1985_Siemens_Industrial_IC_Data_Book 1985 Siemens Industrial IC Data Book
User Manual: 1985_Siemens_Industrial_IC_Data_Book
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-m SIEMENS ~ m Z tit :::J c.. c ...Cir !!L IlidustriallC Data Book 1985 Microprocessors _ Microcontrollers _ Peripherals _ Support Memory _ Telecom _ Data Converters _ SM PS Controllers Table of Contents General Information Summary of Types Microcontroller and Microprocessor Components Peripheral and Support Components Memory Components Telecom Components Data Conversion Components Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Components Integrated Circuits for Consumer Applications SIEMENS Industrial Ie Data Book 1985 Table of Contents Table of Contents Page 1. General Information 1.1 1.2 1.3 Type designation code for ICs ........................................ Mounting instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Processing guidelines for ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Identification Scope Handling of devices Storage Transport Incoming inspection Material and mounting Electrical tests Packaging of assembled PC boards or flat pack units Ultrasonic cleaning of ICs Electrical and environmental ratings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Maximum ratings Electrical characteristics Operating data Mechanical dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Package dimensions Shipping tube dimensions Quality and reliability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Quality assurance system Quality specifications Quality conformance Reliability Thermal coefficients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 15 15 16 19 20 33 40 2. Summary of Types 2.1 Component selection guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 43 3. Microcontroller and Microprocessor Components SAB 8031/8051 SAB 8031/8051-EXT 8-bit single chip microcomputer ................... 49 8-bit single chip microcomputer with extended temperature range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65 SAB 8031A/8051A 8-bit single chip microcomputer ................... 81 SAB 8031A/8051A-EXT 8-bit single chip microcomputer with extended temperature range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 99 SAB 8032A/8052A 8-bit single chip microcomputer ................... 117 SAB 80C482 8-bit single chip CMOS microcomputer .... '......... 133 SAB 8086 16-bit microprocessor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 161 SAB 8088 16-bit microprocessor with 8-bit data bus interface. .. 199 SAB 80186 High integration 16-bit microprocessor. . . . . . . . . . . .. 229 High integration 16-bit microprocessor with 8-bit data SAB 80188 bus interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 231 High performance 16-bit microprocessor with memory SAB 80286 management and protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 233 7 Table of Contents 4. Peripheral and Support Components SAB SAB SAB SAB SAB SAB SAB SAB SAB 1791/93/95/97 2793A/97A 8237A 8256A 8259A 8275 8276 8282A/8283A 8284B SAB SAB SAB SAB SAB 8286A/8287A 8288A 8289 82258 82284 SAB 82288 SAB 82289 SAB 82731 5. SAB 81C52 HYB 4164 HYB 41256 HYB 41257 8 Floppy disk formatter/controller ................... 299 Floppy disk formatter/controller .................... 325 High performance programmable DMA controller ..... 353 Programmable multifunction UART (MUART) ........ 369 Programmable interrupt controller ................. 395 Programmable CRT controller ..................... 405 Small system CRT controller ...................... 433 Octal latch .................................... 459 Clock generator and driver for SAB 8086 family processors ............................... 465 Octal bus transceiver ............................ 479 Bus controller for SAB 8086 family processors ....... 485 Bus arbiter for SAB 8086 family processors ......... 495 Advanced DMA controller for 8 or 16-bit systems ..... 507 Clock generator and ready interface for SAB 80286 family processors ............................... 555 Bus controller for SAB 80286 family processors ...... 567 Bus arbiter for SAB 80286 family processors ........ 593 Dot rate generator .............................. 595 Memory Components SAB 81C50/81C51 6. Page CMOS static ram; 256 X 8-bit with multiplex bus interface ...................................... 625 CMOS static ram; 256 X 8-bit with multiplex bus interface ...................................... 631 DynamiC ram; 65, 536 X 1-bit ..................... 639 Dynamic ram; 262, 144 X 1-bit .................... 653 Dynamic ram; 262, 144 X 1-bit with nibble mode ..... 669 Telecom Components PEB PEB PEB PEB PEB 2030 2040 2050 2051 2060 PSB PSB PSB PSB PSB PSB SAB SAB 6520 6521 6620 8590 8591 8592 80C482 81 C50/81 C51 Frame alignment circuit .......................... 689 Memory time switch ............................. 697 Peripheral board controller .......................713 Peripheral board controller ....................... 733 Programmable digital signal processing CODEC-FIL TER ................................ 751 Tone ringer ...............................•.... 769 Tone ringer .................................... 781 Ring detector .................................. 795 DTMF generator/dialer ........................... 801 DTMF generator/dialer ........................... 819 DTM F generator/dialer ........................... 843 8-bit single chip CMOS microcomputer ............. 133 CMOS static ram; 256 X 8-bit with multiplex bus interface ...................................... 625 Table of Contents Page SAB 81C52 PSB 7510 7. Data Conversion Components SDA SDA SDA SDA SDA 8. CMOS static ram; 256 X 8-bit with multiplex bus interface ...................................... 631 CMOS LCD controller ........................... 853 5200N 5200S 6020 8005 8010 6-bit 6-bit 6-bit 8-bit 8-bit flash AID converter ......................... 875 flash A/D converter ......................... 881 flash A/D converter ......................... 887 high speed D/A converter .................... 893 flash A/D converter ......................... 905 Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Components TDA TDA TDA TDA TDA TDA 4600-2/4600-20 4601/46010 4700/4700A 4714A/4714B 4716A/4716B 4718/4718A Control Control Control Control Control Control IC IC IC IC IC IC for for for for for for switched switched switched switched switched switched mode mode mode mode mode mode power power power power power power supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies ........ 919 ........ 929 ........ 943 ........ 957 ........ 969 ........ 981 9. Integrated Circuits for Consumer Applications 9.1 VHF/UHF Video Modulator IC ...........................................• TDA 5660P 9.2 Video IF ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ . TBA 1440G, TBA 1441, TDA 5510, TDA 2440, TDA 2441, TDA 5400, TDA 5410, TDA 5430, TDA 6000 9.3 Video Single Pole Double Throw Switch IC ............................. . TDA 5850 9.4 Quasiparallel Sound (Split Sound) Amplifier TDA 4282T 9.5 Video IF/Quasi parallel Sound (Split Sound) Combo ICs ................... . TDA 5830-2, TDA 5835 9.6 TV Stereo/Dual Sound (German Standard) and Matrix IC TDA 6600 9.7 ICs for Switched Mode Power Supplies .............................. . TDA 4600-2, TDA 4600-2D, TDA 4601, TDA 46010 9.8 IC for Pin Cushion Correction in CRT Applications ....................... . TDA 4610 'See Consumer Data Book or contact your local Siemens Representative. 9 I Table of Contents Page 9.9 Programmable Multistandard Sync Pulse Generator ...................... . S 178A 9.10 High Frequency Prescalers .......................................... . SDA 2211, SDA 2311, SDA 4042, S 89, SDA 4211 9.11 Phase Locked Loop (PLL) Devices .................................... . SDA 2112-2, SDA 3002, SDA 3112, SDA 3202, SDA 3203 9.12 Application Oriented Single Chip Microcomputers ....................... . SDA 2010, SDA 2011, SDA 2030, SDA 2110, SDA 3010, SDA 3110, SAB 80215, SAB 80315 9.13 IR Transmitter ICs, Preamplifiers, Receivers ............................ . SDA 2008, SDA 2208, TDA 4050B, SAB 4209, 9.14 Non Volatile Memories .............................................. . SDA 2116, SDA 2216 9.15 Display Drivers and Controllers ....................................... . SDA 2131, SDA 2005, UAA 170, UAA 180, SDA 2014 9.16 Audio Control ICs .................................................. . TDA 4290-2S, TDA 4292, TDA 6200 9.17 AF Power Amplifiers ............................................... . S 1531G, TDA 1037, TDA 1037D, TDA 4930, TDA 4926, TDA 4935 9.18 Tuner/Mixer ICs/FM Receivers ....................................... . TUA 2000-4, S 042P, TBB 469, TBB 1469, TBB 2469 9.19 FM IF Amplifiers with Demodulator ................................... . S 041P, TBA 120S, TBA 120T, TBA 120U, TBA 129, TBA 130, TBA 229, TDA 1047, TDA 4200-3, TDA 4210-3 9.20 AM IF Amplifiers with Demodulator ................................... . TCA 440, TDA 1046, TDA 4001, TDA 1048G, TDA 2048 9.21 AM/FM-IF Combination IC ........................................... . TDA 4100, TDA 4110X 9.22 PLL for AM/FM Receivers ........................................... . SDA 2120, S 187B 9.23 FM Stereo Decoders ............................................... . TCA 4500A, TCA 4511 'See Consumer Data Book or contact your local Siemens Representative. 10 Table of Contents Page 9.24 Photoelectric Devices ............................................. . TFA 1001W 9.25 Timer ICs ................................................... . SAB 0529, SAB 0529G 9.26 Phase Control ICs ................................................. . TLE 3101, TLE 3102, TLE 3103, TLE 3104, S 576A, S 576B, S 576C, S 5760, TCA 785 9.27 DC Motor Control ................................................ . TCA 955, TCA 2365, TLE 4201A/S 9.28 Window Discriminator ICs ..... . TCA 965 9.29 Threshold Switches ................................................ . TCA 105, TCA 105G, TCA 345A 9.30 Programmable Diode Matrix ......................................... . S 353, S 1353, S 2353 9.31 Audible Signal Devices ............................................. . SAB 0600, SAB 0601, SAB 0602, SAB 0700 9.32 Sensor ICs, Proximity Switches, Hall Effect Devices ..................... . TCA 305A/G, TCA 355B/G, HKZ 101, HKZ 101S, TLE 4903, SAS 231W 'See Consumer Data Book or contact your local Siemens Representative. 11 I General Information I General Information 1.1 Type Designation Code For ICs The IC type designations are based on the European code system of Pro Electron.' The code system is explained in the Pro Electron brochure D 15, 1982 edition, which can be obtained from: Pro Electron Boulevard de Waterloo 103 1000 Brussels, Belgium 'Some exceptions exist. 1.2 Mounting Instructions Plastic Package With 8, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, or 40 Pins The pins are bent downwards in a 90° angle and fit into holes with a diameter of between 0.7 and 0.9 mm spaced 2.54 mm apart. The dimension x(see figure below) is given in the mechanical dimension drawings for the various packages. The bottom of the package will not touch the PC board after insertion because the pins have shoulders just below the package (see figure below). After the package is inserted into the PC board, it is advisable to bend the ends of two pins at an angle of approx. 30° to the board so that the package does not have to be pressed down during soldering. Plastic packages are soldered on that side of the PCB facing away from the package. The maximum permissable soldering temperature is 265°C (max. 10 s) for manual soldering and 240°C (max 4 s) for dip soldering. - Tin solder Dimensions in mm Figure 1 Power Package With 9 Pins Power packages generally have wider pins than standard plastic packages; meaning the hole diameter on the PCB must be between 1.1 and 1.8 mm. If the pins are bent, there should be no stress between the pins and the package. The minimum distance between the package and the bending point is 2 mm. The soldering temperatures for power packages are the same as for plastic packages. Micropack Packages Mounting instructions for components available in a micropack are found within the Data Sheet. 15 General Information Precautions Ensure that no current is able to flow between the solder bath or soldering iron and the PCB. It is advisable to ground the pins that are to be soldered as well as the solder bath or soldering iron. When they are being prepared and inserted in a PCB, integrated circuits should be protected against static charging. Under no circumstances may the components be removed or inserted while the operating voltage is switched on. The increase in chip temperature during the soldering process results in a temporary increase in electrostatic sensitivity of integrated circuits. Special precautions should therefore be taken against line transients, e.g. through the switching of inductive loads. 1.3 Processing Guidelines For ICs Integrated circuits (ICs) are electrostatic-sensitive (ESS) devices. The requirement for greater packing density has led to increasingly small structures on semiconductor chips, with the result that today every IC, whether bipolar, MOS, or CMOS, has to be protected against electrostatics. MOS and CMOS devices generally have integrated protective circuits and it is hardly possible any more for them to be destroyed by purely static electricity. On the other h~lnd, there is acute danger from electrostatic discharges (ESD). Of the multitude of possible sources of discharge, charged devices should be mentioned in addition to charged persons. With low-resistance discharges, it is possible for peak power amounting to kilowatts to be produced. For the protection of devices, the following principles should be observed: a) Reduction of charging voltage, below 200 V if possible. Means which are effective here are an increase in relative humidty to ;::: 60% and the replacement of highly charging plastiCS by antistatic materials. b) With every kind of contact with the device pins a charge equalization is to be expected. This should always be highly resistive (ideally R : 106 to 108 ohms). All in all this means that ICs call for special handling, because uncontrolled charges, voltages from ungrounded equipment or persons, surge voltage spikes and similar influences, can destroy a device. Even if devices have protective circuits (e.g. protective diodes) on their inputs, the following guidelines for their handling should nevertheless be observed. Identification The packing of ESS devices is provided with the following label by the manufacturer. k Scope The guidelines apply to the storage, transport, testing, and processing of all kinds of ICs, as well as equipment and soldered circuit boards that contain such components. 16 General Information Handling of Devices 1. ICs must be left in their containers until they are processed. 2. ICs may only be handled at specially equipped work stations. These stations must have work surfaces covered with a conductive material of the order of 106 to 10 9 ohms to ground. 3. With humidity of > 50% pure cotton clothing is sufficient. In the case of chargeable synthetic fibers, the clothing should be worn close-fitting. A wrist strap grounded across a resistor of 5 x 104 to 105 ohms must be worn snugly on the skin. 4. If conductive floors, R = 5 x 10 4 to 10 7 ohms are provided, further protection can be achieved by using so-called MOS chairs and shoes with a conductive sole (R = 10 5 to 10 7 ohms). 5. All transport containers for ESS devices and assembled circuit boards must first be brought to the same potential by being placed on the work surface or touched by the operator before the individual devices may be handled. The potential equalization should be accross a resistor of 106 to 108 ohms. 6. When loading machines and production devices, it should be noted that the devices come out of the transport magazine charged and can be damaged if they touch metal, e.g. machine parts. Example 1) conductive (black) tubes. The devices may be destroyed in the tube by charged persons or come out of the tube charged if this is emptied by a charged person. Conductive tubes may only be handled at ESS work stations (highresistance work-station and person grounded). Example 2) anti-static (transparent) tubes. The devices cannot be destroyed by charged persons in the tube (there may be a rare exception in the case of custom ICs with unprotected gate pins). The devices can be endangered as in 1) when the tube is emptied if the tube, especially at low humidity, is no longer sufficiently anti-static after a long period of storage (> 1 year). In both cases, damage can be avoided by discharging the devices across a grounded adapter of high-resistance material (= 10' to 10' ohms) between the tube and the machine. The use of metal tubes - especially of anodized aluminum because of the danger of low-resistance device discharge. is not advisable Storage ESS devices should only be stored in identified locations provided for the purpose. During storage, the devices should remain in the packing in which they are supplied. The storage temperature should not exceed 60°C. Transport ESS devices in approved packing tubes should only be transported in suitable containers of conductive or longterm anti-static-treated plastic or possibly unvarnished wood. Containers of high-charging plastic or very low-resistance materials are in like manner unsuitable. 17 I General Information Transfer cars and their rollers should exhibit adequate electrical resistance (R < 106 ohms). Sliding contacts and grounding chains will not reliably eliminate charges. Incoming Inspection At incoming inspection, the above guidelines should be observed. Otherwise any right to refund or replacement if devices fail inspection may be lost. Material and Mounting 1. The drive belts of machines used for the processing of the devices (e.g. bending and cutting machines, conveyor belts), should be treated with anti-static spray (e.g. anti-static spray 100 from Kontaktchemie). 2. If ESS devices have to. be soldered or desoldered manually, solder.ing irons with thyristor control should not be used. Siemens EMI-suppression capacitors of the type B 81711-B31 ... -B36 are recommended to protect against line transients. 3. Circuit boards fitted and soldered with ESS devices are always to be considered electrostatically sensitive. Electrical Tests 1. 2. The devices should be processed with observation of these guidelines. Before assembled and soldered circuit boards are tested, remove any shorting rings. Test receptacles must not have voltage applied when individual devices or assembled circuit boards are inserted or withdrawn, unless specifications state otherwise. Ensure that the testers do not produce any voltage spikes, either when being turned on and off in normal operation or if the power fuse blows or other fuses respond. 3. Signal voltages may only be applied to the inputs of ICs when or after the supply voltage is turned on. They must be disconnected before or when the supply voltage is turned off. 4. Observe any notes and instructions in the respective data books. Packing Of Assembled PC Boards or Flatpack Units The packing material should exhibit low volume conductivity: 105 ohm-cm < ohm-cm. p < 10 10 In most cases - especially with humidity of > 40% - this requirement is fulfilled by simple corrugated board. Better protection is obtained with bags of conductive polyethylene foam (e.g. RCAS 1200 from Richmond of Redlands, CAl. One should always ensure that boards cannot touch. In SPecial cases, it may be necessary to provide protection against strong electric fields, such as. can be generated by conveyor belts for example. For this purpose, a sheath of aluminum foil is recommended, although direct contact betWeen the foil and the PCB must be avoided. Cardboard boxes with an aluminum-foil lining, such as those used for shipping Siemens devices, are available from Laber of Munich. 18 General Information Ultrasonic Cleaning Of ICs The following recommendation applies to plastic packages. For cavity packages (metal and also ceramic), separate regulations have to be observed. Freon and isopropyl alcohol (trade name: propanol) can be used as solvents. These solvents can also be used for plastic packages because they do not eat into the plastic material. An ultrasonic bath in double halfwave operation is advisable because of the low component stress. The ultrasonic limits are as follows: sound frequency f > 40 KHz exposure t < 2 min. alternating sound pressure p < 0.29 bar N < W/cm 211iter sound power 1.4 Electrical And Environmental Ratings Maximum Ratings The maximum ratings are absolute limits. The IC may be destroyed if only a single one of these values is exceeded. Electrical Characteristics The electrical characteristics include the guaranteed tolerances of the values main· tained by an IC for the specified operating range. The typical characteristics are mean values that can be expected on the basis of the production. Unless otherwise specified, the typical characteristics apply to Tamb = 25°C and the given supply voltage. Operating Data The functions stated in the circuit description are fulfilled within the range of the operating . data. 19 I General Information 1.5 Mechanical Dimensions Package Dimensions Piggyback >-------51.3-1---------1 "" . '1 . 40 21 tt+- +++ 20 Plastic plug-in package 20 A 8 DIN 41866 8 pins. DIP 1.5 max 0.45. 0.11 ~ ~ ~bx Approx. weight 0.7 9 20 General Information Plastic plug-in package 20 A 14 DIN 41866 14 pins, DIP ': : 8 0,4 max 17.6-03----- Approx. weight 1.1 g Plastic power package, with cooling fin and 9 pins, SIP (TDA 4601) L 3.2-0,2 Approx. weight 1.9 g 21 General Information Plastic plug-in package 20 A 16 DIN 41866, 16 pins, DIP 20L o.3 8 0.4max Approx. weight 1.2 g Ceramic package, 16 pins, DIC -"Ed: ~762'06 o 25- 0 ' 16 to] 1 8 -20.5-01---· Approx. weight 1.4 g 22 General Information Plastic plug-in package 20 A 18 DIN 41866, 18 pins, DIP ~ ~.-J,~ 7.6'01 r- ..s' -~ --.110.45'0.1 2.54 1.5mnx --1 '" .1.2 18 10 16 [::~"'" 22.7.03 Approx. weight 1.3 g Ceramic package, 18 pins, DIC 2.54 1.5max 18 10 ~ 1 9 1 23·0.1 Approx. weight 2.7 g 23 General Information Plastic plug-in package 20 A 20 DIN 41866, 20 pins, DIP 0.4S'O.1 20 2.54 l.SmQ)( ~1.2 11 10 1 0.4mox f--~~-2S. 3-03 ~~--If--- Approx. weight 1.5 g Plastic plug-in package 20 D 22 DIN 41866, 22 pins, DIP _g~j 10.16'°2 I m'"CE4~ ~-1 ~ ~ ! I I -1 0.4S'O.1 1,Smax 2.S4 22 0.2S'01. =1,2 11_ 9-02 jl 12 C10.16'1.2:j 11 t--~~-27.8_ 0.3 -----<~ Approx. weight 2.1 g 24 0.4max General Information Plastic plug-in package 20 B 24 DIN 41866, 24 pins, DIP ~.!:-.lx 1:=15.24,0.2 =:1 ~O J0l010Jtl f" f 2.54 1.5mnx 0.45'0.1 24 .2 13 r-----31.9_0.4 12 0.4mnx ----,,14-- Approx. weight 2.5 g Ceramic package; 24 pins, DIC ~~' ~~ ~ AL ~ 0.25. 0.1 =1.3 1.5r< 2.540.45. 0.1 15.24,0.6 13 24 ) 0 1 --. 12 31.5 _1S -- ---- Approx. weight 3 g 25 General Information Plastic plug-in package 20 8 28 DIN 41866, 28 pins, DIP f----- 14 0.4 max 35. 9_0.---___oo-1\--- Approx. weight 3 g Plastic plug-in package 208 40 DIN 41866, 40 pins, DIP Approx. weight 5.9 g 26 General Information Ceramic package, 40 pins, DIC (SAB 8086) 20 1 51,5.1,1 Approx. weight 6.8 g Ceramic package, 40 pins, DIC Approx. weight 5.9 g 27 General Information Ceramic package, 68 pins, LCC Pin No.1 Mark MICROPACK, 64 connections I--------i-r- 16 .. O.6max 7. l 7 I O.03min I ---L-- r- I I I ~8B ~491 _~~~~~-114 --~ 28 f+-----------------------if--~-~-~-~4-~+:~-~4-~-+-~-1 .. S28·2 3±0 11~ CJl C) -6' "C :i" .,CD ::r Packagmg rail t- ~.::..=-~E~~S ±O.S C ::s o· =-(t== ..- 'J'- __ ~ _ _ _- - CD IJI / ANTISTATIC - c' C" 3' CD 2) /\ ®=f~ CD -- ::s - -::Et±:!-~ £I:1-±=i~ [2£J 3BO±O.1 ~~14' 13 X~(=130) - b IJI Il is: rCo> 0 0 c(') ~ 10 cross-secllOn, rotated by 90° "IT ~...,.S~j-;- _ _~ ~ "! t 1) Labeling: Height: 4mm, color: blue 2) ESD - symbol according to SN68410 seam 0,03 max_ Hard PVC, transparent, impact resistant ,?-'1-- ~'---J::J 6·0,2 15 I\) CD ...... .Rl ...... S CD ~ !!!. -o· :; ., 0 3 DI ~ w (J) o Packaging rail , '''''~''''''" f+--------.---------------it--~-+-~-~-e.:;:;+:r-r~-~-+-r-l .. +1. $~1 3 ±0" / ::J <0 !!!. ~ 0- lD C '"o· '" ::J ~. ~_=_-=-~~E!:S_ _ _A~~~l~_=__=_ ___ ~---~~~ ~ _ _ _ =-----., t---±O,5 CD ::l CD ID ::J 3) /~ :::T 3' 5282 .::Et±3'~ -EI3-:E-!' @] 380+0,1 j.---~14' 13 - x[i£] (=130) ~ IL :s: r w 0 0 '0 "!l .l>o .m .CD cross-section, rotated by 90 0 1) Labeling: Height: 4mm, color: red 2) measurement 3) ESD - symbol according to SN68410 .~ .... .... so .m I\) .8 seam 0,03 max. Hard PVC, transparent, impact resistant I.. 15+0,3 )t~ G G') -0' "S!. ~ ::l ..... 0 ~ -o· 3 III ::l !J) :::T ~ Packa9m9 rad I I I I I I '~ I I I I I I ri----------------~~---~-+-1-i--r-~-t-i-~~r-+-i-i--r-1 ,..-I.-., • u-rJ==t! CD :::J CD ...,. IC !!!. :i" ct tT 11) C • • 3±O.1 1) 3' 11) ::J rn o· 2) ::J rn s: rC> 1~14X 0 0 13 x c @] c'= 156) 0 I\) .~ I\) 59 cross-section, rotated by 90° ~ .9 o ~ ,S f?SSSSSi I _ hSSSSS\:,\ ~l~ N ~~ -,." 20±O,2 ~ 7 .I.~ o 1) Labeling: Height: 4mm, color; blue 2) ESD - symbol according to SN68410 seam 0,03 max, + ~ o Hard PVC, transparent, impact resistant Q -6' -c -o· :::J 0 ...,. 3 III :::J w '" ~ .Packag,ng m,' 'III'I'~IIIII I I [i---------------------~-+-i-~--r-~-t-i-~:r-+-i-~--rl ~l . .. 528_2 3±Ol 1) 2) (J) ::T CD 2tT - CD 0 3' CD ::I en o· ::I en 485±01 :s: "'I@] 1- r ~14' '" Ol 0 0 13 X@](=156) '§ "1J I\) -~ I\) cross-section, rotated by 90 0 ~ssssS! I 13 t021 ISSSSS\:\--+l .P? "'" .s A I 1) Labeling: Height: 4mm, color: red 2) ESD - symbol according to SN68410 ft o 0 + u o " ~ §. seam 0,03 max. dJ Hard. PVC, transparent, impact resistant G) -5' "'C :i" co ::s CD .... ~ ::s 0 .... 3 -o· QI ::s General Information 1.6 Quality And Reliability Quality Assurance System The high quality and reliability of integrated circuits from Siemens is the result of a carefully arranged production which is systematically checked and controlled at each production stage. The procedures are subject to a quality assurance system; full details are given in the brochure "Siemens Ouality Assurance System-Integrated Circuits" (SOS-IC). Figure 1 shows the most important stages of the "SOS-IC". A quality assurance (OA) department which is independent of production and development, is responsible for the selected control measures, acceptance procedures, and information feedback loops. This department has state-of-the-art test and measuring equipment at its disposal, works according to approved methods of statistical quality control, and is provided with facilities for accelerated life and environmental tests used for both qualification and routine monitoring tests. Figure 1 Qualification stoges Incoming inspectIOn parts lJIat.riats In - proctss control ph)'SICo.I para.rllriers ctilllensions IIlsuc.I inspection 1 st lot ClC.c.¢IlfK.I tlst In ~ prouss centro! bending dlMnStor'ls 2 nd tot acceptunn tlSt 3 rd lot O,(tlptnnc.t test ConfomMlnc.1 Inspection {llttributHI The iatest methods and equipment for preparation and analysis are employed to achieve a continuous development of quality and reliability. 33 General Information Quality Specifications The delivery quality of integrated circuits is specified as follows: 1. 2. Maximum ratings and tolerance limits of the characteristics. Sampling inspection, AQL values (acceptable quality level) Inspection by attributes 1) is based on the identical sampling inspection plans DIN 40080, (or) MIL-STD-105, inspection level II, normal inspection, or lEG 410. A delivery lot for which the defect percentage for a certain characteristic is equal or less than the specified AOL value, will most probably (more than 95%) be accepted in the appropriate sampling inspection. The average defect percentage of delivered products lies, in general, clearly below the AOL value and is known as the average outgoing quality (AOO). Only the number of defective units is evaluated in the sampling inspection. 3. Defects A defect exists if a component characteristic does not correspond to the specifications in the data sheet. The defects are classified as total defects, defects in the electrical features, and defects in the mechanical features. Unless otherwise agreed upon., the AOL values in section 5 apply to the various defect types. 4. Classification of defects Total defect: Defects in the electrical features: Defects in the mechanical features: . open contact or short circuit within a specified temperature range - no marking, or wrong type and/or direction of marking - wrong marking of pin 1 - mixed with wrong versions/types - components not aligned within one rail/tube - broken package and/or pins - exceeding electrical specification limits - defects on the package surface type marking hard to identify bent pins wrong dimensions 1) Inspection for a characteristic for which only two mutually exclusive properties are specified (good/bad). 34 General Information 5. AQL table Defect type Total defect (mechanical and electrical) Defect in the electrical features Defect in the mechanical features AQL values MOS IC Bipolar IC 0.1 0.25 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 AQL value 1.5 applies to switching times 6. Incoming inspection The tests carries out by the manufacturer are intended to render expensive incoming inspection by the user unnecessary. If the user, however, wants to carry out such inspections, we recommend the use of a sampling inspection plan as described in section 7. The test method used must be agreed upon between customer and supplier. The following information is required to adjust a possible claim: test circuit, sample size, number of defective items found, sample of evidence, packing list. 35 I General Information 7. Sampling inspection plan for normal inspection in accordance with DIN 40080 or MIL-Std-105 D, inspection level II, or IEC410 AQL value Sample size Lot size 0.0651 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.65 1.0 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.5 AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR 2 to 8 2 9 to 15 3 16 to 25 5 26 to 50 8 51 to 90 13 ~ o1 Jl o1 1i 1 o 1 +- 91 to 150 o1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 4 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 1011 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 1011 1415 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 1415 2122 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 1415 2122 7 8 1011 1415 2122 20 ~ 151 to 280 o1 32 ~ 281 to 500 50 501 to 1200 80 1201 to 3200 125 o1 o1 o1 1 3201 to 10000 200 10001 to 35000 315 35001-150000 500 150001-500000 500001 and more A = B = o1 i o1 1 2 1 i t i II' o1 I r1 l 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 800 t 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 1415 2122 1250 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 1415 2122 t r1 Acceptance number, i.e. the maximum number of defective sample units up to which the lot is accepted. Rejection number, i.e. the number of defective sample units which must at least be found for the lot to be rejected. Additional requirement As the combination Acceptance 0 and Rejection 1 has a low degree of significance, the next larger size should be sampled. 36 General Information Quality Conformance Each integrated circuit is subject to a final test at the end of the production process. Those tests are carried out by computer-controlled, automatic test systems because hundred of thousands of operating conditions as well as many static and dynamic parameters are to be considered. Moreover, the test systems are extremely reliable and reproducible. The quality assurance department carries out a final check in the form of a lot-by-Iot sampling inspection to additionally ensure this minimum failure rate as well as the acceptable quality level (AOL). Sampling inspection is performed in accordance with the inspection plans of DIN 40080, as well as of the identical MIL-STD-105 or IEC 410. The table below shows the results of such sampling inspections performed with hundred of thousands of ICs in 1984. Those results correspond to the average outgoing quality (AOO), and are specified as defectives per million. Total defects AOO (dpm) Sum of electrical defects AOO (dpm) Sum of mechanical defects AOO (dpm) SSI/MSI 5 1000 gate functions 60 300 500 LSIIVLSI ~ 1000 gate functions 400 800 600 Due to the low failure rate, the user generally need not perform an incoming inspection. Reliability Measures tal(en during development The reliability of ICs is already considerably influenced at the development stage. Siemens has, therefore, fixed certain design standards for the development of circuit and layout, specifying e.g. minimum width and spacing of conductive layers on a chip, dimensions and electrical parameters of protective circuits for electrostatic charge, etc. An examination with the aid of carefully arranged programs operated on large-scale computers, guarantees the immediate identification and elimination of unintentional offenses against those design standards. In-process control during production The manufacturing of integrated circuits comprises several hundred production steps. As each step is to be executed with utmost accuracy, the in-process control is of outstanding importance. Some processes require more than a hundred different test measures. The tests have been arranged such that the individual process steps can be reproduced continuously. The decreasing failure rates reflect the never ending effort in this direction; in the course of years they have been reduced considerably despite an immense rise in the IC's complexity. 37 I General Information Figure 2 Random failure rate Fit Complexity Gate/chip 5000 5000 500 500 50 50 1970 1975 1980 1983 Figure 2 shows the general course of the failure rate for digital MOS ICs in fit for the years 1970 to 1983. The increasing complexity as regards gate functions/chip is also specified. Reliability monitoring The general course of the IC's failure rate versus time is shown by a so-called "bathtub" curve (figure 3). The failure rate has its peak during the first few operating hOllrs (early failure period). After the early failure period has decayed, the "constant" failure rate period starts during which the failures may occur at an approximately uniform rate. This period ends with a repeated rise of the curve during the wear-out failure period. For IC's, however, the latter period lies usually far beyond the service life specified for the individual equipment. 38 General Information Figure 3 Failure rate I X Early failure period Constant failure rate period ,/ \Wear -out failure period Operating hours- Reliability tests for ICs are usually destructive examinations. They are, therefore, carried out with samples. Most failure mechanisms can be accelerated by means of higher temperatures. Due to the temperature dependence of the failure mechanisms, it is possible to simulate a future operational behavior within a short time by applying high temperatures; this is called life test. The acceleration factor B for the life test can be obtained from the Arrhenius Equation B = exp [( -¥- )( ~~-~12)] where T2 is the temperature at which the life test is performed, T1 is the assumed operating temperature, and k is the Boltzmann constant. Important for factor B is the activation energy EA' It lies between 0.3 and 1.3 eV and differs considerably for individual failure mechanisms. For all Siemens ICs, the reliability data from life tests is converted to an operating temperature of Tamb = 40°C, assuming an average activation energy of 0.4 eV. The acceleration factor for life tests is thus 24, compared with operational behavior. This method considers also failure mechanisms with low activation energy, i.e. which are only slightly accelerated by the temperature effect. Various reliability tests are periodically performed with IC types that are representative of a certain production line-this is described in the brochure "SOS-IC". Such tests are e.g. humidity test at 85°C and 85% relative humidity, pressure cooker test, as well as life tests up to 1 000 hours and more. Test results are available in the form of summary reports. 39 General Information 1.7 Thermal Coefficients Plastic Packages Typel Mounting Area Chip Size R'hSA Pins mm x mm mm2 °K/W OIL 8 14 16 18 20 22 24 28 40 2.0 2.0 3.5 2.0 3.5 3.5 3.7 2.8 3.5 3.8 4.0 4.5 4.2 6.2 4.2 6.0 6.0 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 3.0 3.6 N 4.2 N 3.6 5.0 6.5 10.2 3.6 5.5 5.5 N 7.8 5.5 5.2 7.2 5.2 7.5 7.5 108 4 415 4/7/15 79/77 72167/62 77/75 71165/59 8 25 63 60 4/7 4/7/15 7/17 70/65 66160/55 65/60 4/7/12 4/5 18 7/21 7/18 56 56/47 55/52 49/45/44 51/48 45/41/40 43/39/38 7/30140 7/18 7/30140 7/30/40 N = new package, S = special package according to package catalogue Ceramic multi-layer packages Typel Mounting Area Chip Size R'hSA Pins mm x mm mm 2 °K/W OIC 16 18 24 40 3.9 5.6 3.9 6.5 7.8 9.0 x x x x x x 6.1 S 10 N 5.6 S 6.5 S 7.8 S 9.0 N 4/7/15 78171/65 30 55 4/7/13 75168/63 54/46 49/42/37 45/38/36 7/30 7/30/46 7/30/46 N = new package, S = special package according to package catalogue. Plastic power package Typel Mounting Area Chip Size Pins mm x mm mm2 SIL 40 9 2.5 x 3.4 3.4 x 4.3 4.7 7 R'hSA R'hSC °K/W °K/W 60 60 2.2 2.2 N = new package, S = special package according to package catalogue. Summary of Types Summary of Types Siemens Part No. 2.1 Function Page Component Selection Guide Microcontroller and Microprocessor Components SAB 8031-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer without internal ROM, 12 MHz, ' " " " " " " " " " " " SAB 8031-10-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer without internal ROM, 10 MHz, , . , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' , , , . , , SAB 8031-T40/85-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer without internal ROM, 10 MHz, -40°C to +85°C temp. range"." SAB 8031-T 40/11 O-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer without internal ROM, 8 MHz, -40°C to + 110°C temp. range, , , , , , . , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , SAB 8031A-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer without internal ROM, 12 MHz, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , ,,.,,," SAB 8031A-15-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer without internal ROM, 15 MHz. , , ' , ' , ' , , , ' , , , ' , , , , , , ' , , ' , ' , ' , " SAB 8031A-T40/85-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer without internal ROM, 12 MHz, -40°C to + 85°C temp, range, , , . , " SAB 8031A-T40/110-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer without internal ROM, 10 MHz, -40°C to +110oC temp, range""" SAB 8032A-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer without internal ROM, 12 MHz, (enhanced SAB 8031A-P) , , , , , , , , , , , SAB 8051-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer with internal mask programmed ROM, 12 MHz, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " SAB 8051-10-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer with internal mask programmed ROM, 10 MHz, , ' , ' , ' , ' SAB 8051-T40/85-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer with internal mask programmed ROM, 10 MHz, -40°C to + 85°C temp, range, . , ' , ' . ' ......... , .. , ... , . , .. ' . ' . ,. SAB 8051-T-40/110-P a-bit single chip microcomputer with internal mask programmed ROM, 8 MHz, -40°C to + 11 DoC lemp. range .. , , , . , ... , . , ......... , . , .... , ,. SAB 8051A-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer with internal mask programmed ROM, 12 MHz .. ' ..... ' .. , .......... SAB 8051A-15-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer with internal mask programmed ROM, 15 MHz .. , .. , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . SAB 8051A-T40/85-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer with internal mask programmed ROM, 12 MHz, -40°C to +85°C temp. range ... ' , , .. , , , , .. , .. , , . , , . , . , .... , ... , SAB 8051A-T40/110-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer with internal mask programmed ROM, 10 MHz, -40°C to + 110°C , , .. , . , .............. , , .. temp, range. , . , . . SAB 8052A-P 8-bit single chip microcomputer with internal mask programmed ROM, 12 MHz, (enhanced SAB 8051A-P) SAB 8086-P 16-bit microprocessor, 5 MHz SAB 8086-C 16-bit microprocessor, 5 MHz. , , . , .. , ... , . , , . , , .. 49 49 , 65 65 81 81 99 99 117 49 49 65 65 81 81 99 99 117 161 161 43 I Summary of Types Siemens Part No. Function Page 16·bit microprocessor, 10 MHz .................... 161 16·bit microprocessor, 10 MHz .................... 161 16·bit microprocessor, 8 MHz ..................... 161 16-bit microprocessor, 8 MHz ..................... 161 16-bit microprocessor with 8-bit data bus interface, 5 MHz ................................ 199 16-bit microprocessor, with 8-bit data bus SAS 8088-2-P interface, 8 MHz ................................ 199 SAS 80186-C High integration 16-bit microprocessor, 8 MHz ....... 229 High integration 16-bit microprocessor with 8-bit SAS 80188·C data bus interface, 8 MHz ........................ 231 High performance 16·bit microprocessor, 8 MHz, LCC. 233 SAS 80286-C High performance 16·bit microprocessor, 6 MHz, LCC. 233 SAS 80286-6-C High performance 16·bit microprocessor, 8 MHz, PGA.233 SAS 80286·CG High performance 16·bit microprocessor, 6 MHz, PGA. 233 SAS 80286·6·CG SAS 80C482-P 8-bit single chip CMOS microcomputer with internal mask programmed ROM, 3 MHz (80C48 with special features). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 133 Peripheral and Support Components SAS 1791-02-P Floppy disk controller with inverted data bus ........ 299 SAS 1793-02-P Floppy disk controller with non-inverted data bus ... , 299 SAS 1795-02-P Floppy disk controller with inverted data bus and side select output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 299 SAS 1797-02-P Floppy disk controller with non-inverted data bus and side select output ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 299 SAS 2793A-02-P Floppy disk controller with non-inve1ted data bus, built in data separator and write precompensation logic .................................... 325 SAS 2797A-02-P Floppy disk controller with non-inverted data bus, side select output, and built in data separator and write precompensation logic ....................... 325 SAS 8237A-P 8-bit high performance programmable DMA controller, 3 MHz ............................... 353 SAS 8237 A-5-P 8-bit high performance programmable DMA controller, 5 MHz ............................... 353 SAS 8256A-P Programmable multi-function component with timers/counters, an interrupt controller, baud rate generator, serial and parallel ports ................. 369 SAS 8256A-2-P Programmable multi-function component with timers/counters, an interrupt controller, baud rate, generator, serial and parallel ports (faster version of the SAS 8256A) ........................ 369 SAS 8259A Programmable interrupt controller, 5 MHz ........... 395 SAS 8259A-2-P Programmable interrupt controller, 8 MHz ........... 395 SAS 8275-P Programmable CRT controller, 2 MHz .............. 405 SAS 8275-2-P Programmable CRT controller, 3 MHz .............. 405 SAS SAS SAS SAS SAS 44 8086-1-P 8086-1-C 8086-2-P 8086-2-C 8088-P Summary of Types Siemens Part No. SAB SAB SAB SAB 8276-P 8282A 8283A 8284B-P SAB 8284B-1-P SAB 8286A-P SAB 8287A-P SAB 8288A-P SAB 8289-P SAB 8289-1-P SAB 82258-C SAB 82258-6-C SAB 82258-CG SAB 82258-6-CG SAB 82284-P SAB 82284-6-P Function Page Small system CRT controller ...................... 433 8-bit non-inverting octal latch ..................... .459 8-bit inverting octal latch ......................... 459 Clock generator and driver for SAB 8086 family processors, 8 MHz .............................. 465 Clock generator and driver for SAB 8086 family processors, 10M Hz ............................. 465 8-bit non-inverting octal bus transceiver ............. 479 8-bit inverting octal bus transceiver ................. 479 Bus controller for SAB 8086 family processors ....... 485 Bus arbiter for SAB 8086 family processors, 8 MHz ... 495 Bus arbiter for SAB 8086 family processors, 10 MHz .. 495 Advanced DMA controller for 8 or 16-bit systems, 8 MHz, LCC .................................. 507 Advanced DMA controller for 8 or 16-bit systems, 6 MHz, LCC .................................. 507 Advanced DMA controller for 8 or 16-bit systems, 8 MHz, PGA .................................. 507 Advanced DMA controller for 8 or 16-bit systems, 6 MHz, PGA ...... _........................... 507 Clock generator and driver for SAB 80286 family processors, 8 MHz .............................. 555 Clock generator and driver for SAB 80286 family processors, 6 MHz .............................. 555 Bus controller for SAB 8086 family processors ....... 567 Bus controller for SAB 8086 family processors, 6 MHz. 567 Bus arbiter for SAB 80286 family processors ......... 593 Bus arbiter for SAB 80286 family processors, 6 MHz .. 593 Dot rate generator, 50 MHz ....................... 595 Dot rate generator, 80 MHz ....................... 595 SAB 82288·P SAB 82288-6-P SAB 82289-P SAB 82289-6-P SAB 82731-P SAB 82731-2-P Memory Components SAB 81 C50-P CMOS 256 x 8-bit static RAM with multiplex bus interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. CMOS 256 x 8-bit static RAM with multiplex bus SAB 81C51-P interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. CMOS 256 x 8-bit static RAM with multiplex bus SAB 81C52-P interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dynamic RAM; 65, 536 xl, access time 120 ns . . . .. HYB 4164-P1 Dynamic RAM; 65, 536 xl, access time 150 ns . . . .. HYB 4164-P2 Dynamic RAM; 65, 536 xl, access time 200 ns . . . .. HYB 4164-P3 Dynamic RAM; 262,144 x 1, access time 120 ns .... HYB 41256-P12 Dynamic RAM; 262, 144 xl, access time 150 ns . . .. HYB 41256-P15 Dynamic RAM; 262,144 x 1, access time 200 ns .... HYB 41256-P20 Dynamic RAM; 262, 144 x 1 with nibble mode, HYB 41257-P12 access time 120 ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. Dynamic RAM; 262, 144 x 1 with nibble mode, HYB 41257-P15 access time 150 ns ........................... " 625 625 631 639 639 639 653 653 653 669 669 45 Summary of Types Page Siemens Part No. Function HYB 41257-P20 Dynamic RAM; 262, 144 x 1 with nibble mode, access time 200 ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 669 Telecom Components PEB 2030-C 46 Frame alignment circuit for synchronization of 2.048 MHz PCM systems ......................... 689 PEB 2040-C Memory time switch for 2.048 MHz and 8.192 MHz PCM systems .............................. 697 PEB 2050-C Peripheral board controller, line card controller for 1.536 MHz, 1.544 MHz, 2.048 MHz, 3.072 MHz, and 4.096 MHz PCM systems ..................... 713 PEB 2051-C Peripheral board controller, variation of PEB 2050 .... 733 PEB 2060-P Programmable digital signal processing CODECFILTER, CMOS ................................. 751 PSB 6520-P Tone ringer, replaces mechanical bell in telephone .... 769 PSB 6521-P Tone ringer, replaces mechanical bell in telephone .... 781 PSB 6620-P Ring detector, senses ringing signal in telephone ..... 795 PSB 8590-P Dual-tone multi-frequency generator/dialer ........... 801 PSB 8591-P Dual-tone multi-frequency generator/dialer ........... 819 PSB 8592-P Dual-tone multi-frequency generator/dialer, CMOS .... 843 SAB 80C482-P 8-bit single chip CMOS microcomputer with internal mask programmed ROM, 3 MHz (80C48 with special features). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 133 SAB 81 C50-P CMOS 256 X 8-bit static RAM with multiplex bus interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625 SAB 81C51-P CMOS 256 x 8-bit static RAM with multiplex bus interface ....................................... 625 SAB 81C52-P CMOS 256 x 8-bit static RAM with multiplex bus interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 631 PSB 7510 Numeric LCD controller, 64-pin micropack, CMOS .... 853 Data Conversion Components SDA 5200N-C 6-bit, 100 MHz, monolithic AID flash converter ....... 875 SDA 5200S-C 6-bit, 100 MHz, monolithic AID flash converter ....... 881 SDA 6020-C 6-bit, 50 MHz, monolithic A/D flash converter ...... " 887 SDA 8005-C 8-bit high speed monolithic D/A flash converter. . . . . .. 893 SDA 8010-C 8-bit, 100 MHz, monolithic AID flash converter 905 Switched Mode Power Supply Components TDA 4600-2 Control IC for switched mode power supplies, 9 pin SIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 919 TDA 4600-2D-P Control IC for switched mode power supplies ........ 919 TDA 4601 Control IC for switched mode power supplies, 9 pin SIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 929 TDA 4601 D-P Control IC for switched mode power supplies ........ 929 TDA 4700-C Control IC for switched mode power supplies ........ 943 TDA 4700A-P Control IC for switched mode power supplies ........ 943 TDA 4714A-P Control IC for switched mode power supplies ........ 957 TDA 4716A-P Control IC for switched mode power supplies ........ 969 TDA 4718-C Control IC for switched mode power supplies ...... " 981 TDA 4718A-P Control IC for switched mode power supplies ........ 981 Microcontroller and Microprocessor Components SAB 8031/8051 8-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer SAB 8031/8031-10 Control Oriented CPU With RAM and 1/0 SAB 8051/8051-10 An SAB 8031 With Factory Mask-Programmable ROM .4Kx8ROM .128 x 8 RAM • Four 8-Bit Ports, 32 1/0 Lines • Two 16-Bit TimerlEvent Counters • High-Performance Full-Duplex Serial Channel • External Memory Expandable to 128K • Compatible with SAB 808018085 Peripherals • SAB 8031/8051 12 MHz Operation Pin Configuration • SAB 8031-10/8051-1010 MHz Operation • Boolean Processor • SAB 8048 Architecture Enhanced with: Non-Paged Jumps Direct Addressing Four 8-Register Banks Stack Depth Up to 128-Bytes Multiply, Divide, Subtract, Compare • Most Instructions Execute in 1 lis • 4 ~s Multiply and Divide I logic Symbol S'6 ~" .,,, The SAB 8031/8051 is a stand-alone, high-performance single-chip computer fabri~ated in +5V advanced N-channel, silicon gate Siemens MYMOS technology and packaged in a 40-pin DIP. It provides the hardware features, architectural enhancements and new instructions that are necessary to make it a powerful and cost effective controller for applications requiring up to 64K bytes of program memory andlor up to 64K bytes of data storage. The SAB 8051 contains a non-volatile 4K x 8 readonly program memory; a volatile 128 x 8 readlwrite data memory; 32 1/0 lines; two 16-bit timerl counters; a five-source, two-priority-Ievel, nested interrupt structure; a serial 1/0 port for either multiprocessor communications, 1/0 expansion, or full duplex UART; and on-chip oscillator and clock circuits. The SAB 8031 is identical, exceptthat it lacks the program memory. For systems that require extra capability, the SAB 8051 can be expanded using standard TIL compatible memories and the byte oriented SAB 8080 and SAB 8085 peripherals. The SAB 8051 microcomputer, like the SAB 8048, is efficient both as a controller and as an arithmetic processor. The SAB 8051 has extensive facilities for binary and BCD arithmetic and excels in bit-handling capabilities. Efficient use of program memory results from an instruction set consisting of 44% one-byte. 41 % two-byte, and 15% three-byte instructions. With a 12 MHz crystal, 58% of the instructions execute in 1.0 ~s, 40% in 2.0 ~IS and multiply and divide require only 4.0 ~IS. Among the many instructions added to the standard SAB 8048 instruction set are multiply, divide, subtract and compare. AG 11/83 49 SAB 8031/8051 Pin Definitions and Functions Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) P1.0-P1.7 1-8 1/0 Port 1 is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional 1/0 port. It is used for the low-order address byte during program verification. Port 1 can sinklsource three LS TTL loads. RSTIVPD 9 I A high level on this pin resets the SAB 8051. A small internal pulldown resistor permits power-on reset using only a capacitor connected to vce. If VPD is held within its spec while VCC drops below spec, VPD will provide standby power to the RAM. When VPD is low, the RAM's current is drawn from VCC. P3.0-P3.7 10-17 1/0 Port 3 is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional 1/0 port. It also rontains the interrupt, timer, serial port and RD and WR pins that are used by various options. The output latch corresponding to a secondary function must be programmed to a one (1) for that function to operate. Port 3 can sinklsource three LS TIL loads. The secondary functions are assigned to the pins of Port 3, as follows: - RXD/data (P3.0). Serial port's receiver data input (asynchronous) or datil inputloutput (synchronous). - TXD/ciock (P3.1). Serial port's transmitter data output (asynchronous) or clock output (synchronous). - INTO (P3.2). Interrupt 0 input or gate control input for counter O. - INTl (P3.3). Interrupt 1 input or gate control input for counter 1. - TO (P3.4). Input to counter O. - Tl (P3.5). Input to counter 1. - WR (P3.6). The write control signal latches the data byte from Port 0 into the External Data Memory. - RD (P3.7). The read control signal enables External Data Memory to Port O. XTAL1 XTAL2 19 18 I XTAL 1 Input to the oscillator's high gain amplifier. Required when a crystal is used. Connect to VSS when external source is used on XTAL2. XTAL2 Output from the oscillator's amplifier. Input to the internal timing circuitry. A crystal or external source can be used. P2.0-P2.7 21-28 1/0 Port 2 is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional 1/0 port. It also emits the high-order address byte when accessing external memory. It is used for the high-order address and the control signals during program verification. Port 2 can sinklsource three LS TIL loads. PSEN 29 0 The Program Store Enable output is a control signal that enables the external Program Memory to the bus during external fetch operations. It is activated every six oscillator periods, except during external data memory accesses. Remains high during internal program execution. ALE 30 0 Provides Address Latch Enable output used for latching the address into external memory during normal operation. It is activated every six oscillator periods except during an external data memory access . ._----_. 50 Functions .--- SAB 8031/8051 Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) Symbol Number Input (I) Output (01 EA 31 I When held at a TIL high level, the SAB 8051 executes instructions from the internal ROM when the PC is less than 4096. When held at a TIL low level, the SAB 8051 fetches all instructions from external Program Memory. P0.0--PO.7 39-32 I/O Port 0 is an B-bit open drain bidirectional I/O port. It is also the mUltiplexed low-order address and data bus when using external memory. It is used for data output during program verification. Port 0 can sink/source eight LS TIL loads. VCC 40 +5V power supply during operation and program verification. VSS 20 Circuit ground potential. Functions Block Diagram Frequency Reference I I I I I I -t---~--------------- ----------- -~--~--& Timing I I I I I 128 Bytes Data Memory Two 16-Blt Timer/Event Counters t t 64k-Byte Bus Expansion Control I I L =:> Programmable 1/0 Interrupts - --------Interrupts ----- Control -- -- -Parallel Ports Adress Data Bus and I/O Pins I I I I Programmable serial port . full duplex UART • synchronous shifter --+---Serial IN I I I I I ~ I I I I I ) I I 8051 CPU I l I 4096 Bytes Program Memory (8051 only) Oscillator I Counters I I I I I I ~ Serial OUT 51 SAB 8031/8051 Instruction Set Description IDescription Mnemonic IByte ICycle Arithmetic operations ADD A,Rn Add register to Accumulator ADD A, direct ADD A,@Ri ADD A,#data ADDC A,Rn 1 1 Add direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 Add indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 Add immediate data to Accumulator 2 1 Add register to Accumulator with Carry flag 1 1 ADDC A,direct Add direct byte to A with Carry flag 2 1 ADDC A,@Ri Add indirect RAM to A with Carry flag 1 1 ADDC A,#data Add immediate data to A with Carry flag 2 1 SUBB A,Rn Subtract register from A with Borrow 1 1 SUBB A,direct Subtract direct byte from A with Borrow 2 SUBB A,@Ri Subtract indirect RAM from A w/Borrow 1 SUBB A,#data Subtract immediate data from A wi Borrow INC A Increment Accumulator INC Rn Increment register 1 1 INC direct Increment direct byte 2 1 INC @Ri Increment indirect RAM 1 DEC A Decrement Accumulator 1 DEC Rn Decrement register 1 DEC direct Decrement direct byte 2 .------ -------- ---------------- -- 1 i----------- 1 .. _-- 1 2 ._-.- .__._- --_ .._. 1 1 - - - - e------- 1 1----1 -- - - - 1 ._- r----1 DEC @Ri Decrement indirect RAM 1 1 INC DPTR Increment Data Pointer 1 2 MUL AB MUltiply A & B 1 4 DIV AB Divide A & B 1 4 DA A Decimal Adjust Accumulator 1 1 ANL A,Rn AND register to Accumulator 1 1 ANL A,direct AND direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 ANL A,@Ri AND indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 ANL A,#data AND immediate data to Accumulator 2 1 ANL direct,A AND Accumulator to direct byte 2 1 Logical operations 52 - - -'--- i----- - - - - SAB 8031/8051 Instruction Set Description (continued) Mnenlonic ANL direct,#data Description Byte Cycle AND immediate data to direct byte 3 2 - - ---- ORL A,Rn OR register to Accumulator 1 1 ORL A,direct OR direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 ORL A,@Ri OR indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 ORL A, itdata OR immediate data to Accumulator 2 1 ORL direct,A OR Accumulator to direct byte 2 1 ORL direct,#data OR immediate data to direct byte 3 2 XRL A,Rn Exclusive-OR register to Accumulator 1 1 XRL A,direct Exclusive-OR direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 XRL A,@Ri Exclusive-OR indirect RAM to A 1 1 XRL A,*data Exclusive-OR immediate data to A 2 1 XRL directA Exclusive-OR Accumulator to direct byte 2 1 - XRL direct,*data Exclusive-OR immediate data to direct 3 2 CLR A Clear Accumulator 1 1 CPL A Complement Accumulator 1 1 flL A Rotate Accumulator Left 1 RLC A Rotate A Left through the Carry flag 1 1 RR A Rotate Accumulator Right 1 1 RRC A Rotate A Right through Carry flag 1 1 SWAP A Swap nibbles within the Accumulator 1 1 MOV A,Rn Move register to Accumulator 1 1 MOV A,direct Move direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 MOV A,@Ri Move indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 MOV A,*data Move immediate data to Accumulator 2 1 MOV RnA Move Accumulator to register 1 1 MOV Rn,direct Move direct byte to register 2 2 MOV Rn,iFdata Move immediate data to register 2 1 MOV direct,A Move Accumulator to direct byte 2 1 MOV direct,Rn Move register to direct byte 2 2 MOV direct,direct Move direct byte to direct 3 2 ---------_. --------------_._-------_._-_. ----.--- -r-- - - --. - 1 Data transfer 53 SAB 8031/8051 Instruction Set Description (continued) Mnemonic Description Byte Cycle MOV direct,@Ri Move indirect RAM to direct byte 2 2 MOV direct,*data Move immediate data to direct byte 3 2 MOV @Ri.A Move Accumulator to indirect RAM 1 1 MOV @Ri,direct Move direct byte to indirect RAM 2 2 MOV @Ri,*data Move immediate data to indirect RAM 2 1 MOV DPTR,*data 16 Load Data Pointer with a 16-bit constant 3 2 MOVC A.@A+DPTR Move Code byte relative to DPTR to A 1 2 Data transfer (cont.) MOVC A.@A+PC Move Code byte relative to PC to A 1 2 MOVX A,@Ri Move External RAM IS-bit addr) to A 1 2 MOVX A,@DPTR Move External RAM 116-bit addr) to A 1 2 MOVX @Ri.A Move A to External RAM 18-bit addr) 1 2 MOVX @DPTR.A Move A to External RAM I 16-bit sddr) 1 2 PUSH direct Push direct byte onto stack 2 2 POP direct Pop direct byte from stack 2 2 XCH A.Rn Exchange register with Accumulator 1 1 XCH A,direct Exchange direct byte with Accumulator 2 1 XCH A,@Ri Exchange indirect RAM with A 1 1 XCHD A.@Ri Exchange low-order Digit indo RAM w/A 1 1 C Clear Carry flag 1 1 CLR bit Clear direct bit 2 1 SETB C Set Carry flag 1 1 SETB bit Set direct Bit 2 1 CPL C Complement Carry flag 1 1 CPL bit Complement direct bit 2 1 ANL C,bit AND direct bit to Carry flag 2 2 ANL C,/bit AND complement of direct bit to Carry 2 2 ORL C,bit OR direct bit to Carry flag 2 2 ORL C.fbit OR complement of direct bit to Carry 2 2 MOV C,bit Move direct bit to Carry flag 2 1 MOV bit,C Move Carry flag to direct bit 2 2 Boolean variable manipulation CLR 54 SAB 8031/8051 Instruction Set Description (continued) IDescription Mnemonic IByte ICycle Program and machine control ACALL addr 11 LCALL addr16 RET RETI AJMP addr 11 Absolute Subroutine Call 2 2 Long Subroutine Call 3 2 Return from subroutine 1 2 Return from interrupt 1 2 Absolute Jump 2 2 LJMP addr16 Long Jump 3 2 SJMP rei Short Jump Irelative addr) 2 2 JMP @A+DPTR Jump indirect relative to the DPTR 1 2 JZ rei Jump if Accumulator is Zero 2 2 JNZ rei Jump if Accumulator is Not Zero 2 2 JC rei Jump if Carry flag is set 2 2 JNC rei Jump if Carry flag is not set 2 2 JB bit,rel' Jump if direct Bit set 3 2 JNB bit,rel Jump if direct Bit Not set 3 2 JBC bit, rei Jump if direct Bit is set & Clear bit 3 2 CJNE A.direct,rel Compare direct to A & Jump if Not Equal 3 2 CJNE A.#data,rel Camp. immed. to A & Jump if Not Equal 3 2 CJNE Rn,#data,rel Camp. immed. to reg. & Jump if Not Equal 3 2 CJNE @Ri,#data,rel Comp.immed. to indo & Jump if Not Equal 3 2 DJNZ Rn,rel Decrement register & Jump if Not Zero 2 2 DJNZ direct,rel Decrement direct & Jump if Not Zero 3 2 No operation 1 1 NOP Notes on data addressing modes: Rn - Working register RD-R7 direct - 128 internal RAM locations, any 1/0 port, control or status register @Ri ·-Indirect internal RAM location addressed by register RD or R1 #data - 8-bit constant included in instruction #data 16 -16-bitconstantincludedasbytes2&30f instruction bit - 128 software flags, any 1/0 pin, control or status bit All mnemonics copyrighted @ Notes on program addressing modes: addr 16 - Destination address for LCALL & LJMP may be anywhere within the 64-Kilobyte program memory address space. addr 11 - Destination address for ACALL & AJMP will be within the same 2-Kilobyte page of program memory as the first byte of the following instruction. rei - SJMP and all conditional jumps include an 8-bit offset byte. Range is + 127/-128 bytes relative to first byte olthe followi ng instruction. Intel Corporation 1979 55 SAB 8031/8051 Instruction Opcodes in Hexadecimal Order Hex Code Number of Bytes 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 56 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 :'> 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 Mnemonic Operands Hex Code Number of Bytes NOP AJMP LJMP RR INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC JBC ACALL LCALL RRC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC JB AJMP RET RL ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD JNB ACALL RETI RLC 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 codeaddr codeaddr A A data addr @RO @R1 RO R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 bit addr code addr codeaddr codeaddr A A data addr @RO @R1 RO R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 bit addr code addr codeaddr A A,*data A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 bit addr, code addr codeaddr A 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 Mnemonic Operands AD DC AD DC ADDC ADDC ADDC AD DC ADDC AD DC AD DC ADDC ADDC AD DC JC AJMP ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL JNC ACALL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL JZ AJMP XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL A,*data A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R7 A,R7 codeaddr codeaddr data addr,A data addr, *data A,*data A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 code addr code addr data addr,A data addr,*data A,*data A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 codeaddr code addr data addr,A data addr, *data A,*data A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 SAB 8031/8051 Instruction Opcodes in Hexadecimal Order (continued) Hex Code Number of Bytes 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mnemonic Operands XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL JNZ ACALL ORL .IMP MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV SJMP AJMP ANL MOVC DIV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV ACALL MOV MOVC SUBB SUBB SUBB SUBB SUBB SUBB SUBB SUBB A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 code addr code addr C,bitaddr @A+DPTR A,ifdata data addr, ifdata @RO,ifdata @R1,ifdata RO,ifdata R1,ifdata R2,ifdata R3,ifdata R4,ifdata R5,ifdata R6,ifdata R7,ifdata codeaddr codeaddr C,bitaddr A,@A+PC AS data addr,data addr data addr,@RO data addr,@R1 data addr, RO data addr, R1 data addr, R2 data addr, R3 data addr, R4 data addr, R5 data addr, R6 data addr, R7 DPTR,ifdata code addr bit addr,C A,@A+DPTR A,ifdata A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 Hex Code Number of Bytes 9C 90 9E 9F AO Al A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF BO B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF CO C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mnemonic Operands SUBB SUBB SUBB SUBB ORL AJMP MOV INC MUL reserved MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV ANL ACALL CPL CPL CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE PUSH AJMP CLR CLR SWAP XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH A,R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 C,fbit addr code addr C,bit addr DPTR AB @RO,data addr @Rl,dataaddr RO,data addr R1,data addr R2,data addr R3,data addr R4,data addr R5,data addr R6,data addr R7,data addr C,fbit addr codeaddr bit addr C A,ifdata,code addr A,data addr,codeaddr @RO,ifdata,codeaddr @Rl,*data,codeaddr RO, *data, code addr Rl,*data,code addr R2,ifdata,code addr R3,ifdata,code addr R4,*data,code addr R5,ifdata,code addr R6,*data,code addr R7,*data,code addr data addr code addr bitaddr C A A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,Rl A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 57 SAB 8031/8051 Instruction Opcodes in Hexadecimal Order (continued) Hex Code Number of Bytes Mnemonic Operands DO 01 02 03 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 09 DA DB DC DD DE DF EO E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC EO EE EF FO F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 POP ACALL SETB SETB DA DJNZ XCHO XCHD DJNZ OJNZ DJNZ OJNZ OJNZ DJNZ DJNZ OJNZ MOVX AJMP MOVX MOVX CLR MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOVX ACALL MOVX MOVX CPL MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV FD FE FF 58 data addr codeaddr bitaddr C A data addr,code addr A,@RO A,@R1 RO,code addr R1,codeaddr R2,code addr R3,code addr R4,code addr R5,code addr R6,code addr R7,code addr A,@DPTR codeaddr A,@RO A,@R1 A A,dataaddr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 @DPTR,A codeaddr @RO,A @R1,A A data addr,A @RO,A @Rl,A RO,A Rl,A R2,A R3,A R4,A R5,A R6,A R1,A SAB 803118051 Absolute Maximum Ratings 1) Ambient Temperature Under Bias Storage Temperature Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground (VSS) Power Dissipation oto 70'C -65 to + 150'C -0.5to + 7 V 2W D.C. Characteristics TA = Oto 70'C; vcc = 5V ± 5%; VSS = OV Symbol Parameter Limit Values VIL Input Low Voltage VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 (Except RSTIVPD and XTAL2) VCC+0.5 VIHl Input High Voltage to RST IVPD for Reset, XTAL2 2.5 - XTAL 1 to VSS VPD Power Down Voltage To RSTIVPD 4.5 5.5 VCC = OV VOL Output Low Voltage Ports 1,2,3 - 0.45 VOLl Output Low Voltage Port 0, ALE, IPSEN Min. VOH Output High Voltage Ports 1,2,3 Typ. -0.5 Unit Test Condition Max. 0.8 - V 10L = 1.6 mA 10L = 3.2 mA 10H = -60 ~tA - 2.4 10H = -400 ~tA VOH1 Output High Voltage Port 0, ALE, IPSEN IlL Logical 0 Input Current Ports 1,2,3 -800 ItA IIL2 Logical 0 Input Current XTAL2 -2.0 mA XTAL 1 = VSS VIL = 0.45 V IIH1 Input High Current to RST IVPD for Reset 500 ItA VIN III Input Leakage Current To Port O,lEA VIL ~ 0.45 V = VCC-1.5V - ±10 ICC Power Supply Current 125 160 IPD Power Down Current 10 20 CIO Capacitance of 1/0 Buffer - 10 0< VIN < VCC mA - pF fe = 1 MHz 1) Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 59 SAB 8031/8051 A.C. Characteristics for SAB 8031/8051 TA O'Cto 70'C; VCC = 5V ±5%; VSS = OV (CL for Port 0, ALE and PSEN Outputs = 100 pF; CL for All Other Outputs = 80 pF) Program Memory Characteristics Symbol Limit Values Parameter Variable Clock 1/TCLCL = 1.2 MHz to 12 MHz 12 MHz Clock Min Max Min Max TLHLL ALE Pulse Width TAVLL Address Setup to ALE 53 TLLAX1 Address Hold After ALE 48 TLLlV ALE to Valid Instr In - TLLPL ALE to PSEN 58 TPLPH PSEN Pulse Width 215 TPLIV PSEN to Valid Instr In - 150 - 3TCLCL-100 TPXIX Input Instr Hold After PSEN 0 - 0 - TPXIZ*) Input Instr Float After PSEN - 63 - TPXAV*) Address Valid After PSEN 75 -- TCLCL-8 TAVIV Address to Valid Instr In - 302 - 5TCLCL-115 TAZPL Address Float to PSEN 0 - 0 - ---- 127 Unit 2TCLCL·40 - - TCLCL-30 TCLCL-35 233 - - 4TCLCL-100 TCLCL-25 ns - 3TCLCL-35 TCLCL-20 --1--------- --- .._'---._- External Data Memory Characteristics Symbol Parameter Limit Values 12 MHz Clock Min Max Unit Va'riable Clock 1/TCLCL = 1.2 MHz to 12 MHz Min Max - TRLRH RD Pulse Width TWLWH WR Pulse Width TLLAX2 Address Hold After ALE 132 TRLDV RD to Valid Data In - 250 - 5TCLCL-165 TRHDX Data Hold After RD 0 - 0 - - 8TCLCL-150 400 6TCLCL-100 - 6TCLCL-100 - 2TCLCL-35 TRHDZ Data Float After RD TLLDV ALE to Valid Data In 2TCLCL-70 TAVDV Address to Valid Data In TLLWL ALE to WR or RD 200 300 3TCLCL-50 3TCLCL+50 TAVWL Address to WR or RD 203 - 4TCLCL-130 - TWHLH WR or RD High to ALE High 43 123 TCLCL-40 TCLCL+40 TDVWX Data Valid to WR Transition 33 97 - f------ 517 Data Setup Before WR 433 TWHOX Data Hold After WR 33 TRLAZ Address Float After RD - ns 9TCLCL-165 585 TOVWH -- --- TCLCL-50 - 7TCLCL-150 - TCLCL-50 0 - 0 *) Interfacing the SAB 8051 to devices with float times up to 75ns is permissible. This limited bus contention will not caused any damage to Port 0 drivers. 60 SAB 8031/8051 A.C. Characteristics for SAB 8031-10/8051-10 TA O"C to 70 C C; vcc = 5V ±5%; VSS = OV (CL for Port 0, ALE and PSEN Outputs = 100 pF; CL for All Other Outputs = 80 pF) Program Memory Characteristics Symbol Parameter Limit Values Variable Clock l/TCLCL = 1,2 MHz to 10 MHz 10 MHz Clock Min Max Unit Min Max TLHLL ALE Pulse Width 160 TAVLL Add ress Setu p to ALE 70 TLLAXl Address Hold After ALE 65 TLLlV ALE to Valid Instr In - TLLPL ALE to PSEN 75 TPLPH PSEN Pulse Width 265 TPLIV PSEN to Valid Instr In - 200 - 3TCLCL-l00 TPXIX Input Instr Hold After PSEN 0 - 0 - TPXIZ' ) Input Instr Float After PSEN - 80 - TCLCL-20 TPXAV*) Address Valid After PSEN 92 - TCLCL-8 - TAVIV Address to Valid Instr In - 385 - 5TCLCL·115 TAZPL Address Float to PSEN 0 - 0 - 2TCLCL-40 - TCLCL-30 - TCLCL-35 300 - - 4TCLCL-l00 TCLCL-25 3TCLCL-35 - ns External Data Memory Characteristics Symbol Parameter Unit Limit Values Variable Clock lITCLCL = 1.2 MHz to 10 MHz 10 MHz Clock Min Max Min Max TRLRH RD Pulse Width TWLWH VVR Pulse Width TLLAX2 Address Hold After ALE 165 TRLDV RD to Valid Data In - 335 - 5TCLCL-165 TRHDX Data Hold After RD 0 - 0 - - 650 - 8TCLCL-150 500 6TCLCL-l00 - 6TCLCL-l00 - 2TCLCL-35 2TCLCL-70 TRHDZ Data Float After RD TLLDV ALE to Valid Data In 130 TAVDV Address to Valid Data In TLLWL ALE to WR or RD 250 350 3TCLCL-50 3TCLCL+50 TAVWL Address to WR or RD 270 - 4TCLCL-130 - TWHLH WR or RD High to ALE High 60 140 TCLCL-40 TCLCL+40 TDVWX Data Valid to WR Transition 50 TOVWH Data Setup Before WR 550 TWHOX Data Hold After WR 50 TRLAZ Address Float After RD - ns 9TCLCL-165 735 TCLCL-50 - 7TCLCL-150 - TCLCL-50 0 - 0 *) Interfacing the SAB 8051 to devices with floal times up to 92ns is permissible. This limited bus contention will not caused any damage to Port 0 drivers. 61 SAB 8031/8051 External Clock Drive XTAL2 Symbol Limit Values Parameter Unit Variable Clock Freq = 1.2 MHzto 12 MHz (8031/8051) Freq = 1.2 MHz to 10 MHz (8031-10/8051-10) Min Max TCLCL Oscillator Period 8031/8051 83.3 Oscillator Period 8031-10/8051-10 100 833.3 TCHCX High Time TCLCL-TCLCX TCLCX Low Time TCLCH Rise Time TCHCL Fall Time 20 TCLCL-TCHCX ns 20 - External Clock Cycle 08 08 - - TClCX- 1 - - - - - - - T C L C L - - - - - -..-I A.C, Testing Input, Output, Float Waveforms 2.4 045 2.4 045 X:: ~:: Test POints Float ::X ::~ 24 0.45 A.C. testing inputs are driven at 2.4V for a logic "1" and 0.45V for a logic "0". Timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a logic "1" and 0.8V for a logic "0". For timing purposes, the float state is defined as the point at which a PO pin sinks 3.2mA or sources 400 ~A at the voltage test levels. 62 SAB 8031/8051 Waveforms Program Memory Read Cycle I-~~~-~~~~~~- TCY ---~---- TLLIV ~- TLHLL- -TLLPL ALE -~TPLPH-- - LLAX11.J.rTPLIV - --TAVLL - -TAZPL A7 - AD PORT 0 ---TAVIV PORT 2 I ADDRESS OR SFR-P2 ~~~ ADDRESS A 15 - A B Data Memory Read Cycle ~ __~I-~--- TLLDV ~- TWHLH- ALE --TLLWL -I-~~~- TRLRH -~~--~ - - --TAVWL--TRLDV-- Port 0 Port 2 ADDRESS -OR SFR-P2 ADDRESS A15-AB OR SFR-P2 63 SAB 8031/8051 Data Memory Write Cycle TWHLH ALE --TLLWL-I------·TWLWH--- - - - WR TAVWL I --TDVWX TClVWH -TWHQX DATA OUT Port 0 ADDRESS A15 - A8 OR SFR-P2 Port 2 Recommended Oscillator Circuits C :t--_-.._--'1c.;9 XTAL 1 , - - - j . I l --i., I 1 + SV ~'Jk ~1.2-12 MHz ~- 18 ~il----*----"'-lXTAL2 ~I ~---~XTAL2 7404 74LS04 CdO pH 10pF Crystal Os[illator Mode 64 ~XTAL1 Driving from .External Source SAB 8031/8051 8-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer Extended Temperature Range: -40 to + 85°C -40 to +110 C SAB 8051-P-T40/85 Mask Programmable ROM SAB 8051-P-T40/110 C o4K x 8 ROM SAB 8031-P-T40/85 SAB 8031-P-T40/110 External ROM • Boolean Processor • SAB 8048 Architecture Enhanced with: .128 x 8 RAM • Four S-Bit Ports, 32 I/O Lines o Two 16-Bit Timer/Event Counters • Non-Paged Jumps • High-Performance Full-Duplex Serial Channel • Four 8-Register Banks • Stack Depth Up to 128-Bytes • Direct Addressing • External Memory Expandable to 12SK • Multiply, Divide, Subtract, Compare • Compatible with SAB 8080/S085 Peripherals • Single +5V Power Supply with ±10% Voltage Margins Logic Symbol Pin Configuration VSSYU RSTlVPO ." The SAB 8031/8051 for the two extended temperature ranges (industrial temperature range: -40 to T85 C, Automative temperature range: --40to +110C) isfullycompatiblewiththestandard SAB 8031/8051 with respect to architecture, instruction set, and software portability. The SAB 8031/8051 is a stand-alone, high-performance single-chip computer fabricated in +5V advanced N-channel, silicon gate Siemens MYMOS technology and packaged in a 40-pin DIP. The SAB 8031 is identical to the SAB 8051, except that it lacks the program memory. The SAB 8051 microcomputer, like the SAB 8048, is efficient both as a controller and as an arithmetic processor. The SAB 8051 has extensive facilities for binary and BCD arithmetic and excels in bit-handling capabilities. Among the many instructions added to the standard SAB 8048 instruction set are multiply, divide, subtract and compare. AG 2184 65 SAB 8031/8051 Ext. Temp. Pin Description Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) P1.0-P1.7 1-8 1/0 Port 1 is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional 1/0 port. Ii is used for the low-order address byte during program verification. RSTIVPD 9 I A high level on this pin resets the SAB 8051. A small internal pulldown resistor permits power-on reset using only a capacitor connected to vee. IfVPD is held within its spec while vee drops below spec, VPD will provide standby power to the RAM. When VPD is low, the RAM's current is drawn from vee. P3.0-P3.7 10-17 1/0 Port 3 is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional 1/0 port. It also contains the interrupt, timer, serial port and RD and WR pins that are used by various options. The output latch corresponding to a secondary function must be programmed to a one (1) for that function to operate. The secondary functions are assigned to the pins of Port 3, as follows: - RXD/data (P3.0). Serial port's receiver data input (asynchronous) or data input/output (synchronous). - TXD/clock (P3.1). Serial port's transmitter data output (asynchronous) or clock output (synchronous). - INTO (P3.2). Interrupt 0 input or gate control input for counter O. - INT1 (P3.3). Interrupt 1 input or gate control input for counter 1. - TO (P3.4). Input to counter O. - T1 (p3.5). Input to counter 1. - WR (P3.6). The write control signal latches the data byte from Port 0 into the External Data Memory. - RD (P3.7). The read control signal enables External Data Memory to Port O. XTAL1 XTAL2 19 18 I XTAL 1 Input to the oscillator's high gain amplifier. Required when a crystal is used. Connect to VSS when external source is used on XTAL2. XTAL2 Output from the oscillator's amplifier. Input to the internal timing circuitry. A crystal or external source can be used. P2.0-P2.7 21-28 1/0 Port 2 is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional 1/0 port. It also emits the high-order address byte when accessing external memory. It is used for the high-order address and the control signals during program verification. PSEN 29 0 The Program Store Enable output is a control signal that enables the external Program Memory to the bus during external fetch operations. It is activated every six oscillator periods, except during external data memory accesses. Remains high during internal program execution. ALE 30 0 Provides Address Latch Enable output used for latching the address into external memory during normal operation. It is activated every six oscillator periods except during an external data memory access. 66 Function SAB 8031/8051 Ext. Temp. Symbol Number Input (II Output 101 EA 31 I When held at a high level, the SAB 8051 executes instructions from the internal ROM when the PC is less than 4096. When held at a low level, the SAB 8051 fetches all instructions from external Program Memory. PO.O- PO.7 39-32 1/0 Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bidirectional 1/0 port. It is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus when using external memory. It is used for data output during program verification. VCC 40 + 5 V power supply during operation and program verification. VSS 20 Circuit ground potential. Function Block Diagram Frequency Reference r I I I - t---~---------------------------l--~--Oscillator I I & Timing I I I I I I Counters 1 4096 Bytes Program Memory 180510nlyi Two 16-Blt Timer I Event Counters 128 Bytes Data Memory 1 f 8051 CPU ~ I I I 64k-Byte Bus Ex panslon Control I I I I I L :) Programmable 110 Programmable serial port • full duplex UART • shnchronous sliter Interrupts - --------- ----- 'v Interrupts Control -- -- -- V Parallel Ports Adress Data Bus and 110 Pins ---- ---- - Serial IN Serial OUT 67 SAB 8031/8051 Ext.Temp. Instruction Set Description I Description Mnemonic I Byte I Cycle Arithmetic operations ADD A,Rn ADD ADD Add register to Accumulator 1 1 A, direct Add direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 A,@Ri Add indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 ADD A,#data Add immediate data to Accumulator 2 1 ADDC A,Rn Add register to Accumulator with Carry flag 1 1 AD DC A,direct Add direct byte to A with Carry flag 2 1 ADDC A,@Ri Add indirect RAM to A with Carry flag 1 1 ADDC A,#data Add immediate data to A with Carry flag 2 1 SUBB A,Rn Subtract register from A with Borrow 1 1 SUBB A,direct Subtract direct byte from A with Borrow 2 1 SUBB A,@Ri Subtract indirect RAM from A w/Borrow 1 1 SUBB A,#data Subtract immediate data from A w/Borrow 2 1 INC A Increment Accumulator 1 1 INC Rn Increment register 1 1 INC direct Increment direct byte 2 1 INC @Ri Increment indirect RAM 1 1 DEC A Decrement Accumulator 1 1 DEC Rn Decrement register 1 1 DEC direct Decrement direct byte 2 1 DEC @Ri Decrement indirect RAM 1 1 INC DPTR Increment Data Pointer 1 2 MUL AB Multiply A & B 1 4 DIV AB Divide A & B 1 4 DA A Decimal Adjust Accumulator 1 1 ANL A,Rn AND register to Accumulator 1 1 ANL A;direct AND direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 ANL A,@Ri AND indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 ANL A,#data AND immediate data to Accumulator 2 1 ANL direct,A AND Accumulator to direct byte 2 1 - .. Logical operations 68 SAB 8031/8051 Ext. Temp. Mnemonic Description Byte Cycle ANL direct, jedata AND immediate data to direct byte 3 2 ORL A,Rn OR register to Accumulator 1 1 ORL A,direct OR direct byte to Accumul3tor 2 1 ORL A,@Ri OR indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 ORL A,4rdata OR immediate data to Accumulator 2 1 ORL direct,A OR Accumulator to direct byte 2 1 ORL direct,#data OR immediate data to direct byte 3 2 XRL A,Rn Exclusive-OR register to Accumulator 1 1 XRL A,direct Exclusive-OR direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 XRL A,(a:Ri Exclusive-OR indirect RAM to A 1 1 XRL A,#data Exclusive-OR immediate data to A 2 1 XRL direct,A Exclusive-OR Accumulator to direct byte 2 1 XRL direct,#data Exclusive-OR immediate data to direct 3 2 CLR A Clear Accumulator 1 1 CPL A Complement Accumulator 1 1 RL A Rotate Accumulator Left 1 1 RLC A Rotate A Left through the Carry flag 1 1 RR A Rotate Accumulator Right 1 1 RRC A Rotate A Right through Carry flag 1 1 SWAP A Swap nibbles within the Accumulator 1 1 MOV A,Rn Move register to Accumulator 1 1 Data transfer MOV A,direct Move direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 MOV A,@Ri Move indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 MOV A,#data Move immediate data to Accumulator 2 1 MOV Rn,A Move Accumulator to register 1 1 MOV Rn,direct Move direct byte to register 2 2 MOV Rn,#data Move immediate data to register 2 1 MOV direct,A Move Accumulator to direct byte 2 1 MOV direct,Rn Move register to direct byte 2 2 MOV direct,direct Move direct byte to direct 3 2 69 SAB 8031/8051 Ext. Temp. Mnemonic Description Byte Cycle direct.@Ri Move indirect RAM to direct byte 2 2 MOV direct,*data Move immediate data to direct byte 3 2 MOV @Ri,A Move Accumulator to indirect RAM 1 1 MOV @Ri,direct Move direct byte to indirect RAM 2 2 MOV @Ri,#data Move immediate data to indirect RAM 2 1 MOV DPTR,*data 16 Load Data Pointer with a 16-bit constant 3 2 A,@A+DPTR Move Code byte relative to DPTR to A 1 2 MOVC A,@A+PC Move Code byte relative to PC to A 1 2 MOVX A,@Ri Move External RAM (S-bit addr) to A 1 2 MOVX A,@DPTR Move External RAM 116-bit addr) to A 1 2 MOVX @Ri,A Move A to External RAM IS-bit addr) 1 2 MOVX @DPTR,A Move A to External RAM 116-bit addr) 1 2 PUSH direct Push direct byte onto stack 2 2 MOV Data transfer Icont.) MOVC POP direct Pop direct byte from stack 2 2 XCH A,Rn Exchange register with Accumulator 1 1 XCH A,direct Exchange direct byte with Accumulator 2 1 XCH A,@Ri Exchange indirect RAM with A 1 1 XCHD A,@Ri Exchange low-order Digit indo RAM w/A 1 1 C Clear Carry flag 1 1 Boolean variable manipulation CLR CLR bit Clear direct bit 2 1 SETB C Set Carry flag 1 1 SETB bit Set direct Bit 2 1 CPL C Complement Carry flag 1 1 CPL bit Complement direct bit 2 1 ANL C,bit AND direct bit to Carry flag 2 2 ANL C,/bit AND complement of direct bit to Carry 2 2 ORL C,bit OR direct bit to Carry flag 2 2 ORL C,/bit OR complement of direct bit to Carry 2 2 MOV C,bit Move direct bit to Carry flag 2 1 MOV bit,C Move Carry flag to direct bit 2 2 70 SAB 8031/8051 Ext. Temp. I Byte I Cycle I Description Mnemonic Program and machine control ACALL addr 11 LCALL addr16 RET RETI AJMP addr 11 Absolute Subroutine Call 2 2 Long Subroutine Call 3 2 Return from subroutine 1 2 Return from interrupt 1 2 Absolute Jump 2 2 LJMP addr 16 Long Jump 3 2 SJMP rei Short Jump (relative addr) 2 2 JMP @A+DPTR Jump indirect relative to the DPTR 1 2 JZ rei Jump if Accumulator is Zero 2 2 JNZ rei Jump if Accumulator is Not Zero 2 2 JC rei Jump if Carry flag is set 2 2 JNC rei Jump if Carry flag not set 2 2 JB bit,rel Jump if direct Bit set 3 2 JNB bit,rel Jump if direct Bit not set 3 2 JBC bit,rel Jump if direct Bit is set & Clear bit 3 2 CJNE A,direct,rel Compare direct to A & Jump if Not Equal 3 2 CJNE A,#data,rel Camp. immed. to A & Jump if Not Equal 3 2 CJNE Rn,#data,rel Compo immed. to reg. & Jump if Not Equal 3 2 CJNE @Ri,#data,rel Comp.immed. to indo & Jump if Not Equal 3 2 DJNZ Rn,rel Decrement register & Jump if Not Zero 2 2 direct.rel Decrement direct & Jump if Not Zero 3 2 No operation 1 1 DJNZ NOP - Notes on data addressing modes: Rn - Working register RO- R7 direct - 128 internal RAM locations, any 1/0 port, control or siatus register @Ri - Indirect internal RAM location addressed by register RO or R1 *data - 8-bit constant included in instruction #data 16 - 16-bit constant included as bytes 2 & 3 of instruction bit - 128 software flags, any 1/0 pin, control or status bit Notes on program addressing modes: addr 16 - Destination address for LCALL & LJMP may be anywhere within the 64-Kilobyte program memory address space. addr 11 - Destination address for ACALL & AJMP will be within the same 2-Kilobyte page of program memory as the first byte of the following instruction. rei -SJMP and all conditional jumps include an 8-bit offset byte. Range is + 127 1-128 bytes relative to first byte of the following instruction. All mnemonics copyrighted 9 Intel Corporation 1979 71 SAB 8031/8051 Ext. Temp. Instruction Opcodes in Hexadecimal Order Hex Code Number of Bytes 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1 2 10 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 72 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 Mnemonic Operands Hex Code Number of Bytes NOP AJMP LJMP RR INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC JBC ACALL LCALL RRC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC JB AJMP RET RL ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD JNB ACALL RETI RLC 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 58 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 53 64 65 66 67 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 code addr' code addr A A data addr @RO @R1 RO R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 bit addr code addr code addr code addr A A data addr @RO @R1 RO Rl R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 bit addr code addr code addr A A,*data A,data addr A.@RO A.@R1 A,RO A.R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A.R5 A,R6 A,R7 bit addr, code addr code addr A 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 Mnemonic Operands AD DC ADDC ADDC ADDC ADDC ADDC ADDC ADDC ADDC ADDC AD DC AD DC JC AJMP ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL JNC ACALL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL JZ AJMP XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL A,*data A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R7 A,R7 code addr code addr data addr,A data addr, #data A,#data A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 code addr code addr data addr,A data addr, #data A,#data A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R5 A,R7 code addr code addr data addr,A data addr, #data A.#data A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 SAB 8031/8051 Ext. Temp. Instruction Opcodes in Hexadecimal Order (Continued) Hex Code Number of Bytes 68 69 6A 6B 6C 60 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 70 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 80 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mnemonic Operands XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL JNZ ACALL ORL JMP MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV SJMP AJMP ANL MOVC OIV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV ACALL MOV MOVC SUBB SUBB SUBB SUBB SUBB SUBB SUBB SUBB A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 code addr code addr C,bit addr @A+OPTR A,*data data addr, "data @RO,*data @R1,*data RO,*data R1,*data R2,*data R3,*data R4,*data R5,*data R6,*data R7,"data code addr code addr C,bitaddr A,@A+PC AB data data data data data data data data data data data addr,data addr addr,@RO addr,@R1 addr, RO addr, R 1 addr, R2 addr, R3 addr,R4 addr, R5 addr,R6 addr, R7 OPTR,"data code addr bitaddr,C A,@A+OPTR A,*data A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RP A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 Hex Code Number of Bytes 9C 90 9E 9F AO A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AO AE AF BO B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BO BE BF CO C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CO CE CF 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mnemonic Operands SUBB SUBB SUBB SUBB ORL AJMP MOV INC MUL reserved MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV ANL ACALL CPL CPL CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE PUSH AJMP CLR CLR SWAP XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH A,R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 C,fbit addr code addr C,bitaddr OPTR AB @RO,data addr @R1,data addr RO,data addr R 1,data addr R2,data addr R3,data addr R4,data addr R5,data addr R6,data addr R7,data addr C,fbit addr code addr bit addr I C A,*data,code addr A,data addr,code addr @RO,*data,codeaddr @R1,"data,codeaddr RO,*data,code addr R1,"data,code addr R2,"data,code addr R3,*data,code addr R4,*data,code addr R5,*data,code addr R6,*data,code addr R7,*data,code addr data addr code addr bit addr C A A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 73 SAB 8031/8051 Ext. Temp. Instruction Opcodes in Hexadecimal Order (Continued) Hex Code Number of Bytes Mnemonic Operands 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 OB 09 OA OB OC 00 OE OF EO ,El E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 EB E9 EA EB EC 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 POP ACALL SETB SETB OA OJNZ XCHO XCHO OJNZ OJNZ OJNZ OJNZ OJNZ OJNZ OJNZ OJNZ MOVX AJMP MOVX MOVX CLR MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOVX ACALL MOVX MOVX CPL MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV ED EE EF FO Fl F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 FB F9 FA FB FC FO FE FF 74 data addr code addr bltaddr C A data addr,code addr A,@RO A.@R1 RO,code addr R 1,code addr R2,code addr R3,code addr R4,code addr R5,code addr R6,code addr R7,code addr A,@OPTR code addr A,@RO A,@Rl A A,data addr A,@RO A,@Rl A,fW A.Rl A,R2 A.R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 @OPTR,A code addr @RO,A @Rl,A A data addr,A @RO,A @Rl,A RO,A Rl,A R2,A R3,A R4,A R5,A R6,A R7,A SAB 8031/8051 Ext. Temp. Absolute Maximum Ratings 1) Ambient Temperature Under Bias Storage Temperature Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground (VSS) Power Dissipation -40 to + 85°C for T40/85 -40 to + 110°C for T40/110 -65 to + 150'C -0.5to + 7 V 2W D.C. Characteristics vcc = 5V ±10%; VSS = OV; Symbol TA TA = -40to + = 85'CforT40/85; -40to +110'CforT40/110 Parameter Limit Values Min. Typ. Units Test Conditions Max. VIL Input Low Voltage T40/85 T40/110 -0.5 0.8 0.7 VIH Input High Voltage except RST IVPD and XTAL2 T40/85 T40/110 2.0 2.1 VCC+0.5 VIHl Input High Voltage to RST IVPD for Reset, XTAL2 T40/85 T40/110 2.5 2.8 - XTAL1 toVSS VPD Power Down Voltage To RSTIVPD 4.5 5.5 VCC Val Output low Voltage Ports 1,2,3 - 0.45 Vall Output Low Voltage Port 0, ALE, IPSEN - V I = OV IOl = 1.2 mA IOL = 2.4 mA - VOH Output High Voltage Ports 1,2,3 T40/85 T40/110 VOH1 Output High Voltage Port 0, ALE, IPSEN T40/85 T40/110 ilL Logical 0 Input Current Ports 1,2,3 -800 ftA IIL2 Logical 0 Input Current XTAL2 -2.0 mA IIHl Input High Current to RSTIVPD for Reset 500 III Input Leakage Cu rrent to Port O.lEA ICC Power Su pply Cu rrent IPD Power Down Current 20 CIO Capacitance of I/O Buffer 10 - 2.4 - = -60 ftA = -50 f1A 10H = -400 ftA 10H = -360 ftA VIL = 0.45 V IOH IOH XTAL1 = VSS VIL = 0.45V VIN =VCC-l.5V ~A ±10 - 175 0< VIN < VCC mA - pF fc = 1 MHz 1) Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 75 SAB 8031/8051 Ext. Temp. A.C. Characteristics for T40/85 vcc = 5V ±10%; VSS = OV; TA = -40to +S5"C (CL for Port 0, ALE and PSEN Outputs = 100 pF; CL for All Other Outputs = SO pF) Program Memory Characteristics Symbol Parameter Limit Values 10 MHz Clock Min TLHLL Max Unit Variable Clock 1/TCLCL = 1.2 MHz to 10 MHz Min Max 2TCLCL-40 ALE Pulse Width 160 TAVLL Address Setup to ALE 70 TLLAX Address Hold After ALE 65 TLLlV ALE To Valid Instr In - TLLPL ALE To PSEN 75 TPLPH PSEN Pulse Width 265 TPLIV PSEN To Valid Instr In - 200 - 3TCLCL-100 TPXIX Input Instr Hold After PSEN 0 - 0 - - TCLCL-30 - TCLCL-35 300 - TCLCL-25 3TCLCL-35 4TCLCL-100 - TPXIZ*) Input Instr Float After PSEN - 80 - TCLCL-20 TPXAV*) Address Valid After PSEN 92 - TCLCL·8 - TAVIV Address To Valid Instr In - 3S5 - 5TCLCL-115 TAZPL Address Float To PSEN 0 - 0 - ns External Data Memory Characteristics Symbol Parameter Limit Values 10 MHz Clock Min Max Unit Variable Clock 1/TCLCL = 1.2 MHzto 10 MHz Min Max TRLRH RD Pulse Width TWLWH WR Pulse Width TLLAX Address Hold After ALE 65 TRLDV RD To Valid Data In - 335 - 5TCLCL·165 TRHDX Data Hold After RD 0 - 0 - - 650 - 8TCLCL-150 TRHDZ Data Float After RD TLLDV ALE To Valid Data In TAVDV Address To Valid Data In TLLWL ALE To WR or RD 500 6TCLCL-100 - 6TCLCL·100 - TCLCL-35 130 2TCLCL-70 735 250 350 9TCLCL-165 3TCLCL-50 3TCLCL+50 TAVWL Address To WR or RD 270 - 4TCLCL·130 - TWHLH WR or RD High To ALE High 60 140 TCLCL·40 TCLCL+40 TDVWX Data Valid To WR Transition 50 TOVWH Data Setup Before WR 550 TWHOX Data Hold After WR 50 TRLAZ Address Float After RD - ns . TCLCL·50 - lTCLCL·150 - TCLCL·50 0 - 0 *) Interfacing the SAB S051 to devices with float times up to 92ns is permissible. This limited bus contention will not cause any damage to Port 0 drivers. 76 SAB 803118051 Ext. Temp. A.C. Characteristics for T40/110 vcc = 5V ±10%; VSS = OV; TA = -40to +110°C (CL for Port 0, ALE and PSEN Outputs = 100 pF; CL for All Other Outputs = 80 pF) Program Memory Characteristics Symbol Parameter Unit Limit Values Variable Clock l/TCLCL = 1.2 MHz to 8 MHz 8 MHz Clock Min Max Min Max TLHLL ALE Pulse Width 210 TAVLL Address Setup to ALE 90 TLLAX Address Hold After ALE 85 TLLlV ALE To Valid Instr In - TLLPL ALE To PSEN 100 TCLCL-25 TPLPH PSEN Pulse Width 340 3TCLCL-35 TPLIV PSEN To Valid Instr In - 250 - 3TCLCL-125 TPXIX Input Instr Hold After PSEN 0 - 0 - TPXIZ*) Input Instr Float After PSEN - 105 - TCLCL-20 TPXAV*) Address Valid After PSEN 112 - TCLCL-13 - TAVIV Address To Valid Instr In - 485 - 5TCLCL-140 TAZPL Address Float To PSEN 0 - 0 - 2TCLCL-40 - TCLCL-35 - TCLCL-40 375 - 4TCLCL-125 - I ns External Data Memory Characteristics Symbol Parameter Unit Limit Values Variable Clock l/TCLCL = 1.2 MHz to 8 MHz 8 MHz Clock Min Max Min Max TRLRH RD Pulse Width TWLWH WR Pulse Width TLLAX Address Hold After ALE 85 TRLDV RD To Valid Data In - 460 - 5TCLCL-165 TRHDX Data Hold After RD 0 - 0 - - 850 - 8TCLCL-150 650 6TCLCL-l00 - 6TCLCL-l00 - TCLCL-40 2TCLCL-70 TRHDZ Data Float After RD TLLDV ALE To Valid Data In 180 TAVDV Address To Valid Data In TLLWL ALE To WR or RD 325 425 3TCLCL-50 3TCLCL+50 TAVWL Address To WR or RD 370 - 4TCLCL-130 - TWHLH WR or RD High To ALE High 85 165 TCLCL-40 TCLCL+40 TDVWX Data Valid To WR Transition 75 TOVWH Data Setup Before WR 725 TWHOX Data Hold After WR 75 TRLAZ Address Float After RD - ns 9TCLCL-165 960 TCLCL-50 - 7TCLCL-150 - TCLCL-50 0 - 0 *) Interfacing the SAB 8051 to devices with float times upto 112ns is permissible. This limited bus contention will not cause any damage to Port 0 drivers. 77 SAB 8031/8051 Ext. Temp. External Clock Drive XTAL2 Symbol Parameter Limit Values Unit Variable Clock Freq = 1.2 MHz to 10 MHz (T40/85) Freq = 1.2 MHzto 8 MHz (T40/110) TCLCL Oscillator Period TCHCX High Time TCLCX Low Time TCLCH RiseTime TCHCL Fall Time T40/85 T40/110 Min Max 100 125 833.3 TCLCL·TCLCX 20 TCLCL·TCHCX - ns 20 External Clock Cycle 0.8 TClCX Test Points for T40/110: 0.7V and 2.8V 1 - - - - - - - TClCl------.~1 A.C. Testing Input, Output, Float Waveforms 2.4 0.45 2.4 0.45 X:': ] Tosl Points FloQI ::X ~ 2.0 2.0 2.4 0.8 0.8 0.45 AC testing inputs are driven at 2.4V for a logic "1" and 0.45V for a logic "0". Timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a logic "1" and 0.8V for a logic "0". For timing purposes, the float state is defined as the point at which a PO pin sinks 3.2 mA or sources 400 ~A at the voltage test levels. 78 SAB 8031/8051 Ext. Temp. Waveforms Program Memory Read Cycle 1----------------------TCy TLLIV - ALE I -TAVLL PORT 0 PORT 2 ADDRESS OR SFR-P2 ADDRESS A15-AB ADDRESS A15 - A8 Data Memory Read Cycle , -_ _-, I-~----- TLLDV - - - - - - I TWHLH- ALE --TLLWL ~I------ TRLRH -----------1 TRHDZ ~-TAVWLTRLDV~ DATA IN Port 0 Port 2 TRHDX- ADDRESS -OR SFR-P2 ADDRESS A15-A8 OR SFR-P2 79 SAB 8031/8051 Ext. Temp. Data Memory Write Cycle TWHLH ALE --TLLWL-I-'~---~TWLWH----- TAVWL TDVWX • -TWHQ)( TQVWH DATA OUT Port 0 ADDRESS A15-A8 OR SFR-P2 Port 2 Recommended Oscillator Circuits 19 XTAL 1 _-----Il---<>-------'-1.:..j9 XTAL 1 +5V = 4.7k 1.2-12 MHz L--~~-~>-------'-18~XTAL2 1 : > - - - - - - - 18 XTAL2 7404 74LS04 C=30pH10pF Crystal Oscillator Mode 80 Driving from External Source SAB 8031A18051A SAB 8031A-15/8051A-15 8-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer SAB 8031A/8031A-15 Control Oriented CPU with RAM and I/O SAB 8051A18051A-15 A SAB 8031A with Factory Mask-Programmable ROM • SAB 8031A/8051A, 12 MHz Operation SAB 8031A-15/8051A-15, 15 MHz Operation • 4K x 8 ROM .128 x 8 RAM • Four 8-Bit Ports, 32 I/O Lines • Two 16-Bit Timer/Event Counters • High-Performance Full-Duplex Serial Channel • External Memory Expandable to 128K Pin Configuration • Compatible with SAB 8080/8085 Peripherals • Boolean Processor • 218 User Bit-Addressable Locations • Most Instruction Execute in: 1 Ils (SAB 8031 A/8051 A) 800 ns (SAB 8031A-15/8051A-15) • 4 Ils (3.2 [lS) Multiply and Divide Logic Symbol r I XTAL'___ TI I ~"''':C''TOD I ---- -_ - ~, --___ __Programmable 110 Interrupts - --------- Interrupts ----- Control -- -- -- Parallel Ports Address Data Bus and 110 Pins Programmable serial port . lull duplex UART • shnchronous siller ----1----Serial IN Serial OUT 101 SAB S031A/S051A Ext. Temp. Instruction Set Description I Description Mnemonic I Byte I Cycle Arithmetic operations A,Rn Add register to Accumulator 1 1 ADD A, direct Add direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 ADD A.@Ri Add indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 ADD A,*data Add immediate data to Accumulator 2 1 AD DC A,Rn Add register to Accumulator with Carry flag 1 1 ADD AD DC A,direct Add direct byte to A with Carry flag 2 1 AD DC A,@Ri Add indirect RAM to A with Carry flag 1 1 AD DC A,*data Add immediate data to A with Carry flag 2 1 SUBB A,Rn Subtract register from A with Borrow 1 1 SUBB A,direct Subtract direct byte from A with Borrow 2 1 SUBB A,@Ri Subtract indirect RAM from A w/Borrow 1 1 SUBB A,*data Subtract immediate data from A w/Borrow 2 1 INC A Increment Accumulator 1 1 INC Rn Increment register 1 1 INC direct Increment direct byte 2 1 INC @Ri Increment indirect RAM 1 1 DEC A Decrement Accumulator 1 1 DEC Rn Decrement register 1 1 DEC direct Decrement direct byte 2 1 DEC @Ri Decrement indirect RAM 1 1 INC DPTR Increment Data Pointer 1 2 MUL AB Multiply A & B 1 4 DIV AB Divide A& B 1 4 DA A Decimal Adjust Accumulator 1 1 ANL A,Rn AND register to Accumulator 1 1 ANL A,direct AND direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 ANL A,@Ri AND indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 ANL A,*data AND immediate data to Accumulator 2 1 ANL directA AND Accumulator to direct byte 2 1 Logical operations 102 SAB S031A/S051A Ext. Temp. Instruction Set Description (continued) Description Byte Cycle ANL direct,*data AND immediate data to direct byte 3 2 ORL A,Rn OR register to Accumulator 1 1 ORL A,direct OR direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 ORL A,@Ri OR indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 ORL A,*data OR immediate data to Accumulator 2 1 ORL direct,A OR Accumulator to direct byte 2 1 ORL direct,*data OR immediate data to direct byte 3 2 XRL A,Rn Exclusive-OR register to Accumulator 1 1 XRL A,direct Exclusive-OR direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 XRL Mnemonic A,@Ri Exclusive-OR indirect RAM to A 1 1 XRL A,*data Exclusive-OR immediate data to A 2 1 XRL direct,A Exclusive-OR Accumulator to direct byte 2 1 XRL direct,*data Exclusive-OR immediate data to direct 3 2 CLR A Clear Accumulator 1 1 CPL A Complement Accumulator 1 1 RL A Rotate Accumulator Left 1 1 RLC A Rotate A Left through the Carry flag 1 1 RR A Rotate Accumulator Right 1 1 RRC A Rotate A Right through Carry flag 1 1 SWAP A Swap nibble's within the Accumulator 1 1 MOV A,Rn Move register to Accumulator 1 1 MOV A,direct Move direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 MOV A,@Ri Move indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 MOV A,*data Move immediate data to Accumulator 2 1 MOV Rn,A Move Accumulator to register 1 1 MOV Rn,direct Move direct byte to register 2 2 MOV Rn,*data Move immediate data to register 2 1 MOV direct,A Move Accumulator to direct byte 2 1 MOV direct,Rn Move register to direct byte 2 2 Mbv direct,direct Move direct byte to direct 3 2 I Data transfer *) *) MOV A,ACC is not a vaiid instruction 103 SAB S031A/S051AExt. Temp. Instruction Set Description (continued) Mnemonic Description Byte Cycle MOV direct,@Ri Move indirect RAM to direct byte 2 2 MOV d i rect,#d ata Move immediate data to direct byte 3 2 MOV @Ri,A Move Accumulator to indirect RAM 1 1 MOV @Ri,direct Move direct byte to indirect RAM 2 2 MOV @Ri,#data Move immediate data to indirect RAM 2 1 MOV DPTR,#data 16 . Load Data Pointer with a 16-bit constant 3 2 MOVC A,@A+DPTR Move Code byte relative to DPTR to A 1 2 MOVC A,@A+PC Move Code byte relative to PC to A 1 2 MOVX A,@Ri Move External RAM (8-bit addr) to A 1 2 MOVX A,@DPTR Move External RAM (16-bit addr) to A 1 2 MOVX @Ri,A Move A to External RAM (8-bit addrl 1 2 MOVX @DPTR,A Move A to External RAM (16-bit addr) 1 2 PLJSH direct Push direct byte onto stack 2 2 POP direct Pop direct byte from stack 2 2 XCH A,Rn Exchange register with Accumulator 1 1 XCH A,direct Exchange direct byte with Accuniulator 2 1 XCH A,@Ri Exchange indirect RAM with A 1 1 XCHD A,@Ri Exchange low-order Digit ihd. RAM w/A 1 1 Data transfer (cant.) Boolean variable manipulation CLR C Clear Carry flag 1 1 CLR bit Clear direct bit 2 1 SETB C Set Carry flag 1 1 SETB bit Set direct Bit 2 1 CPL C Complement Carry flag 1 1 CPL bit Complement direct bit 2 1 ANL C,bit AND direct bit to Carry flag 2 2 ANL C,/bit AND complement of direct bit to Carry 2 2 ORL C,bit OR direct bit to Carry flag 2 2 ORL C,/bit OR complement of direct bit to Carry 2 2 MOV C,bit Move direct bit to Carry flag 2 1 MOV bit,C Move Carry flag to direct bit 2 2 104 SAB S031A/S051A Ext. Temp. Instruction Set Description (continued) IDescription Mnemonic I Byte I Cycle Program and machine control ACALL addr 11 Absolute Subroutine Call 2 2 LCALL addr 16 Long Subroutine Call 3 2 RET Return from subroutine 1 2 RETI Return from interrupt 1 2 AJMP addr 11 Absolute Jump 2 2 LJMP addr16 Long Jump 3 2 SJMP rei Short Jump Irelative addr) 2 2 JMP @A+DPTR Jump indirect relative to the DPTR 1 2 JZ rei Jump if Accumulator is Zero 2 2 JNZ rei Jump if Accumulator is Not Zero 2 2 JC rei Jump if Carry flag is set 2 2 JNC rei Jump if Carry flag not set 2 2 JB bit, rei Jump if direct Bit set 3 2 JNB bit,rel Jump if direct Bit not set 3 2 JBC bit,rel Jump if direct Bit is set & Clear bit 3 2 CJNE A,direct,rel Compare direct to A & Jump if Not Equal 3 2 CJNE A,#data,rel Compo immed. to A & Jump if Not Equal 3 2 CJNE Rn,#data,rel Compo immed. to reg. & Jump if Not Equal 3 2 CJNE @Ri,#data,rel Comp.immed. to indo & Jump if Not Equal 3 2 DJNZ Rn,rel Decrement register & Jump if Not Zero 2 2 DJNZ direct, rei Decrement direct & Jump if Not Zero 3 2 No operation 1 1 NOP Notes on data addressing modes: Rn - Working register RO- R7 direct - 128 internal RAM locations, any I/O port, control or status register @Ri -Indirect internal RAM location addressed by register RO or Rl #data - 8-bit constant included in instruction #data 16 - 16-bit constant included as bytes 2 & 3 of instruction bit - 128 software flags, any I/O pin, control or statu s bit Notes on program addressing modes: addr 16 - Destination address for LCALL & LJMP may be anywhere within the 64-Kilobyte program memory address space. addr 11 - Destination address for ACALL & AJMP will be within the same 2-Kilobyte page of program memory as the first byte of the following instruction. rei - SJMP and all conditional jumps include an 8-bit offset byte. Range is + 127/-128 bytes relative to first byte ofthe following instruction. All mnemonics copyrighted © Intel Corporation 1979 105 SAB 8031A/8051A Ext. Temp. Instruction Opcodes in Hexadecimal Order Hex Code Number of Bytes Mnemonic Operands Hex Code Number of Bytes 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 NOP AJMP LJMP RR INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC JBC ACALL LCALL RRC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC JB AJMP RET RL ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD JNB ACALL RETI RLC 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 58 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 106 code addr codeaddr A A data addr @RO @R1 RO R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 bit addr code addr codeaddr code addr A A data addr @RO @R1 RO R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 bit addr code addr code addr A A,#data A,dataaddr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 AR2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 AR6 A,R7 bit addr, code addr code addr A 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 Mnemonic Operands AD DC AD DC ADDC ADDC ADDC AD DC ADDC ADDC ADDC ADDC ADDC ADDC JC AJMP ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL JNC ACALL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL JZ AJMP XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL A,#data A,dataaddr A,@RO A,@R1 ARO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 AR7 A,R7 code addr code addr data addr, A data addr, #data A,#data Adata addr A,@RO A,@R1 ARO AR1 A,R2 AR3 AR4 AR5 AR6 A,R7 codeaddr code addr data addr, A data addr,#data A,#data Adata addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 AR3 A,R4 AR5 A,R6 A,R7 code addr code addr data addr, A data addr, #data A#data A,dataaddr A@RO A,@R1 SAB S031A/S051A Ext. Temp. Instruction Opcodes in He)(adecimal Order (continued) Hex Code Number of 8ytes 68 69 6A 68 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 78 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 88 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 98 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hex Code Number of 8ytes A.RO A.R1 A,R2 A.R3 A.R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 9C 9D 9E 9F AO A1 A2 A3 1 1 1 1 code addr code addr C,bitaddr A4 @A+DPTR A7 A8 A9 AA A8 AC AD AE AF 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 88 8C 8D 8E 8F CO C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA C8 CC CD CE CF Mnemonic Operands XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL JNZ ACALL ORL JMP MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV SJMP AJMP ANL MOVC DIV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV ACALL MOV MOVC SU88 SU88 SUS8 SUSS SU8S SU88 SU88 SU88 A,#data data addr,#data @RO,#data @R1,#data RO,#data R1,#data R2,*data R3,#data R4,#data R5,#data R6,#data R7,#data code addr code addr C,bitaddr A,@A+PC A8 data addr,data addr data addr,@RO data addr,@R1 data addr, RO data addr, R1 data addr, R2 data addr, R3 data addr, R4 data addr, R5 data addr, R6 data addr,R7 DPTR,*data code addr bitaddr,C A,@A+DPTR A.#data A,data addr A.@RO A.@R1 A.RO A,R1 A.R2 A.R3 2 2 2 1 1 A5 A6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mnemonic Operands SU88 SU88 SU88 SU88 ORL AJMP MOV INC MUL reserved MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV ANL ACALL CPL CPL CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE PUSH AJMP CLR CLR SWAP XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH A,R4 A.R5 A,R6 A,R7 C,fbit addr code addr C,bitaddr DPTR A8 @RO,data addr @R1,data addr RO,data addr R 1 ,data addr R2,data addr R3,data addr R4,data addr R5,data addr R6,data addr R7,data addr C,fbit addr code addr bit addr C A,#data,code addr A.data addr,code addr @RO,#data,codeaddr @R1,#data,codeaddr RO,#data,code addr R 1,#data,code addr R2,#data,code addr R3,#data,code addr R4,#data,code addr R5,#data,code addr R6,#data,code addr R7,#data,code addr data addr code addr bit addr C A A.data addr A,@RO A.@R1 A,RO A.R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A.R6 A.R7 107 SAB 8031A/8051A Ext. Temp. Instruction Opcodes in Hexadecimal Order (continued) Hex Code Number of Bytes Mnemonic Operands 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 DA DB DC DO DE DF EO E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF FO F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 Fl F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 POP ACALL SETB SETB OA OJNZ XCHO XCHO OJNZ DJNZ DJNZ DJNZ DJNZ DJNZ DJNZ DJNZ MOVX AJMP MOVX MOVX CLR MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOVX ACALL MOVX MOVX CPL MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV data addr codeaddr bitaddr C A data addr,code addr A,@RO A,@R1 RO,code addr R1,code addr R2,code addr R3,code addr R4,code addr R5,code addr R6,code addr R7,code addr A,@DPTR codeaddr A,@RO A,@R1 A A,data addr *) A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 @DPTR,A codeaddr @RO,A @R1,A A data addr,A @RO,A @R1,A RO,A R1,A R2,A R3,A R4,A R5,A R6,A Rl,A *) MOV A,ACC is not a valid instruction 108 SAB S031A/S051A Ext. Temp. Absolute Maximum Ratings 1) Ambient Temperature Under Bias Storage Temperature Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground (VSS) Power Dissipation D.C. Characteristics vcc = 5V ± 10%; VSS = OV Symbol -40 to -40to -65 to -0.5to + 85'C for T40/85 +110'CforT40/110 + 150'C + 7V 2W TA = -40 to + 85'C for T40/85; TA = -40 to + 110'C for T40/110 Parameter Limit Values Min. Max. 0.8 VIL Input Low Voltage -0.5 VIH Input High Voltage except RST IVPD and XTAL2 2.0 VIH1 Input High Voltage to RST IVPD for Reset, XTAL2 2.5 VPD Power Down Voltage To RSTIVPD 4.5 VOL Output Low Voltage Ports 1,2,3 VOL1 Output Low Voltage Port 0, ALE, IPSEN VOH Output High Voltage Ports 1,2,3 Units Test Conditions VCC+0.5 XTAL 1 to VSS 5.5 VCC = OV V - 2.4 10L = 1.6mA 10L = 3.2 mA 10H = -80 rIA 10H = -400 rIA = 0.45V 0.45 - VOH1 Output High Voltage Port 0, ALE, IPSEN ilL Logical 0 Input Current Ports 1,2,3 -800 ~IA VIL IIL2 Logical 0 Input Current XTAL2 -2.5 mA XTAL1 = VSS VIL = 0.45 V IIH1 Input High Current to RST IVPD for Reset 500 III Input Leakage Current to Port O,lEA ±10 ICC Power Supply Current 150 IPD Power Down Current 15 CIO Capacitance of 1/0 Buffer 10 - VIN = VCC-l.5 V ~IA 0< VIN < VCC mA - pF fc = 1 MHz 1) Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 109 SAB S031A/S051A Ext. Temp. A.C. Characteristics for T40/S5 vcc = 5V ± 10%; VSS = OV; TA = -40 to +85'C (CL for Port 0, ALE and PSEN Outputs = 100 pF; CL for All Other Outputs = 80 pF) Program Memory Characteristics Symbol Limit Values Parameter 12 MHz Clock Min TLHLL ALE Pulse Width Max 127 Unit Variable Clock 1/TCLCL = 1.2 MHz to 12 MHz Min Max 2TCLCL-40 - TCLCL-30 - TAVLL Address Setup to ALE 53 TLLAXl Address Hold After ALE 48 TLLlV ALE To Valid Instr In - TLLPL ALETa PSEN 58 TPLPH PSEN Pulse Width 215 TPLIV PSEN To Valid Instr In - 150 - 3TCLCL-100 TPXIX Input Instr Hold After PSEN 0 - 0 - TCLCL-35 233 - - 4TCLCL-l00 TCLCL-25 3TCLCL-35 - TPXIZ*) Input Instr Float After PSEN - 63 - TCLCL-20 TPXAV*) Address Valid After PSEN 75 - TCLCL-8 - TAVIV Address To Valid Instr In - 302 - 5TCLCL-115 TAZPL Address Float To PSEN 0 - 0 - ns External Data Memory Characteristics Symbol Parameter Limit Values 12 MHz Clock Min Max Unit Variable Clock 1/TCLCL = 1.2 MHz to 12 MHz Min Max TRLRH RD Pulse Width TWLWH WR Pulse Width TLLAX2 Address Hold After ALE 132 TRLDV RD To Valid Data In - 250 - 5TCLCL-165 TRHDX Data Hold After RD 0 - 0 - TRHDZ Data Float After RD TLLDV ALE to Valid Data ln TAVDV Address To Valid Data In 400 6TCLCL-l00 - 6TCLCL-l00 97 - - 2TCLCL-35 517 2TCLCL-70 - 585 8TCLCL-150 ns 9TCLCL-165 TLLWL ALE To WR or RD 200 300 3TCLCL-50 3TCLCL+50 TAVWL Address To WR or RD 203 - 4TCLCL-130 - TWHLH WR or RD High To ALE High 43 123 TCLCL-40 TCLCL+40 TDVWX Data Valid To WR Transition 33 TOVWH Data Setup Before WR 433 TWHOX Data Hold After WR 33 TRLAZ Address Float After 'AD - TCLCL-50 - 7TCLCL-150 - TCLCL-50 0 - 0 *) Interfacing the SAB 8051 A to devices with float times upto 75ns is permissible. This limited bus contention will not cause any damage to Port 0 drivers. 110 SAB S031A/S051A Ext. Temp. A.C. Characteristics for T40/110 vcc = 5V ±10%; VSS = OV; TA = -40to (CL for Port 0, ALE and PSEN Outputs = +110°C 100 pF; CL for All Other Outputs = 80 pF) Program Memory Characteristics Symbol Parameter Limit Values 10 MHz Clock Min Max Unit Variable Clock lITCLCL = 1.2 MHz to 10 MHz Min Max TLHLL ALE Pulse Width 160 TAVLL Address Setup to ALE 70 TLLAX1 Address Hold After ALE 65 TLLlV ALE To Valid Instr In - TLLPL ALE To PSEN 75 TPLPH PSEN Pulse Width 265 TPLIV PSEN To Valid Instr In - 200 - 3TCLCL-100 TPXIX Input Instr Hold After PSEN 0 - 0 - 2TCLCL-40 - TCLCL-30 - TCLCL-35 300 - - 4TCLCL-100 TCLCL-25 ns 3TCLCL-35 TPXIZ*) Input Instr Float After PSEN - 80 - TCLCL-20 TPXAV*) Address Valid After PSEN 92 - TCLCL-8 - TAVIV Address To Valid Instr In - 385 - 5TCLCL-115 TAZPL Address Float To PSEN 0 - 0 - External Data Memory Characteristics Symbol Parameter Limit Values 10 MHz Clock Min Max Unit Variable Clock 1/TCLCL = 1.2 MHz to 10 MHz Min Max TRLRH RD Pulse Width TWLWH WR Pulse Width TLLAX2 Address Hold After ALE 165 TRLDV RD To Valid Data In - 335 - 5TCLCL-165 TRHDX Data Hold After RD 0 - 0 - - 650 - 8TCLCL-150 500 6TCLCL-100 - 6TCLCL-100 - 2TCLCL-35 TRHDZ Data Float After RD TLLDV ALE To Valid Data In 130 2TCLCL-70 TAVDV Address To Valid Data In TLLWL ALE To WR or RD 250 350 3TCLCL-50 3TCLCL+50 TAVWL Address To WR or RD 270 - 4TCLCL-130 - TWHLH WR or RD High To ALE High 60 140 TCLCL-40 TCLCL+40 TDVWX Data Valid To WR Transition 50 735 TOVWH Data Setup Before WR 550 TWHOX Data Hold After WR 50 TRLAZ Address Float After RD - ns 9TCLCL-165 TCLCL-50 - 7TCLCL-150 - TCLCL-50 0 - 0 *) Interfacing the SAB 8051A to devices with float times up to 92ns is permissible. This limited bus contention will not cause any damage to Port 0 drivers. 111 SAB 8031A/8051A Ext. Temp. External Clock Drive XTAL2 Symbol Limit Values Parameter Unit Variable Clock Freq = 1.2 MHz to 12 MHz (T40/85) Freq = 1.2 MHz to 10 MHz IT40/110) TClCl Oscillator Period T40/85 T40/110 TCHCX High Time TClCX low Time TClCH RiseTime TCHCl Fall Time Min Max 83.3 100 833.3 TClCl-TClCX 20 TCLCL-TCHCX - ns 20 External Clock Cycle O.B O.B ----- TCLCX i-------TCLCL----------o..-I A.C. Testing Input, Output, Float Waveforms 2.4 ~.45 2.4 0.45 X:: ~:: Test Points Float ::X ::~ 2.4 0.45 AC testing inputs are driven at 2.4V for a logic "1" and 0.45V for a logic "0". Timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a logic "1" and 0.8V for a logic "0". For timing purposes, the float state is defined as the point at which a PO pin sinks 3.2 mA or sources 400 ItA at the voltage test levels. 112 SAB S031A/S051A Ext. Temp. ROM Verification Characteristics TA=25'C±5'C; VCC=5V±10%; vss=ov Symbol Parameter Limit Values Min TAVQV Address to Valid Data TELQV Enable to Valid Data Unit Max - TEHQZ Data Float after Enable 0 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency 4 48 TCLCL ns 6 MHz I ROM Verification P1.0- P1.7 P2.0- P2,3 ---i --I Address: P1.0-P1.7 = AO-A7 P2.0-P2.3 = A8-A11 Data: Port 0 = DO-D7 C ~Vo.V Port 0 P2.7 ENABLE ) Address Data out '1 - ~Ho.Z J Inputs: P2.4-P2.6, PSEN = VSS ALE, EA = TTL high level RSTIVPD = VIH1 113 SAB S031A/S051A Ext. Temp. Waveforms Program Memory Read Cycle 1 - - - - - - - - - . - - - TCY TLLIV - - TLHLL - TLLPL ALE ~-TPLPH-- /--_ _f-_~-ITPXAV TLLAXl tTPLIV - TPXIZ -TAVLL - \0----..... -TAZPL ~---.-ln )----, PORT 0 PORT 2 ADDRESS OR SFR-P2 ADDRESS A15-AB ADDRESS A15-AB Data Memory Read Cycle r---,",I-~--- TLLDV - - - - TWHLH- ALE --TLLWL ~I-----ITRLRH - - - - - - 1 I ------~----~ I~- -TAVWl-~ TRLDV~ Port 0 Port 2 114 ADDRESS OR SFR-P2 ADDRESS A15-AB OR SFR-P2 SAB 8031A/S051A Ext. Temp. Data Memory Write Cycle TWHLH ,---- \ I ALE I ~-TLLWL-I------TWLWH-----, : Port 0 I I I-b:~_,-,,,,, m,," ==>-1 Jxt A7-AO [ DATA OUT ) I I Port 2 d AOORESS ADDRESS A15-AB OR SFR-P2 OR SFR-P2~\-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- J Recommended Oscillator Circuits _--I1-----4~--'-19'_l XT AL 1 19 XTAL 1 + 5V = 4.7k 1.2-12MHz 1-_---- --_---+_ _ _ _1"'-j8 XTAL2 7404 74LS04 C=30pF±10pF Crystal Oscillator Mode Driving from External Source 115 SAB 8032A18052A 8-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer SAB 8032A Control-oriented CPU with RAM and 110 SAB B052A A SAB 8032A with factory mask-programmable ROM • 8K x 8 ROM (SAB 8052A only) .256 x 8 RAM • Timer 2 capture capability • Variable transmit/receive baud rate capability Four 8-bit ports, 32 110 lines Three 16-bit timerlevent counters High-performance full-duplex serial channel External memory expandable to 128 Kbytes III Compatible with SAB 8080/8085 peripherals • Boolean processor • Most instructions execute in 1 ~s • • • • Pin Configuration • 4 ~s multiply and divide • Upward compatible with SAB 8031A/8051A Logic Symbol Y5SII(C !!sTII/PO "',. '" 11032,., '" IIOS2 ... ~32" "'- If['i_-I- The SAB 8032A/8052A is a stand-alone, high-performance single-chip microcomputer fabricated in +5V advanced N-channel, silicon gate Siemens MYMOS technology, packaged in a 40-pin DIP. It is upward compatible with the SAB 8031A/8051A. It provides the hardware features, architectural enhancements, and instructions that are necessary to make it a powerful and cost effective controller for"applications requ iring up to 64 Kbytes of program memory andlor up to 64 Kbytes of data memory. The SAB 8052A contains a non-volatile 8 K x 8 read- only program memory; a volatile 256 x 8 readlwrite data memory; 32 110 lines; three 16-bit timerl counters; a six-source, two-priority-Ievel, nested interrupt structure; a serial 110 port for either multiprocessor communications, 110 expansion, or full duplex UART; as well as on-chip oscillator and clock circuits. The SAB 8032A is identical, except that it lacks the program memory .. For systems that require extra capability, the SAB 8052A can be expanded using standard TTL compatible memories and the byte oriented SAB 8080 and SAB 8085 peripherals. AG3/85 117 SAB 8032A/8052A Pin Definitions and Functions Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) Pl.0~P1.7 1~8 1/0 Port 1 is an 8-bit quaoi-bidirectionall/O port. It is used for the low-order address byte during program verification. Port 1 can sink/source four LS TIL loads. Pins Pl.0 and Pl.l also correspond to the special functions T2, external input to Timer 2, and T2EX, Timer 2 trigger input. The output latch on these two special function pins must be programmed to a one (1) for that function to operate. RSTIVPD 9 I A high level on this pin resets the SAB 8052A. A small internal pulldown resistor permits power-on reset using onlya capacitor connected to vee. If VPD is held within its spec while vee drops below spec, VPD will provide standby power to the RAM. When VPD is low, the RAM's current is drawn from vee. P3.0~P3.7 10--17 I/O Port 3 is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port. It also contains the interrupt, timer, serial port and RD and WR pins that are used by various options. The output latch corresponding to a secondary function must be programmed to a one (1) for that function to operate. Port 3 can sink/source four LS TIL loads. The secondary functions are assigned to the pins of Port 3, as follows: ~ RXD/data (P3.0). Serial port's receiver data input (asynchronous) or data input/output (synchronous). ~ TXD/clock (P3.1). Serial port's transmitter data output (asynchronous) or clock output (synchronous). ~ INTO (P3.2). Interrupt 0 input or gate control input for counter O. ~ TNTl (P3.3). Interrupt 1 input or gate control input for counter 1. ~ TO (P3.4). Input to counter O. ~ Tl (P3.5). Input to counter 1. ~ WR (P3.6). The write control signal latches the data byte from port 0 into the external data memory. ~ RD (P3.7). The read control signal enables external data memory to port O. XTALl XTAL2 19 18 I XTAL 1 input to the oscillator's high gain amplifier. Required when a crystal is used. Connect to VSS when external sou rce is used on XTAL 2. XTAL 2 output from the oscillator's amplifier. Input to the internal timing circuitry. A crystal or external source can be used. P2.0--P2.7 21~28 I/O Port 2 is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port. It also emits the high-order address byte "'hen accessing external memory. It is used for the high-order address and the control signals during program verification. Port 2 can sinklsource four LS TIL loads. PSEN 29 0 The program store enable output is a control signal that enables the external program memory to the bus during external fetch operations. It is activated every six oscillator periods, except during external data memory accesses. Remains high during internal program execution. 118 Function SAB S032A/S052A Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) ALE 30 0 Provides address latch enable output used for latching the address into external memory during normal operation. It is activated every six oscillator periods except during an external data memory access. EA 31 I When held at a TIL high level, the SAB 8052A executes instructions from the internal ROM when the PC is less than 8192. When held ata TTL low level, the SAB 8052A fetches all instructions from external program memory. For the SAB 8032A this pin must be tied low. PO.O-PO.7 39-32 1/0 Port 0 is an S-bit open drain bidirectional 1/0 port. It is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus when using external memory. It is used for data output during program verification. Port 0 can sinklsource eight LS TIL loads. VCC 40 +5V power supply during operation and program verification. VSS 20 Circuit ground potential. Function Block Diagram Frequency Reference r I -t---r---------------------- I I 8192 bytes Program Memory (SAB B052A only) Oscillator I I & Timing I 64 Kbyte Bus I I I ExpanSion Control => Interrupts - --------- Interrupts I I U t I I I L I SAB B052A CPU I I Three 16 bit Timer IEvent C()Jnters 256 bytes Data Memory ~ I I I I I Counters ----~--~---l ----- Control Programmable I/O fr --u-- -- Parallel Ports Address Data Bus and 110 Pins I I I Programmable senal port . full duplex UART . synchronous shilter I I I I I I - - - - - - - - -.