1988_Intel_Embedded_Controller_Handbook_Volume_I_8 Bit 1988 Intel Embedded Controller Handbook Volume I 8
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inter Intel the Microcomputer Company: When Intel invented the microprocessor in 1971, it created the era of microcomputers. Whether used as microcontrol/ers in automobiles or microwave ovens, or as personal computers or supercomputers, Intel's microcomputers have always offered leading-edge technology. In the second half of the 1980s, Intel architectures have held at least a 75% market share of microprocessors at 16 bits and above. Intel continues to strive for the highest standards in memory, microcomputer components, modules, and systems to give its customers the best possible competitive advantages. EMBEDDED CONTROLLER HANDBOOK 1988 Intel Corporation makes .no warranty. for .the use of its products and assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document nor does it make a commitment to update the information contained herein. ' . Intel retains the right to make changes to these specifications at any time, without notice. Contact your local sales office to obtain the latest specifications before placing your order. The following are trademarks of Intel Corporation and may only be used to identify Intel Products: Above, BITBUS, COMMputer, CREDIT, Data Pipeline, FASTPATH, GENIUS, i, t, ICE, iCEL, iCS, iDBP, iDIS, 121CE, iLBX, im, iMDDX, iMMX, Inboard, Insite, Intel, intel, intelBOS, Intel Certified, Intelevision, inteligent Identifier, inteligent Programming, Inte"ec, Intellink, iOSP, iPDS, iPSC, iRMK, iRMX, iSBC, iSBX, iSDM, iSXM, KEPROM, Library Manager, MAP-NET, MCS, Megachassis, MICROMAINFRAME, MULTIBUS, MULTICHANNEL, MULTIMODULE, MultiSERVER, ONCE, OpenNET, OTP, PC-BUBBLE, Plug-A-Bubble, PROMPT, Promware, QUEST, QueX, Quick-Pulse Programming, Ripplemode, RMX/80, RUPI, Seamless, SLD, SugarCube, SupportNET, UPI, and VLSiCEL, and the combination of ICE, iCS, iRMX, iSBC, iSBX, iSXM, MCS, or UPI and a numerical suffix, 4-SITE. MDS is an ordering code only and is not used as a product name or trademark. MDS® is a registered trademark of Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation. *MULTIBUS is a patented Intel bus. Additional copies of this manual or other Intel literature may be obtained from: Intel Corporation Literature D.istribution Mail Stop SC6-59 3065 Bowers Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95051 @ INTEL CORPORATION 1987 Table of Contents Alphanumeric Index .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii xiii 8·BIT PRODUCTS MCS®·48 FAMILY Chapter 1 MCS®-48 Single Component System ........................................ 1-1 Chapter 2 MCS®-48 Expanded System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Chapter 3 MCS®-48 Instruction Set.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 3-1 Chapter 4 DATA SHEETS 8243 MCS®~48InputlOutput Expander. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . P87 48H/P87 49H/8048AH/8035AH L/8049AH/8039AHLl8050AH/8040AHL HMOS Single-Component 8-Bit Production Microcontroller ........ . . . . . . . . . . . D8748H/8749H HMOS-E Single-Component 8-Bit Microcomputer. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . MCS®-48 Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MCS®-48 INDEX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4-8 4-21 4-33 4-36 MCS®·51 FAMILY Chapter 5 MCS®-51 Architectural Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . 5-1 Chapter 6 Hardware Description of the 8051,8052 and 80C51 ........................... 6-1 Chapter 7 Hardware Description of the 83C51 FA (83C252) ............................. ; 7-1 Chapter 8 Hardware Description of the 83C152 .................................. ; . . . . . . 8-1 Chapter 9 MCS®-51 Programmer's Guide and Instruction Set. .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1. Chapter 10 DATA SHEETS 8031/8051 /8031AH/8051AH/8032AH/8052AH/8751 H/8751 H-8 8-Bit HMOS and HMOS EPROM Microcontrollers....................................... 8051 AHP 8-Bit Control-Oriented Microcontroller with Protected ROM .. . . . . . . . . .. 8031 AH/8051AH/8032AH/8052AH/8751 H/8751 H~8 Express. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. 8751 BH 8-Bit HMOS EPROM Microcontroller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8032BH/8052BH 8-Bit HMOS Microcontrollers .............................. ; 8752BH 8-Bit HMOS EPROM Microcontroller................................. 80C31 BH/80C51 BH 8-Bit CHMOS Microcontrollers ........................... 80C31 BH/80C51 BH Express ................. : ............................. 87C51 8-Bit CHMOS EPROM Microcontroller................................. 87C51 Express ........................................................... 87C51 FA (87C252) CHMOS Single-Chip 8-Bit Microcontroller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. 83C152A180C152A Universal Communications Controller ....... '............ ; .. 80C152JAl83C152JAl80C152JB Universal Communications Controller ......... 27C64/87C64 64K (8K x 8) CHMOS Production and UV Erasable PROMs ........ 87C257 256K'(32K x 8) CHMOS UV Erasable PROM .......................... UPITM-452 CHMOS Programmable I/O Processor ............................. APPLICATION NOTES AP-70 Using the Intel MCS®-51 Boolean Processing Capabilities ................ AP-125 Designing Microcontroller Systems for Electrically Noisy Environments .... AP-155 Oscillators for Microcontrollers ....................................... v 10-1 10-15 10-25 10-27 10-38 10-46 10-57 10-69 10-71 10-84 10-87 10-102 10-117 10-133 10-146 10-157 10-211 10-256 10-278 Table of Contents (Continued) AP-252 Designing with the 80C51 BH ........................................ 10-310 AP-281 UPITM-452 Accelerates iAPX 286 Bus Performance ........•............ 10-334 ARTICLE REPRINTS AR-409 Increased Functions in Chip Result in Lighter, Less Costly Portable Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-354 AR-517 Using the 8051 Microcontroller with Resonant Transducers ............. 10-359 DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT TOOLS 8051 Software Packages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 10-364 iDCX 51 Distributed Control Executive ....................................... 10-372 ICETM 5100/252 In-Circuit Emulator for the MCS@-51 Family ................... 10-380 MCS@-51 INDEX ................................................... ; ........ 10-390 80C152 INDEX .................................•............................ 10-392 THE RUPITM FAMILY Chapter 11 The RUPITM-44 Family..................................................... 11-1 Chapter 12 8044 Architecture ........................................... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1 Chapter 13 8044 Serial Interface ...................................................... 13-1 Chapter 14 8044 Application Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1 Chapter 15 DATA SHEET 8044AH/8344AH/8744H High Performance 8-Bit Microcontrollerwith On-Chip 15-1 Serial Communication Controller.......................................... APPLICATION NOTE AP-283 Flexibility in Frame Size with the 8044. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15-27 ARTICLE REPRINT AR-307 Microcontroller with Integrated High Performance Communications Interface .........................'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15-57 . DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT TOOLS ICETM51 00/044 In-Circuit Emulator for the RUPITM-44 Family. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15-66 MCS®-80/85 FAMILY . Chapter 16 DATA SHEETS 8080A/8080A-1 /80BOA-2 8-Bit N-Channel Microprocessor. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 8-Bit HMOS Microprocessors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 2048-Bit Static HMOS RAM with I/O Ports and Timer. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .• . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 8185/8185-21024 x 8-Bit Static RAM for MCS@-85. ... . .. . . . .. . . . . .•. .. . .. .... 8224 Clock Generator and Driver for 8080A CPU ........... ~ ............. '. . . .. 8228 System Controller and Bus Driver for 8080A CPU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8755A 16,384-Bit EPROM with I/O.......................................... 16-1 16-11 16-31 16-45 16-50 16-55 16-59 16-BIT PRODUCTS MCS®-96 FAMILY Chapter 17 MCS@-96 Architectural Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 18 17-1 , MCS@-96InstructionSet................................................... 18-1 Chapter 19 MCS@-96 Hardware Design Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi 19-1 Table of Contents (Continued) Chapter 20 80C196KA Architectural Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-1 Chapter 21 DATA SHEETS 809XBH/839XBH/879XBH with 8 or 16-Bit External Bus....................... 21-1 809XBH-10 Advanced 16-Bit Microcontroller with 8 or 16-Bit External Bus . . . . . . .. 21-44 809X-90, 839X-90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21-59 809XBH/839XBH/879XBH Express......................................... 21-78 809X-90, 839X-90 Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21-87 80C196KA 16-Bit High Performance.CHMOS Microcontroller ................... 21-92 APPLICATION NOTES . AP-248 Using the 8096 .................................................... 21-119 AP-275 An FFT Algorithm for MCS®-96 Products Including Supporting Routines and Examples· .......................................................... 21-222 DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT TOOLS MCS®-96 Software Development Packages .................................. 21-297 iDCX 96 Distributed Control Executive ....................................... 21-307 iSBE-96 Development Kit Single Board Emulator and Assembler for MCS®-96 .... 21-315 VLSICETM-96 In-Circuit Emulator for the MCS®-96 ............................. 21-323 ICETM-196 Real-Time Transparent 80C196 In-Circuit Emulator .................. 21-333 !'v1CS®-96 INDEX ............................................................ 21-335 80C196 INDEX ............................................................... 21-341 80186 FAMILY Chapter 22 DATA SHEETS 80186 High Integration 16-Bit Microprocessor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80C186 High Integration 16TBit Microprocessor . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80188 High Integration 16-Bit Microprocessor ................................. 80C188 High Integration 16-Bit Microprocessor ............................... 82188 Integrated Bus Controller for 8086, 8088, 80186, 80188 Processors ....... APPLICATION NOTES AP-186 Introduction to the 80186 Microprocessor ............................. AP-258 High Speed Numerics with the 80186,80188 and 8087 ................. AP-286 80186/188 Interface to Intel Microcontrollers .......................... DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT TOOLS 8086/80186 Software Packages ............................................ VAXIVMS Resident 8086/8088/80186 Software Development Packages ........ 8087 Support Library ...................................................... 80287 Support Library ..................................................... iPAT Performance Analysis Tool ............................................ 12 1CETM Integrated Instrumentation and In-Circuit Emulation System ............. ICETM-186 In-Circuit Emulator .............................................. vii 22-1 22-53 22-111 22-165 22-225 22-241 22-316 22-332 22-362 22-383 22-391 22-395 22-399 22-412 22-424 Alphanumeric Index 27C64/87C64 64K (8K x 8) CHMOS Production and UV Erasable PROMs ............... 10-133 80C152JAl83C152JAl80C152JB Universal Communications Controller ............ , ... 10-117 80C186 High Integration 16-Bit Microprocessor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22-53 80C188 High Integration 16-Bit Microprocessor ...................................... 22-165 80C196KA Architectural Overview ................................................. 20-1 80C196KA 16-Bit High Performance CHMOS MiGrocontrolier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21-92 80C31 BH/80C51 BH Express ...................................................... 10-69 80C31 BH/80C51 BH 8-Bit CHMOS Microcontrollers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 10-57 22-1 80186 High Integration 16-Bit Microprocessor....................................... 80188 High Integration 16-Bit Microprocessor ....................................... 22-111 80287 Support Library ..................... '....................................... 22-395 8031/8051 /8031AH/8051AH/S032AH/8052AH/8751 H/8751 H-8 8-Bit HMOS and HMOS 1O~ 1 EPROM Microcontrollers ...................................... '. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 8031 AH/8051 AH/8032AH/8052AH/8751 H/8751 H-8 Express .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10-25 8032BH/8052BH 8-Bit HMOS Microcontrollers ....................... : . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10-38 8044 Application Examples ...................................... ,................ 14-1 8044 Architecture. ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1 8044 Serial Interface ............................ ~ . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1 8044AH/8344AH/8744H High Performance 8-Bit Microcontroller with On-Chip Serial Communication Controller ...................................................... 15-1 8051 Software Packages ............ '............................................. 10-364 8051 AHP 8-Bit Control-Oriented Microcontroller with Protected ROM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10-15 8080Al8080A-1 /8080A-2 8-Bit N-Channel Microprocessor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 8-Bit HMOS Microprocessors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16-11 8086/80186 Software Packages .................................................. ; 22-362 8087 Support Library ................... '.......................................... 22-391 809X-90, 839X-90 ...................................... ;........................ 21-59 809X-90, 839X-90 Express ...... : ...... ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21-87 809XBH-10 Advanced 16-Bit Microcontroller with 8 or 16-Bit External Bus. . . . . . . .. . . . ... 21-44 809XBH/839XBH/879XBH with 8 or 16-Bit External Bus.............................. 21-1 809XBH/839XBH/879XBH Express ................................................ 21-78 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 2048-Bit Static HMOS RAM with I/O Ports and Timer.. 16-31 8185/8185-2 1024 x 8-Bit Static RAM for MCS®-85 ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16-45 82188 Integrated Bus Controller for 8086,8088,80186,80188 Processors .............. 22-225 8224 Clock Generator and Driver for 8080A CPU. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 16-50 8228 System Controller and Bus Driver for 8080A CPU ............................... 16-55 4-1 8243 MCS®-48 Input/Output Expander. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83C152A180C152A Universal Communications Controller ............................ 10-102 87C257 256K (32K x 8) CHMOS UV Erasable PROM ................................. 10-146 87C51 Express .. ; .....................................................'. . ..... . . . .. 10-84 87C51 8-Bit CHMOS EPROM Microcontroller ..................................... ,.. 10-71 87C51 FA (87C252) CHMOS Single-Chip 8-Bit Microcontroller ......................... 10-87 8751 BH 8-Bit HMOS EPROM Microc~mtroller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10-27 8752BH 8-Bit HMOS EPROM Microcontroller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10-46 8755A 16,384-Bit EPROM with I/O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16-59 AP-275 An FFT Algorithm for MCS®-96 Products Including Supporting Routines and Examples ...................... -......' ................................ '......... 21-222 AP-125 Designing Microcontroller Systems for Electrically Noisy Environments .......... 10-256 AP-155 Oscillators for Microcontrollers .......................................... , .. 10-278 AP-186 Introduction to the 80186 Microprocessor ................................... 22-241 AP-248 Using the 8096 ........................................................... 21-119 AP-252 Designing with the 80C51 BH ............................................... 10-310 AP-258 High Speed Numerics with the 80186, 80188 and 8087 ........................ 22-316 AP-281 UPITM-452 Accelerates iAPX 286 Bus Performance ........................... 10-334 viii Alphanumeric Index (Continued) AP-283 Flexibility in Frame Size with the 8044 ....................................... 15-27 AP-286 80186/188 Interface to Intel Microcontrollers ................................. 22-332 AP-70 Using the Intel MCS®"51 Boolean Processing Capabilities ....................... 10-211 AR-409 Increased Functions in Chip Result in Lighter, Less Costly Portable Computer .... 10-354 AR-307 Microcontroller with Integrated High Performance Communications Interface. . . .. 15-57 AR-517 Using the 8051 Microcontroller with Resonant Transducers .................... 10-359 D8748H/8749H HMOS-E Single-Component 8-Bit Microcomputer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21 Hardware Description of the 8051, 8052 and 80C51 .................................. 6-1 Hardware Description of the 83C152 ............................................... 8-1 Hardware Description of the 83C51 FA (83C252) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 7-1 12 1CETM Integrated Instrumentation and In-Circuit Emulation System .................... 22-412 iDCX 51 Distributed Control Executive .............................................. 10-372 iDCX 96 Distributed Control Executive .............................................. 21-307 iPAT Performance Analysis Tool ................................................... 22-399 iSBE-96 Development Kit Single Board Emulator and Assembler for MCS®-96 ........... 21-315 ICETM 5100/252 In-Circuit Emulator for the MCS®-51 Family .......................... 10-380 ICETM-186 In-Circuit Emulator ..................................................... 22-424 ICErM-196 Real-Time Transparent 80C196 In-Circuit Emulator ......................... 21-333 ICETM51 001044 In-Circuit Emulator for the RUPITM-44 Family ......................... 15-66 MCS®-48 Expanded System ...................................................... 2-1 MCS®-48 Express ........................ , ..... ,., .. , ........ , ............. ,..... 4-33 MCS®-48 Instruction Set",·,',.".,"", .. " .. " .. ,',.,",." .. ,',.".,.,',., ... ,. 3-1 MCS®-48 Single Component System .. , ........ , .. , .. , . , ... , ..... , , . , .. , , . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 MCS®-51 Architectural Overview"" ... " .. " .. ,' .. ",.,", ...... ,"',.,." .. ,..... 5-1 MCS®-96 Architectural Overview ., .. , ... " .. , .. , .... ,., .. "." .. " ... ,., .. "...... 17-1 MCS®-96 Hardware Design Information",.", .. ,"",., ..... ".,", .. ".,., ... , •. ,' 19-1 MCS®-96 Instruction Set. .... , ... ,.,.............................................. 18-1 MCS®-96 Software Development Packages, .... , ... , .... , ... , ... , ............ , ..... 21-297 P8748H/P87 49H/8048AH/8035AHL/8049AH/8039AHLl8050AH/8040AHL HMOS Single-Component 8-Bit Production Microcontroller ,."', ... , ....... , ... ,, ...... ,.. 4-8 The RUPITM-44 Family , .... , .. " ... ,.,"""""',.,',.,.,',.,"',.,', .. ".,"'" 11-1 UPITM-452 CHMOS Programmable I/O Processor .. , ......... , .. , , •.. , ... , ........ , .. 10-157 VAXIVMS Resident 8086/8088/80186 Software Development Packages, ........... , , . 22-383 VLSICETM-96 In-Circuit Emulator for the MCS®-96 " " " " " , .. , , .. , . , , , . , . , ..... , ... 21-323 ix CUSTOMER SUPPORT CUSTOMER SUPPORT Customer Support is Intel's complete support service that provides Intel customers with hardware support, software support, customer training, and consulting services. For more information contact your local sales offices.· After a customer purchases any system hardware or software product, service and support become major factors in determining whether that product will continue to meet a customer's expectations. Such support requires an international support organization and a breadth of programs to meet a variety of customer needs. As you might expect, Intel's customer support is quite extensive. It includes factory repair services and worldwide field service offices providing hardware repair services, software support services, customer training classes, and consulting services. . HARDWARE SUPPORT SERVICES Intel is committed to providing an international service support package through a wide variety of service offerings available from Intel Hardware Support. SOFrWARE SUPPORT SERVICES Intel's software support consists of two levels of contracts. Standard support includes TIPS (Technical Information Phone Service), updates and subscription service (product-specific troubleshooting guides and COMMENTS Magazine). Basic support includes updates and the subscription service. Contracts are sold in environments which represent product groupings (i.e., iRMX environment). CONSULTING SERVICES Intel provideS field systems engineering services for any phase of your development or support effort. You can use our systems engineers in a variety of ways ranging from assistance in using a new product, developing an application, personalizing training, and customizing or tailoring an Intel product to providing technical and management consulting. Systems Engineers are well versed in technical areas such as microcommunications, real-time applications, embedded microcontrollers, and network services. You know your application needs; we know our products. Workingtogether we can help you get a successful product to market in the least possible time. CUSTOMER TRAINING , Intel offers a wide rimge of instructional programs covering various aspects of system design and implementation. In just three to ten days a limited number of individuals learn more in a single workshop than in weeks of self-study. For optimum convenience, workshops are scheduled regularly at Training Centers worldwide or we can take our .workshops to you for on-site instruction. Covering a wide variety of topics, Intel's major course categories include: architecture and assembly language, programming and operating systems, bitbus and LAN applications. x Preface PREFACE Computer systems can be characterized as being. "reprogrammable" or "embedded". Reprogrammable systems are those that look and behave like computers to the ultimate user. An obvious example is the personal computer. These systems contain some form of mass storage device which stores a number o( different computer programs that the user may call up and use as required. The input and output devices attached to these systems are there to communicate with the user. Embedded systems, as the name implies, are contained within a final product which inay not look or feel like a computer to the end user. An example here is a computer which controls the ubiquitous office copier machine. These systems rarely contain mass storage; the programs are stored in ROM or EPROM devices. The input and output devices attached are not limited to communication with the user (e.g. the control panel); they also monitor and control mechanisms and processes within the device (e.g. the paper feed mechanism). data storage onboard. The maximum program size is 4 Kbytes. . MCS@-51: Designed for advanced 8-bit sequential control applications. These parts are similar to the MCS@-48 family parts but operate from 2 to 5 times faster and include more on-board peripherals. A unique feature of the MCS@-51 family is a built in Boolean processor which performs calculations on Boolean (one bit) variables. The maximum program size is 64 Kbytes. . MCS@-96: Designed for advanced 16-bit closed loop control applications. These parts include a processor capable of high performance integer arithmetic and 232 bytes of general purpose registers which can be used for byte, word, or double-word operands. A separate subsystem manages timer functions. Versions are available with on-board A/D conversion and 8 Kbytes of onboard program memory. A unique feature of the newer (BH) members of the family is dynamic bus sizing which allows the parts to operate on both 8-bit and 16bit busses. The maximum program size is 64 Kbytes. Embedded control applications can be broken into three broad categories; sequential control, closed loop control, and data control. Sequential control deals with the control and monitoring of a system as a sequence of events; activate the paper feed roller, wait for the paper feed indicator then activate the drum mechanism. Closed loop control involves closely monitoring the output of process or device and altering its inputs to achieve the desired output; if the feed roller motor is turning too slowly or is decelerating then increase the drive to the motor to compensate. These two categories involve fixed programs that interface directly with the ,outside world. The data structures involved are normally small and simple. The third category of embedded control (data control) still runs fixed programs but the interface to the outside word becomes more indirect and the data structures become larger and more complex. A high end copier might digitize an image and then use image processing techniques to enhance contrast and then scale and rotate the image to fit the paper being used. 80186/80188: These parts are highly integrated versions of the 8086 microprocessor intended for data control applications. They combine 15 to 20 of the most common 8086.system components onto one device. Included with the CPU is the clock generator, an interrupt controller; timers, DMA channels and chip. select logic. The 80186 operates on a 16-bit bus and the 80188 operates on an 8-bit bus. Both parts operate on a 16-bit bus internally. . . Part of the motivation for combining all of these products into one handbook was the realization that, although the categorization of embedded control applications into the three segments (sequential, closed loop, and data control) is useful for conceptualizing application requirements, real applications of these parts contain attributes from all three categories. Combining these product lines into one handbook will make it easier for customers involved with embedded applications to find the information they require. Intel has consolidated four of its product families intended for embedded control applications into the Embedded Control Operation. The remainder of this chapter will give a very brief overview of each of the four products discussed. The remainder of this book is intended to provide detailed technical information on Intel's embedded control product line. MCS@-48: Designed for general purpose 8-bit sequential control applications. Versions of these parts are available with program storage and up to 256 bytes of xiii intJ PREFACE MCS®-48 MICROCONTROLLERS MCS®-S1 MICROCONTROLLERS Intel's MCS-48 family of 8-bit microcontrollers has become a world standard and has been in production for 10 years. They are available in several versions: with on board ROM, on board EPROM, or CPU only, to better fit specific application needs. MCS-48 products are now fabricated. on advanced HMOS processes offering higher performance and reliability with less power consumption. Intel's MCS-5l family is the Industry standard for 8-bit high performancemicrocontrollers. The -family architecture is optimized for sequential real-time control applications. They are available in several versions -with on-board ROM, on-board EPROM, l!lld CPU only to better -fit specific application needs. MCS-51- products are available on adv~riced HMOS and CHMOS processes. Features common to all members of this family are: • 8-bit CPU with 1.36 microsecond instruction cycle Features common to all members of this family are: • 8-bit CPU optimized for control applications • ,Extensive Boolean processing (single-bit logic) capabilities • 32 bidirectional and individually addressable I/O lines - • • • • • • 27 I/O lines 8-bit bit timer/counter 2 interrupts 4 Kbyte maximum program size 256 byte maximum on-board RAM size 256 -byte maximum off-board RAM size • Fuil-Duplex UART • 5 source interrupt structure with 2 priority levels (6 sources on parts with 3 timer/counters) • 64 Kbyte maximum program size • 256 byte maximum on-board RAM size • 64 Kbyte maximum off-board RAM size • Po~er gown/Idle modes forCHMOS parts Intel has over ten years of experience in manufacturing both the EPROM and ROM versions of this chip. It provides a low cost solution to applications such as keyboards, low end printers, and electronic carburator control. Table 1. MCS®·48 Microcontrollers Device Name ROMless Version EPROM Version ROM Bytes RAM Bytes 8048AH 8035AHL 8748H 1K _64 8049AH 8039AHL 8749H 2K 128 8050AH 8040AHL - 4K 256 270253-1 Figure 1. MCS®·48 Block Diagram xiv inter PREFACE The MCS-51 family has found wide acceptance throughout a wide range of applications, ranging from those slightly more complex than a typical MCS-48 application through medical instrumentation and antiskid braking modules for automobiles. capability. The 80C51FA contains, in addition to the standard timer counters, a programmable counter array (PCA) capable of measuring and generating pulse information on five I/O pins. This year Intel added two new base products to the MCS-51 family, the 80C152 and the 80C51FA. The 80C152 contains, in addition to a UART, a Global Serial Channel capable of CSMA/CD and SDLC synchronous communication. It also has two DMA channels, the first member of the MCS-51 to have such MSC®-51 FAMILY DEVELOPMENT TOOLS ICETM-5100 emulators give design engineers fullspeed, real-time, nonintrusive control over 8051 family system debugging at clock speeds up to 16 MHz. Each Table 2. Advanced 8-Bit Microcontrollers Device Name ROMless Version EPROM Version ROM Bytes RAM Bytes 16-Bit Timers Circuit Type B051 B031 (B751) 4K 12B 2 HMOS B051AH B031AH B751H 4K 12B 2 HMOS B052AH B032AH B752BH BK 256 3 HMOS 4K .128 2 CHMOS BK 256 2 CHMOS 256 4 CHMOS BOC51BH BOC31BH 83C152 80C152 83C51FA 80C51FA B7C51 87C51FA 8K i -- -----. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,, ,, ,, , EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS ,-------. 8K ROM IN 8052 ;--_ • • • • • , ,, 4K ROM TIMER 2 ' I ' ' 256 RAM IN 8052 :~:::)1 ,~- --] P2 Pl COUNTER INPUTS' TXD PO I RXD P3 ADDRESS/DATA 270253-2 Figure 2. Block Diagram of the 8051/8052AH intJ PREFACE Features common to all members of this family are: emulator lets the user view and modify system activity at a symbolic, high-level language' level, speeding and simplifying the development and debug phases of microcontroller system design, All of the ICE-5100 emulators can be hosted on IBM PC Ars or compatibles, or Intellec® Series III/IV development systems. Three versions of ICE-5tOO are available today. ICE-5100252 supports HMOS and CHMOS versions of the following components: 8031, 8051, 8751, 8032, 8052, 8752, 80C31, 80C51, 87C51, 83C51FA, 80C51FA, and 87C51FA. ICE-5100/452 supports: 80C452, 83C452, 87C452. The ICE 5100/044 supports: 8344, 8044, 8744, and BITBUSTM components. • 16-bit timer (Timerl) • 16-bit counter (Timer2) • Full-Duplex UART with independent baud-rate generator • Watchdog timer • 8-bit resolution Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) • 48 I/O lines (33 for 48-pin parts) '. HSIO unit The HSIO (High Speed Input/Output) unit is an independent timer subsystem which manages Timer1 and Timer2 for the programmer. Events (e.g. setting an I/O pin) can be scheduled to occur automatically when either of the two timers reaches a preset value. External events can be recorded in a FIFO along with the value of Timerl when the event occurred. The HSIO is connected to eight pins on the 8096 and can generate and monitor events with a 2 microsecond resolution (12 MHz crystal). Available for the 51 family, ASM-51 and PL/M-51 both contain a relocation and linkage utility and are available for the IBM PC and Intel Microcomputer Development Systems running either iNDX or ISIS operating systems. This complete, integrated design-in solution for the MCS-51 family of microcontrollers speeds product development, and improves design team productivity. In addition to an EPROM version, the 8X9XBH offer several improvements over the non BH parts: • Dynamic selection of 8-/16-bit bus operation (versus fixed 16-bit bus) MCS®-96 MICROCONTROLLERS The MCS-96 Family of microcontrollers was designed for applications which combine high performance 16bit fixed-point arithmetic with an immediate interface to real world devices and events. The architecture is based on a single 64 Kbyte address space. In addition to . being accessable as memory, the first 256 bytes of this space are also' directly addressable as registers. These locations are on-chip for high performance and can be treated as byte, word, or double-word, operands by the programme!'. Twenty-four bytes of these registers are used to control the on-board peripherals; the remaining 232 bytes are usuable by the programmer as general purpose registers. The combination of a register file, onboard I/O, and a high performance 16-bit CPU .makes the MCS-96 family well matched to closed loop control applications. • Programmable READY logic • Sample and Hold input to the AID converter During 1987 Intel added a new series to the MCS-96 family, the 80C196KA. This part is implemented on a high performance CMOS process and offers significantly more performance and reduced power levels. The design also includes many detail improvements while sti11 retaining compatibility with the NMOS versions of the MCS-96 family. The MCS-96 family is being used now in a wide variety of complex control tasks such as robotics, motor con- Table 3 Advanced i6-Bit Microcontrollers Device Name ROMless Version EPROM Version ROM Bytes RAM Bytes I/O Pins A/D Channels 8395 8095 232 29 4 8096 - 8K 8396 8K 232 48 8397 8097 . - 8K 232 40 8 8395BH 8095BH 8795BH 8K 232 29 4 8396BH 8096BH 8796BH 8K 232 48 8397BH 8097BH 8797BH 8K 232 40 8 83C196KB 80C196KA 87C196KB 8K 232 48 8 • AT is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation. xvi intJ PREFACE VREF ANGND POWER DOWN -t FREQUENCY REFERENCE m___ __ m ~ CLOCK GEN 8 Uu:_~- Uj ROM OR EPROM I (OPTIONAL): ....."T"--r...... : I I PORTO PORT 1 PORT 2 ALT FUNCTIONS CONTROL SIGNALS HSI HSO 270253-3 'Sample and Hold is only present on BX9XBH devices. Figure 3. MCS®-96 Block Diagram trol, hard disk mechanisms, printers, modems, automotive engine control and high performance anti-skid braking applications. cations. Six of the most often used functions of an 8086 system have been integrated---4S ~-,~, -------4 S. EN TCNTI EXECUTED DIS TCNT!' --lr"'\~~--I EXECUTED R Q INTERRUPT IN '. PROGRESS' FF R TIMER INT ENABLE Q RESET INTcr-------4 D PIN RESET INT FF RETR EXECUTED CLK ·ALE.~~r-~___~:::] , ~~~~;;CLE._-t._' ENI ----Is EXECUTED DISI EXECUTED--l~~_-I R . RESET INT ENABLE 1. WHEN INTERRUPT IN PROGRESS FLIP-FLOP IS SET ALL FURTHER INTERRUPTS ARE LOCKED OUT INDEPENDENT OF STATE OF EITHER INTERRUPT ENABLE FLIP-FLOP. 2. WH!LE TI~ER INTERRUPTS ARE DISABLED TIMER OVERFLOW III WILL NOT STORE ANY OVERFLOW 'THAT OCCURS. TIMER FLAG WILL BE SET, HOWEVER .. Figure 8. Interrupt Logic 1-8 SINGLE COMPONENT MCS®-48 SYSTEM PRESCALER XTAL + 15 - +32 LOAD OR READ I CLEARED ON START TIMER r------..... START EDGE DETECTOR COUNTER JUMP ON TIMER FLAG 8BITTIMERI EVENT COUNTER o OVERFLOW FLAG STOPT ENABLE--------~___ ' INT Figure 9. Timer/Event Counter location 3. Since the timer interrupt is latched it will remain pending until the external device is serviced and immediately be recognized upon return from the service routine. The pending timer interrupt is reset by the Call to location 7 or may be removed by executing a DIS TCNT! instruction. olution less than I count an external clock can be applied to. the TI input and the counter operated in the event counter'mode. ALE divided by 3 or more can serve as this external clock. Very small delays or "fine tuning" of larger delays can be easily accomplished. by software delay loops. . AS AN EVENT COUNTER Often a serial link is desirabl~ ill an MCSA8 family mem~ ber..Thble 2 lists the timer counts and cycles needed for a specific baud rate given a crystal frequency. Execution of a START CNT instruction connects the T! input pin to the counter input and enables the counter. The T! input is sampled at the beginning of state 3 or in later MCS-48 devices in state time 4. Subsequent high to low transitions on TI will cause the counter to increment. T! must be held low for at least I machine cycle to insure it won't be missed. The maximum rate at which the counter may be incremented is once per three instruction cycles (every 5.7 f.Lsec when using an 8 MHz crystal)-there is no minimum frequency. TI input must remain high for at least 1/5 machine cycle after each transition. AS A TIMER Eexcution of a START T instruction connects an internal clock to the counter input and enables the counter. The internal clock is derived bypassing the basic machine cycle clock through a + 32 prescaler. The prescaler is reset during the START T instruction. The resulting clock increments the counter every 32 machine cycles. Various delays from I to 256 counts can be obtained by presetting the counter and detecting overflow. Times longer than 256 counts may be achieved by accumulating multiple overflows in a register under software control. For time res1-9 2.11 Clock and Timing Circuits Timing generation for the 8048AH is completely selfcontained with the exeception of a frequency reference which can be XTAL, ceramic resonator, or external clock source. The Clock and Timing circuitry can be divided into the following functional blocks. OSCILLATOR The on-board oscillator is a high' gain piiU'aUel resonant circuit with a frequency range of I to 11 MHz .. The XI external pin is the input to the amplifier stage \:yhile X2 is the output. A crystal or ceramic resonator connected between XI and X2 provides the feedback and phase shift required for oscillation. If an accurate frequency reference is not required, ceramic resonator may be used in place of the crystal. . For accurate clocking, a crystal should be used. An externally generated clock may also be applied to XI-X2 as the frequency source. See the data sheet for more infermation. SINGLE COMPONENT MCS®-48 SYSTEM Table 2. Baud Rate Generation Baud Rate Frequency (MHz) Tey TO Prr(1/5 Tey) Timer Presealer (32 Tey) 4 6 8 11 3.751LS 2.501LS 1.881LS 1.361LS 750ns 500ns 375ns 275ns 120ILS 801LS 60.21LS 43.51LS 4 MHz Timer Counts + Instr. Cycles 6 MHz Timer Counts + Instr. Cycles 8 MHz Timer Counts + Instr. Cycles 11 MHz Timer Counts + Instr. Cycles 151 + 3 Cycles .01% Error 208 + 28 Cycles .01% Error 110 75 + 24 Cycles .01% Error 113 + 20 Cycles .01% Error 300 27 + 24 Cycles .1% Error 41 + 21 Cycles .03% Error 55 + 13 Cycles .01% Error 1200 6 + 30 Cycles .1% Error 10 + 13 Cycles .1% Error 12 + 27 Cycles .06% Error 19 + 4 Cycles .12% Error 1800 4 + 20 Cycles .1% Error 6 + 30 Cycles .1% Error 9 + 7 Cycles ;17% Error 12 + 24 Cycles .12% Error 2400 3 + 15 Cycles .1% Error 5 + 6 Cycles .4% Error 6 + 24 Cycles .29% Error 9 + 18 Cycles .12% Error 4800 1 + 23 Cycles 1.0% Error 2 + 3 + 14 Cycles .74% Error 4 + 25 Cycles .12% Error 19 Cycles .4% Error STATE COUNTER 76 + 18 Cycles .04% Error power supply is within tolerance. Only 5 machine cycles (6.8 !J.S @ 11 MHz) are required if power is already on and the oscillator has stabilized. ALE and PSEN (if EA = 1) are active while in Reset. The output of the oscillator is divided by 3 in the State Counter to create a clock which defines the state times of the machine (CLK). CLK can be made available on the external pin TO by executing an ENTO CLK instruction. The output of CLK on TO is disabled by Reset of the processor. Reset performs -the following functions: 1) Sets program counter to zero. CYCLE COUNTER 2) Sets stack pointer to zero. CLK is then divided by 5. in the Cycle Counter to provide a clock which defines a machine cycle consisting of 5 machine states as sho",on in Figure 10. Figure 11 shows the different internal operations as divided into the machine states. This clock is called Address Latch Enable (ALE) because of its function in MCS-48. systems with external memory. It is provided continuouslyon the ALE output pin. 3) Selects register bank O. 4) Selects memory bank O. ·5) Sets BUS to high impedance state (except when EA = 5V). 6) Sets Ports 1 and 2 to input mode. 2.12 Reset 7) Disables interrupts (timer and external). The reset input provides a means for initialization for the processor. This Schmitt-trigger input has an internal pullup device which in combination with an external 1 !J. fd capacitor provides an internal reset pulse of sufficient length to guarantee all circuitry is reset, as shown in Figure 12. If the reset pulse is generated externally the RESET pin must be held low for at least 10 milliseconds after the 8) Stops timer. 9) Clears timer flag. 10) Clears FO and Fl. 11) Disables clock output from TO. 1-10 SINGLE COMPONENT MCS®-48 SYSTEM JUMP ON TEST = 1 OR 0 XTAL2 . - - - - - . , +3 11 STATE MHzCJ COUNTER XTAL 1 L..._ _ _ _..I .273 ~sec (3.67 MHz) DIAGRAM OF 8048AH CLOCK UTILITIES . 55 1.36 51 ~sec 52 53 INPUT DECODE I NST. I 54 55 51 EXECUTION INPUT OUTPUT ADDRESS INC. PC I ~ I . CYCLE I I INSTRUCTION CYCLE (1 BYTE, 2 CYCLE INSTRUCTION ONLY) PREVIOUS CYCLE-"'~'f-o. __- - - 1 S T CYCLE----I.......,.... _ - - - 2 N D CYCLE----l... ~1 STATE TIME: 52 I 53 I 54 I 55 I 51 I 52 I 53 I 54 55 I 51 55 I 51 I 52 (02)"TO ~~--------~~----------~~-------- ALE PSEN' - _ _ _ __, RD,WR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ __, '-------'I PROG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 'EXTERNAL MODE "IF ENABLED 8048AH/8049AH TIMING Figure 10. MCS®-48 Timing Generation and Cycle Timing 2.13 Single-Step This feature,· as pictured in Figure 13, provides the user with a debug capability in that the processor can be stepped through the program one instruction at a time. While stopped, the address of the next instruction to be fetched is available concurrently on BUS and the lower 1-11 half of Port 2. The user can therefore follow the program through each of the instruction steps. A timing diagram, showing the interaction between output ALE and input SS, is shown. The BUS buffer contents are lost during single step; however, a latch may be added to reestablish the lost I/O capability if needed. Data is valid at the leading edge of ALE. CYCLE 1 INSTRUCTION I£i c iiJ ~ - - OUTPUT TO PORT - INCREMENT PROGRAM COUNTER 'OUTPUT TO PORT 'OlirPUT TO PORT INCReMENT FETCH INSTRUCTION PROGRAM COUNTER - OUTL P,A FETCH INCRleMENT INSTRUCTION PROGRAM COUNTER ORL P,= DATA INCReMENT FETCH INSTRUCTION PROGRAM COUNTER INSA,BUS FETCH INCReMENT INSTRUCTION PROGRAM COUNTER 'INCREMENT TIMER READ PORT FETCH IMMEDIATE DATA - INCREMENT PROGRAM COUNTER INCREMENT TIMER - - READ PORT INCREMENT TIMER OUTPUT TO PORT - - - 'INCREMENT TIMER READ PORT FETCH IMMEDIATE. DATA - INCREMENT PROGRAM COUNTER 'OUTPUT TO PORT - 'INCREMENT TIMER READ PORT FETCH IMMEDIATE DATA - INCREMENT PROGRAM COUNTER 'OUTPUT TO PORT READ DATA - - ORL BUS, = DATA INCREMENT FETCH INSTRUCTION PROGRA'. COUNTER MOVX@R,A FETCH INCREMENT INSTRUCTION PROGRAII COUNTER OUTPUT RAM ADDRESS INCREMENT TIMER OUTPUT· DATA TO RAM MOVXA,@R FETCH INCREMENT INSTRUCTION PROGRAII COUNTER OUTPUT RAM ADDRESS INCREMENT TIMER - MOVDA,PI FETCH INCREMENT INSTRUCTION PROGRAM COUNTER OUTPUT OPCODE/ADDRESS INCREMENT TIMER - MOVDPI,A FETCH INCREMENT INSTRUCTION PROGRAM COUNTER OUTPUT OPCODE/ADDRESS INCREMENT TIMER OUTPUT DATA TOP2LOWER ANLDP,A INCREMENT FETCH INSTRUCTION PROGRAM COU·NTER OUTPUT OPCODE/ADDRESS INCREMENT TIMER OUTPUT DATA ORLDP,A FETCH INCR:EMENT INSTRUCTION PROGRAM COUNTER OUTPUT OPCODEIADDRESS INCREMENT TIMER . OUTPUT DATA SAMPLE CONDITION 'INCREMENT SAMPLE - .. 5' !!I. c -.... n 0" :::s 3" 5' ICI C iii" ICI iii :I INCR:EMENT FETCH J(CONDITIONAL) INSTRUCTION PROGRAM COUNTER STRTT STRTCNT FETCH INCFIEMENT INSTRUCTION PROGRAM COUNTER STOP TCNT FETCH INCFIEMENT INSTRUCTION PROGRAM COUNTER ENI FETCH INCFIEMENT INSTRUCTION PROGRA'M COUNTER DISI INCFlEMENT FETCH INSTRUCTION PROGRAM COUNTER ENTOCLK FETCH INCIIEMENT INSTRUCTION PROGRAM COUNTER · - L- ___ - START COUNTER - • ENABLE INTERRUPT - • DISABLE. INTERRUPT - · ------ - READ PORT • ENABLE CLOCK FETCH IMMEDIATE DATA READP2 LOWER - - UPDATE PROGRAM COUNTER · .. - - ······· - - - - STOP COUNTER ·VALID INSTRUCTION ADDRESSES ARE OUTPUT AT THIS TIME IF EXTERNAL PROGRAM MEMORY IS BEING ACCESSED. (1) IN LATER MC5-48 DEVICES T1 IS SAMPLED IN S4. - ! - 'INCREMENT TIMER - % - FETCH IMMEDIATE DATA INCREMENT FETCH INSTRUCTION PROGRAM COUNTER ~ - - 'INCREMENT TIMER ANL BUS, = DATA ... ··- - FETCH INCRIEMENT INSTRUCTION PROGRAM COUNTER CD ~ % CD 0 55 READ PORT OUTL BUS, A ... 54 S3 'INCREMENT TIMER ...:-" 0 .... 54 S2 INA,P "II S3 S1 FETCH INCREMENT INSTRUCTION PROGRAM COUNTER ANLP,=DATA CYCLE 2 ~)2 S5 S1 UI Z C) rm I o o i: "U oZ m Z -t i: tl @ .~ ~ m i: SINGLE COMPONENT MCS®-4B SYSTEM clear input. ALE should be buffered since the clear input of an SN7474 is the equivalent of 3 TTL loads. The processor is now in the stopped state. The next instruction is initiated by clocki!!g a "1" into the flip-flop. This "1" will not appear on SS unless ALE is high removing clear from the flip-flop. In response to SS going high the processor be~s an instruction fetch which brings ALE low resetting SS through the clear input and causing the processor to again enter the stopped state. EXTERNAL RESET Vcc ACTIVE PULLUP 2.14 Power Down Mode (B048AH, B049AH, 8050AH, B039AHL, 8035AHL, B040AHL) POWER ON RESET Extra circuitry has been added to the 8048AHl8049AHI 8050AH ROM version to allow power to be removed from all but the data RAM array for low power standby oper~ ation. In the power down mode the contents of data RAM can be maintained while drawing typically 10% to 15% of normal operating power requirements. .J:L 1K f Vee serves as the 5V supply pin for the bulk of circuitry while the VDD pin supplies only the RAM array. In normal operation both pins are a 5V while in standby, Vee is at ground and VDD is maintained at its standby value. Applying Reset to the processor through the RESET pin inhibits any access to the RAM by the processor and guarantees that RAM cannot be inadvertently altered as power is removed from Vcc. Figure 12. TIMING The 8048AH operates in a single-step mode as follows: I) The processor is requested to stop by applying a low level on SS. A typical power down sequence (Figure 14) occurs as follows: 2) The processor responds by stopping during the address fetch portion of the next instruction. -If a double cycle instruction is in' progress when the single step command is received, both cycles will be completed before stopping. 1) Imminent power supply failure is detected by user defined circuitry. Signal must be early enough to allow 8048AH to save all necessary data before Vee falls below normal operating limits. 3) The proc~ssor acknowledges it has entered the stopped state by raising ALE high. In this state (which can be maintained indefinitely) the address of the next instruction to be fetched is present on BUS and the lower half of port 2. 4) ss is then raised high to bring the processor out of the stopped mode allowing it to fetch the next instruction. The exit from stop is indicated by the processor bringing ALE low. 2) Power fail signal is used to interrupt processor and vector it to a power fail service routine. 3) Power fail routine saves all important data and machine status in the internal data RAM array. Routine may also initiate transfer of backup supply to the VDD pin and indicate to external circuitry that power fail routine is complete. 5) To stop the processor at the next instruction SS must be brought low again soon after ALE goes low. If SS is left high the processor remains in a "Run" mode, 4) Reset is applied to. guarantee data will not be altered as the power supply falls out of limits. Reset must be held low until Vee is at ground level. A. diagram for implementing the single-step function of the 8748H is shown in Figure 13. D.:!}'pe flip-flop with preset and clear is used to generate SS. In the run mode SS is held high by keeping the flip-flop preset (preset has precedence over the clear input). To enter single step, preset is removed allowing ALE to bring SS low via the Recovery from the Power Down mode can occur as any other power-on sequence with an external capacitor on the Reset input providing the necessary delay. See the previous section on Reset. 1-13 SINGLE COMPONENT MCS®-48 SYSTEM +5V SINGLE +5V MOMENTARY PUSHBUTTON 10K ~u~PN--~-----------' 10K PRESET +5V D Q +5V ,..--------(> CLOCK 10K DEBOUNCE LATCH 1/27400 ALE SINGLE STEP CIRCUIT 1 S3 1 54 1 S5 I S1 1 S2 1 S3 1 • • ·IS3154IS51 1 S2 1 ALE~ n SS BUS P2D-23 PCD-7 1/0 : : PC 8-11 S : SINGLE STEP TIMING Figure 13. Single Step Operation 1·14 C 1/0 SINGLE COMPONENT MCS®-48 SYSTEM reset the prescaler and time state generators. TO may then be brought down with the rising edge of Xl. Two clock cycles later, with the rising edge of X I, the device enters into Time State 1, Phase 1, SS' is then brought down to 5 volts 4 clocks later after TO. RESET' is allowed to go high 5 tCY (75 clocks) later for nonnal execution of code. See Figure 15. POWER~ SUPPLY PROCESSOR; INTE~RUPTED I "--: POWER ~ I I SUPPLY ·_ _ _' _ _ I_ _ _ FAIL SIGNAL I I I I I RESET NORMAL POWERON SEQUENCE FOLLOWS LJ ___ _ : i DATA SAVE ROUTINE EXECUTED i ACCESS TO DATA RAM INHIBITED Figure 14. Power Down Sequence 2.15 External Access Mode Nonnally the first IK (8048AH), 2K (8049AH), or 4K (8050AH) words of program memory are automatically fetched from internal ROM or EPROM. The EA input pin however allows the user to effectively disable internal program memory by forcing all program memory fetches to reference external memory. The following chapter explains how access to external program memory is accomplished. The External Access mode is very useful in system test and debug because it allows the user to disable his internal applications program and substitute an external program of his choice - a diagnostic routine for instance. In ad- . dition, the date sheet shows how internal program memory can be read externally, independent of the processor: A "1" level on EA initiates the external accesss mode. For proper operation, Reset should be applied while the EA input is changed. 2.16 Sync Mode The 8048AH, 8049AH, 8050AH has incorporated a new SYNC mode. The Sync mode is provided to ease the design of mUltiple controller circuits by allowing the designer to force the device into known phase and state time. The SYNC mode may also be utilized by automatic test equipment (ATE) for quick, easy, and efficient synchronizing between the tester and the OUT (device under test). SYNC mode is enabled when SS' pin is raised to high voltage level of + 12 volts. To begin synchronization, TO is raised to 5 volts at least four clocks cycles after SS'. TO must be high for at least four X I clock cycles to fully 1-15 SINGLE COMPONENT MCS®-48 SYSTEM X1 PHASE 1- - - - - -- - - --"'-:"" PHASE 2- - - - - - - - - - - - - TIME STATE SS 2 3 4 1~~----.J OV 5V TO OV--------------------~ 5V 5V ALE RESET OV--------------------------------------------------~ OV--------------------------------------------~------~--------------- SYNC MODE TIMING Figure 15. Sync Mode Timing 3.0 PIN DESCRIPTION 8 PORT #1 8 PORT #2 The MCS-48 processors are packaged iii 40 pin Dual InLine Packages (DIP's). Thble 3 is a summary of the functions of each pin. Figure 16 is the logic symbol for the 8048AH product family. Where it exists, the second paragraph describes each pin's function in an expanded MCS-48 system. Unless ·otherwise specified, each input is TIL compatible and each output will drive one standard TIL load. . RESET SINGLE STEP EXTERNAL MEM TEST { INTERRUPT BUS 8 B048AH B049AH BOSOAH READ WRITE PROGRAM STORE ENABLE ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE Figure 16. 8048AH and 8049AH Logic Symbol 1-16 SINGLE COMPONENT MCS®-48 SYSTEM Table 3. Pin Description Designation Pin Number* Function Vss 20 Circuit OND potential VDD 26 Programming power supply; 2lV during program for the 8748H/8749H; + 5V during operation for both ROM and EPROM. Low power standby pin in 8048AH and 8049AH/8050AH ROM versions. Vee 40 Main power supply; +5V during operation and during 8748H and 8749H programming. PROG 25 Program pulse; + 18V input pin during 8748H /8749H programming. Output strobe for 8243 I/O expander. PIO-PI7 (Port I) 27-34 8-bit quasi-bidirection,aI port. (Inte~nal Pullup= 50KH) P20-P27 (Port 2) 21-24 35-38 8-bit quasi-bidirectional port. (Internal Pullup = 50KH) P20-P23 contain the four high order program counter bits during an external program memory fetch and serve as a 4-bit I/O expander bus for 8243. DO-D7 (BUS) 12-19 True bidirectional port which can be, written or read synchronously using the RD. WR strobes. The port can also be statically latched. Contains the 810w 'order program counter bits during an external program memory fetch. and receives the addressed instruction under the control of PSEN. Also , contains the address and data during, an external RAM data store instruction. , under ,control of ALE, RD, and WR. TO I Input pin testable using the conditional transfer instructions JTO and JNTO. TO can be designated as a clock output using ENTO CLK instruction. TO is also used during programming and sync mode. TI 39 Input pin testable using the JT I, and JNTI 'instructions. Can be design~ted the event counter input using the STRT CNT instruction., (See Section 2.10). IN'f 6 Interrupt input. Initiates an in'terrupt' if interrupt is enabled. Interrupt is disabled after a reset. (Active low) -RD 8 Output strobe activated during a BUS read. Can be used to enable data onto the BUS from an external device. (Active low) Interrupt must remain low for at least 3 machine cycles to ensure proper operation. Used as a Read Strobe to External Data Memory. RESET 4 Input which is used, to initialize the processor. Also used during EPROM programming and verification. (Active low) (Internal pullup =80K fi) WR 10 Output strobe during a BUS write. (Active low) Used llS write strobe to external data memory. ALE II Address 'Latch Enable. This signal occurs once during each cycle and is useful as a clock output. The negative edge of A LE strobes address into external data and program memory. 1-17 SINGLE COMPONENT MCS®-48 SYSTEM' lllble 3. 'Pin Description (Continued) Designation Pin Number· PSEN 9 SS 5 EA 7 Function Program Store Enable. This output 'occurs only during a fetch to external program memory. (A~tive low) Single step input cari be used i~ c~njunction with ALE to "single step" the processor through each instruCiion. (Active low) (Internal imllup 300Kn) +12V for sync modes (See 2.16). = External Access input which forces all program memory fetches to reference external memory. Useful for emulation and debug; and essential for testing and program verification. (Active high) +12V for8048AH/8049AH/8050AH program xerification and +18V for 8748H/8749H program verification (Internal pullup IOMn on 8048AH/8049AH/8035AHL/8039AHL/8050AH/8040AHL) = XTALI 2 XTAL2 3 , One side of cryst~1 input for internal oscillator. Also input for external source. Other side of crystal/external source input. ; 'Unless otherwise stated, inputs dO,not have internal pullup resistors. 8048AH, 8748H, 8049AH, 8050AH, 8040AHL 4.0 PROGRAMMING, VERIFYING AND 'ERASING EPROM 8748H AND 8749H ERASURE ,,CHARACTERISTICS The internal Pmliram Memory of the 8748H and the 8749H may be erased and reprogrammed by the user as explained in the following sections. See also the 8748H and 8749H data sheets. The erasure characteristics of the 8748H and 8749H are such that erasure begl.ns'to occur when exposed to light with wavelengths shorter than approximately 4000 Angs" troms (A). It should be noted that sunlight and certain types of fluorescent lamps have wavelengths in the 3000-4000A range. Data show that constant exposure to level fluorescent: lighting could erase the typical 8748H'and 8749H in approximately 3 years while it would take approxima1l1ly I week to cause erasure when exposed to direct sunlight. If the 8748H or 8749H is to be exposed to these types, of lighting conditions for extended periods of time,' opaque labels should be placed over the 8748H 4.1 ProgrammlngNerlflcatlon room In brief, the programming process consists of: activating the program mode, applying an address, latching the address, applying data, and applying a programming pulse. This programming algorithm applies to both the 8748H and 8749H. Each word is programmed completely before mOv1-!!g on to the next and is followed by a verificatiQn step. The following is a list of the pins used for program~ ming and a descsription of their functions: Pin XTAL 1 Reset Test 0 EA BUS P20-1 P20-2 Voo PROG PIO-Pll windo,: to prevent unintentional erasure. When erased, bits of the 8748H and 8749H Program Memory are in the logic "0" state. Function Clock Input (3 to 4 MHz) , Initialization and Address Latching Selection of Program (OV) or Verify ' (5V) Mode Activation of Program/Verify Modes Address and Data Input Data' Output During Verify Address Input for 8748H Address Input for 8749H Programming Power Supply Program Pulse Input Tied to ground (8749H only) ,The 'recommended erasure procedure for the 8748H and 8749H is exposure to shortwave ultraviolet light which has a wavelength of 2537 Angstroms (A). The integrated dose (i.e., UV intensitY X exposure time) for erasure should be, a minimum of 15W-sec/cm2 • The erasure time with this dosage is approximately IS to 20 minutes'using an ultraviolet lamp with a 12000p'w/cm2 power rating. The 8748H ,and 8749H should be placed within one inch from the lamp tubes during erasure. Some lamps have a filter in their tubes ,and this filter should be removed before erasure. 1·18 SINGLE COMPONENT MCS-48 SYSTEM COMBINATION PROGRAMIVERIFY MODE (EPROM. ONLY) lav / EA 5V _ _ _ _- J I--------PROGRAM--------!---VERIFY---!-----PROGRAMITW-TO tww-----,--RESET tAW+---t-~+- tWA ~ DBO-DB7 r-~D~AT~A~T~O~BE~~ --F - - P20-P22 PROGRAMMED VALID LAST ADDRESS NEXT ADDRESS tVDDWffttvD?H _ WT +21 vDD +5-------------- PROG+:: ____________ ------------------------------ ~:£V____\tt~W: __ -- - - - - - =--,.:-"'. . _--- +0 , VERIFY MODE (ROM/EPROM) EA *TO, RESET DBO-DB7 _-oJ/ ~'-____________---.JI J-- P20-P22 \ . . . ._ _---JI __ -< ADDRESS (0-7) VALID NEXT X ~,__.;..A;;;;D.;;;D.;..R.;;;E,;;,SS;;......J. ADDRESS (8-10) VALID I\IEXT DATA)- __ _ . OUT VALID. NEXT ADDRESS VALID NOTES: 1. PROG MUST FLOAT IF EA IS LOW (I.E., "" leV). "TO ON EPROM ONLY. Figure 17. Pl'9gramlVerify Sequence for 8749H18748H 1·19 MCS®,.48 Expanded System 2 EXPANDED MCS®-48 SYSTEM 1'.0 INTRODUCTION 1) The contents of the 12-bit program counter will be output on BUS and the lower half of port 2. 2) Address Latch Enable (ALE) will indicate the time at which address is valid. The' trailing edge of ALE is used to latch the address externally. 3) Program Store Enable (PSEN) indicates that an external instruction fetch is in progress and serves to enable the external memory device. 4) BUS reverts to input (floating) mode and the processor accepts its 8-bit contents as im instruction word. If the capabilities resident on the single-chip S04SAHI S74SH/S035AHUS049AH/S749H/S039AHL are not sufficieflt for your system requirements, special on-board circuitry allows the addition of a wide variety of external memory, 110, or special peripherals you may require. The processors can be directly and simply expanded in the foilowing areas: • Program Memory to 4K words • Data Memory to 320 words (3S4 words with S049AH) • 110' by unlimited amount • Special Functions uSingSOSO/SOS5AH peripherals ALE By using bank switching techniques, maximum capability is essentially unlimited. Bank switching is discussed later in the chapter. Expansion is accomplished in two ways: 1) Expander 110 - A special 110 Expander circuit, the S243 , provides for the addition of four 4-bit Input! Output ports with the sacrifice of only the lower half (4-bits) of port 2 for inter-device communication. Multiple S243's may be added to this 4-bit bus by generating the required .. chip select" lines. 2) Standard SOS5 Bus - One port of the S04SAHI S049AH is like the S-bit bidirectional data bus of the : SOS5 microcomputer system allowing interface to the numerous standard memories and peripherals of the MCS@-SO/S5 microcomputer family. L PSEN FLOATING BUS ~FLOATINGO FLOATING ADDRESS INSTRUCTION Figure 1. Instruction Fetch from External Program Memory All inStruction fetches, including internal addresses, caD. be forced to be external by activating the EA pin of the 8048AH1 8049AH18050AH. The 8035AHU8039AHUS04OAHL processors without program memory always operate in the external program memory mode (EA = 5V). MCS-4S systems can be configured using either or both of these expansion features to optimize system capabilities to the application. 2.2 Extended. Program Memory AddreSSing (Beyond 21<) Both expander devices and standard memories and peripherals can be added in virtually any number and combmation required. , J For programs of 2K words or less, the 8048AH/8049AH addresses program memory in the conventional manner. Addresses beyond 2047 can be reached by executing a program memory bank switch instruction (SEL MBO, SEL MBI) followed by a branch instruction (JMP or CALL). The bank switch feature extends the range of branch instructions beyond their normal 2K range and at the same time prevents the user from inadvertently crossing the 2K boundary .. . '. 2.0 EXPANSION OF PROGRAM MEMORY Program Memory is expanded beyond the resident IK or 2K words by using the SOS5 BUS feature of the MCS@48. All program memory fetches from the addresses less . than 1024 on the S04SAH and less than 204S on the . S049AH occur internally with no external signals being generated (except ALE which is always present). At address 1024 on the S04SAH, the processor automatically initiates external program memory fetches. PROGRAM MEMORY BANK SWITCH The switching of 2K program memory banks is accomplished by directly setting or resetting the most significant bit 'of the program counter (bit 11); see Figure 2. Bit II is not altered by nQrmal incrementing of the program counter but is loaded with the contents of a special flipflop each time a JMP or CALL instruction is executed. This special flip-flop is set by executing an SEL MBI 2.1 Instruction Fetch Cycle (External) As shown in Figure 1, for all insinicti~n fetches from addresses of 1024 (2048) or greater, the following will occur: 2-1 EXPANDED MCS®-48 SYSTEM instruction and reset by SEL MBO. Therefore, the SEL MB instruction may be executed at any time prior to the actiJal bank switch which occurs during the next branch instruction encountered. Since all twelve bits of the program counter; including bit 11, are stored in the. stack, when a Call is executed, the user may jump·to subroutines across the 2K boundary and the proper bank will be restored upon return. However, the bank switch flip-flop will not' be altered on return. counter is held at "0" during the interrupt service routine. The end of the service routine is signalled by the execution of an RETR instruction. Interrupt service routines should therefore be contained entirely in the lower 2K words of program memory. The execution of a SEL MBO or SEL MB I instruction within an interrupt routine is nOt recommended since it will not alter PCII while in the routine, but will change the internal flip-flop~ 2.3 Restoring 110 Port Information ,Although the lower half of Port 2 is u~ to output the four most significant bits of address during an external program memory fetch, the 110 information is still ootputed during certain portions of each machine cycle. 110 information is always present on Port 2's lower 4 bits at the rising edge of ALE and can be sampled or latched at this time. IAnIAwl~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~1 Conventional pr~gram Counter ' C • Counts OOOH to 7FFH • Overflows 7FFH to OOOH JMP or CALL Instructions transfer contents ofinternallllpflop.to A11 • Flipflop set by SEL MB1 • Flipflop reset by SEL MBO or by RESET 2.4, Expansion Examples During interrupt service routine A11 i. forced to "0" All 12 bits are saved in stack Shown in Figure 3 is the addition· of 2K words of program memory using an 2716A 2K x 8 ROM to give a total of 3K words of program mem0!I:...!!!.'this case no chip select decoding is required and PSEN enables the memory directly through the chip select input. If the system requires only 2K of progra!ll memory, the same configuration can be used with an 803SAHL substituted for the. S04SAH. The 8049AH would provide 4K of program memory with the same configuration. Figure 2. Program Counter INTERRUPT ROUTINES . Interrupts always vector the program counter tO'location 3 or 7 iii 'the first 2K bank, 'and bit II of the program 3 II ~., 8048AH ALE ,irV A ,74LS373 LATCH " n) ADDRESS v 2718 EPROM DATA OUT BUS r'--8 PSEN CiS .' USING 2K x 8 EPROM Figure 3. Expa~ding MCSC!l~48 Program Memory Using Standard Memory Products 2-2 EXPANDED MCS®-48 SYSTEM Figure 4 shows how the 8755/8355 EPROM/ROM with lio interfaces directly to the 8048AH without the need for an address latch. The 8755/8355 contains an internal 8-bit address latch eliminating the need for an 8212 latch. In addition to a 2K x 8 program memory. the 8755/8355 also contains 16 110 lines addres.sable as two 8-bit ports. These ports are addressed as external RAM; therefore the RD and WR outputs of the 8048AH are required. See the following section on data memory expansion for more detail. The subsequent section on 110 expansion explains the operation of the 16 I/O lines . ALE RD lOW lOR 8048AH 8049AH AlDO_7 2K x 8 ROMI EPROM WITH 1/0 8~~1 8755 .A8-Al0. CS 3.0 EXPANSION OF DATA MEMORY Data Memory is expanded beyond the resident 64 words by using the 8085AH type bus feature of the MCS®-48. 3 TEST INPUTS 3.1 Read/Write Cycle 1/0 All address and data is transferred over the 8 lines of BUS. As shown in Figure 5, a read or write cycle occurs as follows: Figure 4. External Program Memory Interface ALE J. L I BUS FLOATING XADDRESSX 7' ~___FL_O_A_TI_N_G_ __ FLOATING READ FROM EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY ALE J L I BUS FLOATING FLOATING WRITE TO EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY Figure 5. External Data Memory Timings 2-3 EXPANDED MCS®-48 SYSTEM I) The contents of register RO or RI is outputed on BUS. 4.0 EXPANSION OF INPUT/OUTPUT 2) Address Latch Enable (ALE) indicates addre.sss is valid. The· trailing edge of ALE is used to latch the address externally. 3) A read (RD) or write (WR) pulse on the corresponding output pms of the 8048AH indicates the type of data memory access ~gress. Output data is valid at the trailing edge of WR and input data must be valid at the trailing edge of RD; There are four possible modes of II() expansion with the 8048AH: one using a special low-cost expander, the 8243; another using standard MCS~80/85110 devices; and a third using the combination memory 110 expander devices the 8155, 8355, and 8755. It is also possible to expand using standard TTL devices. ·4.1 I/O Expander Device 4) Oat (8 bits) is transferred in or out over BUS. 3.2 Addressing External Data Memory ExternBI Data Memory is accessed with its own two-cycle move instructions. MOVXA, @R and MOVX@R, A, which transfer 8 bits of data between the accumulator and the external memory location addressed by the. contents of one of the RAM Pointer Registers RO and RI. This allows 256 locations to be addressed in addition to the resident locations. Additional pages may be added by' "bank switching" with extra output lines of the 8048AH. The most efficient means of 110 expansion for small systems is the 8243 110 Expander Device which requires only 4 port lines (lower half of Port 2) for communication with the 8048AH. The 8243 contains four 4-bit 110 ports which serve as an extension of the on-chip 110 and are addressed . as ports #4-7 (see Figure 13-7). The following operations may be performed on these ports: • Transfer Accumulator to Port • Transfer Port to Accumulator· • AND Accumulator to Port 3.3 Examples of Data Memory Expansion • OR Accumulator to Port Figure 6 shows how the 8048-AH can be expanded using the 8155 memory and 110 expanding device. Since the 8155 has an internal8-bit address latch, it can interface directly to the 8048AH without the use of an external latch. The 8155 provides an additional 256 words ofstatic data memory and also includes 22 110 lines and a 14-bit timer. See the following section on 110 expansion and the 8155 data sheet for more details on these additional features. A 4-bit transfer from a port to the lower half of the Accumulator sets the most significant four bits to zero. All communication between the 8048AH and the 8243 occurs over Port 2 lower (P20-P23) with timing provided by an output pulse on the PROG pin of the processor. Each transfer consists of two 4-bit nibbles: The first containing the "op code'.'and port address, and t\le second containing the actual 4 bits of data .. Busk'------;;8,-----~ ADO_7 v ALE 8048AH " WR ALE 8155 256x8 ViR RAM AD iii> PORT 3 TEST INPUTS 18 1/0 22 1/0 TIMER IN TIMER OUT 101M Figure 6. 8048AH Interface to 256 x8 Standard Memories ··2-4 EXPANDED MCS®-48 SYSTEM fl -=~I/O " CHIP SELECT CONNECTIO NIFMORE THAN ONE EXPANDER IS USED CS P4 V 4 1/0 or PROG PROG A 2 8050AH 8049AH 8048AH P5 J i::JTS " 4 1/0 v 8243 t-. "- 4. P20-P23 v " P6 4 P7 4 v DATA IN P2 1/0 1/0 v EXPANDER INTERFACE PROG P20-P23 \ BITS 0, 1 ' - . _ _ _- - I/ --<'-___X'-_____),..--- BITS 2, 3 OO} 00} 01 PORT 01 10 ADDRESS 10 11 11 READ WRITE OR AND DATA (4-BITS) ADDRESS ANDOPCODE (4-BITS) OUTPUT EXPANDER TIMING Figure 7. 8243 Expander I/O Interface 3 Nibble I 2 I 0 3 I I I I IA IA I Instruction Code 4.2 1/0 Expansion with Standard Peripherals Nibble 2 2 I 0 I did IdId I Port Address Standard MCS-80/85 type 110 devices may be added to the MCSIII>-48 usinl!; the same bus and timinl!; used for Data Memory expansion. Figure 8 shows an example of how an 8048AH can be connected to an MCS-85 peripheral. 110 devices reside on the Data Memory bus and in the data memory address space and are accessed with the same MOVX instructions. (See the previous section on data memory expansion for a description of timing.) The following are a few 9f the Standard MCS-80 devices which are very useful in MCSIII>-48 systems: • 8214 Priority Interrupt Encoder • 8251 Serial Communications Interface • 8255 General Purpose Programmable 110 • 8279 Keyboard/Display In~erface • 8254 Interval Timer data II AA 00 Read 01 Write 10 OR II AND 00 - Port #4 01 - Port #5 10- Port #6 II-Port#7 A high to low transition of the PROG line indicates that address is present, while allow to high transition indicates the presence of data. Additional 8243's may be added to the four-bit bus and chip selected using additional output lines from the 8048AH/8748H. 1/0 PORT CHARACTERISTICS 4.3 Combination Memory and 110 Expanders Each of the four4-bit ports of the 8243 can serve as either input or output and can provide high drive capability in both the high and low state. As mentioned in the sections on program and data memory expansion, the 8355/8755 and 8155 expanders also contain I/O capability; 2-5 EXPANDED MCS®-48 SYSTEM 8 INT INT P20 c/o 8279 KEYBOARD DISPLAY 8048AH RD RD WR WR BUS 8 KEYBOARD INPUTS SCAN OUTPUTS (A) DISPLAY OUTPUT DATA BUS Cs (B) DISPLAY OUTPUT Figure 8. Keyboard/Display Interface port. These three registers and aControllStatus register are accessible as external data memory with the MOVX instructions. The contents of the control register determines the mode of the three ports. The ports can be programmed as input or output with or without associated handshake communication lines. In the handshake mode, lines of the six-bit port become input and output strobes for the two 8-bit ports. Also included in the 8155 is a 14-bit programmable timer. The clock input to the timer and the timer overflow output are available on external pins. The timer can be programmed to stop on tenninal count or to continuously reload itself. A square wave or pulse output on terminal count can also be specified. 8355/8755: These two parts of ROM and EPROM equivalents and therefore contain the same 110 structure. 110 eonsists of two 8-bit ports which nonnally reside in the external data memory address space and are accessed with MOVX instructions. Associated with each port is an 8"it Data Direction Register which defines each bit in the port as either an input or an output. The data direction registers are directly addressable, thereby allowing the' user to define under software control each individual bit of the ports as either input or output. All outputs. are statiCally latched and double buffered. Inputs not latched. 8155/8156: 110 on the 815518156 is configured 'as two 8-bit programmable 1/0 ports and one 6-bit programmable are Figure 9. Low Cost 110 Expansion 2-6 EXPANDED MCS®-48 SYSTEM 1/0 EXPANSION EXAMPLES Figure 10 shows the 8048AH interface to a standard MCS®-80 peripheral; in this case, the 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface, a 40-pin part which provides three 8-bit programmable I/O ports. The 8255 bus interface is typical of programmable MCS®-80 peripherals with an 8-bit bidirectional data bus, a RD and WR input for Read/ Write control, a CS (chip select) input used to enable the Read/Write control logic and the address inputs used to select various internal registers. Figure 9 shows the expansion of 110 using multiple 8243's. The only difference from a single 8243 system is the addition of chip selects provided by additional8048AH output lines: Two output liens and a decoder could also be used to address the four chips. Large numbers of 8243' s would require a chip select decoder chip such as the 8205 to save I/O pins. 8048AH ALE RO AD 8255 A1 PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE PORT A P20 P21 PORT B 8048AH _ RO PORT C WR BUS Ao 8255 A1 PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE RO Wii 8 PORT B PORT C 00-7 CS OPTION #1 PORT A CS -= OPTION #2 -= Figure 10. Interface to MCS®-BO Peripherals Interconnection to the 8048AH is very straightforward with BUS, RD, and WR connecting directly to the corresponding pins on the 8255. The only design consideration is the way in which the internal registers of the 8255 are to be addressed. If the registers are to be addressed as external data memory using the MOVX instructions, the appropriate number of address bits (in this case, 2) must be latched on BUS using ALE as described in the section on external data memories. If only a single device is connected to BUS, the 8255 may be continuously selected by grounding CS. If multiple 8255's are used, additional address bits can be latched and used as chip' selects. addressing of the various memories and 110 ports. Note that in this configuration address lines A 10 and A 11 have been ORed to chip select the 8355. This ensures that the chip is active for all external program memory fetches in the lK to 3K range and is disabled for all other addresses. This gating has been added to allow the 110 port of the 8355 to be used. If the chip was left selected all the time, there would be conflict between these ports and the RAM and I/O of the 8156. The NOR gate could be eliminated and Al1 connected directly to the CE (instead of CE) input ofthe 8355; however, this would create a lK word "hole" in the program memory by causing the 8355 to be active in the 2K and 4K range instead of the normal lK to 3K range. A second addressing method eliminates external latches and chip select decoders by using output port lines as address and chip select lines dircctly.r'his method. of course, requires the setting oran output port with address information prior to executing a MOVX instruction. In this system the various locations are addressed as follows:' • Data RAM - Addresses 0 to 255 when Port 2 Bit o has been previously set = 1 and Bit I' set = 0 Addresses 0 to 3 when Port 2 Bit 0 = 1 and Bit 1 = 1 • RAM 110 - 5.0 MULTI-CHIP MCS®-48 SYSTEMS • ROM I/O Bit 3 = 1 Figure 11 shows the addition of two memory expanders to the 8048AH, one 8355/8755 ROM and one 8156 RAM. The mirin consideration in designing such a system is the Addresses 0 to 3 when Port 2 Bit 2 or See the memory map in Figure 12. 2-7 EXPANDED MCS®-48 SYSTEM 8156/8355 A8-10 PORT 83551 8755 ROM EPROM ALE PSEN 8048AH RD WR BUS 8 PORT ADO-7 101M -=PORT A 8 8156 RAM A9 101M PORT B PORT c Figure 11. The Three-Component MCS®-48 System 6.0 MEMORY BANK SWITCHING Jumping to subroutines across the boundary should be avoided when possible since the programmer must keep track of which bank to return to after completion of the subroutine. If these subroutines are to be nested and accessed from either bank, a software "stack" should be implemented to save the bank switch bit just as if it were another bit of the program counter. Certain systems may require more than the 4K words of program memory which are directly addressable by the program counter or more than the 256 data memory and 110 locations directly addressable by the pointer registers RO and Rl. These systems can be achieved using "bank switching" techniques. Bank switching is merely the selection of vari()US blocks of "banks" of memory using dedicated output port lines from the processor. In the case of the 8048AH, program memory is selected in blocks of 4K words at a time, while data memory and 110 are en. abled 256 words at a time. From a hardware standpoint bank switching is very straightforward and involves only the connection of an 110 line or lines as bank enable signals. These enables are ANDed with normal memory and 110 chip select signals to activate the proper bank. The most important consideration in implementing two or more banks is the software required to cross the bank boundaries. Each crossing of the boundary requires that the processor first write a control bit to an output port before accessing memory or 110 in the new bank. If program memory is being switched, programs should be organized to keep boundary crossings to a minimum. 7.0 CONTROL SIGNAL SUMMARY Table 1 summarizes the instructions which activate the various control outputs of the MCS®-48 processors. During all other' instructions these outputs are driven to the active state. 2-8 EXPANDED MCS®·48 SYSTEM Table 1. MCS®-48 Control Signals Control Signal RD WR ALE PSEN PROG The latched mode (INS, OUTL) is intended for use in the single-chip configuration where BUS is not begin used as an expander port. OUTL and MOVX instructions can be mixed if necessary. However, a previously latched output will be· destroyed by executing a MOVX instruction and BUS will be left in the high impedance state. INS does not put the BUS in a high impedance state. Therefore, the use of MOVX after OUTL to put the BUS in a high impedance state is necessary before an INS instruction intended to read an external word (as opposed to the previously latched value). When Active During MOVX, A, @R or INs Bus During MOVX @R, A or OUTL Bus Every Machine Cycle During Fetch of external program memory (instruction or immediate data) During MOVD, A,P ANLD P,A MOVD P,AORLDP,A OUTL should· never be used in a system with external program memory, since latching BUS can cause the next instruction, if external, to be fetched improperly. 8.0 PORT CHARACTERISTICS 8.1 BUS Port Operations· 8.2 Port 2 Operations The BUS port can operate in three different modes: as a latched 110 port, as a bidirectional bus port, or as a program memory address output when external memory is used. The BUS port lines are either active high, active low, or high impedance (floating). The lower half of Port 2 can be used in three different ways: as a quasi-bidirectional static port, as an 8243 expander port, and to adddress external program memory. PROGRAM MEMORY SPACE .-----'BFFH I I : MB1 I 8355 (2K) : I I I I I : MBO I - - - - - j 400H EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY SPACE I I I ~~5 I - - - - - - - - 300H 8155 RESIDENT I I 10 RESIDENT DATA --(1K)-- 200H I -______---i MEMORY - - - - - - - - 100H ~--'-"":""-! (64) ' - - - - - - ' OOOH 1--:-------1 SECTION PROG.MEM DATAMEM 8155 PORTS 8355 PORTS ADDRESS DESIGNATION OOO-BFF 100-IFF 300 301 302 303 304 305 400 401 402 403 CMD/STATUS PORTA PORTB PORTC TIMER LOW TIMER HI PORTA PORTB DORA DDR B Figure 12. Memory Map for Three-Component MCS®-48 Family 2-9 EXPANDED MCSIiil-48 SYSTEM viously latched will be automatically removed temporarily 'while address is present, then retored when the fetch is complete. However, if lower Port 2 is used to communicate with ,iIIi 8243, previously latched 110 information , will be removed and not restored. After input from th~ 8243~ P20-3 will be left in the input mode (ftoating).After an output to the 8243, P20-3 will contain the value written, AN~, or ORed' to the 8243 port. In all c,ases' outputs are driven low by an active device and,driven high momentarily by a low impedance device and held high bY a high impedan~ device to vee. an The port may contain latched 110 data prjor to its use in another mode without affecting operation of either:, If lower, ,Port 2 (P20-3) is IIsed ,to output address for an external program memory fetch. the 110 information pre- 1/0 1/0 8749H 8049AH' 8048AH 8748H 8035AHL 8039AHL D D Figure 13. MCSC!l~8 Expansion Capability 2·10 MCS®..,48 Instruction Set 3 MCS®-48 INSTRUCTION SET 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Data Transfers The MCS®-48 instruction set is extensive for a machine of its size and has been tailored to be straightforward and very efficient in its use of program memory. All instructions are either one or two bytes in length and over 80% are only one byte long. Also, all instructions execute in either one or two cycles and over 50% of all instructions execute in a single cycle. Double cycle instructions include all immediate instructions, and all 110 instructions. As can be seen in Figure I the 8-bit accumulator is the central point for all data transfers within the 8048. Data can be transferred between the 8 registers of each . working register bank and the accumulator directly, Le., the source or destination register is specified by the instruction. The remaining locations of the internal RAM array are referred to as Data Memory and are addressed indirectly via an address stored in either RO or R I of the active register bank. RO and RI are also used to indirecly address external data memory when it is present. Transfers to and from internal RAM require one cycle; while transfers to external RAM require two. Constants stored in Program Memory can be loaded directly to the accumulator and to the 8 working registers. Data can also be transferred directly between the accumulator and the on- The MCS-48 microcomputers have been designed to handle arithmetic operations efficiently in both binary and BCD as well as handle the single-bit operations required in control applications. Special instructions have also been included to simplify loop counters, table look-up routines, and N-way branch routines. r----------l I I I I PROGRAM MEMORY (#DI\.TA) I I DATA MEMORY MOV WORKING REG ADD MOV MOVP MOVP3 ANL ORL XRL I MOV ADD ANL ORL XRL XCH I EXTERNAL EXPANDER /111-_=---'-', ,....:>"-''----------....:..'-----....:..'-, 1/0 PORTS /,:=:-=,.-1-"" MEMORY 4-7 ~_ _ _~~_ _~~---~---~~cr-~~r -,,~~. <::X 2.4 - - - . . . . , . 0.45 ,...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ " ' . - -_ _ 270161-3 A.C. Testing: Inputs are driven at 2.4V fora Logic "1" and 0.45V for a logic "0". Output timing measurements are made at2.0V for logic "1" and O.BV for a logic "0". 4·4 inter 8243 WAVEFORMS PROG ~~ PORT2 ______________ IK ________________ ~ FLOAT FLOAT PORT 2 IpO PORTS 4·7 OUTPUT VALID PREVIOUS OUTPUT VALlO lIP PORTS 4·7 INPUT VALlO ICS ICS 270161-4 4-5 inter 8243 125 100 C ! :; 5} ~ ...Z "'. '"'" 75 III GUARANTEED WORST CASE CURRENT SINKING CAPABILITIES OF ANY 1/0 PORT PIN YO. TOTAL SINK CURRENT OF ALI. PINS .. U Z ...iii 50 ~ ...0 25 4 10 11 13 12 MAXIMUM SINK CURRENT ON ANY PIN @ .45V MAXIMUM 101. WORST CASE PIN (mA) 270161-5 Figure 3. 8243 Current Sink Capability NOTE: A 10 to 50 Kn pullup resistor to + 5V should be added to 8243 outputs when driving to 5V CMOS directly. Sink Capability . The 8243 can sink 5 rnA @ 0.45V on each of its 16 liD lines simultaneously. If, however, all lines are not sinking simultaneously or all lines are not fully loaded, the drive capability of any individual line increases as is shown by the accompanying curve. Example: This example shows how the use of the 20 rnA sink capability of Port 7 affects the sinking capability of the. other liD lines. An 8243 will drive the following loads simultaneously. For example, if only 5 of the 16 lines are to sink CUii6nt at one time, the cur.;e ShO\NS that· each of those 5 lines is capable of sinking 9 rnA @ 0.45V (if any lines are to sink 9 rnA the total IOL must not . exceed 45 rnA or five 9 rnA loads). 2 loads-20 rnA 8 10ads-4 rnA 6 loads-3.2 rnA Example: How many pins can drive 5 TIL loads (1.6 rnA) assuming remaining pins are un~ ,loaded? IOL @ @ 1V (Port 7 only) 0.45V @ 0.45V Is this within the specified limits? EIOL = (2 X 20) = 91.2 rnA. = 5 x 1.6 rnA = 8 rnA + (8 x 4) + (6 x 3.2) EIOL = 60 rnA from curve # pins = 60 rnA -7- 8 rnA/pin = 7.5 = 7 From the curve': for loi. = 4 rnA, EIOL ~ 93 rnA. Since 91.2 rnA < 93 rnA the loads are within specified limits. In this case, 7 lines can sink 8 rnA for a total of 56 rnA. This leaves 4 rnA sink current capability which can be divided in any way among the remaining 8 liD lines of the 8243. Although the 20 rnA @ 1V loads are used in calculating eIOL' it is the largest current . required @ 0.45V which determines the maximum allowable eIOL. 4-6 inter 8243 -=CS liD PROG TEST INPUTS 8048 P4 110 P5 110 PROG 8243 P6 4 110 DATA IN P2 P20-P23 P7 110 270161-6 Figure 4. Expander Interface P20·P23 ~'-_---JX'--ADDRESS (4·8ITSI __--J)>--- BITS 3,2 00 } READ 01 WRITE 10 OR 11 AND BITS 1,0 00 01 } PORT 10 ADDRESS 11 DATA (4·8ITSI 270161-7 Figure 5. Output Expander Timing PORT 1 0048 PORT2 PROG~--------------+---------------~--------~------~--------------~ 270161-8. Figure 6. Using Multiple 8243'5 4-7 P8748H/P8749H 8048AH/8035AHL/8049AH/8039AHL/8050AH/8040AHL HMOS SINGLE-COMPONENT 8-BIT PRODUCTION MICROCONTROLLER • • • • • Programmable ROMs Using 21V • Easily Memory and I/O • Up to 1Expandable IJ-s Instruction Cycle All • Instructions 1 or 2 Cycles High Performance HMOS II Interval Time/Event Counter Two Single Level Interrupts Single 5-Volt Supply Over 96 Instructions; 90% Single Byte ~36 The Intel MCS®-48 family are totally self-sufficient, 8-bit parallel computers fabricated on single silicon chips using Intel's advanced N-channel silicon gate HMOS process. The family contains 27 I/O lines, an 8-bit timer/counter, and on-board oscillator/clock circuits. For systems that require extra capability, the family can be expanded using MCS®-80/MCS®-85 peripherals. These microcontrollers are available in both masked ROM and ROMless versions as well as a neW version, The Programmable ROM. The Programmable ROM provides the user with the capability of a masked ROM while providing the flexibility of a device that can be programmed at the time of-requirement and to the desired data. Programmable ROM's allow the user to lower inventory levels while at the same time decreasing delay ' ,times and code risks. These microcomputers are d,esigned to be efficient controllers as well as arithmetic processors. They have extensive bit handling capability as well as facilities for both binary and BCD arithmetic. Efficient use of program memory results from an instruction set consisting of mostly, single byte instructions and no instruc' tions over 2 bytes in length. Memory RAM STANDBY B050AH Device 4KxBROM 256xBRAM yes B049AH 2KxBROM 12BxBRAM yes B04BAH 1KxBROM 64xBRAM yes B040AHL None 256xBRAM yes B039AHL None 12BxBRAM yes B035AHL None 64xBRAM yes PB749H 2K x B Programmable ROM 12BxBRAM no PB74BH 1K x B Programmable ROM 64xBRAM no • CLOCK Internal I I PROGRAM I, r~Po.RT DATA XTALt P , 270053-1 Figure 1. Block Diagram 270053-2 Figure 2. Logic Symbol 4-8 November 1987 Order Number: 270053-002 intJ MCS®-48 I~ ~ ~ wee I~ en a:: TO 0 r-- CD II) 0 0z u - ~ ~ a.. ~ D~ .... > ~ Vee , T1 P27 P26 P2S P2' PI7 P'6 XTAL 1 XTAL2 RESET' SS INT EA AD P2.4 PL7 PI.6 EA Rii PSEN p,s PSEN • iNT WR WR Ne ALE B049AH/B039AHL B050AH/B040AHl 44- PIN Plee PI.S PI.4 Ne ALE DBO DB, DB2 DB3 DB. DBS DB6 DB7 PI.3 090 091 092 PI.2 PI.I Top View looking down on PC Boord PCO VOO 093 VSS " - _ - - - ' ' ' ' 270053-3 270053-14 Figure 3. Pin Configuration Figure 4. Pad Configuration Table 1. Pin Description Symbol Pin No. Function Device VSS 20 Circuit GND potential. All VDD 26 + 5V during normal operation. All low power standby pin. 8048AH 8035AHl 8049AH 8039AHl 8050AH 8040AHl Programming power supply (+ 21 V). P8748H P8749H + 5V during operation and programming. Vee 40 Main power supply; PROG 25 Output strobe for 8243 110 expander. All All Program pulse ( + 18V) input pin During Programming. P8748H P8749H P10-P17 Port 1 27-34 8-bit quasi-bidirectional port. All P20-P23 P24-P27 Port 2 21-24 35-38 8-bit quasi-bidirectional port. P20-P23 contain the four high order program counter bits during an external program memory fetch and serve as a 4-bit 1/0 expander bus for 8243. All DBO-DB7 BUS 12-19 True 'bidirectional port which can be written or read synchronously using the RD, WR strobes. The port can also be statically latched. Contains the 8 low order program counter bits during an external program memory fetch, and receives the addressed instruction under the control of PSEN. Also contains the address and data during an external RAM data store instruction, under control of ALE, RD, and WR. All Input pin testable using the conditional transfer instruction JTO and JNTO. TO can be designated as a clock output using ENTO ClK instruction. All Used during programming. P8748H P8749H TO 1 4-9 intJ MCS®·48 Table 1. Pin Description (Continued) Symbol T1 Pin No. 39 INT 6 RD S RESET 4 Function Device Input pin testable using the JT1, and JNT1 instructions. Can be designated the timer/counter input !,Ising the STRT CNT instruction. Interrupt input. Initiates an interrupt if interrupt is enabled. Interrupt is disabled after a reset. Also testable with conditional jump instruction. (Active low) interrupt must remain low for at least 3 machine cycles for proper operation. Output strobe activated during a BUS read. Can be used to enable data onto the bus from an external device. Used as a read strobe to external data memory. (Active low) Inputwhich is used to initialize the processor. (Active low) (Non TTL VIH) Used during power down. I. . Used during programming. Used during ROM verification. WR 10 ALE 11 PSEN 9 SS 5 Output strobe during a bus write. (Active low) Used as write strobe to external data memory. Address latch enable. This signal occurs once during each cycle and is useful as a clock output. The negative edge of ALE strobes address into external data and program memory. Program store enable. This output occurs only during a fetch to external program memory. (Active low) Single step input can be used in conjunction with ALE to "single step" the processor through each instruction. (Active low) Used in sync mode. All All All All S04SAH S035AHL S049AH S039AHL S050AH S040AHL PS74SH PS749H S04SAH PS74SH S049AH PS749H S050AH All All All All S04SAH 8035AHL EA 7 External access input which forces all program memory fetches to reference external memory. Useful for emulation and debug. (Active high) Used during (1SV) programming. Used during ROM verification (12V). XTAL1 2 XTAL2 3 One side of crystal input for internal 'oscillator. Also input for external source. (Non TTL VIH) Other side of crystal input. 4-10 S049AH S039AHL S050AH S040AHL All PS74SH PS749H S04SAH S049AH S050AH All All MCS®-48 Table 2. Instruction Set Accumulator Mnemonic ADDA,R ADDA,@R Input/Output Description Add register to A Add data memory toA ADD A, #data Add immediate to A AD DC A, R Add register with carry AD DC A, @R Add data memory with carry ADDC A, # data Add immediate with carry ANLA, R And register to A ANLA,@R And data memory toA ANLA, #data And immediate to A ORLA, R Or register to A ORLA,@R Or data memory toA ORLA, #data Or immediate to A XRLA, R Exclusive or register toA XRLA, @R Exclusive or data memory to A XRLA, #data Exclusive or immediate to A INCA IncrementA DECA Decrement A CLRA Clear A CPLA Complement A DAA Qecimal adjust A SWAP A Swap nibbles of A RLA Rotate A .left RLCA Rotate A left through carry RRA Rotate A right RRCA Rotate A right through carry Bytes Cycles 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mnemonic Bytes Cycles Description Input port to A Output A to port And immediate to port ORL P, #data Or immediate to port Input BUS to A INS A, BUS OUTLBUS,A Output Ato BUS ANL BUS, #data And immediate to BUS ORL BUS, # data Or immediate to BUS MOVDA, P Input expander port toA MOVDP,A Output A to expander port ANLD P,A And A to expander port ORLDP,A Or A to expander port INA,P OUTLP,A f.NL P, #data 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 Registers Mnemonic INCR INC@R DECR Description Increment register Increment data memory Decrement register Bytes Cycles 1 1 Branch Mnemonic Description JMP addr Jump unconditional JMPP@A Jump indirect DJNZ R, addr Decrement register and skip JCaddr Jump on carry = 1 JNC addr Jump on carry = 0 JZaddr Jump on A zero JNZaddr Jump on A not zero JTO addr Jump on TO = 1 JNTO addr Jump on TO = 0 Jump on T1 = 1 JT1 addr JNT1 addr JumponT1 = 0 JFO addr· Jump on FO = 1 JF1 addr Jump on F1 = 1 JTF addr Jump on timer flag JNI addr Jump on INT = 0 JBb addr Jump on accumulator bit 1 1 4-11 Bytes Cycles 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 MCS®-48 Table 2. Instruction Set (Continued) .-----~------~------------------~ r--------------------------------~ Subroutine Mnemonic Description CALLaddr RET RETR Jump to subroutine Return Return and restore status Timer/Counter Bytes Cycles 2 2 2 2 1 1 Flags Mnemonic CLRC CPLC CLRFO CPLFO CLR F1 CPLF1 Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mnemonic Description Move register to A Move data memory toA MOVA, #data Move immediate to A MOVA,A Move A to register MOV@A,A Move A to data memory MOVR, #data Move immediat~ to register MOV @A, #data Move immediate to data memory MOVA,PSW MovePSWtoA MOVPSW,A MoveAtoPSW XCHA, A Exchange A and register XCHA,@R. Exchange A and data memory XCHDA,@A Exchange nibble of A and data memory MOVXA,@A Move external data. memoiytoA MOVX@A,A Move A to external data memory MOVPA,@A Move to A from current page MOVP3A,@A Move to A from page 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mnemonic 1 1 1 1 1 Description 1 1 1 1 1 Bytes Cycles Enable external . interrupt DISI Disable external interrupt Select register bank 0 SELABO Select register bank 1 SELAB1 SELMBO Select memory bank 0 SELMB1 Select memory bank 1 ENTOCLK Enable clock output onTO 2 2 2 1. Bytes Cycles EN I Bytes Cycles 1 1 Aead timer/counter Load timer/counter Start timer Start counter Stop timer/counter Enable timer/ counter interrupt Disable timer/ counter interrupt Control Data Moves MOVA,A MOVA,@R Description MOVA, T MOVT,A STATT STATCNT STOP TCNT EN TCNTI DIS TCNTI Bytes Cycles Clear carry . Complement carry Clear flag 0 , Complement flag 0 Clear flag 1 Complement flag 1 Mnemonic 2 4-12 1 1 Mnemonic Description Bytes Cycles NOP No operation 1 1 MCS®·48 • Notice: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* + 70·C + 150·C Case Temperature Under Bias ...•..• O·C to Storage Temperature .•.•..•... - 65°C to Voltage on any Pin with Respect to Ground ...................... - 0.5V to + 7V Power Dissipation .............•.....•...... 1.5W NOTICE: Specifications contained within the' following tables are subject to change. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol TA = O·C to + 70·C; Vee = Voo limits Parameter Min Typ = 5V Unit ± 10%; Vss = OV Test Conditions Device Max -0.5 0.8 V All Input Low Voltage (RESET, X1, X2) -5 0.6 V All VIH Input High Voltage (All Except XTAL 1, XTAL2, RESET) 2.0 Vee V All VIH1 Input High Voltage (X1, X2, RESET) 3.8 Vee V All VOL Output Low Voltage (BUS) 0.45 V IOL = 2.0 rnA All VOL1 Output Low Voltage (RD, WR, PSEN, ALE) 0.45 V IOL = 1.8 rnA All VOL2 Output Low Voltage (PROG) 0.45 V IOL = 1.0 rnA All VOL3 Output Low Voltage (All Other Outputs) 0.45 V IOL = 1.6 rnA All VOH Output High Voltage (BUS) 2.4 V IOH = - 400 /LA All VOH1 Output High Voltage (RD, WR, PSEN, ALE) 2.4 V IOH = -100 !LA All VOH2 Output High Voltage (All Other Outputs) 2.4 V IOH = -40/LA VIL Input Low Voltage (All Except RESET, X1, X2) VIL1 4-13 All inter MCS®-48 D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol TA = 0·Cto+70·C;Vee Parameter Min Leakage Current (T1,INT) , ILl IUl Input Leakage Current (P10-P17, P20-P27, EA, SS) , IU2 Input Leakage Current RESET ILO Leakage Current (BUS, TO) (High Impedance State) 100 Voo Supply Current (RAM Standby) 100 + = Limits Typ Voo = 5V ±10%;Vss= OV(Continued) Unit, Test Conditions Device Max s ±10 p.A Vss -500 p.A Vss + 0.45 -SOO p.A Vss ±10 p.A Vsss VIN sVee S 5 ,mA' B04BAH BOS5AHL 4 7 mA 8049AH BOS9AHL 5 10 mA SO 65 mA B048AH BOS5AHL 35 70 mA B049AH BOS9AHL 40 BO mA B050AH B040AHL SO 100 mA PB74BH 50 110 mA PB749H , ,2.2 5.5 V 2.2 5.5 V 2.2 5.5 \I All VINs Vee , -10 Total Supply Current" s VIN s s VIN s All Vee All S.B All 8050AH B040AHL .,; lee Voo 'Icc + RAM Standby Voltage I v Standby Mode Reset sVILl B04BAH 8035AH B049AH BOS9AH I 8050AH B040AHL 100 are measured with all outputs in their high impedance state; RESET low; 11 MHz crystal applied; INT, 55, and EA floating. I intJ MCS®-48 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol TA = O·Cto +70·C;Vcc Parameter = voo = 5V ±10%;Vss 11 MHz f (t) (Note 3) Min Max 1000 = ov Unit Conditions (Note 1) ns (Note 3) t Clock Period 1 /xtal freq 90.9 tLL ALE Pulse Width 3.5t-170 150 ns tAL Addr Setup to ALE 2t-110 70 ns tLA Addr Hold from ALE tCC1 Control Pulse Width (RD, WR) tCC2 Control Pulse Width (PSEN) tow Data Setup before WR two Data Hold after WR tOR Data Hold (RD, PSEN) t-40 50 ns 7.5t-200 480 ns 6t-200 350 ns 6.5t-200 390 ns t-50 40 1.5t-30 0 ns 110 ns tR01 RD to Data in tR02 PSEN to Data in tAW Addr Setup to WR tA01 Addr Setup to Data (RD) 10.5t-220 tA02 Addr Setup to Data (PSEN) 7.5t-200 tAFC1 Addr Float to RD, WR tAFC2 Addr Float to PSEN tLAFC1 ALE to Control (RD, WR) tLAFC2 ALE to Control (PSEN) tCA1 Control to ALE (RD, WR, PROG) tCA2 Control to ALE (PSEN) tcp Port Control Setup to PROG 1.5t-80 50 ns tpc Port Control Hold to PROG 4t-260 100 ns tpR PROG to P2 Input Valid tpF Input Data Hold from PROG top tpo tpp PROG Pulse Width tpL Port 2 110 Setup to ALE 6t-170 375 ns 4.5t-170 240 ns 5t-150 (Note 2) 300 ns' 730 ns 460 ns 2t-40 140 ns (Note 2) 0.5t-40 10 ns (Note 2) 3t-75 200 ns 1.5t-75 60 ns t-65 25 ns 4t-70 290 ns 8.5t-120 650 ns 140 ns 1.5t 0 Output Data Setup 6t-290 250 ns Output Data Hold 1.5t-90 40 ns 10.5t-250 700 ns 4t-200 160 ns 15 tLP Port 2 110 Hold to ALE 0.5t-30 tpv Port Output from ALE 4.5t+ 100 tOPRR TO Rep Rate 3t 270 tCY Cycle Time 15t 1.36 ns 5.0 ns 15.0 p.s ns NOTES: 1. Control outputs: CL = 80 pF. BUS Outputs: CL = 150 pF. 2. BUS High Impedance Load 20 pF 3. f(t) assumes 50% duty cycle on X1, X2. Max clock period is for a 1 MHz crYstal input. 4-15 inter MCS®·48 WAVEFORMS INSTRUCTION FETCH FROM PROGRAM MEMORY READ FROM EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY -..j .LAFC1rALE RD 'DR FLOAT.NG 270053-5 INPUT AND OUTPUT FOR A.C. TESTS WRITE TO EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY ... 2.4Y -----X~.Q TEST OA5V----J. .0.8"" POINTSt'2.0~ .... 0 . 8 " - - - - 270053-7 A.C. testing inputs are driven at 2.4V lor a logic "1" and 0,45V lor a logic "0". Output timing measurements are made at 2.0V lor a logic "1" and 0.8V lor a logic "0". 270053-6 PORT 1/PORT 2 TIMING ALE PSEN I I P2~-23 OUTPUT ~ P24-21 P10-17 OUTPUT __ r-----P-~~R-T-~-~--i-O-A--'A--~\lr-h-·E-W-·F-.U----~-O-A-~~-- PCH ~----------J PORT 24-21. PORT 10-17 DATA 'LP EXPANDER PORT OUTPUT ---l I~ I ··LA---...........- ,..----'------->.1 r------;, ;-------' -_ _ _ _ _ _...J I 'NPUT I " r-~-~ I I~' 'PF i--- I ~--PC-H--~I OUTPUT DATA 'PR~ j-.cp+.PC.j ' - - _ . J I PROG '-'CA1 ,'DP-----r1 PCH EXPANDER PORT NEW PORT 9ATA I ---.,.--------------....,~r-.PP_r_ 270053-8 4-16 MCS®-48 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR MODE CERAMIC RESONATOR MODE Cl ~,-C_2_--,L, ,- -"-_~_~_!- -:2:-1 __ -:b Cl f------""""""f"---=2'-l ~( XTALl J- XTAL2 C3 XTALl 1-11 C""""~ ~ XTAL2 C3 270053-9 Cl = 5 pF ±% pF + (STRAY < 5 pF) C2 = (CRYSTAL + STAY) < 8 pF C3 = 20 pF ±1 pF + (STRAY < 5 pF) Crystal series resistance should be less than 3011 at 11 MHz; less than 7511 at 6 MHz; less than 18011 at 3.6 MHz. 270053-10 DRIVING FROM EXTERNAL SOURCE +SV 47011 »-.----'=-1 XTAL1 +5V TTL OPEN COLLECTOR GATES 47011 '----..L---;;1 XTAL2 270053-11 For XTALl and XTAL2 define "high" as voltages above 1.6V and "low" as vOltages below 1.6V. The duty cycle requirements for externally driving XTAL 1 and XTAL2 using the circuits shown above are as follows: XTAL1 must be high 35-65% of the period and XTAL2 must be high 35-65% of the period. Rise and fall times must be faster than 20 ns. 4-17 inter MCS®-48 PROGRAMMING AND VERIFYING THE P8749H/48H PROGRAMMABLE ROM WARNING: An attempt to program a missocketed P8749H/48H will result in severe damage to the part. An indication of a properly socketed part is the appearance of the ALE clock output. The lack of this clock may be used to disable the programmer. Programming Verification In brief, the programming process consists of: activating the program mode, applying an address, latching the address, applying data, and applying a programming pulse. Each word is programmed completely before moving on to the next and is followed by a verification step. The following is a list of the pins used for programming and a description of their functions: Pin The ProgramlVerify sequence is: 1. Voo = 5V, Clock applied or internal oscillator operating, RESET = OV, TO = SV, EA = SV, BUS and PROG floating. P10 and P11 must be tied to ground. 2. Insert P8749H/48H in programming socket 3. TO = OV (select program mode) Function XTAL1 XTAL2 RESET .... ... TO EA BUS 4. EA Clock Input (3 to 4.0 MHz) = 18V (activate program mode) S. Address applied to BUS and P20-22 6. RESET = SV (latch address) Initialization and Address Latching Selection of Program or Verifying Mode Activation of ProgramlVerify Modes Address and Data Input 'Data Output During Verify P20-P22 Address Input Programming Power Supply Voo Program Pulse Input PROG , 7. Data applied to BUS 8. Voo = 21V (programming power) 9. PROG = Vee or float followed by one SO ms pulse to 18V 10. Voo = 5V 11. TO = SV (verify mode) 12. Read and verify data on BUS 13. TO = OV 14. RESET = OV and repeat from step S 1S. Programmer should be at conditions of step 1 when P8749H/48H is removed from socket. NOTE: Once programmed the P8749H/48H cannot be erased. 4-18 MCS®-48 A.C. TIMING SPECIFICATION FOR PROGRAMMING P8748H/P8749H ONLY TA = 25°C ±5°C; VCC = Symbol 5V ±5%; VOO = 21 ±0.5V Parameter Min tAW Address Setup Time to RESET 4tCY 4tcy Max Unit tWA Address Hold Time After RESET tow Data in Setup Time to PROG 4tCY two Data in Hold Time After PROG 4tCY tpH RESET Hold Time to Verify 4tCY tVOOW Voo Hold Time Before PROG 0 1.0 ms tvoOH tpw Voo Hold Time After PROG 0 1.0 ms Program Pulse Width 50 60 ms trw TO Setup Time for Program Mode 4tCY tWT TO Hold Time After Program Mode 4tcy too TO to Data Out Delay tww RESET Pulse Width to Latch Address tr, tl Voo and PROG Rise and Fall Times 0.5 100 J.Ls tCY CPU Operation Cycle Time 3.75 5 J.Ls tRE RESET Setup Time before EA 4tCY Test Conditions 4tCY 4tcy NOTE: II Test 0 is high, too can be triggered by RESET. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS FOR PROGRAMMING P8748H/P8749H ONLY TA = 25°C ±5°C; Vcc Symbol = 5V ±5%; Voo = 21 ±0.5V Parameter Min Max Unit VOOH Voo Program Voltage High Level 20.5 21.5 V VOOL Voo Voltage Low Level 4.75 5.25 V VPH PROG Program Voltage High Level 17.5 18.5 V VPL PROG Voltage Low Level 4.0 EA Program or Verify Voltage High Level 17.5 Vcc 18.5 V VEAH 100 Voo High Voltage Supply Current 20.0 rnA IpROG PROG High Voltage Supply Current 1.0 rnA lEA EA High Voltage Supply Current 1.0 rnA 4-19 V Test Conditions MCS®·48 SUGGESTED ROM VERIFICATION ALGORITHM FOR ROM DEVICE ONLY INITIAL ROM DUMP CYCLE SUBSEQUENT ROM DUMP CYCLES ALE (NOTE 1) E« ....:J. I : (INPUT) I I ,, I DB----i ROM DATA .....-(~IN:-::P::-U':':T::-)---' H I H ADDRESS (OUTPUT) , ADDRESS (INPUT) ~---------------- (OUTPUT)' I ~, RESET _ _ _ _ _ _.... I . (INPUT) . ! - - i- ,, - - , PZ~PZ3---_L_ _ _ _A_DD_R_E_S_S_ _ _~~~---A-D-D-RE-S-S----Jr--____________ I : (INPUT) 270053-12 Vee = Veo Vss = OV 50H ADDR ADDR Al0 All = +5V NOTE: ALE is function of X1, X2 inputs. COMBINATION PROGRAM/VERII=Y MODE (PROGRAMMABLE ROMS ONLY) VEAH EA Vee TO ---+---' I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ PROGRAM--------II--~VERIFY-~~---PROGRAM- Vee VIL1 Vee RESET VIL1 DBa-DB7 iAw-+i--t--i-1 twA J --. - -tcc~ DATA TO BE PROGRAMMED VALID NEXT ADDRESS LAST ADDRESS VDDH - - - - - - - - - - - VDD .Vee------------ lOw VPH -----------------+-t-i--_\. PROG VPL--------------- ------,-- --.-----------270053-13 4-20 inter D8748H/D8749H HMOS-E SINGLE-COMPONENT 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER with 8080/8085 Peripherals • Compatible Easily Expandable Memory and 110 • Up to 1.35 p,s Instruction Cycle; • All Instructions 1 or 2 Cycles Performance HMOS-E • High Interval Timer/Event Counter • Two Single Level Interrupts • Single 5-Volt Supply • Over 96 Instructions; 90% Single Byte • The Intel D8749H/D8748H are totally self-sufficient, 8-bit parallel computers fabricated on single silicon chips using Intel's advanced N-channel silicon gate HMOS-E process. The family contains 27 I/O lines, an 8-bit timer/counter, on-chip RAM and on-board oscillator/clock circuits. For systems that require extra capability, the family can be expanded using MCS®-80/MCS®-85 peripherals. These microcomputers are designed to be efficient controllers as well as arithmetic processors. They have extensive bit handling capability as well as facilities for both binary and BCD arithmetic. Efficient use of program memory results from an instruction set consisting mostly of single byte instructions and no instructions over 2 bytes in length. Device Internal Memory D8749H ' 2Kx8 EPROM D8748H 1Kx8 EPROM I I 128 x8 RAM 64x8 RAM PORT I PORT D8748H 2 D87-49H READ WRITE PROGRALi STORE ENABLE ADDRESS LATCH . ENABLE PORT EXPANDER STROBE 210983-1 Figure 1. Block Diagram 210983-2 Figure 2. Logic Symbol 4-21 October 1987 Order Number: 210983-003 D8748H/D8749H Vee Tl P27 P26 RESET 55 P25 P2. P17 Ro P16 PSEN P15 Wi! P14 08. P12 DB, P11 P13 08 2 Pl. DB. VOO PROG P23 P22 P21 DB7 VSS 210983-3 Figure 3. Pin Configuration . Table 1. Pin Description (40-Pin DIP) Symbol Vss VDD Pin No. 20 26 Function Circuit GND potential. + 5V during normal operation. Programming power supply (+ 21 V). Vee PROG 40 '25 Main power supply; + 5V during operation and programming. Output strobe for 8243 I/O expander. Program pulse ( + 18V) input pin during programming. P10-P17 Port 1 27-34 8·bit quasi·bidirectional port. P20-P23 21-24 8·bit quasi-bidirectional port. P20-P23 contain the four high order program counter bits during an external program memory fetch and serve as a 4·bit I/O expander bus for 8243. P24-P27 Port 2 35-38 DBO-DB7 ·12-19 ~II"" True bidirectional port which can be written or read synchronously using the RD, 'yAJR stiobes. The port can also be statically !atc.hed. Contains the 8 !O\&, OUi:) order program counter bits during an eXternal program memory tetch, and receives the addressed instruction under the control of PSEN. Also contains the address and data du~ an external RAM data store instruction, under control of ALE, RD; and WR. TO 1 Input pin tesliible using the conditional transfer instructions JTO and JNTO. TO can be designated as a clock output using ENTO CKL instruction. T1 39 Input pin testable using the JT1, and JNT1 instructions. Can be designated the timer/counter input using the STRT CNT instruction. INT 6 Interrupt input. Initiates an interrupt if interrupt is enabled. Interrupt is disabled after a reset. Also testable with conditional jump instruction. (Active low) interrupt must remain low for at least 3 machine cycles for proper operation. RD 8 Output strobe activated during a BUS read. Can be used to enable data onto the bus from an external device. Used as a read strobe to external data memory. (Active low) Used during programming. 4·22 intJ D8748H/D8749H Table 1 Pin Description (40-Pin DIP) (Continued) Symbol Pin No. RESET 4 Input which is used to initialize the processor. (Active low) (Non TTL VI H) WR 10 Output strobe during a bus write. (Active low) Used as write strobe to external data memory. ALE 11 Address latch enable. This signal occurs once during each cycle and is useful as a clock output. The negative edge of ALE strobes address into external data and program memory. PSEN 9 Program store enable. This output occurs only during a fetch to external program memory. (Active low.) SS 5 Single step input can be used in conjunction with ALE to "single step" the processor through each instruction. EA 7 .External access input which forces all program memory fetches to reference external memory. Useful for emulation and debug. (Active high.) XTAL1 2 One side of crystal input for internal oscillator. Also input for external source. (Non TTL VIH.) XTAL2 3 Oth~r Function Used during programming. Used during (1 BV) programming. side of crystal input. Table 2. Instruction Set Mnemonic Description ACCUMULATOR Add register to A ADD A, R ADDA,@R Add data memory to A ADDA, #data Add immediate toA ADDCA,R Add register with carry ADDCA,@R Add data memory with carry ADDC A, #data Add immediate with carry ANLA,R And register to A ANLA,@R And data memory to A ANLA, #data And immediate toA ORLA, R Or register to A ORLA,@R Or data memory toA ORLA, #data Or immediate to A XRLA, R Exclusive or register to A XRLA,@R Exclusive or data memory to A XRLA, #data Exclusive or imniediate to A Bytes Cycles 2 2 2 2 2 2 Description Mnemonic ACCUMULATOR (Continued) IncrementA INCA DECA Decrement A Clear A GLRA GPLA Compleinent A DAA Decimal adjust A SWAP A Swap nibbles of A RLA Rotate A left RLCA Rotate A left through carry RRA Rotate A right RRGA Rotate A right through carry INPUTIOUTPUT INA,P OUTLP, A ANLP, #data ORLP, #data 2 2 INSA,BUS OUTLBUS,A ANL BUS, #data ORL BUS, #data 2 MOVDA, P 2 4-23 Input port to A Output A to port And immediate to port Or immediate to port Input BUS to A Output A to BUS And immediate to BUS Or immediate to BUS Input expander port to A Bytes Cycles 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 inter D8748H/D8749H ~OOjgILOIMIOOO£OOW Table 2. Instruction Set (Continued) Mnemonic Description INPUTIOUTPUT (Continued) MOVDP,A Output A to expander port ANLDP,A And A to expander port ORLDP,A Or A to expander port REGISTERS INCR INC@R DECR BRANCH JMPaddr JMPP@A DJNZR,addr JCaddr JNCaddr JZaddr JNZaddr JTOaddr JNTOaddr JT1 addr JNT1 addr JFOaddr JF1 addr JTFaddr JNI addr JBb addr SUBROUTINE CALLaddr RET RETR FLAGS CLRC CPLC CLRFO CPLFO CLRF1 CPLFI DATA MOVES MOVA,R MOVA,@R MOVA, "'data Bytes Mnemonic Description DATA MOVES (Continued) MOVR,A Move A to register Move A to data .MOV@R,A memory MOVR, #data Move immediate to register MOV @R, "'data Move immediate to data memory MOVA,PSW MovePSWtoA MOVPSW,A MoveAtoPSW XCHA, R Exchange A and register XCHA,@R Exchange A and data memory XCHDA,@R Exchange nibble of A and register MOVXA,@R Move external data memory to A MOVX@R,A Move A to external data memory MOVPA,@A Move to A from current page MOVP3A,@A Move to A from page 3 Cycles 2 2 1. 2 Increment register Increment data memory Decrement register Jump unconditional Jump indirect Decrement register and skip Jump on carry = 1 Jump on carry = 0 Jump on A zero Jump ·on A not zero Jump onTO = 1 Jump on TO = 0 JumponT1 = 1 JumponT1 = 0 . Jump on FO = 1 JumponF1 = 1 Jump on timer flag Jump on INT = 0 Jump on accumulator bit Jump to subroutine Return Return and restore status 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 TIMER/COUNTER Read MOVA,T timer/counter MOVT,A Load timer/counter Start timer STRTT STRTCNT Start counter STOP TCNT Stop timer/counter EN TCNTI Enable timer/ counter interrupt DIS TCNTI Disable timer! counter interrupt CONTROL ENI D!S! Clear carry Complement carry Clear flag 0 Complement flag 0 Clear flag 1 Complement flag 1 Move register to A Move data memory toA Move immediate toA SELRBO 1 1 1 SELRB1 SELMBO SELMB1 ENTOCLK 2 2 NOP 4-24 Enable external interrupt Disable external interrupt Select register bank 0 Select register bank 1 Select memory bank 0 Select memory bank 1 Enable clock output on TO No operation Bytes Cycles 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 inter 087 48H/087 49H 'Notice: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* + 70°C + 150°C Ambient Temperature Under Bias .... O°C to Storage Temperature .......... - 65°C to Voltage On Any Pin With Respect to Ground ...................... - 0.5V to + 7V Power Dissipation ....................... 1.0 Watt NOTICE Specifications contained within the fol/owing tables are subject to change. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = Parameter Symbol O°C to + 70°C·, Vee = Voo Limits Min Typ Max = 5V+ 10%·, Vss - Unit = OV Test Conditions Device VIL Input Low Voltage (All Except RESET, X1, X2) -0.5 0.8 V All VIL1 Input Low Voltage (RESET, X1, X2) -0.5 0.6 V All VIH Input High Voltage (All Except XTAL1, XTAL2, RESET 2.0 Vee V All VIH1 Input High Voltage (X1, X2, RESET) 3.8 Vee V All VOL Output Low Voltage (BUS) 0.45 V IOL All ~ut Low Voltage (RD, WR, PSEN, ALE) 0.45 V IOL = = 2.0mA Vou 1.8 mA All VOL2 Output Low Voltage (PROG) 0.45 V IOL = 1.0 mA All VOL3 Output Low Voltage (All Other Outputs) 0.45 V IOL = 1.6 mA All VOH Output High Voltage (BUS) 2.4 V IOH All ~ut High Voltage (RD, WR, PSEN, ALE) 2.4 V IOH = = -400 p.A VOH1 -100 p.A All VOH2 Output High Voltage (All Other Outputs) 2.4 V IOH = -40 p.A All ±10 p.A Vss S; VIN All -500 /A-A Vss + 0.45 .:::; VIN -300 /A-A Vss S; VIN S; 3.8V All ±10 /A-A Vss S; VIN S; Vee All Leak~ lu Current S; Vee (T1,INT) IU1 Input Leakage Current (P10-P17, P20-P27, EA,SS) IU2 Input Leakage Current RESET ILO Leakage Current (BUS, TO) (High Impedance State) 100 + lee Total Supply Current' -10 S; Vee All 80 100 mA 8748H 95 110 mA 8749H NOTE: 'Icc + IDD is measured with all outputs disconnected; ss, RESET, and INT equal 4-25 '0 Vee; EA equal to Vss. intJ D8748H/D8749H A.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol TA = O·Cto +70·C;Vcc Parameter = voo = 5V ±10%;Vss 11 MHz f(t) (Note 3) Min Max 1000 = OV Unit Conditions (Note 1) ns (Note 3) t Clock Period 1/xtal freq 90.9 tLL ALE Pulse Width 3.5t - 170 150 ns tAL Addr Setup to ALE 2t - 110 70 ns tLA Addr Hold from ALE t - 40 50 ns 7.5t - 200 480 ns 6t - 200 350 ns 6.5t - 200 390 ns t - .50 40 ns 1.5t - 30 0 tCC1 Control Pulse Width (RD, WR) tcC2 Control Pulse Width (PSEN) tow Data Setup before WR two Data Hold after WR tOR Data Hold (RD, PSEN) tR01 RDto Data In tR02 PSEN to Data In tAW Addr Setup to WR tA01 Addr Setup to Data (RD) 10.5t - 220 tA02 Addr Setup to Data (PSEN) 7.5t - 200 tAFC1 Addr Float to RD, WR tAFC2 Addr Float to PSEN tLAFC1 ALE to Control (RD, WR) tLAFC2 ALE to Control (PSEN) tCA1 Control to ALE (RD, WR, PROG) tcA2 Control to ALE (PSEN) tcp Port Control Setup to PROG tpc Port Control Hold to PROG tpR PROG to P2 Input Valid 110 ns 6t - 170 375 ns 4.5t - 170 240 ns 5t - 150 300 (Note 2) ns 730 ns 460 ns 140 ns (Note 2) 0.5t - 40 10 ns (Note 2) 3t - 75 200 ns 1.5t - 75 60 ns t - 65 25 ns 2t - 40 4t - 70 290 ns 1.5t - 80 50 ns 4t - 260 100 8.5t - 120 tpF Input Data Hold from PROG top Output Data Setup C:+ _ 1.5t ')on VL "''''''' tpo Output Data Hold tpp PROG Pulse Width ns 650 0 140 ns ns 250 ns 1.5t - 90 40 ns 10.5t - 250 700 ns tpL Port 2 1/0 Setup to ALE 4t - 200 160 ns tLP Port 2 1/0 Hold to ALE 0.5t - 30 15 ns + 100 510 tpv Port Output from ALE IoPRR TO Rep Rate 3t 270 tcv Cycle Time 15t 1.36 4.5t NOTES: ns 15.0 1. Control outputs CL = 80 pF; BUS outputs CL = 150 pF. 2. BUS High Impedance Load 20 pF. 3. f(t) assumes 50% duty cycle on X1, X2. Max clock period is for a 1 MHz crystal input. 4-26 ns /los inter D8748H/D8749H WAVEFORMS INSTRUCTION FETCH FROM PROGRAM MEMORY 1== --I ILAFcl~IY ILL J WRITE TO EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY '1 L________~I~--~L ALE. IAFd2 ALE . 1- ICC2 --l f- J L ICA2 PSEN ADDRESS 210983-6 210983-4 READ FROM EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY INPUT AND OUTPUT FOR A.C. TESTS --/tLAFC1L ALE Jr-----,IL...----:1_ _ _ _-' l 2.4V - - - - - . . O.45V _ _ _ tCA11RD , - -_ _ ----'X~:~: TEST POtNTS::~:~X,-_ _ __ 210983-7 A.C. testing inputs are driven at 2.4V for a Logic "I" and 0.45V for a Logic "0". Output timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a Logic "I" and 0.8V for a Logic "0." 210983-5 4-27 D8748H/D8749H PORT 1/PORT 2 TIMING 2ND I~.IPL --l- I· CYCLE ALE 1 PSEN I P20-23 OUTPUT PCH NEW P20-23 DATA P,?RT 20-23 DATA -t--'------'--'------------7----.-!.--____ I PCH '-------~I P24-27 P10-17 PORT 24-27, PORT 10-17 DATA NEW PORT DATA OUTPUT. -t---~-----------~-------f~-------~I--- --1 ILP ~ - 1 - - - - I L A - - - " + '.. "-IPL~ EXPANDER PORT OUTPUT 1 rp-O-R-T-20--2-3-D-A-TA-;'1 PCH ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- J 'I r------,. PCH INPUT ~IDP I" I-ICA1 IIPD I "'" "' OUTPUT DATA I I, I , EXPANDER PORT I PORT CONTROL . IPR -----I"~I I;) Fl PROG 210983-8 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR MODE CERAMIC RESONATOR MODE C1 ~ =- ~_-r-_----1_ _---j2 XTAL1 . C2 L--.jl I :::;o~-::,:: II 11-11 c!:3HZ T I 31 XTA!..:! C3 210983-9 Cl = S pF ±% pF + (STRAY < S pF) C2 = (CRYSTAL + STRAY) < 8 pF C3 = 20 pF ±1 pF (STRAY < S pF) 210983-10 Crystal series resistance should be less than 301l at 11 MHz; less than 7SIl at 6 MHz; less than 1801l at 3.6 MHz. 4-28 inter D8748H/D8749H DRIVING FROM EXTERNAL SOURCE WARNING An attempt to program a missocketed 8749H (8748H) will result in severe damage to the part. An indication of a properly socketed part is the appearance of the ALE clock output. The lack of this clock may be used to disable the programmer. +5V 47011 2 XTAL1 )0-+----=-1 The ProgramlVerify sequence is: 47011 1) Voo = 5V, Clock applied or internal oscillator operating. RESET = OV, TEST 0 = 5V, EA = 5V, BUS and PROG floating. P10 and P11 must be . . tied to ground. '-----'--,3;;-1 XTAL2 210983-11 For XTAL1 and XTAL2 define "high" as voltages above 1.6Vand "low" as voltages below 1.6V. The duty cycle requirements for externally driving XTAL1 and XTAL2 using the circuit shown above are as follows: XTAL1 must be high 35-65% of the period and XTAL2 must be high 36-65% of the period. Rise and fall times must be faster than 20 ns. 2) Insert 8749H (8748H) in programming socket. 3) TEST 0 = OV (select program mode) 4) EA = 18V (activate program mode) 5) Address applied to BUS and P20-22 PROGRAMMING, VERIFYING AND ERASING THE 8749H (8748H) EPROM 6) RESET = 5V (latch address) 7) Data applied to BUS 8) Voo = 21V (programming power) Programming Verification 9) PROG = Vee or float followed by one 50 ms pulse to 18V In brief, the programming process consists of: activating the program mode, applying an address, latching the address, applying data, and applying a programming pulse. Each word is programmed completely before moving on to the next and is followed by a verification step. The following is a list of the pins used for programming and a description of their functions: Pin XTAL 1 XTAL2 RESET TEST 0 EA BUS P20-P22 Voo· PROG 10) Voo = 5V 11) TEST 0 = 5V (verify mode) 12) Read and verify data on BUS 13) TEST 0 = OV 14) RESET = OV and repeat from step 5 15) Programmer should be at conditions of step 1 when 8749H (8748H) is removed from socket. Function Clock Input (3 to 4.0 MHz) Initialization and Address Latching Selection of Program or Verify Mode Activation of ProgramlVerify Modes Address and Data Input Data Output During Verify Address Input Programming Power Supply Program Pulse Input 4-29 D8748H/D8749H A.C. TIMING SPECIFICATION FOR PROGRAMMING 8748H/8749H TA= 25°C ±5°C; VCC = 5V ±5%; VOO = 21V ±0.5V Symbol Parameter Min t tAW Address Setup Time to RESET tWA Address Hold Time after RESET Data in Setup Time to PROG two Data il"! Hold Time after PROG tpH RESET Hold Time to Verify tvoow Voo Hold Time before PROG tVOOH J.. Voo Hold Time after PROG Unit 0 1.0 ms 0 1.0 ms 50 60 ms 4tCY 4tCY J.. . 4tCY 4tCY t tpw Program Pulse Width tTW TEST 0 Setup Time for Program Mode 4tCY twr TEST 0 Hold Time after Program Mode 4tCY too TEST 0 to Data Out Delay tww RESET Pulse Width to Latch Address t r• tl Voo and PROG Rise and Fall Times 0.5 100 /ks tCY CPU Operation Cycle Time 3.75 5 /ks tRE RESET Setup Time before EA t If TEST 0 is high, too can be triggered by RESET· t . .. NOTE: Test Conditions 4tCY t t tow Max 4tCY· 4tCY 4tCY D.C. SPECIFICATION FOR PROGRAMMING 8748H/8749H TA = 25°C ±5°C; Vcc = 5V ±5%; Voo = 21V ±0.5V Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit VOOH Voo Program Voltage High Level 20.5 21.5 V VOOL VOO Voltage Low Level 4.75 5.25 V VPH PROG Program Voltage High Level 17.5 . 18.5 V VPL PROG Voltage Low Level 4.0 Vcc V VEAH EA Program or Verify Voltage High Level 17.5 100 VOO High Voltage Supply Current 18.5 V 20.0 mA IpROG PROG High Voltage Supply Current 1.0 mA lEA EA High Voltage Supply Current 1.0 mA 4-30 Test Conditions intJ D8748H/D8749H WAVEFORMS COMBINATION PROGRAM/VERIFY'MODE (EPROMs ONLY) VEAH EA Vee __+_J I-------PROGRAM-------t--VERIFY--t----PROGRAM- TO Vee VIL1 Vee RESET VIL1 DBO-DB7 IAW+----r~+IWA ==>--- DATA TO BE PROGRAMMED VALID __ -{NEXT AODRX= VALID LAST ADDRESS NEXT ADDRESS tyDDW~r~~ V;:'DH VDDL----------~~ PRoi:: _ _ _ - _______ I I ~-------------------------------:~EV__TI~: __________________. 210983-12 VERIFY MODE \~ __--J/ DBO-DB7 ==>--- ADDRESS (0-7) VALID - - ____-J)('-____ A_D_D_RE_S_S_(_8-_9_)V_A_L_ID_ _ _ -< \~- X NI:XT ,-_ _ A_DD_R...;.E",;S;,;;S_J NEXT DATA)OUT VALID ~)(~_ _ _ _ _N_E_X_T_A_D_D_R_E_SS_V_A_L_ID_ __ 210983-13 4·31 intJ D8748H/D8749H SUGGESTED EPROM VERIFICATION ALGORITHM FOR HMOS-E DEVICE ONLY INITIAL.EPROM DUMP CYCLE ALE ,(NOTE1) SUBSEQUENT EPROM DUMP CYCLES : (OUTPUT) +18V , , : (INPUT) ,, I EA-----.J DB----I ADDRESS ,I H L....--'("'"IN"'"P""UT=-)-..1 I ,,, ROM DATA (OUTPUT) H ADDRESS , (INPUT) ~-~------(OUTPUT): I , TO, RESET - - - - - - - - ' P20·P23 , (INPUT) ,, ---i.____A_D_D_R_ES_S_ _ _--4Hl__--=A::DD:R:E::S:S_'_~..t-----~-: (INPUT) 210983-14 A10 A11 48H 49B o o ADDR Vee = Vee = +5V Vss = OV o NOTE: ALE is function of X1. X2 inputs. 4-32 MCS®-48 EXPRESS • O°C to 70°C Operation • - 40°C to • 168 Hr. Burn-In + 85°C Operation • 8048AH/8035AHL • 8748H • 8049AH/8039AHL • 8243 • 8050AH/8040AHL • 8749H The new Intel EXPRESS family of single-component 8-bit microcomputers offers enhanced processing options to the familiar 8048AH/8035AHL. 8748H. 8049AH/8039AHL. 8749H. 8050AH/8040AHL Intel components. These EXPRESS products are designed to meet the needs of those applications whose operating requirements exceed commercial standards. but fall short of military conditions. The EXPRESS options include the commercial standard and -40·C to + 85°C operation with or without 168 ±8 hours of dynamic burn-in at 125·C per MIL-STD-883. method 1015. Figure 1 summarizes the option marking designators and package selections. For a complete description of 8048AH/8035AHL. 8748H. 8049AH/8309AHL. 8749H. 8040AHL and 8050AH features and operating characteristics, refer to the respective standard commercial grade data sheet. This document highlights only the electrical specifications which differ from the respective commercial part. I I Temp Range ·C 0-70 -40-+85 0-70 -40-+85 Burn In OHrs OHrs 168 Hrs 168 Hrs P8048AH D8048AH D8748H P8035AHL D8035AHL P8049AH D8049AH D8749H P8039AHL D8039AHL P8050AH D8050AH P8040AHL D8040AHL P8243 D8243 TP8048AH TD8048AH TD8748H TP8035AHL TD8035AHL TP8049AH TD8049AH TD8749AH TP8039AHL TD8039AHL TP8050AH TD8050AH TP8040AHL TD8040AHL TP8243 TD8243 QP8048AH QD8048AH QD8748H QP8035AHL QD8035AHL QP8049AH QD8049AH QD8749H QP8039AHL QD8039AHL QP8050AH QD8050AH QP8040AHL QD8040AHL QP8243 QD8243 LP8048AH LD8048AH LD8748H LP8035AHL LD8035AHL LP8049AH LD8049AH LD8749AH· LP8039AHL LD8039AHL LP8050AH LD8050AH LP8040AHL LD8040AHL LD8243 • Commercial Grade P Plastic Package o Cerdip Package 4-33 September 1987 Order Number: 270225-002 MCS@·48 EXPRESS Extended Temperature ElectrIcal Specification Deviations· TP8048AH/TP8035AHL/LP8048AH/LP8035AHL TD8048AH/TDB035AHL/LD8048AH/LD8035AHL D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = -40·Cto +8S·C;Vee = Voo = Symbol Limits Parameter Min VIH Input High Voltage (All Except XTAL1, XTAL2, RESEn sv ±10%;Vss = OV Typ 2.2 Unit Test Conditions Max Vee V 100 Voo Supply Current 4 8 rnA 100 + Icc Total Supply Current 40 80 rnA TP8049AH/TP8039AHL/LP8049AH/LP8039AHL TD8049AH/TD8039AHL/LD8049AH/LD8039AHL D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = -40·Cto +8S·C; Vee = Voo = SV ±10%; Vss = OV Symbol Limits Parameter Min VIH Input High Voltage (All Except XTAL 1, )ITAL2, RESET) Typ 2.2 Unit Test Conditions Max Vee V 100 Voo Supply Current S 10 rnA 100 + Icc Total Supply Current SO 100 rnA . TP8050AH/TP8040AHL/LP8050AHL/LP8040AHL TD8050AH/TD8040AHL/LD8050AH/LD8040AHL D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = -40·Cto +8S·C;Vee = Voo = 5V ±10%;Vss = OV Symbol Limits Parameter Min VIH Input High Voltage (All Except XTAL1, XTAL2, RESEn Typ 2.2 Unit Max Vee V 100 Voo Supply Current 10 20 rnA 100 + Icc Total Supply Current 7S 120 rnA 4-34 Test Conditions MCS®-48 EXPRESS Extended Temperature Electrical Specification Deviations' TD8748H/LD8748H D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = -40·Cto + 85·C; vee = voo = 5V ±10%;Vss = OV Symbol Limits Parameter Input High Voltage (All Except XTAL1, XTAL2, RESET) VIH 100 + lee Unit Typ Min 2.2 Total Supply Current Test Conditions Max 50 Vee V 130 mA TD8749H/LD8749H· D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = -40·C to + 85·C; Vee = Voo = 5V ± 10%; Vss = OV Symbol Limits Parameter Input High Voltage (All Except XTAL 1, XTAL2, RESET) VIH 100 + lee Unit Typ Min 2.2 Total Supply Current Test Conditions Max 75 Vee V 150 mA TP8743/TD8243/LD8243 D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = -40·Cto + 85·C; Vee = 5V ±10%;Vss = OV Symbol limits Parameter Min lee . .. Vee Supply Current I I Typ 15 I I .. Unit Max • Refer to ind,v,dual commercIal grade data sheet for complete operatIng characteristIcs. 4-35 25 rnA Test Conditions MCS®-48 INDEX 8 8243 Expander, 2-4 8243 Port Characteristics, 2-5 A Accumulator, 1-1 Addressing Beyond 2K, 2-1 Addressing External Data Memory, 2-4 ALE, 1-17,2-9 ALU, 1-1 Arithmetic Logic Unit, 1-1 I/O Expander Device (8243), 2-4 I/O Expansion, 2-4; 2-5 I/O Port Characteristics,.2-5 I/O Port Restore, 2-2 Instruction Decoder, 1-1 Instruction Fetch (External), 2-1 INT, 1-17 Interrupt, 1-5, 1-7 Interrupt Routines, 2-2 'Interrupt Timing, 1-7 M Memory Bank Switch, 2-1 Memory Bank Switching, 2-8 Memory Expansion; 2-5 Multi-Chip Systems, 2-7 B Bus, 1-5, 1-17, 2-9 c o Clock Circuits, 1-9 Conditional Branches, .1-6 Control Signals, 2-8 Counter, 1-7 Cycle Counter, 1-10 Oscillator, 1-9 p Pin Description, 1-16 Port 1, 1-5, 1-17 Port 2, 1-5, 2-9 Port Characteristics, 2-9 Power Down, 1-13 PROG, 1-17,2-9 Program Counter, 1-5 Program Memory, 1-1 Program Status Word; i-6 Programming EPROM, 1-18 PSEN,2-9 PSW, 1-6 D Data Memory, 1-3 E EA, 1-15 Erasing EPROM, 1-18 Erasure Characteristics, 1-18 Event Counter, 1-9 Expansion of Data Memory, 2-3 Expansion of I/O, 2-4 Expansion of Program Memory, 2-1 Extended Addressing, 2-1 External Access Mode, 1-15 External Data Memory Addressing, 2-4 External Instruction Fetch, 2-1 R RD, 1-17, 2-9 Read Cycle, 2-3 Reset, 1-10, 1-17 Restoring I/O Ports, 2-2 4-36 s v Single Step, 1-11, 1-14 Stack, 1-5 State Counter, 1-10 Sync Mode, 1-15 Vee, 1-17 VDD,I-17 Verifying EPROM, 1-18 VSS, 1-17 T W TO, 1-5, 1-17 TI, 1-5, 1-17 Test Inputs, 1-5 Timer, 1-7, 1-9 Timing, 1-13 Timing Circuits, 1-9 WR, 1-17,2-9 Write Cycle, 2-3 4-37 MCS® . . 51 Architectural Overview 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW OF THE MCS®-S1 FAMILY OF MICROCONTROLLERS MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY The MCS®-Sl family of microcontrollers consists of the devices listed in Table 1. The basic architectural structure of these devices is shown in Figure 1. . i-------. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS 8K ROM IN 8052 I I I 4K ROM 1-------· j-·------I ~~----l (8052) TIMER2 I 256 BYTES RAM IN 8052 I COUNTER INPUTS TIMER 1 128 BYTES RAM TIMER 0 TXD RXD ADDRESS/DATA 270251-1 Figure 1. Block Diagram of the 8051/8052AH Table 1. The MCS®-51 Family of Microcontrollers Device Name ROMless Version EPROM Version ROM Bytes RAM Bytes 16-Bit Timers Ckt Type 8051 8031 (8751) 4K 128 2 HMOS 8051AH 8031AH 8751H 4K 128 2 HMOS 8052AH 8032AH 8752BH 8K 256 3 HMOS 80C51BH 80C31BH 87C51 4K 128 2 CHMOS 83C51FA 80C51FA 87C51FA 8K 256 4 CHMOS 83C152 80C152 87C152 8K 256 2 CHMOS 5-1 intJ MCS®·51 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW 8051 80C51BH The 8051 is the original member of the MCS-51 Family, and has been in production since 1981. Among the features of the 8051 are: The 80C51BH is the CHMOS verSion of the 8051. Functionally, it is fully compatible with the 8051, but being CMOS it draws less current than its HMOS counterpart. To further exploit the power savings available in CMOS circuitry, two reduced power modes are added: • 8-bit CPU optimized for control applications • Extensive Boolean processing (single-bit logic) capabilities • Software-invoked Idle Mode, during which the CPU is turned off while the RAM and other. on-chip peripherals continue operating. In this mode, current draw is reduced to about 15% of the current drawn when the device is fully active.- • 32 bidirectional and individually addressable I/O lines • 128 bytes of on-chip Data RAM • Two 16-bit timer/counters • • • • • • • Software-invoked Power Down Mode, during which all on-chip activities are suspended. The on-chip RAM continues to hold its data. In this mode the device typically draws less than 10 p.A. Full duplex UART 5-source interrupt structure with 2 priority levels On-chip clock oscillator 4K bytes of on-chip Program Memory 64K Program Memory address space 64K Data Memory address space Although the 80C51BH is functionally compatible with its HMOS counterpart, specific differences between the two types of devices must be considered in the design of an application circuit if one wishes to ensure complete interchangeability between the HMOS and .CHMOS devices. These considerations are discussed in the Application Note AP-252, "Designing with the 8OC51BH". The 8031 differs from the 8051 in not having the onchip Program ROM. Instead, the 8031 fetches all instructions from external memory. The EPROM version of the 8051, the 8751, is no longer in production. It has been superseded by the 8751H. The ROMIess version of the 80C5IBH is the 80C3IBH. The EPROM version is the 87C51. 8051AH 83C51FA The 8051AH is identical to the 8051, but is fabricated with HMOS II technology. It is pin-for-pin compatible with the 8051. The 83C51FA is an enhanced version of the 80C51BH and is backwards compatible with the 80C51BH. The new features which have been incorporated are as follows: • Programmable Counter Array with Compare/Capture High Speed Output Pulse Width Modulator Watchdog Timer The ROMless version of the 8051AH is the 8031AH. The EPROM version is the 8751H. 8052AH ~ The 8052AH is an enhanced 8051. It is fabricated with • Programmable Serial Channel Automatic Address Recognition Framing Error Detection HMOS II technology, and is backwards compatible with the 8051. Its enhancements over the 8051 are as follows: • • • • • • 256 bytes of on-chip Data RAM • Three timer/counters • 6-source interrupt structure • 8K bytes of on-chip Program ROM The ROMless version of the 8052AH is the 8032AH. The EPROM version is the 8752BH. Enhanced Power Down Mode Up/down timer/counter 8 Kbytes of on-chip Program ROM 256 bytes of on-chip Data RAM 7-source interrupt structure For further information on these new features, refer to the "Hardware Description of the 83C51FA" chapter. A separate product, the 8052AH-BASIC, is an 8052AH with a full BASIC interpreter in the on-chip ROM. . The ROMless version of the 83C51FA is the80c51FA. The EPROM version is the 87C51FA. 5-2 inter MCS®-51 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW ________ _ DATA MEMORY __ ______ _ PROGRAM MEMORY (READ ONLY) '<~~2~~~T:t .-----------------------FFFFH: ...---., FFFFH: EXTERNAL EXTERNAL INTERNAL FFH.tp-----,, ,, " EA=O EXTERNAL EA=1 INTERNAL 1-"""2:--'+- 0000 -+L-_ _..1 00 0000 L...,..---r...J .--.--~------------------270251-2 Figure 2. MCS®·51 Memory Structure The ROMless version of the 83ClS2 is the 80ClS2. There is no EPROM version for the 83ClS2 but a version is offered which has an additional two ports which can be connected to an EPROM for ROM development. 83C152 The 83C152 is an enhanced version of the 80CSIBH and is 100% compatible with code written for the 80CSIBH. Some of the new features which have been incorporated are: • Global Serial Channel (GSC)A high speed serial communication link capable of transmitting data in excess of 2 Mbps in either HDLC or CSMA/CD protocols. • Two DMA ChannelsEach DMA channel is capable of transferring 64 Kbytes of data. Options include: automatic ad· dressing, automatic servicing of the GSC or UART, alternate cycle transfers, and burst data transfers. The source andlor destination can be internal RAM, external RAM, or SFR memory space. Most DMA transfers take 1 machine cycle to complete. • Port 4-:The 83ClS2 has added an additional port called port 4. Because of the added port, the 83ClS2 is available in 48·pin DIP or 68·pin PLCC packages. • 8 Kbytes of on-chip program ROM • 2S6 bytes of on-chip data RAM • 11 interrupt vectors MEMORY ORGANIZATION IN MCS®·51 DEVICES Logical Separation of Program and Data Memory All MCS-Sl devices have separate address spaces for Program and Data Memory, as shown in Figure 2. The logical separation of Program and Data Memory allows the Data Memory to be accessed by 8-bit addresses, which can be more quickly stored and manipulated by an 8-bit CPU. Nevertheless, 16-bit Data Memory addresses .can also be generated through the DPTR regis· ter. Program Memory can only be read, not written to. There can be up to 64K bytes of Program Memory. In the 80S1, 80S1AH,80C5IBH, and their EPROM versions, the lowest 4K bytes of Program Memory are on· chip. The 80S2AH, 83CSIFA, and .83ClS2 provide 8 Kbytes of on-chip Program Memory storage. In the For more information oli the 83ClS2 please refer to the "Hardware Description" chapter on this product. 5-3 MCS®-51 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW ROMless versions all Program Memory is' external. The read strobe for external Program Memory is the signal PSEN (Program Store Enable). The lowest 4K (or 8K, in the 8052AH, 83C51FA and 83CI5~) bytes of Program Memory can be either in the on-chip ROM or in an external ROM. This selection is made by strapping the EA (External Access) pin to either Vee or Vss. Data Memory occupies a separate address space from Program Memory. Up to 64K bytes of external RAM can be addressed in the external Data Memo~ace. The CPU generates read and write signals, RD and WR, as needed during external Data Memory accesses. In the 8051 and its derivatives, if the EA pin is strapped to Vco then program fetches' to addresses OOOOH through OFFFH are directed to the internal ROM. Program fetches to addresses l000H through FFFFH are directed to external ROM. External Program Memory and external Data Memory may be combined if desired by applying the RD and PSEN signals to the inputs of an AND gate and using the output of the gate as the read strobe to the external Program/Data memory. In the 8052AH and the other 8K ROM parts, EA = Vee selects addresses OOOOH through lFFFH to be internal, and addresses 2000H through FFFFH to be externai. Program Memory If the EA pin is strapped to Vss, then all program fetches are directed to external ROM. The ROMless parts (8031, 8032AH, etc.) must have this pin externally strapped to Vss to enable them to execute from external Program Memory. Figure 3 shows a map of the lower part ofthe Program Memory. After reset, the CPU begins execution from location OOOOH. As shown in Figure 3, each interrupt is assigned a fixed location in Program Memory. The interrupt causes the, CPU to jump to that location, where it commences execution of the service routine. External Interrupt 0, for example, is assigned to location 0003H. If External Interrupt 0 is going to be used, its service routine must begin at location 0003H. If the interrupt is not going to be used, its service location is available as general purpose Program Memory. The read strobe to external ROM, PSEN, is used for all external program fetches. PSEN is not activated for internal program fetches. EPROM LATCH P2~=====:;)f (0033H) INTERRUPT LOCATIONS [ iJ 002BH 270251-4 0023H Figure 4. Executing from External Program Memory 00' BH :::::=t , 0003H RESET , OOOOH 8 BYTES The hardware configuration for external program execution is shown in Fignre 4. Note that 16 I/O lines (Ports 0 and 2) are dedicated to bus functions during external Program Memory fetches., Port 0 (pO in Figure 4) serves as a multiplexed' address/data bus. It emits the low byte of the Program Counter (PCL) as an address, and then goes into a float state awaiting the arrival of the code byte from the Program Memory. During the time that the low byte of the Program Counter is' valid on PO, the signal ALE (Address Latch Enable) clocks this byte into an address latch. Meanwhile, Port 2 (P2 in Figure 4) emits the high byte of the Program Counter (pCR). Then PSEN strobes the EPROM and ' the code byte is read into the microcontroller. 270251-3 Figure 3. MCS®-51 Program Memory The interrupt service locations are spaced at 8--byte intervals: 0003H for External Interrupt 0, OOOBH for Timer 0, OO13H for External Interrupt 1, 001BH for Timer 1, etc. If an interrupt service routine is short enough (as is often the case in control applications), it can reside entirely within that 8-byte interval. Longer service routines can use it jump instruction to skip over subsequent interrupt locations, if other interrupts are in use. 5-4 MCS®-51 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW Program Memory addresses are always 16 bits wide, even though the actual amount of Program Memory used may be less than 64K bytes. External program execution sacrifices two of the 8-bit ports, PO and P2, to the function of addressing the Program Memory. Internal Data Memory is mapped in Figure 6. The memory space is shown divided into three blocks, which are generally referred to as the Lower 128, the Upper 128, and SFR space. Internal Data Memory addresses are always one byte wide, which implies an address space of only 256 bytes. However, the addressing modes for internal RAM can in fact accommodate 384 bytes, using a simple trick. Direct addresses higher than 7FH access one memory space, and indirect addresses higher than 7FH access a different memory space. Thus Figure 6 shows the Upper 128 and SFR space occupying the same block of addresses, 80H through FFH, although they are physically separate entities. Data Memory The right half of Figure 2 shows the internal and external Data Memory spaces available to the MCS-51 user. Figure 5 shows a hardware configuration for accessing up to 2K bytes of external RAM. The CPU in this case is executing from internal ROM. Port 0 serves as a multiplexed address/data bus to the RAM, and 3 lines of Port 2 are being used to page the RAM. The CPU generates RD and WR signals as needed during external RAM accesses. ,...