1986_CMOS_NMOS_Special_Function_Data 1986 CMOS NMOS Special Function Data
User Manual: 1986_CMOS_NMOS_Special_Function_Data
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Master Index Handling and Design Guidelines CMOS ADCs/DACs I I I CMOS Decoders/Display Drivers I CMOS Operational Amplifiers/Comparators I CMOS/NMOS PLLs/Frequency Synthesizers CMOS Remote Control Functions I II CMOS Smoke Detectors II Miscellaneous Functions II II Reliability Package Dimensions II MOTOROLA CMOS/NMOS SPECIAL FUNCTIONS DATA Prepared by Technical Information Center This book presents technical data for the CMOS and NMOS Special Function integrated circuits. Complete specifications are provided in the form of data sheets. In addition, a Function Selector Guide and a Handling Precautions chapter have been included to familiarize the user with these circuits. Motorola reserves the right to make changes to any product herein to improve reliability, function or design. Motorola does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola Inc. general policy does not recommend the use of its components in life support applications where in a failure or malfunction of the component may directly threaten life or injury. Per Motorola Terms and Conditions of Sale, the user of Motorola components in life support applications assumes all risk of such use and indemnifies Motorola against all damages. For marketing and application information contact: Motorola Inc. P.O. Box 6000 Austin, TX 78762 Attn: MOS Logic Marketing Mail Stop: F-8 Printed in U.S.A. Series A Second Printing ©Motorola Inc., 1986 Previous Edition © 1984 "All Rights Reserved" Product Preview data sheets herein contain information on a product under development. Motorola reserves the right to change or discontinue these products without notice. Advance Information data sheets herein contain information on new pro- ducts. Specifications and information are subject to change without notice. Master Index 1-1 II II 1-2 MASTER INDEX This index includes Motorola's entire MCl4000 series CMOS products, although complete data sheets are included for only the Special Functions. Data sheets for devices in other books, are designated in the page number column as: Logic - See DL 131, CMOS Logic Data Telecom - See DL 136, Telecommunications Data MCU - See DL 132R1, Single-Chip Microcomputer Data MPU - Device Number Me 6190 6195 6196 14000U8 140018 14001 U8 140028 14oo2U8 140068 14007U8 140088 140118 14011U8 140128 14012U8 140138 140148 140158 140168 140178 140188 140208 140218 140228 140238 14023U8 140248 140258 14025U8 140278 14028B 14029B 14032B See DL 133, 8-8it Microprocessor and Peripheral Data Page Description Number 6-3 N-Channel, Silicon Gate, Frequency Synthesizer ................. . N-Channel, Silicon Gate, Frequency Synthesizer ................. . 6-4 6-4 N-Channel, Silicon Gate, Frequency Synthesizer ................. . Dual3-lnput NOR Gate Plus Inverter ........................... . Logic Quad 2-lnput NOR Gate ...................................... . Logic Quad 2-lnput NOR Gate ...................................... . Logic Dual4-lnput NOR Gate ....................................... . Logic Dual4-lnput NOR Gate ....................................... . Logic 18-Bit Static Shift Register .................................... . Logic Dual Complementary Pair Plus Inverter ......................... . Logic 4-Bit Full Adder ............................................. . Logic Quad 2-lnput NAND Gate .................................... . Logic Quad 2-lnput NAND Gate .................................... . Logic Dual4-lnput NAND Gate ..................................... . Logic Dual4-lnput NAND Gate ..................................... . Logic Dual D Flip-Flop ............................................. . Logic 8-Bit Static Shift Register ..................................... . Logic Dual4-Bit Static Shift Register ................................ . Logic Quad Analog Switch/Multiplexer .............................. . Logic Decade Counter/Divider ..................................... . Logic Presettable Divide-by-N Counter ............................... . Logic 14-Bit Binary Counter ........................................ . Logic 8-Bit Static Shift Register ..................................... . Logic Octal Counter/Divider ....................................... . Logic Triple 3-lnput NAND Gate .................................... . Logic Triple 3-lnput NAND Gate .................................... . Logic 7-Stage Ripple Counter ...................................... . Logic Triple 3-lnput NOR Gate ...................................... . Logic Triple 3-lnput NOR Gate ...................................... . Logic Dual J-K Flip-Flop ........................................... . Logic BCD-to-Decimal/8inary-to-Octal Decoder ...................... . Logic 8inary/Decade Up/Down Counter ............................. . Logic Triple Serial Adder (Positive Logic) ............................. . Logic 1-3 II II Device Number Me 140348 140358 140388 140408 140428 140438 140448 140468 14049U8 140508 140518 140528 140538 140608 14066B 140678 140688 14069U8 140708 140718 140728 140738 14075B 14076B 14077B 14078B 140818 14082B 14093B 140948 140978 140998 14160B 14161B 14162B 14163B 14174B 14175B 14194B 14400 14401 14402 14403 14405 14408 Page Description 8-Bit Universal Bus Register ................................... . 4-Bit Shift Register .......................................... . Triple Serial Adder (Negative Logic) ............................ . 12-Bit Binary Counter ........................................ . Quad Transparent Latch ...................................... . Quad NOR R-S Latch ........................................ . Quad NAND R-S Latch ....................................... . Phase-Locked Loop ......................................... . Hex Inverter/Buffer .......................................... . Hex Buffer ................................................. . 8-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer .................... . Dual4-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer ................ . Triple 2-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer ............... . 14-Bit Binary Counter and Oscillator ............................ . Quad Analog Switch/Multiplexer .............................. . 16-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer ................... . 8-lnput NAND Gate .......................................... . Hex Inverter ................................................ . Quad Exclusive OR Gate ...................................... . Quad 2-lnput OR Gate ....................................... . Dual4-lnput OR Gate ........................................ . Triple 3-lnput AND Gate ...................................... . Triple 3-lnput OR Gate ....................................... . Quad D-Type Register ....................................... . Quad Exclusive NOR Gate .................................... . 8-lnput NOR Gate ........................................... . Quad 2-lnput AND Gate ...................................... . Dual4-lnput AND Gate ....................................... . Quad 2-lnput NAND Schmitt Trigger ........................... . 8-Bit Bus-Compatible Shift/ Store Latch ........................ . Dual 8-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer ................ . 8-Bit Addressable Latch ...................................... . Synchronous Programmable Decade Counter ................... . Synchronous Programmable 4-Bit Binary Counter ................ . Synchronous Programmable Decade Counter ................... . Synchronous Programmable 4-Bit Binary Counter ................ . Hex D Flip-Flop ............................................. . Quad D Flip-Flop ............................................ . 4-Bit Universal Shift Register .................................. . PCM Mono-circuit ........................................... . PCM Mono-circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . peM Mono-circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PCM Mono-circuit ........................................... , PCM Mono-circuit ............................................ Binary-to-Phone Pulse Converter ............................... 1-4 Number Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic 6-13 Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Telecom Telecom Telecom Telecom Telecom Telecom Device Number Me Description 14409 14410 14411 14412 14413 14414 14415 14416 14417 14418 14419 14422 14433 14435 14442 14443 Binary-to-Phone Pulse Converter .............................. . 2-of-8 Tone Encoder ......................................... . Bit-Rate Frequency Generator ................................. . Universal Low-Speed Modem ................................. . PCM Sampled Data Filter ..................................... . PCM Sampled Data Filter ..................................... . Quad Precision Timer/Driver .................................. . PCM Time Slot Assigner Circuit ............................... . PCM Time Slot Assigner Circuit ............................... . PCM Time Slot Assigner Circuit ............................... . 2-of-8 Keypad-to-Binary Encoder .............................. . Remote Control Transmitter (Product Cancelled) ................. . 3 Y2 Digit A/ D Converter ...................................... . 3Y2 Digit A/D Logic Subsystem (Product Cancelled) .............. . Microprocessor-Compatible A/ D Converter ..................... . 6-Channel A/ D Converter Subsystem .......................... . Microprocessor-Compatible A/D Converter ..................... . 6-Channel A/D Converter Subsystem .......................... . Remote Control Transmitter .................................. . Remote Control Receiver ..................................... . Automotive Speed Control Processor .......................... . Smoke Detector Circuit (Product Cancelled) ..................... . Smoke Detector Circuit (Product Cancelled) ..................... . Smoke Detector Circuit (Product Cancelled) ..................... . Smoke Detector Circuit (Product Cancelled) ..................... . Low Cost Smoke Detector .................................... . Low Cost Smoke Detector .................................... . Interconnectable Smoke Detector ............................. . Addressable Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter ................ . Hex Contact Bounce Eliminator ................................ . Hexadecimal-to-7 Segment Latch/Decoder ROM/Driver .......... . PCM Remote Control Transmitter .............................. . 7-Segment LED Display Decoder/Driver with Serial Interface ...... . Industrial Control Unit ........................................ . Triple Gate ................................................. . Strobed Hex Inverter/Buffer .................................. . Hex 3-State Buffer .......................................... . Hex TTL- or CMOS-to-CMOS Level Shifter ...................... . Dual Expandable AOI Gate (Superceded by 14506UB) ............. . Dual Expandable AOI Gate .................................... . Dual4-Bit Latch ............................................. . BCD Up/ Down Counter ...................................... . BCD-to-7-Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver ...................... . 8-Channel Data Selector ...................................... . BCD-to-7-Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver with Ripple Blanking .... . 14444 14447 14457 14458 14460 14461 14462 14464 14465 14466 14467-1 14468 14469 14490 14495-1 14497 14499 14500B 14501 UB 14502B 14503B 14504B 14506B 14506UB 14508B 14510B 14511B 14512B 14513B 1-5 Page Number Telecom Telecom Telecom Telecom Telecom Telecom Logic Telecom Telecom Telecom Telecom 3-3 3-15 3-16 3-25 3-29 3-39 7-3 7-3 9-3 8-3 8-8 8-13 7-13 9-9 4-3 7-21 4-8 9-16 Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic 4-14 Logic 4-20 II II Device Number Me 14514B 14515B 14516B 14517B 14518B 14519B 14520B 14521B 14522B 14526B 14527B 14528B 14529B 14530B 14531B 14532B 14534B 14536B 14538B 14539B 14541B 14543B 14544B 14547B 14548B 14549B 14551B 14553B 14554B 14555B 14556B 14557B 14558B 14559B 14560B 14561B 14562B 14566B 14568B 14569B 14572UB 14573 14574 14575 14580B Description 4-BitTransparent Latch/4-to-16 Line Decoder (High) ............. . 4-Bit Transparent Latch/4-to-16 Line Decoder (Low) .............. . Binary Up/ Down Counter .................................... . Dual 64-Bit Static Shift Register ............................... . Dual BCD Up Counter ........................................ . 4-Bit AND/OR Selector ...................................... . Dual Binary Up Counter ...................................... . 24-Stage Frequency Divider ................................... . Programmable BCD Divide-by-N Counter ....................... . Programmable Binary Divide-by-N Counter ...................... . BCD Rate Multiplier ......................................... . Dual Monostable Multivibrator (Not Recommended for New Designs) Dual 4-Channel Analog Data Selector .......................... . Dual 5-lnput Majority Logic Gate ............................... . 12-Bit Parity Tree ............................................ . 8-Bit Priority Encoder ........................................ . 5-DecadeCounter ........................................... . Programmable Timer ........................................ . Dual Precision Monostable Multivibrator ........................ . Dual4-Channel Data Selector/Multiplexer ...................... . Programmable Oscillator-Timer ................................ . BCD-to-7-Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver for Liquid Crystals ...... . BCD-to-7-Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver with Ripple Blanking .... . High-Current BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder/Driver ................ . Dual Monostable Multivibrator (Retriggerable/ Resettable) ......... . Successive Approximation Register ............................ . Quad 2-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer ............... . 3-Digit BCD Counter ......................................... . 2 x 2-Bit Parallel Binary Multiplier .............................. . Dual Binary to 1-of-4 Decoder ................................. . Dual Binary to 1-of-4 Decoder (Inverting) ........................ . 1-to-64 Bit Variable Length Shift Register ....................... . BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder .................................. . Successive Approximation Register ............................ . NBCD Adder ............................................... . 9's Complementer ........................................... . 128-Bit Static Shift Register ................................... . Industrial Time-Base Generator ................................ . Phase Comparator and Programmable Counters ................. . Dual Programmable BCD/ Binary Counter ....................... . Hex Gate ................................................... . Quad Programmable Op Amp ................................. . Quad Programmable Comparator .............................. . Programmable Dual Op Amp/ Dual Comparator ............... ; .. . 4 x 4 Multiport Register ....................................... . 1-6 Page Number Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic 4-28 4-33 4-39 Logic 3-40 Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic 4-44 3-40 Logic Logic Logic Logic 6-18 Logic Logic b-3 5-3 5-3 Logic Device Number Me 14581B 14582B 14583B 14584B 14585B 14597B 14598B 14599B 142100 143403 144110 144111 145000 145001 145026 145027 145028 145029 145040 145041 145100 145104 145106 145107 145109 145112 145143 145144 145145-1 145146-1 145151-1 145152-1 145155-1 145156-1 145157-1 145158-1 145159-1 145402 145406 145409 145411 145414 145415 145418 Description 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit .................................... . Look-Ahead Carry Block ..................................... . Dual Schmitt Trigger ......................................... . Hex Schmitt Trigger ......................................... . 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator .................................. . 8-Bit Bus-Compatible Counter Latch ........................... . 8-Bit Bus-Compatible Addressable Latch ........................ . 8-Bit Addressable Latch ...................................... . 4 x 4 Cross Point Switch ...................................... . Quad Line Driver ............................................ . Hex Of A Converter with Serial Interface ........................ . Quad Of A Converter with Serial Interface ....................... . 48-Segment Multiplexed LCD Driver (Master) .................... . 44-Segment Multiplexed LCD Driver (Slave) ..................... . Remote Control Encoder ..................................... . Remote Control Decoder ..................................... . Remote Control Decoder ..................................... . Remote Control Decoder ..................................... . Analog-to-Digital Converter with Serial Interface ................. . Analog-to-Digital Converter with Serial Interface ................. . 4 x 4 Cross Point Switch ...................................... . PLL Frequency Synthesizer (Not Recommended for New Designs) .. . PLL Frequency Synthesizer ................................... . PLL Frequency Synthesizer (Not Recommended for New Designs) .. . PLL Frequency Synthesizer (Not Recommended for New Designs) .. . PLL Frequency Synthesizer (Not Recommended for New Designs) .. . PLL Frequency Synthesizer (Not Recommended for New Designs) .. . 4-Bit Data Bus Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer (Not Recommended for New Designs) ........................ . 4-Bit Data Bus Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ................. . 4-Bit Data Bus Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ................. . Parallel Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ....................... . Parallel Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ....................... . Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ......................... . Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ......................... . Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ......................... . Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer ......................... . Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer with Analog Phase Detector. 13-Bit Linear Codec .......................................... . RS-232 Interface ............................................ . Pulse Dialer ................................................ . Baud Rate Generator ........................................ . Dual Tuneable Low-Pass Sampled Data Filters ................... . Dual Tuneable Linear Phase Low-Pass Sampled Data Filters ....... . Master Digital Loop Transceiver ............................... . 1-7 Page Number Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Telecom Telecom 3-47 3-47 4-49 4-49 7-27 7-27 7-27 7-27 3-52 3-52 Telecom 6-28 6-29 6-28 6-28 6-28 6-35 6-36 6-37 6-50 6-63 6-73 6-84 6-95 6-108 6-108 6-120 Telecom Telecom Telecom Telecom Telecom Telecom Telecom II II Device Number Me 145419 145422 145426 145428 145429 145432 145433 145440 145441 145445 145450 145453 146805 146818 146823 1468705 Page Description Number Slave Digital Loop Transceiver ................................. Telecom MDPSK Universal Digital Loop Transceiver (2-Wire Master) ......... Telecom MDPSK Universal Digital Loop Transceiver (2-Wire Slave) .......... Telecom Data Set Interface ............................................ Telecom Telset Audio Interface Circuit .................................. Telecom 2600 Hz Tone Signalling Filter .................................. Telecom Tuneable Notch/Band-Pass Filter ............................... Telecom Low-Speed Modem Filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Telecom Low-Speed Modem Filter ..................................... , Telecom 300 Baud FS K Modem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telecom 1200 Baud FSK Modem ....................................... Telecom 33-Segment LCD Driver with Serial Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-59 Family of 8-Bit CMOS MCUs/MPUs ............................. MCU,MPU Real-Time Clock/RAM ........................................ MCU,MPU Parallel Interface ............................................. MCU,MPU 8-Bit CMOS MCUs with EPROM ................................ MCU,MPU 1- 8 Handling and Design Guidelines 2-1 II ® I MOTOROLA HANDLING AND DESIGN GUIDELINES HANDLING PRECAUTIONS 1. Do not exceed the Maximum Ratings specified by the data sheet. 2. All unused device inputs should be connected to VDD or VSS. 3. All low-impedance equipment (pulse generators, etc.) should be connected to CMOS or NMOS inputs only after the device is powered up. Similarly, this type of equipment should be disconnected before power is turned off. 4. A circuit board containing CMOS or NMOS devices is merely an extension of the device and the same handling precautions apply. Contacting edge connectors wired directly to devices can cause damage. Plastic wrapping should be avoided. When external connections to a PC board address pins of CMOS or NMOS integrated circuits, a resistor should be used in series with the inputs or outputs. The limiting factor for the series resistor is the added delay caused by the time constant formed by the series resistor and input capacitance. This resistor will help limit accidental damage if the PC board is removed and brought into contact with static generating materials. For convenience, equations for added propagation delay and rise time effects due to series resistance size are given in Figure 1. 5. All CMOS or NMOS devices Should be stored or All MOS devices have an insulated gate that is subject to voltage breakdown. The gate oxide for Motorola's devices is about 800 A thick and breaks down at a gate-source potential of about 100 V. The high-impedance gates on the devices are protected by resistor-diode networks. However, these on-chip networks do not make the IC immune to electrostatic damage (ESD). Laboratory tests show that devices may fail after one very high voltage discharge. They may also fail due to the cumulative effect of several discharges of lower potential. Static-damaged devices behave in various ways, depending on the severity of the damage. The most severely damaged are the easiest to detect because the input or output has been completely destroyed and is either shorted to VDD, shorted to VSS, or open-circuited. The effect is that the device is no longer functional. Less severe cases are more difficult to detect because they appear as intermittent failures or degraded performance. Another effect of static damage is, often, increased leakage currents. CMOS and NMOS devices are not immune to large static voltage discharges that can be generated while handling. For example, static voltages generated by a person walking across a waxed floor have been measured in the 4-15 kV range (depending on humidity, surface conditions, etc.). Therefore, the following precautions should be observed. FIGURE 1 - NETWORKS FOR MINIMIZING ESD AND REDUCING CMOS LATCH UP SUSCEPTIBILITY VDD D1 I To Off-Board Connection l I R1 MaS Input or Output MaS Input or Output To Off-Board Connection D2 ~---' Advantage: R2< R1 for the same = VSS level of protection. Impact on ac and dc characteristics is minimized. Advantage: Requires minimal board area Disadvantage: R1> R2 for the same level of protection, therefore rise and fall times, propagation delays, and output drives are severely affected. Disadvantage: More board area, higher initial cost Note: These networks are useful for protecting the following: A. digital inputs and outputs B. analog inputs and outputs C. 3-state outputs D. bidirectional (JIO) ports EQUATION 1 - PROPAGATION DELAY vs. SERIES RESISTANCE EQUATION 2 - RISE TIME vs. SERIES RESISTANCE t t R",,--- R"" where: R = the maximum allowable series resistance in ohms t = the maximum tolerable propagation delay in seconds C= the board capacitance plus the driven device's input capacitance in farads k=O.33 for the MC145040/1 k= 0.7 for other devices :~~: where: R = the maximum allowable series resistance in ohms t = the maximum rise time per data sheet in seconds C = the board capacitance plus the driven device's input capacitance in farads k=O.7 for the MC145040/1 k = 2.3 for other devices 2-2 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. transported in materials that are antistatic. Devices must not be inserted into conventional plastic "snow", styrofoam or plastic trays, but should be left in their original container until ready for use. All CMOS or NMOS devices should be placed on a grounded bench surface and operators should ground themselves prior to handling devices, since a worker can be statically charged with respect to the bench surface. Wrist straps in contact with skin are strongly recommended. See Figure 2. Nylon or other static generating materials should not come in contact with CMOS or NMOS circuits. If automatic handling is being used, high levels of static electricity may be generated by the movement of devices, belts, or boards. Reduce static build-up by using ionized air blowers or room humidifiers. All parts of machines which come into contact with the top, bottom, and sides of IC packages must be grounded metal or other conductive material. Cold chambers using C02 for cooling should be equipped with baffles, and devices must be contained on or in conductive material. When lead-straightening or hand-soldering is necessary, provide ground straps for the apparatus used and be sure that soldering ties are grounded. The following steps should be observed during wave solder operations. a. The solder pot and conductive conveyor system of the wave soldering machine must be grounded to an earth ground. b. The loading and unloading work benches should have conductive tops which are grounded to an earth ground. c. Operators must comply with precautions previously explained. d. Completed assemblies should be placed in antistatic containers prior to being moved to subsequent stations. The following steps should be observed during board cleaning operation. a. Vapor degreasers and baskets must be grounded to 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. an earth ground. Operators must likewise be grounded. b. Brush or spray cleaning should not be used. c. Assemblies should be placed into the vapor degreaser immediately upon removal from the antistatic container. d. Cleaned assemblies should be placed in antistatic containers immediately after removal from the cleaning basket. e. High velocity air movement or application of solvents and coatings should be employed only when module circuits are grounded and a static eliminator is directed at the module. The use of static detection meters for line surveillance is highly recommended. Equipment specifications should alert users to the presence of CMOS or NMOS devices and require familiarization with this specification prior to performing any kind of maintenance or replacement of devices or modules. Do not insert or remove CMOS or NMOS devices from test sockets with power applied. Check all power supplies to be used for testing devices to be certain there are no voltage transients present. Double check test equipment setup for proper polarity of voltage before conducting parametric or functional testing. Do not recycle shipping rails. Continuous use causes deterioration of their antistatic coating. RECOMMENDED FOR READING "Total Control of the Static in Your Business" Available by writing to' 3M Company Static Control Systems PO Box 2963 Austin, Texas 78769-2963 Or by Calling: 1-800-328- 1368 FIGURE 2 - TYPICAL MANUFACTURING WORK STATION NOTES: 1. 1/16 inch conductive sheet stock covering bench top work area. 2. Ground strap. 3. Wrist strap in contact with skin. 4. Static neutralizer. (ionized air blower directed at work.) Primarily for use in areas where direct grounding is impractical. 5. Room humidifier. Primarily for use in areas where the relative humidity is less than 45%. Caution: building heating and cooling systems usually dry the air causing the relative humidity inside of buildings to be less than outside humidity. 2-3 II I CMOS LATCH UP Latch up will not be a problem for most designs, but the designer should be aware of it, what causes it, and how to prevent it. Figure 3 shows the layout of a typical CMOS inverter and Figure 4 shows the parasitic bipolar devices that are formed. The circuit formed by the parasitic transistors and resistors is the basic configuration of a silicon controlled rectifier, or SCR. In the latch-up condition, transistors 01 and 02 are turned on, each providing the base current necessary for the other to remain in saturation, thereby latching the devices on. Unlike a conventional SCR, where the device is turned on by applying a voltage to the base of the NPN transistor, the parasitic SCR is turned on by applying a voltage to the emitter of either transistor. The two emitters that trigger the SCR are the same point, the CMOS output. Therefore, to latch up the CMOS device, the output voltage must be greater than VOO + 0.5 Vdc or less than - 0.5 Vdc and have sufficient current to trigger the SCR. The latch-up mechanism is similar for the inputs. Once a CMOS device is latched up, if the supply current is not limited, the device will be destroyed. Ways to prevent such occurrences are listed below. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. Insure that inputs and outputs are limited to the maximum rated values, as follows: FIGURE 3 - -O.55Vin5VOO+O.5 Vdc referenced to VSS -0.55Vout5VOO+0.5 Vdc referenced to VSS IIinl510 mA Iioutl5 10 mA when transients or dc levels exceed the supply voltages. If voltage transients of sufficient energy to latch up the device are expected on the outputs, external protection diodes can be used to clamp the voltage. Another method of protection is to use a series resistor to limit the expected worst case current to the Maximum Ratings values. See Figure 1. If voltage transients are expected on the inputs, protection diodes may be used to clamp the voltage or a series resistor may be used to limit the current to a level less than the maximum rating of lin = 10 mA. See Figure 1. Sequence power supplies so that the inputs or outputs of CMOS devices are not powered up first (e.g., recessed edge connectors may be used in plug-in board applications and/ or series resistors). Power supply lines should be free of excessive noise. Care in board layout and filtering should be used. Limit the available power supply current to the devices that are subject to latch-up conditions. This can be accomplished with the power supply filtering network or with a current-limiting regulator. CMOS WAFER CROSS SECTION N-Channel P-Channel Input VDD VDD VSS P-Channel Output Field Oxide N - Substrate FIGURE 4 - P-ChannelOutput P- Well LATCH UP CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC ~ P - Well Resistance ::: :>--___--'vvv.--_p_+_N_-_~~-P----------P-~~ ¥A ( N% N - Substrate Resistance Q2 2-4 N-ChannelOutput ~VVSS ~ ss CMOS ADCs/DACs 3-1 II CMOS ADCs/DACs Device Number II Function ADC ADC Linear Subsystem DAC Successive Approximation Register Function MCl4433 MCl4435 MCl4442 MCl4443 MCl4444 3% Digit AID Converter Product Cancelled - See Other AI D Converters Microprocessor-Compatible AI D Converter 6-Channel AID Converter Subsystem Microprocessor-Compatible AI D Converter MCl4447 MC14549B MC14559B MCl44110 MCl44111 6-Channel AID Converter Subsystem Successive Approximation Register Successive Approximation Register Digital-to-Analog Converter with Serial Interface Digital-to-Analog Converter with Serial Interface MC145040 MC145041 Analog-to-Digital Converter with Serial Interface Analog-to-Digital Converter with Serial Interface On-Chip Oscillator 8 Bits Number of Analog Channels 11 8 Bits 11 3'1, Digit BCD 1 8 Bits 11 8 Bits Device Number Number of Pins Successive Approximation MC145040 20 ", Successive Approximation MC145041 20 ", Dual Slope MCl4433 24 Successive Approximation MCl4442 28 15 Successive Approximation MCl4444 40 8 to 10 Bits 6 Single Slope w/ Auto Zeroing MCl4443 16 8 to 10 Bits 6 Single Slope wi Auto Zeroing MCl4447 16 Serial [Compatible with the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) on CMOS MCUs] 6 Bits 6 MCl44110 18 6 Bits 4 Emitter-Follower Outputs Emitter-Follower Outputs MCl44111 14 Serial or Parallel :s8 Bits Cascadable for >8 Bits MC14549B 16 :s8 Bits Cascadable for >8 Bits MC14559B 16 I/O Format Resolution Serial [Compatible with the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) on CMOSINMOS MCUsl Parallel Parallel 3-2 Other Features ® MC14433 MOTOROLA 3 Y2 DIGIT AI D CONVERTER The MC14433 is a high performance, low power, 3Y:. digit AID converter combining both linear CMOS and digital CMOS circuits on a single monolithic IC. The MC14433 is designed to minimize use of external components. With two external resistors and two external capacitors, the system forms a dual slope AI D converter with automatic zero correction and automatic polarity. The MC14433 is ratiometric and may be used over a full-scale range from 1.999 volts to 199.9 millivolts. Systems using the MC14433 may operate over a wide range of power supply voltages for ease of use with batteries, or with standard 5 volt supplies. The output drive conforms with standard B-Series CMOS specifications and can drive a low-power Schottky TTL load. The high impedance MOS inputs allow applications in current and resistance meters as well as voltmeters. In addition to DVM/DPM applications, the MC14433 finds use in digital thermometers, digital scales, remote AI D, AI D control systems, and in MPU systems. • Accuracy: ± 0.05% of Reading ± 1 Count • Two Voltage Ranges: 1.999 V and 199.9 mV • Up to 25 Conversionsls • Zin> 1000 M ohm • Auto-Polarity and Auto-Zero • Single Positive Voltage Reference • Standard B-Series CMOS Outputs- Drives One Low Power Schottky Load • Uses On-Chip System Clock, or External Clock • Wide Supply Range: e.g., ±4.5 V to ±B.O V • Overrange and Underrange Signals Available • Operates in Auto Ranging Circuits • Operates with LED and LCD Displays • Low External Component Count • See also Application Notes AN-769 and AN-nO • Chip Complexity: 1326 FETs BLOCK DIAGRAM CMOS LSI (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) II 3% DIGIT AID CONVERTER L SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 623 P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 709 ORDERING INFORMATION MC14XXX C Suffix Denotes L Ceramic Package P Plastic Package 20-23 00-03 BCD Data 16-19 DS1-DS4 Digit Strobe PIN ASSIGNMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 OR Overrange DU V ref Reference Voltage CMOS Analog Subsystem Control Integrator Conversion 3-3 VAG Analog Ground Vx Analog Input Offset VDD=Pin 24 VSS=Pin 13 VEE= Pin 12 MC14433 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Value Unit VDD to VEE V -05 to + 18 -O.!) to VDD +0.5 V V lin ±10 TA Tstg -40 to +85 mA DC -65 to + 150 DC Rating DC Supply Voltage Voltage, any pin, referenced to VEE DC Input Current, per Pin Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS IVSS=O orVEE) II Symbol Value Unit DC Supply Voltage - VDD to Analog Ground VEE to Analog Ground Parameter VDD VEE +5.0 to +8.0 -2.8 to -8.0 Vdc Clock Frequency fClk 32 to 400 kHz Zero Offset Correction Capacitor Co 01 ±20% /L F This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Yin and Vout be constrained to the range VEE~IVin or Vout)~VDD· ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ICI=O.l /LF mylar, RI=470 kO@V re f=2000 V, RI=27 kO@V re f=200.0mV, Co =Ol /LF, RC = 300 kO; all voltages referenced to Analog Ground, pin 1, unless otherwise indicated) VOO Characteristic Symbol Vdc VEE Vdc -40°C Min Max 25°C Min Typ 85°C Max Min Max Unit %rdg Linearity-Output Reading INote 1) IV re f=2000 V) IV re f=2000 mY) Stability - Output Reading IVX=1990 mY, V re f=2000 mY) 5.0 -5.0 5.0 -5.0 -005 -1 Count ±0.05 +0.05 + 1 Count ±005 5.0 -5.0 3* LSD Symmetry - Output Reading (Note 2) IVref = 2.000 VI 5.0 -5.0 4* LSD Zero-Output Reading IVX=O V, V re f=2000 V) Bias Current - Analog Input Reference Input Analog Ground 5.0 -5.0 0 LSD 5.0 5.0 5.0 -5.0 -5.0 - 5.0 ±20 ±20 ±20 ± 100 ± 100 ±500 pA 5.0 -5.0 65 Common Mode Rejection (fclk = 32 kHz, VX= 1.4 V, Vref=2.oo0 V) Input Voltage* Pins9, 10 (VO=45 or 0.5 V) IVO=90 or 1.0 VI (VO= 13.5 or 1.5 VI "0" Level V 5.0 10 15 "1" Level dB VIL 2.25 4.5'0 6.75 1.5 3.0 4.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 V VIH 3.5 7.0 11.0 VOL VOH VOL VOH 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 -5.0 -5.0 4.95 -5.0 -5.0 4.95 Output Current - PinS 14 to 23 (VSS=OV) IVOH=46VI Source (VOL =0.4 V) Sink (VSS = - 5.0 V) IVOH=45VI Source (VOL = - 4.5 VI Sink IOH IOL 5.0 5.0 -5.0 -0.25 -5.0 0.64 IOH IOL 5.0 5.0 - 5.0 -0.62 -5.0 1.6 Input Current - DU, Pin 9 IDU 5.0 -5.0 ±03 ±0.00001 ±03 ± 1.0 IQ 5.0 8.0 -5.0 -8.0 3.7 7.4 0.9 1.8 2.0 4.0 1.6 3.2 5.0 -5.0 Output Voltage - Pins 14 to 23 (VSS=O V) "0" Level "1" Level (V SS = - 5.0 V) "0" Level "1" Level Quiescent Current (VDD to VEE, ISS = 01 DC Supply Rejection (VDD to VEE, ISS=O, V re f=2000 V) 3.5 7.0 11.0 2.75 5.50 8.25 5.0 10 15 (VO=05 or4.5 VI (VO= 10 or 9.0 V) (VO= 1.5 or 13.5 V) 3.5 7.0 11.0 V 0.05 0.05 0.05 4.95 -5.0 -5.0 5.0 - -0.2 0.51 -0.36 0.88 -0.14 0.36 - - -0.5 1.3 -0.9 2.25 -0.35 0.9 - 4.95 4.95 4.95 -4.95 -4.95 4.95 mA 0.5 /LA mA mVIV Notes 1 Accuracy - The accuracy of the meter at full scale is the accuracy of the setting of the reference voltage. Zero IS recalculated during each conversion cycle. The meaningful specification is linearity. In other words, the deviation from correct reading for all inputs other than positive full scale and zero is defined as the linearity specification. 2. Symmetry -- Defined as the difference between a negative and positive reading of the same voltage at or near full scale. * Tighter tolerances are available. Consult Logic and Special Functions Product Marketing for details at (512) 928-6880. * Referenced to VSS for Pin 9. Referenced to VEE for Pin 10 3-4 MC14433 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 1 - TYPICAL ROLLOVER ERROR versus POWER SUPPLY SKEW FIGURE 2 - TYPICAL QUIESCENT POWER SUPPLY CURRENT versus TEMPERATURE 4.0 1 1/ - i--"'" -- -!-- 1 .. ~ ~ r-::..:: __ Voo = +5 V NOTE' ROLLOVER ERROR IS HIE DIFFERNCE IN OUTPUT READING FOR THE SAME ANALOG INPUT SWITCHED FROM POSITIVE TO NEG· ATIVE. I I I I I I -4 -3 -1 -2 --- VEE' = -5 V • - I VEE=-8V Voo = +B V -40 -20 (IVDDI - IVEEP, SUPPLY VOLTAGE SKEW (VOLTS) FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL N-CHANNEL SINK CURRENT AT VOO-VSS = 5 VOL TS - 1---r-- I --+- r-I- o 20 40 TA, TEMPERATURE (DC) 80 60 FIGURE 4 - TYPICAL P-CHANNEL SOURCE CURRENT AT VOO-VSS = 5 VOLTS 5. 0 -3. 0 0 ~ f- z 4da C -400C_ 3.0 /,V cc ::::J 0 +25 0 C /~ 0 +B5° C - // ~ .... j) --2.0 1/ .........::: ::::J ~ c::i ~ 10 / V V V ...... ~ +2~0 C L--- ~ ~C ~ ./ V rr I-- I-- /~V" 01P 01/ 1.0 3.0 2.0 4.0 5.0 -1.0 VoS, DRAIN TO·SoURCE VOLTAGE (Vdc) - 3.0 ·2.0 4.0 5.0 VDS, DRAIN ·To·SoURCE VOLTAGE (Vdc) FIGURE 5 - TYPICAL CLOCK FREQUENCY versus RESISTOR IRC) FIGURE 6 - TYPICAL % CHANGE OF CLOCK FREQUENCY versus TEMPERATURE 4. 0 I! 11lt, ~ . Note 3.0 ~ 2.0 '" 1.0 "" 0 >- ::::J '~ ~ ~±5 V SUPPLY ~ ~ ~1.0 "" u a ~ --- -2.0 """'-::::: ~8VSUPPLY - t----- -.;::: t - - --f-- NORMALIZED AT 25 0C 0 10 kl! -4.0 1 MI! 100 kH -40 20 RC, CLOCK FREQUENCY RESISTOR CONVERSION RATE MULTIPLEX RATE CLOCK1~~~~UENCY + 1.5% GLOCK FREQUENCY 80 3-5 20 40 TA, TEMPERATURE 10C) 60 80 MC14433 For Vx(max) = 200 mV RI=28 kO (use 27 kO±5%) PIN DESCRIPTIONS ANALOG GROUND (VAG, Pin 1) Analog ground at this pin is the input reference level for the unknown input voltage (Vx) and reference voltage (Vref). This pin is a high impedance input. The allowable operating range for VAG is from VEE + 2.8 V to VDD -4.5 V. I Note that for worst case conditions, the minimum allowable value for RI is a function of C, min, VDD min, and fClk max. The worst-case condition does not allow /). V + Vx to exceed VDD. The 0.5 V factor in the above equation for /).V is for safety margin. OFFSET CAPACITOR (COl, C02; Pins 7,8) REFERENCE VOLTAGE (Vref, Pin 2) UNKNOWN INPUT VOLTAGE (VX, Pin 3) This AI D system performs a ratiometric AI D conversion; that is, the unknown input voltage, VX, is measured as a ratio of the reference voltage, Vref. The full scale voltage is equal to that voltage applied to Vref. Therefore, a full scale voltage of 1.999 V requires a reference voltage of 2.000 V while full scale voltage of 199.9 mV requires a reference voltage of 200 mV. Both Vx and Vref are high impedance inputs. In addition to being a reference input, Pin 2 functions as a reset for the AID converter. When Pin 2 is switched low (referenced to VEE) for at least 5 clock cycles, the system is reset to the beginning of a conversion cycle. These pins are used for connecting the offset correction capacitor. The recommended value is 0.1 JLF (polystyrene or mylar). DISPLAY UPDATE INPUT (DU, Pin 9) If a positive edge is received on this input prior to the ramp-down cycle, new data will be strobed into the output latches during that conversion cycle. When this pin is wired directly to the EOC output (Pin 14), every conversion will be displayed. When this pin is driven from an external source, the voltage should be referenced to VSS. CLOCK (Clk I, Clk 0, Pins 10, 11) The MCl4433 device contains its own oscillator system clock. A Single resistor connected between pins 10 and 11 sets the clock frequency. If increased stability is desired, these pins will support a crystal or LC circuit. The clock input, Pin 10, may also be driven from an external clock source which need have only standard CMOS output drive. For external clock inputs this pin is referenced to VEE. A 300 kO resistor results in clock frequency of about 66 kHz. (See the typical characteristic curves.) For alternate circuits see Figure 7. EXTERNAL COMPONENTS (R" R,IC" C,; Pins 4,5,6) These pins are for external components for the integration used in the dual ramp AID conversion. A typical value for the capacitor is 0.1 JLF (polystyrene or mylar) while the resistor should be 470 kO for 2.0 V full scale operation and 27 kO for 200 mV full scale operation. These values are for a 66 kHz clock frequency which will produce a conversion time of approximately 250 ms. The equations governing the calculation for the values for integrator components are as follows: R,= Vx(max) x ~ C, NEGATIVE POWER SUPPLY (VEE, Pin 12) This is the connection for the most negative power supply voltage. The typical current is 0.8 mAo Note the current for the output drive circuit is not returned through this pin, but through Pin 13. VX-VEE should be greater than 0.8 V. /).V /).V= VDD- Vx(max) -0.5 V T =4000 x ~ fClk NEGATIVE POWER SUPPLY FOR OUTPUT CIRCUITRY AND INPUT DU (VSS, Pin 13) This is the low voltage level for the output pins of the MCl4433 (BCD, Digit Selects, £OC, OR) and the DU input. When this pin is connected to analog ground, the output voltage is from analog ground to VDD. When connected to VEE, the output swing is from VEE to VDD. The allowable operating range for VSS is between VOD -3.0 volts and VEE· where: R, is in kO VDD is the voltage at Pin 24 referenced to VAG Vx is the voltage at Pin 3 referenced to VAG, In V fClk is the clock frequency at Pin 10 in kHz C, is in JLF, /).V is in Volts T is the conversion time, in seconds Example: C,=O.l JLF VDD=5.0 volts fClk=66 kHz For Vx(max)=2.0 volts R,=480 kO (use 470 kO±5%) END OF CONVERSION (EOC, Pin 14) The EOC output produces a positive pulse at the end of each conversion cycle. This pulse width is equivalent to one half the period of the system clock (Pin 11). 3-6 MC14433 OVERRANGE (OR, Pin 15) TRUTH TABLE (oS1 = 1) The OR pin is low when Vx exceeds Vref. Normally it is high. Coded Condition of MSD 03 01 02 00 BCD to 7 Segment Decoding 1 1 1 0 Blank 1 0 1 0 Blank 1 1 1 1 +0 UR Blank -0 UR 1 1 1 0 Blank 1 0 0 +1 0 '0Hooke, -1 ....' 1} only seg b 0 0 0 0 7 .... 1 and c to 1 1 1 + lOR 0 -lOR 1 1 3-1 MSD 0 0 Notes for Truth Table. 03 - Y, digit, low for "1", high for "0" 02 - Polarity: "1" = positive, "0" = negative 00 - Out of range condition exists if 00 = 1. When used in conJunction with 03 the type of out of range condition is indicated, i.e., 03=0-OR or 03= l-UR +0 DIGIT SELECT (oS4, OS3, OS2, OS1; Pins 16, 17, 18, 19) -0 The digit select output is high when the respective digit is selected. The most significant digit (Y2 digit) turns on immediately after an EOC pulse followed by the remaining digits, sequencing from MSD to LSD. An interdigit blanking time of two clock periods is included to ensure that the BCD data has settled. The multiplex rate is equal to the clock frequency divided by 80. Thus with a system clock rate of 66 kHz, the multiplex rate would be 0.8 kHz. Relative timing among digital select outputs and the EOC signal is shown in the Digit Select Timing Diagram, Figure 8. BCD DATA OUTPUTS (QO, Q1, 02, 03, Pins 20, 21, 22, 23) Multiplexed BCD outputs contain 3 full digits of information during DS2, 3, 4, while during DS1, the 'h digit, over- When only segment band c of the decoder are connected to the y, digit of the display 4, 0, 7 and 3 appear as 1. POSITIVE POWER SUPPLY (VDO, Pin 24) The overrange indication (03 = 0 and 00= 1) occurs when the count is greater than 1999, e.g., 1.999 V for a reference of 2.000 V. The underrange indication, useful for autoranging circuits, occurs when the count is less than 180, e.g, 0.180 V for a reference of 2.000 V. The most positive supply voltage pin. VDD - Vx should be greater than 2.5 V. VOD - VEE should be greater than 7.8 V. VDD determines VOH for the digital outputs, and VIH for the digital inputs. Caution: If the most significant digit is connected to a display other than a "1" only; such as a full digit display, segments other than b and c must be disconnected. The BCD to seven segment decoder must blank on BCD inputs 1010 to 1111. range, underrange and polarity are available. The adjacent truth table shows the formats of the information during DS 1. FIGURE 7 - ALTERNATE OSCILLATOR CIRCUITS (a) Crystal Oscillator Circuit (b) LC Oscillator Circuit r -_ _.....--'-10~Clk I . -_ _...._ _ _....-'1-=-\0 CJk J c:=:=J 18 M MCl4433 MCl4433 ....----....,1~1 Clk 0 47 k f=..!.. 211' ~V L/Ll.- For L= 5 mH and C= O.Ol/LF, f,.,32 kHz 10 pF< Cl and C2<200 pF FIGURE 8 - EOC~ ~ Y, '2/Lc DIGIT SELECT TIMING DIAGRAM nL...--_______ Clock Cycle == 16,400 Clock Cycles between EOC pulses ---i i""1.{---....,.-t--118 Clock Cycles DS1 (MSD)J y, Digit 2 Clock Cycles I ...l L . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (BlankingTime)~ F DS2-----------~· '----------', DS3------------------------~ DS4 _______________________- - J (LSD) 3-7 --L I MC14433 FIGURE 9 - INTEGRATOR WAVEFORMS AT PIN 6 Start t Time Segment Number FIGURE 10 - EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS OF THE ANALOG SECTION DURING SEGMENT 4 OF THE TIMING CYCLE End 3 t Typical Positive Input Voltage I CIRCUIT OPERATION grator amplifiers, is charged during this period. Also, the integrator capacitor is shorted. This segment requires 4000 clock periods. Segment 2 - The integrator output decreases to the comparator threshold voltage. At this time a number of counts equivalent to the input offset voltage of the comparator is stored in the offset latches for later use in the autozero process. The time for this segment is variable, and less than 800 clock periods. Segment 3 - This segment of the conversion cycle is the same as Segment 1. Segment 4 - Segment 4 is an up-going ramp cycle with the unknown input voltage (Vx) as the input to the integrator. Figure 10 shows the equivalent configuration of the analog section of the MC14433. The actual configuration of the analog section is dependent upon the polarity of the input voltage during the previous conversion cycle. Segment 5 - This segment is a down-going ramp period with the reference voltage as the input to the integrator. Segment 5 of the conversion cycle has a time equal to the number of counts stored in the offset storage latches during Segment 2. As a result, the system zeros automatically. Segment 6 - This is an extension of Segment 5. The time period for this portion is 4000 clock periods. The results of the AID conversion cycle are determined in this portion of the conversion cycle. The MC14433 CMOS integrated circuit, together with a minimum number of external components, forms a modified dual ramp AID converter. The device contains the customary CMOS digital logic providing counters, latches, and multiplexing circuitry as well as the CMOS analog circuitry providing operational amplifiers and comparators required to implement a complete single chip AID. Autozero, high input impedances, and autopolarity are features of this system. Using CMOS technology, an AID with a wide range of power supply voltage and low power consumption is now available with the MC14433. During each conversion, the offset voltages of the internal amplifiers and comparators are compensated for by the system's autozero operation. Also each conversion 'ratiometrically' measures the unknown input voltage. In other words, the output reading is the ratio of the unknown voltage to the reference voltage with a ratio of 1 equal to the maximum count 1999. The entire conversion cycle requires slightly more than 16000 clock periods and may be divided into six different segments. The waveforms showing the conversion cycle with a positive input and a negative input are shown in Figure 9. The six segments of these waveforms are described below. Segment 1 - The offset capacitor (Co), which compensates for the input offset voltages of the buffer and inte- 3-8 MC14433 FIGURE 11 - 3 Y, DIGIT VOLTMETER - COMMON ANODE DISPLAYS, FLASHING OVERRANGE *RI=470 kO for 2 V Range RI=27 kO for 200 mV Range * * Mylar Capacitor APPLICATIONS INFORMATION The display uses an LED display with common anode digit lines driven with an MC14543B decoder and an MC1413 LED driver. The MC1413 contains 7 Darlington transistor drivers and resistors to drive the segments of the display. The digit drive is provided by four MPS-A 12 Darlington transistors operating in an emitter follower configuration. The MC14543B, MCl4013B and LED displays are referenced to VEE via Pin 13 of the MCl4433. This places the full power supply voltage across the display. The current for the display may be adjusted by the value of the segment resistors shown as 150 ohms in the above figure. The power supply for the system is shown as a dual ± 5 V supply. However, the MCl4433 will operate over a wide range of voltages, and balance between the + 5 and - 5 V supplies is not required. See the recommended operating conditions and Figure 1. 3% DIGIT VOLTMETER - COMMON ANODE DISPLAYS, FLASHING OVER RANGE An example of a 3% digit voltmeter using the MCl4433 is shown in the circuit diagram of Figure 11. The reference voltage for the system uses an MC1403 2.5 V reference IC. The full scale potentiometer can calibrate for a full scale of 199.9 mV or 1.999 V. When switching from 2 V to 200 mV operation, RI is also changed, as shown on the diagram. When using RC equal to 300 kO, the clock frequency for the system is about 66 kHz. The resulting conversion time is approximately 250 ms. When the input is overrange, the display flashes on and off. The flashing rate is one-half the conversion rate. This is done by dividing the EOC pulse rate by 2 with Y, MC14013B flip-flop and blanking the display using the blanking input of the MC14543B. 3-9 MC14433 FIGURE 12 - 3'12 DIGIT VOLTMETER WITH LOW COMPONENT COUNT t I RI RI/CI nput +5 I - Vx Zener Diode or MCl403 Reference J- 1/ 1\ r~CO2 CI COl Clk I Vx J ~ C 1 MCl4433 DU 300 k Clk 0 VAG EOC I 00 01 02 03 Vref Resistor Network or Individual Resistors MC14511B OR vssiJ. VDDI---VEEr- A B C D +2LT r~~s BI VDD R a b c d e f g ~ ~ DS3 DS2 OS4 OSl ROp for V re f=2.000 V Vx: 1.999 V full scale I RM VEE* IMinus) r Vref= 200.0 mV Vx: 199.9 mV full scale (change 470 kD to RI = 27 kD and decimal point position) +5V I Minus Control *V EE can range between - 2.8 and 11 V. Also see Figure 18 for ne gative supply generated from a po sitive supply. I - I BBB I I I Comma Cathod LED Displa 517 MC1413 Digit Driver Alternate Overrange Circuit with Separate LED OR1117MC14131r---l--~+5V t~ choice of the designer, the values of resistors R, RM, ROp, and RR that govern brightness are not given. During an overrange condition the 3% digit display is blanked at the BI pin on the MC14511 B. The decimal point and minus sign will remain on during a negative overrange condition. In addition, an alternate overrange circuit with separate LED is shown. 3 Y2 DIGIT VOLTMETER WITH LOW COMPONENT COUNT USING COMMON CATHODE DISPLAYS The 3Y2 digit voltmeter of Figure 12 is an example of the use of the MCl4433 in a system with a minimum of components. This circuit uses only 11 components in addition to the MCl4433 to operate the MCl4433 and drive the LED displays. In this circuit the MC14511 B provides the segment drive for the 3% digits. The MC1413 provides sink for digit current. (The MC1413 is a device with 7 Darlingtons with common emitters.) The worst case digit current is 7 times the segment current at Y. duty cycle. The peak segment current is limited by the value of R. The current for the display flows from VDO (+ 5 V) to ground and does not flow through the VEE (negative) supply. The minus sign is controlled by one section of the MC1413 and is turned off by shunting the current through RM to ground, bypassing the minus sign LED. The minus sign is derived from the Q2 output. The decimal point brightness is controlled by resistor ROp. Since the brightness and the type and size of LED display are the 3 Y2 DIGIT VOLTMETER WITH LCD DISPLAY A circuit for a 3Y2 digit voltmeter with a liquid crystal display is shown in Figure 13. Three MC14543B LCD latch/ decoder/display drivers are used to demultiplex, decode the three digits, and drive the LCD. The half digit and polarity are demultiplexed with the MC14013B dual D flip-flop. Since the LCD is best driven by an ac signal across the LCD, the low-frequency square wave drive for the LCD is derived from the MC14024B binary counter which divides the digit select output from the A/D. This low frequency square wave is connected to the backplane of the LCD and to the individual segments through the combination of the output cir- 3-10 MC14433 FIGURE 13 - 3% DIGIT VOLTMETER WITH LCD DISPLAY I +V -v cuitry of the MC14543B and the exclusive OR gates at the outputs of the MCl4013B. Alternatively the square wave can be derived from a 50/60 Hz input signal when available. The minus sign and the decimal point to the right of the half digit are connected to the inverted low frequency square wave signal. Unused decimal points are tied directly to the low frequency square wave. The system shown operates from two power supplies (plus and minus). Alternatively one supply can be used when VSS is connected to VEE. In this case a level must be set for analog ground, VAG, which must be at least 2.8 V above VEE. This circuit may be implemented with a resistor network, resistor/forward-biased diode network or resistorzener diode network. For example, a 9 V supply can be used with 3 V between VAG and VEE, leaving 6 V for VOO to V AG. This system leaves a comfortable margin for battery degeneration (end of life). Two versions of this circuit for Single supply operation is shown in Figure 14. For panel meter operation from a single 5 V supply, a negative supply can be generated as shown in Figure 18. FIGURE 14 - TWO CIRCUITS FOR GENERATION OF Vref AND VAG FROM A SINGLE SUPPLY VDD VDD ~---_-~Vref Vref 4 Silicon Diodes 2.8 V VAG to VEE'"' 2.8 V min 3-11 iii !: .,..,..... (") FIGURE 15 - 3% DIGIT AUTORANGING MUL TIMETER VIN 0-- W W Common Anud .. LED D'Sl'i.JY ®ElE1B v'" .~ ( W,X. Y,Z Connect cp ~ J\.) "rn Relays-ClareMR31A12 3 Position. 7 Pole (FunCllOn) - 2 PositIOn. 2 Pole (AC-DC) 2 PO!'lttOn, f Pole (Hold! All 2 Input NAND All 4 Input NAND All Inverters MCl4011 B MCl4012B MCl4049UB All Transmission Gates MCl4066B I I MC14433 PARALLEL BCD DATA OUTPUT CIRCUIT The output of the MCl4433 may be demultiplexed to produce parallel BCD data as shown in Figure 16. Two levels of latches are required for a complete demultiplexing of the data since the outputs of the MC14042B latches change sequentially with the DS1 to DS4 strobe pulses. To key output validity to one leading edge, i.e., that of the EOC signal of the MCl4433, information is transferred to the second set of latches (MC14175B latches). A single set of latches can be used when reading of output is restricted to within 12,000 clock pulses after EOC. This requires synchronous system operation with respect to the BCD data bus. In this system the output ground level is VSS. In most cases, a two supply system with VSS connected to VAG is recommended. This allows connecting analog ground and digital ground together without destroying a power supply. This circuit works well with that of Figure 12. 3% DIGIT AUTORANGING MULTIMETER An autoranging multimeter including ac and dc voltage ranges from 200 mV to 200 V, ac and dc current from 2 mA to 2 A fullscale and resistance ranges from 2 kO to 2 MO fullscale is shown in Figure 15. In this multimeter only two input jacks are required for all ranges and functions, eliminating the need for changing leads on the instrument when changing ranges or functions. Although only four ranges are provided for each function, the technique used may be expanded to more ranges if desired. Range switching uses mechanical relays. However, the relays may be replaced with solid state analog switches. The MCl4433 provides the overrange and underrange control signals for the automatic ranging circuits. For additional information, see Motorola Application Note AN-769, "Autoranging Digital Multimeter Using the MCl4433 CMOS AI D Converter." FIGURE 16 - DEMULTIPLEXING FOR MC14433 BCD DATA Multiplexed BCD DS1 DS2 DS3 DS4 Ii 1 I I 00 01 02 03 o- Pal - ~ 1 C MC14042B Pol I I I Voo 00 01 02 03 MC14042B C I I 00 01 02 D3 00 01 02 03 Pol MC14042B C f-- ~ C MC14042B Pol I--VO D 00 01 02 03 00 01 02 03 00 01 02 03 00 01 02 03 I I 02 03 I I 02 03 I I D2 D3 00 D1 02 D3 00 01 VD D-R I I I I MC14175B 00 01 02 03 00 01 C- 1 LJ 1 VOD _ -R MC14175B 00 D1 C - VDD-R MC14175B I I Cf-- 00 01 02 03 00 01 02 03 111 1 1 11 1 VO~ R MC14175B CI-- 00 01 02 03 1 tJ 1 EOC 3-13 II MC14433 FIGURE 17 - CHANNEL DATA ACQUISITION HARDWARE r---------------------~----------------------_.------------------+5 .----------+-------------------5 ,..-------------- IRQ .-------Restart ,..-------R/W GNO Co AG MCl4433 VOO II X7 OS4 OS3 OS2 OSl 03 02 01 00 Vx Clk 0 X 300 k X6 Clk I VSS X5 OU VCC IROA PB7 PB6 PB5 PB4 PB3 PB2 PBl PBO EOC CBl CB2 +5V +5V +5V PA7 10k PA6 X3 PA5 +5 PA4 X2 PA3 Xl Cr-~--~---~----------------------~ PA2 Br-----~--~r_------------------~ PAl PAO XO ~ Ar-------------~----------------------~ CSO VEE ~ lNH Analog E VSS ",2 GNO 07 06 05 04 MC6821 X4 4 R/W Data ToM C6800 Bus System 03 02 01 DO CAl ~ t'l Inputs -5 Address } 8 CHANNEL DATA ACQUISITION NElWORK nel to be measured via the MCl4051 B analog multiplexer. Control lines CB1 and CB2 are used for data flow control and are connected to DU and EOC of the MCl4433. A more detailed explanation of this system including the actual software required for the M6800 microprocessor may be found in Motorola Application Note AN-nO, "Data Acquisition Networks With NMOS and CMOS." Figure 17 shows an 8-channel data acquisition network using the MCl4433 and an MC6800 microprocessor system. The interface between the microprocessor data bus and the AID system is done with an MC6821 PIA. One half of the PIA is used with the BCD and digit select outputs of the MCl4433, while the second half of the PIA selects the chanFIGURE 18 - Bus NEGATIVE SUPPLY GENERATED FROM POSITIVE SUPPLY 116 MC14049UB NEGATIVE SUPPLY GENERATED FROM POSITIVE SUPPLY VDD=5 V vSS=o V When only + 5 V is available, a negative supply voltage can be generated with the circuit of Figure 18 using one MCl4049UB. Two inverters from CMOS hex inverter are used as an oscillator (=3 kHz) with the remaining inverters used as buffers for higher current output. The square wave output from the oscillator is level-translated to a negative going signal. This signal is rectified and filtered. A VDD voltage of + 5 V for the hex buffer will result in a - 4.3 V no load output voltage while the output with a 2 mA load is =3.4 V. 510 K 3-14 ® MC14435 MOTOROLA 3-1/2 DIGIT AID LOGIC SUBSYSTEM CMOS LSI (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) The MC14435 AID Logic is designed specifically for use in a dual-slope integration AID converter system. The device consists of 3-112 digits of BCD counters, 13 memory latches, and output multiplexing circuitry. An internal clock oscillator is provided to generate system timing and to set the output multiplexing rate. A single capacitor is required to set the oscillator frequency. 3-1/2 DIGIT AID LOGIC SUBSYSTEM • On-Chip Clock to Control Digit Select, Multiplexing, and BCD Counters Simultaneously • Multiplexed BCD Output • Built-In 100-Count Delay for Accurate System Conversion of Low-Level Inputs • System Over-Range Output • Linear Companion Device Available From Motorola (MC1405L/1505L) • Supply Voltage Range = 3.0 Vdc to 18 Vdc (MC14435 EFLlFLlFP) = 3.0 Vdc to 6.0 Vdc (MC14435EVL!VL! VP) L SUFFIX C'=RAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620 P SUFFIX MAXIMUM RATI NGS (Voltages referenced to VSS Pin 8.) PLASTIC PACKAGE Rating Symbol DC Supply Voltage Value - MC14435EFL!FL!FP - MC14435EVL!VL!VP Input Voltage, All Inputs CASE 648 +18to-0.5 +6.0 to -0.5 Vin DC Current Drain per Pin Unit Vdc VDD VDD +0.5 to VSS -0.5 Vdc I 10 mAdc Operating Temperature Range MC14435EFL!EVL MC14435F L!FPIVL!VP TA -55 to +125 -40 to +85 °c Storage Temperature Range T stg -65 to +150 °c PRODUCT CANCELLED Refer to Other AI D Converters Listed in the Function Selector Guide of This Book 3-15 PIN ASSIGNMENT DS3 V OD 16 DS1 DS2 15 C1 00 14 C2 01 13 Camp 02 12 au 03 11 RC 1/2 D 10 VSS OR II ® MC14442 MOTOROLA CMOS LSI (LOW-POWER SILICON GATE COMPLEMENTARY MOS) ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER (ADC) II The MC14442 ADC is a 28-pin bus-compatible 8-bit AID converter with additional digital input capability. The device operates from a single 5 V supply and provides direct interface to the MPU data bus used with all Motorola M6800 family parts. It performs an 8-bit conversion in 32 machine cycles and allows up to 11 analog inputs. In addition, the part can accept up to 6 digital inputs. These inputs are designed to be either analog or digital inputs. All necessary logic for software configuration, channel selection, conversion control an<;l bus interface is included. • • MICROPROCESSOR-COMPATIBLE ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER Direct Interface to M6800 Family MPUs Dynamic Successive Approximation AID • 32 P.s Conversion at fE = 1.0 MHz • Ratiometric Conversion • Completely Programmable • Completely Software Compatible with the MC14444 ADC • 5 Dedicated Analog Inputs • 6 Inputs Usable for Either Analog or Digital Signals • Completely TTL Compatible Inputs at Full Speed with Supply Voltage of 5 V ± 10% ORDERING INFORMATION MC14XXXt~ Suffix Denotes Ceramic Package Plastic Package BLOCK DIAGRAM AND PIN ASSIGNMENT VAG Vref 11 11 ANO AN2-AN5 PO-P5 Vref VDD Po-P5 4 SC AND D6 AN2 D5 AN3 D4 AN4 D3 AN5 D2 Analog Data Register (Read Only) D1 PlIAN111 DO P2(AN81 P3(AN91 4 AO-3 00-07 Digital Data Register (Read Only) 8 R/IN D7 8 Control ~~~~~------------------~~-----------------' 3-16 RS1 CS 13 14 ""L-_ _ _ _--rReset MC14442 MAXIMUM RATINGS* Symbol Parameter Value Unit -0.5 to +6.5 V DC Input Voltage (Referenced to VSS) -0.5 to VCC+0.5 V DC Output Voltage (Referenced to VSS) -0.5 to VCC+0.5 V DC Input Current, per Pin ±10 mA lout DC Output Current per Pin ±10 mA 100 DC Supply Current, VDD and VSS Pins ±20 mA 500 mW VDD DC Supply Voltage (Referenced to VSS) Yin V out lin Power Dissipation, per Package t PD Storage Temperature Tstg TL Lead Temperature (10-Second Soldering) -65 to + 150 °C 300 °C This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid applications of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Yin and V out be constrained to the range V SS s (Vin or Vout)SVDD· Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or VDD) * Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. tPower Dissipation Temperature Derating: Plastic "P" Package: -12mW/oC from 65°C to 85°C Ceramic "L" Package: no derating DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VDD=5.0 V ± 10%, VSS = 0 V, TA = -40°C to 85°C unless otherwise noted) I Characteristic I Symbol I Conditions I Min I Max Unit Bus Control Inputs (R/W, Enable, Reset, RS1, CS) Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Input Leakage Current Vin=O to 5.5 V Data Bus (00-D7) Input High Voltage - V - 0.8 V - ± 10 p.A 2.0 Input Low Voltage VIH V IL Three-State (Off State) Input Leakage Current ITSI Output High Voltage VOH VDD=5.5 V, VSSsVinsVDD IOH= -1.6 mA Output Low Voltage VOL IOL = 1.6 mA 2.4 - - V 0.4 V V Penpherallnputs (PO-P5) Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 - Input Low Voltage VIL - 0.8 V Input Leakage Current lin - ± 1.0 p.A VDD=5.5 V, VSSsVinsVDD Current ReqUirements Supply Current VDD=5.5 V Input Current, Vref Vref-4.5 to 5.5 V ANALOG CHARACTERISTICS (T A = -40°C to 85°C) Characteristic Description Analog Multiplexer Leakage Current Leakage current between all deselected analog inputs and any selected analog input with all analog input voltages between VSS and VDD AID Converter (VSS=O V, VAG=O V, 4.5 VsVrefsVDDs5.5 V) Resolution Number of bits resolved by the AID 8 - Bits Nonlinearity Maximum deviation from the best straight line through the AID transfer characteristic - ± y, LSB Zero Error Difference between the output of an ideal and an actual AI D for zero input voltage - ±v, LSB Full-Scale Error Difference between the output of an ideal and an actual AID for full-scale input voltage - ±v, LSB Total Unadjusted Error Maximum sum of Nonlinearity, Zero Error, and Full-Scale Error - ±v, LSB Quantization Error Uncertainty due to converter resolution - ± y, LSB Absolute Accuracy Difference between the actual input voltage and the full-scale weighted equivalent of the binary output code, all error sources included - ±10 LSB Conversion Time Total time to perform a single analog-ta-digital conversion - 32 E cycles Sample Acquisition Time Time required to sample the analog input - 12 E cycles 3-17 II MC14442 AC CHARACTERISTICS (T A = -40° to 85°C) (See Figure 1) Characteristic Signal Symbol Min Max Unit Enable Clock Cycle Time (lifE) E 943 E 440 Enable Clock Pulse Width, Low E PWUE) 410 - ns Enable Clock Pulse Width, High tcyC(E) PWH(E) Clock Rise Time E tdE) - 25 ns Clock Fall Time E tf(E) - 30 ns RS1, R/W, CS tAS 145 - ns Data Delay (Read) 00-07 tOOR - 335 ns Oata Setup (Write) 00-07 tosw 185 - ns Address Hold Time RS1, R/W, CS 00-07 tAH 10 - ns tOHW 10 - ns Output Data Hold Time 00-07 tOHR 10 - ns Input Capacitance PO-P5, Cin - 55 pF - 15 - 15 Address Setup Time II Input Data Hold Time ns ns ANO-AN10, R/W, E, RS1, CS, RESET Three-State Output Capacitance 00-07 Cout pF FIGURE 1 - BUS TIMING ~----------------tcyC(E) ----------------~ ~------ PWUE) ------~.. ~I " " . . . - - - - - - - PWHIE)-------+-I 2.0 0.8 tAS R/W, -----l~ 2.0V CS, RS1 0.8V tOOR 2.4 2.4 MPU Read 00-07 0.4 0.4 tOHW 2.0 MPU Write 2.0 00-07 0.8 3-18 0.8 MC14442 PIN FUNCTIONS Pin No. MC14442 MPU INTERFACE SIGNALS Function Pin Name 1 VAG A/D Converter Analog Ground Type Supply Supply Digital Ground 2 VSS 3 07 Data Bus Bit 7 (MSB) I nput/ Output 4 06 Data Bus Bit 6 Input/Output 5 05 Data Bus Bit 5 Input/Output 6 04 Data Bus Bit 4 Input/ Output 7 03 Data Bus Bit 3 Input/Output 8 02 Data Bus Bit 2 Input/Output 9 01 Data Bus Bit 1 Input/ Output 10 DO Data Bus Bit 0 (LSB) Input/ Output 11 R/W 12 E 13 RS1 Input Register Select Input Chip Select Input Input P5(AN7) Digital Port or Analog Channel 7 Input 17 P4(AN6) Digital Port or Analog Channel 6 Input 18 P3(AN9) Digital Port or Analog Channel 9 Input 19 P2(AN8) Digital Port or Analog Channel 8 Input 20 Pl(ANl1) Digital Port or Analog Channel 11 Input Digital Port or Analog Channel 10 Input CS Reset 16 Enable Clock (E) - The enable clock provides two functions for the MCl4442. First, it serves to synchronize data transfers into and out of the ADC. The timing of all other external signals is referenced to the leading or trailing edge of the enable clock. Secondly, the enable clock is used internally to derive the necessary SAR AID conversion clocks. Because this conversion is a dynamic process, enable clock must be a continuous signal into the ADC during an AI D conversion. Input Read/Write Enable Clock (<1>2) Reset 14 15 Bidirectional Data Bus (DO-07) - The bidirectional rj;JliJ lines DO-D7 comprise the bus over which data is transferred in parallel to and from the MPU. The data bus output drivers are three-state devices that remain in the high-impedence state except during an MPU read of an ADC data register 21 PO(ANlO) 22 AN5 Analog Channel 5 Input 23 AN4 Analog Channel 4 Input 24 AN3 Analog Channel 3 Input 25 AN2 Analog Channel 2 Input 26 ANO Analog Channel 0 27 VDD Supply Voltage 28 Vref A/D Converter Positive Reference Voltage ReadlWrite (R/W) - The R/W signal is provided to the MCl4442 to control the direction of data transfers to and from the MPU. A low state on this line is required to transfer data from the MPU to the ADC control register. A high state is required on R/W to transfer data out of either of the AOC data registers. Reset (Reset) - The reset line supplies the means of externally forcing the MCl4442 into a known state. When a low is applied to the Reset pin, the start conversion bit of the control register is cleared. Analog channel 0 is automatically selected by the analog multiplexer. The AID status bit is also cleared. Any AI D results present in the Analog Data register are not affected by a reset. Reset forces the data bus output drivers to the high-impedance state. The internal byte pointer (discussed in the following pages) is set to point to the most significant byte of any subsequently selected internal register. In order to attain an internally stable reset state, the Reset pin must be low for at least one complete enable clock cycle. Input Supply Input Chip Select (CS) - Chip select is an active-low input used by the MPU system to enable the ADC for data transfers. No data may be passed to or from the ADC through the data bus pins unless CS is in a low state. A selection of MPU address lines and the M6800 VMA signal or its equivalent should be utilized to provide chip select to the MCl4442. MC14442 ANALOG INPUTS AND DIGITAL INPUTS (Refer to the ADC Block Diagram) Dedicated Analog Channels (ANO. AN2-AN5) - These input pins serve as dedicated analog channels subject to AID conversions. These channels are fed directly into the internal 12-to-1 analog multiplexer which feeds a single analog voltage to the AID converter. Shared Analog Channels (AN6-AN11) - These input pins are also connected to the analog multiplexer and may be used as analog channels for AID conversion. However. these pins may also serve as digital input pins as described next. 3-19 II MC14442 II Shared Digital Inputs (PO-P51 - PO-P5 comprise a 6-bit digital input port whose bits may also serve as analog channels. The state of these inputs may be read at any time from the ADC digital data register. The function of these pins is not programmed, but instead is simply assigned by the system designer on a pin-by-pin basis. may be degraded if VAG is wired to VSS at the AOC package unless VSS has been sufficiently filtered to remove switching noise. Ideally V AG should be single-point grounded to the system analog ground supply. CAUTION: Digital values read from the PO-P5 bit locations do not guarantee the presence of true digital input levels on these pins. PO-P5 pass through a TTL-compatible input buffer and into the digital data register. These buffers are designed with enough hysteresis to prevent internal oscillations if an analog voltage between 0.8 and 2 V is present on one or more of these six pins. The MCl4442 ADC has three 16-bit internal registers. Each register is divided into two 8-bit bytes: a most significant (MS) byte (bits 8-151 and a least significant (LS) byte (bits 0-7). Each of these bytes may not be addressed externally, but instead are normally addressed by a single 16-bit instruction such as the M6800 LDX instruction. An internal byte pointer selects the appropriate register byte during the two E cycles of a normal 16-bit access. In keeping with the M6800 X register format, the pointer points first to the MS byte of any selected register. After the E cycle in which the MS byte is accessed, the pointer will switch to the LS byte and remain there for as long as chip select is low. The pointer moves back to the MS byte on the falling edge of E after the first complete E cycle in which the AOC is not selected. (See Figure 2a for more detail.) The MS byte of any register may also be accessed by a simple 8-bit instruction as shown in Figure 2b. However, the LS byte of all registers may be accessed only by 16-bit instructions as described above. By connecting the ADC register select (AS1) to the MPU address line A 1, the three registers may be accessed sequentially by 16-bit operations. MC14442 INTERNAL REGISTERS MC14442 SUPPLY VOLTAGE PINS Positive Supply Voltage (VDOI - VOO is used internally to supply power to all digital logic and to the chopper stabilized comparator. Because the output buffers connected to this supply must drive capacitive loads, ac noise on this supply line is unavoidable internally. Analog circuits using this supply within the MCl4442 were designed with high VDO supply rejection; however, it is recommended that a filtering capacitance be used externally between VOD and VSS to filter noise caused by transient current spikes. Ground Supply Voltage (VSS) - VSS should be tied to system digital ground or the negative terminal of the VOD power source. Again, the output buffers cause internal noise on this supply, so analog circuits were designed with high VSS rejection. CAUTION: RSl should not be connected to address line AO and the addressing of the ADC should be such that RSl does not change states during a 16-bit access. Positive AID Reference Voltage (Vref) - This is the voltage used internally to provide references to the analog comparator and the digital-to-analog converter used by the SAR AID. The analog-to-digital conversion result will be ratiometric to Vref- VAG (full scale). Hence Vref should be a very noise-free supply. Ideally Vref should be Single-point connected to the voltage supply driving the system's transducers. Vref may be connected to VDD, but degradation of absolute AID accuracy may result due to switching noise on VDD. INTERNAL REGISTER ADDRESSING Addressing Signals AID Ground Reference Voltage (VAG) - This supply is the ground reference for the internal OAC and several reference voltages supplied to the comparator. It should also be noise-free to guarantee A/O accuracy. Absolute accuracy 3-20 Reset CS R/W RSl 0 X X X Reset 1 0 0 0 No Response 1 0 0 1 MPU Write to Control Register 1 0 1 0 MPU Read from Analog Data Register 1 0 1 1 MPU Read from Digital Data Register 1 1 X X Chip Deselected (No Response) ADC Response MC14442 FIGURE 2 - ADC ACCESS TIMING a - Typical 16-Bit ADC Access II RS1, R/W Byte Pointer Reset to MS Byte b - Typical 8-Bit ADC Access Select MS Byte 3-21 MC14442 MCl4442 CONTROL REGISTER (Write Only) 15 o X (MSBl AO (LSBl ~------8-Bit Write------~ ~---------------16-Bit Write---------------~ II Analog Multiplexer Address (AO-A3) - These four address bits are decoded by the analog multiplexer and used to select the appropriate analog channel as shown below. will begin immediately after the completion of the control register write. Unused Bits (X) - Bits 4-7 and 9-15 of the ADC Control Register are not used internally. Hexadecimal Address 1A3 = MSB) Select o ANa 1 Vref 2-5 6-B AN2-AN5 AN6-ANll C-F Undefined NOTE: A 16-bit control register write is required to change the analog multiplexer address. However, 8-bit writes to the MCl4442 can be used to initiate an AI D conversion if the analog MUX is already selecting the desired channel. This is useful when repeated conversions on a particular analog channel are necessary. Start AID Conversion (SC) - When the SC bit is set to a logical 1, an AID conversion on the specified analog channel MCl4442 ANALOG DATA REGISTER (Read Only) a 15 EOC (MSBl RO (LSBl 1+------8-8it Read------~ ,....