~ Senal IN Seflal OUT 119 SAB S032A/S052A Instruction Set Description Mnemonic [ Description [ Byte [ Cycle Arithmetic operations ADD A Rn Add register to Accumulator 1 ADD A direct Add direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 ADD A,@Ri Add indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 ADD A#data Add immediate data to Accumulator 2 1 ADDC ARn Add register to Accumulator with Carry flag 1 1 ADDC Adirect Add direct byte to Accu with Carry flag 2 1 ADDC A(dRi Arlrl ~ ~ ADDC A,#data Add immediate data to Accu with Carry flag 2 1 SUBB ARn Subtract register from Accu with borrow 1 1 SUBB Adirect Subtract direct byte from Accu with borrow 2 1 SUBB A@Ri Subtrac! indirect RAM from A with borrow 1 1 inriirprt RAM tn A t:'t:' I_I I/Ilith C?rr~1 f!22 1 SUBB A,#data Subtract immediate data from A with borrow 2 1 INC A Increment Accumulator 1 1 INC Rn Increment register 1 1 INC direct Increment direct byte 2 1 INC @RI Increment indirect RAM 1 1 DEC A Decrement Accumulator 1 1 DEC Rn Decrement register 1 1 DEC direct Decrement direct byte 2 1 DEC @Ri Decrement indirect RAM 1 1 INC DPTR Increment data pointer 1 2 MUL AB Multiply A & B 1 4 DIV AB Divide A & B 1 4 DA A Decimal adjust Accumulator 1 1 ANL A,Rn AND register to Accumulator 1 1 ANL Adirect AND direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 ANL A@Ri AND indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 ANL A*data AND immediate data toAccumulator 2 1 ANL direct,A AND Accumulator to direct byte 2 1 Logical operations 120 SAB 8032A/8052A Instruction Set Description (continued) Mnemonic Description Byte Cycle ANL direct,l'data AND immediate data to direct byte 3 2 ORL A,Rn OR register to Accumulator 1 1 ORL A,direct OR direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 ORL A,@Ri OR indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 ORL A,*data OR immediate data to Accumulator 2 1 ORL direct,A OR Accumulator to direct byte 2 1 ORL direct,*data OR immediate data to direct byte 3 2 XRL ARn Exclusive-OR register to Accumulator 1 1 XRL Adirect Exclusive-OR, direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 XRL A,@Ri Exclusive-OR indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 XRL A*data Exclusive-OR immediate data to Accumulator 2 1 XRL direct,A Exclusive-OR Accumulator to direct byte 2 1 XRL direct,*data Exclusive-OR immediate data to direct 3 2 CLR A Clear Accumulator 1 1 CPL A Complement Accumulator 1 1 RL A Rotate Accumulator left 1 1 RLC A Rotate A left through the Carry flag 1 1 RR A Rotate Accumulator right 1 1 RRC A Rotate A right through Carry flag 1 1 SWAP A Swap nibbles within the Accumulator 1 1 MOV ARn Move register to Accumulator 1 1 MOV Adirect * Move direct byte to Accumulator 2 1 MOV A,@Ri Move indirect RAM to Accumulator 1 1 MOV A,*data Move immediate data to Accumulator 2 1 MOV Rn,A Move Accumulator to register 1 1 MOV Rn,direct Move direct byte to register 2 2 MOV Rn,#data Moire immediate data to register 2 1 MOV direct,A Move Accumulator to direct byte 2 1 MOV direct,Rn Move register to direct byte 2 2 MOV direct,direct Move direct byte to direct 3 2 Data transfer 'Note: MOV A, ACC is not a valid instruction 121 SAB S032A/S052A Instruction Set Description (continued) Description Byte Cycle direct,@Ri Move indirect RAM to direct byte 2 2 MOV direct,*data Move immediate data to direct byte 3 2 MOV @Ri,A Move Accumulator to indirect RAM 1 1 MOV @Ri,direct Move direct byte to indirect RAM 2 2 MOV @Ri,*data Move immediate data to indirect RAM 2 1 MOV DPTR,*data 16 Load data pointer with a 16-bit constant 3 2 Mnemonic MOV Data transfer (cont.) MOVC A,@A+DPTR Move code byte relative to DPTR to Accumulator 1 2 MOVC A.@A+PC Move code byte relative to PC to Accumulator 1 2 MOVX A,@Ri Move external RAM (8-bit addrl to Accumulator 1 2 MOVX A,@DPTR Move external RAM (16-bit addrl to Accumulator 1 2 MOVX @Ri,A Move A to external RAM (8-bit addr) 1 2 MOVX @DPTR,A Move A to external RAM (16-bit addrl 1 2 PUSH direct Push direct byte onto stack 2 2 POP direct Pop direct byte from stack 2 2 XCH A.Rn Exchange register with Accu,nulator 1 1 XCH A,direct Exchange direct byte with Accumulator 2 1 XCH A,@Ri Exchange indirect RAM with Accumulator 1 1 XCHD A,@Ri Exchange low-order digit indo RAM with Accu 1 1 Boolean variable manipulation CLR C Clear Carry flag 1 1 CLR bit Clear direct bit 2 1 SETB C Set Carry flag 1 1 SETB bit Set direct bit 2 1 CPL C Complement Carry flag 1 1 CPL bit Complement direct bit 2 1 ANL C,bit AND direct bit to Carry flag 2 2 ANL C,fbit AND complement of direct bit to Carry 2 2 ORL C,bit OR direct bit to Carry flag 2 2 ORL C,fbit OR complement of direct bit to Carry 2 2 MOV C,bit Move direct bit to Carry flag 2 1 MOV bit,C Move Carry flag to direct bit 2 2 122 SAB S032A/S052A Instruction Set Description (continued) IDescription Mnemonic I Byte I Cycle Program and machine control ACALL addr 11 Absolute subroutine call 2 2 LCALL addr16 Long subroutine call 3 2 RET Return from subroutine 1 2 RETI Retu rn from interrupt 1 2 AJMP addr 11 Absolute jump 2 2 LJMP addr16 Longjump 3 2 SJMP rei Short jump (relative addr) 2 2 JMP @A+DPTR Jump indirect relative to the DPTR 1 2 JZ rei Jump if Accumulator is zero 2 2 JNZ rei Jump if Accumulator is not zero 2 2 JC rei Jump if Carry flag is set 2 2 JNC rei Jump if Carry flag is not set 2 2 JB bit,rel Jump if direct bit set 3 2 JNB bit,rel Jump if direct bit not set 3 2 JBC bit,rel Jump if direct bit is set and clear bit 3 2 CJNE A.directrel Compare direct to Accu and jump if not equal 3 2 CJNE A.*data,rel Comp, immed, to Accu and jump if not equal 3 2 CJNE Rn,*data,rel Comp, immed, to reg, and jump if not equal 3 2 CJNE @Ri,*data,rel Comp,immed, to ind, and jump if not equal 3 2 DJNZ Rn,rel Decrement register and jump if not zero 2 2 DJNZ direct,rel Decrement direct and jump if not zero 3 2 No operation 1 1 NOP Notes on data addressing modes: Rn - Working register RO- R7 direct - 128 internal RAM locations, anY.I/O port, control or status register @Ri _. Indirect internal RAM location addressed by register RO or R1 *data - 8-bit constant included in instruction *data 16- 16-bit constant included as bytes 2 & 3 of instruction bit _. 128 software flags, any 1/0 pin, control or status bit A - Accumulator All mnemonics copyrighted (C) Notes on program addressing modes: addr 16 - Destination address for LCALL & LJMP may be anywhere within the 64-Kbyte program memory address space, addr 11 - Destination address for ACALL & AJ MP will be within the same 2-Kbyte page of program memory as the first byte of the following instruction, rei - SJMP and all conditional jumps include an 8-bit offset byte, Range is + 127/--128 bytes relative to first byte of the following instruction, Intel Corporation 1979 123 SAB S032A/S052A Instruction Opcodes in Hexadecimal Order Hex Code Number of Bytes 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB 0C OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 '17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 1 2 124 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mnemonic Operands Hex Code Number of Bytes Mnemonic Operands NOP AJMP LJMP RR INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AD DC AD DC ADDC ADDC AD DC AD DC AD DC AD DC ADDC ADDC AD DC ADDC ~v 2 ... 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 AJMP ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL JNC ACALL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL JZ AJMP XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL code addr code addr A A data addr @RO @R1 RO R1 R2 R3 1 !~~C ~4 1 1 1 INC INC INC JBC ACALL LCALL RRC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC JB AJMP RET RL ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD JNB ACALL RETI RLC R5 R6 R7 bit addr code addr code addr code addr A A data addr @RO @R1 RO R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 bit addr code addr code addr 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 A A,#data A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 bit addr, code addr code addr A " A,#data A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R7 A,R7 L;UU'~ dulir code addr data addr,A data addr, #data A,#data A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 code addr code addr data addr,A data addr,#data A,#data A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 A,R6 A,R7 code addr code addr data addr,A data addr, #data A,#data A,data addr A,@RO A,@R1 SAB S032A/S052A Instruction Opcodes in Hexadecimal Order (continued) Hex Code Number of Sytes 58 59 5A 5S 5C 50 5E 5F 70 71 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 72 73 74 75 75 77 78 79 7A 7S 7C 70 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 85 87 88 89 8A 8S 8C 80 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mnemonic Operands XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL JNZ ACALL ORL JMP MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV SJMP AJMP ANL MOVC OIV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV ACALL MOV MOVC SUSS SUSS SUBS SUBS SUBS SUSS SUSS SUBS A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 AR4 A,R5 A,R5 A,R7 code addr code addr C,bitaddr @A+OPTR A,#data data addr, #data @RO,#data @R1,#data RO,#data R1,#data R2,#data R3,#data R4,#data R5,#data R6,#data R7,#data code addr code addr C,bitaddr A@A+PC AS data addr,data addr data addr,@RO data addr,@R1 data addr, RO data addr, R1 data addr, R2 data addr, R3 data addr, R4 data addr, R5 data addr, R5 data addr, R7 OPTR,#data code addr bit addr,C A,@A+OPTR A#data A,qata addr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 AR3 Hex Code Number of Sytes 9C 90 9E 9F AO A1 A2 A3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AO AE AF BO S1 S2 S3 S4 B5 B5 S7 S8 B9 SA BS SC SO BE BF CO C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C5 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CO CE CF 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mnemonic Operands SUSS SUSS SUSS SUSS ORL AJMP MOV INC MUL reserved MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV ANL ACALL CPL CPL CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE CJNE PUSH AJMP CLR CLR SWAP XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH XCH AR4 AR5 A,R5 AR7 C,fbit addr code addr C,bitaddr OPTR AB @RO,data addr @R1,dataaddr RO,data addr R1,data addr R2,data addr R3,data addr R4,data addr R5,data addr R5,data addr R7,data addr C,fbit addr code addr bitaddr C A,#data,code addr A,data addr,code addr @RO,#data,codeaddr @R 1,#data, code addr RO,#data,code addr R1,#data,code addr R2,#data,code addr R3,#data,code addr R4,#data,code addr R5,#data,code addr R6,#data,code addr R7,#data,code addr data addr code addr bitaddr C A Adataaddr A,@RO A,@R1 A,RO A,R1 A,R2 A,R3 A,R4 A,R5 AR6 AR7 125 SAB S032A/S052A Instruction Opcodes in Hexadecimal Order (continued) Hex Code Number of Bytes Mnemonic Operands DO Dl D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 POP ACALL SETB SETB DA DJNZ XCHD XCHD DJNZ DJNZ DJNZ DJNZ data addr code addr bitaddr C A data addr,code addr A,@RO A,@Rl RO,code addr R1,code addr R2,code addr R3,code addr auu, ~~ ~v ~ ,....IRoI.., LJ..J I 'ilL. il~,cuU'tt DD DE DF EO El E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF FO Fl F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DJNZ DJNZ DJNZ MOVX AJMP MOVX MOVX CLR MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOVX ACALL MOVX MOVX CPL MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV R5,code addr R6,code addr R7,code addr A,@DPTR code addr A,@RO A.@Rl A A,dataaddr * A,@RO A,@Rl A.RO A.Rl A,R2 A.R3 A.R4 A.R5 A,R6 A,R7 @DPTR,A codeaddr @RO,A @Rl,A A data addr,A @RO,A @Rl,A RO,A Rl,A R2,A R3,A R4,A R5,A R6,A R7,A -Note: MOV A, ACC is not a valid Instruction 126 SAB 8032A/8052A Absolute Maximum Ratings 1) o to 70'C -65 to + 150'C -0.5to + 7 V Ambient Temperature under Bias Storage Temperature Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground (VSS) Power Dissipation 2W D.C. Characteristics TA = 0 to 70'C; vcc = 5 V ± 10%; VSS = 0 V Symbol Parameter Limit Values Min. Max. 0.8 VIL Input Low Voltage -0.5 VIH Input High Voltage (Except RSTIVPD and XTAL21 2.0 VIH1 Input High Voltage to RSTIVPD for Reset, XTAL2 2.5 VPD Power Down Voltage to RSTIVPD 4.5 VOL Output Low Voltage Ports 1,2,3 VOL 1 Unit Test Condition - VCC+0.5 XTAL1 to VSS 5.5 VCC = OV 10L = 1.6 mA Output Low Voltage Port 0, ALE, PSEN 10L = 3.2 mA VOH Output High Voltage Ports 1,2,3 10H = -80 ilA VOH1 Output High Voltage Port 0, ALE, PSEN 10H = -400 flA ilL Logical 0 Input Current Ports 1,2,3 -800 rlA VIL = 0.45 V IIL2 Logical 0 Input Current XTAL2 -2.0 mA XTAl1 = VSS VIL = 0.45V IIH1 Input High Current to RST IVPD for Reset 500 III Input Leakage Current to Port 0, EA ±10 ICC Power Supply Current 175 V - 2.4 0.45 - - VIN flA mA IPD Power Down Current 15 CIO Capacitance of 1/0 Buffer 10 OV < VIN < VCC All outputs disconnected VCC pF = VCC-1.5 V f, = OV = 1 MHz 1) Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 127 SAB S032A/S052A A.C. Characteristics TA = O"C to 70 C; VCC = 5V ±10%; VSS = OV (CL for Port 0, ALE and PSEN Outputs = 100 pF; CL for All Other Outputs C = 80 pF) Program Memory Characteristics Symbol Parameter Limit Values Variable Clock l/TCLCL = 1.2 MHz to 12 MHz 12 MHz Clock Min Max 127 Unit Min Max TLHLL ALE Pulse Width 2TCLCL·40 TAVLL Address Setup to ALE 53 TLLAXl Address Hold after ALE 48 TLLlV ALE to Valid Instr In - TLLPL ALE to PSEN 58 TPLPH PSEN Pulse Width 215 TPLIV PSEN to Valid Instr In - 150 - 3TCLCL-l00 TPXIX Input Instr Hold after PSEN 0 - 0 - - TCLCL·30 - TCLCL-35 233 - 4TCLCL-l00 TCLCL-25 - 3TCLCL-35 - TPXIZ*) Input Instr Float after PSEN - 63 - TCLCL-20 TPXAV*) Address Valid after PSEN 75 - TCLCL-8 - TAVIV Address to Valid Instr In - 302 - 5TCLCL-115 TAZPL Address Float to PSEN 0 - 0 - ns External Data Memory Characteristics Symbol Parameter Limit Values 12 MHz Clock Min Max Unit Variable Clock l/TCLCL = 1.2 MHz to 12 MHz Min Max TRLRH RD Pulse Width TWLWH WR Pulse Width TLLAX2 Address Hold after ALE 132 TRLDV RD to Valid Data In - 250 - 5TCLCL-165 TRHDX Data Hold after RD 0 - 0 - 400 - 6TCLCL-l00 - 2TCLCL-35 2TCLCL-70 TRHDZ Data Float after RD TLLDV ALE to Valid Data In 97 TAVDV Address to Valid Data In TLLWL ALE to WR or RD 200 300 3TCLCL-50 3TCLCL+50 TAVWL Address to WR or RD 203 - 4TCLCL-130 - TWHLH WR or RD High to ALE High 43 123 TCLCL-l\O TCLCL+40 TDVWX Data Valid to WR Transition 33 TOVWH Data Setup before WR 433 TWHOX Data Hold after WR 33 TRLAZ Address Float after RD - - 517 - 585 8TCLCL-150 ns 9tCLCL-165 TCLCL-50 - 7TCLCL-150 - TCLCL-50 0 - 0 .*) Interfacing the SAB 8052A to devices with float times up to 75ns is permissible. This limited bus contention will not cause any damage to Port 0 drivers. 128 SAB S032A/S052A External Clock Drive XTAL2 Symbol Parameter Limit Values Unit Variable Clock Freq = 1.2 MHz to 12 MHz TCLCL Oscillator Period TCHCX High Time TCLCX Low Time TCLCH Rise Time TCHCL Fall Time Min Max 83.3 833.3 TCLCL-TCLCX 20 TCLCL-TCHCX - ns 20 External Clock Cycle 08 TeLCX - - - 1 - - - - - - - - TCLCL - - - - - - - - - < - J A.C. Testing Input, Output, Float Waveforms ::5 ______ ~:><::~:~:~__ T_e_st_p_o_ln_t_s____ -t:---------------<:: Float 2.4 ~:~:~~ 045 _ _ _ 0 ... _____ .. ~ 2.4 0.45 A.C. testing inputs are driven at 2.4V for a logic "1" and 0.45V for a logic "0". Timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a logic "1" and 0.8V for a logic "0". For timing purposes, the float state is defined as the point at which a PO pin sinks 3.2mA or sources 400 !IA at the voltage test levels. 129 SAB S032A/S052A Waveforms Program Memory Read Cycle ~--------------------T[Y TLLIV - - !r---,L--1TLLPL ALE TPLPH- PORT 0 PORT 2 ADDRESS OR SFR-P2 ADDRESS A15 - A 8 Data Memory Read Cycle ~ _ _"'\ t-~----- TLLDV -------I TWHLH ALE --TLLWL --I----------ITRLRH ----------1 TRHDZ ---TAVWLTRLDV- DATA IN Port 0 Port 2 130 TRHDX- ADDRESS OR SFR-P2 ADDRESS A15-A8 OR SFR-P2 SAB S032A/S052A Data Memory Write Cycle ALE PSEN TLLWL- • TWLWH WR TAVWL TDVWX TIlVWH TWHIlX DATA OUT Port 0 ADDRESS A15· AS OR SFR-P2 Port 2 Recommended Oscillator Circuits ~_--JII--_ _ _---,-19~ XTAL 1 19 XTAL 1 + 5V = 4.7k 1.2-12MHz L-_--JII--_......_--'18"-1 XTAL 2 k>-_....... ____1"'l8 XTAL 2 7404 74LS04 (=30pF !10pF (rystal Oscillator Mod. Driving from Ext.rnal SOU". 131 SAB S032A/S052A ROM Verification Characteristics TA=25'C±5'C; VCC=5V±10%; vss=ov Symbol Parameter TAVQV Address to Valid Data TELOV Enable to Valid Data TEHQZ Data Float after Enable 0 llTCLCL Oscillator Frequency 4 Limit Values Min Max 48 TCLCL ns 6 MHz ROM Verification P10 - P17 P2.0- P2.4 J PortO Address Data out T1 -1 Address: P1.0-P1.7 = AO-A7 P2.0-P2.4 = A8-A12 Data: Port 0 Inputs: P2.5-P2.6, PSEN = VSS ALE, EA = TTL high level RSTIVPD = VIHl 132 ) ~VUV f--- P2.7 ENABLE Unit = DO- D7 r-!IHUZ C SAB 80C482 (8M 850) SD:lBnt SOrrllg~e Chip Microcomputer Preliminary data CMOS circuit The SAB 80C482 is a low-power, advanced CMOS member of the popular SAB 8048 family. The SAB 80C482 contains double-sized program memory and 4 additional 110 lines. For systems that require extra capability, the SAB 80C482 can easily be expanded using CMOS external memories. The onchip mask-programmable keyboard wake-up offers a convenient solution for a power-saving keyboard scanner. The SAB 80C482 has the same cycle time at about half the SAB 8048 clock frequency. The 100% static operation provides the possibility to optimize between power consumption and program speed. The CMOS design of the SAB 80C482 opens new application areas that require battery operation, low power standby, wide voltage range, and the ability to maintain operation during AC power line interruptions. These applications include telecommunications, automotive, consumer, portable, and hand-held instruments. o 2K x 8 ROM 064 x 8 RAM o 31 I/O lines o 2.66 I-Is cycle time (with 3 MHz crystal) o Automatic power-on reset o Keyboard wake-up o Very low power consumption Normal: 1.2 mA@5 V@8 I-IS cycle o Halt 0.4 mA@5 V@8 I-Is cycle o Standby: 2 I-IA@5 V o 100% static operation @ Supply voltage: 2.5 to 6 V Q AG 11/84 133 134 Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Pin description Pin No. Symbol Description 2 XTALl Oscillator input; one side of crystal input 3 XTAL2 Oscillator output; other side of crystal input 40 OSCEN Oscillator enable input (Schmitt-Trigger input) A high signal enables oscillator to run A low signal stops oscillator and initializes standby mode 4 6 RESET Input used to initialize processor (active low). INT Interrupt input with internal pull-up resistor. Initiates an interrupt if interrupt is enabled. Interrupt is disabled after reset. HALT mode is terminated by interrupt (active low). 8 RD/EA Output strobe activated during a bus read. Can be used to enable transfer of data on the bus from an external device. Used as a read strobe to external data memory (active low). External access input which forces all program memory fetches to reference external memory. Active only during the initialization time (RESET at low)! (active low). 9 TO/PSEN Input pin testable using the instructions .:.ITO and JNTO until disabled through an execution of instructions SEL·MBO or SEL MB1. Program store enable. This output is enabled through the first execution of instructions SEL MBO or SEL MB 1. It can be disabled only through a new RESET initialization. It occurs only during a fetch to external program memory (active low). 10 WRNER Output strobe during a bus write. Used as vyrite strobe to external data memory (active low). ROM verification input is low during the initialization time (RESET at low). The contents of the internal ROM can be read without program execution. 135 Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Pin No. Symbol Description 11 ALE Address latch enable. This signal occurs once during each cycle and is useful as clock output. Negative edge of ALE strobes address into external data and program memory. 12... 19 080 ... 087 True bidirectional port which can be written or read synchronously using WR, RO strobes. Contains the 8 low-order program counter bits during an external program memory fetch, and .receives the addressed instruction under the control of PSEN. Also contains the address and data during an external RAM data store instruction, under control of ALE, RO, and. WR. 21 ... 24 P40 ... P43 4-bit quasi-bidirectional port. Internal puli-up resistors. This port contains the four high order prOQram-counter bits during an external program memory fetch. 5,7, P60 .. P63 4-bit quasi-bidirectional port. Internal puli-up resistors. Keyboard wake-up capability mask-programmable. 27 ... 34 P10 ... P17 8-bit quasi-bidirectional port. Internal puli-up resistors. Keyboard wake-up capability mask-programmable. 35 ... 38 P50 ... P53 4-bit quasi-bidirectional port. Internal puli-up resistors. Keyboard wake-up capability mask-programmable. 39 T1 1 VOO Input pin testable using JT1, and JNT1 instructions. Can be designated as timer/counter input using the STRT CNT instruction. Power supply 20 VSS Circuit GNO potential (0 VI 25, 26 136 UI 0' n ~ a. Internal ROM 2K K 8 i" iil 3 eniD' 3"m -:r CQ"C CPo O:J :rCD -S"O caO ":J tD;::;:a 0= s:~ oCJ) 3: (=)" ao R A M 01 o 3 - "'C RAM c: CD ..;:!.. E A ( g gI Register bonk 1 R R E RI Stock ~I I Register bonk 0 w ..... t;J Reset logic ~ _tD CJ)ca - 3:0 OSCEN m~ .91\) SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) Oscillator The on-board oscillator is a high-gain resonant circuit with a frequency range between o and 3 MHz. The clock frequency is determined by the resonator (e.g. crystal) connected between the pins XTAL 1 and XTAL2. 22pF 100pF vss ~1--~--~--IXTALl 1--------<~__tXTAL2 vss r-i1--~--~---jXTAL 1 Vss r - i t - -.......- -.......- - - i XTAL2 100pF b) a) p----IXTAl 1 ----iXTAl2 c) 8-bit timer/counter The SAB 80 C 842 contains a timer/counter to aid the user in counting and generating accurate time delays without placing a burden on the processor for these functions. Timer Execution of a START T instruction connects an internal clock to the counter input. The XTAL frequency divided by 256 is the timer input frequency. Counter Execution of a START CNT instruction connects the T1 pin to the counter input and enables the counter. Subsequent high-to-Iow transition on T 1 pin must be held low for at least one machine cycle to ensure it is not missed. The counter may be incremented only once throughout three instruction cycles. There is no minimum frequency limit. 138 Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Program memory The resident program memory consists of 204a bytes. There are three particulary important locations in program memory: 1. Location 0: Executing the initialization reset causes the first instruction to be fetched from location O. 2. Location 3: Execution starts at location 3 after the interrupt input (pin 6) of the processor has gone low (if interrupt is enabled). 3. Location 7: A timer/counter interrupt resulting from timer/counter overflow (if enabled). I Program memory configurations 1. Internal 2 Kbyte ROM - pin 9 is available as TO input - port 4 serves only as I/O port 2. Internal 2 Kbyte ROM and additional, e"ternal 2 Kbyte ROM - with external access, instruction words are read in via bus (data bus, DB). - an SEL MBO or an SEL MB 1 instruction must be executed· before using the data bus for external program store access. - execution of SEL MB 1 instruction followed by CALL or JMP enables exceeding internal 2 Kbyte limits and accessing of external ROM. - external program memory access causes loading of program counter bits pca through PC 11 at port lines 40 to 43. pca through PC7 appear on bus during the failing edge of ALE. - execution of MOVP3 A@A instruction causes internal ROM (bank 0) to be selected. - internal ROM is automatically selected during every execution of an interrupt service routine. - in second cycle of MOVX instruction no PSEN signal appears and RD or WR signal is active. Port 4 is not affected. 3. External 4 Kbyte ROM, internal ROM disabled - sole access to external 4 Kbyte ROM is initiated by logic 0 at pin a (RD/EA) during initialization time (RESET at low). Atthe machine cycle TS test logic calls up status from pin S. - pin 9 serves as PSEN output. - program counter bits PCO through PC7 appear at DBO through DB7 and pca through PC11 appear at port lines P40 through P43. - execution of MOVP3 A.@ A instruction or interrupt routine selects automatically lower 2 Kbytes of external ROM. 139 Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) SAB 80C482 (SM 850) 4. Internal ROM verification without program execution - pin 10 (WRNER) is tested at the machine cycle TS during the initialization time (RESET at low). The low level at this pin forces the SAB SO C 482 to the verification mode. - contents of internal ROM appear on lines DBa through DB7 - program-counter bits pca through PC7 appear at DBa through DB7 and PCS through PC11 at port lines P40 through P43. - ALE and PSEN are enabled. Reset The reset signal sets the microcomputer to a defined initial state. There are two oossibiliii65 to reacn tnis state. 1. by an external signal at pin 4 (RESET) 2. by an internal signal generated through the built-in power-on-reset circuit. If the oscillator is enabled (OSCEN at high), reset performs the following functions: 1. sets program counter to zero (PC = aOOH) 2. sets stack pointer to zero (SP = OOH) 3. selects register bank 4. selects memory bank a (internal ROM) 5. sets bus to high impedance state (except when RD/EA or WRIVER is at low) 6. sets ports 1,4, 5, 6 to input mode 7. stops counter/timer S. enables pin 9 as test input TO 9. disables interrupts 10. clears timer flag 11. releases HALT mode 12. does not affect internal RAM contents Timing diagrams for power-on and external reset are shown in fig. a) and b). a 140 SAB80C482 (SM 850) Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) Figure a) Internal power-on reset ~OSCEN +----Voo ....!. SAB 80(482 ......- - - Vss I ..1Q. Cycle XTAL 2 OSC EN RESET pin Internal RESET ............nlU __ _ ~' ~-----~------------------ ~. ----I.L--.:.'WW~~~ iii L -OSC,,"lotor bUilt-up perlod--1 I ~ Supply voltage rISe time I- .1 Initialization r@set ., Max. clock generator neframlng time 141 SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) Figure b) External reset .....---Voo 40 OSC EN SAB 80 (482 T ~ Vss 41.______. . Cyell Res.t Reset i linstruction i l.instructlon . I : pc: 001 /1 ~• I ~-:------~--~--~-------------- RESET pin ~*I- ---Oscillator Ouilt-up PtriOd1 : - - - . -.....-j Supply voltage nse time *1 During this time-slot the Signal at Reset-pin can change to Voo without lengthening the Reset execulton 142 PC : 000 .......nnnnnn. __ _ XTAL 2 OSCEN Sync. -lniltalization res.t-..., l-- --_.. --__ Max. clock generator reframing time Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Interrupt The SAB 80 C482 has the same interrupt logic as the SAB 8048. The interrupt can be initialized through two possible sources: 1. external low active signal at pin INT 2. overflow of the internal counter/timer. Keyboard wake-up The SAB 80 C 482 has a special on-chip circuitry for a convenient keyboard-scanning named "Keyboard wake-up". Four NAND gates can be connected to the ports Pl 0-13, P14-17, P50-53 and P60-63 by mask programming. The outputs of these gates are interconnected in the NOR manner. The resulting output controls the release from the HALT mode. This means, the SAB 80 C 482 can be "waked up" on any keystroke without the necessity of using a double contact keyboard. HALT mode After execution of the HALT instruction the processor enters the HALT mode where the internal clocks and internal logic are disabled. The oscillator is running. In the HALT mode, power consumption is about 1/3 of normal SAB 80 C482 operation. HALT mode can be released in three different ways: 1. by low pulse on the RESET pin (program starts at address location 0) 2. via keyboard wake-up (program continues at address location PC+1) 3. by low pulse on the INT pin (if interrupt is enabled the interrupt subroutine starting at the address location 3 is executed. After its execution, or if interrupt is disabled, program continues at address location PC+l.) 143 Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Standby Standby provides additional, drastic power consumption savings over the HALT mode. Standby is initiated by forcing the OSCEN pin to low state. Oscillator operation is discontinued. While in standby, the following data is maintained: 1. internal RAM 2. stack pointer 3. program counter 4. memory bank status 5. TO/PSEN status 6. 110 status on all ports 7. all internal logic states It is possible, but not recommended, to put tne SAB 80 C482 on standby without regard to the running program. Stopping at any time in the instruction cycle can result in an undef!~e~ ~'t~t~e. C~~eeq~:::":t~" :!;~ yd"w";SCiti:iJ tv ciitc,f 5 i.i2fnJuy uniy TrOm ine HALT state or It an external reset signal is applied. The RES pin must be forced at least 2.5 cycles earlierto the low level than the OSCEN pin. If the SAB 80 C 482 has entered the standby from the HALT mode, it is still in the HALT mode after the OSCEN pin has been forced high. In the second case, the RES pin has to be held at least for the oscillator built-up period plus one cycle at low level after the OSCEN pin has been forced high. 144 ·Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Instruction set There are five new instructions in addition to the SAB 8048 instruction set: @RO instruction code DEC CO @ R1 instruction code C1 DEC @ RO, addr OJNZ EO instruction code @ R1, addr OJNZ instruction code E1 HALT instru~tion code F3 The following IN MOVO OUTL MOVO ENTO JF1 CLR ORL ORLO CPL ANL ANLO CLR CPL JFO MOV MOV SAB 8048 instructions are not available: A, P2 instruction code instruction code A. P7 P2,A instruction code P7, A instruction code instruction code CLK addr instruction code FO instruction code P2, # data instruction code instruction code P7.A FO instruction code instruction code P2. # data instruction code P7.A F1 instruction code instruction code F1 addr instruction code instruction code A. PSW PSW, A instruction code OA OF 3A 3F 75 76 85 8A 8F 95 I ~A 9F AS B5 B6 C7 07 The opcode of the following instruction has been changed: JNI addr instruction code 66 (8048 = 86) 145 Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) Symbols and abbreviations A Accumulator AC Auxiliary carry addr An Bb Program memory address Accumulator bit n Bit designator b =. a to 7 BS Bank switch BUS CY Bus port Carry Clock ClK CNT E'!~~t ~I)~r!te!' data a-Bit number or expression OBF Memory bank flipflop Interrupt PC Program counter Pp Port designator p = 4 to 6 P1 PSW Port 1 Program status word Ri Register designator i = O. 1 Register designator r = a to 7 Rr SP T TF Stack pointer Timer TO/T1 Test 0, test 1 X Mnemonic for external RAM Immedi'ate data prefix * TImer/counter flag @ Indirect address prefix (X) ((X)) Contents of X Contents of location addressed by (Xl Is replaced by .... +- AND OR XOR 146 Is exchanged with Logical AND operation Logical OR operation Logical EXOR operation SAB 80C482 (SM 850) SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) Mnemonic Function Description Cycles Accumulator and register move instructions MOV A, Rr (A) - (Rr) Move register to accumulator F8-FF 1 1 MOV A. @ Ri (A) - ((Ri)) Move data memory to accumulator FO-Fl 1 1 MOV A, (A) - data Move data to accumulator 23 2 2 MOV Rr, A (Rr) - (A) Move accumulator to register A8-AF 1 1 MOV@ Ri, A ((Ri)) - (A) Move accumulator to data memory AO-Al 1 1 (Rr) - data Move data to register BB-BF 2 2 ((Ri)) - data Move data to data memory BO-Bl 2 2 MOVX A, @ Ri (A) - ((Ri)) Move external data to accumulator 80-81 1 2 MOVX @ Ri, A ((Ri)) - (A) Move accumulator to external data memory 90-91 1 2 XCH A, Rr (A)- (R) Exchange register and accumulator 28-2F 1 1 XCH A. @ Ri (A) - ((Ri)) Exchange data memory and accumulator 20-21 1 1 XCHD A. @ RI (AO-3) ((RiO-3)) Exchange nibble of data memory and accumulator 30-31 1 1 MOVP3 A. @A save (PC) (PCO-7) - (A) (PC8-11) 011 B (A) -((PC)) restore PC Move data from page 3 of program memory to accumulator E3 1 2 MOVP A,.@A save (PC) (PCO-7) - (A) (A) - ((PC)) restore PC Move data from current page of program to accumulator A3 1 2 SWAP A (A4-7) (AO-3) Exchange accumulator 47 nibbles 1 1 MOV Rr, I; data I; MOV @ Ri, data I; data I 147 SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) Mnemonic Function Description Cycles Timer/counter move instructions MOVA. T (A)- (T) Read counter/timer into accumulator 42 1 1 T. A (T) - (A) load counter/timer from accumulator 62 1 1 Move data at port 1 to accumulator 09 1 2 Out~ut ar..r.umIlIAtt:'r 0~ 39 1 ~ MOV Port move instructions IN A. P1 (A) - (P1) OUTl P1. A (P11- (AI *data ORl P1. * data ... port 1 (P1) (P1) AND data Logical AND port 1 with data 99 2 2 (P1) (P1) OR data logical OR port 1 with data 89 2 2 IN A. BUS (A) - (BUS) Move data on bus to accumulator 08 1 2 OUTl BUS. A (BUS) - A Output accumulator on bus 02 1 2 ANl BUS. data (BUS) (BUS) AND data logical AND bus with data 98 2 2 ORl BUS. data MOVD A. Pp logical OR bus with 88 (BUS) (BUS) OR data data (AO-3) - (Pp) Move data at port OC-OE (A4-7) - 0 4 - 6 to accumulator ·3C-3E (Pp) - (AO-3) Output accumulator on port 4 - 6 (Pp) - (AO-3) logical AND 9C-9E AND (Pp) accumulator with port 4-6 8C-8E (Pp) - (AO-3) Logical OR OR (Pp) accumulator with port 4-6 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ANl P1. * * MOVD pp. A ANlD Pp. A ORlD pp. A 148 Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) Mnemonic Function SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Description Cycles Arithmetic accumulator instructions ADD A. Rr (AI - (AI + IRrl Add register to accumulator S8-SF AC CY 1 1 (AI(AI+((Ril Add data memory to accumulator SO-S1 1 1 (AI(AI+data (A)(A)+(Rr)+ ICY) Add data to accumulator 03 AC CY AC CY 2 2 Add register and carry to accumulator 78-7F AC 1 1 (A) (A) + IIRi)! + (CY) Add data memory and carry to accumulator 70-71 AD CY 1 1 ADDC A. # data (AI- (AI+ data+ICY) Add data and carry to accumulator 13 AC CY 2 2 INC A (A) - (AI+ 1 Increment accumu· lator by 1 17 1 1 DEC A (AI- (AI-1 Decrement accumulator by 1 07 1 1 Decimal adjust accumulator 57 1 1 ADD A. @ Ri ADD A. # data AD DC A. Rr AD DC A. @ Ri DA A CY AC CY INC Rr (Rr) - (Rr) + 1 Increment register by 1 18-1F , DEC Rr IRr) - (Rr)-1 Decrement register by 1 C8-CF 1 , , DEC @ Ri IIRi))((Ri)! + 1 . Decrement dat:J memory by 1 CO-C1 1 1 INC@ Ri ((Ri)) (IRi)! + 1 Increment data memory by 1 10-11 1 1 DJNZ Rr. addr IRr) - IRr) - 1 if (Rr) 0 IPCO-7)-addr Decrement register by 1 and jump if register not zero E8-EF 2 2 DJNZ @ Ri. addr I(Ri)) (IRi)) - 1 if ((Ri)! 0 (PCO-7)-addr EO-E1 Decrement data memory by 1 and jump if data memory is not zero 2 2 Arithmetic register instructions * * I 149 SAB80C482 (SM 850) Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) Mnemonic Function Description Logical accumulator and register instructions (A)Logical AND (A) AND (Rr) accumulator with register (A)Logical AND ANLA, @ Ri (A) AND ((Ri)) accumulator with data memory (A)Logical AND ANL A. data (A) AND data accumulator with data (A)Logical OR ORL A, Rr (A) OR (Rr) accumulator with register (A)ORL A, @ Ri Logical OR (A) OR ((Ri)) accumulator with data memory (A)Logical OR ORL A, data (A) OR data accumulator with data (A)Logical XOR XRL A. Rr (A) )(OR (Rr) accumulator with register (A)Logical XOR XRL A, @ Ri (M XOR ((Ri)) accumulator with data memory (A)Logical XOR XRL A, data (A) XOR data accumulator with data (A) -0 Clear accumulator CLR A (A}-(A) CPL A Complement accumulator ANL A, Rr * * * 150 58-SF 1 1 50-51 1 1 53 2 2 48-4F 1 1 40-41 1 1 43 2 2 DB-OF 1 1 00-D1 1 1 D3 2 2 27 1 1 37 1 1 SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) Mnemonic Function Description Cycles RL A (An + 1) - (An) Shift accumulator 1 bit to left E7 RLC A (An + 1) - (An) (CY) - (A7) (AD) - (CY) Shift accumulator 1 bit to left through carry F7 RRA (An) - (An+1) Shift accumulator 1 bit to right 77 RRC A (An) - (An + 1) (CY) - (AD) (A7) - (CY) Shift accumulator 1 bit to right through carry 67 CLR C (CY) - 0 Clear carry bit CPL C (CY) - ('CY) Complement carry bit Rotate instructions CY CY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Flag instructions 151 SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) Mnemonic Function Branch instructions (PCO,..7) addr 0-7 (PCS-l0) addr S-10 (PCll) - OaF JMP addr Description Jump to address. page 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 JMPP@ A 04 24 44· 64 84 A4 C4 E4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 B3 1 2 (PCO-7) tlAll Jump to address JC addr if (CY) = 1 (PCO-7) - addr Jump to address if carry = 1 F6 2 2 JNC addr if (CY)=O (PCO-7) - addr if (A) =0 (PCO- 7) - addr Jump to address if carry = 0 E6 2 2 Jump to address if accumulator = 0 C6 2 2 JNZ addr if (A) >0 (PCO-7) - addr Jump to address if accumulator> 0 96 2 2 JTO addr ifTO = 1 (PCO-7) - addr Jump to address if TO is High 36 2 2 JNTO addr ifTO=O (PCO-7) - addr if T1 = 1 (PCO-7) - addr Jump to address if TO is Low 26 2 2 Jump to address if T1 is High 56 2 2 JNTl addr if T1 = 0 (PCO- 7) - addr Jump to address if Tl is Low 46 2 2 JTF addr if TF = 1 (PCO-7) - adar (TF) - 0 if lNT = 0 (PCO-7) - addr if (An) = 1 (PCO-7) - addr Jump to address if counter/timer flag = 1 16 2 2 Jump to address if interrupt input Low 66 2 2 Jump to address. n=O if bit n of 1 2 accumulator = 1 3 4 12 32 2 2 2 2 2 5 6 82 7 F2 nAfinAn in prl)~!,,~!,!,! I memory JZ addr JT1 addr JNI addr Jab addr 152 52 72 92 D2 TF 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) Mnemonic Function Description Subroutine instructions CALL addr Jump to page 0 ((SP)) (PCO-ll, subroutine 1 PSW4-7) 2 (SP) - (SP) + 1 3 4 (PCO-l0) addr 0-10 5 (PCll) - OBF 6 7 14 34 54 74 94 B4 04 F4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 RET (SP) - (SP)-l (PC) - ((SP)) Return without PSW Restore 83 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 RETR (SP) - (SP)-l (PC) - ((SP)) (PSW4-7) ((SP)) Return with PSW Restore 93 1 2 CY AC OBF 153 SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) Mnemonic Function Description Cycles Control instructions STRTT Start timer 55 1 1 STRT CNT Start counter 45 1 1 STOP TCNT Stop timer/counter 65 1 1 EN TCNTI Enable timer/ counter interrupt 25 1 1 DIS TCNT! Disable timer/ counter interrupt 35 1 1 I:naale external interrupt 05 1 1 DIS I Disable external interrupt 15 1 1 SEL RBO Seleet register bank 0 C5 BS 1 1 SEL RBl Sel eet reg i ster ba n k 1 05 BS 1 1 SEL MBO Select programmemory bank 0 E5 OBF 1 1 SEL MBl Seleet programmemory bank 1 F5 OBF 1 1 NOP No operation 00 1 1 HALT HALT instruction F3 1 1 cN 154 i Telephone Controller (Single-Chip 8-Bit CMOS Microcomputer) SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Maximum ratings Ambient temperature under bias Tomb o to 70 °C Storage temperature Tstg -55 to 125 °C Supply voltage ref. to GND (Vss) Voo o to V Total power dissipation P tat 1 W -0.3 to Voo V All input and output voltages DC characteristics Tamb =0 to 70°C; Voo = 2.5 to 6 V; Vss =0 V Test conditions L input voltage (all except XTAll. XTAl2. ~) l input voltage (XTAL 1. XTAl2. ~) H input voltage (all except XTAL 1. XTAL2. ~ H input voltage (XTAll. XTAl2. lrrSn L output voltage V'L V,LI V,LI V,H 7 Voo < 4.5 Min. Typ. 0.75 V -0.1 0.75 0.25 0.7x Voo Voo V V V 0.7x Voo Voo V V V,H , Max. -0.1 VOL IOL = 1.0 mA 0.45 V Vall IOL = 1.0 mA 0.45 V VOH IOH = 1.0 rnA 0.75x Voo V H output voltage; low impedance (all other outputs). high impedance Input leakage current (Portl. 4. 5. 6) Input leakage current (lfEID. T1) Input leakage current (TNT; pullup) Input current XTAL Output leakage current (For bus and TO in high-impedance states) VOH ' VOH ' I'LP I'LC IOH = 1 mA = 1 IJA 0.75x Voo 0.75x Voo V V IJA IJA IJA IJA IJA IJA Total supply current 100 (BUS. l1ri. WR. J5"SEN. AU) L output voltage (all other outputs) H output voltage (BUS. tID. WR. "P"SEN. AU) IOH IXT V,N :5 V'L Vss:5 V'N :5 Voo V'N = Voo V'N :5 V'L Vss :5 V'N :5 Voo IOL V'N :5 V'L I'L -5 ±1 +1 -5 ±10 ±1 1 MHz; 5 V 1.2 4.2 0.9 3 MHz; 5 V HALT supply current Power-down mode Operation supply voltage 100 100 VOD 500 kHz; 1 MHz; 5 3 MHz; 5 500 kHz; 5V 5V V V 5V 550 250 1 2.5 1.4 mA mA mA 400 IJA IJA IJA IJA V 2 6 155 SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) AC characteristics T. mb = 0 to 70°C; Voo CL = 40 pF = 5 V; Vss = 0 V; 'osc = 3 MHz Test conditions ALE pulse width Address set-up before ALE Address hold from ALE Control pulse width lSS"EN 1W.WR tLL tAL tLA tcc tcc Data set-up before WR Data hold after WR tow Cycle time Data hold after tfI5 Instr. hold after "F'Srn m5 to data in lSS"EN to data in Address set-up before WR Address set-up to data atm5 at lSS"EN Address float to m5 tcv lSS"EN WF{ to ALE ~toALE ALE to m5 ADDRESS Time Port 4 156 two tev = 2.66 I.I~ CL = 40 pF Min. Typ. 800 120 0 833 166 300 1300 1300 333 1333 1333 333 Max. 160 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 300 1 2.66 tAW 2000 us ns ns ns ns ns tAD tAD 3500 500 ns ns t Mc "tAFC 166 140 tCA tCA tCA 0 ton ton t no 0 0 300 300 1200 300 t no t AOO 333 166 333 1333 50 666 ns ns ns ns ns ns Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Time parameters versus fesc Symbol Parameter 1/fesc ~s tCY 8 t ~s Read from external data memory 2.5 t ~s ~s 1.0 t 4.0 t ~s ~s ~s 3.5 t 10.5 t ~s ~s Write into external data memory tCA tcc two tow tAW 1.0 4.0 1.0 4.0 6.0 t t t t t ~s ~s ~s ~s ~s Instruction fetch from external program memory tAL tCA tLA tcc tOR t RO tAD t AOD t AFC 0.5 t 4.0 t - ~s ~s 1.0 t - 0.5 • 1.5 2.0 0.5 ~s ~s ~s t t t t ~s ~s ~s ~s 157 SAB 80C482 (SM 850) Telephone Controller (Single·Chip 8·Bit CMOS Microcomputer) Application example "Intelligent Telephone Set" Line interface "- SAB 80(482 I ~ Keyboard Data memory SAB 81(50 1 LCD controller PSB 7510 Features of this telephone set - direct and indirect radialing short dialing (10 memories) auto dialing by special keys babysitter function LC-display control electronic keylock clock function rate signaling 158 1 st cycle [T5 I T6 - LnTYSTY9 fT2rnTT4TT!q I.-r-l ALE Read from external data memory ,t..-------- ----- ------1l I'LL+-,i I ---, I'm --;X ----+, ALE tev - - - - - 1-------- Bus I" ·1 .1 I ! ' "u--l 4 I tow Data X Address L I tRo - - - j ltoR , '[§).-----F+lp-at-in-g- - - ------------~~I TI Dr ca tel. \-- -----------.1 fAD - - _ .. _---- ~ iii II Co Floating r--- tcc - WR I T7 I T8 I T9 I T 2 I n I 1--- tcc ---4 TIr-----A-d-dr-es-s--+, I.. T6 1 st cycle -, RD Bus Write into external data memory 2 nd cycle cncs4 S"iD CC"C -::::J' CPo 0::::1 iii 3 -S"O CD ::0:(3 0= en ~ 0 (') ~ N ::::J'CD coO '::::I tD- s:~ 0 en s: c:r (3 n 0 3 two - r- "C Xr---FI+qa-ti-ng--- ~ C CD .1 tAW ALE Instruction fetch from external program memory PSEN tOR BusPort 4 U; co Floating ==x Floating -1 tAoo r- X'--I/-O----X A X I.- H impedance --4.-- Llmpedance .1. -Imation if 110 intor-!is changed 1/0 110 L ! Xr--I-/O-'¥'--A--X!/O H impedance .....\.-L impedance - - - --I if 110 info~mation is changed if 1/0 information isn't changed ~ _tD en CO s:o coO c.n'" oco -I\) SAB 8086 16-Bit Microprocessor SAB 8086·2 SAB 8086·1 SAB 8086 8 MHz 10 MHz • Bit, Byte, Word, and Block Operations .24 Operand Addressing Modes • Clock Rate upto 10 MHz (SAB 8086·1) .Compatible with Industry Standard 8086 • Direct Addressing Capability to 1 MByte of Memory • Assembly Language Compatible with SAB 8080 I SAB 8085 .14 Word, By 16·Bil Register Set with Symrnetrica I Operations .8· and 16·Bit Signed and Unsigned Arithmetic in Binary or Decimal Including Multiply and Divide Figure 1. Pin Diagram "In plastic and ceramic package Figure 2. Pin Names AD o- 15 Address/Data Status Interrupt Request Clock Oueue Status Test for Busy Ready Chip Reset Minimum/Maximum Mode Read Request/Grant Bus Lock Memory/lO 50 - 2 INTR CLK OS'_l TEST READY RESET MN/MX RD RO/GTo_1 LOCK M/TO 5 MHz A'6-19 S 3-7 BHE HOLD HLDA WR DTIR DEN ALE INTA NMI GND Vee SAB 8086 is a new generation, high performance 16·bit Microprocessor implemented in +5 Volts, depletion load, N channel, silicon gate Siemens MYMOS technology packaged in a 40 pin package. It is 100 percent compatible with the industry Address Status Bus High Enable Hold Hold Acknowledge Write Bus Driver Transmitl Receive Bus Driver Enable Address Latch Enable Interrupt Acknowledg e Non·maskable Interrupt Ground +5 Volts standard 8086. With features like string handling, 16·bit arithmetic with multiply and divide it significantly increases system performance. It is highly suited for multiprocessor applications in various configu rations. AG 8183 161 SAB 8086 Functional Pin Definition The following pin function descriptions are for SAB 8086 systems in either minimum or maximum mode. The "Local Bus" in these descriptions is Number Symbol Input (II Output (01 2-16 39 AD o-AD'5 I/O 31S--3!3 A Ie: A;;/S~ C the direct multiplexed bus interface connection to the SAB 8086 (without regard to additional bus buffersl. Function These lines constitute the time multiplexed memory I/O address (T,I and data (T" T3, T41 bus. Ao is analogous to BHE for the lower byte of the data bus, pins 0 7-0 •. It is LOW during T, when a byte is to be transferred on the lower portion of the bus in memory or I/O operations. Eight-bit oriented devices tied to the lower half would normally use A. to condition chip select functions. These lines are active HIGH and float to 3-state OFF during interrupt acknowledge and local bus "hold acknowledge". UUI il'~ 11 Lile::te are {ne Tour most slgnltlcant address lines for memory operations. During I/O operations these lines are LOW. During memory and I/O operations, status information is available on these lines during T" T 3, Twand T4. The status of the interrupt enable FLAG bit (S 51 is updated at the beginning of each CLK cycle. A'7/S4 and A'6/S3 are encoded as follows: A'8/ S 5 A'9/S6 A'7/ S 4 A'6/S 3 Characteristics o (LOWI 0 1 0 1 Alternate Data Stack Code or None Data 0 1 (HIGHI 1 S6 is 0 (LOWI This information indicates which relocation register is presently being used for data accessing. These lines float to 3-state OFF during local bus "hold acknowledge". 34 BHE/S 7 a During T, the bus high enable signal (BHEI should be used to enable data onto the most significant half of the data bus, pins 0'5-08' Eight-bit oriented devices tied to the upper half of the bus would normally use BHE to condition chip select functions. BHE is LOW during T, for read, write, and interrupt acknowledge cycles when a byte is to be transferred bn the high portion of the bus. The S 7 status information is available during T" T3, and T4. The signal is active LOW, and floats to 3-state OFF in "hold". It is LOW during T, for the first interrupt acknowledge cycle. 32 RD a Read strobe indicates that the processor is performing a memory or 1/0 read cycle, depending on the state of the S, pin. This signal is used to read devices which reside on the SAB 8086 local bus. RD is active LOW during T" T3 and Tw of any read cycle, and is guaranteed to remain HIGH in T, until the SAB 8086 local bus has floated. This signal floats to 3-state OFF in "hold acknowledge". 162 SAB 8086 Number Symbol Input (I) Output (0) 22 READY I READY is the acknowledgement from the addressed memory or 1/0 device that it will complete the data transfer. The RDY signal from memory 1/0 is synchronized by the SAB 8284A Clock Generator to form READY. This signal is active HIGH. The SAB 8086 READY input is not synchronized. Correct operation is not guaranteed if the setup and hold times are not met. 18 INTR I Interrupt request is a level triggered input which is sampled du ring the last clock cycle of each instruction to determine if the processor should enter into an interrupt acknowledge operation. A subroutine is vectored to via an interrupt vector lookup table located in system memory. It can be internally masked by software reseting the interrupt enable bit. INTR is internally synchronized. This signal is active HIGH. 23 ITSi I The TtST input is examined by the "Wait" instruction. If the TtST input is lOW execution continues, otherwise the processor waits in an "Idle" state. This input is synchronized internally during each clock cycle on the leading edge of ClK. 17 NMI I Non-maskable interrupt is an edge triggered input which causes a type 2 interrupt. A subroutine is vectored to via interrupt vector lookup table located in system memory. NMI is not maskable internally by software. A transition from a lOW to HIGH initiates the interrupt at the end of the current instruction. This input is internally synchronized. 21 RESET I RESET causes the processor to immediately terminate its present activity. The signal must be active HIGH for at least four clock cycles. It restarts execution, as described in the Instruction Set description, when RESET returns lOW. RESET is internally synchronized. 19 ClK I The clock provides the basic timing for the processor and bus controller. It is asymmetric with a 33% duty cycle to provide optimized internal timing. 33 MN/"IViX I Minimum/Maximum: indicates what mode the processor is to operate in. The two modes are discussed in the following sections. 40 Vee +5V (power supply) 1,20 GND GND (ground) Function 163 I SAB 8086 The following pin function descriptions are for the SAB 8086/8288 system in maximum mode (i. e. MN/MX = GND). Only the pin functions which are Number Symbol Input (I) Output (0) 26-28 s"S;,S; 0 unique to maximum mode are described; all other pin functions are as already described. Function These status lines are encoded as follows: S, S, So Characteristics o (lOW) 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Interrupt Acknowledge Read I/O Port Write I/O Port Halt Code Access Read Memory Write Memory Passive 0 0 0 1 (HIGH) 1 1 1 Status is active during T4, T" and T, and is returned to the passive state (1,1,1) during T3 or during Tw when READY is HIGH. This status is used by the SAB 8288 Bus Controller to generate all memory and I/O access control signals. Any change by S" S" or So during T4 is used to indicate the beginning of a bus cycle, and the return to the passive state in T3 or Tw is used to indicate the end of a bus cycle. These signals float to 3-state OFF in "hold acknowledge". 30-31 RO/GTo, RO/GT, I/O The request/grant pins are used by other local bus masters to force the processor to release the local bus at the end of the processQi'.s current bus cycle. Each pin is bidirectional with RO/GTo having higher priority than RO/GT, . RO/GT has an internal pull-up resistor so may be left unconnected. The request/grant sequence is as follows (see Figure 14): 1. A pulse of 1 ClK wide from another local bus master indicates a local bus request ("hold") to the SAB 8086 (pulse1). 2. During the CPU's next T4 or T, a pulse 1 ClK wide from the SAB 8086 to the requesting master (pulse 2) indicates that the SAB 8086 has allowed the local bus to float and that it will enter the "hold acknowledge" state at the next ClK. The CPU's bus interface unit is disconnected logically from the local bus during "hold acknowledge" . 3. A pulse 1 ClK wide from the requesting master indicates to the SAB 8086 (pulse 3) that the "hold" request is about to end and that the SAB 8086 can reclaim the local bus at the next ClK. Each master-master exchange of the local bus is a sequence of 3 pulses. There must be one dead ClK cycle after each bus exchange. Pulses are active lOW. If the request is made while the CPU is performing a memory cycle, it will release the local bus during T4 of the cycle when all the following conditions are met: 1. Request occurs on or before T,. 2. Current cycle is not the low byte of a word (on an odd address). 3. Current cycle is not the first acknowledge of an interrupt acknowledge sequence. 4. A locked instruction is not currently executing. 164 SAB 8086 Number Symbol Input (I) Output (0) 29 lOCK 0 The lOCK output indicates that other system bus masters are not to gain control of the system bus while LITCR: is active lOW. The lOCK signal is activated by the "lOCK" prefix instruction and remains active until the completion of the next instruction. This signal is active lOW, and floats to 3-state OFF in "hold acknowledge". 24-25 OS"OSo 0 OS, and OSo provide status to allow external tracking of the internal SAB 8086 instruction queue. Function OS, QS o Characteristics o (lOW) 0 1 (HIGH) 0 1 0 1 1 No Operation First Byte of Op Code from Queu Empty the Queue Subsequent Byte from Oueue The queue status is valid during the elK cycle after which the queue operation is performed. 165 SAB 8086 The following pin function descriptions are for the SAB 8086 minimum mode (i. e. MN/MX = Ved. Only the pin functions which are unique to minimum mode are described; all other pin functions are as described before. Number Symbol Input (I) Output (0) 28 M/TO 0 This status line is logically equivalent to S, in the maximum mode. It is used to <:!i§tinguish a memory access from an 1/0 access. MilO becomes valid in the T4 preceding a bus cycle and remains valid-'!ntil the final T4 of the cycle (M = HIGH, 10 = LOW). MilO floats to 3-state OFF in local bus "hold acknowledge". 29 WR 0 Write strobe indicates that the processor is performing a write m~mory or write 1/0 cycle, depending on the state of the MilO signal. WR is active for T" T3 and Tw of any write cycle. It is active LOW, and floats to 3-state OFF in local bus "hold acknowlf>rI<]f>" 24 INTA 0 INTA is used as a read strobe for interrupt acknowledge cycles. It is active LOW during T" T3 and Tw of each interrupt acknowledge cycle. 25 ALE 0 Address latch enable is provided by the processor to latch the address into the SAB 8282/SAB 8283 address latch. It is a HIGH pulse active during T, of any bus cycle. Note that ALE is never floated. 27 DT/R 0 Data transmitlreceive is needed in minimum system that desires to use a SAB 8286/SAB 8287 data bus transceiver. It is used to control the dir:§lction of data flow through the transceiver. Logically DTIR is equivalent to S, in the maximum mode, and its timing is the same as for MilO. (T=HIGH, R=LOW). This signal floats to 3-state OFF in local bus "hold acknowledge". 26 DEN 0 Data enable is provided as an output enable for the SAB 8286/SAB 8287 in a minimum system which uses the transceiver. DEN is active LOW during each memory and 1/0 access and for INTA cycles. For a read or INTA cycle it is active from the middle ofT, until the middle ofT4, while for a write cycle.l!..l.§..active from the beginning of T, until the middle of T4. DEN floats to 3-state OFF in local bus "hold acknowledge". 30-31 HOLD HLDA I 0 HOLD indicates that another master is requesting a local bus "hold". To be acknowledged, HOLD must be active HIGH. The processor receiving the "hold" request will issue HLDA (HIGH) as an acknowledgement in the middle of T4 or T,. Simultaneous with the issuance of HLDA the processor will float the local bus and control lines. After HOl.D is detected as being LOW, the processor will lower HLDA, and when the processor needs to run another cycle, it will again drive the local bus and control lines. HOLD is not an asynchronous input. External synchronization should be provided if the system cannot otherwise guarantee the setup time. The same rules as for RQIGT apply regarding when the local bus will be released. _. 166 Function SAB 8086 Figure 3. Functional Block Diagram Memory Interface ,------- ,----------------------------C-Bus I I BIU I I I I I I I - - - - - i Instruction I I - - - - - i Stream Byte I - - - - - i Queue I I I I I I I IP I I A-Bus_ __ _ _- L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ I '-----~o:-------------. AH BH BL I CH Cl I I I I I I ~ ---- EU I I I I I I I ----------~ \-------- I I I --------1 Control System I I I 1----------I I ss os I I I I I CS I I I I ES I I I AL OH OL 5P BP 51 [01 Flags L _____________________________________ I ~ 167 SAB 8086 Figure 4. Memory Organization 1-r-----,1- FFFFFH 1 } Cod. ' ' "cO I XXXXOH I 1 r Stack Segment +Of fset 1 1 I Segment Register File CS ,>-- Data Segment SS OS ES 1>- 1>--- - - -- - Functional Description The internal functions ofthe SAB 8086 processor are partitioned logically into two processing units. The first is the Bus Interface Unit (BIU) and the second is the Execution Unit (EU) as shown in the block diagram of Figure 3. The bus interface unit provides the functions related to instruction fetching and queuing, operand fetch and store, and address relocation. The overlap of instruction pre-fetching provided by this unit serves to increase processor performance through improved bus bandwidth utilization. Up to 6 bytes of the instruction stream can be queued while waiting for decoding and execution. The instruction stream queuing mechanism allows the BIU to keep the memory utilized very efficiently. Whenever there is space for at least 2 bytes in the 168 queue, the BIU will attempt a word fetch memory cycle. This greatly reduces "dead time" on the memory bus. The execution unit receives pre-fetched instructions from the BIU queue and provides un-relocated operand addresses to the BIU. Memory operands are passed through the BIU for processing by the EU, which passes results to the BIU for storage. The processor provides a 20-bit address to memory which locates the byte being referenced. The memory is logically organized as a linear array of 1 million bytes, addressed as OOOOO(H) to FFFFF(HI. The memory can be further logically divided into code, data, alternate data, and stack segments of up to 64 Kbytes each, with each segment falling on 16-byte boundaries. (See Figure 41 SAB 8086 Minimum and Maximum Modes The requirements for supporting minimum and maximum SAB 8086 systems are sufficiently different that they cannot be done efficiently with 40 uniquely defined pins. Consequently, the SAB 8086 is equipped with a strap pin (MN/MX) which defines the system configuration. The definition of a certain subset of the pins changes dependent on the condition of the strap pin. When MN/MX pin is strapped to GND, the SAB 8086 treats pins 24 through 31 in maximum mode. An SAB 8288 bus controller interprets status information coded into So, s" S, to generate bus timing and control signals. When the MN/MX pin is strapped to Vee, the SAB 8086 generates bus control signals itself on pins 24 through 31, as shown in parentheses in Figure 1. Bus Operation The SAB 8086 has a combined address and data bus commonly referred to as a time multiplexed bus. Each processor bus cycle consists of at least four ClK cycles. These are referred to as T" T" T3 and T4 (see Figure 5). The address is emitted from the processor during T, and data transfer occurs on the bus during T3 and T 4 • T, is used primarily for changing the direction of the bus during read operations. In the event that a "NOT READY" indication is given by the addressed device, "Wait" states (T w) are inserted between T3 and T 4 • Each inserted "Wait" state is of the same duration as a ClK cycle. Periods can occur between SAB 8086 bus cycles. These are referred to as "Idle" states (T;) or inactive ClK cycles. The processor uses these cycles for internal housekeeping. Status bits 50, 5" and S; are used, in maximum mode, by the bus controller to identify the type of bus transaction according to the following table: S, S, So Characteristics o (lOW) 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Interrupt Acknowledge Read 1/0 Write 1/0 Halt Instruction Fetch Read Data from Memory Write Data to Memory Passive (no bus cycle) 0 0 0 1 (HIGH) 1 1 1 Status bits S 3through S, are multiplexed with highorder address bits and the BHE signal, and are therefore valid during T, through T 4 • S 3 and S 4 indicate which segment register (see Instruction Set description) was used for this bus cycle in forming the address, according to the following table: S4 S3 Characteristics o (lOW) 0 0 1 (HIGH) 0 1 1 Alternate Data (extra segment) Stack Code or None Data S 5 is a reflection of the PSW interrupt enable bit. S 6 = 0 and S, is a spare status bit. During T, of any bus cycle the ALE (Address latch Enable) signal is emitted (by either the processor or the SAB 8288 bus controller, depending on the MN/MX strap). At the trailing edge of this pulse, a valid address and certain status information for the cycle may be latched. 169 SAB 8086 Figure 5. Basic System Timing f----(4+NwAIT)= TCY - - - . . f - - - - - (4+N wA1T)= TCY - - - - - I T1 I T2 I T3 I TWAIT I T4 I T1 T2 I T3 I TWAIT I T4 elK ALE J\'--_______ n -I. -------~ --------- Goes Inactive In the State . . _~" 'us. . .:t"'_p"': rI_or_t_o_T_4_ _ _ ~ READY READY READY WAIT DT/R 170 ~ WAIT __'1L \'---- SAB 8086 liD Addressing System Components In the SAB 8086, 1/0 operations can address up to a maximum of 64 KilO byte registers or 32 KilO word registers. The 1/0 address appears in the same format as the memory address on -bus lines A,s-A c. The address lines A 19 -A'6 are zero in 1/0 operations. The variable 1/0 instructions which use register OX as a pointer have full address capability while the direct 1/0 instructions directly address one or two of the 256 1/0 byte locations in page 0 of the 1/0 address space. Processors SAB 8088 -100% Compatible CPU with SAB 8086 with 8-bit bus SAB 8087 SAB 8089 - Numeric Data Processor. Coprocessor to SAB 8086 and SAB 8088. - Input I Output Processor. Support Circuits SAB SAB SAB SAB 8282 8283 8284A 8286 Octal Latch Octal Latch (Invertingl Clock Generator and Driver Octal Bus Transceiver SAB SAB SAB SAB 8287 8288 8289 8259A Octal Bus Transceiver (Invertingl Bus Controller Bus Arbiter Programmable Interrupt Controller Typical Applications SAB 8086 is a general purpose 16-bit microprocessor which can be used for applications ranging from process control to data processing. Figures 6 and 7 show typical system configurations for SAB 8086 familiy components. 171 SAB 8086 Figure 6. Minimum Mode SAB 8086 Typical System Configuration o CLK MN/MX READY M / i O l - - - - - - - - - - RESET I N T A \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . , Ri5 -------------~----~---_r--; WR\------------------~+_----__+------_+~ DT/R SAE DEN 8086 --, --l 1 11 CPU ALE 1--_-+1-+1_---1 AD0·AD15I/'--=~=c-~1 ---:-1 I I I ~----LL-~c_--~.-------LL, A'6- A19 SHE SAB 2142 RAM (41 (2) 1Kx8 SAB 2716·2 PROM (21 12) 1Kx8 2Kx8 Peripheral 2Kx8 Figure 7. Maximum Mode SAB 8086 Typical System Configuration vee rD SAB 2716·2 PROM (21 SAS 2142 RAM 14) 121 1Kx8 172 12) 1Kx8 2Kx8 2Kx8 Peripheral SAB 8086 Instruction Set Summary DATA TRANSFER MOV = Move 76543210 76543210 76543210 76543210 data data ifw=1 Register / memory to / from register 11 000 1 0 d w 1 Immediate to register/memory 11 1 0001 1 w 1 mod Immediate to register 11 0 1 1 w reg 1 data data if w= 1 Memory to accumulator 11 0 1 0 0 0 0 w 1 addr-Iow addr-high Accumulator to memory [1 0 1000 1 w 1 addr-Iow addr-high Register/memory to segment register 11 000 1 1 1 0 Imod 0 reg rim Segment register to register/memory 11 000 1 1 00 Imod 0 reg rim PUSH mod reg rim 0 0 0 rim 1 I = Push: Register/memory 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Imod 1 1 0 rim Register 101 01 0 reg Segment register 1 a a a reg 11a 1 1 POP = Pop: Register/memory 11 000 1 1 1 1 Imod 000 rim Register 10 1 0 1 1 reg 1 Segment register 10 0 a reg 1 1 1 1 1 XCHG = Exchange: Register/memory with register 11 0000 1 1 w Imod reg rim Register with accumulator 11 a 01 0 reg IN = Input from: Fixed port 11110010wl Variable port 11110110wl port 173 SAB 8086 76543210 76543210 Fixed port 11110011wl port Variable port 11110111wl XLAT = Translate byte to AL 111010111 LEA = Load EA to register 11 000 1 1 0 1 Imod reg rim LOS = Load pointer to DS 11 10001 01 Imod reg rim LES = Load pointer to ES 11 1 000 1 00 Imod reg rim LAHF = Load AH with flags 110011111 SAHF = Store AH into flags 110 011110 PUSHF = Push flags 110011100 POPF =Pop flags 11001 1 101 OUT = Output to: 76543210 76543210 ARITHMETIC ADD = Add: Reg.!memory with register to either I 000000 d wlmod reg rim Immediate to registerlmemory 11 00000 s w Imod 000 rim Immediate to accumulator I 0 0 000 lOw I I data data Idata ifS:W=Oll data ifw:2J ADC = Add with carry: Reg.!memory with register to either 10001 OOdw I mod reg rim Immediate to registerlmemory 11 000005 W mod 0 1 0 rim I Immediate to accumulator I 000 1 0 lOw I I data INC = Increment: Registerlmemory 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 w I mod 0 0 0 rim I Register 101000reg AAA = ASCII adjust for add 100110111 DAA = Decimal adjust for add 100100111 174 data data if W= 1 Idata if s:w=Ol I SAB 8086 SUB = Subtract: 76543210 76543210 Reg.lmemory and register to either 1001010 d wi mod reg rim I Immediate from registerlmemory 1100000swl mod 1 a 1 r/ml Immediate from accumulator 10010110wl data 76543210 76543210 data I data if s:w=Oll data if W= 1 SBB = Subtract with borrow Reg.lmemory and register to either 1000110dWI mod reg rim I Immediate from registerlmemory 1100000swl mod 0 1 1 r/ml Immediate from accumulator 10001110wl data data if W= 1 76543210 76543210 76543210 76543210 data I data if s:w=Oll DEC = Decrement: Registerlmemory 11111111Wl mod 0 01 r/ml Register I 01001 reg data I data if s:w=Oll I 1111011Wl mod all r/ml NEG = Change sign CMP = Compare: Registerlmemory and register 001110dWI mod reg rim Immediate with registerlmemory 100000swi mod 1 1 1 r/ml Immediate with accumulator 001 1110 wi AAS = ASCII adjust for subtract 001 1 1 1 1 1 DAS = Decimal adjust for subtract I data data if W= 1 00101 1 1 1 MUL = Multiply lunsigned) 11 1 101 1 wi mod 1 00 r/ml IMUL = Integer multiply ISigned) 1111011 wi mod 1 01 r/ml AAM = ASCII adjust for multiply 110101001000010101 DIV = Divide lunsigned) 1111011 wi mod 1 1 0 r/ml IDIV = Integer divide Isigned) 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 w I mod 1 1 1 r/ml AAD = ASCII adjust for divide 1110101011000010101 CBW = Convert byte to word 1100110001 CWO = Convert word to double word 1100110011 175 SAB 8086 LOGIC 76543210 76543210 NOT = Invert 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 wi mod 0 1 0 rim SHLISAL = Shift logicallarithmetic left 11 1 0 1 0 0 v W mod 1 0 76543210 76543210 I SHR = Shift logical right I MffiJ 11 1 01 00 v W I mod 101 rim I SAR = Shift arithmetic right 1110100VW mod111r/ml ROL = Rotate left 1110100VW mOdooor/ml ROR = Rotate rig ht 11 10100 v W mod 0 01 rim 1 RCL = Rotate through carry flag left 11 1 01 00 v W mod 0 1 0 rim 1 RCR = Rotate through carry right 11 10 l' 0 0 v W mod 01 1 rim 1 AND = And: Reglmemory and register to either 1001000 d W 1 mod reg rim Immediate to registerlmemory 11 OOOOOOw Immediate to accumu lator 1 0 0 1 00 1 0 W 1 I mod 1 oor/ml data data data if W= 1 1 data if W= 1 TEST = And function to flags, no result: Registerlmemory and register Immediate data and registerlmemory Immediate data and accumulator I 11 1 1 1 01 1 W I mod 000 rim I data 11 01 0 1 00 w I data I data if W= 1 11 0000 1 0 W mod reg rim data if w=1 OR = Or: Reglmemory and register to either 1000010 d w 1 mod reg rim Immediate to registerlmemory 11 OOOOOOw 1 modOO 1 rlml data Immediate to accumulator 10000 1 1 0 w I data if W= 1 data data ifw=1 XOR = Exclusive or: Reg.lmemory and register to either 1001 1 00 d w 1 mod reg rim Immediate to registerlmemory 11 000000 w Immediate to accumulator 176 I mod 1 10 rim 1 data 100 1 1 0 1 0 w I data data if W= 1 data if W= 1 SAB 8086 STRING MANIPULATION REP = Repeat 76543210 76543210 76543210 disp-Iow disp-high 11 1 1 1001 z MOVS = Move b'fte/word 11010010wl CMPS = Compare byte/word 11010011 w I SCAS = Scan byte/word 11010111 w I LODS = Load byte/word to AL/ AX 11010110wl STDS = Store byte/word from ALIA 11010101wl CQNTROL TRANSFER CALL = Call: Direct within segment 11 1 101000 Indirect within segment 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Imod 0 1 0 rim I Direct intersegment 110011010 Indirect intersegment JMP offset-low offset-high seg-Iow seg-high I 111111111 Imod 0 1 1 rim I = Unconditional Jump: Direct within segment 11 1101001 disp-Iow Direct within segment short 111101011 disp Indirect within segment 111111111 Imod 1 0 a rim Direct intersegment 111 101010 Indirect intersegment disp-high offset-low offset-high seg-Iow seg-high 111111111 Imod 1 01 rim 177 SAB 8086 RET = Return from CALL: 76543210 76543210 76543210 data-low data-high data-high Within segment 1'1000011 Within seg. adding immed to SP 1"000010 Intersegment 11 100101 , Intersegment adding immediable to SP 11 1001010 data-low JE/JZ = Jump on equal/zero 101110100 disp 101111100 disp 101111110 disp 101110010 disp 101110110 disp JP/JPE = Jump on parity/parity even 101111010 disp JO = Jump on overflow 101110000 disp 101 1 1 1000 disp 101 1 10101 disp 10 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 disp 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 disp 1011 1001 1 disp 101 1 101 1 1 disp 10 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 disp 101110001 dlsp 101 1 1 1001 disp 111100010 disp 111100001 disp 111100000 disp 111100011 disp JLlJNGE = Jump on less/not greater JLE/JNG = Jump on less or equal/not JB/JNAE = Jump on below/not above or equal greater or equal JBE/JNA = Jump on below or equal/ not above JS = Jump on sign JNLlJGE = Jump on not equal/not zero = Jump on not less/greater JNLE/JG = Jump on not less or equal/ JNE/JNZ or equal greater JNB/JAE = Jump on not below/above JNBE/JA = Jump on not below or or equal equal/above JNP/JPO = Jump on not par/par odd JNO = Jump on not overflow JNS = Jump on LOOP not sign = Loop ex times LOOPZ/LOOPE = Loop while zero/equal LOOPNZ/LOOPNE = Loop while not zero/equal JCXZ = Jump on 178 ex zero l I I SAB 8086 = Interrupt 76543210 76543210 Type specified 111001101 type Type 3 111001100 INT INTO = Interrupt on overflow 11 1001 1 10 IRET = Interrupt return 11 1001 1 1 1 PROCESSOR CONTROL = Clear carry CLC = Complement carry CMC 11 1 1 1 1 000 11 1 1'10101 STC = Set Carry 11 1 1 1 1 001 CLD = Clear direction 11 1 1 1 1 100 STO = Set direction 11 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 CLI = Clear interrupt 11 1 1 1 1010 STI = Set interrupt 11 1 1 1 101 1 HLT = Halt WAIT ESC = Wait = Escape (to external device) LOCK = Bus lock prefix 11 1 1 10100 11001 101 1 111011xxx Imod x x x rim 111110000 179 SAB 8086 Footnotes: AL = 8-bit accumulator AX = 16-bit accumulator CX = Count register DS = Data segment ES = Extra segment Above/below refers to unsigned value. Greater = more positive; Less = less positive (more negativel signed values if d = 1 then "to" reg; if d = a then "from" reg ifw = 1 then word instruction; ifw = a then byte instruction I a 0 1 reg 1 1 0 I if mod = 11 then rim is treated as a REG field if mod = 00 then DISP = 0*, disp-Iow and disp-high REG is assigned according to the following table ~r~ eb~e~! if mod = 01 then DISP = disp-Iow sign-extended to 16-bits, disp high is absent 10 then DISP = disp-high: disp low if mod = if rim = 000 then if rim = 001 then if rim = 010 then if rim = all then if rim = 100 then if rim = 101 then if rim = 110 then if rim = 111 then DISP follows 2nd requiredl EA = (BXI + (SII + DISP EA = (BXI + (DII + DISP EA = (BPI + (SII + DISP EA = (BPI + (DII +DISP EA = (SII + DISP EA = (DII + DISP EA = (BPI + DISP' EA = (BXI + DISP byte of instruction (before data if 'except if mod = 00 and rim = 110 then EA = disp-high:disp-Iow. 180 if s:w = 01 then 16-bits of immediate data from the operand it s:w = 11 then an immediate data byte is sign extended to form the 16-bit operand if v = 0 then "count" = 1; if v = 1 then "count" in (CLI x = don't care z is used far string primitives for comparsion with ZF FLAG SEGMENT OVERRIDE PREFIX 16-Bit (w= 1) 8-Bit (w=O) Segment 000 001 010 all 100 101 110 111 000 001 010 all 100 101 110 111 00 01 10 11 AX CX DX BX SP BP SI DI AL CL DL BL AH CH DH BH E8 CS 88 DS Instruction which reference the flag register file as a 16-bit object use the symbol FLAGS to represent the file: FLAGS = X:X:X:X:(OF):(DFI:(IFI:(TFI:(SFI:(ZF): X:(AFI:X:(PF) :X:(CFI SAB 8086 Absolute maximum ratings *) Ambient Temperature Under Bias Storage Temperature Voltage on any Pin with Respect to Ground Power Dissipation o to 70°C -65 to +150°C -1.0 to + 7V 2.5 Watt D.C. Characteristics SAB 8086: TA = 0 to 70°C, Vee = 5 V ± 10% SAB 8086-1/8086-2: TA = 0 to 70'C, Vee = 5V ± 5% Limit Values Symbol Parameter V" Input Low Voltage -0.5 +0.8 V'H Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee+ 0.5 Val Output Low Voltage - 0.45 10l = 2.0 mA VOH Output High Voltage 2.4 - 10H = -400 f.lA Icc Power Supply Current SAB 8086 SAB 8086-2 SAB 8086-1 III Input Leakage Current fco Output Leakage Current Min. - Max. Units Test Conditions V 340 350 360 mA ±10 f.lA TA = 25°C OV,,; V,N :s Vee 0.45 V,,; VOUT ,,; Vee Vel Clock Input Low Voltage -0.5 +0.6 VeH Clock Input High Voltage 3.9 Vee +1.0 G'N Capacitance of Input Buffer (All input e~6J;t ADo-AD", R /CIT) - 15 G,O Capacitance of I/O Buffer (AD o-AD'5,OO/GT) V - pF Ic = 1 MHz *) Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 181 SAB 8086 A.C. Characteristics for SAB 8086/8086-2 SAB 8086: TA = 0 to 70'C, Vee = 5V ± 10% SAB 8086-2: TA = 0 to 70'C, Vee = 5V ± 5% Minimum Complexity System (Figures 8, 9, 12, 15) Timing Requirements Limit Values Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Min. Max. TClCl ClK Cycle Period SAB 8086 200 500 125 500 TClCH ClK low Time 118 TCHCl ClK High Time 69 TCH1CH2 ClK Rise Time SAB 8086 - - SAB 8086-2 Test Units Conditions - 68 44 10 - TCl2Cl1 ClK Fall Time TDVCl Data in Setup Time 30 20 TClDX Data in Hold Time 10 10 TR1VCl RDY Setup Time into SAB 8284A ') ') 35 35 TClR1X RDY Hold Time into SAB 8284A ') ') 0 TRYHCH READY Setup Time into SAB 8086 118 68 TCHRYX READY Hold Time into SAB 8086 30 20 TRYlCl READY Inactive to ClK 3) -8 -8 From 1.0 to 3.5V 10 From 3.5 to 1.OV - 0 THVCH HOLD Setup Time 35 20 TINVCH INTR, NMI, TEST Setup Time ') 30 15 TILIH Input Rise Time (Except ClK) TIHll Input Fall Time (Except ClK) 20 - ns - - 20 From 0.8 to 2.0V 12 From 2.0 to 0.8V 12 ') Signal at SAB 8284A shown for reference only. ') Setup requirement for asynchronous signal only to guarantee recognition at next ClK. 3) Applies only to T, state. (8 ns into T3 ) 182 SAB 8086 Timing Responses Limit Values SAB 8086-2 Symbol Parameter SAB 8086 TCLAV Address Valid Delay TCLAX Address Hold Time TCLAZ Address Float Delay TCLAX 80 TCLAX 50 TLHLL ALE Width TCLCH-20 - TCLCH-l0 - TCLLH ALE Active Delay Min. 10 Max. 110 - Min. 10 Max. 60 r-- - 80 -85 50 r--- TCHLL ALE Inactive Delay TLLAX Address Hold Time to ALE Inactive TCLDV Data Valid Delay TCHDX Data Hold Time TWHDX Data Hold Time After WR TCVCTV Control Active Delay 1 TCHCTV Control Active Delay 2 TCVCTX Control Inactive Delay TAZRL Address Float to READ Active TCLRL RD Active Delay TCLRH RD Inactive Delay TRHAV RD Inactive to Next Address Active TCLCL-45 - TCLCL-40 - TCLHAV HLDA Valid Delay 10 160 10 100 TCHCL-l0 - 10 - 110 Test Units Conditions 55 TCHCL-l0 - 10 r-- 60 ns TCLCH-30 TCLCH-30 CL = 20-100 pF for all SAB 8086 Outputs (In addition to SAB 8086 self-load) 70 10 110 10 r-60 r--70 0 - 10 - 165 0 10 150 TRLRH RD Width 2TCLCL-75 TWLWH WR Width 2TCLCL-60 TAVAL Address Valid to ALE Low TCLCH-60 TOLOH Output Rise Time TOHOL Output Fall Time - 100 r--80 2TCLCL-50 - 2TCLCL-40 - TCLCH-40 20 -12 20 From 0.8 to 2.0V 12 From 2.0 to 0.8V - 183 SAB 8086 Max Mode System (Using SAB 8288 Bus Controller) (Figures 10-14) Timing Requirements Limit Values Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Min. Max. TClCl ClK Cycle Period SAB 8086 200 500 125 500 TClCH ClK low Time 118 68 TCHCl ClK High Time 69 44 TCH1CH2 ClK Rise Time SAB 8086 - 10 SAB 8086-2 - TCL2Cll ClK Fall Time TDVCl Data In Setup Time 30 20 TCLDX Data In Hold Time 10 10 TR1VCl RDY Setup Time into SAB 8284A ') ') 35 35 TClR1X RDY Hold Time into SAB 8284A ') ') 0 TRYHCH READY Setup Time into SAB8086 118 68 TCHRYX READY Hold Time into SAB 8086 30 20 TRYlCl READY Inactive to ClK 4) -8 -8 TINVCH Setup Time for Recognition (lNTR, NMI, TEST) ') 30 15 40 30 TGVCH RO/GT Setup Time TCHGX RO Hold Time into SAB 8086 TILIH Input Rise Time (Except ClK) TIHll Input Fall Time (Except ClK) Test Units Conditions - From 1.0 to 3.5V 10 From 3.5 to 1.OV ns 0 - 20 - - - 20 From 0.8 to 2.0V 12 From 2.0 to 0.8V - 12 ') Signal at SAB 8284A or SAB 8288 shown for reference only. ') Setup requirement for asynchronous signal only to guarantee recognition at next elK. ') Applies only to T, and wait states. 4) Applies only to T, state (8 ns into T,). 184 SAB 8086 Timing Responses Limit Values Symbol Parameter TClMl Command Active Delay') TClMH Command Inactive Delay') TRYHSH READY Active to Status Passive 3) TCHSV Status Active Delay TClSH Status Inactive Delay TClAV Address Valid Delay TClAX Address Hold Time TClAZ Address Float Delay TSVlH Status Valid to ALE High ') TSVMCH Status Valid to MCE High') TCllH ClK low to ALE Valid ') SAB8086 Min. Max. Min. Max. 10 35 10 35 - 65 - 110 60 10 - I--- 130 10 110 - 70 r-60 r-- TClAX 80 TClAX 50 - 20 - 20 4 15 4 ~5 TClMCH ClK low to MCE High ') TCHll ALE Inactive Delay ') TCLDV Data Valid Delay TCHDX Data Hold Time TCVNV Control Active Delay ') 5 TCVNX Control Inactive Delay') 10 ') ') 3) 4) Test Units Conditions SAB 8086-2 10 - 110 10 - 45 ns Cl = 20-100 pF for all SAB 8086 Outputs (In addition to SAB 8086 self-load) 60 I--- - 5 45 10 Signal at SAB 8284A or SAB 8288 shown for reference only. Setup requirement for asynchronous signal only to guarantee recognition at next ClK. Applies only to T3 and wait states. Applies only to T, state (8 ns into T3)' 185 SAB 8086 Limit Values Symboi Parameter TAZRL Address Float to READ Active TCLRL RD Active Delay TCLRH RD Inactive Delay TRHAV RD Inactive to Next Address Active TCHDTL Direction Control Active Delay ') Min. Max. Min. Max. 0 - 0 - 10 TCLCL-45 - 100 f80 TCLCL-40 - 50 r--- 30 ns f30 TCLGL GT Active Delay GT Inactive Delay TRLRH RDWidth TOLOH Output Rise Time TOHOL Output Fall Time 0 85 0 50 2TCLCL-75 - 2TCLCL-50 - 20 r--- 12 20 From 0.8 to 2.0V 12 From 2.0 to 0.8V r--- Signal at SAB 8284A or SAB 8288 shown for reference only. Setup requirement for asynchronous signal only to guarantee recognition at next CLK. Applies only to T3 and wait states. Applies only to T, state (8 ns into T3)' 186 CL = 20-100 pF for all SAB 8086 Outputs (In addition to SAB 8086 self-load) uetdY I TCLGH ') ') 3) 4) 10 50 ~ire~ti0r:.. C~Jnt\?1 IIld\,;lIve 165 r--150 - TCHDTH Test Units Conditions SAB 8086-2 SAB 8086 SAB 8086 A.C. Characteristics for SAB 8086-1 TA = a to 70"C, Vee = 5V ± 5% Minimum Complexity System (Figures 8, 9, 12, 15) Timing Requirements (Preliminary) Limit Values Symbol Parameter Units Min. Max. 500 TClCl ClK Cycle Period 100 TClCH ClK low Time 53 TCHCl ClK High Time 39 TCH1CH2 ClK Rise Time TCl1Cl2 ClK Fall Time TDVCl Data in Setup Time TClDX Data in Hold Time 10 TR1VCl ROY Setup Time into SAB 8284A')') 35 From 3.5 to 1.0V ROY Hold Time into SAB 8284A')') 0 READY Setup Time into SAB 8086 53 TCHRYX READY Hold Time into SAB 8086 20 TRYlCl READY Inactive to ClK') -10 THVCH HOLD Setup Time 20 TINVCH INTR, NMI, TEST Setup Time ') 15 Input Rise Time (Except ClK) Input Fall Time (Except ClK) From 1.0 to 3.5V 5 TClR1X TILIH - 10 TRYHCH TllHll Test Conditions - ns - - 20 From 0.8 to 2.0V 12 From 2.0 to 0.8V ') Signal at SAB 8284A shown for reference only. ') Setup requirement for asynchronous signal only to guarantee recognition at next ClK. ') Applies only to T, state. (8 ns into T,) 187 SAB8086 Timing Responses SAB 8086-1 (Preliminary) Limit Values Symbol Parameter Units Min. TCLAV Address Valid Delay TCLAX Address Hold Time TCLAZ Address Float Delay TLHLL ALE Width TCLLH ALE Active Delay TCHLL ALE Inactive Delay TLLAX Address Hold Time to ALE Inactive iCLU'V' Dena Vaiici u81ay TCHDX Data Hold Time TWHDX Data Hold Time After WR TCVCTX Control Active Delay 1 TCHCTV Control Active Delay 2 TCVCTX Control Inactive Delay TAZRL Address Float to READ Active TCLRL RD Active Delay Max. 10 - 50 40 TCLCH-10 - 40 r---45 TCHCL-10 10 50 f---- TCLCH-25 50 i - ns 10 45 i- TCLRH RD Inactive Delay TRHAV RD Inactive to Next Address Active 50 0 10 - Cl = 20 - 100 PF for all SAB BOB6 Outputs lin addition to SAB BOB6 self-load) 70 I---- 60 TCLCL-35 60 TCLHAV HLDA Valid Delay 10 TRLRH RDWidth 2TCLCL-40 TWLWH WRWidth 2TCLCL-35 TAVAL Address Valid to ALE Low TCLCH-35 TOLOH Output Rise Time TOHOL Output Fall Time 188 Test Conditions - - - 20 From O.B to 2.0V 12 From 2.0 to O.BV SAB 8086 Max Mode System (Using SAB 8288 Bus Controller) (Figures 10-14) Timing Requirements SAB 8086-1 (Preliminary) Limit Values Symbol Parameter Units Min, Max, 100 500 TClCl ClK Cycle Period TClCH ClK low Time 53 TCHCl ClK High Time 39 TCH1CH2 ClK Rise Time TCl2Cl1 ClK Fall Time TDVCl Data In Setup Time 5 TClDX Data In Hold Time 10 TR1VCl ROY Setup Time into SAB 8284A')') 35 TClR1X ROY Hold Time into SAB 8284A')') 0 TRYHCH READY Setup Time into SAB 8086 53 TCHRYX READY Hold Time into SAB 8086 20 TRYlCl READY Inactive to ClK') -10 TINVCH Setup Time for Recognition (INTR, NMI, TEST)') 15 - Test Conditions - - From 1.0 to 3.5V 10 From 3.5 to 1,OV TGVCH RO/GT Setup Time 12 TCHGX RO Hold Time into SAB 8086 20 TILIH Input Rise Time (Except ClK) TIHll Input Fall Time (Except ClK) - ns - 20 From 0,8 to 2.0V 12 From 2.0 to 0.8V ') Signal at SAB 8284A or SAB 8288 shown for reference only. ') Setup requirement for asynchronous signal only to guarantee recognition at next ClK, ') Applies only to T, state (8 ns into T,). 189 SAB 8086 Timing Responses SAB 8086-1 (Preliminary) Limit Values Symbol Parameter TCLML Command Active Delay') TCLMH Command Inactive Delay') TRYHSH READY Active to Status Passive') TCHSV Status Active Delay TCLSH Status Inactive Delay Units Min. Max. 10 35 - 45 55 TCLAV Address Valid Delay TCLAX Address Hold Time - ILLAL Address Hoat Delay 40 TSVLH Status Valid to ALE High') TSVMCH Status Valid to MCE High') TCLLH CLK Low to ALE Valid') TCLMCH CLK Low to MCE High') TCHLL ALE Inactive Delay') 10 50 ns - 20 4 15 TCLDV Data Valid Delay TCHDX Data Hold Time TCVNV Control Active Delay') 5 TCVNX Control Inactive Delay') 10 10 50 - ') Signal at SAB 8284A or SAB8288 shown for reference only. ') Applies only to T, and wait states. 190 Test Conditions 45 CL = 20-100 pF for all SAB 8086 Outputs (In addition to SAB 8086 self-load) SAB 8086 Timing Responses SAB 8086-1 (continued) (Preliminary) Limit Values Symbol Parameter TAZRL Address Float to READ Active TCLRL RD Active Delay TCLRH RD Inactive Delay TRHAV RD Inactive to Next Address Active TCHDTL Direction Control Active Delay') TCHDTH Direction Control Inactive Delay') TCLGL GT Active Delay tCLGH GT Inactive Delay TRLRH RDWidth TOLOH Output Rise Time TOHOL Output Fall Time Min. Max. 0 - 10 Units Test Conditions ns CL = 20-100 pF for all SAB 8086 Outputs (In addition to SAB 8086 self-load) 70 r-60 TCLCL-35 - - 50 r-30 0 45 2TCLCL-40 - - 20 From 0.8 to 2.0V 12 From 2.0 to 0.8V r---- ') Signal at SAB 8284A or SAB 8288 shown for reference only. ') Applies only to T3 and wait states. 191 SAB 8086 Figure 8. Bus Timing - Minimum Mode System T, T, tCH1CH2 eLK (SAB 8284A QUlpUI) Itl MliO ;::;;-;r:-", UIIL'U7 A,9IS6·A,6IS3 ALE I ROY 4) (SAB 8284A Inpul ) >l{ 0- ;1]28 ~g m "" . en r AD ' 5 -AD, ~ I ~:;-O RD ~~ ~I~ DTIR DEN 192 AD,5-AD! ,- SAB 8086 Figure 9. SAB 8086 Bus Timing - Minimum Mode System (cont'd) T, eLK (SAB B1B4 Output) MliO BHEIS 7 A19IS6'A,6IS3 -.,---t----' '-+--t-J '--+--------t---j-J ' - - - I- I ALE (even: I §' ~ 1~. il~ ~ {AD15 -AO~ ___ +-fl~ Invalid Address __ __ _ _ ____ Software HALT 10" ll~· ~~ ') All signals switch between VOH and VOl unless otherwise specified. ') RDY is sampled near the end of T,. T 3 , Tw to determine if Tw machines states are to be· inserted. 3) Two INTA cycles run back to back. The SAB 8086 local ADDR/DATA Bus is floating during both INTA cycles. Control signals shown for second INTA cycle. 4) Signals at SAB 8284A are shown for reference only. 5) All timing measurements are made at 1.5 V unless otherwise noted. 193 SAB8086 Figure 10. SAB 8086 Bus Timing - Maximum Mode System (Using SAB 8288) OS,.QS, -+_-+..J 5,:S, :s, ---It---t--+---+--+-+77T7;>lnnr+--+~--- (Except HAlTi SHE,S, A19 JSG -A'6 /S 3 ---'1-'.'--;----+---' '-j--+----i---r---+---+___' READY (SAS 8OB6 Inpul I READ CYCLE ~"~ IIOO~C r":: ________----. Oulp,ts l 194 '--j----f---.,,--t-J DEN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J SAB 8086 Figure 11. SAB 8086 Bus Timing - Maximum Mode System (Using SAB 8288) (cant.) TJ T, WRITE CYCLE 52.5, :S0 --- ---...,_--.---11 INTA I .... tkL~': I' r----. /- _"'~ OEN _ _ _ _ _~I __ \';,---1_..t~~_"2. Software HALT - ("Om, vo,' R5 MRDC,IORC.MWTC wwC.iOW;::,A"iQWC,INTA OT/R 'Vo" I ADtS-A00 ~ Invalid Address ---'t(~A"f-- S,S;:s,~ 1 ';----'----- ') All Signals switch between VOH and VOL unless otherwise specified. ') RDY is sampled near the end of T" T 3 , Tw to determine if Tw machines states are to be inserted. 3) Cascade address is valid between first and second INTA cycle. 4) Two INTA cycles run back-to-back. The SAB 8086 local ADDR/DATA Bus is floating during both INTA cycles. Control for pointer address is shown for second INTA cycle. 5) Signals at SAB 8284A or SAB 8288 are shown for reference only. 6) The issuance of the SAB 8288 command and control signals (MRDC, MWTC, AMWC, IORC, IOWC, AIOWC, INTA and DEN) lags the active HIGH SAB 8288 DEN. 7) All timing measurements are made at 1.5V unless otherwise noted. B) Status inactive in state just prior to T4 • 195 SAB 8086 Figure 12. Asynchronous Signal Recognition ClK I:~~ }Si9 nal,....:_ - - - ' TEST ') Setup requirements for asynchronous signals only to guarantee recognition at next eLK Figure 13. Bus Lock Signal Timing (Maximum Mode Only) P nY ClK Cycle----j elK LOCK 196 ~ f-Any ClK Cycle----j ---~ - ' 'T---''"' SAB 8086 Figure 14. Request/Grant Sequence Timing (Maximum Mode Only) Any CLK Cycle ~0·CLK Cycle ClK AD15 -AD0 A19/S6-AI6/S3 52 :5 1 :5 0 PrevIous grant ~('_ _ _ _ _ _- - - - T Coprocessor 1)' SAB 8086 RD,lOCK SHE,S? ') The coprocessor may not drive the buses outside the region shown without risking contention Figure 15. Hold/Hold Acknowledge Timing (Minimum Mode Only) ~1 ClK Cycle 10r 2 Cycles 197 SAB 8088 8-Bit Microprocessor SAB 8088 5 MHz SAB 8088-2 8 MHz .8 Bit Data Bus Interface .24 Operand Addressing Modes .16 Bit Internal Architecture • Direct Addressing Capability to 1 MByte of Memory .8-Bit and 16-Bit Signed and Unsigned Arithmetic in Binary or Decimal, Including Multiply and Divide • Software Compatible with SAB 8086 • 14-Word by 16-Bit Register Set with Symetrical Operations • Two Clock Rates: 5 MHz for SAB 8088 8 MHz for SAB 8088-2 • Byte, Word, and Block Operations • Compatible with Industry Standard 8088 ,-----------------------------------------------------Pin Configuration Pin Names HI ~j MOO[ 'MAx '1 , f',ODE r vee A15 A16153 A17IS4 A~8iSS A191Sfi sso (HIGH) Rii HOLD (RQIGTOl HLDA ifilllGr1) WR (LOCK) 101M [52) OTIR 151) DEN (SOl ALE laso) INTA (OSl) TEST READY RESEl SAB 8088 is a high-performance 8-bit microprocessor implemented in + 5 volts, advanced Siemens MYMOS technology, packaged in a 40-pin package. It is 100 percent compatible with the industry standard 8088. With features like string ADO-7 50-2 INTR ClK QSO-l TEST READY RESET MN/MX RD RQ/GTO-1 lOCK IO/M A8-19 S3-6 SSO HOLD HlDA WR DTIR DEN ALE INTA NMI VCC GND Address/Data Status Interrupt Request Clock Queue Status Test for Busy Ready Chip Reset Minimum/Maximum Mode Read Request/Grant Bus lock IO/Memory Address Status Status (= SO) Hold Hold Acknowledge Write Bus Driver Transmit/Receive Bus Driver Enable Address latch Enable Interrupt Acknowledge Non-maskable Interrupt + 5 Volt Ground handling, 16-bit arithmetic with multiply and divide it significantly increases system performance. It is highly suited for multiprocessor applications in various configurations. AG 12/84 199 SAB 8088 Pin Definitions and Functions The following pin function descriptions are for SAB 8088 systems in either minimum or maximum mode. The "local bus" in these descriptions is the direct mUltiplexed bus interface connection to the SAB 8088 (without regard to additional bus buffers). Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) AD7-ADO 9-16 1/0 ADDRESS DATA BUS: These lines constitute the time multiplexed memory 1/0 address (Tl) and data (T2, n, Tw, and T4) bus. These lines are active HIGH and float to 3-state OFF during interrupt acknowledge and local bus "hold acknowledge". A15-A8 39,2-8 0 ADDRESS BUS: These lines provide address bits 8 through 15 for the entire bus cycle (T1- T4). These lines do not have to be latched by ALE to remain valid. A15-·A8 are active HIGH and float to 3-state OFF during interrupt acknowledge and local bus "hold acknowledqe". 0 ADRESS/STATUS: During T1, these are the four most significant address lines for memory operations. During 1/0 operations, these lines are LOW. During memory and 1/0 operations, status information is available on these lines during T2, T3, Tw and T4. S6 is always low. The status of the interrupt enable flag bit (S5) is updated at the beginning of each clock cycle. S4 and S3 are encoded as shown. A 19/56, A 18/S5, 34-38 A 17 IS4, A 16/S3 Function S4 S3 Characteristics a a a Alternate Data Stack Code or None Data 1 1 1 0 1 This information indicates which segment register is presently being used for data accessing. These lines float to 3-state OFF during local bus "hold acknowledge" . RD 32 0 READ: Read strobe indicates that the processor is performing a m~mory or 1/0 read cycle, depending on the state of the 101M pin or S2. This signal i~sed to read devices which reside on the SAB 8088 local bus. RD IS active LOW during T2, T3 and Tw of any read cycle, and is guaranteed to remain HIGH in T2 until the SAB 8088 local bus has floated. This signal floats to 3-state OFF in "hold acknowledge". READY 22 I READY: is the acknowledgement from the addressed memory or 1/0 device that it will complete the data transfer. The RDY signal from memory or 1/0 is synchronized by the SAB 8284AI 8284B clock generator to form READY. This signal is active HIGH. The SAB 8088 READY input is not synchronized. Correct operation is not guaranteed if the set up and hold times are not met. INTR 18 I INTERRUPT REQUEST: is a level triggered input which is sampled during the last clock cycle of each instruction to determine if the processor should enter into an interrupt acknowledge operation. A subroutine is vectored to via an interrupt vector lookup table located in system memory. It can be internally masked by software resetting the interrupt enable bit. INTR is internally synchronized. This signal is active HIGH. 200 SAB 8088 Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) TEST 23 I TEST: input is examined by the "wait lor test" instruction. lithe TEST input is lOW, execution continues, otherwise the processor waits in an "idle" state. This input is synchronized internally during each clock cycle on the leading edge 01 ClK. NMI 17 I NON-MASKABlE INTERRUPT: is an edge triggered input which causes a type 2 interrupt. A subroutine is vectored to via interrupt vector lookup table located in system memory. NMI is not maskable internally by software. A transition Irom a lOW to HIGH initiates the interrupt at the end 01 the current instruction. This input is internally synchronized. RESET 21 I RESET: causes the processor to immediately terminate its present activity. The signal must be active HIGH lor at least four clock cycles. It restarts execution, as described in the instruction set description, when RESET returns lOW. RESET is internally synchronized. ClK 19 I CLOCK: provides the basic timing for the processor and bus controller. It is asymmetric with a 33% duty cycle to provide optimized internal timing. VCC 40 - POWERSUPPlY(+5V) GND 1,20 - GROUND (OV) MNIMX 33 I MINIMUM/MAXIMUM: indicates what mode the processor is to operate in. The two modes are discussed in the following sections. Function The following pin function descriptions are for the SAB 8088 minimum mode (i.e. MN/MX =. VCC). Only the pin functions which are unique to - minimum mode are described; all other pin functions are as described above. 28 0 STATUS LINE: is an inverted maximum mode S;f. It is used to distinguish a memory access from an 1/0 access. 101M becomes valid in the T4 preceding a bus cycle and remains vali.cJ. until the final T4 of the cycle (1/0 = HIGH, M = lOW). 101M floats to 3-state OFF in local bus "hold acknowledge" WR 29 0 WRITE: strobe indicates that the processor is performing a w!ite memDl'Lorwrite 1/0 cycle depending on the state of the 101M signal. WR IS active for T2, T3, and Tw of any write cycle. It is active LOW, and floats to 3-state OFF in local bus "hold acknowledge". INTA 24 0 INTA: is used as a read strobe for interrupt acknowledge cycles. It is active lOW during T2, T3, and Tw of each interrupt acknowledge cycle. 101M - 201 I SAB 8088 Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) ALE 25 0 ADDRESS ~ATCH ENABLE: is provided by the processor to latch the address into the SAB 8282 /8282A/8283/8283A address latch. It is a HIGH pulse active dUring clock low of T1 of any bus cycle. Note that ALE IS Ilever floated. DT/R 27 0 DATA TRANSMIT/RECEIVE: is needed in a minimum system that desires to use an SAB 8286/8286A18287 /8287 A data bus transceiver. It is used to control the direction of data flow through the transceiver. Logically, DT;R is equivalent to S 1 in thf! mr\x;mllm mnr\p, ~nrl it~ ~ir::!~g is t~~ s:::!~c:::!~ fc:- ~C/~:~ (T = HIGH, R O~ LOW). This signal tloats to 3·state OFF in local "hold acknowledge". DEN 26 0 DATA ENABLE: is provided as an output enable for the SAB 8286/8286A/ 82!lZ1.8.287A in a minimum system which uses the transceiver. Dt.N~;'; active LOW during eilfh Illemory and I/O access, and for INTA cycles. For a read or INTA cycle, it is active from the middle of T2 until the middle of T4, while for a write cyckj! is active from the beginning of T2 until the middle of T4. DEN floats to 3·state OFF during local bus "hold acknowledge". HOLD, HLDA 31,30 I/O HOLD: indicates that another master is requesting a local bus "hold". To be acknowledged, HOLD must be active HIGH. The processor receiving the "hold" request will issue HLDA (HIGH) as an acknowledgement, in the middle of a T4 or T1 clock cycle. Simultaneous with the issuance of HLDA the processor will float the local bus and control lines. After HOLD is detected as being LOW, the processor lowers HLDA, and when the processor needs to run another cycle, it will again drive the local bus and control lines. Hold IS not an asynchronous input. External synchronIZation should be provided if the system cannot otherwise guarantee the set up time. SSO 34 0 STATUS LINE: is logically egtJiyalent,to SO in tlJe maximum mode. The combination of SSO, 101M and DT/R allows the system to completely decode the current bus cycle status. Function - 202 - -- 101M DTIR SSO Cha racteristics 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 Interrupt Acknowledge Read 1/0 Port Write 1/0 Port Halt Code access Read memory Write memory Passive 1 1 0 0 SAB 8088 Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) The folloWlI1(J pill fllnction ciescriptions are for the SAB 8088/8288 system in maxilllulll'mode (i.e. MN/MX GNDI. Only the pin functions which Input (II O,ltPUt (01 are unique to maximum mode are described. All other pin functions are as described above. Function --.-.-.-.-+------f----+----------------------S2, S 1, SO 28 26 o STATUS: is active during clock high ofT4, Tl, and T2, and is returned to the passive state (1,1,1) during T3 or during Tw when READY is HIGH. This status is used by the SAB 8288/8288A bus controller to generate all memory and 110 access control signals. Any change by 52, S'l, or SO during T4 is used to indicate the beginning of a bus cycle, and the return to the passive state in T3 or Tw is used to indicate the end of a bus cycle. These signals float to 3-state OFF during "hold acknowledge". During the first clock cycle after RESET becomes active, these signals are active HIGH. After this first clock, they float to 3-state OFF. S2 51 SO Ch aracteristics a a 0 a a a a 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 Interrupt Acknowledge Read 110 Port Write I/O Port Halt Code access Read memory Write memory Passive 1 1 1 1 --------------.~---+=============================~--R-O/GTO 31 REQUESTIGRANT: pins are lIsed by other local bus masters I/O RQ/tTl 30 I/O to force the processor to release the local bus at the end of the fJi()c_e~~or's current bus cycle. Each ~i,,-bidirectional with RQ/GTO having higher priority than RQIGTl. RQIGT has an internal pull-up resistor so may be left unconnected. The requestlgrant sequence is as follows (See page 28): 1. A pulse of one ClK wide from another local bus master indicates a local bus request ("hold") to the SAB 8088 (pulse 1). 2. During a T4 or T1 clock cycle, a pulse one clock wide from the SAB 8088 to the requesting master (pulse 2), indicates that the SAB 8088 has allowed the local bus to float and that it will enter the "hold acknowledge" state at the next elK. The CPU's bus interface unit is disconnected logically from the local bus during "hold acknowledge", The same rules as for HOLD/HOLDA apply as for when the bus is released. 3. A pulse one ClK wide from the requesting master indicates to the SAB 8088 (pulse 3) that the "hold" request is about to end and that the SAB 8088 can reclaim the local bus at the next ClK. The CPU then enters T4. Each master-master exchange of the local bus is a sequence of three pulses. There must be one idle ClK cycle after each bus exchange. Pulses are active lOW. 203 I SAB 8088 Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) Symbol Number Input II) Output 10) Function If the request is made while the CPU is performing a memory cycle, it will release the local bus during T4 of the cycle when all the following conditions are met: 1. Request occurs on or before T2. 2. Current cycle is not the low byte of a word. 3. Current cycle is not the first acknowledge of an interrupt acknowledge sequence. 4. A locked instruction is not currently executing. If the local bus is idle when the reouest is made the twn possible events will follow: 1. local bus will be released during the next clock. 2. A memory cycle will start within 3 clocks. Now the four rules for a currently active memory cycle apply with condition number 1 already satisfied. [ocR 29 0 lOCK: indicates that other systeQ1_bus masters are not to gain control of the system bus while lOCK is active (lOW). The lOCK signal is activated by the "lOCK" prefix instruction and remains active until the completion of the next instruction. This signal is active lOW, and floats to 3-state off in "hold acknowledge". OSl, QSO 24,25 a QUEUE STATUS: provide status to allow external tracking of the internal SAB 8088 instruction queue. The queue status is valid during the ClK cycle after which the queue operation is performed. - 204 34 a QSl OSO Characteristics 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 No operation First Byte of opcade from queue Empty the queue Subsequent byte from queue 1 Pin 34 is always high in the maximum mode. SAB 8088 Block Diagram Memory Interlace I ----~~s-----------------l I I BIU I I I I .--------~ . I I I I I I J I I I 1 4 i 3 2 I 1 I I ES I I instruction Stream Byte Queue I I I I I I I I cs ss ---J-------lI I ! r---~~l OS Control System IP I I ______ -.J f-------- I I I I EU I I I A-Bus --D ~ I I I I I I AH AL BH BL I CH CL DH OL I I I I I I ' I i SP BP I SI I 01 I I IL ______________ _ 205 I SAB 8088 Functional Description Memory Organization The processor provides a 20-bit address to memory which locates the byte being referenced. The memory is organized as a linear array of up to 1 million bytes, addressed as OOOOO(H) to FFFFFIH). The memory is logically divided into code, data, extra data, and stack segments of up to 64 Kbytes each, with each segment falling on 16-byte boundaries. All memory references are made relative to base addresses contained in high speed segment registers. The segment types were chosen based on the addressing needs of programs. The segment register to be selected is automatically chosen ~_c,~~~~~~g_ lothe rules of the following table. All " "UIIIIClllUI, II' Ullt: ~t:Y"Jt:HIl lype snare tne same logical attributes le.g. code or data). By structuring memory into relocatable areas of similar characteristics and by automatically selecting segment registers, programs are shorter, faster, and more structured. Word 116-bit) operands can be located on even or odd address boundaries. For address and data operands, the least significant byte of the word is stored in the lower valued address location and the most significant byte in the next higher address location. The BIU will automatically execute two fetch or write cycles for 16-bit operands. Certain locations in memory are reserved for specific CPU operations. Locations from addresses FFFFOH trough FFFFFH are reserved for operations including a jump to the initial system initialization routine. Following RESET, the CPU will always begin execution at location FFFFOH where the jump must be located. Locations OOOOOH through ~?~!:~.~:~r_eserv~d.for i~te~r_uPt operations. Fourlo.Iy I~ tJUIII~t;;I;) .... vll;)r~Llrl~ UI d lo·un segment adaress and a 16-bit offset address direct program flow to one of the 256 possible interrupt service routines. The pointer elements are assumed to have been stored at their respective places in reserved memory prior to the occurrence of interrupts. 1 FFFFFH Memory Organization I t CD ..,. "" J Segment COde j XXXXOH I I ( Stack Segment I +Oftt Segment Register CS File Data Segment r>- SS DS ES J ~.- .·lD , " S~ Do<. '( 206 f 0000flH .."' SAB 8088 Minimum and Maximum Modes Bus Operation The requirements for supporting minimum and The SAB 8088 address/data bus IS broken Into three parts - the lower eight address/data bits (ADO-AD7!. the mldle eight address bits (AS-A 15), and the upper four address bits (A 16-A 19). The addressl data bits and the highest four address bits are time multiplexed. ThiS technique prOVides the most effiCient use of pins on the processor, permitting the use of a standard 40 lead package. The middle eight address bits are not multiplexed, I.e. they remain vallrl through hout each bus cycle, In addition, the bus can be demultlplexed at the processor With a Single address latch if a standard, non-multiplexed bus is deSired for the system. maximum SAB 8088 systems are sufficiently different that they cannot be done efficiently with 40 uniquely defined pins. Consequently, the SAB 8088 IS equipped with a strap pill IMNIMX} which defines the system configuration The definition of a certain subset of the pins changes, dependent on the condition of the strap pin. When the MN/Mx pin is strapped to GND, the SAB 8088 defines pins 24 through 31 and 34 ,n maximum mode. When the MN/MX pin IS strapped to VCC, the SAB 8088 generates bus control signals itself on pins 24 through 31 and 34. The minimum mode SAB 8088 can be used with either a multiplexed or demultiplexed bus. The multiplexed bus configuration is compatible with the SAB 8085A multiplexed bus peripherals (e.g. SAB 8155) and provides the user with a minimum chip count system. ThiS architecture provides the 8088 processing power in a highly i nteg rated form. The demultlplexed mode requires one latch (for 64K addressability) or two latches (for a full megabyte of addressing). A third latch can be used for buffering if the address bus loading requires It An SAB 8286/8286A or SAB 8287!8287A transceiver can also be used if data bus buffering is reqUired. The SAB 8088 prOVides DEN and DT/R to control the transceiver, and ALE to latch the addresses. This configuration of the minimum mode provides the standard demultiplexed bus structure with heavy bus buffering and relaxed bus timing requirements. The maximum mode employs the SAB 828818288A bus controller. The SAB 8288/8288A decodes status lines SO, :>1, and S2, and provides the system with all bus control signals, Moving the bus control to the SAB 8288/8288A provides better source and sink current capability to the control lines, and frees the SAB 8088 pins for extended large system features. Hardware lock, queue status, and two request/grant interfaces are provided by the SAB 8088 in maximum mode, These features allow co-processors in local bus and remote bus configurations, Each processor bus cycle consists of at least four ClK cycles. These are referred to as T1, T2, T3 anei T4, The address is emitted from the processor dUring T1 and data transfer occurs on the bus dUring T3 and T4. T2 IS used primarily for changing the direction of the bus during rearl operations, In the event that a "NOT READY" indication IS given by the addressed device, "wait" states (Tw) are Inserted between T3 and T4. Each inserted "wait" state is of the same duration as a elK cycle. Periods can occur between SAB 8088 driven bus cycles, These are referred to as "idle" states (Ti), or inactive ClK cycles, The processor uses these cycles for internal housekeeping, During T1 of any bus cycle, the ALE (address latch enable) signal is emitted (by either the processor or the SAB 8288/828SA bus controller, depending on the MNIMX strap). At the trailing edge of this pulse, a valid address and certain status information for the cycle may be latched. 207 I SAB 8088 Basic System Timing ---(4+N WAITHCY -----1 (4+N WAIT)'TCY-- I T2 I T3 ITWAIT I T4 T1 I T2 I T3 IT WAIT I ClK ALE n J\ '-----------------' $2-S0 \I---_-=/0=W//$ IL \'---_ Goes Inactive in the State Prior to T4 ~-----:>~~-----' ~just Imll \ ADDRI STATUS ADDR ADDR. DATA I i READyi READY f READY -t;LJ--- (>-1--1 WAIT DT/R \I....-----J/ 208 SAB 8088 Status bits SO, Sl, and S2 are used by the bus controller, in maximum mode, to identify the type of bus transaction according to the following table: 52 51 SO Cha racteristics OILOW) a a a 1IHIGH) 1 1 1 0 a 1 1 a 0 1 1 0 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 Interrupt Acknowledge Read I/O Write I/O Halt Instruction Fetch Read Data from Memory Write Data to Memory Passive Ino bus cycle) Status bits S3 through S6 are multiplexed with highorder address bits and are therefore valid during T2 through T4. S3 and S4 indicate which segment register was used for this bus cycle in forming the address according to the following table: 1/0 Addressing In the SAB 8088, I/O operations can address up to a maximum of 64 K I/O registers. The I/O address appears in the same format as the memory address on bus lines A15--AO. The address lines A 19-A16 are zero in I/O operations. The variable I/O instructions, which use register DX as a pointer have full address capability, while the direct I/O instructions directly address one or two of the 256 I/O byte locations in page a of the I/O address space. I/O ports are addressed in the same manner as memory locations. Designers familiar with the SAB 8085 or upgrading an SAB 8085 design should note that the SAB 8085 addresses I/O with an 8-bit address on both halves of the 16-bit address bus. The SAB 8088 uses a full 16-bit address on its lower 16 address lines. System Components Support Circuits S4 S3 Cha racteristics alLOW) a a 1IHIGH) 1 0 Alternate Data lextra segment) Stack Code or None Data SAB 8282/8282A Octa I Latch SAB 8283/8283A Octal Latch Iinverting) SAB 8284A/8284B Clock Generator and Driver SAB 8286/8286A Octal Bus Transceiver SAB 8287/8287 A Octal Bus Transceiver (Inverting) SAB 8288/8288A Bus Controller SAB 8289 Bus Arbiter SAB 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller S5 is a reflection of the PSW interrupt enable bit. S6 is always equal to O. Typical Applications The SAB 8088 is a general purpose 8-bit microprocessor which can be used for applications ranging from process control to data processing. On page 12 are shown typical system configurations for SAB 8088 familiy components. 209 I SAB 8088 Minimum Mode SAB 8088 Typical System Configuration CLK MN/Mx -----oVC( READY ,.-_ .... _-, r r I Walt I I Stole I IO"H" iW RESET we -1"' iNfA - - - - --- ---t-+-~ SAS !lCeB l~::~o~J CPU DT/R BEN ! ---, -----, 1 1 1 S18 ALE BE ADO-AD7 A8-A19 SA6 8282A I ~--j - - I--P--+---T; Latch I! ' i : lUor31 INTR I I SAB 82S'JA Interrupt Control - ---- INT Maximum Mode SAB 8088 Typical System Configuration .. CLK MNIMx Rf ADY so REET 51 Sl -oGNO CLK _ HRO( MWTC '-' --~ --I AMW( lORe , ;-t -- r-----' r [ WOII I Stote r I I l~::~o~J I SAS 806e CPU INT SAB 8259A Interrupt Control --- INT 210 I I ~ :; ~ DATA TRANSFER MOV = Move 76543210 76543210 76543210 I Register / memory to / from register ~~~d~l~od Immediate to register/memory 11100011wlm~dooor/ml Immediate to register 11 0 1 1 W reg I I I reg rIm data If W=" 1 addr-Iow addr-hlgh Accumulator to memory Register/memory to segment register 1100 Segment register to register/memory 11000 1 1 00 Imod 0 reg rIm 01 0 w 0 1w addr-Iow addr-hlgh °1 110 ImOd 0 reg rIm I I PUSH == Push: Register/memory 1'- 1 ~1 " -;-i-Imod , , I Register 10,010 reg Segment register 1000reg 11 01 POP = °rim 1 ~!!lmodOOorlm Register 101011 leg Segment register 1000reg 111 dalalfw=' OUT -:: Output to: 7654321D 76543210 76543210 Fixed port 11110011 w r--p~rt--l Variable port ! XLAT '" Translate byte to AL t11010111 LEA 111 01 11 Ul ~ I: LES ." Load pomter to ES 1'1000100 ImOdregrlm LAHF = Load ~ 1010 -< I 1'00111101 flags I' 00 " PUSHF "" Push flags POPF = 3AI ~0111~11 AH wIth flags Store AH 3 I I~ ImOdre~ LOS == Load pOInter to DS SAHF o·~ Ul 1 I' 1000101 I: :> wi ~oo-~~egr/m Load EA to register = 76543210 , 00 ! POD f1aqs 1 00 11' 0 1 I I ARITHMETIC ADD '-' Add. Pop: Register/memory I I data data I, 0 1 0000 I," a Memory to accumulator 76543210 ! Reg Imemorv wllh register TO eltt1er LOOO.JOOd wlmOd reg Immediate to reglster/rnemPTV I, OOOOO~w Immediate to aCcurnuldtor lo-~oool~wl r/~ ImodOOOrlm j data data Idatalfs w-Ol dalallw 1 ADC = Add with carrv XCHG ~ Exchange: Register/memory with register Register with accumulator IN = Input from: Fixed port Variable port ~ r, 0000 11 w 110010 reg I ~dr-e~~l • 1 Reg Imemory with register to eltt>er 1000 ' Im~dr~~~J Immediate to reglstpr,'memory I~ OOOOOsw i';odO -,---o-;/mT I Immediate to accumulator OOdw i 000 1 0 lOw I data Idata data data I' W L'C; Wall 1 INC '---- Increment. I - p~rt -- -I 1"10"0wl 1'11001 Ow l111W{~OdOOO--;J~1 Register/memory f11' Register !OlOOOreg AAA :.- ASCII adJust for add 100 "01'1 DAA 100100, " = DeCimal adjust for add - en l> OJ 00 o 00 00 ~ SUB - Subtract: '" Reg /mernory and rCfllster to either Immediate from register/memory Immedlilte from accumulator SSB 76543210 76543210 76543210 I0010 1 0 d wI mod reg rim I 1'00000 S w I mod 0 rim I data I data If W= 1 1 tOOl 0 1 10 w 1 data 76543210 Idata if S:W-,Oll odwr~-:d---;~--;-/~l Reg Imcmory and register to either 1000 11 Immediate from register/memory [1oocioos~1 ~~-dOl-~;ffiJ- -da~a -ld~;aif-s:w=Oll I [0001110wl data 76543210 76543210 DEC - Decrement: 76543210 76543210 1 1 0 1 00 v w t 1 10100 v w Imod 1 °1 rim! SAR '--- Shift arithmetic Tight l' 1 0 1 00 vw j mod 1 1 1 rIm ROl ---' Rotate left 1'101oovwlmOdOOOr/ml ROR datalfw-l I 76543210 -0 --= ShIft logIcal Tight Rotate right (J) 76543210 » OJ t 1 1 1 101 1 w t mod 010 rim! ! ! SHlISAl = ShIft logIcal/arIthmetic leh SHR Subtract with borrow Immediate from accumulator 76543210 lOGIC NOT'-' Invert CO mod 1 00 rim \ o CO CO I 1,10l00vw!mOd001 r/m! RCl -=- Rotate through carry flag left 1'10100vwlmod010r/ml RCR = Rotate through carry nght F OOvw! modO 11 r/ml 76543210 AND = And: Reglster/mernory 1'111111WI mOdOOlr/ml Register I 0. 1 001 reg I NEG eMP ChClngc sign F01~I~~ ~~wl~Odre~r~~ ~oooooo±~ Immediate to accumulator I0 0 1 00 1 0 w ! 00 1 rim! I data data If w data , ~;ta:' w , I 1 ! I Compare: Register/memory and register Immediate with register/memory 100111 Odwl 0! AAS ASCII adjust for subtract DAS Decimal adjust for subtract 100101 \ ' 1 t MUl Multiply (unsigned) l' IMUL Integer multiply (signed) AAM ASCII adjust for multIply 00 1 1 1 1 0 w 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ! data <1 1011 wi mod 1 0' r/mj ,,010100 (00001010 , , , , 0 11 wi mod " 11,,01' wi mod 111 rim Convert word to double word 11010101100001010 10011000 I 10011001 I data [data If S:W-01[ I ~~ ~dreq-r/~ 1 Immediate data and regIster/memory ~l~W]~dOOO~~T--da;; - [da;alfw ImmedIate data and accumulator I' 0 1 0 1 00 w ! 1 I -eo data I data If w Or: J Reg/memory and register to either I000010dwlmOdr;~!~ Immediate to reglster/memory !'00oooowlmOdOOlr/ml data Immediate to accumulator (00001 lOw I data If w ,1 data datalfw----:~-l a r/ml DIV -- DIVide (unsigned) CBW _ Convert byte to word And function to flags. no result data If w= 1 IDIV - Integer diVide (signed) AAD -= ASCI, adjust for diVide = Register/memory and regIster OR 1 1 , 0 11 wi mod 1 a a I" , TEST mOd~~;~ 0 000 s w[ mod 111 r/ml I ! Immediate with accumulator cwo - Reg/memory and register to either Immediate to register/memory I I XOR - Exclusive or" Reg Imemory and register to either F' Immediate to register/memory Uoooooow[m~dl-'0r/ml Immediate to accumulator !0011010wl OOdwl mOdregr/~ data data datalfw=l dataifw=l I STRING MANIPULATION REP Repeat 76543210 j 11 1 100 I 1 MOVS Move byte/word ['OI0010 W CMPS Compare byte/word [1010011 seAS Scan byte/word [1010111 w LODS Load byte/word to ALIAX STQS Store byte/word from AL/ A 76543210 76543210 Foo~ Within seg adding Immed to SP §o-o 010! wi l' 0 1 0 11 Ow 1 10 I 0 10 1w I Direct Within segment Indirect Within segment 1111"_1~~ l~o~~~r~J JMP J-d~;hl9hJ 1 1 0 I 0 [offset-law El'l1 I offset-high seg-Iaw se.9-h,gh [mad 0 1 1 rim [ Unconditional Jump. Direct wlthm segment ! 1 1 I 0 I 00 I dlsp-Iaw Direct wlthm segment short [, , 1 0 1 0 1 1 dlsp Indlre'-t Within segment [I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 [mad 1 0 Direct Intersegment [1 , 10 10 10 Indirect Intersegment I, dIS-P-~ ~ ~~m-' offset-low offset-high seg-Iow seg-hlgh I 1 I I 1 1 1 Imod 1 0 1 r/~ 1 76543210 76543210 data-low data high °° I 1 11 Intersegment adding rmmedlable to SP 11F===~----~--~ 100 1 °1 0 I data-low data high JE/JZ 101 1 10100 I dlsp 10 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 I dlsp Jump on equal/zero JL/JNGE J -dl·;p-~o'; [ [, 1 0 Intersegment I f~ ,·10,000 Indirect Intersegmenl 76543210 [ ! rrn Return from CALL. I CONTROL TRANSFER CALL Call Direct Intersegment RET Within segment Jump on less/not greater or equal JLE/JNG ; Jump on less or equallnot greater El110! dlsp J8/JNAE ! dlsp 0- Jump on below/nol above or equal 0 1 1 I 00 1 o! I JBEJJNA - Jump on below or equal! not above 101110110 dlsp JP/JPE -= Jump on parrty/pauty even 10 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 dlsp JQ ,... Jump on overflow 101110000 dlsP JS - Jump on sign I0 1 1 1 1 000 dlsp JNE/JNZ - Jump on nOI equal/not zero 101'.'°101 dlsp JNL/JGE == Jump on not less/greater Of eQual tal 1 1 1 10' dlsp JNLE/JG -= Jump on nOT less or equal! greater tOIl 1 1 1 11 dlsp JNB/JAE -= Jump on not below/above or equal 10111001' dlsp JNBE/JA -= Jump on not below or eQual/above to 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 drsp I JNP/JPO -= Jump on nOT par/par odd I 0 1 1 1 10 1 1 drsp I JNO "'- Jump on not overflow 10 1 1 1 000 I dlsp JNS =- Jump on not Sign 10 1 1 1 1 0 0 I dlsp 111100010 dlsp lOOP", Loop ex times LOOPZ/LOQPE '" Loop while zero/equal 111100001 dlsp LOOPNZlLOOPNE '" Loop While not zero/equal 111100000 dlsp [11100011 drsp JCXZ -= Jump on ex zero -----:l I I I I J I I I I I en l> ttl 00 I\) ~ o 00 00 '"~ INT 16543210 Interrupt INTO IRET ----;y;;~ Lii~ Type 3 Interrupt on overfluw interrupt return en Footnotes: 76543210 ~Ol Type specified §01110! AL AX ex 8·b!l accumulator 16-blt accumulator Count register OS ES Data segment Extra segment II s w 01 then 16-blts 01 Immediate data from the operand It sow 11 then an lfnmed,ate data byle IS sign extended 10 form the 16-blt operand If v 0 then "count" 1, If v 1 then "count" In Above/below refers to unSigned value ~lOOl~iiJ Greater more positive, Less less positive (more negative) Signed va ues If d 1 then "10" reg, Ii d 0 then "/rom" reg Ifw 1 then word instruction, Ifw 0 then byll' CMe STC Carry ScI Carry ['11 10101 I Clear direction ~;o-J STO Set direction E~ Clear Interrupt 11 511 5e! Interrunl F~ WAIT ESC LOCK Walt Escape (10 exle'fla: deVice) Bus lock prt!!,,, 1 1 1 1010 II mud If rllod ! eLi Halt If mod II mod G~ ClO HL T don't care IS used for stnng prImItIves for comparSlon WIth ZF FLAG SEGMENT OVERRIDE PREFIX ~oT1 Clear carry ComplemenT x 1 1001 ~ l ~I~ 1{ ~ I~' ~ ~ 3. -c ~ I~ E 1--) TCVCTX - - - + - - - - - - - , . '-_ _ _ _ DEN AD1-ADO Invalid Address ---~~ 1111''----- -----J Software HALT '-::c:-:7,--------TeLAV :::Iz-Ies ow .... VlOO ') All signals switch between VOH and VOL unless otherwise specified. ') RDY is sampled near the end of T2, T3, Tw to determine if Tw machines states are to be inserted. 3) Two INTA cycles run back to back. The SAB BOB810cai ADDR/DATA Bus is floating during both INTA cycles. Control signals shown for second INTA cycle. 4) Signals at SAB 8284A/8284B are shown for reference only. 5) All timing measurements are made at 1.5V unless otherwise noted. 219 SAB 8088 Max Mode System (Using SAB 8288/8288A Bus Controller) Timing Requirements Limit Values Symbol Parameter Min. Max. 500 TClCl ClK Cycle Period 200 TClCH ClK low Time 118 TCHCl ClK High Time 69 TCH1CH2 ClK Rise Time TCl2Cl1 ClK Fall Time TDVCl Data In Setup Time SAB 8088-2 SAB 8088 - - Min. Max. 125 500 44 10 - From 3.5to 1.0V Data In Hold Time 10 10 RDY Setup Time into SAB 8284A/8284B ') 2) 35 35 TClR1X RDY Hold Time into SAB 8284A/8284B ') ') 0 TRYHCH READY Setup Time into SAB 8088 118 68 TCHRYX READY Hold Time into SAB 8088 30 20 TRYlCl READY Inactive to ClK 3) -8 -8 TINVCH Setup Time for Recognition (INTR, NMI, TEST) ') 30 15 40 30 RQ/GT Setup Time RQ Hold Time into SAB 8088 TILIH Input Rise Time (Except ClK) TIHll Input Fall Time (Except ClK) From1.0t03.5V 10 ?n 30 TR1VCl TGVCH - 0 ns - - 20 20 From 0.8 to 2.0V 12 12 From 2.0 to 0.8V - ') Signal at SAB 8284A/8284B or SAB 8288/8288A shown for reference only. 'I Setup requirement for asynchronous signal only to guarantee recognition at next ClK. 3) Applies only to T2 state (8 ns into T31. 220 Test Condition - 68 TClDX TCHGX Unit SAB 8088 Timing Responses ------ limit Values Symbol Parameter TClMl Command Active Delay I I TClMH Command Inactive Delay· I TRYHSH READY Active to Status Passive 'I SAB 8088-2 SAB 8088 Min. Max. Min. Max. 10 35 10 35 - 65 - Test Condit lOll 110 TCHSV Status Active Delay TClSH Status Inactive Delay TClAV Address Valid Delay 60 f--- --_. Unit 10 f--- 130 f - - 10 70 f-- 110 60 )--- TClAX Address Hold Time TClAZ Address Float Delay TSVlH Status Valid to ALE High'l TSVMCH Status Valid to MCE High 'I TClAX TCllH ClK low to ALE Valid 'I TClMCH ClK low to MCE High " TCHll ALE Inactive Delay'l TClDV Data Valid Delay TCHDX Data Hold Time TCVNV Control Active Delay' I TCVNX Control Inactive Delay 'I _.- f-- - - 80 TClAX 50 - 20 - 20 4 15 4 15 10 -- -_. 5 ----10 - 110 10 - 45 ns Cl 20 100 pF for all SAB 8088 Outputs in addition to the internal loads 60 f--- 5 45 10 'I Signal at SAB 8284A/8284B or SAB 8288/8288A shown for reference only. 21 Applies only to T2 state (8 ns into T31. 221 SAB 8088 Limit Values Symbol TAZRL Parameter SAB 8088 Address Float to READ Active TCLRL AD Active Delay TCLRH _. RD Inactive Delay - -- Direction Control Active Delay ') TCHDTH Directi0r:...C?nt~?1 Min. Max. Min. Max. 0 _. 0 .- 10 TCLCL-45 165 I--- 10 - GT Active Delay 50 30 30 TRLRH RDWldth Output Rise Time --_._"- - ------ -- - - 85 50 Output ~all Time 2TCLCL· 75 - -- 20 2TCLCL - 50 f---- - - - 12 ----- '} Signal at SAB 8284Ai8284B or SAB 8288/8288A shown for reference only. 222 CL= 20- 100 pF for all SAB 8088 Outputs In addition to the internal loads Gf Inactive Delay TOLOH TOHOL - TCLCL - 40 I--TCLGL -- TCLGH 100 80 I-- I Test Condition --- 50 -- HldLLlV~ U~ldy Unit 150 TRHAV AD Inactive to Next Add ress Active --rCHDTL SAB 8088-2 20 I From 0.8 to 2.0V 12 From 2.0 to 0.8V SAB 8088 Bus Timing - Maximum Mode System (Using SAB 8288/8288A) VCH CLK VCL; aso,aSl -----1---' 52,51 ,so ----M---~-+---~-+__h~~~+_--~------ (Except HALTI '------ \ A15-AB A15-A8 TCHOX A19/S6- A16/Sl 1c.illW ' I 51~ ALE ISAB 8IB8/BI88A, _ _ _ _+-J GLitput) ROY 8184A/8284B, l' ISAB Input) READY {SAB B08B Inputl I READ CYCLE rCLAV AD )-AOO ~ I _ _ _J ICHOTL OTiR 5,61 SAB 828818288A Qutpu ts MROC ---------------------.. or IQRC DEN Notes see next page, 223 SAB 8088 Bus Timing - Maximum Mode System (Using SAB S2SS/S2SBA) WRITE CYCLE 11 T1 14 13 INTACYCLE Float TCLOX TDVCl, POinter AOI-ADO I : Float I r- ~-+f---------+-t--'I~C~HO~T'H- I 5.SI SAB B1BB/B1SBA Outputs OTiR INTA 19MfL DEN ---i------~ Software HALT (DE N ,VOl i RQ,MRDC, IORC.MWT(, A"MW5, 1(jjj2,iJfJWC.INTA.DTIR 'VOH) j A07-ADO A15 -AB ~ .. S2,S1,SO ~ V Iova II d Address Jj\ f-K1\clC'"L-;;~Y"---------/~-----------"\,- ___ _ ') All Signals switch uetweeh VOH and VOL unless otherwise specified. 2) RDY is sampled near the end of T2, T3, Tw to determine if Tw machines states are to be inserted. 3) Cascade address is valid between first and second INTA cycle. 4) Two INTA cycles run back-to-back. The SAB 8088 local ADDR/DATA Bus is floating during both INTA cycles. Control for pointer address is shown for second INTA cycle. 5) Signals at SAB 8284A/8284B or SAB 8288/8288A are shown for reference only. 6) The issuance of the SAB 8288/8288A command and control signals (MRDC, MWTC, AMWC, TORC, IOWC, AIOWC, INTA and DEN) lags the active HIGH SAB 8288/8288A DEN. ') All timing measurements are made at 1.5 V unless otherwise noted. 8) Status inactive in state just prior to T4. 