------./1 7FH BANK SELECT BITS IN DATA 2FH PSW~ 11{ 10{ 01 { 00 { T-ADDRESSABLE SPACE } BI (B IT ADDRESSES 0-7F) 20H lFH 18H 17H 10H OFH 08H 07H 0 4 BANKS OF 8 REGISTERS R0-R7 - RESET VALUE OF STACK POINTER 270251-7 Figure 7. The Lower 128 Bytes of Internal RAM 270251-5 Figure 5. Accessing External Data Memory. If the Program Memory Is Internal, the Other Bits of P2 are Available as 110. The Lower 128 bytes of RAM are present in all MeS-51 devices as mapped in Figure 7. The lowest 32 bytes are grouped into 4 banks of 8 registers. Program instructions callout these registers as RO through R7. Two bits in the Program Status Word (PSW) select which register bank is in use. This allows more efficient use of code space, since register instructions are shorter than instructions that use direct addressing. There can be up to 64K bytes of external Data Memory. External Data Memory addresses can be either 1 or 2 bytes wide. One-byte addresses are often used in conjunction with one or more other I/O lines to page the RAM, as shown in Figure 5. Two-byte addresses can also be used, in which case the high address byte is emitted at Port 2. FFH FFHP--------r----., FFH : ACCESSIBLE ACCESSIBLE UPPER I BY INDIRECT BY DIRECT 128 I ADDRESSING ADDRESSING 80H: ONLY 80H 7FH ACCESSIBLE LOWER BY DIRECT 128 AND INDIRECT ADDRESSING OL-_ _- - ' ~ SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS NO BIT-ADDRESSABLE SPACES AVAILABLE AS STACK SPACE IN 8052AH. 83C51 FA. 83C152 } PORTS STATUS AND CONTROL BITS TIMER REGISTERS STACK POINTER ACCUMULATOR (ETC.) NOT IMPLEMENTED IN 8051 80H 270251-8 270251-6 Figure 8. The Upper 128 Bytes of Internal RAM Figure 6. Internal Data Memory 5·5 inter MCS®-51 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW I CY I AC I Fa I RSll RSO I ov Ip I I ,J L PSW 7 CARRY FLAG RECEIVES CARRY OUT FROM BIT 1 OF ALU OPERANDS - PSW 6i AUXILIARY CARRY FLAG RECEIVES CARRY OUT FROM BIT 1 OF ADDITION OPERANDS PSW 5 GENERAL PURPOSE STATUS FLAG PSW 1 USER DEFINABLE FLAG PSW 2 OVERFLOW FLAG SET BY ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS PSW 4 REGISTER BANK SELECT BIT 1 , PSW 0 PARITY OF ACCUMULATOR SET BY HARDWARE TO 1 IF IT CONTAINS AN ODD NUMBER OF 1S, OTHERWISE IT IS RESET TO 0 PSW 3 REGISTER BANK SELECT BIT 0 270251-10 Figure 10, PSW (Program Status Word) Register in MCS®·51 Devices Sixteen addresses in SFR space are both byte- and bitaddressable. The bit-addressable SFRs are those whose address ends in OOOB. The bit addresses in this area are 80H through FFH. The next 16 bytes above the register banks form a block of bit-addressable memory space. The MCS-51 instruction set includes a wide selection of single-bit instructions, and the 128 bits in this area can be directly addressed by these instructions. The bit addresses in this area are OOH through 7FH. THE MCS®·51 INSTRUCTION SET All of the bytes in the Lower 128 can be accessed by either direct or indirect addressing. The Upper 128 (Figure 8) can only be accessed by indirect addressing. The Upper 128 bytes of RAM are not implemented in the 8051, but are in the 8052AH, 83C51FA, and 83C152. All members of the MCS-51 family execute the same instruction set. The MCS-51 instruction set is optimized for 8-bit control applications. It provides a variety of fast addressing modes for accessing the internal RAM to facilitate byte operations on smaIl data structures. The instruction set provides extensive support for one-bit variables as a separate data type, allowing direct bit manipulation in control and logic systems that require Boolean processing. Figure 9 gives a brief look at the Special Function Register (SFR) space. SFRs include the Port latches, timers, peripheral controls, etc. These registers can only be accessed by direct addressing. In general, all MCS-51 microcontrollers have the same SFRs as the 8051, and at the same addresses in SFR space. However, enhancements to the, 8051 have additional SFRs that are not present in the 8051, nor perhaps in other proliferations of the family. rrH ,, EOH ACC , BOH An overview of the MCS-51 instruction set is presented below, with a brief description of how certain instructions might be used. References to "the assembler" in this discussion are to Intel's MCS-51 Macro Assembler, ASM51. More detailed information on the instruction set can be found in the MCS-51 Macro Assembler User's Guide (Order No. 9800937 for ISIS Sysiems, Ordet No. 122752 for DOS Systems). REGISTER-MAPPED PORTS Program Status Word ADDRESSES THAT END IN OH OR 8H ARE ALSO BIT-ADDRESSABLE ' The Program Status Word (pSW) ,contains several status bits that reflect the current state of the CPU. The PSW, shown in Figure 10, resides in SFR space. It contains the Carry bit, the Auxiliary Carry (for BCD operations), the two register bank select bits, the Overflow flag, a Parity bit, and two user-defmable status flags. PORT 3 , AOH PORT 2 90H PORT 1 -PORT PINS -ACCUMULATOR -PSW '(ETC.) The Carry bit, other than serving the functions of a Carry bit in arithmetic operations, also serves as the "Accumulator" for a number of Boolean operations. I SOH PORT 0 270251-9 Figure 9. SFR Space 5-6 MCS®-51 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW The bits RSO and RSI are used to select one of the four register banks shown in Figure 7. A number of instructions refer to these RAM locations as RO through R7. The selection of which of the four banks is being referred to is made on the basis of the bits RSO and RS 1 at execution time. IMMEDIATE CONSTANTS The value of a constant can follow the opcode in Program Memory. For example, MOV A, #100 The Parity bit reflects the number of Is in the Accumulator: P = 1 if the Accumulator contains an odd number of Is, and P = 0 if the Accumulator contains an even number of Is. Thus the number of Is in the Accumulator plus P is always even. loads the Accumulator with the decimal number 100. The same number could be specified in hex digits as 64H. Two bits in the PSW are uncommitted and may be used as general purpose status flags. Only Program Memory can be accessed with indexed addressing, and it can only be read. This addressing mode is intended for reading look-up tables in Program Memory. A 16-bit base register (either DPTR or the Program Counter) points to the base of the table, an.d the Accumulator is set up with the table entry number. The address of the table entry in Program Memory is formed by adding the Accumulator data to the base pointer. INDEXED ADDRESSING Addressing Modes The addressing modes in the MCS-51 instruction set are as follows: DIRECT ADDRESSING Another type of indexed addressing is used in the "case jump" instruction. In this case the destination address of a jump instruction is computed as the sum of the base pointer and the Accumulator data. In direct addressing the operand is specified by an 8-bit address field in the instruction. Only internal Data RAM and SFRs can be directly addressed. INDIRECT ADDRESSING Arithmetic Instructions In indirect addressing the instruction specifies a register which contains the address of the operand. Both internal and external RAM can be indirectly addressed. The menu of arithmetic instructions is listed in Table 2. The table indicates the addressing modes that can be used with each instruction to access the operand. For example, the ADD A, instruction can be written as: The address register for 8-bit addresses can be RO or RI of the selected register bank, or the Stack Pointer. The address register for 16-bit addresses can only be the 16-bit "data pointer" register, DPTR. ADD ADD ADD ADD REGISTER INSTRUCTIONS The register banks, containing registers RO through R7, can be accessed by certain instructions which carry a 3-bit register specification within the opcode of the instruction. Instructions that access the registers this way are code efficient, since this mode eliminates an address byte. When the instruction is executed, one of the eight registers in the selected bank is accessed. One of four banks is selected at execution time by the two bank seleCt bits in the PSW. A,7FH A,@RO A,R7 A,#127 (direct addressing) (indirect addressing) (register addressing) (immediate constant) The execution times listed in Table 2 assume a 12 MHz clock frequency. All of the arithmetic instructions execute in 1 ,""S except the INC DPTR instruction, which takes 2 '""~, and the Multiply and Divide instructions, which take 4 ,""s. Note that any byte in the internal Data Memory space can be incremented or decremented without going through the Accumulator. One of the INC instructions operates on the 16-bit Data Pointer. The Data Pointer is used to generate 16-bit addresses for external memory, so being able to increment.it in one 16-bit operation is a useful feature. REGISTER-5PECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS Some instructions are specific to a certain register. For example, some instructions always operate on the Accumulator, or Data Pointer, etc., so no address byte is needed to point to it. The opcode itself does that. Instructions that refer to the Accumlator as A assemble as accumulator-specific opcodes. The MUL AB instruction multiplies the Accumulator by the data in the B register and puts the 16-bit product into the concatenated B and Accumulator registers. 5-7 intJ MCS®-51 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW Table 2. A Li~t of the MCS®-51 Arithmetic Instructions Mnemonic Olr Addressing Modes Ind Reg Imm Execution Time (/Ls) Operation A = A + X X X X 1 ADDC A, < byte> A = A + + C X X X X 1 SUBB A, A = A - - C X X X X INC A A=A+1 INC = + 1 ADD A, 1 Accumulator only X X 1 X 1 INC DPTR DPTR = DPTR + 1 Data POinter only 2 DEC A A=A-1 Accumulator only 1 DEC = - 1 MUL AB B:A = BxA ACC and B only DIV AB A = Int [AlB] B = Mod [AlB] ACC and B only DA A Decimal Adjust Accumulator only X The DIV AB instruction divides the Accumulator by the data in the B register and leaves the 8-bit quotient in the Accumulator, and the 8-bit remainder in the B register. X X 1 4 4 1 completes the shift in 4 /Ls and leaves the B register holding the bits that were shifted out. The DA A instruction is for BCD arithmetic operations. In BCD arithmetic, ADD and ADDC instructions should always be followed by a DA A operation, to ensure that the result is also in BCD. Note that DA A will not convert a binary number to BCD. The DA A operation produces a meaningful result only as the second step in the addition of two BCD bytes. Oddly enough, DIV AB finds less use in arithmetic "divide" routines than in radix conversions and pro-· grammable shift operations. An example of the use of DIV AB in a radix conversion will be given later. In shift operations, dividing a number by 2n shifts its n bits to the right. Using DIV AB to perform the division Table 3. A List of the MCS®-51 Logical Instructions Mnemonic Addressing Modes Oir Ind Reg Imm Execution Time (/Ls) X X X 1 Operation ANL A, A = A .AND. X ANL ANL ,A ,#data = .AND. A = .AND. #data X X X A, ORL ,A ORL ,#data XRL A, XRL ,A XRL < byte> , # data CRL A CPL A RL A RLC A RR A RRC A SWAP A ORL A _ 1"\ - A '"'0 .......... .+ ........... n .vn ........ uy ..' C ' = .OR. A )( = .OR. #data X A = A .XOR. X X = .XOR.A 1 2 X X X X X 1 X 1 2 .1 Rotate Left through Carry Accumulator only Rotate ACC Right 1 bit Rotate Right through Carry Accumulator only· Accumulator only 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Swap Nibbles in A Accumulator only. 1 = .XOR. #data A = OOH A = .NOT.A X Accumulator only Accumulator only Accumulatoronly Rotate ACC Left 1 bit 5-8 .. inter MCS®-51 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW The SWAP A instru.:;tion interchanges the high and low nibbles within the Accumulator. This is a useful operation in BCD manipulations. For example, if the Accumulator contains a binary number which is known to be less than 100, it can be quickly converted to BCD by the following code: Logical Instructions Table 3 shows the list of MCS-51 logical instructions. The instructions that perform Boolean operations (AND, OR, Exclusive OR, NOT) on bytes perform the operation on a bit-by-bit basis. That is, if the Accumulator contains OOllOlOlB and contains OlOlOOllB, then ANL B,#l0 AB SWAP A ADD A,B MOY DIY A, will leave the Accumulator holding OOOlOOOlB. Dividing the number by 10 leaves the tens digit in the low nibble of the Accumulator, and the ones digit in the B register. The SWAP and ADD instructions move the tens digit to the high nibble of the Accumulator, and the ones digit to the low nibble., The addressing modes that can be used to access the operand are listed in Table 3. Thus, the ANL A, instruction may take any of the forms ANL ANL ANL ANL A,7FH A,@RI A,R6 A,#53H (direct addressing) (indirect addressing) (register addressing) (immediate constant) Data Transfers INTERNAL RAM All of the logical instructions that are Accumulatorspecific execute in I/Ls (using a 12 MHz clock). The others take 2 /Ls. Table 4 shows the menu of instructions that are available for moving data around within the internal memory spaces, and the addressing modes that can be used, with each one. With a 12 MHz dock, all of these instructions execute in either I or 2 /Ls. Note that Boolean operations can be performed on any byte in the internal Data Memory space without going through the Accumulator. The XRL , #data instruction, for example, offers a quick and easy way to invert port bits, as in XRL The MOY , instruction allows data to be transferred between any two internal RAM or SFR locations without going through the Accumulator. Remember the Upper 128 byes of data RAM can be accessed only by indirect addressing, and SFR space only by direct addressing. PI,#OFFH If the operation is in response to an interrupt, not using the Accumulator saves the time and effort to stack it in the service routine. Note that in all MCS-51 devices, the stack resides in on-chip RAM, and grows upwards. The PUSH instruction first increments the Stack Pointer (SP), then copies the byte into the stack. PUSH and POP use only direct 'addressing to identify the byte being saved or restored, , The Rotate instructions (RL A, RLC A, etc.) shift the Accumulator 1 bit to the left or right. For a left rotation, the MSB rolls into the LSB position. For a right rotation, the LSB rolls into the MSB position. Table 4. A List of the MCS®-S1 Data Transfer Instructions that Access Internal Data Memory Space Mnemonic Addressing Modes Operation Dir - Ind Reg Imm Execution Time (/Ls) X 1 MOV A, A"C X X X MOV ,A = A X X X MOV , = X X X MOV DPTR,#data16 DPTR = 16-bit immediate constant. PUSH INC SP: MOV "@SP", X POP MOV , "@SP" : DEC SP X XCH A, ACC and exchange data X XCHD A,@Ri ACC and @Ri exchange low nibbles 5-9 1 X 2 X 2 2 2 X X X 1 1 inter MCS®-51 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW but the stack itself is accessed by indirect addressing using the SP register. This means the stack can go into the Upper 128, if they are implemented, but not into SI:R space. After the routine has been executed, the Accumulator contains the two digits that were shifted out on the right. Doing the routine with direct MOYs uses 14 code bytes and 9 ,""S of execution time (assuming a 12 MHz clock). The same operation with XCHs uses less code and executes almost twice as fast. The Upper 128 are not implemented in the 8051, 8051AH, or 8OC51BH, nor in their ROMless or EPROM counterparts. With these devices, if the SP points to the Upper 128, PUSHed bytes are lost, and POPped bytes are indeterminate. To right-shift by an odd number of digits, a one-digit shift must be executed. Figure 12 shows a sample of code that will right-shift a BCD number one digit, using the XCHD instruction. Again, the contents of the registers holding the number and of the Accumulator are shown alongside each instruction. The Data Transfer instructions include a 16-bit MOY that can be used to initialize the Data Pointer (DPTR) for look-up tables in Program Memory, or for 16-bit external Data Memory accesses. MOV R1.#2EH MOV RO.#2DH loop for R1 = 2EH: LOOP: MOV A.@R1 00 12 34 56 78 78 XCHD A.@RO 00 12 34 58 7876 SWAP A 00 12 34 58 78 67 MOV @R1;A 00 12 34 58 67 67 DEC R1 00 12 34 58, 67 67 DEC RO 00 12 34 58 67 67 CJNE R1.#2AH.LOOP loop for R1 = 2DH: 00112138145167145 loop for R1 = 2CH: 100 18 23 45 67 23 loop for R1 = 28H: 08 01 23 45 67 01 CLR A 081 01 1231451671 00 00 01 23 45 67 08 XCH A.2AH The XCH A, , instruction causes the Accumulator and addressed byte to exchange data. The XCHD A,@Ri instruction is similar, but only the low nibbles are involved in the exchange. To see how XCH and XCHD can be used to facilitate data manipulations, consider first the problem of shifting an 8-digit BCD number two digits to the right. Figure 11 shows how this can be done using direct MOYs, and for comparison how it can be done using XCH instructions. To aid in understanding how the code works, the contents of the registers that are holding the BCD number and the content of the Accumulator are shown alongside each instruction to indicate their status after the instruction has been executed. 2A 28 2C MOV A,2EH 00 12 34 MOV 2EH,2DH 00 12 34 MOV 2DH,2CH 00 12 34 MOV 2CH,28H 00 12 12 MOV 28H,#0 00 00 12 (a) Using direct MOVs: 14 bytes, 9 p.s 20 56 56 34 34 34 2E 78 56 56 56 56 I Figure 12. Shifting a BCD Number One Digit to the Right ACC 78 78 78 78 78 First, pointers Rl and RO are set up to point to the two bytes containing the last four BCD digits. Then a loop is executed which leaves the last byte, location 2EH. holding the last two digits of the shifted nuthber. The pointers are decremented, and the loop is repeated for location 2DH. The CJNE instruction (Compare and Jump if Not Equal) is a loop control that will be described later. I 2A I 28 I 2C I 20 I 2E I ACC CLR XCH A I 00 112 1 34 1 56 A.2BH I 00 A.2CH 00 I 00 00 1 34 12 1 78 I 55 1 78 78 I 56 XCH XCH A.2DH 00 00 12 1 34 XCH A.2EH 00 00 12 34 (b) Using XCHs: 9 bytes. 5 p.s 78 56 00 12 34 56 78 The loop is executed from LOOP to CJNE for Rl = 2EH, 2DH, 2CH and 2BH. At that point the digit that was originally shifted out on the right has propagated to location 2AH. Since that location should be left with Os, the lost digit is moved to the Accumulator. Figure 11. Shifting a BCD Number Two Digits to the Right 5-10 MCS®-51 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW Table 6. The MCS®-51 Lookup Table Read Instructions EXTERNAL RAM Table 5 shows a list of the Data Transfer instructions that access external Data Memory. Only indirect addressing can be used. The choice is whether to use a one-byte address, @Ri, where Ri can be either RO or Rl of the selected register bank, or a two-byte address, @DPTR. The disadvantage to using l6-bit addresses if only a few K bytes of external RAM are involved is that l6-bit addresses use all 8 bits of Port 2 as address bus. On the other hand, 8-bit addresses allow one to address a few K bytes of RAM, as shown in Figure 5, without having to sacrifice all of Port 2. All of these instructions execute in 2 /Ls, with a 12 MHz clock. Table 5. A List of the MCS®-51 Data Transfer Instructions that Access External Data Memory Space Address Width Mnemonic Operation Execution Time (ILS) 8 bits MOVXA,@Ri Read external RAM@Ri 2 8 bits MOVX@Ri,A Write external RAM@Ri 2 16 bits MOVX A,@DPTR Read external RAM@DPTR 2 16 bits MOVX @DPTR,A Write external RAM@DPTR 2 Mnemonic Operation Execution Time (ILS) MOVC A,@A+DPTR Read Pgm Memory aI(A+DPTR) 2 MOVC A,@A+PC Read Pgm Memory at (A+PC) 2 The first MOVC instruction in Table 6 can accommodate a fable of up to 256 entries, numbered 0 through 255. The number of the desired entry is loaded into the Accumulator, and the Data Pointer is set up to point to beginning of the table. Then MOVC A,@A+DPTR copies the desired table entry into the Accumulator. The other MOVC instruction works the same way, except the Program Counter (PC) is used as the table base, and the table is accessed through a subroutine. First the number of the desired entry is loaded into the Accumulator, and the subroutine is called: MOV CALL A,ENTRY_NUMBER TABLE The subroutine "TABLE" would look like this: TABLE: Note that in all external Data RAM accesses, the Accumulator is always either the destination or source of the data. MOVC RET A,@A + PC The table itself immediately follows the RET (return) instruction in Program Memory. This type of table can have up to 255 entries, numbered 1 through 255. Number 0 can not be used, because at the time the MOVC instruction is executed, the PC contains the address of the RET instruction. An entry numbered 0 would be the RET opcode itself. The read and write strobes to external RAM are activated only during the execution of a MOVX instruction. Normally these signals are inactiye, and in fact if they're not going to be used at all, their pins are available as extra 110 lines. More about that later. LOOKUP TABLES Boolean Instructions Table 6 shows the two instructions that are available for reading lookup tables in Program Memory. Since thesC1 instructions access only Program Memory, the lookup tables can only be read, not updated. The mnemonic is MOVC for "move constant". MCS-51 devices contain a complete Boolean (single-bit) processor. The internal RAM contains 128 addressable bits, and the SFR space can support up to 128 other addressable bits. AIl of the port lines are bit-addressable, and each one can be, treated as a separate singlebit port. The instructions that access these bits are not just conditional branches, but a complete menu of move, set, clear, complement, OR, and AND instructions. These kinds of bit operations are not easily obtained in other architectures with any amount of byteoriented software. 'If the table access is to external Program Memory, then the read strobe is PSEN. 5-11 MCS®-51 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW Note that the Boolean instruction set includes ANL and ORL operations, but not the XRL (Exclusive OR) operation. An XRL operation is simple to implement in software. Suppose, for example, it is required to form the Exclusive OR of two bits: Table 7. A List of the MCS®-S1 Boolean Instructions Mnemonic Operation ANL C,bit C = C .AND. bit ANL C,/bit C = C .AND .. NOT. bit ORL C,bit C = C.OR. bit ORL C,/bit C = C .OR. .NOT. bit MOV C,bit C = bit Execution Time (,....s) MOV bit,C bit = C 2 2 2 2 '1 2 CLR C C=O 1 CLR bit bit = 0 1 C=1 1 SETS C SETS bit bit = 1 1 CPL C C = .NOT.C 1 CPL bit bit = .NOT. bit 1 JC rei JumpifC =1 JNC rei JumpifC = 0 JB bit,rel Jump if bit JNS bit, rei Jump if bit JSC bit,rel Jump if bit 2 2 2 2 2 =1 =0 = 1; CLR bit C = bit! .xRL. bit2 The software to do that could be as follows: C,bitl MOV bit2,OVER JNB CPL C OVER: (continue) First, bit! is moved to the Carry. If bit2 = 0, then _C now contains the correct result. That is, bit! .xRL. bit2 = bit! if bit2 = O. On the other hand, if bit2 = 1 C now contains the complement of the correct result. I( need only be inverted (CPL C) to complete the operation; This code uses the JNB instruction, one of -a series of bit-test instructions which execute a jump if the addressed bit is set (JC, JB, JBC) or if the addressed bit is not set (JNC, JNB). In the above case, bit2 is being tested, and if bit2 = 0 the CPL C instruction is jumped over. JBC executes the jump if the addressed bit is set, and also clears the bit. Thus a flag can be tested and cleared in one operation. The instruction set for the Boolean processor is shown in Table 7. All bit accesses are by direct addressing. Bit addresses OOH through 7FH are in the Lower 128, and bit addresses 80H through FFH are in SFR space. All the PSW bits are directly addressable, so the Parity bit, or the general purpose flags, for example, are also available to the bit-test instructions. Note how easily an internal flag can be moved to a port pin: MOV MOV RELATIVE OFFSET C,FLAG P1.0,C The destination address for these jumps is specified to the assembler by a label or by an actual address in Program Memory.' However, the destination address aSSembleS to a relative offSet byte. This is a signed (two's complement) offset byte which is added to the PC in two's complement arithmetic if the jump is executed. In this example, FLAG is the name of any addressable bit in the Lower 128 or SFR space. An 110 line (the LSB of Port 1, in this case) is set or cleared depending on whether the flag bit is 1 or O. The Carry bit in the PSW is used as the single-bit Accumulator of the Boolean processor. Bit instructions that refer to the Carry bit as C assemble as Carrycspecific instructions (CLR C, etc). The Carry bit also has a direct address, since it resides in the PSW register, which is bit-addressable. The range of the jump is therefore -128 to + 127 Program Memory bytes relative to the first byte following the instruction. 5-12 intJ MCS®-51 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW the Accumulator. Typically, DPTR is set up with the address of a jump table, and the Accumulator is given an index to the table. In a 5-way branch, for example, an integer 0 through 4 is loaded into the Accumulator. The code to be executed might be as follows: Jump Instructions Table 8 shows the list of unconditional jumps. Table 8. Unconditional Jumps in MCS®-S1 Devices Mnemonic Operation Jump to addr JMP addr JMP @A+DPTR Jump to A+ DPTR CALL addr Call subroutine at addr RET Return from subroutine RETI Return from interrupt No operation NOP MOY MOY Execution Time (p.s) RL , JMP 2 DPTR,#JUMP_TABLE A,INDE~NUMBER A @A+DPTR 2 The RL A instruction converts the index number (0 through 4) to an even number on the range 0 through 8, because each entry in the jump table is 2 bytes long: 2 2 2 JUMP_TABLE: AJMP AJMP AJMP AJMP AJMP 1 The Table lists a single "JMP addr" instruction, but in fact there are three-SJMP, UMP and AJMP-which differ in the format of the destination address. JMP is a generic mnemonic which can be used if the programmer does not care which way the jump is encoded. CASE_O CASE_I CASE~ CASE..;...3 CASE_4 Table 8 shows a single "CALL addr" instruction, but there are two of them-LCALL and ACALL-which differ in the format in which the subroutine address is given to the CPU. CALL is a generic mnemoni~ which can be used ifthe programmer does not care which way the address is encoded. The SJMP instruction encodes the destination address as a relative offset, as described above. The instruction is 2 bytes long, consisting of the opcode and the relative offset byte. The jump distance is limited to a range of -128 to + 127 bytes relative to the instruction following the SJMP. The LCALL instruction uses the 16-bit address format, and the subroutine can be anywhere in the 64K Program Memory space. The ACALL'instruction uses the II-bit format, and the subroutine must be in the same 2K block as the instruction following the ACALL. The UMP instruction encodes the destination address as a 16-bit constant. The instruction' is 3 bytes long, consisting of the opcode and two address bytes. The destination address can be anywhere in the 64K Program Memory space. In any case the programmer specifies the subroutine address to the assembler in the same way: as a label or as a 16-bit constant. The assembler will put the address into the correct forinat for the given instructions. The AJMP instruction encodes the destination address as an ll-bit constant. The instruction is 2 bytes long, consisting of the opcode, which itself contains 3 of the II address bits, followed by another byte containing the low 8 bits of the destination address. When the instruction is executed, these II bits are simply substituted for the low II bits in the PC. The high 5 bits stay the same. Hence the destination has to be within the same 2K block as the instruction following the AJMP. Subroutines should end with a RET instruction, which' returns execution to the instruction following the CALL. RETI is' used to return from an interrupt service routine. The only difference between RET and RETI is that RET! tells the interrupt control system that the interrupt in progress is done. If there is no interrupt in progress at the time RETI is executed, then the RET! is functionally identical to RET. In all cases the programmer specifies the destination address to the assembler in the same way: as a label or as a 16-bit constant. The assembler will put the destination address into the correct format for the given instruction. If the format required by the instru, ,rei Decrement and jump if not zero CJNE A, < byte> ,rei Jump if A"* CJNE < byte> , # data,rel Jump if "* #data X X Execution Time (,...s) Imm 2 2 2 2 2 X X X X There is no Zero bit in the PSW. The, JZ and JNZ instructions test the Accumulator data for that condition. Ill> IICS -51 HIIOS OR CHIIOS .....-t---jXTAL2 The DJNZ instruction (Decrement and Jump if Not Zero) is for loop control. To execute a loop N times, load a counter byte with N and terminate the loop with a DJNZ to the beginning, of the loop, as shown below for N = 10: QUA~~ ~~~~~ ' .... RESONATOR '--~-+-I XTAL 1 VSS -= '-----...,J 270251-11 MOY COUNTER,# 10 LOOP: (begin loop) Figure 13. Using the On-Chip OSCillator • Ill> (end loop) DJNZ COUNTER,LOOP (continue) IICS -51 HIIOS OR CHIIOS XTAL2 The CJNE instruction (Compare and Jump if Not Equal) can also be used for loop control as in Figure 12. Two bytes are speCified in the operand field of the instruction. The jump is 'executed only if the two bytes are not equal. In the example of Figure 12, the two bytes were the data in RI and the constant 2AH. The initial data in RI was 2EH. Every time the loop was executed, RI was decremented, and the looping was to continue until the RI data reached 2AH. ' EXTERNAL CLOCK SIGNAL XTAL1 VSS 270251-12 A. HMOS or CHMOS EXTERNAL ~ , CLOCK SIGNAL, Another application of this instruction is in "greater than, less than" comparisons. The two bytes in the operand fieid are iaken as unsigned iniegers. If the first is less than the second, then the Carry bit is se~ (I). If the frrst is greater than or equal to the second, then the Carry bit is cleared. IICS":.'51 HIIOS ONLY XTAL2 270251-13 B.HMOSOnly CPU TIMING Ill> All MCS-51 microcontrollers have an on-chip oscillator which can be used, if desired as the clock source for the , CPU. To use the on-chip oscillator, connect a crystal or ceramic resonator between the XTALl and XTAL2 pins of the microcontroller, and Capacitors to ground as shown in Figure 13. IICS -51 CHIIOS ONLY (NC) XTAL2 EXTERNAL CLOCK SIGNAL XTAL1 VSS ,270251-14 C. CHMOS Only Figure 14. Using an External Clock 5-14 inter MCS®~51 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW Examples of how to drive the clock with an external oscillator are shown in Figure 14. Note that in the HMOS devices (8051, etc.) the signal at the XTAL2 pin actually drives the internal clock generator. In the CHMOS devices (80C51BH, etc.) the signal at the XTALl pin drives the internal clock generator. If only one pin is going to be driven with the external oscillator signal, make sure it is the right pin. Machine Cycles A machine cycle consists' of a sequence of 6 states, numbered SI through S6. Each state time lasts for two oscillator periods. Thus a machine cycle takes 12 oscil-' lator periods or 1 JLs if the oscillator frequency is 12 MHz. Each state is divided into a Phase 1 half and a'Phase 2 half. Figure 15 shows the fetch/execute sequences in The internal clock generator defines the sequence of states that make up the MCS-51 machine cycle. OSC. (XTAL2) I Sl 1 S21 S3 I I 54 S5 1 56 1 Sl I I S2 53 1 54 I I 55 S6 1 Sl 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALE _[ -- - - - - ______ _R:~D NEXT OPCODE AGAI,!, .----I~--r---r-..L.-._-,r---, ~~_-L_~_~~~~ (A) 1-byle. 1-cyclelnstruc"on. e.g., INC A. I I READ OPCODE. I : _ [_R:~D NEXT OPCODE. --------~~-~-_r~.--r_~ ________ L-:..:.....J--=:......L.~-'- _ _'___'----j (8) 2-byte, 1-cycle Instruction, e.g" ADD A, #data READ OPCODE. READ NEXT OPCODE (DISCARD), (C) 1-byle, 2-cyclolnatuctlon, •.g.,.INC DPTR. READ NEXT OPCODE AGAIN. READOPCODE (MOYX). . NO NO FETCH, l ______ D I I L-~_~_~_~~~~ _ _'__ I I ____ _ _'___~~--~--~------ DATA (D) MOYX (l-byle, 2-cycle) ACCESS EXTERNAL MEMORY 270251-15 Figure 15. State Sequences in MCS®-51 Devices 5-15 intJ MCS®·51 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW states and phases for various kinds of instructions. Normally two program fetches are generated during each machine cycle, even if the instruction being executed doesn't require it. If the instruction being executed doesn't need more code bytes, the CPU simply ignores the extra fetch, and the Program Counter is not incremented. The fetch/execute sequences are the same whether the Program Memory is internal or external ,to the chip. Execution· times do not depend on whether the Program Memory is internal or external. Figure 16 shows the signals an~ timing involved in program fetches when the Program Memory is external. If Program Memory is external, then the Program Memory read strobe PSEN is normally activated twice per machine cycle, as shown in Figure 16(A). Execution of a one-cycle instruction (Figure l5A and B) begins during State 1 ofthe machine cycle, when the opcode is latched into the Instruction Register. A second fetch occurs during S4 of the same machine cycle. Execution is complete at the end of State 6 of this machine cycle. If an access to external Data Memory occurs, as shown in. Figure 16(B), two PSENs are skipped, because the address and data bus are being used for the Data Memory access. The MOVX instructions take two machine cycles to execute. No program fetch is generated during the second cycle of a MOVX instruction. This is the only time program fetches are skipped. The fetch/execute sequence for MOVX instructions is shown in Figure 15(D). Note that a Data Memory bus cycle takes twice as much time as a Program Memory bus cycle. Figure 16 shows the relative timing of the addresses being emitted at Ports'O and 2, and of ALE and PSEN. ALE is used to latch the low address byte from PO into the address latch. ALE PsEN AD -------+----------~---------4----------~----~----~--PCHOUT X PCHOUT X PCHOUT (A) WITHOUT A MOVX. X PCHOUT PO , I I I tPCLOUT VALID bCLouT VALID lpCLOUT VALID CYCLE 1 I I -------"""1.------, 1~lulas CYCLE 2, lpCLOUT VALID . "' ~1~1~1~lulasl~1 ALE PSEN AD -------+-----------l-----, (8) WITH A MOVX. 270251-16 Figure 16. Bus Cycles In MCS@·51 Devices Executing from External 5-16 Pr~gram Memory inter MCS®-S1 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW When the CPU is executing from internal Program Memory, PSEN is not activated, and program addresses are not emitted. However, ALE continues to be activated twice per machine cycle and so is available as a clock output signal. Note, however, that one ALE is skipped during the execution of the MOVX instruction. named IE (Interrupt Enable). This register also contains a global disable bit, which can be cleared to disable all interrupts at once. Figure 17 shows the IE register for the 8052AH. INTERRUPT PRIORITIES Each interrupt source can also be individually programmed to one of two priority levels by setting or cl~aring a bit in the SFR named IP (Interrupt Priority). Figure 18 shows the IP register in the 8052AH. Interrupt Structure The 8051, 8051AH, and 80C51BH, and their ROMless and EPROM versions, provide 5 interrupt sources: 2 external interrupts, 2 timer interrupts, and the serial p.ort i!lterrupt. The 8052AH provides these 5 plus a Sixth mterrupt that is associated with the third timer! counter which is present in this device. Additional interrupts are available on the 83C51FA and 83C152. Refer to the appropriate chapters on these devices for further information on their interrupts. A low-priority interrrupt can be interrupted by a highpriority interrupt, but not by another low-priority inter- ' rupt. A high-priority interrupt can't be interrupted by any other interrupt source. If two interrupt requests of different priority levels are received simultaneously, the request of higher priority level is serviced. Ifinte~rupt requests of the same priority level are received simultaneously, an internal polling sequence determines which request is serviced. Thus within each priority level there is a second priority structure determined by the polling sequence. What follows is an overview of the interrupt structure for these devices. More detailed information for specific members .of the MCS-51 family is provided in the chapters of thiS handbook that describe the specific devices. Figure 19 shows, for the 8052AH, how the IE and IP registers and the polling sequence work to determine which if any interrupt will be serviced. INTERRUPT ENABLES Each of the interrupt sources can be individually enabled or disabled by setting or clearing a bit in the SFR (MSB) (MSB) (LSB) Symbol EA Position IE.7 ET2 IE.6' IE5 ES lEA ETI IE.3 EXI IE.2 ETO lEI EXO lEO (LSB) I-I -I PT2 I PS I PTt I PXl I PTO I PXO I IEA I-I ET2 I ES I ETI I EXI I ETO I EXO I Function disables all interrupts. If EA = O. no interrupt will be acknowledged. If EA = 1. each interrupt source is individually enabled or disabled by setting or clearing its enable bit. reserved enables or disables the Timer 2 overflow or capture interrupt. If ET2 = O. the Timer 2 interrupt is disabled. enables m disables the Serial Port interrupt. If ES = 0, the Serial Port interrupt is disabled. enables or disables the Timer 1 Overflow interrupt. If ETI = O. the Timer 1 interrupt is disabled. enables or disables External Interrupt 1. If EXI = 0, Exlernal Interrupt t is disabled. enables or disables the Timer 0 Overflow interrupt If ETO = O. the Timer 0 interrupt is disabled. enables or disables Exlernal Interrupt O. If EXO = 0, Exlernal Interrupt 0 is disabled. Symbol Position PT2 IP.7 IP.6 IP.5 PS IP.4 PTt IP.3 PXl IP.2 , PTO IP.l PXO IP.O Function reserved reserved defines the Timer 2 interrupt priority level. PT2 = 1 programs it to the higher priority level. defines the Serial Port interrupt priority level. PS = 1 programs it to the higher priority level. defines the Timer 1 interrupt priority level. PTI = 1 programs it to the higher priority level. defines the Exlernai Interrupt 1 priority level. pxi = t programs it to the higher priority level. defines the Timer 0 interrupt priority level. PTO = 1 programs it to the higher priority level. defines the Exlernal Interrupt 0 priority level. PXO = 1 programs it to the higher priority level. Figure 18. IP(lnterrupt Priority) Register in the 8052AH Figure 17. IE (Interrupt Enable) Register In the 8052AH 5-17 inter MCS@·51 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW HIGH PRIORITY INTERRUPT IP REGISTER I I I I T F O - - - - -......t-CI"" ~>t-I-<>-~_l_--+-+I INTERRUPT POLLING SEQUENCE I I I O-o%c>t--r~-I--++I I I I I *'"""0' ~>t--jO-c,..-l---41 T f 1 - - - - - -....... I I I I RI TI Tf2 EXf2 ").---"*-0' ~>t--r~-l--W (8052 ONLY) INDIVIDUAL ENABLES LOW PRIORITY INTERRUPT GLOBAL DISABLE 270251-17 Figure 19. 8052 Interrupt Control System pleted in less time than it takes other architectures to commence them. In operation, all the interrupt flags are latched into the interrupt control system during State 5 of every machine cycle. Th~ samples are polled during ~he follo~ ing machine cycle. If the flag for an enabled mterrupt IS found to be set (I), the interrupt system generates an LCALL to the appropriate location in Program Memory, unless some other condition blocks the interrupt. Several conditions can block an interrupt, among them that an interrupt of equal or higher priority level is already in progress. I SIMULATING A THIRD PRIORITY LEVEL IN SOFTWARE Some appli~ations require more than the two priority levels that are provided by on-chip hardware in MCS-SI devices. In these cases, relatively simple soft-: ware can be written to produce the same effect as a third priority leveL The hardware-generated LCALL causes the contents of the Program Counter to be pushed onto the stack, a~d reloads the PC with the beginning address of the service routine. As previously noted (Figure 3), the service rou-. tine for each interrupt begins at a fixed location. First, interrupts that are to have higher priority ~ha~ 1 are assigned to priority 1 in the IP (Interrupt Pnonty) register. The service routines for priority 1 interrupts that are supposed" to be interruptible by "priority 2" interrupts are written to include the following code: Only the Program Counter is automatically pushed onto the stack, not the PSW or any other register. Havingonly the PC be automatically saved allows the p~o grammer to deCide how much time to spend savmg which other registers. This enhances the interrupt response time, albeit at the expense of increasing the programmer's burden of responsibility. As a result, many interrupt functions that are typical in control applications--':'toggling a port pin, for example, or reloading a timer, or unloading a serial buffer--can often be com- PUSH IE MOV IE,#MASK CALL . LABEL ._ •••• * (execute service routine) ••••••• POP RET LABEL: RET! 5-18 IE MCS®-51 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW As soon as any priority 1 interrupt is acknowledged, the IE (Interrupt Enable) register is re-defined so as to disable all but "priority 2" interrupts. Then, a CALL to LABEL executes the RETI instruction, which clears the priority 1 interrupt-in-progress flip-flop. At this point any priority 1 interrupt that is enabled can be serviced, but only "priority 2" interrupts are enabled. POPping IE restores the original enable byte. Then a normal RET (rather than another RET!) is used to terminate the service routine. The additional software adds 10 ,...S ~at 12 MHz) to priority 1 interrupts. 5-19 Hardware Description of the 8051,8052 and 80e51 6 intJ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 • The EPROM versions of the 80SIAH, 80S2AH, and 80CSIBH INTRODUCTION This chapter presents a comprehensive description of the on-chip hardware features of the MCS®-SI microcontrollers. Included in this description are The devices under consideration are listed in Table 1. As it becomes unwieldy to be constantly referring to "each of these devices by their individual names, we will adopt a convention of referring to them generically as 80S Is and 80S2s, unless a specific member of the group is being referred to, in which case it will be specifically named. The "80S Is" include the 8051, 8051AH, and" 80CSlBH, and their ROMless and EPROM versions. The "80S2s" are the 80S2AH, 8032AH, and 87S2BH. • The port drivers and how they function both as ports and, for Ports 0 and 2, in bus operations • The Timer/Counters • The Serial Interface • The Interrupt System • Reset • The Reduced Power Modes in the CHMOS devices Figure I shows a functional block diagram of the 80SIs and 8052s. Table 1. The MCS-51 Family of Microcontrollers Device Name 8051 8051AH 8052AH 80C51BH ROM less Version 8031 " 8031AH 8032AH 80C31BH EPROM Version ROM Bytes RAM Bytes 16-bit Timers Ckt Type (8751) 8751H 8752BH 87C51 4K 4K 8K 4K 128 128 256 128 2 2 3 2 HMOS HMOS HMOS CHMOS SpeCial Function Registers / A map of the on-chip memory area called SFR (Special Function Register) space is shown in Figure 2. SFRs marked by parentheses are resident in the 8052s but not in the 80S Is. ,-------- ~ r .... .. AU; ·R ....... lnIQUJID32on1'. 270252-1 Figure 1. MCS-51 Architectural Block Diagram 6-1 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 8 Bytes F8 FO FF B F7 EF E8 EO ACC E7 OF 08 DO C8 co B8 BO A8 AO 98 90 88 80 PSW (T2CON) 07 (RCAP2L) (RCAP2H) (TL2) CF (TH2) C7 IP P3 IE P2 SCON P1 TCON PO BF B7 AF .. A7 SBUF 9F 97 TMOO SP TLO OPL THO Tl1 OPH TH1 8F PCON 87 Figure 2. SFR Map. ( ... ) Indicates Resident in 8052s, not in 8051s Note that not all of the addresses are occupied. Unoccupied addresses are not implemented on the chip. Read accesses to these addresses will in general return random data, and write accesses will have no effect. to hold a 16-bit address. It may be manipulated as a 16-bit register or as two independent 8-bit registers. User software should not write Is to these unimplemented locations, since they may be used in future MCS-51 products to invoke new features. In that case the reset or inactive values of the new bits will always be 0, and their active values will be 1. PO, PI, P2 and P3 are the SFR latches of Ports 0, I, 2 and 3, respectively. The functions of the SFRs are outlined below. ACCUMULATOR ACC is the Accumulator register. The mnemonics for Accumulator-Specific instructions, however, refer to the Accumulator simply as A. PORTS 0 T03 SERIAL DATA BUFFER The Serial Data Buffer is actually two separate registers, a transmit buffer and a receive· buffer register. When data is moved to SBUF, it goes to the transmit buffer where it is held for serial transmission. (Moving . a byte to SBUF is what initiates the transmission.) When data is moved from SBUF, it comes from the receive buffer. B REGISTER TIMER REGISTERS The B register is used during mUltiply and divide operations, For other instructions it can be treated as another scratch pad register. Register pairs (THO, TLO), (THI, TLI), and (TH2, TL2) are the 16-bit Counting registers for Timer/Counters 0, I, and 2, respectively. PROGRAM STATUS WORD CAPTURE REGISTERS The PSW register contains program status information as detailed in Figure 3. The register pair (RCAP2H, RCAP2L) are the. Capture registers for the Timer 2 "Capture Mode." In this mode, in response to a transition at the 8052's T2EX pin, TH2 and TL2 are copied into RCAP2H and RCAP2L. Timer 2 also has a 16-bit auto-reload mode, and RCAP2H and RCAP2L hold the reload value for this mode. More about Timer 2's features in a later section. STACK POINTER The Stack Pointer Register is 8 bits wide. It is incremented before data is stOred during PUSH and CALL executions. While the stack may reside anywhere in onchip RAM, the Stack Pointer is initialized to 07H after a reset. This causes the stack to begin at location 08H. CONTROL REGISTERS DATA POINTER Special Function Registers IP, IE, TMOD, TCON, T2CON, SOON, and PCON contain control and status bits for the interrupt system, the Timer/Counters, and the seri?-, port. They are described in later sections. The Data Pointer (DPTR) consists of a high byte (DPH) and a low byte (DPL). Its intended function is 6-2 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 (MSB) (LSB) CY Symbol Position CY AC PSW.7 PSW.6 FO PSW.5 RSI RSO PSW.4 PSW.3 AC FO RSI RSO Name and Significance Carryllag. Auxiliary Carry flag. (For BCD operations.) Flag 0 (Available to the user for general purposes.) Register bank select control bits I & O. Sellcleared by software to determine working register bank (see Note). P OV Symbol Position OV PSW.2 PSW.I PSW.O P Name and Significance Overflow flag. User definable lIag. Parity flag. Sell cleared by hardware each instruction cycle to indicate an odd/ even number of "one" bits in the Accumulator, i.e., even parity. NOTE: The contents of (RSI, RSO) enable the working register banks as follows: (O.O)-Bank 0 (00H-07H) (OBH-OFH) (0.1 )-Bank I (I.O)-Bank 2 (IOH-17H) (I. I)-Bank 3 (IBH-IFH) Figure 3. PSW: Program Status Word Register READ .LATCH ADDR/DATA CONTROL VCC WRITE TO LATCH INT. ",BU::.::S,--+~ WRITE TO LATCH READ PIN READ PIN 270252-3 270252-2 B. Port 1 Bit A. PortO Bit ALTERNATE OUTPUT FUNCTION ADDR READ LATCH READ LATCH INT. BUS INT. BUS WRITE TO LATCH WRITE TO LATCH READ PIN ALTERNATE INPUT FUNCTION 270252-4 270252-5 C. Port 2 Bit D. Port 3 Bit Figure 4. 8051 Port Bit Latches and 1/0 Buffers 'See Figure 5 for details of the internal pullup. external memory address, time-multiplexed with the byte being written or read. Port 2 outputs the high byte of the external memory address when the address is 16 bits wide. Otherwise the Port 2 pins continue to emit the P2 SFR content. PORT STRUCTURES AND OPERATION All four, ports in the 8051 are bidirectional. Each eon-' sists of a latch (Special Function Registers PO through P3), an output driver, and an input buffer. All the Port 3 pins, and (in the 8052) two Port 1 pins are multifunctional. They are not only port pins, but also serve the functions of various special features as listed on the following page. The output drivers of Ports 0 and 2, and the input buffers of Port 0, are used in accesses to external memory. In this application, Port 0 outputs the low byte of the 6·3 inter Port Pin ·Pl.0 ·P1.l P3.0 P3.l P3.2 P3.3 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 ADDR/DATA BUS). To be used as an input, the port bit latch must contain a I, which tums off the output driver PET. Then, for Ports I, 2, and 3, the pin is pulled high by the internal pullup, but can be pulled low by an external source. Alternate Function T2 (Timer/Counter 2 external input) T2EX (Timer/Counter 2 Capture/Reload trigger) RXD (serial input port) TXD (serial output port) INTO (external interrupt) INT1 (external interrupt) TO (Timer/Counter 0 external input) Tl (Timer/Counter 1 external input) WR (external Data Memory write strobe) RD (external Data Memory read strobe) Port 0 differs in not having internal pull ups. The pullup FET in the PO output driver (see Figure 4) is used only when the Port is emitting Is during external memory accesses. Otherwise the pullup PET is off. Consequently PO lines that are being used as output port lines are open drain. Writing a 1 to the bit latch leaves both output PETs off, so the pin floats. In that condition it can be used a high-impedance input. Because Ports 1, 2, and 3 have fixed internal pullups they are sometimes called "quasi-bidirectional" ports. When configured as inputs they pull high and will source current (ilL, in the data sheets) when externally pulled low. Port 0, on the other hand, is considered "true" bidirectional, because when configured as an input it floats. ·Pl.O and P1.l serve these alternate functions only on the 8052. The alternate functions can only be activated if the corresponding bit ,latch in the port SFR,contains a 1. Otherwise the porl pin is stuck at O. All the port latches in the 8051 have Is written to them by the reset function. If a 0 is subsequently written to a port latch, it can be reconfigured as an input by writing altoit. 1/0 Configurations Writing to a Port Figure 4 shows a functional diagram of a typical bit latch and I/O buffer in each of the four ports. The bit latch (one bit in the port's SFR) is represented as a Type D flip-flop, which will clock in a value from the internal bus in response to a "write to latch" signal from the CPU. The Q output of the flip-flop is placed on the internal bus in response to a "read latch" signal from the CPU. The level of the port pin itself is placed on the internal bus in response to a "read pin" signal from the CPU. Some instructions that read a port activate the "read latch"signal, and others activate the "read pin" signal. More about that later. In the execution of an instruction that changes the value in a port latch, the new value arrives at the latch during S6P2 of the final cycle of the instruction. However, port latches are in fact sampled by their output buffers only during Phase 1 of any clock period. (During Phase 2 the output buffer holds the value it saw during the previous Phase 1). Consequently, the new value in the port latch won't actually appear at the output pin until the next Phase I, which will be at SIPI of the next machine cycle. As shown in Figure 4, the output drivers of Ports 0 and 2 are switchable to an internal ADDR and ADDR/ DATA bus by an internal CONTROL signal for use in external memory accesses. During external memory accesses, the P2 SFR remains unchanged, but the PO SFR gets Is written to it: If the change requires a O-to-l transition in Port I, 2, or 3, an additional puiiup is turned on during SiPi and SIP2 of the cycle in which the transition occurs. This is done to increase the transition speed. The extra pullup can source about 100 times the current that the normal pullup can. It should be noted thaf the internal pull ups are field-effect transistors, not linear resistors. The pullup arrangements are shown in Figure 5. Also shown in Figure 4, is that if a P3 bit latch contains a I, then the output level is controlled by the signal labeled "alternate output function." The actual P3.x pin level is always available to the pin's alternate input function, if any. In HMOS versions of the 8051, the fixed part of the pullup is a depletion-mode transistor with the gate wired to the source. This transistor will allow the pin to source about 0.25 mA when shorted to ground. In parallel with the fixed pullup is an enhancement-mode transistor, which is activated during SI whenever the port bit does a O-to-I transition. During this interval, if the port pin is shorted to ground, this extra transistor will allow the pin to source an additional 30 mAo Ports 1,2, and 3 have internal pullups. Port 0 has open drain outputs. Each I/O line can be independently used as an' input or an output. (Ports 0 and 2 may not be used as general purpose I/O when being used as the 6-4 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 VCC 2 OSC. PERIODS aD ENHANCEMENT MODE FET ~ 270252-6 A. HMOS Configuration. The enhancement mode transistor is turned on for 2 osc. periods after Q makes a 1-to-0 transition. Vcc Vcc Vcc a FROM PORT LATCH READ PORT PIN 270252-7 B. CHMOS Configuration. pFET 1 is turned on for 2 osc. periods after Q makes a 1-to-0 transition. During this time, pFET 1 also turns on pFET 3 through the inverter to form a latch which holds the 1. pFET 2 is also on. Figure 5. Ports 1 And 3 HMOS And CHMOS Internal Pullup Configurations. Port 2 is Similar Except That It Holds The Strong Pull up On While Emitting 1s That Are Address Bits. (See Text, "Accessing External Memory".) In the CHMOS versions, the pullup consists of three pFETs. It should be noted that an n-channel FET (nFEl) is turned on when a logical 1 is applied to its gate, and is turned off when a logical 0 is applied to its gate. A p-channel FET (PFET) is the opposite: it is on when its gate sees a 0, and off when its gate sees a 1. Port Loading and Interfacing The output buffers of Ports 1,2, and 3 can each drive 4 LS TIL inputs. These ports on HMOS versions can be driven in a normal manner by any TIL or NMOS circuit. Both HMOS and CHMOS pins can be driven by open-collector and open-drain outputs, but note that 0to-1 transitions will not be fast. In the HMOS device, if the pin is driven by an open-collector output, a 0-tO-1 transition will have to be driven by the relatively weak depletion mode FET in Figure 5(A). In the CHMOS device, an input 0 turns off pullup pFET3, leaving only the very weak pullup pFET2 to drive the transition. pFETl in Figure 5 is the transistor that is turned on for 2 oscillator periods after a 0-to-1 transition in the port latch. While it's on, it turns on pFET3 (a weak pullup), through the inverter. This inverter and pFET form a latch which hold the 1. Note that ifthe pin is emitting a 1, a negative glitch on the pin from some external source can turn off pFET3, causing the pin to go into a float state. pFET2 is a very weak pullup which is on whenever the nFET is off, in traditional CMOS style. It's only about Y,0 the strength of pFET3. Its function is to restore a 1 to the pin in the event the pin had a 1 and lost it to a glitch. Port 0 output buffers can each drive 8 LS TIL inputs. They do, however, require external pullups to drive NMOS inputs, except when being used as the ADDRESS/DATA bus. 6-5 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OFTHE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 Whenever a 1'6-bit address is used, the high byte of the address comes out on Port 2, where it is held for the duration of the read or write cycle. Note that the Port 2 drivers use the strong pullups during the entire time that they are emitting address bits that are Is. This is during the execution of a MOVX @DPTR instruction. During this time the Port 2 latch (the Special Function' Register) does not have to contain Is, and the contents of the Port 2 SFR are not modified. If the external memory cycle is not immediately followed by another external memory cycle, the undisturbed contents of the Port ~ SFR will reappear in the next cycle. Read-Modify-Write Feature Some instructions that read a port read the latch and others read the pin. Which ones do which? The instructions that read the latch rather than the pin are the ones that read a value, possibly change it, and then rewrite it to the latch. These are called "read-modify-write" instructions. The instructions listed below are read-modify-write instructions. When the destination operand is a port, or a port bit, these instructions read the latch rather than the pin: ANL (logical AND, e.g., ANL.PI, A) (logical OR, e.g., ORL P2, A) ORL XRL (logical EX-OR, e.g., XRL P3, A) JBC (jump if bit = I and clear bit, e.g., JBC Pl.l, LABEL) CPL (complement bit, e.g., CPL P3.0) INC (increment, e.g., INC P2) (decrement, e.g., DEC P2) DEC (decrement and jump if not zero, e.g., DJNZ DJNZ P3, LABEL) MOV, PX.Y, C (move carry bit to bit-Y of Port X) CLR PX. Y (clear bit Y of Port X) SETB PX. Y (set bit Y of Port X) If an 8-bit address is being used (MOVX @Ri), the contents of the Port 2 SFR remain at the Port 2 pins throughout the external memory cycle. This will facilitate paging. In any case, the low byte of the address is time-multiplexed with the data byte on Port O. The ADDR/ DATA signal drives both FETs in the Port 0 output buffers. Thus, in this application the Port 0 pins are not open-drain outputs, and do' not require external pullups. Signal ALE (Address Latch Enable) should be used to capture the address byte into an extemallatch. The address byte is valid at the negative transition of ALE. Then, in a write cycle, the data byte to be written appears on Port 0 just before WR is ·activated, and remains there until after WR is deactivated. In a read cycle, the incoming byte is accepted at Port 0 just before the read strobe is deactivated. It is not obvious that the last three instructions in this list are read-modify-write instructions, but they are. They read the port byte, all 8 bits, modify the addressed bit, then write the new byte back to the latch. The reason that read-modify-write instructions are directed to the latch rather than the pin is to avoid a possible misinterpretation of the voltage level at the pin. For example, a port bit might be used to drive the base of a transistor. When a 1 is written to the bit, the transistor is turned on. If the CPU then reads the same port bit at the pin rather than the latch, it will read the base voltage of the transistor and interpret it as a O. Reading the latch rather than the pin will return the correct value of 1. ' . During any access to external memory, the CPU writes OFFH to the Port 0 latch (the Special Function Register), thus obliterating whatever information the Port 0 SFR may have been holding. External Program Memory is accessed under two conditions: • 1) Whenever signal EA is· active; or 2) Whenever the program counter (PC) contains a number that is larger than OFFFH (IFFFH for the 8052). This requires that the ROMless versions have EA wired low to enable the lower 4K (8K for the 8032) program bytes to be fetched from external memory. ACCESSING EXTERNAL MEMORY When the CPU is executing out of external Program Memory, all 8 bits of Port 2 are dedicated to an output function and may not be used for general purpose I/O. During external program fetches they output the high byte of the PC. During this time the Port 2 drivers use the strong pullups to emit PC bits that are Is. Accesses to external memory are of two types: accesses to external Program Memory and accesses to external Data Memory. Accesses to external Program Memory use signal PSEN (program store enable) as the read strobe. AccesseS to external Data Memory use RD or WR (alternate functions of P3.7 and P3.6) to strobe the memory.. TIMER/COUNTERS Fetches from external Program Memory always use a 16-bit address. Accesses to external Data Memory can use either a 16-bit address (MOVX @DPTR) or an 8-bit address (MOVX @Ri). The 8051 has two 16-bit Timer/Counter registers: Timer 0 and Timer 1. The 8052 has these two plus one mOt;"e: Timer 2. All three can be configured to operate either as timers or event counters. 6-6 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 In the "Timer" function, the register is incremented every machine cycle. Thus, one can think of it as counting machine cycles. Since a !llachine cycle consists of 12 oscillator periods, the count rate is '112 of the oscillator frequency. MODE 0 Putting either Timer into Mode 0 makes it look like an 8048 Timer, which is an 8-bit Counter with a divide-by32 prescaler. Figure 7 shows the Mode 0 operation as it applies to Timer 1. , In the "Counter" function, the register is incremented in response to a I-to-O transition at its corresponding external input pin, TO, TI or (in the 8052) T2. In this function, the external input is sampled during S5P2 of every machine cycle. When the samples show a high in one cycle and a low in the next cycle, the count is incremented. The new count value appears in the register during S3PI of the cycle following the one in which the transition was detected. Since it takes 2 machine cycles (24 oscillator periods) to recognize a I-to-O transition, the maximum count rate is '1.4 of the oscillator frequency. There are no restrictions on the duty cycle of the external input signal, but to ensure that a given level is sampled at least once before it changes, it should be held for at least one full machine cycle. In this mode, the Timer register is configured as a 13-Bit register. As the count rolls over from allis to all Os, it sets the Timer interrupt flag TF1. The counted input is enabled to the Timer when TRI = I and either GATE = 0 or INTI = 1. (Setting GATE = I allows the Timer to be controlled by external input INTI, to facilitate pulse width measurements.) TRI is a control bit in the Special Function Register TeON (Figure 8). GATE is in TMOD. The 13-Bit register consists of all 8 bits ofTHI and the lower 5 bits of TL1. The upper 3 bits of TLI are indeterminate and should be ignored. Setting the run flag (TR I) does not clear the registers. In addition to the "Timer" or "Counter" selection, Timer 0 and Timer I have four operating modes from which to select. Timer 2, in the 8052, has three modes of operation: "Capture," "Auto-Reload" and "baud rate generator." Mode 0 operation is the same for Timer 0 as for Timer 1. Substitute TRO, TFO and INTO for the corresponding Timer I signals in Figure 7. There are two different GATE bits, one for Timer I (TMOD.7) and one for Timer 0 (TMOD.3). Timer 0 and Timer 1 MODE 1 Mode I is the same as Mode 0, except that the Timer register is being run with all 16 bits. These Timer/Counters are present in both the 8051 and the 8052. The "Timer" or "Counter" function is selected by control bits ciT in the Special Function Register TMOD (Figure 6). These two Timer/Counters have four operating modes, which are selected by bit-pairs (MI, MO) in TMOD. Modes 0, I, and 2 are the same for both Timer/Counters. Mode 3 is different. The four operating modes are described in the following text. l (MSB) GATE CIT Ml MO MODE 2 Mode 2 configures the Timer register as an 8-bit Counter (TLJ) with automatic reload, as shown in Figure 9. Overflow from TLI not only sets TFI, but also reloads 1 (LSB) GATE CIT Ml MO J T Timer 1 GATE cli' Timer 0 Gating control when set. Timer /CoUl;ter '"x'" is enabled only while '"INTx'" pin is high and '"TRx'" control pin is set. When cleared Timer '"x" is enabled whenever '"TRx'" control bit is set. Timer or Counter Selector cleared for Timer operation (input from internal system clock). Set for Counter operation (input from '"Tx" input pin). Ml MO o o o Operating Mode MCS-48 Timer '"TLx" serves as 5-bit prescaler. IS-bit Timer/Counter '"THx" and '"TLx" are cascaded; there is no prescaler. o 8-bit auto-reload Timer/Counter '"THx'" holds a value which is to be reloaded into '"TLx" each time it overflows. (Timer 0) TLO is an 8-bit Timer/Counter controlled by the standard Timer 0 control bits. THO is an 8-bittimer only controlled by Timer 1 ) control bits. (Timer 1) Timer/Counter 1 stopped. Figure 6. TMOD: Timer/Counter Mode Control Register 6-7 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 cif= 0 INTERRUPT Tt PIN __ ---,___---'t clf =1 CONTROL - GATE 270252-9 Figure 7. Timer/Counter 1 Mode 0: 13-Blt Counter (MSB) TFI (LSB) TRI TFO TRO lEI ITt lEO ITO Symbol Position Name and Significance Symbol Position Name,and Significance TFI TCON.7 Timer I overflow Flag. Set by hardware on TImer/Counter overflow. Cleared by hardware lNhen processor vectors to inter!'IJpt routine. lEI TCON.3 Interrupt I Edge flag. Set by hardware when external interrupt edge detected. Cleared when interrupt processed. TRI TCON.6 Timer I Run control bit. Sell cleared by software to turn Timer/Counter on/ off. ITt TCON.2 TFO TCON.5 Timer 0 overflow Flag. Set by hardware on Timer/Counter overflow. Cleared by hardware when processor vectors to interrupt routine. Interrupt I Type control bit. Sell cleared by soltware to specify falling edge/low level triggered external interrupts. lEO TCON.I Interrupt 0 Edge lIag. Set by hardware when external Interrupt edge detected. Cleared when interrupt processed. ITO TCON.O Interrupt 0 Type control bit. Set! cleared by software to specify falling edge/low level triggered external interrupts. TRO TCON.4 Timer 0 Run control bit. Set/cleared by software to turn Timer/Counter on/ off. Figuie a.TeON: Timer/Counter Centro! Register CIT, GATE, TRO, INTO, and TFO. THO is locked into TLl with the contents ofTHI, which is preset by software. The reload leaves THI unchanged. a timer function (counting machine cycles) and takes over the use ofTRI and TFI from Timer 1. Thus, THO now controls the "Timer I" interrupt. Mode 2 operation is the same for Timer/Copnter O. Mode 3 is provided for applications requiring an extra 8-bit timer or counter. With Timer 0 in Mode 3, an 8051 can look like it has three Timer/Counters, and an 8052, like it has four. When Timer 0 is in Mode 3, Timer 1'can be turned on and offby switching it out of and into its own Mode 3, or can still be used by the serial port as a baud rate generator, or in fact, in any application not requiring an interrupt. MODE 3 Timer I in Mode 3 simply holds its count. The effect is the same as setting TRI = O. Timer 0 in Mode 3 establishes TLO and THO as two separate counters. The logic for Mode 3 on Timer 0 is shown in Figure 10. TLO uses the Tinier 0 control bits: 6-8 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 INTERRUPT 270252-10 Figure 9. Timer/Counter 1 Mode 2: a-Bit Auto-Reload osc ~B- 1112 lose 1/12 lose - - - - - - - , INTERRUPT TO PIN-----~ CONTROL 1112 lose I· L.1_(_~_I_~) HL._TF_1-.1~'INTERRUPT --------'-'--:---+1---<1 _ __ 'TR1 ..... ~____~=ieoNTRoL - 270252-1,1 Figure 10. Timer/Counter 0 Mode 3: Two a-Bit Counters Timer 2 Table 2. Timer 2 Operating Modes Timer 2 is a 16-bit Timer/Counter which is present only in the 8052. Like Timers 0 and I, it can operate either as a timer or as an event counter. This is selected . by bit C/T2 in the Special Function Register T2CON (Figure 11). It has three operating modes: "capture," "auto-load" and, "baud rate generator," which are selected by bits in T2CON as shown in Table 2. 6-9 RCLK + TCLK CP/RL2 TR2 0 0 1 X 0 1 X X 1 1 1 0 Mode 16-bit Auto~Reload 16-bit Capture Baud Rate Generator (off) inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 (MSB) TF2 (LSB) EXF2 RCLK TCLK EXEN2 TR2 C/T2 cPlFi1:2 Symbol Position TF2 T2CON.7 TImer 2 overflow flag set by a Timer 2 overflow and must be cleared by software. TF2 will not be set when eHher RCLK = 1 or TCLK = 1. Name and Significance EXF2 T2CON.6 Timer 2 external flag set when either a capture or reload Is caused by a negative transition on T2EX and EXEN2 = 1. When TImer 2 Interrupt is enabled, EXF2 = 1 will cause the CPU to vector to the TImer 2 Interrupt routine. EXF2 must be cleared by software. RCLK T2CON.5 Receive clock flag. When set, causes the serial port to use Timer 2 overflow pulses for its receive clock In Modes 1 and 3. RCLK = 0 causes TImer 1 overflow to be used for the receive clock. TCLK T2CON.4 TransmH clock fleg. When set, causes the serial port to use TImer 2 overflow pulses for its transmit clock in modes 1 and 3. TCLK = 0 causes Timer 1 overflows to be used for the transmit clock. EXEN2 T2CON.3 TImer 2 external enable flag. When set, allows a capture or reload to occur as a result of a negative transition on T2EX nTimer 2 is not being used to clock the serial port. EXEN2 = 0 causes TImer 2 to Ignore events at T2.EX. TR2 T2CON.2 Start/stop control for TImer 2. A logic 1 starts the timer. C/T2 T2CON.1 Timer or counter select. (TImer 2) o = Internal timer (OSC/12) 1 = External event counter (falling edge triggered) .. CP/RL2 T2CON.O Capture/Reload flag. When set captures will occur on negatiVe transitions at T2EX,if EXEN2 = 1. When cleared, auto-reloads will occur either with TImer 2 overflows or negative transitions at T2EX when EXEN2 = 1. When either RCLK = 1 or TCLK = 1, this bit Is ignored and the timer Is forced to auto-reload on TImer 2 overflow. FIgure 11. T2CON: TImer/Counter 2 Control RegIster In the Capture Mode there are two options which are selected by bit EXEN2 in T2CON. If EXEN2 = 0, then Timer 2 is a 16-bit timer or counter which upon overflowing sets bit TF2, the Timer 2 overflow bit, which can be used to generate an interrupt. If EXEN2 = 1, then Timer 2 still does the above, but with the added feature that a 1-to-O transition at external input T2EX causes the current value in the Timer 2 registers, TL2 and TH2, to be captured into registers RCAP2L and RCAP2H, respectively. (RCAP2L and RCAP2H are new Special Function Registers in the 8052.) In addition, the transition at T'2EX causes bit EXF2 in T2CON to be set, and EXF2, like TF2, can generate an interrupt. The Capture Mode is illustrated in Figure 12. In the auto-reload mode there are again two options, which are selected by bit EXEN2 in T2CON. If EXEN2 = 0, then when Timer 2 rolls over it not only sets TF2 but also causes the Timer 2 registers to be reloaded with the 16-bit value in registers RCAP2L and RCAP2H, which are preset by software. IfEXEN2 = I, then Timer 2 still does the above, but with the added feature that a 1-to-0 transition at external input T2EX.will also trigger the 16"bit reload and set EXF2. The auto-reload mode is illustrated in Figure 13. The baud rate generator mode is selected by RCLK = 1 andlor TCLK = 1. It will be described in conjunction with the serial port. SERIAL INTERFACE The serial port is full duplex, meaning it can transmit .and receive simultaneously. It is also receive-buffered, meaning it can commence reception of a second byte before a previously received byte has been read from the receive register. (However, if the first byte still hasn't been read by the time reception of the second byte is complete, one of the bytes will be lost). The serial port receive and transmit registers are both accessed at Special Function Register SBUF. Writing to SBUF loads the transmit register, and reading SBUF accesses a physically separate receive register. 6-10 intJ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 nMER2 INTERRUPT EXEN2 270252-12 Figure 12. Timer 2 in Capture Mode The serial port can operate in 4 modes: Multiprocessor Communications Mode 0: Serial data enters and exits through RXD. TXD outputs the shift clock. 8 bits are transmitted/received: 8 data bits (LSB first). The baud rate is fixed at 1/12 the oscillator frequency. Modes 2 and 3 have a special provision for multiprocessor communications. In these modes, 9 data bits are received. The 9th one goes into RB8. Then comes a stop bit. The port can be programmed such that when the stop bit is received, the serial port interrupt will be activated only if RB8 = 1. This feature is enabled by setting bit SM2 in SCON. A way to use this feature in multiprocessor systems is as follows. Mode 1: 10 bits are transmitted (through TXD) or received (through RXD): a start bit (0), 8 data bits (LSB first), and a stop bit (1). On receive, the stop bit goes into RB8 in Special Function Register SCON. The baud rate is variable. When the master processor wants to transmit a block of data to one of several slaves, it first sends out an address byte which identifies the target slave. An address byte differs from a data byte in that the 9th bit is 1 in an address byte and 0 in a data byte. With SM2 = 1, no slave will be interrupted by a data byte. An address byte, however, will interrupt all slaves, so that each slave can examine the received byte and see if it is being addressed. The addressed slave will clear its SM2 bit and prepare to receive the data bytes that will be coming. The slaves that weren't being addressed leave their SM2s set and go on about their business, ignoring the coming data bytes. Mode 2: 11 bits are transmitted (through TXD) or received (throughRXD): a start bit (0), 8 data bits (LSB first), a programmable 9th data bit, and a stop bit (1). On Transmit, the 9th data bit (TB8 in SCON) can be assigned the value of 0 or 1. Or, for example, the parity bit (p, in the PSW) could be moved into TB8. On receive, the 9th data bit goes into RB8 in Special Functon Register SCON, while the stop bit is ignored. The baud rate is programmable to either '132 or '164 the oscillator frequency. Mode 3: 11 bits are transmitted (through TXD) or received (through RXD): a start bit (0), 8 data bits (LSB first), a programmable 9th data bit and a stop bit (1). In fact, Mode 3 is the same as Mode 2 in all respects except the baud rate. The baud rate in Mode 3 is variable. SM2 has no effect in Mode 0, and in Mode 1 can be used to check the validity of the stop bit. In a Mode 1 reception, if SM2 = 1, the receive interrupt will not be activated unless a valid stop bit is received. Serial Port Control Register In all four modes, transmission is initiated by any instruction that uses SBUF as a destination register. Reception is initiated in Mode 0 by the condition RI = 0 and REN = 1. Reception is initiated in the other modes by the incoming start bit if REN = 1. The serial port control and status register is the Special Function Register SCON, shown in Figure 14. This register contains not orily the mode selection bits, but also the 9th data bit for transmit and receive (TB8 and RB8), and the serial port interrupt bits (TI and RI). 6-11 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 TIMER 2 INTERRUPT EXEN2 270252-13 Figure 13. Timer 2 in Auto-Reload Mode (MSB) SMO SMI I SM2 (LSB) REN Where SMO, SMI specify the serial port mode, as follows: SMO 0 0 SMI 0 0 Mode 0 1 2 3 • • SM2 REN TB8 RB8 • Description shift register 8·bitUART 9-bitUART Baud Rate fose/12 variable fose/64 or fose/32 9-bit UART variable TI TB8 is the 9th data bit that will be transmitted in Modes 2 and 3. Set or clear by software as desired. In Modes 2 and 3, is the 9th data bit that was received. In Mode I, if SM2 = 0, RB8 is the stop bit that was received. In Mode 0, RBS is not used. . . TI is transmit interrupt flag. Set by hardware at the end of the Sth bit time In Mode 0, or at the beginning of the stop bit in the other modes, in any serial transmission. Must be cleared by software. • RI is receive interrupt flag. Set by hardware at the end of the 8th bit time in Mode 0, or halfway through the stop bn time in the other modes, in any serial reception (except see 8M2). Must be cleared by software. RB8 enables the multiprocessor communication feature in Modes 2 and 3. In Mode 2 or 3, if 8M2 Is setto 1 then RI will no! be activated if the received 9th data bit (RBS) is O. In Mode I, if 8M2 = 1 then RI will not be activated if a valid stop bit was not received. In Mode 0, 8M2 should beO. enables serial receotion. Set bv software to enable reception. . Clear by software to disable reception. RI Figure 14. SCON: Serial Port Control Register Baud Rates The baud rate in Mode 0 is fixed: Mode 2 Baud Rate = Oscillator Frequency Mode 0 Baud Rate = ---'._---''---'12 SMOD 2 64X (Oscillator Frequency) In the 8051, the'baud rates in Modes 1 and 3 are determined by the Timer 1 overflow rate. In the 8052, these baud rates can be determined by Timer 1, or by Timer 2, or by both (one for transmit and the other for receive). The baud rate in Mode 2 depends on the value of bit SMOD in Special Function Register peON. If SMOD = 0 (which is the value on reset), the baud rate %4 the oscillator frequency. If SMOD 1, the baud rate is '1.2 the oscillato.r frequency. 6-12 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 Using Timer 1 to Generate Baud Rates mode (high nibble of TMOD = OOIOB). In that case, the baud rate is given by the formula When Timer 1 is used as the baud rate generator, the baud rates in Modesl and 3 are determined by the Timer 1 overflow rate and the value of SMOD as fol~ lows: Modes 1, 3 2SMOD Oscillator Frequency Baud Rate = - - - X - - - - - - - - ' ' - - - - : = 32 12x [256 - (THl)l One can achieve very low baud rates with Timer 1 by leaving the Timer 1 interrupt enabled, and configuring the Timer to run as a l6-bit timer (high nibble of TMOD = OOOlB), and using the Timer 1 interrupt to do a 16-bit software reload. Modes 1,3 2SMOD Baud Rate = X (Timer 1 Overflow Rate) ----n- The Timer 1 interrupt should be disabled in this application. The Timer itself can be configured for either "timer" or "counter" operation, and in any of its 3 . running modes. In the most typical applications, it is configured for "timer" operation, in the auto-reload Figure 15 lists various commonly used baud rates and how they can be obtained from Timer 1. Baud Rate fosc SMOD Mode 0 Max: 1 MHZ Mode 2 Max: 375K Modes 1, 3: 62.5K 19.2K 9.6K 4.8K 2.4K 1.2K 137.5K 110K 110K 12MHZ 12MHZ 12MHZ 11.059 MHZ 11.059 MHZ 11.059 MHZ 11.059 MHZ 11.059 MHZ 11.986 MHZ 6MHZ 12MHZ X 1 1 1 a a a a a a a clf X X 0 a a a a a a a a Timer 1 Reload Mode Value X X X X 2 FFH FDH 2 2 FDH 2 FAH F4H 2 2 E8H 2 1DH 2 72H 1 FEEBH Figure 15. Timer 1 Generated Commonly Used Baud Rates Using Timer 2 to Generate Baud Rates In the 8052, Timer 2 is selected as the baud rate generator by setting TCLK and/or RCLK in T2CON (Figure 11). Note then the' baud rates for transmit and receive can be simultaneously different. Setting RCLK and/or TCLK puts Timer 2 into its baud rate generator mode, as shown in Figure 16. nMER 1 OVERFLOW AX CLOCK TXCLOCK "TIMER 2" T2EX PIN INTERRUPT EX"" L NOTE AYAILAIIU.rTY OF ADDmoNAL EXTERNAL INTERRUPT 270252-14 Figure 16. Timer 2 in Baud Rate Generator Mode 6-13 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 Transmission is initiated by any instruction that uses SBUF as a destination register. The "write to SBUF" signal at S6P2 also loads a I into the 9th position ofthe transmit shift register and tells the TX Control block to commence a transmission. The internal timing is such that one full machine cycle will elapse between "write to SBUF," and activation of SEND. The baud rate generator mode is similar to the auto-reload mode, in that a rollover in TH2 causes the Timer 2 registers to be reloaded with the 16-bit value in registers RCAP2H and RCAP2L, which are preset by software. Now, the baud rates in Modes I and 3 are determined by Timer 2's overflow rate as follows: Modes I, 3 Baud Rate = SEND enables the output of the shift register to the alternate output function line of P3.0, and also enables SHIFT CLOCK to the alternate output function line of P3.1. SHIFT CLOCK is low during S3, S4, and S5 of every machine cycle, and high during S6, SI and S2. At S6P2 of every machine cycle in which SEND is active, the contents of the transmit shift register are shifted to the right one position. Timer 2 Overflow Rate 16" The Timer can be configured for either "timer" or "counter" operation. In the most typical applications, it is configUred for "timer" operation (C/T2 = 0). "Timer" operation is a little different for Timer 2 when it's 'being used as a baud rate generator. Normally, as a timer it would increment every machine cycle (thus at '112 the oscillator frequency). As a baud rate generator, however, it increments every state time (thus at '!. the oscillator frequency). In that case the baud rate is given by the formula As data bits shift out to the right, zeroes come in from the left. When the MSB of the data byte is at the output position of the shift register, then the I that was initially loaded into the 9th position, is just to the left of the MSB, and all positions to the left ofthat contain zeroes. This condition flags the TX Control block to do one last shift and then deactivate SEND and set TI. Both of these actions occur at SIPI of the 10th machine cycle after "write to SBUF." Modes I, 3 Oscillator Frequency Baud Rate = 32x [65536 - (RCAP2H, RCAP2L)1 where (RCAP2H, RCAP2L) is the content of RCAP2H and RCAP2J:, taken as a 16-bit unsigned integer. Reception is initiated by the condition REN = I and Rl. = O. At S6P2 of the next machine cycle, the RX Control unit writes the bits 11111110 to the receive shift register, and in the next clock phase activates RECEIVE. Timer 2 as a baud rate generator is shown in Figure 16. This Figure is valid only if RCLK + TCLK = I in T2CON. Note that a rollover in TH2 does not setTF2, and will not generate an interrupt. Therefore, the Timer 2 interrupt does not have to be disabled when Timer 2 is in the baud rate generator mode. Note too" that if EXEN2 is set, a I-to-O transition in T2EX will set EXF2 but will not cause a reload from (RCAP2H, RCAP2L) to (TH2, TL2). Thus when Timer 2 is in use as ,a baud rate generator, T2EX can be used as an extra external interrupt, if desired. RECEIVE enables SHIFT CLOCK to the alternate output function line of P3.1. SHIFT CLOCK makes transitions at S3Pl and S6Pl of every machine cycle. At S6P2 of every machine cycle in which RECEIVE is active, the contents of the receive shift register are shifted to the left one position. The value that comes in from the right is the value that was sampled at the P3.0 pin at S5P2 of the same machine cycle. ' As data bits come in from the right, Is shift out to the left. When the 0 that was initially loaded into the rightmost position arrives at the leftmost position in the shift register, it flags the RX Control block to do one last shift and load SBUF. At SIP I of the 10th machine cycle after the write to SCON that cleared RI, RECEIVE is cleared and'RI is set. It should be noted that when Timer 2 is running (TRZ = I) in "timer" function in the baud rate generator mode, one should not try to read or write TH2 or TL2. Under these conditions the Timer is being incremented every state time, and the results of a read or write may not be accurate. The RCAP registers may be read, but shouldn't be written to, because a write might overlap a reload and cause write and/or reload errors. Tum the Timer off (clear TR2) before accessing the Timer 2 or RCAP registers, in this case. More About Mode '1 Ten bits are transmitted (through TXD), or received (through RXD): a start bit (0), 8 data bits (LSD first), and a stop bit (1), On receive, the stop bit goes into RB8 in SCON. In the 8051 the'baud rate is determined by the Timer 1 overflow rate. In the 8052 it is determined either by the Timer 1 overflow rate, or the Timer 2 overflow rate, or both (one for transmit and the other for receive). More About Mode 0 Serial data enters and exits through RXD. TXD outputs the shift clock. 8 bits are transmitted/received: 8 data bits (LSB first). The baud rate is fixed at 1/12 the oscillator frequency. Figure 17 shows a simplified functional diagram of the serial port in Mode 0, and associated timing. Figure 18 shows a simplified functional diagram of the serial port in Mode 1, and associated timings for transmit receive. 6-14 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 WRITE SBUF TO ---'--=~~~r:--~~----1---------r-, RXD P3.0ALT OUTPUT FUNCTION 56.-_.------1 TXD P3.1 ALT OUTPUT FUNCTION ' - - - - - I RX CLOCK RX CONTROL REN--...r--l--_ _.j START Ri-"'~ SHIFT L..._--i........,...-.-T""'!,......,-i---.J RXD P3.0ALT INPUT FUNCTION READ SBUF ALE 4WRITE TO SBUF SEND 88P2' I SHIFT TRANSMIT RXD (DATA OUT) \ TXD (SHIFT CLOCK) n -1l WRITE TO SCON (CLEAR RI) ~RIi~~~==j=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~r---- L- '!!'CEIVE SHIFT RECEIVE RXD (DATA IN)---.....,[}':'~---{}.!'r.!----o=-----[i=----LJ='''-----[}''~--o=-----[F- TXD (SHIFT CLOCK) 270252-15 Figure 17. Serial Port Mode 0 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051,8052 AND 80C51 TIM·ER2 OVERFLOW TIMER 1 OVERFLOW TO WRIT~E-r-:=jrot:m::;r~;""'~~_":-'"~_-r"""'\~;.....r-, SBUF TXD RECEIVE .. ! R";~LOC fiTART BITI DO 0' 62 tilT DETECTOR SAMPLE TIMES oj D4 .. DI D) SHIFT ' ___________________________________________________ ~R~I STOP BIT ~r---- 270252-16 Figure 18. Serial Port Mode 1. TCLK, RCLK and timer 2 are Present in the 8052/8032 Only. Transmission is initiated by any instruction that uses SBUF as a destination register. The "write to SBUF" signal also loads a 1 into the 9th bit position of the transmit shift register and flags the TX Control unit that a transmission is requested. Transmission actually commences at SIPI of the machine cycle following the next rollover in the divide-by-16 counter. (Thus, the bit times are synchronized to the divide-by-16 counter, not to the "write to SBUF" signal). The tra:!lsinission begins with activation of SEND, which puts the start bit at TXD. One bit time later, DATA is activated, which enables the output bit· of the transmit shift register to TXD. The first shift pulse occurs one bit time after that. 6-16 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 As data bits shift out to the right, zeroes are clocked in from the left. When the MSB of the data byte is at the output position of the shift register, then the 1 that was initially loaded into the 9th position is just to the left of the MSB, and all positions to the left of that contain zeroes. This condition flags the TX Control unit to do one last shift and then deactivate SEND and set TI. This occurs at the 10th divide-by-16 rollover after "write to SBUF." Reception is initiated by a detected I-to-O transition at RXD. For this purpose RXD is sampled at a rate of 16 times whatever baud rate has been established. When a transition is detected, the divide-by-16 counter is immediately reset, and IFFH is written into the input shift register. Resetting the divide-by-16 counter aligns its rollovers with the boundaries of the incoming bit times. mit, the 9th data bit (TB8) can be assigned the value of 1. On receive, the 9th data bit goes into RB8 in SCON. The baud rate is programmable to either Yo. or '164 the oscillator frequency in Mode 2. Mode 3 may have a variable baud rate generated from either Timer 1 or 2 depending on the state of TCLK and RCLK. o or Figures 19 and 20 show a functional diagram of the serial port in Modes 2 and 3. The receive portion is exactly the same as in Mode I: The transmit portion differs from Mode 1 only in the 9th bit of the transmit shift register. Transmission is initiated by any instruction that uses SBUF as a destination register. The "write to SBUF" signal also loads TB8 into the 9th pit position of the transmit shift register and flags the TX Control unit that a transmission is requested. Transmission commences at SIPl of the machine cycle following the next rollover in the divide-by-16 counter. (Thus, the bit times are synchronized to the divide-by-16 counter, not to the "write to SBUF" signal.) The 16 states of the counter divide each bit time into 16ths. At the 7th, 8th, and 9th counter states of each bit time, the bit detector samples the value of RXD. The value accepted is the value that was seen in at least 2 of the 3 samples. This is done for noise rejection. If the value accepted during the first bit time is not 0, the receive circuits are reset and the unit goes back to looking for another I-to-O transition. This is to provide rejection of false start bits. If the start bit proves valid, it is shifted into the input shift register, and reception of the rest of the frame will proceed. The transmission begins with activation of SEND, which puts the start bit at TXD. One bit time later, DATA is activated, which enables the output bit of the transmit shift register to TXD. The first shift pulse occurs one bit time after that. The first shift clocks a 1 (the stop bit) into the 9th bit position of the shift register. Thereafter, only zeroes are clocked in. Thus, as data bits shift out to the right, zeroes are clocked in from the left. When TB8 is at the output position of the shift register, then the stop bit is just to the left of TB8, and all positions to the left of that contain zeroes. This condition flags the TX Control unit to do one last shift and then deactivate SEND and set TI. This occurs at the lIth divide-by-16 rollover after "write to SBUF." As data bits come in from the right, Is shift out to the left. When the start bit arrives at the leftmost position in the shift register, (which in mode 1 is a 9-bit register), it flags the RX Control block to do one last shift, load SBUF and RB8, and set RI. The signal to load SBUF and RB8, and to set RI, will be generated if, and only if, the following conditions are met at the time the final shift pulse is generated. Reception is initiated by a detected I-to-O transition at RXD. For this purpose RXD is sampled at a rate of 16 times whatever baud rate has been established. When a transition is detected, the divide-by-16 counter is immediately reset, and IFFH is written to the input shift register. 1) RI = 0, and 2) Either 5M2 = 0, or the received stop bit = 1 If either of these two conditions is not met, the received frame is irretrievably lost. If both conditions are met, the stop bit goes into RB8, the 8 data bits go into SBUF, and RI is activated. At this time, whether the above conditions are met or not, the unit goes back to looking for a 1-to-0 transItion in RXD. At the 7th, 8th and 9th counter states of each bit time, the bit detector samples the value of RXD. The valueaccepted is the value that was seen in at least 2 of the 3 samples. If the value accepted during the first bit time is not 0, the receive circuits are reset and the unit goes back to looking for another I-to-O transition. If the start bit proves valid, it is shifted into the input shift register, and reception of the rest of the frame will proceed. . . More About Modes 2 and 3 Eleven bits are transmitted (through TXD), or received (throughRXD): a start bit (0),8 data bits (LSB first), a programmable 9th data bit, and a stop bit (1). On trans- 6-17 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 WRITE TO SBUF TXD PHASE 2 CLOCK ('hfosc) MODE2 TI SMOD=l (SMOD IS PCON.7) SERIAL PORT INTERRUPT 1..-_--.... LOAD SBUF RXD READ _ _......" SBUF :~~T~XD~}~T}A~RT~.~IT/~P~D~==~=~==~=~=~:;:;~:;~:;~C:::: )\TRANSMIT TI ~------~------------------------------ ____________~r--270252-17 Figure 19. Serial Port Mode 2 6-18 infef HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 TIMER" OVERFLOW TIMER 2 OVERFLOW TXD TCLK - SEND LOAD SBUF SHIFT 1------..., RXD TX ~FLOC~~~~~=-~L-~L--IL--~L-~L-~I--JL--~L-~L-~.L-- ---A WRITE TO SBUF ~ DATA SHIFT L SEND S1P1 I ----riD\'TARTBIT/ TRANSMIT DO TI I STOP BIT GEN RX CLOCK RECEIVE RXD BIT DETECTORI START BIT / SAMPLE TIMES ~ __~'L__~L_ _~L_ _"L_~L-_~L_ _~L___JL-__~L-_ _ _ SHIFT _______________________________ ~RI~ ~r----- 270252-18 Figure 20. Serial Port Mode 3. TCLK, RCLK, and Timer 2 are Present in the 8052/8032 Only. 6-19 , intJ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 was transition-activated. If the interrupt was level-activated, then the external requesting source is what controls the request flag, rather than the on-chip hardware. As data bits come in from the right, Is shift out to the left. When the start bit arrives at the leftmost position in the shift register (which in Modes 2 and 3 is a 9-bit register), it flags the RX Control block to do one last shift, load SBUF and RB8, and set RI. The signal to load SBUF and RB8, and to set RI, will be generated if, and only if, the following conditions are met at the time the final shift pulse is generated: 1) RI = 0, and 2) Either 5M2 = 0 or the received 9th data bit The Timer 0 and Timer 1 Interrupts are generated by TFO and TFI, which are set by a rollover in theirrespective Timer/Counter registers (except see Timer 0 in Mode 3). When a timer interrupt is generated, the flag that generated it is cleared by the on-chip hardware when the service routine is vectored to. =1 If either of these conditions is not met, the received frame is irretrievably lost, and RI is not set. If both conditions are met, the received 9th data bit goes into RB8, and the first 8 data bits go into SBUF. One bit time later, whether the above conditions were met or not, the unit goes back to looking for a I-to-O transition at the RXD input. .The Serial Port Interrupt is generated by the logical OR of RI and TI. Neither of these flags is Cleared by hardware when the service routine is vectored to. In fact, the service routine will normally have to determine whether it was RI or TI that generated the interrupt, and the bit will have to be Cleared in software. In the 8052, the Timer 2 Interrupt is generated by the logical OR of TF2 and EXF2. Neither of these flags is Cleared by hardware when the service routine is vec-. tored to. In fact, the service routine may have to determine whether it was TF2 or EXF2 that generated the interrupt, and the -bit will have to be cleared in 80ftware. Note that the value of the received stop bit is irrelevant to SBUF, RB8, or RI. INTERRUPTS The 8051 provides 5 interrupt sources. The 8052 provides 6. These are shown in Figure 21. All of the bits that generate interrupts can be set or Cleared by software, with the same result as though it had been set or cleared by hardware. That is, interrupts can be generated or pending interrupts can be canceled in software. The External Interrupts INTO and INTI can each be either level-activated or transition-activated, depending on bits ITO and ITI in Register TCON. The flags that actually generate these interrupts are bits lEO and lEI in TCON. When an external interrupt is generated, the flag that generated it is cleared by the hardware when the service routine is vectored to only if the interrupt (MSB) (LSB) 1~1-1~1~lml~I~I~1 Symbol ~ Position IE.7 IE.6 reserved. ET2 IE.5 enables or disables the Timer 2 Overflow or caoture interruot. If ET2 = 0, the Timer 2 Interrupt is disabled. ES IE.4 enables or disables the Serial Port interrupt. If ES = O. the Serial Port interrupt is disabled. ETI IE.3 enables or disables the Timer 1 Overflow interrupt. If En = O. the Timer 1 interrupt Is disabled: EXI IE.2 enables. or disables External Interrupt 1. If EXI = O. External Interrupt 1 is disabled. ETO IE.l enables or disables the Timer 0 Overflow interrupt. If ETO = 0, the Timer 0 interruptis disabled. EXO lE.O enables or disables External Interrupt O. If EXO = 0, External Interrupt 0 is disabled. TFO'---------· INTERRUPT SOURCES ~,--------~~ Function disables all interrupts. If EA = 0, no interrupt will be acknowledged. .If EA = 1. each interrupt source Is individually enabled or disabled by selling or clearing its enable bH. User sdftware should never write 1s to unimplemented bits, since they [!lay be used in future MC5-51 products. 270252-19 Figure 21. MCS®·51 Interrupt Sources Figure 22. IE: Interrupt Enable Register 6-20 intJ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 If two requests of different priority levels are received simultaneously, the request of higher priority level is serviced. If requests of the same priority level are received simultaneously, an internal polling sequence determines which request is serviced. Thus within each priority level there is a second priority structure determined by the polling sequence, as follows: Each of these interrupt sources can be individually enabled or disabled by setting or clearing a bit in Special Function Register IE (Figure 22). IE contains also a global disable bit, EA, which disables all interrupts at once. Note in Figure 23 that bit position IE.6 is unimplemented. In the 805 Is, bit position IE.5 is also unimplemented. User software should not write Is to these bit positions, since they may be used in future MCS-51 products. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Priority Level Structure Each interrupt source can also be individually programmed to one of two priority levels by setting or clearing a bit in Special Function Register IP (Figure 23). A low-priority interrupt can itself be interrupted by a high-priority interrupt, but not by another low-priority interrupt. A high-priority interrupt can't be interrupted by any other interrupt source. (MSB) reserved IP.6 reserved PT2 IP.5 defines the Timer 2 interrupt priority level. PT2 = 1 programs it to the higher priOrity level. PS IP.4 defines the Serial Port interrupt priority level. PS = 1 programs it to the higher priority level. PTl IP.3 defines the Timer 1 interrupt priority level. PTl = 1 programs it to the higher priority level. PTO IP.l defines the Timer 0 interrupt priority level. PTO = 1 programs it to the higher priority level. PXO IP.O defines the External Interrupt 0 priority level. PXO = 1 programs it to the higher priority level. (highest) (lowest) The IP register contains a number of unimplemented bits. IP.7 and IP.6 are vacant in the 8052s, and in the 8051s these and IP.5 are vacant. User software should not write Is to these bit positions, since they may be used in future MCS-51 products. (LSB) Position IP.7 Priority Within Level lEO TFO IE1 TF1 RI +TI TF2 + EXF2 Note that the "priority within level" structure is only used to resolve simultaneous requests of the same priority leveL 1-1-1~1~lrnl~I~I~1 Symbol Source Function How Interrupts Are Handled The interrupt flags are sampled at S5P2 of every machine cycle. The samples are polled during the following machine cycle. If one of the flags was in a set condition at S5P2 of the preceding cycle, the polling cycle will find it and the interrupt system will generate an LCALL to the appropriate service routine, provided this hardware-generated LCALL is not blocked by any of the following conditions: 1. An interrupt of equal or higher priority level is already in progress. 2. The cUrrent (polling) cycle is not the final cycle in the execution of the instruction in progress. 3. The instruction in progress is RET! or any write to the IE or IP registers. User software should never write 1s to unimplemented bits, since they may be used in future MCS·51 products. Any of these three conditions will block the generation of the LCALL to the interrupt service routine. Condition 2 ensures that the instruction in progress will be Figure 23. IP: Interrupt Priority Register · · · · · · · · - - C l -...._1" ' - - C 2 - -••+I---C3--~I".--C4--'_1. - - C 5 - - · · · .. IS5P21 5& ········~'\---'-----=l.llli---L---l'l:l-----L---- f'7't INTERRUPT GOES ACTIVE INTERRUPT LATCHEO LONG CALL TO INTERRUPT VECTOR AOORESS INTERRUPTS ARE POLLED INTERRUPT ROUTIN.E 270252-20 This is the fastest possible response when C2 is the final cycle of an instruction other than RETI or an access to IE or IP. Figure 24. Interrupt Response Timing Diagram 6-21 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 completed before vectoring to any service routine. Condition 3 ensures that if the instruction in progress is RETI or any access to IE or IP, then at least one more instruction will be executed before any interrupt is vectored to. External Interrupts The external sources can be programmed to be level-activated or transition-activated by setting or clearing bit ITt or ITO in Register TCON. If ITx = 0, external interrupt x is triggered by a detected low at the INTx pin. If ITx = 1, external interrupt x is edge-triggered. In this mode if successive samples of the INTx pin show a high in one cycle and a low in the next cycle, interrupt request flag lEx in TCON is set. Flag bit lEx then requests the interrupt. The polling cycle is repeated with each machine cycle, and the values polled are the values that were present at S5P2 of the previous machine cycle. Note then that if an interrupt flag is active but not being responded to for one of the above conditions, if the flag is not still active when the blocking condition is removed, the denied interrupt will not be serviced. In other words, the fact that the interrupt flag was once active but not serviced is not remembered. Every polling cycle is new. Since the external interrupt pins are sampled once each machine cycle, an input high or low should hold for at least 12 oscillator periods to ensure sampling. If the external interrupt is transition-activated, the external source has to hold the request pin high for at least one cycle, and then hold it low for at least one cycle to ensure that the transition is seen so that interrupt request flag lEx will be set. lEx wiil be automatically cleared by the CPU when the service routine is called. The polling cycle/LCALL sequence is illustrated in Figure 24. Note that if an interrupt of higher priority level goes active prior to S5P2 of the machine cycle labeled C3 in Figure 24, then in accordance with the above rules it will be vectored to during C5 and C6, without any instruction of the lower priority routine having been executed. ' If the external interrupt is level-activated, the external source has to hold the request active until the requested interrupt is actually generated. Then it has to deactivate the request before the interrupt service routine is completed, or else another interrupt will be generated. Thus the processor acknowledges an interrupt request by executing a hardware-generated LCALL to the appropriate servicing routine. In some cases it also clears the flag that generated the interrupt, and in other cases it doesn't. It never clears the Serial Pcirt or Timer 2 flags. This has to be done in the user's software. It clears an external interrupt flag (lEO or lEI) only if it was transition-activated. The hardware-generated LCALL pushes the contents of the Program Counter onto the stack (but it does not,save the PSW) and reloads the PC with an address that depends on the source of the interrupt being vectored to, as shown below. ' lEO Vector Address 0003H TFO OOOBH IE1 TF1 RI + TI . TF2 + EXF2 0013H 001BH 0023H 002BH Source Response Time The INTO and INTI levels are inverted and latched into lEO and lEI at S5P2 of every machine cycie. The values are not actually polled by the circuitry until the next machine cycle. If a request is active and conditions are right for it to be acknowledged, a, hardware subroutine call to the requested service routine will be the next instruction to be executed. The call itself takes two cycles. Thus, a minimum of three complete machine cycles elapse between activation of an external interrupt request and the beginning of execution of the first instruction of the service routine. Figure 24 shows interrupt response timings. Execution proj::eeds from that location until the RET! instruction is encountered. The RETI instruction in-' forms the processor that this interrupt routine is no longer in progress, then pops the top two bytes from the stack and reloads the Program Counter. Execution of the interrupted program continues from where it left otT. Note that a simple RET instruction would also have returned execution to the interrupted program, but it would have left the interrupt control system thinking an interrupt was still in progress. A longer response time would result if the request is blocked by one of the 3 previously listed conditions. If an interrupt of equal or higher priority level is already in progress, the additional wait time obviously depends on the nature of the other interrupt's service routine. If the instruction in progress is not in its final cycle, the additional'wait time cannot be more than 3 cycles, since the longest instructions (MUL and DIY) are OIily 4 cycles long, and if the instruction in progress is RET! or an access to IE or IP, the additional wait time cannot be inore than 5 cycles (a maximum of one more cycle to complete the instruction in progress, plus 4 cycles to complete the next instruction if the instruction is MUL or DIY). Thus, in a single-interrupt system, the response time is always more than 3 cycles and less than 9 cycles. 6-22 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 SINGLE-STEP OPERATION RESET The 8051 interrupt structure allows single-step execution with very little software overhead. As previously noted, an interrupt request will not be responded to while an interrupt of equal priority level is still in progress, nor will it be responded to after RET! until at least one other instruction has been executed. Thus, once an interrupt routine has been entered, it cannot be re-entered until at least one instruction of the interrupted program is executed. One way to use this feature for single-stop operation is to program one of the external interrupts (say, INTO) to be level-activated. The service routine for the interrupt will terminate with the following code: The reset input is the RST pin, which is the input to a Schmitt Trigger. A reset is accomplished by holding the RST pin high for at least two machine cycles (24 oscillator periods), while the oscillator is running. The CPU responds by generating an internal reset, with the timing shown in Figure 25. The external reset signal is asynchronous to the internal clock. The RST"pin is sampled during State 5 Phase 2 of every machine cycle. The port pins will maintain their current activities for 19 oscillator periods after a logic 1 has been sampled at the RST pin; that is, for 19 to 31 oscillator periods after the external reset signal has been applied to the RST pin. JNB P3.2,$ ;Wait Here Till INTO Goes High "JB P3.2,$ ;Now Wait Here Till it Goes Low RETI :Go Back and Execute One Instruction While the RST pin is high, ALE and PSEN are weakly pulled high. After RST is pulled low, it will take 1 to 2 machine cycles for ALE and PSEN to start clocking. For this reason, other devices can not be synchronized to the internal timings of the 8051. Now if the INTO pin, which is also the P3.2 pin, is held normally low, the CPU will go right into the External Interrupt 0 routine and stay there until INTO is pulsed (from low to high to low). Then i~ will execute RET!, go back to the task program, execute one instruction, and immediately re-enter the External Interrupt 0 routine to await the next pulsing of P3.2. One step of the task program is executed each time P3.2 is pulsed. The internal reset algorithm writes Os to all the SFRs except the port latches, the Stack Pointer, and SBUF. The port latches are initialized to FFH, the Stack Pointer to 07H, and SBUF is+indeterminate. Table 3 lists the SFRs and their reset values. The internal RAM is not affected by reset. On power up the RAM content is indeterminate. 1---12 05C. PERIOD5 ---I 1 55 1 56 1 51 1 52 1 53 1 54 1 55 1 56 1 51 1 52 1 53 -1 54 1 55 1 561 51 1 52 1 53 1 541 R5T: ~L IIIIIIIII /~ , , 5AMPLE R5T 5AMPLE R5T CINTERNAL RE5ET 51GNAL - P5EN: po: , - - 1 1 05C. PERIOD5 - ........, ...- - - - - 1 9 05C. PERIOD5 -----<...., 270252-33 Figure 25. Reset Timing 6-23 intJ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051,8052 AND 80C51 Table 3 Reset Values of the SFRs SFRName PC ACC B PSW SP DPTR PO-P3 IP (8051) IP (8052) IE (8051) IE (8052) TMOD TCON THO TLO TH1 TL1 TH2 (8052) TL2 (8052)' RCAP2H (8052) RCAP2L (8052) SCON 'SBUF PCON (HMOS) PCON(CHMOS) Reset Value OOOOH OOH OOH OOH 07H OOOOH FFH XXXOOOOOB XXOOOOOOB OXXOOOOOB oxOOqOOOB OOH OOH OOH OOH OOH OOH DOH OOH OOH OOH OOH Indeterminate OXXXXXXXB OXXXOOOOB POWER-ON RESET An automatic reset can be obtained when VCC is turned on by connecting the RST pin to VCC through a 10 /Lf capacitor and to VSS through an 8.2 Kn resistor, providing the VCC risetime does not exceed a millisecond and the oscillator start-up time does not exceed 10 milliseconds. This power-on reset circuit is shown in Figure 26. The CHMOS devices do not require the 8.2K pulldown resistor, although its presence does no harm. When power is turned on the circuit holds the RST pin high for an amount of time that depends on the value of the capacitor and the rate at which it charges. To ensure a good, reset the RST pin must be high long enough to allow the oscillator time to start up (normally a few msec) plus two machine cycles. Note that the port pins will be in a random state until the oscillator has started and the internal reset algorithm has written Is to them. With this circuit, reducing VCC quickly to 0 causes the RSTpin voltage to momentarily fall below OV. Howev, er, this voltage is internally limited, and will not harm the device. POWER-SAVING MODES OF OPERATION For appiications where power consumption is critical the CHMOS version provides power reduced modes of operation as a standard feature. The power down mode in HMOS devices is no longer it standard feature and is. being phased out. CHMOS Power Reduction Modes CHMOS versions' have two power-reducing modes, Idle and Pciwer Down. The input through which backup power is supplied during these operations is VCC. Figure 27 shows the internal circuitry which implelllents these featureS. In the Idle mode (IDL = 1), the oscillator continues to run and the Interrupt, Serial Port, and Timer blocks continue to be clocked, but the clock signal is gated off to the CPU. In Power Down (PD = I), the oscillator is frozen. The Idle and Power Down modes are activated by setting bits in Special Function Register PCON. The address of this register is 87H. Figure 26 details its contents. 8051 .---,--1 RST 8.2Kll In the HMOS devices the PCON register only contains SMOD. The other four bits are implemented only in the CHMOS devices. User software should never write Is to unimplemented bits, since they may be used in future MCS-51 products. ~---;VSS 270252-21 IDLE MODE Figure 26. Power on ResetClrcult An instruction that sets PCON.O causes that to be the last instruction executed before going into the Idle 6-24 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 mode. In the Idle mode, the internal clock signal is gated off to the CPU, but not to the Interrupt, Timer, and Serial Port functions. The CPU status is preserved in its entirety: the Stack Pointer, Program Counter, Program Status Word, Accumulator, and all other registers maintain their data during Idle. The port pins hold the logical states they had at the time Idle was activated. ALE and PSEN hold at logic high levels. The flag bits GFO and GFI can be used to give an indication if an interrupt occurred during normal operation or during an Idle. For example, an instruction that activates Idle can also set one or both flag bits. When Idle is terminated by an interrupt, the interrupt service routine can examine the flag bits. There are two ways to terminate the Idle. Activation of any enabled interrupt will cause PCON.O to be cleared by hardware, terminating the Idle mode. The interrupt will be serviced, and following RETI the next instruction to' be executed will be the one following the instruction that put the device into Idle. ~ XTAL 2 = XTAL 1 INTERRUPT, i-r-C>SERIAL PORT, TIMER BLOCKS CPU POWER DOWN MODE Figure 27. Idle and Power Down Hardware (MSB) (LSB) GF1 GFO PD IDL Symbol Posltlo'n Name and Function SMOD PCON.7 Double Baud rate bit. When set to a 1 and Timer 1 is used to generate baud rate, and the Serial Port is used in modes 1, 2, or 3. PCON.S (Reserved) PCON.5 (Reserved) PCON.4 (Reserved) GF1 PCON.3 General-purpose flag bit. GFO PCON.2 General-purpose flag bit. PD PCON.1 Power Down bit. Setting this bit activates power down operation. IDL PCON.O Idle mode bit. Setting this bit activates idle mode operation. The signal at the RST pin clears the IDL bit directly and asynchronously. At this time the CPU resumes program execution from where it left off; that is, at the instruction following the one that invoked the Idle Mode. As shown in Figure 25, two or three machine cycles of program execution may take place before the internal reset algorithm takes control. On-chip hardware inhibits access to the internal RAM during this time, but access to the port pins is not inhibited. To, eliminate the possibility of unexpected outputs at the port pins, the instruction following the one that invokes Idle should not be one that writes to a port pin or to external Data RAM. An instruction that sets PCON.l causes that to be the last instruction executed' before going into the Power Down mode: In the Power Down mode, the on-chip oscillator is stopped. With the clock frozen, all functions are stopped, but the on-chip RAM and Special Function Registers are. held. The port pins output the values held by their respective SFRs. ALE and PSEN output lows. 270252-22 SMOD The other way of terminating the Idle mode is with a hardware reset. Since the clock oscillator is still running, the hardware reset needs to be held active for only two machine cycles (24 oscillatoi- periods) to complete the reset. The only exit from Power Down for the 80C5l is a hardware reset. Reset redefines all. the SFRs, but does not change the on-chip RAM. In the Power Down mode of operation, VCC can be reduced to as low as 2V. Care must be taken, however, to ensure that VCC is not reduced before the Power Down mode is invoked, and that VCC is restored to its normal operating level, before the Power Down mode is terminated. The reset that terminates Power Down also frees the' oscillator. The reset should not be activated before VCC is restored to its normal ,operating level, and must be held active long enough to allow the oscillator to restart and stahilize (normally less than 10 msec). ' , If 1s are written to PD and IDL at the same time, PD takes Precedence. The reset value of PCON is (OXXXOOOO). In the HM0S devices the PCON register only contains SMOD. The other four bits are implemented only in the CHMOS devices. User software should never write 1s to unimplemented bits, since they may be used in future MCS51 products. EPROM VERSIONS The EPROM versions of these devices are listed in Table 4. The 8751H programs at VPP = 21V using one 50 msec PROG pulse per byte programmed. This results in at6tal programming time (4K bytes) of approximately 4 minutes. Figure 28. PCON: Power Control Register 6-25 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 Table 4. EPROM Versions of the 8051 and 8052 Device Name EPROM Version EPROM Bytes Ckt Type VPP Time Required to Program Entire Array B051 (B751) 4K HMOS .21.0V 4 minutes B051AH B751H 4K HMOS 21.0V 4 minutes BOC51BH B7C51 4K CHMOS 12.75V: 13 seconds B052AH B752BH BK HMOS 12.75V 26 seconds The 87S2BH and 87CS1 use the faster "Quick-Pulse" programming™ algorithm. These devices program at VPP = 12.7SV using a series of twenty-five 100 p.s PROG pulses per byte programmed. This results in a total programming time of approximately 26 seconds for the 87S2BH (8K bytes) and 13 seconds for the 87CS1 (4K bytes). 87C51 AND 8752BH The 87CS1 and 87S2BH contain two Program Memory locking schemes: Encrypted Verify and Lock Bits. Encrypted Verify: These devices implement a 32-byte EPROM array that can be programmed by the customer, and which can then be used to encrypt the program code bytes during EPROM verification. The EPROM verification procedure is performed as usual, except that each code byte comes out X-NORed ~th one of the 32 key bytes. The key bytes are gone through in sequence. Therefore, to read the ROM code, one has to know the 32 key bytes in their proper sequence. Detailed procedures for programming and verifying each device are given in the data sheets. EXPOSURE TO LIGHT It is good practice to cover the EPROM window with an opaque label when the device is in operation. This is not so much to protect the EPROM array·from inadvertent erasure, but to protect the RAM and other onchip logic. Allowing light to impinge on the silicon die while the device is operating can cause logical malfunction. Unprogrammed bytes have the value FFH. Therefore, if the Encryption Array is lc;ft unprogrammed all the key bytes have the value FFH. Since any code byte X-NORed with FFH leaves the code byte. unchanged, leaving the Encryption Array unprogrammed in effect bypasses the encryption feature. LOck Bits: Also on the chip are two Lock Bits which can be left unprogrammed (U) or programmed (P) to obtain the following features: Program Memory Locks In some micro controller applications it is desirable that the Program Memory be secure from software piracy. Intel has responded to this. need by implementing a Program Memory locking scheme in some of the MCSSl devices. While it is impossible· for anyone to guarantee absolute security against all levels of technological sophistication, the Program Memory locks in the MCSSI devices will present a formidable barrier against Hiegal readout of protected software. 8751H The 87S1H contains· a lock bit which, once programmed, denies electrical access by any external means to.the on-chip Program Memory. The effect .of this lock bit is that while it is programmed the internal Program Memory can not be read out, the device can not be further programmed, and it can not execute external Program Memory. Erasing the EPROM array deactivates the lock bit and restores the device's full functionality. It can then be r~programmed. Bit 2 Bit 1 Additional Features U U None U P • Externally fetched code can not access internal Program Memory. • Further programming disabled. P U (Reserved for Future definition.) P P • Externally fetched code can not access internal Program Memory. • Further programming disabled. . • Program verification is disabled. When Lock Bit 1 is programmed, the logic level at the EA pin is sampled and latched during reset. If the d~ vice is powered up without a reset, the latch initializes to a random value, and holds that value until reset is activated. It is necessary that the latched value of EA be in agreement with the current logic level at that pin in order for the device to function properly. The procedure·for programming the lock bit is detailed in the 87S1H data sheet. 6-26 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 ONCE Mode in the 87C51 Normal operation is restored after a normal reset is applied. The ONCE ("on-circuit emulation") mode facilitates testing and debugging of systems using the 87C51 without the 87C51 having to be removed from the circuit. The ONCE mode is invoked by: THE ON-CHIP OSCILLATORS HMOS Versions 1. Pull ALE low while the device is in reset and PSEN is high; The on-chip oscillator circuitry for the HMOS (HMOS-I and HMOS-II) members of the MCS-51 family is a single stage linear inverter (Figure 29), intended for use as a crystal-controlled, positive reactance oscillator (Figure 30). In this application the crystal is operated in its fundamental response mode as an inductive reactance in parallel resonance with capacitance external to the crystal. 2. Hold ALE low as RST is deactivated. While the device is in ONCE mode, the Port 0 pins go into a float state, and the other port pins and ALE and PSEN are weakly pulled high. The oscillator circuit remains active. While the 87C51 is in this mode, an emulator or test CPU can be used to drive the circuit. Vee TO INTERNAL TIMINGCKTS XTAL2 XTAL1 if SUBST. 270252-23 Figure 29. On-Chip Oscillator Circuitry in the HMOS Versions of the MCS®-51 Family Q2 TO INTERNAL TIMING CKTS Vss ~-t---QUARTZ CRYSTAL OR CERAMIC RESONATOR 270252-24 Figure 30. Using the HMOS On-Chip Oscillator 6-27 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 The crystal specifications and capacitance values (Cl and C2 in Figure 30) are not critical. 30 pF can be used in these positions at any frequency with good quality crystals. A ceramic resonator can be used in place of the crystal iii cost-sensitive applications. When a ceramic resonator is used, Cl and C2 are normally selected to be of somewhat higher values, typicaIly, 47 pF. The manufacturer of the ceramic resonator should be consulted for recommendations on the values of these capacitors. To drive the HMOS parts with an external .clock source, apply the external clock signal to XTAL2, and ground XTALl, as shown in Figure 31. A pullup resistor may be used (to increase noise margin), but is optional if VOH of the driving gate exceeds the VlH MIN specification of XTAL2. CHMOS VERSIONS The on-chip oscillator circuitry for the 80C5IBH, shown in Figure 32, consists of a single stage linear inverter intended for use as a crystal-controlled, positive reactance oscillator in the same manner as the HMOS parts. However, there are some important differences. A more in-depth discussion of crystal specifications, ceramic resonators, and the selection of values for Cl and C2 can be found in Application Note AP-155, "Oscillators for Microcontrollers," which is included in this manual. One difference is that the 80C5IBH is able to tum off its oscillator under software control (by writing a 1 to the PO bit in PCON). Another difference is that in the 80C51BH the internal clocking circuitry is driven by the signal at XTALl, whereas in the HMOS versions it is by the signal at XTAL2. Vcc r 8051 EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SIGNAL t ::>0-...- - 1 XTAL2 The feedback resistor Rr in Figure 32 consists of paralleled n- and p- channel FETs controlled by the PO bit, such that Rr is opened when PO = 1. The diodes 01 and 02, which act as clamps to VCC and VSS, are parasitic to the Rr FETs. r-- XTAL1 TTL GATE ~ VSS WITH TOTEM-POLE OUTPUT 270252-25 Figure 31. Driving the HMOS MCS®-S1 Parts with an External Clock Source Vcc TO INTERNAL TIMING CKTS 1 01 4000 XTAL1 XTAL2 D2 PD -----II+---. 270252-26 Figure 32. On-Chip Oscillator Circuitry in the CHMOS Versions of the MCS®-S1 Family 6-28 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 VCC TO INTERNAL TIMING CKTS Rt VSS -------80CS1 XTAL1----- XTAL2------ ~--r--QUARTZ CRYSTAL OR CERAMIC RESONATOR 270252-27 Figure 33_ Using the CHMOS On-Chip Oscillator Rise and fall times are dependent on the external loading that each pin must drive. They are often taken to be something in the neighborhood of 10 nsec, measured between 0.8V and 2.0V. The oscillator can be used with the same external components as the HMOS versions, as shown in Figure 33. Typically, CI = C2 = 30 pF when the feedback element is a quartz crystal, and CI = C2 = 47 pF when a ceramic resonator is used. Propagation delays are different for different pins. For a given pin they vary with pin loading, temperature, VCC, and manufacturing lot. If the XTAL2 waveform is taken as the timing reference, prop delays may vary from 25 to 125 nsec. To drive the CHMOS parts with an external clock source, apply the external clock signal to XTALl, and leave XTAL2 float, as shown in Figure 34. The reason for this change from the way the HMOS part is driven can be seen by comparing Figures 29 and 32. In the HMOS devices the internal timing circuits are driven by the signal at XTAL2. In the CHMOS devices the internal timing circuits are driven by the signal at XTALI. The AC Timings section of the data sheets do not reference any timing to the XTAL2 waveform. Rather, they relate the critical edges of control and input signals to each other. The timings published in the data sheets include the effects of propagation delays under the specified test conditions. 80CS1 NC EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SIGNAL MCS®-S1 PIN DESCRIPTIONS XTAL2 VCC: Supply voltage. t :>O------i XTAL1 VSS: Circuit ground potential. VSS CMOS GATE Port 0: Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bidirectional I/O port. As an open drain output port it can sink 8 LS TTL loads. Port 0 pins that have Is written to them float, and in that state will function as high-impedance imputs. Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus during accesses to external memory. In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting Is. Port 0 also emits code bytes during program verification. In that application, external pullups are required. 270252-28 Figure 34. Driving the CHMOS MCS®-51 Parts with an External Clock Source INTERNAL TIMING Figures 35 through 38 show when the various strobe and port signals are clocked internally. The figures do not show rise and fall times of the signals, nor do they show propagation delays between the XTAL2 signal and events at other pins. Port 1: Port 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 1 output buffers can sink/ source 4 LS TTL loads. Port 1 pins that have Is written 6-29 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE.8051, 8052 AND 80C51 to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (ilL, on the data sheet) because ofthe internal pullups. In the 8052, pins P1.0 and Pl.l also serve the alternate functions of T2 and T2EX. T2 is the Timer 2 external input. T2EX is the input through which a Timer 2 "capture" is triggered. Port 2: Port 2 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 2 output buffers can sink/ ~ource 4 LS TTL loads. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during accesses to external meniory that use 16-bit addresses. In this application it uses the strong internal pullups when emitting Is. Port 2 also receives the high-order address and control bits during 8751H programming and verification, and during program verification in the 8051AH. Port 3: Port 3 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. It also serves the functions of various special features of the MCS-51 Family, as listed below: Port Pin Alternate Function P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 RXD (serial input port) TXD (serial output port) INTO (external interrupt 0) INT1 (external interrupt 1) TO (Timer 0 external input) T1 (Timer 1 external input) WR (external data memory write strobe) RD (external data memory read strobe) P3.7 The Port 3 output buffers can source/sink 4 LS TTL loads. RST: Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while' the oscillator is' running resets the device. ALE/PROG: Address Latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 'I. of the oscillator frequency, for external timing or clocking purposes, even when there are no accesses to external memory. (However, one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external Data Me~ This pin is also the program pulse input (pROG during EPROM programming. PSEN: Program Store Enable is the read strobe to external Program Memory. When the device is executing out of external Program Memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle (except that two PSEN activations are~ed during accesses to external Data Memory). PSEN is not activated when the device is executing out of internal Program Memory. EA/VPP: When EA is held high the CPU executes out of internal Program Memory (unless the Program Counter exceeds OFFFH in the 8051AH, or IFFFH in the 8052). Holding EA low forces the CPU to execute out of externlll memory regardless of the Program Counter value. In the 8031AH and 8032, EA must be extremely wired low. In the EPROM devices, this pin also receives the programming supply voltage (VPP) during EPROM programming. . XTALl: Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier. XTAL2: Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier.. I STATE 11 STATE 21 STATE 31 STATE 41 STATE 51 STATE 61 STATE 1ISTATE 21 ~I~ ~I~ ~I~ ~I~ ~I~ ~I~ ~I~ ~I~ ~~nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ~UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~ ALE: P2: PCHOUT PCHOUT Figure 35. External Program Memory Fetches 6-30 I PCHOUT 270252-29 intJ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 I I STATE 41 STATE 51 STATE 81 STATE 1 STATE 21 STATE 31 STATE 41 STATE 51 ~1P2 ~1P2 ~1P2 ~1P2 ~In ~1P2 ~1P2 ~1P2 XTAL2: ALE: RD: PO: P2: PCH OR P2SFR PCH OR P2SFR DPH OR P2 SFR OUT 270252-30 Figure 36. External Data Memory Read Cycle I I STATE 41 STATE 5 STATE ~1P2 61 STATE 1 ISTATE 2.1 STATE 3.1 STATE 41 STATE 51 ~1P2 ~1P2 ~1P2 ~1P2 ~1P2 ~1P2 ~1P2 XTAL2: ALE: jr-PCLOUTIF ViR: IS EXTERNAL po: P2 - - - - - I DPL OR RI OUT PCH OR P2SFR DATA OUT ~f DPH OR P2 SFR OUT ~ PCH OR P2SFR 270252-31 Figure 37. External Data Memory Write Cycle. 6-31 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 8051, 8052 AND 80C51 I I STATE 41 STATE 51 STATE 81 STATE 1 STATE 21 STATE 31 STATE 41 STATE 51 ~I~ ~I~ ~I~ ~I~ ~I~ ~I~ ~I~ ~I~ XTAL2: - PO'P1~. -YZ,P1 INPUTS S A M P L E D : . . ~,P3, R S T = r l - P2, P3, RST MOY PORT, SRC: SERIAL PORT SHIFT CLOCK (MODE 0)' NEW DATA OLD DATA ---+I r-- RXD PIN SAMPLED RXD SAMPLED --.j ~ 270252-32 Figure 38. Port Operation 6-32 Hardware Description of the 83C51FA 7 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C51FA (83C252) INTRODUCTION Port Name Pin The 83C51FA is an 8-bit control-oriented microcontroller based on the 8051 architecture. The 83C51FA is an enhanced version of the 80C51BH and incorporates many new features. These features include: • Programmable Counter Array with - Compare/Capture - High Speed Output - Pulse Width Modulator - Watchdog Timer • Programmable Serial Channel - Automatic Address Recognition - Framing Error Detection • Enhanced Power Down Mode • 16-Bit Up/Down Timer/Counter • 8K Factory Mask ROM • 256 Bytes of On-Chip Data RAM • 7 Interrupt Sources P1.2 ECI Function External Count Input to the PCA P1.S CEXO External 110 for Compare/Capture Module 0 P1.4 CEX1 External I/O for Comparel.Capture Module 1 P1.5 CEX2 External I/O for Compare/Capture Module 2 P1,6 CEXS External I/O for Compare/Capture ModuleS P1.7 CEX4 External I/O for Compare/Capture Module 4 The time-base for the PCA is a programmable 16-bit timer/counter. This timer is the only one that can serve the PCA. This timer is started or stopped by setting or clearing bit CR in the Special Function Register CCON, and can be programmed to count any of the following signals (where Fosc is the 83C51FA oscillator frequency): The 83C51FA uses the standard 8051 instruction set and is pin for pin compatible with the existing MCS®-5l products, However, the numbering system for the 83C51FA is slightly different. The 83C51FA is the factory masked ROM device; the 80C51FA is the ROMless device; and the 87C51FA is the EPROM device. • Fosc/12 The Counter increments once per machine cycle. • Fosc/4 With a 16 MHz crystal, the counter increments once every 250 ns. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the 8051 architecture. For more detailed information on the 8051, consult the "Hardware Description of the 8051 and 8052" chapter. • Timer 0 overflow The counteds incremented whenever Timer 0 overflows. This mode allows a programmable input frequency to the PCA. • External input on ECI pin The counter is incremented when a I-to-O transition is detected on the ECI pin. The counter is limited to input frequencies of Fosc/8 in this mode. OVERVIEW OF THE PCA The Programmable Timer/Counter Array (PCA) consists of a 16-bit counter and five 16-bit compare/capture modules. Each compare/capture module has its own mode register, CCAPMn, which is used to configure the module. The compare/capture modules and the PCA counter share Port 1 pins for hardware interfacing as shown below: The 16-bit PCA timer/counter can also be programmed to either run or pause when the CPU is in Idle mode. 7-1 intJ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C51FA High speed output mode, an interrupt can be generated when the module executes its function. Each of the five 16-bit compare/capture modules can be programmed to do one of the following: • 16-bit capture; positive edge activated. • 16-bit capture, negative edge activated. • 16-bit capture, both positive and negative edge activated. • 16-bit software timer. • High-speed output. • 8-bit Pulse Width Modulator (PWM). DESCRIPTION OF THE PCA HARDWARE The time base for the PCA is a 16-bit timer/counter consisting of registers CH and CL (high and low bytes of the count value), controlled by Special Function Register CCON (Figure 1) and a mode register CMOD (Figure 2). In addition, Compare/Capture module 4 can be used as a Watchdog Timer. CCON contains bits CF (Counter Flag) which gets set by hardware when the counter rolls over and CR (Counter Run) which is used to tum the counter on and off. It also contains interrupt flags from each of the five PCA modules. When any o.f the compare/capture modules. are programmed to the capture mode or the 16-bit .Timer/ CF CR CCF4 CCF3 CCF2 CCF1 CCFO· Reset Value = OOXOOOOOB Address = OD8H Symbol Position CF CCON.7 Function CR CCON.S Counter Run control bit. Set by software to turn the PCA counter on. Clear by software to turn the PCA counter off. PCA Counter Overflow flag. Set by hardware when the counter rolls over. CF flags an interrupt if bit ECF in CMOD is . set. CF may be set by either hardware or software. It can only be cleared by software. - CCON.5 Not implemented, reserved for future use. • CCF4 CCON.4 PCA Module 4 interrupt flag. Set by hardware when a match or capture occurs. Must be cleared by software. CCF3 CCON.3 PCA Module 3 interrupt flag. Set by hardware when a match or capture occurs. Must be cleared by software. CCF2 CCON.2 PCA Module 2 interrupt flag. Set by hardware when a match or capture occurs. Must be cleared by software. CCF1 CCON.1 PCA Module 1 interrupt flag. Set by hardware when a match or capture occurs. Must be cieared by sonware. CCFO CCON.O PCA Module 0 interrupt flag. Set by hardware when a match or capture occurs. Must be cleared by software. Figure 1. CCON: Counter Control Register NOTE: 'User software should not write'1s to reserved bits. These bits may be used in future MeS-51 products to invoke new features. In that case, the reset or inactive value of the new bit will be 0, and its active value will be 1. The value read from a reserved bit is indeterminate. 7-2 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C51FA CMOD contains the following bits: CIDL- selects whether the PCA counter continues to run in Idle Mode WDTE- enables the Watchdog Timer function CIDL CPS! and CPSO-select the counter input ECF- enables CF to generate an interrupt. WDTE Address = CPS1 OD9H CPSO ECF Reset Value = OOXXXOOOB Symbol Position Function CIDL CMOD.7 Counter Idle control: CIDL = 0 programs PCA Counter to continue functioning during Idle mode. CIDL = 1 programs it to be gated off during Idle. WDTE CMOD.6 Watchdog Timer Enable: WDTE = 0 disables Watchdog Timer function. WDTE = 1 enables it. - CMOD.5 Not implem~nted, reserved for future use. • - CMODA Not implemented, reserved for future use.' - CMOD.3 Not implemented, reserved for future use.' CPS1 CMOD.2 Count Pulse Select bit 1. CPSO CMOD.1 Count Pulse Select bit ECF CMOD.O o. CPS1 CPSO 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 PCA Count Pulse Selected Internal clock, Fosc/12 Internal clock, Fosc/4 Timer 0 overflow External clock at ECI pin (P1.2) (maximum rate = Fosc/a) Enable Counter Overflow interrupt: ECF = 1 enables CF bit in CCON to generate an interrupt. ECF = 0 disables that function of CF. Figure 2. CMOD: Counter Mode Register NOTE: 'User software should not write 1s to reserved bits. These bits may be used in future MeS-51 products to invoke new features. In that case, the reset or inactive value of the new bit will be 0, and its active value will be 1. The value read from a reserved bit is indeterminate. Each of the five PCA modules has a Compare/Capture Mode register, CCAPMn, n = 0 through 4 (Figure 3). The following bits in each CCAPMn register define that module's function. ECOMn- enables that module's comparator function CAPPn- enables the capture function on positive transitions at theCEXn pin CAPNn- enables the capture function on negative transitions at the CEXn pin MATn- enables a comparator match to set the corresponding CCFn flag TOGn- enables a comparator match to toggle the CEXnpin PWMn- enables the PWM output at the CEXn pin ECCFn- enables any Compare/Capture event to flag an interrupt 7-3 intJ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C51FA ECOMn CAPPn CAPNn TOGn MATn Addresses = OOAH (n = 0) OOBH (n= 1) OOCH(n=2) OOOH (n=3) OOEH (n=4) PWMn ECCFn Reset Value = XOOOOOOOB Symbol Position ECOMn CCAPMn.7 CCAPMn.6 Function Not implemented, reserved for future use.· ECOMn = 1 enables the comparator function. This bit is automatically cleared by any write to the CCAPnL register, and automatically set by any write to the CCAPnH register. This prevents unintended matches from occurring during writes to the 16:bit Compare/Capture register. CAPPn CCAPMn.5 Positive edge capture enable. When CAPPn = 1, a positive transition at the CEXn pin triggers a 16-bit capture from the PCA counter to this module'S Compare/Capture register. CAPNn CCAPMn.4 MATn CCAPMn.3 TOGn CCAPMn.2 PWMn CCAPMn.1 Negative edge capture enable. When CAPNn = 1, a negative transition at the CEXn pin triggers a 16-bit capture from the PCA counter to this module's Compare/Capture register. When MATn = 1, a match of the PCA Counter with this module'S Compare/Capture register causes the CCFn bit in .. CCON to be set, flagging an interrupt. When TOGn = 1, a match of the PCA Counter with this module's Compare/Capture register causes the CEXn pin to toggle. When PWMn = 1, CEXn is driven high when the low byte of the PCA Counter (CL) matches the low byte of this module's Compare/Capture register (CCAPnL). When CL rolls over to OOH, the CEXn pin is driven low and CCAPnL is updated with the valLie in CCAPnH. This enables the CEXn pin to be used as a pulse width modulated output. Software varies the pulse . width by writing to CCAPnH, ECCFn CCAPMn.O - Enables Compare/Capture Flag CCFn in the CCON register to generate an interrupt. Figure 3. CCAPMn: Compare/Capture Mode Register for PCA Module n NOTE: 'User software should not write 1s to reserved bits. These bits may be used in future MCS-51 products to invoke new features. In that case, the reset or inactive value of the new bit will be 0, and its active value will be 1. The value read from a i6served bit is indateimlnate. There are 6 modes of operation for each of the 5. PCA modules: Shown below are the combinations of bits in the CCAPMn register that are valid and have a defined function. Invalid combinations will produce undefined results. ECOMn CAPPn CAPNn MATn TOGn PWMn ECCFn 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 X X 0 1 0 0 0 X X 1 1 0 0 0 X 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 .x 0 0 1 0 x= Don't Care 7-4 X Module Function No operation 16-bit capture by a positive-edge trigger on CEXn 16-bit capture by a negativecedge trigger on CEXn 16-bit capture by a transition on CEXn 16-bit software timer High Speed Output a-bit PWM inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C51FA 16-Bit TimerICounter 16-Bit Capture Mode The 5 Compare/Capture modules share a 16-bit timer/ counter as their "time base". The timer/counter, shown in Figure 4, can be programmed to increment in 4 different ways. The modes are shown below with the setup values in the CMOD register: Setting CAPPn and/or CAPNn puts Compare/Capture module n into Input Capture mode, as shown in Figure 5. The external input pins CEXO through CEX4 are sampled for a transition. When a valid transition is detected for the current mode of operation (rising edge, falling edge, or either edge), CL is transferred into the CCAPnL register, and CH is transferred into CCAPnH. The resulting value in the Capture Registers, CCAPnL and CCAPnH, reflect the values in CL and CH at the time a transition was detected on the CEXn pin. The event flags an interrupt if bit ECCFn is set. CPS1 CPSO Method of Incrementing 0 0 Internally clocked at Oscillator Frequency 112 0 1 Internally clocked at Oscillator Frequency 14 1 0 Incremented when Timer 0 overflows 1 1 Externally clocked on Pin P1.2/ECI. (Limited to Oscillator Frequency 18) TO PCA MODULES 0-4 COUNT INTERRUPT ENABLE Fosc/12 Fosc/4 TIMER 0 OVERFLOW '-t===:..:::::t-----[]ECI 270421-1 Figure 4. PCA Timer/Counter 7-5 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C51FA PCA TIMER / COUNTER VALUE CEXn CCAPMn REGISTER 270421-2 n = 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 x = Don'l Care Figure 5. 16-Blt Capture Mode with the count value of the counter module. When they are equal, a match signal is generated which can set the status bit CCFn in· the PCA COntrol register CCON and/or toggle the corresponding CEXn pin. 16 Bit Timer Setting bit ECOMn in the Compare/Capture. Mode Register (CCAPMn) enables the Comparator function as shown in Figure 6. The Comparator compares a 16-bit value stored in the compare/capture register WOTE (MODULE 4 ONLY) _ PCA TIMER I . L____- r-----------, COUNTER VALUE 16 II CAUSE RESET r----------~---------_1---------~ WRITE TO . CCAPnL RESET ------L..; WRITE TO CCAPnH 270421-3 n = 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 x = Don'l Care Figure 6. 16-Bit Comparator Mode 7-6 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C51FA reverses the logic level of its" I/O pin, and/or can generate an interrupt as shown in Figure 6. When the PCA module is configured in this manner as a High Speed Output, the user, by setting or clearing the pin in software, can select whether the module's output pin will change from a logical 0 to a logical 1 or vice versa. Bit ECOMn is set by software and is initially cleared during reset. It also gets cleared when a write to CCAPnL register happens and is set if CCAPnH is written to. This feature prevents ·action until the complete 16-bit value is loaded into the CCAPnH/L register if the low value is written to the 16-bit register first. When the MATn (Match) bit is set in the Compare/ Capture Mode Register, the corresponding module in the PCA is configured as a 16-bit timer. When the value in the 16-bit Compare/Capture register is equal to the 16-bit value on the Count Bus, the hardware sets the CCFn flag. This bit flags an interrupt if ECCFn is also set. Pulse Width Modulator Mode Any or all of the 5 modules of the PCA can be programmed to be a Pulse Width Modulator as shown in Figure 7. In this mode, the PWM output can be used to convert digital data to an analog signal by simple external circuitry. The frequency of the PWM depends on which of the four clock sources is selected for the PCA Timer. With a 16 MHz crystal the maximum frequency of the output waveform/of the PWM is 15.6 KHz. The duty cycle of the waveform is controlled by the contents of an 8-bit register (CCAPnH) that can be programmed to be any integer" from 0 to 255. High Speed Output When programmed as a timer, the PCA module, during every cycle, compares the contents of the 16-bit timer with the preset value of its Compare registers. When a match" occurs, if bit TOGn is set, the module" 270421-4 n = 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 x = Don't Care Figure 7. 