycle Definition The S1# and SO# status inputs are sampled by the 82289 on the falling edge of elK and signal the start of a bus cycle by going active (lOW). The T s bus state is defined to be the two elK cycles during which either S1# or SO# is active (see figure 5). When either S1# or SO# is sampled lOW, the next elK cycle is considered the second phase of the associated processor clock cycle. The arbiter enters the T c bus state after the T s state. The shortest bus cycle may have one T s state and one Testate. longer bus cycles are formed by repeating Tc states. A repeated Tc bus state is called a wait state. The READY# input determines whether the current T c bus state is to be repeated. The READY# input has the same timing and effect for all bus cycles. READY# is sampled at the end of each Tc bus state to see if it is active. If sampled HIGH, the T c bus state is repeated. This is called inserting a wait state. When READY# is sampled lOW, the current bus cycle is terminated. Note that the bus arbiter may enter the T s bus state directly from T c if the status lines are sampled active (l.:OW) at the next falling edge of elK (see Figure 5). If neither of the status lines are sample.d active at that time the 82289 will enter the TI bus state. The TI bus state will be repeated until the status inputs are sampled active. VCH ClK VCl 51.SO VIH - - - " " J FROM cpu Vil !!I!I!ll!11J Figure 5: 80286 Bus Cycle Definition (without wait states) Arbitration Between Bus Masters The Multibus protocol allows multiple processing elements to compete with each other to access common system resources. Since the local 80286 processor does not have exclusive use of the system bus, if the Multibus is "BUSY" the 80286 processor will have to wait before it can access the system bus. The 82289 Bus Arbiter provides an integrated solution for controlling access to a mUlti-master system bus. The bus arbiter allows both higher and lower priority bus masters to acquire the system bus depending on which release mode is used. In general, higher priority masters obtain the bus immediately after any lower priority master completes its present transfer cycle. lower priority bus masters obtain the bus when a higher priority master is not accessing the system bus or the proper surrender conditions exist. The 82289 handles 4-123 this arbitration in a manner completely transparent to the bus master (e.g. 80286 processor). At the end of each transfer, the arbiter may retain or release the system bus. This decision is controlled by the processor state, bus arbitration inputs and arbiter strapping options. (See Releasing The Multibus, ahead). Priority Resolving Techniques Some means of resolving priority between bus masters requesting the multi-master bus simultaneously must be provided. The 82289 Bus Arbiter supports parallel, serial, and rotating system bus priority resolving techniques. All of these techniques are based on the concept that at a given time, one bus master will have priority above all the others. 231095-002 82289 BCLK ________________________- ' o o o o HIGHER PRIORITY BUS ARBITER REQUESTS THE MULTI-MASTER SYSTEM BUS. ATTAINS PRIORITY. (DOES NOT YET OWN BUS) LOWER PRIORITY BUS ARBITER RELEASES BUSY. HIGHER PRIORITY BUS ARBITER THEN ACQUIRES THE BUS AND PULLS iiiJSVLOW. Figure 6: Bus Exchange Timing For The Multibus An individual arbiter is the highest priority arbiter requesting the Multibus when its BPRN# input is asserted (LOW). The highest priority· requesting arbiter cannot immediately seize the system bus. It must wait until the present bus transaction is completed. Upon completing itscurrenttransaction the present bus owner surrenders the bus by releasing BUSY#. The 82289 bus Arbiter does not generate a separate BREQ# for each bus cycle. Instead the 82289 generates BREQ# when it requests the bus and holds BREQ# active during the time that it has possession of the bus. Note that all multi-master system bus requests (via BREQ#) are synchronized to the system bus clock (BCLK#). Parallel Priority Resolving Technique BUSY# is an active-low 'Wired-OR' Multibus signal which goes to every bus arbiter on the system bus. When BUSY# goes inactive, the arbiter which has requested the system bus, and presently has bus priority (BPRN# LOW), seizes the bus by pullIng BUSY# LOW (See waveform in Figure 6). The