224 SAB 8088 Asynchronous Signal Recognition I 'I Setup requirements for asynchronous signals only to guarantee recognition at next elK Bus Lock Signal Timing (Maximum Mode Onlyl _IAny ClK CYC~~ _ _ h ClK'~· LOCKq: rAny ClK CYCI~ L--I -~ F 225 SAB 8088 Request/Grant Sequence Timing (Maximum Mode Only) r- r--: Any '::';LK Cycle >-:~-CU:'. Cycle CLK~1Jb. f- ---'>--TCLCL----,-jTCHGX I I i- - _. I I I ROiGT AD? -AD0 i ----I r--;C;~!JI i Pulse 2 1 [ I SAB 8088 I I lIT I I I _---j i- TCL~ ' I C ~,'- - - - - - - - - 1 SI,Sl S0 R15. LUCK SAB 8088 Pulse I ~C~~~O~\~sr- __--.: ' -_ _---J PrevlUUS grant AI9iS5A16iS3 A1'l- A8 --j -------1 ~----- U '_,O~l, 0cessO f \'§AB r 8~}88 ,~---------' '1 The coprocessor may not drive the buses outside the region shovlin without risking contention - - - ---------------- -------------1 Hold/Hold Acknowledge Timing (Minimum Mode Only) I I A07 - ADO A15- AS A19156 -A 161S3 RD,IDIM. DTlR, WR. DEN 226 I------.Jr,- " -\ !SAB' ' -_ _S_A_B_80_8_8--\,r--A--_ _ _C_o_p---'ro~~----.r'\~ SAB 8088 Input/Output Waveforms for A.C.-Tests I A.C. Testing: Inputs are driven at 2.4V for a logic "1" and 0.45V for a logic "0" The clock i's driven at 4,3V and 0.25V. Timing measurements are made at 1.5V for both a logic "1" and "0". Load Circuit for A.C.-Tests Device under Test 1 CL =100 PF CL includes Jig Capacitance 227 §ffi\rB5 [8(Q)i ~(6) ~~~~ ~[(1)~®grra~~on i ©~[E~~ ~ij ~CG[/(Q)~trocessor • Integrated Feature Set -Enhanced SAB 8086-2 CPU -Clock Generator -2 Independent, High-Speed DMA Channels -Programmable Interrupt Controller -3 Programmable 16-bit Timers -Programmable Memory and Peripheral Chip-Select Logic - Programmable Wait State Generator -Local Bus Controller • Direct Addressing Capability to 1 MByte of Memory • Completely Object Code Compatible with All Existing SAB 8086/8088 Software -10 New Instruction Types • Complete System Development Support I • Fully Compatible with Industry Standard 80186 • High Performance Processor -2 Times the Performance of the Standard SAB 8086 -4 MByte/Sec Bus Bandwidth Interface SAB 80186 Block Diagram INT31TNTAi INT2IINTAO CLKour Vee GND TMR OUT 1 TMR OUT 0 -------,I EXECUTION UNIT 16-B11 ALU CLOCK GENERATOR I I I I I I I I PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER MAX COUNT REGISTER 8 MAX COUNT REGISTER A CONTROL REGISTERS I I _.J . - - - - - f - DRQD DRat So-52 20·8iT SOURCE POINTERS ARDY TEST HOLD HLDA RES RESET 20-B11 DESTINATION POINTERS 16 BIT TRANSFER COUNT CONTROL REGISTERS AG 1/85 229 SAB 80188 High Integration a-Bit Microprocessor • Integrated Feature Set -Enhanced SAB 8088·2 CPU -Clock Generator -2 Independent, High·Speed DMA Channels -Programmable Interrupt Controller -3 Programmable 16-bit Timers -Programmable Memory and Peripheral Chip·Select Logic -Programmable Wait State Generator -Local Bus Controller • Completely Object Code Compatible with All Existing SAB 8086/8088 Software -10 New Instruction Types • Direct Addressing Capability to 1 MByte of Memory • Complete System Development Support • Fully Compatible with Industry Standard 80188 • 8·Bit Data Bus Interface; 16-Bit Internal architecture • High Performance 8 MHz Processor -2 Times the Performance of the Standard SAB 8088 -2 MByte/Sec Bus Bandwidth Interface SAB 80188 Block Diagram INT3/INTAl INT2IINTAO Cl KOUT Vee GND -------,I EXECUTION UNIT I 16-81T ALU CLOCK GENERATOR I I I I I PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER MAX COUNT REGISTER A I I CONTROL REGISTERS I I _oJ ,--------11-- DRCO SRDY TEST HOLD REs RESET CONTROL REGISTERS PCS0-4 AG 1/85 231 I SAB80286 High Performance Microprocessor with Memory Management and Protection e High-Performance Processor (up to Six Times the SAB 8086) e Large Address Space: - 16 Megabytes Physical - 1 Gigabyte Virtual per Task elntegrated Memory Management, Four-Level Memory Protection and Support for Virtual Memory and Operating Systems Logic Symbol RESET READY A23-AO D15-DO INTR NHI )"" A23-AO } Interrupt Requests 015-00 Arbitration B" Interface PEREa PEACK BUSY~ SHE Address Bus Data Bus Bus Cycle Status Bus High Enable HOLD HLDA INTR NMI MIlO MemoryllO Select PEREO 51,So from 5AB 82284 HlDA e Full Hardware and Software Support Pin Names CLK HOLD eTwo SAB 8086 Upward-Compatible Operating Modes: - SAB 8086 Real Address Mode - Protected Virtual Address Mode e High Bandwidth Bus Interface (8 Megabyte/s) -SHE M/iO 51 } Extension p"""" --SO Interface (ODlrN'iA ERROR -- LOCK VCC Processor Extension Operand Request CODIINTA Codellnterrupt Acknowledge lOCK Bus lock ClK RESET READY CAP System Clock System Reset Bus Ready Substrate Filter Capacitor vss Bus Hold Request Bus Hold Acknowledge Interrupt Request Non-Maskable Interrupt Request PEACK Processor Extension Operand Acknowledge BUSY ERROR VCC VSS Processor Extension Busy Processor Extension Error Power supply (+5V) Ground (OV) CAP The SAB 80286 is an advanced, high-performance microprocessor with specially optimized capabilities for multiple user and multitasking systems. The SAB 80286 has built-in memory protection that supports operating system and task isolation as well as program and data privacy within tasks. An 8 MHz SAB 80286 provides up to six times greater throughput than the standard 5 MHz SAB 8086. The SAB 80286 includes memory management capabilities that map up to 230 lone gigabyte) of virtual address space per task into 224 bytes 116 megabytes) of physical memory. TheSAB 80286 is upward-compatible with SAB 80861 8088 software. Using SAB 8086 real address mode, the SAB 80286 is object codecompatible with existing SAB 8086/8088 software. In protected virtual address mode, the SAB 80286 is source codecompatible with SAB 8086/8088 software and may require upgrading to use virtual addresses supported by SAB 80286's integrated memory management and protection mechanism. Both modes operate at full SAB 80286 performance and execute a superset of the SAB 8086/8088 instructions. The SAB 80286 provides special operations to support the efficient implementation and execution of operating systems. For example, one instruction can end execution of one task, save its state, switch to a new task, load its state, and start execution of the new task. The SAB 80286 also supports virtual memory systems by providing a segment-notpresent exception and restartable instructions. AG 3/85 233 SAB 80286 Pin Configuration LCC package Component pad view - as viewed from underside of component when mounted on the board. PC board view - as viewed from the component side of the pc board. U:..Jl..JLJ~JUUU:"JLJLJ:"JLJULJ:".L n CAP ERROR BUSY N C N ( _J INTR _J N. ( NMI .J _J V55 II II Pin No 1 Hark Note: N.C. Pads must not be connected. Pin grid array package Bottom view 35 17 37 39 1S 13 ~ " 43 9 45 7 U 5 Top view ~ 3 S1 1 Pin No.1 Mark 234 SAB 80286 Pin Definitions and Functions Symbol Number Input (II Output (01 BHE 1 0 Function BUS HIGH ENABLE indicates transfer of data on the upper byte of the data bus D15-8. Eight-bit oriented devices assigned to the upper byte of the data bus would normally use BHE to condition chip select functions. BHE is active LOW and floats to Tri-state OFF during bus hold acknowledge. BHE and AO encodings BHE value AO value Function a a 1 1 S1, SO 4,5 0 0 1 0 1 Word transfer Byte transfer on upper half of data bus (D15-81 Byte transfer on lower half of data bus (D7-01 Reserved BUS CYCLE STATUS indicates initiation of a bus cycle and, along with MIlO and COD/INTA, defines the type of bus cycle. The bus is in a Ts state whenever one or both are LOW, Sf and SO are active LOWand floatto Tri-state OFF during bus hold acknowledge. Bus cycle status definition COD/INTA MIlO Sf a (LOWI a a a a a 0 a 0 0 a 1 (HIGHI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PEREO PEACK 6 I 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 a a a 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 a 1 1 a 0 1 1 0 a 1 1 SO Bus cycle initiated 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Interrupt acknowledge Reserved Reserved None; not a status cycle IF A 1 = 1 then halt; else shutdown Memory data read Memory data write None; not a status cycle a Reserved 1 1/0 read 0 1/0 write 1 None; not a status cycle 0 Reserved 1 Memory instruction read 0 Reserved 1 None; not a status cycle PROCESSOR EXTENSION OPERAND REQUEST AND ACKNOWLEDGE extend the memory management and protection capabilities of the SAB 80286 to processor extensions. The PEREQ input requests the SAB 80286 to perform a data operand transfer for a processor extension. The PEACK output signals the processor extension when the requested operand is being transferred. PEREQ is active HIGH and floats to Tri-state OFF during bus hold acknowledge. PEACK may be asynchronous to the system clock. PEACK is active LOW. 235 I SAB 80286 Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) A23-AO 7-34 0 ADDRESS BUS outputs physical memory and 1/0 port addresses. AO is LOW when data is to be transferred on pins 07-0. A23-A 10 are LOW during 1/0 transfers. The address bus is active HIGH and floats to Tri-state OFF during bus hold acknowledge. RESET 29 I SYSTEM RESET clears the internal logic of the SAB 80286 and is active HIGH. The SAB 80286 may be reinitialized at anytime a lOW to HIGH transition on RESET which remains active for more than 16 system clock cycles. During RESET active, the output pins of the SAB 80286 enter the state shown below: Function I Pin state during reset I Pin value Pin names 1 (HIGH) SO, 51, PEACK, A23-AO, BHE, LOCK MIlO, COD/INTA, HLDA 015- DO o (lOW) Tri-state OFF I Operation of the SAB 80286 begins after a HIGH to LOW transition on RESET. The HIGH to LOW transition of RESET must be synchronous to the system clock. Approximately 50 system clock cycles are required by the SAB 80286 for internal initializations before performing the first bus cycle to fetch code from the poweron execution address. A LOW to HIGH transition 'of RESET synchronous to the system clock will end a processor cycle at the second HIGH to LOW transition of the system clock. The LOW to HIGH transition of RESET may be asynchronous to the system clock; however, in this case it cannot be predetermined which phase of the processor clock will occur during the next system clock period. Synchronous LOW to HIGH transitions of RESET are required only for systems where the processor clock must be phase-synchronous to another clock. CLK 31 I SYSTEM CLOCK provides the fundamental timing for SAB 80286 systems. It is divided by two (inside the SAB 80286) to generate the processor clock. The internal divide-by-two circuitry can be synchronized to an external clock generator by a LOW to HIGH transition on the RESET input. 015-00 36-51 I 0 DATA BUS inputs data during memory, 1/0, and interrupt acknowledge read cycles: outputs data during memory and 1/0 write cycles. The data bus is active HIGH and floats to Tri-state OFF during bus hold acknowledge. BUSY ERROR 53,54 I I PROCESSOR EXTENSION BUSY AND ERROR indicate the operating condition of a processor extension to the SAB 80286. An active BUSY input stops theSAB 80286 program execution on WAIT and some ESC instructions until BUSY becomes inactive (HIGH). The SAB 80286 may be interrupt while waiting for BUSY to become inactive. An active ERROR input causes the SAB 80286 to perform a processor extension interrupted when executing WAIT or some ESC instructions. These inputs are active LOW and may be asynchronous to the system clock. 236 SAB 80286 Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) INTR 57 I INTERRUPT REQUEST requests the SAB 80286 to suspend its current program execution and service a pending external request. Interrupt requests are masked whenever the interrupt enable bit in the flag word is cleared. When the SAB 80286 responds to an interrupt request, it performs two interrupt acknowledge bus cycles to read an 8-bit interrupt vector that identifies the source of the interrupt. To assure program interruption, INTR must remain active until the first interrupt acknowledge cycle is completed.INTR is sampled at the beginning of each processor cycle and must be active HIGH at least two processor cycles before the current instruction ends in order to interrupt before the next instruction. INTR is level sensitive, active HIGH, and may be asynchronous to the system clock. NMI 59 I NON-MASKABLE INTERRUPT REQUEST interrupts the SAB 80286 with an internally supplied vector value of 2. No interrupt acknowledge cycles are performed. The interrupt enable bit in the SAB 80286 flag word does not affect this input. The NMI input is active HIGH, may be asynchronous to the system clock, and is edge-triggered after internal synchronization. For proper recognition, the input must have been previously LOW for at least four system clock cycles and remain HIGH for at least four system clock cycles. READY 63 I BUS READY terminates a bus cycle. Bus cycles are extended without limit until terminated by READY LOW. READY is an active LOW synchronous input requiring setup and hold times relative to the system clock be met for correct operation. READY is ignored during bus hold acknowledge. HOLD HLDA 64 65 I BUS HOLD REQUEST AND HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE control ownership of the SAB 80286 local bus. The HOLD input allows another local bus master to request control of the local bus. When control is granted, the SAB 80286 will float its bus drivers to Tri-state OFF and then activate HLDA, thus entering the bus hold acknowledge condition. The local bus will remain granted to the requesting master until HOLD becomes inactive which results in the SAB 80286 deactivating HLDA and regaining control ofthe local bus. This terminates the bus hold acknowledge condition, HOLD may be asynchronous to the system clock. These signals are active HIGH. COD/INTA 66 0 CODE/INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE distinguishes instruction fetch cycles from memory data read cycles. Also distinguishes interrupt acknowledge cycles from I/O cycles. COD/INTA floats to Tri-state OFF during bus hold aCknowledge. M/JO 67 0 MEMORY I/O SELECT distinguishes memory access from I/O access. If HIGH during Ts, a memory cycle or a halt/shutdown cycle is in progress. If LOW, an I/O cycle or an interrupt acknowledge cycle is in progress M/ID floats to Tri-state OFF during bus hold acknowledge. 0 Function I 237 SAB 80286 Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) lOCK 68 a BUS lOCK indicates that other system bus masters are not to gain control of the system bus following the current bus cycle. The lOCK signal may be activated explicitly by the "lOCK" instruction prefix or automatically by SAB 80286 hardware during memory XCHG instructions, interrupt acknowledge, or descriptor table access. lOCK is active lOW and floats to Tri-state OFF during bus hold acknowledge. VCC 30,62 - POWER SUPPLY (+5V) VSS 9,35,60 - GROUND (OVI CAP 52 I SUBSTRATE FilTER CAPACITOR: a 0,047 lIf ±20% 12V canar.itnr must be connected between this pin and ground. This capacitor filters the output of the internal substrate bias generator. A maximum dc leakage current of 1 I'a is allowed through the capacitor. For correct operation of the SAB 80286 the substrate bias generator must charge this capacitor to its operating voltage. The capacitor's charging time is 5 milliseconds (max.) after VCC and ClK reach their specified ac and dc parameters. RESET may be applied to prevent spurious activity by the CPU during this time. After this time, the SAB 80286 processor clock can be phasesynchronized to another clock by pulsing RESET lOW synchronous to the system clock. 238 Function [ ~ :::J ~ to 1-------------------I Address Unit IAUI ------1 I I I I I I I Address 1-: : >~~t~/~O 5egment Size Bus Control Ie ~ REAOY,HOLO , ~ I I 51,50,COO INTA, LOCK,HLDA 015-00 I I I I I I 0> 3 -:------t-- PER E I 1 Qi' ~ Q ","-~I- L o I I Prefetcher Bases C~;;~er ,.. 1.--------------, I Bus Unit IBUI I 1--1---\-- PEACK 5egment 5e.9 ment 0n ----- ----I ------, -------j ALU ~/ I Registers r Control I I i Execution Unit lEU) 12 TI--r-l L ______________ ~~+- NHII INTR I I I BU5Y ERROR ~ I I I I I ---------~ L RE5ET ClK VSS I IL Instruction _____ Unit __ IIU) ____________ VCC ~ CAP en ~ IX! CO o '" CD '" N CO 0) SAB 80286 instructions, and addressing modes. Therefore, the SAB 80286 processor is upward-compatible with the SAB 8086, 8088 and 80186 CPUs. Functional Description Introduction The SAB 80286 is an advanced, high-performance microprocessor with specially optimized capabilities for mUltiple user and multitasking systems. Depending on the application, the SAB 80286's performance is up to six times faster than that of the standard 5 MHz SAB 8086, while providing complete upward software compatibility with the Siemens 16-bit CPU family ISAB 8086/88, SAB 80186/88), The SAB 80286 operates in two modes: real address mode 18086 mode) and protected virtual address mode. Both modes execute a superset of the SAB 8086188 instruction set. In real address mode programs use real addresses with up to one megabyte of address space. Programs use virtual ~dd;-c~:;c;; iii pi-Vlt-Ctt:;J VillUdl aUuress moae, also called protected mode. In protected mode, the SAB 80286 CPU automatically maps 1 gigabyte of virtual addresses per task into a 16 megabyte real address space. This mode also provides memory protection to isolate the operating system and ensure privacy of each task's programs and data. Both modes provide the same basic instruction set, registers, and addressing modes. The following functional description describes first the basic SAB 80286 architecture common to both modes, second the real address mode, and thirdly the protected mode. Basic Architecture Register Set The SAB 80286 basic architecture has fifteen registers as shown below. These registers are grouped into the following four categories: General registers: Eight 16-bit general purpose registers used to contain arithmetic and logical operands. Four of these lAX, BX, CX, and DX) can be used either in their entirety as 16-bit words or split into pairs of separate 8-bit registers. Segment registers: Four 16-bit special purpose registers select, at any given time, the segments of memory that are immediately addressable for r.nrlA, c:t~rk. ?~tj 02!2 !~(:~ :..!:::g:::;, ;-CfCi~0 ~V~Cl-IIUIY Organization). Base and index registers: Four of the general purpose registers may also be used to determine offset addresses of operands in memory. These registers may contain base addresses or indexes to particular locations within a segment. The addressing mode determines the specific registers used for operand address calculations. Status and control registers: The three 16-bit special purpose registers in the figure below record or control certain aspects of the SAB 80286 processor state including the instruction pointer which contains the offset address of the next sequential instruction to be executed. The processors of the IntellSiemens 16-bit CPU family all contain the same basic set of registers, Register Set Special Register Fundions 16-Bit Register Name § 15 07 ~~~eressable {~: IS'Bit Register Names Shown I AH AL OH OL } CX CH CL 8X BH BL MultiplylDivide I/O Instructions ) Loop/Shift/Repeat Count } Base Registers BP (5 OS Stack Segment Selector ES Extra Segment Seledor Segment Registers 15 Index Registers ) Stack Pointer 01 SP o 15 General Registers 240 Code Segment Selector Dala Segment Selector 55 51 } 0 0 F§Flags IP Instruction Pointer MSW Machine Status Word Status and (antral Registers SAB 80286 Status and Control Register Bit Functions 5 tatus Flag~: Carry - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - ] Parity - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Auxiliary Carry - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Zero - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Sign - - - - - - - - - - - , Flags: L---_ _ _ _ _ _ Control Flag~: Trap Flag I " - - - - - - - - - - Interrupt Enable Direction Flag L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~pecial Fields: L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I / O Privilege Level L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nested Task Flag 15 _Reserved Processor Extension Emulated _ _ _ _-..J Monitor Processor Extension _ _ _ _ _ _--.1 Protection Enable Flags Word Description The flags word (flags) records specific characteristics of the result of logical and arithmetic instructions (bits 0, 2, 4, 7, and 11) and controls the operation of the SAB 80286 within a given operating mode (bits 8 and 9). Flags is a 16-bit register. The function of the flag bits is given in table 1. Instruction Set The instruction set is divided into seven categories: data transfer, arithmetic, shift/rotate/logical, string manipulation, control transfer, high level instructions, and processor control. An SAB 80286 instruction can reference zero, one, or two operands; where an operand resides in a register, in the instruction itself, or in memory. Zero-operand instructions (e.g. Nap and HLT) are ---------~ usually one byte long. One-operand instructions (e.g. INC and DEC) are usually two bytes long but some are encoded in only one byte. One-operand instructions may reference a register or memory location. Tow-operand instructions permit the following six types of instruction operations: - register to register - memory to register - immediate data to register - memory to memory - register to memory - immediate data to memory Two-operand instructions (e.g. MOV and ADD) are usually three to six bytes long. Memory to memory operations are provided by a special class of string instructions requiring one to three bytes. For detailed instruction formats and encodings refer to the instruction set summary. 241 SAB 80286 Table 1 Flags Word Bit Functions Bit position Name Functions 0 CF Carry Flag - Set on high-order bit carry or borrow; cleared otherwise 2 PF Parity Flag - Set if low-order 8 bits of result contain an even number of 1-bits; cleared otherwise 4 AF Set on carry from or borrow to the low-order 4 bits of AL; cleared otherwise 6 ZF Zero Flag - Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise 7 SF Sign Flag - Set equal to high-order bit of result (0 if positive, 1 if negative) " v. vv,,, fiuw ;:iag - 5e! if result IS a positive number too large or a negative number too small (excluding sign bit) to fit in destination operand; cleared otherwise 8 TF Single Step Flag - Once set, a single step interrupt occurs after the next instruction has been executed. TF is cleared by the single step interrupt 9 IF Interrupt Enable Flag - When set, maskable interrupts will cause the CPU to transfer control to an interrupt vector specified location 10 DF Direction Flag - Causes string instructions to autodecrement the appropriate index registers when set. Clearing DF causes autoincrement Memory Organization (a pointer) that consists of a 16-bit segment selector, and a 16-bit offset. The segment selector indicates the desired segment in memory. The offset component indicates the desired byte address within the segment. Memory is organized as sets of variable length segments. Each segment is a linear contiguous sequence of up to 64 K (2 16 ) 8-bit bytes. Memory is addressed using a two-component address Two Component Address 32-Bit Pointer I 31 , A / Segment I Offset 1615 I 0 --.J I Operand Selected Memory 242 Selected Segment SAB 80286 Table 2 Segment Register Selection Rules Memory reference needed Segment register used Implicit segment selection rule Instructions Code (CS) Automatic with instruction prefetch Stack Stack (55) All stack pushes and pops. Any memory reference which uses BP as a base register Local data Data (OS) All data references except when relative to stack or string destination Externed (global) data Extra (ES) Alternate data segment and destination of string operation All instructions that address operands in memory must specify the segment and the offset. For speed and compact instruction encoding, segment selectors are usually stored in the high-speed segment registers. An instruction need specify only the desired segment register and an offset in order to address a memory operand. Most instructions need not explicitly specify which segment register is used. The correct segment register is automatically chosen according to the rules of table 2. These rules follow the way programs are written as independent modules that require areas for code and data, a stack, and access to external data areas. Special segment override instruction prefixes allow the implicit segment register selection rules to be overridden for special cases. The stack, data, and extra segments may coincide for simple programs. To access operands not residing in one of the four immediately available segments, a full 32-bit pointer or a new segment selector must be loaded. Addressing Modes The SAB 80286 provides a total of eight adressing modes for instructions to specify operands. Two addressing modes are provided for instructions that operate on register or immediate operands: Register operand mode: The operand is located in one of the 8 or 16-bit general registers. Immediate operand mode: The operand is included in the instruction. Direct mode: The operand's offset is contained in the instruction as an 8 or 16-bit displacement element. Register indirect mode: The operand's offset is in one ofthe registers 51, 01, BX, or BP. Based mode: The operand's offset is the sum of an 8 or 16-bit displacement and the contents of a base register (BX or BP). Indexed mode: The operand's offset is the sum of an 8 or 16-bit displacement and the contents of an index register (51 or 01). Based indexed mode: The operand's offset is the sum of the contents of a base register and an index register. Based indexed mode with displacement: The operand's offset is the sum of a base register's contents, an index register's contents, and an 8 or 16-bit displacement. Data Types The SAB 80286 directly supports the following data types: Integer: A signed binary numeric value contained in an 8-bit byte or a 16-bit word. All operations assume a 2's complement representation. Signed 32 and 64-bit integers are supported using the numeric data processor extension. Ordinal: An unsigned binary numeric value contained in an 8-bit byte or 16-bit word. Pointer: A 32-bit quantity, composed of a segment selector component and an offset component. Each component is a 16-bit word. String: A contiguous sequence of bytes or words. A string may contain between 1 byte and 64 Kbytes. ASCII: A byte representation of alphanumeric and control characters using the ASCII standard of character representation. BCD: A byte (unpacked) representation of the decimal digits 0 to 9. 243 SAB 80286 Packed BCD: A byte (packed) representation of two decimal digits oto 9 storing one digit in each nibble of the byte. Floating Point: A signed 32, 64, or80-bit real number representation (Floating point operands are supported using the extended processor configuration with SAB 80287). 1/0 Space The 1/0 space consists of 64 K 8-bit or 32 K 16-bit ports. 1/0 instructions address the 1/0 space with either an 8-bit port address, specified in the instruction, or a 16-bit port address in the DX register, 8-bit port addresses are zero extended such that A15-A8 are LOW. 1/0 port addresses 00F8(H) through OOFF(H) are reserved. Table 3 Interrupt Vector Assignments Function Interrupt Number Related instructions Divide error exception 0 DIV,IDIV Yes Single step interrupt 1 All - NMI interrupt 2 All - Breakpoint interrupt 3 INT - INTO detected overflow exception 4 INTO No BOUND range exceeded exception 5 BOUND Yes Invalid opcode exception 6 any undefined opcode Yes Processor extension not available exception 7 ESC orWAIT Reserved 8-15 Processor extension error interrupt 16 Return address before instruction causing exception? Yes ESC or WAIT - Reserved 17-31 - User defined 32-255 - Interrupts An interrupt transfers execution to a new program lecation. The old program address (CS:IP) and machine state (flags) are saved on the stack to allow resumption of the interrupted program. Interrupts fall into three classes: hardware initiated, INT instructions, and instruction exceptions. Hardwareinitiated interrupts occur in response to an external input and are classified as non-maskable or maskable. Programs may cause an interrupt with an INT instruction. Instruction exceptions occur when an unusual condition, which prevents further instruction processing, is detected while attempting to execute an instruction. The return address from an exception will always point at the instruction causing the exception and include any leading instruction prefixes. A table containing up to 256 pointers defines the proper interrupt service routine for each interrupt. Interrupts 0 to 31, some of which are used for instruction exceptions, are reserved. For each inter- 244 rupt, an 8-bit vector must be supplied to the SAB 80286 which identifies the appropriate table entry. Exceptions supply the interrupt vector internally. INT instructions contain or imply the vector and allow access to all 256 interrupts. Maskable hardware initiated interrupts supply the 8-bit vector to the CPU during an interrupt acknowledge bus sequence. Non-maskable hardware interrupts use a predefined internally supplied vector. Single step interrupt The SAB 80286 has an internal interrupt that allows programs to execute one instruction at a time. It is called the single step interrupt and is controlled by the single step flag bit (TF) in the flag word. Once this bit is set, an internal single step interrupt will occur after the next instruction has been executed. The interrupt clears the TF bit and uses an internally supplied vector of 1. The IRET instruction is used to set the TF bit and transfer .control to the next instruction to be single-stepped. SAB 80286 Interrupt Priorities When simultaneous interrupt requests occur, they are processed in a fixed order as shown in table 4. Interrupt processing involves saving the flags, return address, and setting CS:IP to point atthe first instruction of the interrupt handler. If other inter- rupts remain enabled they are processed before the first instruction of the current interrupt handler is executed. The last interrupt processed is therefore the first one serviced. Table4 Interrupt Processing Order Order Interrupt Instruction exception 2 Single step 3 NMI 4 Processor extension segment overrun 5 IINTR 6 Initialization and processor reset Machine Status Word Description Processor initialization or start up is accomplished by driving the RESET input pin HIGH. RESET forces the SAB 80286 to terminate all execution and local bus activity. No instruction or bus activity will occur as long as RESET is active. After RESET became inactive and an internal processing interval has elapsed, the SAB 80286 begins execution in real address mode with the instruction at physical location FFFFFO(H). RESET also sets some registers to predefined values as shown in table 5. A23 to A20 will be HIGH when the SAB 80286 performs memory references relative to the CS register until CS is changed. A23 to A20 will be zero for references to the OS, ES, or SS segments. Changing CS in real address mode will force A23 to A20 LOW whenever CS is used again. The initial CS:IP value of FOOO:FFFO provides 64 Kbytes of code space for initialization code without changing CS. The machine status word (MSW) records when a task switch takes place and controls the operating mode of the SAB 80286. It is a 16-bit register of which the lower four bits are used. One bit places the CPU·into protected mode, while the other three bits, as shown in table 6, control the processor extension interface. After RESET, this register contains FFFO(H) which places the SAB 80286 in real address mode. Table 5 SAB 80286 Initial Register State after RESET Flag word Mach ine status word Instruction pointer Code segment Data segment Extra segment Stack segment 0002(H) FFFO(H) FFFO(H) FOOO(H) OOOO(H) OOOO(H) OOOO(H) 245 SAB 80286 Table 6 MSW Bit Functions Bit position Name Function 0 PE Protected mode enable places the SAB 80286 into protected mode and cannot be cleared except by RESET 1 MP Monitor processor extension allows WAIT instructions to cause a processor extension not present exception (number 7) 2 EM Emulate processor extension causes a processor extension not present exception (number 7) on ESC instructions to allow emulating a processor extension 3 TS Task switched indicates that the next instruction using a processor extension will cause exception 7, allowina software to tP.~t whp.th~r the ~1_1::e~! p~~~:::::::~:extension context belongs to the current task I The LMSW and SMSW instructions can load and store the MSW in real addre~s mode. The recommended use of TS, EM, and MP is shown in table 7. Table 7 Recommended MSW Encodings For Processor Extension Control Instructions causing exception 7 TS MP EM Recommended use 0 0 0 Initial encoding after RESET. SAB 20286 operation is identical with SAB 8086/88 operation none 0 0 1 No processor extension is available. Software will emulate its function ESC 1 0 1 No processor extension is available. Software will emulate its function. The current processor extension context may belong to another task ESC 0 1 0 A processor extension exists none 1 1 0 A processor extension exists. The current processor extension context may belong to another task. The exception on WAIT allows software to test for an error pending from a previous processor extension operation ESC orWAIT Halt The HL T instruction stops program execution and prevents the CPU from using the local bus until restarted. Either NMI, INTR with IF = 1, or RESET 246 will force the SAB 80286 out of halt. If interrupted the saved CS:IP will point to the next instruction after the HLT. SAB 80286 Real Address Mode The SAB 80286 executes a fully upward-compatible superset of the SAB 8086's instruction set in real address mode. In real address mode, the SAB 80286 is object code compatible with SAB 8086 and SAB 8088 software. The real address mode architecture Iregisters and addressing modes) is exactly as described in the SAB 80286 basic architecture section of this functional description. Memory Size Physical memory is a contiguous array of up to 1,048,576 bytes lone megabyte) addressed by pins AO through A 19 and BHE. A20 through A23 may be ignored. Memory Addressing In real address mode the processor generates 20-bit physical addresses directly from a 20-bit-segment base address and a 16-bit offset. The selector portion of a pointer is interpreted as the upper 16 bits of a 20-bit segment address. The lower four bits of the 20-bit segment addresses are always zero. Segment addresses, therefore, begin on multiples of 16 bytes. See figure on address calculation for a graphic representation of address formation. All segments in real address mode are 64 Kbytes in size and may be read, written, or executed. An exception or interrupt can occur if data operands or instructions attempt to wrap around the end of a segment le.g. a word with its low-order byte at offset FFFF(H) and its high-order byte at offset OOOOIH). If, in real address mode, the information contained in a segment does not use the full 64 Kbytes, the unused end of the segment may be overlayed by another segment to reduce physical memory requirements. Real Address Mode, Address Calculation 15 0000 I Offset I L..._ _..1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---.J 15 '--I Offset Address r-~-- 19 20-Bit Physical Memory Address 247 SAB 80286 Table 8 Real Address Mode, Addressing Interrupts Interrupt number Related instructions Return address before instruction? Interrupt table limit too small exception 8 INT vector is not within table limit Yes Processor extension segment ove rru n i nte rru pt 9 ESC with memory operand extending beyond offset FFFF(H) No Segment overrun exception 13 Word memory reference with offset = FFFF(H) or an attempt to execute past the end of a segment Yes Function Interrupts I~uie a snows tne interrupt vectors reserved tor exceptions and interrupts which indicate an addressing error. The exceptions leave the CPU in the state existing before attempting to execute the failing instruction (except for PUSH, POP, PUSHA, or paPA). ~:I_re9,ist7~s, .i,nst~~c~i~~.:_a_nd addressing modes U'Ci.:,.,•• I IUI,'::U III lilt:: 0J-\C OULOO UC:!::ilC arcnllecture section of the functional description remain the same. Programs for the SAB 8086, SAB 8088, SAB 80186 and real address mode SAB 80286 can be run in protected mode: however, embedded constants for segment selectors are different. Shutdown Memory Size Shutdown occurs when a severe error is detected that prevents further instruction processing by the CPU. Shutdown and halt are externally signalled via a halt bus operation. They can be distinguished by A 1 HIGH for halt and AlLOW for shutdown. In real address mode, shutdown can occur under two conditions: The protected mode SAB 80286 provides a 1 gigabyte virtual address space per task mapped into a 16 megabyte physical address space defined by the address pins A23-AO and BHE. The virtual address space may be larger than the physical address space since any use of an address that does not map to a physical memory location will cause a restartable exception . • Exceptions 8 or 13 happen and the IDT limit does not include the interrupt vector. • A CALL, INT or POP instruction attempts to wrap around the stack segment when SP is not even. An NMI input can bring the CPU out of shutdown if the IDT limit is at least OOOF(H) and SP is greater than 0005(H). otherwise shutdown can only be exited via the RESET input. Protected Virtual Address Mode The SAB 80286 executes a fully upward-compatible superset ofthe SAB 8086 instruction set in protected virtual address mode (protected mode). Protected mode also provides memory management and protection mechanisms and associated instructions. The SAB 80286 enters protected virtual address mode from real address mode by setting the PE (Protection Enable) bit of the machine status word with the Load Machine Status Word (LMSW) instruction. Protected mode offers extended physical and virtual memory address space, memory protection mechanisms, and new operations to support operating system and virtual memory. 248 Memory Addressing As in real address mode, protected mode uses 32-bit pointers, consisting of 16-bit selector and offset components. The selector, however, specifies an index into a memory resident table rather than the upper 16-bits of a real memory address. The 24-bit base address of the desired segment is obtained from the tables in memory. The 16-bit offset is added to the segment base address to form the physical address as shown in the figure below. The tables are automatically referenced by the CPU whenever a segment register is loaded with a selector. All SAB 80286 instructions which load a segment register will reference the memory-based tables without additional software. The memory-based tables contain 8 byte values called descriptors. SAB 80286 Protected Mode, Memory Addressing CPU 31 Pointer a 16 15 Selector I Offset I I I Physical Address Adder I23 Segment Base Address I r a ~ Physical Memory Memory Operand Segment Descriptor ~ Segment Segment Descriptor Table 1 = 1) Descriptors Code and data segment descriptors (S Descriptors define the use of memory. Special types of descriptors also define new functions for transfer of control and task switching. The SAB 80286 has segment descriptors for code, stack and data segments, as well as system control descriptors for special system data segments and control transfer operations. Descriptor accesses are performed as locked bus operations to assure descriptor integrity in mu Itiprocessor systems. Besides segment base addresses, code and data descriptors contain other segment attributes including segment size (1 to 64 Kbytes), access rig hts (read only, read/write, execute only, and execute/ read). and presence in memory (for virtual memory systems; figure and table next page). Any segment usage violating a segment attribute indicated by the segment descriptor will prevent the memory cycle and cause an exception or interrupt. 249 SAB 80286 Code or Data Segment Descriptor 7 o 07 Reserved*) Access Rights Byte +5 P I Is I OPL II Type A +6 Base 23 -Base 16 +4 Base15-BaseO +2 Limit 15-LimitO +1 87 15 o *) Must be set to 0 for compatibility with SAB 80386 Access Rights Byte Definition Bit Position Name 7 Present (P) 6-5 Descriptor privilege level (DPL) Segment descriptor (5) Function P= 1 p=o Segment is mapped into physical memory No mapping to physical memory exists, base and limit are not used Segment privilege attribute used in privilege tests 5 = 1 5=0 Code or data (includes stacks) segment descriptor System segment descriptor or gate descriptor 1 Executable (E) Expansion direction (ED) Writeable (W) E=O ED = 0 ED = 1 W=O W=1 Data segment descriptor type is: Expand up segment, offsets must be :5 limit Expand down segment, offsets must be > limit Data segment may not be written into Data segment may be written into 3 2 Executable (E) Conforming (C) E= 1 C= 1 ~ 1 Readable (R) R=O R= 1 Code segment descriptor type is: Code segment may only be executed when CPL 2:: DPL and CPL remains unchanged Code segment may not be read Code segment may be read 0 Accessed (A) A=O A=1 4 3 c 2 :~c 't 1J 1J Qj <,:: OJ 0- I I If code segment (5 = 1, E = 1) Segment has not be accessed Segment selector has been loaded into segment register or used by selector test instructions Code and data (including stack data) are stored in two types of segments: code segments and data segments. Both types are identified and defined by segment descriptors (5 = 1). Code segments are identified by the executable (E) bit set to 1 in the descriptor access rights byte, whereas the data segments have the E bit set to O. 250 If data segment (5 = 1, E = 0) System segment descriptors (S = 0, type = '-3) In addition to code and data segment descriptors, the protected mode SAB 80286 defines system segment descriptors. These descriptors define special system data segments which contain a table of descriptors (local descriptor table descriptor) or segments which contain the execution state of a task (task state segment descriptor). The figure and table on next page show the formats for the special system data segment descriptors. SAB 80286 System Segment Descriptor a7 o Reserved*l .7 I I .5 P DPL I0 I Type Base 23 -Base 16 I .3 Base1S-BaseO .1 Limit1S-LimitO 15 .4 o 87 *) Must be set to 0 for compatibility with SAB 80386 System Segment Descriptor Fields Name Value Description TYPE 1 2 3 Available task state segment Local descriptor table descriptor Busy task state segment P 0 1 Descriptor contents are not valid Descriptor contents are valid DPL 0-3 Descriptor privilege level BASE 24-bit number Base address of special system data segment in real memory LIMIT 16-bit number Offset of last byte in segment Gate Descriptors (S = 0, Type = 4-7) Gates are used to control access to entry points within the target code segment. The gate descriptors are call gates, task gates, interrupt gates and trap gates. Gates provide a level of indirection between the source and destination of the control transfer. This indirection allows the CPU to automatically perform protection checks and control entry point of the destination. Call gates are used to change privilege levels (see privilege), task gates are used to perform a task switch, and interrupt and trap gates are used to specify interrupt service routines. The interrupt gate disables interrupts (resets IF) while the trap gate does not. The figure and table below show the format of thEi gate descriptors. The descriptor contains a destination pointer that points to the descriptor of the target segment and the entry point offset. The destination selector in an interrupt gate, trap gate, and call gate must refer to a code segment descriptor. Exception 13 is generated when the gate is used if a destination selector does not refer to the correct descriptor type. 251 SAB 80286 Gate Descriptor 07 Reserved *) p I DPL I 0 I Type Ix X +6 xl Word Count 4-0 Destination Selector 15 - 2 I +1 Ix +4 X +2 Destination Offset 15-0 I 15 87 *) Must be set to 0 for compatibility with SAB 80386 IX is don't care) Gate Descriptor Fields Value Description 4 5 7 - P 0 1 - Descriptor contents are not valid - Descriptor contents are valid DPL 0-3 Descriptor Privilege level WORD COUNT 0-31 Number of words to copy from callers stack to called procedures stack. Only used with call gate DESTINATION SELECTOR 16-bit selector Selector to the target code segment (call, interrupt or trap gate) DESTINATION OFFSET 16-bit offset Entry point within the target code segment Name TYPE 6 Call gate Task gate Interrupt gate Trap gate Segment Descriptor Cache Registers Selector Fields A segment descriptor cache register is assigned to each of the four segment registers (CS, SS, DS, ES). Segment descriptors are automatically loaded (cached) into a segment descriptor cache register (see figure) whenever the associated segment register is loaded with a selector. Only segment descriptors may be loaded into segment descriptor cache registers. Once loaded, all references to that segment of memory use the cached descriptor information instead of reaccessing memory. The descriptor cache registers are not visible to programs. No instructions exist to store their contents. They only change when a segment register is loaded. A protected mode selector has three fields: descriptor entry index, local or global descriptor table indicator (TI), and selector privilege (RPL) as shown in the figure on selector fields. These fields select one of two memory-based tables of descriptors, select the appropriate table entry and allow highspeed testing of the selector's privilege attribute (refer to privilege discussion below). 252 SAB 80286 Descriptor Cache Registers Program Visible Access Rights Segment Selectors ~;~ 1S Segment Base Address Segment Size 11-----+-1- - I - - - - - l o 47 16 15 4039 I I I I Segment Registers I Loaded by Program} : Segment Discriptor Cache Registers ~~~~~~~~ L ___________ I ___________ ~ Selector Fields Selector Index I I I 15 I HR~LI 3 210 Bits Name 1-0 Function Requested Privilege Level (RPl) Indicates Selector Privilege Level Des ired 2 Table Indicator (TI) TI = 0 Use Global Descriptor Table (GOT) TI = 1 Use Local Descriptor Table (LOT) 15-3 Index Select Descriptor Entry in Table Local and Global Descriptor Tables (LOT, GOT) Two tables of descriptors, called descriptor tables, contain all descriptors accessible by a task at any given time. A descriptor table is a linear array of up to 8192 descriptors. The upper 13 bits of the selector value are an index into a descriptor table. Each table has a 24-bit base register to locate the descriptor table in physical memory and a 16-bit limit register that confine descriptor access to the defined limits of the table as shown in the figure below. A restartable exception (13) will occur if an attempt is made to reference a descriptor outside the table limits. 253 SAB 80286 Local and Global Descriptor Table Definition Memory CPU ( r 23 I ·· 0 15 GOT Limit Globol } Descriptor TClbie (GOT) GOT Base 15 I 0 LOT Selector LOT1 +s{ ·· ,----------1 ) 0 I 15 I I LOT i 23 iI I LOT Base Limit ~--- +J I I I Program Invisible IL __________ --lI LOTn ··· Global Descriptor Table and Interrupt Descriptor Table Data Type 7 07 I Reserved*") +5 Base 23 -Base 16 +3 Base15-BaseO +1 Limit 15 -LimitO 15 +4 87 *) Must be set to 0 for compatibility with SAB 80386 Interrupt Descriptor Table The protected mode SAB 80286 has a third descriptor table, called the interrupt descriptor table (OT) (see figure below). used to define up to 256 interrupts. It may contain only task gates, interrupt gates and trap gates. The lOT (interrupt 254 descriptor table) has a 24-bit base and 16-bit limit register in the CPU. References to lOT entries are made via INT instructions, external interrupt vectors, or exceptions. The lOT must be at least 256 bytes in size to allocate space for all reserved interrupts. SAB 80286 Interrupt Descriptor Table Definition Memory r Gate for Interrupt # n I Gate for Interrupt #n-1 ··· · CPU 15 1 I Gate for Interrupt # 1 0 lOT Limit lOT Base ~ -- Interrupt Oes( riptor Table ( lOT) l Gate for Interrupt # 0 21:-3- - - - - - - - ! Privilege The SAB 80286 has a four-level hierarchical privilege system which controls the use of privileged instructions and access to descriptors (and their associated segments) within a task (figure below). The privilege levels are numbered 0 through 3. Level 0 is the most privileged level. Hierarchical Privilege Levels Applications CPU Enforced Software High Speed Operating System Interface 255 SAB 80286 Protection The SAB 80286 includes mechanisms to protect critical instructions that affect the CPU execution state (e.g. HLTI and code or data segments from improper usage. These mechanisms are grouped under the term "protection" and have three forms: Restricted usage of segments (e.g. no write allowed to read-only data segmentsl. The only segments available for use are defined by descriptors in the local descriptor table (LDTI and global descriptor table (GDTI. Restricted access to segments via the rules of privilege and descriptor usage. Privileged instructions or operations that may only be executed at certain privilege levels as determined by the CPL and I/O privilege level (IOPLI. Th ..... 1("101 ; ..... ....J .... +: .......... ..-J h .. h: ........ 1.1 .... _..J 1") ..... +-1-1..._ £1 __ I " v , ....... '- , ................. , ................ 1 ..... ,~ ..... '""T .... , , ..... , .... V I ~I''''' IIU~ Table 10 Operand Reference Checks Error description Write into code segment Read from execute-only code segment Write to read-only data segment Segment limit exceeded 1) 1) Exception number 13 13 13 12 or 13 Carry out in offset calculations is ignored. Table 11 Privileged Instruction Checks Error description IException numoer word. These checks are performed for all instructions and can be split into three categories: segment load checks (table 91, operand reference checks (table 101, and privileged instruction checks (table 111. Any violation of the rules shown will result in an exception. A not-present exception related to the stack segment causes exception 12. The IRET and POPF instructions do not perform some of their defined functions if CPL is not of sufficient privilege (numerically small enoughl. No exceptions or other indication are given when these conditions occur: The IF bit is not changed if CPL > 10PL. The 10PL field of the flag word is not changed ifCPL> O. Table 9 Segment Register Load Checks Error description Exception number Descriptor table limit exceeded 13 Segment descriptor not present 11 or 12 Privilege rules violated 13 Invalid descriptor/segment type segment register load: - read only data segment load to SS - special control descriptor load to DS, ES, SS - execute only segment load to OS, ES, SS - data segment load to CS - read/execute code segment load to SS 13 256 CPL> 0 when executing the following instructions LlOT, LLOT, LGOT, LTR, LMSW, CTS,HLT 13 CPL> 10PL when executing the following instructions INS, IN, OUTS, OUT, STI, CLI, LOCK 13 Exceptions The SAB 80286 detects several types of exceptions and interrupts in protected mode (see table 121. Most of then are restartable after the exceptional condition is removed. Interrupt handlers for most exceptions receive an error code, pushed on the stack after the return address, that identifies the selector involved (0 if nonel. The return address normally points to the failing instruction, including all leading prefixes. For a processor extension segment overrun exception, the return address will not point at the ESC instruction that caused the exception; however, the processor extension registers may contain the address of the failing instruction. SAB 80286 Table 12 Protected Mode Exceptions Interrupt vector Function Return address at failing instruction? Always restartable? Error code on stack? 8 9 10 11 12 13 Double exception detected Processor extension segment overrun Invalid task state segment Segment not present Stack segment overrun or segment not present General protection yes no yes yes yes yes no no yes yes yes1) no yes no yes yes yes yes 11 When a PUSHA instruction attempts to wrap around the stack segment, the machine state after the exception will not be restartable. This condition is identified by the value of the saved SP being either OOOO(H), 0001(H), FFFE(H), or FFFF(H). Special Operations Task Switch Operation Processor Extension Context Switching The SAB 80286 provides a built-in task switch operation which saves the entire SAB 80286 execution state (registers, address space, and a link to the previous task)' loads a new execution state, and commences execution in the new task. Like gates, the task switch operation is invoked by executing an inter-segmentJMP or CALL instruction which refers to a task state segment (TSS) or task gate descriptor in the GDT or LDT. An INT instruction, exception, or external interrupt may also invoke the task switch operation by selecting a task gate descriptor in the associated IDT descriptor entry. The context of a processor extension (such as the SAB 80287 numerics processor) is not changed by the task switch operation. A processor extension context need only be changed when a different task attempts to use the processor extension (which still contains the context of a previous task). The TSS descriptor points at a segment (see figure on next page) containing the entire SAB 80286 execution state while a task gate descriptor contains a TSS selector. The limit field must be > 002B(H). The task state segment is marked busy by Changing the descriptor type field from type 1 to type 3. Use of a selector that references a busy task state segment causes exception 13. Whenever the SAB 80286 switches tasks, it sets the task switched (TS) bit of the MSW. TS indicates that a processor extension context may belong to a different task than the current one. The processor extension not present exception (7) will occurwhen attempting to execute an ESC or WAIT instruction if TS = 1 and a processor extension is present (MP = 1 in MSW). Double Fault and Shutdown If two seperate exceptions are detected during a single instruction execution, the SAB 80286 performs the double fault exception (8). If an exception occurs during processing of the double fault exception, the SAB 80286 will enter shutdown. During shutdown no further instructions or exceptions are processed. Either NMI (CPU remains in protected mode) or RESET (CPU exits protected mode) can force the SAB 80286 out of shutdown. Shutdown is externally signalled via a HALT bus operation with A 1 HIGH. 257 SAB 80286 Task State Segment and TSS Registers Type Description Reserved CPU 1 Task Register System Segment Descriptor TRc=J--15 0 ip;g--;;';;;-;;;~sible I 15 0 l I i JL;;;t"]- U II J J: Base I 23 0 Base1S-BaseO An available task state segment. May be used as the destination of a task switch operation. ]l A busy task state segment. Cannot be used as the dest;- I , , ------i-----------Limit 15: limitO I ~~;;~~ of l~ ~o:~: _J I L ________ .J Byte 15 Task LOT Selector Task State Segment o Offset 42 OS Selector 40 55 Selector 38 C5 Selector 36 ES Selector 34 01 32 51 30 BP 28 SP 26 BX 24 OX 22 CX 20 AX 18 Flag Word 16 IP (Entry Point) 14 P Description Base and limit fields are valid Segment is not present in memory. Base and limit are not defined. Current Task State 55 for CPL2 SP for CPL 2 SS for CPL 1 SP for CPL 1 55 for CPL 0 SPfor CPLO Back Link Selector to TSS 258 0 10 8 "I ~ 0 Initial Stacks for CPL 0,1,2 SAB 80286 System Interface The SAB 80286 system interface appears in two forms: a local bus and a system bus. The local bus consists of address, data, status, and control signals at the pins of the CPU, A system bus is any buffered version of the local bus. A system bus may also differ from the local bus in terms of coding of status and control lines and/or timing and loading of signals. The SAB 80286 family includes several devices to generate standard system buses such as the IEEE 796 standard Multibus 8 Bus Interface Signals and Timing The SAB 80286 local bus interfaces the SAB 80286 to local memory and I/O components. The interface has 24 address lines, 16 data lines, and 8 status and control signals. The SAB 80286 CPU, SAB 82284 clock generator, SAB 82288 bus controller, SAB 82289 bus arbiter, SAB 8286A/8287A transceivers, and SAB 8282A/ 8283A latches provide a buffered and decoded system bus interface. The SAB 82284 generates the system clock and synchronizes READY and RESET. The SAB 82288 converts bus operation status encoded by the SAB 80286 into command and bus control signals. The SAB 82289 bus arbiter generates Multibus bus arbitration signals. These components can provide the timing and electrical power drive levels required for most system bus interfaces including the Multibus. Physical Memory and liD Interface A maximum of 16 megabytes of physical memory can be addressed in protected mode. One megabyte can be addressed in real address mode. Memory is accessible as bytes or words. Words consist of a ny two consecutive bytes addressed with the least significant byte stored in the lowest address. The I/O address space contains 64 K addresses in both modes. The I/O space is accessible as either bytes or words, as is memory. Byte-wide peripheral devices may be attached to either the upper or lower byte of the data bus. An interrupt controller such as the SAB 8259A must be connected to the lower byte of the data bus (D7-DO) for proper return of the interrupt vector. Bus Operation The SAB 80286 uses a double frequency system clock (ClK input) to control bus timing. All signals on the local bus are measured relative to the system ClK input. The CPU divides the system clock by 2 to produce the internal processor clock, which determines bus state. Each processor clock is composed of two system clock cycles named phase 1 and phase 2. The SAB 82284 clock generator output (PClK) identifies the next phase of the processor clock (see figure on system and processor clock relationship), System and Processor Clock Relationship One Processor Clock Cycle f----- One Bus T State ---~.., CLK J One System---j _ CLK Cycle I PCLK r \ ' -_ _ _ _ _ 259 SAB 80286 Six types of bus operations are supported: memory read, memory write, I/O read, I/O write, interrupt acknowledge, and halt/shutdown. Data can be transferred at a maximum rate of one word per two processor clock cycles. The SAB 80286 bus has three basic states: idle (TI). send status (TSI, and perform command (TCI. The SAB 80286 CPU also has a fourth local bus state called hold (THI. TH indicates that the SAB 80286 has surrendered control of the local bus to another bus master in response to a HOLD request. Each bus state is one processor clock long. The figure below shows the four SAB 80286 local bus states and allowed transitions. Pipelined Addressing The SAB 80286 uses a local bus interface with j.JijJc;,:;I-'C~ Lilll;ll'd LU dllUW a~ rnucn lime as posSIble for data access. Pipelined timing allows bus operations to be performed in two processor cycles, while allowing each individual bus operation to last for three processor cycles. The timing of the address outputs is pipelined such that the address of the next bus operation becomes available during the current bus operation. Or in other words, the first clock of the next bus operation is overlapped with the last clock of the current bus operation. Therefore, address decoder and routing logic can operate in advance of the next bus operation. External address latches may hold the address stable for the entire bus operation, and provide additional ae and de buffering. The SAB 80286 does not maintain the address of the current bus operation during all TC states. Instead, the address for the next bus operation may be emitted during phase 2 of any TC. The address remains valid during phase 1 olthe first TC to quarantee hold timA. rp.IRtivp tn AI J=, fnrthl? eddress latch inputs. SAB 80286 Bus States RESET HLDA HLDA NEW CYCLE· HLDA HLDA' NEW CYCLE HLDA· NEW CYCLE~ " NEW CYCLE ALWAYS READY· NEW CYCLE 260 READY· NEW CYCLE SAB 80286 Basic Bus Cycle Read Cycle N Read Cycle N+ 1 CLK PROC CLK A23-AO 50·51 J READY 015-00---------------------0------------0 Valid Read Data IN) Valid Read Data IN+lI Bus Cycle Termination Synchronous Ready At maximum transfer rates, the SAB 80286 bus alternates between the status and command states. The bus status signals become inactive after TS so that they may correctly signal the start of the next bus operation after the completion of the current cycle. No external indication of TC exists on the SAB 80286 local bus. The bus master and bus controller enter TC directly after TS, and continue executing TC cycles until terminated by READY. The SAB 82284 clock generator provides READY synchronization from both synchronous and asynchronous sources (see figure on next page). The synchronous ready input (SRDY) of the clock generator is sampled with the falling edge of ClK at the end of phase 1 of each TC. The state of SRDY is then transferred to the bus master and bus controller via the READY output line. Asynchronous Ready READY Operation The current bus master and SAB 82288 bus controller terminate each bus operation simultaneously to achieve maximum bus bandwidth. Both are informed in advance by READY active which identifies the last TC cycle of the current bus operation. The bus master and bus controller must see the same sense of the READY signal, there by requiring READY be synchronous to the system clock. Many systems have devices of subsystems that are asynchronous to the system clock. As a result, their ready outputs cannot be guaranteed to meet the SAB 82284 SRDY setup and hold time requirements. But the SAB 82284 asynchronous ready input (ARDY) is designed to accept such signals. The ARDY input is sampled at the beginning of each TC cycle by SAB 82/.84 synchronization logic. This provides one system CLK cycle time to resolve its value before transferring it to the bus master and bus controller. 261 SAB 80286 Synchronous and Asynchronous Ready Memory Cycle N-1 Memory Cycle N --T5-~+--- ClK PROC elK A23 - AO 50·51 5RDY READY ARDY 3) 1) 5RDYEN is active low 2) If 5RDYEN is high, the state of SRDY will not effect READY 3) ARDYEN is active low ARDY or ARDYEN must be HIGH at the end of TS. ARDY cannot be used to terminate a bus cycle with no wait states. Each ready inputofthe SAB 82284 has an enable pin (SRDYEN and ARDYEN) to select whether the current bus operation will be terminated by the synchronous or asynchronous ready. Either of the ready inputs may terminate a bus operation. These enable inputs are active low and have the same timing as their respective ready inputs. An address decode logic usually selects whether the current bus operation should be terminated by ARDY or SRDY. 262 Hold and HLDA HOLD and HLDA allow another bus master to gain control of the local bus by placing the SAB 80286 bus into the Th state. The sequence of events required to pass control between the SAB 80286 and another local bus master is shown in the next figu reo SAB 80286 Multibus Write Terminated by Asynchronous Ready with Bus Hold Bus Hold Bus Cycle Type CLK 110LO HLOA SAB 60286 A23-AO MliO -------------\-( COOIINTA '--+---" BHE,LOCK - - - - - - - - - - - 015-00-------------- Valid SAB 82284 CMOLY SAB 82288 71 OTiR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . : . . : . - - - - - - I H i g h l \\.--- DEN 1\ ALE 1 _ _ _ _ _....J ,'--------- TS=Slalus Cycle TC =Command Cycle 263 SAB 80286 1) Status lines are not driven by SAB 80286 yet remain high due to pullup resistors in SAB 80288 and SAB 82289 during HOLD state. 2) Address, M/TO and COD/INTA may start floating during any TC depending on when jnternal SAB 80286 bus arbiter decides to release bus to external HOLD. The float starts in 02 of TC. 3) BHE and LOCK may start floating after the end of any TC depending on when internal SAB 80286 bus arbiter decides to release bus to external HOLD. The float starts in 01 of TC. 4) The minimum HOLD to HLDA time in shown. Maximum is one TH longer. 5) The earliest HOLD time is shown. It will always allow a subsequent memory cycle if pending as shown. oj Tne minimum HULU In HLUA time is shown. Maximum is a function of the instruction, type of bus cycle and other machine status (i.e., interrupts, waits, lock, etc.) 7) Asynchronous ready allows termination of the cycle. Synchronous ready does not signal ready in this example. Synchronous ready state in ignored after ready is signalled via the asynchronous input. Processor Extension Transfers The processor extension interface uses I/O port addresses 00F8(H), OOFA(H), and OOFC(H) which are part of the I/O port address range reserved. An ESC instruction with EM = 0 and TS = 0 will perform I/O bus operations to one or more of these I/O port addresses independent of the value of 10PL and CPL. ESC instructions with memory references enable the CPU to accept PEREO inputs for processor extension operand transfers. The CPU will determine the operand starting address and read/ write status of the instruction. For each operand transfer, two orthree bus operations are performed, one word transfer with I/O port address OOFA(H) and one or two bus operations with memory. Three bus operations are required for each word operand aligned on an odd byte address. Interrupt Acknowledge Sequence The figure Interrupt Acknowledge Sequence illustrates a sequence performed by the SAB 80286 in response to an INTR input. An interrupt acknowledge sequence consists of two INTA bus operations. The first allows a master SAB 8259A programmable interrupt controller (PIC) to determine which if any of its slaves should return the interrupt vector. An eight-bit vector is read by the SAB 80286 during the 264 second INTA bus operation to select an interrupt handler routine from the interrupt table. The master cascade enable (MCE) signal of the SAB 82288 is used to enable the cascade address drivers, during INTA bus operations (see interrupt acknowledge sequence figure), onto the local address bus for distribution to slave interrupt controllers via the system address bus. The SAB 80286 emits the LOCK signal (active LOW) during TS of both INTA bus operations. A local bus "hold" request will not be honored until the end of the second INTA bus operation. Three idle processor clocks are provided by the SAB 80286 between INTA bus operations to allow for the minimum INTA to INTA time and CAS (cascade address) out delay of the SAB 8259A. The second INTA bus operation must always have at least one extra TC state added via logic controlling READY. A23-AO are in Tri-state OFF until the first TC state ofthe second INTA bus operation. This prevents bus contention between the cascade address drivers and CPU address drivers. The extra TC state provides time for the SAB 80286 to resume driving the address lines for subsequent bus operations. Local Bus Usage Priorities The SAB 80286 local bus is shared among several internal units and external HOLD requests. In caSe of simultaneous requests, their relative priorities are: (Highest) Any transfers which assert LOCK either explicitly (via the LOCK instruction prefix) or implicitly (I.e. segment descriptor access, interrupt acknowledge sequence, or an XCHG with memory). The second ofthe two byte bus operations required for an odd-aligned word operand.' The second or third cycle of a processor extension data transfer. Local bus request via HOLD input. Processor extension data operand transfer via PEREO input. Data transfer performed by EU as part of an instruction. (Lowest) An instruction prefetch request from BU. The EU wil inhibit prefetching two processor clocks in advance of any data transfer to minimize waiting by EU for a prefetch to finish. SAB 80286 Interrupt Acknowledge Sequence Bus Cycle Type elK 51· SO MilO COO INTA I lOCK SAB 80286 A23-AO.---~-----{,--_o_o_n'_t_ca_re_--,}----~----C BHE _ _ 015-00 Previous W"te Cycle -------- IOPL. 15. The IF field of the flag word is not updated if CPL>IOPL. The IOPL field is updated only if CPL = O. 5. Processor extension segment overrun interrupt (9) will occur if the operand exceeds the segment limit. 16. Any violation of privilege rules as applied to the selector operand does not cause a protection exception; rather, the instruction does not return a result and the zero flag is cleared. Either mode 17. If the starting address of the memory operand violates a segment limit, or an invalid access is attempted, a general protection exception (13) will occur before the ESC instruction is executed. A stack segment overrun exception (12) will occur if the stack limit is violated by the operand's starting address. If a segment limit is violated during an attempted data transfer then a processor extension segment overrun exception (9) occurs. 6. An exception may occur, depending on the value of the operand. 7. LOCK is automatically asserted regardless of the presence or absence of the LOCK instruction prefix. 8. LOCK does not remain active between all operand transfers. Protected virtual address mode only 9. A general protection exception (13) will occur if the memory operand can not be used due to either a segment limit or access rights violation. If a stacksegment limit is violated, a stack segment overrun exception (12) occurs. 18. The destination of an INT, JMP, CALL, RET or IRET instruction must be in the defined limit of a code segment or a general protection exception (13) will occur. 10. For segment load operations, the CPL, RPL and DPL must agree with privilege rules to avoid an exception. The segment must be present to avoid a not-present exception (11). If the SS register is the destination and a segment notpresent violation occurs, a stack exception (12) occurs. 281 CX> '" '" en Instruction Set Summary » OJ 00 Function 0 Format virtual address address mode mode Data Transfer MOV= Move: Register to registerlmemory 1 000 1 00 w 1 mod reg rim 1 2,3* 2,3* 2 9 Registerlmemory to register 11 000 1 0 1 wi mod reg rim 1 2,5* 2,5* 2 9 Immediate to registerlmemory 11 1 000 1 1 wi mod 000 rim 1 2,3* 2,3* 2 9 Immediate to register 1 101 1 w reg 1 data 2 2 Memory to accumulator 11010000wl addr-Iow Accumulator to memory 11010001wl addr-Iow data 1 data ifw = 1 1 1 data ifw = 1 ] addr-high 5 5 2 9 addr-high 3 3 2 9 Registerlmemory to segment register 110001 1 10 Imod 0 reg r/ml 2,5* 17,19 * 2 9, 10, 11 Segment register to registerlmemory 110001 100 Imod 0 reg r/ml 2,3* 2,3* 2 9 PUSH = Push: Memory 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1mod 1 1 0 rim 1 5* 5* 2 9 Register 1 0 1 0 1 0 reg 3 3 2 9 3 3 2 9 11 000 1 1 1 1 1mod 000 rim 1 5* 5* 2 9 Register 1 0 1 0 1 1 reg 5 5 2 9 Segment register I 0 0 0 reg 1 1 1 I 5 20 2 9,10,11 POP = Pop: Memory 1 (reg*01) Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in SAB 8086, 8088 microsystems. N 00 en Clock Count Function Real address Format mode Protected virtual address Comments Real address mode mode Protected virtual address mode Data Transfer (Continued) POPA XCHG Pop AI! ~ 1011000011 19 19 2 9 3,5' 3,5* 2, 7 7,9 3 3 5 5 14 5 5 14 Exchange: Registerlmemory with register 11 0000 1 1 wi mod reg rim Register with accumulator 11001 0 reg I I IN = Input from: Fixed port 11110010wl Variable port 11110110 w I port I OUT = Output to: Fixed port 11110011 w Variable port 11110111W XLAT = Translate byte to AL I port 11 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 I rim I rim I LEA = Load EA to reg ister 110001101 mod reg rim LDS = Load pointer to DS 111000101 mod reg LES = Load pointer to ES LAHF = Load AH with flags SAHF ~ PUSHF Store AH into flags = Push flags POPF = Pop flags 111000100 mod reg 3 3 14 3 3 14 5 5 9 3 ' 3' (mod i l l ) 7* 21 ' 2 9,10,11 (mod"" 11) 7• 21 * 2 9,10,11 2 2 11001 1 1 1 1 11001 1 1 10 2 2 110011100 3 3 2 9 [1001 1 101 5 5 2,4 2,4 en » llJ CO o '"w 00 N CO Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in SAB 8086, 8088 microsystems. en ....~ Function Clock Count Real Protected Format address mode virtual address Comments Real Protected address virtual mode address mode Arithmetic ADD = Add: mode en l=tD CO o N CO 0) Reglmemory with register to either 100000dw I mod reg. rim I Immediate to register memory 11 00000 s w I mod 000 rim I Immediate to accumulator 10000010wl data data Idata if s w = (~ I data if w = 1 I 2,7* 2,7* 2 9 3,7* 3,7* 2 9 3 3 ADC = Add with carry:, Reg memory with register to either Immediate to registerlmemory Immediate to accumulator I 000 1 00 d w I mod reg rim I _11 00000 s w I mod 0 1 0 rim I 10001010wl data Idata if s w = C~ data I dataifw=1 I 2,7* 2,7* 2 9 2 9 2 9 3,7* 3,7* 3 3 INC = Increment Register memory 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 w I mod 000 rim I 2,7* 2,7* Register 101000reg 2 2 I SUB = Subtract Reg memory and register to either I 00 1 0 1 0 d w I mod reg rim I Immediate from register memory 11 00000 s w I mod 1 0 1 rim I Immediate from accumulator 10010110wl data data Idata if s w = O~ I data if w = 1 I 2,7* 2,7* 2 9 3,7* 3,7* 2 9 3 3 , SSB = Subtract with borrow: Reglmemory and register to either 1000110dwimodreg rim I Immediate from registerlmemory 11 00000 s w I mod 01 1 rim I Immediate from accumulator 10001110wl - ---------- -- data data Idata I data if w = 1 I - -- Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in SAB 8086, 8088 microsystems. - ifsw=O~ 2,7* 2,7* 2 9 3,7* 3,7* 2 9 3 3 Clock Count Function Comments Real Protected Protected Format Real address mode virtual address mode address mode virtual address mode 11111111wlmodOOl r/ml 2,7* 2,7* 2 9 101001 reg 1 2 2 Arithmetic (Continued): DEC = Decrement: Register memory Register CMP = Compare: g: Register memory with register a a 1 1 1 a 1 wi mod reg rIm 1 2,6* 2,6* 2 9 Register with registerlmemory a 01 1 10 Owl mod reg rIm 1 2,7* 2,7* 2 9 3,6* 3,6* 2 9 3 3 2 7 Immediate with register memory 1 a a a a a s w 1mod 1 1 1 rIm 1 Immediate with accumulator 001111w NEG = Change sign 11110 11 w mod a 11 r/ml 2 7* AAA = ASCII adjust for add a a 11 a 111 3 3 DAA = Decimal adjust for add 00100111 3 3 1 data data 1data if s w=Ol 1 1 data if w = 1 1 AAS = ASCII adjust for subtract a all 1 1 1 1 3 3 DAS = Decimal adjust for substract 00 10 1111 3 3 13 21 16 * 24* 13 21 16 * 24* 2 2 9 9 13 21 16 * 24 * 13 21 16 * 24* 2 2 9 9 MUL = Multiply (unsigned): register-byte register-word memory-byte menory-word 11 1 1 1 a 1 1 w 1mod 1 a a rIm 1 IMUL = Integer multiply (signed): register-byte register-word memory-byte memory-word 11 1 1 1 a 1 1 w 1mod 1 a 1 rIm 1 -- Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in SAB 8086, 8088 microsystems. ~ Cl CO o N CO C) en '"a> (» Protected Function Format virtual l> IX! CO 0 N CO 0) DIV = Divide unsigned): register-byte register-word memory-byte memory-word 14 22 17* 25 * 14 22 17* 25 * 6 6 2,6 2,6 6 6 6,9 6,9 17 25 20 * 28 * 17 25 20 * 28 * 6 6 2,6 2,6 6 6 6,9 6,9 16 16 IOIV = Integer divide (signed): register-byte register-word memory-byte memory-word 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 w 1mod 1 1 1 rim 1 AMM = ASCII adjust for multiply 111010100 100001010 1 AAO = ASCII adjust for divide 111010101 100001010 1 14 14 1100110001 2 2 2 2 CBW = Convert byte to word CWO = Convert word to double word 11 00 1 1 00 1 ! logic Shift/Rotate Instructions: Register/memory by 1 11 101000 w 1 mod ITT rim 1 Register/memory by Cl 11 101001 wi mod ITT rim 1 ITT Instruction 000 ROl 001 ROR 010 RCl 011 RCR 100 SHlISAl 101 SHR 111 SAR Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in SAB 8086, 8088 microsystems. I 2,7* I 2,7* I 2 I 9 Clock Count Function Real address mode Format Protected virtual address mode Comments Real address mode Protected virtual address mode Arithmetic (Continued): AND = And: Reg/memory and register to either 1001 OOOdwl mod reg rim Immediate to register/memory 11 OOOOOOwlmod 1 00 r/ml Immediate to accumulator 10010010wl Reg/memory and register to either I 11000000 w mod 001 Immediate to accumulator 10000110wl data 9 3 3 2 9 2 9 3 3 I data rim I I data if w = 1 I I data if w = 1 I 2,7* 2,7* 2 9 3,7* 3,7* 2 9 3 3 2,7* 2,7* 2 9 3,7* 3,7* 2 9 3 3 2,7* 2,7* 2 9 I Reg/memory and register to either 10011 OOdwl mod reg rim Immediate to register/memory 11 OOOOOOwlmod 11 0 r/ml Immediate to accumulator 10011010wl NOT = Invert registerlmemory 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 w mod 0 1 0 I 9 2 2,6* XOR = Exclusive or: data 2 3,6* 100001 Odwl mod reg rim Immediate to registerlmemory 2,7* 3,7* 2,6* data OR = Or: 2,7* 3,7* 3,6* I 11010100wl I data if w = 1 I I I I data I data if w = 1 I I data if w = 1 I 1100001 owl mod reg rim Immediate data and register/memory 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 w mod 000 rim Immediate data and accumulator data I data f w = 1 data TEST = And function to flags, no result: Register/memory and register I data I data if w = 1 I I data if w = 1 I rim I en » D:I CO o ~ Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in SAB 8086, 8088 microsystems. N CO O'l "" Comments 0:> 0:> Function Protected virtual address mode Format Real address mode Protected virtual address mode » !XI 00 0 N 00 en String Manipulation: MOVS = Move byte word 1010010wl 5 5 2 9 CMPS = Compare byte/word 1010011wl 8 8 2 9 SCAS = Scan byte/word 1010111wl 7 7 2 9 LODS = Load byte/wd to ALI AX 10101 10 w 5 5 2 9 1010101wl 3. 3 2 MOVS = Move string 11110010 11010010wl 5 CMPS = Compare string 1111001z 11010011wl SCAS= Scan string 1111001z 11010111wl LODS = Load string 11110010 11010110wl 5 STOS = Store string 11110010 i1010101wi 4 STOS = Store byte/wd from ALIA (J) I Repeated by count in CX Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in SAB 8086, 8088 microsystems. + 4n 5 + 4n 2 9 5 + 9n 5 + 8n 5 + 9n 2,8 8,9 5 + 8n 2,8 8,9 + 4n 5 + 4n 2,8 8,9 + 3n 4 + 3n 2,8 Clock Count Function Real address Format mode Protected virtual address mode Comments Real address mode Protected virtual address mode Control transfer CAll = Call: disp-Iow Direct within segment 1111010001 Registerlmemory indirect within segment 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1mod 0 1 0 rim 1 Direct intersegment 1100110101 1 1 disp-high 1 7+ m 7+m,11+m* 7+m,11+m* segment offset 1 segment selector 13+ m 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1mod 0 1 1 rim 1 (mod 26 + m 2 18 2,8 8,9,18 2 11,12,18 1 Protected mode only (direct intersegment): Via cali gate to same privilege level Via call gate to different privilege level, no parameters Via call gate to different privilege level, x parameters Via TSS Via task gate Indirect intersegment 7+ m 41 +m 82+m * 11) 16+n 8,11.12,18 8,11,12,18 86+4x+m 8,11,12,18 177+m 182+m 8,11,12,18 29+n* 8,11,12,18 2 8,9,11,12,18 Protected mode only (indirect intersegment): Via call gate to same privileg level Via call gate different privilege level, no parameters Via call gate to different privilege level, x parameters ViaTSS Via task gate 44+m* 83+m* 8,9,11,12,18 90+4x+m¥ 8,9,11,12,18 180+m* 185+m* 8,9,11,12,18 8,9,11,12,13 8,9,11,12,18 (J) l> CD CO o '" CD CD Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in SAB 8086, 8088 microsystems, N CO 0) '"o Clock Count CD Function Real address mode Format Protected virtual address Comments Real address mode mode Protected virtual address mode JMP = Unconditional jump: I I 11 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 Imod 0 1 0 rim I Short/long 1111010111 disp-Iow Direct within segment 1111010011 disp-Iow 1111010101 Protected mode only (direct intersegment): I disp-high I 7+m 7+m 18 7+m 7+m 18 7+m,11+m"" 7+m,11+m* segment offset segment selector I I 11+m Via call gate to same privilege level Via TSS Via task gate Indirect intersegment I 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mod 1 0 1 rim I (mod * 11) 15+m* Protected mode only (indirect intersegment): Via call gate to same privilege level Via TSS Via task gate 2 9,18 23+m 11,12,18 38+m 175+m 180+m 8,11,12,18 8,11.12,18 8,11,12,18 26+m* 2 41+m* 178+m* 183+m* 8,9,11,12,18 8,9,11,12,18 8,9,11,12,18 8,9,11,12,18 RET = Return from CALL: Within segment 1110000111 W1thin seg adding immediate to SP 1110000101 I Intersegment adding immediate to SP ~1 00 1 0 1 0 I Intersegment l> .IX' CO c N CO en Control transfer (Continued): Register/memory indirect within segment Direct intersegment en 11+m data-low I data-high I 11100101 1 data-low I data-high I 11+m 2 11+m l1+m 2 8,9,18 15+m 25+m 2 8,9,11,12,18 2 8,9,11,12,18 15+m 8,9,18 Protected mode only (RET): To different privilege level --- Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in SAB 8086, 8088 microsystems. 55+m 9,11,12,18 Clock Count Format Function Real Protected address mode virtual address mode Comments Real Protected address mode virtual address mode Control transfer (Continued): JE/JZ = Jump on equal/zero 101110100 disp 7+m or3 7+mor3 18 01111100 disp 7+m or3 7+m or3 18 JLlJNGE = Jump on less/not greater equal JLE/JNG = Jump on less or equal/not greater 01111110 disp 7+m or3 7+m or3 18 JB/JNAE = Jump on below/not above or equal 01110010 disp 7+m or3 7+m or3 18 JBE/JNA = Jump on below or equal/not above 01110110 disp 7+m or3 7+mor3 18 JP/JPE = Jump on parity/parity even 01111010 disp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JO = Jump on overflow 01110000 disp 7+mor3 7+m or3 18 JS = Jump on sign 01111000 disp 7+mor3 7+m or3 18 JNE/JNZ = Jump on not equal/not zero 01110101 disp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JNL/JGE = Jump on not less/greater or equal 01111101 disp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JNLE/JG = Jump on not less or equal/greater 01111111 disp 7+mor3 7+mor3 18 JNB/JAE = Jump on not below/above or equal 101110011 disp 7+m or3 7+mor3 18 JNBE/JA = Jump on not below or equal/above 101110111 disp 7+mor3 7+m or3 18 JNP/JPO I 01 1 1 101 1 disp 7+mor3 7+m or3 18 JNO = Jump on not overflow 101110001 disp 7+m or3 7+m or3 18 JNS = Jump on not sign 101111001 disp 7+m or3 7+m or3 18 LOOP = Loop CX times 111100010 disp 8+m or4 8+m or4 18 LOOPZlLOOPE = Loop while zero/equal 111100001 disp 8+m or4 8+m or4 18 LOOPNZ/LOOPNE = Loop while not zero/equal 111100000 disp 8+m or4 8+m or4 18 111100011 disp 8+m or4 8+m or4 18 = Jump on not par/par odd JCXZ = Jump on I\l ex zero 5' Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in SAB 8086, 8088 microsystems. - en l> OJ CO oi'.) CO 0') U) I\J » O:J ~ Function Format CO o N CO en Control transfer (Continued): INT = Interrupt: J Type specified §01101 Type 3 1110011001 INTO = Interrupt on overflow 1110011101 2,7;S type 2,7,S 2,6,S (3 if no Protected mode only: Via interrupt or trap gate to same privilege level Via interrupt or trap gate to fit different privilege level Via Task Gate IRET = Interrupt return Ul 001111 J Protected mode only: To different privilege level To different task (NT = 1) Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in SAB SOS6, SOSS microsystems, interrupt) I interrupt) 40+m 7S+m 167+m 17+m 131+m 55+m 169+m 7,8,11,12,18 7,8,11,12,18 7,8,11,12,18 2,4 8,9,11.12,15,18 8,9,11,12,18 Clock Count Format Function Comments Real Protected address virtuaf address mode mode Real address mode Protected virtual address mode Processor Control ~ CLC Clear carry ~ CMC Complement carry 11111000 2 2 11110101 2 2 STC ~ Set carry 11111001 2 2 CLD ~ Clear direction 11111100 2 2 STD ~ Set direction 11111101 2 2 CLI ~ Clear interrupt 1 1 1 1 10 10 3 3 14 STI ~ Set interrupt 11111011 2 2 14 11110100 2 2 13 WAIT~Wait 10011011 3 3 LOCK 11110000 0 0 HLT ~ Halt ~ Bus lock prefix E!~m~flea~t'l~~~s~i~~he~~~>J" ~.= JOO 0 01 1 r 1 .1 00 0,0 01 1 0 ["" ESC ~ Processor extension escape 11 1 0 1 1 T T T 1 mod LLL rim 1 SEG ~ Segment override prefix I 001 reg 110 I 2 , .•.- ., ' ·1·.. . " .. _ ... 14 :3' .... .. I"':'-"'~ I- 9-20 * 9-20 * 0 0 5,8 , . I' 13 8,17 {Tn LLL are opcode to processor extension) en l> ttl '" CD W Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in SAB 8086, 8088 microsystems. - CO o N CO en en If l> O:J CO o N CO en Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in SAB 8086, 8088 microsystems. SAB 80286 Notes: REG is assigned according to the following table: The effective address (EA) of the memory operand is computed according to the mod and rim fields: if mod = 11 then rim is treated as a REG field if mod = 00 then OISP = 0*, disp-Iow and disp-high are absent if mod = 01 then OISP = disp-Iow sign-extended to 16-bits, disp-high is absent if mod = 10 then OISP = disp-high: disp-Iow if rim = 000 then EA = (BX) + (SI) + OISP if rim = 001 then EA = IBX) + 101) + OISP if rim = 010 then EA = IBP) + lSI) + OISP if rim = all then EA = IBP) + (01) + OISP if rim = 100 then EA = lSI) + OISP if rim = 101 then EA = 101) + OISP if rim = 110 then EA = IBP) + OISP* if rim = 111 then EA = IBX) + OISP 16-bit (w = 1) 000 AX 001 CX 010 OX 011BX 100SP 101 BP 11OS1 111 01 8-bit (w = 0) 000 AL 001 CL 0100L 011BL 100AH 101 CH 1100H 111 01 The physical addresses of all operands addressed by the BP register are computed using the SS segment register. The physical addresses of the destination operands of the string primitive operations Ithose addressed by the 01 register) are computed using the ES segment, which may not be overridden. OISP follows 2nd byte of instruction (Before data if required) * except if mod = 00 and rim = 110 then EA = disp-high: disp-Iow. segment override prefix [ 0 0 1 reg 1 1 0 [ reg is assigned according to the following: reg 00 01 10 11 Segment register ES CS SS OS 295 I Peripheral and Support Components SAB 179X Floppy Disk Formatter! Controller Family FEATURES SAB SAB SAB SAB 1791 1793 1795 1797 Single Density IFM) X X X X Double Density (MFM) X X X X X X True Data Bus Inverted Data Bus X Write Precomp X Side Selection Output X X X X X X • • • • Two VFO Control Signals-RG & VFOE Soft Sector Format Compatibility Automatic Track Seek with Verification Accomodates Single and Double Density Formats IBM 3740 Single Density IFM) IBM System 34 Double Density IMFMI • Read Mode Single/Multiple Sector Read with Automatic Search or Entire Track Read Selectable 128 Byte or Variable length Sector • Write Mode Single/Multiple Sector Write with Automatic Sector Search Entire Track Write for Diskette Formatting • System Compatibility Double BuHering of Data 8 Bit Bi-Directional Bus for Data, Control and Status DMA or Programmed Data Transfers All Inputs and Outputs are TTL Compatible On-Chip Track and Sector Registers/Comprehensive Status Information • Programmable Controls Selectable Track to Track Stepping Time Side Select Compare o Write Precompensation o Window Extension • Incorprorates Encoding/Decoding and -Address Mark Circuitry • For 8" and 5' ," Floppy Disks • Compatible with Industry Standard 179X Pin Connections Logic Diagram floppy Drsk Interface Microcomputer Int~rfa[e II! rs ORO liE OOEN - RClK - -- RG/SSO - LATE A' AI - EARLY ~WD lAD Wf/VFOE Jill READY Om WD SAB OAL4 WG 1?9X DAlS TG43 5AI6 HID OAl7 RAW READ STEP RCLK -w --- TRO~ --- READY - - - TG43 --ORa - INTRa - OIR( EARLY ·_-'-WG - - WPfH --- WFJVFOE -- ----~SHP ----~DIR( eLK eLK LATE FiR VSS vee 1~ SAB 1791/1793: RG, 5AB 179517 =550 2) SAB 17931SAB 1797= True Bus SAB 179X is a floppy disk controller family of N-channel MOS LSI components designed to interface with SAB 8080/8085/8086/8051 family - - } Onl' Silo! -Ilf used) processors. Its flexibility and ease of use makes It an ideal floppy disk interface between conventional floppy disks and all computer systems. AG 9/84 299 SAB 179X Pin Definitions and Functions Symbol Number Input II) Output (0) NO CONNECTION - Pin 1 is internally connected to a back bias generator and must be left open by the user. NC MR 19 MASTER RESET - A logic low (50I-'S min.) on this input resets the device and loads HEX 03 into the command register. The Not Ready (Status Bit 7) is reset during MR ACTIVE. When MR is brought to a logic high a RESTORE Command is executed, regardless of the state of the Ready signal from the drive. Also, HEX I'll is loaded into sector register. WE CS Function WRITE ENABLE -A logic Iowan this input gates data on the DAL into the selected register when CS is low. 3 CHIP SELECT ::::r:::;~~c::; A logic Iowan this input selects the chip and ':::vi-'-'PUlC'1 \...UII II IIUlrici:::IllOn with the device. RE 4 READ ENABLE - A logic Iowan this input controls the placement of data from a selected register on the DAL when CS is low. A0, A1 5,6 REGISTER SELECT LINES - These inputs select the register to receive/transfer data on the DAL lines under RE andWE control: ES A 1 AQl RE WE o Ql 0 Status Reg Command Reg o 0 1 Track Reg Track Reg o 1 0 Sector Reg Sector Reg Ql 1 1 Data Reg Data Reg DAL0 to DAL7 7 to 14 ClK 24 DRQ 38 o DATA REQUEST - This open drain output indicates that the DR contains assembled data in Read operations, or the DR is empty In Write operations. This signal is reset when serviced by the computer through reading or loading the DR In Read or Write operations, respectively. Use 10K pull-up resistor to + 5V. INTRQ 39 o INTERRUPT REQUEST - This open drain output IS set at the completion of any command and IS reset when the STA rus register IS read or the command register IS written to. Use 10K pull-up resistor to i oV, STEP 15 16 o o STEP - The step output contains a pulse for each step. DIRC EARLY 17 o EARLY -Indicates that the WRITE DATA pulse occurrrng while Early is active (high) should be shifted early for write precompensation. LATE 18 o LATE - Indicates that the write data pulse occurrng while Late is active (high) should be shifted late for write precompensatian. 300 I/O DATA ACCESS LINES· Eight bit Inverted (SAB 1791/5) or true (SAB 1793/7) bidirectional bus used for transfer of data, control, and status. This bus is receiver enabled by WE or transmitter enabled by RE. Drive capability IS 1 TTL Load CLOCK - This input requires a free-running square wave clock for internal timing reference. 2 MHz ± 1% with 50% duty cycle. 1 MHz ± 1% for mini-floppies. DIRECTION - Direction Output is active high when stepping in, active low when stepping out. SAB 179X SYlTIbol Number Input (I) Output (0) F-unctlon TEST n I TEST ._. This input IS used for testing purposes only and shoUld be tied to + 5V or left open by the user unless interfacing to voice coli actuated motors. HLT 23 I RG 25 0 READ GATE (SAB 1791/3) -A high level on this output indicates to the data separator circuitry that 2 bytes of zeros in single density, or4 bytes of either zeros or ones in double density have been encountered, and is used for synchronization. SSO 25 0 SIDE SELECT OUTPUT (SAB 1795/1797) - The logic level of the Side Select Output is directly controlled by the ,S' flag in Type II or III commands. When U ~ 1, SSO is set to a logic 1. When U = 0, SSO is setto a logic(} The SSO is compared with side information in the sector ID field. If they do not compare, status bit41RNF) is set. The Side Select Output is only updated at the beginning of a Type II or III command. It is forced to a logic 0 upon a MASTER RESET conditIOn. RCLK 26 I RAW READ 27 I HLD 28 TG43 29 a WG 30 a WD 31 a WRITE DATA - A 200 ns (MFM) or 500 ns IFMI output pulse pe flux transition. WD contains the unique Address marks as well as data and clock In both FM and MFM formats. READY 32 I READY - This Input indicates disk readiness and is sampled for a logic high before Read or Write commands are performed. It Ready is low the Read or Write operation is not performed and an interrupt is generated. Type I operations are performed regardless of the state of Ready. The Ready input appears in inverted format as Status Register bit 7. ------ . ---- - - -- r-6 +--- HEAD LOAD TIMING -- When a logic high is found on the HLT input the head is assumed to be engaged. -- f-- READ CLOCK - A nominal square-wave clock signal derived from the data stream must be provided to this input. PhaSing Ii. e. RCLK transitions) relative to RAW READ is important but polarity (RCLK high or low) is not . RAW READ - The data input signal directly from the drive. This input shall be a negative pulse for each recorded flux transition. HEAD LOAD - The HLD output controls the loading of the Read-Write head against the media. TRACK GREATER THAN 43 - This output informs the drive that the Read/Write head is positioned between tracks 44-76. This output is valid only during Read and Write Commands. f-- - WRITE: GATE -- This output IS made valid before writing is to be performed on the diskette. U'c I SAB179X Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) -S-y-m-b-O-------T-N-u-m--b-e-r--r--~~t-(-I)--'I--FL-Jn-c-t-io-n---------------------------------------- . WFIVFOE Output (0) 33 I ~A - I 1/0 WRITE FAULT VFO ENABLE - This is a bidirectional signal used to signify writing faults at the drive, and to enable the external PLO data separator. When WGc 1, Pin 33 functions as a WF input. If WF = 0, any write command will immediately be terminated. When WG = 0, Pin 33 functions as a VFOE output. VFOE will go low during a read operation after the head has loaded and settled (HLT - 1). On the SAB 179517, it will remain low until the last bit of the second CRC byte in the 10 field. VFOE will then go high until8 bytes (MFM) or4 bytes (FM) pefore the Address Mark. It will then go active until the last bit ofthe second CRC byte of the Data Field. Onthe SAB1791/3, VFOEwili lemain low until the end ofthe Data Field. This pin has an internal 100 kOhm pull-up resistor. I "",,-,,,vu "II':> 11't-'UlIII'VI 'LI~ lilt:: 3Ao iI'S;": Write head is positioned over Track 00. lil(H lfl8 KeaaJ IP 35 I INDEX PULSE - This input informs the SAB 179X when the index hole is encountered on the diskette WPRT 36 I WRITE PROTECT - This input is sampled whenever a Write Command is received. A logic low terminates the command and sets the Write Protect Status bit. DDEN 37 I DOUBLE DENSITY - This pin selects either single or double density operation. When DDEN = 0, double density is selected. When DDEN = 1, single density is selected. VCC 21 - POWER SUPPLY (+5 V). VDD 40 - POWER SUPPLY (+ 12 V). VSS 20 - GROUND (OV) - SAB 179X ~+---~~------+--+-+-----------44---< RAW READ Write Oata Ito OlSk) L---------------- C1J ~ '" c;S ""-I CD X SAB 179X IBM System 34 Format 256 Bytes/Sector (S", Recommended - 128 Bytes/Sector (Mini-Diskette) Shown below is the IBM dual-density format with 256 bytes/sector. In order io format a diskette the user must issue the Write Track command and load the data register with the followll1g values. For every byte to be written, there is one data request. Shown below is the Recommended single-density format with 128 bytes/sector. In order to format a diskette, the user must issue the Write Track command, and load the data register with the following values. For every byte to be written, there is one data request. Number of Bytes Number of Bytes 80 4E 12 3 00 rr 1) Hex value of Byte written 50 1 22 12 3 1 256 1 54 5982 ) F6 (writes (2) FC (Index Mark) 4E 00 G%~ F5 FE (10 Address Mark) Track Number (~through 4C) Side Number (~or 1) Sector Number (1 through 1A) 01 (Sector length) F7 (2 CRCs written! 4E 1 11 6 1 128 1 10 369 2) 00 F5 (writes A 1) FB (Data Adress Mark) DATA F7 (2 CRCs written) 4E 4E 1) 2) 3) 1) 2) Write bracketed field 26 times Continue writing until SAB 179X interrupts out. Approx. 598 bytes. 314 Hex Value of Byte Written FF (or 00}3) 00 FE (10 Arldress Mark) Track Numer Side Number (00 or 01) Sector Number (1 through lA) {Sp.r.tnr lpnath! F7 (2 CRe's written) FF (or 00)3) 00 FB (Data Address Mark) Data (IBM uses E5) F7 (2 CRC's written) FF (or 00)3) FF (or 00)3) Write bracketed field 16 times Continue writing until SAB 179X interrupts out. Approx 369 bytes. Optional '00' on SAB 179517 only. :D CD n PhY''''~ o 3 3 CD j - 46 Bytes Q. CD c.. r-- en j (Q Gap 4 Gapl 10 Post-Index Record Pre-Index 369 Bytes No 1 46 Bytes Gap 2 Data Field ID Gap Record 17 Bytes No 1 10 Oilla Gap Record 16Bytes No 1 Gap 3 Data Field Gap 2 Record No 1 Gap 3 10 Record No 3 Gap 2 Data Field Record 10 Record No 16 No 3 Data Field Gap 2 Record CD No 16 C CD # Y ID Record Byte 4 3 5 6 7 j Ul ;:;: < "T1 o... 3 Data Field Byte 130 2-129 1 131 Data or ID Address Hark Track Number Side Sector Sector eRe eRe Number Number Length Byte 1 Byte 2 Deleted Data Address 128 Bytes eRe of User Data Byte 1 , Hark -s....: III me By" 1 5' , c iii' ,-- Gap1 Gap 7. 7 ~ CD = Gap 3 .!!. I IHEX HI (HEX FFI IHEXOII I I [HEX 00) [HEX FFI IHEX til ~ f-------- 40 By'" - 6 By'" f---------" I--- Wnt~ gate turn-on of next d en Wnte turn-o fff"upd," ta field of prevIous da ....... IX! (Q X SAB179X 256 Bytes/Sector (Mini-Diskette) Non-standards Formats Shown below is the recommended dual-density format with 256 bytes/sector. In order to format a diskette the user must issue the Write Track command and load the data register with the following values. For every hyte to be written, there is one data request. Variations in the recommended formats are possible to a limited extent if the following requirements are met: Number of Bytes 60 "[ 'j 1 1 22 12 3 1 256 24 718" Hex value of Byte written 1) Sector size must be 128, 256, 512 of 1024 bytes. 2) Gap 2 cannot be varied from the recommended format. 3) 3 bytes of A 1 must be used in MFM. 4E 00 F5 (Writes A 1) FE (10 Address Mark) Track Number (0 through 4C) Side Number (00r 1) Sector Number (1 through lA) 101 I::;ector Length) F7 (2 CRCs written) 4E 00 F5 (Writes A 1) FB (Data Address Mark) DATA F7 (2 CRCs written) 4E 4E 1) Write bracketed field 26 times 21 Continue writing until SAB 179X interrupts out. Approx. 718 bytes. In addition, the Index Address Mark is not required foroperation by the SAB 179X. Gap 1, 3, and 41engths can be as short as 2 bytes for SAB 179X operation, however PPl lock up time, motor speed variation, write-splice area, etc. will add more bytes to each gap to achieve proper operation. It is recommended that the recommended format be used for highest system reliability. FM MFM Gapl Gap II 3) 16 bytes FF 11 bytes FF 6 bytes 00 Gap III 4) 10 bytes FF 4 bytes 00 GaplV 16 bytes FF 32 bytes 4E 22 bytes 4E 12 bytes 00 3 bytes Al 24 bytes 4E 8 bytes 00 3 bytes Al 16 bytes 4E 31 Byte counts must be exact. 4) Byte counts are minimum, except exactly 3 bytes ofA1 must be written in MFM. Control Bytes for Initialization Data Pattern in DR (Hex.) 00through F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 through FB FC FD FE FF SAB 179X Interpretation in FM (DDEN ~ 1) SAB 179X Interpretation in MFM (DDEN ~ 0) Write 00through F4 with ClK ~ FF Not Allowed Not Allowed Generate 2 CRC bytes Write F8 through FB, Clk ~ C7, Preser CRC Write FC with Clk ~ 07 Write FD with Clk ~ FF Write FE, Clk ~ C7, Present CRC Write FF with Clk ~ FF Write 00through F4, in MFM Write A 1'1 in MFM, Preset CRC Write C2 21 in MFM Generate 2 CRC bytes Write F8 through FB, in MFM Write FC in MFM Write FD in MFM Write FE in MFM Write FF in MFM 11 Missing clock transition between bits 4 and 5 21 Missing clock transition between bits 3 and 4 316 lJ n ID .~ ~ cr " .f"- ::; PhY>"~ -=!; ~ ~ o 3 3 ~:: ID ::l c.. c.. ~~ ID ~30 < -------j " '" 2 72 Bytes Gap 4 Gap 1 Pre"lndex Post-Index 718 Bytes 72 Bytes I-- o o All) 3 Bytes Gap3 10 Gap2 Record 10 Gap Data Gap Nol 34Bytes 39 Bytes ------~ // Byte 2 1 1 4 Oata Field Data 10 Record Record N,l Gap2 No 2 Gap 3 Mark HEX FE J G, IHEX 4Ei Record Gap 2 No 1 No 2 O :;j of next data field ~ 12Bytes- ------- 24 8ytes 12 BYtes-l ~ ~ CJ) l> Write turn-off for update of prevlOus data field '" ..... ...., <0 X SAB179X Absolute maximum ratings 1) o to 70'C -65 to + 150°C +15 to -0.3 V +15 to -0.3 V Operating Temperature Storage Temperatur~ VDD with Respect to Vss (Ground) Max. Voltage to any Input with Respect to VSS D. C. Characteristics = 0 to 70° C; VDD ~ + 12 V ± TA 5%; VCC ~= Symbol Parameter IlL Input Leakage Output Leakage VIH Input High Voltage VIL Input Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage VOL Output Low Voltage ICC Typ. IDD PO --- - Power Supply Current Power Dissipation 10 il A -2.8 -- 1----- 0.8 045 --.. 60 m.l\~ ~- 10 I-- - '--- 15 ---- VDD" 10=- lOO v A 1--._--- --- i-----. - = VOUT = VDD - I---- 1---- V 35 VIN ----- - .- Test Condition Max. L __ 2.6 e-.-- Power Supply Current Unit Limit Values Min. IOL = OV + 5V ± 5%; VSS I----~.--- 'N 06 ~--.- 10 = 1.6mA -- Capacitance3 ) Symbol Parameter CIN Input Capacitance COUT Output Capacitance 11 Limit Value (max.) 15 Unit Test Condition pF Unmeasured pins returned to GND Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 21 Leakage conditions are for input pins without internal pull-up resistors. 31 This parameter is periodically sampled and not 100% tested. 318 SAB 179X A.C. Characteristics TA=Oto70C,VDD= +12V± 5%; VSS=OV,VCC= +5V± 5% All timing readings at VOL 0.8 V and VOH 2.0 V Read Enable Timing Symbol Parameter Limit Values Min. m: TSET Setup AD DR & CS to THLD Hold ADDR & CS from RE TRE RE Pulse Width TDRR DRO Reset from RE TIRR INTRO Reset from RE Typ. Max. - - Unit Test Condition - 50 10 400 TDACC Data Access from RE TDOH Data Hold from RE CL = 50pf - r DRQ~ oc 500 500 3000 ns - 350 - 50 lTDRRI~"'16 400 CL = 50pf f--- 150 ----------l l2~s i I VOH I I I I INTRO -TiRR----1 I ~ I T Servu,,2)- VOL THLDi VIL VIH RE I I TSET - I TBAU I Valid DRO rising edge: DRO falling edge: INTRO rising edge: INTRO fallinC] edqe: I Data l~TDDH~ T DACC Indicates that the data register has dssembled data. Indicates that the data register was read. Occurs at end of command. Indicates that the status register was read. 11 CS may be permanently tied LOW if desire~. 3' Times double when CLK= 1MHz 21 T Service (worst case) - FM = 27.5f.Ls - MFM = 13.5 f.Ls 319 SAB 179X Write Enable Timing Symbol Parameter Limit Values Min. TSET Setup ADDR & CS to WE THLD Hold ADDR & CS from WE TWE WE Pulse Width TDRR DRO Reset from WE TIRR INTRO Reset from WE TDS Data Setup to WE TDH Data Hold from WE Max. - - Units Test Conditions 50 10 350 - ns - 250 400 500 500 3000 - - 70 I' ORO Typ. --rORRi ",16 ~ 31~s 1 ---'r- I I'--______ I i or VOL I r--TIRR---··-II -+I________...,i INTRQ '\-,_+I_ _ _ I I IL----VOL 21 r - - - T SerVI~e -==1THLOr-- L,",-~I I 1.---------- A0A1TI11~= --VIC WE ·SET OAL ~ ---------,1 . I I Data must be valid VIH ~----------- . --L±.s L T OH DRO rising edge: DRO falling edge: INTRO rising edge: INTRO failing edge: Indicates that the data register is empty. Indicates that the data register is loaded. Indicate the end of a command. Indicates that the command register is written to. II CS may be permanently tied LOW if desired. When writing Data into Sector Track or Data Register User cannot read this Register until at least 4(.ts in MFM after the rising edge of WE when writing into the command Register Status is not valid until some 28(.ts in FM, 14 '"s in MFIVi later. 21 T Service (worst case); FM = 23.5 jlS; MFM = 11.5 jls 31 Times double when CLK= 1MHz 320 SAB 179X Input Data Timing Symbol limit Values Parameter Min. Tpw RAW READ Pulse Width Tbc RAW READ Cycle Time" Tc RClK Cycle Time 31 Tx1 RClK hold to RAW READ Tx2 RAW READ hold to RClK 11 21 31 Typ. 100 200 1500 2000 Units Test Conditions Max. 1) 1800 ns @ 70°C - ns - 40 1) 1) Pulse width on RAW READ (Pin 27) is normally 100 - 300ns. However, pulse may be any width if pulse is entirely within window. If pulse occurs in both windows, then pulse width must be less than 300ns for MFM at ClK = 2MHz and 600ns for FM at 2MHz. Times double for 1MHz. tbc should be 2 f1.S, nominal in MFM and 4 f1.S nominal in FM. Times double when ClK = 1 MHz. RClK may be high or low during RAW READ (Polarity is unimportant). RAW REAO ---1 Tbe if "ls- T '~TX21 Xl 1 I RCLK I I .1. Tb-~ Te C=Ta Nominal Diskette 8" 8" 5" 5" Mode I DDEN MFM FM MFM FM I I 0 I 0 i 1 1 ClK 2 MHz 2 MHz 1 MHz 1 MHz Ta I Tb Tc 1 f1.S 2 f1.s 2 f1.s 4f1.s ! 1 f1.S 2 f1.s 2 f1.s 4f1.s 2 f1.S 4f1.s 4f1.s 8f1.s I A PPl Data Separator IS recommended for 8" MFM 321 SAB179X Write Data Timing (All Times Double when elK = 1 MHz) Symbol Parameter Limit Values Min. 450 150 Twp Write Data Pulse Width Twg Write Gate to Write Data Tbc Write data cycle Time Ts Early (late) to Write Data Th Early (late) from Write Data Twf Write Gate off from WD Twd1 WD Valid to ClK Twd2 - Max. 550 250 Il'p· 500 200 - 2 1 I - FM MFM FM MFM ± ClK Error ns MFM p's FM MFM - I 1- 100 30 ns p's 2 1 - WD V"lid after ClK Test Conditions 2,3 or4 125 100 50 Units ClK ClK ns = 1MH7 = 2MHz ClK = 1MHz ClK = 2MHz I ,-------------------.---------------------------------------------------, r---SOGOS eLK 11 MHz) I L '---1 L J ___________ I I WD ~~~I~ 1wd1..[ I I --r~ 1125ns.~12Snsl eLK --l' 12MHZ)IL-_ _ _ . I L I ~I_~ WD ------------------"-""-.:...:..L..'-"T'f'w':;d1:"':.1 I r --, b Twd2 Write Data/Clock Relationship (DDEN = 0) WD must have rising edge in fi;st shaded area and trailing edge in second shaded area 322 SAB 179X Miscellaneous Timing Symbol Limit Values Parameter Min. TCD1 Clock Duty (lOW) 230 TCD2 Clock Duty (HIGH) 200 TSTP Step Pu Ise Output 20r4 TDIR Dir Setup to Step - TMR Master Reset Pulse Width 50 TIP Index Pulse Width 10 TWF Write Fault Pulse Width 20 iP Typ. 1 Test Conditions 20000 ns - iJ-s 2) 12 (',-J- - - - - , Units Max. - ± ClK Error 2) ,------I() VIH 1 ~TIP--! Wi' MR 1',------,1 - - - - - - I I VIH 'I ~TWf~ ------,1 "------1\ VIH 1-\ ~TMR~ r CYC1 CLKlJL T ~T±Dl !CD2 VOH DIRe VOL -.J1 L Step 10 _t:R1R0~ i--TDIRlTSTPr iTSTPr \'1 ""1-----i--TDIR1TSTPr STEPVOH~~ VOI~ 1) 2) From step rate table. Times double when ClK~1 MHz 323 SAlS 21@}{A f~(Q)~LQ)~ []O~~ [F@[JmBlt~~rr! C~rruit[j(Q)~~®[f f@mn~y Features SAB SAB SAB SAB 2791A 2793A 2795A 2797A Single Density (FMI X X X X Double Density IMFMI X X X 'x X True Data Bus X Inverted Data Bus X X Side Select Output X Internal ClK Divide X X X o On-Chip Pll Data Separator o On-Chip Write Precompensation logic Pin Connections o Single +5V Supply o Accommodates Single and Double Density Formats IBM 3740 Single Density (FMI IBM System 34 Double Density (MFMI o Automatic Seek with Verify o Multiple Sector ReadlWrite o TTL Compatible o Programable Control Selectable Track-to-Track Access Head load Timing o Software Compatible with the SAB 179X Floppy Disk Formatter/Controller Family o Soft Sector Format Compatibility Logic Diagram Hltrocomput ENP Interface lIE t!: Floppy DISK " Irlterfatf RAW READ DATA!Sl l WD A'A1 rrrr 1 - - - RPW ---- WPW rr - - - - yeo l1l PUHP Ii[ ENP ~/8 ffil SAB 279XA _._-- IN"H"F/SSO WG WPRT Il' - - - i'R00 '" PUMP ORa INTRa CLK ------- SAB 2791AI2793A =ENMF 21 SAB 2793AI2797A =True Bus SAB 2795AI2797 A= ssa SAB 279XA is a floppy disk controller family of N-channel MOS lSI components designed to interface with SAB 8080/8051 family processors. Its flexibility and ease of use makes it an ideal floppy disk interface between conventional floppy disks and all computer systems. Software com· patible with its predecessor, the SAB 179X, the device also contains a high performance Phase· READY TG 43 STEP DIRC HlO HLT I 1 } One Shot (If used) lock·Loop Data Separator as well as Write Pre· compensation Logic. When operating in Double Density mode, Write Precompensation is automatically engaged to a value programmed via an external potentiometer. An on·chip veo and phase comparator allows adjustable frequency range for 5%"-8" Floppy Disk and Micro Floppy Disk Interface. AG 4/84 325 SAB279XA Pin Definitions and Functions Symbol Number Input (II Output(OI Functions ENP 1 I ENABLE PRECOMPA logic high on this input enables write precompensation to be performed on the Write Data output WE 2 I WRITE ENABLEA logic Iowan this input gates data on the DAL into the selected register when CS is low CS 3 I CHIP SELECTA logic Iowan this input selects the chip and enables computer communication with the device RE 4 I READ ENABLE A logic Iowan this input ~ontrols the placement of data from a __ 1 __ ," __ ' ._.'_,,- _ _ ~\:;Il:;""'~C;U' C~I;:)lt;::1 " .......... , UII U It:: L.JML • VVII~r -;;::;:-;;;;: • • I 1.,...;:) I~ IUW A0,Al 5,6 I REGISTER SELECT LlNESThese inputs select the reg ister to receive/transfer data on the DAL lines under RE and WE control: RE CS Al A([) WE ([) \) Status Register 0 Command Register \) \) 1 Track Register Track Register \) Sector Register Sector Register 0 1 1 1 Data Register Data Register 0 DAL0to DAL7 7-14 I/O DATA ACCESS LlNESEight bit directional bus used for transfer of commands, status and data, These lines are inverted on SAB 2791A and SAB 2795A. STEP 15 0 STEPThe step output conta i ns a pulse for each step DIRC 16 a DIRECTIONDirection output is active high when stepping in, active low when stepping out 5i8 17 I 5 'i,', 8" SELECT This input selects the internal VCO frequency for use with 5'/,' drivesor8" drives RPW 18 I READ PULSE WIDTHAn external potentiometer tied to this input controls the phase comparator within the data separator MR 19 I MASTER RESET A logic low (50 !J.sec min.1 on this input resets the device and loads hex 03 into the command register. The Not Ready bit (Status bit 7) is reset during MR active. When MR is brought to a logic high a Restore command is executed, regardless of the state of the Ready signal from the drive. Also hex 01 is loaded into Sector Register. TEST 22 I TESTA logic Iowan this input allows adjustment of external resistors by enabl i ng internal signals to appear on selected pins 326 SAB 279XA Symbol Number Input (I) Output(O) Functions PUMP 23 0 PUMPHigh-impedance output signal which is forced high or low to increase/decrease the VCO frequency ClK 24 I ClOCKThis input requires a free-running 50% duty cycle square wave clock for internal timing reference, 2 MHz ± 1% for 8" drives, 1 MHz ±1 % for mini-floppies ENMF 25 I ENABLE MINI-FLOPPY (SAB 2791A/2793A)A logic low on this input enables an internal divide by 2 of the master clock. This allows both 5'/4' and 8" drive operation with a single 2 MHz clock. For a 1 MHz clock on Pin 24, this line must be left open or tied to a logic 1 SSO 25 0 SIDE SELECT OUTPUT(SAB 2795A/2797 A)The logic level of the Side Select output is directly controlled by the U flag in Type II or III commands. When U ~ 1, SSO is set to a logic 1. When U ~ 0, SSO is set to a logic 0. The SSO is compared with the side information in the sector ID field. If they do not compare, Status Bit 4 (RNF) is set. The Side Select output is only updated atthe beginning of a Type II or III command. It is forced to a logic 0 upon a master reset condition VCO 26 - VOLTAGE CONTROllED OSCILlATORAn external capacitor tied to this pin adjusts the VCO center frequency RAW READ 27 I RAW READThe data input signal directly from the drive. This input shall be a negative pulse for each recorded flux transition HlD 28 0 HEAD LOADThe HlD output controls the loading ofthe ReadlWrite head against the media TG43 29 0 TRACK GREATER THAN 43This output informs the drive that the ReadlWrite head is positioned between tracks 44 and 76. This output is valid only during read and write commands WG 30 0 WRITE GATEThis output is made valid before writing is to be performed on the diskette WD 31 0 WRITE DATAMFM or FM output pulse perflux transition. WD contains the unique address marks as well as data and clock in both FM and MFMformats READY 32 I READYThis input indicates disk readiness and is sampled for a logic high before read or write commands are performed. If Ready is low the read orwrite operation is not performed and an interrupt is generated. Type I operations are performed regardless of the state of Ready. The Ready input appears in inverted format as Status Register bit 7 327 I SAB279XA Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) Symbol Number Input (II Output (01 Functions WPW 33 I WRITE PRECOMPWIDTHAn external potentiometertied to this input controls the amount of delay in write precompensation mode TR00 34 I TRACK00This input informs the SAB 279XA that the Read/Write head is positioned over Track 00 IP 35 I WPRT INDEX PULSEThis input informs the SAB 279XA when the index hole is encountered on the diskette 36 ------ - f-I WRITE PROTECTThis input is sampled whenever a write command is received. A logic lOW terminates the command and sets the Write Protect status bit 37 I DOUBLE DENSITYThis input pin selects either single or double density operation. When DDEN ~ 0, double density is selected. When DDEN' ~~ 1, single density is selected 38 o DATA REQUESTThis output indicates that the Data Register contains assembled data in rend operations, or the DR is empty iri write operations. This signal is reset when serviced by the computer through reading or loading the Data Register r'lP I DDEN ---- --DRQ , I L. INTRQ HLT - - - - - - - - - --vce ~--To- L I 40--·-----1 ~ 21 _ -- -- INTERRUPT REQUEST- I ThiS output is set althe completion of any command and is reset I when! he Status Register is read orthe Command Register is written to i ---~-EADLOADTIMINGWhen a logiC high IS found on the HLT Input the head IS assumed to be engaged. It IS tYPically derrvGd from a Single shot trrggered byHI D t - - ---- ---------- POWER SUPF'L Y (+51/1 \iSs _ =~ .=[l"0--· .:-= ..... ~. :-- ~_: =~:. -G~?~~~E ~l:~~=-=-_ ~~. 328 ___________. SAB279XA Block Diagram ,"(fAIN READ I Write Data ITo o.sk) I RCLK VCO PUMP ORa INTRa (omput'!r AI AI Interface Control Control PLA (ontl'Ql 1230,,6) (ontrol Olsk Interface READY STEP DlRC (ontrol !liMF/SSO CLK HLO HLT 329 SAB 279XA General Description . The SAB 279XA are N-channel MOS LSI devices which perform the functions of a Floppy Disk Formatter/Controller in a single chip implementation_ The SAB 279XA is IBM 3740 compatible in single density mode (FM) and System 34 compatible in Double Density Mode (M FM)_ The SAB 297XA contains all the features of its predecessor, the SAB 179X, plus a high performance phase-Iock-Iopp data separator as well as write precompensation logic_ In double density mode, write precompensation is automatically engaged to a value programmed via an external potentiometer. In order to maintain compatibility, the SAB 179X and SAB 279XA designs were made as close as possible with the computer interface, instruction set, and I/O registers being identical. Also, head load control is identical in each case, the actual pin assignments vary only by a few pins from any one to another. The processor interface consists of an S-bit bidirectional bus for data, status, and control word transfers. The SAB 279XA is set up to operate on a multiplexed bus with other bus-oriented devices. The SAB 279XA is TTL compatible on all inputs and outputs. The outputs will drive one TTL load or three LS loads. The SAB 2793A is identical with the SAB 2791A, except that the DAL lines are true for systems that utilize true data busses. The SAB 2795A/97 A has a side select output for controlling double sided drives. Organization The Floppy Disk Formatter block diagram is illustrated on page 5. The primary sections include the parallel processor interface and the Floppy Disk interface. Data Shift Register (DSR) - This S-bit register assembles serial data from the Read Data input (RAW READ) during read operations and transfers serial data to the Write Data output during write operations. Data Register(DR)- This S-bit register is used as a holding register during disk read and write operations. In disk read operations the assembled data byte is transferred in parallel to the Data Register from the Data Shift Register. In disk write operations information is transferred in parallel from the Data Register to the Data Shift Register. When executing the Seek command the Data Register holds the address of the desired track position. This register is loaded from the DAL and gated onto the DAL under processor control. Track Register (TR) - This R-nit register holds the track number olthe current ReadlWrite head position. It is incremented by one every time the head is stepped in (towards track 76) and decremented by one when the head is stepped out (towards track 00). The contents of the register are compared with the recorded track number in the ID field during disk read, write and verify operations. The Track Register can be loaded from or transferred to the DAL. This register should not be loaded when the device is busy. Sector Register (SR) - This S-bit register holds the address of the desired sector position. The contents of the register are compared with the recorded sector number in the ID field during disk read or write operations. The Sector Register contents can be loaded from or transferred to the DAL. This register should not be loaded when the device is busy. 330 Command Register (CR) - This S-bit register holds the command presently being executed_ This register should not be loaded when the device is busy unless the new command is a Force Interrupt command. The command register can be loaded from the DAL, but not read onto the DAL. Status Register (STR) - This S-bit register holds device status information. The meaning of the status bits is a function of the type of command previously executed. This register can be read onto the DAL, but not loaded from the DAL. CRC Logic- This logic is used to check orto generate the 16-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). The polynomial is: Glx) ~ X '6 + x" + x 5 + 1 The CRC includes all information starting with the address mark und up to the CRC character. The CRC register is preset to ones prior to data being shifted through the circuit. Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU) - The ALU is a serial comparator, incrementer, and decrementer and is used for register modification and comparisons with the disk recorded ID field. Timing and Control- All computer and Floppy Disk interface controls are generated through this logic. The internal device timing is generated from an external crystal clock_ AM Detector - The address mark detector detects ID, data and index address marks during read and write operations. Write Precompensation - enables write precompensation to be performed on the Write Data output. Data Separator - a high performance phase-Iockloop data separator with on-chip VCO and phase comparator allows adjustable frequency range for 5';;' or S" Floppy Disk interfacing. SAB 279XA Processor Interface The interface to the processor is accomplished through the eight Data Access Lines (DAL) and associated control signals. The DAL are used to transfer data, status, and control words out of, or Into the SAB 279XA. The DAL are three state buffers that are enabled as output drivers when Chip Select (tS) and Read Enable (RE) are active (low logic state) or act as input receivers when CS and Write Enable (WE) are active. When transfer of data with the Floppy Disk Controller is required by the host processor, the device address is decoded and CS is made low. The address bits A 1 and AG, combined with the signals RE during a read operation or WE during a write operation are interpreted as selector for the following registers: A1 A0 "" " 1 1 1 0 1 READ WRITE Status Register Track Register Sector Register Data Register Command Register Track Register Sector Register Data Register During direct memory access (DMA) types of data are transferred between the Data Register of the SAB 279XA and the processor, the Data Request (DRO) output is used in data transfer control This signal also appears as status bit 1 during read and write operations. In disk read operations the Data Request is activated (set high) when an assembled serial input byte is transferred in parallel to the Data Register. This bit is cleared when the Data Register is read by the processor. If the Data Register is read after one or more characters have been lost by having transferred new data into the register prior to processor readout, the Lost Data bit is set in the Status Register. The read operation continues until the end of sector is reached. In disk write operations the Data Request is activated when the Data Register transfers its contents to the Data Shift Register, and requires a new data byte. It is reset when the Data Register is loaded with new data by the processor. If new data is not loaded at the time the next serial byte is required by the Floppy Disk, a byte of zeroes is written on the diskette and the Lost Data bit is set in the Status Register. Upon completion of every command an INTRO is generated. INTRO is reset either by reading the Status Register or by loading the Command Register with a new command. In addition, INTRO is generated if a Force Interrupt command condition Is met. The SAB 279XA has two modes of operating depending on the state of DDEN (Pin 37). When DDEN ~ 1, Single Density (FM) is selected. When DDEN ~ 0, Double Density (MFM) is selected. In either case, the elK input (Pin 24) is set at 2 MHz for 8" drives or 1 MHz for 5'//' drives. On the SAB 2791A12793A, the ENMF input (Pin 25) can be used for controlling both, 5%" and 8" drives with a single 2 MHz clock. When ENMF ~ 0, an internal divide by 2 of the CLK is performed. When EN MF ~ 1, no divide takes place. This allows the use of a 2 MHz clock for both, 5'/4' and 8" configurations. The internal VCO frequency must also be set to the proper value. The 5/8 input (Pin 17) is used to select data separator operation by internally dividing the read clock. When 5/8 ~ 0, 5'/," data separation is selected; when 518 ~ 1,8" drive data separation is selected. CLOCK (24) ENMF (25) 5/8 (17) DRIVE 2MHz 2MHz 1 MHz 1 0 8" 5' I, '" 5' I, '" 1 0 1 0 All other conditions are invalid. 331 I SAB279XA Functional Description The SAB 279XA is software compatible with the SAB 179X series of Floppy Disk Controllers. Commands, status, and data transfers are performed in the same way. Software generated forthe SAB 179X can be transferred to a SAB 279XA system without modification. In addition to the SAB 179X, the SAB 279XA contains an internal data separator and write precompensation circuit. The TEST (Pin 22) line is used to adjust both, data separator and precompensation. When TEST 00, the WD (Pin 31) line is internally connected to the output of the write precomp single shot. Adjustment of the WPW (Pin 33) line can then be accomplished. A second single shot tracks the precomp setting at approximately 3: 1 to ensure adequate Write Data !1ld~p wirlthc:. to rn€,~~ 0~!