8-Bit PWM Mode 7-7 intJ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C51FA not activated unless the received byte is an address byte (9th data bit = I), and the address corresponds to either a Given Address or a Broadcast Address. Watch Dog Timer Mode A Watchdog Timer js a circuit that automatically invokes a reset unless the system being watched sends regular hold-off signals to the Watchdog. These circuits are used in applications that are subject to electrical noise, power glitches, electrostatic discharges, etc., or where high reliability is required with hands-off operation. The feature works the same way in the 8-bit mode (mode I) as in the 9-bit modes, except that the stop bit takes the place of the 9th data bit. That is, if SM2 is set, RI is not activated unless the received byte agrees with either the Given or Broadcast address and is terminated by a valid stop bit. In this mode, every time the count in the PCA counter module matches the value 'stored in compare/capture module 4, an internal reset is generated. The' bit that selects this mode is WDTE in the CMOD register. Compare/capture module 4 should be set up to be a 16-bit timer or a High Speed Output in the Watchdog Timer mode. ' The Given Address is specified by the contents of two new SFRs: SADDR and SADEN. The 83C51FA's individual address is defined in SADDR. SADEN is a mask byte that defines don't-cares in SADDR to form ' the Given Address. For example, SADDR = 01010110 SADEN = 11111100 To hold off the reset, the user's software can: • Continually reset the PCA 16-bit timer value to a lower value than the reset value in module 4. • Clear the WDTE bit when a match is about to occur, and then set the WDTE bit just after the match condition (temporarily disabling the feature). or • Continually change the CCAP4H and CCAP4L value to one that is "far" from a match value. spec,ify the Given Address to be OIOIOIXX. The Broadcast. Address is formed from the logical OR of SADDR and SADEN. Zeros in the logical OR are don't-cares. For example, the values given above for SADDR and SADEN defme the broadcast address to be 11 111 11X. Automatic Address Recognition allows a host processor to establish communication -with an addressed slave, without all the other slave controllers having to respond to the transmission. The addressed slave then clears its SM2 bit to enable reception of data bytes (9th data bit = 0) from the host. Finally, the Watchdog Timer can be used to program a reset by allowing a match to occur. EXTENDED SERIAL PORT FEATURES The Given and Broadcast addresses allow each microcontroller to have its own (Given) address and a common (Broadcast) address. A "host" on the serial channel can selectively address single 83C51FA's using the 'Given Address or all 83C51FA's using the Broadcast Address. The full duplex serial port of the 83C51FA is the same as the serial port of the 8052 but with two added features: Automatic Address Recognition and Framing Error Detection. On reset, the SADDR and SADEN registers are initialized to OOH. This defines the Given and Broadcast addresses to be XXXXXXXX (all don't-cares) for backwards compatibility with the MCS®-51 family. Automatic Address Recognition Automatic Address Recognition is useful in multi-processor applications in which the CPUs communicate through the serial channel. Using this feature, the 83C51FA's Serial Port refrains from interrupting the CPU unless it receives its own address. Automatic Address Recognition is enabled by setting the SM2 bit in SCON. - Framing Error Detection Another new feature of the Serial Port is Framing Error Detection. This allows the receiving controller to check the stop bit in modes I, 2, or 3. A missing stop bit causes a Framing Error bit, FE, to be set. The FE bit can then be checked in software immediately after each reception to detect the lack of a valid stop bit. A missing stop bit can be caused, for example, by noise on the serial lines, or by two CPUs trying to transmit at the same time. Normally the Serial Port would be configured into either of the 9-bit modes (modes 2 and 3). In these modes, if SM2 is set, the Receive Interrupt flag RI is 7-8 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C51FA The FE bit, once set, must be cleared in software. A valid stop bit does not cause the FE bit to be cleared. iced, the next instruction executed after RETI will be the one following the instruction that put the device in Power Down. The FE bit resides in SCON, and has the same bit address as the SMO bit. A new control bit in the PCON register determines if accesses to the SMO/FE bit address are to SMO or to FE. The new control bit in PCON is called SMODO, and resides at PCON.6 (Figure 8). IfSMODO = 0, then accesses to SCON.7 are to SMO. IfSMODO = I, then accesses to SCON.7 are to FE. Power Off Flag A Power Off Flag, POF, has been added to the PCON register (Figure 8). This flag is set by hardware when VCC comes up, and can be set or cleared by software. This allows one to distinguish between a "cold start" reset and a "warm start" reset. REDUCED POWER MODES Idle Mode Idle Mode is the same in the 83C51FA as in the 80C5IBH. Note that the PCA can be programmed to· either pause or continue operations during Idle. Power Down Mode The Power Down Mode on the 83C51FA differs from the SOC5IBH in one respect: the 83C51FA can exit Power Down with either a hardware Reset or an External Interrupt. (The 80C5IBH can only exit Power Down with a hardware Reset.) An exit with an External Interrupt allows not only the on-chip RAM to be saved but also the Special Function Registers. SMOOO x To use the feature, one checks the POF bit in software immediately after reset. POF = I would indicate a cold start. The software then clears POF, and commences its tasks. POF = 0 immediately after reset would indicate a warm start. VCC must remain above 3 volts for POF to retain a o. TIMER 2 AS AN UP/DOWN COUNTER Timer 2 is a general purpose 16-bit timer/counter which is present in the 8052 and in the 83C51FA. Timer 2 has the same functionality in both of these devices except that in the 8052 Timer 2 can only count up, and in the 83C51FA Timer 2 can be programmed to count up or down. The option to count up or down becomes available when the Timer is configured to its 16-bit auto-reload mode. The External Interrupt, INTO or INTI, must be enabled and configured as level-sensitive to properly terminate Power Down. Also the interrupt should not be executed before Vee is restored to its normal operating level, and must be held down long enough for the oscillator to restart and stabilize. Once the interrupt is servSM001 A cold start reset is one that is coincident with VCC being turned on to the device after it was turned off. A warm start reset is one that. occurs after the device has already been powered up and running. A warm start reset could be generated, for example, by a Watchdog Timer, or as an exit from Power Down Mode. POF GF1 Address = 087H GFO PO IOL . Reset Value = OOXXOOOOB POF Power Off Flag. Set by hardware on the rising edge of Vee. Set or cleared by software. This flag allows detection.of a power failure caused reset. Vee must remain above 3V to retain this bit. SMODO When set, Read/Writc:: accesses to SCON.7 are to the FE bit. When clear, Read/Write. accesses to SCON.7 are to the SMO bit. SMODI Same as the SMOD bit in the MSC-51 architecture. The additional bits are defined to be compatible with the 8052 and 80C51BH. Figure 8. PCON: Power Control Register 7-9 inter x HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C51FA x x x x x x DCEN Reset Value = XXXX XXXOB Address = OC9H When set, this bit allows Timer 2 to be configured as an up/down counter. Figure 9. T2MOD: Timer 2 Mode Control Register DCEN ~ ~ .~ !C/f2=o T2 PIN ------~ T2EX PIN TIMER 2 INTERRUPT ------+1 EXEN2 270421-5 Figure 10. Timer 2 Auto-Reload Mode when DCEN = 0 The Special Function Register T2MOD (present in the 83C51FA but not in the 8052) contains a bit named DCEN (Down Counter Enable). T2MOD is shown in Figure 9. When this bit is clear (0), the Timer 2 AutoReload Mode in the 83C51FA is exactly the same as iii the 8052. Figure,IO shows Timer 2 in Auto-Reload Mode with DCEN = o. When DCEN is set (I), the Timer 2 Auto-Reload Mode takes the form shown in Figure 11. The T2EX pin now controls the direction of count. A logic 1 at T2EX makes Timer 2 count up. A logic 0 at T2EX makes Timer 2 count down. Also, the EXF2 bit toggles every time Timer 2 overflows or underflows. In this operating mode, the EXF2 bit does not flag an interrupt. 270421-6 Figure 11. Timer 2 Auto-Reload Mode when DC EN 7-10 =:' 1 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C51FA UPPER 128 BYTES OF RAM FUNCTIONS OF PORT 1 PINS The 83C51FA implements a full 256 bytes of on-chip data RAM. As in the 8052, the upper 128 bytes occupy a parallel address space to the Special Function Registers. That means they have the same addresses, but they are physically separate from SFR space. P1.0/T2 may be used as an external count input to Timer 2. Pl.l/T2EX can be used to trigger a capture if Timer 2 is in the Capture Mode, or to trigger a reload if Timer 2 is in the Auto-Reload Mode and DCEN is set to O. T2EX can also control the count direction if Timer 2 is in the Auto-Reload Mode and DCEN set to 1. Finally, T2EX can be used as an external interrupt if Timer 2 is being used as a baud-rate generator. When an instruction accesses an internal location above address 7FH, the CPU knows whether the access is to the upper 128 bytes of data RAM or to SFR space by the addressing mode used in the instruction. Instructions that use direct addressing access SFR space. For example, MOV OAOH, # data P1.2/ECI takes the external signal to the PCA counter. The frequency of the external signal is limited to one eighth of the oscillator frequency or less. The PCA count is incremented every time the ECI pin makes a 1-0 transition. . accesses the SFR at location OAOH (which is P2). Instructions that use indirect addressing access the upper 128 bytes of data RAM. For example, MOV @RO,#data P1.3 through P1.7/CEXn functions depend on the configuration of their corresponding Compare/Capture modules in the PCA. They can be configured to be a rising edge, falling edge, or an "either edge" trigger input to a Compare/Capture module. They can also be high speed outputs which toggle every time the PCA count matches the value in the corresponding Compare/Capture register. Finally, any of these pins can be configured as an 8-bit Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) output. In the PWM mode, the pin will be in the logical "0" state for a programmable length of time, and will be in the logical "1" state for· the remainder of the PWM duty cycle. The PWM duty cycle is variable between 1/256 and 256/256. ~here RO contains OAOH, accesses the data byte at address OAOH, rather than P2 (whose address is OAOH). Note that stack operations are examples of indirect addressing, so the upper 128 bytes of data RAM are available as stack space. PIN DESCRIPTION The 83C51FA is Pin-for-Pin compatible with the 80C51BH. Port 1 on the 83C51FA has 8052 functionality and additionally serves the PCA as shown below. Detailed descriptions of the functions of the PCA pins can also be found in section 1.2, PCA feature description. Port 1 pins and Alternate Functions. Port Name Pin P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 Function INTERRUPT STRUCTURE T2 External Count Input to Timer 2 T2EX Timer 2 Capture/Reload Trigger ECI External Count Input to the PCA CEXO External 1/0 for Compare/Capture Module 0 CEX1 External 1/0 for Compare/Capture Module 1 CEX2 External 1/0 for Compare/Capture Module 2 CEX3 External 110 for Compare/Capture Module 3 CEX4 External 110 for Compare/Capture Module 4 The 83C51FA provides 7 interrupt sources. Five of them (INTO/ and INTI/, Timer 0 and Timer I, and the Serial Port) are identical with those provided in the 80C51BH. The 83C51FA also provides a Timer 2 interrupt which is identical with the Timer 2 interrupt in the 8052, and a PCA interrupt which is only found in the 83C51FA. These interrupt sources are shown in Figure 12. 7-11 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C51FA INTO---cY ITO TFO-------------------------.~ INT1,...---<:r- TF1------------------------.~ INTERRUPT SOURCES CF-3ECF 5 ~\--------..,D)--------------+~ ...,D.·. ____________• TF2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EXF2- ~ ,- 270421-7 (Sea oxceptions ,,·,hen Timer 2 is used as baud rate gl3l"!Aratnr or an up/down counter.) Figure 12. 83C51FA Interrupt Sources The Timer 2 interrupt is generated by the logical OR of TF2 and EXF2. Neither of these flags is cleared by hardware when the service routine is vectored to. In fact, the service routine may have to determine whether it was TF2 or EXF2 that generated the interrupt, and the bit will have to be cleared in software. All of the bits that generate interrupts can be set or cleared in software, with the same result as though it had been set or Cleared by hardware. That is, interrupts can be generated or pending interrupts can be cancelled in software. . . Each of these interrupt sources can be individually enabled or disabled by setting or clearing a bit in Special Function Register IE (Figure 13). Note that IE also contains a global disable bit, EA. If EA is set (I), the interrupts· are individually enabled or disabled by their corresponding bits in IE. If EA is clear (0), all interrupts are disabled. The PCA interrupt is generated by the logical OR of CF, CCFO, CCF1, CCF2, CCF3, and CCF4. None of these flags is Cleared by hardware when the service routine is vectored to. In fact, normally the service routine will have to determine which bit flagged the interrupt and clear that bit in software. 7-12 1 \ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C51FA I EA EC ET2 ES ET1 Address = OASH EX1 EXO ETO Reset Value = OOOOOOOOB Symbol Position Function EA 1E.7 Disables all interrupts. If EA = 0, all interrupts are disabled. If EA = 1, each interrupt can be individually enabled or disabled by setting or clearing its enable bit. EC IE.6 Enables or disables the PCA interrupt. EC = 1 enables it. EC = 0 disables it. ET2 IE.5 Enables or disables the Timer 2 interrupt. ET2 = 1 enables it. ET2 = 0 disables it. ES lEA Enables or disables the Serial Port interrupt. ES = 1 enables it. ES = 0 disables it. ET1 1E.3 Enables or disables the Timer 1 interrupt. ET1 = 1 enables it. ET1 = 0 disables it. EX1 IE.2 Enables or disables External Interrupt 1. EX1 = 1 enables it. EX1 = 0 disables it. ETO IE.1 Enables or disables the Timer 0 interrupt. ETO = 1 enables it. ETO = 0 disables it. EXO IE.O Enables or disables External Interrupt O. EXO = 1 enables it. EXO = 0 disables it. Figure 13. IE: Interrupt Enable Register PRIORITY LEVEL STRUCTURE priority interrupt can be interrupted by a high-priority interrupt, but not by another low-priority interrupt. A high-priority interrupt can't be interrupted by any other interrupt source. Each interrupt source can be individually programmed to one of two priority levels by setting or clearing a bit in Special Function Register IP (Figure 14). A low- PPC PT2 PS PT1 Address = OBSH PX1 PXO PTO Reset Value = XOOOOOOOB Symbol Position - IP.7 Not implemented, reserved for future use. • PPC IP.6 Defines the PCA interrupt priority level. PPC = 1 programs it to the high priority level. PT2 IP.5 Defines the Timer 2 interrupt priority level. PT2 = 1 programs it to the high priority level. PS IPA Defines the Serial Port interrupt priority level. PS = 1 programs it to the high priority level. PT1 IP.3 Defines the Timer 1 interrupt priority level. PT1 = 1 programs it to the high priority level. PX1 IP.2 Defines the External Interrupt 1 priority level. PX1 programs it to the high priority level. PTO IP.1 Defines the Timer 0 interrupt priority level. PTO it to the high priority level. PXO IP.O Defines the External Interrupt 0 priority level. PXO programs it to the high priority level. Function =1 = 1 programs =1 NOTE: ·User software should not write 1s to reserved bits. These bits may be used in future MeS-51 products to invoke new features. In that case, the reset or inactive value of the new bit will be 0, and its active value will be 1. The value read from a reserved bit is indeterminate. Figure 14. IP: Interrupt Priority Register 7-13 intJ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C51FA If two interrupts of different priority levels are flagged simultaneously, the interrupt request of the higher priority level is serviced. If interrupts of the same priority level are flagged simultaneously, an internal polling sequence determines which interrupt request is serviced. Thus within each priority level there is a second priori- . ty structure determined by the following polling sequence: SOURCE 1. lEO 2. TFO 3. lEI 4. TFI 5.PCA 6.RI+TI 7. TF2+ EXF2 location of the interrupt service routine as shoWn below. SOURCE STARTING ADDRESS OF SERVICE ROUTINE 0003H lEO TFO OOOBH 0013H IE1 001BH TF1 0023H RI+TI TF2+EXF2 002BH 0033H PCA PRIORITY WITHIN LEVEL (highest) (lowest) Note that the "priority within level" structure is only used to resolve simultaneous requests of the same priority level. Execution proc~eds from that location until the RETI instruction is encountered, which terminates the interrupt service routine. Note that the starting addresses of consecutive interrupt service routines are only 8 bytes apart. That means if consecutive interrupts are being used (lEO and TFO, for example, or. TFO and lEI), and if the first interrupt routine is more than 7 bytes long, then that routine will have to execute a jump out to some other memory location where the service routine can be completed without overlapping the starting ad·dress of the next interrupt routine. . LOCATION OF INTERRUPT SERVICE . ROUTINES Note that, although the polling position of the PCAgenerated interrilpt is higher than that of the Serial Port, the starting address of the Serial Port interrupt routine is unchanged from the 8051. This is for backwards software compatibility. Similarly, the Timer 2 interrupt 'starting addreSs is compatible with the 8052. This allows conversion of 8052 (HMOS) designs to the 83C51FA (CHMOS) with no software modification. The Interrupt Control System acknowledges an interrupt request by executing a hardware-generated LCALL to the appropriate service routine. The hardware-generated LCALL pushes the contents of the Program Counter onto the stack (but it does not'save the PSW) and reloads the PC with the starting 7-14 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C51FA SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS A map of the Special Function Register (SFR) space is shown in Table 1. User software should not write Is to these unimplemented locations, since they may be used in future MCS-51 products to invoke new features. In that case the reset or inactive values of the new bits will always be 0, and their active values will be I. Note that not all of the addresses are occupied. Unoccupied addresses are not implemented on the chip. Read accesses to these addresses will in general return random data, and write accesses will have no effect. Table 1. Special Function Register Memory Map and Values After Reset CH CCAP3H CCAP4H CCAPOH CCAP1H CCAP2H 00000000 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX F8 FO *S 00000000 F7 CL CCAPOL CCAP1L CCAP2L CCAP3L CCAP4L 00000000 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX E8 FF EO 'ACC 00000000 08 CCON CMOO CCAPMO OOXOOOOO OOXXXOOO XOOOOOOO EF E7 CCAPM1 XOOOOOOO CCAPM2 CCAPM3 XOOOOOOO XOOOOOOO CCAPM4 XOOOOOOO OF 07 DO • PSW 00000000 C8 T2CON T2MOO RCAP2L 00000000 XXXXXXXO 00000000 RCAP2H 00000000 TL2 00000000 TH2 00000000 co CF C7 S8 • IP SF So S7 A8 SAOEN XOOOOOOO 00000000 * P3 11111111 SAOOR • IE 00000000 00000000 AF AO • P2 11111111 * SSUF 98 'SCON 00000000 XXXXXXXX A7 90 • P1 97 11111111 88 " TCON 00000000 80 " PO 11111111 9F *TMOO • THO, • TL1 • TH1 • TLO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 • OPL • OPH • SP 00000111 00000000 00000000 • = Found In the 8051 core (See 8051 Hardware Description for explanations of these SFRs). •• = See description of PCON SFR. Bit PCON.4 is not affected by reset. X = Undefined. 7-15 8F 'PCON •• 87 OOXXOOOO Hardware Description of the 83C152 8' HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 use of external program memory. The second difference is that RESET is active low in the 83CI52 and active high in the 80C51BH. This is very important to designers who may currently be using the 80C51BH and planning to use the 83C152, or are planning on using both devices on the same board. The third difference is that GFO and GFI, general purpose flags in PCON, have been renamed GFIEN and XRCLK. GFIEN enables idle flags to be generated in SDLC mode, and XRCLK enables the receiver to be externally clocked. All of the previously unused bits are now being used and interrupt vectors have been added to support the new enhancements. Programmers using old code generated for the 80C51BH will have to examine their programs to ensure that new bits are properly loaded, and that the new interrupt vectors will not interfere with their program. 1.0 INTRODUCTION The 83CI52 Universal Communications Controller is an 8-bit microcontroller designed for the intelligent management of peripheral systems or components. The 83CI52 is a derivative of the 80C51BH and retains the same functionality. The 83CI52 is fabricated on the same CHMOS III process as the 80C51BH. What makes the 83CI52 different is that it has added functions and peripherals to the basic 80C5IBH architecture that are supported by new Special Function Registers (SFRs). These enhancements include: a high speed multi-protocol serial communication interface, two channels for DMA transfers, HOLD/HLDA bus control, a fifth I/O port, expanded data memory, and expanded program memory. In addition to a standard UART, referred to here as Local Serial Channel (LSC) , the 83Cl52 has an onboard multi-protocol communication controller called the Global Serial Channel (GSC). The GSC interface supports SDLC, CSMA/CD, user definable protocols, and a subset of HDLC protocols. The GSC capabilities include: address recognition, collision resolution, CRC generation, flag generation, automatic retransmission, and a hardware based acknowledge feature. This high speed serial channel is capable of implementing the Data Link Layer and the Physical Link Layer as shown in the OSI open systems communication model. This model can be found in the document "Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection Architecture", ISO/TC97/SCI6 N309. Throughout the rest of this manual the 80CI52 and the 83CI52 will be referred to generically as the "CI52". The CI52 is based on the 80C51BH architecture and utilizes the same 80C5IBH instruction set. Figure 1.1 is a block diagram of the C152. Readers are urged to compare this block diagram with the 80C51BH block diagram. There have been no new instructions added. All the new features and peripherals are supported by an extension of the Special Function Registers (SFRs). Very little of the information pertaining specifically to the 80C5IBH core will be discussed in this chapter. The detailed information on such functions as: the instruction set, port operation, timer/counters, etc., can be found in the MCS®-51 Architecture chapter in the Intel Embedded Controller Handbook. Knowledge of the 80C5IBH is required to fully understand this manual and the operation of the C152. To gain a basic understanding on the operation of the 80C51BH, the reader should familiarize himself with the entire MCS51 chapter of the Embedded Controller Handbook. The DMA circuitry consists of two 8-bit DMA channels with 16-bit addressability. The control signals; Read (RD), Write (WR), hold and hold acknowledge (HOLD/HLDA) are used to access external memory. The DMA channels are capable of addressing up to 64K bytes (16 bits). The destination or source address !;an be automatically incremented. The lower 8 bits of the address are multiplexed on the data bus Port 0 and the upper eight bits of address will be on Port 2. Data is transmitted over an 8-bit address/data bus. Up to 64K bytes of data may be transmitted for each DMA activation. Another source of information that the reader may find helpful is Intel's LAN Components User's Manual, or. der number 230814. Inside are descriptions of various protocols, application examples, and application notes dealing with different serial communication environments. The new I/O port (P4) functions the same as Ports 1-3, found on the 80C51BH. 2.0 COMPARISON OF 80C152 AND 80C51BH FEATURES Internal memory has been doubled in the 83C152. Data memory has been expanded to 256 bytes, and internal program memory has been expanded to 8K bytes. 2.1 Memory Space There are also some specific differences between the 83CI52 and the 80C51BH. The first is that the numbering system between the 83CI52 and the 80C5IBH is slightly different. The 83CI52 and the 80C5IBH are factory masked ROM devices. The 80CI52 and the 80C3IBH are ROMless devices which require the A good understanding of the memory space and how it is used in the operation of MCS-51 products is essential. All the enhancements on the CI52 are implemented by accessing Special Function Registers (SFRs), added data memory, or added program memory. 8-1 P4.0-P4.7 l PO .0- PO.7 SARLI SARHI DARL1 DARHI :t: BCRL1 ~ ::u c :e~ "'1'1 ::u III m m c· c:: ...... C en n ::u :.. (Xl ID =ti N n0" -4 (5 7<: C Z .. iii' o." eD III 3 -4 :t: ~" m CI) Co) ....n U1 N CRC GENERATOR ADRO-3 BAUD Pl.O- Pl.7 TCDCNT P3.0- P3.7 270427-7 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 (IDA), Source Address Space bit (SAS). Increment ~ource Address bit (ISA), DMA Channel Mode bit (DM), Transfer Mode bit (TM), DMA Done bit (DONE), and the GO bit (GO). DCONO is used to control DMA Channel O. 2.1.1 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS (SFRs) The following list contains all the SFRs, their names and function. All of the SFRs of the 80C51BH are reo tained and for a detailed explanation of their operation, please refer to the chapter, "Hardware Description of the 8051 and 8052" that is found in the Embedded Controller Handbook. An overview of the new SFRs is found in Section, with a detailed explanation in Section 3.7 and Section 4.5. DCONI - (93H) Same as DCONO except this is for DMA Channel 1. GMOD - (84H) Contains the Protocol bit (PR). the Preamble Length (PLI.O), CRC Type (CT). Address Length (AL). Mode select (Ml.0), and External Transmit Clock (TXC). This register is used for GSC operation only. New SFRs The following descriptions are quick overviews of the new SFRs, and not intended to give a complete understanding of their use. The reader should refer to the detailed explanation in Section 3 for the GSC SFRs, and Section 4'for the DMA SFRs. IENI - (OC8H) Interrupt enable register for DMA and GSC interrupts. . IFS - (OA4H) Determines the number of bit times separating transmitted frames. ADR 0,1,2,3 - (95H, OA5H, OBSH, OCSH) Contains the four bytes for address matching during GSC operation. IPNI - (OF8H) Interrupt priority register for DMA and GSC interrupts. AMSKO - (OD5H) Selects "don't care" bits to be used with ADRO. MYSLOT - (OFSH) Contains the Jamming mode bit (DCJ). the Deterministic Collision Resolution Algorithm bit (DCR). and the DCR slot address for the GSC. AMSKI - (OESH) Selects "don't care" bits to be used with ADRI. P4 - (OCOH) Contains the memory "image" of Port 4. BAUD - (94H) Contains the programmable value for the baud rate generator for the GSC. The baud rate will equal (fosc)/«BAUD + I) X 8). PRBS - (OE4H) Contains a pseudo-random number to be used in CSMA/CD backoff algorithms. May be read or written to by user software. BCRLO - (OE2H) Contains the low byte of a countdown counter that determines when the DMA access for Channel 0 is complete. RFIFO - (F4H) RFIFO is used to access a 3-byte FIFO that contains the receive data from the GSC. BCRHO - (OE3H) Contains the high byte for countdown counter for Channel O. BCRHI - (OF3H) Same as BCRHO except for DMA Channell. RSTAT - (OE8H) Contains the Hardware Based Ac· knowledge Enable bit (HABEN), Global Receive Enable bit (GREN). Receive FIFO Not Empty bit (RFNE). Receive Done bit (RDN). CRC Error bit (CRCE). Alignment Error bit (AE), Receiver Collision!Abort detect· bit (RCABT), and the Overrun bit (OVR). used with both DMA and GSC. BKOFF - (OC4H) An 8-bit count-down timer used with the CSMA/CD resolution algorithm. SARLO - (OA2H) Contains the low byte of the source address for DMA transfers. DARLO - (OC2H) Contains the low byte of the destination address for DMA Channel O. SARHO - (OA3H) Contains the high byte of the source address for DMA transfers. DARHO - (OC3H) Contains the high byte of the destination address for DMA Channel O. SARLI - (OB2H) Saine as SARLO but for DMA Chan-. nell. DARLI - (OD2H) Same as DARLO except for DMA Channell. SARHI - (OB3H) Same as SARHI but for DMA Channel I. DARHI - (OD3H) Same as DARHO except for DMA Channell. SLOTTM - (OB4H) Determines the length of the slot time in CSMA/CD. DCONO - (92H) Contains the Destination Address Space bit (DAS). Increment Destination Address bit TCDCNT - (OD4H) Contains the number of collisions in the current frame if using CSMA/CD GSC. BCRLl - (OF2H) Same as BCRLO except for DMA Channell. 8-3 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 Old(O)/New(N) 0 N N N N N N 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 0 N 0 N N 0 N N" 0 0 0 0 N 0 N 0 N N N N N N .0 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 ci 0 0 0 N Name 'A ADRO ADR1 ADR2 ADR3 AMSKO AMSK1 B BAUD BCRLO BCAHO BCRL1 BCRH1 BKOFF DARLO DARHO DARL1 DARH1 DCONO DCON1 DPH DPL GMOD IE IEN1 IFS IP IPN1 MYSLOT PO P1 P2 P3 P4 PCON PRBS PSW RFIFO RSTAT SARLO SARHO SARL1 SARH1 SBUF SCON SLOTTM SP TCDCNT TCON TFIFO THO TH1 TLO TL1 TMOD TSTAT . Function Addr OEoH. 095H OA5H OB5H OC5H OD5H OE5H OFOH 094H OE2H OE3H OF2H OF3H OC4H OC2H OC3H OD2H OD3H 092H 093H 083H 082H 084H OA8H OC8H OA4H OB8H OF8H OF5H b80H 090H OAOH bBOH OCOH 087H ·OE4H ODOH OF4H OE8H OA2H OA3H OB2H OB3H 099H 098H OB4H 08tH OD4H 088H 085H 08CH 08DH 08AH 08BH 089H OD8H ACCUMULATOR GSC MATCH ADDRESS 0 GSC MATCH ADDRESS 1 GSC MATCH ADDRESS 2 GSC MATCH ADDRESS 3 GSC ADDRESS MASK 0 GSC ADDRESS MASK 1 B REGISTER GSC BAUD RATE DMA BYTE COUNT 0 (LOW) DMA BYTE COUNT 0 (HIGH) DMA BYTE COUNT 1 (LOW) DMA BYTE COUNT 1 (HIGH) GSC BACKOFF TIMER DMA DESTINATION ADDR 0 (LOW) DMA DESTINATION AD DR 0 (HIGH) DMA DESTINATION ADDR 1 (LOW) DMA DESTINATION ADDR 1 (HIGH) . DMA CONTROL 0 DMA CONTROL 1 DATA POINTER (HIGH) DATA POINTER (LOW) GSCMODE INTERRUPT ENABLE REGISTER 0 INTERRUPT ENABLE REGISTER 1 GSC INTER FRAME SPACING INTERRUPT PRIORITY REGISTER 0 INTERRUPT PRIORITY REGISTER 1 GSC SLOT ADDRESS PORTO PORT 1 PORT 2 PORTa PORT 4 POWER CONTROL GSC PSEUDO-RANDOM SEQUENCE PROGRAM STATUS WORD GSC RECEIVE BUFFER RECEIVE STATUS (DMA & GSC) DMA SOURCE ADDR 0 (LOW) DMA SOURCE ADDR 0 (HIGH) DMA SOURCE AD DR i (LOW; DMA SOURCE ADDR 1 (HIGH) LOCAL SERIAL CHANNEL (LSC) BUFFER LOCAL SERIAL CHANNEL (LSC) CONTROL GSC SLOT TIME STACK POINTER GSC TRANSMIT COLLISION COUNTER TIMER CONTROL GSC TRANSMIT BUFFER TIMER 0 (HIGH) TIMER 1 (HIGH) TIMER 0 (LOW) TIMER 1 (LOW) TIMER MODE TRANSMIT STATUS (DMA & GSC) 8-4 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE'S3C152 TFIFO - (85H) TFIFO is used to access a 3-byte FIFO that contains the transmission data for the GSC. The addresses of-the second 128 bytes of data memory happen to overlap the SFR addresses. The SFRs and their memory locations are shown in Figure 2.2. This means that. internal data memory spaces have the same address as the SFR address. However, each type of memory is addressed differently. To access data memory above 80H, indirect addressing or the DMA channels must be used. To access the SFRs, direct addressing is used. When direct addressing is used, the address is the source or destination, e.g. MOY A, IOH, moves the contents of location IOH into the accumulator. When indirect addressing is used, the address of the destination or source exists within another register, e.g. MOY A, @RO. This instruction moves the contents of the memory location addressed by RO into the accumulator. Directly addressing the locations 80H to OFFH will access the SFRs. Another form of indirect addressing is with the use of Stack Poillter Operations. If the Stack Pointer contains an address and a PUSH or POP instruction is executed, indirect addressing is actually used. Directly accessing an unused SFR address will give undefined results. TSTAT - (OD8H) Contains the DMA Service bit (DMA), Transmit Enable bit (TEN), Transmit FIFO Not Full bit (TFNF), Transmit Done bit (TDN), Transmit Collision Detect bit (TCDT), Underrun bit (UR), No Acknowledge bit (NOACK), and the Receive oata Line Idle bit (LNI). This register is used with both DMA and GSC. The general purpose flag bits (GFO and GFl) that exist on the 80C51BH are no longer available on the C152. GFO has been renamed GFIEN (GSC Flag Idle Enable) and IS used to enable idle fill flags. Also GFI has been renamed XRCLK (External Receive Clock Enable) and is used to enable the receiver to be clocked externally. 2.1.2 DATA MEMORY Internal data memory consists of 256 bytes as shown in Figure 2.1. The first 128 bytes are addressed exactly like an 80C51BH, using direct addressing. Physically, there are separate SFR memory and data memory spaces allocated on the chip. Since·there are separate spaces, the SFRs do not diminish the available data memory space. rv OffH OfFH (0) OVERLAPPING MEMORY ADDRESSES A oaOH (0) (0) SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTER SPACE 02fH BIT ADDRESSABLE MEMORY SPACE 020H 01FH ., REGISTER BANK 3 017H REGISTER BANK 2 010H REGISTER BANK 1 007H REGISTER BANK 0 .. OOOH USER DATA MEMORY SPACE 270427-1 °NOTE: User data memory above BOH must be addressed indirectly. Using direct addressing above BOH accesses 'the Special Function Registers. Figure 2.1. Data Memory Map 8-5 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 External data memory is accessed like an SOC51BH, with "MOVX" instructions. Addresses up to 64K may be accessed when using the Data Pointer (DPTR). When accessing external data memory with the DPTR, the address appears on Port 0 and 2. When using the DPTR, if less, than 64K of external data memory is used, the address is emitted on all sixteen pins. This means that when using the DPTR, the pins of Port 2 not used for addresses cannot be used for general purpose VO. An alternative to using 16-bit addresses with the DPTR is to use RO or Rl to address the external data memory. When using the registers to address external data memory, the address range is limited to 256 bytes. However, software manipulation of VO Port 2 pins as normal I/O, allows this 256 bytes restriction to be expanded via bank switching. When using RO or Rl as data pointers, Port 2 pins that'are not used for addressing, can be used as general purpose I/O. Bit Addressable Memory The C152 has several memory spaces in which the bits are directly addressed by their location. The directly addressable bits and their symbolic names are shown in Figure 2.3A, 2.3B, and 2.3C. Bit addresses 0 to 7FH reside in on-board user data RAM in byte addresses 20H to 2FH (see Figure 2.3A). Bit addresses SOH to.OFFH reside in the SFR memory space, but not every SFR is bit addressable, see Figure 2.3B. The addressable bits are scattered throughout the SFRs. The addressable bits occur every eighth SFR address starting at SOH and occupy the entire byte. Most of the bits that are addressable in the SFRs have been given symbolic names. These names will often be referred to in this or other documentation on the C152. Most assemblers also allow the use of the symbolic names when writing in assembly language. These names are shown in Figure 2.3C. PGSlE POIIA 1 PGSlV PDllAO PGSRE PGSRV OFBH 1 ADR2 SLOmA SARHl SARLl 'I I I I. 'II I. 'I I I I, 'I I I II. 'I I I I, 'II I II, MYSLOT DCJ RFIFO BCRH 1 'BCRL 1 OCR '//1, SAS SM s.u SA3 SAl SAO 'II. 'III. '1111, 'III, OF5H OF4H OF3H OF2H RDN (0) IE 'I. 'I. OESH 'I. 'II, 'III, 'II. '1111. 'III. 'III. OE4H OOH OE2H 'I. 'I. LNI NOACK UR TCDT TON 'II, TFNF TEN OMA OOSH OOSH OD4H OD3H 002H DARHl DARL·I 'II, ev 'II, 'I, 'II/I. AC FO 'I, RSl 'I. '11.'1111, 'III, RSO OV 'II. 'III, 'III, 'I. ODOH 'I. DC4H OC3H OC2H 'I. OCOH 'IL PTl 'I. PXl 'I, PTO 'II, PXO 'I, '//1, OB8H 'IlL 'I, '1.'1111. 'III. '11/1.'11, 'I. 099H 098H 09SH 094H 093H 092H REN TB8 RB8 n RI IDA IDA SAS SAS !SA !SA OM OM TM TM DONE DONE GO GO DEiI GTXD GRXD 090H RD5A TFlFO GlAOD CTCLK DPH DPL SP (')PO 'I. 'I. OA8H 'I, SM2 THl THO TLl TLO TMOD GATE C (')TCON TFl lRl PCON SMOD ARB OCSH PS OBOH EXO SMl HLD 'i/i. 'ii. loll MO GATE ejl TFO lRO IEl 1T1 REQ GAREN XRCLK GFiEN 'II, 'II, loll 'I, ! '" '" > z Z z INDEX CORNER'\.. Q. ... on N c..i c..i c..i 0 oi Q. ci Q. ci ci oi Z ,z Z oi Q. Q. Q. 0. '" 270427-6 Figure 2.58. PLCCPin Out. 2.7 Pin Desc.ription The pin description for the 80C5lBH also applies to the C152 and is listed below. Changes have been made to the . descriptions as they apply to the C152. PIN DESCRIPTION Pin Name Description VSS Circuit ground potential. VCC Supply voltage during normal, Idle, and Power down operation.' Nominally + 5V ...L 04nOI .L lV-tO. XTAL1 XTAL2 Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier. Also serves as the input for using an external Clock signal. Output from the oscillator amplifier. PORTO ' Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bi-directional 1/0 port. Port 0 pins that have 1s written to them float and in that state can be used as high-impedance inputs. Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus during accesses to external Program and Data Memory: In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1s. Port 0 also outputs the code bytes during program verification in the 83C152. External pullups are required during program verification. PORT 1 Port 1 is an 8-bit bi-directionall/O port with internal pullups. Port 1 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current because of the internal pull ups. Port 1 also has the following special functions and for the special functions to operate a "1" has to be written to that pin first. 8-12 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 2.7 PIN DESCRIPTION (Continued) Pin Name Description Port 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Alternate Function GSC receiver data input (GR x D) GSC transmitter data output (GT x D) Drive Enable to enable external drivers (DEN) GSC external transmit clock input (T x C) GSC external receive clock input (Rx C) DMA hold request 1/0 (HOlD_)_ DMA hold acknowledge I/O (HlDA) none PORT 2 Port 2 is an 8-bit bi-directionall/O port with internal pullups. Port 2 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current because of the internal pull ups. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to external Data Memory that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX @DPTR). In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1s and cannot be used as inputs. During accesses to external Data Memory that use 8-bit addresses (MOVX @Ri), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 SFR. Port 2 receives the high-order address bits during program verification of the ROM device. PORT 3 Port 3 is an 8-bit bi-directionall/O port with internal pull ups. Port 3 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally pulled low will source current because of the pull ups. Port 3 also has the following special functions and for the special functions to operate that pin must be programmed to a "1" first. Port 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Alternate Function RXD (lSC serial data input port) I TXD (lSC serial data output port) INTO (external interrupt 0) INT1 (external interrupt 1) TO (Timer 0 external input) I!JTimer 1 external input) WR (external data memory write strobe) RD (external data memory read strobe) PORT 4 Port 4 is an 8-bit bi-directionall/O port with 40 internal pullups. Port 4 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pull ups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 4 pins that are externally pulled-low will source current because of the pullups. Port 4 also receives the low-order address bytes during program verification in the 83C152. RESET Reset input. A low level on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. An internal diffused resistor to VCC permits Power-On . reset using only an external capacitor to VSS. EA External Access enable. EA must be externally held low in order to enable the device to fetch code from external Program Memory locations OOOOH to 1FFFH. ALE Address latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of % the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skieP.ed during each access to external Data Memory. (Including DMAs where no RD/WR generated for internal source/destination.) PSEN Program Store Enable is the read strobe to external Program Memory. When the C152 is executing code from external Program Memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external Data Memory. 8-13 intJ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 2.8 Power Down and Idle 2.9 Local Serial Channel Both of these operations function identically as in the 80C51BH. Application Note 252, "Designing with the 80C5IBH" gives an excellent explanation on the use of the reduced power consumption .modes. Some of the items not covered in AP-252 are the considerations that are applicable when using the GSC or DMA· in conjunction with the power saving modes. The Local Serial Channel (LSC) is the name given to the UART that exists on all MCS-51 devices. The LSC's function and operation is exactly the same as on the 80C51BH. For a description on the use of the LSC, refer to the 8051/52 Hardware Description Chapter in the Intel Embedded Controller Handbook, under Serial Interface. The GSC continues to operate normally in Idl~ as long as the interrupts are enabled. The interrupts need to be enabled, so that the CPU can service the FIFO's and terminate transmission or reception when appropriate. After servicing the. GSC, user software. will need to again invoke the Idle command as the CPU does not automatically re-enter the Idle mode after servicing the interrupts. 3.0 GLOBAL SERIAL CHANNEL 3.1 Introduction The GSC does not operate while in Power Down so the steps required prior to entering Power Down become more complicated. The sequence when entering Power Down and the status of the I/O is of major importance in preventing damage to the C152 or other components in the system. Since the only way to exit Power Down is with a Reset, several problem areas become very significant. Some of the problems that merit careful consideration are cases where the Power Down occurs during the middle of a transmission; and the possibility that other stations are not or cannot enter this same mode. The state of the GSC I/O pins becomes critical and the GSC status will need to be saved before power . down is entered. There will also need to be some method of identifying to the CPU that the following Reset is probably not a cold start and that other stations on the link may have already been initialized. The DMA circuitry stops operation in both Idle and Power Down modes. Since operation is stopped' in both modes, the process should be similar in each case. Specific steps that need to be taken include: notification to other devices that DMA operation is about to cease for a particular station or network, proper withdrawal from DMA operation, and saving the status' of the DMA channels. Again, the status of the I/O pins during Power Down needs careful consideration to avoid damage to the C152 or other components. The Global Serial Channel (GSC) is a multi-protocol, high performance serial interface targeted for data rates up to 2 MBPS with on-chip clock recovery, and 2.4 MBPS using the external clock options. In applications using the serial channel, the GSC implements the Data Link Layer and Physical Link Layer as described in the ISO reference model for open systems interconnection. The GSC is designed to meet the requirements of a wide range of serial communications applications and is optimized to implement Carrier-Sense Multi-Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) and Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) protocols. The GSC architecture is also designed to provide flexibility in defining non-standard protocols. This provides the ability to retrofit new products into older serial technologies, as well as the development of proprietary interconnect schemes for serial backplane environments. The versatility of the GSC is demonstrated by the wide range of choices available to the user. The various modes of operation are summarized in Table 3.1. In subsequent sections, each available choice of operation will be explained in detail. In using Table 3.1, the parameters listed vertically (on the left hand side) represent an option that is selected (X). The parameters listed horizontally (along the top of the table) are all the parameters that could. theoretically be selected (Y). The symbol at the junction of both X and Y determines the applicability of the option Y. Port 4 returns to its input state, which is high level using weak pullup devices. Note, that not all combinations are backwards compati~ ble. For example, Manchester encoding requires half duplex, but half duplex does not .require Manchester encoding. 8-14 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 Table 3.1 DATA ENCODING N=NOT AVAILABLE M=MANDATORV O=OPTIONAL P = NORMALLV PREFERRED X=N/A M A N C H E FLAGS N N 0 R R Z Z I 1 1 1 1 1 1 S T DU· PLEX CRC 1 1 N 1 0 / I N E 6 B I T D L C C E I T 0 E R 3 2 B I T A H A L F ACKNOWLEDGE N F U 0 L L N E H A U N S 0 R D W E N E A R E U T 0 ADDRESS RECOGNITION R D E F I N E D 8' B I T 1 6 B I T / A L L BACKOFF N A 0 L T R M A L D E T E R E R N A M I N I T E PREAMBLE N 0 N E 8 B I T S T I C DATA ENCODING: MANCHESTER(CSMA/CD) X N N 1 P 1 0 0 M N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 NRZI (SDLC) N X N P 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 N P 0 0 0 N N N 0 0 '. NRZ (EXT CLK) N N X 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N P 0 X 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 N P 0 0 0 N N N 0 0 P N 0 1 X 1 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 X N N 1 N 1 1 1 1 1 1 N N N 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 N X N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N X 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 X N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FLAGS:Ollllll0 (SDLC) 11/IDLE CRC:NONE l6-BITCCITI 32-BIT AUTODIN II DUPLEX:HALF N 0 0 M N N M N N X 0 N P 0 0 0 N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 X N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HARDWARE 0 N N N 0 1 0 0 0 N N X N 0 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 USER DEFINED 0 P 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 P N N X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FULL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:NONE ADDRESS RECOGNITION: NONE/ALL 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X N N 0 0 0 0 0 8-BIT 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N X N 0 0 0 0 0 l6-BIT 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N X 0 0 0 0 0 COLLISION RESOLUTION: 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 0 M N 0 N 0 0 0 0 X N N N 0 ALTERNATE O' N 0 N 0 N 0 0 M N 0 0 0 0 0 0 N X N N 0 DETERMINISTIC 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 0 M N 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N X N 0 N 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 N N N X N 8-BIT 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N X 32-BIT 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N NORMAL PREAMBLE:NONE \ 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N JAM:D.C. M N N N 0 N 0 0 M N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 CRC M N N N 0 N 0 0 M N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 N M .N 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 N N N 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64-BIT CLOCKING:EXTERNAL INTERNAL CONTROL: CPU 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RAW RECEIVE: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 RAW TRANSMIT: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N 1 1 1 1 1 1 N N N 1 1 CSMAlCD: 0 N 2 1 P 1 0 0 M N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 SDLC: N 0 0 P 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 N N N P 0 DMA 8-15 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 Table 3.1 (Continued) PRE· AMBLE 2 6 4 B I T B I T 3 N= NOT AVAILABLE M=MANDATORY 0= OPTIONAL P= NORMALLY PREFERRED X=N/A JAM D C CLOCK C R C E X T E R N A L I I N T E R N A L CONTROL C P U D M A R A R A C W W R E C E I V E T R A N M A 5 5 D L C I C D S M I T DATA ENCODING: MANCHESTER 0 0 0 0 N M 0 0 0 0 M N NRZI 0 0 N N N M 0 0 0 0 N M NRZ 0 0 0 0 M N 0 0 0 0 0 0 FLAGS:01111110 0 0 N N 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 P 1111DLE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 P 1 1 1 N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CRC:NONE 16·BIT CCITT 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 32·BIT AUTODIN " 0 O. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 DUPLEX:HALF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FULL 0 0 N N 0 0 0 0 N N N P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HARDWARE 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 N N 0 N USER DEFINED 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:NONE ADDRESS RECOGNITION: NONE 0 0 0 _0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8·BIT 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 16·BIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 COLLISION RESOLUTION: NORMAL 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 N M N ALTERNATE 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 ,0 0 N M N DETERMINISTIC O. 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 N M N N N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 N P N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 32·BIT X N 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 64·BIT N X 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 JAM:D.C. 0 0 X N 2 0 0 0 0 N M N CRC 0 0 N X 2 0 0 0 0 N M N 0 0 N N X N 0 0 0 0 2 0 INTERNAL 0 0 0 0 N X 0 0 0 0 0 0 CONTROL:CPU 0 0 0 0 0 0 X N 0 0 0 0 0 0 (j 0 0 0 N X 0 0 0 0 RAW RECEIVE: 1 1 0 0 1 ' 1 1 1 X N 1 1 RAW TRANSMIT: 1 1 N N 1 1 1 1 N X 1 1 CSMAlCD: 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 X N SDLC: 0 0 N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 N X PREAMBLE:NONE 8·BiT CLOCKING:EXTERNAL DMA 8·16 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 of collision resolution made available to the user on the C152. Re-transmission is attempted when a resolution algorithm indicates that a station's opportunity has arrived. Note 1: Programmable in Raw transmit or receive mode. Note 2: When CSMA/CD is enabled, an external clock can be used on the transmitter, but not the receiver. Since the receiver monitors the link for Manchester violations, external hardware would be required to reformat the data from NRZ to Manchester on the transmitter. These hardware requirements go beyond the expectations of this table for implementation. For that reason it was assumed that the external clock cannot be used at all with CSMA/CD protocol, although it is actually possible to do so. Almost all the options available from Table 3.1 can be implemented with the proper software to perform the functions that are necessary for the options selected. In Table 3.1, a judgment has been made by the authors on which options are practical and which are not. What this means is that in Table 3.1, an UN" should be interpreted as meaning that the option is either not practical when implemented with user software or that it cannot be done. An "0" is used when that function is one of several that can be implemented with the GSC without additional user software. The GSC is targeted to operate at bit rates up to 2.4 MBps using the external clock options and up to 2 MBps using the internal baud rate generator, internal data formatting and on-chip clock recovery. The baud rate generator allows most standard rates to be achieved. These standards include the proposed IEEE802.3 LAN standard (1.0MBps) and the T1 standard (1.544MBps). The baud rate is derived from the crystal frequency. This makes crystal selection important when determining the frequency and accuracy of the baud rate. 3.2 CSMA/CD Operation 3.2.1 CSMA/CD OVERVIEW CSMA/CD operates by sensing the transmission line for a carrier, which indicates link activity. At the end of link activity, a station must wait a period of time, called the deference period, before transmission may begin. The deference period is also known as the interframe space. The interframe space is explained in Section 3.2.3. With this type of operation, there is always the possibility of a collision occurring after the deference period due to line delays. If a collision is detected after transmission is started, a jamming mechanism is used to ensure that all stations monitoring the line are awar,e of the collision. A resolution algorithm is then executed to resolve the contention. There are three different modes Normally, in CSMA/CD, re-transmission slot assignments are intended to be random. This method gives all stations an equal opportunity to utilize the serial communication link but also leaves the possibility of another collision due to two stations having the same slot assignment. There is an option on the C152 which allows all the stations to have their slot assignments previously determined by user software. This pre-assignment of slots is called the deterministic resolution mode. This method allows resolution after the first collision and ensures the access of the link to each station during the resolution. Deterministic resolution can be advantageous when the link is being heavily used and collisions are frequently occurring and in real time applications where determinism is required. Deterministic resolution may also be desirable if it is known beforehand that a certain station's communication needs to be prioritized over those of other stations if it is involved in a collision. 3.2.2 CSMAlCD FRAME FORMAT The frame format in CSMA/CD consists of a preamble, Beginning of Frame flag (BOF), address field, information field, CRC, and End of Frame flag (EOF) as shown in Figure 3.1. IPREAMBLE IBOF IADDRESS IINFO ICRC IEOF I Figure 3.1 Typical CSMA/CD Frame PREAMBLE - The preamble is a series of alternating Is and Os. The length of the preamble is programmable to be 0, 8, 32, or 64 bits. The purpose of the preamble is to allow all the receivers to synchronize to the same clock edges and identifies to the other stations on-line that there is activity indicating the link is being used. For these reasons zero preamble length is not compatible with standard CSMAlCD, protocols. When using CSMAlCD, the BOF is considered part of the preamble compared to SDLC, where the BOF is not part of the preamble. This means that if zero preamble length were to be used in CSMA/CD mode, no BOF would be generated. It is strongly recommended that zero preamble length never be used in CSMA/CD mode. If the preamble contains two consecutive Os, the preamble is considered invalid. If the C152 detects an invalid preamble, the frame is ignored. BOF - In CSMA/CD the Beginning-Of-Frame is a part of the preamble and consists of two sequential Is. The purpose of the BOF is to identify the end of the preamble and indicate to the receiver(s) that the address will immediately follow. 8-17 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 ADDRESS - The address field is used to identify which messages are iIi.tended for which stations. The user must assign addresses to each destination and source. How the addresses are assigned, how they are maintained, and how each transmitter is made aware of which addresses are available is an issue that is left to the user. Some suggestions are discussed in Section 3.5.5. Generally, each address is unique to each station but there are special cases where this is not true. In these special cases, a message is intended for more than one station. These multi-targeted messages are called broadcast or multicast-group addresses. A broadcast address consisting of all Is will always be received by all stations. A multicast-group address usually is indicated by using a las the first address bit. The user can choose to mask off all or selective bits of the address so that the GSC receives all messages or multicast-group messages. The address length is programmable to be 8 or 16 bits. An address consisting of all Is will always be received by the GSC on the C152. The address bits are always passed from the GSC to the CPU. With user software, the address can be extended beyond 16 bits, but the automatic address recognition will only work on a maximum of 16 bits. User software will have to resolve any remaining address bits. algorithm can be used but IEEE 802.3 uses a 32-bit CRC. The generation polynomial the CI52 uses with the 32-bit CRC is: G(X) = X32 + X26 + X23 + X22 +X16 + XI2 + , . XII + XIO + X8 + X7 + X5 + X4 + X2 .+ X + I The CRC generator, as shown in Figure 3.2, operates , by taking each bit as it is received and XOR'ing it with bit 31 of the current eRC. This result is then placed in temporary storage. The result of XOR'ing bit 31 with the received bit is then XOR'd with bits 0, I, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15,21,22,25 as the CRC is shifted right one position. When the CRC is shifted right, the temporary storage space holding the result of XOR'ing bit 31 and the incoming bit is shifted into position O. The whole process is then repeated with the next incoming or out. going bit. The usei' has no access to the CRC generator or the bits which constitute the CRC while in CSMAlCD. On transmission, the CRC is automatically appended to the data being sent, and on reception, the CRe bits are not normally loaded into the receive FIFO. Instead, they are automatically stripped. The only indication the user has for the status of the eRC is a pass/fail flag. The pass/fail flag only operates during reception. A CRC is considered as passing when the the CRC generator has 1100011100000100 11011010 011110IlB as a remainder after all of the data, including the CRe checksum, from the transmitting station has been cycled through the CRC generator. The preamble, BOF and EOF are not included as part of the CRC algorithm. An interrupt is available that will interrupt the CPU if the CRC of the receiver is invalid. The user can enaole the CRC to be passed to the CPU by placing the receiver in the raw receive mode. INFO - This is the information field and contains the data that one device on the link wishes to transmit to another device. It can be of any length the user wishes but needs to be in multiples of 8 bits. This is because multiples of 8 bits are used to transfer data into or out of the GSC FIFOs. The information field is delineated from the rest of the components of the frame by the preceding address field and the following CRC.. The receiver determines the position of the end of the information field by passing the bytes through a temporary storage space. When the EOF is received the bytes in temporary storage are the CRC, and the last bit received previous to the CRC constitute the end of the information field. This method of calculating the CRC is compatible with IEEE 802.3. CRC - The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is an error checking algorithm commonly used in serial communicationS. The CI52 offers two types of CRC algorithms, a 16-bit and a 32-bit. The 16-bit algorithm is normally ~sed in the SDLC mode and will be described in the SDLC section. In CSMAlCD applications either EOF - The End Of Frame indicates when the transmis,ion i, comnleted. The end flag in CSMA/CD consists ~i an idle c~ndition. An idle c;ndition is assumed when there is no transitions and the link remains high for 2 or more bit times. 8-18 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 270427-8 Figure 3.2. CRC Generator around period is the amount of time that is needed by user software to complete the handling of a received frame and be prepared to receive the next frame. An interframe space smaller than the required tum-around period could be used, but would allow some frames to be missed. 3.2.3 INTER FRAME SPACE The interframe space is the amount of time that transmission is delayed after the link is sensed as being idle and is used to separate transmitted frames. In alternate backoff mode, the interframe space may also be included in the determination of when retransmissions may actually begin. The C152 allows programmable interframe spaces of even numbers of bit times from 2 to 256. When a GSC transmitter has a new message to send, it will first sense the link. If activity is detected, transmission will be deferred to allow the frame in progress to complete. When link activity ceases, the station continues deferring for one interframe space period. The period of the interframe space is determined by the contents of IFS. IFS is an SFR that is programmable from 0 to 254. The interframe space is measured in bit times. The value in IFS mUltiplied by the bit time equals the interframe space unless IFS equals O. If IFS does equal 0, then the interframe space will equal 256 bit times. One of the considerations when loading the IFS is that only even numbers (LSB must be 0) can be used because only the 7 most significant bits are loaded into IFS. The LSB is controlled by the GSC and determines which half of the IFS is currently being used. In some modes, the interframe space timer is re-triggered if activity is detected during the first half of the period. The GSC determines which half of the interframe space is currently being used by examining the LSB. A one indicates the first half and zero indicates the second half of the IFS. As mentioned earlier, the interframe space is used during the collision resolution period as well as during normal transmission. The backoff method selected affects how the deference period is handled during normal transmission. If normal backoff mode is selected, the interframe space timer is reset if activity occurs during approximately the first half of the interframe space. If alternate backoff or. deterministic backoff is selected, the timer is not reset. in all cases whe~ the interframe space timer expires, transmission may begin, regardless if there is activity 'on the link or not. Although the C152 resets the interframe space timer if activity is detected during the first one-half of the interframe space, this is not necessarily true of all CSMA/CD systems. (IEEE 802.3 recommends that the interframe space be reset if activity is detected during the first two-thirds or less of the interframe space.) After reset IFS is 0, which delays the first transmission for both SDLC and CSMA/CD by 256 bit times (after reset, a bit time equals 8 oscillator clock periods). 3.2.4 COLLISION RESOLUTION In most applications, the period of the interframe space will be equal to or greater than the amount of time needed to tum-around the' received frame. The turn- The method used to resolve a collision is called the backoff algorithm. 8-19 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 How the backoff algorithm executes is dependent on which part of the frame the collision was detected in. How collisions are detected is shown in Figure 3.3. If the collision occurred before data has been loaded into the Receive FIFO, then reception' is simply stopped. A collision is assumed if a pulse is less than three sample periods in length or if an. expected transition is missed. Figures 3.3A and B show where transition must occur and where transitions are invalid. The sample . periods occur at a rate that is 8 times the baud rate as determined by the SFR BAUD. The time when the first byte is loaded into the Receive FIFO is dependent on the CRC length. After detection of the BOF flag, all subsequent data is passed through. the CRC stripping/generation hardware. Also,there is an additional delay of 8 bit times, as the Receive FIFO operates with only eight bit quantities. This means that after the BOF, there is a 24(40) bit time delay before data is loaded into the Receive FIFO if the 16(32) bit CRC is selected. If the collision occurs after data has been loaded into the receive FIFO, then .the error flag Receiver Abort (RCABT) is set and REN cleared. This prevents another reception while the CPU tries to figure out what to do next. If the Enable Global Serial (channel) Receive Error (EGSRE) interrupt (IENl.l) is enabled the CPU is interrupted. At this time user software must decide what actions to take to assure a proper recovery. LOGICAL VALUE 1. During transmission, each device monitors its own transmission pin with its receive circuitry. A collision is assumed if the receiver detects Manchester encoding violations as defined in Figures 3.3A and B. Where the collision occurs determines what actions are taken. If the collision occurs after the preamble, the Timer Collision Detect (TCDT) bit is set. If the Enable Global Serial Transmit Error (EGSTE) interrupt (lEN 1. 5) is enabled, the CPU is interrupted. If this type of collision occurs, user software must determine what actions to take for a proper recovery. If the transmitting station detects the collision during the preamble or BOF, the actions taken are automatic. The transmitter will attempt resolution up to eight tries. After the eighth attempt, the error flag (TCDT) is set. If EGSTE is enabled, the CPU is then interrupted. o o o MANCHESTER ENCODING . ".,. - - - "1" BIT, TIME - - - -..... ".:..'- - "0" BIT TIME - - - -.. " (8 X BAUD) R.ECEIVt SAMPLING RATE , INVALID MANDATORY TRANSITION 270427-9 Figure 3.3A. CSMA/CD COllisions 8~20 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 LOGICAL VALUE o o MANCHESTER ENCODING ,,>---... . "1" BIT TIME - - - - - - - - - - "1" BIT TIME - - - -.. " , (8 X BAUD) RECEIVE SAMPLING' RATE INVALID MANDATORY TRANSITION OPTIONAL TRANSITION 270427-10 Figure 3.3B. CSMAlCD Collisions When a transmitting GSC detects a collision, the first action taken is to apply a jamming signal to the link. The jam is sent following the end of the preamble, or immediately if the preamble has already .been completed. This action is taken to insure that other stations on the link are aware that a collision has occurred. algorithm is used. These methods are .named: "Normal Backoff", "Alternate Backoff", and "Deterministic Backoff". Before going into detail on the various backoff schemes, there is a parameter called the slot time that must be understood by the user. The slot time is used during the collision resolution and is the basic scheduling quantum for retransmission once a collision is detected. The slot time also represents the maximum length of a collision fragment and the upper bound on the acquisition time of the network. The value of the slot time is determined by the contents of SLOTTM. SLOTTM is programmable from b to 255. A slot time is equal to 256-SLOTTM multiplied by the bit time,unless SLOTTM equals o. If o is used in SLOTTM, th~n the slot time period will equal 256 bit times.· A bit time is equal to Ilbaud rate. The timing requirements on the slot time is that it be equal to, or greater than the longest round-trip propagation time of the signal plus the jam time. The jam time is equal to the CRC length. The jamming signal can be one of two types, D.C. or CRC. D.C. jam is selected by setting the DCI bit (MYSLOT.7). The D.C. jam applies a continuous low level signal for a duration equal to the CRC length. To select the CRC type of jam, the DCJ bit needs to be cleared. CRC is selected after the C152 is reset. The CRC,jam operates by taking the current CRC calculated up to that point, inverting the data and applying that signal to the. link. After applying the jam, the resolution phase is next. This phase will effect the throughput and efficiency of the link once a collision is detected. There are three methods to choose from that determine which backoff 8-21 intJ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 In alternate mode the backoff time begins immediately at the end of an interframe space after the jam. If alternate backoff is used then the slot time does not occur unin after the interframe space expires as shown in Figure 3.4. This mode will usually be used when the interframe space is longer than the slot time. This prevents the situation where the slot time expires before the interframe space period. This preserves the bandwidth of the collision resolution by insuring that each station is allowed up to 8 re-attempts at transmission. Networks where the slot time is less than the interframe space generally exist where there is a short topology, or high data rates are used. Normal and Alternate CSMA/CD Modes In the Normal and Alternate Normal resolution modes, the slot position assigned .to a station is determined by the SFR, Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS). The PRBS generates a random number by using a series of feedback shift registers that are clocked by the CPU phase clocks. There is a maximum physical limit of 256 slot positions available. The slot assigned is derived from PRBS during the resolution phase of a collision. But the value in PRBS is ANDed' with the contents of TCDCNT. The way TCDCNT operates is that as collisions occur, TCDCNT shifts left one bit position and a 1 is shifted into the LSB. As TCDCNT is filled with Is from collisions, the maximum range of slot assignments also increases by powers of 2. This variable upper limit is determined by the number of collisions, but can never be greater than 255. The PRBS maximum value will be (2**n)-I, where n is the number. of pre~?usly a~ tempted transmissions that resulted In a colliSion. This means that on the first re-transmission, the PRBS value could be 0 or I, on the second re-transmission the PRBS could be any value from 0 to 3, and on the eighth collision PRBS could be any value from 0 to 255. There is no way that the user software can get access to the slot position assigned to a station once the backoff process has started. Deterministic Collision Resolution In Deterministic Collision Resolution, when a collision occurs, all stations enter a special mode, whether or not they were involved in the collision. The resolution p~ri od is divided into a programmable number of slots With each station having a unique slot assignment. The first slot starts after one interframe space. A station is allowed to start transmitting only during its own slot and will transmit as long as it needs to unless some error occurs. After any transmission, one interframe expires before the next slot begins. If no collision occurs, the protocol operates as in regular CSMA/CD mode. The backoff can be programmed to start either at the end of the jam, as in Ethernet, or at the end of the interframe space. In normal mode the backoff time begins immediately at the end of the jam. The slot time begins as soon as the . jam is completed but must wait until at le~t one int~r frame space has completed before attemptIng transnussion. Slot 0 is the first to occur, followed by Slot 1 and so on. This means the lowest slot number assigned will win control of the link as long as the slot time ends after the the interframe space expires. In networks where the slot time is longer than the interframe space, normal backoff will usually be implemented. This is because the interframe space time will expire before Slot 0 is complete. This is shown in Figure 3.4. In net- . works where the interframe space is longer than the slot time, Slot 0 will expire before the interframe space and will not be able to transmit during that resolution attempt. Taken to an extreme where the interframe space is much larger than the slot time, it is possible that there will be no resolution during the first couple of collisions because the possible number of slot times available will still be less than the interframe space. This would waste the bandwidth of the resolution by not allowing all stations the opportunity of 8 attempts at retransmission. 8-22 This method operates as follows. The user software assigns each station its own slot position and loads it in the SFR, MYSLOT. That station has to wait a number of slot times equal to (maximum number of slots) (MYSLOT). Only the lower six bits of MYSLOT are used for slot assignment. This means that when using deterministic resolution, a maximum of 63 stations in the network can participate in any collision resolution. Another station may be added to the network, but not allowed to participate in a resolution. That station should have 0 as its assigned slot. This prevents the station from attempting to retransmit during the collision resolution. When using deterministic resolution, the PRBS must be disabled. By writing OFFH into the PRBS, it is frozen into an all Is st.at.e. The maximum number of stations that may be involved in the resolution is loaded into TCDCNT. The slot count does not begin until the receiver senses that the line is idl~ and one interframe space expires. At the end of the Interframe space the GSC starts counting the slots. Alternate backoff mode should be selected whenever deterministic backoff mode is being used. Then, if activity is detected on the link with deterministic backoff mode selected, the GSC first waits uhtil the link is idle and then waits until the end of the interframe space before the slot timer continues counting the slots. This allows another station to transmit a pending message in its proper slot and 'each station gets an opportunity to transmit when the slot time equals the value in its MYSLOT register. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 The bottom diagram of Figure 3.4 illustrates this mechanism for a number of stations (MAX). It shows stations with slot numbers (MAX-2), 2 and I transmitting during the resolution period. Note the interframe space after the jam and after each transmission. After all the slot positions have been exercised, normal CSMA/CD operation resumes. Unless deterministic resolution is selected, it is possible that stations not involved in the collision may attempt transmission during the resolution period after an interframe space period. Deterministic mode prevents this from happening because all stations on the link are required to enter into the resolution phase, whether or not they are involved in the collision. Then, a station is either allowed to transmit during its assigned slot or is prevented from transmitting during the resolution period. Normal 8ackoff Alternate 8ackoff ~. SLOT TIME FIRST IFS FIRST ~. SLOT TIME SECOND IFS ST IFS IFS ST SLOT TIME SLOT TIME SLOT TIME SLOT TIME SECOND SLOT TIME COLLISION- IFS ST ST IFS ST Sf. ST COLLISION 270427-11 Normal 8ackoff Mode (CURRENT BACKOFF VALUE=) ~.- - - - - - ( 5 ) . (4) (3) (2) (.) (0) (lN~IAL =><+!_+_--:)>.j..:~:,-:-----~:~-:-:-:-::-:-:-:-: j BACKOFF I I : :.... : : I I : I I VALUE=5): ... I It-, I I I I I ~ :~: :I!!: ~ : r:: :'~ : ~ : ~ , (CURRENT BACKOFF VALUE=)~'------' (3) (2) (') (0) -V: ):::: : Ie, (INI~IAL -"...c:""_+-_J.""'''' " 9ACKOFF ., VALUE=3): : :.... : : 1,1-, ~ :12: ;:: T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 = = = = = I :I!!: I I I ~: J:::: ~: 270427-12 T6 = Slot A(#4) or 8(#2) Occurring T7 = Slot A( # 3) or 8( # 1) Occurring T8 = Slot A( # 2) Occurring T8 = Station 8 8egins Transmission T10 = Station A Loses Slot Assignment Collision Detected Jam Applied Idle Detected Interframe Space Period Slot A( # 5) or 8( # 3) Occurring Deterministic 8ackoff .Mode ,, , , ,, , ,, , , ,, , ;:: T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 ~ , ~ 1.... '&1')1 11-11-1 ~ ~ '00 10'1' 11-11-1 = Collision Detected = Jam Applied = 1 IFS, No Activity 0 ;:: , ;:: ;:: ;:: '" ... ;:: 270427-13 T8 = Assume Slot Time 4 Occurring T9 = Slot Time 3 Occurring T1 0 = Slot Time 2 Occurs with Activity T11 = IFS for Slot Time 2 T12 = Slot Time 1 Occurs with Activity T13 = IFS for Slot Time 1 T14 = Normal CSMAlCD Activity Slot Time for Maximum Available Slot Occurring Slot Time for (MAX·1) Occurring = Slot Time for (MAX·2) Occurs with Activity = IFS for Slot Time (MAX·2) = = . Figure 3.4. Slot Time Resolution 8-23 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 A transmitting station with HABEN enabled expects an acknowledge. It must receive one prior to the end of the interframe space, or else an error is assumed and the NOACK bit is set. Setting of the TON bit is also delayed until the end of the interframe space. Collisions detected during the interframe space will also cause NOACK to be set. 3.2.5 CSMA/CD DATA ENCODING Manchester encoding/decoding is automatically selected when the user software selects CSMA/CO transmission mode (See Figure 3.5). In Manchester encoding the value of the bit is determined by the transition in the middle of the bit time, a positive transition is decoded as a 1 and a negative transition is decoded as a O. The user software may enable the interrupt so that the CPU is notified when TON is set. If the OSC is serviced by OMA, the user must time out one interframe space and then check the NOACK bit or the TON bit. If the external IX clock feature is chosen the transmission mode is always NRZ (see Section 3.5.11). Using CSMA/CO with the external clock option is not supported because the data needs reformatting from NRZ to Manchester for the receiver to be able to detect code violations and collisions. 3.3 SOLe Operation 3.2.6 HARDWARE BASED ACKNOWLEDGE 3.3.1 SDLC OVERVIEW Hardware Based Acknowledge (HBA) is a data link packet acknowledging scheme that the user software can enable with CSMA/CO protocol. It is not an option with SOLC protocol however. SOLC is a communication protocol developed by IBM and widely used in industry. It is based on a primary/ secondary architecture and requires that each secondary station have a unique address. The secondary stations can only communicate to the primary station, and then, only when the primary station allows communication to take place. This eliminates the possibility of contention on the serial line caused by the secondary station'S trying to transmit simultaneously. In general HBA can give improved system response time and increased effective transmission rates over acknowledge schemes implemented in higher layers of the network architecture. Another benefit is the possibility of early release of the transmit buffer as soon as the acknowledge is received. In the CIS2, SOLC can be configured to work in either full or half duplex. When adhering to strict SOLC protocol, full duplex is required. Full duplex is selected whenever a 16-bit CRC is selected. At the end of a valid reset thel6"bit CRC is selected. To select half duplex with a 16-bit CRC, the receiver must be turned off by user software before transmission. The receiver is turned off by clearing the OREN bit (RSTAT.l). The receiver needs to be turned off because the address that is transmitted is the address. of the secondary station'S receiver. If not turned off, the receiver could mistake the outgoing message as being intended for itself. When 32-bit CRCs are used, half duplex is the only method available for transmission. The acknowledge consists of a preamble followed by an idle condition. A receiving station with HABEN enabled will send an acknowledge only if the in"oming address is unique to the receiving station and if the frame is determined to be correct with no errors. 'For the acknowledge to be sent, ten must be set. For the transmitting· station to recognize the acknowledge OREN must be set. A zero as the LSB of the address indicates that the address is unique and not a group or broadcast address. Errors can be caused by collisions, incorrect CRC, misalignment, or FIFO overflow. The receiver sends the acknowledge as soon as the line is sensed to be idle. The l!~cr must progI1h~ the interframe space and the preamble length such that the acknowledge is completed before IFS expires. This is normally done by programming IFS larger than the preamble. o o I BIT I - - TIME--+; o 270427-14 Figure 3.5. Manchester Encoding 8-24 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 3.3.2 SOLC Frame Format The format of an SOLC frame is shown in Figure 3.6. The frame consists of a Beginning of Frame flag, Address field, Control Field, Information field (optional), a CRC, and the End of Frame flag. IBOF IADDRESS ICONTROL IINFO ICRC IEOF I Figure 3.6. Typical SOLC Frame BOF - The begin of frame flag for SOLC is 01111110. It is only one of two possible combinations that have six consecutive ones in SOLC. The other possibility is an abort character which consists of eight or more consecutive ones. This is because SOLC utilizes a process called bit stuffing. Bit stuffing is the insertion of a 0 as the next bit every time a sequence of five consecutive Is is detected. The receiver automatically removes a 0 after every consecutive group of five ones. This removal of the 0 bit is referred to as bit stripping. Bit stuffing is discussed in Section 3.3.4. All the procedures required for bit stuffing and bit stripping are automatically han. died by the GSC. In standard SOLC protocol the BOF signals the start of a frame and is limited to 8 bits in length. Since there is no preamble in SOLC the BOF is considered an entire separate field and marks the beginning of the frame. The BOF also serves as the clock synchronization mechanism and the reference point for determining the position of the address and control fields. AOORESS - The address field is used to identify which stations the message is intended for. Each secondary station must have a unique address. The primary station must then be made aware of which addresses are assigned to each station. The address length is specified as 8-bits in standard SOLC protocols but it is expandable to 16-bits in the C152. User software can further expand the number of address bits, but the automatic address recognition feature works on a maximum of 16bits. CONTROL - The control field is used for initialization of the system, identifying the sequence of a frame, to identify if the message is complete, to tell secondary stations if a response is expected, and acknowledgement of previously sent frames. The user software is responsible for insertion of the control field as the .GSC hardware has no provisions for the management· of this field. The interpretation and formation of the control field must also be handled by user software. The information following the control field is typically used for information transfer, error reporting, and various other functions. These functions are accomplished by the format of the control field. There are three formats available. The types of formats are Informational, Supervisory, or Unnumbered. Figure 3.7 shows the various format types and how to identify them. Since the user software is responsible for the implementation of the control field, what follows is a simple explanation on the control field and its functions. For a complete understanding and proper implementation of SOLC, the user should refer to the IBM document, GA27-3093-2, IBM Synchronous Oata Link Control General Information. Within that document, is another list of IBM documents which go into detail on the SOLC protocol and its use. The control field is eight bits wide and the format is determined by bits 0 and 1. If bit 0 is a zero, then the frame is an informational frame. If bit 0 is a one and bit 1 a zero, then it is a supervisory frame, and if bit 0 is a one and bit I a one then the frame is an unnumbered frame. In an informational frame bits 3,2,1 contain the sequence count of the frame being sent. Bit 4 is the P IF (Poll/Final) bit. If bit 4 equals 1 and originates from the primary, then the secondary station is expected to initiate a transmission. If bit 4 equals 1 and originates from a secondary station, then the frame is t~e final frame in a transmission. In SOLC the addresses are normally unique for each station. However, there are several classes of messages that are intended for more than one station. These messages are called broadcast and group addressed frames. An address consisting of allIs will always be automatically received by the GSC, this is defined as the broadcast address in SOLC. A group address is an address that is common to more than one station. The GSC provides address masking bits to provide the capability of receiving group addresses. If desired, the user software can mask off all the bits of the address. This type of masking puts the GSC in a· promiscuous mode so that all addresses are received. 8-25 Bits 7,6,5 contain the sequence count a station expects· on the next transmission to it. The sequence count can vary from OOOB to 11 lB. The count then starts over again at OOOB after the value IliB is incremented. The acknowledgement is recognized by the receiving station when it decodes bits 7,6,5 of an incoming frame. The station sending the transmission is acknowledging the frames received up to the count represented in bits 7,6,5 (sequence count-I). With this method, up to seven sequential frames may be transmitted prior to an acknowledgement being received. If eight frames were allowed to pass before an acknowledgement, the sequence count would roll over and this would negate the purpose of the sequence numbers. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 BIT POSITIONS- 7 65 . 4 o 321 SENDING SEQUENCE RE¢'EPTjlON SEQUENCE 270427-15 RECEPTION SEQUENCE - The sequence expected in (the SENDING SEQUENCE portion of the control byte in the next received frame. This also confirms correct reception of up to seven frames prior to the sequence given. POLL/FINAL - Identifies the frame as being a polling request from the master station or the last in a series of frames from the master or secondary; SENDING SEQUENCE- Identifies the sequence of the frame being transmitted. o - If bit 0 = 0 the frame. is identified as a informational format type. INFORMATION FORMAT -----------------~----------------------------~--------M POSITIONS- 7 6 5 4 3 o .2 ~R-E~C-E-P-T~:IO-N-,-po-LL-/~~--~--~~ SEQ UEN CE FINAL 270427-16 RECEPTION SEQUENCE - Expected sequenceofframe for next reception. POLL/FINAL - Identifies frame as being a polling request from the' master station or the last in a series of frames from the master or secondary. . MODE - Identifies whether receiver is ready (00), not ready (10) or a frame was rejected (Oi). The rejected frame is identified by the reception sequence. . 0,1 - If bits I,D = 0,1 the frame is identified as a supervisory format type. SUPERVISORY FORMAT -------------~--------------------------------~-~------. M 7 6 5 432 1 0 POSITIONS-.--_ _·..,.--_ _,--_ _- - - . . - - - - , - -___- - - - . . . - -..... ,I. . COMMAND/ IpOLL/ICOMMAND/1 R~sPoNsE ViNAl·1 RESPONSE I 1 1 I I II 270427-17 COMMAND/RESPONSE - Identifies the type of command. or response. POLL/FINAL - Identifies frame as being a polling request from the master station or the last in a series of frames from the master or secondary. 1,1 - If bits I,D == 1,1 the 'frame is identified as an unnumbered format type. NONSEQU'ENCED FO'RMAT , Figure 3.7. SDLC Control Field 8-26 270427-18 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 Following the informational control field comes the information to be transferred. When the mode is 10, the sending station is indicating that its receiver is not ready to accept frames. In the supervisory format (bits 1,0 = 0,1) bits 3,2 determine which mode is being used. Mode 11 is an illegal mode in SDLe protocol. When the mode is 00 it indicates that the receive line of the station that sent the supervisory frame is enabled and ready to accept frames. Bits 7,6,5 represent the value of the sequence the station expects when the next transfer occurs for that station. There is no information following the control field when the supervisory format is used. When the mode is 01, it indicates that previously a received frame was rejected. The value in the receive count identifies which frame(s) need to be retransmitted. In the unnumbered format (bits 1,0 = 1,1) bits 7, 6, 5, 3, 2 (notice bit 4 is missing) indicate commands from the primary to secondary stations or requests of secondary stations to the pritnary. The standard commands are: BITS 7 6 5 3 2 Command 0 0 0 0 0 Unnumbered Information (UI) 0 0 0 0 1 Set initialization mode (SIM) 0 1 0 0 0 Disconnect (DISC) 0 0 1 0 0 Response optional (UP) 1 1 0 0 1 Function descriptor in information field (CFGR) 1 1 Identification in information field. (XID) 0 1 0 0 Test pattern in information field. (TEST) The standard responses are: BITS 7 6 5 3 2 Command 0 0 0 0 0 Unnumbered information (UI) 0 0 0 0 1 Request for initialization (RIM) 0 0 0 1 1 Station in disconnected mode (OM) 1 0 0 0 1 Invalid frame received (FRMR) 0 1 1 0 0 Unnumbered acknowledgement (UA) 1 1 1 1 1 Signal loss of input (BCN) 1 1 0 0 1 Function descriptor in information field (CFGR) 0 1 0 0 0 Station wants to disconnect (RD) 1 0 1 1 1 Identification in information field (XID) 1 1 1 0 0 Test pattern in information field (TEST) 8-27 HARDWARE 'DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 rithms, a 16-bit and a 32-bit. The 32-bit algorithm is normally used in. CSMAlCD applications and is described in section 3.2.2. In most SDLC applications a 16-bit CRC is used and the hardware configuration that supports 16-bit CRC is shown in Figure 3.8; The generating polynomial that the CRC generator uses with the 16-bit CRC is: In an unnumbered frame, information of variable length may follow the control field if UI is, used, or information of fixed length may follow if FRMR is used. As stated earlier, the user software is responsible for the proper management of the control field. This portion of the frame is passed to or from the GSCFIFOs as basic informational type data. G(X) = X"16 + X"12 + X"5 + 1 The way the CRC operates is that as a bit is received it is XOR'd with bit 15 of the current CRC and placed in temporary storage. The result of XOR'ing bit 15 with the received bit is then XOR'dwith bit 4 and bit 11 as the CRC is shifted one position to the right. The bit in temporary storage is shifted into position O. INFO - This is the information field and contains ,the data that,one device on the 'link' wishes to transmit to another device. It can be of any length the user wishes, but must be a multiple of 8 bits. It is possible that some frames may contain no information field. The information field is identified to the receiving stations by the preceding control field and the following CRC. The GSC determines where the last of the information field is by passing the bits through the CRC generator. When the last bit or BOF is received the bits that remain constitute the CRC. The required CRC length for SDLC is' 16 bits. The CRC is automatically stripped from the frame and not passed on: to the CPU. The last 16 bits ,are then run though the CRC generator to insure that the correct remainder is left. The remainder that is checked for is 001110100001111B (lDOF Hex). If there is a mismatch, an error is generated. The user software has the optiqn of enabling this interrupt so the CPU is notified. CRC - The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is an error checking sequence commonly used in serial communications. The C152 offers two types of CRC algo- 270427-19 Figure3_8_16-BitCRC 8-28 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 EOF - The End Of Frame (EOF) indicates when the transmission is complete. The EOF is identified by the end flag. An end flag consists of the bit pattern 01111110. The EOF can also serve as the BOF for the next frame. 3.3.5 SENDING ABORT CHARACTER An abort character is one of the exceptions to the rule that disallows more than 5 consecutive Is. The abort character consists of any occurrence of seven or more consecutive ones. The simplest way for the CI52 to send an abort character is to clear the TEN bit. This causes the output to be disabled which, in turn, forces it to a constant high state. The delay necessary to insure that the link is high for seven bit times, is a task that needs to be handled by user software. Other methods of sending an abort character are using the IFS register or using the Raw Transmit mode. Using IFS still entails clearing the TEN bit, but TEN can be immediately reenabled. The next message will not begin until the IFS expires. The IFS begins timing out as soon as DEN goes high which identifies the end of transmission. This also requires that IFS contain a value equal to or greater than 8. This method may have the undesirable effect that DEN goes high and disables the external drivers. The other alternative is to switch to Raw Transmit mode. Then, writing OFFH to TFIFO would generate a high output for 8 bit times. This method would leave DEN active during the transmission of the abort character. 3.3.3 DATA ENCODING The transmission of data in SDLC mode is done via NRZI encoding as shown in Figure 3.9. NRZI encoding transmits data by changing the state of the output whenever a 0 is being transmitted. Whenever a I is transmitted the state of the output remains the same as the previous bit and remains valid for the entire bit time. When SDLC mode is selected it automatically enables the NRZI encoding on the transmit line and NRZI decoding on the receive line. 3.3.4 BIT STUFFING/STRIPPING In SDLC mode one of the primary rules of the protocol is that in any normal data transmission, there will never be an occurrence of more than 5, consecutive Is. The GSC takes care of this housekeeping chore by automatically inserting a 0 after every occurrence of 5 consecutive Is and the receiver automatically removes a zero after receiving 5 consecutive Is. All the necessary steps required for implementing bit stuffing and stripping are incorporated into the GSC hardware. This makes the operation transparent to the user. About the only time this operation becomes apparent to the user, is if the actual data on the transmission medium is being monitored by a device that 'is not aware of the automatic insertion of Os. The bit stuffing/stripping guarantees that there will be at least one transition every 6 bit times while the line is active. o BIT When the receiver detects seven or more consecutive Is and data has been loaded into the receive FIFO, the RCABT flag is set in RSTAT and that frame is ignored. If no data has been loaded into the receive FIFO, there are no abort flags set and that fraine is just ignored. A retransmitted frame may immediately folIowan abort character, provided the proper flags are used. , , o o ' -TIME~ 270427-20 Figure 3.9. NRZI Encoding 8-29 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 passing the message to the downstream· station. This delay is necessary so that a station can decode its own address before the message is passed on. The various networks are shown in Figure 3.10. 3.3.6 LINE IDLE If 15 or more consecutive Is are detected by the receiver the Line Idle bit (LNI) in TSTAT is set. The seven Is from the abort character may be included when sensing for a line idle condition. The same methods used for sending the Abort character can be used for creating the Idle condition. However, the values would need to be changed to reflect 15 bit times, instead of seven bit times. 3.3.9 HDLC/SDLC COMPARISON HDLC (High level Data Link Control) is a standard adopted by the International Standards Organization (ISO). The HDLC standard is defined in theISO document #ISO 6159 - HDLC unbalanced classes ofprocedures. IBM developed the SDLC protocol as a subset of HDLC. SDLC conforms to HDLC protocol requirements, but is more restrictive. SDLC contains a more precise definition on the modes of operation. 3.3.7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Acknowledgment in SDLC is an implied acknowledge / and is contained in the controi field. Part of the control frame is the sequence number .of the next expected frame. This sequence number is caUed the Receive Count. In transmitting the Receive Count, the receiver is in fact acknowledging aU the previous frames prior to the count that was transmitted. This allows for the transmission of up to seven frames before an acknowledge is required back to the transmitter. The limitation of seven frames is necessary because the Receive Count in the control field is limited to three binary diiits. This means that if an eighth transmission occurred this would cause the next Receive Count to repeat the first count that still is waiting for an acknowledge. This would defeat the purpose of the acknowledgement. The processing and general maintenance of the sequence cOunt must be done by the user software. The Hardware Based Acknowledge option that is provided in the Cl52 is not compatible with standard SDLC protocol. Some of the major differences between SDLC and HDLCare: SDLC HDLC Unbalanced (primary/ secondary) Modulo 8 (no extensions allowed, up to 7 outstanding frames before acknowledge is required) 8-bit addressing only Byte aligned data Balanced (peer to peer) Modulo 128 (up to 127 outstanding frames before acknowledge is required) Extended addressing Variable size of data The C152 does not support HDLC implementation requiring data alignment other than byte alignment. The user wiU find that many of the protocol parameters are programmable in the Cl52 which allows easy implementation of proprietary or standard HDLC network. User software needs to implement the control field functions. 3.3.8 PRIMARY/SECONDARY STATIONS All SDLC networks are based upon a primary/secondary station relationship. There can be only one primary station in a network and aU the other stations are considered secondary. All communication is between the primary and secondary station. Secondary station to secondary station direct communication is prohibited. 3.4 User Defined Protocols The explanation on the implementation of user defined protocols would go beyond the scope of this manual, but examining Table 3.1 should give the reader a consolidated list of niost of the possibilities. In this manual, any deviation from the documents that cover the implementation of CSMA/CD or SDLC are considered user defmed protocols. Examples of this would be the use of SDLC with the 32-bit CRC selected or CSMA/CD with hardware based acknowledge. If there is a need for secundary to secondary COfliiliuni- cation, the user software will have to make aUowances for the master to act as an intermediary. Secondary stations are aUowed use of the serial line only when the master permits them. This is done by the master polling the secondary stations to see if they have a need to access the serial line: This should prevent any collisions from occurring, provided each secondary station has its own unique address. This arrangement also partiaUy determines the types of networks supported. Normal SDLC networks consist of point-to-point, multi·drop, or ring configurations and the Cl52 supports aU of these. However, some SDLC processors support an automatic one bit delay at each node that is not supported by the C152. In a "Loop Mode" configuration, is is necessary that the transmission be delayed from the reception of the frames from the upstream station before 3.5 Using the GSC 3.5.1 LINE DISCIPLINE Line discipline is how the management of the transfer of data over the physical medium is controlled. Two types of line discipline will be discussed in this section: full duplex and half duplex. 8-30 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 Point-to-Point Network 270427-21 Multi-Drop Network 270427-22 Ring Network 270427-23 Figure 3.10. SOLe Networks 8-31 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 Full duplex is the simultaneous transmission and reception of data. Full duplex uses anywhere from two to four wires. At least one wire is needed for transmission and one wire for reception. Usually there will also be a ground reference on each signal if the distance from station to station is relatively long. Full-duplex operation in the C152 requires that both the receive and the transmit portion ,of the GSC are functioning at the same time. Since both the transmitter and receiver are operating, two CRC generators are also needed. The C152 handles this problem by having one 32-bit CRC generator and one 16-bit CRC generator. When supporting full-duplex operation, the 32-bit CRC generator is modified to work as a 16-bit CRC generator. Whenever the 16-bit CRC is selected, the GSC automatically enters the full duplex mode. Half duplex with a 16-bit CRC is discussed in the following paragraph. Some of the general areas that will impact the overall scheme on how to incorporate future changes to the system are: 1) Communication of the change to all the stations or the primary station. 2) Maximum distance for communication. This will affect the drivers used and the slot time. 3) More stations may be on the line at one time. This may impact the interframe space or the collision resolution used. Half duplex is the alternate transmission and reception of data over a single cornmon wire. Only one or two wires are needed in half-duplex systems. One wire is needed for the signal and if the distance to be covered is long there will also. be a wire for the ground reference. In half-duplex mode, only the receiver or- transmitter can operate at one time. When the receiver or transmitter operates is determined by user software, but typically the receiver will always be enabled unless the GSC is transmitting. Whenever half duplex is being used the software must insure that only the receiver or transmit- . ter is enabled at any given time. This is particularly important when using SDLC, so that the receiver will not recognize its own address when the transmitter is operating. Half-duplex operation in the C152 is supported with either 16-bit or 32-bit CRCs. Whenever a 32-bit CRC is selected, only half-duplex operation can be supported by the GSC. It is possible to simulate fullduplex operation with a 32-bit CRC, but this would require that the CRC be performed with software. CaIculating the CRC with the CPU would greatly reduce the data rates that could be used with the GSC. Whenever a 16-bit CRC is selected, full-duplex operation is automatically chosen and the GSC must be reconfig- ured if half-duplex operation is preferred. 4) If using CSMAlCD without deterministic resolution, any increase in network size will have a negative impact on the average throughput of the network and lower the efficiency. The user will have to give careful consideration when deciding how large a system can ultimately be and still maintain adequate performance. 3.5.3 DMA SERVICING OF GSC CHANNELS There are two sources that can be used to control the GSC. The first is CPU control and the second is DMA control. CPU control is used when user software takes care of the tasks such as: loading the TFIFO, reading the RFIFO, checking the status flags, and general tracking of the transmission process. As the number of tasks grow and higher data transfer rates are used, the overhead required by the CPU becomes the dominant consumption of time. Eventually, a point is reached where the CPU is spending 100% of its time responding to the needs of the GSC. An alternative is to have the DMA channels control the GSC. A detailed explanation on the general use of the DMA channels is covered in Section 4. In this section only those details required for the use of the DMA channels with the GSC will be covered. The DMA channels can be configured by user software so that the GSC data transfers are serviced by the DMA controller. Since there are two DMA channels, one channel can be used to service the receiver, and one channel can. be used to service the transmitter. In using the DMA channels, the CPU is relieved of much of the time required to do the basic servicing ofthe GSC buffers. The types of servicing that the DMA channels can provide are: loading of the transmit FIFO, removing. data from the receive FIFO, notification of the CPU when the transmission or reception has ended, and response to certain error conditions. When using the 3.5.2 PLANNING FOR NETWORK CHANGES AND EXPANSIONS A complete explanation on how to plan for network expansion will not be covered in this manual as there are far too many possibilities that would need to be discussed. But there are several areas that will have major impact when allowing for changes in the system. In cases where there will never be any changes allowed, expansion plans become a mute issue. However, it is strongly suggested that there always be some allowance for future modifications. 8-32 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 that will be received, up to 64K. If not using the Done flag, then GSC servicing would be driven by the receive Done (RDN) flag and/or interrupt. RDN is set when the EOF is detected. When using the RDN flag, RFNE should also be checked to insure that all the data has been emptied out of the receive FIFO. DMA channels the source or destination of the data intended for serial transmission can be internal data memory, external data memory, or any of the SFRs. The only tasks required after initialization of the DMA and GSC registers are enabling the proper interrupts and informing the DMA controller when to start. After the DMA channels are started all that is required of the CPU is to respond to error conditions or wait until the end of transmission. The byte count register is used for all transmissions and this means that all packets going out will have to be of the same length or the length of the packet to be sent will have to be known prior to the start of transmission. When using the DMA channels to service the GSC transmitter, there is no practical way to disable the Done flag. This is because the transmit done flag (TDN) is set when the transmit FIFO is empty and the last message bit has been transmitted. But, when using the DMA channel to service the transmitter, loads to the TFIFO continue to occur until the byte count reaches O. This makes it impossible to use TDN as a flag to stop the DMA transfers to TFIFO. It is possible to examine some other registers or conditions, such as the current byte count, to determine when to stop the DMA transfers to TFIFO, but this is not recommended as a way to service the DMA and GSC when transmitting because frequent reading of the DMA registers will cause the effective DMA transfer rate to slow down. Initialization of the DMA channels requires setting up the control, source, and destination address registers. On the DMA channel servicing the receiver, the control register needs to be loaded as follows: DCONn.2 = 0, this sets the transfer mode so that response is to GSC interrupts and put the DMA control in alternate cycle mode; DCONn.3 = 1, this enables the demand mode; DCONnA = 0, this clears the automatic increment option for the source address; and DCONn.5 = I, this defines the source as SFR: The DMA channel servicing the receiver also needs its source address register to contain the address of RFIFO (SARHN = XXH, SARLN = OF4H). On the DMA channel servicing the transmitter, the control register needs to be loaded as follows: DCONn.2 = 0; DCONn.3 = I; DCONn.6 = 0, this clears the automatic increment option for the destination address; and DCONn.7 = I, this sets the destination as SFR. The DMA channel serving the transmitter also requires that its destination address register contains the address of TFIFO (DARHN = XXH, DARLN = 85H). Assuming that DCONO would be serving the receiver and DCONI the transmitter, DCONO would be loaded with XXIOIOXOB and DCONI would be loaded with IOXXIOXOB. The contents of SARRO and DARHI do not have any impact when using internal SFRs as the source or destination. When using the DMA channels, initialization of the GSC would be exactly the same as normal except that TSTAT.O = I (DMA), this informs the GSC that the DMA channels are going to he lIsed to service the GSC. Although only TSTAT is written to, hoth the receiver and transmitter use this sallie DMA hit. When using the DMA channels to service the GSC, the byte count registers will also need to be initialized. The Done flag for the DMA channel servicing the receiver should be used if fixed packet lengths only are being transmitted or to insure that memory is not overwritten by long received data packets. Overwriting of data can occur when using a smaller buffer than the. packet size. In these cases the servicing of the DMA and/or GSC would be in response to the DMA Done flag when the byte ~ount reaches zero. In some cases the buffer size is not the limiting factor and the packet lengths will be unknown. In these cases it would be desirable to eliminate the function of the Done flag. To effectively disable the Done flag for the DMA channel servicing the receiver, the byte count should be set to some number larger than any packet 8-33 The interrupts EGSTE (IEN1.5), GSC transmit error; EGSTV (lEN 1.3), GSC transmit valid; EGSRE (IENl.l), GSC receive error; and EGSRV (IENl.O), GSC receive valid; need to be enabled. The DMA interrupts are normally not used when servicing the GSC with the DMA channels. To ensure that the DMA interrupts are not responded to is a function of the user software and should be checked by the software to make sure they are not enabled. Priority for these interrupts can also be set at this time. Whether to use high or low priority needs to be decided by the user. When responding'to the GSC interrupts, if a buffer is being used to store the GSC information, then the DMA registers used for the buffer will probably need updating. After this initialization, all that needs to be done when the GSC is actually going to be used is: load the byte count, set-up the source addresses for the DMA channei servicing the transmitter, set-up the destination addresses for the DMA channel servicing the receiver, and start the DMA transfer. The GSC enable bits should be set first and then the GO bits for the DMA. This initiates the data transfers. intJ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 This simplifies the maintenance of the GSC and can make the implementation of an external buffer for packetized information automatic. Initialization of the system can be broken down into several steps. First, are the assumptions of each network station. An external buffer can be used as the source of data for transmission, or the destination of data from the receiver. In this arrangement, the message size is limited to the RAM size or 64K, whichever is smaller. By using an external buffer, the data can be accessed by other devices which may want access to the serial data. The amount of time required for the external data moves will also decrease. Under CPU control, a "MOVX" command would take 24 oscillator periods to complete. Under DMA control, external to internal, or internal to external, data moves take only 12 oscillator periods. The first assumption is that the type of data encoding to be used is predetermined for the system and that each station will adhere to the same basic rules defining that encoding. The second assumption is that the basic protocol and line discipline is predetermined and known. This means that all stations.are using CSMAI CD or SDLC or whatever, and that all stations are either full or half duplex. The third assumption is that the baud rate is preset for the whole system. Although the baud rate could probably be determined by the microprocessor just by monitoring the link, it will make it much simpler if the baud rate is known in advance. 3.5.4 BAUD RATE One of the first things that will be required during system initialization is the assignment of unique addresses for each station. In a two-station only environment this is not necessary and can be ignored. However, keep in mind, that all systems should be constructed for easy future expansions. Therefore, even in only a two station system, addresses should be assigned. There are three basic ways in which addresses can be assigned. The first, and most common is preassigned addresses that are loaded into the station by the user. This could be done with a DIP-switch, through a keyboard. The second method of assigning addresses is to randomly assign an address and, then check for its uniqueness throughout the system, and the third method is to make an inquiry to the system for the assignment of a unique address. Once the method of address assignment is determined, the method should become part of the specifications for the system to which all additions will have to adhere. This, then, is the final assumption. The GSC baud rate is determined by the contents of the SFR, BAUD, or the external clock. The formula used to determine the baud rate when using the internal clock is: (fosc)/«BAUD+ 1)*8) For example if a 12 MHz oscillator is used the baud rate can vary from: 12,000,000/«0-1- 1)'8) = 1.5 MBPS to: 12.000.000/«255+1)'8) ='5.859 KBPS There are certain requirements that the external clock will need to meet. These requirements are specified in the data sheet. For a description of the use of the GSC with external clock please read Section 3.5.11. The negotiation process may not be clear for some readers. The following two procedures are given as a' guideline for dynamic address assignment. 3.5.5 INITIALIZATION In the first procedure, a station assumes a random address and then checks for its uniqueness throughout the system. As a station is initialized into the system it sends out a message containing its assumed address. The format of the message should be such that any station decoding the address recognizes it as a request for initialization. If that address is already used, the receiving station returns a message, with its own address stating that the address in question is already taken. The initializing station then picks another address. When the initializing station sends its inquiry for the address check, a timer is also started. If the timer expires before the iilquiry is responded to, then that station assumes the address chosen is okay. Initialization can be broken down into two major' components, i) iniiiaiizaiion of the component so that its serial port is capable of proper communication; and 2) initialization of the system or a station so that intelligible communication can take place. Most of the initialization of the component has already been discussed in the previous sections. Those items not covered are the parameters required for the component to effectively communicate with other components. These types of issues are common to both system and component initialization and will be covered in the following text. 8-34 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 In the second procedure, an initializing station asks for an address assignment from the system. This requires that some station on the link take care of the task of maintaining a record of which addresses are used. This station will be called station-I. When the initializing station, called station-2, gets on the link, it sends out a message with a broadcast address. The format of the message should be such that all other stations on the link recognize it as a request for address assignment. Part of the message from station-2 is a random number generated by the station requesting the address. Station-2 then examines all received messages for this random number. The random number could be the address of the received message or could be within the information section of a broadcast frame. All the stations, except station-I, on the link should ignore the initialization request. Station-I, upon receiving the initialization request, assigns an address and returns it to station-2. Station-l will be required to format the message in such a manner so that all stations on the link recognize it as a response to initialization. This means that all stations except station-2 ignore the return message. In Raw Receive, the transmitter should be externally connected to the receiver. To do this a port pin should be used to enable an external device to connect the two pins together. In Raw Receive mode the receiver acts as normal except that all bytes following the BOF are loaded into the receive FIFO, including the CRC. Also address recognition is not active but needs to be performed in software. IfSDLC is selected as the protocol, zero-bit deletion is still enabled. The transmitter still operates as normal and in this mode most of the transmitter functions and an external transceiver can be tested. This is also the only way that the CRC can be read by the CPU, but the CRC error bit will not be set. 3.5.7 EXTERNAL DRIVER INTERFACE A signal is provided from the CI52 to enable transmitter drivers for the serial link. This is provided for systems that require more than what the GSC ports are capable of delivering. The voltage and currents that the GSC is capable of providing are the saine levels as those for normal port operation. The signal used to enable the external drivers is DEN. No similar signal is needed for the receiver. 3.5.6 TEST MODES There are two test modes associated with the GSC that are made available to the user. The test modes are named Raw Receive and Raw Transmit. The test modes are selected by the proper setting of the two mode bits in GMOD (MO = GMOD.5, MI = GMOD.6). If Ml,MO = 0,1 then Raw Transmit is selected. If MI,MO = 1,0 then Raw Receive is enabled. 3.5.8 JITTER (RECEIVE) Datajitter is the difference between the actual transmitted waveform and the exact calculated value(s). In NRZI, data jitter would be how much the actual waveform exceeds or falls short of one calculated bit time. A bit time equals l/baud rate. If using Manchester encoding, there can be two transitions during one bit time as shown in Figure 3.11. This causes a second parameter to be considered when trying to figure out the complete data jitter aniount. This other parameter is the half-bit jitter. The half-bit jitter is comprised of the difference in time that the half-bit transition actually occurs and the calculated value. Jitter is important because if the transition occurs too soon it is considered noise, and if the transition occurs too late, then either the bit is missed or a collision is assumed. In Raw Transmit, the transmit output is internally connected to the Receiver input. This is intended to be used as a local loop-back test mode, so that all data written to the transmitter will be returned by the receiver. Raw Transmit can also be used to transmit user data. If Raw Transmit is used in this way the data is emitted with no preamble, flag, address, CRC, and no bit insertion. The data is still encoded with whatever format is selected, Manchester with CSMA/CD, NRZI with SDLC or as NRZ if external clocks are used. The receiver still operates as normal and in this mode most of the receive functions can be tested. 8-35 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OFTHE 83C152 LOGICAL VALUE o o o MANCHESTER ENCODING 'I 'f f (8 X BAUD RECEIV SAMPLING RATE RECEIVED DATA "1" BIT TIME "1" BIT TIME a' "0" BIT TIME ., I I I I I .. - I I I I I I .... I I I I I I I '1 RECEIVED DATA "1" BIT TIME ... I I .. - .1 1'1 I I I I I I I I , I I I I Figure 3.11. Jitter 8-36 I I .----I I. I I I ---- .. 270427-24 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 I BIT I :~ TIME ---..: I I a a a L NRZ 270427-25 Figure 3.12. Transmit Waveforms has to be set to a 1. To select external clocking for'the receiver, XRCLK (PCON.3) has to be set to a 1. Setting both bits to I forces external clocking for the receiver and transmitter. 3.5.9 Transmit Waveforms The GSC is capable of three types of data encoding, Manchester, NRZI, and NRZ. Figure 3.12 shows examples of all three types of data encoding. The external transmit clock is applied to pin 4 (TXC), P1.3. The external receive clock is applied to pin 5 (RXC), PI.4. To enable the external clock function on the port pin, that pin has to be set to a 1 in the appropriate SFR, PI. 3.5.10 Receiver Clock Recovery The receiver is always monitored at eight times the baud rate frequency, except when an external clock is used. When using an external clock the receiver is loaded during the clock cycle. Whenever the external clock option is used, the format of the transmitted and received data is restricted to NRZ encoding and the protocol is restricted to SOLC; With external clock, the bit stuffing/stripping is still active with SOLC pr~.tocoI. In CSMA/CO mode the receiver synchronizes to the transmitted data during the preamble. If a pulse is detected as being too short it is assumed to be noise or a collision. If a pulse is too long it is assumed to be, a collision or an idle condition. 3.6 GSC Operation In SOLC the synchronization takes place during the BOF flag. In addition, pulses less than four sample periods are ignored, and assumed to be noise. This sets a lower limit on the pulse size of received zeros. 3.6.1 Determining Line Discipline In normal operation the GSC uses full or half duplex operation. When using a 32-bit CRC (GMOO.3 = I), operation can only be half duplex. If using a 16-bit CRC (GMOO.3 = 0), full duplex is selected by default. When using a 16-bit CRC the receiver can be turned off while transmitting (RSTAT.I = 0), and the transmitter can be turned off during reception (TSTAT.I = 0). This simulates half-duplex operation when using a 16-bit CRC. In CSMA/CO the preamble consists of alternating Is and Os. Consequently, the preamble looks like the waveform in Figure 3.13A and 3.13B. 3.5.11 External Clocking To select external clocking, the user is given three choices. External clocking.can be used with the transmitter, with the receiver, or with both. To select external clocking for the tran~mitter, XTCLK (GMOO.7) Normally, HOLC uses a 16-bit CRC, so half duplex is determined by turning off the receiver or transmitter. This is so that the receiver will not detect its own ad- 8-37 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 CSMAICO Clock Recovery o, 1 , 0 1 , 0 1 ,0 ,1 0 0', 0 IDEAL WAVEFORM ., ax I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I SAMPLING RATE 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\1111111111111111.11111111,11111I11j11l1l11l11l11l1Ul1l111j111l1l1l11l11l1l1l11111111l1111 , ACTUAL WAVEFORM RECOVERED BIT STREAM CLOCK 270427-26 Figure 3.13A. Clock Recovery SOLC Clock Recoyery o 0: 0: o 000 IDEAL WAVEFORM , ax SAMPLING RATE I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111 ACTUAL WAVEFORM RECOVERED BIT STREAM CLOCK 270427-27 Figure 3.138. Clock Recovery 8-38 infef HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 dress as transmission takes place. This also needs to be done when using CSMA/CD with a 16-bit CRC for the same reason. multi-cast address. The user software can enable the interrupt for RDN to determine when a frame is completed. In DMA mode the interrupts are generated by the internal "transmit/receive done" (TDN,RDN) conditions. When the CPU responds to TDN or RDN, checks are performed to see if the transmit underrun error has occurred. The underrun condition is only checked when using the DMA channels. 3.6.2 CPU/DMA CONTROL OF THE GSC The data for transmission or reception can be 'handled by either the CPU (TSTAT.O = 0) or DMA controller (TSTAT.O = I). This allows the user two sets of flags to control the FIFO. Associated with these flags are interrupts, which may be enabled by the user software. Either one or both sets of flags may be used at the same time. Upon power up the CPU mode is initialized. General DMA control is covered in Section 4.0. DMA control of the GSC is covered in Section 3.5.4. IfDMA is to be used for serving the GSC, it must be configured into the serial channel demand mode and the DMA bit in TSTAT has to be set. In CPU control mode the flags (RFNE,TFNF) are generated by the condition of the receive or transmit FIFO's. After loading a byte into the transmit FIFO, there is a one machine cycle latency until the TFNF flag is updated. Because of this latency, the status of TFNF should not be checked immediately following the instruction to load the transmit FIFO. If using the interrupts to service the transmit FIFO,the one machine cycle of latency must be considered if the TFNF flag is checked prior to leaving the subroutine. 3.6.3 COLLISIONS AND BACK OFF The actions that are taken by the GSC if a collision occurs while transmitting depend on where the collision occurs. If a collision occurs in CSMA/CD mode following the preamble and BOF flag, the TCDT flag is set and the transmit hardware completes a jam. Whcn this type of collision occurs, there will be no automatic retry at transmission. After the jam, control is returncd to the CPU and user software must then initiate whatever actions are necessary for a proper recovery. The possibility that data might have been loaded into or from the GSC deserves special consideration. If these fragments of a message have been passed on to other devices, user software may have to perform some extensive error handling or notification. Before starting a new message, the transmit and receive FIFOs will need to be cleared. IfDMA servicing is being used the pointers must also be reinitialized. It should be noted that a collision should never occur after the BOF flag in a well designed system, since the system slot time will likely be . less than the preamble length. The occurrence of such a situation is normally due to a station on the link that is not adhering to proper CSMA/CD protocol or is not using the same timings as the rest of the network. When using the CPU for control, transmission normally is initiated by setting the TEN bit (TSTAT.l) and then writing to TFIFO. TEN must be set before loading the transmit FIFO, as setting TEN "clears the transmit FIFO. TCDCNT should also be checked by user software and cleared if a collision occurred on a prior transmission. To enable the receiver, GREN (RSTAT.l) is set. After GREN is set, the GSC begins to look for a valid BOF. After detecting a valid BOF the GSC attempts to match the received address byte(s) against the address match registers. When a match occurs the frame is loaded into the GSC. Due to the CRC strip hardware, there is a 40 or 24 bit time delay following the BOF until the first data byte is loaded into RFIFO if the 32 or 16 bit CRC is chosen. If the end of frame is detected before data is loaded into the receive FIFO, the receiver ignores that frame. If the receiver detects a collision during reception in CSMA/CD mode and if any bytes have been loaded into the receive FIFO, the RCABT flag is set. The GSC hardware then halts reception and resets GREN. The user software needs to filter any collision fragment data which may have been received. If the collision occurred , prior to the data being loaded into RFIFO the CPU is not notified and the receiver is left enabled. At the end of a reception the RDN bit is set and GREN is cleared. In HABEN mode this causes an acknowledgement to be transmitted if the frame did not have a broadcast or A collision occurring during the preamble or BOF flag is the nonnal type of collision that is expected. When this type of collision occurs the GSC automatically handles the retransmission attempts for as many as eight tries. If on the eighth attempt a collision occurs, the transmitter is disabled, although the jam and backoff are performed. If enabled, the CPU is then interrupted. The user software should then determine what , action to take. The possibilities range from just reporting the error and aborting' transmission to reinitializing the serial channel registers and attempt retransmission. 8-39 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 If less than eight attempts are desired TCDCNT can be loaded with some value which will reduce the number of collisions possible before TCDCNT overflows. The value loaded should consist of all 1s as the least significant bits, e.g. 7, OFH, 3FH. A solid block of Is is suggested because TCDCNT is used as a mask when generating the random slot number assignment. The TCDCNT register operates by shifting the contents one bit position to the left as each collision is detected. As each shift occurs a 1 is loaded into the LSB. When tCDCNT overflows, GSC operation stops and the CPU is notified by the setting of the TCDT bit which can flag an interrupt. The amount of time that the GSC has before it must be ready to retransmit after a collision is determined by the mode which is selected. The mode is determined MO (GMOD.5) and Ml (GMOD.6). If MO and Ml equal 0,0 (normal backoff) then the minimum period before retransmission will be either the interframe space or the backoff period, whichever is longer. If MO and Ml equal 1,1 (alternate backoff) then the minimum period before retransmission will be the interframe space plus the backoff period. Both of these are shown in Figure 3.4. Alternate backoff must be enabled if using deterministic resolution. If the GSC is not ready to retransmit by the time its assigned slot becomes available, the slot time is lost and the station must wait until the collision resolution time period has' passed. Instead of waiting for the collision resolution to pass, the transmission could be aborted. The decision to abort is usually dependent on the number of stations on the link and how many collisions have already occurred. The number of collisions can be obtained by examining the register, TCDCNT. The abort is normally implemented by clearing TEN. The new transmission begins by setting TEN and loading TFIFO. The minimum amount of time available to initiate a retransmission would be one interframe space period after the line is sensed as being idle. As the nUfiibef of stations approach 256 the probability of a successful transmission decreases rapidly. If there are more than 256 stations involved in the collision there would be nb resolution since at least two of the stations will always have the same backoff interval selected. All the stations monitor the link as long as that station is active, even if not attempting to transmit. This is to ensure that each station always defers the minimum amount oftime before attempting a transmission and so that addresses are recognized. However, the collision detect circuitry operates slightly differently. In normal back-off mode, a transmitting station always monitors the link while transmitting. If a collision is detected one or more of the transmitting stations apply the jam signal and all transmitting stations enter the back-off algorithm. The receiving stations also cop.stantly monitor for a collision but do not take part in the resolution phase. This allows a station to try to transmit in the middle of a resolution period. This in turn mayor may not cause another collision. If the new station trying to transmit on the link does so during an unused slot time then there will probably not be a collision. If trying to transmit during a used slot time, then there will probably be a collision. The actions the receiver does take when detecting a collision is to just stop receiving data if data has 110t been loaded into RFIFO or to stop reception, clear receiver enable (REN) and set the receiver abort flag (RCABT RSTAT.6). If deterministic resolution is used, the transmitting stations go through pretty much the same process as in normal back-off, except that the slots are predetermined. All the receivers go through the back-off algo.rithm and may only transmit during their assigned slot. 3.6.4 SUCCESSFUL ENDING OF TRANSMISSIONS AND RECEPTIONS In both CSMA/CD and SDLC modes, the TDN bit is set and TEN cleared at the end of a successful transmission. The end of the transmission occurs when the TFIFO is empty and the last byte has been transmitted. In CSMAlCD the user should clear the TCDCNT register after successful transmission. At the end of a successfui reception, me RDN bit is set . and GREN is cleared. The end of reception occurs when the EOF flag is detected by the GSC hardware. 8-40 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 The length includes the two bit Begin Of Frame (BOP) . flag in CSMA/CD but does not include the SDLC flag. In SDLC mode, the BOF is an SDLC flag, otherwise it is two consecutive ones. Zero length is not compatible in CSMA/CD mode. The user software is responsible for setting or clearing these bits. 3.7 Register Descriptions ADRO,I,2,3 (95H, OA5H, OB5H, OC5H) - Address Match Registers 0,1,2,3 - Contains the address match values which determines which data will be accepted as valid. In 8 bit addressing mode, a match with any of the four registers will trigger acceptance. In 16 bit addressing mode a match with ADR1:ADRO or ADR3:ADR2 will be accepted. Addressing mode is determined in GMOD (AL). GMOD.3 (CT) - CRC Type - If set, 32 bit AUTODINlI-32 is used. If cleared, 16 bit CRC-CCITT is used. The user software is responsible for setting or clearing this flag. AMSKO,1 (OD5H, OE5H) - Address Match Mask 0,1 Identifies which bits in ADRO,1 are "don't care" bits. Writing a one to a bit in AMSKO,1 masks out that corresponding bit in ADDRO,l. GMOD.4 (AL) - Address Length - If set, 16 bit addressing is used. If cleared, 8 bit addressing is used. In 8 bit mode a match with any of the 4 address registers will be accepted (ADRO, ADR1, ADR2, ADR3). "Don't Care" bits may be masked in ADRO and ADRI with AMSKO and AMSKI. In 16 bit mode, addresses are matched against "ADR1:ADRO" or "ADR3: ADR2". Again, "Don't Care" bits in ADR1:ADRO can be masked in AMSK1:AMSKO. A received address of all ones will always be recognized in any mode. The user software is responsible for setting or clearing this flag. BAUD (94H) - GSC Baud Rate Generator - Contains the value of the programmable baud rate. The data rate will equal (frequency of the oscillator)/«BAUD + 1) X (8)). Writing to BAUD actually stores the value in a reload register. The reload register contents are copied into the BAUD register when the Baud register decrements to OOH. Reading BAUD yields the current timer value. A read during GSC operation will give a value that may not be current because the timer could decrement between the time it is read by the CPU and by the time the value is loaded into its destination. GMOD.5,6 (MO,Ml) - Mode Select - Two test modes, an optional "alternate backoff" mode, or normal backoff can be enabled with these two bits. The user software is responsible for setting or clearing the mode bits. BKOFF (OC4H) - BackoffTimer - The backofftimer is an eight bit count-down timer with a clock period equal to one slot time. The backoff time is used in the CSMA/CD collision resolution algorithm. The user software may read the timer but the value may be invalid. as the timer is clocked asynchronously to the CPU. Writing to OC4H will have no effect. I 7 XTCLK 6 5 GMOD(84H) 4 3 o 2 I I MO I AL I CT I PL1 M1 Ml MO Mode 0 0 Normal 0 1 Raw Transmit 0 Raw Receive 1 1 1 Alternate Backoff PLO I PR I Figure 3.14. GMOD In raw receive mode, the receiver operates as normal except that all the bytes following the BOF are loaded into the receive FIFO, including the CRC. The transmitter operates as normal. GMOD.O (PR) - Protocol- If set, SDLC protocols with NRZI encoding and SDLC flags are used. If cleared, CSMA/CD link access with Manchester encoding is used. The user software is responsible for setting or clearing this flag. In raw transmit. mode the transmit output is internally connected to the receiver input. The internal connection is not at the actual port pin, but inside the port latch. All data transmitted is done without a preamble, flag or zero bit insertion, and without appending a CRC. The receiver operates as normal. Zero bit deletion is performed. GMOD.I,2 (PLO,I) - Preamble length PLl PLO LENGTH (BITS) o 0 0 o 1 8 0 32 1 1 1 64 In alternate backoff mode the standard backoff process is modified so the the backoff is delayed until the end of the IFS. This should help to prevent collisions constantly happening because the IFS time is usually larger than the slot time. 8-41 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 GMOD.7 (XTCLK) - External Transmit Clock - If set an external IX clock is used for the transmitter. If cleared the internal baud rate generator provides the transmit clock. The input clock is applied to P1.3 (T x C). The user software is responsible for setting or clearing 'this flag. External receive clock is enabled by setting PCON.3. PCON(087H) 76543210 PCON contains bits for power control, LSC control, DMA control, and GSC control. The bits used for the GSC are PCON.2, PCON.3, and PCONA. IFS (OA4H) - Interframe Spacing - Determines the number of bit times separating transmitted frames in CSMA/CD. A bit time is equal to I/baud rate. Only even interframe space periods can be used. The number written into this register is divided by two and loaded in the most significant seven bits. Complete interframe space is obtained by counting this seven bit number down to zero twice. A user software read of this register will give a value where the seven most significant bits gives the current count value and the least significant bit shows a one for the first count-down and a zero for the second count. The value read may not be valid 'as the timer is clocked in' periods not necessarily associated with the CPU read of IFS. Loading this register with zero results in 256 bit times. PCON.2 (GFIEN) - GSC Flag Idle Enable - Setting GFIEN to a I caused idle flags to be generated between transmitted frames in SDLC mode. SDLC idle flags consist of 01111110 flags creating the sequence 01111110011111110 ...... 01l'1111 10. A possible side effect of enabling GFIEN is that the maximum possible latency from writing to TFIFO until the first bit is transmitted increased from approximately 2 bit-times to around 8 bit-times. GFIEN has no effect with CSMA/CD. PCON.3 (XRCLK) - GSC External Receive Clock Enable - Writing a I to XRCLK ,enables an external clock to be applied to pin 5 (Port IA). The external clock is used to determine when bits are loaded into the receiver. PCONA (GAREN) - GSC Auxiliary Receiver Enable Bit - This bit needs to be set to a 1 to enable the recep- MYSLOT.O, I, 2, 3, 4, 5 -Slot Address - The six address bits choose 1 of 64 slot addresses. Address 63 has the highest priority and address 1 has the lowest. A value of zero will prevent a station froni transmitting during the collision resolution period by waiting until all the possible slot times have elapsed. The user software normally initializes this address in the operating software. tion of back-to~back SDLC frames. A back-to-back SDLC frame is when the EOF and BOF is shared between two sequential frames intended for the same station on the link. If GAREN contains a 0 then the receiver will be disabled upon reception of the EOF and by the time user software' re-enables the receiver the first bit(s) may have already passed, in the case of backto-back frames. Setting GAREN to a 1, prevents the receiver from being disabled by the EOF but GREN will be cleared and can be checked by user software to determine that an EOF has been received. GAREN has no effect if the GSC is in CSMA/CDmode. MYSLOT.6 (DCR) - Deterministic Collision Resolution A hJOrithm - When set. the alternate collision resoiuti~~-;;}gorithm is selected. Retriggering of the IFS on reappearance of the carrier is also disabled. When using this feature Alternate Backoff Mode must be selected and several other registers must be initialized. User . software must initialize TCDCNT with the maximum number of slots that are most appropriate for a particular application. The PRBS register must be set to all ones. This disables the PRBS by freezing it's contents at OFFH. The backoff timer is used to count down the number of slots based on the slot timer value setting the period of one slot. The user software is responsible for setting or clearing this flag. PRBS (OE4H) - Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence This register contains apselldo-random number to be used in the CSMA/CD backoff algorithm. The number is generated by using a' feedback shift register clocked by the CPU phase clocks. Writing all ones to the PRBS will freeze the value at all ones. Writing any other value to it will restart the PRBS generator. The PRBS is initialized to all zero's during RESET. A read of location OE4H will not necessarily give the seed, used. in ,the backoff algorithm because the PRBS counters are clocked by internal CPU phase clocks. This means the contents of the PRBS may have been altered between the time when the seed was generated and before a READ has been internally executed. Figure 3.15. MYSLOT MYSLOT.7 (DCJ) - D.C. Jam - When set selects D.C. type jam, when clear, selects A.C. type jam. The user software is responsible for setting or clearing this flag. 8-42 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 RFIFO (OF4H) - Receive FIFO - RFIFO is a 3 byte buffer that is loaded each time the GSC receiver has a byte of data. Associated with RFIFO is a pointer that is automatically updated with each read of the FIFO. A read of RFIFO fetches the oldest data in the FIFO. had been loaded into the receive FIFO in CSMA/CD mode. In SDLC mode, RCABT indicates that 7 consecutive ones were detected prior to the end flag but after data has been loaded into the receive FIFO. The status of this flag is controlled by the GSC. RSTAT (OESH) - Receive Status Register 76543210 IORIRCABTIAElcRCEIRDNIRFNEIGRENIHABENI Figure 3.16. RSTAT RSTAT.7 (OVR) - Overrun - If set, indicates that the receive FIFO was full and new shift register data was written into it. The setting of this flag is controlled by the GSC and it is cleared by user software. SLOTTM (OBH) - Slot Time - Determines the length of the slot time used in CSMAlCD. A slot time equals (256 - SLOTTM) X (I / baud rate). A read of SLOTTM will give the value of the slot time timer but the value may be invalid as the timer is clocked asynchronously to the CPU. Loading SLOTTM with 0 results in 256 bit times. RSTAT.O (HABEN) - Hardware Based Acknowledge Enable - If set, enables the hardware based acknowledge feature. The user software is responsible for setting or clearing this flag. RSTAT.I (GREN) - Receiver Enable - When set, the receiver is enabled to accept incoming frames. This also clears RDN, CRCE, AE, RCABT, and the receive FIFO. It is cleared by the receiver at the end of a reception or if any errors occurred. The user software is responsible for setting this flag and the GSC or user software can clear it. The status of GREN has no effect on whether the receiver detects a collision in CSMAlCD mode as the receiver input circuitry always monitors the receive pin. TCDCNT (OD4H) - Transmit Collision Detect Count Contains the number of collisions that have occurred if probabilistic CSMAlCD is used. The user software must clear this register before transmitting a new frame so that the GSC backoff hardware can accurately distinguish a new frame from a retransmit attempt. In deterministic backoff mode, TCDCNT is used to hold the maximum number of slots. RSTAT.2 (RFNE) - Receive FIFO Not Empty - If set, indicates that the receive FIFO contains data. The receive FIFO is a three byte buffer into which the receive data is loaded. A CPU read of the FIFO retrieves the oldest data and automatically updates the FIFO pointers. Setting GREN to a one will clear the receive FIFO. The status of this flag is controlled by the GSC. It is cleared if user empties receive FIFO. TFIFO (S5H) - GSC Transmit FIFO - TFIFO is a 3 byte buffer with an associated pointer that is automatically updated for each write by user software. Writing a byte to TFIFO loads the data into the next available location in the transmit FIFO. Setting TEN clears the transmit FIFO so the transmit FIFO should not be written to prior to setting TEN. If TEN is already set transmission begins as soon as data is written to TFIFO. RSTAT.3 (RDN) - Receive Done - If set, indicates the successful completion of a receiver operation. Will not be set if a CRC, alignment, abort, or FIFO overrun error occurred. The status of this flag is controlled by the GSC. TSTAT (ODS) - Transmit Status Register 76543210 LNI I NOACK I UR I TCDT I TDN I TFNF I TEN I DMA I Figure 3.17. TSTAT RSTAT.4 (CRCE) - CRC Error - If set, indicates that a properly aligned frame was received with a mismatched CRC. The status of this flag is controlled by the GSC. TSTAT.O (DMA) - DMA Select - If set, indicates that DMA channels are used to service the GSC FIFO's and GSC interrupts occur on TDN and RDN, and also enables UR to become set. If cleared, indicates that the GSC is operating in its normal mode and interrupts occur on TFNF and RFNE. For more information On DMA servicing please refer to the DMA section on DMA serial demand mode ( The user software is responsible for setting or clearing this flag. RSTAT.5 (AE) - Alignment Error - If set, indicates that the line went idle when the receiver shift register was not full and the resulting CRC was bad in the CSMAlCD mode. If a correct CRC was valid. then AE is not set. In SDLC mode, AE indicates that a nonbyte-aligned flag was received. The status of this flag is controlled by the GSC. RSTAT.6 (RCABT) - Receiver Collision/Abort Detect - If set, indicates that a collision was detected after data 8-43 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION, OF THE 83C152 TSTAT.l (TEN) - Transmit Enable - When set causes TDN,UR, TCDT, and NOACK flag to be ,reset and the TFIFO cleared. The transmitter will clear TEN after a successful transmission, a collision during the data, CRC, or end flag. The user software is responsible for setting but the GSC or user software may clear this flag. If cleared during a transmission the GSC transmit pin goes to a steady state high level. .This is the method used to send an abort character in SDLC., Also DEN is' forced to a high level. The end of transmission occurs whenever the TFIFO is emptied. 