generation of a multi-master bus request (BREQ#) is controlled by the type of bus cycle and the SYSB/RESB# input. Whenever the processor signals the status for memory read, memory write, 1(0 read, I/O write or interrupt acknowledge cycle, and SYSB/RESB# is HIGH at the end of T s, a bus request is generated. When the status inputs indicate'an interrupt acknowledge bus cycle, tne arbiter allows external logic to decide (through the SYSB/RESB# input) whether the interrupt acknowledge cycle should use the Multibus. The parallel priority resolving technique requires a. separate bus request line (BREQ#) for each arbiter on the multi-master system bus (see Figure 8). Each BREQ# line enters a priority encoder which generates the binary address of the highest priority BREQ# line currently active. The binary address is decoded to select the BPRN# line corresponding to the highest priority arbiter requesting the bus. In a parallel schem'e, the BPRO# output is not used. The arbiter receiving priority (BPRN# LOW) then allows its associated bus master onto the multimaster system bus as soon as the bus becomes available (i.e., the bus is no longer busy). Any number of bus masters may be acomodated in this way, limited only by the complexity of the external priority resolving circuitry. SU,ch circuitry must resolve the priority within one BCLK# period. Serial Priority Resolving Technique Figure 7 shows how SYSB/RESB# is repeatedly sampled until it is sampled HIGH or the bus cycle is terminated. If the bus cycle is completed (READY# is sampled LOW) before SYSB/RESB# is sampled HIGH, the arbiter will not request the Multibus. The serial priority resolving technique eliminates the need for the priority circuitry of the parallel technique by daisy-chaining the bus arbiters together, that is, connecting the higher priority 4-124 231095-002 82289 arbiter's BPRO# output to the BPRN# of the next lower priority arbiter (see Figure 9). The highest priority bus arbiter would have its BPRN# tied LOW in this configuration, signifying to the arbiter that it always has the highest priority when requesting the system bus. In a serial scheme, the BREQ# output is not used. together in the senal priority is limited by arbiter BPRN# to BPRO# propagation delay (18 ns). For a 10 MHz Multibus BCLK#, five 82289 Bus Arbiters may be connected together in senal configuration. Since arbitration must be resolved within one BCLK# period the number of arbiters connected BPRN# to BPRO# delay Ts Maximum number of chained-priority devices BCLK# period Tc Tc = TC ClK [ SO#/HOlDoS1# [ Figure 7: Bus Request Timing During an Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle +vcc 1 4 74148 PRIORITY ENCODER 74138 ~ 3T08 DECODER 4 Figure 8: Parallel Priority Resolving Technique 4-125 231095-002 82289 )~ +Vcc : BUSY Figure 9: Connections for Serial Priority Resolving Technique BPRN#[ ~~~.f-'----""f~f-'_ _ _ _ _ __ BPRO#[ ~~~'~_-f/F. BREQ# [ - - - _ _ J / . f - '- - - - _ / . f - ' \>-_ _ _ __ -DT-'Jr------ -----,r·;.--J+-\-\\. . F_. _ _ _ _ l THE LOCAL 80286 REQUESTS THE MULTIBUS J~ ~ THE LOCAL 80286 NO LONGER NEEDS THE MULTIBU Note: Events A through F described above. Figure 10: Serial Priority Bus Behavior When using the serial priority resolving scheme, a higher priority arbiter (for example, arbiter 2, Figure 9) passes priority to the next lower priority arbiter (arbiter 3) by asserting its BPRO# signal (LOW). This asserts BPRN# of next arbiter (arbiter 3) as shown in Figure 10-a & 1(}'b. An arbiter's BPRO# is asserted if the arbiter has priority (BPRN# is asserted) but is not accessing or requesting the system bus (as indicated by BREQ# inactive as shown in Figure 10-c and 10-e for arbiter 3). Whenever a higher priority arbiter (arbiter 3) issues a bus request its BPRO# goes inactive causing the next lower priority arbiter (arbiter 4) to lose its bus priority (Figure 10-f). Any arbiter (arbiter 3) will also bring its BPRO# inactive if its BPRN# goes inactive (from arbiter 2), thereby passing the loss of bus priority on to tre lower priority arbiters (e.g. arbiter 4) as shown in Figure 10-d. Rotating Priority Resolving Technique The rotating priority resolving technique is similar to the parallel priority resolving technique except that priority is dynamically re-assigned. The priority encoder is replaced by a more complex