\"~ ~~~S!f~~::t:8~:. Similarly, data separation is also adjusted with TEST ~ 0. The TG43 (Pin 29) line is internally connected tothe output of the read data single shot, which is adjusted via the RPW (Pin 18) line. The DIRC (Pin 16) line contains the read clock output (500 kHz for 8" drives). The VCO trimming capacitor (Pin 26) is adjusted to center frequency. Internal timing signals are used to generate pulses during the adjustment mode so that these adjust· ments can be made while the device is in operation. The TEST line also contains a pull·up resistor, so adjustments can be performed simply by grounding the TEST pin, overriding the pull-up. The TEST pin cannot be used to disable stepping rates during operation as its function is quite different from the SAB 179X. Other pins on the device also include pull-up resistors and may be left open to satisfy a logic 1 condition. These are: ENP, 518, ENMF. WPRT, DDEN, HLT, TEST, and MR. General Disk Read Operation Sector lengths of 128, 256, 512 or 1024 are obtai n· able either in FM or MFM formats. For FM, DDEN should be placed to logic 1. For MFM formats, DDEN should be placed to a logic 0. Sector lengths are determined at format time by the fourth byte in the ID field. Sector Length Table* Sector Length Field (hex) NumberofBytes in Sector (decimal) 00 128 256 512 1024 01 02 03 • SAB 2795A/97 A may vary· see command summary. 332 The number of sectors per track as far as the SAB 279XA is concerned can be from 1 to 255 sectors. The number of tracks as far as the SAB 279XA is con· cerned is from 0 to 255 tracks. For IBM 3740 compatibility, sector lengths are 128 bytes with 26 sectors per track. For System 34 compatibility (MFM), sector lengths are 256 bytes/sector with 26 sectors/track; or lengths of 1024 bytes/sector with 8 sectors/track. General Disk Write Operation When writing is to take place on the diskette the Write Gate (WG) output is activated, allowing current to flow into the ReadiWrite head. As a i-'!'"es~~t:8:;:8 8:-:-8;--:::C~:; '¥'¥';-i~i,,~ t:,0 1;, ~i. uald UYlt must be loaded into the Data Register in response to a Data Request from the SAB 279XA before the Write Gate Signal can be activated. Writing is inhibited when the Write Protect input is logic low, in which case any write command is immediately terminated, an interrupt is generated and the Write Protect status bit is set. For write operations, the SAB 279XA provides Write Gate (Pin 30) and Write Data (Pin 31) outputs. Write Data consists of a series of pulses set to a width approximately three times greater than the pre· comp adjustment. Write Data provides the unique address marks in both formats. Ready Whenever a read or write command (Type II or III) is received the SAB 279XA samples the Ready input. If this input is logic low the command is not executed and an interrupt is generated. All Type I commands are performed regardless of the state of the Ready input. Also, whenever a Type II or III command is received. the TG43 signal output is updated. TG 43 may be tied to ENP to enable write precompensation on tracks 44-76. SAB279XA Write Precompensation veo Operation When operating in double density mode (DDEN ~ 0), the SAB 279XA has the capability of providing a user-defined precompensatlon value for Write Data. An external potentiometer (10K) tied to the WPW signal (Pin 33) allows a setting of 100 to 300 ns from nominal. Setting the write precomp value is accomplished by forcing the TEST line (Pin 22) to a logic 0. A stream of pulses can then be seen on the Write Data (Pin 31) line. Adjust the WPW Potentiometer for the desired pulse width. This adjustment may be performed incircuit since Write Gate (Pin 30) is inactive while TEST ~ 0. After adjustments have been made, the TEST pin is returned to a logiC 1 and the device is ready for operation. Adjustments may be made in-circuit since the DIRe and TG43 lines may toggle without affecting the drive. The PUMP output (Pin 23) consists of positive and negative pulses. Their duration is equivalent to the pnase difference of incoming Data vs. veo frequency. This signai is imernaily connected to the veo input, but a filter is needed to connect these pulses to a slow moving De Voltage. The internal phase-detector is unsymmetrical for a random distribution of data pulses by a factor of two, in favor of a PUMP UP condition. Therefore it is desirable to have a PUMP DOWN !wice as responsive to prevent run-away during a lock attempt. A first order lag-lead filter can be used at the PUMP output (PIN 23). This filter controls the instantaneous response of the veo to bit-shifted data (jitter) as well as the response to normal frequency shift i.e. the lock-up time. A balance must be accomplished between the two conditions to inhibit overresponsiveness to jitter and to prevent an extremely wide lock-up response leading to PUMP run-away. The filter affects these two reactions in mutually opposite directions. Data Separation The SAB 279XA can operate with either an external data separator or its own internal recovery circuit. The condition of the TEST line (Pin 22) in conjunction with MR (Pin 19) wiil select internal or external mode. To program the SAB 279XA for external veo, a MR pulse must be applied while TEST ~ 0. A clock equivalent to eight times the data rate (e. g., 4.0 MHz for 8" double density) is applied to the veo input (Pin 26). The feedback reference voltage is available on the Pump output (Pin 23) for external integration to control the veo. TEST is returned to a logic 1 for normal operation. Note: To maintain this mode, TEST must be held low whenever MR is applied. For internal veo operation, the TEST line must be high during the MR pulse, then set to a logic" for the adjustment procedure. A 50 k Potentiometer tied to the RPW input (pin 18) is used to set the internal Read Data pulse for proper phasing. With a scope on Pin 29 (TG43). adjust the RPW pulse for 118 of the data rate (250 ns for 8" Double Density). An externai variable capacitor of typically 5-60 pF is tied to the veo input (Pin 26) for adjusting center frequency. With a frequency counter on Pin 16 (DIRe) adjust the trimmer cap to yield the appropriate data rate (500 kHz for 8" Double Density). The DDEN line must be low while the 5/8 line is held high or the adjustment times above will be doubled. The following Filter Circuit is recommended for8" FM/MFM: 2311 Pump (Pin O.l~f Since 5'/ 4' Drives operate at exactly one-half the data rate (250 Kbytes/sec) the above capacitor should be doubled to 0.2 or 0.22 iLF. 333 I SAB279XA Command Summary Commands for SAB 2791A, SAB 2793A Commands for SAB 2795A. SAB 2797A Bits Type Command I I I I I Restore Seek Step Step-in Step-out Read-Sector Write Sector Read Address Read Track Write Track Force Interrupt II II III III III IV Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 T T T m m 0 0 1 h h h h h V V V V V L L E E E 1 1 1 r. r. r. r. r. 0 a. 0 0 0 I. , 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 h h h h h S S 0 0 0 I, r, r, r, r, r, 1 0 1 T T T m m 0 0 1 1 V V V V V 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 r, r, r, r, r, U U U U U r. r. r. r. r. 0 a. 0 0 0 1~ I; (I 0 (I E E E E E I, C C 0 0 0 I. 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 I: E E I: Flag Summary Command Type Description Bit I r" r. ~ Stepping Motor Rate I V I I 11&111 II 11&111 11&111 II II II IV h T a. C U E S L L m ~ ~ ~ Head Load Flag Track Update Flag = Data Address Mark ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Side Compare Flag UpdateSSO 15 ms Delay Side Compare Flag ~ ~ h h ~ T T ~ ~ ~ ~ 0, No verify 1, Verify on destination track 0, Unload head at beginning 1, Load head at beginning 0, No update 1, Update track register 0, FB(DAM) 1, F8 (deleted DAM) a. a. ~ C C ~ U U = 1, Update SSO to 1 ~ 0, Disable side compare 1, Enable side compare ~0. E E ~ S S ~ ~ ~ ~ UpdateSSOt00 0, No 15 msdelay 1, 15 ms delay (30 ms for 1 MHz clock) 0, Compare for side 0 1, Compare for side 1 Sector Length Flag Multiple Record Flag 1: 11 ~ 1: 12~ 1: 13~ 1: 13-10 ~0: 334 V V = 1 (implicit) for SAB 2791A193A Ix~ 10~ see page 13 for details Track Number Verify Flag LSB's Sector Length in 10 Field 00 01 10 11 L ~0 256 512 1024 128 L ~ 1 128 256 512 1024 m m ~ ~ 0, Single record 1, Multiple records Interrupt Condition Flags Interrupt on Not Ready to Ready Transition Interrupt on Ready to Not ReadyTransition Interrupt on next Index Pulse Immediate Interrupt, requires a Reset' Terminate with no interrupt (lNTRQ) • See Type IV command description for further information. SAB 279XA Status Register Summary Bit AllTypel Commands Read Address Read Sector Read Track Write Sector Write Track S7 NOT READY S6 WRITE PROTECT S5 HEAD LOADED S4 SEEK ERROR S3 CRCERROR S2 TRACK00 S1 INDEX S0 BUSY NOT READY 0 NOT READY 0 NOT READY 0 0 RNF CRCERROR LOST DATA DRO BUSY RECORD TYPE RNF CRCERROR LOST DATA ORO BUSY 0 0 0 LOST DATA DRO BUSY NOT READY WRITE PROTECT 0 RNF CRCERROR LOST DATA DRO BUSY NOT READY WRITE PROTECT 0 0 0 LOST DATA ORO BUSY Status for Type I Commands Meaning Bit Name S7 NOT READY This bit, when set, indicates that the drive is not ready. When reset, it indicates thatthe drive is ready. This bit is an inverted copy olthe Ready input and logically "ored" with MR. S6 WRITE PROTECT When set, indicates that Write Protect is activated. This bit is an inverted copy ofWPRT input. S5 HEAD LOADED When set, it indicates thatthe head is loaded and engaged. This bit is a logical "And" of HLD and HL Tsignals. S4 SEEK ERROR When set, the desired track was not verified. This bit is reset to 0 when updated. S3 CRCERROR CRC encountered in ID field. S2 TRACK 00 When set, indicates that ReadlWrite head is positioned to Track00. This bit is an inverted copy of the TR00 input. S1 INDEX S0 BUSY When set, indicates that index mark is detected from drive. This bit is an inverted copy of the iP input. When set, command is in progress. When reset, no command is in progress. Status for Type II and III Commands Bit Name Meaning S7 NOT READY This bit, when set, indicates that the drive is not ready. When reset, it indicates thatthe drive is ready. This bit is an inverted copy of the Ready input and "ored" with MR. The Type II and III Commands will not execute unless the drive is ready. S6 WRITE PROTECT For Read Record: not used. For Read Track: not used. On any Write: It indicates a Write Protect. This bit is reset, when updated. S5 RECORD TYPE For Read Record: It indicates the record-type code from data field address mark. 1 ~ Deleted Data Mark. 0 ~ Data Mark. For any Write: forced to a zero. S4 RECORD NOT FOUND(RNF) When set, it indicates that the desired track, sector, or side were not found. This bit is reset when updated. S3 CRCERROR If S4 is set, an error is found in one or more ID fields; otherwise it indicates error in data field. This bit is reset when updated. S2 LOST DATA When set, it indicates that the computer did not respond to DRO in one byte time. This bit is reset to zero when updated. S1 This bit is a copy of the ORO output. When set, it indicates that the DR isfull on a read Operation orthe DR is empty on a write operation. This bit is resetto zero when updated. DATA REOUEST S0 BUSY When set, command is under execution. When reset, no command is under execution. 335 SAB279XA Summary of Adjustment Procedures Write Precompensation 11 21 31 41 51 61 Set TEST (Pin 221 to a logic high. Strobe MR (Pin 191. Set TEST (Pin 221 to a logic low. Observe pulse width on WD (Pin 311. Adjust WPW (Pin 331 for desired pulse width (Precomp Valuel. Set TEST (Pin 221 to a logic high. Data Separator 11 Set TEST (Pin 221 to a logic high. 21 Strobe MR (Pin 191. Ensure that 5/B, and ODEN are set properly. 31 Set TEST (Pin 221 to a logic low. 41 Observe pulse width on TG43 (Pin 291. 51 Adjust RPW (Pin 1B) for l/B of the read clock (250ns for 8" DD, 500ns for 5' 1;' DD, etc.). S} 8b;;c;,,·vc; f. t.yut:llt;y UII Dine iPin 16j. 7) Adjust variable capacitor on VCO pin for data rate (500 kHz for 8" DO, 250 kHz for 5 ' 1;' DD, etc.l. 8) Set TEST (pin 22) to a logic high. NOTE: To maintain internal VCO operation, insure that TEST ~ 1 whenever a master reset pulse is applied. Status Register Upon receipt of any command, except the Force Interrupt command, the Busy Status bit is set and the regt of the status bits are updated or cleared for the new command. If the Force Interrupt command is received when there is a current command under execution, the Busy status bit is reset, ~nd the rest of the status bits are unchanged. If the Force Interrupt command is received when there is not a current command under execution, the Busy Status bit is reset and the rest of the status bits are updated or cleared as after a Type I command. The user has the option of reading the Status Register through progl am control or using the DRO line with DMA or interrupt methods. When the Data Register is read the DRO bit in the Status Register and the DRQ line are automatically reset. A write to the Data Register also causes both DRQs to reset. The Busy bit in the status may be monitored with a user program to determine when a command is complete, in lieu of using the INTRQ line. When using the INTRQ, a busy status check is not recommended !:lecause a read of the Status Register to determine the condition of Busy will reset the INTRQ line. The format of the Status Register is shown below: (BITS) 7 6 -~ S~S6 Status varies according to the type of command executed as shown on page 11. Because of internal sync cycles, certain time delays. must be observed when operating under programmed 110. They are: Operation Next Operation Delay Req:d. FM MFM Writeto Command Reg. Read Busy Bit (Status Bit 0) 12/Ls 6/Ls Write to Command Reg. Read Status Bits 1--7 28/Ls 14 fLS Write to Any Register Read From Oiff. Register 0 0 Times double when clock 336 ~1 MHz SAB279XA Command Description The SAB 279XA will accept eleven commands. Command words should only be loaded in the Command Register when the Busy status bit is off (Status bit 0). The only exception is the Force Interrupt command. Whenever a command is being executed, the Busv status bit is S6t. Wileen c command is completed, an interrupt is genei'uted alld the Busy status bit is reset. The Stat'J' Regist"r indicates whether the complettd command P."countered an error or was fault-free. For ease of discussion, commands are :iivldcd into f,jur t') ~es. Commands and types are SUrl1r,'arrze,d Gil p~g', 10. Type I Commands The Type I commands include the Restore, Seek, Step, Step-In, and Step-Out commands. Each of the Type I commands contains a rate field (r o, rll which determines the stepping motor rate. A 2 f.1.s (MFM) or 4 f.1.S (FMI pulse is provided as an output to the drive. For every step pulse issued, the drive moves one track location in a direction determined by the Direction output. The chip steps the drive in the same direction it has been stepped previously, unless the command changes the direction. The Direction signal is active high when stepping in and low when stepping out. The Direction signal is valid 12 f.1.S before the first stepping pulse is generated. The rates can be applied to a StepDirection motor through the device interface. Stepping Rates ClK 2MHz 1 MHz rl r0 TEST ~ 1 TEST - 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 3ms 6ms 10ms 15ms 6ms 12ms 20ms 30ms After the last directional step, additional 15 milliseconds of head settling time are generated if the Verify flag is set in Type I commands. Note that this time doubles to 30 ms for a 1 MHz clock. There is also a 15 ms head settling time if the E flag is set in any Type II or III command. When a Seek, Step or Restore command is executed an optional verification of ReadlWrite head position can be performed by setting bit 2 (V ~ 11 in the command word to a logic 1. Th~ verification operation begins at the cnd of the 15 mriiis,"cnncl settling time after the head is loaded a93;1::-:.1 ths media. The track number from the first encountered ID field IS cClmpared against the contents of the Track Register. If the track numbers com pal :, and the ID field Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRCI is correct, the verify operation is complete and an INTRO is generated with no errors. If there IS a match but not a valid CRC, the CRC Error status bit is set (Status bit 3)' and the next encountered ID field is read from the disk for the verification operation. The SAB 279XA must find an ID field with correct track number and correct CRC within 5 revoltuions of the media; otherwise the Seek Error is set and an INTRO is generated. If V ~ 0, no verification is performed. The Head load (HlDI output controls the movement of the Read/Write head against the media. HlD is activated at the beginning of a Type I command if the h flag is set (h ~ 1), at the end of the Type I command if the Verify flag is set (V ~ 1), or upon receipt of any Type liar III command. Once HlD is active it remains active until either a Type I command is received with h ~ 0 and V 0; or if the SAB 279XA is in an idel state (non-busy) and 15 index pulses have occured. Head Load Timing (HLT) is an input to the SAB 279XA which is used for the head engage time. When HlT = 1, the SAB 279XA assumes the head is completely engaged. The head engage time is typically 30 to 100 ms depending on drive. The low to high transition on HlD is typically used to fire a single shot. The output of the single shot is then used for HLT and supplied as an input to the SAB 279XA. 00 337 I SAB279XA Head Load Timing HLD [ " to 100m< JI-------- HLT from one - shot When both HLD and HLT are true, the SAB 279XA will men read trom or write to the media. The "And" of HLD and HLT appears as status bit 5 in Type I status. Summary of the Type I commands: If h ~ 0 and V ~ 0, HLD is reset. If h ~ 1 and V ~ 0, HLD is set at the beginning of the command and HLT is not sampled nor is there an internal 15 ms delay. If h ~ 0 and V ~ 1, HLD is set near the end of the command, an internal 15 ms occurs, and the SAB 279X waits for HLT to be true. Ifh ~ 1 and V~ 1, HLD is set atthe beginning of the command. Neilr the end of the command, after all the steps have been issued, an internal 15 ms delay occurs and the SAB 279X then waits for HLT to occur. For Type II and III commands with E flag off, HLD is made active and HLT is sampled until true. With E flag on, HLD is made active, an internal 15 ms delay occurs and then HLT is sampled u'ntil true. Restore (Seek Track 8) Upon receipt of this command the Track 00 (TR00) input is sampled. If TR00 is active low indicating the ReadIWrite head is positioned over track 0, the Track Register is loaded with zeroes and an interrupt is generated. If TROO is not active 10 t', stepping pulses at a rate specified by the r, r, field are issued until the TR00 input is activated. At this time the Track Register is loaded with zeroes and an interrupt is generated. If the TR00 input does not go active low after 255 stepping pulses, the SAB 279XA terminates operation, interrupts, and sets the Seek error status bit. Averification operation takes place ifthe Vflag is set. The h bit allows the head to be loaded at the start of command. Note that the Restore command is always executed when MR goes from an active to an inactive state. 338 Seek This command assumes that the Track Register contains the track number of the current position of the ReadIWrite head and the Data Register contains the desired track number. The SAB 279XA will update the Track Register and issue stepping pulses in the appropriate direction until the contents of the Track Register are equal to the contents of the Data Register (the desired track location). A verification operation takes place if the V flag is on. The h bit allows the head to be loaded at the start of the command. An interrupt is generated at the termination ofthe command. Note: When using multiple drives, the Track Register must be updated for the drive selected before seek commands are issued. Step Upon receipt of this command, the SAB 279XA issues one stepping pulse to the disk drive. The stepping motor direction is the same as in the previous Step command. After a delay determined by the r, r, field, a verification takes place if the V flag is on. If the T flag is on, the Track Register is updated. The h bit allows the head to be loaded at the start of the command. An interrupt is generated at the termination of the command. Step-In Upon receipt of this command,t he SAB 279XA issues one stepping pulse in the direction towards track 76. If the T flag is on, the Track Register is incremented by one. After a delay determined by the r, ro field, a verification takes place if the V flag is on. The h bit allows the head to be loaded at the start of the command. An interrupt is generated at the termination of the command. SAB 279XA Step-Out Exceptions Upon receipt of this command, the SAB 279XA issues one stepping pulse in the direction twoards track O. If the T flag is on, the Track Register is decremented by one. After a delay determined by the r, ro field, a verification takes place if the V flag is on. The h bit allows the head'to be loaded at the start of the command. An interrupt is generated at the termination of the command. On the SAB 2795A/97A devices, the ssa output is not affected during Type I commands, and an internal side compare does not take place when the (V) Verify flag V is on. Type II Commands The Type II Commands are the Read Sector and Write Sector commands. Prior to loading a Type II command into the Command Register the Gomputer must load the Sector Register with the desired sector number. Upon receipt of the Type II command, the Busy status bit is set. If the E flag is 1 (this is the normal case) HLO is made active and HLT is sampled after a 15 ms delay. If the E flag is 0, the head is loaded and HLT is sampled without a 15 ms delay. When an 10 field is located on the disk, the SAB 279XA compares the track number on the 10 field with the Track Register. If they do not match, the next encountered 10 field is read and a comparison is again made.lfthere has been a match, the Sector Number of the 10 field is compared with the Sector Register. If there is no sector match, the next encountered 10 field is read off the disk and again compared. If the 10 field CRC is correct, the data field is then located and will be either written into, or read from depending upon the command. The SAB 279XA must find an 10 field with a track number, sector number, side number, and CRC within 5 revolutions of the disk; otherwise, the Record-Not-Found status bit is set (Status bit4) and the command is terminated with an interrupt. Each of the Type II commands contains an m flag which determines if multiple records Isectors) are to be read or written, depending upon the command. If m ~ 0, a single sector is read or written and an interrupt is generated at the termination of the command. If m ~ 1, multiple records are read or written with the Sector Register internally updated so that an address verification can occur on the next record. The SAB 279XA will continue to read or write multiple records and update the Sector Register in numerical ascending sequence until the Sector register exceeds the number of sectors on the track or until the Force Interrupt command is loaded into the Command Register, which terminates the command and generates an interrupt. For example: If the SAB 279XA is instructed to read sector 27 and there are only 26 on the track, the Sector Register exceeds the number available. The SAB 279XA will search for 5 disk revolutions, interrupt out, reset Busy, and set the Reco rd-N ot-Found status bit. The Type II commands for SAB 2795A197A also contain Side Select Compare flags. When C ~ 0 (bit 1) no side comparison is made. Whtm C ~ 1, the LSB of the side number is read off the 10 field of the disk and compared with the contents of the (S) flag (bit 3).lf the S flag corresponds to the side number recorded in the 10 field, the SAB 279XA continues with the 10 search. If a comparison is not made within 5 index puises, the interrupt line is made active and the Record-Not-Found st~tus bit is set. The Type II and III commands for the SAB 2795A/97A contain a Side Select flag (bit 1). When U = ~, SSO is updated to 0. Similarly, U ~ 1 updates ssa to 1. The chip compares the ssa tothe 10 field. If they do not correspond within 5 revolutions the interrupt line is made active and the RNF status bit is set. The SAB 2795A/97 A Read Sector and Write Sector commands include an L flag. The L flag, in conjunction with the sector length byte of the 10 Field, allows different byte lenghts to be implemented in each sector. For IBM compatibility, the L flag should be set to a one. Read Sector Upon receipt of the Read Sector command, the head is loaded, the Busy status bit set, and when an 10 field is encountered that has the correct track number, correct sector number, correct side number, and correct CRC, the data field is presented to the computer. The Data Address Mark of the data fi·eld must be found within 30 bytes in single density and 43 bytes in double density of the last 10 field CRC byte; if not, the 10 field search is repeated. When the first character or byte of the data field has been shifted through the OSR, it is transferred to the DR, and DRO is generated. When the next byte is accumulated in the OSR, it is transferred to the DR and another ORO is generated. If the computer has not read the previous contents of the DR before a new character is transferred that character is lost and the Lost Data status bit is set. This sequence continues until the complete data field has been input to the computer. If there is a CRC error at the end of the data field, the CRC Error status bit is set and the command is terminated (even if it is a multiple sector commandl. 339 SAB 279XA At the end of the read operation, the type of Data Address Mark encountered in the data field is recorded in the Status Register (bit 5) as shown: disk. At this time the Data Address Mark is written on the disk as determined by the a. field of the command as shown below: Status Bit 5 a, Data Address Mark (Bit 0) 1 Deleted Data Mark Data Mark Deleted Data Mark Data Mark o o Write Sector Upon receipt of the Write Sector command, the head is loaded (HLD active) and the Busy status bit is set. When an ID field is encountered that has the correct track number, correct sector number, correct side number, and correct CRC, a DRQ is generated. The SAB 279XA counts off 11 bytes in single density ~i,d 22 ::'y"lO~ ill uuuuit::: Lier1:::iilY from me C;HL fJeld, and the Write Gate (WG) output is made active if the DRQ is serviced (i.e., the DR has been loaded by the computer). If DRQ has not been serviced, the command is terminated and the Lost Data status bit is set. If the DRQ has been serviced, the WG is made active and six bytes of zeroes in single density and 12 bytes in double density are then written on the The SAB 279XA then writes the data field and gener· ates DRQs to the computer. If the DRQ is not serviced in time for continous writing, the Lost Data status bit is set and a byte of zeroes is written on the disk. The command is not terminated. After the last data byte Mas been written on the disk, the twobyte CRC is computed internally and written on the disk followed by one byte of hex FE in FM or in MFM. The WG output is then deactivated. For a 2 MHz clock the INTRQ is set between 8 and 12 /Lsec after the last CRC byte has been written. For partial sector writing, the proper method is to write the data and fill the balance with zeroes. By letting the chip fill the zeroes, errors may be masked by the Lost Data status and improper CRC bytes. Types III Commands Read Address Upon receipt ofthe Read Address command, the head is loaded and the Busy status bit is set. The next encountered ID field is then read from the disk, and the six data bytes of the ID field are assembled and transferred to the DR. And DRQ is generated for each byte. The six bytes ofthe ID field are shown below: TRACK SIDE SECTOR SECTOR CRC CRC AD DR NUMBER ADDRESS LENGTH 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Although the GRG characters are transferred to the computer, the SAB 279XA checks for validity and the CRC Error status bit is set if there is a CRC error. The track address of the ID field is written into the Sector Register so that a comparison can be made by the host. At the end of the operation an interrupt is generated and the Busy status.blt is reset. All gap, header, and data bytes are assembled and transferred to the Data Register. DRQs are generated for each byte. The accumulation of bytes is synchronized to each address mark encountered. An interrupt is generated at the termination of the command. This command has several characteristics which make it suitable for diagnostic purposes. They are: no CRC checking is performed; gap information is included in the data stream; the internal side compare is not performed; and the address mark detector is on for the duration of the command. Because the A.M. detector is always on, write splices or noise may cause the chip to look for an A.M. If an address mark does not appear on schedule with the Lost Data status flag being set. The ID A.M., ID field, ID CRC bytes, DAM, data and data CRC bytes for each sector will be correct. The gap bytes may be read incorrectly during writesplice time because of synchronization. Write Track Formatting the Disk Read Track Upon receipt of the Read TI ack command, the head is loaded, and the Busy status bit is set. Reading starts with the leading edge of the first encountered index pulse and continues until the next index pulse. 340 Formatting the disk is a relatively simple task when operating programmed I/O or when operating under DMAwith a large amount of memory. Data and gap information must be provided at the computer interface. Formatting the disk is accomplished SAB279XA by positioning the R/W head over the desired track number and issuing the Write Track command. Upon receipt of the Write Track command, the head ;s loaded and the Busy status bit is set. Writing starts with the leading edge of thefirst encountered index pulse and continues until the next index pulse, at which time the interrupt is activated. The data request is activated immediately upon receiving the command, but writing will not start before the first byte is loaded into th~ Data Register If the DR has not been loaded by the time the index pulse is encountered the operation is terminated by making the device not busy. The lost Data status bit is set, and the interrupt is activated. If a byte is not present in the DR when needed, a byte of zeroes is substituted. This sequence continues from one index markto the next index mark. Normally, whatever data pattern appears in the Data Register, it is written on the disk with a normal clock pattern, However, If the SAB 279XA detects a data pattern of F5 thru FE In the Data Register, This is interpreted as Data Address Marks with missing clocks or CRC generation, The CRC generator is initialized when any data byte from FB to FE IS about to be transferred from the DR to the DSR at by receipt of F5 In MFM, An F7 pattern will generate two CRC characters in FM or MFM As a consequence, the patterns F5 thru FE must not appear in the gilpS, data fields, or ID fieids. Also, CRCs must be generated by an F7 pattern, Disks may be formatted in IBM 3740 or System 34 formats with sector lengths at 128,256, 512, or 1024 bytes. Control Bytes for Initialization Data Pattern in DR (HEX) SAB 279XA Interpretation in FM (iSDEN ~ 1) SAB 279XA Interpretation It) MFM (DDEN - 0) Write 00 thru F4 with ClK ~ FF NotAllowed Not Allowed Generate 2 CRC Bytes Write F8 thru FB, ClK ~ Cl, Preset CRC Write FC with ClK ~ D7 FD Write FD with ClK ~ FF FE Write FE, Clk ~ C7, Preset CRC FF _ _ _ _..1..Write FF with ClK ~ FF _ 00thru F4 F5 F6 F7 FB thru FB FC Write 00thru F4, in MFM Write A 1'1 in MFM, Preset CRC Write C2 21 in MFM Generate 2 CRC Bytes Write FBthru FB, in MFM Write FC in MFM Write FD in MFM Write FE in MFM Write FF in MFM I 11 Missing clock transition between bits 4 and 5 Missing clock transition between bits 3 and 4 21 Type IV Commands The Force Interrupt command is generally used to terminate a mUltiple sector Read or Write command orto ensure Type I status in the Status Register. This command can be loaded into the Command Register at any time. If there is a current command under execution (Busy status bit set) the command will be termi nated and the Busy status bit reset. The lower four bits of the command determine the conditional interrupt as follows: 10: Not-Ready to Ready Transition 11: Ready to Not-Ready Transition 12: Every Index Pulse 13: Immediate Interrupt The conditional interrupt is enabled when the corresponding bit positions of the command (13-10) are set to a1. Then, when the condition for interrupt is met, the INTRO line will go high signifying that the condition specified has occurred. If 13-10 are all set to zero (hex D0), no interrupt will occur but any command presently under execution will be immediately terminated. When using the immediate interrupt condition (13·~ 1), an interrupt will be immediately generaied and the current command terminated. Reading the status or Writing to the Command Register will not automatically clear the interrupt. The hex DO is the only command that will enable the immediate interrupt (hex DB) to clear on a subsequent load Command Register or read Status Register operation. Follow a hex DB with DO command. Wait 8}J.s (double density) or 16}J.s (single density) before issuing a new command after issuing a Force Interrupt command (times double when clock = 1 MHz). loading a new command sooner than this will nullify the forced interrupt. Forced interrupt stops any command ilt the end of an internal micro-instruction and generates INTRO when the specified condition is met. Forced interrupt will wait until AlU operations in progress are completed (CRC calculations, comparisons, etc.). MO're than one condition may be set at a time. If for example, the Ready to Not-Ready condition (11 = 1) and the Every Index Pulse (12 = 1) are both set, the resultant command would be hex DA. The OR function is performed so that either a Ready to NotReady or the next Index Pulse will cause an interrupt condition. 341 SAB 279XA Formats IBM 3740 Format - 128 Bytes/Sector (8") IBM System 34 Format - 256 Bytes/Sector (8") Shown below is the IBM single-density format with 128 bytes/sector. In order to format a diskette, the user must issue the Write Track command, and load the Data Register with the following values. For every byte to be written, there is one data request. Shown in the following table is the IBM doubledensity format with 256 bytes/sector. In order to format a diskette the user must issue the Write Track command and load the Data Register with the following values. For every byte to be written, there is one data request. Number of Bytes 40 6 1 26 r-T 11 6 1 128 1 27 24721 Hex Value of Byte Written FF (or 001 31 00 FG (Index Markl FF (or001 00 80 12 3 1 ~!:: ~!!:,/\~d:-~~:: ~.~:i~~ Track Number Side Number (00 or 011 SectorNumber(1 thru 1AI 00 F7 (2 GRGs written I FF (or 001 00 FB (Data Address Markl Data (E51 F7 (2 GRGs written) FF lor 001 FF (or 001 ') Write bracketed field 26 times. ') Continue writing until SAB 279XA interrupts out. Approx. 247 (598) bytes. 3) Optional '00' on SAB 2795A/97 A on Iy is allowed. 342 Number of Bytes O~ wv 11 12 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 12 3 1 256 1 54 598 21 Hex Value of Byte Written 4E 00 F6 (writes G21 FG (Index Markl .r 00 F5 (writes A 11 FE (lD Address Markl Track Number (0 through 4GI Side Number (0 or 11 Sector Number (1 through 1AI 01 (Sector lengthl F7 (2 GRGs written I 4E 00 F5 (writes A 11 FB (Data Address Markl Data IE 51 F7 (2 GRGs written I 4E 4E SAB 279XA Recommended - 128 Bytes/Sector (Mini-Diskette) Recommended - 256 Bytes/Sector (Mini-Diskette) Shown below is the recommended single-density format with 128 bytes/sector. In order to format a diskette, the user must issue the Write Track command, and load the Data Register with the following values. For every byte to be written, there is one data request. Shown below is the recommended double-density format with 256 bytes/sector. In order to format a diskette the user must issue the Write Track command and load the Data Register with the following values. For every byte to be written, there is one data request. Number of Bytes Number of Bytes 11 40 6 11 6 128 10 HexValue of Byte Written FF (or (0) 11 00 FE (lDAddress Mark) Track Number Side Number (00 or(1) Sector Number (1 through 10) 00 (Sector length) F7 (2 CRCs written) FF (or00) 00 FB (Data Address Mark) Data (E5) F7 (2 CRCs written) FF (or (0) FF (or (0) 60 12 3 1 1 22 12 3 256 24 718 21 HexValue of Byte Written 4E 00 F5 (Writes A 1) FE (10 Address Mark) Track Number (0 through 4C) Side Number (0 or 1) Sector Number (1 through 10) 01 (Sector Length) F7 (2 CRCs written) 4E 00 F5 (Write A 1) FB (Data Address Mark) Data (E5) F7 (2 CRCs written) 4E 4E Non-Standard Formats Variations in the IBM formats are possible to a limited extent if the following requirements are met: 1. Sector size must be 128, 256, 512 or 1024 bytes. 2. Gap 2 cannot be varied from the recommended format. 3.3 bytes of Al must be used in MFM. In addition, the Index Address Mark is not required for operation by the SAB 279XA. Gap 1, 3, and 4 lengths can be as short as 2 bytes for SAB 279XA operation, however, PLL lock up time, motor speed variation, write-splice area, etc., will add more bytes to each gap to achieve proper operation. It is recommended that the IBM format should be used for highest system reliability. FM MFM 16 bytes FF 11 bytes FF 6 bytes 00 32 bytes4E 22 bytes4E 12 bytes 00 41 10 bytes FF 4 bytes 00 GaplV 16 bytes FF 24 bytes4E 8 bytes 00 3 bytes A 1 16 bytes4E Gapl Gapll 31 Al Gaplll 11 21 31 41 Write bracketed field 16 times. Continue writing until SAB 279XA interrupts oul. Approx. 349 (718) bytes. Byte counts must be exact. Byte counts are minimum, except exactly 3 bytes of A 1 must be written in MFM. 343 en ...... Co> iii 3: .,.. Physlc,l Indo ~ n ,.68yft's fH 92 By!.. HFH ... 0 ...3 ~ Gap 4 3~e8~~:~xFH '44 Bytes HfM Nommal Index Address Hark I (221 .3 Bytes ~:t Y Gap' Post Indo .3 A,II Bytes 32 Bytes FH MFM 62 Bytes MfH only 110 R ret ~~o 1 I I ~'a I GapGap 2 10 17 Bytes FH 34 Bytes HFH Field Record No 1 Gap3 Data Gap 33 Bytu FH I 10 R~:O~ Oata Gap2 66 Bytes HFH '-- Record No 1 16ap3 10 Rtco"'d ~ Gap 2 No I .. Data field Record No.26 fIeld Record No.3 ~ ~ Dab or 10 Address Mark Track Number Side Number Sector Sector Number Length eRe eRe Byte' Byte 2 Oeleted Data User Dahl Address Mark eRe eRe Byte I 8y1e2 ---------1) Hissmg clock transition bl!t~n bits 4 and 5 2) Hissing dock tranSition AI 1J Gap2 All) Gap 3 between bits .3 and 4 FH HFH f------ , Byte 11 Byte. 22 By... / Write gat!' turn on for uPdate---"-/ of nut data field 1 Byte 31 By'" ---I : ~w te turn off for updatr • us data field ofr1 Ir1!VIO Gap2 10 Record No. 26 Gap" l> I:D I\) ...... CD X l> :t1 PhY""~ "'o" 3 3 'c.." :::l 'c.." ~ - 46 Bytes :::l I-- '"iD c Gap 4 Gap 1 Pre-Index 349 Bytes Post-lnrll"X RII":(orrl 46 Bytes ~; I 10 Address Hark 10 r,,,, N b um er Nol Gap 2 Data Field 10 Gap Record 17 Bytes No 1 Gap 3 10 Data Gap Record 158yte'S No 2 Data Field Record Gap 2 No 2 Gap 2 Dabfll':ld 10 Record No 3 Record Gap 2 '" :::l Data Field Record '" ~ No 16 No 16 "T1 o 3 !!l. ~ 10 Record Bytes 3 4 7 1 eRe eRe Oell"ted Byte 1 Byte 2 Data S,de Sector Number Number 2: Data Field Bytes 6 5 Sector length I L~~ pI Gap 3 10 Recon! No 3 2-129 Gap 2 131 eRe (Re at 6iii' ,.. , 128 Bytes of User Data Data Address Hark ------; ---- 130 --- Byte 1 By,," 2 ! I ~ ~ - Gap 3 : (HEX FF (HE> FF) (HEX ftt) I (HEX 01ll (HEX Ff) fHEX eel : 40 Byte,,> ~ 68ytes I------- t-----------" Bytes wntegatel of next date> ufrn-on for update .. Itld I ~ I 6 Bytes--1 f-----l0 Bytes 6B",,---1 ~ OJ I\) ....... CO ~ en >< l> '"~ en :%I .~ ~ ~ -=- CD ~ "30 Ph",,~----lL_______________________ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~" CD ~~ ~ = 3 CCD C- ~~ o ~3: < 0 =.. - 3 ~ ~ 72 0:: r-- Byt~s CT CD 0 CD ? Gap 4 Gap 1 718 Bytes 72 Bytes 10 Al') P"-Iod,,, r"I-IOd" 3 Bytes ~ Dato Gap2 Rtcord ID Gap No 1 34Byh!s Gop] Field 10 DatnGap Record Record No 2 39 Bytes No.1 Gap2 Data field Record No 1 Trilck Mark Humber Record Gap2 No 3 Data Field 10 Record Re:ord GapZ Record Ho.16 No_16 N>l = " 0 .3... :1. J 4 5 6 7 Side Number Sedor Humber Sector eRe eRe length Byte 1 Bytl2 : -251 1 Data or Delded Data Address C 258 259 ...iii' ~ 2';6 Bytes eRe eRe of Jser Data Byte 1 6yte 2 Gap3 Gap2 Gap' : I I IHEX 4EI IHEX 81 IHEX eel A111 (HEX 4EI (HEX ' " .,11 I - 6 0 B , t , , - 12 Bytes ~ ~ Mark !HEX I.E) G.p, Do u Field Bytes ID Record Bytes 10 Address 10 Gap3 D;ta FI!ld I----- 12 Bytes~ f----------14 B'''s----~12 Bytes3 Bytes - - 2 2 Bytes ~~~~ "W'got,tur of o,d doto ~ / for updat' ~ ! » to I\) ..... CD >< » SAB279XA Absolut Maximum Ratings 1) oto + 70°C -65 to + 150 DC Ambient Temperature Under Bias Storage Temperature Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground (VSS) Power Dissipation D.C. Characteristics TA ~ 0 to 70 DC; VCC'~ +5V ±5%. VSS -~ Symbol -0.5to +7V 2W ov Parameter limit Values Min. ilL 1 Input Leakage Current'l - ilL 2 Internal Leakage Current'l 100 IOL Output Leakage Current - VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 VIL Input LowVoltage - VOH Output High Voltage 2.4 Typ. Output Low Voltage - VOHP Output High PUMP 2.2 VOLP Output Low PUMP - ICC Supply Current - ---- Capacitance 3 ) ---Symbol Parameter CIN Input Capacitance COUT Output Capacitance ~lA - - - 0.8 0.45 -- IOH = -100 [,A V 150 Limit Value (max.) IOL = 1.6 mA IOHP = -1.0 mA 0.2 15 VIN = OV VOUT= VCC 10 70 Test Conditions VIN = VCC 10 1700 - - VOL Unit Max. IOLP = +1.0 mA mA All outputs open Unit Test Condition pF Unmeasured pins returned to GND 11 Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 'I ILL 1 applies to normal inputs. ilL 2 to inputs with internal pull-up resistors on pins 1. 17. 19. 22. 36. 37. and 40. Also pin 25 on SAB 2791A193A. 31 This parameter is periodically sampled and not 100% tested. 347 SAB279XA A.C. Characteristics TA = 0 to 70°C; VCC = +5V ± 5%; VSS = OV. All timing readings at VOL = 0.8 V and VOH = 2.0 V. Read Enable Timing Symbol Limit Values Parameter Min. TSET Setup AOOR & CS to RE 50 THlO Hold AOOR & CS from RE 10 200 TRE RE Pulse Width TORR ORO Reset from RE TIRR INTRO Reset from RE TnArr f}~t::l \h;diM frnrn QC 1 - - - - - - - - " ' 1 6 or Max. - - 100 200 500 3000 "", ~nn Units Test Conditions - Cl - Read Enable Timing Typ. 32~s ns = 50 pF - I Cl = 50 pF --------,.,-1 VOH ORO I I "I i INTRQ.'r_-J+I---+-----------ILI________ VOL ' - - - - - - - - - - - VIL f - - - - - - - - - - - - VIH lit - - - t - - - \ Data are vabd T DACe ORO rising edge: ORO falling edge: INTRa rising edge: INTRa falling edge: Indicates that the data register has assembled data. Indicates that the data register was read. Occurs at end of command. Indicates that the status register was read. '1 CS may be permanently tied 31 Time doubles when ClK 348 '0 lOW if desired. 1 MHz. 2) T Service (worst case) - FM = 27.5 ~(s - MFM = 13.5 ~(s SAB279XA Write Enable Timing Symbol Parameter Limit Values Typ. Min. TSET Setup ADDR & CS to WE THlD Hold ADDR & CS from WE TWE WE Pulse Width TDRR ORO Reset from WE TIRR INTRO Reset from WE TDS Data Setup to WE TDH Data Hold from WE Write Enable Timing Units Test Conditions Max. 50 - 10 ------- - 200 - 100 200 500 3000 150 ns - 50 1 - - - - - - - - ' » 16 or 32~s VOL ORQ I i -T IRR ll ---1 INTRa'r----J--+I-----+---------i ' - - - - - - - - - - VOL ' - - - - - - - - - - - - VIL A0.A1.rr" 1------------ VIH WE---+--j T SET I-- ---------11. Data must ----1 T±S T OH ORO rising edge: ORO falling edge: INTRO rising edge: INTRO falling edge: ~----------- be . . alid . L Indicates that the data register is empty. Indicates that the data register is loaded. Indicate the end of a command. Indicates that the command register is written to. 11 CS may permanently tied lOW if desired. When writing Data into Sector, Track or Data Register, the User cannot read this register until at least 4fls in MFM after the rising edge of WE. When writing into the Command Register status is not valid until some 28",s in FM/141ls in MFM later. These times double when ClK = 1 MHz. 21 T Service (worst case); FM = 23.5~IS; 31 Time doubles when elK 1 MHz. = MFM = 11.5",s. 349 SAB279XA Miscellaneous Timing Symbol Limit Values Parameter Typ. Max. 230 250 20000 ns -- Ils TCD 1 Clock Duty (low) TCD2 Clock Duty (high) TSTP' Step Pulse Output 2 or 4 - TDIR DIRC Setup to Step - 12 TMR Master Reset Pulse Width 50 TIP Index Pulse Width 10 RPW Read Window Pulse Width 120 240 r;:;comp Adjust WPW Unit Min. 100 200 Write Data Pulse Width ± ClK Error - Test Conditions 700 1400 MFM FM±15% I--- 300 400 ~oo ns Input 0-5V MFM Pn:=!r.()m!", = 1nnnc:. MFM 600 VCO Free Run Voltage Controlled Oscillator, 6.0 Adjustable by Ext. Capacitor on Pin 26 Oscillator, Adjustable Pump Up +25% 5.0 Pump Down -25% - 5% Change VCC 3.8 Adjustable External Capacitor RClK - 900 1200 Precomp = 300ns MFM 4.0 - Cext = 0 - 3.0 - Cext = 35pF PU = 2.2V, Cext = 35pF MHz 4.2 -- 3.5 20 35 Derived Read Clock = VCO: 8, 16,32 100 TA = 75°C, Cext = 35pF pF 500 - - 250 kHz 125 PUI DON 11 PUIPD Time On (Pulse Width) See stepping rates on page 13 350 - VCO = 4.0 MHz nom. DDEN = 0 5/8 = 1 t--250 - PD = 0.2V, Cext = 35pF Cext = 35pF DDEN = 0 5/8 =0 DDEN = 1 5/8 = 1 DDEN = 1 5/8 =0 250 I - - - ns 500 MFM FM VCO = 4.0 MHz SAB 279XA Miscellaneous Timing jj5 -----,1 'r-', - - - - - I I VIH "'-1 ~TIP~ W1' \S-----,I -----\1 VIH "'-1 ~TWF--l MR ----.1 1-\ -----II '--1 VIH ~T MR------1 351 SAB279XA Read Data Timing Symbol Parameter Limit Values TPW RAW READ Pulse Width TBC RAW READ Cycle Time Min. Typ. 100 1500 200 Units Test Conditions ns - Max. - 2000 Read Data Timing _~f-!;-pW-I-I-;_-_-_-_-_-_T_BC_-_-_ _~~_I-11 ----1 I I LJ I LJ Write Data Timing Symbol TWP TWG TWF Parameter Limit Values Write Data Pulse Width Write Gate to Write Data Write Gate off from WD All Times double when ClK = Min. Typ. Max. 400 500 250 600 200 - - 300 Units FM ns 2 1 MFM FM 1 2 Test Conditions MFM flS FM MFM 1 MHz; no Write precompensation. Write Data Timing WD WG 352 -H~ _____ ~ ~JTWG L ---IT WF!--. ---- L SAB 8237A, SAB 8237A-5 High Performance Programmable DMA Controller • Four Independent DMA Channels • Enable/Disable Control of Individual DMA Requests • Directly Expandable to any Number of Channels • End of Process Input for Terminating Transfers • Softwa re DMA Requests • Independent Polarity Control for DREG and DACK Signals • Memory-to-Memory Transfers • Memory Block Initialization • Address Increment or Decrement • Independent Autoinitialization of all Channels • Single + 5 V Power Supply • 40 Pin Dual-In-Line Package • Fully compatible with the Industry Standard 9517 A/8237 A • High performance: Transfers up to 1.6 MBytes/Second with 5 MHz SAB 8237A-5 Pin Configuration Pin Names Iml A6 HEHR AS DB7-DB0 Data Bus (bidirectional) 10R,IOW I/O Read and Write Input/Output MEMR, MEMW Memory Read and Write Output *) fOP A0-A3 Address Input/Output "Al A4-A7 Adress Output HLOA ADSTB AI CS Chip Select Input CLK Clock Input HEMW A4 AEN AO HRO V(( i3 READY Ready Input ClK DB1 HRG Hold Request Output RESET DBl HLDA Hold Acknowledge Input DA(K2 DB3 RESET Reset Input DREQ0-DRE03 DMA Request Input OA(K3 DB' OR£03 DA[KO DACK 1 DREQ, *) Pin always tied high DMA Acknowledge Output AEN Address Enable Output ADSTB Address Strobe Output EOP End of Process Input/Output DB5 DB' GND DACK0-DACK3 DB7 The SAB 8237A Multimode Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller is designed to improve system performance by allowing external devices to directly t, ansfer information to or from system memory. Memory-to-memory transfer capability is also provided. The SAB 8237 A contains four independent channels, each with a separate register set, and may be expanded to any number of channels by cascading additional controller chips. The three basic transfer modes allow programmability of the types of DMA service by the user. Each channel can be individually programmed to Autoinitialize to its original state following an End of Process ([(!p). Each channel has a fu II 64K address and word count capability. The SAB 8237A is fabricated in +5V advanced N-channel, silicon gate Siemens MYMOS technology and packaged in a 40-pin DIP. The SAB 8237 A-5 is the 5 MHz version of the standard 3 MHz SAB 8237 A respectively. AG 9/84 353 SAB 8237A Pin Definitions and Functions Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) lOR 1 I/O I/O READ I/O Read is a bidirectional active low three-state line. In the idle cycle, it is an input control signal used by the CPU to read the control registers. In the Active cycle, it is an output control signal used by the SAB 8237A to access data from a peripheral device during a DMA Write transfer. lOW 2 I/O I/O WRITE I/O Write is a bidirectional active low three-state line. In the idle cycle it is an input control signal used by the CPU to load information into the SAB 8237 A. In the Active cycle it is an output control signal used by the SAB 8237A to load data to a peripheral device durino a DMA Read trAnsf"r. Write operations by the CPU to the SAB 8237 A require a rising lOW edge following each data byte transfer. It is not sufficient to hold the lOW pin low and toggle CS. MEMR 3 0 MEMORY READ The Memory Read signal is an active low three-state output used to access data from the selected memory location during a memory-to-peripheral or a memory-to-memory transfer. MEMW 4 0 MEMORY WRITE The Memory Write signal is an active low three-state output used to write data to the selected memory location during a peripheral-to-memory or a memory-to-memory transfer. - 5 I Pin 5 must be tied high. READY 6 I READY Ready is an input used to extend the memory read and write pulses from the SAB 8237 A to accommodate slow memories or I/O peripheral devices. Ready must not make transitions during its specified setup/hold time. HLDA 7 I HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE The active high Hold Acknowledge from the CPU indicates that control of the system busses has been relinquished. ADSTB 8 0 ADDRESS STROBE The active high Address Strobe is used to strobe the upper address byte from DB0-DB7 into an external latch. AEN 9 0 ADDRESS ENABLE Address Enable is an active high signal used to disable the system bus during DMA cycles and to enable the output of the external latch which holds the upper byte of the address. Note that during DMA transfers HLDA and AEN should be used to deselect ali other I/O peripherals which may erroneously be accessed as programmed I/O during the DMA operation. The SAB 8237A automatically deselects itself by disabling the CS input during DMA transfers. 354 Function SAB 8237A Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) HRQ 10 0 HOLD REQUEST The Hold Request to the CPU is used by the DMA to request control of the system bus. Software requests or unmasked DREQs cause the SAB 8237A to issue HRQ. CS 11 I CHIP SELECT Chip Select is an active low input used to select the SAB 8237 A as an 1/0 device during an 1/0 Read or 1/0 Write by the host CPU. This allows CPU communication on the data bus. During multiple transfers to or from the SAB 8237A by the host CPU CS may be held low providing lOR or lOW is toggled following each transfer. ClK 12 I CLOCK This input controls the internal operations of the SAB 8237A and its rate of data transfers. The input may be driven at up to 3 MHZ for the standard SAB8237A and up to 5 MHz for the SAB 8237 A-5. RESET 13 I RESET Reset is an asynchronous active high input which clears the Command, Status, Request and Temporary register. It also clears the First/last FliplFlop and sets the Mask register. Following a Reset the device is in the idle cycle. DACKO DACK1 DACK2 DACK3 25 24 14 15 0 0 0 0 DMA ACKNOWLEDGE The DMA Acknowledge lines indicate that a channel is active. In many systems they will be used to select a peripheral. Only one DACK will be active at a time and none will be active unless the DMA is in control of the bus. The polarity of these lines is programmable. Reset initializes them to active-low. DREQO DREQl DREQ2 DREQ3 19 18 17 16 I I I I DMA REQUEST The DMA Request lines are individual asynchronous channel request inputs used by peripheral circuits to obtain DMA service in Fixed Priority, DREQ0 has the highest priority and and DREQ3 has the lowest priority. A request is generated by activating the DREQ line of a channel. DACK will acknowledge the recognition of DREQ signal. The Polarity of DREQ is programmable. Reset initializes these lines to active high. DBO-DB7 30-26, 23-21 1/0 DATA BUS The Data Bus lines are bidirectional three-state signals connected to the system data bus. The outputs are enabled during the 1/0 Read by the host CPU, permitting the CPU to examine the contents of an Address register, the Status register, the Temporary register or a Word Count register. The Data Bus is enabled to input data during a host CPU 1/0 write, allowing the CPU to program the SAB 8237A control registers. During DMA cycles the most significant eight bits of the address are output onto the data bus to be strobed into an external latch by ADSTB. In memory-to-memory operations data from the source memory location comes into the SAB 8237A's Temporary register on the read-from-memory half of the operation. On the write·to-memory half of the operation, the data bus outputs the Temporary register data into the destination memory location. Function 355 I SAB 8237A Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) A0-A3 32-35 1/0 ADDRESS 0-3 The four least significant address lines are bidirectional3-state signals. During DMA idle cycles they. are inputs and allow the host CPU to load or read control registers. When the DMA is active. they are outputs and provide the lower 4-bits of the output address. A4--A7 37-40 0 ADDRESS 4-7 The four most significant address lines are three-state outputs and provide four bits of address. These lines are enabled only during DMA service. J:OP 36 1/0 END OF PROCESS J:OP is an active low bidirectional open-drain signal providing information concerning the' completion of DMA service. When CI dldllllti'::. 'v·v·ulLi LUUTH goe::i to zerO,lne SAI:j 'dLJ/A pulses J:OP low to provide the peripheral with a completion signal. J:OP may also be pulled low by the peripheral to cause premature completion. The reception ofJ:OP, either internal or external, causes the currently active channel to terminate the service, to set its TC bit in the Status register and to reset its request bit. If Autoinitialization is selected for the channel, the current registers will be updated from the base registers. Otherwise the channel's mask bit will be set and the register contents will remain unaltered. During memory-to-memory transfers, J:OP will be output when the TC for channel 1 occurs. ruP always applies to the channel with an active DACK; external ruPs are disregarded when DACK0-DACK3 are all inactive if the DMA is in state SI. Function In situations where two or more SAB 8237A DMAs are cascaded, the ruP pins should be logically OR'ed (not wire-OR'ed). Because ruP is an open-drain signal, an external pullup resistor is required. Values of 3.3 kQ or 4.7 kQ are recommanded; the J:OP pin cannot sink the current passed by a 1 kQ pullup. VCC 31 - POWER SUPPLY (+5V) GND 20 - GROUND (OV) 356 SAB 8237A Block Diagram EOP -RESEi --- csREADY eLK -~ AEN - - - Timing Control AOSTB - HEHRMEMW iOR iOW DR[aO-DREQ3 _4 - HLOA HRQ OA(KO-OACK 3 4 Rotating Priority logic 357 SAB 8237A Register Description Current Address Register Each channel has a 16-bit Current Address register. This register holds the value of the address used during DMA transfers. The address is automatically incremented or decremented after each transfer and the intermediate values of the address are stored in the Current Address register during the transfer. Current Word Count Register Each channel has a 16-bit Current Word Count register. This register should be programmed with, and will return on a CPU read, a value one less than the number of words to be transferred. The word count is decremented after each transfer. The intermediate value of the word count is stored ill lilt~ reyisLer during Tne uanSfer. VVhen the value in the register goes to zero, a TC will be generated. Base Address and Base Word Count Registers Each channel has a pair of Base Address and Base Word Count registers. These 16-bit registers store the original values of their associated current registers. During Autoinitialize these values are used to restore the current registers to their original values. The base registers are written simultaneously with their corresponding current register in 8-bit bytes during DMA programming by the microprocessor. Command Register This 8-bit register controls the operation of the SAB 8237 A. It is programmed by the microprocessor in the Program Condition and is cleared by Reset. Mode Registers Each channel has a 6-bit Mode register associated with it. When the register is being written to by the microprocessor in the Program Condition, bits \) and 1 determine which channel Mode register it to be written. Request Register The SAB 8237 A can respond to requests for DMA service which are initiated by software as well as by a DREO. Each channel has a request bit associated with it in the 4-bit Request register. These are nonmaskable and subject to prioritization by the Priority Encoder network. Each register bit is set or reset separately under software control or is cleared upon generation of a TC or external EOP. The entire register is cleared by a Reset. 358 Mask Register Each channel has associated with it a mask bit which can be set to disable the incoming DREO. Each mask bit is set when its associated channel produces an EOP if the channel is not programmed for Autoinitialize. Each bit of the 4-bit Mask register may also be set or cleared separately under software control. The entire register is also set by a Reset. Status Reg ister The Status registers may be read out of the SAB 8237A by the microprocessor. It indicates which channels have reached a terminal count and which channels have pending DMA requests. ..... _---_ .. __ ......... I ell' .... ul al Y . JlC!j':>U:::::1 The Temporary.register is used to hold data during memory-to-memory transfers. Following the completion of the transfers, the last word moved can be read by the microprocessor in the Program Condition. SAB 8237A Functional Description DMA Operation The SAB 8237A is designed to operate in two r.lajor cycles. These are called Idle and Activa cycles. Each device cycle is made up of a number of states. State I (SI)is the inactive state. It is entered when the SAB 8237A has no valid DMA requests pending. While in SI. the DMA controller is inactive but may be in the Program Condition, being programmed by the processor. State 0 (S0) is the first state of a DMA service. The SAB 8237A has requested a hold but the processor has not yet returned an acknowledge. An acknowledge from the CPU will signal that transfers may begin. S1, S2, S3 and S4 are the working states of the DMA service. If more time is needed to complete a transfer than is available with normal timing, wait states (SW) can be inserted before S4 by the use of the Ready line on the SAB 8237A. Memory-to-memory transfers require a read-from and a write-to-memory to complete each transfer. The states, which resemble the normal working states, use two digit numbers for identification. Eight states are required for each complete transfer. The first four states (S11, S12, S13, S14) are used for the read-from-memory half and the last four states (S21. S22, S23 and S24) for the write-tomemory half of the transfer. Block Transfer Mode In Block Transfer mode, the SAB 8237 A will continue making transfers until a TC (caused by the word count going to zero) or an external End of Process (EOP) is encountered. Demand Transfer Mode In Demand Transfer mode the device will continue making transfers until a TC or external EOP is encountered or until DREQ goes inactive. Thus, the device requesting service may discontinue transfers by bringing DREQ inactive. Service may be resumed by asserting an active DREQ once again. Cascade Mode This mode is used to cascade more than one SAB 8237 A together for simple system expansion. The HRQ and HLDA signals from the additional SAB 8237A are connected to the DREQ and DACK signals of a channel of the initial SAB 8237A. I Idle Cycle When no channel is requesting service, the SAB 8237 Awill enter the Idle cycle and perform "SI" states. In this cycle the SAB 8237A will sample the DREQ lines every clock cycle to determine if any channel is requesting a DMA service. The device will also sample CS, looking for an attempt by the microprocessor to write or read the internal registers of the SAB 8237A. Active Cycle When the SAB 8237A is in the Idle cycle and a channel requests a DMA service, the device will output a HRQ to the microprocessor and enter the Active cycle. It is in this cycle that the DMA service will take place, in one of four modes: Single Transfer Mode In Single Transfer mode, the SAB 8237A will make a one-byte transfer during each HRQ/HLDA handshake. When DREQ goes active, HRQ will go active. After the CPU responds by driving HRQ active, a one-byte transfer will take place. Following the transfer, HRQ will go inactive, the word count will be decremented and the address will be either incremented or decremented. 359 SAB 8237A TRANSFER TYPES Each of the three active transfer modes can perform three different types of transfers. These are Read, Write and Verify. Write transfers move data from an I/O device to the memory by activating lOR and MEMW. Read transfers move data from memory to an I/O device by activating MEMR and lOW. Verify transfers are pseudo transfers; the SAB8237 A operates as in Read or Write transfers g~nerating addresses, responding to EOP, etc., however, the memory and I/O control lines remain inactive. Memory-to-Memory The SAB8237A includes a block move capability that allows blocks of data to be moved from one memory adress space to another. Channel 0 forms the source address and channell forms the destination address. The channel 1 wort! r.nl tnt i~ 11~l=Irl l!:t. memory-to-memory transfer is initiated by setting a software DMA request for channel 0. Autoinitialize By programming a bit in the Mode register a channel may be set up for an Autoinitialize operation. During Autoinitialization, the original values of the Current Address and Current Word Count registers are automatically restored from the Base Address and Base Word Count registers of that channel following EOP. Extended Write For Flyby Transactions late write is normally used, as this allows sufficient time for the lOR signal to get data from the peripheral onto the bus before MEMW is activated. In some systems, performance can be improved by starting the write cycle earlier. Address Generation In orderto reduce pin count, the SAB 8237A multiplexes the eight higher order address bits on the data liries. State S 1 is used to output the higher order address bits to an external latch from which they may be placed on the address bus. The falling edge of Address Strobe (ADSTBI is used to load these bits from the data lines to the latch. Address Enable IAENI is used to enable the bits onto the address bus through a 3-state enable. The lower order address bits are output by the SAB 8237 A directly. To save time and speed transfers, the SAB 8237 A executes S 1 states only when updating of AS-A 15 in the latch is necessary. 360 Compressed Timing In order to achieve even greater throughput where system characteristics permit, the SAB 8237 A can compress the transfer time to two clock cycles. By removing state S3 the read pulse width is made equal to the write pulse width and a transfer consists only of state S2 to change the address and state S4 to perform the read/write. Priority The SAB 8237 A has two types of priority encoding available as software selectable options. The first is Fixed Priority which fixes the channels in priority order based upon the descending value of their number. The channel with the lowest priority is 3 followed by 2, 1 and the highest priority channel0. The second schema is Rotating Priority. The last channel to qet service becomes the InwP"t nri()rit\l channel with the others rotating accordingly. ' Software Commands There are two special software commands which can be executed in the Program Condition. Clear First/Last Flip/Flop: This command may be issued prior to writing or reading SAB 8237 A address or word count information. This initializes the Flip/Flop to a known state so that subsequent accesses to register contents by the microprocessor will address lower and upper bytes in the correct sequence. Master Clear: This software instruction has the same effect as the hardware Reset. The Command, Status, Request, Temporary and Internal First/Last Flip/Flop registers are cleared and the Mask register is set. SAB 8237A Absolute Maximum Ratings 1) o to 70°C -65 to + 150°C -0.5to + 7V 2W Ambient Temperature Under Bias Storage Temperature Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground (VSS) Power Dissipation D.C. Characteristics TA" Oto 70"C; VCC = 5V ±5%; VSS Sym bol = OV Limit Values Parameter Min. -Output High Voltage VOH Typ. 2.4 VO~ -t------------- " Unit Test Condition Max. IOH = -200 rIA IOH = -100 rIA (HRQ only) 10l = 3.2 mA - 3.3 •_ _ M , Output low Voltage VIH Input High Voltage _. 2.0 -- -_._----------_.- -----Input low Voitage ·0.5 -- -_._-- --..- - . -..-------- ----Input load Current III ._------- 0.40 - IlO Output Leakayc: Current ---------------.------ ICC VCC Supply Current CO CI CIO - -1:10 130 150 Output Capacitance 4 8 Input Capacitance 8 15 1/0 Capacitance 10 18 -- --' ---- rIA -- - r--- ----------- OV s VIN os VCC . 0.4 V :S VOUT < VCC 130 ----------- f--- f-110 --- - c----- ~~- Vil V VCC+0.5 mA TA " + 25°C TA pF fc = O"C II All outputs disconnected = 1.0 MHz, Inputs = 0 V 1) Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 2) Typical values are for TA ••- 25"C, nominal supply voltage and nominal processing parameters. 361 I , SAB8237A A.C. Characteristics TA = Oto 70"C; vcc = 5V ±5%; vss = OV DMA (Master) Mode Symbol Parameter Limit Values 8237A Min, Max. Unit 8237A-5 Min. Max. TAEl AEN High from ClK low (S 1) Delay Time 300 200 TAET AEN low from ClK High (S 1) Delay Time 200 130 TAFAB ADR Active to Float Delay from ClK High TAFC READ or WRITE Float from ClK High 150 120 TAFDB DB Active to Float Delay from ClK Hi>Jh 250 ~,?0 TAHR ADR from READ High Hold Time TCV-l00 TAHS DB from ADSTB low Hold Time 50 TAHW ADR from WRITE High Hold Time TCV-50 DACK Valid from ClK low Delay Time TAK TASM - - - 90 TCV-l00 - 40 - TCY -50 250 11 EOP High from ClK High Delay Time 21 150 250 170 - 170 ETIP low to ClK High Delay Time 250 170 ADR Stable from ClK High 250 170 TASS DB to ADSTB low Setup Time 100 100 TCH ClK High Time (transitions,,; 10 ns) 120 80 TCl ClK low Time (transitions"; 10 ns) 150 68 TCV ClK Cycle Time 320 200 ns - TDCl ClK High to READ or WRITE low Delay 31 270 190 TDCTR READ High from ClK High (S4) DeiayTime3J 270 190 TDCTW WRITE High from ClKHigh (S4) DeiayTime 31 TDOl - 200 - 160 HRG Valid from ClK High Delay Time 41 TD02 130 120 250 120 TEPS EOP low from ClK low Setup Time 60 TEPW EOP Pulse Width 300 TFAAB ADR Float to Active Delay from ClK High 250 170 TFAC READ or WRITE Active from ClK High 200 150 TFADB DB Float to Active Delay from ClK High 300 200 Notes see next page, 362 - 40 - 220 ns SAB 8237A Symbol Parameter limit Values 8237A Min. Max. Min. THS HlDA Valid to ClK High Setup Time 100 75 TIDH Input Data from MEMR High Hold Time 0 0 TIDS Input Data to MEMR High Setup Time 250 170 TODH Output Data from MEMW High Hold Time 20 TODV Output Data Valid to MEMW High 5) - 10 200 125 TOS DREO to ClK low (Sl, S4) Setup Time 0 0 TRH ClK to READY low Hold Time 20 20 100 1) TRS READY to ClK low Setup Time TSTl ADSTB High from ClK High Delay Time TSn ADSTB low from ClK High Delay Time TOH DR EO from DACK Valid Hold Time 0 TROHA HRO to HlDA Delay Time 1 - Unit 8237A-5 Max. - ns 60 200 - 140 - 130 90 0 1 - clk 1) DREO and DACK signals may be active high or low. Timing diagrams assume the active high mode. 2) EOP is an open collector output. This parameter assumes the presence of a 2.2 k" pullup to VCC. 3) The net lOW or MEMW pulse width for normal write will be TCY -100 ns and for extended write will be 2TCY -100 ns. The net lOR or MEMR pulse width for normal read will be 2TCY -50 ns and for compressed read will be TCY -50 ns. 4) TOO is specified for two different output high levels. TOOl is measured at 2.0 V. TD02 is measured a 3.3V. The value for TD02 assumes an external 3.:> kQ pull-up resistor connected from HRO to vcc. 5) If N wait states are added during the write-to-memory half of a memory-to-memory transfer, this parameter will increase by N (TCY). 363 SAB8237A Peripheral (Slave) Mode Symbol Parameter Limit Values 8237A Min. ADR Valid or CS Low to READ Low 50 TAW ADR Valid to WRITE High Setup Time 200 TCW CS Low to WRITE High Setup Time 200 TAR Max. Unit 8237A-5 Min. Max. 50 130 - 130 - TOW Data Valid to WRITE High Setup Time 200 130 TRA ADR or CS Hold from READ High 0 0 TRDE Data Access from READ Low - 200 - 140 20 100 0 70 I I lVI 11 uD riua' ueiay rrom KI:AU HIgh TRSTO Power Supply High to RESET Low Setup Time 500 500 TRSTS RESET to First IOWR 2TCY 2TCY TRSTW RESET Pulse Width 300 300 TRW READ Width 300 TWA ADR from WRITE High Hold Time 20 20 TWC CS High from WRITE High Hold Time 20 20 TWD Data from WRITE High Hold Time 30 30 TWWS WRITE Width 200 160 - 200 1) Output loading is 1 TTL gate plus 150 pF capacitance, unless otherwise noted. Input Waveforms for AC-Tests 2.4 0.4 364 - ns SAB 8237A Slave Mode Write Timing i----------TCW --------~ t-----------TWWS--------~ TWA t------------------TAW-------------~~ Input valid M-A3 t-----------------TDW---------~ DB¢-DB7 I Input valid Slave Mode Read Timing -----.. / CS A0-A3 ) ~TAR1 lOR DB~-DB7 =t K Address must be valid ~ TR TRW TRDE ( ''1 TRDF3Data out valid _ _ 1) Successive read and/or write operation by the CPU to program or examine the controller must be timed to allow at least 600 ~s for the SAB 8237 A and at least 400 ns for the SAB 8237A-5, as recovery time between active read or write pulses_ 365 SAB8237A '* F DMA Transfer Timing 50~ 50~ 51 vI \J ClK W HI nA 5H 52J 53 0 J --'I HRQ J em)}\'l\'l\ ~~L ~I JII/~,--l 54 51 51 t i I 1) l!'l IV'] I-- --'- ~ 1"'- r~ I I i I i '1--+--- r I \\\\\\\\\ """1\ -----T;r------~I AET '----- --,-~~ I I- ADSTB : ~ __ ~ I' TcH I-'-"-' TCY - ~"--+-H-+_+--+-+-h 1TRQHAH11-+ , ,J I I AEN 51 U[ V[ \J f-If \J -;-,-11+- f-I nt-+ DREQ 5'1 52J 53 ~T~A~55-r+-+--+-~-+~------ I~-l~ DBO-DB? -------1,;~---+-I~t-~l-t-+-+--+--+---t!----~- _ _T~ ~ -I I- AO-A7 ~ _ I TASM t-I Address valid 1DACK !ill.. i ,--::- ~JS. I I.!!ill.. -r--'\ - - - (for extended Writel- ~ - I TAFAB _ H .;JAHW Address valid --'- _IAHR I JQCTI ~___ \ :Frf ,---, r---"\ r-llilli { JAHR -- ~l-TW_______ 2 --=--- ~~ -~~KI-1-~ IJ lQQ,.. INT EDP - - - - T I I - - - - - - - - - + - - - - t - . EXT EOP -~!.'~-"T'T"\\\rTT"\ST"T'T\\\'"t"'T"\\W 1) DREG should be held active until DACK is returned. 366 TAK ~ wllllmm SAB8237A Memory-to-Memory Transfer Timing CLK AD5TB TFAAB AO-A7 TFADB OBO-OB7 TOCL TFAC r TOUR J H-c :::1flill!' TAfC 1105 ~~------+---~~--.I MEMR TOCTh' INT EOP TEPS =::::j EXT E5P ~ 1EPW ~ ~ I- ;::JTEPW ~ Y/ 777'-----'-\"'\1\ ~ Y/..-r-T777--r-r77"rr"77r-r-777rT7 Ready Timing elK Extended~ Write READY \\\\\\\\a TRS TRS 3~7 SAB8237A Compressed Transfer Timing ClK AO-A7 READY INT EOP EXT EOP ------?,,~~ ~ Jjj Reset Timing vee RESET lOR or lOW 368 ~I----'_ _______..J)" "'TO ~ TRSTW-- II k,i~ SAB 8256A, SAB 8256A-2 Programmable Multifunction UART (MUART) • SAB 8256A compatible with processors up to 3 MHz system clock (e. g. SAB 8085A, SAB 8048, SAB8051). SAB 8256A-2 compatible with processors up to 8 MHz system clock (e.g. SAB 8085A-2, SAB 8086 - minimum mode, SAB 80186). • Full-Duplex asynchronous serial interface with programmable 5-8 data bits, 0.75-2 stop bits, parity generation and checking. • Internal baud rate generator programmable for 50-19200 Baud; 0-1 Megabaud possible with external baud rate clock. Pin Configuration • Interrupt Controller with 8 priority levels; each level independently maskable, programmable for normal and fully nested operation with SAB 8085 and SAB 8086 processor families. • Five programmable 8-bit counter/timers, internal or external clock, four are cascadable to two 16-bit counter/timers. • Two 8-bit I/O ports, bit programmable for input/output, hand-shake mode supported. I logic Symbol Mlkraprozessor· PerlpheneSchrlltfstelle Schnlttstelle Vee P 10 PII PI2 Pl3 P14 AD~ - A0 4 P1O-P17 08 5 -OB7 P20-P27 P 15 P16 CS R, D P17 P 2D mJ WIl P11 WR E'fS RESET P21 ALE--- CS W ;;:c P23 P 24 INT P25 EXTINT ~ P 26 P 27 hD R,D GND TiC CfS eLK SABB256A1 8256A-2 RESET I .... a> Address Read Registers :II CD 5AB 8085 Mode: AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 5AB 8086 Mode: AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 CQ iii" rot ... C/) CD CL1 CL0 51 50 BITI BRKI FRO 8086 0 0 0 0 CLl CL0 51 Command Word 1 PEN EP C1 C0 B3 RxE IAE NIE END B2 I B1 B0 0 0 PEN 0 EP C1 T24 T5C CT3 CT2 C0 5BRK I TBRK I 5RES I 0 0 0 0 RxE IAE P16 P15 P14 P2C21 P2C1 I P2C01 0 0 T35 T24 L6 L5 L4 P13 L3 FRO B3 i NIE 0 rot B2 I B1 B0 TBRK I P2C21 P2C1 I SBRK T5C CT3 CT2 P12 P11 P10 0 0 0 P17 P16 P15 P14 P13 P12 I 0 P2C01 P11 P10 L1 L0 Pan 1 Control Register L2 Interrupt-Level Enable Word L1 L0 0 0 L7 L6 L5 L4 L3 L2 Interrupt Mask Register CD CD ~ Mode Register Port 1 Control Word L7 8086 Command Register 3 Mode Word P17 BITI Command Register 2 Command Word 3 T35 BRKI Cc·mmand Register 1 Command Word 2 5ET 50 C/) » o::J CO N U1 en » Write Registers Address SAB 8085 Mode: A03 A02 SAB 8086 Mode: A04 A03 I L7 I L5 L6 L4 L3 L2 L1 I LO I A01 A02 0 Read Registers AOO A01 0 I 07 06 05 Interrupt-Level Oisable Word 07 06 05 I 04 I 03 I 02 I 06 I 05 I 04 I 03 I 01 0 00 1 I 07 I 06 I 05 I 07 I 06 I 05 04 02 DO 01 I 1 0 0 0 I 07 06 05 07 I 05 06 I 04 03 03 I 02 01 00 I 03 I 02 01 02 01 DO I 00 I 03 Read Port 1 02 03 I 04 04 01 DO I 1 0 0 I 07 I 05 06 03 04 Write Port 2 I I Receiver Buffer Write Port 1 I 04 Interrupt Address Register Transmitter Buffer 07 I 02 I 01 DO 02 I 01 DO Read Port 2 I 02 01 00 I 1 0 0 I 07 I 05 06 04 03 Read Timer 1 Write Timer 1 CJ) l> OJ I w -..J -..J 07 I 06 I 05 04 03 02 Write Timer/Counter 2 01 I 00 I 0 1 I 07 I 06 I 05 I 04 I 03 I 02 Read Timer/Counter 2 01 00 I 00 N (11 (7) l> ~ ~ SAB 8256A) Data Vat,d ALE Read Cycle (SAB 8256A --> Processor) ; - - - - - - - lAD -------1 ALE llll (iNTAl 385 SAB8256A Interrupt Timings CLK~~ p17(\nterrUPt~Pt~[-- ,'r,------------ from P o r l 1 ) : I--- tOPI---1 tOEX--l EXTINT Internal Interrupt ~ \ \ ~jr--"" ---='-'r INT _ _ _ _ _ _ \~ J \'---- - - - ' O!,:, -----------------~I-----:::x * ___ _ 03 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a.blt value 1) >--- Basic Output from Port 1 and Port 2 ------------:::x OB,_) A0-J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V--------- __ _ _ O_ot_o_Vo_I -,_ _ ___ ~~~ __________~)¢~_~_I_a_~_lid_I_,II_~_XI~7:,~I_,------------1) Instead of INTA, RD can serve as interrupt acknowledge (reading the interrupt address register). 2) Read from channel 2. 3) If INTA is enabled, RSTn instruction is output on INTA (SAB 8085 mode) or interrupt vector is output on second INTA (8086 mode) otherwise, interrupt address is output on a read address register operation. 387 SAB8256A Count Pulse Timings and Zero-Crossing of Counter P12,P13 (Counter Input) ----II I I 11-.----- tePI ---------1" I INT l Edge Causing Zero Count tTPI--j ----------------~y Loading Timer 5 (or Cascaded Counter/Timer 3 and 5) and Zero-Crossing of Counters (Cascaded Counter/Timer 3 and 5) P13 (Counter Input! _ _ _ _ _-1" P15 (Trigger Input) INT Trigger Pulse for Timer 5 (Cascaded Event Counter/Timer 3 and 5) P15 (Trigger Input) 388 / nm" (.)'OO'''~'' (re)",,'" t=tTIL~ \""_ _ _ _ _ __ l-tTIH---J SAB8256A Reading event counters/timers ALE f'-F-ea-d C-Y cle~/'- _" ;'f- - I I-_-<_i-_-----;"'"' Cyo, /'-J-1-_ - - -tTR-V-I __ Reset Timing RESET _ _ _ _ _ _- ' { ...-J-------------- CTS for Single Character Transmission External Baud Rate Clock for Serial Interface TxC (64xand 32x Baud Rate.lnput) -rt"~ 1 t~J Ct'~ I / \ tsCY 'iXC. RxC ( 1x Baud Rate. Input) trcY trPD 1 3S9 SAB8256A Transmitter and Receiver Clock from Internal Clock Source ~! C 2.0 2.0 0.8 0.8 > Test POints < AC testing: inputs are driven at 2.4 V for a logic "1" and 0.45 V for a logic "0". Timing measurements are made at 2.0 V for a logic "1" and 0.8 V for a logic "0". A.C. Testing load Circuit Device Under Test CL=100 pF CL includes jig capacitance 402 ~CL=100PF SAB8259A Waveforms WRITE i----TWLWH - - . - . , WR - - - - - - - - -...... ( 5 - - - - - - - - - ~----------~~I ~-----Address Bus C A 0 - - - - - - - - J ~------_-----------~~.~-------- __-fT~WH~ Data Bus READJINTA _-------- - RO/INTA \ I -----, TRLEL EN I . ----I IS TRLRH ______ 3 - -----.< I ---- IJRHEH r-- ~• ,J AHRl -: Xi Address Bus A0 • I : 1----- - TRLOV -------1 i f-----TAHDV ----------' Data Bus I xRHA~ f--TRHDZ--l ~----- ----------------i OTHER TIMING R D i I N T A - \ ' - - -_ _ WR _________......\ 1I ' ~---1. ~ r r ~rnHRl~ '--------J TWHRL-J-~ 403 SAB8259A INTA SEQUENCE rIJHIH 1R~li :NT _ _ INTA C... 3 --J)-----~\('__-1===~\--l..- __ -------~ DB - - - - - - - - - - (02---------------~----~~---------L-------------~---- Notes: Interrupt output must remain HIGH at least until leading edge of first INTA. 1. Cycle 1 in SAB 8086/88 systems, the Data Bus is not active. 404 SAB8275 Programmable CRT Controller • Programmable screen and character format .6 independent visual field attributes • SAB 8051, SAB 8085, SAB 8086 and SAB 8088 compatible • 11 visual character attributes (graphics capabilityl • Dual row buffers o Programmable DMA burst mode • Cursor control (4 typesl Light pen detection and registers • Single +5V supply o High performance MYMOS technology I) o Fully compatible with industry standard 8275 Pin configuration Pin Names LC3[~::::JV(C lCO-lC3 line Count DRQ DMA Request DACK DMA Acknowledge LC2 [ 2 39::::J LAO HRTC Horizontal Retrace LCl [ 3 38:J LA, VRTC Vertical Retrace LCO[ 4 310LTEN ORQ [ 5 36PRVV DAn':: [ 6 3SP vsp HRTC [ 7 34PGPAl VRTC [ 8 33 iITi[ 9 SAB W"R[ 10 lPEN [ '1 8275 ~GPAO 32DHLGT 31 PIRQ 30 ;JCClK RD Read Input WR Write Input lPEN Light Pen DBO-DB7 Bidirectional Three-State Data Bus Lines lAO, lA1 Line Attribute Codes lTEN Light Enable Reverse Video Video Suppression DBD [ 12 29~[(6 RVV DBl [ 13 28 :Jecs VSP DB2 [ 14 27:J (CI. DB3 [ 1S 26:J OBI. [ 16 25 ::1((2 DBS [ 17 24:J eCl DB6 [ 18 23 DB7 [ 19 n:Jrs GHO [ 21) 21 :JAO ((3 ::1e(o GPAO, GPA1 General Purpose Attribute Codes HlGT Highlight IRQ Interrupt Request CClK Character Clock CCO-CC6 Character Codes CS Chip Select AD Port Address The SAB 8275 programmable CRT controller is a single chip device to interface CRT raster scan displays. It is manufactured in Siemens advanced MYMOS technology. Its primary function is to refresh the display by buffering the information from main memory and keeping track of the display position of the screen. The flexibility designed into the SAB 8275 will allow simple interface to almost any raster scan CRT display with a minimum of external hardware and software overhead. AG 2185 405 SAB 8275 Pin Definitions and Functions Input (I) Output (0) Symbol Number Function LC3 LC2 LC1 LCO 1 2 3 4 a LINE COUNT: Output from the line counter which is used to address the character generator for the line positions on the screen. DRQ 5 a DMA REQUEST: Output signal to the SAB 8237A DMA controller requesting a DMA cycle. DACK 6 I DMA ACKNOWLEDGE: Input signal from the SAB 8237A DMA controller acknowledging that the requested DMA cycle has been granted. HRTC 7 0 HORIZONTAL RETRACE: Output signal which is active during the programmed horizontal retrace interval. During this period the VSP output is high and the LTEN output is low. VRTC 8 a VERTICAL RETRACE: Output signal which is active during the programmed vertical retrace interval. During this period the VSP output is high and the LTEN output is low. RD 9 I READ INPUT: A control signal to read registers. WR 10 I WRITE INPUT: A control signal to write commands into the control registers or write data into the row buffers during a DMAcycle. LPEN 11 I LIGHT PEN: Input signal from the CRT system signifying that a light pen signal has been detected. DBO DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I/O BIDIRECTIONAL THREE-STATE DATA BUS LINES: The outputs are enable during a read of the C or P ports. LAO LA1 39 38 a LINE ATTRIBUTE CODES: These attribute codes have to be decoded externally by the dot/timing logic to generate the horizontal and vertical line combinations for the graphic displays specified by the character attribute codes. LTEN 37 a LIGHT ENABLE: Output signal used to enable the video signal to the CRT. This output is active at the programmed underline cursor position, and at positions specified by attribute codes. RVV 36 a REVERSE VIDEO: Output signal used to indicate the CRT circuitry to reverse the video signal. This output is active at the cursor position if a reverse video block cursor is programmed or at the positions specified by the field attribute codes. 406 SAB 8275 Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) VSP 35 0 VIDEO SUPPRESSION: Output signal used to blank the video signal to the CRT. This output is active: - During the horizontal and vertical retrace intervals. - at the top and bottom lines of rows if underline is programmed to be number 8 or greater. - when an end of row or end of screen code is detected. - when a DMA underrun occurs. - at regular intervals (1/16 frames frequency for cursor, 1/32 frame frequency for character and field attributes)to create blinking displays as specified by cursor, character attribute, or field attribute programming. GPA1, GPAO 34 33 0 GENERAL-PURPOSE ATTRIBUTE CODES: Outputs which are enable by the general purpose field attribute codes. HLGT 32 0 HIGHLIGHT: Output signal used to intensify the display at particular positions on the screen as specified by the character attribute codes or field attribute codes. IRQ 31 0 INTERRUPT REQUEST. CCLK 30 I CHARACTER CLOCK (from dot/timing logic). CC6 CC5 CC4 CC3 CC2 CCl CCO 29 28 0 CHARACTER CODES: Output from the row buffers used for character selection in the character generator. CS 22 I CHIP SELECT: The read and write are enabled by CS. AO 21 I PORT ADDRESS: A high input on AO selects the "C" port or command registers and a low input selects the "P" port or parameter registers. VCC 40 - + 5 V Power supply. GND 20 - Ground (OV) Function 27 26 25 24 23 407 I SAB 8275 SAB 8275 Block diagram showing counter and register functions Character Counter DBO-7 CClK Data Bus Buffer CCO-6 DRQ DACK IRQ Line lCD- 3 Coun~r RD WR Row Counter AD CS lAD-' HRTC VRTC HlGT RVV lTEN VSP GPAO-' Raster Timing and Video Control light Pen Registers Functional Description Data bus buffer This three-state, bidirectional, 8-bit buffer is used to interface the SAB 8275 to the system data bus. This functional block accepts inputs from the system control bus and generates control signa Is for overall device operation. It contains the command, parameter, and status registers that store various control formats for the device functional definition. 408 lPEN AD Operation Register 0 Read PREG 0 Write PREG 1 Read SREG 1 Write CREG AO RD WR CS 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 X X 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 X X 1 Write SAB 8275 parameter Read SAB 8275 pa ra meter Write SAB 8275 command Read SAB 8275 status Th ree-state Th ree-state SAB 8275 RD (Read) Raster timing and video controls A "low" on this input informs the SAB 8275 that the CPU is reading data or status information from the SAB 8275. The raster timing circuitry controls the timing of the HRTC (Horizontal Retrace) and VRTC (Vertical Retrace) outputs. The video control circuitry controls the generation of LAO-1 (line attribute!. HGL T (highlight), RVV (reverse video), LTEN (Light enable), VSP (video suppress), and GPAO-1 (general purpose attribute) outputs. WR (Write) A "low" on this input informs the SAB 8275 that the CPU is writing data or control words to the SAB 8275. CS (Chip select) A "low" on this input selects the SAB 8275. No reading or writing will occur unless the device is selected. When CS is high, the data bus in the float state and RO and WR will have no effect on the chip. Row buffers The row buffers are two 80 character buffers. They are filled from the microcomputer system memory with the character codes to be displayed. While one row buffer is displaying a row of characters, the other is being filled with the next row of characters. DRQ (DMA request) FIFOs A "high" on this output informs the OMA controller that the SAB 8275 desires a OMA transfer. There are two 16 character FIFOs in the 8275. They are used to provide extra row buffer length in the transparent attribute mode. DACK (DMA acknowledge) A "low" on this input informs the SAB 8275 that a OMA cycle is in progress. IRQ (Interrupt request) A "high" on this output informs the CPU that the SAB 8275 desires interrupt service. Character counter The character counter is a programmable counter that is used to determine the number of characters to be displayed per row and the length of the horizontal retrace interval. It is driven by the CClK (character clock) input, which should be a derivative of the external dot clock. Buffer input/output controllers The buffer input/output controilers decode the characters being placed in the row buffers. If the character is a character attribute, field attribute or special code, these controllers control the appropriate action (Examples: An "end of screenstop OMA" special code will cause the buffer input controller to stop further OMA requests. A "highlight" field attribute will cause the buffer output controller to activate the HGLT output). Line counter The line counter is a programmable counter that is used to determine the number of horizontal lines (sweeps) per character row. Its outputs are used to address the external character generator ROM. Row counter The row counter is a programmable counter that is used to determine the number of character rows to be displayed per frame and length of the vertical retrace interval. Light pen registers The light pen registers are two registers that store the contents of the character counter and the row counter whenever there is a rising edge on the lPEN (Light Pen) input. Note: Software correction is required. 409 SAB 8275 System Operation The SAB 8275 is programmable to a large number of different display formats. It provides raster timing, display row buffering, visual attribute decoding, cursor timing, and light pen detection. It is designed to interface with the SAB 8237A DMA controller and standard character generator ROMs for dot matrix decoding. Dot level timing must be provided by external circuitry. SAB 8275 Block diagram showing systems operation I 11 ! J System Bus DBO- DB7 MEMR,1OW MEMW i'OR CS, HRU HlDA I I Memories SAB 8237A DMA Controller I AO DBO-DB7 WR Rii CS IRQ lCO- 3 DRQ DACK SAB 8275 CRT Controller 1 ;! Character Generator CCO- 6 I Video Siqna\ r SAB 82731 CClK Dot Timing and Interface Video Controls VRTC HRTC ~ Matching Circuit HSYNC VSYNC Raster timing The character counter is driven by the character clock input (CCLK).lt counts out the characters being displayed (programmable from 1 to 80). It then causes the line counter1o increment, and it starts counting out the horizontal retrace (programmable from 2 to 32). This is constantly repeated. The line counter is driven by the character counter. It is used to generate the line address outputs (LCO-3) for the character generator. After it counts all of the lines in a character row (programmable from 1 to 16), it increments the row counter, and starts over again. (See Character Format Section for detailed description of Line Counter functions.) 410 The row counter is an internal counter driven by the line counter. It controls the functions of the row buffers and counts the number of character rows displayed. After the row counter counts all of the rows in a frame (programmable from 1 to 64), it starts counting out the vertical retrace interval (programmable from 1 to 4). The video suppression output (VSP) is active during horizontal and vertical retrace intervals. Dot level timing circuitry must synchronize these outputs with the video signal to the CRT display. SAB 8275 DMAtiming The SAB 8275 can be programmed to request burst DMA transfers of 1 to 8 characters. The interval between bursts is also programmable (from 0 to 55 character clock periods ± 1). This allows the user to tailor his DMA overhead to fit his system needs. The first DMA request of the frame occurs one row time before the end of vertical retrace. DMA requests continue as programmed, until the row buffer is filled. If the row buffer is filled in the middle of a burst, the SAB 8275 terminates the burst and resets the burst counter. No more DMA requests will occur until the beginning of the next row. At that time, DMA requests are activated as programmed until the other buffer is filled. The DMA request for a row will start at the first character clock of the preceding row. lithe bu rst mode is used, the first DMA request may occur a number of character clocks later. This number is equal to the programmed,burst space. If, for any reason, there is a DMA underrun, a flag in the status word will be set. DMAtiming Internal Row Counter Lost Retrace Row First Display Row VRTC ORa Next Row Buffer Filled The DMA controller is typically initialized for the next frame at the end of the current frame. Interrupt timing The SAB 8275 can be programmed to generate an interrupt request at the end of each frame. This can be used to reinitialize the DMA controller. If the SAB 8275 interrupt enable flag is set, an interrupt request will occur at the beginning of the last display row. =xx Beginning of interrupt request Internal Row Counter VRTC ~'r---~>--_..J IRa 411 SAB 8275 IRO will go inactive after the status register is read. End of interrupt request IRQ " -----.\'--------JrA reset command will also cause IRO to go inactive, but this is not recommended during normal service. vertical retrace (VRTC) signals. The timing of these signals is programmable. Another method of reinitializing the.DMA controller is to have the DMA controller itself interrupt on terminal count. With this method, the SAB 8275 interrupt enable flag should not be set. The SAB 8275 can generate a cursor. Cursor location and format are programmable. (See programming section.) Note: Upon power-up, the SAB 8275 interrupt Enable Flag may be set. As a result, the user's cold start routine should write a reset command to the SAB 8275 before system interrupts are enabled. General systems operational description The SAB 8275 provides a "window" into the microcomputer system memory. Display characters are retrieved from memory and displayed on a row by row basis. The SAB 8275 has two row buffers. While one row buffer is being used for display, the other is being filled with the next row of characters to be displayed. The number of display characters per row and the number of character rows per frame are software programmable, providing easy interface to most CRT displays. (see programming section.) The SAB 8275 requests DMA to fill the row buffer that is not being used for display. DMA burst length and spacing is programmable. (See programming section.) The SAB 8275 displays character rows one line at a time. The number of lines per character row, the underline position, and blanking of top and bottom lines are programmable. (See programming section.) The SAB 8275 provides special control codes which can be used to minimize DMA or software overhead. It also provides visual attribute codes to cause special action or symbols on the screen without the use of the character generator (see visual attribute section). The SAB 8275 also controls raster timing. This is done by generating horizontal retrace (HRTC) and 412 The SAB 8275 has a light pen input and registers. The light pen input is usedto load the registers. Light pen registers can be read on command. (See programming section.) Display row buffering Before the start of a frame, the SAB 8275 requests DMA and one row buffer is filled with characters. When the first horizontal sweep is started, character codes are output to the character generator from the row buffer just filled. Simultaneously, DMA begins filling the other row buffer with the next row of characters. After all the lines of the character row are scanned, the roles of the two row buffers are reversed and the same procedure is followed for the next row. This is repeated until all of the character rows are displayed. Screen format The SAB 8275 can be programmed to generate from 1 to 80 characters per row, and from 1 to 64 rows per frame. The SAB 8275 can also be programmed to blank alternate rows. In this mode, the first row is displayed, the second blanked, the third displayed, etc. DMA is not requested for the blanked rows. Row format The SAB 8275 is designed to hold the line count stable while outputting the appropriate character codes during each horizontal sweep. The line count is incremented during horizontal retrace and the whole row of character codes are output again during the next sweep. This is continued until the whole character row is displayed. SAB 8275 The number of lines (horizontal sweeps I per character row is programmable from 1 to 16. The output of the line counter can be programmed to be in one of two modes. Blanking is accomplished by the VSP (Video Suppression) signal. Underline is accomplished by the LTEN (light enable) signal. Dot format In mode 0, the output of the line counter is the same as the line number. Dot width and character width are dependent upon the external timing and control circuitry. In mode 1, the line counter is offset by one from the line number. Dot level timing circuitry should be designed to accept the parallel output of the character generator and shift it out serially at the rate required by the CRT display. Note: In mode 1, while the first line (line numberOI is being displayed, the last count is output by line counter. Dot width is a function of dot clock frequency. Mode 0 is use ful for character generators that leave address zero blank and start at address 1, Mode 1 is useful for character generators which start at address zero. Character width is a function of the character generator width. Underline placement is also programmable (from line number 0 to 151. This is independent of the line counter mode. Note: Video control and timing signals must be synchronized with the video signal due to the character generator access delay. Horizontal character spacing is a function ofthe shift register length. If the line number of the underline is greater than 7 (line number MSB = 11, then the top and bottom lines will be blanked. If the line number of the underline is less than or equal to 7 (line number MSB = 0), then the top and bottom lines will not be blanked. If the line number underline is greater than the maximum number of lines, the underline will not appear. 413 SAB 8275 Visual Attributes and Special Codes The characters processed by the SAB 8275 are 8-bit quantities. The character code outputs provide the character generator with 7 bits of address. The most significant bit is the extra bit and it is used to determine if it is a normal display character (MSB = 0), or if it is a Visual Attribute or Special Code (MSB = 1). There are two types of visual attribute codes. They are character attributes and field attributes. Character attribute codes Character attribute codes are codes that can be used to generate graphics symbols without the use of a character generator. This is accomplished by selectively activating the line attribute outputs (LAO-1), the video suppression output (VSP), and the light enable output. The dot level timing circuitry can use these signals to generate the proper symbols. Character attributes can be programmed to blink or be highlighted individually. Blinking is accomplished with the video suppression output (VSP). Blink frequency is equal to the screen refresh frequency divided by 32. Highlighting is accomplished by activating the highlight output (HGL T). Character attributes LSB MSB 11CCCCBH I L-L -_ _ _ _ Special codes HIGHLIGHT BLINK CHARACTER ATTRIBUTE CODE Four special codes are available to help reduce memory, software or DMA overhead. Special control character MSB LSB 111100SS ~ SPECIAL CONTROL CODE S S Function 0 0 0 1 0 End End End End of Row of Row-stop DMA of Screen of Screen-stop DMA The end-of-screen-stop DMA code (11) causes the DMA control logic to stop DMA for the rest of the frame when it is written into the row buffer. It affects the display in the same way as the end-of-screen code (10). If the stop DMA feature is not used, all characters after an end-of-row character are ignored, except for the end-of-screen character, which operates normally. All characters after an end-of-screen character are ignored. Note: If a stop DMA character is not the last character in a burst or row, DMA is not stopped until after the next character is read. In this situation, a dummy character must be placed in memory after the stop DMA character. Field attributes The field attributes are control codes which affect the visual characteristics for a field of characters, starting at the character following the code up to, and including, the character which precedes thenext field attribute code, or up to the end of the frame. The field attributes are reset during the vertical retrace interval. There are six field attributes: 1. Blink - Characters following the code are caused to blink by activating the Video Suppression Output (VSP). The blink frequency is equal to the screen refresh frequency divided by 32. 2. Highlight- Characters following the code are caused to be highlighted by activating the Highlight Output (HGLT). 3. Reverse Video - Characters following the code are caused to appear with reverseyideo by activating the Reverse Video Output (RVV). 4. Underline - Characters following the code are caused to be underlined by activating the Light Enable Output (L TEN). 5, 6. General Purpose - There are two additional SAB 8275 outputs which act as general purpose, independently programmable field attributes. GPAO-1 are active high outputs. Field attribute code LSB MSB 10URGGBH IIT~ The End-of-Row code (00) activates VSP and holds it to the end of the line. The End-of-Row-Stop DMA code (01) causes the DMAcontrollogicto stop DMA forthe rest of the row when it is written into the row buffer. It affects the display in the same way as the end-of-row code (00). The end-of-screen code (10) activates VSP and holds it to the end of the frame. 414 H B R = 1 for highlighting = 1 for blinking = 1 for reverse video HIGHLIGHT BLINK GENERAL PURPOSE REVERSE VIDEO UNDERLINE U = 1 for underline GG = GPA1, GPAO *" More than one attribute can be enabled at the same time. Ifthe blinking and reverse video attributes are enabled simultaneously, only the reversed characters will blink. SAB 8275 The SAB 8275 can be programmed to provide visible or invisible field attribute characters. If the SAB 8275 is programmed in the visible field attribute mode, all field attributes will occupy a position on the screen. They will appear as blanks caused by activation of the video suppression output (VSP). The chosen visual attributes are activated after this blanked character. If the SAB 8275 is programmed in the invisible field attribute mode, the SAB 8275 FIFO is activated. Each row buffer has a corresponding FIFO. These FIFOs are 16 cha racters by 7 bits in size. When a field attribute is placed in the row buffer during DMA, the buffer input controller recognizes it and places the next character in the proper FIFO. When a field attribute is placed in the buffer output controller during display, it causes the controller to immediately put a character from the FIFO on the character code outputs (CCO-8). The chosen visual attributes are also activated. Since the FIFO in 16 characters long, no more then 16 field attribute characters may be used per line in this mode. If more are used, a bit in the status word is set and the first characters in the FIFO are written over and lost. Lig ht pen detection A light pen consists of a micro switch and a tiny light sensor. When the light pen is pressed against the CRT screen, the micro switch enable the light sensor. When the raster sweep reaches the light sensor, it triggers the light pen output. If the output of the light pen is presented to the SAB 8275 LPEN input, the row and character position coordinates are stored in a pair of registers. These registers can be read on command. A bit in the status word is set, i ndicati ng that the lig ht pen sig nal was detected. The LPEN input must be a 0 to 1 transition for proper operation. Note: Due to internal and external delays, the character position coordinate will be off by at least three character positions. This has to be corrected in software. Device programming The SAB 8275 has two programming registers, the command register (CREG) and the parameter register (PREG). It also has a status register (SREG). The command register can only be written into and the Status registers can only be read from. They are addressed as follows: Note: Since the FIFO is 7 bits wide, the MSB of any characters put in it are stripped off. Therefore, a visual Ao attribute or special code mustnot immediately follow 0 a field attribute code. If this situation does occur, the 0 visual attribute or special code will be treated as 1 normal display character. operation register Read PREG Write PREG Read SREG Write CREG Field and character attribute interaction 1 Character attribute symbols are affected by the reverse video (RVV) and general purpose (GPAO-l) field attributes. They are not affected by underline, blink or highlight field attribute; however, these characteristics can be programmed individually for character attribute symbols. The SAB 8275 expects to receive a command and a sequence of 0 to 4 parameters, depending on the command. If the proper number of parameter bytes are not received before another command is given, a status flag is set, indicating an improper command. Cursor timing The cursor location is determined by a cursor row register and a character position register which are located by command to the controller. The cursor can be programmed to appear on the display as: 1. a blinking underline 2. a blinking reverse video block 3. a non-blinking underline 4. a non-blinking reverse video block The cursor blinking frequency is equal to the screen refresh frequency divided by 16. If a non-blinking reverse video cursor appears in a non-blinking reverse video field, the cursor will appear as a normal video block. If a non-blinking underline cursor appears in a nonblinking underline field, the cursor will not be visible. Instruction Set The SAB 8275 instruction set consists of8 commands Command Reset Start Display Stop Display Read Lig ht Pen Load Cursor Enable Interrupt Disable Interrupt Preset Counters No. of parameter bytes 4 o o 2 2 o o o In addition, the status of the SAB 8275 (SREG) can be read by the CPU at any time. 415 SAB 8275 1 Reset command Data bus Command LSB Operation AD Description MSB Write 1 Reset command 0 Write 0 Screen Camp Byte 1 S H H H H H H H Write 0 Screen camp Byte 2 V V R R R R R R Write 0 Screen camp Byte 3 U U U U L L L L Write 0 Screen camp Byte 4 M F C C Z Z Z Z Parameters 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Action - After the reset command is written, DMA requests stop, SAB 8275 interrupts are disabled, and the VSP output is used to blank the screen. HRTC and VRTC continue to run. HRTC and VRTC timing are random on power-up. As parameters are written, the screen composition is defined. Parameter - S Parameter - RRRRRR Spaced rows Vertical rows/frame S Functions R R R R R R No. of rows/frame 0 Normal rows Spaced Rows 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 Parameter-HHHHHHH Horizontal characters/row H H H H H H H No. of characters per row 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 3 80 Undefined 0 Undefined Parameter - VV V V 0 0 0 1 0 416 3 64 Parameter - UUUU Underline placement U U U U Line number of underline 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 2 16 Vertical retrace row count No. of row counts per VRTC 2 3 4 Note: uuuu MSB determines blanking oftop and botton lines (1 = blanked, 0 = not blanked). SAB 8275 Parameter-LLLL Number of lines per character row L L L L No. of lines/row o o 0 0 0 0 0 000 1 2 3 16 Parameter- M Ni Line counter mode Mode 0 (non-offset) Mode 1 (offset by 1 count) Parameter - F z z z Z No. of character counis per HRTC 0 0 0 1 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 32 Field attri bute mode F Field attribute mode o Transparent Non-transparent Parameter - CC Cursor format C C Cursor format o o 0 1 Blinking reverse video block Blinking underline Nonblinking reverse video block Nonblinking underling o Horizontal retrace count Line Counter Mode o 1 Parameter - ZZZZ 417 SAB 8275 2 Start display command Data bus Command Operation AO Description MSB Write 1 Start display 0 LSB 0 1 S S S B B No parameters SSS Burst space code S S 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 No. of character clocks between DMA requests 0 0 1 7 15 23 31 39 47 55 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 BB Burst count code B B No. of DMA cycles per burst 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 4 8 1 Action - SAB 8275 interrupts are enabled, DMA requests begin, video is enabled, interrupt enable and video enable status flags are set. 3 Stop display command Data bus Command Operation AO Description MSB Write 1 Stop display 0 1 LSB 0 0 0 0 0 0 No parameters Action - Disables video, interrupts remain enabled. HRTC and VRTC continue to run, video enable status flag is reset, and the "Start display" command must be given to re-enable the display. 4 Read light pen command Data bus Command Parameters AO Description MSB Write 1 read light pen! 0 Read 0 Char. number Read 0 Row number (Char. position in row) (Row number) Action - The SAB 8275 is conditioned to supply the contents of the light pen position registers in the next two read cycles of the parameter register. Status flags are not affected. 418 LSB Operation 1 1 0 0 0 0 Note: Software correction of light pen position is required. 0 SAB 8275 5 Load cursor position Data bus Operation Command AD Description MSB LSB Write 1 Load cursor 1 Write 0 Char. number (Char. position in row) Write D Row number (Row number) Parameters D D D 0 D D D Action - The SAB 8275 is conditioned to place, the next two parameter bytes into the cursor position registers. Status flags not affected. 6 Enable interrupt command Data bus Command Operation AO Description MSB Write 1 Enable interrupt 1 D LSB 1 0 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 0 No parameters Action - The interrupt enable status flag is set and interrupts are enabled. 7 Disable interrupt command Data bus Command Operation AD Description MSB Write 1 Disable interrupt 1 1 LSB D 0 D 0 No parameters Action -Interrupts are disabled and the interrupt enable status flag is reset. 8 Preset counters command Data bus Command Operation AD Description MSB Write 1 Preset counters 1 1 LSB 1 0 0 0 No parameters 419 SAB 8275 Action - The internal timing counters are preset, corresponding to a screen display position at the top left corner. Two character clocks are required for this operation. The counters will remain in this state until any other command is given. This command is useful for system debug and synchronization of clustered CRT displays on a single CPU. After this command, two additional clock cycles are required before the first character of the first row is put out. Status flags Command Operation AO Description Data bus MSB LSB Read 1 Status word OIEIRlPICYEDUFO IE - (Interrupt Enable) Set or reset by command. It enables vertical retrace interrupt. It is automatically set by a "Start Display" command reset with the "Reset" command. IR 420 (Interrupt Request) This flag is set at the beginning of display of the last row of the frame if the interrupt enable flag is set. It is reset after a status read operation. LP - This flag is set when the light pen input (LPEN) is activated and the light pen registers have been loaded. This flag is automatically reset after a status read. IC - (Improper Command) This flag is set when a command parameter string is too long or too short. The flag is automatically reset after a status read. VE - (Video Enable) This flag indicates that video operation of the CRT is enabled. This flag is set on a "Start Display" command, and reset on a "Stop Display" or "Reset" command. DU - (DMA Underrun) This flag is set whenever a data underrun occurs during DMA transfers. Upon detection of DU, the DMA operation is stopped and the screen is blanked until after the vertical retrace interval. This flag is reset after a status read. FO - (FIFO Overrun) This flag is set whenever the FIFO is overrun. It is reset on a status read. SAB 8275 Absolute Maximum Ratings 1) Temperatu re under bias Storage temperature All output ans supply and supply voltages All input voltages Power dissipation o to +70 'e -65 to +150'e -0,5 to +7 V -0,5 to +5,5 V 1,OW DC Characteristics (TA = o'e to 70'e, vee = 5 V ±5%) Symbol Parameter Limit values Min. Max. Unit Test condition VIL Input low voltage -0.5 0.8 VIH Input high voltage 2.0 Vee+0.5V VOL Output low voltage - 0.45 10L = 2.2 mA VOH Output high voltage 2.4 - 10H = -400 ItA ilL Input load current 10FL Output float leakage lee vee supply current ±10 V VIN =veetoOV ItA VOUT = vec to 0.45 V - 160 mA - Unit Test condition Capacitance (TA = 25'C, vce Symbol = GND = OV) Parameter CIN Input capacitance CliO 1/0 capacitance Limit values Min. - Max. 10 20 pF fc = 1 MHz Unmeasured pins returned to GND 1) Stresses above those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 421 I SAB 8275 AC Characteristics (SAB 8275) (TA = OCto 70'C, VCC = 5.0V ± 5%, GND = OV) Clock timing Symbol Parameter Limit values Min. TCLK Clock period 480 TKH Clock high 240 TKL Clock low 160 TKR Clock rise TKF Clock fall 5 Max. Units Test condition ns - Unit Test condition - 30 Bus parameters Read cycle Symbol Parameter TAR Address stable before READ TRA Address hold time for READ TRR READ pulse width TRD Data delay from READ TDF READ to data floating Limit values Min. Max. 0 250 - ns 200 CL = 150 pF 100 Write cycle Symbol Parameter Limit values Min. TAW Address stable before WRITE TWA Address hold time for WRITE TWW WRITE pulse width 250 TOW Data seting time for WRITE 150 TWD Data hold time f0r WRITE 0 422 Max. Unit Test condition ns - 0 - SAB 8275 Other timings Limit values Symbol Parameter TCC Character code output delay 150 THR Horizontal retrace output delay 200 TLC Line count output delay 400 TAT Control-attribute output delay TVR Vertical retrace output delay TRI IRQ~ from RDj TWQ DRQj from WRj TRQ DRQl from WRl TLR DACKl to WR~ TRL WRj to DACKj TPR TPH Min. Max. Unit Test condition CL 275 = 50 pF 250 ns 200 0 - LPEN rise - 50 LPEN hold 100 - I - 423 SAB 8275 AC Characteristics (SAB 8275-2) (TA = OC to 70°C, VCC = 5.0V ± 5%, GND = OV) Clock timing Symbol Parameter TCLK Clock period TKH Clock high TKL Clock low TKR Clock rise TKF Clock fall Limit values Min. Max. Unit Test condition ns - Unit Test condition 320 120 5 - 30 Bus parameters Read cycle Symbol Parameter TAR Address stable before READ TRA Address hold time for READ TRR READ pulse width TRD Data delay from t1EAD TDF READ to data floating Limit value Min. Max. 0 - 250 - ns 200 CL = 150 pF 100 CL = 150 pF Write cycle Symbol Parameter Limit values Min. TAW Address stable before WRITE TWA Address hold time for WRITE TWW WRITE pulse width 250 TDW Data seting time for WRITE 150 TWD Data hold time for WRITE 0 424 Max. Unit Test condition ns - 0 - SAB 8275 Other timings Limit values Symbol Parameter Min. TCC Character code output delay THR Horizontal retrace output delay TLC Line count output delay TAT Control-attribute output delay TVR Vertical retrace output delay TRI IROl from RDj TWO DROI from WRr TRO DROl from WRl TLR DACKl to WRl TRL WRj to DACKj TPR TPH Max. Unit Test condition 150 - CL = 50 pF 250 ns 200 a - LPEN rise - 50 LPEN hold· 100 - - A.C. Testing input/output 24=X > 2.0 0.45 x= 2.0 Test Points <:: 0.8 0.8 AC Testing: Inputs are driven at 2.4 V for a logic" 1" and 0.45 V for a logic "0". Timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a logic "1" and 0.8V for a logic "0". A.C. Testing load circuit Device Under Test rt CL CL Includes Jig Capacitance 425 SAB 8275 Waveforms Typical dot level timing EXT DOT CLK CCLK* CCO-CC6 l L First Character Code Second Character Code ROM Access Character Generator Output First Character Second Character Attributes & Controls Video (from Shift Register) ~--------~v~----------~ Attributes & Controls (from Synchronizer) First Character Attributes & Controls for First Character }l.ttributes & Controls for 2nd Character *CCLK is a Multiple of the Dot Clock and an Input to the SAB 8275 426 SAB 8275 Line timing CClK CCO-CC6 HRTC lCO-lC3 Present Line Count ~--~T~A~T------------~\r-------------------~~~~------- Video Controls and Attributes* ==xL X C:x - - - - - ' '---~ :': . .'£ X'-------'>,1-----. ----' *lAO-lA1 VSP lTEN HGlT RVV GPAO-GPA1 427 SAB 8275 Row timing CClK HRTC lCQ-lC3 1 - - - - - - - Programmable from 1 to 16 Internal - - - - ' " Row last Row Counter Present Row : Frame timing CClK Internal Row Counter - - - l - - Programmable from 1 to 4 Rows VRTC 428 SAB 8275 Interrupt timing AO ES REi IRa ;f L",~ DMAtiming ORQ LPEN ~ \'--- -~~ ~HL 429 SAB 8275 Write timing AO,CS ~TAW~T::~ TwI Invalid WR TOW DBO'DB7 Read timing AO,CS DBO'DB7 430 Invalid ~WDr-- Valid K Invalid SAB 8275 Clock timing ((lK 431 SAB8276 Small· System CRT Controller • • • • Programmable screen and character format 6 independent visual at!ributes Cursor control (4 types) SAB 8051, SAB 8085, SAB 8086 and SAB 8088 compatible Dual row buffers Programmable DMA burst mode Single +5V supply High perfor~ance MYMOS technology Fully compatible with industry standard 8276 Pin Names Pin configuration LC3[~PV(( LC2 [2 • • • • • LCO-LC3 Line Count BRDY Buffer Ready 39pNC Buffer Select lCl[ 3 3apNC BS Leo [ 4 37PLTEN HRTC Horizontal Retrace 5 36pRVV VRTC Vertical Retrace 65[6 3SpVSP BROY L RD Read Input Write Input HRTC [ 7 31.pGPAl VRH [ 8 33PGPAO WR 32PHLU"i DBO-DB7 Bidirectional Three-State Data Bus Lines LTEN Lig ht Enable RITC 9 "'WR[ 10 NC[ 11 OBO [ SAB 8276 31P INT 30 :=JCClK 12 29::JC(6 DBl [13 2S::JC(S DB2 [ 14 21 ~[[4 DB3 [ 15 26 =:J [(3 OBI. [ 16 25 ::J C[2 OB5 [ 17 21.::JcC1 RVV Reverse Video VSP Video Suppression GPAO, GPA1 General Purpose Attribute Codes HLGT Highlight INT Interrupt Output DB6 [18 B ::Je(o CCLK Cha racter Clock DB7 [ 19 22 Character Codes 20 21 :J (5 ::J UP CCO-CC6 GNO [ CS Chip Select C/P Port Address The SAB 8276 Small System CRT Controller is a single chip device to interface CRT raster scan displays. It is manufactur!'d in Siemens advanced MYMOS technology. Its primary function is to refresh the display by buffering the information from main memory and keeping track of the display position of the screen. The flexibility designed into the SAB 8276 will allow simple interface to almost any raster scan CRT display with a minimum· of external hardware and software overhead. AG 2/85 433 I SAB 8276 Pin Definitions and Functions Input (I) Output (0) Function Symbol Number LC3 LC2 LC1 LCO 1 2 3 4 0 BRDY 5 I BUFFER READY: Output signal indicating that a row buffer is ready for loading of character data. BS 6 0 BUFFER SELECT: Input signal enabling WR for character data into the row buffers. HRTC 7 0 HORIZONTAL RETRACE: Output signal which is active during the programmed horizontal retrace interval. During this period the VSP output is high and the LTEN output is low. VRTC 8 0 VERTICAL RETRACE: Output signal which is active during the programmed vertical retrace interval. During this period the VSP output is high and the LTEN output is low. LINE COUNT: Output from the line counter which is used to address the character generator for the line positions on the screen. RD 9 I READ INPUT: A control signal to read registers. WR 10 I WRITE INPUT: A control signal to write commands into the control registers or write data into the row buffers during a DMAcycle. NC 11 DBa DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 NC 38/39 LTEN 37 0 LIGHT ENABLE: Output signal used to enable the video signal to the CRT. This output is active at the programmed underline cursor position. and at positions specified by attribute codes. RVV 36 0 REVERSE VIDEO: Output signal used to indicate the CRT circuitry to reverse the video signal. This output is active at the cursor position if a reverse video block cursor is programmed or at the positions specified by the field attribute codes. 434 No Connection 1/0 BIDIRECTIONAL THREE-STATE DATA BUS LINES: The outputs are enable during a read of the C or P ports. No Connection SAB 8276 Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) VSP 35 0 VIDEO SUPPRESSION: Output signal used to blank the video signal to the CRT, This output is active: - During the horizontal and vertical retrace intervals, - at the top and bottom lines of rows if underline is programmed to be number 8 or greater. - when an end of row or end of screen code is detected, - when a DMA underrun occurs, - at regular intervals (1/16 frames frequency for cursor, 1132 frame frequency for character and field attributes)to create blinking displays as specified by cursor or field attribute programming, GPA1 GPAO 34 33 0 GENERAL-PURPOSE ATIRIBUTE CODES: Outputs which are enable by the general purpose field attribute codes, HLGT 32 0 HIGHLIGHT: Output signal used to intensify the display at particular positions on the screen as specified by the character attribute codes or field attribute codes, INT 31 0 INTERRUPT OUTPUT CCLK 30 I CHARACTER CLOCK (from dot/timing logic), CC6 CC5 CC4 CC3 CC2 CCl CCO 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 0 CHARACTER CODES: Output from the row buffers used for character selection in the character generator, Function CS 22 I CHIP SELECT: The read and write are enabled by CS, Clp 21 I PORT ADDRESS: A high input on C/F' selects "c" port or command registers and a low input selects the "P" port or parameter registers. VCC 40 - +5V Power supply, 20 - Ground (OV) GND 435 SAB 8276 SAB 8276 Block diagram showing counter and register functions Character Counter DBO-7 Data Bus Buffer CClK CCO-6 ORQ OACK IRQ line Counter WR AD (S 436 lCO- 3 Row (Dunter Raster Timing and Video Control HRT( VRTC HlGT RVV lTEN VSP GPAO-1 SAB 8276 Functional Description BS (BUFFER SELECT) Data bus buffer A "low" on this input enables WR of character data to the SAB 8276 row buffers. This three-state, bidirectional, 8-bit buffer is used to interface the SAB 8276 to the system data bus. This functional block accepts inputs from the system control bus and generates control signals for overall device operation. It contains the command, parameter, and status registers that store various control formats for the device functional definition. C/P Operation 0 Read Reserved 0 Write Parameter 1 Read STATUS 1 Register Write COMMAND C/P RD WR CS BS 0 0 1 1 0 Reserved INT (Interrupt Output) A "high" on this output informs the CPU that the SAB 8276 desires interrupt service. Character counter The character counter is a programmable counter that is used to determine the number of characters to be displayed per row and the length of the horizontal retrace interval. It is driven by the CCLK (character clock) input, which should be a derivative of the external dot clock. Line counter The line counter is a programmable counter that is used to determine the number of horizontal lines (sweeps) per character row. Its outputs are used to address the external character generator ROM. Row counter 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Read 8276 Status ,1 1 0 0 1 Write 8276 Command The row counter is a programmable counter that is used to determine the number of character rows to be displayed per frame and length of the vertical retrace interval. X 1 0 1 0 Write 8276 Row Buffer Raster timing and video controls X 1 1 X X High Impedance X X X 1 1 High Impedance The raster timing circuitry controls the timing of the HRTC (Horizontal Retrace) and VRTC (Vertical Retrace) outputs. The video control circuitry controls the generation of HGLT (highlight), RVV (reverse video), LTEN (Light enable), VSP (video suppress). and GPAO-1 (general purpose attribute) outputs. Write 8276 Parameter RD(Read) A "low" on this input informs the SAB 8276 that the CPU is reading data or status information from the SAB8276. WR(Write) A "low" on this input informs the SAB 8276 that the CPU is writing data or control words to the SAB8276. Row buffers The row buffers are two 80 character buffers. They are filled from the microcomputer system memory with the character codes to be displayed. While one row buffer is displaying a row of characters, the other is being filled with the next row of characters. CS (Chip select) A "low" on this input selects the SAB 8276. No reading or writing will occur unless the device is selected. When CS is high, the data bus in the float state and RD and WR will have no effect on the chip. BRDY (BUFFER READY) A "high" on this output indicates that the SAB 8276 is ready to receive character data. Buffer input/output controllers The buffer input/output controllers decode the characters being placed in the row buffers. If the character is a character attribute, field attribute or special code, these controllers control the appropriate action (Examples: A "HIGHLIGHT" attribute will cause the Buffer Output Controller to activate the HGLT output). 