3.8 Serial Backplane VS. Network Environment The C152 GSC port is intended to fulfill the needs of both serial backplane environment and the serial communication network environment. The serial backplane is where typically, only processor to processor communications take place within a self contained box. The communication usually only encompasses those items which are necessary to accomplish the dedicated task for the box. In these types of applications there may not be a need for line drivers as the distance between the transmitter and receiver is relatively short. The network environment; however, usually requires transmission of data over large distances and requires drivers and/or repeaters to ensure the data is received on both ends. TSTAT.2 (TFNF) - Transmit FIFO not full - When set, indicates that new data may be written into the transmit FIFO. The transmit FIFO is a three byte buffer that loads the transmit shift register with data. The status of this flag is controlled by the GSC. TSTAT.3 (TDN) - Transmit Done - When set, indicates the successfu1.completion ofa frame transmission: If HABEN is set, TDN will not be set until ,the end of the IFS following the, transmitted message, so that the acknowledge can be checked. If an acknowledge is expected and not received, TDN'is not set. An acknowledge is not expected following a broadcast or multi-cast packet. The status of this flag is controlled by the GSC. 4.0 DMA Operation The C152 contains DMA (Direct Memory Accessing) logic to peiform high speed data tran'sfers between any two of Internal Data RAM Internal SFRs External Data RAM TSTAT.4 (TCDT) - Transmit Collision Detect - If set, indicates that the transmitter halted due to a collision. It is set if a collision occurs during the data or CRC or ifthere are more than eight collisions. The status of this flag is ~ontrolled by the GSC. If external ,RAM is involved, the Port 2 and Port 0 ~ are used as the address/data bus, and RD and WR ' signals are generated as required. TSTAT.5 (UR) - Underrun - If set, indicates that in DMA mode the last bit was shifted out of the transmit register and that the DMA byte count did not equal zero. When an underrun occurs, the transmitter, halts without sending the CRC or the end flag. The status of this flag is controlled by the GSC. Hardware is also implemented to generate a Hold Request signal and await a Hold Acknowledge response before commencing a DMA that involves external RAM. Alternatively, the Hold/Hold Acknowledge hardware can be programmed to 'accept a Hold Request signal from an external device and generate a Hold Acknowledge signal in response, to indicate to the requesting device that the C152 will not commence a DMA to or from external RAM while the Hold Request is active. , TSTAT.6 (NOACK) - No Acknowledge - If set, indicates that no acknowledge was received fodhe previous frame. Will be set only if HABEN is set and no acknowledge is received prior to the end of the IFS. NOACK is not set following a broadcast or a multicast packet. The status of this flag is controlled by the GSC. ' 4.1 DMA with the 80C152 TSTAT. 7 (LNI) - Line tdle - If set, indicates' the receive line is idle. In SDLC protocol it is set if 15 consecutive 'ones are' received. In CSMA/CD protocol, line idle is set if no transitio~s occ~r on GR X D for approximately 1.6 bit times after a r~uired transition. LNI is cleared after a transition on GRXD.The status of this flag is controlledby the GSC. The C152 contains two identical general purPose 8-bit DMA channels with 16-bit addressability: DMAO and be executed by either chanDMAI. DMA transfers nel independent of the other, but only by one channel at a time. During the time that a DMA transfer is being executed, program execution is suspended. A DMA transfer takes one machine cycle (12 oscillator can 8-44 intJ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 DMA CHANNEL 0 DARHO I I DARlO DMA CHANNEL 1 I, DESTINATION ADDRESS .I SARHO II SARLO SOURCE ADDRESS BCRHO II BCRlO .I DARH1 I. .I SARH1 DCONO DARL1 I, BCRH1 I I SARL1 I. I, SOURCE ADDRESS BYTE COUNT I II DESTINATION ADDRESS II BCRL1 BYTE COUNT I I DCON1 I. I DMA 1 CONTROL DMAO CONTROL PCON '-' "-- Two new bits In PCON control Hold/Hold Acknowledge logic 270427-28 Figure 4.1. DMA Registers periods) per byte transferred, except when the destination and source are both in External Data RAM. In that case the transfer takes two 'machine cycles per byte. The term DMA Cycle will be used to mean the transfer of a single data byte, whether it takes 1 or 2 machine cycles. Two other bits in DCONn specify the physical source of the data to be transferred. These are SAS (Source Address Space) and ISA (Increment Source Address). If SAS = 0, the source is in data memory extern;i1 to the CIS2. If SAS = 1, the source is internal. If SAS = 1 and ISA = 0, the internal source is an SFR. If SAS = 1 and ISA = 1, the internal source is in the 256-byte data RAM. Associated with each channel are seven SFRs, shown in Figure 4.1. SARLn and SARHn holds the low and high bytes of the' source address. Taken together they form a 16-bit Source Address Register. DARLn and DARHn hold the low and high bytes of the destination address, and together form the Destination Address Register. BCRLn and BCRHn hold the low and high bytes of the number of bytes to be transferred, and together form the Byte Count Register. DCONn contains control and flag bits. In any case, if ISA = 1, the source address is automatically incremented after each byte transfer. If ISA = 0, it is not. The functions of these four control bits are summarized below: DAS IDA °° °1 1 1 Two bits in DCONn are used to specify the physical destination of the data transfer. These bits are DAS (Destination Address Space) and IDA (Increment Destination Address). If DAS = 0, the destination is in data memory external to the C152. If DAS = 1, the destination is internal to the CIS2. If DAS·= 1 and IDA = 0, the internal destination is a Special Function Register (SFR). If DAS = 1 and IDA = 1, the internal destination is in the 256-byte data RAM. 0 1 8-45 Auto-Increment External RAM External RAM SFR Internal RAM no yes no yes ISA Source Auto-Increment 0 0 °1 1 1 0 External RAM External RAM SFR Internal RAM no yes no yes SAS In any case, if IDA = 1, the destination address is automatically incremented after each byte transfer. If IDA = 0, it is not. Destination 1 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 dress. On-chip hardware then clears the flag (RI, TI, RFNE, or TFNF) that initiated the DMA, and decrements BCRn. Note that since the flag that initiated the DMA is cleared, it will not generate an interrupt unless DMA servicing is held off or the byte count equals O. DMA servicing may be held off when alternate cycle is being used or by the status of the HOLD/HLDA logic. In these situations the interrupt for the LSC may occur before the DMA can clear the RI or TI flag. This is because the LSC is serviced according to the status of RI and TI, whether or not the DMA channels are being used for the transferring of data. The GSC does not use RFNE or TFNF flags when using the DMA channels so these do not need to be disabled. When using the DMA channels to service the LSC it is recommended that the interrupts (RI and TI) be disabled. If the decremented BCRn is OOOOH, on-chip hardware then clears the GO bit and sets the DONE bit. The DONE bit flags an interrupt. There are four modes in which the DMA channel can operate. These are selected by the bits DM and TM (Demand Mode and Transfer Mode) in DCONn: OM TM Operating Mode 0 0 0 1 1 0 Alternate Cycles Mode Burst Mode Serial Port Demand Mode External Demand Mode 1 1 The operating modes are described below. 4.1.1 ALTERNATE CYCLE MODE In Alternate Cycles Mode the DMA is initiated by setting the GO bit in DCONn. Following the instrnction that set the GO bit, one more instruction is executed, and then the first data byte is transferred from the source address to the destination address. Then another instruction is executed, and then another byte of data is transferred, and so on in this manner. 4.1.4 EXTERNAL DEMAND MODE In External Demand Mode the DMA is initiated by one of the External Interrupt pins, provided the GO bit is set. INTO initiates a Channel 0 DMA, and INTI initiates a Channel 1 DMA. Each time a data byte is transferred, ,BCRn (Byte Count Register for DMA Channel n) is decremented. When it reaches OOOOH, on-chip hardware clears the GO bit and sets the DONE bit, and the DMA ceases. The DONE bit flags an interrupt. If the external interrupt is configured to be transitionactivated, then each I-to-O transition at the interrupt pin sets the corresponding external interrupt flag, and generates one DMA Cycle. Then, BCRn is decremented. No more DMA Cycles take place until another I-to-O transition is seen at the external interrupt pin. If the decremented BCRn = OOOOH, on-chip hardware clears the GO bit and sets the DONE bit. If the external interrupt is enabled, it will be serviced. 4.1.2 BURST MODE Burst Mode differs from Alternate Cycles mode only in that once the data transfer has begun, program execution is entirely suspended until BCRn reaches OOOOH, indicating that all data bytes that were to be transferred have been transferred. The interrupt control hardware remains active during the DMA, so interrupt flags may get set, but since program execution is suspended, the interrupts will not be serviced while the DMA is in progress. If the external interrupt is configured to be level-activated, then DMA Cycles commence when the interrupt pin is pulled low, and continue for as long as the pin is held low and BCRn is not OOOOH. If BCRn reaches 0 while the interrupt pin is still low, the GO bit is cleared, the DONE bit is set, and the DMA ceases. If the external interrupt is enabled, it will be serviced. 4.i.3 SERiAL FORi DEiviAND MOCE In this mode-the DMA can be used to service the Local Serial Channel (LSC) or the Global Serial Channel (GSC). - If the interrupt pin is pulled up before BCRn reaches OOOOH, then the DMA ceases, but the GO bit is still 1 and the DONE bit is still O. An external interrupt is not generated in this case, since in level-activated mode, pulling the pin to a logical 1 clears the interrupt flag. If the interrupt pin is then pulled low again, DMA transfers will continue from where they were previously stopped. In Serial Port Demand Mode the DMA is initiated by any of the following conditiollS, if the GO bit is set: Source Address = SBUF .AND. AI = 1 Destination Address = SBUF .AND. TI = 1 Source Address = AFIFO .AND. AFNE = 1 Destination Address = TFIFO .AND. TFNF = 1 The timing for the DMA Cycle in the transition-activated mode, or for the first DMA Cycle in the level-activated mode is as follows: If the I-to-O transition is Each time one of the above conditions is met, one DMA Cycle is executed; that is, one data byte is transferred from the source address to the destination ad- 8-46 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 detected before the final machine cycle of the instruction in progress, then the DMA commences as soon as the instruction in progress is completed. Otherwise, one more instruction will be executed before the DMA starts. No instruction is executed during any DMA Cycle. 4.2 Timing Diagrams Timing diagrams for single-byte DMA transfers are shown.in Figures 4.2 through 4.5 for four kinds of DMA Cycles: internal memory to internal memory, internal memory to external memory, external memory to internal memory, and external memory to external memory. In each case we assume the Cl52 is executing out of external program memory. If the C152 is executing out of internal program memory, then PSEN is inactive, and the Port 0 and Port 2 pins emit PO and P2 SFR data. If External Data Memory is involved, the Port 0 and Port 2 pins are used as the address/data bus, 1~- - - - - - 1 2 osc. and RD and/or WR signals are generated as needed, in the same manner as in the execution of a MOVX @DPTR instruction. 4.3 Hold/Hold Acknowledge Two operating modes of Hold/Hold Acknowledge logic are available, and either or neither may be invoked by software. In one mode, the C152 generates a Hold Request signal and awaits a Hold Acknowledge response before commencing' a DMA that involves external RAM. This is called the Requester Mode. In the other mode, the C152 accepts a Hold Request signal from an external device and generates a Hold Acknowledge signal in response, to indicate to the requesting device that the C 152 will not commence a DMA to or from external RAM while the Hold Request is active. This is called the Arbiter mode, PERIODS -----""11 --,f\.,__ __ ALE ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ""iN'ST1--- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ___ _ PO ...,;;;;;;.,J __________________________________ FLOAT - - - - - - -- - - -- -"\iPcl'FLOA~INST ~ -JX P2~~__________~p~2~sr_R________~__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DMA - CYCLE------~I. _ PCH RESUME PROGRAM EXECUTION 270427-29 Figure 4.2. DMA Transfer from Internal Memory to Internal Memory - - - - - - 1 2 osc. PERIODS------li 1+1 -'f\.'_.___ ALE~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PO INST ::1.< DARLn X '-DMA DATA OUT P2~~____________~DA~R~Hn~____________JX~ WR __~PC~H~ ___ \1..._ _ _ _- - J1 , - - - - - - - D M A C Y C L E - - - - - - - . ! - RESUME PROGRAM EXECUTION Figure 4.3. DMA Transfer from Internal Memory to External Memory 8-47. 270427-30 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 ~I'-----12 ALE osc. PERIOOS ------+j'1 ----f\'--________~r_\......_ __ I'WlJ P2 '--- ~...._ _ _ _ _ _ _S_AR_H_n_ _ _ _ _ _ \'-----~/ - - I . - - - - - - O M A CYCLE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ,, - _'X PCH RESUME PROGRAM EXECUTION 270427-31 Figure 4.4. DMA Transfer from External Memory to Internal Melflory ,------12 osc. PERIODS ----+f"'~---12 osc. PERIODS - - - - 1 ALE 'P2~~_ _ _ _~SA...R... Hn~_ _ _ _Jx~ _____..... . ~ R... Hn~_ ___JX~ __...Pc...H___ \ ....------1/ \ .....-----...1/ f-I,----------OMA CyCLE------------I- RES~~E~~~g~RAM 270427-32 Figure 4.5. DMA Transfer from External Memory to External Memory 4.3.1 REQUESTER MODE 4.3.2 ARBITER MODE The Requester Mode is selected by setting the control bit REQ, which resides in PCON. In that mode, when the C152 wants to do a DMA to External Daia Memory, it first generates a Hold Request signal, HLD, and waits for a Hold Acknowledge signal, HLDA, before . commencing the DMA operation. Note that program execution continues while HLDA is awaited. The DMA is not begun until a logical 0 is detected at the HLDA pin. Then, once the DMA has begun, it goes to completion regardless of the logic level at HLDA. The protocol is activated only for DMAs (not for program fetches or MOVX operations), and only for DMAs to or from External Data Memory. If the data destination and source are both internal to the C152, the HLD/HLDA protocol is not used. The HLD output is an alternate function of port pin P1.5, and the HLDA input is an alternate function of port pin 1>1.6. ,8-48 For DMAs that are to be driven by some device other than the C152, a different version of the Hold/Hold Acknow"lcdgc protocol is available. In this version the device which is to drive the DMA sends a Hold Request signal, HLD, to the C152. If the C152 is currently performing a DMA to or from External Data Memory, it will complete this DMA before responding to the Hold Request. When the C152 responds to the Hold Request, it 'does so by activating a Hold Acknowledge signal, HLDA. This indicates that the C152 will not commence a new DMA to or from External Data Memory while HLD remains active. j Note that in the Arbiter Mode the C152 does not suspend program execution at all, even if it is executing from external program memory. It does not surrender use of its own bus. The Hold Request input, HLD, is at P1.5. The Hold Acknowledge output, HLDA, is at P1.6. This inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 version of the Hold/Hold Acknowledge feature is selected by setting the.control bit ARB in PCON. The functions of the ARB and REQ bits in PCON, then, are ARB REQ Hold/Hold Acknowledge Logic 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Disabled C152 generates HLD, detects HLDA C152 detects HLD, generates HLDA Invalid ALE (ARB) IF 270427-34 Figure 4.7. ALE Switch Select The ALE Switch logic can be implemented by a single 74HCOO, as shown in Figure 4.7. The HOLD/HOLDA logic only affects DMA operation with external RAM and doesn't affect other operations with external RAM, such as MOVX instruction. Figure 4.8 shows the additional gating that is required when one of the CPUs is executing from external ROM. In this case the CPU has constant access to its own local bus, and accesses the global RAM only after gaining access to a global address/data bus. Figure 4.6 shows a system in which two 83C152s are sharing a global RAM. In this system, both CPUs are executing from internal ROM. Neither CPU uses the bus except to access the shared RAM, and such accesses are done only through DMA operations, not by MOVX instructions. If the CPU is programmed to be a Requester, as shown in Figure 4.8, then when it wants to access the global RAM it first activates HLD, and continues program execution on its own local bus while awaiting an active level at HLDA. One CPU is programmed to be the Arbiter and the other, to be the Requester. The ALE Switch selects which CPU's ALE signal will be directed to the address latch. Arbiter's ALE is selected if HLDA is high, and the Requester's ALE is selected if HLDA is low . An active level at HLDA enables the local bus to the global bus, and signals the !!:9uester to proceed with its DMA. The Requester's RD signal, rather than its The .. Vee A l8Xl0kll PO 83C152 P2 ARB Viii .-7 ALE I - - U r- RD HLD HLD r-v HLDA ~ HLDA • §I3 7 3 ~ ALE SWITCH ALE 83C152 REa I'- Viii PO RD P2 ~ =0 ALE (REO) -----...--J 4.3.3 USING THE HOLD/HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE ..- ilLiiii =1 ALE (REO) IF IlIJlA l- .P DATA , OE WE LOW HIGH '------' SHARED RAM ADDR 270427-33 Figure 4.6. Two 83C152s Sharing External RAM 8-49 intJ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 LOCAL BUS ROM PO \ r - - - ; - - , BOC152 REQ P2 ViR PSEN rrn ALE HLD SHARED BUS" HLDA , ).- ... \ \ , , \ LOW , , ADDR~ : I , I , , HIGH , ~-~--~ I I I I I I I ,,, , t-......-OE ,' WE \ ... , I ~ T, THLDA SYSTEM ARBITER 270427-35 Figure 4.8. Separation of Local and Global Busses 8-50 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 WR signal, is used to control the direction of the transceiver. This is to ensure that the transceiver will not try to drive the local bus before the DMA has actually begun. Figure 4.9 shows the three tasks to which the internal bus of the CI52 can be dedicated. In this figure, Instruction Cycle means the complete execution of a single instruction, whether it takes 1,2 or 4 machine cycles. DMA Cycle means the transfer of a single data byte from source to destination, whether it takes 1 or 2 machine cycles. (It takes 2 machine cycles.jf the destination and source are both external to the CI52.) Onchip arbitration logic determines which type of cycle is executed, according to the. following rules. RD from the Requester is ~cally ANDed with RD from the Arbiter to activate OE to the RAM. WR from the Requester can normally be hard-wired to WR from the Arbiter to activate WE to the RAM. 4.4 DMA Arbitration If the HLD/HLDA logic is disabled (ARB = 0, REQ = 0): • A write to any DMA address or control register is always followed by an Instruction Cycle. If the next instruction is a read or write to a DMA address or control register, the DMA cycle is held off one more instruction cycle. • A DMAO Cycle is called for if GOO = 1 and any of the following conditions are satisfied: 1. Channel 0 Burst Mode is selected; 2. Channel 0 is in SP Demand Mode. and a SP Demand flag is up (but see • *); The DMA Arbitration described in this section is not arbitration between two devices wanting to access a shared RAM, but rather on-chip arbitration between the two DMA channels on the C152. The CI52 provides two DMA channels, either of which may be called into operation at any time in response to real time conditions in the application circuit. However, only one DMA channel can be serviced during a single DMA cycle. In the event that both DMA channels request service at the same time, DMA Channel 0 takes precedence. 270427-36 Figure 4.9. Internal Bus Tasks 8-51 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 IDA (Increment Destination Address) If IDA = 1, the destination address' is automatically incremented after each byte transfer. IfiDA =0, it is not.. 3. Channel 0 is in External .Demand Mode and an External Demand flag is up; 4. Channel 0 is ·in Alternate Cycles Mode and Channel 1 isn't, and the previous cycle was not a DMA Cycle; 5. Channel 0 and Channell are both in Alternate Cycles Mode, and the previous cycle was not a DMA Cycle, and the previous DMA Cycle was not a DMAO cycle. ' • A DMAI Cycle is called for if GOI = 1 and no condition for a DMAO Cycle is satisfied, and any of the following conditions are satisfied: 1. Channel 1 Burst Mode is selected; 2~ Channel 1 is in SP Demand Mode and a SP Demand flag is up (but see "*); 3. Channel 1 is in External Dem~nd Mode and an External Demand flag is up; 4. Channel 1 is in Alternate Cycles Mode and Channel 0 isn't, and the previous cyCle was not a DMA Cycle; 5. Channel 1 and Channel 0 are both in Alternate , Cycles Mode, and the previous cycle was not a DMA Cycle, and the previous DMA Cycle was not a DMAI cycle. "If a DMA Cycle is not called for, then an Instruction Cycle is executed. A Special Case: Because of internal timing conflicts, a SP Demand Mode DMA Cycle in which the destination address is TFIFO will not be generated unless the previous cycle was an Instruction Cycle. SAS specifies the Source Address Space. If SAS = 0, the source is in External Data Memory. If SAS = 1 and ISA = 0, the source is an SFR. If SAS = 1 and ISA = 1, the source is Internal Data RAM. ISA (Increment Source Address) If ISA = 1, the source address is automatically incremented after each byte transfer. If ISA.= 0, it is not. DM (Demand Mode) If DM = 1, the DMA Channel operates in Demand Mode. .In Demand Mode the DMA is initiated either by an external signal or by a Serial Port flag, depending on the value of the TM bit. If DM = 0, the DMA is requested by setting the GO bit in software. TM (Transfer'Mode) If DM = 1 then TM selects whether a DMA is initiated by an external signal (TM = I) or by a Serial Port flag (TM = 0). If DM = 0 then TM selects whether the data transfers are to be in bursts (TM = 1) or in alte~ate cycles (TM = 0). DONE indicates the completion of a DMA operation and flags an interrupt. It is set to 1 by on-chip hardware when BeRn = 0, and is cleared to 0 by on-chip hardware when the interrupt is vectored to. It can also be set or cleared by software. *. GO is the enable bit for the DMA Channel itself. The DMA Channel is inactive if GO = O. Note that any time conditions are satisfied for a DMAO Cycle, the DMAO Cycle will be executed, even if the DMAI Channel is active. That is not to say a DMAI Cycle will be interrupted once it has begun. However, once a cycle has begun, be it,an'Instruction Cycle or a DMA Cycle, it will be completed without interruption. PCON I SMOD I ARB I REQ I GAREN I XRCLK I GFIEN I PDN IIDL I ARB enables the DMA logic to detect HLD and generate HLDA. After it has activated HLDA, the CI52 will not begin a new DMA to or from External Data Memory as long as HLD is seen to be active. This logic is disabled when ARB = 0, and enabled when ARB = 1. If the HLD/HLDA logic is not disabled (either ARB = i or REQ = i), then the HoidiHoid Acknowiedge REQ enables the DMA logic to generate HLD and detect HLDA before performing a DMA to or from External Data Memory. After it has activated HLD, the C152 will not begin the DMA until HLDA is seen to be active. This logic is disabled when REQ = 0, and enabled when REQ = 1. protocol will also be observed, as previously described, for DMAs to or from external RAM. 4.5 Summary of DMA Control Bits DCONn I DAS I IDA I SAS liSA I OM I TM I DONE I GO I 5.0 GLOSSARY DAS specifies the Destination Address Space. If DAS = 0, the destination is in External Data Memory: If DAS = 1 and IDA = 0, the destination is a Special Function Register (SFR). If DAS = 1 and IDA = 1, the destination is in Internal Data RAM. ADRO,I,2,3 (95H, OA5H, OB5H, OC5H) - Address Match Registers 0,1,2,3 - The contents of these SFRs are compared against the address bits from the serial 8-52 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 data on the GSC. If the address matches the SFR, then the ClS2 accepts that frame. If in 8 bit addressing mode, a match with any of the four registers will trigger acceptance. In 16 bit addressing mode, a match with ADRl:ADRO or ADR3:ADR2 will be accepted. Address length is determined, by GMOD, (AL). DCI - D.C. Jam, see MYSLOT. AE - Alignment Error, see RSTAT. The DCON registers control the operation of the DMA channels by determining the source of data to be transferred, the destination of the data to be transfer, and the various modes of operation. DCONO/I (092H,093H) 76543210 AL - Address Length, see GMOD. AMSKO,l (ODSH, OESH) - Address Match Mask 0,1 Identifies which bits in ADRO,l are "don't care" bits. Setting a bit to 1 in AMSKO,l identifies the corresponding bit in ADDRO,1 as not to be examined when comparing addresses. DCON.O (GO) - Enables DMA Transfer - When set it enables a DMA channel. If block mode is set then DMA transfer starts as soon as possible under CPU control. If demand mode is set then DMA transfer starts when a demand is asserted and recognized. BAUD - (94H) Contains the programmable value for the baud rate generator for the GSC. The baud rate will equal (fosc)/«BAUD+ 1) X 8). DCON.l (DONE) - DMA Transfer is Complete When set the DMA transfer is complete. It is set when BCR equals 0 and is automatically reset when the DMA vectors to its interrupt routine. If DMA interrupt is disabled and the user software executes a jump on the DONE bit, then the user software must also reset the done bit. If DONE is not set, then the DMA transfer is not complete. BCRLO,l (OE2H, OF2H) - Byte Count Register Low 0,1 - Contains the lower byte of the byte count. Used during DMA transfers to identify to the DMA chan. nels when the transfer is complete. BCRHO,l (OE3H, OF3H) - Byte Count Register High 0,1 - Contains the upper byte of the byte. count. DCON.2 (TM) - Transfer Mode - When set, DMA burst transfers are used if the DMA channel is configured in block mode or external interrupts are used to initiate a transfer if in Demand Mode. When TM is cleared, Alternate Cycle Transfers are used if DMA is in the Block Mode, or Local Serial channel/GSC interrupts are used to initiate a transfer if in Demand Mode. BKOFF (OC4H) - Backoff Timer - The backoff timer is an eight bit count-down timer with a clock period equal to one slot time. The backoff time is used in the CSMA/CD collision resolution algorithm. BOF - Beginning of Frame flag -. A term commonly used when dealing with packetized data. Signifies the beginning of a frame. DCON.3 (DM) - DMA Channel Mode - When set, Demand Mode is used and when cleared, Block Mode is used. CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check - An error checking routine that mathematically manipulates a value dependent on the incoming data. The purpose is to identify when a frame has been received in error. DCON.4 (ISA) - Increment Source Address - When set, the source address registers are automatically incremented during each transfer. When cleared, the source address registers are not incremented. CRCE - CRC Error, see RSTAT. DCON.S (SAS) - Source Address Space - When set, the source of data for the DMA transfers is internal data memory if autoincrement is also set. If autoincrement is not set but SAS is, then the source for data will be one of the Special Function Registers. When SAS is cleared, the source for data is external data memory. CSMA/CD - Stands for Carrier Sense, Multiple Access, with Collision Detection. CT - CRC Type, see GMOD. DARLO/l (OC2H, OD2H) - Destination Address Register Low 0/1 - Contains the lower byte of the destinations' address when performing DMA transfers. DCON.6 (IDA) -' Increment Destination Address Space - When set, destination address registers are incremented once after each byte is transferred. When cleared, the destination address registers are not automatically incremented. DARHO/I (OC3H, OD3H) - Destination Address Register Low 0/1 - Contains the upper byte of the destinations' address when performing DMA transfers. DAS - Destination Address Space, see DCON. 8-53 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 DCON.7 (DAS) - Destination Address Space - When set, destination of data to be transferred is internal data memory if autoincrement mode is also set. If autoincrement is not set the destinationwill be one of the Special Function Registers. When DAS is cleared then the destination is external data memory. GMOD(84H) 7 4 3 210 The bits in this SFR, perform most of the configuration on the type of data transfers to be used with the GSC. Determines the mode, address length, preamble length, protocol select, and enables the external clocking of the transmit data. DEN - An alternate function of one of the port I pins (p1.2). Its purpose is to enable external drivers when the GSC is transmitting data. This function is always active when using the GSC and if P1.2 is programmed to a 1. GMOD.O (PR) - Protocol- If set, SDLC protocols with NRZI encoding, zero bit insertion, and SDLC flags are used. If cleared, CSMAlCD link access with Manchester encoding is used. DM - DMA Mode, see DCONO. GMOD.l,2 (pLO, 1) - Preamble length DMA - Direct Memory Access mode, see TSTAT. PLI PLO LENGTH (BITS) DONE - DMA done bit, see DCONO. 000 o 1 8 1 0 32 1 1 64 DPH -Data Pointer High, an SFR that contains the high order byte of a general purpose pointer called the data pointer (DPTR). The length includes the two bit Begin Of frame (BOF) flag in CSMAlCD but does not include the SDLC flag. In SDLC mode, the BOF is an SDLC flag, otherwise it is two consecutive ones. Zero length is not compatible in CSMAlCD mode. DPL - Data Pointer Low, an SFR that contains the low order bytc of the data pointer. ~ 5 IXTCLK I M1 I MO I AL I CT I PL1 I PLO I PR I DCR - Deterministic Resolution, see MYSLOT. EDMAO IENl. 6 Enable DMA Channel 0 interriJpt, see GMOD.3 (CT) - CRC Type - If set, 32-bit AUTODIN11-32 is used. If cleared, 16-bit CRC-CCITT is used. EDMAI - Enable DMA Channel 1 interrupt, see IENl. GMOD.4 (AL) - Address Length - If set, 16-bit addressing is used. If cleared, 8-bit addressing is used. In 8-bit mode, a match with any of the 4 address registers will allow that frame to be accepted (ADRO, ADRl, ADR2, ADR3). "Don't Care" bits may be masked in ADRO and ADRI with AMSKO and AMSKl. In 16bit mode, addresses are matched against "ADRl:ADRO" or "ADR3:ADR2". Again, "Don't Care" bits in ADRl:ADRO can be masked in AMSKi:AMSKO. A received address of an ones win always be recognizCd in any mode. EGSRE - Enable GSC Receive Error interrupt, see IENl. EGSRV - Enable GSC Receive Valid interrupt, see IENl. . EGSTE - Enable GSC Transmit Error interrupt, see IENl. EGSTV - Enable GSC Transmit Valid internipt, see IENl. GMOD.5, 6 (MO,Ml) -Mode Select- Two test modes, an optional "alternate backofl" mode, or normal backoff can be enabled with these two bits. EOF - A general term used in serial communications. EOF stands for End Of Frame and signifies when the last bits of data are transmitted when using packetized data. Ml MO ·0 o 1 1 0 1 1 o ES - Enable LSC Service interrupt, see IE. ETO - Enable Timer 0 interrupt, see IE. ETl - Enable Timer 1 interrupt, see IE. Mode Normal Raw Transmit Raw Receive Alternate Backoff GMOD.7 (XTCLK) - External Transmit Clock - If set an external IX clock is used for the transmitter. If cleared the internal baud rate generator provides the EXO - Enable External interrupt 0, see IE. EXI - Enable External interrupt 1, see IE. 8-54 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 transmit clock. The input clock is applied to Pl.3 (TxC). The user software is responsible for setting or clearing this flag. External receive clock is enabled by setting PCON.3. IE.2 (EXl) - Enables the external interrupt INTI on P3.3. GO - DMA Go bit, see DCONO. IE.4 (ES) - Enables the Local Serial Channel interrupt. GRxD - GSC Receive Data input, an alternate function of one of the port I pins (P 1.0). This pin is used as the receive input for the GSC. PLO must be programmed to a 1 for this function to operate. IE.7 (EA) - The global interrupt enable bit. This bit must be set to a 1 for any other interrupt to be enabled. GSC - Global Serial Channel - A high-level, multi-protocol, serial communication controller added to the SOC5lBH core to accomplish high-speed transfers of packetized serial data. GTxD - GSC Transmit Data output, an alternate function of one of the port I pins (P 1.1). This pin is used as the transmit output for the GSC. Pl.l must be programmed to a I for this function to operate. HBAEN - Hardware Based Acknowledge Enable, see RSTAT. HLDA - Hold Acknowledge, an alternate function of one of the port 1 pins (Pl.6). This pin is used to perform the "HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE" function for DMA transfers. HLDA can be an input or an output, depending on the configuration of the DMA channels. PI.6 must be programmed to a 1 for this function to operate. HOLD - Hold, an alternate function of one of the port 1 pins (P1.5). This pin is used to perform the "HOLD" function for DMA transfers. HOLD can be an input or an output, depending on the configuration of the DMA channels. Pl.5 must be programmed to a 1 for this function to operate. IDA - Increment Destination Address, see DCONO. IB.3 (ETI) - Enables the Timer 1 interrupt. IENl - (OCSH) 76 EA I ES I ET1 I EX1 I ETO 3 2 1 0 Interrupt enable register for DMA and GSC interrupts. A 1 in any bit position enables that interrupt. IENI.O (EGSRV) - Enables the GSC valid receive interrupt. IEN1.1 (EGSRE) - Enables the GSC receive error interrupt. IENl.2 (EDMAO) - Enables the DMA done interrupt for Channel O. IEN1.3 (EGSTV) - Enables the GSC valid transmit interrupt. IENl.4 (EDMAl) - Enables the DMA done interrupt for Channel 1. IEN1.5 (EGSTE) - Enables the GSC transmit error interrupt IFS - (OA4H) Interframe Space, determines the number of bit tiflles separating transmitted frames. 7 6 I 5 4 IP (OBSH) 3 2 PS I PT1 I PX1 1 0 PTO PXO 0 EXO Interrupt Enable SFR, used to individually enable the Timer and Local Serial Channel interrupts. Also con~ tains the global enable bit which must be set to a 1 to enable any interrupt to be automatically recoguized by the CPU. IE.O (EXO) - Enables the external interrupt INTO on P3.2. IE.l (ETO) - Enables the Timer 0 interrupt. 4 IIIEGSTEIEDMA11EGSTVIEDMAOIEGSREIEGSRVI IE (OASH) 765432 5 Allows the user software two levels of prioritization to be assigned to each of the interrupts in IE. A 1 assigns the corresponding interrupt in IE a higher interrupt than an interrupt with a corresponding O. IP.O (PXO) - Assigns the priority of external interrupt, INTO. . IP.1 (PTO) - Assigns the priority of Timer 0 interrupt, TO. inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 Determines which type of Jam is used, which backoff algorithm is used, and the DCR slot address for the . GSC. IP.2 (PXI)- Assigns the priority of external interrupt, INTl. IP.3 (PTl) - Assigns the priority of Timer I interrupt, Tl. MYSLOT.O,I,2,3,4,5 (SAO,I,2,3,4,5) - These bits determine which slot address is assigned to the CI52 when using deterministic backoff during CSMA/CD operations on the GSC. Maximum slots available is 63. An address of OOH prevents that station from participating in the backoff process. IP.4 (PS) - Assigns the priority of the LSC interrupt, SBUF. IPNI - (OFSH) 76 I I I 5 PGSTE I 4 PDMA1 3 2 1 0 I PGSTV I PDMAO I PGSRE I PGSRV I MYSLOT.6 (DCR) - Determines which collision resolution algorithm is used. If set to a I, then the deterministic backoff is used. If cleared, then a random slot assignment is used. Allows the user software two levels of prioritization to be assigned to each of the interrupts in IENl. A I assigns the corresponding interrupt in IENI a higher interrupt than an interrupt with a corresponding O. MYSLOT.7 (DCJ) - Determines the type of Jam used during CSMA/CD operation when a collision occurs. If set to a I then a low D.C. level is used as the jam signal. If cleared, then CRC is used as the jam signal. The jam is applied for a length of time equal to the CRC length. IPNl.O (PGSRV) - Assigns the priority ofGSC receive valid interrupt. IPNl.l (PGSRE) - Assigns the priority of GSC error receive iriterrupt. NOACK - No Acknowledgment error bit, see TSTAT. IPN1.2 (PDMAO) - Assigns the priority of DMA done interrupt for Channel O. NRZI - Non-Return to Zero inverted, a type of data encoding where a 0 is represented by a change in the level of the serial link. A I is represented by no change. IPNl.3 (pGSTV) - Assigns the priority of GSC transmit viilid interrupt. OVR - Overrun error bit, see RSTAT. IPNl.4 (PDMAI) - Assigns the priority ofDMA done interrupt for Channel 1. IPNI.5 (pGSTE) - Assigns the priority of GSC transmit error interrupt. PR - Protocol select bit, see GMOD. PCON (S7H) 76543210 ISMoolARSIREOIGARENIXRCLKIGFIENlpollOLI ISA - Increment Source Address, see DCONO. PCON.O (IDL) -Idle bit, used to place the CI52 into the idle power saving mode. LNI - Line Idle, see TSTAT. PCON.I (PD) - Power Down bit, used to place the CI52 into the power down power saving mode. LSC - Local Serial Channel - The as¥nchronous serial MCS-51 devices. Uses start/stop bits port found onL'__ all __ __ .l __ 1._ 1 L __ ... _ _ ... _ ...: __ _ 0_ ~_:' _ _ FCON.2 (GFIEN) - GSC Fiag Idie Enabie bit, when set, enables idle flags (01111110) to be generated between transmitted frames in SDLC mode. i1UU t,;UU UUUMCJ UJUY 1 UyLC ilL i1 LlIUt:. MO - One of two GSC mode bits, see TMOD. MI - One of two GSC mode bits, see TMOD PCON.3 (XRCLK) - External.Receive Clock bit, used to enable an external clock to be used for only the receiver portion of the GSC. MYSLOT - (OF5H) 76543210 PCON.4 (GAREN) - GSC Auxiliary Receive Enable bit, used to enable the GSC to receive back-to-back SDLC frames. This bit has no effect in CSMA/CD mode. 8-56 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 PCON.5 (REQ) - Requester mode bit, set to a I when CI52 is to be operated as the requester station during DMA transfers. RFIFO - (F4H) RFIFO is a 3-byte FIFO that contains the receive data from the GSC. PCON.6 (ARB) - Arbiter mode bit, set to a I when CI52 is to be operated as the arbiter during DMA transfers. PCON.7 (SMOD) - LSC mode bit, used to double the baud rate on the LSC. RSTAT (OE8H) - Receive Status Register 76543210 RSTAT.O (HBAEN) - Hardware Based Acknowledge Enable - If set, enables the hardware based acknowledge feature. PDMAO - Priority bit for DMA Channel 0 interrupt, see IPNl. ' RSTAT.I (GREN) - Receiver Enable - When set, the receiver is enabled to accept incoming frames. This also clears RDN, CRCE, AE, RCABT and the receive FIFO. It is cleared by the receiver at the end of a reception or if any errors occurred: The status of GREN has no effect on whether the receiver detects a collision in CSMA/CD mode as the receiver input circuitry always monitors the receive pin. PDMAI - Priority bit for DMA Channel I interrupt, see IPNl. PGSRE - Priority bit for GSC Receive Error interrupt, see IPNl. PGSRV - Priority bit for GSC Receive Valid interrupt, see IPNl. RSTAT.2 (RFNE) - Receive FIFO Not Empty - If set, indicates that the receive FIFO contains data. The receive FIFO is a three byte buffer into which the receive data is loaded. A CPU read of the FIFO retrieves the oldest data and automatically updates the FIFO pointers. Setting GREN t9 a one will clear the receive FIFO. The status of this flag is controlled by the GSC. This bit is cleared if user S/W empties receive FIFO. PGSTE - Priority bit for GSC Transmit Error interrupt, see IPNl. PGSTV - Priority bit for GSC Transmit Valid interrupt, see IPNl. PLO - One of two bits that determines the Preamble Length, see GMOD. PLI - One of two bits that determines the Preamble Length, see GMOD. RSTAT.3 (RDN) - Receive Done - If set, indicates the successful completion of a receiver operation. Will not be set if a CRC, alignment, abort, or FIFO overrun error occurred. PRBS - (OE4H) Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence, generates the pseudo-random number to be used in CSMA/CD backoff algorithms. RSTATA (CRCE) - CRC Error - Ifset, indicates that a properly aligned frame was received with a mismatched CRC. PS - Priority bit for the LSC service interrupt, see IP. RSTAT.5 (AE) - Alignment Error - If set, indicates that the line went idle when the receiver shift register was not full and the resulting CRC was bad in the CSMA/CD mode. If a correct CRC was valid then AE is not set. In SDLC mode, AE indicates that a nonbyte-aligned flag was received. PTO - Priority bit for Timer 0 interrupt, see IP. PTl - Priority bit for Timer I interrupt, see IP. PXO - Priority bit for External interrupt 0, see IP. RSTAT.6 (RCABT) - Receiver Collision/Abort Detect - If set, indicates that a collision was detected after data had been loaded into the receive FIFO in CSMA/CD mode. In SDLC mode, RCABT indicates that 7 consecutive ones were detected prior to the end flag but after data has been loaded into the receive FIFO. PXI - Priority bit for External interrupt I, see IP. RCABT - GSC Receiver Abort error bit, see RSTAT. RDN - GSC Receiver Done bit, see RSTAT. GREN - GSC Receiver Enable bit, see RSTAT. RSTAT.7 (OVR) - Overrun - If set, indicates that the receive FIFO was full and new shift register data was written into it. It is cleared by user S/W. RFNE - GSC Receive FIFO Not Empty bit, see RSTAT. RI - LSC Receive Interrupt bit, see SCON. 8-57 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE 83C152 SARHO (OA3H) - Source Address Register High 0, contains the high byte of the source address for DMA Channel O. SP (OSIH) - Stack Pointer, an eight bit pointer register used during a PUSH, POP, CALL, RET, or RETI. TCDCNT - (OD4H) Contains the number of collisions in the current frame if using probabilistic CSMA/CD and contains the maximum number of slots in the deterministic mode. SARHI (OB3H) - Source Address Register High I, contains the high byte of the source address for DMA Channell. SARLO (OA2H) - Source Address Register Low 0, contains the low. byte of the source address for DMA Channel O. TCDT - Transmit Collision Detect, see TSTAT. TCON(OSSH) 76543210 SARLI (OB2H) - Source Address Register Low I, contains the low byte of the source address for DMA Channell. I TF1 I TA1 I TFO I TAO IIE1 IIT1 I lEO liTO I TCON.O (ITO) - Interrupt 0 mode control bit. SAS - Source Address Space bit, see DCONO. TCON.I (lEO) - External interrupt 0 edge flag. SBUF (099H) - Serial Buffer, both the receive and transmit SFR location for the LSC. TCON.2 (IT!) - Interrupt I mode control bit. SCON(09SH) 76543210 TCON.3 (lEI) - External interrupt I edge flag. I SMO I SM1 15M2 I AENI TB8 I AB8 I TI I AI I TCON.4 (TRO) - Timer 0 run controi bit. CON.5 (TFO) - Timer 0 overflow flag. SCON.O (RI) - Receive Interrupt flag. TCON.6 (TRI) - Timer I run control bit. SCON.I (TI) - Transmit Interrupt flag. TCON.7 (TFI) - Timer I overflow flag. SCON.2 (RBS) - Receive Bit S, contains the ninth bit that was received in Modes 2 and 3 or the stop bit in Mode I if SM20. Not used in Mode O. TDN.- Transmit Done flag, see TSTAT. TEN - Transmit Enable bit, see TSTAT. SCON.3 (TBS) - Transmit Bit S, the ninth bit to be transmitted in Modes 2 and 3. . TFNF - Transmit FIFO Not Full flag, see TSTAT. SCON.4 (REN) - Receiver Enable, enables reception for the LSC. TFIFO - (S5H) TFIFO is a 3-byte FIFO that contains the transmission data for the GSC. SCON.5 (SM2) - Enables the multiprocessor communication feature in Modes 2 and 3 for the LSC. THO (OSCH) - Timer 0 High byte, contains the high byte for timer/counter O. ScON.6 (SMI) - LSC mode specifier. THI (OSDH) - Timer I High byte, contains the high byte for timer/counter 1. . SCON.7 (SM2) - LSC mode specifier. TI - Transmit Interrupt, see SCON. SDLC - Stands for Synchronous Data Link Communication and is a protocol developed by IBM. TLO (OSAH) - Timer 0 Low byte, coptains the low byte for timer/counter O. SLOTTM - (OB4H) Determines the length of the slot time in CSMA/CD. TLI (OSBH) - Timer I Low byte, contains the low byte for timerlCounter 1. TM - Transfer Mode, see, DCONO. 8-58 inter HARDWARE DESCRIPTION OFTHE 83C152 TMOD(OS9H) 76543210 IGATE ICIT I M1 I MO I GATE I CIT I M1 I MO I TSTAT.3 (TDN) - Transmit Done - When set, indicates the successful completion of a frame ttansmission. If HBAEN is set, TDN will not be set until the end of the IFS following the transmitted message, so that the acknowledge can be checked. If an acknowledge is expected and not received, TDN is not set. An acknowledge is not expected following a broadcast or multi-cast packet. TMOD.O (MO) - Mode selector bit for Timer O. TMOD.l (Ml) - Mode selector bit for Timer O. TMOD.2 (CIf) - Timer/Counter selector bit for TimerO. TMOD.3 (GATE) - Gating Mode bit for Timer O. TSTAT.4 (TCDT) - Transmit Collision Detect - If set, indicates that the transmitter halted due to a collision. It is set if a collision occurs during the data or CRC or if there are more than eight collisions. TMOD.4 (MO) - Mode selector bit for Timer 1. TMOD.5 (Ml) - Mode selector bit for Timer 1. TMOD.6 (C/T) - Timer/Counter selector bit for Timer L TSTAT.5 (UR) - Underrun - If set, indicates that in DMA mode the last bit was shifted out of the transmit register and that the DMA byte count did not equal zero. When an underrun occurs, the transmitter halts without sending the CRC or the end flag. TMOD.7 (GATE) - Gating Mode bit for Timer 1. 7 TSTAT (ODS) - Transmit Status Register 6 5 4 32 1 TSTAT.2 (TFNF) - Transmit FIFO not full - When set, indicates that new data may be written into the transmit FIFO. The transmit FIFO is a three byte butTer that loads the transmit shift register with data. 0 ILNII NOACK I UR I TCOT ITON I TFNF I TEN IOMA I TSTAT.O (DMA) - DMA Select - If set, indicates that 'DMA channels are used to service the GSC FIFO's and GSC interrupts occur on TDN and RDN, and also enables UR to become set. If cleared, indicates that the GSC is operating in it normal mode and interrupts occur on TFNE and RFNE.For more information on DMA servicing please refer to the DMA section on DMA serial demand mode ( TSTAT.l (TEN) - Transmit Enable - When set causes TDN, UR, TCDT, and NOACK flags to be reset and the TFIFO cleared. The transmitter will clear TEN after a successful transmission, a collision during the data, CRC, or end flag. If cleared during a transmission the GSC transmit pin goes to a steady state high level. This is the method used to send an abort character in· SDLC. Also DEN is forced to a high level. The end of transmission is occurs whenever the TFIFO is emptied. 8-59 TSTAT.6 (NOACK) - No Acknowledge - If set, indicates that no acknowledge was received for the previous frame. Will be set only if HBAEN is set and no acknowledge is received prior to the end of the IFS. NOACK is not set following a broadcast or a multicast packet. TSTAT.7 (LNI) - Line Idle - If set, indicates the receive line is idle. In SDLC protocol it is set if 15 consecutive ones are received. In CSMA/CD protocol, line idle is set if no transitions occur on GR X D for 1.6 bit times after a required transition. LNI is cleared after a transition on GRXD. TxC - External Clock input for GSC transmitter. UR - Underrun flag, see TSTAT. XRCLK - External GSC Receive Clock Enable bit, see peON. XTCLK - External GSC Transmit Clock Enable bit, seeGMOD. MCS® . . 51 Programmer's Guide and Instruction Set 9 MCS®-S1 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET The information presented in this chapter is collected from the previous MCS®-51 chapters of this book. The material has been selected and rearranged to form a quick and convenient reference for the programmers of the MCS-51. This guide pertains specifically to the 8051, 8052 and 80C51. The following list should make it easier to find a subject in this chapter. Memory Organization Program Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9-2 Data Memory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9-3 Direct and Indirect Address Area ........................................................ 9-5 Special Function Registers ............... ................................................. 9-7 Contents of SFRs after Power-On. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9-8 SFR Memory Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9-9 Program Status Word (PSW). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9-10 Power Control Register (PCON) . . :. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 9-10 Interrupts. . .. .. . .. .. .. . ... .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. . ... .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. .. ... . . . ... 9-11 Interrupt Enable Register (IE) ............................................................. : 9-11 Assigning Priority Level .......................... "......................................... 9-12 Interrupt Priority Register . ..................................................... , .. ... . . . . .. 9-12 Timer/Counter Control Register (TCON) ................................................... 9-13 Timer/Counter Mode Control Register {TMOD} ............................................. 9-13 Timer Set-Up . ....................... ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9-14 Timer/Counter 0 .............................................. ...... ; ................... 9-14 Timer/Counter 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9-15 Timer/Counter 2 Control Register (T2CON). . . ... .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. ... ...... 9-16 Timer/Counter 2 Set-Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9-17 Serial Port Control Register. . . . . . .. .... . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . .... . .. .. . . ... ... ... 9-18 Serial Port Set-Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9-18 Generating Baud Rates ................................................................... 9-19 MCS-51 Instruction Set . ...... "................ ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9-20 Instruction Definitions .................................................................... 9-24 9-1 intJ MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET MEMORY ORGANIZATION PROGRAM MEMORY The 8051 has separate address spaces for Program Memory and Data Memory. The Program Memory can be up to 64K bytes long. The lower 4K (8K for the 8052) may reside on-chip. Figure I shows a map of the 8051 program memory, and Figure 2 shows a map of the 8052 program memory. FFFF r - - - - - - - - - - - . , "FFr-----------~ &OK BYTES EXTERNAL -OR 14K BYTES EXTERNAL 1~~---------~ AND 4KBYTES INTERNAL 0000 ~---------~ 270249-1 Figure 1. The 8051 Program Memory 9-2 intJ MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET FFFF , - - - - - - - - - - -.... FFFF,-----------~ 56 K BYTES EXTERNAL 64K BYTES --OR-.....,..... EXTERNAL ~~--------------~ AND 1 F F F r - - - - - - - - - - -.... 8KBYTES INTERNAL ~L-----------------~ 0000 L-_________ ..J 270249-2 Figure 2. The 8052 Program Memory Data Memory: The 8051 can address up to 64K bytes of Data Memory to the chip. The "MOVX" instruction is used to access the external data memory. (Refer to the MeS-51 Instruction Set, in this chapter, for detailed description of instructions). The 8051 has 128 bytes of on-chip RAM (256 bytes in the 8052) plus a number of Special Function Registers (SFRs). The lower 128 bytes of RAM can be accessed either by direct addressing (MOV data addr) or by indirect addressing (MOV @Ri). Figure 3 shows the 8051 and the 8052 Data Memory organization. MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET OFFFr------------------, INTERNAL FF..-------------, SFR. 84K BYTES EXTERNAL DIRECT ADDRESSING ONLY ~~--------~ 7F - - AND -----l.,.. DIRECT. INDIRECT ADDRESSING oo~--------~ ooooL-------------~ 270249-3 Figure 3a. The 8051 Data Memory FFFFr--------------------, INTERNAL f INDIRECT ADDRESSING ONLY 1,---1------, '" ~HTOFFH FF FF..---=-~------......, 84K SFR. DIRECT ADDRESSING ONLY BYTES EXTERNAL 1--AND . . . . . . . ~ 7Fr--------------------i DIRECT. INDIRECT ADDRESSING oo~--------~ J 270249-4 Figure 3b. The 8052 Data Memory 9·4' MCS®·51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET INDIRECT ADDRESS AREA: Note that in Figure 3b the SFRs and the indirect address RAM have the same addresses (80H-OFFH). Nevertheless, they are two separate areas and are accessed in two different ways. For example the instruction MOV 80H,#OAAH writes OAAH to Port 0 which is one of the SFRs and the instruction MOV RO,#80H MOV @RO,#OBBH writes OBBH in location 80H of the data RAM. Thus, after execution of both of the above instructions Port 0 will contain OAAH and location 80 of the RAM will contain OBBH. DIRECT AND INDIRECT ADDRESS AREA: The 128 bytes of RAM which can be accessed by both direct and indirect addressing can be divided into 3 segments as listed below and shown in Figure 4. 1. Register Banks 0-3: Locations 0 through IFH (32 bytes). ASM-51 and the device after reset default to register bank O. To use the other register banks the user must select them in the software (refer to the MeS-5l Micro Assembler User's Guide); Each register bank contains 8 one-byte registers, 0 through 7. Reset initializes the Stack Pointer to location 07H and it is incremented once to start from location 08H which is the first register (RO) of the second register bank. Thus, in order to use more'than one register bank, the SP should be intialized to a different location of the RAM where it is not used for data storage (ie, higher part of the RAM). 2. Bit Addressable Area: 16 bytes have been assigned for this segment, 20H-2FH. Each one of the 128 bits of this ' segment can be directly, addressed (0-7FH). The bits can be referred to in two ways both of which are acceptable by the ASM-51. One way is'to refer to their addresses, ie. 0 to 7FH. The other way is with reference to bytes 20H to 2FH. Thus, bits 0-7 can also be referred to as bits 20.0-20.7, and bits 8-FH are the same as 21.0-21.7 and so on. ' Each of the 16 bytes in this segment can also be addressed as a byte. 3. Scratch Pad Area: Bytes 30H through 7FH are available to the user as data RAM. However, if ~he stack pointer has been initialized to this area, enough number of bytes should be left aside to prevent SP data destruction. 9-5 inter MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET Figure 4 shows the different segments of the on-chip RAM. II-------8BylW 11....... - - - - - - - 1...1 78 7F 70 77 88 6F 60 67 58 5F 50 57 48 4F 40 47 SCRATCH PAD , 38 3F 30 37 ... 7F 28 20 AREA O••• 2F BIT ADDRESSABLE SEGMENT 27 18 3 1F 10 2 17 REGISTER 08 1 OF BANKS 0 07 270249:"5 Figure 4. ·128 Bytes of RAM Direct and Indirect Addressable 9-6 infef MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS: Table 1 contains a list of all the SFRs and their addresses. Comparing Table 1 and Figure 5 shows that all of the SFRs that are byte and bit addressable are located on the first column of the diagram in Figure 5. Table 1 Symbol 'ACC 'B 'PSW SP DPTR DPL DPH *PO *P1 *P2 'P3 *IP 'IE TMOD *TCON '+ T2CON THO TLO TH1 TL1 +TH2 + TL2 + RCAP2H + RCAP2L 'SCON SBUF PCON Name Accumulator B Register Program Status Word Stack Pointer Data Pointer 2 Bytes Low Byte High Byte PortO Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Interrupt Priority Control Interrupt Enable Control Timer/Counter Mode Control Timer/Counter Control Timer/Counter 2 Control Timer/Counter 0 High Byte Timer/Counter 0 Low Byte Timer/Counter 1 High Byte Timer/Counter 1. Low Byte Timer/Counter 2 High Byte Timer/Counter 2 Low Byte T /C 2 Capture Reg. High Byte T /C 2 Capture Reg. Low Byte Serial Control Serial Data Buffer Power Control addressable 8052 only • = Bit + = 9-7 Address OEOH OFOH ODOH B1H B2H B3H BOH 90H OAOH OBOH OBBH OA8H 89H B8H OC8H 8CH 8AH BDH BBH OCDH OCCH OCBH OCAH 98H 99H B7H MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET WHAT DO THE SFRs CONTAIN JUST AFTER POWER-ON OR A RESET? Table -2 li$ts the contents of each SFR after power-on or a hardware reset. Table 2. Contents of the SFRs after reset ' Register Value in Binary 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000111 °ACC oS °pSW Sp DPTR DPH DPL 'PO 'P1 'P2 'P3 "P 00000000 00000000 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 8051 XXXOOOOO, 8052 XXOOOOOO 80510XXOOOOO, 8052 OXOOOOOO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 'IE TMOD 'TCON *+ T2CON THO TLO TH1 TL1 +TH2 +TL2 + RCAP2H + RCAP2L 'SCON SBUF PCON x Indeterminate HMOS OXXXXXXX CHMOS OXXXOOOO = Undefined • = Bit Addressable + = 8052on!y 9-8 MCS®-S1 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET SFR MEMORY MAP 8 Bytes FB FO EB EO DB DO CB CO BB BO AB AO 98 90 B8 BO FF B F7 EF ACC E7 DF PSW T2CON D7 RCAP2L RCAP2H TL2 TH2 CF C7 IP P3 IE P2 SCON P1 TCON PO t BF B7 AF A7 SBUF 9F 97 TMOD SP TLO DPL TL1 DPH Figure 5 Bit Addressable 9-9 THO TH1 BF PCON B7 MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET Those SFRs that have their bits assigned for various functions are listed in this section. A brief description of each bit is provided for quick reference. For more detailed information refer to the Architecture Chapter of this book. PSW: PROGRAM STATUS WORD. BIT ADDRESSABLE. CY AC PSW.7 PSW.6 CY AC FO RSI RSO OV psw.s PSW.4 PSW.3 PSW.2 PSW.I psw.o P FO RS1 RSO P OV Carry Flag. Auxiliary Carry Flag. Flag 0 available to the user for general purpose. Register Bank selector bit I (SEE NOTE I). Register Bank selector bit 0 (SEE NOTE I). Overflow Flag. Not implemented, reserved for future use.' Parity flag. Set/cleared by hardware each instruction cycle to indicate an odd/even number of 'I' bits in the accumulator. . NOTE: 1. The value presented by RSO and RS1 selects the corresponding register bank. RS1 RSO Register Bank Address 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 OOH-07H OBH-OFH 10H-17H 1BH-1FH 0 0 1 1 'User software should not write 1s to reserved bits. These bits may be used in future MCS-51 products to invoke new features. In that case, the reset or inactive value of the new bit will be 0, and its active value will be 1. PCON: POWER CONTROL REGISTER. NOT BIT ADDRESSABLE. SMOO I _. I GF1 GFO PO IOL SMOD Double baud rate bit. If Timer I is used to generate baud rate and SMOD = I, the baud rate is doubled when the Serial Port is used in modes I, 2, or 3. Not implemented, reserved for future use.' Not implemented, reserved for future use.' Not implemented, reserved for future use.' GFI General purpose flag bit. GFO General purpose flag bit. PD Power Down bit. Setting this bit activates Power Down operation in the 80CSIBH. (Available only in CHMOS). IDL Idle Mode bit. Setting this bit activates Idle Mode operation in the 80CSIBH. (Available only in CHMOS). If Is are written to PD and IDL at the same time, PD takes precedence. 'User software should not write 1s to reserved bits. These bits may be used in future MCS-51 products to invoke new features. In that case, the reset or inactive value of the new bit will be 0, and its active value will be 1. 9-10 infef MCS®-S1 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET INTERRUPTS: In order to use any of the interrupts in the MCS-SI, the following three steps must be taken. 1. Set the EA (enable all) bit in the IE register to 1. 2. Set the corresponding individual interrupt enable bit in the IE register to 1. 3. Begin the interrupt service routine at the corresponding Vector Address of that interrupt. See Table below. Interrupt Source Vector Address lEO TFO IE1 TF1 RI&TI TF2 & EXF2 0003H OOOBH 0013H 001BH 0023H 002BH In addition, for external interrupts, pins INTO and INTI (P3.2 and P3.3) must be set to I, and depending on whether the interrupt is to be level or transition activated, bits ITO or ITI in the TCON register may need to be set to 1. ITx = 0 level activated ITx = 1 transition activated IE: INTERRUPT ENABLE REGISTER. BIT ADDRESSABLE. If the bit is 0, the corresponding interrupt is disabled. If the bit is 1, the corresponding interrupt is enabled. EA ET2 EA IE.7 ET2 ES ETI EXI ETO EXO IE.6 IE.S IE.4 IE.3 IE.2 IE. 1 IE.O ES ET1 EX1 ETO EXO Disables all interrupts. If EA = 0, no interrupt will be acknowledged. If EA = 1, each interrupt source is individually enabled or disabled by setting or clearing its enable bit. Not implemented, reserved for future use.· Enable or disable the Timer 2 overflow or capture interrupt (80S2 only). Enable or disable the serial port interrupt. Enable or disable the Timer I overflow interrupt. Enable or disable External Interrupt 1. Enable or disable the Timer 0 overflow interrupt. Enable or disable External Interrupt O. ·User software should not write Is to reserved bits. These bits may be used in future MCS-SI products to invoke new features. In that case, the reset or inactive value of the new bit will be 0, and its active value will be 1. 9-11 inter MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET ASSIGNING HIGHER PRIORITY TO ONE OR MORE INTERRUPTS: In order to assign higher priority to an interrupt the corresponding bit in the IP register must be set to 1. Remember"that while an interrupt service is in progress, it cannot be interrupted tJy a lower or same level interrupt. PRIORITY WITHIN LEVEL: Priority within level is only to resolve simultaneous requests of the same priority level. From high to low, interrupt sources are listed below: lEO TFO lEI TFI RI or TI TF2 or EXF2 IP: INTERRUPT PRIORITY REGISTER. BIT ADDRESSABLE. If the bit is 0, the corresponding interrupt has a lower priority and if the bit is 1 the corresponding interrupt has a higher priority. I PT2 PS PTl PXl PTO PXO PT2 IP. 7 IP.6 IP.S IP.4 "IP. 3 IP.2 IP. 1 IP. 0 PS PT1 PX1 PTO PXO Not implemented, reserved for future use.· Not implemented, reserved for future use.' Defines the Timer 2 interrupt priority level (8052 only). Defines the" Serial Port interrupt priority level. Defines the Timer 1 interrupt priority level. Defines External Interrupt 1 priority level. Defines the" Timer 0 interrupt priority level. Defines th~ External Interrupt 0 priority level. 'User software should'not 'write Is to reserved bits. These bits may be used in future MeS-51 products to invoke new features. In that case, 'the reset or inactive value of the new bit will be 0, and its active value will be 1. • :.0\ 9-12 MCS®-S1 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET TeON: TIMER/COUNTER CONTROL REGISTER. BIT ADDRESSABLE. TF1 TFI TR1 TRI TFO TCON. 7 . TCON.6 TCON. 5 TRO lEI TCON. 4 TCON. 3 IT! TCON. 2 lEO TCON. 1 ITO TCON. 0 TFO TRO IE1 IT1 lEO ITO Timer I overflow flag. Set by hardware when the Timer/Counter I overflows. Cleared by hardware as processor vectors to the interrupt service routine. Timer I run control bit. Set/cleared by software to turn Timer/Counter ION/OFF. Timer 0 overflow flag. Set by hardware when the Timer/Counter 0 overflows. Cleared by hardware as processor vectors to the service routine. Timer 0 run control bit. Set/cleared by software to turn Timer/Counter 0 ON/OFF. External Interrupt I edge flag. Set by hardware when External Interrupt edge is detected. Cleared by hardware when interrupt is processed. Interrupt I type control bit. Set/cleared by software to specify falling edge/low level triggered External Interrupt. External Interrupt 0 edge flag. Set by hardware when External Interrupt edge detected. Cleared by hardware when interrupt is processed. Interrupt 0 type control bit. Set/cleared by software to specify falling edge/low level triggered External Interrupt. TMOD: TIMER/COUNTER MODE CONTROL REGISTER. NOT BIT ADDRESSABLE. I\: GATE GATE ciT MI MO CIT M1 MO I GATE CIT )\: M1 MO ) I TIMER 1 TIMER 0 When TRx (in TCON) is set and GATE = I, TIMER/COUNTERx will run only while INTx pili is high (hardware control). When GATE = 0, TIMER/COUNTERx will run only while TRx = I (software control). Timer or Counter selector. Cleared for Timer operation (input from internal system clock). Set for Counter operation (input from Tx input pin). Mode selector bit. (NOTE 1) Mode selector bit. (NOTE 1) NOTE 1: M1 MO o o o 1 o 1 Operating Mode o 13-bit Timer (MCS-48 compatible) 1 16-bit Timer/Counter 2 8-bit Auto-Reload TimerlCounter (Timer 0) TLO is an 8-bit Timer/Counter controlled by the standard Timer 0 3 control bits, THO is an 8-bit Timer and is controlled by Timer 1 control bits. (Timer 1) Timer/Counter 1 stopped. 3 9-13 MCS®·51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET TIMER SET·UP Tables 3 through 6 give some values for TMOD which can be used to set up Timer 0 in different modes. It is assumed that only one timer is being used at a time. If it is desired to run Timers 0 and 1 simultaneously, in any mode, the value in TMOD for Timer 0 must be ORed .with the value shown for Timer 1 (Tables 5 and 6). For example, if it is desired to run Timer 0 in mode 1 GATE (external control), and Timer 1 in mode 2 COUNTER, then the value that must be loaded into TMoD is 69H (09H from Table 3 ORed with 60H from Table 6). Moreover, it'is assumed that the user, at this point,. is not ready to tum the timers on and will do that at a different point in the program by setting bit TRx (in TCON) to 1. TIMER/COUNTER 0 As a Timer: Table 3 TMOD MODE TIMER 0 FUNCTION INTERNAL CONTROL (NOTE 1) EXTERNAL CONTROL (NOTE 2) 0 1 2 3 13-bit Timer 16-bit Timer 8-bit Auto-Reload two 8-bit Timers OOH 01H 02H 03H 08H 09H OAH OSH As a Counter: Table 4 TMOD MODE COUNTER 0 FUNCTION INTERNAL CONTROL (NOTE 1) EXTERNAL CONTROL (NOTE 2) 0 1 2 3 13-bit Timer 16-bit Timer 8-bit Auto-Reload one 8-bit Counter 04H 05H OSH 07H OCH ODH OEH OFH NOTES: 1. The Timer is turned ON/OFF by setting/clearing bit TRO in the software. 2. The Timer is turned ON/OFF by the 1 to 0 transition on INTO (P3.2) when TRO = 1 (hardware control). 9-14 inter MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET TIMER/COUNTER 1 As a Timer: TableS TMOD MODE TIMER 1 FUNCTION INTERNAL CONTROL (NOTE 1) EXTERNAL CONTROL (NOTE 2) 0 1 2 3 13-bit Timer 16-bit Timer B-bit Auto-Reload does not run OOH 10H 20H 30H BOH 90H AOH BOH As a Counter: TableS TMOD MODE 0 .1 2 3 COUNTER 1 FUNCTION INTERNAL CONTROL (NOTE 1) EXTERNAL CONTROL (NOTE 2) 13-bit Timer 16-bit Timer B-bit Auto-Reload not available 40H 50H 60H COH DOH EOH - - NOTES: 1. The Timer is turned ON/OFF by setting/clearing bit TR1 in the software. 2. The Timer is turned ON/OFF by the 1 to 0 transition on INT1 (P3.3) when TR1 = 1 (hardware control). 9-15 MCS®·51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET T2CON: TIMER/COUNTER 2 CONTROL REGISTER. BIT ADDRESSABLE 8052 Only 1 TF2 1 EXF2 RCLK TCLK .1 EXEN2 TR2 TF2 C/T2.1 CP/RL2 T2CON.7 Timer 2 overflow flag set by hardware and cleared by software. TF2 cannot be set when . either RCLK = I or CLK = I EXF2 T2CON. 6 Timer 2 externa!. flag set when either a capture or reload is caused by a negative transition on T2EX, and EXEN2= 1. When Timer 2 interrupt is enabled, EXF2 = 1 will cause the CPU to vector to the Timer 2 interrupt routine. EXF2 must be cleared by software. RCLK nCON. 5 Receive clock flag. When set, causes the Serial Port to use Timer 2 overflow pulses for its receive clock in modes I & 3. RCLK = 0 causes Timer I overflow to be used for the receive clock. TLCK T2CON. 4 Transmit clock flag. When set, causes the Serial Port to use Timer 2 overflow pulses for its transmit clock in modes I & 3. TCLK = 0 causes Timer I overflows to be used for the transmit clock. EXEN2 T2CON. 3 Timer 2 external enable flag. When set,' allows a capture or reload to occur as a result of negative transition on T2EX if Timer 2 is not being used to clock the Serial Port. EXEN2 = 0 causes Timer 2 to ignore events at T2EX. TR2 T2CON.2 Software START/STOP control for. Timer 2. A logic I starts the Timer. C/T2 T2CON. 1 Timer or Counter select. o = Internal Timer. I = External Event Counter (falling edge triggered). CP/RL2 T2CON.O Capture/Reload flag. When set, captures will occur on negative transitions at T2EX if EXEN2 = 1. When cleared, Auto-Reloads will occur either with Timer 2 overflows or negative transitions at T2EX when' EXEN2 = 1. When either RCLK = 1 or TCLK = I, this bit is ignored and the Timer is forced to Auto-Reload on Timer 2 overflow. 9-16 inter MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET TIMER/COUNTER 2 SET-UP Except for the baud rate generator mode, the values given for T2CON do not include the setting of the TR2 bit. Therefore, bit TR2 must be set, separately, to turn the Timer on. As a Timer: Table 7 T2CON MODE INTERNAL CONTROL (NOTE 1) EXTERNAL CONTROL (NOTE 2) 16-bit Aulo-Reload OOH OSH 16-bit Capture 01H 09H BAUD rate generator receive & transmit same baud rate 34H 36H receive only 24H 26H transmit only 14H 16H As a Counter: TableS TMOD MODE INTERNAL CONTROL (NOTE 1) EXTERNAL CONTROL (NOTE 2) 16-bit Auto-Reload 16-bit Capture 02H 03H OAH OBH NOTES: 1. Capture/Reload occurs only on Timer/Counter overflow. 2. Capture/Reload occurs on Timer/Counter overflow and a 1 to 0 transition on T2EX (P1.1) pin except when Timer 2 is used in the baud rate generating mode. 9-17 MCS®·51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET SCON: SERIAL PORT CONTROL REGISTER. BIT ADDRESSABLE. I SMO SM1 SM2 REN TB8 RB8 TI RI SMO SMI SM2 SCON.7 Serial Port mode specifier. (NOTE 1). SCON. 6 Serial Port mode specifier. (NOTE 1). SCON.5 Enables the multiprocessor communication feature in modes 2 & 3. In mode 2 or 3, ifSM2 is set to 1 then RI will not be activated if the received 9th data bit (RB8) is O. In mode I, if SM2 = 1 then RI will not be activated if a valid stop bit was not received. In mode 0, SM2 should be O. (See Table 9). . REN TB8 RB8 SCON. 4 Set/Cleared by software to Enable/Disable reception. SCON. 3 The 9th bit that will be transmitted in modes 2 & 3. Set/Cleared by software. SCON. 2. In modes 2 & 3, is the 9th data bit that was received. In mode 1, ifSM2 = 0, RB8 is the stop bit that was received. In mode 0, RB8 is not used. . . SCON. 1 Transmit interrupt flag. Set by hardware at the end of the 8th bit time in mode 0, or at the beginning of the stop bit in the other modes. Must be cleared by software. SCON. 0 Receive interrupt flag. Set by hardware at the end of the 8th bit time in mode 0, or halfway through the stop bit time in the other modes (except see SM2). Must be cleared by software. TI RI NOTE 1: SMO SM1 Mode Description Baud Rate o o 0 1 0 0 1 2 SHIFT REGISTER 8-Bit UART 9-Bit UART 3 9-Bit UART Fo.sc.l12 Variable Fosc.l64 OR Fosc.l32 Variable 1 SERIAL PORT SET·UP: Table 9 MODE SCON 5M2 VARIATION 0 1 2 3 10H 50H 90H DOH Single Processor Environment (SM2 = 0) 0 NA 70H BOH FOH Multiprocessor EnVironment (SM2 = 1) • I 2 3 GENERATING BAUD RATES Serial Port in Mode 0: Mode 0 has a fixed baud rate which is 1/12 of the oscillator frequency. To run the serial port in this mode none of the Timer/Counters need to be set up. Only the SCON register needs to be defined. Osc Freq Baud Rate = - - 12 Serial Port in Mode 1: Mode 1 has a variable baud rate. The baud rate can be generated by either Timer 1 or Timer 2 (8052 only). 9-18 MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET USING TIMER/COUNTER 1 TO GENERATE BAUD RATES: For this purpose, Timer 1 is used in mode 2 (Auto-Reload). Refer to Timer Setup section of this chapter. B d R te = K x Oscillator Freq. au a 32 x 12 x [256 - (TH111 If SMOD = 0, then K = 1. If SMOD = I, then K = 2. (SMOD is the PCON register). Most of the time the user knows the baud rate and needs to know the reload value for THI. Therefore, the equation to calculate THI can be written as: TH1 = 256 _ K x Ose Freq. 384 x baud rate THI must be an integer value. Rounding off THI to the nearest integer may not produce the desired baud rate. In this case, the user may have to choose another crystal frequency. Since the PCON register is not bit addressable, one way to set the bit is logical ORing the PCON register. (ie, ORL PCON,#80H). The address of PCON is 87H. USING TIMER/COUNTER 2 TO GENERATE BAUD RATES: For this purpose, Timer 2 must be used in the baud rate generating mode. Refer to Timer 2 Setup Table in this chapter. If Timer 2 is being clocked through pin T2 (PI.O) the baud rate is: Timer 2 Overflow Rate B d au Rate = 16 And if it is being clocked internally the baud rate is: Osc Freq Baud Rate = 32 x [65536 - (RCAP2H, RCAP2L)) To obtain the reload value for RCAP2H and RCAP2L the above equation can be rewritten as: . RCAP2H, RCAP2L = 65536 - 3 O~c F~e~ 2x au ate SERIAL PORT IN MODE 2: The baud rate is fixed in this mode and is bit in the PCON register. Va. or '1.4 of the oscillator frequency depending on the value of the SMOD In this mode none of the Timers are used and the clock SMOD = I, Baud Rate = SMOD Va. co~es from the internal phase 2 clock. Osc Freq. = 0, Baud Rate = '1.4 Osc Freq. To set the SMOD bit: ORL PCON, # 80H. The address of PCON is 87H. SERIAL PORT IN MODE 3: The baud rate in mode 3 is variable and sets up exactly the same as in mode 1. 9-19 inter MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET MCS®-S1 INSTRUCTION SET Table 10.8051 Instruction Set Summary Interrupt Response Time: Refer to Hardware Description Chapter. Mnemonic' ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS ADD A,Rn Add register to Accumulator A,direct Add direct byte to ADD Accumulator A,@Ri Add indirect RAM ADD to Accumulator A,#data Add immediate ADD data to Accumulator Add register to AD DC A,Rn Accumulator with Carry ADDC A,direct Add direct byte to Accumulator' with Carry ADDC A,@Ri Add indirect RAM to Accumulator with Carry ADDC A,#data Add immediate data toAcc with Carry SUBB A,Rn Subtract Register from Acc with borrow SUBB A,direct Subtract direct byte from Acc with borrow SUBB A,@Ri Subtract indirect RAMfromACC with borrow SUBB .A,#data Subtract immediate data from Acc with borrow Instructions that Affect Flag Settings(1) Instruction ADD ADDC SUBB MUl DIV DA RRC RlC SETBC C X X X 0 0 X X X Flag OV X X X X X Instruction AC X ClRC X CPlC X ANlC,bit ANlC,/bit ORlC,bit ORlC,bit MOVC,bit CJNE / Description Flag C OV AC 0 X X X X X X X (I)Note that operations on SFR byte address 208 or bit addresses 209-215 (i.e., the PSW or bits in the PSW) will also affect flag settings. Note on instruction set and ad,dressing modes: - Register R7-RO of the currently seRn lected Register Bank.. direct - 8-bit- internal data location's address. This could be an Internal Data RAM location (0-127) or a SFR [i.e., I/O port, control register, status register, etc. (128-255)J. @Ri - 8-bit internal data RAM location (0255) addressed indirectly through register Rl orRO. #data - 8-bit constant included in instruction. #data 16 - 16-bit constant included in instruction. addr 16 - 16-bit destination address. Used by LCALL & LJMP. A branch ,can be anywhere within the 64K-byte Program Memory address space. addr 11 - II-bit destination address. Used by ACALL & AJMP. The branch will be within the same 2K-byte page of program memory as the first byte of the following instruction. rei - Signed (two's complement) 8-bit offset byte. Used by SJMP and all conditional jumps. Range is -128 to + 127 bytes relative to first byte of the following instruction. - Direct Addressed bit in Internal Data bit RAM or Special Function Register. -New operation not provided by 8048AH/8049AH. Byte Oscillator Period 12 2 12 12 2 12 12 2 12 12 '2 12 12 2 12 12 2 12 increment 12 Accumulator INC Rn Increment register 12 INC direct Increment direct 2 12 byte @Ri INC Increment direct 12 RAM DEC A Decrement 12 Accumulator DEC Rn Decrement 12 Register DEC direct Decrement direct 2 12 byte DEC . @Ri Decrement 12 indirect RAM All mnemonics copyrighted @Intel Corporation 1980 iNC 9-20 A inter MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET Table 10. 8051 Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Mnemonic Description Byte ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS (Continued) Increment Data INC DPTR Pointer Multiply A & B MUL AB Divide A by B DIV AB DA A Decimal Adjust Accumulator LOGICAL OPERATIONS ANL A,Rn AND Register to Accumulator ANL A,direct AND direct byte to Accumulator AND indirect ANL A,@Ri RAM to Accumulator AND immediate ANL A,#data data to Accumulator ANL direct,A AND Accumulator to direct byte ANL direct, # data AND immediate data to direct byte OR register to ORL A,Rn Accumulator ORL A,direct OR direct byte to Accumulator ORL A,@Ri OR indirect RAM to Accumulator ORL A,#data OR immediate data to Accumulator ORL direct,A OR Accumulator to direct by1e ORL direct, # data OR immediate data to direct byte XRL A,Rn Exclusive·OR register to Accumulator Exciusive·OR XRL A,direct direct byte to Accumulator Exciusive·OR XRL A,@Ri indirect RAM to Accumulator Exciusive·OR XRL A,#data immediate data to Accumulator Exclusive·OR XRL direct,A Accumulator to direct byte XRL direct, # data Exclusive·OR immediate data to direct byte Clear CLR A Accumulator CPL A Complement Accumulator Oscillator Period Mnemonic LOGICAL OPERATIONS (Continued) Rotate RL A Accumulator Left Rotate RLC A Accumulator Left through the Carry Rotate RR A Accumulator Right Rotate RRC A Accumulator Right through the Carry Swap nibbles SWAP A within the Accumulator DATA TRANSFER Move MOV A,Rn register to Accumulator MOV A,direct Move direct byte to Accumulator MOV A,@Ri Move indirect RAM to Accumulator Move MOV A,#data immediate data to Accumulator MOV Rn,A Move Accumulator to register Move direct MOV Rn,direct byte to register Move MOV Rn,#data immediate data to register Move MOV direct,A Accumulator to direct by1e Move register MOV direct,Rn to direct by1e MOV direct, direct Move direct byte to direct Move indirect MOV direct,@Ri RAM to direct byte MOV direct, # data Move immediate data to direct byte Move MOV @Ri,A Accumulator to indirect RAM 24 48 48 12 12 2 12 12 2 12 2 12 3 24 12 2 12 12 2 12 2 12 3 24 12 2 12 12 2 12 2 12 3 24 Description 12 12 Byte Oscillator Period 12 12 12 12 12 12 2 12 12 2 12 12 2 24 2 12 2 12 2 24 3 24 2 24 3 24 12 All mnemonics copyrighted ® Intel Corporation 1980 9-21 inter MCS®·51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET Table 10.8051 Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Mnemonic Description Byte Oscillator Period 2 24 2 12 3 24 Mnemonic DATA TRANSFER (Continued) Move direct byte'to ' indirect RAM Move MOV @Ri,#data immediate data to indirect RAM MOV DPTR,#dataI6 Load Data Pointer with a 16-bit constant MOVC A,@A+DPTR Move Code byte relative to DPTRtoAcc MOVC A,@A+PC Move Code byte relative to PC to Acc MOVX A,@Ri Move External RAM (8-bit addr) toAcc MOVX A,@DPTR Move External , RAM (16-bit addr) toAcc MOVX @Ri,A Move Acc to External RAM (8-bit addr) MOVX @DPTR,A Move Accto External RAM (16-bit addr) PUSH direct Push direct byte onto MOV @Ri,direct XCH XCH XCH direct A,Rn A,direct A,@Ri XCHD A,@Ri Pop direct byte from stack Exchange register with Accumulator Exchange direct byte with Accumulator Exchange , indirect RAM with Accumulator Exchange loworder Digit indirect RAM withAcc Byte Oscillator Period BOOLEAN VARIABLE MANIPULATION CLR CLR SETB SETB CPL C bit C bit C CPL bit ANL C,bit 24 ANL C,/bit 24 ORL C,bit ORL C,/bit MOV C,bit MOV bit,C JC rei JNC rei JB bit,rel JNB bit,rel JBC , bit,rel 24 24 24 24 2 24 2 24 stac~ POP Description 1 2 1 2 12 12 12 12 12 2 12 2 24 2 24 2 24 2 24 2 12 2 24 2 24 2 24 3 24 3 24 3 24 2 24 3 24 PROGRAM BRANCHING ACALL addrll LCALL addr16 12 2 Clear Carry Clear direct bit Set Carry Set direct bit Complement Carry Complement direct bit AND direct bit to CARRY AND complement of direct bit to Carry OR direct bit to Carry OR complement of direct bit to Carry Move direct bit to Carry Move Carry to direct bit Jump if Carry is set Jump if Carry not set Jump if direct Bit is set Jump if direct Bit is Not set Jump if direct Bit is set & clear bit 12 RET RETI 12 12 AJMP addrll LJMP SJMP addr16 rei Absolute Subroutine Call Long Subroutine Call Return from Subroutine Return from interrupt Absolute Jump Long Jump Short Jump (relative addr) 24 24 2 24 3 24 24 2 All mnemonics copyrighted ©Intel Corporation 1980 9-22 inter MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET Table 10.8051 Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Mnemonic Description PROGRAM BRANCHING (Continued) @A+DPTR Jump indirect JMP relative to the DPTR JZ rei Jump if Accumulator is Zero JNZ rei Jump if Accumulator is Not Zero CJNE A,direct,rel Compare direct byte to Acc and Jump if Not Equal CJNE A,#data,rel Compare immediate to Acc and Jump if Not Equal Byte Oscillator Period Mnemonic PROGRAM BRANCHING (Continued) Compare CJNE Rn, # data,rel immediate to register and ·JumpifNot Equal CJNE @Ri,#data,rel Compare immediate to indirect and Jump if Not Equal DJNZ Rn,rel Decrement register and Jump if Not Zero Decrement DJNZ direct,rel direct byte and Jump if Not Zero NOP No Operation 24 2 24 2 24 3 24 3 Description 24 Byte Oscillator Period 3 24 3 24 2 24 3 24 12 All mnemonics copyrighted @lIntel Corporation 1980 9-23 intJ MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET INSTRUCTION DEFINITIONS ACALL addr11 Function: Absolute Call Description: ACALL unconditionally calls a subroutine located at the indicated address. The instruction increments the PC twice to obtain the address of the following instruction, then pushes the I6-bit result onto the,stack (low-order byte first) and increments the Stack Pointer twice. The destination address is obtained by successively concatenating the, five high-order bits of the incremented PC, opcode bits 7-5, and the second byte of the instruction. The subroutine called must therefore start within the same 2K block of the program memory as the first byte of the instruction following ACALL. No flags are affected. Example: Initially SP equals 07H. The label "SUBRTN" is at program memory location 0345 H. After executing the instruction, ACALL SUBRTN ' at location OI23H, SP will contain 09H, internal RAM locations OSH and 09H will contain 25H and OIH, respectively, and the PC will contain 0345H. Bytes: 2 Cycles: 2 Encoding: Operation: I a10 a9 a8 1 0 0 0 11 a7 a6 a5 a4 ACALL (PC) - (PC) + 2 (SP) - (SP) + 1 «SP» - (PC7-O) (SP) - (SP) + 1 «SP» - (PCIS-S) (PCw_o) - page address 9-24 a3' a2 a1 aO inter ADD MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET A, < src-byte > Function: Description: Add ADD adds the byte variable indicated to the Accumulator, leaving the result in the Accumulator. The carry and auxiliary-carry flags are set, respectively, if there is a carry-out from bit 7 or bit 3, and cleared otherwise. When adding unsigned integers, the carry flag indicates an overflow occured.. OV is set if there is a carry-out of bit 6 but not out of bit 7, or a carry-out of bit 7 but not bit 6; otherwise OV is cleared. When adding signed integers, OV indicates a negative number pro- duced as the sum of two positive operands, or a positive sum from two negative operands. Four source operand addressing modes are allowed: register, direct, register-indirect, or immediate. Example: The Accumulator holds OC3H (llOOOO1IB) and register 0 holds OAAH (10 10 10 lOB). The instruction, ADD A,RO will leave 6DH (01 101 101B) in the Accumulator with the AC flag cleared and both the carry flag and OV set to I. ADD A,Rn Bytes: Cycles: ADD Encoding: I0 Operation: ADD (A) ~ (A) o 1 r r r 1 0 + (Rn) A,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: I0 Operation: ADD (A) ~ (A) 010 o1 + 0 1 direct address (direct) 9-25 inter MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET ADD A,@RI Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: 100 1 0 Operation: ADD (A) - (A) 011 + «R0) ADD A,#data Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: 1 00 1 0 Operation: ADD (A)-(A) o1 0 + 0 immediate data # data ADDC A, Function: Description: Add with Carry ADDC simultaneously adds the byte variable indicated, the carry flag and the Accumulator contents, leaving the result in the Accumulator. The carry and auxiliary-carry flags are set, respectively, if there is a carry-out from bit 7 or bit 3, and cleared otherwise. When adding unsigned integers, the carry flag indicates an overflow occured. OV is set if there is a carry-out of bit 6 but not out of bit 7, or a carry-out ofbit.7 but not out of bit 6; otherwise OV is cleared. When adding signed integers, OV indicates a negative number produced as the sum of two positive operands or a positive sum from two negative operands. Four source operand addressing modes are allowed: register, direct, register-indirect, or immediate. Example: The Accumulatpr holds OC3H (1 100001 IB) and register 0 holds OAAH (lOlOlOlOB) with the carry flag set. The instruction, ADDC A,RO will leave 6EH (01101 1lOB) in the Accumulator with AC cleared and both the Carry flag and OV set to 1. . 9-26 inter ADDC MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET A,Rn Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: 1,--0_O_l_-,--_l_r_r_r--l1 Operation: ADDC (A) ~ (A) + (C) + (Rn) AD DC A,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: Operation: ADDC L..1_o_o_1_~0_1_0_1-, ADDC (A) ~ (A) + (C) + direct address (direct) A,@Ri Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: 10 0 1 1 Operation: ADDC (A) ~ (A) 0 1 1 i + (C) + «Ri» AD DC A,#data Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: 1-1_0_0_1_-,--0_1_0_0-, Operation: ADDC (A) ~ (A) + (C) + immediate data #data 9-27 I inter AJMP MCS®-S1 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET addr11 Function: Description: Example:· Absolute Jump AJMP transfers program execution to the indicated address, which is formed at run-time by concatenating the high-order five bits of the PC (after incrementing the PC twice), opcode bits 7-5, and the second byte of the instruction. The destination must therefore be within the same 2K block of program memory as the first byte of the instruction following AJMP. The label "JMPADR" is at program memory location 0123H. The instruction, AJMP JMPADR is at location 0345H and will load the PC with 0123H. Bytes: 2 Cycles: 2 Encoding: Operation: ANL I a10 a9 a8 0 0 0 0 1 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 aO AJMP (PC) +- (PC) + 2 (PCIO-O) +- page address < dest-byte > , < src-byte > Function: Description: Logical-AND for byte variables ANL performs the bitwise logical-AND operation between the variables indicated and stores the results in the destination variable. No flags are affected. The two operands allow six addressing mode combinations. When the destination is the Accumulator, the source can use register, direct, register-indirect, or immediate addressing; when the destination is a direct address, the source can be the Accumulator or immediate data. Note: When this instruction is used to modify an output port, the value used as the original port data will be read from the output data latch, not the input pins. Example: If the Accumulator holds OC3H (110000 11 B) and register 0 holds 55H (OlOlOlOlB) then the instruction, "A...NL LA..,RO will leave 41H (OlOOOOOlB) in the Accumulator. When the destination is a directly addressed byte, this instruction will clear combinations of bits in any RAM location or hardware register. The mask byte determining the pattern of bits to be cleared would either be a constant contained in the instruction or a value computed in ' the Accumulator at run-time. The instruction, ANL Pl,#OlllOOllB will clear bitS 7, 3, and 2 of output port 1. 9-28 intJ ANL MCS®·51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET A,Rn Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: ANL 1 01 o1 1 r r r ANL (A) ~ (A) A (Rn) A,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: I0 1 o1 Operation: ANL (A) ANL ~ o1 0 1 direct address (A) A (direct) A,@Ri Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: 1 01 . Operation: ANL (A) ANL o1 ~ o1 1 (A) A «Ri» A, # data Bytes: 2 Cycles: ANL o1 o10 Encoding: 1 01 Operation: ANL (A) ~ (A) A #data 0 immediate data direct,A Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: Operation: 1 01 o1 ANL (direct) ~ 001 0 direct address (direct) A (A) 9-29 inter ANL MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET direct, # data Bytes: 3 Cycles: 2 Encoding: Operation: ANL Function: .Example: ANL 0 0 1 1 direct address I immediate data ANL (direct) +- (direct) " #data C, Description: ANL I 0 .1 0 1 Logical-AND for bit variables If the Boolean value of the source bit is a logical 0 then clear the carry flag; otherwise leave the carry flag in its current state. A slash ("/") preceding the operand in the assembly language indicates that the logical complement of the addressed bit is used as the source value, but the source bit itself is not affected. No other flags are affected. Only direct addressing is allowed for the source operand. Set the carry flag if, and only if, PI.O = 1, ACC. 7 = 1, and OV = 0: MOV C,Pl.O ;LOAD CARRY WITH INPUT PIN STATE ANL C,ACC.7 ;AND CARRY WITH ACCUM. BIT 7 ANL C,/OV ;AND WITH INVERSE OF OVERFLOW FLAG C,bit Bytes: 2 Cycles: 2 Encoding: 11 000 Operation: ANL (C) +- (C) " (bit) 001 0 bit address C,/bit Bytes: 2 Cycles: 2 Encoding: I1o1 Operation: ANL (C) +- (C) " I (bit) 0000 bit address 9-30 inter CJNE MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET < dest-byte > , < src-byte > , rei Function: Description: Compare and Jump if Not Equal. CJNE compares the magnitudes of the first two operands, and branches if their values are not equal. The branch destination is computed by adding the signed relative-displacement in the last instruction byte to the PC, after incrementing the PC to the start of the next instruction. The carry flag is set if the unsigned integer value of is less than the unsigned integer value of ; otherwise, the carry is cleared. Neither operand is affected. The first two operands allow four addressing mode combinations: the Accumulator may be compared with any directly addressed byte or immediate data, and any indirect RAM location or working register can be compared with an immediate constant. Example: The Accumulator contains 34H. Register 7 contains 56H. The first instruction in the sequence, CJNE R7,#60H, NOT_EQ R7 = 60H. IFR7 < 60H. R7> 60H. JC sets the carry flag anc;l branches to the instruction at label NOT_EQ. By testing the carry flag, this instruction determines whether R 7 is greater or less than 60H. If the data being presented to Port I is also 34H, then the instruction, WAIT: CJNE A,PI,WAIT clears the carry flag and continues with the next instruction in sequence, since the Accumulator does equal the data read from Pl. (If some other value was being input on PI, the program will loop at this point until the PI data changes to 34H.) CJNE A,direct,rel Bytes: 3 Cycles: 2 Encoding: Operation: I1 0 1 1 (PC) IF (A) THEN 0 1 0 1 (PC) + 3 (direct) <> (PC) IF (A) THEN direct address < (PC) + relative offset (direct) (C)-l ELSE (C)-O 9-31 reI. address infef MCS®·51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET CJNE A,#data,rel Bytes: 3 Cycles: 2 Encoding: Operation: . 11 011 o1 0 0 immediate data reI. address (PC) - (PC) + 3 IF (A) < > data THEN (PC) - (PC) + relative offset IF (A) < data THEN (C)-l ELSE (C)-O CJNE Rn,#data,rel Bytes: 3 Cycles: 2 Encoding: 110 1 1 1 r r r Operation: (PC) - (PC) + 3 IF (Rn) < > data THEN (PC) - (PC) immediate data + rei. address relative offset IF (Rn) < data THEN" (C)-l ELSE (C)-O CJNE @Ri,#data,rel Bytes: 3 Cycles: 2 Encoding: 11 0 1 1 0 1 1 Operation: (PC) IF + «Ri» (PC) 3 < > data THEN (PC) - IF «Ri» immediate data (PC) + relative offset < data THEN (C)-l ELSE (C)-O 9-32 rei. address MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET CLR A Function: Description: Example: Clear Accumulator The Accumulator is cleared (all bits set on zero). No flags are affected. The Accumulator contains SCH (0101 I 100B). The instruction, CLR A will leave the Accumulator set to OOH (OOOOOOOOB). Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: 11 Operation: CLR 1 1 0 1 0 0 (A)~O CLR bit Function: Description: Example: Clear bit The indicated bit is cleared (reset to zero). No other flags are affected. CLR can operate on the carry flag or any directly addressable bit. Port I has previously. been written with SDH (OlOllIOIB). The instruction, CLR P1.2 will leave the port set to S9H (OIOIIOOIB). CLR C Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: 11 Operation: CLR 0 0 0 0 1 1 (C)~O CLR bit Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: 1 1 1 0 0.1 0 0 1 0 Operation: CLR (bit) ~O bit address 9-33 intJ MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET CPL A Function: Description: Example: Complement Accumulator . Each bit of the Accumulator is logically complemented (one's complement). Bits which previously contained a one are changed to a zero and vice-versa. No flags are affected. The Accumulator contains 5CH (01011100B). The instruction, CPL A will leave the Accumulator set to OA3H (10100011B). Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: I1 1 1 0 1 0 0 CPL (A) ..... -, (A) CPL bit Function: Description: Complement bit The bit variable specified is complemented. A bit which had been a one is changed to zero and vice-versa. No other flags are affected. CLR can operate on the carry or any directly addressable bit. Note: When this instruction is used to modify an output pin, the value used as the original data will be read from the output data latch, not the input pin. Example: Port 1 has previously been written with 5BH (Ol011101B). The instruction sequence, CPL Pl.l CPL P1.2 will leave the port set to 5BH (01011011B). CFL C Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: I1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 CPL (C) ..... -, (C) 9-34 intJ CPL MCS®-S1 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET bit Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: 1-1_1_0_1_1----'-_0_0_1_0--' Operation: CPL (bit) - bit address -, (bit) DA A Function: Description: Decimal-adjust Accumulator for Addition DA A adjusts the eight-bit value in the Accumulator resulting from the earlier addition of two variables (each in packed-BCD format), producing two four-bit digits. Any ADD or ADDC instruction may have been used to perform the addition. If Accumulator bits 3-0 are greater than nine (xxxx 10 IO-xxxxi II 1), or if the AC flag is one, six is added to the Accumulator producing the proper BCD digit in the low-order nibble. This internal addition would set the carry flag if a carry-out of the low-order four-bit field propagated through all high-order bits, but it would not clear the carry flag otherwise. If the carry flag is now set, or if the four high-order bits now exceed nine (1OIOxxxx-l1 lxxxx), these high-order bits are incremented by six, producing the proper BCD digit in the high-order nibble. Again, this would set the carry flag if there was a carry-out of the high-order bits, but wouldn't clear the carry. The carry flag thus indicates if the sum of the original two BCD variables is greater than 100, allowing multiple precision decimal addition. OV is not affected. All of this occurs during the one instruction cycle. Essentiilily, this instruction performs the decimal conversion by adding OOH, 06H, 60H, or 66H to the Accumulator, depending on initial Accumulator and PSW conditions. Note: DA A cannot simply convert a hexadecimal number in the Accumulator to BCD notation, nor does DA A apply to decimal subtraction. 9-35 inter MCS®·S1 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET Example: The Accumulator holds the "value 56H (01010110B) representing the packed "BCD digits of the decimal number 56. Register 3 contains the value 67H (OllOOllIB) representing the packed BCD digits of the decimal number 67. The carry flag is set. The instruction sequence. ADDC DA A,R3 A will first perform a standard twos-complement binary addition, resulting in the value OBEH (10111110) in the Accumulator. The carry and auxiliary carry flags will be cleared. The Decimal Adjust instruction will then alter the Accumulator to the value 24H (OOI00I00B), indicating "the packed BCD digits of the decimal number 24, the low-order two digits of the decimal sum of 56, 67, and the carry-in. The carry flag will be set by the Decimal Adjust'instruction, indicating that a decimal overflow occurred. The true sum 56, 67, and "1 is 124. BCD variables can be incremented or decremented by adding 01H or 99H. If the Accumulator initially holds 30H (representing the digits of 30 decimal), then the instruction sequence, ADD A,#99H DA A will leave the carry set and 29H in the Accumulator, since 30 byte of the sum can be interpreted to mean 30 - 1 = 29. Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: I1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 DA -contents of Accumulator are BCD IF [[(A3-O) > 9] V [(AC) = III THEN(A3_0) +- (A3-0) + 6 AND IF [[(A7-4) > 9] V [(C) = THEN (A7-4) +- (A7-4) III + 6 9-36 + 99 = 129. The low-order intJ DEC MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET byte Function: Description: Decrement The variable indicated is decremented by 1. An original value of DOH will underflow to OFFH. No flags are affected. Four operand addressing modes are allowed: accumulator, register, direct, or register-indirect. . Note: When this instruction is used to modify an output port, the value used as the original port data will be read from the output data latch, not the input pins. Example: ° Register contains 7FH (01111111B). Internal RAM locations 7EH and 7FH contain DOH and 4OH, respectively. The instruction sequence, DEC @RO DEC RO DEC @RO will leave register 3FH. DEC ° set to 7EH and internal RAM locations 7EH and 1FH set to OFFH and A Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: DEC _O_O_O_..L.0_ 1_ O _ 0--l L...I DEC (A) +- (A) - 1 Rn Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: I °°°1 1 rr r DEC (Rn) +- (Rn) - 1 9-37 inter DEC MCS®·51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: Operation: DEC 1 000 1 DEC (direct) - o1 0.1 direct address (direct) - 1 @RI Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: 1 000 1 DEC «Ri» - o 11 «Ri» - 1 DIV AB Function: Description: Divide DIV AB divides the unsigned eight-bit integer in the Accumulator by the unsigned eight-bit integer in register B. The Accumulator receives the integer part of the quotient; register B receives the integer remainder. The carry and OV flags will be cleared. Exception: if B had originally contained OOH, the values returned in the Accumulator and Bregister will be undefined and the overflow flag will be set. The carry flag is cleared in any case. Example: The Accumulator contains 251 (OFBH or 1111101lB) and B contains 18 (l2H or 0OOI00lOB). The instruction, DIV AB will leave 13 in the Accumulator (ODH or 0000llOlB) and the value 17 (11H or 00010001B) . in B, since 251 = (13 X 18) + 17. Carry and OV will both be cleared. Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: 4 11 0 0 0 DIV (Ah5-8 _ (Bh.o 0 1 0 0 I· (A)/(B) 9-38 MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET DJNZ < byte> , < rel-addr > Function: Description: Decrement and Jump if Not Zero DJNZ decrements the location indicated by 1, and branches to the address indicated by the second operand if the resulting value is not zero. An original value of OOH will underflow to OFFH. No flags are affected. The branch destination would be computed by adding the signed relative-displacement value in the last instruction byte to the PC, after incrementing the PC to the first byte of the following instruction. The location decremented may be a register' or directly addressed byte. Note: When this instruction is used to modify an output port, the value used as the original port data will be read from the output data latch, not the input pins. Example: Internal RAM locations 40H, SOH, and 60H contain the values 01H, 70H, and ISH, respectively. The instruction sequence, DJNZ 40H,LABEL_l DJNZ 50H,LABEL_2 DJNZ 60H,LABEL_3 will cause a jump to the instruction at label LABEL_2 with the values OOH, 6FH, and ISH in the three RAM locations. The first jump was not taken because the result was zero. This instruction provides a simple way of executing a program loop a given number of times, or for adding a moderate time delay (from 2 to 512 machine cycles) with a single instruction. The instruction sequence, TOGGLE: R2,#8 P1.7 R2,TOGGLE MOV CPL DJNZ will toggle Pl.7 eight times, causing four output pulses to appear at bit 7 of output Port 1. Each pulse will last three machine cycles; two for DJNZ and one to alter the pin. DJNZ Rn,rel Bytes: 2 Cycles: 2 Encoding: L.1_1_1_0_1-,-_1_r_r_r..J Operation: DJNZ (PC) +- (PC) + 2 (Rn) +- (Rn) - 1 IF (Rn) > 0 or (Rn) < 0 THEN (PC) +- (PC) 'I reI. address + rei 9-39 MCS®·51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET DJNZ direct,rel Bytes: 3 Cycles: 2 Encoding: Operation: I1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 direct address reI. address DJNZ (PC) - (PC) + 2 (direct) - (direct) - 1 IF (direct) > 0 or (direct) < 0 THEN (PC) - (PC) + rei INC Function: Description: Increment INC increments the indicated variable by 1. An original value ofOFFH will overflow to OOH. No flags are affected. Three addressing modes are allowed: register, direct, or register-indirect. Note: When this instruction is used to modify an output port, the value used as the original port data will be read from the output data latch, not the input pins. Example: Register 0 contains 7EH (011 11 11 lOB). Internal RAM locations 7EH and 7FH contain OFFH and 4OH, respectively. The instruction sequence, INC @RO INC RO INC @RO will leave register 0 set to 7FH and internal RAM locations 7EH and 7FH holding (respectively) OOH and 4lH. INC A Bytes: Cycles: I I Encoding: I0 Operation: INC (A) - 0 0 0 (A) I 0 1 0 0 + 1 9-40 inter INC MCS®-S1 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET Rn Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: INC I 00 0 0 I 1 r r r INC (Rn) ~ + (Rn) 1 direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: Operation: INC I 0 000 I o 1 0 1 INC (direct) ~ (direct) direct address + @Ri Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: INC I 000 0 I 011 INC «Ri» ~ «Ri» + DPTR Function: Description: Increment Data Pointer Increment the 16-bit data pointer by 1. A 16-bit increment (modulo 2 16) is performed; an overflow of the low-order byte of the data pointer (DPL) from OFFH to OOH will increment the high-order byte (DPH). No flags are affected. This is the only 16-bit register which can be incremented. Example: Registers DPH and DPL contain 12H 'and OFEH, respectively. The instruction sequence, INC INC INC DPTR DPTR DPTR will change DPH and DPL to 13H and OlH. 'Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: 2 I1 0 1 0 INC (DPTR) ~ 0 0 1 1 (DPTR) + 1 9-41 intJ MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET JB blt,rel Function: Jump if Bit set Description: If the indicated bit is a one, jump to the address indicated; otherwise proceed with the next instruction. The branch destination is computed by adding the signed relative-displacement in the third instruction byte to the PC, after incrementing the PC to the first byteofthe next instruction. The bit tested is not modified. No flags are affected. Example: The data present at input port 1 is 110010 lOB. The Accumulator holds 56 (010101 lOB). The instruction sequence, JB P1.2,LABELl JB ACC.2,LABEL2 will cause program execution to branch to the instruction at label LABEL2. Bytes: 3 Cycles: 2 Encoding: Operation: JBC I0 0 1 0 bit address 0 0 0 0 JB (PC) - (PC) + 3 IF (bit) = 1 THEN (PC) - reI. address / (PC) + rei bit,rel Function: Description: Jump if Bit is set and Clear bit If the indicated bit is one, branch to the address indicated; otherwise proceed with the next instruction. The bit will not be cleared if it is already a zero. The branch destination is computed by adding the signed rehitive-displacement in the third instruction byte to the PC, after incrementing the PC to the first byte of the next instruction. No flags are affected. Note: When this instruction is used to test an output pin, the value used as the original data will be read from the output data latch, not the input pin. Example: The Accumulator holds 56H (0 10 10 1l0B). The instruction sequence, JBC ACC.3,LABELl JBC ACC.2,LABEL2 will cause program execution to continue at the instruction identified by the label LABEL2, with the Accumulator modified to 52H (0 10 1OOlOB). 9-42 inter MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET Bytes: 3 Cycles: 2 Encoding: LI_o_o_o_-,---o_o_o_o--, Operation: mc (PC) -_O_O_1_0...J addr15-addrB addr7-addrO LCALL (PC) ~ (PC) + 3 (SP) ~ (SP) + I «SP» ~ (PC7-0) (SP) ~ (SP) + I «SP» ~ (PCI5-S) (PC) ~ addrl5_0 addr16 Function: Long Jump Description: LJMP causes an unconditional branch to the indicated address, by loading the high-order and low-order bytes of the PC (respectively) with the second and third instruction bytes. The destination may therefore be anywhere in the full 64K program memory address space. No flags are affected. . Example: The label "JMPADR" is assigned to the instruction at program memory location 1234H. The instruction, UMP JMPADR at location 0123H will load the program counter with 1234H. Bytes: 3 Cycles: 2 Encoding: 1 Operation: LJMP (PC) ~ addft5_0 ° °0·1 °° ° 0 1 addr15-addrB 9-47 addr7 -addrO MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET MOV < dest-byte> , < src-byte > Function: Description: Move byte variable The byte variable indicated by the second operand is copied into the location specified by the first operand. The source byte is not affected. No other register or flag is affected. This is by far the most flexible operation. Fifteen combinations of source and destination addressing modes are allowed. Example: Internal RAM location 30H holds 40H. The value of RAM location 40H is IOH. The data present at input port I is 1100 10 lOB (OCAH). MOY MOY MOY MOY MOY MOY ;RO <= 30H ;A <= 40H ;Rl <= 40H ;B <= lOH ;RAM (40H) < = OCAH ;P2 #OCAH RO,#30H A,@RO Rl,A B,@Rl @Rl,PI P2,PJ leaves the value 30H in register 0, 40H in both the Accumulator and register 1, lOR in register B, and OCAR (llOOIOIOB) both in RAM location 40R and output on port 2. MOV A,Rn Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: 11 1 1 0 Operation: MOY (A) -(Rn) 1 r r r ·MOV A,dlrect Bytes: 2 Cycles: o1 Encoding: 11 1 1 0 Operation: MOY (A) - (direct) 0 1 direct address MOV A,ACC Is not a valid Instruction. 9-48 inter MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET MOV A,@Ri Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: I1 1 1 0 o1 MOV (A) -- «Ri» MOV A, # data Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: Operation: I0 1 1 1 o1 0 0 immediate data MOV (A) -- #data MOV Rn,A Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: I 1 111 1 r r r MOV (Rn) -- (A) MOV Rn,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: 2 Encoding: Operation: I 1 010 1 r r r direct addr. MOV (Rn) -- (direct) MOV Rn, # data Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: Operation: 1 01 11 1 r r r immediate data MOV (Rn) -- #data 9-49 inter MOV MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET dlrect,A Bytes: 2 Cycles: MOV MOV MOV 11 1 1 Operation: MOV (direct) +- (A) 0 1 I direct address direct,Rn Bytes: 2 Cycles: 2 Encoding: 11 000 Operation: MOV (direct) +- (Rn) 1 r r r direct address dlrect,direct Bytes: 3 Cycles: 2 o1 Encoding: 1 1 000 Operation: MOV (direct) +- (direct) 0 1 dir. addr. (src) dir. addr. (dest) direct,@Ri Bytes: 2 Cycles: 2 Encoding: Operaiiuii: 1 1 000 011 direct addr. 1I.'1"'\.T.7 IVIVY (direct) +MOV o1 Encoding: «Ri» direct,#data Bytes: 3 Cycles: 2 Encoding: Operation: I· 0 .1 o1 0 1 direct address MOV (direct) +- #data 9-50 immediate data inter MOV MCS®·51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET @Ri,A Bytes: Cycles: MOV MOV Encoding: I111 Operation: MOV «Ri» ~ (A) 011 @RI,dlrect Bytes: 2 Cycles: 2 Encoding: I1 o1 0 Operation: MOV «Ri» ~ (direct) 011 direct addr. @Ri,#data Bytes: 2 Cycles: MOV Encoding: 101 Operation: MOV «RI» o1 ~ immediate data #data < dest·bit > , Function: Move bit data Description: The Boolean variable indicated by the second operand is copied into the location specified by the first operand. One of the operands must be the carry flag; the other may be any directly addressable bit. No other register or flag is affected. Example: The carry flag is originally set. The data present at input Port 3 is llOOOlOlB. The data previously written to output Port 1 is 35H (OOllOlOlB). I MOV pl.3,e MOV e,P3.3 MOV p1.2,e will leave the carry cleared and change Port 1 to 39H (OOlllOOlB). 9-51 inter MOV MOV MOV MCS®·51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET C,bit Bytes: 2 Cycles: . 1 Encoding: 11 010 Operation: MOV (C) +- (bit) 001 0 bit address 001 0 bit address bit,C Bytes: 2 Cycles: 2 Encoding: 1 1 001 Operation: MOV . (bit) +- (C) DPTR,#data16 Function: Description: Load Data Poin~er with a 16-bit constant The Data Pointer is loaded with the 16-bit constant indicated. The 16-bit constant is loaded into the second and third bytes of the instruction. The second byte (DPH) is the high-order byte, while the third byte (DPL) holds the low-order byte. No flags are affected. This is the only instruction which moves 16 bits of data at once. Example: The instruction, MOV DPTR, # 1234H will load the value 1234H into the Data Pointer: DPH will hold 12H and DPL will hold 34H. Bytes: 3 Cycles: 2 Encoding: 11 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 immed. data 15-8 Operation: MOV (DPTR) +- #data15.0 DPH 0 DPL +- #data15_8 0 #data7.Q 9-52 immed. data7-0 inter MOVC MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET A,@A+ Function: Move Code byte Description: The MOVC instructions load the Accumulator with a code byte, or constant from program memory. The address of the byte fetched is the sum of the original unsigned eight-bit Accumulator contents and the contents of a sixteen-bit base register, which may be either the Data Pointer or the PC. In the latter case, the PC is incremented to the address of the following instruction before being added with the Accumulator; otherwise the base register is not altered. Sixteen-bit addition is performed so a carry-out from the low-order eight bits may propagate through higher-order bits. No flags are affected. Example: A value between 0 and 3 is in the Accumulator. The following instructions will translate the value in the Accumulator to one of four values defined by the DB (define byte) directive. REL_PC: INC A MOVC A,@A+PC RET DB 66H DB 77H DB 88H DB 99H If the subroutine is called with the Accumulator equal to OlH, it will return with 77H in the Accumulator. The INC A before the MOVC instruction is needed to "get around" the RET instruction above the table. If several bytes of code separated the MOVe from the table, the corresponding number would be added to the Accumulator instead .. MOVC A,@A+DPTR Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: MOVC 2 I1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 MOVC (A) +- «A) + (DPTR» A,@A + PC Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: 2 I1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 MOVC (PC) +- (PC) + 1 (A) +- «A) + (PC» 9-53 inter MOVX MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET , < src-byte > Function: Description: Move External The MOVX instructions transfer data between the Accumulator and a byte of external data ,memory, hence the "X" appended to MOV. There are two types of instructions, differing in whether they provide an eight-bit or sixteen-bit indirect address to the external data RAM. In the first type, the contents of Rq or Rl in the current register bank provide an eight-bit address multiplexed with data on PO. Eight bits are sufficient for external I/O expansion decoding or for a relatively small RAM array. For somewhat larger arrays, any output port pins can be used to output higher-order address bits. These pins would be controlled by an , .output instruction preceding the MOVX. In the second type of MOVX instruction, the Data Pointer generates a sixteen-bit address. P2 outputs the high-order eight address bits (the contents of DPH) while PO multiplexes the loworder eight bits (DPL) with data., The P2 Special Function Register retains its previous contents while the P2,output buffers are emitting the contents of DPH. This form is faster and more efficient when accessing very large data arrays (up to 64K bytes), since no additional , instructions are needed to set up the output ports. It is possible in some situations to mix the two MOVX types. A large RAM array with its high-order address lines driven by P2 can be addressed via the Data Pointer, or with code to , output high-order address bits to P2 followed by a MOVX instruction using RO or Rl. Example: An external 256 byte RAM using multiplexed address/data lines (e.g., an Intel 8155 RAM/ I/O/Timer) is connected to the 8051 Port O. Port 3 provides control lines for the external RAM. Ports 1 and 2 are used for normal I/O. Registers 0 and' 1 contain 12H and 34H. Location 34H,of the external RAM holds the value 56H. The instruction sequence, MOVX A,@Rl MOVX @RO,A copies the value 56H into both the Accumulator and external RAM location 12H. 9-54 MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET MOVX A,@Ri Bytes: Cycles: 2 Encoding: I 1 110 Operation: MOVX (A) - «Ri» MOVX 001 A,@DPTR Bytes: Cycles: 2 Encoding: I 1 110 Operation: MOVX (A) - «DPTR» MOVX 0000 @Ri,A Bytes: Cycles: 2 Encoding: I1 1 1 1 Operation: MOVX «Ri» - MOVX 001 (A) @DPTR,A Bytes: Cycles: 2 Encoding: I 1 1 1 1 o0 0 0 Operation: MOVX (DPTR)-(A) 9-55 inter MCS®-S1 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET NOP Function: No Operation Description: Execution continues at the following instruction. Other than the PC, no registers or flags are affected. . Example: It is desired to produce a low-going output pulse on bit 7 of Port 2 lasting exactly 5 cycles. A simple SETB/CLR sequence would generate a one-cycle pulse, so four additional cycles must be inserted. This may be done (assuming no interrupts are enabled) with the instruction sequence, CLR NOP NOP NOP NOP SETB P2.7 P2.7 Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: 1 Operation: NOP (pC)-(PC) 0 0 0 0 1- 0 0 0 0 1 + MUL AB Function: Multiply Description: MUL AB multiplies the unsigned eight-bit integers in the Accumulator and register B. The low-order byte of the sixteen-bit product is left inthe Accumulator, and the high-order byte in B. If the product is greater than 255 (OFFH) the overflow flag is set; otehrwise it is cleared. The carry flag is always cleared. Example: Originally the Accumulator holds the value 80 (50H). Register. B holds the value 160 (OAOH). The instruction, MUL AB will give the product 12,800 (32ooH), so B is changed to 32H (ooIIOOlOB) and the Accumulator is cleared. The overflow flag is set, carry is cleared. Bytes: Cycles: 4 Encoding: 1 1 0 1 0 Operation: MUL (Ah-o (BhS-8 0 1 0 0 (A) X (B) 9-56 intJ ORL MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET Function: Description: Logical-OR for byte variables ORL performs the bitwise logical-OR operation between the indicated variables, storing the results in the destination byte. No flags are affected. The two operands allow six addressing mode combinations. When the destination is the Accumulator, the source can use register, direct, register-indirect, or immediate addressing; when the destination is a direct address, the source can be the Accumulator or immediate data. Note: When this instruction is used to modify an output port, the value used as the original port data will be read from the output data latch, not the input pins. Example: If the Accumulator holds OC3H (l 100001 IB) and RO holds 55H (OlOlOIOIB) then the instruction, ORL A,RO will leave the Accumulator holding the value OD7H (1IOIOl1IB). When the destination is a directly addressed byte, the instruction can set combinations of bits . in any RAM location or hardware register. The pattern of bits to be set is determined by a mask byte, which may be either a constant data value in the instruction or a variable computed in the Accumulator at run-time. The instruction, ORL, PI,#OOIIOOIOB will set bits 5, 4, and I of output Port 1. ORL A,Rn Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: I0 1 0 0 1 r r r ORL (A) ~ (A) V (Rn) 9-57 inter MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET ORL A,dlrect Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: Operation: I 0 1 00 o1 0 1 direct address ORL (A) - (A) V (direct) ORL A,@Ri Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: 00 1 01 Operation: ORL (A) - o1 (A) V 1 i «Ri» ORL A, # data . Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: I0 1 o0 I o 1 0 0 Operation: ORL (A) - ". immediate data I (A) V #data ORL dlrect,A Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: Operation: I 0 1 00 ORL (direct) - 001 0 direct address (direct) V (A) ORL direct, # data Bytes: 3 Cycles: 2 Encoding: 1 01 Operation: ORL o0 (direct) - 001 1 direct addr. (direct) V #data 9-58 immediate data inter ORL MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET C, Function: Description: Example: ORL ORL Logical-OR for bit variables Set the carry flag if the Boolean value is a logical 1; leave the carry in its current state· otherwise. A slash ("I") preceding the operand in the assembly language indicates that the logical complement of the addressed bit is used as the source value, but the source bit itself is not affected. No other flags are affected. Set the carry flag if and only if P1.0 = 1, ACC. 7 = 1, or OV = 0: MOV C,P1.0 ;LOAD CARRY WITH INPUT PIN PIO ORL C,ACC.7 ;OR CARRY WITH THE ACC. BIT 7 ORL C,/OV ;OR CARRY WITH THE INVERSE OF OV. C,bit Bytes: 2 Cycles: 2 Encoding: 1 1 1 01 Operation: ORL (C) -- (C) V (bit) 001 0 bit address C,Ibit _ Bytes: 2 Cycles: 2 Encoding: I 1 010 Operation: ORL (C) -- (C) V (bit) 0000 bit address 9-59 intJ POP MCS®·51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET direct Function: Pop from stack. Description: The contents of the internal RAM location addressed by the Stack Pointer is read, and the Stack Pointer is decremented by one. The value read is then transferred to the directly addressed byte indicated. No flags are affected. Example: The Stack Pointer originally contains the value' 32H, and internal RAM locations 30H through 32H contain the values 20H, 23H, and OlH, respectively. The instruction sequence, POP DPH POP DPL will leave the Stack Pointer equal to the value 30H and the Data Pointer set to 0123H. At this point the instruction, POP SP will leave the Stack Pointer set to 20H. Note that in this special case the Stack Pointer was decremented to 2FH before being loaded with the value popped (20H). Bytes: 2 Cycles: 2 Encoding: Operation: PUSH _1_1_0_1-L_O_'_0_0_0---, LI direct address POP (direct) -+-- «SP» (SP) -+-- (SP) - 1 direct Function: Push onto stack Description: The Stack Pointer is incremented by one. The contents of the indicated variable is then copied into the internal RAM location addressed by the Stack Pointer. Otherwise no flags are affected. Example: On entering an interrupt routine the Stack Pointer contains 09H. The Data Pointer holds the value 0123H. The instrnction sequence, PUSH DPL PUSH DPH will leave the Stack Pointer set to OBH and store 23H and OlH in internal RAM locations OAH and OBH, respectively. Bytes: 2 Cycles: 2 Encoding: 11100 0000 Operation: PUSH (SP) -+-- (SP) + 1 «SP» -+-- (direct) direct address 9-60 inter MCS®·51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET RET Function: Return from subroutine Description: RET pops the high- and low-order bytes of the PC successively from the stack, decrementing the Stack Pointer by two. Program execution continues at the resulting address, generally the instruction immediately following an ACALL or LCALL. No flags are affected. Example: The Stack Pointer originally contains the value OBH. Internal RAM locations OAH and OBH contain the values 23H and OlH, respectively. The instruction, RET will leave the Stack Pointer equal to the value 09H. Program execution will continue at location 0123H. Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: 2 I0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 RET (PCIS-S) +- «SP» (SP) +- (SP) - 1 (PC7-0) +- «SP» (SP) +- (SP) - 1 RETI FunctIon: Return from interrupt Description: RETI pops the high- and low-order bytes of the PC successively from the stack, and restores the interrupt logic to accept additional interrupts at the same priority level as the one just processed. The Stack Pointer is left decremented by two. No other registers are affected; the PSW is not automatically restored to its pre-interrupt status. Program execution continues at the resulting address, which is generally the instruction immediately after the point at which the interrupt request was detected. If a lower- or same-level interrupt had been pending when the RETI instruction is executed, that one instruction will be executed before the pending interrupt is processed. Example: The Stack Pointer originally contains the value OBH. An interrupt was detected during the instruction ending at location 0122H. Internal RAM locations OAH and OBH contain the values 23H and OlH, respectively. The instruction, RET! will leave the Stack Pointer equal to 09H and return program execution to location 0123H. Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: 2 ,-1_O_O _ _~_O_O_1_0--, RET! (PCIS-S) +- «SP» (SP) +- (SP) - 1 (PC7-0) +- «SP» (SP) +- (SP) - 1 9-61 inter MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET RL A Function: Description: Example: Rotate Ac.cumulator Left The eight bits in the Accumulator are rotated one bit to the left. Bit 7 is rotated into the bit 0 position. No flags are affected. The Accumulator holds the value OC5H (1IOOOlOlB). The instruction. RLA leaves the Accumulator holding the value 8BH (IOOOlOllB) with -the carry unaffected. Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: RLC I °0 1 0 0 0 1 1 RL (An + I) - (An) (AO) - (A7) n = 0 - 6 A Function: Rotate Accumulator Left through the Carry flag Description: The eight bits in the Accumulator and the carry flag are together rotated one bit to the left. Bit 7 moves into the carry flag; the original state of the carry flag moves into the bit 0 position. No other flags are affected. . Example: The Accumulator holds the value OC5H (1IOOOlOlB). and the carry is zero. The instruction. RLC A leaves the Accumulator holding the value 8BH (IOOOIOlOB) with the carry set. Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: LI_o_O_1_--,-_O_O_1_1....J Operation: RLC (An + 1) - (An) (AO) - (C) (C) -(A7) n = 0 -:- 6 9-62 intJ RR MCS®·51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTIO!ll SET A Function: Description: Example: Rotate Accumulator Right The eight bits in the Accumulator are rotated one bit to the right. Bit 0 is rotated into the bit 7 position. No flags are affected. The Accumulator holds the value OC5H (I 1000 10 lB). The instruction, RR A leaves the Accumulator holding the value OE2H (11 1000 lOB) with the carry unaffected. Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: RRC I0 0 0 0 I0 0 1 1 RR (An) +- (An + I) n (A7)+- (AO) = 0 - 6 A Function: Description: Example: Rotate Accumulator Right through Carry flag The eight bits in the Accumulator and the carry flag are together rotated one bit to the right. Bit 0 moves into the carry flag; the original value of the carry flag moves into the bit 7 position. No other flags are affected. The Accumulatorholds the value OC5H (llOOOlOlB), the carry is zero. The instruction, RRC A .leaves the Accumulator holding the value 62 (01 1000 lOB) with the c!lrry set. Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: I0 0 0 1 RRC (An) +- (An (A7) +- (C) (C) +- (AO) O. 0 1 1 t I) n = 0 - 6 9-63 inter SETB MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET Function: Set Bit Description: SETB sets the indicated bit to one. SETB can operate on the carry flag or any directly addressable bit. No other flags are affected. Example: The carry flag is cleared. Output Port I has been written with the value 34H (OOllOlOOB). The instructions, SETB C SETB Pl.O wi11leave the carry flag set to 1 and change the data output on Port 1 to 3SH (OOllOlOlB). SETB C Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: I110 1 Operation: SETB (C)~ 001 1 1 SETB bit Bytes: 2, Cycles: Encoding: I1101 Operation: SETB (bit) +- 1 001 0 bit address 9-64 MCS®·51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET SJMP rei Function: Short Jump Description: Program control branches unconditionally to the address indicated. The branch destination is computed by adding the signed displacement in the second instruction byte to the PC, after incrementing the PC twice. Therefore, the range of destinations allowed is from 128 bytes preceding this instruction to 127 bytes following it. Example: The label "RELADR" is assigned to an instruction at program memory location 0123H. The instruction, SJMP RELADR will assemble into location OlOOH. After the instruction is executed, the PC will contain the value 0123H. (Note: Under the above conditions the instruction following SJMP will be at 102H. Therefore, the displacement byte of the instruction will be the relative offset (OI23H-OI02H) = 21H. Put another way, an SJMP with a displacement ofOFEH would be a one-instruction infinite loop.) Bytes: 2 Cycles: 2 Encoding: Operation: I1 0 0 0 SJMP (PC) +- (PC) . (PC) +- (PC) 0 0 0 0 + reI. address 2 + rei ,9-65 inter SUBB MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET A, Function: Description: Subtract with. borrow SUBB subtracts the indicated variable and the carry flag together from the Accumulator, leaving the result in the Accumulator. SUBB sets the carry (borrow) flag if a borrow is needed for bit 7, and clears C otherwise. (If C was set before executing a SUBB instruction, this indicates that a borrow was needed for the previous step in a multiple precision subtraction, so the carry is subtracted from the Accumulator along with the source operand.) AC is set if a borrow is needed for bit 3, and cleared otherwise. OV is set if a borrow is needed into bit 6, but not into bit 7, or into bit 7, but not bit 6. When subtracting signed integers OV indicates a negative number produced when a negative value is subtracted from a positive value, or a positive result when a positive number is subtracted from a negative number. The source operand allows four addressing modes: register, direct, register-indirect, or immediate. Exarriple: The Accumulator holds OC9H (llOOlOOlB), register 2 holds S4H (0 10 10 1OOB), and the carry flag is set. The instruction, SUBB A,R2 will leave the value 74H (01 110100B) in the accumulator, with the carry flag and AC cleared but OV set. Notice that OC9H minus S4H is 7SH. The difference between this and the above result is due to the carry (borrow) flag being set before the operation. If the state of the carry is not known before starting a single or multiple-precision subtraction, it should be explicitly cleared by a CLR C instruction. . SUBB A,Rn Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: LI_1_0_0_1...J.._1_r_r_r..j Operation: SUBB (A) ~ (A) - (C) - (Rn) 9-66 intJ SUBB MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET A,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: o1 Encoding: 1 1 001 Operation: SUBB (A) - (A) - (C) - (direct) SUBB 0 1 direct address A,@Ri Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: 11 001 Operation: SUBB (A) - (A) - (C) - «Ri» SUBB 011 A, # data Bytes: 2 Cycles: o1 Encoding: 11 001 Operation: SUBB (A) - (A) - (C) - #data SWAP 0 0 immediate data 1 A Function: Description: Example: Swap nibbles within the Accumulator SWAP A interchanges the low- and high-order nibbles (four-bit fields) of the Accumulator (bits 3-0 and bits 7-4). The operation can also be thought of as a four-bit rotate instruction. No flags are affected. The Accumulator holds the value OC5H (lJOOO101B). The instruction, SWAP A leaves the Accumulator holding the value 5CH (0101 1100B). Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: I1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 SWAP (A3-O) ~ (A7-4) 9-67 MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET XCH A, Function: Exchange Accumulator with byte variable Description: XCH loads the Accumulator with the contents of the indicated variable, at the same time writing the original Accumulator contents to the indicated variable. The source/destination operand can use register, direct; or register-indirect addressing. Example: RO contains the address 20H. The Accumulator holds the value 3FH (OOlllllIB). Internal RAM location 20H holds the'value 75H (Ol1lOlOlB). The instruction, XCH A,@RO will leave RAM location 20H holding the values 3FH (0011 11 11 B) and 75H (Ol1lOlOlB) in the accumulator. XCH A,Rn Bytes: Cycles: XCH Encoding: 1 1 100 Operation: , XCH (A) -;. (Rn) 1, r r r A,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: XCH o1 Encoding: 11 100 Operation: XCH (A) -;. (direct) 0 1 direct address A,@Ri Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: 1 1 100 Operation: XCH (A) -;. 011 «Ri» 9-68 inter XCHD MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET A,@RI Function: Exchange Digit Description: XCHD exchanges the low-order nibble of the Accumulator (bits 3-0), generally representing a hexadecimal or BCD digit, with that of the internal RAM location indirectly addressed by the specified register. The high-order nibbles (bits 7-4) of each register are not affected. No flags are affected. Example: RO contains the address 20H. The Accumulator holds the value 36H (001101 lOB). Internal RAM location 20H holds the value 75H (OllIOlOIB). The instruction, XCHD A,@RO will leave RAM location 20H holding the value 76H (Oil 101 lOB) and 35H (OOllOlOlB) in the Accumulator. Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: XRL _1_1_0_1--,-_0_1_1--, LI XCHD (A3.Q) ~ «Ri3.Q» , Function: Description: Logical Exclusive-OR for byte variables XRL performs the bitwise logical Exclusive-OR operation between the indicated variables, storing the results in the destination. No flags are affected. The two operands allow six addressing mode combinations. When the destination is the Accumulator, the source can use register, direct, register-indirect, or immediate addressing; when the destination is a direct address, the source can be the Accumulator or immediate data. (Note: When this illstruction is used to modify an output port, the value used as the original port data will be read from the output data latch, not the input pins.) Example: If the Accumulator holds OC3H (IlOOOOllB) and register 0 holds OAAH (10 1010 lOB) then the instruction, . XRL A,RO will leave the Accumulator holding the value 69H (OllOlOOlB). When the destination is a directly addressed byte, this instruction can complement combinations of bits in any RAM location or hardware register. The pattern of bits to be complemented is then determined by a mask byte, either a constant contained in the instruction or a variable computed in the Accumulator at run-time. The instruction, XRL Pl,#OOllOOOlB will complement bits 5, 4, and 0 of output Port 1. 9-69 MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET XRL A,Rn Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: Operation: '1 01 1 0 1 'r r r XRL (A) +- (A) ¥ (Rn) XRL A,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: Operation: I0 1 1 0 o1 0 1 direct address XRL (A) +- (A) ¥ (direct) XRL A,@RI Bytes: Cycles: Encoding: I0 1 1 0 Operation: XRL o1 1 i (A) +- (A) ¥«Ri» XRL A,#data Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: Operation: 1 01 1 0 o1 0 0 immediate data XRL (A) +- (A) ¥ #data XRL dlrect,A' Bytes: 2 Cycles: Encoding: Operation: I0 1 1 0 001 0 direct address XRL (direct) +- (direct) ¥ (A) 9-70 I inter XRL MCS®-51 PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET direct,#data Bytes: 3 Cycles: 2 Encoding: Operation: I0 1 1 0 XRL (direct) Do a. D. Go a. Do D.. ><>< 270048-3 Pad 270048-2 Pin Figure 2. MCS®-51 Connections ing accesses to external Data Memory that use 8-bit addresses (MOVX @Ri), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register. Port 1 Port 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 1 'output buffers can sink/source 4 LS TTL inputs. Port 1 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low wiii source current (ilL on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. Port 2 also receives the high-order address bits during programming of the EPROM parts and during program verification of the ROM and EPROM parts. Port 3 Port 3 is an 8·bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 3 output buffers can sink/source 4 lS TTL inputs. Port 3 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups" and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low wiii source current (ill on the data sheet) because of the pullups. Port 1 also receives the low-order address bytes during programming of the EPROM parts and during program verification of the ROM and EPROM parts. In the 8032AH and B052AH, Port 1 pins P1.0 and P1.1 also serve the T2 and T2EX functions, respectively. Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the MCS-51 Family, as listed below: Port 2 Port 2 is an 8~bit bidirectional 1/0 port with internal pullups. The Port 2 output buffers can sink/source 4 lS TTL inputs. Port 2 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pull ups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low wiii source current (ill on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external Program Memory and during accesses to external Data Memory that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX @DPTR). In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1s. Dur10-3 Port Pin Alternative Function P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 RXD (serial input port) TXD (serial output port) INTO (external interrupt 0) INT1 (external interrupt 1) TO (Timer 0 external input) I!JTimer 1 external input) WR (external data memory write strobe) RD (external data memory read strobe) intJ Note, however, that if the Security Bit in the EPROM devices is programmed, the device will not fetch code from any location in external Program Memory. RST Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. This pin also receives the 21 V programming supply voltage (VPP) during programming of the EPROM parts. ALE/PROG Address Latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. This pin is also the program pulse input (PROG) during programming of the EPROM parts. XTAL1 Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier. In normal operation ALE is emitted' at a constant ,rate of % the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external Data Memory. XTAL2 Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier. OSCILLATOR CHARACTERISTICS XTAL 1 and XTAl2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 3. Either a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator . may be used. More detailed information concerning the use of the on-chip oscillator is available in Application Note AP-155,"Oscillators for Microcontrollers." Program Store Enable is the read strobe to external Program Memory. When the device is executing code from external Program Memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external Data Memo: ry. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAl1 should be grounded, while XTAl2 is driven, as shown in Figure 4. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock Signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and maximum high and low times specified on the Data Sheet must . be observed. EA/VPP External Access enable EA must be strapped to VSS in order to enable any MeS-51 device to fetch code froiT) external Program memory locations 0 to OFFFH (0 to 1FFFH, in the 8032AH and 8052AH). C2 r--11 , I EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SIGNAL XTAL2 -L ---i XTAL2 ____--I XTAL 1 D XTAL1 Cl "'---1 vss vss _L. Cl , C2 ~ 30 pF ± 10 pF for Crystals ~ 40 pF ± 10 pF for Ceramic Resonators 270048-5 270048-4 Figure 4. External Drive Configuration Figure 3. Oscillator Connections 10-4 inter MCS®·51 "Notice: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· Ambient Temperature Under Bias ...... O·C to 70·C + 150·C + 21.5V 0.5V to + 7V Storage Temperature .......... - 65·C to Voltage on EAIVpp Pin to Vss ... -0.5V to Voltage on Any Other Pin to Vss .... - Power Dissipation ..............•........... 1.5W D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol TA = , 0·Ct070·C·Vee Parameter = 5V ±10%;Vss = ov Min Max Units -0.5 0.8 V 0 0.7 V VIL Input Low Voltage (Except EA Pin of 8751 H & 8751 H-8) VIL1 Input Low Voltage to EA Pin of 8751 H & 8751H-8 VIH Input High Voltage (Except XTAL2, RST) 2.0 Vee + 0.5 VIH1 Input High Voltage to XTAL2, RST 2.5 Vee + 0.5 VOL Output Low Voltage (Ports 1, 2, 3)" VOL1 Output Low Voltage (Port 0, ALE, PSEN)* 8751 H, 8751 H-8 All Others Test Conditions V V XTAL1 0.45 V IOL 0.60 0.45 V V IOL IOL 0.45 V VOH Output High Voltage (Ports 1, 2, 3, ALE, PSEN) 2.4 V VOH1 Output High Voltage (Port 0 in External Bus Mode) 2.4 V IlL Logical 0 Input Current (Ports 1, 2, 3, RST) 8032AH, B052AH All Others -800 -500 = = VSS 1.6 mA = 3.2mA = 2.4 mA IOL = 3.2mA IOH = -80/LA IOH = -400/LA VIN VIN = 0.45V = 0.45V = Logical 0 Input Current to EA Pin of B751 H & 8751 H-8 Only -15 /LA /LA mA 1112 Logical 0 Input Current (XTAL2) -3.2 mA VIN III Input Leakage Current (Port 0) B751 H & 8751 H-8 All Others ±100 ±10 /LA /LA 0.45 0-45 Logical 1 Input Current to EA Pin Qf 8751 H & 8751 H-B 500 /LA IIH1 Input Current to RST to Activate Reset 500 /LA VIN Icc Power Supply Current: 8031/8051 8031AH/8051AH 8032AH/B052AH 8751 H/8751 H-8 160 125 175 250 mA mA mA mA All Outputs Disconnected; EA = Vee 10 pF Test freq 11L1 IIH Cia Pin CapaCitance s s 0.45V VIN VIN < (Vee = s s Vee Vee - 1.5V) 1 MHz • NOTE: Capacitive loading on Ports 0 and 2 may cause spurious noise pulses to be superimposed on the VOLS of ALE and Ports 1 and 3. The noise is due to external bus capacitance discharging into the Port 0 and Port 2 pins when these pins make .1-to-O transitions during bus operations. In the worst cases (capacitive loading > 100 pF), the noise pulse on the ALE line may exceed o.av. In such cases it may be desirable to qualify ALE with a Schmitt Trigger, or use an address latch with a Schmitt Trigger STROBE input. 