1985_Zilog_Data_Book 1985 Zilog Data Book

User Manual: 1985_Zilog_Data_Book

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Z80® CPU
Z8000® CPU
Z8001® CPU
Z8002® CPU
Super-8® MCU
Z-BUS® Bus
Z800™ MPU
Z8003™ VMPU
Z8004™ VMPU
Z8010™ MMU
Z8070™ FPU
Z80,000TM CPU
asm800™ Z800™ Cross-Assembler
asm80KTM Z80,000TM Cross-Assembler
CC800™ Z800™ C Cross-Compiler
cc80KTM Z80,000TM C Cross-Compiler
pas800™ Z800™ Pascal Cross-Compiler
pas80K™ Z80,000TM Pascal Cross-Compiler
Z-SCANTM Emulator

Other Companies
Ada is a registered trademark of the U.S. Government, Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO).
C-ISAM is a trademark of Relational Database Systems, Inc.
CPIM 80 is a trademark of Digital Research, Inc.
CPIM 8000 is a trademark of Digital Research, Inc.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines, Corp.
MACRO 80 MAC80 is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories; Zilog is licensed by AT&T Technologies, Inc.
VAX is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.

© 1982, 1983. 1985 by ZlIog, Inc, All nghts reserved. No part of
this publication may be reproduced, stored In a retneval system,
or transmitted, In any form or by any means, electronic, mechanIcal, photocopYing, recording, or otherwise, without the prior
wntten permission of Zllog
The Information contained herein IS subject to change without
notice Zilog assumes no responsibility for the use of any
circuitry other than circuitry embodied In a Zllog product No
other CIrCUit patent licenses are Implied
All specifications (parameters) are subject to change without
notice. The applicable Zllog test documentation will specify
which parameters are tested.

Table of Cale.1s
za Family ......................................... , ................................................ 3
Z8601/03 MCU Microcomputer.. ........................... .. ..................... .. ... . ............. 5
Z8611/12/13 MCU Microcomputer ................... ....................... ................ . .......... 23
Z8671 MCU Microcomputer with BASIC/Debug Interpreter...... . . .. ......................
. .......... 41
Z8681/82 ROM less Microcomputer. . .. ....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ......................
. ............ 63
"Z86L81/85 Low Power ROMless Microcomputer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ......... ....... .85
Super·a Family . ................................................................................... 107
"Z8800 Super-8 MCU Microcomputer. . . . . . . . . .. .. .................. . .................................... 109

zao family . ...................................................................................... 139
Z8400 CPU Central Processing Unit .. .. .. .. .. .... ...................... ............ ..
............ 141
Z8410 DMA Direct Memory Access Controller ................... " ........... ........... . . ........... . 171
Z8420 PIO ParaliellnputiOutput Controller.
. . .. ............. . ............. 191
Z8430 CTC Counter Timer/Circuit
.. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .. ............ ... ....
. . .. . .. 205
Z8440/1/2/4 SIO SeriallnputiOutput Controller.. ... ... . .......................... ... ..
. . ........ 217
Z8470 DART Dual Asynchronous RecelverlTransmitter. .. .............. ............ . .....
. . .. ..... . 235
Z8300 Low Power CPU Central Processing Unit. . . . . .. .
. . . . . . . . . .. .. ......
. ........ 249
Z8320 Low Power PIO ParaliellnputiOutput AC and DC Characteristics. .. ........ . .
. . . .. . .... 271
Z8330 Low Power CTC Counter/Timer Circuit AC and DC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... ....... .. . ............ 275
Z8340 Low Power SIO SeriallnputiOutput AC and DC Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . ..
.. . . .. ... .
. 279
"Z84COO CMOS CPU Central Processing Unit ... '"
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..................
. . 287
"Z84C20 CMOS PIO ParaliellnputiOutput AC and DC Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .. .........
"Z84C30 CMOS CTC Counter/Timer Circuit AC and DC Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...
"Z84C40/1/2 CMOS SIO Serial InputiOutput AC and DC Characteristics. . . . . . . . . .. .......... ... . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 325
zaoo Family . ..................................................................................... 329
Z800 MPU Microprocessor. . . . . . .

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .......... . .......

. ........ 331

zaooo Family . .................................................................................... 403
Z8001/2 CPU Central Processing Untt. . . . . . .. .......................... . ...........
. ........ 405
Z8003/4 VMPU Virtual Memory Processing Untt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ............. ......... .. . ....... 441

zao,ooo Family

................................................................................... 475

Z80,OOO CPU Central Processing Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....... ............ .477

Z·BUS Peripherals . ................................................................................ 529
Z8070 FPU Floating POint Unit. . . .. ..... ....................... .......... ., .. .......... .... ..
. . 531
Z8010 MMU Memory Management Unit. . . . . . . . .. . ..................................... . ....... . ..... 559
Z8015 PMMU Paged Memory Management Unit . . . . .. . .......... . ................................. . .... 577
Z8016 Z-DTC Direct Memory Access Transfer Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... ... .. 599
Z8030 Z-SCC Serial Communications Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .................................... 631
Z8031 Z-ASCC Asynchronous Serial Communications Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .............. .......
" .. 653
Z8036 Z-CIO CounterlTimer and Parallel I/O Unit.... ............. ........................ .. .... .. ... ...673
Z8038 Z-FIO FIFO InputiOutput Interface Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... 699
Z8060 FIFO Buffer Unit and Z-FIO Expander. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ................... .731
Z8068 Z-DCP Data Ciphering Processor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 739
Z8090/4 Z-UPC Universal Peripheral Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ....... 771
Z-BUS Component Interconnect .......................................................................... 755
"New Document


Table of Coaleals (Continued)
Universal Peripherals .............................................................................. 769
Z8038 Z-FIO FIFO Input/Output Interface Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .......................... 699
Z8060 FIFO Buffer Unit and Z-FIO Expander ................................................................. 731
Z8590/4 UPC Universal Peripheral Controller.. . ............................................................. 771
*Z8516 DTC Direct Memory Access Transfer Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ........................ 797
Z8530 SCC Serial Communications Controller ................................................................ 839
Z8531 ASCC Asynchronous Serial Communications Controller
.................. 861
Z8536 CIO Counter/Timer and Parallel 110 Unit ............................................................... 881
Z8581 CGC Clock Generator and Controller ................................................................. 907
*Z765A FDC Floppy Disk Controller ........................................................................ 915

Military Products . ................................................................................. 943
Development Products ............................................................................. 953
Z8 Development Module. . . . . . . . . .
. ...................................................... 955
Z8000 Development Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ...................................................... 959
Z-UPC Development Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .. 963
EMS 8000 Emulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .......................... 965
Z-SCAN 8 Emulator ................................................................................... 969
*Z-SCAN 80 Emulator. . . . . . . . . . . .
. ........................... 975
Z-SCAN 8000 Emulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ...................................................... 981
System 8000, Model 12 . . . . . . . .. ....
. .............................................. 985
System 8000, Model 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ...................................................... 987
System 8000, Model 32 ..... ',' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ... 989

Software . ........................................................................................ 991
Z800 Cross Software Package. . . .
. .................................................................. 995
*Z80,000 Cross Software Package. . . . .
. ............. 999
Z8070 Floating-Point Emulation Package.
. .......................... 1003
. ............................................. 1011
*Ada .. . . . . . . .. . .. ...............
. ............................................. 1015

Packaging . ..................................................................................... 1023
18-Pm Dual-in-Line Packages. .............................
. ............... 1023
28-Pin Dual-In-Llne Packages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .... 1024
. .... 1026
40-Pin Dual-In-Llne Packages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
48-Pm Dual-in-Line Packages.. ..................
. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1028
64-Pin Dual-in-Line Package ............................................................................ 1030
44-Pm Chip Carriers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ......................................... 1031
68-Pin Chip Carriers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ................
. ......... 1032
Protopacks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ......................................... 1035
Pin Grid Array. ...............................
. ......................................... 1037

Technical Training . .............................. , ................................................ 1041
Reader's Response Card . .......................................................................... 1045
Sales Offices . .............................................................................. Back Cover
*New Document


Single Chip Microcomputers


Z8 8-Bit MCU, 2K ROM . . .. ......................................................
. .......... 5
Z8 8-Bit MCU, 4K ROM ........................................................................... 23
Z8 Prototyping Device, 2K External EPROM Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .......... 5
Z8 Prototyping Device, 4K External EPROM Interface. . . . . . . . . . .
. ........... 23
Z8 8-Bit MCU, 4K External Memory Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ......... 23
Z8 8-Bit MCU with BASIClDebug Interpreter
..... ..... ...... .. ..... ....... .......
. .......... 41
Z8 8-Bit ROMless MCU ........................................................................... 63
Z8 8-Bit, Cost-effective, ROMless MCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .............. 63
Z8 Lew Power, 8-Bit, ROM less MCU .................. , ................
. ............... 85
Z8 low Power, Power Down, 8-Bit, ROM less MCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. ... ..... ...
. ............. 85
Z8000 Z-UPC Universal Peripheral Controller. .
. .............................. 771
UPC Universal Peripheral Controller. .
. .... 771
Z8000 Z-UPC Universal Peripheral Controller, External RAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ..... ...
. ............. 771
UPC Universal Peripheral Controller, External RAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 771
Super-8 ROMless MCU . . . . .. ..................................... . . . . . . . . . .
. ............. 109
Super-8 ROM less MCU .
. .............................................................. 109
Super-8 MCU, 4K ROM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .............. 109
Super-8 MCU, 4K ROM.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .
.. .. ... .........
.. .. ... .......
.. .......... 109
Super-8 MCU, 8K ROM. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...............
. . 109
Super-8 MCU, 8K ROM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ............ 109
Super-8 MCU, 16K ROM. . . . . . . . . .
........ ..... .. ...... ..
. .............. 109
Super-8 MCU, 16K ROM. . . . . . . .. . .
. ........................... 109
Super-8 MCU, 4K External ROM IE PROM ............................................................ 109
Super-8 MCU, 4K External ROM/EPROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. .. ... ...
. . 109
Super-8 MCU, 8K External ROM/EPROM . . . .
. ........................ 109
Super-8 MCU, 8K External ROM/EPROM ............................................................ 109
Super-8 MCU, 16K External ROM/EPROM . . . . . .. . .................................................. 109
Super-8 MCU, 16K External ROM/EPROM ........................................................... 109

S-Bit Microprocessors


Z800 High Integration MPU ....................................................................... 331
Z80 CPU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ............................................. 141
Z80 CMOS CPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .
. . 287
Z80l low Power CPU
....................................................................... 249

16-Bit Microprocessors


Z8000 Segmented CPU
... .. ..... .........
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ........ 405
Z8000 Nonsegmented CPU ...................................................................... 405
Z8000 Segmented Virtual Memory Processing Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ............ 441
Z8000 Nonsegmented Virtual Memory Processing Unit ................................................. 441
Z800 High Integration MPU ....................................................................... 331

32·Blt Microprocessor


Z80,000 CPU with 32-bit MMU and 256 Byte Instruction/Data Cache ....................................... 477


Arithmetic Processing Unit
FPU Floating Point Unit .......................................................................... 531
Clock Product
CGC Clock Generator and Controller ................................................................ 907
Serial Communication
Z8000 Z-SCC Dual Channel Serial Communications Controller ............................................ 631
SCC Dual Channel Serial Communications Controller ................................................... 839
Z8000 Z·ASCC Dual Channel Asynchronous Serial Communications Controller ............................... 653
ASCC Dual Channel Asynchronous Serial Communications Controller ...................................... 861
Z80 SIOIO Dual Channel, Synchronous/Asynchronous, Seriallnput/Output Controller .......................... 217


FanC:llonallndex (Continued)
Peripherals (Continued)
Z80 CMOS SIO/O Dual Channel, Synchronous/Asynchronous, Serial Input Output Controller ..................... 325
Z80l low Power SIO/O Dual Channel, Synchronous/Asynchronous, Serial Input Output Controller ................. 279
Z80 S10/1 Dual Channel, Synchronous/Asynchronous, SeriallnputiOutput Controller.
. ........ 217
Z80 CMOS S10/1 Dual Channel, Synchronous/Asynchronous, SeriallnputlOutput Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..325
Z80 S10/2 Dual Channel, Synchronous/Asynchronous, SeriallnputlOutput Controller. . .
. . . . . . . . .. . ........ 217
Z80 CMOS S10/2 Dual Channel, Synchronous/Asynchronous, Serial Input/Output Controller. . . . . . . . . . . .
. .... 325
Z80 S10/4 Dual Channel, Synchronous/Asynchronous, Serial Input/Output Controller. .
. .......... 217
Z80 DART Dual Channel, Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter. . . . . . . . . .
. ........................ 235

Parallel I/O and CounterlTimer
Z8000 Z-CIO Counter/Timer and Parallel 110 Unit ...... .
CIO Counter/Timer and Parallel 110 Unit. ....... .
Z8000 Z-FIO FIFO InputlOutputinterface Unit. . . . ..
. ....... .
Z8000 FIFO Buffer Unit and Z-FIO Expander. ..
Z80 PIO Dual Port, ParaliellnputlOutput Controller.
Z80 CMOS PIO Dual Port, Parallel Input/Output Controller ........ .
Z80l low Power PIO Dual Port, ParaliellnputlOutput Controller
Z80 CTC Four Channel, Counter/Timer Circuit. ..
Z80 CMOS CTC Four Channel, Counter/Timer CirCUit ..
Z80l low Power CTC Four Channel, Counter Timer Circuit.. . ......... .
Z-BUS Peripherals
Z8000 MMU Memory Management Unit.
Z8000 PMMU Paged Memory Management Unit ...
Z8000 Z-DTC Direct Memory Access Transfer Controller.
Z8000 Z-UPC Universal Peripheral Controller ..
Z8000 Z-UPC Universal Peripheral Controller, External RAM. . .. .
Z8000 Z-DCP Data Ciphering Processor ..
. .. . ... .
FPU Floating POint Unit.
Zllog Z-BUS Component Interconnect Summary.

. .. 673
. .... 881
. ... 699
. .... 731
· .... 191
· .317
.... 271
.. .. 205
. .. 559
..... ...
. .................... 771
. ... 771
.. .. 533
· . 755

Other Peripheral Products
UPC Universal Peripheral Controller.
UPC Universal Peripheral Controller, External RAM.
Z-DTC Direct Memory Access Transfer Controller.
DTC Direct Memory Access Transfer Controller.
FDC Floppy Disk Controller.
DMA Dual Port, Direct Memory Access Controller ....
FPU Floating POint Unit.

. ...
. ...
. ....
. ........
· ...
· ....
.. ....

Development Products
Z8 Development Module, 2K Prototyplng and Evaluation Board .....
Z8 Development Module, 4K Prototyplng and Evaluation Board.
Z-SCAN 8 Emulator.
. .. . .... .
Z-SCAN 80 Emulator.
. . .. .... . .. .
Z8000 Development Module, PrototYPlng and Evaluation Board ... .
Z8001 Development Module, PrototYPlng and Evaluation Board ... .
EMS 8000 Emulator
........ .
Z-SCAN 8000 Emulator. . .
. ......... .
Z-UPC Development Module. .
. ..................... .
System 8000 Multi-user Development System, Model 12
System 8000 Multi-user Development System, Model 22 .
System 8000 Multi-user Development System, Model 32 .
Z800 Cross Software Package.
Z80,000 Cross Software Package.
Z8070 Floating-Point Unit Emulation Package. . . . . .
ZRTS Z8000 Rc.'al-Tlme, Multitasking Software Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . .
, . . .. .., ....
Ada High-level Programming language. . .



.. .. 955
. ... 959
.... ......
. 963
.................................... 985
. ......................... 987
. ........................... 989

. ......... .
. .............. .
. ....................... .
. .............. .
. ............ .

. ................. 995
.. .. .. .. .. 999
.. ........ 1011
· 1015

Part KaBlber lad_

Z-SCAN 8000 Emulator ..................................................................... 981
EMS 8000 Emulator without pod, 60 Hz, 115V. . ................................................. 965
EMS 8000 Emulator without pod, 50 Hz, 230V .................................................... 965
EMS 8000 Emulator, External Probe Interface Board ............................................... 965
EMS 8000 Emulator, Map Memory Board ....................................................... 965
Z-SCAN 8 Emulator ........................................................................ 969
Z-UPC Development Module ................................................................. 963
Z8070 Floating-POint Unit Emulation Package ................................................... 1003
System 8000 Multi-user Development System, Model 12 ............................................ 985
System 8000 Multi-user Development System, Model 22 ............................................ 987
System 8000 Multi-user Development System, Model 32 ............................................ 989
Z8000 Development Module, Prototyping and Evaluation Board ...................................... 959
Z8 Development Module, 2K Prototyping and Evaluation Board ...................................... 955
Z8001 Development Module, PrototYPlng and Evaluation Board ...................................... 959
Z8 Development Module, 4K PrototYPlng and Evaluation Board ...................................... 955
Z-SCAN 80 Emulator, 115V. ...... .............................................. . ......... 975
Z-SCAN 80 Emulator, 230V . . . . . . . .. . ....................................................... 975
ZRTS Z8000 Real-Time, Multitasking Software Tools .............................................. 1011
Z800 Cross Software Package for System 8000 ................................................... 995
Z80,OOO Cross Software Package for System 8000 ................................................ 999
Z800 Cross Software Package for VAX UNIX ..................................................... 995
Z80,OOO Cross Software Package for VAX UNIX ................................................... 999
EMS 8000 Emulator II for System 8000 . . . . . . . . . . .. . ........................................... 965
Ada for System 8000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .................................... 1015
Ada System 8000 Software Update Service ..................................................... 1015
Ada for VAX VMS ........................................................................ 1015
Ada VAX VMS Software Update Service ........................................................ 1015
Ada for VAX UNIX......................................................................... 1015
Ada VAX UNIX Software Update Service ....................................................... 1015
FDC Floppy Disk Controller. . . .. . ........................................................... 915
Z8000 Segmented CPU ..................................................................... 405
Z8000 Nonsegmented CPU ................................................................. 405
Z8000 Segmented Virtual Memory Processing Unit. ............................................... 441
Z8000 Nonsegmented Virtual Memory ProceSSing Unit. ............................................ 441
Z8000 MMU Memory Management Unit. .. . ................................................... 559
Z8000 PMMU Paged Memory Management Unit ................................................. 577
Z8000 Z-DTC Direct Memory Access Transfer Controller •........................................... 599
Z8000 Z-SCC Serial Communications Controller .................................................. 631
Z8000 Z-ASCC Asynchronous Serial Communications Controller ..................................... 653
Z8000 Z-CIO CounteriTImer and Parallel 110 Unit. ................................................. 673
Z8000 Z-FIO FIFO Input/Output Interface Unit .................................................... 699
Z8000 FIFO Buffer Unit and Z-FIO Expander. .
. . . .. .. ..... .. .... . ......... 731
Z8000 Z-DCP Data Ciphering Processor ....................................................... 739
Z8000 FPU Floating-Point Unit. ............................................................... 531
Z8000 Z-UPC Universal Peripheral Controller .................................................... 771
Z-UPC Universal Peripheral Controller, External RAM .............................................. 771


Pari R.....ber lad. (Continued)



Z800 High Integration MPU, 16-bit Bus Interface .................................................. 331
Z800 High Integration MPU, 8-bIt Bus Interface ................................................... 331
Z80l Low Power CPU ...................................................................... 249
Z80l Low Power PIO Dual Port, ParaliellnputiOutput Controller ...................................... 271
Z80l Low Power CTC Four Channel, Counter Timer Circuit .......................................... 275
Z80l Low Power SIO Dual Channel, Synchronous/Asynchronous, SeriallnputlOutput Controller ............. 279
ZBOCPU ................................................................................ 141
Z80 DMA Dual Port, Direct Memory Access Controller. ............................................. 171
Z80 PIO Dual Port, ParaliellnputlOutput Controller ................................................ 191
Z80 CTC Four Channel, CounterlTimer Circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ........................ 205
Z80 SIO/O Dual Channel, Synchronous/Asynchronous, Serial Input/Output Controller ..................... 217
Z80 SIO/l Dual Channel, Synchronous/Asynchronous, SeriallnputiOutput Controller ..................... 217
Z80 S10/2 Dual Channel, Synchronous/Asynchronous, SeriallnputlOutput Controller ..................... 217
Z80 S10/4 Dual Channel, Synchronous/Asynchronous, SeriallnputiOutput Controller ..................... 217
Z80 DART Dual Channel, Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter ........................................ 235
Z80 CMOS CPU ............ .. . ......................................................... 287
Z80 CMOS PIO Dual Port, ParaliellnputlOutput Controller........................................... 317
Z80 CMOS CTC Four Channel, CounteriTImer CircUit .............................................. 321
Z80 CMOS SIO/O Dual Channel, Synchronous/Asynchronous, SenallnputlOutput Controller ................ 325
Z80 CMOS SIO/l Dual Channel, Synchronous/Asynchronous, SeriallnputlOutput Controller ................ 325
Z80 CMOS S10/2 Dual Channel, Synchronous/Asynchronous, SeriallnputlOutput Controller.
. ... 325
DTC Direct Memory Access Transfer Controller ................................................... 797
SCC Serial Communications Controller ......................................................... 839
ASCC Asynchronous Senal Communications Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ................. 861
CIO Counter/Timer and Parallel 110 Unit. ........................................................ 881
CGC Clock Generator and Controller ........................................................... 907
UPC Universal Peripheral Controller ........................................................... 771
UPC Universal Peripheral Controller, External RAM ................................................ 771
Z8 8-Bit Single Chip MCU, 2K ROM .............................................................. 5
Z8 Prototyping Device with 2K External EPROM Interface ............................................. 5
Z8 8-Bit Single Chip MCU, 4K ROM ............................................................. 23
Z8 8-Bit Single Chip MCU, 4K External Memory Interface ............................................ 23
Z8 Prototyping Device with 4K External EPROM Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ................... 23
Z8 8-Bit Single Chip MCU With BASIC/Debug Interpreter ............................................. 41
Z8 8-Bit Single Chip, ROM less MCU . .. ........ . .............................................. 63
Z8 8-Bit Single Chip, ROMless MCU .. ........................... . ........................... 63
Z8 Low Power, Power Down, 8-Blt Single Chip ROM less MCU. ....... ......................... . .... 85
Z8 Low Power, 8-Blt Single Chip ROMless MCU .................................................... 85
Super-8 ROM less MCU ..................................................................... 109
Super-8 ROMless MCU ..................................................................... 109
Super-8 MCU, 4K ROM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ................ . ... 109
Super-8 MCU, 4K ROM. .. . .................. .... ... ............ ............ . ........ 109
Super-8 MCU, 4K External ROM/EPROM ....................................................... 109
Super-8 MCU, 4K External ROM/EPROM. . . . . . . . . . . .. . ........................................ 109
Super-8 MCU, 8K ROM. . . . . . . . . .. . ........................................................ 109
Super-8 MCU, 8K ROM. . . . . . . . .. .......... .............................................. 109
Super-8 MCU, 8K External ROM/EPROM. . . . . . . . . . .. ........................................ .109
Super-8 MCU, 8K External ROM/EPROM ....................................................... 109
Super-8MCU,16KROM ................................................................ 109
Super-s MCU, 16K ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .......................... 109
Super-8 MCU, 16K External ROM/EPROM ..................................................... 109
Super-8 MCU, 16K External ROM/EPROM ...................................................... 109
Z80,OOO CPU With 32-bit MMU and 256 Byte Instruction/Data Cache .................................. 477

A1185XX components are compatible Wlth processors cthar than Zllog'. ZSOOl, Z8OO2, zs003,
and Z8OO4. For further mformation refer to the IndlVldual product spectflcallons.




Zilog Z8® Family
The Standard For
Single-Chip Microcompaters
March 19S5

In 1976, Zilog emerged into the
microprocessor world with its ZSO
CPU Family. With this industrystandard classic of 8-bit architecture,
Zilog established its design expertise
and cost-efficient production
While the Z80 earned and maintained strong customer support,
inevitable demands for new
applications-intelligent terminals,
dedicated control and communication-spawned an accompanying need for a new, lean technology.
With an instinct for simplicity and
elegance, Zilog architects created a
microcomputer with the most sophisticated computing power available
on a single chip: the Z8 Family. In a
bold departu re from the standard
AlB accumulator tradition, a fresh,
register-oriented architecture was
devised that challenges the "multichip solution." Z8-based designs
minimize chip-count while offering a
configuration that can be easily
expanded to meet the requirements
of enhancement options and future

The Z8 Family encompasses the
whole spectrum of system development, from prototyping to full production. For prototyping and
preproduction, or where code flexibility is important, the Z8603 and
Z8613 Protopack EPROM-based
parts are the most appropriate. The
ROM-based ZS601 and ZS611
microcomputers are used in highvolume production applications after
the software has been perfected.
The Z8603 IS pin-compatible with
the Z8601, and the Z8613 is compatible with the ZS611.
For ROMless applications, two
versions of the Z8 microcomputer
are available: the ZS681 and Z8682
ROM less microcomputers. In addition, there is a military version of the
Z8611 4K ROM device, a 40-pin
ceramic package.
The newest member of the family,
the Z86LS1 IZ86L85, is a Low Power
ROM less microcomputer available
in a 40-pin DIP and a 44-pin PCC.

The Z8671 MCU is a complete
microcomputer pre-programmed
with a BASIClDebug interpreter. ThiS
device, operating With both external
ROM or RAM and on-chip memory
registers, is ideal for most industrial
control applications, or whenever
fast and efficient program development is necessary.
Dedicated control IS the key word
for Z8 applications. Since speed IS a
prime consideration in such applications, the entire ZS family is available
in both 8 and 12 MHz verSions,
supported by two development
tools: the ZS OM Development Module and the Z-SCAN S. The OM
provides elementary in-circuit emulation (ICE) capability, and the Z-SCAN
8 module provides full ICE capability
including trace memory. With these
tools, the user is equipped for practically any type of Z8 microcomputer


Z8 Family of Products
UART Hardware, 128 RAM


110 Pins

1/0 Pins



32,4 Ports

8 Power,

40-Pin DIP
44-Pin PCC

Masked ROM part used primarily
for high-volume production.


32,4 Ports

8 Power,
Control plus

40-Pin DIP

Piggyback part used where program
flexibility IS required (prototYPlng).



32,4 Ports

8 Power,
Control plus

40-Ptn DIP

Low-costllow-profile chlp-on-board




32,4 Ports

8 Power,

40-Pin DIP
44-Pin PCC

Masked ROM part, used primarily
for high-volume production.

4K Development



32,4 Ports

8 Power,
Control plus
24 External

64-Pin DIP
68-Pin PCC

ROMless part used primarily in
development systems.

4K Protopack



32,4 Ports

8 Power,
Control plus

40-Pin DIP

Piggyback part used when program
flexibility is required (prototyping).

4K Proto pack,
Low Profile



32,4 Ports

8 Power,
Control Plus

40-Pin DIP

Low-costllow-profile chip-on-board




24,3 Ports

8 Power,

40-Pin DIP
44-Pin PCC

High level language applications,




24,3 Ports

8 Power,
Control Plus
8 External

40-Pin DIP
44-Pin PCC'

Low-cost ROM less production part
with reduced I/O, Program memory
is external.

Low Power



24,3 Ports

8 Power,
Control plus
8 External

40-Pin DIP
44-Pin PCC

Low Power ROMless, 50% of
standard current draw.

Low Power



24,3 Ports

8 Power,
Control plus
8 External

40-Pin DIP
44-Pin PCC

Low Power ROM less with Powerdown option,






2K Protopack


2K Protopack,
Low Profile

• Available only for Z8681.



Z8® Z8601
Z8® Z8603



Z8601 Smgle-ChlP MICrocomputer wIth 2K ROM
Z8603 Prototypmg DevIce wIth EPROM Interface

April 1985

• Complete microcomputer, 2K bytes of ROM,
128 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, and up to
62K bytes addressable external space each
for program and data memory.
• 144-byte register hie, includmg 124
general-purpose registers, four I/O port
regIsters, and 16 status and control
• Average instruction execution time of
1.5 /LS, maximum of 3 /LS.
• Vectored, priority interrupts for I/O,
counter/timers, and UART.
The Z8601 microcomputer introduces a new
level of sophistication to Single-chip architecture. Compared to earlier single-chip microcomputers, the Z8601 offers faster execution;
more efficient use of memory; more sophisticated interrupt, inpuVoutput and bit-manipulation capabilities; and easier system expansion.
Under program control, the Z8601 can be
tailored to the needs of its user. It can be con-



1/0 OR Aa-A15

• On-chip oscillator that accepts crystal or external clock drive.
• Single + 5 V power supply-all pins TTLcompatible.

figured as a stand-alone microcomputer with
2K bytes of internal ROM, a traditional microprocessor that manages up to 124K bytes of
external memory, or a parallel-processing element in a system with other processors and
peripheral controllers linked by the Z-BUS. In
all configurations, a large number of pins
remain available for I/O.
























1/0 OR ADo-AD7





Figure I. Pin function.


• Register Pomter so that short, fast mstruchons can access any of nme workmg
register groups m I /Ls.




• Full-duplex UART and two programmable
8-bit counter/hmers, each with a 6-bit programmable prescaler.


Figure 2a. olD-pin Dual-In-Llne Package (DIP).
Pin Assignment.




for 1/0 or external memory mterface.

AS. Address Strobe (output, active Low).
Address Strobe IS pulsed once at the begmnmg of each machine cyeie. Addresses output
Via Port 1 for all external program or data
memory transfers are valid at th~rallmg edge
of AS. Under program control, AS can be
placed in the high-Impedance state along with
Ports 0 and I, Data Strobe and Reacl/Write.

RESET. Reset (mput. active Low). RESET imtiahzes the 2860 I. When RESET is deachvated,
program execution begms from mternal program locahon OOOCH.

R/W. ReadlWrite (output). R!W is Low when
the 28601 is wrltmg to external program or
data memory.

DS. Data Strobe (output, achve Low). Data
Strobe IS activated once for each external
memory transfer.

XTALI. XTAL2. Crystal 1, Crystal 2 (hme-base
input and output). These pins connect a
parallel-resonant crystal (8 or 12 MHz maximum) or an external smgle-phase clock (8 or
12 MHz maximum) to the on-chip clock
oscillator and buffer.

Plio-Po.,. Plo-PI7. P20-P2? P30-P3,. 110 Port
Lines (input/outputs, TTL-compahble). These
32 Imes are divided into four 8-bit 1/0 ports
that can be configured under program control

 'I'>' .¢~~~.;' <{b" 'I"" '1",,~ 4'-"
















ll!I 9






































18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28







Figure 4. Program Memory Map















~~r~'~'~'__L-~~~--i ...












Figure S. Data Memory Map










• paclfled



Figure 6. Register File




-----.OPOR••----- •

Figure 7. Register Pointer



directly or indirectly with an 8-bit address
field. The Z8601 also allows short 4-bit register
addressing using the Register Pointer (one of
the control registers). In the 4-bit mode, the
register file is divided into nine workingregister groups, each occupying 16 contiguous
locations (Figure 7). The Register Pointer
addresses the starting location of the active
working-register group.

Stacks. Either the internal register file or the
external data memory can be used for the
stack. A 16-bit Stack Pointer (R254 and R255)
is used for the external stack, which can reside
anywhere in data memory between locations
2048 and 65535. An 8-bit Stack Pointer (R255)
is used for the internal stack that resldes within
the 124 general-purpose registers (R4-RI27).


Port 3 lmes P30 and P37 can be programmed
as senal I/O lines for full-duplex serial asynchronous recelver/transmltter operahon. The
blt rate lS controlled by Counter/Tlmer 0, wlth
a maXlmum rate of 62.5K hlts/second for 8
MHz and 94.8K blts/second for 12 MHz.
The Z8601 automahcally adds a start blt and
two stop blts to transmltted data (Flgure 8).
Odd panty is also aVallable as an option. Elght
data blts are always transmltted, regardless of

panty selection. If parity is enabled, the elghth
bit lS the odd panty blt. An mterrupt request
(IRQ4) lS generated on all transmItted
ReceIved data must have a start bIt, eIght
data bIts and at least one stop bit. If panty IS
on, bit 7 of the receIved data is replaced by a
parity error flag. Received characters generate
the IRQ3 interrupt request.

Transmitted Data

Received Data

(No Parity)

(No Parity)





' - - - - - E I G H T OATA BITS

' - - - - - - E I G H T DATA BITS

' - - - - - - - - - O N E STOP BIT


Transmitted Data

Received Data

(With Parity)

(With Parity)

~pl~1 pl~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~1



' - - - - - - S E V E N DATA BITS

' - - - - - - - - - 0 0 0 PARITY

' - - - - - S E V E N DATA BITS

'---------~:~I:~~::~TR FLAG


Figure 8. Serial Data Formala



The Z8601 contains two 8-bit programmable
counter/timers (To and TI), each driven by its
own 6-bit programmable prescaler. The TI
prescaler can be driven by internal or external
clock sources; however, the To prescaler is
driven by the internal clock only.
The 6-bit prescalers can divide the input frequency of the clock source by any number
from 1 to 64. Each prescaler drives its counter,
which decrements the value (1 to 256) that has
been loaded into th6 counter. When the
counter reaches the end of count, a timer
interrupt request-IRQ4 (To) or IRQs (Til-is
The counters can be started, stopped,
restarted to continue, or restarted from the
initial value. The counters can also be programmed to stop upon reaching zero (singlepass mode) or to automatically reload the


initial value and continue counting (modulo-n
continuous mode). The counters, but not the
prescalers, can be read any time without
disturbing their value or count mode.
The clock source for TI is user-definable and
can be the internal microprocessor clock
(4 MHz maximum for the 8 MHz device and 6
MHz maximum for the 12 MHz device.) divided by four, or an external signal input via Port
3. The Timer Mode register configures the external timer input as an external clock (I MHz
maximum), a trigger input that can be retriggerable or non-retriggerable, or as a gate input for the internal clock. The counter/timers
can be programmably cascaded by connecting
the To output to the input of TI. Port 3 line P36
also serves as a timer output (TOUT) through
which To, TI or the internal clock can be output.


1/0 Ports

The 28601 has 32 lines dedicated to input
and output. These lines are grouped into four
ports of eight lines each and are configurable
as input, output or address/data. Under software control, the ports can be programmed to

provide address outputs, timing, status signals,
serial 1/0, and parallel 1/0 with or without
handshake. All ports have active pull-ups and
pull-downs compatible with TTL loads.

Port 1 can be programmed as a byte I/O
port or as an addressldata port for interfacing
external memory. When used as an 1/0 port,
Port I may be placed under handshake control. In this configuration, Port 3 lines P33 and
P34 are used as the handshake controls RDY]
and DAV] (Ready and Data Available).
Memory locations greater than 2048 are
referenced through Port I. To interface external memory, Port I must be programmed
for the multiplexed Address/Data mode. If
more than 256 external locations are required,
Port must output the additional lines.
Port I can be placed in the high-impedance
state along with Port 0, AS, DS and R/W, allow-

ing the 2860 I to share common resources in
multiprocessor and DMA applications. Data
transfers can be controlled by assigning P33
as a Bus Acknowledge input and P34 as a Bus
Request output.

Port 0 can be programmed as a nibble 1/0
port, or as an address port for interfacing
external memory. When used as an 1/0 port,
Port may be placed under handshake control. In this configuration, Port 3 lines P32 and
P35 are used as the handshake controls DA Vo
and RDYo. Handshake signal assignment is
dictated by the 1/0 direction of the upper
nibble P04-P07.
For external memory references, Port can
provide address bits As-All (lower nibble) or
As-A]5 (lower and upper nibble) depending
on the required address space. If the address
range requires 12 bits or less, the upper nibble
of Port can be programmed independently as

1/0 while the lower nibble is used for addressing. When Port nibbles are defined as
address bits, they can be set to the highimpedance state along with Port I and the control signals AS, DS and R/W.

PORT 1:(110)



} 1M~:~~~~~~NTROLS
(P31 AND P3s)

Figure 9a. Pori 1




Port 2 bits can be programmed independently as input or output. The port is
always available for 1/0 operations. In addition, Port 2 can be configured to provide
open-drain outputs.
Like Ports and I, Port 2 may also be
placed under handshake control. In this configuration, Port 3 lines P3] and P36 are used as
the handshake controls lines DA V2 and RDY2.
The handshake signal assignment for Port 3
lines P3] and P36 is dictated by the direction
(input or output) assigned to bit 7 of Port 2.




Figure 9b. Port 0


(1/0 OR ADO-AD J)


Port 3 lines can be configured as 1/0 or control lines. In either case, the direction of the
eight lines is fixed as four input (P30-P33) and
four output (P34-P37)' For serial 1/0, lines P30
and P37 are programmed as serial in and serial
out respectively.
Port 3 can also provide the following control
functions: handshake for Ports 0, I and 2
(DAV and RDY); four external interrupt
request signals (IRQo-IRQ3); timer input and
output signals (TIN and TOUT) and Data
Memory Select (DM).


Figure 9c. Pori 2


Figure 9d. Pori 3



The Z8601 allows six different interrupts from
eight sources: the four Port 3 lines P30-P33,
Serial In, Serial Out, and the two counter/
timers. These interrupts are both maskable and
prioritized. The Interrupt Mask register globally or individually enables or disables the six
interrupt requests. When more than one interrupt is pending, priorities are resolved by a
programmable priority encoder that is controlled by the Interrupt Priority register.
All Z8601 interrupts are vectored. When an
interrupt request is granted, an interrupt
machine cycle is entered. This disables all

subsequent interrupts, saves the Program
Counter and status flags, and branches to the
program memory vector location reserved for
that interrupt. This memory location and the
next byte contain the 16-bit address of the
interrupt service routine for that particular
interrupt request.
Polled interrupt systems are also supported.
To accommodate a polled structure, any or all
of the interrupt inputs can be masked and the
Interrupt Request register polled to determine
which of the interrupt requests needs service.


The on-chIp oscIllator has a high-gain,
parallel-resonant amplifier for connechon to a
crystal or to any suitable external clock source
(XTALJ = Input, XTAL2 = Output).
The crystal source is connected across
XTALJ and XTAL2, using the recommended
capaCItors (Cl ::S 15 pF) from each pin to

ground. The speCifications for the crystal are
as follows:
• AT cut, parallel resonant
• Fundamental type, 8/12 MHz maximum
• Series resistance, Rs ::S 100 n





The Z8603 MPE (Protopack) is used for
prototype development and preproduction of
mask-programmed applications. The Protopack
is a ROMless version of the standard Z860 I,
housed in a pin-compatible 40-pin package
(Figure II).
To provide pin compatibility and interchangeability with the standard maskprogrammed device, the Protopack carries
(piggy-backs) a 24-pin socket for a direct
interface to program memory (Figure I). The
24-pin socket is equipped with II ROM
address lines, 8 ROM data lines and necessary

control lines for interface to 2716 EPROM for
the first 2K bytes of program memory.
Pin compatibility allows the user to design
the pc board for a final 40-pin maskprogrammed Z8601, and, at the same time,
allows the use of the Protopack to build the
prototype and pilot production units. When the
final program is established, the user can then
switch over to the 40-pin mask-programmed
Z8601 for large volume production. The Protopack is also useful in small volume applications where masked ROM setup time, mask
charges, etc., are prohibitive and program
flexibility is desired.
Compared to the conventional EPROM
versions of the single-chip microcomputers,
the Protopack approach offers two main
• Ease of developing various programs during
the prototyping stage. For instance, in
applications where the same hardware
configuration is used with more than one
program, the Z8603 Protopack allows
economical program storage in separate
EPROMs (or PROMs), whereas the use of
separate EPROM-based single-chip
microcomputers is more costly .

Figure 11. The Z8603 Microcomputer Protopack Emulator



Addressing Modes. The following notation is used
to describe the addressing modes and instruction
operations as shown in the instruction summary.

Indirect register paIr or mdirect working-register



Indirect working· register pair only
Indexed address
Direct address
Relative address


Register or working-register address

pair address


Working-regIster address only

Assignment of a value is indicated by the symbol
"_". For example,
dst - dst + src
indicates that the source data is added to the
destination data and the result is stored in the
destination location. The notation "addr(n)" is used
to refer to bit "n" of a given location. For example,
dst (7)
refers to blt 7 of the destmatlOn operand.

Flags. Control Register R252 contains the folloWing
six flags:

Indirect-register or mdired workmg-register



describing the instruction set.






Indirect workmg-regIster address only


RegIster pair or working regIster pair address

Symbols. The following symbols are used in
Deshnahon locatIon or contents
Source location or contents


Condlhon code (see bstj
Indirect address prefIx
Stack painter (control registers 254-255)


Program counter


FLAGS Flag regIster (control register 252)
Register pointer (control register 253)



• Elimination of long lead time in procuring
EPROM-based microcomputers.

Carry flag
Zero flag
SIgn nag
Overflow flag
Decimal-adjust flag
Half-carry flag
Affected flags are indicated by:


Cleared to zero
Set to one
Set or cleared according to operahon


Interrupt mask regIster (control register 251)




Flags Set




Always true
No carry
Not zero
No overflow
Not equal
Greater than or equal
Less than
Greater than
Less than or equal
UnsIgned greater than or equal
UnsIgned less than
UnsIgned greater than
UnsIgned less than or equal
Never true












C ;


Z ; I

; a
; a
; 1
; I
; a

Z ; I
Z ;



(S XOR V) ;
(S XOR V) ; 1
[Z OR (S XOR V)[
[Z OR (S XOR V)[

C ;



C; 1


(C ;
AND Z ; 0)
(C OR Z) ; I








One-Byte Instructions







hi 1 01 dstlare 1

1 1




PUSH, Rio, ALe, RR,


JP, CALL (Indirect)





OR 11 1 1 01




LD, OR, sac, SUB,















1 1 1 0

OR 1 1 1 0



OR 11 1 1
















Two-Byte Instructions

Three-Byte Instructions
Figure 12. Instruction Formats




and Operation


ADC dst,sre

(Note I)

ADD dst,sre
dst - dst + sre

(Note I)

AND dst,sre
dst - dst AND sre



Opcode Flags Affected



• 0 •


• 0

CALL dst
@SP - PC; PC - dst






(Note I)



COM dst
dst - NOT dst



CP dst,sre
dst - sre

(Note I)


DA dst
dst - DA ds!



• X

DEC dst



DECW dst


DJNZ r,dst
r - r- I
If r ,. 0
Range: + 127, -128




LDEI dst,sre
dst - src
+ 1; rr-rr+l




r - r



OR dst,sre
dst - dst OR sre

(Note I)


- * * 0

POP dst
dst - @SP




SP-SP-I; @SP- Bre


PC - @ SP; SP - SP + 2



RL dst








RR dst

lc3-J I~


' , • IR










JR ee,dst
If CC IS true,
Range: + 127, -128
LD dst,sre
dst - sre



LDC dst,sre
dst - src




SBC dst,sre
dst - dst- sre- C

(Note I)



* * *- -


RP - sre

(Note I)

SUB dst,sre
dst - dst - sre

SWAPdst ~ R

FLAGS - @SP; SP - SP + I
PC - @SP; SP - SP + 2; IMR (7) - I
JP ee,dst
tf co IS true
PC - dst


- * * 0

SRA dst

INC dst




IMR (7) - I



LDE dst,sre

RRC dst

IMR (7) - 0

Opcode Flags Affected



CLR dst
dst - 0

INCW dst
dst - dst +


clst - src


LDCI dst,sre
dst - arc
r - r + 1; rr - rr

and Operation





X •• X


• 0

(Note I)


• 0 - -








(Note I)

Note 1


* * *0

TM dst, sre
dst AND sre




- •• 0



I - - -


XOR dst,sre
dst - dst XOR sre




(Note I)



• • I

TCM dst,sre
(NOT dst) AND sre




These mstruchons have an lclentlcaJ set of addressing
modes, which are encoded for brevity The hrst opcode
mbble IS found 10 the mstruchon set table above The
second mbble IS expressed symbohcally by a 0 III this
table, and Its value IS found In the following table to the
left of the apphcable addressmg mode pair
For example, to determine the opcode of an ADC
Instruction use the addressmg modes r (desbnahon) and
Ir (source) The result lS 13.

Addr Mode




Opcode Nibble





R240 810
Serial I/O Register
(FOH: ReadIWrite)

8244 TO
Counter/Timer 0 Register
(F~: ReadlWrite)

11...----SERIAL DATA

(~ •



8241 TMR
Timer Mode Register
(FIH: ReadlWrite)

8245 PREO
Preac:a1er 0 Register
(F5H: Write Only)





NOT T..,
.. 00

: ~:
~o g~~


1 •.. NO



(NON.A~~=::::~::~~ ..


1 ... To MODULO-N


t = LOAD T,





01-00 HEX)


8242 Tl
Counter Timer 1 Register
(F2H: ReadlWrite)

Port 2 Mode Register
(F~: Write Only)

Preac:aler 1 Register
(F3H: Write Only)

R247 P3M
Port 3 Mode Register
(F7H: Write Only)


1 .. T, MODULO·N







o P32 ;;;

o 0 P33 = INPUT

01-00 HEX)


1 P32 = alVti#RDYO P36 = ADYOIIDVO

t 1 P33


~ :~~ ~ ~to~



P34 = RDY1/DAV'i

:: ~ ~~:'~UT)

'-------~~: ~ ~~R~lLIN ::~ ~ ~~r.~TOUT


~ :~:~ g~F

Figure 19. Control Register.



Port 0 and I Mode Regiater

Flag Register

(FBti; Write Only)

(FCH; Reacl/Write)


00 ~


A,...A1& .. 1X

1X ""




00 "" OUTPUT
01 .. INPUT






P1,'!' :'::EOUTPUT


10 .. ADrAD,



is, iii. MY. Aa-A11. AUi-AUi

IDterrupt Priority Reglater

Reglater Pointer

(F9t!; Write Only)

(FDH; Reacl/Wrlte)




o = 1RQ6>1RQ3
1 = IRQ8 > IRQS

C > A > B = 001
A > C > 8 = 011



g~ : ~ ~=
B > A > C = 110


o "" IAOJ > IROO
1 = IROO > IRQ2


o = IRQ1 > IRQ4
1 = IRQ4 > IAQ1

Interrupt Request Regiater

Stack Pointer

(FAH; Reacl/Write)

(FEH; Reacl/Write)


.. I~I~I








lAOS = T1

IDterrupt Mask Register

Stack Pointer

(F~; Reacl/Write)

(FFH; Reacl/Write)


___ ''Do = IROO) IRoo-IRQ5


' - - - - - - - - 1 ENABLES INTERRUPTS

Figure 13. Control Registers (Contmued)




Lower Nibble (Hex)















Bytes per






























rl, IM






















































11, III



















11, l2











































10/12,1 12/14,1

























































11, Ira












12, s, 81






















- 16,0








11,:11:, H2




bra III,lua














~,------,~~------~' ~,------~~,------~# ~,--------~~~----------,;~






+ P1peliDe



0pc0cIe _



B., R,


R = 8·Blt Address
r = 4·BII Address
Rl or" = Dot Address
R, or l'2 = Src Address




Opcode, First Operand, Second Operllnd
Note: The blank areas are not defined.

·2-byte mstruchon; fetch cycle appears as a 3-byte mstrucbon



























ta,lrtl Iu,lrn

mcw mcw

























Voltages on all pins
with respect to GND .......... -0.3 V to +7.0 V
Operating Ambient
Temperature ........ See Ordering Information
Storage Temperature ........ -65°C to +150°C


The DC characteristics hsted below apply for
the folloWing standard test conditions, unless
otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to
GND. Positive current flows into the reference
Standard conditions are:

Stresses greater than those hsted under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the devIce.

ThIS IS a stress rahng only; operahon of the device at any
condlbon above those mdlCated m the operabonal sections
of these speClhcabons IS not Imphed. Exposure to absolute
maximum ratmg conditions for extended periods may affect
devlCe rehablhty.

The Ordering Information section lists temperature ranges and product numbers. Package
drawings are in the Package Information section
in this book. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation.

o +4.75 V S Vee S +5.25 V
o GND = OV

o O°C












CLf:fK --[)<>~i--"""'I><>-+-~ XTAU



CL = , ••,MAX


L -_ _ _~


CL =

Figure 14. Test Load 1

Figure 15. Test Load 2


Figure 18. TTL External Clock IDtertac. ClrcuII
(Both the clock and Its complement ore required)








Clock Input High Voltage




Driven by External Clock Generator


Clock Input Low Voltage




Driven by External Clock Generator


Input High Voltage





Input Low Voltage





Reset Input High Voltage





Reset Input Low Voltage





Output High Voltage


Output Low Voltage


Input Leakage


Output Leakage






IoH = -250 pA



IoL = +2.0 rnA







o Vs
o Vs

Reset Input Current



Vee = +5.25 V, VRL = 0 V

Vee Supply Current



VIN s +5.25 V
VIN s +5.25 V

8085-0313, 0312

External I/O
or Memory
Read and
Write Timing









iii ------------------~~---i1~~----~0~----~~1~~-------­


Figure 17. External I/O or Memory Read/Write







Address Val!d to AS t Delay






AS t to Address Float Delay




AS Low Width




Address Float to DS I




TwDSR ------ DS (Read) Low WIdth






DS (WrIte) Low WIdth
DS I to Read Data ReqUIred ValId






Read Data to DS t Hold TIme





12 -

TdR/W(AS) - - - R/W ValId to



DS t to R/W Not Val!d







AS t to Read Data ReqUIred Val!d











DS t to Address Active Delay



DS t to AS I Delay








WrIte Data ValId to DS (WrIte) I Delay





DS t to WrIte Data Not Val!d Delay





Address Val!d to Read Data ReqUIred Val!d





t to DS I Delay

1 When uSing extended memory bming add 2 TpC
2. Tlmmg numbers given are for minimum TpC
3 See clock cycle hme dependent charactenshcs table


t Delay







t Test Load 1






All bmmg references use 2 a v for a loglC 1" and 0 8 V for a loglC "0"
In nanoseconds (ns)

* All umts



Figure 18. Additional TIming









Input Clock Period






Clock Input Rise And Fall Times



Input Clock Width
Timer Input Low Width
5 - TwTmH ---Timer Input High Width - - - - - - - - - - 3TpC



Timer Input PerlOd



Interrupt Request Input Low Time



Interrupt Request Input Low Time
Interrupt Request Input High Time




Memory Port

3TpC - - - - - - 2









Interrupt request via Port 3 (P31-P33)
4. Interrupt request via Port 3 (P30)
.. Umts In nanoseconds (ns)

1 Clock hmmg references uses 3 8 V for a logic "I" and 0 8 V for
a logiC "0"
2 Tlmmg reference uses 2 0 V for a logic" 1" and 0.8 V for
a loglC "0"



Timer Input Rise And Fall Times



A.·A,. ~__________________~A_D_D._E_SS_V_A_Ll_D__________________~t(


---______~T-.________0__' ____~j~--------------------------~~~--2~V-X
-------f\.DON'T CAllE


Figure 19. Memory Port Timing





Address Vahd to Data Input Delay


Data In Hold Time

1. Test Load 2












'" Umts are nanoseconds unless otherwise specIfIed.

IS a Clock-eycle-Dependent parameter. For clock frequenother than the maXimum, USB the follOWing formula:
28601/3 = 5 TpC - 165
Z8601/3-12 = 5 TpC - 95

2. ThiS


2194-012 2037-019







Figure 20a. Input Handshake







1 CD C'17~


Figure 20b. Output Handshake






Data In Setup Time
Data In Hold TIme
Data Avallable Width
TdDAVJf(RDY) DAV I Input to RDY I Delay
5-TdDAVOf(RDY)-DAV I OutputtoRDY I D e l a y - - - - - - - - - 0


DAV 1 Input to RDY 1 Delay
DAV 1 Output to RDY 1 Delay
Data Out to DAV I Delay
Rdy I Input to DAV I Delay

1. Test load I
2. Input handshake
3. Output handshake
t All hmmg references use 2 0 V for a logic" 1" and 0 8 V for











* UOits m nanoseconds (os),

a logiC "0"
















Notes ..t



Add 2TpC when usmg extended memory hmmg


40-pin DIP
44-pin PCC

40-pin Protopack


Z8603 RS
Z8603 TSt


Z8601 VSt

ZS MCU, 2K XROM, 12.0 MHz
40-pin Proto pack

ZS MCU, 2K ROM, 12.0 MHz
40-pin DIP
44-pin PCC
Z8601-12 PS

Z8603-12 RS
Z8603-12 TSt

Z8601-12 VSt

First letter is for package; second letter is for temperature.


Ceramic DIP
Plastic DIP
Ceramic LCC
Plastic PCC

S = OOC to + 70°C
E = -40°Cto +85°C
M*= -55°C to +125°C



Low Profile Protopack
Dual-In-Line Package
Leadless Chip Carrier
Plastic Chip Carrier (Leaded)

B = 883 Class B

Example: PS is a plastic DIP, OOC to + 70°C.
tAvaliable soon.
* For Military Orders, contact your local Zilog Sales Office for Military Electrical SpeCifications.



Z8® Z8611
Z8® Z8612
Z8® Z8613



March 1985
28611 Single-Chip Microcomputer wIth 4K ROM
28612 Development Device with Memory Interface
28613 Prototyping Device with EPROM Interface


• Complete microcomputer, 4K bytes of ROM,
128 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O Imes, and up to
60K bytes addressable external space each
for program and data memory.

• Full-duplex UART and two programmable
8-bit counter/hmers, each wIth a 6-blt
programmable prescaler.




• Register Pomter so that short, fast mstruchons can access any of nme workmgregIster groups in I J1-S.

• 144-byte register hie, mcludmg 124
general-purpose registers, four I/O port
registers, and 16 status and control

• On-chIp osclllator whlCh accepts crystal or
external clock dnve.

• Average instruction execution hme of
1.5 J1-s, maximum of 3 J1-S.

• Smgle + 5 V power supply-all pms TTLcompahble.



• Vectored, priority mterrupts for I/O,
counter/hmers, and UART.


The Z8611 microcomputer introduces a new
level of sophistication to single-chip architecture. Compared to earlier Single-chip microcomputers, the Z8611 offers faster execution;
more efficient use of memory; more sophisticated interrupt, input/output and bit-manipulation capabilities; and easier system expansion.
Under program control, the Z8611 can be
tailored to the needs of its user. It can be con-

figured as a stand-alone microcomputer with
4K bytes of internal ROM, a traditional microprocessor that manages up to 120K bytes of
external memory, or a parallel-processing element in a system with other processors and
peripheral controllers linked by the Z-BUS. In
all configurations, a large number of pins
remain available for I/O.
























1/0 OR ADc-AD7

Figure 1_ Pin Functions







Figure 2a_ 40-pin Dual-In-Line Package (DIP)
Pin Assignments



for va or external memory interface.
RESET. Reset (mput, active Low). RESET imtializes the Z8611. When RESET is deactivated,
program execution begms from internal program location OOOCH.

AS. Address Strobe (output, achve Low).
Address Strobe is pulsed once at the begmning of each machine cycle. Addresses output
via Port I for all external program or data
memory transfers are valid at th~ailing edge
of AS. Under program control, AS can be
placed in the high-impedance state along wJth
Ports 0 and I, Data Strobe, and ReadlWrite.

R/W. ReadlWrite (output). R/W is Low when
the 28611 IS wrIting to external program or
data memory.

OS. Data Strobe (output, active Low). Data

XTALI. XTAL2. Crystall, Crystal 2 (time-base

Strobe is achvated once for each external
memory transfer.

input and output). These pins connect a
parallel-resonant crystal (8 or 12 MHz maximum) or an external single-phase clock (8 or
12 MHz maxImum) to the on-chip clock
oscillator and buffer.

POo-Po,. PIO-PI? P2o-P2,. P30-P3,. 110 Port
Lines (input/outputs, TTL-compatible). These
32 lines are divided mto four 8-bit va ports
that can be configured under program control

+" 4""""'-¢'~~~~ 4""'I'lI'-"",~",,~

























A! 10




























18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

1 :; 1RQ3 > IAQ6



C > A > B = 001

A > C > B = 011


C > 8 > A = 101
B > A > C = 110

o = IRQ2 > IROO
1 = IROO > IRQ2

o = IRQt > IRQ4

= IRo. > IRQ1

IDterrupt Request Register
(FAH; Read/Write)

Stack Pointer
(FEH; Read/Write)






IROO • Pia INPUT (Do ... IRoo)
IRQ1 ... Pia INPUT



Interrupt Mask Register
(FBH; Read/Write)

8255 SPL
Stack Pointer
(FFH; Read/Write)





(0, • 'ROO)

LI_ _ _ _




' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ENABLES INTERRUPTS

ngure la. Control Registe.. (Continued)




Low.. Nibble (Hex)























































































































rl, fa


















I2,lrn lrz,Irrl















1'1. r2











































I2,Irn Ira,lrll







la, z, HI















rl, Ira























n , trra In,lrl2




rl,bra Irl,Irrz















sse sse sse
































Byl.. per



10/12,1 12/14,1






















































~~------~~~------,# ~~------~~,------~~ ~~--------~~~--------~#, ~







R = 8-Bl1 Address
r = 4-Bl1 Address




R, or" = Oat Address
R2 or ra = S'c Address

Opcode, First Operand, Second Operand
Note: The blank areas are not defined_

*2-byte instruction, fetch cycle appears as III 3-byte Instruction



Voltages on all pins
with respect to GND .......... -0.3 V to + 7.0 V
Operating Ambient
Temperature ........ See Ordering Information
Storage Temperature ........ -65°C to +150°C

Stresses g,....ter than those hsted under Absolute MaxI'
mum Ratmgs may cause permanent damage to the devIce.
Th,s IS a stress rdting only; operallon 01 the device at any
condlilon above those indicated in the operallonal sections
01 these speCIfications is not Imphed. Exposure to absolute
maxImum rating condlilons lor extended periods may affeel
deVICe reliability.


The DC characteristics listed below apply for
the following standard test conditions, unless
otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to
GND. Positive current flows into the reference
Standard conditions are:

The Ordering Information section lists package
temperature ranges and product numbers. Package drawings are in the Package Information
section in this book. Refer to the Literature List
for additional documentation.


o +4.75 V s VCC s +5.25 V
•• v

o GND = OV
o O°C S TA S +70°C·

•• v


•• v

•• v









c,.. "pIMAX

' - - - - -..... XTAL1

Figure 14. Tall Load 1



Figura IS. Teat Load 2

Figura 18. TTL External Clock Interface Circuit
(Both the clock and It. complement are required)






Clock Input High Voltage




Driven by External Clock Generator


Clock Input Low Voltage




Driven by External Clock Generator


Input High Voltage





Input Low Voltage





Reset Input High Voltage





Reset Input Low Voltage





Output High Voltage


Output Low Voltage




= -250 p.A
= +2.0 rnA








OV:sVIN:S +5.25 V




Input Leakage



Output Leakage




OV:sVIN:S +5.25 V


Reset Input Current





Vcc Supply Current




+5.25 V, VRL


I. For Ao-AlI' MOS, SYNC, SCLK and lACK on the Z8612 verSIOn, IOH = -IOO".A and IOL = 1.0 rnA.


8085·0313, 0312 2037·015

External 1/0
or Memory

Read and
Write Timing











Figure 17. Exte.nall/O or Memory ReadlWrlte






Address Valid to AS I Delay



AS I to Address Float Delay
AS I to Read Data Required Valid



AS Low Width




Address Float to DS I


TwDSR - - - - - DS (Read) Low Width
DS (Write) Low Width
DS I to Read Data Required Valid
Read Data to DS I Hold Time























R!W Valid to AS I Delay
DS I to R!W Not Valid




Write Data Valid to DS (Write) I Delay



DS I to Write Data Not Valid Delay




DS I to Address Active Delay



DS I to

12 -








Address Valid to Read Data Required Valid
AS I to DS I Delay



I Delay

I. When usmg extended memory liming add 2 TpC.
2. Timing numbers given are for minimum TpC.
3. See clock cycle lime dependent characteristics table.










t Test Load 1
o All timing references use 2.0V for a logIC "1" and O.SV for a logiC "0".
• All units in nanoseconds (ns).






Figure 18. Additional Timing









Input Clock Period
Clock Input Rise And Fall Times
Input Clock Width
Timer Input Low Width
TwTmH--- Timer Input High Width - - - - - - - - - - - 3TpC
Timer Input Period
Timer Input Rise And Fall Times
Interrupt Request Input Low Time
Interrupt Request Input Low Time
Interrupt Request Input High Time







3TpC - - - - - 2

3. Interrupt request
4. Interrupt request

1 Clock tImmg references uses 3.8 V for a logiC "1" and 0.8 V for
a lOgIC "0".
2. Tlmmg reference uses 2.0 V for a logIC "1" and 0.8 V for
a logiC "0".

Z8612. Z861S
Memory Port


.. Umls

~,--_ _ _ _ _




Port 3 (P31-P33)'
Port 3 (P30)'

nanoseconds (ns).


-:-AD_D"_ESS_V_AL_'D_ _ _ _ _ _






Figure 19. Memory Port nmlng






Address Valid to Data Input Delay
Data In Hold Time

I Test Load 2












.. Unds are nanoseconds unless o\herwl8e speclbed.

thiS IS a Clock~Cycle·Dependent parameter. For clock frequenCles other than the maximum, use the follOWing formula:

Z861112/3 = 5 TpC - 165
7.8611/2/3-12 = 5 TpC - 95


2194-012 2037-019


DA~;'~: ___________~_'
~ __________

Fig.... 20a.lnput Handshake










Fig.... 2Ob. Output Handshake









Data In Setup Time
Data In Hold Time
Data Available Width
TdDAVIf(RDY) DAV I Input to RDY I Delay
S-TdDAVOf(RDY)-DAV I Output to RDY I Delay - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - 0 - - - - - 1 , 3
TdDAVIr(RDY) DAV I Input to RDY I Delay
TdDAVOrRDY) DAV I Output to RDY I Delay
Data Out to DAV I Delay
Rdy I Input to DAV I Delay


* Umts



nanoseconds (ns).







* Add 2TpC when using extended memory timing






I. Test load I
2. Input handshake
3. Output handshake
t All tmunq references use 2.0 V for a lOglc "1" and 0.8 V for
.Ioglo "0".



40-pln DIP
44-pln PCC
Z8611 PS
Z8611 VSt
Z8611 CS
Z8611 PE
Z8611 CE
Z8611 CM'

ZS MCU, 4K XROM, 12.0 MHz
64-pin DIP
6S-pln PCC
Z8612-12 PS
Z8612-12 VSt
40-pin Protopack
Z8613 RS
Z8613 RE
Z8613 TSt

ZS MCU, 4K ROM, 12.0 MHz
40-pln DIP
44-pin PCC

Z8 MCU, 4K XROM, 12.0 MHz
40-pln Protopack
Z8613-12 RS
Z8613-12 TSt

. 64-pin DIP
6S-pln PCC
Z8612 PS
Z8612 CE
First letter is for package; second letter is for temperature.


Ceramic DIP
Plastic DIP
Ceramic LCC
Plastic PCC

S = O°Cto + 70°C
E = -40°Cto +85°C
M'= -55°Cto +125°C



Low Profile Protopack
Dual-In-Line Package
Leadless Chip Carrier
Plastic Chip Carrier (Leaded)

B = 883 Class B

Example: PS is a plastic DIP, OOC to + 70°C.
tAvailable soon .
• For MiI~ary Orders. contact your local Zilog Sales Office for Military Electrical Specifications.



Z8® Z8671 MCV

with BASIC/Debug


April 1985


• The Z8671 MCU IS a complete microcomputer
preprogrammed with a BASIClDebug interpreter.
Interaction between the interpreter and its user IS
provided through an on-board UART.
• BASIC/Debug can directly address the Z8671's internal
registers and all external memory. It provides quick
examination and modification of any external memory
location or I/O port.

• The BASIC/Debug interpreter can call machine
language subroutines to increase execution speed.
• The Z8671's auto start-up capability allows a program to
be executed on power-up or Reset without operator
intervention .
• Single + 5V power supply-all I/O pins TTL-compatible.

The Z8671 Single-Chip Microcomputer (MCU) IS one of a
line of preprogrammed chips-in this case with a
BASIClDebug interpreter in ROM-offered by Zilog. As a
member of the Z8 Family of microcomputers, it offers the
same abundance of resources as the other Z8




I/O or As-A15



















P0 7

110 OR ADo-AD I



















Figure 1. Pin Functions

Because the BASIClDebug interpreter is already part of the
chip circuit, programming is made much easier. The Z8671
MCU thus offers a combination of software and hardware
that is ideal for many industrial control applications. The
Z8671 MCU allows fast hardware tests and bit-by-bit
examination and modification of memory location, I/O ports,






P2 7



































Figure 2a. 40-pin Dual-In-Line Package (DIP),
Pin Assignments





or registers. It also allows bit manipulation and logical
operations. A self-contained line editor supports interactive
debugging, further speeding up program development.

,,' ,J-

~ q"Oq"'.¢"'.¢'" x'>" q"'<{>'q~q""q"'~

The BASIC/Debug interpreter, a subset of Dartmouth
BASIC, operates with three kinds of memory: on-chip
registers and external ROM or RAM. The BASIC/Debug
interpreter is located in the 2K bytes of on-chip ROM.
Additional features of the Z8671 MCU include the ability to
call machine language subroutines to increase execution
speed and the ability to have a program execute on
power-up or Reset, without operator intervention.
Maximum memory addressing capabilities include 62K
bytes of external program memory and 62K bytes of data
memory with program storage beginning at location 800H.
This provides up to 124K bytes of useable memory space.
Very few 8-bit microcomputers can directly access this
amount of memory.
Each Z8671 Microcomputer has 32 110 lines, a 144-byte
register file, an on-board UART, and two counter/timers.






1 44 43 42 41 40












































18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
~f>~ qe::,.,.qf:;)'? q(i:j'o q01.  A > B := 001
A > B > C == 010
A> C > B == 011

o := IROS > IRQ3
1 == IRQ3 > IROS


~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~g~
8> A > C '" 110

o = IRQ2 > IROO
1 :=: IROO > IRQ2



o :=:




1 '" IFlQ4 > IRQ1

Interrupt Request Register
(FAH: Read/Wnte)

Stack Pointer
(FEH: Read/Write)










Interrupt Mask Register
(FBH, Read/Wnte)

Stack Pointer
(FFH, Read/Wnte)



c=:: '


(Do'" IROO)

' - - - - - - - RESERVED (MUST BE 0)

L I_ _ _ _



' - - - - - - - - 1 ENABLES INTERRUPTS

Figure 12. Control Registers (Continued)


Lower Nibble (Hex)

















































f1, lr2























f1, lr2























f1, lr2
























f1, lr2























f1, lr2























f1, lr2





10112, ,























f1, lr2











f1, lrr2












f2, lrr 1
























































(1, lr2























(1 (2

(1, lr 2









































(2. lrr1



















rl, IR2





















. . . -----...'V. .____-'J ......-----'V. .-----.I . . . ------.. v. ...------.,.I~"__v___'"
Bytes per Instruction


OPCODE ----. A

• 2 byte instruction fetch cycle appears as a 3-byte Instruction




R = 8-blt address
r = 4·blt address
R1 orr1 = Ost address
R2 or (2 = Src address
Opcode, First Operand, Second Operand


NOTE The blank areas are not defined

Voltages on all pins with respect
to GND ......................... -O.3Vto + 7.0V
Operating Ambient
Temperature .............. See Ordering Information
Storage Temperature .............. -65°C to + 150°C

Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may
cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only;
operation of the device at any condition above those indicated in the
operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for exlended periods may affect
device reliability.

The DC characteristics listed below apply for the following
standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All
voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into
the referenced pin.

The Ordering Information section lists package temperature
ranges and product numbers. Package drawings are in the
Package Information section. Refer to the Literature List for
additional documentation.

Standard conditions are:

+4.75V"'Vee'" +5.25V














Figure 13. Test Load 1


= 15ptMAX

CL = 15ptMAX

Figure 15. TTL External Clock Interface Circuit
(Both the clock and Its complement are required)

Figure 14. Test Load 2




Clock Input High Voltage


Clock Input Low Voltage
Input High Voltage


Input Low Voltage
Input High Voltage




Reset Input Low Voltage


Output High Voltage







Driven by External Clock Generator



Driven by External Clock Generator









IOH = -250!J.A
IOL = +20 mA



Output Low Voltage




Input Leakage




OV ~ VIN'" + 5.25V


Output Leakage




OV ~ VIN'" + 5.25V


Reset Input Current




Vce Supply Current




+ 5.25V, VRL














..   MODE
01-00 HEX)



o P32











1 Pia == 6JV!lIRDYO P3,:: RDYOl~

~~}.o, = IN.UT

~ ::~ ~ b'W£'J~~~

'------- ~;=: ~~~lL IN
'-_______ g:F

PI. . IlM

=:: ~ ~~~~~uTI
~~ ~ g~~r.~TOUT

~ ::=:~

Figure 18. Control Registers




Port 0 Register
(F8H; Write Only)


Flag Register
(FCH; ReadlWrite)


• 1)(

L pa.-po, MODE





01 • INPUT
1)( • A,-A u









Interrupt Priority Register
(F9H; Write Only)

Register Pointer
(FDH; Read/Write)

I I III-'-~
C > It. > 8 '" 001
A > C > 8 = 011


1 = IRQ3 > IAQ5


.. I



~ ~ ~ ~ : : ~~

o '" IA02 > IROO
1 = IROO > IRQ2

8 > A > C = 110



o = IAQ1 > IRQ4
IA04 > IAQ1


Interrupt Request Register
(FAH; ReadlWrite)



Stack Pointer
(FEH; Read/Write)

.. I




LI_ _ _





Interrupt Mask Register
(FBH; Read/Write)


___ '



Stack Pointer
(FFH; ReadlWrite)




1...._ _ _

:~~~~?~:~~A LOWER

' - - - - - - - - 1 ENAILES INTERRUPTS

Figure 18. Control Registers (Continued)



Lower Nibble (Hex)































(1, lr2





r,. R2

r2. R,























R,. IM




R2. R,

















'l, lr2



























r" lr2

R2. R,

















'1, lr2



R,. IM



















(1, lr2

R2. R,


R,. IM




















'1, lr2




























r" lr2











(1, lrr2












(2, lrr,





















r,. lr2

























R2. R,

























(1, lrr2










































r,. IR2


















R2. IR,














r,. IM















12110.5 12/10.0

























Byte. per Instruction





R2 or (2 = Src address

R = 8-bIt address
r = 4-brt address

R, or'1


Dst address

Opcode. First Operand. Second Operand



NOTE The blank areas are not defined

• 2 byte Instruction, fetch cycle appears as a 3-byte instruction



Voltages on all pins except RESET
with respecttoGND ............... -O.3Vto + 7.0V
Operating Ambient
Temperature ..............See Ordering Information
Storage Temperature .............. -65°C to + 150°C

Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may
cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only;
operation of the device at any condition above those indicated in the
operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect
device reliability

The DC characteristics listed below apply for the following
standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All
voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into
the referenced pin.
Standard conditions are as follows:

1 = IRQ3> IRQ5

RESERVED ;::: 000
C > A > 8 "" 001



1 ". IROO :> IR02











o ;: :

IRQ1 :> IRQ4

1 = IACM :> IAQ1

Stack Pointer
(FEH; ReadIWrite)

Interrupt Request Register
(FAH; ReadIWrite)







IH02 • P3, INPUT

IRO&· T,

Interrupt Mask Register
(FBH; ReadIWnte)


Stack Pointer
(FFH; Read/Write)

___ (Do •




1'--___ r~~~:'~!:~:R LOWER

' - - - - - - - - 1 ENABLES INTERRUPTS

Figure 15. Control Registers (Continued)



IAMr Nibble (Hex)































































rl. lr2

R2. Rl




rl. R2

r2. Rl

rl. RA


rl. IM






















r1, lr2

R2. Rl


Rl. IM



















f1, lr2

R2. Rl


Rl. IM


















rl. lr2
























rl. lr2

R2. Rl





















rl. lr2

R2. Rl






















f1, lr2

R2. Rl




















R2. Rl


Rl. IM





f1, lr2











(1, lrr2



















r2, lrT 1






















rl. lr2

R2. Rl


Rl. IM


























(l, lr2

















r1, lrr2


















r2, lrT1





















rl. IR2

R2. Rl

























v,..-----'JIo.....---__..v,..----#Io.....- - - - -.....v,..-----"'"#~"'--v--"

..._ _ _ _





aytes per Instruction




R = S·blt address
r = 4·bit address
Rlorrl = Dst address
R20rr2 = Src address

Opcode. First Operand. Second Operand



NOTE' The blank areas are not defined

*2·byte Instruction, fetch cycle appears as a 3-byte Instruclton



Voltages on all pins' with respect
to GND ......................... -0.3Vto + 7.0V
Operating Ambient
Temperature .............. See Ordering Information
Storage Temperature .............. - 65
to + 150



Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may
cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only;
operation of the device at any condition above these indicated in the
operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect
device reliability.

• Except RESET





characteristics listed below apply for the following
standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All
voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into
the referenced pin.







Standard conditions are as follows:

:><:-......_ - 1 :><:-....- -


L -_ _ _ _ _


• + 4. 75V"; Vcc"; + 5.25V
• GND = OV

• ooe..; TA"; + 70 e for S (Standard temperature)


Figure 17a. Z86L81 External Clock Interface Circuit









Figure 17b. Z86L85 External Clock Interface Circuit

Figure 16. Test Load 1




Clock Input High Voltage


Clock Input Low Voltage


Input High Voltage


Input Low Voltage


Reset Input High Voltage




Test Condition




Driven by External Clock Generator




Driven by External Clock Generator














Reset Input Low Voltage


Output High Voltage


Output Low Voltage


Input Leakage




Output Leakage






= -250fJA







+ 5.25V
+ 5.25V


Reset Input Current



Vcc = + 5.25V, VRl = OV


VCC Supply Current



8 MHz Clock (86L81/85·8L)


VMM Supply Current




Backup Supply Voltage





Power Down Mode (Z86L85 only)
Power Down (Z86L85 only)


External 1/0 or Memory Read and Write Timing


















J L=

o IROO >IR01
1 = IRQ1 > IROO

' - - - GROUPB
o = IR02 > (IR03,IRQ4)
1 = (IRQa,IR04) >IRQ2


o = IRQ3> IRQ4



= IRQ4 > IRQ3

o = IR05 > (IRQ6,IR07)
1 = (IR06,IR07) >IRQ5
o = lAOS> IRQ7
1 = IAQ7 > lAOS


LI_ _ _ _ _ _




110 PORTS
The Super-8 comes in two versions: one version has 32 110
lines arranged into four 8-bit ports and the other version has
40 I/O lines arranged into five 8-bit ports. These lines are all
TTL-compatible, and can be configured as inputs qr
outputs. Some can also be configured as address/data
Each port has an input register, an output register, and a
register address. Data coming into the port is stored in the
input register, and data to be written to a port is stored in the
output register. Reading a port's register address returns the
value in the input register; writing a port's register address
loads the value in the output register. If the port is configured
for an output, this value will appear on the external pins.
When the CPU reads the bits configured as outputs, the
data on the external pins is returned. Under normal output
loading, this has the same effect as reading the output
register, unless the bits are configured as open-drain
The ports can be configured as shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Port Configuration

Configuration Choices


Address outputs andlor general 1/0
Multiplexed address/data or general 110
Control 1/0 for UART, handshake channels, and
counter/timers; also general 1/0 and external
General 1/0




Port 0 can be configured as an 1/0 port or an output for
addressing external memory, or it can be divided and used
as both. The bits configured as 1/0 can be either all outputs
or all inputs; they cannot be mixed. If configured for outputs,
they can be push-pull or open-drain type.
Any bits configured for 1/0 can be accessed via R208. To
write to the port, specify R208 as the destination (dst) of an
instruction; to read the port, specify R208 as the source
Port 0 bits configured as 1/0 can be placed under
handshake control of handshake channel 1.
Port 0 bits configured as address outputs cannot be
accessed via the register.
Port 1

Port 1 can be configured as a byte-wide address/data port,
or as a byte 1/0 port. When configured as an address/data
port, it provides a byte-wide multiplexed address/data path.
Additional address lines can be added by configuring
Port O.


The 64-pin ROM less version of the Super-8 provides
separate address/data lines. Port 1 is then available for 1/0.
Port 1's input/output register address is R209. Data is read
from the port by specifying R209 as the source of an
instruction; data is written to the port by specifying R209 as
the destination.
When configured for 110, Port 1 can be placed under
handshake control.
When configured as an address/data port, Port 1 cannot be
accessed as a register.

Ports 2 and 3 provide external control inputs and outputs for
the UART, handshake channels, and counterltimers. The
pin assignments appear in Table 3.
Bits not used for control 1/0 can be configured as
general-purpose 1/0 lines andlor external interrupt inputs.
Those bits configured for general 1/0 can be configured
individually for input or output. Those configured for output
can be individually configured for open-drain or push-pull
All Port 2 and 3 input pins are Schmitt-triggered.
The port address for Port 2 is R210, and for Port 3 is R211.
Table 3. Pin Assignments for Ports 2 and 3



Port 2
UART receive clock
UART transmit clock
810 receive clock
810 transmit clock
Handshake 0 input
Handshake 0 output
Counter 0 input
Counter 0 1/0



Port 3
UART receive data
UART transmit data
810 receive data
810 transmit data
Handshake 1 inputIWAIT
Handshake 1 output/DM
Counter 1 input
Counter 1 1/0

Port 4
Port 4 can be configured as 1/0 only. It exists internally in all
versions of the Super-8, but has no connection to external
pins in the 40-pin models. Each bit can be configured
individually as input or output, with either push-pull or
open-drain outputs. All Port 4 inputs are Schmitt-triggered.
Port 4 can be placed under handshake control of
handshake channel O. Its register address is R212.
Ports 1 and 4 use the same handshake line in Port 2. Only
one can use the handshake feature at a given time.



The UART is a full-duplex asynchronous channel. It
transmits and receives independently with 5 to 8 bits per
character, has options for even or odd bit parity, and a
wake-up feature.

The UART begins receive operation when Receive Enable
(URC, bit 0) is set High. After this, a Low on the receive input
pin for longer than half a bit time is interpreted as a start bit.
The UART samples the data on the input pin in the middle of
each clock cycle until a complete byte is assembled. This is
placed in the Receive Data register.

Data can be read into or out of the UART via R239, Bank O.
This single address is able to serve a full-duplex channel
because it contains two complete 8-bit registers-one for
the transmitter and the other for the receiver.

The UART uses the following Port 2 and 3 pins:


UART Function
Receive Clock
Receive Data
Transmit Clock
Transmit Data

When the UART's register address is specified as the
destination (dst) of an operation, the data is output on the
UART, which automatically adds the start bit, the
programmed parity bit, and the programmed number of
stop bits. It can also add a wake-up bit if that option is

If the 1X clock mode is selected, external bit synchronization
must be provided, and the input data is sampled on the
rising edge of the clock.
For character lengths of less than eight bits, the UART
inserts ones into the unused bits, and, if parity is enabled,
the parity bit is not stripped. The data bits, extra ones, and
the parity bit are placed in the UART Data register (UIO).
While the UART is assembling a byte in its input shift register,
the CPU has time to service an interrupt and manipulate the
data character in UIO.
Once a complete character is assembled, the UART checks
it and performs the following:

If it is an ASCII control character, the UART sets the
Control Character status bit.


It checks the wake-up settings and completes any
indicated action.


If parity is enabled, the UART checks to see if the
calculated parity matches the programmed parity bit. If
they do not match, it sets the Parity Error bit in URC
(R236 Bank 0), which remains set until reset by software.


It sets the Framing Error bit (URC, bit 4) if the character is
assembled without any stop bits. This bit remains set until
cleared by software.

lithe UART is programmed for a 5-,6-, or 7-bit character, the
extra bits in R239 are ignored.
Serial data is transmitted at a rate equal to 1, 1/16, 1/32 or
1/64 of the transmitter clock rate, depending on the
programmed data rate. All data is sent out on the falling
edge of the clock input.
When the UART has no data to send, it holds the output
marking (High). It may be programmed with the Send Break
command to hold the output Low (Spacing), which it
continues until the command is cleared.

Overrun errors occur when characters are received faster
than they are read. That is, when the UART has assembled a
complete character before the CPU has read the current
character, the UART sets the Overrun Error bit (URC, bit 3),
and the character currently in the receive buffer is lost.
The overrun bit remains set until cleared by software.




The Super-8 can access 64K bytes of program memory and
64K bytes of data memory. These spaces can be either
combined or separate. If separate, they are controlled by the
DM line (Port P3s), which selects data memory when Low
and program memory when High.





r - - - - - , 64K

CPU Program Memory
Program memory occupies addresses 0 to 64K. On-chip
ROM always occupies the lowest part of program memory.
Space beyond the on-chip ROM can be accessed by
configuring Ports 0 and 1 as a memory interface. Port 1 can
be used as an 8-bit multiplexed address/data port; Port 0
can be configured to provide from 0 to 8 additional address

4K, 8K , OR 16K

_ _... 00


_ _..... oo



The address/data lines are controlled by AS, DS and RiW.
The first 32 program memory bytes are reserved for
interrupt vectors; the lowest address available for user
programs is 32 (decimal). This value is automatically loaded
into the program counter after a hardware reset.
In 40- and 48-pin ROMless versions, Port 1 is automatically
configured as a multiplexed address/data port.
Figure 6 shows the system memory space.

Figure 6. Memory Map
CPU Data Memory
The CPU data memory space, if separate from program
memory, is also accessed using Port 1 asADo-AD7, with DM
Low. Accesses are controlled by AS, DS, and RiW. Port 0
can be configured to provide additional address lines.

The Super-8 instruction set is designed to handle its large
register set. The instruction set provides a full complement
of 8-bit arithmetic and logical operations, including multiply
and divide. It supports BCD operations using a decimal
adjustment of binary values, and it supports incrementing
and decrementing 16-bit quantities for addresses and
It provides extensive bit manipulation, and rotate and shift
operations, and it requires no special I/O instructions-the
I/O ports are mapped into the register file.

Flag Register
The Flag register (FLAGS) contains eight bits that describe
the current status of the Super-8. Four ofthese can be tested
and used with conditional jump instructions; two others are
used for BCD arithmetic. FLAGS also contains the Bank
Address bit and the Fast Interrupt Status bit.
The flag bits can be set and reset by instructions.

Instruction Pointer
A special register called the Instruction Pointer (lP) provides
hardware support for threaded-code languages. It consists
of register-pair R218 and R219, and it contains memory
addresses. The MSB is R218.
Threaded-code languages deal with an imaginary
higher-level machine within the existing hardware machine.
The IP acts like the PC for that machine. The command
NEXT passes control to or from the hardware machine to the
imaginary machine, and the commands ENTER and EXIT
are imaginary machine equivalents of (real machine) CALLS
lithe commands NEXT, ENTER, and EXIT are not used, the
IP can be used by the fast interrupt processing, as
described in the Interrupts section.


Do not specify FLAGS as the destination of an
instruction that normally affects the flag bits or the
result will be unspecified.
The following paragraphs describe each flag bit:

Bank Select. This bit is used to select one of the register
banks (0 or 1) between (decimal) addresses 224 and 255. It
is cleared by the SBO instruction and set by the SB1

Fast Interrupt Status. This bit is set during a fast interrupt
cycle and reset during the IRET following interrupt servicing.
When set, this bit inhibits all interrupts and causes the fast
interrupt return to be executed when the IRET instruction is


Half·Carry. This bit is set to 1 whenever an addition
generates a carry out of bit 3, or when a subtraction borrows
out of bit 3. This bit is used by the Decimal Adjust (DA)
instruction to convert the binary result of a previous addition
or subtraction into the correct decimal (BCD) result. This
flag, and the Decimal Adjust flag, are not usually accessed
by users.
Decimal Adjust. This bit is used to specify what type of
instruction was executed last during BCD operations, so a
subsequent Decimal Adjust operation can function
correctly. This bit is not usually accessible to programmers,
and cannot be used as a test condition.
Overflow Flag. This flag is set to 1 when the result of a
twos-complement operation was greater than 127 or less
than -128. It is also cleared to 0 during logical operations.
Sign Flag. Following arithmetic, logical, rotate, or shift
operations, this bit identifies the state of the MSB of the
result. A 0 indicates a positive number and a 1 indicates a
negative number.
Zero Flag. For arithmetic and logical operations, this flag is
set to 1 if the result of the operation is zero.
For operations that test bits in a register, the zero bit is set to 1
if the result is zero.
For rotate and shift operations, this bit is set to 1 if the result is

Carry Flag. This flag is set to 1 if the result from an arithmetic
operation generates a carry out of, or a borrow into, bit 7.

After rotate and shift operations, it contains the last value
shifted out of the specified register.
It can be set, cleared, or complemented by instructions.

Condition Codes
The flags C, Z, S, and V are used to control the operation of
conditional jump instructions.
The opcode of a conditional jump contains a 4-bit field
called the condition code (cc). This specifies under which
conditions it is to execute the jump. For example, a
conditional jump with the condition code for "equal" after a
compare operation only jumps if the two operands are
The condition codes and their meanings are given in
Table 4.

Addressing Modes
All operands except for immediate data and condition
codes are expressed as register addresses, program
memory addresses, or data memory addresses. The
addressing modes and their designations are:
Register (R)
Indirect Register (IR)
Indexed (X)
Direct (DA)
Relative (RA)
Immediate (1M)

Table 4. Condition Codes and Meanings



0111 •




1111 •







1111 •
0111 •




Always false
Always true


No carry



Not zero






Not equal



Greater than or equal


(8 XORV)= 1
(Z OR (8 XORV))=O

Less than
Greater than


(Z OR (8 XOR V))= 1

Less than or equal
Unsigned greater than or equal



(C=O AND Z=O) = 1



(CORZ)= 1


No overflow

Unsigned less than
Unsigned greater than
Unsigned less than or equal


NOTE. Asterisks
indicate condition codes that relate to two different mnemonics but test the same flags. For example, Z and EO are both True if the
Zero flag is set, but after an ADD instruction, Z would probably be used, while after a CP instruction, EO would probably be used.


Registers can be addressed by an 8·bit address in the range
of 0 to 255. Working registers can also be addressed using
4·bit addresses, where five bits contained in a register
pointer (R218 or R219) are concatenated with three bits
from the 4·bit address to form an 8·bit address.

Notation and Encoding

The instruction set notations are described in Table 5.
Functional Summary of Commands

Figure 8 shows the commands, and Figure 9 provides a
quick reference guide to the commands.

Registers can be used in pairs to generate 16·bit program or
data memory addresses.

Table 5. Instruction Set Notations





Condition code (see Table 4)
Working register (between 0 and 15)
Bit of working register
Bit 0 of working register
Register or working register
Register pair or working register pair (Register pairs
always start on an even·number boundary)
Indirect address
Indirect working register
Indirect register or indirect working register
Indirect working register pair
Indirect register pair or indirect working register pair
Indexed, short offset
Indexed, long offset


Direct address (between 0 and 65535)
Relative address
Immediate long
Destination operand
Source operand
Indirect address prefix
Stack pointer
Program counter
Instruction pointer
Flags register
Register pointer
Immediate operand prefix
Hexadecimal number prefix




One·Byte Instructions




I ~g~: ~~i.'s~~:i;; .E:~~.'~~r NEXT. NOP.

Two·Byte Instructions




I tg~:~~D.At~·sc:i:~~u~~~i:~~~~~~g~·







1 ~t~~Lg~R~~~Rg~~~A'~~'~~,Cs'riA',Pi:6':'





dot 1 b




1 b 1>1









1 JR

dot lope


1 LO

ore lopc


1 LO

Figure 7. Instruction Formats



Three-Byte I structlons


















b 1'1

























our"Byte I structlons


dst Ix¢Oor1!


src Ix¢Oor1










I 0000
I 0000
I 000'
I 000.























Figure 7. Instruction Formats (Continued)


and Operation
ADC dst,sre
, dst - dst + sre + C

AddrMode Opcode
dst src

Flags Affected

and Operation

AddrMode Opcode
dst src







ilsre = 0, PC





= PC + dst

Ilsre = i, PC




= PC + dsi











dst - dst + sre

(Note 1)


* * * *

AND dst,sre
dst - dst AND sre

(Note 1)

BAND dst,sre
dst - dst AND sre




-* 0 U--

BXOR dst, sre
dst - dst XOR sre


BCPdst, sre
dst - sre




-* 0 U--





SP-SP - 2


BITR dst





BITS dst




CLR dst



BOR dst, sre
dst - dst OR sre

(Note 1)


Flag!! Affected




Figure 8. Command Summary



and Operation

AddrMode Opcode
dst src

Flags Affected
C Z S V 0 H

dst +- NOT dst



-** 0--

CP dst,src
dst - src

(Note 1)



if dst - src = O,then
Ir+-Ir + 1




if dst - src = O,then
Ir+-Ir + 1



* * *--




* * *U--

dst +- dst - 1



-** *--


SMR (0)+-0
DIV dst, src
dst ~ src
dst (Upper) +Quotient
dst (Lower) +Remainder
r+-r - 1
if r = 0
PC+-PC + dst


-* **--











SP+-SP - 2
IP +- PC
PC +-@IP


IP +-@SP
SP +-SP + 2


dst +- dst + 1



-***-(r=Oto F)



Restored to
before interrupt

IRET (Normal)
FLAGS +- @SP; SP +- SP + 1
PC +- @SP; SP +- SP + 2; SMR (0) +-1

Restored to
before interrupt

FIS +- 0

if cc is true,
PC+-PC + d
LD dst,src
dst +- src







(cc=Oto F)




LOB dst, src
dst +- src





dst +- src








Flags Affected




SMR(0) .... 1


LDCD/LDED dst, src
dst +- src
rr +- rr - 1




LDEIILDCI dst, src
dst +- src






rr +- rr - 1
dst +- src

Figure 8. Command Summary (Continued)


AddrMode Opcode
dst src

dst +-1 + dst

if cc is true,

dst +- OA dst

dst +- dst - 1

and Operation


and Operation

AddrMode Opcode
dst src

LDCPI/LDEPI dst, src
rr-rr + 1

Flags Affected











IP-IP + 2








LDWdst, src
MULT dst, src

dst - dst OR src


(Note 1)

sp-sp + 1




POPUD dst, src
IR-IR -1





POPUI dst, src
IR-IR + 1





PUSH src
SP - SP - 1; @SP - src




PUSHUD dst, src
IR-IR -1
dst -src





PUSHUI dst, src
IR -IR + 1





and Operation


dst (7) - dst (0)
dst (N) - dst (N + 1)
N = Ot06




dst (N) - dst (N + 1)
N = Ot06











* * * *





dst-dst - src - C

(Note 1)

dst (7) - dst (7)
dst (N) - dst (N + 1)
N = Ot06



1 *














dst - dst - src

dst (0) - dst (7)
dst(N+1) -dst(N)
N = Ot06



(Note 1)



RP1-IM + 8




dst (N + 1) - dst (N)
N = Ot06


C,· 0

Flags Affected




AddrMode Opcode
dst src

* * * *

1 *

Figure 8. Command Summary (Continued)




and Operation

AddrMode Opcode
dst src


-** U - -

TCM dst,src
(NOT dst) AND src

(Note 1)


-** 0 - -


(Note 1)

dst ..... dst XOR src

(Note 1)



dst (0-3) - dst (4-7)



Flags Affected


-** 0 - -





Opcode Nibble



NOTE· These instructions have an identical set of addressing modes,
which are encoded for brevity. The first opcode nibble Identifies
the command, and is found in the table above. The second nibble,
represented by a 0, defines the addressing mode as follows:










For example, to use an opcode represented as xD with an "RR"
addressing mode, use the opcode "x4."




Cleared to Zero
Set to One
Set or reset, depending on result of operation_

Figure 8. Command Summary (Continued)



Lower Nibble (Hex)



















'l, lr2















12110,515 12110,0




































r" lr2























'l, Ir2


















'l, lr2
































'l, lr2
















































r" lr2























r" lr2





































28112,510 28112,510 28112,510





















'l, lr2

R2,R ,


















'l, lr2






















'l, lrr2



















'2, lrr 1


















'l, lrr2

fl, Irr2


















R2, IR ,


'2, lrrl,xs

'2, lrr2




'2, lrr2


























t t

t t t


Bytes per




r = 4·blt address
R = 8·bIt address
b = bit number
R1 orr1 = dst address

R2 or '2



= src address

IS BOR r, ,b,R2
or BOR r2,b,R,
IS LOC'l ,lrr2 = program
or LDE r"lrr2 = data

Opcode, first, second, third operands
NOTE The blank areas are not defined

Figure 9. Opcode Map





































Table 6. Super-a Instructions


Load Instructions
dst, src
dst, src
dst, src
dst, src
dst, src

dst, src


dst, src


dst, src
dst, src


dst, src


dst, src


dst, src


dst, src
dst, src
dst, src
dst, src
dst, src


Load bit
Load program memory
Load data memory
Load program memory and
Load data memory and
Load program memory and
Load data memory and increment
Load program memory with
Load data memory with
Load program memory with
Load data memory with
Load word
Pop stack
Pop user stack (decrement)
Pop user stack (increment)
Push stack
Push user stack (decrement)
Push user stack (increment)

Arithmetic Instructions
dst, src
dst, src
dst, src
dst, src
dst, src
dst, src
dst, src

Add with carry
Decimal adjust
Decrement word
Increment word
Su btract with carry

Logical Instructions
dst, src
dst, src
dst, src

Logical AND
Logical OR
Logical exclusive





Program Control Instructions
dst, src
Bit test jump relative on True
dst, src
Bit test jump relative on False
Call procedure
dst, src
Compare, increment and jump on
dst, src
Compare, increment and jump on
Decrement and jump on non-zero
r, dst
Return from interrupt
cc, dst
cc, dst
Jump relative
Wait for interru pt
Bit Manipulation Instructions
dst, src
dst, src
Bit compare
Bit complement
Bit reset
Bit set
dst, src
Bit OR
dst, src
Bit exclusive OR
Test complement under mask
dst, src
dst, src
Test under mask
Rotate and Shift Instructions
Rotate left
Rotate left through carry
Rotate right
Rotate right through carry
Shift right arithmetic
Swap nibbles
CPU Control Instructions

Complement carry flag
Disable interrupts
Enable interrupts
Do nothing
Reset carry flag
Set bankO
Set bank 1
Set carry flag
Set register pointers
Set register pointer zero
Set register pointer one

The Super-S interrupt structure contains Sleveis of interrupt,
16 vectors, and 37 sources.

The vector number is used to generate the address of a
particular interrupt servicing routine; therefore all interrupts
using the same vector must use the same interrupt handling

Interrupt priority is assigned by level, controlled by the
Interrupt Priority register (IPR). Each level is masked (or
enabled) according to the bits in the Interrupt Mask register
(IMR), and the entire interrupt structure can be disabled by
clearing a bit in the System Mode register (R222).

Levels provide the top level of priority assignment. While the
sources and vectors are hardwired within each level, the
priorities of the levels can be changed by using the Interrupt
Priority register (see Figure 5 for bit details).

The three major components of the interrupt structure are
sources, vectors, and levels. These are shown in Figure 10
and discussed in the follOWing paragraphs.

A source is anything that generates an interrupt. This can be
internal or external to the Super-S. Internal sources are
hardwired to a particular vector and level, while external
sources can be assigned to various external events.


If more than one interrupt source is active, the source from
the highest priority level will be serviced first. If both sources
are from the same level, the source with the lowest vector will
have priority. For example, if the UART Receive Data bit and
UART Parity Error bit are both active, the UART Parity Error
bit will be serviced first because it is vector 16, and UART
receive data is vector 20.


The levels are shown in Figure 10.





~:~~~~:LKI~~~:~~~i ~24) I
~:~~:~:LKI~~~;~~~i (~34) I












1 28







































·Not currently available,

Figure 10. Interrupt Levels and Vectors




The 16 vectors are divided unequally among the eight
levels. For example, vector 12 belongs to level 2, while level
3 contains vectors 0,2,4, and 6.





Interrupts can be enabled or disabled as follows:

Interrupt enable/disable. The entire interrupt structure
can be enabled or disabled by setting bit 0 in the System
Mode register (R222).


Level enable. Each level can be enabled or disabled by
setting the appropriate bit in the Interrupt Mask register


Level priority. The priority of each level can be controlled
by the values in the Interrupt Priority register (R255, Bank

• Source enable/disable. Each interrupt source can be
enabled or disabled in the sources' Mode and Control

Two hardware registers support fast interrupts. The
Instruction Pointer (lP) holds the starting address of the
service routine, and saves the PC value when a fast interrupt
occurs. A dedicated register, FLAG', saves the contents of
the FLAGS register when a fast interrupt occurs.
To use this feature, load the address of the service routine in
the Instruction Pointer, load the level number into the Fast
Interrupt Select field, and turn on the Fast Interrupt Enable
bit in the System Mode register.
When an interrupt occurs in the level selected for fast
interrupt processing, the following occurs:
• The contents of the Instruction Pointer and Program
Counter are swapped.
• The contents of the Flag register are copied into FLAG:
• The Fast Interrupt Status Bit in FLAGS is set.

Before an interrupt request can be granted, a) interrupts
must be enabled, b) the level must be enabled, c) it must be
the highest priority interrupting level, d) it must be enabled at
the interrupting source, and e) it must have the highest
priority within the level.
If all this occurs, an interrupt request is granted.
The Super-8 then enters an interrupt machine cycle that
completes the following sequence:

• It resets the Interrupt Enable bit to disable all subsequent

It saves the Program Counter and status flags on the

• It branches to the address contained within the vector
location for the interrupt.
• It passes control to the interrupt servicing routine.
When the interrupt servicing routine has serviced the
interrupt, it should issue an interrupt return (IRET)
instruction. This restores the Program Counter and status
flags and sets the Interrupt Enable bit in the System Mode

Fast Interrupt Processing
The Super-8 provides a feature called fast interrupt
processing, which completes the interrupt servicing in 6
clock periods instead of the usual 22.


• The interrupt is serviced.
• When IRET is issued after the interrupt service outline is
completed, the Instruction Pointer and Program Counter
are swapped again.
• The contents of FLAG' are copied back into the Flag
• The Fast Interrupt Status bit in FLAGS is cleared.
The interrupt servicing routine selected for fast processing
should be written so that the location after the IRET
instruction is the entry point the next time the (same) routine
is used.

Level or Edge Triggered
Because internal interrupt requests are levels and interrupt
requests from the outside are (usually) edges, the hardware
for external interrupts uses edge-triggered flip-flops to
convert the edges to levels.
The level-activated system requires that interrupt-serving
software perform some action to remove the interrupting
source. The action involved in serving the interrupt may
remove the source, or the software may have to actually
reset the flip-flops by writing to the corresponding Interrupt
Pending register.

The Super-8 architecture supports stack operations in the
register file or in data memory. Bit 1 in the external Memory
Timing register (R254 bank 0) selects between the two.
Register pair 216-217 forms the Stack Pointer used for all
stack operations. R216 is the MSB and R217 is the LSB.
The Stack Pointer always points to data stored on the top of
the stack. The address is decremented prior to a PUSH and
incremented after a POP.
The stack is also used as a return stack for CALLs and
Interrupts. During a CALL, the contents of the PC are saved
on the stack, to be restored later. Interrupts cause the
contents of the PC and FLAGS to be saved on the stack, for
recovery by IRET when the interrupt is finished.

be used as a general-purpose register, but its contents will
be changed if an overflow or underflow occurs as the result
of incrementing or decrementing the stack address during
normal stack operations.
User-Defined Stacks
The Super-8 provides for user-defined stacks in both the
register file and program or data memory. These can be
made to increment or decrement on a push by the choice of
opcodes. For example, to implement a stack that grows
from low addresses to high addresses in the register file, use
PUSHUI and POPUD. For a stack that grows from high
addresses to low addresses in data memory, use LDEI for
pop and LDEPD for push.

When the Super-8 is configured for an internal stack (using
the register file), R217 contains the Stack Pointer. R216 may

The Super-8 has two identical independently
programmable 16-bit counter/timers that can be cascaded
to produce a single 32-bit counter. They can be used to
count external events, or they can obtain their input
internally. The internal input is obtained by dividing the
crystal frequency by four.
The counter/timers can be set to count up or down, by
software or external events. They can be set for single or
continuous cycle counting, and they can be set with a
bi-value option, where two preset time constants alternate in
loading the counter each time it reaches zero. This can be
used to produce an output pulse train with a variable duty

The counter/timers can also be programmed to capture the
count value at an external event or generate an interrupt
whenever the count reaches zero. They can be turned on
and off in response to external events by using a gate and/or
a trigger option. The gate option enables counts only when
the gate line is Low; the trigger option turns on the counter
after a transient High. The gate and trigger options used
together cause the counter/timer to work in gate mode after
initially being triggered.
The control and status register bits for the counter/timers are
shown in Figure 5.

Voltage on all pins with respect
to ground ....................... - 0.3V to + 7.0V
Ambient Operating
Temperature ..............See Ordering Information
Storage Temperature .............. - 65°C to + 150°C

Stresses greater than these may cause permanent damage to the device.
This is a stress rating only; operation of the device under conditions more
severe than those listed for operating conditions may cause permanent
damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for
extended periods may also cause permanent damage.

Figure 11 shows the setup for standard test conditions. All
voltages are referenced to ground, and positive current
flows into the reference pin.


Standard conditions are:

+4.75V,.. ."',.. . . . ,.. .I),.~








1 44 43 42 41 40










































18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Figure 2b. 44-Pin Chip Carrier Pin Assignments

The Z80, Z80A, Z808, and Z80H CPUs are third-generation
single-chip microprocessors with exceptional computational power. They offer higher system throughput and more
efficient memory utilization than comparable second- and
third-generation microprocessors. The internal registers
contain 208 bits of readlwrite memory that are accessible to
the programmer. These registers include two sets of six
general-purpose registers which may be used individually
as either 8-bit registers or as 16-bit register pairs. In addition,
there are two sets of accumulator and flag registers. A group
of "Exchange" instructions makes either set of main or
alternate registers accessible to the programmer. The
alternate set allows operation in foreground-background
mode or it may be reserved for very fast interrupt response.

The Z80 also contains a Stack Pointer, Program Counter, two
index registers, a Refresh register (counter), and an
Interrupt register. The CPU is easy to incorporate into a
system since it requires only a single + 5V power source. All
output signals are fully decoded and timed to control
standard memory or peripheral circuits; the CPU is
supported by an extensive family of peripheral controllers.
The internal block diagram (Figure 3) shows the primary
functions of the Z80 processors. Subsequent text provides
more detail on the Z80 1/0 controller family, registers,
instruction set, interrupts and daisy chaining, and CPU

GND ...



Figure 3.


zao CPU Block Diagram

The Zilog zao microprocessor is the central element of a
comprehensive microprocessor product family. This family
works together in most applications with minimum
requirements for additional logic, facilitating the design of
efficient and cost-effective microcomputer-based systems.
Zilog has designed five components to provide extensive
support for the zao microprocessor. These are:
• The PIO (Parallel Input/Output) operates in both
data-byte I/O transfer mode (with handshaking) and in bit
mode (without handshaking). The PIO may be
configured to interface with standard parallel peripheral
devices such as printers, tape punches, and keyboards.
• The CTC (Counter/Timer Circuit) features four programmable a-bit counter/timers, each of which has an

a-bit prescaler. Each. of the four channels may be
configured to operate in either counter or timer mode.
• The DMA (Direct Memory Access) controller provides
dual port data transfer operations and the ability to
terminate data transfer as a result of a pattern match.
• The SIO (Serial Input/Output) controller offers two
channels. It is capable of operating in a variety of
programmable modes for both synchronous and
asynchronous communication, including Bi-Synch and
• The DART (Dual Asynchronous ReceiveriTransmitter)
device provides low cost asynchronous serial
communication. It has two channels and a full modem
control interface.

Figure 4 shows three groups of registers within the zao
CPU. The first group consists of duplicate sets of a-bit
registers: a principal set and an alternate set (designated by
, [prime], e.g., A~. Both sets consist of the Accumulator
Register, the Flag Register, and six general-purpose
registers. Transfer of data between these duplicate sets of
registers is accomplished by use of "Exchange"
instructions. The result is faster response to interrupts and
easy, efficient implementation of such versatile pro-

gramming techniques as background-foreground data
processing. The second set of registers consists of six
registers with assigned functions. These are the I (Interrupt
Register), the R (Refresh Register), the IX and IY (Index
Registers), the SP (Stack Pointer), and the PC (Program
Counter). The third group consists of two interrupt status
flip-flops, plus an additional pair of flip-flops which assists in
identifying the interrupt mode at any particular time. Table 1
provides further information on these registers.


































__- - - 8 BITS - - - .

__- - - - - - - 1 6 B I T S - - - - - - - - _




4~ :

















Figure 4. CPU Registers




Table 1. zao CPU Registers


Size (Bits)

Stores an operand or the results of an operation.







See Instruction Set.


General Purpose


Can be used separately or as a 16-bit register with C.


General Purpose


See B, above.


General Purpose


Can be used separately or as a 16-bit register with E.

E, E'

General Purpose


See 0, above.

H, H'

General Purpose


Can be used separately or as a 16-bit register with L.


General Purpose


See H, above.


Note: The (B,C), (D,E), and (H,L) sets are combined as follows:
B - High byte
C - Low byte
0- High byte
E - Low byte
H - High byte
L - Low byte
Interrupt Register


Stores upper eight bits of memory address for vectored interrupt


Refresh Register


Provides user-transparent dynamic memory refresh. Automatically
incremented and placed on the address bus during each
instruction fetch cycle.


Index Register


Used for indexed addressing.


Index Register


Used for indexed addressing


Stack Pointer


Holds address of the top of the stack. See Push or Pop in instruction


Program Counter



Interrupt Enable


Set or reset to indicate interrupt status (see Figure 4).

Holds address of next instruction.


Interrupt Mode


Reflect Interrupt mode (see Figure 4).

The CPU accepts two interrupt input signals: NMI and INT.
The NMI is a non-maskable interrupt and has the highest
priority. INT is a lower priority interrupt and it requires that
interrupts be enabled in software in order to operate. INT
can be connected to multiple peripheral devices in a
wired-OR configuration.

The CPU services interrupts by sampling the NMI and INT
signals at the rising edge of the last clock of an instruction.
Further interrupt service processing depends upon the type
of Interrupt that was detected. Details on interrupt responses
are shown in the CPU Timing Section.

The zao has a single response mode for interrupt service for
the non-maskable interrupt. The maskable interrupt, INT,
has three programmable response modes available. These

interrupt cannot be disabled by program control and
therefore will be accepted at all times by the CPU. NMI is
usually reserved for servicing only the highest priority type
interrupts, such as that for orderly shutdown after power
failure has been detected. After recognition of the NMI
signal (providing BUSREQ is not active), the CPU jumps to
restart location 0066H. Normally, software starting at this
address contains the interrupt service routine.


Mode 0 - similar to the aoao microprocessor.


Mode 1 - Peripheral Interrupt service, for use with
non-aOaO/ZaO systems.


Mode 2 - a vectored interrupt scheme, usually
daisy-chained, for use with zao Family and compatible
peripheral devices.


Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI). The nonmaskable

Maskable Interrupt (I NT). Regardless of the interrupt
mode set by the user, the zao response to a maskable
interrupt input follows a common timing cycle. After the

interrupt has been detected by the CPU (provided that
interrupts are enabled and BUSREO is not active) a special
interrupt processing cycle begins. This is a special fetch
(M1) cycle in which IORO becomes active rather than
MREO, as in a normal M1 cycle. In addition, this special M1
cycle is automatically extended by two WAIT states, to allow
for the time required to acknowledge the interrupt request.

Mode 0 Interrupt Operation. This mode is similar to the
8080 microprocessor interrupt service procedures. The
interrupting device places an instruction on the data bus.
This is normally a Restart instruction, which will initiate a call
to the selected one of eight restart locations in page zero of
memory. Unlikethe8080, the Z80 CPU responds to the Call
instruction with only one interrupt acknowledge cycle
followed by two memory read cycles.
~ration. Mode 1 operation is very
similar to that for the NMI. The principal difference is thatthe
Mode 1 interrupt has only one restart location, 0038H.

Mode 1 Interrupt

level. The first device has highest priority, while each
succeeding device has a corresponding lower priority. This
arrangement permits the CPU to select the highest priority
interrupt from several· simultaneously interrupting
The interrupting device disables its lEO line to the next lower
priority peripheral until it has been serviced. After servicing,
its lEO line is raised, allowing lower priority peripherals to
demand interrupt servicing.
The Z80 CPU will nest (queue) any pending interrupts or
interrupts received while a selected peripheral is being

Interrupt Enable/Disable Operation. Two flip-flops, IFF,
and IFF2, referred to in the register description, are used to
signal the CPU interrupt status. Operation of the two
flip-flops is described in Table 2. For more details, refer to the
Z80 CPU Technical Manual (03-0029-01) and zao Assembly
Language Programming Manual (03-0002-01).

Mode 2 Interrupt Operation. This interrupt mode has
been designed to utilize most effectively the capabilities of
the Z80 microprocessor and its associated peripheral
family. The interrupting peripheral device selects the starting
address of the interrupt service routine. It does this by
placing an 8-bit vector on the data bus during the interrupt
acknowledge cycle. The CPU forms a pointer using this byte
as the lower 8 bits and the contents of the I register as the
upper 8 bits. This points to an entry in a table of addresses
for interrupt service routines. The CPU then jumps to the
routine at that address. This flexibility in selecting the
interrupt service routine address allows the peripheral
device to use several different types of service routines.
These routines may be located at any available location in
memory. Since the interrupting device supplies the
low-order byte of the 2-byte vector, bit 0 (Ao) must be a zero.

Interrupt Priority (Daisy Chaining and Nested
Interrupts). The interrupt priority of each peripheral device
is determined by its physical location within a daisy-chain
configuration. Each device in the chain has an interrupt
enable input line (lEI) and an interrupt enable output line
(lEO), which is fed to the next lower priority device. The first
device in the daisy chain has its lEI input hardwired to a High

Table 2. State of Flip-Flops




CPU Reset



Maskable Interrupt
INT disabled

01 instruction execution



Maskable interrupt
INT disabled

EI instruction execution

Maskable interrupt

LO A,I instruction execution

IFF2 -+ Parity flag

LO A,R instruction execution


RETN instruction execution



IFF2 -+ Parity flag
IFF, -+ IFF2
(Maskable interrupt
INT disabled)
IFF2 -+ IFF, at
completion of an
NMI service


The Z80 microprocessr has one of the most powerful and
versatile instruction sets available in any 8-bit microprocessor. It includes such unique operations as a block
move for fast, efficient data transfers within memory, or
between memory and I/O. It also allows operations on any
bit in any location in memory.
The following is a summary of the Z80 instruction set which
shows the assembly language mnemonic, the operation,
the flag status, and gives comments on each instruction. For
an explanation of flag notations and symbols for mnemonic
tables, see the Symbolic Notations section which follows
these tables. The Z80 CPU Technica/ Manual (03-0029-01),
the Programmer's Reference Guide (03-0012-03), and
Assembly Language Programming Manual (03-0002-01)
contain significantly more details for programming use.
The instructions are divided into the following categories:

o Rotates and shifts
o Bit set, reset, and test operations
o Jumps
o Calls, returns, and restarts
o Input and output operations
A variety of addressing modes are implemented to permit
efficient and fast data transfer between various registers,
memory locations, and input/output devices. These
addressing modes include:
o Immediate
o Immediate extended
o Modified page zero
o Relative

o 8-bit loads

o Extended

o 16-bit loads

0 Indexed

o Exchanges, block transfers, and searches

0 Register

o 8-bit arithmetic and logic operations

0 Register indirect

o General-purpose arithmetic and CPU control

0 Implied

o 16-bit arithmetic operations





LOr, r'
LOr, n


















A +-AEils


















s is any 01 r, n,


(HL), (IX + d),


(IY+d) as
shown lor ADD


instruction. The


indicated bits
replace the
10001 inthe
ADD set above.





INC (IY+d)







* *


X V 0



X V 0
X V 0


X V 0









543 210 Hex

No. of No. of M No. ofT








110 11001
011 101 DD
110 11001
11 111 101 FD
00 110 11001









* * *
m is any of r, (HL), (IX + d), (IV + d) as shown for INC. DEC same format and states as INC. Replace [!QQ] With [IQI] In opcode















No operation
CPU halted
Set interrupt
mode 0
Set interrupt
mode 1
Set interrupt
mode 2

1M 1



• •

* *





























110 111
000 000
110 110
110 011
111 011
101 101
000 110
101 101
010 110
101 101
011 110








• •




• • •





• • •











No. of No. of M No. ofT




543 210 Hex




















Decimal adjust
carry flag.
Set carry flag.

converts accumulator content into packed BCD following add or subtract with packed BCD operands.
IFF indicates the interrupt enable flip-flop.
CV indicates the carry flip-flop.
indicates interrupts are not sampled at the end of EI or 01







ADD HL, ss

HL - HL+ss

• •





* *










V 0







ADD IX, pp


• •
















ss - ss+ 1

• •
• •




• • •
• • •



• •




• • •



• •
• •






• • •
• • •



• •




• • •


543 210 Hex















No,. of No. of M No. otT
Bytes Cycles States Comments







































Mnemonic Operation







§]~ • •






L§J=--t§P • •







• •







• •
















543 210 Hex

No. of No. of M No. otT
Bytes Cycles States Comments





















Rotate left
Rotate left
Rotate right
Rotate right

Mnemonic Operation



* *




* *

P/v N C


X 0

X P 0

X 0 X P 0

r,(HL),(IX + d),(IY + d)



* *


* *

X 0

X P 0

X 0 X p


m =r,(HL,(IX + d),(IY + d)


* *

X 0

X P 0

X 0

X P 0

X 0

X P 0

X 0

X P 0

X 0

X P 0

m =r,(HL),(IX + d),(IY + d)



m =r,(HL),(IX + d),(IY*+ d)



m =r,(HL),(IX + d),(IY + d)



* *

m =r,(HL),(lX + d),(IY + d)



* *

m =r,(HL),(IX + d),(IY + d)

No. of No.ofM No.ofT





11 001 011
00 10001 r







001 011
000 110







011 101
001 011
-d00 10001 110





Rotate left




111 101
001 011
-d00 10001 110



format and
states are as
shown for
RLCs. To form
replace I000 I
shown code.








~ * *

X 0 X P 0









~ *

X 0 X P 0



101 101
100 111















543 210


o· *

X 0


Rotate digit
left and
right between
location (HL).
The content
of the upper
half of the
is unaffected.







BITb. r





BITb.(IX+d)b Z-(IX+d)b

BIT b. (IV + d)b Z - (IV + d)b

SETb. r

rb- 1










• •














• • •


543 210 Hex



11 001
[IT) b
11 001
[IT) b
11 011
11 001




• • •

SET b. (IX+d) (IX+d)b-1

• •




• • •

SETb. (IV +d) (IV +d)b-1

• •




• • •

• •




• • • ITQ]

(HL)b- 1



mb- O
(IX + d). (IV + d)



• •





















111 101
001 011


No. of No. of M No. ofT
Byte. Cycles States Comments



















Bit Tested



To form new
opcode replace
OJ] of SET b. s
with [IQ]. Flags
and time
states for SET

NOTE: The notation mb indicates location m. bit b (0 to 7).



Mnemonic Operation

PIVN C 76 543 210








000 011

II condition co
is true PC-nn,

• •




• • •


co 010



• •




• • •

00 011 000


• •





00 111 000




JP nn


JP cc, nn






• •

• •










• • •

• • •
• • •

• •
• •




• • •
• • •


• •




• • •


• •




• • •


00 110 000

00 101 000

00 100 000

11 101 001
11 011 101
11 101 001
11 111 101
11 101 001
00 010 000


No. of No. of M No. ofT
Bytes Cycles States Comments














000 NZ (non-zero)
001 Z(zero)
010 NC (non-carry)
011 C(carry)
100 PO (parity odd)
101 PE (parity even)
110 P (sign positive)
111 M (sign negative)
II condition not met.




II condition is met.




II condition not met.




II condition is met.




II condition not met.




II condition is met.




II condition not met.




II condition is met.






















NarES' e represents the extension in the relative addressing mode.
e is a signal two's complement number in the range < -126, 129 >.
e - 2 in the opcode provides an effective address of pc + e as PC is incremented by 2 prior to the addition of e.



Mnemonic Operation




• •


001 101

• • X• X• • •


(SP-1)-PCH •
CALL cC,nn II condition
same as



• X • X •

543 210 Hex

No. of No. of M No. ofT
Bytes Cycles Stetes Comments



cc 100




II cc is lalse.





II cc is true.



PCl -(SP)
II condition
cc islalse
same as RET

• • X• X• • •




• • X• X• • •




PCl -p

• • X• X• • •




• •

X • X • • •

• • X• X• • •

NOTE: 1RETN loads IFF2 -IFF1









II cc is lalse


II cc is true.

NZ (non-zero)
NC (non-carry)











PO (parity odd)
PE (parity even)
P (sign positive)
M (sign negative)



Mnemonic Operation


IN A. (n)




il r= 110 only
the Ilags will
be affected


Repeat until



• •


• X • X •


543 210 Hex
011 01
.... n-


No. of No. of M No. ofT
Bytes Cycles States Commenta




Ace. to As '" A15

o •









X X X 1 X


101 101
100 010





CtoAo "'A7

X 1 X X X X 1 X


101 101
110 010





CtoAo "'A7














8 .... 8-1
8 .... 8-1
Repeat until
OUT(n),A (n)-A
OUT(C), r (C)-r



X X X 1 X

X 1 X X X X 1 X











CtoAo '" A7













• X
• X

• X •
• X •

• •
• •


010 011
-n11 101 101






Ace. to AS '" A15




CtoAo'" A7






CtoAo'" A7

Repeat until




X X X X 1 X


101 101
100 011



X 1 X X X X 1 X


101 101
110 011















X X X 1 X







Repeat until

X 1 X X X X 1 X







16-bit value in range < 0,65535 >.

* Hand Nflags are used in conjunction with the decimal adjust instruction (DAA) to properly correct the result into packed BCD format following addition or
subtraction uSinG Jperands with packed BCD format.



Ao-A1s. Address Bus (output, active High, 3-state). Ao-A15
form a 16-bit address bus. The Address Bus provides the
address for memory data bus exchanges (up to 64K bytes)
and for I/O device exchanges.

M1. Machine Cycle One (output, active Low). M1, together
with MREO, indicates that the current machine cycle is the
opcode fetch cycle of an instruction execution. M 1, together
with 10RO, indicates an interrupt acknowledge cycle.

BUSACK. Bus Acknowledge (output, active Low). Bus
Acknowledge indicates to the requesting device that the
CPU address bus, data bus, and control signals MREQ,
10RO, RD, and WR have entered their high-impedance
states. The external circuitry can now control these lines.

MREQ. Memory Request (output, active Low, 3-state).
MREO indicates that the address bus holds a valid address
for a memory read or memory write operation.

BUSREQ. Bus Request ~t, active Low). Bus Request
has a higher priority than NMI and is always recognized at
the end of the current machine cycle. BUSREO forces the
CPU address bus, data bus, and control signals MREO,
10RO, RD, and WR to go to a high-impedance state so that
other devices can control these lines. BUSREO is normally
wired-OR and requires an external pullup for these
applications. Extended BUSREO periods due to extensive
DMA operations can prevent the CPU from properly
refreshing dynamic RAMs.

00-07. Data Bus (inputloutput, active High, 3-state). 00-07
constitute an a-bit bidirectional data bus, used for data
exchanges with memory and 1/0.

Halt. Halt State (output, active Low). HALT indicates that the
CPU has executed a Halt instruction and is awaiting either a
nonmaskable or a maskable interrupt (with the mask
enabled) before operation can resume. While halted, the
CPU executes NOPs to maintain memory refresh.
INT. Interrupt Request (input, active Low). Interrupt Request
is generated by 1/0 devices. The CPU honors a request at
the end of the current instruction if the internal
software-controlled interrupt enable flip-flop (IFF) is
enabled. INT is normally wired-OR and requires an external
pullup for these applications.

IORQ. Input/Output Request (output, active Low, 3-state).
10RO indicates that the lower half of the address bus holds a
valid 1/0 address for an 1/0 read or write operation. 10RO is
also generated concurrently with M1 during an interrupt
acknowledge cycle to indicate that an interrupt response
vector can be placed on the data bus.

NMI. Non-Maskable Interrupt (input, negative edgetriggered). NMI has a higher priority than INT. NMI is always
recognized at the end of the current instruction,
independent of the status of the interrupt enable flip-flop,
and automatically forces the CPU to restart at location

RD. Read (output, active Low, 3-state). RD indicates that the
CPU wants to read data from memory or an 1/0 device. The
addressed 1/0 device or memory should use this signal to
gate data onto the CPU data bus.
RESET. Reset (input, active Low). RESET initializes the CPU
as follows: it resets the interrupt enable flip-flop, clears the
PC and Registers I and R, and sets the interrupt status to
Mode O. During reset time, the address and data bus go to a
high-impedance state, and all control output signals go to
the inactive state. Note that RESET must be active for a
minimum of three full clock cycles before the reset operation
is complete.
RFSH. Refresh (output, active Low). RFSH, together with
MREO, indicates that the lower seven bits of the system's
address bus can be used as a refresh address to the
system's dynamic memories.
WAIT. Wait (input, active Low). WAIT indicates to the CPU
that the addressed memory or 1/0 devices are not ready for
a data transfer. The CPU continues to enter a Wait state as
long as this signal is active. Extended WAIT periods can
prevent the CPU from refreshing dynamic memory properly.
WR. Write (output, active Low, 3-state). WR indicates that the
CPU data bus holds valid data to be stored at the addressed
memory or 1/0 location.




The Z80 CPU executes instructions by proceeding through
a specific sequence of operations:
• Memory read or write
• I/O device read or write
• Interrupt acknowledge
The basic clock period is referred to as a T time or cycle, and
three or more T cycles make up a machine cycle (M 1, M2 or
M3 for instance). Machine cycles can be extended either by
the CPU automatically inserting one or more Wait states or
by the insertion of one or more Wait states by the user.



Instruction Opcode Fetch. The CPU places the contents
of the Program Counter (PC) on the address bus at the start
of the cycle (Figure 5). Approximately one-half clock cycle
later, MREQ goes active. When active, RD indicates that the
memory data can be enabled onto the CPU data bus.
The CPU samples the WAIT input with the falling edge of
clock state T2. During clock states T3 and T4 of an M1 cycle,
dynamic RAM refresh can occur while the CPU starts
decoding and executing the instruction. When the Refresh
Control signal becomes active, refreshing of dynamic
memory can take place.




I- ®- ®

= Wait cycle added when necessary for slow ancilliary devices.
Figure 5. Instruction Opcode Fetch



Memory Read or Write Cycles. Figure 6 shows the timing
of memory read or write cycles other than an opcode fetch
(M1) cycle. The MREO and RD signals function exactly as in
the fetch cycle. In a memory write cycle, MREO also

becomes active when the address bus is stable. The WR line
is active when the data bus is stable, so that it can be used
directly as an RiW pulse to most semiconductor memories.


















---------~(~-----;{.;~~D~AT~A~O~U~T-------_4~--Figure 6. Memory Read or Write Cycles



Input or Output Cycles. Figure 7 shows the timing for an
1/0 read or 1/0 write operation. During 1/0 operations, the
CPU automatically inserts a single Wait state (TWN. This

extra Wait state allows sufficient time for an 1/0 port to
decode the address from the port address lines.







11I----------------F):....------------...I'1 .. ~.-


WRI~~ {





TWA = One wait cycle automatically Inserted by CPU.

Figure 7. Input or Output Cycles



Interrupt Request/Acknowledge Cycle. The CPU
samples the interrupt signal with the rising edge of the last
clock cycle at the end of any instruction (Figure 8). When an
interrupt is accepted, a special M1 cycle is generated.



During this M1 cycle, IORO becomes active (instead of
MREO) to indicate that the interrupting device can place an
8-bit vector on the data bus. The CPU automatically adds
two Wait states to this cycle.








NOTES: 1) TLI = Last slaleof any Instruction cycle.

2) TWA

= Walt cycle automatically Inserted by CPU.
Figure 8_ Interrupt Request/AcknDWledge Cycle



Non-Maskable Interrupt Request Cycle. NMI is sampled
at the same time as the maskable interrupt input INT but has
higher priority and cannot be disabled under software
control. The subsequent timing is similar to that of a normal

memory read operation except that data put on the bus by
the memory is ignored. The CPU instead executes a restart
(RST) operation and jumps to the NMI service routine
located at address 0066H (Figure 9).

+...- - - - - - - - - - - - - I M I - - - - - - - - - - -__1

- - - - L A S T M CYCLE - - -__







------ "I ®*17 - --

1I1IiIi _______ ~----







• Although NMI is an asynchronous Input, to guarantee Its being recognized on the following machine cycle, NMl's falling edge must occur no later than the rising edge

of the clock cycle preceding the last state of any Instruction cycle (TLI).

Figure 9. Non·Maskl!ble Interrupt Request Operetlon



Bus Request/Acknowledge Cycle. The CPU samples
BUSREO with the rising edge of the last clock period of any
machine cycle (Figure 10). If BUSREO is active, the CPU
sets its address, data, and MREO, 10RO, RD, and WR lines

to a high-impedance state with the rising edge of the next
clock pulse. At that time, any external device can take
control of these lines, usually to transfer data between
memory and 1/0 devices.





JL ~'\~ nL-i'--i









































NOTES. 1) TLM = Last slale ofany M cycle.
2) Tx = An arbitrary clock cycle used by requesting device.

Figure 10. Z-BUS Request/Acknowledge Cycle



Halt Acknowledge Cycle. When the CPU receives a HALT
instruction, it executes NOP states until either an INT or NMI
input is received. When in the Halt state, the HALT output is
M 1 - - -...


active and remains so until an interrupt is received (Figure
11). INT will also force a Halt exit.

I....- - - - - - - - M 1 - - - - - - -..... I....I - - - - - - - M1









NMi is an asynchronous input, to guarantee Its being recognized on the following machine cycle, MNI's failing edge must occur no
later than the rising edge of the clock cycle preceding the last state of any Instruction cycle (Tu).

* Although

Figure 11. Halt Acknowledge Cycle

Reset Cycle. RESET must be active for at least three clock
cycles for the CPU to properly accept it. As long as RESET
remains active, the address and data buses float, and the
control outputs are inactive. Once RESET goes inactive, two

internal T cycles are consumed before the CPU resumes
normal processing operation. RESET clears the PC register,
so the first opcode fetch will be to location OOOOH
(Figure 12).













Figure 12. Reset Cycle




Number Symbol










Clock Cycle Time




Clock Pulse Width (High)











Clock Pulse Width (Low)











Clock Fall Time







Clock Rise Time







Clock t to Address Valid Delay







Address Valid to MREO ~ Delay



Clock ~ to MREO ~ Delay







Clock t to MREO t Delay











MREQ Pulse Width (High)







Mi'iEQ Pulse Width (Low)







Clock ~ to MREO t Delay







Clock ~ to RD ~ Delay







Clock t to RD t Delay



Data Setup Time to Clock t



Data Hold Time to RD t



WAIT Setup Time to Clock ~



WAIT Hold Time after Clock ~



















Clock flo Ml ~ Delay







Clock t to M 1 t Delay







Clock t to RFSH ~ Delay







Clock t to

RFSH t Delay







Clock ~ to RD t Delay







Clock t to RD ~ Delay







Data Setup to Clock ~ during M2, M3,










M4, or Ms Cycles


Address Stable prior to IORO ~



Clock t to IORO ~ Delay






Clock ~ to iORQ t Delay






Data Stable prior to WR ~



Clock ~ to WR ~ Delay



WR Pulse Width



Clock ~ to WR t Delay



Data Stable prior to WR ~























Clock t to WR ~ Delay



Data Stable from WR t



Clock ~ to



NMI Pulse Width







BUSREO Setup Time to Clock t






HAiJ t or ~








'For clock periods other than the minimums shown, calculate parameters using the table on the following page. Calculated values above
assumed TrC = TIC = 20 ns.
tUnits in nanoseconds (ns).





. _ - ---"


Number Symbol








BUSREO Hold Time after Clock t



Clock t to BUSACK.j. Delay







Clock.j. to BUSACK t Delay







Clock t to Data Float Delay







Clock t to Control Outputs Float Delay
(MREO, IORO, RD, and WR)







Clock t to Address Float Delay



MREO t, IORO t, RD t, and WR t to
Address Hold Time



RESET to Clock t Setup Time



RESETto Clock t Hold Time



INT to Clock t Setup Time



INTto Clock t Hold Time



M1 Ho IORO Welay

























Clock .j. to IORO .j. Delay






Clock t IORO t Delay







Clock.j. to Data Valid Delay






* For clock periods other than the minimums shown, calculate parameters using the following table. Calculated values above
assumed TrC = TIC = 20 ns.
tUnits in nanoseconds (ns).



General Parameter


TwCh + TwCI + TrC + TIC







TwCh + TIC

- 75

- 65



TwCh + TIC

- 30

- 20







- 40

- 30





- 80

- 70






- 210

- 170






- 40

- 30





TwCI + TrC

- 180

- 140





TwCI + TrC

- 80

- 70





TwCI + TrC

- 40

- 50





2TeC + TwCh + TIC

- 80

- 65



AC Test Conditions:
VIH = 2.0V
VIL = 0.8 V
VIHC = VCC - 0.6 V
VILC = 0.45 V



VOH = 1.5V
VOL = 1.5V
FLOAT = ±05V

Voltages on all pins with respect to ground ... 0.3V to + 7V
Operating Ambient
Temperature .............. See Ordering Information
Storage Temperature .............. - 65°C to + 150°C

Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may
cause permanent damage to the device. ThiS IS a stress rating only;
operation of the device at any condition above these indicated in the
operational sections of these specifications IS not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect
device reliability.

The DC Characteristics and Capacitance sections below
apply for the following standard test conditions, unless
otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND (OV).
Positive current flows into the referenced pin.
Available operating temperature ranges are:

All ac parameters assume a load capacitance of 100 pf. Add
15 ns delay for each 50 pf increase in load up to a maximum
of 200 pf for the data bus AC timing measurements are
referenced to 1.5 volts (except for clock, which is referenced
to the 10% and 90% points).

• S = O°Cto +70°C, +4.75V";Vcc"; +5.25V

E = -40°Cto +85°C, +4.75V";Vcc"; +5.25V


M = -55°Cto +125°C, +4.5V";Vcc"; +5.25V


The Ordering Information section lists temperature ranges
and product numbers. Package drawings are in the
Package Information section in this book. Refer to the
Literature List for additional documentation.



All parameters are tested unless otherwise noted.



Clock Input Low Voltage


Clock Input High Voltage










Input Low Voltage





Input High Voltage

2.0 1


Output Low Voltage


Output High Voltage


Power Supply Current


Input Leakage Current


3-State Output Leakage Current in Float



Test Condition


IOL =2.0mA


IOH= -250iJA



Note 3


iJ A



iJ A

VOUT = 0.4 to VCC

1. For military grade parts, refer to the Z80 Military Electrical SpeCification.

2. A1S-AO, DrDo, MREQ, 1liOO, RlJ, and WR
3. Measurements made with outputs floating.

Guaranteed by design and characterization.



Clock Capacitance


Input Capacitance


Output CapaCitance










TA = 25°C, f = 1 MHz
Unmeasured pins returned to ground.


Z80 CPU, 2.5 MHz
44-pln LCC
44-pln PCC
Z8400 LM *
Z8400 VSt



Z80B CPU, 6.0 MHz
40-pln DIP
44-pln PCC
Z8400B PS
Z8400B VSt
zaOH CPU, 8.0 MHz
40-pln DIP
44-pln PCC
Z8400H PS
Z8400H VSt

Z80A CPU, 4.0 MHz
44-pln LCC
44-pln PCC
Z8400A LM *
Z8400A VSt

First letter is for package; second letter is for temperature.


Ceramic DIP
Plastic DIP
Ceramic LCC
Plastic PCC

S = O°Cto +70 oC
E = -40°C to +85°C
M*= -55°C to +125°C
* For Military Orders, refer to the Military Section.

t Available soon.




Low Profile Protopack
Dual-In-Line Package
Leadless Chip Carrier
Plastic Chip Carrier (Leaded)

B = 883 Class B
J = JAN 38510 Class B

Direct Memory Access


April 1985

• Transfers, searches, and search/transfers in Byte-at-aTime, Burst, or Continuous modes. Cycle length and
edge timing can be programmed to match the speed of
any port.


Dual port addresses (source and destination) generated
for memory-to-I/O, memory-to-memory, or I/O-to-I/O
operations. Addresses may be fixed or automatically


Extensive programmability of functions. CPU can read
complete channel status.


Standard Z80 Family bus-request and prioritized
interrupt-request daisy chains implemented without
external logic. Sophisticated, internally modifiable
interrupt vectoring.


Direct interfacing to system buses without external logic.

Next-operation loading without disturbing current
operations via buffered starting-address registers. An
entire previous sequence can be repeated automatically.

The Z80 DMA (Direct Memory Access) is a powerful and
versatile device for controlling and processing transfers of
data. Its basic function of managing CPU-independent






















transfers between two ports is augmented by an array of
features that optimize transfer speed and control with little or
no external logic in systems using an 8- or 16-bit data bus
and a 16-bit address bus.




























Figure 1. Pin Functions













Figure 2. 40·pin Dual·ln·Line Package (DIP),
Pin AsSignments


Transfers can be done between any two ports (source and
destination), including memory-to-I/O, memory-to-memory,
and I/O-to-I/O. Dual port addresses are automatically
generated for each transaction and may be either fixed or
incrementing/decrementing. In addition, bit-maskable byte
searches can be performed either concurrently with
transfers or as an operation in itself.
The l80 DMA contains direct Interfacing to, and
independent control of, system buses, as well as
sophisticated bus and interrupt controls. Many

programmable features, including variable cycle timing and
auto-restart, minimize CPU software overhead. They are
especially useful in adapting this special-purpose transfer
processor to a broad variety of memory, I/O and CPU
The l80 DMA is an n-channel silicon-gate depletion-load
device packaged in a 40-pin, plastic or ceramic DIP. It uses a
single + SV power supply and the standard l80 Family
single-phase clock.

Classes of Operation. The l80 DMA has three basic
classes of operation:

Transfers of data between two ports (memory or I/O

• Searches for a particular 8-bit maskable byte at a single
port in memory or an I/O peripheral
• Combined transfers with simultaneous search between
two ports
Figure 4 illustrates the basic functions served by these
classes of operation.






During a search-only operation, data is read from the source
port and compared byte by byte with a DMA-internal register
containing a programmable match byte. This match byte
may optionally be masked so that only certain bits within the
match byte are compared. Search rates up to 1.2SM bytes
per second can be obtained with the 2.S MHz l80 DMA or
2M bytes per second with the 4 MHz l80A DMA.
In combined searches and transfers, data is transferred
between two ports while simultaneously searching for a
bit-maskable byte match.




During a transfer, the DMA assumes control of the system
address and data buses. Byte by byte, data is read from one
addressable port and written to the other addressable port.
The ports may be programmed to be either system main
memory or peripheral I/O devices. Thus, a block of data
may be written from one peripheral to another, from one
area of main memory to another, or from a peripheral to main
memory and vice versa.


Data transfers or searches can be programmed to stop, or
interrupt, under various conditions. In addition, CPUreadable status bits can be programmed to reflect the

Modes of Operation. The l80 DMA can be programmed
to operate in one of three transfer and/or search modes:

• 8yte-at-a- Time: data operations are performed one byte



at a time. Between each byte operation the system buses
are released to the CPU. The buses are requ'ested again
for each succeeding byte operation.



