437 SAB8276 System Operation The SAB 8276 is programmable to a large number of different display formats. It provides raster timing, display row buffering, visual attribute decoding, cursor timing, and light pen detection. It is designed to interface with standard character generator for dot matrix decoding. Dot level must be provided by external circuitry. SAB 8276 Block diagram showing systems operation BRDY INT SA8 8088 MicroProcessor LCQ-LC3 ~ I SA8 6205 Chora,ter Generator ~IROMorRAMJ iiS r- ----"_---,/ I CCNC6", SAB 8276 CRT CeLK Controller Interface T~ VRTC - SYstem Counterl Timer Video Video Controls Decoder SAB 6253-5 SAB 8213' Dot Timing logic and I-- 1 n n Disp\ay Memory I Serial Communications Channet VSYNC Bus - - - ProgramJ SAB B251A USART HSYNC Matching Circuit SAB 8255A-5 Keyboard r--- Controller tJ Keyboard II Status I Raster timing The character counter is driven by the character clock input (CCLK).lt counts out the characters being displayed (programmable from 1 to 80). It then cause the line counter to increment, and it starts counting out the horizontal retrace (programmable from 2 to 32). This is constantly repeated. The line counter is driven by the character counter. It is used to generate the line address outputs (LCO-3) for the character generator. After it counts all ofthe lines in a character row (programmable from 1 to 16), it increments the row counter, and starts over again. (See Character Format Section for detailed description of Line Counter functions.) 438 The row counter is an internal counter driven by the line counter. It controls the functions ofthe row buffers and counts the number of character rows displayed. After the row counter counts all of the rows in a frame (programmable from 1 to 64), it starts counting out the vertical retrace interval (programmable from 1 to 4). The video suppression output (VSP) is active during horizontal and vertical retrace intervals. Dot level timing circuitry must synchronize these outputs with the video signal to the CRT display. SAB 8276 Interrupt timing The SAB 8276 can be programmed to generate an interrupt request at the end of each frame. If the SAB 8276 interrupt enable flag is set, an interrupt request will occur at the beginning of the last display row. Beginning of interrupt request Internal Row Counter VRTC INT IRQ will go inactive after the status register is read. End of interrupt A reset command will also cause IRQ to go inactive, but this is not recommended during normal service. underline position, and blanking oftop and bottom lines are programmable (see programming section). Note: Upon power-up, the SAB 8276 interrupt Enable Flag may be set. As a result, the user's cold start routine should write a reset command to the SAB 8276 before system interrupts are enabled. The SAB 8276 provides special control codes which can be used to minimize overhead. It also provides visual attribute codes to cause special action on the screen without the use of the character generator (see visual attribute section). Generalsystems operational description Display characters are retrieved from memory and displayed on a row by row basis. The SAB 8276 has two row buffers. While one row buffer is being used for display, the other is being filled with ihe next row of characters to be displayed. The number of display characters per row and the number of character rows per frame are software programmable, providing easy interface to most CRT displays (see programming section). The SAB 8276 uses BRDY to request data to fill the row buffer that is not being used for display. The SAB 8276 displays character rows one line at a time. The number of lines per character row, the The SAB 8276 also controls raster timing. This is done by generating horizontal retrace (HRTC) and vertical retrace (VRTC) signals. The timing of these signals is programmable. The SAB 8276 can generate a cursor. Cursor location and format are programmable (see programming section). Display row buffering Before the start of a frame, the SAB 8276 uses BRDY and BS to fill one row buffer with characters. 439 SAB 8276 When the first horizontal sweep is started, character codes are output to the character generator from the row buffer just filled. Simultaneously, the other row buffer is filled with the next row of characters. Mode 0 is useful for character generators that leave address zero blank and start at address 1, Mode 1 is useful for character generators which start at address zero. After all the lines of the character row are scanned, the roles of the two row buffers are reversed and the same procedure is followed for the next row. Underline placement is also programmable (from line number 0 to 15). This is independent of the line counter mode. This is repeated until all of the character rows are displayed. If the line number of the underline is greater than 7 (line number MSB = 1). then the top and bottom lines will be blanked. Screen format The SAB 8276 can be programmed to generate from 1 to 80 characters per row, and from 1 to 64 rows per frame. The SAB 8276 can also be programmed to blank alternate rows. In this mode, the first row is displayed, the second blanked, the third displayed, etc. Display data is not requested for the blanked rows. Row format The SAB 8276 is designed to hold the line count stable while outputting the appropriate character codes during each horizontal sweep. The line count is incremented during horizontal retrace and the whole row of character co(jes are output again during the next sweep. This is continued until the whole character row is displayed. The number of lines (horizontal sweeps) per character row is programmable from 1 to 16. The output of the line counter can be programmed to be in one of two modes. In mode 0, the output of the line counter is the same as the line number. In mode 1, the line counter is offset by one from the line number. . Note: In mode 1, while the first line (line number 0) is being displayed, the last count is output by line counter. 440 If the line number of the underline is less than or equal to 7 (line number MSB = 0), then the top and bottom lines will not be blanked. If the line number underline is greater than the maximum number of lines, the underline will not appear. Blanking is accomplished by the VSP (Video Suppression) signal. Underline is accomplished by the LTEN (light enable) signal. Dotformat Dot width and character width are dependent upon the external timing and control circuitry. Dot level timing circuitry should be designed to accept the parallel output of the character generator and shift it out serially at the rate required by the CRT display. Dot width is a function of dot clock frequency. Character width is a function of the character generator width. Horizontal character spacing is a function olthe shift register length. Note: Video control and timing signals must be synchronized with the video signal due to the character generator access delay. SAB 8276 Visual Attributes and Special Codes The characters processed by the SAB 8276 are 8-bit quantities. The character code outputs provide the character generator with 7 bits of address. The most significant bit is the extra bit and it is used to determine if it is a normal display character (MSB = 0)' or if it is a Visual Attribute or Special Code (MSB = 1). Special codes Four special codes are available to help reduce memory, software or DMA overhead. Special control character MSB LSB 111100SS ~ S S o a o 1 o SPECIAL CONTROL CODE Function End End End End of Row of Row-stop Buffer Loading of Screen of Screen-stop Buffer Loading The end-of-row code (00) activates VSP and holds it to the end of the line. The end-of-row Buffer Loading code (BRDY) causes the Buffer Loading control logic to stop Buffer Loading for the rest of the row when it is written into the row buffer. It affects the display in the same way as the end-of-row code (00). The end-of-screen code (10) activates VSP and holds it to the end of the frame. The end-of-screen-stop Buffer Loading code (BRDY) causes the Buffer Loading control logic to stop Buffer Loading for the rest of the frame when it is written into the row buffer. It affects the display in the same way as the end-of-screen code (10). If the stop Buffer Loading feature is not used, all characters after an end-of-row character are ignored, except for the end-of-screen character, which operates normally. All characters after an end-of-screen character are ignored. Field attributes The field attributes are control codes which affect the visual characteristics for a field of characters, starting at the character following the code up to, and including, the character which precedes thenext field attribute code, or up to the end oftheframe. The field attributes are reset during the vertical retrace interval. There are six field attributes: 1. Blink - Characters following the code are caused to blink by activating the Video Suppression Output (VSP). The blink frequency isequal to the screen refresh frequency divided by 32. 2. Highlight- Characters following the code are caused to be highlighted by activating the Highlight Output (HGLT). 3. Reverse Video - Characters following the. code are caused to appear with reverse video by activating the Reverse Video Output (RVV). 4. Underline - Characters following the code are caused to be underlined by activating the Light Enable Output (LTEN). 5, 6. General Purpose - There are two additional SAB 8276 outputs which act as general purpose, independently programmable field attributes. GPAO-1 are active high outputs. Field attribute code MSB LSB 10URGGBH II TL I L- H = 1 for highlighting B = 1 for blinking R = 1 for reverse video HIGHLIGHT BLINK GENERAL PURPOSE REVERSE VIDEO UNDERLINE U = 1 for underline GG = GPA1, GPAO * More than one attribute can be enabled at the same time. If the blinking and reverse video attributes are enabled simultaneously, only the reversed characters will blink. Note: If a stop Buffer Loading character is not the last character in a burst or rOiN, Buffer Loading is not stopped until after the next character is read. In the situation, a dummy character must be placed in memory after the stop Buffer Loading character. 441 SAB 8276 Cursor timing The cursor location is determined by a cursor row register and a character position register which are located by command to the controller. The cursor can be programmed to appear on the display as: 1. a blinking underline 2. a blinking reverse video block 3. a non-blinking underline 4. a non-blinking reverse video block Instruction Set The cursor blinking frequency is equal to the screen refresh frequency divided by 16. The SAB 8276 instruction set consists of 7 commands. If a non-blinking reverse video cursor appears in a non-blinking reverse video field, the cursor will appear as a normal video block. If a non-blinking underline cursor appears in a nonblinking underline field, the cursorwill not be visible. Device programming The SAB 8276 has two programming registers, the command register and the parameter register. It also has a status register. The command register can only be written into and the Status registers can only be read from. They are addressed as follows: Ao operation register a a Read Reserved Write Parameter 1 Read Status 1 Write Command The SAB 8276 expects to receive a command and a sequence of a to 4 parameters, depending on the command. If the proper number of parameter bytes are not received before another command is given, a status flag is set, indicating an improper command. Command No. of parameter bytes 4 Reset Start Display Stop Display Load Cursor Enable Interrupt Disable Interrupt Preset Counters a a 2 a a a In addition, the status of the SAB 8276 can be read by the CPU at any time. 1 Reset command Data bus Command Operation C/f> Description MSB Write 1 Reset command a a a a a a a a Write a Screen comp Byte 1 S H H H H H H H Write 0 Screen comp Byte 2 V V R R R R R R Write 0 Screen comp Byte 3 U U U U L L L L Write 0 Screen comp Byte 4 M 1 C C Z Z Z Z Parameters LSB Action - After the reset command is written, BRDY goes inactive, SAB 8276 interrupts are disabled, and the VSP output is used to blank the screen. HRTC and VRTC continue to run. HRTC and VRTC timing are random on power-up. As parameters are written, the screen composition is defined. 442 SAB 8276 Parameter - S Spaced rows S Functions o Normal rows Spaced rows Parameter - RRRRRR Parameter-HHHHHHH Horizontal characters/row H H H H H H H No. of characters per row 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 o 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 80 0 Undefined R R 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vertical rows/frame R R R R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No. of rows/frame 1 1 2 0 3 64 Parameter- UUUU Underline placement U U U U Line number of underline 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 Undefined Parameter- VV 16 Vertical retrace row count V V No. of row counts per VRTC 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 Note: uuuu MSB determines blanking oftop and bottom lines (1 = blanked, 0 = not blanked). 3 4 Parameter- LLLL Number of lines per character row Parameter - ZZZZ L L L L z z z z o 0 0 No. of lines/row 0 000 o 0 2 3 o 000 000 o 0 Horizontal retrace count No. of character counts per HRTC 0 2 4 6 o 32 16 Parameter- M Line counter mode Parameter - CC Cursor format M Line counter mode c C Cursor format o Mode 0 (non-offset) . Mode 1 (offset by 1 count) 0 0 1 1 0 1 Blinking reverse video block Blinking underline Nonblinking reverse video block Nonblinking underline 1 0 443 SAB 8276 2 Start display command Data bus Command Operation CIl' Description MSB Write 1 Start display a a LSB 1 a a a a a No parameters Action - SAB 8276 interrupts are enabled, DMA requests begin, video is enabled, interrupt enable and video enable status flags are set. 3 Stop display command Data bus Operation Command Write CIl' Description MSB 1 Stop display a 1 LSB a a a a a a No parameters Action - Disables video, interrupts remain enabled. HRTC and VRTC continue to run, video enable status flag is reset, and the "Start display" command must be given to re-enable the display. 4 Load cursor position Data bus Command Operation Cl' Description MSB Write 1 Load cursor 1 Write a Char. number Write a Row number (Char. position in row) (Row number) Parameters LSB a a a a a a a Action - The SAB 8276 is conditioned to place, the next two parameter bytes into the cursor position registers. Status flags not affected. 5 Enable interrupt command Data bus Command Operation CIl' Description MSB Write 1 Enable interrupt 1 No parameters Action - The interrupt enable status flag is set and interrupts are enabled. 444 a LSB 1 a a a 0 0 SAB 8276 6 Disable interrupt command Data bus Command Operation C/P Description MSB Write 1 Disable interrupt 1 1 LSB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No parameters Action -Interrupts are disabled and the interrupt enable status flag is reset. 7 Preset counters command Data bus Command Operation C/P Description MSB Write 1 Preset counters 1 1 LSB 1 0 0 0 No parameters Action - The internal timing counters are preset, corresponding to a screen display position at the top left corner. Two character clocks are required for this operation. The counters will remain in this state until any other command is given. This command is useful for system debug and synchronization of clustered CRT displays on a single CPU. After this command, two additional clock cycles are required before the first character of the first row is put out. Status flags Data bus Command Operation C/P Description MSB Read 1 Status word 0 IE IR X IC VE BU X LSB IE - (Interrupt Enable) Set or reset by command. It enables vertical retrace interrupt. It is automatically set by a "Start Display" command reset with the "Reset" command. VE - (Video Enable) This flag indicates that video operation of the CRT is enabled. This flag is set on a "Start Display" command, and reset on a "Stop Display" or "Reset" command. IR - (Interrupt Request) This flag is set at the beginning of display of the last row of the frame if the interrupt enable flag is set. It is reset after a status read operation. BU - (Buffer Underrun) This flag is set whenever a Row Buffer is not filled with character data in time for buffer swap required by the display. Upon activation ofthis bit, buffer loading ceases, and the screen is blanked until after the vertical retrace interval. IC - (Improper Command) This flag is set when a command parameter string is too long or too short. The flag is automatically reset after a status read. 445 SAB 8276 Absolute Maximum Ratings 1) Temperature under bias Storage temperature All output ans supply and supply voltages All input voltages Power dissipation o to +70 °e - 65 to + 150°C -0.5 to +7 V -0.5 to +5.5 V 1.0W D.C. Characteristics (TA = 0 to 70°C, vee = 5V ±5%1 Symbol Parameter Limit values Min. Max. VIL Input low voltage -0.5 0.8 VIH Input high voltage 2.0 Vee+0.5V VOL Output low voltage - 0.45 VOH Output high voltage 2.4 - ilL Input load current 10FL Output float leakage ICC vee supply current ±10 Unit Test condition - V 10L = 2.2 mA IOH = -400 flA flA VIN = vee to OV VOUT = vee to 0.45 V - 160 mA - Unit Test condition Capacitance (TA = 25°C, vee = GND = OVI Symbol Parameter elN Input capacitance CliO 1/0 capacitance Limit values Min. - Max. 10 20 pF fc = 1 MHz Unmeasured pins returned to GND 11 Stresses above those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 446 SAB 8276 A.C. Characteristics (SAB 8276) ITA = Oto 70°C, VCC = 5.0V ± 5%, GND = OV) Clock timing Symbol Parameter Limit values Min. TCLK Clock period 480 TKH Clock high 240 TKL Clock low 160 TKR Clock rise TKF Clock fall 5 Max. Units Test condition ns - Unit Test condition 30 Bus parameters Read cycle Symbol Parameter TAR Address stable before READ TRA Address hold time for READ TRR READ pulse width TRD Data delay from READ TDF READ to data floating Limit values Min. Max. 0 - 250 - - ns 200 CL=150pF 100 Write cycle Symbol Parameter Limit values Min. TAW Address sta ble before WRITE TWA Address hold time for WRITE TWW WRITE pulse width 250 TDW Data setting time for WRITE 150 TWD Data hold time for WRITE 0 Max. Unit Test condition ns - 0 - 447 SAB 8276 Other timings Symbol Parameter Limit values Min. Max. TCC Character code output delay 150 THR Horizontal retrace output delay 200 TLC Line count output delay 400 TAT Control-attribute output delay TVR Vertical retrace output delay TRI INT1from RDt TWO BRDYt from WRt TRO BRDY1from WRl TLR BSl to WRl TRL WRt to BSt 448 - Unit Test condition CL = 50 pF 275 ns 250 200 0 - - SAB 8276 A.C. Characteristics (SAB 8276-2) ITA = OCto 70'C, VCC = 5.0V ± 5%, GND = OV) Clock timing Symbol Parameter TCLK Clock period TKH Clock high TKL Clock low TKR Clock rise TKF Clock fall Limit values Min. Max. Unit Test condition ns - Unit Test condition 320 120 5 - 30 Bus parameters Read cycle Symbol Parameter TAR Address stable before READ TRA Address hold time for READ TRR READ pulse width TRD Data delay from READ TDF READ to data floating Limit values Min. Max. 0 - - 250 - ns 200 CL=150pF 100 Write cycle Symbol Parameter TAW Address stable before WRITE TWA Address hold time for WRITE TWW WRITE pulse width Limit values Min. Max. Unit Test condition ns - 0 250 TDW Data setting time for WRITE 150 TWD Data hold time for WRITE 0 - 449 SAB 8276 Other timings Symbol Parameter TCC Character code output delay THR Horizontal retrace output delay TLC Line count output delay TAT Control-attribute output delay TVR Vertical retrace output delay TRI INTl from RDt TWO BRDVt from WRj TRO BRDVl from WRl TLR BSt to WRl TRL WRt to BSt 450 Limit values Min. Max. Unit Test condition 150 CL = 50 pF - 250 ns 200 0 - - SAB 8276 A.C. Testing input/output 24~20> Test Points <::.2 0 > < = 0.45 0.8 0.8 AC Testing: Inputs are driven at 2,4 V for a logic "1" and 0.45 V for a logic "0". Timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a logic "1" and O.SV for a logic "0". A.C. Testing load circuit DevIce Under Test CL Includes Jig CapaCitance 451 SAB8276 Waveforms Typical dot level timing EXT DOT ClK CClK* CCO-CC6 First Character Code ROM Access---l Character Generator Output L l'--_-----' Second Character Code ,----------,.X w! _______--'1:\ First Character Second Character Attributes & Controls Video (from Shift Registerl Altri butes & Controls (from Synchronizer) ~-----------v-----------'~ First Character Attributes & Controls for First Character Second Character Attributes & Controls for Second ChClrClcter * CClK is a Multiple of the Dot Clock and an Input to the SAB 8276 452 SAB 8276 Line timing CClK CC 0 -((6 HRTC lC O-l( 3 Video Controls and Attributes * I I I .J f/. Present Line Count -~~--T-A-T------------~~'\~------------------'~~~------- X *VSP lTEN HGlT RVV GPAO-GPA1 453 SAB 8276 Row timing CClK HRTC lCQ-lC3 r - - - - - - Programmable Internal Raw Counter last Row from 1 to 16 Present Row c,: Frame timing CClK Internal Row Counter ---+-- Programmable from 1 to 4 Rows VRTC 454 SAB 8276 Interrupt timing \ CClK C/P CCO-C(6 last Retrace Character J \~- First Retrace Character / lCO-lC3 First line Count ~~ HRTC Internal - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - Row last Display Row Counter -----~--t-----INT L INT ~Tr- Timing for Buffer Loading CClK \'----..-.IA 1TR:tI 455 SAB8276 Write timing ~RC/P~ ~ TAW ft ::~.-T_W_A_~ _ _ _I_nV_Q_lid_ _ ::tl 000-007 Read timing 456 TWO f-- ~Wf-- I ---I-nV-Q-lid--JL~_ _ _ln_VQ_I_id_ _ SAB 8276 Clock timing TCLK f--TKH- ----, ((LK TI5.L f---TKL- f--- - f--TKR I 457 SAB 8282AI SAB 8283A Octal Latch • Fully compatible with SAB 8282/SAB 8283 • 40% Less Power Supply Current than Standard SAB 8282/SAB 8283 • Fully Parallel 8-Bit Data Register and Buffer • No Output Low Noise when Entering or Leaving High Impedance State • Add ress Latch for SAB 80286, SAB 80186, SAB 8086, SAB 8085, SAB 8048 and SAB 8051 Families • High Output Drive Capability for Driving System Data Bus • 3-State Outputs • Transparent during Active Strobe • 20-Pin Package Pin Names Pin Configuration Vee 01 0 Oil Vee 01 0 -01, Data In 00, 00, DO o-D0 7 Data Out 00 2 00 3 OE Output Enable STB Strobe Vee Power Supply (+5V) GND Ground (OV) Oil OGl 0 01, 01 1 DO, 01 1 01 3 001 01 3 00 3 01 4 01 5 004 01 5 01 6 00 5 01 6 005 017 006 01) 506 50) SAB 8282A 01 4 OE GNO 10 ~O) ill ST8 GNO SAB 8283A DC\ 10 The SAB 8282A and SAB 8283A are 8-bit bipolar latches with 3-state output buffers. They can be used to implement latches, buffers, or multiplexers. The SAB 8283A inverts the input data at its outputs while the SAB 8282A does not. 11 ST8 Thus, all of the principal peripheral and input/output functions of a microcomputer system can be implemented with these devices. This device is fabricated in a fast bipolar ASBC (Advanced Standard Buried Collector) process of Siemens. AG 1/85 459 I SAB 8282A / SAB 8283A Logic Diagrams SAB 8282A SAB 8283A r--------, r--------, I I I I 0 Q I I I 000 01 0 01, DO, 01, 01 2 D02 01 2 01 3 003 01 3 01, DO, 01, 015 DOs 015 01 6 006 01 6 01 7 00 7 01 0 I I I I I 0 Q 5150 eLK ------- DO, 002 ------- ------- 003 00, 005 ------- 006 007 ------- STS Pin Definitions and Functions Symbol Number Input II) Output (0) STB 11 I STROBE - STB is an input control pulse used to strobe data at the data input pins lAo-A,) into the data latches. This signal is active HIGH to admit input data. The data is latched at the HIGH to LOW transition of STB. OE 9 I OUTPUT ENABLE - OE is an input control signal which when active LOW enables the contents of the data latches onto the data output pin 100 0 -00, or 00 0 -00,). OE being inactive HIGH forces the output buffers to their high impedance state. DIo-Dl, 1-8 I DATA INPUT PINS - Data presented at these pins satisfying setup time requirements when STB is strobed and latched into the data input latches. 12-19 0 DATA OUTPUT PINS - When OE is true, the data in the data latches is presented as inverted ISAB 8283A) or non-inverted ISAB 8282A) data onto the data output pins. Vee 20 - Power Supply 1+5V) GNO 10 - Ground 10V) 00 0-00, ISAB8282A) 00,,00, Function ISAB8283A) 460 SAB 8282A / SAB 8283A Functional Description The SAB 8282A and SAB 8283A octal latches are 8-bit latches with 3-state output buffers. Data having satisfied the setup time requirements is latched into the data latches by strobing the STB line HIGH to LOW. Holding the STB line in its active HIGH state makes the latches appear transparent. Data is presented to the data output pins by activating the OE input line. When OE is inactive HIGH the output buffers are in their high impedance state. Enabling or disabling the output buffers will not cause negative-going transients to appear on the data output bus. Absolute Maximum Ratings 1) o to + 70'C - 65 to + 150'C -0.5to +7V -1.0 to +5.5V 1W Temperature Under Bias Storage Temperature All Output and Supply Voltages All Input Voltages Power Dissipation D. C. Characteristics TA = Oto 70'C; Vee = +5V ±10% Limit Values Symbol Parameter Units Test Conditions Ve Input Clamp Voltage -1 V Ie Icc Power Supply Current SAB8282A SAB 8283A - 100 90 mA all outputs open 1, Forward Input Current - -0.2 1R Reverse Input Current 50 VOL Output LOW Voltage 0.45 VOH Output HIGH Voltage Min. Max. = -5 mA VF = 0.45V VR = 5.25V flA 10L = 32 mA - 10H = -5mA ±50 flA VOFF = 0.45 to 5.25V V Vee pF F = 1 MHz VBIAS = 2.5V, Vee TA = 25'C V 2.4 10FF Output Off Current VIL Input LOW Voltage V,H Input HIGH Voltage 2.0 - G'N Input Capacitance - 12 1) Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. - 0.8 2) Output Loading: = 5.0V 2} IOL = 32 mA; GL = 10H = 5V = -5 mA; 300 pF 461 SAB 8282A / SAB 8283A A.C. Characteristics TA = Oto +70°C; Vee = +5V ± Loading Outputs: IOL = 32 mA; IOH = Symbol Parameter [Ivav {SHDV tEHD2 10% -5 mA; CL = 300 pF Limit Values Min. Max. Input to Output Delay -Inverting -Non-Inverting 5 5 22 30 STS to Output Delay -Inverting -Non-Inverting 10 10 40 45 Output Disable Time 5 18 30 tElDV Output Enable Time 10 llVSL Input to STS Setup Time 0 tSLIX Inputto STS Hold Time 25 tSHSL STS HIGH Time 15 Input. Output Rise Time Input. Output Fall Time - 'IUH, fOlOH 'IHILI tOHOL Units Test Conditions 21 ns 20 From 0.8 to 2.0 V 12 From 2.0 to 0.8 V A.C. Testing Input, Output Waveform Input/Output A.C. Testing: Inputs are driven at 2.4 V for a logic" 1" and 0.45 V for a logic "0". Timing measurements are made at 1.5Vfor both a logic "1" and "0". Waveforms All timing measurements are made at 1.5 V unless otherwise noted. Timing Inputs STS OE tEH Z ,..---------...1 VOH -Q,1V Outputs -E=tELOV -------t---~'~:__---------J1 VOL +Q.1V 11 SAS 8283A Only- Output may be momentarily invalid following the high going STS transition. 462 . 21 See waveforms and test load circuit. SAB 8282A / SAB 8283A Output Test Load Circuits 18011 3311 Output Output Q------< I 2,14V 1.5V 1.5V )52,7\1 Output Q------< I 300 PF 0-- !300 PF 300 PF switching 3 -state to VOH 3-state to VOL Output Delay vs, Capacitance ns ns 50 50 SAB 8282A SAB 8283A 40 40 i;' OJ o 30 10 o -------- ~ ----~ofS\ 20 ,~e- --o 200 i;' OJ Cl 30 20 10 400 600 Load- 800 1000 pF -- -- ------~ \~ ~otS ~ / a o 200 400 600 800 1000 pF Load- 463 ,o/"e~.'In.. • '#1111. SAB 8284B, SAB 8284B-1 qly Clock Generator and Driver for SAB 8086 Family Processors • Provides Synchronization for Synchronous and Asynchronous READY Signals • Fully compatible with SAB 8284A, SAB 8284A-1 • 30% less Power Supply Current than Standard SAB 8284A, SAB 8284A-1 • 18-Pin Package • Single +5V Power Supply • Generates System Reset Output from Schmitt Trigger Input • Generates the System clock for SAB 8086 and SAB 8088. Processors: up to 8 MHz with SAB 82848 up to 10 MHz with SA8 82848-1 • Capable of Clock Synchronization with Other SAB 8284Bs • Uses a Crystal or a TTL Signal for Frequency Source up to 30 MHz Pin Names Figure 1 Pin Configuration X, x2 Connections for crystal Fie Clock source select I EFI External clock input CSYNC Clock synchronization input 17bx, ASYNC Ready synchronization select AEN, [ 3 16bxz RDY, RDY, Ready signal ROY, [ 4 15bASYNC AEN, AEN, Address enabled qualifiers for RDY,., RES Reset input CYSNC [ 1 18 PCLK [ 2 READY [ 5 SA8 82848 b Vcc 14bEFI RDYZ [ 6 13bFiC RESET Synchronized reset output AEN Z[ 7 12bosc OSC Oscillator output ClK [ B 11 b RES ClK MOS Clock for the processor GND[ 9 10 bRESET PClK TTL Clock for peripherals SAB 8284B is a bipolar clock generator/driver designed to provide clock signals for SAB 8086 and SAB 8088 processors and peripherals. It also contains READY logic for operation with two bus systems and provides the processors required READY Synchronized ready output Vee Power Supply (+5V) GND Ground (OV) READY synchronization and timing. Reset logic with hysteresis and synchronization is also provided. This device is fabricated in a fast bipolar ASBC (Advanced Standard Buried Collector) process of Siemens. AG 2/85 465 SAB 8284B Pin Definitions and Functions Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) AEN, AEN, 3, 7 I ADDRESS ENABLE. AEN is an active lOW signal. AEN serves to ~ its respective Bus Ready Signal (RDY, or RDY,). AEN, validates RDY, while AEN, validates RDY,. Two AEN signal iriputs are useful in system configurations which permit the processor to access two Multi-Master System Busses. In non Multi-Master configurations the AEN signal inputs are tied true (lOW). RDY" RDY, 4,6 I BUS READY (Transfer Complete). RDY is an active HIGH signal which is an indication from a device located on the system data bus that data has been received, or is available. RDY1 is qualified by AEN, while RDY2 is qualified by AEN,. ASYNC 15 I READY SYNCHRONIZATION SELECT. ASYNC is an input which defines the synchronization mode of the READY logic. When ASYNC is low, two stages of READY synchronization are provided. When ASYNC is left open or HIGH a single stage of READY synchronization is provided. READY 5 0 READY. READY is an active HIGH signal which is the synchronized RDY signal input. READY is cleared after the guaranteed hold time to the processor has been met. X"X, 16,17 I CRYSTAL IN. X, and X, are the pins to which a crystal is attached. The crystal frequency is 3times the desired processor clock frequency. FIG 13 I FREQUENCY/CRYSTAl SELECT_JIG is a strapping option. When strapped lOW, F/C permits th~rocessors clock to be generated by the crystal. When F/C is strapped HIGH, ClK is generated from the EFI input. EFI 14 I EXTERNAL FREQUENCY IN. When F/C is strapped HIGH, ClK is generated from the input frequency appearing on this pin. The input signal is a square wave 3 times the frequency of the desired ClK output. ClK 8 0 PROCESSOR CLOCK. ClK is the clock output used by the processor and all devices which directly connect to the processor's local bus (i.e., the bipolar support chips and other MOS devices). ClK has an output frequency which is 1/3 of the crystal or EFI input frequency and a 1/3 duty cycle. An output HIGH of 4.5 volts (Vee = 5V) is provided on this pin to drive MOS devices. PClK 2 0 PERIPHERAL CLOCK. PClK is a TTL level peripheral clock signal whose output frequency is 1/2 that of ClK and has 50% duty cycle. OSC 12 0 OSCillATOR OUTPUT. OSC is the TTL level output of the internal oscillator circuitry. Its frequency is equal to that of the crystal. RES 11 I RESET IN. RES is an active lOW signal which is used to generate RESET. The SAB 8284B provides a Schmitt trigger input so that an RC connection can be used to establish the power-up reset of proper duration. 466 Function SA882848 Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) RESET 10 0 RESET. RESET is an active HIGH signal which is used to reset the SAB 8086 family processors. Its timing characteristics are determined by RES. CSYNC 1 I CLOCK SYNCHRONIZATION. CSYNC is an active HIGH signal which allows multiple SAB 8284B to be synchronized to provide clocks that are in phase. When CSYNC is HIGH the internal counters are reset. When CSYNC goes LOW the internal counters are allowed to resume counting. CSYNC needs to be externally synchronized to EFI. When using the internal oscillator CSYNC should be hard-wired to ground. Vee 18 - Power Supply (+5V) GND 9 - Ground 10V) Function Figure 2 Block Diagram RES XI Q 0 RESET Crystal Oscillator X2 OSC Fie EFI +3 +2 SYNC SYNC PClK CSYNC ROY, ClK AEN, ROY2 AEN2 CK! ·1 FF1 0 I I Q READY ASYNC 467 I SAB 8284B Functional Description General The SAB 8248B is a single chip block generatorl driver for SAB 8086 and SAB 8088 processors. The chip contains a crystal·controlled oscillator, a divide·by·three counter, "Ready" synchronization and reset logic. Refer to Figure 2 for "Block Diagram" and Figure 1 for "Pin Configuration". The FIG input is a strapping pin that selects either the crystal oscillator or the EFI input as the clock for the +3 counter. If the EFI input is selected as the clock source, the oscillator section can be used independently for another clock source. Output is taken from OSC. Clock Outputs Oscillator The oscillator circuit of the SAB 8284B is designed primarily for use with an external series resonant fundamental mode crystal from which the basic operating frequency is derived. The crystal frequency should be selected at three times the required CPU clock. X1 and X2 are the two crystal input crystal connections. For the most stable operation of the oscillator (OSC) output ci rcuit, two series resistors (R , = R, = 510 Q) as shown in figure 7 are recommended. The output of the oscillator is buffered and brought out on OSC so that other system timing signals can be derived from this stable,crystal-controlled source. The ClK output is a 33% duty cycle MOS clock driver designed to drive the SAB 8086 and SAB 8088 processors directly. PClK is a TTL level peripheral clock signal whose output frequency is 112 that of elK. PClK has 50% duty cycle. Reset Logic The reset logic provides a Schmitt trigger input (RES) and a synchronizing flip-flop to generate the reset timing. The reset signal is synchronized to the falling edge of ClK. A simple RC network can be used to provide power-on reset by utilizing this function of the SAB 8284B. Waveforms for clocks and reset signals are illustrated in Figure 4. It is advisable to limit stray capacitances to less than 10pF on X1 and X2 to minimize deviation from operating at the fundamental frequency. READY Synchronization Clock Generator Two READY inputs (RDY" RDY,) are provided to accomodate two Multi-Master system busses. Each input has a qualifier (AEN, and AEN" respectively). The clock generator consists of a synchronous divide-by-three counter with a special clear input that inhibits the counting. This clear input (CSYNC) allows the output clock to be synchronized with an external event (such as another SAB 8284B clock). It is necessary to synchronize the CSYNC input to the EFI clock external to the SAB 8284B. This is accomplished with two Schottky flip-flops (see figure 3). The counter output is a 33% duty cycle clock at one-third the input frequency. 468 SAB 8284B The AEN signals validate their respective RDY signals. If a Multi-Master system is not being used the AEN pin should be tied lOW. Synchronization is required for all asynchronous active going edges of either RDY input to guarantee that the RDY setup and hold times are met. Inactivegoing edges of RDY in normally ready systems do not require synchronization but must satisfy RDY setup and hold as a matter of proper system design. The ASYNC input defines two modes of READY synchronization operation. When ASYNC is lOW, two stages of synchronization are provided for active READY input signals. Positive-going asynchronous READY inputs will first be synchronized to flip-flop one at the rising edge of ClK (requiring a setup time t R1VCH ) and then synchronized to flip-flop two at the next falling edge of ClK, after which time the READY output will go active (HIGH). Negative-going asynchronous READY inputs will be synchronized directly to flip-flop two at the falling edge of ClK, after which time the READY output will go inactive. This mode of operation is intended for use by asynchronous (normally not ready) devices in the system which cannot be guaranteed by design to meet the required RDY setup timing, tR1V CL, on each bus cycle (Refer to Figure 5). When ASYNC is high or left open, the first READY flip-flop is bypassed in the READY synchronization logic. READY inputs are synchronized by flip-flop two on the falling edge of ClK before they are presented to the processor. This mode is available for synchronous devices that can be guaranteed to meet the required ROY time (Refer to Figure 6). ASYNC can be changed on every bus cycle to select the appropriate mode of synchronization for each device in the system. Figure 3 CSYNC Synchronization Clock Synchronize EFI >---1----+---10 Q~----'--------'D Q 1-~--1CSYNC SAB 8284B (To other SAB 8284B) 469 SA882848 Absolute maximum ratings 1) oto 70'C - 65 to 150'C -0.5to 7 V -1.0 to 5.5 V lW Temperature Under Bias Storage Temperature All Output and Supply Voltages All Input Voltages Power Dissipation D.C. Characteristics TA = Ot070'C; Vee = +5V ±10% Symbol Parameter I, Forward Input Current (ASYNC) Other Inputs IR Reverse Input Current (ASYNC) Other Inputs Limit Values Min. - Unit Test Condition -1.3 -0.5 mA V, V, 50 50 !1A VR = Vee VR = 5.25 V Max. = 0.45 V = 0.45 V = -5 mA Ve Input Forward Clamp Voltage -1.0 V Ie Icc Power Supply Current 110 mA All outputs open V,L Input LOW Voltage 0.8 V,H Input HIGH Voltage 2.0 V,HR Reset Input HIGH Voltage 2.6 VOL Output LOW Voltage - 0.45 VOH Output HIGH Voltage CLK Other Outputs 4 2.4 - RES Input Hysteresis 0.25 V,HR-V,LR - - V 5mA -lmA -lmA - ') Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposureto absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 470 SAB 8284B A.C. Characteristics TA = Oto +70'C; Vee = +5V ±10% Timing Requirements Symbol Parameter tEHEL External Frequency HIGH Time tElEH External Frequency lOW Time tElEL Limit Values Min. XTAl Frequency 12 tRlVCL ROY" ROY, Active Setup to ClK tA1VCH ROY" ROY, Active Setup to ClK tAlVCl ROY" ROY, Inactive Setup to ClK tCLR1X ROY" ROY, Hold to ClK tAYVCL ASYNC Setup to ClK 50 tCLAYX ASYNC Hold to ClK 0 tAlVAlV AEN" AEN, Setup to ROY" ROY, 15 tCLA1X AEN" AEN, Hold to ClK 0 tYHEH CSYNC Setup to EFI 20 10%-10% V,N 3) 25 ') MHz ASYNC = HIGH ASYNC = lOW 0 CSYNC Hold to EFI 10 tYHYL CSYNCWidth 2· tElEL ttlHCL RES Setup to ClK 65 tCLItH RES Hold to ClK 20 Input Rise Time ns 35 tEHYl Input Fall Time Test Condition 90%-90% V,N tEHEl + tElEH+b tlUL Unit 13 EFI Period tlLlH Max. - - ns I - 4) 20 From 0.8 V to 2.0 V 12 From 2.0 V to 0.8 V Notes see next page. 471 SA882848 Timing Responses Symbol Parameter Limit Values Min. telel ClK Cycle Period 100 teHel ClK HIGH Time ') t eleH ClKlOWTime ') tCH1CH2 ClK Rise or Fall Time - tpHPl PClK HIGH Time tClCl-20 tpLPH PClK lOW Time tcLCL-20 tRYLeL Ready Inactive to ClK 6) -8 tRYHCH Ready Active to ClK 5) ') tCLIL ClK to Reset Delay tCLPH ClK to PClK HIGH Delay tCLPL ClK to PClK lOW Delay tCL2Cll Fig. 7 & Fig. 8 1.0Vto 3.5V 10 - ns Fig. 9 & Fig. 10 Fig. 9 & Fig. 10 40 22 OSC to ClK HIGH Delay -5 OSC to ClK lOW Delay 2 tOLOH Output Rise Time (except ClK) tOHOl Output Fall Time (except ClK) 472 Test Condition Fig. 7 & Fig. 8 tOlCH ,,= Unit - tOLCL ') (1;' tem) +2 for ClK Freq. ~ 8 MHz (1;' heel +6 for ClK Freq. = 10 MHz 2) (';' teLeel -15 for ClK Freq. ~ 8 MHz (';' heel -14 for ClK Freq. = 10 MHZ 3) EFI rise (5 ns max) + EFI fall (5 ns max). Max. - - 35 20 From 0.8V to 2.0V 12 From 2.0V to 0.8V 4) Setup and hold necessary only to guarantee recognition at next clock. 5) Applies only to T3 and T w states. 6) Applies only to T, states. 7) 30 MHz for SAB 8284B-1 SAB 8284B A.C. Testing Input/Output Waveform 2.4~5_ "'"t'~tC T'" 0.45 A.C. Testing: Input are driven at 2.4 V for a logic "1" and 0.45 V for a logic "0". Timing Measurements are made at 1.5 V for Both a logic "1" and "0". load Circuit VL = 2.08V RL Device under test f =32Sil. (L CL = 100 pF for ClK CL = 30 pF for READY 473 SAB 8284B Waveforms Figure 4 . I Clocks and Reset Signa s Name I/O EFI J\f\ I OSC ClK o PClK 0 CSYNC I --j tCLllH--j I ji tllHCL H·'--f-----j1cL1LC RESET 0 f Note All timing measurements are rna de aI 15 V,unless otherwise noted 474 SAB 8284B Figure 5 Ready Signals - Asynchronous Devices ClK RDY I RDYl _ _ _ _ _ _....J tCLA1X tCLAYX READY --------------~ tRYHCH Figure 6 Ready Signals - Synchronous Devices ClK .. RDY, RDYl tRlVCL tCLRIX AEN, AENl .. .. ASYNC tCLAIX READY tRYHCH 475 SAB 8284B Testconditions Figure 7 Clock High- and Low Time; Using X1, X2 Load ClK 1) R1 r-CJ ."b Xl 2~z9 X2 J. R2 FIC ... CSYNC R1 =R2=510n Figure 8 Clock High- and Low Time; Using EFI Pulse Generator EFI \ICc ! Fie CSYNC 1)C L =100pF 476 CLK Load ,) SAB 8284B Figure 9 Ready to Clock - Using Xl, X2 ICe L- R1 AEN, ClK 1) X, .L24MHzdJ l load "=r R2 X2 Ready ) load 2 OSC Pulse Generator Trigger RDY2 FIG AEN2 CSYNC R1=R2=510Q Figure 10 Ready to Clock - Using EFI Pulse Generator ~ Trigger Pulse Generator EFI ClK load ,) Vee I Fie AEN, RDY2 AEN2 CSYNC 11 21 CL CL Ready load 2) = 100 pF = 30 pF 477 SAB 8286A/SAB 8287 A Octal Bus Transceiver • Fully compatible with SAB 8286/SAB 8287 • Fully Parallel 8-Bit Transceivers • 40% Less Power Supply Current than Standard SAB 8286/SAB 8287 • Data Bus Buffer 'Driver for SAB 80286, SAB 80186, SAB 8086, SAB 8085, SAB 8048 and SAB 8051 Families • High Output Drive Capability for Driving System Data Bus • 3-State Outputs • 20-Pin Package • No Output Low Noise when Entering or Leaving High Impedance State Pin Configuration Pin Names A0 ~c A0 ~c Al 80 Al 80 A2 81 A2 81 A. 82 A. Bi A4 83 A4 83 84 As 85 As As 6 As 7 SA8 8286A SA8 8287A 8s A7 87 DE 9 T GND 10 11 The SAB 8286A and SAB 8287A are 8-bit bipolar transceivers with 3-state outputs. The SAB 8287A inverts the input data at its outputs while the SAB 8286A does not. Thus, a wide variety of applications for Bo-B7 System Bus Data DE Output Enable T Transmit Vee Power Su pply (+ 5V) GND Ground (OV) Bs A7 10 Local Bus Data 84 85 N GND Ao-A7 87 11 buffering in microcomputer systems can be met. This device is fabricated in a fast bipolar ASBC (Advanced Standard Buried Collector) process of Siemens. AG 1/85 479 SAB 8286A / SAB 8287 A Logic Diagrams SA88286A SA88287A r---------, r---------, I I I I I I I A0 A0 I I I 80 80 A1 81 A1 81 A2 82 A2 ]2 A3 83 A3 83 A4 84 A4 84 A5 85 A5 85 A6 86 A6 86 A? 8? A? ]? DE T OE T I 1 I ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________1 Pin Definitions and Functions Symbol T Function 111 OE 9 A I -A 7 1-8 II j ; I/O I B,-B 7 (SAB 8286A) TRANSMIT - T is an input control signal used to 1control the direction of the transceivers. When HIGH, it configures the trarisceiver's BI -B 7 as outputs with Ao-A7 as inputs. T _LOW configures AO-7 as 1the outputs with B,-B 7 serVing as the inputs. ENABLE - OE is an input control signal used to IOUTPUT enable the appropriate output driver (as selected , by T) onto its respective bus. This signal Iis active LOW. LOCAL BUS DATA PINS - These pins serve to either present data to or accept data from the I processor's local bus depending upon the state , ofthe T pin. SYSTEM BUS DATA PINS - These pins serve to - either present data to or accept data from the system 1 bus depending upon the state of the T pin. Bo-B; (SAB8287A) Vee 20 I Power Supply (+5V) GND 10 IGround (OV) 480 SAB 8286A / SAB 8287 A Functional Description The SAB 8286A and SAB 8287A transceivers are S-bit transceivers with high impedance outputs. With T active HIGH and OE active LOW, data at the Ao-A7 pins is driven onto the Bo-B7 pins. With T inactive LOW and OE active LOW, data at the Bo-B7 pins is driven onto the Ao-A7 pins. No output low glitching will occur whenever the transceivers are entering or leaving the high impedance state. Absolute Maximum Ratings 1) oto +70'C -65to +150'C -0.5to +7V -1.0to +5.5V 1W Temperature Under Bias Storage Temperature All Output and Supply Voltages All Input Voltages Power Dissipation D. C. Characteristics TA = Ot070'C; Vee = +5V ±10% Symbol I Parameter Ve I Input Clamp Voltage Icc I Power Supply Current I, i Forward Input Current IR I VOL [ Output LOW Voltage - B Outputs - A Outputs VOH 10FF VIL V,H CIN Limit Values Test Condition Min. -1 -0.2 IOutput HI GH Voltage - B Outputs -A Outputs I [ 2.4 I 2.4 I Input Capacitance 1) Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. [ 10L IO.9 Iv I I VF = 0.45V . VR= 5.25V V I- 2.0 [- I I'R ! 0.8 [Input LOW Voltage - A Side - B Side I I I 'I, [ Output Off Cu rrent Output Off Cu rrent Input HIGH Voltage I -5 mA All outputs open mA ! ~'rtA , 0.45 I 0.45 lIe = ,V ~ Reverse Input Current I 10FF I 10L = 32 mA = 16 mA [loH =-5mA 10H = -1 mA I VOFF = 0.45V VOFF = 5.25V I I Vee = 5.0V, See Note 2 . Vee = 5.0V, See Note 2 Vee = 5.0V, See Note 2 12 VBIAS = 2.5V, Vee = 5V TA = 25'C 2) B Outputs: 10L = 32 mA; 10H = -5 mA; CL = 300 pF A Outputs: 10L = 16 mA; 10H = -1 mA; CL = 100 pF 481 SAB 8286A / SAB 8287 A A.C. Characteristics TA = Oto +70°C; Vee = +5V ± 10% loading B Outputs: IOL = 32 mA; IOH = -5 mA; CL = 300 pF Symbol Parameter tlVOV A Outputs: IOL = 16 mA; IOH = -1 limit Values Min. Max. Inputto Output Delay Inverting Non-Inverting 5 5 22 30 tEHTV TransmitlReceive Hold Time 5 tTVEL Transmit/Receive Setup 10 tEHOl Output Disable Time 5 18 t ELOV Output Enable Time 10 30 t'LlH, tOLOH Input, Output Rise Time tIHIL, tOHOl Input, Output Fall Time Unit mA; C L = 100 pF Test Condition - 1) ns - 20 From 0.8 to 2.0 V 12 From 2.0 to 0.8V 1) See waveforms and test load circuit. Waveforms All timing measurements are made at 1.5 V unless otherwise noted. Timing \V J\. Inputs I \ J Outputs tlVOV ' - - W J\. - 1\ - .JllisR -OW >.;':----VOL +O.1V VOH ~ i--tEHTV- T \I ~ 482 JrYIl SAB 8286A / SAB 8287 A Output Delay vs. Capacitance ns ns 50 50 SAB 8286A SAB 8287A 40 ~ CiJ CJ 40 30 r--- ~ t~se - ~ -.I~ V~~~\t~\~ ~ 20 ..-~ 10 o o 200 400 600 ~ CiJ ---- 800 CJ 30 20 10 o 1000 pF -::: o ~ ,~~\~ ~ .. o~s 200 400 ----------- 600 800 I 1000 PF Load- Load~ Output Test Load Circuit B Output B Output A Output 1,5V 2,14V 1,5V [J 52,7\1 [ 66\1 Ou tput ()------< Ou tpu t ()------< ()------< !300 PF I'00PF 3-state to VOL Output 3-state to VOL switching 483 SAB 8286A / SAB 8287 A Output Test Load Circuit B Output l,SV }S012 Output !300 PF 484 A Output l,SV 2.28V ~9OOO O"'P"'~ 0--- 3-state to A Output VO H Tl00 PF 3-state to VO H 11412 Output 0-- tl00PF switching SAB 8288A Bus Controller for SAB 8086 Family Processors Fully compatible with SAB 8288 40% less Power Supply Current than Standard SAB 8288 • Bipolar Drive Capability • Provides Advanced Commands Provides Wide Flexibility in System Configurations o 3-State Command Output Drivers G Configurable for Use with an I/O Bus • Facilitates Interface to One or Two Multi-Master Busses It CI CI Pin Configuration Pin Names So- S, ::J Vee 19 ::JSe 20 IOSC 1 GLK C 2 Si C 18 3 DTfR"C 4 PSi 17 P MCE/PDEN 16 ALEC 5 PDEN Status ClK Clock ALE Adress latch Enable DEN Data Enable DT/R Data Transmit/Receive AEN Address Enable CEN Command Enable lOB Input/Output Bus Mode AIOWC Advanced I/O Write I 10WC I/O Write 15 peEN 10RC I/O Read MRDCC 7 14p'INTA AMWC Advanced Memory Write AMWCC 8 13 PIORC MWTC Memory Write MWTCC 9 12 PAIOWC llP IOWC MRDC Memory Read INTA Interrupt Acknowledge MCE/PDEN Master Cascade/Peripheral Data Vee Power Supply (+5V) GND Ground (OV) AENC 6 GNDC 10 SAB 8288A SAB 8288A Bus Controller is a 20-pin bipolar component for use with medium-to-Iarge SAB 80186, SAB 80.188, SAB 8086 and SAB 8088 processing systems. The bus controller provides command and control timing generation as well as bipolar bus drive capability while optimizing system performance. A strapping option on the bus controller configures it for use with a multi-master system bus and separate I/O bus. This device is fabricated in a fast bipolar ASBC (Advanced Standard Buried Collector) process of Siemens. AG 1/85 485 SAB8288A Block Diagram <.D ro~ ro " _ 0 co 2 «'" en 50 51 52 MRDC Status Decoder MWTC Command Signal Generator AMWC - f---- 10RC 10WC ~ m c Ol u; -0 c E E '" 0 AIOWC u INTA ClK e"'5 { ~.f AEN Control logic CEN I--- I-- Control Signal Generator lOB I I GND +5V Pin Definitions and Functions Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) lOB 1 I INPUT/OUTPUT BUS MODE - When the lOB is strapped HIGH the SAB 8288A functions in the I/O Bus mode. When it is strapped lOW, the SAB 8288A functions in the System Bus mode. (See sections on I/O Bus and Systems Bus modes). ClK 2 I CLOCK - This is a clock signal from the SAB 8284A or SAB 8284B clock generator and serves to establish when command and control signals are generated. S;,S";",s, 3,18, 19 I STATUS INPUT PINS - These pins are the status input pins from the SAB 80186, SAB 80188, SAB 8086 or SAB 8088 processors. The SAB 8288A decodes these inputs to generate command and control signals at the appropriate time. When these pins are not in use (passive) they are all HIGH. (See chart under Functional Description). 486 Function SAB 8288A Symbol Input (I) Output (0) I Function 0 Idirection DATA TRANSMITIRECEIVE - This signal establishes the of data flow through the transceivers. A HIGH DT/Fi 14 1 ALE AEN MRDC AMWC ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE - This signal serves to strobe 5 I an address into the address latches. This signal is active I I HIGH and latching occurs on the falling (HIGH to LOW) transition. ALE is intended for use with transparent D type latches. 16 II Ithe ADDRESS ENABLE - AEN enables command outputs of SAB 8288A Bus Controller at least 105 ns after It I 1 1becomes active (LOW). AEN going inactive immediately 3-states the command output drivers. AEN does not affect I the 1/0 command lines if the SAB 8288A is in the 1/0 Bus I mode (lOB tied HIGH). 17 10 I MEMORY READ COMMAND - I I ,8 0 MWTC 10WC I I '9 10 1 111 AIOWC 12 1 1 I 1 114 MEMORY WRITE COMMAND - This command line instructs the memory to record the data present on the daja bus. This signal is active LOW. 0 I ADVANCED 1/0 WRITE COMMAND - 0 1110 READ COMMAND - This command line instructs an 1/0 device to drive its data onto the data bus. This signal is active LOW. 0 I I The AIOWC issues an 1/0 Write Command earlier in the machine cycle to give ' 1/0 devices an early indication of a write instruction. I Its timing is the same as a read command signal. I AIOWC is active Law. 1INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE- Thiscommand line tells an I interrupting device that its interrupt has been acknowledged and that it should drive vectoring information onto the data bus. This signal is active LOW. I I :I CEN 15 1 DEN 1 I 1110 WRITE COMMAND - This command line instructs an 1/0 device to read the data on the data bus. This signal is active LOW. . I 13 . ADVANCED MEMORY WRITE COMMAND - The AMWC issues a memory write command earlier in the machine I cycle to give memory devices an early indication of a write instruction. Its timing is the same as a read command signal. AMWC is active LOW. 0 I 10RC This command line 1instructs the memory to drive its data onto the data bus. This signal is active LOW . I 1 INTA on this line indicates Transmit (write to 1/0 or memory) and a LOW indicates Receive (Read). 16 I COMMAND ENABLE - When this signal is LaWall I SAB 8288A command outputs and the DEN and PDEN I control outputs are forced to their inactive state. When this , signal is HIGH, these same outputs are enabled. I DATA ENABLE - This signal serves to enable data transceivers onto either the local or system data bus. This signal is active HIGH. 487 I SAB 8288A Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) MCE/PDEN 17 0 This is a dual function pin: MCE (lOB is tied LOW) - Master Cascade Enable occurs during an interrupt sequence and seNes to read a Cascade. Address from a master PIC (Priority Interrupt Controller) onto the data bus. The MCE signal is active HIGH. PDEN (lOB is tied HIGH) - Peripheral Data Enable enables the data bus transceiver for the I/O bus during I/O instructions. It performs the same function for the I/O bus that DEN performs forthe system bus. PDEN is active LOW. Vee 20 - Power Supply (+5V) GND 10 - Ground (OV) Function Functional Description The command logic decodes the three SAB 80186, SAB 80188, SAB 8086 or SAB 8088 CPU status lines (SO, 5,', 5;) to determine what command is to be issued. This chart shows the meaning of each status "word". 'S2 Sf 50 Processor State SAB 8288A Commahd 0 Interrupt Acknowledge INTA IORC 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Write I/O Port IOWC, AlTIWl:: 0 1 1 None 1 0 0 Code Access MRDC 1 0 1 MRDC 1 1 0 Write Memory MWTC,AMWC 1 1 1 None Read I/O Port Halt Read Memory Passive The command is issued in one of two ways dependent on the mode of the SAB 8288A Bus Controller. I/O Bus Mode- The SAB 8288A is in the I/O Bus mode ifthe lOB pin is strapped HIGH. In the I/O Bus mode all I/O command lines (lORC, IOWC, AIOWC, INTA) are always enabled (i.e., not dependent on AEN). When an I/O command is initiated by the processor, the SAB 8288A immediately activates the command lines using PDEN and DT fA: to control the I/O bus transceiver. The I/O command lines should not be used to control the system bus in this configuration because no arbitration is present. This mode allows one SAB 8288A Bus Controller to handle two external busses. No waiting is involved 488 when the CPU wants to gain access to the I/O bus. Normal memory access requires a "Bus Ready" signal (AEN LOW) before it will proceed. It is advantageous to use the lOB mode if I/O or peripherals dedicated to one processor exist in a mUlti-processor system. System Bus Mode- The SAB 8288A is in the System Bus mode if the lOB pin is strapped LOW. In this mode no command is issued until 115 ns after the AEN Line is activated (LOW). This mode assumes bus arbitration logic will inform the bus controller (on the AEN line) when the bus is free for use. Both memory and I/O commands wait for bus arbitration. This mode is used when only one bus exists. Here, both I/O and memory are shared by more than one processor. SAB 8288A Command Outputs The advanced write commands are made available to initiate write procedures early in the machine cycle. This signal can be used to prevent the processor from entering an unnecessary wait state. The command output are: MRDC - Memory Read Command MWTC - Memory Write Command 10RC -I/O Read Command 10WC - I/O Write Command AMWC - Advanced Memory Write Command AIOWC - Advanced I/O Write Command INTA -Interrupt Acknowledge INTA (Interrupt Acknowledge) acts as an I/O read during an interrupt cycle. Its purpose is to inform an interrupting device that its interrupt is being acknowledged and that it should place vectoring information onto the data bus. Control Outputs The control outputs of the SAB 8288A are Data Enable (DEN)' Data Transmit/Receive (DT/R) and Master Cascade Enable/Peripheral Data Enable (MCE/PDEN). The DEN signal determines when the external bus should be enable onto the local bus· and the DT /R determines the direction of data transfer. These two signals usually go to the chip select and direction pins. of a transceiver. If the system contains only one PIC, the MCE signal is not used. In this case the second Interrupt Acknowledge signal gates the interrupt vector onto the processor bus. Address Latch Enable and Halt Address Latch Enable (ALE) occurs during each machine cycle and serves to strobe the current address into the address latches. ALE also serves to strobe the status (5";;, $" 5;) into a latch for halt state decoding. Command Enable The Command Enable (CEN) input acts as a command qualifierforthe SAB 8288A.lfthe CEN pin is high the SAB 8288A functions normally. If the CEN pin is pulled LOW, ali command lines are held in their inactive state (not 3-state). This feature can be used to implement memory partitioning and to eliminate address conflicts between system bus devices and resident bus devices. The MCE/PDEN pin changes function with the two modes of the SAB 8288A. When the SAB 8288A is in the lOB mode (lOB HIGH) the PDEN signal serves as a dedicated data enable signal for the I/O or Peripheral System bus. Interrupt Acknowledge and MCE The MCE signal is used during an interrupt acknowledge cycle if the SAB 8288A is in the System Bus mode (lOB LOW). During any interrupt sequence there are two interrupt acknowledge cycle no data or address transfers take place. Logic should be provided to mask off MCE during this cycle. Just before the second cycle begins the MCE signal gates a master Priority Interrupt Controller's (PIC) cascade address onto the processor's local bus where ALE (Address Latch Enable) strobes it into the address latches. On the leading edge ofthe second interrupt cycle the addressed slave PIC gates an interrupt vector onto the system data bus where it is read by the processor. 489 SAB8288A Absolute Maximum Ratings 1) oto + 70°C -65to +150°C -0.5to +7V -1.0to +5.5V Temperature Under Bias Storage Temperature All Output and Supply Voltages All Input Voltages Power Dissipation lW D.C. Characteristics TA = 0 to 70°C; Vcc = +5V ±10% Limit Values Symbol Parameter Vc Input Clamp Voltage -1 Icc Power Supply Current 140 Min. - Max. IF Forward Input Current IR Reserve Input Current 50 VOL Output low Voltage Command Outputs Control Outputs 0.5 0.5 VOH Units Test Conditions V Ie = -5mA mA -0.7 Output High Voltage Command Outputs Control Outputs 2.4 2.4 - V,L Input low Voltage - 0.8 V'H Input High Voltage 2.0 - 10FF Output Off Current - 100 All outputs open VF = 0.45V ~A VR = Vcc IOL = 32 mA IOL=16mA V I/OH = -5 mA 10H=-lmA [lA VOFF = 0.4 to 5.25 V Units Test Conditions ns - A.C. Characteristics TA = Ot070°C; Vcc = +5V ±10% Timing Requirements Symbol Parameter limit Values Min. tCLCL ClK Cycle Period 100 tCLCH ClK low Time 50 leHCL ClK High Time 30 tsvCH Status Active Setup Time 35 tCHSV Status Active Hold Time 10 tSHCL Status Inactive Setup Time 35 tCLSH Status Inactive Hold Time 10 tlUH Input, Rise Time t'Hll Input, Fall Time - Max. - 20 From 0.8V to 2.0V 12 From 2.0V to 0.8V 1) Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 490 SAB8288A Timing Responses Limit Values Symbol Parameter tCVNV Control Active De[ay 5 tCVNX Control Inactive Delay 10 Min. Max. Units Test Conditions 45 tCI.LHI tCLMCH ALE MCE Active De[ay (from ClK) tSVLH , tsvMCH ALE MCE Active Delay (from Status) tCHLL AlE Inactive Delay tCLML Command Active Delay tCLMH Command Inactive Delay tCHDTL Direction Control Active De[ay 50 tCHDTH Direction Control Inactive Delay 30 tAELCH Command Enable Time tAEHCZ Command Disable Time tAELCY Enab[e Delay Time - 20 4 15 10 35 MRDC fClRC MWTC 40 115 mwc INTA AMWC A[OWC Other = 32 mA 10H= -5mA CL = 300 pF IOL /iOL =16mA io H =-1mA CL = SO pF 200 tAEVNV AEN to DEN 20 tCEVNV CEN to DEN, PDEN 25 - ns tCELAH CEN to Command t OLOH Output, Rise Time 20 From O.SV to 2.0V t OHOL Output, Fall Time 12 From 2.0V to O.SV tCLML A.C. Testing Input, Output Waveform Input/Output A.C. Testing Inputs are driven at 2.4V for a logic "1" and 0.45V for a logic "0". The clock is driven at 4.3V and 0.25V timing measurements are made at 1.5V for both a logic "1" and "0" 491 I SAB8288A Test Load Circuits - 3-State Command Output Test Load 1.5V 1.5V Oulpulo-- Output 0-- !300 PF !300 PF 3-slate 10 High 3-state to Low Test Load Circuits - 3-State Command Output Test Load 2,14V 2,28V 52,7\1 Outpulo-- ! Output 300pF Command Output Test Load 492 [ 11411 ()-----< I 80 PF Control Output Test Load SAB 8288A Waveforms Timing Diagram State - - T4 T, T1 T3 T4 '---ICLCL -t--ICLCH- eLK ,/\ h ./\ -Er-~ - ~ ICHCL - ~~y ~ \( Cidre'Ss valid Address/Data 1) tllitl.... t-- l-~ Y2) "\ ALE LI' ~ Write Data valid !£H!l - -r k - - ~ DEN (Read) (INTA) ~ - \ PDEN (Read) (INTA) - ~ DEN (Write) ~ PDEN (Write) OTIR (Read) (INTA) MCE I I I ~ ---- -~ w\ - t ~~ - ~ \ ~C~D:J_r- '-- - ICHDTH -~ ISVMCH 1) Address/Data Bus is shown only for reference purposes 2) leading edge of ALE and MCE is determined by the falling edge of ClK or status going active, whichever occurs last. 3) All timing measurements are made at 1.5Vunless specified otherwise. 493 SAB8288A DEN, PDEN Qualification Timing CEN tAEVNq \11 1\ DEN ---tCEVNV- \11 1\ Address Enable (AEN) Timing (3-State Enable/Disable) tAELCV Output Command CEN - - - - - - - - - - - - ' CEN must be low or valid prior to T2 to prevent the command from being generated. 494 SAB8289 Bus Arbiter SAB 8289 8 MHz SAB 8289-110 MHz • Provides Multi-Master System Bus Protocol • Synchronizes SAB 8086/SAB 8088 Processors with Multi-Master Bus • Provides Simple Interface with SAB 8288 Bus Controller • Four Operating Modes for Flexible System Configuration • Compatible with Intel Bus Standard MUlTIBUS™ (MUlTIBUS is a trademark of INTEL Corporation USA) • Provides System Bus Arbitration for SAB 8089 lOP in Remote Mode Pin Configuration 52 Pin Names 20 VCC S0-2 Status lOB I/O Bus Present lOB 19 51 SYSB/RESB System/Resident Bus SYSB/RESB 18 50 RESB Resident Bus Present RESB 17 ClK BClK Bus Clock INIT Initialisation BClK 16 lOCK BREO Bus Request !NiT 15 CRDlCK BPRO Bus Priority Out BREa 14 ANYRDST BPRN Bus Priority In AEN ClK System Clock AEN Address Enable ANYROST Any Request CROlCK Common Request lock CBRO Common Bus Request lOCK Bus lock BPRO 13 BPRN 12 CBRD GND 11 BUSY The SAB 8289 Bus Arbiter is a 20-pin, 5-volt-only bipolar component for use with medium to large SAB 8086/SAB 8088 multi-master/multiprocessing systems. The SAB 8289 provides system bus vee +5V GND Ground (OV) arbitration for systems with multiple bus masters, such as an SAB 8086 epu with SAB 8089 lOP in its REMOTE mode, while providing bipolar buffering and drive capability. AG 10/83 495 SAB8289 Pin Definitions and Functions Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) S0,S1,S2 1, 18, 19 I Status Input Pins These pins are the status input pins from a SAB 8086, SAB 8088 or SAB 8089 processor. The SAB 8289 decodes these pins to initiate bus request and surrender actions. CLK 17 I Clock This is the clock from the SAB 8284A clock chip and serves to establish when bus arbiter actions are initiated. LOCK 16 I Lock LOCK is a processor generated signal which when activated (low) serves to prevent the arbiter from surrendering the multi-master system bus to any other bus arbiter, regardless of its priority. CROLCK 15 I Common Request Lock CROLCK is an active low signal which serves to prevent the arbiter from surrendering the multi-master system bus to any other bus arbiter requesting the bus through the CBRO input pin. RESB 4 I Resident Bus RESB is a strapping option to configure the arbiter to operate in systems having both a multi-master system bus and a Resident Bus. When it is strapped high the multi-master system bus is requested or surrendered as a function of the SYSB/RESB input pin. When it is strapped low the SYSB/RESB input is ignored. ANYRQST 14 I Any Request ANYROST is a strapping option which permits the multi master system bus to be surrendered to a lower priority arbiter as though it were an arbiter of higher priority (i.e., when a lower priority arbiter requests the use of the multi-master system bus, the bus is surrendered as soon as it is possible). Strapping CBRQ low and ANYROST high forces the SAB 8289 arbiter to surrender the multi-master system bus after each transfer cycle. Note that when surrender occurs BREO is driven false (high). lOB 2 I 10 Bus lOB is a strapping option which configures the SAB 8289 Arbiter to operate in systems having both an 10 Bus (Peripheral Bus) and a multi master system bus. The arbiter requests and surrenders the use of the multimaster system bus as a function of the status line, S2. The multi-master system bus is permitted to be surrendered while the processor is performing 10 commands and is requested whenever the processor performs a memory command. Interrupt cycles are assumed as coming from the peripheral bus and are treated as would be an 10 command. AEN 13 0 Address Enable AEN is the output of the SAB 8289 Arbiter to the processor's address latches, to the SAB 8288 Bus Controller and SAB 8284A Clock Generator. AEN serves to instruct the Bus Controller and address latches when to tri-state their output drivers. 496 Function SAB 8289 Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) SYSB/RESB 3 I System Bus/Resident Bus SYSB/RESB is an input signal when the arbiter is configured in the S.R. Mode (RESB is strapped high) which serves to determine when the multi master system bus is request.ed and when the multi-master system bus surrendering is permitted. The signal is intended to originate from some form of address mapping circuitry such as a decoder or PROM attached to the resident address bus. Signal transitions and glitches are permitted on this pin from 01 of T4 to 01 to T2 of the processor cycle. During the period from 01 ofT2 to 01 of T4 only clean transitions are permitted on this pin (no glitches). If a glitch does occur the arbiter may capture or miss it, and the multi-master system bus may be requested or surrendered, depending upon the state ofthe glitch. The arbiter requests the multi-master system bus in the S.R. Mode when the state of the SYSB/RESB pin is high and permits the bus to be surrendered when this pin is low. CBRO 12 110 Common Bus Request CBRO is an input signal which serves to instruct the arbiter if there are any other arbiters of lower priority requesting the use of the multi-master system bus. The CBRO pins (open-collector output) of all the SAB 8289 Bus Arbiters which are to surrender the multi-master-system bus upon request are connected together. The Bus Arbiter running the current transfer cycle will not itself pull the CBRO line low. Any other arbiter connected to the CBRO line can request the multi-master system bus. The arbiter presently running the current transfer cycle drops its BREO signal and surrenders the bus whenever the proper surrender conditions exist. Strapping CBREO low and ANYROST - high allows the multi-master system bus to be surrendered after each transfer cycle. See the pin definition of ANYROST. INIT 6 I Initialize INIT is an active low multi master system bus input signal which is used to reset all the bus arbiters on the multi-master system bus. After initialization, no arbiters have the use of the multi-master system bus. BClK 5 I Bus Clock BClK is the multi-master system bus clock to which all multimaster system bus interface signals are synchronized. BREO 7 0 Bus Request BREG is an active low output signal in the parallel Priority Resolving Scheme which the arbiter activates to request the use of the multi-master system bus. BPRN 9 I Bus Priority In BPRN is the active low signal returned to the arbiter to instruct it that it may acquire the multi master system bus on the next falling edge of BClK. BPRN indicates to the arbiter that it is the highest priority requesting arbiter presently on the bus. The loss of BPRN instructs the arbiter that it has loss priority to a higher priority arbiter. Function 497 SAB8289 Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) BPRO 8 a Bus Priority Out BPRO is an ac'ive low output signal which is used in the serial priority resolving scheme where BPRO is daisy chained to BPRN of the next lower priority arbiter. BUSY 11 I/O Busy BUSY is an active low open collector multi-master system bus interface signal which is used to instruct all the arbiters on the bus when the multi-master system bus is available. When the multi-master system bus is available the highest requesting arbiter (determined by BPRN) seizes the bus and pulls BUSY low to keep other arbiters off of the bus. When the arbiter is done with the bus it releases the BUSY signal permitting it to go high and thereby allowing another arbiter to acquire the multi-master system bus. vee 20 I Power Supply (+5 V GND 10 I Ground (OV) Function ± 10%) Block Diagram IN IT BClK Multlbus Interface (S1 SAB 8086/SAB 80881 SAB 8089 status <51 I ,S0 ~ ClK Processor Control ~ CRQlCK RESB Control local Bus Interface ANYRQST 10B- ,5V 498 GNO I ~ BREQ I Multlbus TM BPRN ~ Command :::~Jr CBRG lOCK - i Signals SAB 8289 Functional Description The SAB 8289 Bus Arbiter operates in conjunction with the SAB 8288 Bus Controller to interface SAB 8086/SAB 8088/ SAB 8089 processors to a multi-master system bus (both the SAB 8086 and the SAB 8088 are configured in their max model. The processor is unaware of the arbiter's existence and issues commands as though it has exclusive use of :he system bus. If the processor does not have the use of the multi-master system bus, the arbiter prevents the Bus Controller (SAB 82881, the data transceivers and the address latches from accessing the system bus (e.g. all bus driver outputs are forced into the high impedance state). Since the command sequence was not issued by the SAB 8288, the system bus will appear as "Not Ready" and the processor will enter wait states. The processor will remain in Wait until the Bus Arbiter acquires the use of the multi-master system bus whereupon the arbiter will allow the bus controller, the data transceivers, and the address latches to access the system. Typically, once the command has been issued and a data transfer has taken place, a transfer acknowledge (XACK) is returned to the processor to indicate "READY" from the accessed slave device. The processor then completes its transfer cycle. Thus the arbiter serves to multiplex a processor (or bus masterl onto a multi-master system bus and avoid contention problems between bus masters. Arbitration between Bus Masters In general, higher priority masters obtain the bus when a lower priority master completes its present transfer cycle. Lower priority bus masters obtain the bus when a higher priority master is not accessing the system bus. A strapping option (ANYRQST) is provided to allow the arbiter to surrender the bus to a lower priority master as though it were a master of higher priority. If there are no other bus masters requesting the bus, the arbiter maintains the bus so long as its processor has not entered the HALT State. The arbiter will not voluntarily surrender the system bus and has to be forced off by another master's bus request, the HALT State being the only exception. Additional strapping options permit other modes of operation wherein the multi master system bus is surrendered or requested under different sets of conditions. Modes of Operation There are two types of processors in the SAB 8086 family. An Input/Output processor (the SAB 8089 lOP) and the SAB 8086/SAB 8088 CPUs. Consequently, there are two basic operating modes in the SAB 8289 bus arbiter. One, the lOB (I/O Peripheral Bus) mode, permits the processor access to both an I/O Peripheral Bus and a multi-master system bus. The second, the RESB (Resident Bus mode), permits the processor to communicate over both a Resident Bus and a multi-master system bus. An I/O Peripheral Bus is a bus where all devices on that bus, including memory, are treated as I/O devices and are addressed by 110 commands. All memory commands are directed to another bus, the multi-master system bus. A Resident Bus can issue both memory and I/O commands, but it is a distinct and separate bus from the multi-master system bus. The distinction is that the Resident Bus has only one master, providing full availability and being dedicated to that one master. The lOB strapping option configures the SAB 8289 Bus Arbiter into the lOB mode and the strapping option RESB configures it into the RESB mode. It might be noted at this point that if both strapping options are strapped false, the arbiter interfaces the processor to a multi-master system bus only. With both options strapped true, the arbiter interfaces the processor to a multi-master system bus, a Resident Bus, and an I/O Bus. In the lOB mode, the processor communicates and controls a host of peripherals over the Peripheral Bus. When the I/O Processor needs to communicate with system memory, it does so over the system memory bus. The SAB 8086 and SAB 8088 processor can communicate with a Resident Bus and a multimaster system bus. Two bus controllers and only one Bus Arbiter would be needed in such a configuration. In such a system configuration the processor would have access to memory and peripheral of both busses. Memory mapping techniques are applied to select which bus is to be accessed. The SYSB/RESB input on the arbiter serves to instruct the arbiter as to whether or not the system bus is to be accessed. The signal connected to SYSB/RESB also enables or disables commands from one of the bus controllers. 499 SAB8289 Summary of SAB 8289 Modes, Requesting and Relinquisting the Multi-master system bus Status Lines From SAB 8086 I 88 I 89 lOB Mode Only RESB (Mode) Only 10B=High RESB=High lOB Mode RESB Mode 10B=Low RESB=High 10B=Low SYSB/RESB SYSB/RESB SYSB/RESB SYSB/RESB =High =Low =High =Low x x x x x x x x x x x x S2 S1 SO COMMANDS 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 HALT 0 1 1 MEM COMMANDS 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 x x 1 x x 0 x 1 1 1 1/0 IDLE Single Bus Mode 10B=High RESB=Low x x x x x x , x x x x x x x NOTE: x = Multi-Master System Bus is allowed to be Surrendered. Mode Pin Strapping Multi-Master System Bus Requested** Surrendered" HLT + TI.CBRO+HPBRO*** Single Bus Multi-Master Mode 10B=High RESB=Low RESB Mode Only 10B=High SYSB/RESB=High. RESB=High ACTIVE STATUS (SYSB/RESB=Low+ TI). CRBO+HLT +HPBRO lOB Mode Only 10B=Low RESB=Low (lID Status+ TI).CBRO+ lOB Mode.RESB Mode 10B=Low (Memory Command)RESB=High (SYSB/RESB = High) Whenever the processor's status lines go active Memory Commands HLT+HPBRO ((I/O Status Commands)+ SYSB/RESB=LQW)).CBRO +HPBRO**'+HLT NOTES: 'LOCK prevents surrender of Bus to any other arbiter, CROLCK prevents surrender of Bus to any lower priority arbiter. '*Except for HALT and Passive or IDLE Status. ***HPBRO, Higher priority Bus request or BPRN = 1. 1. lOB Active Low. 4. TI=Processor Idle Status S2, ST, SO= 111 2. RESB Active High. 5. HLT=Processor Halt Status S2, ST, SO=011 3. +is read as "OR" and.as "AND". 500 SAB 8289 Absolute Maximum Ratings* Ambient Temperature Under Bias 0 to 70°C Storage Temperature --£5 to 150°C All Output and Supply Voltages -0.5 to 7 V All Input Voltages -1.0 to 5.5 V Power Dissipation 1.5 Watt D.C. Characteristics TA = 0 to 70°C. VCC = 5 V Symbol Parameter ± 10% Limit Values Min. Max. Unit Test Condition VC Input Clamp Voltage -1.0 V VCC=4.5 V./C= -5 mA IF Input Forward Current -0.5 mA VCC=5.5 V. VF=0.45 V IR Reverse Input Leakage Current p.A VCC=5.5 V. VR=5.5 V VOL Output Low Voltage BUSY. CBRO AEN BPRO. BREO V IOL=20 mA IOL=16 mA IOL=10 mA VOH - 0.45 Output High Voltage BUSY. CBRO All Other Outputs ICC Power Supply Current V1L Input Low Voltage V1H Input High Voltage Cin Status Input Capacitance Cin (Others) Input Capacitance ' 60 Open Collector 2.4 - V - 165 mA 0.8 2.0 - - 25 12 V IOH=400 p.A - pF *1 Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended perods may affect device reliability. 501 SAB8289 A.C. Characteristics TA=O to 70°C, VCC=5 v ± 10% Timing Requirements Limit Values Symbol Parameter TClCl ClK Cycle Period 125 TClCH - ClK low Time TCHCl ClK High Time - TSVCH Status Active-Setup 65 TSHCL Status Inactive-Setup 50 THVCH Status Active Hold THVCL Status Inactive Hold SAB 8289 Min, 65 SAB8289-1 Min, Max. Busy! LSetup to BCLKL TCBSBL CBRQ! lSetup to BCLKl TBLBL BCLK Cycle Time - 53 - tClCl-l0 55 45 20 100 TCLLL 1 LOCK Inactive Hold 10 10 TCLLL2 LOCK Active Setup 40 40 BPRNL ito BCLK Setup Time 15 SYSB/RESB Setup T::l.SR2 SYSB/RESB Hold 20 Initialization Pulse Width 3TBLBL+ 3TCLCL ----- TNIH TILiH Input Rise Time TIHIL Input Fall Time ! 15 - 0 - - ns 100 0,65 30 [TBLBL] BCLK High Time TCLSRl TCLCL-l0 - - 20 TPNBL - 10 TBHCL - Max, 35 10 30 Test Condition 100 35 TBYSBL Unit 0,65 [TBLBL] - 0 20 3TBLBL+ 3TCLCL 20 - 12 20 From 0,8 to 2,0 V 12 From 2,0 to 0,8 V LDenotes the spec applies to both transitions of the signal. A,C. Testing Input/Output Waveform Input/Output 0:: ~ -Test pOlnts-1L A.C, Testing: Inputs are driven at 2,4 V for a logic" 1" and 0,45 V for a logic "0': The clock is driven at 4,3 V and 0,25 V, Timing measurements are made at 1,5 V for both a logic "1" and "0': 502 SAB 8289 Timing Responses Symbol Parameter Limit Values Min. Max. r TBLBRL BCLK to BREO Delay L 35 TBLPOH BCLK to BPROL j') 40 TPNPO BPRNL to BPROL Delay'l r r Unit - 25 TBLBYL BCLK to BUSY Low 60 TBLBYH BCLK to BUSY Fioat'l 35 - 65 Test Condition - TCLAEH CLK to AEN High TBLAEL BCLK to AEN Low ns TBLCBL BCLK to CBRO Low 60 TBLCRH BCLK to CBRO Fioat'l 35 TOLOH Output Rise Time 20 From 0.8 to 2.0 V TOHOL Output Fall Time 12 From 2.0 to 0.8 V 40 Lr Denotes the spec applies to both transitions ofthe signal. NOTES: 11 BCLK generates the first BPRO wherein subsequent BPRO changes lower in the chain are generated through BPRON. 'I Measured at 0.5 V above GND. A.C. Testing Load Circuit Device Under Test 1 CL='OOpF CL = 100 pF CL Includes jig capacitance 503 SAB 8289 State Waveforms -T4 T1- Tl i -TlT-T4! rr~H j ! I [LK THV[H SYSB/RESB Processor CLK Related Bus CLK Related BPRN#l ----t----t---, IBPRO#1J BPRO#l IBPRN#3) NOTES: 1. LOCK active can occur during any state, as long as the relationships shown above with respect to the CLK are maintained. LOCK inactive has not critical time and can be asynchronous. CRQLCK has no critical timing and is considered an asynchronous input signal. 2. Glitching of SYSB/RESB pin is permitted during this time. After I 2 of T1, and before I 1 of T4, SYSB/RESB should be stable. 3. AEN leading edge is related to BCLK, trailing edge to CLK. The trailing edge of AEN occurs after bus priority is lost. 504 SAB 8289 Additional Notes: The signals related to ClK are typical processor signals, and do not relate to the depicted sequence of events of the signals referenced to BClK. The signals shown related to the BClK represent a hypothetical sequence of events for illustration. Assume 3 bus arbiters of priorities 1, 2 and 3 configured in serial priority resolving scheme as shown in Figure 6. Assume arbiter has the bus and is holding busy low. Arbiter # 2 detects its processor wants the bus and pulls low BREO#2. If BPRN # 2 is high (as shown). arbiter #2 will pull low CBRO line. CBRO signals to the higher priority arbiter # 1 that a lower priority arbiter wants the bus. [A higher priority arbiter would be granted BPRN when it makes the bus request rather than having to wait for another arbiter to release the bus through CBRO]. ** Arbiter # 1 will relinquish the multi-master system bus when it enters a state not requiring it (see Table 1). by lowering its BPRO#1 (tied to BPRN#2) and releasing BUSY. Arbiter #2 now sees that it has priority from BPRN #2 being low and releases CBRO. As soon as BUSY signifies the bus is available (high), arbiter #2 pulls BUSY low on next falling edge of BClK. Note that if arbiter #2 didn't want the bus at the time it received priority, it would pass priority to the next lower priority arbiter by lowering its BPRO#2 [TPNPO]. "Note that even a higher priority arbiter which is acquiring the bus through BPRN will momentarily drop CBRO until it has acquired the bus. 505 SAB82258 ADMA-Advanced DMA Controller for 16 bit Microcomputer Systems • 16 bit DMA Controller for 16 bit Family Processors SAB 80286 SAB 8086/88 SAB 80186/188 • 4 Independent Channels • 16 Mbyte Addressing Range • 16 M byte Byte Cou nt • Memory Based Communication with CPU III "On-the-Fly" Compare, Translate and Verify Operations Figure 1 Pin Configuration (Pad View, 286 mode) • Transfer Rates up to 8 Mbyte/sec • Single and Double Cycle Transfer . • Automatic Chaining of Command Blocks • Automatic Chaining of Data Blocks CD Multiplexor Mode Operation with 32 Subchannels " Local and Remote (Stand Alone) Mode of Operation Figure 2 Function Symbol _~N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ««««>«««« " A.23 .. ,AB U ... AI OR,EOl OREOII IlllTI om-! EO;Dl r 1 ~ ,,, 01S... DI SAD ~ liA2BSmlla./ 82258 Illll1 iiIT ",''' 51 n HOLD HlOA -OS Pm No lHa.rk 1m --··-WIi ,~~~~u~~", '" '" SAB 82258 is an advanced DMA (Direct Memory Access) Controller designed especially for the 16 bit microprocessors SAB 80286 and SAB 8086/1861 88/188. In addition, the operation with other processors is supported by the remote mode. It has 4 independent DMA channels which can transfer data at rates up to 8 Mbytes/secono at 8 MHz clock in a SAB 80286 system or up to 4 Mbytesl second at 8 MHz in a 8086/80186 system. This great bandwidth allows the user to handle very fast data transferor a large number of concurrent peripherals. The device is fabricated in advanced +5 Volt N-channel Siemens MYMOS technology and packaged in a 68 pin package. AG 2/85 507 SAB82258 Modes of Operation, Adaptive Bus Interface SAB 82258 has been defi ned to work with all 16 bit processors, i.e. SAB 80286, SAB 801861188 and SAB 8086/88 without additional support and interface logic. Hence the local busses of above processors are different in signals, functions and timings, SAB 82258 has an adaptive bus interface to meet the different requirements of these local busses. Figure 3 Figure 4 Function Symbol in 186 Mode Function Symbol in Remote Mode cr ReSET SltAO¥ ~R[.OI elK Inn ~I.O~ ~ ____ --" A191S~ F,omSA8BC186 r -'/A16IS3 ! ~:~5:::~ -'23."A8 A7 .A' DREQ3 CREOa t 8~~:8 PACK 3 nim (..: - """ Bus d::(ln186modIJ • J < .-----~:~ 'A01S 015.,oe ADO ---R -= ~E -ALE -OT/R -bEN - HOtD fiLDA As a result ofthis, a bus compatibility with identical timing is attained with processors SAB 80286, SAB 80186 and SAB 8086. A compatibility with the 8 bit bus versions of these processors SAB 8088 and SAB 80188 is also guaranteed by defining the 508 , i ~(in SAB BmB remot.mod,l -BIrr .--n... -BRn -HOlD - HlCA physical bus width of SAB 82258 (per software) as 8 bits. The only difference in operation with SAB 8086 or SAB 80186 is that for SAB 8086 the HOLD pin functions as RLl/GT line (if HLDA is held high on RESET). SAB 82258 Figure 5 Mode Selection Pin A2JIAREADY =, =0 '" RESET HLD.A: l:~~ET =, ~ ~ : BUI Width : ~i1~ ~~ SAB 82258 can also operate in a remote or stand alone mode where it is not coupled directly to a processor. Figure 5 shows the way how SAB 82258 detects with which processor or in which mode it is operating. Figure 2 shows the logic pinning in the 286 mode - for operation with SAB 80286. Figure 3 shows the logic pinning in the 186 modefor operation with SAB 80186/188 and SAB 8086188, and Figure 4 shows the pinning when SAB 82258 is in the remote mode and not directly coupled to a processor. Pin Definitions and Functions The pins of SAB 82258 have different meaning for each of the 4 modes of bus operation. The pinning in 286 mode and remote mode as well as 186 and 8086 mode are very similar. Table 1 summarizes the pinning of SAB 82258 in the various modes, the following sections give a detailed description of the pin function in each of the modes. 509 SAB 82258 Table 1 Pin Name and Function 286 mode Pin No. Remote mode 186/8086 mode Designation Input/ Output Designation Input! Output Designation Input! Output 16 HOLD 0 HOLD 0 17 HLDA I HLDA I HOLD or RQ/GT HLDA 0(186) I/O (8086) I SHE I/O SHE I/O SHE I/O 14 11 13 8 2 3 10 1 M/io Sf 0 I/O I/O I I I I SREL 0 0 S2 0 I/O I/O I I/O I/O I 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 A23 A22 A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 A16 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 AS A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 AO 510 SO CS RD WR READY 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sf SO CS RD WR READY 0 A23 A22 A21 A20 A1S A18 A17 A16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 AO a a I I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sf SO CS RD WR SREADY 0 AREADY ALE DT/R" DEN A 19/56 A18/S5 A17/S4 A16/S3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 AS A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 AO a I 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 a 0 a a 0 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O SAB 82258 286 mode Pin No. 186/8086 mode Remote mode Designation Input/ Output Designation Input! Output Designation Input! Output 18 20 22 24 27 29 31 33 19 21 23 25 28 30 32 34 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O AD15 AD14 AD13 AD12 AD11 AD10 AD9 AD8 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 ADO I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O 7 6 5 4 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 15 12 9,43 26,60 DREOO DRE01 DRE02 DRE03 DACKO DACK1 DACK2 DACK3 EODO EOD1 EOD2 EOD3 RESET ClK VSS VCC I I I I DREOO DRE01 DRE02 DREQ3 DACKO DACK1 DACK2 DACK3 EODO EOD1 EOD2 EOD3 RESET ClK VSS VCC I I I I DREOO DRE01 DRE02 DRE03 DACKO DACK1 DACK2 DACK3 EODO EOD1 EOD2 EOD3 RESET ClK VSS I I I I 0 0 0 0 I/O I/O I/O I/O I I (Ground) (Power Supply) 0 0 0 0 I/O I/O I/O I/O I I (Ground) (Power Supply) vce 0 0 0 0 I/O I/O I/O I/O I I (Ground) (power Supply) 511 SAB82258 Pinning in 286 Mode In the 286 mode the SAB 82258 bus signals and bus timings are the same as of the SAB 80286 processor. Additional features of SAB 82258 require a slight change in pin definitions. The processor can access internal registers of the SAB 82258. Therefore the bus signals must support these accesses. This means that some ofthe bus control signals must be bidirectional and some additional bus control signals are necessary. All pins and their functions are listed below. Figure 6 Pin Configuration in 286 Mode PC Board View - As viewed from the component side of the pc board Component Pad View - As viewed from underside of component when mounted on the board .~N~~~~~~e~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ro~~~~~~N~G ~«««<>«««« ~~~~~4~~>~~~~~~~~ " ILJL JLJLJ L J LJL.JLJLJLJLJLJLJ LJLJLJ t~ A16 A17 A 18 A19 A20 ~~i rmJ J J [ 09 02 [ 0" [ J Fj E ~~o [ vee J DAm F~ ~ FJ ~ ~~2 [ os ~ J to1J0 J EODT J E002 E003 J J [DB [ 06 [ 014 [is 015 '1',lr 1r l r l r , r l r l r l i l r l r l r l r lrlrlrl 512 D0 08 01 vee J A23 Pin No.1 Mark [ [ [ [ 07 SAB 82258 Table 2 Pin Description for 286 Mode (Contains also the description for pins identical in all modes I Symbol Number Input (II Output (01 Functions BHE 1 1/0 Bus High Enable indicates transfer of data on the upper byte ofthe data bus, D15-8. Eight-bit oriented devices assigned to the upper byte ofthe data bus would normally use BHE to condition chip select functions. BHE is active LOW and floats to 3-state OFF when the SAB 82258 does not own the bus. BHE and AO encodings BHE AO Function 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Word transfer (D15-01 Byte transfer on upper half of data bus (D15-81 Byte transfer on lower half of data bus (D7 -01 Odd addressed byte on 8 bit bus (D7-01 RD 2 I Read command in conjunction with chip select enables reading out of SAB 82258 register which is addressed by the address lines A7-AO. This signal can be asynchronous to SAB 82258 clock. WR 3 I Write command is used for writing into SAB 82258 registers. This signal can be asynchronous to SAB 82258 clock. DREQODREQ3 4-7 I DMA request input signals are used for synchronized DMA transfers. DREQ3 has the meaning of 1/0 request (IOREQI if channel3 is a multiplexer channel. These signals can be asynchronous to SAB 82258 clock. CS 8 I Chip select is used to enable the access of a processor to SAB 82258 registers. This access is additionally controlled either by bus status signals or by the Read or Write command signals. Chip select can be asynchronous to SAB 82258 clock. READY 10 I Bus Ready terminates a bus cycle. Bus cycles are extended without limit until terminated by READY LOW. READY is an active LOW synchronous input requiring setup and hold times relative to the system clock be met for correct operation. 513 SAB 82258 Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) Functions sO,Sf 11, 13 I/O The bus status signals control the support circuits. The beginning of a bus cycle is indicated by Sf or SO or both going active. The termination of a bus cycle is indicated by all status signals going inactive in 186 mode or bus ready signal (READY) going active in 286 mode. The type of bus cycle is indicated by SO, S1 and S2 (in 186 mode) or M/TO (in 286 mode). S2 and M/TO have the same meaning but in 186 mode the S2 signal can be active only when at least one of Sf or SO is active, whereas in 286 mode the M/TO signal is valid with the address on the address lines. SAB 82258 can generate the following bus cycles by activating the status signals (and M/TO in 286 mode): M/TO Sf orS2 SO Cycle Type 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 Read I/O-Vector (for Multiplexor channel) Read from 1/0 Space Write into 1/0 Space No bus cycle, does not occur in 186 mode Does not occu r Read from Memory Space Write into Memory Space No bus cycle 1 1 1 When SAB 82258 is not the master of the local bus the status signals are used as inputs for detection of synchronous accesses to SAB 82258. The following table shows the bus status and CS, signals and their interpretation by SAB 82258. CS SO Description Sf 1 X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 SAB 82258 is not selected no SAB 82258 access Read from an SAB 82258 register Write into an SAB 82258 register No bus cycle (no action) (no action) (Note 1) Note 1: SAB 82258 is selected but no synchronous access is activated. In this case SAB 82258 monitors RD and WR signals for detection of an asynchronous access. ClK 514 12 I This clock provides the fundamental timing. It must be two times the system clock. It can be directly connected to the SAB 82284 ClK output. It is divided by two to generate the SAB 82258 internal clock. The on chip divide-by-two circuitry can be synchronized to the external clock generator by a lOW to HIGH transition on the RESET input, or by first HIGH to lOW transition on the Status Inputs SO or Sf after RESET. SAB 82258 Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) M/IO 14 0 Distinction between memory and I/O space addresses. RESET 15 I An activation of the reset signal forces SAB 82258 to the initial state. The reset signal must be synchronous to ClK. HOLD 16 0 HOLD output, when true, indicates a request for control of the local bus. When the SAB 82258 relinquishes the bus it drops the HOLD output. HlDA 17 I HlDA. when true, indicates that the SAB 82258 can acquire the control ofthe bus. When it goes low SAB 82258 must relinguish the bus at the end of its current cycle. It can be asynchronous to the SAB 82258 clock. 00-015 18-25, 27-34 I/O Data Bus - This is the bidirectional 16 bit data bus. For use with an 8 bit bus, only the lower 8 data lines D7-DO are relevant. AO-A7 35-42 I/O The lower 8 address lines for DMA transfers. They are also used to input the register address when the processor accesses a SAB 82258 register. A8-A23 44-59 0 Higher address outputs. DACKODACK3 61-64 0 The DACKi Signal acknowledges the requests on the related DREQi signal. It is activated when the requested transfer(s) is (are) performed. If the channel 3 is a multiplexor channel the signal DACK3 has the meaning of I/O acknowledge (lOACK). EODOEOD3 65-68 I/O The End of DMA Signals are implemented as open drain output drivers with a high impedance pull up resistor and thus can be used as bidirectional lines. As outputs the signals are activated for two system clock cycles atthe end of the DMA transfer of the corresponding channel (if enabled) or they are activated under program control (EOD output or interrupt output). If the signals are held internally high but forced to low by external circuitry, they act as "End-of-DMA" inputs. The current transfer is aborted and SAB 82258 continues with the next command. Additionally, a special function is possible with the EOD2 pin: this pin can also be used as common interrupt signal for all4 channels. In this mode this signal is not a open drain output but a push pull output (output only). The other EOD pins may be used as EOD outputs/inputs described above. VCC 26,60 Power supply (5 V) VSS 9,43 Ground (OV) Functions 515 SAB 82258 Pinning in 186 Mode In 186 mode many pins have a different meaning than in the 286 mode. They are listed below (for corresponding 286 names see table 1). Figure 7 Pin Configuration in 186 Mode Component Pad View - As viewed from underside of component when mounted on the board PC Board View - As viewed from the component side of the pc board _ _ N~4~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~mN~_ ««««>«««« «~««<>«««« ~ II II II II II II dLJLJLJLJ LJLJL JLJLJLJLJLJLJ LJLJ LJ~~ S3/A 16 S4/A17 SS/A18 S6/A19 om OTiR' ALE AREADY siJ [ J [ AD0 ADS AD1 AD9 A02 AOtO AD 3 [ AD 11 J J J J [ [ [ [ ~ ~ ~ E ~~[4 ~ ~ ~ ~~;3 AD6 0AlKT J [ ~~~; ~ EOD3 516 ~ A012 ~ t.uu,. Pin No.1 Mark [ J ~ ~~;4 r'! 1r 1,1 r 1 r 11' rlrl r 111 rlrl r ~! 1 r 1r 1r 1 r 1 ~ 8888 ~~ ~ ~g~ ~i~gggg~~ffi~~~~~~~ AOtS SAB 82258 Table 3 Changes of Pin Description in 186 mode Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) Functions RD WR 2,3 1/0 In 186 mode, the RD and WR pins are additionally used as output pins to support 80186 or 8086 minimum mode systems. ALE 58 0 Address latch enable signal provides a strobe to separate the address information on the multiplexed AD lines. DEN 56 0 Data enable signal is used for enabling the data transceiver. DT/R 57 0 Data transmitlreceive signal controls the direction of the data transceivers. When lOW, data is transferred to the SAB 82258, when HIGH the ADMA places data on to the data bus. S2 14 0 Status signal as for SAB 186/8086/88 processors (see also 51, SO description in 286 mode). AREADY 59 I This is an asynchronous bus ready signal, the rising edge is internally synchronized, the falling edge must be synchronous to ClK. During reset this signal must be low for entering the 186 mode. SREADY 10 I Synchronous ready input. This signal must be synchronized externally. The use ofthis pin permits a relaxed system-timing specification by eliminating the clock phase which is required for resolving the signal level when using the AREADY input. ClK 12 I This is the input for the one time system clock. No internal prescaling is done. ADOAD15 18-25 27-34 1/0 AO-A7 A8-A15 35-42 44-51 1/0 0 lower address and data information is multiplexed on pin ADO-AD15. Additionally the demultiplexed address information is available on address pin AO-A 15. A16/S3A 19/56 52,55 0 The higher address bits are multiplexed with additional status information. 517 SAB 82258 Pinning in 8086 Mode In 8086 mode the bus arbitration is done via RQ/GT protocol instead ofthe HOLD/HLDA protocol in 186 mode. The function of the other pins is identical to 186 mode. Figure 8 Pin Configuration in 8086 Mode Component Pad View - As viewed from underside of component when mounted on the board "' ~UL "'"'"' _II ~ ADI ADS AD' AD9 AD' AD10 " i= 53JA 16 S4/A 17 551 A 18 561 A 19 DEN A16/S3 A17JS4 A1B/55 A19/S6 DEN LJ i= ADl AD1, vee oTiR" A014 " rr Is &._ ALE AREADY ilACKl DATi««<444 ~~~~~~~~>~~~~<~« " 00 08 01 09 02 010 OJ 011 [J vee 04 012 OS 013 06 014 01 01S " vee vee 822)13 0AfK!' DAIKl DAIRl DAITT = DACK 2 !JACK] fIj()j " $_ A16 A11 A 18 A 19 A20 A21 A22 A23 "6 A11 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 All DACK 3 EOlfj ETIDI E50T EDD 2 ftTIf] EOO2 [003 N,.., ~~~~~~13~1~ Pm No 1Mark sQ LJLJLJ LJ L -.lLJL-.l LJLJ LJLJLJL.J LJULJt!~ L J ! .~ 011 vee ~ ~ 04 012 OS 013 06 014 [' 07 [Je 01S ~ r, ,r',l,l,'" il,l,' ' l o l i l ' 1r lrlr,r, mN_= Ir ~ ~ 8888 ~~ ~ ~~g~ ~F~mmmm~~~r~rm~o~ ~~ DoaDu>~~w~m~~~ Table 5 Changes of Pin Description in Remote Mode Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) Functions BREL 14 0 In this mode pin 14 is used to indicate when SAB 82258 has released the control of the local bus. es 8 I In Remote Mode the input has two functions: besides enabling the access to SAB 82258 internal registers it works as an Access Request input. When forced to low it signals the SAB 82258 that another bus master needs access to the local bus of the SAB 82258 (e.g. to read/write SAB 8225 8 registers). SAB 82258 releases the bus as soon as possibl e and indicates this by activating the BREL output. HOLD HLDA 16 17 0 I Signals on these pins are only used for access to the system bus. They are connected to the bus arbiter. Resident bus accesses are directly executed (without HOLD/HLDA sequence). es 519 SAB 82258 Functional Description General SAB 82258 is an advanced general purpose DMA controller especially tailored for efficient high speed data transfers on a SAB 80286 as well as an SAB 801861188 or SAB 8086/88 bus. It supports two basic operating modes: -local mode (tightly coupled to a processor) and - remote mode (loosely coupled to a processor). In the first case SAB 82258 is directly coupled to the CPU and uses the same system support/control devices as the CPU (see figure 10a). This mode is possible with the above mentioned processors. As a second basic operating mode a remote (stand alone) mode is supported (see fig. 10b). Here the SAB82258 has his own sets of bus interface circuits and thus can dispose of its own local bus. This allows the DMA-controller to work in parallel to the main CPU and therefore overall system performance could be increased. Besides that, this mode is very useful for the design of modular systems and allows connecting the ADMA to any other processor via the system bus independent of the processor's unique local bus. Figure 10 Basic ADMA Operating Modes b) Remote Mode a) Local Mode SAO 80286 S Y S T E M DACK 0-3 DREO 0-3 520 OREO 0-3 DACK 0-3 SAB 82258 SAB 82258 has four independent DMA channels that can transfer up to 8 Mbytes/sec in the single cycle mode (2 clocks/tra nsfer).ln the 2 cycle transfer mode the maximum rate is 4 Mbytes/sec. Switching between channels induces no time penalty. Thus the overall maximum transfer rate of 8 Mbytes/sec is also valid for multiple channel operation. This fast operation is possible because of the pipelined architecture of the SAB 82258 that allows the different function units to work in parallel. Figure 11 Block diagram of SAB 82258 Addr. Channel Control Signals Data ,,, The ADMA supports two address spaces, memory space and I/O space, each with a maximum address range of 16 Mbytes. In addition, the maximum block length (byte count) is also 16 Mbytesto support applications where large blocks of data have to be transferred (e.g. graphics). 521 SAB 82258 As source or as destination, four parameters can be independently selected: - Address Space (memory or 110) - Physical Bus Width (8 bit or 16 bit), - Logical Bus Width (same as physical bus width or 8 bit on a 16 bit physical bus) and - Transfer Direction (increasing, decreasing, fixed pointer or constant value). If the physical bus width of source or destination does not meet the logical bus width an automatic byte/word assembly (word/byte disassembly) takes place ifthis minimizes the necessary transfers. The same is true if the logical bus widths of source and destination are different. Transfers between different address spaces can be performed within one cycle or in two cycles, transfers within one address space can be performed only in two cycles. The transfers can be executed free running or externally synchronized via DRO where source or destination synchronization is possible. In summary, this very symmetrical operation of SAB 82258 gives the user a great amount of design flexibility. Adaptive-Bus Interface As shown in figure 5 the SAB 82258 bus interface has two basic timing modes: the 286 mode and the 186 mode. In 286 mode SAB 82258 is directly coupled to an SAB 80286, in 186 mode to an SAB 80186 or SAB 80188. For each ofthese two modes a slightly different variation exists: 522 - For the 286 mode, the Remote Mode, where the ADMA operates as a bus master on the system bus without being directly coupled to a processor. In this mode SAB 82258 can dispose of its own local bus and the communication with the main processor is done via the system bus. To enable access to ADMA registers by the main processor, SAB 82258 must release its local bus. This "local bus arbitration" in remote mode is done via the CS and BREL lines. - For the 186 mode the variation is the 8086 mode where the SAB 82258 supports the RO/GT protocol and thus can be directly coupled to a!1 SAB 8086 or SAB 8088. Memory Based Communication The normal communication between the ADMA and the processor is memory based. This means that all necessary data for a transfer is contained in a command block in memory accessible for CPU and SAB 82258 (see figure 12). To start the transfer the CPU loads one of the command pointer registers of SAB 82258 with the address of the command block and then gives a "start channel command". Getting the command SAB 82258 loads the entire command block from memory into its on-chip channel registers and executes it. On completing the operation, channel status information is written back by SAB 82258 into the channel status word contained in the command block in memory. If desired the actual contents of the channel registers, i.e. source pointer, destination pointer and byte count is transferred into the Channel Status Block. The Channel Status Block immediately follows the Command Block in memory (see figure 12). SAB 82258 Figure 12 Memory Based Communication and Command Chaining Memory Based Communication ~~ipb "''--_--=C.:::om'''m':::'':..:''''o'''''lo'-'_ _-"al\ Higher Addrus!lower Address I=l I In Memory Incleasingl Address Command Chaining (I=l ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 3) Simplest DMA Operation b) Auto-reload DMA I_ \ Wlltten alt.r ~yerv T F"'c~om~m~,"~'~""'I,"~"O~'~' DMA termination I DMA #1 Compare lUMPil*con __________ drtioo' met DMA Written after OMA termination poonter II ENST=l In command eltenslon. #3 DMA Command Block Q! byte counlend I STOP STOP C~annel ., external terminate #2 byte General ·condition- = mask compareh,1 c) Conditional DMA Operation Command Chaining Data Chaining Command blocks for any channel can be chained for sequential execution (see figure 12). When SAB 82258 comes to an end with one command, it automatically starts to fetch and execute the next command block until a stop command is found. As a result a chain of command blocks can be executed by the ADMA without any CPU intervention. Due to conditional and unconditional STOP and JUMP commands, quite complex sequences of DMA can be executed by SAB 82258. Data chaining permits an automatic, dynamic linking of data blocks scattered in memory. There are two types: list and linked-list data chaining. Iffor a DMA the source blocks are to be dynamically linked during DMA it is called source chaining and the effect is that of gathering data blocks and sending them out effectively as one block. If one source block is dynamically broken-up into multiple destination blocks, it is called destination chaining. This results in scattering of a block. . This dynamic linking and un-linking of data blocks makes the logical sequencing of data independent of its physical sequencing in memory. 523 SAB 82258 Figure 13 Data Chaining a) Linked List Chaining Com mind Pointer -----------Typt 1 Conlllllnd b) List Chaining Comm'nd Pointer On Chip On Chip In Memory Type 1 Command Link Poln'" Source Pointer In Memory Chain list Pointer linked Lilt In the case of linked list chaining (see figure 13a) each data block has a descriptor containing information on position of data block in memory, length of data block, and a pointer to the next description. During data transfer the data block 1 is sent out first, then 2 and so on till a 0 is encountered in the byte count field. 524 The second type of data chaining is List Chaining (figure 13 b). Unlike linked list chaining, here the data block descriptors are continuous in a block and thus determ i ne the sequence of data blocks. The flexibility lost in terms of predefined sequence is gained in terms of linking time. SAB 82258 "On-The-Fly" Operations A normal DMAcontroller blindly transfers data from source to destination without looking at the data. In case of the ADMA on-the-fly operations are executed during the DMA transfer and allow inspection and/or operation on the transferred data. There are three on-the-fly operations possible: - Mask/Compare, - Translate and - Verify During a mask/compare operation each byte/word transferred is compared to a given pattern. One or more bits can be masked and thus do not contribute to the result of the compare operation. The result can be used by subsequent conditional stop or jump operations. For translate operation the byte (no word possiblel that is fetched from source is added to a translate pointer to build the effective source pointer. The byte pointed to by this pointer is then fetched and sent out to the destination. Of course a mask/ compare operation is possible on the byte sent out. The verify operation is a type of block compare operation to compare each byte/word of data read from a peripheral with that in a data block in memory. There are three options: 1. Verify with no termination on mismatch (2-cycle transfer only) 2. Verify with termination on mismatch (2-cycle transfer onlyl. 3. Verify and save (single cycle transfer only). Here an actual transfer with compare takes place. The transfer is not stopped on mismatch. MUltiplexer Channel When programmed to multiplexer mode channel 3 (supported by a multiplexer logicl can be used to service up to 32 subchannel request lines (see figure 14). Thus it is ideally suited to service a large number of relatively slow equipment like CRT terminals, line printers etc. Since multiple subchannels are processed with the resource of one DMA channel, the overhead of subchannel switchi ng, of cou rse, decreases the total effective throughput on the multiplexer channel. Figure 14a Multiplexer Channel Ch.O HOLD Ch.1 SAD 82258 Ch.2 o o upto 32 Request lines HLDA T 0 C Multi - plexor IOREa IOACK P U Ch.3 • Multiplexor consists of one or more SAB 8259 A (Interrupt Controller) 525 I SAB 82258 Figure 14b) Structure of MUltiplexer Table I Multiplexor Table Pointer On Chip equests from Devices ~ IIII I SA8 B259A Multiplexor Table I.~! P" Subchannel 8 Bit Veclor (Device Number) In Memory Subchannel a Command Chain Subch.#O Command ~Pointer Type 1 Command Subch.#O Mask Type 1 Command ~pointel Subch.# 1 Command ~Pointer SUbch.# 1 Mask ~pointer n Subch.#2 Command r---Rpointer Stop and Mask Intr. Command Subchannel 1 Command Chain Type 1 Type 2 Type 1 Subch.#2 Mask SlOp and Mask Rpointer Intr. Command ~ Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 SlOp and Mask Intr. Command The mask pointer is the address of the appropriate SAB 8259A mask register. 526 SAB 82258 Operating the SAB 82258 Reset When activating the reset input. SAB 82258 is forced into its initial state. All channels and bus activities are stopped, tristate lines are tristated and the others enter the inactive state. While the reset input is active line A23/ AREADY and HLDA must be forced to the appropriate levels to select the desired bus interface mode (see figures 5 and 36). After deactivating reset the inactive state is maintained, in addition the state of SAB 82258 registers is as follows: - General Mode Register, General Burst Register, General Delay Register, General Status Regisier and the four Channel Status Registers are set to zero, - the Vector Not Valid bit of the Multiplexer Interrupt Vector Register is set to 1, - all other registers and bits are undefined. Note that the General Mode Register (GMR) should be loaded first to select the mode of operation before any other activity is started on the ADM A. DMA Interface The DMA interface consists of three lines: • DRQ - DMA request, • DACK - DMA acknowledge and • EOD - end of DMA The first two lines work as request and acknowledge lines to control synchronized DMA transfers as known from conventional DMA controllers. A special feature of SAB 82258 are the bidirectional EOD lines. First they can be used as inputs to receive an asynchronous external terminate signal to terminate a running DMA. Second, as an output, they can be used to send out a pulse which interrupts the CPU and/or signals to the peripheral a specific status (e.g. transfer aborted or end of a block or send/receive next block ... ). The EOD output signal can be generated synchronously to a transfer (during the last transfer) or asynchronously to the transfers by a specific command. In addition the EOD output of channel 2 can be used as a collective interrupt output for all DMA channels while the other three retain their normal function. Slave Interface The slave interface is used to access SAB 82258 internal registers. Although nearly all of the communication between CPU and ADMA is done via memory based data blocks, some direct accesses to ADMA registers are necessary. For example during the initialization phase the general mode registers must be written, or to start a channel. the command pointer register and the general command register must be loaded. Also during the debugging phase it is of great benefitto have access to all of the SAB 82258 internal registers. The slave interface is enabled by the CS input and consists of the following lines: • • • • • SO, ~ RD, WR AO-A7 DO- 015 ADO-AD15 - Status Lines (inputs) Control Lines (inputs) Register Address (inputs) Data Lines (inputs/outputs) and Address/Data Lines (inputs/outputs) for synchronous access in 186 mode Note, that all of these lines are outputs if SAB 82258 is an active bus master. In 186 mode and 286 mode two types of accesses are possible: - Synchronous access by means of the status lines. Processor and SAB 82258 are directly coupled and must use the same clock, - Asynchronous access by using the control lines RD and WR (processor and ADMA may have different clocks). In all modes except the synchronous access in 186 mode the register address must be supplied on address pins AO-A7. Using synchronous access in 186 mode the address information is expected at address/data lines ADO-AD7. In remote mode only the asynchronous access is possible because SAB 82258 first has to release its local bus to enable the register access. On receiving an access request (activation of CS input) SAB 82258 releases its local bus as soon as possible and signals this by activating the BREL line. Now the CPU can accomplish its access. Reg ister Set Figure 15 shows the user visible registers of SAB 82258. A set of 5 registers, called the general registers, is used for all the 4 channels. The mode register is written first aher reset and it describes the SAB 82258 environment - bus widths, priorities etc. The General Command Register (GCR) is used to start and stop the DMA transfer on different channels. General Status Register IGSR) shows the status of all the 4 channels; if the channel is running, if interrupt is pending etc. General Burst Register IGBR) and General Delay Register IGOR) are used to specify the bus load which is permissible for SAB 82258. 527 I SAB 82258 There is 'a set of channel registers for each of the 4 channels. Most channel registers serve as cache registers and need to be accessed only for debugging. During normal operation they are automatically loaded by SAB 82258 (see next paragraph). The layout of register addresses is shown in figure 16. All register lie at even addresses. Locations not designated in figure 16 are reserved. Figure 15 SAB 82258 Register Set General Registers o 15 I GMR I GSR Status Mode Command GCR GBR GDR Burst Delay o 7 Channel Registers (4 sets; 1 per channel) o 23 CPR SPR Command Pointer DPR TTPR LPR Destination Pointer Translate Table Pointer List Pointer BCR Byte Count Source Pointer Channel Command Mask Compare CCR MASKR COMPR DAR 15 CSR Assembly Channel Status I 7 0 Multiplexor Channel Registers 0 7 MIVR 528 Interrupt Vector LVR Last Vector SCR Subchannel SAB 82258 Figure 16 Layout of Register Addresses Address Bits 0-5 0 2 4 6 8 A C E 10 12 14 16 18 1A lC 1E 20 22 24 26 28 2A 2C 2E 30 32 34 36 38 3A 3C 3E GCR SCR GSR GMR GBR GDR CSR DAR MASKR COMPR Address Bits 7.6 00 GCR SCR GSR 10 11 GMR GBR GOR CSR0 OAR0 MASKR" COMPR" CSR 1 OAR1 MASKR1 COMPR 1 CSR2 OAR2 MASKR2 COMPR2 CSR 3 OAR 3 MASKR3 COMPR3 MIVR LVR CPRL0 CPRH" SPRL0 SPR H0 OPR Ul OPR H0 TTPRL0 TTPRH0 LPR L0 LPR H0 CPR L1 CPR H1 SPR L1 SPR H1 OPR L1 OPR H1 TTPR L1 TTPRH1 LPR L1 LPRH1 CPR L2 CPR H2 SPR L2 SPR H2 OPR L2 OPR H2 TTPR L2 TTPRH2 LPR L2 LPR H2 CPRL3 CPR H3 SPR L3 SPR H3 OPR L3 OPR H3 TTPR L3 TTPRH3 LPR L3 /MTPR L LPRH3/MTPRH BCRL0 BCR H0 CCRL0 CCRH0 BCRL1 BCR H1 eCRL1 eCR H1 BCR L2 BCR H2 CCR L2 CCR H2 BCRL3 BCR H3 CCRL3 lCR H3 = General Command Register = Subchannel Register = General Status Register General Mode Register General Burst Register General Delay Register Channel Status Register Data Assembly Register Mask Register " = Compare Register = = = = = = 01 MIVR LVR CPR SPR DPR TTPR LPR MTPR BCR CCR I = Multiplexor Interrupt Vector Register = Last Vector Register = Command Pointer Register = Source Pointer Register = Destination Pointer Register = Translate Table Pointer Register = List Pointer Register = Multiplexer Table Pointer Register = Byte Count Register = Channel Command Register 529 SAB82258 Register Description General Mode Register In the General Mode Register GMR (fiQure 17) the system wide parameters are specified. This register should be programmed first after reset. Figure 17 General Mode Register (GMR) rJ _ ~ _ ')1_ t~(J··m.,~ Cn;)C1r'"l !'!,.·l.~:pif'-xo" '::n.0,~,' Uta .... '"!;l "'obtin,?, ::".1 fiX~Cl (bl'<"st) -0 _ C:-.• ),~ t"!)";a+.inq (n1';1'f''' gr,".lp) V' • .?,3 r,,-t~-:.i""·'l (l(';Wf;" gfO"p) ,) _ fOD2 pin .. EOD.? 1 _ EOD2 pt.-, .. COr!",mo,., I"ter. 530 SAB 82258 General Command Register Individual channels are started and stopped by a command written tothe General Command Register GCR (figure 18), The GCR is directly loaded by the CPU, Figure 18 General Command Register (GCR) 000 _ :):11 _ ~OP 018 _ 01~ _ 100 _ 10~ _ 110 _ 11~ _ SH.RT STt.f l in~di .... cIGtopped, no ,."ql.oec~ (;1-."""111 lnuo.tive/"tcpp<>d, r(>(1\,jG£I~ p(lrl(Ji"lll :Mn'1el \1'. or(JlI!'lisAtioMl c'-coer.cinl'l [)Mr, in croqrll~; . _ _ _ _ Inter ..... pt 3htu'1 I r; _ ~o irrtllr"'",pt , _ Int(lrr .... ot p{lnaina ' - - -___ COfItroj ;iP:lCP LOClltb., 0_ Cerltrol SP"'CB en fl:ES r.lJS (remote mode) or mt-mery b... a (loc~l modC') 1 _ Co"tr"ol S(JIIC(, Of'l S'iS t'L,JS (rrmotll modll) or I/O ous (local ft1ooc) " - - - - - -_____ Statln ChM,nel 1 " - - - - - - - - - - - - _ Sh!,I:' Cr:~nnel :: " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stll.tUI> CI-.l.H'ln('l 3 533 SAB 82258 The channel commands are contained in the channel command block (figure 12). Up to 22 bits are used to specify the command. There are two types of channel commands: Type 2 command blocks are 6 bytes long (see figure 23) of which the first 2 bytes form the command and the rest is either a relative displacement or an absolute address for the JUMP operation. There are 2 basic type 2 commands (figure 23): • Type 1: for data movement • Type 2: for command chaining control a. JUMP - conditional and non-conditional b. STOP - conditional and non-conditional The command block for a Type 1 command is in general 26 bytes long (see figure 12). The conditional case tests for either of the 4 condition bits which are altered at the termination of any DMA operation: Channel Commands For certain' type 1 transfers which, for example, do not use "on-the-fly" match, translate or verify feature, the command is only 16 bits long and only a short command block is necessary (see figure 12). The Type 1 command fields (see figures 21 and 22) contain information on: a. Bus width of source and destination b. If source and/or destination address should be incremented or decremented or kept constant during the transfer c. If source/destination is in memory or I/O space (local mode) or in system or I/O space (remote mode) d. If data chaining (list or linked-list) is to be performed e. If the data transfer is synchronized (source or destination) f. If an "on-the-fly" match operation and/or translate operation has to be performed g. If a verify operation has to be performed. 534 • • • • Termination due to byte count end Termination due to mask-compare Termination due to external terminate Verify operation resulting in mismatch. It is thus possible to JUMP or STOP further execution of commands based on any of these conditions and optionally generate EOD or interrupt signal. The combination of type 1 and 2 commands gives SAB 82258 a high degree of "programmability". It can thus execute quite complex algorithms with a fairly low demand for CPU service. SAB 82258 Figure 21 Type 1 (DMA) Channel Command 15 13 12 11 10 9 67 ...I 43210 Destination 1- Source I LC IW/BIINC DECjMhojW1B!INCIDECI~ '-v------"L Coue", Co""ip'ion SF"" 1/0 or rcsiJC'nl 1 _ Mcmory or :;y~,l('m (l _ :::;'ourcf' Pointer ,l() _ No II~c/DFC 81 _ ore 10 _ INC 11 _ tm puinb.'r ((;ondanl. value) l -_____ Loqic",l Bus WiJlh o_ 8 bd, 1 _ 16 bil Dl'!>lincllian Oer.criptiorl Sam~ Lie w, I ~()urc(' del.(~r. LC NO dHinin:l I o L'] - chaining lLl chaining not a1 lowed i~;l Link,~rj ,";;pl"ct Ch;:nn.inq D,",ii,.,iion 1 _ Sourcl-' ror ~'IJX. rral\~fer' Channel: Ch:Jininq r, _ Tr:lr1!.h·r i~ sync.hroniLI·d 1 _ Tran!;fer not. ~yn"hronil"]d fnnblr' [Of) Output Fn"1bll' FxLernal fcrmin.1t(' [nput. Chanm·l comm<'lnd Blo(:k It'nylh J _ ~}hort 1 - lang (wilh cornman::! xbmsion) ;'ynr.hronilat.ion L nn - Tyo' ? "omm,nJ ~,ourCl :;ync. 1(1 _ Df'.Llno.ltion sync. 11 _ No :,yn(;. (rre~ runnin'j) 01 - For r~ulliplexor Ch.1rmel '')0 _ Type? command 01 - Bylp/II'Qrd multiplex opfratio~1 11) _ ~;inql(' lrant.fcr operation 11 _ Bbrk multiplf'x oppnd.ion 535 SAB 82258 Figure 22 Type 1 Channel Command Extension 7 I 5 I ~ IYRAI VER I I MATCH '---v---' '---v---' L Motch_Co.p", 00 .. Disablod 01 .. ~nable mi!::m.'\tch (Sytc/I'/ord) 10 .. t.ndble hyte mntr.h 1~ .. fl1.,dt> W¢"d matcl· ' - - - -___ '.'cdfy 'JJ .. :~o veri fy Ci .. Ve"'ify :n _ Ve"i"y ar·d t,alt (o~ rr:i,:,Mcltch) 11 .. \le"'1 fy flr1:] save '-----------0_ Trar.slate [nabl e :J _ T"'ar..sldte disabled 1 .. Trnr.51 atf' enati Cd ' - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ t,'1.;ble 8acl<..;p c .. ~ 536 Upciate ir'l CMn"el cornmilnd block di5abl('d .. uodah' (''''Clblco SAB 82258 Figure 23 Type 2 Command Blocks (for command chaining control) o 15 Type 2 Command Signed 16- bit Displacement -Relative JUMP -0Type 2 Command 24- bit Pointer -0- - A-bsolute JUMP I Type 2 Command -0-0- -Conditional STOP -Unconditional STOP -STOP and MASK for MUX Channel 537 SAB 82258 Figure 24 Type 2 Command Format 15 13 11 10 9 5 o 4 I oI I 0 0 I 3 0 ICondition Code I IVERIMAI ET IBC I ~ Condi tion Cod, Byte cOvnt .. 0 ext ... "~I":;' Te"mi:'M.tr: ' - - -___ Byte/we. .\at.Ch ~ lr.ve ... t ~ha"'.nel sti,t.JS bits before compl'!r ing wi tb ~or()i t'ior, C,JJ.: Genfl!"'flt.e roo p,.lse STOP and Mt.S'< for Mu/{ C'1linnd '.11 _ Condido1a: STOP 10 _ Cc,.,diticnaP JUI1.F "da-':lv~ ~1 _ Cc"(1itio~,al· JU~1P ,HJ~olute *) Unconditional JUMP when all condition code bits are set 1. 538 SAB 82258 Channel Status Register For each channel exists a Channel Status Register (see figure 251. This register shows the current state ofthe appropriate channel. Figure 25 Channel Status Register 7654320 I~~ / / /:'SS'1vERI FE H JDMA Termin.lionl MAl ET BCJ I ~ L Flags set on DMt. termination Be - 8yt~ r:o\Jnt er1d IT - ExCp.!""f'lal ter.,.,il1i1te MA _ Mat.ch/mi"mn.t~r. 'oJEK - 'verify operation p.rdil"1.'J i'1 mi~rTHltch Single step nal t mode Cha~"el arerrttiflq in SSI1 mooe U"arrnel it"1 hal ted sta't.e Fatal er'l"'O'" L.ast :;ucc.,anne] commr;nd t.rans:"el"'red i!'i ol"ocebl";ed *1 Valid only for channel3 in multiplexer mode. In all other cases 0 is returned. 539 SAB 82258 Multiplexer Channel Registers Multiplexer Interrupt Vector Register These registers are valid only for channel 3 if programmed as multiplexer channel. This 8 bit register is read by the CPU to determine which channels are stopped. The vectors of the stopped subchannels are output on subsequent read operations in order of their priority (0 has highest priority). Multiplexer Table Pointer Register (MTPR) This 24 bit register is used to reference the multiplexer table in memory (see figure 14 b). It must be loaded by the CPU. Physically the List Pointer Regis~er is used, since data chaining is not allowed for multiplexer channel. Figure 26 Multiplexer Interrupt Vector Register (MIVR) 7 6 5 4 NV o o 0 Vector \ Subchannel Vector Vectol" of t.h:-= highGst p"io~~\.y suochanr'el stOlJped afid r·ot yet read Non valid oJ - l/ector" is val io 1 _ Veotor' is ~ot valid (No ch.nnel stopped or all "odors read,) Last Vector Register (LVR) Timings This 8 bit register holds the last vector read by SAB 82258 (from SAB 8259A). In case of a stop caused by a fatal error on channel3, LVR determines the failing subchannel. The bus timings in 286 and Remote mode are identical to that for SAB 80286, in the 186 and 8086 mode the timings are identical tothatfor SAB 80186. For exact timings see timing diagrams of A.C. Characteristics. Subchannel Register This 8 bit register must be loaded by the CPU with the desired subchannel number before a subchannel command is written into GCR. 540 Asynchronous control inputs are specified wi~h setup and hold times which are only meaningful to determine whether the SAB 82258 responds to the signal in the current cycle or the next cycle. SAB 82258 Absolute Maximum Ratings 1) Temperature Under Bias Storage Temperature Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground Power Dissipation oto 70°C -65to +150°C - 1 to +7V 3.6W D.C. Characteristics 2 ) TA = 0 to 70°C; VCC = +5 ±10% Symbol Parameter Min. Max. VIL Input Low Voltage (except CLK) -0.5 +0.8 VIH Input High Voltage (except CLK) 2.0 VCC+0.5 VOL Output Low Voltage - 0.45 VOH Output High Voltage 2.4 - ICC Power Supply Current III Input Leakage Current SO, 51, 52, BHE, RD, WR, MilO Limit Values Units Test Conditions V 450 10L= 3.0 mA 10H = -400f!A mA TA = 25°C, all outputs open OV :s VIN :s VCC - HOLD (RQ/GT mode), EOD -200 f!A -1.5 mA ±10 f!A other pins ILO Output Leakage Current VCL Clock Input Low Voltage -0.5 +0.6 VCH Clock Input High Voltage 3.8 VCC+l.0 CIN Capacitance of Inputs (except CLK) CO Capacitance of 1/0 or Outputs CCLK Capacitance of CLK Input 1) 2) 0.45V :s VOUT:s VCC V - pF fc = 1 MHz 10 - 20 12 Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Clock must be applied. 