circuit which rotates priority between requesting arbiters, thus allowing each arbiter an equal chance to use the multi-master system bus over a given period of time. I ( 4-126 231095-002 82289 Selecting the Appropriate Priority Resolving Technique The choice of a priority resolving technique involves a tradeoff between external logic complexity and ease of Multibus access for the different bus masters in the system. The rotating priority resolving technique requires a substantial amount of external logic, but guarantees all the bus masters an equal opportunity to access the system bus. The serial priority resolving technique uses no external logic but has fixed bus master priority levels and can accommodate only a limited number of bus arbiters. The parallel priority resolving technique is in general a compromise between the other two techniques. (For example parallel priority configuration in Fig. 8 allows up to eight arbiters to be present on the Multibus, with fixed priority levels, while not requiring a large amount of complex external logic to implement.) Releasing the Multibus Following a data transfer cycle on the Multibus, the 82289 Bus Arbiter can either retain control of the system bus or release the bus for use by some other bus master. The 82289 can operate in one of three modes, defining different conditions under which the arbiter relinquishes control of the multi-master system bus. These release modes are described in Table 2. Release Mode Conditions under which the Bus Arbiter releases the system bus (unless cycles are LOCKed) the arbiter is forced off of the bus by the loss of BPRN# (Mode 2 or 3), or by a common bus request when the CBRQ# input is enabled by the CBQLCK# input (Mode 2). CBRQ# can save the bus exchange overhead in many cases. If CBRQ# is high, it indicates to the bus master that no other master is requesting the bus and therefore the present bus master can retain the bus. Without CBRQ#, only BPRN# indicates whether or not another master IS requesting the bus and, that only if the other master is of higher priority. Between the master's bus transfer cycles, in order to allow lower priority masters to take the bus if they need it, the master must give up the bus. At the start of the master's next transfer cycle, the bus must be regained. If no other master has the bus, this can take approximately two BCLK# periods. To avoid this overhead of unnecessarily giving up and regaining the bus when no other masters need it, CBRQ# is extremely useful. Any master that wants but does not have the bus, must assert CBRQ# (LOW). If CBRQ# line is not asserted the bus does not haveto be released, thereby eliminating the delay of regaining the bus at the start of the next cycle. The LOQK# input to the arbiter can be used to override any of the conditions shown in Table 2. While LOCK# is asserted, the arbiter will not surrender control of the Multibus to any other requesting arbiter. Note that the arbiter will surrender the Multibus (synchronous to BCLK#) either in response to RESET or INIT# signals independent of the current release mode or the state of the arbiter inputs. Mode 1 The Bus Arbiter always releases the bus at the end of each transfer cycle The three bus release modes have the same operation when supporting either the 80286 processor or some other bus master. Mode 2 The Bus Arbiter retains the bus until: Selecting the Appropriate Release Mode • a higher-priority bus master requests the bus, driving BPRN# HIGH The choice of which release mode to use may affect the bus utilization of the individual subsystems, and the system as a whole. Mode dependent performance variations are due to the bus acquisition/ release overhead. The effect of these acquire and release times on system bus efficiency is illustrated in Figure 11. • a lower-priority bus master requests the bus by pulling CBRQ# LOW Mode 3 The Bus Arbiter retains the bus until: • a higher-priority bus master requests the bus, driving BPRN# HIGH. (CBRQ# LOW ignored) Table 2: 82289 Release Modes If the arbiter was programmed to operate in the Always Release mode (Mode 1) during the previous reset, it will surrender the Multibus after each complete transfer cycle. If the arbiter is not in the Always Release mode, it will not surrender the bus until the local 80286 processor enters a halt state, An isolated