~ Q" (flo - OUT I =RD.eE.iOiiQ·M1 Figura 13. Read Cycle Timing Figura 12. Wrlta Cycle Timing eLK WR' PORT OUTPUT _ _ _ _ _-' '\.--+----i---~~READY ______________- J 'WR =RD' CE • IORQ • M1 Figure 14. Mode 0 Output Timing 2006·013,014,015 197 10 .., S Input Mode (Mode 1). When STROBE goes from Low to High, data is latched into the selected port input register (Figure 15). While STROBE is Low, the input data latches are transparent. The next rising edge of S'i'ROBE activates INT, if Interrupt Enable is set and this is the highest-priority requesting device. The following falling edge of ClK resets Ready to an inactive state, indicating that the input register is full and cannot accept any more data until the CPU completes a read. When a read is complete, the positive edge of RD sets Ready at the next Low-going transition of ClK. At this time new data can be loaded into the PIO. "RD Bidirectional Mode (Mode 2). This is a combination of Modes 0 and 1 using all four handshake lines and the eight Port A 1/0 lines (Figure 16). Port B must be set to the bit mode and its inputs must be masked. The Port A handshake lines are used for output control and the Port B lines are used for input control. If interrupts occur, Port /l:.s vector will be used during port output and Port B's will be used during port input. Data is allowed out onto the Port A bus only when ASTB is Low. The rising edge of this strobe can be used to latch the data into the peripheral. = !iii" aE • iORiI • ii1 Figure 15. Mode 1 Input Timing CLK WR" ARDY PORTA DATA BUS INT BRDY "WR =RD • CE " IORO • Mt Figure 16_ Mode 2 Bidirectional Timing 198 2006-016. 017 Bit Control Mode (Mode 3). The bit mode does not utilize the handshake signals, and a normal port write or port read can be executed at any time. When writing, the data is latched into the output registers with the same timing as the output mode. Interrupt (RETI) instruction is executed by the CPU while lEI is High. The 2-byte RETI instruction is decoded internally by the Pia for this purpose. Return From Interrupt Cycle. If a Z80 peripheral has no interrupt pending and is not under service, then its lEO = lEI. If it has an interrupt under service (i.e., it has already Interrupted and received an Interrupt acknowledge) then its lEO is always Low, inhibiting lower priority devices from interrupting. If it has an interrupt pending which has not yet been acknowledged, lEO is Low unless an "ED" is decoded as the first byte of a 2-byte opcode (Figure 19). In this case, lEO goes High until the next opcode byte is decoded, whereupon it goes Low again. If the second byte of the opcode was a "40," then the opcode was an RETI instruction. When reading (Figure 17) the Pia, the data returned to the CPU is composed of output register data from those port data lines assigned as outputs and input register data from those port data lines assigned as inputs. The input register contains data that was present immediately prior to the falling edge of RD. An interrupt is generated if interrupts from the port are enabled and the data on the port data lines satisfy the logical equation defined by the 8-bIt mask and 2-bit mask control registers. However, if Port A is programmed in bidirectional mode, Port B does not issue an interrupt in bit mode and must therefore be polled. After an "ED" opcode is decoded, only the peripheral device which has interrupted and is currently under service has its lEI High and its lEO Low. This device is the highest-priority device in the daisy chain that has received an interrupt acknowledge. All other peripherals have lEI = lEO. lithe next opcode byte decoded is "40," this peripheral device resets its "interrupt under service" condition. Interrupt Acknowledge Timing. During M1 time, peripheral controllers are inhibited from changing their interrupt enable status, permitting the Interrupt Enable signal to ripple through the daisy chain. The peripheral with lEI High and lEO Low during INTACK places a preprogrammed 8-bit interrupt vector on the data bus at this time (Figure 18). lEO is held Low until a Return From eLK DAT:~~: :========:X DATA WO.D 1 X,-_D_AT_AW_O_.D_'........X"'_________ ~ -----g-~-~-~-~-~->~~~~~~~~{'_~_)-'===~~:~r------------ ~-D7 -------------«~D~AT~AI~N:»----------LDATA WORD 1 PLACED ON BUS Figure 17. Mode 3 Bit Control Mode Timing, Bit Mode Read T, T. T. T, T, T. T. T, CLK CLK ! Mt \ ' -_ _-' IORQ AND M1 ~--- INDICATE } INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE INTACK '---I ii ~-D7 -----<0 .•. -----_______ J , 0 '.0 ______________--J! ••• Figure 18. Interrupt Acknowledge Timing 2006·018.019,020 Figure 19. Return From Interrupt 199 N I "'0. AC TIMING DIAGRAM -----0-0-1 -cD--,............., CLOCK Ci B/A,C/i) - ~ ~f\J\J'J\ ./ -&-1 I~- TsPD(STB). 150 260 120 [4] 150 [5] 160 180 = 50 pi [5] 120 220 200 = 50 pi 170 190 150 = 50 pi [8] CL 18 00 0 [3] 100 130 N [2] 120 160 210 300 [6J 0 70 115 50 Notes [5J 190 230 [5] CL = 50 pi [5] Increase these values by 2 ns for each 10 pf Increase in loading up to 100 pfmax. [6] TsCS(RI) may be reduced However, the time subtracted from TsCS(RI) will be added to TdRI(DO) • M1 must be active for a minimum of two clock cycles to reset the PIO t Units in nanoseconds (ns) 201 ... 'til C ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltages on all pins with respect toGND .......................... -0.3Vto +7V Operating Ambient Temperature ..............See Ordering Information Storage Temperature .............. - 65°e to + 150 0 e Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; operation of the device at any condition above those Indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS The De characteristics and capacitance sections listed below apply for the following standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND (OV). Positive current flows into the referenced pin. All ac parameters assume a load capacitance of 100 pf max. +5V 2.1K Available operating temperature ranges are: • S = ooe to + 70 oe, + 4.75V"'; Vcc"'; + 5.25V • E = -40°Cto +85°C, +4.75V"';Vcc"'; +5.25V • M = -55°Cto +125°C, +4.5V"';Vcc"'; +5.5V The Ordering Information section lists package temperature ranges and product numbers. Package drawings are in the Package Information section. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. DC CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter VllC VIHC Vil VIH VOL VOH III ILO Clock Input Low Voltage Clock Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Input Leakage Current 3-State Output Leakage Current in Float Power Supply Current Darlington Drive Current Port B Only ICC IOHD Min Max -0.3 +0.45 VCC- 0.6 -0.3 VCC+0.3 +0.8 +2.0 VCC +0.4 +2.4 ±10 ±10 100 -1.5 Unit Test Condition V V V V V V IOl = 2.0mA IOH = -250 iJA. ,..A ,..A mA mA VIN = OtoVCC VOUT = O.4V to VCC VOH = 1.5V REXT = 390Q Over specified temperature and voltage range. CAPACITANCE Symbol Parameter C Clock Capacitance Input Capacitance CIN COUT Output Capacitance Min Max Unit 10 5 15 pi pi pi Over specified temperature range; f = 1 MHz. Unmeasured pins returned to ground. 202 8085·0239 ORDERING INFORMATION lao PIO, 2.5 MHz 40·pln DIP Z8420 PS Z8420CS Z8420 PE Z8420CE Z8420CM* Z8420CMS* laOB PIO, 6.0 MHz 40·pln DIP 44·plnLCC Z8420 LM* Z8420 LMS*t Z8420SPS Z8420SCS laOA PIO, 4.5 MHz 40·pin DIP 44·pin LCC Z8420A PS Z8420A LM * Z8420ACS Z8420A LMS*t Z8420APE Z8420ACE Z8420ACM* Z8420ACMS* Codes First letter is for package; second letter is for temperature. C P L V = = = = Ceramic DIP Plastic DIP Ceramic LCC Plastic PCC TEMPERATURE S = O°Cto +70°C E = -40°Cto +85°C M*= -55°Cto +125°C R T DIP LCC PCC = = = = = Protopack Low Profile Protopack Dual-In-Line Package Leadless Chip Carrier Plastic Chip Carrier (Leaded) FLOW S = 883 Class S Example: PS is a plastic DIP, O°C to + 70°C. t Available soon. * For Military Orders, contact your local Zllog Sales Office for Military Electrical Specifications. 00-2006-03 203 Z8430 Z80®CTC Counter/Timer Circuit Product Specification Zilog April 1985 FEATURES • Four independently programmable counter/timer channels, each with a readable downcounter and a selectable 16 or 256 prescaler. Downcounters are reloaded automatically at zero count. • Selectable positive or negative trigger initiates timer operation. • Interfaces directly to the Z80 CPU or-for baud rate generation-to the Z80 SIO. • Standard Z80 Family daisy-chain interrupt structure provides fully vectored, prioritized interrupts without external logic. The CTC may also be used as an interrupt controller. • Three channels have Zero Count/Timeout outputs capable of driving Darlington transistors. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Z80 CTC four-channel counter/timer can be programmed by system software for a broad range of counting and timing applications. The four independently programmable channels of the Z80 CTC satisfy common microcomputer system requirements for event counting, interrupt and interval timing, and general clock rate generation. CPU DATA elle CTC CONTROL FROM CPU --------- {-- DAISY { CHAIN INTERRUPT CONTROL D, ClK/TRG, D, ZC/TO, D, D, ClK/TRG, ZC/TO, D, D, D, ClK/TRG, D, zcrro, OE CS, -- - CS, _ _ M1 __ ClK/TRG, RESET =Lu. =r"~ -+-- iOiiQ iiD lEI zao CTC zaOA CTC lEO iNT System design is simplified because the CTC connects directly to both the Z80 CPU and the Z80 SIO with no additional logic. In larger systems, address decoders and buffers may be required. Programming the CTC is straightforward: each channel is programmed with two bytes; a third is necessary when D, D, D5 D, D, D, D, D, GND +5V iiD ClK/TRG, ZC/TO, ClK/TRG, ZC/TO, ClK/TRG, ZC/TO, ClK/TRG, IORQ CS, lEO CS, iNT RESET lEI OE Mi ClK ttt ClK +5 V GND Figure 1. Pin Functions 2041·001. 002 Figure 2a. 40-pin Dual-In-Llne Package (DIP), Pin Assignments 205 interrupts are enabled. Once started, the CTC counts down, automatically reloads its time constant, and resumes counting. Software timing loops are completely eliminated. Interrupt processing is simplified because only one vector need be specified; the CTC internally generates a unique vector for each channel. The Z80 CTC requires a single + 5V power supply and the standard Z80 single-phase system clock. It is fabricated with n-channel silicon-gate depletion· load technology, and packaged in a 28-pin and a 44-pin chip carrier DIP. (Figures 2aand 2b) +CJ Q'I, Q'O 6 5 • +CJ Q".J Qb< Q'" Q'l- Q" 3 2 Q~ +v 1 44 43 42 41 40 GND 7 39 NC NC 8 38 NC AD 9 37 +5V 10 36 NC 35 elK/TAGo 3' NC Cl.KfTRG1 ZC/TOo NC 11 ZC/T01 12 ZC/T02 13 33 " 32 CLK/TRG2 15 31 CLK/TRG3 lEO 16 30 NC NC 17 29 CS, lORa NC Z8430 CTC 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 "v4-" "v ~ 4' "v vv'" {,,'v$' v". "v ~"v Figure 2b. 44-pin Chip Carrier, Pin Assignments FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The Z80 CTC has four independent counter/timer channels. Each channel is individually programmed with two words: a control word and a time-constant word. The control word selects the operating mode (counter or timer), enables or disables the channel interrupt, and selects certain other operating parameters. If the timing mode is selected, the control word also sets a prescaler, which divides the system clock by either 16 or 256. The time-constant word is a value from 1 to 256. During operation, the individual counter channel counts down from the preset time constant value. In counter mode operation the counter decrements on each of the ClK/TRG input pulses until zero count is reached. Each decrement is synchronized by the system clock. For counts greater than 256, more than one counter can be cascaded. At zero count, the down-counter is automatically reset with the time constant value. The timer mode determines time intervals as small as 41"s (Z80A) or 6.4 I"s (Z80) without additional logic or software timing loops. Time intervals are generated by dividing the system clock with a prescaler that decrements a preset down-cou nter. Thus, the time interval is an integral multiple of the clock period, the prescaler value (16 or 256), and the time constant that is preset in the down-counter. A timer is triggered automatically when its time constant value is programmed, or by an external ClKITRG input. Three channels have two outputs that occur at zero count. The first output is a zero-count/timeout pulse at the ZC/TO output. The fourth channel (Channel 3) does not have a ZC/TO output; interrupt request is the only output available from Channel 3. The second output is Interrupt Request (INT), which occurs ifthe channel has its interrupt enabled during programming. When the Z80 CPU acknowledges Interrupt Request, the Z80 CTC places an interrupt vector on the data bus. The four channels of the Z80 CTC are fully prioritized and fit into four contiguous slots in a standard Z80 daisy-chain interrupt structure. Channel 0 is the highest priority and Channel 3 the lowest. Interrupts can be individually enabled (or disabled) for each of the four channels. ARCHITECTURE The ClC has lour major elements, as shown in Figure 3. • CPU bus I/O • Channel control logic • Interrupt logic • Counter/timer circuits CPU Bus 1/0. The CPU bus I/O circuit decodes the address inputs, and interfaces the CPU data and control signals to the CTe for distribution on the internal bus. 206 Internal Control Logic. The ClC internal control logic controls overall chip operating functions such as the chip enable, reset, and read/write logic. Interrupt Logic. The interrupt control logic ensures that the CTe interrupts interface properly with the Z80 CPU interrupt system. The logic controls the interrupt priority olthe eTC as a function of the lEI signal. If lEI is High, the eTC has priority. During interrupt processing, the interrupt logic holds lEO low, which inhibits the interrupt operation on lower priority devices. If the lEI input goes low, priority is relinquished and the interrupt logic drives lEO low. 2041·003 DATA iNf CPU BUS 110 FROM { 80 CPU lEI lEO CONTROL ZCITO Figure 3. Functional Block Diagram If a channel is programmed to request an interrupt, the interrupt logic drives lEO Low at the zero count, and generates an INT signal to the Z80 CPU. When the Z80 CPU responds with interrupt acknowledge (M1 and IORO), then the interrupt logic arbitrates the CTC internal priorities, and the interrupt control logic places a unique interrupt vector on the data bus. If an interrupt is pending, the interrupt logic holds lEO Low. When the Z80 CPU issues a Return From Interrupt (RETI) instruction, each peripheral device decodes the first byte (ED16). If the device has a pending interrupt, it raises lEO (High) for one M1 cycle. This ensures that all lower priority devices can decode the entire RET!. instruction and reset properly. CounterlTimer Circuits. The CTC has four independent counter/timer circuits, each containing the logic shown in Figure 4. Channel Control Logic. The channel control logic receives the 8-bit channel control word when the counter/timer channel is programmed. The channel control logic decodes the control word and sets the following operating conditions: • Interrupt enable (or disable) • Operating mode (timer or counter) • Timer mode prescaler factor (16 or 256) • Active slope for CLKITRG input • Timer mode trigger (automatic or CLKITRG input) • Time constant data word to follow • Software reset ZC/TO Figure 4. CounterlTlmer Block Diagram 2041'()04. 005 Time Constant Register. When the counter/timer channel is programmed, the time constant register receives and stores an 8-bit time constant value, which can be anywhere from 1 to 256 (0 = 256). This constant is automatically loaded into the down-counter when the counter/timer channel is initialized, and subsequently after each zero count. Prescaler. The prescaler, which is used only in timer mode, divides the system clock frequency by a factor of either 16 or 256. The prescaler output clocks the down-counter during timer operation. The effect of the prescaler on the down-counter is a multiplication of the system clock period by 16 or 256. The prescaler factor is programmed by bit 5 of the channel control word. 207 Ia Down-Counter. Prior to each count cycle, the down-counter is loaded with the time constant register contents. The counter is then decremented one of two ways, depending on operating mode: • By the prescaler output (timer mode) • By the trigger pulses into the CLKITRG input (counter mode) Without disturbing the down-count. the Z80 CPU can read the count remaining at any time by performing an I/O read operation at the port address assigned to the ClC channel. When the down-counter reaches the zero count, the ZCITO output generates a positive-going pulse. When the interrupt is enabled, zero count also triggers an interrupt request signal (INT) from the interrupt logic. PROGRAMMING Each Z80 ClC channel must be programmed prior to operation. Programming consists of writing two words to the 1/0 port that corresponds to the desired channel. The first word is a control word that selects the operating mode and other parameters; the second word is a time constant, which is a binary data word with a value from 1 to 256. A time constant word must be preceded by a channel control word. Reset. The CTC has both hardware and software resets. The hardware reset terminates all down-counts and disables all ClC interrupts by resetting the interrupt bits in the control registers. In addition, the ZC/TO and Interrupt outputs go inactive, lEO reflects lEI, and Do-D7 go to the high-impedance state. All channels must be completely reprogrammed after a hardware reset. After initialization, channels may be reprogrammed at any time. If updated control and time constant words are written to a channel during the count operation, the count continues to zero before the new time constant is loaded into the counter. The software reset is controlled by bit 1 in the channel control word. When a channel receives a software reset, it stops counting. When a software reset is used, the other bits in the control word also change the contents of the channel control register. After a software reset a new time constant word must be written to the same channel. If the interrupt on any Z80 ClC channel is enabled, the programming procedure should also include an interrupt vector. Only one vector is required for all four channels, because the interrupt logic automatically modifies the vector for the channel requesting service. A control word is identified by a 1 in bit O. A 1 in bit 2 indicates a time constant word is to follow. Interrupt vectors are always addressed to Channel 0, and identified by a 0 in bit o. Addressing. During programming, channels are addressed with the channel select pins CS1 and CS2. A 2-bit binary code selects the appropriate channel as shown in the follOWing table. CSo Channel o o o Interrupt Enable. D7 enables the interrupt, so that an Interrupt output (INT) IS generated at zero count. Interrupts may be programmed in either mode and may be enabled or disabled at any time. Mode. D6 selects either timer or counter operating mode. 1 Presca/er Factor. (Timer Mode factor-either 16 or 256. J 1 ENABLESINTERRUPTj INTERRUPT o DISABLES INTERRUPT Channel Control Word Programming. The channel control word is shown in Figure 5. It sets the modes and parameters described below. o o 2 3 If the channel control word has both bits D1 and D2 set to 1, the addressed channel stops operating, pending a new time constant word. The channel is ready to resume after the new constant is programmed. In timer mode, if D3 = 0, operation is triggered automatically when the time constant word is loaded. MODE o SELECTS TIMER MODE 1 SELECTS COUNTER MODE PRESCALER VALUE* 1 = VALUE OF 256 o = VALUE OF 18 CLKITRO EDGE SELECTION _ _ _-I o SELECTS FALLING EDGE 1 SELECTS RISING EDGE t L Only). Ds selects CONTROL OR VECTOR 0= VECTOR 1 = CONTROL WORD RESET CONTINUED OPERATION 1 = SOFTWARE RESET o= TIME CONSTANT o = NO TIME CONSTANT FOLLOWS 1 = TIME CONSTANT FOLLOWS L..._ _ _ TIMER TRIGGER' o = AUTOMATIC TRIGGER WHEN TIME CONSTANT IS LOADED 1 = CLKITRG PULSE STARTS TIMER 'TlMER MODE ONLY Figure 5. Channel Control Word 208 2041·006 ClocklTrigger Edge Selector. 0 4 selects the active edge or slope of the ClK/TRG input pulses. Note that reprogramming the ClKITRG slope during operation is equivalent to issuing an active edge. If the trigger slope is changed by a control word update while a channel is pending operation in timer mode, the result is the same as a ClK/TRG pulse and the timer starts. Similarly, if the channel is in counter mode, the counter decrements. not operate without a time constant value. The only way to write a time constant value is to write a control word with 02 set. Timer Trigger (Timer Mode Only). 03 selects the trigger mode for timer operation. When 03 is reset to 0, the timer is triggered automatically. The time constant word is programmed during an 1/0 write operation, which takes one machine cycle. At the end of the write operation there is a setup delay of one clock period. The timer starts automatically (decrements) on the rising edge of the second clock pulse (T2) of the machine cycle following the write operation. Once started, the timer ru ns conti nuously. At zero count the timer reloads automatically and continues counting without interruption or delay, until stopped by a reset. Time Constant Programming. Before a channel can start counting it must receive a time constant word from the CPU. During programming or reprogramming, a channel control word in which bit 2 is set must precede the time constant word to indicate that the next word is a time constant. The time constant word can be any value from 1 to 256 (Figure 6). Note that 0016 is interpreted as 256. When 03 is set to 1, the timer is triggered externally through the ClKITRG input. The time constant word is programmed during an I/O write operation, which takes one machine cycle. The timer is ready for operation on the rising edge of the second clock pulse (T2) of the following machine cycle. Note that the first timer decrement follows the active edge of the ClK/TRG pulse by a delay time of one clock cycle if a minimum setup time to the rising edge of clock is met. If this minimum is not met, the delay is extended by another clock period. Consequently, for immediate triggering, the ClK/TRG input must precede T2 by one clock cycle plus its minimum setup time. If the minimum time is not met, the timer will start on the third clock cycle (T3)' • The time constant (T), which is programmed into the time constant register Once started the timer operates continuously, without interruption or delay, until stopped by a reset. Time Constant. A 1 in 02 indicates that the next word addressed to the selected channel is a time constant data word for the time constant register. The time constant word may be written at any time. Software Reset. Setting 01 to 1 causes a software reset, which is described in the Reset section. Control Word. Setting Do to 0 identifies the word as a control word. In timer mode, the time interval is controlled by three factors: • The system clock period (~) • The prescaler factor (P), which multiplies the interval by either 16 or 256 Consequently, the time interval is the product of ~ x P x T. The minimum timer resolution is 16x~ (41's with a 4MHz clock). The maximum timer interval is 256 x ~ x 256 (16.4 ms with a 4MHz clock). For longer intervals timers may be cascaded. Interrupt Vector Programming. If the Z80 CTC has one or more interrupts enabled, it can supply interrupt vectors to the Z80 CPU. To do so, the Z80 CTC must be pre-programmed with the most-significant five bits of the interrupt vector. Programming consists of writing a vector word to the I/O port corresponding to the Z80 CTC Channel O. Note that Do of the vector word is always zero, to distinguish the vector from a channel control word. 01 and 02 are not used in programming the vector word. These bits are supplied by the interrupt logic to identify the channel requesting interrupt service with a unique interrupt vector (Figure 7). Channel 0 has the highest priority. A 0 in 02 indicates no time constant word is to follow. This is ordinarily used when the channel is already in operation and the new channel control word is an update. A channel will I V7-V3~ SUPPLIED BY USER ::: ~~ ~ ~L: L'== :~: TCs TC, TC4 Te3 Figure 6. Time Constant Word 2041·007,008 ~L 0 j = INTERRUPT VECTOR WORD = CONTROL WORD CHANNEL IDENTIFIER (AUTOMATICALLY INSERTED BY CTC) CHANNEL 0 o 0 o j CHANNEL j j 0 CHANNEL 2 1 1 = CHANNEL 3 = = = Figure 7. Interrupt Vector Word 209 PIN DESCRIPTION CEo Chip Enable (input, active Low). When enabled the CTC accepts control words, interrupt vectors, or time constant data words from the data bus during an 1/0 write cycle; or transmits the contents olthe downcounter to the CPU during an 1/0 read cycle. In most applications this signal is decoded from the eight least significant bits of the address bus for any of the four 1/0 port addresses that are mapped to the four counter-timer channels. ClK. System Clock (input). Standard single-phase Z80 system clock. ClK/TRGo·ClK/TRG3' External ClocklTlmer Trigger (input, user-selectable active High or Low). Four pins corresponding to the four Z80 CTC channels. In counter mode, every active edge on this pin decrements the downcounter. In timer mode, an active edge starts the timer. CS O·CS 1 • Channel Select (inputs active High). Two-bit binary address code selects one of the four CTC channels for an I/O write or read (usually connected to Ao and Al)' SYSTEM BUSES ~ CPU_ INT T ~ V PIO --L - INT lEI +5V T ZC/T01 CTC !NT i---< lEO - INT • WIRDYB data and commands between the Z80 CPU and the Z80 CTC. lEI. Interrupt Enable In (input, active High). A High indicates that no other interrupting devices of higher priority in the daisy chain are being serviced by the Z80 CPU. lEO. Interrupt Enable Out (output, active High). High only if lEI is High and the Z80 CPU is not servicing an interrupt from any Z80 CTC channel. lEO blocks lower priority devices from interrupting while a higher priority interrupting device is being serviced. INT. Interrupt Request (output, open drain, active Low). Low when any Z80 CTC channel that has been programmed to enable interrupts as a zero-count condition in its downcounter. IORQ. Input/Output Request (input from CPU, active Low). Used with CE and RD to transfer data and channel control words between the Z80 CPU and the Z80 CTC. During a write cycle, 10RO and CE are active and RD inactive. The Z80 CTC does not receive a specific write signal; rather, it internally generates is own from the inverse of an active RD signal. In a read cycle, 10RO, CE, and RD are active; the contents of the downcounter are read by the Z80 CPU. If 10RO and M1 are both true, the CPU is acknowledging an interrupt request, and the highest priority interrupting channel places its interrupt vector on the Z80 data bus. M1. Machine Cycle One (input from CPU, active Low). When M1 and 10RO are active, the Z80 CPU is acknowledging an interrupt. The Z80 CTC then places an interupt vector on the data bus if it has highest priority, and if a channel has requested an interrupt (IND. RD. Read Cycle Status J!!put, active Low). Used in conjunction with 10RO and CE to transfer data and channel control words between the Z80 CPU and the Z80 CTC. lEI ZC/T02 00.07' System Data Bus (bidirectional, 3-state). Transfers all . lEI ROY DMA SIO 1J1-----l\ I\r--V RESET. Reset (input active Low). Terminates all down-counts and disables all interrupts by resetting the interrupt bits in all control registers; the ZC/TO and the interrupt outputs go inactive; lEO reflects lEI; 00-07 go to the high-impedance state. ZC/TOo·ZC/T02' Zero CountlTimeout (output, active High). Three ZCITO pins corresponding to Z80 CTC channels 2 through 0 (Channel 3 has no ZCITO pin). In both counter and timer modes the output is an active High pulse when the downcounter decrements to zero. Figure S. A Typical ZSO Environment 210 2041-009 TIMING Read Cycle Timing. Figure 9 shows read cycle timing. This cycle reads the contents of a down-counter without CPU disturbing the count. During clock cycle T2, the initiates a read cycle by driving the following inputs low: RD, IORQ, and CEo A 2-bit binary code at inputs CS1 and CS a selects the channel to be read. M1 must be High to distinguish this cycle from an interrupt acknowledge. zao CLK X X I I CHANNEL ADDRESS \ \ - M1 DATA Timer Operation. In the timer mode, a ClK/TRG pulse input starts the timer (Figure 11) on the second succeeding rising edge of ClK. The trigger pulse is asynchronous, and it must have a minimum width. A minimum lead time (21 0 ns) is required between the active edge of the ClK/TRG and the next rising edge of ClK to enable the prescaler on the following clock edge. If the ClKITRG edge occurs closer than this, the initiation of the timer function is delayed one clock cycle. This corresponds to the start-up timing discussed in the programming section. The timer can also be started automatically if so programmed by the channel control word. CLK/TRO --.,..--------------, -" INTERNAL TIMER Figure 9. Read Cycle Timing Write Cycle Timing. Figure 10 shows write cycle timing for loading control, time constant, or vector words. The CTC does not have a write signal input, so it generates one internally when the read (RD) input is High during T1. During T210RQ and CE inputs are low. M1 must be High to distinguish a write cycle from an interrupt acknowledge. A 2-bit binary code at inputs CS 1 and CS a selects the channel to be addressed, and the word being written is placed on the data bus. The data word is latched into the appropriate register with the rising edge of clock cycle T3. zao T, ST"RT TIMING Figure 11. Timer Mode Timing -----------< T, -------...1 T, TWA Counter Operation. In the counter mode, the ClK/TRG pulse input decrements the downcounter. The trigger is asynchronous, but the count is synchronized with ClK. For the decrement to occur on the next rising edge of ClK, the trigger edge must precede ClK by a minimum lead time as shown in Figure 12. If the lead time is less than specified, the count is delayed by one clock cycle. The trigger pulse must have a minimum width, and the trigger period must be at least twice the clock period. If the trigger repetition rate is faster than '/3 the clock frequency, then TsCTR(Cs), AC Characteristics Specification 26, must be met. The ZCITO output occurs immediately after zero count, and follows the rising ClK edge. T, CLK CSo. CS,. ..JX,-__ CE _ _ _ _..JXI..___ C_H_AN_N_EL_A_D_D_RE_S_S '''-_ _-..JI _ --or-------------, RD CLK/TRO INTERNAL COUNTER ----.If ZC/TO _ _ _ _ _" • .1 _M1 --or-------------, Figure 12. Counter Mode Timing _J DATA _ _ _ _-..JX~ ____ IN___ ..JX~ _________ Figure 10. Write Cycle Timing 2041- 211 INTERRUPT OPERATION zao The CTC follows the Z80 system interrupt protocol for nested priority interrupts and return from interrupt, wherein the interrupt priority of a peripheral is determined by its location in a daisy chain. Two lines-lEI and lEO-in the CTC connect it to the system daisy chain. The device closest to the + 5V supply has the highest priority (Figure 13). For additional information on the Z80 interrupt structure, refer to the zao CPU Product Specification and the zao CPU Technical Manual. HIGHEST PRIORITV DEVICE LOWEST PRIORITY DEVICE Figure 13. Daisy-Chain Interrupt Priorities Within the Z80 CTC, interrupt priority is predetermined by channel number: Channel 0 has the highest priority, and Channel 3 the lowest. If a device or channel is being serviced with an interrupt routine, it cannot be interrupted by a device or channel with lower priority until service is complete. Higher priority devices or channels may interrupt the servicing of lower priority devices or channels. A Z80 CTC channel may be programmed to request an interrupt every time its downcounter reaches zero. Note that the CPU must be programmed for interrupt mode 2. Some time after the interrupt request, the CPU sends an interrupt acknowledge. The CTC interrupt control logic determines the highest priority channel that is requesting an interrupt. Then, if the CTC lEI input is High (indicating that it has priority within the system daisy chain) it places an 8-bit interrupt vector on the system data bus. The high-order five bits of this vector were written to the CTC during the programming process; the next two bits are provided by the CTC interrupt control logic as a binary code that identifies the highest priority channel requesting an interrupt; the low-order bit IS always zero. Interrupt Acknowledge Timing. Figure 14 shows interrupt acknowledge timing. After an interrupt request, the Z80 CPU sends an interrupt acknowledge (M1 and IORO). All channels are inhibited from changing their interrupt request status when M1 is active-about two clock cycles earlier than IORO. RO is High to distinguish this cycle from an instruction fetch. The CTC interrupt logic determines the highest priority channel requesting an interrupt. If the CTC interrupt enable input (lEI) is High, the highest priority interrupting channel within the CTC places its interrupt vector on the data bus when IORO goes Low. Two wait states (TWA) are automatically inserted at this time to allow the daisy chain to stabilize. Additional wait states may be added. Return from Interrupt Timing. At the end of an interrupt service routine the RETI (Return From Interrupt) instruction initializes the daisy chain enable lines for proper control of nested priority interrupt handling. The CTC decodes the 2-byte RETI code internally and determines whether it is intended for a channel being serviced. Figure 15 shows RETI timing. If several Z80 peripherals are in the daisy chain, lEI settles active (High) on the chip currently being serviced when the opcode E0 16 is decoded. If the following opcode is 4016, the peripheral being serviced is released and its lEO becomes active. Additional wait states are allowed. T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, CLK CLK \\-_____..JI \\.-_-JI M'1\ I I iffi\ Do-D7 \ \ I I ED IEI- - - - - - - , ______ J OATA -----------.(G§0~VE;;;C;;TO;R0---Figure 14. Interrupt Acknowledge Timing 212 lEO r- - - - -_ _ _ _- - - - 1 Figure 15. Return From Interrupt Timing 2041·014.015.016 ABSOWTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltages on all pins with respect to ground ......................... - O.3V to + 7V Operating Ambient Temperature .............. See Ordering Information Storage Temperature .............. -65°Cto + 150°C Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; operation of the device at any condition above those indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. TEST CONDITIONS The DC characteristics and capacitance section below apply for the following standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND (OV). Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Package Information section. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. +5V Available operating temperature ranges are: • S = O°Cto +70°C, +4.75V~Vee~ +5.25V • E • M 2.1K = -400Cto +85°C, +4.75V~Vee~ +5.25V = -55°Cto +125°C, +4.5V~Vee~ +5.5V The Ordering Information section lists package temperature ranges and product numbers. Package drawings are in the DC CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter VILe Clock Input Low Voltage VIHe Clock Input High Voltage VIL Input Low Voltage VIH Input High Voltage VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage ICC III Power Supply Current: ILO IOHD Darlington Drive Current Min -0.3 Max +0.45 Unit Condition V Vee- 0.6 -0.3 Vee+ 0.3 +0.8 V +2.0 Vee +0.4 V V V I O L = 2.0mA +120 V mA Input leakage Current ±10 J.lA VIN = 0.4 to Vee 3-State Output leakage Current in Float ±10 J.lA mA VOUT = 0.4 to vee VOH = 1.5V +2.4 -1.5 IOH = -250J.lA REXT = 390Q CAPACITANCE Max Unit Symbol Parameter ClK Clock Capacitance 20 pi CIN Input Capacitance 5 pi COUT Output Capacitance 15 pi TA = 25°C. f = 1 MHz Unmeasured pins returned to ground. 2041·017 213 I~ 1,...--, 3 CLOCK r- ..J ~ f-(n-2)TDIEI(IEOf) + TDM1(IEO) + TsIEI(IO) + TIL buffer delay, if any. RESET must be active lor a minimum of 3 clock cycles. Units are nanoseconds unless otherwise specilled 215 AC CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Z80ACTC zaOCTC Number Symbol Parameter Min Max Min Max Z80BCTC Max Min Notest 150 [5] 26 TsCTR(Cs) CLKITRG t to Clock t Setup Time for Immediate Count 300 27 TsCTR(Ct) CLKITRG t to Clock t Setup Time for enabling of Prescaler on following clockt 210 28 TdC(ZCITOr) Clock t to ZC/TO t Delay 260 190 140 29 TdC(ZCITDQ Clock ~ to ZCITD ~ Delay 190 190 140 210 210 150 [4] NarES: [1] TeC = TwCh + TwCl + TrC + TtC. [2] Increase delay by 10 ns for each 50 pf increase in loading, 200 pf maximum for data lines, and 100 pf for control lines. [3] Increase delay by 2 ns for each 10 pf increase in loading, 100 pf maximum [4] Timer mode [5] Counter mode. [6] Parenthetical numbers reference the table number of a parameter, e.g., (1) refers to TcC. t 2.5TcC>(n-2)TDIEI(IEOf) + TDM1(IEO) + TsIEI(IO) + TIL buffer delay, if any. RESET must be active for a minimum of 3 clock cycles. Units are nanoseconds unless otherwise specified. ORDERING INFORMATION 28-pln DIP Z80 CTC, 2.5 MHz 44-pin LCC Z8430 PS Z8430 CS Z8430 PE Z8430CE Z8430CM* Z8430CMB* Z80A CTC, 4.0 MHz 28-pln DIP 44-pin LCC Z8430A PS Z8430A CS Z8430APE Z8430ACE Z8430ACM* Z8430ACMB* Z8430 LM * Z8430 LMB*t Z8430A LM * Z8430A LMB • t Z80B CTC, 6.0 MHz 28-pinDIP Z8430 PS Z8430CS Codes First letter is for package; second letter is for temperature. C P L V = = = = Ceramic DIP Plastic DIP Ceramic LCC Plastic PCC TEMPERATURE S = O°Cto + 70°C E = -40°C to +85°C M*= -55°C to +125°C R T DIP LCC PCC = = = = = Protopack Low Profile Protopack Dual-In-Line Package Leadless Chip Carrier Plastic Chip Carrier (Leaded) FLOW B = 883 Class B Example: PS is a plastic DIP, O°C to + 70°C. t Available soon * For MIlitary Orders, contact your local Zilog Sales Offce for Military Electrical Specifications 216 Z8440/1/2/4 Z80® SIO Serial Input/Output Controller Zilog Product Specification April 1985 FEATURES • Two independent full-duplex channels, with separate control and status lines for modems or other devices. • Data rates of 0 to 500K bits/second in the x1 clock mode with a 2.5 MHz clock (Z80 SIO), or 0 to 800K bits/second with a 4.0 MHz clock (Z80A SIO). • Asynchronous protocols: everything necessary for complete messages in 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits/character. Includes variable· stop bits and several clock-rate multipliers; break generation and detection; parity; overrun and framing error detection. • Synchronous protocols: everything necessary for complete bit- or byte-oriented messages in 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits/character, including IBM Bisync, SDLC, HDLC, CCITT-X.25 and others. Automatic CRC generation/ checking, sync character and zero insertion/deletion, abort generation/detection, and flag insertion. • Receiver data registers quadruply buffered, transmitter registers doubly buffered. • Highly sophisticated and flexible daisy-chain interrupt vectoring for interrupts without external logic. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Z80 SIO SeriallnputiOutput Controller is a dual-channel data communication interface with extraordinary versatility and capability. Its basic functions as a serial-to-parallel, parallel-to-serial converter/controller can be programmed by a CPU for a broad range of serial communication applications. The device supports all common asynchronous and synchronous protocols, byte- or bit-oriented, and performs all of the functions traditionally done by UARTs, USARTs, and synchronous communication controllers combined, plus additional functions traditionally performed by the CPU. Moreover, it does this on two fully-independent channels, with an exceptionally sophisticated interrupt structure that allows very fast transfers. Full interfacing is provided for CPU or DMA control. In addition to data communication, the circuit can handle virtually all types of serial I/O with fast, or slow, peripheral devices. While designed primarily as a member of the Z80 family, its versatility makes it well suited to many other CPUs. The Z80 SIO is an n-channel silicon-gate depletion-load device packaged in a 40-pin plastic or ceramic DIP. It uses a single + 5V power supply and the standard Z80 family single-phase clock. The Z8444 is packaged in a 44-pin ceramic LCC. PIN DESCRIPTION Figures 1 through 6 illustrate the three 40-pin configurations (bonding options) available in the SIO. The constraints of a 40-pin package make it impossible to bring out the Receive Clock (RxC), Transmit Clock (TxC) , Data Terminal Ready (DTR) and Sync (SYNC) signals for both channels. Therefore, either Channel B lacks a signal or two signals are bonded together: The 44-pin package, the Z80 SIOI4, has all options (Figure 7). The first bonding option above (SI0/2) is the preferred version for most applications. The pin descriptions are as follows: • Z80 S10/1 lacks DTRB B/A. Channel A or B Select (input, High selects Channel B). This input defines which channel is accessed during a data transfer between the CPU and the SIO. Address bit Ao from the CPU is often used for the selection function. • Z80 SIO/O has all four signals, but TxCB and RxCB are bonded together C/O. Control or Data Select (input, High selects Control). This input defines the type of information transfer performed • Z80 S10/2 lacks SYNCB 217 I-... •S N CPU DATA BUS CONTROL FROM CPU ------- Do RxDA 0, RiCA 0, TxDA 0, TxCA 0, SYNCA OS W/RDVA 0, ----- -- RTSA CE DflIA _ DCDl Z8442 Z80S10/2 CHANNEL A lEI M1 iOiiO RxDB AD RxeB TxDB TxCB c/o B/A c/o AD SYNCA RTSB -}~... INT CTSB lEI D'i'RB _ _ _ lEO iiCiiB CHANNEL 8 CONTROL CE M1 IV/liD'i'A \iI/RDVB B/A -,{ ----- 0, IORQ lEO +sv RESET CHAIN INTERRUPT CONTROL 02 0, iN't CONTROL Do Os 0, -}~.u 0, CTSA 0, 0, GND IV/RDYB RxOA RxDS RiCA RxCl! TxCA ~ TxDA Tl1DB I>fIiA DflIII RTSA RTSB CTSA CTSB DCDA DCDB ClK REID 111 +sv GND ClK Figure 1. Pin Functions CPU DATA BUS CONTROL FROM CPU ------- DO RxDA 0, RxCA 02 TxDA 0, TiCA 0, W/iffiYA Os ..," { Do 0, 02 Os 0, 07 iNf 0, IORQ lEI CE lEO B/A M1 c/o AD +sv RESET M1 RxDB IV/liD'i'A IORQ RiCB SVNCA AD TxDi! RxDA SYNCB TxCB RiCA TxCA RxCii TxDA ~ SVNCB B/A RTSB INT C'i'S! lEI DC DB :::=}~ lEO ... CONTROL CHANNELS I>fIiA RTSlI CTSA DCiiA ClK 11 +5V GND GND W/_ RxOS Tl1DB Ii'ifl C'i'S! 00Dii RESET ClK Figure 3. Pin Functions 218 CHANNEL A CONTROL Z8441 Z80SIO/1 CE 0, }.~D RTSlI c/o CHAIN INTERRUPT CONTROL ----- 0, 07 Figure 2. 40-pln Dual-in-Line Package (DIP), Pin Assignments Figure 4. 40-pin Dual-In-Llne Package (DIP), Pin Assignments 2042-001, 002, 003, 004 DO RxDA RiCA --- CPU DATA BUS CONTROL FROM CPU TxDA --- D, TxCA D, SYNCA W/RDYA D, -CHANNEL A D, A'fSA D7 --- CE lIESET C'fSA IlTIIl _ ZB440 ZBOSIO/O IiClIA I.fi iORo RxDB IIiTiillI iii) TxDB SYNCB .. i iii'Si ~, }- -- INT CTSB lEI DTRB lEO DCDB 1 +5V GND 4 3 2 D7 D, _ CONTROL CE B/A I.fi cm +5V RD GND W/_ RxDA SYNCB RiCA TxCA RxDB TxDA -}-- lORa lEO SYNCA Rx1lcCB 1lcDB ii'i'iiA DTRB RTSA IImi C'fU caa DCDA DCDB ClK RESET ClK Figure 6. 40'pln Dual·ln·Line Package (DIP), Pin Assignments ClK. System Clock (input). The SIO uses the standard Z80 System Clock to synchronize internal signals. This is a single-phase clock. ~ "4 5 D. W/FmYA Figure 5. Pin Functions 6 D2 D, lEI CHANNELS Do D, INT CONTROL W/RDYB B/A CHAIN INTERRUPT CONTROL D, 1 44 43 42 41 40 lEI 7 39 BlA CTSA, CTSB. Clear To Send (inputs, active Low). When lEO 8 38 C/D M1 9 37 iiii +5V 10 W/FmYA 11 programmed as Auto Enables, a Low on these inputs enables the respective transmitter. If not programmed as Auto Enables, these inputs may be programmed as general-purpose inputs. Both inputs are Schmitt-trigger buffered to accommodate slow-risetime signals. The SIO detects pulses on these inputs and interrupts the CPU on both logic level transitions. The Schmitt-trigger buffering does not guarantee a specified noise-level margin. ZB444 SIO 38 GND 35 W/RDYB SYNCA 12 34 SYNCB RxDA 13 33 AlDB RxCA 14 32 1lcCA 15 31 RiiCi 1iiCii 1lcDA 16 30 1lcDB NC 17 28 NC 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 Figure 7. 44·pln Chip Carrier, Pin Assignments between the CPU and the SIO. A High at this input during a CPU write to the SIO causes the information on the data bus to be interpreted as a command for the channel selected by B/A. A Low at C/O means that the information on the data bus is data. Address bit Aj is often used for this function. CEo Chip Enable (I nput, active Low). A Low level at this input enables the SIO to accept command or data input from the CPU during a write cycle, or to transmit data to the CPU during a read cycle. 2042-005, 006, 014 00.07' System Data Bus (bidirectional, 3-state). The system data bus transfers data and commands between the CPU and the Z80 SIO. Do is the least significant bit. OCOA, OCOB. Data Carrier Detect (inputs, active Low). These pins function as receiver enables if the SIO is programmed for Auto Enables; otherwise they may be used as general-purpose input pins. Both pins are Schmitt-trigger buffered to accommodate slow-risetime signals. The SIO detects pulses on these pins and interrupts the CPU on both logic level transitions. Schmitt-trigger buffering does not guarantee a specific noise-level margin. OTRA, OTRB. Data Terminal Ready (outputs, active Low). These outputs follow the state programmed into the Z80 SIO. They can also be programmed as general-purpose outputs. In the Z80 SI0/1 bonding option, DTRB is omitted. 219 lEI. Interrupt Enable In (input, active High). This signal is used with lEO to form a priority daisy chain when there is more than one interrupt-driven device. A High on this line indicates that no other device of higher priority is being serviced by a CPU interrupt service routine. lEO. Interrupt Enable Out (output, active High). lEO is High only if lEI is High and the CPU is not servicing an interrupt from this SIO. Thus, this signal blocks lower priority devices from interrupting while a higher priority device is being serviced by its CPU interrupt service routine. RTSA, RTSB. Request To Send (outputs, active Low). When the RTS bit in Write Register 5 (Figure 14) is set, the RTS output goes Low. When the RTS bit is reset in the Asynchronous mode, the output goes High after the transmitter is empty. In Synchronous modes, the RTS pin strictly follows the state ofthe RTS bit. Both pins can be used as general-purpose outputs. 10RO is used in conjunction with BiA, ciB, CE, and RD to transfer commands and data between the CPU and the SIO. When CE, RD, and 10RO are all active, the channel selected by BiA transfers data to the CPU (a read operation). When CE and 10RO are active, but RD is inactive, the channel selected by BiA is written to by the CPU with either data or control information as ~cified by C/O'. As mentioned previously, if 10RO and Ml are active simultaneously, the CPU is acknowledging an interrupt and the SIO automatically places its interrupt vector on the CPU data bus if it is the highest priority device requesting an interrupt. SYNCA, SYNCB. Synchronization (bidirectional, active Low). These pins can act either as inputs or outputs. In the asynchronous receive mode, they are inputs similar to CTS and DCD. In this mode, the transitions on these lines affect the state of the SynclHunt status bits in Read Register 0 (Figure 13), but have no other function. In the External Sync mode, these lines also act as inputs. When external synchronization is achieved, SYNC must be driven Low on the second rising edge of RxC after that rising edge of RxC on which the last bit of the sync character was received. In othrr words, after the sync pattern is detected, the external logic must wait for two full Receive Clock cycles to activate the SYNC input. Once SYNC is forced Low, it should be kept Low until the CPU informs the external synchronization detect logic that synchronization has been lost or a new message is about to start. Character assembly begins on the riSing edge of RxC that immediately precedes the falling edge of SYNC in the External Sync mode. M1. Machine Cycle One.Q!put from zao CPU, active Low). When Ml is active and RD is also active, the zao CPU is fetching an instruction from memory; when M1 is active while'iC5Fm is active, the SIO accepts M1 and 10RO as an interrupt acknowledge if the SIO is the highest priority device that has interrupted the zao CPU. In the internal synchronization mode (Monosync and Bisync), these pins act as outputs that are active during the part of the receive clock (RXC) cycle in which sync characters are recognized. The sync condition is not latched, so these outputs are active each time a sync pattern is recognized, regardless of character boundaries. RxCA, RxCB. Receiver Clocks (inputs). Receive data is sampled on the rising edge of RxC. The Receive Clocks may be 1, 16,32, or 64 times the data rate in asynchronous modes. These clocks may be driven by the zao CTC Counter Timer Circuit for programmable baud rate generation. Both inputs are Schmitt-trigger buffered; no noise level margin is specified. In the zao SI0/2 bonding option, SYNCB is omitted. INT. Interrupt Request (output, open drain, active Low). When the SIO is requesting an interrupt, it pulls INT Low. lORa. Input/Output Request (input from CPU, active Low). In the zao SIOIO bonding option, RxCB is bonded together with TxCB. RD. Read Cycle Status (input from CPU, active Low). If RD is active, a me!!)~or 1/0 read operation is in progress. RD is used with BIA, CE, and 10RO to transfer data from the SIO to the CPU. RxDA, RxDB. Receive Data (inputs, active High). Serial data at TTL levels. RESET. Reset (input, active Low). A Low RESET disables both receivers and transmitters, forces TxDA and TxDB marking, forces the modem controls High, and disables all interrupts. The control registers must be rewritten after the SIO is reset and before data is transmitted or received. 220 TxCA, 'nI:CB. 7i"ansmitter Clocks (inputs). In asynchronous modes, the Transmitter Clocks may be 1, 16, 32, or 64 times the data rate; however, the clock multiplier must be the same for the transmitter and the receiver. The Transmit Clock inputs are Schmitt-trigger buffered for relaxed rise- and fall-time requirements; no noise level margin is specified. Transmitter Clocks may be driven by the zao CTC Counter Timer Circuit for programmable baud rate generation. In the zao SIOIO bonding option, TxCB is bonded together with RxCB. 'nI:DA, 'nI:DB. 7i"ansmit Data (outputs, active High). Serial data at TTL levels. TxD changes from the falling edge of TxC. W/RDYA, W/RDYB. Wait/Ready (outputs, open drain when programmed for Wait function; driven High and Low when programmed for Ready function). These dual-purpose outputs may be programmed as Ready lines for a DMA controller or as Wait lines that synchronize the CPU to the SIO data rate. The reset state is open drain. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The functional capabilities of the Z80 810 can be described from two different points of view: as a data communications device, it transmits and receives serial data in a wide variety of data-communication protocols; as a Z80 family peripheral, it interacts with the Z80 CPU and other peripheral circuits, sharing the data, address and control buses, as well as being a part of the Z80 interrupt structure. As a peripheral to other microprocessors, the 810 offers valuable features such as non-vectored interrupts, polling, and simple handshake capability. Figure 8 is a block diagram. DATA Figure 9 illustrates the conventional devices that the 810 replaces. CONTROL The first part of the following discussion covers 810 data-communication capabilities; the second part describes interactions between the CPU and the 810. ) ~!~)tL )gr~~~iL SYNC WAIT/READY I...- •a N Figure S. Block Diagram UART CHANNEL A SYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER MICROPROCESSOR { INTERFACE -.---.-1 - UART SYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER B MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE ........ zao CHANNEL A SIO - CHANNEL B Figure 9. Conventional Devices Replaced by the ZSO SIO 2042·007.008 221 DATA COMMUNICATION CAPABILITIES The SIO provides two independent full-duplex channels that can be programmed for use in any common asynchronous, or synchronous data-communication protocol. Figure 10a illustrates some of these protocols. The following is a short description of them. A more detailed explanation of these modes can be found in the ZBO SIO Technical Manual (03-3033-01 ). The SIO does not require symmetric transmit and receive clock signals, a feature that allows it to be used with a Z80 CTC or many other clock sources. The transmitter and receiver can handle data at a rate of 1, 1/16, 1/32, or 1/64 of the clock rate supplied to the receive and transmit clock inputs. In asynchronous modes, the SYNC pin may be programmed as an input that can be used for functions such as monitoring a ring indicator. Asynchronous Modes. Transmission and reception can be done independently on each channel with five to eight bits per character, plus optional even or odd parity. The transmitters can supply one, one-and-a-half, or two stop bits per character and can provide a break output at any time. The receiver break-detection logic interrupts the CPU both at the start and end of a received break. Reception is protected from spikes by a transient spike-rejection mechanism that checks the signal one-half a bit time after a Low level is detected on the receive data input (RxDA or RxDB in Figure 5). If the Low does not persist, as in the case of a transient, the character assembly process is not started. Synchronous Modes. The SIO supports both byteoriented and bit-oriented synchronous communication. Synchronous byte-oriented protocols can be handled in several modes that allow character synchronization with an 8-bit sync character (Monosync), any 16-bit sync pattern (Bisync), or with an external sync signal. Leading sync characters can be removed without interrupting the CPU. Five-, six-, or seven-bit sync characters are detected with Bor 16-bit patterns in the SIO by overlapping the larger pattern across multiple incoming sync characters, as shown in Figure 10b. Framing errors and overrun errors are detected and buffered together with the partial character on which they occurred. Vectored interrupts allow fast servicing of error conditions using dedicated routines. Furthermore, a built-in checking process avoids interpreting a framing error as a new start bit: a framing error results in the addition of one-half a bit time to the point at which the search for the next start bit is begun. CRC checking for synchronous byte-oriented modes is delayed by one character time so the CPU may disable CRC checking on specific characters. This permits implementation of protocols such as IBM Bisync. Figure 10a. Some zao SIO Protocols PARITY lT P STr -MA-R""KIN""G..,.U""NE,----.I "1-D-AT-A-'I-l,I""11""I1 "1-D-AT-A-'11'"l11'"l11""l11 DATA III , MARKING LINE ASYNCHRONOUS :: :: DATA SYNC I DATA CRC1 CRC2 DATA CRC, CRC, DATA CRC1 CRC, CRC, CRC, MONOSYNC SYNC SYNC DATA SIGNAL I ! BISYNC :; DATA EXTERNAL SYNC FLAG I ADDRESS I INFO{M:TION FLAG SDLC'HDLC'X.25 Figure 10b. Six-Bit Sync Character Recognition 5 BITS ~ SYN~ I SYNC I DATA DATA DATA DATA ---------- 8 '----.....v..-----" 16 Figure 10. Data Communication 222 2042·009, 010 Both CRC-16 (X 16 + X15 + X2 + 1}andCCITT(X16 + X12 + X5 + 1} error checking polynomials are supported. In all non-SDLC modes, the CRC generator is initialized to as; in SDLC modes, it is initialized to 1s. The SIO can be used for interfacing to peripherals such as hard-sectored floppy disks, but it cannot generate or check CRC for IBM-compatible soft-sectored disks. The SIO also provides a feature that automatically transmits CRC data when no other data is available for transmission. This allows very high-speed transmissions under DMA control with no need for CPU intervention at the end of a message. When there is no data or CRC to send in synchronous modes, the transmitter inserts 8- or 16-bit sync characters regardless of the programmed character length. The SIO supports synchronous bit-oriented protocols such as SDLC and HOLC by performing automatic flag sending, zero insertion, and CRC generation. A special command can be used to abort a frame in transmission. At the end of a message the SIO automatically transmits the CRC and trailing flag when the transmit buffer becomes empty. If a transmit underrun occurs in the middle of a message, an external/status interrupt warns the CPU of this status change so that an abort may be issued. One to eight bits per character can be sent, which allows reception of a message with no prior information about the character structure in the information field of a frame. The receiver automatically synchronizes on the leading flag of a frame in SDLC or HOLC, and provides a synchronization signal on the SYNC pin; an interrupt can also be programmed. The receiver can be programmed to search for frames addressed by a single byte to only a specified user-selected address or to a global broadcast address. In this mode, frames that do not match either the user-selected or broadcast address are ignored. The number of address bytes can be extended under software control. For transmitting data, an interrupt on the first received character or on every character can be selected. The receiver automatically deletes all zeroes inserted by the transmitter during character assembly. It also calculates and automatically checks the CRC to validate frame transmission. At the end of transmission, the status of a received frame is available in the status registers. The SIO can be conveniently used under DMA control to provide high-speed reception or transmission. In reception, for example, the SIO can interrupt the CPU when the first character of a message is received. The CPU then enables the DMA to transfer the message to memory. The SIO then issues an end-of-frame interrupt and the CPU can check the status of the received message. Thus, the CPU is freed for other service while the message is being received. 1/0 INTERFACE CAPABILITIES The SIO offers the choice of polling, vectored or non-vectored interrupts and block-transfer modes to transfer data, status, and control information to, and from, the CPU. The block-transfer mode can also be implemented under DMA control. Polling. Two status registers are updated at appropriate times for each function being performed (for example, CRC error-status valid at the end of a message). When the CPU is operated in a polling fashion, one of the SIO's two status registers is used to indicate whether the SIO has some data or needs some data. Depending on the contents of this register, the CPU will either write data, read data, or just go on. Two bits in the register indicate that a data transfer is needed. In addition, error and other conditions are indicated. The second status register (special receive conditions) does not have to be read in a polling sequence, until a character has been received. All interrupt modes are disabled when operating the device in a polled environment. Interrupts. The SIO has an elaborate interrupt scheme to provide fast interrupt service in real-time applications. A control register and a status register in Channel B contain the interrupt vector. When programmed to do so, the SIO can modify three bits of the interrupt vector in the status register so that it points directly to one of eight interrupt service routines in memory, thereby servicing conditions in both channels and eliminating most of the needs for a status-analysis routine. Transmit interrupts, receive interrupts, and external/status interrupts are the main sources of interrupts. Each interrupt source is enabled under program control, with Channel A having a higher priority than Channel B, and with receive, transmit, and external/status interrupts prioritized in that order within each channel. When the transmit interrupt is enabled, the CPU is interrupted by the transmit buffer becoming empty. (This implies that the transmitter must have had a data character written into it so it can become empty.) The receiver can interrupt the CPU in one of two ways: • Interrupt on first received character • Interrupt on all received characters Interrupt-on-first-received-character is typically used with the block-transfer mode. Interrupt-on-all-receivedcharacters has the option of modifying the interrupt vector in the event of a parity error. Both ofthese interrupt modes will also interrupt under special receive conditions on a character or message basis (end-of-frame interrupt in SDLC, for example). This means that the special-receive condition can cause an interrupt only if the interrupt-on-first-received-character or interrupt-on-allreceived-characters mode is selected. In interrupt-on-firstreceived-character, an interrupt can occur from special-receive conditions (except parity error) after the first-received-character interrupt (example: receive-overrun interrupt). The main function of the external/status interrupt is to monitor the signal transitions of the Clear To Send (CTS) , Data Carrier Detect (DCD), and Synchronization (SYNC) pins (Figures 1 through 7). In addition, an external/status 223 I-... •a N SYSTEM BUSES interrupt is also caused by a CRC-sending condition, or by the detection of a break sequence (asynchronous mode) or abort sequence (SDLC mode) in the data stream. The interrupt caused by the break/abort sequence allows the SIO to interrupt when the break/abort sequence is detected or terminated. This feature facilitates the proper termination of the current message, correct initialization of the next message, and the accurate timing of the break/abort condition in external logic. A ... 'I y DMA INT In a ZeD CPU environment (Figure 11), SIO interrupt vectoring is "automatic:" the SIO passes its internallymodifiable a-bit interrupt vector to the CPU, which adds an additional a bits from its interrupt-vector (I) register to form the memory address of the interrupt-routine table. This table contains the address olthe beginning olthe interrupt routine itself. The process entails an indirect transfer of CPU control to the interrupt routine, so that the next instruction executed after an interrupt acknowledge by the CPU is the first instruction of the interrupt routine itself. r- RDY lEI ZCITO, - CTC CPUlDMA Block 1l'ansfer. The SIO's block-transfer mode accommodates both CPU block transfers and DMA controllers (ZaO DMA or other designs). The block-transfer mode uses the Wait/Ready output signal, which is selected with three bits in an internal control register. The Wait/Ready output signal can be programmed as a WAIT line in the CPU block-transfer mode or as a READY line in the DMA block-transfer mode. lED RxCA I TxCA RxCB fiCi WiRDvA WIRDYB J iNr • lEI • RDY DMA SIO To a DMA controller, the SIO READY output indicates that the SIO is ready to transfer data to, or from, memory. To the CPU, the WAIT output indicates that the 810 is not ready to transfer data, thereby requesting the CPU to extend the I/O cycle. A ... 'I y Figure 11. ~plcal ZSO Environment INTERNAL STRUCTURE The internal structure of the device includes a zao CPU interface, internal control and interrupt logic, and two full-duplex channels. Each channel contains its own set of control and status (write and read) registers, and control and status logic that provides the interface to modems or other external devices. The registers for each channel are designated as follows: WRO-WR7 - Write Registers 0 through 7 RRO-RR2 - Read Registers 0 through 2 The register group includes five a-bit control registers, two sync-character registers and two status registers. The interrupt vector is written into an additional a-bit register (Write Register 2) in Channel B that may be read through another a·bit register (Read Register 2) in Channel B. The bit assignment and functional grouping of each register is configured to simplify and organize the programming process. Table 1 lists the functions assigned to each read or write register. The logic for both channels provides formats, synchronization, and validation for data transferred to and from the channel interface. The modem control inputs, Clear To Send (CTS) and Data Carrier Detect (DCD), are 224 Table 1. Register Functions Read Register Functions RRO Transmit/Receive buffer status, interrupt status and external status RR1 Special Receive Condition status RR2 Modified interrupt vector (Channel B only) Write Register Functions WRO Register pOinters, CRC initialize, and initialization cornmands for the various modes. WR1 Transmit/Receive interrupt and data transfer mode definition. WR2 Interrupt vector (Channel B only) WR3 Receive parameters and control WR4 Transmit/Receive miscellaneous parameters and modes WR5 Transmit parameters and controls WR6 Sync character or SDLC address field WR7 Sync character or SDLC flag 2042·011 monitored by the external control and status logic under program control. All external control-and-status-Iogic signals are general-purpose in nature and can be used for functions other than modem control. Data Path. The transmit and receive data path illustrated for Channel A in Figure 12 is identical for both channels. The receiver has three a-bit buffer registers in a FIFO arrangement, in addition to the a-bit receive shift register. This scheme creates additional time for the CPU to service an interrupt at the beginning of a block of high-speed data. Incoming data is routed through one of several paths (data or CRC) depending on the selected mode and-in asynchronous modes-the character length. The transmitter has an a-bit transmit data buffer register that is loaded from the internal data bus, and a 20-bit transmit shift register that can be loaded from the sync-character buffers or from the transmit data register. Depending on the operational mode, outgoing data is routed through one of four main paths before it is transmitted from the Transmit Data output (TxD). l-i' l CPU I/O I-... TOCHANNELS, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' ' ' ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXTERNAL STATUS LOGIC, CONTROL LOGIC -------"""'----....,.0::--------, •a N TxDA Figure 12. '1l'ansmit and Receive Data Path (Channel A) 2042'()12 225 PROGRAMMING The system program first issues a series of commands that initialize the basic mode of operation and then issues other commands that qualify conditions within the selected mode. For example, the asynchronous mode, character length, clock rate, number of stop bits, even or odd parity might be set first; then the interrupt mode; and finally, receiver or transmitter enable. 80th channels contain registers that must be programmed via the system program prior to operation. The channelselect input (8/A) and the control/data (C/O) are the command-structure addressing controls, and are normally controlled by the CPU address bus. Figures 15 and 16 illustrate the timing relationships for programming the write registers and transferring data and status. Read Registers. The SIO contains three read registers for Channel 8 and two read registers for Channel A (RRO-RR2 in Figure 13) that can be read to obtain the status information; RR2 contains the internally-modifiable interrupt vector and is only in the Channel 8 register set. The status information includes error conditions, interrupt vector, and standard communications-interface signals. To read the contents of a selected read register other than RRO, the system program must first write the pointer byte to WRO in exactly the same way as a write register operation. Then, by executing a read instruction, the contents of the addressed read register can be read by the CPU. The status bits of RRO and RR1 are carefully grouped to simplify status monitoring. For example, when the interrupt vector indicates that a Special Receive Condition interrupt has occurred, all the appropriate error bits can be read from a single register (RR1). WRO is a special case in that all of the basic commands can be written to it with a single byte. Reset (internal or external) initializes the pointer bits 00-02 to point to WRO. This implies that a channel reset must not be combined with the pointing to any register. READ REGISTER 0 III ~I Rx CHARACTER AVAILABLE I L- INT L..::= PENDING (CH. A ONLy) ~~gUFFER EMPTY } SYNC/HUNT CTS Tx UNDERRUN/EOM BREAK/ABORT * ·Used With "External/Status Interrupt" Modes READ REGISTER 1 t I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I L-ALLSENT I FI ELD BITS I FIELD BITS IN } IN PREVIOUS SECOND PREVIOUS BYTE BYTE 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 o 3 o o o o o 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 1 2 • '---- PARITY ERROR -RxOVERRU N ERROR CRC/FRAMI NG ERROR END OF FR AME(SDLC) * Residue data for eight Rx bits/character programmed tUsed with speCial receive condition mode READ REGISTER 2 (Channel B only) Write Registers. The SIO contains eight write registers for Channel 8 and seven write registers for Channel A (WRO-WR7 in Figure 14) that are programmed separately to configure the functional personality of the channels; WR2 contains the interrupt vector for both channels and is only in the Channel 8 register set. With the exception of WRO, programming the write registers requires two bytes. The first byte is to WRO and contains three bits (0 0-02) that point to the selected register; the second byte is the actual control word that is written into the register to configure the SIO. 226 I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I III ~I Ll::=~~t} ~~f V4 INTERRUPT VECTOR V5 V6 V7 tVanable.f "Status Affects Vector" is programmed Figure 13. Read Register Bit Functions 2042-013 WRITE REGISTER 4 WRITE REGISTER 0 0 I I I 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER REGISTER 0 1 2 3 4 REGISTER 5 REGISTER 6 REGISTER 7 SYNC MODES ENABLE 1 STOP BIT/CHARACTER 1'/2 STOP BITS/CHARACTER 2 STOP BITS/CHARACTER B BIT SYNC CHARACTER 16 BIT SYNC CHARACTER SDLC MODE (01111110 FLAG) EXTERNAL SYNC MODE NULL COD E SEND ABO RT (SDLC) RESET EXT/ STATUS INTERRUPTS CHANNEL RESET ENABLE IN T ON NEXT Rx CHARACTER RESET TxlN T PENDING ERROR RE SET RETURN FROM INT (CH·A ONLY) Xl CLOCK MODE X16 CLOCK MODE X32 CLOCK MODE X64 CLOCK MODE NULL CODE RESET Rx CRC CHECKER RESET Tx CRC GENERATOR RESET Tx UNDERRUN/EOM LATCH I-... WRITE REGISTER 5 WRITE REGISTER 1 I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I III I I EXT INT ENABLE Tx INT ENABLE L----STATUS AFFECTS VECTOR (CH. B ONLY) Rx INT DISABLE } Rx INT ON FIRST CHARACTER INT ON ALL Rx CHARACTERS (PARITY AFFECTS VECTOR) INT ON ALL Rx CHARACTERS (PARITY DOES NOT AFFECT VECTOR) •a N Tx 5 BITS (OR LESSVCHARACTER Tx 7 BITSfCHARACTER • Tx 6 BITS/CHARACTER Tx 8 BITS/CHARACTER DTR '---WAIT/READY ON R/T '---WAIT/READY FUNCTION L----WAIT/READY ENABLE *Or on special condition WRITE REGISTER 2 (Channel B only) WRITE REGISTER 6 I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I IIII~V4 I I ~f:} INTERRUPT VECTOR IIIII1 ~imiiH} . SYNC BIT 3 * SYNC BIT 4 SYNC BIT 5 V5 V6 V7 SYNC BIT 6 SYNC BIT 7 * Also SOLC address field WRITE REGISTER 7 WRITE REGISTER 3 I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I I I II II I L!:::::~~~g ::~; } I ~~~~~SYNC IlJ~~~~~' SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC Rx 5 BITS/CHARACTER Rx 7 BITS/CHARACTER BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT ii 12 10 13 14 15 • *For SOLC it must be programmed to "01111110" for flag recognition Rx 6 BITS/CHARACTER Rx 8 BITS/CHARACTER Figure 14. Write Register Bit Functions 2042·014 227 TIMING The SIO must have the same clock as the CPU (same phase and frequency relationship, not necessarily the same driver). Read Cycle. The timing signals generated by a Z80 CPU input instruction to read a data or status byte from the SIO are illustrated in Figure 15. Write Cycle. Figure 16 illustrates the timing and data signals generated by a Z80 CPU output instruction to write a data or control byte into the SIO. Interrupt-Acknowledge Cycle. After receiving an interrupt-request signal from an SIO (INT pulled Low), the Z80 CPU sends an interrupt-acknowledge sequence, M1 Low and 10RO Low, a few cycles later (Figure 17). The SIO contains an internal daisy-chained interrupt structure for prioritizing nested interrupts for the various functions of its two channels, and this structure can be used within an external user-defined daisy chain that prioritizes several peripheral circuits. The lEI of the highest-priority device is terminated High. A device that has an interrupt pending or under service forces its lEO Low. For devices with no interrupt pending or under service,IEO=IEI. To insure stable conditions in the daisy chain, all interrupt status signals are prevented from changing while M1 is Low. When 10RO is Low, the highest priority interrupt requestor T, T, Tw T, (the one with lEI High) places its interrupt vector on the data bus and sets its internal interrupt-under-service latch. Return From Interrupt Cycle. Figure 18 illustrates the return from interrupt cycle. Normally, the Z80 CPU issues a Return From Interrupt (RETI) instruction at the end of an interrupt service routine. RETI is a 2-byte opcode (EO-40) that resets the interrupt-under-service latch in the SIO to terminate the interrupt that has just been processed. This is accomplished by manipulating the daisy chain in the following way. The normal daisy-chain operation can be used to detect a pending interrupt; however, it cannot distinguish between an interrupt under service and a pending unacknowledged interrupt of a higher priority. Whenever EO is decoded, the daisy chain is modified by forcing High the lEO of any interrupt that has not yet been acknowledged. Thus the daisy chain identifies the device presently under service as the only one with an lEI High and an lEO Low. If the next opcode byte is 40, the interrupt-under-service latch is reset. The ripple time of the interrupt daisy chain (both the High-to-Low and the Low-to-High transitions) limits the number of devices that can be placed in the daisy chain. Ripple time can be improved with carry-look-ahead, or by extending the interrupt-acknowledge cycle. For further information about techniques for increasing the number of daisy-chained devices, refer to the zao CPU Product Specification in this document. T, CLOCK CLOCK CE, C/i), ali M1 I \~_ _ _ _ _......,: I iiD ''---+-':I iiD-----------+I----I iii1 lEI IORQ G0 DATA DATA Figure 15. Read Cycle T, T, Tw :\::::: ----------(8)---Figure 17. Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle T, T, CLOCK CLOCK CE, C/i), :::::::::7 Bli _ _~"+ _____+-__~''-_ iiD----------------r-------- iii1---------------T---------DATA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X3:X____ Figure 16. Write Cycle 228 IEI------ I ------,/ lEO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...J-.Jr- Figure 18. Return from Interrupt Cycle 2044·008, 009, 010, 011 ABSOWTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltages on all pins with respect toGND .......................... -0.3Vto+7V Operating Ambient Temperature .............. See Ordering Information Storage Temperature .............. - 65°C to + 150°C Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This IS a stress rating only; operation of the device at any condition above those indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. The Ordering Information section lists package temperature ranges and product numbers. Package drawings are in the Package Information section. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS The DC characteristics and capacitance sections listed below apply for the following standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND (OV). Positive current flows into the referenced pin. +5V 2.1K I... Available operating temperature ranges are: • S = OOeto +70 o e, +4.75V"Vcc" +5.25V N • S • E = -40 0 eto +85°e, +4.75V"Vcc" +5.25V • M = -55°eto +125°C, +4.5V"Vcc" +5.5V DC CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter VILC Clock Input Low Voltage VIHC Clock Input High Voltage VIL Min Max -0.3 +0.45 Unit V V VCC-0.6 VCC+0.3 Input Low Voltage -0.3 +0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage +2.0 V VOL Output Low Voltage VCC +0.4 VOH Output High Voltage V V +2.4 +10/-40 jlA jlA jlA 100 mA III Input Leakage Current ±10 IOL 3-State Output Leakage Current in Float ±10 IL(Sy) SYNC Pin Leakage Current ICC Power Supply Current Test Condition = 2.0mA = - 25O IlA VIN = OtoVCC VOUT = O.4VtoVCC IOL IOH O CPl A - (HL) HL -HL+l BC - BC-l CPIR A - (HL) I HL - HL+l BC-BC-l Repeat until A (HL) 0' BC = 0 I 11 101 101 ED 21 10 110 001 Bl 16 11 101 101 ED 10 101 001 A9 16 11 101 101 ED 21 lfBC:;:Oand A,. (HL) 10 11l 001 B9 16 lfBC=Oor IfBC?: Dand A,. (HL) IfBC=Oor A (HL) = = CPD A - (HL) HL - HL-l BC-BC-I CPDR A - (HL) X I I X I e - 2 In the opcode provides an e!leclLve eddreu 01 pc + e liS PC 'I Incremented by 2 prior 10 the addllLon 01 e Call and Return Group CALL nn ISP-1) - PCH ISP-2) - PCL PC - nn CALL ce, nn If conchhon CC IS false continue, otherwise same as · · ·.. ··x ·x · X X 11 001 101 CO 17 II ",,100 10 If cc 17 If CC II true. 18 hllse. CALLnn RET PCL - ISP) PCH - ISP+ 1) RET cc If condlhon cc 18 false continue, · · · ·· · · X X II 001 001 C9 X X II co 000 10 II otherwise same as RET RETI Return from RETN1 Return from Interrupt non-maskable mterrupt RST p NOTE Input and Output Group ISP-1) - PCH ISP-2) - PCL peH - 0 peL - p A - In) IN" (e) , - (C) INIR · · · · · ·· · · X X X X X X II 01 11 01 101 001 101 000 101 101 101 101 II I III (HL) - Ie) B - B-1 HL-HL-1 IHL) - Ie) B - B-1 HL-HL-1 INO INOR X X X X P 0 14 II I 9 Condlbon 000 NZ non~zero 001 010 011 100 zero non-carry Z Ne C PO 101 PE 110 P 111 M co",!, panlyodd parity even sign po81bve sign negative ~ SoH 08H 10H ISH 20H 2BH 30H 3BH II 011 011 DB II II 101 101 ED 01 000 12 16 CloAO - A7 B to As - AI5 21 eloAo - A7 B 10 AS - A1S , OUT In), A 8=0 In) - A OUTIC)" (C) - , Ie) - IHL) B - B-1 HL-HL+1 Ie) - IHL) 8 - B-1 HL-HL+1 X X X X X X 11 101 101 ED 10 100 010 A2 X X X X X 11 101 101 ED 10 110 010 B2 @ X 5 Ilf B .. O) 4 (If 8=0) 16 oII. OporatIOD (HL) B - B-1 HL-HL-I Repeat until B Summary of Flag Operation X (C) - I X X X X Do, lutrv.etioll s 9, X X X X X X X X X X X SBC A, s, CP s, NEG AND. DEC a ADD DO, SI ADC HL. sa SBC HL ... RLA. RLCA. RRA. RReA RL m, RLC m; RR m, RRe m, SLA m; SRA m, SRL m R1O. RRD DM CPL SCF CCF INr(C) INI. IND. OUTI. OUTD INIR. INDR; OTIR. OTDR 1OI.1OD LDIR; 10DR CPl. CPIR; CPD. CPDR 1OA. I. LDA. R BIT b. , X X I X X X X I I X X X 0 0 0 I I 0 X 0 X X I I X X X X X 0 0 X I X X I X PlY H K ADD A.•. ADC A. , SUB Opcoclo No.of Ho.ol M H••01 T 71 M3 110 lie. 8ytH ey.... StCl" 11 101 101 ED 10 111 011 S (IfB .. O) 21 4 16 (If B=O) INC. 260 C =0 OR s, XORs Symbolic Notation X Flags PlY N K X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X V V P P V V V V X X X X X X X X 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 I Do ComllWDt. C toAo - A7 B toAg - AIS C Comments I I B-blt add or add With carry B-blt subtract, subtract with carry, compare and negate accumulator ~I 0 0 P P Logical operattons. B-blt increment 8-bil decrement 16-blt add I6-blt add With carry IS-bit subtract with carry Rotate accumulator Rotate and shift locations Rotate digit left and right DeCimal adjust /lccumulator Complement accumulator Set carry. P X X X X X X I 0 I X IFF X X X :1 :1 Complement carry Input register mdlrect Block mput and output Z = 0 If B ¢ 0 otherWise Z = 0 Block transfer Instructions P/V = 1 If BC .,. 0, otherwise PlY = 0 Block search mstructlons Z = 1 If A = (HL), otherWise Z ::: 0 PlY = 1 If BC .,. 0, otherwise PlY = 0 The content of the mterrupt enable flip-flop (IFF) IS copied mto the P/V fldg. The state of bit b of location S IS copied mto the Z nag Symbol Operation SIgn flag. S = I If the MSB of the result IS l. S Zero flag. Z = I 11 the result of the operahon IS O. Z Partty or overflow flag. Partty (P) and overflow P/V (V) share the same flag. Logical operahons affect thiS flag WIth the parlty of the result whIle arlthmehc operations affect th,s flag WIth the overflow of the result. If PIV holds parity, PIV = I If the result of the operahon IS even, P/V = 0 if result Is odd. If PIV holds overflow, PIV = I If the result of the operahon produced an overflow. Half·carry flag. H = I If the add or subtract H operahon produced a carry mto or borrow from bit 4 01 the accumulator. Add/Subtract flag. N = I If the prevlOUS opera· N hon was a subtract. Hand N flags are used in conlunchon WIth the H&N deCimal adjust mstruchon (DAA) to properly cor· rect the result mto packed BCD format followmg addition or subtrachon usmg operands WIth packed BCD format. Carry/Link flag. C = I If the operation produced C a carry from the MSB of the operand or result. Operation Symbol The flag IS affected accordmg to the result of the I operahon. The flag IS unchanged by the operahon. The flag IS reset by the operation. 0 The flag IS set by the operahon. I X The flag IS indeterminate. PIV flag affected accordmg to the overflow result V 01 the operahon. PIV flag affected accordmg to the parlty result of P the operahon. Anyone of the CPU regIsters A, B. C, D, E. H, L. Any B·b,t locahon lor all the addressmg modes allowed lor the parhcular mstruchon. Any I6·blt locahon for all the addressmg modes ss allowed for that mstruchon. Anyone of the two mdex registers IX or IY. 11 Refresh counter. R B·blt value m range < 0, 255 >. n I6·b,t value m range < 0, 65535 >. nn 2001-001 Pin Descriptions Au-AIS' Address Bus (output, achve High, 3-state). Ao-A15 form a l6-bit address bus. The Address Bus provides the address for memory data bus exchanges (up to 64K bytes) and for I/O devlCe exchanges. BUSACK. Bus Acknowledge (output, active Low). Bus Acknowledge mdicates to the requestmg devlCe that the CPU address bus, data bus, and control signals MREQ, 10RQ, RD, and WR have entered their hlghImpedance states. The external circuitry can now control these hnes. BUSREQ. Bus Request (mput, achve Low). Bus Request has a higher pnonty than NMI and is always recognized at the end of the current machme cycle. BUSREQ forces the CPU address bus, data bus, and control signals MREQ, 10RQ, RD, and WR to go to a hlghImpedance state so that other devlCes can control these Imes. BUSREQ is normally WlreORed and requires an external pullup for these apphcahons. Extended BUSREQ pen ods due to extensive DMA operahons can prevent the CPU from properly refreshmg dynamic RAMs. Do-D7' Data Bus (input/output, active High, 3-state). 00-07 constitute an 8-bit bidirectional data bus, used for data exchanges with memory and I/O. HALT. Halt State (output, active Low). HALT indicates that the CPU has executed a Halt instruction and is awaiting either a nonmaskable or a maskable interrupt (with the mask enabled) before operation can resume. While halted, the CPU executes NOPs to maintain memory refresh. INT. Interrupt Request (input, active Low). Interrupt Request is generated by I/O devlCes. The CPU honors a request at the end of the current instruction if the internal softwarecontrolled interrupt enable flip-flop (IFF) is enabled. INT is normally wire-ORed and requires an external pullup for these applications. IORQ. Input/Output Request (output, active Low, 3-state). IORQ indicates that the lower half of the address bus holds a valid I/O address for an I/O read or write operation. IORQ is also generated concurrently with Ml during an interrupt acknowledge cycle to indicate that an interrupt response vector can be placed on the data bus. MI. Machine Cycle One (output, active Low). MI, together with MREQ, indicates that the current machine cycle is the opcode fetch cycle of an instruction execution. MI, together with IORQ, indicates an interrupt acknowledge cycle. MREQ. Memory Request (output, active Low, 3-state). MREQ indicates that the address bus holds a valid address for a memory read or memory write operation. NMI. Non-Maskable Interrupt (input, negative edge-triggered). NMI has a higher pnority than INT. NMI is always recognized at the end of the current instruction, independent of the status of the interrupt enable flip-flop, and automatically forces the CPU to restart at location 0066H. RD. Read (output, active Low, 3-state). RD indicates that the CPU wants to read data from memory or an 1/0 device. The addressed 1/0 device or memory should use this signal to gate data onto the CPU data bus. RESET. Reset (input, active Low). RESET initializes the CPU as follows: it resets the interrupt enable flip-flop, clears the PC and Registers I and R, and sets the interrupt status to Mode O. During reset time, the address and data bus go to a high-impedance state, and all control output signals go to the inactive state. Note that RESET must be active for a minimum of three full clock cycles before the reset operation is complete. RFSH. Refresh (output, active Low). RFSH, together with MREQ, indicates that the lower seven bits of the system's address bus can be used as a refresh address to the system's dynamic memories. WAIT. Wait (input, active Low). WAIT indicates to the CPU that the addressed memory or 1/0 devices are not ready for a data transfer. The CPU continues to enter a Wait state as long as this signal is active. Extended WAIT periods can prevent the CPU from refreshing dynamic memory properly. WR. Write (output, active Low, 3-state). WR indicates that the CPU data bus holds valid data to be stored at the addressed memory or 1/0 location. 261 CPU Timing • Interrupt acknowledge The basic clock period is referred to as a T time or cycle, and three or more T cycles make up a machine cycle (Ml, M2 or M3 for instance). Machine cycles can be extended either by the CPU automatically inserting one or more Wait states or by the insertion of one or more Wait states by the user. Instruction Opcode Fetch. The CPU places the contents of the Program Counter (PC) on the address bus at the start of the cycle (Figure 5). Approximately one-half clock ~le later, MREQ goes active. When active, RD indicates that the memory data can be enabled onto the CPU data bus. The CPU samples the WAIT input with the falling edge of clock state T2. During clock states T3 and T4 of an Ml cycle dynamiC RAM refresh can occur while the CPU starts decoding and executing the instruction. When the Refresh Control signal becomes active, refreshing of dynamiC memory can take place. The CPU executes instructions by proceeding through a specific sequence of operations: • Memory read or write • I/O device read or write T, Tw· T, CLOCK AO-A15 Do-D7 _...l...._J ~I~ ~~--~.~--~r---------+---- ~SH------------~;~.------_I~~t=_______-~~ *TW = Walt cycle added when necessary for slow ancllliary devices. Figure S. Instruction Opcode Fetch 262 2005·882 CPU Timing (Continued) Memory Read or Write Cycles. Figure 6 shows the timing of memory read or write cycles other than an opcode fetch (MI) cycle. The MREQ and RD signals function exactly as in the fetch cycle. In a memory write cycle, MREQ also becomes active when the address bus is stable. The WR line is active when the data bus is stable, so that it can be used directly as an R/W pulse to most semiconductor memories. I 9 OPER'Z~II~: 1 WR Do-D7 ----~----~ll~--~®~----I~---- -------t===~;~~~~D~AT~A~O~UT~=====j Figure 6. Memory Read or Write Cycles 2005·883 263 CPU Timing (Continued) Input or Output Cycles. Figure 7 shows the timing for an 1/0 read or 1/0 write operation. During 1/0 operations, the CPU automatically inserts a single Wait state (TWA). This extra Wait state allows sufficient time for an 1/0 port to decode the address from the port address lines. CLOCK WAIT _+-_+_+_____....!o._t....of./oo...J 1 OPERA~~~E 1 iiD Do-D7 WA WRI~~ OPERATION TWA 1 DO-D7 ------t:::::::::::::::::~::::~~~~::::::} DATA OUT = Walt cycle automahcally Inserted by CPU. Figure 7. Input or Output Cycles Interrupt Request/Acknowledge Cycle. The CPU samples the interrupt signal with the rising edge of the last clock cycle at the end of any instruction (Figure 8). When an interrupt is accepted, a special Ml cycle is generated. Teo T, During this Ml cycle, IORQ becomes active (instead of MREQ) to indicate that the interrupting device can place an 8-bit vector on the data bus. The CPU automatically adds two Wait states to this cycle. T, CLOCK AO-A15 _ _ _ _ _ _+-J~------~-+---4+~}--_#-_H-J\--- WAIT _ _ _ _ _ _~-------------~--*--J Do-D7 ILl = Last state of any mstruchon cycle. TWA = Walt cycle automatically Inserted by CPU Figure 8. Interrupt Request! Acknowledge Cycle 264 2005·884, 885 CPU Timing (Continued) Non-Maskable Interrupt Request Cycle. NMI is sampled at the same time as the maskable interrupt input INT but has higher priority and cannot be disabled under software control. The subsequent timing is similar to that of a normal memory read operation except that data put on the bus by the memory is ignored. The CPU instead executes a restart (RST) operation and jumps to the NMI service routine located at address 0066H (Figure 9). AO-A15 ,... IQ MiiEQ liD a RFiii * Although NMI IS an asynchronous mput, to guarantee Its bemg recogmzed on the followmg machme cycle, NMI's fallIng edge must occur no later than the rlsmg edge of the clock cycle precedmg the last state of any instructIon cycle (TU)' Figure 9. Non·Maskable Interrupt Request Operation Bus Request/Acknowledge Cycle. The CPU samples BUSREQ with the rising edge of the last clock period of any machine cycle (Figure 10). If BUSREQ is active, the CPU sets its address, data, and MREQ, IORQ, RD, and WR lines to a high-impedance state with the rising edge of the next clock pulse. At that time, any external device can take control of these lines, usually to transfer data between memory and I/O devices. CLOCK aUSREQ Ao-A16 Do-D, ______ ~-+---4~--_~-----J ==========t~-~/o---...:!:~-----t-< ======t=)-.o--------'!::~--_H ~:=========~=)-~~---~~----1_i RD,Wii 10RQ RFIN HALT --------------~ UNCHANGED --------------~----------------------- NarES: 1) TLM = Last ,tate of any M cycle. 2) TX = An arbitrary clock cycle used by requestmg deVIce. Figure 10. Z-BUS Request/Acknowledge Cycle 2005-021B, BB6 265 CPU Timing (Continued) When in the Halt state, the HALT output is active and remains so until an interrupt is processed (Figure II). INT will also force a Halt exit. Halt Acknowledge Cycle. When the CPU receives a HALT instruction, it executes NOP states until either an INT or NMI input is received. M 1 - - -_ _ _- - - - - - - M 1 - - - - - - - _ ..- - - - - - M 1 CLOCK ___________ r~_· U- NMI ________ * Although NMI IS an asynchronous Input, to guarantee Its bemg recogmzed on the followmg machme cycle, NMI's falling edge must occur no later than the rlsmg edge of the clock cycle precedmg the last state of any instructIon cycle (TLI)' Figure II. Halt Acknowledge Cycle Reset Cycle. RESET must be active for at least three clock cycles for the CPU to properly accept it. As long as RESET remains active, the address and data buses float, and the control outputs are inactive. Once RESET goes inactive, two internal T cycles are consumed before the CPU resumes normal processing operation. RESET clears the PC register, so the first opcode fetch will be to location 0000 (Figure 12). _M1-----T, T, _____ @J~ Do-D7 ~ ~~---------F~lO~A-T-------------+------------------- __________________-J7 MR~ ~~------------------7~F~7~~------~(~/~--------------------------~---------------RFSH, //1/1// \ ________ BU~~~~ Figure 12. Reset Cycle 266 2005-887, 888 AC Cbaracteristlc:st Number Symbol Z8300·1 Z8300·3 (1.0 MHz) Min Max (2.5 MHz) Min Max Parameter (ns) (ns) (ns) (ns) TwCh Clock Cycle TIme Clock Pulse Width (HIgh) 1000" 2 470 2000 180 2000 3 TwCI Clock Pulse Width (Low) 470 2000 180 2000 TcC 4 TfC 5-TrC Clock Fall Time 30 30 Clock RIse Time 30 30 145 6 TdCr(A) Clock t to Address Valid Delay 7 TdA(MREQf) 8 TdCf(MREQf) Address Vahd to MREQ 1 Delay Clock 1 to MREQ 1 Delay TdCr(MREQr) Clock t to MREQt Delay 9 IO-TwMREQh--MREQ Pulse Width (HIgh) II TwMREQI MREQ Pulse WIdth (Low) 12 TdCf(MREQr) TdCf(RDf) Clock 1 to MREQ t Delay 13 ThD(RDr) 17 18 TsWAIT(Cf) ThWAIT(Cf) 380 370" Data Hold TIme to RD t WAIT Setup TIme to Clock 1 125" 260 260 410" 890" 100 100 170"--360" 260 340 Clock 1 to RD 1 Delay TdCr(RDr) Clock t to RD t Delay 14 15-TsD(Cr)---Data Setup Time to Clock t 16 400" 260 140 100 130 100 50--0 0 190 70 0 WAIT Hold TIme after Clock 1 TdCr(Mlf) 19 Clock t to Ml 1 Delay 20-TdCr(Mlr)--Clock t to Ml t Delay 340 0 130 340 130 21 TdCr(RFSHf) Clock t to RFSH 1 Delay 460 180 22 TdCr(RFSHr) TdCf(RDr) Clock 1 to RFSH t Delay 390 Clock 1 to RD t Delay 290 23 TdCr(RDf) 24 Clock t to RD 1 Delay 25-TsD(Cf)---Data Setup to Clock 1 durmg M2 • M3. ~ or M5 Cycles 26 27 TdA(lORQf) TdCr(IORQf) Address Stable prior to IORQ Clock t to IORQ 1 Delay 28 TdCf(IORQr) Clock 1 to IORQ t Delay 260 160 790' TdD(WRf) Data Stable prior to WR 1 29 30-TdCf(WRf)--Clock 1 to WR 1 Delay 470" 31 890" TwWR TdCf(WRr) 32 WR Pulse Width Clock 1 to WR t Delay TdD(WRf) Data Stable prior to WR 1 33 34 TdCr(WRf) Clock 1 to WR i Delay 35-TdWRr(D)--Data Stable from WR t 36 37 38 320240 90 290 110 190" 240 90 360" 260 -30" 100 30" 210 290" TdCf(HALT) Clock 1 to HALT t or 1 TwNMI NMI Pulse Width TsBUSREQ(Cr) BUSREQ Setup TIme to Clock t 150 110 100 60--- 80 130"-- 760 300 210 80 210 80 *For clock periods other than the minimUmS shown in the table, calculate parameters using the expressions in the table on the following page. Calculated values above assumed. = = TrC TfC 20 ns. tAll timmgs assume equalloadmg on pms within 50 pf. 267 51 0 t'I Q c:I AC Characteristicst (Continued) Z8300-1 Number Symbol Parameter Z8300-3 Max (ns) Min (ns) 39 ThBUSREQ(Cr) BUSREQ Hold Time after Clock t 0 40-TdCr(BUSACKf)-Clock t to BUSACK I D e l a y - - - - - - - - 310 41 TdCf(BUSACKr) Clock I to BUSACK t Delay 290 240 42 TdCr(Dz) Clock t to Data Float Delay TdCr(CTz) Clock t to Control Outputs Float 43 290 DelaLi.MREQ, IORQ, RD, and WR) 44 TdCr(Az) Clock t to Address Float Delay 290 45-TdCTr(A)--MREQ t, IORQ t, RD t, a n d - - - - - - 400' WR t to Address Hold TIme 46 TsRESET(Cr) RESET to Clock t Setup TIme 240 47 RESET to Clock t Hold TIme ThRESET(Cr) 0 48 TsINTf(Cr) INT to Clock t Setup Time 210 49 ThINTr(Cr) INT to Clock t Hold TIme 0 50-TdMlf(IORQf)-MI I tolORQ I D e l a y - - - - - - - - 2300' 51 TdCf(lORQf) Clock I to IORQ I Delay 290 TdCf(lORQr) 52 Clock t to IORQ t Delay 260 TdCf(D) Clock I to Data ValId Delay 53 290 0 Min (ns) Max (ns) 120 110 90 110 110 160'-90 0 80 0 920'-110 100 230 *For clock perIOds other than the minimums shown 10 the table, calculate parameters uSing the followmg expressions. Calculated values above assumed Tre t All hmmgs assume equalloadmg on pms with 50 pF = TiC = 20 ns. Footnotes to AC Characteristics Number Symbol Z8300·3 Z8300·1 TeC TwCh + TwCl + TrC + TIC TwCh + TwCl + TrC + TIC TdA(MREQf) TwCh + TIC - 200 TwCh + TIC - 75 10 TwMREQh TwCh + TIC - 90 TwCh + TIC - 30 11 TwMREQI TeC - 110 TeC - 30 26 TdA(IORQf) TeC - 210 TeC - 80 29-TdD(WRf)-----TeC - 5 4 0 - - - - - - - - - T e C - 2 1 0 - - - - - - - - - - 31 TwWR TcC - 110 TeC - 40 33 TdD(WRf) TwCl + TrC - 470 TwCl + TrC - 180 35 TdWRr(D) TwCl + TrC - 210 TwCl + TrC - 80 45 TdCTr(A) TwCl + TrC - 110 TwCl + TrC - 40 50 TdM If(lORQf) 2TeC + TwCh + TIC - 210 2TeC + TwCh + TIC - 80 AC Test Condlhons: VIH = 2.0 V VIL = 0.8 V VIHC = VCC -0.6 V VILC = O.4S V VOH = 20V VOL = 0.8 V FLOAT = ±O.b V 268 Absolute Maximum Ratings Standard Test Conditions Voltages on all pins with respect to ground ................... -0.3Vto +7V Operating Ambient Temperature ....... See Ordering Information Storage Temperature ........ - 65°C to + 150°C The DC characteristics and capacitance sections listed below apply for the following standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND (OV). Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Available operating temperature is: Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratmgs may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress ratmg only; operation of the device at any condltion above those mdICated in the operational sections of these specifications is not imphed. Exposure to absolute maximum ratmg conditions for extended periods may affect devlce reliability. The Ordering Information section lists package temperature ranges and product numbers. Package drawings are in the Package Information section. Refer to the Literature List for addItional documentation. +5V • S = O°C to + 70°C, + 4.75V :s; Vee :s; +5.25V ~1K All ac parameters assume a load capacitance 0'1 100 pI. Add IOns delay for each 50 pf increase in load up to a maximum of 200 pf for the data bus and 100 pf for address and control lines . DC Characteristics Symbol VILC VlHe VIL VIH VOL VOH ILl 110 Icc Parameter Min Clock Input Low Voltage Clock Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Input Leakage Current 3-State Output Leakage Power Supply Current Frequency 28300-1 (1.0 MHz) 28300-3 (2.5 MHz) 1. Capacitance AIS-Ao, Symbol CC10CK CIN COUT D7-DO, MREQ, IORQ, RD, Max -0.3 0.45 Vcc-·6 VCC+ .3 -0.3 0.8 2.0 Vcc 0.4 2.4 10 ±IO' DOC Max 30 45 Temperature 7DoC 25°C 25°C Max Typical Max 25 40 15 25 Unit Test Condition V V V V V V p.A p.A IOL = 2.0mA IoH = -250 p.A VIN = 0 to Vcc VOUT = 0.4 to Vce Unit rnA 20 35 rnA Max Unit 35 5 pF pF pF and WR. Parameter Clock CapaCitance Input CapaCitance Output Capacitance Min 15 Note TA = 2S'C, f = I MHz. Unmeasured pms returned to ground. 808S-0221 269 ORDERING INFORMATION zaOl CPU, 1.0 MHz 40·pinDIP zaOl CPU, 2.5 MHz 40·pinDIP Z8300-1 PS Z8300-3 PS Codes First letter is for package; second letter is for temperature. C P L V = = = = Ceramic DIP Plastic DIP Ceramic LCC Plastic PCC TEMPERATURE S '" O°C to + 70°C E '" -40°Cto +85°C M*= -55°Cto +125°C R T DIP LCC PCC = = = = = Protopack Low Profile Protopack Dual-In-Line Package Leadless Chip Carrier Plastic Chip Carrier (Leaded) FLOW B = 883 Class B Example: PS is a plastic DIP, O°C to + 70°C. t Available soon. * For Military Orders, contact your local Zilog Sales Office for Military Electrical Specifications. 270 00-2189-05 Z8320 Low Power Z80L® PIO Parallellnpat/Oatpat Zilog AC aDd DC Characteristics March 1985 ABSOWTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltages on all pins with respect to ground ......................... - O.3V to + 7V Operating Ambient Temperature .............. See Ordering Information Storage Temperature .............. - 65°C to + 150°C Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device This is a stress rating only; operation of the device at any condition above these indicated In the operational sections of these specifications is not implied Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. TEST CONDITIONS The DC characteristics below apply for the following test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND (OV). Positive current flows into the referenced pin. +5V 2.1K Available operating temperature range is: • S = O°Cto +70°C, +4.75V~Vee~ +5.25V The Ordering Information section lists package temperature ranges and product numbers. Package drawings are in the Package Information section. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. DC CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter VILe Clock Input Low Voltage VIHe Clock Input High Voltage VIL Min -0.3 Max 1Ypical +0.45 Unit Condition V Vee- 0 .6 Vee + 0.3 V Input Low Voltage -0.3 +0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage +2.0 V VOL Output Low Voltage Vee +0.4 VOH Output High Voltage +2.4 V IOL = 2.0 mA V IOH = -250,..A III Input Leakage Current ±10 ,..A VIN = OtoVee ILO 3-State Output Leakage Current in Float ±10 ,..A VOUT = 0.4 to Vee ICC Power Supply Current: IOHD Darlington Drive Current, Port B only 30 -1.5 20 mA mA VOH = 1 5V REXT = 390Q Over specified temperature and voltage range. 271 AC CHARACTERISTICS ----0---..(D+ ..(D+ CLOCK r -. ~' ~(\J\JJ\J'L Ci B/ArC/D l ./ I--(i)-..!. -I !-@- -0-1 X )I ---®--I ~ OUT Do-D7 -I®I... +0-1 X )( IN ~ ~ -®- 1~ I~ lEI lEO ~I.J - ®I--®--- READY T 'F 1·;1 ®.=:( ® -----'\ I~ MODEO ----x MODE 1 ~ -®-I -®- . CARDY OR BRDYI -®--1 X -0-- MODE 2 ----x MODE 3 -®--I I-:-----®-I Number Symbol 2 3 4 5 Parameter TcC Clock Cycle Time TwCh Clock Width (High) TwCI Clock Width (Low) TIC Clock Fall Time TrC Clock Rise Time NOTES: [1] TcC ~ TwCh + TwCI + TrC + TIC. [2] Increase TdRI(DO) by 10 ns lor each 50 pi increase in load up to 200 pfmax. [3] Increase TdIO(DOI) by 10 ns for each 50 pi increase In loading upto 200 pfmax. [4] For Mode 2: TwSTB > TsPD(STB). 272 Z8320-1 (1.0 MHz) Min Max Z8330-3 (2.5 MHz) Min Max 1000 470 470 400 170 170 2000 2000 30 30 Notes' [1] 2000 2000 30 30 [5] Increase these values by 2 ns lor each 10 pi Increase In loading up to 100 pfmax [6] TsCS(RI) may be reduced However, the time subtracted lrom TsCS(RI) will be added to TdRI(DO). [7] 2.5 TcC > (N·2)TdIEI(IEOn + TdM1(IEO) + TsIEI(IO) ± TTL Buffer Delay, if any [8] M1 must be active for a minimum of two clock cycles to reset the PIO. 'Timings are preliminary and subject to change. AC CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Z8320-1 (1.0 MHz) Number Symbol Parameter 6 TsCS(RI) CEo B/A. C/O to RD. lORa j. Setup Time 7 Th Any Hold Times for Specified Setup Time 8 TsRI(C) RD. lORa to Clock t Setup Time 9 TdRI(DO) RD. lORa j. to Data Out Delay 10 TdRI(DOs) RD. lORa t to Data Out Float Delay 11 TsDI(C) Data In to Clock t Setup Time 12 TdIO(DOI) lORa j. to Data Out Delay (INTACK Cycle) 13 TsM1(Cr) M1 j. to Clock t Setup Time 14 TsM1(Cf) M1 tlo Clockl- Setup Time (M1 Cycle) 15 TdM1(IEO) M1 Ho lEO j. Delay (Interrupt Immediately Preceding M1 j.) 16 TsIEI(lO) lEI to lORa j. Setup Time (INTACK Cycle) 17 TdIEI(IEOf) lEI Ho lEO Welay Min Max 140 Z8330-3 (2.5 MHz) Min Max Notes· 50 0 0 300 115 [6] 1090 430 410 160 140 50 [2] = 50p! CL 340 860 540 210 0 0 760 [3] [8] 300 [5.7] [7] 140 360 480 190 [5] CL 18 TdIEI(IEOr) lEI t to lEO t Delay (after ED Decode) 19 TcIO(C) lORa t to Clock j. Setup Time (To Activate READY on Next Clock Cycle) 20 TdC(RDYr) Clock j. to READY t Delay 540 560 210 = 50p! [5] 220 510 200 [5] CL = 50p! 21 TdC(RDYf) Clock j. to READY j. Delay 22 TwSTB STROBE Pulse Width 390 150 [4] 23 TsSTB(C) STROBE t to Clock j. Setup Time (To Activate READY on Next Clock Cycle) 560 220 [5] 24 TdIO(PD) lORa t to PORT DATA Stable Delay (Mode 0) 25 TsPD(STB) PORT DATA to STROBE t Setup Time (Mode 1) 390 150 510 660 200 [5] [5] 260 26 TdSTB(PD) STROBE j. to PORT DATA Stable (Mode 2) 590 230 27 TdSTB(PDr) STROBE t to PORT DATA Float Delay (Mode 2) 510 200 28 TdPD(IND PORT DATA Match to INT j. Delay (Mode 3) 1360 540 29 TdSTB(IND STROBE tlo INT j. Delay 1240 490 NOTES: [1] TcC = TwCh + TwCI + TrC + TIC [2] Increase TdRI(DO) by 10 ns lor each 50 pi Increase In load upto 200 pi max. [3] Increase TdIO(DOI) by 10 ns lor each 50 pi increase In loading upto 200 pi max. [4] For Mode 2 TwSTB >TsPD(STB). [5] CL = 50 p! [5] Increase these values by 2 ns lor each 10 pi increase in loading up to 100 pi max. [6] TsCS(RI) may be reduced. However, the time subtracted lrom TsCS(RI) will be added to TdRI(DO). [7] 2.5 TcC > (N-2)TdIEI(IEOf) + TdM1(IEO) + TsIEI(IO) ± TTL Buffer Delay. II any. [8] M1 must be active lor a minimum of two clock cycles to reset the PIO. ·Tlmlngs are preliminary and subject to change. 273 ----------~----. --~~-~--~~-- ORDERING INFORMATION Z80L PIO, 1.0 MHz 40-pin DIP Z8320-1 PS Z80L PIO, 2.5 MHz 40-pinDIP Z8320-3 PS Codes First letter is for package; second letter is for temperature. C = Ceramic DIP P = Plastic DIP L = Ceramic LCC V = Plastic PCC TEMPERATURE S = O°Cto + 70°C E = -40°Cto +85°C M*= -55°Cto + 125°C R T DIP LCC PCC = = = = = Proto pack Low Profile Protopack Dual-In-Line Package Leadless Chip Carrier Plastic Chip Carrier (Leaded) FLOW B = 883 Class B Example: PS is a plastic DIP, O°C to + 70°C. t Available soon. * For Military Orders. contact your local Zilog Sales Office for Military Electrical Specifications. 274 00-2330-02 18330 Low Power 180L®CTC CouDter/Timer Circuit Zilog AC aDd DC Characteristics March 1985 ABSOWTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltages on all pins with respect to ground ......................... - O.3V to + 7V Operating Ambient Temperature .............. See Ordering Information Storage Temperature .............. -65°Cto +150°C Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; operation of the device at any condition above these indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating cond~lons for extended periods may affect device reliability. TEST CONDITIONS The DC characteristics below apply for the following test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND (OV). Positive current flows into the referenced pin. +5V 2.1K Available operating temperature range is: • S = O°Cto +70°C, +4.75V";Vee"; +5.25V The Ordering Information section lists package temperature ranges and product numbers. Package drawings are in the Package Information section. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. DC CHARACTERISTICS Symbol VILe VI He VIL VIH VOL VOH III ILO ICC IOHD Typical Unit Min Max -0.3 Clock Input Low Voltage Clock Input High Voltage Vee- 0.6 Input Low Voltage -0.3 Input High Voltage +20 Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage +2.4 Input Leakage Current 3-State Output Leakage Current in Float Power Supply Current: -1.5 Darlington Drive Current +0.45 Vee+ 0.3 +0.8 Vee +0.4 V V V V V V ±10 ±10 30 ,.Po ,.Po Parameter 20 rnA rnA Condition IOL = 2.0mA IOH = -250,..A VIN = OtoVee VOUT = 0.4 to Vee VOH = 1.5V REXT = 390Q Over specified temperature and voltage range. 275 AC CHARACTERISTICS ~I~ CLOCK ~O@.~ r-"\ ~ )l C80, 081 1-<9--- n ,. . . . w!\ X ~I .t \. Ci ~ I--W--RUD iOiiQ \ ~ J CD-Fi .t \. iii! I-r~. ~ ){..It-------------- --...L '" TaD ----!---' Number Symbol Parameter TwPh Pulse Width (High) 500 Z8340-3t (2.5 MHz) Min Max Notes 200 2 TwPI Pulse Width (Low) 3 TcTxC TxC Cycle Time 1000 00 400 00 4 TwTxCI TxC Width (Low) 460 00 180 00 5 TwTxCh lis A-A>s A-Ass A-s INC (IY+d) (IY+d)(IY+d)+1 DECm m-m-1 Flags H PNN C S Z * * * ** * * * Opcode 543 210 Hex X X X V 0 X V 0 10 10001 r 11 10001 110 -n- X X X V 0 X V 0 10 10001 110 11 011 101 10 10001 110 -d11 111 101 10 10001 110 -d10011 10101 X * X V 0 X X V X X V X X V X 1 X P X 0 X P X 0 X P X X V * 0 0 0 0 X X X V 0 X V 0 • • 00 11 00 X V 0 • 1 • X V 3 5 7 19 FD 3 5 19 2 r 000 001 010 011 100 101 111 Reg. B C D E H L A sis any of r, n, (HL), (IX+d), (IY+d) as shown for ADD instruction. The indicated bits replace the 10001 inthe ADD set above. IIITl * 00 * DD 4 7 Will • X 2 ITQI] X V 0 * 1 2 11001 X X No.of No. of M No. ofT Bytes Cycles States Comments [QITJ 0 0 0 * * * 76 4 11001 110 11001 011 101 DD 110 11001 -d11 111 101 FD 00 110 11001 -d- 1 3 3 6 11 23 3 6 23 ITQI] NarE: m IS any of r, (HL), (IX + d), (IY + d) as shown for INC. DEC same format and states as INC. Replace 1100 Iwith D:QIJ in opcode. GENERAL-PURPOSE ARITHMETIC AND CPU CONTROL GROUPS Mnemonic Symbolic Operation DM @ CPL A-A NEG A-O-A Flags H PNN C S Z X X P • • • X X • 1 * * X X V 1 * 76 Opcode 543 210 Hex No.of No. of M No. ofT Bytes Cycles States Commenta 00 100 111 27 4 • 00 101 111 2F 4 * 11 01 101 000 101 100 ED 44 2 NarES @ converts accumulator content into packed BCD following add or subtract with packed BGD operands. IFF indicates the interrupt enable flip-flop. CY indicates the carry flip-flop. indicates interrupts are not sampled at the end of EI or 01. * 296 2 8 Decimal adjust accumulator. Complement accumulator (one's complement). Negateacc. (two's complement). GENERAL-PURPOSE ARITHMETIC AND CPU CONTROL GROUPS (Continued) Flags H PN N C 76 X X X • 0 00 111 3F 4 X 0 X • 0 00110111 00 000 000 01 110 110 11 110 011 11 111 011 11 101 101 01 000 110 11 101 101 37 ED 46 ED 01 11 01 56 ED 5E Mnemonic Symbolic Operation S Z CCF CY-CY • • SCF NOP HALT CY-1 • • No operation CPU halted IFF-O IFF-1 Set interrupt mode 0 Set interrupt mode 1 Set interrupt mode 2 • • X • X • • • • • X • X • • • • • X • X • • • DI* * EI IMO 1M 1 1M2 NOTES: • • • • X X • • X X • • • • • • • • X • X • • • • • X • X • • • Opcode 543 210 111 010 101 011 110 101 110 Hex No. of No. of M No. of T Bytes Cycles States Comments 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 8 2 2 8 2 2 8 00 76 F3 FB 1 Complement carry flag. Set carry flag. IQ converts accumulator content into packed BCD following add or subtract with packed BCD operands. IFF indicates the interrupt enable flip·flop. CY indicates the carry flip·flop. indicates interrupts are not sampled at the end of EI or DI. @ c::: * 16-BIT ARITHMETIC GROUP Mnemonic Symbolic Operation S Z ADD HL, ss HL-HL+ss • ADC HL, ss HLHL+ss+CY SBC HL, ss ADD IX, pp • 76 00 ssl 001 11 01 101 ss1 101 010 ED 11 01 11 101 ssO 011 pp1 101 010 101 001 ED 2 4 15 DD 2 4 15 • X X X • 0 ~ X X X V 0 HLHL-ss-CY IX -IX + pp Flags H P/V N C • X X X V X X X • ~ 0 01 ADD IY, rr IY-IY+rr • • X X X • 0 INCss INCIX ss--ss+1 IX --IX+ 1 • • • • X X • • X X • • • • • • INCIY IY-IY+1 • • X • X • • • DECss DEC IX ss-ss-1 IX -IX-1 • • • • X X • • X X • • • • DECIY IY --IY-1 • • X • X • • • 11 00 00 11 00 11 00 00 11 00 11 00 Opcode 543 210 111 rr1 ssO 011 100 111 100 ss1 011 101 111 101 101 001 011 101 011 101 011 011 101 011 101 011 Hex No. of No. of M No. of T Bytes Cycles States Comments 2 3 11 4 15 ss 00 01 10 Reg. BC DE HL 11 SP pp 01 10 Reg. BC DE IX 11 rr 00 01 10 11 SP Reg. BC DE IY SP 00 15 FD 2 1 1 6 DD 23 FD 23 2 2 10 2 2 10 DD 2B FD 2B 2 2 10 2 2 10 4 6 297 ROTATE AND SHIFT GROUP Symbolic Mnemonic Operation RLCA RLA RRCA §]~ A ~ A ~ A RRA LCE§jI§l A ·• • · • · • · t RLCr Flags H P/v N C S Z t X 0 X · 0 • 0 t Opcode 76 543 210 00 000 111 Hex No. of No.ofM No.ofT Bytes Cycles States Comments 4 07 Rotate left circular accumulator. X 0 X t 00 010 111 4 17 Rotate left accumulator. X 0 X · 0 • 0 t 00 001 111 4 OF Rotate right circular accumulator. X 0 X t 00 011 111 4 1F Rotate right accumulator. X 0 X p 0 t 11 001 011 CB 2 2 8 Rotate left circular 00 10001 register r. t RLC(HL) RLC(IX+d) §]~:J t t X 0 X P 0 t 11 001 011 CB 2 4 15 00 10001 110 X 0 X P 0 t r,(HL),(lX + d),(lY + d) 11 11 101 DO 001 011 +-d-+ CB 011 4 6 23 00 10001 110 t t RLC(IY+d) RLm l@~ t t X 0 X P 0 t 11 111 ~§] 6 Reg. B 001 C 010 011 0 E 001 H 101 111 A L 23 101 FD 11 001 011 +-d-+ CB 00 10001 110 format and states are as shown for X 0 X P 0 t 1010 I X 0 X P 0 t 10011 m = r,(HL,(IX + d),(lY + d) RRCm 4 r 000 Instruction RLCs. To form t t newopcode replace I000 I m = r,(HL),(lX + d),(IY + d) or RLCswith RRm LED=§J t t shown code. X 0 X P 0 t [QTI] X 0 X p 0 t 11001 X 0 X P 0 t ITQI] X 0 X p t OJ] m = r,(HL),(IX + d),(lY + d) SLAm [§!]~_o t t m = r,(HL),(IX+ d),(IY + d) SRAm ~ t t o+~ t t m = r,(HL),(IX + d),(IY + d) SRLm m = r,(HL),(IX + d),(lY + d) 298 0 ROTATE AND SHIFT GROUP (Continued) Symbolic Mnemonic Operation S Flags H PNN Z RLO X 0 X P 0 C • (HL) 76 Opcode 543 210 Hex 11 101 101 ED 01 101 111 6F No. of No. of M No. of T Bytes Cycles States 2 5 18 Comments Rotate digit lefland right between theaccumulator and RRO~ A (HL) * * X 0 X P 0 · location (HL). 11 101 101 ED 01 100 111 67 2 5 18 The content of the upper half of the accumulator is unaffected. BIT SET, RESET AND TEST GROUP III g •n c:I Mnemonic Symbolic Operation S BIT b, r Z +- rb X BITb, (HL) Z +-(HL)b BIT b,(IX + d)b Z +- (IX + d)b Flags H PNN Z X X X 0 C • X X X X 0 • X X X X 0 • Opcode 76 543 210 Hex 011 CB 11 001 01 b 11 001 011 01 b 110 11 011 11 BIT b, (IY + d)b Z +- (IY + d)b SET b, r SETb, (HL) rb +-1 (HL)b +-1 SET b, (IX + d) (IX + d)b +- 1 SET b, (lY + d) (IY + d)b +- 1 RESb,m mb+- O m=r.(HL), X • * X • • • 1 · · • • • X · X X X • • • · · X X X X X X X (IX + d), (IY + d) X 0 · • • • · ·• · • • • • 12 101 DO 4 5 20 001 011 +-d-+ CB 11 111 101 FO 001 011 +-d-+ CB 01 b 110 011 11 001 OJ] b CB 11 001 011 OJ] b 110 011 101 DO 001 011 +-d-+ CB CB OJ] b 110 11 111 101 FD 001 011 +-d-+ CB · • · • ITQ] 11 [j] b 4 2 2 5 2 4 Reg. 8 3 110 11 2 2 b 11 2 CB 01 11 No. of No. of M No. ofT Bytes Cycles States Comments 20 8 15 4 6 23 4 6 23 000 B 001 C 010 D 011 E 100 H 101 L 111 A b Bit Tested 000 0 001 010 2 011 3 100 4 101 5 110 6 111 7 110 To form new opcode replace [IT] of SET b, S with [1QJ Flags and time states for SET instruction. NOfE: The notation mb Indicates location m, bit b (0 to 7). 299 JUMP GROUP Symbolic Mnemonic Operation JP nn PC-nn JP cc, nn If condition cc is true PC-nn, Flags H S Z Opcode PIVN C ·· · ·• • ·• • • • • 76 X X 11 X X 11 JRe PC-PC+e JRC,e IfC=O, continue 000 011 -n .... C3 3 10 3 3 10 ·· · · ·· · ·• · X • X X • X 00 00 • • X • X continue ·• • 00 Comments Condition cc 000 NZ (non-zero) 001 cc 010 -n .... 011 000 -e-2 .... 111 000 -e-2 .... 110 000 -e-2 .... Z(zero) 010 NC (non-carry) 011 C(carry) 100 PO (parity odd) 101 PE (parity even) 110 P (sign positive) 111 M (sign negative) 18 2 3 12 38 2 2 7 If condition not met. 2 3 12 If condition is met. 2 2 7 If condition not met. 2 3 12 If condition is met. 2 2 7 If condition not met. 2 3 12 If condition is met. 2 2 7 If condition not met. 2 3 12 If condition is met. IfC=1, IFC=1, 3 -n .... PC-PC+e JR NC, e No. of No. of M No. of T Bytes Cycles States -n .... otherwise continue 543 210 Hex 30 IfC=O, PC-PC+e JPZ, e IfZ=O • • X • X • • • 00 continue 101 000 -e-2 .... 28 IfZ=1, PC-PC+e JR NZ,e IfZ=1, continue • · X • X ·• · 00 100 000 -e-2 .... 20 IfZ=O, JP(HL) PC-PC+e PC-HL JP(IX) PC-IX JP(IY) DJNZ, e PC-IY 8-8-1 If8=0, • • • • • • • • • 11 101 001 E9 1 4 11 011 101 DD 2 2 8 11 101 001 • • • 11 111 101 E9 FD 2 2 8 ·• · • ·• 11 101 001 E9 010 000 -e-2 .... 10 2 2 8 If8=0 2 3 13 If 8*0. • • X X X X • X X X X • • • 00 continue If 8*0, PC-PC+e NOTES: e represents the extension in the relative addressing mode. e is a signal two's complement number in the range < -126, 129 >. e - 2 in the opcode provides an effective address of pc + e as PC is incremented by 2 prior to the addition of e. 300 CALL AND RETURN GROUP Symbolic Mnemonic Operation CALLnn (SP -1 )....PCH • (SP-2)-PCl PC-nn, CALL cc, nn If condition ccisfalse continue, otherwise RET RETcc RETI RETN1 RSTp Flags S Z same as CALLnn PCl -(SP) PCH-(SP+1) If condition cc is false continue, otherwise same as RET Return from interrupt Return from non-maskable interrupt (SP-1)-PCH (SP-2)-PCl H • X • X PNN C ··· • • X• X• • • 76 Opcode 543 210 Hex 11 001 101 -n-n- 11 cc 100 -n.... n- • • X• X• • • 11 001 001 · 11 cc 000 • X • X · CD No. of No.ofM No.ofT Bytes Cycles States 3 5 17 3 3 10 If cc is false. 3 5 17 If cc is true. 3 10 C9 3 • • X • X • • • • • X • X • • • • • X• X• • • PCH-O PCl -p 11 01 11 01 11 101 001 101 000 101 101 101 101 111 ED 4D ED 45 Commenta I 5 If cc is false. 11 If cc is true. Condition cc 000 NZ (non-zero) 001 Z(zero) 010 NC (non-carry) 011 C(carry) 100 PO (parity odd) 101 PE (parity even) 110 P (sign positive) 111 M (sign negative) 2 4 14 2 4 14 3 11 t 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 P OOH 08H 10H 18H 20H 28H 30H 38H NOTE: 1RETNloadsIFF2-IFF1 301 :I" INPUT AND OUTPUT GROUP Symbolic Mnemonic Operation INA,(n) IN r, (C) A .... (n) Flags S Z · • X • X X r .... (e) Opcode PNN C H X ·• · p 0 • il r = 11 0 only the Ilags will be affected INI INIR (HL) .... (C) B .... B-1 HL .... HL+1 (HL) .... (C) B .... B-1 HL .... HL+1 Repeat until X X CD * ® 1 XXXX XXXX 1 1 X X 76 11 No. of 543 210 Hex 011 01 .... n .... 11 01 101 11 10 101 100 11 10 101 110 DB Bytes 2 No. of M No. of T Cycles States Comments 3 11 ntoAo"'A7 kc. to As '" A15 ED 2 3 12 etoAo"'A7 BtoAs"'A15 101 010 ED 2 4 16 etoAo"'A7 BtoAs"'A15 101 010 ED 5 21 etoAo '" A7 BtoAs"'A15 101 000 A2 2 B2 (IIB*O) 2 4 16 (IIB=O) B=O INO INOR (HL) .... (C) B .... B-1 HL .... HL-1 (HL) .... (C) B .... B-1 HL .... HL-1 Repeat until B=O aUT(n),A (n) .... A aUT(C), r (C) .... r aUTI OTIR (C) .... (HL) B .... B-1 HL+-HL+1 (C) +- (HL) B+-B-1 . 16-bit value in range < 0, 65535 >. *H and N flags are used in conjunction with the decimal adjust instruction (DAA) to properly correct the result into packed BCD format following addition or subtraction using operands with packed BCD format. 303 g n III d PIN DESCRIPTIONS Ao-A1S. Address Bus (output, active High, 3-state). Ao-A15 form a 16-bit address bus. The Address Bus provides the address for memory data bus exchanges (up to 64K bytes) and for I/O device exchanges. M1. Machine Cycle One (output, active Low). MT, together with MREQ, indicates that the current machine cycle is the opcode fetch cycle of an instruction execution. M 1, together with 10RO, indicates an interrupt acknowledge cycle. BUSACK. Bus Acknowledge (output, active Low). Bus Acknowledge indicates to the requesting device that the CPU address bus, data bus, and control signals MREO, 10RO, RD, and WR have entered their high-impedance states. The external circuitry can now control these lines. MREQ. Memory Request (output, active Low, 3-state). MREO indicates that the address bus holds a valid address for a memory read or memory write operation. BUSREQ. Bus Request ~t, active Low). Bus Request has a higher priority than NMI and is always recognized at the end of the current machine cycle. BUSREO forces the CPU address bus, data bus, and control signals MREO, 10RO, RD, and WR to go to a high-impedance state so that other devices can control these lines. BUSREO is normally wired-OR and requires an external pullup for these applications. Extended BUSREO periods due to extensive DMA operations can prevent the CPU from properly refreshing dynamic RAMs. 00-07. Data Bus (input/output, active High, 3-state). 00-07 constitute an a-bit bidirectional data bus, used for data exchanges with memory and 1/0. HALT. Halt State (output, active Low). HALT indicates that the CPU has executed a Halt instruction and is awaitin!il either a nonmaskable or a maskable interrupt (with the mask enabled) before operation can resume. While halted, the CPU executes NOPs to maintain memory refresh. INT. Interrupt Request (input, active Low). Interrupt Request is generated by 1/0 devices. The CPU honors a request at the end· of the current instruction if the internal software-controlled interrupt enable flip-flop (IFF) is enabled. INT is normally wired-OR and requires an external pullup for these applications. IORQ. Input/Output Request (output, active Low, 3-state). 10RO indicates that the lower half of the address bus holds a valid I/O address for an 1/0 read or write operation. 10RO is also generated concurrently with M1 during an interrupt acknowledge cycle to indicate that an interrupt response vector can be placed on the data bus. 304 NMI. Non-Maskable Interrupt (input,~~e edgetriggered). NMI has a higher priority than INT. NMI is always recognized at the end of the current instruction, independent of the status of the interrupt enable flip-flop, and automatically forces the CPU to restart at location 0066H. RD. Read (output, active Low, 3-state). RD indicates that the CPU wants to read data from memory or an 1/0 device. The addressed 1/0 device or memory should use this signal to gate data onto the CPU data bus. RESET. Reset (input, active Low). RESET initializes the CPU as follows: it resets the interrupt enable flip-flop, clears the PC and Registers I and R, and sets the interrupt status to Mode O. During reset time, the address and data bus go to a high-impedance state, and all control output signals go to the inactive state. Note that RESET must be active for a minimum of three full clock cycles before the reset operation is complete. RFSH. Refresh (output, active Low). RFSH, together with MREO, indicates that the lower seven bits of the system's address bus can be used as a refresh address to the system's dynamic memories. WAIT. Wait (input, active Low). WAIT indicates to the CPU that the addressed memory or I/O devices are not ready for a data transfer. The CPU continues to enter a Wait state as long as this signal is active. Extended WAIT periods can prevent the CPU from refreshing dynamic memory properly. WR. Write (output, active Low, 3-state). WR indicates that the CPU data bus holds valid data to be stored at the addressed memory or 1/0 location. CPU TIMING zaoc The CPU executes instructions by proceeding through a specific sequence of operations: • Memory read or write • 1/0 device read or write • Interrupt acknowledge The basic clock period is referred to as a T time or cycle, and three or more T cycles make up a machine cycle (M 1, M2 or M3 for instance). Machine cycles can be extended either by the CPU automatically inserting one or more Wait states or by the insertion of one or more Wait states by the user. Instruction Opcode Fetch. The CPU places the contents of the Program Counter (PC) on the address bus at the start of the cycle (Figure 5). Approximately one-half clock cycle later, MREQ goes active. When active, RD indicates that the memory data can be enabled onto the CPU data bus. The CPU samples the WAIT input with the falling edge of clock state T2. During clock states T3 and T4 of an M1 cycle, dynamic RAM refresh can occur while the CPU starts decoding and executing the instruction. When the Refresh Control signal becomes active, refreshing of dynamic memory can take place. CLOCK -=!_J-® Do-D7 =:=)~--(H(B((=::~==~~c=====t== I-~ -I--@ I-=J '---------' --~/"f--(- - - - - . .{ = RFSH • Tw = Wait cycle added when necessary for slow ancllhary devices, Figure 5. Instruction Opcode Fetch 2001-006 305 Memory Read or Write Cycles. Figure 6 shows the timing of memory read or write cycles other than an opcode fetch (M1) cycle. The MREQ and RD signals function exactly as in the fetch cycle. In a memory write cycle, MREQ also becomes active when the address bus is stable. The WR line is active when the data bus IS stable, so that it can be used directly as an R/W pulse to most semiconductor memories. ®- ifIj OPERA~~~~ { 00- 0 7 ~1~ __ 29 _ _ _ _ ( ?~____________~ ~ DATA OUT Figure 6. Memory Read or Write Cycles 306 2001·007 extra Wait state allows sufficient time for an 1/0 port to decode the address from the port address lines. Input or Output Cycles. Figure 7 shows the timing for an I/O read or I/O write operation. During 1/0 operations, the CPU automatically inserts a single Wait state (TWA). This T, TWA T3 CLOCK Ao-A7 WAIT --r-'~---+----------~~)~~+------H-+-+~~ --+----r--~------------~~~{~-' AD OPERA~~~ { 00-07 1'11-------------.....,(1--------------/ .. ®.- WR WRI~~ { OPERATION TWA ~~®_ 00-07 ~ -----------1-::::::::::::::::::~::::::~~~~::::::) ~ DATA OUT = One walt cycle automatically Inserted by CPU Figure 7. Input or Output Cycles 2001-008 307 Interrupt Request/Acknowledge Cycle. The CPU samples the interrupt signal with the rising edge of the last clock cycle at the end of any instruction (Figure 8). When an interrupt is accepted, a special M1 cycle is generated. During this M1 cycle, IORO becomes active (instead of MREO) to indicate that the interrupting device can place an 8-bit vector on the data bus. The CPU automatically adds two Wait states to this cycle. AO-AI5 ____________~--J~__-------------p-c--_r------_+~r;-----~--_H--J~---- 1~4~------~@Dr------~.~1 WAIT ----------~--------------------~~~~~ --- }+®_42---mc~~~ ~ DO-D7 NOTES: 1) T1.1 (H( ~ = Last state of any Instruction cycle. = Walt cycle automatically Inserted by CPU. 2) TWA Figure 8. Interrupt Request/Acknowledge Cycle 308 2001·009 Non-Maskable Interrupt Request Cycle. NMI is sampled at the same time as the maskable interrupt input INT but has higher priority and cannot be disabled under software control. The subsequent timing is similar to that of a normal - - - - - L A S T M CYCLE -----Io •• memory read operation except that data put on the bus by the memory is ignored. The CPU instead executes a restart (RST) operation and jumps to the NMI service routine located at address 0066H (Figure 9). I...--------------M1-------------l~1 T3 T" T. T, AO-A1S -®- • Although NMi Is an asynchronous Input, to guarantee Its being recognized on the following machine cycle, NMI'e tailing edge must occur no later than the rising edge of the clock cycle preceding the last state of any Instruction cycle (Tll). Figure 9. Non-Maskable Interrupt Request Operation 2001·010 309 Bus Request/Acknowledge Cycle. The CPU samples BUSREQ with the rising edge of the last clock period of any machine cycle (Figure 10). If BUSREQ is active, the CPU sets its address, data, and MREQ, 10RQ, RD, and WR lines to a high-impedance state with the rising edge of the next clock pulse. At that time, any external device can take control of these lines, usually to transfer data between memory and I/O devices. CLOCK BUSACK Ao-A15 Do-D. MREQ Ri),WR - -® - --@ - --@ -+ --® FLOAT -+ FLOAT --... FLOAT IORQ -@~ UNCHANGED NOTES' 1) TLM = Last state of any M cycle. 2) Tx = An arbitrary clock cycle used by requesting device. Figure 10. Z·BUS Request/Acknowledge Cycle 310 2001-011 Halt Acknowledge Cycle. When the CPU receives a HALT instruction, it executes NOP states until either an INT or NMI input is received. When in the Halt state, the HALT output is active and remains so until an interrupt is received (Figure 11). INT will also force a Halt exit. M1----.I ....- - - - - - - - - M 1 - - - - - - - -.... I.....> - - - - - - - M1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CLOCK _ _ _ _ I-j®· ~---------------------------- NMI • Although NMlls an asynchronous input, to guarantee its being recognized on the following machine cycle, MNI's falling edge must occur no later than the riSing edge of the clock cycle preceding the last stale of any instruction cycle (Tu). Figure 11 . Halt Acknowledge Reset Cycle. RESET must be active for at least three clock cycles for the CPU to properly accept it. As long as RESET remains active, the address and data buses float, and the control outputs are inactive. Once RESET goes inactive, two internal T cycles are consumed before the CPU resumes normal processing operation. RESET clears the PC register, so the first opcode fetch will be to location OOOOH (Figure 12). I__- - - M l - - - - - - CLOCK -0- -@- AO-A15 ______________________________~~--~r~--------------------------t-1l---------------- - - - -____ ®J~ FLOAT ~~------------------------~-------------------- 00-07 / --------------------------------~ .!!R~ __- R~~------------~/~7~7~ZrzrZT7~-----ij)~------------------~\~~-_-_~-_-_-_~-_-_BUSACK HALT - Figure 12. Reset Cycle 2001 -012.013 311 Power-Down Release Cycle. The system clock must be supplied to the Z80C CPU to release the power-down state. When the system clock is supplied to the ClK input, the Z80C CPU restarts operations from the point at which the power-down state was implemented. The timing diagrams for the release from power-down mode are shown in Figure 13. T, CLK T, T, NOTES: 1) When the external oscillator has been stopped to enter the power-down state, some warm-up time may be required to obtain a stable clock for the release. 2) When the HALT instruction is executed to enter the power-down state, the zaoc CPU will also enter the Halt state. An interrupt signal (either NMI or INT) or a RESET signal must be applied to the zaoc CPU after the system clock is supplied in order to release the power-down state. T, T, , r , NMI iii '\J r' 'J HALT If" ... \ I \ I Figure 138. T, CLK T, T, ») " ) RESET '~ , I ; (' ») 'Jr' (' ») /f MI HALT T, \ I I Figure 13b. T, T, T, T, T, CLK j) ) INT )( '~ , I ; iii »)( ' /\ " J; " 7) I I HALT Figure 13c. Figure 13. Power-Down Release 312 \ T, TWA TWA "For clock periods other than the minimums shown, calculate parameters using the table on the following page. Calculated values above assumed TrC = TIC = 20 ns. tUnrts in nanoseconds (ns). 2360-002 313 AC CHARACTERISTICSt (Continued) Z84COO Number Symbol Min Parameter 30 TdCf(WRf) Clock ~ to WR ~ Delay 31 TwWR WR Pulse Width 32 TdCf(WRr) Clock ~ to WR t Delay 33 TdD(WRf) Data Stable prior to WR ~ - 35 TdWRr(D) Data Stable from WR t 36 TdCf(HAL1) Clock ~ to HAiJ t or ~ Max 80 90 220' 360' 80 100 -10' 20' 65- 80 34- TdCr(WRf)--Clock t to WR ~ Delay - Z84COO·4 Min Max 60' 120' 300 300 37 TwNMI NMI Pulse Width 80 80 38 TsBUSREQ(Cr) BUSREQ Setup Time to Clock t 80 50 39 ThBUSREQ(Cr) "EiOSREQ Hold Time after Clock t 20 10 40- TdCr(BUSACKf) Clock t to BUSACK ~ Delay 120 100- 41 TdCf(BUSACKr) Clock ~ to BUSACK t Delay 110 100 42 TdCr(Dz) Clock t to Data Float Delay 90 90 43 TdCr(CTz) Clock t to Control Outputs Float Delay (MREQ, IORQ, RD, and WR) 110 80 44 TdCr(Az) Clock t to Address Float Delay 110 90 80' --45-TdCTr(A)---MREQt, IORQt, ROt, andWRtto ---160' Address Hold Time 60 46 TsRESET(Cr) RESET to Clock t Setup Time 90 47 ThRESET(Cr) RESET to Clock t Hold Time 10 10 48 TsINTf(Cr) INT ~ to Clock t Setup Time 80 80 49 ThINTr(Cr) iN'i't to Clock t Hold Time -50-TdMlf(IORQf)-Ml ho IORQ Welay 10 10 920' 565' 51 TdCf(IORQf) Clock ~ to lORa ~ Delay 52 TdCf(IORQr) Clock t to iC5iID t Delay 100 85 53 TdCf(D) Clock ~ to Data Valid Delay 230 150 85 110 'For clock periods other than the minimums shown, calculate parameters using the follOWing table. Calculated values above assumed TrC = TIC = 20 ns. tUnils In nanoseconds (ns). FOOTNOTES TO AC CHARACTERISTICS Number Symbol General Parameter TcC TwCh + TwCl + TrC + TfC TdA(MREQf) 10 TwMREQh 11 26 7 Z84COO Z84COO-4 TwCh + TfC - 75 - 65 TwCh + TfC - 30 - 20 TwMREQI TcC - 40 - 30 TdA(IORQf) TcC - 80 - 70 TcC 210 - 40 - 30 ---29--TdD(WRf) TwWR TcC 33 TdD(WRf) TwCI + TrC - 180 - 140 35 TdWRr(D) TwCI + TrC - 80 - 70 45 TdCTr(A) TwCI + TrC - 40 - 50 50 TdM1f(IORQf) 2TcC + TwCh + TfC - 80 - 65 P>C Test Conditions: VIH = 2.0V VIL = O.SV 314 170-- 31 VOH = 1.SV VOL = 1.SV VIHC = VCC - 0.6 V VILC = O.4SV FLOAT = ±O.SV ABSOWTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltage on Vee with respect to vss ........ - 0.3V to + 7V Voltages on all inputs with respect to Vss ...................... - 0.3V to Vee + 0.3V Operating Ambient Temperature .............. See Ordering Information Storage Temperature .............. -65°Cto +150°C Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; operation of ttie device at any condition above those indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is nQt implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS The DC Characteristics and capacitance sections below apply for the following standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND (OV). Positive current flows into the referenced pin. The Ordering Information section lists temperature ranges and product numbers. Package drawings are in the Package Information section in this book. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. Available operating temperature ranges are: +5V • S = OOCto +70°C • E = -40°Cto +85°C 2.1K Voltage Supply Range: + 4.50V .;;; Vee';;; + 5.50V All ac parameters assume a load capacitance of 100 pI. Add 10 ns delay for each 50 pf increase in load up to a maximum of 200 pf for the data bus and 100 pf for address and control lines. AC timing measurements are referenced to 1.5 volts (except for clock, which is referenced to the 10% and 90% points). DC CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter Min VILe Clock Input low Voltage VIHe Clock Input High Voltage VIL Input Low Voltage VIH Input High Voltage VOL Output low Voltage VOH1 Output High Voltage 2.4 VOH2 Output High Voltage Vee- 0.8 lee1 Power Supply Current -0.3 Max Unit 0.45 V Vee-·6 Vee+· 3 V -0.3 0.8 V 2.2 Vee 0.4 V V V V 25 Condition mA = 2.0mA = -1.6mA IOH = - 250 I'A Vee = 5V ClK = 4 MHz IOL IOH VIH = Vee - 0.2V VIL = 0.2V Standby Supply Current 10 Vee = 5V ClK = (0) VIH = Vee - 0.2V VIL = 0.2V Input leakage Current 3-State Output leakage Current in Float -10 10 VIN = 0.4 to Vee 102 VOUT = 0.4 to Vee 1. Measurements made with outputs floating. 2. A15·Ao, DrDo, MREO, IORO, RD, and WR. 3. ICC2 standby supply current is guaranteed only when the supplied clock is stopped at a low level during T4 of the machine cycle immediately following the execution of a HALT instruction. 315 CAPACITANCE Symbol Parameter CCLOCK Clock Capacitance 35 pI CIN Input Capacitance 5 pI COUT Output Capacitance 15 pI Min Max Unit TA = 25°C, f = 1 MHz. Unmeasured pins returned to ground. ORDERING INFORMATION Z80C CPU, 2.5 MHz 40-plnDIP Z84COO PS Z84COOCS Z84COO PE Z84COOCE Z80C CPU, 4.0 MHz 40-pln DIP Z84COO-4PS Z84COO-4CS Z84COO-4 PE Z84COO-4CE Codes First letter is for package; second letter is for temperature. C P L V = = = = Ceramic DIP Plastic DIP Ceramic LCC Plastic PCC TEMPERATURE S = O°Cto +70°C E = -40°C to +85°C M*= -55°Cto +125°C R T DIP LCC PCC = = = = = Protopack Low Profile Protopack Dual-In-Line Package Leadless Chip Carrier Plastic Chip Carrier (Leaded) FLOW 8 = 883 Class 8 Example: PS is a plabtic DIP, O°C to + 70°C. t Available soon. * For Military Orders, contact your local Zilog Sales Office for Military Electrical Specifioations. 316 00-2360-01 Z84C20CMOS Z80®CPIO Parallellnpat/Oalpat Advance Information AC and DC Characteristics Zilog April 1985 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltages on Vee with respect to Vss ..... - O.3V to + 7.0V Voltages on all inputs with respect to Vss ....................... - O.3V to Vee + O.3V Storage Temperature .............. - 65°C to + 150°C Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; operation of the device at any condition above these indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS The characteristics below apply for the following test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND (OV). Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Available operating temperature range is: +5V 2.1K • S = O°Cto +70 oC, +4.50V";Vee"; +5.50V • E = -40°C to +85°C, +4.50V"; Vee"; 5.50V The Ordering Information section lists package temperature ranges and product numbers. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. Package drawings are in the Package Information section. DC CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter VILe Clock Input VIHe Clock Input High Voltage VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3 VIH Input High Voltage +2.2 VOL Output VOH1 Output High Voltage +2.4 VOH2 Output High Voltage Vee- O.S III Input Leakage Current ±10 ,..A ILO 3·State Output Leakage Current in Float ±10 ,..A Min Low Voltage -0.3 Vee- 0 .6 Low Voltage Max +0.45 Vee+ 0 .3 +O.S Vee +0.4 l)'p Unit '1l!st Condition V V V V V V V = 2.0mA = -1.6mA IOH = -250,..A VIN = 0.4 to Vee VOUT = 0.4 to Vee IOL IOH Over specified temperature and voltage range. 317 DC CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Symbol Parameter ICC1 Power Supply Current Min Max Typ Unit Test Condition 5 2 mA Vee = 5V ClK = 4MHz = Vee - 0.2V = 0.2V Vee = 5V ClK = (0) VIH = Vee - 0.2V VIL = 0.2V VOH = 1.5V REXT = 1.1K Q VIH VIL ICC2 Standby Supply Current IOHD Darlington Drive Current. Port B only 10 -1.5 -5.0 0.5 IJ.A mA Over specified temperature and voltage range. AC CHARACTERISTICS CLOCK Ci 8Ii, eli) iiii.IORQ DO- D7 l ---+----...r----+---~Lr-I+---+--OUT IN lEI lEO R.ADY (ARDY OR BRDY) iiiiiiiiE iifi) (ASTB OR MODE 0 MODE 1 MODE 2 MODE 3 318 ---------+-T~~~~----------,f_~~H_------+_-------- ---------+~~,~---4------------~~H_------+_-------- AC CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Number Symbol Parameter Z84C20 Mln(ns) Max(ns) Z84C20-4 Mln(ns) Max(ns) TcC Clock Cycle Time 400 [1] 250 [1] 2 TwCh Clock Pulse Width (High) 170 DC 105 DC 3 TwCI Clock Pulse Width (Low) 170 DC 105 DC 4 TIC Clock Fall Time 30 30 5 TrC Clock Rise Time 30 30 6 TsCS(RI) CE, BfA, CfO to RD, lORa ~ Setup Time 7 Th Any Hold Times for Specified Setup Time 8 TsRI(C) RD, lORa to Clock t Setup Time 50 [6] 50 0 40 115 115 9 TdRI(DO) RD, lORa ~ to Data Out Delay 430 380 10 TdRI(DOs) RD, lORa t to Data Out Float Delay 160 110 11 TsDI(C) Data In to Clock t Setup Time 12 TdIO(DOI) IORO+ to Data Out Delay (INTACK Cycle) 13 TsM1(Cr) Mi ~ to Clock t Setup Time 14 TsM1(Cf) M1 tlo ClocU Setup Time (M1 Cycle) 15 TdM1(IEO) M1 Ho lEO ~ Delay (Interrupt Immediately Preceding M1 +) 16 TsIEI(IO) lEI to lORa ~ Setup Time (lNTACK Cycle) 17 TdIEI(IEOf) lEI Ho lEO +Delay Comment 50 50 340 90 0 0 CL [8] [5,7] 140 [7] [5] 130 190 CL 18 TdIEI(IEOr) lEI t to lEO t Delay (after ED Decode) 19 TcIO(C) lORa t to Clock ~ Setup Time (To Activate READY on Next Clock Cycle) 20 TdC(RDYr) Clock ~ to READY t Delay 160 210 = 50 pf [5] 200 220 200 190 [5) CL 140 = 50pf 21 TdC(RDYf) Clock. to READY. Delay 22 TwSTB STROBE Pulse Width 150 150 [4] 23 TsSTB(C) STROBE t to Cloci< ~ Setup Time (To Activate READY on Next Clock Cycle) 220 220 [5) 24 TdIO(PD) lORa t to PORT DATA Stable Delay (Mode 0) 25 TsPD(STB) PORT DATA to STROBE t Setup Time (Mode 1) NOTES: [1] TcC = TwCh + TwCl + TrC + TIC. [2] Increase TdRI(DO) by 10 ns lor each 50 pI increase in load up to 200 pI max. [3] Increase TdIO(DOI) by 10 ns lor each 50 pI, increase in loading upto 200 pI max [4] For Mode 2: TwSTB > TsPD(STB). [5] Increase these values by 2 ns lor each 10 pI increase in loading upto 100 pI max. 150 200 260 S = 50pf [3] 190 300 140 [2] 160 210 I: g 180 [5] [5) 230 [6] TsCS(RI) may be reduced. However, the time subtracted Irom TsCS(RI) will be added to TdRI(DO). [7]2.5 TcC> (N-2)TdIEI(IEOf) + TdM1(IEO) + TsIEI(IO) + TIL Buffer Delay, il any. [8] M1 must be active for a minimum 01 two clock cycles to reset the PIO. 319 --~--~--~------ ~---.--.~-~~-~ AC CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Number Symbol Parameter Z84CZO Mln(ns) Max(ns) Z84CZD-4 Mln(ns) Max(ns) 26 TdSTB(PD) STROBE ~ to PORT DATA Stable (Mode 2) 230 210 27 TdSTB(PDr) STROBE t to PORT DATA Float Delay (Mode 2) 200 180 28 TdPD(INT) PORT DATA Match to INT ~ Delay (Mode 3) 540 29 TdSTB(INT) STROBE t to INT ~ Delay 490 490 440 Comment [5] CL = 50 pi NOTE: [5] Increase these values by 2 ns for each 10 pf increase in loading up to 100pfmax. 320 00-2362-01 Z84C30CMOS Z80®CCTC Couater/Timer Circuit Advaace lalorDlatioa AC aad DC Characteristics Zilog April 1985 ABSOWTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltages on Vee with respectto Vss ..... - O.3V to + 7.0V Voltages on all inputs with respect to Vss ....................... - O.3V to Vee + O.3V Storage Temperature .............. -65°Cto +150°C Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This IS a stress rating only; operation of the device at any condition above these indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS The characteristics below apply for the following test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND (OV). Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Available operating temperature range is: +5V 2.1K • S = O°Cto +70°C, +4.50V"'Vee'" +5.50V • E = -40°Cto +85°C, +4.50V'" Vee'" 5.50V The Ordering Information section lists package temperature ranges and product numbers. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. Package drawings are in the Package Information section. DC CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter VILe VI He VIL VIH VOL VOHl VOH2 III ILO ICCl Clock Input Low Voltage Clock Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Output High Voltage Input Leakage Current 3·State Output Leakage Current in Float Power Supply Current ICC2 Standby Supply Current IOHD Darlington Drive Current Over specified temperature and voltage range. Min Max -0.3 Vee- O.6 -0.3 +2.2 +0.45 Vee+ 0.3 +O.B Vee +0.4 1\'p V V V V V V V ",A +2.4 Vee- O.B ±10 ±10 7 10 -1.5 -5.0 Unit IJ.A 3 rnA 0.5 ",A rnA Test Condition IOL = 2.0 rnA IOH = -1.6rnA IOH = - 250 IJ.A VIN = 0.4 to Vee VOUT = 0.4 to Vee Vee = 5V CLK = 4MHz VIH = Vee - 0.2V VIL = 0.2V Vee = 5V CLK = (0) VIH = Vee - 0.2V VIL = 0.2V VOH = 1.5V REXT = 1.1KQ 321 AC CHARACTERISTICS f-0-\ '---0- CLOCK +0- + rL '\~ n L-il\ X IX: eso, CS1 ~ ~I ~ \- Ci ~I ~ READ \- 10RQ I--1 --®-- =4 \. -®- ~I ®-rr-~I---w- L} \ ~ \. --®-I AC CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Z84C30 Number Symbol Parameter Z84C30·4 Mln(ns) Max(ns) Mln(ns) Max(ns) 1 TcC Clock Cycle Time 400 DC[l) 250 DC[l) 2 TwCh Clock Pulse Width (High) 170 DC 105 DC 3 TwCl Clock Pulse Width (Low) 170 DC 105 DC 4 TfC Clock Fall Time 30 5 TrC Clock Rise Time 30 6 Th All Hold Times Notes· 30 30 0 0 7 TsCS(C) CS to Clock t Setup Time 250 160 8 TsCE(C) CE to Clock t Setup Time 200 150 9 TsIO(C) IORQ ~ to Clock t Setup Time 250 115 10 TsRD(C) RD ~ to Clock t Setup Time 240 11 TdC(DO) Clock t to Data Out Delay 240 200 12 TdC(DOz) Clock ~ to Data Out Float Delay 230 110 13 TsDI(C) Data In to Clock t Setup Time 14 TsMl(C) Ml to Clock t Setup Time 15 TdM1(IEO) Ml Ho lEO ~ Delay (Interrupt immediately preceding M1) 300 190 [3) 16 TdIO(DOI) IORQ ~ to Data Out Delay (INTA Cycle) 340 160 [2),[6) 17 TdIEI(IEOf) lEI ~ 10 lEO ~ Delay 190 130 [3) 18 TdIEI(IEOr) lEI t to lEO t Delay (after ED Decode) 220 160 [3) 19 TdC(INT) Clock t 10 INT ~ Delay (TcC+200) (TcC+140) [4) 20 TdClK(INT) ClKITRG t 10 INT ~ tsCTR(C) salisfied tsCTR(C) not salisfied (19)+(26) (1) + (19) + (26) (19)+(26) (1)+(19)+(26) [5) [5) 115 60 50 210 90 21 TcCTR ClK/TRG Cycle Time 22 TrCTR ClK/TRG Rise Time 23 TfCTR ClK/TRG Fall Time 24 TwCTRI ClK/TRG Widlh (Low) 200 200 25 TwCTRh ClKITRG Width (High) 200 200 26 TsCTR(Cs) ClKITRG t to Clock t Selup Time for Immediate Count 300 210 27 TsCTR(Ct) ClKITRG t to Clock t Setup Time for enabling of Prescaler on following clockt 300 28 TdC(ZCITOr) Clock t 10 ZCITO t Delay 260 190 29 TdC(ZCITOf) Clock ~ to ZCITO ~ Delay 190 190 'RESET must be active for a minimum of 3 clock cycles. NarES [1] TcC = TwCh + TwCI + TrC + TIC. [2] Increase delay by 10 nsfor each 50 pfincrease In loading. 200 pf maximum for data lines, and 100 pf for control lines. 00-2363-01 (2TcC) (2TcC) 50 [2) [5) 50 50 50 [5) [4) 210 [3] Increase delay by 2 nsforeach 10 pflncrease in loading. 100 pf maximum. [4] Timer mode. [5] Counter mode. [6]25 TcC >(n-2) TdIEI(IEOf) + TdMl(IEO) + TsIEI(IO) + TTL buffer delay. if any. 323 I a Z84C40CMOS Z80®CSIO SeriallDpat/Oatpat AdvaDce latormatioD AC aDd DC Characteristics Zilog April 1985 ABSOWTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltages in Vee with respectto Vss ...... - O.3V to + O. 7V Voltages on all inputs with respect to Vss ....................... - O.3V to Vee + O.3V Storage Temperature .............. -65°C to + 150°C Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; operation of the device at any condition above these indicated In the operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS +5V The characteristics below apply for the following test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND (OV). Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Available operating temperature range is: 2.1K • S = O°Cto +70°C, +4.50V4!tVee4!t +5.50V • E = -40°Cto +85°C, +4.50V4!tVee4!t5.50V Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. DC CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter VILe VI He VIL VIH VOL VOHl VOH2 III ILO IL(SY) ICCl Clock Input Low Voltage Clock Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Output High Voltage Input leakage Current 3-State Output leakage Current in Float SYNC Pin leakage Current Power Supply Current ICC2 Standby Supply Current Min -0.3 Vee- 0.6 -0.3 +2.2 Max +0.45 Vee+ 0.3 +O.B Vee +0.4 ~p V V V V V V V +2.4 Vee- O.B ±10 ±10 +10/-40 15 10 Unit ~ ~ ~ 7 rnA 0.5 ~ Thst Condition IOL = 2.0 rnA IOH = -1.6rnA IOH = -250~ VIN = 0.4 to Vee VOUT = 0.4 to Vee VIN = 0.4 to Vee Vee = 5V ClK = 4MHz VIH = Vee - 0.2V VIL = 0.2V Vee = 5V ClK = (0) VIH = Vee - 0.2V VIL = 0.2V Over specified temperature and voltage range. 00-2364-01 325 IS • Z800 Family Zilog 11109 Z800TM Fa.....y 32·BII CapablUlle. 16·BII Archileclare 8-BII Compallbllity Advance IDfomaalioD March 1985 The advancing demands of the marketplace require that microprocessor-based designs provide a higher level of performance and integration, while maintaining compatibility with existing investments in software. With these goals in mind, the Z800 MPU Family was designed with features found on many 32-bit machines, yet maintaining object code compatibility with the Z80 microprocessor. Performance The Z800 MPU features a 16-bit three-stage pipelined internal architecture, with its programming model structured from the register file of the Z80 CPU. The internal processor clock speed starts at 10M Hz, with up to 25 MHz speeds planned. To fully benefit from the higher CPU speeds without making severe demands on memory access speeds, a 256 byte instruction/data cache memory is Integrated onchip. Burst transactions are also supported which effectively pre-load the cache for maximum utilization. Furthermore, the external bus can be configured for either the 8-bit Z80 Bus or the 16-Bit Z-BUS interface. Under software control, the external bus clock can be scaled, wait states automatically inserted for both memoryand I/O address spaces, while still maintaining a faster internal clock rate. Additional performance can also be realized by using the Z800 extended addressing modes and instructions. An Extended Processor Unit (EPU) interface is also supported for such coprocessors as the Z8070 Arithmetic Processing Unit. Memory Management As much as 16M bytes can be directly addressed by the Z800 MPU. The on-chip Memory Management Unit also provides access protection and dynamic relocation. The utility of the larger address spaces is enhanced by the optional separation of program and data as well as the implementation of System and User Modes. Integration System cost and board space has been reduced through the integration of on-chip peripheral functions. Four 24-bit DMA channels, three counter/timers, one UART, a clock oscillator, and a dynamic memory refresher controller are all available on the Z800 chip. These functions, along with the MMU and cache memory, result in an outstanding combination of performance and value integrated onto a single chip. Support MPU features can be converted to system benefits with appropriate development support tools. Zilog support starts with the UNIX environment on either a Digital Equipment Corporation VAX-11 or Zilog System 8000. Cross-software includes an assembler, C-compiler, linker/loader, as well as a library of utilities. 329 Z800™MPU Family Zilog Preliminary Product SpeclflcatloB September 19a3 FEATURES • High performance 16-bit Z-BUS interface or 8-bit ZaO-compatible bus interface. • Enhanced zao® instruction set that maintains object-code compatibility with zao microprocessor. • On-chip paged Memory Management Unit (MMU). • Four on-chip 16-bit counter/timers. • Large memory address space: 512K byte and 16M byte versions. • Four on-chip DMA channels. • On-chip full duplex UART. • On-chip, high-speed local or cache memory. • 10-25 MHz CPU processor clock. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Zilog's new zaoo family of a- and 16-bit microprocessors features high-performance microprocessors designed to give the end-user a powerful and cost effective solution to application requirements. The family consists of the a-bit Za~-Bus microprocessors that are packaged in 40and 64-pin dual in-line packages, and 16-bit Z-BUS microprocessors in 40- and 64-pin packages. The zaoo family incorporates advanced architectural features that allow fast and efficient throughput and increased memory addressing while maintaining zao object code compatibility. zaoo microprocessors offer both a continuing growth path for present Z80-based designs and a high-performance microprocessor for future designs. Central to the zaoo microprocessors is an enhanced version of the zao Central Processing Unit (CPU), To assure system integrity, the ZaOD microprocessors can operate in either user or system mode, allowing protection of system resources from user tasks and programs. System mode operation is supported by the addition of the system Stack Pointer to the working register set. The IX and IY registers have been modified so that in addition to their regular function as index registers, each register can be accessed as a 16-bit general purpose register or as two Single-byte registers. The zao CPU instruction set has been retained, meaning that the zaoo microprocessors are completely binarycode compatible with present zao code. The basic addressing modes of the zao microprocessor have been augmented with the addition of Indexed mode with full 16-bit displacement, Program Counter Relative with 16-bit displacement, Stack Pointer Relative with 16-bit displacement, and Base Index mode. The new addressing modes are incorporated into many of the old zao CPU instructions, resulting in greater flexibility and power. Some additions to the instruction set include a-and 16-bit signed and unsigned multiply and divide, a-and 16-bit sign extension, and a test and set instruction to support multiprocessing. The 16-bit instructions have been expanded to include 16-bit compare, memory increment, memory decrement, negate, add, and subtract, in addition to the previously mentioned multiply and divide. A requirement of many of today's microprocessor-based system designs is to increase the memory address space beyond the 64K byte range of typical a-bit microprocessors. The zaoo microprocessors have an on-chip Memory Management Unit (MMU) that enables the microprocessors to address either 512K bytes or 16M bytes, depending on the device package. In addition to enabling the address space to be expanded, the MMU performs other memory management functions previously handled by dedicated off-chip memory management devices. I/O address' space has been expanded by the addition of an I/O Page register used to select pages of I/O addresses. The a-bit I/O Page register can select one of 331 256 possible pages of I/O addresses to be active at one time, allowing a total of 64K I/O addresses to be accessed. There are 256 bytes of on-chip memory present on all members of the l8DD family. This memory can be configured as a high-speed cache or as a fixed address local memory. When configured as a cache, the memory can be programmed to be instruction only, data only, or both data and instruction. The cache memory allows programs to run significantly faster by reducing the number of external bus accesses. Operation and update of the cache is performed automatically and is completely transparent to the user. When used as a local memory, the addresses are programmable, allowing "RAMless" systems to be used. Many features that have traditionally been handled by external peripheral devices have been incorporated in the design of the l8DD microprocessors. The "on-chip peripherals" reduce system chip count and reduce interconnection on the external bus. All members of the l8DD family contain an on-chip clock oscillator. Also present is a refresh controller that provides 1D-bit refresh addresses for dynamic memories. The 64-pin versions of the l8DD MPU contain additional on-chip peripherals to provide system design flexibility. To support high-bandwidth data transmission four Direct Memory Access (DMA) channels are incorp~rated on-chip. Each DMA channel operates using full 24-bit source and destination addresses with a 16-bit count. The channels can be programmed to operate in single transaction, burst, or continuous mode. System event counting and timing requirements are met with the help of the four 16-bit counter/timers. The counterltimer func~ions can be externally controlled with gate and trigger Inputs, and can be programmed as retriggerable or nonretriggerable. Also, a full duplex UART, capable of handling a variety of data and character formats, is present to facilitate asynchronous serial communication. Regardless of whether the 8- or 16-bit bus is used, all members of the l8DD family feature programmable bus timing, allowing the user to tailor timing to the individual system. Upon reset the l8DD microprocessors can be programmed to have system timing that is one-fourth, one-half, or equal to the speed of the CPU, with one-half being the default. In addition to clock scaling, programmable wait states can be inserted during various bus transactions. Without the use of external hardware, one to th~ee wait states can be inserted into memory, 1/0, and Interrupt acknowledge transactions. Furthermore, separate memory wait states can be specified for upper and lower memory areas, facilitating the use of different speeds of ROMs and RAMs in the same system. An additional feature of the 16-bit bus interface is the ability to support "nibble-mode" dynamic RAMs. Using this feature (known as burst mode), the bus bandwidth of memory read transactions is essentially doubled. Burst mode transactions have the further benefit of allowing the cache to operate more efficiently by guaranteeing a high probability that the contents of the accessed memory will be present in the cache. The l8DD family supports lilog's Extended Processor Architecture (EPA) in a number of ways. All members are capable of trapping Extended Processor Unit (EPU) instructions in order to perform software emulation of the EPU. The l8216 directly interfaces with an EPU such as the l8D7D Floating Point Unit and operates in a manner that is completely transparent to the user and the program. The other members of the l8DD family can interface easily with EPUs with the aid of support software. The pin functions of four versions of the l8DD MPU l81D8, l82D8, l8116, and l8216, are shown in Figure~ 1-4, respectively. A block diagram of the l8DD MPU is shown in Figure 5. Z800 CPU User and System Modes of Operation The l8DD CPU can operate in either user or system mode. In user mode, some instructions cannot be executed and some registers of the CPU are inaccessible. In general, this mode of operation is intended for use by application programs. In system mode, all of the instructions can be executed and all of the CPU registers can be accessed. This mode is intended for use with programs that perform operating system functions. This separation of CPU resources promotes the integrity of the system, since programs operating in user mode cannot access those aspects of the CPU that deal with system interface events. 332 To further support the dual userlsystem mode, there are two copies of the Stack Pointer-one for the user stack and another for the system stack. These two stacks facilitate the task switching involved when interrupts or traps occur. To ensure that the user stack is free of system information, the information saved on the occurrence of interrupts or traps is always pushed onto the system stack before the new program status is loaded. AD, AD, AD, AD, AD, AD, AD, AD, BUS TIMING AND STATUS A, AD, AD'_} AD, BUS { TIMING AND ADa STATUS AD, AD, AD, DATA - A" ADDRESSI DATA AD4 =} .~~,. Z8208 MPU A" A" A" A" BUS CONTROL A" ADDRESS A" A" Z8108 MPU A" INTERRUPTS a A" BUS CONTROL { A" A" ADDRESS INTERRUPTS { 8 A" A" CfTl/O II .,., c:::I XTALI +5V Figure 1. Z8108 Pin Functions Figure 2. Z8208 Pin Functions AS os aNi R/W BUS TIMING AND STATUS ST, ST, ST, ADDRESSI DATA AD, AD'-1 AD, AD, AD, AD, AD, TIMING BUS { AND STATUS :~: AD, Z8118 MPU f ::~:ESS' Z8216 MPU ""; C"",RGL { AD10 AD11 AD12 BUS CONTROL { ADn AD14 AD15~ INTERRUPTS { } ADDRESS - - . . GND Figure 3. Z8116 Pin Functions 2259-001, 002, 003, 004 Figure 4. Z8216 Pin Functions 333 INTERNAL ~~ BUS ADDRESS/DATA BUS :~ ADDRBSS BUS ) CPU " A BUS INTERFACE '4 ~ CONTROL 256 BYTE MEMORY BUS y MEMORY MANAGEMENT UNIT ~ I - NMI I - INTA I - INT.* I - INTc* ~ CLOCK OSCILLATOR A ~ '4 Y A ~ I- RDYO * - " r- l- RDY1 * - 'C RDYa * - COUNTER· TIMER " 0 1 I 2 3 CTI1* CTI01* CTI.* I 1 2 I CTlo* I - CTIO.* 0 I --- . - CTIOo* I'" IjL ~ DMA CHANNEL RDYa * - I - Rx* f..--. Tx* UART 'C DMASTBO * - DMASTB1 * - REFRESH ADDRESS GENERATOR 3 T I *Z8218 only Figure 5. Z800 MPU Block Diagram Address Spaces The Z800 CPU architecture supports four distinct ad· dress spaces corresponding to the different types of locations that can be accessed by the CPU. These four address spaces are: • CPU register space • CPU control and status register space • Memory address space • 110 address space CPU Register Space. The CPU register space consists of all of the registers in the CPU register file. The CPU registers are used for data and address manipulation. Access to these registers is specified in the instruction. The CPU registers are labeled F, A, B, C, 0, E, H, L, F', A', B', C', 0', E', H', L', IX, IY, SSP, USP, PC, I, and R. 334 CPU Control and Status Register Space. The CPU control register space consists of all of the control and status registers found in the CPU control register file. These registers govern the operation of the CPU and are accessible only by the privileged Load Control instruc· tion. The registers in the CPU control file consist of the Master Status register, Bus Timing and Initialization register, Bus Timing and Control register, InterruptlTrap Vector Table Pointer, 110 Page register, System Stack Limit register, Trap Control register, Interrupt Status register, Cache Control register, and Local Address register. Memory Address Space. Two memory address spaces are supported by the Z800 CPU; one for user and one for system mode of operation. They are selected by the User/System Mode (U/S) bit in the Master Status register, which governs the selection of page descriptor registers during address translation. Each address space can be viewed as a string of 64K bytes numbered consecutively in ascending order. The a-bit byte is the basic addressable element in the memory address spaces. However, there are other addressable data elements: bits, 2-byte words, byte strings and multiple-byte EPU operands. The address of a multiple-byte entity is the address of the byte with the lowest address. Multiple-byte entities can be stored beginning at either even or odd memory addresses. I/O Address Space. I/O addresses are generated only by the 1/0 instructions IN, OUT, and the 1/0 block move instructions. Logical 1/0 addresses are eight bits in length, augmented by the A register on lines Aa-A15 in Direct Address addressing mode and by the B register on lines Aa-A15 in Indirect Register addressing mode and for block 1/0 instructions. The 16-bit logical 1/0 address is always extended by appending the contents of the a-bit page register to the augmented 1/0 address. Thus the complete address generated to address an 1/0 port consists of an 1/0 page number on A23-A16, the contents of the A or B register on Aa-A15, and the a-bit 1/0 address on A7-Ao. Unlike memory references, in which a 16-bit word store or fetch can generate two memory references, an 1/0 word store or fetch is always one 1/0 bus transaction, regardless of bus size or 1/0 port address. Note, however, that on-chip peripherals with word registers are accessed via word 1/0 instructions for those 16-bit registers, regardless of the external bus size. Data Types The CPU can operate on bits, binary-coded decimal (BCD) digits (4 bits), bytes (a bits), words (16 bits), byte strings, and word strings. Bits in registers or memory can be set, cleared, and tested. BCD digits, packed two to the byte, can be manipulated with the Decimal Adjust Accumulator instruction in conjunction with binary addition and subtraction. Bytes are operated on by a-bit load, arithmetic, logical, and shift and rotate instructions. Words are operated on in a similar manner by the 16-bit load and 16-bit arithmetic instructions. Block move and search operations can manipulate byte strings up to 64K bytes long. Block 1/0 word instructions can manipulate word strings up to 32K words long. To support EPU operations, byte strings up to 16 bytes in length can be transferred by the CPU. CPU Registers The ZaDD MPU contains 23 programmable registers in the CPU register address space. These registers are illustrated in Figure 6. Primary and Working Register Set. The working register set is divided into the two a-bit register files-the primary file and alternate (designated by , [prime]) file. Each file contains an a-bit accumulator (A), a Flag register (F), and six general-purpose registers (B, C, D, E, H, and L). Only one file can be active at any given time. Upon reset, the primary register file is active. Exchange instructions allow the programmer to exchange the active file with the inactive file. PRIMARY FILE A ACCUMULATOR AUXILIARY FILE F FLAG REGISTER A' ACCUMULATOR F' FLAG REGISTER B GENERAL PURPOSE C GENERAL PURPOSE B' GENERAL PURPOSE C' GENERAL PURPOSE D GENERAL PURPOSE E GENERAL PURPOSE D' GENERAL PURPOSE E' GENERAL PURPOSE H GENERAL PURPOSE L GENERAL PURPOSE H' GENERAL PURPOSE L' GENERAL PURPOSE ""'1 ..1 - - - - 8 B I T S - - -•• I INTERRUPT VECTOR I I R I IX INDEX REGISTER IY INDEX REGISTER PC PROGRAM COUNTER SP STACK POINTER USER L tl SYSTEM ""'1.........- - - - - - - 1 6 B I T S - - - - - - - _ · 1 Figure 6. CPU Register Configuration 335 The accumulator is tne destination register for 8-bit arithmetic and logical operations. The six generalpurpose registers can be paired (BC, DE, and HL) to form three 16-bit general-purpose registers. The HL register pair serves as a 16-bit accumulator for 16-bit arithmetic operations. CPU Flag Register. The Flag register contains six flags that are set or reset by various CPU operations. This register is illustrated in Figure 7. Program Counter. The Program Counter (PC) is used to sequence through instructions in the currently-executing program and to generate relative addresses. The Program Counter contains the 16-bit logical address of the current instruction being fetched from memory. R Register. The R register can be used !:is a generalpurpose 8-bit readlwrite register. The R register is not associated with the refresh address and its contents are changed only by the user. Stack Pointers. Two hardware Stack Pointers, the user 7 Is I z I 0 0 I HID IplVl N Ic I Figure 7_ CPU Flag Register The flags in this register are: Carry (C). This flag is set when an add instruction generates a carry or a subtract instruction generates a borrow. Certain logical and rotate and shift instructions affect the Carry flag. Add/Subtract (N). This flag is used by the Decimal Adjust Accumulator instruction to distinguish between add and subtract operations. The flag is set for subtract operations and cleared for addition operations. Stack Pointer (USP) and the system Stack Pointer (SSP), support the dual mode of operation of the microprocessor. The SSP is used for saving information when an interrupt or trap occurs, and for supporting subroutine calls and returns in system mode. The USP is used for supporting subroutine calls and returns in user mode. Status and Control Registers_ There are ten status and control registers available to the programmer in the Z8DD MPU. Table 1 shows the addresses occupied by the registers in the status and control register addressing space. Table 1. Status and Control Register Addressing Space Parity/Overflow (PIV). This flag is set or cleared depend- ing on the operation being performed. During arithmetic operations it is set to indicate a twos complement overflow. During logical and rotate operations, this flag is set to indicate even parity of the result, or cleared to indicate odd parity. Half Carry (H). This flag is set if an 8-bit arithmetic operation generates a carry or borrow between bits 3 and 4, or if a 16-bit operation generates a carry or borrow between bits 11 and 12. This bit is used to correct the result of a packed BCD addition or subtract operation. Zero (Z). This flag is set if the result of an arithmetic or logical operation is a zero. Sign (S). This flag stores the state of the most significant bit of the accumulator. The Sign flag is also used to indicate the results of a test and set instruction. Dedicated CPU Registers Index Registers. The two Index registers, IX and IY, each hold a 16-bit base address that is used in the Index addressing mode. The Index registers can also function as general-purpose registers with the upper and lower bytes capable of being accessed individually. The high and low bytes of the IX register are called IXH and IXL. The high and low bytes of the IY register are called IYH and IYL. Control Register Name Bus Timing and Control Bus Timing and Initialization Cache Controi1 Interrupt Status InterruptlTrap Vector Table 1/0 Page Register Local Address Register2 Master Status (MSR) Stack Limit Trap Control Address (Hexadecimal) Control Control Control Control Control Control Control Control Control Control 02 FF 12 16 06 08 14 00 04 10 NOTES: 1. See section on on-chip memory for register description. 2. See section on multiprocessing mode of operation for register description. Bus Timing and Control Register. This 8-bit register (Figure 8) governs the timing of transactions to high memory addresses and the daisy-chain timing for interrupt requests, as well as the functionality of requests on the various Z800 MPU interrupt request lines. On reset, this register is cleared to all as. Interrupt Register. The Interrupt register (I) is used in interrupt mode 2 to generate a 16-bit indirect logical address to an interrupt service routine. The Interrupt register supplies the upper eight bits of the indirect address and the interrupting peripheral supplies the lower eight bits. 336 Figure 8_ Bus Timing and Control Register 2259.Q()7,008 The fields in this register are: I/O Wait Insertion (lID). This 2-bit field specifies the number of additional wait states (in addition to the one automatically inserted for 110) to be inserted by the CPU in both 1/0 transactions and vector response timing (00 none, 01 one, 10 two, 11 three). = = = = High Memory Wait Insertion (HM). This 2-bit field specifies the number of automatic wait states (00 none, 01 one, 10 two, 11 three) for the CPU to insert in memory transactions when the MMU is enabled and there is a 1 in bit 15 of the selected page descriptor register. = = = = Daisy Chain Timing (DC). This 2-bit field determines the number of additional automatic wait states the CPU inserts while the interrupt acknowledge daisy chain is settling (00 none, 01 one, 10 two, 11 three). A value of 01 in the DC field indicates that one additional cycle will be added to the four cycles that normally elapse between interrupt acknowledge, AS and DS assertions. = = = Multiprocessor Configuration Enable (MP). This 1-bit field enables the multiprocessor mode of operation (0 = disabled, 1 enabled). (See the multiprocessor mode section). = Bootstrap Mode Enable (BS). This 1-bit field enables the bootstrap mode of operation (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled). (See the UART section for details about bootstrap mode.) Interrupt Status Register. This 16-bit register (Figure 10) indicates which interrupt mode is in effect and which interrupt sources have interrupt requests pending. It also contains the bits that specify whether the interrupt inputs are to be vectored. Only the interrupt vector enable bits are writeable; all other bits are read-only. = Bus Timing and Initialization Register. This 8-bit register (Figure 9) is used to specify the duration of control signals for the external bus when the MMU is disabled or when the MMU is enabled and there is a 0 in bit 15 of the selected page descriptor register. It also controls the relationship between internal processor clock rates and bus timing. It can be programmed by external hardware upon reset. During reset this register is initialized to one of two settings, depending on the state of the Wait input line on the rising edge of reset: if the Wait line is not asserted, the register is set to OOH. If the Wait line is asserted during reset, then this register is set to the contents of the AD lines. I Figure 10. Interrupt Status Register ! The fields in this register are: Interrupt Request Pending (lP). When bit IPn is set to 1, an interrupt request from sources at level n is pending. (See the Interrupt and Trap Structure section.) Interrupt Mode (1M). A value of n in this 2-bit field indicates that interrupt mode n is in effect. This field can be changed by executing the 1M instruction. Interrupt Vector Enable (I). These four bits indicate whether each of the four interrupt inputs are to be vectored. When In is set to 1, interrupts on the Interrupt n line are vectored when the CPU is in interrupt mode 3; when cleared to 0, all interrupts on this line use the same entry in the InterruptlTrap Vector Table. These bits are ignored except in interrupt mode 3. Interrupt/Trap Vector Table Pointer. This 16-bit register (Figure 11) contains the most significant 12 bits of the physical address at the beginning of the InterruptlTrap Vector Table; the lower 12 bits of the physical address are assumed to be O. The four least significant bits of this register must be O. Figure 9. Bus Timing and Initialization Register The fields in this register are: Clock Scaling (CS). This 2-bit field specifies the scaling of the CPU clock for all bus transactions (00 = one bus clock cycle is equal to two internal processor clock cycles, 01 = bus clock cycle is equal to the internal processor clock cycle, 10 one bus clock cycle is equal to four internal processor clock cycles, 11 reserved). This field cannot be modified by software. 110 Page Register. This 8-bit register (Figure 12) in- Low Memory Wait Insertion (LM). This 2-bit field specifies the number of automatic wait states (00 none, 01 one, 10 two, 11 three) for the CPU to insert in memory transactions when the MMU is disabled or when the MMU is enabled and there is a 0 in bit 15 of the selected page descriptor register. 1~1~1~1~1~·IA~I~7IA~1 = = = = = = Figure 11. InterruptITrap Vector Table Pointer dicates the bits to be appended to the 16 bits that are output during 110 transactions during the 1/0 address phase. 7 0 Figure 12. 110 Page Register 2259-008, 010, 011, 012 337 Maste, Status Reglste,. The Master Status register (Figure 13) is a 16-bit register containing status information about the currently-executing program. This register is cleared to 0 during reset. T,ap Cont,ol Register. This 8-bit register (Figure 15) enables the maskable traps. 7 0 101010101011lEI81 0 ~ I I I I I I Esp) ss I IEa IEa I £41 QJ E2I IEo I 0 UlS 0 BH 0 0 0 E1 Figure 13. Master Status Register The bits in this register are: The fields in this register are: Interrupt Request Enable (EnJ. There are seven Interrupt Enable bits, one for each type of maskable interrupt source (both external and internal). When bit En is set to 1, interrupt requests from sources at level n are accepted by the CPU; when this bit is cleared to 0, interrupt requests at level n are not accepted. Single-Step (SS). While this bit is set to 1, the CPU is in Single-stepping mode; while this bit is cleared to 0, automatic single-stepping is disabled. This bit is automatically cleared when a trap or interrupt is taken. Single-Step Pending (SSP). While this bit is set to 1, the CPU generates a trap prior to executing an instruction. The SS bit is automatically copied into this field at the completion of each instruction. This bit is automatically cleared to 0 when a Single-Step, Page Fault, Privileged Instruction, Break-on-Halt or Division trap is taken so that the SSP bit in the saved Master Status register is cleared to O. Breakpoint-on-Halt Enable (BH). While this bit is set to 1, the CPU generates a Breakpoint trap whenever a halt instruction is encountered; while this bit is cleared to 0, the halt instruction is executed normally. User/System Mode (U/S). While this bit is cleared to 0, the CPU is in the system mode of operation; while it is set to 1 the CPU is in the user mode of operation. System Stack Limit Registe,. This 16-bit register (Figure 14) indicates when a System Stack Overflow Warning trap is to be generated. If enabled by setting a control bit in the Trap Status register, pushes onto the system stack cause the 12 most significant bits in this register to be compared to the upper 12 bits of the system Stack Pointer and a trap is generated if they match. The low-order four bits of this register must be O. 0 ~ IA1sIA1.IA+1.IAnIA1.1 1101 1101 A71 1101 Asl A41 0101010 1 Figure 14. System Stack Limit Register 338 Figure 15. Trap Control Register System Stack Overflow Warning (S). While this bit is set to 1 the CPU generates a Stack Overflow Warning trap when the system stack enters the specified region of memory. Upon reset this register is initialized to all Os. EPU Enable (E). While this bit is cleared to 0, the CPU generates a trap whenever an EPA instruction is encountered. Inhibit User I/O (I). While this bit is set to 1, the CPU generates a Privileged Instruction trap when an I/O instruction is encountered in user mode. Cache Control and Local Address Registers. See the on-chip memory section for information about the Cache Control register, and the multiprocessor mode section for information about the Local Address register. Interrupt and Trap Structure The l800 MPU provides a very flexible and powerful interrupt and trap structure. Interrupts are external asynchronous events requiring CPU attention, and are generally triggered by peripherals needing service. Traps are synchronous events resulting from the execution of certain instructions. Interrupts. Two types of interrupt, nonmaskable and maskable, are supported by the l800 MPU. The nonmaskable interrupt (NMI) cannot be disabled (masked) by software and is generally reserved for highest priority external events that require immediate attention. Maskable interrupts, however, can be selectively disabled by software. Both nonmaskable and maskable interrupts can be programmed to be vectored or nonvectored. The CPU accepts interrupts between instructions with the exception of the block move, search, and I/O instructions, which can be safely interrupted after any iteration and restarted after the interrupt is serviced. Interrupt Sources. The l800 MPU accepts nonmaskable interrupts on the NMI pin o!!!l: The l800 MPU accepts maskable interrupts on the INT pins, and from the on-chip counterltimers, DMA channels, and the UART receiver and transmitter. The 40-pin members of the l800 family accept maskable interrupts on INTA only. 2259-013,014,015 Interrupt Lines A, B, and C can be selectively programmed to support vectored interrupts by setting the appropriate bits in the Interrupt Status register. The external interrupts can be programmed to be vectored or nonvectored in interrupt mode 3. Interrupt Modes of Operation. The CPU has four modes of interrupt handling. The first three modes extend the l80 interrupt modes to accommodate additional interrupt input lines in a compatible fashion. The fourth mode provides more flexibility in handling the interrupts. On-chip peripherals use the fourth mode regardless of which mode is selected for externally generated interrupt requests. The interrupt mode is selected by using the privileged instructions 1M 0, 1M 1, 1M 2, or 1M 3. On reset, the l800 MPU is automatically set to interrupt mode O. The current interrupt mode in effect can be read from the Interrupt Status register. Mode O. This mode is identical to the 8080 interrupt response mode. With this mode, the interrupting device on any of the maskable interrupt lines can place a call or restart instruction on the data bus and the CPU will execute it. As a result, the interrupting device, instead of the memory, provides the next instruction to be executed. Mode 1. When this mode is selected, the CPU responds to a maskable external interrupt by executing a restart to the logical address 0038H in the system program address space. Mode 2. This mode is a vectored interrupt response mode. With a single 8-bit byte from the interrupting device, an indirect call can be made to any memory location. With this mode the system maintains a table of 16-bit starting addresses for every interrupt service routine. This table can be located anywhere in the system mode logical data address space on a 256-byte boundary. When an interrupt is accepted, a 16-bit pOinter is formed to obtain the desired interrupt service routine starting address from the table. The upper eight bits of this pOinter are formed from the contents of the I register. The lower eight bits of the pointer must be supplied by the interrupting device. The 16-bit pointer so formed is treated as a logical address in the system data address space, which can be translated by the MMU to a physical address. Mode 3. This is the intended mode of operation for systems that take advantage of the enhancements of the Z800 microprocessor family (such as single-step and userlsystem mode) since the Master Status register is automatically saved and another loaded for the interrupts. Also, vector tables can be used for the external interrupt sources to provide more interrupt vectors for the 28000™ family, l80 family, and l8500 Universal Peripherals. When an interrupt request (either maskable or nonmaskable) is accepted, the Master Status register, the address of the next instruction to be executed, and a 16-bit "reason code" are pushed onto the system stack. A new Master Status register and Program Counter are then fetched from the InterruptlTrap Vector Table. The "reason code" for externally generated interrupts is the contents of the bus during the interrupt acknowledge sequence; for 8-bit data buses, the most significant byte of the reason code is zero. For interrupts generated by onchip peripherals, the reason code identifies which peripheral generated the interrupt and is identical to the vector address in the InterruptiTrap Vector Table. The Interrupt/Trap Vector Table Pointer is used to reference the table. Traps. The l800 CPU supports eight traps that are generated internally. The following traps can be disabled: the EPA trap, which allows software to emulate an EPU; the Stack Warning trap, which is taken at the end of an instruction causing the trap; the Breakpoint-on-Halt trap, which is taken when a halt instruction is encountered; and the Single-Step trap, which is taken for each instruction. In addition, 110 instructions can be specified as privileged instructions. Traps cause the instruction to be terminated without altering CPU registers (except for the system Stack Pointer, which is modified when the program status is pushed onto the system stack). The saving of the program status on the system stack and the fetching of a new program status from the Interrupt/Trap Vector Table is the same in any interrupt mode of operation. Traps can only occur if the trap generating features of the l800 CPU (such as System Stack Overflow warning) have been explicitly enabled. Traps cannot occur on instructions of the l80 instruction set unless explicitly enabled by the operating system using l800 CPU extensions. Extended Instruction. This trap occurs when the CPU encounters an extended instruction while the Extended Processing Architecture (EPA) bit in the Trap Control register is O. Four trap vectors are used by the EPA trap-one for each type of EPA instruction. This greatly simplifies trap handlers that use 110 instructions to access an EPU or software to emulate an EPU. Privileged Instruction. This trap occurs whenever an attempt is made to execute a privileged instruction while the CPU is in user mode (UserlSystem Mode control bit in the Master Status register is 1). System Cal!. This trap occurs whenever a System Call (SC) instruction is executed. Access Violation. This trap occurs whenever the MMU's translation mode is enabled and an address to be translated is invalid or (for writes) is write-protected. System Stack Overflow Warning. This trap occurs only while the Stack Overflow Warning bit in the Trap Control register is set to 1. For each system stack push operation, the most significant bits in the Stack Pointer register are compared with the contents of the Stack Limit register and a trap is signaled if they match. The Stack Overflow Warning bit is then automatically cleared in order to prevent repeated traps. 