541 SAB 82258 A.C. Characteristics TA = 0 to +70'C; VCC = +5V ±10% Any output timing is measured at 1.5V. Symbol Parameter 1 ClK Cycle Period Limit Values Units Test Conditions Min. Max. 62.5 250 - 2 ClK low Time 15 230 at 0.6V 3 ClK High Time 20 235 at 3.2V 4 Output Delay 5 Output Del ay 60 0 Cl=125pF 40 6 DATA Setup Time 10 7 DATA Hold Time 5 8 READY Setup Time 38.5 9 READY Hold Time 25 10 Input Setup Time ns - 20 11 Input Hold Time 12 Add ress Set Up 13 Output Delay 0 50 14 Delay to Float - 60 2.5 15 Chip Select Set Up 60 16 Command length 290 17 Data Set Up 165 18 Address Set Up 80 19 Command Inactive 290 19a Access Time - 542 - at 8 MHz Operation at 8 M Hz Operation 320 SAB 82258 A.C. Characteristics (continued) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions elK Timing for 186 Mode 20 ClK Period 21 ClK low Time 22 ClK High Time 23 ClK Rise Time 24 ClK Fall Time 125 500 55 - - ns - 1.0 to 3.5V 15 3.5 to 1.0V Ready Timing for 186 Mode 25 Ready Active Set Up Time 20 26 Ready Hold Time 10 27 Ready Inactive Set Up Time 35 28 Set UpTime 20 29 Hold Time 0 30 Data Delay 31 Status Delay 32 Delay to Float ns - 50 10 55 50 Asynchronous inputs are specified with setup and hold times which are only intended for determination of whether the SAB 82258 responds to the signal in the current cycle or the next cycle. 543 SAB 82258 Waveforms Figure 27 Timing of an Active Bus Cycle (286 mode) 15 I lC I I I Processor Cycle 10 or 120 T1 T21 or 120 2) ClK A23 -A0,MIW sUi o15-o01lnputl 015 - o010utputl READY ,1 l' Synchronous EDon IOutput) Note1: D15-D0 floats during Single Cycle Transfer like a Read Cycle, Note 2: T2 will be repeated, if READY is inactive, 544 SAB 82258 Figure 28 Timing of an Active Bus Cycle (186 mode) T1 r-"I '-' ~J= --=~ = 31 '-'~~ ' - ' Ir"""'\ ~ I- - - \- - -- -i; - 301": I 31 \ X 56-53 Addr.ss;«. ---- 301": I X 3~t: I -3~r- Address - t - .X 4 - - L r-J- 3~t floa.t -4 - T4 13 T2 r-"I I\I>- '\ 30r3~t J( Addr.s r-Data 6in - ---=r~r - - \r 'I; 1- 6 - -32 Data. in ~ - -4 ~r-'I; - - qData out l-t 71"- l~ ----c: 4r- T l- f- 4[": -f- - - 3~1::.. I 41:: f- 4 tl-J7 1- - - 41::-f- t- 4[ f- --c:= ---- - 4r-f- 'I; -4[-- -4rf- -t - 4 - 4 Note 3: For a Single Cycle Transfer tlie timing of AD15-AD0, DEN and DT/R is the same as in a Read Bus Cycle_ Note 4: Additional T3 cycles will be inserted if bus is not ready (see fig_ 32)_ 545 SAB82258 Figure 29 Timing of a Synchronous Access to the SAB 82258 (286 mode) Processor States TS T-$tares eLK Si,Si Unputl A7,AI (Inputl Wnte DIS-DD Rl'ad· 015-011 546 f TC SAB 82258 Figure 30 Timing of a Synchronous Access to the SAB 82258 (186 mode) Status. of iAPX 186 eLK AD7-AD0 --7 A01\-A00 Data In 14[- Read A01\-A00 Oata out )-l------ 547 SAB 82258 Figure 31 Timing of an Asynchronous Access to the SAB 82258 A7'A0, BHE =:Xl Dr ~r--18-------------------1-1~l~ 10 Write: WR 11 17 01S'0~ lAD 1S'AO 01 r----16-----I--- 1_9Q_~~r-----14~~~------------ _____________ 01S'00 IA01S·AO·01 Figure 32 READY Timing (186 mode) T21T3 T21T3 T3 ~ : elK ---'~r~ AREAOY SREAOY 31f I', 52,51,51 BUS READY 548 T3 BUS NOT READY SAB82258 Figure 33 DREQ, DACK Timing (286 mode) eLK jt0-,.,,,--+---'~+--+--4----- OREan J;ill!2lIl Bus Arbitration: - Bus Arbitration: HOLD HlDA - -----II-------,4L st DACKn . Note 5: The trailing edge of DREQn, as specified in this dia!J(am, is necessary if only one bus cycle should be executed. A later trailing edge may cause an additional bus cycle (continuous DREa), if no READYwait-states are inserted. 549 SAB82258 Figure 34 DREQ, DACK Timing (186 mode) ~~2T ClK __S_ta_t._s__-r__+-__ rr~~Tr2~~lr DREnn ~~~~~~---r-----+--- DACKn Rli or WR Figure 35 BREL, Bus Tristate Timing (Remote mode) I 550 T1orT21 I T21 T1 SAB 82258 Figure 36 RESET Timing eLK RESET i------2B---_t_' A23/AREAOY 291"- HLDA (only In 186 mode) _ _ _ _ _ _--' ----~-~t 7 RQ/GT mode HOLD/HLOA mode Figure 37 HOLD. HLDA Timing (286 model I T-St,t, I T-St,t, I elK HOLD HlDA 13 A23 -A0 015-00 ---<~-----+-{ S1_S0,M!TIi,BHE '---11----\--' TO --/1--- T2 551 SAB 82258 Figure 38 HOLD. HLDA Timing (186 mode) [LK HOLD HLDA A19156 -A16153 BHE,S2 -S\i Rli,WR,DTIR AD1S-AD0,DEN Figure 39 RQ/GT Timing (8086 mode) elK RliiiIT A19/56-A16/S3 BHE,SZ-Sti RD, WR, DTIR AD15-AD0,DEN 552 ________re_q_ue_s_t_________g_ra_nt______ -413~~r-re-le-a-se----- SAB 82258 Figure 40 INTOUT, EOO Timing (286 mode) [LK INTOUT 4 I-- EODn (Output) EODn (Inputl Figure 41 INTOUT, EOO, elK Timing (186 mode) [LK INTOUT (EOD 2 pin) EODn (Outputl EODn (Input) :=-111 ~~r----------------------- 553 SAB 82284 Clock Generator and Ready Interface for SAB 80286 Processors SAB 82284 upto 16 MHz SAB 82284-6 upto 12 MHz • Generates System Clock for SAB 80286 Processors • l8-Pin Package • Uses Crystal or TIL Signal for Frequency Source • Provides local READY and Multimaster System Bus READY Synchronization GI Single +5V Power Supply • Generates System Reset Output from Schmitt Trigger Input Pin Names Pin Configuration c:: ~ ~ vee 17 PARDYEN SRDY c:: 2 SRDYEN c:: 3 16 P51 15 pso READY c:: 4 SAB 82284 EFI c:: 5 14~N.C. ARDY ClK System Clock FiE Frequency/Crystal Select Xl, X2 Crystal In EFI External Frequency In PCLK Peripheral Clock ARDYEN Asynchronous Ready Enable ARDY Asynchronous Ready SRDYEN Synchronous Ready Enable SRDY Synchronous Ready 6 13 ~ PCLK c:: 7 12 ~ RESET READY Ready X2C 8 11 ~RES Status GNDC:: 9 10 PClK sO,Sf RESET Reset F/eC Xl The SAB 82284 is a bipolar clock generator/driver which provides clock signals for SAB 80286 processors and support components. It also contains logic to supply READY to the CPU from either RES Reset In VCC Power supply (+5V) GND Ground (OV) asynchronous or synchronous sources and synchronous RESET from an asynchronous input with hysteresis. AG 1/85 555 SAB 82284 Pin Definitions and Functions Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) ARDY 1 I ASYNCHRONOUS READY is an active lOW input used to terminate the current bus cycle. The ARDY input is qualified by ARDYEN. Inputs to ARDY may be applied asynchronously to ClK. Setup and hold times are given to assure a guaranteed response to synchronous inputs. SRDY 2 I SYNCHRONOUS READY is an active lOW input used to terminate the current bus cycle. The SRDY input is qualified by the SRDYEN input. Setup and hold times must be satisfied for proper operation. SRDYEN 3 I SYNCHRONOUS READY ENABLE is an active lOW input which qualifies SRDY. SRDYEN selects SRDY as the source for READY to the CPU for the current bus cycle. Setup and hold times must be satisfied for proper operation. READY 4 a READY is an active lOW output which signals the current bus cycle is to be completed. The SRDY, SRDYEN, ARDY, ARDYEN, Sf, SO and RES inputs control READY as explained later in the READY generator section. READY isan open collector output requiring an external 300 ohm pullup resistor. EFI 5 I EXTERNAL FREQUENCY IN drives ClK when the FIC input is strapped HIGH. The EFI input frequency must be twice the desired internal processor clock frequency. FIC 6 I FREQUENCYICRYSTAl SELECT is a strapping option to select the source forthe ClK output. When FIC is strapped lOW, the internal crystal oscillator drives ClK. When FIC is'strapped HIGH, the EFI input drives the ClK output. X1,X2 7,8 I CRYSTAL IN are the pins to which a parallel resonant fundamental mode crystal is attached forthe internal oscillator. When FIC is lOW, the internal oscillator will drive the ClK output at the crystal frequency. The crystal frequency must be twice the desired internal processor clock frequency. ClK 10 0 SYSTEM CLOCK is the signal used by the processor and support devices which must be synchronous with the processor. The frequency of the ClK output has twice the desired internal processor clock frequency. ClK can drive both TTL and MOS level inputs. RES 11 I RESET IN is an active lOW input which generates the system reset signal RESET. Signals to RES may be applied asynchronously to CLK. A Schmitt trigger input is provided on RES, so that an RC circuit can be used to provide a time delay. Setup and hold times are given to assure a guaranteed response to synchronous inputs. RESET 12 0 RESET is an active HIGH output which is derived from the RES input. RESET is used to force the system into an initial state. When RESET is active, READY will be active (LOW). 556 Function SAB 82284 Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) PClK 13 0 PERIPHERAL CLOCK is an output which provides a 50% duty cycle clock with 1/2 the frequency of ClK. PlCK will be in phase with the internal processor clock following the first bus cycle after the processor has been reset. 50,51 15,16 I STATUS inputs prepare the SAB 82284 for a subsequent bus cycle. SO and 51 synchronize PClK to the internal processor clock and control READY. These inputs have pullup resistors to keep them HIGH if nothing is driving them. Setup and hold times must be satisfied for proper operation. ARDYEN 17 I ASYNCHRONOUS READY ENABLE is an active lOW input which qualifies the ARDY input. ARDYEN selects ARDY as the source of ready for the current bus cycle. Inputs to ARDYEN may be applied asynchronously to ClK. Setup and hold times are given to assure a guaranteed response to synchronous inputs. VCC 18 - POWER SUPPLY (+5V) GND 9 - GROUND (OV) Function Block Diagram Reset RES Xl X2 RESET CLK EFI F/C ARDYEN ARDY SRDYEN SRDY READY 51 So PCLK 557 SAB 82284 Functional Description forced HIGH whenever either SO or Sl were active (LOW) for the two previous ClK cycles. PClK continues to oscillate when both SO and Sf are HIGH. Since the phase of the internal processor clock will not change except during reset, the phase of PClK will not change except during the first bus cycle after reset. Introduction The SAB 82284 generates the clock, ready, and reset signals required for SAB 80286 processors and support components. The SAB 82284 is packaged in an 18-pin DIP package and contains a crystal-controlled oscillator, MaS clock generator, peripheral clock generator, Multibus ready synchronization logic, and system reset generation logic. Oscillator Clock generator The ClK output provides the basic timing control for an SAB 80286 system. ClK has output characteristics sufficient to drive MaS devices. ClK is generated by either an internal crystal oscillator or an external source as selected by the Fie strapping option. When Fie is lOW, the crystal oscillator drives the ClK output. When Fie is HIGH, the EFI input drives the ClK output. The SAB 82284 provides a second clock output (PClK) for peripheral devices. PClK is ClK divided by two. PClK has a duty cycle of 50% and TTL output drive characteristics. PClK is normally synchronized to the internal processor clock. After reset, the PClK signal may be out of phase with the internal processor clock. The Sf and SO signals ofthe first bus cycle are used to synchronize PCLK to the internal processor clock. The phase of the PClK output changes by extending its High time beyond one system clock (see waveforms). PClK is The oscillator circuit of the SAB 82284 is a linear Pierce oscillator which requires an external, parallel, resonant, fundamental-mode crystal. The output of the oscillator is internally buffered. The crystal frequency chosen should be twice the required internal processor clock frequency. The crystal should have a typical load capacitance of 32 pF. Xl and X2 are the oscillator crystal connections. For stable operation of the oscillator, two loading capacitors are recommended, as shown in the figure below. The sum of the board capacitance and loading capacitance should equal the values shown. It is advisable to limit stray board capacitances (not including the effect of the loading capacitors or crystal capacitanc~) to less than 10pF between the Xl and X2 pins. Decouple VCC and GND as close to the SAB 82284 as possible. Recommended Crystal and Ready Connections 7 Xl cb I (LK 1(2 1 (PU ~910n READY 4 1 SAB 80286 V(( 8 X2 6 558 10 SAB 82284 I (l (LK or Support Component" READY Fie Crystal Frequency Cl Capacitance C2 Capacitance 1 to 8MHz 8 to 16MHz 60pF 25pF 40pF 15pF SAB 82284 Reset Operation The reset logic provides the RESET output to force the system into a known, initial state. When the RES input is active (lOW), the RESET output becomes active (HIGH). RES is synchronized internally at the falling edge of ClK before generating the RESET output (see waveforms). Synchronization of the RES input introduces a one or two ClK delay before affecting the RESET output. At power up, a system does not have a stable VCC and ClK. To prevent spurious activity, RES should be asserted until VCC and ClK stabilize at their operating values. SAB 80286 processors and support components also require their RESET inputs be HIGH a minimum number of ClK cycles. An RC network, as shown below, will keep RES lOW long enough to satisfy both needs. Typical RC RESET Timing Circuit vee SAB ~ 82284 lN914L 10k~ 47~ RES ~ >il I A Schmitt trigger input with hysteresis on RES assures a single transition of RESET with an RC circuit on RES. The hysteresis separates the input voltage level at which the circuit output switches from HIGH to lOW from the input voltage level at which the circuit output switches from lOW to HIGH. The RES HIGH to lOW input transition voltage is lower than the RES lOW to HIGH input transition voltage. As long as the slope of the RES input voltage remains in the same direction (increasing or decreasing) around the RES input transition voltage, the RESET output will make a single transition. Ready Operation The SAB 82284 accepts two ready sources for the system ready signal which terminates the current bus cycle. Either a synchronous (SRDY) or asynchronous ready (ARDY) source may be used. Each ready input has an enable (SRDYEN and ARDYEN) for selecting the type of ready source required to terminate the current bus cycle. An address decoder would normally select one of the enable inputs. The figure on synchronous ready mode illustrates the operation of SRDY and SRDYEN. These inputs are sampled on the falling edge of ClK when Sf and SO are inactive and PClK is HIGH. READY is forced active when both SRDY and SRDYEN are sampled as lOW. !10~F The figure on asynchronous ready mode shows the operation of ARDY and ARDYEN. These inputs are sampled by an internal synchronizer at each falling edge of ClK. The output of the synchronizer is then sampled when PClK is HIGH. If the synchronizer resolved both the ARDY and ARDYEN inputs to have been active (lOW)' READY becomes active (lOW) and the SRDY and SRDYEN inputs are ignored. READY remains active until either Sf or SO is sampled lOW, or the ready inputs are sampled as inactive. READY is enabled (lOW), if either SRDY + SRDYEN = 0 or ARDY + ARDYEN = 0 when sampled by the SAB 82284 READY generation logic. READY will remain active for at least two ClK cycles. The READY output has an open-collector driver allowing other ready circuits to be wire ored with it. The READY signal of an SAB 80286 system requires an external 300 ohm pullup resistor. To force the READY signal inactive (HIGH) at the start of a bus cycle, the READY output floats when either Sf or SO are sampled lOW at the falling edge of ClK. ,Two system clock periods are allowed forthe pullup resistor to pull the READY signal to VIH. When RESET is active, READY is forced active one elK later (see waveforms). 559 SAB 82284 Synchronous Ready Operation TS TC TC TI CLK PCLK VIH----------~~----------~----------------+_----+_-------- ARDYEN SRDYEN--------------~--------_,~_r------~ SRDY ______________~-------J Asynchronous Ready Operation TS TC TC TI CLK PCLK VIH----------~------~--_r------~----------_TI----------~- SRDYEN ARDY------------~----~~r_~----~ AROYEN 560 _____-+---J SAB 82284 Absolute Maximum Ratings 11 oto 70'e -65to +150'e -0.5 to + 7V -1.0to +5.5V 1 Watt Temperature under bias Storage temperature All output and supply voltages All input voltages Power dissipation D.C. Characteristics TA = 0 to 70'e, vee = 5V ± 10% Limit values Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Unit Test condition IF Forward input current -0.5 mA VF = 0.45V IR Reverse input current 50 riA VR = 5.25V ve Input forward clamp voltage -1.0 V Ie = -5mA ICC Power supply current 145 mA Vil Input lOW voltage 0.8 VIH Input HIGH voltage 2.0 - VOL, VCl Output LOW voltage - 0.45 VCH elK output HIGH voltage 4.0 VOH Output HIGH voltage 2.4 VIHR RES input HIGH voltage 2.6 VIHR-VllR RES input hysteresis 0.25 CI Input capacitance - - IOl I = 5mA V IOH=-1mA - 10 pF 11 Stresses above those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 561 SAB 82284 A.C. Characteristics SAB 82284 TA = 0 to 70"C, VCC = 5V ±10% Limit values Symbol Parameter T1 Min. Max. EFI to ClK delay - 30 T2 EFI lOW time 32 T3 EFI HIGH time 28 T4 ClK period 62 T5 ClK lOW time 15 T6 ClK HIGH time 20 T7 ClK rise ti me T8 ClK fall time T9 Status setup time 22.5 0 - T10 Status hold time SRDY + SRDYEN setup time T12 SRDY + SRDYEN hold time T13 ARDY + ARDYEN setup time 4) T14 ARDY + ARDYEN hold time 4) T15 RES setup time 4) T16 RES hold time 4) T17 READY inactive delay READY active delay T19 PClK delay T20 RESET delay T21 PClK low time T22 PClK high time 1) 2) 3) 4) Test condition at 1.5V Cl = 150pF IOl = 5mA 500 at 0.6V - see 1) at 3.8V from 1.0V to 3.5V 10 see 2) from 3.5V to 1.0V T11 T18 Unit 15 ns 0 - at 0.8V and 2.0V on input and 0.8V on ClK 16 0 5 24 0 40 at 0.8V Cl = 150pF IOl = 20mA at 0.8V on ClK to see 3) 0.8V or 2.0V on output T413 - at 0.6V see 3) at 3.8V Cl = 150pF, IOl = 5mA. With either the internal oscillator with the recommended crystal and load or with the EFI input meeting specification T2 and T3. Cl = 150pF, IOl = 5mA Cl = 75pF, IOl = 5mA This is an asynchronous input. This specification is given for testing purposes only, to assure recognition at a specific clock edge. 562 SAB 82284 A.C. Characteristics SAB 82284-6 TA = 0 to 70°C, VCC = 5V ±10% Limit values Symbol Parameter T1 Min. Max. EFI to CLK delay - 35 T2 EFI LOW time 35 T3 EFI HIGH time 35 T4 ClK period 83 T5 ClK lOW time 20 T6 ClK HIGH time 25 T7 CLK rise time T8 ClK fall time T9 Status setup time 28 0 - no Status hold time SRDY + SRDYEN setup time 25 T12 SRDY + SRDYEN hold time 0 T13 ARDY + ARDYEN setup time 41 5 + ARDYEN hold time 41 30 25 10 ARDY T15 RES setup time 41 T16 RES hold time 41 T17 READY inactive delay T18 READY active delay T19 PCLKdeiay T20 RESET delay T21 PClK low time T22 PClK high time 11 21 31 41 Test condition at 1.5V Cl = 150pF IOl = 5mA 500 at 0.6V - see 1) at 3.8V from 1.0V to 3.5V 10 see 21 from 3.5V to 1.0V T11 T14 Unit ns - 5 0 at 0.8V Cl = 150pF IOl= 20mA 45 50 T420 at 0.8V and 2.0V on input and 0.8V on ClK - at 0.8V on ClK to see 3) 0.8V or 2.0V on output at 0.6V see 31 at 3.8V Cl = 150pF, IOl = 5mA. With either the internal oscillator with the recommended crystal and load or with the EFI input meeting specification T2 and T3. Cl = 150pF, IOl = 5mA CL = 75pF, IOl = 5mA This is an asynchronous input. This specification is given for testing purposes only, to assure recognition at a specific clock edge. 563 I SAB 82284 elK versus EFI The EFI input lOW and HIGH times as shown are required to guarentee the elK LOW and HIGH times shown. RESET and READY Timing versus.RES with S1 and SO HIGH 1) 564 This is an asynchronous input. The setup and hold times shown are required to guarantee the response shown. SAB 82284 READY and PClK Timing with RES HIGH 11 This is an asynchronous input. The setup and hold times shown are required to guarantee the response shown. 565 SAB 82288 Bus Controller for SAB 80286 Processors SAB 82288 upto 16 MHz • Provides Commands and Control for local and System Bus • Offers Wide Flexibility in System Configurations SAB 82288-6 upto 12 MHz • Optimal Multibus®-Compatible Timing • Control Drivers with 16 mA 10L and Tri-State Command Drivers with 32 mA 10L • Single +5V Supply • Flexible Command Timing Pin Names Pin Configuration CLK -----, READY [ 1 ClK [ 2 20 PVCC 51[3 MCE[ 4 ALE [ 5 MB[ 6 CMDLY[ 7 Memory or I/O Select MB Multibus Mode Select CENL Command Enable Latched 19p5O CMDlY Command Delay READY Ready P DT/R 16 P DEN 15 P CEN/AEN CEN/AEN Command Enable/Address Enable ALE Address latch Enable MCE Master Cascade Enable DEN Data Enable 14p CENL DT/R Data Transmit/Receive IOWC I/O Write Command 10RC I/O Read Command MWTC Memory Write Command MRDC [ 8 13 PiNTA MWTC [ 9 12 GND[ 10 Bus Cycle Status M/IO 18 pMJiO 17 SAB 82288 System Clock SO,S1 P IORC 11 plOWC The SAB 82288 bus controller is a 20-pin MYMOS component for use in SAB 80286 microsystems. The bus controller provides command and control outputs with flexible timing options. Separate command outputs are used for memory and I/O MRDC Memory Read Command INTA Interrupt Acknowledge VCC Power supply (+5V) GND Ground (OV) devices. The data bus is controlled with separate data enable and direction control signals. Two modes of operation are possible via a strapping option: Multibus-compatible bus cycles, and high-speed bus cycles. Multibus® is a trademark of Intel Corporation. AG 1/85 567 SAB 82288 Pin Definitions and Functions Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) READY 1 I READY indicates the end of the current bus cycle. READY is an active LOW input. Multibus mode requires at least one wait state to allow the command outputs to become active. READY must be LOW during reset, to force the SAB 82288 into the idle state. Setup and hold times must be met for proper operation. CLK 2 I SYSTEM CLOCK provides the basic timing control for the SAB 82288 in an SAB 80286 microsystem. Its frequency is twice the internal processor clock frequency. The falling edge of this input signal establishes when inputs are sampled and control outputs change. SO,51 3,19 I BUS CYCLE STATUS starts a bus cycle and, along with MIlO, defines the type of bus cycle. These inputs are active LOW. A bus cycle is started when either 51 or SO is sampled LOW at the falling edge of CLK. These inputs have pullups sufficient to hold them HIGH when nothing drives them. Setup and hold times must be met for proper operation. Function SAB 80286 bus cycle status definition - MilO 51 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 SO Type of bus cycle 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Interrupr acknowledge I/O read I/O write None; idle Halt or shutdown Memory read Memory write None; idle MCE 4 a MASTER CASCADE ENABLE signals that a cascade address from a master SAB 8259A interrupt controller may be placed onto the CPU address bus for latching by the address latches under ALE control. The CPU's address bus may then be used to broadcast the cascade address to slave interrupt controllers so only one of them will respond to the interrupt acknowledge cycle. This control output is active HIGH. MCE is only active during interrupt acknowledge cycles and is not affected by any control input. Using MCE to enable cascade address drivers requires latches which save the cascade address on the falling edge of ALE. ALE 5 0 ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE controls the address latches used to hold an address stable during a bus cycle. This control output is active HIGH. ALE will not be issued for the halt bus cycle and is not affected by any of the control inputs. MB 6 I MULTIBUS MODE SELECT determines timing of the command and control outputs. When HIGH, the bus controller operates in Multibus mode. When LOW, the bus controller optimizes the command and control output timing for short bus cycles. The function of the CEN/ AEN input pin is selected by this signal. This input is intended to be a strapping option and not dynamically changed. This input may be connected to VCC or GND. 568 SAB 82288 Pin Definitions and Function (continued) Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) CMDLY 7 I COMMAND DELAY allows delaying the start of a command. CMDL Y is an active HIGH input.lfsampled HIGH, the command output is not activated and CMDLY is again sampled atthe next CLK cycle. When sampled LOW the selected command is enabled. If READY is detected LOW before the command output is activated, the SAB 82288will terminate the bus cycle, even if no command was issued. Setup and hold times must be satisfied for proper operation. This input may be connected to GND if no delays are required before starting a command. MRDC 8 0 MEMORY READ COMMAND instructs the memory device to place data onto the data bus. This command output is active LOW. The MB and CMDLY inputs control when this output becomes active. READY controls when it becomes inactive. MWfC 9 0 MEMORY WRITE COMMAND instructs a memory device to read the data on the data bus. This command output is active LOW. The MB and CMDLY inputs control when this output becomes active. READY controls when it becomes inactive. TOwc 11 0 1/0 WRITE COMMAND instructs an 1/0 device to read the data on the data bus. This command output is active LOW. The MB and CMDL Y inputs control when this output becomes active. READY controls when it becomes inactive. 10RC 12 0 1/0 READ COMMAN D instructs an 1/0 device to place data onto the data bus. This command output is active LOW. The MB and CMDLY inputs control when this output becomes active. READY controls when it becomes inactive. INTA 13 0 INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE tells an interrupting device that its interrupt request is being acknowledged. This command output is active LOW. The MB and CMDLY inputs control when this output becomes active. READY controls when it becomes inactive. CENL 14 I COMMAND ENABLE LATCHED is a bus controller select signal which enables the bus controller to respond to the current bus cycle being initiated. CENL is an active HIGH input latched internally at the start of each bus cycle. CENL is used to select the appropriate bus controller for each bus cycle in a system where the CPU has more than one bus it can use. This input may be connected to VCC to select this SAB 82288 for all transfers. No control inputs affect CENL. Setup and hold times must be met for proper operation. Function 569 I SAB82288 Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) CEN/AEN 15 I COMMAND ENABLE/ADDRESS ENABLE controls the command and DEN outputs of the bus controller. CEN/ AEN inputs may be asynchronous to CLK. Setup and hold times are given to assure a guaranteed response to synchronous inputs. This input may be connected to VCC or GND. When MB is HIGH this pin has the AEN function. AEN is an active LOW input which indicates that the CPU has been granted use of a shared bus and the bus controller command outputs may exit Tri-state OFF and become inactive (HIGH). AEN HIGH indicates that the CPU does not have control of the shared bus and forces the command outputs into Tri-state OFF and DEN inactive (LOW). AEN would normally be controlled by an SAB 82289 bus arbiter which activates AEN when that arbiter owns the bus to which the bus controller is attached. When MB is LOW this pin has the CEN function. CEN is an unlatched active HIGH input which allows the bus controller activate its command and DEN outputs. With MB LOW, CEN LOW forces the command and DEN outputs inactive but does not Tri-state them. DEN 16 a DATA ENABLE controls when data transceivers connected to the local data bus should be enabled. DEN is an active HIGH control output. DEN is delayed for write cycles in the Multibus mode. DTIR 17 a DATA TRANSMIT/RECEIVE establishes the direction of data flow to or from the local data bus. When HIGH, this control output indicates that a write bus cycle is being performed. A LOW indicates a read bus cycle. DEN is always inactive when DT/R changes states. This output is HIGH when no bus cycle is active. DT/R is not affected by any of the control inputs. M/IO 18 I MEMORY OR I/O SELECT determines whether the current bus cycle is in the memory space or I/O space. When LOW, the current bus cycle is in the I/O space. Setup and hold times must be met for proper operation. VCC 20 - POWER SUPPLY (+5V) GND 10 - GROUND (OV) 570 Function SAB 82288 Block Diagram so Status 51 -INTA Status Decoder Command Output logic M/iO IORC IOWC Command Outputs MRDC MWTC State Machine ClK DTIR CENIAEN CENL Control Inputs CMDlY Control Input logic Control Output logic DEN ALE Control Outputs MCE READY MB 571 SAB 82288 Functional Description Introduction The SAB 82288 bus controller is used in SAB 80286 systems to provide address latch control, data transceiver control, and standard level-type command outputs. The command outputs are timed and have sufficient drive capabilities for large TTL buses and meet a1l1EEE-796 requirements for Multibus. A special Multibus mode is provided to statisfy all address/data setup and hold time requirements. Command timing may be tailored to special needs via a CMDlY input to determine the start of a command and READY to determine the end of a command. Connection to mUltiple buses is supported with a latched enable input (CENl). An address decoder can determine which, if any, bus controller should be enabled for the bus cycle. This input is latched to allow an address decoder to take full advantage of the pipelined timing on the SAB 80286 local bus. Buses shared by several bus controllers are supported. An AEN input prevents the bus controller from driving the shared bus command and data signals except when enabled by an external bus arbiter such as the SAB 82289. Separate DEN and DT /R outputs control the data transceivers for all buses. Bus contention is eliminated by disabling DEN before changing DT/R. The DEN timing allows sufficient time for Tri-state bus drivers to enter Tri-state OFF before enabling other drivers onto the same bus. The term CPU refers to any SAB 80286 processor or SAB 80286 support component which may become an SAB 80286 local bus master and thereby drive the SAB 82288 status inputs. Processor Cycle Definition Any CPU which drives the local bus uses an internal clock which is one half the frequency of the system clock (ClK) (see figure below). Knowledge of the phase of the local bus master's internal clock is required for proper operation of the SAB 80286 local bus. The local bus master informs the bus controller of its internal clock phase when it asserts the status signals. Status signals are always asserted in phase 1 of the local bus master's internal clock. elK Relationship to the Processor Clock and Bus T·States One Processor Clock Cycle 1 - - - - - One Bus T state VCH ClK VCl PCLK 572 J ----~ ...-----+---1\\...___,.........1 SAB 82288 Bus State Definition The SAB 82288 bus controller has three bus states (see figure below): Idle (TI), Status (TS), and Command (TC). Each bus state is two ClK cycles long. Bus state phases correspond to the internal CPU processor clock phases. The TI bus state occurs when no bus cycle is currently active on the SAB 80286 local bus. This state may be repeated indefinitely. When control of the local bus is being passed between masters, the bus remains in the TI state. Bus States NEW CYCLE READY • NEW CYCLE Bus Cycle Definition The S1 and SO inputs signal the start of a bus cycle. When either input becomes lOW, a bus cycle is started. TheTS bus state is defined to be the two ClK cycles during which either Sf or SO is active (see figure on bus cycle definition). These inputs are sampled by the SAB 82288 at every falling edge of ClK. When either S1 or SO is sampled lOW, the next ClK cycle is considered the second phase of the internal CPU clock cycle. The local bus enters the TC bus state after the TS state. The shortest bus cycle may have one TS state and one TC state. longer bus cycles are formed by repeating TC states. A repeated TC bus state IS called a wait state. The READY input determines whether the current TC bus state is to be repeated. The READY input has the same timing and effect for all bus cycles. READY is sampled at the end of each TC bus state to see if it is active. If sampled HIGH, the TC bus state is repeated. This is called inserting a wait state. The control and command outputs do not change during wait states. When READY is sampled lOW, the current bus cycle is terminated. Note thatthe bus controller may enter the TS bus state directly from TC if the status lines are sampled active at the next falling edge of ClK. 573 SAB 82288 Bus Cycle Definition VCH ClK VCl sEo VIH CPU Vil from Sample READY vce READY Vil Table 2 Command and Control Output for each Type Bus Cycle Type of bus cycle M/TO Sf SO Command activated Interrupt acknowledge a a a 1 1 None; idle a a a a 1 Halt/shutdown 1 Memory read 1 a a Memory Write 1 None; idle 1 VO read VOwrite 574 DT/R state ALE, DEN issued? MCE issued? INTA LOW yes yes IORC LOW yes no a IOWC HIGH yes no 1 none HIGH no no 0 none HIGH no no 1 MRDC LOW. yes no 1 0 MWTC HIGH yes no 1 1 none HIGH no no SAB 82288 Operating Modes Two types of buses are supported by the SAB 82288: Multibus and non-Multibus. When the MB input is strapped HIGH, Multibus timing is used. In Multibus mode, the SAB 82288 delays command and data activation to meet IEEE-796 requirements on address to command active and write data to command active setup timing. Multibus mode requires at least one wait state in the bus cycle since the command outputs are delayed. The non-Multibus mode does not delay any outputs and does nOt require wait states. The MB input affects the timing of the command and DEN outputs. Command and Control Outputs The type of bus cycle performed by the local bus master is encoded in the M/TO, Sf, and SO inputs. Different command and control outputs are activated depending on the type of bus cycle. Table 2 indicates the cycle decoding done by the SAB 82288 and the effect on command, DTlit ALE, DEN, and MCE outputs. Bus cycles come in three forms: read, write, and halt. Read bus cycle include memory read, I/O read, and interrupt acknowledge. The timing of the associated read command outputs (MRDC, 10RC, and INTA), control outputs (ALE, DEN, DT/R) and control inputs (CEN/AEN, CENL, CMDLY, MB, and READY) are identical for all read bus cycles. Read cycles differ only in which command output is activated. The MCE control output is only asserted during interrupt acknowledge cycles. Write bus cycles activate different control and command outputs with different timing than read bus cycles. Memory write and 1/0 write are write bus cycles whose timing for command outputs (MWTC and 10WC), control outputs (ALE, DEN, DT/R) and control inputs (CENI AEN, CENL, CMDLY, MB, and READY) are identical. They differ only in which command output is activated. Halt bus cycles are different because no command or control output is activated. All control inputs are ignored until the next bus cycle is started via Sf and SO. The basic command and control output timing for read and write bus cycles is shown in the next five figures. Halt bus cycles are not shown since they activate no outputs. The basic idle-read-idle and idle-write-idle bus cycles are shown. The signal label CMD represents the appropriate command output for the bus cycle. For those five figures, the CMDLY input is connected to GND and CENL to VCC. The effects of CENL and CMDLY are described later in the section on control inputs. The next two figures show non-Multi bus cycles. MB is connected to GNDwhile CEN is connected to VCC. The figure below shows a read cycle with no wait states while the figure on the next page shows a write cycle with one wait state. The READY input is shown to illustrate how wait states are added. 575 SAB82288 Idle-Read-Idle Bus Cycles with MB = 0 Bus cycles can occur back-to-back with no TI bus states between TC and T5. Back-to-back cycles do not affect the timing of the command and control outputs. Command and control outputs always reach the states shown for the same clock edge (within T5, TC, orfollbwing bus state) of a bus cycle. A special case in control timing occurs for back-toback write cycles with MB = O. In this case, DT/R and DEN remain HIGH between the bus cycles (see respective idle-read-idle cycle diagram). The command and ALE output timing does not change. 576 The figures on page 10 show a Multibus cycle with MB = 1. AEN and CMDL Yare connected to GND. The effects of CMDLY and AEN are described later in the section on control inputs. The top figure shows a read cycle with one wait state and the figure below shows a write cycle with two wait states. The second wait state of the write cycle is shown only for example purposes and is not required. The READY input is shown to illustrate how wait states are added. SAB 82288 Idle-Write-Idle Bus Cycles with MB TI =0 T5 TC TC TI TC ClK SlSQ ALE \ \ \ DEN ~ \ \ \ \ VOH I DTIR \ \ \ \ L \ CMD READY Write-Write Bus Cycles with MB =0 1st Write Cycle ---j- 2nd Write Cycle I I TC \ T5 I TC CLK~ I // \ \ '-_____..J!11:-. \ VOH--~---------~ DEN \y------L VOH--~--------~~ DT/R CMD _ 577 SAB 82288 Idle-Read-Idle Bus Cycles with MB = 1 578 SAB 82288 Idle-Write-Idle Bus Cycles with MB = 1 TI TS TC TC TC TI ClK ALE DEN VOH--------------------T-----------~----------_T------------- DT/R The MB control input affects the timing of the command and DEN outputs. These outputs are automatically delayed in MultilJus mode to satisfy three requirements: 1) 50 ns minimum setup time for valid address before any command output becomes active. 2) 50 ns minimum setup time for valid write data before any write command output becomes active. 3) 65 ns maximum time from when any read command becomes inactive until the slave's read data drivers reach Tri-state OFF. Three signal transitions are delayed by MB = 1 as compared to MB = 0: 1) The HIGH to LOWtransition ofthe read command outputs (lORC, MRDC, and INTA) is delayed one CLK cycle. 2) The HIGH to LOW transition of the write command outputs (IOWC and MWTC) is delayed two CLK cycles. 3) The LOW to HIGH transition of DEN for write cycles is delayed one CLK cycle. Back to back bus cycles with MB = 1 do not change the timing of any of the command or control outputs. DEN always becomes inactive between bus cycles with MB = 1. Except for a halt or shutdown bus cycle, ALE will be issued during the second half of TS for any bus cycle. ALE becomes inactive at the end of the TS to allow latching the address to keep it stable during the entire bus cycle. The address outputs may change during phase 2 of any TC bus state. ALE is not affected by any control input. The figure below shows how MCE is timed during interrupt acknowledge (lNTA) bus cycles. MCE is one CLK cycle longer than ALE to hold the cascade address from a master SAB 8259A valid after the falling edge of ALE. With the exception of the MCE control output, an INTA bus cycle is identical in timing with a read bus cycle. MCE is not affected by any control input. 579 SAB 82288 MCE Operation for an INTA Bus Cycle Control Inputs The control inputs can alter the basic timing of command outputs, allow interfacing to multiple buses, and share a bu.s between different masters. For many SAB 80286 systems, each CPU will have more than one bus which may be used to perform a bus cycle. Normally, a CPU will only have one bus controller active fo r each bus cycle. Some buses may be shared by morethan one CPU (i.e. Multibus) requiring only one of them use the bus at a time. Systems with multiple and shared buses use two control input signals of the SAB 82288 bus controller, CENL and AEN (see figure on system use ofthose signals). CENL enables the bus controller to control the current bus cycle. The AEN input prevents a bus controller from driving its command outputs. AEN HIGH means that another bus controller may be driving the shared bus. In the figure on theAEN and CENL signal, two buses are shown: a local bus and a Multibus. Only one bus is used for each CPU bus cycle. The CENL inputs of the bus controllers select which bus controller is to perform the bus cycle. An address decoder determines which bus to use for each bus cycle. The SAB 82288 connected to the shared Multibus must be selected by CENL and be given access to the Multibus by AEN before it will begin a Multibus operation. CENL must be sampled HIGH at the end of the TS bus state (see waveforms) to enable the bus controller to activate its command and control outputs. If sampled LOW the commands and DEN 580 will not go active and DTlR' will remain HIGH. The bus controller will ignore the CMDLY, CEN, and READY inputs until another bus cycle is started via Sf and SO. Since an address decoder is commonly used to identify which bus is required for each bus cycle, CENL is latched to avoid the need for latching its input. The CENL input can affect the DEN control output. When MB = 0, DEN normally becomes active during phase 2 of TS in write bus cycles. This transition occurs before CENL is sampled. If CENL is sampled LOW, the· DEN output will be forced LOW during TC as shown in the timing waveforms. When MB = 1, CEN/AEN becomes AEN, AEN controls when the bus controller command outputs enter and exit Tri-state OFF. AEN is intended to be driven by a bus arbiter, like the SAB 82289, which assures only one bus controller is driving the shared bus at any time. When AEN makes a LOW to HIGH transition, the command outputs immediately enter Tri-state OFF and DEN is forced inactive. An inactive DEN should force the local data transceivers connected to the shared data bus into Tri-state OFF (see next figure). The LOW to HIGH transition of AEN should only occur during TI or TS bus states. The HIGH to LOW transition of AEN signals that the bus controller may now drive the shared bus command signals. Since a bus cycle may be active or be in the process of starting, AEN can become active during any T-state. AEN LOW immediately allows DEN to go tothe appropriate state. Three CLK SAB 82288 edges later, the command outputs will go active (see timing waveforms). The Multibus requires this delay for the address and data to be valid on the bus before the commands become active. When MB = 0, CEN/AEN becomes CEN. CEN is an asynchronous input which immediately affects the command and DEN outputs. When CEN makes a HIGH to LOW transition, the commands and DEN are immediately forced inactive. When CEN makes a LOW to HIGH transition, the commands and DEN outputs immediately go to the appropriate state (see timing waveforms). READY must still become avtive to terminate a bus cycle if CEN remains LOW for a selected bus controller (CENL was latched HIGH). Some memory or I/O systems may require more address or write data setup time to command active than provided by the basic command output timing. To provide flexible command timing, the CMDLY input can delay the activation of command outputs. The CMDLY input must be sampled LOWto activate the command outputs. CMDL Y does not affect the control outputs ALE, MCE, DEN, and DTIR. Waveforms The waveforms show the timing relationships of inputs and outputs and do not show all possible transitions of all Signals in all modes. Instead, all signal timing relationships are shown via the general cases. Special cases are shown when needed. The waveforms provide some functional descriptions of the SAB 82288; however, most functional descriptions are provided in the figures of section Functional Description. To find the timing specification for a signal transition in a particular mode, first look for a special case in the waveforms. If no special case applies, then use a timing specification for the same or related function in another mode. CMDLY is first sampled on the falling edge of the CLK ending TS. If sampled HIGH, the command output is not activated, and CMDLY is again sampled on the next falling edge of CLK. Once sampled LOW, the proper command output becomes active immediately if MB = O. If MB = 1, the proper command goes active no earlier than shown in the figures on page 10. READY can terminate a bus cycle before CMDLY allows a command to be issued. In this case no commands are issued and the bus controller will deactivate DEN and DTIR in the same manner as if a command had been issued. 581 SAB 82288 System Use of AEN and CENL rD~ r- Xl READY SRDY r ~ CMD r- X2 SAB 62264 SRDYEN XACK ARDY ARDYEN ClK READY 91011 ±SO/o Si,so ~ READY r----- SAB ClK 82268 M/iO CMD ,---v - 5150 CEN MB 1 .tv .L " VI :::> ~ r- .3 II ~ MilO ~ ALE l - '" co :E :::> :::> Control> >: 51,SO SYS/RESB 20kfi vce I I IsrS:E A~~ SAB 8283A I '--- ClK READY MilO 51 ,so 015-00 582 e--- AEN SAB 80266 L--- HJ- AEN READY SAB ClK 82269 CNTl M/iO ~ I I I L A23-AO - ~---A, Address Decoder r- DT/R CENl MB co Commands> ClK SAB _ 82288 DEN CENl I-- \ Data READY ~ MilO 51,SO \ Address VCC V-- ~ H SAB 6287A - Data> r- L.-- SAB 82288 Absolute Maximum Ratings 1) o to 70°C -65 to +150°C -0.5to +7V lW Ambient temperature under bias Storage temperature Voltage on any pin with respect to GND Power dissipation DC Characteristics TA = Oto 70 D C, VCC = 5V ±10% Limit values Symbol Parameter ICC Power supply current 100 IF Forward input current ClK input Other inputs -1 -5 IR Reverse input current VOL lOW output voltage Command outputs Control outputs VOH HIGH output voltage Command outputs Control outputs Min. - 2.4 ClK lOW input voltage VIH HIGH input voltage 2.0 VCH ClK HIGH input voltage 3.9 Output off current CI Input capacitance 50 rIA VR = VCC IOl = 32mA IOl = 16mA VCl ClK input capacitance Test condition VF = 0.45V 0.45 lOW input voltage IOFF Unit mA Vil CClK Max. -0.5 IOH = -5mA IOH = -lmA 0.8 V 0.6 - vcc - +0.5 100 ~IA 10 pF 1) Stresses above those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 583 SAB 82288 AC Characteristics SAB 82288 TA = 0 to 70'C, VCC = 5V ±10% Symbol Parameter T1 Limit values Unit Test condition Min. Max. ClK period 62.5 250 at 1.5V T2 ClK HIGH time 20 235 at 3.SV T3 ClK lOWtime 15 230 at 0.6V T4 ClK fall time - 10 T5 ClK rise time 1.0 to 3.5V T6 MilO and status setup time 22.5 T7 MilO and status hold time 0 T8 CENl setup time 20 TS CENl hold time 0 T10 READY setup time 38.5 from 0.8 or 2.OV on input to 0.8V on ClK T11 READY hold time 25 T12 CMDlY setup time 20 T13 CMDlY hold time T14 AEN setup time 1) 25 T15 AEN hold time 1) 0 T16 ALE, MCE active delay T17 ALE, MCE inactive delay T18 DEN (WRITE) inactive from CENl T19 DT /R lOW from ClK T20 DEN (READ) active from DT/R 10 50 ns 0 3 15 - 35 20 20 T21 DEN (READ) inactive delay 3 35 T22 DT/R HIGH from DEN inactive 10 40 T23 DEN (WRITE) active delay - T24 DEN (WRITE) inactive delay 3 T25 DEN inactive from CEN T26 DEN active from CEN T27 DT/R HIGH from ClK and CEN T28 DEN Active from AEN Notes see next page 584 3.5 to 1.0V 30 25 2) 50 30 from 0.8V on ClK to 0.8 or 2.0V on output IOl = 16mA IOH = -1mA Cl=150pF SAB 82288 AC Characteristics SAB 82288 (cont.) Symbol Parameter T29 Command active delay T30 Command inactive delay T31 Command inactive from CEN T32 Command active from CEN T33 Command inactive enable from AEN T34 Command float time Limit values Min. Max. 3 20 25 ---Unit ns Test condition IOL = 32 mA IOH = -5mA CL = 300 pF from 0.8V on CLK to 0.8 or 2.0V on output 40 1) AEN is an asynchronous input. AEN setup and hold times are specified to guarantee the response shown in the waveforms. 2) T27 only applies to bus cycles where MB = 0, the SAB 82288 was selected, and DEN terminated (because CEN = 0). = 0 when the cycle I 585 SAB 82288 AC Characteristics SAB 82288-6 TA = 0 to 70°C, VCC = 5V ±10% Symbol Parameter T1 Limit values Unit Test condition Min. Max. ClK period 83 250 at 1.5V T2 ClK HIGH time 25 235 at 3.9V T3 ClK lOWtime 20 225 at 0.6V - 10 T4 ClKfall time T5 ClK rise time T6 MilO and status setup time 28 T7 MilO and status hold time 0 T8 CENl setup time 30 T9 CENl hold time 0 T10 READY setup time 50 T11 READY hold time 35 T12 CMDlY setup time 25 T13 CMDlY hold time 0 T14 AEN setup time 1) 30 T15 AEN hold time 1) 0 T16 ALE, MCE active delay 1.0 to 3.5V 3 ns 25 T17 ALE, MCE inactive delay DEN (WRITE) inactive from CENl T19 DT/R LOW from ClK T20 DEN (READ) active from DT IR 10 50 T21 DEN (READ) inactive delay 3 40 T22 DT IR HIGH from DEN inactive 5 45 T23 DEN (WRITE) active delay - T24 DEN (WRITE) inactive delay 3 35 - 35 40 35 T25 DEN inactive from CEN 40 T26 DEN active from CEN 35 T27 DT/R HIGH from ClK and CEN T28 DEN Active from AEN 586 from 0.8 or 2.0Von input to 0.8V on ClK - T18 Notes see next page 3.5 to 1.0V 2) 50 35 from 0.8V on ClK to 0.8 or 2.0V on output IOl = 16mA IOH = -1mA Cl = 150pF SAB 82288 AC Characteristics SAB 82288-6 (cant.) Limit values Symbol Parameter T29 Command active delay T30 Command inactive delay 30 Min. 3 Max. 40 T31 Command inactive from CEN 35 T32 Command active from CEN 45 T33 Command inactive enable from AEN T34 Command float time - Unit ns Test condition IOL = 32 mA IOH = -5mA CL = 300 pF from 0.8V on CLK to 0.8 or 2.0V on output 40 1) AEN is an asynchronous input. AEN setup and hold times are specified to guarantee the response shown in the waveforms. 2) T27 only applies to bus cycles where MB = 0, the SAB 82288 was selected, and DEN = 0 when the cycle terminated (because CEN = 0). I 587 SAB 82288 ClK Characteristics ClK Status, ALE, MCE, Characteristics 588 SAB 82288 CENL, CMDLY, DEN Characteristics with MB = 0 and CEN = 1 during Write Cycle CLKir0V I DEN [ENl [MOLY AEN Characteristics with MB =1 elK AEN t@ J DEN r 1) AEN is an asynchronous input. AEN setup and hold time is specified to guarantee the response shown in the waveforms. 589 SAB 82288 Read Cycle Characteristics with MB = 0 and CEN = 1 DTIR DEN ~ CENL 590 .. SAB 82288 Write Cycle Characteristics with MB = 0 and CEN = 1 DEN VOH OT/R I (MOLY (MO 591 SAB 82288 =- CEN Characteristics with MB = 0 TC-=r---=TC ---~+-----TS --~+----TC-- CLKUU~ [EN T25 DEN DT/R READY 592 SAB 82289 Bus Arbiter for SAB 80286 Processor Family • Supports Multi-master System Bus Arbitration Protocol • Three Modes of Bus Release Operation for Flexible System Configuration • Synchronizes SAB 80286 Process with MUlti-master Bus • Compatible with IEEE 796 Standard Bus (Multibus') • Supports Parallel, Serial, and Rotating Priority Resolving Schemes Pin Configuration Pin Names S01 HOLD ~tat'Js Sill I Hold Input 51, H/IO Status Inputs H/iO 20 VCC READY 19 S1 SYSB/RESB 1B 501 HOLD RESET 17 ClK BClK 16 lOC INIT 15 AlWAYS/CRQlCK BREQ 14 l lOCK BPRO 13 AEN BPRN 12 CBRQ 11 BUSY L lOCK Level Lock CBRQ Common Bus Request LOCK Bus Lock GND 10 BUSY Busy Input/Output READY Ready Input SYSB/RESB System/Resident Bus RESET Processor Reset BClK Bus Clock INIT Initialize BREQ Bus Request BPRO Bus Pnorlty Out BPRN Bus Priority In ClK System Clock AEN Address Enable AlWAYS/CBQlCK Always Releasel Common Bus Request Lock vce +5V GND Ground (OV) I The SAB 82289 Bus Arbiter is a 5Volt, 20-pin MYMOS component for use in multiple bus master SAB 80286 systems. The SAB 82289 provides a compact solution to system bus arbitration for the SAB 80286 CPU. The complete IEEE 796 Standard bus arbitration protocol is supported. Three modes of bus release operation support a number of bus usage models. • Multibus is a trademark of Intel Corporation. AG 12/84 593 Block Diagram MULTIBUS INTERFACE STATUS [ INPUTS '=:: SOIHOLD 51 MliO CLK READY LOCAL SYSTEM CONTROL ALWAYS LOCK CBOLCK SYSBIREsB RESET AEN -r. =~ PROCESSOR INTERFACE MULTI BUS INTERFACE STATE MACHINE STATE MACHINE ~ • BUS REOUEST AND RELEASE LOGIC Functional Description The SAB 82289 Bus Arbiter in conjunction with the SAB 82288 Bus Controller and the SAB 82284 Clock Generator interfaces the SAB 80286 processor or some other bus master to a multi-master system bus. The arbiter multiplexes a processor onto a multi-master system bus. It avoids contention with other bus masters. The SAB 82289 has two separate state machines which communicate through bus request and release logic. The processor interface state machine is synchronous with the local system clock (ClK) and the multi-master system bus interface state machine is synchronous with the bus clock (BClK). The SAB 82289 performs all signalling to request, obtain, and release the system bus. External logic is used to determine which bus cycles require the system bus and to resolve the priorities of simultaneous requests for control of the system bus. 594 K=> ~ i.;l:! ~~ BRED BPRN BPRO BCLK CBRO ~~ BuSY SIGNALS SAB 82731 Dot Rate Generator A complete video interface between CRT Controller and CRT Display SAB 82731 - 50 MHz SAB 82731-2 - 80 MHz • • • • Dot shift rates up to 80 MHz (SAB82731-2) Character length up to 16 dots Proportional character spacing supported Half dot shifts for character rounding • • • • Character attribute processing Single 5V power supply 40 pin DIP package Interface optimized for next generation CRT controllers Functional Symbol Pin Configuration 07 06 1 VCC SAB 82731 08 05 OW PROG 09 010 011 01 012 DB Oi 014 PROG 9 015 VIDEO 10 11 T2 12 VT RCLK ((LK HOOT 00 -015 HOOT 13 X2 14 X1 O(LK WOEF 15 (RVV OW 16 17 (SYN WI 18 (HOLD W1 19 20 W3 RRVV W2 The SAB 82731 is a general purpose video interface, which generates a video signal output for the CRT monitor from parallel character and attribute information coming from the character generator and the CRT controller. The SAB 82731 --~ RRVV (SYN (HOLD (BLANK (RVV WOEF ((LK R(LK I --,--- X1: W0-W3 --w I X2 ~--1 I T1 ----i ~f-: I ---I T1 (BLANK YSS VIDEO DCLK L___ ,-- ---l T2~ 1--11-1 VTH I ---=---- I I L __ ___ .JI together with minimal hardware, comprises a complete video interface system for the CRT controller and the CRT monitor. The device is fabricated in a fast bipolar ASBC (Advanced Standard Buried Collector) process of Siemens. AG 12/83 595 SAB 82731 Pin Definitions and Functions Input (I) Output (0) Function 1-8, 32-39 I Character data parallel inputs PROG 9 I Program control input; used to program default width value of CCLK and width of RCLK; the default width value of CCLK and the width of RCLK are latched into the SAB 82731 via 00-07 at the rising edge of CCLK (active high) VIOEO 10 0 Video output; provides the dot information clocked by the internal dot clock RCLK 11 0 Reference clock output; used to generate the timing for the screen columns for data formatting. The period of RCLK is programmable from 6 to 21 times the period of the internal dot clock CCLK 12 0 Character clock output; used to clock character and attribute information out of the CRT controller. The period of CCLK is programmable from 3 to 18 times the period of the internal dot clock HOOT 13 I Half dot shift input; the video signal at the video output will be delayed by half dot clock for character rounding (active high) CBLANK 14 I Character blank attribute input; the video output is blanked (active high) WOEF 15 I Width defeat attribute input; the CCLK period is set to a preprogrammed default value (active high) CRVV 16 I Character reverse video attribute input; inverts the character data from 00-015 (active high) Symbol Number 00-015 596 SAB 82731 Pin Definitions and Functions (continued) Symbol Number Input (I) Output (0) DW 17 I Double width attribute input; the internal dot clock frequency and the CClK frequency are divided by two (active high). The RClK frequency remains unchanged W0-W3 18,19 21,22 I Clock width inputs; they are used for programming the CClK clock width on a character by character base CHOLD 23 I CClK inhibit input; this signal suppresses the CClK generation and is used for TAB function (active low) CSYN 24 I CClK synchronization input; CClK will be synchronized to RClK and the video output signal is defined by RRVV (active high) RRVV 25 I Field reverse video input; the video signal at the video output will be inverted (active high) DClK 26 a Dot clock output; ECl-level signal intended for test purposes only. Must be grounded via a 3.3k resistor if used Xl-X2 27,28 I Inputs for fundamental mode crystal; its frequency must be 1/8 of the required dot clock frequency VT 29 a Tuning voltage for Pll-VCO; this output is used to tune the lC-circuit and thus controls the oscillator frequency of the internal dot clock Tl-T2 30,31 I lC-circuit inputs for PLL-VCO. Tl can be used to provide the SAB 82731 with an external clock VCC 40 - + 5V power supply VSS 20 - Ground (OV) Function 597 SAB 82731 Figure 1: CRT System Block Diagramm HSYN[ VSYN[ i Control SI nals I I Video Inter- Character M, (ro- Vrdeo foce Logic Cnafocter Code pr ocessor <-~ Data CRT - Character Generator Controller Sy stem- - Clock Generation - Shift Register Character bu s Lme Address Attnbutes - Attribute Processing Field Attributes ~ --- Clock Signals Figure 2: SAB 82731 Block Diagramm (BLANK --~---- V[[ --- VSS (RVV ow ----- Attribute Register HOOT RRVV Attribute Processing Ot-015 y=; VIDEO 16-61t Shift Register RCLK ol·OJ L - - V W0-W3 -----,/ CSYN --.-- WOEF --.~ 598 _. ----- Xl (eLKI R(lK Register & PROG (HOLD (eLK Genl"rotor ~l~;k -------- Xl ---_.__ T1 Oscdlatar ----- PLl VT . ~.-.---.- T1 SAB 82731 General Description The dot rate generator, SAB 82731, in a typical CRT system shown in figure 1, interfaces the CRT controller to the CRT video terminal (Video Interface Logic). It receives the parallel data along with the attribute and control information from the CRT controller, processes it into a serial video signal which can be fed to a video CRT terminal. It also generates the basic dot clock {DCLKI. character clock (CCLK) and reference clock (RCLK) signals. CCLK and RCLK are required by the CRT controller. CRT terminals requiring very high resolution, extremely stable and absolutely flicker-free pictures, place special demands on the dot rate generator. In such applications very high dot rates up to 80 MHz are necessary. This leaves very little time per dot (pixel) to convert the data, attribute, and control information into serial form for the video terminal. The functions of SAB 82731 are largely determined by the complexity and the demands of the CRT controller it supports. Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the dot rate generator. The dot clock is generated by a voltage controlled LC circuit connected at T1 and T2. Another clock is generated which is crystal controlled and has a frequency 1/8 of the dot clock. This is used to stabilize the dot clock using an on-chip phase locked loop (PLL). This two-oscillator concept enables the use of low cost, fundamental mode crystals. The 16 bit shift register receives parallel inputs from pins DO-D15. This allows a maximum character width of 16 dots. The minimum width can be 3 dots. The character width is programmable on a character -(0 character base through pins WO-W3 for proportional character spacing. This also determines the character clock (CCLK) frequency. Programming of the default character width and the reference clock (RCLK) is done through inputs DO-07 and PROG. Signal WDEF can be used to switch between the default character width and the one specified dynamically through the lines Wf/J-W3. A special problem is encountered when using variable character width. For example, when tables are formatted on the screen it is essential that every entry in a column starts at the same dot distance (and not the character distance) from the start of line. This is directly supported by SAB 82731 providing a tabulator function using CHOLO signal. It is possible to shift every line of character by half a dot using the HOOT signal. This feature, known as character rounding, further enhances the quality of high resolution character display. Other features, like blinking of characters, reverse video which improves the readability of text on screen, are directly supported by SAB 82731 using signals CRVV and RRVVfrom the CRT controller, processing them and effecting the final video signal to show the characters with the desired attributes. 599 SAB 82731 Functional Description Clock Generation The-most fundamental clock required to run the CRT display is the dot clock which provides the reference for the dot data to be shifted serially to the CRT. Ifl addition, it is basis for the character clock CClK and the reference clock RClK required by the CRT controllers. Dot Clock The dot clock is derived from on-Chip oscillator (T1, T2). Its frequency is determined by an external voltage controlled lC-circuit that has a center frequency of about two times the desired dot clock frequency. The on-chip Pll-circuit causes via VTthis oscillator to be locked to the 16th harmonic of the on-chip crystal oscillator (X1, X2) which is running at 1/8 of the dot clock frequency (see figure 3a). Alternatively, the SAB 82731 can be supplied with an external TTL-level clock via T1 that must be two times the dot clock rate (see figure 3b). The SAB 82731 provides the dot clock at the DClK output. It is an ECl-level output and is intended for testing and adjustment purposes only. Figure 3: Clock Generation X1 X2 Crystal Circuit X1 VCC XZ T2 SAB 82731 T1 T2 Voltage Controlled LC - Circuit I VT a) Internal Clock Generation 600 T1 SAB 82731 VT ECLK , OCll( Filter b) External Clock Generation I I Clock Generator I SAB 82731 Designing the Oscillator Circuit The whole external oscillator circuit consists ofthree parts - the crystal circuit, - the voltage controlled LC-circuit and - the loop filter for the PLL. Figure 4a shows the general crystal circuit. The crystal must be a fundamental mode series resonant type with a resonant frequency of 1/8 of the desired dot clock frequency. The capacitor Cx is necessary if a fine adjustment of the dot clock rate must be done. Figure 4b shows as example how the dot clock frequency can vary with different values of Cx. The capacitors Cl and C2 may be necessary to suppress overtone oscillations if the crystal frequency is below of 6 MHz. The exact values depend on the used crystal and must be determined in an empiric way. The recommended ranges are 1 to 10 nF for Cl and a to 100 pF for C2. The voltage controlled LC-circuit is shown in figure 4c. The effective oscillating LC-circuit consists of the inductance L, the capacitance CD of the varactor diode, and the parasitic capacitance CP.lts resonant frequency is fR = ::--r.=~~==;;:~ 2" yL . (CD + CP) where fR must be 2 x fDCLK. The value of CP depends on many factors (e.g. layout, single/multilayer board ... ), thus it changes from application to application. However a value of about 5 to 15 pF seems to be a good approximation. The value of CD (capacitive diode) should be determined at a control voltage of 2.5V to get the lock-in-range as wide as possible. The variation of VT ranges from lV to VCC-l which results in a minimum frequency shift of about 6-8% with respect to the center frequency at 2.5V. The value of the inductance L must be determined in such a way that the resulting center frequency lies as near as possible to the needed frequency fR = 2 x fDCLK to guarantee a stable dot clock under all operation conditions. Figure 4f shows a diagram that will help you find the required inductance L. It is based on the use of the capacitive diode BB 505G that has a capacitance of 12 pF at a control voltage of 2.5V. The use of other diodes will, of course, lead to other diagrams. At dot clock frequencies higher than 50 MHz the needed inductance becomes lower than 100 nH. In these cases, it is favorable to integrate the inductance into the board layout. Figure 4e shows a possible layout for the external oscillator circuit and approximate (measured) values of the inductance of the printed coil (track width and track distance 0.5 mm). The loop filter converts the current pulses delivered by the PLL into the control voltage VT for the VCO. It is an essential part of the PLL and determines, for example, the lock-in-range and the control action of the PLL. A second-order filter that was found to work well under all operation conditions and over the full frequency range is shown in figure 4d. 601 SAB82731 Figure 4: Designing the Oscillator Circuit Cl Xl 1----------1 CX (pF) fDCLK(MHz) 2.2 64.053 6.8 64.016 15 63.987 33 63.966 (nominal crystal frequency 8 MHzl a) crystal CirCUit bl example for the influence of ex on the dot clock frequency Rs Tl Df--------- VT 1kJl T2 cl VCO-circuit (1 VT CK = 1nF C, = 100nF R R =12kJl ( :33nF CF =100 pF d) PLL-Ioop filter nH 3000 2000 1000 500 "'0 300 200 100- 50 40 30 20 e) example layout for printed circuit 602 70 40 60 100 200 10 20 30 50 100 f) L/f-dlagramm ---fR --__ fOCL!< MHz MHz SAB 82731 Reference Clock (RCLK) RClK is the reference clock output used to generate the timing for the screen layout and to define screen columns fordata formatting and tabulator locations. In addition, it is used to clock the field attribute signals into the SAB 82731. The period of RClK is programmable from 6 to 21 times the period of the dot clock, i.e. the RClK high time is 3 dot clock periods and the RClK low time is programmable from 3 to 18 dot clock periods. It is programmed via 04-07 at the rising edge of CClK, when PROG is active (see table and figure 5). It is recommended to program the RClK clock width only once after a system reset. Programming table for the clock width of RClK 04 .PROG 07 06 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 RClK period x dot clock period 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Character Clock (CCLK) CClK is the fundamental character clock output used to clock character and attribute information out of the CRT controller and into the SAB 82731. It is a rising edge triggered clock and inside the active character field its period is programmable from 3 to 18 times the period of the dot clock, i.e. the CClK high time is 2 dot clock periods and the CClK low time is programmable from 1 to 16 dot clock periods. When CSVN is active (normally outside the active character field) CClK is forced to match RClK.ln this case the CClK high time is 3 dot clock periods instead of 2. In order to support proportional spacing, the period of CClK can be reprogrammed at the beginning of each CClK cycle via the Wf/;-W3 inputs (i.e. at the beginning of each character) if PROG is inactive. 6D3 SAB 82731 Programming of the character width is done via the clock width inputs Wf/J-W3 according to the programming table. The Wf/J-W3 input data is clocked into the SAB 82731 at the rising edge of CCLK and defines the width of the currently displayed character (see figure 6). If the width defeat attribute (WOEF) is active, the period of CCLK will be set to the programmed default value ignoring the clock width inputs Wf/J-W3. This value is programmable from 3 to 18 times the period of the dot clock via the 0f/J-03 data inputs, when the PROG input is active (see figure 5). It is recommended to programm the default CCLK clock width only once after a system reset. The CCLK clock period will be doubled ifthe double width attribute (OW) is asserted. Note: If the width ofCCLK is programmed to 17 or 18, zeros are shifted out from the internal shift register after the 16 data bits and displayed according to the attribute signal. Programming table for the clock width of CCLK PROG = 1 03 02 01 Of/J PROG = f/J W3 W2 W1 Wf/J CCLK clock period x dot clock period 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 16 17 18 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Note: PROG = 1: Programming the CCLK default clock width during the initialization phase via 0f/J-03 at the rising edge of CCLK. PROG = f/J: Programming the clock width of the current CCLK cycle via Wf/J-W3 at the rising edge of CCLK. 604 SAB 82731 Clock Initialization Sequence (PROG) After power on the width of RCLK is a random value between 6 and 21 and the width of CCLK is a random value between 3 and 18. It is recommended to initialize the SAB 82731 in the following way: - Activate the CSYN signal. CCLK is forced to match RCLK, which has a minimum clock width of 6 dot clock periods. - Apply the clock width information to D0-D3 and D4-D7 according to tables. - Activate the PROG signal. The default width of CCLK and the width of RCLK are programmed at the next rising edge of CCLK (see figure 5). - Remove the PROG signal CSYN can be removed at the beginning of the next active data field. Figure 5: Clock Initialization OCLK PROG CSYN 00· 03 04- 07 08·015 W0-W3 (CLK RCLK after POWER ON: undefined RCLK and (CLK clock width synchronize RCLK and CCLK program CCLK default width 100'031 and R(LK width 104' 071 605 SAB 82731 Character Data Signals The character data signals are normally provided by the character ROM and clocked into the SAB 82731 at the rising edge of CClK. The character data signals consist of • the character data lines (00-015), • the character width information (W0-W3) and • the half dot shift signal (HOOT). Dot Data (00-015) The dot data signals will be clocked into the SAB 82731 via the 00-015 inputs at the rising edge of CClK. The actually used inputs are defined by the W0-W3 inputs or the internally latched default width information previously programmed. The dot data will be displayed dependent on the control signals and on the corresponding attribute information. The data are serially shifted out at the video output starting with 00. If CClK width is greater than 16, zeros are shifted out for the rest of the dot clocks and displayed according to the attribute signals. Character Width (W0-W3) The W0-W3 inputs are clocked into the SAB 82731 at the rising edge of CClK and determine the width of the currently displayed character (see CClK). Figure 6: Action of Clock Width Inputs W0-W3 on CClK OCLK W3 W2 Wl CeLK width= 606 SAB 82731 Half Dot Shift (HOOT) The half dot shift character data signal is clocked into the SAB 82731 at the rising edge of CClK. When the half dot shift signal is active (high), the output of the displayed data will be delayed by half a dot line. The first dot of the character dot line is transmitted during one and a half dot clock period while the last dot of this character dot line is displayed for half a dot clock period only. The remaining character dots are transmitted within one dot clock period and thus the whole character dots are shifted by half a dot. The HDOT signal is no character attribute signal, because it can change from dot line to dot line of a character. Thus it is reasonable to generate it from the character ROM together with the dot data and the width information. Note that only the character dot line to which the HDOT signal is attached is effected. Figure 7: Function of HOOT on VIDEO OCLK HOOT CCLK VIDEO 11 2) 1) 2) Width is assumed to 5 03-00=.SH 111 1/2 OCLK 2) 1/2 OCLK 607 SAB 82731 Character Attribute Signals These signals are clocked into the SAB 82731 at the rising edge of CClK. Thus they are valid for the next character only. The character attribute signals consist of: • character blanking CBlANK, • character reverse video CRVV, OW, • double width • width defeat WOEF. Outside the active character field (which is defined by the CSYN signal) all character attribute signals are ignored. Character Blanking (CBLANK) The CBlANK input is clocked into the SAB 82731 at the rising edge of CClK. If aktive (high), the blank attribute will produce the effect of blanking the display of the character. When the CBlANK attribute is active the corresponding dot data information 00-015 will be as if all zeros where forced at the inputs. The video output can be inverted to all ones by simultaneously activating the CRVV attribute. Independent of these character oriented operations the video output signal is also effected by the RRVV field attribute signal. Although the CBlANK signal is normally a character attribute, it may change from dot line to dot line of a character. Thus together with the CRVV signal one or more underlines or cursors can be generated controlled by the CRT controller. 608 Character Reverse Video (CRVV) The CRVV input is clocked into the SAB 82731 at the rising edge of CClK. It is an active high signal. In the character field, the CRVV attribute will produce the effect of reversing the polarity of the display during the transmission of the current character. CRVV is also effective together with the CBlANK attribute (see CBlANK description) and the RRVV signal. Outside the character field, the CRVV attribute is ingnored. Although the CRVV signal normally is a character attribute signal it may change from dot line to dot line of a character in order to support underlines or cursors. Double Width (OW) The OW input is clocked into the SAB 82731 at the rising edge of CClK. The dot clock frequency and the CClK frequency will be halved when the double width attribute is active (high), producing characters that are twice as wide. The period of RClK is not changed (see figure 8). Width Defeat (WDEF) The WOEF attribute signal is clocked into the SAB 82731 at the rising edge of CClK. When the width defeat attribute is active (high), the width of CClK will be set to a default width value previously programmed (see figure 9). SAB 82731 Figure 8: Function of OW on OCLK and CCLK OClK ow CClK wldth= 4 4 I Figure 9: Function of WOEF DClK WDEF CClK W3 WZ W1 At (CClK f), WDEF =0 & defines the C(lK At 1((lK I), WDEF =1 defines ((lK width as the default value 15) ignOring At ICClKI) defines Width of (ClK when WDEF =0 width as 3 The default Width of ((lK was prevIOusly defined as 5 609 SAB 82731 Field Attribute Signals The field attribute signals are clocked into the SAB 82731 with the rising edge of RClK. Thus the attributes are valid for a specifical part of the screen independent of how many characters are displayed within this part. The SAB 82731 supports two field attributes: • field reverse video RRVV and • clock synchronization CSYN. Field Reverse Video (RRVV) The RRVV control signal is clocked into the SAB 82731 at the rising edge of RClK. It immediately effects the display by the polarity of the video output in both the character field and the border of the display. It is an active high signal. Clock Synchronization (CSYN) CSYN is a field attribute signal, because it defines the active character field in addition to its function of synchronizing CClK and RClK. With a low level of CSYN (deactivated) clocked into the SAB 82731 with the rising edge of RClK, the beginning of the character field area is defined (see figure 10) and the first character will be displayed. At the next rising edge of RClK after CSYN is activated (i.e. at the end of the character field), the video output is forced to zero or, if the RRVV control signal is active, to a high level. The currently transmitted character will be truncated at this location. At the same time, CClK will be forced to match RClK starting with the next rising edge of RClK (see figure 10). While CSYN is active all character attribute and data signals are ignored and only the field reverse video signal is effecting the video output. Before the deactivation of CSYN, the data and attribute pipeline has to be filled by the CRT controller with the information of the fi rst character. Figure 10: Function of CSYN D[LK CSYN RCLK [[LK W3 W2 W1 "0 Beginning of IS forced to match RClK (Lost character IS truncated ~ (elK 610 charl1cter field End of character fIeld SAB82731 Tabulator Function The SAB 82731 supports tabulator functions by providing the CHOLD (character clock inhibit) input. CCLK Inhibit (CHOLD) When the CHOLD signal is activated (low) it inhibits the CCLK clock and thus freezes the information pipeline between CRT-controller and SAB 82731 until the next tabulator location is reached. CHOLD has to be activated simultaneously with the display of the TAB-character. If the TAB-character doesn't consist of all zeros, it must be blanked by activating CBLANK. The width of the TAB-character can be determined by W0-W3 or by activating WDEF. The CHOLD-signal is provided by the CRT-controller and it is assumed to be triggered with the leading edge of CCLK (figure 11). With the same edge of CCLK, the TAB-character will be latched into the SAB 82731. Thereby the attnibutes CBLANK and WDEF must be active if used. Thus the TABcharacter will be displayed completely andtheCCLK will be inhibited until reaching the specified tabulator location, which is defined by CHOLD inactive (high) at the rising edge of RCLK. In the timing diagrams it is assumed that CHOLD is deactivated by the trailing edge of RCLK. Figure 11 shows the normal case Where the display of the TAB-character is finished before the deactivation of CHOLD. The gap between the TAB-location and the following character is normally blanked. In this scheme the TAB-character will be handled by the SAB 82731 like any other character (attribute processing is done quite normally). In case of CHOLD active width being less than the TAB-character width the TAB-character will also be displayed completely. However, we have to distinguish three different cases: 1) TAB-character is terminated before reaching TAB-location. The next character will be displayed as described before. In the gap the video output is normally blanked. 2) TAB-character is finished exactly at the TABlocation. The next character will be displayed immediately without delay. 3) TAB-character is not terminated when reaching the TAB-location (see figure 12). The following character will be displayed subsequently after the display of the TAB-character (i.e. the start of the following character is not at the TABlocation). If the CHOLD signal is not deactivated the video output will be continuously blanked. In the gap between the end of the TAB-character and the TAB-location all character attribute signals will have no effect on the video output signa/. If the RRVV control signal is active the video output signal is inverted. 611 I SAB 82731 Figure 11: Function of CHOLD (normal case) D(LK R(LK ((LK ~~=====i====~~==~~~ 21 31 'I WDEF TAB request End of TAB character TAB loenlion Start of next character 11 TAB character IS displayed completely video output 2l Video output IS blanked IS blanked 3) Next char']( ter 410elault Width 7, TAB character Width del"ed by WOEF Figure 12: Function of CHOLD with CHOLD Width Less than Character Width (case 3) TAB request End 01 TAB character. Start 01 next character TAB location 'I TAB character IS displayed completely video output is blanked 21 Next character displayed subsequently Inot on TAB location I JI Delault width, ", TAB character width delined by WDEF 612 SAB 82731 Video Output The video output provides an ECl oriented signal (see figure 13) and is matched to drive a 50 Ohm coax cable (see figure 14), In case of external attribute processing the external logic can be ECl- or STTL-compatible, Figure 13: Video Output Stage vee --------~--------------. 5011 Typ Video IO I VSS Figure 14: Video Output Load vee Coax Cable Video 1 D 0 son eOAX ) Video Ampl. 0 vee Video V 5011 COAX " t Video Ampl. -) JSOJl SOJl -- -~ ~ 613 SAB 82731 Figure 14: Video Output Load (continued) vee EeL Logic vee Reference Voltog.f1liVv1)- - - - - + - - - - - - - L__'"T""_ _J VSS vee STTL Logic vee vee VSS VSS Figure 15: Proposed Converter for Video Output to TTL Level Output vee Video vee vee 270n 2x 2N2894A ~----+---o TTL Level Output 1k VSS 614 SAB 82731 Absolute Maximum Ratings 1) o to + 70°C -65 to + 150°C -0.5V to +6V -0.5V to +5.5V 1.5 Watts Temperature under bias Storage Temperature All output and supply voltages All input voltages Power dissipation D.C. Characteristics TA = a to 70°C; VCC = 5V ±10% Limit values Symbol Parameter VC Input clamp voltage ilL Forward input current IIH Reverse input current VOL Output low voltage Unit Test conditions -1 V IC - -0.7 mA VIL = 0.5 V - 50 ~A VIH = VCC CCLK 0.5 V IOL = 8 mA RCLK 0.5 IOL = 4 mA Min. Max. = -5 mA VCC-l.2V VCC.(J.6V - IOL =a CCLK.RCLK 2.4 - V IOH = VIDEO VCC.(J.2V VCC - IOL =a VIL Input low voltage - 0.8 V - VIH Input high voltage 2.0 - ICC Power supply current - 250 mA ') ZO Output impedance VIDEO 40 70 Ohms - CIN Input capacitance - 15 pF fc VIDEO VOH I Output high voltage = -400~ 1 MHz ') Stresses above those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ') All outputs open; VCC = 5V; TA = 25°C. 615 SAB 82731 A.C. Characteristics TA = 0 to 70°C; VCC = 5V ± 10% Limit values Symbol SAB 82731 Parameter Min. Max. tDHDH DCLK cycle period 20 125 tCHCH CCLK cycle period 3 18 SAB 82731-2 Min. Unit Test conditions ns - JMax. tDHDH r-tCLCH CCLK low time tDHDH -10 16 tDHDH +20 ns tCHCL CCLK high time 2tDHDH -20 - tRHRH RCLK cycle period 6 21 r---tDHDH r-tRLRH RCLK low time 3 tDHDH -10 tRHRL RCLK high time 3tDHDH -20 tDVCH Data and attribute input set up time 30 tCHDX Data and attribute input hold time 0 tHLTE CHOLD active before end of TAB.-char. 30 tHLHH CHOLD pulse width 20 tHHRH CHOLD inactive set up before rising edge of .RCLK 30 tHLRH CHOLD inactive hold 0 18 tDHDH +20 1) - Fig. 16 ns time after rising edge of RCLK ') A.C. data for the SAB 82731-2 was not available at the time this data book was compiled. Contact your Siemens representative for complete information. 616 SAB 82731 A.C. Characteristics (continued) Limit values Symbol Parameter SAB 82731 Min. tCHVV Video output valid after rising edge Max. SAB 82731-2 Min. Unit Test conditions I Max. - 6 - ofCCLK tOLOH TIL-output rise time tOHOL TIL-output fall time tVLVH Video output rise time Fig. 16 10 1) ns Fig. 17 3 tVHVL Video output fall time ') A.C. data for the SAB 82731·2 was not available at the time this data book was compiled. Contact your Siemens representative for complete information. 617 SAB 82731 A.C. Testing Waveforms Figure 16: TTl-levellnputlOutput Testing 24 ==>{20' 05 '> Test POints < 20/C . ~Q~8_~ _______________"~0~.8_ Figure 17: ECl-level Output Testing vee - 0.3V > vee - O.3V Test Points Vee-O.5V < Vee-O.5V A.C.'Testing Load Circuits Figure 18: TTL-level Output load Circuit vee Figure 19: ECl-level load Circuit y VIDEO RL RCLK {CCLK CL I1sPF VSS vss RCLK, RL =100Jl CCLK,RL=lSOJl 618 SAB 82731 A.C. Waveforms Figure 20: Basic Timing tDHDH DCLK CCLK D0- D15, WDEF, WVrW3, DW HDOT, CBLANK, CRVV, PROG VIDEO I RCLK RRVV, CSYN tCHDX Figure 21: Timing on CHOLD RCLK ---t--IHLHH -----~ End of TAB ,hara,ter Beginning of TAB ,hara,ter Beginning of next chcroc.ter 619 SAB 82731 Application Examples Figure 22: Example of Interface to SAB 82730 (SYN (BLANK RRVV morn XI BLANK~============~~~~~~======================~ WOEF WOEF R(LK RCLK CRVV SAB Choracter Attnbutes (RVV Xl (ClK 81730 DAT e·14 VT TI SAB L( i' 4 Tl Oscillator cod PLL'Clrcu!t 82731 VIDEO Address Bus to System B" Data Bus RAM or ROM may be selected either by addresses or by control signals. For pipeline register use positive edge triggered D-Flipflops (non-transparent latch) like SN 74374. 620 SAB 82731 Figure 23: Example of Interface to SAB 8275 CC LC DS-D3 DS-DJ D4,-D6 D4-06 Cnaradergenerator PROG 07 T1 SAB SAB Xl D7 82731 SAB 8275 X1 Oscillator Tl and PLL Circuits RCLK CCLK CCLK RVV LTEN RRVV VT 8276 vsp HRCT VRCT VIDEO VIDEO I HSYNC VSYNC 621 Memory Components SAB 81C5x 256 x a-Bit Static CMOS RAM Preliminary data MOS circuit The SAB 81C5x is a 2048 bit static random access memory (RAM), organized as 256 words by 8 bits, manufactured using CMOS silicon gate technology. The multiplexed address and data bus allows to interface directly with the CMOS 8-bit organized processors and microcomputers, for example with SAB 8085, SAB 8086, SAB 8088, SAB 8048, SAB 80C48, SAB 8051 and SAB 80C482. Low standby power dissipation «1 j.tA) minimizes system power requirements. Features • 256 x 8-bit organization • Multiplexed address and data bus • Tristate address/ data lines • Very low power consumption Standby 1 iJA at 6 V Operation 500 iJA at 6 V. 1 MHz • Wide supply voltage range: 2.5 to 6 V • Data retention: 1.5 V I AG4/84 625 SAB 81C5x Pin configuration top view ADO 1 16 Voo AD1 2 15 REi 14 WR AD2 AD3 4 13 ALE AD4 5 12 (SICS AD5 6 11 AD7 Vss 7 10 AD6 N.C. N.C. Pin designation Pin No. Symbol Description 1-6 10, 11 ADO-7 Address/data lines 12 CS,CS Chip select CS = active low; internal pullup; CS == active high internal pulldown 13 ALE Address latch enable 14 WR Write enable 15 RD Read enable 16 VDD Power supply (2.5 - 6 V) 7 Vss Ground (0 V) 8, 9 NC Not connected 626 SAB 81C5x Logic symbol CS{CS Address {d ata bus,8-bits Ri5 SAB B1 CSx WR ALE Truth table for control and data bus pin status CS CS RD WR H L X L H L ADO ... AD? during data portion of cycle Function X floating none H data from memory read L H H L data to memory write L H H H floating none I 627 SAB 81C5x Block diagram ~ r-v Address latches AL.A7 Gated row decoder 32.64 matrix 5 1t J- Read logic 5 ~ ADO ... AD7 ALE EStCS 628 D --- REi ~ WR ~ H Write D r- logic Gated column decoder J- Control logic ~ Address latches AO, Al I SAB 81C5x Maximum ratings *) °C °C -25 to 70 -55 to 125 Ambient temperature under bias Storage temperature Supply voltage referred to GND (Vss) Total power dissipation All input and output voltages o to 7 V 250 -0.3 to Voo V mW *) Stresses above absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. DC characteristics Tomb = 25°C; Voo = 2.5 to 6 V; Vss =0 V Test conditions Standby supply current Operating supply current Operating supply voltage Standby voltage Input current Output leakage current L H L H Typ Min. 100 /=1 MHz 100 Voo Voo IlL for data retention VI =0 to 6 V Vo = 0 to 6 V high impedance IOL input voltage input voltage output voltage output voltage VIL VIH VOL VOH IOL IOH Max. Unit 1 Il A Il A V V Il A Il A 500 6 6 1 1 2.5 1.5 -0.3 0.45 O. 7xVoo Voo 0.45 =1 mA =1 mA O.75xVoo V V V V AC characteristics: Tamb = 25°C to 70°C; Voo =5 V; Vss =0 V Min. ALE pulse width Address set-up before ALE Address hold from ALE RD, WR pulse width Data set-up before WR t Data hold after WR t Data hold after RD t RD I to data out Address float to RD I CS or CS before ALE CS or CS after WR or RD tLL tAL tLA tcc tow two tOR tRo tAFC tcs tsc Typ. Max. 120 60 45 400 433 33 o 150 100 100 95 250 Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 629 SAB 81C5x Timing waveforms Read L ALE tAL Bus Floating tlA I Address tAFt ~ tRO Floating (SICS Floating Datal I ~_,,=:J ________________ ~~I__---___---____---___ _ Write L ALE I I tow Bus Floating I Address I (SICS 630 FloClting i DQtal two Floating SAB 81C52P 256 x 8-Bit Static CMOS RAM NMOS-Compatible Preliminary data CMOS circuit The SAB 81 C 52 P is a CMOS silicon gate, static random access memory (RAM), organized as 256 words by 8 bits. The multiplexed address and data bus allows to interface directly to 8-bit NMOS microprocessors/microcomputers without any timing or level problems, e.g. the families SAB 8085, SAB 8088, SA~ 8048, SAB 8051. and SAB 80515. All inputs and outputs are fully compatible with NMOS circuits, except CS 1. Data retention is given up to VDD ;;: 1.2 v.0) The SAB 81 C 52 P has three different inputs for two chip select modes which allow to inhibit either the address/data lines (AD 0 ... AD 7) and the control lines (WR, RD, ALE, CS 2, CS 3). or only the control lines RD, WR. The power consumption is max. 5.5 ',JW in standby mode and max. 2.75 mW in operation. In standby mode, the power consumption will not increase if the control inputs are on undefined potential. Features • 256 x 8-bit organization • standby mode • compatible with the ',JC/',JP families SAB 8085, SAB 8088, SAB 8048, SAB 8051. the new SAB 80515, etc. • very low power dissipation • data retention up to VDD ;;: 1.2 VO) fJ three different chip select inputs for two chip select modes • no increasing power consumption in standby mode·if the control inputs are on undefined potential 'Values for applications up to + 110°C upon request. AG 10/84 631 256 x 8 Bit Static CMOS RAM NMOS-Compatible SAB 81C52P Pin configuration (top view) ADO 1 16 Voo ADI 2 15 RO AD2 14 WR AD3 4 13 ALE ADt. S 12 (SI ADS 6 11 AD7 Vss 7 10 AD6 (S2 8 9 (S3 Pin designation Pin No. Symbol 1-6 10. 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 8 9 632 Function AD0-7 Address/data lines CS 1 Chip select 1 (standby) active low; inhibits all lines including control lines Address latch enable Write enable Read enable Power supply ALE WR RD Voo Vss CS2 CS3 GND Chip select 2; inhibits control inputs RD. WR Counterpart to CS 2 253 x 8 Bit Static CMOS RAM NMOS-Compatible SAB 81C52P Logic symbol [Sl [52 [53 SAB ALE 81C52P Address/data bus, 8 bits Ri5 WR Truth table L H H H H H *X *X *H *H H H L X L L X H L L L L L H X X * H H L X X floating (tristate) addresses to memory data from memory data to memory floating (tristate) floating (tristate) standby store addresses read write none none *: Level = Vss .. , VDD X: Level = LOW or HIGH 633 256 x 8 Bit Static CMOS RAM NMOS-Compatible SAB 81C52P Block diagram ---'\ rV Gated row decoder Address latches A2 ... A7 32 x 64 Matrix Read logic - Write logic r- r- Gated column decoder !-- ~ Address latches AO, A1 ..., '( 7 ADO ... AD7 Bus interface .J'o,. ~ ALE RD WR C51 C52 C53 634 Conlorol logic SAB 81 C52P 256 x 8 Bit Static CMOS RAM NMOS-Gompatible Maximum ratings Maximum ratings are absolute limits. The integrated circuit may be destroyed if only a single value is exceeded. Supply voltage referred to GND (Vss) All input and output voltages Voo V'M Total power dissipation Power dissipation for each output Junction temperature Storage temperature Thermal resistance Ptot Po 7j Tstg RthSA -0.3 to 6 Vss -0.3 Voo +0.3 250 50 125 -55 to 125 70 V V V mW mW °C °C K/W Operating range In the operating range, the functions shown in the circuit description will be fulfilled. Deviations from the electrical characteristics may be possible. Supply voltage Ambient temperature to 5.5 I 4.5 -40 to 85*) .) Values for applications up to 110°C upon request 635 256 x 8 Bit Static CMOS RAM NMOS-Compatible SAB 81C52P Electrical Characteristics The electrical characteristics include the guaranteed tolerance of the values which the IC stays within for the specified operating range. The typical characteristics are average values which can be expected from production. Unless otherwise specified. the typical characteristics apply to Tamb and the specified supply Voltage. DC characteristics T.mb = -40 to +85°CO); Voo = 4.5 to 5.5 V; Vss = 0 V Test conditions Standby supply current Supply current Standby voltage for data retention L input current (for each input) Output leakage current 100 L input voltage H input voltage L output voltage H output voltage L input voltage CS 1 H input voltage CS 1 V'L ViH VOL VQH V'L 100 100K Values 636 for applications up to 110·C upon request 0.8 V 0.4 V V V V 1.2 V,=Ot06V Vo = 0 to 6 V tristate } except CS 1 2.2 IOL = 1 mA IOH = 1 mA 2.6 1 4 AC characteristics Tomb = -40 to 85°CO). Voo = 4.5 to 5.5 V; Vss = 0 V 0) 1 1 fJA fJA V fJA fJA 500 ~'H ALE pulse width ALE LOW to RD LOW RD HIGH to ALE HIGH ALE LOW to WR LOW WR HIGH to ALE HIGH Address setup before ALE Address hold after ALE WR or RD pulse width Data setup before WR Data hold after RD Chip select (2. 3) before RD. WR Chip select (2. 3) after RD. WR Chip select 1 before ALE Chip select 1 after RD. WR Output delay time Input capacitance against Vss (for each input) max. 1 f = 1 MHz Voo I'L min. min. tLHLL tLLRL tRHLH tLLWL tWHLH tAVLL tLLAX tWLWH tOVWH tRHOX tcs tsc tCSLH tCSWH tRLOV C, max. 100 50 30 50 30 25 20 250 100 50 50 50 20 50 200 10 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns pF 256 x 8 Bit Static CMOS RAM NMOS-Compatible SAB 81C52P Timing diagram ALE CS 2/CS 3 CS 1 I -::j, tCSLH 637 256 x 8 Bit Static CMOS RAM NMOS-Compatible Application circuit SAB 81 C 52 P with the ~C SAB 81C52P SAB 8051 .sv 401 19 d5'F~ 10P~ Vee 20\1 vss XTALl rL 18 XTAL2 SAB 8051 21 P2.0 22 P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 P2.4 P2.5 P2.6 P2.7 f-=- SAB 8751 .sv fl. 1~~F 23 :zt 9 RESETI Vpo '2S rzt '27 '28 31 EAIVOD ,,,{ Pl.0 ~ Pl.l ~ Pl.2 PU ~ Pl.4 ~ Pl.S ~ Pl.6 ~ Pl.7 ~ -.!Q. P3.0 (RXD) PO.O PO.l PO.2 PO.3 PO 4 PO.S PO.6 PO.7 ~ P3.1 (TXD) P3.2 -¥ -1l (INTO) P3.3 (mTi) --!.; P34 (TO) --.!2 P3 S (Tl) 16 P3.6 (WR) ;---1l P3.7 (RD) ALE/PROG 30 liD l ~ .Sv [/0 I i / 39 38 37 36 3S 34 33 32 ADO AD 1 AQ 2 AD 3 AD4 ADS AD6 AD7 ?SEN m 129 RD WR .SV 638 I I Voo Vss i ALE Power faIlure logic GNO 0--- CS 2 CS1 -U- SAB 81 (52 P 256.8 bits RAM HYB 4164-P1, HYB 4164-P2, HYB 4164-P3 65,536-Bit Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM) • 65,536 X 1 bit organization • Industry standard 16-pin JEDEC configuration • Single +5 V ± 10% power supply • Low supply current transients • CAS controlled output providing latched or unlatched data • Low power dissipation - 150 mW active (max.) - 20 mW standby (max.) • • All inputs and outputs TTL compatible • High over- and undershooting capability on all inputs • Common 1/0 capability using "early write" operation 120 ns access time, 220 ns cycle (HYB 4164·P1) 150 ns access time, 280 ns cycle (HYB 4164·P2) 200 ns access time, 330 ns cycle (HYB 4164-P3) • Read-Modify-Write, RAS-only refresh, hidden refresh • 256 refresh cycles with 4 ms long refresh period • Page Mode Read and Write Pin Names Pin Configuration NCC~ 16 ::JVss A0 - A7 Address Inputs 15 ::J CAS CAS Column Address Strobe WET 3 14 ::J DO DI Data In mC4 13 ::J A6 NC No Connection 12 ::J A3 DO Data Out DI C 2 c: 5 A2 c: 6 A, c: 7 Vee c: 8 A0 11 ::J A4 RAS Row Address Strobe 10 ::J As WE Write Enable 9::JA7 Vcc Power Supply (+5 V) Vss Ground (OV) The HYB 4164 is a 65536·word by 1·bit, MOS random access memory circuit fabricated with Siemens new 5-Volt only n-channel silicon gate technology, using double layer polysilicon. To protect the chip against a-radiation a Siemens proprietary chip cover is used. The HYB 4164 uses singletransistor dynamic storage cells and dynamic control circuitry to achieve high speed at very low power dissipation. Multiplexed address inputs permit the HYB 4164 to be packaged in an industry standard 16-pin dualin-line package. System oriented features include single power supply with ± 10% tolerance, on-chip address and data latches which eliminate the need for interface registers and fully TTL compatible inputs and outputs, including clocks. In addition to the usual read, write and readmOdify-write cycles, the HYB 4164 is capable of early and delayed write cycles, RAS-only refresh and hidden refresh. Common 1/0 capability is given by using "early write" operation. AG 1/84 639 HYB 4164 Block Diagram Clock ! 2S6K Bits Address Buffer Column Decoder ACO- AC7 4- Bit Data Bus DO] 103 4- Bit 110 Buffer A8 - VCC - VSS - AS Buffer BIAS Generator AC8 ARB -VBB Functional Description Device Initialization Since the HYB 41256 is a dynamic RAM with a single 5V supply, no power sequencing is required. For power-up, an initial pause of 200 microseconds is necessary for the internal bias generator to establish the proper substrate bias voltage. To initialize the nodes of the dynamic circuitry, a minimum of 8 active cycles of the Row Address Strobe (RAS) has to be performed. This is also necessary after an extended inactive state of greater than 4 milliseconds. 654 110 Decoder $11 WE Buffer 01 Buffe r l 00 Buffer f I 01 00 Addressing (AO-AS) For selecting one of the 262,144 memory cells, a total of 18 address bits are required. First 9 Row Address bits are set up on pins AO through A8 and latched into the row address latches by the Row Address Strobe (RAS). Then the 9 column address bits are set up on pins AO through A8 and latched into the column address latches by the Column Address Strobe (CAS). All input addresses must be stable on the falling edges of RAS and CAS. It should be noted that RAS is similar to a Chip Enable in that it activates the sense amplifiers as well as the row decoder. CAS is used as a chip select activating the column decoder and the input and output buffers. HYB 41256 Write enable (WE) Hidden refresh The read or write mode is selected with the WE input.A logic high (VIH) onWE dictates read mode; logic low (VIL) dictates write mode. The data input is disabled when read mode is selected. When WE goes low prior to CAS, data ouput (DO) will remain in the high-impedance state for the entire cycle permitting common 1/0 operation. RAS-only refresh cycle may take place while maintaining valid output data. This feature is referred to as Hidden Refresh. Hidden Refresh is performed by holding CAS at VIL of a previous memory read cycle. Data input (01) Data is written during a write or read-modify-write cycle. The falling edge of CAS or WE strobes data into the on-chip data latch. In an early write cycle WE is brought low prior to CAS and the data is strobed in by CAS with setup and hold times referenced to this signal. Refresh cycle A refresh operation must be performed at least every four milliseconds to retain data. Since the output buffer is in the high impedance state unless CAS is applied, the RAS-only refresh sequence avoids any signal during refresh. Strobing each of the 256 row addresses (AD through A7) with RAS, causes all bits in each row to be refreshed. CAS can remain high (inactive) for this refresh sequence to conserve power. Data output (DO) The output is three-state TTL compatible with a fan-out oftwo standard TTL loads. Data Out has the same polarity as Data In. The output is in a high impedance state until CAS is brought low. In a read cycle or read-write cycle, the output is valid after tRAC from transition of RAS when tRCD (min) is satisfied, or after tCAC from transition of CAS when the transition occurs after tReD (max). In an early write cycle, the output is always in the high impedance state. In a delayed write or read-modifywrite cycle, the output will follow the sequence for the read cycle. With CAS going high the output returns to the high impedance state within tOFF. Page mode Page-mode operation allows effectively faster memory access by maintaining the row address and strobing random column addresses onto the chip. Thus, the time necessary to setup and strobe sequential row addresses for the same page is no longer required. The maximum number of columns that can be addressed in sequence is determined by tRAS, the maximum RAS low pulse width. 655 I HYB 41256 Absolute Maximum Ratings*) Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Voltage on Any Pin Relative to VSS Voltage on 01 Relative to VSS Power Dissipation Data Out Current (Short Circuit) 0 to 70 'C -65 to 150 'C -1 to 7V -1 to 11 V 1W 50mA DC Characteristics TA~O to 70 'C, VSS~OV, VCC~+5 V ±10% Symbol Parameter VIH Lim it values Min. Max. Input high voltage (all inputs) 2.4 VCC+1 VIL Input low voltage (all inputs) -1.0 0.8 VOH Output high voltage 2.4 - VOL Output low voltage 0.4 ICC1 Average VCC supply current -12 tRC~220ns -15 tRC~260ns -20 tRC~330ns 85 70 60 ICC2 Standby VCC supply current ICC3 Average VCC supply current during RAS-only refresh cycles -12 tRC~220ns -15 tRC~260ns -20 tRC~330ns ICC4 - Test condition V 1}2) - 31 41 5 mA 65 55 45 31 Average VCC supply current during page mode -12tPC~120ns 65 55 45 -15 tPC~150ns -20tPC~200ns II(L) Input leakage current (any input) IO(L) Output leakage current (CAS at logic 1, 0,,; Vout,,; 5.5) VCC VSS - 10 VCC su pply voltage 4.5 5.5 VSS supply voltage 0 0 Notes see page 5 656 Unit /LA - 11 V HYB 41256 Capacitance Limit values Symbol Parameter Cll Input capacitance (AO-ASI 6 CI2 Input capacitance (RAS, 011 7 CI3 Input capacitance (CAS, WEI CO Output capacitance (DO, CAS~VIH to disaQle outputl Min. - Max. Unit Test condition 5 pF 8 I *1 Stresses above those listed under" Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposureto absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 11 All voltages referenced to VSS. 21 Overshooting and undershooting on input levels of 6.5V or -2V for a period of 30ns max. will not influence function and reliability of the device. 3) ICC depends on frequency of operation. Maximum current is measured at the fastest cycle rate. 41 RAS and CAS are both at VIH. 51 Effective capacitance calculated from the equation C ~ I·Llt 'hLlV ~W!t ~ 3V or measure d Wit 'hB oonton meter. 657 HYB 41256 AC Test Conditions Input pulse levels 0 to 3.0V Input rise an fall times 5ns between 0.8 and 2.4V Input timing reference levels 0.8 to 2.4V Output timing reference levels 0.4 to 2.4V Output load equivalent to 2 standard TTL loads and 100pF AC Characteristics TA~O to 70 T, VCC~5 V ±10% (unless otherwise specified; see notes 6, 7, 8) Limit values Symbol Parameter HYB41256 -15 -12 Min. Max. Min. Unit -20 Max. Min. Max. tRC Random read or write cycle time 9) 220 tRWC Read-modify-write cycle time 9) 265 tRAC Accesstimefrom RAS tCAC Accesstimefrom CAS 10)11)12) tRAS RAS pulse width 120 104 150 10· 200 104 tCAS CAS pulse width 60 - 75 - 100 - 4 - 4 - 4 120 - 10)11) - tREF Refresh period - tRP RAS prechargetime 90 tCRP CASto RAS prechargetime 10 tRCD RAS to CAS delay time 30 tRSH RAS hold time 60 tCSH CAS hold time 120 tASH Row address setup time 0 tRAH Row address hold time 20 tASC Column address setup time 0 13) tCAH Column address hold time 30 tAR Column address hold time referenced to RAS 14) 90 tT Transition time (rise and fall) 6) 3 tRCS Read command setuptime tRCH Read command hold time referenced to CAS 15) tRRH Read command hold time referenced to RAS"15) 310 - 120 - 60 - Output buffer tu rn-off delay 16) Write command setup time tWCH Write command hold time 0 17) r-- 100 I--- 30 75 - - 20 0 - 50 30 105 50 0 - 25 45 ms 100 200 0 25 0 35 - - 3 50 r-30 - '40 I--- I 35 ns 100 0 r-- 30 10 200 13S 3 I--- 0 - - 100 150 0 - - - 40 390 75 - I--- - 75 60 - 330 150 10 25 tWCS 658 I--- - 0 tOFF Notes see page 7 - 260 0 50 I--- I--- 55 ns HYB 41256 Limitvalues Symbol Parameter HYB41256 -15 -12 Min, tWCR Write command hold time referenced to RAS 14) tWP Write com mand pu Ise width Max, Min, 100 Max, 120 Write command to RAS lead time tCWL Write command to CAS lead time tDS Data in setup time 18) 0 tDH Data in hold time 18) 40 tDHR Data in hold time referenced to RAS 14) 100 tCWD CAS to WE delay 17) 60 tRWD RASto WE delay 17) 120 tRRW RMW cycle RAS pulse width 165 tCRW RMW cycle CAS pulse width 105 40 tPC Page mode cycle time 9) 120 tPRWC Page mode read-write cycle time 160 tCP Page mode CAS precharge time 50 55 0 - - Max, ~ 45 - Min, 155 - tRWL Unit -20 45 120 75 150 200 125 150 195 65 ~ 0 ,--- 55 f--- - 155 ns f--- 100 r-200 f---260 r--160 I--- 200 I--- 255 r--90 Notes: 6) VIH and VIL are reference levels to measure timing of input signals. Also, transition times are measured between VIH and VIL. 7) An initial pause of 200/-Ls is required after power-up followed by a minimum of eight initialization cycles prior to normal operation. 8) The time parameters specified here are valid for a transition time of tT ~ 5ns for the input signals. 9) The specification for tRC (min), tRWC (min), and page-mode cycle time (tPC) are only used to indicate cycle time at which proper operation over full temperature range (0 'C:5 TA:5 70 'C) is assured. 10) Measured with a load equivalent to two TTL loads and 100pF, 11) Assumes that tRCD:5 tRCD (max), IftRCD is greater than the maximum recommended value shown in this table, tRAC will increase by the amount that tRCD exceeds the value shown, 12) Assumes that tRCD ~ tRCD (max), 13) Operation within the tRCD (max) limit ensures that tRAC (max) can be met. tRCD (max) is specified as a reference point only; iftRCD is greater than the specified tRCD (max) limit, then access time is controlled exclusively by tCAC, 14) tRCD + tCAH ~ tAR min, tRCD + tDH ~ tDHR min, tRCD + tWCH ~ tWCR min, 15) Either tRRH or tRCH must be satisfied for a read cycle, 16) tOFF (max) defines the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition and is not referenced to output voltage levels. 17) tWCS, tCWD and tRWC are not restrictive operating parameters. They are included in the data sheet as electrical characteristics only: IftWCS ~ tWCS (min), the cycle is an early write cycle and the Data Outwill remain open circuit (high impedance) throughout the entire cycle; if tCWD ~ tCWD (min) and tRWD ~ tRWD (min) the cycle is a read-write cycle and the Data Out will contain data read from the selected cell. If neither of the above sets of conditions is satisfied, the condition of the Data Out (at access time) is indeterminate. 18) tDS and tDH are referenced to the leading edge of CAS in early write cycles, and to the leading edge of WE in delayed write of read-modify-write cycles. 659 I HYB41256 Waveforms Read cycle RAS VIHVIL- CAS VIHVIL- Address VIHVIL- WE VIHVIL- Data Out VOHVOL - Write cycle (early write) RAS ii----- IRAS _ ' R C -~1 t==IRP~ r ~',~=~ F - - - - I C S H - - - - - - --:-t--'[RP I I IRWl----~ I I I I '---------IRSH - - - - - I I I I tRCOH ----I[AS--·--- f-I VIH\IlL - Address VIHVil - WE VIHVll- Data In VIHVll- Dota Out 660 VOHVOl- _C.J>.._--'=='- High Z r----- HYB41256 Read-modify-write or late write cycle VIHVll- VIHVll- Address VIHVll- WE VIHVll- Oata In VIHVll- Data Out VDHVOL - High Z Valid Data RAS-only refresh cycle (DI and WE ~ don't carel tR[--tRAS RAS VIHVIL- CAS VIHVIL- Address VIHVIL - 661 HYB41256 Hidden refresh cycle Re.d Cycle VIHVIL- VIHVIL- Address VIHVIL- WE VIHVIL- O.t. Out VOHVOL- Page-mode read cycle Addresses o.t. 662 Out RAS only Refresh Cycle HYB41256 Page-mode write cycle CAS VIHVll- Addresses WE VIHVll- Data In Data Out 0~~= - - - - - - - - - - - - H , g h Z - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page-mode read-write cycle VIHVll- VIHVll- Addresses VIHVll- VIHVIL - Data Out Data In VOHVOl- ------=~~1i!i.t VIHVll- 663 HYB41256 Address Decoder Scrambling (without redundancy) The evaluation and incoming testing of RAMs normally requires a description of the internal address scrambling of the device in order to check for 'worst case' pattern. Internal address scrambling RO (511 (PinS) AO (Pin6) A2 RO (0 Ooto Stored =01 A7R=O A8R=O 512 Sense Refresh Amps (Pin71 Al (Pin8) V(( (Pin91 A7 Ooto Stored = iii Ooto Stored=D! (Pinl01 AS A7R=1 A8R=0 A7R=0 A8R=1 512 Sense Refresh Amps (Pinlll A4 Doto Stored =iii (Pin121 A3 R511 (511 A7R=1 A8R=1 RA5 (Pin4) WE (Pin31 Ol (Pin21 AS (Pin 11 VSS (PinI6) (AS (Pin 151 00 (PinI4) A6 (Pin131 R511 (0 Address decoder scrambling AO RO RO= [AO ·AlI-IAO·A21 Al External Row Address A2 R2 A3 A4 RJ AS RS A6 R6 A7 R7 A6 R6 A6 External Internal Row Address R4 (0 A7 (I A6 (2 Column AS CJ Address A4 (4 AJ (5 A2 (6 Al (1 AO (6 Note: The logic symbols are 'used solely to indicate the logic function. 664 R1= [AI·AlI- [Ai ·A21 RI Inhi!rna\ Column Address HYB 41256 Redundancy Redundancf concept The HYB 41526 takes advantage ofthe redundancy concept for increasing yield. This is done by providing the chip with a total of 8 spare rows and 4 spare columnj:Jairs. Two spare rows can be selected independently in each of four 64K cell arrays, and two spare column pairs can be selected independently in each of two 128K cell blocks. The spare lines can be selected by spare decoders which have to be programmed by laser technique during wafer probe. Laser technology For activation of redundant circuitry a laser pulse is used to open polycide links within the spare row and spare column decoders. The laser technique is used because it is mature and has proven reliable in a number of semiconductor applications including the implementation of redundant memory circuitry. Due to the fact, that the laser beam is very fine and can easily and accurately be positioned, and that it incorporates the energy for a controlled blow up of the polycide links, the laser technique is well suited for highly complex memory circuitry. All that results in a more efficient use of chip real estate. Signature With 01 at VIHR and performing at least one RASonly cycle with a cycle time of tRCR on any address combination, in the case of non-repaired devices the Data Output is in the high-performance state as in normal RAS-onlycycles. For repaired devices the Data Output will go to VOLR or VOHR after the access time tRACR. Individual bit map recognition If the test for signature has shown a repaired device, additional tests can be performed to reognize which addresses have been repaired and how they are replaced by spare lines. Rowand column redundancy can be recognized independently. Row redundancy Row redundancy can be recognized with 01 at VIHR and CAS at high, and RAS-only cycles on all 512 row address combinations. The data output is low (VOLR) for non-repaired addresses, and is high (VOHR) for repaired addresses only. Within each 64Kcell array, spare row 1 is always used if only one row is to be replaced. If two rows are to be replaced in an 64K cell array, spare row 2 is used to replace the defective row with the higher address. Column redundancy Redundancy testability (roll-call mode) With the redundancy concept two categories of devices, repaired and non-repaired ones, will be available. These two categories have to be separated easily and reliably by both, the manufacturer and the user (signature). When testing repaired devices, the reconfigurated address scrambling which results from activating spare rows and columns has to be taken into account for efficient device testing (individual bit map recognition). The HYB 41256 has the capability of performing these two novel functions. It is done with a simple electrical test at the begi nning of the final test or incoming inspection of each device (roll-call mode). The roll-call mode for performing both signature and individual bit map recognition can be activiated with 01 at VIHR (10 V ± 10%). Column redundancy can be recognized with 01 at VIHR, and early write cycles with tRCDR 'S tRCO (min) on all 512 column address combinations. A8 row must be used to distinguish between the two 128K cell blocks. The data output is low (VOLR) for non-repaired addresses, and high (VOHR) for repaired addresses. Within each 128K cell block, spare column pair 1 is always used if only one column is to be replaced. Otherwise, spare column pair 2 is used to replace the defective column with the higher address. 665 HYB41256 Recommended operating conditions Roll-call mode DC operating conditions and characteristics (Full operating voltage and temperature range unless otherwise specified.) Limitvalues Symbol Parameter VCC VSS Supply voltage HYB 41256-12, -15, _20 '1 VIH VIHR Unit Min. Typ. Max. 4.75 0 5.0 0 5.25 0 Logic 1 voltage: All inputs (except 01) 2.4 - VCC+1 Logic 1 voltage: 01 '121 9.0 10 VIL Logic 0 voltage: All inputs 11 -1.0 VOHR Output logic 1 voltage lout ~-5 mA 11 2.0 VOLR Output logic 0 voltage lout ~-4.2 mA 11 - 11 11 V 0.8 - 0.4 1) All voltages referenced to VSS. 2) VIHR at 01 must only be used for the roll-call-mode test and not for normal memory test~ or applications. To avoid device damage, VIHR is to be applied after the initialization conditions (initial pause of 200fLS and 8 cycles) have been satisfied, and must never exceed 11 V. AC operating conditions and characteristics (Full operating voltage and temperature range unless otherwise specified.) Limit values Symbol Parameter Unit HYB41256 -15 -12 -20 Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. tRCR Roll-call cycle time 330 - 390 - 490 - tRCDR Roll-call RAS to CAS delay - 30 - 30 35 35 tRACR Roll-call RAS access time 180 tCACR Roll-call CAS access time 90 666 - 225 ,--- 115 300 I--- - 150 ns HYB41256 Column Redundancy Early CAS - early write cycle (01 at VIHR, tRCO ~ tRCO (min), row addresses AD to A7 ~ don't care) VIHVIL- VIHVIL - VIHVIL- Address VIHVIL- Data Out 0~~~= ----- Row Redundancy and Signature RAS-only cycle (01 at VIHR, WE ~ don't care) RAS VIHVIL- CAS VIHVIL - Address VIHVIL- Data Out VOHRVOLR- 667 HYB41256 Siemens 256K DRAM Chip Topology VSS ,-- Column Decoder 64K Memory Array - ~ - 1" - i ... '" A5 - VCC AO ~ RAS and RAS ill Clocks CAS 512+4 Sense Amplifier A1 A2 A3 CD ~ ~ A4 A6 A7 1Spare ROW< Column Decoder ~ - 2 Spare Column Pairs to V..0 A8 Buff.r -Ae Nibble Decoder and Shift Register 512+4 Sense Amplifier 64K Memory ArrQy L- 668 ~ Column Oecoder ~ Read/Write Clocks 01/00 Buffer 01 WE DO HYB 41257-12/-15/-20 262,144-Bit Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM) • Fast nibble mode on read and write cycles via addresses A8 row and A8 column 30 ns access time 65 ns cycle time (HYB 41257-12) 40 ns access time 80 ns cycle time (HYB 41257-15) 50 ns access time 110 ns cycle time (HYB 41257-20) • 262,144 x 1-bit organization • Industry standard 16 pins • Single +5V supply, ±10% tolerance • Low power dissipation: - 385 mW active (max.) - 28 mW standby (max.) • 120 ns access time 220 ns cycle time (HYB 41257-12) 150 ns access time 260 ns cycle time (HYB 41257-15) 200 ns access time 330 ns cycle time (HYB 41257-20) • Read, write, read-modify-write, RAS-only-refresh, hidden refresh • All inputs and outputs TIL compatible • Common 1/0 capability using "early write" operation • Valid data during CAS precharge until start of next nibble cycle provides higher system data rate Pin configuration • • • • On-chip substrate bias generator Three-state data output 256 refresh cycles with 4 ms refresh period Redundancy incorporated for increasing yield - activation via laser links - roll-call-mode as pretest with 01 at 10V provides: redundancy signature individual address decoder scrambling Pin names A8[~JVSS A0 - A8 Address Inputs OI [ 2 15 TeAs CAS Column Address Strobe WE[ 1 14 JOO 01 Data In DO Data Out =[ 4 AO [ 5 HYB 41257 13 JA6 12 J A3 RAS Row Address Strobe Write Enable A2 [ 6 11 JA4 A1 [ 7 10 JAS WE vee [ 8 9 JA7 VCC Power Supply (+5V) VSS Ground (OV) The HYB 41257 is a 262,144 word by 1-bit dynamic Random Access Memory. This 5V-only component is fabricated with Siemens new high performance N-channel silicon gate technology. The use of tantalum polycide provides high speed. A Siemens proprietary chip cover protects the chip against a radiation. Nine multiplexed address inputs permit the HYB 41257 to be packaged in an industry standard 16-pin dual-in-line package. System-oriented features include single power supply with ±10% tolerance, on-chip address and data registers which eliminate the need for interface registers, and fully TIL compatible inputs and output, including clocks. In addition to the usual read, write and readmodify-write cycles, the HYB 41257 is capable of early and late write cycles, RAS-only refresh, and hidden refresh. Common 1/0 capability is given by using "early write" operation. Nibble Mode is a new feature of the HYB 41257 allowing the user to perform a serial access of 4 bits at a high data rate by using an on-chip nibble shift register which is controlled by one set of addresses on pin 1(A8 Rowand A8 Column) and the CAS clock only. The HYB 41257 has the capability of using laser links to perform redundancy. With the roll-call mode, which is a new test feature, the user can separate repaired devices easily, and additionally gets information on the individual row and column addresses which have been repaired and how they are substituted by redundant lines. AG 10/84 669 HYB41257 Block Diagram AO A1 A2 A3 A4 AS A6 A7 ------ aSpar. Rows ClK .1:: Memory t- e. ~ ~ e ~ .3 8 Array ~ ,. ARO-AR7 f0 . {}. tt 2S6K Bits Address Buffer ACO"AC7 Column Decoder 4· Bit Data Bus 001 103 4-Bit 1I0;Buffer A8 VCC VSS - ACB AS Buffer Nibble Decoder and 4'Bit Shift Register ARB BIAS Generator ~ f--VBB WE Buffer j OJ Buffer DO Buffer DI DO ! I Functional Description Device Initialization Adressing (AO-AS) Since the HYB 41257 is a dynamic RAM with a single 5V supply, no power sequencing is required. For power-up, an initial pause of 200 microseconds is necessaryforthe internal bias generator to establish the proper substrate bias voltage. To initialize the nodes of the dynamic circuitry, a minimum of 8 active cycles of the Row Address Strobe (RAS) has to be performed. This is also necessary after an extended inactive state of greater than 4 milliseconds. For selecting one of the 262,144 memory cells, a total of 18 address bits are required. First 9 Row Address bits are set up on pins A0 through A8 and latched into the row address latches by the Row Address Strobe (RAS). Then the 9 column address bits are set up on pins A0 through A8 and latched into the column address latches by the Column Address Strobe (CAS). All input addresses must be stable on the falling edges of RAS and CAS. It should be noted that RAS is similar to a Chip Enable in that it activates the sense amplifiers as well as the row decoder. CAS is used as a chip select activating the column decoder and the input and output buffers. 670 HYB 41257 Write enable (WE) Hidden refresh The read or write mode is selected with the WE input. A logic high (VIH) on WE dictates read mode; logic low (VIL) dictates write mode. The data input is disabled when read mode is selected. When WE goes low prior to CAS, data output (DO) will remain in the high-impedance state for the entire cycle permitting common 1/0 operation. RAS-only refresh cycle may take place while maintaining valid output data. This feature is referred to as Hidden Refresh. Hidden Refresh is performed by holding CAS at VIL of a previous memory read cycle. Refresh cycle Data is written during a write or read-modify-write cycle. The falling edge of CAS or WE strobes data into the on-chip data latch. In an early write cycle WE is brought low prior to CAS and the data is strobed in by CAS with setup and hold times referenced to this signal. A refresh operation must be performed at least every four milliseconds to retain data. Since the output buffer is in the high impedance state unless CAS is applied, the RAS-only refresh sequence avoids any output signal during refresh. Strobing each of the 256 row addresses (A0 through A7) with RAS causes all bits in each row to be refreshed. CAS can remain high (inactive) for this refresh seq uence to conserve power. Data output (DO) Nibble-mode cycle The output buffer is three-state TTL compatible with a fan-out of two standard TTL loads. Data Out has the same polarity as Data In. The output is in a high impedance state until CAS is brought low. In a read cycle or read-write cycle, the output is valid after tRAC from transition of RAS when tRCD (min) . is satisfied, or after tCAC from transition of CAS when the transition occurs after tRCD (max.). In an early write cycle, the output is always in the impedance state. In a delayed write or read-modifywrite cycle, the output will follow the sequence for the read cycle. With CAS going high and RAS being high, the output returns to the high impedance state within tOFF. For nibble-mode read cycles, the data output shows a novel function that gives advantages for system application. With RAS low the data output remains valid after and during CAS high. That gives time for a proper strobing of the data despite of system time tolerances, and increases the system data rate because the minimum CAS low time, tCAS and tNAS, can be realized more easily. With CAS going low for the next nibble cycle the data output returns to the high-impedance state within tNOFF. In a read, late write, or read-modify-write mode for a normal cycle or the last nibble cycle, the data output condition depends on whether CAS or RAS is brought high first. With CAS going high and RAS adow, the data output is valid until RAS goes high and returns to the high-impedance state within tOFF referenced to RAS. With CAS being low at RAS high, the data output is valid until CAS goes high and returns to the high-impedance state within tOFF referenced to CAS. Nibble-mode operation allows a very fast serial data streaming up to 4 bits by applying only one set of addresses for the first bit to be accessed as normal (tCAC). By holding RAS low, only CAS has to be cycled up and then down for reading or writing the next 3 bits at a high data rate with tNAC tCAC. After 4 bits have been accessed, the following bit will be the same as the first bit accessed. Address on pin 1 (row address AS and column address AS) is used to select 1 ofthe 4 nibble bits for initial access. Toggling CAS causes row AS and· column AS to be incremented by the internal shift register with AS row being the least significant address, and allows access to the next nibble bit. In nibble mode, any combination of read, write, and read-modify-write operation is possible (e.g. first bit: read; second bit: write; third bit: readmOdify-write, etc.). Data Input (01) 671 HYB 41257 Absolute Maximum Ratings *) Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Voltages on Any Pin Re[ative to VSS Voltage on D[ Re[ative to VSS Power Dissipation Data Out Current (Short Circuit) oto + 70 'C - 65 to + 150 "C -1 to +7V -1 to +11 V lW 50 mA D.C. Characteristics = 0 to 70 "C, VSS = OV, VCC = +5 V ± 10% TA Symbol Parameter V[H Limit Values Unit Test condition Min. Max. Input high voltage (a[[ inputs) 2.4 VCC+l V[L Input [ow voltage (all inputs) -1.0 0.8 VOH Output high voltage 2.4 - VOL Output [ow voltage 0.4 [CCl Average VCC supply current -12 tRC = 220 ns -15 tRC = 260 ns -20 tRC = 330 ns 85 70 60 3) 5 4) [CC2 [CC3 Standy VCC supply current 1) 2) V - r-.-- Average VCC supply current during RAS-on[y refresh cycles - 12 tRC = 220 ns -15 tRC = 260 ns -20 tRC = 330 ns f--- mA 65 55 45 3) f--- [CC6 Average VCC supply current during nibble mode -12tNC= 65 ns -15tNC = 80 ns -20tNC = 110 ns II(L) Input leakage current (any input) [OIL) Output leakage current (CAS at logic 1, 0,,; Vout ,,; 5.5) VCC VSS - 10 VCC supply voltage 4.5 5.5 VSS supply voltage 0 0 Notes see page 5 672 10 8 7 rIA - V 1) HYB 41257 Capacitance --Symbol Limit values Parameter Min. .. _- CI1 Input capacitance (AO-AS) CI2 Input capacitance (RAS, 01) CI3 Input capacitance (CAS, WE) CO Output capacitance (DO, CAS = VIH to disable output) Max . Unit Test conUi!i on 6 I-7 I - - pF 5) S .--- I *) Stresses above those listed under" Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 1) All voltages referenced to VSS. 2) Overshooting and undershooting on input levels of 6.5 V or -2 V for a period of 30 ns max. will not influence function and reliability of the device. 3) ICC depends on frequency of operation. Maximum current is measured at the fastest cycle rate. 4) RAS and CAS are both at VIH. 5) Effective capacitance calculated from the equation C = 16~ t with 6 V = 3 V or measured with Boonton meter. 673 HYB41257 A.C. Test Conditions Input pulse levels Input rise an fall times Input timing reference levels Output timing reference levels Output load 5 ns between oto 3.0V 0.8 and 2.4 V 0.8 to 2.4 V 0.4 to 2.4 V equivalent to 2 standard TTL loads and 100 pF A.C. Characteristics TA = 0 to +70 °C; VCC = +5V ±10% (unless otherwise specified; see notes 6, 7, 8) Limit values Symbol Parameter Min. tRC Random read or write cycle time 9) 220 tRWC Read-modify-write cycle time 9) 265 tRAC ACcess time from RAS 10) 11) tCAC Access time from CAS 10) 11) 12) tRAS RAS pulse width tCAS tREF Max. - -60 CAS pulse width 60 Refresh period - tRP RAS precharge time 90 tCRP CAS to RAS precharge time 10 tRCD RAS to CAS delay time 13) 30 tRSH RAS hold time 60 tCSH CAS hold time 120 tASR Row address setup time 0 tRAH Row address hold time 20 tASC Column address setup time 0 tCAH Column address hold time 30 tAR Column address hold time referenced to RAS 14) 90 IT Transition time (rise and fall) 6) 3 tRCS Read command setup time tRCH Read command hold time referenced to CAS 15) Read command hold time referenced to RAS 15) Notes see page 8 674 Min. r--- - -75 - 75 4 - - 100 - 4 - 4 - 75 120 35 - 200 I--- 0 20 I--- 25 0 I-30 35 - 3 50 3 0 - 25 - 135 0 - - I-0 105 50 100 r--- 150 -- ns 100 0 - ms I--- 10 75 ns 100 10 - 200 10 4 100 30 - 200 -- 60 Max. 330 390 10 4 - -20 150 150 0 25 Max. 1--- 120 10 4 tRRH Min. 260 310 120 Unit HYB 41257-15 -12 30 50 ns HYB 41257 Limit values Symbol Parameter -15 -12 Min. tOFF Output buffer turn-off delay 16) tWCS Write command setup time 17) tWCH Write command hold time 40 tWCR Write command hold time referenced to RAS 14) 100 tWP Write command pulse width 0 Write command to CAS lead time tDS Data in setup time 18) 0 tDH Data in hold time 18) 40 tDHR Data in hold time referenced to RAS 14) 100 tCWD CAS to WE delay 17) 60 tRWD RAS to WE delay 17) 120 tRRW RMW cycle RAS pulse width 165 tCRW RMW cycle CAS pulse width 105 tNC Nibble-mode cycle time 9) 65 tNAC Nibble-mode access time from CAS 10) - tNAS Nibble-mode setup time 30 tNP Nibble-mode precharge time 25 tNRSH Nibble-mode RAS hold time 65 tNCWL Nibble-mode WE to CAS lead time 30 tNWRH Nibble-mode write RAS hold time 45 tNOFF Nibble-mode output buffer turn-off delay 19) 0 Nibble-mode WE command hold time - 45 55 120 155 r--- r--- r--0 r--45 r--- - 0 - 55 -155 r--150 r--- - r---- - - 200 125 - r---80 ns 40 100 200 260 I 160 110 - - 50 40 r---30 r--- 50 40 - - 85 40 55 0 30 r--- - 75 - c--- 55 120 30 Max. 50 r--- - 45 - Nibble-mode CAS to WE delay Nibble-mode RMW CAS pulse width Min. 40 -0 r--- - 30 tNCRW -20 Max. r---- tNCWD tNWCH Min. 30 -0 40 Write command to RAS lead time tCWL Nibble-mode WE pulse width Max. - tRWL tNWP Unit HYB 41257- 40 - - 105 50 75 0 r-50 Notes see page 8 675 HYB 41257 Notes: 61 VIH and VIL are refere'1ce levels to measure timing of input signals. Also, transition times are measured between VIH and VIL. 71 An initial pause of 200 llS is required after powerup following by a minimum of eight initialization cycles prior to normal operation. 