transfer on the multi-master system bus is depicted in Figure 11-a. Figure 11-b shows utilization for the bus arbiter operating in Mode 1. The arbiter must request and release the system bus for each transfer cycle. Lower priority arbiters have easy access to the system bus, but overall bus efficiency is low. Bus utilization for a bus arbiter operating in Mode 2 or 3 is shown in Figure 11-c. In this situation the arbiter acquires the bus once for a sequence of transfers. The arbiter retains the bus until forced off by another bus master's request as defined in Table 2 4-127 231095-002 inter 82289 A, B, C, Figure 11: Effects of Bus Contention on Bus Efficiency The three release modes of the 82289 allow the designer to optimize the system use of the Multibus, Configuring the 82289 Release Mode The 82289 Bus Arbiter can be configured in any of its three bus release modes without additional hardware, the 82289 can also be configured to switch between Mode 2 and Mode 3 under software control of the 80286 processor, requiring that a parallel port or addressable latch be used to drive the ALWAYS#/CBQLCK# input pin of the 82289 (see Figure 12), 822889 822889 RESET ---tRESET RESET----IRESET vcc _____ ~/~ MODE 2 MODEl 822889 822889 RESET-_-----I RESET $ MODE3 DATA PARALLEL 1/0 OR ADDRESSABLE LATCH D C ' " - -......C.t----MULTIBUS BCLK ENABLE SELECTABLE BETWEEN MODES 2 AND 3 * WHEN HIGH THE 82289 IS IN MODE 2; WHEN LOW THE 82289 IS IN MODE 3, Figure 12: 82289 Release Mode Configurations 4-128 231095-002 82289 Asserting the LOCK# Signal Independent of the particular release mode of the 82289 Bus Arbiter, the 80286 processor can assert a lOCK# signal synchronously to ClK to prevent the arbiter from releasing the Multibus. This softwarecontrolled lOCK# signal prevents the 82289 from surrendering the system bus to any other bus master, whether that bus master is of higher or lower priority. The lOCK# signal is typically used for implementing software semaphores for shared resources or for' critical processes that must run in real-time. The 82289 llOCK# output is the Multibus signal asserted during all bus cycles which are locked together. The llOCK# is set or reset depending on processor lOCK# at the end of the Ts cycle. The llOCK# will delay going inactive until the termination of the current transfer cycle. The 82289 will continue to assert the llOCK# signal, retaining. control ofthe Multibus, until the end of the first 'unlOCKed' 80286 bus cycle (80286 disables its lOCK# output on the last bus cycle indicating that no future locked cycles are needed). While the lOCK# signal will force the arbiter presently in control to hold the system bus, it cannot force another arbiter to surrender the bus any earlier than it normally would. The llOCK# signal from the 82289 must be con- nected to a tri-state buffer in orderto drive the Multibus lOCK# signal. This tri-state buffer should be enabled by the AEN# signal from the arbiter going active. 82289 Reset and Initialization The 82289 Bus Arbiter provides the RESET and INIT# pins for initialization. RESET is a ClK synchronous signal from the 80286 processor and INIT# is an asynchronous signal on the multimaster system bus. By having RESET pin high or INIT# pin low, the BREQ#, BUSY#, and AEN# output pins will all be cleared and become inactive. RESET will also clear the llOCK# signal. Unlike RESET, INIT# will not clear any pending bus request; the bus request would be asserted after the INIT# signal goes inactive. ~ I Note that when the 82289 is initialized by the RESET input it does not wait until the end of the current bus cycle to reset. Any bus cycle in process when RESET goes active will be aborted by the arbiter. Although the INIT# signal will also interrupt an active bus cycle, the arbiter can request the Multibus and complete the bus cycle when INIT# goes inactive. As mentioned in the Table 1 Pin Description and Figure 12, the functions of the SO#/HOlD pin and the release mode (AlWAYS#/CBQlCK# pin) are programmed at the falling edge of RESET 4-129 231095-002 82289 Ycc Ycc XACKI "'0 DECODE RELEASE MODE "'0 .'" SYS8IAESB am RESET INIT BREO Al.WAYS/ CIOLeK ., ~ 1 . - ADDRESS SO/HOLD LOcK Am MIlO RESET INITIf . ....... imi iiiiIV eBRO CLK ocue. ..... CBRCH ;- .... uaakLOCK BU8ARBlTER 1BUS ARBITRATION ~itttF1~~~~i~"MDAY . Ycc CENJAE~B IOi!ii -"., iiWI'C iliiiC I/lWE 10kn ., ., SO PCLK eLX eLK EA ALE Mct! DEN READY READY AiiDv 82214 2OKO ..'" RESET ARDYEN GE~'f~~R : ! ! I ! II!iDv 4+ 1r I"'i-.;." ~MI ~ L;>2::===~!