339 IN 00 8 • ! .... Division Exception. This trap occurs whenever the divisor is zero (divide-by-zero case) or the true quotient cannot be represented in the destination precision (overflow); the CPU flags are set to distinguish these two cases. Single-Step. This trap occurs before executing an instruction if the Single-Step Pending control bit in the Master Status register is set to 1. Two control bits in the Master Status register are used for the Single-Step trap. The Single-Step bit (bit 8), on being set when previously clear, causes a trap to occur after the execution of the next instruction. While this bit is set to 1, if an instruction execution causes a trap, the Single-Step trap occurs after the execution of the trap-handling routine. The Single-Step Pending bit (bit 9), is used by the processor to ensure that only one Single-Step trap occurs for each instruction executed while the Single-Step bit is set to 1. Breakpoint-on-Halt. This trap occurs whenever the Breakpoint-on-Halt control bit in the Master Status register is 1 and a halt instruction is encountered. Interrupt and Trap Disabling. Maskable interrupts can oe enabled or disabled independently via software by setting or clearing the appropriate control bits in the Master Status register. A 7-bit mask field in the Master Status register indicates which of the requested interrupts will be accepted. Interrupt requests are grouped as follows, with each group controlled by a separate Interrupt Enable control bit. The list is presented in order of decreasing priority, with sources within a group listed in order of descending priority. • Maskable Interrupt A line (bit 0) • Counter/Timer 0, DMAO (bit 1) • Maskable Interrupt B line (bit 2) • Counter/Timer 1, UART receiver, DMA 1 (bit 3) • Maskable Interrupt C line (bit 4) • Counter/Timer 2, UART transmitter, DMA2 (bit 5) • Counter/Timer 3, DMA3 (bit 6) When a source of interrupts has been disabled, the CPU ignores any interrupt request from that source. The System Stack Overflow Warning trap, I/O instructions in user mode trap (Privileged Instruction trap), or Extended Instruction trap can be enabled by setting control bits in the Trap Control register, and the Single-Step and Breakpoint-on-Halt trap can be enabled by setting control bits in the Master Status register; these are the only traps that can be disabled. InterruptlTrap Vector Table. The format of the Interrupt/Trap Vector Table consists of pairs of Master Status register and Program Counter words, one pair for each 340 separate on-chip interrupt or trap source. For each external interrupt, there is a separate Master Status register word and Program Counter word (for use if the input is not vectored). If the external interrupt is vectored, a vector table consisting of one Program Counter word for each of the 128 possible vectors that can be returned for each input line is used instead of the dedicated Program Counter word; thus for vectored interrupts, there is only one Master Status register for each interrupt type. The format of the InterruptiTrap Vector Table is shown in Table 2. Table 2. InterruptITrap Vector Table Address (Hexadecimal) 00 04 08 OC 10 14 18 lC 20 24 28 2C 30 34 38 3C 40 44 48 4C 50 54 58 5C 60 64 68-6C 70-16E 170-26E 270-36E Contents Unused NMI Vector Interrupt Line A Vector (End of Process) Interrupt Line B Vector Interrupt Line C Vector C-TO C-T1 C-T2 C-T3 DMAO Vector DMAI Vector DMA2 Vector DMA3 Vector UART Receiver Vector UART Transmitter Vector Single-Step Trap Vector Breakpoint-on-Halt Trap Vector Division Exception Trap Vector Stack Overflow Warning Trap Vector Page Fault Trap Vector System Call Trap Vector Privileged Instruction Trap Vector EPU - Memory Trap Vector Memory - EPU Trap Vector A - EPU Trap Vector EPU Internal Operation Trap Vector Reserved 128 Program Counters for NMI and Interrupt line A Vectors (MSR from 04 and 08, respectively) 128 Program Counters for Interrupt Line B Vectors (MSR from OC) 128 Program Counters for Interrupt Line C Vectors (MSR from (0) Addressing Modes Addressing modes (Figure 16) are used by the CPU to calculate the effective address of an operand needed for execution of an instruction. Nine addressing modes are supported by the zaoo CPU. Of these nine, four are additions to the zao addressing modes (Indexed with 16·bit displacement, Stack Pointer Relative, Program Counter Relative, and Base Index) and the remaining five modes are either existing or extensions to the existing zao ad· dressing modes. Register. The operand is one of the a-bit registers (A, B, C, D, E, H, L, IXH, IHL, IYH or IYL); or one of the 16-bit registers (BC, DE, HL, IX, IY, or SP), or one of the special byte registers (lor R). Immediate. The operand is in the instruction itself and has no effective address. Register Indirect. The contents of a register specify the effective address of an operand. The HL register is the register most often used for memory accesses. The C register is used for I/O and control register space accesses. Direct Address. The effective address of the operand is the location whose address is contained in the instruc- tion. Depending on the instruction, the specified operand is either in I/O or data memory space. Index. The effective address of the operand is the location specified by adding the 16-bit address contained in the instruction to a twos complement "index" contained in the HL, IX, or IY register. Short Index. The effective address of the operand is the location computed by adding the a-bit twos complement signed displacement contained in the instruction to the contents of the IX or IY register. This addressing mode is equivalent to the zao CPU indexed mode. Relative. An a- or 16·bit displacement contained in the instruction is added to the Program Counter to generate the effective address of the operand. Stack Pointer Relative. The effective address of the operand is the location computed by adding a 16-bit twos complement displacement contained in the instruction to the contents of the Stack Pointer. Base Index. The effective address of the operand is the location whose address is computed by adding the contents of H L, IX, or IY to the contents of another of these three registers. Instruction Set Notation Addressing Modes. The following notation is used to describe the addressing modes and instruction operations as shown in the instruction set. BX DA 1M IR X R RA RX SP SR SX n nn Base Index Direct Address Immediate constant Indirect Register Index Single register of the set (A, B, C, D, E, H, L) Relative address A byte in the IX or IY register Cu rrent Stack Pointer Stack Relative Short Index a-bit constant 16-bit constant Symbols. The following symbols are used to describe the instruction set. dst src n nn SP p (C) SSP USP (Destination location or contents) (Source location or contents) (An a-bit constant) (A 16-bit constant) (Current Stack Pointer) (Interrupt mode) (I/O port pointed to by C register) (System Stack Pointer) (User Stack Pointer) Assignment of a value is indicated by the symbol" -". For example, * AbbrevIated set dst - dst + src indicates that the sou rce data is added to the destination data and the result is stored in the destination location. The notation "addr(n)" is used to refer to bit "n" of a given location. For example, dst(7) specifies bit 7 of the destination. Flags. The F register contains the following six flags. C H N P/v S Z Carry flag Half carry flag Add/Subtract flag Parity/Overflow flag Sign flag Zero flag Condition Codes. The following symbols describe the condition codes. z· NZ· C· NC· S NS V PE PO P M Zero Not zero Carry No carry Sign No sign Overflow Parity even Parity odd Positive Minus 341 Mode In the Instruction Register I Immediate Register Indirect Operand Value Operand Addressing REGISTER ADDRESS In a Register rl OPERAND In Memory or I/O I The content of the register In the instruction OPERAND 1 REGISTER ADDRESS Direct Address r[1~A~D~DR~E~S~S}---- ~[I~O~P~ER~A~N~DJI The content of the location whose address is in the register I The content of the location whose address is in the instruction ....... It, ADDRESS OPERAND REGISTER ADDRESS ·Index BASE ADDRESS OPERAND I The content of the location whose address is in the 16·bit register, offset by the 8·bit displacement in the instruction REGISTER ADDRESS Short Index DISPLACEMENT • Relative ·Stack Pointer Relative ·Baselndex The content of the location whose address is the 16·bit address in the instruction, offset by the content of the 16·bit register I PCVALUE ~ • [!D~IS~PL~A~C!EM~E~N~T:}-~====~-O-PE-R-A-ND'"1 SPVALUE ~ • [!D~IS=PL~A~C!EM~E~N~T:}-~====--0--II""""O-PE-R-AN-D"1 The content of the location whose address is the content of the Program Counter, offset by the displacement in the instruction The content of the location whose add ress is the content of the Stack Pointer, offset by the displacement in the instruction The content of the location whose address is the content of a register, offset by the displacement in a register REGISTER ADDRESS 1 REGISTER ADDRESS 2 * New Z800 Family addressing modes Figure 16. Addressing Modes 342 2259-016 8·BII Load Group Flags Instruction Addressing Modes S Z H PN N EXA,src src= R,RX,IR,DA,X,SX, RA,SR,BX • • • • • Operation Exchange Accumulator A-src • EXH,L • C • • • • • Exchange H,L H-L src=A dst= R,RX,IR,DA,X, SX,RA,SR,BX, (BC),(DE) or src = R,RX,IM,IR,DA, X,SX,RA,SR,BX, (BC),(DE) dst=A • dst=R src = R,RXt,lM,lR,SX or dst = R,RXt,lR,SX src=R • dst= R,RX,IR,DA,X, SX,RA,SR,BX • dst=A src = IR or SX in user space or dst = IR or SX in user space src=A • dst=A src = IR or SX in user space or dst= IR or SX in user space src=A • Instruction Addressing Modes S Z H PN N C Operation EX src,HL src = DE,IX,IV • • • • Exchange HL with Addressing Register LD dst,src LD dst,src LD dst,n * LDUD dst,src * LDUP dst,src • • • • • Load Accumulator dst +- src I II :I • • • • • Load Register (Byte) dst +- src • • • • • Load Immediate (Byte) dst +- nn t • t • t Load in User Data Space (Byte) dst +- src * • * • t Load In User Program Space (Byte) dst +- src 16-BII Load Group Flags • • src - HL • PrlYlleged Instruction. t Accessing bytes of IX or IY precludes us. of H or L. 343 16-Bit Load Group (Continued) Flags Instruction Addressing Modes S Z H PN N C Operation EX (SP),dst dst= HL,IX,IY • • • • • Exchange Addressing Register with Top of Stack • (SP) - dst EXAF,AF' * t t * * * Exchange Accumulator! Flag with Alternate Bank AF-AF' • EXX • • • • • Exchange ByteiWord Registers with Alternate Bank BC-Be' DE- DE' HL- HL' LO(W] dst,src dst= HL,IX,IY src= IM,DA,X,RA,SR,BX or dst = DA,X,RA,SR,BX src= HL,IX,IY • • • • • • LO(W] dst,src dst = BC,DE,HL,SP src= IM,IR,DA,SX or dst= IR,DA,SX src= Be,DE,HL,SP • • • • • • dst= RR,IR,DA,RA • LOW dst,nn Load Addressing Register dst +- src Load Register Word dst ... src • • • • • Load Immediate Word dst +- nn LO(W] dS!,nn ds!= RR • • • • • • Load Immediate Word dst +- nn LD(W] dst,src LDAdst,src POPdst dst=SP src = HL,IX,IY,IM,IR, DA,SX or dst= IR,DA,SX src=SP • dst= HL,IX,IY src = X,RA,SR,BX • dst = RR*,IR,DA,RA • • • • • • Load Stack Pointer dst - src • • • • • Load Address ds! - address (src) • • • • • POP dst - (SP) SP-SP+2 PUSH src 344 src = RR*,IM,IR,DA, RA • • • • • • PUSH SP-SP-2 (SP) - src 'AF 1_01 SP. Block Transfer and Search Group Flags Instruction CPD Addressing Modes 5 Z t H PN N C t • Operation Compare and Decrement A - (HL) HL- HL - 1 BC-BC - 1 • t CPDR Compare, Decrement and Repeat Repeat until BC =0 or match: A - (HL) HL - HL - 1 BC-BC - 1 t CPI • t Compare and Increment A - (HL) HL-HL + 1 BC-BC-1 t CPIR • t I •II c:I Compare, Increment and Repeat Repeat until BC =0 or match: A - (HL) HL - HL + 1 BC-BC-1 LDD • • 0 t 0 • Load and Decrement (DE)-(HL) DE - DE - 1 HL-HL - 1 BC-BC-1 LDDR • • 0 0 0 • Load, Decrement and Repeat Repeat until BC =0: (DE) -(HL) DE - DE - 1 HL - HL - 1 BC-BC - 1 LDI • • 0 0 • Load and Increment (DE) -(HL) DE - DE + 1 HL - HL + 1 BC-BC - 1 LDIR • • 0 0 0 • Load, Increment and Repeat Repeat until BC =0: (DE) -(HL) DE - DE + 1 HL - HL + 1 BC-BC-1 345 -~-----~-~-~"~ .-~---- a·Bit Arithmetic and Logic Group Instruction Addressing Modes S Z Flags H PN N C Operation ADC [A,]src src = R,RX,IM,IR, DA,X,SX,RA, SR,BX t t v t Add With Carry (Byte) src = R,RX,IM,IR, DA,X,SX,RA, SR,BX t src= R,RX,IM,IR, DA,X,SX,RA, SR,BX t src= R,RX,IM,IR, DA,X,SX,RA, SR,BX t ADD [A,]src AND [A,]src CP [A,]src A-A t t V p t 0 + + src C Add (Byte) 0 A-A 0 + src And A -AAND src t t Compare (Byte) V A- src • CPL [A] 0 • • • Complement Accumulator A- NOTA t DAA[A] t p • Decimal Adjust Accumulator A - Decimal Adjust A DEC dst DIV [HL,]src DIVU [H L,]src dst = R,RX,IR,DA,X, SX,RA,SR,BX t src = R,RX,IM,DA,X, SX,RA,SR,BX t src = R,RX,IM,DA,X, SX,RA,SR,BX 0 • V Decrement (Byte) dst-dst - 1 t • • • Divide (Byte) A-HL+src L - remainder • t • • Divide UnSigned (Byte) A - HL+src L - remainder • EXTS [A] t • • • • • Extend Sign (Byte) L-A If A(7) = 0, then H - 00 else H - FF INC dst MULT [A,]src MULTU [A,]src NEG [A] dst = R,RX,IR,DA,X, SX,RA,SR,BX t src= R,RX,IM,IR,DA, X,SX,RA,SR,BX t src = R,RX,IM,IR,DA, X,SX,RA,SR,BX 0 t t V 0 • Increment (Byte) dst-dst t • 0 • 1 Multiply (Byte) HL-A x src t • 0 • Multiply Unsigned (Byte) HL -A x src t t V t Negate Accumulator A- -A 346 + 8·Bit Arithmetic and Logic Group (Continued) Flags Instruction Addressing Modes OR [A,]src src = R,RX,IM,IR,DA, X,SX,RA,SR,BX SBC [A,]src src = R,RX,IM,IR,DA, X,SX,RA,SR,BX S Z H PN 0 P N C Operation 0 0 OR A +- A OR src v * * * Subtract With Carry (Byte) A +- A - src - c SUB [A,]src XOR [A,]src src = R,RX,IM,IR,DA, X,SX,RA,SR,BX * src = R,RX,IM,IR,DA, X,SX,RA,SR,BX * * V 0 P * 0 Subtract A +- A - src I Exclusive OR 0 A +- A XOR src IIc:I 16·Bit Arithmetic Operations Flags Instruction Addressing Modes ADC dst,src dst= HL src = BC,DE,HL,SP or dst= IX src = BC,DE,IX,SP or dst= IY src = BC,DE,IY,SP ADD dst,src ADD dst,A S Z H PN N * dst= HL src= BC,DE,HL,SP or dst= IX src= BC,DE,IX,SP or dst= IY src = BC,DE,IY,SP • • dst = HL,IX,IY * * * V Operation C Add With Carry (Word) 0 dst +- dst • CPW [H L,]src DECW dst src = RR*,IM,DA,X,RA * * V * V • • src = RR*,IM,DA,X,RA dst = RR*,IR,DA,X,RA • • 0 + c + src Add Accumulator to Addressing Register 0 dst ADDW [HL,]src src Add (Word) 0 dst +- dst V + * +- dst + A Add Word HL +- HL + src Compare (Word) HL - src • • Decrement (Word) dst +- dst - 1 *In X addressing mode, (HL + nn) IS precluded 347 - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. ~-~--------~--- 16-Bit Arithmetic Operations (Continued) Flags Instruction Addressing Modes S Z H PN N C DEC(WJ dst dst=RR • • • • • • Operation Decrement (Word) dst-dst-1 DIVUW src= RR,IM,DA,X,RA • 0 • [DEHL,]src DIVW [DEHL,]src • Divide Unsigned (Word) HL-DEHL+src DE - remainder src= RR,IM,DA,X,RA • • * • Divide (Word) HL - DEHL+src DE - remainder • EXTS HL • • • • • Extend Sign (Word) If H(7)=0, then DE - 0000 else DE - FFFF INCWdst dst = RR,IR,DA,X',RA • • • • • • Increment (Word) dst - dst INC(WJ dst dst=RR • • • • • • src = RR,IM,DA,X,RA 0 * • 0 • 1 Increment (Word) dst - dst MULTUW [HL,]src + + 1 Multiply Unsigned (Word) DEHL - HL x src MULTW [HL,]src src= RR,IM,DA,X,RA * * • 0 • Multiply (Word) DEHL - HL X src NEG HL SBC dst,src * dst= HL src = BC,DE,HL,SP * * Negate HL V HL- -HL Subtract With Carry (Word) V or dst - dst - src - C dst=IX src = BC,DE,IX,SP or dst=IY src = BC,DE,IY,SP SUBW [HL,]src src = RR,IM,DA,X',RA *lnXaddressingmode,(Hl + nn)Jsprecluded 348 * * V * Subtract (Word) HL - HL - src Bit Manipulation, Rotate and Shift Group Instruction Addressing Modes BIT b,dst dst RES b,dst dst =R,IR,SX =R,IR,SX S • • Z Flags H PN N C Operation • • Bit Test * • 0 Z ..... NOT dst(b) • • • • Reset bit dst(b) - 0 RL dst dst =R,IR,SX * 0 p 0 Rotate Left tmp -dst dst(O) - C C - dst(7) dst(n + 1) - tmp(n) for n 0 to 6 = L&BJ II :I dst • RLA • 0 • 0 * Rotate Left Accumulator tmp-A A(O)-C C +- A(7) A(n + 1) - tmp(n) for n 0 to 6 = L&BJ A RLC dst dst =R,IR,SX 0 * p 0 Rotate Left Circular tmp - dst C - dst(7) dst(O) - tmp(7) dst(n + 1) - tmp(n) for n 0 to 6 = ~J dst RLCA • • 0 • 0 I Rotate Left Circular (Accumulator) tmp-A C-A(7) A(O) - tmp(7) A(n + 1) - tmp(n) for n 0 to 6 = ~J A 349 Bit Manipulation, Rotate and Shift Group (Continued) Instruction Addressing Modes RLD S Z * * Flags H PN N C p • 0 0 Operation Rotate Left Digit tmp(0:3) +- A(0:3) A(0:3) +- src(4:7) src(4:7) - src(0:3) src(0:3) - tmp(0:3) I, -I- Lil ~ A RR dst dst = R,IR,SX * * 0 p 0 * ,I dst Rotate Right tmp -dst dst(7) - C C - dst(O) dst(n) +- tmp(n n = 0 to 6 + 1) for L~ dst • RRA • 0 • 0 * Rotate Right (Accumulator) tmp +- dst A(7) - C C - A(O) A(n) - tmp(n n = 0 to 6 + 1) for L~[i]J A RRC dst dst= R,IR,SX * * 0 p 0 Rotate Right Circular tmp - dst C - dst(O) dst(7) - tmp(O) dst(n) +- tmp(n n = 0 to 6 + 1) for LBiE£J dst 350 Bit Manipulation, Rotate and Shift Group (Continued) Flags Instruction Addressing Modes RRCA S Z H • • 0 PN N • 0 C Operation * Rotate Right Circular (Accumulator) tmp +- A C +- A(O) A(7) +- tmp(O) A(n) +- tmp(n n 0 to 6 = + 1) for ~ dst RRD dst dst =IR 0 P 0 • I Rotate Right Digit tmp(O:3) +- A(O:3) A(O:3) +- src(O:3) src(O:3) +- src(4:7) src(4:7) +- tmp(O:3) :I • CI I' 'I'B ~'I A SET b,dst dst =R,IR,SX • • • • • • Set Bit dst(b) SLAdst dst =R,IR,SX * t 0 p 0 t dst +- 1 Shift Left Arithmetic tmp +- dst C +- dst(7) dst(O) +- 0 dst(n + 1) +- tmp(n) for n 0 to 6 = 0~o dst SRAdst dst =R,IR,SX t 0 p 0 t Shift Right Arithmetic tmp +- dst C +- dst(O) dst(7) +- tmp(7) dst(n) +- tmp(n n Oto 6 = + 1) for ~ dst 351 Bit Manipulation, Rotate and Shift Group (Continued) Flags Instruction Addressing Modes S Z H PN N C Operation SRL dst dst = R,IR,SX 0 * 0 * Shift Right Logical P 0 tmp - dst C - dst(O) dst(7) - 0 dst(n) - tmp(n + 1) for n = 0 to 6 o~ ds! TSETdst dst = R,IR,SX * • • • • • Test and Set s - dst(7) dst - FF Program Control Group Flags Instruction Addressing Modes S Z H PN N C Operation CALL cC,dst dst= IR,DA,RA • • • • • CALL • If cc is satisfied then: SP-SP - 2 (SP) - PC PC - dst CALLdst dst= IR,DA,RA • • • • • • CALL SP-SP - 2 (SP) - PC PC - dst • CCF DJNZ dst dst=RA • • • t • • • 0 • * • Complement Carry Flag C-NOTC Decrement and Jump If Non-Zero 8-8-1 If 8+0 then PC - dst JAF dst dst=RA • • • • • • Jump on Auxiliary Accumulator/Flag If Auxiliary AF then: PC -dst JAR dst dst= RA • • • • • • Jump on Auxiliary Register File In Use If Auxiliary File then: PC -dst JP cC,dst dst= IR,DA,RA • • • • • • Jump If cc is satisfied then: PC - dst 352 Program Control Group (Continued) Flags Instruction Addressing Modes S Z H PN N C Operation JP dst dst= IR,DA,RA • • • • Jump • • PC-dst JR cC,dst dst= RA • • • • • • Jump Relative If cc * is satisfied then: PC-PC + dst JR dst dst=RA • • • • • • Jump Relative PC-PC • RET • • • • • + dst I Retum PC-(SP) SP-SP - 2 • RETcc • • • • • IIa Retum If cc is satisfied then: PC-(SP) SP-SP + 2 RST dstt dst= DA • • • • • • Restart SP-SP - 2 (SP) - PC PC -dst • SC nn • • • • • System Call SP-SP - 4 (SP) -PS SP -SP - 2 (SP) - nn PS - System Call Program Status • SCF • 0 • Set Carry Flag 0 C-1 Input/Output Instruction Group Flags * * Instruction Addressing Modes IN dst,(C) dst = R,RX,DA,X,RA, SR,BX INA,(n) S Z H PN N C Operation 0 • Input P 0 dst - (C) • • • • • • Input Accumulator A- (n) * Uses abbreviated set of condition codes. t dst must be D. 8. 16. 24. 32. 40. or 56. Programmable as prMl8Q8d. * 353 Input/Output Instruction Group (Continued) Flags Instruction t IN[WJ HL,(C) Addressing Modes S Z H PN N C Operation • • • • • Input HL • HL - (C) t IND • • • • Input and Decrement (Byte) (HL) - (C) 8-8-1 HL - HL - 1 t INDW • • • • Input and Decrement (Word) (HL) - (C) 8-8-1 HL - HL - 2 t IN DR • 1 • • • Input, Decrement and Repeat (Byte) Repeat until 8 = 0: HL +- (C) 8-8-1 HL - HL - 1 t INDRW • • • • Input, Decrement and Repeat (Word) Repeat until 8 = 0: HL +- (C) 8-8-1 HL - HL - 2 t INI • * • • • Input and Increment (Byte) (HL) +- (C) 8-8-1 HL - HL t INIW • * • • • + 1 Input and Increment (Word) (HL) +- (C) 8-8-1 HL - HL t INIR • • • • + 2 Input, Increment and Repeat (Byte) Repeat until 8 = 0: (HL)-(C) HL - HL + 1 8-8-1 t Programmable as privJleged. 354 Input/Output Instruction Group (Continued) Flags Instruction t Addressing Modes S Z • INIRW H PN N C Operation • • Input, Increment and Repeat (Word) • Repeat until 8 = 0: (HL) -(C) HL- HL - 2 8-8-1 tOUT (C),src tOUT (n),A src= R,RX,DA,X,RA, SR,8X • • • • • • Output (C) - src • • • • • • Output Accumulator I. (n)-A t OUT(W] (C),HL • • • • • • II Output HL (C)- HL t OUTD • • • • CI Output and Decrement (Byte) 8-8-1 (C) - (HL) HL - HL - 1 t OUTDW • t • • • Output and Decrement (Word) 8-8-1 (C) - (HL) HL - HL - 2 t OTDR • • • • Output, Decrement and Repeat (Byte) Repeat until 8 = 0: 8-8-1 (C)-(HL) HL - HL - 1 t OTDRW • • • • Output, Decrement and Repeat (Word) Repeat until 8 = 0: 8-8-1 (C)-(HL) HL- HL - 2 t OUTI • • • • Output and Increment (Byte) 8-8-1 (C) - (HL) HL - HL + 1 t Programmable as privileged. 355 Input/Output Instruction Group (Continued) Instruction t Addressing Modes OTIW S Z Flags H PN N C Operation • t • • Output and Increment (Word) • 8-8-1 (C) - (HL) HL - HL + 2 t • • OTIR • • Output, Increment and Repeat (Byte) Repeat until 8 = 0: 8-8-1 (C) - (HL) HL - HL + 1 t • OUTIRW • • • Output, Increment and Repeat (Word) Repeat until 8 = 0: 8-8-1 (C) - (HL) HL - HL + 2 t t TSTI (C) 0 P 0 • Test Input F - test (C) CPU Control Group Instruction * DI mask * EI mask Addressing Modes S Z Flags H PN N C Operation mask = Hex value between o and 7F • • • • • Disable Interrupt mask = Hex value between o and 7F • If mask(i) = 1 then: MSR(i) - 0; If no mask then: MSR O _ 6 - 0 • • • • • Enable Interrupt If mask(i) = 1 then: MSR(i) - 1; If no mask then: MSRO _ 6 - 1 • * HALT • • • • • • Halt CPU Halts * 1M P p=0,1,2,3 • • • • • • Interrupt Mode Select Interrupt Mode - p * LO dst,src dst=A src= I,R 0 0 • Load Accumulator from I or R Register A - src t Programmable as privileged. • Privileged Instruction. 356 CPU Control Group (Continued) Flags Instruction * LD dst,src Addressing Modes S Z H PN N C Operation dst=I,R src=A • • • • • • Load I or R Register from Accumulator dst - A * LDCTL dst,src dst = (C), USP src= HL,IX,IY or dst= HL,IX,IY src = (C),USP • PCACHE • • • • Load Control dst - src • • NOP • • • • • • • • • • • No Operation a Purge Cache 8 All cache entries invalidated • * RETI • • • • • Return from Interrupt IIc:I PC-(SP) SP-SP + 2 • * RETIL • • • • • Return from Interrupt Long PS -(SP) SP-SP + 4 • * RETN • • • • • Return from Nonmaskable Interrupt PC -(SP) SP-SP + 2 MSR(O-7) -IFF(O-7) Extended Instruction Group1 Flags Instruction Addressing Modes S Z H PN N C Operation EPUM src src = IR,DA,X,RA,SR,BX • • • • • Load EPU from Memory • EPU ..... template EPU - src MEPU dst dst = IR,DA,X,RA,SR,BX • • • • • • Load Memory from EPU EPU - template dst - EPU EPUF 0 * P 0 • Load Accumulator from EPU EPU - template A-EPU EPUI • • • • • • EPU Internal Operation EPU - template 1 Refer to the Z8070 Z8000™ Floating-Point Product Specification (document number 00-2235-01) for the floating-point extended instructions . .. Privileged Instruction. 357 ---~.------ - EXTENDED PROCESSING ARCHITECTURE Features The Zilog Extended Processing Architecture (EPA) provides an extremely flexible and modular approach to expanding both the hardware and software capabilities of the Z800 CPU. Features of the EPA include: • • Allows Z800 CPU instruction set to be extended by external devices. Increases throughput of the system by using up to four specialized external processors in parallel with the CPU. • Used by Z8070 floating-point EPU. • Permits modular systems. • Provides easy management of multiple microprocessor configurations via "single instruction stream" communication. • Simple interconnection between EPUs and Z800 MPU requires no additional external supporting logiC. • Supports debugging of suspect hardware against proven software. • EPUs can be added as the system grows and as EPUs with specialized functions are developed. design of Z800 CPU-based General Description The processing power of the Zilog Z-BUS Z800 microprocessor can be boosted beyond its intrinsic capability by the Extended Processing Architecture (EPA). The EPA allows the Z800 CPU to accommodate up to four Extended Processing Units (EPUs), which perform specialized functions in parallel with the CPU's main instruction execution stream. The EPUs connect directly to the Z-BUS and continuously monitor the CPU instruction stream for an instruction intended for the EPU (template). When a template is detected, the appropriate EPU responds, obtaining or placing data or status information on the Z-BUS by using the Z800 CPU-generated control signals and performing its function as directed. The CPU is responsible for instructing the EPU and delivering operands and data to it. The EPU recognizes templates intended for it and executes them, using data supplied with the template and/or data within its internal registers. There are three classes of EPU instructions: • Data transfers between main memory and EPU registers • Data transfers between CPU registers and EPU status registers • EPU internal operations 358 Six addressing modes can be utilized with transfers between EPU registers and the CPU and main memory: • • • • • • Direct Address Indirect Register Indexed Stack Pointer Relative Relative Base Index In addition to the hardware-implemented capabilities of the EPA, there is an extended instruction trap mechanism to permit software simulation of EPU functions. An EPU present bit in the Z800 MPU Trap Control register indicates whether actual EPUs are present or not. If not, when the CPU traps when an extended instruction is detected, a software "trap handler" can emulate the desired EPU function. Thus, the EPA software trap routine supports systems not containing an EPU. EPA and CPU instruction execution are shown in Figure 17. The CPU begins operation by fetching an instruction and determining whether or not it is an EPU instruction. If the instruction is an EPU instruction, the state of the EPU Enable bit in the Trap Control register is examined. If the EPU Enable bit is reset (E 0), the CPU generates a trap and the EPU instruction can be simulated by an EPU instruction trap software routine. However, if the EPU Enable bit is set (E = 1), indicating that an EPU is present in the system, then the 4-byte EPU template is fetched from memory. The fetching of the EPU template is indicated by the status lines STo-ST3' The EPU meanwhile continuously monitors the Z-BUS and the status lines for its own templates. After fetching the EPU template, the CPU, if necessary, transfers appropriate data between the CPU and memory or between the CPU and the EPU. These transactions are indicated by unique encodings of the status lines. If the EPU is free when the template and the data appear, the EPU template is executed. If the EPU is still processing a previous instruction, it activates the PAUSE line (Z8216 only) to halt further execution of CPU instructions until execution is complete. After the execution of the template is complete, the EPU deactivates the PAUSE line and CPU instruction execution continues. = r----------I I NO Figure 17. EPA and Z8218 CPU Instruction Execution MEMORY MANAGEMENT Features • On·chip dynamic address translation • Permits addressing of large physical memory o 512K bytes-40-pin devices o 16M bytes-64-pin devices • Separate translation facilities for user and system modes • Permits instructions and data to reside in separate memory areas. • Write protection for individual pages of memory • Aborts CPU on access violation to support virtual memory General Description The Z800 microprocessor contains an on-chip Memory Management Unit (MMU), which translates logical addresses into physical addresses. This allows access to more than 64K bytes of physical memory and provides memory protection features typical of those found on large systems. With the MMU, the CPU can access up to 16M bytes of physical memory, depending on package size (the 40-pin package devices output only 19 address bits). The MMU features a sophisticated trapping mechanism that generates page faults on error condi- 2259-017 tions. Instructions that are aborted by a page fault can be restarted In a manner compatible with virtual memory system requirements. On reset, the MMU features are not enabled, thus permitting logical addresses to pass to the physical memory untranslated. The physical address space is expanded by dividing the 64K byte logical address space (the space manipulated by the program) into pages. The pages are then mapped (translated) into the larger physical address space of the Z800 microprocessor. The mapping process makes the user software addresses independent of the physical memory, so the user is freed from specifying where information is actually stored in physical memory. The actual size of the page depends on whether the program/data separation mode is enabled-if it is enabled, each page is 8K bytes in length, and if it is not enabled, the page length is 4K bytes. With the page mapping technique, 16-bit logical addresses can be translated into 24-bit physical addresses (only the lower 19 bits are externally available on 40-pin devices). Address translation can occur both in system and in user mode, with separate translation facilities available to each mode. The MMU further allows instruction references to be separated from data references, which enables programs of up to 64K bytes in length to manipulate up to 64K bytes of data without operating system intervention. 359 MMU Architecture The Z800 MMU consists of two sets of sixteen page descriptor registers (Figure 18) that are used to translate addresses, a 16-bit control register that governs the translation facilities, a Page Descriptor Register Pointer, an 1/0 write-only port that can be used to invalidate sets of page descriptors, and two 1/0 ports for accesses to the page descriptor registers. One set of page descriptor registers is dedicated to the system mode of operation and the other set is dedicated to the user mode of operation. While an address is being translated, attributes associated with the logical page containing that location are checked. The correct logical page is determined by the CPU mode (user or system), address space (program/data), and the four most significant bits of the logical address. Pages can be write-protected to prevent them from being modified by the executing task and can also be marked as non-cacheable to prevent information from being copied into the cache for later reference. The latter capability is useful in multiprocessor systems, to ensure that the processor always accesses the most current version of information being shared among multiple devices. The MMU also maintains a bit for each page that indicates if the page has been modified. Each page descriptor register contains a Valid bit, which indicates that the descriptor contains valid information. Any attempt by the MMU to translate an address using an invalid descriptor generates a page fault. Valid bits for groups of page descriptor registers can be reset by writing to an MMU control port. 15 Figure 18_ Page Descriptor Register For each mode of CPU operation, the MMU can be configured to separate instruction fetches from data fetches, and thus separate the program address space from the data address space. When the programldata separation mode is in effect, the sixteen page descriptor registers for the current CPU mode of operation (user or system) are partitioned into two sets, one for instruction fetches and one for data fetches. A instruction fetch or data access using the Program Counter Relative addressing mode is translated by the MMU registers associated with the program address space; data accesses using other addressing modes and accesses to the Interrupt Vector Table in interrupt mode 2 use the MMU registers associated with the data address space. In this mode of MMU operation, the page size is 8192 bytes. There are two control bits in the MMU Master Control register that independently specify whether the user and system modes of CPU operation have separate program and data address spaces. 360 Each 16-bit page descriptor register consists of a 4-bit attribute field and a 12-bit page frame address field. The attribute field consists of the least Significant bits of the descriptor and contains four control and status bits, listed below. Modified (M). This bit is automatically set whenever a write is successfully performed to a logical address in this page; it can be cleared to 0 only by a software routine that loads the descriptor register. If the Valid bit is 0, the contents of this bit are undefined. Cacheable (C). While this bit is set to 1, information fetched from this page can be placed in the cache. While this bit is cleared to 0, the cache control mechanism is inhibited from retaining a copy of the information. Write-Protect (WP). While this bit is set to 1, CPU writes to logical addresses in this page cause a page fault to be generated and prevent a write operation from occurring. While this bit is cleared to 0, all valid accesses are permitted. Valid (V). While this bit is set to 1, the descriptor contains valid information. While this bit is cleared to 0, all CPU accesses to logical addresses in this page cause a page fault to be generated. MMU Control Registers and 1/0 Ports MMU operation is controlled by one control register and four dedicated 1/0 ports. The MMU Master Control register (Figure 19) determines the programldata address space separation in effect in both user and system modes and whether logical addresses generated in user and system mode will be translated by the MMU. Page descriptor registers are accessed indirectly through the register address contained in the Page Descriptor Register Pointer. The descriptor select port is used to access the page descriptor register that is pointed to by the Page Descriptor Register Pointer. After this access the Page Descriptor Register Pointer is left unchanged. The block move 1/0 port is used to move blocks of words between the page descriptor registers and memory; reads or writes to this 1/0 port access data pointed to by the Page Descriptor Register Pointer, then increment the pOinter by one. The Invalidation 1/0 Port is used to invalidate blocks of page descriptor registers; writes to this port cause the Valid bits in selected blocks of page descriptor registers to be cleared to 0, which indicates that the descriptors no longer contain valid information. 15 Figure 19. MMU Master Control Register MMU Master Control Register. The MMU Master Control register controls the operation of the MMU. This register contains four control bits; all other bits in this 2259-018, 019 register must be cleared to O. The four control bits of the MMU Master Control register are described below. Page Fault Identifier (PFI). This 5-bit field latches information that indicates which page descriptor register was being accessed when the access violation was detected. System Mode Program/Data Separation Enable (SPD). While this bit is set to 1, instruction fetches and data accesses via the PC Relative addressing mode use the system mode page descriptor registers 8-15, and data references that do not use the PC Relative addressing mode use the system mode page descriptor registers 0-7. While this bit is cleared to 0, system mode page descriptor registers 0-15 are used to translate instruction and data references. System Mode Translate Enable (STE). While this bit is set to 1, logical addresses generated In the system mode of operation are translated. While this bit is cleared to 0, addresses are passed through the MMU extended with zeros in the most significant bits and no attribute checking or modified bit setting is performed. User Mode Program/Data Space Separation Enable (UPD). While this bit is set to 1, Instruction fetches and data accesses via the PC Relative addressing mode use user mode page descriptor registers 8-15, and data references that do not use the PC Relative addressing mode use user mode page descriptor registers 0-7. While this bit is cleared to 0, user mode page descriptor registers 0-15 are used to translate instruction and data references. Block Move I/O Port. Block moves of data into and out of the page descriptor registers are accomplished by writing and reading words to or from this dedicated 110 port at location FFxxF4. Any word 110 instruction can be used to access page descriptor registers via this port, provided that the Page Descriptor Register Pointer is properly initialized. Invalidation I/O Port. Valid bits can be cleared (I.e., the page descriptor registers invalidated) by writing to this dedicated 8-bit port (Table 3). Individual Valid bits can subsequently be set by software writing to the page descriptor registers. Reading this 110 port returns unpredictable data. Table 3. Invalidation Port Table Encoding Reglste,. Invalid System Page Descriptor Registers 0-7 System Page Descriptor Registers 8-15 System Page Descriptor Registers 0-15 User Page Descriptor Registers 0-7 User Page Descriptor Registers 8-15 User Page Descriptor Registers 8·15 User Page Descriptor Registers 0·15 Translation Mechanism Address Translation. Address translation is illustrated In Figure 20. While the ProgramlData Space Separation Page Descriptor Register Pointer. Moves of data into bit is cleared to 0, the 16-bit logical address is divided into two fields, a 4-blt index field used to select one of 16 page descriptor registers, and a 12-bit offset field that forms the lower 12 bits of the physical address. The physical address is composed of the 12-bit page frame address supplied by the selected page descriptor register and the 12-bit offset supplied by the logical address. and out of the MMU page descriptor registers use the p~ge Descriptor Register Pointer. This 8-bit register contains the address of one of the page descriptor registers. When a word 110 instruction accesses 110 address FFxxF5 (descriptor select port), this register is used to access a page descriptor register. When a word 110 instruction accesses 110 address FFxxF4 (block move 110 port), this register is also used to access a page descriptor register, but after the access, this register Is automatically incremented by one. While the ProgramlData Space Separation bit is set to 1, the logical address is divided into a 3-bit index field and a 13-bit offset field. The page descriptor register consists of an 11-bit Page Frame Address field. The phYSical address is a result of concatenating the page frame address and the logical offset. The page descriptor register is chosen by a 4-bit index field, which consists of a Program/Data Address bit from the CPU and the three Index bits from the logical address. User Mode Translated Enable (UTE). While this bit is set to 1, logical addresses generated in the user mode of operation are translated. While this bit is cleared to 0, addresses are passed through the MMU extended with zeros in the most significant bits and no attribute checking or modified bit setting is performed. Descriptor Select Port. Moves of one word of data into and out of a page descriptor register are accomplished by writing and reading words to or from this dedicated 110 port at location FFxxF5. Any word 110 instruction can be used to access a page descriptor register via this port, provided that the Page Descriptor Register Pointer IS properly initialized. 361 15 I L: INDEX I } I OFFSET LOGICAL ADDRESS I 4 3 D 15 15 .! PAGE FRAME ADDRESS PAGI! DI!SCRIPTOR REGISTERS ATTRIBUTE ".....--USI!R 1#'/ ".....--SYSTEM , D D I J 23 I D OFFSET PAGE FRAME ADDRESS I } PHYSICAL ADDRI!SS Figure 20_ Address Translation ON·CHIP MEMORY Features • Configurable as high-speed cache the system or used as a cache for instructions or data. Its mode of use (dedicated memory or a cache) is programmable; on reset it is automatically enabled for use as a cache for instructions only. • Programmable to cache instructions, data or both On·Chip Memory Architecture • Permits faster execution by minimizing external bus accesses The on-chip memory is organized as 16 lines of 16 bytes each. Each line can hold a copy of 16 consecutive bytes in physical memory locations whose 20 most significant bits of physical address are identical. Each byte in the cache has an associated Valid bit that indicates whether the cache holds a valid copy of the memory contents at the associated physical memory location. Figure 21 illustrates the cache organization. • 256-byte local memory • Operation is transparent to user • Configurable as local RAM with user-definable addresses zaoo The MPU has 256 bytes of on-chip memory, which can be dedicated to memory locations programmed by 20 BITS 18 x 8 BITS 18 BITS ~, ..... LINED TAG 0 VALID BITS LINE 1 TAG 1 VALID BITS CACHE DATA LINE 2 TAG 2 VALID BITS CACHE DATA • • • • • • • • • LINE 15 TAG 15 VALID BITS CACHE DATA , • • • CACHE DATA Tag n • thl 20 Address bite a••oclated with line n Valid bill. 18 bits that Indicate which byte. In the cacha contain valid data Cacha data =- 18 byt•• Figure 21. Cache Organization 362 22158-020, 021 The on-chip memory has two modes of operation. If the Memory/Cache bit in the Cache Control register is set to 1, then the 256 bytes of on-chip memory are treated as physical memory locations. Memory accesses to addresses covered by the on-chip memory do not generate bus transactions on the external bus and hence the accesses are faster. In this mode, the valid bits are ignored. If the Memory/Cache bit is cleared to 0, then the 256 bytes of on-chip memory are treated as a cache memory. The lines are allocated using a least-recently used (LRU) algorithm. When a cache "miss" on a read occurs (and the MMU does not assert cache inhibit), the line in the cache that has been least recently accessed is selected to hold the newly read data. All bytes in the selected line are marked invalid except for the bytes containing the newly accessed data. On a cache miss, one or two bytes, depending on the bus size, are fetched from main memory. Except for burst mode instruction fetches, the cache does not pre-fetch beyond the currently-requested address. A cache miss on a data write does not cause a line to be allocated to the memory location accessed. write is to a valid location in the cache but the LRU mechanism is unaffected. Also, for the EPU to memory transfer, if the cache contains valid locations that are updated by an EPU transaction, the on-chip cache is also updated. Cache Control Register. The operation of the on-chip memory is controlled by an a-bit Cache Control register (Figure 22) that is accessed using a load control instruction. This register contains five control bits; all other bits must be cleared to O. 7 0 IMIC! I ! 0 !LMaEa! 0 ! 0 ! 0 I Figure 22. Cache Control Register I The bits in this register are: High Memory Burst Capability (HMB). This 1-bit field specifies whether a memory burst transaction occurs when the MMU is enabled and there is a 1 in bit 15 of the selected page descriptor register (0 burst mode not supported, 1 burst mode supported). = = The cache can hold both instructions and data. Two control bits in the Cache Control register can be separately set to enable the cache to hold instructions and to hold data. If the cache contains data, writes to data at locations contained in the cache also cause external bus transactions to update the appropriate memory location. Low Memory Burst Capability (LMB). This 1-bit field specifies whether a memory burst transaction occurs when the MMU is disabled or when the MMU is enabled and there is a zero in bit 15 of the selected page descriptor register (0 = burst mode not supported, 1 = burst mode supported). Both the CPU and the on-chip DMAs access the cache. For the CPU, if the MMU is enabled, the access can be either cacheable or non-cacheable, depending on the value of the Cacheable bit in the page descriptor register used to translate the logical address. If the MMU is not enabled, all memory transactions are considered to be cacheable. Two bits in the Cache Control register, the Cache Instructions Disable bit and the Cache Data Disable bit, further determine the operation of the cache for various situations. These bits enable the cache for instructions and for data. Cache Data Disable (D). While this bit is cleared to 0, data fetches are copied into the cache if the M/C bit = 0 (cache mode). If M/C 1, the state of this bit is ignored. When the on-chip memory is used as fixed memory locations, neither the Cache Instruction Disable or Cache Data Disable bits are used, and no distinction is made as to whether the CPU is accessing data or instructions. In general, when devices such as on-chip DMAs transfer data to the memory, the cache data is modified if the = Cache Instructions Disable (I). While this bit is cleared to 0, instruction fetches are copied into the cache when the M/C bit = 0 (cache mode). When M/C = 1, the state of this bit is ignored. Memory/Cache (M/C). While this bit is set to 1, the onchip memory is to be accessed as physical memory; while it is cleared to 0, the memory is accessed associatively as a cache. If the on-chip memory is to be used as fixed memory locations, the user can programmably select the ranges of memory addresses for which the on-chip memory responds. CLOCK OSCILLATOR The zaoo MPU has an on-Chip clock oscillatorlgenerator that can be connected to a crystal or any suitable clock source. The bus timing clock generated from the on-chip 2259-022 oscillator is output for use by the rest of the system. The frequency of the processor clock is one-half that of the fundamental frequency of the crystal. 363 0 :I ~ REFRESH The l800 MPU has an internal mechanism for refreshing dynamic memory. This mechanism can be activated by setting the Refresh Enable bit in the Refresh Rate register to 1. Memory refresh is performed periodically at a rate specified by the Refresh Rate register. Refresh transactions are identical to memory transactions except that different status signals are used and no data is transferred. They can be inserted immediately after the last clock cycle of any bus transaction, including an internal operation. A 10-bit refresh address is generated for each refresh operation with the refresh address being incremented by two between refreshes for 16-bit bus versions, and by one for 8-bit bus versions. While the Refresh Enable bit is set to 1, the value of the 6·bit Rate field in the Refresh Rate register determines the time between successive refreshes (the refresh 0, the refresh period is 256 properiod). When Rate cessor clock cycles; when Rate n (n > 0) the refresh period is 4n. The Rate and Refresh Enable control bits are programmed via an I/O instruction. enables the refresh mechanism and specifies the fre· quency of refresh transactions. = On reset, refresh is enabled, the rate is 32 processor clock cycles, and the refresh address is not affected. The Refresh mechanism is controlled by an 8-bit control register, described below. Refresh Rate Register. This 8-bit register (Figure 23) = The refresh transaction is generated as soon as possible after the refresh period has elapsed (generally after the last clock cycle of the current bus transaction). If the CPU receives an interrupt request, the refresh operation is performed first. When the l800 CPU does not have control of the bus or is in the wait state, internal circuitry records the number of refresh periods that have elapsed and refresh cycles cannot be generated. When the CPU regains control of the bus or the Wait input signal is deactivated and the bus transaction completes, the refresh mechanism immediately issues the skipped refresh cycles. The internal circuitry can record up to 256 such skipped refresh operations. Figure 23. Refresh Rate Register The fields in this register are: Refresh (Rate). This field indicates in processor clock cycles the rate at which refresh transactions are to be generated; a value of n in this field indicates a refresh period of 4n, with Rate 0 indicating 256 clock cycles. = Refresh Enab/e (E). When this 1·bit field is set to 1, the refresh mechanism is enabled. UART The l800 UART transmits and receives serial data using any common asynchronous data-communication pro· tocol. Transmission and reception can be performed independently with five, six, seven, or eight bits per character, plus optional even or odd parity. The transmitter can supply one or two stop bits and can provide a break output at any time. Reception is protected from spikes by a "transient spike-rejection" mechanism that checks the signal one-half a bit time after a Low level is detected on the receiver data input; if the Low does not persist-as in the case of a transient-the character assembly process is not started. Framing errors and overruns are detected and buffered with the partial character on which they occur. Furthermore, a built-in checking process avoids interpreting a framing error as a new start bit: a framing error results in the addition of one-half a bit time to the point at which the search for the next start bit is begun. The UART uses the same clock frequency for both the transmitter and the receiver. The input for the UART clocking circuitry is derived from counter/timer 0, either 364 from its external input line for an external clock or from the counter/timer output for a bit rate generated from the internal processor clock. The UART input clock is further scaled by 1, 16, 32, or 64 for clocking the transmitter and receiver. Two of the DMA channels can be used independently to move characters between memory and the transmitter or receiver without CPU intervention. Both the transmitter and receiver can interrupt the CPU for processor assistance. The UART uses two external pins, Transmit and Receive. Data that is to be transmitted is placed serially on the Transmit pin and data that is to be received is read in from the Receive pin. Asynchronous Transmission The Transmitter Data Output line is held marking (High) when the transmitter has no data to send. Under program control, the Send Break command can be issued to hold the Data Output line Low (spacing) until the com· mand is cleared. 2259-023 The UART automatically adds the start bit, the programmed parity bit (odd, even, or no parity), and the programmed number of stop bits to the data character to be transmitted. When the character is five, six, or seven bits, the unused most significant bits in the Transmitter Data register are automatically Ignored by the UART. Serial data is shifted from the transmitter at a rate equal to 1, 1/16th, 1/32nd or 1/64th of the clock rate supplied to the transmitter clock Input (as determined by the clock scale field in the UART Configuration register). Serial data is shifted out on the falling edge of the clock input. Asynchronous Reception An asynchronous receive operation begins when the Receive Enable bit in the Receiver Control/Status register is set to 1. A Low (spaCing) condition on the Receive input line indicates a start bit. If this Low persists for at least one-half of a bit time, the start bit is assumed to be valid and the data input is then sampled at mid-bit time until the entire character is assembled. This method of detecting a start bit improves error rejection when noise spikes exist on an otherwise marking line. If the X 1 clock mode is selected, bit synchronization must be accomplished externally; received data is sampled on the rising edge of the clock. A received character can be read from the 8-bit Receiver Data register. The receiver Inserts 1s when a character length of other than eight bits is used. If parity is enabled, the parity bit is not stripped from the assembled character for character lengths other than eight bits. For lengths other than eight bits, the receiver assembles a character length of the required number of data bits, plus a parity bit and 1s for any unused bits. Since the receiver is buffered by one 8·bit register in addition to the receiver shift register, the CPU has enough time to service an interrupt and to accept the data character assembled by the UART. The receiver also has a buffer that stores error flags for each data character in the receive buffer. These error flags are loaded at the same time as the data character. After a character is received, it is checked for the following error conditions: • Parity Error: when the parity bit of the character does not match the programmed parity. • Framing Error: if the character is assembled without any stop bits (i.e., a Low level is detected for a stop bit). • Receiver Overrun Error: if the CPU fails to read a data character when more than one character has been received. The Parity Error, Framing Error, and Receiver Overrun Error cause an interrupt request if the interrupt request capability is enabled. Since the Parity Error and Receiver Overrun Error flags are latched, the error status that is read reflects an error in the current character in the Receiver Data register plus any Parity or Overrun Errors detected since the last write to the Receiver Control/Status register. To keep correspondence between the state of the error buffers and the contents of the receiver data buffers, the Receiver Control/Status register must be read before the data. Polled Operation In a polled environment, the Receive Character Available bit in the Receiver Control/Status register must be monitored so the CPU can know when to read a character. This bit is automatically cleared when the Receiver Data register is read. To prevent overwriting data in polled operations, the transmitter buffer status must be checked before writing into the transmitter. The Transmit Buffer Empty bit in the Transmitter Control/Status register is set to 1 whenever the transmit buffer is empty. UART Control and Status Registers The UART operation is controlled by three control and status registers. The UART configuration register specifies the character size and parity, the clock source and scaling and loop-back enable. Both the transmitter and the receiver have their own control/status register. UART Configuration RegIster. This 8-bit register (Figure 24) contains control information for both the transmitter and receiver. I B/e I p IEIOlcsl Figure 24. UART Configuration Register The control fields for this register are: Loop Back Enable (LB). The UART is capable of local loopback. In this mode the internal transmit data line is tied to the internal receiver line and the external receiver input is ignored. If this bit is set to 1, loop mode is enabled. Clock Rate (CR). These two bits specify the multiplier between the clock and data rates (00 data rate X 1, 01 = data rate X 16, 10 = data rate X 32, 11 = data rate X 64). The same rate is used for both the receiver and transmitter. If the X 1 clock rate is selected, bit synchronization must be accomplished externally. = Clock Select (CS). This bit specifies the clock input for the UART. If the bit is set to 1, the counter/tlmer 0 output pulse is used for bit-rate generation; if the bit is cleared to 0, the input line to counter/timer 0 provides the clock from an external source. Parity Even/Odd (E/O). If parity is specified, this bit determines whether it is sent and checked as even or odd (1 = even). 365 Parity (P). If this bit is set to 1, an additional bit position (in addition to those specified in the bits/character control field) is added to transmitted data and is expected in received data. In the Receiver, the parity bit received is transferred to the CPU as a part of the character, unless eight bits/character is selected. Bits/Character (B/C). Together, these two bits determine the number of bits to form a character. If these bits are changed during the time that a character is being assembled, the results are unpredictable (00 5 6 bits/character, 10 7 bits/ bits/character, 01 character, 11 a bits/character). = = = = Transmitter Interrupt Enable (IE). When this bit is set to 1, interrupt requests are generated whenever the transmitter buffer becomes empty; when this bit is cleared to 0, no requests are made. Transmitter Enable (EN). While this bit is cleared to 0, data is not transmitted and the transmitter output is held marking. Data characters in the process of being transmitted are completely sent if this bit is cleared to 0 after transmission has started. Receiver Control/Status Register. This a-bit register (Figure 26) specifies the operation of the receiver. The control bits are described below. Transmitter Control/Status Register. This a-bit register (Figure 25) specifies the operation of the transmitter. 7 IEN liE I 0 0 ISB FRKIFRCIVALI BE I Figure 25. Transmitter ControllStatus Register The control bits for this register are: Transmitter Buffer Empty (BE). This bit is automatically set to 1 whenever the transmitter buffer becomes empty, and cleared to 0 when a character is loaded into the transmit buffer. This bit is in the set condition after a reset. This bit is controlled by the UART control circuitry, it can be read by an I/O read but cannot be set to 1 or cleared to 0 by an I/O write. Value (VAL). This bit determines the value of the bits transmitted while the FRC bit is 1 and dummy characters are loaded into the transmitter buffer. When this bit is 1, a mark character (all 1s) is sent; when this bit is 0, a break character (all as) is sent. Force Character (FRC). When this bit is set to 1, any character loaded into the transmitter buffer causes the transmitter output to be held High or Low (as indicated by the VAL bit) for the length of time required to transmit a char)cter; the character itself is not sent until after the current character is transmitted. This allows a program to generate a marking signal or a break of multiplecharacter duration simply by setting this bit to 1, setting the VAL bit to 1 or 0, and loading the appropriate number of dummy characters into the transmitter buffer. Send Break (BRK). When set to 1, this bit immediately forces the transmitter output to the spacing condition, regardless of any data being transmitted. When this bit is cleared to 0, the transmitter returns to marking. Stop Bits (SB). This bit determines the number of stop bits added to each asynchronous character sent. The receiver always checks for one stop bit. If this bit is set to 1, two stop bits are automatically appended to the character (and parity) sent; if this bit is cleared to 0, only one stop bit is appended. 366 7 0 IE+E I 0 ICA IOVEI PE IFE IERRI Figure 28. Recelvar ControllStatus Register Receiver Error (ERR). This bit is the logical OR of the PE, OVE, and FE bits. Framing Error (FE). This bit is automatically set to 1 for the received character In which the framing error occurred. Detection of a framing error adds an additional onehalf of a bit time to the character time so the framing error is not interpreted as a new start bit. The bit is latched, so once an error occurs it remains set until the bit is cleared by software writing to this register. Parity Error (PE). When parity is enabled, this bit is automatically set to 1 for those characters whose parity does not match the programmed sense (even/odd). This bit is latched, so once an error occurs, it remains set until it is cleared by software writing to this register. Receiver Overrun Error (OVE). This bit is automatically set to 1 to indicate that more than two characters have been received without a read from the CPU (or DMA). Only the most recently received character is flagged with this error, but when this character is read, the error condition is latched until cleared by software writing to this register. Receiver Character Available (CA). This bit is automatically set to 1 when at least one character is available in the receive buffer; it is automatically cleared to 0 when the Receiver Data register is read. This bit is controlled by the UART control circuitry; it can be read by an I/O read but cannot be set or cleared by an I/O write. Receiver Interrupt Enable (IE). While this bit Is set to 1, interrupt requests are generated whenever the receiver detects an error or the receiver has a character available. Receiver Enable (EN). When this bit is set to 1, receiver operations begin. This bit should be set only after the parameters in the UART Configuration register are set. 2259-025, 028 UART Bootstrapping Option DMA Master Control register-DOR and EOP set The 2800 CPU supports an automatic initialization of memory via the UART after a reset operation. This system bootstrapping capability permits ROM less system configurations: the memory can be initialized by a serial link before the 2800 CPU fetches information from memory after the reset. Count register-0100 (256 bytes to be transferred) On the rising edge of reset, the AD lines are sensed; if AD6 is being driven High, the 2800 CPU automatically enters a Halt state. The UART is also automatically initialized to receive 8-bit character data with odd parity at a x 16 clock rate. An external clock source is assumed. A minimum of 15 processor clock cycles must elapse before the transmission can begin. Characters received are placed in memory starting at physical memory location zero. If an error occurs, the 2800 CPU drives the Transmitter Output line Low. External circuitry monitoring this line can use this signal to cause the transmitting device to begin the initialization procedure again, starting with a reset and AD6 asserted on the rising edge of RESET. During the bootstrapping operation, DMA Channel 0 is used to transfer received characters into the memory. This channel is initialized as follows: After 256 bytes of data have been transferred, the 2800 CPU automatically begins execution by fetching the first instruction from memory location o. Destination Address register-OOOOOO (starting memory 0) address = Source Address register-undefined (not used when DMAO is linked to UART) Transfer Descriptor register-IE, EPS, and TC cleared, ST-byte transfer, SRP-continuous, TYPE-flowthrough, DAD-Auto-increment memory address Each DMA channel is a powerful and versatile device for controlling and processing transfers of data. Its basic function of managing CPU-independent transfers between two ports is augmented by an array of features requiring little or no external logic in systems using an 8- or 16-bit data bus. Transfers can be performed between any two ports (source and destination), including memory-to-I/O, I/O-tomemory, memory-to-memory, and I/O-to-I/O. Except for flyby, two port addresses are automatically generated for each transaction and can be either fixed or incrementing/decrementing. During a transfer, a DMA channel assumes control of the system address and data bus. Data is read from one addressable port and written to the other addressable port, byte-by-byte or word-by-word. The ports can be programmed to be either system main memory or peripheral I/O devices. For both flyby and flowthrough DMA transactions, if the destination is a memory location that corresponds to an entry in the on-chip memory (either cache or fixed memory location), the on-Chip memory is updated to reflect the new contents of the memory location. N ! DMA CHANNELS The 2800 MPU has four on-chip Direct Memory Access (DMA) channels to provide high bandwidth data transmission capabilities. There are two types of DMA channels; two support flyby transactions and the other two do not. The two types of DMA channels otherwise have identical capabilities, although they have different priorities with respect to interrupt requests and bus requests. 8 Except in flyby mode, two 24-bit addresses are generated by the DMA for every transfer operation, one address for the source port and another for the destination port. Two readable address counters (three bytes each) keep the current address of each port. The DMA devices use the same memory and I/O timing as the CPU for bus transactions, as indicated by the appropriate bus timing register. Modes of Transfer Operation Each DMA can be programmed to operate in one of three transfer modes: • Single Transaction. Data operations are performed one byte or word at a time. • Burst. Data operations continue until a port's Ready line to the DMA goes inactive. • Continuous. Data operations continue until the end of the programmed block of data is reached or if an end of process has been signaled before the system bus is released. In all modes, once a byte or word of data is read by the DMA channel, the operation is completed in an orderly fashion, regardless of the state of other signals (including a port's Ready line). Pin Descriptions Each DMA channel has a Ready input line. In addition, two DMA channels have a flyby output line to support high speed data transfers between I/O devices and memory. 367 The flyby output is asserted by the DMA channel to signal a peripheral device associated with the DMA channel that it should participate in the data transmission during the current flyby bus transaction. The Ready line is sampled on the rising edge of each processor clock cycle. If Ready is active, the DMA channel requests control of the external system bus to perform the DMA transaction. When the external system bus is available for DMA transfers, the DMA channel with a request pending and the highest priority assumes bus mastership. The priority of DMA channels from highest to lowest is: DMAO, DMA1, DMA2, and DMA3. A DMA channel in burst mode relinquishes bus mastership to a higher priority DMA channel only when its Ready line is deasserted (or EOP is signaled or terminal count is reached). A DMA channel in continuous mode relinquishes bus mastership only when EOP is signaled or terminal count is reached. Priority ot On-Chip DMA Channels and External Bus Requesters The on-chip DMA channels are arranged in a daisy chain with the external Bus Request input line being the "next lower bus requester" on this chain. The on-chip DMAs behave as if they were external bus requestors with respect to acquiring the bus, relinquishing the bus, and priority access to the bus. End-ot·Process If the end-of-process (EOP) capability is enabled, transfers by DMA channels can be prematurely terminated by a Low on Interrupt A line during the transfer. This capability is programmed by a control bit in the DMA Master Control register. EOP occurs regardless of the setting of the Interrupt A Enable bit in the Master Status register. When an EOP is signaled, the EOP Signaled (EPS) bit in the Transaction Descriptor register of the active DMA channel is set to 1 and the Enable bit is cleared to O. If interrupt requests are enabled (IE 1 in the Transaction Descriptor register), an interrupt request is generated by the channel that was active when the EOP was signaled. After an EOP has been signaled, the DMA relinquishes the bus within 16 cycles of the last DMA bus transaction. = If the End-Of-Process signal on Interrupt A line is still asserted when the CPU is bus master, the signal is interpreted as an interrupt request; thus both the DMA channel and the external EOP generating device can request interrupts simultaneously. Separate mask bits in the Master Status register enable the CPU to accept interrupts from these two sources. On a flowthrough transaction, if the EOP signal is received while the information is being read into the Z800 MPU, the transfer is aborted and the data is not written out from the Z800 MPU. 368 DMA Linking The DMA devices can be linked together to achieve DMA transfers to non-contiguous memory locations (linked operation). Bits in the DMA Master Control register allow DMA3 to be linked to DMAl and DMA2 to be linked to DMAO, when DMAO and DMAl have flyby capabilities. If the appropriate bit is set to 1 in the DMA Master Control register, the master DMA (0 or 1) signals its linked DMA each time its transfer is complete (count 0). This acts as an internal ready input to the linked DMA that reloads the master DMA control registers. = Words are loaded into the master DMA control registers in the following order: Destination Address register (two words), Source Address register (two words), Count (one word), Transfer Descriptor register (one word). After six words have been transferred, the master DMA deasserts its internal ready line and begins the transfer of the next block of data. The linked DMA can be programmed to interrupt the CPU on "count equal 0" (to notify software that the last block is being transferred) or the master DMA can be programmed to interrupt the CPU on "count equals 0" when the last block move is programmed into the master DMA (to notify software that the entire sequence of transfers is completed). When linking is enabled, the external Ready line is not asserted by the master DMA when count equals zero; also, both master and linked DMAs generate interrupts whenever the programmed condition arises. When programming linked DMAs, the last word to be programmed must be the master DMA's Transaction Descriptor register. Also, the linked DMA must be programmed before the master DMA's status register is programmed. DMA Master Control Register. This l6-bit register (Figure 27) specifies the general configuration of the four on-chip DMA channels: the linking of the DMA channels, the software ready enables, edge detection enables for the Ready lines, and EOP enable. Figure 27. DMA Master Control Register The fields in this register are: OMAO to Receiver Link (OOR). When this bit is set to 1, DMA channel 0 is linked to the UART receiver. OMA 1 to Transmitter Link (0 1T). When this bit is set to 1 , DMA channell is linked to the UART transmitter. OMA2 Link (02L). When this bit is set to 1, DMA channel 2 is linked to DMA channel O. 2259-027 DMA3 Link (D3L). When this bit is set to 1, DMA channel 3 is linked to DMA channel 1. End-of-Process (EOP). When this bit is set to 1, the INTA line is used as an end-of-process signal for the active DMA channel. Software Ready for DMAO (SRO). When this bit is set to 1, DMA channel 0 requests service if enabled. Software Ready for DMA 1 (SR1). When this bit is set to 1, DMA channel 1 requests service if enabled. Enable Count n (ECn). When bit ECn is set to 1, edge detection circuitry is enabled on Ready line n. DMA Channel Control Registers Transaction Descr/ptor Registers. These four 16-bit registers, one for each channel, (Figure 28) describe the type of DMA transfer to be performed and contain control and status information. 11 TYPE I I TC DAD IEPsl Figure 28. Transaction Descriptor Register The fields in this register are: End-of-Process Signaled (EPS). This bit is set to 1 automatically when the channel is active and an end-ofprocess is signaled on the Interrupt A input line, thus prematurely terminating the transfer. Destination Address Descriptor (DAD). The setting of this 3-blt field indicates the type of location (memory or I/O) and how the address is to be manipulated (incremented, decremented or left unchanged), as shown in Table 4. Table 4. SAD and DAD Encodlngs Encoding Address Modification Operetlon o0 0 Auto-Increment memory location Auto-decrement memory location Memory address unmodified by transaction Reserved Auto·lncrement (by 1) 1/0 location Auto-decrement (by 1) 1/0 location 1/0 address unmodified by transaction Reserved o0 1 o1 0 o1 1 100 101 1 10 111 Transaction Type (Type). This 2-bit field specifies flyby or flowthrough type of operation or count option (00 flowthrough, 01 = count option, 10 = flyby write, 11 = flyby read). In flowthrough mode of operation, two bus transactions occur for each DMA operation-a read from the source followed by a write to the destination. In a flyby operation, only one bus transaction occurs for each DMA operation. In flyby write to memory, the flyby output pin is pulsed instead of an I/O transaction being performed and the contents of the Destination Address register are output to specify the memory location. In flyby read from memory, the flyby output pin is pulsed instead of an 1/0 transaction being performed and the contents of the Source Address register are output to specify the memory location. Only two DMAs have flyby capability. In the count option type of operation, the DMA acts as a counter and the SRP field governs the counting frequency; the "count each" option decrements the count register once for each High-to-Low transition on the Ready line while the DMA enable bit is set to 1; the gate option decrements the count register once for each eight internal processor clock cycles while the Ready line is Low and the DMA enable bit is set to 1. = Bus Request Protocol (BRP). The setting of these two bits indicates the mode of DMA operation (Table 5); their interpretation depends on whether the channel is programmed for DMA operations or with the count option. Table 5. Bus Request Protocol (BRP) Encoding Single Transaction Burst Continuous Reserved 0 0 0 1 0 CounterlTlmer Count each Gated count Continuous gated count Reserved Size of Transfer (ST). This 2-bit field specifies the size of the entity to be transferred by the DMA channel (Table 6). For word transfers to or from memory locations, the memory address must be even (least significant bit is 0). Long word (32-bit) transfers are supported only in flyby mode, with the cache disabled. Table 6. Size of Transaction (ST) Encoding ST1 STO 0 0 Transfer Complete (TC). This bit is set to 1 automatically when the count register has reached zero. DMA 0 1 0 Size of Transfer Byte 16·bit word 32-bit longword Reserved Number to Incrementl Decrement By 1 2 4 369 I ! Interrupt Enab/e (IE). When this bit is set to 1, the DMA generates an interrupt request at end of count or end of process. When this bit is 0, no interrupt request is generated. Source Address Descriptor (SAD). The setting of this 3-bit field indicates the type of location (memory or I/O) and how the address is to be manipulated (incremented, decremented or left unchanged), as shown in Table 4. DMA Enab/e (EN). While this bit is 1, the DMA transfer is enabled. Count Register. This 16-bit register is programmed to contain the number of DMA transfers to be performed. When the contents of the count register reach zero, further requests on the RDY input line are ignored. The DMA channel can be programmed to generate an interrupt when the count register reaches zero. Source Address Register and Destination Address Register. These 24-bit registers contain the 24-bit physical addresses to be used during the DMA transaction. They are not translated by the MMU. In flyby mode, only one of these registers is used to supply the address for the bus transaction as indicated in the Mode field in the Transfer Descriptor register. The format for these registers is shown in Figure 29. 1. I I" 0 A" .• ..• .• • . . • • . • • • • 0 0 o I A11 A121 0 • • • Ao 0 o I I 0 0 0 Figure 29_ Source and Destination Address Registers Format Flyby Transaction Timing The Transaction Type field in the Transaction Descriptor register indicates whether the transaction is a read or a write. For flyby read transactions, the Source Address Descriptor indicates the transaction is a read from memory; for write flyby transactions the Destination Address Descriptor indicates the transaction is a write to memory. Additional wait states can be automatically inserted if programmed in the appropriate timing register. COUNTER/TIMERS The l800 MPU's four counter/timers can be programmed by system software for a broad range of counting and timing applications. The four independently programmable channels satisfy common microcomputer system requirements for event counting, interrupt and interval timing, and general clock generation. Three of the four counter/timers can have external input; the fourth can be used only in the timing mode. Programming the counter/timers is straightforward: each channel is programmed with four bytes. Once started, the channel counts down, and optionally reloads its time constant automatically and resumes counting. Software timing loops are completely eliminated. Interrupt processing is simplified because each channel uses a unique vector from the Interrupt/Trap Vector Table. Each channel is individually programmed with three registers: a configuration byte, a control byte, and a time-constant word. The configuration byte selects the operating mode (counter or timer), enables or disables the channel interrupt, and selects certain other operating parameters. In the timing mode, the CPU procassor clock is divided by fou r for input to the counter/timers. The time-constant word contains a value from 0 to 65,535. During operation, the individual counter channel counts down from the present time-constant value. In counter mode operation, the counter decrements on each of the input pulses until the count/time output condition is met. Each decrement is synchronized by the scaled internal processor clock. For counts greater than 65,536, two of 370 the counters can be programmably cascaded. When the count/time output condition is reached, the downcounter is automatically reset with the time constant value, if so programmed. The timer mode determines time intervals without additional logic or software timing loops. Time intervals are generated by dividing the internal processor clock by four and decrementing a presettable downcounter. Thus, the time interval is an integral multiple of the processor clock period, the prescaler value four, and the time constant that is preset in the downcounter. A timer is triggered by setting the software trigger control bit in the Control/Status register or by an external input. Three channels can generate an external output when the count/time output condition is met. The output is high when the internal presettable downcounter contains all zeros. Each channel can be programmed to generate an Interrupt Request, which occurs only if the channel has its Interrupt Enable control bit set to 1 by software programming. When the l800 CPU accepts the interrupt request it automatically vectors through the Interrupt Vector Table. The four channels of the l800 MPU are fully prioritized and fit into four different slots in the l800 internal peripheral daisy-chain interrupt structure. Channel 0 has the highest priority and Channel 3 has the lowest. The channels have separate interrupt enables and the CPU's Master Status register has individual control bits that selectively inhibit interrupts from each channel. 2259-029 Gate Operation. A counter/timer can be programmed to Modes of Operation count or time only when a gating condition is met. While the counter/timer is enabled and the external gate capability is selected, an external input line is monitored; only while this line is High are the counting or timing operations performed. The software gate facility filters the state of the input line; while the software gate bit in the Command and Status register is cleared to 0, the gating condition is not met regardless of the signals on the gating line. The gate facility is illustrated in Figure 30. Three of the counter/timer channels have two basic modes of operation: as counters or as timers. As counters they monitor external input lines and record Low to High transitions on these lines. In the timer mode, the processor clock, scaled by four, is used instead of the external input line. The duration of this counting or timing can be either continuous from initial enabling (trigger operation) or only during intervals specified by signals on an input line (gate and gate/trigger operation). The count can be automatically restarted by programming the Retrigger Enable control bit in the counter/timer's Configuration register. Channel number 2 has no external inputs, and thus operates only as a timer. Trigger Operation. A counter/timer can be programmed to count or time only after a triggering condition occurs. While the counter/timer is enabled and the external trigger capability is programmed, an external input line is monitored; only after this line makes a Low-to-High transition is a counting or timing operation performed, The software trigger facility causes the triggering condition to be met regardless of the activity of this line. The trigger operation is illustrated in Figure 31. Each of the four counter/timers has a software gate and trigger facility that extends the hardware capabilities of the counter/timers. Counting Operation. While the appropriate enabling GatelTrlgger Operation. One input line can be used for both the gating and the triggering functions. A Low-toHigh transition on this line acts as a trigger and subsequent High signals on this line function as gate signals. If non-retriggerable mode is programmed, subsequent Low-to-High transactions do not cause a trigger. GateiTrigger Operation is shown in Figure 32. conditions are met, the counter/timer monitors its input line for Low-to-High transitions. When such a transition occurs, the Count/Time register is decremented by 1. Timing Operation. While the appropriate enabling conditions are met, the counter/timer monitors the internal processor clock scaled by four for Low-to-High transitions. When such a transition occurs the CountJTime register is decremented by 1. OATIl INPUT _ _ _ _ _..1 Llli.-__n...rli.-_ COUNTER, OR TIMER _ _ _..I COUNTmME REOISTER DECIIIIMUTED * * * Figure 30. Gate Facility TRIGO ... INPVI' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....... COUNTER n UNE _ _ _..... ~ _ _ _..... __n__ COUNTITIME IIIIOISTER DECREMENTED Figure 31. Trigger Operation 2259-000, 031 371 ? OATEITRIOOER INPUT ------ GATE TRIGGER GATE LJ COUNTER LINE COUNT/TIME REOISTER DECREMENTED Figure 32. GatelTrigger Operation The software gate and trigger mechanism can also be used in this mode of operation. A software gate before a trigger (hardware or software) has no effect on the counter/timer. After a hardware or software trigger, the software gate must be set to 1 for the Count/Time register to be decremented. A software trigger after a hardware or software trigger has no effect unless the Retrigger Enable control bit is set to 1. CounterlTimer Control and Status Registers Each counterltimer has two 8·bit control registers and two 16·bit count registers. The Configuration register and Command and Status register determine the counterltimers's operation, the Counter/Timer Com· mand/Status register provides information about the cur· rent operation, the Time Constant register contains the initialization value for the counterltimer, and the Count/Time register contains the current value of the count in progress. Counter/Timer Configuration Register. This 8·bit register (Figure 33) specifies the counterltimer's mode of operation: the pin configuration, whether an interrupt request is generated, and whether the countdown se· quence is automatically restarted when the count reaches zero or when a trigger occurs. IC/sl RE liE ICTc·1 IPA ·CTC Is present on counter/timers o and 2 only. Figure 33. CounterlTlmer Configuration Register The fields in this register are: Input Pin Assignments (lPA). This 4·bit field specifies the functionality of the input lines associated with the counterltimer and whether the counterltimer monitors an external input (counting operation) or uses the scaled internal processor clock (timing operation). The four bits in this field can be associated with enabling output generation (EO), selecting the external signal or internal clock (C/T) , enabling the gating facility (G), and enabling the triggering facility (T). The selected options determine the functions associated with each input line associated with the counterltimer, as illustrated in Table 7. CounterlTimer Cascade (CTC). When this bit is set to 1, counterltimers 0 and 1 and/or counterltimers 2 and 3 form a 32·bit counter. When used as 32·bit counter/ timers, the control and status registers corresponding to counterltimers 0 and 2 are not used, with the exception Table 7. Input Pin Functionality EO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IPA Field CIT G 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unused Unused Timer Unused Trigger Timer 0 Gate Gate Unused Trigger Timer Timer 0 0 0 1 0 Unused Trigger Counter Counter Input Counter Timer Counter Gate GateITrigger 0 Output Unused Trigger Gate GateITrigger Timer 0 Output Output 0 0 Output Output Timer Timer Input Counter Unused Unused Reserved Unused Unused Unused Reserved Reserved Unused 372 Input Input Input 1 1 0 0 Notes 1 1 0 0 Pin Functionality CounterlTlmer 1/0 CounterlTlmer Input 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 T 2259-032. 033 of the CTC bits in the counter/timer configuration registers. The CTC bits in the counter/timer configuration registers of counter/timers 1 and 3 are never used. Interrupt Enab/e (IE). While this bit is set to 1 the counter/timer generates an interrupt request when the count/time output condition is met. While this bit is no interrupt request is generated. ° Retrigger Enab/e (RE). While this bit is set to 1, the time constant value is automatically loaded into the Count/Time register when a trigger input is received while the counter/timer is counting down. While this bit is 0, no reloading occurs. Continuous/Single Cycle (C/S). While this bit is set to 1, the countdown sequence is automatically restarted when the count reaches zero by loading the time constant value into the Count/Time register. While this bit is 0, no reloading occurs. Counter/timer channel 2 can be programmed as a counter. However, since it has no external inputs to count, this is not a useful mode of operation .• Counter/Timer Command/Status Register_ This S-bit register (Figure 34) provides software control over the operation of the counter/timer and reflects the current status of the counter/timer's operation. Control bits in this register enable the counter/timer's operation and provide software gate and trigger capabilities. Status bits indicate whether a count is in progress, the count/time output condition has been reached, or the condition has been reached a second time. 7 0 I EN I aT I Ta I 0 I 0 ICIP ICefORI Figure 34_ CounterlTlmer Command/Status Register The fields of this register are: Count Overrun (COR). When this bit is set to 1 the count/time output condition has been reached and the CC bit is set to 1, thus indicating a count overrun condition. While this bit is cleared to 0, the count/time output condition has not been reached with the CC bit set since the time the CC bit was cleared by software. Ttlis bit can be read or written (set or cleared) by software I/O instructions. CounVTime Output Condition has been Met (CC). When this bit is set to 1 the Count/Time register has been decremented to zero by the counter/timer control circuitry in single cycle mode, or the Count/Time register has been reloaded in continuous mode. When this bit is cleared to the count has not reached the count/time output condition since the bit was cleared by software. This bit can be read or written (set or cleared) by software I/O instructions. ° 2259-034 Count in Progress (C/P). While this bit is set to 1 the counter/timer is operating and the Count/Time register is non-zero; while this bit is cleared to the counter/timer is not operating. This bit is controlled by the counter/timer control circuitry; it can be read by an I/O read but cannot be set or cleared by an I/O write instruction. ° Software Trigger (TG). When this bit is set to 1 (and the trigger operation of the counter/timer is enabled), if the Enable bit is also set to 1, the trigger operation is enabled on the riSing edge of the first processor clock period following the setting of this bit from a previously cleared value. That is, if a hardware trigger has not already occurred, the contents of the Time Constant register are loaded into the CountlTime register and the countdown sequence begins. If a hardware trigger has already occurred, then if Retrigger Enable is set to 1, the counter/timer is retriggered; otherwise, setting this bit has no effect. Writing a 1 in this field when the previous value was 1 has no effect on the operation of the counter/timer. When this bit is cleared to zero, this bit has no effect on the operation of the counter/timer. Software Gate (GT). When this bit is set to 1 (and the gate operation of the counter/timer is enabled), if the Enable bit is also set to 1, operation begins on the riSing edge of the first processor clock period following the setting of this bit from a previously cleared value. Writing a 1 in this field when the previous value was 1 has no effect on the operation of the counter/timer. When this bit is cleared to 0, the countdown sequence is halted. Enab/e (EN). While this bit is set to 1, the counter/timer is enabled; operation begins on the rising edge of the first processor clock period following the setting of this bit from a previously cleared value. Reset clears this bit. While this bit is cleared to 0, the value in the Time Constant register is constantly transferred to the Count/Time register. If the Time Constant register is all zeros, the output of the counter/timer is one. Thus, when the counter/timer is not enabled, the counter/timer output in conjunction with the Time Constant register can be used as an I/O port. Writing a 1 in this field when the previous value was 1 has no effect on the operation of the counter/timer. While this bit is 0, the counter/timer performs no operation during the next (and subsequent) processor clock periods. Time-Constant Register. This 16-bit register holds the value that is automatically loaded into the Count/Time register when the counter/timer is enabled, or in the continuous or retrigger mode when the count reaches zero or the trigger is asserted, respectively. This register can be read or written by I/O instructions. Count/Time Register. This 16-bit register holds the current value of the count or timing in progress. It is automatically loaded from the Time-Constant register, and can be read by software using the I/O read instructions. 373 Pin Descriptions Counter/timers 0, 1, and 3 have two external input lines associated with them. The I/O lines transfer signals between the counter/timers and external devices. The input lines receive signals from external devices for the counter/timers. The interpretations of the signals on these lines is determined by the Input Pin Assignment field in the Configuration register. MULTIPROCESSOR MODE OF OPERATION Features • Allows global memory areas for shared resources • Global memory addresses are user-specified • Separate requests for local and global buses • Requesting mechanism is transparent to user • Easily interfaces to external arbiters One mode of operation for the Z800 MPU is as an I/O Processor (lOP); while in this mode, the Z800 MPU also supports multiprocessor configurations. While operating as an lOP, the Z800 MPU is able to support both a local bus (of which the Z800 MPU is the default bus master) and a global bus (for which the Z800 MPU must request the bus and receive a bus grant signal before issuing a bus transaction.) To accomplish this functionality, two pins previously used for the counter/timer 0 peripheral are dedicated to be global bus request and global bus grant lines; thus this feature is available only in the 64-pin devices. A register in the Z800 MPU bus interface unit is accessed for each bus transaction to determine whether the physical address must be accessed via the global or local bus. Architecture Pin Functionality. Two pins are used by the lOP for obtaining the global bus: the Global Request line is used to request the global bus, one which the CPU does not control by default (counter/timer 0 input/output), and the Global Acknowledge line receives an acknowledge of a global bus request (counter/timer 0 input). Local Address Register. The bus interface unit distinguishes whether a bus transaction uses the local or global bus by comparing the four most significant bits of the physical address of memory (address bits 20 through 23) with a 4-bit Base field in the local Address register (Figure 35). A mask field in this register specifies which bits are to be used. If all the corresponding address bits match the Base field bits (for those bit positions specified by the mask field), then the bus transaction can proceed on the local bus without requesting the global bus; if there is a mismatch in at least one specified bit position, then the global bus is be requested and the bus transaction does not proceed until the global bus acknowledge signal is asserted. 374 7 EE.fE'fE+E201 0 I I 8231 8221 821 820 Figure 35. Local Address Register The bits in the local Address register are: Base (Bn). When Bn is 1, address bit An must be 1 for a local bus transaction to be performed (unless Match Enable bit MEn is 0); when bit Bn is 0, address bit An must be 0 for a local bus transaction to be performed. Match Enable (MEn). When MEn is 1, address bit An is compared 10 base bit Bn to determine if the address requires the use of the global bus. When MEn is 0, then any values for An and Bn will produce a match. If each MEn is 0, then all bus transactions are performed on the local bus. CPU Accesses on the Global Bus The control of the local bus uses BUSREQ and BUSACK in the same way as in the non-multiprocessor mode of operation. The input signal BUSREQ is asynchronous to the processor clock; the CPU synchronizes BUSREQ internally. When the CPU acknowledges a local bus request by driving BUSACK active, then the CPU places all other output signals, including GREQ, in 3-state. After reset the CPU acknowledges a request for the local bus before performing any transactions. When the CPU has not granted the local bus then it can request a global bus. A timing diagram for global bus request is shown in Figure 36. First, on a rising edge of ClK, the CPU drives the address and status lines valid. AS is not asserted, however; GREQ serves the function of indicating that a valid address is on the local bus. On the next falling edge of ClK the CPU drives GREQ active. The CPU samples GACK on each falling edge of ClK until the arbiter drives GACK active and leaves BUSREQ inactive, indicating that the addressed global bus is available to the CPU. The BUSREQ line is used by the arbiter to remove all of the devices that are simultaneously requesting the global bus, except the one device that is granted the global bus. The devices that are not granted the global bus make their GREQ inactive. The input signal GACK is asynchronous to the processor clock; the CPU synchronizes GACK internally. The CPU that was granted the bus performs one or more transactions on the global bus until the CPU no longer needs the global 2259-035 DMA Accesses on the Global Bus bus or the CPU is prepared to acknowledge a local bus request. The CPU then drives GREQ inactive and wa~ts for the arbiter to drive GACK inactive. The CPU relinquishes the global bus upon receipt of a local bus, DMA, or refresh request or after any transaction except for a test and set instruction (both data read and write are performed before relinquishing the bus) and for burst transfers (the entire sequence of data reads are made). Each on-chip DMA device can use the global bus to per· form data transfers. The address generated during each DMA initiated transfer is compared with the contents of the Local Address register to determine whether the global bus is requested; this operation is the same as for CPU-generated requests. ADDRESSI DATA HIGH STo-ST. RIW BIW Figure 36. Multiprocessor Mode Timing EXTERNAL INTERFACE (ZaO-BUS) Features • 8-bit data bus • Multiplexed addressldata lines • Supports Z80 Family peripherals Pin Descriptions A. Address (output, active High, 3-state). These address lines carry I/O addresses and memory addresses during bus transactions. Of the 16 lines, only 11 are available on the 40-pin version. AD. Address/Data (bidirectional, active High, 3-state). These eight multiplexed Data and Address lines carry I/O addresses, memory addresses, and data during bus transactions. AS. Address Strobe (output, active Low, 3-state). The ris· ing edge of AS indicates the beginning of a transaction and shows that the address is valid. 2259-036 BUSACK. Bus Acknowledge (output, active Low). A Low on this line indicates that the CPU has relinquished control of the bus in response to a bus request. BUSREQ. Bus Request (input, active Low). A Low on this line indicates that an external bus requester has obtained or is trying to obtain control of the bus. ClK. Clock Output (output). The frequency of the processor timing clock is derived from the oscillator input (external OSCillator) or crystal frequency .(inter~al oscillator) by dividing the crystal or external OSCillator input by two. This clock is further divided by one, two, or four (as programmed), and then output on this line. HALT. Halt (output, active Low, 3·state). This signal indicates that the CPU has executed a Halt instruction and is awaiting an interrupt before operation can resume. INT. Maskable Interrupts (input, active Low). A Low on one is available on the 40-pin version. 375 IORQ. Input/Output Request (output, active Low, 3-state). This signal indicates that ADo-AD7 and A16-A23 of the address bus hold a valid 1/0 address for a 110 read or write operation. An 10RO signal is also generated with an M1 signal when an interrupt is being acknowledged, to indicate that an interrupt response vector can be placed on the data bus. Interrupt acknowledge opera· tions occur during M1 time and 110 operations never oc· cur during M1 time. M1. Machine Cycle One (output, active Low, 3-state). This signal indicates that the current transaction is the opcode fetch cycle of a RETI instruction execution. M1 also occurs with 10RO to indicate an interrupt acknowledge cycle. MREQ. Memory Request (output, active Low, 3·state). This signal indicates that the address bus holds a valid address for a memory read or write operation. NMI. Nonmaskable Interrupt (input, falling-edge activated). A High-to-Low transition on this line requests a nonmaskable interrupt. RD. Read (output, active Low, 3-state). This signal indicates that the CPU or DMA peripheral is reading data from memory or an 1/0 device. RESET. Reset (input, active Low). A Low on this line resets the CPU and on-chip peripherals. CTIO. Counter/Timer //0 (bidirectional, active High, 3-state). These I/O lines transfer signals between the counterltimers and external devices. IE. Input Enable (output, active Low, 3-state). A Low on this line indicates that the direction of transfer on the Address/Data lines is toward the CPU. OE. Output Enable (output, active Low, 3-state). A Low on this line indicates that the direction of transfer on the Address/Data lines is away from the CPU. PAUSE. CPU Pause (input, active Low, Z8216 only). While this line is Low the CPU refrains from transferring data to or from on Extended Processing Unit in the system or from beginning the execution of an instruction. RX. UART Receive (input, active High). This line receives serial data at standard TIL levels. ROY. DMA Ready (input, active Low). These lines are monitored by the DMAs to determine when a peripheral device associated with a DMA port is ready for a read or write operation. When a DMA port is enabled to operate, its Ready line indirectly controls DMA activity; the manner in which DMA activity is controlled by the line varies with the operating mode (single-transaction, burst, or continuous). TX. UART Transmit (output, active High). This line RFSH. Refresh (output, active Low, 3-state). This signal transmits serial data at standard TIL levels. indicates that the lower ten bits of the Address bus con· tain a refresh address for dynamic memories and the current MREO signal should be used to perform a refresh read to all dynamic memories. Bus Operations WAIT. Wait (input, active Low). A Low on this line indicates that the responding device needs more time to complete a transaction. WR. Write (output, active Low, 3-state). This signal indicates that the bus holds valid data to be stored at the addressed memory or I/O location. XTALI. C/ock/Crysta/lnput (time-base input). Connects a series-resonant crystal or an external single phase clock to the on-Chip oscillator. XTALO. Crystal Output (time-base output). Connects a series-resonant crystal to the on-chip oscillator. + 5 V. Power Supply Voltage. (+ 5 nominal). GND. Ground. Ground reference. The following lines are available only on the 64-pin ver· sion: DMASTB. DMA Flyby Strobe (output, active Low). These lines select peripheral devices for flyby transfers. CTIN. CounterlTimer Input (input, active High). These lines receive Signals from external devices for the counter/timers. 376 Two kinds of operations can occur on the system bus: transactions and requests. At any given time, one device (either the CPU or a bus requester) has control of the bus and is known as the bus master. A transaction is initiated by the bus master and is responded to by some other device on the bus. Only one transaction can proceed at a time; eight kinds of transactions can occur: DMA Flyby. This transaction is used by the DMA peripheral to transfer data between an external peripheral and memory. Halt. This transaction is used to indicate that the CPU is executing a halt instruction. Internal Operation. This type of transaction does not transfer data; it indicates that the CPU is performing an operation that does not require data to be transferred on the bus. Interrupt Acknowledge. This transaction is used by the CPU to acknowledge an interrupt and to transfer addi· tional information from the interrupting device. I/O. This transaction is used by the CPU or DMA peripheral to transfer data to or from an external peripheral. Memory. This transaction is used by the CPU or DMA peripheral to transfer data to or from a memory location. Refresh. This type of transaction performed by the refresh peripheral does not transfer data; it refreshes dynamic memory. RETI. This transaction is generated only by the CPU and is used in conjunction with the Za4DD peripheral's interrupt logic. Only the bus master can initiate transactions. A request, however, can be initiated by a component that does not have control of the bus. Two types of these requests can occur: Bus. This request is used by external devices to request control of the system bus to initiate transactions. Interrupt. This request is used to request the attention of the CPU. When an interrupt or bus request is made, it is answered by the CPU according to its type. For an interrupt request, the CPU initiates an interrupt acknowledge transaction and for bus requests, the CPU enters bus disconnect state, relinquishes the bus, and activates an Acknowledge signal. Finally, the zaDD MPU itself may not be the system bus master. See the multiprocessor mode section for a discussion of this capability. Transactions Information transfers (both instructions and data) to and from the ZaDD MPU are accomplished through the use of transactions. All transactions start when AS is being driven low and then raised High. This signal can be used to latch ZaDD MPU addresses to de-multiplex the zaDD Address/Data lines required by ZaD Family peripherals. Coincident with AS assertion, the Output Enable line is also asserted. If the transaction requires an address, it is valid on the rising edge of AS. No address is required for Interrupt Acknowledge. The Read and Write lines are used to time the actual data transfer. (Refresh transactions do not transfer any data and thus do not activate RD.) For write operations, a low on WR indicates that valid data from the bus master is on the AD lines. The Output Enable line is also activated with WR. For read operations, the bus master makes the AD lines 3-state before driving RD low so that the addressed device can put its data on the bus. The bus master samples this data on the falling clock edge just before raising RD High. The Input Enable line is also activated with RD. Walt. The Wait line is sampled on the falling clock edge when data is to be sampled (i.e. when RD or WR rises). If the Wait line is low, another cycle is added to the transaction before data is sampled (RD or WR rises). In this added cycle, and all subsequent cycles added due to WAIT being low, the Wait line is sampled on the falling edge and, if it is low, another cycle is added to the transaction. In this way, the transaction can be extended by external devices to an arbitrary length to accommodate (for example) slow memories or I/O devices that are not yet ready for data transfer. The WAIT input is synchronous, and must thus meet the specified setup and hold times in order for the ZaDD MPU to function correctly. This requires asynchronouslygenerated WAIT signals to be synchronized to the ClK output before they are input into the ZaDD MPU. Automatic wait states can also be generated by programming the Bus Timing and Control register and Bus Timing and Initialization register; these are inserted in the transaction before an external WAIT signal is sampled. Memory Transactions. Memory transactions move instructions or data to or from memory when the ZaDD MPU makes a memory access. Thus, they are generated during program execution to fetch instructions from memory and to fetch and store memory data. They are also generated to store old program status and fetch new program status during interrupt and trap handling, and are used by DMA peripherals to transfer information. A memory transaction is three bus cycles long unless extended with wait states, as explained previously. During the first bus cycle, AS is asserted to indicate the beginning of a transaction. The MREQ signal goes active during the second half of this bus cycle, which indicates a memory transaction. For a Read operation (Figure 37), RD is activated during the first half of the second bus cycle; Output Enable is deasserted at the beginning of the second cycle and Input Enable is asserted during the second half of the second cycle. The CPU samples information from the memory on the Address/Data bus with the falling edge of the clock during the third bus cycle and this same edge is used to deassert MREQ, and iE. Thus the data has already been sampled before RD is deasserted. For a Write operation (Figure 3a) the WR line is asserted during the second half of the second cycle. RETI Transactions. These transactions (Figure 39) are similar to two memory read transactions except that M1 is asserted throughout each read transaction, falling early in the first bus cycle, and that MREQ, M1, RD and iE are deasserted on the rising edge of the clock following the third cycle. Each of the read transactions is followed by a minimum of three bus cycles of inactivity. These transactions are invoked when an RETI instruction is encountered in the instruction stream; they are used during the re-fetching of the instruction from memory so that interrupt logic within ZaD peripherals that monitor the bus for this instruction will function correctly. 377 Ct.> OJ 1....-- T1~"-T2---"I<4--T3--------1 .. Z8208 only. m = 18 for Z8108. 23 for Z8208. figure 37. Memory Read Timing I i I~ T1------..J~T2._...._..I4---T3-----..1 .. Z8208 only• m = 18 for Z8l08. 23 for Z8208. Figure 38. Memory Write Timing I ~T1--'I4--T2--.I'---T3~~T4 ~ I I ADO-AD7 As-Am AS -( -Y ADDRESS ED (1'ROM MEMORy) + T5---"'1~ T64""""- T1---"1"--- T2--'~ I T34""- I I I 4D(FROM MEMORy) ADDRESS ADDRESS X X / \ X ADDRESS - '-I - """\ / AD / WAIT Oi* ~ IE· I I T6--"1 I I MREQ M1 T4--"1""'-- TS----.t......-- \. / -' \. \ / \ / \. .. Z8208 only. B-blt Data bus only; m =18 for Z8108, 23 for Z8208. Figure 39. RETI Read Timing W --J (0 a_oo8Z / X. Internal Operations and Halt Transactions. There are two kinds of bus transactions that do not transfer data: Internal Operations (Figure 40) and Halt (Figure 41). Both transactions look like a memory transaction, except that RD and WR remain High and no data is transferred. For the Internal Operation transaction, MREO is not asserted. The Wait line is not sampled during either the Internal Operation or Halt transactions. 1/0 Transactions. I/O transactions move data to (Figure 42) or from (Figure 43) peripherals and are generated during the execution of I/O instructions. I/O transactions are four clock cycles long at a minimum, and may be lengthened by the addition of wait cycles. The extra clock cycle allows for slower peripheral operation. The 10RO line indicates that an I/O transaction is taking place. The I/O address is found on ADo-AD7 and Aa-A23 when AS rises. Halt transactions are identical to memory read transactions except that HALT is asserted throughout the transaction, falling during the second half of the first bus cycle, and remains asserted until an interrupt is acknowledged. This transaction is invoked when a Halt instruction is encountered in the instruction stream or a fatal sequence of traps occurs. Although the Halt transaction is three cycles, the HALT line remains asserted until an Interrupt request is acknowledged or a Reset is received. Refresh (to maintain a minimum frequency of bus transactions) or DMA transfers may occur while HALT is asserted; also, the bus can be granted. The address put out during the address phase of this cycle is the address of the Halt instruction. The 10RO line and either RD and iE or WR with OE still asserted, are asserted during the second cycle. Output data to the peripheral is placed on the bus at this time; input data from the peripheral is read during the fourth cycle (unless additional wait states are inserted in the transaction). I4--Tl--+-I~T2~I"--T3---..1 ADO-AD7 As-Am UNDEFINED HIGH AD AND HIGH WR OE* ji* '" Z8208 only. m = 18 lor Z8108, 23 lor Z8208. Figure 40. Internal OperatiDn Timing 380 2259-040 ADO-AD? AS-Am HIGH RD AND WR HIGH OE·* * Address of HALT Instruction. *'" Z8208 only. m = 18 for Z8108, 23 for Z8208. II ** Figure 41. Halt Timing I......--T1------I..---T2--+-I~TW---..I.-.--T3-----! ADO-AD? AS-Am lORa OE" rE" HIGH • Z8208 only. m = 18 for Z8108, 23 for Z8208. Figure 42. 1/0 Write Timing 22590041.042 381 .. Z8208 only. m = 18 for Z8l08, 23 for Z8208. Figure 43. I/O Read Timing Interrupt Acknowledge Transactions. These transac· tions (Figure 44) acknowledge an interrupt or trap and read information from the device that generated the in· terrupt. The transactions are generated automatically by the hardware when an interrupt request is detected. The Interrupt Acknowledge transactions are five cycles long at a minimum, and have two automatic Wait cycles. The wait cycles are used to give the interrupt priority daisy chain (or other priority resolution device) time to settle before the identifier is read. Additional automatic wait states can be generated by programming the Bus Timing and Control register. The interrupt acknowledge transaction is indicated by an M1 assertion without MREO during the first cycle. During this transaction the IORO signal becomes active during the third cycle to indicate that the interrupting device can place an 8·bit vector on the bus. It is captured from the AD lines on the falling clock edge just before IORO is raised High. 382 There are two places where the WAIT line is sampled and, thus, where a wait cycle can be inserted by external circuitry. The first serves to delay the falling edge of IORO to allow the daisy chain a longer time to settle, and the second serves to delay the pOint at which the vector is read. Refresh Transactions. A memory refresh transaction (Figure 45) is generated by the l800 refresh mechanism and can occur immediately after the final clock cycle of any other transaction. The memory refresh counter's 10·bit address is output on ADo-ADg during the normal time for addresses. The RFSH line is activated with MREO. This transaction can be used to generate refreshes for dynamic RAMs. 2259-043 . .·..,I""·I----T.-I-Tw,--.. .*I. . .--Tw---<·*I·....--T.--! I--TLA.T----<.~I""·I----T,-- - I I I I I L.- / --( ADo-AD7 UNDEFINED' - r " DATA I ~ I UNDEFINED A8-Am HIGH / / \ \ HIGH \ iH!* * IE** *. '* AD1 and AD2 Indicate type of Interrupt being acknowledged. Z8208 only. m = 18 for Z81OS. 23 for 28208. Figure 44. Maskable Interrupt AcknDwledge Sequence 383 ADO-AD7 Ae-Am OE** IE* * ·10 least-significant bits are Refresh address, the rest are undefined . •• Z8208 only. m = 18 for Z8108, 23 for Z820B. Figure 45. Refresh Timing Requests There are three kinds of request signals that the l800 MPU supports. These are: • Interrupt requests, which another device initiates and the CPU accepts and acknowledges. • Bus requests, which an external potential bus master initiates and the l800 MPU accepts and acknowledges. • Global bus requests, which the CPU or on-chip DMA initiates to acquire a global System bus. When a request is made, it is answered according to its type: for interrupt requests, an Interrupt Acknowledge transaction is initiated; for bus requests, an Acknowledge signal is sent; for global bus requests, an Acknowledge signal is received. Interrupt Requests. The l800 CPU supports two types of interrupt, maskable and nonmaskable (NMI). The Interrupt Request line of a device that is capable of generating an interrupt can be tied to the NMI or maskable interrupt request lines. Several devices can be 384 connected to one pin with the devices arranged in a priority daisy chain. However, all l80 family peripherals should be on the same line (or no nesting of interrupts among different lines. The CPU uses different protocols for handling requests on the NMI pin than the protocol used for maskable interrupt pins. The sequence of events shown below should be followed: Any High-to-Low transition on the NMI input is asynchronously edge-detected, and the internal NMI latch is set. At the beginning of the last clock cycle in the last internal processor clock cycle of any instruction, the interrupt inputs are sampled along with the state' of the internal NMI latch. If a maskable interrupt is requested and the Master Status register indicates that requests on that line are to be accepted, the next possible bus transaction is the Interrupt Acknowledge transaction, which results in information from the highest-priority interrupting device being read off the AD lines. This data is used to initiate the interrupt service routine. For a nonmaskable interrupt request, the hexadecimal constant 0066 is used to initiate the interrupt service routine, except in mode 3. Bus Requests. To generate transactions on the bus, a potential bus master (such as the DMA Controller) must gain control of the bus by making a bus request. A bus request is initiated by pulling BUSREO Low. Several bus requesters may be wire ORed to the BUSREO pin; priorities are resolved externally to the CPU, usually by a priority daisy chain. The asynchronous BUSREO signal generates an internal BUSREO, which is synchronous. If the external BUSREO is Low at the beginning of any machine cycle, the internal BOSREQ causes the Bus Acknowledge line (BUSACK) to be asserted after the current machine cy- cle is completed. (Exceptions are the TSET instruction where the read-modify-write cycle is atomic and DMA transfer in burst or continuous mode). The CPU then enters Bus Disconnect state and gives up control of the bus. Ali CPU Output pins, except BUSACK, are 3-stated. The CPU regains control of the bus after BUSREO rises. Any device desiring control of the bus must wait at least two bus cycles after BUSREO has risen before pulling it down again. The on-chip DMA channels have higher priority than external devices requesting the bus via BUSREO. EXTERNAL INTERFACE (Z·BUS) Features • 16-bit data bus • Multiplexed address/data lines • Supports high-speed burst mode transfers • Provides EPA interface Pin Descriptions A. Address (output, active High, 3-state). These address lines carry 1/0 addresses and memory addresses during bus transactions. Of the eight lines, only three are available on the 40-pin version. AD. Address/Data (bidirectional, active High, 3-State). These 16 multiplexed address and data lines carry 1/0 addresses, memory addresses, and data during bus transactions. AS. Address Strobe (output, active Low, 3-state). The rising edge of Address Strobe indicates the beginning of a transaction and shows that the address, status, RIW and Bm signals are valid. BUSACK. Bus Acknowledge (output, active Low). A Low on this line indicates that the CPU has relinquished control of the bus in response to a bus request. INT. Maskable Interrupts (input, active Low). A Low on these lines requests an interrupt. Of the three lines, only one is available on the 40-pin version. I NMI. Nonmaskable Interrupt (input, falling-edge activated). A High-to Low transition on this line requests a Nonmaskable Interrupt. I!I CI RESET. Reset (input, active Low). A Low on this line resets the CPU. = RIW. ReadlWrite (output, Low Write, 3-state). This signal determines the direction of data transfer for memory, 110, or EPU transfer transactions. ST. Status (output, active High, 3-state). These four lines indicate the type of transaction occuring on the bus and give additional information about the transaction. WAIT. Wait (input, active Low). A Low on this line indicates that the responding device needs more time to complete a transaction. XTALI. C/ocklCrystallnput (time-base input). Connects a series-resonant crystal or an external single-phase clock to the on-chip clock oscillator. XTAlO. Crystal Output (time-base output). Connects a series-resonant crystal to the on-chip clock oscillator. BUSREQ. Bus Request (input, active Low). A Low on this + 5 V. Power Supply Voltage. line indicates that an external bus requester has obtained or is trying to obtain control of the bus. GND. Ground. Ground reference. BIW. BytelWord (output, Low = Word, 3-state). This signal indicates whether a byte or a word of data is to be transmitted during a transaction. The following lines are available on the 64-pin device version only: ClK. Clock Output (output). The frequency of the processor timing clock is derived from the oscillator input (external oscillator) or crystal frequency (internal oscillator) by dividing the crystal or external oscillator input by two. This clock is further divided by one, two or four (as programmed), and then output on this line. DS. Data Strobe (output, active Low, 3-state). This signal provides timing for data movement to or from the bus master. (+ 5 nominal). DMASTB. DMA Flyby Strobe (output, active Low). These lines select peripheral devices for DMA flyby transfers. CTIN. CounterlTimer Input (input, active High). These lines receive signals from external devices for the counter-timers. CTIO. CounterlTimer 110 (bidirectional, active High, 3-state). These 110 lines transfer signals between the counter/timers and external devices. 385 iE. Input Enable (output, active Low, 3-state). A Low on this line indicates that the direction of transfer on the AddresslData lines is toward the CPU. Only the bus master can initiate transactions. A request, however, can be initiated by a device that does not have control of the bus. Two types of requests can occur: OE. Output Enable (output, active Low, 3-state). A Low Bus. This request is used to request control of the bus to initiate transactions. on this line indicates that the direction of transfer on the Address/Data lines is away from the MPU. PAUSE. CPU Pause (input, active Low, Z8216 only). While this line is Low the CPU refrains from transferring data to or from an Extended Processing Unit in the system or from beginning the execution of an instruction. Interrupt. This request is used to request the servicing by the CPU. RX. UART Receive (input, active High). This line receives serial data at standard TTL levels. When an interrupt or bus request is made, it is answered according to its type: for an externally generated interrupt request, an Interrupt Acknowledge transaction is initiated by the CPU; for bus requests, the MPU enters Bus Disconnect state, relinquishes the bus, and activates an acknowledge signal. RDY. DMA Ready (input, active Low). These lines are Transactions monitored by the DMA channels to determine when a peripheral device associated with a DMA channel is ready for a read or write operation. When a DMA channel is enabled to operate, its Ready line indirectly controls DMA activity; the manner in which DMA activity is controlled by the line varies with the operating mode (single-transaction, burst or continuous). TX. UART Transmit (output, active High). This line transmits serial data at standard TTL levels. Bus Operations Two kinds of operations can occur on the system bus: transactions and request. At any given time, one device (either the CPU or a bus requester) has control of the bus and is known as the bus master. A transaction is initiated by the bus master and is responded to by some other device on the bus. Only one transaction can proceed at a time; nine kinds of transactions can occur: Burst Memory. These transactions are used to transfer four words of instructions from the memory to the CPU. DMA Flyby. This transaction is used by the DMA peripheral to transfer data between an external peripheral and memory. EPU Transfer. This transaction is used to transfer data between the CPU and an EPU. Halt. This transaction is used to indicate that the CPU is executing the Halt instruction. Internal Operation. These transactions do not transfer data. Interrupt Acknowledge. This transaction is used by the CPU to acknowledge an external interrupt request and to transfer additional information from the interrupting device. 110. This transaction is used by the bus master to transfer data to or from an external peripheral. Memory. This transaction is used by the bus master to transfer data to or from a memory location. Refresh. These transactions by the refresh mechanism do not transfer data; they refresh dynamic memory. 386 Data transfers to and from the Z8DD MPU are accomplished through the use of transactions. All transactions start with Address Strobe (AS) being driven Low and then raised High by the Z8DD MPU. On the rising edge of AS, the Status lines STo-ST3 are valid; these lines indicate the type of transaction being initiated (Table 8); seven types of transactions are discuss· ed in the sections that follow. Associated with the status lines are two other lines that become valid at this time: RNi, and BIW. Table 8. Status Table Code 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 toDD 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Meaning Internal operation Refresh I/O transaction Halt Interrupt acknowledge line A Interrupt acknowledge (nonmaskable) Interrupt acknowledge line B Interrupt acknowledge line C Memory Reference (cachable) Memory Reference (non-cachable) Memory-EPU transfer Reserved EPU Instruction fetch EPU Instruction fetch (first word) EPU-CPU transfer Test and Set (data transfers) If the transaction requires an address, it is valid on the rising edge of AS. No address is required for EPU-CPU transfer and Internal Operation transactions; the contents of the A and AD lines while AS is asserted are undefined. If an address is generated, the OE signal is also activated. The Z-BUS MPUs use Data Strobe (OS) to time the actual data transfer. (Note that Refresh, Halt, and Internal Operation transactions do not transfer any data and thus do not activate OS.) For write operations (RiW Low), a Low on OS indicates that valid data from the bus master is on the AD lines. The Output Enable continues to be asserted until OS is deasserted. For read operations (RIW = High), the bus master makes AD Lines 3-state, deasserts OE and asserts iE after driving OS Low so that the addressed device can put its data on the bus. The bus master samples this data on the falling clock edge just before raising OS and iE High. = Walt. The Wait line is sampled on the falling clock edge when data is sampled by the Z800 MPU (Read), or the falling clock edge before OS rises (Read or Write). If WAIT is Low, another cycle is added to the transaction before data is sampled or OS rises. In this added cycle, and all subsequent cycles added when WAIT is Low, WAIT is again sampled on the falling clock edge and, if it is Low, another cycle is added to the transaction. In this way, the transaction can be extended to an arbitrary length by external circuitry to accommodate (for example) slow memories or 1/0 devices that are not yet ready for data transfer. Automatic insertions of wait states by the CPU or on-chip DMA channels can be programmed by setting fields in the Bus Timing and Control register and Bus Timing and Initialization register to indicate the number to be inserted. Memory Transactions. Memory transactions move data to or from memory when a bus master makes a memory access. Thus, they are generated during pro· gram execution to fetch instructions from memory and to fetch and store memory data. They are also generated to store old program status and fetch new program status during interrupt and trap handling and after reset. A memory transaction is three bus cycles long unless extended when WAIT is asserted, as explained above in the Wait section. The status pins, besides indicating a memory transaction, give the following information: • Whether the memory access is cacheable (1000) or noncacheable (1001) information. • Whether the data for the access is supplied (written) or captured (read) by an Extended Processing Unit (1010). • Whether the information being fetched from memory is an EPA template (1100, 1101). • Whether the memory access is part of the readmodify-write operation (Test and Set) (1111). Bytes transferred to or from odd memory (address bit 0 is 1) locations are always transmitted on lines ADo-AD7 (bit 0 on ADo)· Bytes transferred to or from even memory locations (address bit 0 = 0) are always transmitted on lines ADs-AD15 (bit 0 on ADs). For byte reads (BIW High, RiW High), the CPU or on-Chip DMA channel uses only the byte whose address it put out on the bus. For byte writes (BiW High, R/W Low), the memory should store only the byte whose address was output. During byte memory writes, the CPU (or on-Chip DMA channel in nonFlyby transactions) places the same byte on both halves of the bus, and the proper byte must be selected by testing Ao. For word transfers, (RiW = Low), all 16 bits are captured by the CPU or DMA channel (Read: RIW = High) or stored by the memory (Write: R/W = Low). For these transactions (either memory or 1/0) the bytes of data appear swapped on the bus with the most significant byte on ADrADo and the least significant byte on AD15-ADs· Memory transaction timings are shown in Figures 46-50. 387 II 8 II ! ... ADO-AD,. STATUS B/W 1 R/W = 08· ji. 'Z8216 only. m • 18 for Z8116, 23 lor Z8218. Figure 46. Memory Read Timing ADo-AD" AS STATUS B/W = 0 RlW Ii· HIGH 'Z8216 only. m = 18 for Z8116, 23 lor Z8216. Figure 47. Memory Write Timing 388 22~,047 I ADO-AD,. - -< - STATUS R/W B/W 1 = ADDRESS I ~ I '\ I DATA '\ I STATUS VALID \ OE" L ADDRESS ru - - I / / I ! \ --\ ji" 'Z8218 only. m iii 18 lor Z8116. 23 lor Z8218. Figure 48. Memory Read Timing with External Walt Cycle ADo-AD,. jiTA'i'iiil B/W R/W =0 OE" 'Z8218 only. m =18 for Z8116, 23 ji" HIGH lor Z8218. I Figure 49. Memory Write Timing with External Walt Cycle 2259'()48, 049 389 ADo-AD 15 AU.-Am STATUS B/W R/iii = 1 OE" IE" ·Z8216 only. m = 18 tor Z8116, 23 for Z8216. Figure 50. Memory Read Timing with Internal Walt Cycle Burst Memory Transactions. Burst memory transactions use multiple Data Strobes associated with a single Address Strobe. The CPU uses burst transactions to read four consecutive words in four data transactions. The address of the first word read during a burst transaction has zeros in the three least significant bits. Control bits in the Cache Control register indicate whether or not portions of the memory system can support burst transactions. The CPU uses burst mode reads only for fetching instructions. If an instruction is to be fetched from a location within a half of physical memory that supports burst transactions, the CPU reads the eight bytes that contain the first byte of the instruction. (EPA template fetches and the RETI instruction do not use the burst transaction.) Timing for the first data transfer during a burst transaction is identical to that for a single memory read, including the automatic insertion of wait states, except there are four T3 states. Subsequent data transfers do not include automatic wait states. On the first data transfer, if WAIT is sampled active then it is sampled again every bus clock cycle until it is inactive, at which time the data is read from the bus. Burst memory read timing is shown in Figure 51. 390 Internal Operation and Halt Transactions. Two types of bus transactions made by the CPU do not transfer data: Internal Operations and Halt transactions. These transactions look like a memory transaction, except that DS remains High and no data is transferred. For the Internal Operation transaction (Figure 52), the Address lines contain arbitrary data when AS goes High. The R/W line indicates Read (High) and the Status lines indicate Internal Operation (0000). A Halt transaction (Figure 53) is generated when the CPU executes a Halt instruction or when a fatal sequence of traps and bus errors occurs. The address placed on the AD lines is the location of the Halt instruction or the instruction that initiated the fatal sequence of traps and errors. The Status lines indicate a Halt transaction (0011). WAIT is not sampled during the Internal Operation or Halt transaction. ADO-AD16 DATA DATA ADDRESS STATUS B/W R/W = 1 STATUS VALID jE* ·Z8216 only. m = 18 tor Z8116, 23 for Z8216. Figure 51. Burst Memory Read Timing ADo-AD,. STATUS B/W R/W =0 =1 IE· ·Z8216 only_ m = 18 for Z8116, 23 for Z8216. Figure 52. Internal Operation Timing 2259-051, 052 391 ADO-AD1! STATUS B/W = 0 AlW = 1 OE:* * iE* * • Address of Halt Instruction. uZ8216 only. m = 18 for Z8116. 23 for Z8216. Figure 53. Halt Timing 1/0 Transactions. I/O transactions (Figures 54 and 55) move data to or from peripherals and are generated during the execution of 110 instructions. 110 transactions to on-chip peripheral devices do not generate external bus transactions. I/O transactions are four bus cycles long at a minimum, and they can be lengthened by the addition of wait cycles either automatically generated as indicated in the Bus Timing and Control register or generated by an external device. The extra clock cycles allow for slower peripheral operation. The status lines indicate that the access is an 110 transaction (0010). The 110 address is found on ADo-AD15 and A1S-A23· = Byte data (BiW High) is transmitted on ADo-AD7. This allows peripheral devices to attach to only eight of the AD lines. The Read/Write line (RiW) indicates the direction of the data transfer: peripheral-to-CPU (Read: RiW High) or CPU-to-peripheral (Write: R/W Low). = 392 = Interrupt Acknowledge Transactions. These transactions (Figure 56) acknowledge an interrupt and read an identifier from the device that generated the interrupt. Interrupt Acknowledge transactions are generated automatically by the hardware when an interrupt is detected. These transactions are five cycles long at a minimum, with at least two automatic wait cycles, although others can be added by programming the Bus Timing and Control register. The wait cycles are used to give the interrupt priority daisy chain (or other priority resolution device) time to settie before the identifier is read. ~T1---+-r---T~I""---Tw--"·-I1"'4>-----T3-------1 I ADO-AD15 A1e- Am STATUS BIW RIW = 0 I -K -~ - I ADDRESS I DATA VALID ADDRESS STATUS VALID / WAIT OE" \ --\ ji" ·Z8216 only. m = 18 for Z8116. 23 for Z8216. HIGH I Figure 54. 1/0 Write Timing I ADO-AD,. - K - - STATUS RIW BlW = 1 - ADDRESS I 1 I , , I ~ ' ADDRESS V STATUS VALID / OE" DATA \ --\ ·Z8216 only. m 18 for Z8116, 23 for Z8216. ji" = Figure 55. 110 Read Timing 2~.055 393 TW-------I.....--TW----+-f.--T3---./ -I-----TLAsr----.I-..--T1---.I..--T2-----f.-I I I I I I / J '\ UNDEFINED' ADo-AD,. I }-~ DATA '\ UNDEFINED STATUS B/W = 0 R/W = 1 STATUS VALID / OE** \ / \ \ / '* AD1 and AD2 Indicate the type of interrupt being acknowledged. ** Z8216 only. m= 18 for Z8116, 23 for Z8216. Figure 56. Interrupt Acknowledge Timing The Status lines identify the type of interrupt that is being acknowledged. The possibilities are nonmaskable interrupt (0101) and the three external interrupt acknowledges (0100, 0101 and 0111). No address is generated; the contents of the bus are undefined when AS rises. The Rm line indicates Read (High), and the B/W line indicates Word (Low). The only item of data transferred is the identifier that is captured from the AD lines on the falling clock edge just before OS is raised High. The length of time that OS is asserted is identical with 110 timing programmed in the Bus Timing and Control register. There are two places where WAIT is sampled and thus a wait cycle can be inserted by external devices. The first place serves to delay the falling edge of OS to allow the daisy chain a longer time to settle, and the second place serves to delay the point at which data is read. Refresh Transactions. A memory Refresh transaction (Figure 57) is generated by the refresh mechanism and 394 can come immediately after the final clock cycle of any other transaction. The memory refresh counter's 10-bit address is output on the low order 10 bits of the bus during the first cycle of the transaction. The contents of the rest of the bus are undefined. The Status lines indicate Refresh (0001). This transaction can be used to generate refreshes for dynamic RAMs. Refreshes may occur while the CPU is in the Halt or Fatal state. CPU· Extended Processing Unit Interaction The Z800 CPU with a Z-BUS interface and PAUSE input line (I.e., the Z8216) and one or more Extended Processing Units (EPUs) work together like a single CPU component, with the CPU providing address, status, and timing signals and the EPU supplying and capturing data. The EPU monitors the status and timing signals output by the CPU so that it knows when to participate in a memory transaction; for EPU to memory transfers, the CPU puts its AD lines in 3-state while OS is Low, so that the EPU can use them. 2259.056 ADo-ADlI Ate-Am AS STATUS n =0 R/W = 1 iii·· /1** *10 lu,t..ignilicant bits are Refrelh addre••. ··Z82t8 only. m • t810r Z8tt8. 23 lor Z82t8. Figure 57. Memory Refresh Timing In order to know which transaction it is to participate in, the EPU must track the following sequence of events: • • • When the CPU fetches the first word of an EPA instruction template from memory (STs-STo = 1101), the EPU must also capture the instruction returned by the memory. The template has an 10 field that indicates whether or not the EPU is to execute the instruction. Because there is no alignment restriction on EPA templates, the 10 field can not be in the first word fetched. The next non-refresh transaction by the CPU is the fetching the second word of the instruction (STs-STo = 1100). The EPU must also capture this word. If the template is not aligned, a third fetch is made (STa-STo = 1100). If the instruction Involves a read or write to memory, then transfers of data between memory and the EPU (STa-STo = 1010) are the next non-refresh transactions performed by the CPU. The EPU must supply the data (Write: RIW = Low) or capture the data (Read: R/W = High) for each transaction, just as if it were part of the CPU. In both cases, the CPU 3-states Its AD lines while data is being transferred (OS Low). • If the instruction involves a transfer from the EPU to the Z800 MPU, the next non-refresh transaction is the CPU transferring data between the EPU and CPU (STa-STo 1110). = In order to follow this sequence, an EPU has to monitor the status lines to verify that the transaction it is monitoring on the bus was generated by the CPU. In a multiple EPU system, there is no indication on the bus as to which EPU is cooperating with the CPU at any given time. This must be determined by the EPUs from the EPA templates they capture. When an EPU begins to execute an extended instruction, the CPU can continue fetching and executing instructions. If the EPU wishes to halt the CPU from executing another instruction or bus transaction, the EPU must activate the PAUSE line to stop the CPU until the EPU is ready for subsequent CPU activity. This mechanism is used to synchronize CPU-EPU activity. EPU Transfer Transactions. These transactions (Figures 58-60) move data between the CPU and an EPU, thus allowing the CPU to transfer data to or from an EPU or to read or write an EPU's status registers. They are generated during the execution of the EPA instruction. 395 EPU-to-Memory transfers are five cycles unless extended by Wait Memory to EPU transfers are three cycles unless extended by WAIT_ EPU-CPU transfer transactions have the same form as 110 transactions and thus are fou r clock cycles long, unless extended by WAIT. Although AS is asserted, no address is generated and the contents of the bus are undefined; only one status code is used (1110). In a multiple EPU system, the EPU that is to participate in a transaction is selected implicitly by the ID code in the EPU template, rather than by an address. The Read/Write line (R/W High) indicates the direction of the data transfer into the CPU. = Requests The Z800 MPU supports three types of request signal. These are: • Interrupt requests, which another device initiates and the CPU accepts and acknowledges. • Bus requests, which an external potential bus master initiates and the CPU accepts and acknowledges. • Global bus requests, which the CPU or on-chip DMA initiates to acquire a global system bus. When a request is made, it is answered according to its type: for interrupt requests, an Interrupt Acknowledge transaction is initiated by the CPU; for bus requests, an acknowledge signal is sent; for global bus request, an acknowledge signal is received. Interrupt Requests. The Z800 MPU supports two types of external interrupt, maskable and nonmaskable (NMI). The Interrupt Request line of a device that is capable of generating an interrupt may be tied to any of the interrupt pins. Several devices can be connected to one pin, with the devices arranged in a priority daisy chain. The CPU uses the same protocol for handling requests on these pins. The sequence of events is given below: Any High-to-Low transition on the NMI input is asynchronously edge-detected, and the internal NMI latch is set. At the beginning of the last processor clock cycle of any instruction, the interrupt inputs are sampled along with the state of the internal NMI latch. If a maskable interrupt is requested and the Master Status register indicates that requests on that line are to be accepted, or if the NMllatch is set, the next possible bus transaction is an interrupt acknowledge transaction that results in an identifier from the highest-priority interrupting device being read off the AD lines. This data is ADo-AD1S is STATUS alW AIW = 1 OE· iii· ·Z821S only. m = 18 for Z811S. 23 for Z8216. Figure 58. EPU to CPU Timing 396 2259-058 I ADo-ADlI STATUS a/iii R/iii = 0 0.· - -( I I I I ADDRESS " EPU DATA VALID " I ADDRESS \..J - STATUS VALID = 1010 / ~ II· \ HIGH 'Z8218 only. m • 18 far Z81111 23 tor Z8218. Figure 69, EPU Wrlta to Memory I-+--T1----+-I------TI---------I.-...--T3--+1 DATA ADDRESS STATUS Bliii STATUS VALID R/iii.1 ·Z8218 only. m • 1810. Z8118, 2310. Z8218. II· Figure 60. Memory to EPU Timing 2259-068, oeo 397 used to initiate the interrupt service routine. For a nonmaskable interrupt request in interrupt mode 0, 1, or 2, an interrupt acknowledge transaction is not generated; the hexidecimal constant 0066 is used to initiate the interrupt service routine. Bus Requests. To generate transactions on the bus, a potential external bus master (such as a DMA Controller) must gain control of the bus by making a bus request. A bus request is initiated by pulling BUSREQ Low. Several bus requesters can be wire ORed to the BUSREQ pin; priorities are resolved externally to the CPU, usually by a priority daisy chain. The asynchronous BUSREQ signal generates an internal BUSREQ, which is synchronous. If the external BUSREQ is Low at the beginning of any processor clock cycle, the internal BUSREQ will cause the bus acknowledge line (BUSACK) to be asserted after the current bus transaction is completed or after the write transaction of a TSET instruction. The CPU then enters Bus Disconnect state and gives up control of the bus. All Z800 Output pins except BUSACK are 3-stated. The on-chip DMA channels have higher priority than the off-chip devices requesting the external bus via BUSREQ. (de-asserted), the state of the Wait line is also noted: if WAIT is asserted, then the contents of the AD lines on the falling edge of the clock are used to program the content of the Bus Timing and I nitialization register, otherwise the constant 00 hexadecimal is used. If the hardware programming option is used, ADs is used to enable the bootstrap via UART option. After reset, the following control registers are initialized as follows: • Program Counter, System Stack Painter, I, and R registers initialized to 0 • Master Status register-initialized to 0, e.g., system mode of operation; Single-step mode, Breakpoint-anHalt and all maskable interrupts disabled • I/O Page register-I/O page 0 in use • Stack Limit register cleared • Refresh register-initialized to 88, e.g., refresh enabled, rate 32 clock cycles • Cache Control register-initialized to 00, e.g. cache enabled for program only (associative rather than fixed location); also, all lines invalid • Memory Management Unit Master Control register-initialized to 0, e.g., translation disabled • Trap Control register-initialized to 0, e.g., Stack Warning disabled, EPA disabled, I/O not privileged • All peripheral control registers-peripheral disabled (but see UART bootstrap option) • Interrupt Status register-Interrupt Mode 0 RESET A hardware reset puts the Z800 MPU into a known state and optionally initializes the Bus Timing and Initialization control register of the Z800 MPU to a system specifiable value. A reset begins at the end of any processor clock cycle if the RESET line is Low. However, if a bus transaction is in progress it is allowed to be completed. A system reset overrides all other operations of the chip, including interrupts, traps and bus requests. A reset should be used to initialize a system as part of the powerup sequence. Within 128 processor clock cycles of the RESET line becoming Low, the Z800 lines assume their reset values. For either bus, the AD lines are 3·stated, and all control outputs are forced High. While RESET is asserted, the clock output is the processor clock frequency scaled by four. RESET must be held low at least 128 processor clock cycles. The Reset line is sampled on the rising edge of the clock output during reset. When the Reset line is sampled High 398 = The following registers are unaffected: • CPU register file, including user Stack Pointer • Page Descriptor registers • Interrupt/Trap Vector Table Pointer register On the rising edge of RESET, if Bus Request is asserted the Z800 MPU will grant the bus before fetching the first instruction from location O. After RESET has returned to High, the CPU begins to operate unless the Bootstrap UART feature is utilized. PIN ASSIGNMENTS The pin assignments of four versions of the Z8DD MPU, the Z81D8, Z82D8, Z8116 and Z8216 are shown in Figures 61·64 respectively. A" A.. A" As As A" A12 A,. A" A" DMASTBo HALT DMASTB, ••• As As WR RFSH RDY2 ROY, WI! AD, RFSH AD, 10RQ AD, RDYo OND A" AD, IE M1 ADe AD, MREQ ADo TX iili AD, CYINo AD, AS MREQ ADo AD, XTAL, ADo XTAL1 iNfA lITAl, NMI BUSREQ RESET • 6' Figure 61. Z8108 Pin Assignments XTALo elK C1103 CliNt ADo OOA NMl BUSREQ Ma WAIT RESET CT1Na INTc BUSACK CTIO, PAUSE +5 • Figure 62. Z8208 Pin Assignments A" +5. AD'0 A" A" AD'1 A" AD, A23 AD, AD'2 ROV3 AD13 A18 AD,. A" AD'5 A" DMASTBo OIW DMASTB, .5' RX AD. CTIOo M1 RDY2 AD, ROY, RiIY AD, STo AD, ST, AD, AD'0 AD'1 AD, AD'2 AD, A18 A17 O!! ROYo AD'3 .ND GND A18 Ao, ST, AD,. AD,S oilY RiW AD, AD, IE ST, CTIOo STo ST, AD, OND OND ST, AD, AD, XTALl DS AD, XlAl, AS ADo ST, XTAl1 XTALo elK WAIT BUSACK - OS CllNo AS elK RX AD, ADo TX AD, CTlN, ADo iNfA NMi BUSREQ 008 iNfA C1103 NMl WAIT RESET CTlNa lNfc RESET .5' Figure 63. Z8116 Pin Assignments 2259-061, 082, 063, 064 A18 AD, A17 AD, WAIT A17 .ND .ND BUSACK ROVa A18 A18 OND elK A18 O!! IORQ iili AS .5. A" A,. BUSACK CTlO, PAUSE +5' Figure 64. Z8216 Pin Assignments 399 Z8000 Family Zilog Zilog Z8000® Family A Bigh·Pedormaace 16-Bil Archileclure With 32·Bil Nipalloa ia Niad March 1985 A Complete Solution. Continuing the family concept so successfully introduced by Its 8·bit Z80 CPU, Zilog devised the Z8000 Family of 16·bit parts. As you would expect from Zilog, this family provides much more than an extension of 8-bit architecture: the Z8000 Family lets you deSign advanced concepts from the mainframe and minicomputer worlds into microcomputer systems. And because the Z8000 Family was built around a unifying set of protocols and interconnections, present and future family members are entirely compatible. Your system can grow as your applications mature or expand. A whole range of functions have been planned for from the beginning; the growing family now includes parts to provide memory management, DMA transfer, and extended processing. System Flexibility. Even the smallest Z8000 systems offer high throughput and easy programming far superior to any existing microprocessor alternative. In mid-range applications, Z8000 components offer very powerful solutions to the design problems of word processing, intelligent terminals, data communications, instrumentation, and process control. In a complex network of multiple processors, smart peripheral components, and a distributed memory configuration, the Z8000 Family provides performance and versatility exceeding that of much larger-and far more expensive-minicomputers. Higher Throughput, Reduced Cost. The powerful instruction set, high execution speed, regular architecture, and numerous special features of the Z8000 microprocessors dramatically increase system throughput. Intelligent Z8000 peripheral controllers and extended processing units unburden the CPU and boost throughput even further. Simply put, the Z8000 Family offers more for less money. The Z8000 microprocessors give midrange minicomputer performance at microprocessor cost. At component prices, Z8000 peripheral controllers perform complex system functions that previously required an entire PC board. The Z8000 Family is designed for multiple-processor operation-an economical way of greatly increasing system performance. Many special features for multiple Z8000 CPUs facilitate the design of multipleprocessor systems that share access to a common memory. The Memory Management Units can dynamically relocate code and protect memory areas. The Z8090/4 Z-UPC Universal Peripheral Controller, a complete slave microcomputer, can manipulate data off-line. Asynchronous parts of multiple-processor systems can be joined by the Z8038 Z-FIO FIFO Interface Unit. A Z8000-based system can also include Zilog's Z8070 FPU Floating Point Unit for high-speed, highly accurate floating-point processing. The Z8000's Extended Processing Architecture (EPA) makes it easy to add the FPU, and Zilog prOVides a software simulation of the FPU for system development. An Unmatched CPU. The Z8000 microprocessor is not just a wider data path, more registers, more data types, more addressing modes, more instructions, and more addressing space. It brings bigmachine concepts to the level of components. Its general-register architecture avoids bottlenecks associated with dedicated or implied registers. Special features support parallel processors, operating systems, compilers, and the implementation of virtual memory. The Z8000 CPU is also a very fast machine. Its throughput is greater than that of any other 16-bit microprocessor with comparable clock speeds. And the Z8000 CPU is available with speeds ranging from a moderate 4 MHz clock rate that allows you the choice of slowaccess, low-cost memories to a high-speed 10 MHz clock rate for high-performance systems. From the four versions of the Z8000 microprocessors, you can select the one best suited to YGur needs: the Z8001 for large memory applications, the Z8002 for small memory applications, the Z8003 for virtual memory, or the Z8004 for multiprocessors sharing a common, small memory. 403 How to Manage Your Memory Better. Trends are increasingly toward systems with multiple users, complex programs, security requirements, and continuously expanding memory requirements. These design problems pose questions not sufficiently answered by other microprocessor families. Exemplifying the Z-Family commitment to advanced architecture, the Z8010 Memory Management Unit (Z-MMU) and the Z8015 Paged Virtual Memory Management Unit (Z-PMMU) both provide flexibility in code segmenter page relocation and sophistication in memory protection rarely found in the microprocessor world. These devices encourage modular software development-a critical factor as programs reach new levels of complexity. You are free from specifying where information is actually located in physical memory because the Z-MMU and Z-PMMU make software addresses totally independent from the actual physical memory address. While some microprocessor CPUs do have internal CPU relocation registers, they are dedicated and support few segments. These CPUs also restrict memory protection. Not true for the Z-MMU or Z-PMMU. Various configurations of these devices can randomly relocate all 128 segments output by the Z8000 CPU in any of its available memory systems. 404 For even more sophisticated memory management, the Z8000 microprocessors include a new member that supports virtual memory via an instruction abort mechanism. The Z8003 Virtual Memory Processing Unit (Z-VMPU) can implement either segmented virtual memory that allows demand swapping of segments, or a paged virtual memory in which the unit of memory allocation is a page within a segment. But the memory management units are more than relocation devices. They offer you a host of memory protection features that allow the system to protect its software from unwanted uses and users. Segments or pages can be specified as readonly to protect them from being overwritten, as system-only to protect the operating system from inadvertent user access, as execute-only, and so on. A write warning zone is especially useful in stack operations so the operating system can deal with growing stacks. Peripheral Problem Solvers. Z8000 peripheral components are not dumb 1/0 circuits. They perform intelligent, complicated tasks on their own. They unburden the CPU, reduce bus traffic, and increase system throughput. Complex system tasks that previously required burdensome conglomerations of MSI can now be handled off-line by Z-BUS peripherals with little CPU overhead. Multifunction Z-BUS peripherals are extensively programmable, so each can be precisely tailored to its application. Counting, timing, and parallel 110 problems seem less tiresome with the Z8036 Z-CIO Counter and Parallei 1/0 device. It has three 16-bit counterltimers, and three 1/0 ports. It can even double as a programmable interrupt-priority controller. Data communications are neatly handled by the Z8030 Z-SCC Serial Communication Controller and the Z8033 Z-ASCC Asynchronous Serial Communications Controller, dualchannel multi-protocol components that between them, support all popular communications formats. Direct memory access is amply supported by the Z8016 Z-DTC DMA Transfer Controller, a fast dual-channel device that enhances the addressing power of the Z8000 CPU in stand-alone or parallel-processor environments. General-purpose control and datamanipulation problems are smoothly solved by the Z8094 Z-UPC Universal Peripheral Controller, a complete off-line microcomputer-on-a-chip with three 1/0 ports. This processor executes the same friendly, capable instruction set as our Z8 Microcomputer. Bits and pieces of asynchronous parallel-processing systems are interconnected by the Z8038 Z-FIO FIFO Input/Output, a surprisingly flexible device that can interface any major microprocessor and most peripherals to the Z-BUS. Its buffer depth can be expanded without limit using the Z8060 Z-FIFO. If encryption or decryption of data is necessary, the Z8068 Data Ciphering Processor (Z-DCP) supports three standard Ciphering options and key parity check. It can also input, output, and encipher simultaneously. Z800 1/2 Z8000® CPU Central Processing Unit Zilog Product Specification April19a5 FEATURES • Regular, easy-to-use architecture • Instruction set more powerful than many minicomputers • Directly addresses a Mbytes • Eight user-selectable addressing modes • Seven data types that range from bits to 32-bit long words and byte and word strings • System and Normal operating modes • Separate code, data, and stack spaces • Sophisticated interrupt structure • Resource-shaping systems capabilities for • Multi-programming support multiprocessing • Compiler support • Memory management and protection provided by Za010 Memory Management Unit • 32-bit operations, including signed multiply and divide • Z-BUS compatible • 4, 6, and 10M Hz clock rate GENERAL DESCRIPTION The zaooo is an advanced high-end 16-bit microprocessor that spans a wide variety of applications ranging from simple stand-alone computers to complex parallel-processing systems. Essentially a monolithic minicomputer central processing unit, the zaooo CPU is characterized by an instruction set more powerful than many minicomputers; abundant resources in registers, data types, addressing modes and addressing range, and a regular architecture that enhances throughput by avoiding critical bottlenecks such as implied or dedicated registers. CPU resources include sixteen 16-bit general-purpose registers, seven data types that range from bits to 32-bit long words and byte and word strings, and eight user-selectable addressing modes. The 110 distinct instruction types can be combined with the various data types and addressing modes to form a powerful set of 414 instructions. Moreover, the instruction set is regular; most instructions can use any ofthe five main addressing modes and can operate on byte, word, and long-word data types. The CPU can operate in either the system or normal mode. The distinction between these two modes permits privileged operations, thereby improving operating system organization and implementation. Multiprogramming is supported by the "atomic" Test and Set instruction; multiprocessing by a combination of instruction and AS BUS{ TIMING ~ fltml READIWlfITE AD11 NORMAL/mT!M BYTElWORD ...ro.! ADDRESS I DATA BUS zaOO1 Z800~ CPU T~\'l SEGMENT: NUMBER I INTERRUPTS{ I I I MULTI-MICRO { CONTROL I +5 V GND eLK RESET Figure 1. Z8000 CPU Pin Functions 405 hardware features; and compilers by multiple stacks, special instructions, and addressing modes. The Z8000 CPU is offered in two versions: the Z8001 48-pin segmented CPU and the Z8002 40-pin nonsegmented CPU (Figure 1). The main difference between the two is in addressing range. The Z8001 can directly address 8 megabytes of memory; the Z8002 directly addresses 64 kilobytes. The two operating modes-system and normaland the distinction between code, data, and stack spaces within each mode allows memory extension up to 48 megabytes for the Z8001 and 384 kilobytes for the Z8002. To meet the requirements of complex, memory-intensive applications, a companion memory-management device is offered for the Z8001. The Z8010 Memory Management Unit manages the large address space by providing features such as segment relocation and memory protection. The Z8001 can be used with or without the Z8010. If used by itself, the Z8001 still provides an 8 megabyte direct addressing range, extendable to 48 megabytes. The Z8001, Z8002, and Z8010 are fabricated with high-density, high-performance scaled n-channel silicongate depletion-load technology, and are housed in dual-in-line packages (DIPs) and lead less chip carriers (LCG). REGISTER ORGANIZATION The Z8000 CPU is a register-oriented machine that offers sixteen 16-bit general-purpose registers and a set of special system registers. All general-purpose registers can be used as accumulators and all but one as index registers or memory pointers. Register flexibility is created by grouping and overlapping { RRO RO 17 RHO Rl RHI RLI RHZ RL2 RH3 RL3 RH4 RL4 RH5 RL5 RH6 RU 15 01 7 RLO multiple registers (Figures 2 and 3). For byte operations, the first eight 16-bit registers (RO ... R7) are treated as sixteen 8-bit registers (RLO, RHO ... , RL7, .RH7). The sixteen 16-bit registers are grouped in pairs (RRO ... RR14) to form 32-bit long-word registers. Similarly, the register set is grouped in quadruples (ROO ... R012) to form 64-bit registers. 01 RRO { Rol7 RHO RillS RHI RU Rzi RHZ RU R31 RH3 RU RLO 17 01 ROO ROO RRZ r z R3 { RR4 RRZ { R4 r RR6 { R6 RH7 RL7 RU . R7 1 RH7 RL7 R91 RR10 r' RR1Z R13 r RQI 1o1 Rill { Rlzl R131 1 .w R14 R15' SYSTEM STACK POINTER (SEG. NO.1 NORMAL STACK POINTER (SEG. NO.) SYSTEM STACK POINTER (OFFSET) NORMAL STACK POINTER (OFFSET) Figure 2. Z8001 General-Purpose Registers 406 RHa RR8 { { RIO R15 Rei R6115 15 Rll RR14 RLS RQ4 R06 RR1' RL4 RHS RRe { R9 RR10 RH4 R04 e R7 RR8 R41 Rsl RR4 { R5 ROIl R012 RR14 r141 R15' R151 I SYSTEM STACK POINTER NORMAL STACK POINTER r-1 Figure 3. Z8002 General-Purpose Registers STACKS The Z8001 and Z8002 can use stacks located anywhere in memory. Call and Return instructions as well as interrupts and traps use implied stacks. The distinction between normal and system stacks separates system information from the application program information. Two stack pointers are available: the system stack pointer and the normal stack pointer. Because they are part of the general-purpose register group, the user can manipulate the stack pointers with any instruction available for register operations. In the Z8001, register pair RR14 is the implied stack pointer. Register R14 contains the 7-bit segment number and R15 contains the 16-bit offset. In the Z8002, register R15 is the implied 16-bit stack pointer. REFRESH The Z8000 CPU contains a counter that can be used to automatically refresh dynamic memory. The refresh counter register consists of a 9-bit row counter, a 6-bit rate counter, and an enable bit (Figure 4). The 9-bit row counter can address up to 256 rows and is incremented by two each time the rate counter reaches end-of-count. The rate counter determines the time between successive refreshes. It consists of a programmable 6-bit modulo-n prescaler (n = 1 to 64), driven at one-fourth the CPU clock rate. The refresh period can be programmed by 1 to 64 /.Is with a 4 MHz clock. Refresh can be disabled by programming the refresh enable/disable bit. I... ROW RATE I ! ! I ! N n Figure 4. Refresh Counter :: PROGRAM STATUS INFORMATION This group of status registers contains the program counter, flags, and control bits. When an interrupt or trap occurs, the entire group is saved and a new program status group is loaded. Figure 5 illustrates how the program status groups of the Z8001 and Z8002 differ. In the nonsegmented Z8002, the program status group consists of two words: the program counter (PC), and the flag and control word (FCW). In the segmented Z8001, the program status group consists of I I four words: a two-word program counter, the flag and control word, and an unused word reserved for future use. Seven bits of the first PC word designate one of the 128 memory segments. The second word supplies the 16-bit offset that designates a memory location within the segment. With the exception of the segment enable bit in the Z8001 program status group, the flags and control bits are the same for both CPUs. AESEFIVED WORD ISE++++~I I' I 'I' SEGMENT NUMBER I I I I ' I c I z I SI I I HI, I ' PN DA I I 'I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' II FLAG AND I CONTROL WOAD ADDRESS ................................-'-......L.....J.I...J.I......JI_L....-I.-J.......L.....I.-...J...I....I PROGRAM COUNTER 28002 Program Status RegIsters 2800 I Program Status RegIsters 1 'I 0 10 10 1 1 , 01 1 'I 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 'I 'I ,I ,. 1,1 1 SEGMENT NUMBER 1 1 1 UPPER OFFSET 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 j' UPPER POINTER I I I 28002 Program Status Area Pomter 28001 Program Status Area Pomter Figure 5. Z8000 CPU Special Registers 407 ------------- INTERRUPT AND TRAP STRUCTURE The Z8000 provides a very flexible and powerful interrupt and trap structure. Interrupts are external asynchronous events requiring CPU attention, and are generally triggered by peripherals needing service. Traps are synchronous events resulting from the execution of certain instructions. Both are processed in a similar manner by the CPU. The CPU supports three types of interrupts (non-maskable, vectored, and non-vectored) and four traps [system call, Extended Process Architecture (EPA) instruction, privileged instructions, and segmentation trap]. The vectored and non-vectored interrupts are maskable. Of the four traps, the only external one is the segmentation trap, which is generated by the Z801 O. The remaining traps occur when instructions limited to the system mode are used in the normal mode, or as a result of the System Call instruction, or for an EPA instruction. The descending order of priority for traps and interrupts is: internal traps, nonmaskable interrupt, segmentation trap, vectored interrupt, and non-vectored interrupt. When an interrupt or trap occurs, the current program status is automatically pushed on the system stack. The program status consists of the processor status (PC and FCW) plus a 16-bit identifier. The identifier contains the reason or source of the trap or interrupt. For internal traps, the identifier is the first word of the trapped instruction. For external traps or interrupts, the identifier is the vector on the data bus read by the CPU during the interrupt-acknowledge or trapacknowledge cycle. After saving the current program status, the new program status is automatically loaded from the program status area in system memory. This area is designated by the program status area pointer (PSAP). DATA TYPES Z8000 instructions can operate on bits, BCD digits (4 bits), bytes (8 bits), words (16 bits), long words (32 bits), and byte strings and word strings (up to 64 kilobytes long). Bits can be set, reset, and tested; digits are used in BCD arithmetic operations; bytes are used for characters or small integer values; words are used for integer values, instructions and nonsegmented addresses; long words are used for long integer values and segmented addresses. All data elements except strings can reside either in registers or memory. Strings are stored in memory only. The basic data element is the byte. The number of bytes used when manipulating a data element is either implied by the operation or-for strings and multiple register operations-explicitly specified in the instruction. SEGMENTATION AND MEMORY MANAGEMENT High-level languages, sophisticated operating systems, large programs and data bases, and decreasing memory prices are all accelerating the trend toward larger memory requirements in microcomputer systems. The Z8001 meets this requirement with an eight megabyte addressing space. This large address space is directly accessed by the CPU using a segmented addressing scheme and can be managed by the Z801 0 Memory Management Unit. 8 7 LOGICAL ADDRESS L----r.,.....--' OFFSET IMEMORY-----MANAGMENT UNIT BASE ADDRESS REGISTER FILE Segmented Addressing A segmented addressing space-compared with linear addressing-is closer to the way a programmer uses memory because each procedure and data space resides in its own segment. The 8 megabytes of Z8001 addressing space is divided into 128 relocatable segments up to 64 kilobytes each. A 23-bit segmented address uses a 7-bit segment address to point to the segment, and a 16-bit offset to address any location relative to the beginning of the segment. The two parts of the segmented address may be manipulated separately. The segmented Z8001 can run any code written for the nonsegmented Z8002 in anyone of its 128 segments, provided it is set to the nonsegmented mode. 408 24-BIT PHYSICAL ADDRESS L ________ _ __...1 Figure 6. Loglcal-to-Physlcal Address Thlnslatlon In hardware, segmented addresses are contained in a register pair or long-word memory location. The segment number and offset can be manipulated separately or together by all the available word and long-word operations. When contained in an instruction, a segmented address has two different representations: long offset and short offset. The long offset occupies two words, whereas the short offset requires only one and combines in one word the 7-bit segment number with an 8-bit offset (range 0-256). The short offset mode allows very dense encoding of addresses and minimizes the need for long addresses required by direct accessing of this large address space. where information is actually located in the physical memory. The relocation process is transparent to user software. A translation table in the Memory Management Unit associates the 7-bit segment number with the base address of the physical memory segment. The 16-bit offset is added to the physical base address to obtain the actual physical address. The system may dynamically reload translation tables as tasks are created, suspended, or changed. Memory Management In addition to supporting dynamic segment relocation, the Memory Management Unit also provides segment protection and other segment management features. The protection features prevent illegal uses of segments, such as writing into a write-protected zone. The addresses manipulated by the programmer, used by instructions and output by the Z8001, are called logical addresses. The Memory Management Unit takes the logical addresses and transforms them into the physical addresses required for accessing the memory (Figure 6). This address transformation process is called relocation. Segment relocation makes user software addresses independent of the physical memory so the user is freed from specifying Each Memory Management Unit stores 64 segment entries that consist of the segment base address, its attributes, size, and status. Segments are variable in size from 256 bytes to 64 kilobytes in increments of 256 bytes. Pairs of Management Units support the 128 segment numbers available for each of the six CPU address spaces. Within an address space, several Management Units can be used to create multiple translation tables. EXTENDED PROCESSING ARCHITECTURE The Zilog Extended Processing Architecture (EPA) provides an extremely flexible and modular approach to expanding both the hardware and software capabilities of the Z8000 CPU. Features of the EPA include: • Specialized instructions for external processors or software traps may be added to CPU instruction set. • Increases throughput of the system by using up to four specialized external processors in parallel with the CPU. • Permits modular design of Z8000-based systems. • Provides easy management of multiple microprocessor configurations via "single instruction stream" communication. • Simple interconnection between extended processing units and Z8000 CPU requires no additional external supporting logic. II Supports debugging of suspect ho.rdwarc ogoinst proven software. • Standard features on all Zilog Z8000 CPUs. Specific benefits include: • EPUs can be added as the system grows and as EPUs with specialized functions are developed. • Control of EPUs is accomplished via a "single instruction stream" in the Z8000 CPU, eliminating many significant system software and bus contention management obstacles that occur in other multiprocessor (e.g., master-slave) organization schemes. The processing power of the Zilog Z8000 16-bit microprocessor can be boosted beyond its intrinsic capability by Extended Processing Architecture. Simply stated, EPA allows the Z8000 CPU to accommodate up to four Extended Processing Units (EPUs), which perform specialized functions in parallel with the CPU's main instruction execution stream (Figure 7). The use of extended processors to boost the main CPU's performance capability has been proven with large mainframe computers and minicomputers. In these systems, specialized functions such as array processing, special inputloutput processing, and data communications processing are typically assigned to extended processor hardware. These extended processors are complex computers in their own right. The Zilog Extended Processing Architecture combines the best concepts of these proven performance boosters with the latest in high·density MOS integrated-circuit design. The result is an elegant expansion of design capability-a powerful microprocessor architecture capable of connecting single-chip EPUs that permits very effective parallel processing and makes for a smoothly integrated instruction stream from the Z8000 programmer's point of view. A typical addition to the cu rrent Z8000 instruction set is a set of Floating Point Instructions. The Extended Processing Units connect directly to the Z8000 Bus (Z-BUS) and continuously monitor the CPU instruction stream. When an extended instruction is detected, the appropriate EPU responds, obtaining or 409 placing data or status information on the Z-BUS using the Z8000-generated control signals and performing its function as directed. The Z8000 CPU is responsible for instructing the EPU and delivering operands and data to it. The EPU recognizes instructions intended for it and executes them, using data supplied with the instruction and/or data within its internal registers. There are four classes of EPU instructions: • Data transfers between main memory and EPU registers • Data transfers between CPU registers and EPU registers • EPU internal operations • Status transfers between the EPUs and the Z8000 CPU Flag and Control Word register (FCW) Four Z8000 addressing modes may be utilized with transfers between EPU registers and the CPU and main memory: • Register • Indirect Register • Direct Address • Index In addition to the hardware-implemented capabilities of the Extended Processing Architecture, there is an extended instruction trap mechanism to permit software simulation of EPU functions. A control bit in the Z8000 FCW register indicates whether actual EPUs are present or not. If not, when an extended instruction is detected, the Z8000 traps on the instruction, so that a software "trap handler" can emulate the desired EPU function-a very useful development tool. The EPA software trap the debugging of suspect hardware software. This feature will increase in designers become familiar with the EPA Z8000 CPU. routine supports against proven significance as capability of the This software trap mechanism facilitates the design of systems for later addition of EPUs: initially, the extended function is executed as a trap subroutine; when the EPU is finally attached, the trap subroutine is eliminated and the EPA control bit is set. Application software is unaware of the change. Extended Processing Architecture also offers protection against extended instruction overlapping. Each EPU connects to the Z8000 CPU via the STOP line so that if an EPU is requested to perform a second extended instruction function before it has completed the previous one, it can put the CPU into the Stop/Refresh state until execution of the previous extended instruction is complete. EPA and CPU instruction execution are shown in Figure 8. The CPU begins operation by fetching an instruction and determining whether it is a CPU or an EPU command. The EPU meanwhile monitors the Z-BUS for its own instructions. If the CPU encounters an EPU command, it checks to see whether an EPU is present; if not, the EPU may be simulated by an EPU instruction trap software routine; if an EPU is present, the necessary data and/or address is placed on the Z-BUS. If the EPU is free when the instruction and data for it appear, the extended instruction is executed. If the EPU is still processing a previous instruction, it activates the CPU's STOP line to lock the CPU off at the Z-BUS until execution is complete. After the instruction is finished, the EPU deactivates the STOP line and CPU transactions continue. STOP LINE DEDICATED EPU MEMORY PERIPHERAL PERIPHERAL MEMORY Figure 7. 1Ypical Extended Processor Configuration 410 CPU IDLES IN STOPI REFRESH STATE r-----o~1 MONITOR Z·BUS INSTRUCTION STREAM FETCH NEXT INSTRUCTION r---------------~ I CPU GENERATES I AND >-,Y.=:ES~I-I DATA/ADDRESS ~~:~:S ON EPU EXECUTES INSTRUCTION L CPU EXECUTES INSTRUCTION I I I I I ___________ _ I ___ ..J SET STOP LINE AT CPU UNTIL EPU FREE EPA TRAP SERVICE ROUTINE &. DATA OR ADDRESSES ARE PLACED ON THE BUS AND USED BY THE EPU IN THE EXECUTION OF AN INSTRUCTION. Figure S. EPA and ZSOOO CPU Instruction Execution INPUT/OUTPUT A set of 1/0 instructions performs 8-bit or 16-bit transfers between the CPU and 1/0 devices. 1/0 devices are addressed with a 16-bit 1/0 port address. The 1/0 port address is similar to a memory address; however, 1/0 address space need not be part of the memory address space. 110 port and memory addresses coexist on the same bus lines and they are distinguished by the status outputs. Two types of 1/0 instructions are available: standard and special. Each has its own address space. The 1/0 instructions include a comprehensive set of In, Out, and Block 110 instructions for both bytes and words. Special 1/0 instructions are used for loading and unloading the Memory Management Unit. The status information distinguishes between standard and special 1/0 references. MULTI·MICROPROCESSOR SUPPORT Multi-microprocessor systems are supported in hardware and software. A pair of CPU pins is used in conjunction with certain instructions to coordinate multiple microprocessors. The Multi-Micro Out pin issues a request for the resource, while the Multi-Micro In pin is used to recognize the state of the resource. Thus, any CPU in a multiple microprocessor system can exclude all other asynchronous CPUs from a critical shared resource. Multi-microprocessor systems are supported in software by the instructions Multi-Micro Request, Test Multi-Micro In, Set Multi-Micro Out, and Reset Multi-Micro Out. In addition, the eight megabyte CPU address space is beneficial in multiple microprocessor systems that have large memory requirements. 411 ADDRESSING MODES zaooo The information included in instructions consists of the function to be performed, the type and size of data elements to be manipulated, and the location of the data elements. Locations are designated by register addresses, memory addresses, or I/O addresses. The addressing mode of a given instruction defines the address space it references and the method used to compute the address itself. Addressing modes are explicitly specified or implied by the instruction. Addressing Mode Figure 9 illustrates the eight addressing modes: Register (R), Immediate (1M), Indirect Register (IR), Direct Address (DA), Index (X), Relative Address (RA), Base Address (BA), and Base Index (BX). In general, an addressing mode explicitly specifies either register address space or memory address space. Program memory address space and 1/0 address space are usually implied by the instruction. Operand Addressing In the Instruction Operand Value In a Register InN.mory R Register I Immediate I OPERAND Indirect Register I REGISTER ADDRESS REGISTER ADDRESS The content 01 the ~ register 1M I In the instruction "IR ~r-------;·~I~~OP:!E.'::RA~N~DJ The content 01 the location whose address Is in the register DA .~ Direct Address "X The content of the location whose address is the address in the instruction plus the content 01 the working register. Index RA Relative Address The content 01 the location whose address is in the instruction PCYALUE ~ [~DIS~P~LA~C~EM~E!N~TJ--=====~~0--1 OPERAND I "BA The content 01 the location who.e addre.s is the content of the program counter. oUset by the displacement in the instruction The content 01 the location whose address is the Base Address address in the register. oUset by the displacement in the instruction "BX Base Index I • Do not use RO or RRO as mdIrect, mdex, or base regIsters. Figure 9. Addressing Modes 412 OPERAND I The content 01 the location whose address is the address in a register plus the index value in another register . INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY The ZaDDD provides the following types of instructions: • Bit Manipulation • Load and Exchange • Rotate and Shift • Arithmetic • Block Transfer and String Manipulation • Logical • Input/Output • Program Control • CPU Control LOAD AND EXCHANGE Mnemonics Operands CLR CLRB EX EXB LO LOB LOL LO LOB LOL LO LOB LOA LOAR dst R, src R, src Addr. Modes dst, 1M R, src R, src Operation 7 7 7 8 11 8 12 dst ..... O 12 12 8 14 15 R 6 6 12 Exchange IR 6 12 DA X 15 16 R 1M I...- Clear R IR DA X N Q R-src 12 16 16 18 19 3 7 3 3 5 7 11 DA X 9 10 10 10 7 12 11 12 13 BA 14 14 13 14 11 13 13 17 17 16 17 BX 14 14 14 17 17 17 IR DA X 8 11 12 8 12 12 8 14 15 11 14 15 11 15 15 11 17 18 BA 14 14 14 17 17 17 BX 14 14 14 17 17 11 IR DA 11 14 11 15 11 17 X 15 15 18 DA 12 13 15 Load Address X BA 13 15 13 15 16 15 R ..... source address BX 15 15 15 RA 15 15 15 1M IR dst, R Clock Cycles· Word, Byte Long Word NS SL NS SS SL SS 7 5 (byte only) 7 7 5 11 5 11 CI Load Into Register R ..... src 11 15 Load into Memory (Store) dst ..... R Load Immediate Into Memory dst ..... IM Load Address Relative R ..... source address LOK R, src 1M 5 5 5 Load Constant R ..... n (n LOM • NS - Non-segmented R, src, n IR 11 11 DA 14 15 X 15 15 SS - Segmented Short Offset + 3n + 3n 18 + 3n = 0 ... 15) 11 Load Multiple 17 R +- src (n consecutive words) (n = 1... 16) SL - Segmented Long Offset 413 ----- -----~~---~---- LOAD AND EXCHANGE (Continued) Mnemonics LOM Operands dst. R, n LOR LORB LORL R, src LOR LORB LORL dst, R POP POPL dst,IR PUSH PUSHL Addr. Modes Clock Cycles" Word, Byte Long Word NS SL NS SS SS SL Operation Load Multiple (Store Multiple) IR 11 11 11 + 3n DA 14 15 17 + 3n dst - R (n consecutive words) X 15 15 18 + 3n (n RA 14 14 14 17 17 17 = 1... 16) Load Relative R +- src (range - 32768 ... + 32767) RA 14 14 14 17 17 17 Load Relative (Store Relative) dst - R (range - 32768 ... + 32767) IR, src R 8 12 12 12 Pop 12 8 12 8 IR 12 19 19 19 dst+-IR DA 16 16 18 23 23 25 Autoincrement contents of R X 16 16 19 23 23 26 R 9 9 9 12 12 12 Push 1M 12 12 19 19 19 Autodecrement contents of R IR 12 13 13 13 20 20 20 IR -src DA 14 14 16 21 21 23 X 14 14 17 21 21 24 R 5 5 5 ARITHMETIC AOC AOCB R, src ADD AOOB AOOL R, src CP CPB CPL CP CPB DAB DEC OECB *NS 414 = Non-segmented Add with Cerry R - R + src + carry R, src dst, 1M dst dst, n SS R 4 4 4 8 8 8 1M IR 7 7 7 14 7 7 7 14 14 14 14 14 DA 9 10 12 15 16 18 X 10 10 13 16 16 19 R 4 4 4 8 8 8 1M 7 7 14 14 14 14 IR 7 7 7 7 14 14 DA 9 10 12 15 16 18 X 10 10 13 16 16 19 Add R-R+src Compare with Register R - src IR 11 11 11 Compare with Immediate DA 14 15 17 dst - 1M X 15 15 18 R 5 5 5 Decimal AdJust Decremented by n R 4 4 4 IR 11 11 11 dst -dst - n DA 13 14 16 (n X 14 14 17 = Segmented Short Offset SL = Segmented Long Offset = 1... 16) ARITHMETIC (Continued) Mnemonic. Operand. DIV DIVL R, src Addr. Mod.. X 107 107 107 108 109 107 107 107 109 109 107 107 107 111 112 744 744 744 745 746 744 744 746 746 744 744 744 748 749 R 11 11 11 11 11 11 R 1M IR DA EXTS EXTSB EXTSL INC INCB dst dst, n 4 11 13 14 4 11 14 14 4 11 16 17 70 70 70 71 72 70 70 70 72 72 70 70 70 74 75 X 7 12 15 16 7 12 16 16 7 12 18 19 R 5 5 5 R IR DA R,src R 1M IR DA X NEG NEGB 744 Operation Divide (signed) Word: Rn+1 - Rn,n+1 + src Rn - remainder long Word: Rn+2,n+3-Rn ... n+3+src Rn,n + 2 - remainder Extend Sign Extend sign of low order half of dst through high order half of dst X MULT MULTL Clock Cycle." Long Word Word, Byte SL NS SL NS SS SS ds! R IR DA SBC SBCB R, src SUB SUBB SUBL R,src Increment by n I...