---------------16-Bit Read---------------~ AID Result (RO-R7) - The LS byte of the analog data register contains the result of the AID conversion. R7 is the MSB, and the converter follows the standard convention of assigning a code of $FF to a full-scale analog voltage. There are no special overflow or underflow indications. bit is cleared by either an 8-bit or a 16-bit MPU write to the ADC control register. The r.emainder of the bits in the MS byte of the analog data register are always set to a logical 0 to simplify MPU interrogation of the ADC status. For example, a Single M6800 TST instruction can be used to determine the status of the AI D conversion. AID Status (EOC) - The AID status bit is set whenever a conversion is successfully completed by the ADC. The status MCl4442 DIGITAL DATA REGISTER (Read Only) o o 15 P5 ~------8-Bit Read------~ ~----------------16-BitRead--------------------~ Logical Zero (0) zero. These bits are always read as logical Shared Digital Port (PO-P5) - The voltage present on these pins is interpreted Be; Cl digital signal and the corresponding states are read from these bits. WARNING: A digital value will be given for each pin even if some or all of the pins are being used as analog inputs. Analog Multiplexer Address (AO-A3) - The number of the analog channel presently addressed is given by these bits. 3-22 MC14442 ANALOG SUBSYSTEM (See Block Diagram) 2 enable clock cycles for the write into the control register even if only one byte is written. In this case, the second E cycle does not affect any internal registers. During the next 121> enable cycles following a write command, the analog multiplexer channel is selected and the analog input voltage is stored on the sample and hold DAC. It is recommended that an input source impedance of 10 KG or less be used to allow complete charging of the capacitive DAC. During cycle 13 the AID is disconnected from the multiplexer output and the successive approximation AI D routine begins. Since the analog input voltage is being held on an internal capacitor for the entire conversion period, it is required that the enable clock run continuously until the AI D conversion is completed. The new 8-bit result is latched into the analog data register on the rising edge of cycle 32. At this point the end of conversion bit (EOe) is set in the analog data register MS byte. (See Figure 3, AID Timing Sequence.) General Description The analog subsystem of the MCl4442 is composed of a 12-channel analog multiplexer, an 8-bit capacitive DAC (digital-to-analog converted, a chopper-stabilized comparator, a successive approximation register, and the necessary control logic to generate a successive approximation routine. The analog multiplexer selects one of twelve channels and directs it to the input of the capacitive DAC. A fullycapacitive DAC is utilized because of the excellent matching characteristics of thin-oxide capacitors in the silicon-gate CMOS process. The DAC actually serves several functions. During the sample phase, the analog input voltage is applied to the DAC which acts as a sample-and-hold circuit. During the conversion phase, the capacitor array serves as a digitalto-analog converter. The comparator is the heart of the ADC; it compares the unknown analog input to the output of the DAC, which is driven by a conventional successiveapproximation register. The chopper-stabilized comparator was designed for low offset voltage characteristics as well as VDD and VSS power supply rejection. NOTE: The digital data register or the analog data register may be read even if an AI D conversion is in progress. If the analog data register is read during an AID conversion, valid results from the previous conversion are obtained. However, the EOC bit will be clear (logic 0) if an AID conversion is in progress. Device Operation An AID conversion is initiated by writing a logical 1 into the SC bit of the ADC control register. The MCl4442 allows FIGURE 3 - MPU Write ToADC Control Register Sample Analog Input ~ ~llnput Should Be Stablel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AID TIMING SEQUENCE .1... SAR AID Conversion .1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 2324 2526 27 28 29 3031 32 R/IN RS1 Analog Data Register IRO-R7 Valid Data F~om Previous Conversion IEOC Cleared) and EOC) ------1___- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.......'1'- Valid. EOC--1 3-23 11 MC14442 FIGURE 4 - TYPICAL MC14442 APPLICATION IN A CLIMATE CONTROLLER ROM I Latch/ Decoder/ Driver ...- - - - - - - -....- - - - - - v r e f MC6802 MPU MCl4442 ADC ~----~~--r---------VAG Heat/AC Control MC6821 PIA Duct Damper Control 3-24 MC14443 MC14447 @ MOTOROLA CMOS MS. ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER LINEAR SUBSYSTEM (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) The MCl4443 and the MCl4447 are 6-channel, single-slope, 8-10 bit analog-to-digital converter linear subsystems for microprocessor-based data and control systems. Contained in both devices are a one-of-8 decoder, an 8-channel analog multiplexer, a buffer amplifier, a precision voltage-to-current converter, a ramp start circuit, and a comparator. The output driver of the MCl4443's comparator is an open-drain N-channel which provides a sinking current. The output driver of the MCl4447's comparator is a standard B-Series P-Channel, N-Channel pair. A processor system (such as the MC141000 or MC146805) provides the addressing, timing, counting, and arithmetic operations required for implementing a full analog-to-digital converter system. A system made up of a processor and the linear subsystem has features such as automatic zeroing and variable scaling (weighting) of six separate analog channels. • Quiescent Current 0.8 mA Typical at VDD = 5 V MICROPROCESSOR-BASED ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER ~.,.. J"fu~)l~ uu "rmrrn ~ I L SUFFIX P SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 620 CASE 648 • Single Supply Operation +4.5 to + 18 Volts ORDERING INFORMATION • Direct Interface to CMOS MPUs • Typical Resolution - 8 Bits b MC14XXX • Typical Conversion Cycle as Fast as 300 ~s • Ratio Metric Conversion Minimizes Error • Analog Input Voltage Range: VSS to VDD - 2 V • Chip Complexity: MCl4443 MCl4447 - Suffix Denote. L Ceramic Package P PlastiC Package 150 FETs 151 FETs BLOCK DIAGRAM PIN ASSIGNMENT 15 Ch1 Ramp Start Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 Ch5 Ch6 Ref Voltage AO A1 3 13 12 11 10 16 ., .,x 15 14 ."a. 4 ~ 13 12 11 .--_ _ _ _ _-1~--~--=-6 Ref Cu rrent Set Voo ~ Pin 14 VSS ~ Pin 5 A2 3-25 10 E MC14443, MC14447 MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages referenced to Vssl Rating Symbol Value Unit V VDD -0.5 to + 18 Input Voltage. All Inputs Yin -0.5 to VDD+0.5 V DC Input Current. per Pin lin ± 10 DC Supply Voltage Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range TA -40 to +85 mA DC Tstg -65 to + 150 DC This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however. it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Yin and V out be constrained to the range VSS .;; (Vin or V out )';; VDD. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltage Referenced to VSSI I Characteristic Output Voltage- Comparator Yin @ Pin 4==0 V "0" Level Symbol VOD V VOL 5.0 -40°C Min Max 0.05 0.05 0.05 10 15 Vin@ Pin4== 1.0V (Rpullup== 10 kf!. MCl4443 onlyl Input Voltage-Address. Ramp Start (VO==4.5 or 0.5 VI (VO==9.0 or 1.0 V) (VO== 13.5 or 1.5 VI "1" Level VOH 10 15 "0" Level "1" Level Yin @ Pin 4=0 V (VOL =OA VI (VOL ==0.5 VI 1VOL=1.5VI 4.95 9.95 14.95 4.95 9.95 14.95 85°C Typ Max 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.05 4.99 9.99 14.99 Min Max Unit 0.05 V 0.05 0.05 4.95 9.95 14.95 V V VIL 5.0 1.5 10 15 4.0 2.25 4.50 6.75 3.0 1.5 1.5 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 V VIH 10 15 3.5 7.0 11.0 3.5 7.0 11.0 2.75 5.50 8.25 3.5 7.0 11.0 5.0 5.0 10 15 -2.5 -0.52 -1.3 -3.6 -2.1 -0.44 -1.1 -3.0 -4.2 -0.88 -2.25 -8.8 -1.7 -0.36 -0.9 5.0 0.52 13 3.6 0.44 1.1 3.0 0.88 2.25 8.8 0.36 0.9 5.0 (VO=05 or4.5 VI (VO= 1.0 or 9.0 VI (VO= 1.5 or 13.5 VI Output Drive Current- Comparator Yin @ Pin 4== 1.0 V (MCl4447 onlyl (VOH==2.5 VI (VOH=4.6 VI (VOH==9.5 VI (VOH= 13.5 VI 5.0 25°C Min mA IOH - - -2A mA IOL 10 15 ±0.3 2A Input Current- Address. Ramp Start lin 15 Input Current- Analog Inputs lin 15 ±01 ±50 nA Input Capacitance- Address. Ramp Start Vin==O V Cin 15 5.0 7.5 pF Quiescent Current IDD 0.8 1.5 1.7 1.5 mA 10 3.0 0 ±0.3 15 Crosstalk Between Any Two Input Channels Reference Current Range Channel Input Voltage Range 4.0 mV 10 50 p.A VAl 0 0 0 3.0 8.0 13.0 V 0.285 VSO Reference Voltage Range Conversion Linearity C>loo pF. VAI=O to 2.5 V. V re f=25 V 1/;,:-(1,,.,7nV V::,=70V VAI = 0 to 120 V. Vref= 12.0 V VTC Vref V OAOO OA20 10 15 Comparator Threshold p.A IR VCr 10 15 Buffer Amplifier Output Offset ± 10 0.195 0.275 0.290 5 10 15 0 0 5 10 15 2.0 2.0 2.0 VBO VBO VSO 3.0 8.0 13.0 10 15 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 +0.5 +0.5 +U.O V V % Full Scale LC 3-26 I - I - I - I - MC14443, MC14447 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (CL = 50 pF, T A = 25 0 C) Characteristic Symbol VOO V Output Rise Time-Comparator 5.0 tTLH 10 15 Output Fall Time-Comparator 5.0 tTHL 10 15 MC14443 Propagation Delay Time-Comparator 5.0 tpLH 10 (RL = 10 k to VDD) 15 5.0 tpHL 10 15 MC14447 5.0 tpLH 10 15 5.0 tPHL 10 15 Multiplexer Propagation Delay 5.0 tM 10 15 Ramp Start Delay Time 5.0 tTS 10 15 Acquisition Time* 5.0 tA C=1000pF 10 15 Rref= 100 kO ... * AcquIsition Time Includes multiplexer propagation delay, ramp start propagation delay and the selected input voltage. (MC14447 only) Min Typ Max Unit 120 240 ns 75 150 65 130 ns 250 500 350 700 650 1300 ns 550 1100 500 1000 550 1100 350 700 ns 300 600 600 300 600 ns 1200 475 950 500 1000 450 ns 980 540 1080 750 1500 180 ns 360 125 250 110 220 40 ns 80 25 50 20 40 jlS 30 60 15 30 14 28 the time required to charge ramp capacitor to - - - PIN DESCRIPTIONS A2, A1, AO, ANALOG MUX ADDRESS INPUTS (PINS 2, 1, 16) - These inputs determine the input voltage source to be presented to the measurement system according to the Truth Table shown in Figure 2. Ref Current, REFERENCE CURRENT (PIN 6) - To discharge the ramp capacitor, the reference current is fixed via a resistor (Rref) to a positive supply from Pin 6. Typical current is equal to (VOO-Vref)/Rref. Ramp Start, RAMP START (PIN 3) - When Ramp Start is low, the ramp capacitor is charged to a voltage associated with the selected input channel. When Ramp Start is brought high, the connection to the input channel is broken and the capacitor begins to ramp toward VSS. See Figure 4. Comp Out, COMPARATOR OUTPUT (PIN 7) - This output is low when the capacitor has reached the discharged voltage and is high otherwise. The MC14443 requires a pullup resistor on Pin 7 due to the open-drain configuration. The MC14447 does not require a pull-up resistor. Ramp Cap, RAMP CAPACITOR (PIN 4) - The ramp capacitor is used to generate a time period when discharged from a selected voltage via a precise reference current. A polystyrene or mylar capacitor is recommended. The value should be ~ 100 pF so that the board and stray capacitances have negligible effects. Large values of capacitance with the associated large leakage currents are not recommended because the leakage current must be insignificant in comparison to the minimum reference current (10 pAl. Ref Voltage, REFERENCE VOLTAGE (PIN 8) - This is the known voltage to which the unknown is compared. VSS, NEGATIVE POWER SUPPLY (PIN 5) system ground. INPUT CHANNELS (PINS 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15) - Input channels 1 through 6 are used to monitor up to six separate unknown voltages. Selection is via the address inputs. VDD, POSITIVE POWER SUPPLY (PIN 14) - This pin is the package positive power supply pin. This is 3-27 II MC14443, MC14447 FIGURE 1 - VOLTAGE TO PULSE WIDTH CONVERSION Voltage Reference Voltage' (VR + VSO) Unknown Voltage' (VX (VSO)count = to + VSO)count = tx (V R + VSO)count = tR (VR)count = tR -- to (V X )count = tx - to (V x + VSO) (VX)count = (VR)count Voltage II at 0 Input' V tx - to tR - to (Vao) L...i...--=::!===::::::======::. "'Voltages measured at pin 4 with ramp start low_ to time tx FIGURE 2 - TRUTH TABLE A2 Al AO 0 0 0 VSS 0 0 1 Ch1 Channel 1 Input Selected Channe~ 0 1 0 1 0 1 Ch2 Ch3 Channel 3 Channel 2 1 0 0 Ch4 Channel 4 1 0 1 Ch5 Channel 5 1 1 0 Ch6 Channel 6 1 1 1 Vref Channel 7 (External Reference) FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Address Lines ~ from the Microprocessor Ramp start from the 0 (ground) .-------- Ramp Capacitor "Qj ~ Rl 16 15 Microprocesso r 1 14 13 Channel 2 UU 12 Channel 3 11 Channel 4 7 10 8 9 Channel 5 Channel 6 :;E :;E R2 -'- FIGURE 4 - SOFTWARE FLOW (CONVERSION SEQUENCE) Step No. A2 Al AO Ramp Start Comment 1. 1 1 1 0 Channel 7 Selected (Reference Voltage) 2. 1 1 1 1 Record time until Pin 7 goes low 3. 0 0 0 0 Channel 0 Selected (Ground) 4. 0 0 Record time until Pin 7 goes low 0 0 0 0 1 1 5. 0 Channel 1 Selected 1 1 6. 0 Record time until Pin 7 goes low Calculate tCh7 - tChO = tChi Step 2-Step 4 Calculate tChl - tChO - tCh( Step 6-Step 4 Calculate Vunknown 7. 0 1 8. 0 1 0 0 = VCh7(tChl'/tChi)* 0 Channel 2 Selected 1 Record time until Pin 7 goes low Calculate tCh2 - tChO I Channell .r .r 5 6 Comparator Output to I "''' .r.r .r.r 3 ~E--4 tI M icroprocesso r 1 2 ~IRCUIT = tCh2 Calculate Vunknown - VCh7 (tchiltCh7')t etc. * Weighting of the analog signal on Channell. tWeighting of the analog signal on Channel 2. 3·28 I Uo'oowo Analog ,Voltage Inputs ® MC14444 MOTOROLA CMOS LSI ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER (ADC) (LOW-POWER SILICON GATE COMPLEMENTARY MOS) The MCl4444 ADC is a 4O-pin bus-compatible 8-bit AID converter with additional digital I/O capability. The device operates from a single 5 V supply and provides direct interface to the MPU data bus used with all Motorola M6800 family parts. It performs an 8-bit conversion in 32 machine cycles at 1 MHz and allows for up to 15 analog inputs. In addition, the part has a 3-bit digital I/O port and can accept up to 9 digital inputs. Six of these inputs are designed to be either analog or digital inputs. All necessary logic for software configuration, channel selection, conversion control, bus interface and maskable interrupt capability is included. MICROPROCESSOR-COMPATIBLE ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER • Direct Interface to M6800 Family MPUs • • • • • • • • • • Dynamic Successive Approximation A/D 321's Conversion at fE = 1.0 MHz Ratiometric Conversion Completely Programmable Polled or Interrupt Driven Operation 3 Dedicated Digital Inputs 3-Bit Digital I/O Port 9 Dedicated Analog Inputs 6 Inputs Usable for Either Analog or Digital Signals Completely TTL Compatible Inputs at Full Speed with Supply Voltage of 5 V ± 10% ~ ~ .;.~... 40 ,. , • ,. . 1 " , 40 I ' I' . CASE 734 ORDERING INFORMATION Suffix Denotes Ceramic Package Plastic Package MO 15 15 PO-5 sc Analog Data Register (Read Only) A0-3 Digital Data Register L---.."D-100-,..,....,2~---+-----+'~-~ (Read Only) 0100-2 DDIR h~------------4.----------J 3-29 L SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE 1+-J'"""-4.-+--ANO,2-15 Bus Control Logic CASE 711 "". " BLOCK DIAGRAM VAG PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE 013-5 II MC14444 MAXIMUM RATINGS* Symbol Value Unit -0.5 to +6.5 V OC Input Voltage (Referenced to VSS) -0.5 to VCC+0.5 V OC Output Voltage (Referenced to VSS) -0.5 to VCC+0.5 V ±10 mA OC Supply Voltage (Referenced to VSS) Yin Vout lin II Parameter VOO OC Input Current, per Pin lout OC Output Current, per Pin ±10 mA 100 OC Supply Current, VOO and VSS Pins ±20 mA Po T stg Power Oissipation, per Package T h Storage Temperature 500 mW -65 to +150 °C 300 °C Lead Temperature (10-Second Solderingl * Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. tPower Oissipation Temperature Oerating: Plastic "P" Package: -12mW/oC from 65°C to 85°C Ceramic "L" Package: no derating This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid applications of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Yin and Vout be constrained to the range VSSS(Vin or Vout)sVOO· Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or VOOI. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VOO: 5.0 V ± 10%, VSS: 0 V, T A: - 40° to 85°C unless otherwise noted) I ISymbol I Characteristic Bus Control Inputs (R/W, Enable, Reset, RS1, CS) Conditions I I Max Unit 2.0 - V - O.B V - ±1O p.A V Min Input High Voltage Output Leakage Current (Off State) Oata Bus (00-07) Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage VIH V IL Three-State (Off State) Input Leakage Current ITSI VOO:5.5 V, VSSSVinsVOO Peripheral 1/0 (0100-0102, 013-015, PO-P5) Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 - Input Low Voltage VIL - O.B V - ±1.0 p.A Input Leakage Current 013-015, PO-P5 Output High Voltage 0100-0102 VOH VOO:5.5 V, VSSsVinSVOO IOH: -0.19 mA Output Low Voltage 0100-0102 VOL 10L =0.975 mA Three-State (Off State) Input Leakage Current 0100-0102 ITS I VOO=5.5 V, VSSSVoutsVOO lin VOO-O.4 - V - 0.4 V ±10 p.A Current ReqUIrements Supply Current Converter Input Current Reference Input Current Vref 100 VOO=5.5 V, fE= 1 MHz - 10 mA IAOC Analog input current at fE: 1 MHz with multiplexer inputs between VSS and VOO - ±500 nA Iref Vref=4.5 to 5.5 V - BOO p.A 3-30 I MC14444 ANALOG CHARACTERISTICS (T A = - 40°C to 85°C) Characteristic Description Analog Multiplexer On Resistance Resistance between each analog input and multiplexer output - 5 kO Leakage Current Leakage current between all deselected analog inputs and any selected analog input with all analog input voltages between VSS and VDD - ±400 nA AID Converter (VSS=O V, VAG=O V, 4.5 V:5V re f:5VDD) Resolution Number of bits resolved by the AID 8 - Bits Nonlinearity Maximum deviation from the best straight line through the AI D transfer characteristic - ± y, LSB Zero Error Difference between the output of an ideal and an actual AID for zero input voltage - ± y, LSB Full-Scale Error Difference between the output of an ideal and an actual AID for full-scale input voltage - ± y, LSB Total Unadjusted Error Maximum sum of Nonlinearity, Zero Error, and Full-Scale Error - ±% LSB Quantization Error Uncertainty due to converter resolution - ±% LSB Absolute Accuracy Difference between the actual input voltage and the full-scale weighted equivalent of the binary output code, all error sources included - ± 10 LSB Conversion Time Total time to perform a single analog-to-digital conversion - 32 E cycles Sample Acquisition Time Time required to sample the analog input - 12 E cycles AC CHARACTERISTICS (T A = - 40° to 85°C) (See Figure 1) Characteristic Signal Symbol Min Max Unit Enable Clock Cycle Time (lifE) E tcycE 943 - ns Enable Clock Pulse Width, High E PWEH 440 - ns Enable Clock Pulse Width, Low E PWEL 410 - ns Clock Rise Time E tEr - 25 ns - Clock Fall Time Address Setup Time E tEf RS1, R/W, CS tAS 30 ns 145 - ns Data Delay (READ) 00-07 tOOR - 335 ns Data Setup (WRITE) 00-07 tosw 185 - ns Address Hold Time RS1, R/W, CS tAH 10 - ns Input Data Hold Time 00-07 tDHW 10 - ns Output Data Hold Time 00-07 tOHR 10 - ns ANO-AN15 Cin - 55 pF - 15 Input Capacitance 010-015, R/W, E, RS1, CS, RESET Three-State Output Capacitance High-Impedance Output Capacitance 3-31 0100-0102 00-07 Cout - 15 pF IRQ Cout - 15 pF II MC14444 II RilN, CS, RSl MPU Read MPU Write 3-32 MC14444 MCl4444 MPU INTERFACE SIGNALS PIN FUNCTIONS Pin No. 1 Pin Name Function Type VAG A/D Converter Analog Ground Supply 2 VSS Digital Ground 3 0100 Digital Port Input/ Output Supply 4 DIOl Digital Port Input/Output 5 DI02 Digital Port Input/ Output 6 DI3 Digital Port Input Input 7 DI4 Digital Port 8 DI5 Digital Port 9 D7 Data Bus Bit 7 IMSB) Input/Output Input 10 D6 Data Bus Bit 6 Input/Output 11 D5 Data Bus Bit 5 Input/Output 12 D4 Data Bus Bit 4 Input/Output 13 D3 Data Bus Bit 3 Input/Output 14 D2 Data Bus Bit 2 Input/Output 15 Dl Data Bus Bit 1 Input/ Output 16 DO Data Bus Bit 0 (LSB) Input/Output 17 R/W 18 E Read/Write Input Enable Clock 1¢2) Input 19 RS1 Register Select Input 20 CS Chip Select Input 21 Reset 22 P51AN15) Reset Input Digital Port or Analog Channel 15 Input 23 P41AN14) Digital Port or Analog Channel 14 Input 24 P31AN13) Digital Port or Analog Channel 13 Input 25 P21AN12) Digital Port or Analog Channel 12 Input 26 P11AN11) Digital Port or Analog Channel 11 Input 27 POIAN101 28 AN9 Digital Port or Analog Channel 10 Input Analog Channel 9 Input Input 29 AN8 Analog Channel 8 30 AN7 Analog Channel 7 Input 31 AN6 Analog Channel 6 Input 32 AN5 Analog Channel 5 Input 33 AN4 Analog Channel 4 Input 34 AN3 Analog Channel 3 Input 35 AN2 Analog Channel 2 Input 36 ANO Analog Channel 0 Input 37 MO Analog Multiplexer Output 38 IRQ Interrupt Request 39 VDD Supply Voltage 40 Vref AI D Converter Positive Reference Voltage Test Only Open-Drain Bidirectional Data Bus (DO-D7) - The bidirectional data lines DO-D7 comprise the bus over which data is transferred in parallel to and from the MPU The data bus output drivers are three-state devices that remain in the high-impedence state except during an MPU read of an ADC data register. Enable Clock (E) - The enable clock provides two functIOns for the MCl4444. First, it serves to synchronize data transfers into and out of the ADC. The timing of all other external Signals is referenced to the leading or trailing edge of the enable clock. Secondly, the enable clock is used internally to derive the necessary SAR AI D conversion clocks. Because this, conversion is a dynamic process, enable clock must be a cl)ntinuous signal into the ADC during an AID conversion. ReadlWrite (R/W) The R/W signal is provided to the MCl4444 to control the direction of data transfers to and from the MPU. A low state on this line is required to transfer data from the MPU to the ADC control register. A high state IS required on R/W to transfer data out of either of the ADC data registers. Reset (RESET) - The reset line supplies the means of externally forcing the MCl4444 into a known state. When a low is applied to the RESET pin, the start conversion, Interrupt enable and 1/0 port data direction bits of the control register are cleared. Analog channel 0 IS automatically selected by the analog multiplexer. The AID status bit is also cleared. Any AI D results present In the Analog Data register are not affected by a reset. Reset forces the data bus and 1/0 port output drivers to the high-impedance state. The internal byte pointer (discussed In the following pages) is set to point to the most significant byte of any subsequently selected internal register. In order to attain an Internally stable reset state, the RESET pin must be low for at least one complete enable clock cycle. Chip Select (CS) - Chip select is an active-low input used by the MPU system to enable the ADC for data transfers. No data may be passed to or from the ADC through the data bus pins unless CS is in a low state. A selection of MPU address lines and the M6800 VMA Signal or its equivalent should be utilized to provide chip select to the MCl4444. MCl4444 ANALOG INPUTS AND DIGITAL I/O (Refer to the ADC Block Diagram) Dedicated Analog Channels (ANO, AN2-AN9) - These input pins serve as dedicated analog channels subject to AID conversions. These channels are fed directly into the internal 16-to-1 analog multiplexer which feeds a single analog voltage to the AID converter. Output Supply Input 3-33 Shared Analog Channels (AN10-AN15) - These input pins are also connected to the analog multiplexer and may be used as analog channeis for AID conversion. However, these pins may also serve as digital input pins as described next. II MC14444 Shared Digital Inputs (PO-P51 - PO-P5 comprise a 6-bit digital input port whose bits may also serve as analog channels. The state of these inputs may be read at any time from the ADC digital data register. The function of these pins is not programmed, but instead is simply assigned by the system designer on a pin-by-pin basis. I CAUTION: Digital values read from the PO-P5 bit locations do not guarantee the presence of true digital input levels on these pins. PO-P5 pass through a TTL-compatible input buffer and into the digital data register. These buffers are designed with enough hysteresis to prevent internal oscillations if an analog voltage between 0.8 and 2 V is present on one or more of these six pins. AID Ground Reference Voltage (VAG) - This supply is the ground reference for the internal DAC and several reference voltages supplied to the comparator. !t should also be noise-free to guarantee AID accuracy. Absolute accuracy may be degraded if VAG is wired to VSS at the ADC package unless VSS has been sufficiently filtered to remove switching noise. Ideally VAG should be single-point grounded to the system analog ground supply. Multiplexer Output (MOl - The analog multiplexer selects one of 16 analog input channels and connects it to the input of the AID converter. The multiplexer output is internally connected to the AI D input and requires no external jumpers. Since loading of the MO pin affects the charging time of the DAC. it is recommended that no connection be made to the MO pin. Digital 110 Port (0100-0102) - These pins serve as a 3-bit digital 1/0 port. At reset the port is configured as an input and may be read from the ADC digital data register. The port may be programmed as an output by setting the DDIR bit in the control register to a logical 1. See the control register discussion for further details. When configured as an output, the DIO port will provide CMOS logic levels for limited dc load currents. (Refer to the Electrical Specifications for the dc drive capability of this port.) New output states are transferred to the external pins on the last falling edge of E during a 16-bit write to the control register. When configured as an input, the port will accept both TTL and CMOS logic levels. Dedicated Digital Inputs (013-DI5) - These three pins are dedicated as digital inputs whose values may be read from the ADC digital data register. They are also TTL and CMOS compatible. MC14444 SUPPLY VOLTAGE PINS AND TEST PIN Positive Supply Voltage (VDDI - VDD is used internally to supply power to all digital logic and to the chopper stabilized comparator. Because the output buffers connected to this supply must drive capacitive loads. ac noise on this supply line is unavoidable internally. Analog circuits using this supply within the MC14444 were designed with high VDD supply rejection; however, it is recommended that a filtering capacitance be used externally between VDD and VSS to filter noise caused by transient current spikes. Ground Supply Voltage (VSS) - VSS should be tied to system digital ground or the negative terminal of the VDD power source. Again, the output buffers cause internal noise on this supply, so analog circuits were deSigned with high VSS rejection. Positive AID Reference Voltage (Vref) - This is the voltage used internally to provide references to the analog comparator and the digital-to-analog converter used by the SAR AID. The analog-to-digital conversion result will be ratiometric to V ref - VAG (full scale!. Hence V ref should be a very noise-free supply. Ideally Vref should be singlepoint connected to the voltage supply driving the system's transducers. Vref may be connected to VDD. but degradation of aLk:iviutt; A/D aCCuracy· iTiJY result diJe to sV'.!itching noise on VDD. 3-34 MC14444 INTERNAL REGISTERS The MCl4444 Abc has three 16-bit internal registers. Each register is divided into two 8-bit bytes: a most significant (MS) byte (bits 8-15) and a least significant (LS) byte (bits 0-7). Each of these bytes may not be addressed externally. but instead are normally addressed by a single 16-bit instruction such as the M6800 LDX instruction. An internal byte pointer selects the appropriate register byte during the two E cycles of a normal 16-bit access. In keeping with the M6800 X register format, the pointer points first to the MS byte of any selected register. After the E cycle in which the MS byte is accessed. the pointer will switch to the LS byte and remain there for as long as chip select is low. The pointer moves back to the MS byte on the falling edge of E after the first complete E cycle in which the ADC is not selected. (See Figure 2a for more detail.) The MS byte of any register may also be accessed by a simple 8-bit instruction as shown in Figure 2b. However. the LS byte of all registers may be accessed only by 16-bit instructions as described above. By connecting the ADC register select (RS1) to the MPU address line A 1, the three registers may be accessed sequentially by 16-bit operations. CAUTION: RS1 should not be connected to address line AO and the addressing of the ADC should be such that RS 1 does not change states during a 16-bit access. INTERNAL REGISTER ADDRESSING Addressing Signals RESET CS 0 X 1 1 R/W RS1 ADC Response X X Reset 0 0 0 No Response 0 0 1 MPU Write to Control Register 1 0 1 0 MPU Read from Analog Data Register 1 0 1 1 MPU Read from Digital Data Register - ~ P O_r_,s_e,_--, ~_l---L_X_.LI_x_ILL._n_l_p_u_e_se_le_C_te_O_\_I~_O_M_e_5_ MC14444 FIGURE 2 - ADC ACCESS TIMING a - Typical 16-Bit ADC Access CS 11 ----+..,. RS1, Riw Byte Pointer Reset to MS Byte b - Typical a-Bit ADC Access RS1, R/iN ""-I1.oII.......1I...II'..JU Select MS Byte 3-35 MC14444 MCl4444 CONTROL REGISTER (Write Only) 15 D AD (LSBI (MSBI ~---------------16-Bit Write--------------~~ I Analog Multiplexer Address (AO-A3) - These four address bits are decoded by the analog multiplexer and used to select the appropriate analog channel as shown below. will begin immediately after the completion of the control register write. Unused Bits (X) - Bits 9-13 of the ADC Control Register are not used internally. Hexadecimal Address (A3= MSB) o Select Interrupt Enable (IE) - The interrupt enable bit. when set to a logical 1, allows the I RQ pin to be activated at the completion of the next analog to digital conversion. ANO VREF 2-9 AN2-AN9 AN10-AN15(PO-P51 A-F Control Register MSB - The MSB of the most significant byte of the ADC control register must be written as a logical Digital I/O Output (0100-0102) - When the MPU configures the 3-bit 1/0 port as an output, these are the bit locations into which the output states are written. o. I/O Port Data Direction (DDIR) - This is the data direction bit for the 3-bit 1/0 port. A logical 1 configures the port as output while a logical 0 configures the port as input. NOTE: A 16-bit control register write is required to change the analog multiplexer address or to update the 010 port. However, 8-bit writes to the MCl4444 can be used to initiate an AID conversion if the analog MUX is already selecting the desired channel. This is useful when repeated conversions on a particular analog channel are necessary. Start A/D Conversion (SC) - When the SC bit is set to a logical 1, an AID conversion on the specified analog channel MCl4444 ANALOG DATA REGISTER (Read Only) 15 RO (LSBI ~---------------16-Bit Read------------------'~ A/D Result (RO-R7) - The LS byte of the analog data register contains the result of the AID conversion. R7 is the MSB, and the converter follows the standard convention of assigning a code of $FF to a full-scale analog voltage. There are no special overflow or underflow indications. A/D Status (EOe) - The AID status bit is set whenever a conversion is successfully completed by the ADC. The status bit is cleared by either an 8-bit or a 16-bit MPU write to the ADC control register. The remainder of the bits in the MS byte of the analog data register are always set to a logical 0 to simplify MPU interrogation of the ADC status. For example, a single 8-bit M6800 TST instruction can be used to determine the status of the AID conversion. 3·36 MC14444 MCl4444 DIGITAL DATA REGISTER (Read Only) 15 o 8 DIO P5 o ~---------------16-Bil Read---------------~ Digital 1/0 Port (0100-0102) - The states of the three digital 1/0 pins are read from these bits regardless of whether the port is configured as input or output. Shared Digital Port (PO-P5) - The voltage present on these pins is interpreted as a digital signal and the corresponding states are read from these bits. Dedicated Digital Input (013-015) - The states of the three dedicated digital inputs are read from these bits. WARNING: A digital value will be given for each pin even if some or all of the pins are being used as analog inputs. Analog Multiplexer Address (AO-A3) - The number of the analog channel presently addressed is given by these bits. ANALOG SUBSYSTEM (See Block Diagram) General Description 2 enable clock cycles for the write into the control register even if only 8 bits are written. In this case, the second E cycle does not affect any internal registers. During the next 12V2 enable cycles following a write command, the analog multiplexer channel is selected and the analog input voltage is stored on the sample and hold DAC. It is recommended that an input source impedance of 10 KO or less be used to allow complete charging of the capacitive DAC. During cycle 13 the AlDis disconnected from the multiplexer output and the successive approximation AI D routine begins. Since the analog input voltage is being held on an internal capacitor for the entire conversion period, it is required that the enable clock run continuously until the AID conversion is completed. The new 8-bit result is latched into the analog data register on the rising edge of cycle 32. At this point the end of conversion bit (EOC) is set in the analog data register MS byte, and the interrupt request ORO} pin goes low if interrupt has been enabled by the IE bit of the control register. (See Figure 3, AID Timing Sequence.) The analog subsystem of the MCl4444 is composed of a 16-channel analog mUltiplexer, an 8-bit capacitive DAC (digital-to-analog converter), a chopper-stabilized comparator, a successive approximation register, and the necessary control logic to generate a successive approximation routine. The analog multiplexer selects one of sixteen channels and directs it to the input of the capacitive DAC. A fullycapacitive DAC is utilized beca,use of the excellent matching characteristics of thin-oxide capacitors in the Silicon-gate CMOS process. The DAC actually serves several functions. During the sample phase, the analog input voltage is applied to the DAC which acts as a sample-and-hold circuit. During the conversion phase, the capacitor array serves as a digitalto~analog converter. The comparator is the heart of the ADC; it compares the unknown analog input to the output of the DAC, which is driven by a conventional successiveapproximation register. The chopper-stabilized comparator was designed for low offset voltage characteristics as well as VDD and VSS power supply rejection. NOTE: The digital data register or the analog data register may be read even if an AI D conversion is in progress. If the analog data register is read during an AI D conversion, valid results from the previous conversion are obtained. However, the EOC bit will be clear (logical Ol if an AID conversion is in progress. Device Operation An AID conversion is initiated by writing a logical 1 into the SC bit of the ADC control register. The MC14444 allows 3-37 II MC14444 FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL AID TIMING SEQUENCE MPU Write ToADC Control Register Sample Analog Input ~ ~(lnputShouldBeStable) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 _I. SARA/DConversion -I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17. 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 R/Vii I RS1 Analog Data Register IRO-R7 Valid Data From Previous Conversion IEOC Clear) and EOC) ------~~------------------------------------------------------------------~rl~ TR'O (If Enabled) FIGURE 4 - TYPICAL MC14444 APPLICATION IN A CLIMATE CONTROLLER MC6002 MPU ~-----------1~------ Vref ~-----'---~~-------VAG 3-38 ® MC14447 MOTOROLA FOR COMPLETE DATA SEE MCl4443 CMOS MS. ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER LINEAR SUBSYSTEM (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) The MCl4443 and the MCl4447 are 6-channel, single-slope, 8-10 bit analog-to-digital converter linear subsystems for microprocessor-based data and control systems. Contained in both device::: are a one-of-8 decoder, an 8-channel analog multiplexer, a buffer amplifier, a precision voltage-to-current converter, a ramp start circuit, and a comparator. The output driver of the MCl4443's comparator is an open-drain N-channel which provides a sinking current. The output driver of the MCl4447's comparator is a standard B-Series P-Channel, N-Channel pair. A CMOS MPU or MCU provides the addressing, timing, counting, and arithmetic operations required for implementing a full analog-to-digital converter system. A system made up of a processor and the linear subsystem has features such as automatic zeroing and variable scaling (weighting) of six separate analog channels. • Quiescent Current 0.8 mA Typical at VDD = 5 V MICROPROCESSOR-BASED ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER ~fifIIIIIa J"~J~i)H ~"rmrnn ~ L SUFFIX P SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 620 CASE 648 • Single Supply Operation +4.5 to + 18 Volts ORDERING INFORMATION • Direct Interface to CMOS MPUs • Typical Resolution - 8 Bits • Typical Conversion Cycle as Fast as 300 p's MC14X XX • Ratio Metric Conversion Minimizes Error Suffix Tt== • Analog Input Voltage Range: VSS to VDD - 2 V • Chip Complexity: MCl4443 MCl4447 - L P Denotes Ceramic Package Plastic Package 150 FETs 151 FETs BLOCK DIAGRAM PIN ASSIGNMENT 15 Ch1 Ramp Start 3 13 Ch2 12 Ch3 Ch4 Ch5 Ch6 A1 A2 " x 11 a.;;" 10 ~ 4 Ref Voltage AO A1 15 Ramp Start V OD 14 Ramp Cap Ch2 13 VSS Ch3 12 Ref Current Ch4 11 Ch5 10 Comp Out 6 Ref Cu rrent .-----------~~---4~~Set VD D ~ Pin 14 VSS = Pin 5 A2 3-39 16 Ch 1 Ref Voltage Ch6 II ® MC14549B MC14559B MOTOROLA CMOS MS. !LOW·POWER COMPLEMENTARY MaS) SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION REGISTERS SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION REGISTERS The MC14549B and MC14559B successive approximation registers are 8-bit registers providing all the digital control and storage necessary for successive approximation analog-to-digital conversion systems. These parts differ in only one control input. The Master Reset (MR) on the MC14549B is required in the cascaded mode when more than 8 bits are desired. The Feed Forward (FF) of the MC14559B is used for register shortening where End-of-Conversion (EOC) is required after less than eight cycles. Applications for the MC14549B and MC14559B include analog-todigital conversion, with serial and parallel outputs. II • Totally Synchronous Operation • All Outputs Buffered • Single Supply Operation L SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 620 CASE 648 1 ORDERING INFORMATION • Serial Output • Retriggerable • Compatible with a Variety of Digital and Analog Systems such as the MC1408 8-Bit DI A Converter Mmxm tSUfflX • All Control Inputs Positive-Edge Triggered • Supply Voltage Range=3.0 Vdc to 18 Vdc • Capable of Driving Two Low-Power TTL Loads, One Low-Power Schottky TTL Load or Two HTL Loads Over the Rated Temperature Range Denotes L Ceramic Package P A PlastiC Package Extended Operating Temperature Range Limited Operating Temperature Range C • Chip Complexity: 488 FETs or 122 Equivalent Gates PIN ASSIGNMENT MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages referenced to Vssl Rating DC Supply Voltage 04 VDD 05 03 02 Symbol Value Unit 06 VDD -0.5 to + 18 Vdc 07 01 Vin -0.5 to VDD +0.5 Vdc Sout 00 Input Voltage, All Inputs DC Input Current, per Pin lin ±10 mAdc Operating Temperature Range- AL Device CLlCP Device TA -55 to + 125 -40 to +85 °C Storage Temperature Range Tstg -65 to + 150 °C D EGC C * For MC14549B Pin 10 is MR input TRUTH TABLES MC14549B SC SC(t-1 ) X X MR MR(t-1) Clock X X X 0 0 X X 0 Action ~ None -...r- Reset --r- Start SC SC(t-1 ) EOC Clock --r- 0 0 0 -r Action l- Nane Start X -.r-.r- Start Conversion 0 -..J Continue Conversion Continue Conversion 0 X X 0 X Conversion X For MC14559B Pin 10 is FF input MC14559B X Conversion Continue Conversion -...r Retain Conversion Result I°1 v r- I I I0 )( (':~ntinue I Previous Operation II X 1 I --.r I I Start Conversion X = Don't Care t-1 = State at Previous Clock-r 3-40 I This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Yin and V out be constrained to the range VSS .;;;: (Vin or Vuui.~c CIJ 50 ~ ~ 2 - 25 Vottset • o IV o SOO ns - 5-15 - 2 7.5 /" 31 47 SlF S2F Program Step LINEARITY ERROR (integrallinearityl. A measure of how straight a device's transfer function is, it indicates the worst-case deviation of linearity of the actual transfer function from the best-fit straight line. It is normally specified in parts of an LSB. 3-49 p,s ns /' 15 SOF p's - Ideal .. CI> CD :!! ""0 > 0 /?' p's - /~ ~Actual ~.;/ VT /~ "" ..; c:: 3.5 2 5 ~~ 75 #. 0: p,s 5 10 15 ;/ CI) I - 3.5 Of A TRANSFER FUNCTION en c p,s 5 5 10 15 5 10 15 100 > ns - 500 5-15 FIGURE 1 - - 750 3.5 5 10 15 Input Capacitance 1000 2 5 5 10 15 Hold Time, Clock to Enable (Figures 3 and 41 2 - 63 $3F pF II MC144110, MC144111 FIGURE 2 - DEFINITION OF STEP SIZE VRn Out ;~~tr Stepsize=~±O.75 VJ?l (For any adjacent pair of digital numbers) ~ Digital Number FIGURE 3 - SERIAL INPUT, POSITIVE CLOCK ~_%_--- Ft su Clock _ _ _ _ _ _ _J I'~_+----'I"----- ==J FIGURE 4 - ____ D_N _ _ __ SERIAL INPUT, NEGATIVE CLOCK D_N_J)(~_ _ _ __ ____ 3·50 MC144110, MC144111 PIN DESCRIPTIONS INPUTS Din, DATA INPUT - Six-bit words are entered serially, MSB first, into digital data input, Din. Six words are loaded into the MCl44110 during each D/A cycle; four words are loaded into the MC144111. R1 Out through Rn Out, RESISTOR NETWORK OUTPUTS - These are the R-2R resistor network outputs. These outputs may be fed to high-impedance input FET op amps to bypass the :)n-chip bipolar transistors. The R value of the resistor network ranges from 7 to 15 kO. Enibie, NEGATIVE LOGIC ENABLE - The Enable pin must be low (active) during the serial load. On the low-tohigh transition of Enable, data contained in the shift register is loaded into the latch. Q1 Out through On Out, NPN TRANSISTOR OUTPUTS - Buffered DAC outputs utilize an emiter-follower configuration for current-gain, thereby allowing interface to lowimpedance circuits. Clock, SHIFT REGISTER CLOCK - Data is shifted into the register on the high-to-Iow transition of Clock. Clock is fed into the D-input of a transparent latch, which is used for inhibiting the clocking of the shift register when Enable is high. SUPPLY PINS VSS, NEGATIVE SUPPLY VOLTAGE usually ground. This pin is VDD, POSITIVE SUPPLY VOLTAGE - The voltage applied to this pin is used to scale the analog output swing from 4.5 to 15 volts, peak-to-peak. OUTPUTS Dout, DATA OUTPUT - The digital data output is primarily used for cascading the DACs and may be fed into Din of the next stage. 3-51 II ® MC145040 MC145041 MOTOROLA • Advance Information 8-Bit AID Converters With Serial Interface C ERAMIC CASE 732 Silicon-Gate CMOS II The MC145040 and MC145041 are low-cost 8-bit AID Converters with serial interface ports to provide communication with microprocessors and microcomputers. The converters operate from a single power supply with a maximum nonlinearity of ± 'h lSB over the full temperature range. No external trimming is required. The MC145040 allows an external clock input (AID ClK) to operate the dynamic AID conversion sequence. The MC145041 has an internal clock and an end-ofconversion signal (EGC) is provided. • Operating Voltage Range: VDD = 4.5 to 5.5 Volts • Successive Approximation Conversion Time: MC145040 - 10 I(S (with 2 MHz AID ClK) MC145041 - 20 I(S Maximum (Internal Clock) 11 Analog Input Channels with Internal Sample and Hold 0- to 5-Volt Analog Input Range with Single 5-Volt Supply Ratiometric Conversion Separate Vref and VAG Pins for Noise Immunity Monotonic Over Voltage and Temperature No External Trimming Required Direct Interface to Motorola SPI and National MICROWIRE Serial Data Ports TTL/NMOS-Compatible Inputs May Be Driven with CMOS Outputs are CMOS, NMOS, or TTL Compatible Very low Reference Current Requirement low Power Consumption: 11 mW Internal Test Mode for Self Test PLASTIC CASE 738 PLASTIC LEADED CHIP CARRIER (PLCC) CASEnS ORDERING INFORMATION MC14XXXX l TT SUffiX 1 2 ~P I- L '-FN 2.5 V $ Vref $ VOO Vref=VOO Plastic ( - 40 to + 85°C) Ceramic (- 55 to + 125°C) PLCC (-40 to +85°C) BLOCK DIAGRAM AND AN1 AN2 AN3 AN4 AN5 AN6 AN7 ANB 11 AN9 12 ANlO AUTO· ZEROED COMPARATOR ANALOG MUX INTERNAL TEST Vref+VAG 2 VOLTAGE OF Din °out 17 16 IS 15 SCLK_1:...::8_ _ _ _~ 19 AID CLK IMC145040 ONLY)::jL==~~===r_ _ j - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . l EOC (MC145041 ONLY) 19 MICROWIRE is a trademark of National Semiconductor This document contains information on a new product. Specification and information herein are subject to change without notice. 3-52 VOO=PIN 20 VSS-PIN 10 MC145040, MC145041 MAXIMUM RATlNGS* (For all product grades) - Symbol Parameter Value Unit -0.5to +7.0 V Vref DC Reference Voltage VAGtoVDD+O.l V VAG Analog Ground VDD DC Supply Voltage (Referenced to VSS) Vin V out lin lout VSS-O.l to Vref V DC Input Voltage, Any Analog or Digital Input VSS-l.5to VDD+ 1.5 V DC Output Voltage VSS-0.5 to VDD+0.5 V DC Input Current, per Pin ±20 mA DC Output Current, per Pin ±25 mA ±50 mA IDD,ISS OC Supply Current, VOD and VSS Pins T stg Storage Temperature TL -65 to + 150 Lead Temperature (8-Second Soldering) 260 This device contains protection circuitry to guard against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, precautions must be taken to avoid applications of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this highimpedance circuit. For proper operation, Vin and V out should be constrained to the range VSS :s (Vin or V out ) :S VDD. Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or VDD.) Unused outputs must be left open. °C JOC--- *Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Functional operation should be restricted to the Operation Ranges below. OPERATION RANGES (Applicable to Guaranteed Limits for all product grades) Suffix Symbol Parameter L1 L2 Pl, FNl P2, FN2 Unit 4.5 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 4.5 to 5.5 V V VOD DC Supply Voltage (Referenced to VSS) Vref DC Reference Voltage (Note 1) VAG +2.5 to VDD VDD VAG+2.5toVDD VDD VAG Analog Ground (Note 1) VSS to Vref-2.5 VSS VSS to V re f- 2.5 VSS V VAl Analog Input Voltage (Note 2) VAG to Vref VAG to Vref VAG to Vref VAG to Vref V VSS to VOD -55 to + 125 VSS to VDD VSS to VDD VSS to VOD V -55 to + 125 -40 to +85 -40 to +85 °C Vin, V out Digital Input Voltage, Output Voltage TA Operating Temperature NOTES: . 1. Reference voltages down to 1.0 V (Vref - VAG = 1.0 V) are functional, but the AI D Converter Electrical Characteristics are not guaranteed. 2. VSS:S VAI:S VAG produces an output of $00 and Vref:S VAI:S VDD produces an output of $FF. See VAG and Vref pin descriptions. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to VSS, Full Temperature and Voltage Ranges Per Operation Ranges Table) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Guaranteed Limit Unit VIH Minimum High-Level Input Voltage (Din' SCLK, CS, A/O CLK) 2.0 V VIL Maximum Low-Level Input Voltage (Oin, SCLK, CS, AID CLK) 0.8 V VOH Minimum High-Level Output Voltage (Dout) (EOC) (D out , EOC) lout = - 200 p.A lout= -100 p.A lout= -20 p.A 2.4 2.4 VDD-O.l V VOL Maximum Low-Level Output Voltage (Oout) (EOC) (Dout, EOC) lout= + 1.6 mA lout= + 1.0 mA lout= 20 p.A 0.4 0.4 0.1 V Maximum Input Leakage Current (Din, SCLK, CS, AID ClK) Vin = VSS or VDD ±2.5 p.A lin 10Z Maximum Three-State Leakage Current (Dout) Vout=VSS or VDD ± 10 vA IDD Maximum Power Supply Current Vin = VSS or VDD, All Outputs Open MC145040: AID CLK=2 MHz 2 mA Iref Maximum Static Analog Reference Current (Vref) Vref= VDO VAG=VSS 10 vA IAI Maximum Analog Mux Input Leakage Current between all deselected inputs and any selected input. (ANO-AN10) VAl = VSS to VOD, L1 and L2 Suffix Pl,P2, FN1, FN2 Suffix ± 1000 ±400 nA 3-53 II MC145040, MC145041 AID CONVERTER ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (MC145040: 1 MHz [:VAlIO~ O.B II Figure 2 Figure 1 EOG "~or dE'" 0.4 2.4 td SGLK Dout Figure 3 Figure 4 SGLK EOG Figure 5 Figure 6 VOD VDD TEST TEST 1.8 k POINT POINT ,.....---....,EOC DEVICE DEVICE UNDER 12k UNDER 24 k TEST TEST All diodes are silicon All diodes are silicon Figure 7. Test Circuit Figure 8. Test Circuit 3-55 3k MC145040, MC145041 PIN DESCRIPTIONS DIGITAL INPUTS AND OUTPUTS CS (Pin 15) II Active-low chip select input. CS provides three-state control of Dout. CS at a high logic level forces Dout to a highimpedance state. In addition, the device recognizes the falling edge of CS as a serial interface reset to provide synchronization between the MPU and the AID converter's serial data stream. To prevent a spurious reset from occurring due to noise on the CS input, a delay circuit has been included such that a CS signal of duration ::s 1 AID ClK period ~C145040) or ::s500 ns (MC145041) is ignored. A valid CS signal is acknowledged when the duration is 2: 3 AID ClK periods (MC145040) or 2:3 fLS (MC145041). ANALOG INPUTS AND TEST MODE ANO through AN10 (Pins 1-9, 11, 12) Analog multiplexer inputs. The input ANa is addressed by loading $0 into the serial data input, Din. ANl is addressed by $1, AN2 by $2 ... AN 1a via $A. The mux features a breakbefore-make switching structure to minimize noise injection into the analog inputs. The source impedance driving these inputs must be ::; 10 kr!. NOTE: $B addresses an on-chip test voltage of (Vref + VAG)/2, and produces an output of $80 if the converter is functioning properly. However, a ± 1 lSB deviation from $80 occurs in the presence of sufficient system noise (external to the chip) on VOD, VSS, Vref, or VAG. POWER AND REFERENCE PINS VSS and VDD (Pins 10 and 20) CAUTION A reset aborts a conversion sequence, therefore high-to-Iow transitions on CS must be avoided during the conversion sequence. Dout (Pin 16) Serial data output of the AID conversion result. The 8-bit serial data stream begins with the most significant bit and is shifted out on the high-to-Iow transition of SClK. Dout is a three-state output as controlled by CS. However, Dout is forced into a high-impedance state after the eighth SClK, independent of the state of CS. See Figures 9, 10, 11, or 12. Din (Pin 11) Serial data input. The 4-bit serial data stream begins with the most significant address bit of the analog mux and is shifted in on the low-to-high transition of SClK. Device supply pins. VSS is normally connected to digital ground; VDD is connected to a positive digital supply voltage. VDO - VSS variations over the range of 4.5 to 5.5 volts do not affect the AID accuracy. Excessive inductance in the VDD or VSS lines, as on automatic test equipment, may cause AID offsets > Y, lS B . VAG and Vref (Pins 13 and 14) Analog reference voltage pins which determine the lower and upper boundary of the AID conversion. Analog input voltages 2:V ref produce an output of $FF and input voltages ::; VAG produce an output of $00. CAUTION: The analog input voltage must be 2: VSS and::; VDD. The AID conversion result if ratiometric to Vref - VAG as shown by the formula: _ V . _[output code x (V Vm $FF ref AG ;1 + quantizing + linearity error J error SCLK (Pin 18) Serial data clock. The serial data register is completely static, allowing SClK rates down to DC in a continuous or intermittent mode. SClK need not be synchronous to the AID ClK (MC145040) or the internal clock (MC145041). Eight SClK cycles are required for each simultaneous data transfer, the low-to-high transition shifting in the new address and the high-to-Iow transition shifting out the previous conversion result. The address is acquired during the first four SCLK cycles, with the interval produced by the remaining four cycles being used to begin charging the on-chip sample-and-hold capacitors. After the eighth SClK, the SClK input is inhibited (on-chip) until the conversion is complete. Vref and VAG should be as noise-free as possible to avoid degradation of the AID conversion. Noise on either of these pins will couple 1: 1 to the analog input signal, i.e. a 20 mV change in Vref can cause a 20 mV error in the conversion result. Ideally Vref and VAG should be single-point connected to the voltage supply driving the system's transducers. PIN ASSIGNMENTS N ~ Z ..: c c 0 :z ..: :> * 20 19 AN3 AID ClK (Pin 19, MC145040 only) AID clock input. This pin clocks the dynamic AID conversion sequence, and may be asynchronous and unrelated to SClK. This signal must be free running, and may be obtained from the MPU system clock. Deviations from a 50% duty cycle can be tolerated if each half period is > 238 ns. 18 AN4 Din AN5 16 AN7 Vref 10 11 co en C) ~ >en ~ End-of-conversion output. EOC goes low on the negative edge of the eighth SClK. The low-to-high transition of EOC indicates the AID conversion is complete and the data is ready for rransfer. Dout CS AN6 EOC (Pin 19, MC145041 only) SCLK 12 0 t!J Z ..: ..: ANO VDD ANI * AN2 SCLK AN3 Din AN4 Dout AN5 CS AN6 Vref AN7 VAG ANa AN10 VSS AN9 :> *NOTE: AID ClK (MC145040) EOC (MC145041) 3-56 3: o ..... ~l Dout I~_ j-,------,. I __ . __ o ~ 5=' 3: o ..... ~ SClK CJ1 INPUT Din ~ CJ1 i. -- --~ ~ rn :1 I SAMPLEA"LOG-t --~ I I SHifT IN NEW MUX AOORESS, SiMULTANEOUSLY SHifT OUT PREVIOUS CONVERSION VALUE 2ClK.... . .,.1AID CYCLES • AID CONVERSION INTERVAL 20 AID ClK CYCLES RESET RESET Figure 9. MC145040 Timing Diagram Utilizing CS to Three-State D out w tn ....... ~ Dout SClK ~------ 0,. --~ SAMPLE ANALOG INPUT MSB ~---- SHIFT IN NEW MUX ADDRESS, SIMULTANEOUSLY SHIFT OUT PREVIOUS CONVERSION VALUE I -+ 12 NOC~ CYCLES RESET TO INITIALIZE .1. .1 AID CONVERSION INTERVAL 20 AiD ClK CYCLES Figure 10. MC145040 Timing Diagram Not Utilizing CS, AID Conversion Interval Controls Three-State NOTES: D7, D6, D5. . DO = The result of the previous AI D conversion. A3, A2, A 1, AO = The mux address for the next AI D conversion. II o ~ ..... II I 1.,.----., tS ~------------------~ Dout SClK MSB SAMPll ANALOG INPUT lJin EGC J ~ n ~ o ..... I ==~ I -10( < 12 I's ~ :-s 20 I'S ~ AID CONVERSION INTERVAL SHIFT IN NEW MUX ADDRESS, SIMULTANEOUSLY SHIFT OUT PREVIOUS CONVERSION VALUE RESET RESET Figure 11. MC145041 Timing Diagram Utilizing CS to Three-State D out (,.) cJ, cs OJ Dout T SCLK MSB EDC -j JJI I I" RESET TO INITIALIZE ~ SA"'ll ANA",' INPUT Din SHIFT IN NEW MUX ADDRESS, SIMULTANEOUSLY SHIFT OUT PREVIOUS CONVERSION VALUE _I" I < 12 Figure 12. MC145041 Timing Diagram Not Utilizing CS, AID Conversion Interval Controls Three-State NOTES: D7, D6, D5 ... DO = The result of the previous AI D conversion. A3, A2, Al, AO=The mux address for the next AID conversion. IlS I _1- AID CONVERSION INTERVAL _I ~:-S2ol's ~ (J1 o .? 3: I . 3: o ..... ~ (J1 o ~ ..... MC145040, MC145041 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION DESCRIPTION This example application of the MC145040/MC145041 ADCs interfaces three controllers to a microprocessor and processes data in real-time for a video game. The standard joystick X-axis lIeft/right) and Y-axis (up/down) controls as well as engine thrust controls are accommodated. Figure 13 illustrates how the MC145040/MC145041 is used as a cost-effective means to simplify this type of circuit design. Utilizing one ADC, three controllers are interfaced to a CMOS or NMOS microprocessor with a serial peripheral interface (SPI) port. Processors with National Semiconductor's MICROWIRE serial port may also be used. Full duplex operation optimizes throughput for this system. DIGITAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Motorola's MC68HC05C4 CMOS MCU may be chosen to reduce power supply size and cost. The NMOS MCUs may be used if power consumption is not critical. A VDD to VSS 0.1 fLF bypass capacitor should be closely mounted to the ADC. Both the MC145040 and MC145041 will accommodate all the analog system inputs. The MC145040, when used with a 2 MHz MCU, takes 24 ps to sample the analog input, perform the conversion, and transfer the serial data at 1 MHz. Thirtytwo AID Clock cycles (2 MHz at input pin 19) must be provided and counted by the MCU after the eighth SCLK before reading the ADC results. The MC145041 has the end-ofconversion (EOC) signal (at output pin 19) to define when data is ready, but has a slower 40 pS cycle time. However, the 40 pS is constant for serial data rates of 1 MHz independent of the MCU clock frequency. Therefore, the MC145041 may be used with the CMOS MCU operating at reduced clock rates to minimize power consumption without sacrificing ADC cycle times, with EOC being used to generate an interrupt. (The MC145041 may also be used with MCUs which do not provide a system clock.) for buffer amplifiers. Separate lines connect the Vref and VAG pins on the ADC with the controllers to provide isolation from system noise. Although not indicated in Figure 13, the Vref and controller output lines may need to be shielded, depending on their length and electrical environment. This should be verified during prototyping with an oscilloscope. If shielding is required, a twisted pair or foil-shielded wire (not coax) is appropriate for this low frequency application. One wire of the pair or the shield must be VAG. A reference circuit voltage of 5 volts is used for this application. The reference circuitry may be as simple as tying VAG to system ground and Vref to the system's positive supply. (See Figure 14.) However, the system power supply noise may require that a separate supply be used for the voltage reference. This supply must provide source current for Vref as well as current for the controller potentiometers. A bypass capacitor across the Vref and VAG pins is recommended. These pins are adjacent on the ADC package which facilitates mounting the capacitor very close to the ADC. ANALOG DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Controllers with output impedances of less than 10 kilohms may be directly interfaced to these ADCs, eliminating the need 3-59 SOFTWARE CONSIDERATIONS The software flow for acquisition is straightforward. The nine analog inputs, ANO through ANa, are scanned by reading the analog value of the previously addressed channel into the MCU and sending the address of the next channel to be read to the ADC, simultaneously. All nine inputs may be scanned in a minimum of 216 ps (MC145040) or 360 pS (MC145041). If the design is realized using the MC145040, 32 AID clock cycles (at pin 19}must be counted by the MCU to allow time for AID conversion. The designer utilizing the MC145041 has the end-of-conversion signal (at pin 19) to define the conversion interval. EOC may be used to generate an interrupt, which is serviced by reading the serial data from the ADC. The software flow should then process and format the data, and transfer the information to the video circuitry for updating the display. II MC145040, MC145041 +5 V IVDD Vref! LEFT/RIGHT - CONTROLLER #1 Cs ANO UP/DOWN Din ANl ENGINE THRUST °out ADC LEFT/RIGHT II ....-- CONTROLLER #2 AN3 UPIDOWN ENGINE THRUST LEFT/RIGHT 5 VOLT REFERENCE CIRCUIT CONTROLLER #3 MC145040 AN4 --'" UP/DOWN A/D CLK IMC1450401 EOC AN5 MC145041 AN6 ENGINE THRUST AN10 AN8 I -=1-VSS ~ DIGITAL +V DO NOT CONNECT AT Ie Vref 5V SUPPLY MC145040 MC145041 TO JOYSTICKS ANALOG GND 00 NOT CONNECT DIGITAL GND AT IC Figure 14. Alternate Configuration Using the Digital Supply for the Reference Voltage 3-60 . MC68HC05C4 MC6805K2 MC6805S2 • VIDEO CIRCUITRY • VIDEO MONITOR Figure 13. Joystick Interface ANALOG +V ,p SPI PORT IMC1450411 AN99 AN7 VAG } SCLK AN2 CMOS Decoders/Display Drivers 4-1 II CMOS DECODERS/DISPLAY DRIVERS Device Number Function MCl4495-1 Hexadecimal-to-7-Segment Latch/ Decoder ROM/Driver 7-Segment LED Display Decoder/Driver with Serial Interface BCD-to-7-Segment Latch/ Decoder/Driver BCD-to-7-Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver with Ripple Blanking BCD-to-7-Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver for Liquid Crystals BCD-to-7-Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver with Ripple Blanking High-Current BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder/Driver BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder Serial Input Multiplexed LCD Driver (Master) Serial Input Multiplexed LCD Driver (Slave) LCD Driver with Serial Interface MCl4499 MC14511B MC14513B MC14543B MC14544B MC14547B MC14558B MC145000 MC145001 MC145453 II Display Type LCD Muxed LCD LED, Incandescent, Fluorescent* LED, Incandescent Input Format Drive Capability Per Package Parallel BCD 7 Segments Serial Binary [Compatible with the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) on CMOS MCUsl 33 Segments or Dots Serial Binary [Compatible with the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) on CMOS MCUsJ 48 Segments or Dots 44 Segments or Dots Parallel BCD 7 Segments Serial Binary 28 Segments + [Compatible with 4 Decimal Points the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) on CMOS MCUsl LED Parallel Hex 7 Segments + A thru F Indicator (Interfaces to Display Drivers) Parallel BCD 7 Segments Display Control Inputs Segment Drive Current Device Number Number of Pins Blank Blank, Ripple Blank -1 mA -1 mA MC14543B MC14544B 16 18 20 p.A MCl45453 40 -200 p.A MCl45000 24 -200 p.A MCl45001 18 25 mA 25 mA MC14511B MCl4513B 16 18 65 mA MC14547B 16 50 mA MCl4499 18 10 mA* MCl4495-1 16 MCl4558B 16 On-Chip Latch ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Blank, Lamp Test Blank, Ripple Blank, Lamp Test Blank Oscillator (Scanner) ... Ripple Blank, Enable * Absolute maximum working voltage = 18 V * On-chip current-limiting resistor 4-2 ® MC1449S·1 MOTOROL.A Advance Information CMOS MSI (LOW·POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) HEXADECIMAL-TO-SEVEN SEGMENT LATCH/ DECODER ROM/DRIVER The MCl4495-1 is constructed with CMOS enhancement-mode devices and NPN bipolar output drivers in a monolithic structure. The circuit provides the functions of a 4-bit storage latch. The decoder is implemented utilizing a mask-programmable ROM. With a 5-volt power supply, it can be used without resistor interface to drive seven segment LEOs. The series output resistors of. typically, 290 ohms are internal to the·device. The MCl4495-1 is an improved version of the MC14495 with CMOS input levels and decreased propagation delays. Applications include MPU systems display driver, instrument display driver, computer/calculator display driver, cockpit display driver, and various clock, watch, and timer uses. • • Low Logic-Circuit Power Dissipation High Current-Sourcing Outputs with Internal limiting Resistors • • Latch Storage of Code Supply Voltage Range = 4.5 to 18 V • • CMOS Input Switching Levels Standard ROM Provides Hex-to-Seven Segment Decoding • Other ROM Options Available Upon Request (Contact your Motorola Sales Office) • Chip Complexity: 187 FETs plus 9 NPNs or 49 Equivalent Gates HEXADECIMAL-TO-SEVEN SEGMENT LATCH/DECODER ROM/DRIVER ~ftI!IIIlItt. ,J 'f«<1lU ~ u '6~l~ ~ ij 1 L SUFFIX P SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648 ORDERING INFORMATION MC14XXX 1I e ..... VOO f'--'C ~14 31 9 c b P13 51 A a P12 61 B 11 ~16 41 h+i 71 L 1 Ceramic Package P1 Plastic Package d ~15 2[ f BLOCK DIAGRAM Suffix Denotes E a - g 'b e' d j Pl1 LE 81 VSS D blO C 9 ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY 13 14 15 .'-'. 0 2 4 LE V DD = Pin 16 Vss= Pin 8 This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and Information herein are subject to change without notice 4-3 TRUTH TABLE c d g h+i 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 5 6 1 2 3 4 b e 3 -,i -,le.]e,; 1,-' -'U-Tri I I ":-" ,,-, ,- , - ' :i,:'~ ::!'-:! ':';E.: "t" .1-. l-"-- I~_-LJ ~,-,: 12 INPUTS OUTPUTS D C B A a b c d e f 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Open Open Open Open 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Open Open Open Open 4 5 6 7 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Open Open Open Open 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Open Open Open 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 h+i J DISPLAY 0 1 9 A b C d E F II MC14495·1 MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages referenced to Vssl. Rating Symbol Value Unit VOO -0.5 to+ 18 V Yin -0.5 to VDO + 0.5 V I 10 mA DC Supply Voltage Input Voltage, All Inputs DC Current Drain per Input Pin Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Maximum Continuous Output Power (Source) per Output @ 25°C Pins 1,2,3,12,13,14,15 Pin 4 t I TA -40 to+85 °C Tstg -65 to+ 150 °C This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high inpedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Vin and Vout be constrained to the range VSS .;;; (V in or Vout) .0;;;; VOD· mW POHmax:j: 50 100 POHmax= IOH (VOO-VOH) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages referenced to VSS) -40°C Voo Symbol Characteristic Input Voltage # (VO=3.8 or 0.5 V) (VO=8.8 or 1.0 V) (VO= 13.8 or 1.5 V) "0" Level (VO=0.5 or 3.8 V) (VO = 1.0 or 8.8 V) IVO= 1.5 or 13.8 V) "1" Level VIH VOL Output Drive Voltage: a-g, h+i (JOH= o mAl IIOH= 5 mAl IIOH= 10 mAl VOH Max Min Typ Max Min Max 5 10 15 - 1.5 3.0 4.0 - 1.5 3.0 4.0 - - 2.25 4.50 6.00 1.5 3.0 4.0 3.5 7.0 11.0 2.75 5.50 8.25 - - - 3.5 7.0 11.0 0 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.05 - 0.05 0.05 0.05 - 4.0 2.05 - Unit V - 5 10 15 3.5 7.0 11.0 - 5 10 15 - 0.1 0.1 0.1 - 4.0 2.45 1.3 - 4.0 - 0.8 4.8 3.0 1.7 9.0 7.4 - 9.0 7.2 5.8 4.4 9.8 8.0 6.7 5.3 14.0 12.0 10.4 8.8 7.2 5.6 14.8 13.0 11.7 10.3 8.8 7.1 - 0.3 - - - - - - 10 (JOH= o mAl 1I0H= 5 mAl IIOH= 10 mAl 1I0H= 15 mAl 1I0H=20 mAl (IOH=25 mAl 15 V - V V 5 (JOH= o mAl (IOH= 5 mAl (JOH= 10 mAl IIOH= 15 mAl 604 5.3 14.0 12.2 10.9 9.7 8.5 704 J 85°C Min VIL Output Voltage: a - g, h + i Yin = VOD or 0, lout = 0 p.A Output Sink Current: IVOL =004 V) (VOL =0.5 V) 1VOL = 1.5 V) 25°C V - - 204 - - - 9.0 6.9 5.0 3.05 - - V - 14.0 11.7 9.6 7.45 5.25 3.0 - - ± 1.0 p.A ± 1.0 p.A V - mA IOL 5 10 15 - - 0.5 1.00 1.25 ±0.1 - ±0.OOOO1 ±0.1 - - - - - - Input Current Il Device) lin 15 - Input Current IP Device) lin 15 - ±0.3 - ±O.OOOOl ±0.3 - Input Capacitance Cin - - - - 5.0 7.5 - - pF Quiescent Current Vin=O or VDD, 10ut=0 p.A IPer Package) IDD 5 10 15 - 0.3 1.5 3.0 - 0.08 - 0040 0.85 0.2 1.0 2.0 mA - 0.25 1.25 2.50 Total Supply Current" t (Dynamic plus Quiescent, Per Package) ICl = 50 pF on all outputs, all buffers switching) IT - - - - IT= (1.9 p.A/kHz)f+ IDO IT= 13.8 p.A/kHz)f+ 100 IT=15.7 p.A/kHzlf+IOD 5 10 15 tTo calculate total supply current at loads other than 50 pF: ITICl) = ITI50 pF) + 3.5 x 10- 31Cl - 50) VDDf where: IT is in p.A (per package), Cl in pF, VDD in V, and f in kHz is input frequency. "The formulas given are for the typical characteristics only at 25°C. #Noise immunity specified for worst-case input combination. Noise margin tor oothi' and u i.,v.,i ~ 1.0 V iiiiii @ V[)D=5.0 V 2.0 V min @ VDD= 10 V 2.5 V min @ VOD= 15 V 4-4 p.A MC14495·1 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (CL=50 pF, TA=25°C) Voo Characteristic Output Rise Time, a - g, h + i Outputs (Figure 1) Output Fall Time, a - g, h + i Outputs (Figure 1) Output Fall Time, j Output (Figures 3 and 4) Propagation Delay Time, A, B, C, D to a - g, h + i Outputs (Figure 2) Symbol Hold Time, LE to A, B, C, D (Figure 7) Latch Enable Pulse Width, LE (Figure 7) 5 10 15 - 210 145 90 450 300 200 5 10 15 - 1.5 1.3 1.1 3.5 2.75 2.25 5 10 15 - - 105 40 30 250 100 75 - ns tPLH 5 10 15 5 10 15 - 935 2400 - 340 - 230 900 500 - lB.O - 7.0 3.5 2.0 - 11.0 - B.O 25.0 20.0 10.0 - P.s 9.0 5.0 p's tPLZ 5 10 15 5 10 15 - 4.0 - BOO - - 400 200 1500 1000 500 ns ns tPLH - 1300 - 500 350 3000 1500 1000 5 10 15 - 16.0 6.0 5.0 30.0 15.0 10.0 5 10 15 - 14.0 8.0 6.0 30 20 15 10.0 5.0 4.0 25 15 10 /Ls - ns 5 10 15 - p's p's tPLZ - 5 10 15 tsu th tw - 5 10 15 100 65 65 35 25 25 - 5 10 T5 125 75 75 45 30 25 - 5 10 15 525 200 140 210 80 55 OUTPUT CIRCUIT (Except Pin 11) VDD t Unit ns tTHL tpZL Setup Time, A, B, C, D to LE (Figure 7) Max p's tpHL Propagation Delay Time, LE to j Output (Figures 4 and 6) Typ lTHL tpZL Propagation Delay Time, LE to a - g, h + i Outputs (Figure 5) Min ns tPHL Propagation Delay Time, A, B, C, D to j Output (Figures 3 and 4) V tTLH 290 {) -= VSS 4-5 - - ns - ns II MC14495·1 INPUT/OUTPUT FUNCTIONS SEGMENT DRIVER (a, b, C, d, e, f, g, h + i; PINS 12, 13, 14, 15,1,2,3,4) The segment drivers are emitter-follower NPN transistors. To limit the output current, a resistor, typically 290 ohms, is integrated internally at each output. Therefore, external resistors are not necessary when driving an LED at the supply voltage of VDD = 5.0 volts. INPUT DATA (A, B, C, D; PINS 5, 6, 9,10) The inputs A, B, C, and D are fed to a 4-bit latch which is controlled by the Latch Enable input. LATCH ENABLE (LE; PIN 7) The data on inputs A, B, C and D will pass through the latch. and will be decoded immediately when LE is low. In this mode of operation the circuit is performing the function of a conventional decoder/driver. The data may be loaded into the latch when LE = low and will be latched with the riSing edge of LE. The data will remain stored as long as LE is high. OUTPUT 0; PIN 11) This open-drain output is activated (goes low) whenever inputs A, B, C, and D are all set to a logic one. Otherwise the output is in the high-impedance state. See the truth table. II SWITCHING WAVEFORMS Figure 2 Figure 1 Segment Outputs Segment Outputs Figure 3 A,B,C,O'5...0_o/c_O_ _ _ _ _ _ , ~ ~LZ :.j j Output ---..... tpZL 90% Figure 5 1 A,B,C,D _ _ _ _- - J Figure 4 VOO LE 20 k Output Under Test Segment Outputs 4-6 MC14495·1 SWITCHING WAVEFORMS Figure 6 A,B,C,D LE j Output Figure 7 A,B,C,D / ----~_50%----II k _-_f_t_p_~ ~'h~ 50% LE II TYPICAL CIRCUIT @ VOO = 5.0 V VDD=5.0 V t 16 12 A-5 13 14 B- 6 15 MCl4495-1 1 C- 9 2 a a b ,I'" ,1:1, c d e f g D - 3 10 7 LE 8 11 4 ~l L h + i j (Open Drain) -1 d A through F Indicator ~, LED ~::x 4-7 Common Cathode LED Display ® MCl4499 MOTOROLA CMOS LSI ILOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MaS) 7-SEGMENT LED DISPLAY DECODER/ DRIVER WITH SERIAL INTERFACE The MCl4499 is a 7-segment alphanumeric LED decoder/driver with a serial interface port to provide communication with CMOS microprocessors and microcomputers. This device features NPN output drivers which allow interfacing to common cathode LED displays through external series resistors. I • • • • 7-SEGMENT LED DISPLAY DECODER/DRIVER WITH SERIAL INTERFACE High-Current Segment Drivers on Chip CMOS MPU Compatible Input Levels Wide Operating Voltage Range: 4.5 to 6.5 V Drives Four Characters with Decimal Points P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 707 FIGURE 1 - BLOCK DIAGRAM Decimal Data Clock Segment Outputs Segment~--------~--------~' Decoder A ~ ______________---. I} II III IV Osc .. Transparent Latch VDD= Pin 18 VSS=Pin9 4-8 Character Selectors MC14499 This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Vin and V out be constrained to the range VSS .;;; (Vin or V out ) .;;; VOO. MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages referenced to Vss) Rating Symbol DC Supply Voltage Input Voltage, all Inputs Operating Temperature Range TA Storage Temperature Range Value Unit VOO -0.5 to+ 7.0 Vdc VIN -0.5 to VDD+ 0.5 Vdc TSTG o to + 70 oC -65 to+ 150 °C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VOO = 4.5 to 6.5 V) Characteristic Pin Min. Input Voltage 'O'level '1'Ievel Input Current (VIN == 0 to VOO) 5,12, 13 Oscillator Input Voltage '0' level 6 VIL VIH liN 'l'level VOSC==VOO Segment Driver Voltage below VOO IOUT==50mA IOUT==10mA Segment Driver OFF Leakage 0.3xV OO VOUT== 0.8 V VOUT= 0.5 V Quiescent Current Min. 0. 