10-5 inter MCS®·51 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = O·Cto +70·C;Vcc = 5V ±10%;Vss = OV; load Capacitance for Port 0, ALE, and PSEN = 100 pF; load Capacitance for All Other Outputs = 80 pF Symbol Parameter 1/TClCl TlHll TAVll TllAX TlLlV Oscillator Frequency ALE Pulse Width Address Valid to ALE low Address Hold after ALE low ALE low to Valid Instr In 8751H All Others ALE low to PSEN low PSEN Pulse Width 8751H All Others PSEN Low to Valid Instr In 8751H All Others Input Instr Hold after PSEN Input Instr Float after PSEN PSEN to Address Valid Address to Valid Instr In 8751H All Others PSEN Low to Address Float RD Pulse Width WR Pulse Width RD low to Vafid Data In Data Hold after RD Data Float after RD ALE low to Valid Data In Address to Valid Data In ALE Low to RD or WR Low Address to RD or WR low Data Valid to WR Transition 8751H All Others Data Valid to WR High Data Hold after WR AD low to Address Float RD or WR High to ALE High 8751H All Others TLLPl TPLPH TPLIV TPXIX TPXIZ TPXAV TAVIV TPLAZ TRLRH TWlWH TRLDV TRHDX TRHDZ TllDV TAVDV TllWl TAVWL TQVWX TQVWH TWHQX TRlAZ TWHlH Variable Oscillator Min Max 12 MHz Oscillator Min Max 3.5 2TClCl-40 TClCl-40 TClCl-35 127 43 48 183 233 Units 12.0 MHz ns ns ns 4TClCl-150 4TClCl":'100 58 TClCL-25 ns ns ns 190 215 3TClCl-60 3TClCl-35 ns ns 3TClCL-150 3TCLCl-'125 100 125 0 0 63 TClCL-20 75 TCLCl-8 5TCLCL-150 5TClCl-115 267 302 20 20 6TClCL-100 6TClCL-100 400 400 5TCLCL-165 252 0 0 97 517 585 300 200 203 2TCLCL-70 8TCLCl-150 3TCLCl-50 ' 4TClCL -130 9TCLCl-165 3TClCL+50 TClCL-70 TClCL-60 7TCLCL-150 TClCl-50 13 23 433 33 20 33 43 133 123 NOTE: 'This table does not include the B751-BAC. characteristics (see next page). 10-6 TClCL-50 TClCL-40 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 20 ns ns ns ns ns TClCl+50 TCLCL+40 ns ns intJ MCS®·51 This Table is only for the 8751H·8 A.C. CHARACTERISTICSTA = O·Cto +70·C;Vcc = 5V ±10%;Vss = OV; Load Capacitance for Port 0, ALE, and PSEN = 100 pF; Load Capacitance for All Other Outputs = 80 pF Symbol Parameter 8 MHz Oscillator Min Max Variable Oscillator Min Max 3.5 8.0 Units 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency TLHLL ALE Pulse Width 210 2TCLCL-40 ns TAVLL Address Valid to ALE Low 85 TCLCL-40 ns TLLAX Address Hold after ALE Low 90 TLLlV ALE Low to Valid Instr In TLLPL ALE Low to PSEN Low 100 TCLCL-25 TPLPH PSEN Pulse Width 315 3TCLCL-60 TPLIV PSEN Low to Valid Instr In TPXIX Input Instr Hold after PSEN TPXIZ Input Instr Float after PSEN TPXAV PSEN to Address Valid TAVIV Address to Valid Instr In TCLCL-35 ns TCLCL-20 ns 5TCLCL-150 ns 20 ns TCLCL-8 117 475 ns ns 0 105 ns ns 3TCLCL-150 225 0 ns· 4TCLCL-150 350 MHz ns TPLAZ PSEN Low to Address Float TRLRH RD Pulse Width 650 TWLWH WR Pulse Width 650 TRLDV AD Low to Valid Data In TAHDX Data Hold after RD TRHDZ Data Float after RD 180 2TCLCL-70 ns 20 6TCLCL-100 ns 6TCLCL-100 0 ns 5TCLCL-165 460 ns ns 0 TLLDV ALE Low to Valid Data In 850 8TCLCL-150 ns TAVDV Address to Valid Data In 960 9TCLCL-165 ns TLLWL ALE Low to RD or WR Low 325 3TCLCL+50 ns TAVWL Address to RD or WR Low 370 TQVWX Data Valid to WA Transition TQVWH Data Valid to WR High TWHQX Data Hold after WR TRLAZ RD Low to Address Float TWHLH AD or WR High to ALE High 425 3TCLCL-50 4TCLCL-130 ns 55 TCLCL-70 ns 125 7TCLCL-150 ns TCLCL-50 75 20 75 175 10-7 TCLCL-50 ns 20 ns TCLCL+50 ns inter MCS®-S1 EXTERNAL PROGRAM MEMORY READ CYCLE ALE PORTO PORT 2 270048-6 10-8 inter MCS®·51 EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY READ CYCLE ALE 1 - - - - - T L L O y ------<~ PORTO PORT 2 P2.0-P2.7 OR A8-A1S FROM DPH A8-A 15 FROM PCH 270048-7 EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY WRITE CYCLE I+--~ TWHLH T,LHLL ALE TLLWL-<~·"o----TWLWH---"""'~ Tavwx I+-_I-':':;;'~ 1--+---TaVWH----~ PORTO PORT 2 DATA OUT P2.0-P2.7 OR A8-Ais FROM DPH A8-A1S FROM PCH 270048-8 10-9 inter SERIAL PORT TIMING-SHIFT REGISTER MODE = O·C to 70·C; VCC = 5V ±10%; VSS = OV; Test Conditions: TA Symbol 12 MHz Oscillator Parameter Min TXLXL Serial Port Clock Cycle Time Max Load Capacitance = 80 pF . Variable Oscillator Min Units Max 1.0 12TCLCL ,...s ns TQVXH Output Data Setup to Clock Rising Edge 700 1OTCLCL -133 TXHQX Output Data Hold after Clock Rising Edge 50 2TCLCL-117 ns TXHDX Input Data Hold after Clock Rising Edge 0 0 ns TXHDV Clock Rising Edge to Input Data Valid 700 1OTCLCL -133 ns .. SHIFT REGISTER TIMING WAVEFORMS I 1-4-'OVI!H+1 ~UHQII -------r\----~X ~ WAITE TO SBUf I· X~~~X~___JX~__~X~~-JX~·---JX~--~7 .. j I ""D' --l I-""D' t SETlI t ~ SET AI ClUA __ r 270048-9 10-10 inter MCS®-51 EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE Symbol Parameter Min Max Units 1/TClCl Oscillator Frequency (except 8751 H-8) 8751H-8 3.5 3.5 12 8 MHz MHz TCHCX High Time 20 TClCX low Time 20 TClCH Rise Time 20 ns TCHCl Fall Time 20 ns ns ns EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE WAVEFORM I.------TCLCL -------<~ 270048-10 A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM 2.4=X > 20 TEST POINTS 045 0.8 < 2.0 )C 08 270048-11 A.C. Tesling: Inputs are driven at 2.4V for a Logic "1" and 0.45V for a Logic "0". Timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a Logic "1" and 0.8V for a Logic "0". 10-11 MCS®-51 EPROM CHARACTERISTICS Table 3 EPROM Programming Modes . EA . PSEN P2.7 ALE Mode RST P2.6 P2.S P2.4 Program Inhibit 1 0 O· VPP 1 0 0 0 1 1 X 1 0 Verify 1 1 1 Security Set 1 0 O· VPP 0 1 0 1 X X X X X X X X NOTE. "VPP" = + 21V ± 0.5V ·ALE is pulsed low for 50 ms. "1" = logic high for that pin "0" = logic low for that pin "X" = "don't care" Programming the EPROM To be programmed, the part must be running with a 4 to 6 MHz oscillator. (The reason the oscillator needs to be running is that the internal bus is being used to transfer address and program data to appropriate internal registers.) The address of an EPROM location to be programmed is applied to Port 1 and pins P2.0-P2.3 of Port 2, while the code byte to be programmed into that location is applied to Port o. other Port 2 pins, and RST, PSEN, and EA should be held at the "Program" levels indicated in Table 3. ALE is pulsed low for 50 ms to program the code byte into the addressed EPROM location. The setup is shown in Figure 5. The Normally EA is held at a logic high until just before ALE is to be pulsed. Then EA is raised to + 21 V, ALE is pulsed, and then EA is returned to a logic high. Waveforms and detailed timing specifications are shown in later sectio,ns of this data sheet. +SV Note that the EAIVPP pin must not be allowed to go above the maximum specified VPP level of 21.5V for . any amount of time. Even a narrow glitch above that voltage level can cause permanent damage to the device. The VPP source should be well regulated and free of glitches. Program Verification If the Security Bit has not been programmed, the onchip Program Memory can be read out for verification purposes, if desired, either during or after the programming operation. The address of the Program Memory location to be read is applied to Port 1 and pins P2.0-P2.3. The other pins should be held atthe "Verify" levels indicated in Table 3. The contents of the addressed location will come out on Port O. External pullups are required on Port 0 for this operation. The setup, which is shown in Figure 6, is the· same as for programming the EPROM except that pin P2.7 is held at a logic low, or may be used as an activelow read strobe. +5V 8751H PH P2.S P2.6 P2.7 .--_---1 XTAL2 L--'+-H XTAL1 VSS VSS 270048-12 Figure 5. Programming Configuration 270048-13 Figure 6. Program Verification 10-12 inter MCS®-51 EPROM Security +SV X = "DON'T CARE" The security feature consists of a "locking" bit which when programmed denies electrical access by any external means to the on-chip Program Memory. The bit is programmed as shown in Figure 7. The setup and procedure are the same as for normal EPROM programming, except that P2.6 is held at a logic high. Port 0, Port 1, and pins P2.0-P2.3 may be in any state. The other pins should be held at the "Security" levels indicated in Table 3. VCC PI PO P2.0P2.3 P2.4 X 8751H ALE ALEIPROG P2.5 P2.6 Once the Security Bit h~s been programmed, it can be cleared only by full erasure of the Program Memory. While it is programmed, the internal Program Memory can not be read out, the device can not be further programmed, and it can not execute out of external program memory. Erasing the EPROM, thus clearing the Security Bit, restores the device's full functionality. It can then be reprogrammed. P2.7 Eli EA.'VPP XTAL2 RST VIHI XTAL1 VSS PSEN 270048-14 Figure 7. Programming the Security Bit Erasure Characteristics Erasure of the EPROM begins to occur when the chip is exposed to light with wavelengths shorter than approximately 4,000 Angstroms. Since sunlight and fluorescent lighting have wavelengths in this range, exposure to these light sources over an extended time (about 1 week in sunlight, or 3 years in room-level fluorescent lighting) could cause inadvertent erasure. If an application subjects the device to this type of exposure, it is suggested that an opaque label be placed over the window. The recommended erasure procedure is exposure to ultraviolet light (at 2537 Angstroms) to an integrated dose of at least 15 W-sec/cm 2 . Exposing the EPROM to an ultraviolet lamp of 12,000 /kW/cm 2 rating for 20 to 30 minutes, at a distance of about 1 inch, should be sufficient. Erasure leaves the array in an all 1s state. EPROM PROGRAMMING AND VERIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS = 21°C to 27°C; VCC = 5V ±10%; VSS = OV TA Symbol Parameter Programming Supply Voltage Programming Supply Current Min 20.5 Max 21.5 30 Units V mA 4 6 MHz VPP IPP 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency TAVGL Address Setup to PROG Low 48TCLCL TGHAX TDVGL TGHDX Address Hold after PROG Data Setup to PROG Low 48TCLCL 48TCLCL 48TCLCL TEHSH Data Hold after PROG P2.7 (ENABLE) High to VPP TSHGL VPP Setup to PROG Low 10 TGHSL 10 TGLGH VPP Hold after PROG PROGWidth TAVQV Address to Data Valid TELQV ENABLE Low to Oata Valid Data Float after ENABLE TEHQZ 48TCLCL 45 /ks 55 48TCLCL 48TCLCL 0 10-13 48TCLCL /ks ms inter MCS@·51 EPROM PROGRAMMING AND VERIFICATION WAVEFORMS Pl.0-fll.7 P2.0-fl2.3 VERIFICATION ADDRESS ADDRESS - PORTO TAVGL ~ 'LE/PROG DATA OUT I- _ .• _TGHDX I- TGHAX ,~ TSHGL TGHSL TGLGH 21V:t .SV ~ \ TTL HIGH TTL HIGH TTL HIGH , -- TEHSH IP2.7 (ENABLE) "\. / _TAVQV DATA IN TDVGL Ei./vpp PROGRAMMING TELQV_ J _TEHQZ J 270048-15 For programming conditions see Figure 5. For verification conditions see Figure 6. 10-14 8051AHP MCS®-51 FAMILY 8-BIT CONTROL-ORIENTED MICROCONTROLLER WITH PROTECTED ROM • High Performance HMOS Process • .Boolean Processor • Internal Timers/Event Counters • Bit-Addressable RAM • 2-Level Interrupt Priority Structure • • 32 I/O Lines (Four 8-Bit Ports) Programmable Full Duplex Serial Channel • 4K Program Memory Space • 111 Instructions (64 Single-Cycle) • • .Protection Feature Protects ROM Parts Against Software Piracy • 4K Data Memory Space* *Expandable to 64K Available in 40 Pin Plastic and CERDIP Packages (See Packaging Outlines and Dimensions Order #231369) The MCS®-51 products are optimized for control applications. Byte-processing and numerical operations on small data structures are facilitated by a variety of fast addressing modes for accessing the internal RAM. The instruction set provides a convenient menu of 8-bit arithmetic instructions, including multiply and divide instructions. Extensive on-chip support is provided for one-bit variables as a separate data type, allowing direct bit manipulation and testing in control and logic systems that require Boolean processing. MCS-51 HMOS Family Device 8051AH 8051AHP Internal Memory Program Data 4Kx 8 ROM 4Kx8 ROM 128 x 8 RAM 128 x 8 RAM Timers! Event Counters Interrupts 2 x 16-Bit 2 x 16-Bit 5 5 The 8051AHP is identical to the 8051AH with the exception of the Protection Feature. To incorporate this Protection Feature, program verification has been disabled and external memory accesses have been limited to 4K. 10-15 September 1987 Order Number: 270279-002 8051AHP P2o-P21 PQ O-PO 1 Yee r --- - -- - ---~tttt;- rl±!t~- - - ----------, ~ I I I I I I I I .tiI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "E. I r-----,,----, ALE P3.0-P37 PI.D-P1.1 270279-1 Figure 1. MCS®·51 Block Diagram Port 0 is also the multiplexed low·order address and data bus during accesses to external Program and Data Memory. In this application it uses strong internal pullups v-when emitting 1s and can SOUiC6 and sink a LS TTL inputs. PIN DESCRIPTIONS Vee Supply Voltage. Circuit ground. Port 0 also receives the code bytes during programming of the EPROM parts, and outputs the code bytes during program verification of the ROM and EPROM parts. External pullups are required during program verification. Port 0 Port 1 Port 0 is an a-bit open drain bidirectional 1/0 port. As an output port each pin can sink a LS TTL inputs. Port 1 is an a-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 1 output buffers can sink source 4 LS TTL inputs. Port 1 pins that have 1s written to Vss Port 0 pins that have 1s written to them float, and in that state can be used as high-impedance inputs. 10-16 intJ 8051AHP P1.0 Pl.l P1.2 P1.3 Pl.4 P1.S Pl.6 P1.7 RST RXD P3.0 TXD P3.1 INTO P3.2 INTI P3.3 TO P3.4 TI P3.S WR P3.6 Rii P3.7 XTAL2 XTALI VSS vee PO.O ADO PO.l ADI PO.2 AD2 PO.3 AD3 PO.4 AD4 PO.S ADS PO.6 AD6 PO.7 AD7 EAlVpp ALE'PROG PSEN P2.7 AIS P2.6A14 P2.S A13 P2.4 A12 P2.3 Al1 P2.2 Al0 P2.1 A9 P2.0 AS 10 11 12 13 270279-2 Pin Figure 2. MCS®-51 Connections them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. Port 2 Port 2 is an S-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 2 output buffers can sink/source 4 LS TTL inputs. Port 2 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. Port 3 Port 3 is an S-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 3 output buffers can sink/source 4 LS TTL inputs. Port 3 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL on the data sheet) because of the pullups. Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the MCS-51 Family, as listed below: Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external Program Memory and during accesses to external Data Memory that use 16-bit 'addresses (MOVX @DPTR). In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1s. Bits P2.4 through P2.7 are forced to 0, effectively limiting external Data and Code space to 4K each in the S051AHP during external accesses'. During accesses to external Data Memory that use S-bit addresses (MOVX @Ri), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register. Port 2 also receives the high-order address bits during programming of the EPROM parts and during program verification of the ROM and EPROM parts . • Protection feature 10-17 Port Pin Alternative Function P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 RXD (serial input port) TXD (serial output port) INTO (external interrupt 0) INT1 (external interrupt 1) TO (Timer 0 external input) T1 (Timer 1 external'input) WR (external data memory write strobe) RD (external data memory read strobe) B051AHP RST XTAL1 Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier. XTAL2 ALE/PROG Output from the inyerting oscillator amplifier. Address Latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the' address during accesses to external memory. OSCILLATOR CHARACTERISTICS In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of % the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external Data Memory. XTAL 1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillatbr, as shown in Figure 3. Either a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator may be used. More detailed information concerning the use of the on-chip oscillator is available in Application Note AP-155, "Oscillators for Microcontrollers." Program Store Enable is the read strobe to external Program Memory. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL 1 should be grounded, while XTAL2 is driven, as shown in Figure 4. There are no requirements on the duty cycle 'of the external clock Signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum ,and maximum high and low times specified on the Data Sheet must be observed. When the device is executing code from external Program Memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external Data Memory. EA/Vpp EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR ---...,.....f ,XTAL2 SIGNAL External Access enable EA should be strapped to Vee for internal program executions. EA must be strapped to Vss in order to enable any MeS-51 device to fetch code from external Program memory locations 0 to OFFFH. ~ C2 rl T I XTAL1 ....-...,.....f vss XTAL2 ..L 270279-5 0 Figure 4. External Drive Configuration XTAL1 C1 DESIGN CONSIDERATION vss C1. C2 = 30 pF ± 10 pF for Crystals = 40 pF ± 10 pF for Ceramic Resonators 270279-4 The 8051AHP cannot access external program or Data memory above 4K. This means that the following instructions that use the Data Pointer only read/ write data at address locations below 4K: MOVX A, @DPTR MOVX @DPTR, A Figure 3. Oscillator Connections When the Data Pointer contains an address above the 4K limit, those locations will not be accessed. 10-18 inter 8051AHP ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Ambient Temperature Under Bias .... O'C to + 70'C Storage Temperature .......... - 65'C to + 150'C Voltage on EAlVpp Pin to Vss ... -0.5V to + 21.5V Voltage on Any Other Pin to Vss .... -0.5V to + 7V Power Dissipation .......................... 1.5W D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol TA = • Notice: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. O'Cto +70'C;Vee Parameter = 5V ±10%;Vss = OV Min Max Units -0.5 0.8 V Test Conditions VIL Input Low Voltage VIH Input High Voltage (Except XTAL2, RST) 2.0 Vee + 0.5 V VIH1 Input High Voltage to XTAL2, RST 2.5 Vee + 0.5 V XTAL1 VOL Output Low Voltage (Ports 1, 2, 3)' 0.45 V 0.45 V = Vss Vou Output Low Voltage (Port 0, ALE, PSEN)* VOH Output High Voltage (Ports 1, 2, 3, ALE, PSEN) 2.4 V VOH1 Output High Voltage (Port 0 in External Bus Mode) 2.4 V IlL Logical 0 Input Current -500 p.A IIL2 Logical 0 Input Current (XTAL2) -3.2 mA = 1.6 mA = 3.2 mA IOH = -80 p.A IOH = - 400 p.A VIN = 0.45V VIN = 0.45V III Input Leakage Current (Port 0) ±10 p.A 0.45 IIH Input Current to RST to Activate Reset 500 p.A VIN Icc Power Supply Current 125 mA All Outputs Disconnected; EA = VCC CIO Pin Capacitance 10 pF Test freq IOL IOL S; < VIN S; Vee (Vee - 1.5V) = 1 MHz 'NOTE: Capacitive loading on Ports a and 2 may cause spurious noise pulses to be superimposed on the VOLS of ALE and Ports 1 and 3. The noise is due to external bus capacitance discharging into the Port a and Port 2 pins when these pins make 1·to-0 transitions during bus operations. In the worst cases (capacitive loading> 100 pF), the noise pulse on the ALE line may exceed 0.8V. In such cases it may be desirable to qualify ALE with a Schmitt Trigger, or use an address latch with a Schmitt Trigger STROBE input. 10-19 8051AHP A.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = O·Cto +70·C;Vcc = 5V ±10%;Vss = OV; Load Capacitance for Port 0, ALE, and PSEN = 100 pF; Load Capacitance for All Other Outputs = 80 pF Symbol Parameter 12 MHz Oscillator Min 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency TLHLL ALE Pulse Width TAVLL TLLAX TLLlV ALE Low to Valid Instr In TLLPL ALE Low to PSEN Low 58 TPLPH PSENPulse Width 215 TPLIV PSEN Low to Valid Instr In Max Variable Oscillator Units Min. Max " 3.5 12.0 MHz 127 2TCLCL-40 ns Address Valid to ALE Low 43 TCLCL-40 ns Address Hold after ALE Low 48 TCLCL-35 ns TPXIX Input Instr Hold after PSEN TPXIZ Input Instr Float after PSEN 4TCLCL-100 233 TCLCL-25 3TCLCL-35 125 0 TPXAV PSEN to Address Valid TAVIV Address to Valid Instr In TPLAZ PSEN Low to Address Float TALAH AD Pulse Width 400 TWLWH WA Pulse Width 400 TALDV AD Low to Valid Data In ns 3TCLCL-125 0 TCLCL.,...8 75 302 20 ns ns 20 ns ns 6TCLCL-100 0 ns 5TCLCL-115 6TCLCL-100 252 ns ns TCLCL-20 63 ns· ns ns 5TCLCL-165 0 ns TAHDX Data Hold after AD TAHDZ Data Float after AD 97 2TCLCL-70 ns TLLDV ALE Low to Valid Data In 517 8TCLCL-150 ns TAVDV Address to Valid Data In 585 9TCLCL-165 ns TLLWL ALE Low to AD or WA Low 200 3TCLCL+50 ns TAVWL Address to AD or WA Low 203 4TCLCL-130 ns TOVWX Data Valid to WA Transition 23 TCLCL-60 ns TOVWH Data Valid to WA High 433 7TCLCL-150 ns TWHOX Data Hold after WA 33 TCLCL-50 ns .TALAZ AD Low to Address Float TWHLH AD or WA High to ALE High 300 3TCLCL-50 20 43 123 10-20 TCLCL-40 ns 20 ns TCLCL+40 ns inter 8051AHP EXTERNAL PROGRAM MEMORY READ CYCLE ALE PORTO PORT 2 270279-6 EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY READ CYCLE ""-_~TLHLL ALE f4-----TLLDY - - - - . - j --I.---TRLRH +----1 PORTO I-~----TAYDY PORT 2 ------t P2.0-P2.7 OR A8-A 15 FROM DPH A8-A 15 FROM PCH 270279-7 8051AHP EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY WRITE CYCLE TWHLH ALE TLLW·L--I~".""---TWLWH -----<~ TQVWX ~-'~--~~-+-----TQVWH------~ PORTO PORT 2 DATA OUT P2.0-P2.7 OR A8-A15 FROM DPH A8-A15 FROM PCH 270279-8 10-22 inter 8051AHP SERIAL PORT TIMING-SHIFT REGISTER MODE = O·C to + 70·C; Vee = 5V ± 10%; Vss = OV; Test Conditions: TA Symbol 12 MHz Oscillator Parameter Min Max Load Capacitance = 80 pF Variable Oscillator Min Units Max TXLXL Serial Port Clock Cycle Time 1.0 12TCLCL ,...s TOVXH Output Data Setup to Clock Rising Edge 700 1OTCLCL -133 ns TXHOX Output Data Hold after Clock . Rising Edge 50 2TCLCL-117 ns TXHDX Input Data Hold after Clock Rising Edge 0 0 ns TXHDV Clock Rising Edge to Input Data Valid 700 1OTCLCL -133 ns SHIFT REGISTER TIMING WAVEFORMS '~fXLIL~ -------, t"4-,QVIH ... \ ~ , X . I WAITE TO SBUF I""UT OA'.. 1 ~TlHQ. _____ ""D' ~ I j X X~ __~X~__~X~__~X~__~x~__~1 t SET II I-""D' J~_J'~~ t SET RI CLEAR RI 270279-9 10-23 inter 8051AHP EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE Symbol Parameter Min Max Units 1/TClCl Oscillator Frequency 3.5 12 MHz TCHCX High Time 20 ns TClCX low Time 20. ns TClCH Rise Time 20 os TCHCl Fall Time 20 ns EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE WAVEFORM ....- - - - T C l C l - - - - - . . - j 270279-10 . . .> < x= u=x A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM 2.0 2.0 TEST POINTS 0.45 0.8 0.8 270279-11 A.C. Testing: Inputs are driven at 2.4V for a Logic "'1" and 0.45V . for a Logic "0". Timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a Logic "1" and 0.8V for a Logic "0". Program Verification The program verification test mode has been eliminated on the 8051 AHP. It is not possible to verify the ROM contents using this mode, the way EPROM programmers typically do. Also, the ROM contents cannot be verified by a program executing out of external program memory due to the restricted ad-dressing on the 8051AHP. 10-24 8031 AH/8051 AH 8032AH/8052AH 8751 H/8751 H-8 EXPRESS • Extended Temperature Range • Burn-In The Intel EXPRESS system offers enhancements to the operational specifications of the MCS®-51 family of microcontrollers. These EXPRESS products are designed to meet the needs of those applications whose operating requirements exceed commercial standards. The EXPRESS program includes the commercial standard temperature range with burn-in, and an extended temperature range with or without burn-in. With the commercial standard temperature range operational characteristics are guaranteed over the temperature range of O·C to 70·C. With the extended temperature range option, operational characteristics are guaranteed over the range of - 40·C to + 85·C. The optional burn-in is dynamic, for a minimum time of 160 hours at 125·C with Vee guidelines in MIL-STD-883, Method 1015. = 5.5V ± 0.25V, following Package types and EXPRESS versions are identified by a one- or two-letter prefix to the part number. The prefixes are listed in Table 1. For the extended temperature range option, this data sheet specifies the parameters which deviate from their commercial temperature range limits. The commercial temperature range data sheets are applicable for all parameters not listed here. Electrical Deviations from Commercial Specifications for Extended Temperature Range D.C. and A.C. parameters not included here are the same as in the commercial temperature range data sheets. D_C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = -40·Cto + 85·C; Vee = 5V ±10%; Vss = Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit -0.5 0.75 V ov Test Conditions VIL Input Low Voltage VIH Input High Voltage (Except XTAL2, RST) lee Power Supply Current: 8051AH,8031AH 8052AH, 8032AH 8751H,8751H-8 135 175 265 mA mA mA All Outputs Disconnected; EA = Vee Logic 0 Input Current (XTAL2) -4.0 mA Vin IIL2 2.1 10-25 Vee + 0.5· V = 0.45V October 1987 Order Number: 270007-002 intJ MCS®·51 EXPRESS Table 1. Prefix Identification Prefix Package Type Temperature Rlmge Burn·ln P plastic commercial no D cerdip commercial no C ceramic commercial no N PLCC commercial no R LCC commercial no TP plastic extended no TO cerdip extended no TC ceramic extended no QP plastic .commercial . yes QD cerdip commercial yes QC ceramic commercial yes LP plastic extended yes LD cerdip extended yes LC ceramic extended yes Please note: • Commercial temperature range is O·C to 70·C. Extended temperature range is .,..40·C to +85·C. • Burn-in is dynamic, for a minimum time of 160 hours at 125·C, Vee = 5.5V ±0.25V, following guidelines in MIL-STD-883 Method 1015 (Test Condition D). • The following devices are not available in ceramic packages: 8051AH,8031AH 8052AH, 8032AH • The following devices are not available in extended temperature range: 8751 H, 8751 H-8 Examples: P8031AH indicates 8031AH in a plastic package and specified for commercial temperature range, without burn-in. LD8051 AH indicates 8051 AH in a cerdip package and specified for extended temperature range with burn-in. 10-26 intJ 8751BH SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER WITH 4K BYTES OF EPROM PROGRAM MEMORY • Program Memory Lock • Two 16·Bit Timer/Counters • 128 Bytes Data Ram • Quick Pulse Programming™ Algorithm • 12.75 Volt Programming Voltage • • • • • Boolean Processor • 32 Programmable I/O Lines PO.O- PO.7 5 Interrupt Sources Programmable Serial Channel 64K External Program Memory Space 64K External Data Memory Space P2.0-P2.7 .... r---------- ~ -:F ~~ Vss ~ -----------, PSEN ALE/1'IW1l D/Vpp RST Pl.0-P1.7 P3.0-P3.7 270248-1 Figure 1. 8751BH Block Diagram 10-27 August 1987 Order Number: 270248-002 inter 8751BH inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (I,L, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. PIN DESCRIPTIONS PLO PLI PL2 PL3 PL4 PLS PL6 PL7 RESET (RXD) P3.0 (TXD) P3.1 (INTO) P3.2 (iNTl) P3.3 (TO) P3.4 (Tl ) P3.S (Wil) P3.6 (iID) P3.7 XTAL2 XTALI VSS Port 1 also receiveS! the low-order address bytes during EPROM programming and program verification. Vee PO.O (ADO) PO.l (AD1) PO.2 PO.3 PO.4 PO.S PO.6 (AD2) (AD3) (AD4) (ADS) (AD6) Port 2: Port 2 is an 8-bit bidirectional liD port with internal pull ups. The Port 2 output buffers can sinkl source 4 LS TIL inputs. Port 2 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will' source current (I,L, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. PO.7 (AD7) EA!VPP ALE/PROG PSEN P2.7 (A1S) P2.6 (AI4) Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external Program Memory and during accesses to external Data Memory'that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX @DPTR). In this application it uses strong internal pullupswhen emitting 1s. During accesses to external Data Memory that use 8-bit addresses (MOVX @Ri), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register. P2.S (AI3) (AI2) P2.4 P2.3 P2.2 P2.1 (All) (Al0) (A9) P2.0 (AB) Port 2 also receives the high-order address bits during EPROM programming and program verification. 270248-2 Figure 2. Pin Connections Port 3: Port 3 is an 8-bit bidirectional liD port with Vee: Supply voltage. Vss: Circuit ground. Port 0: Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bidirectional I/O port. As an output port each pin can sink 8 LS TIL inputs. Port 0 pins that have 1s written to them float, and in that state can be used as high-impedance inputs. Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus during' accesses to external Program and Data Memorv. In this application it uses stronQ internal pullups when emitting 1s, and can source and sink 8 LS TIL inputs. internal pullups. The Port 3 output buffers can sinkl source 4 LS TIL inputs. Port 3 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port. 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (I,L, on the data sheet) because of the pullups. Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the MCS®-51 Family, as listed below: I::: IRXD (Sefi~li:~;~ia;:~unction Pin P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 P3.4 P3.5. P3.6 P3.7 Port 0 also receives the code bytes during EPROM programming, and outputs the code bytes during program verification. External pullups are required during program verification. Port 1: Port 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional liD port with internal pull ups. The Port 1 output buffers can sinkl source 4 'LS TIL inputs. Port 1 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As TXD (seriai output port) INTO (external interrupt 0) INT1 (external interrupt 1) TO (Timer 0 external input) T1 (Timer 1 external input) WR (external data memory write strobe) AD (external data memory read strobe) RST: Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. 10-28 inter 8751BH ALE/PROG: Address Latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. Thi~ pin is also the program pulse input (PROG) during EPROM programming. In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external Data Memory. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL 1 should be grounded, while XTAL2 is driven, as shown in Figure 4. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and maximum high and low times specified on the Data Sheet must be observed. C2 I - - p - - - j XTAL2 PSEN: Program Store Enable is the Read strobe to External Program Memory. o When the 8751 BH is executing code from external Program Memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to External Data Memory. I-_~--j XTAL 1 t - - - - - - - - - I vss 270248-3 Cl, C2 EA/Vpp: External Access enable. EA must be strapped to Vss in order to enable the device to fetch code from External Program Memory locations OOOOH to OFFFH. Note, however, that if either of the Lock Bits are programmed, EA will be internally latched on reset. = 30 pF ± 10 pF for Crystals = 40 pF ± 10 pF for Ceramic Resonators Figure 3_ Oscillator Connections EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR----j XTAL2 SIGNAL EA should be strapped to Vee for internal program executions. - This pin also receives the 12.75V programming supply voltage (Vpp) during EPROM programming. XTALl XTAL 1: Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier. 270248-4 XTAL2: Output from, the inverting oscillator amplifier. OSCILLATOR CHARACTERISTICS Figure 4. External Clock Drive Configuration DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS XTAL 1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-Chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 3. Either a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator may be used. More detailed information concerning the use of the on-chip oscillator is available in Applications Note AP-155, "Oscillators for Microcontrollers." Exposure to light when the device is in operation may cause logic errors. For this reason, it is suggested that an opaque label be placed over the window when the die is exposed to ambient light. 10-29 intJ 8751BH ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Ambient Temperature Under Bias .... O·C to + 70·C Storage Temperature .......... - 65·C to + 150·C Voltage on EAlVpp Pin to Vss .•. - 0.5V to + 13.0V Voltage on Any Other Pin to Vss .. ;. -0.5V to + 7V Power Dissipation ..•....................... 1.5W (based on PACKAGE heat transfer limitations, not device power consumption) • Notice: Stresses above those listed under '~bso lute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTICE Specifications contained within the following tables are subject to change. ADVANCE INFORMATION-8EE INTEL FOR DESIGN-IN INFORMATION D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol (TA = O·Cto +70·C;Vcc = 5V ±10%;Vss = OV) Min Max Unit V,L Input Low Voltage (Except EA) Parameter -0.5 O.S V Test Conditions V,L1 Input Low Voltage EA Vss 0.7 V. V,H Input High Voltage (Except XTAL2, RST, EA) 2.0 Vcc+ 0.5 V V,H1 Input High Voltage XTAL2, RST 2.5 Vcc+ 0.5 V V,H2 Input High Voltage to EA 4.5 5.5 V VOL Output Low Voltage (Ports 1, 2 and 3) 0.45 V IOL = 1.6 rnA (Note 1) VOL1 Output Low Voltage (Port 0, ALE/PROG, PSEN) 0.45 V IOL = 3.2 rnA (Notes 1, 2) VOH Output High Voltage (Ports 1, 2, 3, ALE/PROG and PSEN) 2.4 V IOH = -SOtJoA VOH1 Output High Voltage (Port 0 in External Bus Mode) 2.4 V IOH = - 4OO tJoA I,L Logical 0 Input Current (Ports 1, 2, 3 and RST) I'L1 XTAL1 = VSS -1 rnA Y,N = 0.45V Logical 0 Input Current (EA) -10 rnA Y,N = VSS I'L2 Logical 0 Input Current (XTAL2) -3.2 rnA V'N= 0.45 VXTAL1 = Vss III Input Leakage Current (Port 0) ±10 tJo A I'H Logical 1 Input Current (EA) 1 rnA I'H1 Input Current to RST to Activate Reset 500 tJo A < Y,N < Vcc 4.5V < Y,N < 5.5V Y,N < (Vcc - 1.5V) Icc Power Supply Current 175 rnA All Outputs Disconnected C,O Pin Capacitance 10 pF Test Freq = 1MHz 0.45 NOTES: 1. Capacitive loading on Ports 0 and 2 may cause spurious noise pulses to be superimposed on the VOLS of ALE/PROG and Ports 1 and 3. The noise is due to external bus capacitance discharging into the Port 0 and Port 2 pins when these pins make 1·to-O transitions during bus operations. In the worst cases (capacitive loading > 100pF), the noise pulse on the ALEI PROG pin may exceed O.8V. In such cases it may be desirable to qualify ALE with a Schmitt Trigger, or use an address latch with a Schmitt Trigger STROBE input. 2. ALE/PROG refers to a pin on the 8751BH. ALE refers to a timing signal that is output on the ALE/PROG pin. 10-30 inter 8751BH A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to + 70°C; Vee = 5V ± 10%; VSS = OV); Load Capacitance for Port 0, ALE/PROG, and PSEN = 100 pF; Load Capacitance for All Other Outputs = 80 pF) ADVANCE INFORMATION-SEE INTEL FOR DESIGN-IN INFORMATION EXTERNAL PROGRAM MEMORY CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter 12 MHzOsc Min 1/TCLCL Max Oscillator Frequency Variable Oscillator Min Max 3.5 12.0 Units MHz TLHLL ALE Pulse Width 127 2TCLCL-40 ns TAVLL Address Valid to ALE Low 43 TCLCL-40 ns 48 TLLAX Address Hold After ALE Low TLLlV ALE Low to Valid Instruction In TLLPL ALE Low to PSEN Low TPLPH PSEN Pulse Width TPLIV PSEN Low to Valid Instruction In TPXIX Input Instr Hold After PSEN TCLCL-35 233 ns 4TCLCL-100 ns 58 TCLCL-:-25 ns 215 3TCLCL-35 ns 3TCLCL-125 125 0 0 ns ns TPXIZ Input Instr Float After PSEN TPXAV PSEN to Address Valid TCLCL-20 TAVIV Address to Valid Instruction In 302 5TCLCL-115 ns TPLAZ PSEN Low to Address Float 20 20 ns 63 TCLCL-8 75 ns ns TRLRH RD Pulse Width 400 6TCLCL-100 ns TWLWH WR Pulse Width 400 6TCLCL-100 ns TRLDV RD Low to Valid Data In TRHDX Data Hold After RD 252 0 5TCLCL-165 0 ns ns TRHDZ Data Float After RD 97 2TCLCL-70 ns TLLDV ALE Low to Valid Data In 517 8TCLCL-150 ns TAVDV Address to Valid Data In 585 9TCLCL-165 ns TLLWL ALE Low to RD or WR Low 3TCLCL+50 ns TAVWL Address to RD or WR Low TQVWX Data Valid to WR Transition TQVWH 200 300 3TCLCL-50 203 4TCLCL-130 ns 23 TCLCL-60 ns Data Valid to WR High 433 7TCLCL-150 ns TWHQX Data Held After WR 33 TCLCL-50 ns TRLAZ RD Low to Address Float TWHLH RD or WR High to ALE High 0 43 10-31 123 TCLCL-40 0 ns TCLCL+40 ns inter 8751BH ALE PORT 0 _ _J --- PORT 2 _ _ _J 270248-5 External Program Memory Read Cycle ALE PSEN i-----TLLDV 'I - - - < - t - - - TRLRH -----+I PORTO INSTR. IN PORT2 P2.0-P2.7 OR AB-A15 FROM DPH AB-A 15 FROM PCH 270248-6 External Data Memory Read Cycle \ ALE-{ -TLHLL- ....i-TWHLH PSEN 1 ~TLLWL - PORTO PORT2 :::r => TAVLL I--TLLAX- ,. TWLWH TQVWH FRol~i~~ DPL J ~ DATA OUT I-TWHQX K AO-A7 FROM PCL INSTR. IN TAVWL P2.0-P2.7 OR AB-A15 FROM DPH AB-A 15 FROM PCH 270248-7 External Data Memory Write Cycle 10-32 infef 8751BH SERIAL PORT TIMING - SHIFT REGISTER MODE TEST CONDITIONS (TA = O·C to + 70·C; Vee = 5V ± 10%; Vss = OV; Load Capacitance = 80 pF) Symbol 12MHzOsc Parameter Min Variable Oscillator Max Units Max Min TXLXL Serial Port Clock Cycle Time 1.0 12TCLCL f-Ls TOVXH Output Data Setup to Clock Rising Edge 700 1OTCLCL - 133 ns TXHOX Output Data Hold After Clock Rising Edge 50 2TCLCL-117 ns TXHDX Input Data Hold After Clock Rising Edge 0 0 ns TXHDV Clock Rising Edge to Input Data Valid INSTRUCTION I 0 1OTCLCL -133 700 2 4 3 5 ns 7 6 8 ALE CLOCK OUTPUT DATA I \ ~j-TXHQX 0 IX 1 IX 2 X j.TXHDV I:-IrTXHDX 3 X 4 X 5 X ·6 X I 7 t SET TI WRITE TO SBUF INPUT DATA - - - -......r.:'AL~,.....W:ALI~D.-""'Y::::ALI:-::D,.,..-I:';A':':'U:v-.r.:'~,....."\I:';~.-""'Y~,.,..-r.:':~ ALID ALID ALID ALID t I SET RI CLEAR RI 270248-8 Shift Register Mode Timing Waveforms _--TCLCL--~ ExternalClock Drive Waveforms 10·33 270248-9 8751BH EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE Symbol Parameter 2.4=X Min Max Units 1/TClCl Oscillator Frequency 3.5 TCHCX AC TESTING INPUT/OUTPUT WAVEFORMS 12 MHz High Time 20 ns TClCX low Time 20 TClCH Rise Time 20 ns TCHCl Fall Time 20 ns . 0.45 V Programming the EPROM )C 2.0' O.B TEST POINTS O.B 270248-10 AC inputs during testing are driven at 2.4V for a logic "1" and 0.45V for a logic "0". Timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a logic "1" and 0.8V for a logic "0". ns EPROM CHARACTERISTICS 2.0 - a amount of time. Even narrow glitch above that voltage level can cause permanent damage to the device. The Vpp source should be well regulated and free of glitches. To be programmed, the part must be running with a 4 to 6 MHz oscillator. (The reason the oscillator needs to be running is that the internal bus is being used to transfer address and program data to appropriate internal registers.) The address of an EPROM location to be programmed is applied to Port 1 and pins P2.0 - P2.3 of Port 2, while the code byte to be programmed into that location is applied to Port O. The other Port 2 and 3 pins, and RST, PSEN, and EAIVpp should be held at the "Program" levels indicated in Table 3. AlE/PROG is pulsed low to program the code byte into the addressed EPROM location. The setup is shown in Figure 5. AOOR. OOOOH/orrrH --+ --+ P3.6 87518H P3.7 ,..-......- - 1 XTAL 2 Normally EA~is held at a logic high-'!ntil just before AlE/PROG is to be pulsed. Then EAIVpp is raised to Vpp, AlE/PROG is pulsed low,and then EAIVpp is returned to a valid high voltage. The voltage on the EAIVpp pin must be at the valid EAIVpp high level before a verify is attempted. Waveforms and detailed timing specifications are shown in later sections of this data sheet. '--+--+-1 XTAL 1 Vss 270248-11 Figure 5. Programming the EPROM Note that the EAIVpp pin must not be allowed to go above the maximum specified Vpp level for any 10-34 8751BH Table 3. EPROM Programming Modes RST PSEN ALEI PROG EAI Vpp P2.7 P2.6 P3.6 P3.7 1 0 O' Vpp 1 0 1 1 Verify Code Data 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Program Encryption Table Use Addresses 0-1 FH 1 0 O' Vpp 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 O' O' Vpp Vpp 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 MODE Program Code Data Program Lock Bits (LBx) x=1 x=2 NOTES: "1" = Valid high for that pin "0" = Valid low for that pin "Vpp" = + 12. 75V ± 0.25V • ALE/PROG is pulsed low for 100 uS for programming. (Quick-Pulse Programming™) QUICK-PULSE PROGRAMMINGTM ALGORITHM The 8751 BH can be programmed using the QuickPulse Programming Algorithm for microcontrollers. The features of the new programming method are a . lower Vpp (12.75 volts as compared to 21 volts) and a shorter programming pulse. It is possible to program the entire 4K Bytes of EPROM memory in less than 13 seconds with this algorithm To program the part using the new algorithm, Vpp must be 12.75 ±0.25 Volts. ALE/PROG is pulsed low for 100 ftseconds, 25 times. Then, the byte just programmed may be verified. After programming, the entire array should be verified. The Program Lock features are programmed using the same method, but with the setup as shown in Table 3. The only difference in programming Lock features is that the Lock features cannot be directly verified. Instead, verification of programming is by observing that their features are enabled. tents of the addressed location will come out on Port O. External pullups are required on Port 0 for this operation. (If the Encryption Array in the EPROM has been programmed, the data present at Port 0 will be Code Data XNOR Encryption Data. The user must know the Encryption Array contents to manually "unencrypt" the data during verify.) The setup, which is shown in Figure 6, is the same as for programming the EPROM except that pin P2.7 is held at a logic low, or may be used as an active low read strobe. ADDR. PGM DATA (USE 10K PULLUPS) OOOOH/OFFF SEE TABLE 3 8751BH VIH _P3.7 ...--..---1 PROGRAM VERIFICATION If the Lock Bits have not been programmed, the onchip Program Memory can be read out for verification .purposes, if desired, either during or after the programming operation. The address of the Program Memory location to be read is applied to Port 1 and pins P2.0 - P2.3. The other pins should be held at the "Verify" ,levels indicated in Table 3. The con- 10-35 XTAL 2 '--"'-+--IXTAL 1 VIHI Vss 270248-12 Figure 6. Verifying the EPROM inter 8751BH PROGRAM MEMORY LOCK The two-level Program Lock system consists of 2 Lock bits and a 32-byte Encryption Array which are used to protect the program memory against software piracy. ENCRYPTION ARRAY Within the EPROM array are 32 bytes of Encryption Array that are initially unprogrammed (all 1s). Every time that a byte is addressed during a verify, 5 address lines are used to select a byte of the Encryption Array. This byte is then exclusive-NORed (XNOR) with the code byte, creating an Encrypted Verify byte. The algorithm, with the array in the unprogrammed state (all 1s), will return the code in its original, unmodified form. It is recommended that whenever the Encryption Array is used, at least one of the Lock Bits be programmed as well. LOCK BITS· Also included in the,EPROM Program Lock scheme are two Lock Bits which function as shown in Table Erasing the EPROM also erases the Encryption Array and the Lock Bits, returning the part to full unlocked functionality. To ensure proper functionality of the chip, the internally latched value of the EA pin must agree with its external state. ERASURE CHARACTERISTICS Erasure of the EPROM begins to occur when the chip is exposed to light with wavelengths shorter than approximately 4,000 Angstroms. Since sunlight and fluorescent lighting have wavelengths in this range, exposure to these light sources over an extended time (about 1 week in sunlight, or 3 years in room-level fluorescent lighting) could cause inadvertent erasure. If an application subjects the device to this type of exposure, it is suggested that an opaque label be placed over the window. The recommended erasure procedure is exposure to ultraviolet light (at 2537 Angstroms) to anintegrated dose of at lease 15. W-sec/cm. Exposing the EPROM to an ultraviolet lamp of 12,000 !J-W/cm rating for 20 to 30 minutes, at a distance of about 1 inch, should be sufficient. Erasure leaves the array in an all 1s state. 4. Table 4. Lock Bits and their Features Lock Bits Logic Enabled LB1 LB2 U U Minimum Program Lock features enabled. (Code Verify will still be encrypted by the Encryption Array) P U MOVC instructions executed from external program memory are disabled from fetching code b~'!es from internal memory, EA is sampled and latched on reset, and further programming of the EPROM is disabled P P Same as above, but Verify is also disabled U P Reserved for Future Definition P = Programmed U = Unprogrammed 10-36 inter 8751BH ADVANCE INFORMATION-SEE INTEL FOR DESIGN-IN INFORMATION EPROM PROGRAMMING AND VERIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 21°C to 27°C, Vee = 5.0V ±10%, vss = OV) Symbol Units Parameter Min Max Vpp Programming Supply Voltage 12.5 13.0 V IPP Programming Supply Current 50 mA 6 MHz 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency TAVGL Address Setup to PROG Low 48TCLCL 4 TGHAX Address Hold After PROG 48TCLCL TOVGL Data Setup to PROG Low 48TCLCL TGHDX Data Hold After PROG 48TCLCL TEHSH P2.7 (ENABLE) High to Vpp 48TCLCL TSHGL Vpp Setup to PROG Low 10 TGHSL Vpp Hold After PROG 10 TGLGH PROGWidth 90 TAVQV Address to Data Valid 48TCLCL TELQV ENABLE Low to Data Valid 48TCLCL TEHQZ Data Float After ENABLE 0 TGHGL PROG High to PROG Low 10 J..Lsec 110 J..Lsec 48TCLCL J..Lsec VERIFICATION PROGRAMMING PI.O-PI.7 P2.0-P2.3 J..Lsec -----{=:::!AO~D~R~ES~S~ ADDRESS -TAVQV PORT 0 .-----1{=~~~ DATA OUT TDVGL ALE/PROG ------,,1 )""I__ TELQVll'-_ _ _ P2.7 --- T_EH_Q_Z_ __ 270248-13 EPROM Programming and Verification Waveforms 10-37 8052BH SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER WITH FACTORY MASK-PROGRAMMABLE ROM 8032BH . SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT CONTROL-ORIENTED CPU WITH RAM AND I/O 8032BH-ROMless 8052BH-8K Bytes of Factory Mask-Programmed ROM • • • • • Programmable Serial Channel • Separate Transmit/Receive Baud Rate Capability 256 Bytes Data Ram Boolean Processor 32 Programmable I/O Lines Three 16-Blt Timer/Counters • 64K External Program Memory Space • 64K External Data Memory Space . • 6 Interrupt Sources PO.O-PO.7 P2.0-P2.7 -----------, r---------. ~~~ v~ ~ PORT 0 PORT 2 DRIVERS DRIVERS I'ml 'L~~ RST PI.0-P1.7 P3.0- P3.7 Figure 1. Block Diagram 10-38 270192-1 October 1987 Order Number: 270192-1103 inter 8052BH/8032BH In addition, P1.0 and P1.1 serve the functions of the following speCial features of the MCS®-51 Family: PIN DESCRIPTIONS (T2) PI.O Port Pin Vee (T2EX) PI.I PI.2 PO.I (ADI) PI.3 PO.2 (AD2) PI.4 PO.3 (AD3) PI.S PO.4 (AD4) PI.6 PO.S (ADS) PI.7 PO.6 (AD6) RESET P1.0 P1.1 PO.O (ADO) 9 Port 2: Port 2 is an a-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 2 output buffers can sink/ source 4 LS TTL inputs. Port 2 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. PO.7 (AD7) (RXD) P3.0 (TXD) P3.1 ALE (INTO) P3.2 PSEN (INTI) P3.3 P2.7 (AIS) (TO) P3.4 P2.6 (AI4) (TI) P3.S P2.S (AI3) (ViR) P3.6 (iW) P3.7 P2.4 (AI2) Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external Program Memory and during accesses to external Data Memory that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX @DPTR). In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1s. During accesses to external Data Memory that use a-bit addresses (MOVX @Ri), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register. P2.3 (All) XTAL2 P2.2 (AIO) XTAL1 P2.1 (A9) VSS P2.0 (AS) Alternate Function T2 (Timer/Counter 2 External Input) T2EX (Timer/Counter 2 Capture/Reload Trigger) 270192-2 Figure 2. Pin Connections Vee: Supply voltage. Vss: Circuit ground. Port 0: Port 0 is an a-bit open drain bidirectional I/O port. As an output port each pin can sink a LS TTL inputs. Port 0 pins that have 1s written to them float, and in that state can be used as high-impedance inputs. Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order address and' data bus during accesses to external Program and Data Memory; In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1s, and can source and sink a LS TTL.inputs. Port 3: Port 3 is an a-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 3 output buffers can sink/ source 4 LS TTL inputs. Port 3 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the pullups. Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the MCS®-51 Family, as listed below: Port 1: Port 1 is an a-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 1 output buffers can sink/ source 4 LS TTL inputs. Port 1 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. 10-39 Port Pin P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 Alternate Function RXD (serial input port) TXD (serial output port) INTO (external interrupt 0) INT1 (external interrupt 1) TO (Timer 0 external input) T1 (Timer 1 external input) WR (external data memory write strobe) RD (external data memory read strobe) inter 8052BH/8032BH RST: Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. ALE: Address Latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory; . In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external Data Memory. Figure 3. Either a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator may be used. More detailed information concerning the use of the on-chip oscillator is available in Applications Note AP-155, "O~cillators for Microcontrollers." To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL 1 should be grounded, while XTAL2 is driven, as shown in Figure 4. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and maximum high and low times specified on the Data Sheet must . be observed. PSEN: Program Store Enable is the Read strobe to External Program Memory. C2 When the device is executing code from external Program Memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to External Data Memory. EA: External Access enable. EA must be strapped to . 1 - -.....--1 XTAL2 o 1 - -.....--1 XTAL 1 t - - - - - - - - 1 vss Vss in order to enable the device to fetch code from External Program Memory locations OOOOH to 1FFFH. Note, however, that if either of the Lock Bits are programmed, EA will be internally latched on reset. . EA should be strapped to executions. 270192-3 Cl, C2 = 30 pF ± 10 pF for Crystals = 40 pF ± 10 pF for Ceramic Resonators Figure 3. Oscillator Connections Vee for internal program EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR----I XTAL2 SIGNAL XTAL 1: Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier. XTAL2: Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier. ,..-- XTAL 1 OSCILLATOR CHARACTERISTICS XTAL 1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can be configuredfor use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in 10-40 270192-4 CiftllPA A Cvt"""'I!II1 I ."WI'"" ..... _ ...."" ••• u. 1"1ft,,..., _1_"",", =-_._ .. _.. n.i t"ftftfi"'II.a.t;""" _ • •.. • .a. __ ........ intJ 8052BH/8032BH Voltage on Any Other Pin to Vss .... -O.SV to + 7V • Notice: Stresses above those listed under '~bso lute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Power Dissipation .......................... 1.SW (based on PACKAGE heat transfer limitations, not device, power consumption) NOTICE' Specifications contained within the following tables are subject to change. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* AmbientTemperature Under Bias .... O·C to + 70·C Storage Temperature, .......... - 6S·C to + 1S0·C Voltage on EA Pin to Vss ...................... -O.SV to + 13.0V ADVANCE INFORMATION. Contact Intel for Design-In Information. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA Symbol = O·Cto +70·C;Vcc Parameter . Min = sv ±10%;Vss = OV) Test Conditions . Max Unit O.B V Vss 0.7 V 2.0 Vee+ 0.5 V Input High Voltage XTAL2, RST 2.5 Vee+ 0.5 V Input High Voltage to EA 4.5 5.5 V Output Low Voltage (Ports 1, 2 and 3) 0.45 V IOL = 1.6 mA (Note 1) VOL1 Output Low Voltage (Port 0, ALE, PSEN) 0.45 V IOL = 3.2 mA (Note 1) . VOH Output High Voltage (Ports 1, 2, 3, ALE and PSEN) 2.4 V IOH = -BO",A VOH1 Output High Voltage (Port 0 in External Bus Mode) 2.4 V IOH = -400 ",A IlL Logical 0 Input Current (Ports 1, 2, 3 and RSn IIL1 ' Logica(O Input Current (EA) Input Low Voltage (Except EA) -0.5 VIL1 Input Low Voltage EA VIH Input High Voltage (Except XTAL2, RST, EA) VIH1 VIH2 VOL VIL XTAL1 = Vss -500 ",A VIN = 0.45 V mA ",A VIN = VSS 500 VIN = 0.45V XTAL1 = Vss -10 IIL2 Logical 0 Input Current (XTAL2) -3.2 mA III Input Leakage Current (Port 0) ±10 ",A 0.45 < VIN 100 pF), the noise pulse on the ALE 'pin may exceed O.BV. In such cases it may be desirable to qualify ALE with a Schmitt Trigger, or use·an address latch with a Schmitt Trigger STROBE input. 10-41 inter 8052BH/8032BH L:Logic level LOW, or ALE. P:PSEN. O:Output data. R:RD signal. T:Time. V:Valid. W:WR signal. X:No longer a valid logic level. . Z:Float. EXPLANATION OF THE AC 'SYMBOLS Each timing symbol has 5 characters. The first character is always a, "T" (stands for time). The other characters, depending on their positions, stand for the name of a signal or the logical status of that signal. The following isa I.ist of all the characters and what they stand f o r . ' .' A:Address .. C:Clock. D:lnput data. H:Logic level HIGH. 1:lnstruction (program memory contents). For example; TAVLL = Time from Address Valid to ALE 'Low. TLLPL = Time from ALE Low to PSEN Low. A_C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O·C to 70·C; Vee = 5V ± 10%; Vss = OV); Load Capacitance for Port 0, ALE and PSEN = 100 pF; Load Capacitance for All Other Outputs = 80 pF) ADVANCE INFORMATION. Contact Intel for Design-In Information. EXTERNAL PROGRAM MEMORY CHARACTERISTICS 12MHz9sc Min Max 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency TLHLL ALE Pulse Width 127 Variable· OSCillator • Max Min 3.5 12.0 2TCLCL-40 TAVLL Address Valid to ALE Low 43 TCLCL-40 TLLAX Address Hold After ALE Low 48 TLLlV ALE Low to Valid Instruction In TLLPL ALE Low to PSEN Low TPLPH PSENPulse,Width TPLIV PSEN Low to Valid Instruction In TPXIX Input Instr Hold After PSEN TPXIZ Input Instr Float After PSEN TPXAV PSEN to Address Valid ' TAVIV Address to Valid Instruction In Symbol Parameter I TCLCL-25 215 3TCLCL-35 125 0 ns ns TCLCL-20 63 FI~at ns 3TCLCL -1.25 TCLCL-8 .. 302' 20 ns ns 0 75 ns ns 4TCLCL-100 58 MHz ns TCLCL-35 233 Units 5TCLCL-115 ns ns ns . TPLAZ PSEN Low to Address TRLRH RD Pulse Width 400 6TCLCL-100 IWLWH WR Pulse Width 400 6TCLCL-100 TRLDV RD Low to Valid Data In TRHDX Data Hold After RD TRHDZ Data Float After RD 97 2TCLCL-70 ns TLLDV ALE Low toValid Data In 517 8TCLCL-150 ns TAVDV Address to Valic! Data In 585 9TCLCL-165 ns TLLWL' ALE Low to RD or WR Low 200 TAVWL Address to RD or WR Low . 203 23 '. TOVWX Data Valid to WR Transition TOVWH' , Data Valid to WR High TWHOX Data Held After WR TRLAZ RD Low to Address Float TWHLH RD or WR High to ALE High 20 0 ns ns 5TCLCL-165 252 3TCLCL-50 ns ns 0 300 ns 3TCLCL+50 4TCLCL-130 ns ns' TCLCL-60 , ns ,433 7TCLCL-150 ns 33 TCLCL-50 0 43 10-42 123 TCLCL-40 ns 0 ns TCLCL+40 ns intJ 8052BH/8032BH _ _...J ~LE PSEN _ _..I TPXAV TPXIZ PORT 0 _ _ _..1 PORT 2 AO-.A7 ---- AB-AI5 270192-5 External Program Memory Read Cycle ALE PSEN i-----TLLDV ' I -----0-1---- TRLRH -----+l RD ----+-----~ ~-----------------INSTR. IN PORTO P2.0-P2.7 OR AB-AI5 FROM DPH PORT2 AB-A 15 FROM PCH 270192-6 External Data Memory Read Cycle , ALE I -TLHLL- J =L-TWHLH ~ ~TLLWL -. TAVLL !-TLLAX- , TWLWH ~ TQVWH PORTO ~ FRoll~i~h DPL TAVWL PORT2 :::::> - - DATA OUT P2.0-P2.7 OR AB-A 15 FROM DPH '-TWHQX XAO-A7 FROM PCL INSTR. IN AB-AI5 FROM PCH 270192-7 External Data Memory Write Cycle 10-43 8052BH/8032BH SERIAL PORT TIMING - SHIFT REGISTER MODE .TEST CONDITIONS TA = 0·Ct070·C;"Vcc =5V ± 10%;Vss = OV; Load Capacitance = 80pF Symbol 12MHzOsc .. Parameter Min Variable Oscillator Max Units Max Min TXLXL Serial Port Clock Cycle Time 1.0 12TCLCL /Ls TOVXH Output Data Setup ~o Clock Rising Edge 700 10TCLCL"'-133 ns TXHOX Output Data Hold After Clock Rising Edge 50 2TCLCL-117 ns TXHDX Input Data Hold After Clock Rising Edge 0 0 ns TXHDV Clock Rising Edge to Input Data Valid INSTRUCTION I c 1OTCLCL -133 700 0 3 2 4 7 6 5 ns 8 ALE CLOCK I TOVXH OUTPUT DATA I r-TXHOX ---"'I:\~--:O~""-:-\IX SBUF" .J INPUT DATA ~L t WRITE TO t CL~R 1 I" IXr--:2~""\Xr-~~ 3 X X 4 ~r~~ TXHDV I: ~u 5 -X 6 X I 7 I SET TI ~Il ~LIIl ~Ull ~ ~ I SET RI RI 270192-8 Shift Register Mode Timing Waveforms 14-TCHCX-+I TCLCH-I 14- -+I J+- TCHCL -~-TCLCL---+I External Cloc~ Drive Waveforms 10-44 270192-9 8052BH/8032BH EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE Symbol Parameter AC TESTING INPUT/OUTPUT WAVEFORMS 2.4=X Min Max Units 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency 3.5 12 MHz TCHCX High Time 20 ns TCLCX Low Time 20 ns TCLCH Rise Time 20 ns TCHCL Fall Time 20 ns 2.0 o~ 2.0 TEST POINTS o~ )C . . 0.4SV 270192-10 AC inputs during testing are driven at 2.4V for a logic 'T' and 0.45V for a logic "0". Timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a logic '"1" and O.BV for a logic "0". Table 1_ Lock Bits and their Features Lock Bits PROGRAM MEMORY LOCK The two-level Program Lock system consists of 2 Lock bits and a 32-byte Encryption Array which are used to protect the program memory against software piracy. The following description applies to the 8752BH. The same options are also available on the 8052BH, mask-programmed at the factory. LB2 U U Minimum Program Lock features enabled. (Code Verify will still be encrypted by the Encryption Array) P U MOVC instructions executed from external program memory are disabled from fetching code bytes from internal memory, EA is sampled and latched on reset, and further programming of the EPROM is disabled P P Same as above, but Verify is also disabled U P Reserved for Future Definition ENCRYPTION ARRAY Within the EPROM array are 32 bytes of Encryption Array that are initially unprogrammed (all 1s). Every time that a byte is addressed during a verify, 5 address lines are used to select a byte of the Encryption Array. This byte is then exclusive-NORed (XNOR) with ·the code byte, creating an Encrypted Verify byte. The algorithm, with the array in the unprogrammed state (all 1s), will return the code in its original, unmodified. form. . It is recommended that whenever the Encryption Array is used, at least one of the Lock Bits be programmed as well. Logic Enabled' LB1 P = Programmed U = Unprogrammed To ensure proper functionality of the chip, the internally latched value of the EA pin must agree with its . extern~l.state. LOCK BITS Also included in the Program Lock scheme are two Lock Bits which function as shown in Table 1. 10-45 8752B'H SINGLE-CHIP8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER, WITH 8K BYTES OF EPROM PROGRAM,MEMORY ..' • Program Memory Lock • 256 Bytes Data Ram' • Quick Pulse Programming™ Algorithm • 6 Interrupt Sources • Programmable Serial Cliannel • Separate Transmit/Receive Baud Rate Capability .64K External Program Memory Space • .12:75 Volt Programming Voltage • Boolean Processor • 32 Programmable I/O Lines • Three 16·Bit Timer/Counters • 64K External Data Memory Space PO.O-PO.7 r - ~~ - - - - -,- - - P2.0-P2.7 - . p..~t..I.lI~ :--:---------, Vss -F i'S£iI AU:/1'RllC £A'Yitr ::I~ CO'NTRO>L\ P1.0-Pl.7 P3.0-P3.7 270429-1 Figure 1. Block Diagram 10-46 October 1987 Order Number: 270429-001 inter 8752BH Port 1 also receives the low-order address bytes during EPROM programming and program verification. PIN DESCRIPTIONS (T2) PLO Vee (T2EX) Pl.l, PO.O (ADO) Pl.2 PO.l (AD1) Pl.3 PO.2 (AD2) Pl.4 Pl.S PO.3 (AD3) In addition, P1.0 and P1.1 serve the functions of the following special features of the MCS®-S1 Family: Port Pin P1.0 P1.1 PO.4 (AD4) Pl.S PO.S (ADS) Pl.7 PO.S (ADS) RESET PO.7 (AD7) (RXD) P3.0 EA/Vpp (TXD) P3.1 ALE/PROG (INTO) P3.2 PSEN {lNT1) P3.3 P2.7 (A lS) (TO) P3.4 P2.S (A14) (T1 ) P3.S (WR) P3.S P2.S (A13) P2.4 (A12) (RO) P3.7 P2.3 (All) XTAL2 P2.2 (Al0) XTALl P2.1 (A9) Vss P2.0 (A8) Alternate Function T2 (Timer/Counter 2 External Input) T2EX (Timer/Counter 2 Capture/Reload Trigger) Port 2: Port 2 is an a-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 2 output buffers can sink/ source 4 LS TTL inputs. Port 2 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the. internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external Program Memory and during accesses to external Data Memory that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX @DPTR). In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1s. During accesses to external Data Memory that use a-bit addresses (MOVX @Ri), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register. 270429-2 Figure 2. Pin Connections Port 2 also receives the high-order address bits during EPROM programming and program verification. Vee: Supply voltage. Vss: Circuit ground. Port 0: Port 0 is an a-bit open drain bidirectional 110 port. As an output port each pin can sink a LS TTL inputs. Port 0 pins that have 1s written to them float, and in that state can be used as high-impedance . inputs. Port 0 is also the multipl~xed low-order address and data bus during accesses to external Program and Data Memory. In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emittill9 1s, and can source and sink a LS TTL input~ .. Port 3: Port 3 is an a-bit bidirectional I/O port with intermil pullups. The Port 3 output buffers can sink/ source 4 LS TTL inputs. Port 3 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the pull ups. Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the MCS®-S1 Family, as listed below: Port Pin P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 P3.4 P3.S P3.6 P3.7 Port 0 also receives the code bytes during EPROM programming, and outputs the code bytes during program verification. External pullups are required during program verification. Port 1: Port 1 is an a-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 1 output buffers can sink/ source 4 LS TTL inputs. Port 1 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current .(IIL' on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. Alternate Function RXD (serial input port) TXD (serial output port) INTO (external interrupt 0) INT1 (external interrupt 1) TO (Timer 0 external input) T1 (Timer 1 external input) WR (external data memory write strobe) RD (external data memory read strobe) RST: Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. 10-47 8752BH ALE/PROG: Address Latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. This pin is also the program pulse input (PROG) during EPROM programming on the 8752BH. In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external Data Memory. cations Note AP-155, "Oscillators for Microcontrollers." To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL 1 should be grounded, while XTAL2 is driven, as shown in Figure 4. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and maximum high and low times specified on the Data Sheet must be observed. PSEN: Program Store Enable is the Read strobe to External Program Memory: C2 r---1I--.---f XTAL2 When the device is executing code from external Program Memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access ~o External Data Memory. t--.....--I XTAL 1 .....~-----I Vss EA/Vpp: External Access enable. EA must be strapped to Vss in order to enable the device to fetch code from External Program Memory locations_ OOOOH to 1FFFH. Note, however, that if either of the Lock B.its are programmed, EA will be internally latched on reset. 270429-3 C1. C2 = 30 pF ± 10 pF for prystals = 40 pF ± 10 pF for Caramic Resonators Figure 3. Oscillator Connections EA sh.ould be strapped to Vee for internal program executions. . . EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR~---I XTAL2 SIGNAL This pin also receives the 12.75V programming supply voltage (Vpp) during EPROM programming. XTAL 1: Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier. - XTAL1 _ Vss XTAL2: Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier. 270429-4 Figure 4. External Clock Drive Configuration OSCILLATOR CHARACTERISTICS XTAL 1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can be configured .for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 3. Either a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator may be used. More detailed information concerning the use of the on-chip oscillator is available in Appli- DESIGN .CONSIDERATIONS Exposure to light when tlie 8752BH is in operation may cause logic errors. For this reason, it is suggested that an opaque label be placed over. the window of the 8752BH when the die is exposed to ambient light. 10-48 inter 8752BH • Notice: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Ambient Temperature Under Bias ...... ODC to 70DC Storage Temperature .......... -6SDC to + 1S0DC Voltage on EAlVpp Pin to Vss ... -O.SV to + 13.0V Voltage on Any Other Pin to Vss .... -O.SV to + 7V Power Dissipation .......................... 1.SW (based on PACKAGE heat transfer limitations, not device power consumption) NOTICE Specifications contained within the fol/owing tables are subject to change. sv ±10%;Vss = OV) Min Max Units Input Low Voltage (Except EA) -0.5 0.8 V VILl Input Low Voltage EA Vss 0.7 V VIH Input High Voltage (Except XTAL2, RST, EA) 2.0 Vee+ 0.5 V VIH1 Input High Voltage XTAL2, RST 2.5 Vec+ 0.5 V VIH2 Input High Voltage to EA 4.5 5.5 V VOL Output Low Voltage (Ports 1, 2 and 3) 0.45 V IOL = 1.6 mA (Note 1) Vall Output Low Voltage (Port 0, ALE/PROG, PSEN) 0.45 V 10L = 3.2 mA (Note 1, 2) VOH Output High Voltage (Ports 1, 2, 3, ALE/PROG and PSEN) 2.4 V IOH = -80/LA VOH1 Output High Voltage (Port 0 in External Bus Mode) 2.4 V IOH = - IlL Logical 0 Input Current (Ports 1, 2, 3 and RST) /LA VIN = 0.45V IIL1 Logical 0 Input Current (EA) mA VIN = Vss = 0,45V XTAL1 D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol VIL (TA = ODCto +70DC;Vcc = Parameter -500 -10 500 /LA Test Conditions XTAL1 IIL2 Logical 0 Input Current (XTAL2) -3.2 mA VIN III Input Leakage Current (Port 0) ±10 /LA 0.45 = Vss 400 /LA = Vss < VIN < Vee 4.5V < VIN < 5.5V VIN < (Vee - 1.5V) IIH Logical 1 Input Current (EA) 1 mA IIH1 Input Current to RST to activate Reset 500 /LA lee Power Supply Current 175 mA All Outputs Disconnected Cia Pin Capacitance 10 pF Test freq = 1 MHz NOTES: 1. Capacitive loading on Ports 0 and 2 may cause spurious noise pulses to be superimposed on the VOLS of ALE/PROG and Ports 1 and 3. The noise is due to external bus capacitance discharging into the Port 0 and Port 2 pins when these pins make 1-\0-0 transitions during bus operations. In the worst cases (capacitive loading > 100 pF), the noise pulse on the ALE/PROG pin may exceed O.SV. In such cases it may be desirable to qualify ALE with a Schmitt Trigger, or use an address latch with a Schmitt Trigger STROBE input. 2. ALE/PROG refers to a pin on the device. ALE refers to a timing signal that is output on the ALE/PROG pin. 10-49 8752BH L:Logic level LOW, or ALE P:PSEN .. Q:Output data .' R:RD signal T:Time V:Valid W:WR signal X:No longer a valid logic level Z:Float EXPLANATION OF THE AC SYMBOLS Each timing symbol has 5 characters. The first character is always a 'T' (stands for time). The other characters, depending on their positions, stand for the name. of a signal or the logical status of that signal. The following is a,list of all the ch!lracters and what they stand for. A:Address C:Clock' D:lnput Data H:Logic level HIGH 1:lnstruction (program memory contents) For example, TAVLL TLLPL = Time from Address Valid to ALE Low. = Time from ALE Low to PSEN Low. A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O°C to + 70°C; Vcc. = 5V ± 10%; Vss = OV); Load Capacitance for Port 0, ALE/PROG, and PSEN = 100 pF; Load Capacitance for All Other OutpLits = 80 pF) EXTERNAL PROGRAM MEMORY CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter 12MHzOsc Min Variable Oscillator Max Min' Max 3.5 12.0 Units l/TCLCL OsCiliator Frequency TLHLL ALE Pulse Width 127 2TCLCL-40 ns TAVLL Address Valid to ALE Low 43 TCLCL-40 ns TLLAX Address Hold After ALE Low 48 TCLCL-35 TLLlV ALE Low to Valid Instruction In TLLPL ALE Low to PSEN Low 58 TCLCL-25 TPLPH PSEN Pulse Width 215 3TCLCL-35 TPLIV PSEN Low to Valid Instruction In TPXIX .input Instr Hold After PSEN TPXIZ Input Instr Float After PSEN TPXAV PSEN to Address Valid TAVIV Address to Valid Instruction In 302 5TCLCL-115 ns TPLAZ PSEN Low to Address Float 20 20 ns, TRLRH RD Pulse Width 400 6TCLCL-100 TWLWH WR Pulse Width 400 6TCLCL-100 TRLDV RD Low to Valid Data In TRHDX Data Hold After RD TRHDZ Data Float After RD 97 2TCLCL-70 ns TLLDV ALE Low to Valid Data In 517 8TCLCL-150 ns TAVDV Address to Valid Data In 585 9TCLCL-165 ns TLLWL ALE Low to RD or WR Low. 200 3TCLCL+50 ns TAVWL Address to RD or WR Low 203 4TCLCL-130 ns TOVWX Data Valid to WR Transition 23 TCLCL-60 ns TOVWH Data Valid to WR High 433 7TCLCL-150 ns TWHOX Data Held After WR 33 TCLCL-50 TRLAZ RD Low to Address Float TWHLH RD or WR High to ALE High 233 ns 4TCLCL-100 0 ns TCLCL-20 . TCLCL-8 75 252 300 ns ns 5TCLCL-165 3TCLCL-50 0 43 123 10-50 TCLCL-40 ns ns .0 0 ns ns 0 63 ns ns 3TCLCL-125 125 MHz' ns ns ns 0 ns TCLCL+40 ns 8752BH ALE _ _J PSEN _ _J ]I--!----Ji"_____. TPXAV TPXIZ PORT a _ _J AO-A7 AB-AI5 PORT 2 _ _.....J 270429-5 External Program Memory Read Cycle ALE PSEN 'I i------TLLDV --+--- TRLRH ---~ PORTO INSTR. IN P2.0-P2.7 OR AB-AI5 FROM DPH PORT2 AB-AI5 FROMPCH 270429-'6 External Data Memory Read Cycle ALE -1:.-TLHLL~ I ~ 4TWHLH ~ ~TLLWL .PORTO PORT2 :::r :::::> TAVLL -TLLAX- , TWLWH TQVWH FRoIAA~i~~ DPL J ~ DATA OUT --TWHQX 1\ AO-A7 FROM PCL INSTR. IN TAVWL P2.0-P2.7 OR AB-A 15 FROM DPH X AB-A 15 FROM PCH 270429-7 External Data Memory Write Cycle 10-51 8752BH SERIAL PORT TIMING-SHIFT REGISTER MODE TEST CONDITIONS Symbol TA = o·c to + 70·C; vee = 5V ± 10%; vss Parameter Min = OV; Load Capacitance = 80 pF Variable Oscillator 12MHzOsc Max Units Max Min TXLXL Serial Port Clock Cycle Time .1.0 12TCLCL TOVXH Output Data Setup to Clock Rising Edge 700 10rCLCL --.: 133. ns TXHOX Output Data Hold After . Clock Rising Edge 50 2TCLCL-117 ns TXHDX Input Data Hold After Clock Rising Edge 0 0 ns TXHDV Clock Rising Edge to Input Data Valid INSTRUCTION I 10TCLCL-133 700 2· ·1 0 . /Ls 7 6 4 3 ns 8 ALE CLOCK OUTPUT DATA· t \ ~!-TXHQX 0 IX 1 I X 2 3 X 4 X 5 X 6X r.: . .... 7/ I -lrTXHDX SET TI WRITE TO SBUF -l TXHDV INPUT DATA -.,.....----\r.:AJ~,....-w:AlI~·~-\r.:A-:-::U)J'"-,.r.:':AL'::!ID.;--V~AIJ~,...."'\r.~AIJ'="-\r.:AIJ":':D)J'"-,.r.:':":!J I t SET RI. CLEAR RI 270429-8 Shift Register Mode Timing Waveforms 270429-9 External Clock Drive Waveforms 10-52 inter 8752BH EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE Symbol Parameter A.C. TESTING INPUT/OUTPUT WAVEFORMS Min Max Units '1/TClCl Oscillator Frequency 3.5 12 2 . 4 = X 2.0 O.B MHz TCHCX High Time 20 ns TClCX low Time 20 ns TClCH Rise Time 20 ns TCHCl Fall Time 20 ns TEST POINTS 2.0 0.8 )C 0.45V 270429-10 AC inputs during testing are driven ,at 2.4V.for a logic "1" and O.4SV for a logic "0". Timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a logic "1" and O.BV for a logic "0". EPROM CHARACTERISTICS Table 1 shows the logic levels for programming the Program Memory, the Encryption Table, and the lock Bits and for reading the Signature bytes. Programming the EPROM To be programmed, the 8752BH must be running with a 4 to 6 MHz oscillator. (The reason the oscillator needs to be running is that the internal bus is being used to transfer address and program data to appropriate internal registers.) The address of an EPROM location to be programmed is applied to Port 1 and pins P2.0 - P2.4 of Port 2, while the code byte to be programmed into that location is applied to Port O. The other Port 2 and 3 pins, and RST, PSEN, and EAlVpp should be held at the "Pro- gram" levels indicated in Table 1. AlE/PROG is pulsed low to program the code byte into the addressed EPROM location. The setup is shown in Figure 5. Normally EAlVpp is held at a logic high..J!.ntil just before AlE/PROG is to be pulsed. Then EAlVpp is raised to Vpp, AlE/PROG is pulsed low, and then EAlVpp is returned to a valid high voltage. The voltage on the EAlVpp pin must be at the valid EAlVpp high level before a verify is attempted. Waveforms and detailed· timing specifications are shown in later sections of this data sheet. Note that the EAlVpp pin must not be allowed to go above the maximum specified Vpp level for any amount of time. Even a narrow glitch above that voltage level can cause permanent damage to the device. The Vpp source should be well regulated and free of glitches. +5V 25 100!-'. PULSES TO GND 8752BH .--_--IXTAL2 L -......-+-IXTAL 1 Vss 270429-11 Figure 5. Programming the EPROM 10-53 inter 8752BH Table 1 EPROM Programming Modes MODE RST PSEN ALEI PROG EAI Vpp' P2.7 P2.6 P3.6 P3.7 Program Code Data 1 0 O' Vpp 1 0 1 1 Verify Code Data 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Program Encryption Table Use Addresses 0-1 FH 1 0 O' Vpp 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 O· O' Vpp Vpp 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Program Lock Bits (LBx) Read Signature x=1 x=2 NOTES: "1" = Valid high for that pin "0" = Valid low for that pin "Vpp" = + 12.75V ±0.25V *ALE/PROG is pulsed low for 100 uS for programming. (Quick-Pulse Programming™) QUICK-PULSE PROGRAMMINGTM ALGORITHM PROGRAM VERIFICATION If the Lock Bits have not been programmed, the onchip Program Memory can be read out for verification purposes, if desired, either during or after the programming operation. The address of the Program Memory location to be read is applied to Port .1 and pins P2.0 - P2.4. The other pins should be held at the "Verify" levels indicated in Table 1. The contents of the addressed location will come out on Port O. External pullups are required on Port 0 for this operation. (If the Encryption Array in the EPROM has been programmed, the data present at Port 0 will be Code Data XNOR Encryption Data. The user must know the Encryption Array contents to manually "unencrypt" the data during verify.) The 8752BH can be programmed using the QuickPulse Programming™ Algorithm for microcontrollers. The features of the new programming method are a lower Vpp (12.75 volts as compared to 21 volts) and a shorter programming pulse. It is possible to program the entire 8K Bytes of EPROM memory in less than 25 seconds with this algorithm! To program the part using the new algorithm, Vpp must be 12.75 ±0.25 Volts. ALE/PROG is pulsed low for 100 fLseconds, 25 times as shown in Figure 6. Then, the byte just programmed may be verified. After programming, the entire array should be verified. The Program Lock features are programmed using the same method, but with the setup as shown in Table 1. The only difference in programming Lock features is that the Lock features cannot be directly verified. Instead, verification of programming is by observing that their features are enabled. The setup, which is shown in Figure 7, is the same as for programming the EPROM except that pin P2.7 is held at a logic low, or may be used as an active low read strobe. 11~, - - - - - - 2 5 'I PULSES ALE/PROG:~-----~ '----.---J . '-.~ 10)'. MIN1 I' ALE/PROG :---...:...,\ n o L._ _ _ _ _ _ _..J 100,u' :1:10)'. 'I n '-_ _ _ _ _ _..... '-._ __ 270429-12 Figure 6. PROG Waveforms 10-54 8752BH 270429-13 Figure 7. Verifying the EPROM Table 2. Lock Bits and their Features PROGRAM MEMORY LOCK Lock Bits The two-level Program Lock system consists of 2 Lock bits and a 32-byte Encryption Array which are used to protect the program memory against software piracy. Logic Enabled LB1 LB2 U U Minimum Program Lock features enabled. (Code Verify will still be encrypted by the Encryption Array) P U MOVC instructions executed from external program memory are disabled from fetching code bytes from internal memory, EA is sampled and latched on reset, and further programming of the EPROM is disabled P P Same as above, but Verify is also disabled U P Reserved for Future Definition ENCRYPTION ARRAY Within the EPROM array are 32 bytes of Encryption Array that are initially unprogrammed (all 1s). Every time that a byte is addressed during a verify, 5 address lines are used to select a byte of the Encryption Array. This byte is then exclusive-NORed (XNOR) with the code !:Iyte, creating an Encrypted Verify byte. The algorithm, with the array in the unprogrammed state (all 1s), will return the code in its original, unmodified form. It is recommended that whenever the Encryption Array is used, at least one of the Lock Bits be programmed as well. P = Programmed U = Unprogrammed LOCK BITS READING THE SIGNATURE BYTES· Also included in the EPROM Program Lock scheme are two Lock Bits which function as shown in Table The signature bytes are read by the same procedure as a normal verification of locations 030H and 031 H, except that P3.6 and P3.7 need to be pulled to a logic low. Thevalues returned are: 2. Erasing the EPROM also erases the Encryption Array and the Lock Bits, returning the part to full unlocked functionality. To ensure proper functionality of the chip, the internally latched value of the EA pin must agree with its external state. 10-55 (030H) (031 H) = 86H indicates manufactured by Intel = 52H indicates 8752BH 8752BH ERASURE CHARACTERISTICS this type of exposure, it is suggested that an opaque label be placed over the window. Erasure of the EPROM begins to occur when the 8752BH is exposed to light with wavelengths shorter than approximately 4,000 Angstroms. Since sunlight and fluorescent lighting have wavelengths in this range, exposure to these light sources over an extended time (about 1 week in sunlight, or 3 years in room-level fluorescent lighting) could cause inadvertent erasure. If an application subjects the device to The recommended erasure procedure is exposure to ultraviolet light (at 2537 Angstroms) to an integrated dose of at lease 15 W-sec/cm. Exposing the EPROM to an ultraviolet lamp of 12,000 jJ-W/cm rating for 30 minutes, at a distance of about 1 inch; should be sufficient. Erasure leaves the array in an all 1s state. EPROM PROGRAMMING AND VERIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 21°C to 27°C, Vee = 5.0V ±10%, Vss = OV) Symbol Units Parameter Min Max Vpp Programming Supply Voltage 12.5 13.0 V Ipp Programming Supply Current 50 rnA -6 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency TAVGL Address Setup to PROG Low TGHAX Address Hold After PROG 48TCLCL TDVGL Data Setup to PROG Low 48TCLCL 4 MHz 48TCLCL TGHDX Data Hold After PROG 48TCLCL TEHSH P2.7 (ENABLE) High to Vpp 48TCLCL TSHGL Vpp Setup to PROG Low 10 jJ-s TGHSL Vpp Hold After PROG 10 jJ-s TGLGH PROGWidth 90 TAVaV Address to Data Valid TELaV ENABLE Low to Data Valid TEHaZ Data Float After ENABLE 0 TGHGL PROG High to PROG Low 10 jJ-s 48TCLCL PROGRAMMING PI.a-pI.7 p2.a-p2.4 110 48TCLC;L 48TCLCL. jJ-s VERIFICAnON ---:----{=:A~D~DR~ES~S~~=~--~-__;=:::!A~DD~RE~SS~J----TAVQV PORT a ----H:=~~~:=H_-----:--_{~DA~TA~O~U~T::Jf-----:-TDVGL ALE/PROG -----""\1 TSHGLj-_ fA/vpp _ _ TGLGH ~lI---"'vp-p---'i!-----.ll'---:;::t,.:;::::::-_ _.f-____I - - - - - --J ="!T_EHSH P2.7 ~.~----~------- TEHQZ ~-~ 270429-14 EPROM Programming and Verification Waveforms 10-56 SOC51 BH/SOC51 BH-1 /SOC51 BH-2 CHMOS SINGLE-CHIP S-BIT MICROCOMPUTER WITH FACTORY MASK-PROGRAMMABLE ROM SOC31 BH/SOC31 BH-1/S0C31 BH-2 CHMOS SINGLE-CHIP S-BIT CONTROL-ORIENTED CPU WITH RAM AND I/O SOC51BH/SOC31BH-3.5 to 12 MHz, Vee = 5V ± 20% SOC51BH-1/S0C31BH-1-3.5 to 16 MHz, Vee = 5V ±20% SOC51BH-2/S0C31BH-2-0.5 to 12 MHz, Vee = 5V ± 20% • Power Control Modes • High Performance CHMOS Process • • 128 x 8-Bit RAM 32 Programmable I/O Lines • Boolean Processor _ 5 Interrupt Sources • Two 16-Bit Timer/Counters • Programmable Serial Port • 64K Program Memory Space • 64K Data Memory Space The MCS®-51 CHMOS products are fabricated on Intel's CHMOS III process and are functionally compatible with the standard MCS-51 HMOS and EPROM products. CHMOS III is a technology which combines the high speed and density characteristics of HMOS with the low power attributes of CHMOS. This combination expands the effectiveness of the powerful MCS-51 architecture and instruction set. Like the MCS-51 HMOS versions, the MCS-51 CHMOS products have the following features: 4K byte of ROM (80C51 BH/80C51 BH-1/80C51BH-2 only); 128 bytes of RAM; 32 I/O lines; two 16-bit timer/counters; a fivesource two-level interrupt structure; a full duplex serial port; and on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry. In addition, the MCS-51 CHMOS products have two software selectable modes of reduced activity for further power reduction-Idle and Power Down. The Idle mode freezes the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters serial port and interrupt system to continue functioning. The Power Down mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator, causing all other chip functions to be inoperative. -IVSS~ - - I I I 270064-1 Figure 1. Block Diagram 10-57 September 1987 Order Number: 270064·005 inter 80C51BH, -1, -2/80C31BH, -1,-2 IDLE MODE Vss In the Idle mode; the CPU puts itself to sleep while all the on chip peripherals stay active. The instruction that invokes the Idle mode is the last instruction executed in the normal operating mode before Idle mode is activated. The content of CPU, the on chip RAM, and all the Special Function Registers remain intact during this mode. The Idle mode can be terminated either by any enabled interrupt, at which time the process is picked up at the interrupt service routine and continued, or by a hardware reset which starts the processor the same as a power on reset. Circuit ground. POWER DOWN MODE In the Power Down mode the oscillator is stopped, and the instruction that invokes Power Down is the last instruction executed. The· on-chip. RAM and Special Function Registers retain their values until the Power Down mode is terminated. The only exit from Power bown is a hardware reset. Reset redefines the SFRs but does not change the on-chip RAM. The reset should not be activated before Vee is restored to its normal operating level and must be held active long enough to allow the oscillator to restart and stabilize. The control bits for the reduced power modes are in the Special Function Register PCON. PortO Port Ois an 8-bit open drain bi-directional 1/0 port. Port 0 pins that have 1's written to them float, and in that state can be used .as high-impedance inputs. Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus during accesses to external Program and Data Memory. In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1s; Port 0 al~9 outputs the code bytes during program verification in the 80C51 SH. External pullups are required during program verification. Port 1 Port 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. Port 1 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pull ups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (ilL, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. Port 2 NOTE: For more detailed information on these reduced power modes refer to Application Note AP-252, "Designing with the 80C51 SH". Port 2 is an 8-bit bidirectional 1/0 port with'internal pullups. Port 2 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (ilL, on the data sheet) because of the internal pull ups. PIN DESCRIPTIONS Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external Program Memory and during Vee Supply voltage during normal, Idle, and Power Down operations. Table 1. Status of the external pins during Idle and Power Down modes Mode Idle Program Memory ALE PSEN PORTO PORT 1 PORT 2 PORT 3 Internal 1 1 Data Data Data Data , Idle External 1 1 Float Data Address Data Power Down Internal 0 0 Data Data Data Data Power Down External 0 0 Float Data Data Data 10-58 intJ 80C51BH, -1, -2/80C31BH, -1,-2 INDEX CORNER VCC PO.O PO.l PO.2 PO.3 PO.4 PO.5 ' PO.I PO.7 Pl.0 Pl.l Pl.2 Pl.3 Pl.4 Pl.5 Pl.6 Pl.7 RST P3.0/RXD P3.1/TXD P3.2/iN'fii P3.3INTl P3.4/TO P3.S/Tl P3.6/WR P3.7/iii) XTAL2 XTALl VSS P1.5 Pl.6 Pl.7 RST P3.0 NC P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 P3.4 P3.S EA ALE iiSEN P2.7 'P2.6 P2.5 P2.4 P2.3 P2.2 P2.1 P2.0 ~(~ ~~ )=~ :~ PO.S PO.4 :.: ~ ~~! PO.6 !~1 ~H PO.7 H] ~~ 1~ ~ r~ NC EA ~~~ ~~ ALE !! ~ ~}~ ~~! r~! P2.7 !!; rM P2.6 r~ P2.S j!] :~: ;~: :2: :;;: ;R: 270064-2 :A~ ::: r~; ;i: ;s;; PSEN :~: 270064-3 Pin Pad Diagrams are for pin reference only. Package sizes ,are not to scale. Figure 2. Connection Diagrams accesses to external Data Memory' that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX @DPTR). In this, application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1s. During accesses to external Data Memory that use S-bit addresses (MOVX @Ri), Port 2 emits the conten(s of the P2 Special Function Register. RST Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles whiie the oscillator is running resets the device. An internal diffused resistor to Vss permits PowerOn reset using only an external capacitor to Vee. Port 3 ALE Port 3 is an S-bit bidirectional 110 port with internal pullups. Port 3 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state. can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (ilL, on the data sheet) because of the pullups. Address Latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the MCS-51 Family, as listed below: Port Pin P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however,that one ALE pulse is skipped during each' access to external Data Memory. Alternate Function RXD (serial input port) TXD (serial output port) INTO (external interrupt 0) INT1 (external interrupt 1) TO (Timer 0 external input) T1 (Timer 1 external input) WR (external data memory write strobe) RD (external data memory read strobe) Program Store Enable is the read strobe to external Program Memory. 10-59 inter 80C51BH, ~1, -2/80C31BH, -1,-2 When the 80C51 BH is executing code from external Program Memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external Data Memory. PSEN is not activated during fetches from internal program memory. EA External Access enable. EA must be strapped to Vss in order to enable the device to fetch code from external Program Memory locations· OOOOH to OFFFH. If EA is strapped to Vee the device executes from internal Program Memory unless the program counter contains an address greater than. OFFFH. ured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 3. More detailed information concerning the use of the on-chip oscillator is available in Application Note AP-155,. "Oscillator for Microcontr'ollers". To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL1 should be driven, while XTAL2 is left unconnected, as shown in Figure 4. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide~by-two flip"flop, but minimum and maximum high and low times specified on the Data Sheet must be observed. . Design Considerations XTAL1 • At power on, the voltage on Vee and RST must come up at the same time for proper start-up. Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to. the internal clock generator circuits. • Before entering· the Power Down mode the contents oUhe Carry Bit and B.7 must be equal. a • When the Idle mode is terminated by a hardware reset, the device normally resumes program execution, from where it .left off, up to two machine cycles before the internal reset algorithm takes control: On-chip hardware inhjbits access to internal RAM in this event, but access to the port pins is, not inhibited. To elimin.ate the possibility of an unexpected write when Idle is terminated by reset, the instruction following the .one that invokes Idle should not be on~ that writes to a port pin or to external memory. .. XTAL2 Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier. 30pF" t - - - - - - - - I vss NC 270064-4 Figure 3. Crystal OSCillator XTAL2 EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR --~----------1 XTAL 1 SIGN~L ':,: . Oscillator, Characteristics VSS XTAL 1 and XTAL2 are the inpl,lt and output, respectively, of an inverting ,amplifier which can be config- 270064-5. Figure 4. External Drive Configuration 10-60 inter 80C51BH, -1, -2/80C31BH, -1,-2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Ambient Temperature Under Bias .... o'e to + 70'e Storage Temperature .......... - 65'e to + 150~e Voltage on any Pin to Vss ................ -0.5V to Vcc + 0.5V Voltage on Vcc to Vss ............. -0.5V to 6.5V • Notice: Stresses above those listed under '~bso lute Maximum Ratings" may caU.se permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.. Power Dissipation ......................... 1.0W· "This value is based on the maximum allowable die temperature and the thermal resistance of the package. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol = o'e to 70'e; Vcc = 5V ± 20%; Vss = OV) Typ(3) Max Unit VIL Input Low Voltage (ExceptEA) -0.5 0.2 Vee -0.1 V VIL1 Input Low Voltage (EA) -0.5 0.2 Vee - 0.3 V VIH Parameter (TA NOTICE Specifications contained within the following tables are subject to change. ,Input High Voltage (Except XT AL 1, RST) Min 0.2 Vee + 0.9 Vee + 0.5 V Vee + 0.5 V Test Conditions VIH1 Input High Voltage (XTAL1, RSn VOL Output Low Voltage (Ports 1. 2. 3) 0.45 V IOL = 1.6mA(1) VOL1 Output Low Voltage , (Port 0, ALE, PSEN) 0.45 'V IOL = 3.2 mA (1) Output High Voltage (Ports 1, 2, 3, ALE, PSEN) VOH Output High Voltage (Port 0 in External Bus Mode) VOH1 0.7 Vee 2.4 V IOH = -60 /LA Vee = 5V ±10% 0.75 Vee V IOH = -25/LA 0.9 Vee V IOH= -10/LA 2.4 V IOH = -800 /LA Vee = 5V ± 10% 0.75 Vee V IOH = -300/LA V 0.9 Vee IOH = -80 /LA (2) IlL Logical 0 Input Current (Ports 1, 2, 3) -50 /LA VIN = 0.45V ITL Logical 1 to 0 Transition Current (Ports 1, 2, 3) -650 /LA VIN = 2V III Input Leakage Current (PortO, EA) ±10 /LA 0.45 RRST Reset Pulidown Resistor 150 . KO CIO Pin Capacitance 10 pF Icc Power Supply Current: Active Mode, 12 MHz (4) Idle Mode, 12 MHz (4) Power Down Mode 20 5 50 mA mA I 50 11 1.7 5 10-61 /LA < VIN < Vee Test Freq = 1 MHz, T A = 25'C (5) 80C51BH, -1, -2/80C31BH, -1, ~2 NOTES: 1. Capacitive loading on Ports 0 and 2 may cause spurious noise pulses to be superimposed on the Vou; of ALE and Ports 1 and 3. The noise is due to external bus capacitance discharging into the Port 0 and Port 2 pins when these pil')s make 1to-O transitions during bus operations. In the worst cases (capacitive loading> 100 pF), the noise pulse on the ALE line may exceed O.BV. In such cases it may be desirable to qualify ALE with a Schmitt Trigger, or use an address latch with a Schmitt Trigger STROBE input. , ' 2. Capacitive loading on PO,rts 0 and 2 may cause the VOH on ALE and PSEN to momentarily fall below the 0.9 Vcc specification when the address bits are stabilizing. 3. "Typicals" are based on limited number of samples taken from early manufacturing lots and are not guaranteed. The values listed are at room temperature,'5V. ' 4. ICCMAX at other frequencies is given by Active Mode: ICCMAX = 1.47'X FREQ + 2.35 Idle Mode: ICCMAX = 0.33 x FREQ + 1.05 , where FREQ is the external oscillator frequency in MHz. ICCMAX is given in mAo See Figure 5. 5. See Figures 6 through 9 for Icc test conditions. a 2S 1 ,--""r--,--...,-"T1 ~~~VE MODE TYP(3) 151---+-----ifr-+-----..I ACTIVE MODE XTAL2 XTAL1 10r---+-~___i-~+--~ vss MAX IDLE MODE 270064-15 Figure 7. Icc Test Condition, Idle Mode. All other pins are disconnected. TYP(3) L:~d:::::::t:=:t=~ IDLE MODE 4MHz BMHz 12MHz 16MHz FREQ AT XTAL 1 270064-13 Figure 5. Icc vs. Frequency. Valid only within frequency specifications of the device under test. XTAL2 XTALI vss 270064-14 Figure 6. Icc Test Condition, Active Mode. All other pins are disconnected. " I 10-62 inter 80C51BH, -1, -2/80C31BH, -1,-2 O.S • - - - - - -~~---Vce. . 0.7 Vee 0.4SV 0.2 Vce -O.l TCHCL 270064-16 Figure 8. Clock Signal Waveform for Icc Tests in Active and Idle Modes. TCLCH = TCHCL = 5 ns. Vce lee~ ",---vee... vce PO RST Eli XTAL2 XTALl vss 270064-17 Figure 9. Icc Test Condition, Power Down Mode. All other pins are disconnected. Vcc = 2V to 6V. EXPLANATION OF THE AC SYMBOLS Each timing symbol has 5 characters. The first character is always a 'T' (stands for time). The other characters, depending on their positions, stand for the name of a signal or the logical status of that . signal. The following is a list of all the characters and . what they stand for. A: C: D: H: I: L: Address. Clock. Input data. Logic level HIGH. Instruction (program memory contents). Logic level LOW, or ALE. P: Q: A: T: V: W: X: Z: PSEN. Output data. AD signal. Time. Valid. WA signal. No longer a valid logic level. Float. EXAMPLE: TAVLL = Time for Address Valid to ALE Low. TLLPL = Time for ALE Low to PSEN Low. 10-63 80C51BH, -1, -2/80C31BH, -1,-2 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O·C to 70·C, Vee =. 5V ± 20%, Vss = OV, Load Capacitance for Port 0, ALE, and PSEN = 100 pF, Load Capacitance for All Other Outputs = 80 pF) EXTERNAL PROGRAM AND DATA MEMORY CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter 12MHzOsc Min 1/TCLCL Max Oscillator Frequency 80C51 BH/80C31 BH 80C51 BH-1 /80C31BH-1 80C51 BH-2/80C31 BH-2 Variable OSCillator Units Min Max 3.5 3,5 0.5 12 16 12 MHz TLHLL ALE Pulse Width 127 2TCLCL - 40 ns TAVLL Address Valid to ALE Low 28 TCLCL - 55 ns 48 TCLCL - 35 TLLAX Address Hold After ALE Low TLLlV ALE Low to Valid Instr In TLLPL ALE Low to PSEN Low 43 TCLCL - 40 ns TPLPH PSEN Pulse Width 205 3TCLCL - 45 ns TPLIV PSEN Low to Valid Instr In TPXIX Input Instr Hold After PSEN TPXIZ Input Instr Float After PSEN TAVIV Address to Valid Instr In 234 .3TCLCL - 105 145 0 ns 4TCLCL - 100 0 ns ns ns 59 TCLCL - 25 ns 312 5TCLCL - 105 ns 10 ns TPLAZ PSEN Low to Address Float TRLRH RD Pulse Width 400 TWLWH WR Pulse Width 400 TRLDV RD Low to Valid Data In TRHDX Data Hold After RD TRHDZ Data Float After RD 97 2TCLCL - 70 TLLDV ALE Low to Valid Data In 517 8TCLCL- 150 ns TAVDV Address to Valid Data In 585 9TCLCL - 165 ns TLLWL ALE Low to RD or WR Low 200 TAVWL Address Valid to RD or WR Low 203 4TCLCL - 130 ns TOVWX Data Valid to WR Transition 23 TCLCL - 60 ns TWHOX Data Hold After WR 33 TRLAZ RD Low to Address Float TWHLH RD or WR High to ALE High 10 6TCLCL - 100 ns 6TCLCL - 100 0 ns 5TCLCL - 165 252 0 300 3TCLCL - 50 43 10-64 ns 3TCLCL + 50 TCLCL - 50 0 123 ns ns ns 0 TCLCL - 40 .ns TCLCL ns + 40 ns intJ 80C51BH, -1, -2/80C31BH, -1,-2 EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY READ CYCLE TWHLH ALE ---- ---TLLDy---- --TLLWl.-!----TRLAH-t---- ------~------, Ir----------------TAHDZ - TRHD. - -TRLAZ PORTO I --:: DATA IN ------TAyDy------- AI·A1S FROM PCH P2.0·P2.7 OR A8·A15 FAOM DPH PORT 2 270064-6 EXTERNAL PROGRAM MEMORY READ CYCLE ALE -TAYLL- - - - - - T P l P H - - - TLLPL TLUV TPXIZI-TPIII- - INSTR IN POATD AI-AtS PORT 2 270064-7 10-65 intJ 80C51BH, "1, -2/80C31BH, -1,-2 EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY WRITE CYCLE TWHLH ALE -TLLWL--j----TWLWH----- TWHQX ..L PORTO PORT 2 DATA OUT P2.0 - P2.7 OR AI - A15 FROM DPH INSTR IN AI - A15 FROM PCH 270064-8 10-66 inter 80C51BH, -1, -2/80C31BH, -1,-2 . - i L W z § 0 ...t. cO I ! I!l :! I ]-i!i ]-i Shift Register Mode Timing Waveforms 10·67 intJ 80C51BH, -1, -2/80C31BH, -1, ~2 EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE " Symbol Parameter 1/TCLCL Min Max Oscillator Frequency 80C51 BH/80C31 BH 80C51 BH-1/80C31 BH-1 80C51 BH-2/80C31 BH-2 . 3.5 3.5 0.5 12 16 12 20 Units MHz ns TCHCX High Time TCLCX LciwTime TCLCH Rise Time 20 ns TCHCL Fall Time 20 ns .. ns 20 SERIAL TIMING-SHIFT REGISTER MODE Test Conditions: TA = O·C to 70·C; Vee = 5V ±20%; Vss Parameter··· Symbol Min TXLXL == OV; Load Capacitance 12 MHzOsc Max = 80 pF Variable Oscillator Min Units Max 1.0 12TCLCL p.s 700 10TCLCL - 133 ns TXHQX Output Data Hold After Clock Rising Edge 50 2TCLCL - 117 ns TXHDX Input Data Hold After Clock Rising Edge 0 0 ns Serial Port Clock Cycle Time TQVXH Output Data Setup to Clock Rising Edge TXHDV Clock Rising Edge to Input Data Valid 700 10TCLCL - 133 ns EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE WAVEFORM. 270064-10 x=. AC TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORMS =>( vee- o.s 0.45 V 0.2 VCC·+O.9 0.2 VCC-O.l . FLOAT WAVEFORMS VOH-O.l V TIMING REFERENCE POINTS '--_ _ _---,_....J~ VOL +0.1 V -.-=:.::..------ 270064-12 270064-11 For liming purposes a port pin is no longer floating when a 100 mV change .from load voltage occurs, and begins to float when a 100 mV change from the loaded VOHIVOl level occurs. IOl/lOH ;;, ± 20 rnA. . AC Inpuls during testing are driven at Vee -.0.5 for a logic "1" and 0.45 V for a logic "0". Timing measurements are made at VIH min. for a logic "1" and Vil max. for a logic "0". . 10-68 80C31 BH/80C51 BH EXPRESS • Extended Temperature Range • Burn-In • 3.5 to 12 MHz Vee = 5V± 20% The Intel EXPRESS system offers enhancements to the operational specifications of the MCS®-51 family of microcontrollers. These EXPRESS, products are designed to meet the needs of those applications whose operating requirements exceed commercial standards. The EXPRESS program includes the commercial standard temperature range with burn-in and an extended temperature range with or without burn-in. With the commercial standard temperature range, operational characteristics are guaranteed over the temperature range of O°C to 70°C. With the extended temperature range option, operational characteristics are guaranteed over the range of - 40°C to + 85°C. The optional burn-in is dynamic for a minimum time of 160 hours at 125°C with Vee = '6.9V ±0.25V, following guidelines in MIL-STD-883, Method 1015. Package types and EXPRESS versions are identified by a one- or two-letter prefix to the part number. The prefixes are listed in Table 1. For the extended temperature range option, this data sheelspecifies the parameters which deviate from their commercial temperature range limits. The commercial temperature range data sheets are applicable for all parameters not listed' here. 10-69 September 1987 Order Number: 270218-002 inter 80C31BH/80C51BH EXPRESS Electrical Deviations from Commercial Specifications for Extended Temperature. Range D.C. and A.C. parameters not included here are the same as in the commercial temperature range data sheets. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = -40'C to + 85'C; Vcc = 5V ± 20%; Vss = OV Symbol VIL VIL1 VIH VIH1 IlL ITL LImits Parameter Input Low Voltage (Except EA) EA. Input High Voltage (Except XTAL1, RST) Input High Voltage to XTAL 1, RST Logical 0 Input Current (Port 1, 2, 3) Logical 1 to 0 transition Current (Ports 1, 2, 3) Prefix P D N TP TO TN OP OD ON LP LD LN Min -0.5 -0.5V Max 0.2Vcc - 0.15 0.2Vcc - 0.35 0.2Vcc + 1 0.7Vcc + 0.1 VCC + 0.5 Vcc + 0.5 -75 -750 Table 1 Prefix Identification Package Type Temperature Range Plastic Commercial Cerdip Commercial PLCC Commercial Plastic Extended Cerdip Extended PLCC Extended Plastic Commercial Cerdip Commercial PLCC Commercial Plastic Extended Cerdip Extended PLCC Extended Unit Test C~mdltlons V V V ,. V jJ-A Vin = 0.45V jJ-A. Yin = 2.0V Burn-In No No NoNo No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NOTE: • Commercial temperature range Is O'C to 70'C. Extended temperature range is -40'C to +85'C. • Burn·in is dynamic for a minimum time of 160 hours at 125'C. Vee = 6.9V ±0.25V. following guidelines in MIL·STO·883 . Method 1015 (Test Condition OJ. Examples: P80C31 BH indicates 80C31 BH in a plastic package and specified for commercial temperature range, without burn·in. LD80C51 BH indicates 80C51 BH in a cerdip package and specified for extended temperature range with burn· in. . 10·70 87C51/87C51-1/87C51-2 CHMOS SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER WITH 4K BYTES OF EPROM PROGRAM MEMORY 87CS1-3.S to 12 MHz, Vee = sv ± 10% 87CS1-1-3.S to 16 MHz, Vee = SV ± 10% 87CS1-2-0.S to 12 MHz, Vee = SV ± 10% • High Performance CHMOS EPROM • Programmable Serial Channel • Quick-Pulse Programming™ Algorithm • 2-Level Program Memory Lock • TTL- and CMOS-Compatible Logic Levels • Boolean Processor • 64K External Program Memory Space • 128-Byte Data RAM • 32 Programmable I/O Lines • Two 16-Bit Timer/Counters • 5 Interrupt Sources • 64K External Data Memory Space • IDLE and POWER DOWN Modes • ONCETM Mode Facilitates System Testing • LCC, PLCC, and DIP Packaging Available The 87C51 is the EPROM version of the 80C51 BH. It is fabricated on Intel's CHMOS II-E process. It contains 4K bytes of on-chip Program memory that can be electrically programmed, and can be erased by exposure to ultraviolet light. The 87C51 EPROM array uses a modified Quick-Pulse programming algorithm, by which the entire 4K-byte array can be programmed in about 12 seconds. The extremely low operating power, along with the two reduced power modes, Idle and Power Down, make this part very suitable for low power applications. The Idle mode freezes the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port, and interrupt system to continue. functioning. The Power Down mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator, causing all other chip functions to be inoperative. r---------- ~ 270147-1 Figure 1. MCS®-S1 Architectural Block Diagram 10-71 October 1987 Order Number: 270147-004 87C51/87C51-1/87C51-2 P"O vee P", PO.O (AOO) P"2 P,,3 PO.l (ADI) P"4 PO.3 (AD3) P"S PD.4 (AD4) PO.2 (AD2) INDEX CORNER "": "! "! "l u g"l ii: ii: ii: ii: ii: z > ~ g .. ..'" N d d P"6 PO.S (ADS) PO.4 P"7 RESET PO.6 (AD6) PO.S PO.7 (AD7) (RXD) P3.0 EA/VPP (TXD) P3.1 ALE/PROG (INTO) P3.2 PSEN (INTI) P3.3 P2.7 (A1S) (TO) P3.4 P2.6 (AI4) (T1) P3.S P2.S (AI3) (Wil) P3.6 P2.4 (AI2) (Rli) P3.7 P2.3 (All) PO.7 EA/Vpp P3.0 NC XTAL2 P2.2 (AID) XTALI P2.1 VSS PO.6 RST Ne P3.1 ALE/PROG P3.2 PSEN P3.3 P2.7' P3~4 P2.6 P3.S P2.S (A9) .'" ..'" P2.D (AS) ..; 270147-2 ~ N ...J ::; '"'" > ~ ~ x x u z o "-: .. '" ~ ~ N N N 270147-21 DIP LCC/PLCC Figure 2. Pin Connections . PIN DESCRIPTION· Vee: Supply voltage during normal, Idle, and Power Down operations. Vss: Circuit ground. Port 0: Port 0 is an a-bit open drain bidirectional 110 port. As an output port each pin can sink a LS TTL inputs. Port 0 pins that have 1s written to them float, and in that state can be used as high-impedance inputs. Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus during accesses to external memory. In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1s. Port 0 also receives the code bytes'during EPROM programming, and outputs the code bytes during program verification. External pullups are required during program verification. Port 1: Port 1 is an a-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. Port 1 pins that have .1 s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups,and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1" pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. Port 2: Port 2 is an a-bit b.idirectional 110 port with internal pullups. Port 2 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs.. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled IQw will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external Program memory and during accesses to external Data Memory that use 16-bit address (MOVX @DPTR). In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1s. During accesses to external Data Memory that use a-bit addresses (MOVX @Ri), Port 2 emits the conter)ts of the P2 Special Function Register. Port 2 also receives some control signals and the high-order address bits during EPROM programming and program verification. Port 3: Port 3 is an a-bit bidirectional 110 port with internal pullups. Port 3 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the pullups.. Port 1 also receives the low-order address bytes during EPROM programming and program verification. 10-72 inter 87C51/87C51-1/87C51-2 Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the MCS-51 Family, as listed below: Pin Name Alternate Function P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 RXD TXD INTO INT1 TO T1 WR RD Serial input line Serial output line External Interrupt 0 External Interrupt 1 Timer 0 external input Timer 1 external input External Data Memory Write strobe External Data Memory Read strobe XTAL2 XTAL 1 ...------t vss 270147-3 Figure 3. Using the On-Chip Oscillator Port 3 also receives some control signals for EPROM programming and program verification. RST: Reset input. A logic high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. An internal pulldown resistor permits a power-on reset to be generated using only an external capacitor to Vee. EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SIGNAL ALE/PROG: Address Latch Enable output signal for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. This pin is also the program pulse input (PROG) during EPROM programming. In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external Data Memory. PSEN: Program Store Enable is the Read strobe to External Program Memory. When the 87C51 is executing from Internal Program Memory, PSEN is inactive (high). When the device is executing code from External Program Memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to External Data Memory. EA/Vpp: External Access enable. EA must be strapped to Vss in order to enable the 87C51 to fetch code from External Program Memory locations OOOOH to OFFFH. Note, however, that if either of the Lock Bits is programmed, the logic level at EA is internally latched during reset. EA must be strapped to Vee for internal program execution. This pin also receives the 12.75V programming supply voltage (Vpp) during EPROM programming. XTAL 1: Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock generating circuits. XTAL2: Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier. NC - XTAL2 ----I XTAL 1 270147-4 Figure 4. External Clock Drive OSCILLATOR CHARACTERISTICS XTAL 1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 3. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL 1 should be driven, while XTAL2 is left unconnected, as shown in Figure 4. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and maximum high and low times specified on the Data Sheet must be observed. IDLE MODE In Idle Mode, the CPU puts itself to sleep while all the on-chip peripherals remain active. The mode is invoked by software. The content of the on-chip RAM and all the Special Functions Registers remain unchanged during this mode. The Idle Mode can be terminated by any enabled interrupt or by a hardware reset. It should be noted that when Idle is terminated by a hardware reset, the device normally resumes program execution, from where it left off, up to two machine cycles before the internal reset algorithm takes control. On-Chip hardware inhibits access to internal RAM in this event, but access to the port 10-73 infef 87C51/87C51-1/87C51-2 Table 1 Status of the external pins during Idle and Power Down Program Memory ALE PSEN Idle Internal 1 1 Data Data Data Data Idle External 1 1 Float Data Address Data Power Down Internal 0 0 Data Data Data Data Power Down External 0 0 Float Data Data Data Mode PORTO PORT1 PORT2 PORT3 NOTE: For more detailed information on the reduced power modes refer to current Embedded Controller Handbook, and Application Note AP-252, "Designing with the 80C51BH." pins is not inhibited. To eliminate the possibility of an unexpected write to a port pin when Idle is terminated by reset, the instruction following the one that invokes Idle should not be one that writes to a port pin or to external memory. Lock Bits: Also on th'e chip are two Lock Bits which can be left unprogrammed (U) or can be programmed (P) to obtain the following additional features: Bit 1 Bit2 Additional Features POWER DOWN MODE U U none In the Power Down mode the oscillator is stopped, and the instruction that invokes Power Down is the last instruction executed. The on-chip RAM and Special Function Registers retain their values until the Power Down mode is terminated. P U • Externally fetched code can not access internal Program Memory. • Further programming disabled. U P (Reserved for Future definition.) P P • Externally fetched code can not access internal Program Memory. • Further programming disabled. • Program verification is disabled. a The only exit from Power Down is hardware reset. Reset redefines the SFRs but does not change the on-chip RAM. The reset should not be activated before VCC is restored to its normal operating level and must be held active long enough to allow the oscillator to restart and stabilize. When Lock Bit 1 is programmed, the logic level at the EA pin is sampled and latched during reset. If the device is powered up without a reset, the latch initializes to a random value, and holds that value until reset is activated. It is necessary that the latched value of EA be in agreement with the current logic level at that pin in order for the device to function properly. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Exposure to light when the device is in operation may cause logic errors. For this reason, it is suggested that an opaque label be placed over the window when the die is exposed to ambient light. If using the 87C51 to prototype for the 80C51 BH, consult the Design Considerations section of the 80C51 BH data sheet. ONCETM MODE PROGRAM MEMORY LOCK The 87C51 contains two program memory lock schemes: Encrypted Verify and Lock Bits. Encrypted Verify: The 87C51 implements a 32byte EPROM array that can be programmed by the customer, and which can then be used to encrypt the program code bytes during EPROM verification. The EPROM verification procedure is performed as usual, except that each code byte comes out logically X-NORed with one of the 32 key bytes. The key bytes are gone through in sequence. Therefore, to read the ROM code, one has to know the 32 key bytes in their proper sequence. The ONCE ("on-circuit emulation") mode facilitates testing and debugging of systems using the 87C51 without the 87C51 having to be removed from the circuit. The ONCE mode is invoked by: 1. Pull ALE low while the device is in reset and PSEN is high; 2. Hold ALE low as RST is deactivated. While the device is in ONCE mode, the PortO pins go into a float state, and the other port pins and ALE and PSEN are weakly pulled high. The oscillator circuit remains active. While the 87C51 is in this mode, an emulator or test CPU can be used to drive the circuit. Normal operation is restored when a normal reset is applied. 10-74 inter 87C51/87C51-1/87C51-2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Ambient Temperature Under Bias .... O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature , ......... - 65°C to + 150°C Voltage on EAlVpp Pin to Vss ....... OV to + 13.0V Voltage on Any Other Pin to Vss .. -0.5V to +6.5V Power Dissipation .......................... 1.5W (Based on package heat transfer limitations, not device power consumption). • Notice: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTICE Specifications contained within the following tables are subject to change. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS: (TA = O°Cto +70°C;Vcc = 5V ±10%;Vss = OV) Symbol Parameter VIL Input Low Voltage (Except EA) VILl Input Low Voltage to EA VIH Input High Voltage (Except XTAL 1, RST) VIHl Input High Voltage (XTAL1, RST) VOL Max Unit -0.5 Min Typ(1) .2Vcc-· 1 V 0 .2Vcc-·3 V .2Vcc+·9 Vcc+·5 V 0.7Vcc Vcc+·5 V Output Low Voltage (Ports 1,2, 3) 0.45 V VOLl Output Low Voltage (Port 0, ALE, PSEN) 0.45 V VOH Output High Voltage (Ports 1. 2. 3, ALE. PSEN) Test Conditions IlL Logical 0 Input Current (Ports 1. 2. 3) -50 p.A = 1.6 rnA (2) = 3.2 rnA (2) IOH = -60p.A IOH = -25p.A IOH = -10 p.A IOH = -BOO p.A IOH = - 300 p.A IOH = -BO p.A (3) VIN = 0.45 V IlL Logicall-to-O transition current (Ports 1, 2. 3) -650 p.A (4) ILl Input Leakage Current (Port 0) ±10 p.A Icc Power Supply Current: Active Mode @ 12 MHz (5) Idle Mode @ 12 MHz (5) Power Down Mode 25 4 50 rnA rnA p.A 300 kfl _10 pF VOHl Output High Voltage (Port 0 in External Bus Mode) 2.4 V .75Vcc V .9Vcc V 2.4 V .75Vcc V V .9Vcc RRST Internal Reset Pulldown Resistor CIO Pin Capacitance 11.5 1.3 3 50 IOL IOL VIN = VIL or VIH (6) NOTES: 1. "Typicals" are based on a limited 'number of samples taken from early manufacturing lots and are not guaranteed. The values listed are at room temp. 5V. 2. Capacitive loading on Ports 0 and 2 may cause spurious noise pulses to be superimposed on the VOLS of ALE and Ports 1 and 3. The noise is due to external bus capacitance discharging into the Port 0 and Port 2 pins when these pins make 1to-O transitions during bus operations. In the worst cases (capacitive loading> 100pF). the noise pulse on the ALE pin may exceed O.BV. In such cases it may be desirable to qualify ALE with a Schmitt Trigger. or use an address latch with a Schmitt Trigger STROBE input. ' , 3. Capacitive loading on Ports 0 and 2 may cause the VOH on ALE and PSEN to momentarily fall below the 0.9Vcc specification when the address bits are stabilizing. 4. Pins of Ports 1. 2. and 3 source a transition current when they are being externally driven from 1 to O. The transition current reaches its maximum value when VIN is approximately 2V. 5. IccMAX at other frequencies is given by: Active Mode: IccMAX = 0.94 x FREQ Idle Mode: IccMAX = 0.14 x FREQ + 13.71 + 2.31 where FREQ is the external oscillator frequency in MHz. IccMAX is given in mAo See Figure 5. 6. See Figures 6 through 9 for Icc test conditions. 10-75 87C51/87C51·1/87C51·2 30 IIAX ACTIVE IIODE 25 RST 20 XTAL2 XTALI I VSS '"E u !.! 270147-18 10 Figure 7. Icc Test Condition, Idle Mode. All other pins are disconnected. 5~--~~+---+---~ TYP(1) ~=±::::::::±:=:t:=J IDLE MODE 4_ SMHz 1211Hz 16MHz FREQ AT XTAL1 . 270147-16 RST Figure 5. Icc vs. FREQ. Valid only within frequency specifications of the device under test. XTAL2 XTALI VSS 270147-20 Figure 9. Icc Test Condition, Power Down Mode. All other pins are disconnected. Vce = 2V to 5.5V. RST XTAL2 XTALI Vss 270147-17 Figure 6. Icc Test Condition, Active Mode. All other pins are disconnected. 270147-19 Figure 8. Clock Signal Waveform for Icc tests In Active and Idle Modes. TCLCH = TCHCL = 5 ns. 10-76 inter 87C51/87C51-1/87C51-2 EXPLANATION OF THE AC SYMBOLS Each timing symbol has 5 characters. The first character is always a 'r (stands for time). The other characters, depending on their positions, stand for the name of a signal or the logical status of that signal. The following is a list of all the characters and what they ~tand for. A:Address. C:Clock. D:lnput data. , H:Logic level HIGH. 1:lnstriJction (program memory contents). L:Logic level LOW, or ALE. P:PSEN. O:Output data. R:RD signal. T:Time. V:Valid. W:WR signal. X:No longer a valid logic level. Z:Float. For example, TAVLL TLLPL = Time from Address Valid to ALE Low. = Time from ALE Low to PSEN Low. A.C. CHARACTERISTICS: (TA = O°C to + 70°C; Vee = 5V ± 10%; Vss = OV; Load Capacitance for Port 0, ALE, and PSEN = 100 pF; Load Capacitance for All Other Outputs = 80 pF) EXTERNAL PROGRAM AND DATA MEMORY CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency 87C51 87C51-1 87C51-2 ALE Pulse Width Address Valid to ALE Low Address Hold After ALE Low ALE Low to Valid Instr In ALE Low to PSEN Low PSEN Pulse Width PSEN Low to Valid Instr In Input Instr Hold After PSEN Input Instr Float After PSEN Address to Valid Instr In PSEN Low to Address Float RD Pulse Width WR Pulse Width RD Low to Valid Data In Data Hold After RD Data Float After RD ALE Low to Valid Data In Address to Valid Data In ALE Low to RD or WR Low Address to RD or WR Low Data Valid to WR Transition Data Hold After WR RD Low to Address Float RD or WR High to ALE High TLHLL TAVLL TLLAX TLLlV TLLPL TPLPH TPLIV TPXIX TPXIZ TAVIV TPLAZ TRLRH TWLWH TRLDV TRHDX TRHDZ TLLDV TAVDV TLLWL TAVWL TQVWX TWHOX TRLAZ TWHLH 12 MHz Oscillator Max Min Variable Oscillator Min Max 3.5 3.5 0.5 2TCLCL:"-40 TCLCL-55 TCLCL-35 127 28 48 12 16 12 4TCLCL-100 234 TCLCL-40 3TCLCL-45 43 205 3TCLCL-105 145 0 0 TCLCL-25 5TCLCL-105 10 59 312 10 6TCLCL-100 6TCLCL-100 400 400 5TCLCL-165 252 0 0 97 517 585 300 200 203 23 33 0 123· 43 10-77 3TCLCL-50 4TCLCL-130 TCLCL-60 TCLCL-50 TCLCL-40 2TCLCL-70 8TCLCL-150 9TCLCL-165 3TCLCL+50 0 TCLCL+40 Units MHz ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns inter 87C51/87CS1-1/87C51-2 ALE _ _J PSEiii --- PORT 0 ......._ - - ' PORT 2 _ _ _J AB-A15 270147-5 External Program Memory Read Cycle ALE PSEN I------TLLDV----I'I ----I~--- TRLRH -----I PORTO INSTR. IN TAVDV PORT2 P2.0-P2.7 OR AB-A15 FROM DPH AB-A15 FROM PCH 270147-6 External Data Memory Read Cycle ALE PSEN TLLWL ----1"'1---- TWLWH PORTO - --'----I DATA OUT FROM RI OR DPL INSTR. IN ~---TAVWL---~ PORT 2 P2.0-P2.7 ORAB-A15 FROM DPH A8-A 15 FROM PCH 270147-7 External Data Memory Write Cycle 10-78 intJ 87C51/87C51-1/87C51-2 EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE Symbol Parameter EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE WAVEFORM Min Max Units 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency 87CS1 87CS1-1 87CS1-2 3.S 3.S O.S 12 16 12 MHz TCHCX High Time 20 ns TCLCX Low Time 20 ns TCLCH Rise Time 20 ns TCHCL Fall Time 20 ns 270147-8 SERIAL PORT TIMING-SHIFT REGISTER MODE Symbol 12 MHz Oscillator Parameter Min Variable Oscillator Max Min Units Max TXLXL Serial Port Clock Cycle Time 1.0 12TCLCL /ls TOVXH Output Data Setup to Clock Rising Edge 700 1OTCLCL -133 ns TXHOX Output Data Hold After Clock Rising Edge SO 2TCLCL-117 ns TXHDX Input Data Hold After Clock Rising Edge 0 0 ns TXHDV Clock Rising Edge to Input Data Valid 1OTCLCL - 133 700 ns SHIFT REGISTER MODE TIMING WAVEFORMS INSTRUCTION I 4 5 7. ALE CLOCK OUTPUT DATA "-----.,."'-----rJ "----_...JX....._-...JX....._-...JX....._-...JX....._-...JX"----_...J! 10 WRITE 'SBUF INPUT DATA -----"'""'\.,-'"""\,,-"""1... C":":':'r-'r,.,..",'r---,.r:-:-=\,,...-...r:-~~--...r-c:""',,.-. . I SET TI ,,.,,.,.:=...,-.. . .,.,,.,.,=", I. I CLEAR RI SET RI 270147-9 A.C. TESTING: INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORMS VCC-0.5~ 0.2Vcc+0.9 _ 0.2 Vce-0.1 0.45V , FLOAT WAVEFORM >C • ~.....;;.;.....-----.... 270147-10 270147-11 For timing purposes a port pin is no longer floating when a 100 mV change from load voltage occurs, and begins to float when a 100 mV change from the loaded VOHIVOL level occurs. IOLlioH ;, ±20 rnA. AC inputs during testing are driven at Vee - 0.5 for a Logic "1" and 0.45V for a Logic "0." Timing measurements are made at VIH min for a Logic "I" and VIL max for a Logic "0". 10-79 inter 87C51/87C51-1/87C51-2 to identify the device. The Signature bytes identify the device as an 87C51 manufactured by Intel. EPROM CHARACTERISTICS The 87C51 is programmed by a modified QuickPulse Programming™ algorithm. It differs from Older methods in the value used for Vpp (Programming Supply Voltage) and in the width and number of the ALE/PROG pulses. Table 2 shows the logic levels for reading the signature byte, and for programming the Program Memory, the Encryption Table, and the Lock Bits. The circuit configuration and waveforms for Quick-Pulse Programming™ are shown in Figures 10 and 11. Figure 12 shows the circuit configuration for· normal Program Memory verification. The 87C51 contains two signature bytes that can be read and used by an EPROM programming system Table 2. EPROM Programming Modes MODE RST PSEN ALEI PROG EAI Vpp P2.7 P2.6 P3.7 P3.6 Read Signature 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Program Code Data 1 0 O· Vpp 1 0 1 1 Verify Code Data 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Pgm Encryption Table 1 0 O· Vpp 1 0 1 0 Pgm Lock Bit 1 1 0 o· Vpp 1 1 1 1 Pgm Lock Bit 2 1 0 O· Vpp 1 1 0 0 NOTES: ( , "1" = Valid high for that pin "0" = Valid low for that pin Vpp = 12.7SV ± 0.2SV Vcc = SV ± 10% during programming and verification *ALE/PROG receives 25 programming pulses while Vpp is held at 12.75V. Each programming pulse is low for 100 ILS{± 10 ILS) and high for a minimum of 10 ILS, +5V vee AO-A7 Pl PO RST P3.6 EA/Vpp ALE/PROG 87C51 P3.7 PSEN PGM DATA +12.75V 25 100)'$ PULSES TO GND 0 P2.7 XTAL2 P2.6 XTAL 1 P2.0 -P2.3 0 A8-All Vss 270147-12 Figure 10. Programming Configuration 10-80 inter 87C51/87C51-1/87C51-2 ,'------25 PULSES " 1 .. ALE/PROG:~-----~ '-----' 1'-.. ALE/PROG: 10}'s I.41N1 " 100!:!s :t 10}'s n aI " n 270147-13 Figure 11. PROG Waveforms Quick-Pulse Programming™ The setup for Microcontroller Quick-Pulse ProgrammingTM is shown in Figure 10. Note that the 87C51 is running with a 4 to 6 MHz oscillator. The reason the oscillator needs to be running is that the device is executing internal address and program data transfers. The address of the EPROM location to be programmed is applied to Ports 1 and 2, as shown in Figure 10. The code byte to be programmed into that location is applied to Port O. RST, PSEN, and pins of Ports 2 and 3 specified in Table 2 are held at the "Program Code Data" levels indicated in Table 2. Then ALE/PROG is pulsed low 25 times as shown in Figure 11. through 1FH, using the "Pgm Encryption Table" levels. Don't forget that after the Encryption Table is programmed, verify cycles will produce only encrypted data. To program the Lock Bits, repeat the 25-pulse programming sequence using the "Pgm Lock Bit" levels. After one Lock Bit is programmed, further programming of the Code Memory and Encryption Table is disabled. However, the other Lock Bit can still be programmed. Note that the EA/vpp pin must not be allowed to go above the maximum specified Vpp level for any amount of time. Even a narrow glitch above that voltage level can cause permanent damage to the device. The Vpp source should be well regulated and free of glitches and overshoot. To program the Encryption Table, repeat the 25pulse programming sequence for addresses 0 10-81 intJ 87C51/87C51-1/87C51-2 +sv AO-A7 1---1-1' PGt.! PI 1 - - - . / DATA RST EA/Vpp ALE/PROG P3.6 B7CSI P3.7 PSEN 1+---0 P2.7 ....- - 0 (ENABLE) P2.6 ....- - 0 XTAL2 ""''''-r-l XTAL 1 vSS 270147-14 Figure 12. Program Verification Program Verification Program/Verify. Algorithms If Lock Bit 2 has not been programmed, the on-chip Program Memory can be read out for program verification. The address of the Program Memory location to be read is applied to Ports 1 ·and 2 as shown in Figure 12. The other· pins are held at the "Verify Code Data" levels indicated in Table 2. The contents of the addressed location will be emitted on Port O. External pullups ·are required on Port 0 for this operation. Detailed timing specifications are shown in later sections of this data sheet. Any algorithm in agreement with the conditions listed in Table 2, and wliich satisfies the timing specifi. cations, is suitable. Erasure Character.istics Erasure of the EPROM begins to occur when the chip is exposed to light with wavelengths shorter than approximately 4,000 Angstroms. Since sunlight and fluorescent lighting have wavelengths in this range, exposure to these light sources over an extended time (about 1 week in sunlight, or 3 years in room level fluorescent lighting) could cause inadvertent erasure. If an application subjects the device to this type of exposure, it is suggested that an opaque label be placed over the window. If the Encryption Table has been programmed, the data presented at Port 0 will be the Exclusive NOR of the program byte with one of the encryption bytes. The user will have to know the Encryption Table contents in order to correctly decode the verification data. The Encryption Table itself can not be read out. Reading the Signature Bytes The Signature bytes are read by the same procedure as a normal verification of locations 030H and 031 H, except that P3.6 and P3.7 need to be pulled to a logic low. The values returned are: (030H) = (031 H) = 57H indicates 87C51 The recommended erasure procedure is exposure to ultraviolet light (at 2537 Angstroms) to an integrated dose of at least 15 W-sec/cm2. Exposing the EPROM to an ultraviolet lamp of 12,000 p.W/cm 2 rating for 30 minutes, at a distance of about 1 inch, should be sufficient. Erasure leaves the array in an all 1s state.. 89H indicates manufactured by Intel 10·82 inter 87C51/87C51-1/87C51-2 EPROM PROGRAMMING AND VERIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS: (TA = 21°C to 27°C, vee = 5V ±10%, VSS = OV) Symbol Parameter Min Max Vpp Programming Supply Voltage 12.5 13.0 V Ipp Programming Supply Current 50 mA 6 MHz 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency TAVGL Address Setup to PROG Low TGHAX Address Hold After PROG 48TCLCL TDVGL Data Setup to PROG Low 48TCLCL 4 Units 48TCLCL TGHDX Data Hold After PROG 48TCLCL TEHSH P2.7 (ENABLE) High to Vpp 48TCLCL TSHGL Vpp Setup to PROG Low 10 fJ-s TGHSL Vpp Hold After PROG 10 fJ-s TGLGH PROGWidth 90 TAVQV Address to Data Valid 48TCLCL TELQV ENABLE Low to Data Valid 48TCLCL TEHQZ Data Float After ENABLE 0 TGHGL PROG High to PROG Low 10 110 fJ-s 48TCLCL fJ-s EPROM Programming and Verification Waveforms PROGRAMMING- Pl.0-Plo7 P2.D-P2.3 VERIFICATION- ADDRESS ADDRESS -TAVQY PORT 0 DATA IN -I TDVGL DATA OUT ~ TGHDX ~ TAVGL ALE/Pi!OO t- TSHGL-~:" - - TGLGH TGHAX _TGHGL 1 _ TGHSL J ----P2.7 (ENABLE) LOGIC I ________ LOGIC 1 ____ ~G~Q ·1. -TEHSH TELQV- ----,--If ---- ------ - I-TEHQZ 270147-15 'FOR PROGRAMMING CONDITIONS SEE FIGURE 10. FOR VERIFICATION CONDITIONS SEE FIGURE 12. 10-83 inter 87C51 EXPRESS • Extended Temperature Range • Burn-In • 3.S MHz to 12 MHz Vee = SV ± 10% The Intel EXPRESS system offers enhancements to the operational specifications of the MCS®-51 family of microcontrollers. These EXPRESS products are designed to meet the needs of those applications whose operating requirements exceed commercial standards. The EXPRESS program includes the commercial standard temperature range with burn-in and an extended temperature range with or without burn-in. With the commercial standard temperature range, operational characteristics are guaranteed over the temperature range of O'C to + 70·C. With the extended temperature range option, operational characteristics are guaranteed over the range' of - 40'C to + 85·C. The optional burn-in is dynamic for a minimum time of 160 hours at 125'C with Vee guidelines in MIL-STD-883, Method 1015. = 6.0V ± 0.25V, following Package types and EXPRESS versions are identified by a one- or two-letter prefix to the part number. The prefixes are listed in Table 1. For the extended temperature range option, this data sheet specifies the parameters which deviate from their commercial temperature range limits. The commercial temperature range data sheets are applicable for all parameters not listed here. 10-84 October 1987 Order Number: 270430-001 87C51 EXPRESS Electrical Deviations from Commercial Specifications for Extended Temperature Range D.C. and A.C. parameters not included here are the same as in the commercial temperature range data sheets. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol TA = -40·Cto + 85·C; Vee = 5V ±10%;Vss = OV Limits Parameter VIL Input Low Voltage (Except EA) VIL1 EA VIH Input High Voltage (Except XTAL 1, RST) VIH1 Input High Voltage to XTAL 1, RST Unit Min Max -0.5 0.2Vee - 0.15 V 0 0.2Vee - 0.35 V +1 + 0.1 0.2Vee 0.7Vee Vee Vee + 0.5 + 0.5 Test Conditions V V IlL Logical 0 Input Current (Port 1, 2, 3) -75 /LA VIN ITL Logical 1 to 0 transition Current (Ports 1, 2, 3) -750 /LA VIN Icc Power Supply Current Active Mode Idle Mode Power Down Mode 35 mA mA /LA = 0.45V = 2.0V (Note 1) 6 50 NOTE: 1. Vee = 4.5V-5.5V, Frequency Range = 3.5 MHz-12 MHz. 10-85 87C51 EXPRESS Table 1 Prefix Identification Prefix Package Type Temperature Range(2) Burn-ln(3) P Plastic Commercial No D Cerdip Commercial No N PLCC Commercial No R LCC Commercial No TP Plastic Extended No TO Cerdip Extended No TN PLCC Extended No TR LCC Extended No OP Plastic Commercial Yes OD Cerdip Commercial Yes ON PLCC Commercial Yes OR LCC Commercial Yes LP Plastic Extended Yes LD Cerdip Extended Yes LN PLCC Extended Yes· LR LCC Extended Yes NOTES: 2. Commercial temperature range is O'C to + 70'C. Extended temperature range is - 40'C to + 85'C. 3. Burn-in is dynamic for a minimum time of 160 hours at .+ 125'C, Vee = 6.0V ±0.25V, following guidelines in MIL-STD883 Method 1015 (Test Condition D). Examples: P87C51 indicates 87C51 in a plastic package and specified for commercial temperature range, without burn-in. LD87C51 indicates 87C51 in a cerdip package and specified for extended temperature range with burn-in. / 10-86 inter 87C51FA (87C252) CHMOS SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER WITH PROGRAMMABLE COUNTER ARRAY, UP/DOWN COUNTER, 8K BYTES USER PROGRAMMABLE EPROM • • • • • • • • • • High Performance CHMOS EPROM. Power Control Modes Three 16-Bit Timer/Counters Programmable Counter Array with: - High Speed Output, - Compare/Capture, - Pulse Width Modulator, - Watchdog Timer capabilities Up/Down Timer/Counter Two Level Program Lock System 8K On-Chip EPROM 256 Bytes of On-Chip Data RAM Quick Pulse Programming™ Algorithm Boolean Processor • 32 Programmable I/O Lines • Programmable Serial Channel with: • - Framing Error Detection 7 Interrupt Sources - Automatic Address Recognition • • • • • • TTL Compatible Logic Levels 64K External Program Memory Space 64K External Data Memory Space MCS®-51 Fully Compatible Instruction Set Power Saving Idle and Power Down Modes ONCETM (On-Circuit Emulation) Mode MEMORY ORGANIZATION PROGRAM MEMORY: Up to 8K bytes of the program memory can reside in the on-chip EPROM. In addition the device can address up to 64K of program memory external to the chip. DATA MEMORY: This microcontroller has a 256 x 8 on-chip RAM. In addition it can address up to 64K bytes of external data memory. . The Intel 87C51 FA is a single-chip control oriented microcontroller which is fabricated on Intel's reliable CHMOS II-E technology .. Being a member of the MCS®-51 family, the 87C51 FA uses the same powerful instruction set, has the same architecture, and is pin for pin compatible with the existing MCS-51 products. The 87C51 FA is an enhanced version of the 87C51. It's added features make it an even more powerful microcontroller for applications that require Pulse Width Modulation, High Speed I/O, and up/down counting capabilities such as motor control. It also has a more versatile serial channel that facilitates multi-processor communications. 10-87 . October 1987 Order Number: 270258-002 87C51FA PO.0-PO.7 ,.----------~~~..:..~ ~~ -------- .. VSS ..r Pmi ALE/I'l!l!ll £A/VPP RST z TIMING ~ ~IC==~~=~====~:;:=~==::::===::;::~==J p:: AND ::> CONTROL ~ ~ ;:; P1.0- P1.7 P3.0-P3.7 270258-1 Figure 1. 87C51FA Block Diagram 10·88 inter 87C51FA In addition, Port 1 serves the functions of the following special features of the a7C51 FA: PIN DESCRIPTIONS (T2) PLO Port Pin Vee (T2EX) Plol PO.O (ADO) (ECI) Plo2 PO.l (AD1) (CEXO) Pl.3 PO.2 (AD2) (CEX1) Plo4 PO.3 (AD3) (CEX2) Pl.S PO.4 (AD4) (CEX3) Pl.S PO.S (ADS) (CEX4) Pl.7 PO.S (ADS) RESET PO.7 (AD7) (RXD) P3.0 EA/Vpp (TXD) P3.l ALE/PROG (iNTO) P3.2 PSEN (iNT1) P3.3 P2.7 (A1S) (TO) P3.4 P2.S (A14) (n) P3.S P2.S (A13) (ViR) P3.S P2.4 (A12) (Rii) P3.7 P2.3 (All) XTAL2 P2.2 (Al0) XTALl P2.l Vss Alternate Function P1.0 T2 (External Count Input to Timerl Counter 2) P1.1 T2EX (Timer/Counter 2 Capturel Reload Trigger and Direction Control) P1.2 ECI (External Count Input to the PCA) P1.3 CEXO (External 1/0 for Comparel Capture Module 0) P1.4 CEX1 (External 1/0 for Compare/ Capture Module 1) P1.5 CEX2 (External 1/0 for Comparel Capture Module 2) P1.6 CEX3 (External I/O for Comparel Capture Module 3) P1.7 CEX4 (External 1/0 for Comparel Capture Module 4) Port 1 receives the low-order address bytes during EPROM programming and verifying. (A9) P2.0 (AB) Port 2: Port 2 is an a-bit bidirectional 1/0 port with internal pullups. The Port 2 output buffers can drive LS TTL inputs. Port 2 pins that have 1's written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. 270258-2 Figure 2. Pin Connections Vee: Supply voltage. Vss: Circuit ground. Port 0: Port 0 is an a-bit, open drain, bidirectional 1/0 port. As an output port each pin can sink several LS TIL inputs. Port 0 pins that have 1's written to them float, and in that state can be used as high-impedance inputs. Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus during accesses to external Program and Data Memory. In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting1's, and can source and sink several LS TIL inputs. Port 0 also receives the code bytes during EPROM programming, and outputs the code bytes during program verification. External pullup resistor~ are required during program verification. Port 1: Port 1 is an a-bit bidirectional 1/0 port with internal pullups. The Port 1 output buffers can drive LS TIL inputs. Port 1. pins that have 1's written to them are pulled high by the internal pull ups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external Program Memory and during accesses to external Data Memory that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX @DPTR). In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1's. During accesses to external Data Memory that use a-bit addresses (MOVX @Ri), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register. Some Port 2 pins receive the high-order address bits during EPROM programming and program verification. Port 3: Port 3 is an a-bit bidirectional 1/0 port with internal pullups. The Port 3 output buffers can drive LS TIL inputs. Port 3 pins that have 1's written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the pullups. 10-a9 intJ 87C51FA Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the MCS-51 Family, as listed below: Port Pin Alternate Function P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 RXD (serial input port) TXD (serial output port) INTO (external interrupt 0) INT1 (external interrupt 1) TO (Timer 0 external input) T1 (Timer 1 external input) WR (external data memory write strobe) RD (external data memory read strobe) QSCILLATOR CHARACTERISTICS XTAL 1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of a inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 3. Either a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator may be used. More detailed information. concerning the use of the on-chip oscillator is available in Application Note AP-155, "Oscillators for Microcontrolc lers." To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL1 should be driven, whileXTAL2 floats, as shown in Figure 4. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and maximum high and low times specified on the data sheet must be observed. RST: Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. An internal pulldown resistor permits a poweron reset with only a capacitor connected to Vee. ALE: Address Latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. This pin (ALE/PROG) is also the program pulse input during EPROM programming for the 87C51 FA. C2 I - - t - - - I XTAL2. 1 - -.....--1 In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of % the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external Data Memory. XTAL 1 t - - - - - - - I Vss 270258-3 C1, C2 = 30 pF ± 10 pF for Crystals = 10 pF for Ceramic Resonators Throughout the remainder of this data sheet, ALE will refer to the signal coming out of the ALE/PROG pin, and the pin will be referred to as the ALE/PROG pin. Figure 3. Oscillator Connections PSEN: Program Store Enable is the read strobe to external Program Memory. When the 87C51FA is executing code from external Program Memory, PSEN is activated twice.each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external Data Memory. N/C XTAL2 EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SIGNAL XTAL 1 Vss EAlVpp: External Access enable. EA must be strapped to VSS in order to enable the device to fetch code from external Program Memory locations OOOOH to 1FFFH. Note, however, that if either of the Program Lock bits are programmed, EA will be internally latched on reset. . EA should be strapped to Vee for internal program executions. . This pin also receives the programming supply voltage (Vpp) during EPROM programming. XTAL 1: Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier. 270258-4 Figure 4. External Clock .Drive Configuration IDLE MODE The user's software can invoke the Idle Mode. When the microcontroller is in this mode, power consumption is reduced. The Special Function Registers and the onboard RAM retain their values during Idle, but the processor stops execiJting instructions. Idle Mode will be exited if the chip is reset or if an enabled interrupt occurs. The PCA timer/counter can optionally be left running or paused during Idle Mode. XTAL2: Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier. 10-90 intJ 87C51FA POWER DOWN MODE To save even more power, a Power Down mode can be invoked by software. In this mode, the oscillator is stopped and the instruction that invoked Power Down is the last instruction executed. The on-chip RAM and Special Function Registers retain their values until the Power Down mode is terminated. On the 87C51 FA either a hardware reset or an external interrupt can cause an exit from Power Down. Reset redefines all the SFRs but does not change the on-chip RAM. An external interrupt allows both the SFRs and on-chip RAM to retain their values. The interrupt must be enabled and configured as level sensitive. To properly terminate Power Down the reset or external interrupt should not be executed before Vee is restored to its normal operating level, and must be held active long enough for the oscillator to restart and stabilize. DESIGN CONSIDERATION • Ambient light is known to affect the internal RAM contents during operation. If the 87C51 FA application requires the part to be run under ambient lighting, an opaque label should,be placed over the window to exclude light. • When the idle mode is terminated by a hardware reset, the device normally resumes program execution, from where it left off, up to two machine cycles before the internal reset algorithm takes control. On-chip hardware inhibits access to internal RAM in this event, but access to the port pins is not inhibited. To eliminate the possibility of an unexpected write when Idle is terminated by reset, the instruction following the one that invokes Idle should not be one that writes to a port pin or to external memory. ONCETM MODE The ONCE ("On-Circuit Emulation") Mode facilitates testing and debugging of systems using the 87C51 FA without the 87C51 FA having to be removed from the circuit. The ONCE Mode is invoked by: 1) Pull ALE low while the device is in reset and PSEN is high; 2) Hold ALE low as RST is deactivated. While the device is in ONCE Mode, the Port 0 pins go into a float state, and the other port pins and ALE and PSEN are weakly pulled high. The oscillator circuit remains active. While the 87C51 FA is in this mode, an emulator or test CPU can be used to drive the circuit. Normal operation is restored when a normal reset is applied. Table 1. Status of the External Pins during Idle and Power Down Program Memory ALE PSEN Idle Internal 1 1 Data Data Data Data Idle External 1 1 Float Data Address Data Mode PORTO PORT1 PORT2 PORT3 Power Down Internal 0 0 Data Data Data Data Power Down External 0 0 Float Data Data Data NOTE: For more detailed information on the reduced power modes refer to current Embedded Controller Handbook, and Application Note AP-252, "Designing with the 80C51BH." 10-91 inter 87C51FA • Notice: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage t'o the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Ambient Temperature Under Bias .... O°C to + 70°C Storage Temperature .......... - 65°C to + 150°C Voltage on EAlVpp Pin to VSS ....... OV to + 13.0V Voltage on Any Other Pin to Vss .. - 0.5V to + 6.5V Power Dissipation .......................... 1.5W (based on PACKAGE heat transfer limitations, not device power consumption) NOTICE Specifications contained within the . following tables are subject to change. ADVANCED INFORMATION-CONTACT INTEL FOR DESIGN-IN INFORMATION . . . D.C. CHARACTERISTICS: Symbol (TA = , O°Cto +70°C'Vcc Parameter = Min , 5V +10%'VsS - = OV) Max Unit -0.5 0.2Vcc-0.1 V 0 0.2 Vcc-0.3 V 0.2Vcc+0.9 Vcc+0.5 V 0.7Vcc Vcc+ 0.5 V Test Conditions VIL Input Low Voltage VIL1 Input Low Voltage EA VIH Input High Voltage (Except XTAL2, RST, EA) VIH1 Input High Voltage (XTAL, RST) VOL Output Low Voltage (Ports 1 , 2 and 3) 0.45 V IOL = 1.6 mA(1) VOL1 Output Low Voltage _ _ (Port 0, ALE/PROG, PSEN) 0.45 V IOL = 3.2 mA(1) VOH Output High Voltage (Ports 1 , 2 and 3 ALE/PROG and PSEN) 2.4 V IOH = -60,..,A 0.9Vcc V IOH VOH1 2.4 V IOH 0.9VCC V IOH = = = = -10,..,A(2) Output High Voltage 0.45V (Port 0 in Exfernal Bus Mode) -800,..,A -80,..,A(2) IlL Logical 0 Input Current (Ports 1 , 2, and 3) -50 ,..,A VIN III Input leaka~Current (Port 0 and EA) ±10 ,..,A VIN = VIL or VIH ITL Logical 1 to 0 Transition Current (Ports 1, 2, and 3) -650 ,..,A VIN = 2V 225 KO 10 pF RRST RST Pulldown Resistor CIO Pin Capacitance Icc Power Supply Current: Running at 12 MHz (Figure 5) Idle Mode at 12 MHz (Figure 5) Power Down Mode 40 @1MHz, 25°C (Note 3) 30 7.5 100 rnA mA ,..,A NOTES: 1. Capacitive loading on Ports a and 2 may cause spurious noise pulses to be superimposed on the VOLS of ALE and Ports 1 and 3. The noise is due to external bus capacitance discharging into the Port a and Port 2 pins when these pins make 1 to a transitions during bus operations. In applications where capacitance loading exceeds 1aa pFs, the noise pulse on the ALE signal may exceed a.BV. In these cases, it may be desirable to qualify ALE with a Schmitt Trigger. or use an Address Latch with a Schmitt Trigger Strobe input. 2. Capacitive loading on Ports a and 2 cause the VOH on ALE and PSEN to drop below the a.9 Vee specification when the address lines are stabilizing. 3. See Figures 6-9 for test conditions. 