- dst-dst + n (n = 1... 16) 282t 282t 282t 283t 284t 282t 282t 282t 284t 282t 282t 282t 28M 287t 28M III) Multiply (signed) Word: Rn,n+ 1 - Rn+1 • src long Word: Rn ... n+3 - Rn+2,n+3 tPlus seven cycles for each 1 In the multiplicand Negate dst-O - ds! Subtract with Carry R-R - src - carry R 1M IR DA X 4 7 7 10 10 4 7 7 12 13 4 7 7 4 7 7 12 13 AND 9 10 4 7 7 10 10 7 12 15 16 7 12 16 16 7 12 18 19 Complement 4 7 7 9 10 4 7 7 10 10 4 7 7 12 13 8 14 14 15 16 8 14 14 16 16 8 14 14 18 19 Subtract 4 7 7 9 10 R-R - src LOGICAL AND ANDB R, src R 1M IR DA X COM COMB R IR DA dst X OR ORB R, src R 1M IR DA X 'NS = Non-segmented SS = Segmented Short Offset SL R-RANDsrc dst-Nardst OR R-RORsrc = Segmented Long Offset 415 Q CI LOGICAL (Continued) Clock Cycles· Word, Byte Long Word NS SL NS SL SS SS Operands Addr. Modes TCC TCCB cc. dst R 5 5 TEST TESTB TESTL dst R IR DA X 7 8 11 12 7 8 12 12 14 15 XOR XORB R.src R 4 7 7 10 10 4 7 7 12 13 Exclusive OR R-RXORsrc IR DA X 4 7 7 9 10 Mnemonics 1M 5 7 8 Operation Test Condition Code Set LSB if cc is true 13 13 16 17 13 13 17 17 13 13 19 20 Test dstORO PROGRAM CONTROL CALL dst IR DA X 10 12 13 15 18 18 15 20 21 Call Subroutine Autodecrement SP @SP-PC PC-dst CALR dst RA 10 10 15 Call Relative Autodecrement SP @SP-PC PC-PC + dst (range -4094 to +4096) R. dst RA 11 11 11 Decrement and Jump If Non-Zero R-R-1 If R ,p 0: PC-PC + dst(range - 254 to 9) 13 13 16 Interrupt Return PS-@SP Autoincrement SP DJNZ DBJNZ IRETt JP cc.dst IR IR DA X 10 7 7 8 10 7 8 8 15 7 10 11 JR cc.dst RA 6 6 6 10 7 10 7 13 7 33 33 39 RET cc SC src 1M (taken) (not taken) Jump Conditional If cc is true: PC - dst Jump Conditional Relative If cc is true: PC - PC + dst (range - 256 to + 254) (taken) (not taken) Return Conditional If cc is true. PC - @ SP Autoincrement SP System Call Autodecrement SP @SP-oldPS Push instruction PS - System Call PS *NS = Non-segmented SS = Segmented Short Offset tpnvileged instruction. Executed in system mode only 416 SL = Segmented Long Offset BIT MANIPULATION Mnemonics Operands BIT BITB BIT BITB dst, b dst, R Addr. Modes Clock Cycles' Word, Byte Long Word SL NS SS SL NS SS Operation R 4 4 4 Test Bit Static IR 8 8 8 Z flag - NOT dst bit specified by b DA X 10 11 13 11 11 14 R 10 10 10 Test Bit Dynamic Z flag - NOT dst bit specified by contents of R RES RESB dst, b RES RESB dst, R SET SETB dst, b SET SETB TSET TSETB R 4 4 4 IR 11 11 11 DA X 13 14 16 14 14 17 R 10 10 10 Reset Bit Static Reset dst bit specified by b N I... • Reset Bit Dynamic N Reset dst bit specified by contents R dst, R R 4 4 4 IR 11 11 11 DA X 13 14 16 14 14 17 R 10 10 10 ~ Set Bit Static c:I Set dst bit specified by b Set Bit Dynamic Set dst bit specified by contents of R dst R 7 7 7 IR 11 11 11 DA X 14 15 17 15 15 18 Test and Set S flag - MSB of dst dst- al11s ROTATE AND SHIFT RL RLB dst, n RLC RLCB dst, n RLDB R, src RR RRB dst, n RRC RRCB dst, n RRDB R, src R SDA SDAB SDAL dst, R R SOL SDLB SDLL dst, R • NS = Non-segmented R 6forn=1 Rotate Left R 7forn=2 by n bits (n = 1, 2) R 6 for n = 1 Rotate Left through Carry R 7 for n=2 by n bits (n = 1, 2) R 9 9 Rotate Digit Left 9 R 6 for n= 1 Rotate Right R 7forn=2 by n bits (n = 1, 2) R 6 for n= 1 Rotate Right through Carry R 7 for n=2 by n bits (n = 1, 2) 9 9 (15 + 3n) Rotate Digit Right 9 (15 + 3 n) Shift Dynamic Arithmetic Shift dst left or right by contents of R R (15 + 3 n) (15 + 3 n) Shift Dynamic Logical Shift dst left or right by contents of R SS = Segmented Short Offset SL = Segmented Long Offset 417 _ _ _ ,,_." _ _ -~-- 0_' ROTATE AND SHIFT (Continued) Clock Cycles' Word, Byte Long Word NS SL NS SS SL SS Operands Addr. Modes SLA SLAB SLAL dst, n R (13 + 3n) (13 + 3n) Shift Left Arithmetic by n bits SLL SLLB SLLL dst, n R (13 + 3n) (13 + 3 n) Shift Left Logical by n bits SRA SRAB SRAL dst, n R (13 + 3n) (13 + 3n) Shift Right Arithmetic by n bits SRL SRLB SRLL dst, n R (13 + 3n) (13 + 3n) Shift Right logical by n bits Mnemonics Operation BLOCK TRANSFER AND STRING MANIPULATION CPO CPDB Rx,src,Ry,cc IR CPDR CPDRB Rx,src,Ry,cc IR CPI CPIB RX,src,Ry,cc IR CPIR CPIRB RX,src, Ry,cc IR CPSD CPSDB dst,src,R,cc IR CPSDR CPSDRB dst,src,R,cc IR • NS 418 = Non-segmented SS 20 20 20 Compare, Decrement, and Repeat Rx - src Autodecrement src address Ry-Ry-1 Repeat until cc is true or Ry = 0 (11 + 9 n) 20 20 20 = Segmented Short Offset 25 25 (11 + 14n) SL Compare and Increment Rx - src Autoincrement src address Ry-Ry-1 Compare, Increment, and Repeat Rx - src Autoincrement src address Ry+-Ry - 1 Repeat until cc is true or Ry = 0 (11 + 9 n) 25 Compare and Decrement Rx - src Autodecrement src address Ry-Ry-1 = Segmented Long Offset Compare String and Decrement dst - src Autodecrement dst and src addresses R+-R-1 Compare String, Decrement, and Repeat dst - src Autodecrement dst and src addresses R+-R-1 Repeat until cc is true or R = 0 BLOCK TRANSFER AND STRING MANIPULATION (Continued) Clock Cycles' Mnemonics Operands Addr. Modes CPSI CPSIB dst,src,R,cc IR CPSIR CPSIRB dst,src,R,cc IR LDD LDDB dst,src,R IR LDDR LDDRB dst,src,R IR LDI LDIB dst,src,R IR LDIR LDIRB dst,src,R IR TRDB dst,src,R IR TRDRB dst,src,R IR TRIB dst,src.R IR Long Word Word, Byte NS SS SL 25 25 25 NS SS (11 + 14 n) 20 20 20 20 25 (1< ,, 25 20 • NS = Non-segmented SS = Segmented Short Offset • Privileged instruction. Executed in system mode only. SL Load and Decrement dst +- src Autodecrement dst and src addresses R+-R-1 Load and Increment dst +- src Autoincrement dst and src addresses R+-R-1 Load, Increment and Repeat dst +- src Autoincrement dst and src addresses R+-R-1 Repeat until R = 0 25 Translate and Decrement dst +- src (dst) Autodecrement ds! address R+-R-1 Translate, Decrement and Repeat dst +- src (dst) Autodecrement dst address R+-R-1 Repeat until R = 0 14 n) 25 Compare String and Increment dst - src Autoincrement dst and src addresses R+-R-1 Load, Decrement and Repeat dst +- src Autodecrement dst and src addresses R+-R-1 Repeat until R = 0 (11 + 9 n) 25 Operation Compare String, Increment and Repeat dst - src Autoincrement dst and src addresses R+-R-1 Repeat until cc is true or R = 0 (11 + 9 n) 20 SL 25 Translate and Increment dst +- src (dst) Autoincrement dst address R+-R-1 = Segmented Long Offset 419 N 00 ...8 N COt • d BLOCK TRANSFER AND STRING MANIPULATION (Continued) Operands Addr. Modes TRIRB dst,src,R IR TRTDB src1,src2,R IR TRTDRB src1,src2,R IR TRTIB src1,src2,R IR TRTIRB src1,src2,R IR Mnemonics Clock Cycles· Long Word Word, Byte 5L 5L N5 55 55 N5 (11 25 + 14 n) 25 (11 25 (11 li"anslate, Increment and Repeat dst +- src (dst) Autoincrement dst address R+-R-1 Repeat until R = 0 25 + 14 n) 25 Operation Translate and Test, Decrement RH 1 +- src2 (src1) Autodecrement src 1 address R<--R-1 Translate and Test, Decrement, and Repeat RH1 +- src2 (src1) Autodecrement src1 address R+-R-1 Repeat until R = 0 or RH1 = 0 25 + 14n) Translate and Test, Increment RH 1 +- src2 (src1) Autoincrement src1 address R+-R-1 Translate and Test, Increment and Repeat RH1 <-- src2 (src1) Autoincrement src 1 address R+-R-1 Repeat until R = 0 or RH1 = 0 INPUT/OUTPUT INt INBt R,src IR DA 10 12 10 12 10 12 Input R +- src INDt INDBt dst,src,R IR 21 21 21 Input and Decrement dst +- src Autodecrement dst address R+-R-1 INDRt INDRBt dst,src,R IR IN It INIBt dst,src,R IR (11 21 • NS = Non-segmented SS = Segmented Short Offset tprivileged Instruction. Executed in system mode only. 420 + 10 n) 21 SL Input, Decrement and Repeat dst +- src Autodecrement dst address R+-R-1 Repeat until R = 0 21 = Segmented Long Offset Input and Increment dst +- src Autolncrement dst address R<--R-1 INPUTIOUTPUT (Continued) Clock Cycles· Operands Addr. Modes INIRt INIRBt dst,src,R IR OUTt OUTBt dst,R IR DA 10 12 10 12 10 12 Output dst-R OUTDt OUTDBt dst,src,R IR 21 21 21 Output and Decrement dst-src Autodecrement src address R-R-1 OTDRt OTDRBt dst,src,R IR OUTIt OUTlBt dst,src,R IR OTIRt OTIRBt dst,src,R IR R,src DA 12 12 12 Special Input R-src SINDt SINDBt dst,src,R IR 21 21 21 Special Input and Decrement dst-src Autodecrement dst address R-R-1 SINDRt SINDRBt dst,src,R IR SINlt SINIBt dst,src,R IR Mnemonics SINt SINBt Word, Byte NS SS Long Word SL NS SS (11 + 10 n) 21 21 • NS = Non-segmented SS = Segmented Short Offset tPrivlleged instruction. Executed in system mode only. SL iii Q a Output and Increment dst-src Autoincrement src address R-R -1 Output, Incrament, and Repeat dst-src Autoincrement src address R-R-1 Repeat until R = 0 11 + 10n) 21 I... Output, Decrement and Repeat dst-src Autodecrement src address R-R-1 Repeat until R = 0 (11 + 10 n) 21 Operation Input, Increment and Repeat dst -src Autoincrement dst address R-R -1 Repeat until R = 0 (11 + 10 n) 21 SL Special Input, Decrament, and Repeat dst-src Autodecrement dst address R-R-1 Repeat until R = 0 21 Special Input and Incrament dst-src Autoincrement dst address R-R-1 = Segmented Long Offset 421 INPUT/OUTPUT (Continued) Clock Cycles· Word, Byte Long Word NS SL NS SS SL SS Operands Addr. Modes SINIRt SINIRBt dst,src,R IR SOUTt SOUTBt dst,src DA 12 12 12 Special Output dst +- src SOUTDt SOUTDBt dst,src,R IR 21 21 21 Special Output and Decrement dst +- src Autodecrement src address R+-R-1 SOTDRt SOTDRBt dst,src,R IR SOUTIt SOUTlBt dst,sre,R IR SOTIRt SOTIRBt dst,sre,R R Mnemonics (11 + 10n) Special Input, Increment, and Repeat dst +- src Autoincrement dst address R+-R-1 Repeat until R = 0 (11 + 10 n) 21 21 Operation Special Output, Decrement, and Repeat dst +- sre Autodeerement sre address R+-R-1 Repeat until R = 0 21 (11 + 10 n) Special Output and Increment dst +- sre Autoinerement sre address R+-R-1 Special Output, Increment, and Repeat dst +- sre Autoinerement sre address R+-R-1 Repeat until R = 0 CPU CONTROL COMFLG flags 7 7 7 Complement Flag (Any combination of C, Z, S, P/V) Dlt int 7 7 7 Disable Interrupt (Any combination of NVI, VI) Elt Int 7 7 7 Enable Interrupt (Any combination of NVI, VI) (8 + 3n) HALTt HALT LDCTLt CTLR,sre R 7 7 7 Load into Control Register CTLR +-sre LDCTLt dst,CTLR R 7 7 7 Load from Control Register dst +- CTLR • NS = Non-segmented SS = Segmented Short Offset tPnvileged instruction. Executed in system mode only. 422 SL = Segmented Long Offset CPU CONTROL (Continued) Clock Cycles· Word, Byte Long Word NS SS SL NS SL SS Operands AcIdr. Modes LDCTLB FLGR,src R 7 7 7 Load into Flag Byte Register FLGR +- src LDCTLB dst,FLGR R 7 7 7 Load from Flag Byte Register dst +- FLGR src IR DA 12 16 17 16 20 20 16 22 23 7 7 7 Mnemonics LDPSt X MBITt MREQt dst (12 + n) R Operation Load Program Status PS +- src Test Multi-Micro Bit Set S if MI is Low; reset S if M I is High Multi-Micro Request MRESt 5 5 5 Multi-Micro Reset MSETt 5 7 7 Multi-Micro Set NOP 7 7 7 No Operation RESFLG flag 7 7 7 Reset Flag (Any combination of C, Z, S, PIV) SETFLG flag 7 7 7 Set Flag (Any combination of C, Z, S, PIV) • NS ~ Non-segmented SS ~ Segmented Short Offset tPnvileged Instruction. Executed in system mode only. SL ~ r: 8... N C"t • ~ Segmented Long Offset 423 CONDITION CODES Code Meaning Flag Settings F Always false T Always true Z Zero Z = 1 0000 1000 0110 NZ Not zero Z=O 1110 C Carry C = 1 0111 NC No Carry C=O 1111 PL Plus S=O 1101 0101 MI Minus S= 1 NE Not equal Z=O 1110 EQ Equal Z = 1 0110 OV Overflow PIV = 1 0100 NOV No overflow PIV = 0 1100 PE Parity is even PIV = 1 0100 PO Parity IS odd PIV = 0 1100 GE Greater than or equal (signed) (S XOR PIV) = 0 1001 0001 LT Less than (signed) (S XOR PIV) = 1 GT Greater than (signed) [Z OR (S XOR PIV)J = 0 1010 LE Less than or equal (signed) [Z OR (S XOR PIV)] = 1 0010 UGE Unsigned greater than or equal C=O 1111 ULT Unsigned less than C = 1 0111 UGT Unsigned greater than [(C = O)AND(Z = O)J = 1 1011 ULE Unsigned less than or equal (CORZ) = 1 0011 Note that some condition codes have Identical flag settings and binary fields in the Instruction: Z - EO, NZ - NE, C - ULT, NC - UGE,OV - PE, NOV = PO STATUS CODE LINES S10·S13 0000 424 CCFieid Definition Internal operation 0001 Memory refresh 0010 I/O reference 0011 Special I/O reference (e.g., to an MMU) 0100 Segment trap acknowledge 0101 Non-maskable interrupt acknowledge 0110 Non-vectored interrupt acknowledge 0111 Vectored interrupt acknowledge 1000 Data memory request 1001 Stack memory request 1010 Data memory request (EPU) 1011 Stack memory request (EPU) 1100 Program reference, nth word 1101 Instruction fetch, first word 1110 Extension processor transfer 1111 Reserved PIN DESCRIPTION AOO-A01S. Address/Data (inputs/outputs, active High, 3-state). These multiplexed address and data lines are used for 1/0 and to address memory. AS. Address Strobe (output, active Low, 3-state). The rising edge of AS indicates addresses are valid. BUSACK. Bus Acknowledge (output active Low). A Low on this line indicates the CPU has relinquished control of the bus. BUSREQ. Bus Request (input, active Low). This line must be driven Low to request the bus from the CPU. B/W. Byte/Word (output, Low = Word, 3-state). This signal defines the type of memory reference on the 16-bit addressldata bus. ClK. System Clock (input). CLK is a 5V single-phase time-base input. OS. Data Strobe (output, active Low, 3-state). This line times the data in and out of the CPU. MREQ. Memory Request (output, active Low, 3-state). A Low on this line indicates that the addressldata bus holds a memory address. non-maskable interrupt. The NMI interrupt has the highest priority of the three types of interrupts. N/S. Normal/System Mode (output, Low = System Mode, 3-state). N/S indicates the CPU is in the normal or system mode. NMI. Non-Vectored Interrupt (input, active Low). A Low on this line requests a non-vectored interrupt. RESET. Reset (input, active Low). A Low on this line resets the CPU. R/W. ReadIWrite (output, Low = Write, 3-state). R/W indicates that the CPU is reading from or writing to memory or 1/0. SEGT. Segment Trap (input, active Low). The Memory Management Unit interrupts the CPU with a Low on this line when the MMU detects a segmentation trap. Input on Z80010nly. SNo-SN6. Segment Number (outputs, active High, 3-state}. These lines provide the 7-bit segment number used to address one of 128 segments by the Z8010 memory Management Unit Output by the Z8001 only. STo-ST 3. Status (outputs, active High, 3-state). These lines specify the CPU status (see Status Code Lines). MI, MO. Multi-Micro In, Multi-Micro Out (input and output, active Low). These two lines form a resource-request daisy chain that allows one CPU in a multi-microprocessor system to access a shared resource. STOP. Stop (input, active Low). This input can be used to single-step instruction execution. NMI. Non-Maskable Interrupt (edge triggered, input, active Low). A high-to-Iow transition on NMI requests a VI. Vectored Interrupt (input, active Low). A Low on this line requests a vectored interrupt. WAIT. Wait (input, active Low}. This line indicates to the CPU that the memory or 1/0 device is not ready for data transfer. AD, AD, ADs SN, AD,o SN, AD11 AD, AD'2 ADu AD, AD, AD. AD, AD,o AD, STOP SN, AD" AD, Mi AD, AD'2 ADs AD,s AD, AD,3 AD, AD, ADu AD, STOP +fiV AD~ Mi AD, Vi SN, AD,s AD, NVI SEGT GND AD'4 AD, CLOCK +SV GND NMI AS RESET NC Vi NVi BNi NMI MO MREQ NIB RESET CLOCK AS NC B/W os RNi ST, BUSACK ST, WAif ST, BUSREQ ST, ST. SN. ST, BUSREQ SN, SN, ST, ST, Figure 1Oa. 48-pin Dual·ln·Line Package (DIP), Pin Assignments MO NIB MREQ RNi os BUSACK WAif Figure 11 a. 40-pin Dual-ln·Line Package (DIP), Pin ASSignments 425 I-... N ~ ~u ..,.Q"'~,.Q"'~Q"'''.,.Q. .~q.".Qt) )(<,~ G-~Q ..,.Q~ ~~"o t:?J~'" ~'\ ~"o~'"~v ~CJ 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ~ ~ 66 ~ ~ 63 62 61 NC 10 60 NC STOP 11 59 SN4 iiI1 12 58 ADS AD15 13 57 AD3 AD14 14 56 AD2 +5V 15 55 AD, NC 16 54 SN2 NC 17 53 GND NC 18 52 NC iii 19 51 eLK NVI 20 50 NC SEGT 21 49 AS Z8001 CPU NMI 22 48 RESERVED RESET 23 47 B/IN MO 24 46 N/S MREQ 25 45 R/W NC 26 44 NC Figure 10b. 68-pin Chip Carrier, Pin Assignments ~u 6 ..,.Q..."J~"''V~''''''''Q...a~O) 5 4 3 2 ~() ",,0"0 ~'\ ~"o ",QI>. 1 «43 42 41 ~ STOP 7 39 AD, iiI1 8 38 AD, AD15 9 37 AD, AD14 10 36 AD, +5V 11 35 GND 34 ClK NC 12 iii NVi 13 14 Z8002 CPU 33 AS 32 RESERVED NMI 15 31 B/W RESET 16 30 N/S MO 17 29 R/W Figure 11 b. 44-pin Chip Carrier, Pin Assignments Z8000 CPU TIMING The Z8000 CPU executes instructions by stepping through sequences of basic machine cycles, such as memory read or write, 110 device read or write, interrupt acknowledge, and internal execution. Each of these basic cycles requires three to ten clock cycles to execute. Instructions that require more clock cycles to execute are broken up into several machine cycles. Thus no machine cycle is longer than ten clock cycles and fast response toa Bus Request IS guaranteed. The instruction opcode is fetched by a normal memory read operation. A memory refresh cycle can be inserted just after the completion of any first instruction fetch (IF1) cycle and can also be inserted while the following instructions are being executed: MULT, MULTL, DIV, DIVL, HALT, all Shift instructions, all Block Move instructions, and the Multi-Micro 426 Request instruction (MREQ). The following timing diagrams show the relative timing relationships of all CPU signals during each of the baSIC operations. When a machine cycle requires additional clock cycles for CPU internal operation, one to five clock cycles are added. Memory and I/O read and write, as well as interrupt acknowledge cycles, can be extended by activating the WAIT input. For exact timing information, refer to the composite timing diagram. Note that the WAIT input is not synchronized in the Z8000 and that the setup and hold times for WAIT, relative to the clock, must be met. If asynchronous WAIT signals are generated, they must be synchronized with the CPU clock before entering the Z8000. MEMORY READ AND WRITE Memory read and instruction fetch cycles are identical, except for the status information on the STo-ST3 outputs. Ouring a memory read cycle, a 16-bit address is placed on the AOO-A015 outputs early in the first clock period, as shown in Figure 12. In the Z8001, the 7-bit segment number IS output on SNo-SNs one clock penod earlier than the 16-blt address offset.) A valid address is indicated by the rising edge of Address Strobe. Status and mode information become valid early in the memory access cycle and remain stable throughout. The state of the WAIT input is sampled in the middle of the second clock cycle by the falling edge of Clock. If WAIT is Tn CLOCK - T, I I Low, an additional clock period is added between T2 and T3. WAIT is sampled again in the middle of this wait cycle, and additional wait states can be inserted: this allows interfacing slow memories. No control outputs change during wait states. Although Z8000 memory is word organized, memory is addressed as bytes. All instructions are word-aligned, using even addresses. Within a 16-bit word, the most significant byte (08-015) is addressed by the low-order address (Ao = Low), and the least significant byte (00-07) is addressed by the high-order address (Ao = High). T, T, ~WAIT 1 DATA SAMPLED T FOR READ WAIT CYCLES ADDED SAMPLED WAIT STATUS (BIW. NI!, STo-ST,) SNo-SN. SEGMENT NUMBER Ai MR.Q AD MEMORY ADDRESS READ ( ')--- DATA IN > iii READ R1W READ ~ / AD MEMORY ADDRESS WRITE DATA OUT iii WRITE R1W WRITE \ r Figure 12. Memory Read and Write Timing 427 INPUT/OUTPUT 1/0 timing is similar to memory readlwrite timing, except that one wait state is automatically (TWA) inserted between T2 CLOCK - and T3 (Figure 13). Both the segmented Z8001 and the nonsegmented Z8002 use 16-bit 1/0 addresses. T, T, TN. T. I I ~WAIT .1 SAMPLED ~ DATA SAMPL ED FOR READ T WAIT CYCLES ADDED WAIT .JITATUS 81W, ST.-ST.) _ ry N/S Ali LOW - r\ HIGH MAEQ ADINPUT - D< PORT ADDRESS ( }o------ DATA IN > C Di INPUT A/W INPUT ADOUTPUT ~ - LI - =x PORT ADDRESS DATA OUT Di OUTPUT AlWOUTPUT r r\ Figure 13. Input/Output Timing 428 INTERRUPT AND SEGMENT TRAP REQUEST AND ACKNOWLEDGE The Z8000 CPU recognizes three interrupt inputs (non-maskable, vectored, and nonvectored) and a segmentation trap input. Any High-to-Low transition on the NMI input is asynchronously edge detected and sets the internal NMllatch. The Vi, NVI, and SEGT inputs, as well as the state of the internal NMllatch, are sampled at the end of T2 in the last machine cycle of any instruction. In response to an interrupt or trap, the subsequent IF1 cycle is exercised, but ignored. The internal state of the CPU is not altered and the instruction will be refetched and executed after the return from the interrupt routine. The program counter is not updated, but the system stack pointer is decremented in preparation for pushing starting information onto th e system stac k. This cycle has five automatic wait states, with additional wait states possible, as shown in Figure 14. After the last wait state, the CPU reads the information on ADo-AD15 and temporarily stores it, to be saved on the stack later in the acknowledge sequence. This word identifies the source of the interrupt or trap. For the nonvectored and nonmaskable interrupts, al116 bits can represent peripheral device status information. For the vectored interrupt, the low byte is the jump vector, and the high byte can be extra user status. For the segmentation trap, the high byte is the Memory Management Unit identifier and the low byte is undefined. After the acknowledge cycle, the N/§' output indicates the automatic change to system mode. The next machine cycle is the interrupt acknowledge cycle. 8 N tool I LAST MACHINE I INSTRUCTIONj -~~~i~U0c"T~NNY-(~~6CR~~~) 1··_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ACK~~~ciDGE----------. ~ler~~ I CLOCK Vi, iiVi, iiiIf rt.si.Ji.s m .· T, T; _ _ _....l...+..L-_ INTIANAL iiill ACKNOWLEDGE (\... _ _ _-J) Figure 14. Interrupt and Segment Trap Request/Acknowledge Timing STATUS SAVING SEQUENCE The machine cycles, following the interrupt acknowledge or segmentation trap acknowledge cycle, push the old status information on the system stack in the following order: the 16-bit program counter; the 7-bit segment number (Z8001 N Q = -v AUTOMATIC ~AtT STATES only); the flag control word; and finally the interrupt/trap identifier. Subsequent machine cycles fetch the new program status from the program status area, and then branch to the interrupt/trap service routine. 429 BUS REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE TIMING A Low on the BUSREO input indicates to the CPU that another device is requesting the AddresslData and control buses. The asynchronous BUSREO input is synchronized at the beginning of any machine cycle (Figure 15). BUSREO takes priority over WAIT. If BUSREO is Low, an internal synchronous BUSREQ signal is generated, which-after completion of the current machine cycle-causes the BUSACK output to go Low and all bus outputs to go into the 44---ANY M CYCLE---i high-impedance state. The requesting device-typically a DMA-can then control the bus. When BUSREO is released, it is synchronized with the rising clock edge; the BUSACK output goes High one clock period later, indicating that the CPU will again take control of the bus. _ + _ - - - - B U S AVAILABLE----.~. 1 T1 T2 T3 Tx Tx Tx Tx Tx Tx CLOCK INTERNAL BUSREQ SN ~-- AD ---- --- ---- ---- MREQ.DS.-----------------------+~ STo- ST 3. -+.J) - - - B/Vii. R/W. N/S ______________________ ---- ---- --- Figure 15. Bus Request/Acknowledge Timing 430 ---- STOP The STOP input is sampled by the last falling clock edge immediately preceding any IF1 cycle (Figure 16) and before the second word of an EPA instruction is fetched. If STOP is found Low during the IF1 cycle, a stream of memory refresh cycles is inserted after T3, again sampling the STOP input on each falling clock edge in the middle of the T3 states. During the EPA instruction, both EPA instruction words are fetched but any data transfer or subsequent instruction fetch is ---IF'-----.II _' 1 ~ postponed until STOP is sampled High. This refresh operation does not use the refresh prescaler or its divide-by-four clock prescaler; rather, it double-increments the refresh counter every three clock cycles. When STOP is found High again, the next refresh cycle is completed, any remaining T states of the IF1 cycle are then executed, and the CPU continues its operation. ~ ~ 1.....----REFREsH-I ~ ~ ~ I _ '---IREFRESH _ _ I ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ CLOCK ITDP\~/~______\~/_____ XX= J \'--________ REFRESH AD ADORESS )-- i-... N ~ \'---oJ/ \I..-__-J/ ITO-IT3 ===><____ ..IX'-_______ IF_,_ _ _ MEMORY REFRESH V-- --------"--- / Riw HIGH Figure 16. Stop Timing 431 INTERNAL OPERATION Certain extended instructions, such as Multiply and Divide, and some special instructions need additional time for the execution of internal operations. In these cases, the CPU goes through a sequence of internal operation machine cycles, each of which is three to eight clock cycles long (Figure 17). This allows fast response to Bus Request and Refresh Request, because bus request or refresh cycles can be inserted at the end of any internal machine cycle. T3 - I I STo-STa AD I INTERNAL OPERATION ~)-- UNDEFINED HIGH alw UNDEFINED H/i SAME AS PREVIOUS CYCLE I Figure 17. Internal Operation Timing HALT A HALT instruction executes an unlimited number of 3-cycle internal operations, interspersed with memory refresh cycles whenever requested. An interrupt, segmentation trap, or reset are the only exits from a HALT instruction. 432 The CPU samples the Vi, NVI, NMI, and SEGT inputs at the beginning of every T3 cycle. If an input is found active during two consecutive samples, the subsequent IF1 cycle is exercised, but ignored, and the normal interrupt acknowledge cycle is started. MEMORY REFRESH When the 6-bit prescaler in the refresh counter has been decremented to zero, a refresh cycle consisting of three T-states is started as soon as possible (that is, after the next IF1 cycle or Internal Operation cycle). Incremented by two, thus stepping through 256 consecutive refresh addresses on AD1-ADs. Unless disabled, the presettable prescaler runs continuously and the delay in starting a refresh cycle is therefore not cumulative. The 9-bit refresh counter value IS put on the low-order side of the address bus (ADo-ADs); ADg-AD 15 are undefined (Figure 18). Since the memory is word-organized, Ao is always Low during refresh and the refresh counter is always While the STOP input is Low, a continuous stream of memory refresh cycles, each th ree T-states long, is executed without using the refresh prescaler. • CLOCK - T1~" T2_ T,_ I I I ...-- I...N ~ REFRESH AD REFRESH ADDRESS R/ii, B/ii, HiS} )------- ~-------- -C SAME AS PREVIOUS CYCLE I Figure 18. Memory Refresh Timing RESET A Low on the RESET input causes the following results within five clock cycles (Figure 19): • ADo-AD15 are 3-stated • AS, DS, MREQ, STo-ST3, BUSACK, and MO are forced High • SNo-SN6 are forced Low • Refresh is disabled • R/W, B/W, and N/S are not affected When RESET has been High for three clock periods, three consecutive memory read cycles are executed in the system mode for the Z8001. The Z8002 has two consecutive read cycles. In the Z8001, the first cycle reads the flag and control word from location 0002, the next reads the 7-bit program counter segment number from location 0004, the next reads the 16-bit PC offset from location 0006, and the following IF1 cycle starts the program. In the Z8002, the first cycle reads the flag and control word from location 0002, the next reads the PC from location 0004, and the following IF1 cycle starts the program. 433 Ii 434 .. c 1::/ Ii I~ VI iii I~ II COMPOSITE AC TIMING DIAGRAM Rlan ~ - ~ r~~ 51 ii, ~ - NVI -®-- - alaT ii, ~ -®-- ~- - ~ l---.?i .0 ~ This composite timing dlagram does not show actual timing sequences Refer to this diagram only for the detailed timing relationships of Individual edges Use the preceding Illustrations as an explanation of the various timing sequences ~ ~~ ~ Timing measurements are made at the following voltages High Low 59 ~ STOP WAIT W ~ ~~ ~ ~ 65 - ~ ~ K '-- ~K= Clock Output Input Float 40V 20V 20V V o 8V I...- a o 8V 8V ±O 5V N 9 (( 6' 1 ~-0CLOCK .JHD--j ' ~ - ~ ~ l:::t0 >< ® -f--~-t® ~ f-- I - H9- r® ~ is MEMORY READ " ~/~ ) ~ ~ .../ -®- -MD r-r--~ kiD---- r-® NORMAL'SYSTEM, BYTE'WORD kiJ-- >< -®~ .f --- f --------- -®- ~ ~ ~ 4v-1 ..v ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ "i--------:-- tiP ""' ACKNOWLEDGE rJ= -1-c: ...,."1 ~~ ~ REA:,~Rf:.: " ~ ~ ,f®-- 1> ®-I- ~-- :D [® MEMORY WRITE . . . / INPUT/OUTPUT ~ 11 +-®L i >- DATA IN DATA OUT - - f ~~-@- K I-'® -0ADDRESS ADo-AD,. --- I 435 AC CHARACTERISTICSt Z8001AI Z8002A Z8001l Z8002 Number Symbol Parameter Min Max Min Max Min Max 2000 TcC Clock Cycle Time 250 2000 165 2000 100 2 TwCh Clock Width (High) 105 1895 70 1930 40 1960 3 TwCI Clock Width (Low) 105 1895 70 1930 40 1960 4 TIC Clock Fall Time 20 10 10 5 TrC Clock Rise Time 20 15 10 6 TdC(SNv) Clock t to Segment Number Valid (50 pI load) 7 TdC(SNn) Clock t to Segment Number Not Valid 8 TdC(Bz) Clock t to Bus Float 65 55 50 9 TdC(A) Clock t to Address Valid 100 75 55 10 TdC(Az) Clock t to Address Float 65 55 50 130 20 110 10 475' 90 0 11 TdA(DR) Address Valid to Read Data Required Valid 12 TsDR(C) Read Data to Clock.j. Setup time 30 13 TdDS(A) OS t to Address Active 80' 14 TdC(DW) Clock t to Write Data Valid 15 ThDR(DS) Read Data to OS t Hold Time 0 0 0 16 TdDW(DS) Write Data Valid to OS t Delay 295' 195' 110' 17 TdA(MR) Address Valid to MREQ.j. Delay 55' 35' 18 TdC(MR) Clock.j. to MREQ.j. Delay 19 TwMRh MREQ Width (High) 305' 20 TdMR(A) 20 45' 100 180' 10 20' 75 60 20' 70 80 50 210' 135' 80' MREQ.j. to Address Not Active 70' 35' 20' 55' 21 TdDW(DSW) Write Data Valid to DS.j. (Write) Delay 22 TdMR(DR) i\ii"F'i'Eo .j. to Read Data Required Valid 23 TdC(MR) 24 35' 15' 370' 230' 140' Clock.j. MREQ t Delay 80 60 50 TdC(ASf) Clock t to AS.j. Delay 80 60 25 TdA(AS) Address Valid to AS t Delay 55' 35' 45 20' 26 TdC(ASr) Clock.j. to AS t Delay 27 TdAS(DR) AS t to Read Data Required Valid 28 TdDS(AS) OS t to AS .j. Delay 70' 35' 15' 29 TwAS AS Width (Low) 85' 55' 30' 30 TdAS(A) AS t to Address Not Active Delay 70' 45' 20' 31 TdAz(DSR) Address Float to OS (Read) .j. Delay 32 TdAS(DSR) AS t to Os (Read) .j. Delay 33 TdDSR(DR) OS (Read) -I to Read Data Required Valid 34 TdC(DSr) Clock .j. to OS t Delay 35 TdDS(DW) OS t to Write Data Not Valid 36 TdA(DSR) Address Valid to OS (Read).j. Delay 37 TdC(DSR) Clock t to OS (Read) -I Delay 38 TwDSR OS (Read) Width (Low) 39 TdC(DSW) Clock.j. to OS (Write).j. Delay 40 TwDSW OS (Write) Width (Low) 'Clock-cycle time-dependent characteristics. See Footnotes to AC Characteristics tUnits in nanoseconds (ns) 436 Z8001BI Z8002B 90 360' 80 45 220' 140' 0 0 0 80' 55' 30' 205' 130' 70' 70 65 50 75' 45' 180' 110' 120 275' 65' 85 65 110' 185' 95 185' 25' 80 110' 65 75' AC CHARACTERISTICSt (Continued) Number Symbol Parameter 41 42 43 TdDSI(DR) OS (1/0) j. to Read Data Required Valid TdC(DSD Clock j. to OS (1/0) j. Delay TwOS 44 TdAS(DSA) 58 (I/O) Width (Low) AS t to OS (Acknowledge) j. Delay 45 TdC(DSA) Clock t to OS (Acknowledge) j. Delay 46 TdDSA(DR) 47 Z80011 Z8001AI Z8002 Z8002A Min Max Min 330' 120 Z8001BI Z8002B Max Min 210' Max 120' 65 90 410' 255' 160' 1065' 690' 410' 120 85 70 OS (Acknowledge) j. to Read Data Required Delay 455' 295' TdC(S) Clock t to Status Valid Delay 110 85 165' 65 48 49 TdS(AS) Status Valid to AS t Delay TsR(C) RESET to Clock t Setup Time 50 ThR(C) RESET to Clock t Hold Time 51 52 53 54 55 TwNMI NMI Width (Low) TsNMI(C) NMI to Clock t Setup Time TsVI(C) ThVI(C) Vi, NVI to Clock t Setup Time Vi, NVI to Clock t Hold Time TsSGT(C) SEGT to Clock t Setup Time 56 57 58 59 60 ThSGT(C) SEGT to Clock t Hold Time TsMI(C) ThMI(C) Mi to Clock t Setup Time Mi to Clock t Hold Time TdC(MO) Clock t to MO Delay TsSTP(C) STOP to Clock j. Setup Time 50* 50 0 0 0 100 140 110 20 70 70 70 50 20 55 50 50 40 10 40 0 180 0 0 140 0 0 80 0 120 140 85 50 0 20 5 60 61 ThSTP(C) STOP to Clock j. Hold Time 0 0 TsW(C) WAIT to Clock j. Setup Time ThW(C) WAIT to Clock j. Hold Time 50 10 30 10 TsBRQ(C) BUSREQ to Clock t Setup Time 65 ThBRQ(C) BUSREQ to Clock t Hold Time 90 10 80 10 66 67 TdC(BAf. Figure 15. Interrupt and SegmentiAddra88 Translation Trap, Request/Acknowledge Timing 2084-014,015 455 PIN DESCRIPTIONS The Z8003 Z-VMPU is produced in a 48-pin package; the Z8004 Z-VMPU is produced in a 40-pin package. The pin functions of both the Z8003 and Z8004 are illustrated in Figure 16; the pin assignments are illustrated in Figure 17. The signal names assigned to the Z-VMPU 110 pins are listed alphabetically and are described in the following paragraphs. ABORT. Abort Request (input, active Low). This input is used to implement virtual memory. It is asserted by external circuitry when an address does not correspond to a location in main memory. When ABORT is asserted with input SAT in the Z8003, or with input NMI, Vi, or NVI in the Z8004, it initiates an Abort Interrupt in the Z-VMPU. AOo·A015. Address/Data (inputs/outputs, active High, 3-state). These multiplexed address and data lines are used both for 1/0 and memory. AS. Address Strobe (output, active Low, 3·state). The rising edge of AS indicates that addresses are valid. BUSACK. Bus Acknowledge (output, active Low). A Low on this line indicates that the Z·VMPU has relinquished control of the bus. BUSREQ. Bus Request (input, active Low). This line must be driven Low to request the bus from the Z-VMPU. B/W. Byte/Word (output, Low = Word, 3-state). This line defines the size of the data being transferred. OS. Data Strobe (output, active Low, 3-state). This line strobes data in and out of the Z-VMPU. MI, MO. Multi-Micro In, Multi-Micro Out (input and output, active Low). These two lines form a resource-request daisy chain that allows only one Z-VMPU in a multimicroprocessor system to access a shared resource at the same time. MREQ. Memory Request (output, active Low, 3-state). A Low on this line indicates that a memory reference is in progress. NMI. Nonmaskable Interrupt (edge-triggered, input, active Low). A High·to-Low transition on NMI requests a nonmaskable interrupt. N/S. Normal/System Mode (output, Low = System mode, 3-state). N/S indicates the current Z-VMPU operating mode (System or Normal). NVI. Nonvectored Interrupt (input, active Low). A Low on this line requests a nonvectored interrupt. RESET. Reset (input, active Low). A Low on this line resets theZ-VMPU. SAT. Segment Address Translation Trap (Z8003 only, input, active Low). A Low on this input requests a Segment Address Translation trap. STOP. (Input, active Low). When asserted this line suspends CPU operation either after the fetch of the first word of an instruction or during an EPU instruction if the EPU is busy. ClK. System Clock (input). CLK is a + 5V single-phase, time-base input. BUS{ TIMINO AS AD15 AD14 Ill! Mml BUS{ TIMING AD13 AD12 AD11 AD10 RO_{ ADDRESSI DATA ~.-{ ADDRESSI DATA Z8004 VMPU Z8003 VMPU INTERRUPTS{ MULTloMICRO{ MULTI·MICRO { CONTROL CONTROL SEGMENT·PAGE or TRANSLATION TRAP +5V GND eLK +5 V GNO elK Figure 16. Pin Functions 456 2084·016 AD, ADo AD, SN, AD, AD, AD, SN, AC, AD, AD, SN, M! AD15 AD14 AD14 +.v GND iiVi iiIIi IiEm Mo !Iml til MREil ST 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ST, ST, ST, ST, SN, Figure 17. Pin Assignments INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY The Z8003/04 instruction set is presented in the instruc· tion set summary. This summary lists the mnemonics, operands, addressing modes, timing, and operation for each instruction. Timing Is given as the number of CPU clock cycles reo quired for instruction execution. Timing requirements are given for the three possible addressing representa· tions used in word, byte and long word operations: • NS nonsegmented addresses is contained within the instruction itself. The only instructions of this type are those using the DA and X address· ing modes. With few exceptions, timing requirements are the same for all instructions in either segmented or nonsegmented mode, except for those instructions that employ the SS and SL addresses. The timing for these instructions will differ since the number of fetches needed to load the address, one word or two words, will vary. • SS segmented short·offsetaddresses NOTE • SL segmented long·offset addresses Timing values are given in the SS and SL columns of the instruction set summary for ali addressing modes, even where the address representation does not apply. These values are given to Indicate that the time requirements are the same for both segmented and nonsegmented modes. The SS and SL address representations apply only to those instructions for which the address of the operand INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY The Z8003/4 provides the following types of instructions: • Bit Manipulation • Load and Exchange • Rotate and Shift • Arithmetic • Block Transfer and String Manipulation • Logical • Input/Output • Program Control • CPU Control 2084-017 457 Load and Exchange Mnemonics Operands Addr. Modes CLR CLRB dst R 7 8 12 12 7 8 14 15 6 12 15 16 6 12 16 16 6 12 18 19 3 7 5(byte 7 9 10 14 14 3 7 only) 7 10 10 14 14 3 7 5 11 5 11 5 11 7 12 13 14 14 11 12 13 17 17 11 13 13 17 17 11 15 16 17 17 8 11 12 14 14 8 12 12 14 14 8 14 15 14 14 11 14 15 17 17 11 15 15 17 17 11 17 18 17 17 DA X 11 14 15 11 15 15 11 17 18 DA X BA BX 12 13 15 15 13 13 15 15 15 16 15 15 RA 15 15 15 IR X R,src R IR DA X LO LOB LOL R,src R 1M 1M· IR DA X BA BX LO LOB LOL dst,R LO LOB dst, 1M LOA R,src LOAR IR DA X BA BX R,src IR Operation Clear 7 8 11 12 DA EX EXB Clock Cycles Word, Byte Long Word NS SS SL NS SS SL dst - 0 Exchange R - Load Into Register R - R,src 1M 5 5 R,src,n IR Load Immediate Into Memory 1M Load Address R- LOM dst,R,n n (n = 0 ... 15) Load Multiple 11 17 18 +3n DA X 11 14 15 11 15 15 11 17 18 +3n RA 14 14 14 17 R (n src (n consecutive words) = 1 ... 16) Load Multiple (Store Multiple) dst - R (n consecutive words) (n 1 ... 16) = LOR LORB LORL R,src LOR LORB LORL dst,R RA 14 14 14 17 17 17 POP POPL dst,IR R IR DA X 8 12 16 16 8 12 16 16 8 12 18 19 12 19 23 23 12 19 23 23 12 19 25 26 PUSH PUSHL IR,src R 1M IR DA X 9 12 13 13 14 9 12 13 14 14 9 12 13 16 17 12 12 12 458 source address Load Constant 5 11 15 15 IR source address Load Address Relative 11 14 15 DA X R dst - R - LOM src Load Into Memory (Store) dst - R - LOK src 17 17 Load Relative R - src (range -32768 ... + 32767) 20 21 21 20 21 21 20 23 24 Load Relative (Store Relative) dst - R (range -32768 ... + 32767) Pop dst - IR Autoincrement contents of R Push Autodecrement contents of R IR - src Arithmetic Mnemonlc8 Operands Addr, Mode8 ADC ADCB R,src R ADD R,src ADDL 5 Operation Add with Carry 5 4 7 7 10 10 4 7 7 12 13 8 14 14 15 16 8 14 14 16 16 8 14 14 18 19 Add 4 7 7 9 10 4 7 7 10 10 4 7 7 12 13 8 14 14 15 16 8 14 14 16 16 8 14 14 18 19 Compare with Regl8ter 11 15 15 11 Compare with Immediate 17 dst -1M X 11 14 15 DA R,src R 1M IR DA X dst, 1M R + carry + src 4 7 7 9 10 R 1M IR X CP CPB 5 R- AD DB CP CPB CPL Clock Cycle8 Word, Byte Long Word SL NS SL NS SS SS IR DA R- R + src R - src N GO DAB dst R 5 5 5 Decimal Adjust DEC DECB dst,n R IR 4 11 13 14 4 11 14 14 4 11 16 17 Decrement by n X 107 107 107 108 109 107 107 107 109 109 107 107 107 111 112 R 11 11 11 DA X DIV DIVL R,src R 1M IR DA EXTS EXTSB EXTSL dst INC INCB dst,n R IR 4 11 13 14 4 11 14 14 4 11 16 17 70 70 70 71 70 70 70 72 72 70 70 70 74 75 X 7 12 15 16 7 12 16 16 7 12 18 19 R 5 5 5 X R,src R 1M IR DA X NEG NEGB -.. ell II .... CI dst-dst-n (n 1 ... 16) = 744 744 744 745 746 744 744 744 746 746 744 744 744 748 749 11 11 11 Divide (signed) Word: Rn+1 - Rn,n+1 + src Rn - remainder Long Word: Rn +2,n+3 - Rn ... n +3 + src Rn, n + 1 - remainder Extend Sign Extend sign of low order half of dst through high order half of dst DA MULT MULTL 8W 18 dst R IR DA SBC SBCB R,src SUB SUBB SUBL R,src 72 Increment by n dst-dst+n (n 1 ... 16) = 282" 282" 282" 283" 284" 282" 282" 282" 284" 284" 282" 282" 282" 286" 287" Multiply (signed) Word: Rn,n+ 1 - Rn+ 1 • src Long Word: Rn ... n+3 - Rn +2,n+3' src " Plus seven cycles for each 1 in the absolute value of the low order word of the multiplicand Negate dst - Subtract with Carry R- R 1M IR DA X 4 7 7 9 10 4 7 7 10 10 4 7 7 12 13 -dst 8 14 14 15 16 8 14 14 16 16 8 14 14 18 19 R - src - carry Subtract R- R - src 459 Logical Mnemonics Operands AND ANDB A,sre Addr. Modes dst OR ORB A,sre 4 7 7 12 13 And IA DA X 4 7 7 10 10 A IA DA X 7 12 15 16 7 12 16 16 7 12 18 19 Complement A 4 7 7 10 10 4 7 7 12 13 OR IR DA X 4 7 7 9 10 R IR OA X 7 8 11 12 7 8 12 12 7 8 14 15 R 5 5 5 1M TEST TESTB TESTL dst TCC TCCB ce,dst XOR XORB R,sre Operation 4 7 7 9 10 A 1M COM COMB Clock Cycles Word, Byte Long Word NS SL NS SL SS SS A - AAND src dst - NOTdst R - R OR sre 13 13 16 17 13 13 17 17 13 13 19 20 Test dst OR 0 Test Condition Code Set LSB If cc is true R 4 7 7 10 10 exclusive OR iR DA X 4 7 7 9 10 Addr. Modes Clock Cycles Word, Byte Long Word NS SS SL NS SL SS IR DA X 10 12 13 15 18 18 15 20 21 RA 10 15 15 1M 4 7 7 12 13 R - R XOR sre Program Control Mnemonics Operands CALL dst CALR dst Operation Can Subroutine Autodeerement SP @SP-PC PC - dst Can Relative Autodec rement SP @ SP - PC PC-PC + dst (range -4094 to + 4096) DJNZ DBJNZ R,dst RA 11 11 Decrement and Jump If Non·Zero 11 R - R-l If R .. 0: PC - PC (range -254 to 0) IRET" 13 16 + dst Interrupt Return 16 PS-@SP Autoinerement SP JP ee,dst IR iR DA X 10 7 7 8 'Pnvileged Instructions; executed in system mode only. 460 15 7 8 8 15 7 10 11 (taken) (not taken) Jump Conditional If ee is true: PC - dst Program Control (Continued) Mnemonics Operends RET cc SC src BIT BITB dst,b BIT BITB dst,R Addr. Modes Clock Cycles Word, Byte Long Word SL NS NS SS SS SL (taken) (not taken) Operation Return Conditional " cc is true. PC - @SP Autoincrement SP 10 7 13 7 13 7 1M 33 39 39 System cell Autolncrement SP @SP-OldPS Push Instruction PS - System Call PS R IR DA X 4 8 10 11 4 8 11 11 4 8 13 14 Test Bit Static Z flag - NOT dst bit specified by b R 10 10 10 Teat Bit Dynamic Z flag - NOT dst bit specified by contents of R N I-. •• I11III Bit Manipulation Addr. Mod.. Clock Cycle, Long Word Word, Byte NS SS SL NS SS SL CI Mnemonic, Operends Operltlon RES RESB dst,b R IR DA X 4 11 13 14 4 11 14 14 4 11 16 17 Reaet Bit Stltlc Reset dst bit specified by b RES RESB dst,R R 10 10 10 Reaet Bit Dynlmlc Reset dst bit specified by contents R SET SETB dst,b R IR 4 11 4 11 4 11 Sit Bit Stltlc Set dst bit specified by b SET SETB dst,R R 10 10 10 Set Bit Dyn,mlc Set dst bit specified by contents of R TSET TSETB dst R IR DA X 7 11 14 15 7 11 15 15 7 11 17 18 Testlnd Set S flag - MSe of dst dst - all1s ClockCyclas Word, Byte Long Word SL SL NS SS NS SS Rotate and Shift Mnamonlcs Oparends Addr. Mod.. RLDB R,src R 9 9 9 Rotlte Left Digit RRDB R,src R 9 9 9 Rotate Right Digit RL RLB dst,n R R 8 for n=1 7 for n=2 Rotate Left Rotate dst by n bits (n = 1,2) RLC RLCB dst,n R R 8 for n=1 7 for n=2 Rotlta Laft through Clrry Rotate dst by n bits (n = 1,2) RR RRB dst,n R R 6 for n=1 7 for n=2 Rotlta Right Rotate dst by n bits (n = 1.2) Operation 461 Rotate and Shift (Continued) Mnemonics Operands RRC RRCB dst,n SDA SDAB SDAl dst,R SDl SDlB SDll dst,R SlA SLAB SlAl dst,n Sll SllB Slll dst,n SRA SRAB SRAL dst,n SRL SRlB SRll dst,n Addr. Modes Clock Cycles Word, Byte long Word Sl NS SS Sl NS SS R R 6 for n=1 7 for n=2 R (15 + Operation Rotate Right through Carry Rotate dst by n bits (n = 1,2) 3n) (15 + 3n) Shllt Dynamic Arithmetic Shift dst left or right by contents of R R (15 + 3n) (15 + 3n) Shllt Dynamic logical Shift dst left or right by contents of R R (13 + 3n) (13 + 3n) Shift lelt Arithmetic Shift dst left by n bits R (13 + 3n) (13 + 3n) Shllt lelt logical Shift dst left by n bits R (13 + 3n) (13 + 3n) Shllt Right Arithmetic Shift dst right by n bits R (13 + 3n) (13 + 3n) Shllt Right logical Shift dst right by n bits Block Transfer and String Manipulation Addr. Modes Clock Cycles Word, Byte Long Word SL NS SS SL NS SS Operation 20 Compare and Decrement Mnemonics Operands CPD CPDB Rx,src, Ry,cc IR CPDR CPDRB Rx,src, Ry,cC IR CPI CPDRB Rx,src, Ry,cc IR CPIR CPIRB Rx,src, Ry,cc IR CPSD CPS DB dst,src, R,cc IR CPSDR CPSDRB dst,src, R,cc IR 462 20 20 Rx - src Autodecrement src address Ry-Ry-l (11 + Compare, Decrement and Repeat 9n) Rx - src Autodecrement src address Ry-Ry-l Repeat until cc Is true or Ry = 0 20 20 20 Compare, Decrement and Repeat Rx - src Autodecrement src address Ry-Ry-l (11 + Compere, Increment and Repeat 9n) Rx - src Autoincrement src address Ry-Ry-l Repeat until cc is true or Ry = 0 25 25 25 Compare String and Decrement dst - src Autodecrement dst and src addresses R - R-l (11 + 14n) Compare String, Decrement and Repeat dst - src Autodecrement dst and src addresses R - R-l Repeat until cc is true or R = 0 Block Transfer and String Manipulation (Continued) Addr. Modes Clock Cycles Word, Byte Long Word SL NS SS SL NS SS Operation 25 Compare String and Increment Mnemonics Operands CPSI CPSIB dst.src, R,cc IR CPSIR CPSIRB dst,src, R,cc IR LDD LDDB dst,src,R IR LDDR LDDRB 25 25 dst - src Autolncrement dst and src addresses R - R-l (11 + Compare String, Increment and Repeat 14n) dst - src Autoincrement dst and src addresses R - R-l Repeat until cc is true or R = 0 20 20 20 Load and Decrement dst - src Autodecrement dst and src addresses R - R-l dst,src, R IR (11 + N 00 8W -.. Load, Decrement and Repeat 9n) dst - src Autodecrement dst and src addresses R - R-l Repeat until R = 0 LDI LDIB dst,src,R LDIR LDIRB dst,src,R TRDB dst,src,R IR 20 20 20 IIICI ..,CIB Load and Increment dst - src Autoincrement dst and src addresses R - R-l IR (11 + Load, Increment and Repeat 9n) dst - src Autoincrement dst and src addresses R - R-l Repeat until R = 0 IR 25 25 25 Translate and Decrement dst - src (dst) Autodecrement dst address R - R-l TRDRB dst,src,R IR (11 + Translate, Decrement and Repeat 14n) dst - src (dst) Autodecrement dst address R - R-l Repeat until R = 0 TRIB dst,src,R IR 25 25 25 Translate and Increment dst - src (dst) Autoincrement dst address R - R-l TRIRB dst,src,R IR (11 + Translate, Increment and Repeat 14n) dst - src (dst) Autoincrement dst address R - R-l Repeat until R = 0 TRTDB srcl, src2, R IR 25 25 25 Translate end Test, Decrement RHI - src 2 (srcl) Autodecrement srcl address R - R-l TRTDRB srcl, src2, R IR (11 + 14n) Translate and Test, Decrement and Repeat RHI - src2 (srcl) Autodecrement srcl address R - R-l Repeat until R = 0 or RHI = 0 463 -~--~-~---.--~-- ------~-~-- ------- ---- Block Transfer and String Manipulation (Continued) Clock Cycles Word, Byte Long Word NS SL NS SS SS SL Mnemonics Operands Addr. Modes TRTIB src1. src2, R IR 25 25 TRTIRB src1, src2, R IR (11 + 14n) 25 Operation Trenslate and Test, Increment RH1 - src2 (src1) Auloincremenl src1 address R - R-1 Translate and Test, Increment and Repeat RH1 - src2 (src1) Auloincremenl src1 address R - R-1 Repeal unlil R 0 or RH1 0 = = Input/Output Addr. Modes Clock Cycles Word, Byte Long Word NS SL NS SL SS SS Operation Mnemonics Operands IN· INB· R,src IR DA 10 12 10 12 10 12 Input R - src IND· INOB· dsl,src,R IR 21 21 21 Input and Decrement dsl - src Aulodecrement dst address R - R-1 IN DR· INORB· dst,src,R IR (11 + 10n) Input, Decrement and Repeat dst - src Autodecrement dst address R - R-1 Repeat until R 0 = INI· INIB· dst,src,R IR 21 21 INIR· INIRB· dst,src,R IR (11 + 10n) 21 Input and Increment dst - src Autoincrement dst address R - R-1 Input, Increment and Repeat dst - src Auloincrement dst address R - R-1 Repeat until R 0 = OUT· OUTB· dst,R IR DA 10 12 10 12 10 12 Output dst - R OUTDo OUTDB· dst,src,R IR 21 21 21 Output and Decrement dst - src Autodecrement src address R - R-1 OTDR· OTDRB· dst,src, R IR (11 + 10n) Output, Decrement and Repeat dst - src Autodecremenl src address R - R-1 Repeat until R 0 = OUTI· OUTIB· dst,src,R IR 21 • Privileged instructions, executed In system mode only 464 21 21 Output and Increment dst - src Autoincrement src address R - R-1 Input/Output (Continued) MnemonIcs Operand, Addr. Moda, OTIR' OTIRB' dst,src,R IR SIN' SINB' R,src SIND' SINB' dst,src,R SINDR' SINDRB' dst,src,R SINI' dst,src,R Clock Cycle, Long Word Word. Byte SL NS NS SS SS SL (11 + 10n) Operetlon Output, Increment and Repa't dst - src Autolncrement src address R - R-l Repeat until R = 0 DA 12 12 12 SpacIal Input R - src IR 21 21 21 Spacial Input and Decrement dst - src Autodecrement dst address R - R-l IR (11 + 10n) N i Spacial Input, Dacrement and Repeat dst - src Autodecrement dst address R - R-l Repeat until R = 0 IR 21 21 21 SIN lB' • ! SpacIal Input and Increment dst - src Autoincrement dst address R - R-l SINIR' SINIRB' dst,src,R SOUTo SOUTB' dst,src SOUTD' SOUTDB' dst,src,R SOTDR' SOTDRB' dst,srC,R SOUTI' SOUTIB' dst,src,R SOTIR' SOTIRB' dsl,src,R IR (11 + 10n) SpecIal Input. Increment and Repaat dst - src Autoincrement dst address R - R-l Repeat until R = 0 DA 12 12 12 SpecIal Output dst - src IR 21 21 21 SpacIal Output and Decrement dst - src Autodecrement src address R - R-l IR (11 + 10n) SpecIal Output. Decrement and Repeat dst - src Autodecrement src address R - R-l Repeat until R = 0 IR 21 21 21 SpacIal Output and Increment dst - src Autoincrement src address R - R-l R (11 + 10n) SpacIal Output, Increment and Repaat dst - src Auloincrement src address R - R-l Repeat until R = 0 • Privileged instructions, executed in system mode only. 465 CPU Control Mnemonics Operands COMFLG flags Addr. Modes Clock Cycles Word, Byte Long Word NS SS SS SL SL NS 7 7 7 Operation Complement Flag (Any combination of C,Z,S.PN) 01" int 7 7 7 Disable Interrupt (Any combination of NVI, VI) EI" int 7 7 7 Enable Interrupt (Any combination of NVI, VI) HALT" LOCTL" (8 CTlR,src R + HALT 3n) 7 7 7 Load Into Control Register CTlR - LOCTl" dst,CTlR R 7 7 7 src Load from Control Reglater dst - CTlR LOCTLB FlGR,src R 7 7 7 Load Into Flag Byte Register FlGR - LOCTlB dstFlGR R 7 7 7 Load from Flag Byte Register dst - LOPS" src IR DA X MBIT" 12 16 17 16 20 20 16 22 23 7 7 7 src FlGR Load Program Status PS - src Test Multl·Mlcro Bit Set S if MI is low; clear S if MI is High MREQ" dst R (12 + Multl·Mlcro Request 7n) MRES" 5 5 5 Multl·Mlcro Reset MSET" 5 5 5 Multl·Mlcro Set NOP 7 7 7 No Operation 7 7 7 RESFLG flag Reset Flag (Any combination of C.Z,S,PN) SETFLG flag 7 7 7 Set Flag (Any combination of C,Z,S,PN) • Privileged Instructions; executed in system mode only. 466 Extended Instructions Clock Cycles Function Memory - EPU - CPU - EPU Memory EPU Registers Addr. Modes NS IR DA X (11 (15 (14 + 3n) + 3n) + 3n) (11 (15 (15 + 3n) + 3n) + 3n) (11 (18 (17 + + + IR DA X (11 (15 (14 + + + 3n) 3n) 3n) (11 (15 (15 + 3n) + 3n) + 3n) (11 (18 (17 + 3n) + 3n) + 3n) (11 + 4n) (11 + 4n) (11 + 4n) 55 5L Operation 3n) 3n) 3n) Write n words from EPU into memory Load Memory from EPU Load EPU from Memory Read n words from memory into EPU Load VMPU from EPU Transfer n words from EPU to Z-VMPU registers EPU - CPU Registers (11 + 4n) (11 + 4n) (11 + 4n) Load EPU from VMPU Transfer n words from Z-VMPU registers to EPU Flags - EPU 15 15 15 Load FCW from EPU Load information from EPU into flags of the Z-VMPU's Flag and Control Word EPU - Flags 15 15 15 Load EPU from FCW Transfer information from Z-VMPU's Flag and Control Word to EPU EPU Internal Operations (11 + 4n) (11 + 4n) (11 + 4n) Internal EPU Operations Z-VMPU treats this template as a "no-operations"; it is typically used to initiate an internal EPU operation. The character is a field in the instruction. 467 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltages on all pins with respect to GND ........... , .......... , .. -0.3Vto + 7.0V Operating AmbientTemperature ......... ooe to + 70°C Storage Temperature .............. - 65°C to + 150°C Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; opera· tion ofthe device at any condition beyond those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS Standard test temperature/operating voltage ranges are presented below. All voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Package Information section, Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. +5V • 0 °e to + 70°C, + 4. 75V .,; Vee"; + 5.25V • 2.1K -40 eto +85°e, +4.75V";Vee"; +5.25V 0 All ac parameters assume a load capacitance of 100 pf max, except for parameter 6, which has a load capacitance of 50 pf max. Timing references between two output signals assume a load difference of 50 pf max. The Ordering Information section lists package temperature ranges and product numbers. Package drawings are in the Figure 18. Standard Test Load DC CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter VeH Vel VIH Vil VOH VOL III IOl Icc Clock Input High Voltage Clock Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Input low Voltage Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Input Leakage Output Leakage Vee Supply Current Min Max Unit Condition Vee- O.4 -0.3 2.0 -0.3 2.4 Vee+ 0.3 0.45 Vee+ 0.3 0.8 V V V V V V A A mA mA mA Driven by External Clock Generator Driven by External Clock Generator 0.4 ±10 ±10 300 400 400 IOH = -250A IOl = +2.0mA 0.4 VIN + 2.4V 0.4 VOUT + 2.4V 4 + 6 MHz commercial Extended Temp. Range 10 MHz Speed Range AC CHARACTERISTICSt Number Symbol Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 TcC TwCh TwCl TIC TrC TdC(SNv) 7 TdC(SNn) TdC(Bz) TdC(A) TdC(Az) TdA(DR) TsDR(C) TdDS(A) TdC(DW) ThDR(DS) TdDW(DS) Clock Cycle Time Ciock Width (High) Clock Width (Low) Clock Fall Time Clock Rise Time Clock I to Segment Number Valid (50 pF load) Clock I to Segment Number Not Valid Clock t to Bus Float Clock t to Address Valid Clock t to Address Float Address Valid to Read Data Required Valid Read Data to Clock I Setup Time DS t to Address Active Clock t to Write Data Valid Read Data to DS I Hold Time Write Data Valid to DS t Delay 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Z8003lZ8004 (4 MHz) Max Min 250 105 105 2000 2000 2000 20 20 130 20 Z8003A1Z8004A Z8003B/Z8004B (8 MHz) (10 MHz) Min Max Min Max 165 70 70 10 65 100 65 475* 30 80* 100 40 40 5 20 45* 40 50 40 180* 10 20* 75 0 195* 2000 10 10 70 55 75 55 305* 100 0 295* 2000 2000 2000 10 15 110 50 0 110* t Timings are preliminary and subject to change. Units In nanoseconds, 468 2084·018 AC CHARACTERISTICSt (Continued) Number Symbol Parameter 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 TdA(MR) TdC(MR) TwMRh TdMR(A) TdDW(DSW) TdMR(DR) TdC(MR) TdC(ASf) TdA(AS) TdC(ASr) TdAS(DR) TdDS(AS) TwAS TdAS(A) TdAz(DSR) TdAS(DSR) TdDSR(DR) TdC(DSr) TdDS(DW) TdA(DSR) TdC(DSR) TwDSR TdC(DSW) TwDSW TdDSI(DR) TdC(DSf) TwOS TdAS(DSA) TdC(DSA) TdDSA(DR) 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 TdC(S) TdS(AS) TsR(C) ThR(C) TwNMI TsNMI(C) TsVI(C) ThVI(C) TsSGT(C) ThSGT(C) TsMI(C) ThMI(C) TdC(MO) TsSTP(C) ThSTP(C) TsW(C) ThW(C) TsBRQ(C) ThBRQ(C) TdC(BAKr) TdC(BAKf) TwA TdDS(S) TsABT(C) ThABT(C) Address Valid to MREQ I Delay Clock I to MFim I Delay ~Width (High) ~ I to Address Not Active Write Data Valid to OS I (Write) Delay MREQ I to Read Data Required Valid Clock I MREQ I Delay Clock I to AS I Delay Address Valid to AS I Delay Clock I to AS I Delay AS I to Read Data Required Valid OS I to AS I Delay 6§ Width (Low) AS I to Address Not Active Delay Addres~oat to OS (Read) I Delay AS I to OS (Read) I Delay OS (Read) I to Read Data Required Valid Clock I to l5S I Delay mll to Write Data Not Valid Address Valid to 158 (Read) I Delay Qgck I to 158 (Read) I Delay OS (Read) Width (Low) Q!gck I to OS (Write) I Delay OS (Write) Width (Low) 158 (I/O) I to Read Data Required Valid Clock I to OS (I/O) I Delay OS (I/O) Width (Low) AS I to DS~cknowledge) I Delay Clock I to OS (Acknowledge) I Delay OS (Acknowledge) I to Read Data Required Delay Clock I to Statu,LValid Delay Status Valid to AS I Delay RESET to Clock I Setup Time RESET to Clock I Hold Time NMI Width (Low) N.MlJQ. Clock I Setup Time ~ NVI to Clock I Setup Time YLNVi to Clock I Hold Time SAT to Clock I Setup Time SAT to Clock I Hold Time MI to Clock I Setup Time MI to Clock I Hold Time Clock I to tiC Delay STOP to Clock I Setup Time STOP to Clock I Hold Time WAIT to Clock I Setup Time WA!I..lQ.Clock I Hold Time BUSREQ to Clock I Setup Time BUSREQ to Clock I Hold Time Clock I to BUSACK I Delay Clock I to BUSACK I Delay &!dress Valid Width OS I to STATUS Not Valid ABORT I to Clock I Setup Time ABORT I to Clock I Hold Time Z8003lZS004 (4 MHz) Max Min 55' 80 210' 70' 55' 55' 70' 85' 70' 0 80' 370' 80 80 90 360' 205' 70 75' 180' Z8003AJZ8004A zaOO3B1Z8004B (10 MHz) (8 MHz) Max Min Max Min 35' 135' 35' 35' 95 185' 410' 1065' 60 60 35' 35' 55' 45' 0 55' 45' 110' 255· 690' 120 455' 50· 180 0 100 140 110 20 70 0 180 0 140 0 50 10 90 10 150· 80· 50 0 110 120 100 100 15' 30' 20' 0 30' 130' 65 80 210' 90 80 0 30 10 80 10 95· 55· 30 0 85 40 140' M GO 70' 45 60 110' 75' 160' 410· 85 295' 30· 70 0 70 70 50 20 55 0 110 0 140' 45 40 25' 65' 85 185' 40 20' 80 220' 110' 330' 120 80' 20' 15' 230' 120 275' 20' 70 60 120· 60 65 165· 10· 50 0 50 50 40 10 40 0 60 80 85 75 75 0 50 0 20 5 60 5 50· 30' 25 0 70 60 60 'Clock-cycle-tlme-dependent characteristics. See table on following page. tTlmlngs are preliminary and subject to change. Units In nanoseconds(ns). 469 IW ••-= •c:t COMPOSITE AC TIMING DIAGRAM RES=E~T. ~....,~,---~~.t= _ _ _ _ _ _ _, . "l. NMI 1- 51 V ii, NYI - STOP BUSREQ BUSACK ------------~s'~~~ -~~ ~~----------------t------- ~------~-----------+t.~~ ADDRESS ADO-AD15 DATA IN DATA OUT MEMORY READ J MEMORY WRITE J INPUT/OUTPUT INTERRUPT ~ --®-1: s BYT 470 ~ / J J-t----t-t-t-+-__r-..... J.-1---141\-':: ..!!...l.tl..i"'---"'I~ __ I-§CI ~~ Hv- + /J.--+----__--t-','i-+---,,.L ACKNOWLEDGE...;' RE NORMA ~ kp-- ----@}---.e: --®-I _ __ ~-- --+-~~~-------------------------~ CLOCK·CYCLE·TIME·DEPENDENT CHARACTERISTICS Number 11 13 16 17 19 20 21 22 25 27 28 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 40 41 43 44 46 48 68 69 Symbol TdA(DR) TdDS(A) TdDW(DS) TdA(MR) TwMRh TdMR(A) TdDW(DSW) TdMR(DR) TdA(AS) TdAS(DR) TdDS(AS) TwAS TdAS(A) TdAS(DSR) TdDSR(DR) TdDS(DW) TdA(DSR) TwDSR TwDSW TdDSI(DR) TwDS TdAS(DSA) TdDSA(DR) TdS(AS) TwA TdDS(S) Z8003 Equation 2TcC + TwCh -130 ns TwCl-25 ns TcC + TwCh - 60 ns TwCh -50 ns TcC-4O ns TwCl-35 ns TwCh -50 ns 2TcC-130 ns TwCh-50 ns 2TcC -140 ns TwCl-35 ns TwCh-20 ns TwCl-35 ns TwCl-25 ns TcC + TwCh - 150 ns TwCl-30 ns TcC-70 ns TcC + TwCh - 80 ns TcC-65 ns 2TcC-170 ns 2TcC-90 ns 4TcC + TwCI- 40 ns 2TcC + TwCh -150 ns TwCh- 55 ns TcC-90 ns TwCl-25 ns zao03A Equation 2TcC + TwCh - 95 ns TwCl-25 ns TcC + TwCh - 40 ns TwCh - 35 ns TcC-30 ns TwCl- 35 ns TwCh -35 ns 2TcC-l00 ns TwCh -35 ns 2TcC-l10 ns TwCl-35 ns TwCh -15 ns TwCl-25 ns TwCl-15 ns TcC + TwCh - 105 ns TwCl-25 ns TcC- 55 ns TcC + TwCh - 50 ns TcC- 55 ns 2TcC-120 ns 2TcC-75 ns 4TcC + TwCl- 40 ns 2TcC + TwCh - 105 ns TwCh -40 ns TcC-70 ns TwCl-15 ns Z8OO3B equation 2TcC + TwCh - 60 ns TwCl-20 ns TcC + TwCh - 30 ns TwCh -20 ns TcC-20 ns TwCl-20 ns TwCh -25 ns 2TcC-60 ns TwCh - 20 ns 2TcC-60 ns TwCl-25 ns TwCh -10 ns TwCl-20 ns TwCl-10 ns TcC + TwCh - 70 ns TwCl-15 ns TcC-35 ns TcC + TwCh - 30 ns TcC- 25 ns 2TcC-80 ns 2TcC-40 ns 4TcC + TwCl- 30 ns 2TcC + TwCh - 75 ns TwCh -30 ns TcC-50 ns TwCl-l0 ns I• i 471 ORDERING INFORMATION ZS003 Segmented VMPU, 4.0 MHz 4S-plnDIP ZS004 Nonsegmented VMPU, 4.0 MHz 40-pinDIP Z8003 PS Z8003CS Z8003 PE Z8003CE Z8004PS Z8004CS Z8004PE Z8004CE ZS003A Segmented VMPU, 6.0 MHz 4S-pinDIP Z8004A Nonsegmented VMPU, 6.0 MHz 40-plnDIP Z8003APS Z8003ACS Z8003APE Z8003ACE Z8004APS Z8004ACS Z8004APE Z8004ACE ZS003B Segmented VMPU, 10.0 MHz 4S-pinDIP ZS004B Nonsegmented VMPU, 10.0 MHz 40-plnDIP Z8003BPS Z8003BCS Z8003BPE Z8003BCE Z8004B PS Z8004BCS Z8004BPE Z8004BCE Codes First letter is for package; second letter is for temperature. C P L V = = = = Ceramic DIP Plastic DIP Ceramic LCC Plastic PCC TEMPERATURE S = O°Cto + 70°C E = -40°C to +85°C M*= -55°C to + 125°C R T DIP LCC PCC = = = = = Protopack Low Profile Protopack Dual-In-Line Package Leadless Chip Carrier Plastic Chip Carrier (Leaded) FLOW B = 883 Class B Example: PS is a plastic DIP, OOC to + 70°C. t Available soon * For Military Orders, contact your local Zil09 Sales Office for Military Electrical Specifications. 472 ()()"2084-03 Z80,000 Family Zilog Zilog Z80,OOOTM Family Provides 16· and 32·Bit Microprocessor Solutions Advance Information March 19B5 Zilog continues its tradition of state-of-the-art microprocessor components with the introduction of the 32-bit ZBO,OOO CPU and the ZB070 floating-point Arithmetic Processing Unit (APU). These two devices bring the performance of super minicomputers and mainframe computers into the realm of microprocessorbased systems. The advances in VLSI technology used in these integrated circuits herald a major breakthrough in the range of options available to the systems designer. The Z80,OOO. The zao,ooo CPU provides the flexibility of a 16-bit CPU. Oriented to applications in which high throughput is required, its file of 16 general-purpose registers handles bytes, words, and long words with equal facility. The rich instruction set combines powerful addressing modes and operations in a manner that aids assemblylanguage coding of time-critical applications, and still provides the completeness desirable for efficient compiler-generated code. The ZBO,OOO CPU can be configured under software control to use 16-bit logical addresses (ideally suited for high-speed controller applications) or 32-bit addresses (for large-system tasks). The 32-bit address modes support both a linear addressing space and an alternative segmented addressing space, which are selected by the user according to the application's requirements. Other system features include System and Normal modes of operation, a sophisticated trapping mechanism, a high-performance bus structure, and built-in mUltiprocessor support. Finally, the device has a high-performance interface to the Za070 Arithmetic Processing Unit so that the two devices can operate in tandem to execute floating-point instructions in the CPU's instruction stream. An on-chip cache and a memory management unit (MMU), coupled with a sophisticated instruction pipeline, enable the ZBO,OOO to execute instructions at a rate of up to one instruction per processor cycle. The 256-byte cache provides an automatic buffering mechanism to hold the most recently fetched instructions and data on the chip itself. Thus, subsequent references to these items do not require lengthy memory transactions but instead can be fetched in a single processor cycle. The memory management unit on the chip contains all the information needed to translate the rnos! recently used logical addresses generated by the CPU into the physical addresses used by the memory system. With each address translation, access attributes are automatically checked to determine whether or not the access is permitted. The MMU can be used to implement a virtual memory or can be disabled entirely for applications that do not need memory management. Peripheral Support. The ZBO,OOO uses Zilog's Z_BUSTM, so the entire ZBOOO family of circuits are available for use with it. Multifunction Z-BUS peripherals are extensively programmable, so each can be precisely tailored to an application. Counting, timing, and parallel I/O are tasks handled by the ZB036 Z-CIO CounterlTimer and Parallel I/O Unit, which has three 16-bit counter/timers and three I/O ports. Data communications are the domain of the Z8030 Z-SCC Serial Communications Controller and the Z8031 Z-ASCC Asynchronous Serial Communications Controller, both dual-channel multi protocol components that between them support all popular communication formats. Direct memory access components are supplied by the Z8016 Z-DTC DMA Transfer Controller, a fast, dual-channel device that supports I/O-to-memory data transfers without CPU intervention. In addition, the Z-BUS versions of the zaoo can be used as I/O processors, with iheir on-chip DMA channels programmed to transfer data in a Z80,OOO-based system. 475 General-purpose control and data-manipulation problems are solved by the Z8090 Z-UPC Universal Peripheral Controller, a complete microcomputer-on-a-chip that uses the Z8 instruction set and features three I!O ports and two 8-bit counter! timers. The Z8038 Z-FIO FIFO Input! Output Interface Unit can be 476 Interconnected with asynchronous subsystems of a multiprocessor system to interface any major microprocessor to the Z-BUS. Its buffer depth can be expanded using the Z8060 Z-FIFO Buffer Unit. Another support peripheral circuit that can be used with the Z80,OOO is the Z8068 Z-DCP Data Ciphering Processor. The Z8581 CTC Clock Generator Controller can be used to generate the clock timing required by the Z80,OOO. This device uses the same technology as the Z80,OOO and provides a power-on reset signal and auxiliary clocking signals. Finally, the Z8070 FPU Arithmetic Processing Unit provides the floating-point processing power for the Z80,OOO CPU. Z80,OOOTM CPU Zilog Preliminary Product Specification April 1985 FEATURES • Full 32-bit architecture and implementation • 4G (billion) bytes of directly addressable memory • Linear or segmented address space • Virtual memory management integrated with CPU • On-chip cache memory • General-purpose register file with sixteen 32-bit registers • Nine general addressing modes • Numerous data types include bit, bit field, logical value, signed integer, and string • Extended Processing Architecture supports floatingpoint operations • Regular use of operations, addressing modes, and data types in instruction set • System and normal modes of operation with separate stacks • Sophisticated interrupt and trap handling • Software is a binary-compatible Z8000™ software • Hardware is compatible with other Z_BUSTM components • Mainframe performance extension of GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Z80,OOO CPU is an advanced, high-end 32-bit microprocessor that integrates the architecture of a mainframe computer into a single chip. While maintaining full compatibility with Z8000 family software and hardware, the Z80,OOO CPU offers greater power and flexibility in both its architecture and interface capability. Operating systems and compilers are easily developed in the Z80,OOO CPU's high-quality environment, and the hardware interface provides for connection to a wide variety of system configurations. Addresses in the ZBO,OOO CPU are 32 bits. This allows direct addressing of 4G bytes in each of four address spaces: system-moCie data, system-mode instruction, normal-mode data, and normal-mode instruction. The CPU supports three modes of address representation. The 16-bit compact addresses are compatible with Z8000 non segmented mode. The 32-bit segmented addresses include both 16-bit offset, which is compatible with Z8000 segmented mode, and 24-bit offset. In addition a full 32-bit linear address space is provided. The CPU features a general-purpose register file with sixteen 32-bit registers and nine operand addressing modes. The various addressing modes allow encoding choices for compact representation or for full 32-bit addressing. The in~truction set can operate on bit, bit field, logical value, signed integer, unsigned integer, address, string, stack, and packed decimal byte data types. Logical and arithmetic instructions operate on bytes (8 bits), words (16 bits) and longwords (32 bits). The Extended Processing Architecture (EPA) supports floating-point operations. In addition, the instruction set is highly regular in combining operations, data types, and addressing modes. High-level language compilation is supported with instructions for procedure linkage, array index calculation, and bounds checking. Other instructions provide operating system functions such as system call and control of memory management. There are two main operating modes, system and normal, supported by separate stacks. User programs operate in normal mode, while sensitive operating 477 J I 9 system functions are performed in system mode. This protects critical parts of the operating system from user access. In addition, some instructions are privileged, and execute only in system mode. Memory management functions protect both system memory from user programs, and user memory from other users. Vectored, nonvectored, and nonmaskable interrupts support realtime operating systems. Memory management is fully integrated with the CPU; no external support circuitry is necessary. A paging address translation mechanism is implemented. Registers in the CPU pOint to address translation tables located in memory; the most recently used table entries are kept in a Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) in the CPU. The CPU performs logical to physical address translation and access protection for each memory reference. When a logical memory reference causes a translation or protection violation, the state of the CPU is automatically restored to restart the instruction. 1/0 ports can be referenced either by dedicated instructions or by the memory management mechanism mapping logical memory addresses to 1/0 port addresses. Extensive trapping facilities, such as integer overflow, subrange out of bounds, and subscript out of bounds, catch common run-time errors. Software debuggers can use trace and breakpoint traps. Privileged instruction traps and memory protection violation traps secure the operating system from user programming errors or mischief. The overflow stack allows recovery from otherwise fatal errors. The CPU has full 32-bit internal address and data paths. Externally, 32 pins time-multiplex the address and data. The interface is compatible with the complete line of Z-BUS peripherals. The hardware interface features 16-bit or 32-bit memory data path and programmable wait states. Burst transfers and an on-chip cache for instructions and data help develop high-performance systems. The interface supports multiprocessing configurations with interlocked memory references and two types of bus request protocols. The system designer can tailor the Z80,000-based system. to cost and performance needs. In summary, the Z80,000 CPU meets and surpasses the requirements of medium and high-end microprocessor systems for the 1980s. Software program development is easily accomplished with the CPU's sophisticated architecture. The highly pipelined design, on-chip cache, and external interface support systems ranging from dedicated controllers to mainframe computers. While Zilog continues to develop support for the Z80,000 CPU, Z8000 peripherals and development software are fully compatible with this latest in Zilog's line of highperformance microprocessors. REGISTERS The Z80,000 CPU is a register-oriented processor offering sixteen 32-bit general-purpose registers, a 32-bit Program Counter (PC), a 16-bit Flag and Control Word (FCW), and nine other special-purpose registers. The general-purpose register file (Figure 1) contains 64 bytes of storage. The first 16 bytes (RLO,RHO, ... ,RL7,RH7) can be used as accumulators for byte data. The first 16 words (RO,Rl ,... ,RI5) can be used as accumulators for word data, as index registers (except RO), or for memory addresses in compact mode (except RO). Any longword register (RRO,RR2, ... ,RR30) can be used as an accumulator for longword data, an index register in linear or segmented mode (except RRO), or for memory addresses in linear or segmented mode (except RRO). Ouadword registers (ROO, R04, ... ,R028) can be used as accumulators for M ultiply, Divide, and Extend Sign instructions. This unique register organization allows bytes and words of data to be manipulated conveniently while leaving most of the register file free to hold addresses, counters, and any other data. Two registers are dedicated to the Stack Pointer (SP) and Frame Pointer (FP) used by Call, Enter, Exit, and Return 478 instructions. In compact mode, R15 is the Stack Pointer and R14 ·the Frame Pointer. In linear or segmented mode, RR14 is the Stack Pointer and RR12 is the Frame Pointer. ROO R04 RQ8 I I I RRO 7 RHO RR2 7 RH2 7 RL2 o o o o 7 RHI o 0 RO, Rl 7 RH3 0 7 RL3 0 7 RLI R2, R3 7 RH4 RR6 7 RH6 RR8 15 R8 o 15 R9 0 RR10 15 RIO 15 Rll 0 15 R12 15 R13 0 15 R14 o o o 15 R15 0 R0161 RR16 RR18 I RR20 RR22 R02'1 RR24 RR26 R028 7 RLO RR4 R0121 RR12 RR14 R020 o o o o 7 RL4 7 RL6 7 RH5 0 7 RL5 0 R4. R5 7 RH7 0 7 RL7 0 R8. R7 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 RR28 31 0 RR30 31 0 I Figure 1. General·Purpose Register File 207Hl01 The PC and FCW form the Program Status (Figure 2), which is automatically saved for traps and interrupts. The bits in FCW indicate operating modes, masks for traps and interrupts, and flags set according to the result of instructions. The remaining special registers are used for memory management, system configuration, and other CPU control (Figure 3). 15 8 1E/CISiNIEPAlvIE~VI~ usl TP I Tic I z I S I PNI D I H I,V I 0 7 0 I I~ - '-- INTEGER OVERFLOW ENABLE (IV) HALF CARRY (HI DECIMAL-ADJUST (DI PARITYIOVERFLOW (PNI SIGN(s1 ZERO(Z) CARRY(C) TRACE(T) TRACE PENDING (TP) UNEARISEGMENTED MODE (ui) NONVECTORED INTERRUPT ENAB LE (NVIE) VECTORED INTERRUPT ENABLE (VIE) EXTENDED PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE(EPA) SYSTEM/NORMAL MODE (SiNI II EXTENDED/COMPACT MODE (E/Ci FLAG AND CONTROL WORD (PCW) 31 PROGRAM COUNTBR (PC) Figure 2. Program Status Registers ADDRESS SPACES As shown in Figure 4, the CPU has three modes of address representation: compact, segmented, and linear. The mode is selected by two control bits in the Flag and Control Word register (Table 1). The Extended/Compact (E/C) bit selects whether compact addresses (16 bits) or extended addresses (32 bits) are used. For extended ad· dresses the Linear/Segmented (US) bit selects whether linear or segmented addresses are used. The Load Address instruction can be used to manipulate addresses in any mode of representation. In compact mode, addresses are 16 bits. Address calculations using compact addresses involve all 16 bits. Compact mode is more efficient and less programconsuming for applications requiring less than 64K bytes of program and less than 64K bytes of data. This etticien· 2071-002 cy is due to shorter instructions in compact mode, and the fact that addresses in the register tile use word rather than longword registers. Applications requiring more than 64K bytes of either program or data should use segmented or linear modes. Table 1. Address Representation Control Bits In FCW EtC US o o o o Representation Compact Reserved Segmented Linear 479 31 PROGRAM STATUS AREA POINTER (PSAPI 31 NORMAL STACK POINTER (NSPI 31 30 10 I MDTTD II NITTD IG I SDTTD II 31 8 8 30 8 30 8 NLTB G SIZ TF PROT SIZ TF PROT SIZ TF PROT SIZ TF 7 NLTB 30 31 PROT 7 NLTB G 31 7 NLTB SITTD 7 TRANSLATION TABLE DESCRIPTOR REGISTERS 31 OVERFLOW STACK POINTER (OSPI HARDWARE INTERFACE CONTROL REGISTER (HICRI 31 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION CONTROL LONG WORD (SCCLI Figure 3. Special· Purpose Control Registers 480 2071.(1()3 15 (A) COMPACT ADDRESSES 31 16 15 30 I SEGMENT 1 , , ! ! OFFSET I ! ! , ! ! ! (i) 64K BYTE SEGMENT SIZE 31 24 23 30 SEGMENT ! , ! ! I OFFSET I ! ! ! ! , ! ! , ! (II) 16M BYTE SEGMENT SIZE (B) SEGMENTED ADDRESSES 31 , , , , , ! (C) LINEAR ADDRESSES Figure 4. Address Representations In segmented mode, addresses are 32 bits. Segmented addresses are composed of either a 15·bit segment number and a 16·bit segment offset or a 7-bit segment number and a 24-bit segment offset. Bit 31 of the address selects either of the two types of segmented addresses. Address calculations using segmented addresses involve only the segment offset; the segment number is unaffected. In segmented mode, the address space allows up to 32,768 segments of 64K-byte maximum size and up to 128 segments of 16M-byte maximum size. Many applications benefit from the logical structure of segmentation by allocating individual objects, such as a program module, stack, or large data structure, to separate segments. tions using linear addresses involve all 32 bits. In linear mode, the address space of 4G bytes is uniform and unstructured. Many applications benefit from the flexibility of linear addressing by allocating objects at arbitrary positions in the address space. Memory is byte addressable by the CPU. The address used for multiple-byte data is the address of the mostsignificant byte. Multiple-byte data can be located at any byte address with no alignment restrictions. I/O ports can be addressed by either dedicated instructions or by the memory management mechanism mapping logical memory addresses to I/O ports. I/O ports can be byte, word, or longword in size. In linear mode, addresses are 32 bits. Address calcula- NORMAL AND SYSTEM MODES The CPU has two modes of operation, normal and system, selected by the SIN bit in the Flag and Control Word register. These modes impact on CPU operation in three areas: privileged instructions, stack pOinters, and memory management. Since the most sensitive portions of the operating system usually execute in system mode, separate stack pointers are used to isolate the two operating modes. 2071.Q04 Some instructions, such as those performing I/O operations or accessing control registers, can only be executed in system mode; in addition, the memory management mechanism allows access to some memory locations in system mode only. Programs executing in normal mode can request services from the operating system using the System Call instruction and trap. 481 THEORY OF OPERATION Figure 5 shows a block diagram of the Z80,000 CPU's internal organization, including the following major functional units and data paths: • The external interface logic controls transactions on the bus. Addresses and data from the internal memory bus are transmitted through the interface to the Z-BUS. The Z-BUS is a time-multiplexed, address/data bus that connects the components of a microprocessor system. • The cache stores copies of instruction and data memory locations. Instructions are read from the cache on the instruction bus. Data is read from or written to the cache on the memory bus. The cache also includes a copy of the physical Program Counter, so that the logical addresses of instructions are translated only for branches and when incrementing the Program Counter across a page boundary. • The Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) translates logical addresses calculated by the address arithmetic unit to physical addresses used to access the cache. • The address arithmetic unit performs all address calculations. This unit has a path to the register file for reading base and index registers and another path to the instruction bus for reading displacements and direct addresses. The result of the address calculation is transmitted to the TLB. • The register file contains the sixteen general-purpose longword registers, Program Status registers, specialpurpose control registers, and several registers used to store values temporarily during instruction execution. The register file has one path to the address arithmetic unit and two paths to the execution arithmetic and logic unit. • The execution arithmetic and logic unit calculates the results of instruction execution, such as add, exclusiveOR, and simple load. This unit has two paths to the register file on which two operands can be read simultaneously or one can be written. One of the paths to the register file is multiplexed With a path from the memory bus. • The instruction decoding and control unit decodes instructions and controls the operation of the other fu nctional units. This unit has a path from the instruction bus and two programmable logic arrays for separate microcoded control of the two arithmetic units. This unit also controls exception handling and TLB loading. All of the functional units and data paths listed above are 32 bits wide. 482 The operation of the CPU is highly pipelined so that several instructions are simultaneously in different stages of execution. Thus, the functional units effectively operate in parallel with one instruction being fetched while an address is calculated for another instruction and results are stored for a third instruction. Figure 6 shows the six-stage, synchronous pipeline. Instructions flow through each stage of the pipeline in sequence. The various pipeline stages can be working simultaneously on separate Instructions or on separate portions of a single complex instruction. Each pipeline stage operates in one processor cycle, which is composed of two clock cycles, called +1 and +2. Thus, a processor cycle is 200 ns with a 1a MHz clock or 80 ns with a 25 MHz clock. The instruction-fetch stage increments the Program Counter and initiates instructions fetched from the cache. The instruction-decoding stage receives and decodes instructions to set up control of the address-calculation stage. The address-calculation stage can generally calculate a memory address in one processor cycle, except for Base Index, Relative, and Relative Index addressing modes, which require multiple cycles. After the logical effective address has been calculated, the corresponding physical address is provided by the TLB. The operand-fetch stage fetches the data from the cache and latches it into a holding register. The execution stage performs data manipulations. Byte, word, and longword results are generally calculated in one processor cycle, but certain instructions, such as multiply and block-move operations, require multiple cycles. During the execution stage, results are stored to registers. Results are stored to the cache and external memory during the operand-store stage. The flags are also set during the operand-store stage. The cache can handle two references during a processor cycle. Instruction fetches use the +2 clock cycle for tag comparison and +1 for data access. Either an operand fetch or store can use +1 for tag comparison and +2 for data access. The pipeline allows single instructions, like register-toregister load and memory-to-register add, to execute at a rate of one per processor cycle. Thus, the peak performance of the CPU is 12.5 million instructions per second (MIPS) with a 25 MHz clock. In practice, the actual performance is reduced to approximately one-third of the peak because of delays due to the execution of multiple-cycle Instructions,. Interference between instructions in the pipeline, and main memory accesses for cache and TLB misses. Z·BUS -------, r------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IL ________________ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MEMORY BUS CACHE DATA CACHE ADDRESS TAGS INSTRUCTION REGISTER PHYSICAL PC TRANSLATION LOOKASIDE BUFFER INSTRUCTION DECODING ANO CONTROL UNIT REGISTER FILE EXECUTION ARITHMETIC AND LOGIC UNIT I ~ Figure 5. ZSO,OOO CPU Functional Block Diagram INSTRUCTION FETCH PROGRAM COUNTER INCREMENT CACHE TAG COMPARE - INSTRUCTION DECODING CACHE INSTRUCTION READ MICROWORD GENERATION OPERAND FETCH ADDRESS CALCULATIONS ADDRESS ARITHMETIC CALCULATION f.-+ TLBTAG COMPARE - CACHE TAG COMPARE CACHE DATA READ EXECUTION - REGISTER READ AW CALCULATION REGISTER WRITE OPERAND STORE r- rlAG SETTING CACHE DATA WRITE MEMORY WRITE TLB DATA READ Figure 6. Instruction Pipeline 483 MEMORY MANAGEMENT The CPU and the operating system cooperate in translating logical to physical addresses and protecting memory for execute, read, and write accesses. The CPU implements a paging translation mechanism similar to that in most mainframe and super-minicomputers. The operating system creates translation tables in memory, then initializes pointers to the tables in control registers. The CPU automatically references the tables to perform address translation and access protection. The CPU enables the operating system to implement efficient virtual memory by marking pages that have been referenced or modified and by automatically recovering from address translation faults to allow instruction restart. The paging translation scheme implemented by the CPU divides the logical address spaces into pages and the physical address space into frames. The logical pages and physical frames are each 1K bytes. A logical page, which is specified by the 22 most-significant bits of the logical ad- dress, can be mapped into any physical frame, which is specified by the 22 most-significant bits of the physical address. The 10 least-significant bits, which specify the byte within a page or frame, are not translated. For each memory reference, the CPU translates the logical address to the corresponding physical address and also tests whether access to the memory location is permitted. For most references the information needed to perform the translation is stored in the CPU Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB). The TLB (Figure 7) stores the translation information for the 16 most recently referenced pages in a fully associative memory. Only when information to translate the page is missing from the TLB does the CPU reference translation tables in memory. In the case of a TLB miss, the CPU translates the logical address using the procedure described below and the translation information is loaded into the TLB entry of the least recently referenced page. 10 9 31 LOGICAL ADDRESS I I PAGE OFFSET I PAGE ADDRESS L ...: >" TRANSL ATION LOOKA SIDE BUFFER PHYSICAL FRAME ADDRESSES LOGICAL PAGE ADDRESS TAGS ~,l. 31 PHYSICA L ADDRESS I 10 9 FRAME ADDRESS .... ;.. 0 IFRAMEOFFSETI Figure 7. Address Translation Using the TLB -- TA BLE DESCRIPTOR REGISTERS LEVEL 1 TABLE 31 LOGICAL ADDRESS I I L1 + PAGE TABLE LEVEL 2 TABLE 24 23 I 16 151109 L2 L 1 TRANSLATION LOOKASIDE BUFFER P 1 0 P·OFFSET PAGE TABLE I L--------r--------~----~ ENTRY ~ LOGICAL PAGE ADDRESS TAGS PHYSICAL FRAME ADDRESSES Figure 8. Automatic Loading of the TLB Using Tables in Memory 484 2071-005, ooe The address translation mechanism is a three-level paging scheme. A logical address is partitioned into an 8-bit level-1 field (L 1), an 8-bit level-2 field (L2), a 6-bit page number field (P), and a 1a-bit page offset field (P-OFFSET). During translation, the L1, L2, and P fields are used as indexes into tables in physical memory. The TF field of the Translation Table Descriptor register can be programmed to selectively skip the first and secondlevel tables to reduce both the storage space needed for tables and the number of references necessary to perform translation when the information to translate a page is missing from the on-chip TLB. To load the TLB (Figure 8), the CPU selects one of four table descriptor registers according to the address space for the reference: system instruction, system data, normal instruction, or normal data. The table descriptor register points to the beginning of the level-1 table in memory; the L1 field of the logical address is used as an index into this table to selectthe level-1 table entry. Next, the level-1 table entry points to the beginning of the level-2 table; the L2 field of the logical address is used as an index into this table to selectthe level-2 table entry. After this, the level-2 table entry points to the beginning of the page table in memory; the P field of the logical address is used as an index into this table to select the page table entry. The page table entry contains the physical address ofthe frame corresponding to the logical address. The CPU then loads the logical page address and physical frame address into the TLB. When bit31 inthe page table entry is 1, the frame is in physical 1/0 space. The CPU uses 1/0 status and timing for the reference. Thus, the address translation process allows protected access to memory-mapped 1/0 devices. Access protection information (Table 2) is encoded in the 4-bit PROT field contained in the Translation Table Descriptor, level-1 table entry, level-2 table entry, or page table entry. During the translation process, a PROT field is encountered at each level. The first PROT field with value other than 1000 is selected; the other PROT fields are ignored. The protection code specifies the types of access (execute, read, and write) permitted in normal and system modes. A value of 1000 in the page table entry indicates no access. There are several optional features that allow the number of levels and the size of tables to be reduced. When memory address spaces are not separated, two or more of the translation table descriptor registers can be loaded with the same value so that tables are held in common. The table descriptor register can specify that either or both of the level-1 and level-2 tables should be skipped during the translation process. Level-1 tables can be skipped when a 24-bit logical address space is sufficient, both level-1 and level-2 segment tables can be skipped for compact addresses, and level-2 tables can be skipped for compatibility with Z8000 segmented addresses. The table size can be reduced by allocating only 256, 512, or 768 bytes for the tables; the remaining table entries are assumed invalid. The tables can be allocated efficiently for downward growing stacks by setting the G bit of the translation table descriptor or level-1 table entry. During execution of an instruction, if an invalid translation table entry is encountered or a protection violation is detected, the CPU traps to the operating system. The CPU automatically saves the state of registers and memory so the instruction can simply be restarted. Figures 9 and 10 show the translation and table entry formats. 31 30 8 II I I I 7 I I I I I T L L- TABLE FORMAT (TF) TABLE SIZE (SIZ) PROTECTION (PROT) NEXT LEVEL TABLE BASE (NLTB) GROWTH DIRECTION (G) (TF) 00 01 10 11 THREE LEVELS SKIP LEVEL 2 TABLES SKIP LEVEL 1 TABLES SKIP LEVEL 1 AND LEVEL 2 TABLES TABLE SIZE (5IZ) VALID TABLE ENTRIES Q = a Q = 1 01 o TO 63 o TO 127 10 o TO 191 128 TO 255 11 oTO 255 192 TO 255 00 oTO 255 64 TO 255 Figure 9. Translation Table Descriptor 2071-007 485 31 30 8 II ! I 7 I ! 0 I 101 I ---r- L- L-- I VALID (V) TABLE SIZE (SIZ) ' - - - - - - - PROTECTION (PROT) ~!~~ ~J~TE~ TABLE '-__________________ L .- - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GROWTH DIRECTION (G) LEVEL 1 TABLE ENTRY 31 30 8 ! 7 )I ! I L- VALID (V) ' - - - - - - - PROTECTION (PROT) ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NEXT LEVEL TABLE BASE (NLTB) LEVEL 2 TABLE ENTRY 31 30 10 9 III I , I 8 I I ! 7 I IIIII I I I ~ ::::::::;" ,. ! , E MODIFICATION (M) NONCACHEABLE (NC) PROTECTION (PROT) UNUSED ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FRAME ADDRESS (FA) ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I/O PAGE TABLE ENTRY Figure 10. Table Entry Formats Table 2. Protection Field Encoding Encoding System Normal 0000 0001 0010 0011 NA NA NA 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 RE RE RE E E R R Next RW RW RW RWE RWE RWE RWE E RE NA E NA R Next NA Several instructions are provided to help the operating system control memory management. The Purge TLB in· structions are used to purge the TLB of a single entry, normal mode entries, or all entries. The Load Physical Address instructions translate logical addresses into physical addresses, and set the flags to verify access permission for system call parameters. The Load Nor· mal Data and Load Normal Instruction instructions allow system mode programs to reference normal memory spaces. The memory management mechanism can be selective· Iy enabled for normal and system space references by using the SX and NX bits of the System Configuration Control Longword register. R RW NA E RE RWE NA-no access is permitted A-read access Is permitted W-write access is permitted E-execute access IS permitted Next-use the protection field of the next level translation table; for page table entries, a PROT field of 1000 indicates no access IS permItted. 486 2071-008 EXCEPTIONS The CPU supports four types of exceptions: reset, bus error, interrupts, and traps. A reset exception occurs when the RESET line is activated; this causes the CPU to be reset to an initialized state. A bus error exception occurs when external hardware indicates an error on a bus transaction. An interrupt is an asynchronous event that typically occurs when a peripheral device needs attention. A trap is a synchronous event that occurs when a particular condition is detected during execution of an instruction. In responding to a reset exception, the CPU fetches the program status (FCW and PC) from physical address 2. In responding to other exceptions, the CPU pushes the old program status onto the system stack along with information specific to the type of exception. The CPU then fetches a new program status from the table designated by the Program Status Area Pointer control register. During exception processing, the mode of address representation for the system Stack Pointer and Program Status Area Pointer is either linear or segmented, selected by the XLiS bit in the System Configuration Control Longword register. Three types of interrupts are supported: vectored, nonvectored, and nonmaskable. The vectored and nonvectored interrupts have mask bits in the FCW. All interrupts read an identifier word from the bus during an interrupt acknowledge transaction and save the word on the system stack. Vectored interrupts use the lower byte of this word to select a unique PC value from the Program Status Area. The CPU recognizes twelve trap conditions. • Extended Instruction trap occurs when an Extended Processing Architecture instruction is executed and the EPA bit in the FCW is clear. • Privileged Instruction trap occurs when an attempt is made to execute a privileged instruction in normal mode. • System Call trap occurs when the System Call instruction is executed to request service from the operating system. • Address Translation trap occurs when an address translation or access protection violation is detected. • Unimplemented Instruction trap occurs when an attempt is made to execute an instruction with a reserved bit pattern. • Odd PC trap occurs when an odd-byte address is loaded into the PC. • Trace trap occurs after execution of an instruction when tracing is enabled by setting the T bit in the FCW. • Breakpoint trap occurs when the Breakpoint instruction is executed, usually to invoke a debugging or monitoring program. • Conditional trap occurs when the Conditional trap instruction is executed and the specified condition code is satisfied. This trap can allow detection of user-defined exceptions. • Integer Arithmetic trap occurs when any of the following three error conditions is detected: • Integer Overflow error occurs when overflow is detected during execution of an integer arithmetic instruction and the IV bit in the FCW is set. • Bounds Check error occurs when the Check instruction is executed and the source operand is out of bounds. • Index error occurs when the Index instruction is executed and the subscript operand is out of bounds. In descending order, the priority of exceptions is: reset, bus error, trap (other than trace), nonmaskable interrupt, vectored interrupt, and non vectored interrupt. Trace Trap uses two control bits, T and TP, so that when tracing is enabled, exactly one trace trap occurs after each instruction is executed. When an Address Translation trap occurs for the system stack, the CPU cannot save the program status and other exception information on the system stack. The system can still recover from this otherwise fatal error because the CPU saves the information on the overflow stack designated in physical memory by the Overflow Stack Pointer control register. ADDRESSING MODES The CPU locates operands (the data manipulated by instructions) in registers, memory, I/O ports, or in the instruction. The location of an operand is specified by one of nine addressing modes (Figure 11): Register (R), Immediate (1M), Indirect Register (IR), Direct Address (DA) , Index (X), Base Address (BA), Base Index (BX), Relative Address (RA) , and Relative Index (RX). Most operations can be used with any addressing mode; however, some operations are restricted. Instruction encoding provides compact representation for the most frequently used addressing modes. The term Extended Addressing Modes (EAM) refers to the following addressing modes that require one or more extra words to be added to the opcode. • In compact mode: DA and X (X is equivalent to BA) • In linear or segmented modes: DA, X, BA, BX, RA, and RX 487 Addressing Mode Operand Addressing In the Instruction Operand Value In Memory In a Register R Register REGISTER NUMBER ~I OPE~AND The contents of the register 1M Immediate In the instruction OPERAND *IR Indirect Register REGISTER NUMBER Direct Address ADDRESS ~I[~A~D~D~RE~S~S=]-----""'~!I~O:PE~R~A~ND~ DA .I OPERAND *X Index t~~j--='=NDE=X=-h~~+Ir---....., __~~I OPERAND t~~~~~~__~I:.~=E:AD:D:RE:S:S~~ The contents 01 the location whose address is the contents 01 the Base register, plus the displacement in the instruction ~. OPERAND *BX The contents 01 the location whose address is the contents of the Base register, plus the contents 01 the Index register, plus the displacement in the instruction REGISTER NUMBER Base Index REGISTER NUMBER DISPLACEMENT RA Relative Address PC ADDRESS h [~D~IS~PLA~C~EM~E~N~TJf-~====::'-':"0-----+-1 OPERAND *RX Relative Index The contents 01 the location whose address is in the instruction The contents of the location whose address is the address in the instruction, plus the contents 01 the Index Register *BA Base Address The contents 01 the location whose address is in the register ~~====~ 0--1 OPERAND The contents 01 the location whose address is the contents 01 the Program Counter, plus the displacement in the instruction The contents of the location whose address is the contents of the Program Counter, plus the contents of the Index register, plus the displacement in the instruction *RO and RRO cannot be used lor Indirect, Base, or Index registers Figure 11. Addressing Modes 488 2071.Q09 DATA TYPES The CPU supports operations on the following data types. • • Bit Bit field-1 to 32 contiguous bits within a longword • Signed integer-byte, word, longword, and quad· word • Unsigned integer-byte, word, longword, and quad· word • Logical value-byte, word, and longword • Address-word or longword • Packed BCD integer-byte • Stack-word and longword • String-dynamic length byte, word, and longword FLAGS AND CONDITION CODES Arithmetic, logical, and many other instructions affect the six flag bits (C, Z, S, PIV, D, and H) in the FCW to pro· vide information about an operation's result. Generally, C indicates carry or borrow from the result, Z indicates the result is zero, S indicates whether the result is negative or positive, and PIV indicates parity or overflow. D and H are used for decimal arithmetic. Jump, Test Condition Code, and several other instruc· tions test the state of the flags. The conditions that can be tested are shown in Table 3. Table 3. Flags and Condition Codes Code Meaning F Always false T Always true Z Zero Flag Setting Binary 0000 1000 Z=1 0110 NZ Not zero Z=O 1110 C Carry C = 1 0111 1111 NC No carry C=O PL Plus S=O 1101 MI Minus S= 1 0101 NE Not equal Z=O 1110 EO Equal Z=1 0110 0100 OV Overflow V=1 NOV No overflow V=O 1100 PE Parity even P= 1 0100 1100 PO Parity odd P=O GE Greater than or equal (S XOR V) = 0 1001 LT Less than (SXOR V) = 1 0001 GT Greater than (Z OR (S XOR V)) = 0 1010 LE Less than or equal (Z OR (S XOR V)) ~ 1 0010 UGE Unsigned greater than or equal C=O 1111 ULT UGT Unsigned less than Unsigned greater than C = 1 ((C = 0) AND (Z = 0)) = 1 0111 ULE Unsigned less than or equal (C OR Z) = 1 0011 1011 Some of the condition codes correspond to identical flag settings: i.e., Z·EO, NZ·NE, C·ULT, NC-UGE, PE-OV, and PO-NOV. If no condition code is specified, the default condition is T (always true). 489 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY The CPU provides 11 types of instructions: • Input/Output • Load and Exchange • CPU Control • Arithmetic • Extended Instructions • Logical • Program Control • Bit Manipulation Instructions are encoded in one or more words, located in memory at even addresses. The generic instruction mnemonic indicates the instruction operates on words; addition of a "B" or "L" suffix to the mnemonic indicates operation on bytes or longwords, respectively. For example: CLR operates on words, CLRB on bytes, and CLRL on longwords. • Bit Field • Rotate and Shift • Block Transfer and String Manipulation Load and Exchange Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation CLR CLAB CLRL dst dst: R,IR,EAM Clear CVTBW CVTBL CVTWB CVTWL CVTLB CVTLW dst,src CVTUBW CVTUBL CVTUWB CVTUWL CVTULB CVTULW dst,src EX EXB dst,src dst dst: R src: R,IR,EAM or dst: IR,EAM src: R dst,src LOA dst,src LOAR LOK LOKL dst,src dst,n Convert dst - Convert Unsigned dst: R src: R,IR,EAM Exchange dst: R src: R,IM,IR,EAM* or dst: IR,EAM* src: R,IM dst: R src: EAM* dst: R src: RA dst: R n: 1M dst - dst - 490 convert (src) src Load dst - src Load Address dst - Address (src) Load Address Relative dst - Address (src) Load Constant dst - n (n 0 .. 15) = 'Compact mode allows BX with no displacement for EAM. convert (src) dst: R src: R,IR,EAM or dst: IR,EAM src: R EXL LO LOB LOL 0 Load and Exchange (Continued) Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation LDM dst,src,n dst: R src: IM,IR,EAM n: 1M or dst: IR,EAM src: R n: 1M Load Multiple LDML mask,src or dst,mask LOR LDRB LDRL dst,src pOP POPL dst,src PUSH PUSHL dst,src mask: 1M src: IM,IR,EAM or dst: IR,EAM mask: 1M dst: R src: RA or dst: RA src: R dst: R,IR,EAM src: IR dst: IR src: R,IM,IR,EAM dst - src (n words) Load Multiple Long dst (register mask) - src or dst - src (register mask) II $J Load Relative dst - 8 src Q CI Pop dst - src Autoincrement src address Push Autodecrement dst address dst - src Arithmetic Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation ADC ADCB ADCL dst,src dst: R src: R Add with Carry ADD ADDB ADDL dst,src dst: R src: R,IM,IR,EAM Add CHK CHKB CHKL dst,src CP CPB CPL dst,src DAB DEC DECB DECL dst - dst - dst + src + C dst + src dst: R src: IM,IR,EAM Check dst: R src: R,IM,IR,EAM or dst: IR,EAM src: 1M Compare dst dst: R Decimal Adjust dst,n dst: R,IR,EAM n: 1M Decrement compare dst with src bounds if out of bounds then trap dst - src dst - dst - n (n 1..16) = 491 ~~_,_e -------~.--.----- ~- --.~.---.--~------- ___ ,~_ .. Arithmetic (Continued) Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation DECI DECIB dst,n ds!: IR,EAM n: 1M Decrement Interlocked dst - dst - n (n 1.. 16) = DIV DIVL dst,src DIVU DIVUL dst,src EXTS EXTSB EXTSL dst INC INCB INCL dst,n INCI INCIB dst,n ds!: R src: R,IM,IR,EAM ds!: R src: R,IM,IR,EAM ds!: R Divide dst (low) - dst DIV src dst (high) - dst REM src Divide Unsigned dst (low) - dst DIV src dst (high) - dst REM src Extend Sign dst - ds!: R,IR,EAM n: 1M sign_extend (dst (low)) Increment dst - dst + n (n 1.. 16) = ds!: IR,EAM n: 1M Increment Interlocked dst - dst + n (n 1.. 16) = 492 INDEX INDEXL dst,sub,src MULT MULTL dst,src MULTU MULTUL dst,src NEG NEGB NEGL dst SBC SBCB SBCL dst,src SUB SUBB SUBL dS!,src TESTA TESTAB TESTAL dst ds!: R sub: R src: IM,IR,EAM ds!: R src: R,IM,IR,EAM ds!: R src: R,IM,IR,EAM ds!: R,IR,EAM Index calculate array index: check, scale, and accumulate Multiply dst - dst (low) • src Multiply Unsigned dst - dst (low) • src Negate ds! - ds! ds!: R src: R Subtract with Carry ds!: R src: R,IM,IR,EAM Subtract ds!: R,IR,EAM Test Arithmetic dst - ds! - ds! - dst - src - C dst - src 0 Logical Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation AND ANDB ANDl dst,src dst: R src: R,IM,IR,EAM And COM COMB COMl dst OR ORB ORl dst,src TCC TCCB TCCl cC,dst TEST TESTB TESTl dst XOR XORB XORl dst,src dst: R,IR,EAM dst - dst AND src Complement dst - NOT dst dst: R src: R,IM,IR,EAM Or dst: R Test Condition Code dst - dst OR src I if cc then dst - dst OR 1 dst: R,IR,EAM Test ft :I dst OR 0 dst: R src: R,IM,IR,EAM Xor dst - dst XOR src Program Control Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes BRKPT Operation Breakpoint (breakpoint trap) Push PS onto System Stack Push instruction PS - Breakpoint PS CAll dst dst: IR,EAM Call Autodecrement SP @SP - PC PC - Address (dst) CAlR dst dst: RA Call Relative Autodecrement SP @SP - PC PC - Address (dst) DJNZ DBJNZ DlJNZ cnt,dst cnt: R dst: RA Decrement and Jump if Not Zero cnt - cnt - 1 if cnt 0 then PC - Address (dst) * 493 Program Control (Continued) Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation ENTER mask,siz mask: 1M siz: 1M Enter Procedure EXIT Push registers (mask) Push FP Push mask Push 0 (exception handler) FP -SP SP-SP + siz update integer overflow mask Exit Procedure SP - FP Pop exception handler Pop mask Pop FP Pop registers (mask) restore integer overflow mask JP cC,dst dst: IR,EAM Jump if cc then PC - Address (dst) JR cC,dst dst: RA Jump Relative if cc then PC - Address (dst) RET Return cc if cc then PC - @SP Autoincrement SP SC src src: 1M System Call (system call trap) Push PS onto System Stack Push instruction PS - System Call PS TRAP cC,src src: 1M Trap Conditional if cc then (condition trap) Push PS onto System Stack Push instruction PS - Conditional Trap PS 494 Bit Manipulation Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation BIT BITB BITL dst,src dst: R,IR,EAM src: 1M or dst: R src: R Test Bit RES RESB RESL dst,src dst: R,IR,EAM src: 1M or dst: R src: R Reset Bit SET SETB SETL dst,src TSET TSETB dst Z - NOT dst (src) dst(src) - 0 dst: R,IR,EAM src: 1M or dst: R src: R Set Bit dst: R,IR,EAM Test and Set dst(src) - II 0 1 I C':II • CI S - dst(MSB) dst - -1 Rotate and Shift Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation RL RLB RLL dst,n dst: R n: 1M Rotate Left RLC RLCB RLCL dst,n RLDB link,dst dst rotate left n bits = 1 or 2) Rotate Left through Carry dst,C - dst,C rotate left n bits (n 1 or 2) = RR RRB RRL dst,n RRC RRCB RRCL dst,n RRDB link,dst SDA SDAB SDAL dst: R n: 1M dst (n link: R dst: R dst: R n: 1M dst: R n: 1M Rotate Left Digit dst,link (0:3) - dst,link (0:3) rotate left 1 digit Rotate Right dst (n dst rotate right n bits = 1 or 2) Rotate Right through Carry dst,C - dst,C rotate right n bits (n 1 or 2) = dst,src link: R dst: R dst: R src: R Rotate Right Digit dst,link (0:3) - dst,link (0:3) rotate right 1 digit Shift Dynamic Arithmetic dst - dst arithmetic shift src bits 495 ~_~ _ _ _ _ _" _ _ ~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _r Rotate and Shift (Continued) Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation SDL SDLB SDLL dst,src dst: R src: R Shift Dynamic Logical SLA SLAB SLAL dst,n dst: R n: 1M Shift Left Arithmetic SLL SLLB SLLL dst,n dst: R n: 1M Shift Left Logical SRA SRAB SRAL dst,n dst: R n: 1M Shift Right Arithmetic SRL SRLB SRLL dst,n dst: R n: 1M Shift Right Logical dst - dst - dst logical shift src bits dst arithmetic shift left n bits dst - dst logical shift left n bits dst - dst - dst arithmetic shift right n bits dst logical shift right n bits Block Transfer and String Manipulation 496 Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes CPO CPOB CPOL dst,src, cnt,cc dst: R src: IR cnt: R CPOR CPORB CPORL dst,src, cnt,cc dst: R src: IR cnt: R CPI CPIB CPIL dst,src, cnt,cc dst: R src: IR cnt: R Operation Compare and Decrement dst - src Autodecrement src address cnt - cnt - 1 Compare, Decrement, and Repeat Repeat dst- src Autodecrement src address cnt - cnt - 1 Until cc is true or cnt=O Compare and Increment dst - src Autoincrement src address cnt - cnt - 1 Block Transfer and String Manipulation (Continued) Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation CPIR CPIRB CPIRL dst,sre, ent,ee ds!: R sre: IR en!: R Compare, Increment, and Repeat CPSD CPSDB CPSDL dst,sre, ent,ee ds!: IR sre: IR en!: R Compare String and Decrement CPSDR CPSDRB CPSDRL dst,sre, ent,ee ds!: IR sre: IR en!: R CPSI CPSIB CPSIL dst,sre, ent,ee ds!: IR sre: SR en!: R CPSIR CPSIRS CPSIRL dst,sre, ent,ee ds!: IR sre: IR en!: R LDD LDDB LDDL dst,sre,ent ds!: IR sre: IR en!: R LDDR LDDRB LDDRL dst,sre,ent LDI LDIB LOlL dst,sre,ent ds!: IR sre: IR en!: R ds!: IR sre: IR en!: R Repeat dst - sre Autoinerement sre address ent - ent - 1 Unit ee is true or ent = 0 dst - sre Autodeerement dst and sre addresses ent - ent - 1 J Compare String, Decrement, Repeat Repeat dst - sre Autodeerement dst and sre addresses ent - ent - 1 Until ee is true or ent = 0 I I Compare String and Increment dst - sre Autoinerement dst and sre addresses ent - ent - 1 Compare String, Increment, Repeat Repeat dst - sre Autoinerement dst and sre addresses ent - ent - 1 Until ee is true or ent = 0 Load and Decrement dst - sre Autodeerement dst and sre addresses ent - ent - 1 Load, Decrement, and Repeat Repeat dst ~'" src Autodeerement dst and sre addresses ent - ent - 1 Unitl ent=O Load and Increment dst - sre Autoinerement dst and sre addresses ent - ent - 1 497 Block Transfer and String Manipulation (Continued) Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation LDIR LDIRB LDIRL dst,sre,ent dst: IR sre: IR ent: R Load, Increment, and Repeat TRDB dst,sre,ent TRDRB TRIB TRIRB TRTDB TRTDRB TRTIB 498 dst: IR sre: IR ent: R Repeat dst - sre Autoinerement dst and sre addresses ent - ent - 1 Until ent=O Translate and Decrement dst - sre [dst] Autodeerement dst address ent - ent - 1 dst: IR sre: IR ent: R Translate, Decrement, and Repeat dst: IR sre: IR ent: R Translate and Increment dst: IR sre: IR ent: R Translate, Increment, and Repeat sre1,sre2, ent sre1: IR sre2: IR ent: R Translate, Test, and Decrement sre1,sre2, ent sre1: IR sre2: IR ent: R Translate, Test, Decrement, Repeat sre1,sre2, ent sre1: IR sre2: IR ent: R Translate, Test, and Increment dst,sre,ent dst,sre,ent dst,sre,ent Repeat dst - sre [dst] Autodeerement dst address ent - ent - 1 Until ent = 0 dst - sre [dst] Autoinerement dst address ent - ent - 1 Repeat dst - sre [dst] Autoinerement dst address ent - ent - 1 Until ent=O RH1 - sre2 [sre1] Autodeerement sre1 address ent - ent - 1 Repeat RH1 - sre2 [sre1] Autodeerement sre1 address ent - ent - 1 Until RH1 *0 or ent=O RH1 - sre2 [sre1] Autoinerement sre1 address ent - ent - 1 Block Transfer and String Manipulation (Continued) Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation TRTIRB src1,src2, cnt src1: IR src2: IR cnt: R Translate, Test, Increment, Repeat Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation IN* INB* INL* dst,src dst: R src: IR,DA Input IND* INDB* INDL* dst,src,cnt INDR* INDRB* INDRL* dst,src,cnt INI* INIB* INIL* dst,src,cnt INIR* INIRB* INIRL* dst,src,cnt OTDR* OTDRB* OTDRL* dst,src,cnt OTIR* OTIRB* OTIRL* dst,src,cnt Repeat RH1 - src2 [src1] Autoincrement src1 address cnt - cnt - 1 Until RH1 *0 or cnt=O Input/Output dst: IR src: IR cnt: R dst: IR src: IR cnt: R dst: IR src: IR cnt: R dst: IR src: IR cnt: R dst: IR src: IR cnt: R dst: IR src: IR cnt: R dst - I9 src Input and Decrement dst - src Autodecrement dst address cnt - cnt - 1 Input, Decrement, and Repeat Repeat dst - src Autodecrement dst address cnt - cnt - 1 Until cnt=O Input and Increment dst - src Autoincrement dst address cnt - cnt - 1 Input, Increment, and Repeat Repeat dst - src Autoincrement dst address cnt - cnt - 1 Until cnt=O Output, Decrement, and Repeat Repeat dst - src Autodecrement src address cnt - cnt - 1 Until cnt=O Output, Increment, and Repeat Repeat dst - src Autoincrement src address cnt - cnt - 1 Until cnt=O ·Prlvlleged Instruction 499 Input/Output (Continued) Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation OUT* OUTB* OUTL* dst,sre dst: IR,DA sre: R Output OUTD* OUTDB* OUTDL* dst,sre,ent OUTI* OUTIB* OUTIL* dst,sre,ent dst: IR sre: IR ent: R dst: IR sre: IR ent: R dst - sre Output and Decrement dst - sre Autodeerement sre address ent - ent - 1 Output and Increment dst - sre Autoinerement sre address ent - ent - 1 CPU Control Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation COMFLG flags flags: 1M Complement Flag DI* ints ints: 1M Disable Interrupt EI* Ints Ints: 1M Enable Interrupt HALT* Halt IRET* Interrupt Return PS - @SP Autoinerement SP LDCTL* LDCTLB LDCTLL* LDND* LDNDB* LDNDL* • Privileged Instruction 500 dst,sre dst,sre dst,sre dst,sre dst: CTLR sre: R or dst: R sre: CTLR dst: FLGR sre: R or dst: R sre: FLGR dst: CTLRL sre: R or dst: R sre: CTLRL dst: R sre: IR,EAM or dst: IR,EAM sre: R Load Control Register dst - sre Load Flag Byte Register dst - sre Load Control Register Long dst - sre Load Normal Data Address Space dst - sre CPU Control (Continued) Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation LONI* LONIB* LONIL* dst,src dst: R src: IR,EAM Load Normal Instruction Address Space cr dst: IR,EAM src: R ast - src LOPS* src src: IR,EAM Load Program Status PS - src LOPNO* LOPNI* LOPSO* LOPSI* dst,src dst: R src: IR,EAM Load Physical Address dst - PhysicaL_Address (src) NOP No Operation PCACHE* Purge Cache PTLB* Purge TLB PTLBENO* PTLBENI PTLBESO* PTLBESI* src src: IR,EAM PTLBN* II Purge TLB Entry Purge TLB Normal RESFLO flag flag: 1M Reset Flag SETFLO flag flag: 1M Set Flag Mnemonic Operands Addressing Modes Operation EXTR dst,src, pcs,siz dst: R src: R,IR,EAM pes: IM,R slz: IM,R dst - src (pcs,slz) dst,src, pcs,siz dst: R src: R,IR,EAM pes: IM,R siz: IM,R dst - src (pcs,slz) dst,src, pcs,slz dst: R,IR,EAM src: R pes: IM,R slz: IM,R dst (pcs,siz) ... src Bit Field EXTRU INSRT Extract Field Extract Unsigned Field Insert Field • Privileged Instruction. 501 EXTENDED INSTRUCTIONS The Z80,000 CPU supports extended instructions through the Zilog Extended Processing Architecture (EPA). The EPA facility allows the operations defined in the Z80,000 architecture to be extended by software or hardware. In particular, floating-point operations are supported by the Z8070 Arithmetic Processing Unit (APU) or by a software package that emulates the APU. Up to four Extended Processing Units (EPUs) can be included in a Z80,000 CPU system. The CPU and EPU cooperate in execution of EPA instructions. When the CPU encounters an EPA instruction, the instruction is transmitted across the external bus to the appropriate EPU. The CPU then performs transactions on the external bus to transfer data between the EPU and memory or the EPU and CPU. Transfers between the EPU and CPU can involve the CPU general-purpose registers or FCW flag byte. EPU internal operations do not require any data transfers. After the data transfers for the EPU instruction are completed, the CPU can continue processing while the EPU performs the operation. While the EPU is processing an instruction, it can drive the EPUBSY signal to stop the CPU. The data processing operations performed by the EPU are transparent to the CPU. The EPU can execute floating point operations, decimal arithmetic, specialized operating system functions, signal processing operations, or any other that the system designer chooses. For this reason, no mnemonic is listed for the extended instructions, as the mnemonic will depend on the type of EPU. EPUs designed to speed execution of special purpose operations can provide significant performance improvements. The operation of the EPU can be overlapped with operation of the CPU and other EPUs. The EPA bit in the Flag and Control Word register indicates whether an EPU is present. If no EPU is present, the CPU traps EPA instructions for software simulation. Thus, the EPA facility can be used even with no external support circuitry. This allows software compatibility between systems, whether or not an EPU is present. The system designer can choose to include an EPU in highperformance systems but not in low-cost systems, and software can be developed using the EPA instructions before an EPU is available. Extended Instructions Operation Addressing Modes Load EPU from memory dst - src (n bytes or words) dst, src, n dst: EPU src: IM,IR,EAM n: 1M Load memory from EPU dst - src (n bytes or words) dst, src, n dst: IR,EAM src: EPU n: 1M Load EPU from CPU dst - src (n words or longwords) dst, src, n dst: EPU src: R n: 1M Load CPU from EPU dst - src (n words or longwords) dst, src, n dst: R src: EPU n: 1M Load EPU from Flags dst - src dst, src dst: EPU src: Flags Load Flags from EPU dst - src dst, src dst: Flags src: EPU EPU Internal Operation 502 Operands CACHE The CPU Implements a cache mechanism to keep on-chip copies of the most recently referenced memory locations (Figure 12). The CPU examines the cache on memory fetches to determine if the addressed data are located in the cache. If the information is in the cache (a hit), then the CPU fetches from the cache, and no transaction is necessary on the external interface. If the information is not in the cache (a miss), then the CPU performs a memory read transaction to fetch the missing information. The cache stores data in blocks of 16 bytes. Each data word In the cache has an associated validity bit to indicate whether or not the word is a valid copy of the corresponding main memory location. The cache contains 16 blocks, providing 256 bytes of storage. The cache is fully associative, so that a block currently needed and missing in the cache can replace any block in the cache. Moreover, when a block miss occurs, the least ,.----'"1 ADDRESS TAG ASSDCIATIVE MEMORY (16 x 28) MATCH 16 LINES ,.---T"""-...... CA,;~~J1R~TA VA~:~~TY 16 (16x 128) TAG HIT (16x 8) LRU STACK (16x4) 32 28 32 PHYSICAL ADDRESS DATA WORD HIT recently used (LRU) block in the cache is replaced. When a cache miss occurs on an instruction fetch, the CPU fetches the missing instruction from memory and prefetches the following words in the block using a burst transaction. When a cache miss occurs on an operand fetch, the CPU fetches the missing data from memory. (The CPU uses burst transactions only for fetching operands when more than one data transfer is necessary: longword operands on a 16-bit bus, unaligned operands, string instructions, Load Multiple instructions, and loading Program Status.) On store references, the data IS written to memory (store through), and if the reference hits in the cache, the data is also written to the cache. If the store reference misses in the cache, the cache is unaffected. Software has some control over the cache. The cache can be selectively enabled for instruction and data references by bits CI and CD in the SCCL control register. The memory management mechanism allows cacheing to be inhibited for individual pages. The Pcache instruction can be used to invalidate all information in the cache. The cache has an option, controlled by bit CR in SCCL, to inhibit block replacement on a miss. This option can be used to lock fixed locations into the cache for fast, onchip access. To do this, the cache is first enabled for block replacement of data references only. Selected blocks are read into the cache. The block replacement algorithm is then disabled, while the cache is enabled for instruction and data references. Figure 12. Cache Organization PIN DESCRIPTIONS The CPU has 59 signal lines. Pin functions are shown in Figure 13. ADo-AD31. Address/Data (Bidirectional, active High, 3-state). These 32 lines are time-multiplexed to transfer address and data. At the beginning of each transaction the lines are driven with the 32-bit address. After the address has been driven, the lines are used to transfer one or more bytes, words, or longwords of data. AS. Address Strobe (Output, active Low, 3-state). The rising edge of AS indicates the beginning of a transaction and shows that the address, STo-ST3, R/W, BUW, BW/L, N/S, and BRST are valid. BUSACK. Bus Acknowledge (Output, active Low). A Low on this line indicates that the CPU has relinquished control of the local bus in response to a bus request. iiiS'f. Burst (Output, active Low, 3-state). A Low on this line indicates that the CPU is performing a burst transfer; i.e, multiple Data Strobes following a single Address Strobe. iRS'TA. Burst Acknowledge (Input, active Low). A Low on this line indicates that the responding device can support burst transfers. BUSREQ. Bus Request (Input, active Low). A l,.ow on this line indicates that a bus requestor has obtained or is trying to obtain control of the local bus. 2071.010 503 BUW; BW/L. Byte, Longword/Word; Byte, Word/ Longword (Output, 3-state). These two lines specify the data transfer size. NMI. Non-Maskable Interrupt (Input, Edge activated). A High-to-Low transition on this line requests a nonmaskable interrupt. iiiVi. Non-Vectored Interrupt (Input, active Low). A Low on this line requests a non-vectored interrupt. BuW BW/L Size High Low High Low High High Low Low Byte Word Longword Reserved N/S. Normal/System Mode (Output, Low = System Mode, 3-state). This line indicates whether the CPU is in normal or system mode. CE. Output Enable (Output, elK. Clock (Input). This is the clock used to generate all CPU timing. Os. Data Strobe (Output, active Low, 3-state). DS is used for timing data transfers. EPUABORT. EPU Abort (Output. active Low). A Low on this line indicates that the CPU is aborting execution of an EPA instruction, typically because an Address Translation trap has occurred. EPU"BSY. EPU Busy (Input, active Low). A Low on this line indicates that an EPU is busy. This line is used to synchronize the operation of the CPU with an EPU during execution of an EPA instruction. active Low, 3-state). A Low on this line can be used to enable buffers on the AD lines to drive away from the CPU. R/W. ReadlWrite (Output, Low = Write, 3-state). This signal indicates the direction of data transfer. FiES'ET. Reset (Input, active Low). A Low on this line resets the CPU. R5Po·R5P1. Response (Input). These lines encode the response to transactions initiated by the CPU. Note that RSPo and RSP1 can be connected together for Z-BUS WAIT timing. GREQ. Global Request (Output, active Low, 3-state). A Low on this line indicates the CPU has obtained or is trying to obtain control of a global bus. GAcK. Global Acknowledge (Input, active Low). A Low on this line indicates the CPU has been granted control of a global bus. RESET -====:: I- INTERRUPT { REQUESTS EXTENDED PROCESSOR CONTROL LOCAL BUS CONTROL GLOBAL BUS CONTROL I RSP1 Response High Low High Low High High Low Low Ready Bus Error Bus Retry Wait 5T0·5T3. Status (Output.· active High, 3-state). These lines specify the kind of transaction occurring on the bus. (See Table 4.) iE. Input Enable (Output, active Low, 3-state). A Low on this line can be used to enable buffers on the AD lines to drive toward the CPU. RSPo Vi. Vectored Interrupt (Input, active Low). A Low on this line requests a vectored interrupt. REm AD NMI AS iii os jijijj R/W EPUBSV BUS STATUS AND TIMING BLIW ZBO,OOO CPU BW/L STATUS EPUABDRT N/S BUSREQ RESPONSE 4- BUSACK - ADDRESS/DATA BUS 4- OE iE GREQ GACK BRST BRSTA _ _ I I BUFFER CONTROL BURST TRANSFER CONTROL CLK +5 V GND t CLOCK Figure 13. Pin Functions 504 2071'()11 MULTIPROCESSOR CONFIGURATIONS The CPU provides support for interconnection in four types of multiprocessor configurations (Figure 14): coprocessor, slave processor, tightly-coupled multiple CPUs, and looselycoupled multiple CPUs. Coprocessors, such as the Z8070 Arithmetic Processing Unit, work synchronously with the CPU to execute a single instruction stream using the Extended Processing Architecture facility. The EPUBSY and EPUABORT signals are dedicated for connection with coprocessors. Slave processors, such as the Z8016 DMA Transfer Controller, perform dedicated functions asynchronously to the CPU. The CPU and slave processor share a local bus, of which the CPU is the default master, using the CPU's BUSREO and BUSACK lines. IAI COPROCESSOR 181 SLAVE PROCESSOR Tightly-coupled, multiple CPUs execute independent instruction streams and generally communicate through ~hared memory located on a common (global) bus using the CPU's GREQ and GACK lines. Each CPU is default master of its local bus, but the global bus master is chosen by an external arbiter. The CPU also provides status information about interlocked memory references (for Test and Set, Increment Interlocked, and Decrement Interlocked instructions), which can be used with multiported memories. Loosely-coupled, multiple CPUs generally communicate through a multiple-ported peripheral, such as the Z8038 FlO. The Z80,000 CPU's 1/0 and interrupt facilities can support loosely-coupled multiprocessing. ICI TIGHTLY·COUPLED MULTIPLE CPU ID) LOOSELY·COUPLED MULTIPLE CPU Figure 14. Multiprocessor Configurations HARDWARE INTERFACE CONTROL REGISTER The Hardware I nterface Control register (HICR) specifies certain characteristics of the hardware configuration surrounding the CPU, including bus speed, memory data path width, and number of automatic wait states. The physical memory address space is divided into two sections, Mo and Ml, selected by bit 30 of the address. A typical system would locate slow, 16-bit wide bootstrap ROM in Mo and faster 32-bit wide dynamic RAM in Ml. The phYSical 1/0 address space is similarly divided into two sections, 1100 and 1/01, selected by bit 30 of the ad· dress. Fields in HICR specify the characteristics (see Figure 3): 2071-012 following interface Bus speed (S)- The bus clock frequency is either 1/2 or 114 the clock frequency. Memory data path (Mo.DP, Ml.DP)- The data path width for Mo and Ml are each specified as 16 or 32 bits. Automatic wait states (Mo. W, MI. W, liDo. W, 1101. W, lACK. W1, lACK. W2)- The number of Wait states automatically inserted by the CPU for references to Mo, Ml, 1/00, 1/01, and interrupt acknowledge, are separately specified. Global bus protocol control (LAD, GE)-The CPU can access a global bus (a bus shared with other CPUs). On references to the global bus, the CPU must use a re- 505 quest/acknowledge handshake with an external arbiter. The GE field enables the use of the global bus; the LAD field selects the portion of the address space used for references to the global bus. Minimum Address Strobe rate (MASR)- This optional feature ensures that an Address Strobe will be generated at least once every 16 bus clock cycles. This is useful for refreshing pseudostatic RAMS. EPU overlap (EPUO)- This bit, along with another bit in an EPU control register, controls the degree of overlap for CPU and EPU operations. The degree of overlap can be limited to simplify debugging and recovery from exceptions, although to do so reduces overall execution speed. CPU TIMING The CPU performs transactions on the external interface to transfer data for fetching instructions, fetching and storing operands, processing exceptions, and performing memory management. In addition, the CPU performs internal operation and halt transactions, which do not transfer data. Each transaction occurs during a sequence of bus clock cycles, named T1, T2, etc. input setup and hold times and output delays are specified with respect to a rising edge of ClK. When CPU output transitions occur on different clock edges, the time between the transitions is specified in terms of a constant delay and a variable number of ClK cycles. The number of ClK cycles depends on the bus timing scale factor, type of transaction, and number of wait states. The CPU has a single clock line, ClK, used to generate all timing. Internally, the CPU derives another clock for bus timing by dividing ClK by 2 or 4. The scale factor for bus timing (2 or 4) is selected at reset. In the AC timing characteristics for the CPU (available in a separate data sheet from Zilog), In the logical timing diagrams that follow, the signal transitions on the bus are shown in relation to the bus clock, BClK. The beginning of a transaction, signified by a falling edge of AS, always occurs on a rising edge of BClK. The BClK signal is derived internally to the CPU as described CLK BCLK AD ==x )-------~ ADDRESS \'----~;(AI BCLK = CLK +2 CLK BLCK AD --.J =x:____ ---J)- - - - - - - - - - - - - -<. . __ D_A_TA_I_N_--I>- - A_D_DR_E_SS_ _ _ \~ - - - - - ______________----JI (BI BCLK = CLK +4 Figure 15. Memory Read Timing for Different Bus Scale Factors 506 2071.(113 above, but is not available on the pins. BClK can also be derived externally to the CPU by dividing ClK by the selected bus timing scale factor. (The Reset section discusses synchronization of the internal and external busciocks.) The timing diagrams in Figure 15 show example memory read transactions using the different scale factors. In the description of bus transactions that follow, the term "asserted" means an active signal and "negated" means an inactive signal. A signal is either active when High or when low, as specified in the pin functions. BUS TRANSACTIONS All bus transactions begin with Address Strobe (AS) asserted and then negated. On the rising edge of AS the lines for status (STo-ST3), ReadlWrite (R/W), data transfer size (BW/L. BLlW), and Normal/System (N/S) are valid. The status lines indicate the type of transaction being initiated (Table 4). The Rm line indicates the direction of data transfer. The data transfer size indicates whether a byte, word, or longword of data is being transferred. The N/S line indicates the CPU's operating mode. The following sections describe timing for the different transactions. data, and thus do not assert DS.) For write operations (R/W low) the CPU asserts DS when valid data is on High) the CPU the AD lines. For read operations (R/W makes the AD lines 3-state before asserting DS, so the addressed deVice can put Its data on the bus. The CPU samples the datf' in the middle of a bus cycle, while negating DS. = The AD lines can be used to transfer bytes, words, or longwords. For read transactions, the three cases are handled as follows: • Table 4_ Status Codes ST3 -STo Definition 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1 001 1010 101 1 1100 1101 11 10 1111 internal operation CPU-EPU (data) I/O halt CPU-EPU (instruction) NMI acknowledge NVI acknowledge Vi acknowledge cacheable CPU-memory (data) non-cacheable CPU-memory (data) cacheable EPU-memory non-cacheable EPU-memory cacheable CPU-memory (instruction) non-cacheable CPU-memory (instruction) reserved interlocked CPU-memory (data) On the rising edge of AS, the address on the AD lines is also valid. Addresses are not required and therefore are undefined for internal operation, halt, interrupt acknowledge, and CPU-EPU data transactions. The CPU uses Data Strobe (DS) to time the data transfer. (internal operation and halt transactions do not transfer = Byte transfers use ADo-AD?; ADS-AD31 are ignored (used only by 110). • Word transfers use ADo-AD15; AD16-AD31 are ignored. • longword transfers use ADo-AD31. For write transactions, the three cases are handled as follows: • Byte transfers replicate the data on ADo-AD?, ADs-AD15, AD16-AD23, and AD24-AD31' • Word transfers replicate the data on AD o-AD 15 and AD16-AD31' • Longword transfers use ADo-AD31. The Input Enable (IE) and Output Enable (OE) signals can be used to enable buffers on the bidirectional AD lines. iE is asserted when the buffers drive toward the CPU; OE is asserted when the buffers drive away from the CPU. Whenever the direction for the AD lines changes, neither iE nor OE is asserted for at least one ClK cycle. To transfer more than one data item, the CPU can perform burst transactions. The data items are transferred in the same direction, and are equal in size. Data Strobe is used to time each transfer. The CPU asserts Burst (BRST) to indicate a burst transfer. The responding device asserts Burst Acknowledge (BRSTA) if it is capable of supporting burst transfers. If BRSTA is not asserted, the CPU transfers only a single data item. 507 RESPONSE Any time data is transferred, the responding device returns a code on the Response lines (RSPo-RSP1) to indicate ready, wait, bus error, or bus retry. The response is sampled at a time specific to each type of transaction, generally before the AD lines are sampled or DS is negated. Ready indicates the completion of a successful transfer. Wait indicates that the responding device needs more time to complete the transaction. The CPU waits one bus cycle before sampling the response again to accom· modate slow memory or peripherals. Bus error indicates that a fatal error has occurred during the transaction; for example, bus timeout for a nonexistent device. Bus error is treated as an exception by the CPU. Bus retry illdicates that the transaction should be tried again; for example, a transient parity error is detected. The CPU tries the transaction again. The CPU can insert wait states automatically under control of several fields in the Hardware Interface Control Register. If an automatic wait state is programmed for a bus cycle, the CPU ignores the response and wait is assumed. Thus, wait states can be inserted automatically by the CPU or upon request of the responding device. It must be emphasized that the RSPo-RSP1 lines are syn· chronous. Thus, they must meet the specified setup and hold times for correct operation. A Simple system using ~Z-BUS WAIT can be implemented by connecting WAIT to RSPo and RSP1. CPU·MEMORY TRANSACTIONS The CPU uses status 1000, 1001, 1100, 1101, or 1111 to read from and write to memory. The transactions involve a single data transfer or multiple, burst data transfers. Single Memory Read Figure 16 shows timing for a single memory read transaction with no wait states. AS is asserted during the first half of T1. The rising edge of AS indicates that the address on AD and control signals STo-ST3, RIW, BWtL. BLIW, and Nt§" are valid. The control signals remain valid for the duration of the transaction. BRST is negated during the transaction because only a single data item is being transferred. At the beginning OfT2 the CPU stops driving the address, asserts DS, and prepares to receive data from memory. In the middle of T2 R~-RSP1 are sampled read~e input data is latched, and DS is negated. The signal OE is asserted during T1; however, for this two-cycle read transaction, iE is not asserted. iE is unasserted because there is no bus clock transition between the negation of OE at the end of T1 and the sampling of data in the middle of T2. The two-cycle read transaction is a compatible extension of the Z-BUS threecycle read transaction. Two-cycle read transactions are intended for use with fast memories connected directly to the CPU pins without buffers, such as an external cache. For memory read transactions, the data transfer size is equal to the data path width specified in HICR. The memory should transfer the aligned longword addressed by AD2-AD31 (ignoring ADo-AD1) for a 32-bit data path or the aligned word addressed by AD1-AD31 (ignoring ADo) for a 16-bit data path. The CPU selects the required bytes from the transferred word or longword. The timing for a single memory read transaction with one wait state is shown in Figure 17. This is not a true wait state because IE is asserted in the middle of T2 and continues until the middle of T3. For memory read transactions longer than two bus cycles, either because of wait states or burst transfers, iE is asserted from the middle of T2 until the end of data transfer. The signals OE 508 and iE can be used to control buffers on the AD lines. The CPU can insert wait states in the middle of T2 if RSPo-RSP1 are sampled wait or if automatic wait states are programmed in the appropriate field of HICR. The duration of a wait state is one BCLK cycle. BeLK AD ~ ADDRESS >--®--c v I ii RlWJ ITo-I!I Nil BW'L,BU~ =x \0 )( ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...... \ BRITA 'RSPo-RSp,lnd data ,"mpled. Figure 16. Single Memory Read Timing 2071-014 BCI.K AD ==x: I_WAIT STATE-i ADDRESS DS DII \ >----< >--C I \ I ~ \ Ii DATAIN I PJWJ STO-S'!:I=:>( BW/!:,B..,'!! N/S \: )C BRST '""" ·ASPO-RSP1 and data sampled. Figure 17. Single Memory Read Timing (1 Walt State) 2071-()15 509 Single Memory Write A single memory write transaction (Figure 18) begins with AS to indicate that address and control signals are valid. At the beginning of h the CPU stops driving the address and starts driving the data. In the middle of T2, OS is asserted. The CPU negates DS in the middle of T3. OE is asserted beginning at T1 and continues for the duration of the transaction. The CPU samples RSPo-RSP1 in the middle of T3. For memory write transactions, the data transfer size is less than or equal to the data path width specified in HICR. Bytes and words can be written to a 16-bit memory; bytes, words, and longwords can be written to a 32-bit memory. The CPU writes bytes to any address, but words and longwords are always written to an aligned address (I.e., words are always written to an even address and longwords are always written to an ad- dress that is a multiple of four). When a program writes a word or longword to an unaligned address, the CPU performs two or more write transactions to aligned addresses. For example, if the program writes a word to an odd address, the CPU first writes the more significant byte to the odd address, then it writes the less significant byte to the successive even address. Single memory read and write timing differ slightly from loBUS specifications. The minimum read transaction is two bus cycles, and the slave response is sampled at the end of the data transfer. For the loBUS, the minimum read transaction is three cycles, and the slave response is sampled one cycle before the end of the data transfer. For strict loBUS compatibility, it is possible to program one automatic Wait state for memory read and to delay the slave response with an external flipflop. BeLK AD ==x: ADDRESS >C X\.____ D_AT_A_O_UT_ _ _ _ \0 ' f _ _...J Ii STo-S!! NIS BW/L.BU~ ==x: x:: ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. RiW~ C *RSPO-RSP1 •• mpled. Figure 18. Single Memory Write Timing 510 2071.(118 Burst Memory Transactions Burst memory transactions use multiple Oata Strobes following a single Address Strobe to transfer data at con· secutive memory addresses. The signals BRST and BRSTA control the burst transaction. The CPU uses burst transactions to prefetch a cache block on an in· struction fetch cache miss. The CPU also uses burst transactions to fetch or store operands when more than one transfer is necessary, as with unaligned operands, string instructions, Load Multiple instructions, and loading of program status. If the memory does not support burst transfers, the burst transfer protocol described below (Figure 19) allows BRSTA to be tied High. The CPU then separates the burst transac· tion into a sequence of single transfers. At the beginning of a burst transaction, the CPU asserts BRST along with other control signals. When the CPU continues to assert BRST at the falling edge of OS, this indicates to memory that the CPU can support another data transfer following the one in process. When the CPU negates BRST before the falling edge of OS, this in· dicates to memory that the current transfer is the last in the transaction. When BRSTA is asserted at the time the RSPo-RSP1 lines are sampled ready, this indicates to the CPU that memory can support another data transfer following the one in process. When BRSTA is negated at the time the RSPo-RSP1 lines are sampled ready, this indicates to the CPU that the current data transfer is the last in the trans· action. The burst transaction can be terminated by either the CPU or memory. If memory terminates the transfer by negating BRSTA, the CPU responds by negating BRST when OS is negated. (See the example for burst memory read.) If the CPU terminates the transfer by negating BRST before the falling edge of OS, memory responds by negating BRSTA. (See the example for burst memory write.) The CPU terminates the burst transaction when all the required data items have been transferred or after reaching the end of an aligned, 16-byte block. Figure 19. CPU Burst Transfer Protocol 2071-017 511 -~------------ Burst Memory Read Figure 20 shows timing for a burst memory read transaction with one wait state. In this example, three data items are transferred, after which memory terminates the burst. BRST is asserted at the beginning of T1; otherwise, the timing for the first transfer is identical to a single memory read. In the middle of T3 the CPU samples RSPo-RSP1 ready, latches the data, and samples BRSTA active. During T4 the second data item is transferred, accompanied by OS. The time for the second and subsequent transfers can be extended with wait states if RSPo-RSP1 are sampled wait; the CPU does not insert automatic wait states after the first transfer. During Ts the third data item is transferred. At the same time the RSPo-RSP1 lines are sampled ready, the data is latched and BRSTA is sampled inactive. Memory terminates the bu rst transfer, and the CPU responds by negating BRST. 3 DATA TRANSFERS, MEMORY TERMINATES BURST BCLK AD ==x: ADDRESS I..-_ _ __'X DATA IN X DATA IN )- --C Oi _ _ _ \~_-JI \~-----------------' R/WJ STo-SIJ.=X BW/L, BLly! HIS BRST . - - - - - - -___________________________________________ ~~_________________________________________________' \~---------~--------~-----' *RSPO-RSP1. BRSTA. and data sampled. Figure 20. Burst Memory Read Timing (1 Wait State) 512 2071-018 Burst Memory Write Figure 21 shows timing for a burst memory write transaction with no wait states. In this example, two data items are transferred, and the CPU terminates the burst. BRST Is asserted at the beginning of T,; otherwise, the timing for the first transfer is identical to a single memory write. In the middle of T3 the CPU samples RSPo-RSP, ready and BRSTA active. At the beginning of T4 the CPU negates BRST indicating that one more data transfer will follow. During T4 the second data item is transferred, accompanied by OS. The time for the second and subsequent transfers can be extended with wait states if RSPo-RSP, are sampled wait; the CPU does not insert automatic wait states after the first transfer. Memory recognizes that the CPU has terminated the burst transfer and responds by negating BRSTA before the end of T4. 2 DATA TRANSFERS, CPU TERMINATES BURST BeLK AD:::X ADDRESS X DATA DUT X ~ DATA OUT J I S \'----~ ii >C STO-S!!:::X BW/L, BU~ MIS •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• \~------_\~~/_--~I *RSPo-RSP11 BRSTA .Impled. Figure 21. Burst Memory Write Timing Interlocked Memory lhmsactions In tightly-coupled multiprocessor configurations, the CPU must at certain times inhibit other bus masters from referring to shared memory while the CPU performs two or more interlocked transactions. The CPU uses interlock protection for data references associated with Test and Set, Decrement Interlocked, and Increment Interlocked instructions. The CPU also uses interlock protection for references to address translation table entries when loading the Translation Lookaside Buffer. The CPU indicates interlocked protection for a 2071.019 sequence of memory references by using status 1111 for any of the memory transactions previously described. While the CPU indicates status 1111, the memory system must prevent interlocked references to shared memory by other processors. During a sequence of interlocked memory transactions, the CPU does not acknowledge local bus requests nor does the CPU generate any bus transactions with status other than 1111 . 513 INPUT/OUTPUT TRANSACTIONS The CPU uses status 0010 to read from and write to 110 ports. 1/0 transactions are generated by 1/0 instructions and, when address translation is enabled, by data references to pages with bit 31 of the page table entry set to 1. The timing for 110 and memory transactions is very similar. The major difference is that OS falls in the middle of T2 for 1/0 read timing, compared to the beginning of T2 for memory read timing. This allows peripheral devices more time for address decoding. Another difference is that t~e data transfer size (byte, word, or longword) for 1/0 transactions is specified by the instruction, not by HICR. The final difference is that the CPU does not support burst 110 transactions. Figure 22 shows timing for an 110 read transaction. Single 1/0 write timing is the same as that shown for a single memory write (Figure 18). BeLK AD J ADDRESS }- - - - - - - { DATA IN } - - ~ I \_---' ii S~o-S!l BW/L, BLlW Nis X _ _- - I ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ *ASPo.. RSP1 and dl'l .empled. Figure 22. 1/0 Read Timing 514 2071.()2() EPU TRANSACTIONS The CPU and EPU cooperate in the execution of EPA instructions (Figure 23). When the CPU encounters an EPA instruction and the EPA bit in FCW is 1, the CPU broadcasts the first two words of the instruction to the EPUs in the system using the CPU-EPU instruction transfer transaction. All EPUs in the system recognize the transaction, but only one of four possible EPUs is selected by bits 16 and 17 of the EPU instruction. The CPU also transfers the PC value for the instruction, which the selected EPU saves for use in exception handling. If data transfers are required to complete the instruction, the CPU controls the data transfer transactions while the EPU drives or receives the data. the suspended EPA instruction on the system stack during exception processing. The EPUBSY signal, output from the EPU, is used to synchronize the CPU and EPU in executing EPA instructions. (When multiple EPUs are present in a system, the EPUBSY input to the CPU must be driven by an external AND gate whose inputs are the EPUBSY signals from the EPUs). The CPU must sample EPUBSY inactive before initiating an EPU instruction transfer. If data transfers are required, the CPU must sample EPUBSY inactive before initiating the first transfer. N J I S While the CPU samples EPUBSY active, no transactions are initiated; however, the CPU may grant the local bus. EPUBSY is also used to control the degree of overlap between CPU and EPU instruction execution. Ordinarily, the CPU can continue processing other instructions after performing the data transfers associated with an EPA instruction and before the EPU has completed executing the instruction. To simplify debugging and recovery from exceptions, overlap can be disabled under control of the EPUO bit in HICR. When overlap is disabled (EPUO = 0), the CPU samples EPUBSY in the middle of the bus cycle during which the last data transfer for an EPA instruction occurs. If EPUBSY is asserted, the CPU ceases processing instructions or interrupts until EPUBSY is sampled inactive in the middle of a bus cycle. When overlap is enabled (EPUO = 1), the CPU does not sample EPUBSY after the last data transfer, but only samples EPUBSY before initiating the next EPU instruction transfer. While processing an EPA instruction and after the instruction has been transferred to the selected EPU, the CPU may detect an address translation exception. In such an event, the CPU asserts EPUABORT, informing the selected EPU to abort execution of the instruction; at all other times, the CPU negates EPUABORT. The CPU then saves the address of 2071.021 Figure 23. EPA Instruction Processing When CPU and EPU instruction processing overlap, the CPU may complete all data transfers for an EPA instruction (the queued instruction) before the EPU completes execution of a previous EPA instruction. If the EPU then detects an exception during execution of the previous instruction, the EPU does not execute the queued instruction. In such a case, the address of the queued instruction is in an EPU control register, and the CPU saves the address of a subsequent instruction on the system stack. To simplify system hardware, the CPU and EPU AD lines should be wired together with no buffers between them. If the AD lines are separated by buffers, external circuitry must generate IE and OE timing for CPU-EPU data and read and EPU-memory write transactions. 515 CPU-EPU Instruction Transfer Figure 24 shows timing for a CPU-EPU instruction transfer transaction with status 01 00. The rising edge of AS indicates that the AD lines and status are valid. During T1, the AD lines are used to transfer the opcode, i.e., the first two words of the EPA instruction. At the beginning of T2 the CPU stops driving the opcode, asserts DS, and starts driving PC on the AD lines. In the middle of h the CPU samples RSPo-RSP1 ready and negates DS. The data transfer size for the transaction is longword. tEPuiSY .amplad. The duration of a CPU-EPU instruction or data transfer can be extended with wait states if RSPo-RSP 1 are sampled wait. The Z8070 APU, however, does not require wait states, nor does it drive RSPo-RSP1. Systems using the Z8070 APU must ensure that RSPo-RSP1 are both High, indicating ready, during CPU-EPU instruction and data transactions. __ *RSPo-RSP1 sampledi EPUBSY almpled If EPU Internal operation. Figure 24. CPU-EPU Instruction 1i'ansfer Timing 516 2071-022 CPU-EPU Data li'ansfer li'ansactlons Transactions to transfer data between the CPU and EPU use status 0001. The EPA instruction opcode indicates the number of words to be transferred. One or more longwords of data are transferred until all words have been transferred. If the last transfer contains a single word. the data is on ADoAD1s. The CPU does not assert BRST and ignores RSPoRSP1 and BRSTA. Figure 25 shows timing for a CPU-EPU data read transaction. This example has two data transfers; any number of data transfers between one and eight is possible. The rising edge of AS indicates that status and control signals are valid. The CPU stops driving the AD lines at the end of T1. and the EPU begins driving the AD lines in the middle of T2. At the beginning ofT3• the CPU asserts DS. Inthe middle ofT3. the CPU samples the data and negates DS. The second longword of data is transferred during T4. After the last data transfer, the CPU inserts an idle bus cycle (Ts in the example) during which neither the CPU nor EPU drive the AD lines. BCLK JX AD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UNDEFINED >- --{,-___ X D_A_TA_I_N_ _-.J DATA IN r-----C V \:. R/Vi s.!o-s!l-------""\ BW/L. BL/W N/S _ _ _ _ _ _ _J '----________________________K tEPUBSY lampled• • ASPo-RSP, and data .ampled. Figure 25. CPU-EPU Data Read Timing 2071-023 517 ----------- -~ - - - -- --- Figure 26 shows timing for a CPU-EPU data write transaction. This example has three data transfers; any number of data transfers between one and eight is possible. Timing for the firstlransfer is identical to the CPU-EPU instruction transfer transaction. A second longword of data is transferred during T3 , and the third longword is transferred during T4. BCLK -'X AD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UNDEFINED X DATA OUT X DATA OUT X DATA OUT )( Os _ - - J/ \ ii --- r / \ A/W r STO - S T 3 - - - - - - - - - . ~----------------------~~ X ~~ BAST \0 / ---' BASTA ~ / ------I tEPUBSY .ampled• • RSPo-RSP1 sampled. Figure 26. CPU-EPU Data Write Timing 518 2071-024 EPU-Memory Transactions The CPU uses status 1010 or 1011 for the EPU to read from and write to memory. The timing is identical for EPUmemory read and CPU-memory read. The EPU monitors the CPU timing on the bus, and uses the two least-significant address bits on the first transfer, the data transfer size, and the length of the operand from the instruction to select the bytes it needs from the AD lines. The timing for an EPU-memory write transaction differs slightly from a CPU-memory write transaction. Two extra bus cycles are included to pass the AD lines from the CPU to EPU after the address transfer and from EPU back to CPU after the last data transfer. Figure 27 shows an example for a single EPU-memory write transaction with no wait states. The CPU stops driving the AD lines at the end of T1; the EPU begins driving them in the middle OfT2. DS is asserted in the middle of T3, one bus cycle later than for CPU-memory write timing. The CPU negates DS in the middle of T4. The CPU can insert wait states in the middle of T4. The EPU continues to drive the AD lines until the end of T4. After the last data transfer the CPU inserts an idle bus cycle (T5 in this example) during which neither the CPU nor EPU drive the AD lines. EPU-memory burst write transactions are similarly extended by two bus cycles more than with CPU-memory burst write timing. One cycle is inserted before the first data transfer, and another after the last data transfer. ...J>- - - - - '--_ _ _ _ _E_PU_DA_T_A_OU_T_ _ _ _ _ -c \ . . . ._....,,1 [ r ""----__________________________________K *EiiiiiSY sampled. __ + RSPo-RSP1Iampled; EPUBSY sampled It last transaction. Figure 27. EPU-Memory Single Write Timing 2071.()25 519 INTERRUPT REQUEST AND ACKNOWLEDGE The CPU recognizes vectored, nonvectored, and nonmaskable interrupt requests. The decreasing order of priority for interrupts is nonmaskable, vectored, and nonvectored. NMI is edge sensitive; when NMI is asserted, an internallatch is loaded. Vi and NVI are level sensitive. The CPU samples Vi, NVI, and the internal NMllatch on the rising edge of ClK. The interrupt request signals can be asynchronous to ClK; the CPU synchronizes them internally. is similar to a single 1/0 read. Wait states (either programmed for automatic insertion or externally generated) can be inserted before OS falls in the middle of T2 and before OS rises in the middle of T3. Inserting wait states before OS falls allows for delay in the interrupt priority daisy chain. A word of data is transferred on AOO-A01S' All of the interrupts save the transferred word on the system stack for processing the interrupt. Vectored interrupts use the low-order byte of the word to select a unique PC value from the Program Status Area. Figure 28 shows timing for an interrupt acknowledge transaction, indicated by status 0101, 0110, or 0111. The timing --+l-_-Tz--.ro_- ii, NYI \ ' - -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ NMI ~'--'I _____ INTERNAL NMI LATCH \'-----"""'-1.1AD =x r--<'I.____ UNDEFINED ..J \'----- I STo-sta=x BwiL",BU1!!! NIS .----------------- .. RSPo-ASP1 sampled. + RSPo-ASP1 and data sampled. Figure 28. Interrupt Response/Acknowledge Timing 520 2071~ INTERNAL OPERATION AND HALT TRANSACTIONS Figure 29 shows timing for internal operation (status 0000) and halt (status = 0011) transactions. Unlike other bus transactions, data is not transferred in these operations. Nevertheless, the transfer size for these transactions is longword. The minimum duration for the transaction is two bus cycles. BeLK AD ====><~ ><: ______ U_N_DE_FI_N_ED_______ Ai The CPU generates an internal operation transaction after a sequence of interlocked memory transactions to free the memory system lock when no other transactions need to be performed. The CPU generates a halt transaction upon entering halt state-when the Halt instruction is executed, or when memory indicates bus error during a fetch or store of Program Status for exception processing. The CPU leaves halt state when an interrupt or reset occurs. When the minimum Address Strobe rate option is enabled (controlled by bit MASR in HICR), the CPU maintains a minimum rate for Address Strobes by generating halt transactions in halt state or internal operation transactions otherwise. r aTo-a!! BW,r.B~! -- J< C >C .~----- Figure 29_ Internal Operation and Halt Timing BUS RETRY During any transaction in which data is transferred, the responding device can indicate bus retry on RSPo-RSP1. When bus retry is indicated, the CPU terminates the transaction in progress, negating OS and BRST. If bus retry is indicated during a burst transfer, the retry transaction begins with the address for the data transfer where bus retry is indicated. The CPU does not acknowledge inerrupts or bus requests between the retry response and the retry transaction. BUS ERROR During any transaction in which data is transferred, the responding device can indicate a bus error exception on RSPo-RSP1' When bus error is indicated, the CPU terminates the transaction in progress, negating OS and BRST. A bus error exception also causes termination of the Instruc- 2071.(127 tion in execution. In processing a bus error exception, the CPU saves the Program Status, physical address for the transaction, and a word identifying the status and control signals used for the transaction. 521 BUS REQUEST AND ACKNOWLEDGE The CPU supports two types of bus request/acknowledge sequences, local and global. Other bus masters request the local bus from the CPU using a handshake of BUSREQ and BUSACK. The CPU requests a global bus from an external arbiter using a handshake of GREQ and GACK. To generate transactions on the local bus, a potential bus master (such as a DMA controller) must gain control of the bus by making a bus request (Figure 30). A local bus request is initiated by asserting BUSREQ. Several bus requestors may be wired to the BUSREQ signal; priorities are resolved externally to the CPU, usually by a priority daisy chain. The CPU samples BUSREQ on the rising edge of ClK. BUSREQ can be asynchronous to ClK; the CPU synchronizes it internally. After BUSREQ is asserted, the CPU completes any transaction or sequence of interlocked transactions in progress, including possible retries. Next, the CPU responds by asserting BDSACR and placing its other output signals except EPUABORT in 3-state. The EPUABORT signal remains valid while the CPU has granted the local bus, and may be asserted if an EPA instruction is in progress. later, when BUSREQ is negated, the CPU negates BUSACK and begins driving all other output signals. BUSREQ The CPU can initiate transactions with devices located on a global bus shared with other CPUs. At any time, only one of the CPUs can initiate transactions on the global bus. Control of the global bus is arbitrated by external circuitry. Before initiating transactions on the global bus, the CPU requests control of the global bus from the arbiter using the protocol described below. The CPU uses two fields of HICR .to distinguish between local and global bus transactions. The GE bit enables use of the global bus. The 4-bit lAD field specifies one of sixteen sections of the physical address space used for local references. Before every memory and 1/0 bus transaction (status codes 0010 and 1000 through 1111), the CPU compares the LAD field with bits 26 to 29 of the physical address. If the comparison is unequal and GE is 1, then the transaction is a global bus reference; otherwise the transaction is a local bus reference. In a tightly-coupled multiprocessor system (Figure 14-c), each olthe local and global memory locations and peripheral ports can have a unique system address. Each CPU loads a distinct value into lAD, identifying its local addresses; the CPUs refer to global addresses and local addresses of other CPUs using the global bus request protocol. ~'F-'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-I.:rlr----i/';F-'--- r- /,F-C _ _""""'\\..._ _ _ _ _~" ;;~----.I:~ ----I.~I_:_--'}- - - - - - - ,;. - - - - -.,~ AD _ _ AS, DS, BRST, CiiiD /'T-- ------J/ -1.': STo-STa _ _ _ _ _ _ BW~W~~~ DE, iE >; \. - - - - - - -:f.l- - - - - - .,,...r- }- ______ ,;. _____ .,~ ):11_--- ;; CJJ',rf - Figure 30. LDCBI Bus RequestlAcknDwledge Timing 522 2071.()28 Figure 31 shows timing for the global bus request/ acknowledge protocol. Before initiating a transaction on the global bus, the CPU drives the address, STo-STs, BRST, R/ViI, N/S, BUW, and BW/L valid at the beginning of a bus cycle. Then, in the middle of the bus cycle, the CPU asserts GREQ. When the global bus selected by the address IS DS available to the CPU, the arbiter asserts GACK. The CPU samples GACK on the rising edge of ClK. GACK can be asynchronous to ClK, the CPU synchronizes it internally. The CPU performs one or more transactions on the global bus, then negates GREQ. The arbiter responds by negating GACK, and the CPU can then Initiate more transactions. ----------~,~'l~------------------~ff~'------~,~'l~----­ OE\ I~ ~·------~'fJ'l~--------------------~/'~c------~)~ :'-1, 1..1. 1:=X iJ s;" II STO-S!J.)( BwiL, BUW , ~-----_r}J~------------------~/~'-------J/ .,1' ii BRST \:~ ''I ~----~~J~------------------~)~ iiiiTi ----------~h~t--------------------_Jff~'------~,~J~----Figure 31. Global Bus Request/Acknowledge Timing 2071.()28 523 -Figure 32 shows a state diagram for the local and global bus request protocols. To prevent deadlock between CPUs referencing each other's local memories, a CPU can be preempted while it is waiting for GACK in State 2. If BUSREQ is asserted before GACK, the CPU relinquishes the global bus without performing any transactions. STATE 0 GREQ = H BUSACK = H BUS = 2ST (BiiSREQ = L). (GAcK = H) A lj_GACK STATE 1 = H). =L ERROR STATE 2 = = = GREQ 3ST BUSACK L BUS 3ST BUSREQ (BUSREQ = H).(GACK (NEED_GBUS = H) C =H = 0 E (GAcK = = = L GREQ BUSACK H BUS 2ST L).(BUSREQ STATE 3 = (GACK = L). (BUSREQ = L) F H) STATE 4 = = L GREQ BUSACK H BUS = 2ST G~GACK 'GREa - H (GACK = L). BUSACK 1(iiiiSREci' = L) +(NEED_GBUS = L)l BUS l1li I = H H =H 2ST GACK =H ERROR NOTES: Interlaea olgnals ara High (H), Low (L), High or Low (2ST), or 3·stated (3ST). NEED_GBUS 18 an active High algnallntern.' to the CPU. Figure 32. State Diagram for CPU Bus Request Protocol State Legend Transition Legend A A local bus request occurs. State 0 B The global bus arbiter grants control of the global bus when no global bus request is pending. This Is an error. The CPU remains in StateO. The CPU controls the local bus and is neither requesting nor controlling the global bus. The CPU can perform transactions on the local bus. State 1 C The CPU requests the global bus In response to the internally generated Signal NEED_GBUS. The CPU has granted the local bus. The CPU cannot perform transactions. State 2 The CPU controls the local bus and Is requesting the global bus. The CPU cannot perform transactions. State 3 The CPU controls the local and global buses. The CPU can perform transactions on the global bus. State 4 The CPU controls the local bus and Is relinquishing control of the global bus. The CPU cannot perform transactions. o The local bus master relinquishes the bus. E The global bus arbiter grants the global bus to the CPU while no local bus request is pending. F The global bus arbiter grants the global bus to the CPU while no local bus request Is pending. The CPU is preempted. G The global bus arbiter reclaims the global bus before the CPU relinquishes the global bus. This Is an error. The CPU's response to this error Is undefined. H The CPU relinquishes control of the global bus when It no longer needs the global bus or in response to a local bus requesl. The global bus arbiter reclaims the global bus. 524 2071.(J30 Reset Figure 33 shows Reset timing. After RESET is asserted, the CPU responds as follows. • AD lines are turned to input direction • AS, BRST, BUSACK, DS, EPUABORT, GREQ, iE, and OE are negated • STo-ST3 are driven to 1111 • BW/[ and BlIW are driven Low • N/S and RIW are undefined If RESET is asserted while the CPU is asserting BUSACK, the CPU first negates B'DSACR, then the other CPU output lines are removed from 3-state and driven as described above. After RESET is asserted, external circuitry can detect that the CPU has responded to the reset request by sensing BW/[ and BUW Low. At power on, RrnET should be asserted until after power has stabilized. During reset, bits SX, NX, CI, and CD of the SCCl control register are cleared, disabling the address translation and cache mechanisms. Bit GE of HICR is also cleared, disabling the global bus request protocol. At the rising edge of RESET, the relationship between bus timing, memory data path, and number of automatic wait states is determined. If RSPo is High at the rising edge of RESET, HICR is initialized with Mo.DP = 1, MoW = 7, and S = 1. This corresponds to a default configuration of 16-bit memory path, seven automatic wait states, and bus clock scale factor 2. If RSPo is Low at the rising edge of RESET, ADo-AD3 and AD11 are latched into the corresponding bits of HICR, and AD15 must be High. RESET need not be synchronous with ClK; however, the CPU assumes that the last rising edge of ClK on which RESET is asserted corresponds to a rising edge of BClK. Thus, if RESET is synchronized with the rising edge of the external bus clock, the internal and external bus clocks will be in phase with respect to ClK. After RESET is negated, the CPU reads FCW from memory address 2 and PC from address 4 using status 1101. If BUSREQ is asserted before RESET is negated, the CPU acknowledges the bus request before fetching the Program Status. 525 I9 RESET ~ , , ~~------------------------------~~----------J , -----------ih~'------------------------------~~------~ RSPo -----------ih~'------------------------------~~------J " - - -7~ADDRESS = 2 ''''''---'r- .'-'-\.'----- :" -----------{)~------------------------------7?------------------~,r_I ~~ J~ ALL HIGH 1:~lC I \ ,. rr Il ---------7~--~-~-/~------------------*»---------------~n -- iJ r= \::: ff Figure 33. Reset Timing ORDERING INFORMATION The Ordering Information section lists package temperature ranges and product numbers. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. Package drawings are in the Package Information section. 526 00:2071·03 2071.()31 Z-BUS Peripherals Zilog I·BUS Peripherals latroductioa March 1985 The Z-BUS is a high-speed parallel shared bus that links the Z800, Z8000, and Z80,000 microprocessor families and Extended Processing Units with the peripherals needed to implement complete systems. Through a common communications interface, Z-BUS peripherals and CPUs support the following types of transactions: • Data Transfer. 16 or 32 bits of data can be moved between bus controllers (such as a CPU) and associated peripherals • Interrupts. Interrupts can be generated by peripherals and serviced by CPUs over the bus. • Resource Control. A daisy chain priority mechanism supports distributed management of shared resources which includes peripheral devices and the bus itself. The heart of the Z-BUS is a set of multiplexed address/data lines and the signals that control these lines. Multiplexing data and address onto the same lines makes more efficient use of pins and facilitates expansion of the number of data and address bits. Multiplexing also allows straightforward addressing of a peripheral's internal registers, which greatly simplifies 110 programming. A daisy-chained priority mechanism resolves interrupt and resource requests, thus allowing distributed control of the bus and eliminating the need for separate priority controllers. The resource-control daisy chain also allows wide physical separation of components. Furthermore, Z-BUS is asynchronous in the sense that peripherals need not be synchronized with the CPU clock. All timing information is provided by Z-BUS signals. As a result of a common hardware interface and protocol, users can be assured that adequate system support for their Z800, Z8000, or Z80,000 system design is readily available with the following Z-BUS peripherals and Extended Processing Units: • Z8030 Serial Communications Controller (Z-SCC) • Z8036 Counter Input/Output Circuit (Z-CIO) • Z8038 FIFO Input/Output Interface Unit (Z-FIO) • Z8068 Data Ciphering Processor • Z8090/4 Universal Peripheral Controller • Z8070 Floating Point Unit (FPU Extended Processor) 529 Z8070FPU Floating Point Unit Preliminary Product Specification Zilog April 1985 FEATURES • Fast and complete implementation of proposed IEEE Standard P754 Draft 10.0 for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic. With a 10 MHz clock, performs a single-precision multiplication in under three microseconds. • Speed versions offered from 10 MHz to 25 MHz. • Provides for conversion of binary integer and Binary Coded Decimal formats to and from floating-point format. • Can be interfaced through Zilog's Extended Processing Architecture or a general-purpose interface. • Supports Single, Double, and Double Extended floating-point data types, 32- and 64-bit integers; BCD strings. • Frees CPU for performance of other tasks. • Operations supported include add, subtract, multiply, divide, square root, remainder, and compare. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The FPU supports several data formats, enabling it to handle a wide range of business and scientific applications. These include three binary floating-point formats and four integer formats, including one for variable length Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) strings. All of the FPU's internal numeric manipulations use an 80-bit floating-point format; however, transfers of data between the FPU's data registers and CPU registers or memory can use any of the formats desired, as specified in the floating-point instruction. The Z8070 Floating-Point Processing Unit (FPU) is an Extended Processing Unit (EPU) designed to perform floating-point arithmetic functions while operating in parallel with a CPU. By monitoring the same instruction stream as the CPU, It is able to identify and execute those instructions intended for it, thereby freeing the CPU to perform other activities (Figure 1). The FPU can use Zilog's Extended Processing Architecture (EPA) for the Z800, Z8000, and Z80000, or using a general-purpose interface, it can be integrated into systems based on other popular microprocessors. FPU EXECUTION OF FLOATING·POINT INSTRUCTIONS ... ~ ... 7 CPU EXECUTION OF CPU INSTRUCTIONS; BUS CONTROL MEMORY A .. SYSTEM BUS '4 I" CPU AND FPU INSTRUCTIONS AND DATA Figure 1. The FPU Environment 2235-001 531 Floating-point arithmetic operations are performed according to the requirements of the proposed IEEE Standard P754 Draft 10.0. The 28070 supports: • Single (32-bit), Double (64-bit), and Extended (80-bit) Precision floating-point number formats. • Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squareroot, remainder, square, reverse division, reverse subtraction, absolute value, and compare operations. • Conversions between different floating-point formats. • Conversions between binary integers and floating-point numbers. • Non-numbers (NaNs) and infinity arithmetic. • Floating-point exceptions and their handling. Execution speeds are as follows: Single Operation Add/subtract Multiply Divide 18 28 29 Number of Cycles Double Double Extended 18 42 43 18 48 49 At 25 MHz, 1 cycle = 40ns; at 10M Hz, 1 cycle = 100 ns. ARCHITECTURE Overview The 28070's contribution to a system is best understood by examining its structure. Internally, the 28070 is organized as two processors: an Interface Processor and a Data Processor. The two processors have separate clocks, freeing the Data Processor from interface speed constraints. Figure 2 is a block diagram of the 28070 FPU. The Interface Processor fetches and aligns instructions and data, maintains the internal instruction queue, and executes certain control and data movement instructions independently of the Data Processor. By monitoring CPU status and control signals, the Interface Processor knows when an instruction fetch is to occur and will watch for an Extended Instruction template. It will read and align the instruction and data when the Extended Instruction template has the correct EPU Identifier (ID) number. The Data Processor, which operates independently of the Interface Processor, contains eight 80-bit data registers accessible to the user. It also contains the multiplier array, ALU, accumulator, shifter, quotient predictor, and temporary registers required for floating-point processing. The parts of the Data Processor visible to the user are the eight 80-bit data registers, specified in floating-point instructions as source and/or destination registers. Register Organization The 28070 provides the following registers: • Eight 80-bit data registers (FO-F7) • Two 32-bit program counters (PC1 and PC2) • Two 32-bit flags register (FFLAGS) CPU ADDRESS/DATA LINES • A 32-bit system configuration register (SC) t INTERP'ACE PROCESSOR I STATUS, CONTROL, AND INTERRUPT REGISTERS INSTRUCTION REGISTERS DECODER AND TRANSLATOR I • A 32-bit user control register (USER) • Two 80-bit operand registers (FOP1 and FOP2) These are shown in Figures 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. INTERFACE CONTROL I STATUS AND CONTROL REGISTERS 1---- - 1---------DATA PROCESSOR I DATA AND OPERAND REGISTERS I SYSTEM I PC1 MULTIPLIER IIQUOTIENTlr PREDICTOR USER I • • ALU ACCUMULATOR SHIFTER I I I I PC2 F FLAGS FOP1 I FOP2 I Figure 3. Status and Control Registers Figure 2. Z8070 Block Dlagrem 532 2235·002. 003 79 64 78 63 31 PCl 31 PC2 Figure 5. Program Counter Registers SIGN EXPONENT SIGNIFICAND Figure 4. Data Registers 31 30 29 28 15 COMPARE AND REMAINDER FLAGS 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 v V' PREVIOUS OPERATION FLAGS STICKY FLAGS 1 0 Figure 6. Flags Register All of these are accessible to users except the System Configuration register; it is reserved for privileged users. BCD string, or when an attempt is made to convert a NaN to an integer. Data Registers. The Z8070 has a data register file of eight 80-bit data registers labeled FO to F7. Previous Operation Flags (8-15)_ The same as the sticky flags described above, but they reflect the exceptions of the previous arithmetic operation. Program Counter Registers (read only). PC1 holds the address of the instruction being executed in the Data Processor or the address of any control instruction being executed. PC2 holds the address of any queued instruction. Reserved (16-17). These bits are reserved. Compare and Remainder Flags (18-23). Set with comparisons as shown in Table 1. Flags Register. The Flags register (Figure 6) contains historical information on Z8070 operations. Table 1. Comparison Results Sticky Flags (0-7). Eight flags are set when the corresponding arithmetic exception occurs, and remain set until they are cleared by the programmer. These flags are: Fe FZ FS FV FD INV (Invalid Operation). Indicates an invalid operation or result has occurred (e.g., 010). FOV (Overflow). Indicates that the absolute value of a floating-point number is too large to be accommodated by the destination format. UN (Underflow). Occurs when the absolute value of a number is too small for the destination format, and further denormalization would cause a loss of accuracy. < = > Unordered 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 FOP2E (24-25). Contains the two most significant bits of the exponent of operand register FOP2. FOP1 E (26-27). Contains the two most significant bits of the exponent of operand register FOP1. DZ (Divide by Zero). Indicates the division of a non-zero finite number by zero. R (28). Rounding bit; 1 if most recent result was rounded up. INX (Inexact Result). Indicates when the result is inexact due to rounding or an untrapped overflow. Invalid Op (29-31). Contains a code describing the reason for an invalid operation result as follows: DE (Denormalized number). Indicates that an operation was performed on a denormalized number. NAN (Signaling NaN). Occurs when a Signaling NaN is encountered. (NaN stands for "Not-a-Number", and may be used to force a trap or hold other information.) IX (Integer Overflow). Occurs when the floating-point number is too large in magnitude to convert to an integer or 2235·004,005,006 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 infinity minus infinity zero multiplied by infinity zero divided by zero, or infinity divided by infinity all invalid remainders unordered compare square root of a negative number non-decimal digit on BCD convert conversion of NaN to decimal or integer 533 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INTERRUPT VECTOR NUMBER • read only Figure 7. System Configuration Register IR (24-25). Set to indicate the reason for an interrupt as follows: System Configuration Register. The System Configuration register is a 32·bit control register (Figure 7). In systems that distinguish between System and User modes of operation, it is restricted to privileged users. 00 = Arithmetic 01 = Invalid opcode 10 = Invalid EPU id 11 = Privilege mode violation Interrupt Vector (0·7). This field identifies the source and cause of an interrupt. 10 (26-27). These (read only) bits hold the 10 of the Z8070 expressed in binary form. Instructions are executed only if the 10 in the opcode matches these bits. SV (9). Set to shift the interrupt vector left one bit, and set the lSB to zero. VIS (10). Set when the interrupt vector is to include status information. EPUIOS (28-31). This field contains four bits, one for each possible EPU 10 An instruction specifying an 10 whose corresponding bit is a 1 will cause an Invalid EPU 10 interrupt. NV (11). Set when there IS no Interrupt vector (leaves lines 3·stated). OLC (12). Set to disable interrupts from lower priority devices on the interrupt daisy chain. User Control Register. The User Control register (Figure 8) is a 32-bit register, accessible to all users. The user controls rounding modes and enables/disables traps with this register. IUS (13). Set when the interrupt is under service. IP (14). Set to indicate a pending interrupt. RM (0-1). Sets the rounding modes as follows: MIE (15). Set to enable interrupts. 00 = Round to Nearest 01 = Round toward Zero 10 = Round toward Positive Infinity 11 = Round toward Negative Infinity INTACK (16-17). Set to indicate which type of interrupt acknowledge to respond to as follows: OX = Non-maskable 10 = Non-vectored 11 = Vectored 7fap Enables (8-15). The setting of these bits enables the trap associated with each exception listed below. OVRLP (18-19). Indicates the Overlap mode as follows: INV (Invalid) FOV (Overflow) UN (Underflow) OZ (Oivide-by-Zero) INX (Inexact result) DE (Oenormalized number) NAN (Signaling NaN) IX (Integer Overflow) 00 = No Overlap, Simple Overlap (Z80,000) 01 = Reserved 10 = Intermediate Overlap 11 = Maximum Overlap (Not available for Z8000) AC (20). Set to synchronize processors if ClK.1 and ClK.D are running at different speeds. F (21). Set if an interrupt service routine will be unable to successfully return to the interrupted program. Also set if two or more floating-point instructions have been fetched after the EPU requested an interrupt, but before the interrupt acknowledge. Undefined (16-31). These bits are undefined, and reserved for future use. Floating Operand Registers (read only). The Z8070 contains two 80-bit Floating Operand registers (Figure 9), labeled FOP1 and FOP2, which contain the input operand (FOP1) and the default result (FOP2) for use by trap handlers. RPC (22). Set if an interrupt service routine will need to alter its return address to successfully continue the interrupted program. U (23). Set when the Z8070 is used. 31 16 'V' UNDEFINED .J 15 " 14 13 12 11 10 'V' TRAP ENABLES 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 .I Figure 8. User Control Register 534 223S'()()7. 