7xV OO ±0.1 0. 25xV OO 100 -100 1-4, VOO14,15, -VSOH 16,17 0. 75xV OO 30 -30 - Typ. 70 0 Max. 0.45xV OO 0. 3xV OO 0. 55xV OO ±0.001 ±0.1 0. 3xV OO 0. 25xV OO 0. 7xV OO 50 80 -50 -80 1.1 0.8 - 0.9 0.7 100 - 1 50 5.5 -0.2 8 -2 - 7,8, 10,11 IOOH IDOL 6 -0.2 0. 7xV OO 0.8xVDO 10 -10 1.0 0.75 Unit Max. 0. 3xV OO Vdc Vdc ± 1.0 IJ,A 0. 2xV OO Vdc Vdc IJ,A IJ,A 1.1 0.8 Vdc Vdc 100 IJ,A 4 -0.1 mA mA 18 VIN == 0, lOUT = 0, COSC == 15 nF Maximum Power Dissipation 1 - 0.5 1 1 mA 500 - - 500 500 mW SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (VOO = 5V ± 10 0 /0, T A = 0 to 70 oC) Ch aracteristic Min. 10FF VOUT== 0 Digit Drivers Source (On) Sink (Off) Max. 0. 7xV OO VILO VIHO 0. 75xV OO IIOL IIOH Oscillator Input Current VOSC==O 25 0 00 Symb. Fig. PIN ASSIGNMENT Symbol Min. Clock High time 3 tCH 2 IJ,S Clock Low time 3 tCL 2 IJ,S 2 Clock Rise time 3 tCR 2 IJ,S 3 2 IJ,S Max. Unit d VDD 18 17 16 b Clock Fall time 3 tCF Enable Lead time 3 tElead 200 ns Enable Lag time 3 tElag 200 ns 5 Data Data Set-up time 3 tOSup 200 ns 6 Osc CL 13 Data Hold time 3 tOHold 1 IJ,S IV EN 12 Scanner Frequency* 5 l/tScan 50 Osc/Oigit Lead time 5 too Osc/Segment Lead time 5 tos 10 IJ,S II 10 Digit Overlap 5 tov 5 IJ,S * Scanner Capacitance = 22nF. 4-9 300 Hz 10 IJ,S 4 9 8 III 9 VSS 15 14 11 II MC14499 CIRCUIT OPERATION The circuit accepts a 20-bit input, 16-bits for the four digit display plus 4-bits for the decimal point - these latter four-bits are optional. SCANNER The scanner frequency is determined by an on-chip oscillator, which requires an external frequency determining capacitor. The capacitor voltage varies between two trigger levels at the oscillator frequency. The input sequence is the decimal point code followed by the four digits, as shown in figure 2. In order to enter data the enable input, EN, must be low, O. The sample and shift are accomplished on the falling clock edge, see figure 3. Data are loaded from the shift register to the latches when EN goes high, = 1. While the shift register is being loaded the previous data are stored in the latches. An external oscillator signal can be used, within the recommended operating range of 200 to 800Hz - to avoid flicker and digit overlap. For test purposes this frequency can be increased up to 10kHz. => I A divide by four counter provides four non-over lapping scanner waveforms corresponding to the four digits see figure 5. If the decimal point is used the system requires 20 clock ;JUlses to load data, otherwise only 16 are required. CASCADING SEGMENT DECODER The circuit may be cascaded in the following manner. The code used in this matrix decoders is shown in figure 6. If a 1111 word is loaded into the decimal point latch, the output of the shift register is switched to the decimal point driver, see figure 4. Therefore, to cascade n four digit display drivers a set-up is used which will firstly load the 1111 cascading word: OUTPUT DRIVERS EN =0 2 Load 20-bits, the first four bits being 1, with 20 clock pulses. There are two different drivers: 3 EN = 1, to load the latch The segment and decimal point drivers; these are NPN emitter followers with no current limiting devices. 4 Repeat steps 1 to 3 (n-1) times The digit output buffers; These are short circuit protected CMOS devices. 5 (nX20)-bits can be loaded into n circuits, with 1111 A typical application circuit is shown in figure 7. as decimal point word to continue the cascading. FIGURE 2 - INPUT SEQUENCE +- time Bit No. 120 119 118 117116 115 114 113112 111 j, ~ I 9 18 I 7 I 6 I 51 4 I 3 I 2 I 1 I shift ~ III III '0, '0, '0, '0, ~I 0 0 0 0 I~ Digit IV :::... ... =..... ... Digit III Digit II 4-10 Digit I Decimal Point MC14499 FIGURE 3a - SERIAL INPUT, POSITIVE CLOCK Cl DIN _ _ _ _-oJ 1'--+------'1 '--_ _ _ _0_2_ - - - -=x___ DN _ _ __ II FIGURE 3b - SERIAL INPUT, NEGATIVE CLOCK r----- Cl DIN _ _ _ _ D'_ _....J =~~-£ LF- ~_-+-_---'I '--_______ ~____ FIGURE 4 - CASCADING MC 144995 DIGIT DIGIT SEGM SEGM ---_~DATA --'-_001 CLOCK --+-_--trn Me 14499 MC 14499 (0 ( 2) 4-11 MC14499 FIGURE 5 - SCANNER WAVEFORMS too I Itosc osc tSCAN DIGIT I II DIGIT n DIGIT m DIGITlSZ tov SEGMENT OUTPUTS tos FIGURE 6 - SEGMENT CODE 0000 II " 1000 Ci 0 L' 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 , I , ,-, ,-, 1001 , C 1010 :1, , -, ,,J 0 I, I 1011 4-12 I 1100 ,, 1101 ' I ~, I I 1110 dash 1111 blank MC14499 FIGURE 7 - APPLICATION EXAMPLE SEGMENT OUTPUTS t (7) ~ a ~ ~ b c ,r- d MCI4499 IS ... , ... ' e f c~ 9 III mn T ~NO DIGIT OUTPUTS RI-8 ~F ~F~"~" ~ (4) T 11 I "'." I #1 10 tQl II III III 0 I I - °#2 ~., I l R1 - R8: 36-82n C: 22 nF .... VDD Typ: 5-6 V IS max.: 40-50 mA lOmax.: 81S max, 4-13 ,-, I" --#3 III 0 V·'II'4 J. ~Q3 I t" ....Q4 II ® MC14511B MOTOROLA BCD-TO-SEVEN SEGMENT LATCH/DECODER/DRIVER I CMOS MS. The MC14511 B BCD·to-seven segment latch/decoder/driver is con· structed with complementary MOS (CMOS) enhancement mode de· vices and NPN bipolar output drivers in a single monolithic structure. The circu it provides the functions ofa 4-bit storage latch, an 8421 BCD-to-seven segment decoder, and an output drive capability. Lamp test (LT), blanking (Si), and latch enable (LE) inputs are used to test the display, to turn·off or pulse modulate the brightness of the display, and to store a BCD code, respectively. It can be used with seven-segment light emitting diodes (LED), incandescent, fluorescent, gas discharge, or liquid crystal readouts either directly or indirectly. Applications include instrument (e.g., counter, DVM, etc.) display driver, computer/calculator display driver, cockpit display driver, and various clock, watch, and timer uses. (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) BCD-TO-SEVEN SEGMENT LATCH/DECODER/DRIVER 1 P SUFFIX L SUFfiX • CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620 Quiescent Current = 5.0 nA/package typical @ 5 V • Low Logic Circuit Power Dissipation • High·Current Sourcing Outputs (Up to 25 mAl • Latch Storage of Code • Blanking Input • Lamp Test Provision • Readout Blanking on all Illegal Input Combinations ORDERING INFORMATION MC14XXXB "ESYffIX ~ . • Lamp Intensity Modulation Capability • Time Share (Multiplexing) Facility Denote5 L C«amoc Package P PlastiC Package A Extended Operating C Temperature Range limited Operating Temperature Range PIN ASSIGNMENT • Supply Voltage Range = 3.0 V to 18 V B • Capable of Driving Two Low·power TTL Loads, One Low·power Schottky TTL Load or Two HTL Loads Over the Rated Temperature Range. c • PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648 VOo IT tl7)b Bi Chip Complexity: 216 FETs or 54 Equivalent Gates LE eC/c b d 0 MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages referenced to Vss) Rating DC Supply Voltage Input Voltage, All Inputs DC Current Drain per Input Pin Operating Temperature Range - AL Device CLlCP Device Storage Temperature Range d A Symbol Value Voo -0.5 to +18 V Vin -0.5 to Voo + 0.5 V OISPLAY I 10 mA TA -55 to +125 -40 to +85 °c !L/! 1!2!3!'-/!slb 1718191 T stg °c Maximum Output Drive Current (Source) per Output 'OHmax -65 to +150 25 Maximum Continuous Output Power (Sourcel per Output :j: POHmax 50 Unit VSS 3 2 1 5 4 6 TRUTH TABLE mA INPUTS mW strained to the range VSS .;; (Vin or V out ) .;; VoD. Due to the sc~r.sj~g c3pab~!jty of thj~ circuit . damage can occur to the device if Vno is applied, and the outputs are shorted to VSS and are at a logical 1 (See Maximum Ratings). Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or Voo)· 4-14 81 LT D C B A X X 0 X X X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 X 0 1 X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blank 0 0 1 1 1 , 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static lIoltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. A destructive high current mode may occur if Vin and V out are not con- I OUTPUTS LE 1 b c 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I ~ I' I I~ ~ u : X a : : 1 1 1 d 0 1 1 e 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 vl v v v v ~ a a 0 ? f DISPLAY 9 1 2 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 5 6 7 1 1 1 1 1 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blank Blank ~ ~ ~ -81~nk 0 0 0 Blank Blank I = Don't Care 'Depends upon the BCD code previously applied when LE ~ 0 I MC145118 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to VSS) Tlow voo Characteristic Symbol Vdc "0" Level VOL 5.0 10 15 "1" Level VOH 5.0 10 15 Input Voltage" (VO ~ 3.80r 0.5 V) (VO = 8.80r 1.0 V) (VO = 13.80r 1.5 V) "0" Level VIL (V 0 ~ 0.5 or 3.8 V) (VO = 1.0 or8.8 V) (VO = 1.5 or 13.8 V) "1" Level VIH Output Drive Voltage (AL Device) Source (lOH ~ OmA) (IOH = 5.0 rnA) (IOH ~ 10 rnA) (IOH ~ 15 rnA) (IOH ~ 20 rnA) (IOH ~ 25 rnA) VOH Output Voltage Vin=VDDorO Vin=OorVDD 5.0 10 15 (lOH = (IOH = (IOH = (IOH= (IOH = (IOH ~ 15 ~ 1.5 3.0 4.0 10 2.25 4.50 6.75 15 IOL Output Drive Current (CLlCP Device) Sink (VOL =0.4 VI (VOL =0.5 V) (VOL=1.5V) IOL V V 1.5 3.0 4.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 2.75 5.50 8.25 3.5 7.0 11.0 4.10 4.10 4.1 3.90 3.90 4.57 4.24 4.12 3.94 3.40 3.40 3.70 3.54 3.0 9.10 9.10 9.1 9.00 9.00 8.60 8.60 9.58 9.26 9.17 9.04 8.90 8.70 14.1 14.1 14.0 14.0 13.6 13.6 4.10 4.10 3.60 3.60 2.80 9.10 9.10 8.75 8.75 8.10 8.10 25 rnA) Output Drive Current (AL Device) (VOL .00.4 V) Sink (VOL=0.5V) (VOL = 1.5 V) Unit 4.1 9.1 14.1 3.5 7.0 11.0 3.5 7.0 11.0 2.80 (IOH ~ 0 rnA) (IOH = 5.0 rnA) (IOH ~ 10 rnA) (IOH ~ 15 mAl (IOH = 20 rnA) (IOH = 25 rnA) Max 0.05 0.05 0.05 V 14.59 14.27 14.18 14.07 13.95 13.70 11 3.5 V 8.6 8.2 14.1 V 13.6 13.2 V 5.0 (IOH~20mA) (IOH Min 0.05 0.05 0.05 4.57 9.58 14.59 VOH OmA) 5.0 rnA) 10 rnA) 15mA) Thigh' Max V 5.0 10 (IOH ~ (IOH ~ (IOH = (IOH= 0 0 0 4.1 9.1 14.1 4.1 9.1 14.1 Typ V (IOH=OmA) (IOH ~ 5.0 rnA) (IOH = 10 rnA) (IOH ~ 15 rnA) (IOH ~ 20 rnA) (IOH = 25mA) Output Drive Voltage (CLlCP Device) (IOH ~ 0 rnA) Source (IOH ~ 5.0 rnA) (IOH = 10 rnA) (IOH = 15 mA) (IOH = 20 rnA) (IOH = 25 mAl 25°C Min 0.05 0.05 0.05 5.0 10 15 OmA) 5.0 rnA) 10 rnA) 15mA) 20 rnA) 25 rnA) . Max Min 14.1 14.1 13.75 13.75 13.1 13.1 4.57 4.24 4.12 3.94 3.75 3.54 9.58 9.26 9.17 9.04 8.90 8.75 14.59 14.27 14.18 14.07 13.95 13.80 4.1 3.3 2.5 9.1 V 8.45 7.8 14.1 V 13.45 12.8 mA 5.0 10 15 0.64 1.6 4.2 0.51 1.3 3.4 0.88 2.25 8.8 0.36 0.9 2.4 5.0 10 15 0.52 0.44 1.1 3.0 0.88 2.25 8.8 0.36 0.9 2.4 rnA 1.3 3.6 (Continued) 4-15 MC145118 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Thigh· Voo Vdc Max Unit Input Current (AL Device) 'in 15 - ± 0.1 - ±000001 ±0.1 - ± 1.0 I'A Input Current ICLlCP Devicel 'in 15 - ±03 - ±0.00001 ± 0.3 - ± 1.0 I'A Input Capacitance Cin - - - 5.0 7.5 - - pF QUiescent Current IAl Devicel (Per Package) Vin=O or VDD. 100 5.0 10 20 - 0.005 0.010 0.Q15 5.0 10 20 - 150 300 600 I'A 150 300 600 !-lA 'out = 0 I'A QUiescent Current ICLlCP Devlcel (Per Package) Vin=O or VDD. lout = I'A 100 Total Supply Current,,·t (Dynamic plus Quiescent. Per Package) ICl 50 pF on all outputs, all buffers switchingl IT a I 25°C T low • Symbol Characteristic Min 5.0 10 15 - 5.0 10 15 - - Max Min - - 5.0 10 Symbol Output Rise Time tTLH = (0.40 ns/pF) CL + 20 ns tTLH = (0.25 ns/pF) CL + 17.5 ns tTLH = (0.20 ns/pF) CL + 15 ns - !-lA 5.0 10 15 tpLH tPHL = (1.3 ns/pF) CL + 655 ns tPHL = (0.60 ns/pF) CL + 260 ns tPHL = (0.35 ns/pFI CL + 182.5 ns tpHL Blank Propagation Delay Time tPLH = (0.30 ns/pF) CL + 585 ns tpLH =' (0.25 ns/pF) CL + 187.5 ns tpLH = (0.15 ns/pF) CL + 142.5 ns tPLH tPHL = (0.85 ns/pF) CL + 442.5 ns tPHL = (0.45 ns/pFI CL + 177.5 ns tPHL = (0.35 ns/pFI CL + 142.5 ns tpHL 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 15 tPLH 5.0 10 15 CL + 290.5 ns CL + 112.5 ns CL + 80 ns tpHL = (1.3 ns/pF) CL + 248 ns tPHL = (0.45 ns/pF) CL + 102.5 ns tPH L = (0.35 ns/pFI CL + 72.5 ns tpHL Setup Time tsu Hold Time th Latch Enable Pulse Width tWL The formulas given are for the tYPical chdractertstlcs only 4-16 Min Typ Max 40 30 25 80 60 50 125 75 65 250 150 130 640 250 175 1280 500 350 720 290 200 1440 580 400 600 200 150 750 300 220 485 200 160 970 400 320 313 125 90 625 250 180 313 125 90 625 250 180 - Unit ns tTHL Lamp Test Propagation Delay Time I Voo Vdc 5.0 10 15 Time (1.5 ns/pF) CL + 50 ns (0.75 ns/pF) CL + 37.5 ns (0.55 ns/pF) CL + 37.5 ns = (0.45 ns/pF) = (0.25 ns/pFI = (0.20 ns/pFI - C tTLH Time CL + 620 ns CL + 237.5 ns CL + 165 ns tPLH tPLH tPLH 20 40 80 = 25 0 C) Characteristic Data Propagation Delay tPLH = (0.40 ns/pF) tPLH = (0.25 ns/pF) tPLH = (0.20 ns/pFI - tTo calculate total supply current at loads other than 50 pF IT,Cl) 'T150 pF) + 3.5 x 10- 3 IC l -50) VDDf where: 'T is in!-lA Iper packagel, CL in pF, VDD in Vdc, and f in kHz is input frequency. "The formulas given are for the typical characterIStics only at 25°C. 1.0 Vdc min @ VDD 05.0 Vdc 2.0Vdcmin@VDO ·lOVdc 2.5 Vdc min @ VDO 15 Vdc Output Fall tTHL = tTH L = tTH L = Min (1.9 !-lA/kHz) f + 100 'T = (3.8 I'A/kHzl f + 'DD 'T = (5.7 !-lA/kHzl f + 'DD IT 15 (CL = 50 pF. TA Max 0.005 0.010 0.015 - 20 40 80 'T'aw= -55°C for AL Device, -40 o C for CLlCP Device. Thigh = +125 0 C for AL Device, +85 0 C for CLlCP Device *Naise Immunity specified for worst·case input combination NOise Margin for both" 1" and "0" level = SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS* Typ - - - - - - - - ns ns ns ns 5.0 10 15 - 5.0 10 15 100 40 30 - - 5.0 10 15 60 - - 30 - 5.0 10 15 520 220 130 260 110 65 - - ns ns - ~v - - ns MC14511B FIGURE 1 - DYNAMIC POWER DISSIPATION SIGNAL WAVEFORMS Input L E low, and Inputs D, BT and Lf high. f in respect to a system clock. All outputs connected to respective CL loads. A, S, and C 50% Duty Cycle ~ Any Output 50% VOH . --VOL FIGURE 2 - DYNAMIC SIGNAL WAVE FORMS (a) Inputs D and LE low, and Inputs A, B, 81 and L Thigh, Input C (b) Input D low, Inputs A, B, Bi and IT high. Ir-::~-------- V DD LE Input C _ _ _ _ _...;:.;.;.x:I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VSS F tsu ________,~----------VDD 50% ' - - - - - - - VSS ~---------------- Vo H Output 9 \ ....___________________ _ vOL (c) Data DCBA strobed into latches. 20 ns 20 ns j,------ V D D LE -------VSS 4-17 II MC14511B CONNECTIONS TO VARIOUS DISPLAY READOUTS LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) READOUT Voo Common Anode LEO Common Cathode LED "'=' 1.7 V _ _ _ "'='1.7 V I Vss FLUORESCENT READOUT Voo INCANDESCENT READOUT Voo Voo Filament Supply -= -= Vss VSS -= VSS or appropriate voltage below VSS' (CAUTION: Maximum working voltage = 18.0 V) LIQUID CRYSTAL (LCD) READOUT GAS DISCHARGE READOUT Excitation Voo Appropriate Voltage Voo -= "'''A filament pre·warm resistor is recommended to reduce filament thermal shock and increase the effective cold resistance of the filament. (Square Wave, VSS to VOO) VSS Direct dc drive of LCO's not recommended for life of LCO readouts. 4-18 MC145118 LOGIC DIAGRAM 13 a A 7 12 b 11 c B 1 10 d 9e 15 f C2 14 9 06 LE 5 VDD = Pin 16 VSS = Pin 8 4-19 II ® MC145138 MOTOROLA BCD·TO·SEVEN SEGMENT LATCH/DECODER/DRIVER I CMOS MSI The MC14513B BCD-to-seven segment latch/decoder/driver is constructed with complementary MOS (CMOS) enhancement mode devices and NPN bipolar output drivers in a single monolithic structure. The circuit provides the functions of a 4-bit storage latch, an 8421 BCD-to-seven segment decoder, and has output drive capability. Lamp test (LT), blanking (Bi), and latch enable (LE) inputs are used to test the display, to turn-off or pulse modulate the brightness of the display, and to store a BCD code, respectively. The Ripple Blanking Input (RBI) and Ripple Blanking Output (RBO) can be used to suppress either leading or trailing zeroes. It can be used with seven-segment light emitting diodes (LED), incandescent, fluorescent, gas discharge, or liquid crystal readouts either directly or indirectly. Applications include instrument (e.g., counter, DVM, etc.) display driver, computer/calculator display driver, cockpit display driver, and various clock, watch, and timer uses. • Quiescent Current = 5.0 nA/package typical @ 5 V • Low Logic Circuit Power Dissipation • High-current Sourcing Outputs (Up to 25 mAl • Latch Storage of Binary Input • Blanking Input • Lamp Test Provision • Readout Blanking on all Illegal Input Combinations • Lamp Intensity Modulation Capability • Time Share (Multiplexing) Capability • Adds Ripple Blanking In, Ripple Blanking Out to MC14511B • Supply Voltage Range = 3.0 V to 18 V • Capable of Driving Two Low-Power TTL Loads, One Low-power Schottky TTL Load to Two HTL Loads Over the Rated Temperature Range. (LOW·POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) BCD·TO·SEVEN SEGMENT LATCH/DECODER/DRIVER WITH RIPPLE BLANKING PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 707 L SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 726 1 ORDERING INFORMATION MC,.Xxx. tSUffiX Denotes L Ceramic Package P Plastic Package A Extended Operating Temperature Range C LImited Operating Temperature Range PIN ASSIGNMENT MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages referenced to Vss) Rating Symbol DC Supply Voltage VDD Input Voltage, All Inputs DC Current Drain per I nput Pin Vin I Operating Temperature Range - AL Device CLlCP Device Storage Temperature Range TA Maximum Continuous Output Drive Current (Source) per Output Maximum Continuous Output Power (Source) per Output t T stg IOHmax Value -0.5 to +18 Unit -0.5 to VDD + 0.5 10 -55 to +125 -40 to +85 -65 to +150 V V mA °c °c 25 mA 50 mW INPUTS RBI POHmax lE X X X I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or VOOl. IT X 0 ,, ,, ,, , , ,,, , ,, , " , , , X X This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high imped· ance circuit. A destructive high current mode may occur if Vin and V out is not constrained to the range VSS ~(Vin or Vout ) ~VDD' Due to the sourcing capabijity of this Cifc;uit, daiTlaga can occur to the device if VDD is applied, and the outputs are shorted to VSS and are at a logical 1 (see Maximum Ratings). BI X X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X 0 0 X X X X X 0 C X x ~ , ,, , , ,, , , ,,, , , ,,, , , OUTPUTS 0 C X X x X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B A x x X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 , ,, , , 0 , ,, , , , , ,, , , , ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, , 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RBO ,,,,,,, b 9 , ,, ,,, ,, , ,, , ,, , , , , , , ,, , ,, ,, , ,,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,, , , , ,, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X X Dan', Care RBO ~ RBI ~5CBAL indicated bv other tOWS of table Oepends upon the BCD code previously applied when LE 4-20 I d 0 DISPLAY B Blank Blank , 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 Blank Blank Blank Btank Blank Blank MC14513B ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to Vssl Output Voltage - Segment Outputs "a" Level Yin ~ VDD or a Symbol Output Voltage - RBO Output "0" Level VOL a or VDD "1" Level VOH Input Voltage±; "0" Level (VO ~ 3.8 or 0.5 VI (VO ~ 8.8 or 1.0 VI (VO = 13.8 or 1.5 V) VIL (VO = 0.5 or 3.8 V) "1" Level (VO = 1.0 or 8.8 V) (Va = 1.5 or 13.8 V) VIH Vin~OorVDD = = = = = = 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 15 0.05 0.05 0.05 Max Unit a 4.1 9.1 14.1 0.05 0.05 0.05 V 4.1 9.1 14.1 5.0 10 15 0.05 0.05 0.05 4.95 9.95 14.95 0.05 0.05 0.05 4.95 9.95 14.95 5.0 10 15 0.05 0.05 0.05 V 4.95 9.95 14.95 1.5 3.0 4.0 2.25 4.50 6.75 1.5 3.0 4.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 10 15 3.5 7.0 11.0 3.5 7.0 11.0 2.75 5.50 8.25 3.5 7.0 11.0 5.0 4.10 4.10 4.1 3.90 3.90 3.40 3.40 4.57 4.24 4.12 3.94 3.75 3.54 9.10 9.10 V V 10 5.0 mAl 10 mAl 15 mAl 20 mAl 25 mAl 15 9.00 9.00 8.60 8.60 14.1 14.1 14.0 14.0 13.6 13.6 4.10 4.10 3.60 3.60 2.80 2.80 9.10 9.10 3.5 3.0 9.58 9.26 9.17 9.04 8.90 8.75 9.1 14.59 14.27 14.18 14.07 13.95 13.80 14.1 V 8.6 8.2 V 13.6 13.2 V VOH 5.0 = 0 mAl = 5.0 mAl = 10 mAl = 15 mAl 15 20 mAl 25 mAl a Min V 10 ~ Max V (IOH = 0 mAl (IOH = 5.0 mAl (IOH = 10 mAl (lOH c_ 15 mAl (IOH = 20 mAl (IOH = 25 mAl = Thigh * TYiJ VOH (lOH = 0 mAl (lOH = 5.0 mAl (lOH c 10 mAl liOH=15 mAl (lOH ~ 20 mAl (IOH ~ 25 mAl (IOH (IOH (IOH (IOH (IOH (IOH 4.1 9.1 14.1 5.0 10 15 a mAl Output Drive Voltage - Segments (CL/CP Device) (lOH~OmA) Source: (lOH = 5.0 mAl (IOH = 10 mAl (lOH = 15 mAl (lOH = 20 mAl (IOH ~ 25 mAl Min 0.05 0.05 0.05 5.0 10 15 Vin~VDDorO (IOH UOH (lOH (lOH UOH (IOH Max V 5.0 10 15 VOH Output Drive Voltage - Segments (AL Device) Source: (lOH = a mAl (IOH = 5.0 mAl UOH = 10 mAl UOH = 15 mAl (lOH = 20 mAl (lOH = 25 mAl Min VOL "1" Level Vin ~ Vdc 25 0 C Tlow* voo Characteristic 8.75 8.75 8.10 8.10 14.1 14.1 13.75 13.75 13.1 13.1 4-21 4.57 4.24 4.12 3.94 3.75 3.54 9.58 9.26 9.17 9.04 8.90 8.75 14.59 14.27 14.18 14.07 13.95 13.80 4.1 3.3 2.5 9.1 V 8.45 7.8 14.1 13.45 12.8 V II MC14513B ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Symbol Output Drive Current - ABO Output (AL Device) (VOH = 2.5 V) Source (VOH = 9.5 V) (VOH = 13.5 V) (VOL (VOL (VOL = 0.4 V) = 0.5 V) = 1.5 V) Sink Output Drive Current - RBO Output (CL/CP Device) Source (VOH = 2.5 V) (VOH = 9.5 V) (VOH = 13.5 V) II (VOL (VOL (VOL = 0.4 V) = 0.5 V) = 1.5 V) Sink 25°C Tlow* Thigh* VDD Vdc Min Max Min Typ Max Min Max 5.0 10 15 -0.40 -0.21 -0.81 - -0.32 -0.17 -0.66 -0.64 -0.34 -1.3 - -0.22 -0.12 -0.46 - IOL 5.0 10 15 0.18 0.47 1.8 - 0.15 0.38 1.5 0.29 0.75 2.9 0.10 0.26 1.0 - - - Output Drive Current - Segments (AL Device) Sink (VOL = 0.4 V) (VOL = 0.5 V) (VOL = 1.5 V) IOL Output Drive Current - Segments (CL/CP Device) Sink (VOL = 0.4 VI (VOL = 0.5 V) (VOL = 1.5 V) IOL mA mA IOH IOL Unit mA IOH 5.0 10 15 -0.25 -0.13 -0.52 - 5.0 10 15 0.12 0.30 1.2 - - - - -0.21 -0.11 -0.44 -0.64 -0.34 -1.3 0.098 0.25 0.98 0.29 0.75 2.9 - - - -0.17 -0.092 -0.36 O.DBO 0.21 0.80 - - mA mA - 5.0 10 15 0.64 1.6 4.2 - 0.51 1.3 3.4 0.88 2.25 8.8 5.0 10 15 0.52 1.3 3.6 - - 0.44 1.1 3.0 0.88 2.25 8.8 - 0.36 0.9 2.4 - 0.36 0.9 2.4 - mA - - -- - 15 - ±0.1 - ±0.00001 ±0.1 - ±1.0 /J.A Input Current (CLlCP Device) lin 15 - ±0.3 - ±0.00001 ±0.3 - ±1.0 Input Capacitance Cin - - - 5.0 7.5 - - /J. A pF Quiescent Current (AL Device) (Per Package) Vin = 0 or VDO, 100 5.0 10 15 - 5.0 10 20 - 0.005 0.010 0.015 5.0 10 20 - 150 300 600 /J. A 5.0 10 15 - 20 40 80 - 0.005 0.010 0.015 20 40 80 - 150 300 600 /J. A Input Current (AL Device) 'out = 0 /J.A Quiescent Current (CL/CP Device) (Per Package) Vin = 0 or VOO, lout = 0 /J.A Total Supply Current"t (Dynamic plus Quiescent, Per Package) (CL = 50 pF on all outputs, all buffers switching) 'Tlow = lin 100 IT - - - - - 5.0 10 15 IT IT IT -55 0 C for AL Device, -400 C for CLlCP Device. = (1.9 /J.A/kHz) = (3.8 /J.A/kHz) = (5.7 /J.A/kHz) - f + 100 f + '00 f + 100 t To calculate total supply current at loads other than 50 pF: 'T(CL) = IT(50 pF} + 3.5 x 10-3 (CL - 50) VDOf where: IT is in /J.A (per package), CL in pF, VDD in V, and f in kHz is input frequency. Thigh = +125 0 C for AL Device, +25 0 C for CLlCP Device. # Noise immunity specified for worst-case input combination. Noise Margin for both" 1" and "0" level = 1.0 V min @ VOD = 5.0 V 2.0 V min @VOD = 10 V 2.5Vmin@VDD=15V •• The formu las given are for the typ ical characteristics only at 25°C. FIGURE 1 - DYNAMIC POWER OISSIPATION SIGNAL WAVEFORMS Input LE and RBI low, and Inputs D, §T and IT high. f in respect to a system clock. All outputs connected to respective C L loads. ~ 50% Duty Cycle Any Output /J. A VOH 50% --VOL 4·22 MC14513B SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS* (CL ~ 50 pF TA ~ 25 0 CI All Types Characteristic Output Rise Time - Segment Outputs Symbol VOO Vdc tTHL = (3.25 ns/pFI CL tTHL = (1.35 ns/pF) CL tTHL = (0.95 ns/pF) CL Propagation Delay Time-RBI and BI Inputs' tPHL tPHL Propagation Delay Time-L T Input" tpLH ~ (0.45 ns/pF) CL + 290.5 ns tpLH ~ (0.25 ns/pFI CL + 112.5 ns tpLH ~ (0.20 ns/pF I CL + 80 ns tpLH tpHL (1.3 ns/pFI CL + 248 ns tpHL (0.45 ns/pF) CL + 102.5 ns tpHL ~ (0.35 ns/pFI CL + 72.5 ns tPHL 0 Hold Time Latch Enable Pu Ise Width - -- 960 480 380 125 75 65 250 150 130 270 135 110 540 270 220 640 250 175 1280 500 350 720 290 200 1440 580 400 600 200 150 750 300 220 485 200 160 970 400 320 625 250 180 ns 5.0 10 15 -- 5.0 10 15 - .• ns - ns 5.0 10 15 - 5.0 10 15 - - - tsu th iwL(LE) "The formulas given are for the typical characteristics only. 4-23 ns ns 5.0 10 15 tpHL ~ (0.85 ns/pF) CL + 442.5 ns tpHL ~ (0.45 ns/pF) CL + 177.5 ns tPHL ~ (0.35 ns/pF) CL + 142.5 ns Setup Time 480 240 190 Unit ns - tPLH tPLH = (1.05 ns/pFI CL + 547.5 ns tpLH = (0.45 ns/pFI CL + 177.5 ns tPLH = (0.30 ns/pF) CL + 135 ns 0 - tPLH 0 tpHL ~ (13 ns/pF) CL + 655 ns tpH L ~ (0.60 ns/pF) C L + 260 ns tpHL ~ (0.35 ns/pF) CL + 182.5 ns 80 60 50 tTHL + 107.5 ns + 67.5 ns + 62.5 ns Propagation Delay Time-A, B, C, D Inputs' (0.40 ns/pFI CL + 620 ns tPLH tpLH (0.25 ns/pFI CL + 237.5 ns tpLH ~ (0.20 ns/pFI CL + 165 ns 40 30 25 tTHL tTHL = (1.5 ns/pF) CL + 50 ns tTHL = (0.75 ns/pF) CL + 37.5 ns tTHL = (0.55 ns/pF) CL + 37.5 ns Output Fall Time - RBO Outputs Max tTLH 5.0 10 15 Output Fall Time-Segment Outputs" Typ ns 5.0 10 15 Output Rise Time - RBO Output Min tTLH 5.0 10 15 - - - ns ns 5.0 10 15 - 313 125 90 5.0 10 15 - 313 125 90 625 250 180 ns - - - ns 15 100 40 30 5.0 10 15 60 40 30 5.0 10 15 520 220 130 5.0 10 - - - - - - - - - - 260 110 - 65 ns ns II MC14513B FIGURE 2 - DYNAMIC SIGNAL WAVEFORMS BT a. Data Propagation Delay: Inputs RBI, D and LE low, and Inputs A, B, 20 ns and [Thigh. 20 ns 9;1 VDD 50%1 l0o/~1 Input C ~------~~ VSS tPLH~PHL _ -VOH Output g I VOL tTLH I tTHL BT and CT high. b. Inputs A, 8, D and LE low, and Inputs RBI, 94 20 ns 20 ns VDD 50%- Input C c. Setup and Hold Times: Input RBI and D low, Inputs A, B, ns 2o l§ BT and CT high. 90%""0- - - - - - - - - V D D LE 50% __________1_0_%.JI . , - - - - - - - - V S S Input C j:= tsu-==l rth 50% VDD \ ' -_ _ _ _ __ - VSS ~-------------------VOH Output g \ '-.--------------VOL d. Pulse Width: Data DCBA strobed into latches. I I --l 1--20 ns r-- I I __- - - - V DD 90%~1 : 50% I 20 nS--i LE 10% tWL(LEI~ 4-24 -----VSS ~ MC14513B CONNECTIONS TO VARIOUS DISPLAY READOUTS LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) READOUT Voo Common Anode LED Common Cathode LED "" 1.7 V "" 1.7 V II FLUORESCENT READOUT VDD INCANDESCENT READOUT VOO Filament Supply -= LIQUID CRYSTAL (LC) READOUT GAS DISCHARGE READOUT Voo VSS or appropriate voltage below VSS' Excitation (Square Wave, VSS to VOO) Appropriate Voltage 1/4 Of MC14070B .. -itA filament pre-warm resistor is recommended to reduce filament thermal shock and increase the effective cold resistance of the filament. Oirect de drive of LC's not recommended for life of LC readouts. 4-25 MC145138 LOGIC DIAGRAM 15 a A7 14 b 13 c B 1 II 12 d 11 e 17 f C2 169 06 LE 5 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS FOR RIPPLE BLANKING LEADING EDGE ZERO SUPPRESSION Displays I MC14513B Input Code o 0 0 (0) 0 MC14513B o 0 0 (0) 0 MC14513B o 0 I I I I I I I 1 (5) MC14513B o 0 (0) 4-26 0 0 MC14513B o 0 0 (1) 1 I I MC14513B o 0 1 (3) MC14513B TYPICAL APPLICATIONS FOR RIPPLE BLANK ING (Cont) TRAILING EDGE ZERO SUPPRESSION Displays I I I MC14513B a a 1 (5) 1 I I I I I MC14513B a a a a (0) MC14513B a a a 1 I I MC14513B a a (1) (3) 4-27 1 MC14513B a a a a (0) I MC14513B a a 0 (0) a Input Code ® MC14543B MOTOROLA CMOS MS. BCD·TO·SEVEN SEGMENT LATCH/DECODER/DRIVER for LIQUID CRYSTALS (lOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) BCD-TO·SEVEN SEGMENT LATCH/DECODER/DRIVER I The MC 14543B BCO-to-seven segment latch/decoder/driver is designed for use with liquid crystal readouts, and is constructed with complementary MOS (CMOS) enhancement mode devices. The circuit provides the functions of a 4-bit storage latch and an 8421 BCOto-seven segment decoder and driver. The device has the capability to invert the logic levels of the output combination. The phase (Ph), blanking (BI), and latch disable (lO) inputs are used to reverse the truth table phase, blank the display, and store a BCD code, respectively. For liquid crystal (LC) readouts, a square wave is applied to the Ph input of the circuit and the electrically common backplane of the display. The outputs of the circuit are connected directly to the segments of the LC readout. For other types of readouts, such as light-emitting diode (LED), incandescent, gas discharge, and fluorescent readouts, connection diagrams are given on this data sheet. Applications include instrument (e.g., counter, DVM etc.) display driver, computer/calculator display driver, cockpit display driver, and various clock, watch, and timer uses. for LlOUID CRYSTALS L SUFFIX P SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 620 CASE 648 1 ORDERING INFORMATION • 5.0 nA/package Typical logic Circuit Quiescent Current 5V Me,.x,," @ tSUfflX L P A • latch Storage of Code • Blanking Input • Readout Blanking on All Illegal Input Combinations • Direct LED (Common Anode or Cathode) Driving Capability • Supply Voltage Range = 3.0 V to 18 V • Capable of Driving Two low-power TTL loads, One low-power Schottky TTL Load or Two HTl Loads Over the Rated Temperature Range • Pin-far-Pin Replacement for C04056A (with Pin 7 Tied to VSS). C TRUTH TABLE INPUTS LD 61 Ph· • Chip Complexity: 207 FETs or 52 Equivalent Gates MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages referenced to Vss) OUTPUTS D C 6 Symbol Value VDD -0.5 to +18 V Input Voltage, All Inputs Vin -0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V DC Input Current per Pin lin ±10 mA Operating Temperature Range - Al Device Cl/CP Device TA -55 to +125 -40 to +85 °c Storage Temperature Rance T stg -65 to +150 °c DC Supply Voltage Maximum Continuous Output Drive Current (Source or Sink) per OulfJui IOHmax !OLfnax 10 mA Maximum Continuous Output Power* (Source or Sink) per Output POHmax POLmax 70 mW d X 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 Unit A abc x x 1 Rating Denotes Ceramic Package PlastiC Package Extended Operating Temperature Range Limited Operating Temperature Range 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 X X X 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 f 9 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 D;splay 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 e 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blank 0 0 0 0 0 Inverse of Output Display Combinations as above Above x = Don't care t '" Above t;omOmations .. =. For liquid crystal readouts. apply a square wave to Ph For common cathode LED readouts. select Ph = 0 For common anode LED readouts. select Ph 1 Depends upon the BCD code prev10usly applied when LO :0 *POHmax = IOH (VOH - VDD) and POl max = IOl (VOL - VSS) .... = 4·28 = 1 MC14543B ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Output Voltage Vin VDD or 0 Vin o or (Voltages Referenced to Vss) Symbol "0" Level VOL 5.0 10 15 "1" Level VOH 5.0 10 15 "0" Level Vil VDD Input Voltage" (Va 4.5 or 0.5 V) (VO 9.00rl.0V) (VO ~ 13.5 or 1.5 V) Voo Vdc Tlow . Min Max 0.05 0.05 0.05 4.95 9.95 14.95 4.95 9.95 14.95 Thigh' Typ Max 0 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.05 5.0 10 15 Min Max Unit 0.05 0.05 0.05 V 4.95 9.95 14.95 V V 5.0 10 15 "1" Level 25°C Min 2.25 4.50 6.75 1.5 3.0 4.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 VIH (VO 00.5 or 4.5 V) (VO c 1.00r9.0V) V 5.0 10 15 3.5 7.0 11.0 3.5 7.0 11.0 2.75 5.50 8.25 3.5 7.0 11.0 5.0 5.0 10 10 15 5.0 10 10 15 -3.0 -0.64 -2.4 -0.51 -1.7 -0.36 -1.6 --4.2 0.64 1.6 -1.3 -3.4 0.51 1.3 4.2 3.4 -4.2 -0.88 -10.1 -2.25 -8.8 0.88 2.25 10.1 8.8 5.0 -2.5 -2.1 -1.7 5.0 10 10 15 -0.52 -0.44 -1.3 -3.6 -1.1 -3.0 --4.2 -0.88 -10.1 -2.25 -8.8 IOl 5.0 10 10 15 0.52 1.3 0.44 1.1 Input Current (Al Device) lin 15 ± 0.1 ± 0.00001 ± 0.1 ± 1.0 Input Current (CLlCP Device) lin 15 i 0.3 ±0.00001 ±03 ± 1.0 5.0 7.5 0.005 0.010 0.015 5.0 10 20 150 300 600 }).A 20 40 150 300 600 }).A (VO~1.50r13.5V) Output Drive Current (Al Device) (VOH = 2.5 VI Source (VOH = 4.6 V) (VOH = 05 V) (VOH = 9.5 V) (VOH = 13.5 V) (VOL (VOL (VOL (VOL Sink IOl Output Drive Current (CLlCP Device) Source (VOH = 2.5 V) IOH (VOH (VOH (VOH (VOH = 0.4 V) ~ 0.5 V) = 9.5 VI = 1.5V) = 4.6 VI = 0.5 V) = 9.5 V) = 13.5 V) (VOL = 0.4 V) (VOL = 0.5 V) (VOL = 9.5 V) (VOL=1.5VI Sink mA IOH 0.36 0.9 mA 2.4 mA 3.6 3.0 I nput Capacitance C ,n OUlescent Current (AL DeVice) (Per Package) Vin=O or VDD, lout = O}).A 100 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 20 QUiescent Current (CLlCP DeVice) (Per Package) Vin=O or VDD, lout = O}).A 100 5.0 10 15 20 40 80 IT 5.0 10 Total Supply Current"'( (Dynamic plus QUiescent. Per Package) (Cl =50 pF on all outputs, all huffers sWitching) -0.9 -2.4 -0.36 -0.9 -2.4 0.88 2.25 10.1 8.8 0.005 0.010 0.015 2.4 80 IT=(1.6 I-'A/kHz) f + 'DO IT=(3.1 }).A/kHz) f + 'DO IT=(4.7 }).A/kHz) f + 100 15 'Tlow ~550C for AL DeVice. -40°C for CLlCP Device. Thigh - +125 0 C for AL Device. +85 0 C for CLlCP Device ..:...:Nolse immunity sp~cjfied for worst-case input combination NOise Margin for both" 1" and "0" level - 1.0 V min @ VOO = 5.0 V 2.0 V min @ VDO = 10 V 2.5 V min @ VDD = 15 V tTo ca)culate total supply current at loads other than 50 pF 3 3.5 x 10(CL ~50) VDOf IT(50 pF) + IT(CL) where IT is in}).A (per package), CL in pF, VDD in V, and f in kHz is input frequency. ,. The formulas given are for the typical characteristics only at 25°C. 4-29 mA 0.36 0.9 }).A }).A pF I-'A II MC14543B SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS* (CL = 50 pF TA I = 25°C) Symbol Characteristic Output Rise Time tTLH = (3.0 ns/pF) CL + 30 ns tTLH = (1.5 ns/pF) CL + 15 ns tTLH = (1.1 ns/pF) CL + 10 ns tTLH Output Fall Time tTHL = (1.5 ns/pF) CL + 25 ns tTHL = (0.75 ns/pF) CL + 12.5 ns tTHL = (0.55 ns/pF) CL + 12.5 ns tTHL Turn·Off Delay Time tpLH = (1.7 ns/pF) CL + 520 ns tPLH = (0.66 ns/pF) CL + 217 ns tpLH = (0.5 ns/pF) CL + 160 ns tpLH Turn-On Delay Time tPH L = (1.7 ns/pF) CL + 420 ns tpHL = (0.66 ns/pF) CL + 172 ns tpHL = (0.5 ns/pF) CL + 130 ns tpHL Setup Time tsu Hold Time th Latch Disable Pulse Width (Strobing Data) *The formulas given are for the typical characteristic~ tWH , Typ Max - 100 50 40 200 100 80 - - 100 50 40 200 100 80 5.0 10 15 - 605 250 185 1210 500 370 5.0 10 15 - 505 205 155 1650 660 495 5.0 10 15 350 450 - 500 - 5.0 10 15 40 30 20 - - - - - - 5.0 10 15 250 100 80 125 50 40 - VDD Min 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 15 Unit ns ns ns ns - - - ns ns ns - only. LOGIC DIAGRAM VDD = Pin 16 VSS = Pin 8 9 a A 5 10 b 11 c B 3 12 d 13 e C 2 15 f 14 9 D 4 LD 1 4-30 MC145438 FIGURE 2 - TYPICAL OUTPUT SINK FIGURE 1 - TYPICAL OUTPUT SOURCE CHARACTE RISTICS CHARACTERISTICS 24 1- 6.0 I---+---""'......,-+--+---+--+.",c-A-~ ~ 18 ~ 1---+--+--+--+---Ir:F--+-+-~ 7 "'\ , t"-, 7V Voo = 10 Vdc 12 V /V G LU '-' a: '"0;;z => o ~ -18 I---+--+.,.,..".'+--+---+--l----+-~ ~ 6.0 o -24 '-----'-_-'-_-'-_J..----'_-'-....L...J....---l -16 -12 -8.0 -4.0 VOO = 15 Vdc 11< r- G -12 I......... \/ .5 ~ a: \ o ~ o ~5.0IVdC 4.0 r-.... 1'-- t- ~POLmax = 70 mWdc I I VSS=OVdc I 12 8.0 16 II (VOL - VSS), SINK DEVICE VOLTAGE (Vdc) (VOH -VOO),SOURCE DEVICE VOLTAGE (Vdc) FIGURE 3 - DYNAMIC POWER DISIPATION SIGNAL WAVEFORMS FIGURE 4 - DYNAMIC SIGNAL WAVEFORMS (a~ Inputs D, Ph, and BI low, and Inputs A, B, and LD high. lr---------,.l=-4---- VDD C "------- VSS Inputs BI and Ph low, and Inputs D and LD high. f in respect to a system clock. VOH l'-----......:..:::.:::..;'f""-+-- All outputs connected to respective CL loads. (b) Inputs D, Ph, and BI low, and Inputs VOL A and B high. ---......l.::-f----------- VDD LD VSS 50% Duty Cycle Any Output th ~ VOH C ~~----~~I:--~---------VDD ' - - - - - - - - - - - VSS ---VOL ~VOH VOL (c) Data DCBA strobed into latches LD 4-31 _____tw~ 5_0_%~-------::: l-J' MC14543B CONNECTIONS TO VARIOUS DISPLAY READOUTS INCANDESCENT READOUT Appropriate Voltage LIQUID CRYSTAL (LCI READOUT Common Backplane Square Wave (VSS to VOO) II GAS DISCHARGE READOUT LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LEDI READOUT Common Note: Appropriate Voltage Common Cathode LED Anode LED Bipolar transistors may be added for gain (for VOO ";;;10V or lout;:;;' 10 mAl. CONNECTIONS TO SEGMENTS PIN ASSIGNMENT LD VDD C B D Voo = Pin 16 VSS=Pin8 A Ph BI DISPLAY b \Ll\/\213I'-/lslblllalgl VSS 4 4-32 ® MC14544B MOTOROLA CMOS MS. BCD-TO-SEVEN SEGMENT LATCH/DECODER/DRIVER FOR LIQUID CRYSTALS (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MaS) The MC 14544B BCD-to-seven segment latch/decoder/driver is designed for use with liquid crystal readouts, and is constructed with complementary MOS (CMOS) enhancement mode devices. The circuit provides the functions of a 4-bit storage latch and an 8421 BCDto-seven segment decoder and driver. The device has the capability to invert the logic levels of the output combination. The phase (Ph), blanking (BI), and latch disable (LD) inputs are used to reverse the truth table phase, blank the display, and store a BCD code, respectively. For liquid crystal (LC) readouts, a square wave is applied to the Ph input of the circuit and the electrically common backplane of the display. The outputs of the circuit are connected directly to the segments of the LC readout. The Ripple Blanking Input (RBI) and the Ripple Blanking Output (RBO) can be used to suppress either leading or trailing zeroes. For other types of readouts, such as light-emitting diode (LED), incandescent, gas discharge, and fluorescent readouts, connection diagrams are given on this data sheet. Applications include instrument (e.g., counter, DVM etc.) display driver, computer/calculator display driver, cockpit display driver, and various clock, watch, and timer uses. • Logic Circuit Quiescent Current = 5.0 nA/package typical 5V • Latch Storage of Code • Blanking Input BCD-TO-SEVEN SEGMENT LATCH/DECODER/DRIVER WITH RIPPLE BLANKING II P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 707 L SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 726 OROERING INFORMATION MWXXXO 1tSUffiX Denotes L Ceramic Package P Plastic Package A Extended Operating C Temperature Range Limited Operating Temperature Range @ PIN ASSIGNMENT • Readout Blanking on All Illegal Input Combinations • Direct LED (Common Anode or Cathode) Driving Capability • Supply Voltage Range • Capability for Suppression'of Non-significant zero • Capable of Driving Two Low-power TTL Loads, One Low-power Schottky TTL Load or Two HTL Loads Over the Rated Temperature Range MAXIMUM RATINGS = 3.0 V to 18 V (Voltages referenced to Vss) Rating DC Supply Voltage Symbol Value Unit VDD -0.5 to +18 Vdc Input Voltage, All Inputs Vin -0.5 to VDO + 0.5 Vdc DC Input Current per Pin lin ±10 mAdc Operating Temperature Range - AL Device CL/CP Device TA -55 to +125 -40 to +85 °c T stg -65 to +150 °c Maximum Continuous Output Drive Current (Source or Sink) per Output IOHmax IOLmax 10 mAdc Maximum Continuous Output Power* (Source or Sink) per Output POHmax POLmax 70 mW Storage Temperature Range *POHmax = IOH (VOH - VOO) and POLmax = IOL (VOL - VSS) 4-33 This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Vin and V out be constrained to the range VSS .;; (V in or V out ) .;; VDO, Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g" either VSS or Vool. MC145448 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Output Voltage Vin = VOO or 0 (Voltages Referenced to Vss) Symbol "0" Level "1" Level VOL VOH Vin = 0 or VOO Input Voltage# (VO = 4.5 or 0.5 V) (Va = 9.0 or 1.0 V) (Va = 13.5 or 1.5 V) II "0" Level vDD Vdc Min Tlow * Max 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 15 2SoC Min 0.05 0.05 0.05 4.95 9.95 14.95 Typ Max 0 0.05 0.05 0.05 a 0 4.95 9.95 14.95 5.0 10 15 Min Thigh * Max 0.05 0.05 0.05 4.95 9.95 14.95 V 5.0 10 15 VIH Output Drive Current (CL/CP Devicel Source (VOH = 2.5 V) (VOH =4.6 V) (YaH = 0.5 V) (VOH =9.5 V) (VOH = 13.5 V) Sink (VOL = 0.4 VI (VOL = 0.5 VI (VOL = 9.5 VI (Val = 1.5 VI IOH 1.5 3.0 4.0 2.25 4.50 6.75 1.5 3.0 4.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 10 15 3.5 7.0 11.0 3.5 7.0 11.0 2.75 5.50 8.25 3.5 7.0 11.0 5.0 5.0 10 10 15 5.0 10 10 15 -3.0 -0.64 -2.4 -0.51 -1.7 -0.36 -1.6 -4.2 0.64 1.6 -1.3 -3.4 0.51 1.3 4.2 3.4 -4.2 -0.88 -10.1 -2.25 -8.8 0.88 2.25 10.1 8.8 5.0 -2.5 5.0 10 10 15 -0.52 -2.1 -0.44 -4.2 -0.88 -10.1 -2.25 -8.8 0.88 2.25 10.1 8.8 -1.7 -0.36 V mA IOH IOL IOl V V Vil "1" Level (VO = 0.5 or 4.5 V) (VO = 1.0 or 9.0 V) (VO = 1.5 or 13.5 V) Output Drive Current (AL Device) (VOH = 2.5 V) Source (YaH = 4.6 V) (VOH = 0.5 V) (VOH = 9.5 V) (VOH = 13.5 V) Sink (VOL = 0.4 V) (Val = 0.5 V) (VOL = 9.5 V) (VOL = 1.5 V) Unit -0.9 -2.4 0.36 0.9 mA 2.4 mA 5.0 10 10 15 -1.1 -3.0 0.44 -1.3 -3.6 0.52 1.3 1.1 3.0 3.6 -0.9 -2.4 0.36 0.9 mA 2.4 Input Current (AL Device) lin 15 ±0.1 ±0.00001 ±0.1 ± 1.0 /lA Input Current (CLlCP Device) lin 15 ± 0.3 ±0.00001 ± 0.3 ± 1.0 IJA Input Capacitance Cin 5.0 7.5 Quiescent Current (AL Device) (Per Package) Vin=O or VOO, 100 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 20 0.005 0.010 0.015 5.0 10 20 150 300 600 IJA Quiescent Current (CLlCP DeVIce) (Per Package) Vin=O or VOO, lout = OJ.LA 100 5.0 10 15 20 40 80 2.0 40 80 150 300 600 IJA Total Supply Current' • 't (Dynamic plus Quiescent. Per Package) (Cl = 50 pF on all outputs, all buffers switching) IT 5.0 10 15 lout = O/lA 0.005 0.010 0.015 IT IT IT = = = (1.6 /lA/kHz) f + 100 (3.1 /lA/kHz) f + 100 (4.7 IJA/kHz) f + 100 'Tlow = -55°C for AL Device. -40 0 C for CLlCP Device. Thigh = +125 0 C for AL Device. +85 0 C for CLlCP Device. ,.Noise immunity specified for worst'case input combination. Noise Margin for both "1" and "O"level = 1.0 V min @ VOO = 5.0 V 2.0 V min @ VOO = 10 V 2.5 V min @ VOO = 15 V tTo calculate total supply current at loads other than 50 pF: IT(CL) = IT(50 pF) + 3.5 x 10-3 (CL -50) VOOf where: IT is in /lA (per package). CL in pF. VOO in Vdc, and f in kHz is input frequency . • 'The formulas given are for the typical characteristics only at 25°C. 4·34 pF IJA MC14544B SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS* (CL; 50 pF TA; 25°C) Characteristic VDD Min Typ Max 5.0 10 15 - 100 50 40 200 100 80 5.0 10 15 - 100 50 40 200 100 80 5.0 10 15 - - 605 250 185 1210 500 370 5.0 10 15 - 505 205 155 1650 660 495 5.0 10 15 0 0 0 -40 -15 -10 - th 5.0 10 15 80 30 20 40 15 10 - ns tWH 5.0 10 15 250 100 80 125 50 40 - ns - Symbol Output Rise Time tTLH; (3.0 ns/pF) CL + 30 ns tTLH; (1.5 ns/pF) CL + 15 ns tTLH; (1.1 ns/pF) CL + 10 ns tTLH Output Fall Time tTHL; (1.5 ns/pF) CL + 25 ns tTHL; (0.75 ns/pF) CL + 12.5 ns tTHL; (0.55 ns/pF) CL + 12.5 ns tTHL Turn-Off Delay Time tpLH ; (1.7 ns/pF) CL + 520 ns tpLH ; (0.66 ns/pF) CL + 217 ns tpLH; (0.5 ns/pF) CL + 160 ns tPLH Turn-On Delay Time tPHL; (1.7 ns/pF) CL +420 ns tPHL; (0.66 ns/pF) CL + 172 ns tPHL; (0.5 ns/pF) CL + 130 ns tpHL Setup Time tsu Hold Time Latch Disable Pulse Width (Strobing Data) ns ns ns ns 'The formulas given are for the tYPical characterIStics only. LOGIC DIAGRAM Voo = Pin 18 VSS = Pin 9 A 5 B 3 C 2 04 LD 1 4-35 Unit - ns - II MC14544B CONNECTIONS TO VARIOUS DISPLAY READOUTS INCANDESCENT READOUT LlOUID CRYSTAL (LC) READOUT Appropriate Voltage MC14544B Output Common Backplane Ph Square Wave (VSS to VO O ) II GAS DISCHARGE READOUT LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) READOUT Common -=Note: VSS Bipolar transistors may be added for gain (for VOO ';;;;10V or lout;:;' 10 mAl. TRUTH TABLE R81 LD X X 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X ,, , ,,, , ,, ,, , ,, , X ,, X 0 t t X Appropriate Voltage Anode LEO x IN~UTS 1 Voo Common Cathode LEO --'--- , OUTPUTS 81 Ph' 0 C 8 A 0 0 0 X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , , , , ,, 0 0 0 X 0 t L~ 1 •. ,, , 1 0 , , , ,, , , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,, , , , ,, , ,, ,, , , , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X t X R80 a 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " t b 0 0 d e f 9 DISPLAY 0 0 0 0 Blank , , , ,, , ,, , , ,, ,,, ,, , ,, ,, ,, , ,, , , , , , , ,, , , , , ,, , ,, 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 For liquid crystal readouts, apply a square wave to Ph. For common cathode LED readouts, select Ph = O. For common anode LED readouts, select Ph = 1. Depends upon the BCD Code previously applied when LD = 1. Blank , 0 2 3 # 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 Blank 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank " Inverse 01 OutpuT Display Comblnarlons Abovl:' asabOllt! Don't Care Above Combinations 4-36 RBO=RBI • (ABeD) MC14544B FIGURE 2 - TYPICAL OUTPUT SINK FIGURE 1 - TYPICAL OUTPUT SOURCE CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS 24 1 -6.0 1----4---"Io-,..-4--+----4.--+ofL-A-----l ~ ~ ~ -12 1----4--+--+--+----tr:F--+-_+_--1 a:: I 12 II c.> c.> a:: 7V '" Z :::> i 18 :::> UJ u; o ..j -18 9 -24 L---L_--'-_..I....._VS_SJ...=_O_V..Ld_C_J......JI...-I_...J -16 -12 -8.0 -4.0 0 6.0 ~ o0 (VOH -VOO),SOURCE OEVICE VOLTAGE (Vdc) FIGURE 3 - DYNAMIC POWER DISIPATION SIGNAL WAVEFORMS 1/ VOO = 15 Vdc \1/ .5 ~ a:: \ /1>, \ /V , VOO I = 10 Vdc 1', t-..... rf5.01VdC I-- Po Lmax I -I= 70 mWdc I VSS = 0 Vdc I 12 16 4.0 8.0 (VO L - VSS), SINK OEVICE VO LTAG E (Vdc) II FIGURE 4 - DYNAMIC SIGNAL WAVEFORMS (a) Inputs D, Ph, and BI low, and Inputs A, B, and LD high. lr---,..----......,,[~l------ VDD C Inputs BI and Ph low, and Inputs D and LD high. f in respect to a system clock. All outputs connected to respective CL loads. (b) Inputs D, Ph, and BI low, and Inputs 20 ns A and B high. VDD A, B, and C ---~:-+----------- VDD LD 50% Duty Cycle Any Output ~ VOH C - , . ; . . - - - - - - - - - - VSS th ,-~---~I------------ VOO ' - - - - - - - VSS ---VOL ' - - VOH VOL (c) Data DCBA strobed into latches LD 4-37 -----VDD 50% - - - - - - - - - - . " -.- - - - - - - - VSS tWH O MC14544B TYPICAL APPLICATIONS FOR RIPPLE BLANKING LEADING EDGE ZERO SUPPRESSION Displays I I I I II MC14544B MC14544B Input a a a a a a a a Code (0) (0) MC14544B MC14544B a I I I I a a a a 1 MC14544B MC14544B a a a a a 1 (1) (0) (5) I I 1 (3) TRAILING EDGE ZERO SUPPRESSION Displays I I I I I I I I MC14544B MC14544B MC14544B a a a a a a a a a 1 (5) 1 (0) 1 I I --- MC14544B a a (1) (3) 4-38 1 MC14544B MC14544B a a a a a a a a (0) (0) Input Code ® MC14547B MOTOROLA CMOS MS. HIGH CURRENT BCD-TO-SEVEN SEGMENT DECODER/DRIVER (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) HIGH CURRENT The MC14547 BCD-to-seven segment decoder/driver is constructed with complementary MOS (CMOS) enhancement mode devices and NPN bipolar output drivers in a single monolithic structure. The circuit provides the functions of an 8421 BCD-to-seven segment decoder with high output drive capability. Blanking (81), can be used to turn off or pulse modulate the brightness of the display. The MC14547 can drive seven-segment light-emitting diodes (LED), incandescent. fluorescent or gas discharge readouts either directly or indirectly. Applications include instrument (e.g., counter, DVM, etc.) display driver, computer/calculator display driver, cockpit display driver, and various clock, watch, and timer uses. BCD-TO-SEVEN SEGMENT DECODER/DRIVER L SUFFIX P SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648 • High Current Sourcing Outputs (Up to 65 mAl ORDERING INFORMATION • Low Logic Circuit Power Dissipation • Supply Voltage Range = + 3.0 V to + 18 V MC14XXXB ~SUffIX • Blanking Input • Readout Blanking on All Illegal Combinations • Lamp Intensity Modulation Capability Denote. L Ceramic Package P Plastic Package A Extended Operating C Temperature Range Limited Operating Temperature Range • Multiplexing Capability • Capable of Driving Two Low-Power TTL Loads, One Low-Power Schottky TTL Load or Two HTL Loads over the Rated Temperature Range 16 • Use MC14511 B for Applications Requiring Data Latches 15 14 4 17'/b eC/c f 13 12 d 11 10 MAXIMUM RATINGS * (Voltage referenced to VSS, Pin 8) Rating DC Supply Voltage Input Voltage, All Inputs Operating Temperature Range MC14547BAL MC14547BCL!CP Symbol Value Unit DISPLAY VDD -0.5to+18 V Vin - 0.5 to VOD + 0.5 V -55 to +125 -40 to +85 °c IL71 112131'-/lslb 1711:/\ 91 TA Tstg -65 to +150 °c Maximum Continuous Output Drive Current (Source) per Output IOHmax 65 mA Maximum Continuous Power Dissipation POHmax 1200' mW Storage Temperature Range TRUTH TABLE OUTPUTS INPUTS * Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. 'See power derating curve (Figure 1l. This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. A destructive high current mode may occur if Vin and V out is not constrained to the range VSS .;;;; (Vin or V out ) .;;;; VDD· Due to the sourcing capability of this circuit, damage can occur to the device if VDD is applied, and the outputs are shorted to VSS and are at a logical 1 (See Maximum Ratings). Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level VSS or VDD)' 4-39 (e.g., either 61 D C 6 A a b c d e f g DISPLAY 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Blank 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 x= 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Don't care 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 1 0 0 Blank 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blank Blank Blank Blank 9 Blank II MC14547B ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to Vss) Characteristic Output Voltage Vin = VDD or 0 "0" Level II VOO VOL Vdc 5.0 10 15 "1" Level Vin Symbol VOH = 0 or VDD Input Voltage # (Va = 3.8 or 0.5 V) (VO = 8.8 or 1.0 V) (Va = 13.8 or 1.5 V) "0" Level (Va = 0.5 or 3.8 V) (Va = 1.0 or 8.8 V) (Va = 1.5 or 13.8 V) Output Drive Voltage (AL Device) (lOH = 5.0 rnA) (lOH = 10 rnA) (lOH = 20 mAl (lOH = 40 mAl (lOH = 65 mAl "1" Level = 5.0 mAl = 10 mAl = 20 mAl = 40 mAl = 65 mAl Drive Voltage (CL/CP Device) = 5.0 mAl = 10 mAl = 20 mAl = 40 mAl = 65 mAl (lOH = 5.0 mAl (lOH = 10 mAl (lOH = 20 mAl IIOH = 40 mAl (lOH = 65 mAl (lOH = 5.0 mAl (lOH = 10 mAl IIOH = 20 mAl (/OH = 40 mAl IIOH == 65 mAl Output Drive Current (AL Device) (VOL = 0.4 V) 1VOL = 0.5 V) (VOL = 1.5 V) Output Drive Current (CL/CP Device) (VOL = 0.4 V) (VOL = 0.5 V) (VOL = 1.5 V) 25°C Thigh* Min Max 0.05 0.05 0.05 4.3 9.3 14.4 Typ 0 0 0 4.6 9.6 14.6 Max 0.05 0.05 0.05 2.25 4.50 6.75 1.5 3.0 4.0 - 3.5 7.0 11.0 2.75 550 8.25 - 3.5 7.0 11.0 - 4.2 4.1 3.9 3.7 3.2 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.0 3.7 - 4.3 4.0 9.2 9.1 9.0 8.9 8.5 93 9.3 9.2 90 8.8 14.2 14.1 14.0 13.8 13.5 14.3 14.3 14.2 14.0 13.7 4.1 4.0 3.8 3.5 3.0 9.1 9.0 8.8 8.5 8.1 14.1 14.0 13.8 13.5 13.0 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.0 3.7 9.3 9.3 9.2 9.0 8.8 14.3 14.3 14.2 14.0 13.7 0.26 0.65 1.7 0.22 0.55 1.5 Min - - 4.4 9.4 14.4 - - 5.0 10 15 VIH VOH 5.0 10 15 5.0 Source 10 3.5 7.0 11.0 15 1.5 3.0 4.0 - - - 3.8 - - - 3.1 - 9.1 8.8 - - - 8.4 - 14.0 - - 13.8 13.5 - - - Source - 10 15 V - - - - - - 3.0 - 9.3 - - - - 9.2 - - - - - 8.1 - 14.4 - - - - - 14.2 - 13.3 - 4.2 - - - - V - - 3.6 - - - 3.0 8.9 - - - 8.6 - - - 8.0 - 13.9 - - - 13.6 - - - 13.0 - 5.0 10 15 0.32 0.80 2.10 - 5.0 10 15 0.26 0.65 1.8 - 3.9 - - - 2.9 - 9.2 - - - - 9.0 - - - - 8.0 14.2 - - - 14.0 - - - 13.0 - 0.44 1.13 4.4 - 0.18 0.45 1.2 - 0.44 1.13 4.4 - 0.18 0.45 1.2 - - - mA IOL - - - - mA IOL Sink V 1.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.9 Sink V V 4.0 - VOH Unit V VIL (lOH = 5.0 mAl (lOH = 10 mAl (lOH = 20 mAl (lOH = 40 mAl (lOH = 65 mAl UOH (IOH (lOH (lOH IIOH Output (lOH (lOH IIOH (lOH (lOH 5.0 10 15 Tlow* Min Max 0.05 0.05 0.05 4.1 9.1 14.1 - *Tlow = -55°C for AL Device, -40°C for CL/CP Device Thigh = + 125°C for AL Device, +85°C for CL/CP Device #Noise immunity specified for worst-case input combination. Noise Margin for both "1" and "0" level = 1.0 V min @ VDD = 5.0 V 2.0 V min @ VDD = 10 V 2.5 V min @ VDD= 15 V 4-40 - - - - - MC14547B ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Tlow " Min Max 25°C Typ Thigh" Min Max Symbol VDD Vdc Input Current (AL Device) lin 15 - ±01 - ±O.OOOOl ±01 - ± 10 /LA Input Current (CLlCP Device) lin 15 - ±03 - ±O.OOOOl ±0.3 - ± 10 Cin - - - - 5.0 7.5 - - /LA pF IDD 5.0 10 15 - 5.0 10 20 - 0.005 0.010 0.015 5.0 10 20 - 150 300 600 /LA 20 40 SO - 0.005 0.010 0.015 20 40 SO 150 300 600 /LA Characteristic Input Capacitance Quiescent Current (AL Device) (Per Package) Vin = 0 or VDD, lout= 0 /LA Quiescent Current (CLlCP Device) (Per Package) Vin=O or VDD, 10ut=0 p.A IDD Total Supply Current"" t (Dynamic plus Quiescent, Per Package) (Cl = 50 pF on all outputs, all buffers switching) IT 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 15 - - Min - - Max - - IT = (1.9p.A/kHz) f + IDD IT = (3.S p.A/kHz) f + IDD IT = (5.7 p.A/kHz) f + IDD Unit p.A II • Tlow = -55°C for AL Device, -40°C for CLlCP Device Thigh = + 125°C for AL Device, +S5°C for CLlCP Device t To ca)culate total supply current at loads other than 50 pF: IT (Cl) = IT (50 pF) + 3.5 x 10- 3 (CL - 50) VDDf where: IT is in p.A (per package), CL in pF, VDD in V, and f in kHz is input frequency . •• The formulas given are for the typical characteristics only at 25°C. SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (CL = 50 pF T A = 25°C) Characteristic Output Rise Time Output Fall Time Symbol VDD Vdc Min Typ Max Unit tTlH 5.0 10 15 - 40 40 40 80 80 80 ns 5.0 10 15 - 125 75 70 250 150 140 ns 5.0 10 15 - 1500 ns 5.0 10 15 - 750 300 200 750 300 200 750 300 200 tTHl Data Propagation Delay Time tplH tpHl Blank Propagation Delay Time tpLH tpHL 4-41 - - - - 5.0 10 15 - 5.0 10 15 - - - 500 250 170 600 400 1500 600 400 1500 600 400 1000 500 340 ns MC14547B LOGIC DIAGRAM 8T4 A 7 - ---++-+-.......- - - - - - - - - - - , ....... 13 a 12 b B 1 - .......----I..-HH-. 11 c 10 d I C 2 -.......---++.. 9 e 15 f 06--------1 14 g FIGURE 1 - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE POWER DERATING 1200 " "'" ~ .......... "'" .~ ....... r--.., ........ /CL DEVICE i>.. ~ ""- '<.. CP DEVICE o 25 50 75 85 100 /' AL DEVICE 125 TA. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE lOCI 4-42 150 175 MC14547B CONNECTIONS TO VARIOUS DISPLAY READOUTS LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) READOUT Common Anode LED Common Cathode LE D "" 1.7 V _ _ _ "" 1.7 V -= Vss INCANDESCENT READOUT VDD vss LIGHT-EMITTING DIODE (LED) READOUT USING A ZENER DIODE TO REPLACE DROPPING RESISTORS VDD Common Cathode LED GAS DISCHARGE READOUT VOD Appropriate Voltage Vss FLUORESCENT READOUT VOO -= VSS • VZD should be set at VDD - 1.3 V - VLED· Wattage of zener diode must be calculated for number of segments and worst-case conditions . Filament Supply •• A filament pre-warm resistor is recommended to reduce filament thermal shock and increase the effective cold resistance of the filament. Vss or appropriate voltage below VSS. 4-43 (Caution: Absolute maximum working voltage = 18.0 V) II ® MC14558B MOTOROL.A CMOS MS. BCD-TO-SEVEN SEGMENT DECODER (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) I The MC14558B decodes 4-bit binary coded decimal data dependent on the state of auxiliary inputs, Enable and RB I, and provides an active-high seven-segment output for a display driver. An auxiliary input truth table is shown, in addition to the BCD to seven-segment truth table, to indicate the functions available with the two auxil iary inputs. Leading Zero blanking is easily obtained with an external flip-flop in time division multiplexed systems displaying most significant decade first. BCD-TO-SEVEN SEGMENT DECODER ~r1111118 16~~~1 ~ ij ti 16~l~ ~ ~ • • • • • • • Quiescent Current = 5.0 nA/package typical @ 5 Vdc Supply Voltage Range = 3.0 Vdc to 18 Vdc Segment Blanking for All Illegal Input Combinations Lamp Test Function Capability for Suppression of Non-Significant Zeros Lamp Intensity Function Capable of Driving Two Low-power TTL Loads, One Low-power Schottky TTL load or Two HTl Loads Over the Rated Temperature Range L SUFFIX P SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 620 CASE 648 ORDERING INFORMATION MC14XXXB ~SUffIX T- t: Denotes L CeramIc Package P PlastIC Package A Extended Operating Temperature Range C LImIted OperatIng Temperature Range MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages referenced to Vss) Rating PIN ASSIGNMENT Symbol Value Unit Vdc VDD -0.5 to +18 Input Voltage. All Inputs Vin -0.5 to VOD + 0.5 Vdc DC Input Current, per Pin 'in ±10 mAde Operating Temperature Range .- AL Device CLlCP Device TA -55 to +125 -40 to +85 °c Storage Temperature Range TUg -65 to +150 °c OC Supply Voltage B 15 3 Enable 14 4 RBO 13 5 RBI 6 0 A 8 RBI Pin 5 BCD Input Code RBO Pin 4 0 0 X 0 Lamp Test b 1 X 1 Blank Segments 1 1 0 1 Display Zero 1 0 0 0 Blank Segments 1 X 1·9 1 1-9 Displayed d 4-44 10 9 VSS DISPLAY X = Don't Care RBI = Ripple Blankinllinput RBO = Ripple BI.,kinll Output 12 11 Function Performed 0 16 C AUXILIARY INPUT TRUTH TABLE Enable Pin 3 VDO 2 l-:-/b eOc ! d MC14558B ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to V SS) voo Charac:teristic: Output Voltage Von = VDD or Symbol Vdc: "0" Level VOL 5.0 10 15 "I" Level VOH 5.0 10 15 a Vin=OorVDD Input Voltage U (VO = 4.5 or 0.5 Vdd (VO = 9.0 or '.0 Vdd (VO = 13.5 or 1.5 Vdc) "0" Level 4.95 9.95 14.95 4.95 9.95 14.95 Sink Output Drive Current (CL/CP Device) Source (VOH = 2.5 Vdd (VOH = ,4.6 Vdcl (VOH = 9,5 Vdd (VOH = 13.5 Vdd Sink Thigh· Typ M. . a a a 0.05 0.05 0.05 5.0 10 15 Min Max Unit 0.05 0.05 0.05 Vdc 4.95 9.95 14.95 Vdc Vdc 1.5 3.0 4.0 2.25 4.50 6.75 1.5 3.0 4.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 V,H (VO = 1.5 or 13.5 Vdd Output Drive Current (AL DeVIce) Source (VOH = 2.5 Vdd (VOH = 4.6 Vdcl (VOH = 9.5 Vdc) (VOH = 13.5 Vdcl Min 0.05 0.05 0.05 5.0 10 15 "I" Level (VOL = 0.4 Vdd (VOL = 0.5 Vdd (VOL = 1.5 Vdd M .. VIL (VO = 0.5 or 4.5 Velc) (VO = 1.0 or 9.0 Vdc) (VOL = 0.4 Vdd (VOL = 0.5 Vdd (VOL= 1.5Vdcl 25°C Tlow· Min 5.0 10 15 11.0 3.5 7.0 11.0 2.75 5.50 8.25 3.5 7.0 11.0 5.0 5.0 10 15 -3.0 -0.64 -1.6 -4.2 -2.4 -0.51 -1.3 -3.4 -4.2 -0.88 -2.25 -8.8 -1.7 -0.36 -0.9 -2.4 5.0 10 15 0.64 1.6 4.2 0.51 1.3 3.4 0.88 2.25 8.8 0.36 0.9 2.4 5.0 5.0 10 15 -2.5 -0.52 -1.3 -3.6 -2.1 -0.44 -4.2 -0.88 -2.25 -8.8 -1.7 -0.36 -0.9 -2.4 5.0 10 15 0.52 1.3 3.6 0.44 0.88 2.25 8.8 0,36 0.9 2.4 3.5 7.0 Vdc mAdc 10H IOL mAdc mAdc IOH 10L -1.1 -3.0 1.1 3.0 mAde Input Current (AL DeVIce) lin 15 tOl fOOOOOl :to.l il.0 !JAdc Input Current (CL/CP Device) lin 15' ±0.3 iO.OOOOl :t03 il.0 !JAde Input Capacitance QUIescent Current IAL Delilce) V in ='0 or VOO (Per Package) 10ut=O /LA QUIescent Current (CLiCP DeVIce) Vin=O or VOO (per Packaqe) 10ut=0 /LA Total Supply Current ° ° t (Dynamic plus Quiescent, Per Package) (CL = 50 pF on all outputs, all buffers sWItching) 5.0 Cin pF 7.5 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 20 0.005 0.010 0.Q15 5.0 10 20 150 300 600 IDD 5.0 10 15 20 40 80 0.005 0.010 0.015 20 40 80 150 300 IT 50 10 15 IDD 600 IT = (1.2I'A/kHz) f + IOD IT = (2.4I'A/kHz) f + 100 IT = (3.6I'A/kHz) f + IDD °T,ow = -55 0 C for AL DeVIce, -40 0 C for CL/CP Device. ThIgh = +125 0 C for AL Device, +85 0 C for CLlCP Device. "Noise Immunity spet;lfied for worst·case input combination NOIse MargIn for both "I" and "0" level, = '1.0 Vdc min@ VDD = 5,0 Vdc 2.0 Vdc min @ VDD = 10 Vdc 2.5 Vdc min @ VDD = 15 Vdc tTo calculate total supply current at loads other than 50 pF: IT(CL) = 'T(50 pF) + 41( 10-3 (CL -50) VDDf where: I,. IS in!JA (per package), CL in pF, VDD in Vdc, and f on kHz is input frequency . • ° The formulas gIven are for the typical characteristics only at 25 0 C. This device 'contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is ad· vised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high im· pedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Vin and V out be constrained to the range VSS .. (V in or V out ) '" VDD Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or VDDI. 4-45 II MC14558B SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS· leL ~ 50 pF, T A • 25°C; see Figure 1) CharlCteristic II Symbol Output Rise Time tTLH = 13.0 ns/pF) CL + 30 ns tTLH = (1.5 ns/pF) CL + 15 ns tTLH = 11.1 ns/pFI CL + 10 ns tTLH Output Fall Time tTHL" 11.5 ns/pFI CL + 25 ns tTHL = 10.75 ns/pF) CL + 12.5 ns tTHL" (0.55 ns/pF) CL + 9.5 ns Propagation Delay Time tPLH = 11.7 ns/pFI CL + 495 ns tPLH = (0.66 ns/pFI CL + 187 ns tPLH" (0.5 ns/pFI CL + 120 ns tTHL Propagation Delay Time tpHL = (1.7 ns/pF) CL + 695 ns tpHL = 10.66 ns/pFI CL + 242 ns tpHL = (0.5 ns/pF) CL + 160 ns tPHL VDD Min Typ MIl. - 100 200 100 80 5.0 10 15 - 5.0 10 15 - Unit ns 50 40 nl tPLH 5.0 10 15 200 100 580 220 145 1160 440 230 780 275 185 1560 550 370 80 ns - 5.0 10 15 100 50 40 nl - • The formulae given are for the typical characteristics only. TRUTH TABLE OUTPUTS· INPUTS 0 Pin 6 C B A Pin 2 Pin 1 Pin 7 a Enable RBI Pin 3 Pin 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 x 0 0 0 1 0 Pin 13 b Pin 12 c Pin 11 d Pin 10 f Pin 15 9 Pin 14 RBO Pin 4 DISPLAY n 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 I I 2 U 1 X 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 X 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 ~ 1 X 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 '-I 1 X 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 5 1 X 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 b 1 X 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 X 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blank i I 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 B 0 1 X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Blanlt • All non-valid BCD input cOdes produce. blank display X e Pin 9 =. Don't Car. FIGURE 1 - SIGNAL WAVEFORMS 20 ns Any Input Any Output -----~ 4-46 MC14558B I 4-47 MC14558B TYPICAL APPLICATIONS FIGURE 2 - LEADING AND TRAILING ZERO SUPPRESSION WITH LAMP TEST N3 N4 --- RBc5 RBi ABo ~ ABI Nl N2 r---- ABo ABI r-- N·2 N·l RBI RBO I""'" ABI RBc5 l ... ABo En En En En En En 1 1 1 1 1 1 I N·3 RiJ , - RBI En I Vss FIGURE 3 - LEADING AND TRAILING ZERO SUPPRESSION WITH PWM INTENSITY BLANKING AND NO LAMP TEST N3 N4 N2 N·l Nl N·2 N·3 Vee r- RBc5 ABI nking En ! 1 - ABo RBI En 1 - A8i ABo L... En 1 RsO ASci L..... FIGURE 4 - ZERO SUPPRESSION WITH LAMP TEST AND INTENSITY BLANKING N4 N3 N·2 N2 Blankinll"'--4~-~-""" LampT."~::~~::::~~~-l ~-'-------------r------------------------------~ 4-48 N·3 ® MC145000 MC145001 MOTOROLA SERIAL INPUT MULTIPLEXED LCD DRIVERS (MASTER AND SLAVE) CMOS LSI (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) The MC145000 {Master} LCD Driver and the MC145001 (Slave) LCD Driver are CMOS devices designed to drive liquid crystal displays in a multiplexed-by-four configuration. The Master unit generates both frontplane and backplane waveforms, and is capable of independent operation. The Slave unit generates only frontplane waveforms, and is synchronized with the backplanes from the Master unit. Several Slave units may be cascaded from the Master unit to increase the number of LCD segments driven in the system. The maximum number of frontplanes is dependent upon the capacitive loading on the backplane drivers and the drive frequency. The devices use data from a microprocessor or other serial data and clock source to drive one LCD segment per bit. • Direct Interface to CMOS Microprocessors • Serial Data Port, Externally Clocked SERIAL INPUT MULTIPLEXED LCD DRIVERS (MASTER AND SLAVE) ~~ 24~VUUlU' 24~~VlUl' L SUFFIX P SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 623 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 700 • Multiplexing-By-Four • Net dc Drive Component Less Than 50 mV • Master Drives 48 LCD Segments • Slave Provides Frontplane Drive for 44 LCD Segments 18 • Drives Large Segments -Up to one Square Centimeter ~ "VDl~lJ~ P • Supply Voltage Range= 3 V to 6 V • Latch Storage of Input Data • Low Power Dissipation L SUFFIX P SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 726 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 707 • LogiC Input Voltage Can Exceed VDD • Accomodates External Temperature Compensation • See Application Note AN-823A, Section 4 • Chip Complexities: MC145000-1723 FETs or 431 Equivalent Gates MC145001-1495 FETs or 374 Equivalent Gates ORDERING INFORMATION MC14XXXX T Suffix Denotes L Ceramic Package P Plastic Package L PIN ASSIGNMENTS FP1 FP2 VDD OSCout OSCin Frame-Sync. Out FP3 FP4 FP5 Data Out FP6 FP7 FP8 Data Clock Data In BP1 FP9 FP10 FP11 BP2 BP3 BP4 VSS FP12 FP1 FP2 FP3 FP4 FP5 FP6 FP7 VDD OSCin Frame-Sync. In Data Out Data Clock Data In FP11 FPlO FP9 FP8 VSS MC145001 Slave This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Yin and Vout be constrained to the ranges VSssVoutSVDD andVSSSVin s15V Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level. MC145000 Master 4-49 II MC145000 MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages referenced to Vss) Characteristic DC Supply Voltage Input Voltage, Data In and Data Clock Input Voltage, Pin 22 of Master DC Input Current, per Pin Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Symbol Value Unit VDD -0.5 to +6.5 V Yin -0.5to15 V Yin osc - 0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V lin ±10 mA TA T stg -40 to +85 °C -65 to + 150 °C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages referenced to VSS) Characteristic RMS Voltage Across a Segment (SPi-FPjl "ON" Segment "OFF" Segment I Average DC Offset Voltage "0" Level Input Voltage "1" Level Output Drive Current High-Current State" VO=2.85 V VO= 1.B5 V VO= 1.15 V VO=0.15 V Min 25°C Typ Max - 1.73 3.46 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.00 2.00 - - - - 30 50 10 20 30 50 - 30 50 mV VIL 3.0 6.0 - 1.35 2.70 0.90 1.80 - - 0.90 1.BO - 0.90 1.80 V VIH 3.0 6.0 2.10 4.20 - 2.10 4.20 1.65 3.30 - 2.10 4.20 - ISH 3.0 150 220 160 400 - - 75 110 80 200 190 200 200 - 35 55 40 100 - 500 1000 BOO - - - 500 - 125 250 200 125 140 2.4 2.2 400 - 35 0.6 0.5 100 - 190 15 13 B50 - BO 140 180 100 - 140 360 - VOO V VON 3.0 6.0 - VOFF 3.0 6.0 Vdc 3.0 6.0 85°C Min Max - - - Unit V V V Sackplanes VO=5.85 V VO=3.85 V VO=2.15V VO=015V Low-Current State" VO=2.B5 V VO= 1.85 V VO=1.15V VO=0.15 V VO=5.85 V VO=3.85 V VO=2.15V VO=0.15 V Output Drive Current - Frontplanes High-Current State" VO=2.85 V VO=1.85V VO=1.15V VO=0.15V VO=5.B5 VO=3.85 VO=2.15 VO=0.15 -40°C Min Max Symbol V V V V Low-Current State" VO=2.85 V VO= 1.85 V VO= 1.15 V VO=0.15 V VO=5.85 V VO=3.85 V VO=2.15V VO=0.15V ISH ISL IBL IFH IFH 6.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 400 100 IFL IFL 3.0 6.0 60 2.B 2.2 100 100 16 13 200 250 300 300 - 500 600 400 250 500 300 70 1.2 1.1 200 80 2.8 2.5 330 - 95 7.5 6.5 425 105 10 9 570 - 40 70 60 50 60 120 100 95 70 180 200 50 90 250 240 120 - - 30 1.4 1.1 50 40 2.8 2.5 100 - 60 - - - 50 B.O 6.5 100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45 3.7 3.2 210 - - - - 35 90 100 25 - p.A p.A - 175 - - lin 6.0 - ±0.1 - ±O.OOOOl ±0.1 - ±1.0 Input Capacitance Cin - - - - 5.0 7.5 - - Quiescent Current (Per Package) Vin=O or VDD, 10ut=0 p.A 100 3.0 6.0 - 10 185 - 2.5 50 15 175 - 20 - p.A - Input Current - p.A - - 9 p.A - - 25 4.0 3.2 50 10 I'A - 20 35 30 25 15 0.7 0.5 25 I'A - 130 p.A p.A pF p.A • For a time (ta 2.56/ osc. freq.) after the backplane or frontplane waveform changes to a new voltage level, the circuit is maintained in the highcurrent state to allow the load capacitances to charge quickly. Then the circuit is returned to the low-current state until the next voltage level change occurs. 4-50 MC145000 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS ICL - 50 pF TA = 25°CI Characteristic Symbol Data Clock Frequency fcl Rise and Fall Times - Data clock Setup Time Data In to Data Clock Hold Time Data In to Data Clock Pulse Width Data Clock VOO 3.0 6.0 tr,tf 3.0 6.0 Min Typ - 12.5 24 - - Max 7..5 125 125 10 - - tsu 30 6.0 48 - 16 - -5 0 - th 3.0 6.0 - - tw 3.0 6.0 65 40 - - - Unit MHz ,.s ns ns ns SWITCHING WAVEFORMS Data In VDD - Data Clock VDD - 0- 0- DEVICE OPERATION The Slave unit (Figure 2) consists of the same circuitry as the Master unit, with two exceptions: it has no backplane drive circuitry, and its shift register and latch hold 44 bits. Eleven frontplane and no backplane drivers are available from the Slave unit. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the Master unit. The unit is composed of two independent circuits: the data input circuit with its associated data clock, and the LCD drive circuit with its associated system clock. Forty-eight bits of data are serially clocked into the shift register on the falling edges of the external data clock. Data in the shift register is latched into the 48-bit latch at the beginning of each frame period. (As shown in Figure 3, the frame period, tframe, is the time during which all the LCD segments are set to the desired "ON" or "OFF" states.) The binary data present in the latch determines the appropriate waveform signal to be generated by the frontplane drive circuits, whereas the backplane waveforms are invariant. The frontplane and backplane waveform:;:, FPn and BPn, are generated using the system clock (which is the oscillator divided by 256) and voltages from the V /3 generator circuit (which divides VDD into one-third increments). As shown in Figure 3, the frontplane and backplane waveforms and the "ON" and "OFF" segment waveforms have periods equal to tframe and frequencies equal to the system clock divided by four. Twelve frontplane and four backplane drivers are available from the Master unit. The latching of the data at the beginning of each frame period and the carefully balanced voltagegeneration circuitry minimize the generation of a net dc component across any LCD segment. LCD DRIVER SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS Figure 4 shows a basic LCD Driver system configuration, with one Master and several Slave units. The maximum number of slave units in a system is dictated by the maximum backplane drive capability of the device and by the system daw update rate. Data is serially shifted first into the Master unit and then into the following Slave units on the falling edge of the common data clock. The oscillator is common to the Master unit and each of the Slave units. At the beginning of each frame period, tframe, the Master unit generates a frame-sync pulse IFigure 3) which is received by the Slave units. The pulse is to ensure that all Slave unit frontplane drive circuits are synchronized to the Master unit's backplane drive circuits. A single multiplexed-by-four, 7-segment (plus decimal point) LCD and possible frontplane and backplane connections are shown in Figure 5. When several such displays are used in a system, the four backplanes generated by the Master unit are common to all the LCD digits in the system. The twelve frontplanes of the Master unit are capable of controlling forty-eight LCD segments (6 LCD digits), and the eleven frontplanes of each Slave unit are capable of controlling forty-four LCD segments (5 Y2 LCD digits). 4-51 II MC145000 FIGURE 1 Data Out 20 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE MCl46000 (MASTER) LCD DRIVER Bit 1 Bit 1 FPl FP2 FP3 * .r; .::: .....J (J) CD '6> Q) :c 6 Q) .~ 0 8 ~ B-c: ~ ~ II FP4 FP5 FP6 FP7 Q) ~ in 5 U 2 ~ a: 4 '" 'S 9 10 11 FP8 FP9 FP10 FP11 13 FP12 Bit 48 19· Data Clock ·Pins 18 and.19 can be driven to voltages greater than VDD, Frame-Sync Pulse 18· Data In System Clock 22 23 OSCin OSC out FIGURE 2 - 21 Frame-Sync Out BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE MCl45001 (SLAVE) LCD DRIVER Data Out 15 FPl 2 3 '" li; 'S Til '6> 2 U .r; Q) ~ a: Q) 6 0 CD ~ B-c: ~ ~ 8 10 11 12 14· Data Clock ·Pin!! 13 and 14 can be driven to voltages greater than VDD, 13· Data In System Clock 17 OSCin 16 Frame-Sync In 4-52 FP3 FP4 FP5 FP6 FP7 Q) ~ CD 5 .~ .....J :c (J) 4 FP2 FP8 FP9 FP10 FP11 MC145000 FIGURE 3 - VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS Voo - System Clock (Oscillator + 256) n nnn nn nn r O_~UUUUUUUU VD:~J~~~_l Frame-8ync Pulse BP1 Voo 2/3 (VOOI 1/3 (V ~Ol - BP2 VOO 2/3 (VOOI1/3 (VOOI- 0- II 0- Backplane Waveforms BP3 Voo 2/3 (VOOI 1/3 (VOOI- 0Voo 2/3 (V ~Ol 1/3 (VOOI- BP4 0- .... I4--tframe-........~I ~-tframe---.{ Example: One segment ON Frontplane waveform (FPI) for segment f to be "ON" and { d, e, g to be "OFF" (Figure 51 ON segment voltage waveform across segment f (BP1-FPll VOO2/3 (VOOI 1/3 (VOO)- 0- VOO2/3 (VOOI 1/3 (VOOI - i - - - .....