~:-~-::-;--:-:-:-~-;::-:--:--:-j-i-H~'~':' ~ II 'I t- MilO HOLD COOlINTA I .... ""'! I --++t+t-{.I\..I.-.:..~ H-' ! iii:i'W ~~ INTA: PlACK p.. STB =III ADDRESS BUS Au-Aotl:=::!:!:::::~:::;;~~:>~ Jf~ tt' _ L-------------t+..~ ...."t--i---..--.LH+ ! ! ! I rt------,-tt1. !I::::: I ...-_..... A, - 1111. umR - elK I , _____________ ..1 : I I- r- l- CMDLY SRDY SRDY!!N , ~t~=tS=~~l--'NTERRUPTACKNowL£Dal!' UDS BUS CONTROLLER we Vee MEMORY WRITI' liD READ' AD. 110 WRiTe' = I tNT "Iea f.- CHIP SELECT iNTi ~ iT I~~=====t: SP EN ! : ! ! ! : I i r-- J : I °0.°,5 :* [ --.. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! f-;:. J i ~ Do·~ r_iiJ_l_i_l..i_!_J_l_~'________ ____ J ! PRO'=SOR -----I . _ -;-f : PEREO : CAP ==" I2I8A : L_~ rJ'::I~= ____ ~__ ~ _____ ~ _____J ~- ..-...... r- ~ I = <:::::> - DATA.US Schematic 1: TypicallAPX 286 Subsystem MULTIBUS Interface 4-130 231095-002 82289 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· "Notice: Stresses above those listed under ':4bsolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Ambient Temperature Under Bias .................•... O°C to 70°C Storage Temperature .......... -65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pin With Respect to GND ., ............... -0.5V to +7V Power Dissipation ...................... 1 Watt Electrical Characteristics and Waveforms D.C. Characteristics (TA = 0° to 70°C, Vee = 5V ± 5%) Preliminary Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units -0.5 .8 V Test Conditions VIL Input low Voltage VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee + 0.5 V VILe ClK Input low Voltage -0.5 .6 V VIHe ClK Input High Voltage 3.8 Vee + 1.0 V VOL Output low Voltage: BUSY#, CBRQ# BPRO#,BREQ#,AEN# llOCK# .45 .45 .45 V V V VOH Output High Voltage IlA mA 0.45V:O;; VIN :0;; Vee OV:5; VIN < 0.45V 0.45V:O;; VOUT:O;; Vee 2.4 V III Input leakage Current ±10 ±1 ILO Output leakage Current ±10 IlA 120 mA Icc Power Supply Current CeLK ClK, BClK# Input Capacitance 12 pF CIN Input Capacitance 10 pF Co Input/Output Capacitance 20 pF 4-131 IOL =32mA IOL = 16mA IOL =5mA IOH =400llA =1 MHz =1 MHz Fe =1 MHz Fe Fe 231095-002 82289 ,(,TA =DOC to 70°C, Vee =5V ± 5%) ACtimings are referenced to 0 8V and 2,OV points of signals as Illustrated in datasheet waveforms, unless otherwise noted, A.C. Characteristics Sym Parameter Preliminary 6MHz Preliminary 8MHz Min. Max. Min. Max. Unit 83 t5+ 50 62 t5+ 50 ns Test Conditions Shown in Figure at 1,0 V 13 1 ClK Cycle Period 2 ClK low Time 20 225 15 230 ns 3 ClK High Time 25 230 20 235 ns at 36 V 13 4 CLiS Rise/Fail Time 10 hS 10 to 3 6 V 13 5 BClK# Cycle Time 100 00 ns 13 6 BClK# High/low Time 30 30 ns 13 10 100 oc 13 7 SO#/HOlD, S1#, M/IO# Setup 28 22 ns 13 8 SO#/HOLD, S1#, M/IO# Hold 1 1 ns 13 9 READY# Setup 50 38 ns 13 10 READY# Hold Time 35 25 ns 13 11 LOCK#, SYSB/RESB# Setup Time 28 20 ns 13, 18 12 LOCK#, SYSB/RESB# Hold Time 1 1 ns 13, 18 13 RESET Setup Time 28 20 ns 19 14 RESET Hold Time 1 1 ns 19 15 RESET ACTIVE Pulse Width 16 16 CLKs 16 INIT# Setup Time 45 45 ns Note 9 20 Note 9 20 17 j-----. INIT# Hold Time . , 19 1 1 flS 3(t1) +3(t14) 3(t1) +3(t14) ns 20 20 ns 13, 15, 21 1 1 ns 13,15,21 -~--~~-.--.,--- 18 INIT# Active Pulse Width 19 BUSY#, BPRN#, CBRQ#, CBQLCK#/AlWAYS# Setup to BCLK# (or to RESET) 20 BUSY#, BPRN#, CBRQ#, CBQLCK#/ALWAYS# Hold to BClK# (or to RESET) , 20 21 BCLK# to BREQ# Delay 30 30 ns Note 1 22 BCLK# to BPRO# Delay 35 35 ns Note 2 17 23 BPRN# to BPRO# Delay 25 25 ns Note 2 17 24 BClK# to BUSY# Active Delay 25 BCLK# to BUSY# Float Delay 26 27 13, 14 60 ns Note 3 13 35 35 ns Note 4 13, 14 BCLK# to CBRQ# Active Delay 55 55 'ns Note 5 13 BCLK# to CBRQ# Float Delay 35 35 ns Note 4 13, 20 1 60 1 28 BCLK to AEN# Active Delay 1 25 1 25 ns Note 6 13 29 ClK to AEN# Inactive Delay 3 25 3 25 ns Note 6 13, 14 30 CLK to LLOCK# Delay 20 20 ns Note 7 18 31 RESET to LLOCK# Delay 35 35 ns Note 7 19 32 ClKto BClK# Setup Time ns Note 8 13, 16,20 NOTES: NOTE 1. NOTE 2 NOTE 3 NOTE 4 NOTE 5 NOTE 6 NOTE? NOTES NOTE 9 38 38 BREQ# load C L = 60pF BPRO# load CL = 60pF BUSY# load CL = 300pF Float condition occurs when output current IS less that 1LO In magnitude CBRQ# load C L = 300pF AEN# load CL = 150pF llOCK# load