008 79 78 64 63 I I S EXPONENT L I SIGNIFICAND 15 LEAST SIGNIFICANT BITS OF EXPONENT (2 MSB. IN FLAG REGISTER) FOPI (INPUT OPERAND) 79 76 6463 I I S SIGNIFICAND EXPONENT L 15 LEAST SIGNIFICANT BITS OF EXPONENT (2 MSB. IN FLAG REGISTER) FOP2 (RESULT) Figure 9. Floating Operand Registers PROGRAMMING Floating-point instructions are contained in the same program as standard CPU instructions. To the programmer, instruction execution appears linear, as if a single processor is executing all the instructions. In many cases however, CPU and Z8070 processing can occur in parallel, greatly increasing system throughput. Parallel processing depends upon the type of FPU instruction being executed and the Overlap mode set in the System Configuration register. Instruction overlap is a type of system organization that allows the FPU to queue instructions by distributing processing between two processors. interleaving CPU and FPU instructions allows processing to be overlapped, thereby increasing total system processing speed by distributing processing between two processors. Details about the behavior of the Z8070 under each of the overlap modes can vary according to the particular interface. The basic idea is explained in Table 2. Table 2. Overlap Modes NO OVERLAP Instruction 1 executing CPU stopped INTERMEDIATE INSTRUCTION OVERLAP Instruction 1 executing Instruction 2 queued Generally, while in No Overlap mode the Z8070 attempts to stop the CPU whenever the Z8070 is doing any processing. This mode does not take advantage of the Z8070's overlap capabilities, but can be useful for debugging purposes. In Intermediate Overlap mode, the Z8070 allows the CPU to continue with CPU processing while a floating point operation is proceeding in the FPU, but attempts to stop the CPU after a second floating point instruction is transferred. In Maximum Overlap mode, the Z8070 allows the CPU to continue processing after a second FPU instruction has been transferred to the Z8070, and allows a subsequent third FPU instruction to be fetched. Maximum Overlap mode, not available for Z8000 interface, is used for applications requiring maximum performance. Floating point exceptions cause flushing of floating point instructions queued behind the instruction responsible for the exception. The use of Intermediate Overlap mode allows software to recover cleanly from exceptions (such as divide by zero, or overflow). When Maximum Overlap mode is in effect, programs that encounter an enabled exception must restart the program from a known point, such as rerunning the exception-causing module, or simply exit the program. Figure 10 illustrates instruction processing with No-Overlap and with Maximum Overlap. In general, any time lost by stopping the CPU is negligible, and the interaction of CPU and FPU is transparent to the user. it is possible, however, to arrange programs to take advantage of the parallel processing capabilities inherent in the system. MAXIMUM INSTRUCTION OVERLAP Instruction 1 executing Instruction 2 queued Instruction 3 being fetched 2235-009 535 FPU CPU FPU CPU T, FPU OPCODE 1 FETCH • FPUOPCODE1 FETCH OPERAND FETCH OPERAND FETCH FPU OPCODE2 FETCH FPUOPCODE1 EXECUTION OPERAND FETCH • • CPU OPCODE 1 FETCH OPERAND FETCH FPUOPCODE2 EXECUTION CPUOPCODE1 EXECUTION CPUOPCODE1 FETCH • FPUOPCODE1 EXECUTION • • • • • FPUOPCODE3 FETCH OPERAND FETCH OPERAND FETCH • FPUOPCODE4 FETCH OPERAND FETCH CPU OPCOCE 2 FETCH CPU OPCODE 1 EXECUTION • • FPUOPCODE2 FETCH OPERAND FETCH FPUOPCODE3 EXECUTION OPERAND FETCH CPUOPCODE2 EXECUTION CPUOPCODE2 FETCH FPUOPCODE2 EXECUTION CPUOPCODE3 FETCH FPUOPCODE4 EXECUTION CPU OPCODE 3 EXECUTION CPU • • STOPPED • Tn FPUICPU PROCESSING IN MAXIMUM MODE CPU STOPPED FPUICPU PROCESSING IN NO OVERLAP MODE Figure 10. Instruction Processing An interleaving of CPU and 28070 instructions enhances the ability of a system to process in parallel. Without interleaving, floating'point instructions might be received faster than they can be processed, forcing the 28070 to halt further CPU processing until the current extended instruction is completed. Also, some instructions take a relatively long time to process (e.g., FSQR or FREMSNF); interleaving allows the CPU to process instructions while these extended instructions are being processed by the FPU. Parallel processing is facilitated by interleaving instructions asin CLR FO FLDO FMULO INC INC FAOO OJN2 F1, @R2 F1,@R4 R2, #8 R4,#8 FO,F1 R6,OOTLOOP OOTLOOP: 536 In this dot product loop, the two CPU commands are placed directly after the multiply command so the CPU can execute them while the 28070 is busy with the (relatively slow) multiply command. Programming constructions like the following FAOO FLO F1,@R2 @R4,F1 cause the 28070 to halt the CPU to ensure that valid results are read from F1 during the subsequent load operation. Data Types and Formats This section describes the different data types and formats that the FPU is able to manipulate. These data types include binary floating-point and binary and decimal integers, and can be represented in 32-,64-, and 80-bit formats. Binary Floating-Point. All binary floating-point numbers assume the following format: I I SIGN EXPONENT I SIGNIFICAND 2235·010 where the Sign bit specifies a positive (cleared to 0) or negative (set to 1) number. The negative or positive floating-point number is equal to: For the 80-bit Double Extended Precision Binary format, the value is determined as follows: • Significand x 2(exponent-bias) The significand portion contains the fraction and the integer bit (in Single and Double Precision binary, the integer bit is implicit). The significand then, is the integer bit followed by the binary point and the fraction. The exponent locates the actual binary point, and the sign bit specifies a positive or negative number. In the following description of the binary floating-point formats, "s" is the sign, "e" is the exponent, "f" is the fractional part of the significand, and "j" is the integer part (possibly implicit) of the significand. Ife = 32,767 and f;l-O, then v = NaN. • If e = 32,767 and f = 0, then v = (-1 )8(infinity). • IfO OS READ ~ "-- / R/W READ AD MEMORY ADDRESS WRITE W RITE i FPU DATA OUT DS WRITE \ R/W WRITE I I I _r Figure 16. Z8070-Memory Transfers, Z8000 Interface 2235-016 547 . CLOCK T, T, II I - TWA .. III II WAI~ I .. T3 II .. 1 ~ DATA SAMPLED FOR READ i WAIT CYCLES ADDED SAMPLED WAIT STATUS (B/W, ST ,·ST 31 AS - - ex r\ HIGH MREQ AD INPUT TO CPU ex - J - =x I ( }------- DATA IN > C OS R/iii AD OUTPUT TO - INPUT INPUT FPU - ~ CPU DATA OUT OS WRITE r -- R/W OUTPUT " Figure 17. Z8070-CPU Data Transfers, Z8000 Interface 548 2235-017 zaoo INTERFACE R/W. ReadlWrite (input, Low = Write). Tells the Z8070 whether the CPU is performing a read or write. The Z8100 is the Z-BUS external interface of the Z800 family; it interfaces to the Z8070 via the Z-BUS architecture. The Z81 08 uses the Universal Interface. STo·ST 3. Status (input, active High). These lines specify the type of bus transaction as follows: Like the other Z-BUS units, the Z8100 is designed to interface with the Z8070 without using external logic. The CPU is responsible for fetching instructions, performing address calculations, and generating the timing signals for bus transactions; however, the Z8070 does the actual data manipulation. AOo·A023' Address/Data (bidirectional, active High, 3-state). These multiplexed address and data lines are supplied by the CPU. The Z8100 architecture provides a group of unique instruction opcodes for EPU instructions. All these fall into one of four groups: AS. Address Strobe (input, active Low). The rising edge of AS indicates the beginning of a transaction and shows that the address, status, and control signals are valid. BLlW, BW/L. Byte, Longword/Word; Byte, Word/ Longword. These signals specify the data transfer size. BW/[ is tied High to program the Z8070 for 8/16 bit date transfers. BW/[ Load EPU from memory Load memory from EPU Load accumulator from EPU EPU internal operation These fall into one of the following formats: Size in Bits 1 ED opcode, 4-byte template ED opcode, 2-byte displacement, 4-byte template ED opcode, 2-byte address, 4-byte opcode 8 (Byte) 16 (Word) o Nonmaskable interrupt acknowledge Nonvectored interrupt acknowledge Vectored interrupt acknowledge EPU to data memory transfer EPU to stack memory transfer Instruction fetch after first word Instruction fetch, first word CPU to EPU transfer 0101 0110 0111 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 In addition to the pins described earlier for all interfaces, the Z800 Interface (Figure 18) uses the following Z8070 pins: BUW Type of Transaction STo-ST3 The 8100 uses the ED opcode portion as an instruction, to tell it what type of EPU instruction follows. It handles the displacement and template as data. The FPU uses the template to determine what action it is to perform. BUSACK. Bus Acknowledge (input, active Low). When BUSACK goes Low, the EPU 3-states the AD lines until BUSACK goes High again and an EPU-to-memory or CPU transfer is required. OS. Data Strobe (input, active Low). OS provides timing for data transfers on the bus. A 20-50MHz =~ .:.- XTAL, ). ADo·A015 r ~ t.. XTALo ADDRESS A16- A23 fROM EXTE''''!Al MEMORY LOGIC -- ADo-A015 ADDRESS/DATA AD16-AD23 r ZB100 MPU os os R/W Riw iNT L OPTo aiiii - al/W I STo·ST3 -J STo·ST3 4 ClK.1 ClK GND Reffi * =1 OPT, = 0 BuSACK BSY PAUSE +5V 10, ZB070 FPU aW/L aUSACK OPT 100 As As i'NfA,B, OR C SETTO +5V FORZ·BUS lEI I~O WAIT ~ .. SYSTEM ] RESET Figure 18. Z8100·Z8070 Interface ClK.D RESET +5V -J GND =l =l INTERRUPT DAISY CHAIN SETTOGND OR +5VFOR EPUID J ~ -- SEPARATE OR CPU CLOCK SIGNAL * 549 Bus Transactions and timing signals from the CPU These tell it when to participate in a data transaction. As the Z81 00 fetches and executes instructions, the Z8070 monitors the instruction stream and the status bits (STo-ST3)' When the Z81 00 fetches an extended instruction (assuming the EPA enable bit is set), it sets its status lines to 1101 for the first word of the four-byte instruction template and to 1100 for the second. For transactions between the Z8070 and memory, the Z8100 3-states its address/data lines while DS is active so the Z8070 can supply data over the bus (Figures 19 and 20). Z8070 to CPU transactions are four processor cycles long unless extended by WAIT (Figure 21). Once the Z8070 sees the 1100 status code, it begins to capture template information and to monitor the address The BSY/PAUSE line halts all CPU activity except responses to refresh requests, bus requests, and reset. I~T1------..I"'---T2~I~T3~1 ADo-AD« ADDRESS R/W STo·ST3 BlloY STATUS VALID = 1010 Figure 19. Z8070 Memory Read, Z800 Interface 550 2235-019 I ADO-AD15 RiW - -( a/w ADDRESS I I '\ '\ I --X - "'\ - STo·STa I - I I '\ I EPU DATA VALID ADDRESS rL-J STATUS VALID = 1010 - / I I I \ I I I Figure 20. l8070 Memory Write, l800 Interface ...--.., 3-1 , - - - ; * * I · o - - - T _ I -T ADD-AD,. DATA UNDEFINED STATUS aiW. RlW =1 STATUS = 1110 Figure 21. l8070·CPU Data Thlnsfer, l800 Interface 2235-020, 021 551 EPU Templates The four-byte template requires two word-fetch cycles if it is on an even boundary and one byte-fetch followed by two word-fetches if it is on an odd boundary. In the case of odd boundaries, it only captures the upper byte from the bus during the last word-fetch. The template is always fetched from memory using the CPU's external interface, regardless of the current state of the on-chip cache. Even though the opcode and addressing portion of the EPU instruction may be executed from the 28216's on-chip cache, the template is always fetched from memory. The CPU activity following the extended instruction fetch depends on the type of extended instruction. For an EPU internal operation, no further bus transactions are required; it fetches the next instruction. For an EPU to CPU transfer, the next non-refresh transaction after the template fetch will be the EPU to CPU transfer, a word transaction identified by status code 1110. During this cycle, the CPU emits the address of the previous transaction. For transactions between the EPU and memory, the next one to 16 transactions after the template fetch will be data transfer cycles. The amount of data to transfer is encoded in the instruction template, but the actual number of cycles also depends on whether the block to be transferred starts on an even or odd boundary. The 28100/28070 interface handles all activity prior to, and following, the extended instruction template fetch. 2i1og's 2800 Assembler supports the 28070 by replacing 28070 source mnemonics with the proper opcode and template information. Z80,OOO INTERFACE In addition to the pins described earlier for all interfaces, the 280,000 Interface (Figure 22) uses the following 28070 pins: ABORT. Abort (input, active Low). Aborts current instruction. ADo·AD31' Address/Data (bidirectional, active High, 3-state). These multiplexed address and data lines are supplied by the CPU. AS. Address Strobe (input, active Low). The rising edge of AS indicates the beginning of a transaction and shows that the address, status, and control signals are valid. BUW, BW/L. Byte, Longword/Word; Byte, Word/Longword (inputs). These signals specify the data transfer size as follows: RSPo RSP1 Response 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Wait Bus Error Retry Ready RIW. Read/Write (input, Low High). Tells the 28070 whether the CPU is performing a read or write. STo·ST3. Status (input, active High). These lines specify the type of bus transaction as follows: BLJiiii BW/[ Size in Bits STo-ST3 1 1 1 8 (Byte) 16 (Word) 32 (Longword) 0101 0110 0111 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 o 1 o BRST. Burst (input, active Low). BRST active indicates that the CPU may generate burst transfers. BRSTA. Burst .Acknowledge (input, active Low). A Low on BRSTA indicates that the memory can support burst transfers. BUSACK. Bus Acknowledge (Input, active Low). When BUSACK goes Low, the EPU 3-states the AD lines until BUSACK goes High again and an EPU-to-memory or CPU transfer is required. DS. Data Strobe (input, active Low). DS provides timing for data transfers on the bus. 552 RSPOO·RSP01' Response (bidirectional, active High). These lines encode the response monitored by the EPU to transactions initiated by the 280,000 CPU as follow: Type of Transaction Nonmaskable interrupt acknowledge Nonvectored interrupt acknowledge Vectored interrupt acknowledge EPU to data memory transfer EPU to stack memory transfer Instruction fetch (after first word) Instruction fetch, first word CPU to EPU transfer The 28070 and the 280,000 are designed to serve together as coprocessors, so the interface between them is straightforward. The address/data, bus control, and timing pins are connected directly, enabling the iE and OE signals from the 280,000 to control buffer circuits. The 280,000 and 28070 use EPUABORT and BSY to control the 28070. The 28070 asserts BSY to halt the 280,000, and the 280,000 asserts EPUABORT to abort 28070 operation. _I fr SET TO +5V GNDOR l - 100 +SVFO 10, EPUI GNO .r- l lEO TNT PERIPHERAL DAISY CHAIN ~ =0 OPTO I lEI :'- ADo-AD31 ., ~ 5 To·5T3 OPT1 '" 1 ., ~ RSPO-RSP1 Z8070 FPU ., AS OS R/W Bl/W BW/L SEPARII:FE ORC CLO SIGN AL :~- N/S CLK.D BRST BRSTA BUSACK --r-- RESET BSV RESET ABORT CLK.! t-- 1- 1 CLOCK 1 CLK ~ EPUABORT EPUBSV RESET I-- I-- - rrr- lf0ffffl- l- I- t- BRSTA BRST - N/S BW/L BL/W R/W OS Z80,OOO CPU AS ~ RSPo·RSP1 I- ~ r- '---- r--- I-I-- I--I-- I--I-- I--I-- I--I-- ~ ., MEMORY AND PERIPHERALS 5To·ST3 ~ ADo·AD31 ., iE I OE 1 VI BUSACK +5V GNO BUSREQ • J -J JFigure 22. Z80,OOO·Z8070 Interface 2235·022 553 The Za010's interface clock and the CPU's clock connect to a common signal. The Za010's interface clock must be synchronous with the CPU's clock, and skew between the two should be minimal. The Za010's data processor clock can be asynchronous. transaction. The EPUs use bits 16 and 11 of the instruction longword as an 10 code. The CPU also transmits the logical Program Counter that points to the instruction; the Za010, assuming it is selected, saves this for exception handling. If the instruction requires data transfers to or from memory, the CPU controls the bus while the Za010 drives or receives the data. If the Za010 needs time to process or format the data, it asserts BSY to delay the CPU. Instruction Execution The zao,ooo architecture is designed to enable EPUs (including the Za010) to serve as coprocessors, executing instructions in parallel. The Za010 also uses BSY to control the CPU for overlap modes. It works together with the EPUO bit in the CPU's Hardware Interface Control Register, as follows: When the CPU, with its EPA bit enabled, encounters an EPA instruction, it outputs the first two words of the instruction to the EPUs using a CPU-EPU instruction transfer bus Overlap Mode OVRLP Z8070 EPU Z80,OOO a No overlap 00 Simple overlap 00 Intermediate overlap 10 Maximum overlap 11 Description The Z8070 executes an EPU instruction before the CPU proceeds. After the Z8070 has received instruction 1 the CPU proceeds to EPA Instruction 2 then waits for the Z8070 to complete instruction 1. o When the Z8070 is executing instruction 1 and instruction 2 is in its queue, the CPU waits for the Z8070 to complete instruction 1. When the Z8070 is executing instruction 1 and has instruction 2 and 3 in its queue, the CPU proceeds to EPA instruction 4 and waits for the Z8070 to complete instruction 1 before issuing instruction 4. UNIVERSAL INTERFACE --- SETTOGNDOR General + 5VFOR EPUID The Universal Interface option (Figure 23) supports non-Zilog processors, and the zao and zaoo versions not directly supported by the Za010. IDo . . . . . . 023 ........ 022 In general, the Za010 is treated as an I/O device similar to Za500 peripherals (e.g. the Za530 SCC). Data is transferred over the data bus (00-031)' with the Chip Enable (CEl, Read (RO), and Write (WR) lines controlling the direction. When CE and WR go Low, instructions are written to the Za010; when CE and RO go High, data is read from the Za010. Universal Interface is enabled at reset by the Za010 OPTo and OPT1 pins. ....... 021 ........ 020 ....... Dt9 ID, ~~ ~1 DATA BUS (24.31) D" 026 ....... 025 ........ D24 INT~: } lEI -+-DATA BUS (0.23) lEO BLI~ ~ BW/L -+-- Signal Descriptions In addition to the pins described earlier for all interfaces, the Universal Interface uses the following Za010 pins: Ao. Address Line (input, active High). Selects between status (1) and normal (0) transactions. Permits access to the contents of the Status register, and initiates read or write transactions. l INTEARUPT CONTROL DATA SIZE -=- } CPU OPTION WAIT SiP SEQUENCE IN PROGRESS CHIP ENABLE N/S ~ WR NORMALISYSTEM MODE . . - - READ WRITE I BUS TIMING RESET ABORT. Abort (input, active Low). Aborts current instruction. Figure 23. Z8070 Universal Interface 554 2235·023 BL/W, BW/L. Byte, LongwordlWord; Byte, Word/ Longword. These signals specify the data transfer size. BW/L is tied High to program the 28070 for 8/16 bit data transfers. BLlW BW/L 1 1 1 o WR. Wnte (input, active Low). This signal indicates that the CPU is writing to the 28070. Size in Bits 8 (Byte) 16 (Word) 32 (Longword) o 1 WAIT. Wait (output, open drain). ThiS signal IS activated when a read or write of floating pOint instructions or data is attempted while BSY is asserted. It is released when the data can be accepted or supplied. Z8070 Transfer and Timing This interface supports four basic cycles: CEo Chip Enable (input, active Low). CE signals the • Read Cycle beginning of a 28070 transaction and is valid only for the length of a single transaction or machine cycle. • Write Cycle 0 0 .031 • Data Bus (bidirectional, active High, 3-state). These • Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle are the Data Lines for the Universal Interface. • Read Status Cycle INTACK. Interrupt Acknowledge (input, active Low). This line indicates to the 28070 that an interrupt acknowledge cycle is in progress. A Read cycle is distinguished by CE and RD being pulled Low. A Write cycle is distinguished by CE and WR being pulled low. An Interrupt Acknowledge cycle is distinguished by INTACK being pulled Low. All instruction, data, and status transfers are based on these baSIC cycles. RD. Read (input, active Low). ThiS signal indicates a read operation. SIP. Sequence in Progress (output, active Low). This signal is forced Low during the first bus transaction of an instruction, and is held Low until all data transfers associated with that transaction are complete. CLK.I Au Read Cycle Timing Figure 24 illustrates read cycle timing. Ao (Low) and the status on INTACK must remain stable throughout the cycle. If CE falls after RD falls, or rises before RD rises, the effective RD is shortened. CLK.I ~ iifiAci I (HIGH) (HIGH) Do-D31 lEO INT \ I (HIGH) \.. \. Figure 24. Read Cycle Timing, Universal Interface 2235·024. 025 CE ~ WR \ Do-D31 - { DATA VALID RD lEI (HIGH) INTACK CE WR I Ao I I ) RD (HIGH) lEI (HIGH) lEO (HIGH) INT (HIGH) Figure 25. Write Cycle Timing, Universal Interface 555 Write Cycle Timing Z8070 lhmsaction Timing Figure 25 illustrates write cycle timing. Ao and the status on INTACK must remain stable throughout the cycle. If CE falls after WR falls, or rises before WR rises, the effective WR is shortened. At any time, the Z8070 can be in one of the following states: Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle Timing In Universall nterface, the Z8070 is treated as an I/O device. After Reset, it is in the Ready state, ready to accept an instruction via a Write cycle. After the first Write cycle, it changes to the Sequence-in-Progress state. Figure 26 illustrates interrupt acknowledge cycle timing. Between INTACK going low and the falling edge of RD, the internal and external IEIII EO daisy chains settle. If there is an interrupt pending on the Z8070, and lEI is High when RD falls, the acknowledge cycle was intended for the Z8070. In this case, the Z8070 may be programmed to respond to RD Low by placing its interrupt vector on 00-07 and internally setting the appropriate Interrupt-Under-Service latch. Read Status Cycle Timing Read status cycles are like the normal read cycles shown in Figure 24 exceptthat Ao is High; a Read Status Cycle can be performed at any time. Ao and the status on INTACK must remain stable throughout the cycle. If CE falls after RD falls, or rises before RD rises, the effective RD is shortened. Ready Sequence-in-Progress Busy During the Sequence-in-Progress state, the SIP line is held Low. It is asserted until the instruction sequence and all associated data transfers are complete. For example, if the Z8070 is programmed to use a 16-bit bus, and the instruction consists of two 16-bit words, the Z8070 changes from the Ready state to the Sequence-in-Progress state after the first word (most significant word first) is transferred. It waits for the transfer of the second word of the instruction, then determines if any data transfers are required. It waits for these as necessary. 10 11 12 13 14 15 CLK.I I AO \ ' -_ _ _ _ _..J \'------\\o.._ _ r ---J (HIGH) Do·D•• ------~ VECTOR \'--__1 lEI lEO (HIGH) \'-------------------- \_---------~;-- Figure 26. Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle Timing, Universal Interface 556 2235-026 The Z8070 enters the Busy state when It cannot accept additional Read or Write cycles, either because the internal queues are full, or because the requested data is not yet ready. In the Busy state, the BSY signal is held Low which is a signal for the CPU to avoid Write or Read cycles. If either a Write or Read cycle is attempted, the Z8070 will drive the WAIT line Low. WAIT is released when the Read or Write cycle can proceed. Note that a Read Status cycle can be performed at any time, even while WAIT is asserted. After the instruction transfer and any associated data transfers are complete, if the internal queues are full, the Z8070 becomes Busy; otherwise, it becomes Ready. The Z8070 is always expecting either a Read or a Write cycle, depending on what state it is in. The use of the BSY line depends on what overlap option is in effect. CAUTION; If the Z8070 expects a Read cycle and the CPU performs a Write cycle, data may be lost. If it expects a Write cycle and the CPU performs a Read cycle, spurious data is transferred. Both situations should be avoided. The Status register allows the CPU to read the status of the Z8070 (Table 5). The Read Status cycle can occur at any time: during Ready, Sequence-in-Progress, and Busy states, between bytes of an instruction, and during data transfers. Table 5. Status Register a 2 1\'pe Function BSY Read only 1 if Z8070 cannot accept more data SIP Read only 1 if instruction sequence is in progress R/W Read only Status bit 0 replicates the information provided by the BSY pin; this allows software to determine if the Z8070 is in the Busy state. Status bit 1 replicates the information provided by the SIP pin; this allows software to determine if the Z8070 is in the SIP state. Address Modes In Universal Interface mode, the Z8070 ignores distinctions between addressing modes such as R, IR, OA, and X that move data to, or from, external locations. Specifically, the Z8070 merely places data on, or reads data from, the data bus 00-031. This is consistent with the universal interface philosophy of treating the Z8070 as an I/O device. Data Bus Width Z8070 Status Register Status Register Bit Name For example, the Z8070 can be polled at any time to determine whether it expects a Read cycle or a Write cycle. To do this, read the Status register (set Ao to 1 and perform a Read cycle). Status bit2 on 02 will be 1 if the next operation should be a Read cycle, or 0 if the next operation should be a Write cycle. 1 if the next instruction should be a Read a if the next instruction should be a Write Because of the programmable bus width, the Z8070 acts as an 8, 16, or 32-bit I/O port. Instructions and data transfers require multiple Read or Write cycles with the most significant byte, word, or longword first. For example, if the single precision number 1234ABCO is to be transferred over an 8-bit bus, the transactions will occur as follows: first byte: second byte: third byte: fourth byte: 12 34 AB CO Interrupts, Traps and Aborts The CPU should respond to an interrupt request by issuing the appropriate interrupt acknowledge cycle. The least-significant 8 bits of the Z8070's System Configuration register contain the vector value read by the CPU during interrupt acknowledge. The CPU should use this vector either 1u identify the interrupt source as the 28070 and/or to select the proper service routine. This is shown in Figure 26. 557 Exception Handling and Overlap The choice of overlap mode depends on how the user recovers from arithmetic exception conditions. The Z80l0 can be programmed to cause an interrupt when certain exceptions occur. When an exception occurs, any instruction that had been transferred or was in the process of being transferred to the Z80l0, is flushed. In the Universal Interface mode, the PC1 and PC2 registers cannot be used for exception recovery because the Z80l0 does not monitor addresses. Both the No Overlap and Intermediate Overlap modes have the benefit of allowing only one Z80l0 instruction to be processed at a time. This allows the exception handling routine to read the Z80l0 flags to determine the cause of the interrupt, take appropriate action, and resume processing. In the Maximum Overlap mode, the user must allow for recovery of the instruction that caused the exception, and any subsequent instruction in the queue. Since the queued instruction is lost as a result of the exception, the exception 558 handling routine needs to a) read the Z80l0 flags to determine the cause of the interrupt, b) take any action required by the exception itself, c) determine if a subsequent instruction was flushed during the exception (and if so, re-transfer that instruction), and d) resume processing. Hardware Interfacing and Description The Universal Interface is patterned after the interface for the Zilog 8500 peripherals, which have been interfaced to the Zilog's Z80 and Motorola's 68000 CPU, among others. Only a minimal amount of "glue logic" is required. The reader should consult the following documents in the Zllog Microprocessors Applications Reference Book, Volume 2, 00-2320-01; they demonstrate the versatility of the 8500 peripheral interface: "Interfacing Z80 CPUs to the 8500 Peripheral Family," May 1983, pp. 2,29-51. "Interfacing the 8500 Peripherals to the 68000," October 1982, pp. 4,93-104. 00-2235-03 18010 18000® MMU Memory Management Unit Product Specification Zilog AprIl 1985 Features • Dynamic segment relocation makes software addresses independent of physical memory addresses. • Sophisticated memory-management features include access validation that protects memory areas from unauthorized or unintentional access, and a write-warning indicator that predicts stack overflow. • For use with both Z8001 and ZS003 CPU. General Description The ZSOlO Memory Management Unit (MMU) manages the large 8M byte addressing spaces of the Z8001 CPU. The MMU provides dynamic segment relocation as well as numerous memory protection features. Dynamic segment relocatIon makes user software addresses independent of the physical memory addresses, thereby freeing the user fro'1l specifying where information is actually • 64 variable-sized segments from 256 to 65,536 bytes can be mapped into a total physical address space of 16M bytes; all 64 segments are randomly accessible. • Multiple MMUs can support several translation tables for each Z8001l3 address space. • MMU archItecture supports multi-programming systems and vIrtual memory Implementations. located in the physical memory. It also provIdes a flexible, effiCIent method for supporting multi-programming systems. The MMU uses a translation table to transform the 23-bit logical address output from the Z8001 CPU into a 24-bit address for the physical memory. (Only logIcal memory addresses go to an MMU for translation; I/O addresses and data, in general, must by pass this component.) eli DMASYNC PHYSICAL ADDRUB .80M.NT TRAP DMAIB.GMENT CHIP,.LBCT +5V GND eLK mET Figure 1. Pin FunctloD8 2046-001. 002 A! 58 RESET ST, ... A" '21 A20 ST, ST, ST, AD, A18 AD, Vee AD10 A" AD11 A" ClK A" A16 OND A14 AD13 A" A12 AD14 AD12 AD15 A11 SNo A" SN, . BU' TIMING { NiS Rfiii iiEllT liliP SN, Ag SN, RESERVED SN. SN, SN, Figure 2. 48-pln Dual-In-Line Package (DIP). Pin AlSignmento 559 ... = o ICI General Description (Continued) Memory segments are variable in size from 256 bytes to 64K bytes, in Increments of 256 bytes. Pairs of MMUs support the 128 segment numbers available for the various zaOOl CPU address spaces. Within an address space, any number of MMUs can be used to accommodate multiple translation tables for System and Normal operating modes, or to support more sophisticated memory-management systems. MMU memory-protection features safeguard memory areas from unauthorized or unintended access by associating special access restrictions with each segment. A segment is assigned a number of attributes when its descriptor is entered into the MMU. When a memory reference is made, these attributes are checked against the status information supplied by the Z8001/3 CPU. If a mismatch oc- curs, a trap is generated and the CPU is interrupted. The CPU can then check the status registers of the MMU to determine the cause. Segments are protected by modes of permitted use, such as read only, system only, execute only and CPU-access only. Other segment management features include a writewarning zone useful for stack operations and status flags that record read or write accesses' to each segment. The MMU is controlled via 22 Special 110 instructions from the zaooc CPU in System mode. With these instructions, system software can assign program segments to arbitrary memory locations, restrict the use of segments and monitor whether segments have been read or written. NC ,. Ne 11 ••., A" 12 5. ST, A" A" " 14 57 ADa 9 8 7 8 543 2 1 H ~ Hnu A U ~ NC ST, 58 AD, A" 15 56 AD10 +5. 18 54 ADu NC 17 53 C.K NC 18 NC 11 Z8010 ....U .,. GND NO A" 20 50 NC A" 21 A" 22 4' 4. AD12 A" AI< 23 47 ADI3 24 48 A" 2. 45 AD1I1 A" 28 44 NC NC AD14 ~U"~~H"M"HUH"~~~U ~~~~~)f~~~~~~~~~~~ Figure 2a. 68-pin Chip Carrier. Pin Assignments 560 2046-003 - General Descriptlon (Continued) 'TATUa ''''OIIII&TIOII - . . ....,. IIU... O,.IIITIOATA. . . . . .T MU..... OPPMTIDATA I Nr.... "'DI-ADII Itfoo.IN. ADa-ADIi . . . . . .T TRAP _UT .u,....... PHYSICAL ADDllUi .TATUI IIIPOMIATloti . . . . .IIT TRAP . . .UIIT au...........VIlCAL AD. . . . . Figure 3. The ehacled areas ID these block clIagrama IUWllrate the reaourc:el uoed ID the two modeo 01 MMU operalioD. In the Ad.u- TraDilotloD Mode abOWD OD the lell. a~ are traDilateci automatically. In the Commaud Mode abOWD OD the right. speclllc reglsten are ac:ceued WllDg Special 110 collUDCllldo. 2046-004 561 Segmented Addressing Memory Protection 562 A segmented addressing space-compared with linear addreSSing-Is closer to the way a programmer uses memory because each procedure and data set can reside in its own segment. The 8M byte 28001 addressing spaces are divided into 128 relocatable segments of up to 64K bytes each. A 23-bit segmented address uses a 7-bit segment address to point to the segment, and a 16-bIt offset to address any byte relative to the beginning of the segment. The two parts of the segmented address may be manipulated separately. The MMU divides the physical memory into 256-byte blocks. Segments consist of physically contiguous blocks. Certain segments may be designated so that writes into the last block generate a warning trap. If such a segment is used as a stack, this warning can be used to increase the segment size and prevent a stack overflow error. The addresses manipulated by the programmer, used by instructions and output by the 28001 are called logical addresses. The MMU takes the logical addresses and transforms them into the physical addresses required for accessing the memory (Figure 4). This address transformation process is called relocation. The relocahon process is transparent to user software. A translation table in the MMU associates the 7-bit segment number with the base address of the physical memory segment. The 16-bit logical address offset is added to the physical base address to obtain the actual phYSICal memory location. Because a base address always has a low byte equal to zero, only the high-order 16 bits are stored in the MMU and used in the addItIon. Thus the loworder byte of the physical memory location is the same as the low-order byte of the logical address offset. This low-order byte therefore bypasses the MMU, thus reducing the number of pins required. Each memory segment IS assigned several attributes that are used to provide memory access protechon. A memory request from the 2800113 CPU is accompamed by status informatIon that indIcates the attrIbutes of the memory request. The MMU compares the memory request attributes with the segment attrIbutes and generates a Trap Request whenever It detects an attrIbute violation. Trap Request Informs the 2800113 CPU and the system control program of the violatIon so that approprIate actIon can be taken to recover. The MMU also generates the Suppress SIgnal SUP in the event of an access VIOlatIon. Suppress can be used by a memory system to inhIbit stores into the memory and thus protect the contents of the memory from erroneous changes. FIve attrIbutes can be associated WIth each segment. When an attempted access violates anyone of the attributes associated with a segment, a Trap Request and a Suppress signal are generated by the MMU. These attributes are read only, execute only, system access only, inhIbit CPU accesses and inhIbit DMA accesses. Segments are specified by a base address and a range of legal offsets to this base address. On each access to a segment, the offset is checked against this range to insure that the access falls within the allowed range. If an access that lies outside the segment is attempted, Trap Request and Suppress are generated. Normally the legal range of offsets within a segment is from 0 to 256N + 255 bytes, where OsNs255. However, a segment may be speCified so that legal offsets range from 256N to 65,535 bytes, where OsNs255. The later type of segment is useful for stacks since the 28000 stack manipulation instructions cause stacks to grow toward lower memory locations. Thus when a stack grows to the limit of its allocated segment, additional memory can be allocated on the correct end of the segment. As an aid in maintaining stacks, the MMU detects when a write is performed to the lowest allocated 256 bytes of these segments and generates a Trap Request. No Suppress signal is generated so the write is allowed to proceed. This write warning can then be used to indicate that more memory should be allocated to the seqment. II·BlT LOGICAL ADD. . . . • BIT .... MUST BE EQUAL TO FLAG URS 7 OFFSET -.., r---------I I I I I I I .: : TULE OF 84 SEGMENT DESCRIPTOR REGt8TEAB I .., . . " 24·BIT PHYSICAL ADOMas Figure 4. Logical-to-Physical Address Trcmslalion 2046-005 MMU The MMU contams three types of regIsters: Register Segment Descriptor, Control and Status. A Organization set of 64 Segment Descriptor RegIsters supp!Jes the mformation needed to map logICal memory addresses to physical memory locations. The segment number of a logical address determmes whICh Segment Descnptor Register IS used in address translation. Each Descnptor Register also con tams the necessary mformation for checking that the segment location referenced is wlthm the bounds of the segment and that the type of reference IS permItted. It also indicates whether the segment has been read or wrItten. In addition to the Segment Descnptor RegIsters, the 28010 MMU contams'three 8-blt control registers for programming the device and SIX 8-blt status regIsters that record mformatlon in the event of an access violation. Segment Descriptor Registers. Each of the 64 Descriptor Registers contains a l6-bit base address field, an 8-bit limit field and an 8-bit attribute field (Figure 5). The base address field IS subdivided mto high- and low-order bytes that are loaded one byte at a time when the descriptor is imtlalized. The limit field contains a value N that indICates N + I blocks of 256 bytes have been allocated to the segment. • The attribute field contains eIght flags (FIgure 6). Five are related to protecting the segment against certain types of access, one indICates the speCIal structure of the segment, and two encode the types of accesses that have been made to the segment. A flag is set when its value is I. The follOWing brief descriptions indicate how these flags are used. Read-Only (RD). When thIS flag IS set, the segment IS read only and 15 protected agamst any WrIte access. System·Only (SYS) , When thIS flag IS set, the segment can be accessed only In System mode, and IS protected agamst any access In Normal mode. CPU-Inhullt (CPUI), When thIS flag IS set, the segment IS not accessIble to the currently execuhng process, and IS protected agamst any memory access by the CPU, The segment IS, however, accessable under DMA. Execute-Only (EXC). When thIS flag IS set, the segment can be accessed only durmg an instruction fetch or access by the relahve addressmg mode cycle, and thus IS pro~ teded agamst any access durmg other cycles DMA-InhIlllt (DMAI). When thIS flag IS set, the segment can be accessed only by the CPU, and thus IS protected agamst any access under DMA. Dlrechon and Warnmg (DIRW), When thIS flag IS set, the segment memory locations are conSIdered to be orgamzed In descendmg order and each Wrlte to the segment IS checked for access to the last 256·byte block. Such an access generates a trap to warn of potenhal segment overflow but no Suppress SIgnal IS generated. I Changed (CHG). When thIS flag IS set, the segment has been changed (wrItten) ThIS bIt IS set automahcally durmg any WrIte access to thIS segment If the wrIte access does not cause any vlOlahon. Referenced (REF). When thIS flag IS set, the segment has been referenced (eIther read or wrItten) ThIS bIllS set automahcally durmg any access to the segment If the access does not cause a vlOlahon. *In the stack mode, segment size 2046·006, 007, 008 IS BASE ADDRESS LIMIT ATTRIBUTE FIELD FIELD ~ 87 •"::~~: ~ SDA SDA1 SD", 07 FIELD 07 LO L1 .• BAl2 L2 A1 A. SORa3 BAH83 BAL83 L83 A83 BAH2 I I I I I I I I Figure 5. Segment Descriptor Registers 7 • IREFICHGrlAWIDMAllEXCICPUllSYSI RD I Figure 6. Attribute Field in Segment Descriptor Register Control Registers. The three user-accessIble 8-bit control registers in the MMU direct the functlonmg of the MMU (Figure 7). The Mode Register provides a sophistICated method for selechvely enabling MMUs in multlple-MMU configurations. The Segment Address Register (SAR) selects a parhcular Segment Descriptor Register to be acpessed during a control operation. The Descriptor Selection Counter RegIster points to a byte within the Segment Descriptor Register to be accessed during a control operahon. 7 & 8 4 3,2 0 ....J! LH_.L.T_RN_'.L.U_R_SIL..MST....JIL..N_MS..JI_.....I_D..... os !• •I I SEGMENT DESCRIPTOR NUMBER . ' I ' 7 0 MDDE • I 21 0 , • I I SEGMENT _ ADDRESS 0 I DSC I g:~~~~J~R _'-....I..--J'--'--'._.J.,_....I---J. COUNTER L. Figure 7. Control Registers The Mode Register contains a 3-bit identihcahon held (ID) that dishnguishes among eIght enabled MMUs in a multlple-MMU conhguration. This field IS used during the segment trap acknowledge sequence (refer to the sectIOn on Segment Trap and Acknowledge). In addition, the Mode Register contains five flags. Multiple Segment Table (MST), ThIS flag mdlcates whether mulhple segment tables are present In the hardware confIguratIon. When thIS flag IS set, more than one table IS present and the Nis lme must be used to determme whether the MMU contams the approprIate table. Normal Mode Select (NMS). ThIS flag mdlcates whether the MMU IS to translate addresses when the N/S lme IS HIgh or Low, If the MST flag IS set, the N/S lme must match the NMS flag for the MMU to translate segment addresses, otherWIse the MMU Address lInes remam 3-stated, 64K-256N 563 i...o I Upper Range Select (URS). ThIs flag IS used to md10ate MMU whether the MMU contams the lower-numbered segment Register descriptors or the hIgher-numbered segment descriptors. Organization The most slgmhcant bIt of the segment number must match (Continued) the URS flag for the MMU to translate segment addresses, otherwIse the MMU Address hnes remam 3·stated. Translate (TRNS). ThIs flag md10ates whether the MMU IS to translate 10g1Oal program addresses to phys10al memory locahons or IS to pass the 10g1Oal addresses unchanged to the memory and wIthout protechon checkmg. In the non· translahon mode, the most slgmhcant byte of the output IS the 7·b!t segment number and the most slgmhcant bit is O. When thIs flag IS set, the MMU performs address translahon and attribute checkmg. Master Enable (MSEN). ThIs flag enables or dIsables the MMU from performmg ItS address translahon and memory protechon functions. When thIs flag IS set, the MMU performs these tasks; when the flag is clear the Address lmes of the MMU remam 3-stated. The Segment Address Register (SAR) pOints to one of the 64 segment descriptors. Control commands to the MMU that access segment descriptors implicitly use this pointer to select one of the descriptors. This register has an auto-incrementing capability so that multiple descriptors can be accessed in a block reael/write fashion. The Descriptor Seleclion Counter Register holds a 2-bit counter that indicates which byte in the descriptor is being accessed during the reading or writing operation. A value of zero in this counter indICates the hIgh-order byte of the base address field is to be accessed, one indicates the low-order byte of the base address, two indicates the limit field and three indicates the attribute field. Status Registers. Six 8-bit registers contain information useful in recovering from memory access violations (Figure 8). The Violation Type Register describes the conditions that generated the trap. The Violation Segment Number and Violation Offset Registers record the most-significant 15 bits of the logical address that causes a trap. The Instruction Segment Number and Offset Registers record the most-significant 15 bits of the logical address of the last instruction fetched before the first accessing violation. These two registers can be used in conjunction with external circuitry that records the low-order offset byte. At the time of the addressing'violation, the Bus Cycle Status Register records the bus cycle status (status code, reael/write mode and normaVsystem mode). The MMU generates a Trap Request for two general reasons: either it detects an access 564 violalion, such as an attempt to write into a read-only segment, or it detects a warning condilion, which is a write into the lowest 256 bytes of a segment with the DIRW flag set. When a violation or warning condition is detected, the MMU generates a Trap Request and automatically sets the appropriate flags. The eight flags in the Violation Type Register describe the cause of a trap. Read-Only V.olation (RDV). Set when.Jhe CPU attempts to access a read-only segment and the R/W lme .s Low. System Violation (SYSV). Se\..!<--------- ----- 1----- - -- ----- 1{(4) ~ 1\ .. f---' .". ® Ai g iii SNo-SN, SIOIACKNOWLEDGE I MEMORY ACCESS j --------®- I+:X ~ DMASYNC @STO-ST. N/i R/ii A,-AII --- ~ ,---\" ------------ ------------ ®- ~~ :it .@ ...... ~- ~:========== . [\/ a >~ / ~ ~ ~ i..lt'.1!... MeMORV ACCESS ~ -@ r-k!D ~ ~I~ -I '\ r---®-~ ®-~ / ,.----- ------ '------ ------ -< ~ \L MEMORY ACCESS " 31 TRAP ACKNOWLEDGE 9 ®-- ~ ;r -[® ==============> ~ ~ ~:====================================: ~ f.® 572 2046-014 AC Characteristics No. Symbol Z8010 Parameter 4 MHz Min Max Clock Cycle Time 250 Clock WIdth (HIgh) 105 Clock WIdth (Low) 105 Clock Fall Time Clock RIse TIme DS I (Acknowledge) to Read Data Valid Delay TdDSA(RDf) DS t (Acknowledge) to Read Data 7 Float Delay TdDSR(RDv) DS I (Read) to AD Output Driven Delay 8 TdDSR(RDf) 58 1 (Read) to Read Data Float Delay 9 10- TdC(WDv) - - CLK t to Write Data Valid Delay ThC(WDn) CLK I to Write Data Not Valid 30 11 Hold TIme Address Strobe WIdth 60 12 TwAS TsOFF(AS) Offset Vahd to AS' t Setup TIme 13 45 ThAS(OFFn) AS t to Offset Not Valid Hold TIme 14 60 15- TdAS(C)--- AS I to CLK t Delay 110 TdDS(AS) DS t to AS I Delay 16 50 TdAS(DS) 17 AS t to 58 I Delay 50 TsSN(C) SN Data Vahd to CLK t Setup TIme 18 100 ThC(SNn) CLK t to SN Data not Vahd Hold TIme 19 0 DMASYNC Vahd to CLK t Delay 20 - TdDMAS(C) 120 TdSTNR(AS) 21 Stal!os (STo-ST 3 , N/S, R/W) Vahd to 50 AS t Delay TdC(DMA) 22 CLK t to DMASYNC j Delay 20 TdST(C) Status (STo-ST 3 ) Vahd to CLK t Delay 23 100 TdDS(STn) 58 t to Status Not Vahd Delay 24 0 25 - TdOFF(Av)-- Offset Valid to Address Output Valid Delay TdST(Ad) Status Valid to Address Output 26 Driven Delay TdDS(Af) 27 i5S t to Address Output Float Delay TdAS(Ad) 28 AS I to Addres Output Driven Delay TdC(Av) CLK t to Address Output Valid Delay 29 AS t to SEGT I Delay 30 - TdAS(SEGT) TdC(SEGT)CLK t to SEGT t Delay 31 TdAS(SUP) AS t to SUP j Delay 32 TdDS(SUP DS t to SUP t Delay 33 TsCS(AS) ChIp Select Input Valid to AS t Setup 34 10 TIme 35 - ThAS(CSn)-- AS t to Chip Select Input Not Valid---60 Hold Time TdAS(C) AS t to CLK t Delay 10 36 TsCS(RST) Chip Select Input Valid to RESET t 37 150 Setup Time ThRST(CSn) RESET t to Chip Select Input Not 0 38 Valid Hold Time TwRST RESET Width (Low) 2TcC 39 40 - TdC(RDv) - - CLK t to Read Data Valid Delay TdDS(C) DS t to CLK t Delay 41 30 TdC(DS) 42 CLK I to DS t Delay 0 I TcC TwCh 2 3 TwCl 4 TIC 5-TrC TdDSA(RDv) 6 NOTES: 1. 50 pI Load. 2. 2,2K Pull-up. r All 6 MHz bmings are preliminary, * Units In nanoseconds (ns), Z8010 6MHzt Min Max 10 MHz Min Max Z8010 165 70 70 100 40 40 20 20 100 10 15 80 10 10 60 75 60 45 80 60 80 60 45 50 100 75 125 60 20 10 50 35 40 90 30 40 40 0 80 30 30 20 20 50 15 30 30 0 60 10 15 60 0 10 30 0 Notes* N I... 0 II II c::I 175 90 60---1- 155 75 45 160 145 255 160 300 150 155 130 70 155 100 200 90 100 100 40 100 60--1,21,2 100 1,2 55 1,2 60 10 10 40 20 10 100 10 60 0 0 2TcC 460 2TcC 300 20 0 190 10 0 Tlmmg measurements are made at the followmg voltages: Low Hlgh 4,0 V Clock 2.0 V Output Input 20V ±0,5 V Float bov oav oav oav 573 Absolute Maximum Ratings Voltages on all pins with respect toGND ................... -0.3Vto +7.0V Operating Ambient Temperature ....... See Ordering Information Storage Temperature ........ - 65°C to + 150°C Stresses greater than those lIsted under Absolute MaxImum Ratmgs may cause permanent damage to the deviCe. ThIs IS a stress ratmg only; operation of the deVIce at any condIhon above those mdICated III the operatIonal sechons of these speclhcahons IS not ImplIed. Exposure to absolute maXImum ratmg condIhons for extended penods may affect device rehablhty. Standard Test Conditions The DC characteristics and capacitance section below apply for the following standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Standard conditions are as follows: drawings are in the Package Information section in this book. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. +5V 22. • +4.75 V ~ Vee ~ +5.25 V • GND = 0 V • O°C ~ TA ~ +70°C The Ordering Information section lists temperature ranges and product numbers. Package DC Characteristics Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit VCH Clock Input Hlgh Voltage Vce-OA VCC+ 0.3 V Dnven by External Clock Generator VCL Clock Input Low Voltage -0.3 OA5 V DrIven by External Clock Generator VIH Input Hlgh Voltage 2.0 VCC+0.3 V VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 VOH Output Hlgh Voltage VOL Output Low Voltage 2A OA Condition V V IOH V IOL = -250 ~A = +2.0 rnA IlL Input Leakage ±10 ~A OA s VIN S +2A V IOL Output Leakage ±10 ~A OA VIN S +2A V ICC Vce Supply Current 300 rnA S NOTE: The on-chIp back-bias voltage generator takes approxImately 20 ms to pump the back-bias voltage to -2 5 V after the power has been turned on The performance of the Z8010 Z-MMU 1S not guaranteed dunng thls penod. 574 8085·0209 ORDERING INFORMATION ZS010 MMU, 4.0 MHz 4S-pin DIP 6S-pin LCC Z8010 PS Z8010 LL *t Z8010 CS Z8010 CEt ZS010A MMU, 6.0 MHz 4S-pin DIP 6S-pin LCC Z8010APS Z8010ALL*t Z8010A CS ZS010B MMU, 10.0 MHz 4S-pin DIP 6S-pin LCC Z8010BPS Z8010BLL*t Z8010BCS Codes First letter is for package; second letter is for temperature. C P L V = = = = Ceramic DIP Plastic 01 P Ceramic LCC Plastic PCC TEMPERATURE S = O°Cto + 70°C E = -40°C to +85°C M*= -55°Cto +125°C L* = -55°Cto +110°C R T DIP LCC PCC = = = = = Protopack Low Profile Protopack Dual-In-Line Package Leadless Chip Carrier Plastic Chip Carrier (Leaded) FLOW B = 883 Class B Example: PS is a plastic DIP, O°C to + 70°C. t Available soon * For Military Orders, contact your local Zilog Sales Office for Military Electrical Specifications. 575 Z80 15 Z8000® PIIMU Paged Memory Management Unit Product Specification April 1985 FEATURES • PMMU architecture supports multiprogramming systems and virtual memory implementations. • Dynamic page relocation makes software addresses independent of physical memory addresses. • Sophisticated memory management features include access validation that protects memory areas from unauthorized or unintentional access, and a writewarning indicator that predicts stack overflow. • 64 pages, each 2048 bytes in length, can be mapped into a total physical address space of 16 megabytes; all 64 pages are randomly accessible. • Pages larger or smaller than 2048 bytes can be easily implemented. • The number of accessible pages can be increased by using multiple PMMUs. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Z8015 Paged Memory Management Unit (PMMU), a new member of Zilog's Z8000 Family, is designed to support a paged virtual memory system for the Z8003 Virtual Memory Processor Unit (VMPU). Although designed primarily for the Z8003, the PMMU can also be used to support other CPUs in the Z8000 Family. The sophisticated memory management features of the PMMU include access validation for memory protection, a write-warning that gives advance warning of possible stack overflow, and the generation of instruction aborts for accesses to pages not in main memory. Each PMMU can manage a basic memory area of sixty-four 2048-byte, fixed-size pages. The VMPU's 8M byte logical address space is translated by the PMMU into a 16M byte physical address space. Page size can be easily changed and multiple PMMUs can be combined to support more pages. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The Z8015 Paged Memory Management Unit (PMMU) manages the 8M byte addressing spaces of the Z8003 VMPU. The PMMU provides dynamic page relocation as well as numerous memory protection features. Dynamic page relocation makes user software addresses independent of the physical memory addresses, thereby freeing the user from specifying where information is located in the physical memory. It also provides a flexible, efficient method for supporting multiprogramming systems. The PMMU uses a content-addressable translation table to transform each 23-bit logical address output from the VM PU into a 24-bit address for the physical memory. (Only logical memory addresses go to a PMMU for translation; 1/0 addresses and data bypass this component.) The translation table consists of 64 page descriptors; each descriptor contains address translation, status, and access information for one memory page. Each PMMU can then manage up to 64 pages of memory. Multiple PMMUs can be used to support more than 64 pages within a given address space. In addition, PMMUs can be used to accommodate separate translation tables for System and Normal operating modes. The PMMU is designed to support a memory page 2048 bytes in length. This basic page length can be increased or decreased using a minimal amount of external circuitry. The PMMU is specially designed to operate with a Z8003 VMPU to implement a paged virtual memory ~ystem. If the current PMMU instruction addresses a page not in main memory (a page fault), the PMMU initiates an Instruction Abort operation in the VMPU. During an abort, the PMMU aborts the execution of the current instruction, then saves the information needed to restart the aborted instruction. On completion of the abort, the PMMU initiates a trap in the 577 i... CIt I c:I VMPU to a routine that brings the addressed page into main memory, updates the descriptor table of the PMMU to allow address translation to the new page, and restarts the execution of the interrupted instruction. The logical address that caused the page fault is available in three violation address registers of the PMMU. This information can be used to fetch the required instruction or data page into main memory andlor to create a page descriptor entry so that the executing program can access those instructions or data. The logical address of the instruction generating the page fault is available in three instruction address registers of the PMMU. This information can be used to reset the Program Counter to restart the instruction. The instruction to be restarted must also be examined to determine if adjustments must be made to any VMPU registers to ensure correct execution. Finally, the ReadIWrite Data Count register can be accessed so that certain instructions, such as Load Multiple, can be restarted correctly. As an aid in implementing efficient paging algorithms, the PM M U provides Changed and Referenced flags for each page descriptor register. The Changed flag indicates that a page has been altered and hence must be copied to secondary storage before that physical memory can be overwritten by another page. The Referenced flag can be used to determine which pages have not been accessed by an executing program-these are the pages that should first be removed from memory when room must be made to bring another page into memory. PMMU memory protection features safeguard memory areas from unauthorized or unintended access by associating special access restnctlons with each page. A page is assigned a number of attributes when its descriptor is initially entered into the PM M U. When a memory reference is made, these attributes are checked against the status information supplied by the VMPU. If a mismatch occurs, the instruction is aborted, a Trap Request signal is generated, and the VMPU is interrupted. The VMPU then checks the status registers of the PMMU to determine the cause of the abort. Pages are protected by modes of permitted use, such as read only, system only, and execute only. A Valid flag indicates whether or not a descriptor has been initialized. Other page management features include a Write Warning flag useful for stack operations. The PMMU is controlled by 20 Special 1/0 instructions, which can be issued from the VMPU in System mode only. With these instructions, system software can assign program pages to arbitrary memory locations, restrict the use of pages, and monitor whether pages have been read or written. The PMMU has two operating modes: an Address Translation mode in which addresses are translated automatically as they are received, and a Command mode, during which specific registers in the PMMU are accessed using Special 110 commands. Figure 1 shows two simplified block diagrams that illustrate the internal organization and data/signal flow within the PMMU. The resources used in the Translation and the Command modes are shown, separately, in Figures 1a and 1b. SEGMENTED ADDRESSING AND ADDRESS TRANSLATION Compared with linear addressing, a segmented addressing space is closer to the way a programmer uses memory because each procedure and data set can reside in its own segment. The 23-bit addresses output by the VM PU divide an 8M byte addressing space into 128 segments of up to 64K bytes each. A 23-bit segmented address consists of a 7-bit segment number and a 16-bit offset used to address any byte relative to the beginning of the segment. The two parts of the segmented address (segment number and offset) can be manipulated separately. The PMMU divides physical memory into 2048-byte pages. Pages are assumed to be allocated in memory on 2048-byte boundaries so that the 11 low-order bits of the starting location of each page are always equal to zero. Segments in 578 a virtual memory system can consist of pages that need not be in physical storage. Those segment pages in main memory need not be contiguous. Segments can have a variable number of pages. Certain pages can be designated so that writes into the last 128 bytes generate a warning trap without causing an instruction abort. If such a page is used as the last page of the system stack, the warning trap can be used to initiate the allocation of another page to the stack segment to prevent a stack overflow error. The addresses manipulated by the programmer, used by instructions, and output by the VMPU are called logical addresses. The PMMU translates logical addresses into the physical addresses required for accessing memory; this process is called relocation. Figure 1a. Address Translation Mode PMMU Operating Modes, Simplified Flow Diagram The translation activity in the PMMU that provides address relocation is controlled by four internal control flags and six input lines, The four flags are: Normal Mode Select (NMS) Flag. When the Multiple Page Table flag is set, this flag indicates whether the PMMU contains System OJ Normal page desc.-iptors, Master Enable (MSEN) Flag. This flag controls when the PMMU outputs physical addresses on its Address bus (A) lines, When this bit IS clear, the A lines remain 3-stated and no checking is performed, The six input lines used in the control of the PMMU are: Translate (TRNS) Flag. This flag determines whether the output on the A lines is the logical address as input (with most significant bit at 0) or a translated address, When translation is not performed, no checking is done, Multiple Page Table (MPT) Flag. This flag Indicates whether separate PMMUs are to be used for System and Normal pages, 2081·001 Nis Line. This line is used by the PMMU to distinguish System mode accesses from Normal mode accesses, When the Multiple Page Table flag is set, the N/S line acts as a chip-select mechanism, Chip Enable (CE) Line. This line acts as a master enable control line: it must be asserted for any address translation to occur or for any address to be output by the PMMU, Status Lines (STo·STJJ. These four lines are used by the PMMU to determine the type of transaction in progress, 579 S'[Q:-ST3 R/W Nil Figure 1b. Command Mode PMMU Operating Modes, Simplified Flow Diagram Access violation checking, write warning checking, and page fault monitoring functions occur only when the PMMU is enabled for address translation. For example, if Chip Enable is not asserted, the PMMU does not generate an Abort Request even if none of its descriptors match the logical address. The address translation process is transparent to user software; a simplified flow diagram of this process is shown in Figure 2. A content-addressable translation table in the PMMU compares the 7-bit segment number and five 580 most-significant bits of the offset with the logical address field of each descriptor. If a match occurs and that descriptor's Valid flag is set, the physical address field of that descriptor is accessed. The 11-bit logical address within the page is concatenated to this 13-bit physical base address to obtain the actual physical memory location. Because the base address of a page always has the low-order 11 bits equal to zero, only the high-order 13 bits are stored in the PMMU and used in the translation. The PMMU outputs the 16 most significant bits of the translated address. 2081-002 ~_ _ _1..;,1~10;....__ 8r"7_ _ _ _ _-.0 LOGICAL SEGMENT NUMBER I-_O_F_FS_ET_-+-_ _I -_ _ _ _--IADDRESS PHYSICAL ADDRESS 23 ~~-----~v~----~ OUTPUT BY PMMU Figure 2. Loglcal·to-Physlcal Address Translation MEMORY PROTECTION Each memory page is assigned several attributes that are used to provide memory access protection. A memory request from the VMPU is accompanied by status information that indicates the attributes of the memory request. The PMMU compares the memory request attributes with the page attributes and generates Instruction Abort Request, Suppress, and Trap Request signals whenever it detects an attribute violation. An Abort Request is used to generate the Abort and Wait inputs to the VMPU that cause the current instruction to be aborted. The Suppress input is used by the VMPU to inhibit stores into the memory and thus protect the contents of the memory from erroneous changes. A Trap Request informs the VMPU and the system control program of the violation so that appropriate action can be taken for recovery. Three attributes: read only, execute only, and system access only, can be associated with each page. When an attempted access violates anyone of the page attributes, Abort Request, Trap Request, and Suppress signals are generated by the PMMU. Each descriptor register has a Valid flag in the attribute field. When set to 1, this flag indicates that the descriptor contains 2081·003 valid translation information and its logical address field is to be used in the associative match process. If Chip Enable is asserted and no match is found, the PMMU, if enabled, generates Abort Request, Trap Request, and Suppress signals. The PMMU is enabled under either of the following conditions: the MSEN and TRNS flags are both 1 and the MPT flag is 0; or the MSEN and TRNS flags are both 1, the MPTflag is 1, and both input N/S and the NMS flag have the same value. Normally, the legal range of offsets within a segment goes from 0 to 65,535 bytes. A stack segment, however, has legal word offsets ranging downward from 65,534 to 0 bytes; the stack manipulation instructions cause stacks to grow toward lower memory locations. When a stack grows to the limit of its allocated segment, additional memory can be added to the segment. As an aid in maintaining stacks, the PMMU detects when a write is performed to the lowest-allocated 128 bytes of a stack page and generates a Trap Request if the DIRW attribute flag is set in the page descriptor. Since neIther a Suppress nor Abort Request signal is generated, the write is allowed to proceed. This write warning can then be used to indicate that more memory (that is, another page) needs to be allocated to the segment. 581 PMMU REGISTER ORGANIZATION The PMMU contains a set of 64 page descriptor registers that supply the information needed to map logical memory addresses to physical memory locations. The PMMU also contains three 8-bit control registers for programming the PMMU, and nine 8-bit status registers to record information in the event of an access violation. Page Descriptor Registers The segment number and five most-significant bits of a logical address determine, by associative lookup, which page descriptor register is used in address translation. Each register also contains the necessary information to enable checking to ensure that the type of reference made is permitted. An indication that the segment has been previously read or written is also contained in the register. Each of the 64 page descriptor registers contains a 12-bit logical address field, a 13-bit physical address field, and a 7-bit attribute field (Figure 3). Read-Only (RD). When this flag is set, the page is read-only and is protected against any write access. System-Only (SYS). When this flag is set, the page can be accessed only in System mode, and is protected against any access in Normal mode. Execute-Only (EXC). When this flag is set, the page can be accessed only during an Instruction Fetch cycle and is thus protected against access during other cycles. Direction and Warning (DIRW). When this flag is set, the page's memory locations are considered to be organized in descending order and each write to the page is checked for access to the lowest 128 bytes. Such an access generates a Trap Request signal to warn of potential stack overflow, but neither an Abort Request nor a Suppress signal is generated. Changed (CHG). When this flag is set, the page has been changed (written into). This bit is set automatically during any write access to this page if the write access does not cause a violation. Referenced (REF). When this flag is set, the page has been Figure 3. Page Descriptor Register Format The logical address field is used during the associative search phase of address translation; a match of this field with the most-significant bits of the logical address indicates that the descriptor is to be used during physical address generation. The physical address field supplies the most-significant bits of the generated physical address. The attribute field contains seven flags (Figure 4). Three flags protect the page against certain types of access, one indicates the special structure of the page, and two encode the types of accesses that have been made to the page. The seventh flag is used to indicate whether or not the information in the descriptor is valid. A flag is set when its value is 1. During a write to only the attribute field, bit 7 of the byte is ignored. When an attribute field is read, bit 7 is undefined. When an entire descriptor is accessed, bit 7 will be part of the physical address field. The following descriptions explain how these flags are used. Valid (VALID). When this flag is set, the descriptor contains valid page information for the currently executing process. When this bit is clear, the logical address generated by the VMPU is not compared against the contents of the logical address field, so the descriptor is not used for address translation. Only descriptors that have this flag set are used during the associative search. 8 IVALIDI REF I CHG I DIRW I EXC I SYS I RD °I Figure 4. Attribute Field of Page Descriptor Register referenced (either read or written). This bit is set automatically during any access to the page if the access does not cause a violation. The byte format that is required to write into or read from an attribute field is shown in Figure 5. IVALIDI REF I I I I I I CHG DIRW !XC SYS RD Figure 5. Format of Byte for Reading or Writing a Descriptor's Attribute Control Registers The three user-accessible, 8-bit control registers in the PMMU direct the functioning of the PMMU (Figure 6). The Mode register provides a sophisticated method for selectively enabling PMMUs in multiple-PMMU configurations. The Descriptor Address (DAR) register selects the particular page descriptor register to be accessed during a control operation. The Descriptor Selection Count (DSC) register points to the byte in the Page Descriptor register to be accessed during a control operation. 32 IMSENITRNS I ° ID I MPT I NMS I MODE 65 1~~~~~~JOR ° I. . _0....1._0...I1..........I._D_ES-'f_R_IPT_0I...IR_NU_M... IB_ER.....I_... I 0 21 0 0 0I ...._.l....-...i..........I._-'I_-I-1_ ...._ Dse I ~~~~+rJ~R ..1 _.... COUNT Figure 6. Control Registers 582 2081·004,005.006 Mode Register Status Registers The Mode register contains a 3-bit identification (10) field that can distinguish up to eight enabled PMMUs in a multiple-PMMU configuration. This field is used during the Trap Request acknowledge sequence. In addition, the Mode register contains the following four flags: The following nine 8-bit status registers contain information useful in recovering from memory access violations (Figure 7): Multiple Page Table (MPT). This flag indicates whether more than one page table is present in the hardware configuration. When this flag is set, more than one table is present and the N/S line is used to determine whether the PMMU contains the appropriate table. Normal Mode Select (NMS). This flag indicates whether the PMMU is to translate addresses when the N/S line is High or Low. If the MPT flag is set, the N/S line must match the NMS flag for the PMMU to translate addresses; otherwise, the PMMU address lines remain 3-stated. Translate (TRNS). This flag indicates whether the PMMU is to translate logical program addresses to physical memory locations or is to pass the logical addresses unchanged to the memory without protection checking. In the Non-Translation mode, the most-significant output byte is the 7-bit segment number and the most-significant bit is O. When TRNS is set, the PMMU performs address translation and attribute checking. Master Enable (MSEN). This flag enables or disables the PMMU from performing its address translation and memory protection functions. When this flag is set, the PMMU performs these tasks; when the flag is clear the address lines of the PMMU remain 3-stated. Descriptor Address Register (DAR) This register points to one of the 64 page descriptor registers. Control commands to the PMMU that access page descriptors implicitly use this pointer to select one of the page descriptor registers. The DAR has autoincrementing capability so that multiple descriptors can be accessed in a block read/write fashion. Descriptor Selection Count (DSC) Register This register holds a 2-bit counter that indicates which byte in the descriptor is being accessed during Read or Write operations. A zero in this counter indicfltes that the highest-order byte of the descriptor is to be accessed (most-significant byte of the logical address field), a one indicates the next byte of the descriptor, a two indicates the third byte, and a three indicates the least-significant byte (containing the attribute field). 2081-007 1 FATL! sww !pww ! EXCV! PGFT! 0 ! svsv! RDV SEGMENT NUMBER I] 1 TRAP TYPE I VIOLATION ADDRESS OFFSET __ _ _BVTE _ _ _ _ _.... ......_ _ _ _UPPER 7 :I::::::LOW:ER:O:FFS:ET:BV:TE:::::I 10 Ii... SEGMENT NUMBER ......____U_P_PE_R_O_FF_S_ET_B_V_TE____....II]INSTRUCTION ADDRESS :I :I 7 :I::::::LOW:ER:O:FFS:ET:BV:TE:::::I 7 d 3 , CPU STATUS , , COUNT .., CI'I BUS CYCLE STATUS READ/WRITE DATA COUNT Figure 7. Status Registers Trap Type Register. This register describes the conditions that generate a Trap Request signal. Violation Segment Number and Violation Offset Registers. These three registers record the logical address that caused a Trap Request. Instruction Address Registers. These three registers record the logical address of the last instruction fetched before the first warning, access violation, or page fault. Bus Cycle Status Register. This register records the bus cycle status (status code, Read/Write operation and Normal/System mode). Read/Write Data Count Register. This register contains a 4-bit counter that counts the number of read and write data transactions whose addresses have been translated by the PMMU since the last instruction fetch cycle. This count is 583 locked when an Abort Request is generated, and indicates the number of successful data transactions performed by the aborted instruction. Violation Type Register (VTR) Flags The VTR is used by the PMMU to determine the cause of a Trap Request. The PMMU generates a Trap Request when: it detects an access violation, such as an attempt to write into a read-only page; it detects a warning condition, which is a write into the lowest 128 bytes of a page with the DIRW flag set; or no entry matches the logical address (a page fault). The following seven flags are contained by the Violation Type register (VTR): Read-Only Violation (RDV). This flag is set when the VMPU attempts 110 access a read-only page and the RIW line is Low. System Violation (SYSV). This flag is set when the VMPU accesses a system-only page and the N/S line is High. Execute-Only Violation (EXCV). This flag is set when the VMPU attempts to access an execute-only page other than during an instruction fetch cycle. Page Fault (PGFT). This flag is set when no logical address field of the valid descriptors In the PMM U matches the upper 12 bits of the logical address. Primary Write Warning (PWW). This flag is set when an access is made to the lowest 128 bytes of a page with the DIRW flag set. Secondary Write Warning (SWW). This flag is set when the VMPU writes data into the last 128 bytes of the system stack and EXCV, SYSV, PGFT, RDV, or PWW is set. With SWW set, subsequent write warnings for accessing the system stack do not generate a Trap Request. Fatal Condition (FATL). This flag is set when any other flag in the Trap Type register is set and either a violation is detected or a write warning condition occurs in Normal mode. FATL is not set during a stack push in System mode that results in a warning condition. This flag indicates that a memory access error has occurred in the trap processing routine. Once set, no Trap Request or Abort Request signals are generated on subsequent violations. However, as long as the PMMU is enabled, Suppress signals are generated on this and subsequent VMPU violations until the FATL flag is reset. ABORT, TRAP REQUEST, AND ACKNOWLEDGE The PMMU generates a 'four-clock-cycle Abort Request (ABORT) when it detects an access violation or a page fault. This signal on the ABORT (pin 33) and WAIT (pin 28) inputs of the VMPU inserts a five-cycle abort sequence that causes the VMPU to terminate instruction execution. A Trap Request is generated when the PMMU detects an access violation, page fault, or write warning. This signal on the translation trap line of the VMPU (SAT, pin 14) causes the VMPU to generate a trap acknowledge after the instruction abortion (for an access violation or page fault) or after the execution of the instruction (for a write warning). In the case of an access violation or page fault, the PMMU also activates Suppress (SUP), which can be used by the memory to inhibit memory writes. enabled PMMUs use the AddresslData (AD) lines to indicate their status. A PMMU that has generated a Trap Request outputs a 1 on the AD line associated with the number in its 10 field; a PMMU that has not generated a trap request outputs a 0 on its associated AD line. AD lines with no associated PMMU remain 3-stated. During a trap acknowledge, a PMMU uses AD line 8 + i if its 10 field is i. Trap Request remains Low until a trap acknowledge is received (status = 0100). If a VMPU-generated violation occurs, Suppress is asserted for that memory reference. (If a 28001 or Z8002 CPU generates the violation, any subsequent CPU memory reference also causes Suppress to be asserted until the end of the instruction.) Intervening DMA accesses are not suppressed, however, unless they generate a violation. Violations detected during DMA accesses cause Suppress to be asserted for that access only; no Trap or Abort Requests are generated during DMA accesses. Following the Acknowledge cycle, the VMPU automatically pushes the program status onto the system stack and loads another program status from the trap vector at location 20H in the program status area. The PMMU's trap line is reset during the trap acknowledge. Suppress is not generated during the stack push. If the push operation creates a write warning condition, a Trap Request is generated and serviced at the end of the context swap. The SWW flag is also set. Servicing this second Trap Request also creates a write warning condition, but because the SWW flag is set, no Trap Request is generated. If a violation or page fault rather than a write warning occurs during the context swap, the FATL flag is set rather than the SWW flag. Subsequent Violations or faults cause Suppress but not Trap Request to be asserted. Without the SWW and FATL flags, trap processing routines that generate memory violations or faults would repeatedly be interrupted and called to process the trap they created. Trap Requests to the VM PU are handled' similarly to interrupts. To service a PMMU trap, the VMPU issues a trap acknowledge. The acknowledge is usually preceded by a dummy instruction fetch that is not used by the VMPU (the PMMU has been designed to ignore this dummy fetch). During the identifier fetch of the acknowledge cycle, all The VMPU routine to process a Trap Request should first check the FATL flag to determine if a fatal system error has occurred. If not, the SWW flag should be checked to determine if more memory is required for the system stack. Finally, the trap itself should be processed and the Trap Type register reset. 584 MULTIPLE PMMUs Although only one PMMU should be actively translating addresses at a given time, PMMU architecture directly supports various methods for multiple PMMU configurations. The following four examples illustrate different ways that PMMUs can be used to implement memory management systems capable of handling more than 64 pages. with translating addresses generated during instruction fetches (status codes 1100 and 1101) and the other with addresses generated during data fetches (status codes 1000, 1001, 1010, 1011, and 1111). Chip Enable for each PMMU is obtained from the status code (i.e., status lines STo-ST3)' Example 1. The first approach extends the capability of one multiple translation tables. Multiple tables reduce the time required to switch tasks by assigning separate tables to each task. Multiple translation tables for multitask environments can use the Master Enable flag to enable the appropriate PMMUs through software. PMMU for handling 64 pages to a multiple-PMMU configuration that manages more than 64 pages. The Chip Enable line IS used to select a particular PMMU to translate a page address. For example, if one PMMU is assigned only pages for logical addresses whose bit number 11 is a 0 and another PMMU is assigned those whose bit number 11 is a 1, then the state of output line AD11 can be used to select the appropriate PMMU to translate a logical address. Example 2. Another way of using Chip Enable separates Example 3. Several PMMUs can be used to implement Example 4. A final method uses two translation tables to separate system from normal memory. The MPT and NMS flags in the Mode register can be used in conjunction with the N/S line to select the PMMU that contains the appropriate table. program pages from data pages. One PMMU is associated Example 1. To implement 4096-byte pages, address bit AD11 is not used in the translation process but is used directly as the most Significant bit of the address location within a selected 4096-byte page. This can be achieved by doing the following: (1) set the AD11 input to be equal to the logical OR of the ST3 and AD11 output lines of the VM PU, (2) require that the least significant bit in the logical address field d of each descriptor register be set to 1, and (3) use the logical address bit AD11 output by the VMPU instead of the physical address A11 output by the PM M U. The AD11 input must be 1 during address translation but must equal the AD11 output by the CPU during command cycles to the PMMU; ST 3 is used to distingUish the two types of transactions. Example 2. To implement 1024-byte pages an additional address bit must be translated. Two PMMUs are used. The CE Input is driven by ADlO for one PMMU and its complement, AD10, for the other. DMA OPERATION At the start of a DMA cycle, DMASYNC must go Low whether or not the PMMU is used to translate DMA addresses, to indicate the beginning of a DMA cycle. When DMASYNC has been Low for two cycles, the PMMU assumes that a DMA device has control of the bus. A Low on DMASYNC inhibits the PMMU from using an indeterminate segment number on lines SNo-SNs. When the DMA logical memory address is valid, the DMASYNC line must be High on a rising edge of the clock and then be Low by the next falling clock edge. The PMMU then performs its address translation and access protection functions during the clock period begun in this DMASYNC pulse. Upon the release of the bus at the termination of the DMA cycle, the DMASYNC line must go High. After two clock cycles of DMASYNC High, the PMMU assumes that the VMPU has control of the bus and that subsequent memory references are VMPU accesses. The first memory reference occurs at least two -.., iI iI CHANGING PAGE SIZE The PMMU directly supports pages of 2048 bytes in length. However, the addition of external circuitry enables the PMMU to support systems with larger or smaller pages. The following examples illustrate the technique for changing the supported page size. ien cycles after the VMPU regains control of the bus. During VMPU cycles, DMASYNC should remain High. Refer to the paragraph "Memory Read and Write" and Figure 8 for further information. Direct memory access (DMA) opere.lions can OGGur between instruction cycles and can be handled through the PMMU. The PMMU permits DMA in either the System or Normal mode of operation. For each memory access, the page attributes are checked, and If a violation is detected, Suppress is activated. DMA violations generate a Suppress only on a per-memory-access basis. The DMA device should note the Suppress signal and record sufficient informalion to enable the system to recover from the access violation. Neither a Trap Request nor an Abort Request is ever generated during a DMA operation, therefore warning condllions are not signaled. 585 PMMU COMMANDS The various registers in the PMMU can be read and written using VMPU Special I/O commands. The machine cycles of these commands cause the status lines to indicate that a special input/output operation is in progress. During these machine cycles, the PMMU enters the command mode. In this mode, the rising edge of AS indicates that acommand is present on lines AD a-AD 15 . If this command indicates that data is to be written into one of the PMM U registers, the data is read from lines ADa-AD15 while OS is Low. If the command indicates that data is to be read from one of the PMMU registers, the data is placed on lines ADa-AD15 while OS is Low. There are five commands that read or write various fields in the page descriptor register. The status of the read/write line indicates whether the command is a read or a write. The autoincrementing feature of the Descriptor Address Register (DAR) can be used to block load page descriptors using the repeat forms of the Special I/O instructions. The DAR is autoincremented at the end of the field. The command accessing the entire page descriptor register references the fields in the order of logical address, physical address, and attribute; four bytes are written in succession. Table 1 gives the five commands that are used to write data into descriptor fields. Table 1. Descriptor Field Write Commands Opcode (Hex) Instruction OA Read/Write Attribute field OB Read/Write Descriptor (all fields) OE Read/Write Attribute field; Increment DAR OF Read/Write Descriptor (all fields), increment DAR 15 Reset all Valid Attribute flags Table 2 gives the three commands that are used to read and write the control registers. Table 2. Control Registers' Read/Write Commands Opcode (Hex) Instruction 00 Read/Write Mode register 01 Read/Write Descriptor Address register 20 Read/Write Descriptor Selector Count register The status registers are read-only registers, although the Trap Type Register (TTR) can be reset. Twelve instructions, shown in Table 3, access these registers. Table 3. Status Registers' Access Instructions Opcode (Hex) Instruction 02 Read Trap Type register 03 Read Violation Segment Number register 04 Read Violation Offset (high-byte) register 05 Read Bus Status register 06 Read Instruction Segment Number register 07 Read Instruction Offset (high-byte) register 11 Reset Trap Type register 13 Reset SWW flag In VTR 14 Reset FATL flag In VTR 21 Read Violation Offset (low-byte) register 22 Read Read/Write Data Counter register 23 Read Instruction Offset (low-byte) register USE OF THE PMMU WITH OTHER Z8000CPUs The PMMU is designed to operate in conjunction with the Z8003 VMPU; however, it can also be used with other CPUs in the Z8000 Family. The following examples suggest simple system configurations; more sophisticated arrangements are possible. The Z8004 VM PU generates nonsegmented 16-bit addresses only. The PMMU can be used to implement a paged virtual memory by tying the segment number inputs of the PMMU to 0 and requiring the most significant seven bits of the logical address field to be O. Since the Z8004 VMPU lacks a translation trap request input pin, the nonmaskable (or other interrupt request) pin should be used instead. The PMMU extends the physical addressing capability of the Z8004 without using the segmentation mechanism of the Z8003. This use is similar to the way in which 16-bit 586 minicomputers extend their addressing capability. The Z8001 and Z8002 CPUs do not support the instruction abort mechanism. A page fault for one of these CPUs is, in general, non-recoverable, since during an interrupt, the current instruction runs to completion, possibly overwriting CPU registers. For the non segmented Z8002, this means that all pages that the CPU can access must be in physical memory and appropriate information must be in the PMMU page descriptor registers. For the segmented Z8001, this means that programs must explicitly request segments before accessing them and must free segments after use. It also means that segments are allocated in units of the page size and that limit protection is performed with this granularity. Use of the PMMU with the Z8001 and Z8002 CPUs permits a paged allocation of main memory and extends the physical address capability of the Z8002. PMMUTIMING The PMMU translates addresses and checks for access violations by stepping through sequences of basic clock cycles corresponding to the cycle structure of the VMPU. Timing diagrams that show the relative timing relationships of PMMU signals during the baSIC operations of memory read/write and PMMU control commands are given in this section. Memory Read and Write Memory read and instruction fetch cycles are identical, except for the status information on the STo-ST3 inputs. During a memory read cycle (Figure 8), the 7-blt segment number is input on SNo-SN6 one clock period before the address offset; a High on DMASYNC during T3 Indicates that the segment offset data is valid. The address offsets are placed on the AD o-AD 15 inputs early in the first clock period. Valid address offset data is indicated by the rising edge of AS. Status, mode, and chip enable Information becomes valid early in the memory access cycle and must remain stable throughout. The most significant 16 bits of the address (physical memory location) remain valid until the end of T3. Abort Request, Trap Request, and Suppress are asserted in T2 (Figure 9). Abort Request is asserted for four clock cycles. Trap Request remains Low until trap acknowledge (status = 0100) is received. Suppress is asserted during the current machine cycle and terminates during T3. PMMU Command Cycle During the command cycle of the PMMU (Figure 11), commands are placed on lines ADa-AD15 during T1. The status lines indicate that a Special I/O instruction is In progress, and the CS line enables the appropriate PMMU for that command. Data to be written to a register In the PMMU must be valid on lines AD a-AD 15 late in T2. Data read from the PMMU is placed on lines ADa-AD15 late in the TWA cycle. Input/Output and Refresh Input/output and refresh operations are indicated by codes on status lines STo-ST3' During these operations, the PMMU refrains from any address translation or protection checking. Lines Aa-A23 remain 3-stated during these operations. Reset The PMMU can be reset by either hardware or software mechanisms. A hardware reset occurs on the falling edge of the Reset signal; a software reset is performed by a VMPU special I/O command. A hardware reset clears the Mode register, Trap Type Register, and Descriptor Selection Count register. If the CS line is Low, the Master Enable flag in the Mode register is set to 1. All other registers are undefined. After reset, lines AD o-AD 15 and Aa-A23 are 3-stated. The SUP and ABORT open-drain outputs are not driven. If the Master Enable flag is not set during reset, the PMMU does not respond to subsequent addresses on ItS AD lines. To enable a PMMU after a hardware reset, a PMMU command must be used In conjunction with CS A software reset occurs when the Reset Violation Type Register command is issued. This command clears the Trap Type Register and returns the PMMU to its Initial state (as If no violations or warnings had occurred). Note that the hardware and software resets have different effects. Abort, Trap Request, and Acknowledge The PMMU generates a Trap Request whenever it falls to find a page entry corresponding to the logical address (that is, a page fault), detects an access violation, or detects a write into the lowest 128-byte block of a page with the DIRW flag set (Figure 12). In the case of an access Violation or page fault, the PMMU also activates Suppress and Abort Request. The Suppress Signal IS used by memory to inhibit memory writes. The Trap Request remains Low until a trap acknowledge signal (status = 0100) is received. Violations detected during DMA cycles cause Suppress to be asserted during that cycle only, but no Trap Request is generated. When the PMMU issues a Trap Request, it awaits the indication of a trap acknowledge Subsequent Violations occurring before the trap acknowledge indication is received are detected and appropriately processed. During a Trap Acknowledge cycle, the PMMU drives one of its Address/Data lines; the selection of the line is a function of the identification field of the Mode register. After the Trap Request has been acknowledged by the VMPU, the Violation Status register should be read by a special I/O command in order to determine the cause of the trap. The Trap Type register should be reset s() thal subsequenlliaps are recorded correctly. 587 CLK - TN T, T, T, I I I I N/S. STO-STs SNo-SNa SEGMENT NUMBER \ DON'T CARE / AS-A23 DMASYNC ADDRESS VALID / \ ADs-AD15 MEMORY ADDRESS 1>- - - ( DATA IN ) / R/W / L Figure 8. Memory Read Timing 588 2081-009 T, T, TWA TWA TWA TWA AD ALLOW MORE WAIT STATES T3 T1 aLJL eLK As fr 5 TWA ---v , ~ ~Y:r:C '~ TRAP DEASSERTED ['NTRAPACK \ »" os! \'--------"~/y\~ ____----J..Jrf v '~ ; '-- Figure 9. Abort and Trap Request Timing 208Hl10 589 CLK - TN T, T, T, I I I I N/S, STo-ST3 SEGMENT NUMBER SNo-SNa DON'T CARE / \ , Aa-A23 DMASYNC / \ ADa-AD,. R/W ADDRESS VALID MEMORY ADDRESS / Figure 10. Memory Write Timing 590 DATA OUT L CLOCK - T, T, I I TWA • T, • I I CS STo-STa Nlii Ai ADa-ADlI INPUT - D< - r--------- - - - - - - - - -------- r------- ---- LOW - r\ - D< COMMAND VALID i ~------ DATA IN C Di RlVi ADa-ADlI OUTPUT - -J - - =x \..COMMAND VALID DATA OUT Di r --"\ RIW Figure 11. 1/0 Command Timing 2081-012 591 I__--------------ACK~~~~:DGE - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.....1 ~~~J~~ AUTOMATIC WAIT STATES r~----------~A,----------~, TWA TWA TWA TWA TWA T, Ts CLOCK HIGH STO-ST3 SEGMENT TRAP ACKNOWLEDGE ADo-AD15 ( IDENTIFIER ) '------ Figure 12_ Trap Request and Acknowledge Timing SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS The Z8015 is produced in 54-pin and 58-pin packages; the functions performed by the device's input and/or output pins are shown in Figure 13. Pin/signal name assignments are shown in Figure 14. AS. Address Strobe (input, active low). The rising edge of AS indicates that lines ADo-AD15, STo-ST3, R/iN, CE, and N/S are valid. CEo Chip Enab/e (input, active low). This line selects a As-A23. Address Bus (outputs, active High, 3-state). These PMMU to translate a logical address. address lines are the 15 most significant bits of the physical memory location. ClK. System Clock (input). ClK is a + 5V single-p'hase, ABOiiT. Abort Request (output, active low, open drain). A low on this line indicates MMU requests for an instruction abort. This line is enabled when a page fault or access violation is detected. AOo-A01S. Address/Data Bus (inputs/outputs, active High, 3-state). ADo-AD? are used for addresses and inputs only. They carry the low-order byte in the offset of logical addresses intended for translation. ADs-AD15 are multiplexed address and data lines that are used both forthe eight most significant bits of the logical address and for commands. 592 time-base input used for both the VMPU and PMMU. CS. Chip Select (input, active low). This line selects a PMMU for a control command. OMASVNC. DMAISegment Number Synchronization Strobe (input, active High). A low on this line indicates a DMA access is occurring; a High indicates the segment number is valid. It must be High during VMPU cycles and low when SN lines are 3-stated. OS. Data Strobe (input, active low). This line provides timing for the data transfer between the PMMU and the Z8003VMPU. 2081-013 N/S. Normal/System Mode (input, Low = System mode). N/'S indicates to the PMMU that the VMPU or DMA is in the Normal or System mode. REffi. Reset (input, active Low). A Low on this line resets thePMMU. Riw. Read/Write (input, Low = write). R/W indicates whether the VMPU is reading from or writing to either memory or the PMMU. SNo-SN6. Segment Number (inputs, active High). These lines provide the 7-bit segment number of a logical address. STo-ST 3. Status (inputs, active High). These lines (Table 4) specify the status of the associated VMPU. SliP. Suppress (output, active Low, open-drain). This signal is asserted during the current bus cycle when a page fault or any access violation, except write warning, occurs. TRiP. Tt-ap Request (output, active Low, open-drain). The PMMU interrupts the VMPU with a Low on this line when the PMMU detects a page fault, access violation, or write warning. 0000 0001 0010 001 1 0100 01 01 01 10 o1 1 1 1000 1 001 1 01 0 1011 1 1 00 110 1 1110 1111 Definition Internal operation Memory refresh I/O reference Special I/O reference (for example, to a PMMU) Translation trap acknowledge Nonmaskable interrupt acknowledge Nonvectored interrupt acknowledge Vectored interrupt acknowledge Data memory request Stack memory request Data memory request (External Processing Architecture) Stack memory request (External Processing Architecture) Instruction space access Instruction fetch, first word External Processing Unit-CPU transfer Bus lock, data memory request cs AD14 OMASYNC AD13 CE AS AD12 TRAP os AD10 A" An ADt AD, A" A20 AD, AD, A19 AD, A" A17 NIS RI'Ii SUP NC ABORT ST, RESET NC NC NC A23 ST, A22 ST, A" ST, A20 AD, AD, AD, A" AD, A" AD, A" A" AD_ A" A" A" ClK Vee GNO SN, A" A17 ACiD SN, SN, A" A, A" AD11 SN, A, A" AD12 SN, SN, SUP ADo ZaD1S PMMU PHYSICAL ADDRESS SUPPRESS SNo TRAP ABORT DMASYNC RNi AS ST, Os ST, N/§" ST, CS STo CE .5V GND } STATUS A" AD13 A" AD14 A" AD15 A" AD, A" GNO Vee A_ AD, AD, A, A04 RESERVED AD, SN, AD, SN, AD, SN, ADo SN, SNo SN, SN, REsET Figure 13. Pin Functions 2081-014,015 ST3-STO AD15 ADu ADDRESSI DATA aus Table 4. Status Lines Figure 14a. 64-pin Dual-In-Line (DIP), Pin AsSignments 593 N ... == en ." •• d A23 NC 10 80 11 59 NC NC A22 12 58 ST, A" A20 A19 A18 13 57 ST, 14 56 15 55 53 ADa AD, ClK GND Vee 16 54 17 Za015 Z·PMMU A17 A16 52 AD,o 19 51 AD11 A15 20 50 AD12 A14 A13 A12 All AlO GND 21 49 AD13 22 48 AD14 23 47 AD15 24 46 AD, 25 45 Vee 26 44 NC 18 H~~~~g~M~~D~~~~~~ ",0) ";~Q c.,,~b c.;,~b C:J~~ e:,~":1 C:J~'l-c.,,~"" C:J~~ t;r-Q~ 'lir'Q' ~'" 'tfoQ~ ~b. ~'? 't'Qfo ~--=----" --:----- ---- - ~ --® ~- - MEMORY ACCESS TRAP ACKNOWLEDGE MEMORY ACCESS - TRAP ACKNOWLEDGE ®-I-+ \J. ~. ~ ~ \l. ~ ~ ®- -I ?, A :::::::::::::::~~~~ r----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ , 1~~®f4-; ~ ~ 596 208H)17 ABSOWTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltages on all pins with respect to GND ......................... -O.3Vto + 7.0V Operating Ambient Temperature ..............See Ordering Information Storage Temperature .............. - 65°C to + 150°C Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; operation of the device at any condition above those indicated in the operational sections of these specifications IS not implied Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. The Ordering Information section lists package temperature ranges and product numbers. Package drawings are in the Package Information section. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS The following dc characteristics apply for the given standard test conditions unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into the referenced pin. The type of test circuit used is as follows: +5V • I.... UK Standard conditions are as follows: en +4.75V';;; Vcc';;; +5.25V I • GND = OV • O°C.;;;TA.;;; +70°C DC CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter VCH VCl VIH Vil VOH VOL III IOl IcC Clock Input High Voltage Clock Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Input Leakage Output Leakage Vcc Supply Current 2081·018 Min Max Unit Condition VCC - 0.4 -0.3 2.0 -0.3 2.4 VCC + 0.3 0.45 VCC + 0.3 0.8 V V V V V V IlA IlA mA Driven by External Clock Generator Driven by External Clock Generator 0.4 ±10 ±10 300 IOH = - 25OIlA IOl = +2.0mA 0.4" VIN" + 2.4V 0.4" VIN" + 2.4V 597 ORDERING INFORMATION Z8015 Z-PMMU, 4.0 MHz 64-pin DIP 68-pin PCC Z8015 CS Z8015 VSt Z8015 CE Z8015 VEt Z8015A Z-PMMU, 64-pln DIP Z8015ACS Z8015ACE 6.0 MHz 68-pin PCC Z8015AVSt Z8015AVEt Codes First letter IS for package; second letter is for temperature. C P L V = = = = Ceramic DIP Plastic DIP Ceramic LCC Plastic PCC TEMPERATURE S = O°Cto + 70°C E = -40°C to +85°C M*= -55°Cto +125°C R = Proto pack = Low Profile Protopack T DIP = Dual-In-Line Package LCC = Leadless Chip Carrier PCC = Plastic Chip Carrier (Leaded) FLOW 8 = 883 Class 8 Example' PS is a plastic DIP, O°C to + 70°C. t Available soon * For Military Orders, contact your local Zilog Sales Office for Military Electrical SpeCifications. 598 18000® 18016 I-DTC Direct Memory Access Transfer Controller Zilog Product Specification April 1985 FEATURES • Memory-to-peripheral transfers up to 2.66M bytes per second at 4 MHz. • Memory-to-memory transfers up to 1.33M bytes per second at 4 MHz. • Two fully independent, multi-function channels. • Masked data pattern matching for Search and Transfer-and-Search operations. • Funneling option that permits mixing of byte and word data during transfer operations. • Can operate in logical address space with Zilog Memory Management Units, providing an 8M byte logical addressing range and 16M byte physical addressing range. • Programmable chaining operation provides automatic loading of control parameters from memory into each channel. • Software- or hardware-controlled Wait state insertion. • Z-BUSTM daisy-chain interrupt hierarchy and busrequest structure. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Z8016 DMA Transfer Controller (DTG) is a high performance data transfer device designed to match the power and addressing capability of the Z8000 CPUs. In addition to providing block data transfer capability between memory and peripherals, each of the two DTC channels can perform peripheral-to-peripheral and memory-ta-memory transfers. A special Search mode of operation compares data read from memory or peripherals with the contents of a pattern register. A search can be performed concurrently with transfers or as an operation in itself. I n all operations (Search, Transfer, and Transfer-andSearch), the DTC can operate in either Flowthrough or Flyby transfer mode. In the Flowthrough mode, data is stored temporarily within the DTC on its way from source to destination. In this mode transfers can be made between a word-oriented memory and a byte-oriented .per!pheral through the bidirectional byte/word funneling option. In Flyby mode, data is transferred in a single step (from source to destination), thus providing twice the throughput. The Z8016 DTC takes full advantage of the Z8000 memory management scheme by interfacing directly to the Z8010 Memory Management Unit (MMU) or the Z8015 Paged Memory Management Unit (PMMU). In this configuration, 8M bytes of logical address range are provided for each CPU address space. Alternatively, the Z8016 DTC can operate independently of an MMU directly addressing up to 16M bytes of physical addres~ space. In addition to providing a hardware WAIT input to accommodate different memory or peripheral speeds, the Z8016 DTC allows the user to program the automatic insertion of either zero, one, two, or four Wait states for either source or destination addresses. Alternatively, the WAIT input pin function can be disabled and these software-programmed Wait states used exclusively. The Z8016 DTC minimizes CPU involvement by allowing each channel to load its control registers from memory automatically when a DMA operation is complete. By loading the address of the next block of control parameters as part of this operation, command chaining is accomplished. The only action required of the CPU is to load the address of the control parameter table into the channel's Chain Address register and then issue a Start Chain command. In some DMA applications, data is transferred continuously between the same two locations. To service these repetitive DMA operations, base registers are provided on each channel to reinitialize the current source and destination address registers. This re-initialization eliminates the need for reloading registers from memory tables. 599 i... • 5 The Za016 DTC is directly Z-BUS compatible, and operates within the zaooo daisy-chain vectored-priority interrupt scheme. The Demand Interleave operation allows the DTC to surrender the bus to the external system, or to alternate between internal channels. This capability allows for parallel operations between dual channels or between a DTC channel and the CPU. The DTC can be used to provide a central DMA function SEGMENT NUMBER SNo ADD SN1 AD1 SN2 AD2 SNa AD3 SN4 AD4 SNs ADS SNs ADs AD7 SN7IMMUSYNC ADa STATUS STo AD9 ST1 AD10 ST. Z8018 AD11 ST3 DTC AD1. R/iN AD13 BtW N/S AD1S Cs/wAIT BAI DREQ1, DREQ. BAO DACK1, DACKa EOP AS 58 +5V GND The Za016 DTC is packaged in a 4a-pin DIP and uses a single + 5 V power supply. The Za016 DTC pin functions and assignments are shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. ADDRESSI DATA AD14 BUSREQ for the CPU or to provide dispersed DMA operations in conjunction with a wide variety of zaooo Family peripheral controllers. BAI lEO BUSREQ INT BAO lEI +5V CLK ADD AD1 AS 58 AD. Cs/wAIT AD3 RtW AD4 DACK1 ADs DACK2 ADs EOP AD7 DREQ. ADs DREQ1 AD9 BtW AD10 ST3 AD11 ST. AD1. ST1 AD13 STo AD14 NlS AD1S SNo SNs SN1 INT SNs SN7IMMUSYNC lEI SN4 GND lEO SN3 SN2 CLK Figure 1. Pin Functions Figure 2. 48-pln Dual-in-Line Package (DiP), Pin Assignments SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS ADo-AD15' Address/Data Bus (bidirectional, active High, 3-state) pins 5-20. These multiplexed Address/Data lines are used for all 110 and memory transactions. AS. Address Strobe (bidirectional, active Low, 3-state) pin 44. When the DTC is bus master the rising edge of AS (while DS is High) indicates that addresses are valid. When the DTC is not bus master, the address lines are sampled on the rising edge of AS. There are no timing requirements between AS as an input and the DTC clock, because the Z-BUS does not use a bused clock. If AS and DS are simultaneously Low, the DTC will be reset. 600 BAl. Bus Acknowledge In (input, active Low) pin 1. Signals that the bus has been released for DTC control. In multiple-DTC configurations, the BAI pin of the highest-priority DTC is normally connected to the Bus Acknowledge pin of the CPU. Each lower-priority DTe has its BAI connected to the BAO of the next higherpriority DTC. BAO. Bus Acknowledge Out (output, active Low) pin 3. In a multiple-DMA configuration, this pin signals that no higher-priority DTC has requested the bus. BAI and BAO form a daisy chain for multiple-DTC priority resolution. 2129-001,002 BUSREQ. Bus Request (bidirectional, active Low, opendrain) pin 2. BUSREO is used by the DTC to obtain control of the bus from the CPU. Before driving BUSREO ac· tive, the DTC samples this line to ensure that another request is not already being made by another device. Since the DTC internally synchronizes the sampled BUSREO signal, transitions on BUSREO can be asynchronous with respect to the DTC clock. B/W. Byte/Word (output, 3-state) pin 35. This output indicates the type of data transferred on the Address/Data (ND) bus. A High on this line indicates a byte (8·bit) transfer and a Low indicates a word (16-bit) transfer. This signal is activated when AS goes Low and remains valid for the duration of the transaction. ClK. DTC Clock (input) pin 45. The Clock signal controls internal operations and the rates of data transfer. It is usually derived from a master system clock or an associated CPU clock. When the DTC is used with an MMU, both must be driven from the same clock signal. While many DTC input signals are asynchronous, transitions for other signals (such as WAIT inputs) must meet setup and hold requirements relative to the DTC clock. (See the timing diagrams for details.) CS/WAIT. Chip Select/Wait (input, active Low) pin 42. When the DTC is not in control of the system bus, this pin serves as a Chip Select (CS) input. A CPU or other external device uses CS to activate the DTC for reading and writing the DTC's internal registers. (CS can be held Low for multiple transfers to and from the DTC, provided that AS and DS are enabled for each transfer.) There are no timing requirements between the CS input and the DTC clock; the CS input timing requirements are only defined relative to AS. When the DTC is in control of the system bus, this pin serves as the WAIT input. Slow memories and peripheral devices can use WAIT to extend DS during bus transfers. Unlike the CS input, transitions on the WAIT input must meet certain timing requirements relative to the DTC clock (see the Active State timing diagram for details). The WAIT function can be disabled using a control bit in the Master Mode register, in which case this input is treated as a Chip Select only and is ignored when the DTC is in control of the system bus. DACKlo OACK2. DMA Acknowledge (output, active Low) pins 39 and 40. There is one DMA Acknowledge line associated with each channel. The DACK lines are programmed In the Channel Mode register to be pulsed, held active, or held inactive during DMA transfers. During Flyby operations the DACK line is used for two purposes. It selects the peripheral involved in the transfer, and it provides timing information on when to access the bus. During flowthrough operations the DACK line can be programmed to be active or inactive during a DMA transfer. DACK is not output during chaining operations. OREQ1. OREQ2' DMA Request (input, active Low) pins 36 and 37. There is a DMA Request line associated with each channel. These lines can make transitions indepen· dent of the DTC clock. They are used by external logic to initiate and control DMA operations performed by the DTC. OS. Data Strobe (bidirectional, active Low, 3-state) pin 43. A Low on this signal while AS is High indicates that the ND bus is being used to transfer data. When the CPU is bus master and is transferring information to or from the DTC, DS is a timing input used by the DTC to move data to or from the ND bus. EOP. End of Process (bidirectional, active Low, open· drain, asynchronous) pin 38. This line is output when a Terminal Count (TC) or Match Condition (MC) termination occurs (see Termination section). An external source can terminate a DMA operation in progress by driving EOP Low. EOP always applies to the active channel; if no channel is active, EOP is ignored. The Suppress output of the MMU can be connected to EOP to terminate DMA accesses that violate the MMU protection settings. To provide full access protection, an external EOP is accepted even during chaining. lEI. Interrupt Enable In (input, active High) pin 46. lEI is used with lEO to form an interrupt daisy chain when there is more than one interrupt-driven device. A High lEI indicates that no other higher-priority device has an interrupt under service or is requesting an interrupt. lEO. Interrupt Enable Out (output, active High) pin 48. lEO is High only if lEI is High and the CPU is not servicing an interrupt from the requesting DTC. lEO is connected to the next lower-priority device's lEI input and thus inhibits interrupts from lower-priority devices. INT. Interrupt Request (output, open-drain, active Low) pin 47. This signal is pulled Low when the DTC requests an interrupt. N/S. Normal/System (output, 3·state) pin 30. The N/S signal is activated when the DTC is bus master. The N/S signal indicates which memory space is being accessed by going High for normal memory and Low for system memory. RIW. Read/Write (bidirectional, 3-state, Low = write) pin 41. When the DTC is not bus master, R/W is a status input used to indicate whether data is being read from (High) or written to (Low) the DTC. When the DTC is bus master, R/W is an output used to indicate whether the DTC is reading or writing the addressed location. During Flyby DMA operations, the "Flyby peripheral" (Figure 3) inverts the R/W signal to determine whether it must read or write. 601 i... • 5 SNo-SNe. Segment Number (output, 3-state) pins 21-25 and 28-29. In logical address configuration, these lines provide the segment number field of a 23-bit segmented address. The SNo-SNe 1/0 address information can be used to increase the DTC's logical I/O address space beyond that of the CPU. In physical address configuration, these lines provide bits 23 through 17 of a 24-bit linear address. The 24th bit (MSB) is output on SN7/MMU Sync. SN7 or MMU Sync. Segment Number 7 or MMU Sync (output, 3-state) pin 27. In a logical address space configuration (with MMU), this line outputs an active High pulse prior to each machine cycle. The MMU uses this signal to synchronize access to its translation table and to differentiate between CPU and DTC control. The MMU ignores MMUSYNC if the status lines (STo-ST3) indicate that an 1/0 transaction is being performed. This output is Low when the DTC is not bus master and the MM1 bit in the Master Mode register is set. In a physical address space configuration (without MMU), this line outputs SN7, which becomes the 24th address bit in a linear address space. The 24-bit linear address configuration allows the DTC to access 16M bytes of memory. This pin floats to the high impedance state when the DTC is not bus master and the MM1 bit is cleared. STo-ST3. Status (bidirectional, 3-state) pins 31-34. When the DTC is bus master, these lines are outputs indicating the type of memory or 1/0 transaction being performed. When the DTC is not bus master, the status lines are inputs used to detect Interrupt and Segment Trap Acknowledge cycles (Table 1). Table 1. Status Codes ST1 STo Transaction/Operation 0 0 0 0 o o 1 1 0 0 0 0 Internal Operation Memory Refresh 1/0 Transaction Special 1/0 Transaction Segment Trap Acknowledge Nonmaskable Interrupt Acknowledge Nonvectored Interrupt Acknowledge Vectored Interrupt Acknowledge Memory Transaction for DatalDTC Chaining Memory Transaction for Stack Reserved Reserved Memory Transaction for Program Fetch (Subsequent Word) Memory Transaction for Program Fetch (First Word) Reserved Reserved STa o o o o o o o o 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 o o o o 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Status Code Generated/Decoded Generated Generated Decoded Decoded Decoded Decoded Generated Generated Generated FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Channel Initialization The Z8016 DTC operates with a minimum of interaction with the host CPU. Each channel's operation is determined by the settings of its own set of control registers. Each channel is initialized when the DTC loads its control parameters from memory into its control registers during the chaining operation. To initiate the chaining operation, the CPU is required to program the Master Mode register and each channel's Chain Address register. Then each channel's control registers are automatically loaded by the DTC with control parameters stored in a chain control table in memory, located at the address pointed to by that channel's Chain Address register. Once the channel registers are loaded, the DTC is ready to perform DMA operations. 602 Initiating DMA Operations. DMA operations can be initiated in three ways: • Software Request. The CPU can issue Software Request commands to start DMA operations on a specific channel. This channel must then request control of the bus and perform transfers. • Hardware Request. DMA operations can be started by forcing a channel's DREQ input Low, as described in the Transfer Modes section. • Starting After Chaining. If the Software Request bit of the Channel Mode register is loaded with a 1 during chaining, the channel will perform the programmed DMA operation at the end of chaining. If the channel is programmed for Single Operation or Demand mode, it will perform the operation immediately. The channel will give up the bus after chaining and before the operation if the CPU Interleave bit in the Master Mode register is set. Note that once a channel starts a chaining operation by fetching a reload word, it reo tains bus control at least until all of the registers specified in the reload word have been loaded from memory. Transfers The Z8016 DTC uses three basic types of operation: Transfer, Search, and Transfer·and·Search. During a Transfer operation, the DTC obtains control of the system ND bus from the CPU. Data is read from one addressable port (source) and is written to another ad· dressable port (destination) in words or bytes. This ap· plies to both Flyby and Flowthrough transfers. Flowthrough transfers are used for all combinations of addressable memory and I/O spaces. These transfers use independent double Addressing/Transfer cycles, in which data is stored temporarily in the DTC while being transferred from source to destination (Figure 4). Flowthrough transfers can use the funneling option, which allows mixing of data sizes between source and destination. For example, a byte·oriented peripheral can conveniently supply data to a word· oriented memory. This option requires no added circuitry for either memory or peripherals. Z8016 1/0 OR MEMORY ..e. Flyby transfers use a single addressing/transfer cycle, in which data IS transferred directly from the source to the destination with no intermediate storage (Figure 3). This method of transfer provides higher throughput than Flowthrough transfers but cannot be used for memory· to· memory transfer. DACK DTC ~ JIf. ::... DATA- """-7 ""= i FLYBY PERIPHERAL (e.g., FlO) JIf."j::... MEMORY ADDRESS- ..7 ,... ""= Figure 3. Configuration of a Flyby Transaction Z8016 DTC PERIPHERAL OR MEMORY I TEMPORARY REGISTER ... ~":.... ';I" """ 1 I PERIPHERAL OR MEMORY j:>.. ......... ~ """....7 """.7 2 } . , , , ' " BUS I Figure 4. Configuration of a Flowthrough Transaction ) 2129'003.004 I... • 603 During a Search operation, data is read from the source port and compared byte-by-byte with a pattern register containing a programmable match byte. The Search operation can be programmed to stop either when the read data matches (Stop-on-Match) or when it fails to match the masked pattern (Stop-on-No-Match). For word reads, the Channel Mode register can be used to select either 8- or 16-bit compares. Transfer-and-Search operations combine the transfer and search functions to facilitate the transfer of variablelength data blocks. While data is being transferred between two ports, a simultaneous search is made for a bit-maskable byte match. Transfer-and-Search can be performed in either Flowthrough or Flyby mode. A Flyby Transfer-and-Search can be used to increase throughput for transfers between peripherals or between memory and a peripheral; it cannot be used for memoryto-memory transfers. Transfer Modes_ The Z8016 DTC operates in either of two transfer modes: Single or Demand. The Demand mode is further divided into the Demand Dedicated with Bus Hold, Demand Dedicated with Bus Release, and Demand Interleave modes. The Single mode is used with peripherals that transfer single bytes or words at irregular intervals. Each Software Request command causes the channel to perform a single DMA operation and each application of a Highto-Low transition on the DREQ Input also initiates a DMA operation. Each time a Single mode DMA operation ends, the channel relinquishes the bus unless a new transition has occurred on DREQ. In the Demand mode, when the DREQ input is active, transfer cycles are executed repeatedly until the transfer is completed. In the Demand Dedicated with Bus Hold mode, the active channel retains control of the bus until the transfer is complete, even after the DREQ input has gone inactive. In the Demand Dedicated with Bus Release mode, the active channel releases control of the bus when the DREQ input goes inactive. When the DREQ input becomes active again, control of the bus is re-acquired and the transfer operation continues. The Demand Interleave mode has two options, programmable in the Master Mode register bit MM2. If MM2 is set, the DTC relinquishes and re-requests bus control after every DMA operation. This permits the CPU and other devices to gain bus control. If both channels receive active DREQ inputs, each 604 channel relinquishes control to the CPU after each operation. In the second option (MM2 is 0), control can pass from one channel to the other without requiring the DTC to release bus control. If both channels receive active DREQ inputs, control alternates between channels and the DTC retains bus control until all channel operations are complete. Wait States_ The Z8016 DTC can insert Wait cycles into the DMA Transaction cycle under hardware or software control. The CSIWAIT input can be multiplexed to function as a Chip Select for the DTC when it does not have control of the bus, and as a WAIT input when the DTC is the bus controller. Multiplexing CS and WAIT requires external logic, but the DTC can be programmed to insert Wait states automatically without external logic when accessing either 1/0 or memory addresses. Either zero, one, two, or four Wait states can be added. Wait states can be programmed separately for the Current Address registers and for the Chain Address register. Programmable Wait cycle insertion allows memories and peripherals of different speeds to be associated with 1/0 and memory addresses. Interrupts. On the Z8016 DTC, each channel is an interrupt source and has its own vector register for identifying the source of the interrupt during a CPU/DTC Interrupt Acknowledge transaction. An interrupt can result from a Match Condition (MG), End-Of-Process (EOP), or Terminal Count (TC) on either channel. The user selects the action to be performed by setting bits in the Channel Mode register. Three bits in each channel's Status register control interrupts. These are the Channel Interrupt Enable (CIE) bit, the Interrupt Pending (IP) bit, and the Interrupt Under Service (IUS) bit. Devices connected to any of the CPU's three interrupt inputs resolve priority conflicts with an interrupt daisy chain, as shown in Figure 5. The daisy chain has two functions. During an Interrupt Acknowledge transaction, it determines which interrupt source is being acknowledged. At all other times, it determines which interrupt sources can initiate an interrupt request. The Z8016 DTC has an interrupt queuing capability, which includes a two-deep interrupt queue on each channel. This allows the DTC to continue normal operation between the time an interrupt is issued and the time the Interrupt Acknowledge is received. +SV VI NVI NMI CPU TV INT lEI INT INT lEO lEO lEI lEI lEO TO LOWER DEVICES STO-ST3 I DTC t.. r- .~ DECODE PERIPHERAL PERIPH.RAL INTACK ~ STo ST3 I... • i1iACK ~ NVIACK i f>"'- N11ifiACi< Figure 5. Interrupt Daisy Chain Termination DMA operations can end in one of the following three ways: • A Terminal Count (TC) termination occurs when a channel's Current Operation Count register goes to O. • An End·of·Process (EOP) termination occurs when the DTC'S EOP pin is driven Low by external logic. • A Match Condition (MC) termination occurs when data being Searched or Transferred·and·Searched meets the match condition programmed In the Channel Mode register. MEMORY MANAGEMENT The DTC can be configured to operate In physical ad· dress space or logical address space. When the DTC is operated in logical address space, the segment and off· set portions of the address registers combine to form 23-blt logical addresses. In conjunction with a CPU, DMA operations can be handled through the Za010 MMU or the Za015 PMMU. MMUs offer dynamic segment reloca· tion, segment protection, and other memory manage· ment features. 2129·005 In the physical address space configuration, the seg· ment and offset portions of the DTC's address registers are combined with the SN7 output to form a single 24-bit linear address. The extended I/O addressing capability of the DTC can be used to increase the DTC's physical 1/0 address space beyond that of the CPU. Figure 6 iI· lustrates various DTC configuration options with the CPUs and MMUs. zaooo 605 DTC WITH Z800113 (SEGMENTED) CPU Z8018 Z800113 CPU DTC 1-16-1 I OFFSET I DTC WITH Z800214 (NONSEGMENTED) CPU Z8018 Z800214 CPU DTC 1-16-1 I OFFSET I DTC WITH Z800113 (SEGMENTED) CPU AND MMU Z8001l3 Z8018 CPU DTC II SEG I 1-16-1 OFFSET 1j.·---24'---·~1 LINEAR ADDRESS Figure 6. DTC Configurations 606 2129-006 INTERNAL STRUCTURE The internal structure of the Z8016 DTC includes driver and receiver circuitry for interfacing with Zilog's Z-BUS. The DTC's internal bus interfaces with the Z-BUS and services all internal logic and registers, as illustrated in the DTC block diagram (Figure 7). EXTERNAL BUS CHANNEL 1 REGISTERS CHANNEL 2 REGISTERS INTERNAL BUS MASTER MODE I... • COMMAND CHAIN CONTROL CONTROL LOGIC i INTERFACE TO PERIPHERALS TEMPORARY Figure 7. Dle Block Diagram REGISTER DESCRIPTION The DTC contains chip· level control reg'isters as well as channel· level registers that are duplicated for each channel. Registers on the DTC that can be read by the CPU are either fast- or slow· readable. CPU 1/0 instructions can read fast· readable registers without Wait states. Slow-readable registers can be read by the CPU only if Wait states are inserted. This requires external logic to generate and time the application of Low signals on the CPUs WAIT input if the slow-readable registers are to be read. Logical/Physical Address Space (LPA). The setting of this bit determines how the system will view the segment and offset portions of the Current ARA and ARB registers. When LPA is set to 1 (Logical Address Space), the segment and offset portions of the Current ARA and ARB registers are treated as separate portions of the ad· dress. The 16·bit offset portion of the address will appear on pins ADo-AD15 when AS is Low. The 7·bit segment number appears on pins SNo-SNs for the duration of the transaction. Master Mode Register. This register selects the way in which the DTC interfaces to the system. The following descriptions indicate how the individual bits in the Master Mode register are used. The Master Mode register is fast· readable. When this bit is set to 0 (Physical Address Space), the segment and offset portions of the Current ARA and ARB registers are treated as a single address and all eight segment bits in the register are used. Both the 1/0 and the memory addresses in Physical Memory Space are generated by loading the offset portion of the Current Address register onto the ADo-AD15 bus and the segment portion of that register onto the SNo-SN7 bus. (I n con· junction with the nonsegmented Z8000 CPUs, either Logical or Physical Address Space setting may be used.) Chip Enable (CE). The setting of this bit enables the DTC to request the bus, perform DMA operations and reload registers. Wait Line Enable (WLE). This bit is set to enable sampling of the CS/WAIT line during memory and 110 transactions. Control Registers The four control registers direct the functioning of the DTC. (Figure 8.) 2129·007 607 Disable Lower Chain (OLC). This bit is set to inhibit all lower priority devices on the interrupt daisy chain. While OLe is 0, the OTC generates Low and High signals on the lEO output in response to lEI. No Vector on Interrupt (NVI). This bit determines whether the OTC channel or a peripheral returns a vector during Interrupt Acknowledge cycles. While the bit is cleared, a channel receiving an Interrupt Acknowledge will drive the contents of its Interrupt Save register onto the NO bus while OS is Low. While this bit is set, interrupts are serviced in an identical manner, but the A/O bus remains in a high impedance state throughout the Acknowledge cycle. COMMAND REGISTER MASTER MODE REGISTER -.---r- ~ L CHANNEL 2/CHANNEL 1 ~~ CHIP ENABLE L...= LOGICAL/PHYSICAL ADDRESS SPACE CPU INTERLEAVE ENABLE INTERRUPT UNDER SERVICE INTERRUPT ENABLE WAIT LINE ENABLE DISABLE LOWER CHAIN NO VECTOR ON INTERRUPT I.. ~~ ~~ ~~ 1 1 '-~ 0 0 0 RESET 0 0 1 INTERRUPT CONTR OL 0 1 0 SOFTWARE REQUEST 0 1 1 FLIP BIT NVI ACKNOWLEDGE 1 0 0 HARDWARE MASK Vi ACKNOWLEDGE 1 0 1 START CHAIN I.. NMI ACKNOWLEDGE SEGMENT TRAP ACKNOWLEDGE SET/CLEAR INTERRUPT PENDING 1 1 0 NOT RECOGNIZED 1 1 1 NOT RECOGNIZED CHAIN CONTROL REGISTER (CHAIN LOADABLE ONLy) (WRITE ONLy) I091 Dal 071 061 Os I041 031 02 I01 IDo I [II~ I L '""..,"'''. WO,"" CHANNEL MODE (2 WORDS) INTERRUPT VECTOR (1 WORD) PATTERN AND MASK (2 WORDS) BASE OP·COUNT (1 WORD) ' - - - - - - - - - BASE ARB (2 WORDS) L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BASE ARA (2 WORDS) L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CURRENT OP·COUNT (1 WORD) L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CURRENT ARB (2 WORDS) L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CURRENT ARA (2 WORDS) TEMPORARY REGISTER Figure 8. Control Registers 608 2129-008 Interrupt Acknowledge Field (two bits). This field is used to select the type of Interrupt Acknowledge cycle the OTC is to respond to. The setting of this field must correspond to the IEIIIEO daisy chain on which the OTC is located. The OTC can respond to Nonmaskable Interrupt (NMI), Nonvectored Interrupt (NVI), or Segment Trap Acknowledge cycles. CPU Interleave Enable. When this bit is set, interleaving of bus use between the CPU and the OTC is enabled. Chain Control Register. This 16-bit register specifies which registers are to be loaded from memory during a chaining operation. The Chain Control register is loaded from the memory location pointed to by the Chain Address register. The Chain Control register is chain loadable only and cannot be accessed by the CPU. Command Register. The Command register is an 8-bit write-only register written to by the host CPU to execute commands. The Command register Is loaded from the data on AOrAOo; the data on A01s-AOa is disregarded. Temporary Register. This 16-bit register is used to hold data during Flowthrough transfers, Search operations, and Transfer-and-Search operations. The Temporary register cannot be written or read by the CPU. Channel·Level Registers Each of the OTC's two channels has a complete set of channel-level registers. This set consists of both General-Purpose and Special-Purpose registers, as illustrated in Figure 9. The General-Purpose registers are commonly found on OMA devices and can be read or written by the CPU. The Special-Purpose registers provide additional features specific to the Z8016 OTC. General·Purpose Registers. The General-Purpose register set on each channel consists of the Current Address registers A and B, the Base Address registers A and B, the Base and Current Operation Count registers, and the Channel Mode register (Figure 10). CUllent and Base Address Registers A and B. The Current Address registers A and B are used to point to the source and destination lor OMA operations. The contents 01 the Base Address registers A and Bare translerred into the Cu rrent Address registers A and B at the end of a OMA operation if the user enables base-lo-current reloading in the Completion field of the Channel Mode register. The base-to-current reload operation facilitates repetitive OMA operations without the multiple memory accesses required by chaining. Each of the Base and Current Address registers A and B consist of two words. The first word contains a 7 -bit Tag field and an 8-bit Segment Number field. The second word contains a 16-bit offset. The use of the Tag field is described below. The use of the Segment Number field depends upon the setting of the LPA bit in the Master Mode register. The Base and Current Address registers are fast-readable and can be loaded by chaining. Programmable Wait Field. This field allows the insertion of zero, one, two, or four Wait states into memory or 1/0 accesses addressed by the offset and segment fields. Address Control Field. At the end of each iteration of a OMA operation, the address can be incremented, decremented, or left unchanged. Memory addresses are changed by one if the address points to a byte operand or by two if the address points to a word operand. Address Reference Field. This portion of the Tag field is used to select whether the address pertains to memory space or 1/0 space. The N/S output line is always Low (indicating System) lor 1/0 space but can be either High (Normal) or Low (System) for memory space. CUllent and Base Operation Count Registers. The 16-bit Current Operation Count register specifies the number of words or bytes to be transferred, searched, or translerred-and-searched. For word-to-word operations and byte-word funneling, this register must be programmed with the number of words to be transferred or searched. The Base Operation Count register reinitializes the current source and destination in the Current Operation Count register. Each time data is transferred or searched, the Current Operation Count register is decremented by one. Once all of the data is transferred or searched, the Current Operation Count register will contain zero. If the transfer on search stops belore the Current Operation Count register reaches zero, the contents of the register indicate the number of bytes or words remaining to be transferred or searched. This allows a channel to be restarted from where it lelt off without requiring reloading of the Current Operation Count register. The Current and Base Operation Count registers are slowreadable and can be loaded by chaining. Channel Mode Register. This register selects the type of OMA operation the channel is to perform, how the operation is to be executed, and what action is to be taken when the operation finishes. The Channel Mode register is slow-readable and can be loaded by chaining. Data Operation and Transfer Type Field. These fields are used to select the type of operation the channel is to perform along with the operand size. The specific codes are listed in Tables 2 and 3. The Flip bit is used to select which of the Current Address Registers A (ARA), or B (ARB), points to the source and which points to the destination address. 609 I... • i DTCINTERNAL BUS CURRENT ADDRESS REGISTER A CURRENT OPERATION COUNT REGISTER BASE ADDRESS REGISTER A BASE OPERATION COUNT REGISTER CURRENT ADDRESS REGISTER B CHANNEL MODE REGISTER BASE ADDRESS REGISTER B GENERAL.PURPOSE CHANNEL REGISTERS DTCINTERNAL BUS SPECIAL·PURPOSE CHANNEL REGISTERS Figure 9. Channel·Level Reglstera 610 2129·009 BASE AND CURRENT ADDRESS REGISTERS A AND B 15 8 7 6 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 3 2 1 :rA~ SEGMENT I" o 1 WAIT STATES 1 WAIT STATE 1 0 2 WAIT STATES 1 0 0 ""0 r-;- -1 I-- 1 4 WAIT STATES INCREMEN T ADDRESS DECREME NT ADDRESS X HOLD ADD RESS -'-- 0 0 0 SYSTEM DATA ME MORY 0 0 1 SYSTEM STACK M EMORY 0 1 0 SYSTEM PROGRA M MEMORY 0 1 1 1/0 1 0 0 NORMAL DATA ME MORY 1 0 1 NORMAL STACK MEMORY 1 1 0 NORMALPROGRAM MEMORY 1 1 1 SPECIAL I/O I... • i OFFSET BASE AND CURRENT OPERATION COUNT REGISTERS CHANNEL MODE REGISTER 1041 031 021 0, 1Do I II I L .'''"'O~" "'CO PULSED DACK HARDWARE REQUEST MASK SOFTWARE REQUEST CHAIN { ENABLE ;~gJJ~~ EOP B TO C { TC RELOAD MC ENABLE EOP------------~ L-______________ TRANSFER TYPE FIELD TC INTERRUPT { ENABLE MC------------------~ EOP--------------------~ Figure 10. General·Purpose Channel Registers 2129-010 611 Table 2. Data Operation Field Operand Size CodelOperation ARA Transaction Type ARB Transfer 0001 100X 0000 0011 0010 Byte Byte Word Byte Word Byte Word Word Byte Word Flowthrough Flowthrough Flowthrough Flyby Flyby Transfer·and·Search 0101 110X 0100 0111 0110 Byte Byte Word Byte Word Byte Word Word Byte Word Flowthrough Flowthrough Flowthrough Flyby Flyby Byte Word N/A N/A Search 1111 1110 Byte Word 101X Illegal Completion Field. This field is used to program the ac· tion taken by the channel at the end of a DMA operation. When a DMA operation ends, the channel can perform any combination of the following options: • Interrupt the CPU (Interrupt Enable field) • Base·to·Current reload (B to C Reload field) • Chain reload the next DMA operation (Chain Enable field) The options are performed according to the bits set in the Interrupt Enable, B to C Reload, and Chain Enable fields for each type of termination that occurs; the NAC bit in the Status register is automatically set on comple· tion of a DMA operation. Match Control Field. This 2-bit field determines whether matches use an 8-bit or 16-bit pattern and whether the channel is to Stop-On-Match or Stop·On-No-Match. The specific codes for the Match Control field are listed in Table 3. Table 3. Transfer Type Field and Match Control Field Code Transfer Type 00 01 10 Single Transfer Demand Dedicated/Bus Hold Demand Dedicated/Bus Release 11 612 Demand Interleave Match Control Stop on No Match Stop on No Match Stop on Word Match Stop on Byte Match Pulse DACK (PD). This bit determines when the DACK line is active. While cleared, the channel's DACK line is active whenever the channel is performing a DMA operation, regardless of the type of transaction. While the PD bit is set, the DACK pin is inactive during chaining, Flowthrough Transfers, Flowthrough Transfer-and· Searches, and Searches. DACK is pulsed active during Flyby Transfers and Flyby Transfer-and-Searches at the time necessary to strobe data into, or out of, the Flyby peripheral. Hardware Request Mask (HRM). If this bit is set, a DMA operation can be started by applying a low on the channel's DREQ input. Software Request (SR). If this bit is set during chaining, the channel performs the programmed DMA operation at the end of the chaining operation. Special Purpose Registers. The Special-Purpose registers on each channel are the Pattern and Mask registers, the Status register, the Interrupt Vector register, the Interrupt Save registers, and the Chain Address register (Figure 11). Pattern and Mask Registers. These registers are used in Search and Transfer-and-Search operations. The Pattern register contains the pattern that the read data is compared to. The Mask register allows the user to exclude or mask selected Temporary register bits from comparison by setting the corresponding Mask register bit to 1. The Pattern and Mask registers are slowreadable and can be loaded by chaining. Status Register. The Status register on each channel reports the status of that channel. The functions of the individual bits are indicated in the following field descriptions. The Status register is fast- readable. Completion Status Field. Three bits indicate whether the DMA operation ended as a result of TC, MC, or EOP. The TC bit is set if the Operation Count (reaching zero) ends the DMA operation. The MC bit is set if a pattern match termination occurs. The EOP bit is set when an EOP termination ends a DMA transfer. The appropriate combination of the TC, MC, and EOP bits is set if multiple reasons exist for ending a DMA operation. The Match Condition High byte (MCH) and Match Condition low byte (MCl) bits report the match states of the upper and lower comparator bytes of the last word transferred. The MCH and MCl bits are updated with each transfer. These bits are set when the associated comparator bytes are matched, regardless of whether Stop-onMatch or Stop-on-no-Match is programmed. Hardware Interface Status Field. The Hardware Request (HRQ) bit provides a means of monitoring the channel's DREQ input line. While DREQ is low, the HRQ bit is set. While the Hardware Mask (HM) bit is set, the DTC is prevented from responding to a low on the DREQ line. However, the HRQ bit always reports the status of DREQ regardless of the status of the HM bit. OTC Status Field. This field reports the current channel status to the CPU. The "channel initialized and waiting for request" status is implicitly indicated if bits ST12 through STg are clear. rupt Acknowledge transaction is in progress. When an interrupt source has an Interrupt Under Service (IUS 1), all lower priority interrupt sources are prevented from requesting interrupts. Second Interrupt Pending (SIP). When a second interrupt is to be issued before the first interrupt is acknowledged, this bit is set and the channel relinquishes the bus until an Acknowledge occurs. Interrupt Vector and Interrupt Save Registers. The 8-bit Interrupt Vector register contains the vector or identifier to be output during an Interrupt Acknowledge cycle. When an interrupt occurs, the contents of the Interrupt Vector register and bits STg-ST15 of the Status register are stored in the 16-bit Interrupt Save register. Because the vector and status are stored, a new vector can be loaded during chaining and a new DMA operation can be performed before an Interrupt Acknowledge cycle occurs. If another interrupt occurs on the channel before the first is acknowledged, further channel activity is suspended. When a clear IP command is issued, the status and vector for the second interrupt are loaded into the Interrupt Save register and channel operation resumes. The DTC can retain only two interrupts for each channel. The Interrupt Save register is fastreadable. Waiting for Bus (WFB). This bit is set when the channel is waiting for bus control to perform a DMA operation. No Auto-Reload or Chaining (NAC). This bit is set under the following conditions: • A channel completes a DMA operation and neither Base-to-Current reloading nor auto-chaining is enabled. • A channel is issued an EOP during chaining. • A Reset is issued to the DTC. Chaining Abort (CA). This bit is set when a channel is issued an EOP during chaining or a Reset is issued to the DTC. The Chain Abort (CA) bit holds the No Auto-Reload or Chaining (NAC) bit in the set state until the EOP bit is cleared. The CA bit is cleared when a new Chain Address Segment and Tag word or Offset word is loaded into the channel. Interrupt Status Field. The Channel Interrupt Enable (CIE), Interrupt Pending (IP), and Interrupt Under Service (IUS) bits are used to control the way a channel generates an interrupt. An interrupt source with its IP bit set makes an interrupt request if all of the following conditions are met: Interrupts are enabled, (CIE bit = 1), there is no Interrupt Under Service (IUS bit = 0), no higher priority interrupt is being serviced, and no Inter- = Chain Address Register. This register points to the chain control table in memory containing data to be loaded into the channel's registers. The Chain Address register consists of two words (Figure 11). The first word consists of a Segment and Tag field. The second word contains the 16-bit offset portion of the memory address. Bit 15 in the Segment field is ignored when the DTC is configured for logical address space (LPA 1). The Tag field contains two bits used to designate the number of Wait states to be inserted during accesses to the Chain Control table. The Chain Address register is fastreadable and is loadable by chaining. = Table 4 provides a list of register addresses. 613 STATUS REGISTER 1015101410131012101110101 Dg I 081 071 Dsl 051 041 0 31 0 21 01 I 00 1 INTERRUPT { STATUS DTC STATUS ~~: I I EOP TC } MC IP {N~~ COMPLETION STATUS MCl MCH HRQ} HARDWARE WFB INTERFACE SIP HM STATUS RESERVEO RESERVED INTERRUPT SAVE REGISTER 1015101.10131012101110101 osl II Dsl Or! Dsl 051 0.1 031 021 011 OoJ I I VECTOR CHANNEL NUMBER 0= CH1 1 = CH2 TC EOP MC CHAIN ABORTED MCl MCH HAROWARE REQUEST CHAIN ADDRESS REGISTER 8 7 15 14 SEGMENT 0 0 o WAIT STATES 0 1 1 WAIT STATES 1 0 2 WAIT STATES 1 1 4 WAIT STATES THIS BIT IS FOR PHYSICAL AOORESS ONLY OFFSET PATTERN AND MASK REGISTERS INTERRUPT VECTOR REGISTER I INTERRUPT VECTOR Figure 11. Special. Purpose Channel Registers 614 2129-{)11 Table 4. Register Address Summary Address (A Dr-ADO> XOlll00X X010lllX X010110X (Hex) 38 2E 2C Control Registers Master Mode Command Channel 1 Command Channel 2 General·Purpose Channel Registers XOOll01X XOO0101X X001100X XOO0100X X001001X XOOOO01X X001000X XOOOOOOX XO 01111 X XOOOlllX X001110X XOOOll0X X001011X XOOOOllX X001010X XOOO010X X011001X XOll000X X011011X X011010X lA OA 18 08 12 02 10 00 lE OE 1C OC 16 06 14 04 32 30 36 34 Current Address Register A·Channel 1, SegmentlTag Current Address Register A·Channel 1, Offset Current Address Register A·Channel 2, Segment/Tag Current Address Register A·Channel 2, Offset Current Address Register 8·Channel 1, SegmentlTag Current Address Register B·Channel 1, Offset Current Address Register B·Channel 2, Segment/Tag Current Address Register B·Channel 2, Offset Base Address Register A·Channel 1, SegmentlTag Base Address Register A·Channel 1, Offset Base Address Register A·Channel 2, SegmentlTag Base Address Register A·Channel 2, Offset Base Address Register B·Channel 1, SegmentlTag Base Address Register B·Channel 1, Offset Base Address Register B·Channel 2, Segment/Tag Base Address Register B·Channel 2, Offset Current Operation Count Channell Current Operation Count Channel 2 Base Operation Count Channell Base OperatIOn Count Channel 2 I.... • 5 Special· Purpose Channel Registers Xl00101X Xl00l00X Xl00111X Xl00ll0X XO 10111 X X010ll0X X010l01X X010100X X101101X Xl0ll00X X010011X X010001X X010010X X010000X Xl 01011 X Xl0l001X Xl0l0l0X Xl0l000X NOTE: X 4A 48 4E 4C 2E 2C 2A 28 5A 58 26 22 24 20 56 52 54 50 Pattern Channell Pattern Channel 2 Mask Channel 1 Mask Channel 2 Status Channel 1 Status Channel 2 Interrupt Save Channell Interrupt Save Channel 2 Interrupt Vector Channell Interrupt Vector Channel 2 Chain Address, Channel 1 SegmentlTag Chain Address, Channel 4 Offset Chain Address, Channel 2 SegmentlTag Chain Address, Channel 2 Offset Channel Mode Channel 1 High Channel Mode Channel 1 Low Channel Mode Channel 2 High Channel Mode Channel 2 Low = Ignored. 615 ADDRESSING The address generated by the DTC is always a byte address, even though the memory is organized as 16-bit words. All word-sized data is word-aligned and must be addressed by even addresses (Ao 0). With byte transfers, the least significant address bit determines which half of the ND bus is used for the transfer. An = even address specifies the most significant byte (ADs-AD1S), and an odd address specifies the least Significant byte (ADo-AD7). This addressing mechanism applies to memory accesses as well as to 1/0 and Special 1/0 accesses. COMMANDS The Z8016 DTC responds to several commands that give the CPU direct control over operating parameters. The commands described below are executed immediately after being written by the CPU into the DTC's Command register. A summary of the DTC commands is given in Table 5. Software Request Reset The SeUClear Hardware Mask command sets or clears the Hardware Mask bit in the selected channel's Mode register. The Reset command forces the DTC into an idle state, in which it waits for a Start Chain command. The Start Chain command initiates a chain operation on either channel. A channel's Software Request command initiates a previously programmed transfer. If both channels are active, Channel 1 has priority. Set/Clear Hardware Mask Table 5. OTC Command Summary Command Reset Start Chain Channell Start Chain Channel 2 OOOX 101X 101X xxxx XXXO XXXI AO Clear Software Request Channel 1 Clear Software Request Channel 2 Set Software Request Channel 1 Set Software Request Channel 2 010X 010X 010X 010X XXOO XXOI XX10 XX11 40 41 42 Clear Hardware Mask Channell Clear Hardware Mask Channel 2 Set Hardware Mask Channel 1 Set Hardware Mask Channel 2 100X 100X 100X 100X XXOO XXOI XX10 XXII 80 Clear CIE, IUS, IP Channell Clear CIE, IUS, IP Channel 2 Set CIE, IUS, IP Channel 1 Set CIE, IUS, IP Channel 2 001E 001E 001E 001E SPOO SPOI SP10 SP11 Clear Flip Bit Channel 1 Clear Flip Bit Channel 2 Set Flip Bit Channel 1 Set Flip Bit Channel 2 011X 011X 011X 011X XXOO XXOI XX10 XXII • NOTES: 1. 2 3 4. S 616 Example Code (HEX) Opcode Bits 7654 3210 = 00 AI 43 81 82 83 60 61 62 63 E Set to 1 to perform set/clear on CIE, Clear to 0 for no effect on CIE. 5 Set to 1 to perform set/clear on IUS, Clear to 0 for no effect on IUS. P Set to 1 to perform set/clear on IP. Clear to 0 for no effect on IP. X = "don't care" bit ThiS bit IS not decoded and may be 0 or 1. Flip bit = reset to 0 for ARA = src, ARB = dst Set to 1 for ARA = dst, ARB = src. = = Set/Clear IP, IUS, and CIE Set/Clear Flip Bit The Set/Clear IP, IUS, and CIE commands manipulate the Interrupt Control bits located in each channel's Status register. These bits implement the interrupt daisychain control. The IP, IUS, and CIE bits for each channel can be set and cleared individually or in combination. The Set/Clear Flip Bit command reverses the source and destination, thereby reversing the direction of data transfer without reprogramming the channel. TIMING The following descriptions and timing diagrams refer to the relative timing relationships of DTC signals during basic operations. For exact timing information, refer to the composite timing diagrams. Bus Request And Acknowledge Before the DTC can perform a DMA operation, it must gain control of the system bus. The BUSREO, BAI, and BAO interface pins provide connections between the DTC and the host CPU and other DMA devices to arbitrate which device has control of the system bus. When the DTC wants to gain bus control, it drives BUSREO Low. Bus Request and Acknowledge timing is shown in Figure 12. Flowthrough Transactions Timing for Flowthrough 1/0 and Flowthrough Memory transactions (Figures 13 and 14, respectively) is identical. There are two types of 1/0 space on the Z8016: I/O and Special 1/0. Status lines STo-ST3 specify when an 1/0 operation is being performed and which of the two 1/0 spaces is being accessed. During an 1/0 transaction, status signal N/S will be Low to indicate a System Level operation. The timing for 1/0 operations is identical to the timing of Flowthrough memory transactions. An 1/0 cycle consists of three states: T1, T2, and T3. The TWA state is a Wait state that can be inserted into the transaction cycle. The AS output is pulsed Low to mark the beginning of a T-cycle. The N/S line is set Low (System) and the R/W and B/W lines select Read or Write operations for bytes or words. The N/S, R/W and B/W lines become stable during T1 and remain stable until the end of T3. 1/0 address space is byte-addressed but both 8- and 16-bit data sizes are supported. During 1/0 transactions, the B/W output is High for byte transactions and Low for word transactions. The R/W output is High during Read operations and Low during Write operations. DS is driven Low to signal the peripherals that data can be gated onto, or received from, the bus. DS is driven High to signal the end of the 1/0 transaction. CLOCK DREQ~ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~H~_ _-J/r--~:'~'----- ~------------~h~------~f~ f\\ BAI os: R/W I CPU B/W,N'S: (SNo-SNs)* ADo~AD16 { CPu (SNo-SNll * * MMUSYNC· // ~.• BUSREQ STo-ST" All : L _DTC__-,~' >--------------~r------+iLJr----~-~--~~------~-,l DS,R/W,. r~ B/W,Nis CPU ; OTe I)---~~ 1\-----1' 1\--1'1-----+-1 (SNo-SN,I' ----------~) ~~~--s~~~ ~ _____________~),~ J;-I CPU -® ~~-------L~ Ole .,.- 7 'I MMUSYNC* ----------~~~/~--------7; ®-- f - - ~"'®r __-o_______ , ,~·------------~)~r~--------- * For logical addressmg only *'For phYSical addressing only Note 1 The DTC will begin drIVing the bus on the clock cycle following the clock cycle 626 In ,which the set-up parameters are met. 2129-021,022 AC CHARACTERISTICSt Timing for OTC as Bus Slave and CPU-OTC Bus Exchange 4MHz Max Min 6MHz Max Number Symbol Parameters 64 TwDRQ DREQ Pulse Width (Single Transfer Mode) 20 20 65 TsDRQ(C) DREQ Valid to Clock t Setup Time 60 50 66 ThDRQ(C) Clock t to DREQ Valid Hold Time 20 67 TdC(BRQf) Clock t to BUSREQ • Delay 150 120 68 TdC(BRQr) Clock. to BUSREQ t Delay 165 150 69 TdBRQ(BUSc) BUSREQ t to Control Bus Float Delay 140 110 70 TdBRQ(BUSd) BUSREQ t to AD Bus Float Delay 140 110 71 TdDSA(RDV) OS. (Acknowledge) to Data Output Valid Delay 135 120 72 TdDSA(RDZ) OS t (Acknowledge) to Data Output Float Delay 80 75 73 TdDSR(DOD) OS. (lOR) to Data Output Driven Delay 135 120 74 TdDSR(RDZ) OS t (lOR) to Data Output Float Delay 75 TwAS AS Low Width 70 50 76 TsA(AS) Address Valid to AS t Setup Time 30 10 77 ThAS(Av) AS t to Address Valid Hold Time 50 40 78 TdAS(DS) AS t to OS • Delay (1/0) 50 40 79 TsCS(AS) CS Valid to AS t Setup Time 80 ThCS(AS) AS t to CS Valid Hold Time Min 20 80 75 0 0 40 30 3TcC 81 TwAS(DS) AS and OS Simultaneously Low Time (Reset) 82 TdBAI(Az) BAI t to SNo-SN7, ADo-AD15 Float Delay (Reset) 3TcC 135 120 83 TdBAI(ST) BAI t to STo-ST3, R/W, B/W, N/S Float Delay (Reset) 100 80 84 TdBAI(DS) BAI t to OS, 85 TdDS(Dn) OS t (lOW) to Data Valid Hold Time 86 TdAC(DRV) Address Valid to Data (lOR) Required Valid Delay 87 TdAZ(DS) Address Float to OS • (lOR) Delay 88 TwDS(lO) OS (10) Low Width 89 TsD(DS) Data (lOW) Valid to OS t Setup Time 90 TrDS(W) OS t (lOW) to OS • (lOW) (Write Recovery Time applies only for Issuing Command) 91 TsBAK(C) BAI Valid to Clock t Setup Time 92 TdAS(DS) 93 94 AS Float Delay (Reset) 100 40 85 40 540 345 0 0 150' 150 40 40 4TcC 4TcC 60 50 AS t to OS • (ACK) Delay 100 100 TwDS(AK) OS (ACK) Low Width 150 150 TdBRQ(BAI) BUSREQ. to BAl. Required Delay 95 TsS(AS) Status Valid to AS t Setup Time 98 TdBAI(BAO) BAI t, • to BAa t, • Delay 80 70 99 TdIEI(IEO) lEI t, • to lEO t, • Delay 80 60 0 0 40 0 NOTES' '2000 ns for reading slow-readable registers (worst case) tUnits In nanoseconds (ns). 627 I:0 ... •. I ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This IS a stress rating only, operation of the device at any condition above those Indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is not implied Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended pen ods may affect device reliability Voltages on all pins with respect to GND ......................... -0.3V to + 7.0V Operating Ambient Temperature .............. See Ordering Information Storage Tem peratu re .............. - 65°C to + 150°C STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS Package Information section. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. The DC characteristics and capacitance sections below apply for the following standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into the referenced pin. +5V +5V Standard conditions are as follows: • +4.75V~ VCC~ +5.25V FROM OUTPUT UNDER TEST • GND = OV • TA as specified in Ordering Information ~ 1 50P All AC parameters assume a load capacitance of 50 pf max. The Ordering Information section lists package temperature ranges and product numbers. Package drawings are in the Standard Test Load Parameter Min Max Unit VCH Clock Input High Voltage Vcc-O.4 VCC+ 0.3 V Driven by External Clock Generator VCl Clock Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.45 V Driven by External Clock Generator VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 VCC+ 0.3 Vil Input Low Voltage -0.3 VOH Output High Voltage Val Output Low Voltage 0.8 Condition V V V IOH = -250 pA 0.4 V 10l 2.4 = +2.0 mA III Input Leakage ±10 pA 0.4 S VIN S VCC IOl Output Leakage ±10 pA 0.4 S VIN S + VCC Icc VCC Supply Current 350 mA NOTE: VCC = 5 V ± 5% unless otherwise specified. CAPACITANCE Symbol Parameter CCLOCK Clock Capacitance CIN Input Capacitance COUT Output Capacitance TA = 25°C, f = 1 MHz. Unmeasured pins returned to ground. 628 Min ! Open-Drain Test Load DC CHARACTERISTICS Symbol 2'2K Max Unit 40 pI 5 pI 10 pI ORDERING INFORMATION ZS016 Z-OTC, 4.0 MHz 4S-pin DIP ZS016A Z-OTC, 6.0 MHz 4S-pin DIP Z8016 PS Z8016CS Z8016 PE Z8016CE Z8016A PS Z8016A CS Z8016A PE Z8016A CE Codes First letter is for package; second letter is for temperature. C P L V = Ceramic DIP = Plastic DIP = Ceramic LCC = Plastic PCC TEMPERATURE S = °C to + 70 °C E = -40°Cto +85°C M*= -55°Cto +125°C a R T DIP LCC PCC = = = = = Protopack Low Profile Protopack Dual-In-Line Package Leadless Chip Carrier Plastic Chip Carrier (Leaded) FLOW B = 883 Class B Example: PS is a plastic DIP, O°C to + 70°C. t Available soon. * For Military Orders. contact your local Zilog Sales Office for Military Electrical Specifications. 00-2129-02 629 Z8030 Z8000® Z-SCC Serial Communications Controller Product Specification Zilog April 1985 Features synchronous characters and CRC generation and checking with CRC-16 or CRC-CCITT preset to either Is or Os. • Two independent, 0 to 1.5M bit/second, fullduplex channels, each with a separate crystal oscillator, baud rate generator, and Digital Phase-Locked Loop for clock recovery. • SDLC/HDLC mode with comprehensive frame-level control, automatic zero insertion and deletion, I-field residue handling, abort generation and detection, CRC generation and checking, and SDLC Loop mode operation. • Multi-protocol operation under program control; programmable for NRZ, NRZI, or FM data encoding. • Asynchronous mode with five to eight bits and one, one and one-half, or two stop bits per character; programmable clock factor; break detection and generation; parity, overrun, and framing error detection. • Local Loopback and Auto Echo modes. • 1.544M bit/second T 1 digital trunk compatible version available. • Synchronous mode with internal or external character synchronization on one or two General Description The Z8030 Z-SCC Serial Communications Controller is a dual-channel, multi-protocol data communications peripheral designed for use with the Zilog Z-Bus. The Z-SCC functions as a serial-to-parallel, parallel-to-serial converter/controller. The Z-SCC can be softwareconfigured to satisfy a wide variety of serial t SERIAL ........ ADr TxDA ........ AD6 RxDA ..-fDATA ~ ADs "i'Rx'CA ADDRESSI ......... AD4 RTxCA DATA BUS ........ SYNCA ADa communications applications. The device contains a variety of new, sophisticated internal functions including on-chip baud rate generators, Digital Phase-Locked Loops, and crystal oscillators that dramatically reduce the need for external logic. ---l CHANNEL f CLOCKS CH·A ......... A02 CHANNEL CON"tftOL$ FOR MODEM, DMA,OR OTHER AD, AD, AD, ADo AD, AD, AD, AD, AD, iNT os lEO i$ lEI R/Vi INTACK OS;; +5V W/REQA SVNCA RTxCA RxDA TRxCA CHANNEL CONTROLS FOR MODEM, DMA,OR Z8030 z·scc GlSa '4-- DeDB ..--- OTHER CH·S TxDA DTAIREQA RlSA cs, GND WIAEQB SYNCS RTxCB RxDB TAxea TxDB DTR/REQB elSA Alsa DeDA else PCLK DeDa t t t +5 v GND PClK Figure I. Pin Functions 2016-001.002 Figure 2. 40-pin Dual-in-Line Package (DiP), Pin Assignments 631 ! i General Description (Continued) The Z-SCC handles asynchronous formats, synchronous byte-oriented protocols such as IBM Bisync, and Synchronous bit-oriented protocols such as HDLC and IBM SDLC. This versatile device supports virtually any serial data transfer application (cassette, diskette, tape drives, etc.). The device can generate and check CRC codes in any Synchronous mode and can be programmed to check data integrity in various modes. The Z-SCC also has facilities for ~ 6 modem controls in both channels. In applications where these controls are not needed, the modem controls can be used for general-purpose 1/0. The Z-Bus daisy-chain interrupt hierarchy is also supported-as is standard for Zilog peripheral components. The Z8030 Z-SCC is packaged in a 40-pin ceramic DIP and 44-pin chip carrier and uses a single + 5V power supply. 't-()'\'?-Q.. '?-<:/""r-Q... .p<:l>.,.Q"'.".Q.,..pC ..LC_ \~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'C -J! CS, _ _ _ _ _ \_____---..J;Figure 13. Write Cycle Timing Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle Timing. Figure 14 illustrates Interrupt Acknowledge cycle timing. The address on ADo-AD7 and the state of CSo and INTACK are latched by 2016-012, 013 the rising edge of AS. However, if INTACK is Low, the address and CSo are ignored. The state of the R/W and CS j are also ignored for the duration of the Interrupt Acknowledge 645 Timing (Continued) intended for the Z-SCC. In this case, the Z-SCC may be programmed to respond to DS Low by placing its interrupt vector on ADo-AD7' It then sets the appropriate Interrupt-Under-Service latch internally. cycle. Between the rising edge of AS and the falling edge of DS, the internal and external IEI/IEO daisy chains settle. If there is an interrupt pending in the Z-SCC and lEI is High when DS falls, the Acknowledge cycle was Cio ==::x: (IGNORED) ><==:'1--:- - - - - r---'f. ~ __-J}--- A~_AD7==::X:~~~G:NO:R~ED~):)~----~'~'~----~~~_V_E_~_OR , iii Figure 14. Interrupt Acbowledge Cycle Timing Absolute Maximum Ratings Voltages on all inputs and outputs with respect to GND .......... -0.3 V to + 7.0 V Operating Ambient Temperature ................. As Specified in Ordering Information Storage Temperature ........ -65°C to +150°C Stresses greater than those hsted under Absolute Maxi· mum Ratmgs may cause permanent damage to the devlCe. This is a stress ratmg only; operallon of the deVIce at any condition above those mdlCated m the operational sections of these specifications IS not imphed. Exposure to absolute maxImum rating condihons for extended periods may affect device rehabliity. Standard Test Conditions The characteristics below apply for the following standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Standard conditions are as follows: • +4.75 V S Vee S +5.25 V • GND = OV • TA as specified in Ordering Information All ac parameters assume a load capacitance of 50 pF max. +5V 21K +5V FROM OUTPUT UNDER TEST ~ "'K 150~ Figure IS. Standard Test Load DC Characteristics Capacitance Symbol VIH VIL VOH VOL IlL IoL Ice Vee = 5 V Symbol CIN CoUT CliO ± Figure 16. Open·DralD Tut Load Parameter Min Max Unit Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Input Leakage Output Leakage Vee Supply Current 2.0 -0.3 2.4 Vee+ 0.3 0.8 V V V V ,.A,.ArnA 0.4 ±IO.O ±IO.O 250 Condltlon IoH = IoL= 0.4 oS 0.4 oS - 250 ,.A+2.0 mA VIN oS +2.4V VOUT oS +2.4V 5% unless otherwise specified, over speclhed temperature range. Parameter Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Bidirectional Capacitance Min Max Unit 10 15 20 pi pi pi Test Condition Unmeasured Pins Returned to Ground f = 1 MHz, over speclhed temperature range. 646 2016-014 8085·006. 001 Read and Write Timing n Cio III.. READ ~ ~ ~ J( ~ X ){ I------===:) ®-~ ®I-- --\-@ E- I ~ X ® - ::::j-@ I- r-w. )( i -Ie .... @ ~ r-:::---® C0 Z4 ~ W/A.Q WAIT ~ W/R.Q ~ REQUEST DTRIRI:Q -------®----L REQUEST \, n No. Symbol Parameter Min 'MHz Max 1 TwAS AS Low Width 70 2 TdDS(AS) DS I to AS I Delay 50 3 TsCSO(AS) CSc to AS I Setup TIme 0 4 ThCSO(AS) CSo to AS I Hold Time 60 5-TsCSl(DS) --CS J to DS I Setup T l m e - - - - - - - - - - - 100 6 ThCSl(DS) CS] to DS IJioid Time 55 7 TsIA(AS) !NTACK to AS I Setup TIme 0 8 ThIA(AS) !NTACK to AS I Hold Time 250 9 TsRWR(DS) R!W (Read) to iSs I Setup Time 100 10-ThRW(DS)--R/Wto DS I Hold Time - - - - - - - - - - 55 11 TsRWW(DS) R/W (Write) to DS I Setup Time 0 12 TdAS(DS) AS I to DS I Delay 60 13 TwDSI DS Low Width 390 14 TrC Valid Access Recovery Time 6TcPC +200 15-TsA(AS)---Address to AS I Setup Time - - - - - - - - - 30 16 ThA(AS) Address to AS I Hold Time 50 17 TsDW(DS) Write Data to DS I Setup Time 30 18 ThDW(DS) Write Data to DS I Hold Time 30 19 TdDS(DA) DS I to Data Active Delay 0 20-TdDSr(DR)--DS I to Read Data Not Valid D e l a y - - - - - - - 0 21 TdDS£(DR) DS I to Read Data Valid Delay 22 TdAS(DR) AS I to Read Data Valid Delay NOTES: 1. Parameter does not apply to Interrupt Acknowledge transactions. 2016-015 250 520 6MHz Min Max Notes*t 50 25 I 0 40 1 80 - - - - - - 1 40 1 0 250 80 40 0 40 250 6TcPC 2 + 130 10 - - - - - 1 30 1 20 20 0 0 180 335 2 Pardmeter applIes only between transactions mvolvmg the *Tlmmgs are prelImmary and subject to change. tUmts m nanoseconds (ns). sec. 647 Interrupt ~ AckDowlec1ge TlmiDg - - - - - -..... iii I+--~"i)__-+I ~;:::=@:=::::rl A~-AD.------------------+-------------1:-=~~~~~~~~~-------1.1 _~~~ ____ ~~ __ J~~~ _____ -J~'- _ _ __ lEO Reset ~ TlmiDg iii - - - ' Cycle TlmiDg \ ....._ _ -~~/ ....11'\ +---+ .,.---- PCLK 4MB. No. Symbol Parameter Min Max 23 24 25 26 8MH. Min Max Notes*t TdDS(DRz) DS I to Read Data Float Delay 70 45 TdA(DR) Address Required Valid to Read Data Valid Delay 570 420 240 200 i5S I to Wait Valid Delay TdDS(W) 240 DS I to WIREQ Not Valid Delay 200 TdDSf(REQ) 5TcPC Z / - TdDSr(REQ)-DS I to DTRlREQ Not Valid Delay - - - - - - - - 5TcPC +300 +250 28 TdAS(lNT) AS I to INT Valid Delay 500 500 29 TdAS(DSA) AS I to DS I (Acknowledge) Delay 250 250 30 TwDSA DS (Acknowledge) Low Width 390 250 31 TdDSA(DR) DS I (Acknowledge) to Read Data Valid Delay 180 250 120 100 32 - TsIEI(DSA) - - lEI to OS I (Acknowledge) Setup Time - - - - 33 ThIEI(DSA) lEI to DS I (Acknowledge) Hold Time 0 0 34 TdIEI(IEO) lEI to lEO Delay 120 100 35 TdAS(IEO) AS I to lEO Delay 250 250 36 TdDSA(INT) DS I (Acknowledge) to INT Inactive Delay 500 500 37-TdDS(ASQ)--DS I to AS I Delay for No R e s e t - - - - - - - - 30 15 38 TdASQ(DS) AS I to DS I Delay for No Reset 30 30 250 39 TwRES AS and DS Coincident Low for Reset 250 40 TwPCI PCLK Low Width 2000 105 1000 70t 41 TwPCh PCLK High Width 105 1000 2000 70t 42-TcPC PCLK Cycle Time - - - - - - - - - - - - 250 -4000--165° - 2000 43 TrPC PCLK Rise Time 20 15 44 TIPC PCLK Fall Time 20 10 3 4 4 5 6 4 7 NarES: 3. Float delay IS defined as the bme reqUIred for a ± 0 5 V change In the output With a maximum de load and minimum ae load. 4. Open·dram output, measured WIth opea·dram test load. 5. Parameter IS system dependent For any Z.SCC m the daJsy cbem, TdAS(DSA) must be greater than the sum of TdAS(IEO) for the h,ghest prlOnty device In the daJsy cham, TslEI(DSA) for the Z·SCC, and TdIEH(lEO) for each devIce separating them In the deury chom. 6. Parameter apphes only to a Z·SCC pulhnq IN! Low at the begmnIng of the Interrupt Acknowledge transactIon. 1. Internal ClICUltry allows for the reset provIded by the Z8 to be recogmzed a. a reset by the Z·SCC . • TlImnqs are prehnunary and subject to change. All hmmg references assume 2.0 V for a logiC "1" and 0.8 V for a loglc "0". t Umt. In nanosecond. (n.). l Parameter equals 64 ns for Z8030A 51441 verSlOD compatible wlth TI operabon. () Parameter equals 153 os for Z8030A SL441 version compabble with Tl operabon. 648 2016'()16, 017, 018 General Timing PCLK WIRf.Q REQUESr WAIT WIAEQ _______________ -;~~:d--------------------~------- RTxC, TRxe RECEIVE _________- : : - : - - ; I i 2016-019 649 6 MHz 4 MHz No. Symbol Parameter Min Max I TdPC(REQ) PCLK I to W/REQ Vahd 250 2 TdPC(W) PCLK I to Wait Inactive Delay 350 3 TsRXC(PC) RxC I to PCLK t Setup Time (PCLK 4 case only) TwPCL 80 TsRXD(RXCr) RxD to RxC t Setup Time (XI Mode) 0 4 5-ThRXD(RXCr)-RxD to RxC t Hold Time (XI M o d e ) - - - - - - -150 6 TsRXD(RXCf) RxD to RxC I Setup Time (XI Mode) 7 ThRXD(RXCf) RxD to RxC I Hold Time (XI Mode) 8 9 TsSY(RXC) SYNC to RxC t Setup Time ThSY(RXC) SYNC to RxC t Hold Time Min Max Notes*t 250 350 70 TwPCL 1,4 0 150- - - - - - 1 - 0 0 1,5 150 150 1,5 -200 -200 3TcPC +200 10 -TsTXC(PC)--TxC I to PCLK t Setup T l m e - - - - - - - - -0 3TcPC +200 I 0- - - - - - 2 , 4 - II TdTXCf(TXD) TxC I to TxD Delay (XI Mode) 300 300 2 12 TdTXCr(TXD) TxC t to TxD Delay (XI Mode) 300 300 2,5 13 TdTXD(TRX) TxD to TRxC Delay (Send Clock Echo) 200 200 6 180 180 RTxC High Width TwRTXh 14 15-TwRTXI---RTxC Low W i d t h - - - - - - - - - - - - -180 180 - - - - - - 6 400 16 TcRTX RTxC Cycle Time 400 17 TcRTXX Crystal Oscillator Period 250 18 TwTRXh TRxC High Width 180 180 6 TRxC Low Width 180 180 6 TRxC Cycle Time 400 400 200 19 TwTRXI 20-TcTRX 21 TwEXT DCD or CTS Pulse Width 200 22 TwSY SYNC Pulse WIdth 200 NOTES: 1. RxC IS RTxC or TRxC, whichever IS supplymg the receive clock 2. TxC IS TRxC or RTxC, whichever IS supplymg the transmit clock. Both RTxC and SYNC have 30 pf capacitors to the ground connected to them 4. Parameter appires only If the data rate IS one-fourth the PCLK rate In all other cases, no phase relationship between RxC and PCLK or TxC and PCLK 650 IS required. 1000 6 250 1000 3 ------6- 5. Parameter applies only to FM encodmg/decodlng. 6. Parameter apphes only for transmitter and receiver; DPLL and baud rate generator timmg requirements are Idenhcal to chip PCLK reqUlrements. * Tlmmgs are prehmmary and subject to change. t Umts In nanoseconds (ns). System Timing iiTiC. TRxC RECEIVE W/AEQ REQUEST W/AEQ WAIT SYNC OUTPUT ATxC. TRxC TRANSMIT I W/REQ REQUEST W/AEQ WAIT ----------r-=~~ i DTA/AEQ REQUEST K SYNC INPUT I-- 0 .. o n ae: a CD c n C D_A_TA_ _ _ _ _ _ NW __________~\~____________________;:-~ C ----'I cs, _ _ _ \~ ____----'r_ Figure II. Write Cycle Timing Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle Timing. Figure 12 illustrates Interrupt Acknowledge cycle timing. The address on ADa-AD7 and the state of CSa and INTACK are latched by 664 the rising edge of AS. However, if INTACK is Low, the address and CSa are ignored. The state of the RI'W and CSI are also ignored for the duration of the Interrupt Acknowledge 2016·012.013 Timing (Continued) intended for the Z-ASCC. In this case, the Z-ASCC may be programmed to respond to DS Low by placing its interrupt vector on ADo-AD7. It then sets the appropriate Interrupt-Under-Service latch internally. cycle. Between the rising edge of AS and the falling edge of DS, the internal and external lEI/lEO daisy chains settle. If there is an interrupt pending in the Z-ASCC and lEI is High when DS falls, the Acknowledge cycle was (IGNORED) iiiTiCi \ ~:. ~~-----------------' c::::,. ,• A~AD.::::::J<~(I~GN~O=R~ED~):)~----~.~'l~----~~___V_E_CT_OR__-J}---- • I... Figure 12. Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle Timing Absolute Maximum Ratings Voltages on all pins with respect toGND ................... -0.3Vto +7.0V Operating Ambient Temperature ....... See Ordering Information Storage Temperature ........ - 65°C to + 150°C Stresses greater than those hsted under Absolute Maxi· mum Ralings may cause permanent damage to the device. Th,s is a stress ratong only; operailon of the deVIce at any condllion above those Ind,cated In the operailonal secilons of these speclflcailons IS not Imphed. Exposure to absolute maxImum railng condlilons for extended periods may affect deVIce rellablhty. Standard Test Conditions The DC characteristics and capacitance sections below apply for the followmg standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Standard conditions are as follows: • +4.75 V S Vee S +5.25 V • GND = OV • TA as speCified in Ordering Information All ac parameters assume a load capacitance of 50 pf max. +SV FROM OUTPUT UNDER TEST ~ "'K I"~ Figure 13. Standard Test Load DC Symbol Characteristics Figure 14. Open-Drain Test Load Parameter Min Max Unit Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Input Leakage Output Leakage Vee Supply Current 2.0 -0.3 2.4 Vee +0.3 0.8 V V V V 0.4 ± 10.0 ±IO.O J,!A J,!A 250 rnA Condition IClH = - 250 J,!A +2.0 rnA 0.4 S VIN S + 2.4V 0.4 S VOUT S +2.4V IoL = Vee = 5 V ± 5% unless otherWise speCified, over speCIfied temperature range Capacitance Symbol Parameter Input Capacitance Output CapaCitance Bidlrechonal CapacItance Min Max Unit 10 pf pf 15 20 Condition of f = 1 MH?, over specified temperature range. Unmeasured. pms returned to ground. 2016·014 8085-006.001 665 Read and Write Timing ~ ~ ~ X ~kD-1 X - Alii -c4. ~ - ®~ / ~ READ \. Alii WAITE - ®I- ~ -® jjj -----®---ADo-AD7 WAITE ADO-AD7 READ :=} @-I:=} J( 01- • 0 X +®-- - ® - ~ - )i ~ @-I- +®-- 11 ~ ,)!, ~ ,,!!, @ I- 24 wn,.Q \. WAIT ~ W/AeQ ~ REQUEST DTRlREQ REQUEST I 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 Symbol Parameter ~ /' ~ No. 'i7' "-Min 4 MHz Max 6 MHz Min Max Notes*t TwAS TdDS(AS) TsCSO(AS) ThCSO(AS) TsCS!(DS) - ThCSI(DS) TslA(AS) ThIA(AS) TsRWR(DS) ThRW(DS)-TsRWW(DS) TdAS(DS) TwDSI TrC AS Low Width 70 50 DS I to AS I Delay 50 25 C~ to AS I Setup T,me 0 0 I CSo to AS I Hold T,me 60 40 I CS] to DS I Setup T , m e - - - - - - - - - - I O O - - - - - - 80 - - - - - - 1 CS] to DS IJioid T,me 55 40 I INTACK to AS I Setup Time 0 0 INTACK to AS I Hold Time 250 250 R!W (Read) to DS I Setup T,me 100 80 RIW to DS I Hold T,me 55 40 - - - - - - - R/W (Write) to DS I Setup T,me 0 0 AS I to DS I Delay 60 40 DS Low Wldth 390 250 Valid Access Recovery Time 6TcPC 6TcPC 2 +200 +130 15 - TsA(AS) - - - Address to AS I Setup Time - - - - - - - - - 30 10 - - - - - - 1 16 ThA(AS) Address to AS I Hold T,me 50 30 I 17 TsDW(DS) Wnte Data to DS I Setup T,me 30 20 18 ThDW(DS) Wrlte Data to DS I Hold T,me 30 20 19 TdDS(DA) DS I to Data Achve Delay 0 0 20-TdDSr(DR)--DS I to Read Data Not Valid Delay 0 0-------21 TdDSf(DR) DS I to Read Data Vahd Delay 250 180 22 TdAS(DR) AS I to Read Data Valid Delay 520 335 NOTES: 1. Parameter does not apply to Interrupt Acknowledge transactIons. 2. Parameter appbes only between transactIons involvmg 666 theZ-ASCC *Tunmgs are prehmmary and subject to change. r Umts 10 nanoseconds (ns). 2016-015 Interrupt Acknowledge Timing ii ~ ------""'\. iii ~----~~~-----'I ADO-AD7----------------------~--------------~~--{ ,., I... Reset Timing i Cycle Timing 4MHz No. Symbol Parameter Min Max 6 MHz Min Max 23 TdDS(DRz) DS t to Read Data Float Delay 70 45 24 TdA(DR) Address Required Valid to Read Data Vahd Delay 570 420 25 TdDS(W) DS I to Wait Valid Delay 240 200 TdDSf(REQ) DS I to W/REQ Not Valid Delay 26 240 200 27--TdDSr(REQ)-DS t to DTRlREQ Not Valid D e l a y - - - - - - - - 5TcPC 5TcPC +250 +300 28 TdAS(INT) AS t to INT Valid Delay 500 500 29 TdAS(DSA) AS t to DS I (Acknowledge) Delay 30 TwDSA DS (Acknowledge) Low Width 250 390 31 TdDSA(DR) DS I (Acknowledge) to Read Data Valid Delay 250 180 32 - TsIEI(DSA) - - lEI to DS I (Acknowledge) Setup Time - - - - - 120 100 33 ThIEI(DSA) lEI to DS t (Acknowledge) Hold Time 0 0 34 TdIEI(lEO) lEI to lEO Delay 120 100 35 TdAS(lEO) AS t to lEO Delay 250 250 36 TdDSA(INT) DS I (Acknowledge) to INT Inactive Delay 500 500 37-TdDS(ASQ)--DS t to AS I Delay for No R e s e t - - - - - - - - 30 15 38 TdASQ(DS) AS t to DS I Delay for No Reset 30 30 39 TwRES AS and DS Coincident Low for Reset 250 250 40 TwPCl PCLK Low Width 105 2000 70 1000 41 TwPCh PCLK High Width 70 105 1000 2000 42 -- TcPC PCLK Cycle Time - - - - - - - - - - - - 250- 4000 - - 1 6 5 - 2000 43 TrPC PCLK Rise Time 20 15 44 TfPC PCLK Fall Time 20 10 Notes*t 3 4 4 5 6 4 7 NOTES: 3. Float delay IS defmed as the hme requIred for a ± 0.5 V change In the output with a maXimum de load and mInimUm ae load. 4. Open~dram output, measured wlth open-dram test load. 5. Parameter IS system dependent. For any Z-ASCC m the daISY cham, TdAS(DSA) must be greater than the sum of TdAS(IEO) for the hlghest pnonty devlCe In the daISY cham, TsIEI(DSA) for the Z-ASCC, and TdIEIf{lEO) for each deVice separatIng them In the daISY cham. 2016-016,017,018 6. Parameter appbes only to a Z-ASCC pullmg INT Low at the begmnmg of the Interrupt Acknowledge transaction. 7. Internal circUltry allows for the reset provIded by the Z8 to be recogmzed as a reset by the Z~ASCC. * TImmgs are prehmmary and subject to change All hmmg references assume 2.0 V for a lOgIC "I" and 0.8 V for a lOgiC "0". r Umts m nanoseconds (ns). 667 -------l~---------- ,---E17) '------~"...-.....\~---I/ ----~ 668 2245-007 4 MHz No. Symbol Parameter I TdPC(REQ) PCLK j to W/REQ Vahd 2 TdPC(W) PCLK j to Wait Inachve Delay RxC f to PCLK f Setup Time (PCLK - 4 case only) RxD to RxC f Setup TIme (XI Mode) RxD to RxC f Hold Time (XI Mode) Min Max 6 MHz Min 250 350 Max Notes*t 250 350 3 TsRXC(PC) 4 5- TsRXD(RXCr) ThRXD(RXCr) - 6 7 TsRXD(RXCf) ThRXD(RXCf) 8 TsTXC(PC) RxD to RxC j Hold TIme (XI Mode) TxC j to PCLK f Setup Time 9 TdTXCf(TXD) TdTXCr(TXD) - TxC j to TxD Delay (XI Mode) TxC f to TxD Delay (XI Mode) TdTXD(TRX) TxD to TRxC Delay (Send Clock Echo) RTxC High Width 180 180 6 13 14 15 16 TwRTXh TwRTXI TcRTX TcRTXX - - TwTRXh RTxC Low Width RTxC Cycle Time Crystal OSCIllator Period - - - - - - - - - TRxC High Width 180 400 250 -1000 - 180 180 400 250 180 6 6 17 18 19 TwTRXI TcTRX TwEXT TRxC Low Width TRxC Cycle TIme 180 400 180 400 200 200 10 II 12 RxD to RxC j 80 Setup Time (XI Mode) DCD or CTS or TwPCI 70 TwPCI 1,4 I 0 150 - - - - - - 1 1,5 0 0 150 0 150 0 1,5 150 0 2,4 300 2 300 300 - - - - - 3 0 0 - - 2,5- lIT Pulse WIdth 1000 - - - 3 6 6 6 NOTES. 1 RxC IS RTxC or TRxC, whichever 18 supplymg the receive clock 2. TxC IS TRxC or RTxC, whIchever IS supplymg the transmit clock. 3 Both RTxC and FIT have 30 pF capaCItors to the ground connected to them 4. Parameter appltes only If the data rate IS one-fourth the PCLK rate In all other cases, no phase relationship between RxC and PCLK or TxC and PCLK IS requITed. 5. Parameter applies only to FM encodmg/decodmg. 6. Parameter applies only for transmItter and receiver, DPLL and baud rate generator hmmg requIrements are Identical to chip PCLK requirements. Tlmmgs are prehmmary and subject to change. r Umts m nanoseconds (ns) It 669 I System Timing RT.C,~ AECEIVE \ j \ W'REQ REQUEST 14- '" WIREQ WAIT 14- , 14- ~ :1 \ RTxC. TRaC TRANSMIT W'RBQ------------------------~----------~ REQUEST W'RaQ WAIT DTNREQ·------------------------~----~ REQUEST CTS, DCii,RI No. Symbol Parameter 1 2 3 TdRXC(REQ) TdRXC(W) TdRXC(INT) RxC I to W/REQ Valid Delay RxC I to Walt Inactive Delay RxC I INT Valid Delay 45 6 7 TdTXC(REQ)-TxC TdTXC(W) TxC TdTXC(DRQ) TxC TdTXC(INT) TxC 8 TdEXT(INT) I I I I DCD. ) CD 4MHz Min 8 8 8 +2 to WIREQ Valid Delay - - - - - - - - 5 to Wait Inacuve Delay 5 to DTRlREQ Valid Delay 4 to INT Valid Delay 4 +2 or CTS Transition to INT Valid Delay 2 ru NOTES: 1. ~n~dram output, measured wtth open-dram test load. 2. RxC 18 RTxC or TRxC, whichever 18 supplymg the receive clock. 3. TIC IS TRxC or RTxC, whtchever 18 supplymg ilie transnut clock. 670 t Max 6MH. Min Max Notes* 12 12 2,4 8 12 12 8 1.2,4 12 8 12 1.2,4 +3 +2 +3 5 - - 8 - - - 5 - - 8 - - - 3.48 5 8 1.3,4 3,4 4 7 7 6 4 6 1.3.4 +3 +2 +3 5 3 2 3 1.5 4. Uruts equal to TcPC. 5. Umt. equal to AS. ... TimIngs are prellmmary and subJect to change. 2245-008 ORDERING INFORMATION Z8031 Z·ASCC, 4.0 MHz 44·pinPCC Z8031 VS Z8031 Z·ASCC, 4.0 MHz 40·pinDIP Z8031 PS Z8031 CS Z8031 Z·ASCC, 8.0 MHz 44·pinPCC Z8031 A VS Z8031A Z·ASCC, 6.0 MHz 40·pinDIP Z8031APS Z8031ACS Codes First letter is for package; second letter is for temperature. C = Ceramic DIP P = Plastic DIP L = Ceramic LCC V = Plastic PCC R T DIP LCC PCC = = = = = TEMPERATURE S = O°Cto + 70°C E = -40°Cto +85°C M*= -55°Cto +125°C FLOW B = 883 Class B I... Protopack Low Profile Protopack Dual-In-Line Package Leadless Chip Carrier Plastic Chip Carrier (Leaded) i Example: PS is a plastic DIP, O°C to + 70°C. t Available soon * For Military Orders, contact your local Zllog Sales Office for Military Electrical Specifications. 00-2245-03 671 Z8036 Z8000® Z-CIO Counter/Timer and Parallel I/O Unit Product Specification Zilog April 1985 Features General Description • Two independent 8-bit, double-buffered, bidirectional I/O ports plus a 4-bit special-purpose I/O port. I/O ports feature programmable polarity, programmable direction (Bit mode), "pulse catchers," and programmable opendrain outputs. • Flexible pattern-recognition logic, programmable as a 16-vector interrupt controller. • Four handshake modes, including 3-Wire (like the IEEE-488). • Three independent l6-bit counter/timers with up to four external access lines per counter/timer (count input, output, gate, and trigger), and three output duty cycles (pulsed, one-shot, and square-wave), programmable as retriggerable or nonretriggerable. • REQUEST/WAIT signal for high-speed data transfer. • Easy to use since all registers are read/write and directly addressable. The Z8036 Z-CIO Counter/Timer and Parallel I/O element is a general-purpose peripheral circuit, satisfying most counter/timer and parallel I/O needs encountered in system designs. This versatile device contains three I/O ports and three counter/timers. Many programmable options tailor its configuration to specific applications. The use of the device is simplified by making all internal registers (command, status, and data) readable and (except for status bits) writable. In addition, each register is given its own unique address so that it can be accessed directly-no special sequential operations are required. The Z-CIO is directly Z-Bus compatible. ADDRESS/DATA BUS 1 .-..... AD, ADa P '_) PAsA ........ ........ ADs PAs .......... ........ AD4 PA4......... _ ADa PAa _ _ _ AD2 PA 2 AD, PA, _ ADo PAo"""'" CONTROL ----. { ----. os- ~w Z8038 PC 2 Z·CIO --+- CSo cs, iNT INTERRUPT { --+- INTACK lEI --+- lEO AD, AD, PORT A AD, ADo os CsO RiW OND ··0 pes ......... } BUS TIMINO {' ----. AS AND RESET AD, ..-. PC, ........ PB, PORTe '" PA, PB, PA, PB, P., PCo ....... PB, P", PB, _ _ ) PB, PA, PB6 ........ PBs PB 4 - PBa _ PORT B PB, PAs PB, PA, PCLK INTACK iNT PB, +5V Po. __ PB, ......... PC, PC, PC, PCLK +5 V GND Figure 1. Pin Functions 2014-001,002 Figure 2a. 40-pin Dual-In-Line Package (DIP). Pin Assignments 673 I § Pin ADo-AI>,. Z-Bus Address/Data lines Description (bidirectionaV3-state). These multiplexed Address/Data lines are used for transfers between the CPU and Z-CIO. INT. Interrupt Request (output, open-drain, active Low). ThIs SIgnal IS pulled Low when the Z-CIO requests an interrupt. INTACK. Interrupt Acknowledge (input, active AS*. Address Strobe (input, active Low). Low). This signal indicates to the Z-CIO that an Interrupt Acknowledge cycle is In progress. INTACK is sampled whIle AS is Low. Addresses, INTACK, and CSo are sampled while AS is Low. CSg and CSl. Chip Select a (input, active Low) and Chip Select 1 (Input, active High). CSo and CSj must be Low and High, respectively, in order to select a device. CSo is latched by AS. DS*. Data Strobe (input, active Low). DS provides timing for the transfer of data into or out of the Z-CIO. lEI. Interrupt Enable In (input, active High). lEI is used with lEO to form an interrupt daisy chain when there is more than one interruptdriven device. A High IEI indicates that no other higher priority device has an interrupt under service or is requesting an interrupt. lEO. Interrupt Enable Out (output, active High). lEO is High only if lEI is High and the CPU is not serviCing an interrupt from the requesting Z-CIO or is not requesting an interrupt (Interrupt Acknowledge cycle only). lEO is connected to the next lower priority deViCe's lEI input and thus inhibits interrupts from lower priority devices. ·When AS and OS are detected Low at the same time (normally an Illegal condItion), the Z-CIO IS PAa-PA7. Port A I/O lmes (bidirectional, 3-state, or open-drain). These eight I/O lines transfer information between the Z-CIO's Port A and external devices. PBo-PB,. Port B I/O lines (bidIrectional, 3-state, or open-drain). These eight I/O lines transfer information between the Z-CIO's Port B and external devices. May also be used to provide external access to Counter/Timers 1 and 2. PCo-PCa. Port C I/O lines (bidirectional, 3-state, or open-drain). These four I/O lines are used to provide handshake, WAIT, and REQUEST lines for Ports A and B or to provide external access to Counter/Timer 3 or access to the Z-CIO's Port C. PCLK. (input, TTL-compatible). This IS a peripheral clock that may be, but is not necessarily, the CPU clock. It is used with timers and REQUESTIWAIT logic. 