10-92 intJ 87C51FA 40mA "'AX. 30mA ACTIVE 20mA V V_ V - RST TYPICAL B7C51FA .... -- IOmA r-'DLE OmA OMHz 4t.1Hz XTAL2 XTALl MAX. TYPICAL vss StAHz 12MHz 16MHz 270258-5 270258-6 ICC Max at other frequencies is given by: Active Mode Icc MAX = 2.2 X FREQ + 3.1 Idle Mode Icc MAX = 0.49 x FREQ + 1.6 Where FREQ is in MHz, IccMAX is given in rnA. All other pins disconnected TCLCH = TCHCL = 5 ns Figure 6. Icc Test Condition, Active Mode Figure 5. Icc vs Frequency RST B7C252 XTAL2 XTALf Vss 270258-7 270258-8 All other pins disconnected TCLCH = TCHCL = 5 ns All other pins disconnected Figure 9. Icc Test Condition, Power Down Mode. Vcc = 2.0V to 5.5V. Figure 7. ICC Test Condition Idle Mode Vee· a.s • - - - - - -~~----..,. a.7 vee a.4SV ---1(a;2 vce-a.t TCHCL 270258-19 Figure S. Clock Signal Waveform for Icc Tests In Active and Idle Modes. TClCH 10-93 = TCHCl = 5 ns. inter 87C51FA L: Logic level LOW, or ALE P:PSEN Q: Output Data R: RD signal T: Time V: Valid W: WR signal X: No longer a valid logic level Z: Float EXPLANATION OF THE AC SYMBOLS Each timing symbol has 5 characters. The first character is always a 'T' (stands for time). The other characters, depending on their positions, stand for the name of a signal or the logical status of that signal. The following is a list of all the characters and what they stand for. A: Address C: Clock 0: Input Data H: Logic level HIGH I: Instruction (program memory contents) For example, TAVLL TLLPL = Time from Address Valid to ALE Low = Time from ALE Low to PSEN Low A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = o·C to + 70·C, Vee = 5V ± 10%, Vss = OV, Load Capacitance for Port 0, ALE/PROG and PSEN = 100 pF, Load Capacitance for All Other Outputs = 80 pF) ADVANCED INFORMATION-CONTACT INTEL FOR DESIGN-IN INFORMATION EXTERNAL PROGRAM MEMORY CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter 12 MHz Oscillator Min Max 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency Variable Oscillator Min Max 3.5 TLHLL ALE Pulse Width 127 TAVLL Address Valid to ALE Low 28 2TCLCL-40 TCLCL-55 ~LLAX Address Hold After ALE Low 48 TCLCL-35 ~LLlV ALE Low to Valid Instruction In TLLPL ALE Low to PSEN Low 43 TCLCL-40 ~PLPH PSEN Pulse Width 205 3TCLCL""""45 TPLIV PSEN Low!o Valid Instruction In ~PXIX ~PXIZ TAVIV TPLAZ TRLRH TWLWH TRLDV TRHDX TRHDZ TLLDV TAVDV TLLWL TAVWL TQVWX Input Instruction Hold After PSEN Input Instruction Float After PSEN Address to Valid Instruction In PSEN Low to Address Float ns ns ns ns ns 59 TCLCL-25 ns 312 5TCLCL-105 ns 10 10 ns 6TCLCL-100 WR Pulse Width 400 6TCLCL-100 Data Hold After RD ns 0 400 RD Low to Valid Data In ns 3TCLCL-105 RD Pulse Width ns 5TCLCL-165 252 0 ns 0 ns ns Data Float After RD 97 2TCLCL-70 ns ALE Low to Valid Data In 517 8TCLCL-150 ns Address to Valid Data In 585 9TCLCL-165 ns 300 3TCLCL-50 3TCLCL+50 ns ALE Low to RD or WR Low 200 Address Valid to WR Low 203 4TCLCL-130 ns Address Valid before WR 23 TCLCL-60 ns ~WHQX Data Hold after WR TRLAZ 145 MHz ns 4TCLCL-100 234 0 12 Units TWHLH RD or WR High to ALE High TCLCL-50 33 RD Low to Address Float 0 43 10-94 123 TCLCL-40 ns 0 ns TCLCL+40 ns inter 87C51FA EXTERNAL PROGRAM MEMORY READ CYCLE ALE _ _J PSEN PORT a _ _J ----' PORT 2 _ _ _J AB-A15 270258-9 EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY READ CYCLE ALE PSEN 1 - - - - - - TLLDV 'I ---0-1---- TRLRH _ - - - I RD PORTO PORT2 INSTR. IN P2.0-P2.7 OR AB-A15 FROM DPH AB-A15 FROM PCH 270258-10 EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY WRITE CYCLE ALE TLLWL--~---TWLWH---I I---+---TQVWH - - - - - i PORTO PORT2 ],--~~-""""Ii. DATA OUT P2.0-P2.7 OR AB-A15 FROM DPH INSTR. IN AB-A 1 5 FROM PCH 270258-11 10-95 inter 87C51FA SERIAL PORT TIMING - SHIFT REGISTER MODE Test Conditions: TA = O·C to + 70·C; vee = 5V + - 10%; Vss = OV; Load Capacitance = 80 pF Symbol Variable Oscillator Max Min 12 MHz Oscillator Min Max Parameter Units TXLXL Serial Port Clock Cycle Time 1 12TCLCL TQVXH Output Data Setup to Clock RiSing Edge 700 1OTCLCL -133 IJ.s ns TXHQX Output Data Hold after Clock Rising Edge 50 2TCLCL-117 ns TXHDX Input Data Hold After Clock Rising Edge 0 0 ns TXHDV Clock Rising Edge to Input Data Valid 1OTCLCL -133 700 SHIFT REGISTER MODE TIMING WAVEFORMS EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE Symbol Parameter Min Max Units 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency 3.5 12 MHz TCHCX High Time 20 ns TCLCX Low Time 20 ns TCLCH Rise Time 20 ns TCHCL Fall Time 20 ns EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE WAVEFORM 270258-13 10-96 ns inter 87C51FA A.C. TESTING INPUT Input, Output Waveforms >C VCC-0.5-=::X: 0.2 VCC+0.9 0.45 V Float Waveforms 0.2 VCC-O.l VOH-D.l V TIMING REFERENCE POINTS VOL +0.1 V 270258-15 For timing purposes a port pin is no longer floating when a 100 mV change from load voltage occurs, and begins to float when a 100 mV change from the loaded VOHIVOl level occurs. IOl/lOH ;, ± 20 mA. 270258-14 AC Inputs during testing are driven at Vee-0.5V for a Logic "1" and 0.45V for a Logic "0". Timing measurements are made at V,H min for a Logic "1" and VOL max for a Logic "0". EPROM CHARACTERISTICS Table 2 shows the logic levels for programming the Program' Memory, the Encryption Table, and the Lock Bits and for reading the signature bytes. Table 2. EPROM Programming Modes Mode RST PSEN ALEI PROG EAI Vpp P2.7 P2.6 P3.6 P3.7 Program Code Data 1 0 O· Vpp 1 0 1 1 Verify Code Data 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Program Encryption Table Use Addresses 0-1 FH 1 0 O' Vpp 1 0 0 1 Program Lock Bits (LBx) 1 1 0 0 O' O' Vpp Vpp 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Read Signature x=1 x=2 NOTES: "1" = Valid high for that pin '0" = Valid low for that pin "VPP" = +12.75V ±0.25V • ALE/PROG is pulsed low for 100 /Jos for programming. (Quick·PulseProgramming™) PROGRAMMING THE EPROM To be programmed, the part must be running with a 4 to 6 MHz oscillator. (The reason the oscillator needs to be running is that the internal bus is being used to transfer address and program data to appro· priate internal EPROM locations.) The address of an EPROM location to be programmed is applied to Port 1 and pins P2.0 • P2.4 of Port 2, while the code byte to be programmed into that location is applied to Port O. The other Port 2 and 3 pins, RST PSEN, and EAIVpp should be held at the "Program" levels indicated in Table 2. ALE/PROG is pulsed low to program the code byte into the addressed EPROM location. The setup is shown in Figure 10. Normally EAIVpp is held at logic high un_!!!...iust before ALE/PROG is to be pulsed. Then EAIVpp is raised to Vpp, ALE/PROG is pulsed low, and then EAIVpp is returned to a valid high Voltage. The volt· age on the EAIVpp pin must be at the valid EAIVpp high level before a verify is attempted. Waveforms and detailed timing specifications are shown in later sections of this data sheet. Note that the EAIVpp pin must not be allowed to go above the maximum specified Vpp level for any amount of time. Even a narroW glitch above that voltage level can cause permanent damage to the de· vice. The Vpp source should be well regulated and free of glitches. 10·97 intJ 87C51FA +5V Vee AO-A7 P1 PO RST PGM DATA EA/Vpp ....--+12.75V ALE/PROG ....- - 2 5 100}-" PULSES TO GND P3.6 87C51FA P3.7 PSEN 1+---0 P2.7 P2:6 ....- - 0 XTAL2 \ P2.0 -P2.4 . XTAL 1. Vss 270258-20 Figure 10. Programming the EPROM Quick-Pulse Programming™ Algorithm Program Verification The 87C51 FA can be programmed using the Quick. Pulse Programming™ Algorithm for microcontrollers. The fe.?tures of the new programming method area lower Vpp (12.75V as compared to 21V) and a shorter programming pulse. It is possible to program the entire 8K Bytes of EPROM memory in less than 25 seconds with this algorithm! To program the part using the new algorithm, Vpp must be 12.75V ±0.25V. ALE/PROG is pulsed low for 100 ,..,S, 25 times as shown in Figure 11. Then, the byte just programmed may be verified. After programming, the entire array should be ver.ified. The Program Lock features are programmed using the same method, but with the setup aS,shown in Table 2. The only difference in programming Program Lock features is that the Program Lock features cannot be directly verified. Instead, verification of programming is by observing that their features are enabled. If the Program Lock. Bits have not been programmed, the on-chip Program Memory can be read out for verification purposes, if desired, either during or after the programming operation. The address of the Program Memory location to be read is applied to Port 1 and pins P2.0 - P2.4. The other pins should be held at the "Verify" levels indicated in Table 3. The contents of the addressed locations come out on Port O. External pullups are required on Port 0 for this operation. . will If the Encryption Array in the EPROM has been programmed, the data present at Port 0 will be Code Data. XNOR Encryption Data. The user must know the Encryption Array contents to manually "unencrypt" the data during verify. The.setup, which is shown in Figure 12, is the same as for programming the EPROM except that pin P2.7 is held at a logic low, or may be used as an activelow read strobe. 10-98 intJ 87C51FA 1 ~I'------2S PULSES - - - - - . - J ' I ALE/PROG:---:utJLllJt - - - - - ULWu- '--' 1 "-. ALE/PROG:---":o~I 10}'! MIN1 I' !~~'t: 'I nL_____--In. .___ _ _ _ _ _ _... 270258-21 Figure 11. PROG Waveforms Vee AD-A7 PO PI EA/Vpp RST P3.6 ALE/PROG 87CSIFA P3.7 PSEN ....- - 0 P2.7 1 + - - 0 (ENABLE) P2.6 1+---0 XTAL2 '--'-"'-:1---1 I-_LJ\. PGM t - - - - . / DATA P2.0 1/L--A8-_A 12 -P2.4 \.~-:.;;;.... XTAL 1 Vss 270258-22 Figure 12. Verifying the EPROM 10-99 87C51FA EPROM Program Lock Reading the Signature Bytes The two-level Program Lock system consists of two Program Lock bits and a 32 byte Encryption Array which are used to protect the .program memory . against software piracy. The signature bytes are read by the same procedure as a normal verification of locations 030H and 031 H, except that P3.6 and P3.7 need to be pulled to a logic low. The values returned are: (030H) = 89H indicates manufacture by Intel (031H) = 50H indicates 87C51FA Encryption Array Within the EPROM array are 32 bytes of Encryption Array that are initially unprogrammed (all 1's). Every time that a byte is addressed during a verify, 5 address lines are used to select a byte of the Encryption Array. This byte is then exclusive-NOR'ed (XNOR) with the code byte, creating an Encrypted Verify byte. The algorithm, with the array in the unprogrammed state (all 1's), will return the code in it's original, unmodified form. Program Lock Bits Also included in the EPROM Program Lock scheme are two Program Lock Bits which are programmed as shown in Table 2. Table 3 outlines the features of programming the Lock Bits. Erasing the EPROM also erases the Encryption Array and the Program Lock Bits, returning the part to full functionality. Erasure Characteristics Erasure of the EPROM begins to occur when the chip is exposed to light with wavelength shorter than approximately 4,000 Angstroms. Since sunlight and fluorescent lighting have wavelengths in this range, exposure to these light sources over an extended time (about 1 week in sunlight, or 3 years in roomlevel fluorescent lighting) could cause inadvertent erasure. If an application subjects the device to this type of exposure, it i~ suggested that an opaque label be placed over the window. The recommended erasure procedure is exposure to ultraviolet light (at 2537 Angstroms) to an integrat" ed dose of at least 15 W-sec/cm. Exposing the EPROM to an ultraviolet lamp of 12,000 p..W/cm rating for 30 minutes, at distance of about 1 inch, should be sufficient. a Erasure leaves the all EPROM Cells in a 1's state. Table 3 Program Lock Bits and their Features Program Lock Bits LB1 LB2 Logic Enabled U U No Program Lock features enabled. (Code Verify will still be encrypted by the Encryption Array.) P U MOVC instructions executed from external program memory are disabled from fetching code bytes from internal memory, EA is sampled and latched on reset, and further programming of the EPROM is disabled. P P Same as above, but Verify is also disabled U P Reserved for Future Definition 10-100 inter 87C51FA EPROM PROGRAMMING AND VERIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS = 21°C to 2rc; Vee = 5V±0.25V; vss = OV) (TA ADVANCED INFORMATION-CONTACT INTEL FOR DESIGN-IN INFORMATION Units Symbol Parameter Min Max Vpp Programming Supply Voltage 12.5 13.0 V Ipp Programming Supply Current 50 mA 6 MHz 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency 4 TAVGL Address Setup to PROG Low TGHAX Address Hold after PROG 48TCLCL TDVGL Data Setup to PROG Low 48TCLCL TGHDX Data Hold after PROG 48TCLCL TEHSH P2.7 (ENABLE) High to Vpp 48TCLCL TSHGL Vpp Setup to PROG Low 10 /Ls TGHSL Vpp Hold after PROG 10 /Ls TGLGH PROG Width 90 TAVOV Address to Data Valid 48TCLCL TELOV ENABLE Low to Data Valid 48TCLCL TEHOZ Data Float after ENABLE 0 TGHGL PROG High to PROG Low 10 48TCLCL 110 /Ls 48TCLCL /Ls EPROM PROGRAMMING AND VERIFICATION WAVEFORMS PROGRAMMING VERIFICATION ADDRESS ADDRESS Pl.0-Pl.? P2.0-P2.4 -TAVQV DATA OUT PORT 0 TGHDX TAVGL ALE/PROG TSHGLr--TGLGH EIi/vpp 1 ~.-:.-,,"," Vpp EA/HIGH TELQVl P2.? } TEHQZ 270258-18 10-101. 83C152A UNIVERSAL COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER WITH FACTORY MASK PROGRAMMABLE ROM 80C152A UNIVERSAL COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER Data Memory Addressing • 64KB 256 Bytes On-Chip RAM • Dual On-Chip DMA Channels • Hold/Hold Acknowledge • Two General Purpose Timer/Counters • 56 Special Function Registers • 11 Interrupt Sources • Available in 48 Pin Dual-in-Line Package • and 68 Pin Surface Mount PLCC of 80C51BH Architecture • Superset Multi-Protocol Serial Communication • 1/0 Port (1.5 Mbps/2.4 Mbps Max) • • • • • -SDLC -HDLC -CSMA/CD - User Definable Protocols Full Duplex/Half Duplex MCS®-51 Compatible UART 12 MHz Maximum Clock Frequency Multiple Power Conservation Modes 64KB Program Memory Addressing Package (See Packaging Spec. Order # 231369) The 80C152, which is based on the MCS®-51 CPU, is a highly integrated single-chip 8-bit microcontroller designed for cost-sensitive, high-speed, serial communications. It is well suited for implementing Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDN), emerging Local Area Networks, and user defined serial backplane applications. In addition to the multi-protocol communication capability, the 80C152 offers traditional microcontroller features for peripheral 1/0 interface and control. Silicon implementations are much more cost effective than multiwire cables found in board level parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel converters. The 83C152 contains, in silicon, all the features needed for the serial-toparallel conversion. Other 83C152 benefits include: 1) better noise immunity through differential signaling or fiber optic connections, 2) data integrity utilizing the standard, designed in CRC checks, and 3) better modularity of hardware and software designs. All of these-cost, network parameter and real estate improvements apply to 83C152 serial links between boards or systems and 83C152 serial links on a single board. (GRXO) no I (GTDX) Pl.! 2 (DEN) P1.2 (i'Xc) PI.3 :3 (m) PI.4 5 04 P4.6 PO (RIB) P1.5 (HLDA) PloG RESET 13 P3.D 14 P3.3 18 Pl.4 19 (TXD) P3.1 (imo) (iNTi) P3.2 P3.3 13 N.C. 80C152A 83C152A N.C. P2.7 P3.S P2.6 P3.6 P2.S P3.7 270188-3 270188-2 Figure 1. Connection Diagrams 10-102 September 1987 Order Number: 270188-003 P4.0-P4.7 P2.0-P2.7 -----" r I I I I I I ~ c ...CD ~ o m ~·o oc.J :III" n ( SARL1 SARHl DARLl DARHl BCRL1 CD 0 .... 0 en N l> C iii· ... (Q DI TLO IPNl THO IENl TL1 IP THl IE ..... CD SBUf(RX) Co) ~~~f~Tit~ ....0en SCON N l> 3 ~ 'lEJ aID Iiiiil IF' ADRO-3 BAUD P1.0- P1.7 _-.J P3.0- P3.7 270188-1 ~ ~ ~ aID ~ inter 80C152A/83C152A Pin # PLCC(1) DIP 48 2 3,33(2) 24 18-21, 27-30, 25-28 34-37 1-8 4-11 29-36 41-48 10-17 14-16, 18,19, 23-25 Pin Description Vcc-Supply voltage. Vss-Circuit ground. Port O-Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bidirectional 110 port. As an output port each pin can sink 8 LS TTL inputs. Port 0 pins that have 1s written to them float, and in that state can be used as high-impedance inputs. Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus during accesses to external memory. In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1s. Port 0 also outputs the code bytes during program verification. External pull ups are . required during program verification. Port 1-Port 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional 1/0 port with internal pullups. Port 1 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pull ups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. Port 1 also serves the functions of various special features of the 8XC152, as listed below: Pin Name Alternate Function P1.0 GRXD GSC data input pin P1.1 GTXD GSC data output pin P1.2 DEN GSC enable signal for an external driver P1.3 TXC GSC input pin for external transmit clock P1.4 RXC GSC input pin for external receive clock P1.5 HLD DMA hold input/output P1.6 HLDA DMA hold acknowledge input/output Port 2-Port 2 is an 8~bit bidirectional 1/0 port with internal pullups. Port 2 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled IQw will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external Program Memory and during accesses to external Data Memory that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX @ DPTR and DMAoperations). In this application it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1s. During accesses to external Data Memory that use 8-bit addresses (MOVX @ Ri), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register. Port 2 also receives the high-order address bits during program verification. Port 3-Port 3 is an 8-bit bidirectional 1/0 port with internal pull ups. Port 3 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the pullups. Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the MCS-51 Family, as listed below: Pin Name Alternate Function P3.0. Serial input line RXD P3;1 TXD Serial output line P3.2 INTO External Interrupt 0 P3.3 INT1 External Interrupt 1 P3.4 Timer 0 external input TO P3.5 T1 Timer 1 external input P3.6 WR External Data Memory Write strobe P3.7 RD External Data Memory Read strobe NOTES: 1. N.C. pins on PLCC package may be connected to internal die and should not be used in customer applications. 2. It is recommended that both Pin 3 and Pin 33 be grounded for PLCC devices. 10-104 intJ 80C152A/83C152A Pin Description (Continued) Pin # Pin Description 47-40 65-58 Port 4-Port 4 is an 8-bit bidirectional 1/0 port with internal pullups. Port 4 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 4 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. In addition, Port 4 also receives the low-order address bytes during program verification. 9 13 RST-Reset input. A logic low on this pin for three machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. An internal pullup resistor permits a power-on reset to be generated using only an external capacitor to Vss. Although the GSC recognizes the reset after three machine cycles, data may continue to be transmitted for up to 4 machine cycles after Reset is first applied. 38 55 ALE-Address Latch Enable output signal for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. . In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of % the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external Data Memory. While in Reset, ALE remains at a constant high level. 37 54 PSEN-Program Store Enable is the Read strobe to External Program Memory. When the 8XC152 is executing from external program memory, PSEN is active (low). When the device is executing code from External Program Memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to External Data Memory. While in Reset, PSEN remains at a constant high level. 39 56 EA-External Access enable. EA must be externally pulled low in order to enable the 8XC152 to fetch code from External Program Memory locations OOOOH to OFFFH. EA must be connected to Vee for internal program execution. 23 32 XTAL 1-lnput to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock generating circuits. 22 31 XTAL2-0utput from the inverting oscillator amplifier. OSCILLATOR CHARACTERISTICS XTAL 1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 3. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL1 should be driven, while XTAL2 is left unconnected, as shown in Figure 4. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and maximum high and low times specified on the Data Sheet must be observed. . XTAL2 XTAL 1 t - - - - - - I Vss ,270188-4 Figure 3. Using the On-Chip Oscillator NC EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SIGNAL XTAL2 XTAL 1 Vss 270188-5 Figure 4. External Clock Drive 10-105 . infef 80C152A/83C152A IDLE MODE POWER DOWN MODE In Idle Mode, the CPU puts itself to sleep while most of the on-chip peripherals remain active. The major peripherals that do not remain active during Idle, are the DMA channels. The Idle Mode is invoked by software. The content of the on-chip RAM and all the Special Function Registers remain unchanged during this mode. The Idle Mode can be terminated by any enabled interrupt or by a hardware reset. In Power Down Mode, the oscillator is stopped and . all on-chip functions cease except that the on-chip RAM contents are maintained. The mode Power Down is invoked by software.. The Power Down Mode can be terminated only by a hardware reset. Table 1. Status of the external pins during Idle and Power Down modes Mode Program Memory , . ALE PSEN PortO Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 Idle Internal 1 1 Data Data Data Data Data Idle External 1 1 Float Data Address Data Data Power Down Internal 0 0 Data Data Data Data Data Power Down External 0 0 Float' Data Data Data Data NOTE: For more detailed information on the reduced power modes refer to the Embedded Controller Handbook, and Application Note AP-252, "DeSigning with the 80C51BH." 10-106 intJ 80C152A183C152A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Ambient Temperature Under Bias .... O·C to + 70·C Storage Temperature .......... - 6S·C to + 1S0·C Voltage on Any pin to Vss .. - O.SV to (Vee + O.SV) Voltage on Vee to VSS ........... -O.SVto +6.SV Power Dissipation ....................... 1.0 W(7) • Notice: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTICE: Specifications contained within the following tables are subject to change. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol (TA = O·C to + 70·C; Vee = SV ± 10%; Vss = OV) Parameter Typ (Note 1) Max Unit -O.S 0. 2Vee- 0.1 V -O.S 0.2Vee- 0.3 V 0.2Vee+ 0.9 Vee+ O.S V 0.7Vee Vee+ O.S V Min Test Conditions V,L Input Low Voltage (All Except EA) V,L1 Input Low Voltage (EA) V,H Input High Voltage (Except XTAL 1, RST) V,H1 Input High Voltage (XTAL 1, RST) VOL Output Low Voltage (Ports 1, 2, 3, 4) 0.45 V IOL = 1.6 mA (Note 2) VOL1 Output Low Voltage (Port 0, ALE, PSEN) 0.45 V IOL =3.2mA (Note 2) VOH Output High Voltage (Ports 1, 2, 3, 4, ALE, PSEN) V IOH = -60p..A Vee = SV ±10% V IOH = -10 p..A V IOH = -400 p..A Vee = SV ±10% - 2.4 0.9Vee • VOH1 Output High Voltage (Port 0 in External Bus Mode) 2.4 V IOH = -40 p..A (Note 3) I,L Logical 0 Input Current (Ports 1, 2, 3, 4) -so p.A V,N = O.4SV ITL Logical 1 to 0 Transition Current (Ports 1, 2, 3, 4) -6S0 p.A V,N = 2V III Input Leakage (PortO, EA) ±10 p.A O.4S .100 pF), the noise pulse on the ALE pin may exceed o.av. In such cases it may be desirable to qualify ALE with a Schmitt Trigger, or use an address latch with a Schmitt Trigger STROBE input. S. Capacitive loading on Ports 0 and 2 may cause the VOH on ALE and PSEN to momentarily fall below the 0.9Vcc specification when the address bits are stabilizing. 4. Icc is measured with all output pins disconnected; XTAL 1 driven with TCLCH, TCHCL = 5 ns, ~ = VSS + 0.5V, VIH = ~ - 0.5V; XTAL2 N.C.; Port 0 pins connected tei Vc~'Operating" current is measured with EA connected to Vee and RST connected to Vss. "Idle" current is measured with EA connected to Vss, RST connected to Vcc and GSC inactive. 5. The specifications relating to external data memory characteristics are also applicable to DMA operations. 6. TOVWX should not be confused with TOVWX as specified for aOC51BH. On aOC152, TOVWX is measured from data valid to rising edge of WR. On aOC51BH, TOVWX is measured from data valid to falling edge of WR. See timing diagrams. 7. This value is based on the maximum allowable die temperature and the thermal resistance of the package. . . MAX Icc (ACTIVE) =(2.24 X FREQ) + 4.16 (Note 4) MAX Icc (IDLE) = (0.8 X FREQ) + 2.2 (Note 4) where FREQ is the external oscillator Frequency in Megahertz and Icc is in Milliamps 45 40 35 30 '< .§. ~ 25 20 15 10 5 0 ./ '" /" / " ...... ./' ~4 MAX Icc (ACTIVE) (NOTE 4) ~ -- TYPICAL Icc (ACTIVE) (NOTE 1) MAX Icc (IDLE) (NOTE 4) TYPICAL Icc IDLE (NOTE 1) 12 8 FREQUENCY (MHz) 270188-17 Figure 5. icc vs Frequency EXPLANATION OF THE AC SYMBOLS I: Instruction (program memory contents). L: Logic level LOW, or ALE. P: PSEN. Q: Output data. R: READ signal. T: Time. V: Valid. W: WRITE signal. X: No longer a valid logic level. Z: Float. Each timing symbol has 5 characters. The first character is always a 'T' (stands for time). The other characters, depending on their positions, stand for , the name of a signal or the logical status of that signal. The following is a list of all the characters and what they stand for. A: C: 0: H: Address; Clock Input data. Logic level HIGH. For example, TAVLL = Time for Address Valid to ALE Low.. TLLPL = Time for ALE Low to PSEN Low. 10-108 intJ 80C152A183C152A A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O·C to + 70·C; Vee = 5V ± 10%; Vss = OV; Load Capacitance for Port 0, ALE, and PSEN = 100 pF; Load Capacitance for All Other Outputs = 80 pF) EXTERNAL PROGRAM AND DATA MEMORY CHARACTERISTICS Symbol 12MHz Parameter Min Max (Note 5) Variable Oscillator Min Max 3.5 12 Unit MHz 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency TLHLL ALE Pulse Width 126 2TCLCL-40 ns TAVLL Address Valid to ALE Low 28 TCLCL-55 ns TLLAX Address Hold After ALE Low 48 TLLlV ALE Low to Valid Instruction In TLLPL ALE Low to PSEN Low 43 TCLCL-40 ns TPLPH PSEN Pulse Width 205 3TCLCL-45 ns TPLIV PSEN Low to Valid Instruction In TPXIX Input Instruction Hold After PSEN TPXIZ Input Instruction Float After PSEN 58 TCLCL-25 ns TAVIV Address to Valid Instruction In 311 5TCLCL-105 ns TPLAZ PSEN Low to Address Float 10 10 ns TCLCL-35 233 145 0 ns 4TCLCL-100 3TCLCL-105 AD Pulse Width 400 6TCLCL-100 TWLWH WA Pulse Width 400 6TCLCL-100 TALDV AD Low to Valid Data In TAHDX Data Hold After AD TAHDZ Data Float After AD 251 0 ns ns 0 TALAH ns ns ns 5TCLCL-165 ns ns 0 96 2TCLCL-70 ns TLLDV ALE Low to Valid 'Data In 516 8TCLCL-150 ns TAVDV Address to Valid Data In 585 9TCLCL-165 ns TLLWL ALE Low to AD or WALow 200 3TCLCL+50 ns TAVWL Address to RD or WALow 203 4TCLCL-130 ns TOVWX (Note 6) Data Valid to WA Transition 333 6TCLCL-167 ns TWHOX Data Hold After WA 33 TALAZ AD Low to Address Float TWHLH RD or WR High to ALE High 300 3TCLCL-50 TCLCL-50 0 43 10-109 123 TCLCL-40 ns 0 ns TCLCL+40 ns inter 80C152A/83C152A EXTERNAL PROGRAM MEMORY READ CYCLE ALE _ _J rssEN _ _J PORT 0 _ _..I PORT 2 ___ ,~ ______ ~~~ _______ n~ ______ AB-A'15 _____ ~ 270188-6 EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY READ CYCLE ALE PSEN , I-----TLLDV------l., - - i - - - TRLRH - - - I PORTO' PORT2 INSTR. IN P2.0-P2.7 OR AB-A15 FROt.! DPH A8-A 15 FROt.! PCH 270188-7 10-110 80C152A/83C152A EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY WRITE CYCLE , ALE I \. P TWHlH \. PSEN I+-- TlLWL ~ WR ,I TOVWX -- PORTO ~ TWlWH ::::r - r- TAVll ~TLLAX~ AO-A7 FROM R. OR DPL ) TWHOX X XAO-A7 FROM PCl DATA OUT INSTR. IN TAVWl 'PORT 2 - ~ P2.0-P2.7 OR A8-A15 FROM DPH A8-A15 FROM PCH X 270188-8 EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE Symbol Parameter Min Max· Units 1/TClCl Oscillator Frequency 3.5 12 MHz TCHCX High Time 20 ns TClCX low Time 20 ns TClCH Rise Time 20 ns TCHCl Fall Time 20 ns EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE WAVEFORM 270188-9 10-111 inter 80C152A183C152A LOCAL SERIAL CHANNEL TIMING":"SHIFT REGISTER MODE Symbol 12MHz Parameter Min. Variable Oscillator Max Units Max Min TXLXL Serial Port Clock Cycle Time 1000 12TCLCL ns TQVXH Output Data Setup to Clock Rising Edge 700 10TCLCL-133 ns TXHQX Output Data Hold After Clock Rising Edge 50 2TCLCL-117 ns TXHDX Input Data Hold After Clock Rising Edge 0 0 ns TXHDV Clock Rising Edge to Input Data Valid 700 10TCLCL-133 ns SHIFT REGISTER MODE TIMING WAVEFORMS ALE CLOCK '--_~ '----r' '--_--'X'-__.JX OUTPUT DATA 4 X t x...._--IX.... 1 --.;..-J t SET TI WRITE TO SBur INPUT DATA 5 _____ --'~J~--' t t CLEAR RI SET RI 270188-10 A.C. TESTING: INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORMS VCC-o.S =X0.2VCC+O.9 0.4SV FLOAT WAVEFORM )C, 0.2Vcc-O.l ~.....;;;;:..------ 270188-11 270188-12 For Timing Purposes a Port Pin is no Longer Floating when a 100 mV change from Load Voltage Occurs, and Begins to Float when· a 100 mV change from the Loaded VOHIVOl Level occurs IOl/lOH ~ ± 20 rnA AC Inputs During Testing are Driven at Vee-O.S for a Logic "1" and O.4SV for a Logic "0". Timing Measurements are made at VIH Min for a Logic "1" and Vil Max'for a Logic '~O". 10-112 inter 80C152A/83C152A GLOBAL SERIAL PORT TIMINGS-Internal Baud Rate Generator , Symbol 12 MHz (BAUD = 0) Parameter Min Variable Oscillator Max Min Unit Max HBTJR Allowable jitter on the Receiver for % bit time (Manchester encoding only) 0.058 (0.125 x (BAUD+1)X 8TCLCL) -25 ns fJ.s FBTJR Allowable jitter on the Receiver for one full bit time (NRZI and Manchester) 0.142 (0.25 x (BAUD+1)X 8TCLCL) -25 ns fJ.s HBTJT Jitter of data from Transmitterfor % bit time (Manchester encoding only) ±35 ±35 ns FBTJT Jitter of c;lata from Transmitter for one full bit time (NRZI and Manchester) ±70 ±70 ns DRTR Data rise time for Receiver (Note 8) 20 20 ns DFTR Data fall time for Receiver (Note 9) 20 20 ns NOTES: 8. Same as TCLCH, use External Clock Drive Waveform. 9. Same as TCHCL, use External Clock Drive Waveform. GSC RECEIVER TIMINGS (INTERNAL BAUD RATE GENERATOR) BT II I MANCHESTER :::::x: I I NRZ1:::::X: ~i~ :-~ I I HBTJR I I 'I I ~~-+ X ~ I I ~, I ~ t,1 ,~ I FBTJR I C:::: GRXD I I GRxD I FBTJR 270188-13 10-113 intJ 80C152A/83C152A GSC TRANSMIT TIMINGS (INTERNAL BAUD RATE GENERATOR) t+'---- I' MANCHESTER. * BT ----~·I I I 1......1..... I x:::: 4$::,==.~~:==.$r'______. . . x:::: ::::l---.. .$~,. . ~'lo...----i--"""jolo"--.J.I~1 $ $ *$ GTxD I I _ _ _ _~HB~T~JT~~~__....I~-~-~FB~T~JT----....I NRZI=::J!(_ _ _ _ _ _ _ GTxD FBTJT 270188-14 GLOBAL SERIAL PORT TIMINGS-External Clock Symbol 12MHz Parameter' Variable OSCillator Min Max Min Max 0.009 2.4 0.009 1/5TClCl Unit 1/ECBT GSC Frequency with an External Clock ECH External Clock High 197 2TClCl + 30ns ns ECl External Clock low 197 2TClCL + 30ns ns ECRT External Clock Rise Time (Note 8) 20 20 ns ECFT External Clock Fall Time (Note 9) 20 20 ns ECDVT External Clock to Data Valid Out - Transmit (to External Clock Negative Edge) 150 150 ECDHT External Clock Data Hold - Transmit , (to External Clock Negative Edge) MHz ns , ns 0 0 ECDSR External Clock Data Set-up - Receiver (to External Clock Positive Edge) 45 45 ns ECDHR External Clock to Data Hold - Receiver (to External Clock Positive Edge) 50 50 ns 10-114 inter SOC152A1S3C152A GSC TIMINGS (EXTERNAL CLOCK) t+·----ECBT----~·1 -----x 1 EXTERNAL CLOCK 1 'X f. I t---ECL-----::--- ECH ----.: 1 _ _...;...1 ~ : - ECDVT TRANSMIT DATA : :x:r--.;;..;..;.------.;....,;.-.- X ECDHT ~ 141· - - - - E C B T 1 EXTERNAL CLOCK -----X""I_ _ _ _ 1 'I 1 Ji:,-----X --' ECDSR '-ECDHR--' _ _"""1"'_ _ ' RECEIVE DATA X _ _....._....J, :+ 1 I~---"""''---- '--_ _ _..J , Xr...,..---------.....;i--, _ " -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......_ _ 270188-15 10-115 80C152A/83C152A NOTES ON THE OPERATION OF THE 80C152A 1. Current in Power Down Mode Typically, Icc in Power Down Mode is about ·10 ""A. However, you may note under certain conditions an abnormally high Icc, about 600 ""A, in Power Down. This is caused by an interaction between internal signals local to the interrupt control system. The problem disappears once an interrupt, any interrupt, is requested and serviced. Therefore, if Icc in Power Down is critical to the application, it is suggested that an interrupt be generated and exercised before Power Down is invoked. 2. SDLe Flags While Idling In SDLC Mode, the GSC can be programmed to transmit SDLC flags between transmission frames. This is done by setting the GFIEN bit in PCON. When the GSC is so programmed, the DEN signal is asserted only during the actual transmission frame, not during the idle fill flags. In this case the DEN signal will normally not be used to enable the line driver, but is available for use as a positive indication that a transmission frame is in progress. 3. Immediate Deactivation of DEN in CSMAlCD Mode CSMAlCD protocols typically require two bittimes .of inactivity in the line to indicate an idle condition. Note, however, that the 80C152A deac. tivates DEN immediately at the end of the transmission frame. 10-116 83C 152JA/83C 152JA-1 UNIVERSAL COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER WITH FACTORY MASKED PROGRAMMABLE ROM 80C152JA/80C152JA-1 UNIVERSAL COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER 80C152JB/80C152JB-1 UNIVERSAL COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER WITH EXTENDED 1/0 • Superset of 80C51 Architecture • 64KB Data Memory Addressing • Multi-Protocol Serial Communication I/O Port (2.048 Mbps/2.4 Mbps Max) -SDLC -HDLC -CSMAlCD - User Definable Protocols • 256 Bytes On-Chip RAM • Dual On-Chip DMA Channels • Hold/Hold Acknowledge • Two General Purpose Timer/Counters • 56 Special Function Registers • Full Duplex/Half Duplex • MCS®-51 Compatible UART • 16.5 MHz Maximum Clock Frequency • Multiple Power Conservation Modes • 64KB Program Memory Addressing • 11 Interrupt Sources • Available in 48 Pin Dual-in-Line Package and 68 Pin Surface Mount PLCC Package (See Packaging Spec. Order #231369) The 80C152, which is based on the MCS®-51 CPU, is a highly integrated single·chip 8·bit microcontroller designed for cost-sensitive, high-speed, serial communications. It is well suited for implementing Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDN), emerging Local Area Networks, and user defined serial backplane applications. In addition to the multi-protocol communication capability, the 80C152 offers traditional microcontroller features for peripheral 1/0 interface and control. Silicon implementations are much more cost effective than multi-wire cables found in board level parallel-toserial and serial-to-parallel ~onverters. The 83C152 contains, in silicon, all the features needed for the serialto-parallel conversion. Other 83C152 benefits include: 1) better noise immunity through differential signaling or fiber optic connections, 2) data integrity utilizing the standard, designed in CRC checks, and 3) better modularity of hardware and software designs. All of these-cost, network parameter and real estate improvementsapply to 83C152 serial links between boards or systems and 83C152 serial links on a single board. 10-117 September 1987 Order Number: 270431-001 inter ~[Q)W~OO©[§ OOOIP@OOINl~"iiO@OO 80C152JAl83C152JA/80C152JB (GRXO) vee (GTOX) P4.0 (DEN) P4.1 (TXC) (RxC) P1.4 P4.3 INDEX CORNER'\,. : i. :. i N ., P"',5 P4.6 N.C. P4.7 (HLO) P1.S P4.4 P4.5 Pl.7 P4.6 P3.1 P4.7 P3.2 N.C. EA P3.0 EA (TXO) P3.1 ~ Pl.7 (HLOA) P1.6 RESET q ~ .,. P2.4 P2.3 i;; :ll III ~ :;; ~ ~ .... "~ ~ d ~ ~ "! C! ~ .~ ~ Figure 1. Connection Diagrams 10·118 OJ ~ 270431-3 ·P6.0-P6.7 P4.0-P4.7 PO.O-PO.7 P2.0-P2.7 -----11 t SARL1 SARHI OARL1 OARHI CI) BCRL1 o ....CJI (") ~ l> ...... CI) ." Co) iD: c ...CD 1.£1 !'l UJ '? ..... 0' n CO ;I;' C iii" ce ... DI 3 ....CJI (") N Co. em , ·EBEN l> ~ ~ ...... CI) o I"~ THO ....(")CJI TLI ~ THI a:J ~ ~ l§! ~ ;:;g © IiiiiI ~ 'liil © ADRD-3 BAUD Pl.0- P1.7 'On 80C152JB Only _-.J P3.0-P3.7 270431-4 2& ~ ~ ~ <= © ~ intJ 80C152JAl83C152JA/80C152JB 80C152JB General Description The 80C152JB is a ROM less extension of the aOC152 Universal Communication controller. The 80C152JB has the same five 8-bit I/O ports of the 80C152, plus an additional two 8-bit 1/0 ports, Port 5 , and Port 6. The 80C152JB also has two additional control pins, EBEN (EPROM Bus ENable), and EPSEN (EPROM bus Program Store ENable). EBEN selects the functionality of Port 5 and Port 6. When EBEN is low, these ports are strictly I/O, similar to Port 4. The SFR location for Port 5 is 91 Hand Port 6 is OA 1H. This means Port 5 and Port 6 are not bit addressable. With EBEN low, all program memorY fetches take place via Port 0 and Port 2. (The 80C152 is a ROMless only product). When EBEN is high, Port 5 and Port 6 form an address/data bus called the E-Bus (EPROM-Bus) for program memory ' operations. ~@w~oo©~ DOOIP©OOIMl~'jj'D©OO EPSEN is used in conjunction with Port 5 and Port 6 program memory operations. EPSEN functions like PSEN during program memory operation, but supports Port 5 and Port 6. EPSEN is the read strobe to externai program memory for Port 5 and Port 6. EPSEN is activated twice during each machine cycle unless an external data memory operation occurs on Port(s) 0 and Port 2. When external data memory is accessed the second activation of EPSEN is skipped, which is the same as when using PSEN. Note that data memory fetches cannot be' made through Ports 5 and 6. When EBEN is high and EA is low, all program memory operations take place via Ports 5 and 6. The high byte of the address goes out on Port 6, and the low byte is output on Port 5. ALE is still used to latch the address on Port 5. Next, the op code is read on Port 5. The timing is the same as when using Ports 0 and 2 for external program memory operations. Table 1. Program Memory Fetches EBEN EA Program Fetch via 0 0 PO,P2 PSEN EPSEN Comments Active Inactive Addresses O-OFFFFH 0 1 N/A N/A N/A 1 0 P5,P6 Inactive Active Addresses O-OFFFFH 1 1 P5,P6 PO,P2 Inactive Active Active Inactive Addresses 0-1 FFFH Addresses :?: 2000H 10-120 Invalid Combination inter SOC 152JAlS3C 152JAlSOC152JB Pin # PLCC(1) DIP 48 ~@W~OO©[§ OOO[F@OOIM]~'iiO@OO Pin Description 2 3,33(2) Vee-Supply voltage. 24 18-21, 25-28 27-30, 34-37 Port O-:-Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bidirectional I/O port. As an output port each pin can sink 8 LS TTL inputs. Port 0 pins that have 1s written to them float, and in that state can be used as high-impedance inputs. Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus during accesses to external program memory if EBEN is pulled low. During accesses to external Data Memory, Port 0 always emits the low-order address byte and serves as the multiplexed data bus. In these applications it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1s. Port 0 also outputs the code bytes during program verification. External pullups are required during program verification~ 1-8 4-11 Port 1-Port 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. Port 1 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the internal pull ups. Port 1 also serves the functions of various special features of the 8XC152, as listed below: Vss-Circuit ground. Pin P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P1,4 P1.5 P1.6 Name Alternate Function GSC data input pin GSC data output pin GSC enable signal for an external driver GSC input pin for external transmit clock GSC input pin for external receive clock DMA hold input/ output DMA hold acknowledge input/output GRXD GTXD DEN TXC RXC HLD HLDA 29-36 41-48 Port 2-Port 2 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. Port 2 pins that have 1 s written to them are pulled high by the internal pull ups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2. pins that are externally being pulled low will source. current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external Program Memory if EBEN is pulled low. During accesses to external Data Memory that use 16bit addresses (MOVX @ DPTR and DMA operations), Port 2 emits the high-order address byte. In these applications it uses strong internal pullups when emitting 1s. During accesses to external Data Memory that use 8-bit addresses (MOVX @ Ri), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register. Port 2 also receives the high-order address bits during program verification. 10-17 14-16, 18,19, 23-25 Port 3-Port 3 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. Port 3 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pull ups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IlL, on the data sheet) because of the pullups. Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the MCS-51 Family, as listed below: Pin .. P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 P3,4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 Name Alternate Function Serial input line Serial output line External Interrupt 0 External Interrupt 1 Timer 0 external input Timer 1 external input External Data Memory Write strobe External Data Memory Read strobe RXD TXD INTO INT1 TO T1 WR RD NOTES: 1. N.C. pins on PLCC package may be connected to internal die and should not be used in customer applications. 2. It is recommended that both Pin 3 and Pin 33 be grounded for PLCC devices. 10-121 . inter 80C152JAl83C152JA/80C 152JB ~1ID\Yl~OO©[§ OOO!F©OO!MI~ii"O©OO Pin Description (Continued) Pin # Pin Description 47-40 65-58 Port 4-Port 4 is an 8-bit bidirectional 1/0 port with internal pull ups. Port 4 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 4 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (Ill, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. In addition, Port 4 also receives the low-order address bytes during program verification. 9 13 RST-Reset input. A logic low on this pin for three machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. An internal pullup resistor permits a power-on reset to be generated using only an external capacitor to Vss. Although the GSC recognizes the reset after three machine cycles, data may continue to be transmitted for up to 4 machine cycles after Reset is first applied. 38 55 ALE-Address Latch Enable output signal for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of % the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external Data Memory. While in Reset, ALE remains at a constant high level. 37 54 PSEN-Program Store Enable is the Read strobe to External Program Memory. When the 8XC152 is executing from external program memory, PSEN is active (low). When the device is executing code from External Program Memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to External Data Memory. While in Reset, PSEN remains at a constant high level. 39 56 EA-External Access enable. EA must be externally pulled low in order to enable the 8XC152 to fetch code from External Program Memory locations OOOOH to OFFFH. EA must be connected to Vee for internal program execution. 23 32 XTAL 1-lnput to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock generating circuits. 22 31 XTAL2-0utput from the inverting oscillator amplifier. N/A 17,20 21,22 38,39 40,49 Port 5-Port 5 is an 8-bit bidirectional 1/0 port with internal pullups. Port 5 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 5 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (Ill, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. Port 5 is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus during accesses to external program memory if EBEN is pulled high. In this application it uses strong pull ups when emitting 1s. N/A 67,66 52,57 50,68 1,51 Port 6-Port 6 is an 8-bit bidirectional 1/0 port with internal pullups. Port 6 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pullups, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 6 pins that are externally pulled low will source current (Ill, on the data sheet) because of the internal pullups. Port 6 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external Program Memory if EBEN is pulled high. In this application it uses strong pull ups when emitting 1s. N/A 12 EBEN-E-Bus Enable input that designates whether program memory fetches take place via Ports O.and 2 or Ports 5 and 6. Table 1 shows how the ports are used-in conjunction with EBEN. 53 EPSEN-E-bus Pr9gram Store Enable is the Read strobe to external program __ memory when EBEN is high. Table 2,shows when EPSEN is used relative to PSEN depending on the status of EBEN and EA. , 10-122 80C152JA/83C152JA/80C152JB ~(Q)W~OO©~ OOOIF@OOIMl~liO@OO OSCILLATOR CHARACTERISTICS XTAL 1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 3. NC - XTAL2 EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR - - - - I XTAL 1 SIGNAL To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL 1 should be driven, while XTAL2 is left unconnected, as shown in Figure 4. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and maximum high and low times specified on the Data Sheet must be observed. ~L.v_s_s__ 270431-6 Figure 4. External Clock Drive IDLE MODE In Idle Mode, the CPU puts itself to sleep while most of the on-chip peripherals remain active. The major peripherals that do not remain active during Idle, are the DMA channels. The Idle Mode is invoked by software. The content of the on-chip RAM and all the Special Function Registers remain unchanged during this mode. The Idle Mode can be terminated by any enabled interrupt or by a hardware reset. XTAL2 XTAL 1 +-------1 vss 270431-5 POWER DOWN MODE Figure 3. Using the On-Chip Oscillator In Power Down Mode, the oscillator is stopped and all on-chip functions cease except that the on-chip RAM contents are maintained. The mode Power Down is invoked by software. The Power Down Mode can be terminated only by a hardware reset. Table 2. Status of the External Pins During Idle and Power Down Modes 80C152JAl83C152JA Program Memory ALE Idle Internal 1 1 Data Data Data Data Data Idle External 1 1 Float Data Address Data Data Power Down Internal 0 0 Data Data Data Data Data Power Down External 0 0 Float Data Data Data Data Mode PSEN Porta Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 80C152JB Mode Instruction ALE PSEN EPSEN Porta Port 1 Bus Idle PO,P2 1 1 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 Port 5 Float Data Address Data Data OFFH Port 6 OFFH Idle P5,P6 1 1 1 Data Data Data Data Data OFFH Address Power Down PO,P2 0 0 1 Float Data Data Data Data OFFH OFFH Power Down P5,P6 0 1 0 Data Data Data Data Data OFFH OFFH NOTE: For more detailed information on the reduced power modes refer to the Embedded Controller Handbook, and Application Note AP-252, "Designing with the 80C51BH." 10-123 intJ 80C152JA/83C152JA/80C152JB ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Ambient Temperature Under Bias .... O·C to + 70·C Storage Temperature .......... - 65·C to + 150·C Voltage on Any pin to Vss .. -0.5\.1 to (Vee + 0.5V) Voltage on Vee to VSS ........... -0.5V to + 6.5V Power Dissipation ....................... 1.0W(9) ~@W~OO©[§ OOO!P@!ru!Ml~iiO@OO *Notice: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any .other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure io absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTICE' Specifications contained within the following tables are subject to change. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol (TA = Parameter O·Cto +70·C;Vee = 5V ±10%;Vss Typ (Note 3) Min = OV) Max Unit Vil Input Low Voltage (All E~cept EA, EBEN) -0.5 0.2Vec- 0.1 V VIl1 Input LowVoltage (EA, EBEN) -0.5 0.2Vee- 0.3 V VII-i Input High Voltage· (Except XTAL 1, RST) 0.2Vee+ 0.9 Vee+ 0.5 V VIH1 Input High Voltage (XTAL1, RST) 0.7Vee Vee+ 0.5. V Test Conditions , VOL Output Low Voltage (Ports 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) 0.45 V IOl = 1.6 mA (Note 4) Vou Output Low Voltage (Port 0, ALE, PSEN, EPSEN) 0.45 V IOl = 3.2mA (Note 4) VOH Output High Voltage (Ports 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 COMM9 ALE, PSEN, EPSEN) V IOH = -60p..A Vee = 5V ±to% VOH1 Output High Voltage (Port 0 in External Bus Mode) III Logical 0 Input Current (Ports 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) ITl Logiqal 1 to 0 Transition Current (Poits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) III Input Leakage (portO, EA) RRST Reset Pullup Resistor IIH Logical 1 Input Current (EBEN) Icc Power Supply Current: Active (i 6.5 MHz) Idle (16.5 MHz) Power Down Mode 2.4 0.9Vee V 2.4 V 0.9Vee, V ·-50 p..A -650 p..A = -10'p..A = -400;UA = 5V ±10% . = - 40 p..A (Note 5) VIN = O.4SV IOH IOH Vee IOH VIN = 2V .. ±10 40 p..A 0.45 100 pF), the noise pulse on the ALE pin may exceed O.BV. In such cases it may be desirable to qualify ALE with a Schmitt Trigger, or use an address latch with a Schmitt Trigger STROBE input. 5. Capacitive loading on Ports 0 and 2 may cause the VOH on ALE and PSEN to momentarily fall below the 0.9Vee specification when the address bits are stabilizing. 6. lee is measured with all output pins disconnected; XTAL 1 driven with TCLCH, TCHCL = 5 ns, V,L = Vss + 0.5V, V,H = Vee - 0.5V; XTAL2 N.C.; Port 0 pins connected to Vee. "Operating" current is measured with EA connected to Vee and RST connected to Vss. "Idle" current is measured with EA connected to Vss, RST connected to Vee and GSC inactive. 7. The specifications relating to external data memory characteristics are also applicable to DMA operations. B. TQVWX should not be confused with TQVWX as specified for BOC51BH. On BOC152, TQVWX is measured from data valid to rising edge of WR. On BOC51 BH, TQVWX is measured from data valid to falling edge of WR. See timing diagrams. 9. This value is based on the maximum allowable die temperature and the thermal resistance of the package. 10. All specifications relating to external program memory characteristics are applicable to: EPSEN for PSEN Port 5 for Port 0 Port 6 for Port 2 when EBEN is at a Logical 1 on the BOC152JB. MAX Icc (ACTIVE) = (2_24 X FREQ) + 4_16 (Note 6) MAX Icc (IDLE) = (0_8 X FREQ) + 2.2 (Note 6) 45 MAX Icc (ACTIVE) 40 35 '/ 30 ~ 5u 2 25 .... v 20 /'" V 15 10 5 0 /'" /" _/ - :::--- TYPICAL Icc (ACTIVE) (NOTE 1) /"" -- /'" ....- ...-::: 4 /' 8 12 MAX Icc (IDLE) TYPICAL Icc IDLE (NOTE 1) 16 FREQUENCY (MHz) 270431-7 Figure 5. Icc vs Frequency I: Instruction (program memory contents). L: Logic level LOW, or ALE. P: PSEN. Q: Output data. R: READ signal. T: Time. V: Valid. W: WRITE signal. X: No longer a valid logic level. Z: Float. EXPLANATION OF THE AC SYMBOLS Each timing symbol has 5 characters. The first character is always a 'T' (stands for time). The other characters, depending on their positions, stand for the name of a signal or the logical status of that signal. The following is a list of all the characters and what they stand for. A: C: D: H: Address. Clock Input data. Logic level HIGH. For example, TAVLL TLLPL 10-125 = = Time for Address Valid to ALE Low. Time for ALE Low to PSEN Low. SOC152JA/S3C 152JAlSOC152JB ~[Q)W~OO©[§ OOO~@OOIMl~iiO@OO A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA = O·C to + 70·C; Vee = 5V ± 10%; Vss = OV; Lqad Capacitance for Port 0, ALE, and PSEN = 100 pF; Load Capacitance for All Other Outputs = 80 pF) ADVANCE INFORMATION: SEE INTEL FOR DESIGN-IN INFORMATION EXTERNAL PROGRAM AND DATA MEMORY CHARACTERISTICS Symbol 1/TCLCL TLHLL TAVLL TLLAX Unit Oscillator Frequency 80C152JA 83C152JA 80C152JB 3.5 12 MHz 80C152JA-1 83C152JA·1 80C152JB-1 ALE Pulse Width 3.5 16.5 MHz 16.5 MHz Parameter Min Address Valid to ALE Low TLLPL Address Hold After ALE Low ALE Low to Valid Instruction In ALE Low to PSEN Low TPLPH PSEN Pulse Width TPLIV PSEN Low to Valid Instruction In TPXIX Input Instruction Hold After PSEN TPXIZ Input Instruction Float After PSEN TLLlV (Note 7,10) . Variable Oscillator Min Max Max 81 2TCLCL-40 ns 5 25 TCLCL-55 ns ns TCLCL-35 142 4TCLCL-100 20' TCLCL-40 137 3TCLCL-45 77 0 ns ns ns 3TCLCL-105 ns ns 0 35 TCLCL-25 ns , TAVIV Address to Valid Instruction In 198 5TCLCL-105 ns TPLAZ PSEN Low to Address Float 10 10 ns TRLRH RD Pulse Width WR Pulse Width TWLWH TRLDV TRHDX TRHDZ TLLDV TAVDV RD Low to Valid Data In Data Hold After RD Data Float After RD 263 6TCLCL-100 263 6TCLCL-100 138 0 ALE Low to Valid Data In Address to Valid Data In ns - ns 5TCLCL-165 ns ns 0 51 2TCLCL-70 ns 335 8TCLCL-150 ns 380 9TCLCL-165 ns 3TCLCL+50 ns TLLWL ALE Low to RD or WRLow 132 TAVWL Address to RD or WRLow 112 4TCLCL-130 ns TQVWX(8) Data Valid to WR Transition 196 6TCLCL-167 ns TWHQX Data Hold After WR RD Low to Address Float 10 RD or WR High to ALE High 20 TRLAZ TWHLH 232 3TCLCL-50 TCLCL-50 o ' 10-126 100 TCLCL-40 ns 0 ns TCLCL+40 ns inter 80C152JAl83C152JAl80C152JB ~[Q)WbW~'J©[g O~IP@rnl[i'li]~iJO@~ EXTERNAL PROGRAM MEMORY READ CYCLE ALE _ _oJ PORT O/PORT 5 PORT 2/PORT 6 ----' AB-A15 ----' 270431-8 EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY READ CYCLE ALE PSEN I-----TLLDV-----I'I TRLRH ---I RD INSTR. IN PORTO PORT2 P2.0-P2.7 OR A8-A 15 FROM DPH A8-A 15 FROM PCH 270431-9 10-127 infef 80C152JA/83C152JA/80C1 ~2JB ~[Q)\Yl~OO©~. oOO!r@OO[MJ~'U'O@OO EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY WRITE CYCLE I ALE i=4- \. TWHLH \. PSEN -TLLWL WR , TWLWH J TQVWX -. PORTO ::::r TAVLL -. I-- TLLAX---j AO-A7 FROM R, OR DPL ) -' 1 r- TWHQX X X AO- A7 FROM PCL DATA OUT INSTR. IN TAVWL PORT2 => A8-A15 FROM PCH P2.0-P2.7 OR A8-A15 FROM DPH 270431-10 'EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE Symbol Parameter Min Max Units 1/TClCL Oscillator Frequency 3.5 16.5 MHz TCHCX High Time 20 ns TClCX low Time 20 ns TClCH Rise Time 20 ns TCHCl Fall Time 20 ns EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE WAVEFORM 270431-11 10-128 inter SOC 152JA/S3C152JA/SOC152JB ~[Q)W~OO©~ OOOIF@OOIMl~'ifO@OO LOCAL SERIAL CHANNEL TIMING-SHIFT REGISTER MODE Symbol Variable OSCillator 16.5 MHz Parameter Min Max Min Units Max TXLXL Serial Port Clock Cycle Time 727 12TCLCL ns TOVXH Output Data Setup to Clock Rising Edge 473 10TCLCL-133 ns TXHOX Output Data Hold After Clock Rising Edge 4 2TCLCL-117 ns TXHDX Input Data Hold After Clock Rising Edge 0 0 ns TXHDV Clock Rising Edge to Input Data Valid 10TCLCL-133 473 ns SHIFT REGISTER MODE TIMING WAVEFORMS INSTRUCTION I 7 ALE CLOCK r- TQVXH~ r- TXHQX '''---'''''---r' '-----rJ "---""'--..JX'-_---JX OUTPUT OATA 4 X'-_---JX"---_-'x"---""'--..JI t t WRITE TO SSUF SET TI INPUT OATA _ _ _ _ _...J'\;;;;;J',_,,'I;.;.;.:;;;"-.....J'=~'--..J'.;;.;:;;,\,_I'I;..=''_.....J'I;...;;J'I_J,;.;.;;;;;;(,,_,'I;...;;;;J'' t t CLEAR RI SET RI 270431-12 A.C. TESTING: INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORMS vce-O.s===>( 0,45 V 0.2Vcc+0.9 FLOAT WAVEFORM L _;..0_.2_V.,;;CC;,.-_0_.1_ _ __ 270431-13 270431-14 For Timing Purposes a Port Pin is no Longer Floating when a 100 mV change from Load Voltage Occurs, and Begins to Float when a 100 mV change from the Loaded VOHIVOL Level occurs IOLIiOH ;, ± 20 rnA. AC Inputs During Testing are Driven at Vcc-O,5 for a Logic "1" and 0.45V for a Logic "0", Timing Measurements are made at VIH Min for a LogiC "1" and VIL Max for a Logic "0", 10-129 intJ 80C152JA/83C152JA/80C152JB ~[Q)W~OO©~ OOOIF@OOIMl~ii"O@OO GLOBAL SERIAL PORT TIMINGS-Internal Baud Rate ,Generator Symbol 16.5 MHz (BAUD Parameter Min = 0) Variable Oscillator IIIlIn Max Unit Max HBTJR Allowable jitter on the Receiver for % bit time (Manchester encoding only) 0.0375 ,(0.125 x (BAUD+1)X 8TCLCL) --:25,ns ,.,.s FBTJR Allowable jitter on the Receiver for one full bit time (NRZI and Manchester) 0.10 (0.25 x (BAUD+1)X 8TCLCL) -25 ns ,.,.s HBTJT Jitter of data from Transmitter for % bit time (Manchester encoding only) ±35 ±35 ns FBTJT Jitter of data from Transmitter for one full bit time (NRZI and Manchester) ±70 ±.70 ns DRTR Data rise time for Receiver(11 ) 20 20 ns DFTR Data fall time for Receiver!1'2) 20 20 ns ~OTES: '11. Same as TCLCH, use External Clock Drive Waveform. 12. Same as TCHCL, use External Clock Drive Waveform. GSC RECEIVER TIMINGS (INTERNAL BAUD RATE GENERATOR) II BT 'I 1 MANCHESTER =::J( 1 1 NRzr=:::X 1 ~I~;'-------'I X.' ~ ~X~ ~I HBTJR' I...... ~ I ~ FBTJR 1 )K 'I' I ~ c:::: GRxD 1 'I : GRxD FBTJR 270431-15 10-130 intJ ~[Q)\\7~OO©~ OOOI?@OOIMl~ii'O@OO SOC152JAlS3C152JAlSOC152JB GSC TRANSMIT TIMINGS (INTERNAL BAUD RATE GENERATOR) I ~I'--------BT--------~'I =::x I MANCHESTER I ? X, ? I ? X,..-~?r--x:::: GTxD '----"""Tl~..,,_"':'+~"'------''--''''~~,'---'I :~~ I I_----H-B-TJ-T-~-~I~-~--F-BT-JT---~I NRZ1=::X ~. ~ .~ ~ GTxD ai' FBTJT 270431-16 GLOBAL SERIAL PORT TIMINGS-External Clock Symbol Parameter 16.5 MHz . Variable Oscillator Min Max Min 0.009 2.4 0.009 Unit Max x 1/ECBT GSC Frequency with an External Clock ECH External Clock High 15.5 2TClCl + 30ns ns ECl External Clock low 155 2TClCl + 30 ns ns ECRT External Clock Rise Time(11) 20 20 ns ECFT External Clock Fall Time(12) 20 20 ns ECDVT External Clock to Data Valid Out - Transmit (to External Clock Negative Edge) 150 150 ECDHT External Clock Data Hold - Transmit (to External Clock Negative Edge) Fosc 0.145 MHz ns ns 0 0 ECDSR External Clock Data Set-up - Receiver (to External Clock Positive Edge) 45 45 ns ECDHR External Clock to Data Hold - Receiver (to External Clock Positive Edge) 50 50 ns 10-131 intJ 80C152JA/83C152JA/80C152JB ~IQ)\YI~OO©[§ OOOIr@OO[M)~'iiO@OO GSC TIMINGS (EXTERNAL CLOCK) f4"I'----ECBT ------+1'1 ----x 1 EXTERNAL CLOCK 1 1. ~ECL----: : / : - - - ECH - . : "'I_ _ _--J -+j :-- ECDVT _ _....;...1 TRANSMIT DATA 'X :X,.-.;;...;.------...;....-- X ECDHT -+t ;....~--------....- - f4"I'----ECBT------+t·1 1 1 EXTERNAL CLOCK ----x'--___J/:,-----..,. 1 1 RECEIVE DATA I~______ - : ECDSR '--ECDHR-: -~'''':--X , 1 J /,-----.. .X ~ 1 Xr -;---......------..:.:.-,~~--------~~-- 270431-17 10-132 . inter 27C64/S7C64 64K (SK x S) CHMOS PRODUCTION AND UV ERASABLE PROMS • • • CHMOS Microcontroller and Microprocessor Compatible - 87C64-lntegrated Address Latch - Universal 28 Pin Memory Site, 2-line Control Low Power Consumption -100}J-A Maximum Standby Current • High Performance Speeds - 150 ns Maximum Access Time • New Quick-Pulse Programming™ Algorithm (1 second programming) • Available in 28-Pin Cerdip and Plastic DIP Package and 32-Lead PLCC Package. Noise Immunity Features ± 10% Vee Tolerance - Maximum Latch-up Immunity Through EPI Processing (See Packaging Spec, Order #231369) - Intel's 27C64 and 87C64 CHMOS EPROMs are 64K bit 5V only memories organized as 8192 words of 8 bits. They employ advanced CHMOS*II-E circuitry for systems requiring low power, high performance speeds, and immunity to noise. The 87C64 has been optimized for multiplexed bus microcontroller and microprocessor compatibility while the 27C64 has a non-multiplexed addressing interface and is plug compatible with the standard Intel 2764A (HMOS II-E). The 27C64 and 87C64 are offered in both a ceramic DIP, Plastic DIP, and Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) Packages. Cerdip packages provide flexibility in prototyping and R&D environments; whereas Plastic DIP and PLCC EPROMs provide optimum cost effectiveness in production environments. A new Quick-Pulse ProgrammingTM Algorithm is employed which can speed up programming by as much as one hundred times. The 87C64 incorporates an address latch on the address pins to minimize chip count in multiplexed bus systems. Designers can eliminate an external address latch by tieing address and data pins of the 87C64 directy to the processor's multiplexed address/data pins. On the falling edge of the ALE input (ALE/CE), address information at the address inputs (Ao-A12) of the 87C64 is latched internally. The address inputs are then ignored as data information is passed on th~ same bus. The highest degree of protection against latch·up is achieved through Intel's unique EPI processing. Prevention of latch-up is provided for stresses up to 100 mAon address and data pins from -1V to Vcc + 1V. 'liMOS and CHMOS are patented processes of Intel Corporation. DATA OUTPUTS 0 0-07 OUTPUT ENABLE PROG LOGIC OUTPUT BUffERS. Y-GATING 65,536 BIT CELL MATRIX Shaded 'Areas' i> .:::';,:;:::represent the 87C64 version 290000-1 Figure 1. Block Diagram 10-133 October 1987 Order Number: 290000-007 27C64/87C64 27256 27128 Vpp Vpp 2732A 2716 A'2 A7 A6 As A4 AS A2 A, A'2 A7 A6 As A7 A6 As A4 A4 As A2 A, An An 00 0, 02 00 0, 02 AS A2 A, AD 00 0, 02 A7 A6 As A4 Aa A2 A, AD 00 0, ~ Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd 27C64/87C64 P27C64/P87C64 2716 2732A Vee PCM N.C. 27128 27256 Vee Vee J5GlVl A,s As As All ..'. Vee As As A" Vpp at' DE As As All DENpp DE A,o A,o A,o A,o 06 Os 04 Os 07 Os Os 04 Os 07 Os Os 04 . Os ~ 06 Os 04 Oa c.._ A,. ~ ~ ~ ~ 290000-2 NOTE: Intel "Universal Site" Compatible EPROM Pin Confi~urations are shown in the adjacent blocks to 27C64 Pins, Shaded Areas 1u!!L~represenllhe 87C64 version Figure 2. Pin Configuration A6 0 All U A2 A, AS AI A' A~ 32 PIN PLCC Ne 0.450" X 0.550" (11.430 X 13.970) (MILLIMETERS) TOP VIEW AD Ne 00 290000-11 Figure 3. PLCC(N) Lead Configuration 10-134 A'4 A,s Vee As As All DE ~, 27C64/87C64 EXPRESS EPROM Product Family Extended Temperature (Express) EPROMs The Intel EXPRESS EPROM family is a series of electrically programmable read only memories which have received additional processing to enhance product characteristics. EXPRESS processing is available for several densities of EPROM, allowing the choice of appropriate memory size to match system applications. EXPRESS EPROM products are available with 168 ± 8 hour, 125°C dynamic burn-in using Intel's standard bias configuration. This process exceeds or meets most industry specifications of burn-in. The standard EXPRESS EPROM operating temperature range is O°C to 70°C. Extended operating temperature range (- 40°C to + 85°C) EXPRESS products are available along with automotive temperature range (- 40°C to + 125°C) products. Like all Intel EPROMs, the EXPRESS EPROM family is inspected to 0.1 % electrical AaL. This may allow the user to reduce or eliminate incoming inspection testing. PRODUCT DEFINITIONS Operating Type Temperature eC) Oto +70 a -40 to +85 T L -40 to +85 A -40 to + 125 B -40 to + 125 Burn-in 125°C (hr) 168 ±8 NONE 168 ±8 NONE 168 ±8 EXPRESS Options READ OPERATION 27C64/87C64 Versions Packaging Options Speed Versions -1 -15 -2 -20 -STD -25 -3 -30 Cerdip PLCC T,L,a T, L,a T,L,a,A,B T,L,a,A· T, L,a,A, B T,L,a,A T,L,a,A,B T,L,a,A T T T,A T T,A T T,A T Plastic DIP T T T,A T T,A T T,A T D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Electrical Parameters of EXPRESS EPROM products are identical to standard EPROM parameters except for: 27C64 87C64 Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Max Vee Standby Current (mA) CMOS 0.1 CE = Vee,OE = VIL ISB TTL 1.0 CE = VIH, OE = VIL lee1(1) Vee Active Current (mA) TIL 20,30 OE = CE = VIL Vee Active Current at TIL 20,30 OE = CE = VIL High Temperature Vpp = Vee, Tambient = 85°C NOTE: 1. See notes 4 and 6 of Read Operation D.C. Characteristics. 30~s H AOruLJ :'rLS Vee A'2 °00, °2 290000-13 = +sv vpp = +sv DE 290000-14 Binary Sequence from Ao to A12 = 1 Kfl vee = +sv GND = OV CE = 33.3 KHz PGM = +sv R Burn·ln Bias and Timing Diagrams 10-135 intJ 27C64/87C64 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Operating Temperature _ During Read ............. ~ .... O°C to + 70°C(2) Temperature Under Bias ......... -lO°C to + 80·C Storage Temperature .......... - 65°C to + 150·C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground .............. - 2~OV to 7V(1) • Notice: Stresses above those listed under ':Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Voltage on Pin Ag with Respect to Ground ......... -2.0V to + 13.5V(1) Vpp Supply Voltage with Respect to Ground During Programming ......... - 2.0V to + 14V(1) Vcc Supply Voltage with Respect to Ground .......... - 2.0V to + 7.OV(1) READ OPERATION D.C. CHARACTERISTICS O°C s TA S + 70°C Symbol Typ(3) Max Unit Test Condition 0.01 1.0 ,."A VIN = ±10 ,."A VOUT 6 100 ,."A ICMOS 5 100 ITTL 4 1.0 ,."A mA 4,6 20,30 mA Parameter III Input Leakage Current ILO Output Leakage Current IpP1 Vpp Current Read ISB Vcc Current Standby with Inputs- Notes Min ICC1 Vcc Current Active VIL Input Low Voltage (± 10% Supply) (TTL) -0.5 0.8 Input Low Voltage (CMOS) -0.2 0.2 2.0 Vcc+ 0.5 Vcc- 0.2 Vcc+ 0.2 VIH f = 5 MHz, lOUT = 0 mA Input High Voltage(± 10% Supply) (TTL) Input High Voltage (CMOS) VOL Output LOw Voltage VOH Output High Voltage los Vpp Output Short Circuit Current 7 Vpp Read Voltage 8 , OV to 5.5V = OV to 5.5V Vpp = Vcc CE = Vcc CE = VIH CE = VIL 0.45 3.5 Vcc- 0.7 _ V Vpp = Vcc V Vpp = Vcc V 10L =2.1 mA V 100 mA Vce V 10H= -2.5mA NOTES: 1. Minimum D.C. input voltage is -0.5V. During transitions. the inputs may undershoot to - 2.0V for periods less than 20 ns. Maximum D.C. Voltage on output pins is Vce + 0.5V which may overshoot to Vee + 2V for periods less than 20 ns. 2. Operating temperature is for commercial product definedby this specification. Extended temperature options are available in EXPRESS and Military version. S. Typical limits are at Vee = 5V; TA = + 25°C. 4. 20 mA forSTD and -3 versions; 30 mA for -2 and 150 ns version-!!. VIL. VIH levels at TTL inputs. 5. ALE ICE or CE is Vee ± 0.2V. All other inputs can have any value within spec. 6. Maximum Active power usage is the sum Ipp + Icc. The maximum current value is with Outputs 00 to 07 unloaded. 7. Output shorted _for no more than one second. No- more than one output shorted at a time. los is sampled but not 100% tested. 8. Vpp may be one diode voltage drop below Vee. It may be connected directly to Vee. 10-136 intJ 27C64/87C64 READ OPERATION + 70·G A.C. CHARACTERISTICS 27C64(1) O·G ~ TA ~ Vee ±5% 27C64-1 N27C64-1 P27C64-1 27C64-2 N27C64-2 P27C64-2 27C64 N27C64 27C64-3 N27C64-3 27C64-15 N27C64-15 P27C64-15 27C64-20 N27C64-20 P27C64-20 27C64-25 N27C64-25 27C64-30 N27C64·30 Versions (3) Vee ±10% Symbol Characteristic Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Unit Max tACC Address to Output Delay 150 200 250 300 ns tCE CE to Output Delay 150 200 250 300 ns tOE OE to Output Delay 75 75 100 120 ns tDF(2) OE High to Output High Z 35 55 60 105 ns tOH(2) Output Hold from Addresses, CE or OE Change·Whichever is First 0 0 0 0 ns NOTES: 1. A.C. characteristics tested at VIH = 2.4V and VIL = 0.45V. Timing measurements made at VOL = O.SV and VOH = 2.0V. 2. Guaranteed and sampled. 3. Model Number Prefixes: No prefix = Cerdip; P = Plastic DIP; N = PLCC. A.C. WAVEFORMS 27C64 V,H-----"\ ADDRess VALID. ADDRESSES VIL _ _ _ _ _J V,H -------+-,. V,H -------+----"" _--ICEI31~ ~-----t.cc-------<·I +H++< OUTPUT _ _ _ _ _~H;,;;IG;,;;H;,;;Z_ _ _ _ _ HIGHZ 290000-5 NOTES: 1. Typical values are for T A = 25°C and nominal supply voltages. 2. This parameter is only sampled and is not 100% tested. 3. OE may be delayed up to tCE-toE after the falling edge of CE without impact on tCE. 10-137 27C64/87C64 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS 1II«llo·c:5: T A :5: + 70·C Vee ±5% 87C64-1 N87C64-1 P87C64-1 87C64-2 N87C64-2 P87C64-2 87C64 N87C64 87C64-3 N87C64-3 Vee ±10% 87C64-15 N87C64-15 P87C64-15 87C64-20 N87C64-20 P87C64-20 87C64-25 N87C64-25 87C64-30 N87C64-30 Versions (3) Symbol Parameter Max Min Min . Min Max Max Min Unit Max tLL Chip Deselect Width 50 50 60 75 ns tAL Address.to CE-Latch Set-up 7 20 25 30 ns tLA Address Hold from CE-LATCH .45 50 60 ns tACL CE-Latch Access Time tOE Output Enable to Output Valid tCOE ALE ICE to Output Enable tCHZ(2) Chip Deselect to Output in High Z 45 50 tOHZ(2) Output Disable to Output in HighZ 35 50 30 150 200 75 75 45 30. 250 300 ns 100 120 ns 60 75 ns 60 75 ns 60 50 ns NOTES: 1. A.C. characteristics tested at VIH = 2.4V and VIL = 0.45V. Timing measurements made at VOL = O.BV and VOH = 2.0V. 2. Guaranteed and sampled. 3. Model Number Prefixes: No prefix = Cerdip; P = Plastic DIP; N = PLCC. A.C. WAVEFORMS .....•! ALE/CE tACL OUTPUTS -tCOE--t+----IOE ......_ _ _ OE----~ __J 290000-6 CAPACITANCE(1) Symbol f = 1.0 MHz TA = 25·C. Parameter Max Unit Conditions = CIN Address/Control Capacitance 6 pF VIN COUT Output Capacitance 12 pF VOUT OV = OV NOTE: 1. Sampled. Not 100% tested. A_C_ TESTING INPUT/OUTPUT WAVEFORM 2.4 0.45 2.0> 0.8 ____ TEST POINTS _ _ 2.0 A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT f il-'N9" OUTPUT ~0.8;.... __ 3.3Kn DEVICE UNDER TEST 290000-10 ~DUT .l A.C. Testing: Inputs are driven at 2.4V for a Logic "1 "and 0.45V 'for a Logic "a". Timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a logic "I" and O.BV for a Logic "0". CL= 100 pF 290000-3 CL ;= 100 pF CL Includes Jig Capacitance 10-138 27C64/87C64 DEVICE OPERATION The modes of operation of the 27C64/87C64 are listed in Table 1. A single SV power supply is required in the read mode. All inputs are TIL levels except for VPP and 12V on A9 for inteligent Identifier mode. Table 1. Mode Selection for 27C64 and 87C64 Pins . Vpp A,LE/CE CE OE PGM (7) Ag Ao Mode Read VIL VIL VIH X(l) X Vee S.OV DOUT Output Disable VIL VIH VIH X X Vee S.OV HighZ Standby VIH X X X X Vee S.OV HighZ Programming VIL VIH VIL X X (4) (4) DIN (7) Vee Outputs Program Verify VIL VIL VIH X X (4) (4) DOUT Program Inhibit VIH X X X X (4) (4) HIGHZ inteligent Identifier(3) -Manufacturer VIL VIL VIH VH(2) VIL Vee Vee 89 H (6) 88 H (6) inteligent Identifier(3) -27C64 VIL VIL VIH VH(2) VIH Vee Vee 07 H inteligent Identifier(3, 5) -87C64 VIL VIL VIH VH(2) VIH Vee Vee 37 H NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. X can be VIL or VIH. VH = 12.0V ± O.5V. A1-Aa, A10-12 = VIL. See Table 2 for Vcc and Vpp voltages. ALE ICE has to be toggled in order to latch in the addresses and read the signature codes. The Manufacturer's identifier reads 89H for Cerdip devices; 88H for Plastic DIP and PLCC devices. _ In Read Mode tie PGM and Vpp to Vee. Read Mode: 27C64 Read Mode: 87C64 The 27C64 has two control functions, both of which must be logically active in order to obtain data at the outputs. Chip Enable (CE) is the power control and should be used for device selection. Output enable (OE) is the output control and should be used to gate data from the output pins. Assuming that addresses are stable, the address access time (tAee) is equal to the delay from CE to output (teE). Data is available at the outputs after a del~f tOE from the falling edge of OE, assuming that CE has been low and addresses have been stable for at least tAee-tOE· The 87C64 was designed to reduce the hardware interface requirements when incorporated in processor systems with multiplexed address-data busses. Chip count (and therefore power and board space) can be minimized when the 87C64 is designed as shown in Figure 4. The processor's multiplexed bus (ADo-7) is tied to both address and data pins of the 87C64. All address inputs of the 87C64 are latched when ALE/CE is brought low, thus eliminating the need for a separate address latch. 10-139 inter 27C64/87C6:4 The 87C64 internal address latch is directly enabled through the use of the ALE/CE line. As the transition occurs on the ALE/CE from the TTL high to the low state, the last address presented at the address pins is retained. Data is then enabled onto the bus from the EPROM by the OE pin. Vss Vee RST Vee Vss 290000-4 Figure 4. 80C31 with 87C64 System Configuration Standby !\/lode The 27C64 and 87C64 have Standby modes which reduce the maximum Vee current to 100 p..A. Both are placed in the Standby m'ode when CE or ALE/CE are in the CMOS-high state. When in the Standby mode, the outputs are in a high impedance state, independent of the OE input. Two Line Output Control Because EPROMs are usually used in larger memory arrays, Intel has provided 2 control lines which accommodate this multiple memory connection. The two control lines allow for: a) the lowest possible memory power dissipation, and b) complete assurance that output. bus .contention will not occur. To use these two control lines most efficiently, CE (or 'ALE/CE) should be decoded and used' as the primary device selecting function, while OE should be made a common connection to all devices in the array and connected to the READ line from the system control bus. This assures that all deselected memory devices are in their low power standby mode and that the output pins are active only when data is desired from a particular memory device. SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS The power switching characteristics of EPROMs require careful decoupling of the devices. The supply current, Icc, has three segments that are of interest to the system designer-the standby current level, the active current level, and the transient current peaks that are produced by the falling and rising . edges of Chip Enable. The magnitude of these transient and inductive current peaks is dependent on the output capacitive and inductive loading of the device. The associated transient voltage peaks can be. suppressed by complying with Intel's Two-Line Control; and by properly selected decoupling capacitors. It is recommended that a 0.1 p..F ceramic capacitor be used on every device between Vee and GND. This should be a high frequency capaCitor for low inherent inductance and should be placed as clo.se to the device as possible. In addition, a 4.7 p..F bulk electrolytic capacitor should be used between Vee and GND for every eight devices. The bulk capacitor should be located near where tlie power supply is connected to the array. The purpose of the ,bulk capacitor is to overcome the voltage droop caused by the inductive effect of PC board-traces. PROGRAMMING MODES Caution: Exceeding 14Von Vpp will permanently damage the device. Initially, and after each erasure, all bits of the EPROM are in the "1" state. Data is introduced by selectively programming "Os" into the desired bit locations. Although. only "Os" will be programmed; both "1 s" and "Os" can be present in the data word. The only way to change a "0" to a "1" is by ultraviolet light erasure. The device is in the programming mode when Vpp is raised to its programming voltage (See Table 2) and CE (or ALE/CE) and PGM are both at TTL low and OE = VIH. The data to be programmed is applied 8 , bits in parallel' to the data output pins. The levels required for the address and data inputs are TTL: Program Inhibit Programming of multiple EPROMSin parallel with different data is easily accomplished by using ·the Program Inhibit mode. A high-level CE (or ALE/CE) or PGM input inhibits the other devices from being programmed. 10-140 inter 27C64/87C64 Except for CE (or ALE/CE), all like inputs (including OE) of the parallel EPROMs may be common. A TTL low-level pulse applied to the £9lM input with Vpp at its programming voltage and CE (or ALE/CE) = VIL will program the selected device. Program Verify A verify (read) should be performed on the programmed bits to determine that they have been correctly programme!LThe verify is performed with OE and CE (or ALE/CE) at VIL, PGM at VIH, and Vee and Vpp at their programming voltages. Data should be verified a minimum of tOE after the falling edge of OE. inteligent Identifier™ Mode The inteligent Identifier Mode allows the. r~adin~ ~ut of a binary code from an EPROM that will Identify Its manufacturer and type. This mode is intended for use by programming equipment for the purpose of automatically matching the device to be programmed with its corresponding programming algorithm. This mode is functional in the 25°C ± 5°C ambient temperature range that is required when programming the device. To activate this mode, the programming equipment must force 11.5V to 12.5V on address line A9 of the EPROM. Two identifier bytes may then be sequenced from the device outputs by toggling address line AO from VIL to VIH. All other address lines must be held at VIL during the inteligent Identifier Mode. Byte 0 (AO = VIL) represents the manufacturer code and byte 1 (AO = VIH) the device identifier code. These two identifier bytes are given in Table 1. ALE/CE of the 87C64 has to be toggled in order to latch in the addresses and read the Signature Codes. ERASURE CHARACTERISTICS (FOR CERDIP EPROMS) The erasure characteristics are such that erasure begins to occur upon exposure to light with wavelengths shorter than approximately 4000 Angstroms (A). It should be noted that sunlight and certain types of fluprescent lamps have wavelengths in the 3000-4000A range. Data shows that constant exposure to room level fluorescent lighting could erase the EPROM in approximately 3 years, while it would take approximately 1 week to cause erasure when exposed to direct sunlight. If the device is to be exposed to these types of lighting conditions for extended periods of time, opaque labels should be placed over the window to prevent unintentional erasure. The recommended erasure procedure is exposure to shortwave ultraviolet light which has a wavelength of 2537 Angstroms (A). The integrated dose (Le., UV intensity x exposure time) for erasure should be a minimum of 15 Wsec/cm 2. The erasure time with .this dosage is approximately 15 to 20 minutes using an ultraviolet lamp with a 12000 )J-W/cm2 power rating. The EPROM should be placed withi~ 1 in~h of the lamp tubes during erasure. The maximum integrated dose an EPROM can be exposed to without damage is 7258 Wsec/cm 2 (1 week @ 12000 )J-W/ cm 2). Exposure of the device to high intensity UV light for longer periods may cause permanent damage. CHMOS NOISE CHARACTERISTICS Special EPI processing techniques have enabled Intel to build CHMOS with features adding to system reliability. These include input/output protection to latch-up. Each of the data and address pins will not latch-up with currents up to 100 mA and voltages from -1V to Vee + 1V. Additionally, the Vpp (programming) pin is designed to resist latch-up to the 14V maximum device limit. 10-141 27C64/87C64 290000-12 Figure 5. Quick-Pulse Programming™ Algorithm Quick-Pulse Programming™ Algorithm Intel's 27C64 and 87C64 EPROMs can now be programmed using the Quick-Pulse Programming Algorithm, developed by Intel to substantially reduce the throughput time in the production environment. This algorithm allows these devices to be programmed in under one second, almost a hundred fold improvement over previous algorithms. Actual programming time is a function of the PROM programmer being used. fication to determine when the address byte has been successfully programmed. Up to 25 100 /Jos pulses per byte are provided before a failure is recognized. A flowchart of the Quick-Pulse Programming Algorithm is shown in Figure 5. For the Quick Pulse Programming Algorithm, the entire sequence of programming pulses and byte verifications is performed at Vee = 6.25V and Vpp at 12.75V. When programming of the EPROM has been completed, all bytes should be compared to the original data with Vee = Vpp = 5.0V. The Quick-Pulse Programming Algorithm uses initial pulses of 100 microseconds followed by a byte veri- 10-142 inter 27C64/87C64 D.C. PROGRAMMING CHARACTERISTICS (27C64/87C64) T A = 25°C ± 5°C Table 2 Symbol Limits Parameter III Input Current (All Inputs) VIL Input Low Level (All Inputs) VIH Input High Level VOL Output Low Voltage During Verify VOH Output High Voltage During Verify Min Max Unit 1.0 p.A -0.1 0.8 V 2.0 Vee + 0.5 0.45 3.5 Test Conditions (Note 1) VIN = VIL or VIH V IOL V IOH = 2.1 mA = -2.5 mA CE = VIL V lee2(3) Vee Supply Current IpP2(3) VPP Supply Current (Program) VIO Ag inteligent Identifier Voltage 11.5 Vpp Programming Voltage 12.5 13.0 V Vee Supply Voltage During Programming 6.0 6.5 V 30 mA 30 mA 12.5 V A.C. PROGRAMMING CHARACTERISTICS 27C64 T A = 25°C Symbol ± 5°C, See Table 2 for Vee and Vpp Voltages Limits Parameter Min Typ Max Unit tAS Address Setup Time 2 p.s toES OE Setup Time 2 p.s tos Data Setup Time 2 p.s tAH Address Hold Time 0 p.s tOH Data Hold Time 2 tOFP OE High to Output Float Delay 0 tvps Vpp Setup Time 2 p.s tves Vee Setup Time 2 p.s teEs CE Setup Time 2 p.s tpw PGM Program Pulse Width 95 toE Data Valid from OE A_C_ CONDITIONS OF TEST Input Rise and Fall Times (10% to 90%) ...... 20 ns Input Pulse Levels ...•.............. 0.45V to 2.4V Input Timing Reference Level ....... 0.8V and 2.0V Output Timing Reference Level ...... 0.8V and 3.5V ' Conditions (Note 1) p.s 130 100 ris 105 p.s 150 ns (Note'2) Quick-Pulse N'OTES: . 1. Vee must be applied simultaneously or before Vpp and removed Simultaneously or after Vpp. 2. This parameter is only sampled and is not 100% tested. Output Float is defined as the point where data is no longer driven-see timing diagram. 3. The maximum current value is with outputs 00 to 07 Unloaded. 10-143 intJ 27C64/87C64 PROGRAMMING WAVEFORMS 27C64 .PRDGRAM '~ ADDRESSES VERIFY - ADDRESS STABLE _IA' __ ~ DATA IN STABLE DATA ~ID' __ ~ HIGHZ DATA OUT f+'DH., _'AH vlLlD - It' L ~ 'OF,!» 12.75V .-.-/ _'VP'__ Vpp 5.0V , 8.25V Vee 5.0V V,H CE , -.-/ _'ve,_ - \ V" _'e,,_ V'H PGM V" V'H DE V" - ~ I,. topw , l- - i-- 'OES1 \ 'OE(2) I-- - 290000-9 NOTES: " 1. The Input Timing Reference Level is 0.8V for VIL and 2V for a VIH. 2. toE and tOFP are characteristics of the device but must be accommodated by the programmer. 3. When programming the 27C64, a 0.1 ,.F capacitor is required across Vpp and ground to suppress spurious voltage transients which can damage the device. 10-144 intJ 27C64/87C64 A.C. PROGRAMMING CHARACTERISTICS 87C64: = 25°C ±5°C, See Table 2 for Vee and Vpp Voltages: . . .. TA Lilnits ..Parameter Symbol Min tvps Vpp Setup Time Typ Unit 2 p.s tves Vee Setup Time 2 p's tLL Chip Deselect Width 2 p.s tAL Address to Chip Select Setup 1 p.s tLA Address Hold from Chip Select 1 p.s tpw PGM Pulse Width 95 tos Data Setup Time 2 tOFP OE High to Data Float 0 tOES Output Enable Setup Time 2 tOE Data Valid from Output Enable tOH Data Hold Time 2 tJ. s teEs CE Setup Time 2 p.s 100 Conditions Max 105 p.s Quick-Pulse p.s 130 ns p.s 150 ns NOTE: 1. Programming tolerances and test conditions are the same as 27C64. PROGRAMMING WAVEFORMS :etc6~1 )I( ADDRESSES ( ADDRESS , !-=tAL+ -tLA- - DATA I- ALE/CE HD~~tOES-r--J:OE I-tDS " XI-tDf:J- tLL(1) Vpp ~ (1) Vee t vps - - tves tCES- ~ ~ tpw" -;~;w \-..J 290000-8 NOTE: 1. 12.75V Vpp & 6.25V Vee for Quick-Pulse Programming Algorithm. 10-145 inter ·87C257 256K (32Kx 8) CHMOS UV ERASABLE PROM • CHMOS/NMOS Microcontroiler and Mlcroproce$sor Compatible - 87C257-1ntegrated Address Latch - Universal 28 Pin Memory Site, 2·line Control . • Noise Immunity Features - ± 10% Vee Tolerance - Maximum Latch·up Immunity Through EPI Processing '., Low Power Consumption • High Performance Speeds - 170 ns Maximum Access Time • New Quick·Pulse Programming™ Algorithm - 4 Second Programming • Available in 28·Pln Cerdip Package (See Packaging Spec .• Order '" 231369) Intel's 87C257 CHMOS EPROM is a 256K-bit 5V only memory organized as 32,768 8-bit words. It employs advanced CHMOS*II-E circuitry for systems requiring low power, high speed performance, and noise immunity. The 87C257 is optimized for compatibility with multiplexed address/data bus microcontrollers such as Intel's 16 MHz 80.51- and 80.96- families. The 87C257 incorporates latches on all address inputs to minimize chip count, reduce cost, and simplify design of multiplexed bus systems. The 87C257's internal address latch allows address and data pins to be tied directly to the processor's multiplexed address/data pins. Address information (inputs Ao-A14) is latched early in the memory-fetch cycle by the falling edge of the ALE input. Subsequent address information is ignored while ALE remains low. The EPROM can then pass data (from pins 00-07) on the same bus during the last part of the memory-fetch cycle. The 87C257 is offered in a ceramic DIP package, providing flexibility in prototyping and R&D environments. The 87C257 employs the Quick-Pulse Programming™ Algorithm for fast and reliable programming. Intel's EPI processing achieves the highest degree of latch-up protection. Address and data pin latch-up prevention is provided for stressesup to 10.0. mA from -1V to Vcc + 1V. 'HMOS and, CHMOS are patented processes of Intel Corporation. DATA OUTPUTS 0 0-07 5E CE ALE OUTPUT ENABLE PROG LOGIC OUTPUT BUffERS CHIP ENABLE ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE Y DECODE Y-GATING X DECODE 262,144 BIT CELL MATRIX :>: ~ Ao-A I4 ADDRESS INPUTS In In '"'" Q Q ..: 290135-1 Figure 1. Block Diagram 10.-146 October 1987 Order Number: 290135-002 87C257 Pin Names Ao-A14 00-0 7 OUTPUTS OE OUTPUT ENABLE CE CHIP ENABLE ALE/vpp Address Latch Enable/Vpp N.C. NO CONNECT 87C257 87C64 Vpp A12 A7 As As A4 As A2 A1 Ao 00 01 02 Gnd ADDRESSES ALE/Vpp A12 A7 As As A4 87C64 vee A14 A13 As A9 All OE AID CE A, A2 AI AD 00 01 02 ~ 06 Os 04 03 GND Vee PGM N.C As Ag An OE A10 ALE/CE 07 Os Os 04 Os 290135-2 Figure 2. DIP Pin Configuration NOTE: Intel "Universal Site"-Compatible EPROM Pin Configurations are Shown in the Blocks Adjacent. 10~147 inter 87C257 . EXTENDED TEMPERATURE (EXPRESS) EPROMs The Intel EXPRESS EPROM family receives additional processing to enhance product characteristics. EXPRESS processing is available for several EPROM densities allowing the appr-opriate memory size to match system applications. EXPRESS EPROMs are available with 168 ±8 hour, 125·C dynamic burn-in using Intel's standard bias configuration. This process meets or exceeds most industry burn-in specifications. The standard EXPRESS EPROM operating temperature range is O·C to + 70·C. Extended operating temperature range (-40·C to +85·C) EXPRESS and automotive temperature range (- 40·C to + 125·C) products are also available. Like all Intel EPROMs, the EXPRESS EPROM family is inspected to 0.1 % electrical AQL. This allows reduction or elimination of incoming testing. Vee 07 06 05 °4 °3 29013S-4 OE = SVR = 1 KflVcc= +SV ALElVpp = + SV Vss = GND CE = GND AUTOMOTIVE AND EXPRESS OPTIONS Versions Speed Versions Packaging Options -200V05 A -250V10 A -250V05 A Cerdlp • 29013S-S Binary Sequence from AD 10 A14 AUTOMOTIVE AND EXPRESS EPROM PRODUCT FAMILY Burn-In Bias and Timing Diagrams PRODUCT DEFINITIONS Type Operating Temperature ("C) Burn-in 125·C (hr) Q O·Cto +70·C 168 ±8 T - 40·C to + 85·C NONE L - 40·C to + 85·C 168 ±8 A - 40·C to + 125·C NONE B - 40·C to + 125·C 168 ±8 10-148 infef 87C257 • Notice: Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for ex/ended periods may affect device reliability. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Operating Temperature, During Read .....••••••.••.•••....•. O'C to + 70'C(2) Temperature Under Bias ..••... -1 O'C to + 80'C(2) Storage Temperature .......... - 65'C to + 150'C Voltage on any Pin with Respectto Ground ........••••• - 2V to + 7V(1) Voltage on Ag with Respect to Ground ....•..••. - 2V to + 13.5V(1) Vpp Supply Voltage with Respect to Ground During Programming •.•.•.•.. - 2V to + 14.0V(1) Vcc Supply Voltage with . Respectto Ground ....•......• -2V to +7.0V(1) NOTICE Specifications contained within the following tables are subject to change. READ OPERATION D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TTL and NMOS Inputs Symbol Parameter III Input Load Current ILO Output Leakage Current 158 Vee Current Standby with Inputs- Notes Max Units 0.Q1 1.0 ".A I Stable Vee Current Active 5 VIL Input Low Voltage ( ± 10% Supply) 1 VIH Input High Voltage (± 10% Supply) VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage los Output Short Circuit Current -0.5 2.0 ".A VOUT = OV to 5.5V 10 mA CE 1.0 mA CE = VIH. ALE = VIL 30 mA CE = VIL. ALE = VIH f = 5 MHz. lOUT = 0 mA O.B V Vee + 0.5 2.4 6 Test Condition VIN = OV to 5.5V ±10 0.45 D.C. CHARACTERISTICS III Typ(3) I' Switching leel Symbol Min 100 = ALE = VIH V V 10L = 2.1 mA V 10H = -400".A mA CMOS Inputs Parameter Notes Min Input Load Current ILO Output Leakage Current 158 Vee Current Standby with Inputs- leel Vee Current Active VIL Input Low Voltage (± 10% Supply) -0.2 VIH Input High Voltage (± 10% Supply) 0.7 Vee VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage los Output Short Circuit Current 1 Switching Typ(3) Max Units 0.01 1.0 ".A ±10 ".A VOUT = OV to 5.5V 6 mA CE = ALE = Vee 100 ".A CE 15 mA CE = VIL. ALE = VIH f = 5 MHz. lOUT = 0 mA 0.8 V 4 1 Stable 5 Vee + 0.2 0.4 Vee - O.B 6 Test Condition VIN = OV to 5.5V 100 = Vec. ALE = GND V V 10L = 2.1 mA 'V 10H = -2.5 mA mA NOTES: 1. Minimum D.C. input voltage is -0.5V. During transitions. the inputs may undershoot to -2.0V for periods less than 20 ns. Maximum D.C. voltage on output pins is Vee + 0.5V which may overshoot to Vee + 2V for periods less than 20 ns. 2. Operating temperature is for commercial product defined by this specification. Extended temperature options are available in EXPRESS and Automotive versions. 3. Typical limits are at Vee = 5V. TA = + 25'C. 4. CE is Vee ±0.2V. All other inputs can have any value within spec. 5. Maximum current value is with outputs 00 to 07 unloaded. 6. Output shorted for no more than one second. No more than one output shorted at a time. los is sampled but not 100% tested. 10-149 87C257 READ OPERATION A.C. CHARACTERISTICS(1) O·C s: TA s: + 70·C Verslons(3) Symbol I Vee ±5% I Vee ±10% 87C257·170V05 Characteristic Min Max 87C257-200V05 87C257-250V05 87C257-200V10 87C257-250V10 Min Max Min Units Max tACC Address to Output Delay 170 200 250 ns tCE CE to Output Delay 170 200 250 ns tOE OE to Output Delay 70 75 100 ns tOF(2) OE High to Output High Z 35 40 55 ns toH(2) Output Hold from Addresses, CE or OE Change·Whichever is First 0 0 0 ns tLL Latch Deselect Width 35 55 60 ns tAL(2) Address to Latch Set·Up 7 15 25 ns tLA Address Hold from LATCH 20 30 40 ns tLOE ALE to Output Enable 20 30 .40 ns NOTES: 1. See A.C. Testing Input/Output Waveforms for timing measurements. . , 2. Guaranteed and sampled. 3. Model Number Prefixes: No Prefix = CERDIP. A.C. CONDITIONS OF TEST Input Rise and Fall Times (10% to 90%) ....•. 10 ns Input Pulse Levels., ................... VOL to VOH Input Timing Reference Level ..•.........•... 1.5V Output Timing Reference Level ........ VIL and VIH A.C. WAVEFORMS V1H ALE V1L VIH _ _ _ _~~--+_ CE V1L V ____ IH (2) + _________ _ t LOE --~-tOE Of V1L ~~~---~cc------~ OUTPUT VIH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..!i!:~L._t:§~~~~§:~~ HIGH Z V1L 290135-6 NOTES: 1. This parameter is only sampled and is not 100% tested. 2. DE may be delayed up to IcE:"tOE after the falling edge of CE without impact on tCE' 10-150 inter 87C257 CAPACITANCE(1} Symbol = TA 25°C. f = 1.0 MHz Parameter Max Units Conditions = CIN Address/Control Capacitance 6 pF VIN COUT Output Capacitance 12 pF VOUT OV = OV NOTE: 1. Sampled. Not 100% tested. A.C. TESTING INPUT/OUTPUT WAVEFORM A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT 1.:~ ~~IN914 1.5 -lEST POINlS :::::: IH OUTPUT V1L - 3.3k.D. DEVICE UNDER TEST 290135-7 A.C. testing inputs are driven at VOH for a Logic "I" and VOL for a Logic "a". Timing measurements are made-at VIH for a Logic "1" and VIL for a Logic "a". :e-- OUT CL 290135-S CL = 100 pF CL Includes Jig Capacitance DEVICE OPERATION Table 1 lists 87C257 operating modes. Read mode requires a single 5V power supply. All input. levels are TTL or CMOS except A9 in inteligent Identifier mode and Vpp. Table 1. Mode Selection Pins ALE/ Vpp Vee X X 5.0V DOUT X X 5.0V HighZ X 5.0V HighZ (Note 4) (Note 4) DIN CE OE As Ao Read VIL VIL X(1) Output Disable - VIL VIH X Standby VIH X X X Programming VIL VIH X X Mode Outputs Program Verify VIH VIL X X (Note 4) (Note 4) DOUT Optional Program Verify VIL VIL X X Vee (Note 4) (Note 4) DCUT Program Inhibit VIH VIH X X (Note 4) (Note 4) HighZ VIL X Vec 89H VIH X VCC 24H inteligent Identifier(3) -Manufacturer VIL VIL VH(2) inteligent Identifier(3) -87C257 VIL VIL VH(2) NOTES: 1. X can be VIL or VIH. 2. VH = 12.0V ±0.5V. 3. AI-As. AlO-12 = VIL. A13-14 = X. 4. See Table 2 for Vee and Vpp programming voltages. 10-151 inter 87C257 Read Mode Two Line Output Control The 87C257 has two control functions; both must be logica"y active to obtain data at the outputs. Chip Enable (CE) is the power control and the device-select. Output enable (OE) gates data to. the output pins by controlling the output buffer. When the address is stable (ALE = VIH) or latched (ALE = VII), the address access time (tACe) equals the delay from CE to output (teE). Ou~ts display valid data tOE after the falling edge of OE, assuming tACC and teE times are met. EPROMs are often used in larger memory arrays. Intel provides two contol inputs to acCommodate multiple memory connections. Two-line control provides for: a) the lowest possible memory power dissipation, The 87C257 reduces the hardware interface in multiplexed address-data bus systems. Figure 4 shows a low power, sma" board space, minimal chip 87C257/microcontro"er design. The processor's multiplexed bus (ADo.7) is tied to the 87C257's address and data pins. No separate. address latch is needed because the 87c257 latches a" address inpilts when ALE is low. The ALE input controls the 87C257's internal address latch. As ALE transitions from VIH to VIL, the last address present at the address pins is retained. The OE control can then enable EPROM data onto the bus. vss vee RST 290135-9 Md . b) complete assurance that output bus contention will not occur. To efficiently ·use these two control inputs, an address decoder should enable CE, while OE should be connected to a" memory-array devices and the system's READ control line. This assures that only selected memory devices have active outputs while deselected memory devices are in low-poWer standby mode. SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS EPROM power switching characteristics require careful device decoupling. System designers are interested in three supply current (ICC) issue!r-standby current levels, active current levels, and transient current peaks produced by falling and rising edges . of Chip Enable. Transient current magnitudes depend on the device outputs' capacitive and inductive loading. Two-Line Control and proper decoupling ca' pacitor selection will suppress transient voltage peaks. Each device should have a 0.1 IlF ceramic 'capacitor connected between its Vcc and GND. This high frequency, low inherent-inductance capacitor should be placed as close as possible to the device. Additiona"y, for every eight devices, a 4.7 IlF electrolytic capacitor should be placed between Vcc.and GND at the array's power supply connection. The bulk capacitor will overcome voltage slumps caused by PC board trace inductances. PROGRAMMING MODES' Figure 4. 80C31 with 87C257 System Configuration Caution: Exceeding 14Von Vpp will permanently damage the devIce. Standby Mode The standbLmode substantially reduces Vcc current. When CE = VIH, the standby mode places the outputs in a high impedance state, independent of the OE input. Initia"y, and after each erasure, a" EPROM bits are in the "1" state. Data is introduced by selectively programming "Os" into the desired bit locations. Although only "Os" are programmed, the data word 10-152 intJ 87C257 can contain both "1s" and "Os". Ultraviolet light erasure is the only way to change "Os" to "1s". The programming mode is entered when Vpp is raised to its programming voltage (see Table 2). Data is programmed by applyil]Lan 8-bit word to the output pins (00-7). Pulsing CE to TTL-low while OE = VIH will program data. TTL levels are required for address and data inputs. Program Inhibit The Program Inhibit mode allows parallel programming of multiple EPROMs with different data. With Vpp at its programming voltage, a CE-Iow pulse programs the desired EPROM. CE-high inputs inhibit programming of non-targeted devices. Except for CE and OE, parallel EPROMs may have common inputs. Program Verify With Vpp and Vee at their programming voltages, a verify (read) determines that bits are correctly programmed. The verify is performed with CE = ~ and OE = VIL. Valid data is available tOE after OE falls low. Optional Program Verify The optional verify allows parallel programming and verification when several devices share a common bus. It is performed with CE = OE = VIL and Vpp = Vee = 6.25V. The normal read mode is then used for .E!:9gram~erify. Outputs will tri-state depending on OE and CEo inteligent Identifier™ Mode The inteligent Identifier Mode will determine an EPROM's manufacturer and device type. Programming equipment can automatically match a device with its proper programming algorithm. This mode is activated when programming equipment forces 12V ±0.5V on the EPROM's Ag address line. With A1-Aa, A1O-A12 = VIL (A13-14 are don't care), address line Ao = VIL will present the manufacturer's code and Ao = VIH'the device code (see Table 1). When Ag = VH, ALE need not be toggled to latch each identifier address. This mode functions in the 25°C ± 5°C ambient temperature range required during programming. ERASURE CHARACTERISTICS (FOR CERDIP EPROMS) Exposure to light of wavelength shorter than 4000 Angstroms (A) begins EPROM erasure. Sunlight and some fluorescent lamps have wavelengths in the 3000.,...4000A range. Constant exposure to room-Iev-' el fluorescent light can erase an EPROM in about 3 years (about 1 week for direct sunlight). Opaque labels over the window will prevent unintentional erasure under these lighting conditions. The recommended erasure procedure is exposure, to 2537A ultraviolet light. The minimum integrated dose (intensity x exposure time) is 15 Wsec/cm 2. Erasure time using a'12000 p.W/cm2 ultraviolet lamp is approximately 15 to 20 minutes. The EPROM should be placed about 1 inch from the lamp. The maximum integrated dose is 7258 Wsec/cm 2 (1 week @ 12000 p.W/cm 2 ). High intensity UV light exposure for longer periods can cause permanent damage. 10-153 inter 87C257 290135'-10 Figure 5. Qulck·Pulse Programmlng™ Algorithm CHMOS NOISE CHARACTERISTICS System reliability is enhanced by Intel's CHMOS EPI-process techniques. Protection on each data and address pin prevents latch-up; even with 100 mA currents and voltages from -1V to Vee + 1V. Additionally, the Vpp pin is designed to resist latchup to the 14V maximum device limit. . Quick-Pulse Programmlng™ Algorithm The Quick-Pulse Programming algorithm programs Intel's 87C257 EPROM. Developed to substantially reduce production programming throughput time, this algorithm can program a 87C257 in under four seconds. Actual programming time depends on the PROM programmer used. . The Quick-Pulse Programming algorithm uses a 100 microsecond initial-pulse followed by a byte verifica- tion to determine when the addressed byte is correctly programmed. The algorithm terminates if 25 100/kS pulses fail to program a byte. Figure 5 shows the Quick-Pulse Programming algorithm flowchart. The entire program-pulse/byte-verify sequence is performed with Vee = 6.25V and Vpp = 12.75V. When programming is complete, all bytes should be compared to the original data with Vee = 5.0V. Alternate Programming Intel's 27C256 and 27256 Quick-Pulse Programming algorithms will also program the 87C257. By overrid. ing a check for the inteligent Identifier, older or nonupgraded PROM programmers can program the 87C257. See Intel's 27C256 and 27256 data sheets for programming waveforms of these alternate algorithms. 10-154 intJ 87C257 D.C. PROGRAMMING CHARACTERISTICS = TA 25°C ±SoC Table 2 Symbol limits Parameter Min III Unit 1.0 ).tA 0.8 V Input Current (All Inputs) -0.2 Test Conditions Max VIN = V IOL V IOH = 2.1 rnA = -400).tA CE = VIL Input Low Level (All Inputs) VIH Input High Level VOL Output Low Voltage During Verify VOH Output High Voltage During Verify lee2(3) Vee Supply Current IpP2(3) Vpp Supply Current (Program) VIO Ag inteligent Identifier Voltage 11.5 Vpp(1) Programming Voltage 12.5 13.0 V Ved 1) Supply Voltage During Programming 6.0 6.5 V 2.0 Vee + 0.5 0.4 Vee - 0.8 VIL or VIH V 30 rnA 50 rnA 12.5 V VIL A.C. PROGRAMMING CHARACTERISTICS TA = 25°C ±5°C; see Table 2 for Vee and Vpp voltages. Symbol Limits Parameter Min tAS Address Setup Time Typ Conditions Max Unit 2 ).ts tOES OE Setup Time 2 ).ts tos Data Setup Time 2 ).ts tAH Address Hold Time 0 ).ts tOH Data Hold Time 2 ).ts tOFP(2) OE High to Output Float Delay 0 tVPS(1) Vpp Setup Time 2 tves(1) Vee Setup Time 2 tpw CE Program Pulse Width toE Data Valid from OE 95 130 ns ).ts ).ts 100 105 ).ts 150 ns NOTES: 1. Vee must be applied simultaneously or before Vpp and removed simultaneously or after Vpp. 2. This parameter is only sampled and is not 100% tested. Output Float is defined as the point where data is no longer driven-see timing diagram. 3. The maximum current value is with outputs 00 to 07 unloaded. 10-155 'V I 1 1"ta lig ent Identifier. • 1"ta ng ent identifier I Manufacturer Ag 12.0 V . - - - - - Address~::==>f AO=VIL =12.0V JJ I " Dey;ce Blank Check Illegal Bit Check '""'Z:AI-8'Al0-12=VIL~ ADDRESSVALID I I' )~ Pro rom g ADDRESS STABLE I I • I Program Verify I I .n; • Re~d I I Verify oC) JJ l> "uun~JJ ,"",u ~ s: s: l Z Q VIH ~ Data VIL ' ALE;::el~ : ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - -1-- ~ ~ --~ -----t < m ." oJJ i s: 65~~~ en . --; - ---- --- T -----~ ----- Vee ..,. 01) ~ ~ (J1 en o N VIH cr ..,.CI1 VIL VIH ~ OE VIL 290135-11 NOTES: 1. The input timing reference level is VIL = 0.8V and VIH = 2V. 2. toE and tOFP are device characteristics but must be accommodated by the programmer. , 3. To prevent device damage durir]g programming, a 0.1 ,..F capacitor is required between Vpp and ground to suppress spurious voltage transients. 4. During programming, the address latch function is bypassed whenever Vpp = 12.75V or A9 = VH. When Vpp and A9 are at TTL levels, the address'latch function is enabled, and the device functions in read mode. ' ' ' 5. Vpp can be 12.75V during Blank Check and Final Verify; if so, CE must be VIH. ~ aID Iffiil F ~ ~ ~ ~ C:g UPI-4S2 CHMOS PROGRAMMABLE 1/0 PROCESSOR 83C452 - 8K x 8 Mask Programmable Internal ROM 87C452P - 8K x 8 Piggyback EPROM 80C452 - External ROM/EPROM • • • • • • • 83C452/87C452P/80C452:3.5 to 16 MHz Clock Rate Software Compatible with the MCS-51 Family 128-Byte Bi-Directional FIFO Slave Interface Two DMA Channels 256 X 8-Bit Internal RAM 34 Additional Special Function Registers 40 Programmable I/O Lines • • Two 16-Bit Timer/Counters • • • 64K Program Memory Space Boolean Processor Addressable RAM • 8BitInterrupt Sources • Programmable • Channel Full Duplex Serial 64K Data Memory Space 68-Pin PGA (See Packaging Spec" Order: #231369) ,The Intel UPI-452 (Universal Peripheral Interface) is a 68 pin CHMOS Slave 1/0 Processor with a sophisticated bi-directional FIFO buffer interface on the slave bus and a two channel DMA processor on-chip, The UPI-452 is the newest member of Intel's UPI family of products, It is a general-purpose slave 1/0 Processor that allows the deSigner to grow a customized interface solution. The UPI-452 contains 'a complete 80C51 with twice the on-chip data and program memory. The sophisticated slave FIFO module acts as a buffer between the UPI-452 internal CPU and the external host CPU. To both the external host and the internal CPU, the FIFO module looks like a bi-directional bottomless buffer that can both read and write data. The FIFO manages the transfer of data independent of the UPI-4S2 core CPU and generates an interrupt or DMA request to either CPU, host or internal, as a FIFO service request. The FIFO consists of two channels:the Input FIFO and the Output FIFO. The division of the FIFO module array, 128 bytes, between Input channel and Output channel is programmable by the user. Each FIFO byte has an additional logical ninth bit to distinguish between a data byte and a Data Stream Command byte. Additionally, Immediate Commands allow direct, interrupt driven, bi-directional communication between the UPI-452 internal CPU and external host CPU, bypassing the FIFO. The on-chip DMA processor allows high speed data transfers from one writeable memory space to another. As many as 64K bytes can be transferred in a, single DMA operation. Three distinct memory spaces may be used in DMA operations; Internal Data Memory, External Data Memory, and the Special Function Registers (including the FIFO IN, FIFO OUT, and Serial Channel Special Functions Registers). 10-157 September 1987 Order Number: 231428-003 l o o'" 00 ,Q c'" _z ~":::" C !1; !II o 01 ~I'" ~ ~I ..... "II I illi o Z o»o::::!;;Itn ~z!:"''i: iiii r::: ... ~c~~~ ID ... :-" :I> ...n '" ~ ~ 41>- FIFO INPUT CHANNEL FIFO MODULE SLAVE- U1 CX> " FIFO OUTPUT CHANNEL - HOSTFIFO INTERFACE ~m :::T ..... ~ - -fl- ---------ft --- i:~ " ;::;: srn~ INTERFACE ID HCON 2r::: HSTAT ., '." et ~ "'z :::a 00 it 0 AO~Z - - - - - - - - - -l} - - NfAf'TIC r- o~I I ...:', - - - ~ IMMEDIATE COMMAND -I I ~I~ , HOST DMA AND INTERRUPT REQUEST Iroo; I II ,,~ : ; m 0' n : i :J.r.::. __ .JL_-, #" ~ ~ C iii" ea ii1 • .... • I I I • ~ ~ DMA TIMING AND CONTROL ",L ~ ~ co .!.. @ ~ 1,/ DAR 0 BCRO ~@ - -- PI) ~ l§! TI 3 ~ ~ ~ © DCON1 SAR1 DAR 1 BCR 1 'iiiI 22J oJ ~ ~ ~ @ ~ inter UPI·452 ~-----------------~------, i>sEN ALE EA RST 231428-2 Figure 1. Architectural Block Diagram (Continued) 10-159 UPI-4S2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Table of Contents List of Tables and Figures Pin Description Architectural Overview Introduction FIFO Buffer Interface FIFO Programmable Features Immediate Commands DMA FIFO/Slave Interface Functional Description Overview Input FIFO Channel Output FIFO Channel Immediate Commands Host & Slave Interface Special Function Registers Slave Interface Special Function Registers External Host Interface Special FunctionRegisters FIFO Module-External Host Interface . Overview Slave Interface Address Decodin£ . Interrupts to the Host DMA Requests to the Host FIFO Module-Internal CPU Interface Overview Internal CPU Access to FIFO via Software Instructions General Purpose DMA Channels Overview Architecture DMA Special Function Registers DMA Transfer Modes External Memory DMA Latency DMA Interrupt Vectors Interrupts When DMA is Active DMA Arbitration Interrupts Overview FIFO Module Interrupts to Internal CPU Interrupt Enabling and Priority FIFO-External Host Interface FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Overview. Initialization Invoking FIFO DMA Freeze Mode During Normal Operation . FIFO Module Special Function Register Operation During FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Internal CPU Read & Write of the FIFO During FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Memory Organization Accessing External Memory Miscellaneous Special Function Register Descriptions 10-160 . intJ UPI-452 LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Figures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Tables: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 a. 11 b. 12. 13. Architectural Block Diagram UPI-452 68-Pin PGA Pinout Diagram UPI-452 Conceptual Block Diagram UPI-452 Functional Block Diagram Input FIFO Channel Functional Block Diagram Output FIFO Channel Functional Block Diagram Handshake Mechanisms for Handling Immediate Command IN Flowchart Handshake Mechanisms for Handling Immediate Command OUT Flowchart DMA Transfer from: External to External Memory DMA Transfer from: External to Internal Memory DMA Transfer from: Internal to External Memory DMA Transfer Waveform: Internal to Internal Memory Disabling FIFO to Host Slave Interface Timing Diagram Input FIFO Channel Registers Output FIFO Channel Registers UPI-452 Address Decoding DMA Accessible Special Function Registers DMA Mode Control - PCON SFR Interrupt Priority Interrupt Vector Addresses Slave Bus Interface Status During FIFO DMA Freeze Mode FIFO SFR's Characteristics During FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Threshold SFRs Range of Values and Number of Bytes to be Transferred 80C51 Special Function Registers UPI-452 Additional Special Function Registers Program Status Word (PSW) PCON Special Function R~gister 10-161 inter UPI-452 t .. .... ....'" ..: ~ 0.. @) @@ @@ ® '0 Q) ~ 1: Q) c °c,E 8 P4.S P4.6 ~ °... N ... C! 0.. 0.. 0.. OJ 0.. ~ ::l 0.. "! "! 0.. 0.. OJ "1 OJ 0.. OJ ., N 0.. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . '" ... ~'".... III '" .< ...N ~ @@ @@ 0.. @ Pmi EA P4.7 XTAL1 @ @ @ PO.7 PO.6 . XTAL2 AO @ @ @ @ PO.S PO.4· Al A2 @ @ @ @ PO.3 PO.2 @ PO.l Vss po.o PLO Q) =-E ,g 'C ·1 1~ >'E 'E~ ... .0 Vss ell @ @ ~ READ @ @ WRITE DRQOUT/ INTRQOUT @ @ DRQIN/ INTRQIN INTRQ @) @ DB7 DBS .!!ti .n. €D @@ @ @ @ @ @ @ ® ® 0 ® ® 0 0 ® C €D @@ .. ..'" ..'" "1 '" '" ..; ": ..; "! "'! C! "1 0: u .... 0.. '" 0.. 0.. 0: '\( @ @ PO.3 PO.2 PO.4 PO.6 @) @ DRQOUTj INTRQOUT @ @ ~ READ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Pl.S Pl.6 Pl.3 Pl.4 Pl.l Pl.2 PO.O PLO PO.l Vss Al A2 XTAL2 AO @ @ @ @ po.s P4.7 XTAL1 @ @ @ @ PO.7 P4.S P4.6 0>" >~ PIN NO.1 MARK @ @ INTRQ WiiiTE Vss PIN NO.1 MARK 0:' 0.. ,;' III 0 1~ Pl.6 cs @ @ DRQIN/ INTRQIN _01 -g.8 Pl.S ® c c Q) o c c,o ec' o E 1J8 @) @@ @@ .... ..."1 .. 0.. ... ... . ~ 0.. @@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ "1 :.;: C! .... 0.. ... 0 0.. OJ 0.. .. N N 0.. ~u u > .'" N ... N 0.. N 0.. .. N 0.. @@ @@ ": OJ 0.. ... EA I~ .. '" ~'"'" III .... < Figure 2. UPI-4S2 68-Pin PGA Pinout Diagram 10-162 @ Pmi 231428-18 inter UPI-452 UPI MICROCONTROLLER FAMILY Packaging The UPI-452 joins the current members of the UPI microcontroller family. UPl's are derivatives of the MCSTM family of microcontrollers. Because of their on-chip system bus interface, UPl's are designed to be system bus "slaves", while their microcontroller counterparts are intended as system bus "masters". The 80C452 comes in a 68-pin PGA (Pin Grid Array) package, while the 87C452P will be offered in a piggyback package. This piggyback package will consist of the standard 68-pin PGA package with a 2764A EPROM soldered on top. These two packages allow designers to use either on-chip EPROM or external memory for their initial designs. The 83C452 (ROM version) will come in the standard 68pin PGA package. A complete description of 87C452P programming can be found at the end of this data sheet. These UPI Microcontrollers are fully supported by Intel's EPROM programmers (iUP-201) and development tools (ICE, ASM and PLM). UPI Family (Slave Configuration) MCSFamily (Master Configuration) Speed RAM (Bytes) ROM (Bytes) EPROM (Bytes) 80C452 80C51 12MHz 256 - 83C452 80C51 12 MHz 256 8K - 87C452P 80C51 12 MHz 256 - 8K 80C452-1 80C51 16MHz 256 - 83C452-1 80C51 16 MHz 256 8K - 87C452P-1 80C51 16 MHz 256 - 8K UPI-4S2 PIN DESCRIPTIONS Symbol Pin # 9/43 60 Type I I XTAL1 38 I XTAL2 PortO (ADO-AD7) PO.O .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 PO.7 39 Vss Vee 0 I/O 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name and Function Circuit Ground. + 5V power supply during normal, idle, programming and verification operation. It is also the standby power pin for power down mode. .. Input to the oscillator's high gain amplifier. A crystal or external source can be used. Output from the high gain amplifier. Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bi-directional I/O port. It is used for data input and output during programming and verification. External pull ups are required during program verification. Port 0 can sink eight LS TIL inputs. It is also the multiplexed low-order address and data local expansion bus during accesses to external memory. 10-163 inter UPI-452 UPI-452 PIN DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) Symbol Port 1 Pin # Type 1/0 Name and Function Port 1 is an 8-bit quasi-bi-directionaII/O-port.lt is used for low-order address byte during programming and verification. Port 1 can sink four LS TIL inputs. The alternate functions can only be activated if the corresponding bit latch in the port SFR contains a 1. Otherwise, the port pin is stuck at O. Pins P1.5 and P1.6 are multiplexed with HLD and HLDA respectively whose functions are defined as below: Port Pin Alternate Function P1.5 HLD -Local bus hold input/output signal HLDA -Local bus hold P1.6 acknowledge input 1/0 Port 2 is an 8-bit quasi-bi-directionaII/O port. It also emits the high- order 8 bits of address when accessing local expansion bus external memory (or during 87C452P programming and verification) . Port 2 can sink four LS TIL inputs . 1/0 Port 3 is an 8-bit quasi-bi-directionaII/O port. It is also multiplexed with the interrupt, timer, local serial channel, RDI and WRI functions that are used by various options. The alternate functions can only be activated if the corresponding bit latch in the port SFR contains a 1. Otherwise, the port pin is stuck at O. Port 3 can sink four LS TIL inputs. The alternate functions assigned to the pins of Port 3 areas follows: Port Pin Alternate Function P3.0 RxD - Serial input port P3.1 TxD - Serial output port P3.2· INTO - Interrupt 0 Input P3.3 INT1 - Interrupt 1 Input P3.4 TO - Input to counter 0 P3.5 T1 - Input to counter 1 P3.6 WRI - The write control signal latches the data from Port 0 outputs into the External Data Memory on the local bus. RDI - The read control signal latches the P3.7 data from Port 0 outputs on the local bus. (AO-A~ (HLD, HLDA) P1.0 .1 .2 _ ,.3 .4 .5 .6 P1.7 Port 2 (AS-A15) P2.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 Port 3 P3.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 P3.7 7 .6 5 4 3 2 1 68 29 28 27 25 24 23 22 21 67 66 65 6463 62 61 59 10-164 intJ UPI·452 UPI·452 PIN DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) Symbol Port 4 P4.0 .1 .2 .3 Pin # Type I/O Name and Function Port 4 is an 8-bit quasi-bi-directionall/O port. Port 4 can sink/source four TIL inputs. It is also used as the control signals during EPROM programming and verification drive pins as follows: Port Pin Alternate Function P4.5 '1' during program and verify P4.6 '0' during program and verify '0' during verify - used as output enable P4.7 '1' during programming w/ ALE = 0 Note: see Programming and Verification Characteristics in AC/DC Specification section. .5 .6 .7 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 RST 20 I ALE/PGM 18 110 PSEN 19 0 EA 17 I DBO DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 110 CS 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 44 I This pin is the Chip Select of the UPI-452. AO A1 A2 40 41 42 I These three address lines are used to interface with the host system. They define the UPI-452 operations. The interface is compatible with . the Intel microprocessors and the MULTIBUS. READ 46 I WRITE 47 I DRaiN/ INTRalN 49 0 DRaOUT/ INTRaOUT 48 0 .4 A high level on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. An internal pulldown resistor permits Poweron reset using only a capacitor connected to Vee. This pin does not receive the power down voltage as is the case for HMOS MCS-51 family members. This function has been transferred to the Vee pin. Provides Address Latch Enable output used for latching the address into external memory during normal operation. Receives the program pulse input during EPROM programming. ALE can sink/source eight LS TIL inputs. The Program Store Enable output is a control signal that enables the external Program Memory to the bus during normal fetch operation. PSEN can sink/source eight LS TIL inputs. When held at TIL high level, the UPI-452 executes instructions from the internal ROM/EPROM when the PC is less than 8192 (8K, 2000H). When held at a TTL low level, the UPI-452 fetches all instructions from external Program Memory. Host Bus Interface is an 8-bit bi-directional bus. It is used to transfer data and commands between the UPI-452 and the host processor. This bus can sink/source eight LS TIL inputs. This pin is the read strobe from the host CPU. Activating this pin causes the UPI-452 to place the contents of the Output FIFO (either a command or data) or the Host Status/Control Special Function Register on the Slave Data Bus. .This pin is the write strobe from the host. Activating this pin will cause the value on the Slave Data Bus to be written into the register specified by AO-A2. This pin requests an input transfer from the host system whenever the Input Channel requires data. This output pin requests an output transfer whenever the Output Channel requires service. If the external host to UPI-452 DMA is enabled, and a Data Stream Command is at the Output FIFO, DRaOUT is deactivated and INTRa is activated (see 'GENERAL PURPOSE DMA CHANNELS' section). 10-165 intJ UPI·452 UPI·452 PIN DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) Symbol Pin # INTRQ 50 Type 0 DACK 45 I VeelVpp 26 I Name and Function This output pin is used to interrupt the host processor when an Immediate Command Out or an error condition is encountered. It is also used to interrupt the host processor when the FIFO requests service if the DMA is disabled and INTRQIN and INTRQOUT are not used. This pin is the DMA acknowledge for the host bus interface Input and Output Channels. When activated, a write command will cause the data on th~ Slave Data Bus to be written as data to the Input Channel (to the Input FIFO). A read command will cause the Output Channel to output data (from the Output FIFO) on to the Slave Data Bus. This pin should be driven high (+ 5V) in systems which do not have a DMA controller (see Address Decoding). + 5V power supply during operation. The Vee pin receives the + 12V EPROM programming and verification supply voltage. scription of the UPI-4S2's core CPU functional blocks including; ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW - Introduction Timers/Counters -I/O Ports The UPI-452 slave microcontroller incorporates an 80C51 with double the program and data memory, a slave interface which allows it to be connected directly to the host system bus as a peripheral, a FIFO buffer module, a two channel OMA processor, and a fifth I/O port (Figure 3). The UPI-452 retains all of the 80C51 architecture, and is fully compatible with the MCS-51 instruction set. The Special Function Register (SFR) interface concept introduced in the MCS-51 family of .microcontrollers has been expanded in the UPI-452. To the 20 Special Function Registers of the MCS-51, the UPI-452 adds 34 more. These additional Special Function Registers, like those of the MCS-5.1, provide access to the UPI-452 functional elements including the FIFO, DMA and added interrupt capabilities. Several of the 80C51 core Special Function Registers have also been expanded to support added features of the UPI-4S2. This data sheet describes the unique features of the UPI-452. Refer to the 80C51 data sheet for a de- - Interrupt timing and control (other than FIFO and DMA interrupts) - Serial Channel = Local Expansion Bus - Program/Data Memory structure - Power-Saving Modes of Operation • - CHMOS Features - Instruction Set • except 87C452P piggyback package Figure 3 contains a'conceptual block diagram of the UPI-452. Figure 4 provides a functional block diagram. FIFO Buffer Interface A unique feature of the UPI-452 is the incorporation of a 128 byte FIFO array at the host-slave interface. The FIFO allows asynchronous bi-directional transfers between the host CPU and the internal CPU. 231428-7 Figure 3. UPI-452 Conceptual Block Diagram 10-166 UPI·452 F-.?"=:::":"; ADDITIONAL FEATURES: I -SERIAL CHANNEL I -EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS I ~~~~ . :~~g{~~~~~~SION ~ BUS -RD -WR -EXTERNAL COUNTER INPUT -EPROM PROGRAM AND VERIFY _ ..c~~~O_L __ • ___ _ 231428-8 Figure 4. UPI-452 Functional Block Diagram The division of the 128 bytes between Input and Output channels is user programmable allowing maximum flexibility. If the entire 128 byte FIFO is allocated to the Input channel, a high performance Host can transfer up to 128 bytes at one time, then dedicate its resources to other functions while the internal CPU processes the data in the FIFO. Various handshake signals allow the external Host to operate independently and without frequent monitoring of the UPI-452 internal CPU. The FIFO Buffer insures that the slave processor receives data in the same order that it was sent by the host without the need to keep track of addresses. Three slave bus interface handshake methods are supported by the UPI-452: DMA, Interrupt and Polled. The FIFO is nine bits wide. The ninth bit acts as a command/data flag. Commands written to the FIFO by either the host or internal CPU are called Data Stream Commands or DSCs. DSCs are written to t~e input FIFO by the Host via a unique external address. DSCs are written to the output FIFO by the internal CPU via the COMMAND OUT Special Function Register (SFR). When encountered by the host or internal CPU a Data Stream Command can be used as an address vector to user defined service routines, DSCs provide synchronization of data and commands between the Host and internal CPU. nel Boundary Pointer (CBP) SFR. This register contains the number of address locations assigned to the Input channel. The remaining address locations are automatically assigned to the Output FIFO. The CBP SFR can only be programmed by the internal CPU during FIFO DMA Freeze Mode (See FIFO-External. Host Interface FIFO DMA Freeze Mode description). The CBP is initialized to 40H (64 bytes) upon reset. The number in the Channel Boundary Pointer SFR is actually the first address location of the Output FIFO. Writing to the CBP SFR reassigns the Input and Output FIFO address space. Whenever the CBP is written, the Input FIFO pointers are reset to zero and the Output FIFO pointers are set to the value in the CBP SFR. All of the FIFO space may be assigned to one channel. In such a situation the other channel's data path consists of a single SFR (FIFO IN/COMMAND IN or FIFO OUT/COMMAND OUT SFR) location. . CBP Register Size of Input/Output Channels The 128 bytes of FIFO space can be allocated between the Input and Output channels via the Chan10-167 Output FIFO Size 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 128 128 126 125 124 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 123 124 125 128 128 5 4 3 1 1 0 1 2 • FIFO PROGRAMMABLE FEATURES InputF.IFO Size • • UPI-452 FIFO Read/Write Pointers These normally operate in auto-increment (and autorollover) mode, but can be reassigned by the internal CPU during FIFO DMA Freeze Mode (See FIFO-External Host Interface FIFO DMA Freeze Mode de. scription). Threshold Register The Input FIFO Threshold SFR contains the number of empty bytes that must be available in the Input FIFO to generate a Host interrupt. The Output FIFO Threshold SFR' contains the number of bytes, data and/or DSC(s), that must be in the FIFO before an interrupt is generated. The Threshold feature prevents the Host from being interrupted each time the FIFO needs to load or unload one byte of data. The thresholds, therefore, allow the FIFO's operation to be adjusted to the speed of the Host, optimizing the overall interface performance. of the three·writeable memory spaces: Internal Data Memory, External Load Expansion Bus Data Memory and the Special Function Register array. The Special Function Register array appears as a set of unique dedicated memory addresses which may be used as either the source or destination address of a DMA transfer. Each DMA channel is independently programmable via dedicated Special Function Registers for mode, source and destination addresses, and byte count to be transferred. Each DMA channel has four programmable modes: . - Alternate Cycle Mode --, Burst Mode - FIFO or Serial Channel Demand Mode - External Demand Mode A complete description of each mode and DMA operation m~y be found in the section titled "General Purpose DMA Channels". FIFO/SLAVE INTERFACE FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Immediate Commands The UPI-452 provides, in addition to data and DSCs, a third direct means of communication between the external Host and internal CPU called Immediate C-ommends. As the name implies, an !mmediate. Command is available to the receiving'CPU immediately, via an interrupt, without being entered into the FIFO as are Data Stream Commands. Like Data Stream Commands, Immediate Commands are written either via a unique external address by the host CPU, or via dedicated SFR by the internal CPU. The DSC and/or Immediate Command interface may be defined as either Interrupt or Polled under user program control via the Interrupt Enable (IE), Slave Control Register (SLCON), and, Interrupt Enable Priority (IEP) Special Function Registers, for the internal CPU and via the Host Control SFR for the. external Host CPU. DMA The UPI-452 contains a two channel internal DMA controller which allows transfer of data between any Overview The FIFO is a 128 Bvte RAM arrav with recirculatina pointers to manage- the read and write accesseS. The FIFO consists of an Input and an Output channel. Access cycles to the FIFO by the internal CPU and external Host are interleaved and appear to be occurring concurrently to both the internal CPU and external Host. Interleaving access cycles ensures efficient use of this shared resource. The internal CPU accesses the FIFO in the same way it would access any of the Special Function Registers e.g., direct and register indirect addressing as well as arithmetric and logical instructions. Input FIFO Channel The. Input FIFO Channel provides for data transfer from the external Host to the internal CPU (Figure 5). The registers associated with the Input Channel during normal operation are listed in Table 1*. Table 1. Input FIFO Channel Registers' 1) 2) 3) 4) .5) 6) Register Name Description Input Buffer Latch FIFO IN SFR COMMAND IN SFR Input FIFO Read Pointer SFR Input FIFO Write Pointer SFR Input FIFO Threshold SFR Host CPU Write only Internal CPU Read only Internal CPU Read only Internal CPU Read only Internal CPU Read only Internal CPU Read only .. .. 'See "'FIFO-EXTERNAL HOST INTERFACE FIFO DMA FREEZE MODE" section for FIFO DMA Freeze Mode SFR charactenstlcs deSCription . 10-168 inter UPI-4S2 EXTERNAL HOST CPU EXTERNAL ADDRESS HOST DATA BUS INPUT WRITE POINTER (IWPR) !:: ID THRESHOLD SFR (ITHR) INPUT FIFO i!: '" z INPUT READ POINTER (IRPR) 231428-9 Figure 5. Input FIFO Channel Functional Block Diagram The host CPU writes data and Data Stream Com· mands into the Input Buffer Latch on the rising edge of the external WR signal. External addressing de· termines whether the byte is a data byte or Data Stream Command and the FIFO logic sets the ninth bit of the FIFO accordingly as the byte is moved from the Input Buffer Latch into the FIFO. A "1" in the ninth bit indicates that the incoming byte is a Data Stream Command. The internal CPU reads data bytes via the FIFO IN SFR, and Data Stream Commands via the COMMAND IN SFR. A Data Stream Command will generate an interrupt to the internal CPU prior to being read and after completion of the previous operation. The DSC can then be read via the COMMAND IN SFR. Data can only be read via the FIFO IN SFR and Data Stream Commands via the COMMAND IN SFR. Attempting to read Data Stream Commands as data by address· ing the FIFO IN SFR will result in '~OFFH" being read, and -the Input FIFO Read Pointer will remain intact. (This prevents accidental misreadin,9 of Data Stream Commands.) Attempting to read data as Data Stream Commands will have the same conse· quence. The Inl'lut FIFO Channel addressing is controlled by the Input FIFO Read and Write Pointer SFRs. These SFRs are read only registers during normal opera· tion. However, during FIFO DMA Freeze Mode (See FIFO·External Host Interface FIFO DMA Freeze Mode description),. the internal CPU has write access to them. Any write to these registers in normal mode will have no effect. The Input Write Pointer SFR contains the address location to which datal commands are written from the Input Buffer Latch. The write pointer is automatically incremented after each write and is reset to zero if equal to the CBP, as the- Input FIFO operates as a circular buffer. If a write is performed on an empty FIFO, the first byte is also written into the FIFO IN or COMMAND IN SFR. If the Host continues writing while the Input FIFO is full, an external interrupt, if enabled, is sent to the host to Signal the overrun condition. The writes are ignored by the FIFO control logic. Similar· Iy, an internal CPU read of an empty FIFO will cause an underrun error interrupt to be generated to the internal CPU and a value of "OFFH" will be read by the internal CPU. 10·169 UPI-452 The Read Pointer SFR holds the address of the next byte to be read from the Input FIFO. An Input FIFO read operation post-increments the Input Read Pointer SFR and loads a new data byte into the FIFO IN SFR or a Data Stream Command into the COMMAND IN SFR at the end of the read cycle. An Input FIFO Request for Service (via DMA, Interrupt or a flag) is generated to the Host whenever more data can be written into the Input FIFO. For efficient utilization of the Host, a "threshold" value can be programmed into the Input FIFO Threshold SFR. The range of values of the Input FIFO Threshold SFR can be from 0 to (CBP-2). The Request for Service Interrupt is generated only after the Input FIFO has room to accommodate a threshold number of bytes or more. The threshold is equal to the total' number of bytes assigned to the Input FIFO (CBP) minus the number of bytes programmed in the Input FIFO Threshold SFR. With this feature the Host is assured that it can write at least a threshold number of bytes to the Input FIFO channel without worrying about an overrun condition. Once the Request for Service is generated it remains active until the Input FIFO becomes full. Output FIFO Channel The Output FIFO Channel provides data transfer from the UPI-452 internal CPU to the external Host (Figure 6). The registers associated with the Output Channel during normal operation are listed in Table 2*. 231428-10 Figure 6. Output FIFO Channel Functional Block Diagram Table 2. Output FIFO Channel Registers 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Register Name Description Output Buffer Latch FIFO OUT SFR COMMAND OUT SFR Output FIFO Read Pointer SFR Output FIFO Write Pointer SFR Output FIFO Threshold SFR Host CPU Read only Internal CPU Read and Write Internal CPU Read and Write Internal CPU Read only Internal CPU Read only Internal CPU Read only 'See "'FIFO·EXTERNAL HOST INTERFACE FIFO DMA FREEZE MODE"' section for FIFO DMA Freeze Mode register characteristics description. 10-170 inter UPI-4S2 The UPI-452 internal CPU transfers data to the Output FIFO via the FIFO OUT SFR and commands via the COMMAND OUT SFR. If the byte is written to the COMMAND OUT SFR, the ninth bit is automatically set (= 1) to indicate a Data Stream Command. If the byte is written to the FIFO OUT SFR the ninth bit is cleared (=0). Thus the FIFO OUT and COMMAND OUT SFRs are the same but the address determines whether the byte entered in the FIFO is a DSC or data byte. The Output FIFO preloads a byte into the Output Buffer Latch. When the Host issues a RD/ signal, the data is immediately read from the Output Buffer Latch. The next data byte is then loaded into the Output Buffer Latch, a flag is set and an interrupt, if enabled, is generated if the byte is a DSC (ninth bit is set). The operation is carefully timed such that an interrupt can be generated in time for it to be recognized by the Host before its next read instruction. Internal CPU write and external Host read operations are interleaved at the FIFO so that they appear to be occurring concurrently. The Output FIFO read and write pointer operation is the same as for the Input Channel. Writing to the FIFO OUT or COMMAND OUT SFRs will increment the Output Write Pointer SFR but reading from it will leave the write pointer unchanged. A rollover of the Output FIFO Write Pointer causes the pointer to be reset to the value in the Channel Boundary Pointer (CBP) SFR. . If the external host attempts to read a Data Stream Command as a data byte it will result ,in invalid data (OFFH) being read. The DSC is not lost because the invalid read does not increment the pointer. Similarly attempting to read a data byte as a Data Stream Command has the same result. A Request for Service is generated to the external Host under the following two conditions: 1.) Whenever the internal CPU has written a threshold number of bytes or more intothe Output FIFO (threshold = (OTHR) + 1). The threshold number should be chosen such that the bus latency time for the external Host does not result in a FIFO overrun error condition on the internal CPU side. The threshold limit should be large enough to make a bus request by the UPI-452 to the external host CPU worthwhile. Once a request for service is generated, the request remains active until the Output FIFO becomes empty. The range of values of the FIFO Output Threshold (OTHR) SFR is from 1 to the Output FIFO Size. The threshold number can be programmed via the OTHR SFR. 2.) The second type of Request for Service is called "Flush Mode" and occurs when the internal CPU writes a Data Stream Command into the Output FIFO. Its purpose is to ensure that a data block entered into the Output FIFO, which is less than the programmed threshold, will generate a Request for Service interrupt, if enabled, and be read, or "Flushed" from the Output FIFO, by the external host CPU regardless of the status of the OTHR SFR. Immediate Commands Immediate Commands provide direct communication between the external Host and UPI-452. Unlike Data Strearri Commands which are entered into the FIFO, the Immediate Command is available to the receiving CPU directly, bypassing the FIFO. The Immediate Command can serve as a program vector pOinting into a jump table in the recipients software. Immediate Command Interrupts are generated, if enabled, and a bit in the appropriate Status Register is set when an Immediate Command is input or output. A similar bit is provided to acknowledge when an Immediate Command has been read and whether the register is available to receive another command. The bits are reset when the Immediate Commands are read. Two Special Function Registers are dedicated to the Immediate Command interface. External addressing determines whether the Host is accessing the Input FIFO or the Immediate Command IN (IMIN) SFR. The internal CPU writes Immediate Commands to the Immediate Command OUT (IMOUT) SFR. Both processors have the ability to enable or disable Immediate Command Interrupts. By disabling the interrupt, the recipient of the Immediate Command can poll the status SFR and read the Immediate Command at its convenience. Immediate Commands should only be written when the appropriate Immediate Command SFR is empty (as indicated in the appropriate status SFR:HSTAT/SSTAT). Similarly, the Immediate Command SFR should only be read when there is data in the Register. The flowcharts in Figure 7a and 7b illustrate the proper handshake mechanisms between the external Host and internal CPU when handling Immediate Commands. 10-171 infef UPI-4S2 r---------------- SET SET a \:V , .... .oil GENERATES INTERRUPT TO INTE.RNAL CPU GENERATES INTERRUrT TO HOST , , ,, ) ) • 4 SET SET a \:V , , .oil .oil GENERATES INTERRUPT TO HOST GENERATES INTERRUPT TO INTE.RNAL CPU ,, ,, -----------------~ 231428-11 Figure 7a. Handshake Mechanisms for Handling Immediate Command IN Flowchart ... _----231428-12 Figure 7b. Handshake Mechanisms for Handling Immediate Command OUT Flowchart 10-172 inter UPI-4S2 HOST & SLAVE INTERFACE SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS Slave Interface Special Function Registers The Internal CPU interfaces with the FIFO slave module via the following registers: 1) Mode Special Function Register (MODE) 2) Slave Control Special Function Register (SLCON) 3) Slave Status Special Function Register (SSTAT) Each register resides in the SFR Array and is accessible via all direct addressing modes except bit. Only the Slave Control Register (SLCON) is bit addressable. 1) MODE Special Function Register (MODE) The MODE SFR provides the primary control of the external host-FIFO interface. It is included in the SFR Array so that the internal CPU can configure the external host-FIFO interface should the user decide that the UPI-452 slave initialize itself independent of the external host CPU. The MODE SFR can be directly modified by the internal CPU through direct address instructions. It can also be indirectly modified by the external host CPU by setting up a MODE SFR service routine in the UPI-452 program memory and having the host issue a Command, either Immediate or DSC, to vector to that routine. Symbolic Address Physical Address MODE MD6 MD5 OF9H MD4 (MSB) Status On Reset: 1" o (LSB) o o 1* 1" MD7 (reserved)"' MD6 Request for Service to external CPU via; 1 = DMA (DRQIN/DRQOUT) request to external host when the Input or Output FIFO channel requests service o MD5 = Interrupt (INTRQIN/INTRQOUT or INTRQ) to external host when the Input or Output FIFO channel requests service or a DSC is encountered in the I/O Buffer Latch Configure DRQIN/INTRQIN and DRQOUT/INTRQOUT to be either; 1 = Enable (Actively driven) o= MD4 Disable (Tri-state) Configure INTRQ to be either; 1 = Enable (Actively driven) o= Disable (Tri-state) MD3 (reserved)' * MD2 (reserved)" MD1 (reserved)" MDO (reserved)" 2) Slave Control SFR (SLCON) The Slave Control SFR is used to configure the FIFO-internal CPU interface. All interrupts are to the internal CPU. 10-173 inter UPI-452 Symbolic Address SLCON IFI OFI ICII I' Physical Address ICOI FRZ IFRS o IFI OFI ICII ICOI FRZ SC2 IFRS OFRS o ·OFRS OE8H (LSB) (MSB) Status On Reset: o o o 1" o o Enable Input FIFO Interrupt (due to Underrun Error Condition, Data Stream Command or Request Service) 1 = Enable 0= Disable Enable Output FIFO Interrupt (due to Overrun Error Condition or Request Service) 1 = Enable 0= Disable Note: If the DMA ill configured to service a FIFO demand, then the Request for Service Interrupt is not generated. Generate Interrupt when a command is written to the Immediate Command in Register 1 = Enable 0= Disable Generate Interrupt when Immediate Command Out Register is Available 1 = Enable 0= Disable Enable FIFO DMA Freeze Mode 1 = Normal operation o = FIFO DMA Freeze Mode (reserved) •• Input FIFO Channel Request for Service 1, = Request when Input FIFO not empty o = Request when Input FIFO full Output FIFO Channel Request for Service 1 = Request when Output FIFO not full o = Channel Request when Output FIFO empty NOTES: °A '1' will be read from all SFR reserved locations except HCON SFR,HCO and HC2. "'reserved'-these locations are reserved for future use by Intel Corporation. 3) Slave Status SFR (SSTAT) The bits in the Slave Status SFR reflect the status of the FIFO-internal CPU interface. It can be read during an internal interrupt service routine to determine the nature of the interrupt or read during a polling sequence to determine a course of action. Symbolic Address Physical Address , SSTAT OE9H o o o (MSB) (LSB) 10-174 inter SST7 UPI-452 Output FIFO Overrun Error Condition 1 = No Error o= SSTS Error (latched until Slave Status SFR is read) Immediate Command Out Register Status 1 = Full (Le. Host CPU has not read previous Immediate Command Out sent by internal CPU) 0= Available SST5 FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Status 1 = Normal Operation FIFO DMA Freeze Mode in Progress o= SST4 Output FIFO Request for Service Flag 1 = Output FIFO does not request service Output FIFO requests service o= SST3 Input FIFO Underrun Error Condition Flag 1 = No Underrun Error o= SST2 Underrun Error (latched until Slave Status SFR is read) Immediate Command In SFR Status 1 = Empty Immediate Command received from host CPU o= SST1 Data Stream Command/Data at Input FIFO Flag 1 = Data (not DSC) o= SSTO DSC (at COMMAND IN SFR) Input FIFO Request For Service Flag 1 = Input FIFO Does Not Request Service o= Input FIFO Request for Service EXTERNAL HOST INTERFACE SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS The external host CPU has direct access to the following SFRs: 1) Host Control Special Function Register 2) Host Status Special Function Register It can also access other SFRs by commanding the internal CPU to change them accordingly via Data Stream Commands or Immediate Commands. The protocol for implementing this is entirely determined by the user. 1) Host Control SFR (HCON) By writing to the Host Control SFR, the host can enable or disable FIFO interrupts and DMA requests and can reset the UPI-452. Symbolic Address HCON Physical Address HC7 HCS HC5 HC4 HC3 HC1 (MSB) Status On Reset: 0 0 OE7H (LSB) 0 0 10-175 0 O' 0 O' intJ HC7 HC6 HCS HC4 HC3 HC2 HC1 UPI-452 Enabie Output FIFO Interrupt due to Underrun Error Condition, Data Stream Command or Service Request 1 = Enable 0= Disable Enable Input FIFO Interrupt due to Overrun Error Condition, or Service Request 1 = Enable 0= Disable Enable the generation of the Interrupt due to Immediate Command Out being present 1 = Enable 0= Disable Enable the Interrupt due to the Immediate Command In Register being Available for a new Immediate Command byte 1 = Enable o = Disable Reset UPI-4S2 1 = Software RESET o = Normal Operation (reserved)" Select between INTRQ and INTRQINIINTRQOUT as Request for.5ervice interrupt signal when DMA is disabled . 1 = INTRQ INTRQIN or INTRQOUT (reserved)" o= HCO . NOTES: 'A '1' will be read from all SFR reserved locations except HCON SFR, HCO and HC2. "'reserved'-these locations are reserved for future use by Intel Corporation. 2) Host Status SFR (HSTAT) The Host Status SFR provides information on the FIFO-Host Interface and can be used to determine the source of an external interrupt during polling. Like the Slave Status SFR, the Host Status SFR reflects the current status of the FIFO-external host interface. .. Symbolic Physical Address Address HSTAT OE6H Output FIFO Status -+ Status On Reset: 1/0' (MSB) (LSB) 10-176 infef UPI-4S2 HST7 Output FIFO Underrun Error Condition 1 = No Underrun Error o = Underrun Error (latched until Host Status Register is read) HST6 Immediate Command Out SFR Status 1 = Empty o = Immediate Command Present HST5 Data Stream Command/Data at Output FIFO Status 1 = Data (not DSC) o = DSC (present at Output FIFO COMMAND OUT SFR) (Note: Only if HST4 = 0, if HST4 = 1 then undetermined) HST4 Output FIFO Request for Service Status 1 = No Request for Service o = Output FIFO Request for Service due to: a. Output FIFO containing the threshold number of bytes or more b. Internal CPU sending a block of data terminated by a DSC (DSC Flush Mode) HST3 Input FIFO Overrun Error Condition 1 = No Overrun Error o = Overrun Error (latched until Host Status Register is read) HST2 Immediate Command In SFR Status 1 = Full (i.e. Internal CPU has not read previous Immediate Command sent by Host) o = Empty * Reset value; '1' - if read by the external Host '0' - if read by internal CPU (reads shadow latch - see FIFO DMA Freeze Mode description) HST1 FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Status 1 = Freeze Mode in progress. (In Freeze Mode, the bits of the Host Status SFR are forced to a '1' initially to prevent the external Host from attempting to access the FIFO. The definition of the Host Status SFR bits during FIFO DMA Freeze Mode can be found in FIFO DMA Freeze Mode description) o = Normal Operation HSTO Input FIFO Request Service Status 1 = Input FIFO does not request service o = Input FIFO request service due to the Input FIFO containing enough space for the host to write the threshold number of bytes or more FIFO MODULE - EXTERNAL HOST INTERFACE Overview The FIFO-external Host interface supports high speed asynchronous bi-directional 8-bit data transfers. The host interface is fully compatible with Intel microprocessor local busses and with MULTIBUS. The FIFO has two specialized DMA request pins for Input and Output FIFO channel DMA requests. These are multiplexed to provide a dedicated Request for Service interrupt (DRQINIINTRQIN, DRQOUT /INTRQOUT). The external Host can program, under user defined protocol, thresholds into the FIFO Input and Output Threshold SFRs which determine when the FIFO Request for Service interrupt is generated to the Host CPU. The FIFO module external Host interface is configured by the internal CPU via the MODE SFR. "The external Host can enable and disable Host interface interrupts via the Host Control SFR." Data Stream Commands in the Input FIFO channel allow the Host to influence the processing of data blocks and are sent with the data flow to maintain synchronization. Data Stream Commands in the Output FIFO Channel allow the internal CPU to perform the same function, and also to set the Output FIFO Request Service status logic to the host CPU regardless of the programmed value in the Threshold SFR. Slave Interface Address Decoding The UPI-452 determines the desired Host function through address decoding. The lower three bits of the address as well as the READ, WRITE, Chip Select (CS) and DMA Acknowledge (DACK) are used for decoding. Table 3 shows the pin states and the Read or Write operations associated with each configuration. Interrupts to the Host The UPI-452 interrupts the external Host via the INTRQ pin. In addition, the DRQIN and DRQOUT pins can be multiplexed as interrupt request lines, INTRQIN and INTRQOUT respectively, when DMA is disabled. This provides two special FIFO "Request for Service" interrupts. There are eight FIFO-related interrupt sources; two from The Input FIFO; three from The Output FIFO; one from the Immediate Command Out SFR; one from the Immediate Command IN SFR; and one due to FIFO DMA Freeze Mode. INPUT FIFO: The Input FIFO interrupt is generated whenever: a. The Input FIFO contains space for a threshold number of bytes. 