CL = 60pF In actual use, ClK and BClK# are usually asynchronous to each other However, for component tesllng purposes, this specification IS reqUIred to assure signal recognition at specific ClK and BClK# edges INIT# IS asynchronous to ClK and to BCLK# However for component tesllng purposes, this specification IS required to assure signal recognition at specific elK and BCLK# edges 4-132 231095-002 inter 82289 4.0V (2.4V) CLKINPUT (BCLK # INPUT) NOTE 10: AC Drive and Measurement Points - ClK Input (BClK# Input) 4.0V (2.4V) CLKINPUT (BCLK# INPUT) -+_'-_____..J O.4SV - - - - -_ _ _ (O.4SV) 2.4V OTHER DEVICE INPUT tDELAY -----I 2.0V DEVICE OUTPUT O.SV NOTE 11: AC Setup, Hold and Delay Time Measurement - General DEVICE OUTPUT NOTE 12: AC Test loading on Outputs 4-133 231095-002 inter 82289 Wavefonns clock period in which an input synchronous to one clock will cause a response synchronous to the other clock depends on the relative phase and frequency of ClK and BClK# at the time the inputis sensed. . The waveforms (Figure 13-21) show the timing relationships of the inputs and the outputs and do not show all possible transitions of all signals in all modes. Instead, all signal timing relationships are shown via the general cases. Special cases are shown when needed. One strict relation between ClK and BClK# must be maintained for proper Multibus arbitration. If the ClK period is too long relative to BClK# period (t1 greater than t5 + SOns), another arbiter could gain control of the system bus before this arbiter has released AEN# synchronous to its ClK. This situation arises since the release of AEN# is synch ronous to the next falling ClK edge after the processor cycle ends but the release of BREQ# and BUSY# is synchronous to the next falling BClK# edge after the processor cycle ends. In practice, any ClK frequency greater than 6.66MHz (ie. 80286 processor speeds greater than 3.33MHz) will avoid conflict with a 10MHz BClK#. Therefore all 80286 speed selections are Multibus compatible. To find the timing specification for a signal transition in a particular mode, first look for a special case in the waveforms. If no special case applies, then use a timing specification for the same or related function in another mode. The 82289 Bus Arbiter serves as an interface between the iAPX 286 subsystem which operates synchronous to the ClK signal and Multibus which operates synchronous to BClK# signal. ClK and BClK# generally operate asynchronously to each other and at different frequencies. Thus, the exact Ts <1>1 ClK [ SO#/HOloeS1# [ M/IO# [ REAOY# [ lOCK#, SYSB/RESB# [ BClK# [ BREQ# [ BPRN# [ BUSY# [ CBRQ# [ AEN# [ Tc Tc <1>2 <1>1 <1>2 <1>1 Tc <1>2 <1>1 <1>2 <1>1. <1>2 <1>1 'ONlY FOR 82289 TEST PURPOSES Figure 13: Multibus Acquisition and Always-Release Operation 4-134 231095-002 inter 82289 TS TC Tc Ts TC CLK [ SO#/I:tOLDeS1# [ M/IO# [7Zl2)C===:t~?Zl2?ZZZrzz~W7Zl2?Z22?Zl2Cll2~x:::=~=:::t:J(~~7Zl27Zl2tzl2?Zl2~ READY# [ZZZ;m7Zl2?lZ.1?lZ.1~cz?z?ZZ2i7Zl27T-I~~~_-4-....J.qzz~m~7Zl2?Z22?Zl2'1lJ"-I"""\'iZ:; SYSB/~~~~:' [?Zl2?Zl2?ZZZwrl.....,~?Zl2~~WW7Zl2?Z22?Z22C4?2?Zl2?ZZZ~7Zl2~?Z22?Z22?Z22?Zl2:zz~W~ BCLK# [ BPRN# [~?Zl2?Zl2?Zl2:zz:zz~~-~~?Z22?Z22?Z22?Zl2?Zl2:zz:zzW~?Z22?Z22?Z22?Zl2?Zl2:zzWW7Zl2~ BUSY# [-------------------1-+-' BREQ# [-------------------1-+-' AEN# [ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ·ONLY FOR 82289 TEST PURPOSES Figure 14: Multibus Release due to BPRN# Inactive 4-135 231095-002 82289 T5 <1>1 CLK [ SO#/HOLoeS1# [ M/IO# [ REAOY# [ LOCK#, SYSB/RESB# [ BCLK# [ BPRN# [ CBRO# [ CRQLCK# [ BREQ# [ BUSY# [ AEN# [ TC <1>2 <1>1 Tc <1>2 <1>1 T5 <1>2 <1>1 Tc <1>2 <1>1 'ONLY FOR 82289 TEST PURPOSES Figure 15: Multibus Release due to CBRQ# Active 4-136 231095-002 inter 82289 T8 4>1 Tc 4>2 TC Tc 4>1 4>2 4>1 4>2 4>1 4>2 4>1 4>2 ClK [ SO#/HOlDeS1# [ BClK# [ BREQ# [ ·ONlY FOR 82289 TEST PURPOSES Figure 16: Multibus Acquisition During 80286 INTA Cycles 'f ,r/ BREQ# [ THE lOCAL 80286 REQUESTS THE MUlTIBUS THE lOCAL 80286 NO LONGER NEEDS THE MUlTIBUS Figure 17: BPRN# to BPRO# Timing Relationship 4-137 231095-002 inter 82289 TS 4>1 TS TC 4>2 4>1 4>2 4>1 Tc 4>2 4>1 4>2 4>1 4>2 CLK [ lLOCK# [ (FROM 82289) Figure 18: 80286 LOCK# and 82289 LLOCK# Relationship Tx ClK .c RESET [ AEN# [ BCLK# [ BUSY# [ BREQ# [ 4>2 4>1 <1>2 4>1 4>2 <1>1 <1>2 4>1 CBRQI! [ lLOCKII [ ·FOR 82289.TEST PURPOSES