8/W. Read/Write (input). RIW indicates that the CPU is reading from (High) or writing to (Low) the Z-CIO. reset. 6 R/W NC 5 4 3 2 1 ~ ~ ~ 41 ~ 7 39 • 3. 37 PAD PBo 1. 36 PA, P8, 11 3. PA, PA, GND P8, 9 cs AS Z8036 z.e.o P8, 13 3' 33 P8, 14 3. PA, 1. 31 3. PAt PA, 29 NC " P8, ,. P8, 17 P8, PA, 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Figure 2b. "-pin Chip Carrier. PIB AsaigDJDeBts 674 2014·003 Arc:hitec:ture The 28036 2-CIO Counter/Timer and Parallel I/O element (Figure 3) consists of a INTERRUPT CONTROL LOOIC INTERRUPT 2-Bus interface, three I/O ports (two generalpurpose 8-bit ports and one special-purpose f---------~'N=TE~R=N7.AL~B~U~S--------~\G~RT~ ~ 110 CONTROL '-----' Z·BUS INTERFACE I ~ INTERNAL CONTROL LOGIC i 110 Figure 3. Z-CIO Block Diagram 2014·004 675 Architecture (Continued) 4-bit port), three 16-bit counter/timers, an interrupt control logic block, and the internal control logic block. An extensive number of programmable options allow the user to tailor the configuration to best suit the specific application. The two general-purpose 8-bit I/O ports (Figure 4) are identical, except that Port B can be specified to provide external access to Counter/Timers 1 and 2. Either port can be programmed to be a handshake-driven, double-buffered port (input, output, or bidirectional) or a control-type port with the direction of each bit individually programmable. Each port includes pattern-recognition logiC, allowing interrupt generation when a specific pattern is detected. The pattern-recognition logiC can be programmed so the port functions like a priority-interrupt controller. Ports A and B can also be linked to form a 16-bit VO port. To control these capabilities, both ports contain 12 registers. Thre~ of these registers, the Input, Output, and Buffer registers, comprise the data path registers. Two registers, the Mode SpeCification and Handshake Specification registers, are used to define the mode of the port and to specify which handshake, if any, is to be used. The reference pattern for the pattern-recognition logiC is defined via three registers: the Pattern Polarity, Pattern Transition, and Pattern Mask registers. The detailed characteristics of each bit path (for example, the direction of data flow or whether a path is inverting or noninverting) are programmed using the Data Path Polarity, Data Direction, and Special I/O Control registers. The primary control and status bits are grouped in a single register, the Command and Status register, so that after the port is initialy configured, only this register must be accessed frequently. To facilitate initialization, the port logic is designed so that registers associated with an unrequired capability are ignored and do not have to be programmed. TO COUNTEM1MERS 1 AND 2 (PORT B ONLy) ~ INTERNAL INPUT BUFFERI OUTPUT DATA REGISTER INVERTERS AND ,', CATCHER PATTERN RECOGNITION LOGIC INPUT DATA OUTPUT BUFFERI REGISTER INVERTERS PORT CONTROL LOGIC TO PORT C Fig.... 4. Poria A and B Block Diagram 676 2014-005 Architecture (Continued) The function of the special-purpose 4-bit port, Port C (Figure 5), depends upon the roles of Ports A and B. Port C provides the required handshake lines. Any bits of Port C not used as handshake lines can be used as I/O lines or to provide external access for the third counter/timer. Since Port C's function is defined primarily by Ports A and B, only three registers (besides the Data Input and Output registers) are needed. These registers specify the details of each bit path: the Data Path Polarity, Data Direction, and Special I/O Control registers. The three counter/timers (Figure 6) are all identical. Each is comprised of a 16-bit downcounter, a 16-bit Time Constant register (which holds the value loaded into the downcounter), a 16-bit Current Counter register (used to read the contents of the downcounter). and two a-bit registers for control and status (the Mode Specification and the Command and Status registers). The capabilities of the counter/timer are numerous. Up to four port I/O lines can be dedicated as external access lines for each counter/timer: counter input, gate input, trigger input, and counter/timer output. Three different counter/timer output duty cycles are available: pulse, one-shot, or square-wave. The operation of the counter/timer can be programmed as either retriggerable or nonretriggerable. With these and other options, most counter/timer applications are covered. The interrupt control logic provides standard Z-Bus interrupt capabilities. There are live registers (Master Interrupt Control register, three Interrupt Vector registers, and the Current Vector register) associated with the interrupt logic. In addition, the ports' Command and Status registers and the counter/timers' Command and Status registers include bits associated with the interrupt logic. Each of these registers contains three bits for interrupt control and status: Interrupt Pending (IP), Interrupt Under Service (IUS), and Interrupt Enable (IE). TO PORT TO PORT A B TO COUNTERI TIMER 3 INPUT BUFFER! INVERTERS AND 1', CATCHER ~PORT ~I/O OUTPUT BUFFERI INVERTERS PORT CONTROL LOGIC ~r----=:J--, ~ )'-----{'i>;-NTERNAL PORT CONTROL liNES Figure S. Pori C Block Diagram 2014-006 677 I § Architecture (Continued) INTERNAL BUS CURRENT COUNT REGISTER (MSI's) 18-BIT DOWN COUNTER CURRENT COUNT REGISTER (LSB',) COUNTER I\r-----I CONTROL LINES TO PORT Figure 6. Coulller/Tlmer Block Diagram Functional Description The following describes the functions of the ports, pattern-recognition logic, counter/timers, and interrupt logic. 1/0 Port Operations. Of the Z-CIO's three I/O ports, two (Ports A and B) are generalpurpose, and the third (Port C) is a specialpurpose 4-bit port. Ports A and B can be configured as input, output, or bidirectional ports with handshake. (Four different handshakes are available.) They can also be linked to form a single 16-bit port. If they are not used as ports with handshake, they provide 16 input or output bits with the data direction programmable on a bit-by-bit basis. Port B also provides access for Counter/Timers I and 2. In all configurations, Ports A and B can be programmed to recognize specific data patterns and to generate interrupts when the pattern is encountered. The four bits of Port C provide the handshake lines for Ports A and B when required. A REQUEST/WAIT line can also be provided so that Z-CIO transfers can be synchronized with DMAs or CPUs. Any Port C bits not used for handshake or REQUESTIWAIT can be used as input or output bits (individually data direction programmable) or external access lines for Counter/Timer 3. Port C does not contain any pattern-recognition logic. It is, however, capable of bit-addressable writes. With this feature, any combination of bits can be set and/or cleared while the other bits remain undisturbed without first reading the register. port's Data Direction register specifies the direction of data flow for each bit. A I specifies an input bit, and a 0 specifies an output bit. If bits are used as I/O bits for a counter/timer, they should be set as input or output, as required. The Data Path Polarity register provides the capability of inverting the data path. A I specifies inverting, and a 0 specifies noninverting. All discussions of the port operations assume that the path is noninverting. The value returned when reading an input bit reflects the state of the input just prior to the read. A I's catcher can be inserted into the input data path by programming a I to the corresponding bit pOSition of the port's Special I/O Control register. When a I is detected at the I's catcher input, its output is set to a I until it is cleared. The I's catcher is cleared by writing a 0 to the bit. In all other cases, attempted writes to input bits are ignored. When Ports A and B include output bits, reading the Data register returns the value being output. Reads of Port C return the state of the pin. Outputs can be speCified as opendrain by writing a I to the corresponding bit of the port's Special I/O Control register. Port C has the additional feature of bit-addressable writes. When writing to Port C, the four most significant bits are used as a write protect mask for the least significant bits (0-4, 1-5, 2-6, and 3-7). If the write protect bit is written with a I, the state of the corresponding output bit is not changed. Bit Port Operations. In bit port operations, the 678 2014-007 Functional Description (Continued) Ports with Handshake Operation. Ports A and B can be specified as 8-blt Input, output, or bidirectional ports with handshake. The Z-CIO provides four different handshakes for its ports: Interlocked, Strobed, Pulsed, and 3-Wire. When specified as a port with handshake, the transfer of data into and out of the port and interrupt generation is under control of the handshake logic. Port C provides the handshake lines as shown in Table 1. Any Port C lines not used for handshake can be used as simple I/O lines or as access lines for Counter/ Timer 3. When Ports A and B are configured as ports with handshake, they are double-buffered. This allows for more relaxed interrupt service routine response time. A second byte can be input to or output from the port before the interrupt for the first byte is serviced. Normally, the Interrupt Pending (IP) bit is set and an interrupt is generated when data is shifted into the Input register (input port) or out of the Output register (output port). For input and output ports, the IP is automatically cleared when the data is read or written. In bidirectional ports, IP is cleared only by command. When the Interrupt on Two Bytes (lTB) control bit is set to 1, interrupts are generated only when two bytes of data are available to be read or written. This allows a minimum of 16 bits of information to be transferred on each interrupt. With ITB set, the IP is not automatically cleared until the second byte of data is read or written. When the Single Buffer (SB) bit is set to 1, the port acts as if it is only Single-buffered. This is useful if the handshake line must be stopped on a byte-by-byte basis. Ports A and B can be linked to form a 16-bit port by programming a 1 in the Port Link Control (PLC) bit. In this mode, only Port A's Handshake Specification and Command and Status registers are used. Port B must be specified as a bit port. When linked, only Port Port AlB CoaflguraUOD A has pattern-match capability. Port B's pattern-match capability must be dIsabled. Also, when the ports are linked, Port B's Data register must be read or written beforQ Port A's. When a port is specified as a port with handshake, the type of port it is (input, output, or bidirectional) determines the direction of data flow. The data direction for the bidirectional port is determined by a bit in Port C (Table 1). In all cases, the contents of the Data Direction register are ignored. The contents of the Special I/O Control register apply only to output bits (3-state or open-drain). Inputs may not have l's catchers; therefore, those bits in the Special I/O Control register are ignored. Port C lines used for handshake should be programmed as inputs. The handshake specification overrides Port C's Data Direction register for bits that must be outputs. The contents of Port C's Data Path Polarity register still apply. Interlocked Handshake. In the Interlocked Handshake mode, the action of the Z-CIO must be acknowledged by the external device before the next action can take place. Figure 7 shows timing for Interlocked Handshake. An output port does not indicate that new data is available until the external device indicates it is ready for the data. Similarly, an input port does not indicate that it is ready for new data until the data source indicates that the previous byte of the data is no longer available, thereby acknowledging the input port's acceptance of the last byte. This allow:s the Z-CIO to interface directly to the port of a Z8 microcomputer, a UPC, an FlO, an FIFO, or to another Z-CIO port with no external logic. A 4-bit deskew timer can be inserted in the Data Available (DAY) output for output ports. As data is transferred to the Buffer register, the deskew timer is triggered. After the number of PCLK cycles speCified by the deskew timer time constant plus one, DAY is Pea Pea PCI BIt I/O BIt I/O Bit I/O BIt I/O Port A: Input or Output Port (Interlocked, Strobed, or Pulsed Handshake)' RFD orDAV ACKIN REQUESTIW AIT or Bit I/O BIt I/O Port B: Input or Output Port (Interlocked, Strobed, or Pulsed Handshake)' REQUEST/WAIT or Bit I/O BIt I/O RFD or DAV ACKIN Port A or B: Input Port (3,W,re Handshake) RFD (Output) DAV (Input) REQUESTIWAIT or Bit I/O DAC (Output) Port A or B: Output Port (3,W,re Handshake) DAV (Output) DAC (Input) REQUESTIWAIT or BIt I/O RFD (Input) Port A or B: Bidirectional Port (Interlocked or Strobed Handshake) RFD orDAV ACKIN REQUESTIWAIT or Bit I/O IN/OUT Ports A and B: Bit Ports PCo 'Both Ports A and B can be speCified input or output Wlth Interlocked, Strobed, or Pulsed Handshake at the same I1me If neither uses REQUESTIWAI!. Table I. Port C Bit Utilization 679 I i Functional Desc:rlptlon (Continued) allowed to go Low. The deskew timer therefore guarantees that the output data is valid for a specified minimum amount of time before DAV goes Low. Deskew timers are available for output ports independent of the type of handshake employed. Strobed Handshake. In the Strobed Handshake mode, data is "strobed" into or out of the port by the external logic. The falling edge of the Acknowledge Input (ACKIN) strobes data into or out of the port. Figure 7 shows timing for the Strobed Handshake. In contrast to the Interlocked Handshake, the signal indicating the port is ready for another data transfer operates independently of the ACKIN input. It is up to the external logic to ensure that data overflows or underflows do not occur. 3-Wire Handshake. The 3-Wire Handshake is designed for the situation in which one output port is communicating with many Input ports Simultaneously. It is essentially the same as the Interlocked Handshake, except that two signals are used to indicate if an input port is ready for new data or if it has accepted the present data. In the 3-Wire Handshake (Figure 8), the rising edge of one status line indicates that the port is ready for data, and the rising edge of another status line indicates that the data has been accepted. With the 3-Wire Handshake, the output lines of many input ports can be bussed together with open-drain drivers; the OUTPUT HANDSHAKE INPUT HANDSHAKE DATA:::X: output port knows when all the ports have accepted the data and are ready. This is the same handshake as is used on the IEEE-488 bus. Because this handshake requires three ines, only one port (either A or B) can be a 3-Wire Handshake port at a time. The 3-Wire Handshake is not available in the bidirectional 'Ilode. Because the port's direction can be 'langed under software control, however, bidirectional IEEE-488-type transfers can be performed. Pulsed Handshake. The Pulsed Handshake (Figure 9) is designed to interface to mechanical-type devices that require data to be held for long periods of time and need relatively wide pulses to gate the data into or out of the device. The logiC is the same as the Interlocked Handshake mode, except that an internal counter/timer is linked to the handshake logic. If the port is specified in the input mode, the timer is inserted in the ACKIN path. The external ACKIN input triggers the timer and its output is used as the Interlocked Handshake's normal acknowledge input. If the port is an output port, the timer is placed in the Data Available (DAV) output path. The timer is triggered when the normal Interlocked Handshake DAV output goes Low and the timer output is used as the actual DAV output. The counter/timer maintains all of its normal capabilities. This handshake is not available to bidirectional ports. VALID X"'_________ STROBED HANDSHAKE......,. - RPD OATA LATCHED IN BUFFER REGISTER - DATA _____~~NEa~~~~--------- ..., - - - DATA MOVED TO INPUT REGISTER INTERLOCKED HANDSHAKE BUFFER REGISTER "EMPTIED" NEXT BYTE SHIFTED FROM OUTPUT REGISTER TO BUFFER REGISTER Figure 7. mterlocked cmcI. Strobed Hcmd8bakee OUTPUT HANDSHAKE INPUT HANDSHAKE DATA:=X VALID DAC DATA III'D iiiV INPUT INPUT RPD OUTPUT X\..._________ --*~ OUTPUT _ _ _~-J NEXTIYTE ==:::-___ ..1 DAC INPUT iiiV OUTPUT IUP,.ER REGISTER "EMP11ED" NEXT IYTE IHlmOFROM OUTPUT REGISTER TO IUFFER REGISTER Figure 8. 3-WIre Hcmdshake 680 2014·008, 009 Functional Description (Continued) REQUESTIWAIT Line Operation. Port C can be programmed to provide a status signal output in addition to the normal handshake lines for either Port A or B when used as a port with handshake. The additional signal is either a REQUEST or WAIT signal. The REQUEST signal indicates when a port is ready to perform a data transfer via the Z-Bus. It is intended for use with a DMA-type device. The WAIT signal provides synchronization for transfers with a CPU. Three bits in the Port Handshake Specification register provide controls for the REQUESTIWAIT logic. Because the extra Port C line is used, only one port can be specified as a port with a handshake and a REQUESTIWAIT line. The other port must be a bit port. Operation of the REQUEST line is modified by the state of the port's Interrupt on Two Bytes (lTB) control bit. When ITB is a, the REQUEST line goes active as soon as the Z-CIO is ready for a data transfer. If ITB is I, REQUEST does not go active until two bytes can be transferred. REQUEST stays active as long as a byte is available to be read or written. The SPECIAL REQUEST function is reserved for use with bidirectional ports only. In this case, the REQUEST line indicates the status of the register not being used in the data path at that time. If the IN/OUT line is High, the REQUEST line is High when the Output register is empty. If IN/OUT is Low, the REQUEST line is High when the Input register is full. Pattern-Recognition Logic Operation. Both Ports A and B can be programmed to generate interrupts when a specific pattern is recognized at the port. The pattern-recognition logic is independent of the port application, thereby allowing the port to recognize patterns in all of its configurations. The pattern can be independently specified for each bit as 1, a, rising edge, falling edge, or any transition. IndiVidual bits may be masked off. A patternmatch Is defined as the simultaneous satisfaction of all nonmasked bit specifications in the AND mode or the satisfaction of any nonmasked bit specifications in either of the OR or OR-Priority Encoded Vector modes. OUTPUT PORT Fig.... 9. PuJaed Handshake 2014'()10 The pattern specified in the Pattern Definition regIster assumes that the data path is programmed to be noninverting. If an input bit in the data path is programmed to be inverting, the pattern detected is the opposite of the one specified. Output bits used in the patternmatch logic are internally sampled before the invertlnoninvert logic. Bit Port Pattern-Recognition Operations. During bit port operations, pattern-recognition may be performed on all bits, including those used as 1/0 for the counter/timers. The input to the pattern-recognition logic follows the value at the pins (through the mvertlnoninvert logic) in all cases except for simple inputs with I's catchers. In this case, the output of the I's catcher is used. When operating in the AND or OR mode, it is the transition from a nomatch to a match state that causes the interrupt. In the "OR" mode, if a second match occurs before the first match goes away, it does not cause an interrupt. Since a match condition only lasts a short time when edges are specified, care must be taken to avoid losing a match condition. Bit ports speCified in the OR-Priority Encoded Vector mode generate interrupts as long as any match state exists. A transition from a no-match to a match state is not required. The pattern-recognition logic of bit ports operates in two basic modes: Transparent and Latched. When the Latch on Pattern Match (LPM) bit is set to a (Transparent mode), the interrupt indicates that a specified pattern has occurred, but a read of the Data register does not necessarily indicate the state of the port at the time the interrupt was generated. In the Latched mode (LPM= I), the state of-all the port inputs at the time the interrupt was generated is latched in the input register and held until IP is cleared. In all cases, the PMF indicates the state of the port at the time it is read. If a match occurs while IP is already set, an error condition exists. If the Interrupt On Error bit (lOE) is 0, the match is ignored. However, if IOE is I, after the first IP is cleared, it is automatically set to I along with the Interrupt Error (ERR) flag. Matches occurring while ERR is set are ignored. ERR is cleared when the corresponding IP is cleared. When a pattern-match is present in the OR-Priority Encoded Vector mode, IP is set to I. The IP cannot be cleared until a match is no longer present. If the interrupt vector is allowed to include status, the vector returned during Interrupt Acknowledge indicates the highest priority bit matching its speCification at the time of the Acknowledge cycle. Bit 7 is the highest priority and bit a is the lowest. The bit initially causing the interrupt may not be the one indicated by the vector if a higher priority bit matches before the Acknowledge. Once the Acknowledge cycle is initiated, the vector is 681 I § FunctloDCll Description (Continued) frozen until the corresponding IP is cleared. Where inputs that cause interrupts might change before the interrupt is serviced, the l's catcher can be used to hold the value. Because a no-match to match transition is not required, the source of the interrupt must be cleared before IP is cleared or else a second interrupt is generated. No error detection is performed in this mode and the Interrupt On Error bit should be set to O. FuDCIioD TIlIGa.... .A.. PULlIOUTPUT C/Ta PBD Counter Input PBS PB 1 Trigger Input PB6 PB2 Gate Input PB 7 PB3 PCD PC 1 PC2 PC3 ~ The flexibility of the counter/timers is enhanced by the provision of up to four lines per counter/timer (counter input, gate input, trigger input, and counter/timer output) for direct external control and status. Counter/ Timer I's external I/O lines are provided by the four most significant bits of Port B. CounterlTimer 2's are provided by the four least significant bits of Port B. Counter/Timer 3' s external I/O lines are provided by the four bits of Port C. The utilization of these lines (Table 2) is programmable on a bit-by-bit basis via the Counter/Timer Mode Specification registers. When external counter/timer I/O lines are to be used, the associated port lines must be vacant and programmed in the proper data direction. Lines used for counter/timer I/O have the same characteristics as simple input lines. They can be specified as inverting or noninverting; they can be read and used with the pattern-recognition logic. They can also include the I's catcher input. CounterlTimers I and 2 can be linked internally in three different ways. CounterlTimer I's output (inverted) can be used as Counter/ Timer 2's trigger, gate, or counter input. When linked, the counter/timers have the same capabilities as when used separately. The only restriction is that when Counter/Timer I drives Counter/Timer 2's count input, Counter/Timer 2 must be programmed with its external count input disabled. There are three duty cycles available for the timer/counter output: pulse, one-shot, and square-wave. Figure 10 shows the counter/ .., .., .., r-1 r-1 P"; r-1 . , r.....J LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ .-J I TO I U TO-1 'I I TC-1 I TO.., \- - -\ ' \ -----_,J------J ON.IHOT ~ OUTIIIUT C/Ta PB4 Table 2. Counter/Timer ExterllCll Ports with Handshake Pattern-Recognition Operation. In this mode, the handshake logic normally controls the setting of IP and, therefore, the generation of interrupt requests. The pattern-match logic controls the Pattern Match Flag (PMF). The data is compared with the match pattern when it is shifted from the Buffer register to the Input register (input port) or when it is shifted from the Output register to the Buffer register (output port). The patternmatch logic can override the handshake logic in certain situations. If the port is programmed to interrupt when two bytes of data are available to be read or written, but the first byte matches the specified pattern, the pattern-recognition logic sets IP and generates an interrupt. While PMF is set, IP cannot be cleared by reading or writing the data registers. IP must be cleared by command. The input register is not emptied while IP is set, nor is the output register filled until IP is cleared. If the Interrupt on Match Only (IMO) bit is set, IP is set only when the data matches the pattern. This is useful in DMA-type applications when interrupts are required only after a block of data is transferred. Counter/Timer Operation. The three independent 16-bit counter/timers consist of a presettable 16-bit down counter, a 16-bit Time Constant register, a 16-bit Current Counter register, an 8-bit Mode Specification register, an 8-bit Command and Status register, and the associated control logic that links these registers. POUlI. OR COUNTUlINPUT C/TI CounterlTlmer Output ~: \ II L- I~ -r- IQUARIWAV. I"IRITHALP OUTPUT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-II . .UA... WAV. OUTIIIUT 8ECONDHALF '~ Figure 10. Counter/Timer Wa.,.1or1U 682 2014-011 Functional Description (Continued) timer waveforms. When the Pulse mode is specified, the output goes High for one clock cycle, beginning when the down-counter leaves the count of 1. In the One-Shot mode, the output goes High when the counter/timer is triggered and goes Low when the downcounter reaches O. When the square-wave output duty cycle is specified, the counter/llmer goes through two full sequences for each cycle. The initial trigger causes the downcounter to be loaded and the normal countdown sequence to begin. If a I count is detected on the down-counter's clocking edge, the output goes High and the time constant value is reloaded. On the clocking edge, when both the down-counter and the output are I's, the output is pulled back Low. The Continuous/Single Cycle (C/SC) bit in the Mode Specification register controls operation of the down-counter when it reaches terminal count. If C/SC is 0 when a terminal count is reached, the countdown sequence stops. If the C/SC bit is I each time the countdown counter reaches I, the next cycle causes the time constant value to be reloaded. The time constant value may be changed by the CPU, and on reload, the new time constant value is loaded. Counter/timer operations require loading the time constant value in the Time Constant register and initiating the countdown sequence by loading the down-counter with the time constant value. The Time Constant register is accessed as two 8-bit registers. The registers are readable as well as writable, and the access order is irrelevant. A 0 in the Time Constant register specifies a time constant of 65,536. The down-counter is loaded in one of three ways: by writing a 1 to the TrIgger Command Bit (TCB) of the Command and Status register, on the rising edge of the external trigger input, or, for Counter/Timer 2 only, on the rising edge of Counter/Timer I's internal output if the counters are linked via the trigger input. The TCB is write-only, and read always returns O. Once the down-counter is loaded, the countdown ~equence continues toward termmal count as long as all the counter/timers' hardware and software gate inputs are High. If any of the gate inputs goes Low (0), the countdown halts. It resumes when all gate inputs are I again. The reaction to triggers occurring during a countdown sequence is determined by the state of the Retrigger Enable Bit (REB) in the Mode Specification register. If REB is 0, retriggers are ignored and the countdown continues normally. If REB is I, each trigger causes the down-counter to be reloaded and the countdown sequence starts over again. If the output is programmed in the Square-Wave mode, retrigger causes the sequence to start over from the initial load of the time constant. The rate at which the down-counter counts is determined by the mode of the counter/timer. In the Timer mode (the External Count Enable [ECE] bit is 0), the down-counter is clocked internally by a signal that is half the frequency of the PCLK input to the chip. In the Counter mode (ECE is 1), the down-counter is decremented on the rising edge of the counter/ timer's counter input. Each time the counter reaches terminal count, its Interrupt Pending (IP) bit is set to 1, and if interrupts are enabled (IE = 1), an interrupt is generated. If a terminal count occurs while IP is already set, an internal error flag is set. As soon as IP is cleared, it is forced to a I along with the Interrupt Error (ERR) flag. Errors that occur after the internal flag is set are ignored. The state of the down-counter can be determined in two ways: by reading the contents of the down-counter via the Current Count register or by testing the Count In Progress (CIP) status bit in the Command and Status register. The CIP status bit is set when the down-counter is loaded; it is reset when the down-counter reaches o. The Current Count register is a 16-bit register, accessible as two 8-bit registers, which mirrors the contents of the down-counter. This register can be read anytime. However, reading the register is asynchronous to the counter's counting, and the value returned is valid only if the counter is stopped. The down-counter can be reliably read "on the fly" by the first writing of a I to the Read Counter Control (RCC) bit in the counter/timer's Command and Status register. This freezes the value in the Current Count register until a read of the least significant byte is performed. Interrupt Logic Operation. The interrupts generated by the Z-CIO follow the Z-Bus operation as described more fully in the Zilog Z-Bus Summary. The Z-CIO has five potential sources of interrupts: the three counter/timer~ and Ports A and B. The priorities of these sources are fixed in the follOWing order: Counter/Timer 3, Port A, Counter/Timer 2, Port B, and Counter/Timer I. Since the counter/timers all have equal capabilities and Ports A and B have equal capabilities, there is no adverse impact from the relative priorities. The Z-CIO interrupt priority, relative to other components within the system, is determined by an interrupt daisy cham. Two pins, Interrupt Enable In (lEI) and Interrupt Enable Out (lEO), provide the input and output necessary to implement the daisy chain. When lEI is pulled Low by a higher priority deVice, 683 I s c Functional Description (Continued) the Z-CIO cannot request an interrupt of the CPU. The following discussion assumes that the lEI line is High. Each source of interrupt in the Z-CIO contains three bits for the control and status of the interrupt logic: an Interrupt Pending (IP) status bit, an Interrupt Under Service (IUS) status bit, and an Interrupt Enable (IE) control bit. IP is set when an event requiring CPU intervention occurs. The setting of IP results in forcing the Interrupt (INT) output Low, if the associated IE is I. The IUS status bit is set as a result of the Interrupt Acknowledge cycle by the CPU and is set only if its IP is of highest priority at the time the Interrupt Acknowledge commences. It can also be set directly by the CPU. Its primary function is to control the interrupt daisy chain. When set, it disables lower priority sources in the daisy chain, so that lower priority interrupt sources do not request servicing while higher priority devices are being serviced. The IE bit provides the CPU with a means of masking off individual sources of interrupts. When IE is set to I, an interrupt is generated normally. When IE is set to 0, the IP bit is set when an event occurs that would normally require service; however, the INT output is not forced Low. The Master Interrupt Enable (MIE) bit allows all sources of interrupts within the Z-CIO to be disabled without having to individually set each IE to O. If MIE is set to 0, all IPs are masked off and no interrupt can be requested or acknowledged. The Disable Lower Chain (DLC) bit is included to allow the CPU to modify the system daisy chain. When the DLC bit is set to I, the Z-CIO's IEO is forced Low, independent of the state of the Z-CIO or its lEI input, and all lower priority devices' interrupts are disabled. As part of the Interrupt Acknowledge cycle, the Z-CIO is capable of responding with an a-bit interrupt vector that specifies the source of the interrupt. The Z-CIO contains three vector registers: one for Port A, one for Port B, and one shared by the three counter/timers. The vector output is inhibited by setting the No Vector (NV) control bit to I. The vector output can be modified to include status information to pinpoint more precisely the cause of interrupt. Whether the vector includes status or not is controlled by a Vector Includes Status (VIS) control bit. Each base vector has its own VIS bit and is controlled independently. When MIE = 1, reading the base vector register always includes status, independent of the state of the VIS bit. In this way, all the information obtained by the vector, including status, can be obtained with one additional instruction when VIS is set to O. When MIE = 0, reading the vector register returns the unmodified base vector so that it can be verified. Another register, the Current Vector register, allows use of the Z-CIO in a polled environment. When read, the data returned is the same as the interrupt vector that would be output in an acknowledge, based on the highest priority IP set. If no unmasked IPs are set, the value FFH is returned. The Current Vector register is read-only. Programming Programming the Z-CIO entails loading control registers with bits to implement the desired operation. Individual enable bits are provided for the various major blocks so that erroneous operations do not occur while the part is being initialized. Before the ports are enabled, IPs cannot be set, REQUEST and WAIT cannot be asserted, and all outputs remain high-impedance. The handshake lines are ignored until Port C is enabled. The counter/timers cannot be triggered until their enable bits are set. The Z-CIO is reset by forcing AS and DS Low Simultaneously or by writing a 1 to the Reset bit. Once reset, the only thing that can be done is to read and write the Reset bit. Writes to all other bits are ignored and all reads return Os. In this state, all control bits are forced to O. Only after clearing the Reset bit (by writing to it) can the other command bits be programmed. Register Addressing. The Z-CIO allows two schemes for register addressing. Both schemes use only six of the eight bits of the address/ data bus. The scheme used is determined by the Right Justify Address (RJA) bit in the Master Interrupt Control register. When RJA equals 0, address bus bits 0 and 7 are ignored, and bits I through 6 are decoded for the register address (Ao from ADj). When RJA equals I, bits 0 through 5 are decoded for the register address (Ao from ADo). In the following register descriptions, only six bits are shown for addresses and represent address/ data bus bits 0 through 5 or I through 6, depending on the state of the RJA bit. 684 Registers Master IDtenupt CoDtrol Register Address: 000000 (Read/Write) MASTER INTERRUPT ENABLE (MIE) ~~ DISABLE LOWER CHAIN (DLC) NO VECTOR (NV) Master ConflguratioD CoDtrol Register Address: 000001 (Read/W rite) ~RESET ~ PORT A VECTOR INCLUDES PORTB~JJ L ENABLE (PRE) RIGHT JUSTIFIED ADDRESSES 0:: SHIFT LEFT (Ao from AD1) , = RIGHT JUSTIFY (Ao from ADo) [ COUNTERITIMER 1 ENABLE (CTfE) COUNTERfTlMERS VECTOR INCLUDES STATUS (CT VIS) !&Q o 1 0 1 o 0 INDEPENDENT COUNT CIT ,'s CIT 1'8 CIT 1'8 GATES CIT 2 TRIGGERS CIT 2 IS CIT 2'8 COUNT INPUT STATUS (PA VIS) PORT C AND COUNTERI PORT B VECTOR INCLUDES ~ 1 1 COUNTERfTlMER 2 ENABLE (CT2E) STATUS (PB VIS) COUNTERITIMER LINK CONTROLS (LC) PORT A ENABLE (PAE) TIMER 3 ENABLE (PCE AND C13E) PORT LINK CONTROL (PLe) O=PORTS A AND B OPERATE INDEPENDENTLY 1 : PORTS A AND B ARE LINKED Figure II. Master Control Registers Port HaDdshake SpeciflcatioD Registers Addresses: 100001 Port A 10 100 I Port B (Read/Write) Port Mode SpeclflcatioD Registers Addresses: 100000 Port A 101000 Port B (Read/Write) PORTTVPE~ SELECTS (PTS) PTS1 PTSO, ----0 ----0 BIT PORT o 1 INPUT PORT 1 1 0 1 OUTPUT PORT BIDIRECTIONAL PORT INTERRUPT ON TWO BYTES (ITB) SINGLE BUFFERED MODE (SB) L J I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I LATCH ON PATTERN MATCH (LPM) (BIT MODE) DESKEW TIMER ENABLE (OTE) (HANDSHAKE MODES) HANDSHAKE TYPE SPECIFICATION BITS (HST) HST1 HSTO PATTERN MODE SPECIFICATION BITS (PMS) PMS1 PMSO - . - - - . - DISABLE PATTERN MATCH o 1 "AND"MODE 1 0 "OR" MODE 1 1 "OR·PRIORITY ENCODED VECTOR" MODE g ~ ~~~~Ri~;~~~~~f:~AKE 1 1 0 1 -c OESKEW TIME SPECIFICATION BITS ~~i~~~~I~HE~ ~~~8C°ciNSTANT, LSB IS FORCED 1. PULSED HANDSHAKE THREE·WIRE HANDSHAKE REQUEST/WAIT SPECIFICATION BITS (RWS) RWS2 RWS1 RWSO FUNCTION T INTERRUPT ON MATCH ONLY (IMO) 1 o 1 1 ~~~~~~~~~T OISABLED INPUT WAIT SPECIAL REQUEST OUTPUT REQUEST INPUT REQUEST Port Command and Status Registers Addresses: 001000 Port A 001001 Port B (Read/Partial Write) 10" 0,1 0, I0.1 0, I0, I0, 10.1 INTERRUPT UNDER.JjJ SERVICE (IUS) INTERRUPT ENABLE (IE) : I INTERRUPT PENDING (IP) I I I IUS, IE, AND IP ARE WRITTEN USING THE FOLLOWING CODE' NULL CODE 0 0 0 CLEAR IP & IUS 0 0 1 0 0 1 • 1 1 1 0 0 CLEAR IP 1 0 1 SET IE 1 CLEAR IE 1 1 0 1 1 SET IUS CLEAR IUS SET IP ~ I L L INTERRUPT ON ERROR (lOE) PATTERN MATCH FLAG (PMF) (READ ONLy) INPUT REGISTER FULL (IRF) (READ ONLy) OUTPUT REGISTER EMPTY (ORE) (READ ONLy) INTERRUPT ERROR (ERR) (READ ONLy) Figure 12. Port Specification Registers 2014-012. 013 685 I § Registers (Continued) Data Path Polarity Registers Addresses: 100010 Port A 101010 Port B 000101 Port C (4 LSBs only) (Read/Write) Data Direction Registers Addresses: 100011 Port A 101011 Port B 000110 Port C (4 LSBs only) (Read/Write) ' - - - - - DATA DIRECTION (DD) ' - - - - - DATA PATH POLARITY (DPP) 0= NON·INVERTING 1 = INVERTINQ o-OUTPUT BIT 1-INPUT BIT Special 1/0 Control Registers Addresses: 100100 Port A 101100 Port B 000111 Port C (4 LSBs only) (Read/Write) ' - - - - - SPECIAL INPUT/OUTPUT (SIO) 0 .. NORMAL INPUT OR OUTPUT 1 = OUTPUT WITH OPEN DRAIN OR INPUT WITH 1', CATCHER Figure 13. Bit Path Definition Registers Port Data Registers Addresses: 001101 Port A 001110 Port B (Read/Write) Port C Data Register Address: 001111 (Read/Write) 4 MBa. o_WRITING OF CORRESPONDINO LSD ENABLED 1_WRITINO OF CORRESPONDING L881NHI81TED (READ RETURNS 11 Figure 14. Port Data Registers Pattern Polarity Registers (PP) Addresses: 100101 Port A 101101 Port B (Read/Write) Pattern Transition Registers (PT) Addresses: 100110 Port A 101110 Port B (Read/Write) PM PT PP PAneAN SPECIFICATION BIT MASKED OFF ANY TRANSITION 100ZERO 1 0 1 ONE 1 1 0 ONE·TO·ZERO TRANSITION (\0) 1 1 1 ZERO-YO-ONE TRANSITION (I) (lOX o 1 )( Pattern Mask Registers (PM) Addresses: 100111 Port A 101111 Port B (Read/Write) Figure 15. Pattern Definition Registers 686 2014-014,015,016 Registers (Continued) Counter/Timer Command and Status Registers Addresses: 0010 10 Counter/Timer 1 001011 Counter/Timer 2 001100 Counter/Timer 3 (ReacllPartial Write) INTERRUPT UNDER SERVICE (IUS) --1jJl INTERRUPT ENABLE (IE) I I I 1 I NULL CODe 0 0 CLEAR IP & IUS 0 0 1 SET IUS 0 1 0 CLEAR IUS 0 1 INTERRUPT PENDING (IP) E~ COUNT IN PAOGAESS (CIPI (READ ONLY) TRIGGER COMMAND BIT (TeB) (WRITE ONLY· READ RETURNS 0) GATE COMMAND BIT (GCB) READ COUNTER CONTROL (RCC) (READ/SET ONLY CLEARED BY READING CCR LSB) IUS, IE, AND IP ARE WRITTEN USING THE FOLLOWING CODE. 0 1 SETIP100 CLEAR IP 1 SET IE 0 1 110 CLEAR IE 1 1 1 I INTERRUPT eRROR (ERR) - - - - ' (READ ONLy) Counter/Timer Mode Specification Registers Addresses: 011100 Counter/Timer 1 011101 Counter/Timer 2 011110 Counter/Timer 3 (Read/Write) CONTINUOUS SJ!!· OLE CYCLE (eISC) JJillj EXTERNAL OUTPUT ENABLE (EOE) EXTERNAL COUNT ENABLE (EeE) EXTEANAL TAIGGEA ENABLE (ETE) L § OUTPUT DUTV CVCLE SELECTS (DCS) 9~S1 ~ PULSE OUTPUT I~ I 0 1 ONe·SHOT OUTPUT 1 1 0 1 SQUARE-WAVE OUTPUT DO NOT SPECIFY AETAIGGEA ENABLE BIT (AEBI EXTERNAL GATE ENABLE (EGE) Counter/Timer Current Count Registers Addresses: 010000 Counter/Timer l's MSB 010001 Counter/Timer l's LSB 010010 Counter/Timer 2's MSB 010011 Counter/TImer 2's LSB 010100 Counter/Timer 3's MSB 010101 Counter/Timer 3's LSB (Read Only) MOST----' SIGNIFICANT '----LEAST SIGNIFICANT BYTE BYTE CounterITlmer Time Constant Registers Addresses: 010110 Counter/Timer I's MSB 010111 Counter/Timer 1'. LSB 011000 Counter/Timer 2's MSB 011001 Counter/Timer 2's LSB 011010 Counter/Timer 3's MSB 011 0 11 Counter/Timer 3' s LSB (Read/Write) MOST----' SIGNIFICANT BYTE ' - - - - LEAST SIGNIFICANT BYTe Figure 16. Conter/Timer Registers 2014·017 687 Registers Interrupt Vector Register Addresses: 000010 Port A 000011 Port B 000100 Counter/Timers (Read/Write) (Continued) Current Vector Register Address: 011111 (Read Only) '----- ~~~~:~:;:;~::'T~ASED UNMASKED IP. IF NO INTERRUPT PENDING ' - - - - - INTERRUPT VECTOR ALL 1', OUTPUT. PORT YECTOR STATUS PRIORITY ENCODED VECTOR MODE: ~ x ~ x Ql x NUMBER OF HIGHEST PRIORITY BIT WITH A MATCH ALL OTHER MODES: D3 D2 D1 ORE liF PMF o 0 0 NORMAL ERROR COUNTERITIMER STATUS D2 D1 o o "0 1 1 0 1 1 CIT 3 CIT 2 err 1 ERROR Figure 17. Interrupt Vector Registers Register Address Summary Main Control Registers Register Name Master Interrupt Control Master Conhgurahon Control Port A's Interrupt Vector Port B's Interrupt Vector Counter/TImer's Interrupt Vector Port C's Data Path Polarity Port C's Data Direchon Port C's SpeCIal I/O Control Address' 100000 100001 100010 100011 100100 lOOlOl 100110 100111 Port A Specification Registers Register Name Pori A's Mode Specification Port A's Handshake Specification Port A's Data Path Polarity Pori A's Data Direction Pori A's SpeCIal 110 Control Port A's Pattern Polarity Pori A's Pattern Transition Port A's Pattern Mask 001000 001001 001010 001011 001100 001101 001110 001111 Most Often Accessecl Registers Register Name Port A's Command and Status Port B's Command and Status Counter/Timer I's Command and Status Counter/Timer 2's Command and Status Counter/TImer 3's Command and Status Port A's Data Port B's Data Port C's Data Address· 101000 101001 101010 101011 101100 101101 101110 101111 Port B Specification Registers Register Name Port B's Mode SpecIfication Pori B's Handshake SpeCIfication Port B's Data Path Polarity Port B's Data Dlreciion Port B's SpeCIal 110 Control Port B's Pattern Polarity Port B's Pattern Translhon Port B's Pattern Mask Address' 010000 010001 010010 010011 010100 010101 010110 010111 011000 OIJOOI OllOlO 011011 011100 011101 011110 011111 CounterITimer Related Registers Register Name Counter/Timer I's Current Count-MSBs Counter/TImer I's Current Count-LSBs Counter/Timer 2's Current Count-MSBs Counter/TImer 2's Current Count-LSBs Counter/TImer 3's Current Count-MSBs Counter/TImer 3's Current Count-LSBs CounterlTlmer l's Time Constant-MSBs CounterlTimer I's TIme Constant-LSBs CounterlTlmer 2's TIme Constant-MSBs Counter/Timer 2's Time Constant-LSBs CounterlTlmer 3'9 TIme Constant-MSBs Counter/TImer 3's Time Constant-LSBs CounterlTimer l's Mode SpecIfICation Counter/TImer 2's Mode Specificahon Counter/TImer 3's Mode Specificahon Current Vector Address· 000000 000001 000010 000011 000100 000101 000110 000111 Address· 'When RIA 688 = 0, AO from ADI: when RIA = I, Ao from ADO 2014-018 Timing Read Cycle. The CPU places an address on the address/data bus. The more significant bits and status information are combined and decoded by external logic to provide two Chip Selects (CSo and CSl). Six bits of the least significant byte of the address are latched within the Z-CIO and used to specify a Z-CIO register. The data from the register specified is strobed onto the address/data bus when the CPU issues a Data Strobe (DS). If the register indicated by the address does not exist, the Z-CIO remains high-impedance. ca. Write Cycle. The CPU places an address on the address/data bus. The more significant bits and status information are combined and decoded by external logic to provide two Chip Selects (CSo and CSl). Six bits of the least significant byte of the address are latched within the Z-CIO and used to specify a Z-CIO register. The CPU places the data on the address/data bus and strobes it into the Z-CIO register by issuing a Data Strobe (DS). ca. _ _- J _ _- J iii ADo-AD7 r- \ ~ Figure 18. Read Cycle Timing WRITE DATA C Figure 19. Write Cycle Timing Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle. When one of the IP bits in the Z-CIO goes High and interrupts are enabled, the Z-CIO pulls its INT output line Low, requesting an interrupt. The CPU responds with an Interrupt Acknowledge cycle. When !NTACK goes Low with IP set, the Z-CIO pulls its Interrupt Enable Out (lEO) Low, disabling all lower priority devices on the daisy chain. The CPU reads the Z-CIO interrupt vector by issuing a Low DS, thereby strobing the interrupt vector onto the address/ data bus. The IUS that corresponds to the IP is also set, which causes lEO to remain Low. --J! HiT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,., ,... \\------- \'-_--:' iii ~INTACK IS decoded from Z8000 status. Figure 20. Interrupt Acknowledge Timing 2014-019,020, 021 689 I i Absolute Maximum Ratings Voltages on all pins with respect toGND ................... -0.3Vto +7.0V Operating Ambient Temperature ....... See Ordering Information Storage Temperature ........ - 65°C to + 150°C Standard Test Conditions The DC characteristics and capacitance sections below apply for the following standard test conditions, unless otherwIse noted. All voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Standard conditions are as follows: • +4.75 V,;; Vee';; +5.25 V Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute MaxImum Ratmgs may cause permanent damage to the devIce. ThIs is a stress rating only; operahon of the device at any condition above those indicated in the operational sections of these specifIcations is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rahng conditions for extended periods may affect devICe reliabIlity. • GND = 0 V • TA as speCified in Ordering Information All ac parameters assume a load capacitance of 50 pf max. The Ordering Information section lists temperature ranges and product numbers. Package drawings are in the Package Information section in this book. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation . .5V ••• d· +5V K FROM OUTPUT UNDEATEST 50 Pf Figure 21. Standard Test Load DC Characteristics Symbol Parameter VIH Input HIgh Voltage VIL VOH VOL Input Low Voltage Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage IlL IOL Icc Input Leakage Output Leakage Vee Supply Current J Figure 22. Open-Drain Test Load Min Max Unit 2.0 Vee+ 0.3 0.8 V V V V V /LA -0.3 2.4 0.4 0.5 ± 10.0 ± 10.0 200 JLA Condition IOH= IOL= IOL= 0.4 s 0.4 s -250/LA +2.0 rnA +3.2 rnA VIN S +2.4 V VOUT S +2.4 V rnA Vee = 5 V ± 5% unless otherWise speCified, over specifIed temperature range. Capacitance Symbol Parameter Input CapaCitance Output CapaCitance Bidlrechonal CapaCitance Min Max Unit 10 15 20 pi pi pi Test Condition f = 1 MHz, over speCIhed temperature range. Unmeasured pms returned to ground. 690 8085·0209.0001 CPU Interface Timing CS, wW ------H-~~_r---------+~---------- READ AlW WAITE iii I ADDA••• ADo-AD7 CIO § WRITE CIO READ Interrupt Timing PATTERN MATCH ~ INPUT,S. - - - - ' BIT PORT T . ACKIN NOTE .. PATTERN MATCHES @ \ . .. 1 @ . COUNTER INPUT % PCL!( -® is ---®- \ INT Interrupt Acknowledge Timing ADO~AD7 ------~...::~~.....)~----- ________ XUNDEFINED)...... iii lEI lEO 2014-022,023,024 691 4MHz No. Symbol Parameter Min Max 6 MHz Min Max Notes*t I TwAS AS Low W1dth 70 2000 50 2000 2 TsA(AS) Address to AS t Setup Time 10 30 3 ThA(AS) Address to AS t Hold Time 50 30 I 4 -TsA(DS) ---Address to DS j Setup T i m e - - - - - - - - - 1 3 0 - - - - - - 1 0 0 - - - - - - - I - 5 TsCSO(AS) CSo to AS t Setup Time 6 ThCSO(AS) CSo to AS t Hold T,me 7 TdAS(DS) AS t to DS I Delay 8-TsCSI(DS)--CS 1 to DS I Setup Time 0 60 60 100 0 40 40 80-------- 9 TsRWR(DS) R/W (Read) to DS I Setup Time 100 80 10 TsRWW(DS) R/W (Write) to DS I Setup T,me o 0 II TwDS DS Low Width 390 250 12 - TsDW(DSf)-- Write Data to DS I Setup T i m e - - - - - - - - - 30 20 - - - - - - - - 13 TdDS(DRV) DS (Read) I to Address Data Bus Driven 0 0 14 TdDSf(DR) DS I to Read Data Valid Delay 250 180 Write Data to DS t Hold T,me 15 ThDW(DS) 30 20 16- TdDSr(DR) - - DS t to Read Data Not Valid D e l a y - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - 17 TdDS(DRz) DS t to Read Data Float Delay 70 45 2 18 ThRW(DS) R/W to DS t Hold Time 55 40 19 ThCSI(DS) CS 1 to DS t Hold Time 55 40 20-TdDS(AS)--DS t to AS I D e l a y - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 - - - - - - 2 5 - - - - - - - 21 Trc Vahd Access Recovery Time 1000 650 3 22 TdPM(INT) Pattern Match to INT Delay (Bit Port) 1+800 1+800 6 23 TdACK(INT) ACKIN to INT Delay (Port with Handshake) 4+600 4,6 4+600 24-TdCI(INT)--Counter Input to INT Delay (Counter Mode)------I +700-----1 + 7 0 0 - - - 6 25 26 TdPC(lNT) TdAS(INT) PCLK to INT Delay (T,mer Mode) AS to INT Delay I +700 300 1+700 6 27 TsIA(AS) INTACK to AS t Setup Time o o 28 ThIA(AS) INTACK to AS t Hold Time 250 250 29 TsAS(DSA) AS t to DS (Acknowledge) I Setup T,me 350 250 5 30-TdDSA(DR)--DS (Acknowledge) I to Read Data Valid Delay'------ 2 5 0 - - - - - - 1 8 0 1 - - - - 31 TwDSA DS (Acknowledge) Low Width 390 250 32 TdAS(IEO) AS t to lEO I Delay (lNTACK Cycle) 350 250 5 33-TdlEI(lEO)--lEI to lEO Delay---------------150-----100---~5j__34 TsIEI(DSA) lEO to DS (Acknowledge) I Setup Time 100 70 5 lEI to DS (Acknowledge) t Hold T,me 35 ThIEI(DSA) 100 70 36 TdDSA(INT) DS (Acknowledge) I to INT t Delay 600 600 NOTES: 1. Parameter does not apply to Interrupt Acknowledge transachons. Float delay IS measured to the hme when the output has changed 0.5 V from steady state with mlmmum ae load and maximum de load. 3. ThiS IS the delay from iSS I of one CIa access to j of another CIa access. 4 The delay IS from DAV I for 3-Wire Input Handshake. The delay IS from DAC I for 3-Wlre Output Handshake. One addlhonal AS cycle IS required for ports 10 the Smgle Buf· fered mode. 2. :os 692 5. The parameters for the devlCes many parhcular daiSY cham must meet the followmg constramt. the delay from AS 1 to:5S 1 must be greater than the sum of TdAS(IEO) for the highest Priority peripheral, TsIEI(DSA) for the lowest priority penpheral, and TdIEI(IEO) for each peripheral separatmg them m the cham. 6. Umts equal to AS cycle + ns. * Tlmmgs are prelimmary and subject to change. t Umts In nanoseconds(ns), except as noted Strobed Handshake INPUT OUTPUT Interlocked Handshake I ~. ~ -~tr'----INPUT AC:: § -----\-'~---'3"--BT~...;;';.....'-------- DATA OUTPUT a-Wire Handshake iCiii DATA DAY INPUT INPUT R~D OUTPUT "ilil OUTPUT -----....1[ DATA DAC INPUT OUTPUT II~D INPUT /WI OUTPUT 2014-025, 026, 027 693 No. Symbol Parameter TsDl(ACK) ThDl(ACK) Data Input to ACKIN ! Setup T,me Data Input to ACKIN ! Hold Time - Strobed 2 Handshake ACKIN ! to RFD ! Delay TdACKf(RFD) 3 4-TwACKI---ACKIN Low W,dth - Strobed Handshake 5 TwACKh ACKIN High W ldth - Strobed Handshake 6 7 RFD 1 to ACKIN ! Delay Data Out to DAV ! Setup T,me TdDAVf(ACK) DAV ! to ACKIN ! Delay 8 9-ThDO(ACK)--Data Out to ACKIN ! Hold Time 10 II TdRFDr(ACK) TsDO(DAV) Min a 4MHz Max 6MHz Min Max Notes*t a 500 a a 250 250 a a 25 20 a a 1------1------2- TdACK(DAV) ThDl(RFD) ACKIN! to DAV 1 Delay I I 2 Data Input to RFD ! Hold T,me - Interlocked a a Handshake 12 TdRFDf(ACK) RFD! to ACKIN 1 Delay - Interlocked Handshake a a 13-TdACKr(RFD)-ACKIN 1 (DAV1 )toRFD 1 Delay I n t e r l o c k e d - - O - - - - - - O - - - - - - - and 3-Wire Handshake 14 TdDAVr(ACK) DAV 1 to ACKIN 1 (RFD 1 ) - Interlocked and a a 3-Wire Handshake 15 TdACK(DAV) ACKIN 1 (RFD 1 )to DAV ! Delay - Interlocked and a a 3-Wlre Handshake 16-TdDAVIf(DAC)-DAV! toDAC 1 Delay - Input3-W,re H a n d s h a k e - - O - - - - - - O - - - - - - - 17 ThDl(DAC) Data Input to DAC 1 Hold T,me - 3-Wlre a a Handshake 18 TdDACOr(DAV) DAC 1 to DAV 1 Delay - Input 3-Wire Handshake a a 19 TdDAVIr(DAC) DAV 1 to DAC ! Delay - Input 3-Wire Handshake a a 20-TdDAVOf(DAC)-DAV! to DAC 1 Delay - Output 3-Wlre H a n d s h a k e - O - - - - - - O - - - - - - - 21 ThDO(DAC) Data Output to DAC 1 Hold T,me - 3-Wire I 2 Handshake 22 TdDACIr(DAV) DAC 1 to DAV 1 Delay - Output 3-Wire Handshake I 2 23 TdDAVOr(DAC) DAV 1 to DAC ! Delay - Output 3-Wlre Handshake a a NOTES: 1. ThIS hme can be extended through the use of the deskew hmers. 2. Umts equal to 694 AS cycle. * Tlmmgs are prelimmary and subject to change. All hmmg references assume 2.0 V for a logic" 1" and a 8 V for a logiC "0". t Umts m nanoseconds (ns), except as noted Counter/ Timer Timing peLK ..eLK,2 INTERNAL _ _ _ _...J COUNTER INPUT QATE INltUT I COUNTER OUTPUT ~ 4 MHz No. Symbol Parameter Min Max S 6 MHz Min Max Notes*t PCLK Cycle T,me 165 4000 250 4000 TcPC 2000 TwPCh PCLK Hlgh Width 105 2000 70 2 PCLK Low Width 2000 70 2000 TwPCl 105 3 20 10 PCLK Fall T,me 4 TIPC PCLK R,se T,me 15 TrPC 20 5 Counter Input Cycle Time 500 330 6-TcCI Counter Input Hlgh Width 230 150 7 TClh Counter Input Low W,dth 150 230 8 TwCIl Counter Input Fall T,me 20 15 TlCI 9 10 TrCI Counter Input Rise T,me 20 15 11- TsTI(PC)---Trigger Input to PCLK I Setup T,me --150 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - (T,mer Mode) 12 TsTI(CI) Trlgger Input to Counter Input I Setup 150 2 Time (Counter Mode) 13 TwTI Trlgger Input Pulse W,dth (Hlgh or Low) 200 l4-TsGI(PC)---Gate Input to PCLK I Setup T,me---lOO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - (Timer Mode) TsGI(CI) Gate Input to Counter Input ! Setup 100 2 15 Time (Counter Mode) ThGI(PC) Gate Input to PCLK I Hold T,me (Tlmer 100 2 16 Mode) 17 -ThGI(CI)---Gate Input to Counter Input I Hold--lOO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - Time (Counter Mode) 475 TdPC(CO) PCLK to Counter Output Delay (Timer 18 Mode) TdCI(CO) Counter Input to Counter Output Delay 475 19 (Counter Mode) NOTES 1. PCLK IS only used with the counter/hmers (m Timer mode), the deskew hmers, and the REQUEST/WAIT logiC If these functions are not used, the PCLK mput can be held low These parameters must be met to guarantee that tngger or gate 2014-028 are valid for the next counier/bmer cycle * TImmgs are prehmmary and subject to change. All hmmg refer- ences assume 2.0 V for a logiC "I" and t Umts In nanoseconds (ns) a 8 V for a logLC "a" 695 0 REQUEST! WAIT Timing No. Symbol Parameter TdDS(REQ) iSSl to REQ I Delay 2 TdDS(WAIT) iSSl to WAIT I Delay 3 4 5 TdPC(REQ) PCLK I to REQ I Delay TdPC(WAIT) PCLK I to WAIT I Delay TdACK(REQ) ACKIN I to REQ I Delay 6 TdACK(WAIT) ACKIN I to WAIT I Delay Min NOTES' 1. The Delay IS from DAV I for the 3-Wire Input Handshake. The delay IS from DAC 1 for the 3-Wlre Output Handshake. 2. Umts equal to AS cycles + PCLK cycles + ns. 4 MHz Max 6 MHz Min Max Notes*t 500 500 300 300 3+2 + 1000 10+600 1,2 3 3. Umts equal to PCLK cycles + ns. * Tlmmgs are prehmmary and subject to change. All hmmg references assume 2.0 V for a \OglC "I" and 0.8 V for a logic "0". t Umts In nanoseconds (ns), except as noted. Reset Timing RBSET INTERNAl. No. 1 2 3 ____________________ Symbol Parameter Min TdDSQ(AS) Delay from DS I to AS I for No Reset TdASQ(DS) Delay from AS I to DS I for No Reset TwRES Mmimum WIdth of AS and DS both Low for Reset 40 50 250 NOTES. 1 Internal clrcutry allows for the reset provIded by the Z8 held Low while AS pulses) to be sufficient 696 (iSs 4 MHz Max ~r 6 MHz Min Max Notes*t 15 30 170 * Tlmmgs are prehmmary and subject to change. All hmmg references assume 2.0 V for a logic "I" and 0.8 V for a loglC "0" t DOlts m nanoseconds (ns), 2014-029, 030 Miscellaneous Port Timing ANY INPUT ---'l@-r=iLl'-:-'--- 1'.CATCHBR INPUT r \ . I~~~----------- PATURN ----------~,r-------~ ). PATTERN MATCHES ) ( MATCH INPUT,S. --------~~ _______(s}~5:t~~~====~-~*~====::1 V DATA TO.B LATCH.D TO V PATURN MATCH _ _ _ _ _ _.JA No. 2 3 4 5 6 ,------- 1\.'-_ _ _ _ __ 4 MHz Max 6MHz Min Max Any Input Rise Time 100 100 Any Input Fall Time 100 Symbol Parameter TrI TIl Twl's I's Catcher High Width 250 170 TwPM TsPMD Pattern Match Input Valid (Bit Port) 750 500 ThPMD Data Latched on Pattern Match Hold Time (Bit Port) Min NOTES: 1. If the Input IS programmed Invertmg, a Low-going pulse of the same width wIll be detected. 100 a a 1000 650 Data Latched on Pattern Match Setup Time (Bit Port) Notes"t I • Tlmmgs are prelImmary and subject to change. All hmmg references assume 2.0 V for a logic"}" and 0.8 V for a logic "0", t Urllts In nanoseconds (ns). Bidirectional Port Timing IN/jj'jff J r-~ Figure 2b. 44-pln Chip Carrier. Pin Assignments CPU INTERFACE OR 110 PORT CPU INTERPACE DATA BUS v-"'1I"---t 128 X 8 FIFO BUFFER t--yo/ DATA BUS PORT 1 SlOB : PORT 2 SIDE Figure 3. FlO Block Diagram 700 2020-003,004 Functional Description Operating Modes. Ports 1 and 2 operate in any of twelve combinations of operating modes, listed in Table 2. Port I functions in either the Z-BUS or non-Z-BUS microprocessor modes, while Port 2 functions in Z-BUS, nonZ-BUS, Interlocked 2-Wire Handshake, and 3-Wire Handshake modes. Table I describes the signals and their correspondmg pins in each of these modes. Signal Pin. Z-BUS Low Byte Z-BUS High Byte lKl REQ/WT DMASTB DS R/W CS AS REQIWT DMASTB [i] [£J @] ~ W @] [ill [!] W iNTACK lEO lEI INT Os R/W CS AS Aa Al A2 A3 The pin diagrams of the FlO are identical, except for two pins on the Port 1 side, which select that port's operating mode. Port 2's operating mode is programmed by two bits in Port l's Control register O. Table 2 describes the combinations of operating modes; Table 3 describes the control signals mapped to pins A-I m the five possible operating modes. Mon-Z-BUS REQIWT DACK RD WR CE C/O INTACK lEO lEI INT IDt.r1ocked HS Port· S-Wlr. HS Port· RFD/DAV ACKIN FULL EMPTY CLEAR DATA DlR RFDIDAV DAV/DAC DAC/RFD EMPTY CLEAR DATA DlR INa INa OUTI OE OUT3 OUTI OE OUT3 '2 s.de only. Table I. Pin Assignment. Mode MI 0 0 0 0 5 6 8 10 11 MO Bl 0 BO 0 1 0 Z·BUS High Byte Z-BUS High Byte Z-BUS H.gh Byte Z·BUS High Byte Z·BUS H.gh Byte Non·Z-BUS 3-Wire Handshake 2· Wire Handshake 0 Non·Z·BUS Non·Z·BUS Non·Z-BUS Non·Z-BUS Z·BUS Low Byte Non-Z-BUS 3·Wire Handshake 2· Wire Handshake 0 0 0 0 0 0 Port 2 Z·BUS Low Byte Non·Z·BUS 3· W.re Handshake 2· Wire Handshake 0 0 0 0 0 Port 1 Z-BUS Low Byte Z·BUS Low Byte Z·BUS Low Byte Z·BUS Low Byte Table 2, Operating Model 701 Functional Description CHANNILA (Continued) Z8D02 P 'rY . , - - - - , PORT. PORTa 1"---./ SYSTEM MEMORY P 'rY zaoBU8 I/O ... } HANDSHAU BIGNALB MEMORY ZoBU8 zaoaus Figure 4. CPU 10 CPU ConflguratlOll 702 Figure 5. CPU 10 1/0 CoaliguratlOD 2020-005, 006 Pins Common To Both Sides Z-BUS Low Byte Mode Pin Signals Pin Names Pin Numbers MO MI +5 Vdc GND MO MI +5 Vdc GND 21 19 40 20 Pin Signals Pin Names Pin Number. Pori I 2 ADO-AD7 (Address/Data) REQIWAIT (RequesVW alt) DO-~ 11-18 DMASTB (Direct Memory Access Strobe) B 2 38 DS (Data Strobe) RiW (ReadIWnte) C 3 37 D 4 36 Gs E 5 35 F 6 34 G 7 33 H 8 32 Output, active H,gh. Sends mterrupt enable to lower priorlty deVIce lEI pm. 9 31 Input, acbve High. ReceIves interrupt enable Irom hIgher priority device lEO sIgnal. 10 30 Output, open dram, achve Low. SIgnals FlO Interrupt request to CPU. (ChIp Select) AS (Address Strobe) INTACK (Interrupt Acknowledge) lEO (Interrupt Enable Out) lEI (Interrupt Enable In) A INT (Interrupt) Z-BUS High Byte Mode MI and MO program Port I SIde CPU mterface DC power source DC power ground 29-22 39 Pin Signals Pin Namel Pin Numbers Port I 2 ADO-A~ DO-D7 11-18 (Address/Data) REQIWAIT (Request/Walt) A 29-22 39 DMASTB (Direct Memory Access Strobe) B 2 38 DS (Data Strebe) C 3 37 RiW D 4 36 (ReadlWrite) Gs Signal Description Signal Description Mulbplexed b,dlrecbonal address/data hnes, Z-BUS compabble. Output, acbve Low, REQUEST (ready) lme lor DMA transler; WAIT Ime (open-dram) output lor synchromzed CPU and FlO data translers. Input, acbve Low. Strobes DMA data to and Irom the FIFO buller. N 00 Input, acbve Low. ProvIdes bmmg lor data transler to or Irom FlO. Input; acbve HIgh sIgnals CPU read Irom FlO; active Low sIgnals CPU wnte to FlO. Input, acbve Low. Enables FlO. Latched on the rlsmg edge 01 AS. Input, active L~ Addresses, CS and iNTAcK sampled whlle AS Low. Input, acbve Low. Acknowled~ an mterrupt. Latched on the rlsmg edge of AS. C W 00 N0 .....e Signal Description Multiplexed bIdirectional address/data hnes, Z-BUS compabble. Output, active Low, REQUEST (ready) Ime for DMA transler; WAIT ltne (open-dram) output for synchromzed CPU and FlO data transfers. Input, active Low. Strobes DMA data to and from the FIFO buller. Input, active Low. ProvIdes timing for transler of data to or from FlO. Input, acbve H,gh. Signals CPU read from FlO; active Low SIgnals CPU Wrlte to FlO. Input, active LQ!!.. Enables FlO. Latched on the rlsmg edge of AS. Input, acbve LoJ!, Addresses, CS and INTACK are sampled while AS IS Low. E 5 35 (ChIp Select) AS (Address Strobe) F 6 34 Ao G 7 33 Input, active HIgh. With Ai, A2, and A3, addresses FlO mternal registers. Al (Address BIt I) H 8 32 A2 (Address BIt 2) 9 31 Input, actIve HIgh. With FlO mternal regIsters. Input, acbve HIgh. W,th FlO internal registers. A3 (Address Bit 3) 10 30 (Address Bit 0) Input, active High. With FlO Internal registers. Ao, A2, and A3, addresses Ao' AI, and A3, addresses Ao, AI, and A2, addresses Table 3. SlgnaVPin Descriptions 703 Non-Z-BUS Mode Pin Signals Names Pin Numbers Port 4 DO-D7 11-18 Pin DO-D7 (Data) REQIWT (RequestIW ait) A DACK (DMA Acknowledge) B HiS C 2 Signal Description 29-22 BidIrectional data bus. 39 Output, active Low, REQUEST (ready) line for DMA transfer; WAIT line (open-drain) output for synchronized CPU and FlO data transfer. 38 Input, actIve Low. DMA acknowledge. 37 Input, actIve Low. Signals CPU read from FlO. (Read) WR (Wnte) D 4 36 Input, actIve Low. Signals CPU wnte to FlO. CE (Chip Select) E 5 35 Input, actIve Low. Used to select FLO. cii5 F 6 34 Input, active High. Identifies control byte on DO-D7; actIve Low ldentIhes data byte on DO-D7. INTACK (Interrupt Acknowledge) G 7 33 Input, actIve Low. AcknoWledges an interrupt. lEO (Interrupt Enable Out) H 8 32 Output, active HIgh. Sends mterrupt enable to lower priorIty deVIce lEI pm. lEI (Interrupt Enable In) 9 31 INT (Interrupt) 10 (ControVData) Port 2-1/0 Port Mode Input, active High. Receives interrupt enable from higher pnonty deVice lEO signal. Output, open drain, active Low. Signals FlO interrupt to CPU. 30 Signal Description Pin Signals Pin Names Pin Numbers DO-D7 (Data) DO-D7 29-22 2-Wire HS' 3-Wlre HS BIdIrectional data bus. RFD/DAV (Ready for Data/Data Available) A 39 2-Wlre HS 3-Wlre HS Output, RFD actIve High~nals penpherals that FlO is ready to receIve data. DA V active Low signals that FlO IS ready to send data to peripherals. ACKIN (Acknowledge Input) B 38 2-Wlre HS Input, actIve Low. Signals FlO that output data is received by penpherals or that input data is vahd. DAV/DAC (Data Available/Data Accepted) B 38 3-Wlre HS Input; DA V (actIve Low) signals that data is valid on bus. DAC (actIve High) signals that output data is accepted by peripherals. FULL C 37 2-Wlre HS Output, open dram, actIve High. Signals that FlO buffer IS full. DAC/RFD (Data Accepted/Ready for Data) C 37 3-Wlre HS EMPTY D 36 2-Wlre HS 3-Wlre HS Output, open dram, actIve High. Signals that FIFO buffer IS empty. CLEAR E 35 2-Wire HS 3-Wlre HS Programmable mput or output, actIve Low. Clears all data from FIFO buffer. DATA DIR (Data DirectIon) F 34 2-Wlre HS 3-Wlre HS Programmable mput or output. Active High signals data mput to Port 2; Low signals data output from Port 2. INa G 33 2-Wlre HS 3-Wlre HS Input Ime to DO of Control Register 3. OUT] H 32 2-Wlre HS 3-Wlre HS Output line from D] of Control Register 3. OE (Output Enable) 31 2-Wlre HS 3-Wire HS Input, actIve Low. When Low, enables bus drivers. When High, floats bus dnvers at high Impedance. OUT3 30 2-Wire HS 3-Wlre HS Output Ime from D3 of Control register 3. Mode DIrection controlled 'Handshake Table 3. Signal/Pin Descriptions (Contmued) 704 by mternal programmmg. Both actIve High. DAC (an output) signals that FlO has received data from penpheral; RFD (an input) signals that the lIsteners are ready for data. Reset The FIO can be reset under either hardware or software control by one of the following methods: • By forcing both AS and DS Low simultaneously in Z-BUS mode (normally illegal). • By forcing RD and WR Low simultaneously in non-Z-BUS mode. • By writing a 1 to the Reset bit in Control register 0 for software reset. In the Reset state, all control bits are cleared to O. Only after clearing the Reset bit (by CPU Interfaces The FIO is designed to work with both Z-BUS- and non-Z-BUS-type CPUs on both Port 1 and Port 2. The Z-BUS configuration interfaces CPUs with time-multiplexed address and data information on the same pins. The Z8001, Z8002, and Z8 are examples of this type of CPU. The AS (Address Strobe) pin is used to latch the address and chip select information sent out by the CPU. The RlW (Read/Write) pin and the DS (Data Strobe) pin are used for timing reads and writes from the CPU to A~~~~~S ADo-AD7 - - ( writing a 0 to it) can the other command bits be programmed. This action is true for both sides of the FIO when programmed as a CPU interface. For proper system control, when Port I is reset, Port 2 is also reset. In addition, all Port 2' s outputs are floating and all inputs are ignored. To initiate the data transfer, Port 2 must be enabled by Port 1. The Port 2 CPU can determine when it is enabled by reading Control register 0, which reads "floating" data bus if not enabled and "OIH" if enabled. the FIO (Figures 6 and 7). The non-Z-BUS configuration is used for CPUs where the address and data buses are separate. Examples of this type of CPU are the Z80 and 8080. The RD (Read) and WR (Write) pins are used to time reads and writes from the CPU to the FIO (Figures 9 and 10). The c/lS (Control/Data) pin is used to directly access the FIFO buffer (CiD=O) and to access the other registers (C/D = 1). Read and write to all )>-______-« TO CPU )>-_____ "--.I cs R/WJ \1... __ \~_----,I Figure 6. Z-BUS Read Cycle Timing -« ADO-AD7 _ _ A~~~~SS H'-___ DA_TA_F_"D_M_C_PU ______} - - 'Alii c \ \'--_ _--'1 Figure 7. Z-BUS Write Cycle Timing 2020-007. 008 705 CPU Interfaces (Continued) registers except the FIFO buffer I are two-step operations, described as follows (Figure 8). First, write the address (c/iS = 1) of the register to be accessed into the Pointer Register (State 0); second, read or write (C/O = 1) to the register pointed at previously (State 1). Continuous status monitoring can be performed in State 1 by continuous Control Read operations (C/O = 1). 1The FIFO buffer can also be accessed by thIS two-step operahon. RD OR WR Figure 8. Register Access In Non-Z-BUS Mode CID===><___________>C DO-D7 ---------------«:T~O~C~pu~r_ \~ ____________ ~r_ \ .... _ _ _ _...J! Figure 9. Non-Z-BUS Read Cycle Timing ---'X'-__________x:=: CID _ _ Do-D7 ------«===:!F:RO~M~C~PU~===»----\~ WR ____________...J! \'-____.....1 Figure 10. Non-Z-BUS Write Cycle Timing WAIT Operation Interrupt Operation 706 When data is output by the CPU, the REQ/WT (WAIT) pin is active (Low) only when the FIFO buffer is full, the chip is selected, and the FIFO buffer is addressed. WAIT goes inactive when the FIFO buffer is not full. When data is input by the CPU, the REQ/WT pin becomes active (Low) only when the FIFO buffer is empty, the chip is selected, and the FIFO buffer is addressed. WAIT goes inactive when the FIFO buffer is not empty. The FlO supports Zilog's prioritized daisy chain interrupt protocol for both Z-BUS and non-Z-BUS operating modes (for more details refer to the Zilog Z-BUS Summary). Each side of the FlO has seven sources of interrupt. The priorities of these devices are fixed in the following order (highest to lowest): Mailbox Message, Change in Data Direction, Pattern Match, Status Match, Overflow/ Underflow Error, Buffer Full, and Buffer Empty. Each interrupt source has three bits that control how it generates the interrupt. These bits are Interrupt Pending (IP), Interrupt Enable (IE), and Interrupt Under Service (IUS). In addition, each side of the FlO has an interrupt vector and four bits controlling the FlO interrupt logic. These bits are Vector 2020-009, 010, 011 Interrupt Operation (Continued) Includes Status (VIS), Master Interrupt Enable (MIE)' Disable Lower Chain (DLC), and No Vector (NV). A typical Interrupt Acknowledge cycle for Z-BUS operahon IS shown in Figure II and for non-Z-BUS operation in Figure 12. The only difference is that in Z-BUS mode, INTACK is latched by AS, and in non-Z-BUS mode INTACK is not latched. When MIE = I, reading the vector always includes status, independent of the state of the ADo-AD? VIS bit. In this way, when VIS = 0, all information can be obtained with one additional read, thus conserving vector space. When MIE = 0, readmg the vector register returns the unmodified base vector so that It can be verified. In non-Z-BUS mode, the IPs do not get set while m State I. Therefore, to minimize mterrupt latency, the FlO should be left in State O. In Z-BUS mode IPS are set by an AS following the event. ~------«~~V~EC:TO:R~>-- \______r-- iii 7 lEI 'NT _ _ _ _ _ _ _...J/ Figure 11. Z-BUS Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle Do-Dr ------------< 'NTACK \ ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - ' , \ ..... _ _--'1 'E' _ _ _...J/ 'NT _ _ _ _ _ _- - J/ Figure 12. Non-Z-BUS Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle CPU to CPU Operation 2020·012,013 DMA Operation. The FlO is particularly well suited to work with a DMA in both Z-BUS and non-Z-BUS modes. A data transfer between the FlO and system memory can take place during every machine cycle on both sides of the FlO simultaneously. In Z-BUS mode, the DMASTB pin (DMA Strobe) is used to read or write into the FIFO buffer. The RlW (Read/Write) and DS (Data Strobe) signals are ignored by the FlO; however, the CS (Chip Select) signal is not ignored and therefore must be kept invalid. Figures 13 and 14 show typical timing. In Non-Z-BUS mode, the DACK pin (DMA Acknowledge) is used to tell the FlO that its DMA request is granted. After DACK goes Low, every read or write to the FlO goes into the FIFO buffer. Figures 15 and 16 show typical timing. 707 CPU to CPU Operation DATA FROM FlO TO MEMORY (Continued) \~_ _--II AIW ----------------------------- \'-___-Jr-- Figure 13. Z-BUS flO to Memory Data Transaction DATA FPlOM MEMORY TO FlO \~ ___---"r- III. \'-_---.11 Figure 14. Z-BUS Memory to FlO Data Transaction ADDAESSES ===><_____M_EM_O_R_Y_A_DD_"_E_SS_O_F_W_R_'T_E____J)(~____________________ "J}- DATA {DATA FROM FlO TO MEMORV}---{I..______________ aus MEMORY WRITE 110 READ DACK~~_______________________________________________ Figure IS. Non-Z-BUS FlO to Memory Transaction ADDR.,••S ===>< MEMORY ADDRESS OF READ MIMORY - - - - - ' \~~.__________J./ ~ XI..________________________ \'-_---.11 \'-_. . .1 ~~I..------------------------------------------------Figure 16. Non-Z-BUS Memory to FlO Data Transaction 708 2020·014, 015, 016, 017 CPU to CPU Operation (Continued) The FlO provides a special mode to enhance its DMA transfer capability. When data is written into the FIFO buffer, the REQ/WT (REQUEST) pin is active (Low) until the FIFO buffer is full. It then goes inactive and stays inactive until the number of bytes in the FIFO buffer is equal to the value programmed into the Byte Count Comparison register. Then the REQUEST signal goes active and the sequence starts over again (Figure 17). CD ACTIVE INACTIVE When data is read from the FlO, the REQ/WT pin (REQUEST) is inactive until the number of bytes in the FIFO buffer is equal to the value programmed in the Byte Count Comparison register. The REQUEST signal then goes active and stays active until the FIFO buffer is empty. When empty, REQUEST goes inactive and the sequence starts over again (Figure 18). CD ~::..t--"""T--""--""0 ACTIVE .....::;CD::..j.-_ _r-;CD;;.'-_--I-- NUMBER OF BYTES IN EMPTY CD -+--------r-- CD CD FIFO INACTIVE FULL CD ....:::+----i----~~,.._--- FJlI.. EMPTY NUMBER IN BYTE COUNT COMPARISON REGISTER NUMBER IN BYTE COUNT COMPARISON REGISTER NOTES: 1. FIFO empty. 2. REQUEST enabled, FlO requests DMA tr.nsfer. 3. DMA transfers d.ta into the FlO. 4. FIFO fulL REQUEST inactive. NOTES: 1. FIFO empty. 2. CPU/DMA hils FIFO buffer from the opposite port. 5. The FIFO empties from the opposite port until the number of bytes in the FIFO buffer is the same as the number programmed in the Byte Count Comparison register. 4. REQUEST goes active. 3. Number of bytes in FIFO buffer is the same as the number of bytes programmed in the Byte Count Comparison register. S. DMA transfers data out of FIFO until it is empty. Figure 17. Byte Count Control: Write to FlO Figure 18. Byte Count Control: Read from FlO interrupted. Port 2's message IP status is readable from the Port 1 side. When Port 2's CPU reads the data from its Message In register, the Port 2 IP is cleared. Thus, Port l's CPU can read when the message has been read and can now send another message or follow whatever protocol that is set up between the two CPU's. The same transfer can also be made from Port 2's CPU to Port I's CPU. Message Registers. Two CPUs can communi- cate through a dedicated "mailbox" register without involving the 128 x 8 bit FIFO buffer (Figure 19). This mailbox approach is useful for transferring control parameters between the interfacing devices on either side of the FlO without using the FIFO buffer. For example, when Port l's CPU writes to the Message Out register, Port 2's message IP is set. If interrupts are enabled, Port 2's CPU is REGISTER ADDRESS "C" PORT 1 ~------,\I MaSUGIOUT RIGISTIR MESSAGE REGISTER PORT 1 TO PORT 2 PORT 1 MBaSAGBIN MESSACS REGISTEFI PORT 2 RIGI.TlR TO REGISTER PORT 1 REGISTER ADDRESS "B" 1----, PORT 2 MBSSAGEIN REOISTaR \r--==__--./ PORT I MESSAG.OUT RRGI.nR ADDRESS "8" NOTE: Usable only for CPU/CPU interface. Figure 19. Message Register Operation 2020·018,019,020 709 CPU to CPU CLEAR (Empty) FIFO Operation. The CLEAR Operation FIFO bit (active Low) clears the FIFO buffer of data. Writing a 0 to this bit empties the FIFO buffer, inactivates the REQUEST line, and disables the handshake (if programmed). The CLEAR bit does not affect any control or data register. To remove the CLEAR state, write a 1 to the CLEAR bit. In CPU/CPU mode, under program control, only one of the ports can empty the FIFO by writing to its Control Register 3, bit 6. The Port 1 CPU must program bit 7 in Control Register 3 to determine which port controls the CLEAR FIFO operation (0 = Port 1 control; I = Port 2 control). Direction of Data Transfer Operation. The (Continued) Data Direction bit controls the direction of data transfer in the FIFO buffer. The Data Direction bit is defined as 0 = output from CPU and I = input to CPU. This bit reads correctly when read by either port's CPU. For example, if Port l's CPU reads a 0 (CPU output) in its Data Direction bit, then Port 2's CPU reads a I (input to CPU) in its Data Direction bit. In CPU/CPU mode, under program control, only one of the ports can control the direction of data transfer. The Port 1 CPU must program bit 5 in Control Register 3 to determine which port controls the data direction (0 = Port I control; I = Port 2 control). Figure 20 shows FlO data transfer options. (PROGRAM REGISTERS FOR OPERATING MODE, PORT 2 CONFIGURATION, DATA TRANSFER CONTROL, ETC.) PORT 1 (CPU) PORT 2 (CPU) PORT 2 (110) (DMA OR INTERRUPT· DRIVEN TRANSFERS, AS FOR POAT 1) TRANSFERS DATA BYTE· AT·A-TIME UNTil I I I Full OR Empty t t EXCHANGE BYTES VIA MESSAGE REGISTER TERMINATES ON ANY OF THESE CONDITION$: TERMINATES ON ANY Of THESE CONDITIONS: "DMA BLOCK LENGTH REGISTER", 0 ·FIO PAnSAN MATCH INTERRUPT "BYTE COUNT DISABLES REQ ·CPU COMPLETES BUFFER DUMP ·FIO PAnERN MATCH INTERRUPT "FlO BYTE COUNT INTERRUPT -FlO Full I Empty INTERRUPT I I I l" 'y/ I I I I I I I I I I //) "'-, FIFO BUFFER IS /'" I I EXCHANGE BYTES VIA MESSAGE REGISTERS ---~-- ... - - - - \ I Y I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTINUE OR REPROGRAM PORT REGISTERS WITH NEW BLOCKS OF CONTROL BYTES. Figura 20. FlO Data TraDSfar Options 710 2020-021 CPU to I/O Operation When Port 2 is programmed in the Interlocked 2-Wire Handshake mode or the 3-Wire Handshake mode, and Port A is programmed in Z-BUS or non-Z-BUS Microprocessor mode, the FlO interfaces a CPU and a peripheral device. In the Interlocked 2-Wire Handshake mode, RFD/DAVand ACKIN strobe data to and from Port 2. In the 3-Wire Handshake mode, RFD/DAV, DAVIDAC, and DAC/RFD signals control data flow. Interlocked 2-Wire Handshake. In the Interlocked Handshake, the action of the FlO must be acknowledged by the other half of the handshake before the next action can take place. In output mode, Port 2 does not indicate that new data is available until the external device indicates it is ready for the data. Similarly, in input mode, Port 2 does not indicate that it is ready for new data until the data source indicates that the previous byte of the data is no longer available, thereby acknowledging Port 2's acceptance of the last byte. This allows the FlO to directly interface to a Z8's port, a CIO's port, a UPC's port, another FlO port, or another FIFO Z8060, with no external logic (Figures 21 and 22). 3-Wire Handshake. The 3-Wire Handshake is designed for applications in which one output port is communicating with many input ports simultaneously. It is essentially the same as the Interlocked Handshake, except that two signals are used to indicate that an input port is ready for new data or that it has accepted the present data. In the 3-Wire Handshake, the rising edge of the RFD status line indicates that the port is ready for data, and the rising edge of the DAC status line indicates that the data has been accepted. With 3-Wire Handshake, the lines of many input ports can be bussed together with open-drain drivers and the out- put pori knows when all of the ports are ready and have accepted the data. This handshake is the same handshake used in the IEEE-488 Instruments. Since the port's direction can be changed under software control, bidirectional IEEE-488-type transfers can be performed. Figures 23 and 24 show the timings associated with 3-Wire Handshake communications. CLEAR FIFO Operation. In CPU-to-I/O operation, the CLEAR FIFO operation can be performed by the CPU side (Port 1) under software control as previously explained. The CLEAR FIFO operation can also be performed under hardware control by defining the CLEAR pin of Port 2 as an input (Control Register 3, bit 7 = 1). For cascading purposes, the CLEAR pin can also be defined as an output (Control Register 3, bit 7 = 0), which reflects the current state of the CLEAR FIFO bit. It can then empty other FIOs or initialize other devices in the system. Data Direction Control. In CPU-to-I/O mode, the direction of data transfer can be controlled by the CPU side (Port 1) under software control as previously explained. The data direction can also be determined by hardware control by defining the Data Direction pin of Port 2 as an input (Control Register 3, bit 5 = 1). For cascading purposes, the Data Direction pin can also be defined as an output (Control Register 3, bit 5 = 0) pin which reflects the current state of the Data Direction bit. It can then be used to control the direction of data transfer for other FIOs or for external logic. On the Port 2 side, when data direction is 0, Port 2 is in Output Handshake mode. When data direction is 1, Port 2 is in Input Handshake mode. 711 CPU to I/O Operation (Continued) DATA IN =::x VALID DATA \ ACKU. X I X X '----l VALID DATA IIPD Figure 21. Interlocked Handshake Timing (Input) Port 2 Side Only DATA OUT =::x VALID DATA X"'__....JX VALID DATA XIo..____ ~ ,'-_---J! DAV - - " " ' \ ' , -_ _~/r-----.'----l Figure 22. Interlocked Handshake Timing (Output) Port 2 Side Only DATA IN Rtu~ =:)( J \ \ D~: x:::=::x VALID DATA ! VALID DATA X"'____ ''''_____ I '----/ OUT ______________- - ' DAC Figure 23. Input (Acceptor) TlmlnglEEE·488 HS Port. Port 2 Sid. Only DATA OUT DAV OUT =:)( X VALID DATA \ X VALID DATA X '--J I OAC IN AFI: --.r--\ I \ Figure 24. Output (Source) TlmlnglEEE·488 HS Port. Port 2 Side Only 712 2020·023, 024, 025 Programming The programming of the FlO is greatly simplified by the efficient grouping of the various operation modes in the control registers. Since all of the control registers are read/write, the need for maintaining their image in system memory is eliminated. Also, the read/write feature of the registers aids in system debugging. Each side of the FlO has 16 registers. All 16 registers are used by the Port 1 side; Control register 2 is not used on the Port 2 side. All registers are addressable 0H through FH. In the Z-BUS Low Byte mode, the FlO allows two methods for register addressing under control of the Right Justify Address (RJA) bit in Control register 0. When RJA = 0, address bus bits 1-4 are used for register addressing and bits 1, 5, 6, and 7 are ignored (Table 4). When RIA = 1, bits 0-3 are used for the register addresses, and bits 4-7 are ignored. Control Registers. These four registers specify FlO operation. The Port 2 side control NonZ-BUS ° Interrupt Status Registers. These four registers control and monitor the priority interrupt functions for the FlO. Interrupt Vector Register. This register stores the interrupt service routine address. This vector is placed on Do-D7 when IUS is set by the Interrupt Acknowledge signal from the CPU. When bit 4 (Vector Includes Status) is set in Control Register 0, the reason for the interrupt is encoded within the vector address in bits I, 2, and 3. If bit 5 is set in Control register 0, no vector is output by the FlO during an Interrupt Acknowledge cycle. However, IUS is set as usual. • S Da -'3 ~ Al Au Ao,-ADs AD,-ADc ADc ADa ADa AD2 ADI ADI ADo ADo x 0 0 x x x 0 x x D2 ~ DI DO Description Control Register 0 Control Register 1 Interrupt Status RegIster 0 x x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interrupt Status RegIster 1 x 0 0 1 Interrupt Status Register 2 Interrupt Status RegIster 3 x x 0 Interrupt Vector RegIster Byte Count RegIster x x 0 0 0 0 0 x Control RegIster 2' x 0 0 x 0 0 Message In RegIster x x Pattern Match Register x Pattern Mask RegIster x x Data Buffer Register I x 0 Byte Count ComparIson RegIster Control Register 3 Message Out RegIster 0 0 x x x x 0 0 x 0 x x x 0 0 1 0 x x x = Don't Care *Register IS I N o,-Dc Z-BUS High Z-BUS Low { RJA=O RIA = I registers operate only if the Port 2 device is a CPU. The Port 2 CPU can control interface operations, including data direction, only when enabled by the setting of bit in the Port 1 side of Control Register 2. A 1 in bit 1 of the same register enables the handshake logic. only on Port 1 sIde Table 4_ flO Register Address Summary 713 Programming Byte Count Compare Register. This register (Continued) contains a value compared with the byte count in the Byte Count register. If the Byte Count Compare interrupt is enabled, an interrupt will occur upon compare. Message Out Register. Either CPU can place a message in its Message Out register. If the opposite side Message register interrupt is enabled, the receiving side CPU will receive an interrupt request, advising that a message is present in its Message In register. Bit 5 in Control Register I on the initiating side is set when a message is written. It is cleared when the message is read by the receiving CPU. Message In Register. This register receives a message placed in the Message Out register by the opposite side CPU. Pattern Match Register. This register contains a bit pattern matched against the byte in the Data Buffer register. When these patterns match, a Pattern Match interrupt will be generated, if previously enabled. Pattern Mask Register. The Pattern Mask register may be programmed with a bit pattern mask that limits comparable bits in the Pattern Match register to non-masked bits (1 = mask). Data Buffer Register. This register contains the data to be read from or written to the FIFO buffer. Byte Count Register. This is a read-only register, containing the byte count for the FIFO buffer. The byte count is derived by subtracting the number of bytes read from the buffer from the number of bytes written into the buffer. The count is "frozen" for an accurate reading by setting bit 6 (Freeze Status register) in Control Register 1. This bit is cleared when the Byte Count register read is completed. Z·BUS TO COMM. LINE Z·BUS MASTER CPU NOTES: 1. Data from master CPU - Z-FIO Port 2. 2. Z-FIO Port 1 -DCP. 3. DCP -RAM. 4. RAM -Z-SCC. S. Z-SCC - data comm. lme loop. Figure 25. Typical Application: Node Controller 714 2020-026 Registers Control Register 2* Address: 1001 (ReadlWrite) I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I I ~ ;::RTAT ISIDEENABLED 2 SIDE ENAILE 'THIS A BITS 2-7 NOT UB 0'8 FRg:'roERTR READS ALL HANDSHAKE MUST BE PROO":'MED. ZSIDE Control Register a Address: 1010 (ReadlWrite) Control Register I Address: 0001 (ReadlWrite) '·'·lnT~==..=-~~. I • 11 ~:::~ESTIWAifENABLED L 10,10,10,10.1010 I ~~ ' I' 1 = DATA DtRee UT LIN!; (PIN 30)'" ~:~:f~UW~.rT OM -=====--- ° • REQUEST 0", PORT 1 SID: 1 - START DMA ON 1 = STOP DMA ON PBYTE COUNT 1 .. MESSA AnERN MATCH 1 = PORT 2 SIDE L 1 '"' M GE MAILBOX REGISTE 1 ESSAGE MAILBOX AEGIS A UNDEA SEAVICE' '"' FREEZE STATU 'AEAD ONLY BITS PORT 2 8IDE-o'::E PROGRAMMED 0) ,~EAI).()NLY Brrs TEFl FULL- ONLY WHEN PO NOT USED IMUST BE 5 PROGRAMMED AEGISTEA COUNT 0) CPU =:~t: DATADlREC110N 0= CLEAR FIFO BUFFER ",PORT 1 SIDE co 1 = PORT 2 SIDE CONTROLS CLEAR AT 21S AN 110 PORT NTROLS •...,..at... Figure 26, Control ,,-- Interrupt Status Reglst Address: 0010 er 0 (ReadIWrite) ID,ID.ID.ID.I~ID I III L:!" I I I :OT USED ~UST BE PROGRAMMED 0) ESSAGE IHTERRU PT PENDING (lP) MESSAGE INTER M RUPT ENABlE IUS. IE, AND I. ESSAGE INTERRUPT U PEl THE FOLLOWIN:RioWFimEN USING NDER SERVICE (IUS) o NULL CODE MMAND: CLEAR IP a IUS seT IUS CLEAR IUS SET IP Figure'D, Inl..rupl Slalus RegiBl... 2020-027,028 715 i Registers Interrupt Status Register 1 Address: 0011 (ReadlWrite) (Continued) DATA DIRECTION CHANGE INTERRUPT UNDER SERVICE (IUS) DATA DIRECTION CHANGE INTERRUPT ENABLE (IE) DATA DIRECTION CHANOE INTERRUPT jJ I II' L ~ I I I I I , I PENDING (IP) = PATTERN MATCH FLAG· I I I I UNDER SERVICE (IUS) L:'-:'-:'-_ IUS, IE, AND IP ARE WRITTEN USING THE FOLLOWING COMMAND: 1 PATTERN MATCH INTERRUPT PENDING (lP) PATTERN MATCH INTERRUPT ENABLED (IE) PATTERN MATCH INTERRUPT NOT USED (MUST BE PROGRAMMED 0) IUS,IE, AND IP ARE WRITTEN USING THE FOLLOWING COMMAND: 0 0 0 0 1 1 SETIP CLEAR IP 1 0 1 SET IE 1 0 1 CLEAR IE 1 1 CLEAR IP 6 IUS SET IUS CLEAR IUS 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 NULL CODE CLEAR IP 6 'US SET IUS 1 CLEAR IUS 0 SET IP CLEAR IP SET IE 1 CLEAR IE -READ-ONLY BITS Interrupt Status Register 2 Address: 0100 (ReadlWrlte) BYTE COUNT COMPARE INTERRUPT UNDER SERVICE (IUS) BYTE COUNT COMPARE INTERRUPT ENABLE (IE) BYTE COUNT COMPARE INTERRUPT PENDING (lP) iJ I ~~ L L UNDERFLOW ERROR· I I I I I I I ERROFlINTERFlUPT PENDING (IP) I ERROR INTERRUPT ENABLED (IE) I I ERROR INTERRUPT UNDER SERVICE (IUS) I I OVERFLOW ERRORIUS, IE, AND IP ARE WRITTEN USING THE FOLLOWING COMMAND: IUS, IE, AND IP ARE WRITTEN USING THE FOLLOWING COMMAND: NULL CODE 0 0 0 o 0 0 NULL CODE a IUS 0 0 0 1 1 0 o 0 1 CLEAR IP o 1 0 1 0 o 0 1 SET IUS 0 1 1 1 0 0 SET IE 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 CLEAR IE 1 1 1 1 1 1 CLEAR IP SETIUS CLEAR IUS SETIP CLEAR IP 1 a IUS CLEAR IUS SETIP CLEAR IP SET IE 1 CLEAR IE ·READ'()NLV BITS Interrupt Status Register :I Address: 0101 (ReadIWrite) FULL INTERRUPT UNDER SERVICE (IUS) FULL INTERRUPT ENABLE (IE) FULL INTERRUPT PENDING (lP) ~ :U I ~ I I I I IUS, IE, AND IP ARE WRITTEN USING THE FOLLOWING COMMAND: SET IUS 0 0 0 1 CLEAR IUS 0 1 0 0 SETIP CLEAR IP SETIE CLEAR IE 1 1 1 1 EMPTY INTERRUPT PENDING (IP) I I I I I o o 0 0 NULL CODE 0 1 CLEARIP61US NULL CODe: CLEAR IP 6 IUS BUFFER EMPTY· EMPTY INTERRUPT ENABLE (IE) EMPTV INTERRUPT UNDER SIRVICE (lUI) BUFFER FULL- IUS. IE. AND III ARE WRITTEN USING THE FOLLOWING COMMAND: 1 0 SET IUS CLEAR IUS 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 SETIE 1 1 1 CLEAR IE IETIP CLEARIP -REAo.oNLV BITS Figure 27. Interrupt Status Regl8ten (Continued) 716 2020·028 Registers (Continued) Byte Count Register Address: 0111 (Read Only) Interrupt Vector Register Address: 0110 (ReadlWrite) I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I I I I I I I I I II I REFLECTS NUMBER OF BYTES IN BUFFER NO INTERRUPTS PENDING Figure 28. Byte Count Register VECTOR STATUS 1 o 0 0 BUFFER EMPTY o 1 BUFFER FULL 1 0 OVER/UNDERFLOW ERROR o 1 BYTe COUNT MATCH 1 0 PATTERN MATCH 1 0 1 DATA DIRECTION CHANGE 1 1 0 MAILBOX MESSAGE 1 1 1 Figure 29. Interrupt Vector Register Pattern Match Register Address: II aI (ReadIWnte) Pattern Mask Register Address: III a (Read/Write) ID,I D,I D, ID.lo,1 0, I0,10 I I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I 0 II I I I I I I STORES BYTE COMPARED WITH BYTE IN DATA BUFFER REGISTER I I I I I II I IF SET, BITS ().7 MASK BITS 0 7 IN PATTERN MATCH REGISTER MATCH OCCURS WHEN ALL NON·MASKED BITS AGREE Figure 30. Pattern Match Register Figure 31. Pattern Mask Register Data Buffer Register Address: IIII (Read/Write) I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I IIIIIIII CONTAINS THE BYTE TRANSFERRED TO OR FROM FIFO BUFFER RAM Byte Count Comparison Register Address: 1000 (ReadlWrite) I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~' 11111111 CONTAINS VALUE COMPARED TO BYTE COUNT REGISTER TO Issue INTERRUPTS ON MATCH (BIT 7 ALWAYS 0.) Figure 32. Data Buffer Register Figure 33. Byte Count Comparison Register Message Out Register Address: 1011 (Read/Write) Message In Register Address: 1100 (Read Only) '~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I 11111111 STORES MESSAGE SENT TO MESSAGE IN REGISTER ON OPPOSITE PORT OF FlO Figure 34. Message Out Register 2020-029,030,031,032,033,034,035,036 10, I 0.1 0,10.10,10, I 0, 10.' 1\ I I I I I I STORES MESSAGE RECEIVED FROM MESSAGE OUT REGISTER ON OPPOSITE PORT OF CPU Figure 35. Message In Register 717 Absolute Maximum Ratings Voltages on all pins with respect toGND ................... -0.3Vto +7.0V Operating Ambient Temperature ....... See Ordering Information Storage Temperature ........ - 65°C to + 150°C Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Mal"mum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the devIce. This is a stress ratmg only; operation of the device at any condition above those indicated In the operational sections of these specifications 18 not Imphed. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect devIce reliability. Standard Test Conditions The DC characteristics and capacitance sections below apply for the following standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Standard conditions are as follows: The Ordering Information section lists temperature ranges and product numbers. Package drawings are in the Package Information section in this book. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. • +4.75 V :S Vee :S +5.25 V • GND = 0 V • TA as specified in Ordering Information +5V 2.2K +5V FROM OUTPUT UNDER TEST ~ 2.2K 1 50P • Standard Test Load DC Characteristics Symbol VIH VIL VOH V~L IlL 1m ILM ICC Open-Drain Test Load Parameter Min Max Unit Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage 2.0 -0.3 2.4 Vcc +0.3 0.8 V V V V V ".A Input Leakage Output Leakage Mode Pins Input Leakage (Pms 19 and 21) Vee Supply Current -10.0 -10.0 -100 0.4 0.5 + 10.0 + 10.0 + 10.0 p.A p.A 200 rnA Condition 10H = - 250 p.A 10L = +2.0 rnA 101 = +3.2 rnA 0.4 :s VIN :s + 2.4V 0.4 :s VOUT :s + 2.4V 0< VIN < Vee Vee = 5 V ± 5% unless otherwlse specIfied, over speclhed temperature range. Capacitance Symbol C IN COUT CvO Parameter Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Bidirectional Capacitance Min Max Unit 10 15 20 pi pi pi 100 100 ns ns Condition Unmeasured pms returned to ground. Inputs tr tf Any Input Rise Time Any Input Fall Time f = 1 MHz, over specihed temperature range. 718 8085·0209.0002 AC Characteristics No. Symbol Parameter Min 4 MHz Max TwAS AS Low Width I 70 2 TsA(AS) Address to AS t Setup Time 30 3 ThA(AS) Address to AS t Hold Time 50 4 TsCSO(AS) CS to AS t Setup Time 0 ---- 60 5 - ThCSO(AS) CS to AS t Hold Time - - - 6 TdAS(DS) AS t to DS t Delay 60 7 TsA(DS) Address to DS I (with AS t to DS I = 60 ns) 120 8 TsRWR(DS) RJW (Read) to DS I Setup Time 100 9 TsRWW(DS) RJW (Write) to DS I Setup Time 0 10 -TwDS - - - - DS Low Width - - - - - - - - - - - - - 390 II TsDW(DSf) Write Data to DS I Setup Time 30 12 TdDS(DRV) DS (Read) I to Address Data Bus Driven 0 13 TdDSf(DR) DS I to Read Data Vahd Delay 14 ThDW(DS) Write Data to DS f Hold Time 30 15 - TdDSr(DR) - - DS f to Read Data Not Vahd Delay - - - - - - - 0 16 TdDS(DRz) DS f to Read Data Float Delay 17 ThRW(DS) R/Wto DS f Hold Time 55 18 TdDS(AS) DS f to AS I Delay 50 19 Trc Vahd Access Recovery Time 1000 6 MHz Min Max Notes*t 50 10 30 0 -40 40 100 80 0 250 20 0 250 --1- N 00 W 00 180 0 20 0 70 45 40 25 650 2 lilt 0 3 NmES. 1. Parameter does not apply to Interrupt Acknowledge transactIons. 2. Float delay IS measured to the hme when the output has changed. O.5V from steady state wIth minimum ae load and maxImum de load. This 16 the delay from iSS of one FlO access to OS of another FlO access (either read or write). * All hmmg references assume 2 OV for a logic "1/1 and 0 BV for a logic "0" All hmmgs are prellmmary and subject to change t Umts In nanoseconds (ns) R/W ----+i-T---+---------+"""'le---------REA. -----+-1-' ..,. WftlTE ADo_ AD ====]===~~t---=_---1=~=3E==:::r-- 1·1 ;~~::.. PIO READ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-j-=~~-~~~~~~~--------- Figure 36. Z-BUS CPU Interface Timing 2020-037 N • IIJ 719 AC Characteristics 4 MHz No. Symbol Parameter Min Max TsIA(AS) INTACK to AS t Setup Time 20 0 21 ThIA(AS) INTACK to AS t Hold Time 250 TsDSA(DR) OS (Acknowledge) I to Read Data Valid Delay 250 22 23 TwDSA OS (Acknowledge) Low Width 390 24- TdAS(IEO)-- AS t to lEO I Delay (INTACK C y c l e ) - - - - - - - - 350 25 TdlEl(IEO) lEI to lEO Delay 150 26 TslEl(DSA) lEI to OS (Acknowledge) I Setup Time 100 ThIEI(DSA) lEI to OS (Acknowledge) t Hold Time 27 50 TdDS(INT) OS (INTACK Cycle) to INT Delay 900 28 Interrupt Daisy Chain Sellle Time 29 TdDCST NOTES: 4 The parameters for the devlces many parhcular da~ ch~ must meet the followmg constramt: The delay from AS to DS must be greater than the sum of TdAS(IEO) for the hIghest pnonty peripheral, TsIEI(DSA) for the lowest prlOfity perlpheral ADo-AD-, 6 MHz Min Max Notes*t 0 250 180 250 250 - - - 4 100 4 70 30 4 800 4 and TdIEI(IEO) for each peripheral, separatmg them m the chain. * Tlmmgs are prelImmary and subject to change. t Umts In nanoseconds (ns), UNDEFINED lEI lEO Figure 37. Z·BUS CPU Interrupt Acknowledge Timing 720 2020-038 AC Characteristics No. Symbol Parameter Min 4 MHz Max 6 MHz Min Max 30 TdMW(INT) Message Write to !NT Delay TdDC(INT) Data Direction Change to INT Delay TdPMW(INT) Pattern Match to INT Delay (Write Case) 32 33 TdPMR(lNT) Pattern Match (Read Case) to !NT Delay 34-TdSC(INT)--Status Compare to INT D e l a y - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 6 31 35 36 37 38 TdER(INT) TdEM(INT) TdFL(!NT) TdAS(lNT) ----6- Error to INT Delay Empty to INT Delay Full to INT Delay AS to INT Delay 6 6 NOTES. 5. Write IS from the other side of FlO. 6. Write can be from either side, dependmg on programmmg of FlO. MEaSAGIl WRITE DATA DIRI!CTION CHANGE ..-{ Notes*t * Timings are prehmmary and subject to change t Umts equal to AS Cycles + ns. OS' WRITE " MESSAGE REGISTER OUT OS' WRITE CONTROL REGISTER 3 WRITE DATA OS BUFFER REGISTER MATCH READ DATA BUFFER REGISTER OS STATUS COMPARE WRITE OR READ DATA BUFFER REGISTER Os' BAROA WRITE OR READ 34 - - - - " " ' " 1_---{35i}--_-..,~ OS DATA BUFFER REGISTER i------{~i}-----_J EMPTY READ DATA BUFFER REGISTER i------{,jD------i PULl. WRITE DATA BUFFER REGISTER Ai 1-------(J8}-------I INT Figure 38. Z-BUS Interrupt Timing 2020·039 721 AC Characteristics No. Symbol I 2 3 45 6 7 89 10 II 12 TdDS(WAIT) AS t to WAIT j Delay TdDSI(WAlT) DSI t to WAIT t Delay TdACK(WAIT) ACKIN j to WAIT t Delay TdDS(REO) - - DS j to REO t Delay , TdDMA(REO) DMASTB j to REO t Delay TdDSI(REO) DSI t to REO j Delay TdACK(REO) ACKIN j to REO j Delay TdSU(DMA) - - Data Setup T,me to DMASTB - - - - - - - , TdH(DMA) Data Hold T,me to DMASTB TdDMA(DR) DMASTB j to Vahd Data TdDMA(DRH) DMASTB t to Data Not Vahd TdDMA(DR2) DMASTB t to Data Bus Float Parameter Min NOTES 1 The delay IS from DAV for 3-Wlre Input Handshake The delay IS from DAC for 3-Wlre Handshake 4 MHz Max 6 MHz Min Max 190 1000 1000 350 350 1000 1000 160 1000 1000 300 300 1000 1000 200 30 Notes*t 150 20 100 150 0 0 70 45 * Tlmmgs are prehmmary and subject to change. In nanoseconds (ns) t Umts Ai Di READ/WRITE DATA BUFFER BY OTHER SIDE REGISTER DSI WRITE/READ BY OTHER SIDE REGISTER DATA BUFFER J r---w-- \ WAIT ACKIN , ~ J INPUTI \ OUTPUT PORT ---r < MASTER PORT COMMANDS s~~~~ CIPHER TEXT}I ~ Y PERIPHERAL DEVICE OR I BUFFER ENCRYPT AND DECRYPT KEYS CLEAR TEXT Figure 5b. Dual-Port Configuration. Direct Control 2080·004, 005, 006 i DCP STATUS COMMANDS ~ I ) COMMANDS ENCRYPT AND DECRYPT Single-Port Configuration. The simplest configuration occurs when the Mode register con- SYSTEM ) Figure 4. Single-Port Configuration. Multiplexed Control Data Flow. Bits M2 and M3 of the Mode .egister control the flow of data into and out of the DCP through the master and slave ports. Three basic configurations are provided: one single-port and two dual-port. A MASTER KEY COMMANDS ENCRYPT AND DECRYPT KEYS, CLEAR TEXT CIPHER TEXT Operating Modes: Multiplexed Control VB. Direct Control. The DCP can be operated in either of two basic interfacing modes, determined by the logic level on the CIK input pin. In Multiplexed Control mode (C/K Low), the DCP is configured internally to allow a master CPU to address five of the internal control/status/data registers directly, thereby controlling the device via mode and command values written to these registers. Also, in this mode, the auxiliary port is enabled for keybyte input. If the logic level on C/K is brought High, the DCP enters Direct Control mode, and the auxiliary port pins are converted into direct hardware status or control signals capable of instructing the DCP to perform a functionally complete subset of its cipher processing at very high throughputs. This operating mode is particularly well suited for Ciphering data for high-speed peripheral devices such as magnetic disk or tape. HIGH SPEED MICROPROGRAMMED DEVICE :r AUXILIARY PORT PU:US 743 I Functional Description (Continued) When an encrypted key is entered, the parity-check logic operates only after the decrypted key is available. The encrypted data is not checked for parity. The PAR signal reflects the state of the decrypted bytes on a byte-to-byte basis as they are clocked through the parity-check logic on their way to the key register. Thus, the time during which PAR indicates the status of a byte of decrypted key data may be as short as four clock cycles. The LPAR bit in the Status register indicates if any erroneous bytes of key data were entered. Programming Initialization. The DCP can be reset in several ways: Code Hex • By the "Software Reset" command. • By a hardware reset, which occurs whenever both MAS and MDS go Low simultaneously. • By writing to the Mode register. • By aborting any command. These sequences initiate the same internal operations, except that loading the Mode register or aborting any command does not subsequently reset the Mode register. Once a reset process starts, the DCP is unable to respond to further commands for approximately five clock cycles. If a power-up hardware reset is used, the leading edge of the reset signal should not occur until approximately I ms after Vee has reached normal operating voltage. This delay time is needed for internal signals to stabilize. Registers. The registers in the DCP that can be addressed directly through the master port are shown with their addresses in Table 2. A brief description of these registers and those not directly accessible follows. C/K MP2 MPI MR/W MCS Register Addressed 0 X 0 0 0 Input Register X I 0 0 0 Output Register 0 0 I 0 0 Command RegIster 0 I 0 I 0 Status Register I 0 0 Mode Register I X X X X I No Register Accessed X X 0 0 Input Register I X 0 Output Register I X X I Table 2. Master Port Register Addresses CIK AU~-K/D H H H H H H H L L L L t t I H Data Pins AUXa-ElD L H X L H X X Data Command 90 91 92 II 12 BI B2 31 32 Load Clear M Key Through Auxiliary Port Load Clear E Key Through Auxiliary Port Load Clear D Key Through Auxiliary Port Load Clear E Key Through Master Port Load Clear D Key Through Master Port Load Encrypted E Key Through AUXiliary Port Load Encrypted D Key Through AUXiliary Port Load Encrypted E Key Through Master Port Load Encrypted D Key Through Master Port 85 84 A5 A4 Load Clear IVE Through Master Port Load Clear IVD Through Master Port Load Encrypted IVE Through Master Port Load Encrypted IVD Through Master Port 8D 8C A9 A8 Read Read Read Read 39 41 40 CO EO 00 Encrypt With Master Key Start Encryption Start Decryption Start Stop Software Reset Clear IVE Through Master Port Clear IVD Through Master Port Encrypted IVE Through Master Port Encrypted IVD Through Master Port Table 3. Command Codes in Multiplexed Control Mode Command Register. Data written to the 8-bit, write-only Command register through the master port is interpreted as an instruction. A detailed description of each command is given in the Commands section; the commands and their hexadecimal representations are summarized in Table 3. A subset of these commands can be entered impliCitly in Direct Control mode (C/K High)-even though the Command register cannot be addressed in that mode-by transitions on auxiliary lines AUXs-S/S, AUXs-E/D, and AUX7-K/D. These implicit commands are summarized in Table 4. Auxs-S/s Command Initiated Start Decryption t Start Encryption t I Stop Load D Key Clear through master port L Load E Key Clear through master port L L End Load Key command Not allowed H AUX pins become Key-Byte inputs Data Table 4. Implicit Command Sequences in Direct Control Mode 744 Functional Description (Continued) through the master port. Slave port and clear text read from the Master port. In both dual-port configurations, the Master Port Flag (MFLG) and the Slave Port Flag (SFLG) are used to indicate the status of the data register associated with the master port and slave port, respectively. For example, during encryption in the master port clear configuration, MFLG goes Low (active) when the Input register is not full; SFLG goes Low (active) when the Output register is not empty. If cyphering operation changes direction, MFLG and SFLG switch their register association (see Table 1). Mode Register Bits Encryptl Port Decrypt Configuration Bit Mt Bit M3 Bit M2 a a a I I I a a I a a I a 1 a a I a Input Register Flag Output Register Flag SFLG MFLG SFLG MFLG SFLG SFLG Table I. Association of Master Port Flag (MFLG) and Slave Port Flag (SFLG) with Input and Output Registe.. Dual Port, Slave Port Clear Configuration. This configuration is identical to the previously described dual-port, master port clear configuration except that the direction of ciphering is reversed. That is, all data flowing in or out of the master port is Cipher text, and all data at the slave port is clear text. Master Port Read/Write Timing. The master port of the DCP is designed to operate directly with a multiplexed address/data bus such as the Zilog Z-BUS. Several features of the master port logic are: • The level on Master Port Chip Select (MCS) is latched internally on the riSing (trailing) edge of Master Port Address Strobe (MAS). This action relieves external address decode circuitry of the responsibility for latching chip select at address time. • The levels on MPJ and MP2 are also latched internally on the rising edge of MAS and are subsequently decoded to enable reading and writing of the DCP's internal registers (Mode, Command, Status, Input and Output). This action also eliminates the need for external address latching and decoding. • Data transfers through the master port are controlled by the levels and transitions on Master Port Data Strobe (MDS) and Master Port ReadlWrite (MRlW). The former controls the timing and the latter controls the transfer direction. Data transfers disturb neither the chip-select nor address latches, so once the DCP and a particular register have been selected, any number of reads or writes of that register can be accomplished without intervening address cycles. ThiS feature greatly speeds up the loading of keys and data, given the necessary transfer control external to the DCP. Loading Keys and Initializing Vector (IV) Registers. Because the key and InitialiZing Vector (IV) registers are not directly addressable through any of the DCP's ports, keys and vector data must be loaded (and in the case of vectors, read) via "command data sequences." Most of the commands recognized by the DCP are of this type. A load or read command is written to the Command register through the master port. The command processor responds by asserting the Command Pending output. The user then either writes eight bytes of key or vector data through the master or auxiliary port, as appropriate to the specific command, or reads eight bytes of vector data from the master port. In Direct Control mode, only the E Key and D Key registers can be loaded; the M Key and IV registers are inaccessible. Loading the E and D Key registers is accomplished by placing the proper state on the AUXs-EiD input (High for E Key, Low for D Key) and then raising the AUX7-K/D input-indicating that key loading is required. The command processor attaches the proper key register to the master port and asserts the AUXa-CP (Command Pending) signal (active Low). The eight key bytes can then be written to the master port. In the Multiplexed Control mode, all key and vector registers can be written to and all but the Master (M) Key register can be loaded with encrypted, as well as clear, data. If the operation is a Load Encrypt command, the subsequent data written to the master or auxiliary port (as appropriate) is routed hrst to the Input register and decrypted before it is written into the specified key or Initializing Vector register. Parity Checking of Keys. Key bytes contain seven bits of key information and one parity bit. By DES designation, the low-order bit is the parity bit. The parity-check cirCUit is enabled whenever a byte is written to one of three key registers. The output of the parltycheck circuit is connected to PAR and the state of thiS signal is reflected in Status register bit PAR (S3). Status register bit PAR goes to 1 whenever a byte with even parity (an even number of Is) is detected. In addition to the PAR bit, the Status register has a Latched Parity bit (LPAR, S4) that IS set to I whenever the Status register PAR bit goes to J. Once set, the LPAR bit is not cleared until a reset occurs or a new Load Key command is issued. 745 I i Programming (Continued) Status Register. The bit assignments in the read-only Status register are shown in Figure 6. The PAR, AFLG, SFLG and MFLG bits indicate the status of the corresponding output pins, as do the busy and command pending bits when the DCP is in a Direct Control mode (C/K: High). In each case, the output signal will be active Low when the corresponding status bit is a I. The parity bit indicates the parity of the most recently entered key byte. The LPAR bit indicates whether any key byte with even parity has been encountered since the last Reset or Load Key command. The Busy bit is I whenever the ciphering algorithm unit is actively encrypting or decrypting data, either as a response to a command such as Load Encrypted Key (in which case the Command Pending bit is I) or in the ciphering of regular text (indicated by the Start/Stop bit being!). If the ciphered data cannot be transferred to the Output register because that register still contains output from a previous ciphering cycle, the Busy bit remains I even after the Ciphering is complete. Busy is 0 at all other times, even when ciphering is not possible because data has not been written to the Input register. The Command Pending bit is set to I by any command whose execution requires the transfer of data to or from a nonaddressable internal register, such as when writing key bytes to the E key register or reading bytes from the IVE register. Thus, the Command Pending bit is set following all commands ex- cept the three start commands, the Stop command and the Software Reset command. The Command Pending bit returns to 0 after all eight bytes have been transferred following Load Clear, Read Clear, or Read Encrypted commands; and after data has been transferred, decrypted, and loaded into the desired register following Load Encrypt commands. The Start/Stop bit is set to I when one of the start commands is entered and it is reset to 0 whenever a reset occurs or when a new command other than a Start is entered. Mode Register. Bit assignments in this 5-bit read/write register are shown in Figure 7. The Cipher type bits (Mj and Mo) indicate to the DCP which ciphering algorithm is to be used. On reset, the Cipher Type mode defaults to Electronic Code Book mode. Configuration bits (M3 and M2) indicate which data ports are to be associated with the Input and Output registers and flags. When these bits are set to the single-port, masteronly configuration (M3 M2 = 10), the slave port is disabled and no manipulation of Slave Port Chip Select (SCS) or Slave Data Strobe (SDS) can result in data movement through the slave port; all data transfers are accomplished through the master port, as previously described in the Functional Description. Both MFLG and SFLG are used in this configuration; MFLG gives the status of the Input register and SFLG gives the status of the Outpu t register. When the configuration bits are set to one of the dual-port configurations (M3 M2 = 00 or 01), both the master and slave ports are available for input and output. When M3, M2 = 01 (the default configuration), the master port handles clear data while the slave port handles encrypted data. Configuration M3, M2 = 00 reverses this assignment. Actual data direction at any particular moment is controlled by the Encrypt/Decrypt bit. The Encrypt/Decrypt bit (M4) instructs the DCP algorithm processor to encrypt or decrypt the data from the Input register using the ciphering method specified by the Cipher Type bits. The Encrypt/Decrypt bit also controls data flow within the DCP. For example, when the configuration bits are 0, I (dual-port, master clear, slave encrypted) and the Encrypt/Decrypt bit is I (encrypt), clear data will flow into the DCP through the master port and encrypted data will flow out through the slave port. When the Encrypt/Decrypt bit is set to 0 (decrypt), data flow is reversed. E~ MASTER PORT FLAG o '" INACTIVE 1 == ACTIVE SLAVE PORT FLAG o '" INACTIVE 1 = ACTIVE AUXILIARY PORT FLAG o = INACTIVE 1 == ACTIVE PARITY (PAR) o == 000 PARITY 1 == EVEN PARITY L-----LPAR o == ALL BYTES HAD 000 PARITY 1 '" ONE OR MORE BYTES HAD EVEN PARITY ' - - - - - - BUSY o = NOT BUSY 1 '" BUSY ' - - - - - - - - COMMAND PENDING o '" INACTIVE 1 '" ACTIVE ' - - - - - - - - START/STOP o '" STOP ENTERED 1 '" START ENTERED Figure 6. Status Register Bit Assignments RESERVED T-C o• 00 • = "" EL.ECTRONIC CODe BOOK (DEFAULT) 01 '" CIPHER FEEDBACK 10 = CIPHER BLOCK CHAIN 11 = RESERVED PORT CONFIGURATION 00 '" DUAL PORT, MASTER ENCRYPTED, SLAVE CLEAR 01 = DUAL PORT, MASTER CLEAR, SLAVE ENCRYPTED (DEFAULT) 10 '" SINGLE PORT, MASTER ONI..Y 11 '" RESERVED L...._ _ _ _ ENCRYPT/DECRYPT 1 = ENCRYPT o '" DECRYPT Figure 7. Mode R"gister Bit Assignments 746 2080-007, 008 Programming (Continued) Commands Input Register. The 64-blt, write-only Input register is organized to appear to the user as eight bytes of pushdown storage. A status circuit monitors the number of bytes that have been stored. The register IS considered empty when the data stored in It has been or is being processed; It is considered full when one byte of data has been entered m Cipher Feedback mode or when eight bytes of data have been entered in Electronic Code Book or Cipher Block Chain mode. If the user attempts to write data into the Input register when It IS full, the Input register disregards the attempt; no data m the register is destroyed. Output Register. The 64-bit, read-only Output register is organized to appear to the user as eight bytes of pop-up storage. A status circuit detects the number of bytes stored in the Output register. The register is considered empty when all the data stored in it has been read by the master CPU and is considered full if it still contains one or more bytes of output data. If a user attempts to read data from the Output register when it is empty, the buffers driving the output bus remain in a 3-state condition. M. E. D Key Registers. The following multibyte key registers cannot be addressed directly, but are loaded in response to commands written to the Command register. All operations of the DCP result from command inputs, whiCh are entered m Multiplexed Control mode by writing a command byte to the Command register. Command inputs are entered in Direct Control mode by raising and lowering the logic levels on the AUX7-K/D, AUXs-E/D, and AUX5-S/S pins. Table 3 shows all commands that can be given m Multiplexed Control mode. Table 4 shows a subset of the implicit commands that can be executed in the Direct Control mode. Load Clear M Key Through Auxiliary Port (90H). Load Clear E Key Through Auxiliary Port (91H). Load Clear D Key Through Auxiliary Port (92H). These commands may be used only for multiplexed operations; they override the data flow specifications set m the Mode register and cause the Master (~ Key, Encrypt (E) Key, or Decrypt (D) Key register to be loaded with eight bytes written to the auxlhary port. After the Load command is written to the Command register, the AUXiliary Port Flag (AFLG) goes active (Low) and the corresponding bit in the Status register (S2) becomes I, indicating that the device is able to accept key bytes at the aUXiliary port pins. Additionally, the Command Pending bit (S6) becomes I durmg the entire loading process. There are three 64-bit, write-only key registers in the DCP: the Master (M) Key register, the Encrypt (E) key register, and the Decrypt (D) key register. The Master key register can be loaded only with clear data through the auxiliary port. The Encrypt and Decrypt Key registers can be loaded in any of four ways: (I) as clear data through the auxiliary port, (2) as clear data through the master port, (3) as encrypted data through the auxiliary port, or (4) as encrypted data through the master port. In the last two cases, the encrypted data is first routed to the Input register, decrypted using the M Key, and finally written to the target key register from the Output register. Initializing Vector Registers (IVE and IVD). Two 64-bit registers are provided to store feedback values for Cipher feedback and chained block ciphering methods. One initiahzing vector register (IVE) is used during encryption, the other (IVD) is used durmg decryption. Both registers can be loaded with either clear or encrypted data through the master port (in the latter case, the data is decrypted before being loaded into the IV register), and both may be read out either clear or encrypted through the master port. Each byte is written to its respective key register by placing an active Low signal on the Auxiliary Port Strobe (ASTB) once data has been set up on the auxiliary port pins. The actual write process occurs on the rising (trailing) edge of ASTB. (See SWitching Characteristics section for exact setup, strobe width, and hold hmes.) The Auxiliary Port Flag (AFLG) goes inactive immediately after the eighth strobe goes active (Low). However, the Command Pending bit (S6) remams I for several more clock cycles, until the key loading process IS completed. All key bytes are checked for correct (odd) parity as they are entered. Load Clear E Key Through Master Port (liB). Load Clear D Key Through Master Port (l2H). These commands are available in both Multiplexed Control and Direct Control modes. They override the data flow specifications set in the Mode register and attach the master port inputs to the Encrypt (E) Key or Decrypt (D) Key register, as appropriate, until eight key bytes have been written. In Multiplexed Control mode, the command is initiated by writing the Load command to the Command register. In Direct Control mode, the command is initiated by ralsmg the AUX7-K/D control input while the AUXs-S/S 747 I i Commands (Continued) input is Low. In this latter case, the level on AUXe-E/D determines which key register is written (High = E register). Once the command has been recognized, the Command Pending bit (S6 in the Status register) becomes I. In Direct Control mode, AUXa-CP goes active (Low), indicating that key entry may proceed. The host system then writes exactly eight bytes to the master port (at the Input register address in Multiplexed Control mode). When the key register has been loaded, the Command Pending bit returns to 0. In Direct Control mode, the AUXa-CP output goes inactive, indicating that the DCP can accept the next command. Load Encrypted E Key Through Auxiliary Port (B1H). Load Encrypted 0 Key Through Auxiliary Port (B2H). These commands are used in Multiplexed Control mode only. Their execution is similar to that of the Load Clear E (D) Key Through Auxiliary Port command, except that key bytes are first decrypted using the electronic code book algorithm and the Master (M) Key 'register. The key bytes are then loaded into the appropriate key register, after having passed through the parity-check logic. The Command Pending bit (Ss) Is I during the entire decrypt-and-Ioad operation. In addition, the Busy bit (Ss) is I during the actual decryption process. Load Encrypted E Key Through Master Port (31H). Load Encrypted 0 Key Through Master Port (32H). These commands are used in Multiplexed Control mode only. Their execution is similar in effect to that of the Load Clear E (D) Key Through Master Port command. The commands differ in that key bytes are initially decrypted using the electronic code book algorithm and the Master (M) Key register. Once decrypted, they are loaded byte-by-byte into the target key register, after having passed through the parity-check logic. The command pending bit (Ss) is I during the entire decrypt-and-load operation. In addition, the busy bit (Ss) is I during the actual decryption process. Load Clear IVE Register Through Master Port (85H) Load Clear IVO Register Through Master Port (84H) These commands are used in Multiplexed Control mode only. Their execution is virtually identical to that of the Load Clear E (or D) Key Through Master Port command. The commands differ in that the data written to the input register address is routed to either the Encryption InitialiZing Vector (lVE) or Decryption Initializing Vector (lVD) register instead of a key register. No parity checking occurs. The 748 Command Pending bit (Ss) is I during the entire loading process. Load Encrypted IVE Register Through Master Port (ASH). Load Encrypted IVD Register Through Master Port (A4H). These commands are analogous to the Load Encrypted E (or D) Key Through Master Port command. The data flow speCifications set in the Mode register are overridden and the eight vector bytes are decrypted using the Decryption (D) Key register and the electronic code book algorithm. The resulting clear vector bytes are loaded into the target Initializing Vector register. No parity checking occurs. The Busy bit (Ss) does not become I during the decryption process, but the Command Pending bit (Ss) is I during the entire decryption-and-Ioad operation. Read Clear IVE Register Through Master Port (80H). Read Clear IVO Register Through Master Port (8CH). In the Multiplexed Control mode, these commands override the data flow specifications set in the Mode register and connect the appropriate InitialiZing Vector register to the master port at the Output register address. In this state, each IV register appears as eight bytes of FIFO storage. The first byte of data Is available six clocks after loading the Command register. The Command Pending bit In the Status register remains a I until sometime after the eighth byte is read out. The host system is responsible for reading exactly eight bytes. Read Encrypted IVE Register Through Master Port (A9H). Read Encrypted IVO Register Through Master Port (A8H). In the Multiplexed Control mode only, these commands override the specifications set in the Mode register and encrypt the contents of the speCified Initializing Vector register using the electronic code book algorithm and the Encrypt (E) key. The resulting cipher text is placed in the output register, where it can be read as eight bytes through the master port. During the actual encryption process, the Busy bit (Ss) is I. When the Busy bit becomes 0, the encrypted vector bytes are ready to be read out. The Command Pending bit (Ss) is I during the entire encryption and output process; it becomes when the eighth byte is read out. The host system is responsible for reading exactly eight bytes. ° Encrypt with Master (M) Key (39H). In the Multiplexed Control mode, this command overrides the data flow specifications set in the Mode register and causes the DCP to accept eight bytes from the master port, which are written to the Input register. When eight bytes have been received, the DCP encrypts Commands (Continued) the input using the Master (M) Key register. The encrypted data is loaded into the Output register, where it can be read out through the master port. The Command Pending bit (S6) and the Busy ISs) bit are used as status indicators in the three phases of this operation. The Command Pending bit becomes I as soon as the Input register can accept data. When exactly eight bytes have been entered, the Busy bit becomes and remains I until the encryption process is complete. When Busy becomes 0, the encrypted data is available to be read out. The Command Pending bit returns to when the eighth byte has been read. Start Encryption (41H) Start Decryption (40H) Start (COH). The three start commands begin normal data ciphermg by setting the Status register's Start/Stop bit (S7) to 1. The Start Encryption and Start Decryption commands explicitly specify the ciphering direction by forcing the Encrypt or Decrypt bit (M4) in the Mode register to I or 0, respectively. The Start command, however, uses the current state of the Encrypt/Decrypt bit, as specified in a previous Mode register load. When a start command has been entered, the port status flag (MFLG or SFLG) associated with the Input register becomes active (Low), indicating that data may be written to ° Timing The control and/or data signals and the Requirements timing requirements for clock/reset, Direct Control mode, Multiplexed Control mode (master port), master (slave) port read/write, and auxiliary port key entry functions are illustrated in Figures 8 through 12. The ac switching characteristics of the signals involved in the above functions are described in the AC Characteristics. The specific timing periods described are identified by numerics (I through 48), which are referenced in both the timmg diagrams and m the AC Characteristics. A two-to-seven character symbol is listed in AC Characteristics for each period described. The symbol specifies the signal{s) involved, the state of each sIgnal, and optionally, the port associated with a signal. Symbols are encoded as follows: General Form: Ta Ab (Cb) Where: (l) T IS a constant. (2) a represents anyone of the follOWing symbols: Symbol Meaning c Clock d Delay f Fall TIme the Input register to begin ciphering. In Direct Control mode, the Start command is issued by raising the level on the AUXs-S/S input (Table 4). The ciphering direction is speCified by the level on AUX6-E/D. If AUXs-E/D is High when AUXs-S/S goes High, the command is Start Encryption; if AUXs-EiD is Low, it is Start Decryption. Stop (EOH). The Stop command clears the Start/Stop bit (S7) in the Status register. This action causes the input flag (MFLG or SFLG) to become inactive and inhibits the loading of any further input into the algorithm unit. If ciphering is in progress [Busy bit ISs) is I or AUX2-BSY is active], it is allowed to finish, and any data in the Output register remains accessIble. In Direct Control mode, the Stop command is implied when the signal level on the AUXs-S/S input goes from High to Low (Table 4). Software Reset (00). This command has the same effect as a hardware reset (MAS and MDS Low): it forces the DCP back to its default configuration, and all processing flags go into Inactive mode. The default configuration includes setting the Mode register to Electronic Code Book ciphering mode and establishes a dual-port configuration with master port clear and slave port encrypted. h Hold Time r Rise Time Setup Time s w Width (3) A,C represent any of the following signal names: Symbol Signal Name Address Strobe A BSY, Busy B C Clock D* Data In or the address at the master port. E/lS, Enable/DIsable E F* Flag {MFLG, SFLG, or (AFLG) G* Data Strobe (MDS, SDS, or ASTB) K KID, Key/Data M CIK, Control/Key Mode sis, Start/Stop N PAR, Parity P Q* Data Out (master or slave port) R CP, Clock Pulse S* ChIp Select (master or slave port) MRfW, Master Port W read/write 749 N i i (4) Timing Requirements (Continued) AC Number Switching Characteristics b represents anyone of the following signal state descriptors (symbol). Symbol State Indicated h High Low I v Valid x Invalid z High Impedance *These signal names may be modified by the following optional numeric port identifiers: Identifier Port 1 Master Port 2 Slave Port 3 AUX (Key) Port Symbol Parameter For example: Dl specifies data in at Master Port; F2 specifies Slave Port flag-SFLG. ~ ~~1C eLK :=} '- 1=...---- 0 Figure 8. Clock and R_I Min Max Notes*t Clock 2 3 TwCh TwCI TcC Clock Width (High) Clock Width (Low) Clock Cycle Time 105 105 250 Reset 4 - - TdGll(Glh) - MDS*MAS Low to MDS*MAS High-- TC - - - - - - - - - (Reset Pulse Width) 5 TdC(Glh) Clock High to MDS*MAS High 0 50 Direct Control Mode 6 TsNl(Mh) sis Low to C/K High (Setup) 2TC 7 - - TsKl(Mh) - - KID Low to ClK High (Setup) - - - - 2TC 8 TdMh(Nh) C/K High to sis high 4TC 9 TdMh(Kh) C/K High to KiD High 4TC 10 TsEv(Kh) ElD Valid to KID High (Setup) 2TC ll--TdKh(Rl) - - KID High to CP Low - - - - - - - - - - - 200 12 ThKl(Ex) KID Low to ElD Invalid (Hold) TC 13 TdCl(Nh) Clock Low to SIS Valid 20 80 14 TsEv(Hn) EIi5 Valid to SIS High (Setup) 2TC 15 - - TdNh(Fll) - - SIS High to MFLG (SFLG) Low - - - - - - - 230 (Port Input Flag) 16 TdCh(Fll) Clock High to MFLG (SFLG) Low 230 (Port Input Flag) 17 TdCh(Bl) Clock High to BSY Low 300 18 --TdCl(Bh)-- Block Low to BSY High - - - - - - - - - - 220 19 TdCh(Fll) Clock High to MFLG (SFLG) Low 230 (Port Output Flag) 20 TdNI(Flh) SIS Low to MFLG (SFLG) High 230 2 (Port Input Flag) Multiplexed Control Moele-Master Port 21 TwAI MAS Width (Low) 80 22 TdWv(Ah) MRIW Valid to MAS High 40 23 TsSll(Ah) MCS Low to MAS High (Setup) 0 24 --ThAh(Slh) - - MAS High to MCS High (Hold) 60 - - - - - - - - 25 TsDlv(Ah) Address-In Valid to MAS High 55 (Address Setup Time) ThAh(Dlx) MAS High to Address-In Invalid 60 26 (Address Hold Time) • Notes referenced at end of AC Characteristics table. 750 2080-009 Number AC Switching Characteristics (Continued) Parameter Symbol Master (Slave) Port Read/Write MCS (SCS) Low to MDS (SDS) Low MDS (SDS) High to MCS (SCS) High (Select Hold Time) MRlW Valid to MDS Low (Setup) TsWv(Gll) 29 MDS High to MRlW Invahd (Hold) 30 - - ThG Ih(Hwx) MDS (SDS) Low to MDS (SDS) HIgh TwGll(Glh) 31 Width-Write Data Read Width-Status Register Read 32-- TdCl(Glh)-- Clock Low to MDS (SDS) High MDS (SDS) High to MDS (SDS) Low TdGlh(HGIl) 33 (Data Strobe Recovery T,me) Write-Data Valid to MDS (SDS) High TsDlr(Hlh) 34 Setup Time-Key Load Setup Time-Data Write Setup Time-Command/Mode Register Write ThGlh(Dlx) MDS (SDS) High to WrIte-Data 35 Invalid (Hold Time-All Writes) 36--TdGll(Qlv)-- MDS (SDS) Low to Read-Data Valid Read Access Time-Status Register Read Access Time-Data ThGlh(Qlx) 37 MDS (SDS) High to Read-Data Invalid (Read Hold Time) 38--TdGll(Flh)--MDS (SDS) Low to MFLG (SFLG) High (Last Strobe) TdGll(Rh) 39 MDS High to CP High (Last Strobe, Key Load) ThGl(HNl) 40 MDS (SDS) High to SIS Low (Hold Time After Last Input Strobe) 41 TdGI(HPv) MDS High to PAR Valid (Key Write) 27 28 * TdSll(Gll) ThGlh(Slh) Min Max 70 0 NotesoOt 3 70 0 125 155 20 125 70 200 100 100 N i 40 'tI 5 K 155 120 80 • 125---4-TC + 280 3TC 200 Notes referenced at end of AC Charactenstlcs table. = = 'INPUT PORT I OUTPUT PORT Figure 9. Control and Status Signals (Direct Control Mode) 2080-010 751 AC Switching Characteristics (Contmued) Number Symbol Parameter Min Max 160 20 125 70 Notes*t Auxiliary Port Key Entry 42 43 44 TwG3 TdCl(G3h) TdG3h(G31) 45 TsD3v(G3h) 46 ThG3h(D3x) 47 48 TdG3h(Pr) TdG3l(F3h) ASTB Low to ASTB High (Width) Clock Low to ASTB High ASTB High to Next ASTB Low (Recovery Time) Write-Data Valid to ASTB High (Data Setup Time) ASTB High to Write-Data Invalid (Data Hold Time) ASTB High to PAR Valid ASTB Low to AFLG High (Last Strobe) 200 40 200 230 NOTES: All transItIon times are assumed to be :s 20 ns. All units m nanoseconds (ns). All hmmgs are prehmmary and subject to change. I. Parameter TaCh(Fll) applies to all input blocks ex· cept the hrst (when sis first goes HIgh). 2. When sis goes Inachve (Low) In DIrect Control mode, the flag assocIated wIth the input port turns off. 3. Direct Control mode only. 4. In Cipher Feedback mode, the port flag (MFLG or SFLG) goes inachve follOWIng the leading edge of the first data strobe (MDS or SDS); m all other modes and operahons, the flags go inachve on the eIghth data strobe. eLK lID MCi MP(AD) WRITE MAlW iliiS MP(AD) READ MAlW Figure 10. Master Port, Multiplexed Control Mode Read/Write Timing 752 2080·011 AC Switching Characteristics (Continued) CLK Sli WRIT. I ~10~~70"O\.k-I---'i. ~:-r-+--, ~:+----\. 1r:I0(""JIt'""Jr'~1r DATA l£:W,Oi.~l£lDl1'-+_ _ _~ 'Iu.._+-~'f 'I"+---r "'-l""-lj'-¥.'¥":I&. i MD. iiii ~:-------------------< Figure 11. Maller (Slave) Port Read/Writ. CLK .. ~ h:r~ I ~~,.......;..i4R--";:-YT-E-.';""---.l.)O --AS_ --65_ BUS MASTER PERIPHERAL AND MEMORY RIW ReadlWrite (Low = write). This signal determines the direction of data transfer for memory or 1/0 transactions. --RIW_ --B/W _ _ _ WAii'-- BlIW ...-R'E'S"ET----. ADDRESS/DATA EXTENDED ADDRESS STATUS BUS REQUEST SIGNALS BW/[ Size High High Byte Low High Word High Low Longword Low Low Reserved _BUSREQ_ CPU --BUSACK_ ...---BAi_ REQUESTER L--m_ INTERRUPT SIGNALS _Jiiii'-- CPU ~ STATUS DECODE PERIPHIRAL BAI, BAO Bus Acknowledge In, Bus Acknowledge Out RESOURCE REQUEST SIGNALS --MMRQ_ _MMSi'-- _MMAI=:J _MMAO Figure 1. Z·BUS Signals Bus Request Signals. These signals make bus requests and establish which component should obtain control of the bus. (active Low). These signals tie together peripherals such as the Z8016 Z-DTC to form the bus-request daisy chain. C:::=IEIIEO_ Z·BUS COMPONENT WAIT (active Low). A Low on this line indicates that the responding device needs more time to complete a transaction. MULTI·MICRO REQUEST NETWORK BUSACK Bus Acknowledge (active Low). A Low on this line indicatesthattheZ-BUS CPU has relinquished control olthe bus in response to a bus request. BUSREQ. Bus Request (active Low). This line is driven by all bus requestors. A Low indicates that a bus requestor has, or is trying to obtain, control of the bus. 757 'til = {ft Interrupt Signals. These signals are used for Interrupt requests and for determining which Interrupting component is to respond to an acknowledge. To support more than one type of interrupt, the lines carrying these signals can be replicated. (The Z8000 CPU supports three types of interrupts: non-maskable, vectored, and non-vectored.) IEI,IEO. Interrupt Enable In, Interrupt Enable Out (active High). These signals form the interrupt daisy chain. INT. Interrupt (active Low). This signal can be driven by any peripheral capable of generating an interrupt. A Low on INT indicates that an Interrupt request is being made. INTACK. Interrupt Acknowledge (active Low). This signal is decoded from the status lines. A Low Indicates an interrupt acknowledge transaction is in progress. This signal is latched by the peripheral on the rising edge of AS. Resource Request Signals. These signals are used for resource requests. To manage more than one resource, the lines carrying these signals can be replicated. (The Z8000 supports one set of resource request lines.) MMAI, MMAO. Multi-MIcro Acknowledge In, Multi-Micro Acknowledge Out (active Low). These lines form the resource-request daisy chain. MMRQ. Multi-MIcro Request (active Low). This line is driven by any device that can use the shared resource. A Low indicates that a request for the resource has been made or granted. MMST. Multi-Micro Status (active Low). This pin allows a device to observe the value of the MMRQ line. An input pin other than MMRQ facilitates the use of line drivers for MMRQ. TRANSACTIONS All transactions start with Address Strobe being driven Low and then raised High by the bus master (Figure 2). The Status lines are valid on the rising edge of Address Strobe and indicate the type of transactions being initiated. If the transaction requires an address, It must also be valid on the rising edge of Address Strobe. For all transactions except null transactions, which do notl:ling beyond this point, data is then transferred to, or from, the bus master. The bus master uses Data Strobe to )()O( time the movement of data. For a read (R/W = High), the bus master makes the AD bus inactive before driving Data Strobe Low so that the addressed memory or peripheral can put its data on the bus. The bus master samples this data just before raising Data Strobe High. For a write (RtW = Low), the bus master puts the data to be written on the AD bus before forcing Data Strobe Low. For an 8-bit Z-8US, data is transferred on ADo-AD? Address bits may remain on ADa-AD15 while OS is Low. , )0( K CLOCK , MASTE~)\. ) ' BUSMt SAMPLES WAIT BUS SAMPLES INPUT DATA , STO-ST3 X RIW,BIW , , AD ADDRESS FROM , BUS MASTER I DATA TO BUS MASTER \ ADo-AD15 \ , DATA FROM BUS MASTER Figure 2. Typical1l'ansaction Timing 758 r-< Z-BUS CONNECTIONS Table 1. Z-BUS Component Connections to Signal lines. This table shows how the various Z·BUS components attach to each signal line. When a device is both a bus requestor and a peripheral, the attributes in both columns of the table should be combined (e.g., input combined with output and 3-state becomes bidirectional and 3-state.) Signal CPU Requestor Peripheral AOO-A015 Bidirectlonal 2 Bidlrectional 2 Bldlrectlonal 1 Bldlrectional 2 3-state 3-state 3-state 3-state Extended Output Output D Input Address s 3-state 3-state Input 10 D Input Input Status Memory Output Output 3-state 3-state Output Output 3-state 3-state B/iN g Output Output Input3 Input Bl/iN, BW/L14 Output Output Input Input Input OutputS OutputS Open Drain Open Drain Input Input Input Input R/Vi 3-state WAIT AS OS Input Output Output 3-state 3-state Output Output 3-state 3-state CS4 D D Input Input RESET Input Input 13 Input 5 D Input Bidirectional D D D BUSREQ Open Drain BUSACK Output D D BAI? D Input D D BAa? D Output D D INT Input D Output D Open Drain INTACK6 D D Input 11 D IEIl D D Input D lEO? D D Output D MMRQ12 Output Open Drain MMST12 Input MMAI?,12 Input MMAO?,12 Output NOTES 1 Only ADO-ADJ, unless peripheral IS 16-bit 2. For an S-blt bus, only ADO-AD? are bldrectlonal. 3. Only for a 16-blt peripheral. 4. Derived signal, one for each peripheral or memory, decoded from status and address lines 5. Optional-peripherals are tYPically reset by AS and DS being Low simultaneously; however, they can have a reset Input. 6. Derived signal, decoded from status lines ? Daisy-chain lines S g 10 11 12 Optional slgnal(s) For 16-blt data bus only Optional-usually only Input on peripherals that are also requestors. May be omitted If peripheral Inputs status lines Optional signal, any component may attach to the resource request lines 13 Optional signal, a bus requestor may also be reset by As and iSS gOing Low and BAI being High Simultaneously 14 For 32-blt bus only D No Connection 759 MEMORY TRANSACTIONS For a memory transaction, the Status lines distinguish among various address spaces, such as program and data or system and normal, as well as indicating the type of transaction, The memory address is put on ADo-AD15 and on the extended address lines, For a Z-BUS with 16-bit data, the memory is organized as two banks of eight bits each (Figure 3), One bank contains all the upper bytes of all the addressable 16-bit words, The other bank contains all the lower bytes, When a single byte is written (R/Vii = Low, B/Vii = High), only the bank indicated by address bit Ao is enabled for writing, For a Z-BUS with 8-bit data, the memory is organized as one bank which contains all bytes, This bank always inputs and outputs its data on ADo-AD?, 16·BIT Z·BUS DATA PATH D15 D Do BUS DRIVER RECEIVERS AO-A15 LOWER BYTE BANK EXTENDED ADDRESS ---t==::::!==i..).----------.J LOWER BANK ENABLE Figure 3. Byte/Word Memory Organization I/O TRANSACTIONS 1/0 transactions are similar to memory transactions with two important differences, The first is that 1/0 transactions take an extra clock cycle to allow for slow peripheral operation, The second is that byte data is always transmitted on ADo-AD?, regardless of the 1/0 address, (ADs-AD15 contain arbitrary data in this case,) For an 1/0 transaction, the address indicates a peripheral and a particular register or function within that peripheral. NULL TRANSACTIONS The two kinds of null transactions, internal operation and memory refresh, are distinguished by the Status lines, Both transactions look like a memory read transaction except that Data Strobe remains High and no data is transferred, For an internal operation transaction, the Address lines contain arbitrary data when Address Strobe goes High, This transaction is initiated to maintain a minimum transaction rate when a bus master is doing a long internal operation (to support memories which generate refresh cycles from Address Strobe), 760 For a memory refresh transaction, the Address lines contain a refresh address when Address Strobe goes High, This transaction is used to refresh a row of a dynamic memory, Any memory or 1/0 transaction can be suppressed (effectively turning it into a null transaction) by keeping Data Strobe High throughout the transaction, INTERRUPTS associated with one interrupt vector and each interrupt vector can have one interrupt source or more associated with it. Each vector has a Vector Includes Status bit (VIS) controlling its use. A complete interrupt cycle consists of an interrupt request followed by an interrupt-acknowledge transaction. The request, which consists of INT pulled Low by a peripheral, notifies the CPU that an interrupt is pending. The interrupt-acknowledge transaction, which is initiated by the CPU as a result of the request, performs two functions: it selects the peripheral whose interrupt is to be acknowledged, and it obtains a vector that identifies the selected device and cause of interrupt. Finally, each peripheral has three bits for controlling interrupt behavior for the whole device. These are a Master Interrupt Enable bit (MIE), a Disable Lower Chain bit (DLC), and a No Vector bit (NV). Peripherals are connected together via an interrupt daisy chain formed with their lEI and lEO pins (Figure 4) The interrupt sources within a device are similarly connected into thiS chain with the overall effect being a daisy chain connecting the interrupt sources. The daisy chain has two functions: during an interrupt-acknowledge transaction, it determines which interrupt source is being acknowledged; at all other times it determines which interrupt sources can initiate an interrupt request. A peripheral can have one or more sources of interrupt. Each interrupt source has three bits that control how It generates interrupts. These bits are an Interrupt Pending bit (IP), and Interrupt Enable bit (IE), and an Interrupt Under Service bit (IUS). A peripheral may also have one or more vectors for identifying the source of an interrupt during an interrupt-acknowledge transaction. Each interrupt source is INTERRUPT INTERRUPT VECTOR VECTOR ~ ~ ... ~ ~ I L...I----J/ ,r~_--,I ,I'----...J • • • lEI HIQHE~~ PRIOAI~~ Z·BUS PERIPHERAL +c:J Ti"' Tt i INTACK ADo-AD? AS Z·BUS CPu os iNf WAIT STATUS AOa-AD15 1 I '. ==ll p STATUS DECODER I LOWEST PRIORITY Z·BUS PERIPHERAL '~O lEI ADo~AD7 AS os iNf INTACK Z·BUS PERIPHERAL 1 I lEI ADo-AD7 AS lEO • , Itt I t I rI t t ) /~ , t 'I I os iNf INTACK lEO t t +f r FROM '6-BIT PERIPHERALS Figure 4. Interrupt Connections 761 Figure 5. State Diagram for an Interrupt Source Transition Legend A B C D E F G H j1 J2 The peripheral detects an interrupt condition and sets Interrupt Pending. All higher priority peripherals finish interrupt service, thus allowing lEI to go High. An interrupt-acknowledge transaction starts, and the IEII IEO daisy chain settles. The interrupt-acknowledge transaction terminates with the peripheral selected. Interrupt Under Service (IUS) is set to 1, and Interrupt Pending (IP) mayor may not be reset. The interrupt-acknowledge transaction terminates with a higher priority device having been selected The Interrupt Pending bit In the peripheral is reset by an 110 operation. A new interrupt condition is detected by the peripheral, causing IP to be set again. Interrupt service is terminated for the peripheral by resetting IUS. IE is reset to 0, causing interrupts to be disabled IE is set to 1, re-enabling interrupts. NOTES: • This diagram assumes MIE = 1 The effect of MIE = 0 IS the same as that of setting IE = 0 • The OLe bit does not affect the states of Individual interrupt sources. Its only effect is on the lEO output of a whole peripheral 762 State Legend 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 No interrupts are pending or under service for this peripheral. An Interrupt IS pending, and an interrupt request has been made by pulling INT Low. An interrupt is pending, but no interrupt request has been made because a higher priority peripheral has an interrupt under serVice, and this has forced lEI Low. An interrupt-acknowledge sequence IS in progress, and no higher priority peripheral has a pending interrupt. An interrupt-acknowledge sequence IS in progress, but a higher priority peripheral has a pending interrupt, forcing lEI Low. The peripheral has an interrupt under service. Service may be temporarily suspended (indicated by lEI going Low) If a higher priority device generates an interrupt. This IS the same as State 5 except that an interrupt is also pending In the peripheral. Interrupts are disabled from this source because IE = 0. Interrupts are disabled from this source and lower priority sources because IE = and IUS = 1. ° 1. Transition I to state 6 or 7 can occur from any state except 3 or 4 which only occur dUring Interrupt acknowledge 2. Transition J from state 6 or 7 can be to any state except 3 or 4, dependIng on the value of lEI, IR and IUS .~==~~ STl'~E I ;:'_:_IH- ,~ ~ ________________________________ iii \r--------, STATE 3 STATE~QH ~ ~~ ----------------------------~----, U BUSACK S BAD iii s iAii LOW LOW LOW LOW ~ i ~ STATE 5 IQH ~ ~ BIJSR£Q~ U BUBACK HIGH 1 rh: BAO ~ HIGH • ~ iii LOW LOW iiiO 5 LOW ~ STATE. iii dJ STATE 7 [J = BUS REQUESTOR Figure 6. Bus Request Mechanism States Bus Requestor Legend 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Requestor does not want bus and is not pulling BUSREQ Low. Requestor mayor may not want bus, it is pulling BUSREQ Low in either case. Requestor is not pulling i30SREQ Low; if it wants control of the bus, it must wait for BUSREQ and BAI to rise before requesting the bus. Requestor is either using the bus ~ating the Low on its BAI input. It will stop driving BUSRE-o when its BAa output goes Low. If It wants to use the bus, but did not want to at the time BUSREQ and BAI were last Hi~nSR~~SREQ went from Low to High, then it must wait for and BAI to rise before requesting and using the bus. Requestor is not pullin~USREQ Low. If it wants to use the bus, it must wait for its 8Af to become High before requestingthebus. Requestor is propagatlngd~R~~h on its BAI input. If it wants the bus It will pull B Low. Requestor is propagating the High on its BAI input. Requestor is not ulling BUSREQ Low. If it wanted the bus at the time BUSRE went from Low to High, it may request the bus when its BAI in~~E~es; otherwise if it wants the to rise. bus, it must wait for BU Bus State Legend 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The CPU owns the bus and no one is requesting it. A bus requestor has requested the bus by pulling BUSREQ Low, but the CPU has not responded. A Low from the CPU's BUSACK is propagating down the BAI/IDiD daisy chain. Bus requestors are using the bus. The Low from BUSACK has propagated to the end of the daisy chain causing all bus requestors to release BUSREQ, which floats High. The CPU has not yet acknowledged return of the bus. The CPU acknowledges the High on BUSREQ with a High on BUSACK, which has propagated down the BAl/BAC) daisy chain. Some device whose BAI input is High requests the bus by pulling BUSREQ Low. The CPU has not yet responded with a Low on BUSACK. The CPU has responded to a Low on BUSREQ with a Low on BITSACK. The previous !::!jgb state on BUSACK is stili propagating down the BAI/BAO daisy chain. li'ansltlon Legend A A bus requestor requests the bus by pulling down on BUSREO. 763 B The CPU responds to BUSREQ by pulling down BUSACK. C The Low from BUSACK propagates to the end of the BAI/SAO daisy chain, causing all the bus requestors to let BUSREQ rise. D The CPU responds to BUSREQ High by driving BUSACK High. E The High from ....,...,== BUSREQ propagates to the end of the BAI/BAO daisy chain. Figure 5 is a state diagram for interrupt processing for an interrupt source (assuming its IE bit is 1). An interrupt source with an interrupt pending (IP = 1) makes an interrupt request (by pulling iNf Low) under these conditions: • it is enabled (IE = 1, MIE = 1) • it does not have an interrupt under service (IUS = 0) • no higher priority interrupt is being serviced (lEI = High), and • no interrupt-acknowledge transaction is in progress, as indicated by INTACK at the last rising edge of AS. lEO is not pulled down by the interrupt source at this time; lEO continues to follow lEI until an interrupt-acknowledge transaction occurs. Some time after INT has been pulled Low, the CPU initiates an interrupt-acknowledge transaction, indicated by INTACK Low. Between the rising edge of AS and the falling edge of OS, the lEI/lEO daisy chain settles. Any interrupt source with an interrupt pending (IP = 1, IE = 1, MIE = 1) or under service (IUS = 1) holds its lEO line Low; all other interrupt sources make lEO follow lEI. When OS falls, only the highest 764 priority interrupt source with a pending interrupt (IP = 1) has its lEI input High, its IE bit setto 1, and its IUS bit setto o. This is the interrupt source being acknowledged, and at this point it sets its IUS bit to 1, and, if the peripheral's NV bit is 0, identifies itself by placing the vector on ADo-AD? If the NV bit is 1, then the peripheral's ADo-AD? pins remain floating, thus allowing external circuitry to supply the vector. All interrupts, including the Z8000's nonvectored interrupt, need a vector for identifying the source of an interrupt. If the vector's VIS bit is 1, the vector will also contain status information further identifying the source of the interrupt. If the VIS bit is 0, the vector held in the peripheral will be output without modification. While an interrupt source has an interrupt under service (IUS = 1), it prevents all lower priority interrupt sources from requesting interrupts by forcing lEO Low. When interrupt servicing is complete, the CPU must reset the IUS bit and, in most cases, the IP bit (by means of an I/O transaction). A peripheral's Master Interrupt Enable (MIE) bit and Disable Lower Chain (DLC) bit can modify the behavior of the peripheral's interrupt sources in the following way: if the MIE bit is 0, the effect is as if every Interrupt Enable (IE) bit in the peripheral were 0; thus all interrupts from the peripheral are disabled. If the DLC bit is 1, the effect is to force the peripheral's lEO output Low, thus disabling all lower priority devices from initiating interrupt requests. Polling can be done by disabling interrupts (using MIE and DLC) and by reading peripherals to detect pending interrupts. Each Z-BUS peripheral has a single directly addressable register that can be read to determine if there is an interrupt pending in the device and, if so, the source of the interrupt. BUS REQUESTS Figure 7 shows how the bus request lines connect bus requestors and the CPU on a Z-BUS. Figure 8 shows the states of the bus request mechanism as the Z-BUS is acquired, used, and released. To generate transactions on the bus, a bus requestor must gain control ofthe bus by making a bus request. This is done by pulling down BUSREO. A bus request can be made in either of two cases: • BUSREO is initially High and BAI is High, indicating that the bus is controlled by the CPU and no other requestor is requesting the bus. • BAI is High and the requestor had wanted to request the bus at the time of the last Low-to-High transition of BUSREO. This insures that a module will not be locked out indefinitely by a higher priority bus requestor. After BUSREO is pulled Low, the Z-BUS CPU relinquishes the bus and indicates this condition by making BUSACK Low. The Low on BUSACK is propagated through the BAI/BAO daisy chain (Figure 7). BAI follows BAD for Z-BUS CPU BUS REQUESTERS +5V components not requesting the bus, and any component requesting the bus holds Its BAD High, thereby locking out all lower priority requestors. A bus requestor gains control of the bus when its BAI input goes Low. When it is ready to relinquish the bus, it stops pulling BUSREO Low and allows BAD to follow BAi: This permits lower priority devices that made simultaneous requests to gain control of the bus. When all simultaneously requesting devices have relinquished the bus, and the Low on BAi/BAO has propagated to the lowest priority requestor, BUSREO goes High, returning control of the bus to the CPU. The CPU responds to the High on BUSREO by driving BUSACK High. The High on BUSACK is propagated down the BAI/BAO daisy chain, thus allowing bus requestors to make new bus requests. Because high priority bus requestors can pull BUSREO Low before low priority devices have a High on BAI, a way is needed for low priority devices to request the bus when BUSREO is Low. That is provided by the rule that a requestor may request the bus if BAI is High and it had wanted the bus at the time of the last Low-to-High transition on BUSREO. As soon as BUSREO is pulled Low by any requestor, each of the other requestors on the bus drives BUSREO Low and continues to do so until it drives its BAD output Low. This provides a handshake between the CPU and the bus requestors by ensuring that BUSREO will not go High until the CPU's acknowledgement of BUSACK has reached every requestor. Bus requestors can therefore run asynchronously to the CPU. This rule also allows the bidirectional BUSREO line to be buffered using the logic shown in Figure 8. This logic is similar to the logic inside a bus requestor that keeps BUSREO Low when it has initially been pulled Low by a different requestor. + 5 v --'IN'v--1'---t +5V ! COMMON Figure 7. Bus Request Connections iiiiSiiEc.i Figure 8. Bus Request Line Buffering 765 !:= N RESOURCE REQUESTS Resource requests are used to obtain control of a resource that is shared between several users. The resource can be a common bus, a common memory, or any other resource. The requestor can be any component capable of implementing the request protocol. Unlike the Z-BUS itself, no component has control of a general resource by default; every device must acquire the resource before using it. All devices sharing the general resource drive the MMRQ line (Figure 9). When Low, the MMRQ line indicates that the resource is being acquired or used by some device. The MMST pin allows each device to observe the state of the MMRQ line. YES ACTIVATE iiMiiQ FORCE nAllLOW When MMRQ is High, a device may initiate a resource request by pulling MMRQ Low (Figure 10). The resulting Low on MMRQ is propagated through the MMAI/MMAO daisy chain. If a device is not requesting the resource, its MMAO output follows its MMAI input. Any device making a resource request forces its MMAO output High to deny use of the resource to lower priority devices. A device gains control of the resource, if its MMAI input is Low and its MMAO output is High, after a sufficient delay to let the daisy chain settle. If the device does not obtain the resource after this short delay, it must stop pulling MMRQ Low and make another request at some later time when MMRQ is again High. When a device that has gained control of a resource is finished, it releases the resource by allowing MMRQ to go High. The four unidirectional lines of the resource request chain allow the use of line drivers, thus facilitating connection for components separated by some distance. In the case of the Z8000 CPU, the four resource request lines may be mapped into the CPU MI and MO pins using the logic shown in Figure 11. With this configuration, the Multi-Micro Request Instruction (MREQ) performs a resource request. +5V For any resource requested, this walt tlma must be less than the mlmmum walt time plus resource usage time of all other requestors. Figure 10. Resource Request Protocol MMAI MMST iiMiiQ r-~------~~ MMAO Mi----o( MMAI MMST MMRQ MMAO +-~_r>_---- iiMiiQ MiO.----------+ L=L~---~ iiiiAO MMAI MMST MMRQ Figure 11. Bus Request logic for Z8000 MMAOi Figure 9. Resource Request Connections 766 00-2031-03 V.iversal Peripherals Zilog Uaivenal Peripherals Two Venioas Exlead Raage of Appliealioas March 1985 Zilog's Universal Peripheral Components Family is more than a group of simple liD circuits- they are intelligent, fully programmable devices capable of performing complicated tasks independently. Their capabilities unburden the master CPU, reduce bus traffic, increase system throughput, and greatly simplify overall system hardware design requirements. The peripheral components, where needed, are produced in two versions to increase their range of application. One version, identified by the number Z80xx, is capable of interfacing with Zilog's multiplexed Z-8US only or with both the Z-8US and conventional multiplexed buses. The second version, identified by the number Z85xx, is capable of interfacing with conventional nonmultiplexed buses. Many of these Z85xx peripherals will function with and add capability to non-Zilog CPUs. Contact your local Zilog sales office, local distributor or representative for additional information and detailed specifications. This section ofthe data book includes only product specifications or product briefs on the Z85xx series of components. For the specifications or briefs on the Z80xx components refer to the Z-8US peripherals section. All of the peripheral components are extensively programmable to permit each to be tailored to its own applicatlon(s). All Z-8US peripherals share common interrupt and busrequest structures; they can also be operated in either a priority-interrupt or polled environment. Counting, timing, and parallel 110 transfer problems are easily solved using the Z8036/Z8536 CIO Counter/Timer and I/O Unit. This component has three 16-bit counterl timers, three liD ports, and can double as a programmable priorityinterrupt controller. Data communications problems are neatly handled by the Z8030/ Z8530 SCC Serial Communications Controller. This device is a serial, dual-channel, multi-protocol controller which supports all popular communications formats. The SCC supports virtually all serial data transfer applications. Interface problems with the interconnection of major components within an asynchronous, parallel processor system can be solved using the Z8038 Z-FIO FIFO I/O Interface Unit. This generalpurpose interface unit provides expandable, bidirectional buffering between asynchronous CPUs in a parallel processing network, or between a CPU and peripheral Circuits andlor deVices. The Z-FIO can be used with systems having either multiplexed or nonmultiplexed buses. General-purpose control and data manipulation problems are easily handled by the Z8090/4 and Z8590/4 UPC Universal Peripheral Controller. The UPC is a com- plete microcomputer designed for off-line applications. This microcomputer executes the same friendly, capable instruction set as Zilog's Z8 microcomputer, it has three liD ports, six levels of priority-interrupt, and 2K bytes of memory on chip. The UPC is intended for applications that require an intelligent peripheral controller that can assume many of the tasks normally required of the master CPU. The Z8581 Clock Generator and Controller (CGC) is a versatile addition to Zilog's family of universal microprocessor components. The selective clock-stretching capabilities and variety oftiming outputs of this device allow it to meet the timing design requirements of various microprocessors easily, including those of LSI and VLSI peripherals. The outputs of the Z8581 CGC directly drive the Z80 and Z8000 microprocessor clock inputs, The oscillator input frequency reference sources can be either crystals or TIL-compatible oscillators. Two new universal peripherals have been added to the ever expanding line of Zilog peripherals. They are the DMA (Direct Memory Access) Transfer Controller (DTC) and the Floppy Disk Controller (FDC). 769 Z8590/4 NOD-Multiplexed Bus 1809014 I-BUS, Z8® UPC UDivenal Peripheral CODtrollers Zilog Product SpecificatioD April 1985 FEATURES • Complete slave Z8 microcomputer, for distributed processing use. • Unmatched power of Z8 architecture and instruction set. • Three programmable I/O ports, two with optional 2-Wlre Handshake. • Six levels of priority interrupts from eight sources: six from external sources and two from internal sources. • Two programmable 8-bit counter/timers each with a 6-bit prescaler. CounterlTimer TO IS driven by an Internal source, and Counter/Timer T1 can be driven by internal or external sources. Both counter/timers are independent of program execution. • 256-byte register file, accessible by both the master CPU and UPC, as allocated in the UPC program. • Z8090 and Z8590-2K bytes of on-chip ROM for efficiency and versatility. • Z8094 and Z8594-2K bytes of RAM or EPROM for efficiency and versatility. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Universal Peripheral Controller (UPC) is an intelligent peripheral controller for distributed processing applications (Figure 1). The UPC unburdens the host processor by assuming tasks traditionally done by the host (or by added hardware), such as performing arithmetic, translating or formatting data, and controlling I/O devices. Based on the Z8 microcomputer architecture and instruction set, the UPC contains 2K bytes of internal program ROM, a 256-byte register file, three 8-bit I/O ports, and two counter/timers. The UPC is offered In two basic configurations: the Z8090/4, which interfaces to multiplexed address/data CPUs such as the Z8000, and the Z8590/4, which interfaces With non-mUltiplexed CPUs such as the Z80. Both devices have the same instruction set and I/O port configuration. The difference in the devices is in the UPC-to-host interface pins and the sequence of data transfer between the units. The UPC offers fast execution time, an effective use of memory, and sophisticated interrupt, I/O and bit manipulation. Using a powerful and extensive Instruction set combined with an efficient internal addressing scheme, the UPC speeds program execution and efficiently packs program code Into the on-chip ROM. An important feature of the UPC is an internal register file containing I/O port and control registers accessed both by the UPC program and indirectly by its associated master CPU. This architecture results in both byte and programming efficiency, because UPC instructions can operate directly on I/O data without moving it to and from an accumulator. Such a structure allows the user to allocate as many general-purpose registers as the application requires for data buffers between the CPU and peripheral devices. All general-purpose registers can be used as address pointers, Index registers, data buffers, or stack space. The register file is logically divided into 16 groups, each consisting of 16 working registers. A Register Pointer is used in conjunction with short format instructions, resulting in tight, fast code and easy task switching. Communication between the master CPU and the register file takes place via one group of 19 interface registers addressed directly by both the master CPU and the UPC, or via a block transfer mechanism. Access by the master CPU is controlled by the U PC to allow Independence between the master CPU and UPC software. 771 The UPC has 24 pins that can be dedicated to 110 functions. Grouped logically into three 8-line ports, they can be programmed in many combinations of input or output lines, with or without handshake, and with push-pull or open-drain outputs. Ports 1 and 2 are bit-programmable; Port 3 has four fixed inputs and four outputs. To relieve software from coping with real-time counting and timing problems, the UPC has two 8-bit hardware counter/timers, each with a fixed divide-by-four, and a 6-bit programmable prescaler. Various counting modes may be selected. HOST CPU INTERFACE Z8090 AS OS BUSTO MASTER CPU R/W CO WAiT Z8590 In addition to the 40-pin standard ROM configuration, the UPC is available in a Protopack RAM/ROM version with a socket for up to 2K bytes of RAM or ROM and with 36 bytes of internal ROM permitting downloading from the master CPU. This range of versions and configurations makes the UPC compatible with most system peripheral device control considerations. Z8·UPC MICROCOMPUTER 110 INTERFACE REGISTERS (PART OF REGISTER FILE) AID 110 Rii ViR CO WAIT iN'f iNi INTACK INTACK lEI lEI lEO lEO +5V GND PCLK Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram 772 2017·087 PIN DESCRIPTIONS Z8090 Z-UPC AOo·A07' Z-8US AddresslData Lines (bidirectional). These multiplexed address and data lines are used to transfer information between the master CPU and the slave Z-UPC. AS. Address Strobe (input, active Low). The rising edge of AS initiates the beginning of a transaction and indicates that the Address, Status, RiW, and CS signals must be valid. CS. Chip Select (input, active Low). A Low on this line during the rising edge of AS enables the Z-UPC to accept address or data information from the bus during a master CPU write cycle or to transmit data to the bus during a read cycle. OS. Data Strobe (input, active Low). OS provides timing for data movement to the bus master. A simultaneous Low on AS and OS resets the Z-UPC. It is held in reset as long as OS is Low. Raising this pin's voltage above Vee forces the Z-UPC into test mode. P1 O·P17. P2o·P27. P30·P37' /10 Port Lines (inputs/outputs, TTL-compatible). These 24 lines are divided into three 8-bit I/O ports and may be configured in the following ways under program control: P1o-P17. Port 1 (input/output-as output it can be push-pull or open-drain). Bit-programmable Parallel 1/0. P2o-P27. Port 2 (input/output-as output, it can be push-pull or open-drain). Bit-programmable Parallel 1/0. P30-P37. Port 3 (four inputs, four outputs). Parallel 1/0, handshake control, timer 110, or interrupt control. PCLK. Clock (input). TTL-compatible clock input, 4 MHz maximum. This signal does not need to be related to the master CPU clock. R/W. Read/Write (input). This status signal indicates that the master CPU is executing a Read cycle if High, and a Write cycle if Low. WAIT. Wait (bidirectional, active Low, open-drain). When the CPU accesses the Z-UPC register file, this signal requests the master CPU to wait until the Z-UPC can complete its part of the transaction. This signal is an input and held High during RESET to put the Z-UPC in the shift state. pa, P30 AODRESSI DATA BUS PORT 1 P10~ BUS { TIMING ANDRBSET ZS090 Z-UPC lEO OR P37 3 par lEI OR P30 4 pa, INf OR pa. pa. INTACK OR P30 P24 DS P31-4-- pa, Ci pa7_ MASTER { _ INTERR~:~ WAIT pa,_ lEI OR P30 lEO OR P37 PORT 2 AD, AD, AD, AD, ADo Figure 2_ Pin Functions 2017·069,095 pa, pa, ::-}PORT8 P3, INTOR P3, INTACK OR P30 7 P20 Pas PI< P17 P1, P1, P1, P1, P1, P1, P1. Figure 3. Pin Assignments 773 PIN DESCRIPTIONS Z8590 UPC AID. AddresslData (input). A Low on this pin defines information on the data bus as an address. A High defines the information as data. P2a-P27' Port 2 (input/output-as output, it can be push-pull or open-drain). Bit-programmable Parallel I/O. CS. Chip Select (input, active Low). A Low enables the UPC P30-P37' Port 3 (four inputs, four outputs). Parallel 110, handshake control, timer I/O, or interrupt control. to accept address or data information from the master CPU during a write cycle or to transmit data to the master CPU during a read cycle. This line is usually generated from higher bits of the address lines. PCLK. Clock (input). TTL-compatible clock input, 4 MHz maximum. This signal does not need to be related to the master CPU clock. 080.087. Data Bus (bidirectional). This bus is used to transfer address and data information between the master CPU and the UPC. P10·P17, P20·P27, P30·P37. 110 Port Lines (bidirectional, TTL-compatible). These 24 lines are divided into three 8-bit I/O ports and may be configured in the following ways under program control: P1 a-P17. Port 1 (input/output-as output it can be push-pull or open-drain). Bit-programmable Parallel I/O. DATA BUS ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... PI, DB, PI. DB• DB, DB, DB, PI, RD. Read (input, active Low). A Low enables the master CPU to read information from the UPC. Raising the voltage on this pin above Vee will force the UPC into test mode. WAIT. Wait (output, active Low, open-drain). When the CPU accesses the UPC register file, this signal requests the master CPU to wait until the UPC can complete its part of the transaction. WR. Wflte (Input, active Low). A Low on thiS pin enables the master CPU to write information to the UPC. A simultaneous Lo~n RD and WR resets the UPC. It is held in reset as long asWRisLow. -- P3, P3. PORT 1 P2, P2t P2, Po. P10 . . - . . Z8seo UPC INTOR P3, INTACK OR P3. MASTER { _ INTERR~~ P2, :~=}PORT3 P2. P2, P20 P30 P2rP2t- P3, P3, PI, PI. - lEI OR P3. lEO OR P3, PORTa +sv-.... PClK GND_ Figure 4. Pin Functions 774 DB, DBo Figure 5. Pin Assignments 2017-068.096 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Address Space. On the 40-pin UPC, all address space is committed to on-chip memory. There are 2048 bytes of mask-programmed ROM and 256 bytes of register file. 110 is memory-mapped to three registers in the register file. Only the Protopack version of the UPC can access external program memory. See the section entitled "Special Configurations" for a complete description of the Protopack version. contiguous locations (Figure 8). The Register Pointer (RP) addresses the starting point of the active working-register group, and the 4-bit register designator supplied by the instruction specifies the register within the group. Any instruction altering the contents of the register file can also alter the Register Pointer. The UPC instruction set has a special Set Register Pointer (SRP) instruction for initializing or altering the pointer contents. Program Memory. Figure 6 is a map of the 2K on-chip Stacks. An 8-bit Stack Pointer (SP) , register R255, is used for program ROM. Even though the architecture allows addresses from 0 to 4K, behavior of the device above program address 2047 (7FFH) is not defined. The first 12 bytes of program memory are reserved for the UPC interrupt vectors. In the RAM version, addresses OCH through 2FH are reserved for on-chip ROM. addressing the stack, residing within the 234 general-purpose registers, address location 6H through EFH. PUSH and POP instructions can save and restore any register in the register file on the stack. During CALL instructions, the Program Counter is automatically saved on the stack. During UPC interrupt cycles, the Program Counter and the Flag register are automatically saved on the stack. The RET and IRET instructions pop the saved values of the Program Counter and Flag register. Register File. This 256-byte file includes three 110 port registers (1-3H), 234 general-purpose registers (6-EFH), and 19 control, status and special 110 registers (OH, 4H, 5H, and FO-FFH)' The functions and mnemonics assigned to these register address locations are shown in Figure 7. Of the 256 UPC registers, 19 can be directly accessed by the master CPU; the others are accessed indirectly via the block transfer mechanism. The I/O port and control registers are included in the register file without differentiation. This allows any UPC instruction to process 110 or control information, thereby eliminating the need for special 110 and control instructions. All general-purpose registers can function as accumulators, address pointers, or index registers. In instruction execution, the registers are read when they are defined as sources and written when defined as destinations. UPC instructions may access registers directly or indirectly using an 8-bit address mode or a 4-bit address mode and a Register Pointer. For the 4-bit addressing mode, the file is divided into 16 working register groups, each occupying 16 2047 LOCATION OF FIRST BYTE OF INSTRUCTION EXECUTED AFTER RESET ..... USER ROM ........ 12 11 10 " IRQS LOWER BYTE IDENTIFIER (UPC Side, LOCATION FFH STACK POINTER SP FEH MASTER CPU INTERRUPT CONTROL MIC FDH REGISTER POINTER RP FCH PROGRAM CONTROL FLAGS FLAGS FBH FAH F9H FBH INTERRUPT MASK REGISTER IMR INTERRUPT REQUEST REGISTER IRQ INTERRUPT PRIORITY REGISTER IPR PIM PORT 1 MODE REGISTER F7H PORT 3 MODE REGISTER FBH PORT 2 MODE REGISTER P2M FSH F4H To PRESCALER PREO P3M COUNTERITIMER 0 TO F3H T, PRESCALER PREI F2H COUNTERITIMER 1 T, F1H TIMER MODE REGISTER TMR FOH MASTER CPU INTERRUPT YECTOR REG. MIV EFH IRQS UPPER BYTE 9 IRQ4 LOWER BYTE B IRQ4 UPPER BYTE 7 IRQ3 LOWER BYTE B 5 IRQ3 UPPER BYTE IRQ2 LOWER BYTE 4 IRQ2 UPPER BYTE 3 IRQl LOWER BYTE 2 IRQl UPPER BYTE 1 IRQO LOWER BYTE 0 IRoo UPPER BYTE Figure 6. Program Memory Map 2017-001,002 Ports. The UPC has 24 lines dedicated to input and output. These are grouped into three ports of eight lines each and can be configured under software control as inputs, outputs, or special control signals. They can be programmed to provide Parallel 110 with or without handshake and timing signals. All outputs can have active pullups and pulldowns, compatible with TTL loads. In addition, they may be configured as open-drain outputs. GENERAL-PURPOSE REGISTERS 6H SH DATA INDIRECTION REGISTER DIND 4H LIMIT COUNT REGISTER LC 3H PORT 3 2H lH OH PORT 2 PORT 1 DATA TRANSFER CONTROL REGISTER P3 •• PI DTC Figure 7. Register File Organization 775 I. I I• ~ o 1 1 1 o FFH FDH FOH EFH EDH DFH DOH CFH COH BFH BOH AFH ADH 9FH 90H 8FH 80H 7FH 70H 6FH 60H 5FH 50H 4FH 40H 3FH 30H 2FH 20H 1FH 10H OFH 0 0 THE 4-BIT REGISTER} POINTER PROVIDES THE UPPER NIBBLE OF THE REGISTER FILE ADDRESS FOR THE 4-BIT ADDRESS MODE. THE LOWER NIBBLE OF THE REGISTER FILE { ADDRESS (O101) IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTRUCTION. 0 Figure 8. Register Pointer Mechanism Port 1. Individual bits of Port 1 can be configured as input or output by programming Port 1 Mode register (P1 M) F8H' This port is accessed by the UPC program as general register 1H. It is written by specifying address 1H as the destination of any instruction used to store data in the output register. The port is read by specifying address 1H as the source of an instruction. Port 1 may be placed under handshake control by programming Port 3 Mode register (P3M) F7H. This configures Port 3 pins P33 and P34 as handshake control lines DAV'1 and RDY1 for input handshake, or RDY1 and DAV 1 for output handshake, as determined by the direction (input or output) assigned to bit 7 of Port 1. The Port 3 Mode register also has a bit that programs Port 1 for open-drain output. Port 2. Individual bits of Port 2 can be configured as inputs or outputs by programming Port 2 Mode register (P2M) F6H. This port is accessed by the UPC program as general register 2H, and its functions and methods of programming are the same as those of Port 1. Port 3 pins P31 and P36 are the handshake lines DAV2 and RDY2, with the direction (input or output) determined by the state of bit 7 of the port. The Port 3 Mode register also has a bit used to program Port 2 for open-drain output. Port 3. This port can be configured as I/O or control lines by programming the Port 3 Mode register. Port 3 is accessed as general register 3H. The directions of the eight data lines are fixed. Four lines, P30 through P33, are inputs, and the other four, P34 through P37, are outputs. The control functions performed by Port 3 are listed in Table 1. 776 Table 1. Port 3 Control Functions Function Handshake Line Direction P31 P33 P34 P36 In In Out Out P30 P31 P33 In In In IRQ3 IRQ2 IRQ1 P31 P36 In Out TIN TOUT P3S P32 P30 P37 Out In In Out INT INTACK lEI lEO P3s Out AID { UPC Interrupt Request- { CounterfTimer { Master CPU { Test Mode Signal DAV2/RDY2 DAV1/RDY1 RDY1/DAV1 RDY2/DAV2 -P30, P31, and P33 can always be used as UPC interrupt request mputs, regardless of the configuration programmed. The UPC contains two 8-bit programmable counter/timers, each driven by an internal 6-bit programmable prescaler. CounteriTimers. The T1 prescaler can be driven by internal or external clock sources. The TO prescaler is driven by an internal clock source. Both counterltimers operate independently of the 2017·003 processor instruction sequence to relieve the program from time-critical operations like event counting or elapsed-time calculation. TO Prescaler register (PREO) F5H and T1 Prescaler register (PRE1) F3H can be programmed to divide the input frequency of the source being counted by any number from 1 to 64. A Counter register (F2H or F4H) is loaded with a number from 1 to 256. The corresponding counter IS decremented from this number each time the prescaler reaches end-of-count. When the count is complete, the counter issues a timer interrupt request; IRQ4 for TO or IRQ5 for T1. Loading either counter with a number (n) results in the interruption of the UPC at the nth count. The counters can be started, stopped, restarted to continue, or restarted from the initial value. They can be programmed to stop upon reaching end-of-count (Single-Pass mode) or to automatically reload the initial value and continue counting (Modulo-n Continuous mode). The counters and prescalers can be read at any time without disturbing their values or changing their counts. The clock sources for both timers can be defined as anyone of the following: • UPC internal clock (4 MHz maximum) divided by four. • External clock input to Counter/Timer T1 via P31 (1 MHz maximum). • Retriggerable trigger input for the UPC internal clock divided by four. • Nonretriggerable trigger input for the U PC internal clock divided by four. • External gate input for the UPC internal clock divided by four. TO is driven by the UPC internal clock divided by four. Interrupts. The UPC allows six interrupts from eight different sources as follows: • Port 3 lines P3o, P32, and P33. • The master CPU, three. • The two counter/timers. These interrupts can be masked and globally enabled or disabled using Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) FBH. Interrupt Priority Register (IPR) F9H specifies the order of their priority. All UPC interrupts are vectored. Table 2 lists the UPC's interrupt sources, their types, and their vector locations in program ROM. Interrupt Request IRQO is dedicated to master CPU communications. Interrupt Requests IRQ1, IRQ2, and IRQ3 are generated on the falling transitions of external inputs P33, P31, and P30. Interrupt Requests IRQ4 and IRQ5 are generated upon the timeout of the UPC's two counter/timers. When an interrupt request is granted, the UPC enters an interrupt machine cycle. This cycle disables all subsequent interrupts, saves the Program Counter and Status Flags, and branches to the program memory vector location reserved for that interrupt. This memory location and the next byte contain the 16-bit address of the interrupt service routine for that particular interrupt request. The UPC also supports polled systems. To accommodate a polled structure, any or all of the interrupt inputs can be masked and the Interrupt Request register polled to determine which of the interrupt requests needs service. Following any hardware reset operation, an EI instruction must be executed to enable the setting of any interrupt request bit in the IRQ register. Interrupts must be disabled prior to changing the content of either the IPR (F9H) or the IMR (FBH). 