- Example: All segments OFF. Frontplane waveform (FP2) for segments ( Voo _ t' 2/3 (VOOI 1/3 (VOO) - a, b, c and h to be "OFF" (Figure 51. OFF segment voltage waveform across segment b. (BP2-FP21 Frame RMS Voltage= VOO/$ Frame de Offset Voltage< 50 mV 0- -1/3 (VOO)-2/3 (VOO) -VOO - tframe~ r- r-, 1"1 11 r-1 n 1"1 11 11 - - l L-I L-I L-J L.J L.J L.J L-J L-I 0- VOO2/3 (VOO) 1/3 (VOO) - i Frame RMS Voltage=VDO/3 Frame de Offset Voltage<50 mV 0- - 1/3 (VOO) -2/3 (VOO)-Voo - j..-. tframe - ....... , •..-- tframe----.t 4-53 MC145000 FIGURE 4 - BASIC SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Frame Sync. Rext (Optional) System Clock Oscillator o---------,-.JV\I\rData Clock O-----+--_---I-~f--------+_-_-+_----I OSC out MC145000 Master LCD Driver Serial Data In OSCin Data Out MC145001 Slave LCD Data Driver In L..._......._ _ _....J Data MC145001 Slave LCD Driver 4 Backplanes I LCD Array FIGURE 5 - FRONTPLANE AND BACKPLANE CONNECTIONS TO A MULTIPLEXED-BY-FOUR 7-SEGMENT (PLUS DECIMAL POINT) LCD FPl .Pl yfl FP2 BP1 SEGMENT TRUTH TABLE- Ib BP2~BP2 el Ie .. ~--~III~BP4 Typical Backplane Configuration BP2 9 b BP3 e c a BP4 d d Because there IS no standard for backplane and frontplane connections on multiplexed displays, this truth table may be used only for this example. BP3-~-_ _------.--~------BP3 BP4---__. . . . FP1 f FP2 BPl Typical Frontplane Configuration PIN DESCRIPTIONS DATA CLOCK (Master: Pin 19) (Slave: Pin 14) The input pin for the external data clock, which controls the shift registers. This pin can be driven to 15 volts regardless of the value of VDD. FRONTPLANE DRIVE OUTPUTS (Master: FP1-FP12; Pins 1-11 and 13) (Slave: FP1-FP11; Pins 1-8 and 10-12) The frontplane drive waveforms for the LCDs. DATA OUT (Master: Pin 20) (Slave: Pin 15) BACKPLANE DRIVE OUTPUTS (Master: BP1-BP4; Pins 14-17) The backplane drive waveforms for the LCDs. The serial data output pin. FRAME-SYNC OUT (Master: Pin 21) The output pin for the frame-sync pulse, which is generated by the Master unit at the beginning of each frame period, tframe. From Figure 1, the 48-bit latch is loaded during the positive Frame-Sync Out pulse. Therefore, if the Data Clock is active during this load interval, the display will flicker. DATA IN (Master: Pin 18) (Slave: Pin 13) The serial data input pin. Data is clocked into the shift register on the falling edge of the data clock. A high logic ievei wiii cause th& corresponding LCD segment to be turned on, and a low logic level will cause the segment to be turned off. This pin can be driven to 15 volts regardless of the value of VDD, thus permitting optimum display drive voltage. FRAME-SYNC IN (Slave: Pin 16) The input pin for the frame-sync pulse from the Master unit. The frame-sync pulse synchronizes the Slave frontplane drive waveforms to the Master backplane drive waveforms. 4-54 MC145000 OSCin (Master: Pin 22) (Slave: Pin 17) Vee (Master: Pin 24) (Slave: Pin 18) The input pin to the system clock circuit. The oscillator frequency is either obtained from an external oscillator or generated in the Master unit by connecting an external resistor between the OSCin pin and the OSCout pin (Pin 23). Figure 6 shows the relationship between resistor value and frequency. The positive supply voltage. VSS (Master: Pin 12) (Slave: Pin 9) The negative supply (or ground) voltage. OSCout (Master: Pin 23) The output pin of the system clock circuit. This pin is connected to the OSCin input (Pin 17) of each Slave unit. FIGURE 6 - TYPICAL OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY vs EXTERNAL RESISTOR VALUE 10 M ~ ~ II ~ ~tDD=6V 1M "iii > VDD=3V~ 10 k 1k 100 k 10 k 1M 10M Oscillator Frequency (Hz) APPLICATIONS The following examples are presented to give the user further insight into the operation and organization of the Master and Slave LCD Drivers. An LCD segment is tL!rned either on or off depending upon the RMS value of the voltage across it. This voltage is equal to the backplane voltage waveform minus the frontplane voltage waveform. As previously stated, the backplane waveforms are invariant (see Figure 3). Figure 10 shows one period of every possible frontplane waveform. For a detailed explanation of the operation of liquid crystal materials and multiplexed displays, refer to a brochure entitled "Multiplexed Liquid Crystal Displays," by Gregory A. Zaker, General Electric Company, Liquid XTAL Displays Operation, 24500 Highpoint Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44122. first bit to be entered has been shifted into bit-location one, the second bit into bit-location two, and so on. Table 1 shows the bit location in the latch that controls the corresponding frontplane-backplane intersection. For example, the information stored in the 26th-bit location of the latch controls the LCD segment at the intersection of FP7 and BP3. The voltage waveform across that segment is equal to (BP3 minus FP71. The same table, but with the column for FP12 deleted, describes the operation of the Slave unit. In applications of this type, all the necessary data to completely update the display are serially shifted into the Master and succeeding Slave units within a frame period. Typically, a microprocessor is used to accomplish this. Example 2: Many keyboard-entry applications, such as calculators, require that the most significant digit be entered and displayed first. Then as each succeeding digit is entered, the previously entered digits must shift to the left. It is, therefore, neither necessary nor desirable to enter a completely new set of data for each display change. Figure 7 shows a representation of a system consisting of one Master and three Slave units and displaying 20 LCD digits. If each digit has the frontplane-backplane configuration shown in Figure 5, the relationship between frontplanes, backplanes, and LCD segments in the display is shown in Table 2. Example 1: Many applications (e.g., meters, gasoline pumps, pinball machines, and automobile dashboard displays) require that, for each display update, an entirely new set of data must be shifted into the Master and cascaded Slave units. The correspondence between the frontplanebackplane intersections at the LCD segments and the data bit locations in the 48-bit latch of the Master (or 44-bit latch of the Slave) is necessary information to the system designer. In Figure 1, it is shown that data is serially shifted first into the 48th-bit location of the shift register of the Master. Thus, after 48 data bits have been shifted in, the 4-55 MC145000 Digits (or alphanumeric characters) are entered, mostsignificant digit first, by using a keyboard and a decoder external to the MC145000. Data is entered into the Master and cascaded Slave units according to the following format: 1) Initially, all registers and latches must be cleared by entering 160 zero data bits. This turns off all 160 segments of the display. 2) Entering the most-significant digit from the keyboard causes the appropriate eight bits to be serially Shifted into the Master unit. These eight bits control LCD segments a through h of digit 1, and cause the desired digit to be displayed in the least-significant digit location. 3) Entering the second-most-significant digit from the keyboard causes eight more bits to be serially shifted into the Master unit. These eight bits now control LCD segments a II through h of digit 1, and the previously entered eight bits now control segments a through h of digit 2. Thus the two digits are displayed in the proper locations. 4) Entering the remaining 18 digits from the keyboard fills the 20-digit display. Entering an extra digit will cause the first digit entered to be shifted off. the display. Example 3: In addition to controlling 7-segment (plus decimal point) digital displays, the MC145000 and MC145001 may be used to control displays using 5 x 7 dot matrices. A Master and three Slave units can drive 180 LCD segments, and therefore are capable of controlling five 5 x 7 dot matrices (175 segments). Two control schemes are presented in Figures 8 and 9; one using a single Master unit, and one using two Master units. TABLE 1 - THE BIT LOCATIONS, IN THE LATCH, THAT CONTROL THE LCD SEGMENTS LOCATED AT EACH FRONTPLANE-BACKPLANE INTERSECTION FRONTPLANES FPl FP2 FP3 FP4 FP5 FP6 FP7 FP8 FP9 FPlO FPll FP12 BPl 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 BP2 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 43 47 BP3 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 38 42 46 BP4 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 34 33 37 41 45 (Jl w Z S c.. ~ u « III FIGURE 7 - A 20-DIGIT DISPLAY (EQUIVALENT TO A 4x40 ARRAY) 3 digits controlled by Slave #3 5Y, digits controlled by Slave #1 5 It, digits controlled by Slave #2 6 digits controlled by Master Note that only six of the 11 Irontplanes are used Data In FP11 FP7 FP6 I FJlO FP2 FP10 FP1 I I FP9 FP11 FPl FP11 FP2 FJlO I FP10 FP12 FP2 I F!9 Fplll FP1 I TABLE 2 - THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FRONTPLANE-BACKPLANE INTERSECTIONS AND LCD SEGMENTS FOR THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION OF FIGURE 7 .._. . . . t-o------ Master -----I~~I BP1 FP12 FP11 FP10 FP9 a1 11 a2 12 gl g2 FPl FPll a6 16 a7 17 b7 g7 b6 g6 FP10 #l--l"~I....t-----Slave #2---1.~I",,,,---Slave #3~ -- - --- FPl FP11 FP10 FP1 FP11 FP10 a12 112 a13 113 a17 117 a18 118 g12 b13 g13 b17 g17 b18 g18 b12 FP9 FP2 BP2 bl 8P3 ~, e1 ~2 t:? c6 e6 e7 e7 e12 e12 e13 e13 e17 e17 BP4 h1 d1 h2 d2 h6 d6 h7 d7 h12 d12 h13 d13 h17 d'7 digit 1 b2 --- -Slave FP2 digit 2 I_ - -I digit 6 digit 7 I- - -I digit 12 4-56 I digit 13 I- - -I digit 17 I -- - FP7 FP6 a20 120 b20 g20 e18 e18 e20 e20 h18 I d18 I I h~U I dLU digit 18 I_ - -I digit 20 I I MC145000 EXAMPLE OF A 5 x 7 DOT MATRIX DISPLAY SYSTEM CONTROLLED BY ONE MASTER AND THREE SLAVE UNITS FIGURE 8 - I Master Slave #1 JI Slave #3 Slave #2 I FP11 FP9 I FP12 FP10 I FPS I I I I I I I , I FP1 I I FP10 I I FP11 FP2 FP3 , I I FP4 FP2 I , , I FP4 I FP6 I I FP3 I I FP5 I FP1 I I I FP7 I I I I FP6 FP8 I I , I FP3 F~5 I FP9 ,1 BP1 FP7 I I I FP5 f ! BP2 r BP3 BP4 ... ... ~- ~--- .- ~! !~ .,.. T I I FP7 I I I I FP6 'T'-I I I I FP5 I I FP4 I I I I I I I FP7 I I FP9 i I I 'FP11 f I FPS FP6 I ~1 , T T'I I ../~r /": ~ /" /": I ./ T T'- /1 I I FP9 I FP10 I Ft2 I I FP'lO FP1 FPS FP4 I I I I FP2 I l I I FPll I I I I T 1'- I I f I I : I ~.-- ~ . /~! ./ ~ "'i"l"" I I I , .. r ../ ~ - ~.-.- ~r V1:~ - ! I I FP3 FP1 FIGURE 9 - EXAMPLE OF A 5x 7 DOT MATRIX DISPLAY SYSTEM CONTROLLED BY TWO MASTER AND TWO SLAVE UNITS Master A FP11 FP9 FP12 ~ FP10 ~ FPS A A I A I I I I I I BP1 A , I I , , I I I , I I I __ --~~~~ BP2A - -__ Master A __ FP4 FP7 A FP5 ~ ,I ~ I __ A BP4A BP1 B --~~~~ I I , I I I I I , I I I __ ~~~.---~~~ ---4~a-~~~~--~ A : I ~ __ __ __ ~ , I I __ ~ , I ~----~ __ I __ ~----~ FP7 A I A FPS A I I I I ,I ,I I ~~~----~ - FP11,A FP9 I I --~~~ FP2 A A I , FP3 I I : I FP10 FP1 I A I BP3A I M,,,,,, B ~ FP6 Slave A I I ~ __HH__ ~ ~ I I I I , , I I I ,I , I I I I I I ~~~~r---~~ __ __ FP5 FP6 A __ , I ~ I I I __ FP4 A , ~ ~~----_.~._~~~ ~~---- __ __ __ ~ ~ ~ ---._.~--~~:~~:.---~~~--~--~----~--~--~~-----~:~-~:~:~~_ __ __~__--~~~__~__~----~__~j( ~~~--~~ __ ~-'~ BP2B--~~____~~--~~~~~----~~~~~--~~'-~~. BP3B--~~____~~--~~~~~----~~~I~~~--~~__~~ I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I F~12 I F~10 I F~8 B FP'll B FP9 B B B I FP7 I I I I , ,I I, I I I I I F~5 I I I I I I I I FP3 B FP6 B FP4 B B , I FP2 I I I I I I I I I I , I, , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F~ll I B FP1 B B T ~P9 FP8 B B FPlO B B Leos can be obtained from: AND, LXD, Hamlin, and other suppliers. 4-57 I FP6 I FP4 B FPl B FP5 B I Master B I Slave B B II MC145000 FIGURE 10 - POSSIBLE FRONTPLANE WAVEFORMS 1-.--.. Frame-Sync Pulse tl rame ---·~-.jl I- voJ'-----~ o Frame-Sync Pulse VOO /3tuLn-n-iI FPl for e, 9 on FP2 for b, c on I off 2V OO FP2 for a, b, c, h off VOO/3 2VOO/3 VOO/3 0 I I I Voo FPl lor e on FP2 for a on VOO 2VOO/3 FPl for d, 9 on FP2 for b, h on VOO/3 o 2VOO/3 VOO/3 0 Voo FPl for I on FP2 lor b on VOO 2VOO/3 FPl for d, e on FP2 for c, h on VOO/3 2VOO/3 VOO/3 o FPl for e on FP2 for c on FPl for d on FP2 for h on FPl for f, 9 on FP2 for a, b on FPl for e, f on FP2 for a, con VOO VOO 2VOO/3 VOO/3 FPl for e, f, 9 on ' 2VOO/3 FP2 for a, b, c on VOO/3 o 0 VOO VOO 2VOO/3 VOO/3 FPl for d, f, 9 on 2VOO/3 FP2 for a, b, h on VOD/3 o 0 VOO VOO 2VOO/3 VOO/3 FPl for d, e, f on 2VOO/3 FP2 for a, c, h on VOO/3 o 0 VOO VOO 2VOO/3 FPl for d, e, 9 on 2VOO/3 FP2 for b, c, h on VOO/3 VOD/3 o FPl for d, f on FP2 for a, h on VOotJut-J1! VOO/3 n - 0 r 2VOO/3 ~I ~ I I I I FPl lor d, e, f, 9 v :] tframe VOO FPl for e, d, f, 9 on 2VOO/3 FP2 for a, b, c, h on VOO/3 0 J 4-58 I I ® MC145453 MOTOROLA .VMI~i\ Advance Information Ii: li!! 40 LCD Driver with Serial Interface 1 PLASTIC CASE 711 LSI CMOS The MC145453 Liquid-Crystal Display Driver consists of a 36-stage serial-in/parallei-out shift register with 33 latches and drivers. Each package drives up to 33 nonmultiplexed LCD segments; e.g., a 4 '/z-digit, 7-segment-plus-decimal display. This device may be paralleled to increase the number of segments driven. The input format is a Start Bit (high), followed by 33 Display Bits, plus 2 Trailing Bits (don't cares). A high Start Bit, after propagating to the last shift register stage, triggers generation of an internal load signal which transfers the 33 Display Bits into latches. An internal reset clears only the shift register which readies the device for the next bit stream. • • • • • • • On-Chip Oscillator Provides 50 Percent Duty Cycle Backplane Drive No External Load Signal Required Operating Voltage Range: 3 to 10 V Operating Temperature Range: -40 0 to 85°C TTL-Compatible Inputs May Be Driven With CMOS May Be Used With Segmented-Alphanumeric, Bar-Graph, or Dot-Matrix LCDs Advantages Over Multiplexed LCD Systems: Wider Viewing Angle Optimum Contrast at Low Voltage Better Legibility at Extreme Temperature PLASTIC LEADED CHIP CARRIER (PLCCI CASE 777 ORDERING INFORMATION MC145453P Plastic DIP MC145453FN PLCC BLOCK DIAGRAM SP OUT OUT 33 SP IN OUT 2 OUT 1 OSCIN----.....-J DATA -------i~ CLOCK -------i~ LOAD 35 34 CONTROL LOGIC 36·STAGE SHIFT REGISTER This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 4-59 II MC145453 MAXIMUM RATlNGS* (Voltages Referenced to VSSI Value Unit - 0.5 to + 11.0 V DC Input Voltage - 0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V DC Output Voltage - 0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V DC Input Current, per Pin ±20 mA lout DC Output Current, per Pin ±25 mA ICC DC Supply Current, VDD and VSS Pins ±50 mA Po Power Dissipation, per Packaget 500 mW Symbol VDD Vin V out lin Tstg TL Parameter DC Supply Voltage Storage Temperature -65 to + 150 °C 260 °C Lead Temperature (10-Second Soldering I This device contains protection circuitry to guard against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, precautions must be taken to avoid applications of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high-impedance circuit. For proper operation, Vin and Vout should be constrained to the range VSS ~ (Vin or Vout)~VDD. Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or VDD except Osc In which must be tied to VSS). Unused outputs must be left open. *Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. tPower Dissipation Temperature Derating: -12 mW/oC from 65°C to 85°C. II PIN ASSIGNMENTS ;:! ~ f- l- :::J :::J :::J 0 0 0 0 :::J ~ f- ~ ::::: f- E> '-' :2 • OUT 13 l- ~ f- 0 N f- :::J :::J :::J 0 0 0 ;::::; f- :::J <:> N N f- :::J <:> 44 43 42 41 40 39 OUT 23 OUT 12 38 OUT 24 OUT 11 37 OUT 25 36 OUT 26 OUT 10 10 OUT 9 11 35 OUT 27 NC 12 34 NC OUT 8 13 33 OUT 28 OUT7 14 32 OUT 29 OUT 6 31 15 OUT 30 OUT 5 16 30 OUT 31 OUT 4 17 29 OUT 32 18 19 20 21 "" ~ N I-- I-- I-- <:> 0 0 :::J :::J :::J 0 OUT 18 OUT 19 OUT 16 OUT 20 OUT 15 OUT 21 OUT 14 OUT 22 OUT 13 OUT 23 OUT 12 OUT 24 OUT 11 OUT 25 OUT 10 OUT 26 OUT 9 OUT 27 OUT 8 OUT 28 OUT7 OUT 29 OUT 6 OUT 30 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 OUT 5 OUT 31 « « co OUT 4 OUT 32 Cl '-' CI) VSS OUT 17 ~ '-' :2 '-' '" 0 '-' I-- f- ~ <:> 0CD :::J 0CD "" "" I-- :::J OUT 3 OUT 33 OUT 2 BP IN OUT 1 BP OUT OSC IN DATA 0 NC = NO CONNECTION VDD Data sheet continued following page 11-9 4-60 CLOCK CMOS Operational Amplifiers/Comparators 5-1 II CMOS OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS/COMPARATORS Device Number MC14573 MC14574 MC14575 Function Quad Programmable Op Amp Quad Programmable Comparator Programmable Dual Op Amp/Dual Comparator Quantity Per Package Single Supply Voltage Range Dual Supply Voltage Range Frequency Range Device Number Number of Pins Operational Amplifiers 4 3 to 15 V ± 1.5 to ± 7.5 V DC to -1 MHz MC14573 16 Comparators 4 3 to 15 V ±1.5to ±7.5V DC to -1 MHz MC14574 16 2 and 2 3 to 15 V ± 1.5 to ± 7.5 V DC to -1 MHz MC14575 16 Function Operational Amplifiers and Comparators II 5-2 ® MC14573 MC14574 MC14575 MOTOROLA CMOS MSI QUAD PROGRAMMABLE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER QUAD PROGRAMMABLE COMPARATOR DUAl/DUAL PROGRAMMABLE AMPLIFIER-COMPARATOR The MC14573, MC14574, and MC14575 are a family of quad operational low power amplifiers and comparators using the complementary P-channel and N-channel enhancement MaS devices in a single monolithic structure. The operating current is externally programmed with a resistor to provide a choice in the tradeoff of power dissipation and slew rates. The operational amplifiers are internally compensated. • These low cost units are excellent building blocks for consumer, industrial, automotive and instrument applications. Active filters, voltage reference, function generators, oscillators, limit set alarms, TTL-toCMOS or CMOS-to-CMOS up converters, A-to-D converters and zero crossing detectors are some applications. These units are useful in both battery and line operated systems. • Low Cost Quads • Power Supply - Single 3.0 to 15 V Dual ± 1.5 to ± 7.5 V • Wide Input Voltage Range • Common Mode Range 0.0 to VDD - 2.0 V for Single Supply • Externally Programmable Power Consumption with One or Two Resistors QUAD PROGRAMMABLE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER QUAD PROGRAMMABLE COMPARATOR DUAL/DUAL PROGRAMMABLE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER-COMPARATOR .I - J -. .•. ,'I· " , L SUFFIX P SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648 ORDERING INFORMATION • Internally Compensated Operational Amplifiers "".m • High Input Impedance • Comparators - JEDEC B-Series Compatible • Chip Complexities: MC14573-30 FETs MC14574-38 FETs MC14575-46 FETs ( I.' 1~UC~ffiX Denotes Ceramic Package Plastic Package limited Operating Temperature Range PIN ASSIGNMENT Output A Output D MCl4673 Quad Op Amplifier lop,,, A ( MCl4574 Quad Comparator VDD lop'" B ( MCl4575 Dual Op Amplifier (A & 61 plus Dual Comparator (C & DI } lop,,, D VSS } lop'" C Output 6 Output C ISet A, 6 ISet C, D 5-3 II MC14573, MC14574, MC14575 MAXIMUM RATINGSt (Voltages referenced to VSS) Rating Symbol Value Unit VDD -0.5 to + 18 V Input Voltage, All Inputs Yin -0.5 to VOD +0.5 V DC Input Current, per Pin lin ±1O mA DC Supply Voltage Programming Current Range IS et 2 mA Operating Temperature Range TA -40 to +85 °C Storage Temperature Range Tstg -65to +150 °C Package Power Dissipation" Po 800 mW This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high Impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that VJn and Vout be constrained to the range VSS ~ (Vin or Vout ) ~ VDD "Derate above 25°C @ 4.6 mW/oC tMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. RECOMMENDED OPERATING RANGE Rating OC Supply Voltage Programming Current VDD = 3V 5 V < VOD < 15 V Symbol Value VOD to VSS + 3.0 to + 15 V ISet 2 to 50 2 to 750 p.A Unit OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (IS et = 20 p.A RL = 10 MO CL = 15 pF TA = 25°C, unless otherwise indicated) Characteristic Symbol Input Common Mode Voltage Range VICR Output Voltage Range RL = 1 MO to VSS VOR Input Offset Voltage MC14573, MC14575 Via VOO V Min Typ Max Unit 3 5 10 15 0 0 0 0 - 1.5 3.5 85 13.5 V 3 5 10 15 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 2.95 4.95 9.95 14.90 V 3 5 10 15 - ±30 ±30 ±30 ±30 mV - - ±5 ±8 ±1O ±1O ~Vlo/~T - - 15 - Input Capacitance Cin - - 5 10 pF Input Bias Current liB - 1 50 pA liB - - 110 - - - 1 100 nA pA AVOL 3 5 10 15 2 8 8 8 PSRR 3 5 10 15 45 54 54 54 - V/mV Power Supply Rejection Ratio MC14573, MC14575 8 10 12 12 57 67 67 67 Common Mode Rejection Ratio MC14573, MC14575 CMRR 3 5 10 15 45 50 54 54 70 73 75 75 - IOH 5 55 80 - p.A IOL 3 2.1 2.5 5.5 15 4.2 5.0 11.0 30 - mA 5 10 15 SR - 0.6 0.8 GBW 5 0.5 1 M - - 48 - Degrees VII'S - - - SO - dB IDD 15 - 2.6 3.4 mA II MC14573, MC14574, MC14575 COMPARATOR ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (lSet= 20 p.A, RL = 10 MO, CL = 50 pF, T A = 25°C, unless otherwise indicated) Symbol Characteristic Input Common Mode Voltage Range VICR Output Voltage Range "0" Level VOL VOO Min Typ Max Unit 3 5 10 15 0 0 0 0 - V - 1.5 3.5 8.5 13.5 3 5 0 0 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 V 15 - 3 5 10 15 2.95 4.95 9.95 14.95 3 5 10 15 - V V 10 Output Voltage Range "1" Level VOH Input Offset Voltage MC14574, MC14575 Via 3 5 10 15 - ±8 ±8 ±10 ±10 - - ±30 ±30 ±30 ±30 mV p..V/oC ~VIO/~T - - 15 - Input Capacitance Cin - - 5 10 pF Input Bias Current liB - 1 50 pA nA Average Temperature Coefficient of VIO Input Bias Current II - - TA= -40°C to +85°C Input Offset Current Open Loop Voltage Gain Power Supply Rejection Ratio MC14574, MC14575 - - 1 110 - - - 100 pA VOL 3 5 10 15 1 1 1 1 20 10 6 6 - V/mV 3 5 10 15 45 57 67 67 67 3 45 50 PSRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio MC14574, MC14575 CMRR Output Source Current VOH = 2.6 VOH = 2.5 VOH = 4.6 VOH = 9.5 VOH = 13.5 Output Sink Current V V V V V IOH VOL=O.4V VOL = 0.4 V VOL = 0.5 V VOL = 1.5 V IOL Output Rise and Fall Time, 100 mV Overdrive tTLH, tTHL Propagation Delay Time, 5 mV Overdrive td Propagation Delay Time, 100 mV Overdrive td Channel Separation Supply Current, Per Pair (RL = liB - 00, ISet= 20p..A, Vin+ = 1.0 V, Vin- =0 V) (AL = 00, Pins 8 and 9= VOO) 5·6 54 54 54 5 10 15 54 54 3 5 5 -0.35 -2.5 -0.00 55 65 67 67 - - dB - dB - - 10 -1.3 15 -5.0 -0.66 -5.0 -1.1 -2.5 -9.5 3 5 10 15 1.3 1.9 3.5 14 2.6 3.8 6.5 25 - 3 5 - 140 100 120 140 250 180 200 250 ns 15 10 12 15 30 20 24 30 p..s 8 4 6 8 p..s - 4 2 3 4 - 80 - dB 180 0.05 250 1.0 p.A - 10 - 15 - 3 5 - 10 - 15 - 3 5 10 15 - - - 100 5 15 - mA - mA - - MC14573, MC14574, MC14575 COMPARATOR ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (IS et = 200 p.A, RL = 10 MO, CL = 50 pF, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise indicated) Characteristic Symbol Input Common Mode Voltage Range VICR Output Voltage Range "0" Level VOL Output Voltage Range "1" Level VOH Input Offset Voltage MC14574, MC14575 VIO VOO V Min Typ Max Unit 5 10 15 0 0 0 - 3 V - 8 - 13 5 10 15 - 0.05 005 0.05 V V - 0 0 0 5 10 15 4.95 9.95 14.95 5 10 15 - 5 10 15 - ±1O ± 13 ±15 ±30 ±30 ±30 mV p.V/oC Input Capacitance Cln - Input Bias Current IFB - Average Temperature Coefficient of VIO TA= -40°C to +85°C TA= -40°Cto +85°C Input Bias Current Input Offset Current Open Loop Voltage Gam Power Supply Rejection Ratio MC14574, MC14575 Output Sink Current (RL = Vin+ = 1.0 V, Vin- =0 V) 5-7 pF - 1 50 pA - 1 nA - 100 pA AVOL 5 10 15 2 1 1 7 4 4 - 5 10 15 45 - 54 54 67 67 67 5 10 15 40 50 50 65 67 67 - 3 5 10 15 - 2.5 -0.60 -1.3 -5.0 -50 -1 1 -2.5 -9.5 5 10 15 1.9 3.5 14 3.8 6.5 25 - tTLH, tTHL 5 10 15 - 75 50 45 150 100 90 ns td 5 10 15 - 25 3.5 5 5.0 7 10 p's 5 10 15 - 0.6 0.75 0.75 1.2 p's - - - SO - dB IDD 15 - 1.S 2.5 mA td 00, 10 - 10L Channel Separation - 5 - VOL = 0.4 V VOL = 0.5 V VOL = 1.5 V Propagation Delay Time, 100 mV Overdrive 20 - - 10H Propagation Delay Time, 5 mV Overdrive - - VOH = 2.5V VOH=4.6V VOH = 9.5 V VOH = 13.5 V Output Rise and Fall Time, 100 mV Overdrive - - liB CMRR Output Source Current - - 110 PSRR Common Mode Rejection RatiO MC14574, MC14575 Supply Current, Per Pair flVIO/flT - - - - - V/mV - dB - dB - mA - - mA - - 1.5 1.5 MC14573, MC14574, MC14575 If a pair of op amps is not used. the ISet pin for that pair may be tied to VOO for minimum power consumption. To minimize power consumption in an unused pair of comparators this is not effective. The comparators should use a high value set resistor and the inputs should be set to a voltage that will force the output to VOO li.e .• + in = VOO. -in=Vss). It should be noted that increasing ISet for comparators will decrease propagation delay for that comparator. For operational amplifiers. the maximum obtainable output voltage (VOH! for a given load resistor connected to VSS is given by: The programming current ISet is fixed by an external resistor RSet connected between VSS and either one or both of the IS et pins (8 and 9). When two external programming resistors are used. the set currents for each op amp pair or comparator are given by: IS et (/LA) '" VOO-VSS-1.5 RSet (Mm Pins 8 and 9 may be tied together for use with a single programming resistor. The set currents for each op amp pair or comparator pair are then given by: VOO-VSS-1.5 ISet A. B = ISet C. 0 (/LA) ,.. VOH=4x ISetx RL -0.05 V. RL in 2 RSet (Mm The total device current is typically 13 times IS et per pair if the outputs are in the low state. and 5 times IS et per pair if the outputs are in the high state. For op amps with an output in the linear region the device current will be between the values of 5 times and 13 times ISet. n. ISet in A Note: VOH Max= VOO Typical ap amp slew rates are given by: SR ,.. 0.04 ISet (V//-Ls). ISet in /LA SET CURRENT versus VDD SET CURRENT versus TEMPERATURE 1000 RSet-10 k{l V - - 1000 Rset-100 k{l~ ~ RSet-Constant Value :< .5 100 ..... -, i J-=- RSet-1 M{l~ ~ ~ - 10 1 1 10 12 14 16 -40 -55 85 LOW FREQUENCY OPEN LOOP VOLTAGE GAIN versus ISet GAIN-BANDWIDTH PRODUCT versus ISet 357123571235712 235712357123 7 1 t- 6 I.... r-..~t0 0 5 ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ........ f=::1== j... ~ 15V Voo-l ov 5V 1 I"' 50 100,.A IS et • PROGRAMMING CURRENT ~~ 3 ~~ 60 125 TEMPERATURE (OC) VOO. SUPPLY VOL TAGE (VOLTS) 1 mA ~ ~ ~ ~£i: ~ ~~ 100 p.A 1 mA ISet. PROGRAMMING CURRENT 5·8 ~~ 105 VV MC14573, MC14574, MC14575 COMPARATOR PROPAGATION DELAY versus ISet ( ± 50 mV OVERDRIVE! 357123571 357 SLEW RATE versus ISet 5712357123571 I I 11111 60 ~ 50 ~ 40 ~ 30 - VOO-15V V - 20 10 10 p,A 1-1111 V I-:: 2 p,A V Vi-" VOO- 5 V /. ,,/ - a V IIII 100 p,A 1 rnA ISet. PROGRAMMING CURRENT IS et • PROGRAMMING CURRENT OPEN LOOP GAIN versus FREQUENCY VOO- 5 V 10 10 0 O~ o IS et - 20 p,A " ' " o I ISet-200 p,A" 0 " 0 100 1k " or- ~ ~ z -"'""~ a a a 10 ~ "''"' 10k FREQUENCY 1Hz! IS et -200 p,A "" ' "" " 0 CI) C( -100 ~~ -200 10 "'""'","" 0 "'''"' 0 ~ 20 "'' ' 10 \ 1\ 0 10 100 k I M 100 1k 100 k '\ '\ 1M 10 M ~ ~. -100 ""j" " ~ 100 k I M 10 k -'\,.'" OPEN LOOP PHASE DELAY versus FREQUENCY VOO-10V ISet- 200 p,A 10k 1k ~ FREQUENCY 1Hz! ~ 100 ,,,," 50 OPEN LOOP PHASE DELAY versus FREQUENCY Voo- 5 V :r c.. II 0r--ISet-20 p,A o~ a OPEN LOOP GAIN versus FREQUENCY VOO-10V I a -200 10 10M FREQUENCY (Hz! "j"" 8 1 100 1k 10 k 100 k I M FREQUENCY (Hz) 5-9 "~ 10 M MC14573, MC14574, MC14575 SMALL SIGNAL TRANSIENT RESPONSE VOO = 10 V NON-INVERTING UNITY GAIN ISet=200 p.A, Vin AVERAGE=5 V LARGE SIGNAL TRANSIENT RESPONSE VOO= 10 V NON-INVERTING UNITY GAIN IS et=200 p.A, Vin AVERAGE=5 V 1 l ~ f\ 1 I / \ \ ~ 'I ~ 500 ns/DiVISION 500 ns/DiVISION SMALL SIGNAL TRANSIENT RESPONSE VOO= 10 V NON-INVERTING UNITY GAIN IS et =20 p.A, Vin AVERAGE = 5 V LARGE SIGNAL TRANSIENT RESPONSE VOO = 10 V NON-INVERTING UNITY GAIN IS et=20 p.A, Vin AVERAGE = 5 V z o en ;;; ~ c en > o :;; 1f\1... II t \ I J'v 500 ns/DiVISION I 1\ ~ 500 ns/DIVISION EQUIVALENT INPUT NOISE VOLTAGE (EN) versus FREQUENCY 2000 TYPICAL INPUT LEAKAGE versus TEMPERATURE VOO= 15 V Vin=7.5 V ~ 1800 / 1000 1600 1400 ~ 1\ 100 ~ 1200 ~ 1000 ~ / .... ~ z 800 0 'Set-200 p.A I- ~ 600 I' / 1 400 l' 20 0 ,.... 'Set-20 p.A II IIII1I !'- 111111111I111111I1I1I1111111Irr:t+ff9R 10 100 1k 10 k 0.11 100 k I -20 I 20 I 40 I 60 TEMPERATURE (0 C) FREQUENCY (Hz) 5·10 I I 80 100 MC14573, MC14574, MC14575 COMPARATOR PROPAGATION DELAY versus OVERDRIVE· VDD = 10 V, tPLH and tPHL 100 10 • A 10 mV overdrive is a signal on one input 01 a comparator that ranges Irom 10 mV less than the other input to 10 mV more than the other input. _ISet-20 ",A "1 -r-- f-..- " ...... to-- ISET-200 ",A 0, 1 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 OVERDRIVE (mV) OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER SCHEMATIC ~th CIRCUIT II ,lSet Circuit ~02 To gates of 01 and 02 on other half of pair Non-Inverting Input (+) Inverting Input (-) 4 *I-+-----+-+-----, t----<------~.._., ~I-C 1f lf ]]7 1 VSS COMPARATOR SCHEMATIC ~th CIRCUIT IS et Circuit To gates of 01 and Q2 on other half of pair r-----1 ,Voo , Voo, I 5-11 Oo'p"' II 5-12 CMOS/NMOS PLLs/Frequency Synthesizers 6-1 II CMOS/NMOS PLLS/FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZERS Device Number MC6195* MC6196* MC14046B MC14568B MC145106t Function Frequency Synthesizer TV Tuning System Frequency Synthesizer TV Tuning System Phase-Locked Loop Phase Comparator and Programmable Counters PLL Frequency Synthesizer MC145145-1# 4-Bit Data Bus Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer 4-Bit Data Bus Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer MC145146-1 Parallel Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer MC145151-1 Parallel Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer MC145152-1 Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer MC145155-1 Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer MC145156-1 Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer MC145157-1 Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer MC145158-1 Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer with MC145159-1 Analog Phase Detector * Closest equivalent for MC6190 through MC6194, which are being phased out and are not recommended for new designs. tClosest equivalent for MC145104, MC145107, MC145109, MC145112, and MC145143, which are being phased out and are not recommended for new designs. #Closest equivalent for MC145144, which is being phased out and is not recommended for new designs Prescale Modulus Single-Ended 3-State Phase Detector Output Serial [Compatible with the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPII on CMOS MCUs] Single V' V' V' , V' Parallel Single Divider Programming Format I Dual Double-Ended Phase Detector Output V' V' V' V' (Analog Detector Outputl Dual +R 12* 14 14 11* 12* V' 12* V' 4-Bit Bus 2 Control Lines Single V' V' 12 Dual V' V' 12 Single V' 12* 12* V' V' * Limited number of selectable values * Mask-programmable to one fixed value 6-2 +A 12* 14 V' V' V' Number of Divider Stages 7 7 7 6 8* 7 +N Device Number Number of Pins 14 14 MC145155-1 MC145157-1 18 16 10 10 10 MCl45156-1 MC145158-1 MC145159-1 20 16 20 9 14 MC145106 MC145151-1 18 28 10 4 MC145152-1 MC14568B L8 14 MC145145-1 18 10 MC145146-1 20 MC6195 MC6196 20 20 MC14046B 16 12* 12* 16 ® MC6190 MC6192 MC6191 MC6193 MC6194 MOTOROLA MOS FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER TV TUNING SYSTEM This series of phase locked loop subsystems is constructed In NMOS Silicon gate technology and are primarily intended for TV and CATV tuning applications. These products make it possible to receive all VHF and UHF TV frequencies. (N-CHANNEL, SILICON-GATE, DEPLETION LOAD) FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER TV TUNING SYSTEM • Single 5 V Supply • Low External Parts Count • Keyboard Interface Uses Low Cost 4 x 4 Keyboard L SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 695 • Remote Control Capability • Manual Channel Selection • Scan Up/Scan Down • Auto Programming of all Active Channels 1 2S~ ~UUUUU- • Automatic Switching to AFT Mode Option • Channel Information Output Interfaces to Leds • On Chip Reference Oscillator Uses External Crystal PSUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE 1 CASE 710 II NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS PRODUCT BEING PHASED OUT Closest equivalents are the MC6195 and MC6196 6-3 ® MC6195 MC6196 MOTOROLA MOS (N-CHANNEL, SILICON-GATE, DEPLETION LOAD) FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER TV TUNING SYSTEM FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER TV TUNING SYSTEM These phase-locked loop devices are constructed in NMOS silicon gate technology and are primarily intended for TV and CATV tuning applications. • • • • Single 5 V Supply Low External Parts Count Remote Control Capability Scan Up/Scan Down Channel Selection • Automatic Switching to AFT Mode • Channel Information Output Interfaces to LEDs • On-Chip Reference Oscillator Uses External Crystal 1 _ i l : 20 P SUFFIX 1 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 738 BLOCK DIAGRAM I Scanning (Test) '::.SS~_ _ _ _ _--, Scan Up/Down Ch --1-6----~ 19 L..-_--r_ _...J A BCD Up/Down Counter 13 12 C 11 } BCD M''''p''"d Output for Display D Toggle or Remote 10 VH 9 VL Channel ROM VC VHF High Band VHF Low Band Video COincidence On or Remote Prescaled Input AFT 6 PD 12-Bit MaskProgrammable Reference Divider Pin1=Vss Pin 4= Reset Pin 15= VDD Externai 4 MHz Reference Crystal 6-4 Phase Detector Output MC6195, MC6196 PIN ASSIGNMENT MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol DC Supply Voltage Input Voltage, All Inputs Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Unit Value VDD -0.3 to + 7 V Yin - 0.3 to + 7 V VSS fin SS TA o to 70 °C OS Cin On-Rm Tstg -65 to + 160 °C Reset T-Rm PD This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Yin and Vout be constrained to the ralle)e vC,C,,,,IV'fl <)' Vout)sVDD Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or VDD)· Ch AFT VDD VC AC VL VH B D C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS IT A = 25°C, Voltages Referenced to VSS) Characteristic Symbol VOO Min Typ Max VDD - 4.75 5.0 5.25 Power Supply Voltage Output Voltage: A, B, C, D, Units V V o Level VOL 5 - - 0.8 1 Level VOH 5 2A - - o Level VIL 5 - - 0.8 On-Rm AFT (PLL Mode) 1 Level VIH - - oLevel VIL 5 5 2.0 Ch, T-Rm - - OA 1 Level VIH 5 4.0 - - 5 5 5 5 5 - - - - ±20 ±1 300 200 ±200 AFT Input Voltage: Reset, VC V Input Current· f1.A lin fin,Os cin Reset, VC AC AFT (PLL Model Ch, T-Rm VIL=OV, VIH=VDD VIL=OV, VIH=VDD VAC=VDD VIL=OV VIL=OV, VIH=4V A,B,C,D - 60 - - VIH= VDD IIH 5 VIL=OV IlL 5 - - -3 mA Cin 5 - 5 10 pF Cout IOH 5 - 6 10 5 5 50 20 - - - - 5 5 400 50 Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Output Current: PD A,B,C,D - 30 VOL=OA V VOL=12V On-Rm, SS VOL=OAV IOL 5 1.6 Output Leakage Current VL, VH, On-Rm, SS IL 5 - Output Leakage Current PD Breakdown Voltage VL, VH, On-Rm, SS IL 5 VBDSO 5 IDD Quiescent Current, All Outputs Open - - pF f1.A VOH=12V VOH=27V A, B, C, D, VL, VH PD 1.0 - - - - - - mA .- 10 f1.A - ±1 7 - - f1.A V 5 - - 60 mA SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C, CL = 50 pF, VDD = 5 V) Symbol Min Typ ~ax Units Output Rise Time tTLH - - 10 f1.s Output Fall Time tTHL - - 1 f1.s Propagation Delay, AC to A, B, C, D (Outputs) tPLH, tPHL - - 100 f1.s Input Rise and Fall Times tTLH, tTHL - - 100 Characteristic Operating Frequency fin,Os Cin AC f1.s MHz Yin = 500 mV POp Vin=5 V POp 6-5 - 8 60 4.1 - Hz MC6195, MC6196 MC6190 FAMILY DEVICE CHARACTERISTICS The relationship between T-Rm, On-Rm, and the state of the On/Off Latch are illustrated in the flowchart in Figure 1. The Phase-Locked Loop Frequency Synthesizers MC6190 through MC6196 are products designed for use in various types of TV and CATV applications. The MC6190 through MC6194 offer keyboard interface, BCD output data for channel display, band-switching information, AFT control, On/Off control, and battery or capacitor backup memory retention. The differences between these parts primarily have to do with the frequency divide numbers required for selected channels. The MC6195 and MC6196 differ from the MC6190 through MC6194 in that they do not allow keyboard interface and do not have backup memory retention. Some of the characteristics and intended applications are shown in the following table. Device MC6190 MC6191 MC6192 MC6193 MC6194 MC6195 MC6196 I Ref 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz Prescaler VHF UHF 256 256 256 256 256 256 64 256 64 256 256 256 256 256 Band CATV USA Japan CATV CATV CATV USA CHANNEL-SCAN OPERATION UP/DOWN LATCH - The Up/Down latch stores the channel-scan information that is received at Ch (pin 16), and controls the direction of count of the BCD Up/Down Counter. The operation of the channel-scan circuitry is shown in the following table: Lowest Highest Channel Channel 00 99 02 83 01 62 02 59 02 60 00 59 02 83 Input Voltage Level (ChI Low ( :s 0.4 V) High (~4.0 V) Channel-Scan Direction Down Up High Impedance No Scan The input voltage level must be held for a minimum of two clock cycles to insure the desired up or down count. At reset, the latch is taken to the scan-up state. BCD UP/DOWN COUNTER - The BCD Up/Down Counter counts in the range from 00 through 99 and supplies BCD information to the channel-display multiplexing circuitry and the channel ROM. The counter scans the channels at a rate of either one every 30,8, or 1 clock cycle (2,7.5, or 60 channels per second for a 60 Hz Signal at AC, pin 14): 1) Invalid channels are scanned at a rate of one per clock cycle (60 channels per second for 60 Hz at AC) 2) Valid channels are scanned at a rate of one per 30 clock cycles (2 channels per second for 60 Hz at AC) 3) If the channel-scan key is depressed (i.e., Ch, pin 16, is taken either low or high) for more than 120 clock cycles, the valid channels are scanned at a rate of one per 8 clock cycles (7.5 channels per second for 60 Hz at AC). CIRCUIT OPERATION The MC6195 and MC6196 are phase-locked loop frequency synthesizer devices that are the nucleus of digital tuning systems for CATV and U SA TV converters. As shown in Figure 4 and 5, the devices interface with a linear control chip, an ECl prescaler, LED display interfacing devices, and a minimum of external components. The following sections will explain the functions of the various blocks in the block diagram. The channel-scan function is shown in the flowchart in Figure 2. A list of the valid channels programmed into the MC6195 is given in Table 1; Table 2 is a list of valid channels programmed into the MC6196. At reset, the counter is taken to zero. If, during scanning, the On/Off Latch is changed to the OFF state, the counter stops but maintains its present state. ON/OFF OPERATION ON/OFF LATCH - The On/Off Latch stores the On/Off information that is either directly received at T-Rm (Pin 17) or received from a remote source at On-Rm (pin 18). If On/Off information is to be directly received at T-Rm, the latch operates as follows: When T-Rm is taken to VSS (the direct-control mode) for at least two clock cycles (at AC, pin 14), the state of the On/Off Latch changes either from ON to OFF or from OFF to ON. In this mode of operation, On-Rm is the three-state output of the On/Off latch, and assumes the high-impedance state when the latch is toggled ON or the low-voltage level (VSS) when the latch is toggled OFF. If On/Off information is to be received at On-Rm from a remote source, the latch operates as follows: When T-Rm is taken to VOO (the remote-control mode), On-Rm becomes the input from the remote-control unit. When taken to VOD, On-Rm sets the On/Off Latch to the ON state. When taken to VSS, On-Rm sets the latch to the OFF state. CLOCK - The Clock provides timing for the BCD Up/Down Counter. PHASE-LOCKED LOOP OPERATION CHANNEL ROM - The Channel ROM is a 100- by 15-bit channel-conversion ROM, which converts the BCD channel number from the BCD Up/Down Counter into the preset code (for the 12-bit programmable divider) corresponding to the selected valid channel. 12-BIT PROGRAMMABLE DIVIDER - The 12-bit Programmable Divider divides the prescaled local oscillator frequency at fin (pin 201 by the programmed value supplied by the Channel ROM. The output of the divider goes to one in- 6-6 MC6195, MC6196 FIGURE 1 - FLOWCHART SHOWING THE RELATIONSHIP OF TMO, ONRM, AND THE STATE OF THE ON/OFF LATCH T------------------, , 'H r ·Note: H=VDD L=VSS T = High-Impedance State I _ _ _ _ _ ..J ------------------~,,~----------------~/'~----------------------~,,~--------------------~/ Direct-Control Mode (On-Rm is the output exhibiting the state of the On/Off Latch) TABLE 1 - Remote-Control Mode (On-Rm is the input controlling the state of the On/Off Latch) FREQUENCY ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE MC6195 Divide No. Start Divide No. Delta 6 361 3 1 6 334 3 1 1 6 345. 3 1 0 Channel Nos. Osc Freq Osc Freq Start Stop Start (MHz) Delta (MHz) Band VH VL ()() 01 722 02 04 668 1 05 06 690 07 13 788 6 394 3 1 1 14 22 734 6 367 3 1 1 23 36 830 6 415 3 1 1 37 53 914 6 457 3 0 1 54 59 686 6 343 3 0 1 TABLE 2 - FREQUENCY ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE MC6196 Channel Nos. Osc. Freq. Start Stop Start (MHz) Osc. Freq. Delta (MHz) Divide No. Start Divide No. Delta Band VL VH 02 04 101 6 101 6 1 0 05 06 123 6 123 6 1 0 07 13 221 6 221 6 0 1 14 83 517 6 517 6 0 0 6-7 II MC6195, MC6196 FIGURE 2 - OPERATION OF THE CHANNEL-SCAN CIRCUITRY FOR AC (PIN 14)=60 Hz I 6-8 MC6195, MC6196 put of the Phase Detector, to be compared to the reference frequency. The Display Multiplexer has a sinking capability of 1.6 mA at 0.4 volts, and can interface with TTL and LSTTL logic. REFERENCE OSCILLATOR - The Reference Oscillator circuit consists of an inverter and resistor internal to the device, and requires an external crystal. For critical applications, capacitors from OSCin and OSCout to ground can provide the crystal with the optimum capacitive load. Depending upon the mask option chosen, either a 4 MHz or a 3.57954 MHz reference crystal may be used. START-UP AND POWER-ON RESET When power is applied to the chip, reset is generated (See Figure 3). The BCD Up/Down Counter is reset and begins the channel-scan operation, stopping at the lowest valid channel. The display is blanked. When the input at T-Rm (pin 17) takes the On/Off Latch to either the ON state or the remote-control state, the display is activated and the lowest valid channel number is displayed. 12-BIT PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE DIVIDER - The 12-Bit Programmable Reference Divider divides the Reference Oscillator frequency by a number that has been programmed at the mask level. The output of the Reference Divider goes to one input of the Phase Detector, to act as the reference frequency. FIGURE 3 - POWER-ON RESET EXTERNAL CIRCUIT VOO=5 V. PHASE DETECTOR - The Phase Detector compares the signal from the 12-bit Programmable Divider to the signal from the 12-Bit Programmable Reference Divider and gives an output that is the phase difference between the two Signals. The output of the Phase Detector goes to the AFT Switch. 1 El f01,' B p." . AFT SWITCH OPERATION The AFT Switch is controlled by the AFT input pin (pin 6). When AFT is open-circuit, the device is in the AFT mode. In this mode, PO (pin 5) becomes the output of the Phase Detector and supplies the tuning voltage to the external linear amplifier. Thus, the internal phase-locked loop circuitry forces the change to the desired channel. Then, when video coincidence is detected at the VC input (pin 7), receiver lock is indicated, and receiver control is switched to the external receiver AFT circuits. In a typical application, the receiver AFT circuit is built into the system with a nominal reference voltage of 1.3 volts. The dynamic range should be ± 1.0 volt from this nominal value with a positive voltage (referenced to 1.3 volts) for positive frequency error and a negative voltage for negative frequencyerror The external AFT circuit retains control until loss of video coincidence occurs or a channel change is begun. In the AFT mode, the phase-locked loop regains control by an internal pull-down circuit. Proper operation of this pull-down circuit requires the VC input to be current-limited to 200 p.A. When the AFT input pin is taken to VSS, the device is in the non-AFT mode, and PO (pin 5) is switched to a highimpedance state. Voo Reset tOOk TEST MODE If SS (pin 19) is forced high during the channel-scan operation, Test Mode is started. PIN DESCRIPTIONS VSS (PIN 1) VSS is the negative power supply pin, usually ground. OSCout (PIN 2) OSCout is the output of the oscillator circuit. OSCin (PIN 3) OSCin is the input of the oscillator circuit. Reset (PIN 4) DISPLAY SECTION Reset is the input for power-on reset. It is normally tied to VDD through a 0.1 p.f capacitor. (See Figure 3). ZERO CROSSING DETECTOR - The Zero Crossing Detector is a hysteresis gate with a threshold voltage of about 1 volt. and is used to multiplex the display LEDs. PD (PIN 5) PD is the output of the phase detector. DISPLAY MULTIPLEXER - The Display MUltiplexer provides the BCD data to the A, B, C, and D output pins. When AC (pin 14) is high (VDD), the data outputs display the most Significant digit of the channel number. When AC is low (VSS), the data outputs display the least significant digit. The display is blanked when the On/Off Latch is in the OFF state. AFT (PIN 6) AFT is the AFT control input pin, which is either left opencircuited or tied to ground. 6-9 MC6195, MC6196 VC (PIN 7) This is the video coincidence input from the linear amplifier. A high logic level (VDD) supplied to this pin indicates receiver lock. VL (PIN 8) VL is the VHF low-band output. It is an open-drain N-channel that can act only as a current sink. This output is accessed by the channel ROM and is normally used for band switching. VH (PIN 9) VH is the VHF high-band output. It is an open-drain N-channel that can act only as a current sink. This output is accessed by the channel ROM and is normally used for band switching. A, B, C, 0 (PINS 13, 12, 11, 10) These inputs normally are multiplexed BCD data outputs for channel display. They may, however, be used as inputs for presetting channel values. The AC and Reset inputs are used to strobe in the preset channel data in the following manner: 1) The logical AND of AC and Reset enables the preset of the MSD of the channel number. 2) The logical AND of AC and Reset enables the preset of the LSD of the channel number. I AC (PIN 14) AC is the ac voltage input, which provides the internal system clock for the multiplexed data output pins and the channel scanning operation. An internal clamp limits the voltage swing at this input to a value between - 0.60 and 5 volts. If the input goes below ground, an internal diode clamps to, typically, - 0.6 volts. A normal input to this pin is a 12 VRMS 117 V p-p sine wave), current limited with a series resistor to 200 p.A. For the internal clamps to work properly, the input level must be current limited. fin (PIN 20) fin is the input pin that receives the prescaled local oscillator frequency. Internal circuitry provides dc bias to the fin input so that the prescaled local oscillator frequency can be ac coupled. If this input is to be dc coupled, standard TTL input voltages are required for logic levels. APPLICATIONS A system constructed with the MC6195 PLLfrequency synthesizer chip, a CATV up converter, and a minimum number of external components, is shown in Figure 4; a system using the MC6196 PLL, a linear control chip, and external components is shown in Figure 5. MC2801 LINEAR CONTROL CHIP - This linear control chip integrates all the control circuits and regulators required in the system on a Single chip. The filter amplifier provides active filtering in the PLL network. The output of this amplifier, PD, drives the tuner varicap diodes. The non-inverting input of this amplifier, "NI", is internally biased with the AFT reference voltage (1.3 volts) to simplify the external circuitry. This bias voltage, however, can be externally changed with a single resistor, if required. A high-voltage regulator provides up to 34 volts for the filter amplifier. The coincidence output "CO", will go high when the video sync/signal (in video input, "VI") and the fly back pulse (in fly back input, "FI") are synchronized. "CO" detects channel lock. The band-switch circuit decodes band-select information and provides constant-current output to an external transistor for band-switching operation. The decoding format is shown below: Voo (PIN 15) VDD is the positive power supply pin, typically + 5 volts. Toggle or Remote Input - T-Rm is a three-state input pin that may either toggle the On/Off Latch or permit remote operation (See Figure 1). Normally, the pin is left in the highimpedance state and there is no On/Off operation. On-Rm (PIN 18) On-Rm is either the three-state output from the On/Off Latch or the input to the On/Off Latch from the remotecontrol receiver (See Figure 1), VL Input 0 0 0 1 0 Ch (PIN 16) Ch is the three-state input pin that determines the direction of channel scan (scan up or scan down). T-Rm (PIN 17) VH Input 1 Selected Band UHF Band VHF High Band VHF Low Band The low-voltage regulator section provides a regulated 5 volts to the MC6196 and the other circuits, with current limiting capability. The output current rating is determined by the external series pass transistor. MC12071 PRESCALER - The ECL prescaler may be used to count down the local oscillator frequency by 256 for UHF and VHF, to supply an incoming frequency of less than 4.1 MHz to the PLL programmable divider. SS (PIN 19) SS is an open drain output that goes low during channel scanning. It is also used as an input for the LSI Test Mode. 6-10 MC6195, MC6196 FIGURE 4 - CATV TUNING SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM MC7805CT +5V 117 Vac +5V VDD Reset ~/-II-I A 100 k B C D ~I II I T-Rm on/Off l 1k LD m Ss +5V~ Channel Up CD :::;; u On-Rm AFT 1 -1 Channel Down ~+5V Ch PD 25 k 25 f -.....- -...I-J~Vac VC VL VH 1------------....., LO/K ~---t 0.01 GND ~50 pF All Diodes - 1N4001 6-11 NOTE: All capacitor values not otherwise labeled are in "F II II i: FIGURE 5 - o USA TV TUNING SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM (7) ~ CD 9' 3: o Horizontal Time Base (7) ~ CD (7) :5a. :5 :5 a. :5 0 0 u ~ ....J ....J Cij Fly Back Aux Supply 0 0 r---------·I II q> ~ I\) I I I I I I I I L------l I 0) Qj 0> ~Cij ~ t--u 0(1)0. ('>10).~~..:: uc...u ~....J (5 > Am' Ol C w C ~ Out I- D AC I I ~ '" NI ' I I I On-Rm AFT + I I I I I B 'c U Relay VHI VL-VCC2 -= Chl-----o... VEE ~VDD o I I I Down I I I I I I -- I I i 1. , I ~ L------------O I I I _______________ _ L I ...L I~_-O w Scanning I I _________________________ JI Tuning Voltage Supply -= ® MC140468 MOTOROLA PHASE LOCKED LOOP The MC14046B phase locked loop contains two phase comparators, a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), source follower, and zener diode. The comparators have two common signal inputs, PCAin and PCBin. Input PCAin can be used directly coupled to large voltage signals, or indirectly coupled (with a series capacitor) to small voltage signals. The self-bias circuit adjusts small voltage signals in the linear region of the amplifier. Phase comparator 1 (an exclusive OR gate) provides a digital error signal PC1 0u t, and maintains 90 0 phase shift at the center frequency between PCAin and PCBin signals (both at 50% duty cycle). Phase comparator 2 (with leading edge sensing logic) provides digital error signals, PC2 0ut and LD, and maintains a 0 0 phase shift between PCAin and PCBin signals (duty cycle is immaterial). The linear VCO produces an output signal VCOout whose frequency is determined by the voltage of input VCOin and the capacitor and resistors connected to pins C1A, C1B, R 1, and R 2. The source-follower output SF out with an external resistor is used where the VCOin signal is needed but no loading can be tolerated. The inhibit input Inh, when high, disables the VCO and source follower to minimize standby power consumption. The zener diode can be used to assist in power supply regulation. Applications include FM and FSK modulation and demodulation, frequency synthesis and multiplication, frequency discrimination, tone decoding, data synchronization and conditioning, voltage-tofrequency conversion and motor speed control. = 1.4 MHz Typical • VCO Frequency • VCO Frequency Drift with Temperature @ VDD = 10 V • = 1% Typical Quiescent Current = 5.0 nA/package • @ VDD = 10 V CMOS MS. (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) PHASE LOCKED LOOP (fIIIII/IIIftJfIIJIIIlI lJIIf)J~11U ~ u JynYl~ ~ ~ L SUFFIX P SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 620 CASE 648 ORDERING INFORMATION = 0.04%loC Typical Me'4XXXO JtSUfflX VCO Linearity L typical @ 5V fO = 10 kHz, • Low Dynamic Power Dissipation - 70 J.1W Typical VDD = 5.0 V, R1 = 1.0 MD, R2 = 00, RSF = 00 • Buffered Outputs Compatible with MHTL and Low-Power TTL @ Diode Protection on All Inputs • Supply Voltage Range • Pin-for-Pin Replacement for CD4046B • Phase Comparator 1 is an Exclusive Or Gate and is Duty Cycle Limited • Phase Comparator 2 switches on Rising Edges and is not Duty Cycle Limited =' PIN ASSIGNMENT LD 2 PCAin 14 V DD VSS = Pin = Pin Limited Operating Temperature Range PCl out VeOin PlastiC Package Extended Operating Temperature Range 3.0 to 18 V BLOCK DIAGRAM PCSin P A C • Denote. Ceramic Package 3 9 16 8 PC1 0ut PCBin 13 PC2 0ut VCO out 1 LD 4 VCO out 6-13 PCAin PC2 0u t Inh R2 C1A Rl 11 R1 12 R2 C1B SFout 6 7 VSS VCOin C1A C1S 10 SF out Inh VDD Zener MC14046B MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages referenced to Vss) Rating DC Supply Voltage Input Voltage. All Inputs Value VDD -0.5 to +18 Vdc Vin -0.5 to VDD + 0.5 Vdc Unit OC Input Current. per Pin lin ±10 mAdc Operating Temperature Range - AL Device CLlCP Device TA -55 to +125 -40 to +85 °c Storage Temperature Range T stg -65 to +150 °c ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Tlow Vee Vdc "0" Level VOL 5.0 10 15 "I" Level VOH 5.0 10 15 "0" Level VIL Vin - 0 or VDO Input Voltage" (VO 04.5 or 0.5 V) (VO 09.0 Or 1.0 V) (VO = 13.5 or 1.5 V) Min (VOL = 0.4 V) (VOL = 0.5 VI (VOL = 1.5 VI Min 0.05 0.05 0.05 4.95 9.95 14.95 4.95 9.95 14.95 TVp Max Thigh· Min Max 0 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 5.0 10 15 4.95 9.95 14.95 Unit V V V 1.5 3.0 4.0 2.25 4.50 6.75 1.5 3.0 4.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 V VIH (VO = 0.5 Or 4.5 V) (VO" 1.0 Or 9.0 V) (VO = 1.5 or 13.5 V) Output Drive Current (AL Device) Source (VOH = 2.5 V) (VOH = 4.6 VI (VOH = 9.5 V) (VOH = 13.5 vI 2SoC Max 5.0 10 15 "I" Level . (Voltages Referenced to VSS) Symbol Output Voltage VincVDDorO rI Symbol 5.0 10 15 3.5 7.0 11.0 3.5 7.0 11.0 2.75 'i.50 8.25 3.5 7.0 11.0 5.0 5.0 10 15 -1.2 -0.25 -0.62 -1.8 -1.0 -0.2 -0.5 -1.5 -1.7 -0.36 -0.9 -3.5 -0.7 -0.14 -0.35 -1.1 5.0. 10 15 0.64 1.6 4.2 0.51 1.3 3.4 0.88 2.25 8.8 0.36 0.9 2.4 5.0 5.0 10 15 -1.0 -0.2 -0.5 -1.4 -0.8 -0.16 -0.4 -1.2 -1.7 -0.36 -0.9 -3.5 -0.6 -0.12 -0.3 -1.0 0.52 1.3 3.6 0.44 1.1 3.0 0.88 2.25 8.8 0.36 0.9 2.4 mA IOH mA Sink IOL Output Drive Current (CLlCP Device) Source (VOH = 2.5 VI (VOH = 4.6 VI (VOH = 9.5 V) (VOH = 13.5 V) IOH Sink IOL 5.0 10 15 Input Current (AL Device) lin 15 ±0.1 ±O.OOOOI ±0.1 ± 1.0 }lA Input Current (CLlCP Device) lin 15 ± 0.3 ±O.OOOOI ±0.3 ± 1.0 IJA 5.0 7.5 (VOL = 0.4 V) (VOL = 0.5 V) (VOL = 1.5 V) mA mA pF I nput Capacitance Cin Quiescent Current (AL Device) (Per Package) Inh = PCAin = VDD, Zener = VCOin = 0 V. PCBin = VDD or 0 V, lout = O}lA Quiescent Current (CLlCP Device) (Per Package) Inh = PCAin = VDD, Zener = VCOin = 0 V, PCBin = VDO or 0 V, lout = 0 IJA 100 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 20 0.005 0.010 0.015 5.0 10 20 150 300 600 }lA IDD 5.0 10 15 20 40 80 0.010 0.020 0.040 20 40 80 150 300 600 IJA IT 5.0 10 15 TOlal Supply Current t Onh = "0", fo = 10 kHz, CL = 50 pF, Rl = 1 MO, R2 = QQ, RSF = QQ, and 50% Duty Cycle) IT = (1.46 IJA/kHz) f + IDD IT = (2.91 }lA/kHz) f + 100 IT = (4.37 IJA/kHz) f + 100 *Tlow = -55 0 C for AL DevIce, -40 0 C for CLlCP Device. Thigh = +125 0 C for AL Device, +85 0 C for CLlCP Device. ""Noise immunity specified for worst·case input combination. Noise Margin for both "I" and "0" level = 1.0 Vdc min @ VDO = 5.0 Vdc 2.0 Vdc min @ VDD = 10 Vdc 2.5 Vdc min @ VDD = 15 Vdc tTo Calculate Total Current in Genaral: IT"'2.2xVDD 1 x 10-1 VD02 (VCOin-l.65+ VDD-l. 35 Rl R2 t/ 4 COo.% Duty100 Cycle of PeAin) + 10 (VCO. -1.65)3/4 on + 1 x 10- 3 (CL +9) VDO f+ RSF where: IT in IJ.A, CL in pF, VCOin, VDD in Vdc, f in KHz, and + 1.6 x RI, R2, RSF in MO, CL on vCO out ' 6-14 IJA MC14046B ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS* (CL = 50 pF, T A = 25°C) Maximum Minimum Characteristic Symbol Output Rise Time tTLH = (3.0 ns/pF) CL + 30 ns tTLH = (1.5ns/pF) CL + 15ns tTLH = (1.1 ns/pF) CL + 10ns tTLH Output Fall Time tTHL = (1.5 ns/pF) CL + 25 ns tTHL = (0.75 ns/pF) CL + 12.5 ns tTHL = (0.55 ns!pF) Cl + 9.5 ns tTHL VDD Vdc AL Device CL/CP Device Typical All Types AL Device CLlCP Device 5.0 10 15 - - 350 150 110 400 200 160 200 100 80 Units ns - - - - 180 90 65 5.0 10 15 - - 100 50 37 175 75 55 5.0 10 15 1.0 0.2 0.1 1.0 0.2 0.1 2.0 0.4 0.2 - - Rin 15 150 15 1500 - - Vin 5.0 10 15 - - 200 400 700 ns PHASE COMPARATORS 1 and 2 I nput Resistance - PCAin Rin - PCB in , Minimum Input Sensitivity AC Coupled - PCAin C series = 1000 pF, f = 50 kHz DC Coupled - PCAin, PCBin - 5 to 15 f max 5.0 10 15 - - 300 600 1050 - 400 800 1400 MU MU mV p.p See Noise Immunity VOL TAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR (VCOI Maximum Frequency IVCOin = VDD, Cl = 50 pF, Rl=5kn,andR2:~) 0.50 1.0 1.4 5.0 10 15 Temperature - Frequency Stability (R2 =~) linearity (R2 = ~) (VCOin = 2.50 V ± 0.30 V, Rl > 10 kn) (VCOin = 5.00 V ± 2.50 V, R1 ;;, 400 kn) (VCOin = 7.50 V ± 5.00 V, Rl ;:, 1000 kH) 0.70 1.4 1.9 MHz %/oC 0 0.12 0.04 0.015 10 % Output Duty Cycle Input Resistance - VCOin 0.35 0.7 1.0 Rin 5.0 10 15 1 5 to 15 50 % 1500 Mn 15 150 50 SOURCE·FOLLOWER Offset Voltage (VCOin minus SF out , RSF > 500 knl linearity (VCOin = 2.50 V ± 0.30 V, RSF (VCOin = 5.00 V ± 2.50 V, RSF (VCOin = 7.50 V ± 5.00 V, RSF 5.0 10 15 1.65 1.65 1.65 5.0 10 15 0.1 0.6 0.8 2.5 2.5 2.5 V % > 50 knl > 50 kn) > 50 kH) ZENER DIODE Zener Voltage liz 2.2 2.2 2.2 = 50!,A) = 1 mAl Dynamic Resistance (I z 'The formula given is for the typical characteristics only. 6-15 II MC14046B FIGURE 1 - PHASE COMPARATORS STATE OIAGRAMS PHASE COMPARATOR 1 Input State I ~ Q PCA i nt-->\. 11 PCB in 10 I I o PC1 0ut PHASE COMPARATOR 2 Input State 3·St8te Output Disconnected o PC2 0ut lD (lock Detect) o o Refer to Waveforms in Figure 3. I FIGURE 2 - DESIGN INFORMATION Clwrect.-istic Using Phase Comperetor 1 No signal on input PCAin. VCO in PlL system adjusts to center frequency (fO>- Phase angle between PCAin and PCB in. 900 at center frequency (fol. approaching 0 0 and 1800 at ends of lock range (2fL), Always 0 0 in lock (positive rising edges), Ves No High Low Locks on harmonics of center frequency. Signal input noise rejection. Using Phase Comperetor 2 VCO in PLL system adjusts to minimum fre· quency (fmin)' Lock frequency range (2fL>- The frequency range of the input signal on which the loop will stay locked if it was initially in lock. 2fL; full VCO frequency range; f max - fmin. Capture frequency range I2fCl. The frequency range of the input signal on which the loop will lock if it was initially out of lock. Oepend's on low·pass filter characteristics (see Figure 3). fe" fL Center frequency (fO), fC; fL The frequency of VCO out • when VCOin ; 112 VOO veo output frequency (f)' Note: These equations ~re intended to be a design guide. Since calculated component values may be in error by 81 much 81 a factor of 4, labor· atory experimentation may be reo quired for fixed designs. Part to part frequency variation with identical passive components is less then t20%. fmin 1 (Veo input; VSS) ; R2(C1+ 32 pF) f max 1 ; Rl(Cl +32pF) + fmin Where: 10K" Rl" 1M 10K" R2" 1M l00pF "Cl " .01 "F 6-16 (Veo input; VOO) MC14046B FIGURE 3 - GENERAL PHASE-LOCKED LOOP CONNECTIONS AND WAVEFORMS VCOin PCA in @ VCO out 4 Frequency f' @ Frequency Nf' = f l"Ex7er-;;-a,1 -o-N L_C~~~.J Typical Low-Pass Filters Typically: (a) (b) R3 Input ~ Output R3 Input~Output C2~ 2fc",,~j21TfL - 1T 1~~ R3 C2 (R3 N 2 1'l':,f + 3,OOOn) C 2 = 100Nl1f - R4 C2 2 fmax ~C2 Note: 6N f max flf = f max - fmin Sometimes R3 is split into two series resistors each R3 -0- 2_ A capacitor Cc is then placed from the midpoint to ground_ The value for Cc should be such that the corner frequency of this network does not significantly affect wn_ In Figure B, the ratio of R3 to R4 sets the damping, R4 '" (0.1 )(R3) for optimum results. LOW-PASS FILTER Oefinitions: N = Total division ratio in feedback loop K = VOO/7T for Phase Comparator 1 K = VOO/4 7T for Phase Comparator 2 K W n _ 2 7T I':. fVCO VCO - VOD-2 V 2 7T fr for a typical design wn '" 10 (at phase detector input) ~ Filter B Filter A '" 0.707 ~ = =~K KVCO NR3C2 NWn 2K,pKVCO F(s)= _ _ 1_ R3 C2 S+ 1 i K KVCO <'un = NC2(R3+R41 N l' = 0.5 wn(R3 C 2 + KcpKVCO) F(s) = R3 C 2S+ 1 S(R3C2+R4 C2)+1 Waveforms Phase Comparator 2 Phase Comparator 1 peAin ~ VDD PCAin Vss PCBin ~ I , I I I : , ---i i LD U I : PC2 0llt ' ~ ~ VDD vss VOH I , : VOL I VOH U' ll~ ____ : VOL VOH U----VOL -VOH VCOin ~"'---------""'---- -VOL Note: for further information, see: (1) F. Gardner, "Phase-Lock Techniques", John Wiley and Son, New York, 1966, (2) G, S, Moschytz, "Miniature RC Filters Using Phase-Locked Loop", BSTJ, May, 1965. (3) Garth Nash, "Phase-Lock Loop Oesign Fundamentals", AN-535, Motorola Inc. 6-17 II ® MC145688 MOTOROLA CMOS MSI PHASE COMPARATOR AND PROGRAMMABLE COUNTERS (LOW·POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) The MC14568B consists of a phase comparator, a divide-by-4, 16, 64 or 100 counter and a programmable divide-by-N 4-bit binary counter lal/ positive-edge triggered) constructed with MaS P-channel and N-channel enhancement mode devices (complementary MaS) in a monolithic structure. The MC14568B has been designed for use in conjunction with a programmable divide-by-N counter for frequency synthesizers and phaselocked loop applications requiring low power dissipation and/ or high noise immunity. This device can be used with both counters cascaded and the output of the second counter connected to the phase comparator (CTL high), or used independently of the programmable divide-by-N counter, for example cascaded with a MC14569B, MC145228 or MC145268 (CTL low). PHASE COMPARATOR AND PROGRAMMABLE COUNTERS ~ffIIIIIIIII lJI~~~~~ ~ U 16rW1\YY~ ~ ~ • Quiescent Current = 5.0 nA typ/pkg @ 5 V • Supply Voltage Range = 3.0 to 18 V • Capable of Driving Two Low-Power TTL Loads, One Low-Power Schottky TTL Load or Two HTL Loads Over the Rated Temperature Range. • Chip Complexity: 549 FETs or 137 Equivalent Gates I MAXIMUM RATINGS l SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 620 CASE 648 ORDERING INFORMATION MC,.Xxx. 11SUffiX (Voltages referenced to VSSI Rating Symbol Value Unit VDD -0.5to+18 V Input Voltage, All Inputs Vin -0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V DC Input Current, per Pin lin ±1O mA TA -55 to +125 -40 to +85 °c T stg -65 to +150 °c DC Supply Voltage Operating Temperature Range - A L Device CLlCP Device Storage Temperature Range TRUTH TABLE F Pin 10 G Pin 11 o o BLOCK DIAGRAM r----------, Denotes L Ceramic Package P PlastiC Package A Extended Operating Temperature Range C L,mited Operating Temperature Range Division Ratio of Counter D1 o 4 a 16 64 100 I I PCin 1 4 o - - t - - - t ! - - - - - - t - _ U I 3 PC o ,,! The divide-by-zero state on the programmable divide-by·N 4·bit binary counter, 02, is illegal. !-----+-~,,12LD '------" CTL lOW CTL HIGH PC out PCin PCi~ Cl p.c. CTL 15O--~+-"'" L _ _ _ _..J---I~--Ul 0 f LD Cl "0" PE 3 o--"-....- H 01 2 (}---t-----I "O"~ ~-Ql~2 VDD VSS Pin 16 P,n 8 6-18 MC145688 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to Vss) Characteristic au tpu t Vol tage Yin VOO or 0 Y,n o or Symbol "0" level Val 5.0 10 15 "1" level VaH 5.0 10 15 VDO "0" level Input Voltage#r (Va 4.5 or 0.5 Vdc) (VO 9.0 or 1.0 Vdc) 13.5 Or 1.5 Vdc) (Va ~ ~ 0.4 Vdcl 0.5 Vdc) 1.5 Vdc) Sink Output Drive Current (CLlCP Device) Source (VOH = 2.5 Vdc) (VOH = 4.6 Vdc) (VOH = 9.5 Vdcl (VOH = 13.5.Vdcl IVOl ~ 0.4 Vdc) (VOL = 0.5 Vdc) (VOL" 1.5 Vdc) Sink 25°C Min 0.05 0.05 0.05 4.95 9.95 14.95 4.95 9.95 14.95 Thigh' Typ Max 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.05 Min 5.0 10 15 Max Unit 0.05 0.05 0.05 Vdc 4.95 9.95 14.95 Vdc Vdc 1.5 3.0 4.0 2.25 4.50 6.75 1.5 3.0 4.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 10 15 3.5 7.0 11.0 3.5 7.0 11.0 2.75 5.50 8.25 3.5 7.0 11.0 5.0 5.0 10 15 -1.2 -0.25 -0.62 -1.8 -1.0 -0.2 -0.5 -1.5 -1.7 -0.36 -0.9 -3.5 -0.7 -0.14 -0.35 -1.1 5.0 10 15 0.64 1.6 4.2 0.51 1.3 3.4 0.88 2.25 8.8 0.36 0.9 2.4 5.0 5.0 10 15 -1.0 -0.2 -0.5 -1.4 -0.8 -0.16 -0.4 -1.7 -0.36 -0.9 -3.5 -0.6 -0.12 -0.3 -1.0 5.0 10 15 0.52 1.3 3.6 0.44 0.88 2.25 8.8 0.36 0.9 2.4 Vdc mAdc IOH 0 0 Max VIH 1.5 or 13.5 Vdc) Output Drive Current (A l Device) Source (VOH 2.5 Vdc) (VOH 4.6 Vdcl (VOH ~ 9.5 Vdc) (VOH 13.5 Vdcl (VOL (VOL (Val . Vil 0.5 or 4.5 Vdc) 1.0 or 9.0 Vdc) 0 Tlow Min 5.0 10 15 "1" level (Va (Va (VO VDD Vdc IOl mAdc mAdc IOH IOl -1.2 1.1 3.0 mAdc Input Current IAl Device) lin 15 ±0.1 ± 0.00001 ± 0.1 ± 1.0 ).IAdc Input Current (CLlCP Device) lin 15 ± 0.3 ±0.00001 ±0.3 ± 1.0 ).IAdc 5.0 7.5 IDO 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 20 0.005 0.010 0.015 5.0 10 20 150 300 600 !lAdc IDO 5.0 10 15 20 40 80 0.005 0.010 0.015 20 40 80 150 300 600 ).IAdc Total Supply Current' '·t IOynamic plus Quiescent, Per Package) ICl 50 pF on all outputs, all buffers sWitching) IT 5.0 10 Three-State Leakage Current, Pins 1,13 (AL Device) ITL 15 ±0,1 ±0,00001 ±0,1 ±3,0 ).IAdc Three-State Leakage Current, Pins 1 , 13 (CL/CP Devices) ITL 15 ± 1.0 ±O,OOOOl ± 1,0 ±7.5 "Adc I npu t Capacitance Quiescent Current (AL Device) Cin IPer Package) Yin = 0 or VDD, lout=O p.A Quiescent Current ICLlCP Device) !Per Package) Yin = 0 or VDD, 10ut=0 p.A ).IAdc IT = (0.2 ).lA/kHz) f + IDO IT = (004 "A/kHz) f + IDD IT = (0,9 "A/kHz) f + IDD 15 'Tlow -55°C for Al Device, -40°C for CLlCP Device. Thigh = +125 0 C for Al Device, +85 0 C for CLlCP Device. "NOise Immunity specified for worst-case input combination NOise Margin for both" 1" and "0" level - 1.0 Vdc min @ VOO PIN ASSIGNMENT o 5.0 Vdc 2.0 Vdc min @ VOO - 10 Vdc 2.5 Vdc min @ VOO 15 Vdc tTo calculate total supply current at loads other than 50 pF 3 ITICl) ITI50 pF) + 1 x 10- ICl -50) VODf where: IT IS in I1A (per package), Cl in pF, VDO in Vdc, and f in kHz is input frequency. "The formulas given are for the typical characteristics only at 25°C t Pin pF 15 is connected to VSS or VDD for input voltage test. Ql/C2 VDD PE CTL "0" PCin PC out Dp2 LD Dpl G DpO VSS 6-19 C1 II MC14568B SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (CL = 50 pF, T A = 25°C) Characteristic Symbol Output Rise Time tTLH Output Fall Time tTHL VOO V Min Typ Max Unit 5.0 10 15 - 180 90 65 360 180 130 ns 5.0 10 15 - 100 50 40 200 100 80 ns - 125 60 45 250 120 90 ns - - /is - - - - - - Minimum Pulse Width, Cl, 01/C2, or PCin Input tWH 5.0 10 15 - Maximum Clock Rise and Fall Time, Cl, 01/C2, or PCin Input tTLH, tTHL 5.0 10 15 15 15 15 PHASE COMPARATOR Input Resistance Input Sensitivity, de Coupled Turn-Off Delay Time, PC out and LD Outputs Turn-On Delay Time, PC out and LD Outputs Rin 5.0 to 15 - 5.0 to 15 tpHL 5.0 10 15 tpHL - 106 - Mf! See Input Voltage - - 550 195 120 1100 390 240 ns 1350 600 380 ns 5.0 10 15 - 675 300 190 5.0 10 15 3.0 8.0 10 6.0 16 22 - 5.0 10 15 1.0 3.0 5.0 2.5 6.3 9.7 - 5.0 10 15 - 450 190 130 900 380 260 5.0 10 15 - 720 300 200 1440 600 400 0IVIOE-8Y-4 16 64 OR 100 COUNTER (01) Maximum Clock Pulse Frequency Division Ratio=4, 64 or 100 MHz lei Division Ratio= 16 Propagation Delay Time, 01/C2 Output Division Ratio=4, 64 or 100 tpLH, tpHL Division Ratio= 16 - - ns - - PROGRAMMABLE OIVIDE-BY-N 4-BIT COUNTER (02) Maximum Clock Pulse Frequency (Figure 3al lei Turn-On Delay Time, "0" Output (Figure 3a) tpLH Turn-Off Delay Time, "0" Output (Figure 3al tpHL Minimum Preset Enable Pulse Width tWH(PE) 6-20 5.0 10 15 1.2 3.0 4.0 5.0 10 15 - 5.0 10 15 - 5.0 10 15 - - - - 1.8 8.5 12 - MHz 450 190 130 900 380 260 ns 225 85 60 450 170 150 ns 75 40 30 250 100 75 ns - MC14568B SWITCHING TIME TEST CIRCUITS AND WAVEFORMS FIGURE 1 - PHASE COMPARATOR ~ 2 A lags B, PC out IS lOW. A leads S, PC out is high. "O"ou, REF @ PCin PGl LD PC out FIGURE 2 - COUNTER 01 20~S_20n~tW(C') Cl 10% 50"lro f L 50% _ _..:.1.:;.00/,;::';0-:- tTLH tTHL FIGURE 3 - COUNTER 02 a. b. "0" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' ON is the value programmed on the Op Inputs. 6-21 max tpHL I. QlIC2 f In II MC14568B LOGIC DIAGRAM PCin 14~--~A~------~~--r--r========~ r~t----~ out -o13PC B(Ae!.) C1 II G 9 11 ~------------------~OLD Counter 01 0---+------' 0---+------------+--..... ~----_---- <... f--.......-+---- Det ou t[7 12hp5 LD [ 8 11 ~ P6 P8 [ ...9_ _ _1O~ P7 PO P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 VOO VSS Pin 1 Pin 18 6-29 MC145106 MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages referenced to VSSI Symbol Value Rating DC Supply Voltage -0.5 to + 12 VDD Input Voltage, All Inputs -0.5 to Vnn +0.5 Yin DC Input Current, per Pin I ±1O Operating Temperature Range -40 to +85 TA Storage Temperature Range Tstg -65to+150 This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Yin and V out be constrained to the range VSS s (Vin or Vout) s VDD Unit V V mA °C °C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS IT A = 25°C Unless Otherwise Stated, Voltages Referenced to VSS) Characteristic Power Supply Voltage Range Supply Current Input Voltage "0" Level "1" I_evel Input Current IFS, PUll-Up Resistor Source Current) "0" Level VOO Vdc Min Typ Max VDD - 4.5 - 12 V IDD 5.0 10 12 - 6 20 28 10 35 50 mA VIL 5.0 10 12 - - V - - 1.5 3.0 3.6 5.0 10 12. 3.5 7.0 8.4 - 5.0 10 12 5.0 10 12 -5.0 -15 -20 -20 -60 -80 - - VIH lin IPO to P8) IFS) II All Types Symbol "1" Level IPO to P8, Pull-down Resistor Sink Current! 5.0 10 12 5.0 10 12 - - - - - - - - - - - 7.5 22.5 30 30 90 120 - -50 -150 -200 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 , "0" Level 5.0 10 12 -2.0 -6.0 -9.0 -6.0 -25 -37 -15 -62 -92 IOSCin,fin) "1" Level 5.0 10 12 2.0 6.0 9.0 6.0 25 37 15 62 92 5.0 10 12 -0.7 -1.1 -1.5 -1.4 -2.2 -3.0 - 5.0 10 12 0.9 1.4 2.0 1.8 2.8 4.0 - 1.0 1.5 0.2 0.3 - 5.0 10 12 - 1.0 0.5 - - - - - 6.0 5.0 10 12 - mA IOH Source IVO=0.5VI IVO=0.5 VI IVO=0.5 V) Sink Input Amplitude (fin @ 4.0 MHz) (Oscin @1O.24 MHz) IOL - - - Input Resistance IOSCin,fin) Cin Three State Leakage Current I> Detout) IOZ Vp-p Sine MO Pin Input Capacitance IOsCin, fin) p.A 0.3 0.3 0.3 75 225 300 IOSCin,fin) Output Drive Current VO=4.5V) IVO=9.5 V) IVO= 11.5 V) Unit - pF p.A - - 1.0 1.0 1.0 Input Frequency I-40°C to +85°C) fin 4.5 12 0 0 - 4.0 4.0 MHz Oscillator Frequency I-40°C to +85°C) OS c in 4.5 12 0.1 - 10.24 10.24 MHz 0.1 6-30 - - - MC145106 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM OSCILLATOR INPUT FREQUENCY versus SUPPL Y VOLTAGE FIGURE 1 - MAXIMUM DIVIDER INPUT FREQUENCY versus SUPPL Y VOLTAGE 25 25 ->- 20 20 2: 0.. 0 +25 C ::> '"c:c 15 ~ > ;::: ~ 10 ig / /J ~ /~ "/ g 5.0 o 30 20 fin, MAXIMUM FREQUENCY (MHz) 10 I I /.11 40 o 50 -:,...-"" o 20 10 I I +85 0 C 10 > 5.0 ","~f-""" > +25 0 C 15 > jl/-400C +85 0 C o '" I I iI -" /-40 0 C I V 30 40 OSCin, MAXIMUM FREOUENCY (MHz) TRUTH TABLE Selection PB P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 PO Divide By N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 (Note 1) 3 (Note 1) 2 3 4 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 255 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 511 1: Voltage level 0: Voltage level Note 1: = VDD = 0 or open circuit PIN DESCRIPTIONS PO - PB - Programmable divider inputs (binary) fin - Frequency input to programmable divider (derived from VeO) OScin - Oscillator/amplifier input terminal OSCout - Oscillator/amplifier output terminal LD - Lock detector, high when loop is locked, pulses low when out of lock. > Detout - Signal for control of external veo, output high when fin/N is less than the reference frequency; output low when fin/N is greater than the reference frequency. Reference frequency is the divided down oscillatorinput frequency tYpically 5.0 or 10 kHz. FS - Reference Oscillator Frequency Division Select. When using 10.24 MHz Osc frequency, this control selects 10kHz, a "0" selects 5.0 kHz. 720ut - Reference Osc frequency divided by 2 output; when using 10.24 MHz Osc frequency, this output is 5.12 MHz for frequency tripling applications. VOD - Positive power supply VSS - Ground input The binary setting of 00000000 and 00000001 on PB to PO results in a 2 and 3 division which is not in the 2N_1 sequence. When pin is not connected the logic signal on that pin can be treated as a "0". 6-31 50 MC145106 PLL SYNTHESIZER APPLICATIONS The MC145106 is well suited for applications in CB radios because of the channelized frequency requirements. A typical 40 channel CB transceiver synthesizer, using a single crystal reference, is shown in Figure 3 for receiver IF values of 10.695 MHz and 455 kHz. In addition to applications in CB radios, the MC145106 can be used as a synthesizer for several other systems. Various frequency spectrums can be achieved through the use of proper offset, prescaling and loop programming techniques. In general, 300-400 channels can be synthesized using a single loop, with many additional channels available when multiple loop appro,aches are employed. Figures 4 and 5 are examples of some possibilities. In the aircraft synthesizer of Figure 5, the VHF loop (top) will provide a 50 kHz, 360 channel system with 10.7 MHz R/T offset when only the 11.0500 MHz (transmit) and 12.1200 MHz (receive) frequencies are provided to mixer #1. FIGURE 3 - When these signals are provided with crystal oscillators, the result is a three crystal, 360 channel, 50 kHz step synthesizer. When using the offset loop (bottom) in Figure 5 to provide the indicated injection frequencies for mixer #1 (two for transmit and two for receive) 360 additional channels are possible. This results in a 720 channel, 25 kHz step synthesizer which requires only two crystals and provides RIT offset capability. The receive offset value is determined by the 11.31 MHz crystal frequency and is 10.7 MHz for the example. The VH F marine synthesizer in Figure 4 depicts a Single loop approach for FM transeivers. The VCO operates on frequency during transmit and is offset downward during receive. The offset corresponds to the receiver IF (10.7 MHz) for channels having identical receive/transmit frequencies (simplex), and is (10.7 - 4.6= 6.1) MHz for duplex channels. Carrier modulation is introduced in the loop during transmit. SINGLE CRYSTAL CB SYNTHESIZER FEATURING ON-FREQUENCY VCO DURING TRANSMIT .