ONLY Figure 19: RESET Active Pulse 4-138 231095-002 82289 ClK [ INIT# [ AEN# [ZZZZZZZZZZZZ~~~~~~~r--------------------t--------- BClK# [ BUSY# [ZZ~~~~~~~ZZZZZZZZ~~r---------------------------- BREQ# [ZZ~~~ZZ~ZZZZ~~~~~~r---------------------------- CBRO# [ llOCK# [ ~ WliI///II//$)/;///)//J///II/I///II////Ii//I@ ZI!I////)IiII//)//(I//I//)IiI/(@/jllOCK# IS UNAFFECTED BY INIT#7I/I/I///;//)//;IIiII)IiI/IJ;jJjjffi "FOR 82289 TEST PURPOSES ONLY Figure 20: Figure 21: INIT# Active Pulse Programming the Always-Release/Common-Bus-Request-Release Option 4-139 231095-002 inter DOMESTIC SALES OFFICES ALABAMA FLORIDA (Conl'd) Intel Corp 50t5 Bradford Drive SUite 2 Huntsville 35805 Intel Corp 11300 4th Street South SUite 170 St Petersburg 33702 Tel (813) 577-2413 Tel (205) 830·4010 ARIZONA GEORGIA Intel Corp 11225 N 28th Dnve SUite 2140 PhoeniX 85029 Tel (602) 869-4980 Intel Corp 3280 POinte Parkway SUite 200 Norcross 30092 Tel (404} 449_0541 Intel Corp 1161 N EI Dorado Place SUite 301 Tucson 85715 Tel (602) 299-6815 CALIFORNIA Intel Corp 21515 Vanowen Street SUite 116 Canoga Park 91303 Tel (StS) 704-8500 Intel Corp 2250 E Impenal Highway SUite 218 EI Segundo 90245 Tel (213) 640·6040 Intel Corp 1010 Hurley Way SUite 300 Sacramento 95825 Tel (9t6) 929.4078 Intel 4350 SUite San Corp Executive Dnve 150 Diego 92111 (619) 452-5880 Intel Corp· 2000 East 4th Street SUite 100 Santa Ana 92705 Tel (714) 835-9642 TWX 910-595-1114 Intel Corp· 1350 Shorebird Way Mt View 94043 Tel (415) 96S-S0an TWX 910-339-9279 910-338-0255 COLORADO Intel Corp 4445 Northpark Drive SUite 100 Colorado Sprmgs 80907 Tel (303) 594-6622 Intel Corp· 650 S Cherry Street SUite 720 Denver 80222 Tel (303) 321-8086 TWX 910-931-2289 CONNECTICUT Intel Corp 26 Mill Plain Road Danbury 06810 Tel (203) 748-3130 TWX 710-456-1199 EMC Corp 222 Summer Street Stamford 06901 Tel (203) 327-2934 FLORIDA Intel Corp 242 N Westmonte Drive SUite 105 Altamonte Springs 32714 Tel (305) 869·5588 \~66 CS~ 62nd Street SUite 104 Ft Lauderdale 33309 Tel (305) 771-0600 TWX 510-956-9407 NEW JERSEY PENNSYLVANIA (Cont'd) ~!~~ta~o~a:a QED ElectroniCS 139 Terwood Road Willow Grove 19090 Tel (215) 657-5600 III Raritan Center EdISon 08837 Tel (201) 225~3000 TWX 710-480-6238 TEXAS Intel Corp· 12300 Ford Road SUite 380 Dallas 75234 Tel (214) 241-8087 TWX 910·860-5617 NEW MEXICO Intel Corp 8500 Menual Boulevard N E SUite B 295 ~~~ut~~~ue29~~~b~6 ILUNOIS NEW YORK Inlel Corp" 2550 Gulf Road SUite 815 Rotling Meadows 60008 Intel Corp· 300 Vanderbilt Motor Parkway ~:luPF~6~e 21~:ggoo ~X (3~f6_6~~~5~~~0 TWX Intel Corp 8777 Purdue Road SUite 125 indianapolis 46268 Tel (317) 875-0623 IOWA Intel Corp ~J30An~te~~d~e~~m8rlve Industrial Digital Systems Corp 5925 Sovereign SUIte 101 Houston 77036 Tel (713)988-9421 510-227-6236 Intel Corp SUite 2B Hollowbrook Park 15 Myers Comers Road Wappmger Falls 12590 Tel (914) 297-6161 'TWX 510-248-0060 INOLANA NE Cedar Rapids 52402 Tel (319) 393-5510 KANSAS Inlel Corp 8400 W 110th Sireet SUite 170 Overland Park 66210 Tel (913) 642-8080 LOUISIANA Industrial Digital Systems Corp Tel (504) 899-1654 MARYLAND Intel Corp· 7321 Parkway Drive South SUite C Hanover 21076 Tel (301) 796-7500 TWX 710-862-1944 Intel Corp 7833 Walker Drive Greenbelt 20770 Tel (301) 441-1020 MASSACHUSEn5 Intel Corp· 27 Industnal Avenue Chelmsford 01824 Tel (617) 256-1800 TWX 710-343-6333 MICHIGAN Intel Corp 7071 Orchard Lake Road SUite 100 West Bloomfield 48033 Tel (313) 851-8096 MINNESOTA Intel Corp 3500 W 80th Street SUite 360 Bloommgton 55431 Tel (612) 835-6722 TWX 910-576-2867 MISSOURI Intel Corp 4203 Earth City Expressway SUite 131 Earth City 63045 Tel (314) 291·1990 ~lt~1 ~oAnderson Lane SUIte 314 Austm 78752 Tel (512) 454-3628 Intel Corp· 211 White Spruce Boulevard Rochester 14623 Tel {l16} 424-1050 'TWX 510-253-7391 UTAH Intel Corp 5201 Green Street SUIte 290 ~4~~U~~3rngs Road Syracuse 13206 Tel (315) 463-8592 TWX 710-541-0554 ~31~ua~tt~ford_Vlctor Intel Corp" 7322 SW Freeway SUIte 1490 Houston 77074 Tel (713) 988·8086 n,JX 910-881-2490 ~:11t ~~~i ~6~.8~~~23 VIRGINIA Road Intel Corp 1603 Santa Rosa Road SUIte 109 Richmond 23288 Tel (804) 282-5668 Victor 14564 Tel (716) 924-9101 TWX 510-254-8542 NORTH CAROLINA WASHINGTON Intel Corp 2700 Wyclrfl Road SUite 102 Raleigh 27607 Tel (919) 781-8022 OHIO Inlel Corp 110 110th Avenue N E SUIte 510 Bellevue 98004 Tel (206) 453·8086 