01 is the only instruction that should be used to globally disable interrupts. Master CPU Register File Access. There are two ways in which the master CPU can access the UPC register file: direct access and block access. Direct Access. Three UPC registers-the Data Transfer Control (OH), the Master Interrupt Vector (FO H), and the Master Interrupt Control (FE H)-are mapped directly into the master CPU address space. The master CPU accesses these registers via the addresses shown in Table 3. The master CPU also has direct access to 16 registers k[1own as the DSC (Data, Status, Command) registers. The DSC registers are numbered 0 through F (DSCO-DSCF). These registers can be any 16 contiguous register file registers beginning on a 16-byte boundary. The base address of the DSC register group is designated by the IRP (I/O Register Pointer), which is bits 04-07 of the Data Transfer Control register (OH). Figure 9 shows how the register address is made up of the 4-bit IRP field, concatenated with the low order 4-bits of the address from the master CPU. Table 2. Interrupt Types, Sources, and Vector Locations Name Source Vector Location Comments IRQO EOM, XERR, LERR 0,1 Internal (RO Bits 0, 1,2) IRQ1 DAV1,IRQ1 2,3 External (P33) • Edge Triggered IRQ2 DAV2, IRQ2, TIN 4,5 External (P31). Edge Triggered IRQ3 IRQ3, lEI 6,7 External (P30) • Edge Triggered IRQ4 TO 8,9 Internal IRQ5 T1 10,11 Internal 777 Block Access. The master CPU may transmit or receive blocks of data via address xxx1 01 01. When the master CPU accesses this address, the UPC register pointed to by the Data Indirection register is read or written. The Data Indirection register is incremented, and the Limit Count register is decremented, for example, when the master CPU issues a read or write to address xxx1 01 01 while the Data Indirection register contains the value 33H' The operation causes register 33H to be read or written and the Data Indirection register to be incremented to 34H. This scheme is well suited to Block 1/0 Instructions and allows the master CPU to efficiently read or write a block of data to or from the UPC. The Limit Count register (04H) is decremented and is used to control the number of bytes to be transferred by master CPU block accesses. If the master CPU attempts a read or write to the UPC after the Limit Count register reaches 0, the access is not completed, the LERR bit (01) of the Data Transfer Control register is set (indicating a limit error), and the LERR error causes an IROO interrupt request. The IRP field of the Data Transfer Control register, the Data Indirection register, and the Limit Count register are not directly accessible to the master CPU and therefore must be set by the UPC. This allows the UPC to protect itself from master CPU errors and frees the master CPU from tracking the UPC's internal data layout. Table 3. Master CPu/UPC Register Map DTC REGISTER (OH) ----------.. IRP 8090/4 8590/4 No-Shift Identifier Address 8090/4 Shift Address OTC OINO xxx11000 xx11000x xxx10101 xxx10000 xxx11110 xxxOOOOO xxxOOO01 xxxOOO10 xx10101x xx10000x xx11110x xxOOOOOx xxOOOO1x xxOO010x xxOO011x xx00100x UPCAddress Decimal Hex ADDRESS FROM CPU 0 5 @5*' 240 254 *n n+ n+ n+ n+ n+ n+ n+ n+ n+ n+ n+ n+ n+ n+ n+ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 5 @5" FO FE MIV MIC OSCO OSC1 OSC2 OSC3 OSC4 OSC5 OSC6 OSC7 OSC8 OSe9 OSCA OSCB OSCC OSCO OSCE OSCF ~ NON·SHIFTED· xxxOOO11 xxx00100 xxx00101 xxx00110 xxx00111 xxx01000 xxx01001 xxx01010 xxx01011 xxx01100 xxx01101 xxx01110 xxx01111 x = don't care *n is the value in the IRP x 16 • *Master CPU accesses the register address In Register 5. 778 I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I -~~ . I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I xx00101x xx00110x REGISTER ... xx00111x xx01000x FILE xx01001x xx01010x xx01011x xx01100x xx01101x xx01110x xx01111x • The shift or no-shift state 15 set during a hardware reset. If the Wait line is held High dUring the hardware reset, the 809014 is in Ihe shift stale after the reset. If WAIT IS held Low, II IS in Ihe no-shift slale. The shift state is maintained untillhe next hardware reset. Figure 9 shows one way to interface the 8090/4 for the use cfne-shift. Figure 9. DCS Register Addressing Scheme 2017·004 SPECIAL CONFIGURATIONS The Protopack version of the UPC is Identical to the 40-pin ROM-based UPC with the following exceptions: Any static RAM that can be interchangeably used with a 2716 EPROM can be plugged into the Protopack socket. • All but 36 bytes of internal ROM are omitted from the Protopack RAMIROM version Protopack Pin Functions. Forty of the pins on the • The memory address and data lines are buffered and brought out to the socket on the Protopack. This socket uses a 2Kx8 RAM or ROM. The Protopack version of the UPC allows the user to prototype the system in hardware with an actual U PC device and to develop the code Intended to be mask programmed into the on-chip ROM of the 40-pin UPC for the production system. The Protopack version of the UPC is an extremely versatile part. RAM program memory can be used on the 40-pin Protopack with RAMIROM for all but 36 bytes of the UPC's memory space. This memory can then be downloaded from the master CPU using a bootstrap program stored in the 36 bytes (C-2F). Figure 10 is a memory map for the RAM version. This package will also accept a ROM, provided that the area from C to 2F is not used for programming. Using the Z8094/Z8594 with EPROM or RAM. The Z8094 Z-UPC and the Z8594 UPC can be used with an EPROM or RAM plugged into the socket on top olthe 40-pin package. Instructions for using a RAM are provided in Chapter 8 of the UPC Technical Manual (document #00-2055-01). If an EPROM is used, the following design considerations must be observed for proper operation: 1. The pin-out for the EPROM is 2716-compatible. 2. Programs in the EPROM must begin at 30H. The internal bootstrap ROM resides in locations OCH to 2FH. 3. The LDE instructions that would attempt a write to the EPROM cannot be used. 4. The UPC must be taken out of the Download mode by the host CPU after a reset. This IS accomplished by having the host CPU write two bytes to the UPC The first byte must reset the Interrupt Pending bit (05) in the Master CPU Interrupt Control (MIG) register. The second byte must set the End of Message bit (DO) in the same register. Protopack versions have functions identical to those of the 40-pln version. The remaining 24 pins have additional functions described below. (Figure 11 shows the Protopack versions' pin functions and pin assignments.) AD-AlD. Program Memory Address Lines (output). These lines are identical in all RAMIROM versions in the Protopack. They are used to address 2K bytes of external UPCmemory. 00-07. Program Data (input/output). Data is read in from the external memory on these lines. The RAM version also writes external memory through this bus. MOS. Memory Data Strobe (output, active Low). This signal is Low during an instruction fetch or memory write. MRIW. Memory ReadlWrite (output RAM versions only). This signal is High when the UPC is fetching an instruction and Low when it is loading external memory. ZB094 +5V 40 P31 PCLK PCLK 2 39 P3. P37/IEO P37/IEO 3 38 P27 37 P2. P30/lEI P3011EI 4 P3s/iN'f P3s/iNT 5 36 P2s P3,IINTACK P3,IINTACK 6 35 P24 os AD7 34 P2, ViR 33 P2, RIW 8 AS AID 9 32 P2, cs CS 10 31 P20 GND GND 11 30 P3, WAIT WAIT 12 29 P3, AD, DB7 13 28 P17 AD. DBa 14 27 P1e AD, DBs 15 26 Pl, AD, DB, 16 25 P14 AD, DB, 17 24 Pl, AD, DB2 18 23 P12 AD, DB1 19 22 P11 ADo DBo 20 21 P10 Sockel Pin D.flnillon, PROGRAM MEMORY BOOTSTRAP ROM UPC INTERRUPT VECTORS PROTOPACK MEMORY { INTERNAL Pi" 8 Ao pin 9 Do pin 10 01 pin 11 02 pm 12 GND pm 13 03 pm 14 04 pin 15 08 pm 16 08 pm 17 07 pm 18 MOS Pin 19 A10 pm 20 GND 21 MRIW 22 Ag pin pin pin pin 23 As 24 +5V Figure 11 . Z8094/Z8594 UPC Protopack Pin Assignments ROM } PROTOPACK MEMORY 00 Figure 10. Z8094/Z8594 UPC Memory Map 2017-005.008 • I Do ~ 'SOCKET FOR 2716 EPROM (2K • 8) OR RAM pm1 A7 plO 2 As pin 3 As pm4A4 pmSA3 pin 6 A2 pin 7 A1 I I! •~ Z8594 +5V 1 II 779 ADDRESSING MODES The following notation is used to describe the addressing modes and instruction operations as shown in the instruction summary. Indirect register pair or indirect working-register pair address Indirect working-register pair only Indexed address Direct address IRR Irr X DA RA 1M R r IR Ir RR Relative address Immediate Register or working-register address Working-register address only Indirect-register or indirect working-register address Indirect working-register address only Register pair or working-register pair address ADDITIONAL SYMBOLS Destination location or contents Source location or contents cc Condition code (see list) @ Indirect address prefix SP Stack Pointer (control register FFH) PC Program Counter FLAGS Flag register (control register FCH) RP Register Pointer (control register FDH) IMR Interrupt Mask register (control register FBH) dst src Assignment of a value is indicated by the symbol "+-': For example, dst +- dst + src indicates that the source data is added to the destination data and the result is stored in the destination location. The notation "addr(n)" is used to refer to bit "n" of a given location. For example, dst(7) refers to bit 7 of the destination operand. FLAGS Control Register FCH contains the following six flags: Affected flags are indicated by: C Z S o V D H Carry flag Zero flag Sign flag Overflow flag Decimal-adjust flag Half-carry flag 1 X Cleared to 0 Set to 1 Set or cleared according to operation Unaffected Undefined CONDITION CODES 780 Value Mnemonic 1000 0111 1111 0110 1110 1101 0101 0100 1100 0110 1110 1001 0001 1010 0010 1111 0111 1011 0011 0000 C NC Z NZ PL MI OV NOV EQ NE GE LT GT LE UGE ULT UGT ULE Meaning Always true Carry No carry Zero Not zero Plus Minus Overflow No overflow Equal Not equal Greater than or equal Less than Greater than Less than or equal Unsigned greater than or equal Unsigned less than Unsigned greater than Unsigned less than or equal Never true Flags Set C=1 C=O Z=1 Z=O 8=0 8=1 V=1 V=O Z=1 Z=O (8 XOR V) = 0 (8 XOR V) = 1 [ZOR(8XORV)] = 0 [ZOR(8XORV)] = 1 C=O C=1 (C = 0 AND Z = 0) = 1 (C OR Z) = 1 INSTRUCTION FORMATS OPC dol CCF, 01, EI, IRET, Nap, RCF, RET, SCF OPC INCr One-Byte Instructions OPC MODE dstlsrc OPC dot OR 11 1 101 daUarc I CLR, CPL, DA, DEC, DECW, INC, INCW, POP, PUSH, RL, RLC, RR, RRC, SRA, SWAP ADe, ADO, AND, CPt OR 1 1 1 0 OR 1 1 1 0 OPC dol MODE src ADC, ADD, AND, CP, OR, SBC, SUB, TCM, TM, XOR MODE dltlsrc OPC arc/ds! LD, LDE, LDEI, LDC, LOCI dstlsrc OPC arc/ds. I dol OPC VALUE doUCCR~ OPC MODE dot VALUE SRP OPC dot sre dot LD, OR, SBC, SUB, TCM, TM, XOR MODE OPC orc dol MODE OPC OR It 1 1 01 dsl ADC, ADD, AND, CP, LD, OR, SBC, SUB, TCM, TM, XOR I• LD OR 1 1 1 0 OR I 1 1 0 .re dsl LD dstlsrc i B ADDRESS LD OR 11 1 1 01 arc ee OPC JP DAu DAL :I •X LD DJNZ, JR lWo-Byte Instructions 2037,013 MODE sre dol JP, CALL (IndlreC1) lOR 11 11 01 OPC VALUE I OPC OPC DAu DAL CALL d Three-Byte Instructions 781 OPCODEMAP Lower Nibble (Hex) o o 2 3 4 5 6 i e .!! 7 ~ I 8 :) 9 A B C D E F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E 6,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 6,5 6,5 12110,5 121100 65 121100 65 6,5 6,5 6,5 DEC DEC ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD LD LD DJNZ JR LD JP INC R, IR, r1.r2 f1.lr2 R2,R, IR2,R, R"IM IR"IM f1.R2 f2,R1 r1 RA ccRA r,IM ceDA rl 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 RLC RLC ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC IR"IM R, IR, '1,T2 '1, lr2 R2,R, IR2,R, R"IM 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 INC INC SUB SUB SUB SUB SUB SUB IR"IM R, IR, '1,T2 '1, lr2 R2,R, IR2,R, R"IM 8,0 6,1 6,5 6,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 JP SRP SBC SBC SBC SBC SBC SBC IRR, 1M '1,r2 r" lr2 R2,R, IR2,R, R"IM IR"IM 8,5 8,5 6,5 6,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 DA DA OR OR OR OR OR OR IR"IM R, IR, '1,T2 T1, lr2 R2,R, IR2,R, R"IM 10,5 10,5 6,5 6,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 POP POP AND AND AND AND AND AND R, IR, r1/2 '1, Ir2 R2,R, IR2,R, 6,5 6,5 6,5 10,5 10,5 R IM " 10,5 IR"IM 6,5 COM COM TCM TCM TCM TCM TCM TCM R, IR, r1,r2 T1, lr2 R2,R, IR2,R, R"IM IR"IM 12114,1 6,5 6,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 PUSH PUSH TM TM TM TM TM TM R2,R, IR2,R, R"IM IR"IM R2 IR2 (1,r2 T1, lr2 10,5 10,5 12,0 18,0 DECW DECW LDE LDEI RR, IR, T1, Irr2 Ir"lrr2 6,5 6,5 12,0 - ---s:1 DI ---s:1 18,0 RL RL LDE LDEI R, IR, T2, lrT 1 Ir2,lrr, - 10,5 10112,1 F EI 10,5 10,5 6,5 6,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 INCW INCW CP CP CP CP CP CP RR, IR, r1,T2 r" lr2 R2,R, IR2,R, R"IM IR"IM 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 CLR CLR XOR XOR XOR XOR XOR XOR R2,R, IR2,R, R"IM IR"IM R, IR, r1. T2 '1,lr2 6,5 6,5 12,0 18,0 RRC RRC LDC LDCI LD R, IR, T1,lrr2 Ir"lrr2 T1,x,R2 - 6,5 6,5 12,0 18,0 20,0 20,0 10,5 SRA LDC LDCI CALL' CALL LD r2, lrT1 R, IR, Ir2,lrT1 IRR, DA T2. x,R1 6,5 6,5 6,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 RR RR LD LD LD LD LD R2,R, IR2,R, R"IM IR"IM R, IR, r" IR 2 8,5 8,5 6,5 10,5 SWAP SWAP LD LD R, IR, Ir1,r2 R2,IR, 16,0 IRET e:s RCF 10,5 SRA 14,0 RET e:s SCF - 6,5 CCF e:o-NOP . . ---_v,.----J . . ---_v,.-----',1 ....- - - - -.....v,.-----",,1~'---v---' 2 2 3 3 Bytes per Instruction LOWER OPCODE NlrE EXECUTION, CYCLES PIPELINE CYCLES MNEMONIC Legend: R = 8-blt address r = 4-brt address R1 orr1 = Dstaddress R20rr2 = Src address Sequence: Opcode, Fltst Operand, Second Operand FIRST OPERAND * 2-byte mstructlon, 782 SECOND OPERAND NOTE The blank areas are not defined fetch cycle appears as a 3-byte mstructlon 8085-002 INSTRUCTION SUMMARY AddrMode Instruction and Operation dst src Opcode Byte (Hex) Flags Affected C Z S V o H * * ADCdst,src dst +- dst + src + C (Note 1) 10 * * * * o ADDdst,src dst +- dst + src (Note 1) 00 * * * * o ANDdst,src dst +- dst AN 0 src (Note 1) 50 -** 06 04 ------ CALLdst OA SP +-SP - 2 IRR @SP +- PC; PC +- dst CCF C +-NOTC 0-- EF *----- CLRdst dst +- 0 R IR BO Bl ------ COMdst dst +- NOT dst R IR 60 61 -** CPdst,src dst - src (Note 1) AD * * * *-- R IR 40 41 * * * X-- DECdst dst +- dst - 1 R IR 00 01 -** *-- DECWdst dst .... dst - 1 RR IR 80 81 -* **-- 8F ----------- DJNZr,dst RA r .... r - 1 ifn·O PC+-PC + dst Range: +127, -128 rA r =0 - F INCdst dst +- dst + 1 INCWdst dst +- dst + 1 ------ 9F EI IMR (7) +-1 rE r =0 - R IR 20 21 RR IR AO Al -***-F 8085-003 OA -** IRR =0 30 LD dst,src dst +- src r R Flags Affected CZSVDH -----cB c=O-F 1m R r X X r Ir r R IR 1M 1M R r Ir R R R IR IR -----rC r8 r9 r= 0 - F C7 07 E3 F3 E4 E5 E6 E7 F5 LDCdst,src dst +- src r Irr Irr C2 02 ------ LOCI dst,src dst +- src r +- r + 1; rr +- rr + 1 Ir Irr Irr Ir C3 03 ------ LDE dst,src dst +- src r Irr Irr 82 92 ------ LDEI dst,src dst +- src r +- r + 1; rr +- rr + 1 Ir Irr Irr Ir 83 93 ------ FF ------ (Note 1) 40 -**0-- POPdst dst+-@SP; SP +- SP + 1 R IR 50 ------ PUSH src SP +- SP - 1; @SP +- src R IR 70 71 ------ CF 0----- RET PC+-@SP,SP+-SP+ 2 AF ------ ~I~ 90 91 * * * *-- R IR 10 11 * * * l[iJ LDJ I~ EO El * * * NOP OR dst,src dst +- dst OR src Rei' *-- RLdst * * * * * * RLe dst L:{i}:ciJ C ------ cD c src Opcode Byte (Hex) C+-O BF IRET FLAGS +- @SP; SP +- SP + 1 PC +-@SP; SP +- SP + 2; IMR (7) +-1 JP cC,dst If cc IS true PC +-dst dst JRcc,dst RA If cc is true, PC +- PC + dst Range. + 127, -128 0-- DAdst dst .... OAdst 01 IMR (7) +-0 AddrMode Instruction and Operation F RRdst 7 0 * * 783 Il r:en !c= ~ INSTRUCTION SUMMARY (Continued) AddrMode Opcode Byte dst src (Hex) Instruction and Operation and Operation CO C1 * * * * XORdst,src dst ... dst XOR src 3D * * * * 1 * OF 1----- 00 01 ***0-- 1m 31 ------ (Note 1) 20 * * * * 1 * IR FO F1 X * * (Note 1) 60 -** 0-- 7 0 IR SBCdst,src dst ... dst ... src'" C (Note 1) SCF C"'1 SRA dst l@] [!f¢JJ R IR SRPsrc RP"'src SUBdst,src dst ... dst ... src SWAP dst 17 : _I_ ; 01 R TCMdst,src (NOT dst)ANO src 1M dst,src dstANOsrc AddrMode Opcode Byte (Hex) dst 'src Inst~uction CZSVDH RRCdst~R C Flags Affected (Note 1) 70 (Note 1) CZSVDH BO -**0-- NorE: These Instructions have an identical set of addreSSing modes, which are encoded for brevity. The first opcode nibble is found in the instruction set table above The second nibble IS expressed symbolically by a D in this table, and its value IS found In the follOWing table to the left of the applicable addreSSing mode pal< For example, the opcode of an ADC instruction using the addreSSing modes r (desllnatlon) and Ir (source) is 13. AddrMode dst Lower Opcode Nibble src R R m m [II R IR [II R 1M III IR 1M X-- -** 0-- Flags Affected Ir m REGISTERS R248P1M R247P3M Port 1 Mode Register Port 3 Mode Register (F8H) (F7H) I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I Pto-Pt, 110 DEFINITION ' - - - - 0 DEFINES BIT AS OUTPUT 1 DEFINES BIT AS INPUT III ~:=::::::::::: 1 PORT 1 PULL·UPS ACTIVE o Pas = QlLTPUT R246P2M 1 P" = INT RESERVED Port 2 Mode Register o P33 = INPUT (F6H) 1 P33 = DiW1/RDY1 '------ ~ ~:: : ~:~R~~~ P2Q-P2, 110 DEFINITION ' - - - - 0 DEFINES BIT AS OUTPUT 1 DEFINES BIT AS INPUT '--_ _ _ _ _ _ ~~: : :~rUT P34 P34 = OUTPUT = RDY1/DAV1 ~:: ~ ~~~:~OUT) P37 = OUTPUT P37 = lEO '--------- ~ =: : ::~~~K Figure 12. Port Mode Registers 784 8085-003 2017-009 REGISTERS (Continued) R2511MR Interrupt Mask Register (FBH) L'ENABLESIRQO ~~~ L R250lRQ Interrupt Request Register (FA H) ~~ :::~ :;3:~::~~PU II 1 ENABLES IRQ1 1 ENABLES IRQ2 IRQ2 = P31 INPUT 1 ENABLES IRa3 IRa3 = 1 ENABLES IRQ4 IRQ4 COMMUNICATIONS P30 INPUT = To IROS = 11 1 ENABLES IROS L.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ RESERVED RESERVED L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ENABLES INTERRUPTS R2491PR Interrupt Priority Register (F9H, Write Only) RESERVEOT' INTERRUPT GROUP PRIORITY RE~;r:.v;~ ~ gg~ __-+_-+-_+-_...1 = = = = 011 100 101 110 IRQO, IRQ2 PRIORITY (GROUP B) IRQ3, IRQS PRIORITY (GROUP A) L.._ _ _ _ _ _ 0 = IRQS > IRQ3 = 111 RESERVED 1 o = IR02 > IROO 1 = IROO> IRQ2 = 010 A>B>C A>C>B B>C>A C>B>A B>A>C IRQ', IRQ4 PRIORITY (GROUP C) IRQ1 > IRQ4 = IRQ4 > IRQ1 o= 1 = IRaa > lAOS Figure 13. Interrupt Control Registers R240MIV Master CPU Interrupt Vector Register (FOH) R254MIC Master CPU Interrupt Control Register (FEH) I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I LO- ~ug , END OF MESSAGE IL..- - - _ VECTOR DATA (Do = LSB) o WAIT ENABLE WHEN WRITE 1 WAIT DISABLE WHEN WRITE o ENABLE LOWER CHAIN 1 DISABLE LOWER CHAIN o DISABLE DATA TRANSFER 1 ENABLE DATA TRANSFER o VECTOR OUTPUT , NO VECTOR OUTPUT 1 . -_ _ _ _ _ ~ ~~S~~~T~:UCI~~~~~~~~U::N~~~g'NG L.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~N~~~~~~~UJ~DuE~Di:R~~~~'CE L.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ :~i~~=~~i ~~g~~~i ~~s::LL:g Figure 14. Master CPU Interrupt Registers R253RP Register Pointer (FDH) R252 FLAGS Flag Register (FCH) LUSERFLAGF' ~~~ L c= DON'T CARE USER FLAG F2 HALF CARRY FLAG OECIMAL ADJUST FLAG OVERFLOW FLAG SIGN FLAG ZERO FLAG L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CARRY FLAG R255SP Stack Pointer (FFH) I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I L..I_ _ _ _ ~Tp~:~:'~INTER Figure 15. UPC Control Registers 2017-010,011,012 785 REGISTERS (Continued) RODTC Data Transfer Control Register (OOH) R4LC Limit Count Register (04H) I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I I LIMIT COUNT VALUE ' - - - - - - - (RANGE, 0-255 DECIMAL OO-FF HEX) (EOM) 0 1 END OF MESSAGE NO LIMIT ERROR LIMIT ERROR (XERR) NO TRANSFER ERROR TRANSFER ERROR (EDX) DISABLE DATA TRANSFER ENABLE DATA TRANSFER "'(I"'R'-'P)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 110 REGISTER POINTER R5DIND Data Indirection Register (05H) I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I L.1-----_:~~'!'~c;~~N ADDRESS Figure 16. Master CPU·UPC Data Transfer Registers RES~o.:'JE~O,!'~~ = INTERNAL loOUl 01 CLOCT~ g~~ : :~ R241 TMR Timer Mode Register (F1H) R243PRE1 Prescaler 1 Register (F3H) I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I J [I ~ EXTERNTA~ ~~g~~ INPUT = 00 TRI8~~~ :~~~~ : ~~ (NON.RETRIGGERABLE) TRIGGER INPUT = 11 (RETRIGGERABLE) l 01 = NO FUNCTION = LOAD To 0 1 = DISABLE To COUNT 0 1 = NO FUNCTION = LOAD 11 0 1 = DISABLE T1 COUNT = ENABLE To COUNT ~,!U~,\~'?ci'LEE = 1 PASS T1 MOOULO • N CLOCK SOURCE o = EXTERNAL TIMING INPUT (T,N) MODE 1 = T1 INTERNAL PRESCALER MODULO ' - - - - - - - (RANGE, 1-84 DECIMAL 01-00 HEX) = ENABLE T1 COUNT R244 TO Counter/Timer 0 Register (F4H) R242 T1 Counter/Timer 1 Register (F2H) I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I I I To INITIAL VALUE ' - - - - - - (RANGE, 1-256 DECIMAL 01-00 HEX) T1 INITIAL VALUE ' - - - - - (RANGE, 1-256 DECIMAL 01-00 HEX) R245 PREO Prescaler 0 Register (F5H) ~L COUNTMODE o = To SINGLE·PASS 1 = To MODULO. N RESERVED PRESCALER MODULO (RANGE, 1-64 DECIMAL 01-00 HEX) Figure 17. UPC Counter/Timer Registers 786 2017·014,013 Table 4. Control Register Reset Conditions Control Register OOH Data Transfer Control Register 06 Os 04 03 02 01 00 X X X X 0 0 0 0 Disable data transfer from master CPU 0 0 0 Stops TO and T1 04H Limit Count Register Not Defined 05H Data Indirection Register Not Defined FOH Interrupt Vector Register Not Defined F1H Timer Mode 0 0 0 X X X 0 X X X 0 0 Single-Pass mode X X X X X X 0 0 Single-Pass mode External clock source i ~ Port 2 lines defined as Inputs F6H Port 2 Mode F7H Port 3 Mode I. I Not Defined F4H T1 Register F5H T1 Prescaler 0 Not Defined F2H TO Register F3H TO Prescaler Comments 07 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 Ports 1.2 open drain; P3s = INT; P30. P31. P32. P33 defined as input; P34. P36. P37 defined as output. Port 1 lines defined as inputs F8H Port 1 Mode Not Defined F9H Interrupt Priority FAH Interrupt Request X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset Interrupt Request FBH Interrupt Mask 0 X X X X X X X Interrupts disabled 0 0 0 Master CPU interrupt disabled; wait enable when write; lower chain enabled FCH Flag Register Not Defined FDH Register Pointer Not Defined FEH Master CPU Interrupt Control Register FFH Stack Pointer 0 0 0 0 0 Not Defined NOTE' X means not defined 787 MASTER CPU INTERFACE TIMING Z8590/4 peLK AID ______ -J'~------------------~~---------------- DBo-DB, WRITECASE _ _ _ _ _I--+,~+------+_"-'+--++-------- D~DB,_----_t~~~R1~~~:!~~::t_-_i~~~~----- READ CASE RD INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE TIMING Z8590/94 DBO-DB, --------------<1 VECTOR 1'---:--:---' RD III 110 788 2022-015,016 Z8590/4 AC CHARACTERISTICS 4 MHz Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Symbol Parameter TrC Clock Rise Time TwCH Clock High Width TfC Clock Fall Time TwCI Clock Low Width TpC Clock Period TsA/D(WR) AID to WR ~ Setup Time TsA/D(RD) AID to RD ~ Setup Time ThA/D(WR) AID to WR t Hold Time ThAID(RD) AID to RD t Hold Time TsCSf(WR) CS ~ to WR ~ Setup Time Min 105 105 250 TsCSf(RD) CS ~ to RD ~ Setup Time TsCSr(WR) CS t to WR ~ Setup Time TsCSr(RD) CS t to RD ~ Setup Time ThCS(WR) CS to WR t Hold Time ThCS(RD) CS to RD t Hold Time 16 17 18 19 20 TsDI(WR) Data in to WR ~ Setup Time Tw(WR) WRLowWidth 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Notes*t 20 1855 20 1855 2000 80 80 30 30 0 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 Max Il 0 60 60 0 0 Tw(RD) RDLowWidth ThWR(DI) Data in to WR t Hold Time TdRD(DI) Data Valid from RD ~ Delay ThRD(DI) Data Valid to RD t Hold Time TdRD(Dlz) Data Bus Float Delay from RD t TdRD(DBA) RD ~ to Read Data Active Delay TdWR(W) WR ~ to WAIT ~ Delay TdRD(W) RD ~ to WAIT ~ Delay N GO ell IIii; 0 390 390 0 CI ~ [1,3] 0 70 0 [3] [3] [3] 150 150 TdDI(W) Data Valid to WAIT t Delay TsACK(RD) INTACK ~ to RD ~ Setup Time 0 90 [3] [2] 255 TdRD(DI) RD ~ to Vector Valid Delay ThRD(ACK) RD t to INTACK t Hold Time ThIEI(RD) lEI to RD t Hold Time 0 100 255 TwRDI RD (Acknowledge) Low Width TdIEI(IEO) lEI to lEO Delay TsIEI(RD) lEI to RD ~ Setup Time TdACKf(IEO) INTACK ~ to lEO ~ Delay TdACKr(IEO) INTACK t to lEO t Delay 120 [3] 150 250 250 NOTES: [1] This parameter is dependent on the state of the UPC at the time of master CPU access. [2] In case where daisy chain is not used. [3] All output ac parameters use test load 1. • Timings are preliminary and subject to change. Units in nanoseconds (ns). t The timing characteristics given reference 2.0V as High and O.8V as Low. 789 Z8090/4 MASTER CPU INTERFACE TIMING PCLK ADo-AD, ------.,.~H_~~;.......,., I)------f.+f+f MASTER CPU READ 'Ui.~"''':::::::':--f' ww ------------~~------~ WRITE -------+f-----.....:jL...+------1--+----"""- RIW READ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+-11-_ _...1 ADO-AD, ------.,..w.-:...j.---""5..w.-,.;;;;.....:.----+--.:....-...;;.--i MASTER CPU WRITE _ _ _ _ _ ....J1I....-+....:::=_-{1-______+ ______...:r Z8090/4 INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE TIMING UNDEFINED VECTDR Ai DS ------t---~kl--__~~~" ~'" .. " ". "¥'" . .,, Figure 2b. 44-Pin Chip Carrier. Pin Assignments 861 811 ...enw Pin Description 862 The follpwing section describes the pin functions of the ASCC. Figures 1 and 2 detail the respective pin functions and pin assignments. AlB. Channel AlChannel B Select (input). This signal selects the channel in which the read or write operation occurs. CEo Chip Enable (input, active Low). This signal selects the ASCC for a read or write operation. CTSA. CTSB. Clear To Send (inputs, active Low). If these pins are programmed as Auto Enables, a Low on the inputs enables the respective transmitters. If not programmed as Auto Enables, they may be used as generalpurpose inputs. Both inputs are Schmitt-trigger buffered to accommodate slow rise-time inputs. The ASCC detects pulses on these inputs and can interrupt the CPU on both logic level transitions. Die. DataiControl Select (input). This signal defines the type of information transferred to or from the ASCC. A High means data is transferred; a Low indicates a command. DCDA. DCDB. Data Carrier Detect (inputs, active Low). These pins function as receiver enables if they are programmed for Auto Enables; otherwise they may be used as general-purpose input pins. Both pins are Schmitt-trigger buffered to accomodate slow rise-time signals. The ASCC detects pulses on these pins and can interrupt the CPU on both logic level transitions. Do-o,. Data Bus (bidirectional, 3-state). These lines carry data and commands to and from the ASCC. DTR/REQA. DTR/REQB. Data Terminal Ready/Request (outputs, active Low). These outputs follow the state programmed into the DTR bit. They can also be used as generalpurpose outputs or as Request lines for a DMA controller. lEI. Interrupt Enable In (input, active High). lEI is used with lEO to form an interrupt daisy chain when there is more than one interruptdriven device. A High lEI indicates that no other higher priority device has an interrupt under service or is requesting an interrupt. lEO. Interrupt Enable Out (output, active High). lEO is High only if lEI is High and the CPU is not servicing an ASCC interrupt or the ASCC is not requesting an interrupt (Interrupt Acknowledge cycle only). lEO is connected to the next lower priority device's lEI input and thus inhibits interrupts from lower priority devices. INT. Interrupt Request (output, open-drain, active Low). This signal is activated when the ASCC requests an interrupt. INTACK. Interrupt Acknowledge (input, active Low). This signal indicates an active Interrupt Acknowledge cycle. During this cycle, the ASCC interrupt daisy chain settles. When RD becomes active, the ASCC places an interrupt vector on the data bus (if lEI is High). INTACK is latched by the rising edge of PCLK. PCLK. Clock (input). This is the master ASCC clock used to synchronize internal signals; PCLK is a TTL level signal. RD. Read (input, active Low). This signal indicates a read operation and when the ASCC is selected, enables the ASCC's bus drivers. During the Interrupt Acknowledge cycle, this signal gates the interrupt vector onto the bus if the ASCC is the highest priority device requesting an interrupt. RxDA. RxDB. Receive Data (inputs, active High). These input signals receive serial data at standard TTL levels. RIA. RIB. Ring Indicator (inputs, active Low). These pins can act either as inputs, or part of the crystal oscillator circuit. In normal mode (crystal oscillator option not selected), these pins are inputs similar to CTS and DCD. In this mode, transitions on these lines affect the state of the Ring Indicator status bits in Read Register 0 (Figure 8) but have no other function. RTxCA. RTxCB. Receive/Transmit Clocks (inputs, active Low). These pins can be programmed in several different modes of operation. In each channel, RTxC may supply the receive clock, the transmit clock, the clock for the baud rate generator, or the clock for the Digital Phase-Locked Loop. These pins can also be programmed for use with the respective RI pins as a crystal oscillator. The receive clock may be I, 16,32, or 64 limes the data rate in Asynchronous modes. RTSA. RTSB. Request To Send (outputs, active Low). When the Request To Send (RTS) bit in Write Register 5 (Figure 9) is set, the RTS signal goes Low. When the RTS bit is reset in the Asynchronous mode and Auto Enable is on, the signal goes High after the transmitter is empty. With Auto Enable off, the RTS pin strictly follows the state of the RTS bit. Both pins can be used as general-purpose outputs. TxDA. TxDB. Transmit Data (outputs, active High). These output signals transmit serial data at standard TTL levels. TRxCA. TRxCB. Transmit/Receive Clocks (inputs or outputs, active Low). These pins can be programmed in several different modes of operation. TRxC may supply the receive clock or the transmit clock in the input mode or sup- Pin Description (Contmued) ply the output of the Digital Phase-Locked Loop, the crystal oscillator, the baud rate generator, or the transmit clock in the output mode. W/REQA. W/REQB. Wait/Request (outputs, open-drain when programmed for a Wait function, driven High or Low when programmed for a Request function). These dual-purpose outputs may be programmed as Request lines for a DMA controller or as Wait lines to synchronize the CPU to the ASCC data rate. The reset state is Wait. WR. Write (input, active Low). When the ASCC is selected, this signal indicates a write operation. The coincidence of RD and WR is interpreted as a reset. Functional Description The functional capabilities of the ASCC can be described from two different points of view: as a data communications device, it transmits and receives data in a wide variety of data communications protocols; as a microprocessor peripheral, the ASCC offers valuable features such as vectored interrupts, polling, and simple handshake capability. handle data at a rate of 1116, 1/32, or 1/64 of the clock rate supplied to the receive and transmit clock inputs. Data Communications Capabilities. The ASCC provides two independent full-duplex channels programmable for use in any common Asynchronous data communication protocol. Figure 3 and the follOWing description briefly detail this protocol. Asynchronous Modes. Transmission and reception can be accomplished independently on each channel with five to eight bits per character, plus optional even or odd parity. The transmitters can supply one, one-and-ahalf, or two stop bits per character and can provide a break output at any time. The receiver break-detection logic interrupts the CPU both at the start and at the end of a received break. Reception is protected from spikes by a transient spike-rejection mechanism that checks the signal one-half a bit time after a Low level is detected on the receive data input (RxDA or RxDB in Figure 1). If the Low does not persist (as in the case of a transient), the character assembly process does not start. Framing errors and overrun errors are detected and buffered together with the partial character on which they occur. Vectored interrupts allow fast servicing of error conditions using dedicated routines. Furthermore, a built-in checking process avoids the interpretation of a framing error as a new stilrt bit: a framing error results in the addition of one-half a bit time to the point at which the search for the next start bit begins. The ASCC does not require symmetric transmit and receive clock signals-a feature allowing use of the wide variety of clock sources. The transmitter and receiver can Baud Rate Generator. Each channel in the ASCC contains a programmable baud rate generator. Each generator consists of two 8-bit time constant registers that form a 16-bit time constant, a 16-bit down counter, and a flip-flop on the output producing a square wave. On startup, the flip-flop on the output is set in a High state, the value in the time constant register is loaded into the counter, and the counter starts counting down. The output of the baud rate generator toggles upon reaching 0, the value in the time constant register is loaded into the counter, and the process is repeated. The time constant may be changed at any time, but the new value does not take effect until the next load of the counter. The output of the baud rate generator may be used as either the transmit clock, the receive clock, or both. It can also drive the Digital Phase-Locked Loop (see next section). If the receive clock or transmit clock is not programmed to come from the TRxC pin, the output of the baud rate generator may be echoed out via the TRxC pin. The follOWing formula relates the time constant to the baud rate (the baud rate is in bits/second and the BR clock period is in seconds): PCLK lIme constant = 2 (clock factor) (baud) -2 Digital Phase-Locked Loop. The ASCC contains a Digital Phase-locked-Loop (DPll) to recover clock information from a data stream with NRZI or FM encoding. The DPll is driven by a clock that is nominally 32 (NRZI) or 16 (FM) times the data rate. The DPll uses this clock, along with the data stream, to construct a clock for the data. This clock may then be used as the ASCC receive clock, the transmit clock, or both. TT lr ::-MA::-:R::::K'::::NG~L~'N::::E--'I 1""1-DA-T-A'l'Ir,';"1:1:O:AT:A:I:I'""'"'II DATA II' , MARK'NG LINE PARITY ASYNCHRONOUS Figure 3. ASee Protocol 2016·004 863 E w ... fi Functional Description (Continued) For NRZI encoding, the DPLL counts the 32x clock to create nominal bit times. As the 32x clock is counted, the DPLL is searching the incoming data stream for edges (either I to 0 or 0 to I). Whenever an edge is detected, the DPLL makes a count adjustment (during the next counting cycle), producing a terminal count closer to the center of the bit cell. For FM encoding, the DPLL still counts from o to 31, but with a cycle corresponding to two bit times. When the DPLL is locked, the clock edges in the data stream should occur between counts 15 and 16 and between counts 31 and O. The DPLL looks for edges only during a time centered on the 15 to 16 counting transition. The 32x clock for the DPLL can be programmed to come from either the RTxC input or the output of the baud rate generator. The DPLL output may be programmed to be echoed out of the ASCC via the TRxC pin (if this pin is not being used as an input). Data Encoding. The ASCC may be programmed to encode and decode the serial data in four different ways (Figure 4). In NRZ encoding, a I is represented by a High level and a O. is represented by a Low level. In NRZI encoding, a I is represented by no change m level and a 0 is represented by a change in level. In FMI (more properly, bi-phase mark), a transition occurs at the beginning of every bit cell. A I is represented by an additional transition at the center of the bit cell and a 0 IS represented by no additional transition at the center of the bit cell. In FMO (bl-phase space), a transition occurs at the beginning of every bit cell. A 0 is represented by an additional transition at the center of the bit cell, and a I is represented by no additional transition at the center of the bit cell. In addition to these four methods, the ASCC can be used to decode Manchester (bi-phase level) data by using the DPLL in the FM mode and programming the receiver for NRZ data. Manchester encoding always produces a transition at the center of the bit cell. If the transition is 0 to I, the bit is a O. If the transition is I to 0, the bit is a!. Auto Echo and Local Loopback. The ASCC is capable of automatically echoing everything it receives. In Auto Echo mode, RxD is connected to TxD internally. Auto Echo mode can be used with NRZI or FM encoding with no additional delay, because the data stream is not decoded before retransmission. In Auto Echo mode, the CTS input is ignored as a transmitter enable (although transitions on this input can still cause interrupts if programmed to do so). In this mode, the transmitter is actually bypassed and the programmer is responsible for disabling transmitter interrupts and WAIT/REQUEST on transmit. The ASCC is also capable of local loopback. In this mode TxD is connected to RxD internally, just as in Auto Echo mode. However, in Local Loopback mode, the internal transmit data is tied to the mternal receive data and RxD is ignored (except to be echoed out via TxD). The CTS and DCD inputs arE! also ignored as transmit and receive enables. However, transitions on these inputs can still cause interrupts. Local Loopback works with NRZ, NRZI or FM coding of the data stream. 110 Interface Capabilities. The ASCC offers the choice of Polling, Interrupt (vectored or nonvectored), and Block Transfer modes to transfer data, status, and control information to and from the CPU. The Block Transfer mode can be implemented under CPU or DMA control. Polling. All interrupts are disabled. Three status registers in the ASCC are automatically updated whenever any function is performed. The idea behind polling is for the CPU to periodically read a status register until the register contents indicate the need for data to be transferred. Only one register needs to be read; depending on its contents, the CPU either writes data, reads data, or continues. Two bits in the register indicate the need for DATA NRZ NRZI \ \ I I \ \ FMt FM. MANCHBSTBR Figure 4. Data Encoding Methods 864 2016·005 Functional Description (Continued) data transfer. An alternative is a poll of the Interrupt Pending register to determine the source of an interrupt. The status for both channels resides in one register. Interrupts. When an ASCC responds to an Interrupt Acknowledge signal (!NTACK) from the CPU, an interrupt vector may be placed on the data bus. This vector is written in WR2 and may be read in RR2A or RR2B (FIgures 8 and 9). To speed interrupt response time, the ASCC can modify three bits in this vector to indicate status. If the vector IS read in Channel A, status is never included; If it IS read m Channel B, status is always included. Each of the six sources of interrupts in the ASCC (Transmit, Receive, and External/Status interrupts in both channels) has three bItS associated with the interrupt source: Interrupt Pending (IP), Interrupt Under Service (IUS), and Interrupt Enable (IE). Operahon of the IE bit is straightforward. If the IE bit is set for a given interrupt source, then that source can request interrupts. The exception is when the MIE (Master Interrupt Enable) bit in WR9 is reset and no interrupts may be requested. The IE bits are write only. The other two bits are related to the interrupt priority chain (Figure 5). As a microprocessor peripheral, the ASCC may request an interrupt only when no higher priority device is requesting one, e.g., when lEI is High. If the device in question requests an interrupt, it pulls down INT. The CPU then responds with INTACK, and the interrupting device places the vector on the data bus. In the ASCC, the IP bit signals a need for interrupt servicing. When an IP bit is I and the lEI input is High, the !NT output is pulled Low, requesting an interrupt. In the ASCC, If the IE bit is not set by enabling interrupts, then the IP for that source can never be set. The IP bits are readable in RR3A. The IUS bits signal that an interrupt request is bemg servlCed. If an IUS is set, all interrupt sources of lower priority in the ASCC and external to the ASCC are prevented from requestmg interrupts. Jhe mternai mterrupt PERIPHERAL lEI 00-07 iNf sources are inhibited by the state of the internal daisy chain, while lower priority devices are inhibited by the IEO output of the ASCC being pulled Low and propagated to subsequent peripherals. An IUS bit is set during an Interrupt Acknowledge cycle if there are no hIgher priority devices requesting interrupts. There are three types of interrupts: Transmit, Receive, and External/Status. Each interrupt type is enabled under program control with Channel A having higher priority than Channel B, and with Receiver, Transmit, and External/Status interrupts prioritized in that order within each channel. When the Transmit interrupt is enabled, the CPU is interrupted when the transmit buffer becomes empty. (This implies that the transmitter must have had a data character written into it so that it can become empty.) When enabled, the receiver can interrupt the CPU in one of three ways: • Interrupt on First Receive Character or SpeCial Receive Condition. • Interrupt on Special ReceIve Condition Only. Interrupt on First Character or Special Condition and Interrupt on SpeCial Condition Only are typically used with the Block Transfer mode. A Special Receive Condition is a receiver overrun, and, optionally, a parity error. The Special Receive Condition interrupt is different from an ordinary receive character available interrupt only in the status placed in the vector during the Interrupt Acknowledge cycle. In Interrupt on First Receive Character, an interrupt can occur from Special Receive Conditions any time after the first receive character interrupt. The main function of the External/Status interrupt is to monitor the signal transitions of the CTS, DCD, and ill pins; however, an External/Status interrupt is also caused by a Transmit Underrun condition, or a zero count in the baud rate generator, or by the detection ot a Break. lEI 00-01 !NT PERIPHERAL lNTACK lEO lEI 00-07 iNT INTACK +5V Do-D7V-______________________________________________ ~ INT.-------------~,r---------------+--~--------------~_+~ INTACK~--------------~ __________________ ~ _________________" Figure 5. Interrupt Schedule 2016·006 w .... i • Interrupt on All Receive Characters or Special Receive Condition. PERIPHERAL INTACK lEO aen 865 Functional Description (Continued) CPU/DMA Block Transfer. The ASCC provides a Block Transfer mode to accommodate CPU block transfer functions and DMA controllers. The Block Transfer mode uses the WAIT/ REQUEST output in conjunction with the WaiVRequest bits in WRl. The WAIT/ REQUEST output can be defined under software control as a WAIT line in the CPU Block Transfer mode or as a REQUEST line in the DMA Block Transfer mode. To a DMA controller, the ASCC REQUEST output indicates that the ASCC is ready to transfer data to or from memory. To the CPU, the WAIT line indicates that the ASCC is not ready to transfer data, thereby requesting that the CPU extend the I/O cycle. The DTR/ REQUEST line allows full-duplex operation under DMA control. Architecture The ASCC internal structure includes two full-duplex channels, two baud rate generators, internal control and interrupt logiC, and a bus interface to a nonmultiplexed bus. Associated with each channel are a number of read and write registers for mode control and status information, as well as logic necessary to interface to modems or other external devices (Figure 6). The logic for both channels provides formats, synchronization, and validation for data transferred to and from the channel interface. The modem control inputs are monitored by the control logic under program control. All of the modem control signals are generalpurpose in nature and can optionally be used for functions other than modem control. The register set for each channel includes ten control (write) registers, and four status (read) registers. In addition, each baud rate generator has two (read/write) registers for holding the time constant that determines the } SERIAL DATA ' 4 - - } CHANNEL CLOCKS III INTERNAL WAITfREQUEST CONTROL LOGIC MODEM, DMA, OR } OTHER CONTROLS } MODEM, DMA, OR OTHER CONTROLS DATA CONTROL INTERRUPT CONTROL INTERRUPT LINES LOGIC CONTROL } SERIAL DATA ttt } CHANNEL CLOCKS III +SVGND PCLK WAIT/REQUEST Figure 6. Block Diagram of ASCC Architecture 866 2244-005 ~ ~>o 0o ..n ::s ::r as: c:: n CD c..1'l ~tiI CPU 110 SR GENERATOR INPUT ~ BRGENERATOR ...._ _ _ _ _...._ _ _ _ _...' ~ OUTPUT RECEIVE RECEIVE DATA ERROR FIFO FIFO TRANSMIT CLOCK R,D DPLL DPLL OUTPUT BA GENERATOR OUTPUT ~ M DPLL OUTPUT - - - -.. - - TRxC----. CLOCK MUX RT,C-"""f"--. RFCElVE CLOCK TRANSMIT CLOCK DPLLCLOCK SR GENERATOR CLOCK iii (OSCILLATOR) 8l ..... Figure 7_ Data Path 33S1l1£Saz Architecture (Contmued) baud rate. Finally, associated with the interrupt logic is a write register for the interrupt vector accessible through either channel, a write only Master Interrupt Control register and three read registers: one containing the vector with status infomation (Channel B only), one containing the vector without status (Channel A only), and one containing the Interrupt Pending bits (Channel A only). The registers for each channel are designated as follows: WRO-WRI5 - Write Registers 0-5,8-15. RRO-RR3, RRlO, RR12, RR13, RR15 - Read Registers 0 through 3, 10, 12, 13, 15. Table 1 lists the functions assigned to each read or write register. The ASCC contains only one WR2 and WR9, but they can be accessed by either channel. All other registers are paired (one for each channel). Data Path. The transmit and receive data path illustrated in Figure 7 is identical for both channels. The receiver has three 8-bit buffer registers in an FIFO arrangement, in addition to the 8-bit receive shift register. This scheme creates additional time for the CPU to service an interrupt at the beginning of a block of high speed data. Incoming data is routed through one of several paths depending on the selected mode (the character length also determines the data path). The transmitter has an 8-bit Transmit Data buffer register loaded from the internal data bus and an ll-bit Transmit Shift register that can be loaded from the Transmit Data register. Programming 868 The ASCC contains 11 write registers in each channel that are programmed by the system separately to configure the functional personality of the channels. In the ASCC, register addressing is direct for the data registers only, which are selected by a High on the Die pin. In all other cases (with the exception of WRO and RRO), programming the write registers requires two write operations and reading the read registers requires both a write and a read operation. The first write is to WRO and contains three bits that point to the selected register. The second write is the actual control word for the Read Register FuncUoDS RRO TransmlVRecelve buffer status and External status RRI Special ReceIve Condlhon status RR2 Modlhed interrupt vector (Channel B only) UnmodIfied mterrupt vector (Channel A only) RR3 Interrupt Pending b,ts (Channel A only) RR8 ReceIve buffer RRJO MIscellaneous status RRI2 Lower byte of baud rate generator I1me constant RRl3 Upper b\,te of baud rate generator time constant RRl5 External/Status mterrupt information Write Register FuncUons WRO CRC mitiallze. iml1allzal1on commands for the various modes, Register Pomters. WRI TransmlVReceive mterrupt and data transfer mode definition WR2 Interrupt vector (accessed through either channel) WR3 Receive parameters and control WR4 Transmlt/Receive mlscellaneous parameters and modes WR5 TransmIt parameters and controls WR8 WR9 TransmIt buffer Master mterrupt control and reset (accessed through eIther channel) WRJO MIscellaneous transmitter/receiver control blls WRll WRl2 WRl3 WRl4 WRl5 Clock mode control Lower byte of baud rate generator I1me constant Upper byte of baud rate generator I1me constant MIscellaneous control b,ts External/Status mterrupt control Table I. Read and Write Register Functions selected register, and if the second operation IS read, the selected read register is accessed. All of the registers in the ASCC, including the data registers, may be accessed in this fashion. The pointer bits are automatically cleared after the read or write operation so that WRO (or RRO) is addressed again. The system program first issues a series of commands to initialize the basic mode of operation. For example, the character length, clock rate, number of stop bits, even or odd parity might be set first. Then the interrupt mode would be set, and finally, receiver or transmitter enable. Programming Read Registers. The ASCC contains eight (Contmued) read registers (actually nine, counting the receive buffer (RRB) in each channel). Four of these may be read to obtain status information (RRO, RRI, RRIO, and RRIS). Two registers (RRI2 and RRI3) may be read to learn the baud rate generator time constant. RR2 contains either the unmodified interrupt vector (Channel A) or the vector modified by status information (Channel B). RR3 contains the Interrupt Pending (lP) bits (Channel A). Figure B shows the formats for each read register. The status bits of RRO and RRI are carefully grouped to simplify status monitoring; e.g., when the interrupt vector indicates a Special Receive Condition interrupt, all the appropriate error bits can be read from a single register (RRl). Read Register 0 Read Register 10 I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I L ~~~ ~ R,CHARACTERAVAILABLE ZERO COUNT Tx BUFFER EMPTY DCD RINO INDICATOR , CTS BREAK I~~ ~ ~WOCLOCKSMISSING IIen ...w ONE CLOCK MISSING Read Register I fi Read Register 12 LOWER BYTE OF TIME CONSTANT Read Register 2 Read Register 13 I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I INTERRUPT VECTOR· -MODIFIED IN B CHANNEL Read Register 3 ~~ UPPER BYTE OF TIME CONSTANT Read Register 15 1~1~1~1~1~1~1~I~i ~~~ ~CHANNELBEXTISTATIP' CHANNEL B Tx ,PCHANNEL B Rx IP- CHANNEL A EXT/STAT Ip· CHANNEL A Tx ,p. CHANNEL A Rx IP- o I~~:.~",. ~ ~CTSIE , o BREAK IE -AI.WAYS 0 IN B CHANNEL Figure 8. Read Register Bit Functions 2244·007 869 Programming Write Registers. The ASCC contains 11 write (Continued) registers (12 counting WR8, the transmit buffer) in each channel. These write registers are programmed separately to configure the functional "personality" of the channels. In addition, there are two registers (WR2 and Write Register 0 WR9) shared by the two channels that may be accessed through either of them. WR2 contains the interrupt vector for both channels, while WR9 contains the interrupt control bits. Figure 9 shows the format of each write register. Write Register 3 I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I o o o 0 0 0 1 REGISTER 1 1 0 o 1 1 REGISTER 3 REGISTER 0 REGISTER 2 f 0 1 0 1 1 REGISTER" 1 1 o 0 o 0 REGISTER 8 1 REGISTER 10 REGISTER 5 0 NULL CODe o o RE"'STER 8j NULL CODE 1 1 REGISTER 11 1 0 REGISTER 12 1 0 REGISTER 13 1 1 0 REOISTER 14 1 REGISTER 16 Rx 5 BITS/CHARACTER 1 Rx 7 BITS/CHARACTER 1 0 Rx 6 BITS/CHARACTER 1 1 Rx 8 BITS/CHARACTER • o 0 o o 0 POINT HIGH 1 RESET EXTISTAT INTERRUPTS o 1 NULL CODe 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 ERROR RESET 1 RESET HIGHEST IUS 0 0 Write Register 4 i I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I NULL CODE o o ENABLE INT ON NEXT Rx CHARACTER RESET TxlNT PENDING 0 1 ~ ::::~ ::::'~DD DO NOT PROGRAM 1 STOP BIT/CHARACTER 1 0 1 VI STOP BITSfCHARACTER 1 1 2 STOP BITS/CHARACTER X 1 CLOCK MODE ·WITH POINT HIGH COMMAND Xi6 CLOCK MODE X32 CLOCK MODE X64 CLOCK MODE Write Register 1 I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I ~ Write Register 5 ~L EXT INT ENABLE I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I Tx INT ENABLE PARITY IS SPECIAL CONDITION o 0 Rx INT DISABLE o 1 Rx INT ON FIRST CHARACTER OR SPECIAL CONDITION 1 OINT ON ALL Rx CHARACTERS OR SPECIAL CONDITION 1 1 RxlNTONSPECIALCONDlTIONONLY ' - - - - - - WAIT/DMA REQUEST ON RECEIV~ ' - - - - - - - WArf/DMA REQUEST FUNCTION ' - - - - - - - - WAIT/DMA REQUEST ENABLE o 0 Tx 5 BITS (OR LESS)lCHARACTER o 1 Tx 7 BITS/CHARACTER 1 0 Tx 6 BITs/cHARACTER 1 1 Tx 6 BITs/CHARACTER '-------- DTR Write Register 2 ~~ INTERRUPT VECTOR v, Figure 9. Write Register Bit Functions 870 2244·007 Write Register 12 Programming Write Register 9 (Continued) I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I LL.::: ~~ DLC MIE :rATUI HIGHlIT'lTIJI"'mW ll!~ LOWER BYTE OF TIME CONSTANT FORCE HARDWARE RESET Write Register 13 I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I Write Register 10 ll!~ I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I ~j o o 1 NAZI 1 0 Flii (TRANSITION ... 1) 1 1 FYO (TRANSITION" 0) 0 HRZ Write Register 14 IL L...::: ~ Write Register 11 1 I... I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I I I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I .RGEN....TOREN. .LE BR GENERATOR SOURCE In'RIREOUEST FUNCTION AUTO ECHO LOCAL LOOPBACK 0 0 0 , 0 TIiiill OUT. o 1 TiW! OUT .. TRANSMIT CLOCK 0 1 0 TRxC OUT = BR GENERATOR OUTPUT 1 1 , 0 UPPER BYTE OF TIME CONSTANT XTAL OUTPUT ~ OUT,. DPLL OUTPUT 0 0 0 0 TRANSMIT CLOCK = R'fiC PIN 0 , , fIfIillOil , NULL COMMAND ENTER SEARCH MODE RESET MISSING CLOCK DUllE DPLL , 0 ,,, 0 SET SOURCE .. BR GENERATOR SET SOURCE III RTiC SET FM MODE SET NAZI MODE TRANSMIT CLOCK '"' TRxC PIN TRANSMIT CLOCK. IR GENERATOR OUTPUT TRANSMIT CLOCK - DPLL OUTPUT Write Register 15 I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I RECEIVE CLOCK .. BR GENERATOR OUTPUT 1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ fi'fiC5 XTAUNOXTAL Figure 9. Write Register Bit FlIDCtlons (Contmued) 2244-007 871 Timing The ASCC generates internal control signals from WR and RD that are related to PCLK. Since PLCK has no phase relationship with WR and RD, the circuitry generating these internal control signals must provide time for metastable conditions to disappear. This gives rise to a recovery time related to PCLK. The recovery time applies only between bus transactions involving the ASCC. The recovery time required for proper operation is specified from the riSing edge of WR or RD in the first All. DIe transaction involving the ASCC to the falling edge of WR or RD in the second transaction involving the ASCC. This time must be at least 6 PLCK cycles plus 200 ns. Read Cycle Timing. Figure 10 illustrates read cycle timing, Addresses on AlB and D/C and the status on INTACK must remain stable throughout the cycle. If CE falls after RD falls,or rises before RD rises, the effective RD is shortened. X x::: ----'---------ADDRESS VALID \ .....- 1 \ 1 \ \ -_ _ _ _- J Do-D?---------~«(:::=X DATAYALID ) Figure 10. Read Cycle TIming throughout the cycle. If CE falls after WR falls or rises before WR rises, the effective WR is shortened. Write Cycle Timing. Figure II illustrates write cycle timing. Addresses on AlB and D/C and the status on INTACK must remain stable ~,~ti ________-J)(~ ______________AD_D_RU_._Y_A_UD_______________ X::: \_--1 \ \ _____......1 Do-D?------__________~(==::::~DA:U~Y:AL~ID~::::)~------Flgurell. Write Cycle Timing when RD falls, the acknowledge cycle was intended for the ASCC. In this case, the ASCC may be programmed to respond to RD Low by placing its interrupt vector on Do-D7 and sets the appropriate Interrupt-Under-Service latch internally. Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle Timing. Figure 12 illustrates interrupt acknowledge cycle timing. Between the time INTACK goes low and the falling edge of RD, the internal and external lEI/lEO daisy chains settle. If there is an interrupt pending the ASCC and lEI is High :~----- Do-D? // ( Figure 12. Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle Timing 872 2023-005,006,007 Absolute Maximum Ratings Voltages on all pins with respect to GND ................... - O.3V to + 7.0V Operating Ambient Temperature ....... See Ordering Information Storage Temperature ........ - 65°C to + 150°C Standard Test Conditions The DC characterisbcs and capacitance sections below apply for the folloWing standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Standard conditions are as follows: • +4.75 V S Vee S +5.25 V Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Thls IS a stress rating only; operation of the devlce at any condItIon above those mdlCated m the operahonal sechons of these speclhcations IS not ImplIed. Exposure to absolute maXImum ratmg conditions for extended penods may affect deVICe reliabIlity. The Ordering Information section lists temperature ranges and product numbers. Package drawmgs are in the Package Information section in this book. Refer to the Literature List for addibonal documentation. All ac parameters assume a load capacitance of 50 pf max. • GND = 0 V • TA as speCified in Ordering Information +5V FROM OUTPUT UNDER TEST Figure 13. Standard Test Load DC Characteristics Symbol VIH VIL VOH VOL IlL 1m Icc iI +5V 2.1K '·'K SOp. Figure 14. Open-Drain Test Load Parameter Min Max Unit Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Input Leakage Output Leakage Vee Supply Current 2.0 -0.3 2.4 Vee +0.3 0.8 V V V V 0.4 ±JO.O ±JO.O 250 pA pA Condition IOH = IOL= 0.4 :5 0.4 :5 -250 pA +2.0 mA VIN :5 + 2.4V VOUT :5 +2.4V rnA Vee = 5 V ± 5% unless otherwIse speClfied, over speCIfied temperature range. Capacitance Symbol Parameter Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Bldlrechonal CapacItance Min Max Unit 10 15 20 pi pi pi Test Condition f = 1 MHz, over speClfIed temperature range Unmeasured pms returned to ground. 8085·006,001 873 Read and Write Timing PCLK \..........~~ ~ A/B,D/e :)~- ~~~ J( ~ ~\ ~~ ---. --® ~(i3~ -I® ----0-~ .......J -@---------oo i-@- ------®- r---- @; 00-07 READ ACTIVE ®- ~ )! ---®------ --0-1\ VAL.ID ®25 27 -::~ ~ 1 ~ DO-D7 WRITE )Q: ®-i- }( r--i-® ----@- f----- W/REQ WAIT \,-32 WIREQ REQUEST DTR/REQ --:::---W 'i4' =4 I-®-J REQUeST w \. - 'ii' 4 MHz No. Symbol Parameter Min Max 6 MHz Min Max Notes*t I TwPCI PCLK Low WIdth 105 2000 70 1000 2 TwPCh PCLK HIgh WIdth 105 2000 70 1000 3 TIPC PCLK Fall TIme 20 10 4 TrPC PCLK RIse TIme 20 15 5-TcPC PCLK Cycle TIme - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 5 0 - 4 0 0 0 --165 -2000 - - - - 6 TsA(WR) Address to WR I Setup TIme 80 80 7 ThA(WR) Address to WR 1 Hold TIme 0 0 8 TsA(RD) Address to RD I Setup Time 80 80 9 ThA(RD) Address to RD 1 Hold TIme 0 0 IO-TsIA(PC)---INTACK to PCLK 1 Setup TIme 0 0 -------II TsIAI(WR) INTACK to WR I Setup TIme 200 200 12 ThIA(WR) INTACK to WR 1 Hold TIme 0 0 13 TsIAI(RD) INTACK to RD I Setup TIme 200 200 14 ThIA(RD) INTACK to RD 1 Hold TIme 0 0 15-ThIA(PC)--INTACK to PCLK 1 Hold TIme 100 100-------16 TsCE1(WR) CE Low to WR I Setup TIme 0 0 17 ThCE(WR) CE to WR 1 Hold TIme 0 0 18 TsCEh(WR) CE HIgh to WR I Setup TIme 100 70 19 TsCE1(RD) CE Low to RD I Setup Time 0 0 I 20 ThCE(RD) CE to RD 1 Hold TIme 0 0 I 21-TsCEh(RD)--CE HIgh to RD I Setup TIme 100 70 - - - - - - 1 22 TwRDI RD Low WIdth 390 250 I 23 TdRD(DRA) RD I to Read Data Achve Delay 0 0 24 TdRDr(DR) RD 1 to Read Data Not Vahd Delay 0 0 25 TdRDI(DR) RD I to Read Data Vahd Delay 250 180 26 TdRD(DRz) RD 1 to Read Data Float Delay 70 45 2 NOTES 1. Parameter does not apply to Interrupt Acknowledge transactIons 874 2 Float delay IS clefmed as the hme required for a ± 0.5 V change 1U the output wlth a maximum de load and mlnlmUm ae load . • Tlmmgs are prehmmary and subject to change, t Umls 10 nanoseconds (os). 2023-008 Interrupt Acknowledge Timing PCL!( IIo-D1---+----H~8l---- .. , ...E Reset Timing Cycle Timing Ci / _---J ;,~--~\,------ ~WWR---'~·====~\==:®_Q~_-~~~~/~====~,~ 4MBz No. Symbol Parameter Min Max ____ 6MBz Min Max Notes*t 27 TdA(DR) Address Required Vahd to Read Data Vahd Delay 590 420 390 250 WR Low Width 28 TwWRl 29 TsDW(WR) Write Data to WR , Setup Time 0 o 30 ThDW(WR) Wnte Data to WR I Hold Time 0 o 31 -TdWR(W)--WR , to Walt Valid Delay - - - - - - - - - - - - 240 - - - - - 2 0 0 - - - 4 32 TdRD(W) RD , to Wait Vahd Delay 240 200 4 33 TdWRf(REQ) WR , to iN/REQ Not Vahd Delay 240 200 RD , to iNlREQ Not Vahd Delay 34 TdRDf(REQ) 240 200 35 TdWRr(REQ) WR I to DTR/REQ'Not Vahd Delay 5TcPC 5TcPC +250 +300 36 -TdRDr(REQ)--RD I to DTR/REQ Not Vahd Delay - - - - - - - - - 5TcPC -----5TcPC - - - - +300 +250 37 TdPC(lNT) PCLK , to INT Vahd Delay 4 500 500 38 TdIAI(TID) INTACK to TID , (Acknowledge) Delay 5 39 TwRDA RD (Acknowledge) Width 285 250 40 -TdRDA(DR)--RD , (Acknowledge) to Read Data Vahd Delay------190 - - - - - 1 8 0 - - - - 41 TsIEI(RDA) lEI to RD , (Acknowledge) Setup Time 120 100 42 ThIEI(RDA) lEI to RD I (Acknowledge) Hold Time 0 o 43 TdIEI(lEO) lEI to lEO Delay Time 120 100 44 TdPC(IEO) PCLK I to lEO Delay 250 250 45 -TdRDA(INT) --RD , to INT Inachve Delay - - - - - - - - - - - -500 - - - - - 5 0 0 - - - 4 46 TdRD(WRQ) RD I to WR , Delay for No Reset 30 15 47 TdWRQ(RD) WR I to RD , Delay for No Reset 30 30 TwRES WR and RD Comcident Low for Reset 250 250 48 6TcPC 6TcPC 49 Trc Vahd Access Recovery Time + 130 3 +200 NOTES 3 Parameter applies only between transachons Involvmg the ASCC Open-dram output, measured with open-dram test load Pdrameter IS system dependent For any ASCC In the daiSY cham, TdIA1(RD) must be greater than the sum of TdPC(lEO) 2023,009, 010,011 for the hlghe'>t PrIOrIty deVice In the ddl~Y cham, TslEl(RDA) for the ASCC, and TdIEIf(lEO) for each deVice separatmg them In the daiSY cham * Tlmmgs dre prelimmary and subject to change. t Umts In nanoseconds (ns) 875 General Timing PCLK W/REQ REQUEST W/REQ WAIT ATxC. TA.e RECENE RxD fiiC. RTxC TRANSMIT TxD TR.C OUTPUT ii'i'iii \ ~ \ \'--_......1 lfi'i, RD, ill 876 2244-008 4 MHz No. Symbol Parameter Min 6 MHz Max Min Max 1 TdPC(REQ) PCLK I to WIREQ Vahd Delay 250 250 TdPC(W) PCLK I to Walt Inachve Delay 350 350 2 3 TsRXC(PC) RxC t to PCLK t Setup TIme (PCLK 4 case only) 80 TwPCI 70 TwPCI 4 TsRXD(RXCr) RxD to RxC t Setup TIme (Xl Mode) 0 0 5-ThRXD(RXCr)-RxD to RxC t Hold Time (Xl Mode) 150 150 6 TsRXD(RXCf) RxD to RxC I Setup TIme (XI Mode) 0 0 ThRXD(RXCf) RxD to RxC I Hold TIme (Xl Mode) 150 150 7 TsTXC(PC) TxC I to PCLK t Setup TIme 0 8 0 TdTXCf(TXD) 9 TxC I to TxD Delay (Xl Mode) 300 300 10-TdTXCr(TXD)-TxC t to TxD Delay (XI M o d e ) - - - - - - - - - - 300 dOO 11 TdTXD(TRX) TxD to TRxC Delay (Send Clock Echo) 12 TwRTXh RTxC HIgh Width 180 180 TwRTXl RTxC Low WIdth 13 180 180 TcRTX RTxC Cycle Time 400 400 14 15-TcRTXX---Crystal OSCIllator P e r i o d - - - - - - - - - - -250-1000--250-1000 16 TwTRXh TRxC HIgh WIdth 180 180 17 TwTRXl TRxC Low WIdth 180 180 TcTRX TRxC Cycle TIme 400 400 18 TwEXT DCD or CTS or RI Pulse WIdth 200 19 200 NOTES' 1 RxC IS RTxC or TRxC, whIchever IS supplymg the receive clock. 2. TxC IS TRxC or RTxC, whIchever IS supplymg the transmIt clock Both RTxC and Hi have 30 pF capacItors to ground connected to them. Notes*t 1,4 1 11,5 1,5 2,4 2 2,56 6 6 36 6 6 4. Parameter applies only if the data rate IS one-fourth the PCLK rate 1n all other cases, no phase relatIonship between RxC and PCLK or TxC and PCLK IS reqUlred. 5 Parameter applies only to FM encodmg/decodlng 6. Parameter applIes only for transmitter and receiver, DPLL and baud rate generator hmmg requIrements are Identical to chip PCLK requIrements .. TImmgs are prelimmary and subject to change t Umts m nanoseconds (ns) 877 N 00 ...IIIen W Wi nn System Timing RTaC, TRxC RECEIVE W'RI:Q REQUEST W'RI:Q WAIT __________________+-______- - J RTxC, TRxe TRANSMIT WIiiEa REQUEST -0------~-------------- DTRIRiQ REQUEST CTS, DeD,RI No. Symbol t j (j) 4MB. Parameter Min Max 6MH. Mln Max Notes*t 12 8 12 2 8 12 1,2 12 8 8 1,2 16 10 16 10 3 TdRXC(INT) RxC t to INT Valid Delay 4 -TdTXC(REQ) - - TxC I to WIREQ Valid Delay - - - - - - - - 5 - - 8 - - - 5 - - 8 - - - - - 3 - 1,3 5 TdTXC(W) TxC I to Wait Inactive Delay 8 5 8 5 7 4 7 3 6 TdTXC(DRQ) TxC I to DTR/REQ Valid Delay 4 1,3 TdTXC(INT) 10 6 6 10 TxC I to INT Valid Delay 7 6 2 DCD or CTS Transition to INT Valid Delay 2 6 TdEXT(lNT) 8 2 TdRXC(REQ) RxC t to W/REQ Valid Delay TdRXC(W) RxC I to Wait Inactive Delay NOTES: 1. (}pen-dram output, measured wIth open-dram test load. 2. RxC is RTxC or TRxC, whIchever IS supplymg the receIve clock. 3. Txe IS TRxC or RTxC, whIchever IS supplymg the transmIt * TImmgs are prelimmary and subject to change. t Umts equal to TePC. clock. 878 2244-009 ORDERING INFORMATION Z8531 ASCC, 4.0 MHz 44-pinPCC Z8531 VS Z8531 ASCC, 4.0 MHz 40-plnDIP Z8531 PS Z8531 CS Z8531 ASCC, 6.0 MHz 44-pinPCC Z8531 A VS Z8531 A ASCC, 6.0 MHz 40-plnDIP Z8531 A PS Z8531ACS Codes First letter is for package; second letter is for temperature. C P L V = = = = Ceramic DIP Plastic DIP Ceramic LCC Plastic PCC TEMPERATURE S = O°Cto + 70°C E = -400Cto+85°C M*= -55°C to +125°C R T DIP LCC PCC = = = = = Protopack Low Profile Proto pack Dual-In-Line Package Leadless Chip Carrier Plastic Chip Carrier (Leaded) FLOW B = 883 Class B Example: PS is a plastic DI P, 0 °C to + 70°C. tAvaiiable soon . • For Military Orders. contact your local Zllog Sales Office for Military Electrical Specifications 00-2244-03 879 18536 CIO Coaater/TiDler aad Parallel I/O Uait Product Specificalioa Zilog April 1985 Features General Description • Two independent 8-bit, double-buffered, bidirectional I/O ports plus a 4-bit special-purpose I/O port. I/O ports feature programmable polarity, programmable direction (Bit mode), "pulse catchers," and programmable opendrain outputs. • Flexible pattern-recognition logie, programmable as a 16-vector interrupt controller. • Four handshake modes, including 3-Wire (like the IEEE-488). • Three independent 16-bit counter/timers with up to four external access lines per counter/timer (count input, output, gate, and trigger), and three output duty cycles (pulsed, one-shot, and square-wave), programmable as retriggerable or nonretriggerable. • REQUESTIWAIT signal for high-speed data transfer. • Easy to use since all registers are read/write. The Z8536 CIO Counter/Timer and Parallel I/O element is a general-purpose peripheral circuit, satisfying most counter/ timer and parallel I/O needs encountered in system designs. This versatile device contains three I/O ports and three counter/timers. Many programmable options tailor its configuration to specific applications. The use of the device is simplified by making all internal registers (command, status, and data) readable and (except for status bits) writable. In addition, each register is given its own unique internal address, so that any register can be accessed in two operations. All data registers can be directly accessed in a single operation. The CIO is easily interfaced to all popular microprocessors. D, D, D, '" Rli iIiil aND pa, pa, pa, pa, P", pa, pa, pa, PCLK A< PA< PA, P", PAa p.... PA, PA, PA, INTACK lEO iiii' +sv PC, PC, PC, PC, lEI PCLK +SY aND Fig.... 1. Pill Functions 2021-001.002 f1gure 2a. 40-pin Dual-in-Line Package (DIP). Pin Assignments 881 ~0 ~<:) 6 5 <:)'1. <:)<0 Q'? Q~ Q".> Q'l- 4 1 44 43 42 41 40 3 2 Q" Q~ {,«, Wi! 7 39 NC 8 38 A. GND 9 37 PAD A, PB. 10 36 PA, PB, 11 35 PA, PB, 12 PB, 13 PB4 Z8536 34 PA, 33 PA4 14 32 PA, PB, 15 31 PAs PBS 16 30 PA, PB, 17 29 NC elo 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 *' .@' ~o q,v~q,v"q,v'J,(p"J)(~4. ~*' ~CJ q,VV ~ Figure 2b. 44-pin Chip Carrier. Pin ASSignments Pin Description 882 Ao-Al' Address Lines (input). These two lines are used to select the register involved in the CPU transaction: Port A's Data register, Port B's Data register, Port C's Data register, or a control register. CEo Chip Enable (input, active Low). A Low level on this input enables the CIa to be read from or written to. Do-D,. Data Bus (bidirectional 3-state). These eight data lines are used for transfers between the CPU and the CIa. lEI. Interrupt Enable In (input, active High). lEI is used with lEO to form an interrupt daisy chain when there is more than one interruptdriven device. A High lEI indicates that no other higher priority device has an interrupt under service or is requesting an interrupt. lEO. Interrupt Enable Out (output, active High). IEO is High only if lEI is High and the CPU is not servicing an interrupt from the requesting CIa or is not requesting an interrupt (Interrupt Acknowledge cycle only). IEO is connected to the next lower priority device's lEI input and thus inhibits interrupts from lower priority devices. INT. Interrupt Request (output, open-drain, active Low). This signal is pulled Low when the CIa requests an interrupt. INTACK. Interrupt Acknowledge (input, active Low). This input indicates to the CIa that an Interrupt Acknowledge cycle is in progress. INTACK must be synchronized to PCLK, and it must be stable throughout the Interrupt Acknowledge cycle. PAo-PA7' Port A I/O lines (bidirectional, 3-state, or open-drain). These eight I/O lines transfer information between the CIa's Port A and external devices. PBg-PiJ? Port B I/O lines (bidirectional, 3-state, or open-drain). These eight I/O lines transfer information between the CIa's Port B and external devices. May also be used to provide external access to Counter/Timers I and 2. PCo-PCa. Port C I/O lines (bidirectional, 3-state, or open-drain). These four I/O lines are used to provide handshake, WAIT, and REQUEST lines for Ports A and B or to provide external access to Counter/Timer 3 or access to the CIa's Port C. PCLK. Peripheral Clock (input, TTLcompatible). This is the clock used by the internal control logic and the counter/timers in timer mode. It does not have to be the CPU clock. RD*. Read (input, active Low). This signal indicates that a CPU is reading from the CIa. During an Interrupt Acknowledge cycle, this signal gates the interrupt vector onto the data bus if the CIa is the highest priority device requesting an interrupt. WR*. Write (input, active Low). This signal indicates a CPU write to the CIa. ·When RD and WR are detected Low at the same bme (normally an illegal condIhon), the CIO lS reset. 2021-003 Architecture The CIO Counter/Timer and Parallel I/O element (Figure 3) consists of a CPU interface, three I/O ports (two general-purpose 8-bit ports and one special-purpose 4-bit port), three 16-bit counter/timers, an interrupt- control logic block, and the internal-control logic block. An extensive number of programmable options allow the user to tailor the configuration to best suit the specific application. INTERRUPT CONTROL LOGIC INTERNAL BUS INTERRUPT CONTROL PORTe I/O III en = S Figure 3. CIO Bloclc Diagram 2021-004 883 Architecture (Contmued) TO COUNTERITlMERS 1 AND 2 (PORT B ONLy) INTERNAL ~ 2f INPUT BUFFERI INVERTERS AND 1', CATCHER OUTPUT BUFFERI INVERTERS Figure 4. Port. A and B Block Diagram The two general-purpose 8-bit I/O ports (Figure 4) are identical, except that Port B can be specified to provide external access to Counter/Timers 1 and 2, Either port can be programmed to be a handshake-driven, double-buffered port (input, output, or bidirectional) or a control-type port with the direction of each bit individually programmable, Each port includes pattern-recognition logic, allowing interrupt generation when a specific pattern is detected, The pattern-recognition logic can be programmed so the port functions like a priority-interrupt controller, Ports A and B can also be linked to form a 16-bit I/O port. To control these capabilities, both ports contain 12 registers, Three of these registers, the Input, Output, and Buffer registers, comprise the data path registers, Two registers, the Mode SpeCification and Handshake Specification registers, are used to define the mode of the port and to speCify which handshake, if any, is to be used, The reference pattern for the pattern-recognition logic is defined via three registers: the Pattern Polarity, Pattern Transition, and Pattern Mask registers, The detailed characteristics of each bit path (for 884 example, the direction of data flow or whether a path is inverting or non inverting) are programmed using the Data Path Polarity, Data Direction, and Special I/O Control registers, The primary control and status bits are grouped in a single register, the Command and Status register, so that after the port is initially configured, only this register must be accessed frequently, To facilitate initialization, the port logic is designed so that registers associated with an unrequired capability are ignored and do not have to be programmed, The function of the special-purpose 4- bit port, Port C (Figure 5), depends upon the roles of' Ports A and B. Port C provides the required handshake lines. Any bits of Port C not used as handshake lines can be used as I/O lines or to provide external access for the third counter/timer, Since Port C's function is defined primarily by Ports A and B, only three registers (besides the Data Input and Output registers) are needed, These registers speCify the details of each bit path: the Data Path Polarity, Data Direction, and Special I/O Control registers, 2014·005 Architecture TO COUNTERf TIMER 3 (Continued) INPUT BUFFERI INVERTERS AND ". CATCHER PORT 110 OUTPUT BUffERI INVERTERS C~~~~~L PORT )'-----~NTEANAL ~ POAT gONTROL LINES \ Fig..... &. Pori C Block Diagram The three counter/timers (Figure 6) are all Identical. Each is comprised of a 16-bit downcounter, a 16-blt Time Constant register (which holds the value loaded into the downcounter), a 16-blt Current Count register (used to read the contents of the down-counter), and two 8-bit registers for control and status (the Mode Specification and the Command and Status registers). The capabilities of the counter/timer are numerous. Up to four port I/O lines can be dedicated as external access lines for each counter/timer: counter input, gate input, trigger Input, and counter/timer output. Three different counter/timer output duty cycles are available: pulse, one-shot, or square-wave. 2014-()()6 The operation of the counter/timer can be programmed as either retriggerable or nonretriggerable, With these and other options, most counter/timer applications are covered. There are five registers (Master Interrupt Control register, three Interrupt Vector registers, and the Current Vector register) associated with the Interrupt logic. In addition, the ports' Command and Status registers and the counter/timers' Command and Status registers include bits associated with the interrupt logic. Each of these registers contains three bits for Interrupt control and status: Interrupt Pending (IP), Interrupt Under Service (IUS), and Interrupt Enable (IE). 885 Architecture INTERNAL IUS (Continued) CURRENT COUNT REGISTER (Msal) l\r---...J CURRENT COUNT 1-_ _-' R~s-:;m I------l COUNTER CONTROL UNES TO PORT Figure 6. Counter/Tlmer Block Diagram Functional Description 886 The following describes the functions of the ports, pattern-recognition logic, counter/timers, and interrupt logic. I/O Port Operations. Of the CIO's three I/O ports, two (Ports A and B) are generalpurpose, and the third (Port C) is a specialpurpose 4-bit port. Ports A and B can be configured as input, output, or bidirectional ports with handshake. (Four different handshakes are available.) They can also be linked to form a single 16-bit port. If they are not used as ports with handshake, they provide 16 input or output bits with the data direction programmable on a bit-by-bit basis. Port B also provides access for CounterlTimers 1 and 2. In all configurations, Ports A and B can be programmed to recognize specific data patterns and to generate interrupts when the pattern is encountered. The four bits of Port C provide the handshake lines for Ports A and B when required. A REQUESTIWAIT Ijne can also be provided so that CIO transfers can be synchronized with DMAs or CPUs. Any Port C bits not used for handshake or REQUESTIWAIT can be used as input or output bits (individually data-direction programmable) or external access lines for Counter/Timer 3. Port C does not contain any pattern-recognition logic. It is, however, capable of bit-addressable writes. With this feature, any combination of bits can be set and/or cleared while the other bits remain undisturbed without first reading the register. Bit Port Operations. In bit port operations, the port's Data Direction register specifies the direction of data flow for each bit. A 1 specifies an input bit, and a 0 specifies an output bit. If bits are used as I/O bits for a counter/timer, they should be set as input or output, as required. The Data Path Polarity register provides the capability of inverting the data path. A 1 specifies inverting, and a 0 specifies noninverting. All discussions of the port operations assume that the path is noninverting. The value returned when reading an input bit reflects the state of the input just prior to the read. A l's catcher can be inserted into the input data path by programming a 1 to the corresponding bit pOSition of the port's Special I/O Control register. When a 1 is detected at the l's catcher input, its output is set to 1 until it is cleared. The l's catcher is cleared by writing a 0 to the bit. In all other cases, attempted writes to input bits are ignored. When Ports A and B include output bits, reading the Data register returns the value being output. Reads of Port C return the state of the pin. Outputs can be specified as opendrain by writing a 1 to the corresponding bit of the port's Special I/O Control register. Port C has the additional feature of bit-addressable writes. When writing to Port C, the four most significant bits are used as a write protect mask for the least significant bits (0-4, 1-5, 2-6, and 3-7). If the write protect bit is written with ai, the state of the corresponding output bit is not changed. 2014-007 Functional Description (Continued) Ports with Handshake Operation. Ports A and B can be specified as 8-bit input, output, or bidirectional ports with handshake. The CIO provides four different handshakes for its ports: Interlocked, Strobed, Pulsed, and 3-Wire. When specified as a port with handshake, the transfer of data into and out of the port and interrupt generation is under control of the handshake logic. Port C provides the handshake lines as shown in Table I. Any Port C lines not used for handshake can be used as simple I/O lines or as access lines for Counter/Timer 3. When Ports A and B are configured as ports with handshake, they are double-buffered. This allows for more relaxed interrupt service routine response time. A second byte can be input to or output from the port before the interrupt for the first byte is serviced. Normally, the Interrupt Pending (IP) bit is set and an interrupt is generated when data is shifted into the Input register (input port) or out of the Output register (output port). For input and output ports, the IP is automatically cleared when the data is read or written. In bidirectional ports, IP is cleared only by command. When the Interrupt on Two Bytes (lTB) control bit is set to 1, interrupts are generated only when two bytes of data are available to be read or written. This allows a minimum of 16 bits of information to be transferred on each interrupt. With ITB set, the IP is not automatically cleared until the second byte of data is read or written. When the Single Buffer (SB) bit is set to 1, the port acts as if it is only single-buffered. This is useful if the handshake line must be stopped on a byte-by-byte basis. Ports A and B can be linked to form a l6-bit port by programming a 1 in the Port Link Control (PLC) bit. In this mode, only Port A's Handshake Specification and Command and Status registers are used. Port B must be specified as a bit port. When linked, only Port A has pattern-match capability. Port B's Port AlB Configuration Ports A and B: Bit Ports PortA: Input or Output Port (Interlocked. Strobed, or Pulsed Handshake)' Port B: Input or Output Port (Interlocked, Strobed. or Pulsed Handshake)' Port A or B: Input Port (3-Wlre Handshake) Port A or B: Output Port (3-Wire Handshake) Port A or B: BIdirectional Port (Interlocked or Strobed Handshake) PCa pattern-match capability must be disabled. Also, when the ports are linked, Port B's Data register must be read or written before Port A's. When a port is specified as a port with handshake, the type of port it is (input, output, or bidirectional) determines the direction of data flow. The data direction for the bidirectional port is determined by a bit in Port C (Table 1). In all cases, the contents of the Data Direction register are ignored. The contents of the Special I/O Control register apply only to output bits (3-state or open-drain). Inputs may not have 1's catchers; therefore, those bits in the Special I/O Control register are ignored. Port C lines used for handshake should be programmed as inputs. The handshake specification overrides Port C's Data Direction register for bits that must be outputs. The contents of Port C's Data Path Polarity register still apply. Interlocked Handshake. In the Interlocked Handshake mode, the action of the CIO must be acknowledged by the external device before the next action can take place. Figure 7 shows timing for Interlocked Handshake. An output port does not indicate that new data is available until the external device indicates it is ready for the data. Similarly, an input port does not indicate that it is ready for new data until the data source indicates that the previous byte of the data is no longer available, thereby acknowledging the input port's acceptance of the last byte. This allows the CIO to interface directly to the port of a Z8 microcomputer, a UPC, an FlO, an FIFO, or to another CIO port with no external logic. A 4-bit deskew timer can be inserted in the Data Available (DAV) output for output ports. As data is transferred to the Buffer register, the deskew timer is triggered. After the number of PCLK cycles specified by the deskew timer time constant plus one, DAV is allowed to go Low. The deskew timer therefore guarantees that the output data is valid for a speCified minimum amount of time before DA V ~ PCI PCO Bit I/O RFD or DAV BIt I/O ACKIN BIt I/O REQUEST/WAIT or Bit I/O BIt I/O BltVO REQUEST/WAIT or BIt I/O Bit I/O RFD or DAV ACKIN RFD (Output) DAV (Input) DAC (Output) DA V (Output) DAC (Input) RFD or DAV ACKIN REQUEST/WAIT or BIt VO REQUEST/WAIT or BIt VO REQUEST/WAIT or Bit I/O RFD (Input) IN/OUT • Both Ports A and B can be speCifIed mput or output wlth Interlocked, Strobed, or Pulsed Handshake at the same bme If neither uses REQUESTIWAI!. Table I. Port C Bit Utilization 887 Functional Description (Continued) goes Low. Deskew timers are available for output ports independent of the type of handshake employed. Strobed Handshake. In the Strobed Handshake mode, data is "strobed" into or out of the port by the external logic. The falling edge of the Acknowledge Input (ACKIN) strobes data into or out of the port. Figure 7 shows timing for the Strobed Handshake. In contrast to the Interlocked handshake, the signal indicating the port is ready for another data transfer operates independently of the ACKIN input. It is up to the external logic to ensure that data overflows or underflows do not occur. 3-Wire Handshake. The 3-Wire Handshake is designed for the situation in which one output port is communicating with many input ports simultaneously. It is essentially the same as the Interlocked Handshake, except that two signals are used to indicate if an input port is ready for new data or if it has accepted the present data. In the 3-Wire Handshake (Figure 8), the rising edge of one status line indicates that the port is ready for data, and the rising edge of another status line indicates that the data has been accepted. With the 3-Wire Handshake the output lines cif many input ports can be ' bussed together with open-drain drivers; the output port knows when all the ports have accepted the data and are ready. This is the INPUT HANDSHAKE DATA:J( same handshake as is used on the IEEE-488 bus. Because this handshake requires three lines, only one port (either A or B) can be a 3-Wire Handshake port at a time. The 3-Wire Handshake is not available in the bidirectional mode. Because the port's direction can be changed under software control, however, bidirectional IEEE-488-type transfers can be performed. Pulsed Handshake. The Pulsed Handshake (Figure 9) is designed to interface to mechanical-type devices that require data to be held for long periods of time and need relatively wide pulses to gate the data into or out of the device. The logic is the same as the Interlocked Handshake mode, except that an internal counter/timer is linked to the handshake logic. If the port is specified in the input mode, the timer is inserted in the ACKIN path. The external ACKIN input triggers the timer and its output is used as the Interlocked Handshake's normal acknowledge input. If the port is an output port, the timer is placed in the Data Available (DAV) output path. The timer is triggered when the normal Interlocked Handshake DAV output goes Low and the timer output is used as the actual DAV output. The counter/timer maintains all of its normal capabilities. This handshake is not available to bidirectional ports. OUTPUT HANDSHAKE X'-_________ VALID STROBED HANDSHAKE-......r - RFD - NEXT BYTE DATA .... , - - INTERLOCKED DATA MOVED DATA LATCHED IN BUFFER REGISTER HANDSHAKE TO INPUT REGISTER BUFFER REGISTER "EMPTIED" NEXT BYTE SHIFTED FROM OUTPUT REGISTER TO BUFFER REGISTER Figure 7. Interlocked and Strobed Handshakes OUTPUT HANDSHAKE INPUT HANDSHAKE DATA ==x VALID DAY ---I\\~ DAC DAC INPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT DATA RPD 'NPUT _ _ _ _ _ _..J INPUT RPD X'-_________ _ _ _~-J DiY OUTPUT BUFFER REGISTER "EMPTIED" NEXT BYTE SHIFTED FROM OUTPUT REGISTER TO BUFFER REGISTER Figure 8. 3·Wire Handshake 888 2014-008, 009 FUllctiollCl1 Descriptloll (Continued) REQUEST/WAIT Line Operation. Port C can be programmed to provide a status signal output in addition to the normal handshake lines for either Port A or B when used as a port with handshake. The additional signal is either a REQUEST or WAIT signal. The REQUEST signal indicates when a port is ready to perform a data transfer via the CPU interface. It is intended for use with a DMA-type device. The WAIT signal provides synchronization for transfers with a CPU. Three bits in the Port Handshake Specification register provide controls for the REQUESTIWAIT logic. Because the extra Port C line is used, only one port can be specified as a port with a handshake and a REQUESTIWAIT line. The other port must be a bit port. Operation of the REQUEST line is modified by the state of the port's Interrupt on Two Bytes (ITB) control bit. When ITB is 0, the REQUEST line goes active as soon as the CIO is ready for a data transfer. If ITB is 1, REQUEST does not go active until two bytes can be transferred. REQUEST stays active as long as a byte is available to be read or written. The SPECIAL REQUEST function is reserved for use with bidirectional ports only. In this case, the REQUEST line indicates the status of the register not being used in the data path at that time. If the IN/OUT line is High, the REQUEST line is High when the Output register is empty. If IN/OUT is Low, the REQUEST line is High when the Input register is full. Pattern-Recognition Logic Operation. Both Ports A and B can be programmed to generate interrupts when a specific pattern is recognized at the port. The pattern-recognition logic is independent of the port application, thereby allOWing the port to recognize patterns in all of its configurations. The pattern can be independently specified for each bit as 1, 0, riSing edge, falling edge, or any transition. Individual bits may be masked off. A patternmatch is defined as the simultaneous satisfaction of all nonmasked bit specifications in the AND mode or the satisfaction of any nonmasked bit specifications in either of the OR or OR-Priority Encoded Vector modes. INPUT PORT AtKIN' OUTPUT PORT iiAV'-Qo-.., Figure 9. Pulaed HcmcI8bake 2014.C ADDRESS VALID ~ / < READ DATA ==:x lEI IBO < I WRITE DATA )-- Figure 20. Write Cycle nmlD!J Interrupt Acknowl~e. The CIO pulls its Interrupt Request (INT) line Low, requesting interrupt service from the CPU, if an Interrupt Pending (IP) bit is set and interrupts are enabled. The CPU responds with an Interrupt Acknowledge cycle. When Interrupt Acknowledge (INTACK) goes true and the IP is set, the iiTiCK \ Do-D7 Figure 19. Read Cycle TlmlDIJ INT / iiiii }-- x:: ADDRESS VALID ~ iii I \ ",,-At CIO forces Interrupt Enable Out (lEO) Low, disabling all lower priority devices in the interrupt daisy chain. If the CIO is the highest priority device requesting service (lEI is High), it places its interrupt vector on the data bus and sets the Interrupt Under Service (IUS) bit when Read (RD) goes Low. ------.fJ,,'-------.J1 J'; ~'F-,-------...Jr H ~'F--'- - - - - iii j'~ ~-D. - _____~£~r---_«~V~E~~O~.~}___ Figure 21. Interrupt Aclmowledge Timing 2021-006. 007. 008 897 Ia Absolute Maximum Ratings Voltages on all pins with respect toGND ................... -0.3Vto +7.0V Operating Ambient Temperature ....... See Ordering Information Storage Temperature ........ -65°C to + 150°C Stresses greater than those hsted under Absolute Maxi· mum Ratings may cause permanenl damage 10 the device. This .s a slress rating only; operation of the device at any condition above those Indicated In the operational sections of these specIfications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affeel device rehabillty. Standard Test CondltioDS The DC characteristics and capacitance sections below apply for the follOWing standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND. Positive current flows into the referenced pin. Standard conditions are as follows: The Ordering Information section lists temperature ranges and product numbers. Package drawings are in the Package Information section in this book. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. All ac parameters assume a load capacitance of 50 pf max. • +4.75 V :S Vee :S +5.25 V • GND = OV • TA as specified in Ordering Information +5" .J +IV .... FROM OUTPUT UNDER TEST SOplr ':' Figure 22. SlaDclard Teet Load DC Cbarac:terlstlcs Symbol Parameter Input High Voltage VIH VIL VOH Input Low Voltage Output High Voltage VOL Output Low Voltage IlL Input Leakage Output Leakage Vcc Supply Current h Ice Figure 29. Opa-DraiD T88I Load MiD Max UlIlt 2.0 Vee +0.3 0.8 V V V V V p.A p.A -0.3 2.4 0.4 0.5 ±10.0 ±10.0 200 CondltlOD IoH = IoL= IoL= - 250 p.A +2.0 rnA +3.2 rnA 0.4 ::s VIN ::s +2.4 V 0.4 ::s VOUT ::s +2.4 V rnA Vee = 5 V ± 5% unless otherwIse specifIed, over speclhed temperature range. Capacitance Symbol Parameter MID Max UlIlt 15 20 pi pi Tast Condltlon ------------------------------------------------------------Input Capacitance C 10 pi IN COUT CliO Output CapaCitance Bidirectional CapaCitance f = 1 MHz, over specIfIed temperature range. Unmeasured PlllS returned to ground. 898 8085-0209. 0001 CPU Interface Timing PCL!( READ ------------1---t~~==~~~~~+_----1_---------~-D, Do-D, DATA VALID WRrr. ____________J Interrupt Timing PATTIIRN MATCH INPUT(8) orr PORT ~1'-________________________________________ PATTERN MATCHES _ · @ f - - - - -..I iCiiiii NOTE 4 COUNTBR INPUT __________J " 33 PCL!( .. Interrupt Acknowledge Timing iii 1.1 iii 2021-()09, 010, 011 ~~--- 899 6 MHz Min Max Symbol Parameter 1 TcPC TwPCh PCLK Cycle time 250 4000 165 4000 2 PCLK Width (High) 105 2000 70 2000 3 TwPCl PCLK Width (Low) 105 2000 70 2000 4 TrPC 5 -TfPC Min 4 MHz Max No. 20 20 PCLK Rise Time PCLK Fall Time 10 15 6 TsIA(PC) INTACK to PCLK t Setup Time 100 100 7 ThIA(PC) INTACK to PCLK t Hold Time 8 TsIA(RD) INTACK to RD I Setup Time 0 200 0 200 9 10 - ThIA(RD) INTACK to RD t Hold Time TsIA(WR) - - INTACK to WR I Setup Time 0 200 200 0 11 ThIA(WR) INTACK to WR t Hold Time 0 0 12 TsA(RD) Address to RiS I Setup Time 80 80 13 ThA(RD) 14 15 - TsA(WR) Address to RD t Hold Time Address to WR I Setup Time 16 17 ThA(WR)--- Address to WR t Hold Time TsCEl(RD) CE Low to RiS I Setup Time RiS I Setup Time TsCEh(RD) CE High to 18 ThCE(RD) CE to RD t Hold Time 19 20 - TsCEl(WR) CE Low to WR I Setup Time TsCEh(WR) - - BE HIgh to WR I Setup Time 21 ThCE(WR) BE to WR 22 TwRDl TdRD(DRA) RiS Low Width RiS I to Read Data Active Delay 23 t Hold Time TdRDf(DR) RD I to Read Data Valid Delay 24 25- TdRDr(DR)-- iID t to Read Data Not Valid Delay 26 TdRD(DRz) RiS t to Read Data Float Delay 27 TwWRl WR Low Width 28 TsDW(WR) Write Data to WR I Setup Time 29 30 ThDW(WR) Trc Write Data to WR t Hold Time Valid Access Recovery Time Notes*t 0 0 80 0 80 0 0 0 100 70 0 0 0 100 0 70 0 0 390 250 0 0 255 0 180 0 70 390 45 2 250 0 0 0 1000' 0 3 650 31 TdPM(lNT) Pattern Match to INT Delay (Bit Port) 2+800 32 TdACK(lNT) 10+600 2 10 6 4,6 33 TdCI(INT) ACKIN to INT Delay (Port with Handshake) Counter Input to INT Delay (Counter Mode) 2+700 2 34 TdPC(INT) PCLK to INT Delay (Timer Mode) 3+700 3 6 6 35 TsIA(RDA) INTACK to RD I (Acknowledge) Setup Time 350 250 36 TwRDA RD (Acknowledge) Width 350 250 37 TdRDA(DR) RD I (Acknowledge) to Read Data Valid Delay TdIA(lEO) 38 INTACK I to lEO I Delay 39-TdIEI(IEO)--IEI to lEO Delay 40 TsIEI(RDA) lEI to RD I (Acknowledge) Setup Time 41 ThIEI(RDA) 42 TdRDA(INT) lEI to RD t (Acknowledge) Hold Time RD I (Acknowledge) to INT t Delay NOTES: 1. Parameter does not apply to Interrupt Acknowledge trans- actions. 2. Float delay IS measured to the hme when the output has changed 0.5 V With mmlmum ae load and maximum de load. 3. Tre IS the speClfJed number or 3 TePe, whlChever is longer. 4. The delay lS from DA V I for 3-Wire Input Handshake. The delay IS from DAC I for 3-Wlre Output Handshake. 5. The parameters for the devices In any parhcular daisy cham must meet the followmg constralOt: The delay from INTACK 1 900 5 250 180 350 250 100 150 100 100 70 5 55 70 600 600 to RD I must be greater than the sum of TdIA{lEO) for the highest PrIOrIty perIpheral, TsIEI(RDA) for the lowest PrIOrIty peripheral, and TdIEI(IEO) for each penpheral separahng them In the cham. 6. Units are equal to TePe plus ~s, * Tlmmgs are prellmmary and subject to change. All hmmg refer~ ences assume 2.0 V for a logic "1" and 0.8 V for a logic "a". r Umts m nanoseconds (ns), except as noted. Strobed Handshake INPUT OUTPUT Interlocked Handshake .ATA INPUT AeK.. ~""""I DATAVALlD~, _~~_ \ .. ________~~--,-- t ;®-y-®---._.~I'--------- DATA OUTPUT 3-Wire Handshake iCiffii DATA Dii INPUT INPUT RPD OUTPUT DAC OUTPUT ------...J!' DATA DAC INPUT OUTPUT RPD INPUT DiY OUTPUT 2014-025, 026, 027 901 4 MHz No. 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Symbol Parameter MID Max 6MHI MID Max Note.*t Data Input to ACKIN I Setup Time o o Data Input to ACKIN I Hold Time500 Strobed Handshake o TdACKf(RFD) ACKIN I to RFD I Delay o TwACKI ACKIN Low Width-Strobed Handshake 250 TwACKh--- ACKIN High Width-Strobed Handshake - - - - 2 5 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TdRFDr(ACK) RFD I to ACKIN I Delay 0 0 TsDO(DAV) Data Out to DAV I Setup Time 25 20 TdDAVf(ACK) DAV I to ACKIN I Delay 0 0 ThDO(ACK) Data Out to ACKIN I Hold Time 2 2 2 TdACK(DAV) - ACKIN I to DAV I Delay 2------ 2 ------2THDI(RFD) Data Input to RFD I Hold Time-Interlocked Handshake TdRFDf(ACK) RFD I to ACKIN I Delay Interlocked Handshake o o TdACKr(RFD) ACKIN I (DAV I) to RFD I Delay-Interlocked and 3-Wire Handwshake 0 o TdDAVr(ACK) DAV I to ACKIN I (RFD I)-Interlocked and 3-Wire 0 Handshake o TdACK(DAV)- ACKIN I (RFD I) to DAV I Delay-Interlocked and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-Wire Handshake 0 0 TdDAVIf(DAC) DAV I to DAC I Delay-Input 3-Wlre Handshake 0 0 ThDI(DAC) Data Input to DAC I Hold Time-3-Wire Handshake 0 0 TdDACOr(DAV) DAC I to DAV I Delay-Input 3-Wire Handshake 0 0 TdDAVIr(DAC) DAV I to DAC I Delay-Input 3-Wire Handshake 0 0 TdDAVOf(DAC) DAV I to DAC I Delay-Output 3-Wire Handshake - 0 - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - ThDO(DAC) Data Output to DAC I Hold Time-3-Wire Handshake 2 2 2 2 TdDACIr(DAV) DAC I to DAV I Delay-Output 3-Wire Handshake 2 2 TdDAVOr(DAC) DAV I to DAC I Delay-Output 3-Wire Handshake 0 o TsDI(ACK) ThDI(ACK) NOTES: 1. This tIme can be extended through the use of deskew tImers. 2. Umts equal to TcPC. 902 * Tlmmgs are prehmlnary and subject to change. All tlmmg references assume 2.0 V for a logiC "I" and 0.8 V for a logiC "a". t Units In nanoseconds (ns). except as noted. Counter/ Timer Timing ..,LK PCLllI2 (INTERNAL) COU ..T .... •NPUT I: CII 4 MHz No. Symbol TcCI 2 TClh 3 TWCIl 4 TlCI 5-TrCI - - - - TsTI(PC) 6 TsTI(CI) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Parameter Counter Counter Counter Counter Input Input Input Input Min Cycle Time High Width Low Width Fall Time Max 500 230 230 W 6 MHz Min Max Notes*t 330 150 150 20 Counter Input Rise Time - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 Trigger Input to PCLK I Setup Time (Timer Mode) 150 Trigger Input to Counter Input I Setup Time 150 (Counter Mode) Tngger Input Pulse Width (High or Low) TwTI 200 TsGI(PC) Gate Input to PCLK I Setup Time (Timer Mode) 100 TsGI(CI) - - - Gate Input to Counter Input I Setup Time - - - - 100 (Counter Mode) ThGI(PC) Gate Input to PCLK I Hold Time (Timer Mode) 100 ThGI(Cl) Gate Input to Counter Input I Hold Time 100 (Counter Mode) TdPC(CO) PCLK to Counter Output Delay (Timer Mode) 475 475 TdCI(CO) Counter Input to Counter Output Delay (Counter Mode) 15 15 NOTES 1. These parameters must be met to guarantee trIgger or gate are vahd for the next counter/hmer cycle. * TIIDmgs are prehmmary and subject to change. All hmmg refer- ences assume 2.0 V for a logiC "1" and 0.8 V for a loglC "0", In nanoseconds (ns), i Umts 2021-012 903 ~ S REQUEST/ WAIT Timing 4 MHz No. Symbol Parameter Min Max ] TdRD(REQ) RD I to REQ I Delay 500 2 TdRD(WAIT) RD I to WAIT I Delay 500 3 TdWR(REQ) WR I to REQ I Delay 500 TdWR(WAIT) WR I to WAIT I Delay 4 5-TdPC(REQ)--PCLK I to REQ t Delay 6 MHz Min Max Notes*t 500 300 6 7 TdPC(WAIT) PCLK I to WAIT t Delay 300 TdACK(REQ) ACKIN I to REQ t Delay 8 TdACK(WAIT) ACKIN I to WAIT t Delay 8+ 1000 10+600 1,2 ],2 NOTES: 1. The delay IS fronm DAV I for 3-Wlre Input Handshake. The delay IS from DAC I for 3-Wlre Output Handshake. 2. UOits equal to Tcpe + ns. * Tlmmgs are prelimmary and subject to change. All bmmg refer- ences assume 2.0 V for a logIc "1" and 0.8 V for a logic "0". except as noted. t UOlts In nanoseconds (ns), Reset Timing RESET INTERNAL ____________________ ~r 4 MHz No. Symbol Parameter Min Max 6 MHz Min TdRD(WR) Delay from RD t to WR I for No Reset 50 2 TdWR(RD) Delay from WR t to RD I for No Reset 50 50 3 TwRES Minimum Width of RD and WR both Low for Reset 250 250 .. Timmgs are prelimmary and subject to change. All hmmg refer- Max Notes*t 50 t Units In nanoseconds (ns). ences assume 2.0 V for a logic "I" and 0.8 V for a logic "0". 904 2021·013 014 Mlac:ellaDeou8 Port Timing ANY INPUT ".CA~:~ -0=V--t'f-- ~11--'_ __ ______..11b---. TClK V2 Figure 5. Z8581 Functional Block Diagram SYSTEM INTERFACE CONSIDERATIONS Due to the fast rise and fall times produced by the 28581, transmission line concepts must be applied in order to avoid ringing and reflections on the clock outputs. More specifically, the interconnections between the clock outputs and the loads they are driving must be treated as transmission lines, and it is necessary to match the source impedance of the clock outputs to the characteristic impedances of these transmission lines. In most cases the impedances can be matched by placing termination resistors in series with the clock outputs. These resistors range in value from 22 to 220 ohms, with the value chosen to optimize the clock risetime at the load. (See example below.) It is important to control the impedance seen by the clock output by keeping leads short and avoiding stray inductances wherever possible. Another important consideration is the bypass capacitor. To avoid distortion of the power supply, the 28581 requires a high frequency 0.01 /IF ceramic capacitor between Vee and ground, and the leads connecting this capacitor to the pins should be kept as short as possible. 910 r r 33pf XTAllA 22Q ZClK t::::I Z8881 ClK Z8000 33pf XTAl18 GND vce NOTE: The Z8581 requires a parallel-resonant fundamental type crystal. The capacitor may be varied to fine tune the frequency. Figure 6. Z8561/Z8000 Interface 2248-005, 006 ABSOWTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltages on all inputs and outputs with respect to GND ................. - 0.3V to + 7.0V Operating Ambient Temperature ................. See ordering information Storage Temperature .............. -65°Cto +150°C Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only: operation of the device at any condition above those indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. The Ordering Information section lists package temperature ranges and product numbers. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. Package drawings are in the Package Information section. STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS The DC characteristics below apply for the following standard test conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND (OV). Positive current flows into the referenced pin. references between two output signals assume a load difference of SO pf max. +5V 00 • S = O°Cto +70°C, +4.75V~Vee~ +5.25V • E • M = -40°Cto +85°C, +4.SV~Vee~ +S.2SV = -SSOCto +12SoC, +4.SV~Vee~ +S.SV All ac parameters assume a total load capacitance (C), including parasitic capacitances, of 100 pf max, except for parameters 8, 9, 21, and 22 which are 200 pf max. Timing DC CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter VeH Clock Input High Voltage Vel Clock Input low Voltage VIH Input High Voltage Min Vee -0.4 -0.3 Max Vee + 0.3 0.45 Unit Condition V Driven by External Clock Generator V Driven by External Clock Generator 2.0 Vee + 0.3 V -0.3 0.8 V Vil Input low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage 2.4 V IOH VOH (ZClK, Output High Voltage Vee - 0.3 V IOH = - 250 J.lA tested at 5 J.ls after ZClK or TClK rises High TClK) VOL 2.4 Output low Voltage a .... g CII Available operating temperature ranges are: 0.4 = -250J.lA = -250J.lA = = +2.0 mA V IOH V IOl 0.4 '" VIN '" + 2 4V III Input leakage ±10 J.lA Icc Vee Supply Current 150 mA 911 AC CHARACTERISTICS Z8581 6 MHz Number Symbol Parameter Min. Units Notes1 TwCH Clock Input High Width 31 18 ns 2 2 TwCL Clock Input Low Width 31 18 ns 2 3 TpC Clock Input Cycle Time 82 50 ns 2 4 TIC Clock Input Fall Time 10 7 ns 2 5-TrC Clock Input Rise Time 10 7--ns--2- 6 TdOSC Clock Inputto OSC Delay 30 20 ns 7 TdZC OSC to ZCLK Delay 20 15 ns 8 TIZC ZCLK Fall Time 10 10 ns 9 TrZC ZCLK Rise Time 10 10 ns --10-TsSC Stretch Controls to OSC t Setup 35 20 20 10 11 ThSC Stretch Controls to OSC t Hold 12 Td(ST/CR) STRT ~ to 2·bit Counter Reset Delay 13 Td(OSC/CC) OSC t to 2-bit Counter-Change 14 Tw(STRD STRT Low Width 35 20 50 -15-Td(RSTO)--ZCLK t to RSTO ~ Delay ns ns 25 ns 17 ns 30 30 ns 20--ns 16 Ts(RSTI) RSTI ~ to ZCLK t Setup 30 20 17 Th(RSTI) RSTI Ho ZCLK t Hold 30 20 ns 18 Tw(RSTO) RSTO Low Width 16 16 cycles 19 Ts(ST/ZC) STRT ~ to ZCLK t Setup to include ZCLK edge 40 ns 30 ns 20-TdTC Clock Input to TCLK Delay 40 21 TrTC TCLK Rise Time 10 10 ns 22 TfTC TCLK Fall Time 10 10 ns NOTES: 1. All timings are prelimln8ry and subject to change. 2. Clock input other than a crystal oscillator. 3. Assuming ZCLK rising. 912 Max. Z8581·10 10MHz Min Max 30-- ns 3 XTAL1A OSC ZCLK STRITCH CONTROL STRT II CO,C1 (II ... 00 § UTI ® RSTO ) XTALIA TCLK Timing measurements are made at the following voltages: zelK, TClK Output Input 2248-007 High Low 4.0V 2.0V 2.0V O.BV O.BV O.BV 913 ORDERING INFORMATION Clock Generator and Controller, 6.0 MHz Clock Generator and Controller, 10.0 MHz 18-pln DIP Z8581 PS Z8581 CS Z8581 PE Z8581 CE Z8581 CM' Z8581 CMB't 18-pln DIP Z8581·10 PS Z8581-10CS Z8581-10 PE Z8581-10CE Z8581-10CM' Z8581-10 CMB't Codes First letter is for package; second letter is for temperature. C P L V = = = = Ceramic DIP Plastic DIP Ceramic LCC Plastic PCC TEMPERATURE S = OOCto +70°C E = -40°C to +85°C M'= -55°C to +125°C R T DIP LCC PCC = = = = = Proto pack Low Profile Protopack Dual-In-Line Package Leadless Chip Carrier Plastic Chip Carrier (Leaded) FLOW B = 883 Class B Example: PS is a plastic DIP, O°C to + 70°C. t Available soon 'For Military Orders, contact your local Zllog Sales Office for Military Electrical Specifications. 914 00-2315-03 Z765AFDC Floppy Disk Controller Zilog Advance Information Product Specification April 1985 FEATURES Address Mark detection circuitry internal to the FDC simplifies the phase locked loop and read electronics. The track stepping rate, head load time, and head unload time are user-programmable. _ Drives up to 4 floppy-disk drives (FOD) Z765A features are: _ Compatible with most general-purpose microprocessors _ IBM-compatible format, Single and Double Density _ Single phase 8 MHz clock _ Multisector and multitrack transfer capability _ + 5V Only _ Data scan capability-scans a single sector or an entire cylinder comparing byte-for-byte host memory and disk data _ 40-Pin Dual-In-Line (DIP) package _ Data transfers in DMA or non-DMA mode _ Parallel seek operations on up to four drives GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Z765A is an LSI Floppy Disk Controller (FOG) chip which contains the circuitry and control functions for interfacing a processor to four floppy-disk drives. It supports IBM System 3740 Single Density format (FM) and IBM System 34 Double Density format (MFM) including double-sided recording. The Z765A provides control signals which simplify the design of an external phase locked loop and write precompensation circuitry. The FDC Simplifies and handles most of the burdens associated with implementing a floppy-disk interface. (Figure 1). _ READ DATA Ilandshaking signals make DMA operation easily incorporated with the aid of an external DMA Controller chip, such as the Z80 DMA .. The FOC operates in either the OMA or non-DMA mode. In the non-DMA mode the FDC generates interrupts to the processor every time a data byte is to be transferred. In the DMA mode, the processor need only load the command into the FOC and all data transfers occur under control of the FDC and DMA controllers. == SCAN EQUAL The Z765A executes 15 commands; each command requires multiple 8-bit bytes to fully specify the operation which the processor wishes the FDC to perform. The commands are: _ WRITE DATA _ WRITE DELETED DATA _ READ DELETED DATA _ READTRACK _ READID _ FORMAT TRACK _ SCAN HIGH OR EQUAL _ SCAN LOW OR EQUAL _ SEEK _ RECALIBRATE _ SENSE INTERRUPT STATUS • SPECIFY _ S~NSE DRIVE STATUS 915 DO.D'¢=> ¢=I DATA BUS BUFFER REGISTERS _ WRCLOCK WRDATA WRENABLE TERMINAL COURT SERIAL INTERFACE CONTROLLER ~ PRESHIFTO PRESHIFTl _ DRO READ DATA WINDOW VCO/SYNC READ WRITE DMA CONTROL LOGIC INT ¢=I INPUT PORT D/S_ _ READY _ WRITE PROTECT/TWO SIDE _INDEX _ RESET_ ¢=I CS eLK ....... DRIVE UNIT SELECT 0 INTERFACE UNIT SELECT 1 CONTROLLER MFMMODE ¢=I +5V ---.. GND ____ FAULT/TRACK 0 OUTPUT PORT liW/SEEK HEAD LOAD HEAD SELECT LOW CURRENT DIRECTION FAULT RESET/STEP Figure 1. Z765A FOe Block Diagram SYSTEM DATA BUS ------ WCK D, D, RESET SERIAL INTERFACE CONTROL D, D, D, D, RDW D, VCO/sYNC 0, RDY Z765A iiACK WP/TS ORO IDX TC - - FLT/TR, D/S US, iiii WR US, -- } DRIVE INTERFACE INPUTS liW/SEEK INT HDL RESET HD LCT/DIR cs FR/STP D/S HDL Do ROY WP/TS D, FLT/TRo 0, PS, 0, PS, 0, WDA 06 US, 0, US, DRO HD TC DRIVE INTERFACE OUTPUTS liW/SEEK 0, DACK MFM cs +5V iiii WR MFM WE IDX VCO/SYNC INT ROD CLK ROW GND WCK LCT/DIR FR/STP t CLK GND Figure 3. Pin A66ignments +5V Figure 2. Pin Functions 916 2357-001.002,003 PIN DESCRIPTIONS (Figures 2 and 3) ClK. Clock (input). Single phase 8MHz square wave clock. CS. Chip Select (input). IC selected when 0 (Low), allowing 1m' and WR to be enabled. 00.07. Data Bus. Bidirectional 8-bit Data Bus. Disabled whenCS = 1. OACK. DMA Acknow/edge (input). DMA cycle is active when 0, and controller is performing DMA transfer. ORQ. Data DMA Request (output). DMA Request is being made by FDC when DRQ = 1. DIS. Data/Status Register Select (input). Selects Data Register (D/S = 1) or Status Register (D/S = 0) contents of the FDC to be sent to Data Bus. Disabled when CS = 1. FRISTP. Fau/t Reset/Step (output). Resets fault FF in FDD in ReadlWrite mode, contains step pulses to move head to another cylinder in Seek mode. FlT/TRo. Fault/Track 0 (input). Senses FDD fault condition in Read/Write mode and Track 0 condition in Seek mode. HO. Head Select (output). Head 1 selected when 1 (High); Head 0 selected when 0 (Low). HOl. Head Load (output). Command which causes read/write head in FDD to contact diskette. lOX. Index (input). Indicates the beginning of a disk track. RD. Read (input). When 0, control signal for transfer of data from FOC to Data Bus. Disabled when CS = 1. ROD. Read Data (input). Read data from FOD, containing clock and data bits. ROW. Read Data Window (input). Generated by PLL, and used to sample data from FDD. ROY. Ready (input). Indicates FOD is ready to send or receive data. RESET. Reset (input). Places FOC in idle state. Resets output lines to FDD to O. Does not affect SRT, HUT or HLT in Specify command. If ROY pin is held High during Reset, FDC generates an interrupt within 1.024 msec. To clear this interrupt use Sense Interrupt Status command. RW/SEEK. Read Write/Seek (output). When 1 (High) Seek mode selected; when 0 (Low) Read/Write mode selected. TC. Terminal Count (input). Indicates the termination of a DMA transfer when 1 (High). It terminates data transfer during Read/Write/Scan command in DMA or Interrupt mode. US1. USo. Unit Select (output). FDD Unit selected. VCO/SYNC. (output). Inhibits VCO in PLL when 0 (Low); enables VCO when 1 . WCK. Write Clock (input). Write data rate to FDD. FM FOC. = 500 KHz, MFM = 1 MHz with a pulse width of 250 ns for both FM and MFM. lCTlOIR. Low Current/Direction (output). Lowers Write WOA. Write Data (output). Serial clock and data bits to FDD. INT. Interrupt (output). Interrupt Request generated by current on inner tracks in Read/Write mode; determines direction head will step in Seek mode. A fault reset pulse is issued at the beginning of each Read or Write command prior to the occurrence of the Head Load signal. MFM. MFM Mode (output). MFM mode when 1; FM mode when O. PS1. PSo. Precompensation (preshift) (output). Write WE. Write Enab/e (output). Enables write data into FDD. WP/TS. Write Protect/Two Side (input). Senses Write Protect status in Read/Write mode and Two-Side Media in Seek mode. WR. Write (input). When 0, control signal for transfer of data to FDC via Data Bus. Disabled when CS = 1. precompensation status during MFM mode. Determines early, late, and normal times. 917 Table 1. Internal Registers The bits in the Main Status Register are defined as follows: Bit Symbol Description FOO 0 Busy OoB FOO number 0 is in the Seek mode If any bit is set, FOG will not accept read or write command 01 FDO 1 Busy 01 B FOO number 1 is in the Seek mode. If any bit is set, FOG will not accept read or write command. 02 FOO 2 Busy 02B FOO number 2 is in the Seek mode. If any bit is set, FOG will not accept read or write command. 03 FD03 Busy 03B FOO number 3 is in the Seek mode. If any bit is set, FOG will not accept read or write command. 04 FOG Busy GB A read or write command is In process. FOG will not accept any other command. 05 Execution Mode EXM This bit is set only during execution phase in non-OMA mode. When 05 goes low, execution phase has ended and result phase has started. It operates only during non-OMA mode of operation. 06 Oata Input/Output 010 Indicates direction of data transfer between FOG and Oata Register. If 010 = 1, then transfer IS from Oata Register to the processor. If 010 = 0, transfer is from the processor to Oata Register. 07 Request for Master ROM Indicates Oata Register is ready to send or receive data to or from the processor. Both bits 010 and ROM should be used to perform the handshaking functions of "ready" and "direction" to the processor. No. Name 00 INTERNAL REGISTERS The Z765A contains two registers which may be accessed by the main system processor: a Status register and a Data register. The 8-bit Main Status register (Table 1) contains the FDC status information and may be accessed at any time. The 8-bit Data register is several registers in a stack; one register at a time is presented to the data bus. The Data register stores data, commands, parameters, and FDD status information. Data bytes are read out of, or written into, the Data register in order to program or obtain the results after a particular command. Only the Status register may be read and used to facilitate the transfer of data between the processor and Z765A. The relationship between the Status/Data registers and the signals RD, WR, and Dis is shown in Table 2. The Data Input/Output (010) and Request for Master (ROM) bits in the Status register indicate when data is ready and the direction transfer on the data bus (Figure 4). The maximum time between the last RD or WR during a command or result 918 phase and the set or reset 010 and ROM is 12J.1s; every time the Main Status register is read the CPU should wait 12J.1s. The maximum time from the trailing edge of the last RD in the result phase to when 04 (FDC busy) goes Low is 12J.1s. Table 2. Relationships Between StatuslData Registers and RD, WR, and DIS DIS RD 0 0 Function Read Main Status Register 0 Illegal 0 0 Illegal 0 0 Illegal 0 0 WR Read from Oata Register 0 0 Write into Oata Register STATUS REGISTER IDENTIFICATION Bit No. Name Description Symbol Status Register 0 D7 = OandDs = 0 Normal Termination of command, (NT). Command was completed and properly executed. Interrupt Code IC D7 = OandDs = 1 Abnormal Termination of command, (AT). Execution of command was started but was not successfully completed. D7=1andDS=O Invalid Command issue, (IG). Command which was issued was never started. D7=1andDs=1 Abnormal Termination because during command execution the ready signal from FDD changed state. D5 Seek End SE When the FDC completes the SEEK command, thiS flag is set to 1 (High). D4 Equipment Check EC If a fault signal is received from the FDD, or if the Track 0 signal falls to occur after 77 step pulses (Recalibrate Command) then this flag is set. D3 Not Ready NR When the FDD is in the not-ready state and a read or wnte command is Issued, this flag is set. If a read or write command is issued to Side 1 of a single-sided drive, then this flag IS set. D2 Head Address HD This flag is used to indicate the state of the head at Interrupt. D1 Unit Select 1 US1 This flag IS used to indicate a Dnve Unit Number at Interrupt. DO Unit Select 0 USo This flag is used to indicate a Drive Unit Number at Interrupt. Status Register 1 End of Cylinder EN When the FDC tries to access a sector beyond the final sector of a cylinder, this flag is set. Data Error DE When the FDC detects a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRG) error in either the ID field or the data field, this flag is set. Overrun OR If the FDC IS not serviced by the host system during data transfers within a certain time interval, this flag is set. Not used. This bit is always 0 (Low). DS D5 Not used. This bit always 0 (Low). D3 During execution of READ DATA, WRITE DELETED DATA or SCAN command, if the FDC cannot find the sector specified in the Internal Data Register (IDR), this flag is set. No Data ND During execution of the READ ID command, if the FDC cannot read the ID field without an error, then thiS flag is set. During execution of the READ A cylinder command, if the starting sector cannot be found, then this flag is set. 919 STATUS REGISTER IDENTIFICATION (Continued) Bit No. Name Symbol Description Status Register 1 (Continued) 01 Not Writeable NW During execution of WRITE DATA. WRITE DELETED DATA or Format A cylinder command. if the FDC detects a write protect signal from the FDD. then this flag is set. If the FDC cannot detect the 10 Address Mark after encountering the index hole twice. then this flag is set. Do Missing Address Mark MA If the FDC cannot detect the Data Address Mark or Deleted Data Address Mark. this flag is set. Also at the same time. the MD (Missing Address Mark in data field) of Status register 2 IS set. Status Register 2 Not used. This bit is always 0 (Low). 07 06 Control Mark CM During execution of the READ DATA or SCAN command. if the FDC encounters a sector which contains a Deleted Data Address Mark. this flag IS set. 05 Data Error in Data Field DO If the FDC detects a CRC error in the data field then this flag is set. 04 Wrong Cylinder WC This bit is related to the NO bit. and when the contents of Cylinder (C) on the medium is different from that stored in IDR. this flag is set. 03 Scan Equal Hit SH During execution of the SCAN command. if the condition of "equal" is satisfied. this flag IS set. 02 Scan Not Satisfied SN During execution of the SCAN command. if the FDC cannot find a sector on the cylinder which meets the condition. then this flag is set. 01 Bad Cylinder BC This bit IS related to the NO bit. and when the contents of C on the medium is different from that stored in the lOR and the contents of C is FFH. then this flag is set. Do Missing Address Mark In Data Field MD When data is read from the medium. if the FDC cannot find a Data Address Mark or Deleted Data Address Mark. then this flag is set. Status Register 3 07 Fault FT This bit is used to indicate the status of the Fault signal from the FDD. 06 Write Protected WP This bit is used to indicate the status of the Write Protected signal from the FDD. 05 Ready RY I This bit is used to Indicate the status of the Ready Signal from the FDD. 04 Track 0 TO This bit IS used to indicate the status of the Track 0 Signal from the FDD. 03 Two Side TS ThiS bit is used to indicate the status of the Two Side signal from the FDD. 02 Head Address HD ThiS bit is used to Indicate the status of the Side Select signal to the FDD. 01 Unit Select 1 US1 This bit is used to Indicate the status of the Unt Select 1 signal to the FDD. Do Unit Select 0 USo This bit is used to indicate the status of the Unit Select 0 signal to the FDD. 920 OUT FOC AND INTO PROCESSOR DATAIN/OUT (010) L OUT PROCESSOR AND INTO FDC I I REQUEST FOR MASTER (RQM) NOT READY I I Viii - - - - - - . ,U I iiD~---~-~--..., I I I I I I I I A NOTES: I aI [AJ - A I aI A I C I I I D I C I lal D A I Data reglater ready to be written Into by processor [j] - Data regllter not ready to be written Into by processor [Q] - Data register ready for next data byte to be read by processor [Q] - Data register not ready to be read by processor Figure 4. Data Transfer COMMAND SEQUENCE The Z765A is capable of performing 15 different commands. Each command is initiated by a multi byte transfer from the processor; the result after execution of the command may also be a multi byte transfer back to the processor. Because of this multi byte interchange of information between the Z765A and the processor, each command consists of three phases: Command Phase. The FOC receives all information required to perform a particular operation form the processor. Result Phase. After completion of the operation, status and other housekeeping information are made available to the processor. The Instruction set shows the required preset parameters and results for each command. Most commands require 9 command bytes and return 7 bytes during the result phase. The W to the left of each byte indicates a command phase byte to be written; an R indicates a result byte. Execution Phase. The FOC performs the operation it was instructed to do. PROCESSOR INTERFACE During Command or Result phases the Main Status register must be read by the processor before each byte of information is written into, or read from, the Data register. Then the CPU should wait for 12",s before reading the Main Status register. Bits 06 and 07 In the Main Status register must be in a 0 and 1 state, respectively, before each byte of the command word may be written into the Z765A. Many of the commands require multiple bytes and, as a result, the Main Status register must be read prior to each byte transfer to the Z765A. During the Result phase, 06 and 07 in the Main Status register must both be 1's before reading each byte from the Data Register. Reading the Main Status register before each byte transfer to the Z765A is required only in the Command and Result phases, not during the Execution phase. 2357-004 If the Z765A is in the non-OMA mode and reading data from FOO, then the receipt of each data byte is indicated by an interrupt signal on pin 18(INT = 1). The generation of a Read signal (RO = 0) or Write signal (WR = 0) will clear the interrupt and output the data onto the data bus. If the processor cannot handle interrupts fast enough (every 13",s for the MFM mode and 27",s for the FM mode), then it may poll the Main Status register and bit 07 (ROM) functions as the interrupt signal. If a Write command is in process, the WR signal negates the reset to the interrupt signal. In the non-OM A mode it is necessary to examine the Main Status register to determine the cause of the interrupt, since it could be a data interrupt or a command termination interrupt, either normal or abnormal. If the Z765A is in the 921 COMMAND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION Symbol Name Description DIS Data/Status Select DIS controls selection of Main Status register (DIS = 0) or Data register (DIS = 1) C Cylinder Number C stands for the current/selected cylinder (track) numbers 0 through 76 of the medium. D Data D stands for the data pattern which is going to be written into a sector. DrDo Data Bus 8-bit Data Bus, where D7 stands for a most significant bit, and Do stands for a least significant bit. DTL Data Length When N is defined as 00, DTL stands for the data length which users are going to read out or write into the sector. EOT End ofTrack EOT stands for the final sector number on a cylinder. During Read or Write operations, FDC will stop data transfer after a sector number equal to EOT GPL Gap Length GPL stands for the length of Gap 3. During ReadlWrite commands this value determines the number of by1es that VCO/SYNC will stay low after two CRC bytes. During Format command it determines the size of Gap 3. H Head Address H stands for head number 0 or 1, as specified in ID field. HD Head HD stands for a selected head number 0 or 1 and controls the polarity of pin 27. (H HD in all command words.) = HLT Head Load Time HLT stands for the head load time In the FDD (2 to 254 ms in 2 ms increments). HUT Head Unload Time HUT stands for the head unload time after a Read or Write operation has occurred (16 to 240 ms in 16 ms Increments). MF FM or MFM Mode If MF is Low, FM mode is selected, and If it is High. MFM mode is selected. MT Multitrack If MT IS high, a Multitrack operation is performed. If MT = 1 after finishing ReadlWrite operation on side 0, FDC automatically starts searching for sector 1 on side 1. N Number N stands for the Number of data by1es written in a sector. NCN New Cylinder Number NCN stands for a New Cylinder Number or desired position of head which is going to be reached as a result of the Seek operation. ND Non-DMA Mode ND stands for operation in the Non-DMA mode. PCN Present Cylinder Number PCN stands for the cylinder number or present position of Head at the completion of Sense Interrupt Status command. R Record R stands for the sector number which will be read or written. RIW ReadlWrite RIW stands for either Read (R) or Write (W) signal. SC Sector SC indicates the number of Sectors per Cylinder. SK Skip SK stands for Skip Deleted Data Address mark. SRT Step Rate Time SRT stands for the Stepping Rate for the FDD (1 to 16 ms in 1 ms increments). Stepping Rate applies to all drives (F(16) = 1 ms, E(16) = 2 ms, D(16) = 3 ms, ...). STO ST1 ST2 ST3 Status 0 Status 1 Status 2 Status 3 STO-3 stands for one of four registers which store the status information after a command has been executed. This Information is available during the result phase after command execution. These registers should not be confused with the main status register (selected by DIS = 0). STO-3 may be read only after a command has been executed and contains information relevant to that particular command. STP Step During a Scan operation, If STP = 1, the data in contiguous sectors is compared by1e by by1e with data sent from the processor (or DMA); if STP = 2, then alternate sectors are read and compared. USo, US1 Unit Select Used to select between drives 0-3. 922 INSTRUCTION SET1, 2 Data Bus Phase R/W D7 D6 Ds D4 D3 D2 D1 Do 1 HD 1 0 USI USa Remarks Read Data Command W W W W W W W W W MT MF SK 0 0 X X X X X C H R N EOT GPL DTL Execution Result Command Codes See Note 3 Sector 10 information prior to command execution. The 4 bytes are commanded against header on Floppy disk. Data transfer between the FDD and main system R R R R R R R STO ST1 ST2 C H R N Status information after command execution Sector 10 Information after command execution Read Deleted Data Command W W W W W W W W W MT MF SK 0 1 X X X X X C H R N EOT GPL DTL Execution Result 1 HD 0 USI 0 USa Command Codes Sector 10 information prior to command execution. The 4 bytes are commanded against header on Floppy Disk. Data transfer between the FDD and main system R R R R R R R STO ST1 ST2 C H R N Status information after command execution Sector 10 information after command execution NOTES. 1. Symbols used in this table are described at the end of this section. 2. DIS should equal binary 1 for all operations. 3. X ~ Don't care, usually made to equal binary 0 923 ....N ~ en III ., n III INSTRUCTION SET1, 2 (Continued) Data Bus Phase R/W 07 06 05 04 W W W W W W W W W MT X MF X 0 0 0 X X X 03 02 01 Do Remarks 0 US1 1 USo Command Codes HD Write Data Command Sector IC information prior to command execution. The 4 bytes are commanded against header on Floppy Disk. C H R N EOT GPL DTL Execution Result Data transfer between the main system and FDD R R R R R R R STO ST1 ST2 C H R N Status information after command execution Sector ID information after command execution. Write Deleted Data Command W W W W W W W W W MT X MF X 0 0 X X 1 X C H R N EOT GPL DTL Execution Result 0 US1 Command Codes USo Sector ID information prior to command execution. The 4 bytes are commanded against header on Floppy disk. Data transfer between the FDD and main system R R R R R R R STO ST1 ST2 C H R N NOTES: 1. Symbols used in this table are described at the end of this section. 2. DIS should equal binary 1 for all operations. 3. X = Don't care, usually made to equal binary O. 924 0 HD Status information after command execution Sector ID information after command execution INSTRUCTION SET1, 2 (Continued) Data Bus Phase R/W 07 06 05 04 02 01 Do Remarks 0 HD 0 USa Command Codes US1 03 Read A Track Command W W W W W W W W W 0 X MF X SK X 0 X 0 X Sector ID information prior to command execution C H R N EOT GPL DTL N ...:I Data transfer between the FDD and main system. FDC reads all data fields from index hole to EOT Execution Result STO ST1 ST2 C H R R R R R R R R Status information after command execution Sector ID information after command execution N Read 10 Command W W 0 X MF X 0 X 1 X 0 X US1 0 USa Command Codes The first correct ID information on the cylinder is stored in Data Register. Execution Result 0 HD R R R R R R STO ST1 ST2 C H R n ~j Status information after command execution Sector ID information read during Execution phase from Floppy Disk. NOTES: 1. Symbols used in this table are described at the end of this section. 2. DIS should equal binary 1 for all operations. 3. X ~ Don't care, usually made to equal binary a. 925 ~ .. CIt III tI n INSTRUCTION SET1, 2 (Continued) OataBus R/W Phase 07 06 Os 04 0 X MF X 0 X 0 X 03 02 01 Do 0 US1 USa Remarks Format A Track Command W W W W W W X 1 HO Command Codes Bytes Sector SectorslTrack Gap3 Filler byte N SC GPL 0 Execution FOC formats an entire track. Result R R R R R R R Status information after command execution STO ST1 ST2 C H R N In this case, the 10 information has no meaning. Scan Equal Command W W W W W W W W W MT X MF X SK X 1 X 0 X C H R N EOT GPL OTL NOTES' R R R R R R R STO ST1 ST2 C H R N Symbols used In this table are descnbed at the end of this section. 2 DIS should equal binary 1 for all operations 3 X = Don't care, usually made to equal binary a 926 Command Codes 0 US1 USa Sector 10 information prior to command execution Data compared between the FDD and the main system. Execution Result 0 HO Status information after command execution Sector 10 Information after command execution INSTRUCTION SET1, 2 (Continued) OataBus Phase R/W 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 0 US1 USo Remarks Scan Low or Equal Command W W MT X MF X SK X 1 X W W W W W W W X 0 HD 1 Sector ID information prior to command execution C H R N EOT GPL STP N Data compared between the FDD and main system Execution Result Command Codes R R R R R R R Status Information after command execution STO ST1 ST2 C H R N Sector 10 information after command execution Scan High or Equal Command W W W W W W W W W MT X MF X SK X 1 X 1 X 1 HD 0 US1 Command Codes USo Sector 10 information pnor to command execution. C H R N EOT GPL STP Data compared between the FDD and main system. Execution Result R R R R R R R Status Information after command execution STO sn ST2 C H R N Sector 10 information after command execution. Recalibrate Command W W 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X Execution Command Codes 0 US1 USo Head retracted to Track 0 NOTES' 1. Symbols used in this table are described at the end of this section. 2. DIS should equal binary 1 for all operations. 3. X = Don't care, usually made to equal binary O. 927 .... en en III lIS " n INSTRUCTION SET1, 2 (Continued) Data Bus Phase R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 Do 0 0 Remarks Sense Interrupt Status Command W Result R R Command W W W 0 0 0 0 0 Command Codes STO PCN Status information about the FOC at the end of seek operation Specify 0 -SRT 0 0 0 0 Command Codes 0 HUT- HLT NO Sense Drive Status Command Result W W 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X R 0 X 0 0 US1 0 USa Command Codes Status information about FOO ST3 Seek Command W W W 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 1 X 1 HD Command Codes 1 US1 USa NCN Head is positioned over proper cylinder on diskette. Execution Invalid Command W Invalid Codes Result R STO NOTES: 1. Symbols used in thiS table are described at the end of thiS section 2. DIS should equal binary 1 for all operations. 3. X = Don't care, usually made to equal binary a. 928 Invalid Command Codes (NoOp-FDC goes into Standby state.) STO = 80(H) DMA mode, no interrupts are generated during the Execution phase. The Z765A generates DROs (DMA Requests) when each byte of data is available. The DMA Controller responds to this request with both a DACK (DMA Acknowledge) = 0 and an RD (Read signal) = O. When the DMA Acknowledge signal goes Low (DACK = 0), then the DMA request is cleared (ORO = 0). If a Write command has been issued, a WR signal appears instead of RD. After the Execution phase has been completed [Terminal Count (TC) has occurred] or the last sector on the cylinder (EOT) read/written, then an interrupt occurs (INT = 1) which signifies the beginning of the Result phase. When the first byte of data is read during the Result phase, the interrupt is automatically cleared (I NT = 0). The RD or WR signals should be asserted while DACK is true. The CS signal is used in conjunction with RD and WR as a gating function during programmed I/O operations. CS has no effect during DMA operations. If the non-DMA mode is chosen, the DACK signal should be pulled up to Vee. During the Result phase all bytes shown in the Command Table must be read. For example, the Read Data command has seven bytes of data in the Result phase; all seven bytes must be read to successfully complete the Read Data command and allow the Z765A to accept a new command. The Z765A contains five Status registers. The Main Status register can be read at any time by the processor. The other four Status registers (STO, ST1, ST2, and ST3) are available only during the Result phase and can be read only after completing a command. The particular command that has been executed determines how many of the Status registers are read. The bytes of data which are sent to the Z765A to form the Command phase and are read out of the Z765A in the Result phase must occur in the order shown in the Command Table. That is, the Command Code must be sent first and the other bytes sent in the prescribed sequence. No foreshortening ofthe Command or Result phases is allowed. After the last byte of data in the Command phase is sent to the Z765A, the Execution phase automatically starts. In a similar fashion, when the last byte of data is read out in the Result phase, the command is automatically ended and the Z765A is ready for a new command. POLLING FEATURE OF THE Z765A After Reset is sent to the Z765A, the Unit Select lines USa and US1 automatically go into a polling mode (Figure 5). Between commands (and between step pulses in the Seek command) the Z765A polls all four FDDs looking for a change in the Ready line from any of the drives. If the Ready line changes state (usually due to a door opening or closing), then the Z765A generates an interrupt. When Status register 0 (STO) is read (after Sense Interrupt Status is issued), Not Ready (NR) is indicated. The polling of the Ready line by the Z765A occurs continuously between commands, thus notifying the processor which drives are on or off line. Each drive is polled every 1.024 ms except during the Read/Write commands. When used with a4 MHz clock for interfacing to minifloppies, the polling rate is 2.048 ms. I....t - - - - - - - - - - A P P R O X 1.0ms - - - - - - - - -••1 ... 151'5 . . . . . 15f./S . . . . 151-15 . .1...I-------76ol-ls-------;~ uso us, DRIVE 0 DRIVE 1 DRIVE 2 DRIVE 3 Figure 5. Polling Features 2357'()05 929 COMMANDS Read Data A set of nine (9) byte words are required to place the FDC into the Read Data Mode. After the Read Data command is issued, the FDC loads the head (if it is in the unloaded state), waits the specified head settling time (defined in the Specify command), and begins reading 10 Address Marks and 10 fields. When the current sector number (R) stored in the 10 Register (lOR) compares with the sector number read off the diskette, then the FDC, via the data bus, outputs data byte-to-byte from the data field to the main system. After completion of the read operation from the current sector, the Sector Number is incremented by one, and the data from the next sector is read and output on the data bus. This continuous read function is called a Multi-Sector Read Operation. The Read Data command can be terminated by the receipt of a TC signal which should be issued when the DACK for the last byte of data is sent. Upon receipt of this signal, the FDC stops outputting data to the processor, but continues to read data from the current sector, checks Cyclic Redundancy Count (CRC), and at the end of the sector, terminates the Read Data command. The amount of data which can be handled with a single command to the FDC depends upon multitrack (MT), MFM/FM (MF), and Number of Bytes/Sector (N). Table 3 shows the Transfer Capacity. Table 3. 1l"ansfer Capacity Maximum 1l"ansfer Capacity (Bytes/Sector) (Number of Sectors) Final Sector Read from Diskettes Multi· Track MT MFM/FM MF Bytes/Sector N o o 0 00 01 (128) (26) 3,328 26atSideO (256) (26) 6,656 or 26 at Side 1 00 (128) (52) (256) (52) 6,656 13,312 26 at Side 1 0 01 o o 0 o o 01 (256) (15) 3,840 15atSideO 02 (512) (15) 7,680 or 15 at Side 1 0 01 02 (256) (30) (512) (30) 7,680 15,360 15 at Side 1 0 02 (512) (8) 4,096 8atSideO 1 03 (1024) (8) 8,192 or8 at Side 1 0 02 03 (512) (16) (1024) (16) 8,192 16,384 8 at Side 1 MT allows the FDC to read data from both sides of the diskette. For a particular cylinder, data is transferred starting at Sector 1, Side and completing at the last sector, Sector L, Side 1. This function pertains to only one cylinder (the same track) on each side of the diskette. If the FDC twice detects the index hole without finding the right sector (R), then the FDC sets Status register 1's No Data (NO) flag to 1, and terminates the Read Data command. (Status register also has bits 7 and 6 set to and 1 respectively.) When N = 0, then DTL defines the data length which the FDC must treat as a sector. If DTL is smaller than the actual data length in a Sector, the data beyond DTL in the Sector is not sent to the Data Bus. The FDC internally reads the complete sector performing the CRC check and, depending upon the manner of command termination, may perform a Multi-Sector Read Operation. When N is non-zero, then DTL has no meaning and should be set to FFH· After reading the 10 and Data fields in each sector, the FDC checks the CRC bytes. If a read error is detected indicating incorrect CRC in the 10 field, the FDC sets Status register 1's Data Error (DE) flag to 1, and if a CRC error occurs in the Data Field, the FDC also sets Status register 2's Data Error in Data Field (DO) flag to 1, and terminates the Read Data command. (Status register 0, bit 7 = 0, bit 6 = 1.) ° At the completion of the Read Data Command the head is unloaded, after the Head Unload Time Interval specified in the Specify Command has elapsed. If the processor issues another command before the head unloads, there is no head settling time between subsequent reads. This time saved is particularly valuable when a diskette is copied. 930 ° ° If the FDC reads a Deleted Data Address Mark off the diskette, and the SK bit 0 in the first Command Word = 0, then the FDC sets Status register 2's Control Mark (CM) flag to 1, and after reading all the data in the sector, terminates the Read Data command. If SK = 1, the FDC skips the sector with the Deleted Data Address Mark and reads the next sector. When SK = 1, the CRC bits in the deleted data field are not checked. During disk data transfers between the FDC and the processor, via the data bus, the FDC must be serviced by the processor every 27/-1s in the FM Mode, and every 13/-1s in the MFM Mode, or the FDC sets Status register 1's Overrun (OR) flag to 1, and terminates the Read Data command. If the processor terminates a read or write operation in the FDC, then the 10 information in the Result Phase is dependent upon the state of the MT bit and EOT byte. Table 4 shows the values for C, H, R, and N when the processor terminates the command. Table 4. C, H, R, and N Values When Processor Terminates Commands MT HO o o o 10 Information at Result Phase Final Sector Transferred to Processor C H R N Less than EOT NC NC R+1 NC C+ 1 NC R = 01 NC NC NC R + 1 NC Equal to EOT Less than EOT C+ 1 NC R = 01 NC N Less than EOT NC NC R+ 1 NC ~ Equal to EOT NC LSB R = 01 NC Less than EOT NC NC R+ 1 NC IIJ C+ 1 LSB R = 01 NC n Equal to EOT o o EqualtoEOT .... CII III a NOTES: NC (No Change): The same value as the one at the beginning of command execution. LSB (Least Significant Bit): The least significant bit of H IS complemented. Write Data A set of nine (9) bytes is required to set the FDC in the Write Data mode. After the Write Data command is issued, the FDC loads the head, waits the specified head setting time, and begins reading 10 fields. When all four bytes (C, H, R, and N) loaded during the command match the four bytes of the 10 field from the diskette, the FDC takes data from the processor byte-by-byte via the data bus and outputs it to the FDD. After writing data into the current sector, the sector number stored in the R register is incremented by one, and new data is written into the next data field. The FDC continues this Multisector Write Operation until a Terminal Count signal is issued. If a Terminal Count signal is sent to the FDC, it continues writing into the current sector to complete the data field. If the Terminal Count signal is received while a data field is being written, the remainder of the data field is filled With zeros. The FDC reads the 10 field of each sector and checks the CRC bytes. If the FDC detects a read error (CRC error) in oneolthe 10 fields, it sets Status register 1's DE flag to 1, and terminates the Write Data command. (Status register 0, bit 7=0,bit6=1.) The Write command operates in the same manner as the Read command for the following items: • 10 information when the processor terminates command • Definition of DTL when N = ° and when N/-O Refer to the Read Data command for details. In the Write Data mode, data transfers between the processor and FDC via the data bus, must occur every 27/-1s in the FM mode and every 13/-1s in the MFM mode. lithe time interval between data transfers is longer, then the FDC sets Status register 1's Overrun (OR) flag to 1, and terminates the Write Data command. (Status register 0, bit7 = 0, bit6 = 1.) Write Deleted Data This command is the same as the Write Data command except a Deleted Data Address mark, Instead of the normal Data Address mark, is written at the beginning of the data field. Read Deleted Data This command is the same as the Read Data command except that when the FDC detects a Data Address mark at the beginning of a data field and SK = 0, the FDC reads all the data in the sector and sets Status register 2's CM flag to 1, and terminates the command. If SK = 1, then the FDC skips the sector with the Data Address mark and reads the next sector. • Transfer capacity • End of cylinder (EN) flag Read Track • No data (NO) flag • Head unload time interval This command is similar to the Read Data command except that this is a continuous Read operation where the entire data field from each of the sectors is read. Immediately after 931 sensing the index hole, the FOC starts reading all data fields on the track as continuous blocks of data. Ifthe FOC finds an error in the 10 or Data CRC check bytes, it continues to read data from the track. The FOC compares the 10 information read from each sector with the value stored in the IDR and, if there is no comparison, sets Status register 1's NO flag to 1. Multitrack or skip operations are not allowed with this command. This command terminates when the number of sectors read is equal to EaT. If the FOC does not find an 10 Address mark on the diskette after it senses the index hole for the second time, it sets Status register 1's Missing Address mark (MA) flag to 1 and terminates the command. (Status Register 0, bit 7=0,bit6=1.) and terminates the command after setting Status register 0, bit 7 to and bit 6 to 1. Also the loss of a Ready signal at the beginning of a command execution phase causes Status register 0, bit 7 and 6 to be set to and 1 respectively. ° ° Table 5 shows the sector size relationship between N, SC, and GPL. Table 5. Functional Description of Commands Format FM Mode ° Format Track The Format command allows an entire track to be formatted. After the index hole is detected, data is written on the diskette; Gaps, Address marks, 10 fields and data fields, all per the IBM 3740 Single Density format or IBM System 34 Double Density format, are recorded. The processor, during the command phase, supplies values i.e., Number of bytes/sector (N), Sectors Cylinder (SC), Gap Length (GPL), and Data Pattern (D) which determine the particular format to be written. N SC GPLI GPL2,3 8" Standard Floppy Read 10 The Read 10 command gives the present position of the recording head. The FOC stores the values from the first 10 field it can read. If no proper 10 Address mark is found onthe diskette before the index hole is encountered for the second time, Status register 1's MA flag is set to 1; if no data is found, Status register 1's No Data (NO) flag is set to 1. The command is then terminated with STO bit 7 = and bit 6 = 1. During this command, data transfer between FOC and the CPU occurs only during the result phase. Sector Size MFM Mode4 128 bytes sector 00 1A 07 1B 256 01 OF OE 2A 512 02 08 1B 3A 1024 03 04 47 8A 2048 04 02 C8 FF 4096 05 01 C8 FF 256 01 1A OE 36 512 02 OF 1B 54 1024 03 08 35 74 2048 04 04 99 FF 4096 05 02 C8 FF 8192 06 01 C8 FF 5'/4" Minifloppy 128 bytes/sector 00 12 07 09 128 00 10 10 19 256 01 08 18 30 The data field is filled with the byte of data stored in O. The 10 field for each sector is supplied by the processor; that is, four data requests per sector are made by the FOC for Cylinder number (C), Head number (H), Sector number (R), and Number of bytes/sector (N). This allows diskette formatting with nonsequential sector numbers. 512 02 04 46 87 The processor must send new values for C, H, R, and N to the Z765A for each sector on the track. If FOC is set for the OMA mode, it issues four OMA requests per sector. If it is set forthe Interrupt mode, it issues four interrupts per sector and the processor must supply C, H, R, and N loads for each sector. The contents of the R register are incremented by 1 after each sector is formatted; thus, the R register contains a value of R when it is read during the Result phase. This incrementing and formatting continues for the whole track until the FOC detects the index hole for the second time, whereupon it terminates the command. If the Fault signal is received from the FOO at the end of a Write operation, the FOC sets Status register O's EC flag to 1 932 FM Mode MFM Mode 4 1024 03 02 C8 FF 2048 04 01 C8 FF 256 01 12 OA OC 256 01 10 20 32 512 02 08 2A 50 1024 03 04 80 FO 2048 04 02 C8 FF 4096 05 01 C8 FF NOTES: 1. Suggested values of GPL in Read or Write commands to avoid splice point between data field and 10 field of contiguous sections. 2. Suggested values of GPL in format command. 3. All values except sector Size are hexidecimal. 4. In MFM mode FOC cannot perform a ReadlWrite format operation with 128 bytes sector. (N = 00) Scan Commands The Scan commands allow comparison of data read from the diskette and data supplied from the main system. The FDC compares the data on a byte-by-byte basis and looks for a sector of data which meets the conditions of DFOD = Dprocessor, DFOD ~ Dprocessor. or DFOD ~ Dprocessor- The hexadecimal byte of FF from memory or from FDD can be used as a mask byte because it always meets the condition of the comparison. One's complement arithmetic is used for comparison (FF = largest number, 00 = smallest number). After a whole sector of data is compared, if the conditions are not met, the sector number is incremented (R + STPR) and the scan operation continues until one of the following conditions occur: the conditions for scan are met (equal, low, or high), the last sector on the track is reached (EaT), or the terminal count (TC) signal is received. If the conditions for scan are met, the FDC sets the Status register 2's Scan Hit (SH) flag to 1 and terminates the Scan command. If the conditions for scan are not met between the starting sector number (R) and the last sector on the cylinder (EaT), then the FDC sets Status register 2's Scan Not Satisfied (SN) flag to 1, and terminates the Scan command. During the scan operation, the receipt of a signal from the processor or DMA controller causes the FDC to complete the comparison of the particular byte in process and then to terminate the command. Table 6 shows the status of bits SH and SN under various conditions of Scan. Table 6. Scan Equal Bit 2 = SN Bit3 = SH 0 Scan Low or Equal Scan High or Equal 0 0 = Dprocessor DFDD '" Dprocessor DFOD = Dprocessor 0 DFOD < DProcessor 0 DFDD > Dprocessor 0 0 Comments DFDD 0 During the Scan command, data is supplied by either the processor or DMA Controller for comparison against the data read from the diskette. In order to avoid having Status register 1's Overrun (OR) flag set, it is necessary to have the data available in less than 27/As (FM mode) or 13/As (MFM mode). If an Overrun occurs, the FDC ends the command with Status register 0, bit 7 cleared to 0 and bit 6 set to 1. Seek The Read/Write head within the FDD is moved from cylinder to cylinder under control of the Seek command. The FDC has four independent Present Cylinder registers for each drive which are cleared only after the Recalibrate command. The FDC compares the Present Cylinder Number (PCN) which is the current head position with the New Cylinder Number (NCN), and if there is a difference, performs the following operations: PCN < NCN: Direction signal to FDD set to 1, and Step Pulses are issued. (Step In) Status Register 2 Command (MT) is programmed, the last sector on the track must be read. For example, if STP = 02, MT = 0, the sectors are numbered sequentially 1 through 26 and the Scan command is started at sector 21, the following happens. Sectors 21 , 23, and 25 are read, then the next sector, 26, is skipped and the index hole is encountered before the EaT value of 26 can be read resulting In an abnormal termination of the command. If the EaT had been set at 25 or the scanning started at sector 20, then the Scan command would be completed in a normal manner. DFDD = Dprocessor 0 DFDD > Dprocessor 0 DFDD < Dprocessor If the FDC encounters a Deleted Data Address mark on one of the sectors and SK = 0, then it regards the sector as the last sector on the cylinder, sets Status register 2's Control Mark (CM) flag to 1 and terminates the command. If SK = 1, the FDC skips the sector with the Deleted Address mark, reads the next sector, and sets Status register 2's Control Mark (CM) flag to 1 to show that a Deleted sector has been encountered. When either the Step (STP) (contiguous sectors = 01 or alternate sectors = 02) sectors are read or the Multitrack PCN > NCN: Direction signal to FDD cleared to 0, and Step Pulses are issued. (Step Out) The rate at which Step pulses are issued is controlled by Stepping Rate Time (SRT) in the Specify command. After each Step pulse IS Issued NCN is compared against PCN, and when NCN = PCN, Status register O's Seek End (SE) flag is set to 1, and the command is terminated. At this point FDC interrupt goes High. Bits 00-03 in the Main Status register are set during the Seek operation and are cleared by the Sense Interrupt Status command. During the command phase of the Seek operation the FDC is in the FDC Busy state, but during the execution phase it is In the Nonbusy siaie. While the FOG is in the Nonbusy sto.tc, another Seek command may be issued, and in this manner parallel Seek operations may be done on up to four drives at once. No other command can be issued for as long as the FDC is in the process of sending step pulses to any drive. If an FDD is in a Not Ready state at the beginning of the command execution phase or during the Seek operation, then Status register D's Not Ready (NR) flag is set to 1, and the command is terminated after bit 7 is set to 1 and bit6toO. If writing three bytes of Seek command exceeds 150/As, the timing between the first two step pulses may be 1ms shorter than that set in the Specify command. 933 Recalibrate The function of this command is to retract the ReadlWrite head within the FDD to the Track 0 position. The FOC clears the contents of the PCN counter and checks the status ofthe Track 0 signal from the FDD. As long as the Track 0 signal is Low, the Direction signal remains 0 and step pulses are issued. When the Track 0 signal goes High, the Status register O's SE flag is set to 1 and the command is terminated. If the Track 0 signal is still Low after 77 step pulses have been issued, the FDC sets Status register O's SE and Equipment Check (EC) flags to 1s and terminates the command after Status register 0, bit 7 is cleared to 0 and bit 6 is set to 1. The ability to do overlap Recalibrate commands to multiple FDDs and the loss of the Ready signal, as described in the Seek command, also applies to the Recalibrate command. If the Diskette has more than 77 tracks, the Recalibrate command should be issued twice, in order to position the Read/Write head to Track O. Sense Interrupt Status An interrupt signal is generated by the FDC for one of the following reasons: 1. Upon entering the Result phase of command: o Read Data 0 Read Track o Write Data 0 Read 10 o Write Deleted Data 0 Format Track o Read Deleted Data 0 Scan 2. Ready Line of FDD changes state 3. End of Seek or Recalibrate command 4. During Execution phase in the non-DMA mode Interrupts caused by reasons 1 and 4 occur during normal command operations and are easily discernible by the processor. During an execution phase in non-DMA mode, Os in the Main Status Register is High. Upon entering the Result phase this bit is cleared. Reasons 1 and 4 do not require Sense Interrupt Status commands. The interrupt is cleared by ReadinglWriting data to the FDC. Interrupts caused by reasons 2 and 3 may be uniquely identified with the aid of the Sense Interrupt Status command which resets the Interrupt signal and, via bits 5,6, and 7 of Status register 0, identifies the cause of the interrupt (Table 7). Table 7. Interrupt Identification Seek End BitS Interrupt Code Bit 6 Bit7 o o 934 Cause Ready Line changed state, either polarity o Normal Termination of Seek or Recalibrate command o Abnormal Termination of Seek or Recalibrate command The Sense Interrupt Status command is used in conjunction with the Seek and Recalibrate commands which have no result phase. When the disk has reached the desired head position, the Z765A sets the interrupt line true. The host CPU must then issue a Sense Interrupt Status command to determine the actual cause of the interrupt, which could be Seek End or a change in ready status from one of the drives. Figure 6 is a graphic example. Specify The Specify command sets the initial values for each of the three internal timers. The Head Unload Time (HUT) defines the time from the end of the execution phase of one of the Read/Write commands to the head unload state. This timer is programmable from 16 to 240ms in increments of 16ms (01 = 16ms, 02 = 32ms ... OF16 = 240ms). The Step Rate Time (SRT) defines the time interval between adjacent step pulses. This timer is programmable from 1 to 16ms in increments of 1ms (F = 1ms, E = 2ms, and 0 = 3ms). The Head Load Time (HLT) defines the time between the Head Load signal's going High and the start of the Read/Write operation. This timer is programmable from 2 to 254ms in increments of 2ms (01 = 2ms,02 = 4ms, 03 = 6ms ... 7F = 254ms). The time intervals mentioned are a direct function of the 8MHz clock; if the clock were reduced to 4MHz (minifloppy application), all time intervals would be increased by a factor of 2. The choice of a DMA or non-DMA operation is made by the Non-DMA (NO) bit. When this bit is High (NO = 1), the Non-DMA mode is selected; when NO = 0, the DMA mode is selected. Sense Drive Status The processor uses this command to obtain the status of the FDDs. Status register 3 contains the Drive Status information stored internally in FDC registers. Invalid If an Invalid command (not defined above) is sent to the FDC, then the FDC terminates the command after Status Register 0 bit 7 is set to 1 and bit 6 to O. No interrupt is generated by the Z765A during this condition. Bits 6 and 7 (010 and ROM) in the Main Status register are both High, indicating to the processor that the Z765A is in the Result phase and the contents of Status register 0 (STO) must be read. When the processor reads Status register 0, it finds an 80H indicating the receipt of an Invalid command. A Sense Interrupt Status command must be sent after a Seek or Recalibrate Interrupt, otherwise the FDC considers the next command as an Invalid command. This command may be used as a No-Op command to place the FDC in a standby or No Operation state. "I_ SEEK (OR RECALIBRATE) COMMAND COMMAND PHASE 'I" SENSE INTERRUPT STATUS COMMAND .. EXECUTIONPHASE _ _ COMMANDPHASE_I_AESULTPHASE_ 'NT I I I D/s-¥n un u Jjl AD ---u U DIO~ RQM IJU I u U u--u OPCOOEFOR HO/DRIVE NOT WRITTEN u---u U U -.ll.......---,~y'---:--INSTRUCTION WRITTEN ljJ n un. ____ u n --I NCNWRITTEN INTOZ765A n n N ~ ~ en ;III IiIJ REGISTER STO READ BY PROCESSOR WRITTEN INTOZ765A INTOZ765A J[ STATUS OPCOOE FOR INSTRUCTION INTO Z765A J[ "n Figure 6. Seek, Recalibrate, and Sense Interrupt Status 1··-----------REPEATNTlMES----------_oo·1 INDEX~ Figure 7. Data Format, FM Mode 1··-----------REPEATNTlME.S------------.~11 INDEX~ Figure 8. Data Format, MFM Mode GA_P_'_~~_'_O_~___G_A_P_2__~____D_A_~ L-___ GA_,._'_'__-L___I_'M____L-___ VCD/SYNC ____ ~ G_A_P_3__-L_____'_o~>l~1-<~I----GA-p-4-b--~ __ ...JI _~ __" ' __________________ WE / r-------'\ \ f NOTE Read - - - - - Wr.te--- Figure 9. Data Timing Relationships 2357-006, 007, 008, 009 935 -------~ AC CHARACTERISTICS TA = -10°C to + 70°C; Vee = + 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified. Number Symbol Parameter TcC Clock Cycle Time Min Typ1 Max Unit 120 125 125 250 500 ns ns ns 2 TwCh Clock Width (High) 3 TrC Clock Rise Time 20 ns 4 TfC Clock Fall Time 20 ns 5 6 7 TsAR TwRD DIS, CS, DACK to RD -I Setup Time DIS, CS, DACK from RD t Hold Time RDWidth 8 TdRDf(Do) RD -I to Data Output Delay 9 TdRDr(Dz) RD t to Data Float Delay 10 TsCS(WRf) 11 ThCS(WRr) Control Signal (DIS, CS, DACK) to WR -I Setup Time Control Signal (DIS, CS, DACK) from WR t Hold Time 0 ns 12 TwWR WRWidth 250 ns 13 TsD(WRr) Data to WR t Setup Time 150 ns 14 ThD(WRr) Data from WR t Hold Time 5 ns 15 TdRDr(INT) RD t to INT Delay Time 500 ns 16 TdWRr(INT) WR t to INT Delay Time 500 ns 17 TcDRO DRO Cycle Time 18 DACK -I to DRO -I Delay ThRA 19 TdDRO(DACK) TdDACK(DRO) 20 TwDACK DRO t to DACK -I Delay DACKWidth 21 TwTC TCWidth 22 TwRST Reset Width 40 ns ns 0 0 250 ns 20 200 ns CL 100 ns CL = 100pf = 100 pf ns 0 13 200 200 2 /ls ns ns TcC TcC = 125 ns TcC 14 TcC 4 2 2 1 TcWCK WCK Cycle Time 24 TwWCKh WCK Width (High) 350 /ls /ls /lS /ls ns 25 TrWCK WCK Rise Time 20 ns 26 TfWCK WCK Fall Time ns 27 TdWCKr(PS) WCK t to Preshift Delay Time 20 20 100 28 TdWCKr(WEr) WCK t to WE t Delay Time 20 100 ns 100 80 250 29 TdWCKr(WDA) WCK t to WDA Delay Time 20 TwRDDh RDD Width (High) 40 31 TWCY Window Cycle Time = 0 5'14" = 1 5'/4" = 08" = 1 8" MFM MFM MFM MFM = 0 5'/4" = 1 5'/4" = 08" = 1 8" 32 TsW(RDDh) ThW(RDDI) Window to RDD t Setup Time Window from ROD -I Hold Time 15 ns 33 34 TsUS(RWh) Umt Select to RW/SEEK t Setup Time 12 /lS TsRWr(DIR) RW/SEEK t to LCT/DIR Setup Time 7 /ls 35 TsDI R(STEPr) LCTIDIR to STEP t Setup Time 1 /ls 36 ThUS(STEPI) Unit Select from STEP -I Hold Time 5 /ls ns ns 4 2 2 = 25°e and nominal supply voltage. MFM MFM MFM MFM ns 30 2. Under software control, the range is from 1 msto 16 ms at 8 MHz clock period. 936 8" FDD 5'/4" FDD ns 23 NOTES. 1. Typical values forTA Test Condition /ls /ls /ls /lS AC CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) TA = -10°C to + 70°C; Vee = + 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified. Number Symbol Parameter Typl Min Max Unit 37 TwSTEPh STEP Width (High) 38 39 TcSTEP TwFRh STEP Cycle Time FAULT RESET Width (High) 40 TwWDAh Write Data (WDA) Width (High) 41 ThUS(SEEKD ThSEEK(DIR) Unit Select from RW/SEEK ~ Hold Time 15 J.lS 42 RW/SEEK from LCTIDIR Hold Time 30 J.ls 43 44 ThDIR(STEPD TwlDX LCT/DIR from STEP. Hold Time INDEX Width (High and Low) 24 10 TcC 45 TdDROh(RDI) ORO t to RD ~ Delay Time 800 f's 46 TdDROh(WRI) ORO t to WR • Delay Time 250 47 TdDROh(RWh) ORO t to RD t or WR t Delay Time 6 8 7 16 8 Note 2 Test Condition f'S Note 2 f's 10 f' ns To-50 J.ls J.ls 12 J.ls NOTES. 1 TYPical values for TA ~ 25°e and nominal supply voltage. 2 Under software control, the range IS from 1 msto 16 ms at 8 MHz clock period Processor Read Operation eLK ~~-~ -°1AD 1 ~ I CD- J ~ DATA -- ------c CD )----- --®-- Processor Write Operation ~"'~K~ --::'®IWA -®-®-------0 --®------DATA ) ® - K --®--- 937 DMA Operation DRQ ---®-----• ®}-----·~I FDD Write Operation -@WRITE CLOCK WRITE ENABLE PRESHIFT 0 OR 1 WRITE DATA Normal Late Preshift 0 Preshift 1 o o o o Early Seek Operation U50,1 =:) --- K STABLE - - ® RW/SEEK ® -@ @ DIRECTION ~ -@ --... 143 ~ STEP -® • 938 -®- "" @ • FLT Reset FAULT RESET = FILE UNSAFE RESET -1:1'-- INDEX ~ FDD Read Operation READ DATA WINDOW Terminal Count RESET TC~ -='I®I---=- RESET~ ----=.I®I---=- 939 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA = 25°C Operating Temperature ................ O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature .............. - 65°C to + 150°C All Output Voltages .................... - .3V to + 7V All Input Voltages ...................... - .3V to + 7V Supply Voltage Vee .................... - .3V to + 7V Power Dissipation ............................. 1W Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; operation of the device at any condition above these indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DC CHARACTERISTICS TA = O°C to + 70°C; Vee = + 5V ± 5% unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter VIL VIH VOL VOH Input low Voltage Input High Voltage Output low Voltage Output High Voltage Input low Voltage (ClK + WR Clock) Input High Voltage (ClK + WR Clock) VILe VIHe lee III ILOH ILOL Min 'TYP' Max -0.3 2.0 0.8 2.4 -0.3 Vee 0.45 2.4 Vee + 0.3 150 10 -10 10 -10 low level Output leakage Current = V V V V V V mA Vee 0.40 Vee Supply Current Input Load Current (All Input Pins) High level Output leakage Current 'Typical values for TA Unit Test Condition IOL = 2.0mA IOH = -200,..A ,..A ,..A VIN = Vee VIN = OV ,..A VOUT = Vee VOUT = +0.40V ,..A 25°e and nominal supply voltage. CAPACITANCE TA = 25°C; fc = 1 MHz; Vee = OV Symbol Parameter CeLoeK CIN Clock Input Capacitance Input Capacitance Output Capacitance COUT Min Max Unit 20 10 20 pF pF Test Condition All pins except pin under test tied to AC Ground pF ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering information is available from your local Zilog Sales Office. Package drawings are in the Package Information section in this book. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. 940 00·2357·01 Military Products Zilog Military Products April 1985 Zilog offers high reliability versions of many of our Z8000, Z80, and Z8 logic circuits. Zilog military microcircuits are fabricated, assembled, and tested in accordance with the latest requirements of MIL-STD-883 using the highest quality and reliability standards. Zilog's multi-million dollar fabrication facility in Nampa, Idaho incorporates the highest quality and latest technological equipment available for semiconductor wafer processing. Our Nampa wafer fabrication line is JAN M il-M-3851 0 certified and meets stringent government requirement for process control, facility cleanliness, documentation, and equipment calibration. Zilog has implemented at our Campbell, California military testing (operations) facility the latest test procedures to ensure maximum performance and reliability in addition to full compliance with the military specifications. Zilog has extensive operator training programs, carefully monitored internal process specification controls, strict equipment maintenance procedures, ongoing research and development, and continuous data management to ensu re that Zilog military products represent the industry standard for excellence. MILITARY SOFTWARE Ada Ada, a high-level programming language developed and specified by the U.S. Department of Defense, is designed for use in imbedded applications. Zilog currently has an Ada Compiler available which implements 90% of the ANSI/Mil-STD-1815A requirements. This Compiler, developed by Irvine Computer Science Corporation (lCSC), features high compile speed and efficient code generation. The compiler generates Z8001 segmented memory or Z8002 nonsegmented memory object code. Full implementation and validation is planned for the Spring of 1985. II •• •• IIJ ~ l Do JAN MIL-M-38510 Zilog Military Products has a clear and ongoing commitment to the qualification and production of highreliability JAN MiI-M-3851 0 QPL components. Zilog's strong JAN commitment is exemplified by the qualification of our Z8002, Z8002A, Z8400 and Z8400A Military microprocessors. To meet the industry needs for a strong support network, our goal is the qualification of many of our Z8000 peripheral products. Zilog Military Products has proven its ongoing involvement in the military community and Will continue to dedicate resources toward that goal. 943 ; MIL-STD-883 MILITARY PROCESSED PRODUCT • MH-Std-883 establishes uniform methods and procedures for testing microelectronic devices to insure the electrical, mechanical, and environmental integrity and reliability that is required for military applications. • Mil-Std-883 Class B is the industry standard product assurance level for military ground and aircraft application. • The total reliability of a system depends upon tests that are designed to stress specific quality and reliability concerns that affect microelectronic products. • The following tables detail the 100% screening and electrical tests, sample electrical tests, and Qualification! Quality Conformance testing required. Zilog Military Product Flow ENVIRONMENTAL SCREENING • STABILIZATION BAKE • TEMPERATURE CYCLE • CENTRIFUGE • FINE LEAK • GROSS LEAK 944 2351-010 Military Product Cross Reference Products Are Available in MIL-STD-883 Class B Flow Unless Otherwise Noted (t). Package Device 2.5 Speed in MHz 4.0 6.0 8.0 X 'Z8001 X 'Z8001A X 'Z8001B X 'Z8002 X 'Z8002A X 'Z8002B X 'Z8010 X 'Z8010A X 'Z8010B X Z8030 X Z8030A X Z8530 X Z8530A X Z8036 X Z8036A X Z8536 X Z8536A X Z8038 Z8038A X Z8581 X Z8420 Z8430 Z8440 Z8442 Z8444 Z8444A (@)68 F Z8000 SEG CPU 48 (@)68 F Z8000 SEG CPU 48 (@)68 F Z8000 SEG CPU 40 (t)44 Q Z8000 NON-SEG CPU 40 (t) 44 Q Z8000 NON-SEG CPU F Z8000 NON-SEG CPU 40 (t) 44 (t) 48 (@)68 Z8000 Z-MMU Z-BUS (t) 48 (@)68 Z8000 Z-MMU Z-BUS (t) 48 (@)68 40 (t) 44 F Z8000 Z-SCC Z-BUS 40 (t) 44 F Z8000 Z-SCC Z-BUS 40 (t) 44 F Z8000 SCC Multi Bus 40 (t)44 F Z8000 SCC Multi Bus 40 (t)44 F Z8000 Z-CIO Z-BUS 40 (t) 44 F Z8000 Z-CIO Z-BUS 40 (t) 44 F Z8000 CIO Multi Bus 40 (t)44 F Z8000 CIO Multi Bus (@)40 (@)44 F Z8000 Z-FIO Z-BUS (@)40 (@)44 F Z8000 Z-FIO Z-BUS F Z8000CGC F Z8000CGC Z80CPU 40 (t) 44 Q Z80CPU 40 (t) 44 Z80PI0 X 40 (t) 44 Z80PI0 28 (t) 44 Z80CTC X 28 (t) 44 X X X X X Z80S10/0 40 Z80S10/0 40 Z80S10/1 40 Z80 S10/1 40 Z80S10/2 40 Z80S10/2 (t) 44 X Z8611 Z8671 Z8681 (t) 44 X X X -=... I» ~ • a t~ fit Z80CTC 40 X II Z8000 Z-MMU Z-BUS Q X Z8442A 48 Description (t) 44 X Z8441 A 38510 (TBO) 44 X Z8440A Z8441 Pins 40 X Z8430A Pins (t) 18 X Z8420A MIL-M- (t) 18 X Z8400A L(LCC) (TBO)44 Z8581-10 Z8400 10.0 JAN C(DIP) Z80 SIO/O, 1,2 Z80 SIOIO, 1,2 (t) 40 (TBO) 44 Z8MCU (t) 40 (TBO) 44 Z8 MCU BASIC Debug (t) 40 (TBO)44 Z8ROMIess • Available In -55°C to + 110°C temperature range. Future Package, contact your local sales representative for current availability Device/Package currently available in military temperature range only Contact your local sales representative for current Class B flow availability. Q JAN qualifled/dual-in-Ilne package only Future proposed JAN product/dual-In-Ilne package only F TBD To be determined @ t 945 Table I MIL·STD·883 Class B Screening Requirements Method 5004 Mil-Std-883 Test Method Test Condition Requirement Internal Visual 2010 Condition B 100% Stabilization Bake 1008 ConditionC 100% Temperature Cycle 1010 ConditionC 100% Constant Acceleration (Centrifuge) 2001 Condition E or D(Note 1), Y1 Axis Only 100% Fine Leak 1014 Condition A2 100% Gross Leak 1014 ConditionC 100% Zilog Military Electrical Specification Stallc/DCTC = +25°C 100% Condition D(Note 2), 160 hours, 100% Imtlal Electrical Tests Burn-In 1015 TA = +125°C Interim Electrical Tests Zllog Military Electrical Specification StaticlDC TC = + 25°C 100% PDA Calculation PDA = 5% 100% Final Electrical Tests Zilog Military Electrical Specification StaticlDC TC = + 125°C, - 55 0c(Note 3) Functional, Switching/AC TC = +25°C 100% Quality Conformance Inspection (QCI) Group A Each Inspection Lot Group B Every 6 Weeks Group C Every 12 Months Every 12 Months Group D 5005 5005 5005 5005 External Visual 2009 (See Table II) (See Table III) (See Table IV) (See Table V) QA-Shlp NOTES 1 Applies to larger packages which have an Inner seal or cavity perimeter of two Inches or more In total length or have a package mass of ;'5 grams 2 In process of fully implementing of Condition D Burn-In Circuits Contact factory for copy of specific burn-In circuit available. 3 TC = - 55°C to + 125°C unless otherWise specified on Individual device electncal specification 946 Sample Sample Sample Sample 100% 100% Table II Group A Sample Electrical Tests MIL-STD·883 Method 5005 LTPD Max Accept =2 Subgroup Tests Temperature (Td Subgroup 1 StaticlDC +25°C 2 Subgroup 2 Static/DC +125°C 3 Subgroup 3 StatlclDC -55°C 5 Subgroup 7 Functional +25°C 2 Subgroup 8 Functional -55°C and +125°C 5 Subgroup 9 Switching/AC +25°C 2 Subgroup 10 Switching/AC + 125°C 3 Subgroup 11 Switching/AC -55°C 5 NOTES: • The specific parameters to be included for tests In each subgroup shall be as specified In the applicable detail electncal speclflcalion. Where no parameters have been identified in a particular subgroup or test within a subgroup, no Group A testing IS required for that subgroup or test • A single sample may be used for all subgroup testing. Where required size exceeds the lot Size, 100% inspection shall be allowed • Group A testing by subgroup or within subgroups may be performed in any sequence unless otherWise specified. • TC = - 55°C to + 125°C unless otherWise specified on individual device electncal specification. -a ; .:_Do :: 947 Table III Group B Sample Test Performed Every 6 Weeks to Test Construction and Insure Integrity of Assembly Process. MIL·STD·883 Method 5005 Subgroup MiI·Std·883 Method Test Condition Quantity or LTPD/Max Accept Subgroup 1 PhYSical Dimensions 2016 2/0 Subgroup 2 Resistance to Solvents 2015 4/0 Subgroup 3 Solderability 2003 Subgroup 4 Internal Visual and Mechanical 2014 SubgroupS Bond Strength 2011 C 15(Note2) 1018 1000 ppm. maximum at + 100°C 3/0 Solder Temperature +245°C ± 5°C 15(Note 1) 1/0 Subgroup 6(Note 3) Internal Water Vapor Content or 5/1 Subgroup 7(Note 4) Seal 7a) Fine Leak 7b) Gross Leak 5 1014 7a) A2 7b) C Subgroup 8(Note 5) Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity 3015 Zilog Military Electrical Specification Static/DCTC = +25°C A = 20-2000V B = >2000V 15/0 Zilog Military Electrical Specification Static/DCTC = +25°C NOTES. 1. Number of leads inspected selected from a minimum of 3 devices. 2. Number of bond pulls selected from a minimum of 4 devices. 3. Test applicable only if the package contains a dessicant. 4. Test not required if either 100% or sample seal test is performed between final electrical tests and external visual during Class B screening. 5. Test required for initial qualification and product redesign. 948 Table IV Group C Sample Test Performed Periodically Every 12 Months to Verify Integrity of the Die. MIL-STD-883 Method 5005 Quantity or MII-Std-883 Subgroup Method Test Condition LTPD/Max Accept Subgroup 1 Steady State Operating Life 1005 Condition D(Note 1), 1000 hours at 5 + 125°C End Point Electrical Tests Subgroup 2 Temperature Cycle Zilog Military Electrical Specification TC = +25°C, +125°C, _55°C(Note3) 1010 ConditionC Constant Acceleration (Centrifuge) 2001 Condition E or O(Note 2), Y1 Axis Only Seal 2a) Fine Leak 2b) Gross Leak 1014 Visual Examination End Point Electrical Tests -j...... II 15 2a) Condition A2 2b) Condition C i 10100r1011 Zilog Military Electrical Specification TC = +25°C, + 125°C, _55°C(Note3) NOTE: 1. In process of fully implementing Condition D Burn-In Circuits. Contact factory for copy of specific burn-in circuit available. 2. Applies to larger packages which have an inner seal or cavity perimeter of two inches or more in total length or have a package mass of ;'5 grams. 3. Tc = -55°C to + 125°C unless otherwise specified on individual device electrical specification. 949 Table V Group 0 Sample Test Performed Periodically Every 12 Months to Insure Integrity of the Package. MIL-STD-883 Method 5005 Subgroup MiI·Std-883 Method Quantity or Test Condition LTPD/Max Accept Subgroup 1 Physical Dimensions Subgroup 2 Lead Integ rity Seal 2a) Fine Leak 2b) Gross Leak Subgroup 3 Thermal Shock 2016 2004 15 Condition B2 or D(Note 1) 2a) Condition A2 2b) Condition C 1011 Condition B minimum, 15 cycles minimum Temperature Cycling 1010 Condition C, 100 cycles minimum Moisture Resistance 1004 Seal 3a) Fine Leak 3b) Gross Leak 1014 Visual Examination 1004 or 1010 Zilog Military Electrical Specification TC = +25°C, + 125°C, _55°C(Note6) 2002 Condition B minimum Vibration Variable Frequency 2007 Condition A minimum Constant Acceleration (Centrifuge) 2001 Condition E or D(Note 2), Y1 Axis Only Seal 4a) Fine Leak 4b) Gross Leak 1014 Visual Examination 1010or1011 Zilog Military Electrical Specification Tc = +25°C, +125°C, _55°C(Note6) 1009 Seal 5a) Fine Leak 5b) Gross Leak 1014 Visual Examination 1009 Subgroup 6 Internal Water Vapor Content 15 4a) Condition A2 4b) Condition C End Point Electrical Tests Subgroup 5 Salt Atmosphere 15 3a) Condition A2 3b) Condition C End Point Electrical Tests Subgroup 4 Mechanical Shock 15 1014 Condition A minimum 15 5a) Condition A2 5b) Condition C 1018 5,000 ppm. maximum water content at + 100°C 3/0 or 5/1 Subgroup 7(Note 3) Adhesion of Lead Finish 2025 15(Note4) 2024 5/0 Subgroup 8(Note 5) Lid Torque NOTES: 1. Lead Integrity Condition 0 for leadless chip carners 2. Applies to larger packages which have an inner seal or cavity perimeter of two inches or more in total length or have a package mass of ,,5 grams. 950 3. 4 5. 6. Not applicable to leadless chip carriers. LTPD based on number of leads. Not applicable for solder seal packages. Tc - 55°C to + 125°C unless otherwise specified on indiVidual deVice electrical specification 00-2034-04 Developmeat Products Zilog Comprehensive Development Environments for All Zilog Microprocessors April 1985 Zilog's development system products feature Ideal environments for software development for the Z8 and Z8aaa microprocessors. The modularized design approach of the Zilog development systems allows the user a choice of hardware and software modules to meet current needs, while providing the necessary upgrade possibilities for future requirements. The System 80.0.0. concept partitions software and hardware development tools into specially tailored devices. Software and hardware checkout are handled by separate yet compatible products. Software can be developed on both Zilog and non-Zilog hosts using available compilers and cr:Jss-compilers. In either case, compatible hardware emulation systems are available at several levels of complexity. Standard RS-232 links provide for uploading and downloading of programs between hosts and emulators. System 80.0.0., a high-performance, multiuser, multitasking software development host, combines the commercial system's function and the development system concept. The Z8aaa-based System 80.0.0. hardware incorporates a highperformance Winchester disk, as well as intelligent disk and tape controllers, to further improve performance. The UNIX-based operating system is specifically designed for software development and test processing. Numerous development tools are available including a symbolic debugger, various libraries, and the programming languages C, Ada, FORTRAN, and Pascal. Because the operating system treats emulators as System 80.0.0. peripherals, the system works with EMS 80.0.0., Z-UPC, Z-SCAN 8, 80., 80.0.0. or non-Zilog emulators to provide total product development support for multiple microprocessors. Zilog has an emulation device called Z-SCAN (Zilog Stand-Alone Analyzer) and a high-level emulation device called EMS 80.0.0.. The basIc idea behind Zilog development systems is to allow hardware and software to be developed simultaneously from the beginning of the project. Along with Zilog's System 80.0.0. host, or other UNIX hosts such as VAX, a multiuser development environment can be created in conjunction with the Z-SCAN family and the EMS 80.0.0.. Z-SCAN is easy to master and so low-cost that every engineer can afford one. The Z-SCAN family includes emulators for the Z8, Z8a, and Z8aaa family of microprocessors. The features of the Z-SCAN family include hardware breakpoints, real-time trace, and real-time emulation from mapped memory. The menu-oriented user interface provides a short learning time for the first time user, as well as advanced debug capabilities for the experienced engineer. EMS 80.0.0. is a sophisticated emulation management system that aids in the development of Z8DDa MPU implementations. By providing logic state analysis, high-speed emulations, complex triggering, a large real-time trace buffer, and large mappable memory, EMS 80.0.0. makes emulation and debugging both easier and faster. EMS 80.0.0. also provides in-circuit emulation for Z8aa1, Z8DD2, and Z8aD3 microprocessors. The Z8 and Z8Daa Development Modules are single-board microcom puters that permit the development of code for the Z8, Z8aa1 , and Z8a02. They facilitate prototyping with large wire-wrap areas and are totally transparent to the host CPU systems. Z8\!) Develop.eDt Modale Zilog Product DescrlptloD April 1985 • Two 4K zas are used on the board: one as board manager and one for emulahon (without real-time trace) or other user-defined configuration. 81 J i•• • 4096 bytes of static RAM allow convenient creation and debugging of user code. • On-board socket tests user code in a 2716 or 2732 EPROM. • Up to 4096 hardware breakpoints on address compare cover the entire internal ROM space. • Versatile monitor software allows debugging, with register/memory examination and manipulation, and file upload and download. • "Transparent" operation allows terminal-to-host communication without disconnecting the Development Module. • Wire-wrap area for prototyping. • za board management is operated at 7.3728 MHz for baud rate purposes. The User za has SWitch-selectable 8 or 12 MHz crystals. OVERVIEW The za Development Module is a Single-board microcomputer system speClhcally designed to assist In the development and evaluation of hardware and software designs based on the Z8 microcomputer family. It allows the user to build a prototype using the za prototyping device, thereby developing code that will eventually be maskprogrammed into the Z8 on-chip ROM. Two Z8 devices exist on the Z8 Development Module: the Monitor za serves as a board controller, while the User Z8 is user-definable. All user ports on the User za are uncommitted and can be configured to suit any application. Up to 4096 bytes of high-speed static RAM are available to simulate internal ROM. Also, dll oCl-boa!'d EPROM socket allows the user to substitute EPROM for the ROM. This enables the user to store the software without building special hardware. The EPROM-resident monitor software offers register and memory manipulation, as well as a convenient means to upload and download software between the host and user RAM space. The Development Module connects to the CRT terminal and host system via two on-board RS-232-C serial ports; this places the Development Module between the CRT and host. A simple command makes the Development Module transparent in the serial path, which allows software to be developed on the host-resident assembler without disconnecting the Development Module from the CRT and host. The Development Module can operate stand-alone for simple debugging operations, or it can interface directly to a host system such as the Zilog System 8000 for software development and file storage. Fourteen square inches of wire-wrap area with 5 V and ground points are provided near the User Z8 for prototyping. 955 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Hardware. The two Z8 microcomputer units (Monitor MCU and User MCU) are at the heart of the Z8 Development Module. The Monitor MCU controls operation of the User MCU using the monitor/debug software, which resides in 4K bytes of EPROM. Hardware breakpoint logic provides a maximum of 4096 breakpoints. Single-stepping with software trace capabilities is also available. The User MCU is controlled by the Monitor MCU via internal address/data and control lines brought out to exter- nal pins. Th,s effectively leaves all ports on the User MCU unconfigured and available for the user. The 4K bytes of static RAM on the internal bus are reserved for code that is executed by the User MCU. Execution IS done in real time at full processor speed. In addition to the wire-wrap area, a 40-pin header (3M type 2395-1002) for the User Z8 can connect to a ribbon cable with a 40-pin plug, which will then plug into a target system. Two switches, Mode and Reset, provide a means to re-enter the Momtor and to Monitor Commands. This group of commands controls execution of the User MCU, monitors user interrupts and transfers control from the monitor to the host system. GO