---+__ I LD MC145106 26.965- 27.405 MHz (transmit) 26.510 - 26.950 MHz (receive) Programmable Divider VDD Gnd Switch Wafers RIT Mixer Buffer L--_ _ _ _ _--, 1.365-1.805 MHz (transmit) 0.91 - 1.35 MHz (receive) 10.24 MHz 16.270-16.710 MHz to Receiver Receiver 1st 2nd Mixer Local Osc Signal 6-32 MC145106 FIGURE 4 - Gnd VHF MARINE TRANSCEIVER SYNTHESIZER Lock Detect o Loop Filter Transmit Range 156.025 - 157.425 MHz * 157.4 VCO and Buffer Receiver L.O. Range 145.575 - 152.575 MHz * 151.3 Transmit Modulation Circuit .l D NOTES: • Receiver IF= 10.7 MHz • Low Side Injection • Duplex Offset = 4.6 MHz • Step Size=25 kHz • Frequencies in MHz unless noted • Values in Parentheses are for a 5.0 kHz Reference Frequency • Example Frequencies for Channel 28 Shown by * #Can be eliminated by adding 184 to -+- N for Duplex Channels. 6-33 Duplex 14.75# (29.501 MC145106 FIGURE 5 - VHF AIRCRAFT 720 CHANNEL TWO CRYSTAL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER TRANSMIT 118.000 - 135.975 MHz 125 kHz Steps) RECEIVE 128.700-146.675 MHz VHF Loop Programming 750 kHz - 2545 kHz N=150-509 I TRANSMIT 11.0500 MHz 11.0525 MHz RECEIVE 12.1200 MHz 12.1225 MHz I TRANSMIT 10.24 MHz RECEIVE 11.31 MHz (Select Frequency to Give Desired RIT Offset) Programming 810 kHz - 812.5 kHz N= 324-325 6-34 ® MC145143 MOTOROLA PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER The MC145143 is a phase locked loop building block variation of the MC145106/MC145112 family. The device contains the oscillator circuitry required to operate with fundamental mode crystals to 10.24 MHz. The oscillator circuitry is connected to the phase detector through a divide-by-16 and a 29_1 divide-by-N counter. The reference oscillator can be divided in steps of 16 between 32 and 8176 before interfacing with the phase detector. The external input to the phase detector requires a VSS to VDD signal and forces the phase-detector output high if higher in frequency than the output of the divide-by-N counter. An out-of-Iock signal is provided from the on-chip lock detector with a "0" level for an out-of-Iock condition. • Operation to 25 MHz • • 4.5 to 12 V Operation Programmable Reference Divisions from 32 to 8176 (16 x 2 to 16x511) • Three-State Phase Detection • On-Chip Lock Detection CMOS MS. (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER P SUFFIX PLAsm: PACKAGE CASE 648 PIN ASSIGNMENT vss NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS PRODUCT BEING PHASED OUT 16 PO 15 P1 14 13 12 11 10 9 Closest equivalent is the MC145106 This device contains Circuitry to protect the Inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. however. It IS advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high Imped,;nce Circuit For proper operation It IS recommended that V ,n and Vout be constrained to the range VSS (V ,n or Vout)' 6-35 VOO ® MC145144 MOTOROLA 4-BIT DATA BUS INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER The MC145144 is one of a family of LSI PLL frequency synthesizer parts from Motorola CMOS. The family includes devices having serial, parallel and 4-bit data bus programmable inputs. Options include singleor dual-modulus capability, transmit/receive offsets, choice of phase detector types and choice of reference divider integer values. The MC145144 is programmed by a 4-bit input, with strobe and address lines. The device features consist of a reference oscillator, programmable reference divider, digital-phase detector, programmable divide-by-N counter and the necessary latch circuitry for accepting the 4-bit input data. When combined with a loop filter and VCO, the MC145144 can provide all the remaining functions for a PLL frequency synthesizer operating up to the device's frequency limit. For higher VCO frequency operation, a down mixer or a fixed divide prescaler can be used between the VCO and MC145144. CMOS LSI (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MaS) 4-BIT DATA BUS INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER • Tailored for TV Tuning Applications • Low Power Drain • 3.0 to 9.0 Vdc Supply Range • I L SUFFIX P SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648 >30 MHz Typical Input Capability @5 Vdc • Programmable Reference Divider for Values Between 3584 and 3839 PIN ASSIGNMENT • On- or Off-Chip Reference Oscillator Operation Voo ,. • Single Modulus 4-Bit Data Bus Programming • ..;- N Range = 4 to 4092 in Steps of Eight OSCin 2 OSCout 3 AO 4 • "Linearized" Digital Phase Detector Enhances Transfer Function Linearity • Pin-for-Pin Compatible with the MN6044 NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS PRODUCT BEING PHASED OUT Closest equivalent is the MC145145·1 6·36 ® MC145145·1 MOTOROLA Advance Information HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS LOW POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS SILICON GATE 4-BIT DATA BUS INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER The MC145145-1 is programmed by a 4-bit input, with strobe and address lines. The device features consist of a reference oscillator, 12-bit programmable reference divider, digital-phase detector, 14-bit programmable divide-by-N counter and the necessary latch circuitry for accepting the 4-bit input data. When combined with a loop filter and VCO, the MC145145-1 can provide all the remaining functions for a PLL frequency synthesizer operating up to the device's frequency limit. For higher VCO frequency operation, a down mixer or a fixed divide prescaler can be used between the VCO and MC145145-1. The MC145145-1 offers improved performance over the MC145145. The ac characteristics have been improved and the input current requirements have been modified. • General Purpose Applications: CATV TV Tuning AM/FM Radios Scanning Receivers Two Way Radios Amateur Radio • • • • Low Power Consumption 3.0 to 9.0 V Supply Range On- or Off-Chip Reference Oscillator Operation Single Modulus 4-Bit Data Bus Programming • -+- R Range= 3 to 4095 • -+- N Range= 3 to 16383 4-BIT DATA BUS INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER J_ - 18 1 1 MC145145L1 MC145145P1 CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 726 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 707 PIN ASSIGNMENT 01 • "Linearized" Digital Phase Detector Enhances Transfer Function Linearity 02 DO 03 fin REFout VSS V with fR in Phase with fV (Figures 3 and 6) twt/> Input Rise and Fall Times OSCin, fin (Figure 4) tr,tf Input Pulse Width ST (Figure 5) tw - 9 - 3 5 40 9 35 25 30 18 10 10 60 60 - ns - - ns - - - II 6-39 MC145145·1 GRAPH 1 - OSCin AND fin MAXIMUM FREQUENCY VERSUS TOTAL DIVIDE VALUE GRAPH 1A - VDD=3V GRAPH 1B - VDD = 5 V ::<: ~ 14 28 26 24~~-1--+--+--r-'~~~~-+~~~'~--+-~ 22~~-4--+--+--~~-4~+--+--r-~'~--+-~ 12r-~~--+--+--~-~~--+--+--r-~'~--+-~ 20r-~-+--+-~~r-4-~--+--~-~--~r+--~~ ~ 10r-~~--+-~~~~~--+--+--"--~'~--+-~ 18~~-T~r-~-+~~+--+--r-+--~'H---+-~ a a E E E ;:; E ;:; 16r-~74--~~~r-+--+--+-~-4--~~--~~ 14r-+--+--r-+--+--~ :W 12 t---::--+---+---c-r--i: :W .< j 10 8 Max Total Divide Value Total D,v,de Value GRAPH 1C - VDD = 9 V ::<: 28r-~-4--+--+--r-~--4--+--+--~·4- <~ 1.000 0.993 ~~ f"~ ~ ~ , ~t--5V :;: '3 V 0 f'.-. '-.... '" 3V 5V 9V ....... ~ ~ 1 '\ 1'9 V -40 - 20 20 40 60 80 -40 labelled "Typical" IS not to be used for design purposes, but - 20 20 40 60 Temperature (OCI Temperature (OCI * Data \ IS Intended as an indication of the Ie's potential performance 6-40 80 MC145145·1 PIN DESCRIPTIONS DATA INPUTS (Pins 2,1,18,17) - Information at these Inputs IS transferred to the mternal latches when the ST input is In the high state Pin 17 (03) is most significant ST (Pin 11) - When high, thiS Input will enter the data that appears at the 00,01,02 and 03 inputs, and when low, will latch that Information. When high, any changes In the data information will be transferred Into the latches fin (Pin 3) - Input to -+- N portion of synthesizer fin IS typically derived from loop VCO and IS AC coupled mto Pin 3. For larger amplitude signals (standard CMOS-logic levels) DC coupling may be used VSS (Pin 4) VDD (Pin 5) - PD out (Pin 12) - Three-state output of phase detector for use as loop error signal Frequency fV> fR or fV Leading Negative Pulses Frequency IV < fR or fV Laggmg. Positive Pulses Frequency fV = fR and Phase COinCidence HlghImpedance State Circuit Ground Positive power supply OSCin, OSCout (Pins 6 and 7) - These pins form an onchip reference oscillator when connected to terminals of an external parallel resonant crystal Frequency setting capacitors of appropriate value must be connected from OSCin to ground and OSCout to ground. OSC ln may also serve as Input for an externally-generated reference signal ThiS signal will tYPically be AC coupled to OSC ln , but for larger amplitude signals (standard CMOS-logic levels) DC coupling may also be used. In the external reference mode, no connection IS required to OSC out LD (Pin 13) - Lock detector Signal. High level when loop IS locked (fR, fV of same phase and frequency I Pulses low when loop is out of lock R pulsing low. KVCO"J +1 PD out 0---~Ro---J~~-~-~ t/>VO---J~~-~-~ C II >----<_-0 VCO Assuming gain A is very large, then: I R2CS + 1 F(s) = = - - - R1 CS NOTE: Sometimes Rl is split into two series resistors each Rl -+- 2. A capacitor Cc is then placed from the midpoint to ground to further filter t/>V and t/>R. The value of Cc should be such that the corner frequency of this network does not significantly affect Wn. DEF(NITIONS: N == Total Division Ratio in feeaback loop K4I = VDD/4'11' for PDout K4I = VDD/2'11' for 41V and 41R KVCO = 2dfVCO AVVCO for a typical design Wn == r iii 2~ofr (at phase detector input), 1 RECOMMENDED FOR READING: Gardner, Floyd M., Phaselock Techniques (second edition!. New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1979. Manassewitsch, Vadim, Frequency Synthesizers: Theory and Design (second edition). New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1980. Blanchard, Alain, Phase-Locked Loops: Application to Coherent Receiver Design. New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1976. Egan, William F., Frequency Synthesis by Phase Lock. New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1981. Rohde, Ulrich L., Digital PLL Frequency Synthesizers Theory and Design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1983. Berlin, Howard M., Design of Phase-Locked Loop Circuits, with Experiments. Indianapolis, Howard W. Sams and Co., 1978. Kinley, Harold, The PLL Synthesizer Cookbook. Blue Ridge Summit, PA, Tab Books, 1980. 6-43 MC145145·1 FIGURE 7 - PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT WAVEFORMS fR Reference IOsc ... RI fV Feedback Ifin ... NI Po Out ---+ 7/ 10~ .0046 MHz Steps) t LD REFout OSCin DO ~ D2 ~ D3 8 AO 9 Al 7.9996 to 320184 ~ (100 Hz Steps) in 16 AO ~»-i- /' Loop 2 Filter .... VC02 / 4.000 (1 9 A1 ,..10 A2 fin 2 ST fl " Address &~a To Controller VDD b5 b NOTES: Chip sele/ 3 VSS 4 provides program sequence lor the + N I \ LOOP 1) and + NL \ Loop 2) Counters. 2. + Rl = 1000, fRl = 10.1 kHz; + R2= 1010, fR2= 10 kHz. 3. fVCOl = NHfRl) + N2(fR2) = NWR2+6f) + N2(fR2) wherl?6f= 100 Hz. 4. Other fRl and fR2 values may be used with appropriate -;. Nl and -;. N2 changes. MC145145·1 TABLE 1 -!- ..t. ~ Nl 396 397 + PROGRAMMING SE~UENCE FOR TWO-LOOP SYNTHESIZER OF FIGURE 9 fin1 (MHz) 3.9996 ":" 4''f7 ~ 495 t +N2 400 399 tvC02 (MHz) 4.0000 3.9900 301 401 400 30100 4.0100 4.0000 8.0095 8.0096 8.0097 3.0200 4.0200 4.0100 8.0195 8.0196 8.0197 , 4.9995 "1,, "A" ~ t t .J. f "A" "C" 302 402 401 + 303 ,1 I "A" 1 "1,, + 1585 1586 1684 "J.. "8" t • "F" ~ 1600 1599 + 1501 + 3.0300 15L 16.0000 15.9900 + 15.0100 17.0084 .J. ~ + + + 8.0295 Increasing In 100 Hz Steps + 19.9995 19.9996 19.9997 + 20.0095 20.0085 20.0086 , 20.0184 20.0185 20.0186 "C" "0" t 20.0284 Increasing In 100 Hz Steps + • 1 "0" 16.0085 16.0186 32.0084 32.0085 32.0086 4 "E" , , tvC01 (MHz) 7.9996 7.9997 "F" 32.0~84 .~ 6-47 II MC145145·1 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CONSIDERATIONS the area of 8 to 15 MHz, and 10 pF for higher frequencies. These are guidelines that provide a reasonable compromise between IC capacitance, drive capability, swamping variations in stray and IC input! output capacitance, and realistic CL values. The shunt load capacitance, CL, presented across the crystal can be estimated to be: The following options may be considered to provide a reference frequency to Motorola's CMOS frequency synthesizers. The most desirable is discussed first. USE OF A HYBRID CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Commercially available temperature-~ompensated crystal oscillators (TXCOs) or crystal-controlled data clock oscillators provide very stable reference frequencies. An oscillator capable of sinking and sourcing 50 p.A at CMOS logic levels may be direct or dc coupled to OSCin. In general, the highest frequency capability is obtained utilizing a directcoupled square wave having a rail-to-rail (VDD to VSS) voltage swing. If the oscillator does not have CMOS logic levels on the outputs, capacitive or ac coupling to OSCin may be used. OSCout, an unbuffered output, should be left floating. For additional information about TXCOs and data clock oscillators, please contact: Motorola Inc., Component Products, 2553 N. Edgington St., Franklin Park, I L 60131, phone (312) 451-1000. CL= CinCout +Ca+CO+ C1·C2 Cin + Cout C1 + C2 where Ca Co C1 and C2 USE OF THE ON-CHIP OSCILLATOR CIRCUITRY The on-chip amplifier (a digital inverted along with an appropriate crystal may be used to provide a reference source frequency. A fundamental mode crystal, parallel resonant at the desired operating frequency, should be connected as shown in Figure A. For VDD'" 5 V, the crystal should be specified for a loading capacitance, CL, which does not exceed 32 pF for frequencies to approximately 8 MHz, 20 pF for frequencies in PARTIAL LIST OF CRYSTAL MANUFACTURERS ADDRESS NAME United States Crystal Corp. Crystek Crystal Statek Corp 5 pF (see Figure C) 6 pF (see Figure C) 5 pF (see Figure C) The crystal's holder capacitance (see Figure B) External capacitors (see Figure Al The oscillator can be "trimmed" on-frequency by making a portion or all of C1 variable. The crystal and associated components must be located as close as possible to the OSCin and OSCout pins to minimize distortion, stray capacitance, stray inductance, and startup stabilization time. In some cases, stray capacitance should be added to the values for Cin and Couto Power is dissipated in the effective series resistance of the crystal, Re, in Figure B. The drive level specified t1ll the crystal manufacturer is the maximum stress that a crystal can withstand without damage or excessive shift in frequency. R1 in Figure A limits the drive level. The use of R1 may not be necessary in some cases; i.e. R1 '" 0 ohms. To verify that the maximum dc supply voltage does not overdrive the crystal, monitor the output frequency as a function of voltage at OSCout. (Care should be taken to minimize loading.) The frequency should increase very slightly as the dc supply voltage is increased. An overdriven crystal will decrease in frequency or become unstable with an increase in supply Voltage. The operating supply voltage must be reduced or R1 must be increased in value if the overdriven condition exists. The user should note that the oscillator start-up time is proportional to the value of R1. Through the process of supplying crystals for use with CMOS inverters, many crystal manufacturers have developed expertise in CMOS oscillator design with crystals. Discussions with such manufacturers can prove very helpful. See Table A. DESIGN AN OFF-CHIP REFERENCE The user may design an off-chip crystal oscillator using ICs specifically developed for crystal oscillator applications, such as the MC12060, MC12061, MC12560, or MC12561 MECL devices. The reference Signal from the MECL device is ac 'coupled to OSCin. For large amplitude Signals (standard CMOS logic levels), dc coupling is used. OSCout, an unbuffered output, should be left floating. In general, the highest frequency capability is obtained with a direct-coupled square wave having rail-to-rail voltage swing. TABLE A - Cin Cout 3605 McCart St., Ft. Worth, TX 76110 1000 Crystal Dr., Ft. Myers, FL 33906 512 N. Main St., Orange, CA 92668 PHONE (817) 921-3013 18131936-2109 (714) 639-7810 RECOMMENDED FOR READING Technical Note TN-24, Statek Corp. D. Kemper, L. Rosine, "Quartz Crystals for Frequency Control", Electro- Technology, June, 1969. Technical Note TN-7, Statek Corp. P. J. Ottowitz, "A Guide to Crystal Selection", Electronic Design, May, 1966. E. Hafner, "The Piezoelectric Crystal Unit - Definitions and Method of Measurement", Proc. IEEE, Vol. 57, No.2, Feb., 1969. 6-48 MC145145·1 FIGURE A - PIERCE CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT r- -----------l Rf I Frequency Synthesizer I I I I I I IL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ....1 OSC out * May be deleted in certain cases. See text. FIGURE B - EQUIVALENT CRYSTAL NETWORKS RS 1 cr-f I LS Cs ~ 01--0 2 Co Values are supplied by crystal manufacturer (parallel resonant crystal). FIGURE C - PARASITIC CAPACITANCES OF THE AMPLIFIER a o ~ II ,I I :;:: Cin , --11-- -------,,----0 I ::r:I I _J._ _.L._ 6-49 Cout ® MC145146·1 MOTOROI.A Advance Information HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MaS SILICON-GATE 4-BIT DATA BUS INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER The MC145146-1 is programmed by a 4-bit input, with strobe and address lines. The device features consist of a reference oscillator, 12-bit programmable reference divider, digital phase detector, 10-bit programmable divide-by-N counter, 7-bit divide-by-A counter and the necessary latch circuitry for accepting the 4-bit input data. When combined with a loop filter and VCO, the MC145146-1 can provide all the remaining functions for a PLL frequency synthesizer operating up to the device's frequency limit. For higher VCO frequency operation, a down mixer or a dual modulus prescaler can be used between the VCO and the MC145146-1. The MC145146-1 offers improved performance over the MC145146. Modulus Control output drive has been increased and the ac characteristics have been improved. The input current requirements have also been modified. 4-BIT DATA BUS INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER • General Purpose Applications: CATV TV Tuning AMI FM Radios Scanning Receivers Two Way Radios Amateur Radio II Low Power Consumption 3.0 to 9.0 V Supply Range Programmable Reference Divider for Values Between 3 and 4095 On- or Off-Chip Reference Oscillator Operation Dual Modulus 4-Bit Data Bus Programming • + N Range=3 to 1023, + A Range=O to 127 • "Linearized" Digital Phase Detector Enhances Transfer Function Linearity 01 02 DO 03 fin fR PO out VDO OSC out LD AO ST A1 A2 ~__~__________~'8 """-----~ ~------------------+-+-~r----' ~1 _____ ___+-~ ___+-~~ _________________-+~~1- ________________ Latches Voo= Pin 6 Vss=Pin4 This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herem are subject to change without notice 6-50 IV Modulus Control OSCin OSC,n D2 ~w~ -+-+~~ D3 ~19~______________-+-+~~ R V VSS • Two Error Signal Options: Single Ended (Three State) Double Ended • Chip Complexity: 5692 FETs or 1423 Equivalent Gates DO D1 MC145146P1 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 738 PIN ASSIGNMENT • • • • • OSCout MC145146L1 CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 732 ~ fR MC145146·1 MAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages Referenced to VSS) Symbol Value Unit -05 to +10 V Parameter DC Supply Voltage VDD Input or Output Voltage (DC or Transient) Yin, Vout lin, lout 100, ISS -0.5 to VDD+05 V Input or Output Current (DC or Transient), per Pin ±10 mA Supply Current, VDO or VSS Pins ±30 mA 500 mW -65 to + 150 °C 260 °C Power Oissipation, per Packaget Po Storage Temperature Tstll TL Lead Temperature (S-Second Soldering) * Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. tPower Dissipation Temperature Derating Plastic "P" Package: -12 mW/oC from 65°C to 85°C Ceramic "L" Package: No derating This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid applications of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high-impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Yin and Vout be constrained to the range VSSS(Vin or Vout)sVOO Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or VOO) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to VSS) -40°C Characteristic lout "" ° 85°C VOO Min Max Min Typ Max Min Max Units ° VOO - 3 9 3 - 9 3 9 V VOL 3 5 9 - - 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 V - 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - 0.05 0.05 0.05 1 Level VOH 3 5 9 2.95 4.95 8.95 - 2.95 4.95 8.95 2.999 4.999 8.999 - 3 5 9 - - 0.9 1.5 2.7 - - 1.35 2.25 405 0.9 1.5 2.7 3 5 9 2.1 3.5 6.3 - 21 3.5 6.3 1.65 2.75 4.95 - 3 5 9 -0.60 -0.90 -1.50 -0.50 -0.75 -1.25 -1.5 -2.0 -3.2 - 3 5 9 1.30 1.90 3.80 - 1.10 1.70 3.30 5.0 6.0 10.0 - 3 5 9 -0.44 -0.64 -1.30 - -0.35 -0.51 -100 -1.0 - -1.2 - - 2.0 - 3 5 9 0.44 0.64 1.30 0.35 0.51 1.00 1.0 1.2 2.0 - Power Supply Voltage Range Output Voltage Vin=O V or VOO 25°C Symbol Level ,.A Input Voltage Level Vou t=0.5 V or VOO--O.5 V (All Outputs Except OSC out ) ° VIL 1 Level VIH Output Current - Modulus Control V ou t=2.7V Source V out =4.6 V V out =8.5 V V ou t=0.3V Vout=OA V V out =0.5 V Sink - - - - - 2.95 4.95 8.95 - - - 0.9 1.5 2.7 2.1 3.5 6.3 - -0.30 -050 -0.80 - IOL 0.66 1.08 2.10 - 10H Sink 10L V - mA 10H Output Current - Other Outputs Vout =27V Source V out =4.6 V V ou t=8.5 V V ou t=03 V Vout=OA V V ou t=0.5 V - - - - - - - - mA - - - -022 -0.36 -0.70 - 0.22 0.36 0.70 - - - Cin -- - 10 - 6 10 - 10 pF 3-State Output Capacitance PO out Cout -- -- 10 - 6 10 - 10 pF Quiescent Current Vin=O V or VDD 10ut=0 ,.A 3-State Leakage Current - PO out Vout=O V or 9 V 100 3 5 9 - 200 300 400 800 1200 1600 ,.A - 1600 2400 3200 9 - ±03 - - -- 800 1200 1600 ±0.0001 ±01 - ±30 p.A Input Current - Other Inputs lin 9 - ±03 - ±0.00001 ±01 Input Current - fin, OSC m lin 9 - ±50 - ±10 ±25 Input Capacitance 10Z - 6-51 - ± 10 p.A ± 22 ,.A MC145146·1 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C, CL = 50 pF) Characteristic Output Rise Time, Modulus Control (Figures 1 and 7) Output Fall Time, Modulus Control (Figures 1 and 7) VDD Min Typ Max Units tTLH 3 5 - 50 ns - 30 20 115 60 40 25 17 15 60 34 30 ns 60 40 30 140 80 60 ns 125 80 50 ns - ns tTHL Output Rise and Fall Time, Other Outputs (Figure 1) I Symbol Propagation Delay Time fin to Modulus Control (Figures 2 and 7) Setup Times Data to ST (Figure 3) 9 - 3 5 - 9 - tTLH, tTHL 3 5 - 9 - tpLH, tpHL 3 5 - 9 10 10 10 55 40 25 0 0 0 80 50 30 60 30 18 - 35 25 20 15 10 10 - 25 20 15 10 10 - 10 - 25 20 10 100 60 40 175 100 70 ns - 20 5 2 5 2 0.5 JLs 40 35 25 30 20 15 - ns tsu 3 5 9 Address to ST (Figure 3) 3 5 9 Hold Times Address to ST (Figure 3) th 3 5 9 Data to Strobe (Figure 3) 3 5 9 Output Pulse Width, v oVCO I Rl LOW.,.PASS FILTER DESIGN "'N = C (/IRO-- I (/Iv 0 - - Fis) = _ _ ,_ R1CS + 1 B) PDouto 'VV'>v "i Rl V and 4>R KVCO = 211'AfVCO AVyCO for a typical design "'N :: (211'/10) fr (at phase detector input) r =1 6-54 MC145146·1 FIGURES PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT WAVEFORMS fR Reference IOsc + RI fV Feedback Ifin + NI Po Out R v ~ n U ~ I I I ~ LO NOTE: The Po u IJ output state is equal to either VOO or VSS when active. When not active, the output is high impedance and the voltage at that pin is determined by the low pass filter capacitor. 6-55 II MC145146·1 PIN DESCRIPTIONS DATA INPUTS (Pins 2, 1,20, 19) - Information at these inputs is transferred to the internal latches when the ST input is in the high state. Pin 19 (03) is most significant. will latch that information When high, any changes in the data information will be transferred into the latches. LD (Pin 13) - Lock detector signal. High level when loop is locked (fR, fV of same phase and frequency). Pulses low when loop is out of lock. fin (Pin 3) - Input to -;- N portion of synthesizer fin is typically derived from loop VCO and is AC coupled into Pin 3. For larger amplitude signals (standard CMOS-logic levels), DC coupling may be used. Vss (Pin 4) - MODULUS CONTROL (Pin 14) - Signal generated by the on-chip control logic circuitry for controlling an exter,1al dual modulus prescaler. The modulus control level will be low at the beginnmg of a count cycle and will remam low until the -;.- A counter has counted down from its programmed value. At this time, modulus control goes high and remains high until the -;.- N counter has counted the rest of the way down from its programmed value (N-A additional counts since both -;- Nand -;.- A are counting down during the first portion of the cycle). Modulus control is then set back low, the counters preset to their respective programmed values, and the above sequence repeated. This provides for a total programmable divide value (NT) == N-P + A where P and P + 1 represent the dual modulus prescaler divide values respectively for high and low modulus control levels; N the number programmed into the -;.- N counter and A the number programmed into the -;.- A counter Circuit Ground. PDout (Pin 5) - Three-state output of phase detector for use as loop error signal. Frequency fV> fR or fV Leading: Negative Pulses. Frequency fV < fR or fV Lagging: Positive Pulses. Frequency fV == fR and Phase Coincidence: HighImpedance State. VDD \Pin 6) - Positive power supply. OSCin, OSCout (Pins 7 and 8) - These pins form an onchip reference oscillator when connected to terminals of an external parallel resonant crystal. Frequency setting capacitors of appropriate value must be connected from OSCin to ground and OSCout to ground. OSCin may also serve as input for an externally-generated reference signal. This signal will typically be AC coupled to OSCin, but for larger amplitude signals (standard CMOS-logic levels) DC coupling may also be used. In the external reference mode, no connection is required to OSC out . tv (Pin 15) - This is the output of the -;.- N counter that is internally connected to the phase detector input. With this output available, the -;.- N counter can be used independently. ADDRESS INPUTS (Pins 9, 10, 11) - AO, A 1 and A2 are used to define which latch receives the information on the data input lines. The addresses refer to the following latches: A2 Al AO Selected a a a a a 1 a 1 a a 1 1 a a a 1 1 a 1 Latch Latch Latch Latch Latch Latch Latch Latch a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Function DO Dl -;.-A Bits 1 -;.-A Bits 4 5 -;.- N Bits 1 -;.- N Bits 4 5 -;.- N Bits 8 9 Reference Bits 1 Reference Bits 4 5 Reference Bits 8 9 a a a cfJV, cfJR (Pins 16 and 17) - These phase detector outputs can be combined externally for a loop error signal. A singleended output is also available for this purpose (see PD out ). If frequency fV is greater than fR or if the phase of fV is leading, then error information is provided by cfJV pulsing low. cfJR remains essentially high. If the frquency fV is less than fR or if the phase of fV is lagging, then error information is provided by cfJR pulsing low. cfJv remains essentially high. If the frequency of tv == tR and both are in phase, then both cfJv and cfJR remain high except for a small minimum time period when both pulse low in phase. D2 D3 2 3 6 6 3 7 2 6 3 7 2 10 11 fR (Pin 18) - This is the output at the ... R counter that is internally connected to the phase detector input. With this output available, the -;.- R counter can be used independentIy. ST (Pin 12) - When high, this input will enter the data that appears at the DO, D1, D2 and D3 inputs, and when low, 6-56 MC145146·1 SWITCHING WAVEFORMS FIGURE2 FIGURE 1 ,----VDD ITHL Any Output -Vss ~-t Modulus Control FIGURE4 FIGURE 3 Data or Address .h=r -VDD VSS V II 16 Mod 14 Control 6 VDD Control Voltage To FM anQ AM Oscillators 4 A2 A1 AO ST From AM OSC NOTES: 1) For FM: Channel spacing = fR = 25 kHz, ... R = 160. For AM: Channel spacing = fR = 1 kHz, ... R = 4000. 2) Various channel spaCings and reference oscillator frequencies can be chosen since any -+ R value from 3 to 4095 can be established. 3) Data and address lines are inactive and high impedance when pin 12 is low. Their interface with the controller may therefore be shared with other system functions if desired. 6-58 3: o ...... ". en ...... ". cp FIGURE 10 - SYNTHESIZER FOR UHF MOBILE RADIO TELEPHONE CHANNELS DEMONSTRATES USE OF THE MC145146-1 IN MICROPROCESSOR/MICROCOMPUTER CONTROLLED SYSTEMS OPERATING TO SEVERAL HUNDRED MHz ~- - - - - ;- - - -~} For Use with External Phase Detector (Optional) --~ Choice of Ref. Osc. Frequency (On-Chip Osc. Optional) ------. Lock Detect Signal Receiver L.O. 443.325-- 443.950 MHz (25 kHz Steps) LD PDo",F, , IOSCin Transmitter Modulation and 15.7 MHz Otfset cPR 17 (J) c:n CO ~VDD MC145146-1 Mod ~ Control 4 VSS fin 3 \ V To Shared Controller Bus NOTES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) cPV 16 / ChiP Select to Controller Dual Modulus Prescaler Receiver I.F.= 10.7 MHz, low side inJection. Duplex operation with 5 MHz receive/transmit separation fR = 25 kHz, ~ R chosen to correspond with desired reference oscillator frequency Ntotal = 17733 to 17758= N.P + A; N = 277, A = 5 to 30 for P = 64 For faster response, use the MC10154 down counter. II Transmitter Signal 459.025--459650 MHz 125 kHz Steps) ...... II 3: o -a. .p.. U'1 -a. .p.. en ~ FIGURE 11 - 666 CHANNEL, COMPUTER CONTROLLED, MOBILE RADIO TELEPHONE SYNTHESIZER FOR 800 MHz CELLULAR RADIO SYSTEMS - - - - ... 1- - -.-) Ref. Osc. 11.100 MHz (On-Chip Osc. Optional! : Receiver 2nd. L.a. 33.300 MHz For Use With External Phase Detector (Optional! Receiver First L.O 825.030- 844980 MHz (30 kHz Steps) I Lock Detect Signal OSC out fR -1 fV LD PDout t - I- - - I OSCin (J) m o VDD .5 ~RE MC145146-1 16 ~V Mod 114 Control 41 VSS fin Transmitter Signal 825.030- 844.980 MHz (30 kHz Steps) \ Controller Bus NOTES: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) I V + 32/ + 33 Dual Modulus Prescaler Receiver 1st. I.F. =45 MHz. low side injection; Receiver 2nd. I.F. = 11.7 MHz. low side injection. Duplex operation with 45 MHz receive/transmit separation. fR = 7.5 kHz. + R = 1480. Ntotal = N-32 + A = 27501 to 28166; N = 859 to 880; A = 0 to 31 Only one implementation is shown. Various other configurations and dual modulus prescaling values to + 128/ + 129 are possible. MC145146·1 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CONSIDERATIONS the area of 8 to 15 M Hz, and 10 pF for higher frequencies. These are guidelines that provide a reasonable compromise between IC capacitance, drive capability, swamping variations in stray and IC input! output capacitance, and realistic CL values. The shunt load capacitance, CL, presented across the crystal can be estimated to be: The following options may be considered to provide a reference frequency to Motorola's CMOS frequency synthesizers. The most desirable is discussed first. USE OF A HYBRID CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Commercially available temperature-compensated crystal oscillators (TXCOs) or crystal-controlled data clock oscillators provide very stable reference frequencies. An oscillator capable of sinking and sourcing 50 p.A at CMOS logic levels may be direct or dc coupled to OSCin. In general, the highest frequency capability is obtained utilizing a directcoupled square wave having a rail-to-rail (VDD to VSS) voltage swing. If the oscillator does not have CMOS logic levels on the outputs, capacitive or ac coupling to OSCin may be used. OS Cout, an unbuffered output, should be left floating. For additional information about TXCOs and data clock oscillators, please contact: Motorola Inc., Component Products, 2553 N. Edgington St., Franklin Park, IL 60131, phone (312) 451-1000. CL=CinCout +Ca+CO+ C1·C2 Cin + Cout C1 + C2 where Co C1 and C2 The user may design an off-chip crystal oscillator using ICs specifically developed for crystal oscillator applications, such as the MC12060, MC12061, MC12560, or MC12561 MECL devices. The reference signal from the MECL device is ac co~pled to OSCin. For large amplitude signals (standard CMOS logic levels), dc coupling is used. OSCout, an unbuffered output, should be left floating. In general, the highest frequency capability is obtained with a direct-coupled square wave having rail-to-rail voltage swing. USE OF THE ON-CHIP OSCILLATOR CIRCUITRY The on-chip amplifier (a digital inverter) along with an appropriate crystal may be used to provide a reference source frequency. A fundamental mode crystal, parallel resonant at the desired operating frequency, should be connected as shown in Figure A. For VDD=5 V, the crystal should be specified for a loading capacitance, CL, which does not exceed 32 pF for frequencies to approximately 8 MHz, 20 pF for frequencies in PARTIAL LIST OF CRYSTAL MANUFACTURERS NAME United States Crystal Corp Crystek Crystal Statek Corp 5 pF (see Figure C) 6 pF (see Figure C) 5 pF (see Figure C) The crystal's holder capacitance (see Figure B) External capacitors (see Figure A) The oscillator can be "trimmed" on-frequency by making a portion or all of C1 variable. The crystal and associated components must be located as close as possible to the OSCin and OSCout pins to minimize distortion, stray capacitance, stray inductance, and startup stabilization time. In some cases, stray capacitance should be added to the values for Cin and Cout· Power is dissipated in the effective series resistance of the crystal, Re, in Figure B. The drive level specified by the crystal manufacturer is the maximum stress that a crystal can withstand without damage or excessive shift in frequency. R1 in Figure A limits the drive level. The use of R1 may not be necessary in some cases; i.e. R1 = 0 ohms. To verify that the maximum dc supply voltage does not overdrive the crystal, monitor the output frequency as a function of voltage at OSCout. (Care should be taken to minimize loading.) The frequency should increase very slightly as the dc supply voltage is increased. An overdriven crystal will decrease in frequency or become unstable with an increase in supply voltage. The operating supply voltage must be reduced or R1 must be increased in value if the overdriven condition exists. The user should note that the oscillator start-up time is proportional to the value of R1. Through the process of supplying crystals for use with CMOS inverters, many crystal manufacturers have developed expertise in CMOS oscillator design with crystals Discussions with such manufacturers can prove very helpful See Table A. DESIGN AN OFF-CHIP REFERENCE TABLE A - Cin Cout Ca ADDRESS 3605 McCart St., Ft. Worth, TX 76110 1000 Crystal Dr, Ft. Myers, FL 33906 512 N. Main St, Orange, CA 92668 PHONE 1817) 921·3013 1813) 936·2109 1714) 639·7810 RECOMMENDED FOR READING Technical Note TN-24, Statek Corp. D. Kemper, L. Rosine, "Quartz Crystals for Frequency Control", Electro- Technologv, June, 1969 Technical Note TN-7, Statek Corp. E. Hafner, "The Piezoelectric Crystal Unit - Definitions and Method of Measurement", Proc. IEEE, Vol. 57, No.2, Feb., 1969. P. J. Ottowitz, "A Guide to Crystal Selection", Electronic Design, May, 1966. 6-61 MC145146-1 FIGURE A ~ PIERCE CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT r------· ------l Rf I I I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..J I I IL_ Frequency Synthesizer _ OSCin OSCout o Rl* f-....+..---'VV'v---' I Cl,T * May C2 be deleted in certain cases. See text. FIGURE B - EaUIVALENT CRYSTAL NETWORKS RS I LS Cs ~ 10 r--o 2 ~ Co Values are supplied by crystal manufacturer (parallel resonant crystall. FIGURE C - PARASITIC CAPACITANCES OF THE AMPLIFIER a o ~ II I I _L Cin -T- --ll-- --------,I----~O I _l_ I I :;:: Cout I _.l._ 6-62 ® MC145151-1 MOTOROLA HIGH-PERFORMANCE Advance Information CMOS LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS SILICON-GATE PARALLEL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER PARALLEL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER The MC145151-1 is programmed by 14 parallel input-data lines. The device features consist of a reference oscillator, selectable-reference divider, digital-phase detector and 14-bit programmable divide-by-N counter. When combined with a loop filter and VCO, the MC145151-1 can provide all the remaining functions for a PLL frequency synthesizer operating up to the device's frequency limit. For higher VCO frequency operation, a down mixer or a fixed divide prescaler can be used between the VCO and MC145151-1. The MC145151-1 offers improved performance over the MC145151. The ac characteristics have been improved and the input current requirements have been modified. • General Purpose Applications: CATV TV Tuning AM/FM Radios Scanning Receivers Two-Way Radios Amateur Radio MC145151L1 MC145151P1 CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 733 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 710 PIN ASSIGNMENT • Low Power Consumption • 3.0 to 9.0 V Supply Range • On- or Off-Chip Reference Oscillator Operation • Lock Detect Signal • -+- N Counter Output Available • Single Modulus/Parallel Programming • 8 User-Selectable -+- R Values - 8, 128,256,512,1024,2048,2410, 8192 II • -+- N Range= 3 to 16383 • "Linearized" Digital Phase Detector Enhances Transfer Function Linearity • Two Error Signal Options: Single Ended (Three-State) Double Ended • Chip Complexity: 8000 FETs or 2000 Equivalent Gates Voo= Pin 3 Vss=Pin2 T~~~~~ ..::2"'-1_ _ _ _ _ _ _-+~ L-~~~~~~~~~~~~_r~ N13 N11 N9 N7 N6 N4 This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subiect to change without notice 6-63 NO Note: NO through N13 inputs and inputs RAO, RA 1 and RA2 have pullup resistors not shown. MC145151·1 MAXIMUM RATINGS* IVoltages Referenced to VSS) Value Unit + 10 - 0.5 to VOO + 0.5 V Input or Output Current IDC or Transient), per Pin ±10 rnA Supply Current, VOO or VSS Pins ±30 rnA 500 mW DC Parameter Symbol VOO Yin, Vout lin, lout 100, ISS Po Tstg h DC Supply Voltage -0.5 to Input or Output Voltage IDC or Transient) Power Dissipation, per Packaget -65 to Storage Temperature + 150 V DC 260 Lead Temperature 18-Second Soldering) This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid applications of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high-impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Yin and V out be constrained to the range VSS,sIVin or Vout),sVOO· Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level le.g., either VSS or VODI. * Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur tPower Dissipation Temperature Derating: Plastic "P" Package: -12 mW/DC from 65 DC to 85 DC Ceramic "L" Package: No derating ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS IVoltages Referenced to VSS) -40°C Characteristic Power Supply Voltage Range Output Voltage Vin=O V or VOO 10ut"'0 p.A o Level 1 Level I 85°C VOO Min Max Min Typ Max Min Max VOO - 3 9 3 - 9 3 9 V VOL 3 5 9 - - 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 V - 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - 0.05 0.05 0.05 3 5 9 2.95 4.95 8.95 - 2.95 4.95 8.95 2.999 4.999 8.999 - 2.95 4.95 8.95 3 5 9 - - 0.9 1.5 2.7 - - 1.35 2.25 4.05 3 5 9 2.1 3.5 6.3 - 2.1 3.5 6.3 1.65 2.75 4.95 - 2.1 3.5 6.3 - 3 5 9 -0.44 -0.64 -1.30 - -0.35 -0.51 -1.00 -1.0 -1.2 -2.0 -0.22 -0.36 -0.70 - 3 5 9 0.44 0.64 1.30 0.35 0.51 1.00 1.0 1.2 2.0 VOH Input Voltage o Level V out =0.5 V or VOD-0.5 V IAII Outputs Except OSCout) VIL 1 Level VIH Output Current Vout= 27 V V ou t=4.6 V V ou t=8.5 V 25°C Symbol - - - 0.9 1.5 2.7 - - - - - - - - 0.9 1.5 2.7 Sink V ou t=0.3 V Vout=OA V V ou t=0.5 V Input Current - fin, OSCin Input Current - Other Inputs Iwith Pullups) IOL V - mA IOH Source Units - - 0.22 0.36 0.70 - lin 9 - ±50 - ±10 ±25 p.A - 0.3 - 0.00001 0.1 1.0 p.A IlL 9 9 - ±22 IIH - -400 - -90 -200 - -170 Cin - - 10 - 6 10 - 10 pF 3-State Output Capacitance - Cout - - 10 - 6 10 - 10 pF POout Quiescent Current Vin=O V or VOO 10ut=0 p.A 100 3 5 - - - 1600 2400 3200 p.A - 800 1200 1600 - - 200 300 400 - 9 9 800 1200 1600 - ±0.3 - ±O.OOOl ±0.1 - ±3.0 p.A Input Capacitance 3-State Leakage Current Vout=O V or 9 V POout IOZ - 6-64 - MC145151·1 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C CL = 50 pF) Characteristic Symbol Output Rise and Fall Time (Figures 1 and 4) tTLH, tTHL Output Pulse Width, .pR, .pV with fR in Phase with fV (Figures 2 and 4) tw(.p) Input Rise and Fall Times OSCin, fin (Figure 3) tr, tf VDD 3 5 Min Typ Max Units - 60 40 30 100 60 40 20 5 2 140 80 60 175 100 70 5 2 0.5 ns - 9 - 3 5 9 3 5 9 25 20 10 - - ns p's PIN DESCRIPTIONS fin (Pin 1) - Input to -i- N portion of synthesizer. fin is typically derived from loop VCO and is ac coupled into Pin 9. For larger amplitude signals (standard CMOS Logic levels) dc coupling may be used. VSS (Pin 2) - Circuit ground. VDD (Pin 3) - Positive power supply. PDout (Pin 4) - Three-state output of phase detector for use as loop error signal. Double-ended outputs are also available for this purpose (see ¢V and ¢R). Frequency fV > fR or fV Leading: Negative Pulses Frequency tv < fR or fV Lagging: Positive Pulses Frequency fV = fR and Phase Coincidence: HighImpedance State. RAO, RA1, RA2 (Pins 5, 6, and 7) - These three inputs establish a code defining one of eight possible divide values for the total reference divider, as defined by the table below. Pullup resistors ensure that inputs left open remain at a logic one and require only a SPST switch to alter data to the zero state. Reference Address Code RAO RA2 RA1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 Total Divide Value 8 128 256 512 1024 2048 2410 8192 ¢R, ¢V (Pins 8 and 9) - These phase detector outputs can be combined externally for a loop-error signal. A singleended output is also available for this purpose (see PDoutl. If frequency fV is greater than fR or if the phase of fV is leading, then error information is provided by ¢V pulsing low. ¢R remains essentially high. If the frequency fV is less than fR or if the phase of fV is lagging, then error information is provided by ¢R pulsing low. ¢V remains essentially high. 6-65 If the frequency of fV = fR and both are in phase, then both ¢V and ¢R remain high except for a small minimum time period when both pulse low in phase. tv (Pin 10) - This is the output of the ... N counter that is internally connected to the phase detector input. With this output available, the -+- N counter can be used independently. N Inputs (Pins 11 to 20 and 22 to 25) - These inputs provide the data that is preset into the -i- N counter when it reaches the count of zero. NO is least significant and N13 is most significant. Pullup resistors ensure that inputs left open remain at a logic one and require only a SPST switch to alter data to the zero state. Transmit/Receive (Pin 21) - This input controls the offset added to the data provided at the N inputs. This is normally used for offsetting the VCO frequency by an amount equal to the IF frequency of the transceiver. This offset is fixed at 856 when T / R is low and gives no offset when T / R is high. A pullup resistor ensures that no connection will appear as a logic one causing no offset addition. OSCout, OSCin (Pins 26 and 27) - These pins form an on-chip reference oscillator when connected to terminals of an external parallel resonant crystal. Frequency setting capacitors of appropriate value must be connected from OSCin to ground and OSCout to ground. OSCin may also serve as the input for an externally-generated reference signal. This signal will typically be ac coupled to OSCin, but for larger amplitude signals (standard CMOS-logic levels) dc coupling may also be used. in the external reference mode, no connection is required to OSCout. LD (Pin 28) - lock detector signal. High level when loop is locked (fR, fV of same phase and frequency). Pulses low when loop is out of lock. II MC145151·1 GRAPH 1 - OSCin AND fin MAXIMUM FREOUENCY VERSUS TOTAL DIVIDE VALUE GRAPH lA - VDD=3V ~ ~ '" I GRAPH 18 - VDD = 5 V 16 ~ 14 25°C 28 26 z 24r-~-+--r-~-+--~~-+L-r-~-+~~r-1-~ 12 22r-1-~--+--+~~1-~r-+-~~~~'~--+-~ 10 .~ 18r--r~~~-+--~~~--4--+--r-~fr4--+--" 20r-~-4--+-~~r-~~--+-~~~~'~--+-~ E ! 'K 'K 0 16r-1-~--~~~r-1-~--+-~~~~'~--+-~ E ~ ~ :E 14r-~-+--r-1--+--~ ~ j 12r-~-4--+-~ .< 1 10 Max Total Divide Value Total Divide Value GRAPH lC - VDD=9V ~ ~ 28r-~~--+--+--r-~~--1--+--+-~~Hr-~~ 26 I 24r-~~--+--+--~~~--4--+--+-~~H~4-~ ~ 22r-~~~+--+--r-~~--4--+--+-~~~r-~~ .~ 20 r--t--+-t---t--_...:..:.... 8E ~ I 'K ~ 14 1,2 Max Total Divide Value GRAPH 2 - OSCin AND fin MAXIMUM FREQUENCY VERSUS TEMPERATURE FOR SINE AND SQUARE WAVE INPUTS GRAPH 28 - TOTAL DIVIDE VALUE~6 GRAPH 2A - TOTAL DIVIDE VALUE= 3,4, OR 5 1.12 1.09 ~~ 1.06 ':::f! 1.03 f~ . .., 3V • ~~- , !! " -~ ~ 1.00 r--.... ! ~ 0.97 ~] 0.94 .~ ~ ~~ 1 .~~ gs ~~ ,,~ 0.91 0.88 0.85 0.82 0.79 i;;N ~ -......, E'" '~ ~5V 3V '. -20 20 40 60 ., 1 1.000 0.993 .<- 80 \ 1.021 1.014 1.007 -40 Temperature I° C) * Data , ·~t ~~ r-.9 V -40 1.063 3V ,, 1.056 1.049 , 1.042 5 V, 1.035 9 V r\ 1.028 - f'.. --"- --,....... ~ .... -20 40 20 Temperature 1°C) 3V 5V 9V 60 80 labelled "Typical" is not to be used for design purposes, but is intended as an indication of the Ie's potential performance 6·66 MC145151·1 PHASE LOCKED LOOP - LOW PASS FILTER DESIGN AI 1 Fisl = R1 CS BI PD out + 1 VCO Rl Wn = cPR 0--- R2 cPVo--C I C) PD out 0 - Rl cPR cPV >-----<'--oVCO Rl C Assuming gain A is very large, then: I NOTE: Sometimes Rl is spli1 into two series resistors each Rl -;- 2. A capacitor Cc is then placed from the midpoint to ground to further filter cPV and cPR· The value of Cc should be such that the corner frequency of this network does not significantly affect "'n· DEFINITIONS: N = Total Division Ratio in feeoback loop K,p = VDO/411' for PDout K,p = VDD/211' for tPV and tPR KVCO = 211'AfVCO AVVCO for a typical design Wn == 2;Ofr (at phase detector input!, RECOMMENDED FOR READING: Gardner, Floyd M., Phaselock Techniques (second edition), New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1979. Manassewitsch, Vadim, Frequency Synthesizers: Theory and Design (second edition). New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1980. Blanchard, Alain, Phase-Locked Loops: Application to Coherent Receiver Design. New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1976. Egan, William F, Frequency Synthesis by Phase Lock. New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1981. Rohde, Ulrich L., Digital PLL Frequency Synthesizers Theory and Design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1983. Berlin, Howard M., Design of Phase-Locked Loop Circuits, with Experiments. Indianapolis, Howard W. Sams and Co., 1978. Kinley, Harold, The PLL Synthesizer Cookbook. Blue Ridge Summit, PA, Tab Books, 1980. 6-67 MC145151·1 SWITCHING WAVEFORMS FIGURE 1 FIGURE2 ~r~~------tw~------~,~,---- tTHL Any Output ~R,cjN* 50%\"' _________, * f r in phase with fv FIGURE3 FIGURE 4 -- TEST CIRCUIT tf -VDD Vss I 6-68 Device Under Test Output MC145151·1 FIGURE5 PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT WAVEFORMS fR Reference (Osc + RI fV Feedback (fin + NI Po Out -----InL..----...ln~u---~- u I NOTE: The Po output state is equal to either VOO or VSS when active When not active, the output is high impedance and the voltage at that pin is determined by the low pass filter capacitor 6-69 II MC145151·1 FIGURE 6 - 5 MHz TO 5.5 MHz LOCAL OSCILLATOR CHANNEL SPACING= 1 kHz 2.048 MHz Voltage Controlled OscIllator 5-55 MHz o 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 = 5 MHz I 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 00= 5.5 MHz FIGURE 7 - SYNTHESIZER FOR LAND MOBILE RADIO UHF BANDS Transmit: 440.0-470.0 MHz Receive: 418.6-448.6 MHz 125 kHz Steps) Ref. Osc 10.0417 MHz IOn-Chip Osc OptlonaD ReceIve o ~ N = 2384 to 3484 Transmit IAdds 856 to ~ +NValuel 60.2500 MHz NOTES: n fA =4.1667 kHz; +R=2410; 21.4 MHz low side injection during receive 21 MC145151·' current drain;;;: 5 rnA for VDO=5 Vdc 31 Frequency values shown are for the 440-470 MHz band. Similar implementation applies to the 406-441 MHz band. For 470-512 MHz, consider referance oscillator frequency X9 for mixer injection signal (90.3750 MHz) 6-70 MC145151·1 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CONSIDERATIONS the area of 8 to 15 MHz, and 10 pF for higher frequencies. These are guidelines that provide a reasonable compromise between IC capacitance, drive capability, swamping variations in stray and IC input/output capacitance, and realistic CL values. The shunt load capacitance, CL, presented across the crystal can be estimated to be: The following options may be considered to provide a reference frequency to Motorola's CMOS frequency synthesizers. The most desirable is discussed first USE OF A HYBRID CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CL= CinCout +Ca+CO+ C1·C2 Cin+Cout C1+C2 Commercially available temperature-compensated crystal oscillators (TXCOs) or crystal-controlled data clock oscillators provide very stable reference frequencies. An oscillator capable of sinking and sourcing 50 p.A at CMOS logic levels may be direct or dc coupled to OSCin. In general, the highest frequency capability is obtained utilizing a directcoupled square wave having a rail-to-rail (VOO to VSS) voltage swing. If the oscillator does not have CMOS logic levels on the outputs, capacitive or ac coupling to OS Cin may be used. OSCout, an unbuffered output, should be left floating. For additional information about TXCOs and data clock oscillators, please contact: Motorola Inc., Component Products, 2553 N. Edgington St, Franklin Park, IL 60131, phone (312) 451-1000 where Co C1 and C2 The user may design an off-chip crystal oscillator using ICs specifically developed for crystal oscillator applications, such as the MC12060, MC12061, MC12560, or MC12561 MECL devices. The reference signal from the MECL device is ac cOt:Jpled to OSCin. For large amplitude signals (standard CMOS logic levels), dc coupling is used. OSCout, an unbuffered output, should be left floating. In general, the highest frequency capability is obtained with a direct-coupled square wave having rail-to-rail voltage sWing USE OF THE ON-CHIP OSCILLATOR CIRCUITRY The on-chip amplifier (a digital inverter) along with an appropriate crystal may be used to provide a reference source frequency A fundamental mode crystal, parallel resonant at the desired operating frequency, should be connected as shown In Figure A For VOO = 5 V, the crystal should be specified for a loading capacitance, CL, which does not exceed 32 pF for frequenCies to approximately 8 MHz, 20 pF for frequencies in PARTIAL LIST OF CRYSTAL MANUFACTURERS NAME United States Crystal Corp Crystek Crystal Statek Corp 5 pF (see Figure C) 6 pF (see Figure CI 5 pF (see Figure C) The crystal's holder capacitance (see Figure B) External capacitors (see Figure AI The oscillator can be "trimmed" on-frequency by making a portion or all of C1 variable. The crystal and associated components must be located as close as possible to the OSCin and OSCout pins to minimize distortion, stray capacitance, stray inductance, and startup stabilization time. In some cases, stray capacitance should be added to the values for Cin and Cout. Power is dissipated in the effective series resistance of the crystal, Re, in Figure B. The drive level specified by the crystal manufacturer is the maximum stress that a crystal can withstand without damage or excessive shift in frequency. R1 in Figure A limits the drive level. The use of R1 may not be necessary in some cases; i.e. R1 =0 ohms. To .verify that the maximum dc supply voltage does not overdrive the crystal, monitor the output frequency as a function of voltage at OSCout· (Care should be taken to minimize loading.) The frequency should increase very slightly as the dc supply voltage is increased. An overdriven crystal will decrease in frequency or become unstable with an increase in supply voltage. The operating supply voltage must be reduced or Rl must be increased in value if the overdriven condition exists. The user should note that the oscillator start-up time is proportional to the value of R1. Through the process of supplying crystals for use with CMOS inverters, many crystal manufacturers have developed expertise in CMOS oscillator design with crystals. Discussions with such manufacturers can prove very helpful. See Table A DESIGN AN OFF-CHIP REFERENCE TABLE A - Cin Cout Ca ADDRESS 3605 McCart SI, Ft. Worth. TX 76110 1000 Crystal Dr, FI Myers, FL 33906 512 N. Main St, Orange, CA 92668 PHONE 18171921-3013 18131 936-2109 1714) 639-7810 RECOMMENDED FOR READING Technical Note TN-24, Statek Corp O. Kemper, L. Rosine, "Quartz Crystals for Frequency Control", Electro- Technology, June, 1969. Technical Note TN-7, Statek Corp P J. Ottowitz, "A Guide to Crystal Selection", Electronic Design, May, 1966. E. Hafner, "The Piezoelectric Crystal Unit - Definitions and Method of Measurement", Proc. IEEE, Vol. 57, No.2, Feb., 1969 6-71 I MC145151·1 FIGURE A - PIERCE CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT r- -----------l Rf I I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -1I I I :L_ Frequency Synthesizer _ OSCout o Rl* i-9---'VV'V---' ::L C2 Cl ~ * May be deleted in certain cases. See text. FIGURE B - EQUIVALENT CRYSTAL NETWORKS RS I 1 o--f LS Cs ~ 0r--o 2 Co Values are supplied by crystal manufacturer (parallel resonant crystal). FIGURE C - PARASITIC CAPACITANCES OF THE AMPLIFIER a o ~ II I I _1- - , - Cin --11-- ----------.,---~O I _1_ I I ::r: I _J.._ 6·72 Cout ® MC145152·1 MOTOROLA Advance Information HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS SILICON-GA TE PARALLEL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER PARALLEL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER The MC145152-1 is programmed by sixteen parallel inputs. The device features consist of a reference oscillator, selectable-reference divider, two output phase dectector, lO-bit programmable divide-by-N counter and 6-bit programmable -;- A counter. When combined with a loop filter and VCO, the MC145152-1 can provide all the remaining functions for a PLL frequency synthesizer operating up to the device's frequency limit. For higher VCO frequency operation, a down mixer or a dual modulus prescaler can be used between the VCO and MC145152-1. The MC145152-1 offers improved performance over the MC145152. Modulus Control output drive has been increased and the ac characteristics have been improved. Input current requirements have also been changed. MC145152Ll MC145152Pl CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 733 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 710 • General Purpose Applications: CATV TV Tuning AM/FM Radios Scanning Receivers Two-Way Radios Amateur Radio PIN ASSIGNMENT 28 27 • Low Power Consumption 26 • 3.0 to 9.0 V Supply Range • On- or Off-Chip Reference Oscillator Operation 25 • Lock Detect Signal • Dual Modulus/Parallel Programming 23 • 8 User-Selectable ...;- R Values - 8,64, 128,256,512,1024,1160, 2048 21 • 24 22 20 ...;- N Range=3 to 1023, ...;- A Range=O to 63 • Chip Complexity: 8000 FETs or 2000 Equivalent Gates 10 19 l' 18 12 17 13 16 14 15 BLOCK DIAGRAM OSCout LD OSCin r----------------------+----~------~ ~~~~~s VDD=Pin 3 Vss=Pin2 A5 A3 A2 AO NO N2 This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are sublect to change without notice 6·73 N4 N5 N7 N9 Note: NO through N9, AO through A5 and RAO through RA2 have pullup resistors not shown. MC145152·1 MAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages Referenced to VSS) VOO Vin. Vout lin. lout IDO. ISS Po Tstg TL Value Unit -0.5 to + 10 V Parameter Symbol OC Supply Voltage Input or Output Voltage (DC or Transient) -0.5 to VOO+0.5 V Input or Output Current (DC or Transient). per Pin ±10 rnA Supply Current. VOO or VSS Pins ±3O rnA 500 mW -65 to + 150 °C 260 °C Power Oissipation. per Packaget Storage Temperature Lead Temperature (8-Second Soldering) This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however. it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid applications of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high-impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Vin and Vout be constrained to the range VSS:S(Vin or Vout):SVOO· Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g .• either VSS or VOOI. * MaXimum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the deVice may occur. tPower Oissipation Temperature Oerating: Plastic "P" Package: -12 mW/oC from 65°C to 85°C Ceramic" L" Package: No derating ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to VSS) -40°C Characteristic Symbol Power Supply Voltage Range Output Voltage Vin""O V or VDD 10ut",,0p.A VOO o Level 1 Level VOL VOH Input Voltage o Level Vout"" 0.5 V or VOO-O.5 V (All Outputs Except OSCout) VIL 1 Level VIH Output Current - Modulus Control Source Vout"" 2.7 V Vout""4.6 V Vou t",,8.5 V Sink Vout"" 0.3 V Vout""OA V Vout"" 0.5 V IOH Output Current - Other Outputs Source Vout""2.7 V Vou t=4.6 V V ou t=8.5 V IOH V out =0.3V Vout=OA V Sink IOL IOL Vout =0.5 V 25°C 85°C VDD - Min Max Min Typ Max Min Max 3 9 3 - 9 3 9 3 5 9 - 0.05 0.05 - 0.05 - 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.05 0.05 0.05 - 0.05 0.05 0.05 3 5 9 2.95 4.95 8.95 - 2.95 4.95 8.95 2.999 4.999 8.999 - 2.95 4.95 8.95 - 3 5 9 - - 1.35 2.25 4.05 0.9 - 0.9 1.5 2.7 - 0.9 1.5 2.7 3 5 9 2.1 3.5 6.3 - 2.1 3.5 6.3 1.65 2.75 4.95 - 2.1 3.5 6.3 - 3 5 9 -0.60 -0.90 -1.50 - -0.50 -1.5 - 3 5 9 1.30 1.90 3.80 - 3 5 9 -0.44 - -0.64 3 5 9 0.44 0.64 1.30 - - - - - 1.5 2.7 - Units V V - V rnA -0.30 -0.50 -0.80 - -0.75 -2.0 - -1.25 -3.2 - 1.10 1.70 5.0 6.0 10.0 - 3.30 - 0.66 1.08 2.10 -0.35 -0.51 -1.00 -1.0 -1.2 -2.0 - -0.22 -0.36 -0.70 0.35 0.51 1.00 1.0 1.2 2.0 - 0.22 - - 0.36 - - 0.70 ±5O - ±1O ±25 - ±22 p.A 0.3 - 0.00001 0.1 1.0 p.A -400 - -90 -200 - 10 - 6 10 - 10 pF 800 1200 1600 - - - 400 800 1200 1600 1600 2400 3200 p.A - 200 300 - - - - rnA Input Current - fin. OSCin lin Input Current - Other Inputs (with Pullups) IIH 9 9 IlL 9 Input Capacitance Cin - Quiescent Current Vin=O V or VOO 10ut=0 p.A IDO 3 5 9 -1.30 - - - 6-74 - - - - -170 MC145152·1 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C. CL = 50 pF) Characteristic Output Rise Time. Modulus Control (Figures 1 and 5) Symbol VOD Min Typ Max Units tTLH 3 5 - 50 ns - 30 Output Fall Time. Modulus Control (Figures 1 and 5) tTHL Output Rise and Fall Time. LD. "'V. tPR (Figures 1 and 5) tTLH. tTHL Propagation Delay Time fin to Modulus Control (Figures 2 and 5) tpLH. tpHL Output Pulse Width tWI",) ",R. ",V with fR in Phase With fV (Figures 3 and 5) Input Rise and Fall Times OSCin. fin IFigure 4) t r • tf 9 - 20 115 60 40 3 5 - 60 34 30 ns ns 9 - 25 17 15 3 5 - 60 40 9 - 30 140 80 60 3 5 - 125 80 50 ns ns 9 - 55 40 25 3 25 100 175 5 9 20 10 60 40 100 70 3 5 - - 20 5 2 9 - 2 0.5 - 5 /Ls II 6-75 MC145152·1 GRAPH 1 - OSCin AND fin MAXIMUM FREQUENCY VERSUS TOTAL DIVIDE VALUE GRAPH 18 - VDD=5V GRAPH 1A - VDD =3 V ~ 28 ~ 14 24 12r--r~--+--+--r-~~--+--+--r--r'~--+-~ u.. .;:; o 0 E E E ;c E ;c ~ ~ .< 1 Total Divide Value Total Divide Value GRAPH 1C - VDD=9V N ~ 28~-r-4--+--+--r--r~--1__+--+-~~~r_1_~ 26 I 24~~~--r--r~~~-r~--+--r~~~+-~~ ~ 22H-~~·~r--r~--+--r~--+--r~~~+-~~ 1 E I 20 18 r_-t---+--t----t-- .~ 16r-~~--+__+--+-~--r_1__+--+_~~~r_~~ ~141l• • 112fTotal Oivide Value GRAPH 2 - OSCin AND fin MAXIMUM FREQUENCY VERSUS TEMPERATURE FOR SINE AND SQUARE WAVE INPUTS GRAPH28 - TOTALDIVIDEVALUE?6 GRAPH 2A - TOTAL DIVIDEVALUE=3, 4, OR 5 1. 12 ~ 1.09 ~~ ~;; 1.06 1.03 g'u 3V _ - ~ ~~- - ..... ~ ~~ ~ ~ 1.00 gS § ~ §~ :< c .<~ 1 ........ 0.97 0.94 0.91 0.88 0.85 0.82 0.79 1.063 3V ,, 1.056 1.049 \ g~ \ u:~ 1.042 \ \ 5 V, g'u 1.035 'c;~ 9 V:\. Q;N 1.028 gs E'" 1.021 ~~~ ~~ r': ~ r'\., \ ~ ~5V 3V - 20 20 40 60 f'.. '" ~ '" '9V 80 1.000 0.993 -40 Temperature (0 CI 3V 5V 9V ....... ~~ .<- 1 " -40 .§ ~ 1.014 ~ § :<,fE 1.007 \ - 20 20 40 60 80 Temperature (0 CI * DJt;] !abe!!ed "Typica!" is not to be used for desian r"rrnSflS but is intended as an indication of the lC's potential performance 6-76 MC145152·1 PIN DESCRIPTIONS fin (Pin 1) - Input to the positive edge triggered + Nand -+- A counters. fin is typically derived from a dual modulus prescaler and is AC coupled into Pin 1. For larger amplitude signals Istandard CMOS logic levels) DC coupling may be used. the beginning of a count cycle and will remain low until the + A counter has counted down from its programmed value. At this time, modulus control goes high and remains high until the + N counter has counted the rest of the way down from its programmed value IN - A additional counts since both + Nand -+- A are counting down durin\} the first portion of the cycle I. Modulus control is then set back low, the counters preset to their respective programmed values, and the above sequence repeated. This provides for a total programmable divide value INT) N-P + A where P and P + 1 represent the dual modulus prescaler divide values respectively for high ____ tf * fr in phase with fv FIGURE 5 - TEST CIRCUIT Device Under ~-c Output Test 6-78 VSS MC145152·1 FIGURE 6 PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT WAVEFORMS fV Feedback (fin ... Nl ~R LJ U U ¢V LOU U U NOTE: The Po output state is approximately equal to either VOO or VSS when active. When not active, the output IS high impedance and the voltage at that pin is determined by the low pass filter capacitor. RECOMMENDED FOR READING: Gardner, Floyd M, Phaselock Techniques (second edition!. New Vork, Wiley-Interscience, 1979 Manassewitsch, Vadim, Frequency Synthesizers: Theory and Design (second edition!. New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1980 Blanchard, Alain, Phase-Locked Loops: Application to Coherent Receiver Design. New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1976 Egan, William F, Frequency SynthesIs by Phase Lock. New Vork, Wiley-Interscience, 1981 Rohde, Ulrich L., Digital PLL Frequency Synthesizers Theory and Design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 1983 Berlin, Howard M., Design of Phase-Locked Loop Circuits, with Experiments. Indianapolis, Howard W Sams and Co., 1978. Kinley, Harold, The PLL Synthesizer Cookbook. Blue Ridge Summit, PA, Tab Books, 1980. 6-79 II MC145152·1 B. The period of fvco divided by P must be greater than the sum of the times: a. Propagation delay through the dual modulus prescaler. b. Prescaler setup or release time relative to its modulus control signal. c. Propagation time from fin to the modulus control output for the MC145152-1. A sometimes useful simplification in the MC145152-1 programming code can be achieved by chOOSing the values for P of 8, 16, 32 or 64. For these cases, the desired value for Ntotal will result when Ntotal in binary is used as the program code to the -+- Nand -+- A counters treated in the following manner: DUAL MODULUS PRESCALING The technique of dual modulus prescaling is well established as a method of achieving high performance frequency synthesizer operation at high frequencies. Basically. the approach allows relatively low-frequency programmable counters to be used as high-frequency programmahl,' counters with speed capability of several hundred MHz. This is possible without the sacrifice in system resolution and performance that would otherwise result if a fixed (single modulus) divider was used for the prescaler. In dual modulus prescaling, the lower speed counters must be uniquely configured. Special control logic is necessary to select the divide value P or P + 1 in the prescaler for the required amount of time (see modulus control definition). The MC145152-1 contains this feature and can be used with a variety of dual modulus prescalers to allow speed, complexity and cost to be tailored to the system requirements. Prescalers having P, P + 1 divide values in the range of -7- 3/ -7- 4 to -;- 64/ -7- 65 can be controlled by the MC145152-1. Several dual modulus prescaler approaches suitable for use with the MC145152-1 are given in Figure 7. The approaches range from the low cost -7- 15/ -7- 16, MC3393P device capable of system speeds in excess of 100 MHz to the MC12000 series having capabilities extending to greater than 500 MHz. Synthesizers featuring the MC145152-1 and dual modulus prescaling are shown in Figures 8 and 9 for two typical applications. II A. Assume the -+- A counter contains "b" bits where 2b = P. B. Always program all higher order -+- A counter bits above "b" to zero. C. Assume the -+- N counter and the -+- A counter (with all the higher order bits above "b" ignored) combined into a single binary counter of 10+ b bits in length. The MSB of this "hypothetical" counter is to correspond to the MSB of -7- N and the LSB is to correspond to the LSB of -+- A. The system divide value, Ntotal, now results when the value of Ntotal in binary is used to program the "New" 10+b bit counter. FIGURE 7 - HIGH FREQUENCY DUAL MODULUS PRESCALERS FOR USE WITH THE MCl45152-1 DESIGN GUIDELINES APPLICABLE TO THE MC145152-1 MC12009 MC12011 MC12013 MC12015 MC12016 MC12017 * MC12018 MC3393 The system total divide value (Ntotall will be dictated by the application. i.e. N total - frequency into the prescaler frequency into the phase detector = N P A • + +51 +6 +81 +9 + 101 + 11 +32/ +33 +40/+41 + 64/ +65 + 128/ + 129 + 15/ + 16 440 500 500 225 225 225 520 140 MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Typ * Proposed Introduction N is the number programmed into the -7- N counter; A is the number programmed into the -7- A counter. P and P + 1 are the two selectable divide ratios available in the two modulus prescalers. To have a range of Ntotal values in sequence, the -+- A counter is programmed from zero through P - 1 for a particular value N in the divide N counter. N is then incremented to N + 1 and the -7- A is sequenced from zero through P - 1 again. There are minimum and maximum values that can be achieved for Ntotal. These values are a function of P and the size of the -7- Nand -7- A counters. The constraint N ~ A always applies. If Amax = P - 1 then Nmin ~ P - 1. Then Ntotal-min = (P-ll P+A or (P-l) P since A is free to assume the value of zero. Ntotal- max = Nmax • P + Amax To maximize system frequency capability. the dual modulus prescaler's output must go from low to high after each group of P or P + 1 input cycles. The prescaler should divide by P when its modulus control line is high and by P + 1 when its modulus control is low. For the maximum frequency into the prescaler (tvco max), the value used for P must be large enough such that: A. tvco max divided by P may not exceed the freqUency capability of Pin 1 of the MC145152-1. By using two devices. several dual modulus values are achievable: Modulus Control .----i--.l * ~\...__De_V_ic_e_A_--,H Device DeVice B A MC10131 MC10138 MC10154 MC12009 + 20/ + 21 +501 +51 +40/+41 or +801 +81 DeVice B MC12011 + 32/ + 33 + 801 +81 + 641 + 65 or + 1281 + 129 r- MC12013 +40/ + 41 + 1001 + 101 + 801 + 81 NOTE: MC12009. MC12011 Anti MC12013 are Din equivalent. MC12015. MC12016. and MC12017 are pin equivalent. 6-80 MC145152·1 FIGURE 8 - AIRCRAFT NAV RECEIVER SYNTHESIZER DEMONSTRATES A LOW COST DUAL MODULUS SYSTEM EMPLOYING THE MC145152-1 VDD Lock Detect Signal 28 LD RAO 86.000 - C R2 95.950 MHz I/>RI-'7-<~'\jR"I"""-'--I Rl VCO I/>v~8:........c~v\"""'-9-f VDD Channel Programming +N= 114 127, +A=O - 14 NOTES: 1. fR=50 kHz, + R=64; 22.0 MHz low side injection; NTOTAL= 1720 1919. 2. Using 22.0 MHz for the receiver I. F. demonstrates how the choice of I. F. value can sometimes reduce the number of + N bits that must be programmed. Using the more common 21.4 MHz I.F. would require six rather than four + N programming inputs. II FIGURE 9 - SYNTHESIZER FOR LAND MOBILE RADIO UHF BAND COVERAGE DEMONSTRATES USE OF THE MC145152-1 IN SYSTEMS OPERATING TO SEVERAL HUNDRED MHz "1" "0" 406 - 470 MHz 112.5 kHz Stepsl "1" Lock Detect Signal VCO Ref. Osc MC145152-1 12.8 MHz Modr9~>-________________ Cntd lan-Chip Osc Optionail Channel Programming ~ + NOTES: 1. NTOT AL = N.64 + A = 32480 to 37600; N = 507 to 587; A = 2. fR = 12.5 kHz, + R = 1024 (code 101). 64/ + 65 Dual Modulus Prescaler ° to 63. 3. The prescaling approach can be chosen for the application to enhance economy e.g., Single chip MC3393P to approximately 100 MHz. MC12011 or MC12013 with dual flip flop to approximately 250 MHz. MC12011 or MC12013 with MC10178 to over 500 MHz. 6-81 MC145152·1 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CONSIDERATIONS The following options may be considered to provide a reference frequency to Motorola's CMOS frequency synthesizers, The most desirable is discussed first. the area of 8 to 15 MHz, and 10 pF for higher frequencies. These are guidelines that provide a reasonable compromise between IC capacitance, drive capability, swamping variations in stray and IC input! output capacitance, and realistic CL values. The shunt load capacitance, CL, presented across the crystal can be estimated to be: USE OF A HYBRID CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CL = CinCout + Ca + CO+ ~ Cin + Cout C1 + C2 Commercially available temperature-~ompensated crystal oscillators (TXCOs) or crystal-controlled data clock oscillators provide very stable reference frequencies, An oscillator capable of sinking and sourcing 50 p.A at CMOS logic levels may be direct or dc coupled to OSCin, In general, the highest frequency capability is obtained utilizing a directcoupled square wave having a rail-to-rail (VDD to VSS) voltage swing, If the oscillator does not have CMOS logic levels on the outputs, capacitive or ac coupling to OSCin may be used, OSCout, an unbuffered output, should be left floating, For additional information about TXCOs and data clock oscillators, please contact: Motorola Inc" Component Products, 2553 N, Edgington St., Franklin Park, IL 60131, phone (312) 451-1000. where Ca Co C1 and C2 The user may design an off-chip crystal oscillator using ICs specifically developed for crystal oscillator applications, such as the MC12060, MC12061, MC12560, or MC12561 MECL devices. The reference si,gnal from the MECL device is ac coupled to OSCin. For large amplitude signals (standard CMOS logic levels), dc coupling is used. OSCout, an unbuffered output, should be left floating. In general, the highest frequency capability is obtained with a direct-coupled square wave having rail-to-rail voltage swing. USE OF THE ON-CHIP OSCILLATOR CIRCUITRY The on-chip amplifier la digital inverter! along with an appropriate crystal may be used to provide a reference source frequency. A fundamental mode crystal, parallel resonant at the desired operating frequency, should be connected as shown in Figure A. For VDD = 5 V, the crystal should be specified for a loading capacitance, CL, which does not exceed 32 pF for frequencies to approximately 8 MHz, 20 pF for frequencies in PARTIAL LIST OF CRYSTAL MANUFACTURERS NAME United States Crystal Corp, Crystek Crystal Statek Corp 5 pF (see Figure C) 6 pF (see Figure C) 5 pF (see Figure C) The crystal's holder capacitance (see Figure B) External capacitors (see Figure A) The oscillator can be "trimmed" on-frequency by making a portion or all of C1 variable. The crystal and associated components must be located as close as possible to the OSCin and OSCout pins to minimize distortion, stray capacitance, stray inductance, and startup stabilization time. In some cases, stray capacitance should be added to the values for Cin and Couto Power is dissipated in the effective series resistance of the crystal, Re, in Figure B. The drive level specified QV the crystal manufacturer is the maximum stress that a crystal can withstand without damage or excessive shift in frequency. R1 in Figure A limits the drive level. The use of R1 may not be necessary in some cases; i,e. R1 =0 ohms, To verify that the maximum dc supply voltage does not overdrive the crystal, monitor the output frequency as a function of voltage at OSCout, (Care should be taken to minimize loading.) The frequency should increase very slightly as the dc supply voltage is increased. An overdriven crystal will decrease in frequency or become unstable with an increase in supply voltage. The operating supply voltage must be reduced or R1 must be increased in value if the overdriven condition exists. The user should note that the oscillator start-up time is proportional to the value of R1. Through the process of supplying crystals for use with CMOS inverters, many crystal manufacturers have developed expertise in CMOS oscillator design with crystals, Discussions with such manufacturers can prove very helpful. See Table A. DESIGN AN OFF-CHIP REFERENCE TABLE A - Cin Cout ADDRESS 3605 McCart St., Ft. Worth, TX 76110 1000 Crystal Dr" Ft. Myers, FL 33906 512 N, Main S\., Orange, CA 92668 PHONE 1817) 921-3013 18131 9362109 171416397810 RECOMMENDED FOR READING Technical Note TN-24, Statek Corp. D, Kemper, L. Rosine, "Quartz Crystals for Frequency Control", Electro- Technologv, June, 1969, Technical Note TN-7, Statek Corp. P J. Ottowitz, "A Guide to Crystal Selection", Electronic E. Hafner, "The Piezoelectric Crystal Unit - Definitions and Method of Measurement", Proc. IEEE, Vol. 57, No.2, Feb" 1969. Design, May, 1966, 6-82 MC145152·1 FIGURE A - PIERCE CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT ----l 1- - - - - Frequency Synthesizer I I I I I I I I I --1 L_ OSC out * May be deleted In certain cases. See text FIGURE B - EQUIVALENT CRYSTAL NETWORKS RS 1 <>-I 0 2 ~ LS Cs ~ II Co Values are supplied by crystal manufacturer (parallel resonant crystal) FIGURE C - PARASITIC CAPACITANCES OF THE AMPLIFIER a ~ II 0----.,,...--- --11-I I :;:: Cln .....-------.I---~O II I _1_ I , ::y:: Cout I _~_ 6-83 ® MOTOROLA MC145155·1 Advance Information HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER The MC145155-1 is programmed by a clocked, serial input, 16-bit data stream. The device features consist of a reference oscillator, selectable-reference divider, digital-phase detector, 14-bit programmable divide-by-N counter and the necessary shift register and latch circuitry for accepting the serial input data. When combined with a loop filter and VCO, the MC145155-1 can provide all the remaining functions for a PLL frequency synthesizer operating up to the device's frequency limit. For higher VCO frequency operation, a down mixer or a fixed divide prescaler can be used between the VCO and MC145155-1. The MC145155-1 offers improved performance over the MC145155. The ac characteristics have been improved and the input current requirements have been modified. • General Purpose Applications: CATV Two Way Radios Scanning Receivers AM/FM Radios TV Tuning Amateur Radio • Low Power Consumption • 3.0 to 9.0 V Supply Range • On- or Off-Chip Reference Oscillator Operation with Buffered Output LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MaS SILICON GATE SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER MC145155Ll MC145155Pl CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 726 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 707 • Compatible with the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) on CMOS MCUs PIN ASSIGNMENT • Lock Detect Signal • Two Open-Drain Switch Outputs • 8 User-Selectable ...;- R Values - 16, 512, 1024, 2048, 3668, 4096, 6144,8192 18 17 16 • Single Modulus/Serial Programming 15 • ...;- N Range= 3 to 16383 • "Linearized" Digital Phase Detector Enhances Transfer Function Linearity 13 • Two Error Signal Options Ended 14 12 Single Ended (Three-State) or Double 11 10 • Chip Complexity: 6504 FETs or 1626 Equivalent Gates VDD = Pin 5 BLOCK DIAGRAM Vss=Pin7 os~"'~ OSCin 17 REFout 15 fin .;.9_ _ _, R v ~_-----+I ~--1:::::::~ SW2 Enabie .:..:12=---_ _ _ _~'- SWl Data 111L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _--I.r~~~..&..-..&..-..&..-"--"--"--"--'--'--'--"I Clock -'..10"--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' This document contains .information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subJect to change without notice 6-84 MC145155·1 MAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages Referenced to VSSI VDD Yin, V out lin, lout IDD' ISS PD Tstg h Value Unit -0.5 to + 10 V Parameter Symbol DC Supply Voltage -0.5 to VDD+0.5 V Input or Output Current (DC or Transientl, per Pin ±10 mA Supply Current, VDD or VSS Pins ±30 mA 500 mW Input or Output Voltage (DC or Transientl Power Dissipation, per Packaget Storage Temperature -65 to + 150 °C 260 °C Lead Temperature (S-Second Solderingl * MaXimum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the deVice may occur tPower Dissipation Temperature Derating: Plastic "P" Package: -12 mW/oC from 65°C to S5°C Ceramic "L" Package: No derating This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid applications of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high-impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Yin and V out be constrained to the range VSSs(Vin or VoutlsVDD· Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or VDDI ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to VSSI -40°C Characteristic Power Supply Voltage Range Output Voltage Vin=O V or VDD 10ut==0 p.A o Level 1 Level Input Voltage oLevel V ou t=0.5 V or VDD-0.5 V (All Outputs Except OSCoutl 1 Level Output Current V ou t=0.3V Vout=OA V V ou t=05 V SW1, SW2 Output Current Vout=2.7V V ou t=46 V V ou t=S5 V Other Outputs Source 85°C VDD Min Max Min Typ Max Min Max VDD - 3 9 3 - 9 3 9 V VOL 3 5 - - 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 V - 0.001 0.001 0.001 - 9 0.05 0.05 0.05 3 5 9 2.95 4.95 S.95 - 2.95 4.95 S.95 2.999 4.999 S.999 - 2.95 4.95 8.95 3 5 9 - - 1.35 2.25 4.05 0.9 1.5 2.7 - - 0.9 1.5 2.7 3 5 9 2.1 3.5 6.3 - 2.1 3.5 6.3 1.65 2.75 4.95 - - - 2.1 3.5 6.3 - 3 5 9 O.SO 1.50 3.50 - OA8 0.90 2.10 3.0 3.6 6.0 - 0.24 OA5 1.05 - 3 5 9 -0.44 -064 -1.30 - -0.35 -0.51 -1.00 -1.0 - -1.2 - - -2.0 - -0.22 -0.36 -0.70 3 5 9 0.44 0.64 1.30 - 1.0 - VOH VIL VIH - - - - - - - - - - Sink - - 0.9 1.5 2.7 V - mA - - - mA IOH IOL Units - IOL Sink V out =03V Vout=OA V V ou t=0.5 V 25°C Symbol - - 0.35 0.51 1.00 1.2 - 2.0 - 0.22 0.36 0.70 - Input Current - Data, Clock lin 9 - ±03 - ± 0.00001 ±01 - ± 1.0 p.A Input Current - fin, OSCin lin 9 - ±50 - ±1O ±25 - ±22 p.A IIH 9 - 0.3 - 0.00001 0.1 - 1.0 p.A IlL 9 - -400 - -90 -200 - -170 Cin Cout - - 10 - 6 10 - 10 pF - - 10 - 6 10 - 10 pF Quiescent Current Vin=O V or VDD lout= 0 p.A 3-State Leakage Current - PD out Vout=O V or 9 V IDD 3 5 - - 1600 2400 3200 p.A IOZ g - ±03 - SOO 1200 1600 - - 200 300 400 - 9 SOO 1200 1600 - - ± 00001 ±01 -- ±30 p.A Off-State Leakage Current SW1, SW2 - V out =9 V IOZ 9 - 0.3 - 0.0001 0.1 - 3.0 p.A Input Current - Other Inputs (with Pullupsl Input Capacitance 3-State Output Capacitance PD out 6-85 - II MC145155·1 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS IT A = 25°C, CL = 50 pF) Characteristic Output Rise and Fall Time (Figures 1 and 7) Propagation Delay Time Enable to SW1, SW2 (Figures 2 and 7) Symbol VOO Min Typ Max Units tTLH, tTHL 3 5 - 140 80 60 ns 9 60 40 30 3 5 - 40 25 15 100 40 25 ns tPHL Setup Times Data to Clock (Figure 3) tsu 9 - 3 5 30 20 18 12 10 - 9 - 70 32 25 30 16 12 - 12 12 15 -8 -6 -5 - 5 10 20 -15 -8 0 25 20 10 100 60 40 175 100 70 ns - 20 5 2 5 /ls 0.5 40 35 25 30 20 15 9 Clock to Enable (Figure 3) 3 5 9 Hold Time Clock to Data (Figure 3) th 3 5 9 Recovery Time Enable to Clock (Figure 3) trec Output Pulse Width q,R, q,V with IR in Phase With IV (Figures 4 and 7) twq, Input Rise and Fall Times Any Input (Figure 5) t r , tl 3 5 9 3 5 9 3 5 9 ,..---- Input Pulse Width, Clock, Enable (Figure 6) tw 3 5 9 I 6-86 ns - - ns - ns - 2 - - ns MC145155·1 GRAPH 1 - OSCin AND fin MAXIMUM FREQUENCY VERSUS TOTAL DIVIDE VALUE GRAPH 1B - VDD=5V GRAPH 1A - VDD=3V 1 16 ~ u.. 12 10 i 1 1 I / 1 I -'_/ Typical" "../ ~ ...- Cl E § 1 1 'x ~ x 1 1 I J_ •. [.< 3 ;; 26 24~~-1~+--+~r-~~~~-+~r--r'Mr-~~ 22~~-1~+--+~~-r~r-4--+~r--r;~r-~~ // ./ 20f-~~~+-~~~-r.~~+--+~~~;~r-~~ 81 " .-l 1/'1./ b' 4 25°C 28 r V- .,,-/ Guaranteed 1 ,... 1 f- TI\-25°C --Square Wave. VDD'VSS 14 1--_ - Sine Wave. 500 mV . ~ pp ~. t··;/ 5 Total Divide Value ~ 18f-~~__~-+~~~~--+--+~~~;~f-~~ o E 16f--r~~~~~~-~~~+--+~~~'~f-~~ ~ 12 § x ~~ ~~ 14f--r-+--~-r-4--+ f-~---I~+---+: x 10 j 8 Ma 6 Total Divide Value GRAPH 1C - VDD=9V ~ 28~-r-1~+--+~r--r~~-r-1~+--+~~r--r~ ~ 26 24~~~--~-r-1~~~~--4--+--~'~-+~ ~ 22 ~---+---t-=-~-+--+--+-~~r-4--+--I-o+--+~ 1 20 E 18f--r-4--+--+- II ~ 16f-~---I~+--+~+--+~~-r~~+--+~~+---+~ ~ 14f--+:~~ 1 12 r-----H"~~fu Total Divide Value GRAPH 2 - OSCin AND fin MAXIMUM FREQUENCY VERSUS TEMPERATURE FOR SINE AND SQUARE WAVE INPUTS GRAPH 2B - TOTAL DIVIDE VALUE~6 GRAPH 2A - TOTAL DIVIDE VALUE=3, 4, OR 5 1.12 g g. 1.09 a; 1.06 ~~ 1.03 ~~ g 3V _ ~~- - --, 1.063 , g~ ....." ~ 1.00 E 0.97 ~ ~] 0.94 ": 1 0.88 ~ "- , 0.85 '3 V " 0.82 0.79 ~r.-..5V -40 -20 20 40 60 1.042 .~~ 1.035 gs 1.028 E"C 1.021 Ii 1.007 l 1.000 x- ~9V 5 V, ,, ,, , \ \ \ ", "- f'.,. '" 3V 5V 9V "r-::.::.~ 0.993 -40 80 \ 9V \ 1.014 ::;;~ -20 20 40 60 Temperature lOCI Temperature lOCI * Data 1.049 U:~ ~N ~~ ~ ~ 0.91 x~ 3V 1.056 labelled "Typical" is not to be used for deSign purposes. but is Intended as an indication of the Ie's potential performance 6-87 80 MC145155·1 PIN DESCRIPTIONS RAO, RA1, RA2 (Pins 18,1, and 2) - These three inputs establish a code defining one of eight possible divide values for the total reference divider, as defined by the table below: Reference Address Code RAO RA1 RA2 Total Divide Value 0 0 0 0 16 0 1 512 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1024 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 CLOCK, DATA (Pins 10 and 11) - Shift register clock and data input. Each low-to-high transition clocks one bit into the on-chip 16-bit shift register. The data is presented on the DAT A input at the time of the positive clock transition. The DAT A input provides programming information for the 14-bit + N counter and the two switch signals SWl and SW2. The entry format is as follows: N Counter Bits-------1~~ Ul Ul 2048 -1 :2 3668 z z t 6144 8192 Last Data Bit in (Bit No. 16) First Data Bit In ,j (Bit No.1) ENABLE (Pin 12) - When high ("1") transfers contents of the shift register into the latches, and to the programmable counter inputs, and the switch outputs SWl and SW2. When low ("0") inhibits the above action and thus allows changes to be made in the shift register data without affecting the counter programming and switch outputs. An onchip pull-up establishes a continuously high level for ENABLE when no external signal is applied to Pin 12. SW1, SW2 (Pins 13 and 14) - SWl and SW2 provide latched open drain outputs corresponding to data bits numbers one and two. These will typically be used for band switch functions. A logic one will cause the output to assume a high-impedance state, while a logic zero will cause an output logic zero. Positive power supply. PDout (Pin 6) - Three state output of phase detector for use as loop error signal. Double-ended outputs are also available for this purpose (see fR or fV Leading: Negative Pulses. Frequency fV < fR or fV Lagging: Positive Pulses. Frequency fV = fR and Phase Coincidence: High-Impedance State. VSS (Pin 7) - N ~ S Ul Ul I ·1 4096 ¢V, ¢R (Pins 3 and 4) - These phase detector outputs can be combined externally for a loop error signal. A singleended output is also available for this purpose (see PDout). If frequency fV is greater than fR or if the phase of fV is leading, then error information is provided by ¢V pulsing low. ¢R remains essentially high. If the frequency fV is less than fR or if the phase of fV is lagging, then error information is provided by ¢R pulsing low. ¢v remains essentially high. If the frequency of fV = fR and both are in phase, then both ¢V and