10-177 intJ UPI·452 Table 3. UPI·452 Address Decoding DACK CS A2 A1 AD Write Read 1 1 X X X No Operation No Operation 1 0 0 0 0 Data or DMA from Output FIFO Channel Data or DMA to Input FIFO Channel 1 0 0 0 1 Data Stream Command from Output FIFO Channel Data Stream Command to Input FIFO Channel 1 0 0 1 0 Host Status SFR Read Reserved 1 0 0 1 1 Host Control SFR Read Host Control SFR Write 1 0 1 0 0 Immediate Command SFR Read Immediate Command to SFR Write 1 0 1 1 X Reserved 0 X X X X DMA Data from Output FIFO Channel DMA Data to Input FIFO Channel 1 0 1 0 1 Reserved Reserved Reserved NOTES: 1. Attempting to read a DSC as a data byte will result in invalid data being read. The read pointers are not incremented so that the DSC is not lost. Attempting to read a data byte as a DSC has the same result. 2. If DACK is active the UPI-452 will attempt a DMA operation when RD or WR becomes active regardless of the DMA enable bit (MD6) in the MODE SFR. Care should be taken when using DACK. For proper operation, DACK must be driven high (+5V) when not using DMA. b. When an Input FIFO overrun error condition exists. The appropriate bits in the Host Status SFR are set and the interrupt is generated only if enabled. OUTPUT FIFO: The Output FIFO Request for S'ervjt"'o Intorr'l""t ..... ..., I I . "...... U ....... ,,"t"\,...,+,...,.. ...,t'vl~U.Q~ in ... ,..i ...... il,.. ........ _""" ......... _ ... III CI .:Jlllllial IllClr II 10' Qo:t +UIG ........ I_ 111- put FIFO interrupt: a. When the FIFO contains the threshold number of bytes or more. b. Output FIFO error condition interrupts are generated when the Output FIFO is underrun. c. Data Stream Command present in the Output Buffer Latch. ' A Data Stream Command interrupt is used to halt normal processing, using the command as a vector to a service routine. When DMA is disabled, the user may program (through HC1) INTRa to include FIFO Request for Service Interrupts or use INTRalN and INTRaOUT as Request for Service Interrupts.' , IMMEDIATE COMMAND INTERRUPTS: a. An Immediate Command Out Interrupt is generated, if enabled, to the Host and the corresponding Host Status SFR bit (HSTAT HST6) is cleared, when the internal CPU writes to the Immediate Command OUT (IMOUT) SFR. When the Host reads the Immediate Command OUT (IMOUT) SFR the corresponding" bit in the Host Status (HSTAT) SFR is set. This causes the Slav,e Status Immediate Command OUT Status bit (SSTAT SST6) to be cleared indicating that the Immediate Command OUT (IMOUT) SFR is empty. If enabled, a FIFO-Slave Interface will also begenerated to the internal CPU. (See Figure 7b, Immediate Command OUT Flowchart.) b. An Immediate Command IN interrupt is generated, if enabled, to the Host when the internal CPU has read a byte from the Immediate Command IN (IMIN) SFR. The read operation clears the Host Status SFR Immediate Command IN Status bit (HSTAT HST2) indicating that the' Immediate Comrnand iN SFR is empty. The corresponding Slave Status (SSTAT) SFR bit is also set to indicate an empty status. Setting the Slave Status SFR bit generates a FIFO-Slave Interface interrupt, if enabled, to the internal CPU. (See Figure 7a, Immediate Command IN Flowchart.) NOTE: Immediate Command IN and OUT interrupts are actually specific Request For Service interrupts to the Host. FIFO DMA FREEZE MODE: When the internal CPU invokes FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, for example at reset or to reconfigure the FIFO interface, INTRa is activated. The INTRa can only be deactivated by the external Host reading the Host Status SFR (HST1 remains active until FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is disabled by the internal CPU). Once an interrupt is generated, INTRa will remain high until no interrupt generating condition exists. For a FIFO underrun/overrun error interrupt, the interrupt condition is deactivated by the external Host reading the Host Status SFR. An interrupt is serviced by reading the Host Status SFR to determine the source of the interrupt and vectoring the appropriate service routine. 10-178 UPI-4S2 DMA Requests to the Host The UPI-452 generates two DMA requests, DRQIN and DRQOUT, to facilitate data transfer between the Host and the Input and Output FIFO channels. A DMA acknowledge, DACK, is used as a chip select and initiates a data transfer. The external READ and WRITE signals select the Input and Output FIFO respectively. The CS and address lines can also be used as a DMA acknowledge for processors with onboard DMA controllers which do not generate a DACK signal. The internal CPU can configure the UPI-452 to request service from the external host via DMA or interrupts by programming Mode SFR MD6 bit. In addition the external Host enables DMA requests through bits 6 and 7 of the Host Control SFR. When a DMA request is invoked the number of bytes transferred to the Input FIFO is the total number of bytes in the Input FIFO (as determined by the CBP SFR) minus the value programmed in the Input FIFO Threshold SFR. The DMA request line is activated only when the Input FIFO has a threshold number of bytes that can be transferred. nation via the DMAO/DMA 1 Source Address or Destination Address Special Function Registers. The FIFO module manages the transfer of data between the external host and FIFO SFRs. Internal CPU Access to FIFO Via Software Instructions The internal CPU has access to the Input and Output FIFOs via the FIFO IN/COMMAND IN and FIFO OUT/COMMAND OUT SFRs which reside in the Special Function Register Array. At the end of every instruction that involves a read of the FIFO IN/COMMAND IN SFR, the SFR is written over by a new byte from the Input FIFO channel when available. At the end of every instruction that involves a write to the FIFO OUT/COMMAND OUT SFR, the new byte is written into the Output FIFO channel and the write pointer is incremented after the write operation (post incremented). The internal CPU reads the Input FIFO by using the FIFO IN/COMMAND IN SFR as the source register in an instruction. Those instructions which read the Input FIFO are listed below: The Output FIFO DMA request is activated when a DSC is written by the internal CPU at the end of a less than threshold size block of data (Flush Mode) or when the Output FIFO threshold is reached. The request remains active until the Input FIFO becomes full or the Output FIFO becomes empty. If a DSC is encountered during an Output FIFO DMA transfer, the DMA request is dropped until the DSC is read. The DMA request will be reactivated after the DSC is read and remains active until the Output FIFO becomes empty or another DSC is encountered. ADD A,FIFO IN/COMMAND IN AD DC A,FIFO IN/COMMAND IN PUSH FIFO IN/COMMAND IN ANL A,FIFO IN/COMMAND IN ORL A,FIFO IN/COMMAND IN XRL A,FIFO IN/COMMAND IN CJNE A,FIFO IN/COMMAND IN, rei SUBB A,FIFO IN/COMMAND IN MOV direct,FIFO IN/COMMAND IN MOV @Ri,FIFO IN/COMMAND IN MOV Rn,FIFO IN/COMMAND IN MOV A,FIFO IN/COMMAND IN FIFO MODULE - INTERNAL CPU INTERFACE After each access to these registers, they are overwritten by a new byte from the FIFO. Overview The Input and Output FIFOs are accessed by the internal CPU through direct addressing of the FIFO IN/COMMAND IN and FIFO OUT/COMMAND OUT Special Function Registers. All of the 80C51 instructions involving direct addressing may be used to access the FIFO's SFRs. The FIFO IN, COMMAND IN and Immediate Command In SFRs are actually read only registers, and their Output counterparts are write only. Internal DMA transfers data between Internal memory, External Memory and the Special Function Registers. The Special Function Registers appear as another group of dedicated memory addresses and are programmed as the source or desti- NOTE: Instructions which use the FIFO IN or COMMAND IN SFR as both a source and destination register will have the data destroyed as the next data byte is rewritten into the FIFO IN register at the end of the instruction. These instructions are not supported by the UPI-452 FIFO. Data can only be read through the FIFO IN SFR and DSCs through the COMMAND IN SFR. Data read through the COMMAND IN SFR will be read as OFFH, and DSCs read through the FIFO IN SFR will be read as OFFH. The Immediate Command in SFR is read with the same instructions as the FIFO IN and COMMAND IN SFRs. 10-179 inter UPI-4S2 The FIFO IN, COMMAND IN and Immediate Command In SFRs are read only registers. Any write operation performed on these registers will be ignored and the FIFO pOinters will remain intact. dress Register (DAR). (Note: Since the FIFO IN SFR is a read only register, the DMA transfer will be ignored if it is used asa DMA DAR. This is also true if the FIFO OUT SFR is used as a DMA SAR.) The internal CPU uses the FIFO OUT SFR to write to the Output FIFO and any instruction which uses the FIFO OUT or COMMAND OUT SFR as a destination will invoke a FIFO write. DSCs are differentiated from data by writing to the COMMAND OUT SFR. In the FIFO, Data Stream Commands have the ninth bit assoCiated with the command byte set to "1". The instructions used to write to the Output FIFO are listed below: Each DMA channel is software programmable to operate in either Block Mode or Demand Mode. In the Block Mode, DMA transfers can be further .programmed to take place in Burst Mode or Alternate Cycle mode. In Burst Mode, the processor halts its execution and dedicates its resources to the DMA transfer. In Alternate Cycle Mode, DMA cycles and instruction cycles occur alternately. MOV MOV . MOV POP MOV MOV FIFO FIFO FIFO FIFO FIFO FIFO OUT /COMMOUt, A OUT/COMMOUT, direct OUT /COMMOUT, Rn OUT /COMMOUT OUT/COMMOUT, #data OUT/COMMOUNT, @Ri NOTE: Instructions which use the FIFO OUT/COMMAND OUT SFRs as both a source and destination register cause invalid data to be written into the Output 'FIFO. These instructions are not supported by the UPI-4S2 FIFO. In Demand Mode, a DMA transfer occurs only when it is demanded. Demands can be accepted from an external device (through External Interrupt pins, EXTO/EXT1) or from either the Serial Channel or FIFO flags. In this way, a DMA transfer can be synchronized to an external device, the FIFO or the Serial Port. If the External Interrupt is configured in Edge Mode, a single byte transfer occurs per transition. The external interrupt itself will occur if enabled. If the External Interrupt is configured in Level Mode, DMA transfers continue until the External Interrupt request goes inactive or the byte count becomes zero. The following flags activate Demand Mode transfers of one byte to/from the FIFO or Serial Channel: RI - Serial Channel Receiver Buffer Full TI - Serial Channel Transm!tter Buffer Empty GENERAL PURPOSE DMA CHANNELS Overview Architecture There are two identical General Purpose DMA Channels on the UPI-4S2 which allow high speed data transfer from one writeable memory space to another. As many as 64K bytes can be transferred in a single DMA operation. The following memory spaces can be used with DMA channels: There are three 16 bit and one 8 bit Special Function Registers associated with each DMA channel. • Internal Data Memory • The 16 bit Source Address SFR (SAR) points to the source byte. • The 16 bit Destination Address SFR (DAR) points to the destination. • The 16 bit Byte Count SFR (BCR) contains the number of bytes to be transferred and is decremented when a byte transfer is accomplished. • External Data Memory • Special Function Registers The Special Function Register array appears as a limited group of dedicated memory addresses. The Special Function Registers may be used in DMA transfer operations by specifying the SFR as the sourCe or destination address. The Special Function Registers which may be used in DMA transfers are listed in Table 4. Table 4 also shows whether the SFR may be used as Source or Destination only, or . . both. The FIFO can be accessed during DMA by using the FIFO IN SFR as the DMA Source Address Register (SAR) or the FIFO OUT SFR as the Destination Ad- • The DMA Control SFR (DCON) is eight bits wide and specifies the source memory space, destination memory space and the mode of operation. In Auto Increment mode, the Source Address and/ or Destination Address is incremented when a byte is transferred. When a DMA transfer is complete (BCR = 0), the DONE bit is set and a maskable interrupt is generated. The GO· bit must be set to start any DMA transfer (also, the Slave Control SFR FRZ bit must be set to disable FIFO DMA Freeze Mode). The two DMA channels are deSignated as DMAO and DMA 1, and their corresponding registers are suffixed by 0 or 1; e.g. SARO, DAR 1, etc. 10-1BO UPI-4S2 Table 4 DMA Accessible Special Function Registers SFR Symbol Address Accumulator B Register FIFO IN COMMAND IN FIFO OUT COMMAND OUT Serial Data Buffer PortO Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 AlACC B FIN CIN FOUT COUT SBUF PO P1 P2 P3 P4 OEOH OFOH OEEH OEFH OFEH OFFH 099H 080H 090H OAOH OBOH OCOH Source Only Destination Only Either Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y DMA Special Function Registers DMA Control SFR: DCONO, DCON1 Symbolic Address Physical Address DCONO 092H DCON1 093H Reset Status: DCONO and DCON1 = OOH Bit Definition: DAS IDA 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 SAS ISA 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 DM TM 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Destination Address Space External Data Memory without Auto-Increment External Data Memory with Auto-Increment Special Function Register Internal Data Memory Source Address Space External Data Memory without Auto-Increment External Data Memory with Auto-Increment Special Function Register Internal Data Memory DMA Transfer Mode Alten1ate-Cycle Transfer Mode Burst Transfer Mode FIFO or Serial Channel Demand Mode External Demand Mode 10-181 intJ DONE UPI-452 DMA transfer Flag: service request is generated. DMA transfer cycles are alternated with instruction execution cycles. DMA transfers are terminated as in FIFO Demand Mode. o .DMA transfer .is not completed. DMA transfer is complete. NOTE: This flag is set when contents of the Byte Count SFA decrements to zero. It is reset automatically when the DMA vectors to its interrupt routine. GO Enable DMA Transfer: o Disable DMA transfer (in all modes). Enable DMA transfer. If the DMA is in the Block mode, start DMA transfer if possible. If it is in the Demand mode, enable the channel and wait for a demand. . NOTE: The GO bit is reset when the BCA decrements to zero. DMA Transfer Modes The following four modes of DMA operation are possible in the UPI-4S2. 1. ALTERNATE=CYCLE P.10CE Output Channel The DMA is configured as in FIFO Demand Mode and transfers are initiated whenever an Output FIFO requests service. DMA transfer cycles are alternated with instruction execution cycles. DMA transfers are terminated as in FIFO Demand Mode. The FIFO logic resets the interrupt flag after transferring the byte, so the interrupt is never generated. Once the DMA is programmed to service the FIFO, the request for service interrupt for the FIFO is inhibited until the DMA is done (BCA = 0). . 2. BURST MODE In BUAST mode the DMA is initiated by setting the GO bit in the DCON SFR. The DMA operation continues until BCA decrements to zero (zero byte count), then an interrupt is generated (if enabled). No interrupts are recognized during a DMA operation once started. General Input Channel Alternate cycle mode is useful when CPU processing must occur during the DMA transfers. In this mode, a DMA cycle and an instruction cycle occur alternately. The interrupt request is generated (if enabled) at the end of the process; i.e. when BCA decrements to zero. The transfer is initiated by setting the GO bit in the DCON SFR. The FIFO Input Channel can be used in burst mode by specifying the FIFO IN SFA as the DMA Source· Address. DMA transfers begin when the GO bit in the DMA Control SFA is set. The number of bytes to be transferred must be specified in the Byte Count SFR (BCA) and auto-incrementing of the SAA must be disabled. Once the GO bit is set nothing can interrupt the transfer of data until the BCR is zero. In this mode, a Data Stream Command encountered in the FIFO will be held in the COMMAND IN SFA with the pointers frozen, and invalid data (FFH) will be read through the FIFO IN SFA. If the input FIFO becomes empty during the block transfer,an OFFH will be read until BCA decrements to zero. Alternate-Cycle FIFO Demand Mode Alternate cycle demand mode is useful for FIFO transfers of a less urgent nature. As mentioned before, CPU instruction cycles are interleaved with DMA transfer cycles, allowing true parallel processing. This mode differs from FIFO Demand Mode in that .CPU instruction cycles must be interleaved with DMA transfers, even if the FIFO is demanding DMA. In FIFO Demand Mode, CPU cycles would never occur if the FIFO demand was present. Input Channel The DMA is configured as in FIFO Demand Mode and transfers are initiated whenever an Input FIFO Output Channel The Output FIFO Channel can be used in burst mode by specifying the FIFO OUT or COMMAND OUT SFR as the DMA Destination Address. DMA transfers begin when the GO bit is set. This mode can be used to send a block of data or a block of Data Stream Commands. If the FIFO becomes full during the block transfer, the remaining data will be lost. 10-182 UPI-452 NOTE: All interrupts including FIFO interrupts are not recognized in Burst Mode. Burst Mode transfers should be used to service the FIFO only when the user is certain that no Data Stream Commands are in the block to be transferred (Input FIFO) and that the FIFO contains enough space to store the block to be transferred. In all other cases Alternate Cycle or Demand Mode should be used. 3. FIFO AND SERIAL CHANNEL DEMAND MODES NOTES: 1. If the output FIFO is configured as a one byte buffer and the user program consists of two-cycle instructions only, then Alternate-Cycle Mode should be used. 2. In non-auto increment mode for internal to external, or external to internal transfers, the lower 8 bits of the external address should not correspond to the FIFO or Serial Port address. FIFO Demand Mode Although any DMA mode is possible using the FIFO buffer, only FIFO Demand and Alternate Cycle FIFO Demand Modes are recommended. FIFO Demand Mode DMA transfers using the input FIFO Channel are set-up by setting the GO bit and specifying the FIFO IN register as the DMA Source Address Register. The BCR should be set to the maximum number of expected transfers. The user must also program bit 1 of the Slave Control Register (SC1) to determine whether the Slave Status (SSTAT) SFR FIFO Request For Service Flag will be activated when the FIFO becomes not empty or full. Once the Request For Service Flag is activated by the FIFO, the DMA transfer begins, and continues u'ntil the request flag is deactivated. While the request is active, nothing can interrupt the DMA (Le. it behaves like burst mode). The DMA Request is held active until one of the following occurs: 1) The FIFO becomes empty. 2) A Data Stream Command is encountered (this generates a FIFO interrupt and DMA operation resumes after the Data Stream Command is read). 3) BCR = 0 (this generates a DMA interrupt and sets the DONE bit). DMA transfers to the Output FIFO Channel are similar. The FIFO OUT or COMMAND OUT SFR is the DMA Destination Address SFR and a transfer is started by setting the GO bit. The user programs bit o of the Slave Control SFR (SCO) to determine whether a demand occurs when the Output FIFO is not full or empty. DMA transfers begin when the Request For Service Flag is activated by the FIFO logic and continue as long as the flag is active. The Flag remains active until one of the following occurs: 1) The FIFO becomes full 2) SCR = 0 (this generates a DMA interrupt and sets the DONE bit). As in Alternate Cycle FIFO 'Demand Mode, the FIFO logic resets the interrupt flag after transferring the byte, so the interrupt is never generated. After the GO bit is set, the DMA is activated if one of the following conditions takes place: SAR(0/1) = FIFO IN and HIFRS flag is set DAR(0/1) = FIFO OUT and HOFRS flag is set The HIFRS and HOFRS Signals are internal flags which are not accessible by software. These flags are similar to the SSTO and SST4 flags in the Slave Status Register except that they are of the opposite polarity and once set they are not cleared until the Input FIFO becomes empty (HIFRS) or the Output FIFO becomes full (HOFRS). Serial Channel Demand Mode Serial Channel Demand Mode is the logical choice when using the Serial Port. The OM As can be activated by one of the Serial Channel Flags. Receiver interrupt (RI) or Transmitter Interrupt (TI). SAR(0/1) = SBUF and RI flag is set DAFl(0/1) = SBUF and TI flag is set NOTE: TI flag must be set by software to initiate the first transfer. ' When the DMA transfer begins, only one byte is transferred at a time. The serial port hardware automatically resets the flag after completion of the transfer, so an interrupt will not be generated unless DMA servicing is held off due to the DMA being done (BCR = 0) or when the Hold/Hold Acknowledge logic is used and the DMA does not own the bus. In this case a Serial Port interrupt may be generated if enabled because of the status of the RI or TI flags. In FIFO demand mode, Alternate cycle FIFO demand mode or Serial Port demand mode only one of the following registers (SBUF, FIN or FOUT) should be used- as either the SAR or DAR registers to prevent undesired transfers. For example if SARO = FIN and DARO = SBUF in demand mode, the DMA transfer will start if either the HI FRS or TI flags are set. 10-183 UPI-452 ARBITER MODE: In this mode, the UPI-452 is the bus master. It configures port pin P1.5 as HLD input and pin P1.6 as HLDA output. When a device asserts the HLD signal to use the .local bus, the UPI452 asserts the HLDA Signal after current instruction execution is complete. If the UPI-452 needs an external access via a DMA channel, it waits until the requester releases the bus, HLD goes inactive. 4. EXTERNAL DEMAND MODE The DMA can be initiated by an external device via External interrupt 0 and 1 (INTO/INT1) pins. The INTO pin demands DMAO (Channel 0) and INT1 demands DMA 1 (Channel 1). If the interrupts are configured in edge mode, a single byte transfer is accomplished for every request. Interrupts also result (INTO and INT1) after every byte transfer (if enabled). If the interrupts are configured in level mode, the DMA transfer continues until the request goes inactive or BCR = o. In either case, a DMA interrupt is generated (if enabled) when BCR = o. The GO bit must be set for the transfer to begin. DISABLE MODE: When external program memory is accessed by an instruction or by program counter overflow beyond the internal ROM address or external data memory is accessed by MOVX instructions, it is a local memory access and the HLD/HLDA logic is not initiated. When a DMA channel attempts data transfer to/from the external data memory, the HLD/HLDA logic is' initiated as described below. DMA transfers from the internal memory space to the internal memory space does not initiate the HLD/HLDA logiC. EXTERNAL MEMORY DMA When transferring data to or from external memory via DMA, the HOLD (HLD) and HOLD-ACKNOWLEDGE (HLDA) signals are used for handshaking; The HOLD and HOLD-ACKNOWLEDGE are active low signals which arbitrate control of the local bus. The UPI-452 can .be used in a system where mUltimasters are connected to a single parallel Address/ Data bus. The HLD/HLDA signals are used to share resources (memory, peripherals, etc.) among all the processors on the local bus. The UPI-452 can be configured in any of three different External Memory ~J.odss controlled by bits 5 and G (REO &.ARSj in the PCON SFR '(Table 5). Each mode is described below: The balance of the PCON SFR bits are described in the "80C51 Register Description: Power Control ·SFR" section below. REQUESTER MODE: In this mode, the UPI-452 is not the bus master, but must request the bus from another device. The UPI-452 configures port pin P1.5 as a HLD output and pin P1.6 as a HLDA input. The UPI-452 issues a HLD signal when it needs external access for a DMA channel. It uses the local bus after receiving the HLDA signal from the bus master, and will not release the bus until its DMA operation is complete. Latency When the GO bit is set, the -UPI-452 finishes the current instruction before starting the DMA operation. Thus the maximum latency is 3.0 microseconds .' (at 16 MHz). DMA Interrupt Vectors Each DMA channel has a unique vectored interrupt associated with it. There are two vectored interrupts associated with the two DMA channels. The DMA interrupts are enabled and priorities set via the Interrupt Enable and Priority SFR (see "Interrupts" section). The interrupt priority scheme is similar to the scheme in 80C51. Table 5. DMA MODE CONTROL - PCON SFR Symbolic Address Physical Address -* PCON ARB REQ -* -* (MSB) . 'Defined as per MLS-51 Data Sheet Reset Statu!': OOH -* -* -*. (LSB) Definition: ARB REQ 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 HLD/HLDA logic is disabled. The UPI-452 is in the Requester Mode. The UPI-452 is in the Arbiter Mode. Invalid 10-184 87H infef UPI-452 When a DMA operation is complete (BCR decrements to zero), the DONE flag in the respective DCON (DCONO or DCON1) SFR is set. If the DMA interrupt is enabled, the DONE flag is reset automatically upon vectoring to the interrupt routine. Interrupts When DMA is Active If a Burst Mode DMA transfer is in progress, the interrupts are not serviced until the DMA transfer is complete. This is also true for level activated External Demand DMA transfers. During Alternate Cycle DMA transfers, however, the interrupts are serviced at the end of the DMA cycle. After that, DMA cycles and instruction execution cycles occur alternately. In the case of edge activated External Demand Mode DMA transfers, the interrupt is serviced at the end of DMA transfer of that single byte. If the UPI-452 (as a Requester) asserts a HLD signal to request a DMA transfer (see "External Memory DMA")and its other DMA Channel requests a transfer before the HLDA signal is received, the channel having higher priority is activated first. A Burst Mode transfer on channel 0 can not be interrupted since DMAOhas the highest priority. A Demand Mode transfer on channel 0 is the only type of activity that can interrupt a block transfer on DMA 1. If, while executing a DMA transfer, the Arbiter receives a HLD signal, and then before it can acknowledge, its other DMA Channel requests a transfer, it then completes the second DMA transfer before sending the HLDA signal to release the bus to the HLD request. DMA transfers may be held off under the following conditions: 1. A write to any of the DMA registers inhibits the DMA for one instruction cycle. DMA Arbitration Only one of the two DMA channels is active at a time, except when both are configured in the Alternate Cycle mode. In this case, the DMA cycles and Instruction Execution cycles occur in the following order: 1. DMA Cycle o. 2. Instruction execution. 3. DMA Cycle 1. 4. Instruction execution. DMAO has priority over DMA 1 during simultaneous activation of the two DMA channels. If one DMA channel is active, the other DMA channel, if activated, waits until the first one is complete. If DMAO is already in the Alternate Cycle mode and DMA 1 is activated in Alternate Cycle Mode, it will take two instruction cycles before DMA 1 is activated (due to the priority of DMAO). Once DMA 1 becomes active, the execution will follow the normal sequence. If DMAO is already in the Alternate Cycle mode and DMA 1 is activated in Burst Mode, the DMA 1 Burst transfer will follow the DMAO Alternate Cycle transfer (after the completion- of the next instruction). NOTE: An instruction cycle may be executed in 1, 2 or 4 machine cycles dependent on the instruction being executed. DMA transfers are only executed after the completion of an instruction cycle never between machine cycles of a single instruction cycle. Similarly instruction cycles are only executed upon completion of a DMA transfer whether it be a one machine cycle transfer or two machine cycles (for ext. to ext. memory transfers). 2. A single machine cycle DMA register read operation (Le. MOV A, DCONO) will inhibit the DMA for one instruction cycle. However a two cycle DMA register read operation will not inhibit the DMA (Le. MOV P1, DCONO). If the HOLD/HOLD Acknowledge logic is enabled in requestor mode the hold request will go active once the go bit has been set (for burst mode) and once the demand flag is set (for demand mode) regardless of whether the DMA is held off by one of the above conditions. The DMA Transfer waveforms- are in Figures 8-11. 10-185 intJ UPI-452 51 52 5. 53 55 56 52 51 5. 53 55 56 05C Jl.fl.I1.. nsLru-Lfl..I1..ru-Lfl.I1.. n..rLru-L nsLru-L nsLr"'" ALE r PORT2 -- PORTO r 1\ S URCE ADOR S ~ AIS-A OES NATION ADD E55 DATA IN "7-AO >-- A7- Q X ~ATA "15 A8 OUT r OM" CYCLE 231428-13 Figure 8. DMA Transfer from External Memory to External Memory OM... CYCLE 51 52 53 55 5' 56 52 51' 53 CLOCK ALE PSEN PORT2 IN51 "DOR PORTO INST SOURCE ADDRESS "15-A8 DATA IN A7-AO iiii 231428-14 Figure 9. DMA Transfer from External Memory to Internal Memory 52 51 53 55 5' 56 51 ,I' 52 53 CLOCK ALE ..JI'_ _-t-_""OES;;;;T~'NA.;.;T;.;.;10.;.;N.;.;AO"'0"iRE;;;.55;....;.A;.;.15;..-'fA8......_ - t -_ _"'i'"_ _+_ PORT2 -:--'-...... PORTO DATA OUT I--------O"A CyCLE-------1 231428-15 Figure 10. DMA Transfer from Internal Memory to External Memory 10-186 inter UPI-452 51 52 53 54 55 56 51 52 53 CLOCK ALE P5EN PORT2 PORTO IN5TRUCTION EXECUTION DMA CYCLE 231428-16 Figure 11. DMA Transfer from Internal Memory to Internal Memory Table 6. Interrupt Priority Interrupt Source Priority Level (highest) External Interrupt 0 o Internal Timer/Counter 0 1 DMA Channel 0 Request 2 External Interrupt 1 3 DMA Channel 1 Request 4 Internal Timer/Counter 1 5 FIFO - Slave Bus Interface 6 Serial Channel 7 (lowest) INTERNAL INTERRUPTS Overview The UPI-452 provides a total of eight interrupt sources (Table 6). Their operation is the same as in the BOC51 , with the addition of three new interrupt sources for the UPI-452 FIFO and DMA features. These added interrupts have their enable and priority bits in the Interrupt Enable and Priority (IEP) SFR. The IEP SFR is in addition to the BOC51 Interrupt Enable (IE) and Interrupt Priority (IP) SFRs. The added interrupt sources are also globally enabled or disabled by th~ EA bit in the Interrupt Enable SFR. Table 6 lists the eight interrupt sources in order of priority. Table 7 lists the eight interrupt sources and their respective address vector location in program memory. (DMA interrupts are discussed in the "General Purpose DMA Channels" section. Additional interrupt information for Timer/Counter, Serial Channel, External Interrupt may be found in the Microcontroller Handbook for the BOC51.) Table 7. Interrupt Vector Addresses Interrupt Source Starting Address External Interrupt 0 3 (003H) Internal Timer/Counter 0 11 (OOBH) External Interrupt 1 19 (013H) Internal Timer/Counter 1 27 (01 BH) Serial Channel 35 (023H) FIFO - Slave Bus Interface 43 (02BH) DMA Channel 0 Request 51 (033H) DMA Channel 1 Request 59 (03BH) FIFO Module Interrupts to Internal CPU The FIFO module generates interrupts to the internal CPU whenever the FIFO requests service or when a Data Stream Command is in the COMMAND IN SFR. The Input FIFO will request service whenever it becomes full or not empty depending on bit 1 of the Slave Control SFR (IFRS). Similarly, the Output FIFO requests service when it becomes empty or not full as determined by bit 0 of the Slave Control SFR (OFRS). Request for Service interrupts are generated only if enabled by the internal CPU via the Interrupt Enable SFR, and the Slave Control Register. . 10-1B7 UPI-452 Immediate Command OUT bit (SSTAT SST6) to be set and the corresponding Host Status bit (HSTAT HST6) to be cleared indicating the SFR is empty. When the internal CPU writes to the Imme~ diate Command OUT SFR, the Host Status bit is set and Slave Status bit is cleared to indicate the , ~FR isfull. (See Figure 7b, Immediate Command OUT Flowchart.) , A Data Stream Command Interrupt is generated whenever there is a Data Stream Command in the COMMAND IN SFR. The interrupt is generated to ensure that the internal interrupt is recognized before another instruction is executed. Immediate Command Interrupts a. An Immediate Command IN interrupt is generated, if enabled, to the internal CPU when the Host has written to the Immediate Command IN (IMIN) SFR. The, write operation clears the Slave Status SFR bit (SSTAT SS:r2) and sets the Host Status SFR bit (HSTAT HST2) to indicate that a byte is present in the Immediate Command IN' SFR. When the internal CPU reads the Immediate Command IN (IMIN) SFR the Slave Status SFR status bit is set, and the Host Status SFR status bit is cleared indicating the IMIN SFR is empty. Clearing the Host Status SFR bit will cause a Request For Service (INTRQ) interrupt, if enabled, to signal the Host that the IMIN SFR is empty. (See Figure 7a, Immediate Command IN Flowchart.) b. An Immediate Command OUT interrupt is generated; if enabled, to the internal CPU when the Host has read the Immediate Command QUT SFR. The Host read causes the Slave Status NOTE: Immediate Command IN and OUT interrupts are actually specific FIFO-Slave Interface interrupts to the internal CPU. One instruction from the main program is executed between two Consecutive interrupt service routines as in the 80C51. However, if the second interrupt service routine is due to a Data Stream Command Interrupt, the main program instruction is not execut~ ed (to prevent misreading of invalid data). Interrupt Enabling and Priority Each of the three interrupt special function registers (IE, IP and IEP) is listed below with its corresponding bit definitions. Interrupt Enable SFR (IE) Symbolic Address ' EAI IE Physical Address I ES ET1 ,EX1 ETO (MSB) Symbol, EA ES ET1 EX1 ETO EXO OA8H (LSB) P,?sition IE.7 Function - Enables all interrupts. If EA = 0, no interrupt will be acknowledged. If EA = 1, each'interrupt source is individually enabled or disabfed by setting or clearing its' -- enable bit. (reserved) (reserved) Serial Channel interrupt enable Internal Timer/Counter 1 Overflow Interrupt Externallnterrilpt-Request 1In,ternal Timer/Counter 0 Overflow Interrupt External Interrupt Request o. ,,' - ,',EXO 1E.6 1E.5 lEA 1E.3 IE.2 1E.1 lE.O , 10-188 UPI·452 Interrupt Priority SFR (IP) A priority level of 0 or 1 may be assigned to each interrupt source, with 1 being higher priority level, through the IP and the IEP (Interrupt Enable and Priority) SFR. A priority level of 1 interrupt can interrupt a priority level 0 service routine to allow nesting of interrupts. Symbolic Address Physical Address IP PS PT1 PX1 PTO Symbol OB8H PXO (LSB) (MSB) Position Function IP.7 IP.6 IP.5 IP.4 IP.3 IP.2 IP.1 IP.O (reserved) (reserved) (reserved) Local Serial Channel Internal Timer/Counter 1 External Interrupt Request 1 Internal Timer/Counter 0 External Interrupt Request 0 Priority Within A Level (lowest) - PS PT1 PX1 PTO PXO 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.0 (highest) Interrupt Enable and Priority SFR (IEP) The Interrupt Enable and Priority Register establishes the enabling and priority of those resources not covered in the Interrupt Enable and Interrupt Priority SFRs. Symbolic Address Physical Address IEP I.PFIFO I EDMAO I EDMA1 I PDMAO I PDMA1 I EFIFO I (MSB) Symbol - - PFIFO EDMAO EDMA1 PDMAO PDMA1 EFIFO OF8H (LSB) Position Function IEP.7 IEP.6 IEP.5 IEP.4 IEP.3 IEP.2 IEP.1 IEP.O (reserved) (reserved) FIFO Slave Bus Interface Interrupt Priority DMA Channel 0 Interrupt Enable DMA Channel 1 Interrupt Enable DMA Channel 0 Priority DMA Channel 1 Priority FIFO Slave Bus Interface Interrupt Enable 10-189 Priority Within a Level 0.6 0.2 0.4 inter UPI-452 DMA Freeze Mode bit defaults to FIFO DMA Freeze Mode (SLCON FRZ = O). Below is a list of the FIFO Special Function Registers and their default power on reset values; FIFO:.EXTERNAL HOST INTERFACE FIFO DMA FREEZE MODE Overview During FIFO DMA Freeze Mode the internal CPU can reconfigure the FIFO interface. FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is provided to prevent the Host from accessing the FIFO during a reconfiguration sequence. The internal CPU invokes FIFO DMA Freeze MOde by clearing bit 3 of 'the Slave Control SFR (SC3). INTRQ becomes active whenever FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is invoked to indicate the freeze status. The interrupt can only be deactivated by the Host reading the Host Status SFR. During FIFO DMA Freeze Mode only two operations are possible by the Host to the UPI-452 slave, the balance are disabled, as shown in Table B. The internal DMA is disabled during FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, and the internal CPU has write access to all of the FIFO control SFRs (Table 9). Initialization SFRName Label Value Channel Boundary Pointer· Output Channel Read Pointers Output Channel Write Pointers Input Channel Read Pointers Input Channel Write Pointers Input Threshold Output Threshold CBP ORPR OWPR IRPR IWPR ITHR OTHR 40H 164D 40H 164D 40H 164D OOH 100D OOH 100D BOH I 12BD 01H 110 The Input and Output FIFO channels may be reconfigured by programming any of these SFRs while the FIFO Host interface is in FIFO DMA Freeze Mode. The UPI-452 also notifies the Host that FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is in progress by setting the Host Status SFR FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Status bit, FIFO DMA Freeze Mode In Progress. The Host interrogates the Host Status SFR to determine the status of the FIFO Host interface following reset be- . fore attempting to read ,from or write to the UPI-452 FIFO buffer. At power on reset the FIFO Host interface is automatica!!y frozen. The Slave Control Enab!e F!FO Table 8. Slave Bus Interface Status During FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Operation In Normal Mode Interface Pins; CS A2 A1 AD READ WRITE DACK Status In FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Read Host Status SFR Operational 1 Read HostControl SFR Operational 0 Write Host Control SFR Disabled 1 Data or DMA Data from Output Channel Disabled 1 0 Data or DMA Data to Input Channel Disabled 1 0 1 Data Stream Command from Disabled Output Channel 0 1 1 0 Data Stream Command to Input Channel Disabled 1 0 0 0 1 Read Immediate Command Qut from Output Channel Disabled 0 1 0 0 1 0 Write Immediate Command In to Input Channel Disabled 0 X X X X 0 1 DMA Data from Outp,ut Channel Disabled 0 X X X X 1 0 DMA Data to Input Channel Disabled 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 10-190 inter UPI·452 FIFO DMA Freeze Mode without first stopping the external Host from accessing the UPI-452 will not guarantee a clean break with the external Host. The UPI-452 can also be programmed to interrupt the Host following power on reset in order to indicate to the Host that FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is in progress. This is done by enabling the INTRO interrupt output pin via the MODE SFR (MD4) before the Slave Control SFR Enable FIFO DMA Freeze Mode bit is set to Normal Mode. At power on reset the Mode SFR is forced to zero. This disables all interrupt and DMA output pins (INTRO, DROIN/ INTROIN and DROOUTIINTROOUT). Because the Host Status SFR FIFO DMA Freeze Mode In Progress bit is set, a Request For Service, INTRO, interrupt is pending until the Host Status SFR is read. This is because the FIFO DMA Freeze Mode interrupt is always enabled. If the Slave Control FIFO . DMA Freeze Mode bit (SLCON FRZ) is set to Normal Mode before the MODE SFR INTRO bit is enabled, the INTRO output will not go active when the MODE SFR INTRO bit is enabled if the Host Status SFR has been read. The proper way to invoke FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is by issuing an Immediate Command to the external host indicating that FIFO DMA Freeze Mode will be invoked. Upon receiving the Immediate Command, the external Host should complete servicing all pending interrupts and DMA requests, then send an Immediate Command back to the UPI-452 acknowledging the FIFO DMA Freeze Mode request. After issuing the first Immediate Command, the internal CPU should not perform any action on the FIFO until FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is invoked . If FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is invoked without stopping the Host during Host transfers, only the last two bytes of data written into or read from the FIFO will be valid. The timing diagram for disabling the FIFO module to the external Host interface is illustrated in Figure 12. Due to this synchronization sequence, the UPI-452 might not go into FIFO DMA Freeze Mode immediately after SC3 is cleared. A special bit in the Slave Status Register (SST5) is provided to indicate the status of the FIFO DMA Freeze Mode. The FIFO DMA Freeze Mode operations described in this section are only valid after SST5 is cleared. The default values for the FIFO and Slave Interface represents minimum UPI-452 internal initialization. No specific Special Function Register initialization is required to begin operation of the FIFO Slave Interface. The last initialization instruction must always set the UPI-452 to Normal Mode. This causes the UPI-452 to exit FIFO DMA Freeze Mode and enables Host read/write access of the FIFO. As FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is invoked, the DROIN or DROOUT will be deactivated (stopping the transferring of data), bit 1 of the Host Status SFR will be set (HST1 = 1), and SST5 will be cleared (SST5 = 0) to indicate to the external Host and internal CPU that the slave interface has been frozen. After the freeze becomes effective, any attempt by the exter.nal Host to access the FIFO will cause the overrun and underrun bits to be activated (bits HST7 (for reads) or HST3 (for writes». These two bits, HST3 and HST7, will be set (deactivated) after the Host Status SFR has been read. If INTRO is used to request service, the FIFO interface is frozen upon completion of any Host read or write operation in progress. Following reset, either hardware (via the RST pin) or software (via HCON SFR bit HC3) the UPI-452 requires 2 internal machine cycles (24 TCLCL) to update all internal registers. Invoking FIFO DMA Freeze Mode During Normal Operation When the UPI-452 is in normal operation, FIFO DMA Freeze Mode should not be arbitrarily invoked by clearing SC3 (SC3 = 0) because the external Host runs asynchronously to the internal CPU. Invoking DRQIN/ DRQOUT ..J ~ , , ~----, A FIFO RD/WR AFTER INTERFACE FREEZE IS INVOKED WILL CAUSE HST 3 OR HST7 TO BE SET -----55 I' ~.! 5r-------------~~~----~~----~--~~----~ INTRQ -1_ --------------------- :FIFO INTERNALLY STOPPED FROM ACCEPTING OR OUTPUTIING DATA SC3 HST1 ___________________________ ~ 231428-17 Figure 12. Disabling FIFO to Host Slave Interface Timing Diagram 10-191 inter UPI-4S2 External Host writing to the Immediate Command In SFR and the Host Control SFR is also inhibited when the .slave bus interface is frozen. Writing to these two registers after FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is invoked will also cause HST3 (overrun) to be activated (HST3 = 0). Similarly, reading the Immediate Command Out Register by the external Host is disabled during FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, and.any attempt to do so will cause the clearing '(deactivating, "0") of HST7 bit (underrun). After the slave bus interface is frozen, the internal CPU can perform the following operations on the FIFO Special Function Registers (these operations are allowed only during FIFO DMA Freeze Mode). For FIFO Reconfiguration 1. Changing the Channel Boundary Pointer SFR. 2. Changing the Input and Output Threshold SFR. To Enhance the Testability 3. Writing to ,the read and write pointers of the Input and Output FIFO's. 4. Writing to and reading the Host Control SFRs. 5. Controlling some bits of Host and Slave Status SFRS. 6. Reading the Immediate Command Out SFR and Writing to the Immediate Comand In SFR. HCON, the Input Channel error condition flag (HST3) will be cleared. Input FIFO Pointer Registers (IRPR & IWPR) Once the FIFO module is in FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, error flags due to overrun and underrun of the Input FIFO pointers will be dis.abled. Any attempt to create an overrun or unqerrun condition by changing the Input FIFO pointers would result in an inconsistency in performance between the status flag and the threshold counter. To enhance the speed of the UPI-452, read opera" tions on the Input FIFO will look ahead by two bytes. Hence, every time the IRPR is changed during FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, two NOPs need to be executed so that the two byte pipeline can be updated with the new data bytes pointed to by the new IRPR. The Threshold Counter SFR also needs to change by the same number of bytes as the IRPR (increase Threshold Counter if IRPR goes forward or decrease if IRPR goes backward). This will ensure that future interrupts will still be generated only after a threshold number of bytes are available. (See "Input and Output FIFO Threshold SFR" section below.) In FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, the internal CPU can also change the content of IWPR, and each change of IWPR also requires an update. of the Threshold Counter SPR. Description of each of these special functions are as .. follows: FIFO Module SFRs During FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Table 9 summarizes the characteristics of all the FIFO Special Function Registers during normal and FIFO DMA Freeze Modes. Theregisters that require special treatment in FIFO DMA Freeze Mode are: HCON, IWPR, IRPR, OWPR, ORPR, HSTAT, SSTAT, MIN & MOUT SFRs. They can be described in detail as follows: Host Control SFR (HCON) During normal operation, this register is written to or read by the external Host. However, in FIFO DMA Freeze Mode (Le. SST5 = 0) the UPI-452 internal CPU has write access to the Host Control SFR and write operations to this SFR by the external Host will not be accepted. If the Host attempts to write to Normally, the internal CPU cannot write into the Input FIFO. It can, however, during FIFO DMA Freeze Mode by first reconfiguring the FIFO as an Output FIFO (Refer to "Input and Output FIFO Threshold SFR" section below). Changing the IRPR to be equal to IWPR generates an empty condition while changing IWPRto be equal to IRPR generates a full condition. The order in which the pointers are written determines whether a full or empty condition is generated. Output.FIFO Pointer SFR (ORPR and OWPR) In FIFO DMA Freeze Mode the contents of OWPR can be changed by the internal CPU, but each. change of OWPR or ORPR requires the Threshold Counter SFR to be updated as described in the next section. A NOP must be executed whenever a new value is written into ORPR, as just described for changes to IRPR. As before; changing ORPR to be equal to OWPR will generate an empty condition, Output FIFO overrun or underrun condition cannot be generated though. The FIFO pointers should not be set to a value outside of its range. 10-192 inter UPI·452 Table 9. FIFO SFR's Characteristics During FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Label Name Normal Operation (SST5 = 1) FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Operation (SST5 = 0) Read & Write HCON Host Control Not Accessible HSTAT Host Status Read Only Read & Write 4 Read & Write Read & Write SLCON Slave Control SSTAT Slave Status Read Only Read & Write 4 IEP Interrupt Enable & Priority Read & Write Read & Write MODE Mode Register Read & Write Read & Write IWPR Input FIFO Write Pointer ReadOniy Read & Write 5 IRPR Input FIFO Read Pointer Read Qnly Read & Write 1, 5 OWPR Output FIFO Write Pointer Read Only Read & Write 6 ORPR Output FIFO Read Pointer Read Only Read & Write 2, 6 CBP Channel Boundary Pointer Read Only Read & Write 3 IMIN Immediate Command In Read Only Read & Write IMOUT Immediate Command Out Read & Write Read & Write FIN FIFO IN Read Only Read Only CIN COMMAND IN Read Only Read Only FOUT FIFO OUT Read & Write Read & Write COUT COMMAND OUT Read & Write Read & Write ITHR Input FIFO Threshold Read Only Read & Write OTHR Output FIFO Threshold Read Only Read & Write NOTES: 1. Writing of IRPR will automatically cause the FIFO IN SFR to load the contents of the Input FIFO from that location. 2. Writing to ORPR will automatically cause the IOBl SFR to load the contents of the Output FIFO at that ORPR address. 3. Writing to the CBP SFR will cause automatic reset of the four pointers of the Input and Output FIFO channels. 4. The internal CPU cannot directly change the status of these registers. However, by changing the status of the FIFO channels, the internal CPU can indirectly change the contents of the status registers. 5. Changing the Input FIFO Read/Write Pointers also requires that a consistent update of the Input FIFO Threshold Counter SFR. 6. Changing the Output FIFO Read/Write Pointers also requires that a consistent update of the Output FIFO Threshold Counter SFR. 10-193 intJ UPI·452 Input and Output FIFO Threshold SFR (ITHR & OTHR) Host Status SFR (HSTAT) The Input and Output FIFO Threshold SFRs are also programmable by the internal CPU during FIFO DMA Freeze Mode. For proper operation of the Threshold feature, the Threshold SFR should be changed only when the Input and Output FIFO channels are empty, since they reflect the current number of bytes available to read/write before an'internipt is generated. . Table 10 illustrates the Threshold SFRs range of values and the number of bytes to be transferred when the Request For Service Flag is activated: Table 10. Threshold SFRs Range of Values and Number of Bytes to be Transferred ITHR No. of Bytes No. of Bytes OTHR (lower Available to (lower Available to be Read ~even bits) be Written seven bits 0 1 2 CBP CBP-1 CBP-2 CBP·3 GBP-2· ,3 2 • • • • • • 1 2 3 • • • 2 3 4 • • • (80H-CBP)·3 (80H-CBP)-2 (80H-CBP)-2 (80H-CBP)-1 (80H-CBP)·1 (80H-CBP) The eighth bit of the Input and Output FIFO Threshold SFR indicates the status of the service requests regardless of the freeze condition. If the eighth bit is a "1", the FIFO is requesting service from the external Host. In other words, when the Threshold SFR value goes below zero (2's complement), a service request is generated". Normally the ITHR SFR is decremented after each external Host write to the Input FIFO and incremented after each internal CPU read of the Input FIFO. The OTHR SFR is decremented by internal CPU writes and incremented by external Host reads. Thus if the pointers are moved when the FIFO's are not empty, these relationships can be used to calculate the offset for the Threshold SFRs. It is best to change the Threshold SFRs only when the FIFO's are empty to avoid this complica~ tion. The threshold registers should also be updated after the pointers have been manipulated. When in, FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, some bits in the Host Status SFR are forced high and will not reflect the new status until the system returns to normal operation. The definition of the register in FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is as follows: NOTE: The internal CPU reads this shadow latch value when reading the Host Status SFR. The shadow latch will keep the information for these bits so normal operation can be resumed with the right status. The following bits are set (= 1) when FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is invoked; HST7 Output FIFO Error Condition Flag, 1 = No error. o = An invalid read has been done on the output FIFO or the Immediate Command Olit Register by the host CPU. NOTE: The normal underrun error condition status is disabled. If an Immediate Command Out (IMOUT) SFR read is attempted during FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, the contents of the IMOUT SFR is output on the Data Buffer and the, error status is cleared (= ~.' , HST6 Immediate Command Out SFR Status During normal operation, this bit is cleared (= 0) when the IMOUT SFR is written by the UPI-452 internal CPU and set (= 1) when the IMOUT SFR is read by the external Host. Once the host-slave interface is frozen (Le. SST5 = 0), this bit will be read as a 1 by the host CPU. A shadow latch will keep the information for this bit so normal operation can be resumed with the correct status. Shadow latch: 1 = Internal CPU reads the IMOUT SFR o = Internal CPU writes to the IMOUT SFR HST5 Data Stream Command at Output FIFO This bit is forced to a "1" during FIFO DMA Freeze Mode to prevent ,the external host CPU from trying to read the DSC. Once normal. operation is resumed, HST5 will reflect the Data/Command status of the currentbyte in the Output FIFO. NOTE: When programming the ITHR SFR, the eighth bit should be set to 1 (OR'd with 80H). This causes HSTAT SFR HSTO = 0, Input FIFO Request For Service. If ITHR bit 7 = 0 then HSTAT HSTO = 1, Input FIFO Does Not Request Service, and no interrupt will be generated. 'The 8th bit of the ITHR SFR must be set during initialization if the Host interrupt request is desired immediately upon leaving Freeze Mode, 10-194 Shadow Latch (read by the internal CPU): 1 = No Data Stream Command (DSC) o = Data Stream Command at Output FIFO intJ UPI·452 HST4 Output FIFO Service Request Status When FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is invoked, this bit no longer reflects the Output FIFO Request Service Status. This bit wll be forced to a 111". HST3 Input FIFO Error Condition Flag 1 = No error. a = One of the following operations has been attempted by the external host and is invalid: 1) Write into the Input FIFO 2) Write into the Host Control SFR 3) Write into the Immediate Command In SFR NOTE: The normal Input FIFO overrun condition is disabled. HST2 Immediate Command In SFR Status This bit is normally cleared when the internal CPU reads the IMIN SFR and set when the external host CPU writes into the IMIN SFR. When the host-slave interface is frozen, reading and writing of the IMIN by the internal CPU will change the shadow latch of this bit. This bit will be read as a "1" by the external Host. Shadow latch. 1 = Internal CPU writes into IMIN SFR a = Internal CPU reads the IMIN SFR HST1 FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Status 1 = FIFO DMA Freeze Mode. a= Normal Operation Freeze Mode). (non-FIFO DMA NOTE: This bit is used to indicate to the external Host that the host-slave interface has been frozen and hence the external Host functions are now reduced as shown in Table 8. HSTO Input FIFO Request Service Satus When slave interface is frozen this bit no longer reflects the Input FIFO Request Service Status. This bit will be forced to a "1". Slave Status SFR (SSTAT) The Slave Status SFR is a read-only SFR. However, once the slave interface is frozen, most of the bits of this SFR can be changed by the internal CPU by reconfiguring the FIFO and accessing the FIFO Special Function Registers. SST? Output FIFO Overrun Error Flag Inoperative in FIFO DMA Freeze Mode. SST6 Immediate Command Out SFR Status In FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, this bit will be cleared when the internal CPU reads the Immediate Command Out SFR and set when the internal CPU writes to the Immediate Command Out Register. SST5 FIFO-External Interface FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Status This bit indicates to the internal CPU that FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is in progress and that it has write access to the FIFO Control, Host control and Immediate Command SFRs. SST4 Output FIFO Request Service Status During normal operation, this bit indicates to the internal CPU that the Output FIFO is ready for more data. The status of this bit reflects the position of the Output FIFO read and write pointers. Hence, in FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, this flag can be changed by the internal CPU indirectly as the read and write pointers change. SST3 Input FIFO Underrun Flag Inoperative during FIFO DMA Freeze Mode. During normal operation, a read operation clears (= 0) this bit when there are no data bytes in the Input FIFO and deactivated (= 1) when the Slave Status SFR is read. In FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, this bit will not be cleared by an Input FIFO read underrun error condition, nor will it be reset by the reading of the Slave Status SFR. SST2 Immediate Command In SFR Status This bit is normally activated (= 0) when the external host CPU writes into the Immediate Command In SFR and deactivated (= 1) when it is read by the internal CPU. In FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, this bit will not be activated (= 0) by the external Host's writing of the Immediate Command IN SFR since this func. tion is disabled. However, this bit will be cleared (= 0) if the internal CPU writes to the Immediate Command In SFR and it will be set = 1) if it reads from the register. SST1 Data Stream Command at Input FIFO Flag In FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, this bit operates normally. It indicates whether the next byte of data from the Input FIFO is a DSC or data byte. If it is a DSC byte, reading from the FIFO IN SFR will result in reading invalid data (FFH) and vice versa. In FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, this bit still reflects the type of data byte available from the Input FIFO. 10-195 UPI-4S2 SSTO Input FIFO Service Request Flag During normal operation, this bit is activated (= 0) when the Input FIFO contains bytes that can be read by the internal CPU and deactivated (= 1) when the Input FIFO does not need any service from the internal CPU. In FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, the status of this bit should not change unless the pointers of the Input FIFO are changed. In this mode, the internal CPU can indirectly change this bit by changing the read .and write pointers of the Input FIFO but cannot change it directly. changed. (See "Input and Output FIFO Threshold SFR" section below.) MEMORY ORGANIZATION The UPI-452 has separate address spaces for Program Memory and Data Memory like the 80C51. The Program Memory can be. up to 64K bytes. The lower 8K of Program Memory may reside on-chip. The Data Memory consists of 256 bytes of on-chip RAM, up to 64K bytes of off-chip RAM and a number of "SFRs" (Special Function Registers) which appear as yet another set of unique memory addresses. Immediate Command In/Out SFR (IMIN/IMOUT) Table 11a_lnternal Memory Addressing Memory Space If FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is in progress, writing to the Immediate Command In SFR by the external host will be disabled, and any such attempt will cause HST3 to be cleared (=0). Similarly, the Immediate Command Out SFR read operation (by the host) will be disabled internally and read attempts will cause HST7 to be cleared (= 0). Addressing Method Lower 128 Bytes of Internal RAM Direct or Indirect Upper 128 Bytes of Internal RAM Indirect Only UPI-452 SFR's Direct Only The 80C51 Special Function Registers are listed in Table 11 a, and the additional UPI-452 SFRs are listed in Table 11 b. A brief description of the 80C51 core SFRs is also provided below. Internal CPU Read and Write of the FIFO During FIFO DMA Freeze Mode In normal operation, the Input FIFO can only be read by the internal CPU and similarly, the Output FIFO can only be written by the internal CPU. During FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, the internal CPU can read the entire contents of the Input FIFO by programming the CBP SFR to 7FH, setting the IRPR SFR to zero, and then the IWPR SFR to zero. Programming the pointer registers in this order generates a FIFO full signal to the FIFO logic and enables internal CPU read operations. If the IWPR and IRPR are already zero, the write pointer should be changed to a nonzero value to clear the empty status then the pointers can be set to zero. Writing to the IRDR SFR automatically updates the look ahead registers. In a similar manner, the internal CPU can write to all 128 bytes of the FIFO by setting the CBP SFR to zero, setting OWPR SFR to zero, and then setting ORPR SFR to zero. This generates a FIFO empty signal and allows internal CPU write operations to all 128 .bytes of the FIFO. The Threshold registers also need to be adjusted when the pointers are Accessing External Memory As in the 80C51, accesses to external memory are of two types: Accesses to external Program Memory and accesses to external Data Memory. External Program Memory is accessed under two conditions: 1) Whenever signal EA = 0; or 2) Whenever the program counter (PC) contains a number that is larger than 1FFFH. This requires that the ROM less versions have EA wired low to enable the lower 8K program bytes to be fetched from external memory. External Data Memory is accessed using either the MOVX @DPTR (16 bit address) or the MOVX @Ri (8 bit address) instructions, or during external data memory transfers. 10-196 infef UPI-4S2 Table 11c. UPI·452 Additional Special Function Registers (Continued) Table 11 b. 80C51 Special Function Registers Symbol Name Accumulator B Register Program Status Word SP Stack Pointer DPTR Data Pointer (consisting of DPH and DPL) PortO 'PO Port 1 'P1 Port 2 "P2 Port 3 "P3 Interrupt Priority *IP Control Interrupt Enable "IE Control Timer/Counter TMOD Mode Control "TCON Timer/Counter Control THO Timer/Counter o (high byte) . TLO Timer/Counter o (low byte) TH1 Timer/Counter 1 (high byte) TL1 Timer/Counter .1 (low byte) "SCON . Serial Control SBUF Serial Data Buff PCON Power Control 'ACC 'B 'PSW Address Contents Symbol OEOH OFOH ODOH OOH OOH OOH 81H 82H 07H OOOOH 80H 90H OAOH OBOH OB8H OFFH OFFH OFFH OFFH OEOH OA8H 60H 89H OOH 88H OOH 8CH OOH 8AH OOH 8DH OOH 8BH OOH 98H 99H 87H OOH I 10H Symbol Name Address Contents Address Contents OC2H I DARHO Hi Byte/ Channel 0 OC3H I DARL1 Low Byte/ OD2H I DARH1 Hi Byte/ Channel 1 OD3H I DCONO DMAO Control 92H OOH DCON1 DMA 1 Control 93H OOH FIN FIFO IN OEEH I FOUT FIFO OUT OFEH I HCON Host Control OE7H OOH HSTAT Host Status OE6H OFBH *IEP Interrupt Enable and Priority OF8H OCOH IMIN Immediate Command In OFCH I IMOUT Immediate Command Out OFDH I IRPR Input Read Pointer OEBH OOH ITHR Input FIFO Threshold OF6H 80H IWPR Input Write Pointer OEAH OOH MODE Mode Register OF9H 8FH ORPR Output Read Pointer OFAH 40H OTHR Output FIFO Threshold OF7H 01H OWPR Output Write. Threshold OFBH 40H *P4 Port 4 DMA Source Address OCOH OFFH SARLO Low Byte/ OA2H I SARHO Hi Byte/ Channel 0 OA3H I I = Indeterminate Table 11c. UPI-452 Additional Special Function Registers Name Low Byte/ DARLO BCRLO DMA Byte Count Low Byte/ OE2H I BCRHO High Byte/ Channel 0 OE3H I BCRL1 Low Byte/ OF2H I SARL1 Low Byte/ OB2H I BCRH1 Hi Byte/ Channel 1 OF3H I SARH1 Hi Byte/ Channel 1 OB3H I CBP Channel Boundary Pointer OECH 40H CIN COMMAND IN OEFH I COUT COMMAND OUT DMA Destination Address OFFH I "SLCON Slave Control SSTAT Slave Status OE8H 04H OE9H 08FH I = Indeterminate The SFRs marked with an asterisk (*) are both bit- and byte- addressable. The functions of the SFRs are as follows: 10-197 inter UPI·452 Miscellaneous Special Function Register Description DATA POINTER The Data Pointer (DPTR) consists of a high byte (DPH) and a low byte (DPL). Its intended function is to hold a 16-bit address. It may be manipulated as a 16-bit register or as two independent S-bit registers. SOC51 SFRs ACCUMULATOR ACC is the Accumuator SFR. The mnemonics for accumulator-specific instructions, however, refer to the accumulator simply as A. B REGISTER PORTS 0 TO 4 PO, P1, P2, P3 and P4 are the SFR latches of Ports 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. SERIAL DATA BUFFER The B SFR is used during multiply and divide operations. For other instructions it can be treated as another scratch pad regster. PROGRAM STATUS WORD The PSW SFR contains program status information as detailed in Table 12. The Serial Data Buffer is actually two separate registers, a transmit buffer and a receive buffer register. When data is moved to SBUF, it goes to the transmit buffer where it is held for serial transmission. (Moving a byte to SBUF is what initiates the transmission.) When data is moved from SBUF, it comes from the receive buffer. TIMER/COUNTER SFR STACK POINTER The Stack Pointer register is S bits wide. It is incremented before data is stored during PUSH and CALL executions. While the stack may reside anywhere in on-chip RAM, the Stack Pointer is.initialized to 07H after a reset. This causes the stack to begin at location OSH. Register pairs (THO, TLO), and (,rH1, TL1) are the 16-bit counting registers for Timer/Counters 0 and 2. POWER CONTROL SFR (PCON) The PCON Register (Table 13) controls the power down and idle modes in the UPI-452, as well as providing the ability to double the Serial Channel baud rate. There are also two general purpose flag bits available to the user. Bits 5 and 6 are used to set the HOLD/HOLD Acknowledge mode (see '~General Purpose DMA Channels" section), and bit 4 is not used. 10-19S inter UPI·452 Table 12. Program Status Word Symbolic Address Physical Address PSW CY AC FO RS1 RSO P OV (MSB) ODOH (LSB) Symbol Position CY AC FO RS1 RSO OV PSW.7 PSW.6 PSW.5 PSW.4 PSW.3 PSW.2 PSW.1 PSW.O P Name Carry Flag Auxiliary Carry (For BCD operations) Flag 0 (user assignable) Register Bank Select bit 1" Register Bank Select bit 0" Overflow Flag (reserved) Parity Flag '(RS1, RSO) enable Internal RAM register banks as follows: RS1 RSO 0 0 0 1 1 0 Internal RAM Register Bank BankO Bank 1 8ank2 Bank3 1 1 Table 13. peON Special Function Register Symbolic Address Physical Address SMOD PCON ARB REO GF1 (MSB) GFO PD IDL (LSB) 'Symbol Position Function SMOD PCON7 ARB REO GF1 GFO PD PCON6 PCON5 PCON4 PCON3 PCON2 PCON1 IDL PCONO Double Baud rate bit. When set to a 1, the baud rate is doubled when the serial port is being used in either Mode 1, 2 or 3 .. HLD/HLDA Arbiter control bit" HLD/HLDA Requestor control bit" (reserved) General-purpose flag bit General-purpose flag bit Power Down bit. Setting this bit activates power down operation. Idle Mode bit. Setting this bit activates idle mode operation . - .. 'See Ext. Memory OM"''' deSCriptIon. NOTE: If 1's are written to PO and IOL at the same time, PO takes precedence. The reset value of peON is (OOOXOOOO). 10-199 087H inter UPI-452 • Notice: Stresses above those listed under '~bso lute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Ambient Temperature Under Bias ..... o·c to 70'Ct Storage Temperature .......... - 65'C to + 150'C Voltage on Any Pin to Vss ............... -0.5V to Vee + 0.5V Voltage on Vee to Vss ............ -0.5V to + 6.5V Power Dissipation ........................ 1.0W·· Vec/Vpp Supply Voltage with Respect to Ground During Programming ......... - 0.6V to NOTICE: Specifications contained within the following tables are subject to change. + 14.0V D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = 0'Ct070'C;Vee = 5V ±10%;Vss = Symbol Parameter Min Max Units 0.8 V Test Conditions VIL Input Low Voltage VIH Input High Voltage (except XTAL 1, RST) 2.0 Vee + 0.5 V VIH1 Input High Voltage (XTAL1, RST) 3.9 Vee + 0.5 V VOL Output Low Voltage (Ports 1, 2, 3, 4) 0.45 V IOL = 1.6 mA (Note 1) Vou Output Low Voltage 0.45 V IOL = 3.2 mA (Note 1) 2.4 V IOH = -60 /LA, Vee = 5V ±10% 0.75 Vee V IOH= -25/LA 0.9 Vee V IOH = -10,LA 2.4 V IOH = -400 /LA, Vee = 5V ±10% 0.75 Vee V IOH = -150/LA 0.9 Vee V IOH = -40 /LA (Note 2) 2.4 V IOH = -400 /LA, Vee = 5V 3.0 V IOH = 1 mA (.,y,.,.,nt Pnrt ? _.....- 1., -, '-.~--I""'.' VOH VOH1 VOH2 -0.5 ov - ~ -, <1\ " Output High Voltage (Ports 1, 2, 3, 4) Output High Voltage (except Ports 1, 2, 3, 4 and Host Interface (Slave) Port) Output High Voltage (Host Interface (Slave) Port) V Vee - 0.4 IlL Logical 0 Input Current (Ports 1, 2, 3, 4) ITL Logical 1 to 0 Transition Current (Ports 1, 2, 3., 4) IOH = -10/LA -50 /LA VIN = 0.45V ~650 /LA VIN = 2V t Ambient Temperature under Bias for 87e452P IS o'e to 50'e. 10-200 ± 10% UPI-4S2 D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol TA = O°C to 70°C; VCC Parameter Min = 5V ± 10%; VSS Max Units = OV (Continued) Test Conditions III Input Leakage Current (except Ports 1, 2, 3, 4) ±10 p.A 0.45V < VIN < Vcc loz Output Leakage Current (except Ports 1,2, 3, 4) ±10 p.A 0.45V < VOUT < Vcc ICCl Operating Current (Note 6) 15 mA Vcc Icc Operating Current (Note 7) 50 mA Vcc Icci Idle Mode Current 25 mA Vcc Ipo Power Down Current 100 p.A Vcc RRST Reset Pull down Resistor 150 KO CIO Pin Capacitance 20 pF 50 = = = = 5.5V, 16 MHz 5.5V, 16 MHz (Note 4) 5.5V, 16 MHz (Note 5) 2V (Note 3) 1 MHz, TA = 25°C (sampled, not tested on all parts) NOTES: 1. Capacitive loading on Ports 0 and 2 may cause spurious noise pulses to be superimposed on the VOLS of ALE and Ports 1 and 3. The noise is due to external bus capacitance discharging into the Port 0 and Port 2 pins when these pins make 1to-O transitions during bus operations. In the worst cases (capacitive loading> 100 pF), the noise pulse on the ALE line may exceed 0.8V. In such cases it may be desirable to qualify ALE with a Schmitt Trigger, or use an address latch with a Schmitt Trigger STROBE input. 2. Capacitive loading on Ports 0 and 2 may cause the VOH on ALE and PSEN to momentarily fall before the 0.9 Vee specification when the address bits are stabilizing. 3. Power DOWN lee is measured with all output pins disconnected; EA = Port 0 = Vee; XTAL2 N.C.; RST = Vss; DB = Vee; WR = RD = DACK = CS = AO = Al = A2 = Vee. Power Down Mode is not supported on the 87C452P. 4. lee is measured with all output pins disconnected; XTAL1 driven with TCLCH, TCHCL = 5 ns, VIL = VSS + 0.5V, VIH "" Vee - 0.5V; XTAL2 N.C.; EA = RST = Port 0 = Vee; WR = RD = DACK = CS = AO = A1 = A2 = Vee. lee would be slightly higher if a crystal oscillator is used. 5. Idle lee is measured with all output pins disconnected; XTAL 1 driven with TCLCH, TCHCL = 5 ns, VIL = Vss + 0.5V, VIH = Vee - 0.5V; XTAL2 N.C.; Port 0 = Vee: EA = RST = Vss; WR = RD = DACK = CS = AO = A1 = A2 = Vee. 6. 87C452P Piggyback EPROM only. 7. 80C452 and 83C452 only. EXPLANATION OF THE AC SYMBOLS Each timing symbol has 5 characters. The first character is always a 'T' (stands for time). The other characters, depending on their positions, stand for the name of a signal or the logical status of that signal. The following is a list of all the characters and what they stand for: A: Address. Q: Output data. R: READ signal. T: Time. V: Valid. W: WRITE signal. X: No longer a valid logic level. Z: Float. C: Clock. D: Input data. EXAMPLE H: Logic level HIGH. TAVLL = Time for Address Valid to ALE Low. TLLPL = Time for ALE Low to PSEN Low. I: Instruction (program memory contents). L: Logic level LOW, or ALE. P: PSEN. 10-201 UPI-452 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = O·C to 70·C, Vee = 5V ± 10%, Vss = OV, Load Capacitance for Port 0, ALE, and PSEN = 100 pF, Load Capacitance for All Other Outputs = 80 pF EXTERNAL PROGRAM AND DATA MEMORY CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter 16 MHzOsc Min Max 16 Variable Oscillator Min Units Max 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency 3.5 TLHLL ALE Pulse Width 85 2TCLCL-40 MHz ns TAVLL Address Valid to ALE Low 25 TCLCL-55 ns TLLAX Address Hold after ALE Low 28 TCLCL-35 ns TLLlV ALE Low to Valid Instr In TLLPL ALE Low to PSEN Low 22 TPLPH PSEN Pulse Width 142 TPLIV PSEN Low to Valid Instr In 4TCLCL-100 185 TCLCL-40 ns 3TCLCL-45 0 ns 3TCLCL-105 110 TPXIX Inputlnstr Hold after PSEN TPXIZ Input Instr Float after PSEN TAVIV Address to Valid Instr In TPLAZ PSEN Low to Address Float TRLRH RD Pulse Width 275 6TCLCL-100 T'vVLVVH WR Puise Width 275 6TCLCL-iOO ns 0 ns ns 57 TCLCL-25 225 5TCLCL-105 ns 10 10 .ns , ns ns 5TCLCL-165 148 ns TRLDV RD Low to Valid Data In TRHDX Data Hold after RD TRHDZ Data Float after RD TLLDV ALE Low to Valid Data In TAVDV Address to Valid Data In TLLWL ALE Low to RD or WR Low 137 TAVWL Address Valid to Read or Write Low 120 4TCLCL-130 ns TOVWX Data Valid to WR Transition 2 TCLCL-60 ns TWHOX Data Hold after WR 12 TCLCL-50 ns 0 TRLAZ RD Low to Address Float TWHLH RD or WR High to ALE High 23 TOVWH Data Valid to WR (Setup Time) 288 0 ns 2TCLCL-70 ns_ 350 8TCLCL-150 ns 398 9TCLCL-165 ns 3TCLCL+50 ns 237 3TCLCL-50 0 10-202 ns 103 TCLCL-40 7TCLCL-150 0 ns TCLCL+40 ns ns inter UPI-452 EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY READ CYCLE ALE~ -- TWHLHCJ-----\ r----------------~I~ 14 . 1 - - - - TLLDV - - - - - - I ~ ____ I _J \\.. _ _- . J1 PORTO PORT2 P2.0-P2.7 OR A8-A15 FROM DPH _ _...J A8-A15 FROM PCH 231428-19 EXTERNAL PROGRAM MEMORY READ CYCLE. TLHLL ...... ALE ·~~t----TPLPH ----+I PORTO PORT2 _ _-'~_ _ _ _~~~_ _ _ _ _J~_ _ _ _~A~8_-~A~1~5________ 231428-20 10-203 inter UPI-452 EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY WRITE CYCLE .-.rr___________________ ~_H_L_H-_L~~ 1 ALE. \... PSENJ ______ _J I '''''_ _-'1 I+---+-~-TOVWH ---f4-I~HOX r---r~_-"\l PORTO PORT2 DATA OUT A8-A15 FROM PCH P2.0 - P2.7 OR A8 - A15 FROM DPH _ _ _J 231428-21 SHIFT REGISTER MODE TIMING WAVEFORMS I INSTRUCTION .,<" . a 2 4 3 5 7 6 B n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n I -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ _ _ _--iI-lXLXL -I CLOCK ~rlXHOX \'--__~ ""__~ '-__-JX OUTPUT DATA t 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 X I 7 t SETTI WRITE TO SBUF INPUT DATA _ _ _ _ _J t t CLEAR Rl SET Rl 231428-22 10-204 inter UPI-452 EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE Symbol Parameter Min Max Units 1/TCLCL Oscillator Frequency 3.5 16 MHz TCHCX High Time 20 TCLCX Low Time 20 TCLCH Rise Time 20 ns TCHCL Fall Time 20 ns ns ns NOTE: External clock timings are sampled, not tested on ali parts. SERIAL PORT TIMING-SHIFT REGISTER MODE Test Conditions: T A Symbol = O·C to 70·C; Vee = 5V ± 10 %; V55 = OV; Load Capacitance 16MHzOsc Parameter Min Max = 80 pF Variable Oscillator Min Max Units TXLXL Serial Port Clock Cycle Time 750 12TCLCL ns TOVXH Output Data Setup to Clock Rising Edge 492 1OTCLCL -133 ns 8 2TCLCL-117 ns 0 0 ns TXHOX Output Data Hold after Clock Rising Edge TXHDX Input Data Hold after Clock Rising Edge TXHDV Clock Rising Edge to Input Data Valid 1OTCLCL -133 492 ns EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE WAVEFORM Vee-0.5 - - - - ~~:-:--"'" 0.45V 231428-23 AC TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORMS Vee-0.5 --V 0.2 Vee+0.9 FLOAT WAVEFORMS >C TIMING REFERENCE POINTS 1------'. 0.45VJ\_0_.2_V.,,:e::;e_-0_._ . 231428-25 For timing purposes a port pin is no longer floating when a 100 mV change from load voltage occurs, and begins to float when a 100 mV change from the loaded VOHIVOL level occurs. IOL/IOH <: ± 20 rnA. 231428-24 AC inputs during testing are driven at Vee -0.5V for a logic "1" and OA5V for a logic "0". Timing measurements are made at VIH min. for a logic "1" and VIL max. for a logic "0". 10-205 intJ UPI-4S2 HLD/HLDA WAVEFORMS Arbiter Mode HLD -----.~. THMIN V,.....--------=tr------- ----+I. I - THLAL 114-.----TAMIN I - THHAH 231428-26 j Requestor Mode .....If( HLD _ _ _ ,,,..,----- HLDA _ _~{,~_ I- TAHHL-----+l- 231428-31 HLD/HLDA TIMINGS Test Conditions: TA Symbol = O·C to +70·C; Vee Parameter = 5V ±10%, Vss = OV; 16MHzOsc Min Load Capacitance = 80 pF Variable Oscillator Max Min Max ~I"\'" Units TUlAIPt.1 HLD Pulss \Nidth 350 .... lvL.vL.-r: IUU liS TAMIN HLDA Pulse Width 350 4TCLCL+100 ns THHAH HLD to HLDA Delay if HLDA is Granted I I ItVIII .. THLAL HLD to HLDA Delay TAHHL HLDA Inactive to HLDActive AT"'" ,",I I 350 4TCLCL-100 4TCLCL+100 ns 350 4TCLCL-100 4TCLCL+100 ns 4TCLCL-100 150 ns HOST PORT WAVEFORMS Tee ) TRV Tee TDR ~TDH DATA DRQIN DRQOUT ~ f ) 231428-27 10·206 inter UPI-4S2 HOST PORT TIMINGS Test Conditions: TA Symbol = O°C to 70·C; Vee = 5V ±10%; Vss = OV; Load Capacitance = 80 pF Parameter 16 MHzOsc Max Min Variable Oscillator Min Max Units TCC Cycle Time 375 6TCLCL ns TPW Command Pulse Width 100 100 ns TRV Recovery Time 60 60 ns TAS Address Setup Time 5 5 ns TAH Address Hold Time 30 30 ns TOS Write Data Setup Time 30 30 ns TOHw Write Data Hold Time 5 5 ns TOHR Read Data Hold Time 5 TOV READ Active to Read Data Valid Delay 85 TDR WRITE Inactive to Read Data Valid Delay (Applies only to Host Control SFR) 300 4.8TCLCL ns TRa READ or WRITE Active to DRaiN or DRaOUT Delay 150 150 ns 40 5 40 92 nson 12 MHz Part ns ns PROGRAMMING MODES ERASURE CHARACTERISTICS Caution: Exceeding 14V on Vpp will permanently damage the device. The erasure characteristics are such that erasure begins to occur upon exposure to light with wavelengths shorter than approximately 4000 Angstroms (A). It should be noted that sunlight and certain types of fluorescent lamps have wavelengths in the 3000A-4000A range. Data shows that constant exposure to room level fluorescent lighting could erase the EPROM in approximately three years, while it would take approximately one week to cause erasure when exposed to direct sunlight. If the EPROM is to .be exposed to these types of lighting conditions for extended periods of time, opaque labels should be placed over the window to prevent unintentional erasure. Initially, all bits of the EPROM are in the "1" state. Data is introduced by selectively programming "Os" into the desired bit locations. Although only "Os". will be programmed, both "1 s" and "Os" can be present in the data word. The only way to change a "0" to a "1" is by ultraviolet light exposure (Cerdip EPROMs). This device is in the programming mode when Vpp is raised to its programming voltage and ALE/PGM are both at TIL-low. The data to be programmed is applied 8 bits in parallel to the Port 0 pins. The levels required for the address and data inputs are TIL. The address is applied to Port 1 and 2. Program Verify A verify should be performed on the programmed bits to determine that they have been correctly programmed. The verify is performed with OE at VIL, PGM at VIH and Vpp and Vee at their programming voltages. inteligent IdentifierTM Mode inteligent IdentifierTM Mode is not supported on the ' 87C452P piggyback EPROM device. The recommended erasure procedure is exposure to shortwave ultraviolet light which has a wavelength of 2537 Angstroms (A). The integrated dose (i.e., UV intensity x exposure time) for erasure should be a minimum of fifteen (15) Wsec/cm 2. The erasUre time with this dosage is approximately 15 to 20 minutes using an ultraviolet lamp with a 12,000 /LW/cm 2 power rating. The EPROM should be placed within one inch of the lamp tubes during erasure. The maximum integrated dose an EPROM can be exposed to without damage is 7258 Wsec/cm 2 (1 week @ 12000 /LW/cm2), Exposure of the EPROM to high intensity UV light for longer periods may cause permanent damage. 10-207 UPI-4S2 DEVICE FAILED DEVICE FAILED 231428-29 Figure 4. inteligent Programming™ Flowchart inteligent Programming™ Algorithm The inteligent Programming Algorithm, a standard in the industry for the past few years, is required for all of Intel's 12.5V DERDEP EPROMs. Plastic amd PLCC EPROMs may also be programmed using this method. A flowchart of the inteligent Programming Algorithm is shown in Figure 4. duration of the initial PGM pulse(s) is one millisecond, which will then be followed by a longer overprogram pulse of length 3X ms. X is an iteration counter and is equal to the number of the initial one millisecond pulses applied to a particular location, before a correct verify occurs. Up to 25 one-millisecond pulses per byte are provided for before the overprogram pulse is applied. The inteligent Programming Algorithm utilizes two different pulse types: initial and overprogram. The 10-208 UPI-452 The entire sequence of program pulses and byte verifications is performed at Vcc· = 6.0V and Vpp = 12.5V. When the inteligent Programming cycle has been completed, all bytes should be compared to the . original data with Vee = Vpp = 5.0V. EPROM PROGRAMMING AND VERIFICATION WAVEFORMS PROGRAMMING PORT I.PORT2 VERIFICATION ~C~AgDD~REgSStO~-j'~2=}-----t::!A~DD~R~ES~S~O~-~'2~:>---TAVQV - PORTO---t-C:JD~~!A~IN=:>-t--------(JD~AT~A~O~UT~1----- J I- TGHDX- ~TDVGl_ _ TAVGl :- TGHAX I- TElQV I - "1 Ll TEHQZ ----~-I~~~~ I~,--------~--~~TD-H-AX-~---AlE/PGM -j I ~,TPHGl +:~~~l 1- TDXOl- 1 ·1 -ITEHSH 231428-30 A.C. PROGRAMMING CHARACTERISTICS TA = 25°C ±5°C (see EPROM PROGRAMMING D.C. CHARACTERISTICS for Vee and Vpp Voltages) Symbol Parameter 12MHzOSC Min Max Unit 2.9 J.l.s TAVGL Address Setup to PGM TDXOL OE Setup from Data Float 2.0 J.l.s TDVGL Data Setup to PGM 3.8 J.l.s TOHAX Address Hold after OE 0 J.l.s TGHDX· Data Hold after PGM TEHOZ Data Float after OE 0 TOHAX Address Hold after PGM 0 J.l.s TPHGL Vpp Setup to PGM 2.0 J.l.s TCHGL Vee Setup to PGM 2.0 J.l.s TEHSH OE Setup to Vpp and Vee 2.0 TGLGH PGM Pulse Width 0.95 TAVQV Address to Data Valid TOPW PGM Overprogram Pulse Width TELOV Data Valid from OE 2.0 2.85 Test Conditlons*(1) ns 1.6 J.l.s (Note 3) J.l.s 1.05 ms 3.0 J.l.s 78.75 ms 2.0 J.l.s inteligent Programming (Note 2) NOTES: 1. Vee must be applied simultaneously or before Vpp and removed simultaneously or after Vpp. 2. The length of the overprogram pulse may vary from 2.85 ms to 78.75 ms as a function of the iteration counter value X (inteligent Programming Algorithm only). 3. This parameter is only sampled and is not 100% tested. Output Float is defined as the point where data is no longer driven-see timing diagram. 4. The maximum current value is· with Port 0 unloaded. 10-209 intJ UPI-452 D.C. PROGRAMMING CHARACTERISTICS TA = 25°C ±5% Limits Symbol Parameter Min Max Test Conditions*(1) Unit lee2(4) Vee Supply Current (Program and Verify) 150 mA IpP2(4) Vpp Supply Current (Program) 50 mA VID Ag Inteligent Identifier Voltage 11.5 12.5 V Vpp inteligent Programming Algorithm 12.0 13.0 V Vee inteligent Programming Algorithm 5.75 6.25 V 10-210 CE = VIL CE = PGM = VIL inter APPLICATION NOTE AP-70 November 1987 Using the Intel MCS®-51 Boolean Processing Capabilities JOHN WHARTON MICROCONTROLLER APPLICATIONS Order Number: 203830·001 10·211 AP-70 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Intel microcontroller family now has three new members: the Intel® 8031, 8051, and 8751 single-chip microcomputers. These devices, shown in Figure I, will allow whole new classes of products to benefit from recent advances in Integrated Electronics. Thanks to Intel's new HMOS technology, they provide larger program and data memory spaces, more flexible I/O and peripheral capabilities, greater speed, and lower system cost than any previous-generation single-chip microcomputer. - vee P1.0P1.1- - po.o P1.2 - - P1.3 - - PO.2 P1.4 - - PO.3 P1.5 - - PO.4 PO .. 1 P1.6- - PO.5 PH - - PO.6 - PO.7 RST - - VPP/EA P3.0/RXD - -~/ALE P3.1/TXD - p3.2iiNTci - - PSEN P3.3/iNii - - P2.7 P3.4/TO - - P2.6 P3.51T1 - - P2.5 - P2.4 P3.6/WR P3.7/iiii - - P2.3 XTAL2 - - P2.2 XTAL1 - - P2.1 VSS - - P2.0 203830-1 Figure 1. 8051 Family Pinout Diagram Table 1 summarizes the quantitative differences between the members of the MCS®-48 and 8051 families. The 8751 contains 4K bytes of EPROM program memory fabricated on-chip, while the 8051 replaces the EPROM with 4K bytes of lower-cost maskprogrammed ROM. The 8031 has no program memory on-chip; instead, it accesses up to 64K bytes of program memory from external memory. Otherwise, the three new family membeJ,"S are identical. Throughout this Note, the term "8051" will represent all members of the 8051 Family, unless specifically stated otherwise. The CPU in each microcomputer is one of the industry's fastest and most efficient for numerical calculations on byte operands. But controllers often deal with bits, not bytes: in the real world, switch contacts can only be open or closed, indicators should be either lit or dark, motors are either turned on or off; and so forth. For such control situations the most significant aspect of the MCS®-51 architecture is its complete hardware support for one-bit, or /loolean variables (named in honor of MathematiCian George Boole) as a separate data type. The 8051 incorporates a number of special features which support the direct manipulation and testing of individual bits and allow the use of single-bit variables in performing logical operations. Taken together, these features are referred to as the MCS-Sl Boolean Processor. While the bit-processing capabilities alone would be adequate to solve many' control applications, their true power comes when they are used in conjunction with the microcomputer's byte-processing and numerical capabilities. Many concepts embodied by the Boolean Processor will certainly be new even to experienced microcomputer system designers. The purpose of this Application Note is to explain these concepts and show how they are used. For detailed information on these parts refer to the Intel Microcontroller Handbook, order number 210918. The instruction set, assembly language, and use of the 8051 assembler (ASM51) are further described iIi the MCS®·51 Macro Assembler User's Guide for DOS Systems, order number 122753. Table 1. Features of Intel's Single-Chip Microcomputers EPROM Program Memory ROM Program Memory External Program Memory Program Memory (Int/Max) Data Memory (Bytes) Instr. Cycle Time Input! Output Pins 8748 8048 8049 8051 8035 8039 8031 1K4K 2K4K 4K64K 64 128 128 2.5 JLs 1.36 JLs 1.0 JLs 27 27 32 8751 10-212 Interrupt Sources Reg. Banks 2 2 2 2 4 5 inter AP-70 2.0 BOOLEAN PROCESSOR OPERATION The Boolean Processing capabilities of the 8051 are based on concepts which have been around for some time. Digital computer systems of widely varying designs all have four functional elements in common (Figure 2): • a central processor (CPU) with the control, timing, and logic circuits needed to execute stored instructions: • a memory to store the sequence of instructions making up a program or algorithm: • data memory to store variables used by the program: and • some means of communicating with the outside world. The CPU usually includes one or more accumulators or special registers for computing or storing values during program execution. The instruction set of ~uch a processor generally includes, at a minimum, operation classes to perform arithmetic or logical functions on program variables, move variables from one place to another, cause program execution to jump or conditionally branch based on register or variable states, and instructions to call and return from subroutines. The program and data memory functions sometimes share a single memory space, but this is no~ always the case. When the address spaces are separated, program and data memory need not even have the same basic word width. A digital computer's flexibility comes in part from combining simple fast operations to produce more com- plex (albeit slower) ones, which in tum link together eventually solving the problem at hand. A four-bit CPU executing multiple precision subroutines can, for example, perform 64-bit addition and subtraction. The subroutines could in tum be building blocks for floatingpoint multiplication and division routines. Eventually, the four-bit CPU can simulate a far more complex "'virtual" machine. In fact, any digital computer with the above four functional elements can (given time) complete any algorithm (though the proverbial room full of chimpanzees at word processors might first re-create Shakespeare's classics and this Application Note)! This fact offers little consolation to product designers who want programs to run as quickly as possible. By definition, a real-time contrql algorithm must proceed quickly enough to meet the preordained speed constraints of other equipment. One of the factors determining how long it will take a microcomputer to complete a given chore is the number of instructions it must execute. What makes a given computer architecture particularly well- or poorly-suited for a class of problems is how well its instruction set matches the tasks to be performed. The better the "primitive" operations correspond to the steps taken by the control algorithm, the lower the number of instructions needed, and the quicker the program will run. All else being equal, a CPU supporting 64-bit arithmetic directly could clearly perform floating-point math faster than a machine bogged-down by multiple-precision subroutines. In the same way, direct support for bit manipulation naturally leads to more efficient pro~ grams handling the binary input and output conditions inherent in digital control problems. TIMING & CONTROL PROGRAM MEMORY ACCUMULATOR & REGISTERS INPUTI OUTPUT PORTS DATA MEMORY REAL WORLD CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT 203830-2 Figure 2. Block Diagram for Abstract Digital Computer 10-213 AP·70 Processing Elements The introduction stated that the 8051 's bit-handling capabilities alone would be sufficient to solve some control applications. Let's see how the four basic elements of a digital computer-a CPU with associated registers, program memory, addressable data RAM, and I/O capability-relate to Boolean variables. CPU. The 8051 CPU incorporates special logic devoted to executing several bit-wide operations. All told, there are 17 such instructions, all listed in Table 2. Not shown are 94 other (mostly byte-oriented) 8051 instructions. tions of Table 2, several sophisticated program control features like multiple addressing modes, subroutine nesting, and a two-level interrupt structure are useful in s~ructuring Boolean Processor-based programs. Boolean instructions are one, two, or three bytes long, depending on what function they perform. Those involving only the carry flag have either a single-byte opcode or an opcode followed by a conditional-branch destination byte (Figure 3a). The more general instructions add a "direct address" byte after the opcode to specify the bit affected, yielding two or three byte encodings (Figure 3b). Though this format allows potentially 256 directly addressable bit locations, not all of them are implemented in the 8051 family. Program Memory. Bit-processing instructions are fetched from the same program memory as other arithmetic and logical operations. In addition to the instrucTable 2. MCS·S1TM Boolean Processing Instruction Subset Byte eyc Mnemonic Description SETB SETB CLR CLR CPL CPL C bit C bit C bit Set Carry flag Set direct Bit Clear Carry flag Clear direct bit Complement Carry flag Complement direct bit 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 MOV MOV C.bit bit.C Move direct bit to Carry flag Move Carry flag to direct bit 2 2 1 2 ANL ANL C.bit C.bit 2 2 2 2 ORL ORL C.bit C.bit AND direct bit to Carry flag AND complement of direct bit to Carry flag OR direct bit to Carry flag OR complement of direct bit to Carry flag 2 2 2 2 JC JNC JB JNB JBC rei rei bit.rel bit.rel bit.rel Jump if Carry is flag is set Jump if No Carry flag Jump if direct Bit set Jump if direct Bit Not set Jump if direct Bit is set & Clear bit 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 opcode SETBC CLRC CPLC opcode JC jNC I displacement I rei rei a.) Carry Control and Test Instructions opcode Address mode abbreviations C-Carry flag. bit-128 software flags, any 1/0 pin, control or status bit. rei-Ali conditional jumps include an 8-bit offset byte. Range is + 127 -128 bytes relative to first byte of the following instruction. All mnemonics copyrighted@ Intel Corporation 1980. SETB CLR CPL ANLC, ANL C,/ ORLC, ORL C,/ MOVC, MOV opcode JB JNB JBC I I bit address bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit,C I I bit address I displacement I bit, bit, bit, rei rei rei b.) Bit Manipulation and Test Instructions Figure 3. Bit Addressing Instruction Formats 10-214 AP-70 Dtrect RAM Byte 7FH~ 1-";:;'" Bit Addr••••• B~te (LSB) (MSB) Addr••• (MSB) (LSB) Hardware Regl.ter Symbol OFFH I~ 2FH 7F 7E 7D 7C 7B 7A 79 78 2EH n 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 2DH 6F 6E 6D 6C 6B 6A 69 68 2CH 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 2BH SF 5E 5D 5C 5B SA 59 58 2AH 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 29H 4F 4E 4D 4C 4B 4A 49 48 28H 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 27H 3F 3E 3D 3C 3B 3A 39 38 26H 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 3D 25H 2F 2E 2D 2C 2B 2A 29 28 24H 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 23H IF IE lD lC lB lA 19 18 22H 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 21H OF DE OD OC DB OA 09 08 20H 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 DO OFOH F7 FO B OEOH E7 EO ACC ODOH D7 DO PSW B8 tP OB8H OBOH B7 BO P3 OA8H AF A8 tE OAOH A7 AO P2 98H 9F 98 SCON 90H 97 90 PI 88H 8F 88 TCON 80H 87 80 PO lFH 18H 17H Bank 3 10H OFH Bank 2 D8H Bank 1 07H DO BankO 203830-3 a.):RAM Bit Addresses· b.) Special Function Register Bit Addresses Figure 4. Bit Address Maps Data Memory. The instructions in Figure 3b can operate directly upon 144 general purpose bits forming the Boolean processor "RAM." These bits can be used as software flags or to store program variable~. Two operand instructions use the CPU's carry flag ("C") as a special one-bit register: in a sense, the carry is a "Boolean accumulator" for logical operations and data transfers. Input/Output. All 32 I/O pins can be addressed as individual inputs, outputs, or both, in any combination. Any pin can be a control strobe output, status (Test) input, or serial I/O link implemented via software. An additional 33 individually addressable bits reconfigure, control, and monitor the status of the CPU and all onchip peripheral functions (timer counters, serial port modes, interrupt logic, and so forth). 10-215 inter AP-70 (MSB) I CY lAC I FO (LSB) RS1 RSO OV PSW.2 P PSW.1 PSW.O OV Symbol Position Name and Significance CY PSW.7 Carry flag. Settcleared by hardware· or software .during certain arithmetic and logical instructions. AC PSW.6 Auxiliary Carry flag. Settcleared by hardware during addition or subtraction instructions to indicate carry or borrow out of bit S. FO PSW.5 Flag O. Settcleared/tested . by software as a user-defined status flag. RS1 PSW.4 Register bank Select control bits. RSO PSW.S 1 & O. Settcleared by software to determine working register bank (see Note). Note- Overflow flag. Settcleared by hardware during arithmetic instructions to indicate overflow conditions. (reserved) Parity flag. Set/cleared by hardware each instruction cycle to indicate an odd/even number of "one" bits in the accumulator, i.e., even parity: the contents of (RS1, RSO) enable the working register banks as follows: (0,0) - Bank 0 (OOH-07H) (0,1) - Bank 1 (OBH-OFH) (1,0)-Bank2 (19H-17H) (1,1) - Bank S (1BH-1FH) Figure 5. PSW-Program Status Word Organization (MSB) (LSB) I RD I WR I T1 I TO IINT1 I INTO I TXD I RXD I Symbol Position Name and Significance RD PS.7 Read data control output. Active low pulse generated by hardware when external data memory is read. WR PS.6 Write data control output. Active low pulse generated by hardware when external data memory is written. T1 PS.5 Timer/counter 1 external input or test pin. TO PS.4 Timer/counter 0 external input or test pin. INT1 PS.S INTO PS.2 TXD PS.1 RXD PS.O Interrupt 1 input pin. Low-level or falling-edge triggered. Interrupt 0 input pin. Low-level or falling-edge triggered. Transmit Data pin for serial port in UART mode. Clock output in shift register mode. Receive Data pin for serial port in UART mode. Data I/O pin in shift register mode. Figure 6. P3-Alternate I/O Functions of Port 3 Direct Bit Addressing The most significant bit of the direct address byte selects one of two groups of bits: Values between 0 and 127 (DOH and 7FH) defme bits in a block of 32 bytes of on-chip RAM, between RAM addresses 20H and 2FH (Figure 4a). They are numbered consecutively from the lowest-order byte'S lowest-order bit through the highest-order byte'S highest-order bit. Bit addresses between 128 and 255 (80H and OFFH) correspond to bits in a number of special registers, mostly used for I/O or peripheral control. These positions are numbered with a different scheme than RAM: the five high-order address bits match those of the register's own address, while the three low-order bits identify the bit position within that register (Figure4b). 10-216 infef AP-70 Notice the column labeled "Symbol" in Figure 5. Bits with special meanings in the PSW and other registers have corresponding symbolic names. General-purpose (as opposed to carry-specific) instructions may access the carry like any other bit by using the mnemonic CY in place of C, PO, PI, P2, and P3 are the 8051's four I/O ports: secondary functions assigned to each of the eight pins of P3 are shown in Figure 6. Figure 7 shows the last four bit addressable registers. TCON (Timer Control) and SCON (Serial port Control) control and monitor the corresponding peripherals, while IE (Interrupt Enable) and IP (Interrupt Priority) enable and prioritize the five hardware interrupt sources. Like the reserved hardware register addresses, the five bits not implemented in IE and IP should not be accessed: they can not be used as sof~ware flags. Addressable Register Set. There are 20 special function registers in the 8051, but the advantages of bit addressing only relate to the II described below. Five potentially bit-addressable register addresses (OCOH, OC8H, OD8H, OE8H, & OF8H) are being reserved for possible future expansion in microcomputers based on the MCS-51 architecture. Reading or writing non-existent registers in the 8051 series is pointless, and may cause unpredictable results. Byte-wide logical operations can be used to manipulate bits in all non-bit addressable registers and RAM. 10-217 intJ AP-70 (MSB) (LSB) TCON.3 Interrupt 1 Edge flag. Set by hardware when external interrupt edge detected. Name and Significance Cleared when interrupt proTimer 1 overflow Flag. cessed. Set by hardware on timer/ TCON.2 Interrupt 1 Type control bit. In counter overflow. Cleared Set/cleared by software to when interrupt processed. specify falling edge/low level triggered external interrupts. Timer 1 Run control bit. Set/cleared by software to turn rCON.1 Interrupt 0 Edge flag: lEO timer/counter on/off. Set by hardware when exterTimer 0 overflow Flag. nal interrupt edge detected. Set by hardware on timer/ 'Cleared when interrupt proCleared cessed. counter overflow. when interrupt processed. ITO TCON.O Interrupt 0 Type control bit. Timer 0 Run control bit. Set/cleared by software to specify falling edge/low level Set/cleared by software to turn timer/counter on/off. triggered external interrupts. a.) TCON-Timer/Counter Control/Status Register ITF1 I TR1 I TFO I TRO IIE1 IIT1 I lEO liTO I Symbol Position TF1 TCON.7 TR1 TCON.a TFO TCON.5 TRO TCONA (MSB) (LSB) ISMO I SM1 I SM21 REN I TBS I RBSI TI I RI I IE1 RBB SCON.2 Receive Bit B. Set/cleared by hardware to indicate state of ninth data bit received. Symbol Position Name and Significance SMO SCON.7 Serial port Mode control bit o. SCON.1 Transmit Interrupt flag. TI Set/cleared by software (see Set by hardware when byte note). transmitted. Cleared by software after servicing. SM1 SCON.a Serial port Mode control bit 1. Set/cleared by software (see RI SCON.O Receive Interrupt flag. note). Set by hardware when bytereceived. Cleared by software SM2 SCON.5 Serial port Mode control bit 2. after servicing. Set by software to disable reception of frames for which bit Notethe state of (SMO, SM1) B is zero. selec~s: (O,O)-Shift register I/O REN SCON.4 Receiver Enable control bit. expansion. Set/cleared by software to en(0,1 )-8-bit UART, variable able/disable serial data recepdata rate. tion. (1,O)-9-bit UART, fixed data TBB SCON.3 Transmit Bit B. rate. Set/cleared by hardware to de(1,1 )":"'9-bit UART, variable terminestate of ninth data bit data rate. transmitted in 9-bit UART mode. b.) SCON--Serial Port Control/Status Register Figure 7. Peripheral Configuration Registers 10-21B AP-70 (MSB) (lSB) ES ET1 EX1 ET1 1 EXO 1 Symbol Position Name and Significance, EA IE.? ES 1E.6 1E.5 IE.4 ET1 IE.3 Enable All control bit. Cleared by software to disable all interrupts, independent of the state of IE.4-IE.O. (reserved) EX1 1E.2 ETO IE.1 Enable Serial port control bit. EXO IE.O Set/cleared by software to enable/disable interrupts from TI or RI flags. Enable Timer 1 control bit. Set!cleared by software to enable/disable interrupts from timer/counter 1. c.) IE-Interrupt Enable Register (MSB) Enable External interrupt 1 control bit. Set! cleared by software to enable/disable interrupts from INT1. Enable Tilller 0 control bit. Set! cleared by software to enable/disable interrupts from timer / counter O. Enable External interrupt 0 control bit. Set/cleared by software to enable/disable interrupts from INTO. (lSB) 1-1-1 PS Symbol Position IP.? IP.6 IP.5 PS IP.4 PT1 IP.3 PT1 PX1 PTO PXO PX1 External interrupt 1 Priority control bit. Set/cleared by software to specify high/low priority interrupts for INT1. Serial port Priority control bit. PTO IP.1 Timer 0 Priority control bit. Set! cleared by software to Set/ cleared by software to specify high/low priority interspecify high/low priority interrupts for Serial port. rupts for timer/counter O. Timer 1 Priority control bit. PXO IP.O External interrupt 0 Priority control bit. Set/cleared by Set/cleared by software to specify high/low priority intersoftware to specify high/low rupts for timer/counter 1. priority interrupts for INTO. d.) IP-Interrupt Priority Control Register Name and Significance (reserved) (reserved) (reserved) IP.2 Figure ? Peripheral Configuration Registers (Continued) The accumulator and B registers (A and B) are normally involved in byte-wide arithmetic, but their individual bits can also be used as 16 general software flags. Added with the 128 flags in RAM, this gives 144 general purpose variables for bit-intensive programs. The program status word (PSW) in Figure 5 is a collection of flags and machine status bits including the carry flag itself. Byte operations acting on the PSW can therefore affect the carry. Instruction Set Having looked at the bit variables available to the Boolean Processor, we will now look at the four classes of instructions that manipulate these bits. It may be helpful to refer back to Table 2 while reading this section. State Control. Addressable bits or flags may be set, cleared, or logically complemented in one instruction cycle with the two-byte instructions SETB, CLR, and CPL. (The "B" affixed to SETB distinguishes it from the assembler "SET" directive used for symbol definition.) SETB and CLR are analogous to loading a bit with a constant: 1 or O. Single byte versions perform the same three operations on the carry. The MCS-51 assembly language specifies a bit address in any of three ways: • by a number or expression corresponding to the direct bit address (0-255): 10-219 intJ AP-70 • by the name or address of the register containing the bit, the dot operator symbol (a period: "."), and the bit's position in the register (7 -0): • in the case of control and 'status registers, by the predefined assembler symbols listed in the first columns'ofFigures 5-7. Bits may also be given user-defined names with the assembler "BIT" directive and any of the above techniques. For example, bit 5 of the PSW may be cleared by any of the four instructions. USR_FLG BIT PSW.5 User Symbol Definition CLR CLR CLR OD5H PSW.5 FO CLR USR_FLG Absolute AddreSSing Use of Dot Operator Pre-Defined Assembler Symbol User-Defined Symbol Data Transfers. The two-byte MOV instructions can transport any addressable bit to the carry in one cycle, or copy the carry to the bit in two cycles. A bit can be moved between two arbitrary locations via the carry by combining the two instructions. (If necessary, push and pop the PSW to preserve the previous contents of the carry.) These instructions can replace the multi-instruction sequence of Figure 8, a program structure appearing in controller applications, whenever flags or outputs are conditionally switched on or off. - Bit-test Instructions. The conditional jump instructions "JC rei" (Jump on Carry) and "JNC rei" (Jump on Not Carry) test the state of the carry flag, branching if it is a one or zero, respectively. (The letters "rei" denote relative code addressing.) The three-byte instructions "JB bit.rel" and "JNB bit. rei" (Jump on Bit and Jump on Not Bit) test the state of any addressable bit in a similar manner. A fifth instruction combines the Jump ~m Bit and Clear operations. "JBC bit. rei" conditionally branches to the indicated address, then clears the bit in the same two cycle instruction. This operation is the same as the MCS-48 "JTF" instructions. All 8051 conditional jump instructions use program counter-relative addressing, and all execute in two cycles. The last instruction byte encodes a signed displacement ranging from -128 to + 127. During execution, the CPU adds this value to the incremented program counter to produce the jump destination. Put another way, a conditional jump to the immediately foliowing instruction wouid encode OOH in the offset byte. A section of program or subroutine written using only relative jumps to nearby addresses will have the same machine code independent of the code's location. An assembled routine maybe repositioned anywhere in memory, even crossing memory page boundaries, without having to modify the program or recompute destination addresses. To facilitate this flexibility, there is iui unconditional "Short Jump" (SJMP) which uses relative addressing as well. Since a programmer would have quite a chore trying to compute relative offset values from one instruction to another, ASM51 automatically computes the displacement needed given only the destination address or label. An error message will alert the programmer if the destination is "out of range." ISOLATE SOURCE BIT NO SET DESTINATION BIT Logical Operations. Four instructions perform the logical-AND and logical-OR operations between the carry and another bit, and leave the results in the carry. The instruction mnemonics are ANL and ORL;' the absence or presence of a slash mark ("/") before the source operand indicates whether to use the positive-logic value or the logical complement of the addressed bit. (The source operand itself is never affected.) CLEAR DESTINATION BIT The so-called "Bit Test" instructions implemented on many other microprocessors simply perform the logical-AND operation between a byte variable and a constant mask, and set or clear a zero flag depending on the result. This is essentially equivalent to the 8051 "MOV C.bit" instruction. A second instruction'is then needed to conditionally branch based on the state of the zero flag. This does not constitute abstract bit-addressing in the MCS-51 sense. A flag exists only as a field 203830-4 Figure 8. Bit Transfer Instruction Operation 10-220 AP-70 within a register: to reference a bit the programmer must know and specify both the encompassing register and the bit's position therein. This constraint severely limits the flexibility of symbolic bit addressing and reduces the machine's code-efficiency and speed. Interaction with Other Instructions. The carry flag is also affected by the instructions listed in Table 3. It can be rotated through the accumulator, and altered as a side effect of arithmetic instructions. Refer to the User's Manual for details on how these instructions operate. Table 3. Other Instructions Affecting the Carry Flag Mnemonic ADD A,Rn ADD A,direct ADD A,@Ri ADD A,#data AD DC A,Rn Simple Instruction Combinations ADDC A,direct By combining general purpose bit operations with certain addressable bits, one can "custom build" several hundred useful instructions. All eight bits of the PSW can be tested directly with conditional jump instructions to monitor (among other things) parity and overflow status. Programmers can take advantage of 128 software flags to keep track of operating modes, resource usage, and so forth. The Boolean instructions are also the most efficient way to control or reconfigure peripheral and I/O registers. All 32 I/O lines become "test pins," for example, tested by conditional jump instructions. Any output pin can be toggled (complemented) in a single instruction cycle. Setting or clearing the Timer Run flags (TRO and TRI) tum the timer/counters on or off; polling the same flags elsewhere lets the program determine if a timer is running. The respective overflow flags (TFO and TFI) can be tested to determine when the desired period or count has elapsed, then cleared in preparation for the next repetition. (For the record, these bits are all part of the TCON register, Figure 7a. Thanks to symbolic bit addressing, the programmer only needs to remember the mnemonic associated with each function. In other words, don't bother memorizing control word layouts.) In the MCS-48 family, instructions corresponding to some of the above. functions require specific opcodes. Ten different opcodes serve to clear complement the software flags FO and Fl, enable/disable each interrupt, and start/stop the timer. In the 8051 instruction set, just three opcodes (SETB, CLR, CPL) with a direct bit address appended perform the same functions. Two test instructions (JB and JNB) can be combined with bit addresses to test the software flags, the 8048 I/O pins TO, TI, and INT, and the eight accumulator bits, replacing 15' more different instructions. Table 4a shows how 8051 programs implement software flag and machine control functions associated with special opcodes in the 8048. In every case the MCS-51 solution requires the same number of machine cycles, and executes 2.5 times faster. ADDC A,@Ri ADDC A,#data SUBB A,Rn SUBB A,direct SUBB A,@Ri SUBB A,#data MUL DIV DA AB AB A RLC A RRC A CJNE A,direct.rel Description Add register to Accumulator Add direct byte to Accumulator Add indirect RAM to Accumulator Add immediate data to Accumulator Add register to Accumulator with Carry flag Add direct byte to Accumulator with Carry flag Add indirect RAM to Accumulator with Carry flag Add immediate data to Acc with Carry flag Subtract register from Accumulator with borrow Subtract direct byte from Acc with borrow Subtract indirect RAM from Acc with borrow Subtract immediate data from Acc with borrow Multiply A & B Divide A by B Decimal Adjust Accumulator Byte eyc 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 Rotate Accumulator Left through the Carry flag Rotate Accumulator Right through Carry flag Compare direct byte to Acc &Jump if. Not Equal CJNE A,#data.rel Compare immediate to Acc &Jump if Not Equal CJNE Rn,#data.rel Compare immed to register &Jump if Not Equal CJNE @Ri,#data.rel Compare immed to indirect & Jump if Not Equal 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 All mnemonics copyrighted © Intel Corporation 1980. 10-221 intJ AP-70 Table 4a. Contrasting 8048 and 8051 Blt;Control and Testing Instructions 8048 Instruction 8x51 Instruction Bytes Cycles Be ""Sec C FO 1 2 1 1 JNC JB JB rei FO.rel ACC.7.rel 2 3 3 2 2 2 5.0 5.0 5.0 JB JNB JBC TO.rel INTO.tel TFO.rel 3 3 3 2 2 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 SETB . SETB CLR TRO EXO ETO 2 2 2 1 1 1 Bytes Cycles ""Sec Flag Control CLR C CPL FO 1 1 1 1 2.5 2.5 CLR CPL Flag Testing JNC offset JFO offset JB7 offset 2 2 2 2 2 2 5.0 5.0 5.0 Peripheral POlling JTO offset JN1 offset JTF offset 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Machine and Peripheral Control STRT T 1 EN 1 1 DIS TCNT1 1 Table 4b. Replacing 8048 Instruction Sequences with Single 8x51 Instructions 8048 Instruction Bytes Cycles ""Sec 8051 Instruction Bytes Cycles Be ""Sec Flag Control Set carry CLR C CPL C = 2 2 5.0 SETB C 1 1 Set Software Flag CLR FO CPL FO = 2 2 5.0 SETB FO 2 1 Turn Off Output Pin P1.#OFBH ANL = 2 2 5.0 CLR P1.2 2 1 Complement Output Pin IN AP1 A#04H XRL OUTL P1.A = 4 6 15.0 CPL P1.2 2 1 Clear Flag MOV MOV ANL MOV = 6 6 15.0 CLR ·USER_FLG 2 1 in RAM RO.#FLGADR A@RO A#FLGMASK @RO.A 10-222 AP-70 Table 4b Replacing 8048 Instruction Sequences with Single 8x51 Instructions (Continued) 8048 Instruction 8x51 Instruction Bytes Cycles & ,.,.Sec FO.rel 3 2 JNB ACC.7.rel 3 2 12.5 JNB P1.3.rel 3 2 10.0 JB INTO.rel 3 2 Cycles ,.,.Sec Flag Testing: Jump if Software Flag is 0 JFO $+4 JMP offset = 4 4 10.0 JNB Jump if Accumulator bit is 0 CPL A JB7 offset CPL A = 4 4 10.0 Peripheral Polling Test if Input Pin is Grounded IN A.P1 CPL A JB3 offset = 4 5 Test if Interrupt Pin is High $+4 JN1 JMP offset = 4 4 Bytes 3.0 BOOLEAN PROCESSOR APPLICATIONS So what? Then what does all this buy you? Qualitatively, nothing. All the same capabilities could be (and often have been) implemented on other machines using awkward sequences of other basic operations. As mentioned earlier, any CPU can solve any problem given enough time. Quantitatively, the differences· between a solution allowed by the 8051 and those required by previous architectures are numerous. What the S051 Family buys you is a faster, cleaner, lower-cost solution to microcontroller applications. The opcode space freed by condensing many specific S04S instructions into a few general operations has been used to add new functionality to the MCS-51 architecture-both for byte and bit operations. 144 software flags replace the S04S's two. These flags (and the carry) may be directly set, not just cleared and complemented, and all can be tested for either state, not just one. Operating mode bits previously inaccessible may be read, tested, or saved. Situations where the· 8051 instruction set provides new capabilities are contrasted with S04S instruction sequences in Table 4b. Here the S051 speed advantage ranges from 5x to l5x! Combining Boolean and byte-wide instructions can produce great synergy. An MCS-5l based application will prove to be: • simpler to write since the architecture correlates more closely with the problems being solved: • easier to debug because more individual instructions have no unexpected or undesirable side-effects: • more byte efficient due to direct bit addressing and program counter relative branching: • faster running because fewer bytes of instruction need to be fetched and fewer conditional jumps are processed: • lower cost because of the high level of system-integration within one component. These rather unabashed claims of excellence shall not go unsubstantiated. The rest of this chapter examines less trivial tasks simplified by the Boolean processor. The first three compare the S051 with other microprocessors; the last two go into S051-based system designs in much greater depth. Design Example # 1-Bit Permutation First off, we'll use the bit-transfer instructions to permute a lengthy pattern of bits. 10-223 intJ AP-70 Different microprocessor architectures would best impement this type of permutation in different ways. Most approaches would share the steps of Figure lOa: • Initialize the Permutation Buffer to default state (ones or zeroes): A steadily increasing number of data communication products use encoding methods to protect the security of sensitive information. By law, interstate financial transactions involving the Federal banking system must be transmitted using the Federal Information Processing Data Encryption Standard (DES). • Isolate the state of a bit of a byte from the Key Buffer. Depending on the CPU, this might be accomplished by rotating a word of the Key Buffer through a carry flag or testing a bit in memory or an accumulator against a mask byte: • Perform a conditional jump based on the carry or zero flag if the Permutation Buffer default state is correct: • Otherwise reverse the corresponding bit in the permutation buffer with logical operations and mask bytes. Basically, the DES combines eight bytes of "plaintext" data (in binary, ASCII, or any other format) with a 56bit "key", producing a 64-bit encrypted value for transmission. At the receiving end the same algorithm is applied to the incoming data using the same key, reproducing the original eight byte message. The algorithm used for these permutations is fixed; different user-defined keys ensure data privacy. It is not the purpose of this note to describe the DES in any detail. Suffice it to say that encryption/decryption is a long, iterative process consisting of rotations, exclusive -OR operations, function table look-ups, and an extensive (and quite bizarre) sequence of bit permutation, packing, and unpacking steps. (For further details refer to the June 21, 1979 issue of Electronics magazine.) The bit manipulation steps are included, it is rumored, to impede a general purpose digital supercomputer trying to "break" the code. Any algorithm implementing the DES with previous generation microprocessors would spend virtually all of its time diddling bits. Each step above may require several instructions. The last three steps must be repeated for all 48 bits. Most microprocessors would spend 300 to 3,000 microseconds on each of the 16 iterations. Notice, though, that this flow chart looks a lot like Figure 8. The Boolean Processor can permute bits by simply moving them from the source to the carry to the destination-a total of two instructions taking four bytes and three microseconds per bit. Assume the Shifted Key Buffer and Permutation Buffer beth reside.in bit-addressable RAM, with the bits of the former assigned symbolic name~ SKB_l, SKB_2, ... SKB_ 56, and that the bytes of the latter are named PB_I, ... PB_8. Then working from Figure 9, the software for the permutation algorithm would be that of ExampIela. The total routine length would be 192 bytes, requiring 144 microseconds. The bit manipulation performed is typified by the Key Schedule Calculation represented in Figure 9. This step is repeated 16 times for each key used in the course of a transmission. In essence, a seven-byte, 56-bit "Shifted Key Buffer" is transformed into an eight-byte, "Permutation Buffer" without altering the shifted Key. The arrows in Figure 9 indicate a few of the translation steps. Only six bits of each byte of the Permutation Buffer are used; the two high-order bits of each byte are cleared. This means only 48 of the 56 Shifted Key Buffer bits are used in anyone iteration. Permuted and Shifted 56-Bit Key Buffer ~ ~ ---------------------"--------------------- --------------------"--------------------14151111 PERMUTATION BYTE 1 PERM BYTE 2 21 PERM BYTE 3 2425 "" PERM BYTE 4 " BYTE 5 3334 BYTE 6 PERM BYTE 7 PERM BYTE 8 203830-5 48-Bit Key KI Figure 9. DES Key Schedule Transformation 10-224 inter AP-70 SET PERMUTATION BUFFER BIT PC2(1) (LEAVE PERMUTATION BUFFER BIT CLEARED) REPEAT FOR EACH BIT OF SHIFTED KEY BUFFER (48 TIMES) 203830-6 Figure 10a. Flowchart for Key Permutation Attempted with a Byte Processor 10-225 Ap·70 I ~ I CLEAR ACCUMULATOR LOAD BIT MAPPED ONTO BIT 5 OF PERMUTATION BYTE INTO CARRY I I ROTATE LEFT INTO ACC. LOAD BIT. MAPPED ONTO BIT 4 OF PERMUTATION BYTE INTO CARRY I I ROTATE LEFT INTO ACC. REPEAT' FOR EACH BYTE OF PERMUTATION BUFFER (8 TIMES) t , , , LOAD BIT MAPPED ONTO BIT 0 OF PERMUTATION BYTE INTO CARRY I I . ROTATE LEFT INTO ACC. STORE ACC. INTO PERMUTATION BUFFER I I 203830-7 Figure 10b. DES Key Permutation With Boolean Processor 10-226 inter AP-70 The algorithm of Figure lOb is just slightly more efficient in this time-critical application and illustrates the synergy of an integrated byte and bit processor. The bits needed for each byte of the Permutation Buffer are assimilated by loading each bit into the carry (1 Jots.) and shifting it into the accumulator (1 Jots.). Each byte is stored in RAM when completed. Forty-eight bits thus need a total of 112 instructions, some of which are listed in Example lb. Worst-case execution time would be 112 microseconds, since each instruction takes a single cycle. Routine length would also decrease, to 168 bytes. (Actually, in the context of the complete encryption algorithm, each permuted byte would be processed as soon as it is assimilated-saving memory and cutting execution time by another 8 Jots.) To date, most banking terminals and other systems using the DES have needed special boards or peripheral controller chips just for the encryption/decryption process, and still more hardware to form a serial bit stream for transmission '(Figure l1a). An 8051 solution could pack most of the entire system onto the one chip (Figure 11b). The whole DES algorithm would require less than one-fourth of the on-chip program memory, with the remaining bytes free for operating the banking terminal (or whatever) itself. Moreover, since transmission and reception of data is performed through the on-board UART, the unencrypted data (plaintext) never even exists outside the microcomputer! Naturally, this would afford a high degree of security from data interception. 10-227 Example 1. DES Key Permutation Software. a.) "Brute Force" technique MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV C,SKB_l PB_l.l, C C,SKB_2 PB_4.0,C C,SKB_3 PB_2.5,C C,SKB_4 PB_l. 0, C MOV MOV MOV MOV C,SKB_55 PB_5.0,C C,SKB_56 PB_7.2,C b.) Using Accumulator to Collect Bits CLR MOV RLC MOV RLC MOV RLC MOV RLC MOV RLC MOV RLC MOV A C,SKB_14 A C,SKB_17 A C, SKB_ll A C,SKB_24 A C,SKB_l A C,SKB_5 A PB_l,A MOV RLC MOV RLC MOV C,SKB_29 A C,SKB_32 A PB_8,A inter AP-70 l CONTROL AND ADDRESS BUSSES I I DISPLAY CPU RAM DATA ENCRY· PTION UNIT ROM KEYBOARD TO MODEM UART I I J SYSTEM DATA BUS 203830-8 a.) Using Multi-Chip Processor Technology ~DISPL_AY----JK'--------ll~ TAO • 8051 PO R.D -y I .. TO MODEM KEYBOARD ~ P1 I'll 203830-9 b.) Using One Single-Chip Microcomputer Figure 11. Secure Banking Terminal Block Diagram Design Example # 2-5oftware Serial 1/0 An exercise often imposed on beginning microcomputer students is to write a program simulating a UART. Though doing this with the 8051 Family may appear to be a moot point (given that the hardware for a full UART is on-chip), it is still instructive to see how it would be done, and maintains a product line tradition. As it turns out, the 8051 microcomputers can receive or transmit serial data via software very efficiently using the Boolean instruction set. Since any I/O pin may be a serial input or output, several serial links could be maintained at once. Figures 12a and 12b show algorithms for receiving or transmitting a byte of data. (Another section of program would invoke this algorithm eight times, synchronizing it with a start bit, clock signal, software delay, or timer interrupt.) Data is received by testing an input pin, setting the carry to. the same state, shifting the carry into a data buffer, and saving the partial frame in internal RAM. Data is transmitted by shifting an output. buffer through the carry, and generating each bit on an output pin. A side-by-side comparison of the software for this common "bit-banging" application with three different microprocessor architectures is shown in Table Sa and 5b. The 8051 solution is more efficient than the others on every count! 10-228 AP-70 PIN = 1 CLEAR CARRY SET CARRY 203830-10 a.) Reception 203830-11 b.) Transmission Figure 12. Serial 110 Algorithms 10-229 intJ AP-70 Table 5. Serial 1/0 Programs for Various Microprocessors a.) Input Routine. 8085 1:-1 A>,; I .r!. CMC 1.0: LXI MOV RR MOV 8048 SERI'ORT MASK 1.0 8051 CI.R C .I>,;TO 1.0 CI'I. C MOV RO.RSFR8l'~ MOV A.@RO RRC A MOV @RIl.A HI..SERBlJF A.M M.A MOV C.SERPI" MOV RRC MOV A SERBl'r.A A.SERBl:~ RESUlTS: K I"STRl:CTIO-';S 14 BYTES 5b STATES 19 uSEC 22.5 uSF.e. 41>,;STRl'CTIO>,;S 7 BYTES 4 CYCLES 4 uSEC 8048 8051 71>,;STRlTTIO:-lS 9 BYTES 9 CYCI.F.S h.) Output Routine. 8085 LXI MOV RR MOV 1-'; .Ie 1.0: A>,; I .IMP HI: ORI CII;T:OlIT Mov HI..SERBlI~ RO .• SERBllF MOV A.@RO RRC A MOV @RO.A A.M M.A SERPORT HI :-lOT MASK C:-IT MASK HI: SfRl'ORT CST: .Ie A>,; I. .IMP ORI. HI SERPRT.R"OT MASK MOV RRC MOV SERBl'F.A A.SE R Bl' F MOV SfRPI".C A C~T SERPRT.RMASK RESlILTS: 10lNSTRlJCTI0II;S 20 BYTES 72 STATES 24 uSEC K Ii'iSTRlJCTIONS 13 BYTES II CYCLES 27.5 uSEC 4 INSTRlJCTlONS 7 BYTES 5 CYCI.ES 5 uSEC 203830-30 Figure 13 shows TTL and' relay logic diagrams for a function of the six variables U through Z. Each is a solution of the equation. Design Example # 3-Combinatorial Logic Equations Next we'll look at some simple uses for bit-test instructions and logical operations. (This example is also presented in Application Note AP-69.) Virtually all hardware IJesigners have solved complex functions using combinatorial logic. While the hardware involved may vary from relay logic, vacuum tubes, or TTL or to more esoteric technologies like fluidics, in each case the goal is the same: to solve a problem represented by a logical function of several Boolean variables. Q = (Ue(V + W» + (XeV) + Z Equations of this sort might be reduced using Karnaugh Maps or algebraic techniques, but that is not the purpose of this example. As the logic complexity increases, so does the difficulty of the reduction process. Even a minor change to the function equations as the design evolves wOjlld require tedious re-reduction from scratch. 10-230 infef AP-70 u v W ----L__''' x }----o y z Q = (U • (V 203830-12 + W)) + (x. Y) + Z a.) Using TTL v u x y CRI CR2 o z 203830-13 . b.) Using Relay Logic Figure 13. Hardware Implementations of Boolean Functions For the sake of comparison we will implement this function three ways, restricting the software to three proper subsets of the MeS·51 instruction set. We will also assume that U and V are input pins from different input ports, Wand X are status bits for two peripheral controllers, and Y and Z are software flags set up earli· er in the program. The end result must be written to an output pin on some third port. The first two implementations follow the flow-chart shown in Figure 14. Program flow would embark on a route down a test-and-branch tree and leaves either the "True" or "Not True" exit ASAP-as soon as the proper result has been determined. These exits then rewrite the output port with the result bit respectively one or zero. 10-231 AP-70 The code which results is cumbersome and error prone. It would be difficult to prove whether the software worked for all input combinations in programs of this sort. Furthermore, execution time will vary widely with input data. Thanks to the direct bit-test operations, a single instruction can replace each move mask conditional jump sequence in Example 2a, but the algorithm would be equally convoluted (see Example 2b). To lessen the confusion "a bit" each input variable is assigned a sym. bolic name. A more elegant and efficient implementation (Example 2c) strings together the Boolean ANL and ORL functions to generate the output function with straight-line code. When finished, the carry flag contains the result, which is simply copied out to the destination pin. No flow chart is needed-code can be written directly from the logic diagrams in Figure 14. The result is simplicity itself: fast, flexible, reliable, easy to design, and easy to debug. FUNCTION IS FALSE An 8051 program can simulate an N-input AND or OR gate with at most N + 1 lines of source programone for each input and one line to store the results. To simulate NAND and NOR gates, complement the carry after computing the function. When some inputs to the gate have "inversion bubbles", perform the ANL or ORL operation on inverted operands. When the first input is inverted, either load the operand into the carry . and then complement it, or use DeMorgan's Theorem to convert the gate to a different form. FUNCTION IS TRUE Example 2. Software Solutions to Logic Function of Figure 13. CLEAR 0 203830-14 Figure 14. Flow Chart for Tree-Branching Algorithm Other digital computers must solve equations of this· type with standard word-wide logical iristructions and conditional jumps. So for the first implementation, we won't use any generalized bit-addressing instructions. As we shall soon see, being constrained to such an instruction subset produces somewhat sloppy software solutions. MCS-51 mnemonics are used in Example 2a: other machines might further cloud the situation by requiring operation-specific mnemonics like INPUT, OUTPUT, LOAD, STORE, etc., instead of the MOV mnemonic used for all variable transfers in the 8051 instruction set. 10-232 a.) Using only byte-wide logical instructions 'BFUNCI SOLVE, RANDOM LOGIC FUNCTION OF 6 VARIABLES BY LOADING AND MASKING THE APPROPRIATE BITS IN THE ACCUMULATOR. THEN EXECUTING CONDITIONAL JUMPS BASED ON ZERO CONDITION. (APPROACH USED BY BYTE-ORIENTED ARCHITECTURES.) BYTE AND MASK VALUES CORRESPOND TO RESPECTIVE "BYTE ADDRESS AND BIT POSI;rIONS •. OUTBUF DATA 22H .;OUTPUT PIN STATE MAP inter TESTV: TESTU: TESTX: TESTZ: CLRQ.: SETQ.: OUTQ.: Ap·70 MOV ANL JNZ MOV ANL JZ MOV ANL JNZ MOV ANL JZ MOV ANL JZ MOV ANL JZ MOV ANL JMP MOV ORL MOV MOV A,P2 A,#OOOOOIOOB TESTU A,TCON A,#OOIOOOOOB TESTX A,PI A,#OOOOOOIOB SETQ. A,TCON A,#OOOOIOOOB TESTZ A,20H A,#OOOOOOOIB SETQ. A,2lH A,#OOOOOOIOB SETQ. A,OUTBUF A,#IIIIOIIIB OUTQ. A,OUTBUF A,#OOOOIOOOB OUTBUF,A P3,A U V W X Y Z Q. BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT PI.I P2.2 TFO lEI 20H.0 2IH.I P3.3 TEST_V: JB V,TEST_U JNB W,TEST_X TEST_U: JB U,SET_Q. TEST_X: JNB X,TEST_Z JNB Y,SET_Q. TEST_Z: JNB Z,SET_Q. CLR_Q.: CLR Q. JMP NXTTST SET_Q.: SETB Q. NXTTST:(CONTINUATION OF :PROGRAM) c.) Using logical operations on Boolean variables :FUNC3 SOLVE A RANDOM LOGIC FUNCTION OF 6 VARIABLES USING STRAIGHT __ LINE LOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS ON MCS-51 BOOLEAN VARIABLES. b.) Using only bit-test instructions :BFUNC2 SOLVE A RANDOM LOGIC FUNCTION OF 6 VARIABLES BY DIRECTLY POLLING EACH BIT. (APPROACH USING MCS-51 UNIQ.UE BIT-TEST INSTRUCTION CAPABILITY.) SYMBOLS USED IN LOGIC DIAGRAM ASSIGNED TO CORRESPONDING 'Sx51 BIT ADDRESSES. MOV ORL ANL MOV MOV ANL ORL ORL C,V C,W C,U FO,C C,X C,Y C,FO C,Z MOV Q.,C 10-233 ;OUTPUT OF OR GATE ;OUTPUT OF TOP AND GATE ;SAVE INTERMEDIATE STATE ;OUTPUT OF BOTTOM AND GATE :INCLUDE VALUE SAVED ABOVE :INCLUDE LAST INPUT :VARIABLE :OUTPUT COMPUTED RESULT intJ AP-70 An upper-limit can be placed on the complexity of software to simulate a large number of gates by summing the total number of inputs and outputs. The actual total should be somewhat shorter, since calculations can be "chained," as shown. The output of one gate is often the first input to another; bypassing the intermediate variable to eliminate two lines of source. Design Example # ~Automotlve Dashboard Functions Now let's apply these techniques to designing the soft. ware for a complete controller system. This application is patterned after a familiar real-world application which isn't nearly as trivial as it might first appear: automobile tum signals. Imagine the three position tum lever on the steering column as a single-pole, triple-throw toggle switch. In its central position all contacts are open. In the up or down positions contacts close Causing corresponding lights in the rear of the car to blink. So far very simple. Two more tum signals blink in the front ofthe car, and two others in the dashboard. All six bulbs flash when an emergency switch is closed; A thermo-mechanical relay (accessible under the dashboard in case it wears out) causes the blinking. Applying the brake pedal turns the tail light filaments on constantly ... unless a tum is in progress, in which case the blinking tail light is not affected. (Of course, the front tum signals and dashboard indicators are not affected by the brake pedal.) Table 6 summarizes these operating modes. Table 6. Truth Table for Turn-Signal Operation Output Signals Input Signals Left Turn Switch Right. Turn Switch Left . Front & Dash Right Front & Dash Off Off Off Blink Brake Switch Emerg. Sw,ltch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 10-234 Left Rear Right Rear Off Off Blink Blink Off Off Blink Blink Blink Blink Off Off Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Off Blink Off Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink On On Blink On On Blink Off· Blink Blink Blink On Blink On On Blink On inter AP-70 But we're not done yet. Each of the exterior turn signal (but not the dashboard) bulbs has a second, somewhat dimmer filament for the parking lights. Figure 15 shows TTL circuitry which could control all six bulbs. The signals labeled "High Freq." and "Low Freq." represent two square-wave inputs. Basically, when one of the turn switches is closed or the emergency switch is activated the low frequency signal (about 1 Hz) is gated through to the appropriate dashboard indicator(s) and turn signal(s). The rear signals are also activated when the brake pedal is depressed provided a turn is not being made in the same direction. When the parking light switch is closed the higher frequency oscillator is gated to each front and rear turn signal, sustaining a low-intensity background level. (This is to eliminate the need for additional parking light filaments.) In most cars, the switching logic to generate these functions requires a number of multiple-throw contacts. As many as 18 conductors thread the steering column of some automobiles solely for turn-signal and emergency blinker functions. (The author discovered this recently to his astonishment and dismay when replacing the whole assembly because of one burned contact.) A multiple-conductor wiring harness runs to each corner of the car, behind the dash, up the steering column, and'down to the blinker relay below. Connectors at each termination for each filament lead to extra cost and labor during construction, lower reliability and safety, and more costly repairs. And considering the system's present complexity, increasing its reliability or detecting failures would be quite difficult. There are two reasons for going into such painful detail describing this example. First, to show that the messiest part of many system designs is determining what the controller should do. Writing the software to solve these functions will be comparatively easy. Secondly, to show the many potential failure points. in the system. Later we'll see how the peripheral functions and intelligence built into a microcomputer (with a little creativity) can greatly reduce external interconnections and mechanical part count. The Single-Chip Solution The circuit shown in Figure 16 indicates five input pins to the five input variables-left-turn select, right-turn select, brake pedal down, emergency switch on, and parking lights on. Six output pins turn on the front, rear, and dashboard indicators for each side. The microcomputer implements all logical functions through software, which periodically updates the output signals as time elapses and input conditions change. L. TURN r---....- - - - - - EMERG L. DASH L. FRNT BRAKE L. REAR R. TURN r---....