TWX 910-443-3002 Intel Corp" 6500 Poe Avenue Dayton 45414 Tel (513) 890-5350 TWX 810-450-2528 Intel Corp 408 N Mullan Road SUite 102 Spokane 99206 Tel (509) 928-8086 Intel Corp· ~fi~~:~~:~~~~2d2B~~~~var~0 ~X (2~~6_4~~~9~~~6 OKLAHOMA Intel Corp 4157 S Harvard Avenue SUite 123 Tulsa 74135 Tel (918) 749·8688 OREGON Intel Corp 10700 S W Beaverton Hillsdale Highway SUite 22 Beaverton 97005 Tel (503) 641-8086 TWX 910-467-8741 PENNSYLVANIA Inlel 455 Fort Tel TWX Corp" Pennsylvania Avenue Washington 19034 (215) 641-1000 510·661-2077 Intel Corp· 400 Penn Center Boulevard SUite 610 Pittsburgh 15235 Tel (412) 823-4970 WISCONSIN 300 Intel Corp 450 N Sunnyslope Road SUite 130 Chancellory Park I Brookfield 53005 Tel (414) 784-8087 CANADA ONTARIO Intel Semiconductor of Canada, Ltd SUite 202, Bell Mews 39 Highway 7 Nepean K2H 8R2 Tel (613) 829·9714 TELEX 053-4115 Inlel Semiconductor of Canada, Ltd 190 Attwell Drive SUite SOD Rexdale M9W 6H8 Tel (416) 675-2105 TELEX 06983574 QUEBEC Intel Semiconductor of Canada, Ltd 3860 Cote Vertu Rd SUIte 210 St Laurent H4R lV4 Tel (514) 334-0560 TELEX 05-824172 "Field Appllca\lon Location DOMESTIC DISTRIBUTORS AI,.ABAMA CALIFORNIA (Cont'd) FLORIDA (Cont'd) MASSACHUSEnB tArrow Electronics, Inc 3611 Memonal Parkway So HuntSVille 35801 Tel (205) 882"2730 Klerulff ElectrOnics, Inc 14101 Franklin Avenue Tustin 92680 Tel (714) 731-5711 TWX 910-595-2599 Hamllton/Avnel ElectrOniCS tArrow Electronics, Inc 1 Arrow Drive Woburn 01801 Tel {617} 933-8130 1WX 710-393-6770 tHamllton/Avnet Electronics 4940 Research Drive HuntSVille 35805 Tel (205) 83n21O TWX 810-726-2162 tPloneer ElectrOniCS 1207 Pulnam Drive N W HuntSVille 35805 Tel (205) 837·9300 TWX 810·726-2197 ARIZONA tHamllton/Avnet ElectrOnics 505 S Madison Drive Tempe 85281 ~X (6~1~_9~~~o~'ijl ~W~e NDISJ~~~tI1~e~~~up PhoeniX 85021 Tel (602) 249-2232 TWX 910-951·4282 CAUFORNIA tArrow ElectrOniCS, Inc 521 Weddell Drive SunnYVale 94086 Tel (408) 745-6600 TWX 910-339-9371 tArrow ElectroniCS, Inc 19748 Dearborn Street Chatsworth 91311 ~ (2J~L~~~Jg~g Arrow ElectroniCS, Inc 2961 Dow Avenue Tustrn 92680 Tel, (714) 838-5422 TWX 910·595·2860 tAvnet ElectroniCs 350 McCormick Avenue Costa Mesa 92626 Tel (714) 754-6051 TWX 910-595-1928 Hamltton/Avnet Etectronlcs I175 Bordeaux Dnve Sunnyvale 94086 Tel (408) 743-3300 TWX 910-339-9332 tHamllton/Avnet Electronics 4545 Vlewndge Avenue San Diego 92123 Tel (619) 571-7500 TWX 910-595-2638 tHamllton/Avnet ElectroniCS 20501 Plummer Street Chatsworth 91311 Tel (213) 700-6271 TWX 910·494-2207 tHamliton/Avnet Electronics 4103 Northgate Boulevard Sacramento 95834 Tel (916) 920-3150 Hamllton/Avnet Electronics 3002 G Street Ontano 91311 Tel (714) 989-9411 Hamllton/ Avnet ElectrOniCs 19515 So Vermont Avenue Torrance 90502 Tel (213) 615-3913 TWX 910-349-6263 tHamllton Electro Sales bOu1~~r ~Ityw~g~~3'0n Boulevard t~x (2J~6_3~~~6~~~8 tHamllton Electro Sales 3170 Pullman Street Costa Mesa 92626 Tel (714) 641-4150 TWX 910·595-2638 Hamilton Electro Sales 9650 De Soto Avenue Chatsworth 91311 Tel (818) 700-6500 Klerullf ElectroniCS, Inc 1180 Murphy Avenue San Jose 95131 Tel (408) 947-3471 TWX 910-379-6430 Klerulff ElectroniCs, Inc 5650 Jltlson Avenue Commerce 90040 Tel (213) 725·0325 TWX 910-580-3106 tWyle Dlstnbutlon Group 124 Maryland Street EI Segundo 90245 Tel (213) 322-8100 TWX 910-348-7140 or 7111 tWyle 'Distribution Group 17872 Cowan Avenue Irvine 92714 Tel (714) 843-9953 TWX 910-595-1572 tWyle Distribution Group 11151 Sun Center Dnve Rancho Cordova 95670 Tel (916) 638-5282 tWyle Dlstnbutlon Group 9525 Chesapeake Dnve San Diego 92123 ' Tel (619) 565-9171 TWX 910-335-1590 tWyle Dlstnbutlon Group 3000 Bowers Avenue Santa 3OOO ~r::a ~ MeadowvIew Greenball 20770 ~V_ =...,CorJ:... _eo.... " ~ IIMYLAIID In11II Corp 5th FJooi ProducI $8N1ce 7833 Walker Drive TBI (503) SSI·aoao ~.'lM832 Tel (913) 642-8080 Overland Park 66210 ~ c:G Sarn Young Parkway HtlIIboto 97123 In18I Corp 385 Sylvan Awnle Bulle 170 '''''' Corp 27 Indu ....18.1 Aver."e Sultll 104 --_, CAIIOUNA Road Suite 206 Greensboro 27407 Tel (919) 294-1541 ,OHIO ~~InlrdBldg SUl1e 305 ~-z'r22BouleYard ~(2:~~= ........ ~,:rJ:o.5360 ,.... Corp __ _ Intel Corp 110 1101h Avenue N E SuIte 510 - """""" 98004 Tel 1-800-525-5580 TWX 91().443-3002 ~r;' ~,Iope _'30 BrookfIeld 53005 Tel (4t4) 784-8067 Road
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