Rcr-- R2Vcr-C I S(R1C + R2C) + 1 C) II PD out 0 - Ro----J~~--~--~ vO---~~,---,-~ c >----<>VCO Assuming gain A is very large, then: I R2CS + 1 F(s) = - - - R1 CS NOTE: Sometimes R1 is split into two series resistors each R1 -+ 2. A capacitor Cc is then placed from the midpoint to ground to further filter V and ¢R· The value of Cc should be such that the corner frequency of this network does not significantly affect Wn. OEFINITIONS: N = Total Oivision Ratio in feeaback loop KIP = VOO/411' for POout KIP = VOO/2 ... for tl-V and cl>R KVCO = 21r.1fVCO .1VVCO for a typical design Wn == 2~dr (at phase detector input), r;: , RECOMMENDED FOR READING: Gardner, Floyd M., Phaselock Techniques (second edition). New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1979. Manassewitsch, Vadim, Frequency Synthesizers: Theory and Design (second edition). New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1980. Blanchard, Alain, Phase-Locked Loops: Application to Coherent Receiver Design. New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1976. Egan, William F., Frequency Synthesis by Phase Lock. New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1981. Rohde, Ulrich L., Digital PLL Frequency Synthesizers Theory and Design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1983. Berlin, Howard M., Design of Phase-Locked Loop Circuits, with Experiments. Indianapolis, Howard W. Sams and Co., 1978. Kiniey, Haroid, The PLL Synthesizer Cook.book:. Blue Ridge Summit, PA, Tab Books, 1980. 6-90 MC145155·1 FIGURE 8 PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT WAVEFORMS fR Reference (Osc -<- RI fV Feedback (fin -<- NI Po Out V NOTE: The Po output state is equal to either VOD or VSS when active. When not active, the output is high impedance and the voltage at that pin is determined by the low pass filter capacitor. 6-91 II MC145155·1 FIGURE 9 - UHF/ VHF Tuner Or CATV Front End TV/CATV TUNING SYSTEM MC12071 Prescaler D C I o c k CMOS MPU/MCU LED Displays FIGURE 10 - FMI AM RADIO SYNTHESIZER II 2.56 MHz FM OSC +- MC3393 16 Prescaler To AM/FM Oscillators MC1451551 D 1/2 MC1458 C I o c AM OSC k CMOS MPU/MCU 6-92 To Display MC145155·1 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CONSIDERATIONS the area of 8 to 15 M Hz, and 10 pF for higher frequencies These are guidelines that provide a reasonable compromise between IC capacitance, drive capability, swamping variations in stray and IC input! output capacitance, and realistic CL values. The shunt load capacitance, CL, presented across the crystal can be estimated to be: The following options may be considered to provide a reference frequency to Motorola's CMOS frequency synthesizers. The most desirable is discussed first USE OF A HYBRID CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CL=CinCout +Ca+CO+ Cl.C2 Cin + Cout Cl + C2 Commercially available temperature-~0mpensated crystal oscillators (TXCOs) or crystal-controlled data clock oscillators provide very stable reference frequencies An oscillator capable of sinking and sourcing 50 p.A at CMOS logic levels may be direct or dc coupled to OSCin. In general, the highest frequency capability is obtained utilizing a directcoupled square wave having a rail-to-rail (VDD to VSS) voltage swing. If the oscillator does not have CMOS logic levels on the outputs, capacitive or ac coupling to OSCin may be used. OS Cout, an unbuffered output, should be left floating. For additional information about TXCOs and data clock oscillators, please contact: Motorola Inc., Component Products, 2553 N. Edgington S1., Franklin Park, I L 60131, phone (312) 451-1000. where Ca Co Cl and C2 The user may design an off-chip crystal oscillator using ICs specifically developed for crystal oscillator applications, such as the MC12060, MC12061, MC12560, or MC12561 MECL devices. The reference signal from the MECL device is ac 'coupled to OSCin. For large amplitude signals (standard CMOS logic levels), dc coupling is used. OSCout, an unbuffered output, should be left floating. In general, the highest frequency capability is obtained with a direct-coupled square wave having rail-to-rail voltage swing. USE OF THE ON-CHIP OSCILLATOR CIRCUITRY The on-chip amplifier (a digital inverter) along with an appropriate crystal may be used to provide a reference source frequency. A fundamental mode crystal, parallel resonant at the desired operating frequency, should be connected as shown in Figure A. For VDD=5 V, the crystal should be specified for a loading capacitance, CL, which does not exceed 32 pF for frequencies to approximately 8 MHz, 20 pF for frequencies in PARTIAL LIST OF CRYSTAL MANUFACTURERS NAME United States Crystal Corp Crystek Crystal Statek Corp 5 pF (see Figure C) 6 pF (see Figure C) 5 pF (see Figure C) The crystal's holder capacitance (see Figure B) External capacitors (see Figure A) The oscillator can be "trimmed" on-frequency by making a portion or all of Cl variable. The crystal and associated components must be located as close as possible to the OSCin and OSCout pins to minimize distortion, stray capacitance, stray inductance, and startup stabilization time In some cases, stray capacitance should be added to the values for Cin and Couto Power is dissipated in the effective series resistance of the crystal, Re, in Figure B. The drive level specified tw the crystal manufacturer is the maximum stress that a crystal can withstand without damage or excessive shift in frequency Rl in Figure A limits the drive level. The use of Rl may not be necessary in some cases; i.e. Rl =0 ohms To verify that the maximum dc supply voltage does not overdrive the crystal, monitor the output frequency as a function of voltage at OSCout (Care should be taken to minimize loading.) The frequency should increase very slightly as the dc supply voltage is increased. An overdriven crystal will decrease in frequency or become unstable with an increase in supply voltage. The operating supply voltage must be reduced or Rl must be increased in value if the overdriven condition exists. The user should note that the oscillator start-up time is proportional to the value of R 1. Through the process of supplying crystals for use with CMOS inverters, many crystal manufacturers have developed expertise in CMOS oscillator design with crystals. Discussions with such manufacturers can prove very helpful See Table A. DESIGN AN OFF-CHIP REFERENCE TABLE A - Cin Cout ADDRESS 3605 McCart St, Ft. Worth, TX 76110 1000 Crystal Dr, Ft Myers, FL 33906 512 N. Main St, Orange, CA 92668 PHONE 18171921-3013 18131 9362109 17141 639-7810 RECOMMENDED FOR READING Technical Note TN-24, Statek Corp D. Kemper, L. Rosine, "Quartz Crystals for Frequency Control", Electro-Technologv, June, 1969 Technical Note TN-7, Statek Corp. P. J. Ottowitz, "A Guide to Crystal Selection", Electronic Design, May, 1966. E. Hafner, "The Piezoelectric Crystal Unit - Definitions and Method of Measurement", Proc. IEEE, Vol. 57, No.2, Feb, 1969. 6-93 I MC145155·1 FIGURE A - PIERCE CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT r- Rf I I I I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..J I IL_ OSCin OSCout C11: 7: C2 * May be deleted in certain cases. See text. FIGURE B - EQUIVALENT CRYSTAL NETWORKS RS I 1 ~ LS Cs ~ 0r--<> 2 Co Values are supplied by crystal manufacturer (parallel resonant crystall. FIGURE C - PARASITIC CAPACITANCES OF THE AMPLIFIER a o ~ 11 --11-- I I _L -T- Cin ..--------,I~---O I I ::r: I I _J._ _1_ 6-94 Cout ® MOTOROLA MC145156·1 Advance Information HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER The MC145156-1 is programmed by a clocked, serial input, 19-bit data stream. The device features consist of a reference oscillator, selectablereference divider, digital-phase detector, 10-bit programmable divide-by-N counter, 7-bit programmable divide-by-A counter and the necessary shift register and latch circuitry for accepting the serial input data. When combined with a loop filter and VCO, the MC145156-1 can provide all the remaining functions for a PLL frequency synthesizer operating up to the device's frequency limit. For higher VCO frequency operation, a down mixer or a dual modulus prescaler can be used between the VCO and MC145156-1. The MC145156-1 offers improved performance over the MC145156. Modulus Control output drive has been increased and the ac characteristics have been improved. Input current requirements have also been modified. • General Purpose Applications: CATV Two-Way Radios AM/FM Radios TV Tuning Scanning Receivers Amateur Radio • • • • Low Power Consumption 3.0 to 9.0 V Supply Range On- or Off-Chip Reference Oscillator Operation with Buffered Output Compatible with the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) on CMOS MCUs • • • • Lock Detect Signal Two Open-Drain Switch Outputs Dual Modulus/ Serial Programming 8 User-Selectable -+- R Values - 8,64, 128,256,640, 1000, 1024,2048 • -+- N Range==3 to 1023, -+- A Range=O to 127 • "Linearized" Digital Phase Detector Enhances Transfer Function Linearity • Two Error Signal Options: Single Ended (Three-State) Double Ended LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS SILICON-GATE SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER -I 1 MC145156L1 MC145156P1 CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 732 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 738 PIN ASSIGNMENT RAl RAO RA2 OSCin V, >R (Figures 1 and 7) tTLH, tTHL Propagation Delay Time lin to Modulus Control (Figures 2 and 71 tpLH, Propagation Delay Time Enable to SW1, SW2 (Figures 2 and 71 tPHL tPHL Setup Times Data to Clock (Figure 31 tsu 9 - 9 - 3 5 - tree Output Pulse Width >R, >V with IR in Phase With IV (Figures 4 and 7) tw> Input Rise and Fall Times Any Input (Figure 51 tr,tl - 3 5 30 20 18 12 10 70 32 25 30 16 12 12 12 15 -8 - -6 -5 - 5 10 20 -15 -8 0 - 100 60 40 175 100 70 ns 9 25 20 10 3 5 - 5 2 0.5 Il S - - ns 3 5 3 5 9 3 5 Input Pulse Width, Enable, Clock (Figure 61 tw 9 9 - 20 5 2 3 5 40 35 25 30 20 15 9 6-97 - 30 9 9 Recovery Time Enable to Clock (Figure 3) - 3 5 9 th - 9 3 5 Hold Time Clock to Data (Figure 31 - 3 5 9 Clock to Enable (Figure 3) - - ns - ns - ns - - MC145156·1 GRAPH 1 - OSCin AND fin MAXIMUM FREQUENCY VERSUS TOTAL DIVIDE VALUE GRAPH 1A - VDD=3 V ~ ~ GRAPH 1B - VDD=5V 16 ~ 28 ~ 26 14 24 ~ 12 .... 10 j 22 20 .;:; 0 E E ~ .;:; 16 ~ .;:; :¥ :¥,. J J Total Divide Value Total Divide Value GRAPH 1C - VDD=9V N ~ 28~~~--+--+--~~~~4--+--+-~~~~4-~ 26 ~ 24r-~~--+--+--~~~~4--+--+--r~~r--r~ ~ 22~~~~~~~--+-~~--+-~~~r+--+~ .§ 20 ~~~--+--+-.-...:.~ gE 18~1--+--r-1-- .~ 16~~-4~+--+--r-~~--+--+--~-r·~--+-~ ~ J 14 12 Total Divide Value GRAPH 2 - OSCin AND fin MAXIMUM FREQUENCY VERSUS TEMPERATURE FOR SINE AND SQUARE WAVE INPUTS GRAPH 2B - TOTAL DIVIDE VALUE2:6 GRAPH2A - TOTAL DIVIDEVALUE=3, 4, OR 5 1.12 [ 1.09 ~~ 1.06 u:;;. 1.03 f~ g 3V ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~- ~~ u.."" '" -r--- ~ 1.00 E 0.97 ~ ~ ~ 0.94 ~ ~ 0.91 ,.'!; 0.88 0.85 0.82 0.79 ·r~ \ \ \ ,,~ ~ \. , ~~5V 3V '. \ E'" 1.021 .§ ~ 1.014 ~~ z 1.007 ,.J \ 5 V, 1.035 9 V 1\ gs \ \ \ , I'-. 1.000 0.993 '" "- '"...... r-=:.:::~ 3V 5V 9V '9V -40 -20 20 40 60 80 -40 -20 20 40 60 Temperature 1°C) Temperature 1°C) * Data 1.049 1.042 ~~ 1.028 ~ J 1.063 3V 1.056 labelled "Typical" is not to be used for design purposes, but is intended as an indication of the Ie's potential performance. 6-98 80 MC145156·1 LD (Pin 9) - Lock detector signal. High level when loop is locked (fR, fV of same phase and frequency). Pulses low when loop is out of lock. PIN DESCRIPTIONS RAO, RA1, RA2 (Pins 20, 1, and 2) - These three inputs establish a code defining one of eight possible divide values for the total reference divider, as defined by the table below: Reference Address Code RA2 RA1 RAO 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 fin (Pin 10) - Input to the positive edge triggers -;- Nand .... A counters. fin is typically derived from a dual modulus prescaler and is AC coupled into Pin 10. For larger amplitude signals (standard CMOS logic levels) DC coupling may be used. Total Divide Value 8 64 CLOCK, DATA (Pins 11 and 12) - Shift register clock and data input. Each low-to-high transition clocks one bit into the on-chip 19-bit shift register. The data is presented on the DATA input at the time of the positive clock transition. The DAT A input provides programming information for the 10-bit -+- N counter, the 7-bit .... A counter and the two switch signals SWl and SW2. The entry format is as follows: 128 256 640 1000 1024 2048 14+ A Counter Bits~.... N Counter Bits----.l CPV, CPR (Pins 3 and 4) - These phase detector outputs can be combined externally for a loop error signal. A singleended output is also available for this purpose (see PDout). If frequency fV is greater than fR or if the phase of fV is leading, then error information is provided by rfJv pulsing low. CPR remains essentially high. If the frequency fV is less than fR or if the phase of fV is lagging, then error information is provided by CPR pulSing low. CPV remains essentially high. If the frequency of fV = fR and both are in phase, then both CPV and CPR remain high except for a small minimum time period when both pulse low in phase. VDD (Pin 5) - CD CD CD (f)(f) (f) --1 2--1 ~ ~z 2 CD (f) + z + + + t Last Data Bit in (Bit No. 16) ~~ (f)(f) J First Data Bit in (Bit No.1) ENABLE (Pin 13) - When high ("1") transfers contents of the shift register into the latches, and to the programmable counter inputs, and the switch outputs SWl and SW2. When low ("0") inhibits the above action and thus allows changes to be made in the shift register data without affecting the counter programming and switch outputs. An onchip pull-up establishes a continuously high level for ENABLE when no external signal is applied to Pin 13. Positive power supply. PDout (Pin 6) - Three state output of phase detector for use as loop error signal. Double-ended outputs are also available for this purpose (see rfJv and CPR). Frequency fV > fR or fV Leading: Negative Pulses Frequency fV < fR or fV Lagging: Positive Pulses Frequency fV = fR and Phase Coincidence: HighImpedance State SW1, SW2 (Pins 14 and 15) - SW1 and SW2 provide latched open drain outputs corresponding to data bits numbers one and two. These will typically be used for band switch functions. A logic one will cause the output to assume a high-impedance state, while a logic zero will cause an output logic zero. Vss (Pin 7) - Circuit Ground. MODULUS CONTROL (Pin 8) - Signal generated by the on-chip control logic circuitry for controlling an external dual modulus prescaler. The modulus control level will be low at the beginning of a count cycle and will remain low until the .... A counter has counted down from its programmed value. At this time, modulus control goes high and remains high until the -;- N counter has counted the rest of the way down from its programmed value (N - A additional counts since both .... Nand .... A are counting down during the first portion of the cycle). Modulus control is then set back low, the counters preset to their respective programmed values, and the above sequence repeated. This provides for a total programmable divide value (NT) = N. P + A where P and P + 1 represent the dual modulus prescaler divide values respectively for low and high modulus control levels; N the number programmed into the .... N counter and A the number programmed into the .... A counter. TEST (Pin 16) - Used in manufacturing. Must be left open or tied to VSS. REFout (Pin 17) - Buffered output of on-chip reference oscillator or externally provided reference-input signal. OSCout, OSCin (Pins 18 and 19) - These pins form an on-chip reference oscillator when connected to terminals of an external parallel resonant crystal. Frequency setting capacitors of appropriate value must be connected from OSCin to ground and OSCout to ground. OSCin may also serve as input for an externally-generated reference Signal. This signal will typically be AC coupled to OSCin, but for larger amplitude signals (standard CMOS-logic levels) DC coupling may also be used. In the external reference mode, no connection is required to OSCout. 6-99 I MC145156-1 SWITCHING WAVEFORMS FIGURE 1 FIGURE2 tTHL VDD Any Output Input "'i Output FIGURE3 FIGURE4 .R'.V'~ Data VSS tsu twcf> * f r in phase with Iv Clock VSS - Enable VDD VSS I t - VSS Previous Data Latched FIGURE5 FIGURE6 ~~--------tw E~~~:J50% Any Input FIGURE 7 - TEST CIRCUIT Device Under Test Output 6-100 }- MC145156-1 PHASE LOCKED LOOP - LOW PASS FILTER DESIGN A) Fls) B) = 1 R1 CS + 1 PDouto-----~~~~--~------oVCO Wn = Fls) = ____R_2_C_S_+__ 1 __ SIR1C + R2C) + 1 C) PD out 0--~Ro----J~~--~--~ ~Vo---~~,---.-~ C ;>---<---0 VCO Assuming gain A is very large, then: I NOTE: Sometimes R1 is split into two series resistors each Rl-;- 2. A capacitor Cc is then placed from the midpoint to ground to further filter c/>v and R~ VCO V~ Clock ." q> o .6 Data Enable .12 .13 ~ :r:: .J::o. RfT MC10131 Dual F/F Channel Selection To Display MC12013 ........ ..--- ----~------ +40/ +41 Dual Modulus Prescaler NOTES: 1) for NAV: FR =50 kHz, + R =64 using 10.7 MHz lowside injection, Ntotal= 1946-2145 for COM-T FR = 25 kHz, + R = 128 using 21.4 MHz highside injection, Ntotal = 4720-5439 for COM-R FR =25 kHz, + R = 128 using 21.4 MHz highside injection, Ntotal = 5576-6295 2) A + 32/ + 33 dual modulus approach is provided by substituting an MC12011 (+ 8/ + 9) for the MC12013. The devices are pin equivalent. 3) A 6.4 MHz oscillator crystal can be used by selecting + R = 128 (code 010) for NAV and + R = 256 (code 011) for COM s: (') ...... ,J::Io. c.n ...... en cp ...... FIGURE 11 - FMI AM BROADCAST RADIO SYNTHESIZER ,-----_ _ _-'•• ~?~~apetect • + 12 ' - - - - - - - -•• FM B + ' - - - - - - - -•• AM B + Optional Loop Error Signal '1> o (Jl ~ >R~ -= 1~7REFout VCO MC145156-1 VDD >V~ Mod Control ~ 7 VSS ::::c Cf11 Df12 E+13 I a n o t a cab k I To Display NOTE 1: for FM: channel spacing = 25 kHz, -+- R = -+- 128 (code 010) for AM: channel spacing = 5 kHz, -+- R = -+- 640 (code 100) II MC145156·1 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CONSIDERATIONS The following options may be considered to provide a reference frequency to Motorola's CMOS frequency synthesizers. The most desirable is discussed first. USE OF A HYBRID CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Commercially available temperature-compensated crystal oscillators (TXCOs) or crystal-controlled data clock oscillators provide very stable reference frequencies. An oscillator capable of sinking and sourcing 50 p.A at CMOS logic levels may be direct or dc coupled to OSCin. In general, the highest frequency capability is obtained utilizing a directcoupled square wave having a rail-to-rail (VDD to VSS) voltage swing. If the oscillator does not have CMOS logic levels on the outputs, capacitive or ac coupling to OSCin may be used. OSCout, an unbuffered output, should be left floating. For additional information about TXCOs and data clock oscillators, please contact: Motorola Inc., Component Products, 2553 N. Edgington St., Franklin Park, IL 60131, phone (312) 451-1000. I DESIGN AN OFF-CHIP REFERENCE The user may design an off-chip crystal oscillator using ICs specifically developed for crystal oscillator applications, such as the MC12060, MC12061, MC12560, or MC12561 MECL devices. The reference signal from the MECL device is ac cOCJpled to OSCin. For large amplitude signals (standard CMOS logic levels), dc coupling is used. OSCout, an unbuffered output, should be left floating. In general, the highest frequency capability is obtained with a direct-coupled square wave having rail-to-rail voltage swing. USE OF THE ON-CHIP OSCILLATOR CIRCUITRY The on-chip amplifier (a digital inverter) along with an appropriate crystal may be used to provide a reference source frequency. A fundamental mode crystal, parallel resonant at the desired operating frequency, should be connected as shown in Figure A. For VDD=5 V, the crystal should be specified for a loading capacitance, CL, which does not exceed 32 pF for frequencies to approximately 8 MHz, 20 pF for frequencies in TABLE A - CL= CinCout + Ca + CO+ ~ Cin+ Cout C1 + C2 where Cin Cout Ca Co C1 and C2 5 pF (see Figure C) 6 pF (see Figure C) 5 pF (see Figure C) The crystal's holder capacitance (see Figure B) External capacitors (see Figure A) The oscillator can be "trimmed" on-frequency by making a portion or all of C1 variable. The crystal and associated components must be located as close as possible to the OSCin and OSCout pins to minimize distortion, stray capacitance, stray inductance, and startup stabilization time. In some cases, stray capacitance should be added to the values for Cin and Cout. Power is dissipated in the effective series resistance of the crystal, Re, in Figure B. The drive level specified by the crystal manufacturer is the maximum stress that a crystal can withstand without damage or excessive shift in frequency. R1 in Figure A limits the drive level. The use of R1 may not be necessary in some cases; i.e. R1 =0 ohms. To verify that the maximum dc supply voltage does not overdrive the crystal, monitor the output frequency as a function of voltage at OSCout. (Care should be taken to minimize loading.) The frequency should increase very slightly as the dc supply voltage is increased. An overdriven crystal will decrease in frequency or become unstable with an increase in supply voltage. The operating supply voltage must be reduced or R1 must be increased in value if the overdriven condition exists. The user should note that the oscillator start-up time is proportional to the value of R1. Through the process of supplying crystals for use with CMOS inverters, many crystal manufacturers have developed expertise in CMOS oscillator design with crystals. Discussions with such manufacturers can prove very helpful. See Table A. PARTIAL LIST OF CRYSTAL MANUFACTURERS NAME United States Crystal Corp. Crystek Crystal Statek Corp. the area of 8 to 15 MHz, and 10 pF for higher frequencies. These are guidelines that provide a reasonable compromise between IC capacitance, drive capability, swamping variations in stray and IC inputloutput capacitance, and realistic CL values. The shunt load capacitance, CL, presented across the crystal can be estimated to be: ADDRESS 3605 McCart St., Ft. Worth, TX 76110 1000 Crystal Dr., Ft. Myers, FL 33906 512 N. Main St., Orange, CA 92668 PHONE 1817) 921-3013 (813) 936-2109 (714) 639-7810 RECOMMENDED FOR READING Technical Note TN-24, Statek Corp. D. Kemper, L. Rosine, "Quartz Crystals for Frequency Control", Electro- Technology, June, 1969. Technical Note TN-7, Statek Corp. E. Hafner, "The Piezoelectric Crystal Unit - Definitions and Method of Measurement", Proc. IEEE, Vol. 57, No.2, Feb., 1969. P. J. Ottowitz, "A Guide to Crystal Selection", Electronic Design, May, 1966. 6-106 MC145156·1 FIGURE A - PIERCE CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT r- -----------l I Rf Frequency Synthesizer I I I I I iL _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -.J OSC out o Rl* 1-+----J\Jv"v--ol * May be deleted in certain cases. See text. FIGURE B - EQUIVALENT CRYSTAL NETWORKS RS 1 0---4 LS Cs ~ 01--0 2 II Co Values are supplied by crystal manufacturer (parallel resonant crystal). FIGURE C - PARASITIC CAPACITANCES OF THE AMPLIFIER a o tfro II I I _L Cin -T- --11-- - - - - - - - r l- - - - 0 I I I :;:: ~out I _J._ _J._ 6-107 ® MC145157·1 MC145158·1 MOTOROLA Advance Information HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZERS The MC145157-1 and MC145158-1 have fully programmable 14-bit reference counters, as well as fully programmable -+- N (MC145157-1) and -+- NI -+- A (MC145158-1l counters. The counters are programmed serialiy through a common data input and latched into the appropriate counter latch, according to the last data bit (control bit) entered. When combined with a loop filter and VCO, these devices can provide all the remaining functions for a PLL frequency synthesizer operating up to the device's frequency limit. For higher VCO frequency operation, a down mixer or a fixed-divide prescaler can be used between the VCO and the PLL for the MC145157-1 and a dual-modulus prescaler for the MC145158-1. The MC145157-1 and MC145158-1 offer improved performance over the MC145157 and MC145158. Modulus Control output drive has been increased and the ac characteristics have been improved. Input current requirements have also been modified. I LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS SILICON-GATE SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER dinr t6 ~r 1f 1111 MC1451S7L1 MC14S1SSL1 MC14S1S7Pl MC14S1SSPl CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648 • General Purpose Applications: CATV AM/FM Radios Two-Way Radios TV Tuning Scanning Receivers Amateur Radio • Low Power Consumption • 3.0 to 9.0 V Supply Range • Fully Programmable Reference and -+- N Counters • -+- R Range= 3 to 16383 • -+- N Range= 3 to 16383 for the MC145157-1 PIN ASSIGNMENT MC14S1S7-1 = 3 to 1023 for the MC145158-1 • Dual Modulus Capability for the MC145158-1 -+- A Range=O to 127 • fv and fr Outputs • Lock Detect Signal • Compatible with the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) on CMOS MCUs • • "Linearized" Digital Phase Detector Single-Ended (Three-State) or Double-Ended Outputs Phase Detector OSCin cf>R OSCout cf>V tv REFout fR VDD PD out S/R out VSS Enable LD Data fin Clock MC14S1SS-1 OSCin cf>R OSCout cf>V fv VDD PDout vSS ThiS IS advance information and specifications are subject to change without notice 6-108 II II t REFout tR Modulus Control Enable LD Data fin Clock MC145157·1, MC145158·1 MC145157-1 Enable....:,....:.,-------t--.......---r----..., OSC . . :,_ _ _~ In 2 OSCout~'4------· REFout"':""':"'---O< hL-----~.r-.1-I~~~~I-L-'--I-L1-_4_------....:.'~2 S/R out Clock..:::9~~-----------+------------' MCl45158-1 Enable ..,:'..:..'------+-+--,---.... II OSCin ' OSCou~ -=-2_ _ _~ REF out . . :'. .;,4_ _-0<: l-Bit Control SIR VDD= Pin 4 VSS=Pin6 6-109 MC145157-1, MC145158-1 MAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages Referenced to VSS) VDD Vin, Vout lin, lout 100, ISS Po Tstq TL Value Unit -0.5 to + 10 V Parameter Symbol DC Supply Voltage -0.5 to VDD+0.5 V Input or Output Current IDC or Transient), per Pin ±10 mA Supply Current, VDD or VSS Pins ±30 mA 500 mW Input or Output Voltage (DC or Transient) Power Dissipation, per Packaget Storage Temperature -65 to + 150 °C 260 °C Lead Temperature (S-Second Soldering) This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high siatic voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid applications of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high-impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Vin and Vout be constrained to the range VSSslVin or Vout)sVDD Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level Ie. g., either VSS or VDD) * Maximum Ratl(lgs are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur tPower Dissipation Temperature Derating: Plastic "P" Package: -12 mW/oC from 65°C to 85°C Ceramic "L" Package: No derating ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS IVoltages Referenced to VSS) -40°C Characteristic Power Supply Voltage Range Output Voltage Vin=O V or VDD 10ut"'0 /l- A o Level 1 Level Input Voltage oLevel V ou t=05 V or VDD-05 V (All Outputs Except OSC out ) 1 Level II Output Current Vout =2.7 V V out =46 V V out =85 V Modulus Control Source V out =03V V out =04 V V out =05 V Output Current V out =2.7 V V out =46 V V out =8.5 V Sink Other Outputs Source V out =03V V out =04 V V out =05 V Sink 25°C 85°C Symbol VDO Min Max Min Typ Max Min Max VDO - 3 9 3 - 9 3 9 V VOL 3 5 9 - 0.05 0.05 0.05 - 0.05 0.05 0.05 - 0.05 0.05 0.05 V - 0.001 0.001 0.001 3 5 9 2.95 4.95 S.95 - 2.95 4.95 8.95 2.999 4.999 S.999 - 2.95 4.95 8.95 3 5 9 - 0.9 1.5 2.7 - 1.35 2.25 4.05 0.9 1.5 27 3 5 9 2.1 3.5 6.3 - 2.1 3.5 6.3 1.65 2.75 4.95 - 3 5 9 -0.60 -0.90 -1.50 -0.50 -0.75 -1.25 -1.5 - 2.0 - 3.2 - 3 5 9 1.30 1.90 3.S0 1.10 170 3.30 5.0 6.0 10.0 - 3 5 9 -0.44 -0.64 -1.30 -0.35 -0.51 -1.00 -1.0 -1.2 -20 - 3 5 9 0.44 0.64 1.30 0.35 0.51 1.00 1.0 1.2 2.0 VOH VIL VIH - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.9 1.5 2.7 2.1 3.5 6.3 - -0.30 - 0.50 -O.SO - - mA - - - - 0.66 LOS 2.10 - - mA IOH IOL V - IOH IOL Units - - -0.22 -0.36 -0.70 0.22 0.36 0.70 - - Input Current - Data, Clock, Enable lin 9 - ±03 - ± 0.00001 ±01 - ± 10 /l- A Input Current - fin, OSCrn lin 9 -- ±50 - ±10 ± 25 - ±22 /l- A Cin Cout - - 10 - 6 10 - 10 pF - - 10 - 6 10 - 10 pF 100 3 5 9 - - SOO 1200 1600 - 1600 2400 3200 /l- A - 200 300 400 - - Soo 1200 1600 9 - ±03 - ± 00001 ±01 - ±30 /l- A Input Capacitance 3-State Output Capacitance PDout Quiescent Current Vin=O V or VDO 10ut=0 /l- A 3-State Leakage Current - PD out Vout=O V or 9 V IOZ - 6-110 - - MC145157-1, MC145158-1 SWITCHING CHARACTERISi"ICS ITA = 25°C, CL = 50 pFI Characteristic Symbol Output Rise Time, Modulus Control I Figures 2 and 81 tTLH Output Fall Time, Modulus Control (Figures 2 and 81 tTHL VDD 3 5 Min Typ Max Units - 115 60 40 ns 9 50 30 20 25 17 15 60 34 30 ns 60 40 30 140 80 60 ns 55 40 25 125 80 50 ns 3 5 9 Output Rise and Fall Time, LD, fV, fR, S/R out , q,V, q,R IFigures 2 and 81 tTLH, tTHL 3 5 9 Propagation Delay Time fin to Modulus Control I Figures 3 and 81 Setup Times 9 - tsu 3 5 30 20 18 12 10 9 - 70 32 25 30 16 12 - 12 12 15 -8 -6 -5 - 5 10 20 -15 -8 0 - 100 60 40 175 100 70 ns 9 25 20 10 3 5 - 5 2 0.5 /1S - - 9 3 5 9 th 3 5 9 Recovery Time Enable to Clock (Figure 41 tree Output Pulse Width q,R, q,V with fR in Phase with fV (Figures 5 and 81 twq, Input Rise and Fall Times Any Input IFigure 61 t r , tf 3 5 9 tw 3 5 9 - 20 5 2 3 5 40 35 25 30 20 15 9 6-111 - 3 5 Clock to Enable (Figure 41 Input Pulse Width, Enable, Clock IFigure 71 - - tpLH, tpHL Data to Clock IFigure 41 Hold Time Clock to Data (Figure 41 - - ns - - - ns - ns - - ns II MC145157-1, MC145158-1 GRAPH 1 - OSCin AND fin MAXIMUM FREQUENCY VERSUS TOTAL DIVIDE VALUE GRAPH 1A - VDD=3V GRAPH 1B - VDD=5V ~ ::r:: ~ 14 ~ 2B 26 ..t 22 24~4--+--+--+--~4-~~~-+~--~'r+--+-~ 20~4--+--+-~~~~~--+--+~r-~'r+--+-~ ~ 10~~~~+-~~~~~--+--+--~~'r4--+-~ lB~~~~~-+--hr~-+--+--+~r-~'r+--+-~ o E o E 16~4-74--~~~~4--+--+--+~~~'r+--+-~ ~ ~ 12~4--+~+--t E ;c E ;c x 14~4--+--+--+--~4-~ x 10 1 1 8 Max Total Divide Value Total Divide Value GRAPH lC - VDD=9V ~ 28~-+~--+--+--+--+~--4--+--+--+~~~~~ ~ 26 I 24~~~--+--T--~~~r-4--+--+--+~~r-4-~ ~ 22~-r~'~+--+--+--+~r-4--+--+--+'~r-~~ ! E 20 1Br--+-+--+--+- ~ 16~~~~+--+--+--+-'~4--+--+--+~~~~~ I ~ 14 112 Total Divide Value GRAPH 2 - OSCin AND fin MAXIMUM FREQUENCY VERSUS TEMPERATURE FOR SINE AND SQUARE WAVE INPUTS GRAPH2B - TOTALDIVIDEVALUE2>:6 GRAPH 2A - TOTAL DIVIDE VALUE=3, 4, OR 5 1.12 ~ §.., ..t ~ i~ g£ 1.09 1.06 1.03 3V _ ~~-- - --- 1.00 0,97 ---- ---- 1.063 3V 1.056 1.049 g~ ~~ 1.042 ~ ~ E c x~ 1 ~~ ""' ........ ~~ ~, ~ ~] 0.94 ~ 0.91 [',. 0.88 0.85 , ~r:-...5V '3 V !t ~:iE l " 0.82 0.79 5 V, 1.035 :;;N 1.028 9 V C§-S E'" 1.021 x- \ \ \ \ \ \ 1\ , 1.014 1.007 \ , " , i"'--. '" 1.000 0.993 3V 5V 9V ......... ~ ..... 1\9 V -40 - 20 20 40 60 80 -40 - 20 20 40 60 BO Temperature (OCI Temperature lOCI * Data labelled "Typical" is not to be used for design purposes, but is intended as an Indication of the ICs potential performance 6-112 MC145157·1, MC145158·1 PIN DESCRIPTIONS For the following text, the dash number has been omitted from the part number for simplicity INPUTS OSCin, OSCout (Pins 1, 2) - These pins form an on-chip reference oscillator when connected to terminals of an external parallel resonant crystal. Frequency setting capacitors of appropriate value must be connected from OSCin to ground and OSCout to ground. OSCin may also serve as the input for an externally-generated reference signal. This signal will typically be AC coupled to OSCin, but for larger amplitude signals (standard CMOS-logic levelsl DC coupling may also be used. In the external reference mode, no connection is required to OSC out . fin (Pin 8) - Input frequency from VCO output. A rising edge signal on this input decrements the ~ N counter (-;- A or -;- N counter for the MC145158). This input has an inverter biased in the linear region to allow use with AC signals as low as 500 mV p-p or with a square wave of VDD to VSS Clock, Data (Pins 9, 10) - Shift register clock and data input. Each low-to-high transition of the clock shifts one bit of data into the on-chip shift registers. The last data bit entered determines which counter storage latch is activated; a logic one selects the reference counter latch and a logic zero selects the -;- N counter latch (-;- A, -;- N counter latch for the MC145158). The data entry format IS as follows MC145157 MC145158 ~ 0 u + + Rand + N Data Input R Data Input ro ro Ul ~ 2 First Data Bit Into ~ Shift Register MC145158 - A, + ~ A ~ 0 u ro ~ N Data Input ., .. N-------'.~, ro ro Ul 2 ~ First Data Bit Into ~ Shift Register OUTPUTS fR, tv (Pins 13, 3) Divided reference and fin frequency outputs. The fR and fV outputs are connected internally to the -;- Rand -;- N counter outputs respectively, allowing the counters to be used independently, as well as monitoring the phase detector inputs. PDout (Pin 5) - Single ended (three-state) phase detector output. This output produces a loop error signal that IS used with a loop filter to control a VCO. This phase detector output is described below and illustrated in Figure 9 Frequency fV> fR or fV Leading: Negative Pulses Frequency fV < fR or fV Lagging: Positive Pulses Frequency fV = fR and Phase Coincidence: High-Impedance State cPR, cPV (Pins 16, 15) - Double-ended phase detector outputs. These outputs can be combined externally for a loop error Signal. A single-ended output is also available for thiS purpose (see PDout) If frequency fV is greater than fR or if the phase of fV is leading, then error information is provided by cPV pulsing low. cPR remains essentially high (see Figure 9 for illustration) If the frequency fV is less than fR or if the phase of fV is lagging, then error information is provided by cPR pulsing low; cPV remains essentially high If the frequency of fV = fR and both are In phase, then both ct>v and cPR remain high except for a small minimum time period when both pulse low in phase S/Rout (Pin 12 of the MC145157) - Shift register output. This output can be connected to an external shift register to provide band switching, control information, and counter programming code checking Modulus Control (Pin 12 of the MC145158) - Modulus control output. This output generates a Signal by the on-chip control logic circuitry for controlling an external dual modulus prescaler. The modulus control level will be low at the beginning of a count cycle and will remain low until the -;- A counter has counted down from its programmed value At this time, modulus control goes high and remains high until the -;- N counter has counted the rest of the way down from its programmed value (N - A additional counts since both -;- Nand -;- A are counting down during the first portion of the cycle). Modulus control is then set back low, the counters preset to their respective programmed values, and the above sequence repeated. This provides for a total programmable diVide value (NT) = N· P + A where P and P + 1 represent the dual modulus prescaler divide values respectively for high and low modulus control levels, N the number programmed into the -;- N counter and A the number programmed into the -;- A counter. Note that when a prescaler is needed, the dual modulus version offers a distinct advantage. The dual modulus prescaler allows a higher reference frequency at the phase detector Input, increasing system performance capability, and SimplifYing the loop filter design LD (Pin 7) - Lock detect signal. ThiS output IS at a high logic level when the loop IS locked (fR, fV of same phase and frequency), and pulses low when the loop is out of lock REF out (Pin 14) - Buffered reference OSCillator output This output can be used as a second local oscillator, reference oscillator to another frequency syntheSizer, or as the system clock to a microprocessor controller CONTROLS Enable (Pin 11) - Latch Enable Input. A logic high on this pin latches the data from the shift register Into the reference divider or -;- N, - A latches depending on the control bit. The reference diVider latches are activated If the control bit IS at a logic high and the -;- N, ~ A latches are activated If the control bit IS at a logic low. A logic Iowan thiS pin allows the user to change the data in the shift registers without affecting the counters DUAL MODULUS PRESCALING The technique of dual modulus prescallng IS well established as a method of achieving high performance frequency 6-113 II MC145157-1, MC145158-1 synthesizer operation at high frequencies. Basically, the approach allows relatively low-frequency programmable counters to be used as high-frequency programmable counters with speed capability of several hundred MHz. This is possible without the sacrifice in system resolution and performance that would otherwise result if a fixed (single modulus) divider was used for the prescaler. In dual modulus prescaling, the lower speed counters must be uniquely configured. Special control logic is necessary to select the divide value P or P + 1 in the prescaler for the required amount of time (see modulus control definition). The MC145158 contains this feature and can be used with a variety of dual modulus prescalers to allow speed, complexity and cost to be tailored to the system requirements. Prescalers having P, P + 1 divide values in the range of -+- 3/ -+- 4 to ... 128/ -+- 129 can be controlled by the MC145158. Several dual modulus prescaler approaches suitable for use with the MC145158 are given in Figure 1. The approaches range from the low cost .... 15/ -+- 16, MC3393P device capable of system speeds in excess of 100 MHz to the MC12000 series having capabilities extending to greater than 500 MHz. b. Prescaler setup or release time relative to its modulus control Signal. c. Propagation time from fin to the modulus control output for the MC145158. A sometimes useful simplification in the MC145158 programming code can be achieved by choosing the values for P of 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128. For these cases, the desired value for Ntotal will result when Ntotal in binary is used as the program code to the -+- Nand ... A counters treated in the following manner: A. Assume the ->- A counter contains "b" bits where 2b = P. B. Always program all higher order ... A counter bits above "b" to zero. C. Assume the -+- N counter and the -+- A counter (with all the higher order bits above "b" ignored) combined into a single binary counter of 10+ b bits in length. The MSB of this "hypothetical" counter is to correspond to the MSB of -\- N and the LSB is to correspond to the LSB of ... A. The system divide value, Ntotal, now results when the value of Ntotal in binary is used to program the "New" 10+ b bit counter. DESIGN GUIDELINES APPLICABLE TO THE MC145158 FIGURE 1 - HIGH FREQUENCY DUAL MODULUS PRESCAlERS FOR USE WITH THE MCl45158 The system total divide value (Ntotal) will be dictated by the application, i.e. II +5/+6 +81 +9 MC12009 MC12011 MC12013 MC12015 MC12016 MC12017 * MC12018 MC3393 frequency into the prescaler Ntotal= frequency into the phase detector = N·P+ A N is the number programmed into the -+- N counter; A is the number programmed into the .... A counter. P and P + 1 are the two selectable divide ratios available in the two modulus prescalers. To have a range of Ntotal values in sequence, the -+- A counter is programmed from zero through P-1 for a particular value N in the .... N counter. N is then incremented to N + 1 and the .... A is sequenced from zero through P-1 again. There are minimum and maximum values that can be achieved for Ntotal. These values are a function of P and the size of the .... Nand -+- A counters. the constraint N ~ A always applies. If Amax = P - 1 the Nmin ~ P - 1. Then N(total- min) = (P-1) P+ A or (P-1) P since A is free to assume the value of zero. * Proposed + 101 + 11 +321 +33 +401 +41 +641 +65 -;. 128/ + 129 + 151 + 16 440 500 500 225 225 225 520 140 a. Propagation delay through the dual modulus prescaler. Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Typ Introduction 1983 By USing two devices several dual modulus values are achievable: Modulus Control ,------1--~---,* ~ * ~ Device A H Device B N(total- max) = Nmax·P + Amax To maximize system frequency capability, the dual modulus prescaler's output must go from low to high after each group of P or P + 1 input cycles. The prescaler should divide by P when its modulus control line is high and by P + 1 when its modulus control is low. For the maximum frequency into the prescaler (Fvcomax), the value used for P must be large enough such that: A. fvco max divided by P may not exceed the frequency capability of Pin 8 of the MC145158. B. The period of fvco(max), divided by P, must be greater than the sum of the times: MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz Device Device B A MC10131 MC10138 MCI0154 r-- MCI2009 MC12011 MC12013 +201 + 21 +321 + 33 +50/ + 51 +80/ +81 +401 +41 + 100/ + 101 +40/ +41 +64/ +65 or + 128/ + 129 or +80/ +81 +80/ +81 NOTE: MC12009, MCI2011 and MCI2013 are pin equivalent. MC12015, MC12016. and MC12017 are pin equivalent. 6-114 MC145157-1, MC145158-1 SWITCHING WAVEFORMS FIGURE3 FIGURE2 lTHL ~---VOO Any Output Modulus Control FIGURE 4 FIGURE 5 ~~~~-------tw¢------~1~r---Data ¢R,¢V*- 50%\. .__________, tsu * fR In phase with fV Clock Vss - Enable VOO ~----- VSS II Previous Data Latched FIGURE 7 FIGURE6 Enable, Clock Any Input t.--____ ----..t -",-L~ -VOO t_w_-_-_-_------ 50% VSS FIGURE 8 - TEST CIRCUIT Output Device Under Test MC145157-1, MC145158-1 FIGURE 9 PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT WAVEFORMS IV Feedback (fin'" Nl PD Out y'-------'r-----U~-----+----- u u ~V II u u NOTE: The Po output state is approximately equal to either VOO or VSS when active. When not active, the output is high impedance and the voltage at that pin is determined by the low pass filter capacitor. 6-116 MC145157-1, MC145158-1 PHASE LOCKED LOOP - LOW PASS FILTER DESIGN AI PDout O "VV'v I I Rl oveo C ~Ro-~vo-- ,+ , Fls) = R1 CS BI PDouto-----~~~~--~------oVCO Wn = r = 0. 5w n fR2e + __N_) ~Vo-- '\ Fisl CI KKVCO R2CS + 1 PD out 0 - R1 ~R II >----<---0 veo ~v R1 e Assuming gain A is very large, then: I NOTE: Sometimes Rl is split into two series resistors each Rl -;- 2. A capacitor Cc is then placed from the midpoint to ground to further filter V and R. The value of Cc should be such that the corner frequency of this network does not significantly affectwn. DEFINITIONS: N = Total Division Ratio in feedback loop K4> = VOO/4 ... for PDout K~ = VDD/2 ... for ~V and ~R KVCO = 211'4fveo 4VVCO for a typical design Wn ;: r;: 2~ofr lat phase detector inputl, 1 RECOMMENDED FOR READING: Gardner, Floyd M., Phaselock Techniques (second edition). New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1979 . Manassewitsch, Vadim, Frequency Synthesizers: Theory and Design (second edition). New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1980. Blanchard, Alain, Phase-Locked Loops: Application to Coherent Receiver Design. New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1976. Egan, William F., Frequency Synthesis by Phase Lock. New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1981. Rohde, Ulrich L., Digital PLL Frequency Synthesizers Theory and Design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1983. Berlin, Howard M., Design of Phase-Locked Loop Circuits, with Experiments. Indianapolis, Howard W. Sams and Co., 1978. Kinley, Harold, The PLL Synthesizer Cookbook. Blue Ridge Summit, PA, Tab Books, 1980. 6-117 MC145157-1, MC145158-1 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CONSIDERATIONS the area of 8 to 15 MHz, and 10 pF for higher frequencies. These are guidelines that provide a reasonable compromise between IC capacitance, drive capability, swamping variations in stray and IC input! output capacitance, and realistic CL values. The shunt load capacitance, CL, presented across the crystal can be estimated to be: The following options may be considered to provide a reference frequency to Motorola's CMOS frequency synthesizers. The most desirable is discussed first. USE OF A HYBRID CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Commercially available temperature-~I)mpensated crystal oscillators (TXCOs) or crystal-controlled data clock oscillators provide very stable reference frequencies. An oscillator capable of sinking and sourcing 50 p.A at CMOS logic levels may be direct or dc coupled to OSCin. In general, the highest frequency capability is obtained utilizing a directcoupled square wave having a rail-to-rail (VDD to VSS) voltage swing. If the oscillator does not have CMOS logic levels on the outputs, capacitive or ac coupling to OSCin may be used. OSCout, an unbuffered output, should be left floating. For additional information about TXCOs and data clock oscillators, please contact: Motorola Inc., Component Products, 2553 N. Edgington St., Franklin Park, I L 60131, phone (312) 451-1000. II CL=CinCout +Ca+CO+ C1·C2 Cin + Cout C1 + C2 where Co C1 and C2 USE OF THE ON-CHIP OSCILLATOR CIRCUITRY The on-chip amplifier (a digital inverter) along with an appropriate crystal may be used to provide a reference source frequency. A fundamental mode crystal, parallel resonant at the desired operating frequency, should be connected as shown in Figure A. For VDD= 5 V, the crystal should be specified for a loading capacitance, CL, which does not exceed 32 pF for frequencies to approximately 8 MHz, 20 pF for frequencies in PARTIAL LIST OF CRYSTAL MANUFACTURERS NAME United States Crystal Corp. Crystek Crystal Statek Corp. 5 pF (see Figure C) 6 pF (see Figure C) 5 pF (see Figure C) The crystal's holder capacitance (see Figure B) External capacitors (see Figure A) The oscillator can be "trimmed" on-frequency by making a portion or all of C1 variable. The crystal and associated components must be located as close as possible to the OSCin and OSCout pins to minimize distortion, stray capacitance, stray inductance, and startup stabilization time. In some cases, stray capacitance should be added to the values for Cin and Cout· Power is dissipated in the effective series resistance of the crystal, Re, in Figure B. The drive level specified t'" the crystal manufacturer is the maximum stress that a crystal can withstand without damage or excessive shift in frequency. R1 in Figure A limits the drive level. The use of R1 may not be necessary in some cases; i.e. R1 = 0 ohms. To verify that the maximum de supply voltage does not overdrive the crystal, monitor the output frequency as a function of voltage at OSCout. (Care should be taken to minimize loading.) The frequency should increase very slightly as the dc supply voltage is increased. An overdriven crystal will decrease in frequency or become unstable with an increase in supply voltage. The operating supply voltage must be reduced or Rl must be increased in value if the overdriven condition exists. The user should note that the oscillator start-up time is proportional to the value of Rl. Through the process of supplying crystals for use with CMOS inverters, many crystal manufacturers have developed expertise in CMOS oscillator design with crystals. Discussions with such manufacturers can prove very helpful. See Table A. DESIGN AN OFF-CHIP REFERENCE The user may design an off-chip crystal oscillator using ICs specifically developed for crystal oscillator applications, such as the MC12060, MC12061, MC12560, or MC12561 MECL devices. The reference signal from the MECL device is ac coupled to OSCin. For large amplitude signals (standard CMOS logic levels), dc coupling is used. OSCout, an unbuffered output, should be left floating. In general, the highest frequency capability is obtained with a direct-coupled square wave having rail-to-rail voltage swing. TABLE A - Cin Cout Ca ADDRESS 3605 McCart St., Ft. Worth, TX 76110 1000 Crystal Dr., Ft. Myers, FL 33906 512 N. Main St., Orange, CA 92668 PHONE (817) 921-3013 (813) 936-2109 (714) 639-7810 RECOMMENDED FOR READING Technical Note TN-24, Statek Corp. D. Kemper, L. Rosine, "Quartz Crystals for Frequency Control", Electro-Technology, June, 1969. Technical Note TN-7, Statek Corp. E. Hafner, "The Piezoelectric Crystal Unit - Definiti"ons and P. J. Ottowitz, "A Guide to Crystal Selection", Electronic Design, May, 1966. Method of Measurement", Proc. IEEE, Vol. 57, No.2, Feb., 1969. 6-118 MC145157-1, MC145158-1 FIGURE A - PIERCE CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT r- -----. ------l Rf I Frequency Synthesizer I I I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --1 I :L _ _ _ _ OSC out o C1.T .T C2 R1* i---+--.....JV\I'\r---' * May be deleted in certain cases. See text. FIGURE B - EQUIVALENT CRYSTAL NETWORKS RS 1 ~ 0r-o 2 Cs LS ~ II Co Values are supplied by crystal manufacturer (parallel resonant crystal). FIGURE C - PARASITIC CAPACITANCES OF THE AMPLIFIER a Bba II O~"'Ir---_--II-- I I :;=: -----~i- - - - 0 II Cin I _1_ I I ::r: I _~_ 6-119 Cout ® MC145159·1 MOTOROI.A Advance Information HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS SILICON-GATE SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER WITH ANALOG PHASE DETECTOR SERIAL INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER WITH ANALOG PHASE DETECTOR The MC145159-1 has a programmable 14-bit reference counter, as well as programmable divide-by-NI divide-by-A counters. The counters are programmed serially through a common data input and latched into the appropriate counter latch, according to the last data bit (control bit) entered. When combined with a loop filter and VCO, this device can provide all the remaining functions for a PLL frequency synthesizer operating up to the device's frequency limit. For higher VCO frequency operations, a down mixer or a dual modulus prescaler can be used between the VCO and the PLL. - MC145159Pl 20 • General Purpose Applications: CA TV TV Tuning AMI FM Radios Scanning Receivers Two Way Radios Amateur Radio 1 • Low Power Consumption -+- R Range= 3 to 16383 • -+- N Range= 16 to 1023, -+- A Range=O to 127 RR OSCin VDD' OSC out • Dual Modulus • Compatible with the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) on CMOS MCUs • PIN ASSIGNMENT RO • 3.0 to 9.0 V Supply Range • On- or Off-Chip Reference Oscillator Operation II PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 738 CH Charge APDout VDD Frequency Steering Out VSS' CR VSS SRout Modulus Control Enable • High-Gain Analog Phase Detector LD Data fin Clock Enable _1_3_ _ _ _ _ _ _--, 14 OSC out - - - - - - - - - - , 18 CH RR RO 15 CR 17 APD out 19 VDD' 16 VSS' 20 fR Analog Phase Detector SR out Charge VDD= Pin 5 VDD' = Pin 19 Vss=Pin7 VSS' = Pin 16 Modulus Control 6* Clock - * Note: ....- - - - - - -....---------4~--------......I Pin 6 is not and cannot be used as a digital phase detector output. This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subiect to change without notice 6-120 Frequency Steering Out MC145159·1 MAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages Referenced to VSS) VOO Yin, Vout lin, lout IDO, ISS PD T stg TL Value Unit -0.5 to + 10 V Parameter Symbol OC Supply Voltage - 0.5 to VOO + 0.5 V Input or Output Current (DC or Transient), per Pin ±10 mA Supply Current, VDD or VSS Pins ±30 mA Power Dissipation, per Packaget 500 mW -65 to + 150 °C 260 °C Input or Output Voltage (OC or Transient) Storage Temperature Lead Temperature (8-Second Soldering) This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid applications of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high-impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Yin and V out be constrained to the range VSS:s(Vin or Vout):sVDD· Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or VDO)· * Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur tPower Dissipation Temperature Derating' Plastic "P" Package: -12 mW/oC from 65°C to 85°C Ceramic "L" Package: No derating ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to VSS) -40°C Characteristic Power Supply Voltage Range Output Voltage Vin=O V or VDD 10ut""0 p.A oLevel 1 Level 6Voltage, VCH - VAPD out IAPD out ",,0 p.A Input Voltage oLevel V ou t=05 V or VDD-05 V (All Outputs Except OSC out ) 1 Level Output Current V out = 2.7 V V ou t=4.6 V V ou t=85 V Modulus Control Source V out =0.3V Vout=OA V V ou t=0.5 V Sink Output Current, CR VCR=45 V, RR=240 k Output Current, APDout Ro=240 k, VCH=O V VAPDout=4.5 V Output Current - Other Outputs Source V ou t=2.7V V out =4.6 V V ou t=8.5 V V out =0.3V Vout=OA V V out =0.5 V Sink 85°C 25°C Symbol VDD Min Max Min Typ Max Min Max Units VDD - 3 9 3 - 9 3 9 V VOL 3 5 9 - 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 V - 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - 3 5 9 2.95 4.95 8.95 2.95 4.95 8.95 2.999 4.999 8.999 - 2.95 4.95 8.95 VOH - - 0.05 0.05 0.05 - 6V - VIL 3 5 9 - 3 5 9 2.1 3.5 6.3 - 3 5 9 -0.60 -0.90 -1.50 - 3 5 9 1.30 1.90 3.80 VIH - - - - - V 1.05 - 0.9 1.5 2.7 0.9 1.5 2.7 - 1.35 2.25 4.05 - 2.1 3.5 6.3 1.65 2.75 4.95 - -0.50 -0.75 -1.25 -1.5 -2.0 -3.2 - 1.10 170 3.30 5.0 6.0 10.0 - - - - - 0.9 1.5 2.7 21 3.5 6.3 - -0.30 -0.50 -0.80 - - - mA IOH IOL V - - - - - 0.66 1.08 2.10 - - - ICR 9 -100 -120 p.A IAPD 9 170 350 p.A mA IOH IOL 3 5 9 -0.44 -0.64 -1.30 - 3 5 9 0.44 0.64 1.30 - - - -0.22 -0.36 - 0.70 - - - 0.22 0.36 0.70 -0.35 -0.51 -1.00 -1.0 -1.2 -2.0 - 0.35 0.51 1.00 1.0 1.2 2.0 - - - - - Input Current - Data, Clock, Enable lin 9 - ±03 - ±0.00001 ±0.1 - ± 1.0 p.A Input Current - fin, OSCin lin 9 - ±50 - ±1O ±25 - ± 22 p.A Cin Cout - - 10 - 6 10 - 10 pF - - 10 - 6 10 - 10 pF 10D 3 5 9 - 800 1200 1600 - 800 1200 1600 1600 2400 3200 p.A - 200 300 400 - - 9 - ±03 - ±0.0001 ±01 - ±30 p.A Inpt:lt Capacitance 3-State Output Capacitance Frequency Steering Out Quiescent Current Vin=O V or VDD 10ut=0p.A 3-State Leakage Current V out = 0 V or 9 V IOZ - 6-121 - - MC145159-1 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (TA=25°C, CL =50 pF) Characteristic Output Rise Time, Modulus Control (Figures 3 and 8) Output Fall Time, Modulus Control (Figures 3 and 8) Symbol VOO Min Typ Max Units tTLH 3 5 - 50 30 20 115 60 40 ns 60 34 30 ns 140 80 60 ns 125 80 50 ns - ns tTHL Output Rise and Fall Time, LD (Figures 3 and 8) tTLH, tTHL Propagation Delay Time fin to Modulus Control (Figures 4 and 8) tpLH, tpHL Setup Times Data to Clock (Figure 5) tsu - 3 5 - 9 - 25 17 15 3 5 - 60 - 40 9 - 30 3 5 - 55 - 40 9 - 25 3 5 30 20 18 12 10 70 32 25 30 16 12 12 12 15 -8 -6 -5 - 5 10 20 -15 -8 - a - - 20 5 2 5 2 0.5 fLs 30 20 15 - ns 9 Clock to Enable (Figure 5) 3 5 9 Hold Time Clock to Data (Figure 5) th 3 5 9 Recovery Time Enable to Clock (Figure 5) trec 3 5 9 Input Rise and Fall Times Clock, OSCin, fin (Figure 6) tr,tf 3 5 9 Input Pulse Width, Enable, Clock (Figure 7) tw I 3 5 9 6-122 - 9 - 40 35 25 9 - ns - ns - - MC145159·1 PIN DESCRIPTIONS INPUTS OSCin, OSCILLATOR INPUT (PIN 2), OSCout, OSCILLATOR OUTPUT (PIN 3) - These pins form an onchip reference oscillator when connected to terminals of an external parallel resonant crystal. Frequency setting capacitors of an appropriate value must be connected from OSCin to VSS and OSCout to VSS. OSCin may also serve as input for an externally generated reference signal. This signal will typically be ac coupled to OSCin, but for larger amplitude signals (standard CMOS logic levels), dc coupling may also be used. In the external reference mode, no connection is required to OSCout. fin, FREQUENCY IN (PIN 10) - Input to the positive edge triggered divide-by-N and divide-by-A counters. fin is typically derived from a dual modulus prescaler and is ac coupled into Pin 10. This input has an inverter biased in the linear region to allow use with ac-coupled signals as low as 500 mV peak-to-peak or direct-coupled signals swinging from VDD to VSS· Data, SERIAL DATA INPUT (PIN 12) - Counter and control information is shifted into this input. The last data bit entered goes into the one-bit control shift register. A logic one allows the reference counter information to be loaded into it's 14-bit latch when Enable goes high. A logic zero entered as the control bit disables the reference counter latch. The divide-by-AI divide-by-N counter latch is loaded, regardless of the contents of the control register, when Enable goes high. The data entry format is shown below. Enable, TRANSPARENT LATCH ENABLE (PIN 13) - A high on this input allows data to be entered into the divideby-AI divide-by-N latch and, if the control bit is high, into the reference counter latch. Counter programming is unaffected when Enable is low. Clock, SHIFT REGISTER CLOCK (PIN 11) - A low-tohigh transition on this input shifts data from the Serial Data input into the shift registers. COMPONENT PINS CR, RAMP CAPACITOR (PIN 15) - The capacitor connected from this pin to VSS is charged linearly, at a rate determined by RR. The voltage on this capacitor is proportional to the phase difference of the frequencies present at the internal phase detector inputs. A polystyrene or mylar capacitor is recommended. RR, RAMP CURRENT BIAS RESISTOR (PIN 20) - A resistor connected from this pin to VSS determines the rate at which the ramp capacitor is charged, thereby affecting the phase detector gain (see Figure 11. CH, HOLD CAPACITOR (PIN 18) - The charge stored on the ramp capacitor is transferred to the capacitor connected from this pin to either VDD' or VSS'. The ratio of CR to CH should be large enough to have no affect on the phase detector gain (CR > lOCH). A low-leakage capacitor should be used. RO, OUTPUT BIAS CURRENT RESISTOR (pIN 1) - A resistor connected from this pin to VSS biases the output N-Channel transistor, thereby setting a current sink on the Analog Phase Detector Output (Pin 171. This resistor adjusts the VCO input voltage change with respect to phase error (see Figure 2). OUTPUTS APDout, ANALOG PHASE DETECTOR OUTPUT (PIN 17) - This output produces a voltage that controls an external VCO. The voltage range of this output (VDD = + 9 V) is from below + 0.5 V to + 8 V or more. The source impedance of this output is the equivalent of a source follower with an externally variable source resistor. The source resistor depends upon the output bias current controlled by the output bias current resistor, RO. The bias current is adjustable from 0.01 mA to 0.5 mAo The output voltage will not be more than 1.05 V below the sampled point on the ramp. With a constant sample of the ramp voltage at 9 V and the hold capacitor at 50 pF, the instantaneous output ripple is not greater than 5 mV peak-to-peak. Charge, RAMP CHARGE INDICATOR (PIN 4) - This output is high from the time fR goes high to the time fv goes high (fR and fv are the frequencies at the phase detector inputs). This high voltage indicates that the ramp capacitor, CR, is being charged. Frequency Steering Out, THREE-STATE FREQUENCY STEERING OUTPUT (PIN 6) - If the counted down input frequency on fin is higher than the counted down reference frequency of OSCin, this output goes low. If the counted down VCO frequency is lower than that of the counted down OSCin, this output goes high. The repetition rate of the Frequency Steering Output pulses is approximately equal to the difference of the frequencies of the two counted down inputs from the VCO and DATA ENTRY FORMAT Latched When Control Bit= 1 Shift Register Data In Out Latched When Control Bit = 0 Control Bit 6-123 II MC145159·1 OSCin. The output maintains a high-impedance state when the counted down VCO (divided down fin pulse) and the counted down OSCin are in a one-to-one ratio over a 271" window with respect to the counted down OSCin. LD, PHASE LOCK INDICATOR (PIN 9) - This output is high during lock and goes low to indicate a non-lock condition. The frequency and duration of the non-lock pulses will be the same as either polarity of the Frequency Steering Output. Modulus Control, DUAL MODULUS PRESCALER CONTROL (PIN 8) - The modulus control level is low at the beginning of a count cycle and remains low until the divideby-A counter has counted down from its programmed value. At that time, the modulus control goes high and remains high until the divide-by-N counter has counted the rest of the way down from its programmed value (N - A additional counts, since both divide-by-N and divide-by-A are counting down during the first portion of the cycle). Modulus control is then set back low, the counters preset to their respective programmed values, and the above sequence is repeated. This provides a total programmable divide value of NT=N.P+A, where P and P+l represent the FIGURE 1 - a 100 0 700 500i ~ 300 I FIGURE 2 - " " ~ 300 9V f-VOO-3 V 1--5 V z ~ 20 0 .... C( ~ 70 0 ~ 5 0 ~ 0 .... I ," 20 20 30 1 ~ 100 I\. 5 7 10 J V3 I' " ~ 50 10I :) VCO BIAS VOLTAGE 100 0 70 0 S50 0 VoO-3~ ~5V- ~9'''' ~ 100 !i 70 30 POWER PINS VDD, POSITIVE POWER SUPPLY (PIN 5) - Positive power supply input for all sections of the MC145159-1 except the Analog Phase Detector. VDD and VDD' should be powered up at the same time to avoid damage to the MC145159-1. VSS, NEGATIVE POWER SUPPLY (PIN 7) - Circuit ground for all sections of the MC145159-1 except the Analog Phase Detector. VSS', ANALOG PHASE DETECTOR CIRCUIT GROUND (PIN 16), VDD', ANALOG POWER SUPPLY (PIN 19) Separate power supply and ground inputs are provided to help reduce the effects in the analog section of noise coming from the digital sections of this device and the surrounding circuitry. CHARGE CURRENT vs RAMP RESISTANCE ~ 200I ti dual modulus prescaler divide values, respectively, for high and low Modulus Control levels; N is the number programmed into the divide-by-N counter, and A is the number programmed into the divide-by-A counter. SRout, SHIFT REGISTER OUTPUT (PIN 14) - This pin is the non-inverted output of the inner-most bit of the 32-bit Serial Data Shift Register. It is not latched by the Enable line. 5070100 200300500 "'l\. 