81 The time parameters specified here are valid for a transition time of tT = 5 ns for the input signals. 91 The specifications for tRC Iminl, tRWC Iminl, and nibble cycle time ItNCI are only used to indicate cycle time at which proper operation over full temperature range 10 'C:oS TA:oS 70 'CI is assured. 101 Measured with a load equivalent to two TTL loads and 100 pF. 111 Assumes that tRCD :oS tRCD(maxl. If tRCD is greater than the maximum recommended value shown in this table, tRAC will increase by the amount that tRCD exceeds the value shown. 121 Assumes that tRCD ~ tRCD Imaxl. 131 Operation within the tRCD Imaxllimit ensures that tRAC Imaxl can be met. tRCD Imaxl is specified as a reference point only; iftRCD is greater than the specified tRCD Imaxllimit, then access time is controlled exclusively by tCAC. 141tRCD + tCAH ~ tAR min, tRCD + tDH ~ tDHR min, tRCD + tWCH ~ tWCR min. 151 Either tRRH or tRCH must be satisfied for a read cycle. 161 tOFF (maxi defines the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition and is not referenced to output voltage levels. tOFF is referenced either to the CAS leading edge with RAS being high or to the RAS leading edge with CAS being high. 171 tWCS, ICWD and tRWC are not restrictive operating parameters. They are included in the data sheet as electrical characteristics only: IftWCS ~ tWCSlminl, the cycle is an early write cycle and the Data Out will remain open circuit Ihigh impedancel throughout the entire cycle; iftCWD ~ tCWD Iminl and tRWD ~ tRWD Iminl the cycle is a read-write cycle and the Data Out will contain data read from the selected cell. If neither of the above sets of conditions is satisfied, the condition of the Data Out lat access timel is indeterminate. 181 tDS and tDH are referenced to the leading edge of CAS in early write cycles, and to the leading edge of WE in delayed write or read-modify-write cycles. 191 tNOFF Imaxl defines the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition and is not referenced to output voltage levels. tNOFF is referenced to the CAS falling edge of the next nibble cycle with RAS being low. 676 HYB41257 Waveforms Read cycle Address Data Out Write cycle (early write) I VIHVll- CAS Address WE Data In Data Out VIHVll- VIH- VIL - VIH- VIH- VIL- VDHVOL- High Z 677 HYB 41257 Read-modify-write or write cycle VIHVll- CAS VIHVll- Address VIHVIL- WE YIHVll- Data In. VIHVll- Data Out YDH- VOL - RAS-only refresh cycle (DI and WE = don't carel ill VIHVIL- CAS VIHVll- Address 678 High Z Vulld Data HYB41257 Hidden refresh cycle Read Cyde RAS only Refresh Cycle VIHVll- VIHVll- Address VIHVIL- vIH-'lllr-1-------------t-i,. VIL-~ Data Out Nibble-mode read cycle I RAS ill Address Wi' Data Out 679 HYB41257 Nibble-mode write cycle (early write) RAS VIHVIL- ill YIHVIl- Address. VIHYIL- WE I VIL- Data In VIHVIL- Data Out ~~~=-----------H'9h Z - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nibble-mode read-modify-write Address Data In Data Out 680 HYB41257 Address Decoder Scrambling (without redundancy) The evaluation and incoming testing of RAMs normally requires a description of the internal address scrambling of the device in order to check for 'worst case' pattern. Internal address scrambling (PinS) AO (PIn6) A2 (Pm7) A1 (Pin81 VCC (Pm9) A7 RO RO CSll CO Data Stored=OI RAS A7R=O ASR=O 512 Sense Refresh Amps Oata Stored:: 51 Data Stored=Dl (Pin10) AS A7R=1 ABR=O Data Stored=m (Pm121 A3 RS11 (Pin31 OJ (Pm2) A8 (Pm1) VSS (Pm16) CAS (PIn1S) A7R=O AeR=l 512 Sense Refresh Amps {Pm11l A4 (Pm4) WE A7R=1 ABR::1 00 (Pln14) A6 {Pm13} RS11 CO (511 Address decoder scrambling AO A1 External Row Address A2 Al ~ I A4 R2 Rl R5 R6 A7 R7 AS RB A6 Internal Row Address R4 A6 A7 Address RO= lAO ·A21" lAO ·A21 R1= (Al·Ai)~ (A1·A21 R, A5 A8 External Column RO cO== CO [0 :(A7'A"61+(A'1'A81 C, C2 AS C3 A4 C4 Al CS A2 C6 A1 AO C1 C8 Internal [olumn Address tim: The logiC symbols are used solely to Indicate the logic function. 681 HYB41257 Redundancy Redundancy concept Individual bit map recognition The HYB 41257 takes advantage of the redundancy If the test for signature has shown a repaired device, additional tests can be performed to recognize which addresses have been repaired and how they are replaced by spare lines. Rowand column redundancy can be recognized independently. concept for increasing yield. This is done by providing the chip with a total of 8 spare rows and 4 spare column pairs. Two spare rows can be selected independently in each of four 64K cell arrays, and two spare column pairs can be selected independently in each of two 128K cell blocks. The spare lines can be selected by spare decoders which have to be programmed by laser technique during wafer probe. Laser technology For activation of redundant circuitry a laser pulse is used to open polycide links within the spare row and spare column decoders. The laser technique is used because it is mature and has proven reliable in a number of semiconductor applications including the implementation of redundant memory circuitry. Due to the fact, that the lase"r beam is very fine and can easily and accurately be positioned, and that it incorporates the energy for a controlled blow up of the polycide links, the laser technique is well suited for highly complex memory circuitry. All that results in a more efficient use of chip real estate. Redundancy testability (roll-call mode) With the redundancy concept two categories of devices, repaired and non-repaired ones, will be available. These two categories have to be separated easily and reliably by both, the manufacturer and the user (signature). When testing repaired device, the reconfigurated address scrambling which results from activating spare rows and columns has to be taken into account for efficient device testing (individual bit map recognition). The HYB 41257 has the capability of performing these two novel functions. It is done with a sjmple electrical test at the beginning of the final test or incoming inspection of each device (roll-call mode). The roll-call mode for performing both signature and individual bit map recognition can be activated with DI at VIHR (10V ± 10%). Signature With DI at VIHR and performing at least one RASonly cycle with a cycle time of tRCR on any address combination, in the case of non-repaired devices the Data Output is in the high-impedance state as in normal early write cycles. For repaired devices the Data Output will go to VOLR or VOHR after the access time tRACR. 682 Row redundancy Row redundancy can be recognized with DI at VIHR and CAS at high, and RAS-only cycles on all 512 row address combinations. The data output is low (VOLR) for non-repaired addresses, and is high (VOHR) for repaired addresses only. Within each 64K cell array, spare row 1 is always used if only one row is to be replaced. If two rows are to be replaced in an 64K cell array, spare row 2 is used to replace the defective row with the higher address. Column redundancy Column redundancy can be recognized with DI at VIHR, and early write cycles with tRCDR :s tRCD (min) on al1512 column address combinations. A8 row must be used to distinguish between the two 128K cell blocks. The data output is low (VOLR) for non-repaired addresses, and high (VOHR) for repaired addresses. Within each 128K cell block, spare column pair 1 is always used if only one column is to be replaced. Otherwise, spare column pair 2 is used to replace the defective column with the higher address. HYB 41257 Recommended operating conditions Roll-call mode OC operating conditions and characteristics (Full operating voltage and temperature range unless otherwise specified). Limit values Symbol Parameter VCC VSS Supply voltage HYB 41257-12, -15, -20 1) 1) Min. Typ. Max. 4.75 0 5.0 0 5.25 0 Unit VIH Logic 1 voltage: All inputs (except 01) 2.4 - VCC+l VIHR Logic 1 voltage: 01 1) 2) 9.0 10 11 VIL Logic 0 voltage: All inputs 1) -1.0 VOHR Output logic 1 voltage lout = -5mA VOLR Output logic 0 voltage lout = -4.2 mA 1) - 2.0 1) V 0.8 - - 0.4 A.C. operating conditions and characteristics (Full operating voltage and temperature range unless otherwise specified.) Symbol Limit values Parameter Unit HYB41257-15 -12 Min. Max. Min. Max Min. Max. tRCR Roll-call cycle time 330 - 390 - 490 - tRCOR Roll-call RAS to CAS delay - 30 - 30 - 35 tRACR Roll-call RAS access time 180 tCARC Roll-call CAS access time 90 - 225 r--- 115 I -20 ns 300 -150 1) All voltages referenced to VSS. 2) VIHR at 01 must only be used for the roll-call mode test and not for normal memory tests or applications. To avoid device damage, VIHR is to be applied after the initialization conditions (initial pause of 200 fls and 8 cycles) have been satisfied, and must never exceed 11V. 683 HYB41257 Column Redundancy Early CAS - early write cycle (01 at VIHR, IRCO = tRCO (min). row addresses AD to A7 = don't care) m VIHVIL- CAS VIHVIL- Address VIHVIL- WE VIHVIL- VOHR- Data Out VOLR- Row Redundancy and Signature RAS-only cycle (01 at VIHR, WE = don't care) VIHVIL- m Address Data Out 684 ~~~= - - - - H i g h z----lG~~}----- HYB 41257 Siemens 256K DRAM Chip Topology VSS r- Column Detoder 64K Memory Array AO A' A2 Al A4 AI A6 A7 - --- VCC ~ RAS RAS "od CAS Clocks -EAS AI:! Buffer - A8 512+4 Sense Amplifier .ll :Ii i 1Spa.re ROW< l% Nibble ~ Column Oeccder Decoder ~ ~ 2 Spare (Cliumn Pairs f$ Shift Register ~ Read/Write (locks ~ "od S12~4 Sense Amplifier 64K Memory Array L- Column Decoder 01100 Buffer Dr -WE DO I 685 I Telecom Components PEB 2030 Frame Aligner Module Preliminary data Features • Detection of frame alignment signals for PCM 30 highways in accordance with CCITT recommendation G 732 Delay compensation and clock alignment between transmission line and exchange Compensation of phase jitter up to 60l-'s Detection and initiation of route alarms (AIS, service word) Indication of loss of frame alignment Slip detection Error simulation for test purposes Digital interface TTL-compatible • • • • • • • Applications The PEB 2030 frame aligner module is used for interfacing PCM 30 routes with PCM switching networks. Its main applications are as follows: in multiplex units for PCM transmission routes in concentrators and subscriber multiplexers at one end of PCM routes as an interface between PCM routes and public and private PCM switches (DIU) for delay compensation between switching stages (e.g., Swiss Post Office IFS design concept) Data interfaces Pin configuration, top view • • • • Voo FP IN B8 By B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B, P 24 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 23 ~::::::::ll 2 DB, DB2 6 SP R/W PE 7 8 RCL SCL BI 9 10 11 12 SCT cr so Vss SP R IW PE RCL SCL BI SCT CE SO FP IN Synchronous pulse Direction of data transfer Alarm port enable Route clock Station clock Buffer inactive Station counter trigger pulse Chip enable Serial output Fault pulse PCM input . Parallel outputs P V VSS Parity bit Ground (0 V) Supply voltage ( + 5 V) B1} ~8 DD AG 12/81 689 Frame Aligner Module PEB 2030 General description The Siemens frame aligner module PEB 2030 is a monolithic NMOS circuit. Its main application is the detection of frame alignment signals of PCM 30 routes according to CCITI recommendation G 732 and the clock adjustment with delay compensation between PCM routes and PCM switches. An incorporated buffer enables the PEB 2030 to compensate phase jitter up to 60l's. Route alarms can be challenged by a bidirectional data interface. Block diagram PCM in out SP FP CE ..•.... 32 RCL 8 FM B1. .. B9 4 P 5 RIW PE SO • /2 DB1 DB2 FA AP B COC FM BI SCT SCL Frame alignment Alarm port Buffer Coincidence circuit Frame memory Description of function The PEB 2030 module is fabricated using the n-channel depletion technique. The module, connected to a PCM 30 line, and the associated input clock (route clock RCI), are synchronized with the PCM frame in accordance with CCITI recommendation G 732. In the stable condition the module supplies 488 ns synchronous pulses (SP) at a bit rate of 4 kbitls which identify the beginning of the PCM frames containing the bunched frame alignment signal (FAS). During the synchronizing phase and in the event of frame alignment being lost, the synchronizing pulses are suppressed and a 21's fault pulse FP is delivered every 2501's. When a synchronized stage exists, such a fault pulse appears only if an FAS is not recognized. On the output side the PCM information can be read out in serial and in parallel form. For this purpose, a reading clock (SCI) and a 488 ns reading synchronizing pulse (SCT) must be applied at 2501'S intervals to fix the beginning of the frame. The module supplies a parity check bi~ven parity) to each PCM word via a tri-state output which is activated by a chip enable (CE) in the same way as the tri-state outputs for the parallel information. 690 Frame Aligner Module PEB 2030 An alarm flip-flop (FA Alarm) in the module is set in the event of frame alignment loss, route timing loss or loss of the CE or SCT signals. The alarm bit is recorded in another flip-flop in the service word (bit 3), whereas a third flip-flop stage is set when logic" 1" signals are received by the PCM route for the duration of two frames (Alarm Indication Signal AIS). A further flip-flop is set when a slip of the frame occurs. The alarms are polled via a bidirectional data interface. The alarm circuits can be triggered and reset for test purposes via the data interface. Pin description Symbol Function Description 1. Supply VDD +5V±5% Power consumption 300 mW Vss OV 2. PCM interfaces IN PCM input RCL 2.048 MHz ± 50 ppm 256 kbitls B1 . . . B8 SO 256 kbitls 2.048 Mbit SCL 2.048 MHz P Information bit from one negative RC edge to the next. Route clock Parallel PCM output information. B1 =most significant in!. bit Parity bit (even parity) Serial PCM output. Bit sequence with decreasing significance. Station clock. Information bits from one neg. SCI edge to the next. 3. Control signals SCT SP BI FP CE 4 kbit/s width 488 ns 4 kbitls, width 488 ns Continuous signal Width: 4 x 488 ns = 1.95J-(s 256 kbit, width 488 ns or continuous level From one neg. SCI edge to the next. Frame begins from pos.SCT edge .. From one neg. RCI edge to the next. Frame begins with FAS from pas. SP edge. B 1 = 1 or not connected: Buffer inactive. Fault pulse delivered for every undetected FAS or every 250J-(s in the event of frame alignment loss. Chip enable controls ..9!!tputs B1 to B8 , P low-impedance. The CE must be active during the SCT, so that the SCT supervision by station counter is not impaired. 691 Frame Aligner Module PEB2030 4. Data interface Write DB input timing (Write) ------1 CB r---------- - ------- RfW tw > 1 /hS tWE > 100 ns tOE > 100 ns I tEW r I - 1- twE tOE f'·~ tED ~E';;tED - Read RfW DB output timing (Read) :::::::] tEWA > 100 ns tEM < 1.2 tEAR > 160 ns tWE > 100 ns 0.8 < I --------f- -------- DB - tEEAL -1' twE - tEAP~--- _I.- L- tEWR Data transfer direction RI = 1 read alarm port R I W = 0 write alarm port Alarm port enable bidirectional data interface for command acceptance or alarm signalling: '!l DB, o o AIS alarm Slip alarm 692 > 50 ns > 150 ns o Command: poll FA alarm, AIS alarm 1 Command: poll B3 of the service word, Slip alarm o Command: reset alarm flip-flop 1 Command: failure simulation FA alarm B3 alarm Alarms are signaled as log. '1' /hS CL = 300pF PES 2030 Frame Aligner Module Pulse diagram ::j Is· 14 r- ~. .1. SP IDe L sf> Channel 0 Channel 1 - Delivery of synchronous pulse SP in synchronized state ";:~ I I • Channel a +- IDCFP Channel 1 - - - Delivery of fault pulse FP in the event of erroneous frame alignment signal Pulse diagram SCl so ---of--------- Channel 0 - - - - - - - - - -•.;!..,--Channel 1 CE 88 I P -rCh~~nell-o._----Hi9h I IraImpedance--------j_ I"High Impedance- --l Channel 0 I-693 Frame Aligner Module PEB 2030 Output signals (B1 to Ba,P) as functions of the station trigger pulse SCT and chip enable CE RSMSRSMSRSMSRSMSRSMSRSMSRSMSRSMSRSMSRSMSRSM IN I FP SP AISout Erroneous FAS:(~ Correct FAS RCL RCL PS, SO PA, SO SCL SCL ·1.4<§<5.2 ~ ~s Loss of frame alignment due to bit falsification on the PCM route R M S R M 694 Frame alignment signal (FAS) Service word Simulated FAS (Random FAS) Erroneous FAS Erroneous service word Frame Aligner Module PES 2030 Absolute maximum ratings 1) Min Operating temperature Storage temperature Total power consumption Input voltage Supply voltage Electrical characteristics (T,mb T'mb T"g 0 -55 VI VDD -0.3 -0.3 Ptol = 250C) Min VDD 's Supply voltage Supply current Input current H input voltage L input voltage L output voltage H output voltage H output current (FP,SQ,SP,Bi'P) L output current (FP,SQ,SP,Bi'P) H output current (OBi) L output current (OBi) 'IL V,H VIL VOL VOH IOH IQL IOH 4.75 Max 70 125 400 7 7 Typ. 5 50 50 2.4 °C °C mW V V Max 5.25 70 150 Unit -0.02 0.46 -0.04 0.9 V mA J-lA V V V V mA rnA mA rnA 20 20 2.1 ns ns MHz 0.7 0.4 2.7 1m Unit Timing specification Input H-L transfer time Input L-H transfer time Clock frequency (pulse-pause ratio 1: 1) IHL tLH tWH:tWL Set up time Hold time Switching times 0.2 ts 1 150 40 tH (VDD from (input) to (output) CE SCL RCL SCL B1 · .. Ba,P DB 1 ,DB 2 FP,SP SQ 1) feL 2.048 ns ns = 5V, T.mb = 25°C) Test conditions tDO tDa tDa tDa 50 50 15 15 pF, pF, pF, pF, 10 kD 5 kD 10 kD 10 kD Min Typ. Max Unit 200 350 200 200 ns ns ns ns Stresses above those listed under 'Absolute maximum ratings' may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicatd in the operational section of this data sheet is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. The information describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured characteristics. 695 I PEB 2040 Memory Time Switch Preliminary data Features • • • • • • • • • • MOS circuit Time/space switch for 2.048 MHz and 8.192 MHz PCM systems Different kinds of operation modes (2 Mbit/s. 8 Mbit/s or mixed mode) 16 input PCM lines and speech memory for all 512 subscriber on chip Connection memory for 256 channels of 8 output lines on chip Non blocking time switch with 16/16 PCM lines can be built with two devices fiP-interface for writing and reading the connection memory Delay between input and output lines selectable Tristate for further expansion or hot standby Advanced NMOS technology Single + 5 V power supply Applications • • • • • All types of switching systems Complete switch in PCM PABX for up to 512 subscriber with only two devices Concentrator function Frequency-transforming interface between 2 MHz and 8 MHz PCM systems 16/16 space switch for 8 MHz PCM systems AG 7184 697 Memory Time Switch PEe 2040 Pin configuration 40 elK vss SP 39 aUTO IN 1 38 OUT1 IN 0 4 37 OUT2 IN 5 5 36 IN 4 6 3S OUT4 IN 9 7 34 OUTS IN 8 8 33 OUT6 IN 13 9 IN 12 10 oun 32 OUT7 PE B 2040 31 DB7 IN 14 11 30 DB6 IN 15 12 29 DBS IN 10 13 28 DB4 IN 11 14 27 DB3 IN 6 15 26 DB2 IN 7 16 25 DBl IN 2 17 24 DBD IN 3 18 23 WR AO 19 22 RiS Cs 20 21 Vee General description The SIEMENS memory time switch PES 2040 is a monolithic NMOS circuit with speech and connection memory on chip. It connects any of 512 incoming PCM channels to any of 256 outgoing PCM channels. Two chips give a non blocking 512 channel switch. Block diagrams of 2 PCM systems using the PEB 2040 are shown in figure 1. In- and outputs are TTL compatible. 698 Memory Time Switch PES 2040 Figure 1 Siock diagram of two PCM switch configurations with PES 2040 PEB 2040 PCM 2MHz PCM 2MHz 16 OUT IN PEB 2040 Memory time switch 16/16 for a non blocking 512 channel switch. PEB 16 2040 12 PEB 1-_~-,,;8,<-- 2040 22 PCM 2MHz PCM 2MHz IN OUT 16 8 PEB PEB 2040 24 2040 14 e Memory time switch 32/32 for a non blocking 1022 channel switch using the tristate function. 699 Memory Time Switch PES 2040 Functional description of MTS 16/8 The PEB 2040 is a memory time switch module which has the ability to connect any of the 512 PCM channels of 16 incoming PCM lines to any of the 256PCM channels of 8 output lines. A block diagram of the main components is shown in figure 2. The PCM information of a complete frame is stored in the 4K speech memory SM. That means all of the 512 words with 8 bits are written into a fixed position of the SM. This is controlled by the input counter every 125 Ils. The words are read with a random access with an address that is stored in a connection memory CM for each of the 256 output channels. The access to the CM is controlled by the output counter. To realize a connection the 8M address and the eM address must be written into the PEB 2040 via apP interface. The8M address contains the channel and line numberof the incoming peM words. The eM address consists of the channel and line number of the output words. 700 Memory Time Switch PEe 2040 Figure 2 Block diagram /----10 Speech Memory SM PCM Inputs 15 Connection Memory CM 8 bit Control logic Output counter Input counter elK SP Comparator 110 register Data Bus DBO -DB7 ~P interface 701 Memory Time Switch PEB 2040 Operation modes The PES 2040 can be connected to 2.048 Mbit/s and 8.192 Mbit/s PCM lines. The operation mode is selected by the mode bits, where MI~ and MIl defines the bit rate of the input lines and independently MO~ and Mal that of the output Jines. The corresponding input and output addresses are given in table 1. The mode MI~ = MIl = 1 is only for space switch application. Table 1 Input configuration PIN Nr. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1~ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 MI~=~, MIl 16x2 Mbit/s IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN 1 ~ 5 4 9 8 13 12 14 15 =9> MI~= 1. MIl =~ MI~=~, Mil = 1 MI~= 4x8 Mbit/s 8x2+2x8 Mbit/s 16x8 Mbit/s IN IN IN IN 1 ~ 2 3 1~ IN ~ IN 4 IN 8 IN 1 IN 3 IN 12 IN 14 1~ IN 1~ 11 6 7 2 3 IN 6 IN 2 11 6 7 2 3 Output configuration PIN Nr. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 702 MO~ =~, MO 1 =~ MO~= 1, MO 1 =~ MO~=~, 8x2 Mbit/s 4x2/1 x8 Mbit/s OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ~ 2x8 Mbit/s Mal =1 OUT 7 OUT 5 OUT 3 OUT 1 OUT ~ OUT 1 1 ~ 5 4 9 8 13 12 14 15 OUT ~ 1, MIl =1 Memory Time Switch PES 2040 Pin description Pin-No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name Function Vss Ground (OV) Synchronous pulse (8 kHz); rising edge for input counter falling edge for output counter; difference between rising and falling edge should be j = (2 + Nx4) telK (N = f/J - 255) rising edge synchronous with the incoming frames; output frame starts 2 clock pulses before the falling edge. PCM input port 1 PCM input port '/J PCM input port 5 PCM input port 4 PCM input port 9 PCM input port 8 PCM input port 13 PCM input port 1 2 PCM input port 14 PCM input port 1 5 PCM input port 1!1'l PCM input port 11 PCM input port 6 PCM input port 7 PCM input port 2 PCM input port 3 Address '/J. for separating different modes of the control words Chip select Supply voltage + 5 V ± 5% Read pulse W.rite pulse DATA Bus '/J DATA Bus 1 DATA Bus 2 DATA Bus 3 bidirectional DATA Bus4 DATA Bus 5 DATA Bus 6 DATA Bus 7 PCM output port 7 PCM output port 6 PCM output port 5 PCM output port 4 PCM output port 3 PCM output port 2 PCM output port 1 PCM output port !1'l Clock pulse 8.192 MHz. duty cycle 50% SP 18 19 IN 1 IN '/J IN 5 IN 4 IN 9 IN 8 IN 13 IN 12 IN 14 IN 15 IN 1~ In 11 IN 6 IN 7 IN 2 IN 3 A'/J • 2'/J cs· 6 7 8 9 1~ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3'/J 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4'/J • ~P·controlled Voo RU"' WR' DB '/J' DB 1" DB 2' DB 3' DB 4' DB 5' DB 6" DB 7' OUT 7 OUT 6 OUT 5 OUT 4 OUT 3 OUT 2 OUT 1 OUT!1'l ClK interface 703 Memory Time Switch PEB 2040 PCM-interface Control signals: Clock: ClK felK = 8.192 MHz 50% duty cycle. t r• t f ;::;; 10 ns synchronous pulse: SP felK = 8.000 kHz defines the PCM frame with 1024 clock pulses t r• t f :£ 10 ns PCM input: IN '/J - IN 15 for 2 or 8. Mbit/s organized as 32 words of 8 bits or 128 words of 8 bit within a frame. The frame for all input lines starts with the rising edge of the SP signal. PCM output: OUT '/J - OUT 7 for 2 or 8 Mbit/s. The frame for all output lines is controlled by the falling edge of the SP signal. The difference between the rising and the falling edge of the SP signal should be J = (2 + N x4) t elK • '/J::; N::; 255 (fixed at space switch application: J = (2 + 70 x 4) telK = 282 t elK • N = 70). N defi nes the delay of the output frame cou nted in 2 MHz bit steps relative to the input frame. as shown in the timing diagram. The outputs have tristate capability. 704 PEB 2040 Memory Time Switch MTS 16/8 Timing diagram 4 OUT 2Mbit/s Channel 0, Bit 0 Example with delayed output frame \\..,.___---J! SP N= 255 OUT2~________~C~ha~n~ne~IO~,~BI~tO~______~X~ OUT 8~ ChO, BO ______~Ch~a~nn~e~IO~,~B~it~1 ________~X::: XCh 0, 81 XCh 0, B2 XCh 0, B3 XCh 0, 84 XCh 0, BS XCh 0, B6 XCh 0, B7 x::: Space switch application I 1 I 2 CLK~ o SP OUT 23 24 280 281 ---f N =70 fixed -------------------------------,J----.,----.I'_______________________ 8.!1bi!!~ Clock timing felK = 8,192 MHz telK = 122 ns 50% duty cycle ..;C~h12;;;.;.:7,.;;B;.;,7...J~;.;.:.;;;.;....,\",;;,;.;.;.:,.;;;.;..J'- Timing with felK = 8,192 MHz min max t55 t52 tH 2 ts 8 tH 8 to 70 180 0 60 0 170 50 ns ns ns ns ns ns start of output frame Cl = 200 pF 705 Memory Time Switch f.lp Interface OB~ - OB7, Ff[), PEB 2040 WFt CS, A~ Commands for access to the connection memory, selected by A~ = 1. All commands have a three byte strukture and must tie executed completly. OB~ OB7 x X K1 K~ X X X 58 Key word 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 5~ 5peech Memory Address C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 C~ Connection Memory Address Keyword K1 K~ 1 ~ ~ ~ Write Connection Memory Write Connection Memory, with checkbytes Read Connection Memory 1 ~ ~ I 57 I 56 I 55 I 54 I 52 53 51 5~ 5peech memory address, stored in the connection memory I C7 I C6 I C5 I c4 I C3. I C2 I C1 I C~ I Connection memory address The speech memory address contains the channel and line number of the incoming PCM words. The connection memory address consists of the channel and line number of the output words with the following coordination. 2 Mbit/s input lines bit ~-3 line number bit 4-8 channel number 8 Mbit/s input lines bit ~-1 line number bit 2-8 channel number 2 Mbit/s output lines bit ~-2 line number bit 3-7 channel number 8 Mbit/s output lines bit ~ line number bit 1 -7 channel number 706 Memory Time Switch PEB 2040 Example Channel 7 of the coming 2 Mbit/s line No.9 shall be switched to channel 126 of the output line No.1 of an 8 Mbit/s system without checkbyte: Byte f/J 1 2 20 H 79H FDH (f!> f/J 1 f/J f/J f/J f/J f/J) ~ Key Word write (f/Jf/J1 f/Jf/Jf/Jf/Jf/J) (f/Jll11f/Jf/J1) (111111f/J1) (f/J 1 1 1 1 f/J f/J 1) (1 1 1 1 1 1 f/J 1) '---.-" ~ "-.-'-.,... Channel 7 Line 9 For space switch application with MI '/J Channel 126 = 1, MI 1 Line 1 = 1; MO '/J = 1, MO 1 = '/J 8 Mbit/s input lines bit '/J - 3 line number bit 4 - 8 the lower 5 bits of the channel number 8 Mbit/s output lines bit '/J line number bit 1 - '] channel number The difference between the rising and the falling edge of the SP is fixed: N = 7'/J, j = (2 + 70 x4) tCLK = 282 tCLK The selection of 128 input channels is possible by writing the connection memory (CM) as shown below. In In In In CM-address CM-address CM-address CM-address '/Jf/J-3F 4f/J - 7F 8'/J - BF C'/J - FF .... .... .... .... S8-S4 S8 - S4 S8 - S4 S8 - S4 (SM-adr.) (SM-adr.) (SM-adr.) (SM-adr.) means means means means ch. f/!-ch.31 ch. 32 - ch. 63 ch. 64 - ch. 95 ch. 96 - ch. 127 3 elCsmples: CM-address = 3F SM-address = 1 FA CM-address = 7F SM-address = 1 FA CM-address = Cf/! SM-address = f/!f/!8 C7 C'/J !/>'/J 111111 11l1119)1!/> S8 Sf/! C7 C'/J 9ll1l1l11 1111119l1'/J. Sf/! S8 C7 Cf/! 11 ID'/JID9lf/!'/J f/!'/J9l!/>9l19lf/Jf/J 58 SID output line 1, ch. 31 input line 1f/!, ch. 31 output line 1, ch. 63 input line 19l, ch. 63 output line f/J, ch. 96 input line 8, ch. 96 707 Memory Time Switch PES 2040 Write connection Memory x X 1 S7 S6 S5 l/J S4 C7 C6 C5 C4 X 53 C3 X X S8 S2 S1 Sl/J C2 C1 Cl/J } A~~'.~~~.CS~~ 5tores 58 - 5l/J into the Connection Memory addressed with C7 Write Connection Memory with check bytes desired X X X X X S8 S6 l/J 55 1 S7 54 53 52 51 Sl/J C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 Cl/J } A~~'.~~~.CS~~ 5tores 58 - 5l/J into the Connection Memory addressed with C7 - 1 X X X S8 56 l/J 55 54 53 52 51 5l/J C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 Cl/J X X 57 C7 } Cl/J. Cl/J. A~-'.AIT~~.CS~~ 58 - 5l/J have been overwritten by the Connection Memory in the next frame after writing the Connection Memory. Read Connection Memory X X X X l/J X C7 C6 C5 l/J X X X C4 C3 X X X X X X C2 C1 Cl/J } A~~'.~~~.CS~¢ overwrites 58 - 5l/J with the Connection Memory address C7 with the following sequence. X X l/J 54 X X 58 56 l/J 55 X 57 S3 52 51 5l/J C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 Cl/J 708 Cl/J, and can be read PEe 2040 Memory Time Switch selected A~=~ Mode/Status Status A~=~, R1J=~, (WR"=1), CS"=~ DB~ DB7 B B z = 1 x '/) I RY Chip busy during command execution Incomplete command instruction Mode register blocked (after "Power-on") = 1 RY = 1 Z Power on tristate SB is set by "Power-on" or by "Write Moderegister", SB is reset by "Write Moderegister", "Write Moderegister" is blocked at most seven frames after "Power-on", During that time RY in the status register is set to "1" SP and CLK should be applied immediately after "Power-on" A~ Mode =,/), WR =,/), (RD = , ), CS =9> DB7 R DB'/) TE SB R Reset , TE = Tristate enable S8 = Standby MI1 R = ~ Reset TE = ~ Mode without tristate function TE = 1 Tristate dependent from code S8 = 1 Tristade independent from code MIl MI'/J Input operation mode ~ '/J 1 '/J l6x2 Mbit/s 4xS Mbit/s 2x8+Sx2 Mbit/s , '/J I MI~ I Mal I MO~ I MOl MO'/J Output operation mode '/J '/J 1 '/J 8x2 Mbit/s 2xS Mbit/s 1x8/4x2 Mbit/s " 1 16x8 Mbit/s for space switch application only 709 Memory Time Switch PEe 2040 Reset DB7 = R The PEB 2040 can be initialized by a mode byte with R=~. This causes the complete connection memory to be overwritten with zeros. During this time the busy bit is set. Tristate DB6 = TE. DB4 = SB The PCM outputs of the PEB 2040 have tristate capability. 1. SB = 1 is a standby mode. All outputs are tristate. The connection memory works in the normal mode. The chip can be activated immediately by setting SB = ~. 2. TE = 1. (SB = ~): The output channels are tristate. if the speech memory address stored in the connection memory is 58 - S~ = ~. This means that channel f/J of line ~ is not available for any output. 3. TE = ~, (SB = 9)): Channel 9) of line 9) is available, but tristate is not possible. Operation Mode (Input/Output bit rate) DB9)=M09). DB1 =M01. DB2=MI9). DB3=MI1 The operation mode is selected by the mode bits. where MI9) and MI1 defines the bit rate of the input lines and independently M09) and M01 that of the output lines. The corresponding input and output addresses are given in table 1. Example DB7 PCM mode: 16x2 Mbit/s input PCM mode: 8x2 Mbit/s output with tristate 710 DB9) Memory Time Switch PES 2040 Timing of IlP interface Read operation tRcy tRR tAO DBO-DB7 3 Datu valid Min. Adr. stable before RlJ Adr. hold after RlJ RD width RD to data valid Adr. stable to data valid Data float after RlJ RD-cycle time tAR tRA tRR 0 0 180 t RO tAO tOF t Rcy Max. 10 500 90 100 100 Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Write operation tW[Y tww WR ,DBO-DB? tow ~~atavalid Min. Adr. stable before WR" Adr. hold time WR width Data set up time Data hold time WR cycle time tAW tWA tww tow two twev 0 0 190 130 0 500 Max. Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns 711 Memory Time Switch PES 2040 The "busy time" during which a command or reset instruction is executed has to be programmed with its maximum length or must be controlled via the busy bit of the status register. Busy time Average Max. Unit Reset Read connection memory Write connection memory Write connection memory with check bytes desired 188 63 63 188 250 125 125 250 fls fls fls fls Typ Max. Unit 7 7 V V 1 10 W mW Min. Maximum ratings Supply voltage Input voltage Total power dissipation Output power dissipation Operating temperature Storage temperature Vee VI Ptot Po Tamb Tst g DC and operating characteristics Tamb = -0 to 70°C, Vee = 5 V ± 5% Supply current I DO Input leakage current VI = 0 to Voe IlL H input voltage VIH L input voltage VIL H output voltage (10 = -0.2 rnA) VOH L output voltage (10 = 2.0 mAl VOL Tristate output leakage Vo = 0 to Voe IOL AC testing input. output waveform 2.4 . }.o /Test pom~ 2.0" 0.8 0.8 -0,3 -0,3 -0 70 OC -55 125 °C 150 10 Vee 0.8 I rnA flA 60 10 2.0 0 2.4 - - V V V V 0.4 10 10 flA AC testing load circuit Device under test 0.4 AC testing: Inputs are driven at 2.4 V for a logic "1" and 0.4 V for a logic "~". Timing measurements are made at 2.0 V for a logic ", .. and 0.8 V for a logic 712 "r!J". PEB 2050 Peripheral Board Controller (PBe) Preliminary data MOS circuit Features • Board controller for up to 16 subsribers of a digital switching system • Designed for different PCM systems • Time slot assignment freely programmable for all connected subscribers • Control of voice, data, signaling and line board parar.1sters to minimize hardware requirements and to simplify software • Provides two full duplex PCM highways for the system interface • System control uses the HDLC protocol with X.25 level 2 functions performed by the PBC • • Standard iJP interface Two DMA channels for expansion of internal buffer capability of 16 bytes per direction • iJP access to all internal data streams including time slot-oriented data streams • Support of subscriber circuits by generating timing signals • Single 5 V power supply • Low power consumption I AG 5/83 713 PES 2050 General description The Peripheral Board Controller PEB 2050 is a device for the control of voice, data, and signaling paths of up to 16 subscriber~ on peripheral component boards in digital telephone systems. In combination with the highly flexible Siemens Codec Filter (SICOFI PEB 2060) it forms an optimized analog subscriber line board architecture. Its flexibility allows the operation as a general purpose controller for data switching and MUX/De MU?< applications. The PBC controls space and time switching functions between subscriber line devices and time division multiplex highways. Further, it controls the flow of.information between the subscriber interface ports and a processor, which can be an optional line card local" processor or the central processor directly. Last, it performs all protocol control functions, using the HDLC protocol format for all information passing between the line card and the central processor via a dedicated HDLC line or via interleaved time slots on the PCM lines. To meet the different requirements the PBC PEB 2050 provides the following interfaces: • 8 serial, bidirectional I/O ports for the transfer of voice, data, control, and signaling information between the PBC and Codec Filters (e.g.SICOFI PEB 2060), digital interface circuits or signal processors. • Double constructed PCM interface. • Fast serial communication link to the central processor. • Bit-parallel interface for the connection of 8 bit standard microcomputers such as the SAB 8048. The interface is characterized by an interrupt control and two independent DMA channels, one for the transmit and one for the receive direction. 714 PES 2050 Pin configuration top view SIP4 40 SIP 3 SIPS 39 SIP 2 SIP6 38 SIP 1 37 SIP 0 SIP7 4 RxHW01 RxHWOO 6 36 RESET 35 INTITYP TxHW01 34 OA(K 1 TS(1 33 OA(K 0 32 TxHWOO WR 31 Voo 11 30 07 06 TS(O 10 SYP 5(LK PEB 2050 12 29 5IG5/0MIR 13 28 05 DIR/OMOR 14 27 04 Tx50 15 26 03 T5(2 16 25 02 Rx50 17 24 01 fS 23 DO 18 ALE 19 22 RO Vss 20 21 I (LK 715 PEB 2050 Pin designation Pin No. Symbol Name/function Functional description SIP 4 Subscriber interface port (input/output) These interface ports are used for bidirectional, bit-serial transfer of speech, data and control words to and from the Siemens Codec Filter (SICOFI) or standard Codec. Corresponding with the direction signal the PBC PEB 2050 is transmitting during the high level of DIR within the first half of a 1 25 fJs frame. 4 SIP 7 5 RxHWD1 Receive highway data (input) Receive PCM highway 1 interface 6 R x HWD 0 Receive highway data (input) Receive PCM highway 0 interface. The PBC serially receives a PCM word (8 bits) through one of these leads at the programmed time slot. 7 TxHWD1 Transmit highway data (output) Output of the transmit side onto the send PCM highway 1 (serial bus). The 8-bit PCM word is serially sent out on this pin at the programmed time slot. Tristate output. 8 TSC 1 Tristate control (output, active low) Normally high, this signal goes low while the PBC is transmitting an 8-bit PCM word on the PCM highway 1. 9 T x HWD 0 Transmit highway data (output) Output of the transmit side onto the send PCM highway O. 10 TSC 0 Tristate control (output, active low) Tristate control of highway O. 11 SYP Synchronization SYP is a frame synchronization pulse which resets the on-chip time-slot counters. 12 SCLK Slave clock (output) Clock output for the peripheral devices. The signals between the codec filter and the PBC are latched and transmitted with the rising edge of SCLK. 13 SIGS/DMIR Signal strobe (output, active high)/direct memory input request (output, active high) The SIGS output supplies a programmable strobe signal. In the DMA mode, this pin is used as DMA input request. 716 PEB 2050 Pin designation Pin No. Symbol Name/function Functional description 14 DIR/DMOR Direction (output, active high) direct memory output request (output, active high) DIR is an 8 kHz symmetric frame signal which controls the direction of the data transfer from and to the peripheral devices. The PBC is able to receive data during the low state of piR. In the DMA mode this pin is used as DMA output request. DMIR and DMOR are generated by the PBCinternal HDlC receiver or transmitter and are used for handshaking during the OMA transfer. 15 T x SD Transmit signaling Data (output) This line transmits the serial data to the dedicated HOlC channel. Tristate control to 2 (output, active low) Normally high, this signal goes low while the PSC is transmitting an HOlC message. Receive signaling Data (input) This line receives the serial data from the HOlC channel. Chip select (input, active low) CS is used to address the PSC. A low level at this input enables the PSC to accept commands or data from a fJP within a write cycle, or to transmit data during a 'read cycle. Address latch enable (input, active high) A high level at this input indicates that the data on the external bus is an address selecting one of the PSC-internal sources or desti nations. latching into the address latch occurs during the high low transition. 16 17 R x SD 18 19 ALE 20 21 Ground: 0 V ClK Clock (input) A standard TTL clock provides the basic timing of the controller. The clock is synchronous to the PCM clock. 717 I PEB 2050 Pin designation Pin No. Symbol Name/function Functional description 22 RD Read strobe (input. active low) RD is used together with CS to transfer data from the PBC to a iJP or memory. 23 DO System data bus The data bus transfers data and commands between theiJP or memory and the PBC. 30 D7 31 VDD 32 WR Write strobe (input. active low) During the low state of WR data can be trans· ferred from the I'P or memory to the PBC. 33 DACK 0 34 DACK 1 DMA acknowledge (inputs, active low) DACK 0 and DACK 1 are used to acknowledge the DMA output and DMA input request, respectively. 35 INT/TYP Interrupt request (output, active low) This signal is pulled down, when the PBC is requesting an interrupt. In that case the iJP should enter into an interrupt routine for reading the status register 1. 36 RESET Reset (input, active high) A "high" on this input forces the PBC into reset state. The minimum reset pulse is 16 complete clock cycles. 37 SIP 0 Power supply: V DD = 5.0 Subscriber interface port (input/output) 40 718 SIP 3 ± 0.25 V These interface ports are used for bidirectional, bit-serial transfer of speech, data and control words to and from the Siemens Codec Filter (SICOFI) or standard Codec. Corresp~nding with the direction signal the PBC PEB 2050 is transmitting during the high level of DIR within the first half of a 125 iJs frame. PEB 2050 Block diagram SIP 0 Subscriber interfuce unit PCM interfuce unit Timing control unit Bus interface control unit PCM hlghwuys SIP 7 OIR SIGS SClK SYP ClK RESET Speciul purpose registers Voo GNO TxSO RxSO TSC { ' ___ ---'L ~-- CS ALE Rii WR I INT 00-07 OMIR O~IOR OACKO OACKl 719 PEB 2050 Block diagram OIR DMOR SYP CK SCK t SIGS I OMIR t· SIP 0 ... SIU " I TeU CAM 0 ~ RPeR XH(R XP(R CAM 1 AOR RKR XKR SIP 7 __ - <=-=-- INT DA(K 1 DA(K 0 Ro WR PIU ALE ~ ~ \/(cGNO~ I Reset ---- T5C 0 720 Os OJ PES 2050 Description of the functional blocks The PSC has been designed especially for use in peripheral subscriber boards, but its functional flexibility also permits its application in various parts of a digital exchange telecommunication system. Used in peripheral subscriber boards it performs two essential functions: 1) Exchange of control data between a central processing unit, an "on board" processing unit and individual subscriber connections. The PSC supports the ISO/CCITT's HDLC communication line protocol. An application specific PSC internal controller controls the distribution of data on the board. 2) The time slot controlled transfer of PCM data (64 Kbaud channels) between the PCM highways and the subscriber connections. Data transfers between both parts, such as signaling through PCM highways (common channel) or the access of the "on board" fJP to 64 Kbaud channels, are considerably simplified by the IC. The two central functional blocks are reflected in the circuit structure: The PCM synchronous portion constitutes the interfaces to the subscribers and the PCM highways. It comprises the following functional blocks: o o o SIU (Serial Interface Unit) with Last Look logic. PIU (PCM Interface Unit) CAM (Content Addressable Memory) €I TCU (Timing Control Unit) o MODE register CD PSC Sus The asynchronous portion constitutes the interface to the local microprocessor (8-bit parallel) and to the central control (serial HDLC interface) and comprises the following functional blocks: o o o o HDLC controller fJP interface fJP control and status register ULCU (User Level Control Unit) The two portions are interconnected by the following functional blocks: €I X FIFO (Transmit FIFO) G> Bidirectional FIFO o SICU (Sus Interface Control Unit) e SIR (Sus Interface Register) 721 I PES 2050 Min IMax IUnit T stg -65 125 °C Ambient temperature Tamb 0 70 °C Voltage at any pin vs. ground V -0.3 7 V Total powpr consumption P tot 600 mW Maximum ratings Storage temperature Range of operation DC characteristics Tamb = 0 to 70°C; Vee =5V ± 0.25 V; GND =0 V Conditions Min Typ. Max Unit L input voltage V IL -0.5 0.8 Volts H input voltage V IH 2.0 5.5 Volts L output voltage VOL 0.45 Volts H output voltage V OH Input leakage current IlL = +1.6 mA IOH = -400 IJA V IN = Vee to 0 V Output leakage current IOL VOUT Vee - supply current Icc Vee = 5 V 722 IOL = Vee to 0 V 2.4 Volts -10 10 IJA -10 10 IJA rnA 85 120 PEB 2050 Capacitance Tamb = 25°C; Vee = GND = 0 V Conditions CIN Input capacitance fe I nput/output capacitance CliO Output capacitance COUT AC characteristics Tamb = 0 to 70°C; Vee =5V± = Min 1 MHz unmeasured pins returned to GND 0.25 V; GND =0 Typ. Max Unit 5 10 pF 10 20 8 15 pF . pF V Microprocessor interface Read cycle Min Max Unit Address hold after ALE tLA 20 ns Address to ALE setup tAL 30 ns Data delay from RD t Ro 150 ns 10 7 ns 25 ns RD pulse width tRR Output float delay tOF RD control interval case 1 * tRI 2x CP ns RD control interval case 2** tRI 100 ns ALE pulse width tAA 60 ns 150 Min Write cycle Max Unit WR pulse width tww 100 ns Data setup to WR tow 50 ns Data hold after WR two 25 ns WR control interval case 1* tWI 2 x.CP ns WR control interval case 2** tWI 50 ns • Case 1: Read, write of BI FIFO and X FIFO •• Case 2: All other registers 723 PES 2050 DMA Read Min DMA read time" Max Unit tOMA 7 x CP ns DMOR hold time tOH 75 ns Address stable before RD tAR ns 0 Data delay from RD t RO Output floating delay tOF 20 Address hold after RD tRA 0 tRR 150 10 4 ns Min Max Unit 7 x CP ns 80 ns RD pulse width ns 150 DMA Write DMA Write time* tOMA DMIR hold time Address stable before WR tAW Address hold after WR tWA Data setup to WR Data hold after WR WR pulse width tww tlH ns ns 0 0 ns ns tDW 30 ns tWD 25 100 ns ns *) PBC clock/MHz 2.048 4.096 1.536 3.072 2 x CP/ns 980 490 1300 650 7 x CP/\lS 3.4 1.7 4.56 2.3 724 PEB 2050 Read cycle ~--------------~r-\~----------- ALE DB - _____ ~' -----~----------------------- ------ ADR ----- DATA - - - - ------ ------------- Write cycle DB DMA read DMOR r----,.r------------- DB OMA write 1 - - - - - - - - - - - tOM' - - - - DMIR WR DB 725 PEe 2050 Clock timing Min Max Unit 4.2 MHz System clock System clock frequency ClK Duty cycle 45 55 % Synchron pulse period tspp 125 M x 125 Synchron pulse width tSYp 60 tCKL IJs ns Pulse delay to ClK tdSYP 10 tsSYP 50 • Setup time to ClK Clock rise/fall time ClK,! ns ns 10 ns Slave clock Clock frequency SClK 512 512 kHz Clock delay time tdSCLK 100 165 ns tdDIR 120 190 ns Min Max Unit DIR Clock Delay time to ClK SIU interface SIP data delay t dSIP 160 300 ns Data enable receive tDER 100 180 ns Data disable receive tDDR 100 180 Data enable transmit tDEx 0 ns ns Data hold transmit tDAX 0 ns Data setup transmit· t DSX CP/2+200 ns Signaling strobe delay t DS1G 110 726 160 ns PEe 2050 SIP interface timing Detail B Detail A Syp r - --l lfl I I I ..-----, I I I MCLK SCLK 01 Rext SICOFI SIP tSYp Detail B Syp MCLK SCLK DlRext t,,,, SICOFI SIGS ,~,9:JT Uf----tdS,G 727 I PEB 2050 Serial port timing PCM interface Conditions Min Max Unit Receive timing Receive data setup OCR Receive data setup OCR Receive data hold OCR Receive data hold OCR Receive =1 = o' =1 =0 tOSRF 20 ns tos RR 40 ns tou RF 40 ns tOH RR 10 ns Timing RxHWO OCR =1 RxHWO OCR = 0 °1 Common channel mode t DSRR 60 ns 728 PES 2050 PCM interface (cont'd) Conditions Min Max Unit Transmit timing Data enable DCX = 0 tDZXR CL = 200 pF 80 160 ns Data enable DCX = 1 t DZXF CL = 200 pF 40 100 ns Data hold time DCX.= 0 tDH XR CL = 200 pF 45 160 ns Data hold time DCX = 1 t DHXF CL = 200 pF 40 100 ns Data float on TS EXIT tHZX CL = 150 pF 35 80 ns Time slot x to enable DCX = 0 tSONR CL = 150 pF 70 130 ns Time slot x to enable DCX = 1 tSONF CL = 150 pF 40 100 ns Time slot x to disable tSOFF CL = 150 pF 40 100 ns Transmit Timing elK TxHWD Dex = 0 f HZX TxHWD DeX = 1 i I --..i --J fOZXF TSe DeX= 0 fSONR TSe DeX=1 729 PEe 2050 HOLe interface Condition Min Max Unit Receive timing Receive data setup t DS 40 ns Receive data hold tDH 10 ns Transmit timing Transmit data delay Data float on TS EXIT tTD CL tHZX CL Time slot x to enable tSON CL Time slot x to disable tsoff CL Receive = = = = 200 pF 40 100 ns 200 pF 35 80 ns 150 pF 40 95 ns 150 pF 35 90 ns Timing elK Transmit Timing CLK TxSD 730 PEB 2050 AC testing input. output waveform AC testing load circuit 2,4 2,0" 2,0 Test pOints/ 0,8 / " Device under test 0,8 0,45 AC testing: inputs are driven at 2.4 V for a logic "'" and 0.45 V for a logic "0". Timing measurements are made at 2.0 V for a logic "'" and 0.8 V for a logic "0". 731 PEB 2051 Peripheral Board Controller (PBe) MOS circuit Preliminary data Features • Board controller for up to 16 subscribers of a digital switching system • • Designed for different PCM systems Time slot assignment freely programmable for all connected subscribers • Control of voice, data, signaling and line board parameters to minimize hardware requirements and to simplify software • Provides four full duplex PCM highways for the system interface • System control uses the HDLC protocol with X.25 level 2 functions performed by the PSC • • Standard IJP interface Two DMA channels for expansion of internal buffer capability of 16 bytes per direction • IJP access to all internal data streams including time slot-oriented data streams • Support of subscriber circuits by generating timing signals • Single 5 V power supply • Low power consumption Plastic plug-in package 20 B 40 DIN 41666 40 pins, DIP Appro •. weight 5.9 g Dimensions in mm AG 4/84 733 Peripheral Board Controller (PBC) PEB 2051 General description The Peripheral Board Controller PEB 2051 is a device for the control of voice, data, and signaling paths of up to 16 subscribers on peripheral component boards in digital telephone systems. In combination with the highly flexible Siemens Codec Filter (SICOFI PEB 2060) it forms an optimized analog subscriber line board architecture. Its flexibility allows the operation as a general purpose controller for data switching and MUX/Oe MUX applications. The PBC controls space and time switching functions between subscriber line devices and time division multiplex highways. Further, it controls the flow of information between the subscriber interface ports and a line card local processor. Last, it performs all protocol control functions, using the HOLC protocol format for all information passing between the. line card and the central processor via interleaved time slots on the PCM lines. To meet the different requirements the PBC PEB 2051 provides the following interfaces: • 8 serial, bidirectionalI/O ports for the transfer of voice, data, control, and signaling information between the PBC and Codec Filters (e.g. SICOFI PEB 2060), digital interface circuits or signal processors. • Four independent PCM interfaces. • Bit-parallel interface for the connection of 8 bit standard microcomputers such as the SAB 8048. The interface is characterized by an interrupt control and two independent 'OMA channels, one for the. transmit and one for the receive direction. 734 Peripheral Bpard Controller (PBC) PEB 2051 Pin configuration top view SIPI. 100 SIP3 SIPS 2 39 SIP2 SIP6 3 38 SIP 1 SIP7 10 37 SIPO RxHOAO RxHOAl 5 6 36 RESET 35 INT TxHOAO 7 310 OACK 1 TxHOA 1 8 33 OACK 0 TxHOB 0 9 32 WR TxHOB 1 10 PEB 2051 31 VDD 11 30 07 SClK 12 29 06 SIGS/OMIR 13 28 05 sYP OIR 14 OMOR 15 RxHOB 0 16 27 04 26 03 25 02 RxHOB 1 17 24 01 ES 18 23 DO Rii ALE 19 22 vss 20 21 ClK 735 Peripheral Board Controller (PBC) PEB 2051 Pin designation Pin No. Symbol Name/function Functional description SIP 4 Subscriber I nterface Port (input/output) These interface ports are used for bidirectional, bitserial transfer of speech-, data- and controlwords to and from the Siemens-Codec-Filter (SICOFI) or standard Codec. Corresponding with the direction signal the PBC PEB 2051 is transmitting the high level of DIR within the first half of a 125 )Js frame. 4 SIP 7 5, 6 16, 17 RxHDA0,1 RxHDB0,1 } Receive Highways Data (input) Interface ports to the PCM highways. 7, 8 9,10 TxHDA0,1 TxHDB0,1 } Transmit Highways Data (output) The displacement between receive and transmit direction is programmable up to 8 bits. 11 SYP Synchronization SYP is a frame synchronization pulse which resets the on chip time slot counters. 12 SCLK Slave Clock (output) Clock output for the peripheral devices. The signals between the Codec-filter and the PBC are latched and transmitted with the rising edge of SCLK. 13 SIGS/DMIR Signal Strobe (output, active High)/ Direct Memory Input Request (output, active High) The SIGS-output supplies a programmabie strobe signal. In the DMAmode this pin is used as DMA-inputrequest. 14 DIR Direction (output) DIR is a 8 kHz symmetric frame signal which controls the direction of the data transfer from and to the peripheral devices. The PBC is able to receive datas during the low state of DIR. 15 DMOR Memory Output Request (output) active High DMIR and DMOR are generated by the PBC internal HDLC-receiver or transmitter and are used for handshaking during the data transfer. 18 CS Chip select (input, active Low) CS is used to address the PBC. A low level at this input enables the PBC to accept com'mands or datas from a )JP within a write cycle, or to transmit datas during a read cycle. 736 Peripheral Board Controller (PBC) PEB 2051 Pin No. Symbol Name/function Functional description 19 ALE Address latch Enable (input, active High) A high level at this input indicates that the data on the external bus is an address selecting one of the PBC-internal sources or destinations. latching into the address latch occurs during the high low transition. 20 21 Vss ClK Clock (input) A standart TTL-Clock provides the basic timing of the controller. The clock is synchronous to the PCMclock. 22 RD Read Strobe (input, active low) RD is used together with CS to transfer data from the PBC to a fJP or memory 23 00 System Data Sus The data bus transfers data and commands between the fJP or memory and the PSC. 30 D7 31 32 Voo WR 33 34 Ground ± 0.25 V Supply Voltage Voo = 5.0 Write Strobe (input, active low) During the low state of WR data can be transfered from the fJP or memory to the PSC. DACK0 DACK1 } DMA-Acknowledge (inputs, active Low) DACK0 and DACK 1 are used to acknowledge the DMA-output and DMA-input request, respectively. 35 INT Interrupt Request (output, active Low) These signal is pulled down, when the PBC is requesting an interrupt. In that case the. fJP should enter into an interrupt routine for reading the status reg ister 1. 36 RESET Reset (input, active High) A "highft on this input forces the PSC into reset state. The minimum reset puIs is 16 complete clock cycles. 737 Peripheral Board Controller (PSC) PES 2051 Block diagram SIP 8' Subscriber interface unit PCH highways SIP 7 OIR SIGS SCLK SYP Timing control unit Bus interface control unit CLK RESET Special purpose registers PBC Bus CS 738 ALE RO WR INT Oa-07 OHIR OHOR OACK~ OACK1 OIR o:J 0 ...c. 0 iii" ... III 2 1 1 4 1 2 3 1 1 cf> 1 1 cf> COP 1 SOP 1 NOP 1 4.2 I 5 6 BIT 7 CONTROL-BYTE NOP-Command If no status modification of the SICOFI or control-data exchange with the PBC is required, a Normal Operation byte NOP is transferred. 7 BIT NOP-Format 0 11111111111111111 4.3 SOP·Command If the SICOFI-Status has to be changed, a Status Operation byte SOP is transferred, which contains the following information: BIT 7 6 IAD 1 RNoJ 5 4 3 2 1 0 1PU 1TR 1cf> 11 1 LSEL I AD , , , , , Address information which is relevant if 2 SICOFls are connected to one PBC-Port. A SICOFI is identified, if AD is consistent with the level at SA (see 4.5/6) AfW . . . . ReadfWrite-information Enables reading out from the SICOFI or writing information to the SICOFI (READ = 1, Write = cf» PU ..... Power up/Power down PU = 1 sets the SICOFI to power-up mode (operating), PU = cf> resets the SICOFI to power-down (standby). TR ..... Trunk offering (Three party conferencing) If TA = 1, the received voice bytes of channel A and B are added. LSEL . .. Length select Defines the number of the subsequent data-bytes 756 SICOFI 4.3.1 Signal Processing Codec Filter PEB 2060 SOP-WRITE If the SICOFI-status has to be defined initially or changed, the SOP-Command looks like ¢ 7 IADI ¢ IpulTRI 0 11 I LSEL I and the subsequent configuration-bytes are written into one or both of the two Configuration Registers CR1, CR2 available. In this case, the meaning of LSEL is status setting is completed (no byte following) one byte will follow and is stored in CR1 two bytes will follow and are stored in CR2 and CR1 (see 4.6) not used ¢ 1 ¢ 1 ¢ Corresponding to the configuration-bytes transmitted, the information contained in the configuration-registers is for CR1: where DB RZ RX RR RG ..... ..... ..... .... , ..... Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable B-Filter (DB = 1), restore Z-Filter (RZ = ¢), restore X-Filter (RX=¢), restore R-Filter (RR = ¢), restore GX, GR(RG=¢),restore B-Filter (DB = 0) Z-Filter (RZ = 1) X-Filter (RX=1) R-Filter (RR = 1) GX, GR(RG=1) TM ..... Test-Modes ¢ ¢ ¢ No Test-Mode ¢ ¢ 1 Analog loop-back via Z-Filter (Z = 1, 11 = ¢) Disable High-Pass ¢ ¢ ¢ 1 1 Cut off receive-path (HP active) ¢ ¢ not used ¢ 1 not used ¢ Digital loop back via B-Filter (B = 1, D3 = ¢, HP Active) Digital loop back via PCM-Register (PCM-in = PCM-out) and CR2: ¢ 7 I DI c I B I AIEL IAMI p./A PCS I where D C B signaling PIN SD is input (D = 1) or output (D = ¢) SC is input (C=1) or output (C=¢) SB is input (B = 1) or output (B = ¢) 757 SICOFI - Signal Processing Codec Filter A EL AM J1.IA PCS PEB 2060 SA is input (A = 1) or output (A = ¢) signaling expansion logic connected (EL = 1) or not connected (EL = ¢) Address-Mode one SICOFI (AM=1) or two SICOFls (AM=¢) connected to one PSC-port (If AM = ¢, SA is input automatically) wlaw (J1.IA=1), A-law (J1.IA=¢) Programmed S-Filter-coefficients (PCS = ¢) or fixed coefficients for S-Filter (PCS = 1) Note: 1) The power-on-reset or a hardware-reset via RS-PIN reset all CR1-bits to ¢ (all of the programmable Filters are disabled except the S-Filter, where fixed coefficients are used) and set all CR2-bits to 1 (SA, SS, SC, SD are inputs; singaling expansion recognition; wlaw chosen; one SICOFI per PSC-Port). The Serial Interface Port SIP remains tri-state until the content of CR2 has been defined (transmitted and loaded). 2) If two SICOFls are connected to one PSC-Port, while initializing, both SICOFls get the same SOP and CR2- information. The subsequent CR1-byte is assigned to the addressed SICOFI only. If the two SICOFls need different CR2-information, the SOP-CR2-sequence has to be provided once again (each SICOFI knows it's address now). 4_3.2 SOP-Read If the SICOFI-Status has to be evaluated, with the SOP-Command 7 ¢ 1AD 1 1 1 x 1 x 1 ¢ 1 1 11 1 ¢ 1 the content of CR1 and CR2 is read back on SIP. The meaning of the SOP-Sits is as described in the SOP-write section. 4_4 COP·Command 7 With a COP-Command coefficients for the programmable filters can be written into or read out from the coefficient-RAM. Where AD ..... Address (relevant if 2 SICOFls are connected to one PSC-Port) R/W . . .. Read (R/W = 1), Write (R/W = ¢) Code 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 758 S-Filter coefficients part 1 S-Filter coefficients part 2 Z-Filter coefficients S-Filter delay coefficients X-Filter coefficients R-Filter coefficients GX, GR-coefficients not used (followed (followed (followed (followed (followed (followed (followed by by by by by by by B bytes B bytes B bytes 4 bytes B bytes B bytes 4 bytes of of of of of of of data) data) data) data) data) data) data) SICOFI - Signal Processing Codec Filter PEB 2060 LSEL cf> 1 cf> 4 12 cf> 8 Byte Byte (presently not used) Byte Byte 7 Data-Byte Format cf> I S I sc I sc I sc I S I sc I sc I sc I coefficient 1 S: SC: 2 Sign Shift-Code Note: Subsequent to reading of the Filter coefficients, CR2 and CR1 are transmitted additionally. 4.5 Signaling-Byte The signaling interface of the SICOFI consists of 10 pins 3 transmit signaling inputs Sin' 3 receive signaling outputs Sam and 4 signaling pins SA, SB, SC, SD, which are programmable individually as either transmit input or receive output. Data present at Sin and possibly at some or all of SA, SB, SC, SD (if programmed as inputs) are sampled and transferred serially on SIP to the PBC. Data received serially on SIP are latched and fed to Sam and possibly to some or all of SA, SB, SC, SD (if programmed as outputs). The signaling field format generally is 7 cf> in transmit-direction I SI1 I SI21 SI31 SO I sc I S8 I SA ISEL I in receive-direction IS011s021s031 SO I sc I S8 I ~ where SEL is the signaling expansion bit if EL = 1 in CR2. For the different cases possible, the signaling byte format at SIP is for CASE BIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 A·SICOFI B-SICOFI A-SICOFI B·SICOFI Receive 6 5 S01 S02S03 S01 S02S03 S01 S02 S03 7 Signaling 4 3 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y SO SC SB byte 1 cf> Y Y Y Y SA Y S01 S02 S03 SO SC SB SA y S01 S02 S03 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y S01 S02 S03 Y S01 S02 S03 SO Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y S01 S02 S03 SO Transmit Signaling 7 6 5 4 3 2 SI1 SI2 SI3 SO SC S8 SI1 SI2 SI3 SO SC SB SI1 SI2 SI3 cf> cf> cf> SI1 SI2 SI3 Z Z Z SI1 SI2 SI3 SO Z Z Z Z Z Z SI1 SI2 SI1 SI2 SI3 cf> Z Z Z Z Z Z SI1 SI2 byte 1 cf> SA X SA Z cf> X Z Z Z Z SI3 SO Z Z SI3 cf> Z ... High impedance state Y .. .Don 't care state X ... Either high or low level state, thai is not evaluated by the PBC 759 SICOFI - Signal Processing Codec Filter PEB 2060 cases: 1 one SICOFI connected to one PBC-Port; EL = cp (no expansion logic); SA, SB, SC, SO programmed as transmit signaling inputs 2 one SICOFI; EL =1 (expansion logic provided); SA, SB, SC, SO programmed as in case 1 3 one SICOFI; EL = cp; SA, SB, SC, SO programmed as receive signaling outputs 4 one SICOFI; EL = 1; SA, SB, SC, SO programmed as in case 3 If an expansion logic is provided (cases 2, 4), the signaling bits SA, SB, SC, SO which are programmed as signaling inputs or outputs can be used as additional expansion bits in receive or transmit direction, respectively (As far as the SICOFI is concerned, SIP is in a high impedance or don't care state while these bits are transfered) . 5 Two SICOFls connected to one PBC-Port; SO programmed as transmit signaling input 6 Two SICOFls, SO programmed as receive signaling output. If two SICOFls are connected to one PBC-Port, no expansion logic is provided. SA is programmed as input automatically and defines the addressed SICOFI: SA =cp: A-SICOFI SA = 1 : B-SICOFI SB and SC are not usable in this configuration 4.6 Programming Procedure The following table shows some control byte sequences. If the SICOFI has to be configured completely while initializing, up to 58 bytes are transfered. DIR Normal Status NOP NOP NOP NOP SOP-Write SOP NOP CR2 NOP CR1 SOP-Read SOP CR2 Y CR1 COP-Write COP NOP NOP COP-Read COP DB1 DB1 y {NOP} SOP COP DB2 NOP DBN {NOP} COP SOP DBN y NOP CR2 Y CR1 {NOP} COP SOP where y ... ignored DBn ... Data Bye #n 5. Operating modes 5.1 Basic setting Upon intial application of VDD or RS = 1 while operating, the SICOFI enters a basic setting mode. Additionally, once the VDD supply is up, if it falls below a voltage, which could lead to the loss of programmed coefficients (spikes on VDD-rail are ignored), the SICOFI is forced to this mode again. Basic setting means, that the configuration registers 1 and 2 are initialized (see 4.3.1), receive signaling registers are cleared, SIP is in a high impedance state, the analog output and the receive Signaling outputs are forced to ground. The serial interface is active to receive commands. 760 SICOFI 5.2 Signal Processing Codec Filter PEB 2060 Standby mode By reception of an SOP-command to load CR2, from the basic setting the SICOFI enters the standby mode (basic setting replaced by individual (CR2). Being in the operating mode, the SICOFI is reset to standby mode with a power-down command. The interface is active to receive and transmit new commands and data. 5.3 Operating mode From the standby mode, the operating mode is entered upon recognition of a powerup command. A received power-up command is recognized only, if Vss :j:GND at this instant, otherwise the SCIOFI stays in the standby mode. 6. Transmission Characteristics The target figures in this specification are based on the subscriber line board requirements. The proper adjustment of the programmable filters (trans-hybrid balancing: B; line termination: Z; frequency-response-correction: X, R) needs a complete knowledge of the SICOFls analog environment. In the figures listed below it is assumed therefore, unless otherwise stated, that the programmable filters have the following transfer functions: A ¢ dBm¢ signal is equivalent to 1,6 VRMS. A 3 dBm¢ signal is equivalent to 2.26 VRMS which corresponds to the overload point of 3.196 V SYMBOL PARAMETER DRA HD IMD Gain (either value) Deviation from ideal value Deviation from initial value Loop gain (digital to dig) Transmit delay, absolute Receive delay, absolute Harmonic distortion Intermodulation CT CTxR G G1 DXA MIN TYP MAX UNITS TEST CONDITION ±0.1 ±0.2 dB 800Hz at ¢ dBm¢ ±0.1 ±0.2 dB 800Hz at ¢ dBm¢ ± 0.1 dB -46 -42 -56 !,sec !,sec dB dB dBM¢ f= 1.4 kHz, Note 1 f = 300 Hz, Note 1 Note 2 Note 3, 2f,-f2 Note 4, 2f,-f 2 Crosstalk Transmit to Receive -70 dBm¢ CT RX Receive to Transmit -70 dBm¢ ¢ dBm¢,f = 300Hz to 3400Hz ¢ dBm¢.f=300Hz to 3400Hz N NRP NRS Idle channel noise weighted single frequency -75 -55 dBm¢p dBm¢ 350 352 f = 0 to 100kHz, loop around 761 SICOFI - Signal Processing Codec Filter Note 1: Note 2: PEB 2060 typical delays for B =0, 2 =0, R =X = 1, including delay through AID, D/A Specific filter-programming (2, R, X) may cause additional group delays. single frequency components between 300 Hz and 3400Hz, produced by a dBM sine wave in the range 300Hz to 3400Hz Note 3: equal input levels in the range of -4dBM to -21 dBm , different frequencies in the tange of 300 Hz to 3400 Hz Note 4: input level -9dBm , frequency range 300Hz-3400Hz and -23dBm , 50Hz 6.1 A-lawlJl"law Conversion codes The encoding laws according to CCITT or AT&T recommendations are digitally selectable. 6.2 Gain Adjustments The transmit and receive path gain values are digitally programmable. Convered range Resolution -40 ... +10,2dB =::;0,5 dB -40 ... +12 dB =::;1,2 dB All level-dependent charaCteristics hold true for any gain setting within the above defined range. 6.3 Attenuation distortion The attenuation-characteristics for transmit and receive-path are shown in the following diagrams. dB 2 L - I I SICOFI specification SICOFI typical c o - ~c 0.65dB ~'" 0.125dB -0.125dB -1 0.05 0.1 0.18 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.4 ATTENUATION DISTORTION in RECEIVE DIRECTION Reference frequency is 1 kHz Input Signal level is dBm 762 5.0 kHz SICOFI - Signal Processing Codec Filter PEe 2060 dB 2 L SlCoFI1specificatiJ - SICOFI typical I c: o r-- .~ "c: ~ \. o 0.65dB 0.125dB 0.125dB -1 0.05 0.1 0.180.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.4 5.0 kHz ATTENUATION DISTORTION in TRANSMIT DIRECTION Reference frequency is 1 kHz Input signal level is rf>dBmrf> 6.4 Group delay distortion For either transmission path, the group delay distortion is within the limits of the following figure. The minimum value of the group delay is taken as reference (see table). ~s 1000 l- Transmit !- Translt 750 IlA I'''';'' 500 420 \ 250 150 \ '//h !1/////, 85 Receiv e~ 500 600 1000 -- ~'/."h ....'.: f ~ 2000 2400 2800 3000 4000 Hz GROUP DELAY DISTORTION Input signal is rf>dBmrf> 6.5 Out-ol-Band Signals at Analog Input When an out-of-band sine-wave signal with frequency f and level A is applied to the analog input, the level of any frequency component below 4 kHz at the digital output causes by the out-of-band signal is at least X dB below the level of a signal at the same output originating from an 800 Hz Arf>dBmrf> sine-wave signal applied to the analog input. 763 SICOFI - PEB 2060 Signal Processing Codec Filter The minimum requirements fullfilled are listed below. 6.6 out-of-band input frequency f out-of-band input level A attenuation at digital output OHz=s;f=s; 60Hz 60Hz=s;f=s; 100Hz 3400Hz=s;f=s;4000Hz 4000Hz=s;f=s;4600Hz 4600Hz=s;f=s; 12kHz 12kHz=s;f=s; 20kHz 20kHz=s;f -45dBmO=s;A=s;OdBmO -45dBMO=s;A=s;OdBmO -45dBmO=s;A=s;OdBmO -45dBmO=s;A=s;OdBmO -45dBmO=s;A=s;-15.8dBmO -45dBmO=s;A=s;-23.2dBmO -45dBmO=s;A=s;-25 dBmO 25dB 10dB OdB 14dB 35dB 35dB 35dB Out-of-8and Signals at Analog Output With code words representing any sine-wave signal with the frequency f at a level of ct>dBmct> applied to the digital input, the maximum level of the spurious out-of-band signals is listed in the table below. digital input frequency range 300Hz 300Hz 3400Hz 3400Hz 6.7 spu rio us out-of-band signal frequency range f level ...... 3400Hz ...... 3400Hz ...... 4000Hz ...... 4000Hz OdBmO OdBmO OdBmO OdBmO f<90kHz 90kHz=s;f=s; 1 MHz 3400Hz=s;f=s;4000Hz 4000Hz=s;f=s;4600Hz max. level at analog output -40dBmO -44dBmO OdBmO -14dBmO Gain Tracking The gain deviations stay within the limits in the figures below for either transmission path. dB 2 e.G t O.4dB 0.2dB I ~ -, -2 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -'0 o '0 dBmO - - . . Input level GAIN TRACKING Measured with noise signal according to CCITT-Recommendation "Reference level is -1ct>dBmct> 764 SICOFI - PEB 2060 Signal Processing Codec Filter dB 2 I 1.2dB O.4dB O.2dB o -1 " -2 -70 -60 -50 -30 -40 -20 o -10 10dBm - - . . Input level GAIN TRACKING Measured with sine wave in the range 700-11 OOHz • Reference level is -1 ¢dBm¢ 6.8 Total Distortion The signal-to-total distortion ratio independent of the actual gain adjustment exceeds the limits in the following figures_ dB 40 35.9 34.2 ./ SID t 30 V ~/ 29.6 20 - 35.9 \ 28.3 t- 10 o -60 -55 -50 -40 -34 -30 -27 -20 -10 o dBmO SIGNAL-TO-TOTAL DISTORTION Measured with noise signal 765 SICOFI - PEe 2060 Signal Processing Co dec Filter dB 40 35 / SID t 30 / 29 24 20 10 -60 -50 -45 -30 -40 -20 -10 o dBmO SIGNAL-TO-TOTAL DISTORTION Measured with sine-wave in the range 700-11 OOHz, excluding submultiples of 8kHz 7. Electrical characteristics 7.1 Absolute maximum ratings Storage temperature Ambient temperature under Bias VDD with respect to AGND VS5 with respect to AGND AGND to DGND Analog input and output voltage with respect to VDD with respect to V 55 All digital input and output voltages with respect to DGND with respect to V DO Power dissipation 7.2 Operating range Ambient temperature V DD = 5V ± 5% V 55 DGND=OV AGND=OV 766 = 5V ± 5% -60 to 125°e -10 to aooe -0.3 to 5.5V -5.5 to 0.3V ±O.3V -11 to +0.3V -0.3 to + 11V -0_3 to 5_5V -5.5 to 0.3V 1W SICOFI - Symbol IDD Iss PSRR Pdq, Pd1 7.3 PES 2060 Signal Processing Codec Filter Parameter VDD supply current standby operating Vss supply current standby operating Power supply rejection Min Typ Max 6 40 mA mA ±5% supply ± 5% supply 6 8 mA mA dB ±5% supply ±5% supply 0 -------.......-----~ PSB 6520 Tone Ringer Functional description The tone ringer PSB 6520 is designed for use as an electronic bell in a telephone set. Fig. 2 shows the block diagram and fig. 3 the application circuit of the PSB 6520 in the telephone set. Fig. 2 Block diagram of the PSB 6520 tone ringer. nl 1~I~F Voc 7 ~@ ~ 1 * Threshold circuit with hysteresis - Switching frequency generator r-- Tone frequency generator r-- Output stage r2 Vau PSB 6520 2 GND 3 4 =:= [s JRT The Ie contains an oscillator which generates a square wave Voltage. Thefrequencyof this voltage is periodically switched by a second oscillator back and forth between two basic values having a ratio of 1 : 1.38. The basic frequency fn is adjusted by the resistor RT and the switching frequency fs by the capacitor Cs (fig. 12 and 13). Tone frequencies fn [Hz] = 2. ~~~o~ 0 f2T 4 ± 10% [Hz] = 0.725· fn ± 2% ± 15% 750 Switching frequency fs [Hz]·= C (nF) Good frequency stability is achieved by means of internal temperature compensation. 771 PSB 6520 Tone Ringer An output stage increases the generated tone voltage and transfers it to a piezo-resonator via an internal resistor. An electro-dynamic converter can be similarly driven, but must be matched to the internal resistance of the output stage (fig. 6,,7,8 and 12) with a transmitter. An integrated bridge rectifier enables, direct input via the call AC voltage signal (tip (a), ring (b) wires or) via DC voltage (independent of polarity). A DC voltage supply without use of the integrated bridge is possible via the connections 2 and 7. In conjunction with a Z-diode, the bridge rectifier serves simultaneously as an overvoltage protection. The application circuit shown in fig. 3 can handle overvoltages occurring due to lightning strikes between terminals a and b according to the VDE 0433 standard, orthe occurrence of an AC voltage of 110 V/50 Hz over a period of 30s, thus avoiding the possibility of any damage to the 10. The threshold circuit with high threshold voltage and hysteresis is designed to prevent activation (fig. 4) of the IC due to noise pulses. Fig. 3 PSB 6520 application circuit for telephone sets. 1~F Tip Qrl 2,2kl1 r------------l I I I I I I I PSB 6520 VQ , Ring b I : *"'2,2~F 10~F I Piezoconverter = (47nF) :~O {~~ II[} I I I I IL ____________ JI The characteristic curves from fig. 4 to fig. 6 show the relation-ship between current consumption, supply voltage, output current, output power, output restistance and AC calling voltage. 772 PSB 6520 Tone Ringer Maximum ratings 1) Supply voltage Voltage pin 3 to pin 2 Voltage pin 4 to pin 2 Noise current into the output Test conditions Voe V3•2 V4.2 Min. 10 ms IN OUT 30 IJs/mark to space Max. Unit 28 5.5 7 V V V 20 mA 125 °C 90 Vrms 110 22 mA 15 70 kHz °C ratio 1 : 100 Storage temperature Tstg Operating range Calling voltage Vab Supply voltage Tone frequency Ambient temperature I. fIT f= 50 Hz Test circuit fig. 3 Continous operation 5 s operation/ 10 s pause DC supply current Validity of the formula fIT Tamb DC characteristics Supply voltage Current. consumption without load -40 Test conditions Voe IDe 0.1 -20 Min. Max. Unit 26 V 1.5 1.8 mA 12.6 8.4 7.4 13.0 8.8 8.5 V V KQ Typ. -20°C to 70°C Vs = 8.8 V to 26 V. Vrms 25°C Hysteresis circuit Threshold voltage Switch-OFF voltage Initial resistance Voltage2) deviation at output pin 5 referenced to pin 2 Short circuit current Tone frequency temperature coefficient Vth VOFF RINI -20°C to 70°C -20°C to 70°C 25°C VOUT 25°C lOUT U5 TC -20°C to 70°C = 20 V. 25°C 12.2 8.0 6.4 Vs-3 35 V mA 8.10.4 K· 1 1) Maximum ratings are absolute limits and the Ie can be destroyed by exceeding them. Functioning of the integrated circuit is not assured under conditions other than those stated in the electrical characteristics. Operation for long periods of time under maximum rating conditions can adversely affect the reliability of the integrated circuit. ') An internal resistor of 500 Q is connected before the output. 773 PSB 6520 Tone Ringer Characteristic curves Fig. 5 Dependence of amplitude of output current on the supply voltage Vee in the case of short-circuit Fig. 4 Dependence of current consurntion on the supply voltage Vee without output load mA 60 mA 3 . I lOUT I / VI I r 40 2 ,/ t V I I I II I I I / /J~' 20 III j/ II I / I I oII o I I 20 30 V -Voc Fig. 6 Dependence of output power on the load resistance RouT (ohmic) mW BO /' "'\ / \ 40 / 20 / / \ / o 0.1 0.2 0.5 2 \ \ 5 -ROUT 774 1/' IV ,/ IVI 10 kll 10 20 30 V PSB 6520 Tone Ringer Fig. 6.1 Test circuit to determine output power at different load resistances PSB 6520 w Fig. 7 Test circuit to determine output power for variable call voltage PSB 6520 1kll Vab w 775 PSB 6520 Tone Ringer Fig. 8 Dependenca of effective output resisfimce on the call voltage V,b Fig. 7.1 Dependence of output power on the call voltage for power matching mW 80 kfl 2 r. /--- I - ~ ~ 1\ I 40 / / 20 / 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 o 80 V Delay times Fig. 9 Test circuit to determine delay times r-------------.., I I 1~F I I Q b 776 I I I IL _____________ .J 10 20 30 40 SOV PSB 6520 Tone Ringer Delay times Fig. 9.1 Dependence of delay times tON' tOFF on V. b r I I I r- - I t, -t r--------~ I \\ I I to ! \ I t, ~ V.b >30V -t I ~b < 30V -t ---------- t, - to Effective value of input signal (call voltage V,b) Effektive value of output signal (output voltage VOUT ) Time duration of applied call voltage V" 777 Tone Ringer PSB 6520 Fig. 10 Dependence of switch-on delay time tON on V. b (independent of RouT) ms Fig. 11 Dependence of switch-off delay time tOFF on V. b (independent of Rv) ms 100 150 \ \1 \ \ fOFF ~1 r\ -,'\ ~'\ Rour= 100kQ_ \ \ \ \1\ 50 Rour=10kQ 100 [\1\ I Ro~= 1klQ- Rv=10 kQ 1\ r\\ Ry=8 kQ I I I ~1\ 20 r ~ 1 II \\ Ry=6 kQ rI I \ / II 50 / Ry=4 t\. 'I I II II J'\ t'-. Ry=2 I II Ry=O i II 10 20 50 100 V 20 40 BOV 60 - - V.b Fig. 1,2 Dependence of the frequencies flT and fn on the resistor RT• Fig. 13 Dependence of switching frequency on the capacitor Cs KHz 10 Hz 100 5 50 fzr 1"1 2 t,:f2=1.38 .\ t,T ~ \& 1\ ~1\ 10 0.5 "''\\."\. '' 5 '\~ ~ 0.2 2 0.1 1 2 5 10 20 ~RT 778 50 100 KQ ~~ ~ 10 2 5 100 --[5 5 1000 nF Tone Ringer PSB 6520 Recommended circuitry of PSB 6520 with a small loudspeaker Fig. 14 Matching a 4 Q loudspeaker to the PSB 6520 PSB 6520 10~F135V I~ 2. [ } n, 3 2 4S1 7 Transformer Pot core: Ordering code 865651-KOOOO-R030 (18x11) Material: Bobbin: N30, A = 5600 nH/W2 Ordering code 865652-80000-T001 Windings: n, = 800, d, = 0.08 mm CuL n2 = 50, d2 = 0.4 mm I CuL 779 PSB 6521 Tone Ringer Preliminary Data The PSB 6521 bipolar integrated circuit, in conjunction with an electro-acoustic converter, replaces the mechanical bell in the telephone set (Fig. 1). The component generates two periodic switchable tone frequencies that can either drive a piezo-ceramic converter directly, or a loudspeaker. Special features • • • • • • • Integrated bridge rectifier allows direct input via call signal (ac voltage) Low current consumption (several tone ringers can be connected in parallel) High noise immunity due to built-in voltage-current hysteresis Direct replacement of the mechanical bell requiring 4 additional external components and an acoustic converter Two tone frequencies, switched internally Tone and switching frequencies adjustable by means of a resistor and a capacitor Overvoltage protection in accordance with VDE 0433 (2kV - 10f700JLs) Pin configuration VAC ' 8 VAC , GND 2 7 Vac I PSB 6521 Cs 3 6 N.C. RT 4 5 VauT Pin designation Pin No. 1 2 Name 3 VAC' GND Cs 4 RT 5 6 N.C. 7 Vac 8 VAC , VauT Function AC voltage input (Fig. 3) Ground Connection for capacitor Cs Connection for resistor RT Output voltage Not connected Connection for smoothing capacitor 10JLF (internal supply voltage) AC voltage input 781 Tone Ringer PSB 6521 Fig. 1 Block diagram of a standard electronic telephone set (Push button set and speech circuit connected in series) Tip (a) D-----4~-., PUSHBUTTON SET WITH PSB 8590 DTMF-DIALING OR PULSE DIALING TONE RINGER MODUL WITH PSB 6521 S M Ring ( b ) D - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - -_ _ _ _--' Functional description The tone ringer PSB 6521 is designed for use as an electronic bell in a telephone set. Fig. 2 shows the block diagram and Fig. 3 the application circuit of the PSB 6521 in the telephone set. Fig. 2. Block diagram of the PSB 6521 tone ringer. II V oc 10 JF I ~ VAel ~ ~ Threshold circuit with hysteresis I- Switching frequency generator Tone I - frequency I generator PSB 6521 2 CMD 782 3 4 =res OR1 Output ~V stage ex T Tone Ringer PSB 6521 The IC contains an oscillator which generates a square wave voltage. The frequency of this voltage is periodically switched by a second oscillator back and forth between two basic values having a ratio of 1 : 1.25. The basci frequency fn is adjusted by the resistor AT and the switching frequency fs by the capacitor Cs (Figs. 12 and 13). 1,93 • 104 Tone frequencies Switching frequency ± fn [Hz] A [kO] 15% f'T [Hz] 0,8 • fn ±2% 750 fs [Hz] = ± C(nF) 15% Good frequency stability is achieved by means of internal temperature compensation. An output stage increases the generated tone voltage and transfers it to a piezo-resonator via an internal resistor. An electro-dynamic converter can be similarly driven, but must be matched to the internal resistance of the output stage (Figs. 6,7,8 and 12) with a transmitter. An integrated bridge rectifier enables direct input via the call a.c. voltage signal (tip (a), ring (b) wires or via d.c. voltage (independent of polarity) ). A d.c. voltage supply without use of the integrated bridge is possible via the connections 2 and 7. In conjunction with a Zener diode, the bridge rectifier serves simultaneously as an overvoltage protection. The application circuit shown in figure 3 can handle overvoltages occurring due to lightning strikes between terminals a and b according to the VDE 0433 norm, or the ocurrence of an a.c. voltage of 11 OV/50Hz over a period of 30s, thus avoiding the possibility of any damage to the IC. The threshold circuit with high threshold voltage and hysteresis is designed to prevent activation (Fig. 4) of the IC dUe to noise pulses. I Fig. 3 PSB 6521 application circuit for telephone sets. 1 i'F ~ - 2.2 kll - - - - - - - I V,o Ring (b) B + 10 pF -T I Ti P (a) --jl---l--£::=:=J--, 7 6 I I I 5 I --L 2.2 i'F PIEZO CONVERTER I - - 1 - - - -.. . . T (47 nF) 0 ~OO{[91 I IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I 783 Tone Ringer PSB 6521 The characteristic curves from fig. 4 to fig. 6 show the relationship between current consumption, supply voltage, output current, output power, output resistance and a.c. calling voltage. Maximum ratings 1l Test condition Supply voltage Voltage pin 3 to pin 2 Voltage in 4 to pin 2 Noise current into the output 10ms 30ns/mark to space ration 1 : 100 Storage temperature 11 Max. Min. -40 Unit 28 v 5.5 V 7 20 V mA 125 Maximum ratings are absolute values and the IC can be damaged by exceeding them. Functioning of the integrated circuit is not assured under conditions other than those stated in the electrical characteristics. Operation for long periods of time under maximum rating conditions can adversely affect the reliability of the integrated circuit. Operating range Test condition Calling voltage V'b Max. Min. Unit f = 50 Hz Test circuit Figure 3 Continuous operation 5 sec operationl 10 sec pause Supply voltage I. DC supply current Tone frequency fn Validity of the lormula In Ambient temperature 784 Tamb 22 mA 0.1 10 kHz -20 70 Tone Ringer PSB 6521 D.C. characteristics Test condition Supply VDe Current consumption , DC tion without load Hysteresis circuit Threshold Vthrsh voltage Switch-off voltage V'ti Initial resistance R'N' Voltage' deviation VOUT at output Pin 5 referenced to pin 2 Short circuit current lOUT Tone frequency Te temperature coefficient Min. -20°C to 70 e VS = B.8V to 26V, 25°C Max. Typ. Unit 1.5 26 1.8 V mA 0 -20° to 70°C 12.2 12.6 13.0 V -20 0 e to 70°C 8.0 B.4 B.8 V 25°e 25°C 6.4 7.4 Vs"3 8.5 Kn V U5 =20V, 25°C -20°C to 70 0 e 35 8.1(5 4 mA K-' • An internal resistor of 500n is connected before the output I 785 PSB 6521 Tone Ringer Characteristic Curves Fig. 4 Dependence of current consumption on the supply voltage VDC without output load. mA 3 IDe t , 2 I III I 'I I /1 II I I I I o IJ o I I I I 10 20 30 VOFF VI""" - -..... Voc V Fig,. 5 Dependence of amplitude of output current on the supply voltage VDC in the case of short circuit. mA 60 I lOUT t ltV IV~J 40 1,/ I / 1,/ / /~ 20 ~ o o 1/1 10 20 30 - - - I.... Voc 786 V Tone Ringer PSB 6521 Fig. 6 Dependence of output power on the load resistance R,", (ohmic) mW 80 L-.. V 40 / 20 / \ \ / \ \ / o 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 kQ ~ROUT Fig. 6.1 Test circuit to determine output power at different load resistances I 2.2 rF 10 rF PSB 6521 ROUT W b 787 Tone Ringer PSB 6521 Fig. 7 Dependence of output power on the call voltage for power matching rnA 80 I v- / 40 / / 20 / o o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 V - - - . . Vab Fig. 7.1 Test circuit to determine output power for variable call voltage V" 2.2 ~F 1 ~F 2.2 k!l 10l'F 788 PSB 6521 1 k!l w Tone Ringer PSB 6521 Fig. 8 Dependence of effective output resistance on the call voltage V" kn 2 ""- 1\ ROUTrms t '\ o 10 20 30 40 - - - a... 50 V Vab Delay times Fig. 9 Test circuit to determine delay times I r - - - - - - - - - - - - --, I f3vff__a_',1_11~F __ ~ { V'"~ = I I 2.2 kfl .---_;-1_-,-_--, 10 ,F I-..r---r---r-- 01 b 789 Tone Ringer PSB 6521 Fig. 9.1 Dependence of delay times too' tOff on V" t r-----V".30V I I I ~ I to -"t t, V'b Your t ,..---------I I I I I '\ ' ' I to t, ) I ---..t V'b Your t r I ~ I to V,b=30V ) I I I t, _ _ _ Effective value of input signal (Call voltage V.,) Effective value of output signal (Output voltage Vour) t, - to 790 Time duration of applied call voltage V" ----"1 Tone Ringer PSB 6521 Fig. 10 Dependence of switch-on delay time too on (independent of ROUT) v"" 100 \ \ 1\ \ 1\ ~, ,\~ \\ \ \ ~\ \ i\ \ ~\ ~\ " Rv '" 10 k!l \\ 1\ ~~RvI I =86 k!lk!l = \. 20 ~\ 10 " " f1 20 Rv = 4 kO II = 2 kO = 0 k!l 100 V 50 ---II .... Vab Fig. 11 Dependence of switch-off delay time t," on Vab (independent of Rv) 150 toff t RO~T10o' k!l • I 100 ROUT10 kl! fJ Rv'1 kol- I. I '/ II 50 I I o o 20 40 60 80 V ---I"~VDC 791 PSB 6521 Tone Ringer Fig. 12 Dependence of the frequencies fn and f'T on the resistor RT. fir f'T [KHz) t 10 "- 5 ~ f,zf,c1,25 "\ fir 2 ~"\ f" ~ "\ .5 ~ "\ .2 .1 ~ "\ 1 5 2 10 20 50 100 --.R r [KQ) Fig. 13 Dependence of switching frequency on the capacitor CUM f, [Hz) t 100 50~~----+-~---+--~r-~ 20~-+~~+-~---+----r-~ 2~-+---+--+--I---"Nlrr---1 o 792 2 5 100 5 2 - - . CUM [nF) PSB 6521 Tone Ringer Recommended circuitry of PSB 6521 with a small loudspeaker Fig. 14 Matching a 4Q loudspeaker to the PSB 6521 2 I'F 135V 1,:,F ---::--" a 2.2 kll 10l'F/35V PSB 6521 b Transformer Pot core (1Bx11) Material Bobbin Windings : Siemens Ordering code: B65651-KOOOO-R030 : N30, AL = 5600 nH/W 2 : Siemens Ordering code B65652-BOOOO-T001 : N1 = BOO, d1 = 0.08mm C" N2 = 50, d2 = O.4mm C" 793 PSB 6620 Ringing Detector Preliminary data Features: • Integrated bridge rectifier allows direct connection to an AC voltage (e.g. a telephone call signal) Low current consumption High "tapping" (noise) immunity Built-in hysteresis for stable operation Only three external components necessary Regulated 5V output voltage Logical TTL/CMOS output signal (open collector) Overvoltage protection in accordance with VDE 0433 (2kV-10/700I-'s) Pincompatible with TCM 1520 (Texas Instruments) • • • • • • • • Pin configuration V AC2 8 V 7 GND AC1 LouT 2 N.C. 3 6 Voc S,,, 4 5 N.C. PSB 6620 Pin description Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Symbol Description VAC ' L001 N.C. S '" N.C. VDC GND AC voltage input Logical TTL output (low active) not connected 5V supply-voltage output not connected DC supply voltage input ground AC voltage input VAC ' AG 10/84 795 Ringing Detector PSB 6620 General description The integrated circuit PSB 6620 is designed to detect a telephone call signal (AC voltage). The supply voltage of the IC is divided from the AC-input-voltage (call signal). During the active state of the device a regulated 5V DC-voltage and a TTL/CMOS-logic level is available at the outputs. The high threshold activation voltage provides a good immunity against noise (e.g. dialing signals, charge indicator) and a built-in voltage hysteresis guarantees the stable operation. The regulated 5V voltage (pin 4) of the PSB 6620 allows to supply other devices. The PSB 6620 is not limited to telephone applications. For example the device can be used to build up an inexpensive AC-voltage detector. Block diagram with external components 1/LF 2k2 o-1l--'C::::J--< -.. Z,,' ]j 28V + 12.SV I ~-j-_--+-=--~"""_---+--"'"_~~-=-~I GND Electrical charact.eristics Maximum ratings 11 Test condition Supply voltage (pin1 to pin8) VAC P'" Voltage pin 6 to pin 7 VDC Output current 'N OUT Input current AC IP Pulse current AC " Total power consumption Operating ambient temperature Storage ambient temperature 796 Max. Min. 28 26 20 30 Pin 1-8 pulse = 100ILs pause=30s Unit V V mA mA A W Ptot Top -20 70 °C T.to -75 150 °C Ringing Detector PSB 6620 Operating characteristics (T'mb = 20°C to 70°C) Test conditions Supply voltage Current consumption without load Supply output voltage Supply output current Logical output voltage (pin 2 to pin 7) Max. voltage on the logical output Logic output current Vee 'ee Vs,", Voe=25V Min. 0,4 VlauT 4,5 ' SOUl =4mA ' T=25° 8 Rl =5000 VlauT = L, 'lauT = 5mA VLoutmaK Vl,", = H '/l,"' ~ 1mA 'Lout VLout = 1V 'sauT Temperature coefficient from Supply output voltage TCvs Logical output Voltage TC vl Typ 0,6 5 10 0,25 Max. Unit 26 0,85 V mA 5,5 0,7 V mA V 35 V mA 10 ISoul =-5mA +9 +0,3 'l,"' = 10mA mV'K mV/K Hysteresis circuit (pin 6 to pin 7) Test conditions Threshold voltage Switch-OFF voltage Initial resistance Input impedance (cf. block diagram) 1) 12,2 V'h VOIf R'N' Z•.b Min 8 f~20kHz 100 Typ 12,6 8,4 7,4 Max 13,2 8,8 Unit V V kO kO VAe = 1,3, V,m. Maximum ratings are absolute values and the IC can be damaged by exceeding them. Functioning of the integrated circuit is not assure under conditions other than those stated in the electrical characteristics. Operating for long periods of time under maximum rating conditions can adversely affect the reliability of the integrated circuits. 797 Ringing Detector PSB 6620 Application examples: a) Call Signal Indicator >30Hz 50Hz Ring 0---i1---....I 2/-1F Logic Output 1k e.g. ~LED b) Optical Call Signal Indicator 220V 10 },F /35V Tip l}'f + 2k2 O-j I-C::J----, max.60W .--'--'--~ 220V 360 ; PSB 6620 50Hz 1 L.. Ring SITAC e.g. BRT 22H c) Automatic Telephone Answering System Hook Switch / Tip O>----...,.l-------~ I I I I Speech- I RingDetector PSB 6620 Ring C- I I I I I I L ~---'-----.., Control Ring Detect e.g. SAB 80C482 798 Recorder Ringing Detector. PSB 6620 d) Cordless Telephone r-------- ------, Fixed Station I ~~P---JL~---~{ I Ir--_.... I I I RingDetector PSB 6620 L Audio Frequency Unit I I Radio Frequency Unit I I Ring I Ri~~~ng I Speech Output I Radio Frequency Unit I I I Detect I I l Ring - - --1 Mobile Station I Hook Switch I I 1-- - - - Microcomputer Unit e.g. SAB 8051 I J I I Microcomputer Unit e.g. SAB 80C482 L _ '-_-_-_-_-_-_.....J e) Bilingual Telephone Interface for Personal Computer Tip I "'0 () Received Carrier (fJ -< (fJ ~ m <:: CD c (fJ Pulse Dial Ring Detect I L ______________ _ 799 PSB 6620 Ringing Detector f) AC . Current Indicator 1OI'F/16V + EI30/10 ~ ~ 800 800 Wdg. 2k5 LED PSB 8590 Dual Tone Multifrequency Generator Preliminary data Features • CEPT-compatible • • Direct line feeding High frequency accuracy (deviation less than 0.4%) • Standard low cost clock crystal 4.19 MHz • Operation with either single contact or 2 - of - 8 keypads • Dual tone as well as single tone capability • Multi-key lockout and debouncing • • Binary interface mode Power dissipation limited by internal thermal overload protection Pin configuration 16 Vee 15 ( 14 Fs 13 F6 12 FJ 11 Fa 10 X2 9 X, AG 11182 801 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator PSB 8590 General description The DTMF generator S 359 is a monolithic IC using the I2L technology. It provides all dual tone multi frequency (DTMF) pairs required in tone dialing systems. The eight different audio output frequencies are generated from an on-chip reference oscillator with an external low cost clock crystal 4.19 MHz. The internal temperature compensated voltage reference determines the audio output levels and it also controls the on-chip shunt regulator which provides the adaptation to different feeding conditions. In order to meet the CEPT recommendations an external 2-pole RC filter can easily be connected. The S 359 can interface directly to a single contact keypad. Furthermore, open collector outputs can control the S 359 either in a BCD-mode or in a 2-of-8 keypad mode. Block diagram 3 F, 4 Fl FJ 5 6 F4 14 F5 13 F6 12 F7 11 FB u t:n .2 "E MQ t:l 0 .0 >w "'" BJ Bo 802 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator PSB 8590 Connection to line Hook switch ~ Dial switch : R Polarity guard overvoltage protection i >------..+---(=1------;«. Ti p o--~It---- I I I I S 359 I I Bell I I I Ri ng o--------<>------ 50 kO Contact resistance RE ~ 1 kO for 1= 100 ~A 803 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator PSB 8590 Functional description 1. Line adaption The DTMF generator has an internal temperature·compensated voltage reference. This reference voltage controls a shunt regulator which sets the DC voltage Vs = Vcc - VEE to 5 V. The external filtering capacitor C gives the shunt regulator for frequencies above 300 Hz the behavior of a high impedance current sink. The shunt regulator includes a start·up circuit for the quick charging of the filtering capacitor(Fig. 1) The shunt regulator can sink feeding currents up to 120 mA while the power dissipation is limited by internal thermal overload protection. If the chip temperature exceeds a preset value ("'" Ti = 150 oC, Pv "" 1 W), the filtering capacitor is discharged, the shunt regulator is switched of and the voltage Vs rises to the breakdown voltage of the external overvoltage pro· tection network (Fig. 2). 804 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator PSB 8590 Figure 1 Tuning diagram'of the quick charging circuit tOC) for the filter capacitor - Is Vee 8590 1Vs 12V 5 VE'E 5 closed 1Ve 2.2~F open "V~ Vs sv I I I I i~ Ve QC o.c QC ott 1.SV I on 3 4 ms -t The control circuitry for the quick charging circuit has hysteresis with the following thresholds OC on on off x >9V < 6.5 <0.7 V X V >0.7 V 805 PSB 8590 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator Figure 2 Output waveforms Vs during thermal limitation (TL) of the power dissipation - Is,=30mA - i s,=O.5A r S 1 8590 Vs 12 v ~ Vc 2.2~F VEE open closed TL U U U U Q( n n n n Vc ov Vs 5V 12V ~ ~15V I /"'1 ......-1 ......-1 ......-1 I "-J '-J '-J '-J ~ The thermal limitation (TL) overrides the quick charger (QC). 2. Tone generation The on-chip oscillator generates together with the external clock crystal the master clock frequency fel = 4.194.304 MHz. This master clock fel is scaled by a factor of 16 to fe2 = 262.144 kHz. The programmable dividers for the higher (f5 - fa) and lower (f, - f 4 ) frequency tone groups are driven by the clock f e2 . The programmable dividers generate the clock for the 6 bit L/R shift register. Each shift register controls one D/A converter and the polarity of its output waveform. The output sinewave is synthesized as a stairstep-function with 11 voltage levels. The output waveform has 22 time segments (Fig. 3). The time segments t, to try ta to t17 and t 19 to t22 are equal. The time segments t7 and t'8 are equal but slightly different from the others in order to meet 806 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator PSB 8590 the required output frequencies as closely as possible. The output waveforms are symmetrical; therefore, no even harmonics exist. The stairstep function with 11 voltage levels is calcu'lated such that, theoretically, the lowest order harmonics are the 21 51 and the 23 rd • Because of the different length of time segments t7 and t'8 and the tolerances of the D/A converter, lower odd harmonics exist. Figure 3 Synthesized output waveforms 1.0 0.92 0.76 0.54 0.28 t, 3. Output levels Each D/A converter generates a five-level stairstep function. The mixer alternately reverses the polarity of the five-level stairstep function which leads to the symmetrical 11-level stairstep function (Fig. 3). Furthermore, the mixer adds the stairstep function of the lower and of the higher frequency groups. The nominal amplitudes of the stairstep function at the mixer output are: Lower frequency group Higher frequency group iML iMH = 42.5 fJA = 53.5 fJA Figure 4 shows the AC-schematic of the outpLl·t section of the S 359. The feedback loop of the output amplifier is externally arranged. The resistors Rl to R3 determine the output level (VOL and VOH ) and the output impedance R o , as shown below. Ro = R 1 +r3 Vm . H = i ML • H ( R 3+R 1 ) 1+ --R 2 +r, (R 3+R,)RL ' r, • The ratio of the resistors R3/R2 is restricted to the range RJR2 < 1.2, otherwise the output amplitudes are clipped. Normally, the resistors R2 and R3 are equal. Fig. 8 shows the sum level Ps and the output impedance Ro as a function of R, and R 2 • 807 I PSB 8590 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator Figure 4 AC schematic of the output stage --. ;0. 'z r, + rJ rJ = 1.7kll = 2 kll = 41.611 Bo. B1 Mo. RJ Rz iHH r r, R, rJ 0 VEE An external RC filter network is necessary in order to meet the CEPT recommendation concerning distortion and harmonics. The RC filter is easy to implement, because the pins Mo, BI, Bo of the output amplifier are accessible. The 8590 is shown in Fig. 5 with a one-pole RCfilter for application corresponding to the recommendations of the DBP and in Fig. 6 with a two-pole RC filter tor CEPT applications. Fig. 7 shows the output spectrum for the most critical case, the frequency {s. The nominal output levels P L. H are identical for the arrangement in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, they are PL = 20 log PH = 20 log VOL ,!2 /1 mW' 6000 V OH ,!2 /1 mW' 6000 = -8.12 dBm = -6.12 dBm The sum output level P s is P s = 10 log (10 PL/10 + 10 PM/10) = -4.0 dBm and the preemphasis P D is PD = PH - PL = 2 dB 808 PSB 8590 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator Figure 5 PSB 8590 with a i·pole RC filter XI = PSB 8590 470pF In order to keep the insertion loss for all the DTMF frequencies less than 0.2 dB the 3 dB cutoff frequency of the filter should be at least 6 kHz. Figure 6 S 359 with a 2-pole RC filter (Butterworth) Vee Mo R2 56 kll B] R~kll X, 22nF == ck T [3 PSB 8590 X2 Bo [1 =f 470pF ],R3 56kll [1 ::;:: ( VEE [4 The pole is fp = 2.7 T 3.3nF RI 15611 2.2~F kHz 809 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator PSB 8590 Figure 7 Output spectrum for frequency f8 with a 2-pole Butterworth filter dBm o f, -20 r---- - 1----..... -40 , .... ....... 1 -60 ,, ....... , CEPT - requirements for the harmonics ............. ..... I , ......., ....... ....... ....... ' .............. ............ -80 I I I [[I -100 10 20 II I 50 kHz ----f 810 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator PSB 8590 Figure 8 Sum output level Ps (-) and output impedance Ro (---) versus resistors RI , R2 n dBm -2 r: 4ml _~I-Tt" " ....... - " V: 'I /' /--V--r-... ................ -5 "'- V ...... ,/ --:, -8 ~~ f"" -6 -7 ....--- ....------- -- I-- ~; 1/ VI - 9 / ~ - I t RI sld Jd- 'R! '6rri'" ---- ----- -- -f= Jt .,:~--- ---- --- - - '-f- i;}-J- 1250 1150 RQ 1050 r 950 850 750 650 R2 = R3 550 -R2 4. Interface to keypad There are three different operation modes of the interface: a) Single contact or 2-of-8 keypad b) Electronic interface with a 2-of-8 keypad code c) Electronic interface with a BCD code Figure 9 shows the schematic of the interface inputs FI - Fa. The inputs are divided into two groups FI - F4 and F5 - Fa. In addition, the pin Fa controls the operation modes. The resistors RF are optimized for the single-contact keypad mode. a) Interface to single contact or2-of-8 keypads (Fig. 9) The buttons are debounced and electronically interlocked. If multiple buttons are pushed, the frequencies of the firstly activated button are generated. The requirements for the quality of the contacts are Contact open: Contact closed: OFF resistance ON resistance ROFF> 50 kO RON;;:; 1 kO 1= 100 iJA 811 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator PSB 8590 Figure 9 Schematic of keypad interface --------------l S 359 i I I I I A B D Fe --------1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 812 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator PSB 8590 b) Electronic interface with a 2-of-8 keypad code Figure 10 Electronic control using the key code +5V 1, F, 12 Fz 13 F3 14 F4 Is Fs 16 F6 17 F7 la Fa The inputs I, the inputs Is generation of Is to Is of the '" '"Vl U"1 to 14 control the frequencies of the lower frequency group " - '4 and to Is control the frequencies of the higher frequency group. For the a dual tone, one input of I, to 14 of the lower group and one input of higher group must have an H-Ievel. If more than one input of the respective group has an H-Ievel, that is recognized as a multiple button push the frequencies of the firstly sensed H-Ievels are generated. Truth table 1 2 3 A 4 5 6 B 7 8 9 C 14 * 0 # D Inputs Is 16 17 Is Digit 813 I PSB 8590 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator c) Electronic interface with a binary code Electronic control using the binary code +5V +5V 10kll G, F, Gz F2 GJ FJ G. F. VI Gs Figure 11a 0- LI'I m Fs Figure 11b Application 11a This application enables both dual and single frequency output. The mode control input Fa is connected to ground. The dual tone pairs are generated corresponding to the binary code on the inputs G, to G4 . The enable inputs Gs to G7 have the following function: G5 enable lower and higher frequency group; G6 enable higher frequency group F5 to Fa; G7 enable lower frequency group F, to F4 Application 11b This application is optimized for dual tone output without single tone capability. G, to G4 inputs for binary code; Gs enable lower and higher frequency group. L-Ievel enables the frequencies, H-Ievel disables the frequencies. If the fr,equencies are disabled, the internal clock is inhibited. Table information is present at inputs G, to G4 in binary code Digit G4 G3 G2 G, 814 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X # A B C D L L L L L L L H L L H L L L H H L H L L L H L H L H H L L H H H H L L L H L L H H L H L H L H H H H L L H H L H H H H L H H H H PSB 8590 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator Pin description Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name Function Negative line connection Mixer output } Keyboard interface 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Input of output amplifier Output of output amplifier } Connections for crystal f = 222 Hz Keyboard interface and mode select } Keyboard interface Connection for filtering capacitor for the current sink Positive line connection Electrical characteristics Absolute maximum ratings 1) Min Max Unit Voltage at any pin Supply voltage Storage temperature Vee- 0 .3V -0.3 -55 Vee - Vee 14 125 V °C Typ. Max. Unit 5 1.25 3.5 120 6 1.35 4.5 rnA V V kO 0.15 V V V V V V Vee - Vee T"tg Operating characteristics (T.mb = -25°C to 70°C) Test condition Supply current DC output voltage Internal reference voltage Input resistors Input levels: Logical L Logical H Logical L Logical H Logical L BCD mode enable 11 Is Vs VR RF F1-F4 F1-F4 F5-F7 F5-Fa Fa Fa 16rnA . 12V ~ T Xl I F, Ma 56kQ BI S 359 Ba JS6kll Fs VEE [4 816 ( T 2.21lF t 56Q ~ 1SV< Hz Hz %. Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator PSB 8590 Figure 13 Circuit for measuring set-up time ts 60011 Vee Ma Xl ck T 51 2:. 12 V C ;)T 52 [, I Vs 15V< 5611 2.2~F open I I I I I I 52 Vs '56kl1 Ba X2 VEE 51 J56kl1 BE PSB 8590 open !I U I I I iI I I I ts -t I I 817 PSB 8591 Dual Tone Multifrequency Generator Preliminary data Bipolar circuit The DTMF generator PSB 8591 is an advanced development of the PSB 8590. The PSB 8591 has an additional mute output. a chip disable function and a current sink disable function. Features • CEPT compatible output spectrum and output levels • Direct line powered • • • • • Mute output Chip disable (CD) Current sink disable (eSD) MPU interface with data latch on-chip Operation with either single contact or 2-of-8 keypads • 2 key rollover with contact debounce • Dual-tone and single-tone operation • High frequency accuracy (typ. 0.4%) • • Standard low cost clock crystal 4.19 MHz Power dissipation limited by internal thermal overload protection • 12L technology AG 10/84 819 DTMF Generator PSB 8591 Pin configuration (top view) VEE 20 Vee HO 19 C Fl 3 18 FS F2 4 17 F6 F3 5 16 F7 F4 6 15 F8 CD 7 14 VR CS5 8 13 X2 MiTfE 9 12 Xl 10 11 eo B[ Pin designation Pin. No. Symbol Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Vee MO Negative line connection Mixer output 820 Fl F2 F3 F4 I Koyboanf ;n'arta.. CO Chip disable CSO Current sink disable Mute output (open collector) Input of output amplifier MUTE 81 80 Output of output amplifier Xl X2 } Connections for crystal f VR Voltage reference F8 F7 F6 F5 Keyboard interface and mode select C Vee = 222 Hz } Keyboard interface and write enable Keyboard interface and supply current enable Connection for filtering capacitor for the current sink Positive line connection DTMF Generator PSB 8591 General description The DTMF generator PSB 8591 is a monolithic IC using the 12L technology. It provides all dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) pairs required in tone dialing systems. The eight different audio output frequencies are generated from an on-chip reference oscillator with an external low cost clock crystal (2 22 Hz). The internal temperature compensated voltage ref.erence determines the audio output levels and controls the on-chip shunt regulator which provides the adaptation to different feeding conditions. In order to meet the CEPT recommendations an external 2-pole RC-filter can easily be connected. Typical telephone application are shown in figure 15. The PSB 8591 can interface directly to a single contact keypad. Furthermore, the device can be controlled either from a MPU (binary mode) or via a 2-of-8 keypad. The PSB 8591 works in parallel to the speech circuit. If no button is pressed, the device consums only a low standby current. When data is input via keyboard or MPU interface, a low-active mute signal is generated. Block diagram X2 13 PSB 8591 F1 3 F2 4 F3 5 F4 6 FS 18 F6 17 F7 1 F8 5 r-----~BI MUTE·o-:9_--+___....J BO 20 821 PSB 8591 DTMF Generator Connection to the telephone-line PSB 8591 Single contact keypad interface F1 F2 F3 F4 .... 0LI'I CD CD FB Vl Q.. F7 F6 FS Two key rollover with contact debounce is provided. Required contact spezifications: Open contact: Resistance RN >400 kO Closed contact: Resistance Re :S 1 kO for I = 100 iJA 822 DTMF Generator PSB 8591 Functional description 1. Line adaptation The DTMF generator PSB 8591 has an internal temperature-compensated voltage reference. This reference voltage controls a shunt regulator which sets the DC voltage Vs = Vee -VEE to 5 V. The external filtering capacitor C gives the shunt regulator for frequencies above 300 Hz the behaviorof a high impedance currentsink. The shunt regulator includes a start-up circuit forthe quick charging of the filtering capacitor (fig. 1). The shunt regulator can sink line currents up to 120 mA while the power dissipation is limited by internal thermal overload protection. If the chip temperature exceeds a preset value (""7j = 1 50°C. Pv "" 1 WI. the filtering capacitor is discharged. the shunt regulator is switched off and the voltage Vs rises to the breakdown voltage of the external overvoltage protection network (fig. 2). If the current sink is disabled (low level at CSD. pin 8) an external shunt regulator or speech circuit should be used. 823 DTMF Generator PSB 8591 Figure 1 Tuning diagram of the quick charging circuit (QC) for the filter capacitor. Additional test cOf1ditions: Pin 7 (CD) open and button pressed. Vee Fl -Fa Keyboard 16V~~ 30mA 1 Vl c PSB 8591 1Vc =~ 2.2~F V£E pressld Vc ! \ _ _ sv V, :L I I i ac ac I, 30 mAl 1 i 1ST I OFF ac 15V ON: / -_t The control circuitry for the quick charging circuit has a hysteresis with the following thresholds: QC ON ON ~.7 V OFF 0.7 V 824 DTMF Generator PSB 8591 Figure 2 Output waveforms Vs during thermal limitation (TL) of the power dissipation. Additional test conditions: Pin 7 (CD) open and button pressed . I L1 =30mA vee - I l2 =O.5A r J~ l8V PSB 8591 1Ve 2.21l F VEE ~ open TL U U U U QC n n n n ~ A ........., ........., .........,. ~'.5 V, ov I The thermal limitation (TL) overrides the quick charger (OC). 825 DTMF Generator PSB 8591 2. tone generation The on-chip oscillator generates together with the external clock crystal the master clock frequency felK = 4.1 94304 MHz. Clock felK is scaled by a factor of 16 to felK = 262.144 kHz. The programmable dividers for the higher (fs-f8l and lower (f1- f4 ) frequency tone groups are driven by the clock f elK • The programmable dividers generate the clock for the 6-bit L/R shift register. Each shift register controls one D/A converter and the polarity of its output waveform. The output sinewave is synthesized as a stairstep function with 11 voltage levels. The output waveform has 22 time segments (fig. 3). The time segments tl to t 6, t8 to t17 and t 19 to t22 are equal. The time segments t, and t 18 are equal but slightly different from the others in order to meet the required output frequencies as closely as possible. The output waveforms are symmetrical; therefore. no even harmonics exist. The stairstep function with 11 voltage levels is calculated such that. theoretically. the lowest order hatmonics are the 21 st and 23rd. Because of the different length of time segments t7 and t 18 and the tolerances of the D/A converter, lower odd harmonics exist. Figura 3 Synthesized output waveforms 1.0 0.92 0.76 0.54 0.28 826 DTMF Generator PSB 8591 3. Output levels Each D/A converter generates a five-level stairstep function. The mixer alternately reverses the polarity of the five-level stairstep function which leads to the symmetrical 11-level stairstep function (fig. 3). Furthermore. the mixer adds the stairstep function of the lower and of the higher frequency groups. The nominal amplitudes of the stairstep function at the mixer output are: iML = 42.5 IJA Lower frequency group Higher frequency group iMH = 53.5 IJA Figure 4 shows the AC-schematic of the output section of the PSB 8591. The feedback loop of the output amplifier is externally arranged. The resistors R, to R3 determine the output level (VOL and V OH ) and the output impedance Ro. as shown below. R, (r2 + ;3) Ro = R, + r3 (1 R + R3 + R) , 2 + r, ~ _. OL. H - IML. H X (R3 + R,) RL x r, Ro R, (R 2 + r,) x Ro + RL The ratio of the resistors RalR2 is restricted to the range RalR2<1.2. otherwise the output amplitudes are clipped. Normally. the resistors R2 and R3 are equal. Fig. 8 shows the sum level P s and the output impedance Ro as a function of R, and R 2 • 827 PSB 8591 DTMF Generator Figure 4 AC schematic of the output stage r, = 1.7kQ rz ·r3 =2kQ r3 AC 0.31,,1'0--+'= = '-1.6Q ill eo MO r, R, The internal feedback loop is normally closed (r2. r3. positive input of output amplifier). If the current sink is disabled. the positiv input of the output amplifier is supported with a fixed voltage of about 0.3 V. This voltage is derived from the internal reference voltage. 828 PSB 8591 DTMF Generator An external RC filter network is necessary in order to meet CEPT recommendation concerning distortion and harmonics. The RC filter is easy to implement, because the pins MO, BI, BO of the output amplifier are accessible. The PSB 8591 is shown in fig. 5 with an one-pole RC filter for application corresponding to the recommendations of the DBP and in fig. 6 with a two-pole RC filter for CEPT applications. Fig. 7 shows the output spectrum for the most critical case, the frequency fa. The nominal output levels PL. Hare identical forthe arrangement in fig. 5 and fig. 6, they are (12 VOL ) ,11 mW x 600 0 =- 12 VOH ) ,11 mW x 600 0 = - 6.12 dBm PL = 20 log PH = 20 log ( The sum output level Ps is Ps = 10 log (10 EXP(PJ10) and the preemphasis Po is Po = PH - PL + 8.12 dBm 10 EXP(PH/1 0)) = -4 dBm = 2 dB Figure 5 PSB 8691 with a 1-pole RC filter MO X1 PSB 8591 X2 BO R 3 470pF In order to keep the insertion loss for all the DTMF frequencies less than 0.2 dB the 3 dB cutoff frequency of the filter should be at least 6 kHz. 829 DTMF Generator PSB 8591 Figure 8 PSB 8591 with a 2-pole RC filter (Butterworth) Vee Rz 56kO .HO •T 22nF ==C3 - X1 PSB 8591 X2 + R4 47kO BI Cz SO [)~ikO 470pF c,=: 3.3nF C VEE C4 :;; The pole is flf ... R, 560 i= 2.2J.1F 2.7 kHz Figur.7 Output spectrum for frequency fa with a 2-pole Butterworth filter dBm o I I I i -10 -20 -30 -40 -so - " ~- ---- -~ .......... ............ -60 -70 -80 -90 -1000 830 --±-------r-I I I "I 1v\ UJ'.J~dl I' . r --~-- CEPT - requirements for the harmonics "'l" '" "1"1 8 I. MJ.L I•.. IIIJa I.&.L 16 24 .1 32 I! I I l,J 40 kHz DTMF Generator PSB 8591 Figure 8 Sum output level Ps (-) and output impedance Ro (---) versus resistors R" R2 • dBm -2 ~ t-.......... 1"- ...... -5 -6 -7 -8 - 9 r-. ......... 7 1-. V /~ V b/. ....'.... ,/ ~F" ~ V V '/ I ~ -----......... ~, It:m,... sld JL - Rj --- -- --rr': ~ ---- --- - r"/ V- ... .,. .... 1-- io'" ~--- V/ ----- .......I- 1150 Ra 1050 t 950 850 56 1--- .,/ Q 1250 750 1t7Q. 650 R2 =R3 550 450 lOS S'2 -R2 Operation modes: a) Single contact or 2-of-8 keypad interface b) MPU interface Figure 9 shows the schematic of the interface inputs Fl to F8. The inputs are divided into two groups Fl to F4 and F5 to F8. In addition, pin F8 controls the operation modes. The resistors RF are optimized for the single-contact keypad mode. a) Interface to single contact or 2-of-8 keypads (fig. 9) The buttons are debounced and electronically interlocked. If multiple buttons are pushed, the frequencies of the first activated button are generated. The requirements for the quality of the contacts are > 400 kQ Contact open: OFF resistance ROFF Contact closed: ON resistance 1 kQ 1= 100 IJA RON::::; 831 PSB 8591 DTMF Generator Figure 9 Schematic of keypad interface ---------------, PSB 8591 I 'ccl 01 I I I F1 -------, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I = 25 kO NOM VR = 1.25 V ±O.1 V RF 832 I DTMF Generator PSB 8591 The mode control input Fa is connected to ground; pin 7 (CD) ist open. Low level at pin a (CSD) disables the current sink. The dual tone pairs are generated corresponding to the binary code at the inputs G 1 to G4. as shown in the following table. Table information is present at inputs G1 to G4 in binary code Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 G4 G3 G2 G1 H H H H H H H L H H L H H H L L H L H H H L H L H L L H H L L L L H H H L H H L *L H L H # A B C D L H L L L L H H L L H L L L L H L L L L b) Figure 10 MPU interface I. with open collector AND-Gate II. with Schottky-diodes G1 56kQ G2 56kl1 G3 56kl1 F3 G4 56kQ F4 F1 G3 TTL logIC level GS F5 G6 F6 4 FB 56kl1 F2 56kl1 F3 56 kl1 F4 G3 5 G4 18 ~ CI) G5 G6 17 CD Vl F7 F1 G2 LIl G7 56kQ G1 a. 16 G7 F5 F6 F7 Fe 15 .5V eso 5 6 18 .... '"co LIl 17 ~ Q. 16 15 7 (SO 7 4 8 8 833 DTMF Generator PSB 8591 The enable inputs G5 to G7 have the following functions: G5 L L L L G6 G7 L L L H H H L H data fetch for fL and f H• output inhibited single-tone. higher frequency group (fH).-data fetch for fL single-tone. lower frequency group (fd. data fetch for fH sending, dual-tone The application in fig. 10 enables both. dual-and single-tone output. Timing diagram Binary data input; single-tone output, Fa Datu connected to ground. Valid datu Gl-G4 I -; GS I Ddtu fetch fH G6 Write enable fH fo--....I G7 Write enable fl I----:-.;;..;...;;.J.~_...:'--_~ MUTE Single tone output level Higher frequency group lower frequency group Higher frequency group -t Timing diagram Binary data input; dual-tone output. Datu Gl-G4 GS G6.G7 Write enable Dual tone output level 834 Fa connected to ground The valid input data is stored in clock-Ievelcontrolled flipflops DTMF Generator PSB 8591 Electrical characteristics Absolute maximum ratings1) min. max. V Vee -0.3 Supply Voltage Vee -Vee -0.3 see operating characteristics 22 (2ms) V Storage temperature T. tg -55 125 °C Voltage at any pin Operating characteristics (Tomb = -25°C to 70°C) Test conditions VL VL VL VL hK Standby current 3 ) 1St Line current4 ) h Supply current 6 ) Current sink voltage drop4) (average DC value) Is VL Minimal peak line voltage 6 ) Maximal peak line voltage 6 ) VLm ," } (see fig. 11) VLm •• VReF RF Input resistors at pin 3-6. 13-16. Fl-F8 and CSD min. typo = 18 V Leakage current 2 ) Internal reference voltage5 ) V 100 5V 20 = 18 V 0.6 0.4 5V 16 VL = 5V 16 mA;:;;h;:;;120 mA max. 4.5 13 120 15 5 6 3 18 IJA IJA mA mA mA mA V V V 1.15 1.25 1.35 15 25 35 V kQ 1) Stresses above those listed under "Absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is ') 3) .) .) ') a stress rating onlv and functional operation ofthe device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this data sheet is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. CD connected to ground, chip disabled F1-Fe open, CD opent..£!ljp enabled £!,trrent sink enabled (CSD = high level), button pressed or F5 and Fe connected to ground CD open, chip enabled Current sink disabled (CSD = low level), button pressed or F5 and Fe connected to ground 835 DTMF Generator PSB 8591 Operating characteristics (T. mb Input levels Logical L H Logical L H Logical L. key code Binary mode enable Supply current enable Logical L Logical H Mute output levels Logical L Logical H = -25"C to 70"C) Test conditions V IL Fl-F4 V IH Fl-F4 V IL'I:m5. F8-F7 V IH 'I:m5. F5-F8 V IL F5. Fa V ILF8 V ILF5 VIH~ -10 lolA Input current IIHm •• = 1 mA VOLW'TE IOLm.. VOHW'TE IIHW'TE IOHm .. VOHW'TE VILl!IJ Output levels Low group High group Sum level PL PH Ps Preemphasis Po Sum level (Frequencies disabled) Output dynamic impedance Pso Roo ROd IILm .. min. typo -0.3 0.5 -0.3 1.1 0.5 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 0.7 0.15 Vee 0.7 VR 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.3 5 = 1 mA = 1 mA = 18 V IL = 16 mA to 120 mA fig. 13 IL = 16 mA to 120 mA max. 0.5 Vee 100 -5.4 1.8 -8.12 -6.12 -4 -2.8 2.4 2.8 -80 = 120 mA = 20 mA CSDlow V L = 5 V IL IL 600 660 V V V V V V V V V V V nA dBm dBm dBm dB dBm 1000 0 1000 0 9 kO 10 20 kO -7 2 4 (current sink disabled) Output dynamic impedance in Standby mode Rs, Timing specification Tone frequency deviation Key debounce time Set-up time (fig. 13) VL =5V Mlf td t. +7 %0 IL 6 7 ms ms L 5 ms 10 lois = 16 mA to 120 mA 'I = 16 mA to 120 mA Width of write pulse (see page 15) 836 tw 2 DTMF Generator PSB 8591 Tone frequency deviation (without tolerances of crystal)- ,. Required frequency Generated frequency·) deviation f2 '4 f3 fe fe ,., fa Unit 941 1209 1336 1477 1633 697 770 852 Hz 1212.6 1337.5 1472.7 1638.4 Hz 697.2 771.0 851.1 943 1.374 -1.037 2.087 3.829 1.1 -2.898 3.307 %0 2.75 Figure 11 Minimal/maximal peak line voltage 18 I\ !\. \V 1\ r1\, J • 5 4 II' 1/\ /\ / V \ I IV Vlm1n 2 I o -f ') The low cost crystal has the following deviations (including aging and temperature range): b.f/f~ 3.5 x 10-3 • 837 DTMF Generator PSB 8591 Figure 12 Schematic af inputs CD (pin 7) and CSD (pin 8): ,Equivalent of input CSD Equivalent of input CD --~----------~--~Vcc ------~--------~--~~c Reo }-----+----C::J---+-- CO J----~>----o Ia =5\11\ typ Reo =5kQ NOM, R,:. 251dl NOM, Figure 13 Measuring circuit for output sum level Pso. power enabled 600Q - Vcc Xl ~ T 2~ 1ev I 1'10 X2 PSB 8591 F1 BI BO [ 56kQ ~o [ 56kll 15V< VbQtt < SOV FS VEE C4 838 C T [ 5611 2,2\1 F _..... 0 (SO DTMF Generator PSB 8591 Figure 14 Circuitry for measuring set-up time t., buttons pressed or binary mode 600Q ~ j vee Fl -F8 Keyboard 1'10 Xl r PSB 8591 ck BE T BO X2 h18V \off I 56kQ [ 56kQ Vl 15V< c 5rc: [ 56Q :iii: 2.21JF I op"en Keyboard unpressed pressed open 52 ~ II I ~-------------------- i I I I ts -t I I 839 cg~lI ...aco m,,'P m::'" en g en ~ 3: "11 8:::J G') CD ::J CD CO !:t. III .... 0 :::J ~ Hook switch TIp 0 I f ""~ ! R,"9~~ .... CD Q. .... o :::J CD ~ 3 "-CD ;r+ .. o III en "oCD III ::T :::J ~ ., ~ ~ ;:;: ::T ::T -< C" ., ii .... iil :::J ~ 3 ., CD "'0 CJ) OJ CD en CD _l PSB 8591 DTMF Generator Fig. 15 b Application example PSB 8591 connected to a integrated speech circuit Vee 20 PSB 8591 Electronic speech circuit MUTE 9 1 8 1 leso 1 VEE Fig.15c Principle blockdiagram of a key telephone using the CD-function. In the case of local supply failure the PSB 8591 is activited so·that dialing is still possible. + t-. Local supply - IJ( 1 0 + Signaling v Display ~ - I Interlace Keyboard ( )-B A Tip r U Ring ~ .... + - - ~ ;;, Speech rJ CO PSB 8591 circuit dialer MUTE t/ 841 PSB 8592 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator MOS-circuit Preliminary data Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Advanced CMOS Technology Last number redial up to 22 digits Flash generation (register call) CEPT compatible without external filtering Standard low cost TV crystal 3,58 MHz High frequency accuracy (better than 0,4%) Operation with single contact matrix keyboard, 20 buttons Multikey lockout and debouncing Binary data input Dual tone and single tone output Defined audio output time and interdigital pause Programmable access pause Low operation and standby current Mute output Chip enable input Internal power-on reset 20 Pin OIL package Pin configuration top view 1 20 2 19 3 18 4 17 5 16 6 15 7 14 8 13 9 12 10 11 Pin Funktion 18 17 16 15 19 20 1 2 3 6 13 10 12 7 9 11 8 5 4 14 x1 x2 x3 x4 y5 y4 y3 y2 y1 Hook-Switch-Chipenable Flash out VDD dig Vss dig Pause 3,5,00 VDD ana Vss ana Freq. out oz 1 oz 2 Mute out AG 9/84 843 I Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator PSB 8592 General description The DTMF Generator PSB 8592 is specifically designed to implement a dual tone telephone dialing system. The device can interface direclly to a standard pushbutton telephone single-contact keyboard type x-y matrix code and operates together with an integrated speech circuit. All necessary dual-tone frequencies are derived from the widely used standard TV crystal (3.58 MHz) providing very high accuracy and stability. The required sinusoidal waveform for the individual tones is digitally synthesized on the chip. The waveform so generated has very low total harmonic distortion. The votage reference is on speech circuit and regulates the signal levels of the dual tones to meet the recommended telephone specifications. The Buffer-Amplifier is also situated in the speech circuit, which provides the Overvoltage-Protection. Other applications of the device include radio and mobile telephones, remote control and process control. Block diagram Functional description Internal Logic Description After detecting a key closure the oscillator will start. When the oscillation is high enough to operate the first flip-flop the oscillator current will be reduced and the whole logic will be reset. The chip command starts first the logic-comparator to suppress the switch bouncing. After the protection time the valid code will be stored in the RAM. First the RAM will be reset, when the valid CodEl is a new dialed number. Then the code will be read out of the RAM and will program the two dividers of the sinewave synthesizer. This will be done continuously until the key is released, or as long as the sending timer (80 ms) works. In the meantime further digits can be stored in the RAM. After the sending timer has finished or the key contact opens the command starts the 844 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator PSB 8592 pausetimer (80 ms), the same counter is used in both cases. At this point the command reads the next digit from the RAM or finishes the function of the device. The command also sets the MUTE output to high, when it is programming the dividers and sets the MUTE output to low before finishing the function of the device and will remain low until new sinewaves are generated. If the detected key closure is the redial function the commmand starts to readout the stored number from the RAM. If the detected key closure is a single tone mode, the command only programs the appropriate divider during key depression. The MUTE output has the same function as in dual-tone-mode without timing. Mute output: _________________-----!I sending DTMF-signals L.