Causes User MCU to execute its program and disallows further debugging until a BREAK or HALT command is encountered. HALT Halts program execution of the User MCU. QUIT Returns control to the host system and enters the "transparent" mode. INTERRUPTS IE/D] Enables or disables all usergenerated interrupts. Note: All user interrupts are automatically disabled when a breakpoint is encountered. It is necessary to reenable such interrupts with this command. 956 reinitialize the system, respectively. The baud rate, from 110 to 19200, is the same baud rate used for the terminal and host and is selected with an on-board, four-element DIP switch. Software. The monitor/debug program includes debug, disassembly, inpuV output, control, and host interface commands. These commands are grouped into four major functional blocks: monitor, debug, manipulation, and file commands (see the following command list). Debug Commands. This group of commands allows the user to debug code by tracing through code and setting breakpoints and jumps to specified locations within the "internal" ROM space, which is simulated in 4K bytes of RAM. BREAK
Sets a breakpoint at the specified address. KILL I < ADDRESS> ] Clears the breakpoint at the specified address. JUMP
Allows the User MCU to jump to a specified address anywhere within the internal ROM space by changing the value of the Program Counter. NEXT I] Causes execution of n instructions of the User MCU and then halts the User MCU. TRACE Causes single-step execution of the User MCU. Every instruction executed is output to the console. I----t\ I~ I\r- MONITOR I·CODE TRACE STOP/GO EPROM REGISTERS ... 1. ;:.... . t.. MONITOR DATA BUS 11 MONITOR 1" MONITOR EPROM MCU BREAK PROGRAM POINT COUNTER Ir 11 ir v 1 RAM ir ,7 DATA MUX ~ I OAT! BUS USER MCU III t.. MONITOR ADDR BUS ADDR MUX V ~ BUS I)::.. ~ BUS A , ~ RS232C PORTS Y ll~ TO CRT TO HOST Z8 Development Module Block Diagram Manipulation Commands. The manipulation commands display and alter registers and memory. This group can be subdivided into two categories: register manipulation and memory manipulation. COMPARE
[1 Compares two blocks of user memory data, one beginning at ADDRESS I and the other at ADDRESS 2 for n bytes. Reglste, Manipulation ZAPI < STARTING ADDRESS> I < n> II Disassembles and displays code at a speC"ified starting address for a specified number of bytes. REGISTER [ I I < NEW REG VALUE> I WORKING REGISTERS Allows examination and modification of the Z8 internal registers. Displays contents of the current 16 working registers. File Commands. The file group enables the user to upload and download programs to and from the host system. PHILL < NUMBER OF REGISTERS> [ I Stores the sequence of DATA BYTES into User MCU registers beginning at the STARTING REGISTER and continues for the NUMBER OF REGISTERS speCified. LOAD Memory Manipulation DISPLAY I [ II number of bytes. Allows a sequence of data bytes SET
beginning at the ADDRESS speci fied to be written into user [] memory. FILL < STARTING ADDRESS> [] Stores the sequence of DATA BYTES into user memory beginning at the starting ADDRESS and continues for the LENGTH speCified. MOVE < SOURCE ADDRESS> < DESTINATION ADDRESS>I1 Moves contents of a user memory block from a source address to a destination address for a length of n bytes. 1007-001 Downloads a file to user memory starting at the low address of the file and continuing until the entire file is transferred. Creates a RIO file image of user UPLOAD memory, beginning at ADDRESS I, creating default length records,
and imaging memory for the [] specified number of bytes. Note: The following notation is used in the command description. < > Enclose descriptive names for the quantities to be entered, and are not actually entered as part of the command. [I Denote optional entries in the command syntax. Denotes \\or." 957 SPECIFICATIONS Processor: Two 64-pin DIP ZSs PIn spaCIng IS 0.070 Row spaCIng is 0.75 CPU Clock Frequency: 7.37 MHz for Monitor 8/12 MHz for User Memory: MonilorZ8 Scratch Pad RAM RAM memory sIze: IK bytes RAM addressIng: %2000 to %23FF Mimmum speed: 300 ns EPROM Word size: 8 bits Memory size: 8K bytes AddressIng: 0 to %FFF internal %1000 to %IFFF external MInimum speed: 350 ns User Z8 RAM (EPROM eqUIvalent) Word size: 8 bils Memory sIze: 4K bytes AddressIng: 0 to %FFF (relative to User) %9000 to %9FFF (relative to Monitor) MInimum speed: 350 ns Baud rate: Programmable 10 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 19200 bps Emulalor cable lenglh: 12 Inches max. Input/OulpUl: Monitor Z8 Baud rales: Programmable to 110, 150, 300,600, 1200,2400,4800, 9600, 19200 bps Connector Iype: Two 25-pin DB-25S connectors User Z8 Parallel interface: 32 1/0 lines undehned Connector type: 40-pin PC edge connector Dimensions (LxW): 29.94 cm (II in.) x 35.56 em (l4V, in.) Power Requirements: IAAal +5Vdc ±S% Environmental: o to 50°C (+ 32° 10 + 122°F) Up 10 90% humIdity wIthout condensahon Ordering Information is available at your local Zilog Sales Olliee. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. 958 00-1007·02 Z8000® Development Module Zilog Product Description April 1985 I r I • Z800llZ8002 CPU Evaluation and Debug Support • 16K Words Dynamic RAM (Expandable to 321 for User Cod.. Execution and Debug • 32 Programmable 110 Lines • EPROM Monitor and Debugger • Transparent Operation Allows Software Development without Disconnection from CRT and Host System • RS-232C Standard Serial Interlaces Compatible with Most CRT Terminals and Development Hosts • Wire-wrap Area for Prototyplng OVERVIEW The 28000 Development Module is a complete, single-board microcomputer that is used as a tool for the evaluation and debug of Z8000-based microprocessor systems. The Development Module is used in the first stages of the design and development process, not only as a tool for evaluating 28000 microprocessor capabilities, but also as an environment in which code can be executed and debugged. Evaluation. The Development Module provides a ready-made environment in which the user can execute software unique to his Z8000-based application, evaluate the CPU's performance, and then reach a realistic decision about Its suitability for a specific application. Software Debug. In addition to use as an evaluation tool, the Z8000 Development Module can be used to debug and modify user code. For the software designer, the Development Module is a real Z8000 environment in which he can execute code and carry out fairly extensive debugging. For the hardware designer, the Development Module is an example of 28000 hardware design which provIdes special hooks and wirewrap facihties to strap on additional logic. 959 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Z8000 code developed on a software host may be downloaded serially to the Development Module RAM area vIa a serial port, and executed and debugged under EPROM monitor control. Once the system is connected, no further disconnection is necessary as the module has two serial ports (one connected to a host and the other connected to a CRT terminal). A simple software command makes the development process transparent in the serial path, thereby allowing direct communication between the host and termmal. The serial RS-232C interfaces allow virtually any software development host and CRT terminal to be used. For PROM-based code testing, the development module is self-contained and can operate stand-alone with a CRT terminal, since the host is only required for storage of user code on disk. A variety of jumper areas and switches permit the selection of clock rates ranging from 2.5 to 3.9 MHz; the use of 2708, 2716, or 2732 EPROMs; the use of 4K or 16K RAMS; serial interface to modem, terminal, or teletype; 1/0 port addressing; and baudrate selection from 110 to 19200 baud. Hardware. The Z8000 Development Module is available in two versions: one supports the segmented Z8001 microprocessor; the other supports the non-segmented 28002 microprocessor. Z8001 Development Module. The Z8001 Development Module consists of a Z8001 CPU, 16K words of dynamic RAM (expandable to 32K words), 4K words of EPROM monitor (userexpandable to 8K words), a Z80A SIO providing dual serial ports, a Z80A CTC peripheral chip providing four counterltimer channels, two Z80A PIO devices providing 32 programmable VO lines, and wire-wrap area for prototyping hardware. Z8002 Development Module. The Z8002 Development Module consists of a Z8oo2 CPU, 16K words of dynamic RAM (expandable to 24K words), 2K words of EPROM monitor (userexpandable to 8K words), a 280A SIO device providing dual serial ports, a Z80A CTC peripheral device providing four counterltimer channels, two Z80A PIO devices providing 32 programmable VO lines, and wire-wrap area for prototyping. 960 COMMAND INTERPRETER DEBUGGER ,/ !l~ / ZUog 1/ I~ V 'i!i:: 1/ Figure I. Monitor Block Diagram Software. The monitor software (Figure 1) contained in EPROM (4K words for the 2800 I and 2K words for the Z8002) provides debugging commands, 1/0 control and host interface. It consists of a terminal handler, command interpreter, debugger and upload/download handler. ensures command validity and passes them to other software modules in the monItor. Terminal Handler. A Terminal Handler provides interface to the console device to facilitate output to a display or printing mechanism and mput from a standard ASCII keyboard. Upload/Download Handler. The Upload/Download Handler provides an interface between the serial connection and the host computer, the command interpreter and the memory resources of the Z8002 Development Module. It formats and interprets asynchronous data streams to and from the host and provides error checking and recovery for the serial interface (see Figure 2). Debugger. The Debugger provides a basic set of debug commands to allow the user to start and stop program execution, display and alter CPU registers, flags or memory, and trap instruction sequences. Memory Organization. Tables 1 and 2 show the memory maps for the two versions of the Development Module. The organization of ROM and RAM in both the segmented and nonsegmented modes is indicated. Command Interpreter. The Command Interpreter scans console inputs, / ADDRESS I I I BYTE CHECK COUNT SUM I I CHECK C SUM R DATA I I I I I I I I I Figure 2. Serial Data Format 1047·00]' 002 Segment 0 Segment I Address (Hex) Memory Address (Hex) Memory Address (Hex) Memory 0000 Mamtor 0000 Monitor 0000 OFFF EPROM IFFF EPROM 3FFF Expansion RAM (User Installed) 1000 User EPROM (User Installed) 2000 User EPROM (User Installed) 4000 Unused 3FFFF FFFF 3FFF 4000 BFFF COOO FFFF Standard RAM Expansion RAM (User Installed) 4000 Momtor RAM (Scratchpad Area) 49FF 4AOO BFFF COOO FFFF Table I. Z8002 Development Module Memory Map Standard RAM Expansion RAM (User Installed) Table 2. Z8001 Development Module Memory Map MONITOR COMMAND SUMMARY The following notation is used in the command description: < > Enclose descriptive names for the quantities to be entered, and are not actually entered as part of the command. [] Denote optional entries in the command syntax. Denotes "OR", ego WIB denotes that either W or B may be used but not simultaneously. < Prompt sign for the nonsegmented 28002 monitor. Prompt sign for the segmented Z8001 monitor. The following commands apply when the 28001 monitor is used. All commands listed remain the same except those that permit reference to segmented addresses as follows:
= [ < segment number>] < offset address> = "<"">" BREAK < address> [] Sets and clears a breakpoint at a given memory address. The option < n > allows specifIcation of the number of occurrences, where n IS from I to 128. The default is one. COMPARE
Compares two blocks of memory data beginning with the addresses specified for bytes, where n is from I to 128. Errors are reported on the console device. DISPLAY < address> [LIWIB] Displays and modifies memory for number of words or bytes. The optional entry allows data to be handled as bytes, words, or long words. The default is words. FILL < address I > < address 2> < word> Stores the from memory address I to and including address 2. GO Begins program execution at the address contained m the current PC; execution is resumed where it was last mterrupted. All registers are restored prior to execution. IOPORT
[WIB] Allows direct communicahons from the console to a selected I/O port. A word (W) or a byte (B) may be read from the selected port and a word or byte may be sent to the selected port; default is byte. JUMP < address> Unconditional branch to the specifIed address. All registers are restored prior to execution. MOVE < address I >
Moves contents of a memory block from source address < address I > to destination address
for bytes. NEXT[] Executes the next machine instructions. may be from I to 128. If n is omitted, I is assumed. Punches a copy of memory from address I to address 2 on paper tape on the console device. Automahcally turns on punch and a null leader IS created. Upload/Download section describes the tape format used. PUNCH < address I >
QUIT Places serial channels into transparent mode. The 28000 Development Module must be connected to both the Zilog host and the console device, and the Development Module acts as a message switcher. REGISTER [ < register name> ] Allows exammation and modification of Z8000 registers. 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit quantities may be selected by the appropriate register-naming conventions. TAPE Loads memory from paper tape via the console deVICe. The Upload/Download section describes the tape format used. 961 , I I SPECIFICATIONS Microprocessor 2800 I or 28002 CPU Clock Rate: 2.5 MHZ or 3.9 MHz Memory ROM: 2K or 4K Words (Expandable to 8K Words) RAM: 16K Words (Expandable to 32K Words) Input/Output Parallel: 32 Lmes (Two Z80A-PIOs) Serial: Dual RS-232C or RS-232C and Current Loop (Z80A-SIO) Power +5 V, 3 A +12 V, I A -12 V, 0.2 A Note The user has access to all bus sIgnals to allow Physical Height custom system expanSIon mto the WIre-wrap area off-board. Interrupts Maskable Vectored (256), Maskable Non-vectored, Non-maskable, Width Depth Weight 1.75 in. (4.5 em) InclUSive of Standoffs 14.0 In. (35.6 em) 11.0 in. (27.9 em) Approx. 30 oz. (850 gm) SegmentatIon Trap Ordering Information is available at your local Zilog Sales Office. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. 962 QO.1047-()2 Z-UPCDM Uaiversal Peripheral Coatroller Developmeat Module Zilog Product Brief April 1985 FEATURES • Development Module (DM) for Zilog's Universal Peripheral Controller (UPC). • Emulates four versions of the UPC:Z8090,Z8094,Z8590, and Z8594. • Connects to the host and terminal via standard RS-232-C interface. • Emulates Z-BUS and non-Z-BUS UPCs with either masked ROM or protopack with RAM/EPROM. • Single-step trace capability. • Monitor software allows file upload and download, register and memory manipulation. OVERVIEW The Z-UPC is a simple and costeffective development tool that emulates four versions of Zilog's Universal Peripheral Controller (UPC). As a Development Module, the Z-UPC is an ideal tool for system development from design through manufacturing. Both Z-Bus compatible and non-ZBUS compatible types of UPC are emulated by the Z-UPC. The Z-BUS compatible Z-UPCs that are emulated are the Z8090 and Z8094. The non-Z-BUS compatible UPCs that are emulated are the Z8590 and the Z8594. Connection with the host and a terminal is accomplished via two RS-232-C interfaces. By supporting eight popular terminal types and a wide variety of hosts, the Z-UPC is easily integrated into most operating environments. 963 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The Z-UPC is physically located between the host system and the user's terminal, connected via the RS-232-C interface. The target cable connects directly to the front for safety and convenience. The Z-UPC can operate in stand-alone mode for simple debugging operations, or it can be placed in transparent mode to allow software development with the host. Hardware The Z-UPC contains both a Z8 MCU and a UPC. The Z8 MCU controls monitor functioning, including operational commands and debug software. The UPC itself features a 256-byte register file including three I/O port registers, 234 generalpurpose registers, and 19 control, status, and special I/O registers. Twenty-four pins can be dedicated to I/O functions. These pins are grouped logically into three eightline ports, which can be configured in various combinations as input or output, with or without handshake, and with push-pull or open-drain outputs. Software The monitor/debug program resides in 4096 bytes of PROM and contains debug, I/O, control, and host interface commands. This software is divided into four functional groups: • Monitor commands control the Z8 MCU to monitor interrupts and transfer control from the monitor to the host system. • Debug commands allow tracing and jumps to user-specified PROM locations. • Manipulation commands permit display and alteration of registers and memory. • File commands enable the user to upload and download to and from the host system. ORDERING INFORMATION Z-UPC DM (05-0207-00) Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. Figure 1. Stand·Alone Development System 964 2322-001 OQ-2322.()2 EMS 8000 Emulator Product Description Zilog April 1985 FEATURES • Snapshot feature permits partitioning of a large realtime trace module into many small trace memories. • Complex triggering. • Up to 126K bytes of high-speed, static, mappable memory can be accessed by the target system. • Large mappable memory space. • Pulse output feature permits use of a high-end logic analyzer. • Network debugging is supported. • Full access to the target microprocessor's registers, memory, and I/O space is permitted. • Transparent mode allows the same terminal to be used for host and EMS user interface. • Large real-time trace buffer. • Real-time partitionable trace module for multiple recordings of program execution. • Three parallel event comparators which can be allocated for trigger, trace, breakpoint recognition, and enable/disable functions. • General-Purpose counter for benchmarkIng critical software routines. • Emulates Z8001/3 or Z8002 CPUs at 6 MHz clock rates. Figure 1. EMS 8000 Emulator 965 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Emulator System 8000 (EMS), shown in self-test configuration in Figure 1, is a state-of-the-art in-circuit subsystem. The EMS supports the software/hardware engineer in developing products using the Zilog Z8000 family of microprocessors and peripheral components. Combined with Zilog's enhanced UNIX System (ZEUS), EMS 8000 provides the designer with a complete and powerful set of tools for speeding up the product development cycle. The EMS is modular in design with a friendly, screenoriented, self-prompting user interface. High performance is gained with a 1024 entry, real-time trace that is qualifiable and triggerable, and can be enabled with multilevel event recognition. Also, newly developed programs can be loaded into the development (target) hardware and executed in a real-time environment. The EMS can be networked into eight distinct Z8000 microprocessors that start and stop simultaneously. The EMS links the application software developed on a host system and the target system, and aids in the integration of the software into the target system by executing in a real-time environment. The EMS uses the full capability of the target microprocessor and can start or stop program execution or perform single-step execution. The user has full access to the target microprocessor's registers, memory, and I/O space. Individual emulator systems can be defined as being either in or out of a break group. Systems which are outside of a break group can function as independent emulators with all of the EMS 8000 capabilities and full use of host resources. Systems which are in the break group are used to debug multiple processor systems. SCREENS The EMS is an interactive operating system that provides self-prompting commands and a set of powerful tools for complex debugging. The EMS command entry is organized into a set of pages called screens. Each screen is dedicated to a particular function and contains the commands and data fields necessary to accomplish specific functions. The screens are designed to fit on a standard display terminal, 80 columns wide by 24 lines long. The user communicates with EMS through five command (menu-driven) screens and two support screens. The command screens are entered by typing the first letter of the screen name (e.g., A for allocation). Screens can be changed by sequentially typing and the first letter of the screen name. Table 1 explains the screens and their functions. Table 1. EMS Screen Descriptions Screen Function Command (Menu· Driven) Screens Allocation Assigns EMS resources to specific tasks such as tracing and breakpoints. Configuration Allows various hardware controls to configure global features of EMS. Pattern Allows entry of recognized patterns. Mapping Substitutes EMS mappable memory for target memory. Debug Examines and edits memory/registers, 110, displays trace results, begins emulation, sets software breakpoints, turns watch area on and off, uploads and downloads files to and from the host computer, single/multiple steps through program execution. Help Lists global command controls and helpful reminders not listed in the above menu screens. It can be displayed on all other screens by typing a . Change This is the intermediate step between two command screens and is entered by typing a . Support Screens 966 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION The EMS is a full-featured emulation peripheral. The heart of the EMS is a Central Controller Unit (CCU) with a 4 MHz Z80, 256K of dynamic memory, and 16K of ROM. The CCU contains the monitor program that provides a screen-oriented user interface, and operates continuously to allow the user to monitor the progress of emulation and breakpoints in real-time. The other EMS modules include a two-board Trigger module, a real-time Trace module, an External Probe interface module, a Mappable Memory module, and a microprocessor Personality module with a CPU Pod (Figure 2). Figure 3 shows a fully configured EMS system with the following units: • EMS 8000 • CPU Pod/cable assembly. The CPU Pod contains the processor chip to be emulated plus the required interface circuitry. Pods are available for the Z8001/3 and Z8002. • 64K mappable memory (standard). 62K mappable memory addition (optional). • Host computer and user CRT terminal (required). The EMS uses dual-processor architecture to unburden the emulating processor from the configuration chores of the emulation system. (The Z80 CPU is used for EMS configuration and monitor functions and the Z8000 CPU for actual emulation.) This independence allows for improved debugging when unreliable target operation occurs. A 10 MHz Z8000 CPU is used to emulate the 6 MHz maximum clock rate of the EMS to compensate for timing delays caused by buffering. The buffering provides better emulation control in problem targets and allows mappable memory to override existing target memory. Fast (90 ns) mapped memory allows emulation at 6 MHz with no Wait states. (Wait states can be forced if desired for compatibility with target memory.) Multilevel pattern recognition resources can be allocated in complex sequential, logical, and enable/disable combinations to the functions of trace qualifying and triggering, event counting, and timer modes. The counter/timer modes support a long count of 48 bits (40 when time is displayed in microseconds). This ensures adequate count capability for analysis of human-related events in real time. • External probes (optional). • Target (the system being emulated). TARGET SYSTEM GENERATES CLOCK (EMULATED PROCESSOR ENVIRONMENT) TO TERMINAL CENTRAL CONTROLLER SERIAL UNIT TO HOST COMPUTER } COMMUNICATIONS CHANNELS INTERRUPT TO BREAK GROUP EMS's DATA/ADDRESS READ·WRITE CONTROL TRIGGER MODULE TRACEBOARD sox, K RESOURCE A RESOURCE B RESOURCE C MAPPABLE MEMORY BOARDS 63 BLOCKS OF 2K BYTES GENERAL PURPOSE COUNTER TIMING STROBES SYNCHRONIZED TO EMULATED Figure 2. EMS 8000 System Block Diagram 967 I SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION The EMS can use ZEUS (UNIX) when the System 8000 is the host computer. This total system provides a complex hierarchical file structure that includes C, a Z8000 assembler, a compiler writing system, and a general· purpose microprocessor. Because the EMS interfaces with Zllog computer systems, the user has access to powerful development tools for speeding up the product development cycle. Software downloads to the ZEUS UNIX operating system. EMS software is friendly and easy to use. The menu prompt for each EMS screen reminds the user about the type of data that is available or the options that are permitted. Error checking prevents the user from entering illegal states and allows graceful recovery from emulation target problems (e.g., bad clock or power failure). Global command keys allow the user to control the starting and stopping of emulation, execution of command scripts, and entering Transparent mode independently of the command screens. A Help screen, which summarizes global commands and command entry, is available to help the user gain familiarity with EMS. The EMS operating system is downloaded from a host computer, allowing easy implementation of future upgrades to improve its effectiveness and applicability. The hosts that can be configured with the EMS are: • Zilog System 8000 • Vax UNIX • PDP 11 UNIX The terminals that can be configured with EMS 8000 are: • ADM31 • CITOH • Televideo 920 • VT 100 • VTZ2/10 TERMINAL (ADM 31, CITOH, Televideo 920, VT 100, VTZ 2110) HOST (PDP 11 UNIX. Vax UNIX, Ztlog System 8000) EMS 8000 I~'" Figure 3. EMS 8000 System Configuration Ordering Information is available at your local Zilog Sales Office. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation, 968 00·2224-01 Z-SCAN 8 Z8® Emulator Zilog Product Description April 1985 • • Provides real-time emulation capability for the family of Z8 Microcomputers. Operates with Zilog systems and other hosts; Z-SCAN 8 uses standard RS-232 links and is compatible with many standard CRTs and software hosts. This includes Zilog's S8000 systems, and others with user- supplied load/save routines and cross-software support. • Hardware/software debugging is fast and convenient. Two screens display the status of the Z-SCAN 8 monitor and Z8 target resources. Target memory can be displayed and modified in a scrollable window. • Fulfills the user's essential real-time debugging needs with its real-time trace, two complex breakpoints, single-step capability, and four blocks of mappable memory. • Interactive and easy to use . Commands are selected from menus; command arguments are self-prompting. OVERVIEW The Z-SCAN 8 Emulator is a combination of hardware and software that allows efficient, interactive emulation of the Z8 Microcomputer. By the simple exchange of target devices, the selected Z8 MCU can be emulated in a realistic mode that allows user inspection and control over the environment being tested. Real-time trace, two breakpoints, single-step capability, and extensive mappable memory ensure the user a tool that accurately simulates the anticipated Z8 operating environment. Z-SCAN 8 is an in-circuit emulator designed specifically for Zilog's Z8601 (2K), Z8611 (4K), and Z8681/82 (ROMless) Microcomputers. Z-SCAN 8 works with Zilog's family of development hosts, interfacing via two RS-232 serial ports to the host and a CRT terminal. A list of compatible CRT terminals is provided in Table 1. 969 i• Table 1. Terminals Supported by the Z·SCAN 8 Monitor Manufacturer Table 2. Recommended Sources for Cross·Software Model Source Description ZlIog 1315 Dell Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 370-8000 System 8000*. Cross-assembler for Z8 and Z8-UPC microcomputers. Lear Siegler ADM31 Televideo TVI912 TVI 920 Zentec Zephyr Soroc 10120 10135 Beehive Bee 100 Bee 107 Micro-B 1 DEC (any) VT52 VT100 ANSI A3_64 or ISO DP 6429 compatible Third Party Allen Ashley 395 Sierra Madre Villa Pasadena, CA 91107 (213) 793-5748 Avocet Systems, Inc. 804 South State St. Dover, DE 19901 (302) 734-0151 Microtec P.O. Box 60337 Sunnyvale, CA 94088 (408) 733-2919 Relational Memory Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 6719 San Jose, CA 95150 General Terminals, 1-200 Inc. 1-400 Hazeltine 1420 1500 Exec 80 Hewlett Packard 2620 2640 IBM 3101 Because it uses a standard serial interface, Z-SCAN a can also be used with virtually any software host system that runs a crossassembler or cross-compiler capable of generating za code (see Table 2). This means software can be developed on many general- ASMB-Z8*. Cross-assembler; operates with any standard CP/M-based system. System-Za'. Cross-assembler; includes ASMBza and text editor, operates with any standard CP/M-ZaO-based system. Z8 Cross-assembler (XASMZ8); operates with CP/M-80, CP/M-86, and MDOS. ASM Z8. Cross-assembler; operates with any general-purpose mainframe (DEC, IBM, DG, etc.) in FORTRAN. ASM Z8*. Relocatable macro cross-assembler; operates with Intel Intellec 800 and Series" microcomputer development systems. 'These Include the upload and download software for communicating. purpose computers. Only a simple upload and download utility is needed for operation since communication between the host system and Z-SCAN a is through a standard serial port using Tektronix hex format. Once software has been downloaded into the target, Z-SCAN a can be disconnected from the host and operated stand alone. Transparent operation allows the terminal to be used with the host in such a way that Z-SCAN a effectively disappears from the terminal-to-host link, without any physical re-cabling. The Z-SCAN a can be substituted for a za microprocessor in any of its configurations or operational modes and can perform all the functions of the processor. Additionally, the Z-SCAN a allows the user to • Inspect and display the condition or status of internal registers and CPU pins for up to 1,024 machine cycles preceding the breakpoint. • Execute a program or any number of instructions in Single step mode. • Substitute up to aK bytes of RAM for external program or data memory. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The Z-SCAN a emulator is a compact, portable device that can be used in a wide variety of functional configurations and applications. It has been designed to ease debugging of both hardware and software, to integrate hardware and software in Za-based systems, and to provide the user with a powerful and versatile tool for the development of new systems and new applications for old systems. 970 • Control any function or operation of the processor and its internal (and in some cases, external) hardware. Z·SCAN 8 Z8 BOARD Z8000 BOARD ~ L...:.::J MONITOR PROGRAM (EPROM) r::l L.:J BREAK· TRACE MEMORY 1K )(48 TERMINAL POINT LOGIC MAPPABLE MEMORY 4)(2K BLOCK DEBUG SCREEN CONFIGURATION SCREEN I .. 1'1 4881T8 I I I EMULATOR CABLE ~ TEST SYSTEM ADDRESS ; , ; ; CONTROL 2 3 Figure 1. Z·SCAN 8 System Block Diagram User Interface, Z·SCAN 8 Com· mand Screens All communication between the user and Z-SCAN 8 takes place through the terminal. The format consists of two selectable screen menus: the Configuration menu and the Debug menu. The operator can manipulate each of these primary menus to enable variations for which the user can select a particular set of conditions, such as parameters and other variables, for user control during emulation. Z-SCAN 8 executes two types of commands: screen commands and manipulation commands. The latter are used to control the display on the monitor and are normally executed by a control character or an arrow key. Screen commands are those used to define and control the conditions of an emulation. used for a specific emulation. It is comprised of five submenus: • • Load The Debug Screen • Save • Map • Target Because it controls those conditions most often changed, the Debug screen is the screen most frequently entered during a series of tests or emulations. The Debug screen is comprised of five submenus: These submenus allow the user to • Set the host serial-link baud rate. • Watch • Connect the user directly to the host system, in effect, making the Z-SCAN 8 transparent. • Memory • Break • Download programs or data from a host file. • Xecute • Allocate mappable memory in the Z-SCAN 8. • Display • Inform the Z-SCAN 8 of target configuration. The Configuration Screen The Configuration screen is primarily used to inform the Z-SCAN 8 of certain default values to be 82()()'()Ol Host In practice, the Configuration screen is seldom changed after initial setup until some other type of test or exercise is contemplated. The Watch command allows the user to designate up to twelve 16-byte lines of memory for display. This display is automat- 971 i• WE Os MDS SYNC "'-,\ (~ IIIII -1 HIG~;:;;;;R 6K BYTES I 4 BITS 4 BITS (NOT USED) ~ 1K _ ~_L_ (I ADDRESS ....._ _ _...... I CONTROL I PORT DATA P~RT 3 Figure 2_ Bit Significance, Trace Memory Word ically updated to show any change occurring in the section of memory specified. The Memory command is used to compare two blocks of memory, fill a block of memory with a hexadecimal string, or move a block of memory to another range of addresses. The Break command is used to define two complex breakpoints, which operate independently. The Display command allows the user to specify what portion or range of program, data, or register memory is to be displayed on the screen. Trace Memory The trace memory of the Z-SCAN 8 consists of a 48-bit by 1K block of RAM that can be used by the operator to record the condition and status of certain elements of the processor's environment for up to 1,024 machine cycles. The trace memory can then be displayed and the display used to analyze an entire series of steps in a routine. The bit significance of the 48-bit trace memory word is shown in Figure 2. Breakpoints Mappable Memory Two complex breakpoints are available in the Z-SCAN 8. Each breakpoint can be programmed independently to stop all processor activity at some arbitrarily selected point and save the state of the system in the trace memory for later analysis. The breakpoints may specify a stop on address, on data, or on a status such as an interrupt acknowledge. Or the breakpoint may specify that a pulse be generated and sent to the BNC connector at the back of the machine rather than stopping the emulation. Mappable memory in the Z-SCAN 8 consists of four 2K bloqks of highspeed static RAM. Each of the blocks can be assigned independently to replace a section or block of the target system's memory. The block can be assigned anywhere in the Z8's memory space and can be specified to respond to program or data memory or both. Mapping must be done on 2K word boundaries only, and the entire block can be write-protected. When a break results from a write-protect violation, an error message appears on the CRT. INTERFACE TO NON· ZILOG HOSTS Load/save communication between a Zilog (or other) host system and the Z-SCAN 8 monitor is accomplished by exchanging messages containing printable ASCII characters. Message types are: • 972 • Error text • Data block All messages exchanged during a Load or Save command are text lines, each ending in RETURN (carriage return). Memory and other data are converted into hexadecimal numerals for transmission, and the resultant message is readable left-to-right, high-order digit first, as it is transmitted over the RS-232 link. Single-character, data-block acknowledgment 8200·002 Z·SCAN 8 SPECIFICATIONS Processor: 4O-pln, 2K and 4K ZS CPU Emulation Frequency: up to 12 MHz 1/0: Two RS-232-C serial ports for terminal and host CRT Terminal: Any standard CRT system, including ZlIog's 88000 systems. Baud Rate: Terminal: 9800 Hoet: Determined by user selection from 300 to 3S,000 Mappable Memory: SK high-speed, static RAM assignable In 2K blocks Breakpoints: Two comples breakpoints; breakable on data, address, or interrupt acknowledge Emulator Cable: 24 Inches Front Panel: TARGET RESET and MONITOR RESET switches, POWER ON indicator, 40-pln connector type. Rear Panel: BNC connector for pulse output, standard L.S-TTL level 2 x 25 pin connectors, 3M type 34S3 (terminal and host), 3-pln power connector, 1'A In., fuseholder (screwdriver release type), POWER ON switch rocker type), 115/220 voltage selection switch (sliding type) Power: 180-264 volts ac or SO-130 volts ac, switch selectable; 47-63 Hz; 2 amp maximum Dimensions: 4 inches x 17.5 inches x 14.5 Inches (HWD); 10.2 centimeters x 44.5 centimeters x 36.S centimeters Environment: 10·C to 50·C (operating) Unit Weight: 25 pounds Ordering Information is available at your local Zilog Sales Office. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. OO·2192'()1 973 i• Z·SCAN80® Emulator Product DescriptioD Zilog April 1985 FEATURES • Real-time emulation for the Z80 microprocessor • Line assembler • Two complex breakpoints • Standard RS-232-C links; compatible With standard CRTs and software development systems (hosts) • 4K x 32 bits of real-time trace • 32 1K-byte blocks of mappable memory • Disassembly from trace and user memory • Screen-oriented, user-friendly software I • Can be used stand-alone or in combination with virtually any host computer • Transparent operation for direct communication between CRT and host computer ~. .-------~ i ," , ,, -- OVERVIEW The Z-SCAN 80 Emulator combines hardware and software to provide efficient, interactive emulation of the Z80 CPU Running at up to 8 MHz, the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator closely matches the Z80H chip in high-speed operations and efficiency. This screen-oriented development system is designed to give even a first-time user an easy-to-use window into the target system. Based on the Z8001 ™CPU, the emulator interfaces via two RS-232-C serial ports to the host computer and CRT terminal. This standard interface allows the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator to be used with virtually any software development host system that runs a cross-assembler or crosscompiler capable of generating Z80 code. Such hosts include the VAX' and Zilog's System 8000™ (running the UNIX" operating system). Only a simple upload and download utility is needed for operation, since communication between the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator and the host is through a standard serial port using Tektronix or Intel hex format. A list of terminals compatible with the Z-SCAN 80 FmlJlAtor is shown in Table 1. Table 1. Terminals Supported by the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator Manufacturer Model Lear Siegler Televldeo Hewlett Packard Digital Equipment Qume Zentec ADM31 920 2621 VT100 102 1051 975 - - - - - - - - - -- -- The Z-SCAN 80 Emulator is a versatile development system, able to perform in a number of scenarios. With Zilog's System 8000 or another host, the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator becomes a complete hardware and software station for developing high-level applications programs. In stand-alone mode, the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator is useful in manufacturing environments for simple testing and debugging of PROM-based target systems. Figure 1 shows the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator both as a stand-alone system and with a host. and target. Once software has been downloaded into the target, the emulator can be disconnected from the host and operated stand-alone. With the use of mappable memory, the designer can develop programs without a target system. Software for the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator is user-friendly and screen-oriented; a first-time user can easily learn the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator in a few hours by working with the terminal display. The user can manipulate the screen to display any combination of target resources, for configuring mappable memory and for debugging and program development tasks. Memory and registers can be changed via the terminal screen. Real-time trace, two sophisticated hardware breakpoints, single-step capability, and a large mappable memory complete the toolbox necessary to construct the Z80 operating environment. One accomplishment of the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator is transparent operation, which allows the terminal to be used with a host in such a way that the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator effectively disappears from the terminal-host link, without physical recabling. The designer can focus entirely on applications program development, while the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator takes care of communications between CRT, host, HOST DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM WITH HARDWARE EMULATION HOST COMPUTER STAND-ALONE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM Z-5CAN80 EMULATOR D = Figure 1. Z-SCAN 80 Emulator Environment 976 2325-001 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION The Z-SCAN 80 Emulator is made up of two boards of hardware and firmware components that provide emulation of the Z80 CPU and monitoring of the development process. A Z80H chip, running at up to 8 MHz, is contained in a pod located near the target on the emulator cable. This arrangement shortens the time delay that would result if the Z80H device were located inside the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator, and ensures real-time emulation of the Z80 CPU. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator system. Mappable Memory Thirty-two 1 K-byte blocks of high-speed static RAM allow the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator to emulate a portion of the target memory space. Any block can be mapped on any 1K-byte boundary of the physical address space; each block can be individually protected against writes during target execution. Mappable memory can be configured as a surrogate for target memory, or as an addition to existing memory in the target system. lRIce Memory A 4K x 32-bit block of RAM is provided to trace address, data, and control signals. Up to 4096 trace cycles can be handled by the trace facility. Hardware Breakpoints Two sophisticated breakpoints are provided, each with a pass count of 1 to 255, for detection of address, data, and control signal states. The breakpoints allow for a break in program execution on any combination of program conditions. Z·SCAN 80 IIMULATOR MONITOR BOARD MONITOR PROGRAM (EPROM) EMULATOR BOARD r::l L:J TRACE MEMORY 4K x 32 BITS MAPPABLE MEMORY 321K·8YTE BLOCKS BREAK· POINT LOGIC Z·SCAN SCREENS Figure 2. Z-SCAN 80 Emulator System Block Diagram SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION Host·resident software for the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator consists of load and send routines for upload and download between the host computer and the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator, and the corresponding Z-SCAN firmware routines. The load and send modules perform upload and download using Tektronix (Tek) hex or Intel hex. Print and Do commands use ASCII format. Table 2 shows upload and download protocols for the various operating systems. The monitor software provides an interface between the emulator hardware, the host load and send programs, and 2325-002 the user. Most of the software is dedicated to the user interface, i.e., the screens and commands. Table 2. Upload/Download Protocols Host Operating System Protocol VAX, UNIX III S8000, ZEUS CP/M Intel MOS, Intellec TekHex TekHex Intel or Tek Hex Intel Hex 977 The main functions of the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator software are as follows: • Allows Z-SCAN terminal to be used as host terminal (transparent mode) • Accepts commands to initiate upload and download between host and target • Selects host baud rate • Displays and edits target registers, ports, and memory • Starts, single-steps and halts target system execution • Substitutes Z-SCAN mappable memory for target memory • Block memory moves, compares, and fills on target memory • Tailors screen configuration to desired display (e.g. simultaneous display of specific registers and ports) • Self-tests hardware • Displays trace memory Z-SCAN SCREENS The Z-SCAN screens give the user access to a constant flow of debugging and program development information. A Z-SCAN screen consists of a command window, up to five roll windows, and a scroll window. Scroll windows consist of the following displays: Command Window • Traced target cycles The Z-SCAN command window (the first three lines), IS manipulated by the user with a set of commands and subcommands to perform debugging tasks. It is used for the following functions: • Help descriptions • Menu-displays menu of commands • Command history-displays the last two commands executed • Status-displays status information on target emulation and the last Load and Save commands • Subcommand Input (interactive editor commands)displays subcommands Table 3 summarizes the Z-SCAN 80 Emulator commands. Roll and Scroll Windows Below the command window, the rest of the screen is divided between roll windows and a scroll window. A roll window is used for displaying parameter values (registers, breakpoints, etc.) and their labels both Immediately before and after the most recent emulation. A scroll window displays a continuous listing of values and addresses specified by the user, for example, target memory disassembly. The Edit command initiates interactive editing of either a roll or scroll window; the Watch and Unwatch commands determine which roll or scroll windows appear onscreen. Roll windows consist ofthe following parameters and labels: • Target CPU registers • Watched target memory • Target memory • Disassembled target memory Table 3. Z-SCAN 80 Emulator Commands Command Action Abort Re-initialize host link Assemble instruction and store in memory Set breakpoint Compare hex string against a block of target memory Compare two blocks of target memory Interpret commands from host file Enter window for interactive editing Write hex string Into block of target memory Start target execution Stop target execution Load block of target memory from host file Set memory map Set memory values Move a block of target memory Conditionally wait for keyboard character to continue Interpreting commands from hostflle Send screen image to host file Read target I/O port Set register values Reset target system Store block of target memory in host file Execute a certain number of instructions Test emulator hardware Unasslgn window and enlarge adjacent display Assign and display Window Write target I/O port Asm Break Check Compare Do Edit Fill Go Halt Load Map Mem Move Pause Print Read Reg Reset Save Step Test Unwatch • Complex breakpoints • Mappable memory • Host protocol options 978 Watch Write Z-SCAN SELF-TEST The Z-SCAN SO Emulator monitor software performs an automatic self-test on power-up and reset. It also performs confidence and diagnostic tests by user command. The automatic self-test operates without disturbing the contents of the target memory or registers. The Z-SCAN SO Emulator displays the results of the test via the terminal. Systematic confidence tests of the emulator hardware can be instituted by the user with the Test command. These tests allows the user to distinguish target errors from Z-SCAN errors. Diagnostic tests can also be run using command SCripts downloaded from the host file. Z-SCAN 80 SPECIFICATIONS PROCESSOR EMULATED: ZSO,ZSOA,ZSOB,ZSOH EMULATION FREQUENCY: One cable from emulator to pod, 4S", 50-pin (part number 59-0279-00) One cable from pod to target, approximately S" (part number 59-0277-00) Upto S MHz FRONT PANEL: I/O: Power-on indicator and reset switch 40-pin and 50-pin connectors Two RS-232-C serial ports, one each for terminal and host REAR PANEL: CRT TERMINAL: Standard terminals listed in Table 1 are supported BAUD RATE: Terminal: 9600 bits/second Host: Determined by user selection from 110 to 19,200 bits/second TRACE MEMORY: 4K x 32 bits MAPPABLE MEMORY: 32K high-speed static RAM assignable in 1 K-byte blocks with individual write protect Power-on switch BNC connectors for Break pulse output and input Two 25-pin 0 subminiature connectors A 3-pin power connector A 1 1/4" fuseholder (screwdriver-release type) POWER: 1S7-264 volts ac at 3 amps maximum-50 Hz version 105-130 volts ac at 3 amps maximum-60 Hz version DIMENSIONS: 4" X 17.5" X 14.5" (HWO) 10.2 cm x 44.5 cm x 36.S cm ENVIRONMENT: HARDWARE BREAKPOINTS: oto 40 degrees Centigrade 2 complex breakpoints (breakable on address, data, and status) UNIT WEIGHT: 25 pounds EMULATOR CABLES: One cable from emulator to pod, 4S", 40-pin (part number 59-027S-00) ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION: Z-SCAN SO Emulator, 115V (part number 05-6223-00) Z-SCAN SO Emulator, 230V (part number 05-6223-01) Ordering Information is available at your local Zilog Sales Office. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. 00-2325-01 979 Z-SCAN 8000® Emulator Zilog Product Description April 1985 • Provides Real Time Emulation up to 4 MHz 01 the Z8001 and Z8002 CPUs. • Two RS-232C Serial Ports Make It a Peripheral Usable with Most Standard CRTs and Soltware Hosts. • Transparent Operation Permits Direct Communication Between CRT and Host without Physical Disconnect. • Highly Interactive. ScreenOriented User Interlace Makes Z-SCAN Easy To Use. • Shadow Monitor Removes All Restrictions on Target System Memory Space, Making It Fully Available To the User. • High-Speed Mappable Memory (no walt states) Is Available to Simulate Target System RAM/ROM. OVERVIEW The Z-SCAN 8000 Emulator is an incircuit emulator that has been designed as a peripheral unit for Zilog's 28001 and Z8002 16-bit microprocessors. InterfaCing via two RS-232C Serial ports to host and CRT terminal, Z-SCAN 8000 can work with Zilog's family of development hosts. Because it employs a standard serial interface, Z-SCAN 8000 can also be used with Virtually any software host system that runs a cross assembler or cross compiler capable of generatmg Z8000 code. Communication between the host system and Z-SCAN 8000 IS WIth a standard serial format reqUIring only a simple upload and download utility to operate. For PROM-based target systems, Z-SCAN can operate stand-alone with a CRT termmal because the monitor and debug software is EPROM-resident. In keepmg WIth Zilog's design philosophy of separating a development system into two identifiable units (the software host and an emulation penpheral), Z-SCAN 8000 hts into three scenariOS, making it a highly versatile unit: • As a peripheral to Zllog's PDS 8000, ZDS-I, or System 8000, Z-SCAN 8000 completes the development support package for the 2800 1 and Z8002 microprocessors available from Zllog. • As a peripheral to any development host with the capability of compiling or assembling 28000 code, Z-SCAN 8000 allows a low-cost emulation capability which precludes substantial reinvestment in a software host system. • As a stand-alone m-circult emulator that can operate with most CRT terminals, Z-SCAN 8000 provides simple testing and debuggmg capability for PROM-based target systems. 981 SYSTEM FEATURES User Interface. Z-SCAN 8000 mcor- porates the use of a two-dimensional screen-oriented user interface which makes it easy to use. Because it is general-purpose in nature, the user interface does not require a customized CRT terminal to operate. The only requirements are that the CRT terminal have screen erase, line erase, and cursor addressing capability. The objective of the user interface is to provide a screen format with a menu-like approach, which directs the user through the operation of the emulator. The user is aware at all times of where he/she is in the debug process because Z-SCAN 8000 provides the CRT information about system para- ADDRESS/DATA SEGMENT BUS BUS COMPARE VALUE SEGMENT COMPARATORS STATUS BUS COMPARE VALUE STATUS COMPARATORS DON'T DON'T DON'T CARE CARE CARE INSTRUCTION FETCH DETECT meters, system resources, current execution, and error messages. When the system is turned on, a bootstrap routine produces a display informing the user of the unit's configuration and requesting the user to define set-up parameters. A menu of display chOlces shows the user the different capabilities of the system: • The Memory/I/O command display shows the various memory and I/O manipulation commands which access the target system. • The Resources display presents the user with the full complement of arguments applicable to emulation of the target system. • The Execution display shows all the commands and parameters necessary to cause emulation to take place. At all times, execution of specific Monitor commands IS pOSSible, and information on other relevant system parameters and resources is always displayed. This highly interactive user interface makes it possible to use Z-SCAN 8000 without frequent reference to the operating manual. Shadow Memory. Z-SCAN 8000 IS a single, CPU-based system that can be configured to emulate either the Z8001 or Z8002 by moving jumpers to select the alternate screen monitor, and by changing the emulator cable. Although the system uses a single CPU for both monitor and emulahon functions, no restrictions are placed on the target system memory size. ThiS IS because the entire monitor resides in shadow memory and, therefore, does not appear in the target system memory space. This feature also prOVides the benefit of making future system expansion possible without any hardware redesign. 982 Figure I. Hardware Trigger Implementation Hardware Trigger. Z-SCAN 8000 offers the capability of settmg breakpoints in three different fields or in a combination of these fields. These are the Address/Data Field, the Segment Field, and the Control/Status Field. A Pass Counter can be set up to a maximum of 255 counts to allow multiple pass triggermg. In addition, Z-SCAN 8000 may also be set to break on instruction fetches only (single-step execution), or, by usmg a Pass Counter, may be set up to a maximum of 247 counts to allow triggering on mulhple instruchon fetches (multi-step execution). With these two capabilities, a breakpomt argument can be set up which IS on ORed condition allowing for either a break-on-field (or combmation of helds) argument or for "n" mstruction fetches, whIChever occurs hrst. This ORed situation is convenient when traCing through a program in search of a specific occurrence. A pulse output, provldmg a trigger pulse on breakpoint match condition IS available on the rear panel to trigger auxiliary test instrumentation. Mappable Memory. Z-SCAN 8000 offers a 4K work block of high-speed stahc RAM. ThiS block is available to the user to simulate a target system memory block which would typically be ROM. No Wait states are required at 4 MHz. This block is mappable anywhere in the Z8001 and Z8002 address space and can be speCified to be Normal Code, Normal Data, Normal Stack, System Code, System Data, System Stack, or Space Independent. Mapping must be done on 4K word boundaries only, and the entire block can be write protected against illegal writes to cause system emulation either to break on such occurrences or continue emulation. An error message appears on the CRT display informing the user of an illegal write. Software Trace. Z-SCAN 8000 offers a software trace feature which provides insight into target system activity and CPU resources. In the Trace Mode, the system displays the address of the instruction being executed and the contents of the CPU registers (both general-purpose and control) consecutively, covering one full screen format. For example, displaying the CPU registers associated with every instruction executed just prior to executing a Break is tremendously useful to the user during debug of target system achvity. 1041-001 SPECIFICATIONS CPU ZSOO I or ZS002 per conhgurahon Clock Rate 500 kHz-4.0 MHz (external) 110 Two RS-232C Senal Ports for CRT and host Baud Rate Automatically selected from 50 to 19.2K Breakpoint Address, Data, Segment and Address, Control, Address and Control, Data and Control, Segment and Address and Control, Instruction Fetch, OR combinahon of Instruction Fetch and any Field Mappable Memory 4096 x 16 Stahc RAM (no Wait states at 4 MHz wh1le operating off User clock) Front Panel Target/Momtor, Reset, and NMI toggle SWitches Inputs One standard LS-TTL load plus 30 pF Power 110/220 Vac, 50160 Hz SWitch selectable, 60 VA maXimum maxImum Outputs Capable of dnvmg one standard LS-TTL load plus 30 pF preload Dimenslons 4 m. (10.2 em) (H) x 14V2 m. (36.8 em) (W) x 18 m. (45.7 cm) (D) Rear Pemel Output BNC connector for pulse output, standard LS-TTL Emulator Cable 12 mches argument .,. AC CHARACTERISTICS Number Symbol ZSOD1I2 Parameter Min (us) Max (us) Z-SCAN Min (us) 250 1 TcC Clock Cycle Time 2000 250 2 TwCh Clock Width (High) 105 2000 105 3 TwCl Clock Width (Low) 105 2000 105 4 TfC Clock Fall Time 20 5- TrC Clock Rise T i m e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 6 TdC(SNv) Clock I to Segment Number Valid (50 pF load) 130 7 TdC(SNn) Clock I to Segment Number Not Valid 20 35 65 Clock I to Bus Float 8 TdC(Bz) 100 9 TdC(A) Clock I to Address Valid 10- TdC(Az)---Clock I to Address Float - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 65 455 11 TdA(DI) Address Valid to Data In Required Valid 383 12 TsDI(C) Data In to Clock I Setup Time 50 76 13 TdDS(A) DS I to Address Active 80 -4 14 TdC(DO) Clock I to Data Out Valid 100 15- ThDI(DS)-- Data In to DS I Hold T i m e - - - - - - - - - - 0 -20 16 TdDO(DS) Data Out Valid to DS I Delay 295 269 17 TdA(MR) Address Valid to MREQ I Delay 55 29 18 TdC(MR) Clock I to MREQ I Delay 80 19a TwMRh MREQ Width (High) 210 193 19b-TwMRh--- MREQ Width (High) During Monitor O p e r a t i o n - - - - - - - - - - - - 184 20 TdMR(A) MREQ I to Address Not Active 70 53 21 TdDO(DSW) Data Out Valid to DS I (Write) Delay 55 59 22 TdMR(DI) MREQ I to Data In Required Valid 350 287 23 TdC(MR) Clock I MREQ I Delay 80 24-TdC(AS£)--Clock I to AS I Delay - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80 25 TdA(AS) Address Valid to AS I Delay 55 29 Clock I to AS I Delay 26 TdC(ASr) 90 27 TdAS(DI) AS I to Data In Required Valid 340 277 28 TdDS(kS) DS I to AS I Delay 70 53 29-TwAS AS Width ( L o w ) - - - - - - - - - - - - 70 53 30 TdAS(A) AS I to Address Not Active Delay 60 43 31 TdAz(DSR) Address Float to DS (Read) I Delay 0 -41 Max (us) 2000 2000 2000 20 20175 165 163 154- 163 143 134 134144 4 983 B i AC CHAHACTERlSnCS Z8001I2 Number Symbol Parameter Min (na) Max (na) Z·SCAN Min (na) Max (na) 32 TdAS(DSR) AS t to DS (Read) I Delay 70 53 33 TdDSR(DI) DS (Read) I to Data In Required Valid 185 122 34 TdC(DSr) Clock I to DS t Delay 70 65 35 TdDS(DO) DS t to Data Out and STATUS Not Valid 75 58 36-TdA(DSR) - - Address Valid to DS (Read) I Delay 180 - - - - - - - 1 5 4 - - - - - 37 TdC(DSR) Clock t to DS (Read) I Delay 174 120 38 TwDSR DS (Read) Width (Low) 275 258 39 TdC(DSW) Clock I to DS (Write) I Delay 149 95 40 TwDSW DS (Write) Width (Low) 185 168 41-TdDSI(DI)-- DS (Input) I to Data In Required Valid 320 - - - - - - - 2 6 6 - - - - - 42 TdC(DSf) Clock I to DS (110) I D~lay 174 120 43 TwDS DS (1/0) Width (Low) 410 393 44 TdAS(DSA) AS t to DS (Acknowledge) I Delay 1065 1048 45 TdC(DSA) Clock I to DS (Acknowledge) I Delay 120 174 46-TdDSA(DI)--DS (Acknowledge) I to Data In Required Delay---435 - - - - - - - 3 8 1 - - - - - 47 TdC(S) Clock t to Status Valid Delay 110 162 48 TdS(AS) Status Valid to AS t Delay 60 45 49 TsR(C) RESET to Clock t Setup Time 180 208 50 ThR(C) RESET to Clock t Hold Time 0 15 51-TwNMI--- NMI Width (Low) 100 116 - - - - - 52 TsNMI(C) NMI to Clock I Setup Time 140 154 53 TsVI(C) VI, NVI to Clock t Setup Time 110 118 54 ThV1(C) VI, NVI to Clock t Hold Time 0 22 55 TsSGT(C) SEGT to Clock t Setup Time 70 78 56-ThSGT(C)-- SEGT to Clock I Hold Time 0 22 - - - - - 57 TsMI(C) MI to Clock t Setup Time 180 188 58 ThM1(C) MI to Clock t Hold Time 0 22 165 59 TdC(MO) Clock t to MO Delay 120 60 TsSTP(C) STOP to Clock I Setup Time 140 148 61-ThSTP(C)--STOP to Clock I Hold Time 0 22 - - - - - 62 TsWT(C) WAIT to Clock I Setup Time 50 78 63 ThWT(C) WAIT to Clock I Hold Time 10 25 64 TsBRQ(C) BUSREQ to Clock I Setup TimE> 90 98 65 ThBRQ(C) BUSREQ to Clock t Hold Time 10 32 66-TdC(BAKr)--Clock t to BUSACK t D e l a y - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 0 0 - - - - - - - 1 4 5 - 67 TdC(BAKf) Clock I to BUSACK I Delay 100 145 Ordermg Information is available at your local Zilog Sales Office. Refer to the Literature List for addlbonal documentabon. 984 00-1041.()3 SystemSOOO Series Two: Model 12 Zilog Product Brief March 1985 f FEATURES • UNIX operating system with enhancements, including the full screen vi editor, record locking, andC-ISAM. I r... • 11.1 MHz CPU with 32 KB cache memory. • Up to twice the operating speed of original System 8000 family members. N • Software compatibility with complete System 8000 family. • Up to sixteen users. • Up to two integral 52 MB disks. • Up to 2 MB of memory. • Integral 21.3 MB cartridge tape drive for disk backup. • Optional Intelligent Communications Processor which supports popular protocols. • Support of multiple industrystandard languages. OVERVIEW The System 8000 Series Two Model 12 is a high performance, mUlti-user, UNIX supermicro computer system designed for today's demanding business applications. Up to sixteen users-from novices to sophisticated programmers-can work on the same system with each user simultaneously performing a different task. Sharing files and transmitting messages is easy. Model 12 IS one of the fastest and most efficient members of Zilog's System 8000 family, which has enjoyed years of trouble-free operation by thousands of satisfied users. Programs developed on any System 8000 model can be transferred to, and executed by, Model 12 and all the other models. An extensive selection of excellent software tools, service, and support programs accompanies the System 8000 family of products. Configurations The UNIX operating system, with Zilog and UC Bork01cy enhancements including the full screen vi editor, record locking, and C-ISAM from Relational Database Systems, Inc., is standard on all System 8000 supermicros. Memory configurations (RAM) from 512 KB to 2 MB are available. 985 A sealed, 5 1/4-inch high-performance Winchester hard disk provides economical and highly reliable on-line data storage. This disk has an exceptionally fast 30msec access time and offers 52 MB of total storage space. A second disk can be added, making available 104 MB of storage. A cartridge tape drive, which stores up to 21.3 MB, is used for disk backup. These cartridges provide virtually unlimited offline storage of data. Up to eighteen serial ports and two parallel ports are available. These ports are used to connect the system with input/output devices such as CRT terminals, printers, and communication modems. Up to sixteen users are supported by the system. Communications protocols such as IBM 2780/3780 bisync and X.25 can be implemented with the optional Intelligent Communications Processor (ICP 8/02) board. System Architecture Model 12 uses field-proven, state-ofthe-art VLSI components. Foremost among them are Zilog's 11.1 MHz Z8001 16-bit High-Performance CPU (HPCPU) board, with 32 KB cache memory, and three high-performance Z8010 Memory Management Units. These high-performance components are specially selected for their superior speed. Intelligent controllers, for the Winchester disk and the cartridge tape, free the operating system from lOW-level device handling functions. The Winchester disk controller contains a dedicated Z8001 CPU with 16K bytes of local memory which substantially increases system performance. The optionallCP 8/02 Intelligent Communications Processor contains a Z8002 CPU with 128K bytes of dualported memory and DMA-supported I/O ports that allow communication over both asynchronous and synchronous lines, such as IBM 2780-3780 bisync and X.25 packet-switched networks. Comprehensive Software The UNIX operating system provides an excellent environment for business applications. The System 8000 comes with an impressive collection of more than 300 utility programs and development tools that make it easy for both end users and OEMs to develop new applications quickly. High level programming languages for scientific and industrial applications are offered, including Pascal, C, and Ada. SPECIFICATIONS CPU Cartridge Tape Drive Physical - High-performance 16-bitZ8001 CPU, 11.1 MHz, with 32 KB cache memory - - Memory - Minimum: 512 KB - Maximum: 2 MB - Management: Three Highperformance Z801 0 MMUs - Error Handling: Parity or Error Checking and Correcting (ECG) 52 MB Winchester Disk - Disk Size: 5 1/4 inches Rotation Speed: 3,600 rpm Average Seek Time: 30 msec Data Transfer Rate: 5 Mbits/sec 986 ReadlWrite Speed: 30 ips Rewind/Search Speed: 90 ips Tracks: 4 Recording Density: 6400 BPI Capacity (unformatted): Up to 21.3 MB Height: 66 cm (26 in.) Width: 20 cm (8 in.) Depth: 46 cm (18 in.) Weight: 43 kg (95 pounds), approximately Electrical Options - Up to 16 users - Up to 18 serial ports, 2 parallel ports - Upt02 MB memory - Second Winchester drive - ICP 8/02 Intelligent Communications Processor - Two slots available for board options - Phase: Single - Frequency: 47 to 63 Hz Nominal Selectable Voltages ± 10% Maximum Sustained Current 100-115 VAC/50 Hz 250A 220-240 VAC/50 Hz 125A Maximum Current Surge 4.0A 2.0A Environmental - Operating Temperature: 10°C (50°F) minimum, 40°C (104°F) maximum - Relative Humidity: 20 to 80% (Noncondensing) 00·1241-01 System 8000 Series Two: Nodel 22 Product Briel Zilog April 19B5 FEATURES f • UNIX operating system with enhancements, including the full screen vi editor, record locking andC-ISAM I • 11.1 MHz CPU with 32 KB cache memory. I • Twice the operating speed and efficiency of original System BODO family members. N N • Media and software compatibility with complete System BODO family. • Up to forty users. • Up to four integral 52 MB disks. • Up to 4 MB of memory. • Integral 21.3 MB cartridge tape drive for disk backup. • Optional industry-standard 9-track tape drive. • Optional Intelligent Communications Processor which supports popular protocols. • Optional IEEE 754 hardware Floating Point Processor which executes double-precision, extended multiplications in 3.2B j.lsec. • Support of multiple industrystandard languages. OVERVIEW The System BODO Series Two Model 22 is a high-performance, mUlti-user, UNIX supermicro computer system designed for today's demanding business applications. Up to forty users-from novices to sophisticated programmers-can work on the same system with each user simultaneously performing a different task. Sharing files and transmitting messages is easy. Model 22 is one of the fastest and most officient members of Zilog's System BODO family, which has enjoyed years of trouble-free operation by thousands of satisfied users. Programs developed on any System BODO model can be transferred to, and executed by, Model 22 and all the other models. An extensive selection of excellent software tools, service, and support programs accompanies the System BODO family of products. 9B7 Configurations The UNIX operating system, with Zilog and UC Berkeley enhancements including the full screen vi editor, record locking, and C-ISAM from Relational Database Systems, Inc., is standard on all System 8000 supermicros. Memory configurations (RAM) from 512 KBt04 MB are available. ports are used to connect the system with input/output deVices such as CRT terminals, printers, and communication modems. Up to forty users are supported by the system. Communications protocols such as IBM 2780/ 3780 bisync and X.25 can be implemented with the optionallntelligent Communications Processor (ICP 8/02) board. System Architecture A sealed, 51/4-inch high-performance Winchester hard disk provides economical and highly reliable on-line data storage. This disk has an exceptionally fast 30m sec access time and offers 52 MB of total storage space. Up to three additional 52 MB disks may be added at low cost. Model 22 is designed to contain and support four of these disks for a storage capacity of 208 MB. Model 22 uses field-proven, state-ofthe-art VLSI components. Foremost among them are Zilog's 11.1 MHz Z8001 16-bit High-Performance CPU (HPCPU) board, with 32 KB cache memory, and three high-performance Z8010 Memory Management Units. These high-performance components are specially selected for their superior speed. A cartridge tape drive, which stores up to 21.3 MB, is used for disk backup. The basic Model 22 comes with one cartridge tape drive and can be configured for a second, optional unit. An industry-standard, half-inch 9-track tape drive is optional. Intelligent controllers, for the Winchester disk and the cartridge tape, free the operating system from low-level device handling functions. The Winchester disk controller contains a dedicated Z8001 CPU with 16K bytes of local memory which substantially increases system performance. Up to forty-two serial ports and five parallel ports are available. These SPECIFICATIONS CPU - High-performance 16-bit Z8001 , CPU 11.1 MHz, with 32 KB cache memory Memory - Minimum: 512 KB - Maximum: 4 MB - Management: Three Highperformance Z801 OA MMUs - Error Handling: Parity or Error Checking and Correcting (ECC) 52 MB Winchester Disk - Disk Size: 51/4 inches Rotation Speed: 3,600 rpm Average Seek Time: 30 msec Data Transfer Rate: 5 Mbits/sec Cartridge Tape Drive - Read/Write Speed: 30 ips - Rewind/Search Speed: 90 ips 988 - Tracks: 4 - Recording Density: 6400 BPI - Capacity (unformatted): Upt021.3 MB Options - Upt040users - Up to 42 serial ports, 5 parallel ports - Up to 4 MB memory - Up to four Winchester drives - ICP 8/02 Intelligent Communications Processor - FPP 8/01 Floating Point Processor - Five slots available for board options - Industry standard 9 track tape (1600 bpi) Physical - Height: 84 cm (33 in.) Width: 48 cm (19 in.) Depth: 61 cm (24 in.) Weight: 114 kg (250 pounds), approximately The optional FPP 8/01 Floating Point Processor is a high-speed, bit-slice technology implementation of the IEEE Standard P754 Draft 10. Doubleprecision extended multiplication, for example, executes in only 3.8 "sec. The optionallCP 8/02 Intelligent Communications Processor contains a Z8002 CPU with 128K bytes of dualported memory and DMA-supported I/O ports that allow communication over both asynchronous and synchronous lines, such as IBM 2780/3780 bisync and X.25 packet-switched networks. Comprehensive Software The UNIX operating system provides an excellent environment for business applications. The System 8000 comes with an impressive collection of more than 300 utility programs and development tools that make it easy for end users and OEMs to quickly develop new applications. High level programming languages for scientific and industrial applications are offered, including Pascal, C, and Ada. Electrical - Phase: Single - Frequency: 47 to 63 Hz Nominal Selectable Voltages ± 10% Maximum Sustained Current 100·115 VAC/60 Hz 7.5A 220·240 VAC/50 Hz 4.0A Maximum Current Surge 20A 10A Environmental - Operating Temperature: 10°C (50°F) minimum, 40°C (104 oF) maximum - Relative Humidity: 20 to 80% (Noncondensing) ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Information is available at your local Zilog Sales Office. Refer to the Literature List for additional documentation. OO·1238'()1 System 8000 Series Two: Model 32 Product Zilog Brief .t March 1985 FEATURES i • UNIX operating system with enhancements, including the full screen vi editor, record locking, andC-ISAM. I • 11.1 MHzCPU with 32 KB cache memory. I • Twice the operating speed and efficiency of original System 8000 family members. = • Media and software compatibility with complete System 8000 family. • Up to forty users. • Up to four integral high performance 168 MB disks. • Up to 4 MB of memory. • Integral 21.3 MB cartridge tape drive for disk backup. • Optional industry-standard 9-track tape drive. • Optional Intelligent Communications Processor which supports popular protocols. • Optional IEEE 754 hardware Floating Point Processor which executes double-precision, extended multiplications in 3.28Ilsec. • Support of multiple industrystandard languages. OVERVIEW The System 8000 Series Two Model 32 is a high performance, multi-user, UNIX supermicro computer system designed for today's demanding business applications. Up to forty users-from novices to sophisticated programmers-can work on the same system with each user performing a different task simultaneously. Sharing files and transmitting messages is easy. Model 32 is the fastest and most efficient members of Zilog's System 8000 family, which has enjoyed years of trouble-free operation by thousands of satisfied users. Programs developed on any System 8000 model can be transferred to, and executed by, Model 32 and all the other models. An extensive selection of excellent software tools, service, and support programs accompanies the System 8000 family of products. 989 Configurations The UNIX operating system, with Zilog and UC Berkeley enhancements including the full screen vi editor, record locking, and C-ISAM from Relational Database Systems, Inc., is standard on all System 8000 supermicros. Memory configurations (RAM) from 512 KB to 4 MB are available. A sealed, 8-inch, 168 MB Winchester hard disk with Storage Module Disk (SMD) controller is standard on the Model 32. The SMD hard disks, with their 20msec access time, provide the best performance in the System 8000 family. Their field reliability record is superb. Up to three additional 168 MB disks may be added at low cost. The Model 32 is designed to contain and support four of these disks for a total of 672 MB of storage. A cartridge tape drive, which stores up to 21.3 MB, is used for disk backup. The basic Model 32 comes with one cartridge tape drive, and can be configured for a second, optional unit. An industry standard half-inch 9track tape drive is optional. Up to forty-two serial ports and five parallel ports are available. These SPECIFICATIONS CPU - High-performance 16-bit Z8001 CPU, 11.1 MHz, with 32 KB cache memory ports are used to connect the system with input/output devices such as CRT terminals, printers, and communication modems. Up to forty users are supported by the system. Communications protocols such as IBM 2780/ 3780 bisync and X.25 can be implemented with the optional Intell igent Communications Processor (ICP 8/02) board. System Architecture Model 32 uses field-proven, state-ofthe-art VLSI components. Foremost among them are Zilog's 11.1 MHz Z8001 16-bit High-Performance CPU (HPCPU) board, with 32 KB cache memory, and three high-performance Z8010 Memory Management Units. These high-performance components are specially selected for their superior speed. Intelligent controllers, for the SMD Winchester disk and the cartridge tape, free the operating system from low-level device handling functions. The SMD controller contains a dedicated, customized bit-slice-based processor which provides extremely high-performance, optimized to UNIX support. . 168 MB SMD Winchester Disk - Disk Size: 8 inches Rotation Speed: 3,600 rpm Average Seek Time: 20 msec Data Transfer Rate: 10 Mbitslsec 990 The optionallCP 8/02 Intelligent Communications Processor contains a Z8002 CPU with 128K bytes of dualported memory and DMA-supported 1/0 ports that allow communication over both asynchronous and synchronous lines, such as IBM 2780-3780 bisync and X.25 packet-switched networks. Comprehensive Software The UNIX operating system provides an excellent environment for business applications. The System 8000 comes with an impressive collection of more than 300 utility programs and development tools that make it easy for end users and OEMs to develop new applications quickly. High level programming languages for scientific and industrial applications are offered, including Pascal, C, and Ada. Cartridge Tape Drive Physical - - ReadlWrite Speed: 30 ips RewindlSearch Speed: 90 ips Tracks: 4 Recording Density: 6400 BPI Capacity (unformatted): Upt021.3 MB Memory - Minimum: 512 KB - Maximum: 4 MB - Management: Three Highperformance Z801 0 MMUs. - Error Handling Parity or Error Checking and Correcting (ECC) The optional FPP 8/01 Floating Point Processor is a high-speed, bit-slice technology implementation of the IEEE standard P754 Draft 10. Double precision extended multiplication, for example, executes in only 3.8Ilsec. Height: 84 cm (33 in.) Width: 48 cm (19 in.) Depth: 61 cm (24 in.) Weight: 114 kg (250 pounds), approximately Electrical Options - Up to 40 users - Up to 42 serial ports, 5 parallel ports - Memory expansion up to 4 MB - Up to four SMD Winchester drives - ICP 8/02 Intelligent Communications Processor - FPP 8/01 Floating Point Processor - Four slots available for board options - Industry-standard 9 track tape (1600 bpi) - Phase: Single - Frequency: 47 to 63 Hz Nommal Selectable Voltages ± 10% MaXimum Sustamed Current 100-115 VAC/50 Hz 75A 220-240 VAC/50 Hz 4.0A Maximum Current Surge 20A 10A Environmental - Operating Temperature: 1Q°C (50°F) minimum, 40°C (104°F) maximum - Relative Humidity: 20 to 80% (Noncondensing) OD-1242.-----< == " Other Ada library modules referenced by the source. ada program text. Intermediate code representallOn is ICSC propnatary non Diana . ....._ _ _-' Optional assembler-In put-code text file can be written. Unlinked separately compiled object modules. Linked executable program file. 2374·002,003 1017 ORDERING INFORMATION Compiler and three months free maintenance including released updates. Single CPU license. Part Number Description Host Target 07-3014-01 07-3015-01 07-3016-01 Zilog/lCSC Ada Zilog/lCSC Ada Zilog/lCSC Ada Zilog System 8000 UNIX DEC VAX VMS DEC VAX UNIX Z8002 Z8002 Z8002 Compiler software maintenance agreement includes update releases and phone consultation for Ada compiler. The compiler must be covered by a software support agreement in order to receive software updates. Failure to maintain a software support agreement will require repurchasing the compiler to restart the software support agreement. Part Number Description Prerequisite 07-3014-05 Ada System 8000 software update service for PIN 07-3014-01 12 months coverage. Ada-VAX VMS Host software update service for PIN 07-3015-01 12 months coverage. Ada-VAX UNIX host software update service for PIN 07-3016-01 12 months coverage. System 8000 UNIX 07-3015-05 07-3016-05 DEC VAX VMS DEC VAX UNIX SOFTWARE AVAILABILITY Software delivery within four weeks of receipt of a valid customer purchase order and a signed Red End-User Software License Agreement. ZILOG/ICSC ADA LANGUAGE IMPLEMENTATION The Zilog/lCSC Ada compiler enables cost-effective utilization of the language features described in the language reference manual, ANSI/MIL-STD 1815A. Features defined in ANSI/MIL-STD 1815A that are not implemented in Ada version 3.1 are indicated with an '. Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Lexical Elements Character set Lexical elements, separators and delimiters Identifiers Numeric literals Decimal literals Based literals Character literals String literals Comments Pragmas Include files and conditional compilation Reserved words Allowable replacement of characters Chapter 3. Declarations and Types Declarations Objects and named numbers Object declarations Number declarations Types and subtypes 1018 Type declarations Subtype declarations Classification of operations Derived types Scalar types Enumeration types Character types Boolean types Integer types Operations of discrete types Real types Floating point types Operations of floating point types * Fixed point types • Operations of fixed point types • Array types (single dimension arrays only) Index constraints and discrete ranges Operations of array types String types Record types * Discriminants • Discriminant constraints Variant parts Operations of record types Access types Incomplete type declarations Operations of access type Declarative parts Chapter 4. Names and Expressions Names Indexed components Slices Selected components , Attributes implemented = FIRST, LAST, RANGE, LENGTH, POS, VAL, PRED, SUCC, IMAGE, VALUE, BASE, ADDRESS, SIZE, COUNT, CALLABLE, TERMINATED. Literals Aggregates Record aggregates 'Record aggregates discriminant and variant Array aggregates Expressions Operators and expression evaluation Logical operators and short-circuit control forms Relational operators and membership tests Binary adding operators Unary adding operators Multiplying operators Highest precedence operators Accuracy of operations with real operands Type conversions Qualified expressions Allocators Static expressions and static subtypes Universal expressions Chapter 5. Statements Simple and compound statements-sequences of statements Assignment statement Array assignments If statements Case statements Loop statements Block statements Exit statements Return statement Goto statements Chapter 6. Subprograms Subprogram declarations Formal parameter modes Subprogram bodies Comformance rules Inline expansion of subprograms Subprogram calls Parameter associations Default parameters Function subprograms Parameter subprograms Parameter and result type profile-overloading of subprograms Overloading of operators Chapter 7. Packages Package structure Package specifications and declarations Package bodies Private type and deferred constant declarations Private types Operations of a private type Deferred constants 'Limited types Chapter 8. Visibility Rules Declarative region Scope of declarations Visibility Use clauses Renaming declarations exception renaming subprogram renaming 'object renaming 'package renaming Package Standard Context of overload resolution I~ Chapter 9. Tasks Task specifications and task bodies Task types and task objects Task execution and activation Task dependence and termination of tasks Entries, entry calls, and accept statements Delay statements, duration and time Select statements Selective waits Conditional entry calls Timed entry calls Priorities In tasks 'In main Task and entry attributes , Abort statements 'Shared variables I Chapter 10. Program Structure and Compilation Issues Compilation units-library units Context clauses-with clauses 'Subunits of compilation units , Automatic reoidering of compilation The program library Elaboration of library units Program Optimization constant folding and address folding 1019 Chapter 11. Exceptions Exception declarations Exception handlers Raise statements Exception handling Exceptions raised during execution of statements Exceptions raised during elaboration of declarations Exception raised during task communications Exceptions and optimization Supressing checks RANGE_CHECK and INDELCHECK "Other check supression Chapter 12. Generic units Generic declarations Generic formal objects Generic formal types Generic formal subprograms Generic bodies Generic instantiation Matching rules for formal objects Matching rules for formal private types Matching rules for formal scalar types "Matching rules for formal array types "Matching rules for formal access types "Matching rules for formal subprograms 1020 Chapter 13. Representation Clauses and Implementation-Dependent Features Representation clauses " Length clauses "Enumeration representation clauses "Record representation clauses Address clauses "I nterru pts Change of representation The package system System·dependent named numbers Representation attributes Representation attributes of real types Machine code insertions Interface to other languages Unchecked programming "Unchecked storage deallocation Unchecked type conversions Chapter 14.lnpuLOutput External files and file objects Package sequential_io Package direcLio Package texLio Package io_exceptions " Low_level_io " Fixed_io Packaging Informalion Zilog PACKAGE INFORMATION l' 10 I I Ii 18-Pln Dual-In-Llne Package (DIP), Ceramic 0.300 1-0.320--1 :[:€:::::::I B1I I-2._.025 015 -1 325 • 0.025 0.030 0.065=.11 ~092O~ MAX ~ --11-0.040 0.180 Tt~JrOMC: g,g~ r- o.o<;;lrr-~ 0.015 0.050 .,.015 0.100 TYP --, 0.125 MIN 0.003 18-Pin Dual-In-Line Package (DIP), Plastic NOTE: Package dimensions are given in inches. To convert to millimeters, mu~iply by 25.4. 1023 PACKAGE INFORMATION (Continued) 15 28 I D 0.598 MAX PIN 1 IDENTIFICATION ~ I 0 14 .. I·~--l1~~ +.007 ' 1 I-~~, ~I ;:~GEi'9fj f 1- - - - D~~~_~~ ~ i i i_o.llo o.600~1 REF 0.125 MIN 0.060 0.020 0.065 -0.035 BOTH EN OS --- 0.090 ---. 11_0.021 0.015 28-Pin Dual-in-Line Package (DIP), Ceramic NOTE. Package dimensions are given in inches. To convert to millimeters, multiply by 25.4. 1024 PACKAGE INFORMATION (Continued) 15 28 0.062 RAD I· ~::~~- 1-· ~I I ,-~=--. 1 I I~l~~~ t , TYP.-l.. Q~ ~N -~.1. ~I·-!- ! 0.015 ------. ---0.009 _ _ _ 1 ~~~~- --~-~I 0.625~_1 +.025 -.015 0.100 TYP 0.018 ± .003 TYP 0.050 " I MIN TYP i j" 28-Pin Dual-in-Line Package (DIP), Plastic NOTE: Package dimensions are given In Inches To convert to millimeters. multiply by 25.4. 1025 PACKAGE INFORMATION (Continued) 21 40 , It~S::D ~======~ 1"0 PIN 1 IDENTIFICATION ~I~~~~~~~~~==~~~ 20 C t~~ 0095 0.040 -I ~ffr~ ' 0 1 0 ~ ! !! 0.530 I~MAX~I ±.002- - 1__o.soo_1 TYP REF m 0.125 MIN - 0.060 0.020 0.050 1-%.015 BOTH ENDS ~I l 0.100 %.010TYP 0.018 ~II- %.003 40·Pln Dual·ln·Line Package (DIP). Ceramic NOTE: Package dimensions are given in inches. To convert to millimeters, multiply by 25.4. 1026 TYP PACKAGE INFORMATION (Continued) 40 21 T 0.560 I~~=r=n=r=r=nr=rr=n=rr=n=r=r=n=~~ 40-Pin Dual-In-Line Package (DIP), Plastic NOTE' Package dimensions are given in inches To convert to millimeters, multiply by 25.4. 1027 PACKAGE INFORMATION (Continued) 48 PIN 1 IDENTIFICATION 25 ~rDro P==========~ 24 I" 2.425 MWfAX MAX 'I .,..-~ ~ -~~ ! ! ! 0.125 MIN 0.080 0.020 l ,. 0.050 .025 BOTH ENDS j l ,. 0.100 .010 TYP 4S·Pln Dual·ln·Llne Package (DIP), Ceramic NOTE: Package dimensions are given In inches. To convert to millimeters, multiply by 25.4. 1028 j L ,. 0.018 .003 TYP PACKAGE INFORMATION (Continued) 25 48 0.062 RADIUS 15' 4 PLACES r;-~::~~~ fo- 4- ,,!.J-1~11_0'060 0.180 MAX '.~'''M·"'~l! ~~ .tt~ REF I.r--- 0.650=-'1 0.610 MIN. _ =I 0.060 TYP. 0.040 48-Pln Dual-In-Llne Package (DIP), Plastic NOTE: Package dimensions are given In inches. To convert to millimeters, multiply by 25.4. 1029 PACKAGE INFORMATION (Continued) 33 84 PIN 1 IDENTIFICATION ~--------------------~4HMAX--------------------~ ~ ':12 TVP -~- .009 i~ 1-.750 REF-I .070,..005 TYP 64-Pin Dual-in-Line Package (DIP), Ceramic NOTE: Package dimensions are given in Inches. To convert to millimeters, multiply by 25.4. 1030 l .095 MAX ---r .130 .100 BOTH ENDS PACKAGE INFORMATION (Continued) IrI- -~:::~~~:- -~-g:g~ 1 _,.~,,~o 0.013 0.011 0.020 x 45 0 REF. SQ'-I SQ. 0.475 SQ. 0.489 SQ. 0.528 0.492 -I 18 6 D 23 28 44-Pln Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC), Ceramic, Jedec l\tpe C PIN1 IDENTIFICATION 45 0 x 0.045 MAX", 0.026..L NOMINALT 45 0 x 0.010 MAX 3 PLACES 6 X,'t'tt~~~"" ;-f0.6SO ! I I o.lf 0 ,,45 - x 0.064 MAX " : -= r 0.620 lo013] To.o18 I "1~_0.021 .... +-0.098 11 _ _ 0.170 44-Pln Plastic Chip Carrier (PCC) NOTE: Package dimensions are given in inches. To convert to millimeters. multiply by 25.4. 1031 PACKAGE INFORMATION (Continued) ~:::~ 4 P L _ l • -~:::: • Ir= ~::~~ 2PL- ~:~:: 0.653 -0.637 SQ- 0.094 0.076 0.020RTYP SQ- INSIDE AND OUTSIDE 1//45° )(0.010 Y 6~ " t t -~_ 0.028 0.022 0.050 TYP r 0.806 0.794 4 PL 45 0 x 0.040 REF PIN 1 INDEX 68·Pin Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC). Ceramic. Jedec lYpe A NOTE' Package dimensions are given in inches. To convert to millimeters, multiply by 25.4. 1032 PACKAGE INFORMATION (Continued) ' - 0.008 R REF 88PL ~ ~::!~SQ~ 45° )( 0.040 REF ~ 0.643 S Q 0.592 IJ ~:::: so II 68-Pln Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC). Ceramic, Jedec '1\'pe C, Preliminary NOTE· Package dimensions are given in inches. To convert 10 millimeters, muttiply by 25.4. 1033 PACKAGE INFORMATION (Continued) 45° x 0.045 MAX PIN 1 IDENTIFICATION 0.026-.l NOMINALT 0.928 +0.018 I I~~!-::: 45° x 0.010 MAX 3PL P--i=0.170 6S-Pln Plastic Chip Carrier (PCC) NOTE: Package dimensions are given in inches. To convert to millimeters, multiply by 25.4. 1034 PACKAGE INFORMATION (Continued) 40 L[~ODDDDDDDDDDD O. --) D D ~~~~ M AX MAX F llJ"DDDDDDDDDDDD :~ 1_, 20 1 , IDENTIFI CATION SOCKE TA _ t 0.300 - -±.OO2 TYP I-OR~~-I O.OSO;, 020 'I 1220 MAX ~ :~I MAX 0010 , 2.020 MAX ~ _ rO.S30 SO'~I MAX \--LI_O.10D±.010TYP 0.OSO;,.01S BOTH ENDS -11-~~d~3 • TYP 1~O~ \ _ _ 0.040+ 007TYP 0'18S ti :r I ~S MIN -002. I ... = 40·Pin Protopack (R) NOTE Package dimensions are given In Inches To convert to millimeters, multiply by 25.4. 1035 PACKAGE INFORMATION (Continued) 1 .1.-.----e-0•0 •0 •00000000 • • • • • • • • • • • • •I • • • 0.453 __________________~_+ ___ --ll_°--l'j_O°--l"~inn_o~ JJ TT; ............... .. 0.987.J. ~ 0000000 000 IP IDENTIFICA~:~~/;/ SOCKET A _ I 0.100 x 11 ="':.:~ -0.520----: _0.330_ IDENTIFICATION 0.100)( 19 =1 . 9 0 0 - - - - - - _ 1 r - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.311 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 CERAMIC L I D \ G-l0 EPOXY/GLASS\ )----t---, "-LOW I PIN STANo.OFF"/ 4PL - PAOFILE SOCKET 0.200 -0.300-1 1 -0.300--0.400- 40-Pin Low Profile Protopack (T) NOTE Package dimensions are given in inches To convert to millimeters, multiply by 25.4. 1036 PACKAGE INFORMATION (Continued) I-- 0.055 ~I 1: k IfII 0.019 DIA TYP ::::: DIA 4PL T ::::: DIA '00 rr======91 "00 ·00 '00 '00 45 0 x 0.045 MAX ~--0.800---I TYP 0.045 0.008 REF I-.. 0.093 I 0.077 II O.OO5R TYP 0.800 1.000 0.030 x 45° REF 3PL ~---1.000----I ~ ~'130 MIN 0.190 0.180 68-pln Pin Grid Array (PGA), Preliminary NOTE: Package dimensions are given in Inches. To convert to millimeters, multiply by 25 4 1037 Techaical Traiaiag Zilog Zilog Technical TraiDing AprIl 1985 Continuing to respond to our customers' need for technical training and information, Zilog's Training and Education Department is offering an exceptionally wide range of courses in 1985. Whether your need is introductory exposure, product evaluation, or detailed design information, Zilog's technical training seminars provide the knowledge you want in the easiest, most efficient manner. Each course is designed to meet the educational needs of computer professionals by combining lecture presentations with "hands-on" laboratory exercises. In addition to the scheduled sessions held at Zilog's modern facilities in Campbell, California, courses may be arranged at your company's'site. Why waste valuable time and effort with weeks of self-study? Why risk expensive errors during product development? Zilog's technical training seminars can give your designers the knowledge necessary to take full advantage of Zilog's innovative state-of-the-art microprocessor components and microcomputer systems. The Zilog Training Center is located at: 1315 Dell Avenue Building C, Mail Stop C1-2 Campbell, CA 95008 Telephone: (408) 370-8091 Three days This basic introduction to microcomputers is intended for non-technical personnel. The course discusses microcomputer fundamentals and capabilities. Topics include: • Definition of a microcomputer • Microcomputer organization • Microcomputer operating procedures • Overview of Zilog products There are no prerequisites for this course. Microprocessors: A General Introduction Three days This seminar is an introductory course in microprocessor technology for engineers, programmers, and other technical personnel. Microprocessor fundamentals and capabilities and the basics of microcomputer design are described. Topics include: • Microprocessor architecture and organization • Instruction execution • Central processor units, memories, support devices • Overview of Zilog microprocessor products A background in digital logic, including binary and hex number systems, is suggested as a course prerequisite. ZS Component Family Current detailed brochures, including dates and prices, are available from your local Zilog Sales Office or the Corporate Training Center. Microcomputer Basics and Concepts • Purpose and operation of peripheral devices Three days The Z8 is Zilog's powerful single-chip, 8-bit microcomputer. This seminar IS deSigned for hardware and software development personnel who are familiar with microcomputer system design and who are interested in learning Z8 architecture, capabilities, and supporting systems. Some of the topics covered are: • Z8 architecture and timing • Z8 assembly language programming • Interfacing memory and peripheral devices • Z8 software development tools • Z8 Development Module and other supporting products Designers interested in using the Z8090 UPC Universal Peripheral Controller should also attend this seminar, since the architecture of the UPC is very similar to that of the Z8. 1041 zao Component Family Four days This basic course on Z80 components is designed for hardware and software development personnel with a modest background in microprocessors and assembly language programming This course should be taken by anyone interested in effectively using the Z80 family of products. Some topics covered are: • Z80 architecture and timing • Z80 assembly language programming overview • Z80 interrupt processing • Z80 PIO Parallel 110 Controller • Z80 CTC CounterlTimer Controller • Use of the on-chip cache, memory management, and peripheral devices • Software development tools and other supporting products zaooo Processor Family • Z8000 CPU architecture: Z8001, Z8002, Z8003, and Z8004 • Z80 DMA Direct Memory Access Controller • Z80 SID Serial 110 Controller • Z-BUS Memory and peripheral interfacing This course offers a "hands-on" approach to learning by doing. As each chip is covered, students measure their progress by programming a single-board computer in the laboratory. • Z8000 Assembly language programming zao Assembly Language Four days This seminar is for programmers needing to learn the Z80 assembly programming language. The course includes class presentation and hands-on programming labs that allow the students to write their own assembly language programs. Some of the topics covered are: • Language structure and syntax • Z80 instruction set • Z80 CPU flag and register utilization • Macros • Subroutines zaoo Processor Family Four days The Z800 family of high-performance microprocessors are object-code compatible with the Z80 microprocessor. This seminar is intended for hardware and software personnel interested in designing with Z800 family processors. Students are assumed to have some familiarity with microprocessor architecture and assembly language programming. Some of the topics covered include: • Z800 CPU architecture: Z81 00 and Z81 08 • Memory and peripheral interfacing • Z800 assembly language programming 1042 Four days Zilog's basic course on the Z8000 family processors is for hardware and software development personnel who are familiar with microprocessor system design. Design and interface techniques of the Z8000 CPUs and CPU support chips are covered in detail. Anyone interested in effectively using the Z8000 family processors should take this course. Some of the topics covered include: • Z8010 MMU Memory Management Unit • Z8015 PMMU Paged Memory Management Unit • Z8000 Software development tools • Z8000 Development Module and other support products zao,ooo Processor Family Four days The Z80,000 is a 32-bit microprocessor that is object-code compatible with the Z8000 family of 16-bit processors. This course provides hardware and software personnel with the background needed for design, development, and debugging of Z80,000-based systems. The Z80,000 Processor Family course is recommended for engineers already familiar with microprocessor architectures and assembly language programming who are interested in effectively using Z80,000 family processors. Some topics covered are: • Z80,000 CPU architecture • Memory and peripheral interfacing • Use of the on-chip cache and memory management device • Z80,000 assembly language programming • Software development tools and other supporting products EMS 8000 Emulation System One day This seminar details the use of the EMS 8000 emulator during development and debugging of Z8000-based systems. The emulator commands and their operation are fully described. The EMS 8000 emulation system is a powerful development tool for the hardware and software engineer. Some of the topics covered include: Use of triggers as breakpoints or trace qualifiers • Mapping EMS memory to the target system • Performance applications measurements Three days UNIX for Non-Technical Users is a lab-Oriented presentation of the file generation and maintenance utilities In UNIX. This course is intended for users with little or no computer or operating systems experience. TopICS include: • Introduction to UNIX • The hierarchical file system • EMS 8000 hardware design • UNIX for Non-Technical Users for • File generation and manipulation • The 'vi' screen editor benchmarking • Linking EMS systems for multiprocessor emulations • Building user-definable macros of EMS commands • The C shell enVIronment Lectures are supplemented with lab exercises uSing the Zilog System 8000. UNIX User's Seminar Five days This course is recommended for all engineers interested In using the EMS 8000 Emulation System to analyze and debug Z8000-based systems. The Z8000 Components family course or equivalent experience is recommended as a prerequisite. The UNIX User's Seminar IS a comprehensive overview of the powerful mUltiuser, multitasking UNIX operating system. It is intended for programmers, engineers, and other technical personnel with little or no knowledge of UNIX. Some topics covered are: Data Communications Concepts • The kernel, shell, and file system Four days An introductory course in data communications, this seminar provides the engineer with a thorough background in the terminology and operating concepts of this ever-expanding field. Topics include: • Data transmissions modes and formats • Data link controls: HOLC, SOLC, Bisync • Packet switching: X.25, X.75 • Open systems interconnection • The C shell environment • File management tools • Editors and text processing • Program development tools The lecture is supplemented with lab sessions using the System 8000 microcomputer. As a prerequisite, students must have a general understanding of computers, operating systems, and simple programming tools such as editors. • Z8030/Z8530 Serial Communications Controller • Local area networks • Future trends A background in digital electronics and a general microcomputer course or equivalent experience is recommended as a prerequisite for this course. 1043 Advanced UNIX Concepts Two days A detailed examination of several topics introduced in the UNIX User's Seminar, this course is recommended for programmers using a UNIX system for software development. Topics covered include: • The 'awk' processor • The 'make' file processor The C programming course is for programmers interested in learning C, a high-level systems programming language. The course includes class presentation and hands-on programming labs that allow students to write their own C programs on a System aooo microcomputer. Some topics covered are: • Data types, data structures, and pointers • Networking with UNIX • Program flow control • Advanced document formatting Lab exercises using a System aooo microcomputer supplement the lecture. The UNIX User's Seminar or instructor approval is required as a prerequisite for this course. Three days The UNIX System Administrator course is designed for persons responsible for maintaining and administering a UNIX-based system. Some topics covered are: • System organization: kernel, shell, and file systems • System start-up and shut-down • File system checking and repair • Adding and deleting users • System reconfiguration and upgrades Lectures are supplemented with lab exercises on the System aooo microcomputer. The UNIX User's Seminar or instructor approval is required as a prerequisite for this course. 1044 Four days • Program structure • Advanced shell programming UNIX System Administrator C Programming • Program development on the System aooo • System calls on the UNIX Operating System. Some high-level language programming experience is suggested as a course prerequisite. Advanced Peripherals Course Three days This course is an in-depth study of the zaooo/zasoo family of peripheral devices, with emphasis on the Za030/ZaS30 SCC, za036/zaS36 Cia, and za03a Fla. Introduction to Ada Programming This introduction to the Ada programming language is intended for programmers familiar with high-level languages. Data Book Reader Response ~f!!gg Elf{ON Corporotion Your feedback about this document helps us ascertain your needs and fulfill them in the future. Please take the time to fill out this questionnaire and return it to us. 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