10 o lk I 2k 3k ICHARGE, CHARGE CURRENT IJtA) I I 1I I I J 1 V 2 ANALOG VOLTAGE OUT (VOLTS) DESIGN EQUATION icharge Kq,= 21f fR CR where Kq, = phase detector gain, icharge is from Figure 1 fR = reference frequency, CR = ramp capacitor (in farads) 6-124 MC145159·1 SWITCHING WAVEFORMS FIGURE4 FIGURE3 tTHL ----\tOJ -vss Modulus Control FIGURE6 FIGURE5 tf Clock OSCin, fin Data VSS VSS tsu Clock II VSS - Enable VOO VSS Previous Data Latched FIGURE8 - TEST CIRCUIT FIGURE7 Enable, Clock JtooI~:::::::_-_-_tw_-------------~-:lc'" VOO 50% VSS 6-125 Output Device Under Test MC145159·1 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CONSIDERATIONS The following options may be considered to provide a reference frequency to Motorola's CMOS frequency synthesizers. The most desirable is discussed first. USE OF A HYBRID CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Commercially available temperature-~<)mpensated crystal oscillators nXCOs) or crystal-controlled data clock oscillators provide very stable reference frequencies. An oscillator capable of sinking and sourcing 50 p.A at CMOS logic levels may be direct or dc coupled to OSCin. In general, the highest frequency capability is obtained utilizing a directcoupled square wave having a rail-to-rail (VDD to VSS) voltage swing. If the oscillator does not have CMOS logic levels on the outputs, capacitive or ac coupling to OSCin may be used. OSCout, an unbuffered output, should be left floating. For additional information about TXCOs and data clock oscillators, please contact: Motorola Inc., Component Products, 2553 N. Edgington St., Franklin Park, IL 60131, phone (312) 451-1000. DESIGN AN OFF-CHIP REFERENCE The user may design an off-chip crystal oscillator using ICs specifically developed for crystal oscillator applications, such as the MC12060, MC12061, MC12560, or MC12561 MECL devices. The reference si.gnal from the MECL device is ac . coupled to OSCin. For large amplitude signals (standard CMOS logic levels), dc coupling is used. OSCout, an unbuffered output, should be left floating. In general, the highest frequency capability is obtained with a direct-coupled square wave having rail-to-rail voltage swing. USE OF THE ON-CHIP OSCILLATOR CIRCUITRY The on-chip amplifier (a digital inverter) along with an appropriate crystal may be used to provide a reference source frequency. A fundamental mode crystal, parallel resonant at the desired operating frequency, should be connected as shown in Figure A. For VDD=5 V, the crystal should be specified for a loading capacitance, CL, which does not exceed 32 pF for frequencies to approximately 8 MHz, 20 pF for frequencies in the area of 8 to 15 M Hz, and 10 pF for higher frequencies These are guidelines that provide a reasonable compromise between IC capacitance, drive capability, swamping variations in stray and IC input/output capacitance, and realistic CL values. The shunt load capacitance, CL, presented across the crystal can be estimated to be' CL",CinCout +Ca+CO+ C1·C2 Cin + Cout C1 + C2 where = 5 pF (see Figure C) = 6 pF (see Figure C) 5 pF (see Figure C) The crystal's holder capacitance (see Figure B) C1 and C2 External capacitors (see Figure A) The oscillator can be "trimmed" on-frequency by making a portion or all of C1 variable. The crystal and associated components must be located as close as possible to the OSCin and OSCout pins to minimize distortion, stray capacitance, stray inductance, and startup stabilization time. In some cases, stray capacitance should be added to the values for Cin and Couto Power is dissipated in the effective series resistance of the crystal, Re, in Figure B. The drive level specified tw the crystal manufacturer is the maximum stress that a crystal can withstand without damage or excessive shift in frequency. R1 in Figure A limits the drive level. The use of R1 may not be necessary in some cases; i.e. R1 =0 ohms . To verify that the maximum dc supply voltage does not overdrive the crystal, monitor the output frequency as a function of voltage at OSCout. (Care should be taken to minimize loading.) The frequency should increase very slightly as the dc supply voltage is increased. An overdriven crystal will decrease in frequency or become unstable with an increase in supply voltage. The operating supply voltage must be reduced or R1 must be increased in value if the overdriven condition exists. The user should note that the oscillator start-up time is proportional to the value of R1. Through the process of supplying crystals for use with CMOS inverters, many crystal manufacturers have developed expertise in CMOS oscillator design with crystals. Discussions with such manufacturers can prove very helpful. See Table A. TABLE A - PARTIAL LIST OF CRYSTAL MANUFACTURERS NAME United States Crystal Corp. Crystek Crystal Statek Corp. ADDRESS 3605 McCart St., Ft. Worth, TX 76110 1000 Crystal Dr., Ft. Myers, FL 33906 512 N. Main St., Orange, CA 92668 PHONE (817) 921-3013 (813) 936-2109 (714) 639-7810 RECOMMENDED FOR READING Technical Note TN-24, Statek Corp. D. Kemper, L. Rosine, "Quartz Crystals for Frequency Control", Electro-Technologv, June, 1969. Technical Note TN-7, Statek Corp. E. Hafner, "The Piezoelectric Crystal Unit - Definitions and Method of Measurement", Proc. IEEE, Vol. 57, No.2, Feb., 1969. P. J. Ottowitz, "A Guide to Crystal Selection", Electronic Design, May, 1966. 6-126 MC145159·1 FIGURE A - PIERCE CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT r- - I -F;:enCy Synthesizer I I l I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -.JI I IL_ OSCin OSCout o C1I .T Rl * ~--'VV'\r--' * May be deleted in certain cases. See text. FIGURE B - EQUIVALENT CRYSTAL NETWORKS RS 101-0 2 ~ C2 LS Cs ~ II Co Values are supplied by crystal manufacturer (parallel resonant crystal). FIGURE C - PARASITIC CAPACITANCES OF THE AMPLIFIER a ~ II O-.....I-----1--~ ~-I I ==r= Cin >--------.I---~O I I =T= Cout I _1_ I _1._ 6-127 MC145159-1 FIGURE 9 - TIMING DIAGRAM FOR MINIMUM DIVIDE VALUE (N = 16) ~ ____________~n~__________ __ ~ ~n~ '------________------'1 ~~----------------------------------------------------~~~--------I -----------------~~----~'---------~ ------~ ____________________________________________________ _J~ ________________________________________________ 6-128 ~r__ CMOS Remote Control Functions 7-1 II CMOS REMOTE CONTROL FUNCTIONS Device Number Function Transmitter Receiver Function MCl4457 MCl4458 MCl4469 MCl4497 Remote Control Transmitter Remote COiltrol Receiver Addressable Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter PCM Remote Control Transmitter MC145026 MC145027 MC145028 MC145029 Remote Remote Remote Remote Number of Address Bits 0 0 Control Control Control Control Encoder Decoder Decoder Decoder Number of Data Bits 5* 5* Device Number Number of Pins Associated Device Number(sl MCl4457 MCl4458 16 24 MCl4458 MCl4457 MCl4497 18 MC3373 Encoder Depends on Decoder Depends on Decoder MC145026 16 Decoder Decoder Decoder 5 9 4 4 0 5 MC145027 MC145028 MC145029 16 16 16 MC145027, MC145028, MC145029 MC145026 MC145026 MC145026 Addressable UART 7 7/8 MCl4469 40 MCl4469, MC6850 Transmitter 0 6* *These 5 or 6 bit codes specify commands or functions internal to the associated receiver devices I 7-2 ® MCl4457 MCl4458 MOTOROLA MC14457 TRANSMITTER MC14458 RECEIVER CMOS MSI/LSI The MC14457 and MC14458 are a transmitter and receiver pair constructed in CMOS monolithic technology. These units are designed for ultrasonic or infrared remote control of TV receivers, converters, communication receivers, and games. Selection of up to 16 channels may be done single entry; or up to 256 channels may be done double entry. The MC14457 encodes each keyboard position into frequencymodulated biphase data. This transmitter functions with a 20- to 32-position keyboard and provides either channel select/toggle information (single-word transmission I or analog information (continuous transmission for the duration of key press). The MC14457 features low standby power between data transmissions (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOSI TRANSMITTER RECEIVER MCl4457 TRANSMITTER iii _I - • Low External Component Count • High Noise Immunity • One Analog Output from Receiver • • Low Power Operating Voltage Range: 4.5 to 10.0 V for MC14457 4.5 to 5.5 V for MC14458 ---' - . J',' I·.' d : L SUFFIX . CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620 P SUFFIX 16i~11I1\ \11\ PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648 1\ 1\ 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages Referenced to VSSI MCl4458 RECEIVER Symbol Value Unit VDD -0.5to+12 -0.5 to +6.0 V Input Voltage, All Inputs Yin DC Input Current, Per Pin lin -05 to VOD+05 ±10 TA Tstg -40 to +85 °C L SUFFIX -60 to + 150 °C CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 623 Rating DC Supply Voltage MCl4457 MCl4458 Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range V mA * Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur PIN ASSIGNMENTS MCl4457 TRANSMITTER R3 R4 R5 R2 Ri Cf C2 VSS 1. VDD Os c in ORDERING INFORMATION VDO Out 2 Data In Out 1 POR A3 Mod AFT A2 On A1 OS C out 11 MCl4458 RECEIVER OSCin C3 C4 Vol UHF/VHF AO LBV VA M8 Data Ready M4 L8 M2 L4 M1 L2 VSS L1 7-3 MC14XXX l Suffix Denotes Ceramic Package Plastic Package This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation, it is recommended that Yin and Vout be constrained to the range VSS':::;(Vin or Vout)~VDD. Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or VODl. II MC14457, MC14458 TRANSMITIER- MC14457 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to VSS) Characteristic Symbol Output Voltage Vin= VOD or 0 "0" Level "1" Level lout=O/lA Input Voltage # (VO=4.5 or 0.5 V) (Vo=9.00rl.0V) "0" Level "1" Level VOL VOH Pins 14, 15 Source (VOL =2.5V) (VOL =0.5 V) Sink Output Drive Current - Pin 13 (VOH=4.6V) Source (VOH=9.5 V) (VOL =OAV) (VOL =0.5 V) Sink -40°C Min 25°C +85°C Max Min Typ Max Min Max Unit 0.05 0.05 - 0 0 0.05 0.05 - 0.05 0.05 V - 4.95 9.95 - V 5.0 10 - 5.0 10 4.95 9.95 - 4.95 9.95 5.0 10 - 5.0 10 - 1.5 3.0 - 2.25 4.50 1.5 3.0 - 1.5 3.0 5.0 10 3.5 7.0 - 3.5 7.0 2.75 5.50 - 3.5 7.0 - 5.0 10 -6.0 -3.2 - -5.0 -2.6 -9.0 -4.5 - -3.5 -1.8 - 5.0 10 6.0 3.2 - 5.0 2.6 9.0 4.5 - 3.5 1.8 - 5.0 10 -0.26 -0.6 - -0.22 -0.55 -0.44 -1.12 - - - -0.18 -0.45 - 5.0 10 0.26 0.6 0.44 1.12 - 0.18 - - 022 0.55 - - - - - - V VIL - V VIH (VO= 0.5 or 4.5 V) (VO= 1.0 or 9.0 V) Output Drive Current (VOH=2.5V) (VOH=9.5 V) Voo V - - mA IOH IOL - - - mA IOH IOL mA - - mA 50 500 1000 OA5 - ±03 - ±O.ooool +0.3 - - - - 5.0 7.5 - - pF 5.0 10 - 50 100 - 0.008 0.016 50 100 - 375 750 p.A 5.0 - Input Current - Pull-ups lin 10 - Input Current - Pin 11 lin 10 - Input Capacitance Cin - Quiescent Current - Per Package Oscin=O V, Other Inputs= Open, lout= 0 /lA Total Supply Current at an External Load Capacitance (Cl) of Figure 4 f= 500 kHz (with any Analog command) IDD - - - + 1.0 p.A p.A p.A IT 10 - - - - Max Min 0.05 - - - - - - Typ Max Min Max Unit - 0 0.05 - 0.05 V 4.95 5.0 - 4.95 - V 5.0 10 RECEIVER-MC14458 II ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to VSS) Output Voltage Vin=VDD or 0 10ut=0/lA Input Voltage# (VO=4.5 or 0.5 V) (Vo=0.50r4.5VI Output Drive Current (VOH=2.5V) -40°C 25°C Symbol VOO V "0" level VOL 5.0 - "1" Level VOH 5.0 4.95 "0" Level VIL 5.0 - 1.5 - 2.25 5.0 3.5 - 3.5 2.75 Characteristic "1" level VIH Min + 85°C V 1.5 - - 1.5 3.5 - V mA IOH 5.0 -0.5 - -05 -1.7 - -OA IOL 5.0 OA5 - 0.78 - 0.34 Input Current (Oscin, Din) lin 5.0 - OA - +0.00001 +0.3 - Input Current (POR) lin 5.0 - - 10 50 400 Input Capacitance Cin - - - - 5.0 Quiescent Current, Per Package POR = VDD, Other Inputs= VDD or 0, 10ut=0 p.A IDD 5.0 - 5.0 - 250 VHvs 5.0 - 0.25 - - - V 5.0 - - - IT - 400 - - - p.A (VOL =OAV) Source Sink Data Input Hysteresis Total Supply Current at an External Load Capacitance (CL) of Figure 6 f=500kHz +0.3 #Noise immunity specified for worst-case input combination Noise Margin for both "1" and "0" ieve;= 1.0 V rnif! @ VDD-5.0 V 2.0 V min @ VDD= 10 V 7-4 - mA + 1.0 p.A - - p.A 7.5 - - pF 1000 - - p.A MC14457, MC14458 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (MCl4457 - Transmitter VOO= 5 to 15 V MCl4458 - Receiver VOO= 5 V) Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Output Rise and Fall Time - Receiver CL = 100 pF Characteristic tTLH. tTHL - 0.3 1.0 Jl.s Oscillator Start-Up Time - Transmitter ton PRF Clock Pulse Frequency - 8.0 - Jl.s - 1500 600 kHz MCl4457 - TRANSMITTER Q Shift Register AT R2 R3 ROW! Inputs R4 R5 6 Colome { Inputs Ci C2 10 C3 9 N Pullup Resistors with Keyboard Encode and Oebounce Modulation Control Mux VOO= Pin 16 Vss=Pin8 Mod (Oata Code) II 7-5 MC14457, MC14458 FIGURE 1 - EXAMPLE OF TRANSMITTED WORD ~ I (~~~~:) I Low Frequency c:::J High Frequency IZZZ2I I ----.J VA rlTlI1 t'lA PM I LF*I 5-Bit Keyboard Encoded Latched Data I VA 0 I 1 I 0 I 0 I 1 I 1 I 0 I Zero One Funct LSB LSB LSB MSB Start Start +1 +2 -100 ms 4' I LF I I • * Low Frequency FIGURE 2 - DATA SIGNAL (CLOCK = 500 kHz) Data Signal I L...--_ILJ Data _-:-_ _--:'-_--J Code 6.656 _~__-.t..-...,....._6.144 ms ms 12.8 ms Bit Time 9983 ms II PreStart Low F Start Bit "0" Start Bit "1" Function Bit "0" LSB "0" LSB+l "1" ~ Start.pattern +tl.11{.....________ __ Fixed LSB+2 "0" MSB "1" End Low F I command Pattern -----+iVariable .,.. MC14457 TRANSMITTER PIN DESCRIPTIONS R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, ROW INPUTS (PINS 5, 4,1,2,3) These pins are the row inputs and are active in the low state. On-chip pullup resistors are provided on each of these inputs. puts are at ground potential. OSCin, OSCout, OSCILLATORS (PINS 11, 12) - These pins are the input! output terminals of the oscillator. They can be used with a ceramic resonator or crystal. The oscillator is automatically turned off after the data is transmitted for low current quiescent operation. If an external oscillator is used, a current limiting resistor should be added, due to the presence of an internal pulldown device on the oscillator input. 6, C2, 5, C4, COLUMN INPUTS (PINS 6, 7, 10, 9) These pins are the column inputs and are active in the low state. On-chip pullup resistors are provided on each of these inputs. Out 1, Out 2, OUTPUTS (PINS 14, 15) - These pins provide push-pull output and can be used with ceramic transducers or LEOs. In the non-operating condition, both out- Mod, MODULATION (PIN 13) - This pin is a data code output. Note that there is no power-up reset. 7-6 MC14457, MC14458 TABLE 1 Key Number Operation Row Column (Active Low) (Active Low) DATA CODE Transmitter Data and Receiver Output Address MSB/A3 LSB+2/A2 LSB+ l/Al LSB/AO Function* VA Pulse Notes 1 0 - 0 0 - 1 1 1 0 - 1 1 0 0 0 - 1 0 1 0 1 0 - 1 C1 0 1 1 0 0 - 1 R4 C2 0 1 1 1 0 - 1 R5 C1 1 0 0 0 0 1 R5 C2 1 0 0 1 0 - Rl C3 0 0 0 0 1 J/ 2 14 t Chan. Search t Fine Tuning t Fine Tuning t 15 Spare 16 Spare 17 Volume 18 Volume 1 Digit 0 R1 C1 0 0 0 0 0 2 Digit 1 R1 C2 0 0 0 1 3 Digit 2 R2 C1 0 1 4 Digit 3 R2 C2 0 0 0 5 Digit 4 R3 C1 0 6 Digit 5 R3 C2 7 Digit 6 R4 8 Digit 7 9 Digit 8 10 Digit 9 11 12 13 Chan. Search t t 1 1 R1 C4 0 0 0 1 1 J/ 2 R2 C3 0 0 1 0 1 J/ 3 R2 C4 0 0 1 1 1 J/ 3 R3 C3 0 1 0 0 1 J/ 3 R3 C4 0 1 0 1 1 J/ 3 R4 C3 0 1 1 0 1 J/ 3 R4 C4 0 1 1 1 1 J/ 3 19 Mute on/off R5 C3 1 0 0 0 1 J/ 2 20 Off R5 C4 1 0 0 1 1 J/ 2 21 Digit 10 R2·R5 C1 1 0 1 0 0 - 1 22 Digit 11 R2·R5 C2 1 0 1 1 0 - 1 23 Digit 12 R3·R5 C1 1 1 0 0 0 - 1 24 Digit 13 R3·R5 C2 1 1 0 1 0 - 1 25 Digit 14 R2·R3·R5 C1 1 1 1 0 0 - 1 26 Digit 15 R2·R3·R5 C2 1 1 1 1 0 - 1 27 Spare R2·R5 C3 1 0 1 0 1 J/ 3 28 Spare R2·R5 C4 1 0 1 1 1 J/ 3 29 Spare R3·R5 C3 1 1 0 0 1 J/ 3 30 Spare R3·R5 C4 1 1 0 1 1 J/ 3 31 Spare R2·R3·R5 C3 1 1 1 0 1 J/ 3 32 Spare R2·R3·R5 C4 1 1 1 1 1 J/ 3 Notes: 1. Channel Select Keys (Function Bit = 0). Data is transmitted once each time a key is activated 2 Toggling type On/Off or counter advance type keys Data is transmitted once each time a key IS activated 3. Analog Up/ Down or On/ Off keys, i. e., one key for Down or Off and another key for Up or On Data transmission key is operated. IS repeated as long as the * The function bit is used only internally by the MC14458 receiver as a steering bit In Table 1, all channel select data is noted by the function bit equal to zero. For functions other than channel, the function bit equals one. The four toggling or counter advance type keys that transmit data once each time a key is activated are Mute, Off, Channel Search Up, and Channel Search Down. The twelve remaining analog keys (Vol, Tint, Color, etc) transmit data as long as the key is activated. The keys' functions are arranged to provide the most typical application without grounding of multiple row or columns required. 7-7 I MC14457, MC14458 MCl4458 - RECEIVER Data In_2_ _ _ _-l Load • UHF/VHF 17 Data Ready Q 4 AFT Voo= Pin 24 VSS = Pin 12 I MCl4458 RECEIVER PIN DESCRIPTIONS Data Ready, DATA READY SIGNAL (PIN 17) - A positive pulse with a duration of 768 P.s appears at Pin 17 of the receiver approximately 0.1 second after a complete command is entered on the remote control transmitter keyboard. The negative going edge of this pulse may be used for triggering purposes. NOTE: A complete command is one digit in the single entry mode or two digits in the double entry mode. Data In, DATA INPUT (PIN 2) - The amplified ultrasonic data signal (after amplification and limiting forms a square wave with a peak-to-peak value of VOO) is applied to this input terminal. OSCin, OSCILLATOR INPUT (PIN 1) - The oscillator input pin of the receiver is connected to an oscillator that provides, for example, a 500 kHz square wave signal. A typical oscillator circuit is shown in Figure 5. Accuracy of one percent, relative to the oscillator frequency in the transmitter, is recommended for satisfactory rerformance in very high echo producing environments. AFT, AUTOMATIC FINE TUNING ENABLE (PIN 4) - The voltage level at this pin is low for a time duration of 0.393 seconds following a change in selected channel to allow disabling the tuner AFT circuit. Also, miscellaneous commands 0000, 0001, 0010, and 0011 (Channel Search Up/Down, Fine Tuning Up/Down) will cause this disable feature. L1, L2, L4, L8, Ml, M2, M4, M8, CHANNEL OUTPUTS (PINS 13, 14, 15, 16, 11, 10, 9, 8) - The eight data output pins provide latched data corresponding to the channel selected on the transmitter keyboard. L1 through L8 are the least significant bits; M 1 through M8 are the most significant bits. The data on these pins is accompanied by a Data Ready signal. POR, POWER-ON RESET (PIN 3) - This pin is low for power-on reset of the analog output t-o 0 pulse width and off! on output to O. An internal pull-up device delivers 10 to 400 p.A to charge an external capacitor. Reset occurs until the input voltage reaches 70 percent VDO. All internal reyist81s will also be reset. 7-8 MC14457, MC14458 In the muted mode, the analog level is memorized and cannot be varied by the up/ down controls on the transmitter. AD, A1, A2., A3, ADDRESS OUTPUTS (PINS 19, 20, 21, 22) - The address outputs of the receiver identify selected analog and on/ off commands for use in system expansion. The data on these lines is valid when accompanied by a Valid Address pulse. LBV, LOW BAND (PIN 7) - This pin will go HIGH whenever channels 02, 03, 04, 05, or 06 are selected The output is LOW for channels 00, 01, and 07 through 99. VA, VALID ADDRESS (PIN 18) - A negative going pulse with a duration of 768 /Ls appears at Pin 18 approximately 0.1 seconds after an analog on/ off key on the remote control transmitter keyboard is operated. Either edge of this pulse may be used for control of add-on circuits. The Valid Address pulse is repeated every 102.4 ms for as long as a key is operated which provides repeated transmission of data when held down. The Valid Address signal may be used in conjunction with the Address Outputs to drive memories to provide additional control functions such as color, tint, etc The Valid Address pulse may be used to provide a stepping clock for up/down counters in a memory. The least significant address line (AO) is used to identify the up or down mode, and the remaining address lines (A 1, A2, A3) are decoded to enable each individual contra) circuit. By adding up/ down counters to the Data Outputs, it is possible to use the Valid Address pulse and a decoded address for implementing a channel up/down stepping function from the remote control. Additional On/Off functions may be obtained by using the Valid Address pulse in combination with a decoded address for setting and resetting of latches. The Valid Address Signal is disabled in the standby mode (ON output at logical 0). OPERATION The receiver can be placed in a single-digit mode of operation by connecting the M4 data output (Pin 9) to VDD and the UHF output (Pin 6) to VSS. In this mode, the L1 through L8 channel outputs will change immediately after the entry of a Single digit on the transmitter keys. The Ml through M8 outputs are not used in this mode (see Figure 6). As one example of operation, a free-running ceramic resonator oscillator (at 500 kHz), triggered by the depression of any key, is divided by 12 or 13 to provide frequencies of 41.67 or 38.46 kHz. The transmitted data "zero" consists of 256 periods of the lower frequency followed by an equal number of the higher frequency. Mark to space ratio is kept at 1: 1 in each case. A data "one" reverses the order of the two frequencies. Rowand column information from the keyboard is encoded into a 5-bit word and loaded onto data latches on the edge of transmit enable. This data, preceded by two bits, 0 and 1, is used in sequence to provide biphase control of the divider and, consequently, the bit pattern transmitted from the unit. Each 7-bit word begins and ends with a low frequency burst. Operation of a channel select key produces an output data stream for a duration of approximately 100 ms. UHFIVHF, ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY IVERY HIGH FREQUENCY OUTPUT (PIN 6) - This pin of the receiver provides a low level when the selected channel is a VHF channel (00 to 13, or 84 to 99). A high level on Pin 6 identifies selection of a UHF channel (14 to 83). This Signal is provided to permit switching of VHF and UHF tuners APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Typical circuits for the transmitter and receiver chips are shown in Figures 3 through 7. The transmitters, with the keyboard shown, transmit the first twenty codes from Table 1. The circuits of Figure 3 transmit via ultrasonic; whereas, the circuit of Figure 4 transmits infrared light. In Figure 3, a push-pull output at Pins 14 and 15 allows a balance drive to the ceramic microphone, which virtually doubles the transmitted power, compared to a single-ended output. The diagram in Figure 5 shows an amplifier connected to a remote receiver. The bias resistor (photodiode) of the amplifier requires bias. The bias voltage is determined by the choice of photodiode and system considerations such as ambient light. Most of the required gain is realized using three of the hex inverters in the MC14069UB package. A fourth inverter from the same package operates a 500 kHz oscillator circuit. Figure 6 shows a block diagram of a PLL system. The receiver directly addresses a synthesizer. In this diagram, a complete command consists of two channel digits fallowed by an Enter code. The Enter code into the synthesizer is a 0101 in complementary logic. The transmitted code from the transmitter is 1010, which is Function 10 from Table 1. A block diagram of a tuning address system is shown in Figure 7. This block diagram incorporates a one-chip microcomputer that would be programmed to the system's needs. The system can be expanded up to 256 channels. On, ON (PIN 5) - This pin of the receiver provides a low level following operation of the Off command (1001) on the remote-control transmitter. The signal on this pin changes to a high level when a channel is selected. Vol, VOLUME CONTROL (PIN 23) - An analog output voltage in the range between 0 V and VDD is obtained by integrating the Signal at the Vol pin through a low-pass filter. The analog voltage resolution has been chosen to be 64 steps. The value can be incremented or decremented in steps of one by keys providing commands 0111 and 0110, respectively (see Table 1). This analog voltage can be varied up or down at a speed of approximately 10 steps per second. The D/ A conversion is performed with an underflow and an overflow limiting circuit. The Vol pin is normally used for the control of volume. The first time power is applied to the remote-control receiver, the volume output is 0 volts. The Vol Signal may be increased after a channel has been selected by operating the key providing a command 0111 (Volume Up). The Vol signal may be muted by operating a key on the transmitter providing command 1000. Return to the original output prior to muting may be achieved by operating the mute key a second time or by operating the volume-up key. 7-9 II MC14457, MC14458 FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL ULTRASONIC SYSTEM 12 Ultrasonic Ceramic Microphone __+-e-+-e-+-e-~~--_4~R2 MC14457 3 R5 C1 C2 C3 C4 6 7 10 9 --~~~--~~~~+---~ Note: CR is a ceramic resonator, Radio Materials Corp. type CR30 or equivalent. FIGURE 4 - TYPICAL INFRARED SYSTEM +6V 680 12 11 14 5 R1 15 4 R2 N.C. 330 .;r MC14457 § +6V R3 <:t 0; ~ 2 R4 3 R5 C1 C2 C3 C4 6 7 10 9 5O"F -= Note: CR is a ceramic resonator, Radio Materials Corp. type CR30 or equivalent. 7-10 MC14457, MC14458 FIGURE 5 - TYPICAL REMOTE CONTROL RECEIVER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM r-- I -, I 1N914 +5 Bias t 1-1~ ...--...._L..:----..-..H_....---+-I1-2-.2-k..... PFr-:1,CX! pF r.:l 'CX! pF ~I1~I1OOPF -= -= +5V 560 1/6 MC14069UB +5V 1/6 MC14069UB +5V 1/6 MC14069UB 1°OPFI ** -= I I I I I I _...J +5V Ceramic Data VDD lMSD Data Outputs Os c in lLse 10Meg lO PF 100 PFJ I MC14458 17 Data Ready A3 22 A221 20 A1 19 AO 18 5 OA71' F J 23 l Add"" O",P"" VA On/Off Vol Low Band VHF UHFNHF AFT NOTES: tBias used for photodiode only. * It is mandatory to use an infrared filter in front of the photodiode Type Kodak 87C or similar Select 2N5458 FETs with an lOSS of 2 to 4 mA * * 100 pF capacitor should be placed as close as possible to Pin 2 of the MC14458 * 7-11 ,i,i. II MC14457, MC14458 FIGURE 6 - BLOCK DIAGRAM OF A PLL SYSTEM MC14502B 3 State Inverter +5V ~2 ~~ ~ ~ 6 I 24 9 t-"--+5V MCl4458 16 Remote 15 Receiver 14 12 17 13 3 5 6 1 7 2 10 9 12 Inh PLL Synthesizer I- ~ Strobe I- ~ III III ,-, ,:,,-, ,:, '--- FIGURE 7 - Decoderl Driver One Shot - Adjust output pulse width to give a low on Inh which is long enough to enter data without problem. -{>r-J Binary Complement Diode Logic f--- Y> I III III II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 0 Enter Note: Enter must be a 0101 in complementary logic. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF A TUNING ADDRESS SYSTEM FOR UP TO 256 CHANNELS II Band Switching Synthesizer CMOS MPU/MCU R2 Rl RO Kl K2 K4 KB /'/'/ 7-12 PLL ® MC14469 MOTOROLA ADDRESSABLE ASYNCHRONOUS CMOS LSI RECEIVER/TRANSMITTER The MCl4469 Addressable Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter is constructed with MOS P-channel and N-channel enhancement devices in a single monolithic structure (CMOS). The MCl4469 receives one or two eleven-bit words in a serial data stream. One of the incoming words contains the address and when the address matches, the MCl4469 will then transmit its information in two eleven-bit-word data streams. Each of the transmitted words contains eight data bits, even parity bit, start and stop bit. The received word contains seven address bits and the address of the MCl4469 is set on seven pins. Thus 27 or 128 units can be interconnected in simplex or full duplex data transmission. In addition to the address received, seven command bits may be received for data or control use. The MCl4469 finds application in transmitting data from remote A-to-D converters, remote M PUs or remote digital transducers to the master computer or M PU. (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) ADDRESSABLE ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER/TRANSMITTER • Supply Voltage Range - 4.5 Vdc to 18 Vdc L SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 734 • Low Quiescent Current - 75 p.Adc maximum @ 5 Vdc • Data Rates to 4800 Baud @ 5 V, to 9600 Baud @ 12 V • Receive - Serial to Parallel Transmit - Parallel to Serial ORDERING INFORMATION • Transmit and Receive Simultaneously in Full Duplex Denotes • Crystal or Resonator Operation for On-Chip Oscillator Ceramic Package • See also Application Note AN-8oo Plastic Package BLOCK DIAGRAMS PIN ASSIGNMENTS Transmit Receive 40 Input Data 39 38 37' 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 Send Enable L--. ~:~~; ~::~~ss 27 Pulse (VAP) 26 Clocks ? 25 O"'~D,t'R,teCIO'k 0"2 ~ ~Re,e,"eD,,'S"obe 24 23 22 21 7-13 II MC14469 MAXIMUM RATINGS This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that V in and V out be constrained to the range VSS';; (V in or V out ) .;; VOD. Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either (Voltages referenced to VSS, Pin 20. DC Supply Voltage Input Voltage, Ali Inputs DC Current Drain per Pin Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Symbol Value Unit VDD -0.5 to +18 Vin -0.5 to VDO + 0.5 Vde Vdc I 10 mAde TA -40 to +85 T stg -65 to +150 °c °c VSS or VDO). ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Characteristic Output Voltage Vin = VDD orO "0" Level "1" Level VOL VOH Vin=OorVDD I nput Voltage # (VO = 4.5 or 0.5 Vde) (VO = 9.0 or 1.0 Vde) "0" Level FI (VOL (VOL (VOL = 0.4 Vdc) = 0.5 Vdc) = 1.5 Vdc) Sink Output Drive Current (Pin 2 Only) (VOH = 2.5 Vdc) Source (VOH = 4.6 Vdc) (VOH = 9.5 Vdc) (VOH = 13.5 Vdc) (VOL (VOL (VOL = 0.4 Vdc) = 0.5 Vdc) = 1.5 Vdc) Sink Max Min Typ Max Min Max Unit - 0.05 0.05 0.05 - 0.05 0.05 0.05 - 0.05 0.05 0.05 Vdc - 0 0 0 4.95 9.95 14.95 5.0 10 15 - 4.95 9.95 14.95 - Vdc - 2.25 1.5 - 1.5 5.0 10 15 - 5.0 10 15 4.95 9.95 14.95 - 5.0 10 - 1.5 3.0 - 4.0 - 4.50 6.75 3.0 4.0 - 15 - 3.0 4.0 5.0 10 15 3.5 7.0 11.0 - 3.5 7.0 11.0 2.75 5.50 8.25 - 3.5 7.0 11.0 - 5.0 5.0 10 15 -1.0 -0.2 -0.5 -1.4 - -0.8 -0.16 -0.4 -1.2 -1.7 -0.35 -0.9 -3.5 - -0.6 -0.12 -0.3 -1.0 - 0.44 1.1 3.0 0.88 2.25 8.8 - 0.36 0.9 2.4 - -0.16 -0.035 -0.08 -0.27 -0.32 -0.07 -0.16 -0.48 - -0.13 -0.03 -0.06 -0.2 - 0.17 0.28 0.84 - - - - - - Vdc Vdc VIH (VO = 0.5 or 4.5 Vde) (Va = 1.0 or 9.0 Vdc) (Va = 1.5 or 13.5 Vdc) Output Orive Current (Except Pin 2) (VOH = 2.5 Vdc) Source (VOH = 4.6 Vdc) (VOH = 9.5 Vdc) (VOH = 13.5 Vdc) +850 C Min VIL (VO = 13.5 or 1.5 Vde) "1" Level 25°C -40°C Voo Vdc - mAdc IOH IOL - - 5.0 10 15 0.52 1.3 3.6 - 5.0 5.0 10 15 -0.19 -0.04 -0.09 -0.29 - 5.0 10 15 0.1 0.17 0.50 - - - - - - mAdc IOH IOL mAdc - - - 0.085 0.14 0.42 - - - 0.07 0.1 0.3 - mAdc - f max 4.5 400 - 365 550 - 310 - I nput Current lin 15 - ±0.3 - ±0.00001 ±0.3 - ±1.0 /lAdc Pull-Up Current (Pins 4-18) IUp 15 12 120 10 50 100 8.0 85 /lAdc I nput Capacitance (Vin = 0) Cin - - - - 5.0 7.5 - - pF Quiescent Current (Per Package) 100 5.0 10 15 - 75 150 300 - 565 1125 2250 /lAdc - 0.010 0.020 0.030 - - 75 150 300 - - - +4.5 +18.0 +4.5 - +18.0 +4.5 +18.0 Vdc Maximum Frequency !Supply Voltage VOD ·'Noise immunity specified for worst-case input combination. Noise Margin both "1" and .. level = 1.0 Vdc min@ VDD = 5.0 Vdc 2.0 Vdc min @ VDO = 10 Vdc 2.5 Vdc min @ VDO = 15 Vdc a.. 7-14 - kHz MC14469 DATA FORMAT AND CORRESPONDING DATA POSITION AND PINS FOR MC14469 AND MC6850 RECEIVE DATA (RI; Pin 19t I_ Address - - -.........I~_r T T T .. l1!.I_ 1_ L L. .L I-.L.J MC14469 Pin Number ,L J P " 4 5 6 8 -,- 9 SP Command Identifier Address Identifier 10 38 37 36 35 34 33 CO C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 21 20 19 18 17 16 02 03 04 05 06 39 Pin Designation AO A 1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 MC6850 ACIA Pin Number 22 21 20 17 16 22 Pin Oesignation 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 00 01 19 18 TRANSMIT DATA (TRO; Pin 21t ,- ____ Input Oata ~ ~~ '" I L. MC14469 Pin Numbers --,... 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 100101102103104105 ID6 107 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 SO S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 21 20 19 16 15 MC6850 ACIA Pin Number 22 21 20 19 18 16 15 22 Pin Designation 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 00 01 ST ~ p ~ SP ~ 17 AO -+ A6 ~ Address Bits Start Bit ParitY Bit Stop Bit "I Status T T T T T "T T T;"1 spr;,T T "T T"" T .,. "T T pi SP .L .J. J. J. .J. .J. .1. J.. .J..::.J '" L ..1. ..L .J. .J. ~ .J. .L ~ ....'......_ _ _ _ __ 11 Pin Designation ., Command ~TTT,.o T~~]" ..L ~ ..L .J. .J. -L I. T"""'~ T T" ,-s CO -+ C6 00 -+ 07 ~ ~ 02 03 18 17 04 05 06 07 100 -+ 107 ~ MC14469 Identification Code SO -+ S7 Command Bits ACIA Bus Bits ~ MC14469 Status Code TYPICAL RECEIVE/SEND CYCLE M Address S ~B SO 1 2 345 6 7 VOO M S Command S _ _ _B S P So 1 234 567 fp'" __ ~'"'~"''"'~'' ...., T'-XTXTX"'XTXTXTX"" pnT!'"X'X"TX"'XTXTX"TX' VSS ~~;&;~~:.t;"'~_L.., Receiver Input (RI) I I I Valid Address Pulse (VAP) I ~~------------------------------------- Internal Valid Address Latch (VAL) I Internal Send ~r---------'L-J Enable Latch (SEL) Command Strobe Output (CS) ________________ I ~n~ ____ _____________________________ ~ I Send Input (Send) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- L_ _ I ~~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ I I Transmit Out (TRO) M M I s s I B S B S VOOIS1i VSS I 10 k 10 k 10 k RI TRO RI TRO VOO VOO 107 107 107 •• VSS I MC14469 o AO,IOO A1,I01 A2,I02 A3,103 A4,I04 A5,105 A6,I06 • • S7 S7 MC14469 UART 10 k TRO VOO S7 MC6850 ACIA 10 k 10 k Address 0000001 CS Send A1,I01 A2,I02 A3,I03 A4,I04 A5,I05 A6,I06 Address 1111111 MC14469 127 CS CS Send Send Address 0000000 Master Station Remote MC14469 Stations Note: For Simplex operation the 107 must be tied high, S7 must be tied low and the 7-bit 10 must be the same as the 7-bit address (or set to some unused address) to prevent erroneous responses. 3: o ..... ~ ~ CJ) FIGURE 5 - DOUBLE LINE, FULL DUPLEX DATA TRANSMISSION CD V+ 0 Voo k~ 1 k ~ MPS-005 10 k ~ ":"I ....... <0 .-Y ~ ~ J rJ; VSS MC6850 ACIA UART Master Station I 10k RI TRO RI MPS-005 MPS-005 10k~ ~ TAO • ~ ~ II I rJ; ---+-~~----------------------------~ 7-30 VSS MC145026, MC145027, MC145028, MC145029 FIGURE 2 - MC145027 DECODER BLOCK DIAGRAM Valid Transmission D6 Q) '"c;, D7 Q) a: D8 Sequencer Circuit 4 D9 3 Al A2 9 Data Extractor A3 Data In ~VDD A4 C2 R2~ ~vss A5 FIGURE 3 - MC145028 DECODER BLOCK DIAGRAM Control Logic ~ Valid .~ Transmission 9-Bit Shift Register ~Data Data Extractor ~ In ~VDD C2 6,0 R21-:],. ~vss -= 7-31 -= II MC145026, MC145027, MC145028, MC145029 FIGURE 4 - MC145029 DECODER BLOCK DIAGRAM Valid Transmission D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 9 Data Extractor ~VDD ~vss 6 10 FIGURE 5 - II Data In ENCODER OSCILLATOR INFORMATION RS RTC -11 13 This oscillator will operate at a frequency determined by the external RC network; i.e., f= 1 (Hz) 2.3 RTC CTC' for 1 kHzsfs400 kHz where: CTc' = CTC + Clayout + 12 pF Rs",2 RTC The value for RS should be chosen to be 2: 2 times RTC. This range will ensure that current through RS is insignificant compared to current through RTC. The upper limit for RS must ensure that RS x 5 pF (input capacitance) is small compared to RTC x CTC. For frequencies outside the indicated range, the formula will be less accurate The minimum recommended oscillation frequency of this circuit is 1 kHz. Susceptibility to externally induced noise signals may occur for frequencies below 1 kHz and/or when resistors utilized are greater than 1 MO. RS2:20 k RTC2: 10 k 400 pF< CTC< 15 J.'F 7·32 MC145026, MC145027, MC145028, MC145029 FIGURE 6 - ~ PW min ENCODER/DECODER TIMING DIAGRAM MC146026 ENCODER TE~ _____________________________________________________ con~:U~~~ i~:~~~:~~:~~ ..... NM.qL.OCD ~~~~R,c~~~~~g 2i3oobj&5a;~~55~g ~~~~~~~~N~ g?J~a5a;@~~ Oscilla~ ~J1JU1JUU1JlJU1JlJU4 J~ ~ Encoder IPin 12) . /--!lth Blt-+l 1+-1st Blt-----.j DataOutlPin15) 1+-1st Blt---+l f+--9th BI1--! i~~~ ~ f.t--- One - k - Trlnary----+J-- Zero ----1 I I I_ _I 1st Word ._ 2nd WOrd-----ir--~J MC145027, MC145028, AND MC145029 DECODERS Valid Transmis_s_io_n_I_Pi_n_l_l_)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--if------/~ DataOutPu_ts_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~x~ FIGURE 7 - _______ MC145026 ENCODER DATA WAVEFORMS Encoder Oscillator (Pin 12) I Encoded "One" Data Out IPin 15) Encoded "Zero" U -.1 n Jl I L I I I I I Encoded "Open" ..J 1-- I· LSl ·1 Data Pulse Period Data Bit Period 7·33 I I I I I I ·1 II MC145026, MC145027, MC145028, MC145029 FIGURE 8 - MC145027/MC145029 FLOWCHART No Disable VT on the 1st Address Mismatch and Ignore the Rest of This Word Store the Data No I Disable VT on the 1st Data Mismatch Latch Data Onto Output Pins and Activate VT Yes 7-34 Disable VT MC145026, MC145027, MC145028, MC145029 FIGURE 9 - MC145028 FLOWCHART No Serially Shift the Address ("1" = "1"1" Into the Storage Register up Until Il.e., Excludlngl the 1st Mismatch Store the Address '1" No = "T"I" Shift in an Extra "1" Yes No Disable VT Activate II VT Yes Disable VT "For shift register comparisons, a "T" IS stored as a "1". 7-35 MC145026, MC145027, MC145028, MC145029 FIGURE 10 - f max vs Clayout MC145027, MC145028, and MC145029 500 400 N I 0 ~- X~ J~ 300 200 100 10 20 30 40 Clayout (pF) on Pins 1-5 (MC145027); Pins 1-5 and 12-15 (MC145028); Pins 1-4 (MC145029) 7-36 50 3: o ~ FIGURE 11 - TYPICAL APPLICATION CTC' = CTC + Clayout + 12 pF 100 pF5 CTC:515 ItF RTC~ 10 k; RS'" 2 RTC R1 ~10 k C1 ~400 pF R2~ 100 k C2~ 700 pF VDD TE VDD .l-. 1:,] 116 I 01ltF N 5» 3: VDD O.lItF ~ en o N "'...... 16 13 W -....J 4-Bit Binary Data ! ~ I 3: Trinary Addresses MC145027 MC145026 -....J o VDD 9 T Trinary Addresses ~ en o Rl 12 -¥ 14 12 11 R2 = R1Cl =3.95 RTCCTC R2C2 = 77 RtCCTC Repeat of Above ICTC' = CTC + 20 pF) fosc (kHz) RTC R1 C1 R2 C2 10 k GTC' 120 pF RS 362 20 k 10 k 470 pF 100 k 910 P 181 10 k 240 pF 20 k 10 k 100 k 1800 pF 100 k 3900 pF 100 k 7500 pF 88.7 10 k 490 pF 20 k 10k 910 pF 2000 pF 42.6 10k 1020 pF 20 k 10k 3900 pF 21.5 10 k 2020 pF 20 k 10 k 8200 pF 100 k 0. 015 1t F 8.53 10k 5100 pF 20 k 10k 0.021tF 200 k 0.021t F 1.71 50k 5100 pF 100 k 50k 0.021t F 200 k 0.1 JLF II D7 o ~ D9 ~ VT en o N CD 1 2.3 RTCCTC' Example RIC Values (All Resistors and Capacitors are ±5%) S» 3: !2.. D8 RS fose ~ N C1 10 11 ~ en o RTC I o Repeat of Above II 7-38 CMOS Smoke Detectors 8-1 CMOS SMOKE DETECTORS Device Number MCl4466 MCl4467-1 MCl4468 Function lonization- Type Smoke Detector lonization-Type Smoke Detector with Interconnect Function Low Cost Smoke Detector Low Cost Smoke Detector Interconnectable Smoke Detector On-Chip High Input Impedance FET Comparator .,.. Low Battery Detector Piezoelectric Horn Driver Device Number Number of Pins .,.. .,.. MC14466 16 .,.. .,.. .,.. MC14467-1 16 .,.. .,.. .,.. MC14468 16 I 8-2 ® MOTOROLA MC14466 LOW-COST SMOKE DETECTOR CMOS MS. (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) The MC14466, together with an ionization chamber, will detect smoke using a minimum of external components. When smoke is sensed, an alarm is sounded via an external piezoelectric transducer and internal drivers. This circuit is designed to comply with the UL217 specification. • Ionization Type with On-Chip FET Input Comparator • • Piezoelectric Horn Driver Guard Outputs on Both Sides of Detect Input • Low Battery Trip Point Internally Set Can Be Altered Via External Resistor • Detect Threshold Internally Set Can Be Altered Via External Resistor • • • Pulse Testing for Low Battery Uses LED for Battery Loading Comparator Outputs for Detect and Low Battery Internal Reverse Battery Protection • Chip Complexity: 239 FETs LOW-COST SMOKE DETECTOR 16 P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 6488* 'Pins 15 and 16 are connected via a metal shorting bar. See package detail In Figure 1. BLOCK DIAGRAM PIN ASSIGNMENT VDD VDD Piezoelectric co~pe~~i [rJi'...'16~ Guard N.C. [ 2 15 J Detect 80 k 1045k 5 13 14 J ComLg~~ [ 4 13 J Sensitivity LED I 5 12] Ext Capacitor Guard VDD [ 6 11 ] Silver I 7 10' Brass Ext Resistor Feedback [ ....8_ _ _9...1~ VSS 1125 k VDD= Pin 6 Detect Input 1_5~_ _--I Vss=Pin 9 8-3 Input Low V Set [ 3 Set II MC14466 MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages referenced to Vss) Rating Symbol Value Unit VDD -0.5 to + 15 V Input Voltage. All Inputs Yin DC Input Current. per Pin lin -0.25 to VDD+0.25 10 mA 30 mA DC Supply Voltage V DC Output Current. per Pin lout Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range TA T stg -55 to + 125 °C Reverse Battery Time tRB 5.0 s o to +50 This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields: however. it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Yin and Vout be constrained to the range VSS,s (Vin or Vout),sVDD). °C RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (Voltages referenced to VSS) Parameter Symbol Value VDD Cext 9.0 V 0.1 /L F Rext - 8.2 MO 10 mA Supply Voltage Timing Capacitor Timing Resistor Battery Load (Resistor or LED) Unit ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°CI Symbol Voo Vdc Min Typ Max Operating Voltage VDD - 6.0 - 10 Output Voltage Piezoelectric Horn Drivers IIOH = 16 mAl Comparators (IOH = 30 /LAI Piezoelectric Horn Drivers IIOL = - 16 mAl Comparators (IOL = - 30 /LA) VOH Characteristic VOL Unit V V 74 9.0 74 9.0 6.5 8.5 - 8.8 0.1 0.9 0.5 - - mA Output Current - LED Driver (VOL =3.0 V) IOL 74 10 Operating Current (R ext =8.2 Mni IDD 9.0 - 5.0 9.0 /LA Input Current - Detect (40% R. H.) lin 9.0 - - ±1.0 pA Internal Set Voltage - Low Battery - Sensitivity Vlow V set Vhys 9.0 - 7.2 47 50 7.8 53 9.0 75 100 150 V %VDD mV 9.0 9.0 - - - - ± 100 ±50 Hysteresis Offset Voltage (measured at Vin = VDD/2) Active Guard Detect Comparator mV VOS II 8-4 MC14466 TIMING PARAMETERS (C ext = 0 1 I"F, Rext = 82 MI], VDD = 9.0 V, T A = 25°Cl Characteristics No Smoke Smoke Oscillator Period Oscillator Rise Time (Pin 12) Min Typ Max Units 1.34 32 1.67 40 2.0 48 s ms 8 10 12 ms On Time Off Time 120 60 160 80 208 104 ms ms LED Output (During No Smoke) Off Time Between Pulses On Time 32 8 40 10 48 12 s ms Hom Output (During Low Ballery) On Time Off Time Between Pulses 8 32 10 40 12 48 ms s Hom Output (During Smoke) TIMING DIAGRAM No Smoke Smo~ Smoke r--- No Low Battery ~ No Low Battery ~ I .. 1.67s~~ ~40ms NoSmo~ ~ Low Battery IC Low Battery ~ 10ms-'l~ Oscillator (Pin 12) Detect Comp (Pin 1) nnr----------------~---1~ Low V Comp (Pin 41 Horn Modulation LED Pulse High = Horn Enable Low = Horn Disable '--------l~ =~~ -.J U~--------~~j--- * - 24 Clock Cycles ----.J 24 Clock Cycles 40s 1s 10 s NOTES: 1. Horn modulation is self-completing. When going from smoke to no smoke, the alarm condition will terminate only when horn 2. Comparators are strobed on once per clock cycle 11.67 s for no smoke, 40 IT S for smokel. 3. Low battery comparator information is latched only during LED pulse. FIGURE 1 - PACKAGE DETAIL * External lead connection (shorting barl between Pins 15 and 16 8-5 IS off. II MC14466 DEVICE OPERATION TIMING nected between VDD and VSS. These voltages can be altered by external resistors connected from Pins 3 or 13 to either VDD or VSS. There will be a slight interaction here due to the common voltage divider network. The internal oscillator of the MCl4466 operates with a period of 1.67 seconds during no-smoke conditions. Each 1.67 seconds, internal power is applied to the entire IC and a check is made for smoke. Every 24 clock cycles a check is made for low battery by comparing VDD to an internal zener voltage. Since very small currents are used in the oscillator, the oscillator capacitor should be of a low leakage type. TEST MODE Since the internal op amps and comparators are power strobed, adjustments for sensitivity or low battery level could be difficult and/or time-consuming. By forcing Pin 12 to VSS, the power strobing is bypassed and the outputs, Pins 1 and 4, constantly show smoke/no-smoke and good battery/low battery, respectively. Pin 1 = VDD for smoke and Pin 4 = VDD for low battery. In this mode and during the 10ms power strobe, chip current rises to approximately 50 p.A. DETECT CIRCUITRY If smoke is detected, the oscillator period becomes 40 ms and the piezoelectric horn oscillator circuit is enabled. The horn output is modulated 200 ms on, 40 ms off. During the off time, smoke is again checked and will inhibit further horn output if no smoke is sensed. During smoke conditions the low battery detection is inhibited, but the LED pulses at a 1.0 Hz rate. An active guard is provided on both pins adjacent to the detect input. The voltage at these pins will be within 100 mV of the input signal. This will keep surface leakage currents to a minimum and provide a method of measuring the input voltage without loading the ionization chamber. The active guard op amp is not power strobed and thus gives constant protection from surface leakage current. Pin 16 of the active guard is connected to Pin 15 (the detect input) during shipping to protect Pin 15 from static damage (see Figure 1). LED PULSE The 9-volt battery level is checked every 40 seconds during the LED pulse. The battery is loaded via alOmA pulse for 10 ms. If the LED is not used, it should be replaced with an equivalent resistor such that the battery loading remains at 10 mAo HYSTERESIS When smoke is detected, the resistor/divider network that sets sensitivity is altered to increase sensitivity. This yields approximately 100 mV of hysteresis and avoids false triggering. SENSITIVITY/LOW BATTERY THRESHOLDS Both the sensitivity threshold and the low battery voltage levels are set internally by a common voltage divider con- FIGURE 2 - TYPICAL APPLICATION AS IONIZATION SMOKE DETECTOR 1M 16 15r--------------------------------o II 330 n Rext MC14W6 ~ ::r----------------------------, 11 r----------, 0.1 JLF Cext 1 10~----~~+_----~ 8.2 M 0.1 JLF 1_ + -=- 9 V I 150 kn 1.5 Mn NOTE: Component values may change depending on type of piezoelectric horn used 8-6 MC14466 FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL LED OUTPUT I-V CHARACTERISTIC 100.0 ~ ~ VO~ 25°C TA 9.0 Vdc t== .... ..- 1\ ;{ E ~~ 1"" VDO -7.2 Vdc ~ I I 2: ~ 1.0 I. 9 0.1 o 10 VDS, DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (Vdc) FIGURE 4 - TYPICAL P HORN DRIVER OUTPUT I-V CHARACTERISTIC 1000.0 1000.0 ;{ E r" ~ - I--- TA = 25°C I--- r" ;{ VOD = 9.0 Vdc ./"./ '/ 2: TA = 25°C I - ~ ~ VDD = 7.2 Vdc ~ 9 p. CH SOURCE CURRENT Voo = 9.0 Vdc \ !r U z V 10.0 r--- - 1 \. VOO = 7.2 Vdc II I 10.0 Ci f== N - CH SINK CURRENT =f== I' 1.0 o 1.0 10 o 10 VOS, DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (Vdc) VOS, DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (Vdc) FIGURE 5 - TYPICAL COMPARATOR OUTPUT I-V CHARACTERISTIC 10.0 TA ;{ ..s I ~ II VOO=9.0Vdc or 7.2Vdc 1.0 2: ~ 25°C ./ 1,/ 0.1 .L" - p. CH SOURCE ANO N . CH SIN K CURRENT 9 I .01 I o 10 VOS, ORAIN TO SOURCE VOL TAGE (Vdc) 8·7 ® MC14467·1 MOTOROLA Advance Information CMOS MSI (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) LOW-COST SMOKE DETECTOR The MCl4467-1, when used with an ionization chamber and a small number of external components, will detect smoke. When smoke is sensed, an alarm is sounded via an external piezoelectric transducer and internal drivers. This circuit is designed to comply with the UL217 specification. • Ionization Type with On-Chip FET Input Comparator • • • • • • • • • LOW-COST SMOKE DETECTOR Piezoelectric Horn Driver Guard Outputs on Both Sides of Detect Input Input-Protection Diodes on the Detect Input Low-Battery Trip Point, Internally Set, Can Be Altered Via External Resistor Detect Threshold, Internally Set, Can Be Altered Via External Resistor Pulse Testing for Low Battery Uses LED for Battery Loading Comparator Outputs for Detect and Low Battery Internal Reverse Battery Protection Direct Replacement for the MCl4467, with Improved Alarm Stability MCl4467Pl PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648 BLOCK DIAGRAM PIN ASSIGNMENT VDD Detect Camp. Out II N/C LowV Set Low V Camp. Out LED VDD Timing Resistor Feedback Guard Hi-Z Detect Input Guard Lo-Z Sensitivity Set Osc Capacitor Silver Brass VSS _________----J11'--------.J This document contains Information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subiect to change without notice. 8-8 MC14467·1 MAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages referenced to VSS) Rating DC Supply Voltage Input Voltage, All Inputs Except Pin 8 DC Current Drain per Input Pin, Except Pin 15= 1 mA Symbol Value Unit VDD -0.5 to + 15 V Yin I - 0.25 toVDD + 0.25 V 10 mA I 30 mA -10 to +60 °C Storage Temperature Range TA Tstg -55 to + 125 °C Reverse Battery Time tRB 5.0 s DC Current Drain per Output Pin Operating Temperature Range "Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (Voltages referenced to VSS) Parameter Supply Voltage Timing Capacitor Timing Resistor Battery Load (Resistor or LED) Unit Symbol Value VDD - 9.0 V 0.1 /L F - 8.2 MO 10 mA ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages referenced to VSS, T A = 25°C) Symbol Voo Vdc Min Typ Max Unit Operating Voltage VDD - 6.0 - 12 V Output Voltage Piezoelectric Horn Drivers (lOH = - 16 mAl Comparators (lOH = - 30 p.A) Piezoelectric Horn Drivers (lOL = + 16 mAl Comparators (lOL = +30 p.A) VOH 7.2 9.0 7.2 9.0 6.3 8.5 - - 8.8 - - 0.1 0.9 0.5 Characteristic Output Voltage - VOL LED Driver, IOL = 10 mA Output Impedance, Active Guard Operating Current (Rbias=8.2 MOl Input Current - Detect (40% R.H.) Pin 14 Pin 16 V V VOL Lo-Z Hi-Z 7.2 - - 3.0 V 9.0 9.0 - 10 500 - kO IDD 9.0 12.0 5.0 p.A - 9.0 12.0 - ±1.0 pA - - lin 9.0 Internal Set Voltage Low Battery Sensitivity Vlow V set 9.0 - 7.2 47 50 7.8 53 V %VDD 9.0 75 100 150 mV 9.0 9.0 - - ±100 ±50 Hysteresis Vhys Offset Voltage (measured at Yin = VDD/2) Active Guard Detect Comparator VOS Input Voltage Range, Pin 8 Yin - -10 - VDD+ 10 V Input Capacitance Cin - - 5.0 - pF Common Mode Voltage Range, Pin 15 Vcm - 0.6 - VDD-2 V mV This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that except for pin 8, Yin and Vout be constrained to the range VSS :$ (Vin or Vout) :$ VDD. For pin 8, refer to the Electrical Characteristics. 8-9 II MC14467·1 DEVICE OPERATION TIMING SENSITIVITY/LOW BATIERY THRESHOLDS The internal oscillator of the MC14467-1 operates with a period of 1.67 seconds during no-smoke conditions. Each 1.67 seconds, internal power is applied to the entire IC and a check is made for smoke, except during LED pulse, Low Battery Alarm Chirp, or Horn Modulation (in smoke). Every 24 clock cycles a check is made for low battery by comparing VDD to an internal zener voltage. Since very small currents are used in the oscillator, the oscillator capacitor should be of a low leakage type. Both the sensitivity threshold and the low battery voltage levels are set internally by a common voltage divider connected between VDD and VSS. These voltages can be altered by external resistors connected from pins 3 or 13 to either VDD or VSS· There will be a slight interaction here due to the common voltage divider network. TEST MODE Since the internal op amps and comparators are power strobed, adjustments for sensitivity or low battery level could be difficult and/or time-consuming. By forcing Pin 12 to VSS, the power strobing is bypassed and the outputs, Pins 1 and 4, constantly show smoke/no smoke and good battery/low battery, respectively. Pin 1 = VDD for smoke and Pin 4=VDD for low battery. In this mode and during the 10 ms power strobe, chip current rises to approximately 50 p.A. DETECT CIRCUITRY If smoke is detected, the oscillator period becomes 40 ms and the piezoelectric horn oscillator circuit is enabled. The horn output is modulated 160 ms on, 80 ms off. During the off time, smoke is again checked and will inhibit further horn output if no smoke is sensed. During smoke conditions the low battery alarm is inhibited, but the LED pulses at a 1.0 Hz rate. LED PULSE The 9-volt battery level is checked every 40 seconds during the LED pulse. The battery is loaded via a 10 mA pulse for 10 ms. If the LED is not used, it should be replaced with an equivalent resistor such that the battery loading remains at 10 mA. An active guard is provided on both pins adjacent to the detect input. The voltage at these pins will be within 100 mV of the input signal. This will keep surface leakage currents to a minimum and provide a method of measuring the input voltage without loading the ionization chamber. The active guard op amp is not power strobed and thus gives constant protection from surface leakage currents. Pin 15 (the Detect input) has internal diode protection against static damage. HYSTERESIS When smoke is detected, the resistor/divider network that sets sensitivity is altered to increase sensitivity. This yields approximately 100 mV of hysteresis and reduces false triggering. FIGURE 1 - TYPICAL APPLICATION AS IONIZATION SMOKE DETECTOR 1M 16 II f 2 MCl4467-115 I----------------~ 3 14 0.1 "r 220 kO * 1.5 MO* * NOTE: Component values may change depending on type of piezoelectric horn used. 8-10 MC14467·1 TIMING PARAMETERS (C=O.l p.F, Rbias=S2 MO, VOo=9.0 V, TA=25°C, See Figure 51 Characteristics Oscillator Period Symbol Min Typ Max Units tCI 1.34 32 1.67 40 2.0 s ms No Smoke Smoke Oscillator Rise Time tr S 10 12 ms On Time Off Time PWon PWoff 120 60 160 SO 208 104 ms ms Between Pulses On Time tLED PWon 32 S 40 48 10 12 s ms On Time Between Pulses ton toft 8 32 10 40 48 Horn Output (During Smokel LED Output Horn Output (During Low Batteryl FIGURE 2 - TYPICAL LED OUTPUT I-V CHARACTERISTIC 100.0 I--f----- ~ Voo TA 9.0 Vde 25 0 C 48 12 ms s FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL COMPARATOR OUTPUT I-V CHARACTERISTIC 10.0 r=== TA - 25 0 C ~ I\, ~ E b ;: 10.0 , i ~ ~ .§. >- Voo ~ :::0 u 2: ~ Cl ff ./ ~ lL 0.1 9.0 Vde or 7.2 Vdc - a: a: - .. I. 1.0 Voo 1.0 2: 7.2 Vde I 2: ~ .... 5? 5? ~ P·CHSDURCE ANO N . CH SIN K CURRENT r 0.1 .01 o 10 \ I o 10 VOS, ORAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (Vdc) VOS, ORAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (Vdc) FIGURE 4 - TYPICAL P HORN DRIVER OUTPUT I-V CHARACTERISTIC 1000.0 1000.0 -~ E r' - /./ ~ 7/ 2: ~ ,,r 1.0 ~ E r' "VOO = 7.2 Vde ~ p. CH SOURCE CURRENT 10 N·CHSINKCURRENT I I o = I--I--- I 10 VOS, DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE IVoe) 8-11 II VOO = 7.2 Vde I 10.0 10 VOS, DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (Vdc) I r;;o" fL 11 I o 9.0 Vde \ 5? f== TA = 25 0 C I--- r------- r-- VOO 2: V 10.0 5? T A = 25 0 C I - - - f-- VOO = 9.0 Vde • 3C n ...... ..... ~ 0) .:a. Standby: No Smoke/ No Low Battery I. Oscillator \ (p'" 121 .1" f'.... FIGURE 5 - TIMING DIAGRAM Smoke/ No Low Battery N • V 'J ' lfl.fiIlflfhU nl Detect out -, r--t (Pin 1) U U I r - 1 r - 1 r - 1 r--1 r - 1 r - 1 r - 1 r---1 I U U U U U U U U r-t Low Battery Out -, r - 1 (Pin 4) U U cp ....I. I\) Hysteresis (Internal) (Pin 13) (Note4) Sample (Internal) Smoke Horn (Pins 10 & 11) -----i~ - ~l-l- - - - - - - - ~ -----i Low= Disable High = I' Enable --, r-----lh 1,--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _B_a_tt_er_y_T_e_st_...... ~ LED U .. _ ·U U(Note3) (Pin 5) 24 Clock Cycles I~OS)I~. NOTES: ~ (Notel)n 24 Clock Cycles (0.96 s) .,e: 1 ." Suppressed Chilt--., I : U(Note3) 24 clock cycles----ll .,. : : 6 Clock Cycles (10.0 s)'" Horn modulation is self-completing. When going from smoke to no smoke. the alarm condition will terminate only when horn is off. 2. Comparators are strobed on once per clock cycle (1.67 s for no smoke. 40 ms for smoke!. 3. Low battery comparator information is latched only during LED pulse. 4. - 100 mV p-p swing. ® MC14468 MOTOROLA Advance Information CMOS MS. LOW-COST SMOKE DETECTOR WITH INTERCONNECT (LOW POWER COMPLEMENTARY MaS) The MCl4468, when used with an ionization chamber and a small number of external components, will detect smoke. When smoke is sensed, an alarm is sounded via an external piezoelectric transducer and internal drivers. This circuit is designed to comply with the U L217 specification. LOW-COST SMOKE DETECTOR WITH INTERCONNECT • Ionization Type with On-Chip FET Input Comparator • Piezoelectric Horn Driver • Guard Outputs on Both Sides of Detect Input • Input-Protection Diodes on the Detect Input • Low-Battery Trip Point, Internally Set, Can Be Altered Via External Resistor P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE • Detect Threshold, Internally Set, Can Be Altered Via External Resistor CASE 648 • Pulse Testing for Low Battery Uses LED for Battery Loading • Comparator Output for Detect • Internal Reverse Battery Protection • Strobe Output for External Trim Resistors • I/O Pin Allows Up to 40 Units to be Connected for Common Signaling • Power-On Reset Prevents False Alarms on Battery Change BLOCK DIAGRAM To Other Units VDD vDD I/O 2 Feedback 8 PIN ASSIGNMENT Detect Compo Out Sliver Low V Set - + - - - i . / [T.\-T'i6p Guard Hi-Z I/O [ 2 15 P Detect Input Low V Set [ 3 14 Strobe Out [ 4 13 P Guard Lo-Z P Sensitivity Set 12 P Osc Capacitor 10 Brass Detect Camp Out LED VDD 16 Sensitivity 13 Set -+-----1 Timing Resistor Feedback LED Strobe Oul VDD~ Pin 6 VSS ~ Pin 9 This d"cument contains Information on a new product Specifications and Information herein are subject to change without notice 8-13 11 Silver 10 n Brass 1..8 _ _ _9.... VSS II MC14468 MAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages referenced to VSS) Rating DC Supply Voltage Input Voltage, All Inputs Except Pin 8 DC Current Drain per Input Pin, Except Pin 15= 1 mA Symbol Value Unit VDD -0.5 to + 15 V Yin I -0.25 toVDD +0.25 V 10 mA mA DC Current Drain per Output Pin I 30 -10 to + 60 °C Storage Temperature Range TA Tstg -55 to + 125 °C Reverse Battery Time tRB 5.0 s Operating Temperature Range • Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (Voltages referenced to VSS) Parameter Symbol Value VDD 9.0 V - 0.1 Timing Resistor - 8.2 /L F MO Battery Load (Resistor or LED) - 10 mA Typ Supply Voltage Timing Capacitor Unit ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS IT A = 25°C) Symbol Voo Vdc Min Max Unit Operating Voltage VDD - 6.0 - 12 V Output Voltage Piezoelectric Horn Drivers "OH = -16 mAl Comparators "OH = - 30 /LA) Piezoelectric Horn Drivers "OL = + 16 mAl Comparators "OL = + 30 /LA) VOH 7.2 9.0 7.2 9.0 6.3 8.5 - - Characteristic VOL Output Voltage - LED Driver, 10L = 10 mA Output Impedance, Active Guard Operating Current (Rbias =8.2 MOl VOL Lo-Z Hi-Z IDD 8.8 - - - 0.1 0.9 0.5 3.0 V - kO /LA 7.2 - - 9.0 9.0 - 10 - 500 9.0 12.0 - 5.0 - - 9.0 12.0 V Input Current - Detect (40% R.H.) lin 9.0 - - ± 1.0 pA Input Current. Pin 8 lin 9.0 - - ±0.1 Input Current @ 50°C, Pin 15 lin - - - +6.0 /LA pA Vlow V set Vhys 9.0 - 7.2 47 - 50 7.8 53 9.0 75 100 150 9.0 9.0 - - ±100 ±50 -10 - VDD+ 10 Internal Set Voltage Low Battery Sensitivity II Pin 14 Pin 16 V Hysteresis Offset Voltage (measured at Yin = VDD/2) Active Guard Detect Comparator mV VOS - Input Voltage Range, Pin 8 Yin - Input Capacitance Cin - - 5.0 Vcm - 0.6 - Common Mode Voltage Range, Pin 15 I/O Current, Pin 2 Input, VOL = VDD - 2 Output, VOH=VDD-2 V %VDD mV - VDD-2 V pF V /LA 10L 10H - 25 -4.0 - 100 -16 This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Yin and Vout be constrained to the range VSS s (Vin or Vout ) s VDD· 8-14 MC14468 TIMING PARAMETERS (C=01I"F, RBias=82 MD, VOO=9.0 V, TA=25°C, See Figure 5) Characteristics Oscillator Period Symbol Min Typ Max Units tCI 1.34 32 1.67 40 2.0 48 s ms No Smoke Smoke Oscillator Rise Time tr PW on PWoff 8 10 12 ms On Time Off Time 120 60 160 80 208 104 ms ms Between Pulses On Time tLED PW on 32 8 40 10 48 s ms On Time Between Pulses ton toff 8 32 10 40 Horn Output (During Smoke) LED Output Horn Output (During Low Battery) FIGURE 1 - TYPICAL LED OUTPUT I-V CHARACTERISTIC t= TA 9.0 Vdc voo 25 0 C ~ TA I\, f" , 25 0 C ~ I <" ~ <"E ~~ VOO = 9.0 Vdc or 7.2 Vdc .5- 1.0 I- Z 7.2 Vdc Voo I a:: a:: ..- :::> I. 1.0 ms s 10.0 I--I--- ~ 12 48 FIGURE 2 - TYPICAL COMPARATOR OUTPUT I-V CHARACTERISTIC 100.0 z 12 z ~ I. ./ ./" V 0.1 - 9 9 p. CH SOURCE AND N·CHSINK CURRENT I 0.1 .01 o 10 I o 10 VOS, ORAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE IVdc) VOS, ORAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (Vdc) FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL P HORN DRIVER OUTPUT I-V CHARACTERISTIC 1000.0 1000.0 I--- r-TA <"E i r---- f- ./-' :::> V '-' z 10.0 f 9 fI-1.0 -. a:: :::> = 7.2 Vdc 2: ~ I o , 10.0 9 ~ VDS. ORAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE IVdc) 10 II 7.2 Vdc = !-!-- , o 10 VOS, DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE IVdc) 8-15 - V N· CH SINK CURRENT -- 10 9.0 Vdc Voo ~ - - - ' - - Voo '-' P CH SOURCE CURRENT ---t .1 ~ 100.0 r-- 11. Voo --j-- - TA = 25 0 C r---- r- <" =9.0 Vdc 100.0 a:: ~ Voo = 25 0 C r---- MC14468 DEVICE OPERATION voltage. The I/O is disabled for three oscillator cycles after power up, to eliminate false alarming of remote units when the battery is changed. TIMING The internal oscillator of the MCl4468 operates with a period of 1.67 seconds during no-smoke conditions. Each 1.67 seconds, internal power is applied to the entire IC and a check is made for smoke, except during LED pulse, Low Battery Alarm Chirp, or Horn Modulation (in smokel. Every 24 clock cycles a check is made for low battery by comparing VDD to an internal zener voltage. Since very small currents are used in the oscillator, the oscillator capacitor should be of a low leakage type. SENSITIVITY/LOW BATTERY THRESHOLDS Both the sensitivity threshold and the low battery voltage levels are set internally by a common voltage divider connected between VDD and VSS· These voltages can be altered by external resistors connected from pins 3 or 13 to either VDD or VSS. There will be a slight interaction here due to the common voltage divider network. DETECT CIRCUITRY If smoke is detected, the oscillator period becomes 40 ms and the piezoelectric horn oscillator circuit is enabled. The horn output is modulated 160 ms on, 80 ms off. During the off time, smoke is again checked and will inhibit further horn output if no smoke is sensed. During local smoke conditions the low battery alarm is inhibited, but the LED pulses at a 1.0 Hz rate. In remote smoke, the LED is inhibited as well. An active guard is provided on both pins adjacent to the detect input. The voltage at these pins will be within 100 mV of the input signal. This will keep surface leakage currents to a minimum and provide a method of measuring the input voltage without loading the ionization chamber. The active guard op amp is not power strobed and thus gives constant protection from surface leakage currents. Pin 15 (the Detect input) has internal diode protection against static damage. TEST MODE Since the internal op amps and comparators are power strobed, adjustments for sensitivity or low battery level could be difficult and/or time-consuming. By forcing Pin 12 to V S S, the power strobing is bypassed and the output, Pin 1, constantly shows smoke/no smoke. Pin 10= VDD for smoke. In this mode and during the 10 ms power strobe, chip current rises to approximately 50 /-tA. LED PULSE The 9-volt battery level IS checked every 40 seconds during the LED pulse. The battery IS loaded via a 10 mA pulse for 10 ms. If the LED IS not used, it should be replaced with an eqUivalent resistor such that the battery loading remains at 10 mAo INTERCONNECT The I/O (Pin 2), in combination with VSS, is used to interconnect up to 40 remote units for common signaling. A Local Smoke condition activates a current limited output driver, thereby signaling Remote Smoke to interconnected units. A small current sink improves noise immunity during non-smoke conditions. Remote units at lower voltages do not draw excessive current from a sending unit at a higher HYSTERESIS When smoke IS detected, the resistor/divider network that sets sensitivity IS altered to increase sensitivity. This Yields approximately 100 mV of hysteresis and reduces false triggering FIGURE 4 - TYPICAL APPLICATION AS IONIZATION SMOKE DETECTOR 1M r- 1 220 kn * * NOTE: Component values may change uef.)t:::rluirIY UII type of piezoelaCiTiC horn used. 8-16 Test 3: o ..... ~ ~ m co FIGURE 5 - Standby: No Smoke/ No Low Battery I. TIMING DIAGRAM Smoke/Low Battery • I'lli{ Smoke/No Low Battery .111( • I'lli{ 10 ms 40 ms~ ~ O~~ii~a~~~ ~~ .1 No Smoke/Low Battery +i J.-1.67 s ~ P-J't Detect out -, r--T rl! (Pin II U U Inn n rih r--1 r--1r-1 r - I r--T r--1 r--1 r--T I U U U U U U U U U U r-I UUUU Low Battery -, r--T ri (Internall U U HysteresIs (Internali . I (Pin 131 (Note41 ~~ Sample (Internall Smoke cp I . ~f-I--------------. n n n n n n n !--l L--.-..J L-..J L-..J L-..J L-J L--.-..J I ---i Horn (Pins 10 & 111 (Notell ~ l -L I I "'""'-J )!----,I INote 31 ,.------------{\ LED (Pin 51 U :: I l--'l.~I""'lII{f- 6 Clock Cycles (10.0 sl ~ 1nrlnrlruuuU Strobe Out (Pin 141 I/O (Pin 21 Output (Local! . f- ~!r_-------------- ----i/------J I/O (Pin 21 rr------------------------~ Input (Remotel ~~ ~I Note: Horn Modulation Not Self-Completing LED ~1J (Suppressed LED for Remote Onlyl !~r------------ NOTES' 1 Horn modulation is self-completing. When going from smoke to no smoke, the alarm condition wrll termInate only when horn is off. 2. Comparators are strobed on once per clock cycle 11.67 s for no smoke, 40 ms for smokel Low battery comparator Information is latched only during LED pulse. 4 - 100 mV p.p swing. ____L II 8-18 Miscellaneous Functions II 9-1 ,.. " .. ... ~ "."."...." .-- MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS Device 'Number Function MCl4460 Automotive Speed Control Processor MCl4490 Hex Contact Bounce Eliminator MC14500B Industrial Control Unit II 9-2 ® MC14460 MOTOROLA CMOS LSI AUTOMOTIVE SPEED CONTROL PROCESSOR (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) The MC14460 device is designed to measure vehicle speed and provide pulse-width modulated outputs to trim a throttle positioning servo to maintain an internally stored reference speed. The stored reference speed Can be altered by the DECEL and ACCEL driver commands. The DECEL command trims down the speed, while ACCEL trims up the speed. A BRAKE input is provided to turn off the outputs with a RESUME driver command to return the vehicle to the last stored speed. AUTOMOTIVE SPEED CONTROL PROCESSOR • On-Chip Master Oscillator for System Time Reference • Separate On-Chip Pulse Oscillator for Output Pulse Width Adjustment (Analogous to System Gain) • P SUFFIX PLASTiC PACKAGE CASE 648 Diode Protection on All Inputs • Internal Redundant Brake and Minimum Speed Checks • Acceleration Rates Controlled During ACCEL and RESUME Modes of Operation • Low Frequency Speed Sensors Used PIN ASSIGNMENT • No Throttle Position Feedback Required • Power-On Reset • Buffered Outputs Compatible with Discrete Transistor Driver Interface • Low Power Dissipation 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 BLOCK DIAGRAM 9 Pulse Width Converter DEC ACC RES BRK POOo-----J Vee = Pin 16 VAC VSS = Pin 8 9-3 This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages Or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Vin and V out be constrained to the range VSS .;; (Vin or V out )';; VOO' Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or VOO). II MC14460 MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages referenced to Vss) Rating Symbol Unit Value DC Supply Voltage VDD -0.5 to +6.0 Vdc Input Voltage, All Inputs Vin -0.5 to VDD + 0.5 Vdc lin ±10 mAdc Operating Temperature Range - DC Input Current, per Pin TA -40 to +85 Storage Temperature Range T stg -65 to +150 °c °c ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = -40 0 C to +85 0 C) Characteristic Symbol VDD Vdc Min Typ Max Unit VOO - 4.0 5.0 6.0 Vdc - 0.5 Vdc Supply Voltage Pin 16 Output Voltage Pins 1,2,5,6,14,15 Input Voltage Pi ns 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Pin 4 Input Hysteresis Pin 4 (VIH - VIL) VOL 5.0 - VOH 5.0 4.5 VIL - - VIH - 0.7 VOO VIL - VOO -1.5 2 VIH - - HYS - 0.4 Vdc 0.3 VOO Vdc - Vdc - - Vdc - VOO +15 2 . Vdc - Vdc Output Drive Current Pins 1, 2, 5,6 VOH= 4.6 Vdc IOH 5.0 -0.29 - - mAdc VOL = 0.4 Vdc IOL 5.0 +0.36 - - mAdc Pins 14, 15 VOH = 2.5 Vdc IOH 5.0 -2.0 - - mAde Input Current Pins 3,4, 7,10,11,12,13 VIL = 0.0 Vde IlL 6.0 - /LAd.:: IIH 6.0 - - -1.0 VOH = 6.0 Vdc +1.0 /LAdc Pin 9 VIL = 0.0 Vde IlL 6.0 15 - 200 /LAde VIH = 6.0 Vde IIH 6.0 - - +1.0 /LAdc 100 6.0 - 1.0 10 mAdc Supply Current Pin 16 (Both Oscillators Active, VAC and VENT Outputs High) FIGURE 1 - SYSTEM TIMING II - **FIGURE 2 - OSCILLATORS JoooI:f-----~m" ~r- Internali To Internal Clock '<,0 Speed Sample I Gate.:.....J I" Frequency of Oscillation as Measured at Pin 1 (5) is: I VAC f = - 1- 2.43RC R in kn RS R C in J.lF Asynchronous to Speed Sample RS '" 2R f 9-4 = kHz MC14460 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C, VOO = 4-6 Vdc) Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ACCEL Input Hold Time Characteristics tACC 16/fM 9.52" - ms OECEL Input Hold Time tOEC 16/fM 9.52* - ms RESUME Input Hold Time tRES 1 - JJS BRAKE Input Hold Time tBRK 1 - - JJS fM 1596 1344 16BO 16S0 1164 2016 Hz Hz fp 1596 400 16S0 1600 1764 3200 Hz Hz fS - - 300 Hz 600* - ms - ms 760* SO* ms ms Master Oscillator Frequency** T A = -40°C to +S50C, RS = 100 kll R = 43 kll, C = 5600 pF Useful Range Pulse Oscillator Frequency** T A = -40 o C to +S5 0 C, RS R = 43 kll, C = 5600 pF Useful Range = 100 kll Speed Input Frequency Speed Sample Time (100S/fM) tsmpl Speed Processing Time (16/fM) tproc System Cycle Time (1024/fM) tcyc Output Delay Time (9ifM) tout - Output Pulse Width Initializations ("" 1/f p) Trim Outputs (""l/fp) PWI PWT 2S0* 10* *fM = 16S0 Hz, fp = 1600 Hz, fS = 2.222 S.9* 60S.9* 5.4* - ms ms Hz/MPH SYSTEM PERFORMANCE (T A = 25 0 C, VOO = 5 Vdc, fM = 16S0 Hz, fS = 2.222 Hz/MPH) Characteristic Symbol Typical Unit SRES 0.375 MPH Speed Resolution (fM/2016 fS) Minimum Operating Speed (fM/31.5 fS) Smin 24 MPH Maximum Stored Speed (fM/S.4 fS) Smax A 90 MPH 1.85 MPH/s SRB -12 MPH Level Road (no wind, ± 1% grades) .,. BRAKE SP~ GND Lights SENSOR Electromagnetic Type POles: Output Freq: Output Voltage: Maximum Freq: DC Resistance: 9-7 8/revolution 2.222 Hz/MPH (8000 pulses/mile) > 3.0 Vp-p @ 24 MPH 360 Hz (162 MPH) <40n MC14460 DEVICE OPERATION continued mand is received. The flow diagram in Figure 3 gives the detailed constraints/operation of this input. RESUME (RES, Pin 12) VENT (Pin 14) This is the RESUME command input. When taken HIGH the system will lock into a mode where the VAC and VENT outputs are modulated to maintain a fixed rate acceleration. This acceleration ends when the SPD input sample matches the stored reference speed. The flow diagram in Figure 3 gives the detailed constraints/operation of this input. This is the VENT output. operation. See Truth Table for VAC (Pin 15) This is the VAC output. See Truth Table for operation. GROUND (V SS , Pin 8) Pin 8 is the ground connection for the package. BRAKE (BRK, Pin 13) This is the BRAKE command input. When this input is taken HIGH the system is disabled (both VAC and VENT outputs LOW) until a DECEL, ACCEL, or RESUME com- POSITIVE POWER SUPPLY (VDD, Pin 16) Pin 16 is the power supply connection for the package. FIGURE 5 - PC BOARD MODULE FOR CRUISE CONTROL VENT Coil <100mAVAC Coil <100mACoil COM 130 2W 0 Voo ~N 1 k -Sensor lW 4.7 V lM4.7Z10 ~ ~ MPSA~ + 50 ;; r- 25 V 0 ~ ~ ~PSA13 ~~ 27 V ~~ 1 W N ~ ~7WV ~~ 1 k 1 k 16 4 VDD 0-- SPD 47 k +Sensor 47 k Brake 47 k I I 0.01 I( -"'- 10 1\ ~ Decel ~ 47 k 0.01 J( 0.01 47 k I I 0.01 Accel Resume II 10 k 10 k 7 100 k BRK 6 5100,5% 5 43 k, 1% M02 0.01 J( r 14 M03 13 1\ 15 c VAC VENT MC14460 DEC MOl 1\ ~ 3 P03 11 1\ ACC ~ 1 12 1\ RES Gnd 100 k ~ 2 P02 J( JL 5100,5% JL 1\ 43 k, 1% POl POR II 8( 1\ 9 ( 10 k *0.1 Gnd All Resistors ±10%, 1/4 W, U.O.S. Environment Ambient Temperature (T A) . . . . . -40°C to 85°C V CC Operating Range . . . . . . .. 11-15 Vdc VCC Transients . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-16 Vdc Load Dump . . . . . . . . . . 80 V Peak decaying to 12 V in < 200 ms Inductive . . . . . . . . . . . ±300 V Peak decaying in Jump Start < 1 ms . . . . . . . . • . +24 Vdc for 5 min. Reverse Battery. . . . . . . . -12 Vdc continuous 9-8 ® MCl4490 MOTOROLA HEX CONTACT BOUNCE ELIMINATOR CMOS LSI The MC14490 is constructed with complementary MOS enhancement mode devices, and is used for the elimination of extraneous level changes that result when interfacing with mechanical contacts. The digital contact bounce eliminator circuit takes an input signal from a bouncing contact and generates a clean digital Signal four clock periods after the input has stabilized. The bounce eliminator circuit will remove bounce on both the "make" and the "break" of a contact closure. The clock for operation of the MC14490 is derived from an internal R-C oscillator which requires only an external capacitor to adjust for the desired operating frequency (bounce delay). The clock may also be driven from an external clock source or the oscillator of another MC14490 (see Figure 5), (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOSI HEX CONTACT BOUNCE ELIMINATOR L SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620 • Diode Protection on All Inputs • • • • Noise Immunity=45% of VDD Typical Six Debouncers Per Package Internal Pullups on All Data Inputs Can Be Used as a Digital Integrator, System Synchronizer, or Delay Line P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648 • Internal Oscillator (R-C), or External Clock Source • TTL Compatible Data Inputs/Outputs • Single Line Input, Debounces Both "Make" and "Break" Contacts • Does Not Require "Form C" (Single Pole Double Throw) Input Signal ORDERING INFORMATION • Cascadable for Longer Time Delays • Schmitt Trigger on Clock Input (Pin 7) Denotes Ceramic Package Plastic Package • Supply Voltage Range=3.0 V to 18 V • Chip Complexity: 546 FETs or 136.5 Equivalent Gates BLOCK DIAGRAM +VOO voo = Pin 16 vss = Pin 8 <1>1 Gin + <1>2 + Identical to Above Stage Bin 3~ <1>1 * * f-- 2 Bout <1>2 Identical to Above Stage f - - 1 3 Cout ~--------------------------------------------~ <1>1 * * <1>1 + <1>2 to_Above Stage Oin12~L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Identical _____ ____ ________________ Ein Fin 5~ <1>2 f--4 ~ * Identical to Above Stage ~--------------------------------------------~f - - 10 ---I <1>1 Identical to Above Stage * <1>2+ r- ~--------------------------------------------~ 9-9 °out 11 6 E out F out MC14490 MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages referenced to VSS, Pin 8.) Rating DC Supply Voltage Input Voltage, All Inputs DC Input Current, per Pin PIN ASSIGNMENT Symbol Value Unit VDD -0.5 to + 18 V Ain VDD Yin -0.5 to VDD+05 V Bout Aout MCl4490L MCl4490P TA Cin mA +10 lin Operating Temperature Range -55 to + 125 - 50 to +85 °C Storage Temperature Range Tstg -65 to + 150 °C Po 500 mW FOU! Eout Fin OS C out VSS . ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS IVoltages Referenced to VSS) Characteristic Symbol "0" Level VOL "1" Level VOH Voo Vdc - 10 - 15 - 5.0 4.95 9.95 14.95 15 "0" Level T,ow Min Max 5.0 10 Vin =0 or VOO Thigh· 25°C Typ Max Min Max 0.05 0.05 0.05 - 0 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.05 - 0.05 0.05 0.05 V - 4.95 9.95 14.95 5.0 10 15 - 4.95 9.95 14.95 - V - 2.25 4.50 6.75 1.5 3.0 4.0 2.75 - 5.50 - 8.25 - - - - - - - - V - 5.0 10 15 - 5.0 10 15 3.5 7.0 11.0 - 1.5 3.0 4.0 - - 1.5 3.0 4.0 V VIH IVO=05 or 4.5 V) IVO = 1.0 or 9.0 V) IVO= 1.5 or 13.5 V) Output Drive Current Source Oscillator Output IVOH = 2.5 V) IVOH=4.6 V) IVOH =9.5 V) IVOH = 13.5 V) Oebounce Outputs IVOH =2.5 V) IVOH=4.6 V) IVOH=95V) IVOH = 13.5 V) IOH Sink Oscillator Output (VOL=OA V) (VOL = 0.5 V) (VOL=1.5V) Debounce Outputs (VOL =OA V) (VOL =0.5 V) (VOL = 1.5 V) IOL Unit Min VIL "1" Level II Din Os c in tPower DIssipation Temperature Derating Plastic" P" Package - 12 mW / °C from 65 to 85°C Ceramic "L" Package - 12 mW/oC from 100 to 125°C Input Voltage # (VA = 4.5 or 0.5 VI IVO=9.0 or 1.0 VI IVa = 13.5 or 1.5 V) Cout Ein Power Dissipation, per Packaget Output Voltage Vln = VOO or 0 Bin Dout - 3.5 7.0 11.0 3.5 7.0 11.0 - mA 5.0 5.0 10 15 -0.6 -0.12 - 0.23 - -lA - 5.0 5.0 10 15 -0.9 -0.19 -0.6C -18 - - - - - 0.5 -15 -0.1 -0.3 - 0.20 -O.B -1.2 -3.0 -0.75 -22 -016 - OA6 -0.50 -1.2 -1.5 -4.5 -- -OA - - -O.OB -0.16 -10 - - - -0.6 -0.12 - - -OA - - - 1.2 - - - mA - 5.0 10 15 0.36 0.9 4.2 5.0 10 15 2.6 4.0 12 - - - 0.30 0.75 3.5 0.9 2.3 10 4.0 9 35 0.2 0.24 0.6 2.B - - 1.B 2.7 B.l - 2 - 11 - ±250 p.A 130 265 400 p.A - - - - 2.2 3.3 10 Input Curren! Debounce Inputs (Vin = VDO) IIH 15 - 2 - Input Current Oscillator - lin 15 - ±620 - Pullup Resistor Source Current Debounce Inputs (Vin=VSS) IlL 5.0 10 15 210 415 610 375 740 1100 140 280 415 190 3BO 570 750 70 145 215 Input Capacitance Cin - - - - 5.0 7.5 - - pF Quiescent Current (Vin=VSS orVDD, 10ut=0p.A) ISS 5.0 10 15 - 150 2BO 840 - 40 90 225 100 225 650 - 90 lBO 550 p.A Pin 7 (Vin = VSS or VDD) #NOfSC :mmunity spec~fied for \Norst case combination Noise margin for both "1" and "0" level = 1.0 V min @ VOD=5.0 V 2.0 V min @ VOD= 10 V 2.5 V min @ VOO= 15 V 9-10 - - - - - - ±255 ±400 255 500 - - • T low = - 55°C for L Device, - 40 ° C for P DeVice Thigh= + 125°C for L DeVice, +B5°C for P DeVice p.A MC14490 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS ICL = 50 pF, TA = 25°Cl Characteristic Symbol VDD Vdc tTLH 5.0 10 15 Output Rise Time All Outputs Min Typ Max Unit - 180 90 65 360 180 130 ns - 100 50 40 - 60 - 30 20 200 100 80 120 60 40 285 120 95 570 240 190 370 160 120 740 320 240 2.8 6 9 14 3.0 4.5 MHz 50 - ns 40 30 - - ns Output Fall Time Oscillator Output tTHL 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 15 tTHL Debounce Outputs Propagation Delay Time Oscillator Input to Debounce Outputs - - ns tPHL tPLH Clock Frequency 150% Duty Cycle) IExternal Clock) fcl Setup Time I See Figure 1) tsu Maximum External Clock Input Rise and Fall Time Oscillator Input - 5.0 10 15 - 5.0 10 15 - 5.0 10 15 tr,tf Oscillator Frequency OSC out Cex t2: 100 pF* 5.0 10 15 fosc, typ - - - 100 80 50 - ns 5.0 10 15 No Limit 5.0 ---- 10 ---- 15 ---- 1.5 Hz Cext lin I'F) 4.5 Cext (in I'F) 6.5 Cext (In I'F) *POWER-DOWN CONSIDERATIONS Large values of Cext may cause problems when powering down the MCl4490 because of the amount of energy stored in the capacitor. When a system containing this device is powered down, the capacitor may discharge through the input protection diodes at Pin 7 or the parasitic diodes at Pin 9. Current through these internal diodes must be limited to 10 mA; therefore the turn-off time of the power supply must not be faster than t = IVDD - V S s) • Cext / I 10 mA). For example, if VDD - V SS = 15 V and Cext = 1 I'F, the power supply must turn off no faster than t = 115 V) • I 1 I'F) / 10 mA = 1.5 ms. This is usually not a problem because power supplies are heavily filtered and cannot discharge at this rate When a more rapid decrease of the power supply to zero volts occurs, the MCl4490 may sustain damage To avoid this possibility, use external clamping diodes, Dl and D2, connected as shown in Figure 2 FIGURE 1 - SWITCHING WAVEFORMS FIGURE 2 - DISCHARGE PROTECTION DURING POWER DOWN -VDD Dl '------0 V Cext Aout Aout MCl4490 --------- - VDO 50j f;)%t"" -------::D ov 9-11 02 MC14490 THEORY OF OPERATION After some time period of N clock periods, the contact is opened and at N + 1 a low is loaded into the first bit. Just after N + 1, when the input bounces low, all bits are set to a high. At N + 2 nothing happens because the input and output are low and all bits of the shift register are high. At time N + 3 and thereafter the input signal is a high, clean signal. At the positive edge of N + 6 the output goes high as a result of four lows being shifted into the shift register. Assuming the input signal is long enough to be clocked through the Bounce Eliminator, the output signal will be no longer or shorter than the clean input signal plus or minus one clock period. The amount of time distortion between the input and output signals is a function of the difference in bounce characteristics on the edges of the input signal and the clock frequency. Since most relay contacts have more bounce when making as compared to breaking, the overall delay, counting bounce period, will be greater on the leading edge of the input signal than on the trailing edge. Thus, the output signal will be shorter than the input signal - if the leading edge bounce is included in the overall timing calculation. The only requirement on the clock frequency in order to obtain a bounce free output signal is that four clock periods do not occur while the input signal is in a false state. Referring to Figure 3, a false state is seen to occur three times at the beginning of the input signal. The input signal goes low three times before it finally settles down to a valid low state. The first three low pulses are referred to as false states. If the user has an available clock signal of the proper frequency, it may be used by connecting it to the oscillator input (pin 7). However, if an external clock is not available the user can place a small capacitor across the oscillator input and output pins in order to start up an internal clock source (as shown in Figure 4). The clock signal at the oscillator output pin may then be used to clock other MC14490 Bounce Eliminator packages. With the use of the MC14490, a large number of signals can be cleaned up, with the requirement of only one small capacitor external to the Hex Bounce Eliminator packages. The MC14490 Hex Contact Bounce Eliminator is basically a digital integrator. The circuit can integrate both up and down. This enables the circuit to eliminate bounce on both the leading and trailing edges of the signal, shown in the timing diagram of Figure 3. Each of the six Bounce Eliminators is composed of a 4 Y2 -bit register (the integrator) and logic to compare the input with the contents of the shift register, as shown in Figure 4. The shift register requires a series of timing pulses in order to shift the input signal into each shift register location. These timing pulses (the clock signal) are represented in the upper waveform of Figure 3. Each of the six Bounce Eliminator circuits has an internal resistor as shown in Figure 4. A pullup resistor was incorporated rather than a pulldown resistor in order to implement switched ground input signals, such as those coming from relay contacts and push buttons. By switching ground, rather than a power supply lead, system faults (such as shorts to ground on the signal input leads) will not cause excessive currents in the wiring and contacts. Signal lead shorts to ground are much more probable than shorts to a power supply lead. When the relay contact is open, (see Figure 4) the high level is inverted, and the shift register is loaded with a low on each negative edge of the clock signal. To understand the operation, we assume all bits of the shift register are loaded with lows and the output is at a high level. At clock edge 1 (Figure 3) the input has gone low and a high has been loaded into the first bit or storage location of the shift register. Just after the negative edge of clock 1, the input signal has bounced back to a high. This causes the shift register to be reset to lows in all four bits - thus starting the timing sequence over again During clock edges 3 to 6 the input signal has stayed low. Thus, a high has been shifted into all four shift register bits and, as shown, the output goes low during the positive edge of clock pulse 6. It should be noted that there is a 3'h to 4 Y2 clock period delay between the clean input signal and output signal. In this example there is a delay of 3.8 clock periods from the beginning of the clean input signal. FIGURE 3 - TIMING DIAGRAM N+ 1 4 N+3 N+5 OSCin or OSCout II Inpu t I1l1f1.f1 , t I Outpu t .n \\ Contact Open Contact Closed Contact Open Contact Bouncing (Valid True Signal) Contact Bouncing 9-12 N+7 MC14490 FIGURE 4 - TYPICAL "FORM A" CONTACT DEBOUNCE CIRCUIT (Only One Oebouncer Shownl +VDD ~OA~,~_in----~.---~ = Contact OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS paralleled standard gates or by the MCl4049 or MCl4050 buffers. The clock input circuit (pin 7) has Schmitt trigger shaping such that proper clocking will occur even with very slow clock edges, eliminating any need for clock preshaping. In addition, other MCl4490 oscillator inputs can be driven from a single oscillator output buffered by an MC14050 (see Figure 5). Up to six MCl4490s may be driven by a single buffer. The MCl4490 is TTL compatible on both the inputs and the outputs. When VDD is at 4.5 V, the buffered outputs can sink 1.6 mA at 0.4 V. The inputs can be driven with TTL as a result of the internal input pullup resistors. The single most important characteristic of the MCl4490 is that it works with a single signal lead as an input, making it directly compatible with mechanical contacts (Form A and B). The circuit has a built in pullup resistor on each input. The worst case value of the pullup resistor (determined from the Electrical Characteristics table) is used to calculate the contact wetting current. If more contact current is required, an external resistor may be connected between VDD and the input. Because of the built-in pullup resistors, the inputs cannot be driven with a single standard CMOS gate when VDD is below 5 V. At this voltage, the input should be driven with FIGURE 5 - TYPICAL SINGLE OSCILLATOR DEBOUNCE SYSTEM OSCin From Contacts From Contacts MC14490 MC14490 To System Logic • 7.•• To System Logic F rom Contacts 9-13 MC14490 To System Logic II MC14490 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS ASYMMETRICAL TIMING MULTIPLE TIMING SIGNALS In appl ications where different leadi ng and trail ing edge delays are required (such as a fast attack/slow release timer.) Clocks of different frequencies can be gated into the MC14490 as shown in Figure 6. In order to produce a slow attack/fast release circuit leads A and B should be interchanged. The clock out lead can then be used to feed clock signals to the other MC14490 packages where the asymmetrical input/output timing is required. As shown in Figure 8, the Bounce Eliminator circuits can be connected in series. In this configuration each output is delayed by four clock periods relative to its respective input. This configuration may be used to gener· ate multiple timing signals such as a delay line, for programming other timing operations. One application of the above is shown in Figure 9, where it is required to have a single pulse output for a single operation (make) of the push button or relay contact. This only requires the series connection of two Bounce Eliminator circuits, one inverter, and one NOR gate in order to generate the signal AB as shown in Figures 9 and 10. The signal AS is four clock periods in length. If the inverter is switched to the A output, the pulse AS will be generated upon release or break of the contact. With the use of a few additional parts many different pulses and waveshapes may be generated. FIGURE 6 - FAST ATTACK/SLOW RELEASE CIRCUIT OSCout FIGURE 8 - MULTIPLE TIMING CIRCUIT CONNECTIONS K>--- - - - ( ) - - Sou t LATCHED OUTPUT The contents of the Bounce Eliminator can be latched by using several extra gates as shown in Figure 7. If the latch lead is high the clock will be stopped when the output goes low. This will hold the output low even though the input has returned to the high state. Any time the clock is stopped the outputs will be representative of the input signal four clock periods earlier. K > - - - ( ) - - C ou t K>--- --- F out II 1----+_ OSCout , Clock OSCin Latch = 1 Unlatch = 0 9-14 1 , ~oscout MC14490 FIGURE 9 - SINGLE PULSE OUTPUT CIRCUIT A :; Active Low S "" Active Low FIGURE 10 - MULTIPLE OUTPUT SIGNAL TIMING DIAGRAM OSCin or OSCout II A B c c'~,--_ _ _ _ _---,I o )) (( AS - - - - - - - - - - ' AB----------------------------------T('(~------------~ This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit For proper operation it is recommended that Vin and V out be constrained to the range VSS:5(Vin or V ou t):5VDD 9-15 I @ MOTOROLA MC14500B INDUSTRIAL CONTROL UNIT CMOS LSI The MC14500B Industrial Control Unit (ICUI is a single-bit CMOS processor- The ICU is designed for use in systems requiring decisions based on successive single-bit information. An external ROM stores the control program. With a program counter (and output latches and input multiplexers, if required) the ICU in a system forms a stored-program controller that replaces combinatorial logic. Applications include relay logic processing, serial data manipulation and control. The ICU also may control an MPU or be controlled by an MPU. • 16 Instructions • DC to 1.0 MHz Operation at VDD • On-Chip Clock (Oscillator) • Executes One Instruction per Clock Cycle • 3 to 18 V Operation • Noise Immunity Typically 45% of VDD (LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS) INDUSTRIAL CONTROL UNIT =5 V L SUFFIX P SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648 ORDERING INFORMATION • low Quiescent Current Characteristic of CMOS Devices • Capable of Driving One low-Power Schottky Load or Two Low-Power TTL Loads over Full Temperature Range • Detailed Operation and Applications Given in Handbook HB-209 • Development System Described in Application Note AN-889 Me,.x"", I1SUffiX L P A C Denotes Ceramic Package Plastic Package Extended Operating Temperature Range Limited Operating Temperature Range BLOCK DIAGRAM Data PIN ASSIGNMENT Write 16 lEN I 15 VSS X1~ 1 13 OSC 14 4 X2 13 12 15 10 11 INST REG 12 13 RST 4 ~ n REG. (RR) RR AI- 11 10 12 rJ Lj I--11 ~I--- JMP RTN 10 ~r! Flag 0 FlagF ' - - - - - -_ _ _I L - - - I_ - - - - ' 9-16 MC14500B MAXI MUM RATI NGS (Voltages referenced Rating to VSS) Symbol Value Unit VDD -0.5 to +18 V Input Voltage, All Inputs Vin -0.5 to VD D + 0.5 V DC Input Current, per Pin lin ±10 mA DC Supply Voltage Operating Temperature Range - A L Device CLlCP Device TA -55 to +125 -40 to +85 °c Storage Temperature Range T stg -65 to +150 °c ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to VSS) VDD Characteristic Output Voltage Symbol V "0" Level VOL 5.0 10 15 "1" Level VOH 5.0 10 15 "0" Level VIL Yin = VDD or 0 Yin = 0 or VDD Input Voltage RST,D,X2 (VO = 4.5 or 0.5 V) (Va = 9.0 or 1.0 V) (Va = 13.5 or 1.5 V) (VOL = 0.4 V) (VOL = 0.5 V) (VOL = 1.5 V) Output Drive Current Other Outputs (AL Device) (VOH (VOH (VOH (VOH = = = = Source Output Drive Current Other Outputs (CL/CP Device) (VOH = 2.5 V) (VOH = 4.6 V) (VOH = 9.5 V) (VOH = 13.5 V) (VOL = 0.4 V) (VOL = 0.5 V) (VOL=1.5V) 0.05 0.05 0.05 Max Unit 0.05 0.05 0.05 V V 4.95 9.95 14.95 5.0 10 15 2.25 4.50 6.75 1.5 3.0 4.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 3.5 7.0 11.0 3.5 7.0 11.0 3.5 7.0 11.0 2.75 5.50 8.25 V' 0.8 1.6 2.4 1.1 2.2 3.4 0.8 1.6 2.4 0.8 1.6 2.4 5.0 10 15 2.0 6.0 10 2.0 6.0 10 1.9 3.1 4.3 2.0 6.0 10 5.0 10 15 -1.2 -3.6 -7.2 -1.0 -3.0 -6.0 -2.0 -6.0 -12 -0.7 -2.1 -4.2 5.0 10 15 1.9 3.6 7.2 1.6 3.0 6.0 mA IOH Sink IOL Source IOH Sink IOL Source IOH Sink 0 Min VIH 2.5 V) 4.6 V) 9.5 V) 13.5 V) (VOL = 0.4 V) (VOL = 0.5 V) (VOL = 1.5 V) Max 0 4.95 9.95 14.95 1.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 10 15 "1" Level Typ VIL (Va = 0.5 or 4.5 V) (Va = 1.0 or 9.0 V) (Va = 1.5 or 13.5 V) Output Drive Current Data, Write (AL/CL/CP Device) (VOH = 4.6 V) (VOH = 9.5 V) (VOH = 13.5 V) 0.05 0.05 0.05 4.95 9.95 14.95 Thigh * 25 0 C Min V 5.0 10 15 "0" Level Max VIH (Va = 0.5 or 4.5 V) (Va = 1.0 or 9.0 V) (Va = 1.5 or 13.5 V) Input Voltage # 10,11,12,13 (VO = 4.5 or 0.5 V) (Va = 9.0 or 1.0 V) (Va = 13.5 or 1.5 V) Tlow * Min 5.0 10 15 "1" Level This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high Impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Vin and V out be constrained to the range VSS .;; (Vin or V out )';; VDD. IOL 3.2 6.0 12 1.1 2.1 4.2 mA 5.0 5.0 10 15 -3.0 -0,64 -1.6 -4.2 -2.4 -0.51 -1.3 -3.4 -4.2 -0.88 -2.25 8.8 -1.7 -0.36 -0.9 -2.4 5.0 10 15 0.64 1.6 4.2 0,51 1.3 3.4 0.88 2.25 8,8 0.36 0.9 2.4 5.0 5.0 10 15 -2.5 -0.52 -1.3 -3,6 -2.1 -0.44 -1.1 -3.0 -4.2 -0.88 -2.25 -8.8 -1.7 -0.36 -0.9 -2.4 5.0 10 15 0.52 1.3 3,6 0.44 1.1 3.0 0.88 2,25 8.8 0.36 0,9 2.4 II mA 9-17 MC14500B ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) 25°C Tlow * Voo Thigh* Max Characteristic Symbol V Min Max Min Typ Max Min Input Current, RST (AL/Cl/CP Device) lin 15 25 - 150 - - 250 JJA Input Current (Al Device) lin 15 - ±0.1 ±0.00001 ±0.1 - ± 1.0 JJA Input Current (CL/CP Device) lin 15 - ±0.3 ±0.00001 ±0.3 - ± 1.0 JJA Input Capacitance (Data) Cin - - 15 - - pF Cin - - - Input Capacitance (All Other Inputs) - 5.0 7.5 - - pF Quiescent Current (Al Device) (Per Package) lout = 0 JJA, Vin=O or VDD IDD 5.0 10 15 - 5.0 10 20 0.005 0.010 0.015 5.0 10 20 - 150 300 600 JJA Quiescent Current (CL/CP Device) (Per Package) lout = 0 JJA, Vin=O or VDD IOD 5.0 10 15 - 20 40 80 - 0.005 0.010 0.015 20 40 80 150 300 600 JJA **Total Supply Current at an External load Capacitance (Cl) on All Outputs IT - - - IT = (1.5 JJA/kHz) f IT = (3.0 JJA/kHz) f IT = (4.5 JJA/kHz) f - - - + 100 + 100 + 100 Unit JJA * Tlow = -55°C for Al Device, -40°C for CL/CP Device. Thigh = +125 0 C for Al Device, +85 0 C for CL/CP Device. ** The formulas given are for the typical characteristics only at 25°C. SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS ITA = 25°C; tr = tf = 20 ns for X and I inputs; CL = 50 pF for JMP, 'X1, RR, Flag 0, Flag F; Cl = 130 pF + 1 TTL load for Data and Write.) Characteristic Propagation Delay Time, Xl to RR VOD Vdc Symbol tpLH, tpHl Xl to Flag F, Flag 0, RTN, JMP Xl to Write Xl to Data RST to RR RST to Xl RST to Flag F, Flag 0, RTN, JMP RST to Write, Data II All Types Min Typ Max 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 15 - 250 125 100 5.0 10 15 - 500 250 200 400 200 170 450 250 200 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 15 - - - - - - 5.0 10 15 - Clock Pulse Width, Xl tW(d) 5.0 10 15 400 200 180 Reset Pulse Width, RST tWIRl 5.0 10 15 500 250 200 Setup Time - Instruction tsu(1) 5.0 10 15 400 250 180 200 100 80 100 50 50 Data Ho!d Time - In.truction Data 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 15 5.0 10 15 tsu(D) thO) th(D) NOTE 1. Maximum Reset Delay may extend to one-half clock period. 9-18 200 100 100 200 100 85 225 125 100 250 120 100 250 125 100 450 200 150 500 240 200 500 250 200 Note 1 400 200 150 450 225 175 200 100 90 250 125 100 800 400 300 900 450 350 200 125 90 100 50 40 0 0 0 100 50 50 Unit ns - ns - ns - ns - ns - - ns - ns - MC14500B FIGURE 1 - TYPICAL CLOCK FREQUENCY versus RESISTOR (RC) :J: 1M Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ >z u Function Chip Reset Write Pulse Data In{Out MSB Instruction Word Bit 2 Instruction Word Bit 1 Instruction Word LSB Instruction Word Negative Supply (Ground) Flag on NOP F Flag on NOP 0 Subroutine Return Flag Jump Instruction Flag Oscillator Input Oscillator Output Result Register Positive Supply 8 9 '"o 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'-.. "" ~ lOa k " '" ~ 10 k 10 kl! lOa kll I MS2 Symbols RST Write Data 13 12 11 10 VSS Flag F Flag 0 RTN JMP X2 Xl RR VDD Rc. CLOCK FREQUENCY RESISTOR TABLE 1. MC14500B INSTRUCTION SET Instruction Code Mnemonic Action 0 0000 NOPO 1 0001 LD Load result register. 2 0010 LDC Load complement. 3 0011 AND Logical AND. 4 0100 ANDC 5 0101 OR 6 0110 ORC 7 0111 XNOR 8 1000 STD 9 1001 STOC A 1010 lEN RR~RR,FlagO~..J1.. No change in registers. Data Data RR'Data~ RR + Data ~ Store. RR -> Data Pin, Input enable. ~ If RR Store complement. 1011 OEN Output enable. 1100 JMP Jump. D 1101 RTN Return. Skip next instruction if RR 1110 SKZ 1111 NOPF Data~RR Data, RR ~ B E RR ~ 1 Data Pin, Write->..J1.. I EN Register C F ~ RR Write~..rL RR ~ Data RR RR + Logical OR complement. Exclusive NOR. RR RR RR·Data Logical AND complement. LogicalOR. ~ ~ Data -> OEN Register JMP Flag -+.J1.. RTN Flag ~ ...f1.. and skip next instruction No change in registers. ~ 0 RR ~ RR, Flag F-..fL FIGURE 2 - OUTLINE OF A TYPICAL ORGANIZATION FOR A MC14500B·BASED SYSTEM Additional Output Devices L _________ I/O Address Memory 'o" 1) C2 MC14599B a-Bit Addressable Latch with Bidirectional Data a. a Outputs '----- MC14512 a-Channel Data Selector / U I I I I -.-l o o Program Counter MC14500B ICU Clock Data I---- 9-19 J fL-~---, V 1\ ,----------, .," 00 To Peripheral Devices I Additional I : Input Devices : I I 8 Inputs II MC14500B TIMING WAVEFORMS Instructions NOPO, NOPF RR, lEN, OEN remain unaffected X1 RST lEN Register OEN Register RR f- tpHL (RESET TO RRJ 4 Bit \ Instruction_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'~------NOPO FLAG 0 tPLH (DATA TO FLAG) FLAG F -=1 /l tPHL r--\ r--\ NOPF NOPO Jk! "'---\ Instructions SKZ, JMP, RTN RR, lEN, OEN remain unaffected X1 ---l f--- tW(cl) 4 Bit Instruction SKZ RST RTN JMP JMP ,- ------------------~1 RR~L_________________________________________~+---- II --i! fL \ JMP Flag _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tpHL RTN Flag __________________________________- ' / SKP F/F Internal _ _ _ _...J * -.-J! L - - -_ _ _ _ Instructions Ignored. 9-20 \ (R ESET TO Jump) ~ MC14500B TIMING WAVEFORMS Instructions STO, STOC, OEN X1 4-Bit Instruction STO STOC STO STOC NOP OEN STO STOC Data RR tpLH, tpHL (Xl to Data) OEN Register (internal) Write Valid when RST = L NOTE 1. Valid output data. Instructions LD, LOC, AND, ANDC OR, ORC, XNOR, lEN LD, etc. 4 Bit Instruction Data RR lEN Register (internal) Valid when RST = L 9-21 II II 9-22 Reliability 10-1 ® MOTOROLA Introduction This chapter is intended to demonstrate the quality and reliability aspects of the semiconductor products supplied by Motorola. Quality in Manufacturing QUALITY IN DESIGN Motorola's quality activity starts at the product design stage. It is its philosophy to "design in" reliability. At all development points of any new design reliability orientated guidelines are continuously used to ensure that a thoroughly reliable part is ultimately produced. This is demonstrated by the excellent in-house reliability testing results obtained for all Motorola's semiconductor products and, more importantly, by our numerous customers. NEW PRODUCT TYPICAL DESIGN FLOW MATERIAL INCOMING CONTROLS Each vendor is supplied with a copy of the Motorola Procurement Specification which must be agreed in detail between both parties before any purchasing agreement is made. This is followed by a vendor appraisal report whereby each vendor's manufacturing facility is visited by Motorola Quality Engineers responsible for ensuring that the vendor has a well organized and adequately controlled manufacturing process capable of supplying the high quality material required to meet the Motorola Incoming Inspection Specification. Large investments have and are continuously being made and Quality Improvement programs developed with our main suppliers concerning: Masks - Silicon - Piece-parts - Chemical products Industrial gas, etc. Each batch of material delivered to Motorola is quarantined at Goods-in until the Incoming Quality Organization has subjected adequate samples to the incoming detailed inspection specification. In the case of masks, this will include mask inspection for: 1. Defect Density 2. Intermask Alignment 3. Mask Revision 4. Device to Device Alignment 5. Mask Type Silicon will undergo the following inspections: 1. Type "N" or "P" Engineering Sample Commercial Sample 2. Resistivity 3. Resistivity Gradient 4. Defects 5. Physical Dimensions 6. Dislocation Density Incoming chemicals are also controlled to very rigorous standards. Many are submitted to in-house chemical analysis where the supplier's conformance to specification is This basic design flow-chart omits some feedback loops for simplicity meticulously checked. In many cases, line tests are performed before final acceptance. A major issue and responsibility for the Incoming Quality Department is to ensure that the most disciplined safety factors have been employed with regard to chemicals. Chemicals can and are often rejected because safety standards have not been deemed acceptable. 10-2 BIPOLAR WAFER FABRICATION WAFER FABRICATION All processing stages of Motorola products are subjected to demanding manufacturing and quality control standards A philosophy of "Do it Right the First Time" is instrumental in assuring that Motorola has a reliability record second to none. The Bipolar and MOS Wafer Fabrication flow charts are examples which highlight the various in process control points audited by both Manufacturing and Quality people The majority of these inspections are control audit points with inspection gates at critical points of the process; this is in line with Motorola policy of all personnel being responsible for quality at each manufacturing stage. Diffusion and ion implantation processing is subject to oxide thickness controls penetration evaluations. Controls are also performed on resistivity and defect density. Diffusion furnaces, metallization, and passivation equipment are subjected to daily qualification requirements by using C-V plotting techniques. C-V techniques are also used to ensure ongOing stability as they do provide a very sensitive measurement of ionic species concentration. In addition many other specific controls are used as a means to ensure built-in reliability and provide statistical trend data, which include: • Environmental monitoring for humidity, temperature and particles • Deionized water resistivity, checks in water • Epitaxial material: resistivity defects thickness - • Oxide: thickness - charges - pinhole density • Metallization: thickness - adherence - metal composition - ohmic contacts • • • Doping profiles Pre and post etch inspections In process S EM analysis for step coverage: metallization - grain size - phosphorous concentration • Passivation integrity checks particles and bacteria crystal • Calibration • Final visual inspection gate. After all processing stages are completed, every wafer lot is subject to a detailed electrical parameter check. Parameters such as threshold voltage, junction breakdown voltages, resistivity, field inversion voltages, etc., are measured and each batch is sentenced accordingly. The data generated at this point is treated statistically as a control on the distribution of each key electrical parameter thus allowing corrective action adjustments to be implemented in a timely manner. Every wafer lot is submitted to an electrical probe test during which every individual die is tested to its electrical specification. Chips which fail are individually inked. o 10-3 In Process or Control Process or Q.A. Inspection MOS WAFER FABRICATION In-Process 0 Inspection II ASSEMBLY The assembly operation is of equal importance to the wafer fabrication process as a manufacturing activity which will effect the reliability of the finished product. Motorola continuousiy make~ majol investroents in specialized assembly areas located in Malaysia, the Philippines and Korea. These assembly plants employ the latest technologies 10-4 available to ensure that all Motorola semiconductors are produced to the highest standards of Quality and Reliability. In addition, each wafer fabrication facility has in-house assembly capability which allows some production, specific engineering activity and qualification of piece-parts suppliers. The major production volumes of Motorola's Integrated Circuits are assembled offshore in the Far East. identical Quality and Reliability philosophies are practiced in the assembly areas as within the wafer fabrication facilities. Quality Assurance Audits for immediate corrective actions are performed after major process steps as demonstrated in the flow-chart. In addition, screening options are available. The statistical data obtained from quality audits are reported to the appropriate business centers either daily, weekly or monthly for review. Motorola is particularly aware of the major impact moisture can have on the reliability performance of either plastic or ceramic parts. With this in mind several major new innovations have been introduced to safeguard Motorola products and thus enhance their overall reliability performance, these include: • • Faraday shield vacuum packed wafer shipping system Temperature and humidity controlled wafer inventory stores Inert atmosphere for metal can packages encapsulation New design lead frames (plastic assembly) • • New molding compounds Low moisture content glass • • • • Moisture content audit procedures Super dry piece-part controls FINAL TESTING Each of Motorola'S facilties has a complete Final Test capability for all of the products fabricated and assembled. The majority of products, after assembly, are tested and Q.A. released at the facility responsible for that product. Some product is tested in the offshore assembly site; however, this is always returned to the facility for Q.A. release prior to final shipment to customer. Final Test is a comprehensive series of dc, functional and speed orientated electrical tests as well as adapted forced tests. These tests are normally more stringent than data sheet requirements and are finally sampled by Outgoing Quality Assurance. In practice, the test flow philosophies vary according to product. For instance, most of the Discrete devices are double tested as part of a zero defect quality improvement program. As well, many Integrated Circuits are tested at various temperatures. There are also many burn-in options available. TYPICAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY AND FINAL TEST FLOW CHART 10-5 OUTGOING QUALITY SAMPLING PLAN A.Q.L. Rectifiers Linear 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Electrical Inoperative 0.10 0.10 0.065 0.065 0.065 Parametric Visual! Mechanical OAO OAO 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.10 Electrical Inoperative Parametric Visual/ Mechanical 0.25 0.65 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 OAO OAO OAO 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.25 0.15 Electrical Inoperative Parametric Visual/ Mechanical 0.10 0.10 OAO OAO 0.25 0.10 0.40 0.15 0.10 0.25 0.15 0.10 0.25 0.10 0.40 0.25 Electrical Inoperative Parametric Visual/ Mechanical 0.15 0.65 0.15 0.65 0.10 0.10 OAO OAO OAO OAO OAO 0.25 0.15 0.15 CMOS Function/Parametric Visual/ Mechanical LTPD (5.0) LTPD (5.0) 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.15 MOS Microprocessors Function/ Parametric Visual! Mechanical LTPD (5.0) LTPD (5.0) 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.15 NMOS Memories Function! Parametric Visual/ Mechanical LTPD (5.0) LTPD (5.0) 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.15 lS TTL ECl Bipolar Memory/LSI Function! Parametric Visual/ Mechanical 0.15 0.65 0.15 0.15 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 AlS/FAST Function!Parametric Visual! Mechanical 0.065 0.065 Power Transistors Small Signal Transistors EVOLUTION OF AVERAGE OUTGOING QUALITY - A.O.Q. (TOTAL A.O.Q. INCLUDING VISUAL, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL) Bipolar Linear I!C's X - X Rectifiers 10 c 0 Transistors Z - Z Bipolar Digital lie's x ::2: 6 £l. £l. 4 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 II 10-6 1981 1982 1983 OUTGOING QUALITY In many published cases, stated PPM values refer to Electrical Inoperative failures only. At Motorola, the Electrical Inoperative, the Electrical Parametric and the Visual! Mechanical failure rates are calculated separately and then combined to reach an overall total. In this way Motorola believes that is giving its customers a true and accurate assessment of the quality of the product. Unqualified PPM statements can be misleading and cause the customer to expect quality levels which cannot be achieved. For example, Motorola MOS Logic A.O.Q. is separated into Electrical Inoperative/ Electrical Parametric (280 PPM) and Visual/Mechanical (486 PPM). Other product families such as Small Signal Plastic Transistors are already reaching 50 PPM in Electrical Inoperative failure rate. The Motorola PPM graphs are excellent examples of what has been achieved over the last years with regard to quality improvements. Reductions between 50% and 300% in average outgoing quality are typical across the broad range of Motorola products. Throughout the semiconductor industry there have been, and there still are, examples of manufacturers offering higher quality standards at a premium. This is not a Motorola strategy, we believe that our customers should expect high quality products at no extra cost. This is Motorola's aim and we will continue to aggressively pursue Quality and Reliability· improvements which will be passed on to our customers as an obligation on our part. Also, we actively encourage our customers to provide their quality results at their Incoming Inspection, during their manufacturing process and from the field in order to better correlate and further improve our quality performance. Although test procedures may vary from product to product within Motorola, the same philosophy applies when considering quality objectives. Motorola's mission is to be a Quality and Reliability leader worldwide. HIGHLIGHTS: Motorola recognizes that you, our customers, are truly concerned about improving your own quality image. You are, therefore, concerned about the quality of the product Motorola supplies you. Our customers measure us by the level of defects in the products we supply at incoming inspection, during assembly and, most important, field reliability. During the past years, Motorola has achieved impressive reductions in defect rates known as A.O.Q. or Average Outgoing Quality. Instrumental in this success has been the planned continuous reduction in outgoing A. Q. L. to a point where Motorola believes that over all products it can demonstrate the most aggressive A.Q. L.'s in the industry. This aggressive program has been designed to help eliminate expensive incoming inspection at our customers. All of the facilities also practice an extremely demanding parts per million program program (PPM). The PPM performance of all Motorola products is calculated in each location using the same method; they are, therefore, directly comparable. Motorola is well aware that when discussing PPM with existing or potential customers, it is of paramount importance to explain exactly which failure categories are included in the stated PPM figures. Motorola's PPM figures will include: • Electrical Inoperative Failure • Electrical Parametric Failures (de and ae) • Visual and Mechanical criteria. MOTOROLA A.O.Q. PLAN Power Transistors Rectifiers Small Signal Metal Small Signal Plastic Linear I/C's L. and S.F. Memory Microprocessor Bipolar Digital Logic Bipolar Memory/LSI 1980 History Average 1981 3400 1750 Goal Dec 1982 1982 1400 1100 950 1100 1000 950 1983 700 700 4100 2200 1400 1100 800 1500 1200 1030 800 600 4300 1900 1380 2000 1150 1000 5000 2800 2370 7000 4360 2400 2900 1300 7000 3860 2450 2900 1300 1260 802 975 800 500 1620 1200 1000 151 700 A.O.Q. Includes all Defects: Visual, Mechanical, Electrical Inoperative and Parametric. 10-7 500 AVERAGE A.O.a. IN P.P.M. FOR MOS PRODUCTS FIGURES INCLUDE FUNCTIONAL/PARAMETRICIVISUALIMECHANICAL 9000 _ _ _ _ Micro 8000 x-x Memory 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 500 250 1979 1981 1980 mortality, useful life and wearout. When a device is produced, there is often a small distribution of failure mechanisms which will exhibit themselves under relatively moderate stress levels and therefore appear early. This period of early failures, termed infant mortality, are reduced significantly through proper manufacturing controls and screening techniques. The most effective period is that in which only occassional random failure mechanisms appear; the useful life typically spans a long period of time with a very low failure rate. The final period is that in which the devices literally wear out due to continuous phenomena which existed at the time of manufacture. Using strictly controlled design techniques and selectivity in applications, this period is shifted well beyond the lifetime required by the user. RELIABILITY Paramount in the mind of every semiconductor user is the question of device performance versus time. After the applicability of a particular device has been established, its effectiveness depends on the length of troublefree service it can offer. The reliability of a device is exactly that - an expression of how well it will serve the customer. The following discussion will attempt to present an overview of Motorola's reliability efforts. BASIC CONCEPTS It is essential to begin with an explanation of the various parameters of Reliability. These are probably summarized best in the Bathtub Curve (Figure 1). The reliability performance of a device is characterized by three phases: infant FIGURE 1 FIGURE2 j j ~~ 50% CL T T l 1.-' Infant Mortality (Such as Early Burn-In Failures) I \ ;"Iii,; 17 I II 1 I Useful Life 1983 1982 II" ~ 1/ I"---'Wearout Failures >- u c ~ 1 11 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000 Time (Hours) 1,000,000 A, Failure Rate 10-8 Both the infant mortality and randum failure rate regions Cdn be described through the same types of calculations. During this· time the probability of having no failures to a specific point in time can be expressed by the equation: where A is the failure rate and t is time. Since A is changing rapidly during infant mortality, the expression does not become useful until the random period, where A is relatively constant. In this equation A is failures per unit of time. It is usually expressed in percent failures per thousand hours. Other forms include FIT (Failures In Time= (%/10 3 hrs) x 10- 4= 10- 9 failures per hour) and MTTF (Mean Time To Failure) or MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures), both being equal to l/A and having units of hours. Since reliability evaluations usually involve only samples of an entire population of devices, the concepts of the Central Limit Theorem apply and A is calculated using x2 distribution through the equation: A :5 x2 (x, 2r+ 2) 2nt where x = 100- CL 100 CL = Confidence Limit in percent Number of rejects Number of devices Duration of test The confidence limit is the degree of conservatism desired in the calculation. The Central Limit Theorem states that the values of any sample of units out of a large population will produce a normal distribution. A 50% confidence limit is termed the best estimate and is the mean of this distribution. A 90% confidence limit is a very conservative value and results in a higher A which represents the point at which 90% of the area of the distribution is to the left of that value (Figure 2). The term (2r+ 2) is called the degrees of freedom and is an expression of the number of rejects in a form suitable to x2 tables. The number of rejects is a critical factor since the definition of rejects often differs between manufacturers. While Motorola uses data sheet limits to determine failures sometimes rejects are counted only if they are catastrophic: Due to the increasing chance of a test not being representative of the entire population as sample size and test time are decreased, the x2 calculation produces surprisingly high values of A for short test durations even though the true long term failure rate may be quite low. For this reason relatively large amounts of data must be gathered to demonstrate the real long term failure rate. Since this would require years of testing on thousands of devices, methods of accelerated testing have been developed. Years of semiconductor device testing has shown that temperature will accelerate failures and that this behaviour fits the form of the Arrhenius equation: R (t) = Ro(t)e- 8/kT where R(t) = Reaction rate as a function of time and temperature RO = A constant t Time 8 Activation energy in electron volts k Boltzman's constant T Temperature in degrees Kelvin To provide time-temperature equivalents this equation is applied to failure rate calculations in the form: t = toe 8/kT where t = time to = A constant The Arrhenius equation essentially states that reaction rate increases exponentially with temperature. This produces a straight line when plotted on log-linear paper with a slope expressed by 8. 8 may be physically interpreted as the energy threshold of a particular reaction or failure mechanism. The activation energy exhibited by semiconductors varies from about 0.3 eV. Although the relationships do not prohibit devices from having poor failure rates and high activation energies, good performance usually does imply a high 8. Studies by Bell Telephone Laboratories have indicated that an overall 8 for semiconductors is 1.0 eV. This value has been accepted by the Rome Air Development Command for time-temperature acceleration in powered burn-in as specified in Method 1015 of MIL-STD-883. Data taken by Motorola on Integrated Circuits have verified this number and it is therefore applied as our standard time-temperature regression for extrapolation of high temperature failure rates to temperatures at which the devices will be used (Figure 3). For Discrete products, 0.7 eV is generally applied. To accomplish this, the time in device hours (tl) and temperature (Tl) of the test are plotted as point Pl. A vertical line is drawn at the temperature of interest (T2) and a line with a 1.0 eV slope is drawn through point Pl. Its intersection with the vertical line defines point P2, and determines the number of equivalent device hours (t2). This number may then be used with the x2 formula to determine the failure rate at the temperature of interest. Assuming Tl of 125°C at tl of 10,000 hours, a t2 of 7.8 million hours results at a T2 of 50° C. If one reject results in the 10,000 device hours of testing at 125°C, the failure rate at that temperature will be 20% 11,000 hours using a 60% confidence level. One reject at the equivalent 7.8 million device hours at 50°C will result in a 0.026%/1,000 hour failure rate, as illustrated in Figure 4. Three parameters determine the failure rate quoted by the manufacturer: the failure rate at the test temperature, the activation energy employed, and the difference between the test temperature and the temperature of the quoted A. A term often used in this manipulation is the "acceleration factor" which is simply the equivalent device hours at the lower temperature divided by the actual test device hours. Every device will eventually fail, but with the present techniques in Semiconductor design and applications, the wearout phase is extended far beyond the lifetime required. During wearout, as in infant mortality, the failure rate is changing rapidly and therefore loses its value. The parameter 10-9 mechanisms: electromigration of circuit metallization, electrolytic corrosion in plastic devices al')d metal fatigue for Power devices. used to describe performance in this area is "Median Life" and is the point at which 50% of the devices have failed. There are currently only few significant wearout FIGURE 4 FAILURE RATE FIGURE 3 NORMALIZED TIME-TEMPERATURE REGRESSIONS FOR VARIOUS ACTIVATION ENERGY VALUES l000k 1.2 lOOk 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 2.8 1.2 100 3.6 1.6 2.0 ~0 I ~ '#. Ql Ql S co a: f- (J) :::J i\ i , I 1.0 1\ I I 0.1 \ f }"1 L... ~_L.. 0.01 1\ I I 11\ I 0.001 \ _\ .L ~ -< 3.6 i\ 8 S ~0 3.2 , 10 }"2 2.8 1\ }"2 }"1 2.4 I I I I I 0.0001 ~ 0.00001 I \ \ \ i \ I 500 200 100 50 500 Temperature (OC) 200 100 50 Temperature (OC) For increased flexibility in working with a broad range of device hours, the time-temperature regression lines have been normalized to 500°C and the time scale omitted, permitting the user to define the scale based on his own requirements. Reliability RELIABILITY TESTS: DEFINITION, PURPOSE AND PROCEDURES These definitions are intended to give the reader a brief understanding of the test currently used at Motorola for reliability checking. They also state which main failure mechanisms are accelerated by the test. HIGH TEMPERATURE STORAGE LIFE An environmental test where only temperature is the stress. Temperature and test duration must be specified. Usually temperature is the maximum storage temperature of the devices under test. Main failure mechanisms are metallization, bulk silicon, corrosion. II HIGH TEMPERATURE REVERSE BIAS (HTRB) An environmental stress combined with an electrical stress whereby devices are subjected to an elevated temperature and simultaneously reverse biased. To be effective, voltaqe must be applied to the devices until they reach room temperature at the completion of the test. Temperature, time and voltage levels must be specified. Accelerated failure mechanisms are inversion, channeling, surface contamination, design. HIGH HUMIDITY, HIGH TEMPERATURE REVERSE BIAS (H3TRB) A combined environmental/electrical stress whereby devices are subjected to an elevated ambient temperature and high humidity, simultaneously reverse biased for a period of time. Normally performed on a sample basis (qualification) on non-hermetic devices. The most common conditions is 85°C and 85%. relative humidity. More extreme conditions generally are very destructive to the chambers used. Time, temperature, humidity and voltage must be specified. This accelerated test mainly detects corrosion risks. 10-10 STEADY STATE OPERATING LIFE An electrical stress whereby devices are forward (reverse for zeners) biased at full rated power for prolonged duration. Test is normally 25°C ambient and power is 100% of full rated. (For power devices the lie's maximum operating Ti is used.) Duration, power and ambient, if other than 25°C, must be specified. Accelerated failure mechanisms mainly are metallization, bulk silicon, oxide, inversion and channeling. DYNAMIC OPERATING LIFE An electrical stress whereby devices are alternately subjected to forward bias at full rated power or current and reverse bias. Duration, power, duty cycle, reverse voltage ambient and frequency must be specified. Used normally for rectifiers and silicon controlled rectifiers. Failure mechanisms are essentially the same as steady state operating life. INTERMITTENT OPERATING LIFE (POWER CYCLING) An electrical stress whereby devices are turned on and off for a period of time. During the "on" time the devices are turned on at a power such that the junction temperature reaches its maximum rating. During "off" cycle the devices return to 25°C ambient. Duration, power, pr duty cycle must be individually specified. Accelerated failures mechanisms are mainly die bonds, wire bond, metallization, bulk silicon, and oxide. THERMAL SHOCK (TEMPERATURE CYCLING) An environmental stress whereby devices are alternately subjected to a low and high temperature with or without a dwell time in between to stabilize the devices to 25°C ambient - the medium is usually air. Temperatures, dwell times and cycles must be specified. Failure mechanisms are essentially die bonds, wire bonds, and package. THERMAL SHOCK (GLASS STRAIN) An environmental stress whereby the devices are subjected to a low temperature, stabilized and immediately transferred to a high temperature. The medium is usually liquid. Failures mechanisms essentially are the same as temperature cycling. EXAMPLE OF NEW PROCESS QUALIFICATION TESTS Condition Duration MIL-STD-883 Reference Test Method 125°C, 5 V or 15 V 1,000 Hours 1005 85°C, 85% R.H. 5 V or 15 V 1,000 Hours 121°C, 100% R.H. 15P.S.I.G. 144 Hours 150°C 1,000 Hours Thermal Cycle (Air to Air) - 65°C to 150°C 5 Min Dwell 1,000 Cycles 1010 Thermal Shock (Liquid to Liquid) - 65°C to 150°C 5 Min Dwell 1,000 Cycles 1011 1,500G, 3 per Axis 150- 2,000 Hz, 20 g 30 kg 0.5 MS 2 Hours 2002 2007 2001 200/250°C 1,000 Hours Test Operating Life Temperature Humidity Bias Autoclave High Temperature Storage Shock, Vibration, and Constant Acceleration Data Retention Bake (Non Volation Memories) II 10-11 MECHANICAL SHOCK VIBRATION VARIABLE FREQUENCY A mechanical stress whereby the devices are subjected to high impact forces normally in two or more of the six orientations Xl, Yl, Zl, X2, Y2, Z2. Tests are to verify the physical integrity of the devices. G forces, pulse duration, and number of shocks and axes must be specified. Same as Vibration Fatigue except that frequency is logarithmically varied from 100 Hz to 1 kHz and back. Number of cycles is normally four. Cycle time, amplitude and total duration must be specified. Failure mechanisms are mainly package, wire bond - this test is not applicable to molded devices. EXAMPLE OF NEW PACKAGE QUALIFICATION TESTS Test Operating Life Temperature Humidity Bias Autoclave High Temperature Storage Condition Duration MIL-STD-883 Reference Test Method 125°C, 5 V or 15 V 1,000 Hours 1005 85°C, 85% R.H. 5 V or 15 V 1,000 Hours 121°C, 100% R.H. 15 P.S.I.G. 144 Hours 150°C 1,000 Hours Thermal Cycle (Air to Air) -65°C to 150°C 5 Min Dwell 1,000 Cycles 1010 Thermal Shock (Liquid to Liquid) - 65°C to 150°C 5 Min Dwell 1,000 Cycles 1011 1,500 G, 3 per Axis 150-2,000 Hz, 20 g 30 kg 0.5ms 2 Hours 2002 2007 2001 Shock, Vibration, and Constant Acceleration Hermeticity 1.85,10- 8 atm cc/sec 1014 Visual Inspection Dimensions 2008 Outline Dwg. 2016 Marking Permanency Solderability Wire Bond Strength (Post Seal) 2015 230°C 1.5 Gram Die Shear 3 Seconds 2003 2011 2027 10-12 EXAMPLE OF STANDARD RELIABILITY PROGRAM Reliability Engineering Department Motorola Reliability Program For: Test Group Reliability Audit Life Tests Test SS Frequency Thermal Shock 25 1 Product Line Per Week High Temperature Reverse Bias 40 High Temperature Reverse Bias 25 (+2) High Temperature Storage 25 (+2) TA= 150°C, 1,000 hours Steady State Life 25 (+2) MIL-STD-883, Method 1005 TA=125°C, 1,000 hours High Humidity Test Methods/Conditions MIL-STD-883, Method 1011 - 25°C, + 125°C. Dwell Time 5 mn, 100 Cycles T A = 150°C, VCB = .8 VCB max. 168 hours 3 Product Lines Per Month 25 High Temperature Reverse Bias ( + 2) devices for correlation purpose T A = 150°C, VCB = .8 VCB max. 1,000 hours TA=85°C, 85% Humidity VCB = .8 VCB max. 1,000 hours (+2) Product Family Test Conditions Device Hours No. Of Failures Activation Energy Derated Temperature % Per 1,000 Hours At 60% Confidence Non Hermetic Interface lie's Operating Tj=155°C 591,552 64 1 eV 70°C 0.014 Consumer II C's Operating Tj= 125°C 13,082,000 39 1 eV 70°C 0.0029 D04/D05 Rectifier Tj-150°C VR=.8 BVR 798,000 5 .7 eV 70°C 0.009 Plastic Axial Diodes Tj-l00°C VR=.8 BVR 295,000 3 .7 eV 70°C 0.21 Button Diodes Tj= 150°C VR=.8 BVR 520,000 5 .7 eV 70°C 0.014 Small Signal Plastic Transistor Tj = 150°C VCB=.8 BVCO 579,000 6 .7 eV 70°C 0.014 Small Signal Metal Transistor Tj= 150°C VCB=.8 BVCBO 3,944,000 12 .7 eV 70°C 0.0039 Tj= 150°C 364,416 2 .7 eV 70°C 0.0097 366,080 0 .7 eV 70 0 e 0.0028 297,024 3 .7 eV 70°C 0.016 247,104 3 .7 eV 70°C 0.019 Case 77 Power Plastic Transistor T0220 Power Plastic Transistor T03P Power Plastic Transistor T03 Power Metal Transistor VBC=.8 BVCBO Tj= 150°C VCB=.8 BVCBO Tj-150°C VCB = .8 BVCBO Tj-l50°C VCB = .8 BVCBO 10-13 No. of Failures 11 Activation Energy 1 EV Derated Temperature 50 0 e 85°e % Per 1,000 Hours At 60% Confidence 0.00074 0.025 loB 17 1 EV 85°e 0.0088 125°e Dynamic Bias 5V 2.88x 106 47 1 EV 70 0 e 0.039 125°e Dynamic Bias 5V 250°C Bake 434,456 3 1 EV 70°C 0.009 519,120 3 0.7 EV 70°C. 0.0075 125°e Dynamic Bias 5V 250 0 e 917,280 25 1 EV 70°C 0.027 966,672 1.05x lOti 19 6 0.7 EV 0.7 EV 70°C 70 0 e 0.020 0.028 Test Conditions 125°e Static Basis -5.2 V 125°e Static Bias 5V Device Hours No. of Failures Activation Energy 1.0 eV Derated Temperature 70 0 e % Per 1,000 Hours At 90% Confidence 0.0029 61.74x 106 7 1.0 eV 85°e 0.0189 Test Conditions Operating Tj=135°C Operating Tj= 135°C Device Hours 437,472 No. of Failures 2 Activation Energy 1 eV Derated Temperature 70°C % Per 1,000 Hours At 60% Confidence 0.0026 718,848 4 1 eV 70 0 e 0.0033 Product Family eMOS Ceramic Test Conditions 125°e Static Bias CMOS Plastic 125°e Static Bias 6800 Series Plastic U.V. EPROM Life Test Data Retention EEPROM Life Test Data Retention 64K DRAM Product Family lS-TTl ECl Product Family Operational Amplifier Hermetic Interface I/C's -- 125°e Dynamic Bias 5.5 V Device Hours 6.5x 10' 2.1 x The reliability approach at Motorola Semiconductors is based on designing in reliability rather than testing for reliability only. This concept is reflected by Motorola's mandatory procedures which require product, process and packaging qualification on three independently produced lots before any product is released to volume production. Reliability engineering approval supported by an officially documented report is required before any product is released to manufacturing. Tests at both maximum rated and accelerated stress levels are performed. Acceleration is important to determine how and at what stress level a new design, product process or package would fail. This information proyides an indication of what design changes can be implemented to ensure a wider and safer margin between the maximum rated stress condition and the devices stress limitation . an ongoing reliability monitor which covers all process and packaging options. This program provides a continuous upto-date data base which is summarized in periodical reports. Reliability statistics supporting all Motorola Semiconductor devices Can be obtained from any of the Motorola Sales Offices upon request. The present operating life test results demonstrates Motorola's reputation for producing semiconductors with reliability second to none. The Quality organization in each facility is responsible for preparing and maintaining a Quality Manual which describes in detail the quality systems and associated Reliability and Quality Assurance organization, policies, and procedures. This manual must be appraised and ultimately approved by the appropriate approval authority. .A.S we!! as qualifying all new products. processes and piece-parts, each Motorola manufacturing facility operates 10-14 Package Dimensions PACKAGE DIMENSIONS The package availability for each device is indicated on the front page of the individual data sheets. Dimensions for the packages are given in this chapter. - - - - - - - - 1 4 · P I N PACKAGE - - - - - - - PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 646-05 NOTES: 1. LEADSWITHINO.13mm (0.005) RADIUS OF TRUE POSITION AT SEATING PLANE AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. 2. DIMENSION "L" TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 3. DIMENSION "B" DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. 4. ROUNDED CORNERS OPTIONAL. DIM A B C D F G H J K L M N II 11·2 MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 18.16 19.56 6.10 6.60 5.08 4.06 0.38 0.53 1.78 1.02 2.54 BSC 2.41 1.32 0.38 0.20 2.92 3.43 7.62 BSC 10 0 00 0.51 1.02 INCHES MIN MAX 0.715 0.770 0.240 0.260 0.160 0.200 0.015 0.021 0.040 0.070 0.100 BSC 0.052 0.095 0.008 0.015 0.115 0.135 0.300 BSC 100 00 0.020 0.040 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) - - - - - - - - 1 6 · P I N PACKAGE - - - - - - - PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 648-05 NOTES: 1. LEADS WITHIN 0.13 mm (0.005) RADIUS OF TRUE POSITION AT SEATING PLANE AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. 2. DIMENSION "L" TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 3. DIMENSION "8" DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. 4. "F" DIMENSION IS FOR FULL LEADS. "HALF" LEADS ARE OPTIONAL AT LEAD POSITIONS 1,8,9, and 16). 5. ROUNDED CORNERS OPTIONAL. DIM A B e D F G H J K L M N MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 18.80 21.34 6.10 6.60 5.08 4.06 0.38 0.53 1.02 1.18 2.54 Bse 2.41 0.38 0.38 0.20 2.92 3.43 7.62 BSC 00 10 0 0.51 1.02 INCHES MIN MAX 0.740 0.840 0.240 0.260 0.160 0.200 0.015 0.021 0.040 0.070 0.100 Bse 0.015 0.095 0.008 0.015 0.115 0.135 0.300 BSC 00 10 0 0.020 0.040 MI LLIMETERS MIN MAX 19.05 19.94 7.49 6.10 5.08 0.38 0.53 1.18 1.40 2.54 Bse 1.14 0.51 0.30 0.20 4.32 3.18 7.62 BSC 150 0.51 1.02 INCHES MAX MIN 0.750 0.785 0.240 0.295 0.200 0.015 0.021 0.055 0.070 0.100 BSC 0.020 0.045 0.008 0.012 0.125 0.170 0.300 BSC 15 0 0.020 0.040 CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 620-08 t B ~""T-rr-r-T-'--'-""'--T""T"""""I+8,...J ~ 1. LEADS WITHIN 0.13 mm (0.005) RADIUS OF TRUE POSITIDN AT SEATING PLANE AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CDNDITION. 2. PACKAGE INDEX: NDTCH IN LEAD NOTCH IN CERAMIC OR INK DOT. 3. DIM "L" TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 4. DIM "A" AND "B" 00 NOT INCLUDE GLASS RUN·O UT. 5. DIM "F" MAY NARROWTO 0.76 mm (0.030) WHERE THE LEAD ENTERS THE CERAMIC BODY. 11-3 DIM A B e D F G H J K L M N PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) - - - - - - - - 1 8 · P I N PACKAGE - - - - - - - - PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 707-02 MILLIMETERS MAX DIM MIN A 22.22 23.24 6.60 6.10 B 3.56 4.57 C 0.56 0.36 0 1.27 1.7B F 2.54 SSC G 1.52 1.02 H 0.20 0.30 J 3.43 K 2.92 7.62 SSC L 15° M 0° 1.02 0.51 N NOTES: 1. POSITIONAL TOLERANCE OF LEADS (D), SHALL BE WITHIN 0.25mm(O.010) AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION, IN RELATION TO SEATING PLANE AND EACH OTHER. 2. DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 3. DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. r 0.240 0.140 0.014 0.050 0.100 0.040 O.OOB 0.115 0.260 O.IBO 0.022 0.070 BSC 0.060 0.012 0.135 0.300 BSC 0° 0.020 15° 0.040 CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 726-04 8 8 6 8 'LJ~ ,-~ I , I I I --I G r-- I L------ A ---t '-- L ---.! _- ; ~ I~I ~ I I ~~NP' IJ91\ 'l .J ~ ~ ~ \~ llfJOOOOOO, ! 1 I H ., ,'.... _I fl... 'I i I SEATING PLANE- ~ J --if-- D II INCHES MIN MAX 0.B75 0.915 ~, J \ M \-- DIM A B C 0 F G H NOTES: 2. DIM "L"TO CENTER OF 1. LEADS, TRUE POSITIONED WITHIN 0.25 mm (0.010) DIA. LEADSWHEN FORMED AT SEATING PLANE, AT PARALLEL. MAXIMUM MATERIAL 3. DIM "A" & "B" INCLUDES CONDITION. MENISCUS. 11-4 J K L M N MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 22.35 23.11 7.49 6.10 5.08 0.53 0.38 1.40 1.78 2.54 sse 1.14 0.51 0.30 0.20 4.32 3.18 7.62 BSC 00 15 0 1.02 0.51 INCHES MIN MAX 0.880 0.910 0.240 0.295 0.200 0.015 0.021 0.055 0.070 O.100BSC 0.020 0.045 0.008 0.012 0.125 0.170 0.300 BSC 15 0 00 0.020 0.040 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) - - - - - - - - 2 0 · P I N PACKAGE-------PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 738-02 DIM A B C D F G J K L M N NOTES: 1. DIM IS DATUM. 2. POSITIONAL TOL FOR LEADS; rn Itl~ 0.25 (0.010)@IT I A@I m 3. IS SEATING PLANE. 4. DIM "B" DOES NOT INGLUDE MOLD FLASH. 5. DIM [IJ TO GENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 6. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANGING PER ANSI Y14.5, 1973. t::-- MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 25.65 27.18 6.10 6.60 4.57 3.94 0.56 0.38 1.27 1.78 2.54 BSG 0.38 0.20 2.79 3.56 7.62 BSG 15° 0° 0.51 1.02 INCHES MIN MAX 1.010 1.070 0.240 0.260 0.155 0.180 0.015 0.022 0.050 0.070 0.100 BSG 0.008 0.015 0.110 0.140 0.300 BSG 15° 0° 0.020 0.040 CERAMIC PACKAGE ---:~ ~-~~=j CLJ CASE 732-03 ------g- rl'A~' _~--".j~;LANE -IG~ F C ! ! ! !! I I I I SEATING I tN J MY NOTES: 1. LEADS WITHIN 0.25 mm (0.010) DIA, TRUE POSITION AT SEATING PLANE, AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL GONDITION. 2. DIM L TO GENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 3. DIM A AND B INCLUDES MENISCUS. PLCC PACKAGE - MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 23.88 25.15 7.49 6.60 3.81 5.08 0.38 0.56 1.40 1.65 F 2.54 BSG G 1.27 0.51 H 0.30 0.20 J 4.06 3.18 K 7.62 SSG L 00 M 15° 1.02 0.25 N DIM A B C D SEE PAGE 11-9 11-5 INCHES MIN MAX 0.940 0.990 0.260 0.295 0.150 0.200 0.015 0.022 0.055 0.065 0.100 BSG 0.020 0.050 0.008 0.012 0.125 0.160 0.300 SSG 00 15° 0.010 0.040 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) - - - - - - - - 2 4 · P I N PACKAGE-------PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 709-02 -1 NOTES: PLANE 1. POSITIONAL TOLERANCE OF LEADS (D), SHALL BE WITHIN 0.25 mm (0.010) AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION, IN RELATION TO SEATING PLANE AND EACH OTHER. 2. DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 3. DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MILLIMETERS DIM MIN MAX A 31.37 32.13 13.72 14.22 B 3.94 C 5.08 0.56 D 0.36 F 1.52 1.02 2.54 BSC G H 1.65 2.03 J 0.20 0.38 K 2.92 3.43 15.24 Bse L M 15° 0° 1.02 N 0.51 INCHES MIN MAX 1.235 1.265 0.540 0.560 0.155 0.200 0.014 0.022 0.040 0.060 0.100 Bse 0.065 0.080 0.008 0.015 0.115 0.135 0.600 Bse 15° 0° 0.020 0.040 CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 623-05 III NOTES: 1. DIM "L" TO CENTER OF LEADS \,VHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 2. LEADS WITHIN 0.13 mm (0.005) RADIUS OF TRUE POSITION AT SEATING PLANE AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. (WHEN FORMED PARALLEL). 11-6 DIM A B C 0 F G J K L M N MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 31.24 32.77 12.70 15.49 4.06 5.59 0.41 0.51 1.27 1.52 2.54 Bse 0.20 0.30 3.18 4.06 15.24 BSC 15° 0° 0.51 1.27 INCHES MIN MAX 1.230 1.290 0.500 0.610 0.160 0.220 0.016 0.020 0.050 0.060 0.100 BSC 0.008 0.012 0.125 0.160 0.600 BSC 0° 15° 0.020 0.050 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) --------28·PIN PACKAGE-------CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 733-03 [::::::::::]J NOTES: 1. DIM IAJ IS DATUM. 2. POSITIONAL TOl FOR lEADS: Itlp 0.25 (0.010) 91 T I A91 3. IS SEATING PLANE. 4. DIM A AND B INCLUDES MENISCUS. 5. DIM ·l· TO CENTER OF lEADS WHEN FORMED PARAllEL. 6. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5,1973. rn DIM A B C D F G J K L M N MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 36.45 37.85 12.70 15.37 5.84 4.06 0.38 0.56 1.27 1.65 2.54 BSC 0.20 0.30 3.18 4.06 15.24 BSC 15° 5° 0.51 1.27 INCHES MAX MIN 1.490 1.435 0.605 0.500 0.230 0.160 0.022 0.015 0.065 0.050 0.100 BSC 0.012 0.008 0.160 0.125 0.600 BSC 15° 5° 0.050 0.020 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 710-02 ~::::::::::::J: NOTES: 1. POSITIONAL TOLERANCE OF LEADS (D), SHALL BE WITHIN O.25mm(O.OlO) AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION, IN RELATION TO SEATING PLANE AND EACH OTHER. 2. DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 3. DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. 11-7 DIM A B C D F G H J K L M N MILLIMETERS MIN MAX INCHES MIN MAX 36.45 13.72 3.94 0.36 1.02 2.54 1.65 0.20 2.92 15.24 0° 0.51 1.435 0.540 0.155 0.014 0.040 0.100 0.065 0.008 0.115 0.600 00 0.020 37.21 14.22 5.08 0.56 1.52 Bse 2.16 0.38 3.43 Bse 15° 1.02 1.465 0.560 0.200 0.022 0.060 Bse 0.085 0.015 0.135 Bse 15 0 0.040 II PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) - - - - - - - - 40-PIN PACKAGE-------PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 711-03 NOTES: 1. POSITIONAL TOLERANCE OF LEADS (0), SHALL BE WITHIN 0.25 mm (0.010) AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION, IN RELATION TO SEATING PLANE AND EACH OTHER. 2. DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 3. DIMENSION B ODES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MI LLiMETERS MAX DIM MIN A 51.69 52.45 B 13.72 14.22 3.94 C 5.08 0.56 D 0.36 F 1.02 1.52 2.54 BSC G H 1.65 2.16 0.38 J 0.20 2.92 3.43 K 15.24 BSC L M 15° 0° 0.51 N 1.02 INCHES MIN MAX 2.035 2.065 0.540 0.560 0.155 0.200 0.014 0.022 0.040 0.060 0.100 BSC 0.065 0.085 0.008 0.015 0.115 0.135 0.600 BSC 15° 0° 0.020 0.040 CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 734-04 NOTES: 1. DIM A IS DATUM. 2. POSITIONAL TOLERANCE FOR LEADS: Itl II @I I I fJ 0.25(0.010) T AG 3. [JJ IS SEATING PLANE. 4. DIM L TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 5. DIMENSIONS A AND B INCLUDE MENISCUS. 6. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5, 1973. 11-8 DIM A B C D F G J K L M N MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 51.31 53.24 12.70 15.49 4.06 5.84 0.38 0.56 I.L.I 1.65 2.54 BSC 0.30 0.20 3.18 4.06 15.24 BSC 15° 5° 0.51 1.27 INCHES MIN MAX 2.020 0.500 0.160 0.015 0.050 0.100 0.008 0.125 0.600 5° 0.020 2.096 0.610 0.230 0.022 0.065 BSC 0.012 0.160 SSC 15° 0.050 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Continued) --------40·PIN PACKAGE-------PLCC PACKAGE CASE 777-01 o w ~~R~~~--1 I----~- B ~~~-1 NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS RAND U DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. 2. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. 3. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH DIM A B C D E F G H J K R U V W X Y MILLIMETERS MAX MIN 17.40 17.65 17.65 17.40 4.19 4.57 0.64 1.01 2.16 2.79 0.33 0.53 1.27 sse 0.66 0.81 0.38 0.63 14.99 16.00 16.51 16.66 16.66 16.51 1.07 1.21 1.07 1.21 1.07 1.42 0.00 0.50 INCHES MIN MAX 0.685 0.695 0.685 0.695 0.165 0.180 0.040 0.025 0.085 0.110 0.013 0.021 0.050 SSC 0.032 0.026 0.Q15 0.025 0.590 0.630 0.656 0.650 0.650 0.656 0.042 0.048 0.042 0.048 0.042 0.056 0.000 0.020 - - - - - - - - 2 0 · P I N PACKAGE-------PLCC PACKAGE CASE 775-01 DIM A B C D E F G H J K NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS RAND U DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. 2. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. 3. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH R U V W X Y AA 11-9 • MILLIMETERS MAX MIN 9.78 10.02 10.02 9.78 4.19 4.57 1.01 0.64 2.16 2.79 0.33 0.53 1.27 Bse 0.66 0.81 0.13 0.38 7.37 8.38 8.89 9.04 8.89 9.04 1.07 1.21 1.07 1.21 1.07 1.42 0.00 0.50 2.34 2.71 INCHES MIN MAX 0.385 0.395 0.385 0.395 0.165 0.180 0.040 0.OZ5 0.085 0.110 0.013 0.021 0.050 BSC 0.032 0.026 0.005 0.015 0.290 0.330 0.350 0.356 0.350 0.356 0.042 0.048 0.042 0.048 0.042 0.056 0.000 0.020 0.088 0.107 II MC145453 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (- 40°C ~ T A -<85°C, Voltages Referenced to VSS) Symbol Test Condition Parameter V Guaranteed Limit Unit VOO - 3.0 to 10.0 V VIL Maximum Low-Level Input Voltage {Data, Clock, BP In) 3.0 4.5 10.0 0.4 0.8 0.8 V VIH Minimum High-Level Input Voltage {Data, Clock, BP In) 3.0 5.5 10.0 2.0 2.0 8.0 V IOL Minimum Low-Level Output Current 3.0 3.0 320 20 3.0 3.0 -320 -20 VOO Power Supply Voltage Range V out =0.3 V (BP Out) (Out 1 to Out 33) IOH Minimum High-Level Output Current fAA V ou t=2.7 V (BP Out) (Out 1 to Out 33) fAA Average DC Output Offset Voltage (BP Out Relative to Out 1 through Out 33) BP Out: CL =8750 pF Out 1 to 33: CL = 250 pF 3.0 10.0 ±50 ±50 mV Maximum Input Leakage Current (Data, Clock, BP In) Vin = VDD or VSS 10.0 ± 1.0 fAA 100 Maximum Quiescent Supply Current (per Package) Osc In: Vin = VSS BP In, Data, Clock: Vin = VDD or VSS 10ut=0 fAA 10.0 10 fAA Idd Maximum RMS Operating Supply Current (per Package) RX = 1.0 MO, Cx = 470 pF BP Out Tied to BP In ClocK, Data: Vin = VDD or VSS 10ut=0 flA 10.0 40 fAA VOO V Guaranteed Limit Unit Maximum Clock Frequency (50% Duty Cycle) (Figure 1) 3.0 4.5 10.0 400 850 1800 kHz tsu Minimum Setup Time, Data to Clock (Figure 1) 3.0 4.5 10.0 300 180 100 ns th Minimum Hold Time, Clock to Data (Figure 1) 3.0 4.5 10.0 300 130 ns tw Minimum Pulse Width, Clock (Figure 1) 3.0 4.5 10.0 1250 585 275 ns tr,tf Maximum Input Rise and Fall Times, Clock (Figure 1) 3.0 4.5 10.0 300 300 300 ns Cin Maximum Input Capacitance - 10 pF VOO lin AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (-40°C~TA~85°C, Input t r =tf=50 n5) Symbol f max Parameter CLOCK __ t_Isu DATA If ~_O_% _ _ _...J -----VL VH = 3.0 V, VL = 0 V @ VOO = 3.0 V, 4.5 V Vfj= 10.0 V. VL =0 V @l VOO= 10.0 V Figure 1. Switching Waveforms Continuation of data sheet MC145453 page 3 50 MC145453 PIN DESCRIPTIONS INPUTS Osc In Data Oscillator input. As shown in Figure 3, this pin is used in conjunction with an external resistor and capacitor to form an oscillator. The oscillator frequency is divided by 16 and appears at BP Out. With a 5 V supply, nominal values of 1 MD and 470 pF produce a 60 to 150 Hz waveform at BP Out. If the on-chip oscillator is not used, Osc In must be tied to VSS which minimizes power consumption and insures reliable chip operation. Serial data input. Data on this pin is serially entered into the on-chip shift register on the rising edge of Clock. The data stream consists of a Start Bit (high), followed by 33 Display Bits, plus 2 Trailing Bits (don't cares). This device does not contain a decoder, which allows the flexibility of formatting the segment information externally. Display Bit 1 controls the LCD segment connected to Out 1, Bit 2 controls Out 2, etc. If a Display Bit is high, the associated segment is activated. The Display Bits are stored in latches which eliminates display flicker during shifting. OUTPUTS Clock BP Out Each rising edge on Clock causes Data to be shifted into the 36-bit shift register. The shift register is completely static, allowing clock rates down to DC in a continuous or intermittent mode. Clock nE;!ed not be synchronous to Osc In nor BP In. The internal load shown in Figure 2 transfers the 33 Display Bits to the on-chip latches. The internal reset clears the shift register (only) to ready the device for the next set of data. Backplane output. This pin may be used to provide a 50% duty cycle waveform to directly drive the backplane of the LCD and BP In. (See Figure 3.) If the on-chip oscillator is not used, BP Out must be left unconnected. (See Figure 4.) When paralleling devices, BP Out fans out to drive the BP In pins of other packages. (See Figure 6.) Out 1 through Out 33 Frontplane driver outputs which are tied directly to the LCD. BPln Backplane in. The signal applied to this input must also be tied to the backplane of the LCD. BP In is the common input to the 33 gated drivers, and may be sourced from the on-chip oscillator output, BP Out. (See Figure 3.) To reduce interference from the display driver in analog designs, BP In may be synchronized with a system clock. The BP In waveform must be a 50% duty cycle to minimize offset voltage to the LCD which impacts display lifetime. (See Figures 4 and 5.) The BP In frequency should be 25 to 250 Hz, depending on the display. POWER VSS Most negative supply potential. This pin is usually ground. VDD Most positive supply potential. This voltage may range from 3 to 10 volts with respect to VSS. START START "OCKJ1J\~r---fVV\jtJVL DATA 1 H H~ S~~;T BIT 34 BIT 35 t HIGH fl, LOAD IINTERNALI________ t DUT 1 ~ DUT 2 ~ H BIT 33 e BIT 34 e BIT 35 B~~S~~;Te BIT 1 e BIT 2 e t OUT 33 DUT 3 ~t 11o..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...II\,'~-------- i ~_~D_P~_~;....... n . ! RESET _ _ _ _ _ IINTERNALI : ",,""" ,---------1I }i Figure 2. Timing Diagram Continuation of data sheet MC145453 page 4 !Mh .. !~----------- MC145453 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION +V I I VOO 1M S > --. BP IN BACKPLANE BP OUT OSC IN 470 pF--'-- LCD T -= CMOS OR NMOS MPU/MCU MC145453 OUT 1 THROUGH OUT 3 ) FRONTPLANES DATA CLOCK Vss 1 1-=- Figure 3. Using On-Chip Oscillator +V 50% DUTY CYCLE EXTERNAL FREQUENCY SOURCE 2X BACKPLANE FREQUENCY MC14013B Voo +2 BP OUT NC BACKPLANE OSC IN +V LCD MC145453 CMOS OR NMOS MPU/MCU OUT 1 THROUGH OUT 33 I----------------~OATA t-----------------i~ CLOCK VSS Figure 4. Converting External Backplane Frequency Source to 50% Duty Cycle Continuation of data sheet MC145453 page 5 FRONTPLANES MC145453 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION (CONT'D) +V +V 50% DUTY CYCLE VDD 22=-H:.;:z_..._-+l 013 f------'l.=c BP OUT MC14020B -7- 8192 RST VSS CMOS OR NMOS MPUIMCU MC145453 f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . t DATA f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . t CLOCK VSS Figure 5. Using Low-Cost Divider to Sync Backplane Frequency BP IN BP OUT BACKPLANE -t V MC145453 OUT 1 THROUGH OUT 33 FRONTPLANES OSC IN I BP IN BP OUT NC LCD MC145453 OUT 1 THROUGH OUT 33 OSC IN ...-----.t BP IN BP OUT FRONTPLANES NC MC145453 OUT 1 THROUGH OUT 33 FRONTPLANES OSC IN Figure 6. Paralleling Devices to Increase Number of Driven Segments Continuation of data sheet MC145453 page 6 I Master Index I Handling and Design Guidelines I I I CMOS ADCs/DACs CMOS Decoders/Display Drivers I CMOS/NMOS PLLs/Frequency Synthesizers I I I CMOS Remote Control Functions I Reliability I Package Dimensions CMOS Operational Amplifiers/Comparators CMOS Smoke Detectors Miscellaneous Functions
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