-._ _ __ no key depressed Tone Generation When a valid key closure is detected or a digit is still in the RAM marked for access the command programs the high and low group dividers with appropriate divider ratios, so that the output of these dividers cycle at 26 times the desired high group and low group frequencies for a minimum of 80 ms. The outputs of the programmable dividers drive two 6 stage uo and down counters with connectsd sign bit. The symmetry pulses of the clock inputs to the two counters divided by 2 with the sign bit allows 26 equal time segments to be generated within each output cycle. The 26 segments are used to synthesize digitally a stair-step waveform to approximate the sinewave function (see Figure) in one D/A converter for the high and low group frequency. To synthesize the two sinewave functions in one D/A-converter it is necessary that the converter works in under 600 ns because he must be multiplexed between the two functions. This is done by connecting a weighted capacitor ladder network between the outputs of the counter via sign bit circuit connected to V"' =Vee or Vss and virtual ground. The peak-to-peak amplitude of the stairstep function is weighted by a connected sample and hold capacitor with a different value for the high and low frequency-group. After the sample and hold capacitor a low passfilter follows, one for the high and one for the low frequency group. The individual tones generated with different amplitudes and filtered separately are added linearly and drive an output buffer. Single Tone Mode A low group tone can be generated by activating the appropriate row inputs with ground. A high group tone can be generated by activating the appropriate column inputs with Vee. In this mode no digit frequency combination will be activated and no digit will be stored in the RAM. The generation time depends on the duration of the input function. A stored dial-number remains in the RAM. Clock Generation The device contains an oscillator circuit with the necessary paraSitic capacitances on chip so that it is only necessary to connect the standard 3.58 MHz TV crystal across the OSCI and OSCO terminals to implement the oscillator function. The oscillator functions whenever a row or column input is activated I,lntil all timing functions are terminated. 845 I PSB 8592 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator Connection to keyboard x1 x2 x3 x4 PS B 8592 y5 y4 y3 y2 y1 Keyboard Interface The device can be connected directly on a X-Y Matrix Key-Board without protection against multi key function. Internal logic prevents the transmission of illegal tones when more than one key is pressed. Individual tones can be obtained by connecting a column input to VDD or grounding a row input. The inputs are static after key recognition, i.e. there is no noise generation as occurs with scanned or dynamic inputs. The interrupt of more than 4 ms on the key-inputs releases the Key-function in the recognition-circuit. After this next digit will be detected. 846 PSB 8592 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator Synthesized output waveforms +1 ro- r-- +0.8 . .,o .~ r0- 0 . ., 0 ~"1 --' +0.6 . 0 +0.4 +0.2 o "' ro- 0 [ r'l -0.2 L~. 0 L. -0.4 0 ·· . Aktiv Input X1 X2 X3 X4 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 0 ...1 L... -1 .. ~ • .1 0 -0.8 . • ..1 0 L. -0.6 .~j r-. ..... !-... • .... 1. ... Output Frequency (Hz) actual specified 697 770 852 941 1209 1336 1477 1633 695.32731 773.4539 849.84449 942.97813 1207.67375 1336.64862 1480.37428 1638.98581 % without crystal drift - 0.241 + 0.448 - 0.254 + 0.210 - 0.110 + 0.049 + 0.228 + 0.365 847 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator PSB 8592 Special Functions Keyboard configuration (maximal) HiQh L H~ gro~p freq~encie~ , " 1209: 1336 : 1477 : 1633 : Function o 697 1 2 3 A R x1 9 770 4 5 6 B P x2 7 8 9 C G x3 * 0 # D F x4 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 w r o 852 R = Redial P = Pause G = Go for shortening Pausetime F = Flash u P 941 f r. The position of the 4 Special-Keys is in the device mask-programmable. Redial-Function If the redial-button is depressed after handset pickup, all stored numbers in the RAM including Pause- and Flash-function will be sent out. After termination and during Redial-Function it is possible to dial further digits, which will be sent after termination of the Redial-Function. Before starting the redial-function a superversion circuit checks the usefulness of the RAM contents. Programming of Pause If the telephonsystem needs pauses for example for trunksearching or dial-tone connection, the pauses must be stored in the RAM. To store such pauses only depress the Pause-Button, after this further digits can be dialled. The number of pauses is unlimited. The timing of the pause is programmable via the Pause-Programming-Pin. There are 3 choice: Programming-Pin connected for 3 s, connected to ground 5 s, open unlimited Pause. Go-Function To Go-Button terminates the unlimited pause. Furthermore all timed pause-functions can be terminated earlier. With a transistor connected in parallel to the Go-Button-Switch the pause can be terminated by operating the transistor with a dial-tone recognition-circuit. 848 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator PSB 8592 Flash-Function The Flash-Function will be handled like the pause-function, it will be stored in the RAM. The number of Flashes is unlimited. The Flash-Output goes to Voo for 90 ms and after one Flashfunction is completed the DTMF-Signaling will continue after a pause of 900 ms. Special-Pulse-Pause-Timing for German-Post-Application in the Redial-Mode In the Redial-Mode in German-Post-Application the timing must be 80 ms for sending DTMF and 240 ms for pause. This feature is realized with a lightly modified device. The reason for this is, to keep the sending levels on carrier-wave-systems in the specified ratio. BCD-Coding The device has the possibility to operate with a BCD-Interface. The BCD-Inputs are the column pins y1 to y5. To program the device for BCD-Code the row inputs x1 and x4 must be grounded in the same time, when the BCD-Code appears on the column inputs. All digits including pause and flash are stored in the RAM. The minimum timing will be 5 to 8 ms. A quick timing for BCDCode-Input is possible with Test-Mode-Feature. Hook-switch/Power-Down The device is in Power-Down-Mode, when the Hook-Switch-Input is low. In this mode the pull-up resistances are disconnected on the 4 row-inputs and all inputs a passive. In this case the maximum ratings are valid on the inputs. When the Hook-Switch-Input is high = V DO' the row and column-inputs are activated and the device can be started via the inputs. Option: Different exchanges have interruptions in the power feed of the line during trunk-searching time. Therefore it is difficult to detect the right onhook-switch function; we propose to provide our line-power-fault detection with the following function. After every interruption of line power feed, the device starts a timing of 320 ms, during this time the needed power comes from the buffercapacitor (only DTMF and PAUSE-Function). If the power feed is restored in the meantime, the device will ignore the interruption, after 320 ms, the device will accept the interruption as a exchange release and the stored digits are prepared for Redial. During the interruption the device accept dialing but can no send DTMF. 849 I Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator PSB 8592 Electrical Characteristics Absolute Maximum ratings: min DC Supply voltage VOD -V5S Input voltage at any pin max unit -0.3 +7 V -0.3 Voo + 0.5 V 10 mW Power Dissipation at 25°C P Operating Temperature top -25 +70 °C Storage Temperature t -55 +125 °C '" D.C. Characteristics Test conditions min Supply Voltage = Reference Voltage One Key selected Operating current Tone, Mute output unloaded standby current typ max V 2 mA no key selected output unloaded MUTE output resistance unit 3.5 JlA 4 5 7 Kn min typ max unit A.C. Characteristics Test conditions Oscillator frequency 850 3.5795 MHz Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generator PSB 8592 Key closure recognition with x-y key-board ~~~]Ch case=K=1e=y=1==O=f=f ~Key~M 5 case 2 Key 1 on bouncing ignored ~Ib======ig~n=o_re_d ~ ~J accepted 1M =K=e~y=7==========================~ Key 5 accepted ignored ignored I case 3 Key 1 accepted tp Key 5 accepted tp = time protection (4ms) 851 :to CD Rl c: !:!!. III -I "tJ n" =. 0 :::I CD >< III 3 "tJ CD -{)I-I ~il Line hook switch • Flash ::J 3: c: a: ..."T1 .0 DTMF Mute I 0 (I) (I) DTMF- PSBI6520 C "2- circuit PSB 4510 c: (I) ::J (") '< G) (I) ::J ... s:u 0 ... (I) "enOJ co c.n CD N PSB 7510 LCD Controller MOS circuit Advanceinfonnation The PSB 7510 monolithic integrated circuit controls numeric LC displays in quadruple multiplex operation. Due to "MICROPACK" outline (film carrier), the LC display units are extremely thin and compact. Features • CMOS Si-gate technology • Selection of one flag per digit available • • Supply voltage 2.5 V to 6 V Display. up to 20 digits, 7 segment • 2 different character sets (0 - 9, 3 bars, A, U blank or o - 9, 2 bars, A, b, c, d, blank) • 64 pin MICROPACK • MUX4 • • On-chip oscillator Cursor or blinking selectable AG 8/84 853 LCD Controller PSB 7510 Type Ordering code Quantity per order unit (items) Minimum shipping quantity (items) Series product film PSB 7510 Q 671 OO-Z 155-A 101 1500-2500 100 Sample punched out PSB 7510 Q 67100-Z 155-A 103 5 5 PSB 7510 Q 671 OO-Z 155-A 102 DIP 64 intermediate carrier Maximum shipping quantity (items) 50 5 For prototyping, limited quantities of components can be delivered as punched out MICROPACK, or soldered on a DIP 64 intermediate carrier. Shipment of the series product will be on metal film rolls (CMOS!). These film rolls are the property of Siemens and must be returned when empty. As the individual rolls do not contain a constant number of components, smaller or lager quantities are possible for partial shipments of large quantities. Logic symbols ADO-4 -~--v ~-=---,y' OUTRO-~ WR - - - ;a -----' ALE - - - RES - - - PSB 7510 BCE - - - OUTCO -l9 CRS - - MF - - BIC - - CS - - - OSC I OSC 2 OSC3 854 LCD Controller PSB 7510 Pin configuration top view Vee VLCD DUTRO OUTR' OUTRI DUTR3 DUTCO DUTe' OUTCI OUTCl OUTe4 OUTCS DUrc6 OUTC7 OUrci OU!C9 47 46 4S 4,42 PSB 7510 40 39 38 37 36 35 ADO (5 DUT(l9 OUTC38 DUTe37 DUT(l6 DUTCl5 DUT(J4 OUTOl OUTel2 OUTel' OUTC 30 OUT( 29 OUT(l8 OUTe 27 OUTe26 ~=~::!;!~~~~~2~~~;!~ .... I..J ............................... ..., ........... '-''-''-'v'-' -I-I--I------ -~~I-~ .... 55652555556555555 Pin designation Pin No. Symbol Description 1 2 3 Voo VLCO OUTRO Positive supply voltage LCD input voltage 6 7 OUTR3 out CO } Output row drivers } Output column drivers 46 47 48 OUT C39 CS ADO 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 AD4 RES WR WR ALE BCE CRS Vss MF 64 OSC3 Chip select }Binary inputs for address and data BIC Reset Write data latch enable (non inverting) Write data latch enable (Inverting) Address latch enable Blink and cursor enable Character ROM select Ground Selection of multiple flag Blink or cursor function select OSC1 } Oscillator inputs 855 LCD Controller PSB 7510 Figure 1 Block diagram ALE WRWR AD AD AD AD AD MF CRS 0 1 2 3 4 BCE CS BIC RES OSC 1 OSC 2 OSC3 OUTR o .. OUTR 3 OUTC 0 .. OUTe 39 Functional description (fig. 1 and pin description) The PSB 7510 controls LCos in a quadruple MUX mode. The inputs AoO-Ao4 accept the display address and display data in binary code. The display address is latched with ALE and used to address an internal RAM. The data is then stored in the internal RAM using WR control signal (fig. 2). The further translation of the display address and data in the RAM is asynchronous to the external control signals and is performed internally using an on-chip oscillator. In each MUX step the character ROM translates the RAM contents and loads the result into a shift register. At the end of each MUX phase the shift register is latched and used to control the bidirectional switches for the LCD drive signals. The LCD voltages are generated from the input voltage VLCD by an integrated resistor network. Polarity as well as magnitude of the 'actual LCD voltage for the output analog drivers is provided by a low-resistive switching network. The IC additionally features underscoring of selected digits by blinking or cursor. Input BIC selects blinking or cursor and is enabled with blink or cursO! enable BCE. 856 PSB 7510 LCD Controller Logic type Positive logic is used Voo = "H" high level = logical 1 = positive voltage Vss = "L" low level = logical 0 = negative voltage 1. Chip select CS The PSB 7510 responds to external signals only when CS is activated. 2. Reset RES Reset clears the display and fills the internal RAM with blanks. 3. Address and data input ADO ... AD4 The address pending at ADO .... AD4 is latched with the falling edge of ALE. After this address assigment, the display data pending at ADO ... AD4 is read into the RAM with the trailing edge of WR (fig. 2). The inputs use binary code. Figure 2 [5 ALE ADO .. AD4 ____F_l_Oa_tl_n_g__ ~X~ ____ A_dd_re_s_s__ ~X~ _____ D_at_a____ ~x~ __ Fl_oa_t_'n_g__ 4. Multiple flag MF (internal high-ohmic connection with V DD ) When MF - 1, normal data input can be used to set one flag per digit at any desired position of the display. The character set automatically specified by MF - 1 (set I) comprises the characters 0 ... 9, 3 bars A, U and a blank. In this case, the character ROM select CRS input is "don't care". The selected locations are specified by writing a "1" into the unused fifth data bit for this character set (set I). When a character with a flag is changed, the flag must also be rewritten. 857 LCD Controller PSB 7510 5. Select of character set CRS (internal high-ohmic pullup resistor) Input CRS is used to select the character set I or II, when MF - 0 Set I: CRS - 0 Set II: CRS-1 6. Blink or cursor function select BIC (internal high-ohmic pull up resistor with Vaa) The input selects whether a digit is to be highlighted in the display by blinking or by a cursor. Blinking: BIC - 1 Cursor: BIC - 0 When using the blink option with characters with a flag, the flag blinks as well. The cursor option is not available for characters with a flag. 7. Blink or cursor function enable BCE BCE - 1 enables the blinking or the cursor function (fig. 3). The address of the character in the display that is to be highlighted is latched with the falling edge of ALE. ALE must be followed by a WR signal. Following data information is "don't care". This function can only be stopped with BCE - O. Reset RES has no effect. Characters can only be changed when this function is disabled. After a character change, the blinking or cursor address must be given again. The blink or cursor function is available only for one digit at a time. Figure 3 Blink/cursor functions switched on CS BCE ALE ~------------------------- ,---------- WR ADO .. AD4 _____ FI_O_Qt_in_g___JX~ ____ A_dd_r_es_s__ _JX Blink/Cursor _ function sWitched on 858 LCD Controller PSB 7510 8. Oscillator inputs OSC 1, OSC 2 and OSC 3 The RC circuitry of t!'lese inputs determines the frequency of the oscillator. With an oscillator frequency of 25.6 kHz. the refresh rate is 40 Hz. (refer to fig. 4). Figure 4 RC circuitry of oscillator inputs Vss i' C, =;= ! esc R esc 2 osc 3 CIT Suggested 1 L 62 63 PSB 7510 64 R",270kll values: C, .C 1 "" 47pF 9. LCD voltage VLCD This voltage is applied from off-board and is divided by an integrated resistor network into the optimum interim values. 10. Output drivers They provide the analog voltages for the LC display 859 PSB 7510 LCD Controller Display input data Display Data II 00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 10000 Address Address code I Set I Set" a a a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 bar above bar center bar below A U blank bar above bar center A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 B C 0 blank 00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 10000 10001 10010 10011 Input of an undefined data word causes a blank to be displayed at the respective display location. Figures 5 Uquid crystal matrix organization yl xl. Cam 4 860 y2 yl y2 xl x2 x3 x4 yl y2 F A G B E C 0 P PSB 7510 LCD Controller Maximum ratings Ambient temperature under bias Storage temperature Supply voltage referred to GND All input and output voltages Total power dissipation Tamb Tstg Voo V Plot -25·to 70 -40 to 125 o to 7 -0.3 to Voo+0.3 3 °C °C V V mW Typ. Unit DC characteristics Tamb - 25°C, Vss -0 V, Voo - 2.5 V to 6 V Test conditions L input voltage (all inputs, OSC1) H input voltage lall inputs, OSC1) Input leakage current (all inputs, OSC1) Operating supply voltage LCD voltage Supply current Min. Max. V1L Vss 0.25 V1H 0.7 X Voo Voo Voo V V ~A IlL Voo VLCO 100 X Vss ~ Voo Voo 1100 - 2.5 VLCO ~ Voo Vss 3 V, ext. clock 4 V: ext. clock 6 V: ext. clock Resistor network for LCD voltage 6 Voo 30 50 100 62 V V ~A ~ 100 ~A kG 1 AC characteristics Tamb -25°C to 70°C, Vss-O V, Voo -2.5 V to 6 V ALE pulse width Address set-up before ALE Address hold from ALE Address latch cycle time ILL IAL lLA tCYA Control pulse width WR, Vim Data set-up before WR, WJ:f Data hold from WR, WR Write data cycle time tee low two tCYW Oscillator frequency Clock pulse width Clock pulse rise time Clock pulse fall time tose tWH ITLH tTHL Voo - 6 V Vee -6 V External clock tose 25 kHz t osc 25 kHz 100 120 50 1 ns ns ns 100 150 50 1 ns ns ns 0.1 ~s ~s 25 20 100 kHz ~s 5 5 ~s ~s 861 LCD Controller PSB 7510 Wavefonns L aCE CS r-n''''9j I I tLL ----, ALE I I I WR I or II I I WR I I. tAL I ADO to AD4 OSCl Tristate * tee ----j--:-iI I I I I I I I i I I .!tlA·I· ~ I: .II· I I two: tow .! Data X Tristate -t jr--------ot y-'~\I.-__ ,...1.- - - l i f o 862 Address ~tCYW ----...1.1 -t Assembly instructions for MICROPACKs Delivery package The MICROPACK PSB 7510 is generally delivered on metal film spools in metal cans. For prototypes, the IC can also be packed individually. MOS handling is necessary. Substrate connections For assembly of the MICROPACK, the connection points on the substrate must be coated with solder. This can be achieved by: • • • galvanic deposition and melting screen printing and melting dip or wave tinning Solder tin composition: Sn 60 / Pb 40 Thickness of the layer: approx. 15 I-1m (after melting) Lme Identical to the cllpton edge of the MICROPACKS Detllil "A" .,IMeasure Ilfter etchmg (Substrate connection I -'- 7.6,0.1 ---' ' - - - - - 116 _._-.J DimenSions In mm Note: Necking of the connection leads is not required in the case of galvanically deposited Sn/Pb and subsequent melting. 863 Assembly recommendations All assembly recommendations are valid for the following substrate materia1s: • • • • epoxy resin hard-paper ceramic (thick-thin-film) flexible materials, as for example polyimide • glass I. Prototypes and small quantities (e.g. up to approx. 1.0/year) Recommended processing method: Manual soldering with mini soldering iron Principle IC Solder-coated substrate lead \\ Soldering Iron Film \\ MICROPACK leads \ I I Required equipment and accessories • devices for cutting and punching (only when processing from tape) • forming tools • temperalure-regulatedminiature soldering iron, certified for the soldering of MOS components • stereo microscope (magnification 6 ... 40 x) • suction tube or tweezers • hair brush • sodium-free flux according to DIN 8511 (e.g. pure colophonium dissolved in alcohol) • cleaning agents (if required): e.g. Freon T-P 35 and TF • bench top suited for the processing of MOS components Soldering data • soldering temperature at the soldering iron tip: 230°C max. • soldering time: approx. 1 to 2 s 864 Procedure Caution! The general rules for the processing of MOS components must be followed during all operations. Cut MICROPACK leads free with hand tool (for components delivered on spools only). Cutting dimensions: 9.2 ± 0.05 mm x 11.4 ± 0.05 mm Capton spacer material c :@ t ~I -8- >- LrI N ..; J o I 1-4.23....1 x direction Caution! Ii--- 11.4,0.05 I Only cut free along the dashed lines! Do not cut the 4 capton spacers. Form MICROPACK leads with hand tool. (For the relief of mechanical stress when mounted) Forming dimensions Dimensions in mm 865 Punch MICROPACK out of the film tape with hano tool (for components delivered on spools only) {~ 1 -EO': I I ) I I \ Detail "A" I I -1 I I - r--- I I I \ \ \ Punch" A" 0 0 0 0 I ) 0 ·~r <:> Lay down the punched MICROPACK onto an electrically conductive surface vacuum pickup. Coat the mounting points on the substrate with flux (with brush by hand). Position the MICROPACK and adjust by hand under stereo microscope (approx. 5 to 10x magnification). Solder the individual leads by hand with soldering iron under stereo microscope Importantl First solder two opposite leads. This prevents a shifting of the MICROPACK during the soldering process. Cleaning (if required) Move the substrates one after the other for approx. 1 minute in T-P 35 and TF for example (no ultrasonic cleaning). Place the cleaning substrates on an electrically conductive surface or in appropriate trays. 866 II. Medium quantities (e.g. up to approx. 30.0/year) Recommended,assembling method: Pulse soldering with manual device Principle Soldering head (Pulse resistance heating) S,ld~-,,,t,d r:~l;:;n~ substrate connect~on I,' ,,"-' { ] / D..I Substrate Required equipment and accessories As in /., only instead of the soldering iron: Pulse soldering device Pulse soldering head (dimensions according to the drawing) ~ I Soldermg o.rea i i i 0.6 ... 0.6 i - - - 6.2'0.05---< - Dimensions in mm Head holder Control device (temperature, time) Substrate holder (with micro-manipulator, if necessary) Stereo microscope Soldering data Soldering temperature at the pulse soldering head: 230°C max. Soldering time: approx. 2 s plus an additional holding time of 1 s until the solder becomes solidified. 867 Procedure As described in I. including the positioning of the MICRO PACK onto the substrate and the adjustment. Further steps Position the substrate with the positioned MICROPACK onto the substrate holder of the pulse soldering device. Lower, adjust and set down the soldering head onto the MICROPACK leads manually, then trigger the soldering pulse. After the Pb/Sn solder becomes solidified (holding time, observation through stereo microscope) raise the soldering head and place the substrate onto an 'electrically conductive surface or in an appropriate tray. Cautlonl Ceramic and glass substrates must be preheated and the stated temperatures must be maintained during the soldering process. Ceramic: 150°C Glass: 125°C Neither preheating nor cooling may be sudden (danger of breakage). Cleaning (if required) as in I. 868 III. Large quantities (e.g. approx. 30.0/year) Recommended assembling method: Semi-automatic pulse soldering Principle Vacuum pickup tool !,. MlCROPACK / Soldering head....._ • I Pulse ---', '';;, resistance heatmg I \~," I / I/ ~~< r ~'~c~~~~~~~~!!~~~~ u , Substrate - I Substrate holder Take up Cut free Form I I i-- rn rn rn 1 i[O : I ,I Punch out Film gUide Rerouting Supply spool far MICROPACKS 1 L ___ Pulse solderlAg 869 Required equipment and accessories Semi-automatic pulse soldering device including tools for cutting. forming and punching. Stereo microscope (magnification 6 to 40x). Aux according to DIN 8511 (e.g. pure colophonium dissolved in alcohol). Cleaning agents (if necessary): Freon T-P 35 and TF. Soldering data Soldering temperature at the pulse soldering head 230°C max. Soldering time: approx. 2 s plus an additional holding time of 1 s until the solder becomes solidified. Procedure Position the supply roll in the pulse soldering device. Coat the mounting positions on the substrate with flux by hand or machine. Position the substrate onto the substrate holder. Cautionl Ceramic and glass substrates must be preheated and the stated temperatures must be maintained during the soldering process. Ceramic: Glass: 150°C 125 °C Neither preheating nor cooling may be sudden (danger of breakage). Machine-cut. form. punch and pre-adjust the MICROPACK. Rne-adjust with micro-manipulator (under the stereo microscope or on a monitor). Pulse-solder by machine. Place the substrate onto an electrically conductive surface or in an appropriate tray. Cleaning (if required): as in I. IV. Very large quantities (e.g. approx. 500.0/year) Recommended assembling method: Fully automatic pulse soldering Processing method as in III. but fully automatic 870 Final inspection It is recommended that a final visual inspection of the mounted MICROPACKs be included after soldering or cleaning, respectively (under the stereo microscope, magnification 6 to 40x). Important criteria The solder transition between the MICROPACK leads and the substrate traces should be concave tapered. The connections to the semiconductor IC must not be damaged. The solder on all substrate leads must be visibly melted. MICROPACK and substrate surlace must not show signs of soiling after soldering or cleaning, respectively. Replacement Experience shows that MICROPACKs can be replaced as many as five times depending on substrate matenal and layer construction. Desolder the MICROPACK with miniature soldering iron or hot air gun and tweezers. The leads are heated to the melting point of the Pb/Sn solder and bent up with the tweezers. Plane the mounting spots and recoat with flux. Solder in a new MICROPACK using one of the methods described. Manufacturers of assembly equipment for MICROPACKs The following companies supply equipment for manual, semi-automatic and fully-automatic assembling: 1. Weld-Equip Sales b.v. Engelseweg 217 5705 AE Helmond Netherlands Fa. Weld-Equip Deutschland Josef-Retzer-Str. 47 8000 MOnchen 60 Phone (089) 883601/02 2. Fa. Farco Schweiz Girardet 29 CH 2400 Le Locle Phone (0041) 39318954 3. The Jade Cooperation 3063 Philmont Avenue Huntingdon Vallery, Penna, 19006 USA Jade Corp. USA, represented by Fa. SF1 Assar-GabrielssonstraBe 1 S 6057 Dietzenbach-Steinberg Phone (06074) 27051 871 Data Conversion Components SDA 5200 N 6-Bit Analog Digital Converter Preliminary data The SDA 5200 N is an ultrafast AID converter with 6 bit resolution and overflow output. After cascading, it enables straightforward construction of 7 bit or 8 bit AID converters, respectively (refer to application circuit). Apart from a guaranteed strobe frequency of 100 MHz and excellent linearity, the SDA 5200 N has an outstanding analog bandwidth which - from the analog side - enables application up to the limit of the Nyquist theorem. The SDA 5200 N IS pin-compatible to the les SDA 5010, SDA 6020, and SDA 5200 S (differing output code In the overflowi. Main features • • • • • • • • • • • • • Strobe frequency 100 MHz 6 bit resolution (1.6%) Overflow output (7th bit) at simultaneous blocking of the remaining outputs cascading for 7 bit or 8 bit AID converters Broad analog bandwidth (140 MHz) High slew rate of the input stages (typ. 0.5 V/ns) Processing of analog signals up to the Nyquist limit linearity ± 1/4 lSB . No sample and hold required Dynamic driving of reference inputs for analog addition and multiplication Power dissipation 550 mW Eel compatible logic compatible supply voltage +5 V; -5.2 V Die 16 package ~ simple The following versions ' ) are available upon request: • • Ie with a non-linear conversion characteristic of a given characteristic curve Ie with any output code (e.g. gray code) ·1 Conditions upon request AG 7/83 875 6 Bit Analog Digital Converter SDA 5200 N 1 st encoding (AND) 2 nd encodl ng (OR) I ~+Vs I I I ___________ JI IL ____ _ 15 Signal chart Do 0 6 05 0 4 03 02 -~ 01 H L L L L L L L H H H H H H L H H H H H L L L L L L H L L L IL L L L H L L L L L L L I-- ~ / I % L1" 0 .L 64 876 114 LSB 2 " 62 63 64 SDA 5200 N 6 Bit Analog Digital Converter Pin configuration (Ceramic 16 pin Dil package) (top view) Os~ Do 06 01 0, OJ 0) 16 15 13 12 11 10 14 0, [::::::] 1 2 as, + VIR Pin 3 4 6 VIA - VIR VH Strobe +Vs - Vs Symbol Function 1 OS, 2 +\ljR \ljA -\ljR \ljH Strobe Digital ground 1 Positive reference voltage (+2 V) Analog signal input (max. +2 V; -3 V) Negative reference voltage (-3 V) Hysteresis control (0 V ... +2.5 V) Strobe input (ECl) Positive supply voltage (+5 V) Negative supply voltage (-5.2 V) Data outputs, bits 1 ... 6 (ECl) Overflow output Digital ground 2 ------+- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 14 15 16 -----+- +Vs -Vs 0, ... 0 6 Do 0 52 - - - - - - - - - - - ------- I 877 6 Bit Analog Digital Converter SDA 5200 N Maximum ratings Supply voltage Supply voltage Input voltages Strobe Hysteresis control Voltage difference Operating temperature Storage temperature +Vs -Vs V,A, +V,R, -V'R Vstrobe V,H °S,-OS2 Upper limit A -0.3 -6.0 -3.5 6.0 0.3 2.5 -Vs a a 3.0 0.5 70 125 -0.5 Tamb a T"g -55 Characteristics Power supply Pas supply voltage Neg. supply voltage Current consumption at +Vs ~ +5.0 V. V'A ~ -V'R at -Vs ~ -5.2 V, V;A;;;; -V'R Lower limit B +Vs -Vs Unit V V V V V V °C °C Lower limit B typo Upper limit A 4.5 -5.7 0.0 -5.2 5.5 -4.7 V 50 55 80 80 mA mA + V;Rm" V V V V V Is+ Is_ Unit V Analog part Signal input Max. input voltage V,Am" = I (+V,Rm,,) - (-V;Rm,,) I \oIA for 6 bit resolution \oIA for '12 LSB Ii nearity \oIA for '14 LSB linearity Input current at V'A = +\oIR at V'A < -V'R Input capacitance at V'A < -\oIR Reference inputs Pos. reference voltage Neg. reference voltage Reference resistance ViAmax - V;Rmln 5 1.2 2.4 I'A I'A 0.3 0.6 1.2 150 -500 500 500 pF 25 C'A ~A nA 128 2 1.5 195 V V 0 -1.1 -2.0 -0.9 -1.7 6 6 -0.6 -1.6 50 50 V V iJ A iJ A -1.1 -0.9 -0.7 -2.0 -1.7 -1.5 V V + V'R -V'R RRef -2.5 -3.0 96 Strobe input H input voltage L input voltage H input current L input current V,H \oiL I'H I'L Data outputs (1000 to -2 V) H output voltage L output voltage VQH VQL Digital part 878 SDA5200 N 6 Bit Analog Digital Converter Lower limit B Characteristics (conrd) Dynamic parameters Aperture time Aperture jitter 2 25 5 12 12 td (strobe Signal transition time Signal transition time Strobe frequency Max. slew rate Bandwidth (-3 dB) td Hold td Set 'strobe 8 Pulse diagram of strobe input and data outputs SlgnQllnpU~ typo Upper limit A Unit 17 17 ns pS ns ns ns 100 MHz 0.5 140 V/ns MHz Input current versus input voltage max ~~l I min +--'f-~- Data output I 879 6 Bit Analog Digital Converter SDA5200 N Test circuit 470n l~~ I Analog ground l!--- lOJl..H_ ~lOW Analog e- 51 52 "VIII' 0, VIA *'OOnF ~VIII VH 0--- <>-F= -:r. Strobe - ·V, I 0- --j~-'-" son ~- 'OOnF 11 .1- T -ground 11 Overflow 11 input lO_~1! Digital 5011'00'6 ~ T + ".~--~ -11'-- 0, 1 " t-- 0, --<> D,f---·- ~ ~ 11 0, 0, ---0 11 9 Q LSB ,.'00 11 -2V 'OOnF lines carried out as microstrip Application circuit 7 bit AID converter with SDA 5200 Sand SDA 5200 N 1 0, - 0, SDA 5200S I---0,1-- VIR Ft.r- VR• , + VIR 00 0, SDA 5200N ~ 0, 1 880 SOA 5200 S 6-Bit Analog Digital Converter Preliminary data The SDA 5200 S is an ultrafast 6 bit AID converter with overflow output. It has been designed as terminating device for a 7 bit or 8 bit AID converter comprising several cascaded les (refer to application circuit), or exclusively for 6 bit operation. Apart from a guaranteed strobe frequency of 100 MHz and excellent linearity, the SDA 5200 S has an outstanding analog bandwidth which - from the analog side - enables application up to the limit of the Nyquist theorem. The SDA 5200 S is pin-compatible to the les SDA 5010, SDA 6020, and SDA 5200 N (differing output code in the overflow). Main features Strobe frequency 100 MHz o 6 bit resolution (1.6%) I:) Overflow output (7th bit) • Broad analog bandwidth (140 MHz) Q High slew rate of the input stages (typo 0.5 V/ns) ~ Processing of analog signals up to the Nyquist limit 6) Linearity ± 1/4 lSB • No sample and hold required • Dynamic driving of reference inputs for analog addition and multiplication • Power diSSipation 550 mW • Eel compatible • logic compatible supply voltage +5 V; -5.2 V ~ ole 16 package 41) The following versions'} are available upon request: • Ie with a non-linear conversion characteristic of a given characteristic curve ED Ie with any output code (e.g. gray code) ') Conditions upon request AG 7/83 881 6 Bit Analog Digital Converter Block diagram SDA 5200 S r------------------ -------------------, 3 4' - V'R R, ~ Rl R" -------- ----=::r- +V'R I VH 51 0--'+------1 Comparator stages Strobe Register I ,I I 1 I I I I 1 st encoding (AND! 1 1 1 I I I 1 I 2 nd encoding lOR) I 1 - Vs I I 1 1 1 I fa+ <>--'4----- 17 I IL ____ _ 1 1 ---------~ 15 Signal chart tl/4 --- Do 0 6 Os O. 03 O2 0, H H H H H H H L H H H H H H L H H H H H L L L L L L H L L L L L L L H L L L L L L L ~ X 0 A A / II .1. 64 882 ~SB f-- 2 62 63 64 Vs 6 Bit Analog Digital Converter SDA 5200 S Pin configuration (Ceramic 16 pin Dil package) (top view) OS2 Do 06 Os O. OJ O2 0, 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 4 Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 14 15 16 8 Symbol OS1 +VR V;A - V;R V;H Strobe +Vs -Vs 0 , ... 0 6 Do OS2 Function Digital ground 1 Positive reference voltage (+2 V) Analog signal input (max. +2 V; -3 V) Negative reference voltage (-3 V) Hysteresis control (0 V ... +2.5 V) Strobe input (ECl) Positive supply voltage (+5 V) Negative supply voltage (-5.2 V) Data outputs, bits 1 ... 6 (ECl) Overflow output Digital ground 2 883 6 Bit Analog Digital Converter SDA 5200 S Maximum ratings Supply voltage Supply voltage Input voltages Strobe Hysteresis control Voltage difference Operating temperature Storage temperature +Vs -Vs iliA, +IIiR' -IIiR Vstrobe V,H OSI-0 S2 Tamb Tst9 Characteristics Power supply Pos. supply voltage Neg. supply voltage Current consumption at +Vs = +5.0 V, ViA ~ -VIR at -Vs = -5.2 V, V'A ~ -V'R +Vs -Vs Lower limit B Upper limit A Unit -0.3 -6.0 -3.5 -Vs 0 -0.5 0 -55 6.0 0.3 2.5 0 3.0 0.5 70 125 V V V V V V °C °C Lower limit B typo Upper limit A Unit 4.5 -5.7 5.0 -5.2 5.5 -4.7 V V 50 55 80 80 mA mA + ViRma.IC V V V V V I S+ 15_ Analog part Signal input Max. input voltage V1Ama:-: IliAm" = I (+V,Rm,,) - (-V,Rm,,) I iliA for 6 bit resolution iliA for '/2 LSB linearity iliA for '14 LSB lir,~arity Input current at iliA = +V'R at V'A < -V'R Input capacitance at V'A < -V'R Reference inputs Pos. reference voltage Neg. reference voltage Reference resistance - VIRmln 5 1.2 2.4 I'A I'A 150 -500 Rref 500 500 25 C'A + ViR -V'R 0.3 0.6 1.2 -2.5 -3.0 96 ~A nA pF 2 1.5 195 V V 0 -0.9 -1.7 6 6 -0.6 -1.6 50 50 V V ·-0.9 -1.7 -0.7 -1.5 V V I 128 Digital part Strobe input H input voltage L input voltage H input cu rrent L input current IliH VIL I'H III -1.1 -2.0 Data outputs (100 0 to -2 V) H output voltage L output voltage VOH VOL -1.1 -2.0 884 ~A ~A 6 Bit Analog Digital Converter Characteristics (cont'd) Dynamic parameters Aperture time Aperture jitter SDA 5200 S Lower limit B 2 25 5 12 1.2 td tstrobe Signal transition time Signal transition time Strobe frequency Max. slew rate Bandwidth (-3 dB) Pulse diagram of strobe input and data outputs SignQI Input td Hold td Set 'strobe 8 typo Upper limit A Unit ns ps ns ns ns MHz V/ns MHz 17 17 100 0.5 140 Input current versus input voltage mox II, I min t - - - f - - - - t - - - - t ----VIA 885 6 Bit Analog Digital Converter SDA5200 S Test circuit 470Q !I!~ I Analog ground ~LOs,~ lOy.!! +VUI Digital 0 52 16 • ground 11 Do Overflow *100nF 11 Analog Input _=F !~!'.I! ~ VIA 0, -VIA 0, VH 0, Strobe 0, 'V, 0, -V, 0, 100nF Il 11 <>-f-=-- ... <>-- Il 11 ~j~' -.!! .- sOQ 100nF T T 11 9 LSB ~ 7-100 Q -2V -'- 100nF ') Lines carried out as microstrip. Application circuit 7 bit AID converter with SDA 5200 Sand SDA 5200 N L Do - - -_. - ------- - - - - - - - < > ~ SDA 5200S 1----0, -VIR ,Vr}V IR .. - . - r---'- .--- ~l r--- RoI ~ Do ' - 0, 0, 0, SDA 5200N --<> -----0 0, 0, 0, 1--'-- -- ---------0 0, 0,1-->---·-···-----. 0, f--- 1 886 Do ._.---- SOA 6020 6-Bit Analog Digital Converter The SDA 6020 is an ultrafast AID converter with 6 bit resolution. In addition to a strobe frequency of typically 50 MHz and excellent linearity, the SDA 6020 has the following outstanding features: • 6-bit resolution (1.6%). simple expansion to 8 bits • ± 1/4 lSB linearity • • • • • No sample and hold required Dynamic driving of reference inputs for analog addition and multiplication ECl compatible (ECl - TTL matching possible, e.g. with SH 100.255) low power dissipation 450 mW logic compatible supply voltage +5 V; -5.2 V Maximum ratings Supply voltage Supply voltage Input voltages Strobe Hysteresis control Voltage difference Operating temperature Storage temperature +Vs -Vs VIA, +\.tjR, -VIR VStrobe VIH OA-OD Tamb Ts lower limit B Upper limit A Unit -0.3 -6.0 -3.0 -Vs 0 -0.5 0 -55 6.0 0.3 3.0 0 3.0 0.5 70 125 V V V V V V 0C °C AG 7183 887 SOA 6020 Pin configuration (top view) 00 16 Do 15 D. 14 0, 13 01. 12 03 11 02 10 0, 9 [1::1] , 2 0" ~V1R 3 VIA 4 -VIR 5 6 7 8 VH Strobe +Vs -Vs Pin Symbol 1 2 OA +VIR VIA -VIR VIH Strobe +Vs -Vs 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-14 15 16 0,-06 Do 00 I Function Anlog ground Positive reference voltage « +2.5 V) Analog signal input (max. ±2.5 V) Negative reference voltage (> -2.5 V) Hysteresis control (0 V to +2.5 V) Strobe input (ECl) Positive supply voltage (+6 V) Negative supply voltage (-5.2 V) Data outputs bit 1 to 6 (ECl) Overflow Digital ground (Ceramic 16 pin Oil package) Block diagram 'VIR i r--1---------------------------------' Overflow 63 r-- Do i 62 VI 06 CII VIA Memory Qnd CompQrQtor stQges f--- encoder stages co r---- 05 2VI 04 ~ ::J Co ~ ::J 0 ! OJ 01 0, I L. __ strobe 888 SOA 6020 Characteristics --- Power supply Pos. supply voltage Neg. supply voltage Current consumption at +Vs = +5.0 V; ViA:::; -VIR at -Vs = -5.2 V; VIA :::; -VIR +Vs -Vs typ.' Upper limit A Unit 4.5 -5.7 5.0 -5.2 5.5 -4.7 V V 30 55 60 80 mA mA +VIR max 5 V V V V V 800 10 10 flA flA flA Is Is Analog part (Tamb=25°C,+Vs=5V,-Vs=-5.2V) Signal input Max, input voltage VIA max VIA max = I + VIR max --VIR mini VIA for 6 bit resolution VrA for 1/2 LSB linearity VIA for 1/4 LSB linearity Input current at VIA = +VIR in sample mode IIA at VIA = <-VIR in sample mode h" -VIR < VIA < +VIR in hold mode IIA Input capacitance at VIA < -VIR CIA Reference inputs Pos. reference voltage Neg. reference voltage Reference resistance Lower limit B +VlR -VIR -VIR min 1.2 2.4 0.3 0,6 1.2 200 -10 -10 35 -2 64 R -2.5 96 VIH VIL IrH IlL -1.1 -2.0 5 5 VQH VOl -1.1 -2.0 pF V V 128 2.5 2 256 -0.9 -1.7 30 30 -0.6 -1.5 100 100 V V flA flA Q Digital part Strobe input H input voltage L input voltage H input current L input current Data outputs (100 Q to - 2 V) H output voltage L output voltage -0.7 l-o.9[ -1.7 -1.5 V V Dynamic parameters Aperture time Aperture jitter Strobe Signal transition time Signal transition time Scanning frequency td tStrobe tTHLQ tTLHQ 'Strobe 15 50 2 25 8 12 12 20 20 ns ps ns ns ns MHz 889 SDA 6020 Pulse diagram of strobe inputs and data output Input current versus input voltage max IIA t-------------__ _ ' r : I Strobe input I Free min +-.,--(.-----+-------+1-'- VIR • VIR --VIA 11 undefined output levels Test circuit Digital ground 10<;/ 470<;/ ;:.,.-..;.. 1 ~H 50<;/ ~ •• 100 pF 10~H U -~."..- 0- =f Analog input ~ u- ,~J +ViR DO V'A 06 -ViR 05 VH D. Strobe OJ +Vs 01 100nF= 11 11 11 I ---<> 11 ----0 , 1 1= B -Vs [ 50<;/ .... -TT 100nF Groundplane lILines effected as Microdrip 890 Overflow 11 +100nF 1 100nF 11 1OOnF 0, 11 9 [ JI C LSB )7 xl00 II -2V SOA 6020 Circuit example for expansion to 7 bit i ,VIR Do 06 VIA 6 Bit AID Os r----04 03 ~ Strobe -VIR O2 0, - ~ 'VIR Do V'A 6 Bit AID 06 05 04 OJ ~--- VA Strobe Strobe O2 -\IlR 0, 0 1 -VR 891 SDA 6020 Circuit example for expansion to 8 bit L~ I V -VIR .- JR 6 AID No.1. [~ 31I. VR ~ r- Strobe -VIR V >- Strobe -VIR It.VR ~ V Strobe 04 OJ O2f-- f- 0, f-- 1 - Do 06 Os 6A/D ~ Strobe -VIR J ~ f---<> De 04 OJ D2f-- +D,f-- j 1 'VIR Do 06 6 AID No.1 Strobe -VIR I 892 Os -VIR VIA R FLJ- I No.2 [~ D,~ Do 06 VIA I-- VIA R OJ D2~ 1 6 AID No.3 ~V 04 +VIR JR [~ OS I t- I- 12VR Do 06 VIA Os 04 03 O2 0, ~~ SDA 8005 8-Bit/7 ns Analog Digital Converter Preliminary data Bipolar circuit The SDA 8005 is a high speed DJA converter with excellent dynamic characteristics, it offers the following features: • Settling time typo 7 ns • Extremely small glitch area • Digital input register • Data inputs 10 K and 100 K Eel compatible • Single power supply: -5.2 V • Deglitch control input AG 3/85 893 8-Bit /7ns Digital-Analog Converter SOA 8005 Functional description The SDA 8005 is a high speed 8 bit D/A converter with Eel compatible data and strobe inputs. The data word is received in the input buffer by the low active strobe. An external ref· erence voltage source with a reference resistor is needed. At a reference current of 2.5 mA the full scale output current amounts to 40 mA. The output glitches can be minimized by adjusting the deglitch input voltage between - 2.3 V and - 2.9 V. The deglitch input can also be left open. Block diagram +1 -/ I, DO Strobe Oeglitch 894 8-Bit / 7ns Digital-Analog Converter SDA 8005 Pin configuration (Ceramic 16 pin OIL package) top view GNO 1 16 OO(LSB) I ret 2 15 01 Oegl 3 14 02 Str 4 13 03 +1 5 12 04 -I 6 11 05 [ 7 10 06 VEE 8 9 07 (MSB) Pin designation Pin No. Symbol Function GNO Ground 2 3 4 5, 6 I ret Oegl Str +1, -I Reference current input 7 C Stabilization 8 16 ... 9 VEE Supply voltage -5.2 V 00 ... 07 Oata input 0 (LSB) to 7 (MSB) Oeglitch input Strobe Complementary current outputs +1: zero current if 00 to 07 are high B95 8-Bit /7ns Digital-Analog Converter SDA 8005 Maximum ratings Supply voltage Lower limit B Upper limit A VEE -6.0 0.3 V Input voltages Voo -3.0 0 V Strobe input voltage -4.0 0 V -5.2 0 V Output voltages, +1, -I VS'c VOegl V01 +, V01 _ -1.9 5 V JUhction temperature 7j 125 °C Storage temperature Deglitch input voltage .07 Tstg -55 125 °C Ambient temperature Tamb -25 85 °C Thermal resistance RthJU 85 K/W Characteristics Analog Lower limit B ~utputs typo Upper limit A Static performance Ratio full scale output current to reference current 16 Absolute unadjusted error IOFs/lcef ERR +12) % Integrale nonlinearity INL 0.40 1 ) 0.55 2 ) LSB Differential nonlinearity DNL 0.6 1) 12) LSB Full scale temperature coefficient -25°C to +25°C +25°C to +85°C TC TC 120 80 ppm/oC ppm/oC 30 3 ) fJA mA Zero code output current -1 80 50 6 1) Output voltage range 100 10 FS Vo Supply voltage sensitivity Svs 0.03 1 ) tro ts 0 1.3 ns 7 ns 80 pVs 15 4 ) 30 4 ) pVs pVs Full scale output current 40 2 ) -1.4 +5 V 0.04 2 ) %/% Dynamic performance l ) Output rise time Output settling time Adjusted worst case glitch area Digital crosstalk Data Strobe Comments see page 896 896 aData aStrobe 8-Bit /7ns Digital-Analog Converter Characteristics Lower limit B Digital inputs SDA 8005 typo Upper limit A DC characteristics H input voltage lliH -1.105 -0.810 V L input voltage lliL -1.850 -1.505 V Input capacitance D7 D6 DO to D5 Strobe H input voltage D7 D6 DO to D5 Strobe C I07 C I06 CIOO ... 05 C IStr I'H 07 IIH 06 IIH 00 ... 05 IIHSlr Input coding 1.2 0.8 0.5 1.5 pF pF pF pF 25 12 6 75 J-JA J-JA J-JA J-JA binary Switching characteristics Setup time ts 0.5 ns Hold time tH 2.5 ns Strobe time (see Fig. 1) t Slr 2 ns Deglitch input Deglitch input current at VOegl = 2.3 V at VOegl = 2.9 V Iloegl Iloegl -150 Deglitch voltage range VOegl -2.9 Deglitch voltage (not cohnected) VOegl 200 -2.3 J-JA J-JA V V 0.5XVEE Power supply1) Supply voltage VEE Supply current hE 98 mA Power consumtion Po 495 mW -5.46 -4.94 V 897 8-Bit / 7ns Digital-Analog Converter SDA 8005 Comments 1) Measured at 25°C VEE = -5.2 V Full scale output current 10 = 20 mA Output loads = 50 Q 2) Quaranteed at -25°C bis +85°C -5.46 V to -4.94 V Full scale output current 10 = 3) Measured at 1 mA to 40 mA 100°C Full scale output current 10 = 20 mA VOegl = -2.3 V VEE = -5.2 V 4) ViH = -0.95 V ViL= -1.6 V Input signal rise time tr = 3 ns Switching all inputs at the same time in the same direction (worst case) The crosstalk can be reduced by using other input signals. 898 8-Bit / 7ns Digital-Analog Converter SDA 8005 Pulse diagram of the inputs ~.--- ____--.,WI___oo- thald t"tup min tstr min t hold min 07 = 0.5 ns 2 ns = 2 ns = Figure 1 899 8-Bit / 7ns Digital-Analog Converter SDA 8005 Terminology Absolute unadjusted error The full scale output current with the same reference voltage and reference resistance is different for different chips. The variation results from the deviation of technology parameters. The specification is the maximum deviation from an average value. Integral nonlinearity The integral nonlinearity is the maximum deviation of the output from a linear regression over the output values of all possible input codes. Differential nonlinearity Differential nonlinearity is the difference between the measured change and the ideal 1 LSB change between any two adjacent input codes. A specified differential nonlinearity of ± 1 LSB max. over the operating temperature range ensures monotonicity. Supply voltage sensitivity The supply voltage sensitivity is the dependence of the analog output current on the supply voltage VEE with all other parameters constant. It is specified in % per %. Output rise time The output rise time is the time between the 1 O%value and the 90%valueof Va max. atthe leading edge. Output settling time The output settling time is the time from the trailing strobe edge (50% point) to the time when the analog output signal is within ± 1/2 LSB of the final value. The specified value is measured by using a comparator to detect the entry time point (see fig. 2). Adjusted worst case glitch area Glitches which arise from input code switching can be minimized by varying the deglitch input Voltage. The specified value can be measured under following conditions: • input code change from 0111 1111 to 1000 0000 and viceversa • input data are received with strobe • deglitch input voltage is optimized for switching in both directions 900 8-Bit /7ns Digital-Analog Converter SDA 8005 Figure 2 shows the test circuit and the timing diagram for the determination of the output settling time. Ultrafast ECl comparator ~Q_--~...-_Scope Data input SOA 8005 00-07 -J 100 n 100 fl '--.......--{)- 2 V 1.Skfl non Variable r--{=}---1~-{:::Jf---o comparison va ltage T100nF __ ______ tl~~ I 11 lSB _1._______ -- -r---=:tt d- n------r : 1 : I I I td comparator delay time 1.:.'+-+1_ _ _ _ comparator circuit 1 tr. output ~_ _ _ comparator circuit 2 output comparator circuit 3 output Figure 2 901 8-Bit / 7ns Digital-Analog Converter SDA 8005 Application instructions - Board with at least one ground area in its entirety - Ground-pin should be connected nearby the large ground area by using contact studs or by direct soldering. - Voltage supply must be blocked directly at the VEE-pin by using a 100 nF ceramic capacitor (preferably use a chip capacitor). - The analog outputs should be loaded with 50 0 as near as possible at the package. - The DC voltages (VEE, DEGL, V,ef) have to be checked to ensure low ripple and noise. - To minimize the crosstalk of Strobe to the output you can place a voltage divider at the Strobe input to build up an RC filter in combination with the input capacitance (see figure 4). - To connect the D/A-converter output to the 50 0 input of the scope, the line has to be terminated on the D/A-converter side to prevent reflections. The ground-connection between the board and the instrument should have a very low impedance. The ground-connection between the board and the instrument should have a very low impedance. l,Skll strobe 6,8kQ -2V 902 8-Bit /7ns Digital-Analog Converter SDA 8005 Figure 3 shows an application where the output signal is transmitted over a 50 n line to a receiver with a 50 n input, such as a high speed oscilloscope. Iref may be adjusted by varying Vref between 0 V and 2.5 V, when the reference resistor is 1 kn. (Rref) Alternatively, the Rref value can be changed with Vref constant. Data bus A \ / 07 SDA B005 lret Oegl 3 str 4 +1 5 -I 6 [ VEE 7 8 [[ son 10nF 100nF -5.2V -2V v,'f=0-+2.5V [a L....II-- -'C--------r::::=:J-,--c:J----t----CJ-~-_c:J___t__CJ__r---------~+V'ef I I I I I I I I I AIN I I I I I I I Comparator Comparator 1- 64 65-128 -j--oVCC I Comparator 129 -192 I ~VEE I I I +1GNO IClK 1 I IClK 2 I I I I I I I I I I I c.. . iii" co I\) 3 CO I txJ ;::;: l> ::l Q) 0" rQ C cEo ;::;: Q) C') 0 ::l < m :::l. m ... I -rVcc,o I I I I -t--<' VEE, 0 I I I I I I ~GNO I I I 3rd encoding stage I I I I I I I I .. ! Strobe 1 ! Strobe 2 : IhGN01 I ----------------~ L __ DO 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 en c » CO 9 o 8-Bit Analog/Digital Converter SDA 8010 Pulse diagram Scanning point I 909 8-Bit Analog/Digital Converter SDA 8010 Transfer characteristic and truth table 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 H H H H H tJ Ii Ii Ii .H; H H H H H - ~1/2 DO H 1-1 H . lj '>c; . H L H H H ~ ~~ "' L L L L L L H L L L L L L L L H L L L L L L L L A 1 1--/ A / Lr 0 910 LSB Jl 2 " 253 254 255 256 II; ILSB 8-Bit Analog/Digital Converter SDA 8010 Maximum ratings Lower limit B Upper limit A Vref -0.3 -6.0 -2.5 6.0 0.3 1.5 Digital input voltages VStr l' V Str 2 -3.5 Junction temperature 7j 0 125 °C RthJA 50 K/W Pos. supply voltages Vee, Vee. Neg. supply voltages VEE, VEE. D Analog input voltages + Vref , - D V V V VAIN V Thermal resistance Junction-air (without dissipator) Characteristics Current supply Pos. supply voltage Neg. supply voltage Current consumption at Vee = Vee, D = 5 V Current consumption at VEE = VEE, D = 4.5 V Vee, Vee. D VEE, VEE, D Lower limit B typo Lower limit A 4.75 -4.75 5 -4.5 180 5.25 -4.25 lee +Iee, Q lEE +IEE, V mA mA 90 D V Analog part Reference inputs Pos. reference voltage Neg. reference voltage Reference resistance +Vref -Vref 256 R -1 -2 1 0 V V 130 0 1 1.5 50 V V Large-signal bandwidth 1) VI VI B Slew rate of input signal SR CI Input current2) I! 300 30 400 V/I-lS Input capacity Signal input Input voltage range (peak to peak) for 8 bit resolution for 1/2 LSB linearity MHz pF I-lA Comments see page 911 911 8-Bit Analog/Digital Converter SDA 8010 Characteristics Lower limit B Digital part Strobe inputs H input voltage VIH typo Upper limit A ..., 1.165 -1.475 V V L input voltage IliL Max. Strobe frequency3) f str, max Strobe time 1 t Str 1 4 ns Aperture delay4) t d, ap 3 ns 2 ns MHz 100 Strobe time 2 t Str 2 Setup time Strobe 25) tSetup, Str 2 0 ns Hold time Strobe 2 5) t Hold, Str 2 3 ns Characteristics Lower limit typo Upper limit Data outputs -1.025 V V H output voltage VaH L output voltage VaL Signal transition time td, a 12 ns Time of valid output data 6) tv, 5 ns 912 a -1.620 8-Bit Analog/Digital Converter SDA 8010 Comments 1) The large signal bandwidth is measured at a strobe frequency of 100 MHz with a sine- shaped input signal and with an amplitude of (peak to peak) 2 V in a 50 0 system. The bandwidth is that input frequency at which either the amplitude value in the output signal has decreased by 1 dB over the low frequency value, or at which significant errors occur in the output code. If the voltage drop caused by the input capacitance being driven with 50 0 is regulated out, or if a lower-ohmic input is used, the input bandwidth increases further. 2) The input current is linearly dependent on the input voltage. The stated value represents the input current at VA IN = + Vref • 3) That strobe frequency up to which a sine-shaped input signal with an amplitude of (peak to peak) 2'11 and a frequency of 50 MHz is reproduced without significant errors in the output code. The increase in signal-to-noise ratio with increasing analog frequency as a result of jitter of the sampling point and dynamic distortion is not considered. 4) As the sampling of the analog signal occurs with the edge of signal Str 1, no mention can be made here of an aperture period, but rather only of a delay (t d , ap) of the sampling point. 5) This data describes a range for the adjustment of signal Str 2. The most favourable behavior of the output signals is achieved when the L-phase of signal Str 2 is selected as short as possible and placed at the end of the H-phase of signal Str 1. 6) At f Str = 100 MHz, tStr 2 = 2 ns and tSetup, Str 2 = O. I 913 8-Bit Analog/Digital Converter SDA 8010 Test circuit GNOl H--+-++-+-+++-.........-OGNOl GNOI~----~---------+~GNO =1=[3 [4 == Vee -------+---.JV"~n~"---~-lVee .V"f Str 1?<>+------------.--i Str 1 05 ~----+-_I__I__+__+_--_o05 ~_>--.rv-rr-.L'----...___-+---1 +Vref 04 f------~_I__I__+__+_--_o04 '------------------.-.1------+-1 +Vref ,s 03 f---------+-_I__+__+_---o03 rV ==[5 r A IN -O+'----_+_----..-+--iA IN 02 f-----------+-_+__+_---oO 2 Ana log - Ij 1f--_--.. l--_~...-..F'i-_15_:_0 QI-- 01 ground 'I [] '--' =r=[6 ==[7 '----t--iVref,M -Vref~_'------'-J"'VYY'~--f----l ~ -V,.f '------------------------+--l-Vref,s OO~------------~--_oOO GNO~--+-[-I1----[.-12--+--L---lGNO Vee ol--+-_--ro~~"Y'r~'----z_+_ T_+--vee 0 =1=[9 [10== Str IO+--------.>----+--lL-s_tr_2_ _ _~_EE__lol-~----fY"YY"'-----~-VEE 0 50n~'__[ I_~50- tQ .... --2V Cl to C13 100 nF Chip Capacitor 914 loata AnalO~ig;a~ A 'v I II I ISOA 8010 ~ata Control ACQ Graphic output IOEMUX) » 00 0" ;::; 'C 'C III r+ 0" ::J (II >< III :!:1V 3 'C (II to » :::I III Q CO C cEo ;::t: III 100MHz Clock (') o :::I < CD Processor System memory ~ ..,CD en c » 00 CD cJ, - 9 o 0 Thermospot system CD a, Pulse generator Power supply 0 Programmable voltage sources 3 "C ....c:ell Temperature .... Supply and reference voltage II! c: "C "C Digital osc illoscope 0 ::l. ell s Q. ....ell II! .... II! ....c:ell Analog input ~rv L--_ _ _ _--', AID Digital output signals signals "C /V CO , IXJ ;::; » ::s Q) 0 c.c C cO' ;::; Q) (') 0 ::s < (1) ~ Logic analyzer ..,(1) Function generator fstrobe Synthesized signal generator r".c=:2$@ Pulse width control en c Plotter hp 9845 computer Floppy disk » CO 9 o Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Components I lOA 4600-2/l0A 4600-20 Control Ie for Switched-Mode Power Supplies BipolarlC In addition to their use with TV receivers and video recorders, the ICs TDA 4600-2 and TDA 4600-2 D can be applied in power supplied of hi-fi sets and active speakers due to their wide operational ranges and superior voltage stability during high load changes. Features • Direct driving of switching transistor • Low start-up current • Reversing linear overload characteristic • Collector current - proportional to base-current input Maximum ratings Supply voltage Voltages reference output identification input controlled amplifier collector current simulation blocking input base current cut-off point base current amplifier output Currents feedback, zero passage controlled amplifier collector current simUlation base current cut-off point base current amplifier output Thermal resistances junction-air TDA junction-case TDA junction- air TOA junction- air TOA 4600 4600 4600 4600 - Vg 2 2 20 1) 2 0 2) Junction temperature Storage temperature range 20 V 6 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V7 Va 3 7 7 Vg Vg V V V V V V V Ii 2 Ii 3 Ii 4 Iq 7 Iq a -3 to 3 -3 to 3 5 1.5 -1.5 mA mA mA mA mA R thJA 1 70 15 60 44 K/W K/W K/W K/W TJ Ts,g 125 -55 to 125 °C °C R'h JA R'hJC R thJA ± 0.6 Operating range Supply voltage range Case temperature range TOA 4600 - 2 Ambient temperature range TOA 4600 - 2 0 3) Vg Tease Tamb 17.8 to 18 o to 85 o to 70 I ~C °C 1) Package soldered in PCB without cooling area 2) Package soldered in PCB with copper-clad 35 fllayer. cooling area 25 cm 2 3) R'h JA 1 - 44 K/W and P v - 1 W AG 1/84 919 TDA4600-2 TDA4600-2D Characteristics Tamb =25°C, according to test circuit 1 and diagram min typ max Start operation Current consumption (Vl not yet switched on) Vg = 2V Vg = 5V Vg =10V Switching point for V1 Normal operation (Vg after switch on Current consumption = 10 V; Vcontrol = Ig Ig Ig Vg -1 0 V; 11 Vclock = Vcontrol Ig Vcontrol Ig V1 V1 TC 1 V2 O) V3 =-10 V = 0V Reference voltage 11 < 0.1 mA 11 = 5 rnA Temperature coefficient of reference voltage Feedback voltage Control voltage Vcontrol = 0 V Collector current simulation voltage Vcontrol = 0 V Vcontrol = 0 V1-10 V Blocking input voltage Output voltage Vcontrol = 0 V Vcontrol = 0 V Vcontrol = 0 V/-l 0 V Safety operation (Vg = 10 V; Vcontrol = Current consumption (VS < 1.8 V) Switch-off voltage (VS < 1.8 V) V4 O) LlV/) Vs Vq 7°) Vq SO) LlVqsO) 0.5 2.0 1.5 2.4 11.8 1 3 .2 12.3 mA mA mA V ± 0.5 V; f = 20 kHz; duty cycle 1 : 2) 110 55 4.0 4.0 2.3 135 85 4.2 4.2 10-3 0.2 2.6 2.9 mA mA V V 11K V V 1.8 0.3 5.5 2.7 2.7 1.4 2.2 0.4 6.3 3.3 3.4 1.8 2.5 0.5 7.0 4.0 4.0 2.2 V V V V V V 160 110 4,5 4.4 -10 V; VClock = ± 0.5 V; f = 20 kHz; duty cycle 1 : 2) Ig 14 22 28 I mA Ext. blocking input enable voltage Vcontrol = 0 V disable voltage Vcontrol = 0 V Supply voltage for V8 blocked Vcontrol = 0 V Supply voltage for V1 off (while further decreasing Vg) V4 1.3 1.8 1.5 2.1 1.8 2.5 V V Vs Vs 2.4 2.2 2.7 1.8 V V Vg LlVg 6.7 0.3 7.4 0.6 7.8 1.0 V V Ion 350 450 ms LI V2 100 500 mV LlV2 500 1000 mV 20 75 10 30 V kHz VA Vq 7 Characteristics Tamb = 25 DC, according to test circuit 2 Switch-on time (secondary voltages) Voltage change S3 = closed (LIN3 = 20 W) Sound output power S2 = closed (LlN 2 = 15 W) Standby operation (secondary useful load = 3 W) SI = open LI V2 f Nprimary 70 The cooling area should be optimized according to the limit values 0) only de part 920 12 (Tamb , T" R'hJc, R thJA , R thJA ,) TDA 4600 - 2 TDA 4600 - 2 D Measurement circuit 1 /r----------------\--------~, r TDA 4600 - 2 TOA 4600- 20 I I 'I I / R, 22kll Circuit description During start-up, normal and overload operations the TDA 4600-2; or -2D regulates, controls and protects the switching transistor installed in the flyback converter power supplies. I) Start-up operation The start-up operation is divided into three consecutive phases: 1. An internal reference voltage is built up which supplies the voltage regulator and effects the charging of the coupling electrolytic capaCitor and the switching transistor. During these procedures an 19 current less than 3.2 mA will be maintained, if the supply voltage Vg does not exceed", 12 V. 2. At Vg '" 12 V an internal reference voltage V1 = 4 V is suddenly released to provide all IC components with the exception of the control logic with a thermally stable and overload-resistant current. 3. In concurrence with the release of the reference voltage the control logic is activated by an additional stabilization circuit, and the IC is now ready for operation. Above sequential start-up phases ensure the charging of the switching transistor by the coupling electrolytic capacitor and subsequent precision switching. 921 TDA 4600·2 TDA4600·2 D II) Normal operation Zero passages of the feedback coil are registered at pin 2 and forwarded to the control logic. At pin 3 (input control, overload, and standby recognition) the rectified amplitude variations of the feedback coil are applied. The regulating (control) amplifier operates with an input voltage of about 2 V and a current of about 1.4 mA. According to the internal reference voltage, ttie operating region of the regulating amplifier will be defined by the collector current simulation pin 4 and the overload recognition. The simulation of the collector current is generated by an external RC network at pin 4 and an internally set voltage level. By increasing the capacitance (10 nFl, the collector current of the switching transistor is increased as well and establishes the desired control range. The control range extends between a 2 V clamped dc voltage and an ac voltage rising as a sawtooth wave, which may vary up to a maximum amplitude of 4 V (reference voltage). By reducing the secondary load to 20 W, the switching frequency increases to about 50 kHz at an almost constant pulse duty factor (on-time to period approx. 1/3). During additional secondary load reduction to about 1 W, the switching frequency will change to approx. 70 kHz, while the pulse duty factor falls to approx. 1/11. At the same time, the collector peak current falls below 1 A. The output level of the regulating (control) amplifier, the overload recognition, and the collector current simulation are compared in the trigger and the control logic is instructed accordingly. Pin 5 will provide additional blocking alternatives, i.e. the output at pin 8 is blocked at a voltage of equal to or less than 2.2 Vat pin 5. Based on the start-up circuit, the zero crossing identification, and the trigger-activated release, the control logic flipflops are set which control both the base current amplification and shut-down. The base current amplifier forwards the sawtooth voltage V4 to pin 8. Also, a current feedback with an external resistance of R "" 0.68 Q is inserted between pin 8 and pin 7. The resistance value determines the maximum amplitude of the base current for the switch ing transistor. III) Safety features The base current shut-down, released by the control logic, clamps the output of pin 7 at 1.6 V and thus blocks the driving of the switching transistor. This preventive method will go into effect, if the voltage at pin 9 falls below typo 7.4 V or if voltages of less than typo 22 V are present at pin 5. In case of short-circuited secondary windings in the SMPS, the fault condition will be continuously monitored by the IC. With the load completely removed from the secondary winding in the SMPS, the IC is set at a small pulse duty factor. The total power consumption of the SMPS is kept below n = 6 to 10 W during both operating conditions. After the output has been blocked at a supply voltage Vg of less than or equal to typo 7.4 V, an additional voltage reduction of .1Vg = 0.6 V will switch off the reference voltage (4 V). 922 TDA4600-2 TDA4600-2 D Frequency versus output power kHz 100 80 r .'" r\. ~ c::: 60 cr ~ LL ~ 40 I'--. ...... r-..... t---... 20 o o 20 40 r- r-- 60 r-- t- 80 Output power 100 120 100 120 W W - Efficiency versus output power % 100 I 80 . ~ c::: :~ ..... 60 ..... ..... II I I 40 20 o / 1/ ...- 7 o 20 40 60 80 Output power 923 TDA4600·2 TDA4600·2 D Load characteristic V Output voltage V2 versus output current IQ 2 160 ~. - -- -- -- -- -- --- --, ~,\", 140 ~ ,, l7/ /} 1 120 .'" :S:' 100 80 , o~ 60 \'tin. 180V--//. ~ " , 1/ / /. I .E g I , ' / ~"Iin. 250V V ~ine 220V / V/ IA. 40 .,j ~~ 20 o o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 mA Output current 10.2- Output voltage V2 versus line voltage alterations V 151 1 150 / ~ QI ./ ] 149 .... ...." o" Co 148 V V .E'" V ",V V V ../"" V V 147 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 Line voltage 924 240 - 250 260 V TDA4600-2D Thermal resistance (only applicable to TDA 4600-2 D) Standardized, ambience-related thermal resistance Rth JA 1 versus lateral length 1of a square copper-clad cooling area (35 IJ.m copper lamination). Rth JA (I = 0) = 60 K/W Tamb:S;; 70°C Pv= 1 W PCB in Ifertical position circuit in vertical position static air 1.0,-----.,-------, R thJA1 (I) RthJA!I-O) O,91-----'~----+-----_j O,81--~'---+-------1 RthJAl R thJA =f(1l 0,7 i------r-j--"'oo,;::----i 0,61------+-----"...., o 100 mm 50 -I 925 TDA4600 -2 TDA4600 - 2 0 Block diagram + Start-up circuit r1 Control amplifier I Standby operation TOA 4600 -2 TOA 4600-20 Ij.~ • J ~ Vol tage control I • t I~ero passage identification I-- J t 3 926 -rJ:"" '"'''"t~ ~ amplifier Coupling - (charging circuit I-- j, ~~ - I Overload identification Reference vol tage Trigger Start Hold Control logic Collector currentl simulation I I Base current shut- down Ext. blocking alternatives f T 4 5 T ~ 7 8 9 TDA 4600-2 TDA4600-2 D Measurement circuit 2 and application circuit 220 V ac 14.7nFI~-4t~nF ( r---- - - - - - -----~ I ~-) . ~--~--~---+~-~-~~~ ~-~- I r B 2501 C1000 in'o 1N4007 II I I Cl. ~ I I : 1 g :;:: BY 258/200 c; -" . I I I I I : __I I I 22nF 79 15 13 11 L. ______ ._. ___ ._._._._. _ _ _ .__ ....!. AZV .---------.- 2 61' IC BY 2581 800 270 pF 1) Limits ICmaxof BU 208 if permissible output H power is exceeded 2) Adjustment of secondary voltage. 470 ~F l 470~F 18 V 25V 56k12 100 kll 150V 3) Must be discharged 200V _____ JS1 --~--------------------------------------- before IC change : ~dS1 ~Sl r====12~~= -=====47~r;= ===:~ ==~ V4 ~ 331l V3 ~ 1.5kll V, Vz 927 TDA4600-2 TDA 4600-2 D Measurement diagram for overload operations V VClock I+0~5 60 70 80 - ____ I ~s -0,5 - V4 VR = -10V ---- VR =0 r +-----------------------------~s Va I r --I 8-, _ 6 I I I I 4 I I 2 J I I I I I I I I ~-- ~----------------------------- ~s -----I Pin configuration Pin No, (TDA 4600-2: Plastic Power Package - 9 pin SIP package) (TDA 4600-2D: Plastic 18 pin DIP package) Function Vre! output Zero passage identification Input regulating amplifier, overload amplifier Collector current simulation 5 Possible connection for additional protective circuit 6 Ground 7 DC voltage output for charging the coupling capacitor 8 Pulse output - driving the switching transistor 9 Current supply input only applicable to TDA 4600-2 D 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 928 interconnected (ground) lOA 4601/TDA 4601 D Control Ie for Switched-Mode Power Supplies Bipolar Ie During start-up, normal and overload operations the TDA 4601 or TDA 46010 regulates, controls and protects the switching transistor installed in the flyback converter power supplies. It also protects the complete SMPS by preventing an increase in the secondary voltage in case of errors. In addition to their use with TV receivers and video recorders, these ICs can be applied in power supplies of hi-fi sets and active speakers due to their wide operatiGnal ranges and superior voltage stability during high load changes. Features • Direct driving of switching transistor .. Low start-up current • Reversing linear overload characteristic lit Col/ector current - proportional to base-current input • Protective circuit for the event of errors AG 1/84 929 TDA4601 TDA4601 D Maximum ratings Supply voltage Lower limit Upper limit Vg 0 20 V V, V2 V3 V4 V5 V7 Va 0 -0.6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0.6 V V V V V V V 112 113 114 115 10 7 loa -3 -3 Voltages reference output zero-passage identification control amplifier collector-current simulation blocking input base-current cut-off point base-current amplifier output 3 8 8 Vg Vg Currents zero-passage identification control amplifier collector-current simulation blocking input base-current cut-off point base-current amplifier output Thermal resistance junction-air TDA 4601 junction-case TDA 46C1 junction-air TDA 4601 D') junction- air TDA 4601 D2) Junction temperature Storage temperature 3 3 0 0 0 -1.5 .5 5 1.5 0 mA mA mA mA mA mA I R'hJA' Ti Tstg K/W 70 15 60 44 R'hJA R'h jc R thJA -55 1 KlW K/W KIW 125 125 °C °C Operating range Supply voltage range Case temperature range TDA 4601 Ambient temperature range 3) TDA 4601 D Vg Tease Tamb 1) Package soldered in PCB without cooling area. 2) Package soldered in PCB with copper-clad 35-~m layer, cooling area 25 cm 2 3) Rth JA, - 44 K/W and Pv - 1 W 930 7.8 to 18 o to 85 o to 70 I ~C °C TDA4601 TDA4601 D Characteristics =25 °c according to test circuit 1 and diagram Start operation Tamb Current consumption (V1 not yet applied) Vg = 2V Vg = 5V Vg = 10 V Switching point for V1 Ig Ig Ig Vg min typ max 11.0 1.5 2.4 11.8 0.5 2.0 3.2 12.3 mA mA mA V Normal operation (Vg = 10 V; Veontrol = -10 V; Veloek = ± 0.5 V; f = 20 kHz; duty cycle 1 : 2) after switch-on Current consumption Veontrol = -1 0 V Vcontrol = 0 V Reference voltage <0.1 mA 11 =5 mA Temperature coefficient of reference voltage Control voltage Veontrol = 0 V Collector-current simulation voltage 11 Veontrol = 0 V Veontrol = 0 V/-10 V Blocking voltage Output voltages Vcontrol = 0 V Vcontrol = 0 V Veontrol = 0 V/-10 V Feedback voltage Ig Ig 110 50 135 75 160 100 mA mA V1 V1 4.0 4.0 4.2 4.2 4.5 4.4 V V V3 2.3 10-3 2.6 2.9 V V4 ') Ll V4 ') V5 1.8 0.3 6.0 2.2 0.4 7.0 2.5 0.5 8.0 V V V Vq 7') Vq s') LlVq s') V2 2.7 2.7 1.6 3.3 3.4 2.0 0.2 4.0 4.0 2.4 V V V V TC 1 11K ') only dc part 931 TDA4601 TDA4601 D Characteristics Tamb =25°C I~p Imin Imax Safety operation (Vg = I 10 V; Vcontrol = -1 0 V; VCIOCk = ± 0.5 V; f = 20 kHz; duty cycle 1 : 2) Current consumption (V5 < 1.9 V) Switch-off voltage (VS < 1.9 V) Blocking input 19 V4 14 1.3 1.8 Blocking voltage (Vcontrol - 0 V) Vs ~t Supply voltage for Va blocked (Vcontrol = 0 V) (with further decrease of Vg) Vg 6.7 ~ 2 7.4 .dVg 0.3 0.6 Vq7 22 1.5 2.1 -0.1 28 1.8 2.5 mA V V V 7.8 V V Characteristics Tamb = 25 °C acc. to test circuit 2 Turn-on time (secondary voltage) Voltage change with S 3 = closed (ilN3 -20 W) Voltage change with S 2 = closed (.dN2 -15 W) Standby operation with S 1 - open (secondary useful load - 3 W) ..dV2 • 350 100 450 500 ms mV .II V2 • 500 1000 mV .dV2 • 20 30 V 75 10 12 kHz VA ton 70 Nprlm.ry The cooling area should be optimized in consideration of the limit values (Tca •• ; 932 7j; Rth JC; Rth JA)· TDA4601 TDA4601 D Circuit description During start-up, normal, overload, and disturbed operations the TDA 4601 10 regulates, controls and protects the switching transistor installed in the flyback converter power supplies. If an error occurs, the driving of the switching transistor is blocked and the voltage on the secondary side is prevented from increasing. I) Start-up operation The start-up operation is divided into three consecutive phases: 1. An internal reference voltage is built up which supplies the voltage regulator and effects the charging of the coupling electrolytic capacitor and the switching transistor. During these procedures an Ig current less than 3.2 mA will be maintained, if the supply voltage Vg does not exceed '" 12 V. 2. At Vg '" 12 V an internal reference voltage V1 = 4 V is suddenly released to provide all IC components with the exception of the control logic with a thermally stable and overload-resistant current. 3. In concurrence with the release of the reference voltage the control logic is activated by an additional stabilization circuit, and the IC is now ready for operation. Above sequential start-up phases ensure the charging of the switching transistor t)y the coupling electrolytic capacitor and subsequent precision switching. II) Normal operation Zero passages of the feedback coil are registered at pin 2 and forwarded to the control logic. At pin 3 (input control, overload, and standby recognition) the rectified amplitude variations of the feedback coil are applied. The regulating (control) amplifier operates with an input voltage of about 2 V and a current of about 1.4 mAo According to the internal reference voltage, the operating region of the regulating amplifier will be defined by the collector current simulation pin 4 and the overload recognition. The simulation of the collector current is gen~rated by an external RC network at pin 4 and an internally set voltage level. By increasing the capacitance (10 nFl, the collector current of the switching transistor is increased as well and establishes the desired control range. The control range extends between a 2 V clamped dc voltage and an ac voltage rising as a sawtooth wave, which may vary up to a maximum amplitude of 4 V (reference voltage). By reducing the secondary load to 20 W, the switching frequency increases to about 50 kHz at an almost constant pulse duty factor (on-time to period approx. 1/3). During additional secondary load reduction to about 1 W, the switching frequency will change to approx. 70 kHz, while the pulse duty factor falls to approx. 1/11. At the same time, the collector peak current falls below 1 A. The output level of the regulating (control) amplifier, the overload recognition, and the collector current simulation are compared in the trigger and the control logic is instructed accordingly. Pin 5 will provide additional blocking alternatives, i.e. the output at pin 8 is blocked at a vciltage of equal to or less than Vref /2 - 0.1 V at pin 5. 933 I TDA4601 TDA4601 D Based on the start-up circuit, the zero crossing identification, and the trigger-activated release, the control logic flipflops are set which control both the base current amplification and shut-down. The base current amplifier forwards the sawtooth voltage V4 to pin 8. Also, a current feedback with an external resistance of R '" 0.68 Q is inserted between pin 8 and pin 7. The resistance value determines the maximum amplitude of the base current for the switching transistor. III) Safety features The base current shut-down, released by the control logic, clamps the output of pin 7 at 1.6 V and thus blocks the driving of the switching transistor. This preventive method will go into effect, if the voltage at pin 9 falls below typo 6.7 V or if voltages of equal to or less than Vref/2 - 0.1 V are present at pin 5. In case of short-circuited secondary windings in the SMPS, the fault condition will be continuously monitored by the IC. With the load completely removed from the secondary winding in the SMPS, the IC is set at a small pulse duty factor. The total power consumption of the SMPS is kept below n = 6 to 10 W during both operating conditions. After the output has been blocked at a supply voltage Vg of less than or equal to typo 6.7 V, an additional voltage reduction of L1 Vg = 0.6 V will switch of the reference voltage (4 V). Protective operation for faults with pin 5 For protection against disturbances such as primary undervoltages and/or secondary overvoltages (e.g. as a result of alterations in the parameters of components of the SMPS), it is possible to implement applications of the following kind: • Protective operation with periodic sampling In the event of the fault condition, falling below the protective threshold V5 of typically V1/2 causes the output pulses on pin 8 to be inhibited and pin 5 to be clamped internally to ground across typically 300 Q. The current consumption of the IC reduces (Ig :2: 14 rnA for Vg = 10 V). . With a suitably high-impedance starting resistor') the supply voltage Vg then falls below the minimal turn-off threshold (5.7 V) for the reference voltage V1. As a result V1 is turned off and the blocking of pin 5 is cancelled. Because of the renewed reduction in the current consumption of the IC (Ig S 3.2 rnA for Vg s 10 V) the supply voltage can again climb to the turn-on threshold Vg :2: 12.3 V. The protective threshold on pin 5 is released and the switched-mode power supply attempts to turn on. If the same fault is still present or another (V5 s V1I2 - 0.1 V), the turn-on will be interrupted by the above, periodic protective operation, i.e. pin 8 is disabled, pin 5 is blocked, Vg falls off, etc . •J 10 kQI3 W in applica1ion circuit 1 934 TDA4601 TDA4601D • Protective operation with capture circuit The starting resistor on pin 9 is chosen sufficiently low-impedance so that in the event of a fault Vg does not fall below the maximum turn-off threshold (7.5 V) for V1• The blocking of pin 5 is preserved because V1 will not have been turned off. A one-time fault is thus captured and turning the SMPS on again is not possible, for example, until the supply voltage has been manually turned off (power switch). In the designing of the starting resistor it should be considered that in protective operation the current consumption reduces to 19 :s; 28 mA for Vg = 10 V. IV) Turn-on in wide-range power supply (90 to 270 Va c) (application circuit 2) Free-running flyback converters used as wide-range power supplies call for a power supply to the TDA 4601 that is independent of the rectified line voltage, thus the sense of the winding 11/13 corresponds to the secondary side of the flyback-converter transformer. Turning on is hampered by the fact that the TDA 4601 must be supplied by the start-up circuit until the entire load secondary side is charged. This leads to long turn-on times, especially with a low line voltage. If the special start-up circuit is used (marked by dashed lines) this time can be shortened. The unregulated phase of the feedback control winding 15/9 is used as a turn-on aid. The transistor T1 blocks after turn-on, when the winding 11/13 has taken over the power supply to the TDA 4601, thus eliminating any effects on the control circuit during operation. Pin configuration (TDA 4601: Plastic Power Package - 9 pin SIP package) (TDA 46010: Plastic 18 pin DIP package) Pin No. Function 1 2 Vref output Zero-passage identification Input regulating amplifier, overload amplifier Collector-current simulation Possible connection for additional protective circuit Ground (rigidly connected to substrate mounting plate) DC voltage output for charging the coupling capacitor Pulse output, driving the switching transistor Power supply 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 } ,oo"''''dto QCO"" 18 935 TDA4001 TDA4601D Block diagram I Start- up circuit TDA 4601 H I t-- (antral amplifier ~ Standby operation I J J=J --l Vol tage control loverload I Identification I Reference voltage j I Zero passage Identl flcatlon ! ~- I I t-J ~ Base current amplifier Coupling - ccharging circuit I--- I I I Contra I logic I Base current shut- down t-- Collector currentl Simulation Ext. block ing alternatives I ! 4 936 Trigger Start Hold r T I 8 9 TDA4601 TDA4601D Test and measurement circuit 1 o TDA 4601 2.2kQ 1NF--i10~F T10~F 1 I, \{lock Q27Q ~ontrol \19 Test diagram: overload operation v Vclock I+0~5 +---+-....-+---+----+-1----+----+-+-..---__ f 10 20 30 40 60 70 80 -0,5 - VR =-10V ---- VR =0 O+-----------------~s -f -f---------------f ~s 937 TDA4601 TDA4601 D Test and measurement circuit 2 Application circuit 1 i 220Vac o B 2501 C1000 TDA 4601 lN4007 BY 258/200 I I I 2.2nF I __I 79 * 13 * 15 11 L. _ _ .___ .______________________ * ~_ * 270pF H470 BY 2581 BOO 1) Limits Ie"""of BU 208 if permissible output power is exceeded AZV 2 61- IC ~F 2) Adjustment of secondary voltage. 3) Must be discharged before IC change IBV 2SV 100kn 150V 200V ------------------------------------------ ~ SI ~SI====~ o=====JSl 1=====~~Q= -=====~~n= ==,d] V4 33n 'sN V) ~ 1.5kn V1 _ _ _ Protective circuit to prevent increase of secondary voltage when fault occurs 938 V, TDA4601 TDA4601 D Additions to test circuit 2 kHz Frequency versus output power 100 I ~ c OJ " ~ 80 60 '\. ~ CT u.. ~ 40 ....... .............. ......... 20 o o 20 40 ---60 r-- 80 Output power 100 120 W -- Efficiency versus output power 0/0 100 I 80 ~ c OJ :g ..... ..... 60 LU 40 20 o I / 1/ - / / I o 20 40 60 80 100 120 W Output powe r 939 TDA4601 TDA4601 D Additions to test circuit 2 Load characteristic V2 sec versus output current 12 sec V 160 -. - -- -- 140 -- -- -- - 1. 120 ,, ~ 100 OJ C> E -0 -.e > :::J VI", :::J 60 lBOVi/ ,. I ,j 20 o /~ , 40 .... ~, /2l) ,, , v/ / l/ .~~," '/ ,~ 80 0 - VI", 250V I 220V v/ ~ o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 so<- 1000 1100 900 Output current 11 1200 rnA Output voltage V2 sec versus line-voltage alterations V 151 1,~ ::>: OJ C\ E §! ~ .e ./ 149 V V v V V :::J o 148 / V" . .v V 170 180 ./ 147 150 160 190 200 210 220 230 240 Line voltage--- 940 250 260 V TDA4601 TDA4601 D Application circuit 2 Wide range 90 Vac to 270 Vac 4 90V·270Vac ~f~14.7nF I I I '{ 1K231 }. I I I I I I ~ I I "I c: ~ I I I 2501 (1000 - I I I I I I I I I I I i o l lOA 4601 + ~_U_3 1 l,Skll 7 4 10kll 12kll 1.2 A I l 1) 68nF -J 100~~;SV * IU ,r 2.7klll 100~F/16 V r-PLN 32/(9 51472,' B78108 ~~2=70:::lkllc:---+_-+---,,-_...iil-----i -K , 'y .. ~ rl'0kIlZ) L ~ r'N~007 UI BY360 I I I I I I 9 ~I 100pF 270kll 6.2kll lS0kll ,I~ II N22 .. I I I I 3turns I ~lL==-==-===~\~9~~~~~lsii:ii:~1~3:i:i~~~'~'*"i'* 16 14 Ie 1) Limits m" of BU 208 if permissible output power is exceeded. 2) Adjustment of secondary voltage. 3) Must be discharged before IC change. 2* 12* BYW29 BYW29 b I 2.2mFI~ I 2A 2.7kll TOB 780S -- Special starting circuit. V,/S V V,IB. S V v,l34.5 V 941 TDA 4ti01 TDA4601 D Thermal resistance (only applies to TDA 4601 D) Standardized, ambience-related thermal resistance Rth JA 1 versus lateral length I of a square copper-clad cooling area (35 IJom copper lamination). Rth JA (I = 0) = 60 K/W Tamb ~ 70°C Pv=1 W PCB in vertical position circuit in vertical position static air 1.0 , - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - , RlhJA1(1) R1hJA(I-O) 0,9 1 - - ' < - - - - - + - - - - _ _ 1 0,8 1------'1.--+----__1 RlhJAl = t(1) R 1hJA o,7 I-------t'-l---""'~--__I 0,61------+---- T o 100 mm 50 -I 942 TDA 4700/TDA 4700A Control Ie for Single-Ended and Push-Pull Switched-Mode Power Supplies BipolarlC This versatile SMPS control IC comprises digital and analog functions which are required to design high-quality flyback, single-ended and push-pull converters in normal, half-bridge and full-bridge configurations. The component can also be used in single-ended voltage multipliers and speed-controlled motors. Malfunctions in electrical operation are recognized by the integrated operational amplifiers and activate protective functions. In addition to the noticeable reduction in components, our SMPS ICs offer a number of advantages: 9 Feed-forward control (line hum suppression) Pin designation • Symmetry inputs for push-pull converter Pin No. Function o Dynamic output current limitation 1 Os • Overvoltage protection 2 Reference voltage Vrel • Undervoltage protection 3 Supply voltage Vs • Soft start 4 Output Q 2 • Double pulse suppression 5 Output Q 1 6 Symmetry Q 2 Pin configuration, 7 Sync. output top view 8 Soft start Csoll start 9 VCO RT 10 Capacitance Clilter 24 I SYM 01 Os 11 VCO CT + Vref 23 .. IOYN 12 Ramp generator RR 13 Ramp generator C R 22 -IOYN "lis 14 Comparator input 02 4 21 Iov 15 Operational amplifier output 16 Operational amplifier input (-) 0.1 20 o.OV 17 Operational amplifier input (+) 18 Sync. input . I SYM 0.2 6 19 ON/OFFlluv 19 ON/OFF, undervoltage 0. SYNC 18 I SYNC 20 Overvoltage output 21 Overvoltage input 17 +1 op amp [soft start 8 22 Dynamic current limitation (-) R, 16 -lop amp 23 Dynamic current limitation (+) 24 Symmetry Q 1 10 15 0. op amp [rtlter (, 11 14 1 COMP RR 12 13 (R (TDA 4700· Ceramic 24 pin DIL package) (TDA 4700A· Plastic 24 pin DIL package) AG 1/84 943 I TOA4700 TOA 4700 A Circuit description Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) The veo generates a sawtooth voltage. The duration of the falling edge is determined by the value of CT. The duration of the rising edge of the waveform and, therefore, approximately the frequency, is determined by the value of RT. By varying the voltage at Cfiller, the oscillator frequency can be changed by its rated value. During the fall time, the veo provides a trigger signal for the ramp generator, as well as an L signal for a number of Ie parts to be controlled. Ramp generator The ramp generator is triggered by the veo and oscillates at the same frequency. The duration of the falling edge of the ramp generator waveform is to be shorter than the fall time of the veo. To control the pulse width at the output, the voltage of the rising edge of the ramp generator signal is compared with a dc voltage at comparator K2. The slope of the rising edge of the ramp generator signal is controlled by the current through RR. This offers the possibility of an additional, superimposed control of the output duty cycle. This additional control capability, called »feed-forward control«, is utilized to compensate for known interference such as ripple on the input voltage. Phase comparator If the component is operated without external synchronization, the sync input must be connected to the sync output for the phase comparator to set the rated voltage at Cfilter . The veo then oscillates with rated frequency. In the case of external synchronization, other components can be synchronized with the sync output. The component can be frequencysynchronized, but not phase-synchronized, with the sync input. The duty cycle of the square-wave voltage at the sync input is arbitrary. The best stability as to small phase and frequency interference deviation is achieved with a duty cycle as offered by the sync output. Push-pull flipflop The push-pull flipflop is switched by the falling edge of the veo. This ensures that only one output of the two push-pull outputs is enabled at a time. Comparator K 2 The two plus inputs of the comparator are switched such that the lower plus level is always compared with the level of the minus input. As soon as the voltage of the rising sawtooth edge exceeds the lower of the two plus levels, both outputs are disabled via the pulse turn-off flipflop. The period during which the respective, active output is low can be infinitely varied. As the frequency remains constant, this process corresponds to a change in duty cycle. 944 TDA4700 TDA 4700 A Operational amplifier K1 The K1 op amp is a high-quality amplifier. Fluctuations in the output voltage of the power supply are amplified by K1 and applied to the free + input of comparator K2. Variations in output voltage are, in this way, converted to a corresponding change in output duty cycle. K1 has a common-mode input voltage range between 0 V and +5 V. Pulse tum-off flipflop The pulse turn-off flipflop enables the outputs at the start of each half cycle. If an error signal from comparator K 7 or a turn-off signal from K 2 is present, the outputs will immediately be switched off. Comparator K3 Comparator K3 limits the voltage at capacitance Csof! start (and also at K2) to a maximum of + 5 V. The voltage at the ramp generator output may, however, rise to 5.5 V. With a corresponding slope of the rising ramp generator edge, the duty cycle can be limited to a desired maximum value. Comparator K 4 The comparator has its switching threshold at 1.5 V and sets the error flipflop with its output if the voltage at capacitance Csof! start is below 1.5 V. However, the error flipflop accepts the set signal only if no reset pulse (error) is applied. In this way the outputs cannot be turned on again as long as an error signal is present. Soft start The lower one of the two voltages at the plus inputs of K2 is a measure for the duty cycle at the output. At the instant of turning on the component, the voltage at capacitor Csof! start equals 0 V. As long as no error is present, this capacitor is charged with a current of 6 J.l.A to the maximum value of 5 V. In case of an error, Csof! start is discharged with a current of 2 f.LA. A set signal is pending at the error flipflop below a charge of 1.5 V and the outputs are enabled if no reset signal is pending simultaneously. As the minimum ramp generator voltage, however, is 1.8 V, the duty cycle at the outputs is actually increased slowly and continuously not before the voltage at Csof! start exceeds 1.8 V. Error flipflop Error signals which are led to input R of the error flipflop cause an immediate disabling of the outputs, and after the error has been eliminated, the component to switch on again using the soft start. Comparator K 5, K 6, K 8, Vref overcurrent load These are error detectors which cause immediate disabling of the outputs via the error flipflop when an error occurs. After elimination of the error, the component switches on again using the soft start. The output of K5 can be fed back to the input. This causes the IC output stage to remain disabled even after elimination of the overvoltage. However, it requires high-ohmic overvoltage coupling. 945 TDA4700 TDA 4700 A Comparator K 7 K 7 serves to recognize overcurreflts. This is the reason why both inputs of the op amp have been brought out. Turning on is resumed after error recovery at the beginning of the next half period but without using the soft start. The K 7 common-mode range covers 0 V to + 4 V. The delay time between occurrence of an error and disabling of the outputs is only 250 ns. Symmetry In push-pull converters, a saturation of the transformer core must be prevented. The degree of saturation of the transformer can be determined with an external circuit, thus the active periods of the outputs can be decreased unsymmetrically at the symmetry inputs. Outputs Both outputs are transistors with open collectors and operate in a push-pull arrangement. They are active low. The time in which only one of the two outputs is conductive can be varied infinitely. The length of the falling edge at VCO is equal to the minimum time during which both outputs are disabled simultaneously. The minimum L voltage is 0.7 V. Reference voltage The reference voltage source is a highly constant source with regard to its temperature behavoir. It can be utilized in the external wiring of the op amp, the error comparators, the ramp generator, or other external components. 946 TDA4700 TDA4700A Maximum ratings Supply voltage Voltage at Q1, Q 2 Current at 01,02 Symmetry 1,2 Sync output Sync input Input Cfilter Input RT Input CT Input RA Input C A Input comparator K 2, K 5, K 6, K 7 Output K 5 Input op amp Output op amp Notes Vs Va 10 VSYM VSYNCO I syNC a VSYNC I VICI VI AT VI CT VIAR IICA VIK VOK5 VI op amp VQopamp Reference voltage Input Csolt start Vref Junction temperature Storage temperature Tj Thermal resistance (system-air) TDA 4700 TDA 4700 A VI soft start Tstg Q1,02high Q1,021ow SYNC 0 high SYNC Q low Lower limitB Upper limit A -0.3 -0.3 33 33 70 33 7 10 33 7 7 7 7 10 V V mA V V mA V V V V V mA -03 -0.3 33 33 33 Vs -1 max. I Vrel 7 V V V V V V V -55 125 125 °C °C 65 65 K/W K/W -0.3 -0.3 0 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -03 -10 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -03 RthSA Rth SA Operating range Supply voltage Ambient temperature TDA 4700 TDA 4700 A VCO frequency Ramp generator frequency Vs 10.5 30 V Tamb -25 0 40 40 85 70 250000 250000 °C °C Tamb t tAG Hz Hz 947 TDA4700 TDA4700A Characteristics Test conditions Lower limit B Is C T = 1 nF, fveo = 100 kHz 8 Vref L1Vref L1Vref L1Vref OmA VrRR/rated >V1RR VI t.#' \./ \V'. L/ T Voltage at output 1 1 1 I I 1 I I Vol tage at output 2 VQt2V6~====!='! =:!:~lt!===t==~j iJJ !~I~! . = l-- I O.5T V o v t 952 1T Soft start- error-ON/OFF 1.5T --f ~ soft start +VIK2 OJ g II •• .lC. R. I 13 r----- lI\ Cl.l Co iii" .lchII" IQ ISYM 0.1 ISYMo.2 24 6 12 iil 3 I t I I I I I I I I I I I Input 14 comp. Push-pull FF 8- a SSync.pulse I LeveL + K2 l) I I a R Comparator I I I Rdominant s Output I I I I a 501 aulput (active l) I 0.7 V '" Vl "'lV I Pulse turn-off FF -Input +Input 40.2oulput (active II 07V"'~l"'1V . Ramp vOllage ~ Minimum• I I 17 I I I ~ V"' 3 +Vs SuppLy voLtage . I ,2 Reference vOllage I I ~10V V 23 0.33 Soft .Iarl ~ pEt, -r[ 20 21 Overvolloge J. ' softsturt 19 ON/OFF undervoltage 22 ____ Dynamic currenl limltalion .:~o~ercurrenl - Load 1: - - - _____ ...JI gg 0l=I00l=I0 ...,..., 00 00 » TDA4700 TDA 4700 A veo frequency versus RT and CT' Cr = 820pF Cy1nt ~ - cT =2,2nF ......... " I" "t-... \i'YI I': '-," 1 ~ cr =15nF " 1'-... "'- f'.. "I'-. " I" r-...... "'- 1'-..... r--.. Cr =47nF "- "- '" " l'-..... 954 TDA4700 TDA4700A veo temperature response Vs = 12 V; v = max. L1 fveo fK • K l~] with Cr as parameter LK AL[X] fok K ! 3 10" 0 3.3nf 1.0nF 0.5nF -10- 3 0 10 30 20 40 50 60 80 70 90 100 kHz -{veo Current consumption versus rnA temperature rnA 50 15 Output current versus output voltage I I I I I / I / 10.110.2 14 13 ~ 40 12 I I '\ ~ o 20 I I I I I '\ 20 ~ 40 60 -T --------r so .( o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 \ -25 / ,~I 30 11 10 I I, 1 '\. I I o / I I I I I I 2V _Va 955 TDA 4714A/TDA 47148 Ie for Switched-Mode Power Supplies Bipolar Ie This versatile, 14-pin SMPS IC comprises digital and analog functions which are required to design high-quality flyback, single-ended, and push-pull converters in normal, halfbridge and full-bridge configurations. The component can also be used in single-ended voltage multipliers and speed-controlled motors. Malfunctions in electrical operation are recognized by the integrated op amps and activate protective functions. Features • • • • • • • • • Push-pull outputs (open collector) Double pulse suppression Dynamic current limitation Overvoltage protection IC undervoltage protection Reference voltage source (± 2% for TDA 4714 B) Reference overload protection Soft start Feed-forward control Pin configuration top view Pin designation Pin No. Veef 14 Os +Vs 2 13 .IOYN 02 12 -IOYN 01 4 [soft start 5 RT CT 6 1 2 3 4 11 lov 5 6 10 1 COMP 8 9 CR RR 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 Function Reference voltage Vrel Supply voltage Vs Output 02 Output 01 Soft start C soft start VCO RT VCO CT Ramp generator RR Ramp generator CR Input comparator Input overvoltage Dynamic current limitation (-) Dynamic current limitation (+) Os (TDA 4714AJ4714B· Plastic 14 pin DIL package) AG 1/84 957 TDA4714A TDA4714 B Circuit description The following is a description of the individual functional units and their interaction. Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) The VCO generates a sawtooth voltage. The duration of the falling edge is determined by the value of CT. The duration of the rising edge of the waveform and, therefore, approximately the frequency, is determined by the value of RT . During the fall time, the VCO provides a trigger signal for the ramp generator, as well as an L signal for a number of IC parts to be controlled. Ramp generator The ramp generator is triggered by the VCO and oscillates at the same frequency. The duration of the falling edge of the ramp generator waveform is to be shorter than the fall time of the VCO. To control the pulse width at the output, the voltage of the rising edge of the ramp generator signal is compared with a dc voltage at comparator K2. The slope of the rising edge of the ramp generator signal is controlled by the current through RR' This offers the possibility of an additional, superimposed control of the output duty cycle. This additional control capability, called »feed-forward control«, is utilized to compensate for known interference such as ripple on the input voltage. Push-pull flipflop The push-pull flipflop is switched by the falling edge of the VCO. This ensures that only one output of the two push-pull outputs is enabled at a time. Comparator K 2 The two plus inputs of the comparator are switched such that the lower plus level is always compared with the level of the minus input. As soon as the voltage of the rising sawtooth edge exceeds the lower of the two plus levels, both outputs are disabled via the pulse turn-off flipflop. The period during which the respective, active output is low can be infinitely varied. As the frequency remains constant, this process corresponds to a change in duty cycle. Pulse turn-off flipflop The pulse turn-off flipflop enables the outputs at the start of each half cycle. If an error signal from comparator K 7 or a turn-off signal from K 2 is present, the outputs will immediately be switched off. Comparator K3 Comparator K3 limits the voltage at capacitance Csoft start (and also at K2!) to a maximum of 5 V. The voltage at the ramp generator output may, however, rise to 5.5 V. With a corresponding slope of the rising ramp generator edge, the duty cycle can be limited to a desired maximum value. Comparator K4 The comparator has its switching threshold at 1.5 V and sets the error flipflop with its output if the voltage at capacitance Csoft start is below 1.5 V. However, the error flipflop accepts the set signal only if no reset pulse (error) is applied. In this way, the outputs cannot be turned on again as long as an error Signal is present. 958 TDA 4714 A TDA4714 B Soft start The lower one of the two voltages at the plus inputs of K2 is a measure for the duty cycle at the output. At the instant of turning on the component, the voltage at capacitor Csolt start equals 0 V. As long as no error is present, this capacitor is charged with a current of 6 (.LA to the maximum value of 5 V. In case of an error, Csoft start is discharged with a current of 2 (.LA. A set signal is pending at the error flipflop below a charge of 1.5 V and the outputs are enabled if no reset signal is pending simultaneously. As the minimum ramp generator voltage, however, is 1.8 V, the duty cycle at the outputs is actually increased slowly and continuously not before the voltage at Csoft start exceeds 1.8 V. Error flipflop Error signals, which are led to input R of the error flipflop cause an immediate disabling of the outputs, and after the error has been eliminated, the component to switch on again using the soft start. Comparator K5, K8, Vrel overcurrent load These are error detectors which cause immediate disabling of the outputs via the error flipflop when an error occurs. After elimination of the error, the component switches on again using the soft start. Comparator K 7 K 7 serves to recognize overcurrents. This is the reason why both inputs of the op amp have been brought out. Turning on is resumed after error recovery at the beginning of the next half period but without using the soft start. K 7 has a common-mode input voltage range between 0 V and 4 V. The delay time between occurrence of an error and disabling of the outputs is only 250 ns. Outputs Both outputs are transistors with open collectors and operate in a push-pull arrangement. They are actively low. The time in which only one of the two outputs is conductive can be varied infinitely. The length of the falling edge at VCO is equal to the minimum time during which both outputs are disabled simultaneously. The minimum L voltage is 0.7 V. Reference voltage The reference voltage source is a highly constant source with regard to its temperature behavior. It can be utilized in the external wiring of the op amp, the error comparators, the ramp generator, or other external components. I 959 TDA4714 A TDA4714B Maximum ratings Lower limitS Upper limit A -0.3 -0.3 33 33 V V 70 mA Supply voltage Voltage at Q 1. Q 2 Q 1/2 high Current at Q 1, Q 2 Q 1/2 low Input RT Input CT Input RR Input CR Input comparator K2, K5, K7 Output K5 Reference voltage Input Csoft start VIRT VICT VI RR IICR -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -10 7 7 7 10 V V V mA VIK2. 5. 7 VOK5 VOref VI soft start -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 33 33 Vref 7 V V V V Junction temperature Storage temperature Tj Tstg -55 125 125 °C °C Thermal resistance (system-air) RthSA 60 K/W 30 30 70 85 100000 250000 250000 V V °C °C Vs Va Ia Operating range Supply voltage TDA 4714 A TDA4714S Ambient temperature TDA 4714 A TDA 4714 S Frequency range VCO frequency Ramp generator frequency 960 Vs Vs Tamb Tamb f fvco fRG 10.5 11 0 -25 40 40 40 Hz Hz Hz TDA 4714 A TDA 4714 B Characteristics Supply voltage Ambient temperature Supply current CT = 1 nF fvco = 100 kHz TDA 4714 B TDA 4714 A Lower limitS Vs Tamb Is 10.5 0 8 Vref 2.35 typ Upper limit A Lower limitS 30 70 16 11 -25 8 2.65 2.45 typ Upper limit A 30 85 20 V °C mA 2.55 V Reference Reference voltage OmA selection of CT; selection of CR S CT' 2. Determination of the VCO frequency --0> selection of RT. = 2 x output frequency 3. Determination of the rated slope of the rising ramp generator voltage, which the maximum possible turn-on period per half wave depends on --0> selection of RR. 4. Duration of the soft start process --0> selection of Csoft start. I 963 m +V[RR to .... (J) 0" lc n ;0; RR R --------- r-I I I I I I I I I Input comp. I Push -pull FF -------------1 n I I §~ I 10 ~ 1+ K2 s I I I Discharge at Q=L (error) .--"':-----, 3 I I I Q Pulse turn-off FF Error FF Q2 output (active Ll 0.7V~Vl~1V I I Rdominant Minimum level dominant iil I R Comparator iii' IC 3 I Q Ramp voltage 0. 4 Q1 output (attive Ll 0.7VSVl~1V I (R dominant) IC undervoltage .----c:::J I I I I ~ 2 Supply voltage 1 I 22~F I rl I I L _____ _ 0.33~~ Soft start Vref OYercurrent load TC 11 so f t startOvervoltage 13 I 12 ------------------~ Dynamic current limitation 14 0V -1-1 ~~ 0l:I00l:I0 :::i:::i 0l:I00l:I0 m» TDA4714 A TDA4714 B Pulse diagram V~VoltageatCT -5~----~------~~------~------~.--- ro V(T ------ 2 ---------------------------Voltage at ramp generator V ~RR 5.5 5 > ~RRJrated \~~ / > ~RR ~ soft start \ / \ / l/ +VIKl Voltage at output 1 l I I I Voltage at output 2 l- I I I --t v t o 2 965 TDA 4714 A TDA4714 B veo frequency versus RT and CT Cr =820pF r.. Cy1nr r---C ....... =2,2nF I ,I cr = 4,7nF '1111 cr =15nF ......... ........ "" '- , I"- , ~~ "'- ~ '- ~ I', " "- '- '""'-"- "- cr =47nF ~ 966 "- "'- " "- TDA4714A TDA 4714 B veo temperature response Vs =12V;1'=max. ilfvco fK X K rLX1 ] with CT as parameter 1.i [x] 1 3'10"' 3.lnF 1.0nF 0.5nF -10" '--_--'--_ _ 10 20 '--_--'--_~'-- o 30 40 __--'--_ ____'_ ___'___ ____'_ ___L_ . 50 60 70 80 90 ____' 100 kHz -tveo Supply current versus temperature Output current versus L output voltage rnA rnA 15 50 14 I U'IU! r-, 13 12 ~ I 40 '\. , I I I I I I, r ,{I I I '\ 30 ~ 1\ 40 60 I I I I I I I I I --------;10 \ 20 I I I I I 20 '\ 11 10 -25 I I I I I 80 DC o o I I I I I I I I I I I I 2V --T 967 lOA 4716A/lOA 47168 Ie for Switched-Mode Power Supplies Bipolar Ie This versatile, 16-pin SMPS IC comprises digital and analog functions which are required to design high-quality flyback, single-ended, and push-pull converters in normal, halfbridge a~d full-bridge configurations. The component can also be used in single-ended volt&ge j-,-,ultipliers and speed-controlled motors. Malfunctions in electrical operation are recognized by the integrated op amps, and activate protective functions_ Features • • • • • • • • • • Push-pull outputs (open collector) Double pulse suppression Dynamic current limitation Overvoltage protection IC undervoltage protection Reference voltage source (± 2% for TDA 4716 B) Reference overload protection Feed-forward control Operational amplifier Soft start Pin configuration top view Pin designation 16 Os 0.2 0.1 4 13 lov 12 .lop Clmp 11 -lop amp 10 0. op amp Pin- No. Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ,9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Reference voltage Vref Supply voltage Vs Output 02 Output 0 1 Soft start C soft start VCO RT VCO C T Ramp generator RR' Ramp generator CR Operational amplifier output Operational amplifier input (-) Operational amplifier input (+) Input overvoltage Dynamic current !imitation (-) Dynamic current limitation (+) Os (TDA 4716A/4716B - Plastic 16 pin OIL package) AG 1/84 969 TDA 4716 A TDA4716 B Circuit description The following is a description of the individual functional units and their interaction. Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) The VCO generates a sawtooth voltage. The duration of the falling edge is determined by the value of CT. The duration of the rising edge of the waveform and, therefore, approximalety the frequency, is determined by the value of RT. During the fall time, the VCO provides a trigger signal for the ramp generator, as well as an L signal for a number of IC parts to be controlled. Ramp generator The ramp generator is triggered by the VCO and oscillates at the same frequency. The duration of the falling edge of the ramp generator waveform is to be shorter than the fall time of the VCO. To control the pulse width at the output, the voltage of the rising edge of the ramp generator signal is compared with a dc voltage at comparator K2. The slope of the riSing edge of the ramp generator signal is controlled by the current through RR. This offers the possibility of an additional, superimposed control of the output duty cycle. This additional control capability, called »feed-forward control", is utilized to compensate for known interference such as ripple on the input voltage. Push-pull flipflop The push-pull flipflop is switched by the falling edge of the VCO. This ensures that only one output of the two push-pull outputs is enabled at a time. Comparator K2 The two plus inputs of the comparator are switched such that the lower plus level is always compared with the level of the minus input. As soon as the voltage of the riSing sawtooth edge exceeds the lower of the two plus levels, both outputs are disabled via the pulse turn-off flipflop. The period during which the respective, active output is low can be infinitely varied. As the frequency remains constant, this process corresponds to a change in duty cycle. Operational amplifier K 1 The op amp K1 is a high-quality amplifier. Fluctuations in the output voltage of the power supply are amplified by K1 and applied to the free + input of comparator K2. Variations in output voltage are, in this way, converted to a corresponding change in output duty cycle. K1 has a common-mode input voltage range between 0 V and +5 V. Pulse turn-off flipflop The pulse turn-off flipflop enables the outputs at the start of each half cycle. If an error signal from comparator K 7 or a turn-off signal from K2 is present, the outputs will immediately be switched off. Comparator K3 Comparator K3 limits the voltage of capacitance Csoft start (and also at K2!) to a maximum of 5 V. The voltage at the ramp generator output may, however, rise 10 5.5 V. With a corresponding slope of the rising ramp generator edge, the duty cycle can be limited to a desired maximum value. 970 TDA 4716 A TDA4716 B Comparator K4 The comparator has its switching threshold at 1.5 V and sets the error flipflop with its output if the voltage at capacitance C soft start is below 1.5 V. However, the error flipflop accepts the set signal only if no reset pulse (error) is applied. In this way the outputs cannot be turned on again as long as an error signal is present. Soft start The lower one of the two voltages at the plus inputs of K2 is a measure for the duty cycle at the output. At the instant of turning on the component, the voltage at capacitor C soft start equals 0 V. As long as no error is present, this capacitor is charged with a current of 6 iJ.A at the maximum value of 5 V. In case ·of an error, Csolt start is discharged with a current of 2 iJ.A. A set signal is pending at the error flipflop below a charge of 1.5 V and the outputs are enabled if no reset signal is pending simultaneously. As the minimum ramp generator voltage, however, is 1.8 V, the duty cycle at the outputs is actually increased slowly and continuously not before the voltage at C soft start exceeds 1.8 V. Error flipflop Error signals, which are led to input R of the error flipflop cause an immediate disabling of the outputs, and after the error has been eliminated, the component to switch on again using the soft start. Comparator K5, KB, Vrel overcurrent load These are error detectors which cause immediate disabling of the outputs via the error flipflop when an error occurs. After elimination of the error, the component switches on again using the soft start. Comparator K 7 K 7 serves to recognize overcurrents. This is the reason why both inputs of the operational amplifier have been brought out. Turning on is resumed after error recovery at the beginning of the next half period but without using the soft start. K 7 has a common-mode input voltage range between 0 V and +4 V. The delay time between occurrence of an error and disabling of the outputs is only 250 ns. Outputs Both outputs are transistors with open collectors and operate in a push-pull arrangement. They are actively low. The time in which only one of the two outputs is conductive can be varied infinitely. The length of the falling edge at veo is equal to the minimum time during which both outputs are disabled simultaneously. The minimum L voltage is 0.7 V. Reference voltage The reference voltage source is a highly constant source with regard to its temperature behavior. It can be utilized in the external wiring of the op amp, the error comparators, the ramp generator, or other external components. 971 TDA4716 A TDA 4716 B Maximum ratings Supply voltage Voltage at 01. 02 0112 high Current at 01. 02 o 1/2 low Input RT Input CT Input RR Input CR Input comparator K5. K7 Output K5 Inputop amp Output op amp Reference voltage Input CsoH start Vs VQ Lower limitS Upper limit A -0.3 -0.3 33 33 V V 70 mA -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -10 7 7 7 10 V V V mA -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 33 33 33 V V V IQ V IRT VICT VI RR IICR VIK5•7 V QK5 Vlopamp VQopamp V Qref VI soft start Junction temperature Storage temperature TJ Thermal resistance (system-air) RthSA Tstg Vs -1 but max. 7 V V -0.3 -0.3 7 V V -55 125 125 °C °C 60 K/W 30 30 70 85 100000 250000 250000 V V °C °C V ref Operating range Supply voltage TDA 4716 A TDA 4716 B Ambient temperature TDA 4716 A TDA 4716 B Frequency VCO frequency Ramp generator frequency 972 Vs. Vs Tamb Tomb f fvco fRG 10.5 11 0 -25 40 40 40 Hz Hz Hz TDA4716 A TDA4716B Characteristics TDA 4716 A Lower limitS Supply voltage Ambient temperature Supply current CT = 1 nF tvco = 100 kHz Vs typ 10.5 TDA 4716 B Upper limit A Lower limitS 30 70 16 11 -25 8 2.65 2.45 typ Upper limit A 30 85 20 V 2.55 V Tamb a Is 8 Reference voltage Vre! 2.35 Voltage change Vs = 14 V ± 20% Voltage change Vs =25 V ± 20% Voltage change mA< Iret <5 mA Temperature coefficient Response threshold of I ret overcurrent LIVre! 8 8 mV LIVre! 15 15 mV °C mA Reference a mA ~RRlrot'd .- ~~ V ! +--_.. - - - A~ ~. > V;RR t/ i i Voltage at output 1 l +-------- I I I I I I i -- C-l 0.5 T 'li V ~ 5 :s-'t 18 15 v 976 I I I I, I -.LI i ~- Vol tage at output 2 rt" L/ L/ , , 1T 1.5T Soft start - error - ON/OFF -t ~ soft start +VIK1 CD 6' n +VjR R Ie. r----- eT R. , ~ l CL iii' 8 Push-puLL FF I I I I Output op amp I I I I I ce iil 3 ----------------------------,t 13 Q e Ramp voLtap. tMinim~ml~:eL 111 -Input op amp 02 output (active L) O.7V~Vl"1V o r=r ~------ ~s Compi Ki-:> Comparator Rdominant II dominant o 4 I PuLse turn-off FF • Input op amp Discharge at 1 01 output (active L) I O.7V'" Vl"'W I a =L lerror) I I I Error FF IRdominant) ~----, I Ie undervoLtage ,........c=J I F SuppLy voltage IJ1 T 22~F L _____ ~ Is O.33~~ Soft start <0 ..... ..... 13 OvervoLtage TCsottstnrt rl __________________ JI Vref overcurrent load 15 14 Dynami( (urrent Limitation 160V ........... gg ~~ :j:j 0)0) aJl> TDA 4716 A TDA4716 B veo frequency versus RT and CT CT =B20pF ~ Cylnr i'.. r--C =2,2nF I cT = 4,7nF '1111 cT =15nF " """" " !" " " ~ ~ , "- i' cT = 47nF "'- "-"'- f'... t"-. , ."-. " r-...... 978 " " "- TDA411~A TDA4716 B veo temperature response Vs=12V;1'=max. Mvco fK x K r, ] with C IX T as parameter T-~ ~,~[XJ 1 3,10"' 0.5nF -10·' '---_....L_ _'---_-"-_----''---_-L_----'_ _-L_----'_ _--'--_----l o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 kHz -'V(O Output current versus L output voltage Supply current versus temperature rnA rnA 15 50 14 , 13 / / I I I Q lIQZ ~ I / I I I, 40 \. 11 o I , '\ , 30 '" 20 I / i f 12 10 -25 I I I I I I I I 20 '\ 4D 10 \ 60 --------;- 80 .[ o o I 2V --T 979 lOA 4718/l0A 4718A Control IC for Single-Ended and Push-Pull Switched-Mode Power Supplies Bipolar Ie This 18-pin SMPS control IC comprises digital and analog functions which are required to design high-quality flyback, single-ended, and push-pull converters in normal and halfbridge configurations. In addition to the control functions, the circuit contains operational amplifiers which detect malfunctions during electrical operation and suitable protective measures. A PLL circuit for synchronization is one of the special advantages offered by this IC in addition to the following features: • • • • • • • Feed-forward control (line hum suppression) Push-pull outputs Dynamic current limitation Overvoltage protection Undervoltage protection Soft start Double pulse suppression (TDA 4718 - Ceramic 18 pin DIL package) (TDA 4718A - Plastic 18 pin DIL package) Pin configuration top view 18 Cr Os 17 C""" RR CR 3 16 Rr I COMP 4 15 Csoft stod I SYNC 5 14 0 SYNC Iuv 1301 Iov 12 02 lis -IDYN 11 +IDYN 10 Vre , + Pin designation Pin No. Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Os Ramp generator RR Ramp generator CR + input comparator K 2 Sync input Input undervoltage, ON/OFF Input overvoltage Input dynamic current limitation (-) . Input dynamic current limitation (+) Reference voltage Vrel Supply voltage Vs Output Q 2 Output Q 1 Sync output Soft start VCO RT Capacitance Cfilter VCO CT AG 1/84 981 TDA4718 TDA4718 A Circuit description Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) The VCO generates a sawtooth voltage. The duration of the falling edge is determined by the value of CT. The duration of the rising edge of the waveform and, therefore, approximately the frequency, is determined by the value of RT. By varying the voltage at Cfiller, the oscillator frequency can be changed by its rated value. During the fall time, the VCO provides a trigger signal for the ramp generator, as well as an L signal for a number of IC parts to be controlled. Ramp generator The ramp generator is triggered by the VCO and oscillates at the same frequency. The duration of the falling edge of the ramp generator waveform is to be shorter than the fall time of the VCO. To control the pulse width at the output, the voltage of the rising edge of the ramp generator signal is compared with a dc voltage comparator K2. The slope of the rising edge of the ramp generator signal is controlled by the current through RR' This offers the possibility of an additional, superimposed control of the output duty cycle. This additional control capability, called ..feed-forward control«, is utilized to compensate for known interference such as ripple on the input Voltage. Phase comparator If the component is operated without external synchronization, the sync input must be connected to the sync output for the phase comparator to set the rated voltage at Clilter' The VCO then oscillates with rated frequency. In the case of external synchronization, other components can be synchronized with the sync output. The component can be frequencysynchronized, but not phase-synchronized, with the sync input. The duty cycle of the square-wave voltage at the sync input is arbitrary. The best stability as to small phase and frequency interference is achieved with a duty cycle as offered by the sync output. Push-pull flipflop The push-pull flipflop is switched by the falling edge of the VCO. This ensures that only one output of the two push-pull outputs is enabled at a time. Comparator K2 The two plus inputs of the comparator are switched such that the lower plus level is always compared with the level of the minus input. As soon as the voltage of the rising sawtooth edge exceeds the lower of the plus levels, both outputs are disabled via the pulse turn-off flipflop. The period during which the respective, active output is low can be infinitely varied. As the frequency remains constant, this process corresponds to a change in duty cycle. Pulse turn-off flipflop The pulse turn-off flipflop enables the outputs at the start of each half cycle. If an error signal from comparator K 7 or a turn-off signal from K2 is present, the outputs will immediately be switched off. Comparator K3 Comparator K3 limits the voltage at capacitance Cselt start (and also at K2!) to a maximum of + 5 V. The voltage at the ramp generator output may, however, rise to 5.5 V. With a corresponding slope of the rising ramp generator edge, the duty cycle can be limited to a desired maximum value. 982 TDA4718 TDA4718 A Comparator K 4 The comparator has its switching threshold at 1.5 V and sets the error flipflop with its output if the voltage at capacitance Csoft start is below 1.5 V. However, the error flipflop accepts the set signal only if no reset pulse (error) is applied. In this way the outputs cannot be turned on again as long as an error signal is present. Soft start The lower one of the two voltages at the plus inputs of K2 is a measure for the duty cycle at the output. At the instant of turning on the component, the voltage at capacitor Csoft start equals 0 V. As long as no error is present, this capacitor is charged with a current of 6 iJA to the maximum value of 5 V. In case of an error, C soft start is discharged with a current of 2 flA. A set signal is pending at the error flipflop below a charge of 1.5 V and the outputs are enabled if no reset signal is pending simultaneously. As the minimum ramp generator voltage, however, is 1.8 V, the duty cycle at the outputs is actually increased slowly and continuously not before the voltage at Csoll start exceeds 1.8 V. Error flipflop Error signals, which are led to input R of the error flipflop, cause an immediate disabling of the outputs, and after the error has been eliminated, the component to switch on again using the soft start. Comparator K5, K6, K8, Vref overcurrent load These are error detectors which cause immediate disabling of the outputs via the error flipflop when an error occurs. After elimination of the error, the component switches on again using the soft start. Comparator K 7 K 7 serves to recognize overcurrents. This is the reason why both inputs of the op amp have been brought out. Turning on is resumed after error recovery at the beginning of the next half period but without using the soft start. Outputs Both outputs are transistors with open collectors and operate in a push-pull arrangement. They are actively low. The time in which only one of the two outputs is conductive, can be varied infinitely. The length of the falling edge at VCO is equal to the minimum time during which both outputs are disabled simultaneously. Reference voltage The reference voltage source is a highly constant source with regard to its temperature behavior. It can be utilized in the external wiring of the op amp, the error comparators, the ramp generator, or other external components. 983 TDA4718 TDA4718 A Maximum ratings Supply voltage Voltage at 01. 02 Current at 01. 02 Sync output Sync input Input Cfilter Input RT Input CT Input RR Input C R Input comparator K2. K5. K6. K7 Output K5 Reference voltage Input Csoft start Notes Vs Va 01.02high 10 01.021ow SYNC 0 high SYNC 0 low VSYNCa ISYNca VSYNCI VICf VI RT VICT VI RR IICR V1K VaKs Vref VI soft start Junction temperature Storage temperature Tj T stg Thermal resistance (system-air) TDA 4718 TDA4718A RthSA RthSA Lower limitS Upper limit A -0.3 -0.3 33 33 70 7 10 33 7 7 7 7 10 V V mA V mA V V V V V mA -0.3 33 33 Vref 7 V V V V -55 125 125 °C DC 70 60 K/W K/W -0.3 0 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -10 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 Operating range Supply voltage Ambient temperature TDA4718 TDA4718A Max. VCO frequency Ramp generator frequency 984 Vs 10.5 30 V Tamb Tamb -25 0 40 40 85 70 250000 250000 DC DC f fRG Hz Hz TCA4718 TCA4718 A Characteristics Test conditions Vs =11 Vt030V; Tamb = -25°C Supply current Lower limitS typ Upper limit A to +85 °C Is Cr = 1 nF fvco = 100 8 20 mA 2.65 151) V mV mV mV 0.4 mV/K kHz Reference Reference voltage Reference voltage change Reference voltage change Reference voltage chenge Temperature coefficient Response threshold of I rel overcurrent Vrel OmA ~RRlrat.d >VJRR . \/ \~ / \,/ L/ ~ saft start +VIK 2 I Voltage at output 1 I I I I I I I Vol tage at output 2 rlt I 0.5 T ~ V I II I 1T 1.5T -t Soft start- error-ON/OFF '~ v t~~~____-+u-~~~~__ o 988 m g Vi •• .l [. R. ~ [l.l 18 r----- ,Rl 16 .l [""" 17 I SYNC (lSYNC 5 14 ______________________ -, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8/ I Push-pull FF Ramp voltage 9SynLPU,Se I Input [amp. a. iii· ea iil 3 ~ Hinimum level 4. I+ K 2 13 01 output I ladive L) I 0.7V:O Vl " W I Q I I R (amp orator I a Rdominant Q Pulse turn-off FF Dis[harge at Q = L (error) IErrar-FF(fl dominant) Q I I 5 dominant I I ' I 12 02 output lactive L) 10.7V" Vl:oW I I I I I( undervalluge I 110 :T v. L ______ _ 0.33~~5 Soft start ~ T ,---11 OV 1 -1II ________ ~ ______ ,,' avereurrent I [soft start Overvolta~e 6 ONIOFF Dynamic current limitation undervollage Reference voltage 22VF gg ~~ :j:j C»C» ~ TDA4718 TDA4718A veo frequency versus Rr and Cr Hz CT =820pF " Cy1y t'-.... t-------C T, =2,2 nF "'1"- .......... 1 CT = 4,7nF "-i'... '1111 ~ r---r--, CT = 1SnF "- ~ "' , ""- 1'-... r---. I..... , CT =47nF "- "'"I"-. ..... '""" 990 r"\ "I"-. I" TDA4718 TDA4718A VCO temperature response Vs=12V; 1'= max. Llfvco [1 ] fK x K )ok with CT as parameter --+-- 3.3nF 1.0nF 0.5nF -10"' '--~-L~~'--~-L~---''--__-"-~--'~~...L...~--'~~...L...~--l o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 kHz -fveo Current consumption versus temperature Output current versus output voltage rnA rnA 15 50 I I I I I I I I [01102 14 13 ~ 40 r '" 11 10 -25 o " 20 40 I I 7 20 "- 60 10 \ 80 o O( I , , , ,, , I "'"'\ 12 ,{, 30 '\ / / / I o I I I I I I , , ,I , , , I I , I I 2V --T 991 Integrated Circuits for Consumer Applications Integrated Circuits for Consumer Applications *See Consumer Data Book or contact your local Siemens Representative. 995 Table of Contents General Information Summary of Types Microcontroller and Microprocessor Components Peripheral and Support Components Memory Components Telecom Components Data Conversion Components Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Components Integrated Circuits for Consumer Applications I I I I I I I The information contained here has been carefully reviewed and is believed to be accurate. However, due to the possibility of unseen inaccuracies, no respon· sibility is assumed. This literature does not convey to the purchaser of electronic devices any license under the patent rights of any manufacturer. Issued by Integrated Circuits Division 186 Wood Avenue South, Iselin, NJ 08830 (201) 321·3400 Siemens Components, Inc. CG/2000·286·121 BAN 15M 5185 Printed in U.S.A.
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