+----- R. DASH R. FRNT R.REAR PARK LO. FREO. OSCILLATOR HI. FREO. OSCILLATOR Figure 15. TTL Logic Implementation of Automotive Turn Signals 10-235 203830-15 intJ AP-70 +12V +12V 8051 :" Pl.0 EMERGENCY SWITCH Pl.l PARKING LIGHTS Pl.2 LEn FRONT Pl.S RIGHT FRONT P1.I LEn DASHBOARD Pl.7 RIGHT DASHBO.ARD Pl.3 TURN SWITCH P2.0 P1.4 LEn REAR P2,1 RIGHT REAR PU MODE SENSORS CONTROLLER SIGNAL CONDITIONING OUTPUT BUFFERS SIGNAL BULBS 203830-16 Figure 16. Microcomputer Turn-Signal Connections. Design Example # 3 demonstrated that symbolic addressing with user-defined bit names makes code and documentation easier to write and maintain. Accordingly, we'll assign these I/O pins names for use throughout the program. (The format of this example will differ somewhat from the others. Segments of the overall program will be presented in sequence as each is described.) INPUT PIN DECLARATIONS: ;(ALL INPUTS ARE POSITIVE-TRUE LOGIC) BRAKE BIT .Pl.O .;BRAKE PEDAL ;DEPRESSED EMERG BIT Pl.l ;EMERGENCY BLINKER ;ACTIVATED PARK BIT Pl.2 ;PARKING LIGHTS ON I_TURN BIT Pl.3 ;TURN LEVER DOWN R_TURN BIT Pl.4 ;TURN LEVER UP OUTPUT PIN DECLARATIONS: I_FRNT BIT Pl.5 ;FRONT LEFT-TURN ;INDICATOR R_FRNT BIT Pl.6 ;FRONT RIGHT-TURN ;INDICATOR I_DASH .BIT Pl.7 ;DASHBOARD LEFT-TURN ;INDICATOR R_DASH BIT P2.0 ;DASHBOARD RIGHT;TURN INDICATOR I_REAR BIT P2.1 ;REAR LEFT-TURN ;INDICATOR R_REAR BIT P2.2 ;REAR RIGHT-TURN ;INDICATOR Another key advantage of symbolic addressing will appear further on in the design cycle. The locations of cable connectors, signal conditioning. circuitry, voltage regulators, heat sinks, and the like all affect P.C. board layout. It's quite likely that the somewhat arbitrary pin assignment defined early in- the software design cycle will prove to be less than optimum; rearranging the I/O pin assignment could well allow a more compact module, or eliminate Costly jumpers on a single-sided board. (These considerations apply especially to automotive and other cost-sensitive applications needing singlechip controllers.) Since other architectures mask bytes or use "clever" algorithms to isolate bits by rotating them into the carry, re-routing an input signal (from bit I of port 1, for example, to bit 4 of port 3) could require extensive modifications throughout the software. The Boolean Processor's direct bit addressing makes such changes absolutely trivial. The number of the port containing the pin is irrelevent, and masks and complex 10-236 AP-70 program structures are not needed. Only the initial Boolean variable declarations need to be changed; ASM5l automatically adjusts all addresses and symbolic references to the reassigned variables. The user is assured that no additional debugging or software verification will be required. ;INTERRUPT RATE SUBDIVIDER SUB_DIV DATA 20H ;HIGH-FREQUENCY OSCILLATOR BIT HI_FREQ BIT SUB_DIV,O :LOW-FREQUENCY OSCILLATOR BIT LO_FREQ BIT SUB_DIV,7 JMP ORG INIT "tuned" to approximately I Hz for the tum- and emergency-indicator blinking rate. Loading THO with -16 will cause an interrupt after 4.096 ms. The interrupt service routine reloads the high-order byte of timer 0 for the next interval, saves the CPU registers likely to be affected on the stack, and then decrements SUB_DIY. Loading SUB_DIY. with 244 initially and each time it decrements to zero will produce a 0.999 second period for the highest-order bit. ORG MOV PUSH PUSH PUSH DJNZ MOV OOOOH ORG IOOH ;PUT TIMER 0 IN MODE I INIT; MOV TMOD,#OOOOOOOIB :INITIALIZE TIMER REGISTERS MOV TLO,#O MOV THO,#-16 ;SUBDIVIDE INTERRUPT RATE BY 244 MOV SUB_DIV,#244 :ENABLE TIMER INTERRUPTS SETB ETO :GLOBALLY ENABLE ALL INTERRUPTS SETB EA ;START TIMER SETB TRO OOOBH ;TIMER 0 SERVICE VECTOR THO,#-16 PSW ACC B SUB_DIV,TOSERV SUB_DIV,#244 The code to sample inputs, perform calculations, and update outputs-the real "meat" of the signal controller algorithm-may be performed either as part of the interrupt service routine or as part of a background program loop. The only concern is that it must b'e executed at least serveral dozen times per second to prevent parking light flickering. We will assume the for~ mer case, and insert the code into the timer 0 service routine. First, notice from the logic diagram (Figure 15) that the subterm (PARK. H_FREQ), asserted when the parking lights are to be on dimly, figures into four of the six output functions. Accordingly, we will first compute that term and save it in a temporary location named· "DIM". The PSW contains two general purpose flags: FO, which corresponds to the 8048 flag of the same name, and PSW.1. Since the PSW has been saved and will be restored to its previous state after servicing the interrupt, we can use either bit for temporary storage. ;(CONTINUE WITH BACKGROUND PROGRAM) ;PUT TIMER 0 IN MODE I ;INITIALIZE TIMER REGISTERS ;SUBDIVIDE INTERRUPT RATE BY 244 ;ENABLE TIMER INTERRUPTS ;GLOBALLY ENABLE ALL INTERRUPTS ;START TIMER DIM BIT Timer 0 (one of the two on-chip timer counters) replaces the thermo-mechaniCal blinker relay in the dashboard controller. During system initialization it is configured as a timer in mode I by setting the least significant bit of the timer mode register (TMOD). In this configuration the low-order byte (fLO) is incremented every machine cycle, overflowing and incrementing the high-order byte (THO) every 256 /Ls. Timer interrupt 0 is enabled so that a hardware interrupt will occur each time THO overflows. An eight-bit variable in the bit-addressable RAM array will be needed to further subdivide the interrupts via software. The lowest-order bit of this counter toggles very fast to modulate the parking lights: bit 7 will be PSW.I ;DECLARE TEMP :STORAGE FLAG MOV C,PARK ANL HLFREQ MOV DIM,C :GATE PARKING ;LIGHT SWITCH ;WITH HIGH ;FREQUENCY ;SIGNAL ;AND SAVE IN :TEMP. VARIABLE This simple three-line section of code illustrates are" markable point. The software indicates in very abstract terms exactly what function is being performed, inde- 10-237 Ap·70 pendent of the hardware· configuration. The fact that these three bits include an input pin, a bit within a program variable, and a software flag in the PSW is totally invisible to the programmer. ORL C,DIM MOV L_REAR, C Now generate and output the dashboard left turn signal. MOV C,L_TURN ORL C,EMERG . ANL C, LO_FREQ MOV LDASH,C Now we have to go through a similar sequence for the right-hand equivalents to all the left-turn lights. This also gives us a chance to see how the code segments above look when combined. ;SET CARRY IF ;TURN ;OR EMERGENCY ; SELECTED ;GATE IN 1 HZ ;SIGNAL ;AND OUTPUT TO ;DASHBOARD MOV C.R_TURN ORL C.EMERG ANL C,LO_FREQ MOV R_DASH.C To generate the left front turn signal we only need to add the parking light function in FO. But notice that the function· in the carry will also be needed for the rear signal. We can save effort later by saving its current state in FO. MOV.FO.C ORL C.DIM MOV R_FRNT.C MOV FO.C MOV C.BRAKE ;SAVE FUNCTION ;SO FAR ORL C,DIM MOV L_FRNT.C ANL C. R_ TURN ;ADD IN PARKING ;LIGHT FUNCTION ;AND OUTPUT TO ;TURN SIGNAL ORL C.FO ORL C.DIM Finally, the rear left turn signal should also be on when .the brake pedal is depressed, provided a left turn is not in progress. MOV C,BRAKE ANL C,L_TURN ORL C,FO 7 X 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ;GATE BRAKE ;PEDAL SWITCH ;WITH TURN ;LEVER ;INCLUDE TEMP. ;VARIABLE FROM.DASH Sub_Dlv Bits 5 4 3 2 X X X 0 X X X 0 X X X 0 X X X 0 X X X 1 X X X 1 X X X 1 X X X 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 ;AND PARKING ;LIGHT FUNC.TION ;AND OUTPUT TO ;TURN SIGNAL MOV R_REAR.C ;SET CARRY H; TURN ;OR EMERGENCY ;SELECTED ;IF SO. GATE IN 1 ;HZ SIGNAL ;AND OUTPUT TO ;DASHBOARD ;SAVE FUNCTION ;SO FAR ;ADD IN PARKING .;LIGHT FUNCTION ;AND OUTPUT TO ;TURN SIGNAL ;GATE BRAKE ;PEDAL SWITCH ;WITH TURN ;LEVER ;INCLUDE TEMP. ;VARIABLE FROM ;DASH ;AND PARKING ;LIGHT FUNCTION ;AND OUTPUT TO ;TURN SIGNAL (The perceptive reader may notice that simply rearranging the steps could eliminate one instruction from each sequence.) Now that all six bulbs are in the proper states, we can return from the interrupt routine, and the program is finished. This code essentially· needs to reverse the status saving steps at the beginning of the interrupt. Table 7 Non-Trivial Duty Cycles Duty Cycles 12.5% 25.0% 37.5% 50.0% 62.5% 0 Off Off 0 Off Off Off Off 1 Off Off Off Off 0 Off Off Off Off Off 1 Off Off Off Off On Off 0 Off Off On On 1 Off Off On On On On 0 Off On On On 1 On On On On On 10-238 75.0% 87.5% Off Off On On On On On On Off On On On On On On On AP-70 POP B driver circuits combining shift-register inputs with high drive level outputs have been introduced recently. ;RESTORE CPU ;REGI STERS. POP ACC POP PSW RETI Cascading multiple shift registers end-to-end will expand the number of outputs even further. The data rate in the I/O expansion mode is one megabaud, or 8 /.I.s. per byte. This is the mode which the serial port defaults to following a reset, so no initialization is required. Program Refinements. The luminescence of an incandescent light bulb filament is generally non-linear: the 50% duty cycle of HI_FREQ may not produce the desired intensity. If the application requires, duty cycles of 25%, 75%, etc. are easily achieved by ANDing and ORing in additional low-order bits of SUB_DIY. For example, 30 H/ signals of seven different duty cycles could be produced by considering bits 2-0 as shown in Table 7. The only software change required would be to the code which sets-up variable DIM; The software for this technique uses the B register as a "map" corresponding to the different output functions. The program manipulates these bits instead of the output pins. After all functions have been calculated the B register is shifted by the serial port to the shift-register driver. (While some outputs may glitch as data is shifted through them, at 1 Megabaud most people wouldn't notice. Some shift registers provide an "enable" bit to hold the output states while new data is being shifted in.) This is where the earlier decision to address bits symbolically throughout the program is going to payoff. This major I/O restructuring is nearly as simple to implement as rearranging the input pins. Again, only the bit declarations need to be changed. MOV C,SUB_DIV.l;START WITH 50 ;PERCENT ANL C,SUB_DIV.O;MASK DOWN TO 25 ;PERCENT ORL C,SUB_DIV.2;AND BUILD BACK TO ;62 PERCENT MOV DIM,C ;DUTY CYCLE FOR ;PARKING LIGHTS. LFRNT BIT B.O ;FRONT LEFT-TURN ;INDICATOR R_FRNT BIT B.l ;FRONT RIGHT-TURN ;INDICATOR LDASH BIT B.2 ;DASHBOARD LEFT-TURN ;INDICATOR R_DASH BIT B.3 ;DASHBOARD RIGHT-TURN ;INDICATOR LREAR BIT B.4 ;REAR LEFT-TURN ;INDICATOR R_REAR BIT B.5 ;REAR RIGHT-TURN ;INDICATOR Interconnections increase cost and decrease reliability. The simple buffered pin-per-function circuit in Figure 16 is insufficient when many outputs require higherthan-TTL drive levels. A lower-cost solution uses the 8051 serial port in the shift-register mode to augment I/O. In mode 0, writing a byte to the serial port data buffer (SBUF) causes the data to be output sequentially through the "RXD" pin while a burst of eight clock pulses is generated on the "TXD" pin. A shift register connected to these pins (Figure 17) will load the data byte as it is shifted out. A number of special peripheral + 12V 8051 P3.0 r--------"'i ~ATA P3.1 1 - - - -......, eLK 05 07 8·BIT SHIFT REGISTER 203830-17 Figure 17. Output Expansion Using Serial Port 10-239 AP-70 The original program to compute the functions need not change. After computing the output variables, the control map is transmitted to the buffered shift register through the serial port. MOV SBUF,B ;LOAD BUFFER AND TRANSMIT The Boolean Processor solution holds a number of advantages over older methods. Fewer switches are required. Each is simpler, requiring fewer poles and lower current contacts. The flasher relay is eliminated entirely. Only six filaments are driven, rather than 10. The wiring harness is therefore simpler and less expensive-one conductor for each of the six lamps and each of the five sensor switches. The fewer conductors use far fewer connectors. The whole system is more reliable. And since the system is much simpler it would be feasible to implement redundancy and or fault detection on the four main turn indicators. Each could still be a standard double filament bulb, but with the filaments driven in parallel to tolerate single-element failures. Even with redundancy, the lights will eventually fail. To handle this inescapable fact current or voltage sensing circuits on each main drive wire can verify that each bulb and its high-current driver is functioning properly. Figure 18 shows one such circuit. Assume all of the lights are turned on except one: i.e., all but one of the collectors are grounded. For the bulb which is turned off, if there is continuity from + l2V through the bulb base and filament, the control wire, all connectors, and the P.C. board traces, and if the transistor is indeed not shorted to ground, then the collector will be pulled to + l2V. This turns on the base of Q8 through the corresponding resistor, and grounds the input pin, verifying that the bulb circuit is operational. The continuity of each circuit can be checked by software in this ~ay. +12V WIRING HARNESS I .. ·1 (Q 1 A ® 17\\ 1 Pl.6 Pl.7 P2.0 P2.l P2.2 = +5V TO 203830-18 Figure 18 10-240 AP-70 Now turn all the bulbs on, grounding all the collectors. Q7 should be turned off, and the Test pin should be high. However, a control wire shorted to + 12V or an open-circuited drive transistor would leave one of the collectors at the higher voltage even now. This too would turn on Q7, indicating a different type offailure. Software could perform these checks once per second by executing the routine every time the software counter SUB_DIY is reloaded by the interrupt routine. DJNZ SUB_DIV,TOSERV MOV SUB_DIV,#244 ;RELOAD COUNTER ORL Pl,#lllOOOOOB ;SET CONTROL ;OUTPUTS HIGH ORL P2,#00000111B CLR LFRNT ;FLOAT DRIVE ;COLLECTOR JB TO ,FAULT ;TO SHOULD BE ;PULLED LOW ;PULL COLLECTOR ;BACK DOWN CLR L_DASH JB TO ,FAULT SETB L_DASH CLR L_REAR JB TO ,FAULT SETB L_REAR CLR R_FRNT JB. TO ,FAULT SETB R_FRNT CLR R_DASH JB TO ,FAULT SETB R_DASH CLR R_REAR JB TO ,FAULT SETB R_REAR ;WITH ALL COLLECTORS GROUNDED. TO SHOULD BE HIGH ;IF SO. CONTINUE WITH INTERRUPT ROUTINE. JB TO , TOSERV FAULT: ;ELECTRICAL ;FAILURE ;PROCESSING ;ROUTINE ;(LEFT TO ;READER'S ;IMAGINATION) TOSERV: ;CONTINUE WITH ; INTERRUPT . ;PROCESSING The complete assembled program listing is printed in Appendix A. The resulting code consists of 67 program statements, not counting declarations and comments, which assemble into 150 bytes of object code. Each pass through the service routine requires (coincidently) 67 /Ls plus 32 /Ls once per second for the electrical test. If executed every 4 ms as suggested this software would typically reduce the throughput of the background program by less than 2%. Once a microcomputer has been designed into a system, new features suddenly become virtually free. Software could make the emergency blinkers flash alternately or at a rate faster than the turn signals. Turn signals could override the emergency blinkers. Adding more bulbs would allow multiple taillight sequencing and syncopation-true flash factor, so to speak. Design Example # 5-Complex Control Functions Finally, we'll mix byte and bit operations to extend the use of 8051 into extremely complex applications. Programmers can arbitrarily assign I/O pins to input and output functions only if the· total does not exceed 32, which is insufficient for applications with a very large number of input variables. One way to expand the number of inputs is with a technique similar to multi. plexed-keyboard scanning. Figure 19 shows a block diagram for a moderately complex programmable industrial controller with the fol~ lowing characteristics: •. 64 input variable sensors: • 12 output signals: • Combinational and sequential logic computations: • Remote operation with communications to a host processor via a high-speed full-duplex serial link: • Two prioritized external interrupts: • Internal real-time and time-of-day clocks. While many microprocessors could be programmed to . provide these capabilities with assorted peripheral support chips, an 8051 microcomputer needs no other integrated circuits! The 64 input sensors are logically arranged as an 8x8 matrix. The pins of Port 1 sequentially enable each column of the sensor matrix: as each is enabled Port 0 reads in the state of each sensor in that column. An eight-byte block in bit-addressable RAM remembers the data as it is read in so that after each complete scan cycle there is an internal map of the current state of all sensors. Logic functions can then directly address the elements of the bit map. 10-241 AP-70 + 5V r- It 12M~Z ~ ~ , XTAL1 VCC RST XTAL2 - INTO RXD SERIAL \ LINK 8051 \ 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 PO.O 57 PO.1 1 ASYNCHRONANS INTERRUPTS INT1 TXD RETURN LINES 0 1.0uF P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 58 2 '3- -4 "5- 8.8 SENSOR MATRIX - I-rsg PO.2 60 PO.4 61 PO.5 62 PO.6 PH PO.3 P2.0 P2.1 6 7 15 23 PO,] 31 39 47. 55 63 I MACHINE ACTUATORS P2.2 P2.3 t P2.4 ~ P1.0 P2.5 P1.1 P2.6 P1.2 P2.7 P1.3 P1.4 P1.5 ALE PSEN _ N . C . P1.6 )..J _ _ N.C. P1.7 VSS r SCAN LINES EA 203830-19 Figure 19. Block Diagram of 54-Input Machine Controller The computer's serial port is configured as a nine-bit UART, transferring data at 17,000 bytes-per-second. The ninth bit may distinguish between address and data bytes. The 8051 serial port can be configured to detect bytes with the address bit set, automatically ignoring all others. Pins INTO and INTI are interrupts configured.respectively as high-priority, falling-edge triggered and low-priority, low-level triggered. The remaining 12 I/O pins output TTL-level control signals to 12 actuators. There are several ways to implement the sensor matrix circuitry, all logically similar. Figure 20a shows one possibility. Each of the 64 sensors consists of a pair of simple switch contacts in series with a diode to permit multiple contact closures throughout the matrix. The scan lines from Port 1 provide eight un-encoded active-high scan signals for enabling columns of the matrix. The return lines on rows where a contact is closed are pulled high and read as logic ones. Open return lines are pulled to ground by one of the 40 kn resistors and are read as zeroes. (The resistor values must be chosen to ensure all return lines are pulled above the 2.0V logic threshold, even in the worst-case, 10-242 intJ AP-70 where all contacts in an enabled column are closed.) Since PO is provided open-collector outputs and highimpedance MOS inputs its input loading may be considered negligible. The circuits in Figures 20b-20d are variations on this theme. When input signals must be electrically isolated from the computer circuitry as in noisy industrial environments, phototransistors can replace the switch diode pairs and provide optical isolation as in Figure 20b. Additional opto-isolators could also be used on the control output and special signal lines. Example 3. INPUT_SCAN: MOV MOV MOV SCAN; MOV The other circuits assume that input signals are already at TTL levels. Figure 20c uses octal three-state butTers enabled by active-low scan signals to gate eight signals onto Port o. Port 0 is available for memory expansion or peripheral chip interfacing between sensor matrix scans. Eight-to-one multiplexers in Figure 20d select one of eight inputs for each return line as determined by encoded address bits output on three pins of Port 1. (Five more output pins are thus freed for more control functions.) Each output can drive at least one standard TTL or up to 10 low-power TTL loads without additional butTering. RR MOV MOV XCH MOV Going back to the original matrix circuit, Figure 21 shows the method used to scan the sensor matrix. Two complete bit maps are maintained in the bit-addressable region of the RAM: one for the current state and one for the previous state read for each sensor. If the need arises, the program could then sense input transitions and or debounce contact closures by comparing each bit with its earlier value. INC INC MOV JNB RET The code in Example 3 implements the scanning algorithm for the circuits in Figure 20a. Each column is enabled by setting a single bit in a field of zeroes. The bit maps are positive logic: ones represent contacts that are closed or isolators turned on. 10-243 ;SUBROUTINE TO READ ;CURRENT STATE ;OF 64 SENSORS AND ;SAVE IN RAM 20H-27H ;INITIALIZE RO,#20H ;POINTERS RI,#28H ;FOR BIT MAP ;BASES A,#80H ;SET FIRST BIT ;IN ACC PI,A ;OUTPUT TO SCAN ;LINES ;SHIFT TO ENABLE A ;NEXT COLUMN ;NEXT R2,A ;REMEMBER CUR;RENT SCAN ;POSITION A,PO ;READ RETURN ;LINES A,@RO ;SWITCH WITH ;PREVIOUS MAP ;BITS ;SAVE PREVIOUS @RI,A ;STATE AS WELL RO ;BUMP POINTERS RI A,R2 ;RELOAD SCAN ;LINE MASK ACC,7;SCAN;LOOP UNTIL ALL ;EIGHT COLUMNS ;READ inter AP-70 ... +5V . ~ "0" ...... ....J- ~ ! ~~ +8x4K 8051 "56" "8" ~~~ ~~~ r- f0- RETURN LINES t---+---+---++-----_~ PO.O "1" ~....LI- --+----:r. I~ : I - -+---.....--++----....4-.-1 PO.l I-~f----:---t-+----.-t-t-I~ PO.2 t-'-t: : ---+----"- -+.-1-+ I ~_L~_ II III ~~~ ~-~. - -S!z I :~:: :::: I- PO.7 ~----''----+-+---------4 Pl.0 '----:-------++--------1 Pl.l '---------,--++----------4 Pl.2 '-----------++-----'----l Pl.3 '------------++--------l Pl.4 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - - 1 Pl.5 '--------------------4I-+---------l Pl.6 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - l > . . - - - - - - - - 1 Pl.7 SCAN II LINES 203830-20 a.) Using Switch Contact/Diode Matrix Figure 20. Sensor Matrix Implementation Methods 10·244 AP-70 +SV +8x4K - h (~,*) ~ ..- ()I¥~" "0" ll- l L- ~ ......., .- (~,¥) P"- f- 1 I I Q:::l)_"7" l - O¥Y)"S6" Ct;z)l "1" ~ ~ " I - RETURN ,LINES ~ po.o ~ C~'¥)"S7" 1 +- --- I (~'~"lS" T" r - PO.l PO.2 I I I~I 1+1+' b.-.rl ~ PO.3 I PO.4 I po.s PO.6 ......... ( ~K~"63" -r ~ 8x40K PO.7 t; Pl.0 Pl.l Pl.2 Pl.3 Pl.4 Pl.S Pl.6 .:' Pl.7 ' seA: .... LINES 203830-21 b.) Using Optically-Coupled Isolators Figure 20. Sensor Matrix Implementation Methods (Continued) 10·245 AP-70 nlnn! 11111111 Iitttttr .. ~ -NM""-NM"" C :!:!c:!~~~~ ,- lG. r-" lG. 2G 74lS244 ;:~~:;: _ ....... N I >- I 1 M N C C ........ ... C _ C N 2G 74lS244 N ~ M ~ ... > ~ N N C M C N N N M N N >- >- 8051 ... ...>C N N 1 '--i-+_+_+-+_+_+_+_......-+-+-+-+-+-t-i--+_-- < D) • INTERNAL VARIABLE DEFINI"rIONS: SUB DIV DATA HIJ"REG lilT LO_FREG BIT ::::J,... ,...0 "'-IZ OCe CC ... _ OUTPUT PIN DECLARATIONS: (ALL OUTPUTS ARE POSITIVI: TRUE LOGIC BULB IS TURNED ON WHEN OUTPUT PIN IS HIGH. L1RNT R_FRNT L_DASH R,-DASH L_REAR R_REAR 0» Oc ; =======:::========.==;=============::========:=============:=== $E.JECT 203830-26 ~ 'U 21 LOC OD.J 0000 020040 OOOB OOOD 7:18CFO OOOE CODO 0010 0.154 0040 0040 758AOO 0043 7:18CFO 0046 758961 0049 004C 004E 0050 0052 7520F4 D2A9 D2AF D2BC BOFE 0054 D52038 0057 7520F4 ..... o ro (J1 t.) 005A 005D 0060 0062 0065 0067 0069 006C 006E 0070 0073 0075 0077 007A 007C' 007E 0081 00B3 00B5 0088 4390EO 43A007 C295 20D428 D295 C297 20D421 D297 C2Al 20B41A D2Al C296 20B413 D296 C2AO 20B40C D2AO C2A2 20B405 D2A2 LINE 49 :10 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 ·66 67 68 ·69 70 71 72 73 74 ·75 76 -77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 ( SOURCE INIT: UPDATE: ORG L.J.MP OOOOH INIT RESET VECTOR ORG MOV PUSH A.JMP OOOBH THO •• -16 PSW UPDATE TIMER 0 SERVICE VECTOR HIGH TIMER BYTE AD.JUSTED TO CONTROL INT RATE EXECUTE CODE TO SAVE ANY REGISTERS USED BELOW (CONTINUE WITH REST .OF ROUTINE) ORG MOV MOV MOV 0040H TLO •• O THO •• -16 TMOD •• OI10000IB MOV SETB SETB SETB S.JMP SUD_DIV •• 244 ETO EA TRO D.JNZ MOV. SUD_DIV.TOSERV SUB_DIV •• 244 ORL ORL CLR .JD SETB CLR .JB SETB CLR .JB SETB CLR .JB SETB CLR .JB SETB CLR .JB SETB Pl •• 11100000B P2 •• 000pOll1B LJRNT TO. FAULT L_FRNT L_DASH TO. FAULT L_DASH L_REAR TO. FAULT L_REAR R_FRNT TO. FAULT RjRNT R_DASH TO. FAULT R_DASH R_REAR TO. FAULT R_REAR S ZERO LOADED INTO LOW-ORDER BYTE AND -16 IN HIGH-ORDER BYTE GIVES 4 MSEC PERIOD 8-BIT AUTO RELOAD COUNTER MODE FOR TIMER 1. 16-BIT TIMER MODE FOR T'IMER 0 SELECTED SUBDIVIDE INTERRUPT RATE BY 244 FOR I HZ USE TIMER 0 OVERFLOWS TO INTERRUPT PROGRAM CONFIGURE IE TO GLOBALLY ENABLE INTERRUPTS KEEP INSTRUCTION CYCLE COUNT UNTIL OVERFLOW START BACKGROUND PROGRAM EXECUTION EXECUTE SYSTEM TEST ONLY ONCE PER SECOND GET VALUE FOR NEXT ONE SECOND DELAY AND GO THROUGH ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TEST CODE: SET CONTROL OUTPUTS HIGH » l' ...... FLOAT DRIVE COLLECTOR TO SHOULD BE PULLED LOW PULL COLLECTOR BACK DOWN REPEAT SEGUENCE FOR L __ DASH. o L REAR. R_FRNT. R_DASH. AND R__REAR. 9;;1 008A 20B402 008D B2A3 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 +1 WITH ALL COLLECTORS GROUNDED. TO SHOULD BE HIGH IF SO. CONTINUE WITH INTERRUPT ROUTINE. FAULT_ .JB CPL TO. TOSERV S_FAIL ELECTRICAL FAILURE PROCESSING ROUTINE (TOGGLE INDICATOR ONCE PEH SECOND) SE.JECT 203830-27 LoC OOBF 0091 0093 0095 0097 0099 009B 009D 009F DB.! A201 B200 7202 B292 92DI A293 7291 B207 9297 LINE 100 101 102 103 104 105 lOb 107 lOB 109 110 III 112 113 114 115 -- SOURCE II CONTINUE WITH INTERRUPT I'RoCESSING: II COMPUTE LOW BULB INTENSITY WHEN PARKING LIGHTS ARE ON. TOSERV: l'IOV ANL ORL ANL 1'I0V 21 C.SUB_DIV I C.SUB_DIV 0 C. SUB_DIV 2 C.PARK DII'I.i; cf START WITH 50 PERCENT. MASK ·DOWN TO 25· PERCENT. BUILD BACK TO b2. 5 PERCENT. GATE WITH PARKING LIGHT SWITCH. AND SAVE IN TEMP. IIARIABLE. COMPUTE AND OUTPUT LEFT~iAND DASHBOARD INDICATOR. 1'I0V ORL ANL 1'I0V C. L_TURN C.EI'IERG C.Lo_FREG L_DASH. C SET CARRY IF TURN OR EMERGENCY SELECTED. IF SO. GATE IN I HZ SIGNAL AND OUTPUT TO DASHBOARD. lib OOAI 92D5 00A3 72DI 00A5 9295 ..... 9 I\) .... U1 00A7 00A9 OOAB OOAD OOAF A2'10 BO'13 72D5 72DI 92AI 0081 00B3 00B5 00B7 00B9 OOBB OOBD OOBF OOCI 00C3 DOCS ·00C7 A294 7291 8207 92AO 92D5 72Dl 117 liB 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 31 l'IOV ORL l'IOV 41 51 FO.C C.DII'I L_FRNT. C ; SAllE FUNCTION SO FAR. ADD IN PARKING LIGHT FUNCTION AND OUTPUT TO TURN .SIGNAL. COMPUTE AND OUTPUT LEFT-liAND REAR TURN SIGNAL. 1'I0V ANL oRL ORL 1'I0V 126 127 12B 129 130 131 COMPUTE AND OUTPUT LEFT-HAND FRONT TURN SIGNAL. C.BRAKE C./L_TURN C.FO C.DII'I L_REAR. C II GATE BRAKE PEDAL SWITCH WITH TURN LEVER. INCLUDE TEMP. VARIABLE FROM DASH AND PARKING LIGHT FUNCTION AND OUTPUT TO TURN SIGNAL. REPEAT ·ALL OF ABOIIE FOR IUGHT-HAND COUNTERPARTS. 132 929b A290 B094 72D5 72Dl 92A2 00C9 DODO OOCB 32 133 134 135 13b 137 13B 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 14b 147 14B 149 150 !51 MOil ORL ANL MOil MOil ORL 1'I0V l'IOV ANL oRL ORL 1'I0V· C:R_TURN C"-EI'IERG C. LO_FREG R_DASH. C FO.C C.DII'I R_FRNT. C C.BRAKE C./R_TURN C.FO C.DII'I R_REAR. C SET CARRY IF ·TURN OR EMERGENCY SELECTED. IF SO; GATE IN I HZ SIGNAL AND OUTPUT TO DASHBOARD. SAVE FUNCTION SO FAR. ADD IN PARKING LIGHT FUNCTION AND OUTPUT TO TURN SIGNAL. GATE BRAKE PEDAL SWITCH WITH TURN LEVER. INCLUDE TEMP. VARIABLE FROM DASI! AND PARKING LIGHT FUNCTION AND OUTPUT TO TURN SIGNAL. RESTOR·E STATUS REGISTER AND RETURN. POP RETI PSW ; RESTORE PSW AND RETURN FROM INTERRUPT ROUTINE END 203830-28 :. 'U • .... e _. ct XREF SYMBOL TABLE LISTING u 20 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 TIME IN NANOSECONDS 210313-2 (a) Obviously, ESD-sensitivity needs to. be considered in the design of equipment that is going to be subjected to it, such as office equipment. GROUND NOISE Currents in ground lines are another source of noise. These can be 60 Hz currents from the power lines, or RF hash, or crosstalk from other signals that are sharing this particular wire as a signal return line. Noise in the ground lines is often referred to as a "ground loop" , problem. The basic concept of the ground loop is shown in Figure 3. The problem is that true earth-ground is not really at the same potential in all locations. If the two ends of a wire are earth-grounded at different locations, the voltage difference between the two "ground" points can drive significant currents (several amperes) through the wire. Consider the wire to be part of a loop which contains, in addition to the wire, a voltage source that represents the difference in potential between the two ground points, and you have 10-258 Vert: 5 Amps/DiY Time: 5 nSec/Diy Displayed: Ip: 40 Amps Tr: 1 nSec 500V 210313-3 (b) Figure 2. Waveforms of Electrostatic Discharge Currents From a Hand-Held Metallic Object AP-125 suppressors, although layouts and grounding techniques.are important here, too. Simulating the Environment Addressing noise problems after the design of a system has been completed is an expensive proposition. The ill will generated by failures in the field is not cheap either. It's cheaper in the long run to invest a little time and money in learning about noise and noise simulation equipment, so that controlled tests can be made on the bench as the design is developing. Simulating the intended noise environment is a twostep process: First you have to recognize what the noise environment is, that is, you have to know what kinds of electrical noises are present, and which of them are going to cause trouble. Don't ignore this first step, because it's important. If you invest in an induction coil spark generator just because your application is automotive, you'll be straining at the gnat and swallowing the camel. Spark plug noise is the least of your worries in that environment. The second step is to generate the electrical noise in a controlled manner. This is usually more difficult than first imagined; one first imagines' the simulation in terms of a waveform generator and a few spare parts, and then finds that a wideband power amplifier with a 200V dynamic range is als!, required. A good source of information on who supplies what noise-simulating equipment is the 1981 "ITEM" Directory and Design Guide (Reference 6). Types of Failures and Failure Mechanisms A major problem that EMI can cause in digital systems is intermittent operational malfunction. These software upsets occur when the system is in operation at the time an EMI source is activated, and are' usually characterized by a loss of information or a jump in the execution of the program to'some random location in memory. The person who has to iron out such problems is tempted to say the program counter went crazy. There is usually no damage to the hardware, and normal operation can resume as soon as the EM! has passed or the source is de-activated. Resuming normal operation usually requires manual or automatic reset, and possibly re-entering of lost information. Electrostatic discharges from operating personnel can cause not only software upsets, .but also permanent ("hard") damage to the system. For this to happen the system doesn't even have to be in operation. Sometimes the permanent damage is latent, meaning the initial damage may be marginal and require further aggravation through operating stress and time before permanent failure takes place. Sometimes too the damage is . hidden. One ESD-related failure mechanism that has been identified has to do with the bias voltage on the substrate of the chip. On some CPU chips the substrate is held at - 2.5V by a phase-shift oscillator working into a capacitor/diode clamping circuit. This is called a "charge pump" in chip-design circles. If the substrate wanders too far in either direction, program read errors are noted. Some designs have been known to allow electrostatic discharge currents to flow directly into port pins of an 8048. The resulting damage to the oxide causes an increase in leakage current, which loads down the charge pump, reducing the substrate voltage to a marginal or unacceptable level. The system is then unreliable or completely inoperative until the CPU chip is replaced. But if the CPU chip was subjected to a discharge ~park once, it will eventually happen again. Chips that have a grounded substrate, such as the 8748, can sometimes sustain some oxide damage without actually becoming inoperative. In this case the damage is present, and the increased leakage current is noted; however, since the substrate voltage retains its design value, the damage is largely hidden. EARTH-GROUND ATB -GROUND LOOP" \.POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A AND B 210313-4 Figure 3. What a Ground Loop Is 10-259 intJ AP-125 It must therefore, be recognized that connecting port pins unprotected to a keyboard or to anything else that is subject to electrostatic discharges, makes an extremelydangerous configuration. It doesn't make any difference what CPU chip is being used, or who makes it. If it connects unprotected to a keyboard, it will eventually be destroyed. Designing for an ESD-environment will be discussed further on. We might note .here that MOS chips are not the only components that are susceptible to permanent, ESD damage. Bipolar and linear chips can also be damaged in this way. PN junctions are subject to a hard failure mechanism called thermal secondary breakdown, in which a current spike, such as from an electrostatic discharge, causes microscopically localized spots in the junction to approach melt temperatures. Low power TIL chips are subject to this tyPe of damage, as are op-arnps. Op-amps, in addition, often carry on-chip MOS capacitors which are directly across an external pin combination, and these are susceptible to dielectric breakdown. We return now to the subject of software upsets. Noise transients can upset the chip through any pin, even an output pin, because every pin on the chip connects to the substrate through apnjunction. However, the most vulnerable pin is probably ,the VCe line, since it has direct access to all parts of the chip: every register, gate, flip-flop lind buffer. to minimize the generation of noise voltages in the circuit. These methods involve grounding, shielding, and wiring techniques that are directed toward the mechanisms by which noise voltages are generated in the circuit. We'll also discuss methods of decoupling. Then we'll look at some schemes for making a graceful recovery from upsets that occur in spite of preventive measures. Lastly, we'll take another look at two special problem areas: electrostatic discharges and the automotive environment. ' Current Loops The first thing most people learn about electricity is that current won't flow unless it can flow in a closed loop. This simple fact is sometimes temporarily forgotten by the ,overworked engineer who has spent the past several years mastering the intricacies of the DO loop, the timing loop, the feedback loop, and maybe even the ground loop. The simple current loop probably owes its apparent demise to the invention of the ground symbol. By a stroke, of the pen one avoids, having to draw the return paths of most of the current loops in the circuit. Then "ground" turns into an infinite current sink, so that any current that flows into it is gone and forgotten. Forgotten it may be, but it's not gone. It must return to its source, SO that its path will by all the laws of nature form a closed loop. . The, menu of possible upset mechanisms is quite lengthy. A transient on the ,substrate at the wrong time will generally cause a program read error. A false level at a control input can cause an extraneous or misdirected opcode fetch. A disturbance on the supply line can flip a bit in the program counter or instruction register. A short interruption or reversal of polarity 'on the supply line can actually turn the processor off, but not long enough for the power-up reset capacitor to discharge. Thus when the transient ends, the chip starts up again without 'Ii reset. '. A common failure mode is for the processor to lock itself into a tight loop. Here it may be executing the data in a table, or' the program counter may have jumped a notch, so that the processor is now executing operands instead of opcodes, or it may be. trying to fetch opcodes from a nonexistent external program memory. It should be emphasized that mechanisms for upsets have to do with the arrival of noise-induced transients at the pins of the chips, rather than with the generation of noise pulses within the chip itself, that is, it's not the chip that is picking up noise, it's the circuit. The Game Plan The physical geometry of a given current loop is the key to why it generates EMI, why it's susceptible to EMI, and how to shield it. Specifically, it's the area of the loop that matters. Any flow of current generates a magnetic field whose intensity varies inversely to the distance from the wire that carries the current. Two parallel wires conducting currents + I and - I (as in signal feed and return lines) would generate a nonzero magnetic field near the wires, where the distance from a given point to one wire is noticeably different from the distance to the other wire, but farther away (relative to the wire spacing), where the distances from a given point to either wire are about the saine, the fields from both wires tend to cancel out. Thus, maintaining proximity between feed and return paths is an important way to minimize their interference with other signals. The way to maintain their proximity is essentially to minimize their loop area. And, because the mutual inductance from current loop A to current loop B is the same as the mutualinductimce from current loop B to current loop A, a circuit that doesn't radiate interference doesn't receive it either. Thus, from the standpoint of reducing both generation of EMI and susceptibility to EMI, the hard rule is to keep loop areas small. To say that loop areas should be minimized is the same as saying the circuit inductance Prevention is usually cheaper than suppression, so first we'll consider some preventive methods that might help 10-260 inter AP-125 should be minimized. Inductance is by definition the constant of proportionality between current and the magnetic field it produces: 0 .J In the near field of a whip antenna, the E/H ratio is higher than 3770, which means it's mainly an E-field generator. A wire-wrap post can be a whip antenna. Interference from a whip antenna would be by electric field coupling, which is basically capacitive coupling. Methods to protect a circuit from capacitive coupling, such as a Faraday shield, would be effective 10-264 Z 0 ;::. ... .. U 150 125 100 75 50 25 .J II: 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000 10.000 FREQUENCY (KILOHERTZ) 210.313-13 Figure 9. E-Field Shielding inter AP·125 175.-----------r-------r-r-------~ ! 150 300,-----------------------------~ PLANE WAVE '" 250 III ! , ,, , ., 200 . '111 ~ z 150 I ----""'REFLECTION ----I-," ,, Cl 9 100 III % ~ 50 ,.' " I! 25 f:! _-----ABSORPTION O+----.----~-~-~-~--;-~---_.----_r--~ 0.01 10 10' 10 1 10~ 10$ 10' 10' 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000 10.000 .FREQUENCY (KILOHERTZ) FREQUENCY (HERTZ) 210313-15 210313-14 Figure 10. H·Field Shielding Figure 11. E· and H·Field Shielding Copper and aluminum both have the same permeability, but copper is slightly more conductive, and so provides slightly greater reflection loss to an E-field. Steel is less effective for two reasons. First, it has a somewhat elevated permeability due to its iron content, and second, as tends to be the case with magnetic materials, it is less conductive. rents must be allowed to flow freely. If they have to detour around slots and holes, as shown in Figure 12, the shield loses much of its effectiveness. On the other hand, according to the expression for ab~ sorption loss to an H-field, H-field shielding is more effective at higher frequencies and with shield material that has both high conductivity and high permeability. In practice, however, selecting steel for its high permeability involves some compromise in conductivity. But the increase in permeability more than makes up for the decrease in conductivity, as can be seen in Figure 10. This figure also shows the effect of shield thickness. A composite of E-field and H-field shielding is shown in Figure 11. However, this type of data is meaningful only in the far field. In the near field the EMI could be 90% H-fie1d, in which case the reflection loss is irrelevant. It would be advisable then to beef up the absorption loss, at the expense of reflection loss, by choosing steel. A better conductor than steel might be less expensive, but quite ineffective. A different shielding mechanism that can be taken advantage of for low frequency magnetic fields is the ability of a high permeability material such as. mumetal to divert the field by presenting a very low reluctance path to the magnetic flux. Above a few kHz, however, the permeability of such materials is the same as steel. In actual fact the selection of a shielding material turns out to be less important than the presence of seams, joints and holes in the physical structure of the enclosure. The shielding mechanisms are related to the induction of currents in the shield material, but the cur- As can be seen in Figure 12, the severity of the detour has less to do with the area of the hole than it does with the geometry of the hole. Comparing Figure 12c with 12d shows that a long narrow discontinuity such as a seam can cause more RF leakage than a line of holes with larger total area. A person who is responsible for designing or selecting rack or chassis enclosures for an EMI environment needs to be familiar with the techniques that are available for maintaining electrical continuity across seams. Information on these techniques is available in the references. Grounds There are two kinds of grounds: earth-ground and signal ground. The earth is not an equipotential surface, so earth ground potential varies. That and its other electrical properties are not conducive to its use as a return 'conductor in a circuit. However, circuits are often connected to earth ground for protection against shock hazards. The other kind of ground, signal ground, is an arbitrarily selected reference node in a circuit-the node with respect to which other node voltages in the circuit are measured. SAFETY GROUND The standard 3-wire single-phase AC power distribution system is represented in Figure 13: The white wire is earth-grounded at the service entrance. If a load circuit has a metal enclosure or chassis, and if the black wire develops a short to the enclosure, there will be a shock hazard to operating personnel, unless the enclosure itself is earth-grounded. If the enclosure is earth- 10-265 intJ AP-125 __ INDUCED SHIELD CURRENTS· --SECTION OF SHIELD ~~1 _ - RECT:LNO;ULAR (b) (-) (d) (e) 210313-16 Figure 12. Effect of Shield Discontinuity on Magnetically Induced Shield Current grounded, a short results in a blown fuse rather than a "hot" enclosure. The earth-ground connection to the enclosure is called a safety ground; The advantage of the. 3-\...ire power system .is that it distributes a safety ground along with the power. Note that the safety-ground wire carries no current, except in case of a fault, so that at least for low frequencies it's at earth-ground potential. along its entire length. The white wire, on the other. hand, may be several volts off ground, due to the IR drop along its length. SERVICE (ENTRANCE (-----:--" METAL ( ENCLOSURE BLACK 1'"--------, I I I I I I I I I LOAD CKT : WHITE· I I GREEN ·1 I~ ..... __ .- : I . I I I ----) ___ - EARTH-GROUND 210313-17 Figure 13. Single-Phase Power Distribution SIGNAL GROUND Signal ground is a single point in a' circuit that is designated to pe the reference node for the circuit. Commonly, wires that connect to this single point are also referred to as "signal ground." In some circles "power supply common" or PSC is the preferred terminology for these conductors. In any case, the manner in which these wires connect to the actual reference point is the basis of distinction among· three kinds of signal-ground wiring methods: series, parallel, and multipoint. These methods are shown in Figure 14. The series connection is pretty common because it's simple imd economical. It's the noisiest of the three, however, due to common ground impedance coupling between the circuits. When several circuits share a ground wire, currents from one circuit, flowing through the finite impedance of ihe common ground line, cause vari/l,tions in the ground potential of the other circuits. Given that the currents in a digital system tend to be spiked, and that the common impedance is mainly inductive reactance, the variations could be bad enough to cause bit errors in high current or particularly noisy situations. . , The parallel connection eliminates common ground impedanceproblems, but uses a lot of wire. Other disadvantages are ·that the impedance of the individual ground Jines can be very high, and .the. ground lines themselves can become sources of EMI, . 10-266 inter AP-125 In the multipoint system, ground impedance is minimized by using a ground plane with the various circuits connected to it by very short ground leads. This type of connection would be used mainly in RF circuits above 10 MHz. QUIET SIGNAL GROUND PRACTICAL GROUNDING HARDWARE GROUND ' - - REF. POINT A combination of series and parallel ground-wiring methods can be used to trade off economic and the various electrical considerations. The idea is to run series connections for circuits that have similar noise properties, and connect them at a single reference point, as in the parallel method, as shown in Figure 15. In Figure 15, "noisy signal ground" connects to things like motors and relays. Hardware ground is the safety ground connection to chassis, racks, and cabinets. It's a mistake to use the hardware ground as a return path for signal currents because it's fairly noisy (for example, it's the hardware ground that receives an ESD spark) and tends to have high resistance. due to joints and seams. \GROUNDLINE NOISY AND HIGH CURRENT SIGNAL GROUND \ REF. POINT 210313-18 Series Connection GREEN·WIRE GROUND 210313-21 Figure 15. Parallel Connection of Series Grounds Screws and bolts don't always make good electrical connections because of galvanic action, corrosion, and dirt. These kinds of connections may work well at first, and then cause mysterious maladies as the system ages. Figure 16 illustrates a grounding system for a 9-track digital tape recorder, showing an application of the series/parallel ground-wiring method. Figure 17 shows a similar separation of grounds at the PCB leveL Currents in multiplexed LED displays tend to put a lot of noise on the ground and supply lines because of the constant switching and changing involved in the scanning process. The segment driver ground is relatively quiet, since it doesn't conduct the LED currents. The digit driver ground is noisier, and should be provided with a separate path to the PCB ground terminal, even if the PCB ground layout is gridded. The LED feed and return current paths should be laid out on opposite sides of the board like parallel flat conductors. Figure 18 shows right and wrong ways to make ground connections in racks. Note that the safety ground connections from panel to rack are made through ground straps, not panel screws. Rack 1 correctly connects sig· nal ground to rack ground only at the single reference point. Rack 2 incorrectly connects signal ground to rack ground at two points, creating a ground loop around points I, 2, 3, 4, 1. 210313-19 Parallel Connection Breaking the "electronics ground" connection to point 1 eliminates the ground loop, but leaves signal ground in rack 2 sharing a ground impedance with the relatively noisy hardware ground to the reference point; in fact, it may end up using hardware ground as a return path for signal and power supply currents. This will probably cause more problems than the ground loop. BRAIDED CABLE REF. POINT 210313-20 Multipoint Connection Figure 14. Three Ways to Wire the Grounds Ground impedance problems can be virtually eliminated by using braided cable. The reduction in impedance is due to skin effect: At higher frequencies the current tends to flow along the surface of a conductor rather 10-267 intJ AP-125 ------------------------1 t( t( t( ~~_~M 1 i 1 I 9 "WRITE" CIRCUITS . t SIGNAL GROUNOS" GREEN-WIRE GROUND 210313-22 Figure 16. Ground System in a 9-Track Digital Recorder CONTROL FUNCTIONS CONTROLLER I----.....--~~ '----~--~~----GROUND 210313-23 Figure 17. Separate Ground for Multiplexed LED Display 10-268 AP-125 RACK 2 RACK 1 P:6~~~Y c'JIf'=-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'-ElECTRONICS GROUND GROUND GREEN-WIRE GROUND 21.0313-24 Figure 18_ Electronic Circuits Mounted in Equipment Racks Should Have Separate Ground Connections_ Rack 1 Shows Correct Grounding, Rack 2 Shows Incorrect Grounding_ than uniformly threugh its bulk_ While this effect tends to increase the impedance of a given conductor, it also indicates the way to minimize impedance, and that is to manipulate the shape of the cress-sectien se as te previde mere surface area. Fer its bulk, braided cable is almost pure surface. Power Supply Distribution and Decoupling The main consideratien for power supply distributien lines is, as for signal lines, to minimize the areas of the current loops. But the power supply lines take on an importance that no signal line has when one censiders the fact that these lines have access to every PC board in the system. The very extensiveness of the supply current loops makes it difficult to keep loop areas small. And, a noise glitch en a supply line is a glitch delivered to every' board in the system. The power supply provides low-frequency current to the load, but the inductance of the board-te-board and chip-to-chip distribution network makes it difficult for the power supply to maintain VCC specs on the chip while providing the current spikes that a digital system requires. In addition, the power supply current loop is a very large one, which means there will be a let of noise pick-up. Figure 19a shows a load circuit trying to draw current spikes from a supply voltage through the line impedance. To the VCC waveform shown in that figure should be added the inductive pick-up associated with a large loop area. Adding a decoupling capaciter selves two problems: The capacitor acts as a nearby source of charge to supply the current spikes through a smaller line impedance, and it defines a much smaller loop area for the higher frequency cemponents .of EMI. This is illustrated in Figure 19b, which shows the capacitor supplying the current spike, during which VCC drops from 5V by the amount indicated in the figure. Between current spikes the capacitor recovers through the line impedance. 'One should resist the temptation to add a resistor or an inductor to the decoupler so as to ferm a genuine RC .or LC low-pass filter because that slows down the speed with which the decoupler cap can be refreshed. Good filtering and goed decoupling are not necessarily the same thing. The current loop for the higher frequency currents, then, is defined by the decoupling cap and the load circuit, rather than by the power supply and the load circuit. For the decoupling cap to be able to previde the current spikes required by the load, the inductance of this current loop must be kept small, which is the same as saying the leop area must be kept small. This is also the requirement for minimizing inductive pick-up in the leop. There are two kinds of decoupling caps: beard decoupIers and chip deceuplers. A board decoupler will normally be a 10 te 100 p,F electrolytic capacitor placed near to where the power supply enters the PC board, but its placement is relatively non-critical. The purpose of the board decoupler is to refresh the charge on the chip deceuplers. The chip decouplers are what actually provide the current spikes to the chips. A chip decoupIer will normally be a 0.1 to 1 ,..,F ceramic capacitor placed near the chip and connected to the chip by traces that minimize the area of the loop formed by the cap and the chip. If a chip decoupler is not properly placed en the board, it will be ineffective as a decoupler 10-269 intJ AP-125 Vcc: --------~-----------------. t 210313-25 210313-26 (a) Drawing Current Spikes through the Line Impedance (b) Drawing Current Spikes from a Decoupllng Capacitor Figure 19. What a Decoupling Capacitor Does and will serve only to increase the cost of the board. Good and bad placement of decoupling capacitors are illustrated in Figure 20. Power distribution traces on the PC board need to be laid out so as to obtain minimal area (miilimal inductance) in the loops formed by each chip and its decoupier, and by the chip decouplers and the board decoupier. One way to accomplish this goal is to use a power plane. A power plane is the same as a ground plane, but at VCC potential. More economically, a power grid similar to the ground grid previously discussed (Figure 8) can be used. Actually, if the chip decoupling loops are small, other aspects of the power layout are less . critical. In other words, power planes and power gridding aren't needed, but power traces should be laid in . the closest possible proximity to ground traces, preferThere must be a very low Inductance between decoupling capacitor and the IC. Poo,PI.cemen, Better Pllleement ~I ~vcc . 210313-27 The decreased area of loop between capacitor & IC decreases , inductance. .Figure 20. Placement of Decoupllng Capacitors ably so that each power trace is on the direct opposite side of the board from a ground trace. Special-purpose power supply distribution buses which mount on the PCB are available. The buses use a parallel flat conductor configuration, one conductor being a VCC line and the other a ground line. Used in conjunction with a gridded ground layout, they not only provide a' low-inductance distribution system, but can themselves form part of the ground grid, thus facilitating. the PCB layout. The buses are available with and without enhanced bus capacitance, under the names MinilBus® and Q/PAC® from Rogers Corp. (5750 E. McKellips, Mesa, AZ 85205). SELECTING THE VALUE OF THE DECOUPLING CAP The effectiveness of the decoupling cap has a lot to do with the way the power and ground traces connect this capacitor to the chip. In fact; the area formed by this loop is more important than the value of the capacitance. Then, given that the area of this loop is indeed miilimal, it can generally be said that the larger the value of the decoupling cap, the more effective it is, if the cap has a mica, ceramic, glass, or polystyrene dielectric. It's often said, and not altogether accurately, that the chip decoupler shouldn't have too large a value. There are two reasons for this statement. One is that some capacitors, because of the nature of their dielectrics, tend to become inductive or lossy at higher frequencies. This is true of electrolytic capacitors, but mica, glass, 10-270 inter AP-125 ceramic, and polystyrene dielectrics work well to several hundred MHz. The other reason cited for not using too large a capacitance has to do with lead inductance. The capacitor with its lead inductance forms a series LC circuit. Below the frequency of series resonance, the net impedance of the combination is capacitive. Above that frequency, the net impedance is inductive. Thus a decoupling capacitor is capacitive only below the frequency of series resonance. The frequency is given by CPU chip and the PCB (or between the CPU socket and the PCB), it makes connection to pins 40 and 20, forming a leadless decoupling capacitor. It is obviously a configuration of minimal inductance. Unfortunately, the particular sample tested had only 0.07 J.tF of capacitance and so was unable to prevent the 1 MHz ripple as effectively as the configuration of Figure 21 d. It seems apparent, though, that with more capacitance this part will alleviate a lot of decoupling problems. THE CASE FOR ON-BOARD VOLTAGE REGULATION 1 fo = 21TM where C is the decoupling capacitance and L is the lead inductance between the capacitor and the chip. On a PC board this inductance is determined by the layout, and is the same whether the capacitor dropped into the PCB holes is 0.001 J.tF or 1 J.tF. Thus, increasing the capacitance lowers the series resonant frequency. In fact, according to the resonant frequency formula, increasing C by a factor of 100 lowers the resonant frequency by a factor of 10. Figures quoted on the series resonant frequency of. a 0.01 J.tF capacitor run from 10 to 15 MHz, depending on the lead length. If these numbers were accurate, a 1 J.tF capacitpr in the same position on the board would have a resonant frequency of 1.0 to 1.5 MHz, and as a decoupler would do more harm than good. However, the numbers are based on a presumed inductance of a given length of wire (the lead length). It should be noted that a "length of wire" has no inductance at all, strictly speaking. Only a complete current loop has inductance, and the inductance depends on the geometry of the loop. Figures quoted on the inductance of a iength of wire are based on a presumably "very large" loop area, such that the magnetic field produced by the return current has no cancellation effect on the field produced by the current in the given length of wire. Such a loop geometry is not and should not be the case with the decoupling loop. Figure 21 shows VCC waveforms, measured between pins 40 and 20 (VCC and VSS) of an 8751 CPU, for several conditions of decoupling on a PC board that has· a decoupling loop area slightly larger ihim necessary. These photographs show the effects of increasing the decoupling capacitance and decreasing the area of. the decoupling loop. The indications are that a 1 J.tF capacitor is better than a 0.1 J.tF capacitor,which in turn is better than nothing, and that the board should have been laid out with more attention paid to the ·area of the decoupling loop. Figure 21e was obtained using a special-purpose experimental capacitor designed by Rogers Corp. (Q-Pac Division, Mesa, AZ) for use as a decoupler. It consists of two parallel plates, the length of a 40-pin DIP, separated by a ceramic dielectric. Sandwiched between the To complicate matters, supply line glitches aren't always picked up in the distribution networks, but can come from the power supply circuit itself. In that case, a well-designed distribution network faithfully delivers the glitch throughout the system. The VCC glitch in Figure 22 was found to be coming from within a bench power supply in response to the EMP produced by an induction coil spark generator that was being used at Intel during a study ·of noise sensitivity. The VCC glitch is about 400 mV high and some 20 J.ts in duration. Normal board decoupling techniques were ineffective in removing it, but adding an on-board voltage regulator chip did the job. Thus, a good case can be made in. favor of using a voltage regulator chip on each PCB, instead of doing all the voltage regulation at the supply circuit. This eases requirements on the heat-sinking· at the supply circuit, and alleviates much of the distribution and board decoupling headaches. However, it also brings in the possibility that different boards would be operating at slightly different VCC levels due to tolerance in the regulator chips; this then leads to slightly different logic levels from board to board. The implications of that may vary from nothing to latch-up, depending on what kinds of chips are on the boards, and how they react to an input "high" that is perhaps O.4V higher than local VCC. . Recovering Gracefully from a Software Upset . Even when one follows all the best guidelines for designing for a noisy environment, it's always possible for a noise transient to occur which exceeds the circuit's immunity level. In that case, one can strive at least for a graceful recovery. Graceful recovery schemes involve additional hardware and/or software which is supposed to return the system to a normal operating mode after a software upset has occurred. Two decisions have to be made: How to recognize when an upset has occurred, and what to do about it. 10-271 inter AP-125 PIN 40 PIN 40 . . . 5CtrV 5V L ALE _ "__ 210313-28 (a) No Decoupllng Cap PIN 40 5CmV 5V 501r.V 5V . ~ 210313-'30 210313:'31 ' (c) 0.1 p.F Decoupler Stretched Directly' from Pin 40 to Pin 20, under the Socket. (The difference between this and 21b is due only to the change in loop geometry. Also shown is the upward slope of a ripple in VCC. The ripple frequency Is 1 MHz, the same as ALE.) (d) 1.0 p.F Decoupler Stretched Directly from Pin 40 to pin 20, under the Socket. (This prevents the 1 MHz,rlpple, but there's no reduction In higher frequency components. Further Increases In capacitance effected no further Improvement.) PIN 40 ALE *' -~. SV 210313-32 (e) Special-Purpose Decoupling Cap under Development by Rogers Corp. (Further discussion in text.) Figure 21. Noise on VCC Line 10-272 inter AP-125 I L t -f-· - .- - -.: 1 • i , I' r--.. -T T I r I ~ -~ . , SPARK PROBE 50mV (TRIGGER) Vee 500mV 210313-33 Figure 22. EMP-Induced Glitch If the designer knows what kinds and combinations of outputs can legally be generated by the system, he can use gates to recognize and flag the occurrence of an illegal state of affairs. The flag can then trigger a jump to a recovery routine which then may check or re-initialize data, perhaps output an error message, or generate a simple reset. The most reliable scheme is to use a so-called watchdog circuit. Here the CPU is programmed to generate a periodic signal as long as the system is executing instructionsin an expected manner. The periodic signal is then used to hold off a circuit that will trigger a jump to a recovery routine. The periodic signal needs to be ACcoupled to the trigger circuit so that a "stuck-at" fault won't continue to hold off the trigger. Then, if the processor locks up someplace, the periodic signal is lost and the watchdog triggers a reset_ In practice, it may be convenient to drive the watchdog circuit with a signal which is being generated anyway by the system. One needs to be careful, however, that an upset does in fact discontinue that signal. Specifically, for example, one could· use one of the digit drive signals going to a multiplexed display. But display scanning is often handled in response to a timer-interrupt, whieh may continue operating even though the main program is in a failure mode. Even so, with a little extra software, the signal can be used to control the watchdog (see Reference 8 on this). Simpler schemes can work well for simpler systems. For example, if a CPU isn't doing anything but scanning and decoding a keyboard, there's little to lose and much to gain by simply resetting it periodically with an astable multivibrator. It only takes about 13 f.Ls (at 6 MHz) to reset an 8048 if the clock oscillator is already running. A zero-cost measure is simply to fill all unused program memory with NOPs and JMPs to a recovery routine. The effectiveness of this method is increased by writing the program in segments that are separated by NOPs and JMPs. It's still possible, of course, to get hung up in a data table or something. But you get a lot of protection, for the cost. Further discussion of graceful recovery schemes can be found in Reference 13. Special Problem Areas ESD MOS chips have some built-in protection against a static charge build-up on the pins, as would occur during normal handling, but there's no protection against the kinds of current levels and rise times that occur in a genuine electrostatic spark. These kinds of discharges can blow a crater in the silicon. It must be recognized that connecting CPU pins unprotected to a keyboard ()r to anything else that is subject to electrostatic discharges makes an extremely fragile configuration. Buffering them is the very least one can do. But buffering doesn't completely solve the problem, because then the buffer chips will sustain the damage (even TTL); therefore, one might consider mounting the buffer chips in sockets for ease of replacement. Transient suppressors, such as the TranZorbs® made by General Semiconductor Industries (Tempe, AZ), may in the long run provide the cheapest protection if their "zero inductance" structure is used. The structure and circuit application are shown in Figure 23. The suppressor element is a pn junction that operates like a Zener diode. Back-to-back units are available for AC operation. The element is more or less an open circuit at normal system voltage (the standoff voltage rating for the device), and conducts like a Zener diode at the clamping voltage. The lead inductance in the conventional transient suppressor package makes the conventional package essen- 10-273 inter AP-125 PULSE DIGITAL A H-r~--tB FUNCTIONAL H+,..,.--tc DECODER H+-hr-:--tD L ____ J Patent Pending COMMON 210313-34 (a) 210313-35 (b) Figure 23. "Zero~lnductance" Structure and Use in Circuit tially useless' for protection against ESD pulses, owing to the fast rise of these pulses. The "zero inductance" units are available singly in a 4-pin DIP, and in arrays of four to a 16-pin DIP for PCB level protection. In that application they should be mounted in close proximity to the chips they protect. In addition,' metal enclosures or frames or parts that can receive an ESD spark should be connected by braided cable to the green-wire ground. Because of the ground impedance, ESD current shouldn't be allowed to flow through any signal ground, even if the chips are protected by transient suppressors. A 35 kV ESD spark can always spare a few hundred volts to drive a fast current pulse down a signal ground line if it can't find a braided cable to follow. Think how delighted your 8048 will be to find its VSS pin 250V higher than VCC for a few lOs of nanoseconds. THE AUTOMOTIVE ENVIRONMENT The automobile presents an extremely hostile environment for electronic systems. There are several parts to it: 1. Temperature extremes from -4Q°C to + 125°C (under the hood) or + 85°C (in the passenger compartment) 2. Electromagnetic pulses from the ignition system 3. Supply line transients that will knock your socks off One needs to take a long, careful look at the temperature extremes. The allowable storage temperature range for most Intel MOS chips is -65°t to + 1500C, al" though some chips have a maximum storage temperature rating of + 125°C. In operation (or "under bias," as the data sheets say) the allowable ambient temperature range, depends on the product grade, as follows: Grade Commercial Industrial Automotive Military Ambient Temperature Min Max 0 -40 -40 -55 70 +85 +110 +125, The different product grades are actually the same chip, but tested according to different standards. Thus, a given commercial-grade chip might actually pass military temperature requirements, but not have been tested,fcr it. (Of course, there are other differences in 'gruding requirements having to do with packaging, bum-in, traceability, etc.) In any case, it's apparent that commercial-grade chips can't. be used safely in automotive applications, not even in the passenger compartment. Industrial-grade chips can be used in the passenger compartment, and automotive or military chips are required in under-the~ hood applications. Ignition noise, CB radios, and that sort of thing are probably the least of your worries. In a poorly designed system, or in .one that has not been adequately tested for the automotive environment, ,this type of EMI might cause a few software upsets, but not destroy chips. The major problem, and the one that seems to come as the biggest surprise to most people, is the line transients. Regrettably, the 12V battery is not. actually the source of power when the car is running. The charging system is, and it's not very clean. The only time the battery is the real source of power is when the car is first being started, and in that condition the battery terminals may be delivering about5V or 6V. As follows is a brief description of the major idiosyncracies of the "12V" automotive power line. 10·274 inter AP-125 60 50 iii' !:i 40 w 30 ENGINE SPEED 3000 RPM ALTERNATOR LOAD 55 AMPERES 0 ~ Q :;) 5 Do ::E '" 20 10 a a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TIME (MILLISECONDS) 210313-36 Figure 24. Typical Load Dump Transients • An abrupt reduction in the alternator load causes a positive voltage transient called "load dump." In a load dump transient the line voltage rises to 20V or 30V in a few /ks, then decays exponentially with a time constant of about 100 J.Ls, as shown in Figure 24. Much higher peak voltages and longer decay times have also been reported. The worst case load dump is caused by disconnecting a low battery from the alternator circuit while the alternator is running. NormallY.this would happen intermittently when the battery terminal connections are defective. • When the ignition is turned off, as the field excitation decays, the line voltage' can go to between -40V and -IOOV for 100 J.Ls or more. • Miscellaneous solenoid switching transients, such as the one shown in Figure 25, can drive the line to + or - 200V to 400V for several J.Ls. • Mutual coupling between unshielded wires in long harnesses can induce 100V and 200V transients in unprotected circuits. What all this adds up to is that people in the business of building systems for automotive applications need a comprehensive testing program. An SAE guideline which describes the automotive environment is available to designers: SAE Jl21l, "Recommended Environmental Practices for Electronic Equipment Design," 1980 SAE Handbook, Part I, pp. 22.80-22.96. Some suggestions for protecting circuitry are shown in Figure 26. A transient suppressor is placed in front of the regulator chip to protect it. Since the rise times in these transients are not like those in ESD pulses, lead inductance is less critical and conventional devices can be used. The regulator itself is pretty much of a necessity, since a load dump transient is simply not going to be removed by any conventional LC or RC filter. OSEe. t OVOLTS - -100 VOLTS/DIV 10ps/DIV -- 210313-37 Figure 25. Transient Created by De-energizing an Air Conditioning Clutch Solenoid 10-275 inter AP·125 AUTOMOTIVE ON BOARD COMPUTER .-.. . -"""'1----ACCESSORY +12V -r-t--'VI."'''..---I .....---...- o-J'l1J'...... ~ +5V TO" PROCESSOR 115V DISTANCE MEASURING COIL ,-0---------""',...._,.",-_ TO" pROCESSOR 5V 210313-38 Figure 26. Use of Transient Suppressors in Automotive Applications Spe2ial I/O interfacing is aJso required, because of the need for high tolerance to cvoltage transients, input noise, input/output isolation, etc. In addition, switches cthat are being monitored or driven by these buffers are usually referenced to chassis ground instead of signal ground) and in a. ca.r there ca..'1 be ma.."lY volts difference between the two. I/O interfacing is discussed in Reference 2. The EMC Education committee has available a video tape: "Introduction to EMC-A Video Training Tape," by Henry Ott. Don White Consultants offers a series of training courses on many different aspects of electromagnetic compatibility. Most organizations that sponsor El".fC courses also (jff~r in-plant presentatiuns. Parting Thoughts The main sources of information cfor this Application Note were the references by Ott and by White. Reference 5 is probably the finest treatment currently available on the subject. The other references provided specific information as cited in the text. Courses and seminars on the subject of electromagnetic interference are given regularly throughout the year. Information on these can be obtained from: IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society EMC Education Committee 345 East 47th Street New York, NY 10017 Don White Consultants, Inc. International Training Centre P.O. BoxD Gainesville, VA 22065 Phone: (703) 347-0030 10-276 inter Ap·125 REFERENCES 1. Clark, O.M., "Electrostatic Discharge Protection Using Silicon Transient Suppressors," Proceedings of the Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge Symposium. Reliability Analysis Center, Rome Air Development Center, 1979. 2. Kearney, M; Shreve, J.; and Vincent, W., "Microprocessor Based Systems in the Automobile: Custom Integrated Circuits Provide an Effective Interface," Electronic Engine Management and Driveline Control Systems, SAE Publication SP-481, 810160, pp. 93-102. 3. King, W.M. and Reynolds, D., "Personnel Electrostatic Discharge: Impulse Waveforms Resulting From ESD of Humans Directly and Through Small HandHeld Metallic Objects Intervening in the Discharge Path," Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, pp. 577-590, Aug. 1981. . 4. Ott, H., "Digital Circuit Grounding and Interconnection," Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Elec-· tromagnetic Compatibility, pp. 292-297, Aug. 1981. 5. Ott, H., Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems. New York: Wiley, 1976. 7. SAE J1211, "Recommended Environmental Practices for Electronic Equipment Design," 1980 SAE Handbook, Part 1, pp. 22.80-22.96. 8. Smith, L., "A Watchdog Circuit for Microcomputer Based Systems," Digital Design, pp. 78, 79, Nov. 1979. 9. TranZorb Quick Reference Guide. General Semiconductor Industries, P.O. Box 3078, Tempe, AZ 85281. 10. Tucker, T.I., "Spark Initiation Requirements of a Secondary Explosive," Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol 152, Article I, pp. 643-653, 1968. 11. White, D., Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, Vol. 3: EMI Control Methods and Techniques. Don White Consultants, 1973. 12. White, D., EMI Control in the Design of Printed Circuit Boards and Backplanes. Don White Consultants, 1981. 13. Yarkoni, B. and Wharton, J., "Designing Reliable Software for Automotive Applications," SAE Transactions, 790237, July 1979. 6. 1981 Interference Technology Engineers' Master (ITEM) Directory and Design Guide. R. and B. Enterprises, P.O. Box 328, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19426. 10-277 intJ APpLICATION NOTE AP-155 December 1986 Oscillators for Microcontrollers TOM WILLIAMSON MICROCONTROLLER TECHNICAL MARKETING Order Number: 230659-001 10-278 AP-155 INTRODUCTION Intel's microcontroller families (MCS®-48, MCS®-51, and iACX-96) contain a circuit that is commonly referred to as the "on-chip oscillator". The on-chip circuitry is not itself an oscillator, of course, but an amplifier that is suitable for use as the amplifier part of a feedback oscillator. The data sheets and Microcontoller Handbook show how the on-chip amplifier and several off-chip components can be used to design a working oscillator. With proper selection of off-chip components, these oscillator circuits will perform better than almost any other type of clock oscillator, and by almost any criterion of excellence. The suggested circuits are simple, economical, stable, and reliable. We offer assistance to our customers in selecting suitable off-chip components to work with the on-chip oscillator circuitry. It should be noted, however, that Intel cannot assume the, resp.onsibility of writing specifications for the off-chip components of the complete oscillator circuit, nor of guaranteeing the performance of the finished design in production, anymore than a transistor manufacturer, whose data sheets show a number of suggested amplifier circuits, can assume responsibility for the operation, in production, of any of them. This Application Note is intended to provide such assistance in the design of oscillator circuits for microcontroller systems. Its purpose is to describe in a practical manner how oscillators work, how crystals and ceramic resonators work, (and thus how to spec them), and what the on-chip amplifier looks like electronically and what its operating characteristics are. A BASIC program is provided in Appendix II to assist the designer in determining the effects of changing individual parameters. Suggestions are provided for establishing a pre-production test program. FEEDBACK OSCILLATORS Loop Gain Figure I shows an amplifier whose output line goes into some passive network. If the input signal to the amplifier is VI, then the output signal from the amplifer is v2 = AVI and the output signal from the passive network is v3 = {3v2 = {3Avl. Thus {3A is the overall gain from terminal 1 to terminal 3. We are often asked why we don't publish a list of required crystal or ceramic resonator specifications, and recommend values for the other off-chip components. This has been done in the past, but sometimes with consequences that were not intended. Suppose we suggest a maximum crystal resistance of 30 ohms for some given frequency. Then your crystal supplier tells you the 30-ohm crystals are going to cost twice as much as 50-ohm crystals. Fearing that Intel will not "guarantee operation" with 50-ohm crsytals, you order the expensive ones. In fact, Intel guarantees only what is embodied within an Intel product. Besides, there is no reaSon why 50-ohm crystals couldn't be used, if the other off-chip components are suitably ad' justed. Should we recommend values for the other off-chip components? Should we do it for 50-ohm crystals or 30- . ohm crystals? With respect to what should we optimize their selection?' Should we minimize start-up time or maximize frequency stability? In many applications, neither start-up time nor frequency stability are particularly critical, and our "recommendations" are only'restricting your system to unnecessary tolerances. It all depends on the application. Although we will neither "specify" nor "recommend" specific off-chip components, we do offer assistance in these tasks. Intel application engineers are available to provide whatever technical assistance may be needed or desired by our customers in designing with Intel products. '230659-1 Figure 1. Factors in Loop Gain Now connect terminal 1 to terminal 3, so that the signalpath forms a loop: 1 to 2 to 3, which is also 1. Now we have a feedback loop, and the gain factor {3A is called the loop gain. Gain factors are complex numbers., That means they have a magnitude and a phase angle, both of which vary with frequency. When writing a complex number, one must specify both quantities, magnitude and angle. A number whose magnitude is 3, and whose angle is 45 degrees is commonly written this way: 3L45·. The number 1 is, in complex number notation, !LO·, while -1 is !LI80·. By closing the feedback loop in Figure 1, we force the equality This equation has two solutions: 10-279 1) "1 = 0; 2) fjA = UO·. inter AP-155 In a given circuit, either or both of the solutions may be in effect. In the first solution the circuit is quiescent (no output signal). If you're trying to make an oscillator, a no-signal condition is unacceptable. There are ways to guarantee t,hat the second solution is the one that will be in effect, and that the quiescent condition will be excluded. In order for the loop gain to have zero phase angle it is necessary that the feedback element Zr have a positive reactance. That is, it must be inductive. Then, the frequency at which the phase angle is zero is approximately the frequency at which How Feedback Oscillators Work where Xr is the reactance of Zr (the total Zr being Rr + jXr, and C is the series combination of Cx! and CX2. A feedback oscillator amplifies its own noise and feeds it back to itself in exactly the right phase, at the oscillation frequency, to build up and reinforce the desired oscillations. Its ability to do that depends on its loop gain. First, oscillations can occur only at the frequency for which the loop gain has a phase angle of 0 degrees. Second build-up of oscillations will occur only if the loop gain exceeds I at the frequency. Build-up continues until nonlinearities in the circuit reduce the average value of the loop gain to exactly 1. Start-up characteristics depend on the small-signal properties of the circuit, specifically, the small-signal loop gain. Steady-state characteristics of the oscillator depend on the large-signal properties of the circuit, such as' the transfer curve (output voltage vs. input voltage) of the amplifier, and the clamping effect of the input protection devices. These things will be discussed mere fully further on. First \ve \"/i11 leek nt the basic operation of the particular oscillator circuit, called the "positive reactance" oscillator. The Positive Reactance Oscillator Figure 2 shows the configuration of the positive reactance oscillator. The inverting amplifier, working into the impedance of the feedback network,' produces' an output signal that is nominally 180 degrees out of phase with its input. The feedback network must provide an additional 180 degrees phase shift, such that the overall loop gain has zero (or 360) degrees phase shift at the oscillation frequency. I c= , In other words, cuit. CXl CX2 CXl + CX2 Zr and C form·a parallel resonant cir- If Zr is an inductor, then Xr = wL; and the frequency at which the loop gain has zero phase is the frequency at which 1 wL=- wC or 1 w = .J[C Noi'm3.lly, Zr is neit an inductor, but it must still have a positive reactance in order for the circuit to oscillate. There are some piezoelectric devices on the market that show a positive reactance, and provide a more stable oscillation frequency than an inductor will. Quartz crystals can be, used where the oscillation frequency is critical, and lower cost ceramic res_onators can be used w4ere the frequency is less critical. When the feedback element is a piezoelectric device, this circuit configuration is called a Pierce oscillator. The advantage of piezoelectric resonators lies in their property of providing a wide range of positive teactimce values over a very narrow range Qf frequencies. The reactance will equal 1/wC at some frequency within this range, so the oscillation frequency will be within the same range. Typically, the width of this range is 230659-2 Figure 2~ Positive Reactance Oscillator 10-280 AP-155 only 0.3% of the nominal frequency of a quartz crystal, and about 3% of the nominal frequency of. a ceramic resonator. With relatively little design effort, frequency accuracies of 0.03% or better -can be obtained with quartz crystals, and 0.3% or better with ceramic resonators. QUARTZ CRYSTALS The crystal resonator is a thin slice of quartz sandwiched between two electrodes. Electrically, the device looks pretty -much like a 5 or 6 pF capacitor, except that over certain ranges of frequencies the crystal has a positive (i.e., inductive) reactance. The ranges of positive reactance originat~ in the piezoelectric property of quartz: Squeezing the crystal generates an internal E-field. The effect is reversible: Applying an AC E-field causes the crystal to vibrate. At certain vibrational frequencies there is a mechanical resonance. As the E-field frequency approaches a frequency of mechanical resonance, the measured reactance of the crystal becomes positive, as shown in Figure 3. FREQUENCY Xeo -JX FUNDAMENTAL Crystal Parameters Equivalent Circuit Figure 4 shows an equivalent circuit that is used to represent the crystal for circuit analysis. The Rl-Ll-Cl branch is called the motivational arm of the crystal. The values of these parameters derive from the mechanical properties of the crystal and are constant for a given mode of vibration. Typical values for various nominal frequencies are shown in Table 1. SPURIOUS RESPONSES - JX To assure that an oscillator starts in the desired mode on power-up, something must be done to suppress the loop gain in the undesired frequency ranges. The crystal itself provides some protection against unwanted modes of oscillation; too much resistance in that mode, for example. Additionally, junction capacitances in the amplifying devices tend to reduce the gain at higher frequencies, and thus may discriminate against unwanted modes. In some cases a circuit fix is necessary, such as inserting a trap, a phase shifter, or ferrite beads to kill oscillations in unwanted modes. / / ---11'01-1- - \ SYMBOL -C:t:*J- FIFTH MECHANICAL OVERTONE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT 230659-4 THIRD MECHANICAL OVERTONE Figure 4. Quartz Crystal: Symbol and Equivalent Circuit 230659-3 Figure 3. Crystal Reactance vs. Frequency Typically there are several ranges of frequencies wherein the reactance of the crystal is positive. Each range corresponds to a different mode of vibration in the crystal. The main resonsances are the so-called fundamental resp9nse and the third and fifth overtone responses. The overtone responses shouldn't be confused with the harmonics of the fundamental. They're not harmonics, but different vibrational modes. They're not in general at exact integer multiples of the fundamental frequency. There will also be "spurious" responses, occurring typically a few hundred KHz above each main response. Co is called the shunt capacitance of the crystal. This is the capacitance of the crystal's electrodes and the mechanical holder. If one were to measure the reactance of the crystal at a: freuqency far removed from a resonance frequency, it is the reactance of this capacitance that would be measured. It's normally 3 to 7 pF. Table 1. Typical Crystal Parameters 10-281 Frequency MHz R1 ohms L1 mH C1 pF Co pF 2 100 520 0.012 4 4.608 36 117 0.010 2.9 11.25 19 8.38 0.024 5.4 AP-155 The series resonant frequency of the crystal is the frequency at which LI and CI are in resonance. This fre~ quency is given by . the antiresonant frequency of the parallel combination of the crystal and CL. This frequency is given by 1 fs=--21T~L1C1 At this frequency the impedance of the crystal is R I in parallel with the reactance of Co. For most purposes, this impedance is taken. to be just R J, since the reactance of Co is so much larger than RI. These frequency formulas are derived (in Appendix A) from the equivalent circuit of the crystal, using the assumptions that the Q of the crystal is extremely high, and that the circuit external to the crystal has no effect on the frequency other than to·.provide the load capacitance CL. The latter assumption is not precisely true, but it is close enough for present ·purposes. Load Capacitance A crystal oscillator circuit such as the one shown in Figure 2 (redrawn in Figure 5) operates at the frequency for which the crystal is IlIltiresonant (ie, paral1el~res onant) ,with the total capacitance across the crystal terminals external to the crystal. This total capacitance external to the crystal is called the load capacitance. "Series" vs. "Parallel" Crystals There is no such thing as a "series cut" crystal as opposed to. a "parallel cut" crystal. There are different cuts of crystal, having to do with the parameters of its . motional arm .jn various frequency ranges,. but there is no special cut for series or parallel operation. As shown in Figure 5, the load capacitance is given by CX1 CX2 CL = C C X1 + X2 .. + Cstray The crystal manufacturer needs to know the value of CL in order to adjust the crystal to the specified fre.quency. An oscillator is series resonant if the oscillation frequency is fs of the crystal. To operate the crystal at fs, the amplifier has to be noninverting. When buying a crystal for such an oscillator, one does not specify a load c.apacitance. Rather, one specifies the loading condition as "series." ' If a "series" crystal is put into an oscillator that has an .inverting amplifier, it will oscillate in parallel resonance with the load capacitance presented to the crystal by the oscillator circuit, at a frequency slightly above fs. In fact, at approximately . r--------c-----------l et ! I II -----------~~,--------~ e" ex. I I 1: . .,... ) fa = fs ( 1+ 2(C iI This frequency would typically be about 0.02% above f s· ~--------------------~ . CRYSTAL r---------~~---------~ II I R, L, C, Equivalent Series Resistance I I I ~--------------~-~--~ C~ C.0») L 230659-6 Figure 5. Load CapaCitance The adjustment involves putting the cryst~l.in .series with the specified CL, and then "trimming" the crystal to obtain resonance of the series combination of the crystal and CL at the specified frequency. Because of the high Q of the crystal, the resonant frequency of the series combination of the crystal and CL is the same as The "series resistance" often listed on quartz' crystal data sheets is the real part of the crystal impedance at the crystal's calibration frequency. This will be Rl if the calibration frequency 18 the series resonant frequency of the crystal. If the crystal is calibrated for parallel resonance with a load capacitance CL, the equivalent series resistance will be \ . ESR = R1 ( 1 + ~~r The crystal manufacturer measures this resistance at the calibration frequency during the same operation in which the crystal is adjusted to the calibration frequency. 10-282 inter AP·155 Frequency Tolerance Frequency tolerance as discussed here is not a requirement on the crystal, but on the complete oscillator. There are two types of frequency tolerances on oscillators: frequency acccuracy and frequency stability. Frequency accuracy refers to the oscillator's ability to run at an exact specified frequency. Frequency stability refers to the constancy of the oscillation frequency. Frequency accuracy requires mainly that the oscillator circuit present to the crystal the same load capacitance that it was adjusted for. Frequency stability requires mainly that the load capacitance be constant. In a positive reactance oscillator, if one assumes the peak voltage across the crystal to be something in the neighborhood of Vee, the power dissipation can be approximated as This formula is derived in Appendix A. In a 5V system, P rarely evaluates to more than a milliwatt. Crystals with a standard 1 or 2 mW drive level rating can be used in most digital systems. MT - In most digital applications the accuracy and stability requirements on the oscillator are so wide that it makes very little difference what load capacitance the crystal was adjusted to, or what load capacitance the circuit actually presents to the crystal. For example, if a crystal was calibrated to a load capacitance of 25 pF, and is used in a circuit whose actual load capacitance is 50 pF, the frequency error on that account would be less than 0.01%. 100000 10 1 In a positive reactance oscillator, the crystal only needs to be in the intended response mode for the oscillator to satisfy a 0.5% or better frequency tolerance. That's because for any load capacitance the oscillation frequency is certain to be between the crystal's resonant and antiresonant frequencies. Phase shifts that take place within the amplifier part of the oscillator will also affect frequency accuracy and stability. These phase shifts can normally be modeled as an "output capacitance" that, in the positive reactance oscillator, parallels CX2. The predictability and constancy of this output capacitance over temperature and device sample will be the limiting factor in determining the tolerances that the circuit is capable of holding. Drive Level Drive level refers to the power dissipation in the crystal. There are two reasons for specifying it. One is that the parameters in the equivalent circuit are somewhat dependent on the drive level at which the crystal is calibrated. The other is that if the application circuit exceeds the test drive level by too much, the crystal may be damaged. Note that the terms "test drive level" and "rated drive level" both refer to the drive level at which the crystal is calibrated. Normally, in a microcontroller system, neither the frequency tolerances nor the power levels justify much concern for this specification. Some crystal manufacturers don't even require it for microprocessor crystals. 51 R3.58M ':-O-'--2000-'-~4000~"""6000-'--'-""6000"""'~'-.,..JOOOO FREQUENCY (KHz) 230659-7 Figure 6. Ceramic Resonator Impedance vs. Frequency (Test Data Supplied by NTK Technical Ceramics) CERAMIC RESONATORS Ceramic resonators operate on the same basic principles as a quartz crsytal. Like quartz crsytals, they are piezoelectric, have a reactance versus frequency curve similar to a crystal's, and an equivalent circuit that looks just like a crystal's (with different parameter values, however). The frequency tolerance of a ceramic resonator is about two orders of magnitude wider than a crystal's, but the ceramic is somewhat cheaper than a crystal. It may be noted for comparison that quartz crystals with relaxed tolerances cost about twice as much as ceramic resonators. For purposes of clocking a microcontroller, the frequency tolerance is often relatively noncritical, and the economic consideration becomes the dominant factor. Figure 6 shows a graph of impedance magnitude versus frequency for a 3.58 MHz ceramic resonator. (Note that Figure 6 is a graph of Izrl versus frequency, where 10-283 inter AP-155 as Figure 3 is a'graph ofXrversus frequency.) Anumber of spurious responses are apparent in Figure 6. The manufacturers state that spurious responses are more prevalent in the lower frequency resonators (kHz range) than in the higher frequency units (MHz range). For our purposes only the MHz range ceramics need to be considered. frequency and the chip you want it to work with .. They'll supply the resonators, a circuit diagram showing the positions and -values of 'other external components that may be required and a: guarantee that the circuit will work properly at the ,specified frequency. OSCILLATOR DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ----iIOI-I- - - Designers of microcontroller systems have a number of options to choose from for clocking the system. The main decision is whether to use the "on-chip" oscillator or an external oscillator. If the choice is to use the onchip oscillator, what kinds of external components are needed to make it operate as advertised? If the choice is to use an external oscillator, what type of oscillator should it be? SYMBOL EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT 230659-8 Figure 7. Ceramic Resonator: Symbol and Equivalent Circuit Figure 7 shows the symbol and equivalent circuit for the ceramic resonator, both of which are the same as for the crystal. The parameters have different values, however, as listed in Table 2. The decisions have to be based on both economic and technical requirements. In this section we'll discuss some of the factors that should be considered. r.l1..' \i TALl Table 2. Typical Ceramic Parameters Frequency MHz 3.56 6.0 8.0 11.0 R1 ohms 7. 8 7 10 L1 mH 0.; ;3 C1 pF ,19.6 0.094 0.092 0.057 8.3 4.6 3.9 ------1 Co pF 140 60 40 30 , '0 c __ T . . . I XTAL2I' , .,!,.L..:.,I----.,.-.J 230659-9 Figure 8. Using the "On-Chip" Oscillator Note that the motional arm of the ceramic resonator tends to have less resistance than the quartz crystal and also a vastly reduced L,/C, ratio. This results. in the motional arm having a Q (given by (l/R,) ~L,/C,) that is typically two orders of magnitude lower than that of a quartz crystal. The lower Q makes for a faster startup of the oscilaltor and for a less closely controlled frequency (meaning that circuitry external to the resonator will have more influence on the frequency than with a quartz crystal). Another major difference is that the shunt capacitance of the ceramic resonator.is an order of magnitude higher than Co of the quartz crystal and more dependent on the frequency of the resonator. The implications of these differences are not all obvious, but some will be indicated in the section on Oscillator Calculations. On-Chip Oscillators IiI most cases, the on-chip amplifier with the appropriate external components provides the most economical solution to the clocking problem. Exceptions may arise in severe environments when frequency tolerances are tighter than about 0.01 %. The external components that ,need to be added are a positive reactance (normally a crystal or ceramic resonator) and the two capacitors Cx, and CX2, as shown in Figure 8. . ' Crystal Specifications - Specificati()ns for an appropriate crystal are not ver'l critical, unless the frequency is. Any fundamental-mode crystal of med.ium or better quality can be used. Specifications for Ceramic Resonators Ceramic resonators are easier to specify than quartz crystals. All the vendor wants to know is the desired 10-284 AP-155 We are often asked what maximum crystal resistance should be specified. The best answer to this question is the lower the better, but use what's available. The crystal resistance will have some effect on start-up time and steady-state amplitude, but not so much that it can't be comperisated for by appropriate selection of the capacitances CX! and CX2. Similar questions are asked about specifications of load capacitance and shunt capacitance. The best advice we can give is to understand what these parameters mean and how they affect the operation of the circuit (that being the purpose of this Application Note), and then decide for yourself if such specifications are meaningful in your application or not. Normally, they're not, unless your frequency tolerances are tighter than about 0.1%. Part of the problem is that crystal manufacturers are accustomed to talking "ppm" tolerances with radio engineers and simply won't take your order until you've filled out their list of specifications. It will help if you define your actual frequency tolerance requirements, both for yourself and to the .crystal manufacturer. Don't pay for 0.003% crystals if your actual frequency tolerance is 1%. Oscillation Frequency The oscillation frequency is determined 99.S% by the crystal and up to about O.S% by the circuit external to the crystal. The on-chip amplifier has little effect on the frequency, which is as it should be, since. the amplifier parameters are temperature and process dependent. The influence of the on-chip amplifier on the frequency is by means of its input and output (pin-to-ground) capacitances, which parallel CX! and CX2, and the XTALI-to-XTAL2 (pin-to-pin) capacitance, which parallels the crystal. The input and pin-to-pin capacitances are about 7 pF each. Internal phase deviations from the nominal 180· can be modeled as an output capacitance of 2S to 30 pF. These deviations from the ideal have less effect in the positive reactance oscillator (with the inverting amplifer) than in a comparable series resonant oscillator (with the noninverting amplifier) for two reasons: first, the effect of the output capacitance is lessened, if not swamped, by the off-chip capacitor; secondly, the positive' reactance oscillator is less sensitive, frequency-wise, to such phase errors. tor is being used, and also on application-specific requirements on start-up time and frequency tolerance. Start-up time is sometimes more critical in microcontroller systems than frequency stability, because ofvarious reset and initialization requirements. Less commonly, accuracy of the oscillator frequency is also critical, for example, when the oscillator is being used as a time base. As a general rule, fast start-up and stable frequency tend to pull the oscillator design in opposite directions. Considerations of both start-up time and frequency stability over temperature suggest that CX! and CX2 should be about equal and at least 20 pF. (But they don't have to be either.) Increasing the value of these capacitances above some 40 or SO pF improves frequency stability. It also tends to increase the start-up time. There is a maximum value (several hundred pF, depending on the value of R! of the quartz or ceramic resonator) above which the oscillator won't start up at all. If the on-chip amplifier is a simple inverter, such as in . the 80SI, the user can select values for CX!and CX2 between some 20 and 100 pF, depending on whether start-up time or frequency stability is the more critical parameter in a specific application. If the on-chip amplifier is a Schmitt Trigger, such as in the 8048, smaller values of CX! must be used (S to 30 pF), in order to prevent the oscillator from running in a relaxation mode. Later sections in this Application Note will discuss the effects of varying CX! and CX2 (as well as other parameters), and will have more to say on their selection. Placement of Components Noise glitches arriving at XTALI or XTAL2 pins at the wrong time can cause a miscount in the internal clock-generating circuitry. These kinds of glitches can be produced through capacitive coupling between the oscillator components and PCB traces carrying digital signals with fast rise and fall times. For this reason, the oscillator components should be mounted close to the chip and have short, direct traces to the XTALI, XTAL2, and VSS pins. Clocking Other Chips Selection of CX1 and CX2 There are times when it would be desirable to use the on-chip oscillator to clock other chips in the system. Optimal values for the capacitors CX! and CX2 depend on whether a quartz crystal or ceramic resona- 10-285 inter AP-155 VCC CLOCK OUT ::t-_-'W~-_...j XTAL2 C.. t---iI--4-...jXTALl 230659-10 This can be done if an appropriate buffer is used. A TTL buffer puts too much load on the on-chip amplifier for reliable start-up. A CMOS buffer (such as the 74HC04) can be used, if it's fast enough and if its VIH and VIL specs are compatible with the available signal amplitudes. Circuits such as shown in Figure 9 might also be considered for these types of applications. Clock-related signals are available at the TO pin in the MCS-48 products, at ALE in the MCS-48 and MCS-51 lines, and the iACX-96 controllers provide a CLKOUT signal. . A) DRIVING FROM XTAL2 VCC lK CLOCK OUT n~ C -:: 12 XTAL2 0 XTALI C.. 230659-11 B) DRIVING FROM XTAL 1 Figure 9. Using the On-Chip Oscillator to Drive Other Chips External OSCillators When technical requirements dictate the use of an external oscillator, the external drive requirements for the microcontroller, as published in the data sheet, must be carefully noted. The logic levels are not in general TTLcompatible. And each controller has its idiosyncracies in this regard. The 8048, for example, re.quires that both XTAL1 and XTAL2 be driven. The 8051 can be driven that way, but the data sheet suggest the simpler method of grounding XTAL1 and driving XTAL2. For this method, the driving source must be capable of sinking some current when XTAL2 is being driven low. For the external oscillator itself, there are basically two choices: ready-made and home-grown. 10-286 inter AP-155 Frequency Tolerance: ± 0.1 % Overall O·C-70·C TTL Crystal Clock Oscillator The HS-l00, HS-200, & HS-500 all-metal package series of oscillators are TTL compatible & fit a DIP layout. Standard electrical specifications are shown below. Variations are available for special applications. Frequency Range: HS-100-3.5 MHz to 30 MHz HS-200-225 KHz to 3.S MHz HS-S00-25 MHz to 60 MHz Hermetically Sealed Package Mass spectrometer leak rate max. 1 X 10- 8 atmos. cc/sec: of helium Output Waveform -[TAt- -1TF- - -~ [E- - - - - ---2.4 VDe - - - ----14 VDe =~ ---- ___ _ ___ 0.4 VDe --VOL .0 VDe 60% Max 230659-12 INPUT HS-100 HS-200 HS-500 3.5 MHz-20 MHz 20 + MHz-30 MHz 225 KHz-4.0 MHz 25 MHz-SO MHz 5V ±10% 5V ±10% 5V ±10% 5V ±10% 40mA 85mA 50mA Supply Voltage (Vcd Supply Current (Icd max. 30mA OUTPUT HS-100 VOH (Logic "1 ") VOL (Logic "0") Symmetry TR, TF (Rise & Fall Time) Output Short Circuit Current Output Load HS-200 HS-500 3.5 MHz-20 MHz 20 + MHz-30 MHz 225 KHz-4.0 MHz 25 MHz-SO MHz +2.4Vmin. 1 +O.4V max. 3 S0/40%5 +2.7Vmin.2 +0.5V max. 4 S0/40%5 +2.4V min.l +0.4Vmax. 3 55/45%5 +2.7V min. 2 +0.5V max. 4 60/40%5 < 10 ns 6 < 5 ns6 < 15 ns 6 < 5 ns 6 18 mA min. 1 to 10 TTL Loads 7 40 mAmin. 1 t9 10 TTL Loads8 18mAmin. 1 to 10 TTL Loads 7 40mAmin. 1 to 10 TTL Loads 8 CONDITIONS 110 source = - 400 p.A max. 210 source = -1;0 mA max. 310 sink = 1S.0 mA max. 410 sink = 20.00 mA max. 5Vo = 1.4V 6(0.4V to 2.4V) Figure 10.l;Ire-Packaged Oscillator "Reprinted with the permission of @Midland·Ross Corporation 1982. 10-287 71.6 mA per load 82.0 mA per load Data· inter Ap·155 Prepackaged oscillators are available from most crystal manufacturers, and have the advantage that the system designer can treat the oscillator as a black box whose performance is guaranteed by, people who carry many years of experience in designing and' building oscillators. Figure 10 shows a typical' data sheet for some prepackaged oscillators. Oscillators are also available with complementary outputs. The feedback resistance has to be quite low, however, since it must conduct current sourced by the input pin without allowing the DC input voltage to get too far above the DC output voltage. For biasing purposes, the feedback resistance should not exceed a- few k-ohms. But shunting the crystal with such a low resistance does not encourage, start-up: If the oscillator is to drive the microcontroller directly, one will want to make a careful comparison between the external drive requirements in the microcontroller data sheet and the oscillator's output logic levels and test conditions. lK lK 1. 01 ", 74LS04 OUTPUT If oscillator stability is less critical than cost, the user may prefer to go with an in-house design. Not without some precautions, however. Rx (SEVERAL kO) It's easy to design oscillators that work. Almost all of them do work, even if the designer isn't too clear on why. The key point here is that almost all of them work. The problems begin when the system goes into production, and marginal units commence malfunctioning in the field. Most digital designers, after all, are not very adept at designing oscillators lor production. en ex. 230659-13 A) TTL OSCILLATOR lMU 74e04 OUTPUT Oscillator design is somewhat of a black art, with the quality of the finished product being very dependent on the designer's experience and intuition. For that reason the most important consideration in any design is to have an adequate preproduction test program. Preproduction tests are discussed later in this Application Note. Here we will discuss some of the design options and take a look at some commonly used configurations. Gate Oscillators versus Discrete Devices Digital systems designers are understandably reluctant to get involved with discrete devices and their peculiarities (biasing techniques, etc.). Besides, the component count for these circuits tends to be quite a bit higher than what a digital designer is used to seeing for that amount of functionality. Nevertheless, if there are unusual requirements on the accuracy and stability of the, clock frequency, it should be noted that discrete device oscillators can be tailored to suit the exact needs of the application and perfected to a level that would be difficult for a gate oscillator to approach. In most cases, when an external oscillator is needed, the designer tends to rely on some form of a gate oscillator. A TTL inverter with a resistor connecting the output to the input makes a suitable inverting amplifier. The resistor holds the inverter in the transition region between logical high and low, so that at least for start-up purposes the inverter is a linear amplifier. 230659-14 B) CMOS OSCILLATOR Figure 11. Commonly Used Gate Oscillators Consequently, the configuration in Figure llA might be suggested. By breaking Rr into two parts and ACgrounding the midpoint, one achieves the DC feedback required to hold the inverter in its active region, but without the negative signal feedback that is in effect telling the circuit not to oscillate. However, this biasing scheme will increase the start-up time, and relaxationtype oscillations are also possible. A CMOS inverter, such as the 74HC04, might work better in this application; since a larger Rr can be used to hold the inverter in its linear region. , Logic gates tend to have a fairly low output resistance, which destabilizes the oscillator. For that reason a resistor Rx is often added to the feedback network, as shown in Figures IIA and B. At higher frequencies a 20 or 30 pF capacitor is sometimes used in the Rx position, to compensate for some of the internal propagation delay. Reference I contains an excellent discussion of gate oscillators, and a number of design examples. 10-288 AP-155 Fundamental versus Overtone Operation It's easier to design an oscillator circuit to operate in the resonator's fundamental response mode than to design one for overtone operation. A quartz crystal whose fundamental response mode covers the desired frequency can be obtained up to some 30 MHz. For frequencies above that, the crystal might be used in an overtone mode. 230659-15 Figure 12. "Series Resonant" Gate Oscillator Several problems arise in the design of an overtone oscillator. One is to stop the circuit from oscillating in the fundamental mode, which is what it would really rather do, for a number of reasons, involving both the amplifying device and the crystal. Ail additional problem with overtone operation is an increased tendency to spurious oscillations. That is because the Rl of various spurious modes is likely to be about the same as Rl of the intended overtone response. It may be necessary, as suggested in Reference I, to specify a "spurious-to-mainresponse" resistance ratio to avoid the possibility of trouble. Overtone oscillators are not to be taken lightly. One would be well advised to consult with an engineer who is knowledgeable in the subject during the design phase of such a circuit. Series versus Parallel Operation Series resonant oscillators use noninverting amplifiers. To make a noninverting amplifier out of logic gates requires that two inverters be used, as shown in Figure 12. This type of circuit tends to be inaccurate and unstable in frequency over variations in temperature and Vee. It has a tendency to oscillate at overtones, and to oscillate through Co of the crystal or some stray capacitance rather than as controlled by the mechanical resonance of the crystal. The demon in series resonant oscillators is the phase shift in the amplifier. The series resonant oscillator wants more than just a "noninverting" amplifier-it wants a zero phase-shift amplifier. Multistage noninverting amplifiers tend to have a considerably lagging phase shift, such that the crystal reactance must be capacitive in order to bring the total phase shift around the feedback loop back up to O. In this mode, a "12 MHz" crystal may be running at 8 or 9 MHz. One can put a capacitor in series with the crystal to relieve the crystill of having to produce all of the required phase shift, and bring the oscillation frequency closer to fs. However, to further complicate the situation, the amplifier's phase shift is strongly dependent on frequency, temperature, VCC, and device sample. Positive reactance oscillators ("parallel resonant") use inverting amplifiers. A single logic inverter can be used for the amplifier, as in Figure II. The amplifier's phase shift is less critical, ,?ompared to a series resonant circuit, and since only one inverter is involved there's less phase error anyway. The oscillation frequency is effectively bounded by the resonant and antiresonant frequencies of the crystal itself. In addition, the feedback network includes capacitors that parallel the input and output terminals of the amplifier, thus reducing the effect of unpredictable capacitances at these points. MORE ABOUT USING THE "ON-CHIP" OSCILLATORS In this section we will describe the on-chip inverters on selected microcontrollers in some detail, and discuss criteria for selecting components to work with them. Future data sheets will supplement this discussion with updates and information pertinent to the use of each chip's oscillator circuitry. Oscillator Calculations Oscillator design, though aided by theory, is still largely an empirical exercise. The circuit is inherently nonlinear, and the normal analysis parameters vary with instantaneous voltage. In addition, when dealing with the on-chip circuitry, we have FETs being used as resistors, resistors being used as interconnects, distributed delays, input protection devices, parasitic junctions, and processing variations. Consequently, oscillator calculations are never very precise. They can be useful, however, if they will at least indicate the effects of variations in the circuit parameters on start-up time, oscillation frequency, and steady-state amplitude. Start-up time, for example, can be taken as an indication of start-up reliability. If preproduction tests indicate a possible start-up problem, a relatively inexperienced designer can at least be made aware of what parameter may be causing the marginality, and what direction to go in to fix it. 10-289 inter Ap·155 vee PHASE .1 00'.j:--:---_ 50' F. MHz 0' ~--+---_\+_----+4.607, 4.609 -50' XTAL2 XTALl ", . 230659-16 . A) 8081-Type Circuit Configuration during Start-Up. (Excludes Input Protection Devices.) '. MAGNITUDE 20 15 ~~r----~-------I ~ I Z, ______ -' Ro r---------, I! ' I ~I' I L.._ c.. 10 I I 1 I I' lit I z,---.- :---1 • ..l I I L._ 5 I I 4.607 CXI I ___ ..II I L. _____________,.JI 4.609 I--lkHz-1 v, ! 4.609 230659-18 Figure 14; Loop Gain versus Frequency (4.608 MHz Crystal) 230659-17 8) AC-Equlvalent Of (A) The gain of the feedback network is Figure 13. Oscillator Circuit Model Used In Start-Up Calculations The analysis used here is mathematically straightforward but algebraically intractable. That means it's relatively easy to understand andprogr8.Jll into a computer, but it will not yield a neat formula that gives, say, steady-state amplitudl; as ,a function of this or that list of parameters. A listing of a BASIC program that implements the analysis will be found in Appendix II. When the circuit is first powered, up, and before' the oscillations have commenced(and if the oscillations/ail to commence), the oscillator can be treated as a small signal linear amplifier with feedback. In that case, standard small-signal analysis techniques can be used to determine start-up characteristics. The circuit model used in this analysis is shown in Figure 13. The circuit approximates that there are no high~f~e quency effects within the amplifier itslef, such that. Its high-frequency behavior is dominated by the load Impedance ZL. This is a reasonable approximation for sin" gle-stage amplifiers of the type used in BOSl-type devices. Then the gain of the amplifier as 'a function of frequency is And the loop gain is , f3A = Zj ~j + Zt x AvZL ZL + Ro The impedances ZL, Zr, and Zj are defined in Figure 13B. . Figure 14 shows the way the loop gain thus calculated (using typical 805 I-type parameters and a 4.60~ MHz crystal) varies with frequency. The frequency ofmterest is the one for which the phase of the loop gain is zero. The accepted criterion for start-up is that the magnitude of the loop gain must exceed unity atthis frequency. This is the frequency at which· the circuit is in resonance. It cOrresponds very closely with the antiresonant frequency of the motional arm of the crystal in parallel with CL. ' . Figure 15 shows the way the loop gain varies with frequency when the parameters of a 3.58 MHz cei'~ic resonator are used in place of a crystal (the amplifier parameters being typical 8051, as in Figure 14). Note the different frequency scales. 10-290 AP-155 PHASE I... x ,·pl.". a -8 SO' Af\Of\".1 \]V \TV 4 x O'+---+--t---<--+",,""+---+--t-__ A) Poles In Ihe Left-Hall Plane: -50' 1(1) - 230659-20 e- at sin (",I + 8) J... '"P"'" 20 X +a a MAGNITUDE X 15 230659-21 B) Poles In Ihe Right-Hail Plane: I(t) - e+ 8t sin (",t 10 + 8) 5 3.55 3.57 3.59 ~~ f\f\f\f\f\.t V VVV \ F,MHz 230659-19 Figure 15. Loop Gain versus Frequency (3.58 MHz Ceramic) C) Poles the J", Axis: I(t) - sin (",t 230659-22 + 8) Figure 16. Do You Know Where Your Poles Are Tonight? Start-Up Characteristics The gain function of interest in oscillators is 1/(1 It is common, in studies of feedback systems, to examine. the behavior of the closed loop gain as a function of complex frequency s = CT + jCll; specifically, to determine the location of its poles in the complex plane. A pole is a point on the complex plane where the gain function goes to infinity. Knowledge of its location can be used to predict the response of the system to an input disturbance. The way that the response function depends on the location of the poles is shown in Figure 16. Poles in the left-half plane cause the ·response function to take the form of a damped sinusoid. Poles in the right-half plane cause the response function to take the form of an exponentially growing sinusoid. In general, vet) - eat sin (wt + 8) where a is the real part of the pole frequency. Thus if the pole is in the right-half plane, a is positive and the sinusoid grows. If the pole is in the left-half plane, a is negative and the sinusoid is damped. The same type of analysis can usefully be applied to oscillators. In this case, however, rather than trying to ensure that the poles are in the left-half plane, we would seek to ensure that they're in the right-half plane. An exponentially growing sinusoid is exactly what is wanted from an oscillator that has just been powered up. fJA). Its poles are at the complex frequencies where fJA = 1LO", because that value of fJA causes the gain func- tion to go to infinity. The oscillator will start up if the real part of the pole frequency is positive. More importantly, the rate at which it starts up is indicated by how much greater than 0 the real part of the pole frequency is. The circuit in Figure 13B can be used to find the pole frequencies of the oscillator gain function. All that needs to be done is evaluate the impedances at complex frequencies CT + jCll rather than just at CIl, and find the value of CT + jCll for which fJA = 1LO·. The larger that value of CT is, the faster the oscillator will start up. Of course, other things besides pole frequencies, things like the VCC rise time, are at work in determining the start-up time. But to the extend that the pole frequencies do affect start-up time, we can obtain results like those in Figures 17 and 18. To obtain these figures the pole frequencies were computed for various values of capacitance Cx from XTAL1 and XTAL2 to ground (thus CX! = CX2 = ex). Then a "time constant" for start-up was calculat1 ed as Ts = - where CT is the real part of the pole freCT quency (rad/sec), and this time constant is plotted versus Cx. 10-291 inter AP-155 As 'previously mentioned, start-up time can be taken as an indication of start-up reliability. Start-up problems are normally associated with CXl and CX2 being too small or too large for a given resonator. If the parameters of the resonator are known, curves such as in Figure 17 or 18 can be generated to define acceptable ranges of values for these capacitors. TB• MILLISECONDS .5 .4 .3 As the oscillations grow in amplitude, they reach a level at which they undergo severe clipping within the amplifier, in effect reducing the amplifier gain. As the amplifier gain decreases, the poles move towards the jCLI axis. In steady-state, the poles are on the jCLI axis and the amplitude of the oscillations is constant. .' .2 .1 Cx.pF 10 30 IE 50 --~ - It I i I X2: ~ [1. ~ III 90 110 230659-23 TB• ,.sEC c:; 50 .... .... . ... vee: 70 • • -- :40 I I 30 20 ... ··· n ·' · II Cx-pF 10 - o.~-+ 40 , 230559-24 __ 60 ~ 60 __ +-~ 100 __~__~__ 120 140 160 230659-26 vec: X2: 230659-25 Figure 17. Oscillator Start-Up (4;608 MHz Crystal from Standard Crystal Corp.) A short time constant means faster: startCup. A long time constant means slow start-up. Observations of ace tual start-ups are shown in the figures. Figure 17 is for a typical 8051 with a 4.608 MHz crystal supplied by Standard Crystal Corp .• and Figure 18 is for a typical 8051 with a 3.58 MHz ceramic resonator supplied by NTK Technical Ceramics, Ltd. . It can be seen in Figure 17 that, for this crystal, values of Cx between 30 and 50 pF minimize start-up time, but that the exact value in this range is not particularly important, even if the start-up time itself is .critical.. 230659-28 Figure 18. Oscillator Start-Up (3.58 MHz Ceramic . Resonator from NTK Technical Ceramics) 10-292 inter AP-155 VOLTS o 1c~a and source connected to ground (VSS), as shown in Figure 20 for the 8051, and in Figure 21 for the 8048. Its function is to limit the positive voltage at the gate of the input FET to the avalanche voltage of the drain junction. If the input pin is driven below VSS, the drain and source of the protection FET interchange roles, so its gate is connected to what is now the drain. In this condition the device resembles a diode with the anode connected to VSS. XTAL2 8051 XTALI "::" C. • 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 There is a parasitic pn junction between the ohmic resistor and the substrate. In the ROM parts (8015, 8048, etc.) the substrate is held at approximately - 3V by the on-chip back-bias generator. In the EPROM parts (8751, 8748, etc.) the substrate is connected to VSS. ·160 180 200 220 -1 Ca-pF -2 230659-29 A) Signal Levels at XTAL 1 VOLTS 5 __ The effect of the input protection circuitry on the oscillator is that if the XTALI signal goes negative, its negative peak is clamped to - VDS of the protection FET in the ROM parts, and to about -0.5V in the EPROM parts. These negative voltages on XTALI are in this application self-limiting and nondestructive. calculated • experimental pol,n'. VOL at XTAL2 20 40 60 The clamping action does, however, raise the DC level at XTALl, which in turn tends to reduce the positive peak at XTAL2. The waveform at XTAL2 resembles a sinusoid riding on a DC level, and whose negative peaks are clipped off at zero. 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 -1 230659-30 B) Signal Levels at XTAL2' Figure 19. Calculated and Experimental SteadyState Amplitudes vs. Bulk Capacitance from XTAL 1 and XTAL2 to Ground Steady·State Characteristics Steady-state analysis is greatly complicated by the fact that we are dealing with large signals and nonlinear circuit response. The circuit parameters vary with instantaneous voltage, and a number of clamping and clipping mechanisms come into play. Analyses that take all these things into account are too complicated to be of general use, and analyses that don't take them into account are too inaccurate to justify the effort. . There is a steady-state analysis in Appendix B that takes some of the complications into account and ignores others. Figure 19 shows the way the steady-state amplitudes thus calculated (using typical 8051 parameters and a 4.608 MHz crystal) vary with equal bulk capacitance placed from XTALl and XTAL2 to 'ground. Experimental results are shown for comparison. The waveform at XTALl is a fairly clean sinusoid. Its negative peak is normally somewhat below zero, at a level which is determined mainly by the input protection circuitry at XTAL 1. The input protection circuitry consists of an ohmic resistor and an enhancement-mode FET with the gate Since it's normally the XTAL2 signal that drives the internal clocking circuitry, the question naturally arises as to how large this signal must be to reliably do its job. In fact, the XTAL2 signal doesn't have to meet the same VIH and VIL specifications that an external driver would have to. That's because as long as the oscillator is working, the on-chip amplifier is driving itself through its own 0-to-1 transition region, which is very nearly the same as the O-to-l transition region in the internal buffer that follows the oscillator. If some processing variations move the transition level higher or lower, the on-chip amplifier tends to compensate for it by the fact that its own transition level is correspondingly higher or lower. (In the 8096, it's the XTAL1 signal that drives the internal clocking circuitry, but the same concept applies.) The main concern about the XTAL2 signal amplitude is an indication of the general health of the oscillator. An amplitude of less than about 2.5V peak-to-peak indicates that start-up problems could develop in some units (with low gain) with some crystals (with high R!). The remedy is to either adjust the values of CX! and/or CX2 or use a crystal,with a lower R!. The amplitudes at XTALl and XTAL2 can be adjusted by changing the ratio of the capacitors from XTAL1 and XTAL2 to ground. Increasing the XTAL2 capacitance, for example, decreases the amplitude at XTAL2 and increases the amplitude at XTALI by about the same amount. Decreasing both caps increases both amplitudes. 10-293 inter AP·155 Pin Capacitance Internal pin-to-ground and pin-to-pin capacitances at XTALl and XTAL2 will have some effect on the oscillator. These capacitances are normally taken to be in the range of 5 to 10 pF, but they are extremely difficult to evaluate. Any measurement of one such capacitance will necessarily include effects from the others. One advantage of the positive reactance oscillator is that the pin-to-ground capacitances are paralleled by external bulk capacitors, so a precise determination of their val~ ue is unnecessary. We would suggest that there is little justification for more precision than to assign them a value of 7 pF (XTAL1-to-ground and XTAL1-toXTAL2). This value is probably not in error by J:l1ore than 3 or 4 pF. The XTAL2-to-ground capacitance is not entirely "pin capacitance," but more like an "equivalent output capacitance" of some 25 to 30 pF, having to include the effect of internal phase delays. This value will vary to some extent with temperature, processing, and frequency. MCS®·51 Oscillator The on-chip amplifier on the HMOS MCS-51 family is shown in Figure 20. The drain load and feedback "resistors" are seen to be field-effect transistors. The drain load FET, RD, is typically equivalent to about lK to 3 K-ohms. As an ,amplifier, the low frequency voltage gain is normally between - 10 and - 20, and the output resistance is effectively RD. VCC used than those which minimize start-up time: Larger values than those can be used in applications where increased frequency stability is desired, at some sacrifice in start-up time. Standard Crystal Corp. (Reference B) studied the use of their crystals with the MCS-51 family using skew sample supplied by Intel. They suggest putting 30 pF ca~ pacitors from XTALl and XTAL2 to ground, if the crystal is specified as described in Reference B. They noted that in that configuration and with crystals thus specified, the frequency accuracy was ± 0.01 % and the frequency stability was ± 0.005%, and that a frequency accuracy of ±0.005% could be obtained by substituting a 25 pF fixed cap in parallel with a 5-20 pF trimmer for one of the 30 pF caps. MCS-51 skew samples have 'also been supplied to a number of ceramic resonator manufacturers for characterization with their products. These companies should be contacted for application information on their products. In general, however, ceramics tend to want somewhat larger values for CX! and CX2 than quartz crystals do. As shown in Figure 1B, they start up a lot faster that way. In some application the actual frequency tolerance required is only 1% or so, the user being concerned mainly that the circuit will osci!!ate. In that case, eXt and Cxz can be selected rather freely in the range of 20 to BOpF. As you can see, "best" values for these components and their tolerances are strongly dependent on the applica,tion and its requirements. In any case, their suitability should be verified by environmental testing before the design is submitted to production. MCS®·48 OSCillator " TO INTERNAL CIRCUITRY The NMOS and HMOS MCS-4B oscillator is shown in Figure 21. It differs from the B051 in that its inverting VCC XTAL2 230659-31 TO INTERNAL CIRCUITRY Figure 20_ MCS®·51 Oscillator Amplifier The B0151 oscillator is normally used with equal bulk capacitors placed externally from XTALl to ground and from XTAL2 to ground.'To determine a reasonable value of capacitance to use in these positions, given a crystal of ceramic resonator of known parameters, one can use the BASIC analysis in Appendix II to generate curves such as in Figures 17 and lB. This procedure will define a range of values that will minimize start-up time. We don't suggest that smaller values be 10-294 XTAL2 230659-,32 Figure 21. MCS®·48 OSCillator Amplifier AP-155 v. more slowly, but it eventually takes over and dominates the operation of the cirucit. This is shown in Figure 23A. ~ hysteresis 5V Due to processing variations, some units seem to have a harder time coming out of the relaxation mode, particularly at low temperatures. In some cases the resonator oscillations may fail entirely, and leave the device in the relaxation mode. Most units will stick in the relaxation mode at any temperature if Cx! is larger than about 50 pF. Therefore, Cx! should be chosen with some care, particularly if the system must operate at lower temperatures. .2V v, LTP UTP 230659-33 Figure 22. Schmitt Trigger Characteristic amplifier is a Schmitt Trigger. This configuration was chosen to prevent crosstalk from the TO pin, which is adjacent to the XTALI pin. All Schmitt Trigger circuits exhibit a hysteresis effect, as shown in Figure 22. The hysteresis is what makes it less sensitive to noise. The same hysteresis allows any Schmitt Trigger to be used as a relaxation oscillator. All you have to do is connect a resistor from output to input, and a capacitor from input to ground, and the circuit oscillates in a relaxation mode as follows. If the Schmitt Trigger output is at a logic high, the capacitor commences charging through the feedback resistor. When the capacitor voltage reaches the upper trigger point (UTP), the Schmitt Trigger output switches to a logic low and the capacitor commences discharging through the same resistor. When the capacitor voltage reaches the lower trigger point (LTP), the Schmitt Trigger output switches to a logic high again, and the sequence repeats. The oscillation frequency is determined by the RC time constant and the hysteresis voltage, UTP-LTP. The 8048 can oscillate in this mode. It has an internal feedback resistor. All that's needed is an external capacitor from XTAL I to ground. In fact, if a smaller external feedback resistor is added, an 8048 system could be designed to run in this mode. Do it at your own risk! This mode of operation is not tested, specified, documented, or encouraged in any way by Intel for the 8048. Future steppings of the device might have a different type of inverting amplifier (one more like the 8051). The CHMOS members of the MCS-48 family do not use a Schmitt Trigger as the inverting amplifier. Relaxation oscillations in the 8048 must be avoided, and this is the major objective in selecting the off-chip components needed to complete the oscillator circuit. When an 8048 is powered up, if VCC has a short rise time, the relaxation mode starts first. The frequency is normally about 50 KHz. The resonator mode builds One method that has proven effective in all units to -40·C is to put 5 pF from XTALI to ground and 20 pF from XTAL2 to ground. Unfortunately, while this method does discourage the relaxation mode, it is not an optimal choice for the resonator mode. For one thing, it does not swamp the pin capacitance. Also, it makes for a rather high signal level at XTALI (8 or 9 volts peak-to-peak). The question arises as to whether that level of signal at XTLAI might damage the chip. Not to worry. The negative peaks are self-limiting and nondestructive. The positive peaks could conceivably damage the oxide, but in fact, NMOS chips (eg, 8048) and HMOS chips (eg, 8048H) are tested to a much higher voltage than that. The technology trend, of course, is to thinner oxides, as the devices shrink in size. For an extra margin of safety, the HMOS II chips (eg, 8048AH) have an internal diode clamp at XTALI to VCC. In reality, Cx! doesn't have to be quite so small to avoid relaxation oscillations, if the minimum operating temperature is not - 40·C. For less severe temperature requirements, values of capacitance selected in much the same way as for an ,80S I can be used. The circuit should be tested, however, at the system's lowest temperature limit. Additional security against relaxation oscillations can be obtained by putting a 1M-ohm (or larger) resistor from XTALI to VCC. Pulling up the XTALI pin this way seems to discourage relaxation oscillations as effectively as any other method (Figure 23B). Another thing that discourages relaxation oscillations is low VCC. The resonator mode, on the other hand is much less sensitive to VCC. Thus if VCC comes up relatively slowly (several milliseconds rise time), the resonator mode is normally up and running before the relaxation mode starts (in fact, before VCC has even reached operating specs). This is shown in Figure 23C. A secondary effect of the hysteresis is a shift in the oscillation frequency. At low frequencies, the output signal from an inverter without hysteresis leads (or lags) the input by '180 degrees. The hysteresis in a Schmitt Trigger, however, causes the output to lead the 10-295 inter AP-155 input by less than 180 degrees (or lag by more than ISO degrees), by an amount that depends on the signal amplitude, as shown in Figure 24. At higher frequencies, there are additional phase shifts due to the various reactances in the circuit, but the phase shift due to the hysteresis is still present. Since the total phase shift in the oscillator's loop gain is necessarily 0 or 360 degrees, it is apparent that as the oscillations build up, the frequency has to change to allow the reactances to compensate for the hysteresis. In normal operation, this additional phase shift due to hysteresis does not exceed a few degrees, and the resulting frequency shift is negligible. Kyocera, a ceramic resonator manufacturer, studied the use of some of their resonators (at 6.0 MHz, S.O MHz, and 11.0 MHz) with the S049H. Their conclusion as to the value of capacitance to use at XTAL 1 and XTAL2 was that 33 pF is appropriate at all three frequencies. One should probably follow the manufacturer's recommendations in this matter, since they will guarantee operation. Whether one should accept these recommendations and guarantees without further testing is, however, another matter. Not all users have found the recommendations to be without occasional problems. If you run into diffi- 27pF h~ XTALI 0 VCC: 8048 XTAL2 230659-34 XTAL2: A) When VCC Comes Up Fast, Relaxation Oscillations ' Start First. But Then the Crystal Takes Over. 230659-37 vee h lMIl VCC: 27pF , XTALI 0 8048 1--6----l .... XTAL2 XTAL2: 27pF 230659-35 B) Weak Pullup (1 Mn or More) on XTAL 1 Discourages Relaxation Mode. 230659-38 27pF VCC: XTALI h" 0 8048 XTAL2 XTAL2: 230659-36 C) No Relaxation Oscillations When VCC Comes Up More Slowly. 230659-39 Figure 23. Relaxation Oscillations in the 8048 10-296 inter AP-155 culties using their recommendations, both Intel and the ceramic resonator manufacturer want to know about it. It is to their interest, and ours, that such problems be resolved. It will be helpful to build a test jig that will allow the oscillator circuit to be tested independently of the rest of the system. Both start-up and steady-state characteristics should be tested. Figure 25 shows the circuit that A) Software for Oscillator Test SOURCE ORG 0000 H JMP ORG OOOB H CPL RETI ORG 0001BH CPL DJNZ CPL RETI START: MOV MOV MOV 230659-40 A) Inverter Without Hysteresis: Output Leads Input by 180'. MOV MOV JMP START Tl ;TlMER 0 INTERRUPT: ; TOGGLE Tl Pl.l P2,$ Pl.0 ;TIMER 1 INTERRUPT: TOGGLE CRO TRIGGER DELAY TOGGLE VCC CONTROL TH1, #OFAH ;TIMER 1 RELOAD VALUE TL1, #OFAH ;START TLl AT RELOAD VALU TMOD, # 61H ;TlMER 1 TO COUNTER, AUTO ;RELOAD ;TIMER 0 TO TIMER, 16-BIT IE, # BAH ;ENABLE TIMER. INTERRUPTS ;ONLY TCON, #50H ;TURN ON BOTH TIMERS S ;IDLE END .+5V PI.G vee P1.1 f 230659-41 B) Inverter With Hysteresis: Output Leads Input by Less than 180'. Figure 24. Amplitude-Dependent Phase Shift in Schmitt Trigger Preproduction Tests An oscillator design should never be considered ready for production until it has proven its ability to function acceptably well under worst-case environmental conditions and with parameters at their worst-case tolerance limits. Unexpected temperature effects in parts that may already be near their tolerance limits can prevent start-up of an oscillator that works perfectly well on the bench. For example, designers often overlook temperature effects in ceramic capacitors. (Some ceramics are down to 50% of their room"temperature values at - 20"C and + 60°C). The problem here isn't just one of frequency stability, but also involves start-up time and steady-state amplitude. There may also be temperature effects in the resonator and amplifier. 10-297 PI.Gor P1.1 TO OSCILLOSCOPE TRIGGER vee 8051 Ell ALE TO FREQ. COUNTER 230659-42 B) Oscillator Test Circuit (Shown for 8051 Test) Figure 25. Oscillator Test Circuit and Software AP-155 was used to obtain the oscillator start-up photographs in this Application Note. This circuit or a modified version of it would make a convenient test-vehicle. The oscillator and its relevant components can be physically separated from the control circuitry, and placed in a temperature chamber. Start-up should be observed under a variety of conditions, including low VCC and using slow and fast VCC rise times. The oscillator should not be reluctant to start up even when VCC is below its spec value for the rest of the chip. (The rest of the chip may not function, but the oscillator should work.) It should also be verified that start-up occurs when the resonator has more than its upper tolerance limit of series resistance. (Put some resistance in series with the resonator for this test.) The bulk capacitors from XTALI and XTAL2 to ground should also be varied to their tolerance limits. The same circuit, with appropriate changes in the software to lengthen the "on" time, can be used to test the steady-state characteristics of the oscillator, specifically the frequency, frequency stability, and amplitudes at XTALl and XTAL2. As previously noted, the voltage swings at these pins are not critical, but they should be checked at the syS" tem's temperature limits to ensure that they are in good health. ObserVing these signals necessarily changes them somewhat. Observing the signal at XTAL2 reo. quires that the capacitor at that pin be reduced to account for the oscilloscope probe capacitance. Observing the signal at XTALl requires the same consideration, plus a blocking capacitor (switch the oscilloscope input to AC), so as to not disturb the DC level at that pin. Alternatively, a MOSFET buffer such as the one shown in Figure 26 can be used. It should be verified by direct measurement that the ground clip on the scope probe is ohmically cQnnected to the scope chassis (probes are incredibly fragile in this respect), and the observations should be made with the ground clip on the VSS pin, or very close to it. If the probe shield isn't operational and in use, the observations are worthless. Ic1MFE3005 ,b IL... c.:::\ or XTAL2 -5V I '0---+-- The operation of the oscillator should then be verified under actual system running conditions. By this stage one will be able to have some confidence that the basic selection of components for the oscillator itself is suit~ able, so if the oscillator appears to malfunction in the system the fault is not in the selection of these components. Troubleshooting Oscillator Problems The first thing to consider in case of difficulty is that between the test jig and the actual application there may be significant differences. in stray capacitances, particularly if the actual application is on a multi-layer board. Noise glitches, that aren't present in the test jig but are in the application board, are another possibility. Capacitive coupling between the oscillator circuitry and other signal has already been mentioned as a source of miscounts in the internal clocking circuitry. Inductive coupling is also possible, if there are strong currents nearby. These problems are a function of the PCB layout. Surrounding the oscillator components with "quiet" traces (VCC and ground, for example) will alleviate capacitive coupling to signals that have fast transition times. To minimize inductive coupling, the PCB layout should minimize the areas of the loops formed by the oscillator components. These are the loops that should be checked: XTALl through the resonator to XTAL2; . XTALl through CX! to the VSS pin; XTAL2 through CX2 to the VSS pin. +12V XTALl Frequency checks should be made with only the oscillator circuitry connected to XTALI and ·XTAL2. The ALE frequency can be counted, and the oscillator frequency derived from that. In systems where the frequency tolerance is only "nominal," the frequency should still be checked to ascertain that the oscillator isn't running in a spurious resonance or relaxation mode. Switching VCC off and on ag~n repeatedly will help reveal a tendency to go into unwanted modes of oscillation. TO OSCILLOSCOPE JUMPER FOR GATE PROTECTION It is not unusual to find that the grounded ends of CX! and CX2 eventually connect up to the VSS pin only after looping around the farthest ends ofthe board. Not good. Finally, it should not be overlooked that software problems sometimes imitate the symptoms of a slow-starting oscillator or incorrect frequency. Never underestimate the perversity of a software problem. -'-5V 230659-43 Figure 26. MOSFET Buffer for Observing Oscillator Signals 10-298 inter AP-155 REFERENCES 1. Frerking, M. E., Crystal Oscillator Design and Temperature Compensation. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1978. 2. Bottom, V., "The Crystal Unit as a Circuit Component," Ch. 7, Introduction to Quartz Crystal Unit Design. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1982. 3. Parzen, B., Design oj Crystal and Other Harmonic Oscillators. John Wiley & Sons, 1983. 7. Eaton, S. S., Micropower Crystal-Controlled Oscillator Design Using RCA COS/MOS Inverters. RCA Application Note ICAN-6539. 8. Fisher, J. B., Crystal Specifications Jor the Intel 8031/8051/8751 Microcontrollers. Standard Crystal Corp. Design Data Note #2F. 9. Murata Mfg. Co., Ltd., "Cera lock " Application Manual Ceramic Resonator 4. Holmbeck, J. D., "Frequency Tolerance Limitations with Logic Gate Clock Oscillators, 31st Annual Frequency Control Symposium. June, 1977. 10. Kyoto Ceramic Co., Ltd., Adaptability Test Between Intel 8049H and Kyocera Ceramic Resonators. 5. Roberge, J. K., "Nonlinear Systems," Ch. 6, Operational Amplifiers: Theory and Practice. Wiley, 1975. 11. Kyoto Ceramic Co., Ltd., Technical Data on Ceramic Resonator Model KBR-6.0M, KBR-8.0M, KBRl1.0M Application Jar 8051 (Intel). 6. Eaton, S. S. Timekeeping Advances Through COS/MOS Technology. RCA Application Note ICAN6086. 12. NTK Technical Ceramic Division, NGK Spark Plug Co., Ltd., NTKK Ceramic Resonator Manual 10-299 intJ AP-155 APPENDIX A QUARTZ AND CERAMIC RESONATOR FORMULAS Based on the equivalent circuit of the crystal, the impedance of the. crystal is (R1 + jwL1 + 1/jwC1)(1/jwCo) ZXTAL = R1 + jwL1 + 1/jwC1 + 1/jwCo After some algebraic manipulation, this calculation can be written in the form The impedance of the crystal in parallel with an external load capacitance CL is the same expression, but with Co + CL substituted for Co: II 1 1 - w2L1C1 + j ooR 1C1 XTAL CL = jOO(C1 + Co + CLl • 1 - oo2L1C'T + jooR1C'T where C'T is the capacitance of Cl in series with (Co Cd: + Each of the above 8-expressions contains two arctan functions. Setting the denominator of the argument of the first arctan function to zero gives (approximately) the "series resonant" frequency for that configuration. Setting the denominator of the argument of the second arctan function to zero gives (approximately) the "parallel resonant" frequency for that configuration. 1 - oo2L1C1 = 0 The impedance of the crystal in series with the load capacitance is + CL Thus 1 = ZXTAL + ~C jW L = CL + C1 or + Co. 1 - oo2L1C'T jooCL (C1 + Co) + jooR1C'T 1 - oo2L1CT + jooR1CT where CT and C'T are as defined above. The phase angles of these impedances are readily obtained from the impedance expressions themselves: 8XTAL = arctan OOR1C1 1 OOR1C'T 2L C' 1 T 1 - 00 For example, the resonant frequency of the crystal is the frequency at which C'T';' C1(CO + CLl C1+ CO+ CL ZXTAL o The resonant ("series· resonant") frequency is the frequency at which the phase angle is zero and the impedance is low. The antiresonant ("parallel resonant") frequency is the frequency at which the phase angle is zero and the impedance is high. where CT is the capacitance of Cl in series with Co: Z 8XTAL +CL = arctan -w2L1C1 10-300 1 f ---- s - 2'ITA1C1 infef AP·155 It will be noted that the series resonant frequency of the "XTAL+ CL" configuration (crystal in series with CL) is the same as the parallel resonant frequency of the "XTALllcL" configuration (crystal in parallel with Cd. This is the frequency at which Thus Equivalent Series Resistance ESR is the real part of ZXTAL at the oscillation frequency. The oscillation frequency is the parallel resonant frequency of the "XTALllcL" configuration (which is the same as the series resonant frequency of the "XTAL + CL" configuration). Substituting this frequency into the ZXTAL expression yields, after some algebraic manipulation, or This fact is used by crystal manufacturers in the process of calibrating a crystal to a specified load capacitance. By subtracting the resonant frequency of the crystal from its antiresonant frequency, one can calculate the range of frequencies over which the crystal reactance is positive: fa - fs = fs(~1 + C1/CO - 1 fS(2~J Given typical values for CI and Co, this range can hardly exceed 0.5% offs. Unless the inverting amplifier in the positive reactance oscillator is doing something very strange indeed, the oscillation frequency is bound to be accurate to that percentage whether the crystal was calibrated for series operation or to any unspecified load capacitance. "" R1 ( 1 Co)2 + CL Drive Level The power dissipated by the crystal is I~RJ, where II is the RMS current in the motional arm of the crystal. This current is given by vx/lz\l, where Vx is the RMS voltage across the crystal, and Izd is the magnitude of the impedance of the motional arm. At the oscillation frequency, the motional arm is a positive (inductive) . reactance in parallel resonance with (Co + CL)' Therefore IZII is approximately equal to the magnitude of the reactance of (Co + CL): IZ 11 = 1 21ff(Co + CLl where f is the oscillation frequency. Then, p = I~ R1 = (I~~I = [21ff (Co + r R1 CLl Vx12 R1 The waveform of the voltage across the crystal (XTALl to XTAL2) is approximately sinusoidal. If its peak value is VCC, then Vx is VCCI{i. Therefore, P = 2R1 [1ff (Co 10-301 + CLl VCC1 2 AP·155 APPENDIX B OSCILLATOR ANALYSIS PROGRAM· The program is written in BASIC. BASIC is excruciatingly slow, but it has some advantages. For one thing, more people know BASIC than FORTRAN. In addition, a BASIC program is easy to develop, modify, and "fiddle around" with. Another important advantage is that a BASIC program can run on practically any small computer system. Its slowness is a problem, however. For example, the routine which calculates the "start-up time constant" discussed in the text may take several hours to complete. A person who finds this program useful may prefer to convert it to FORTAN, if the facilities are available. Limitations of the Program The program was developed with specific reference to 805 I-type oscillator circuitry. That means the on-chip amplifier is a simple inverter, and not a Schmitt Trigger. The 8096, the 80C51, the 80C48 and 80C49 all have simple inverters. The 8096 oscillator is almost identical to the 8051, differing mainly in the input protection circuitry. The CHMOS amplifiers have somewhat different parameters (higher gain, for example), and different transition levels than the 8051. The MCS-48 family is specifically included in the program only to the extent that the input-output curve used in the steady-state analysis is that of a Schmitt Trigger, if the user identifies the device under analysis as an MCS-48 device. The analysis does not include the voltage dependent phase shift of the Schmitt Trigger. The clamping action of the input protection circuitry is important in determining the steady-state amplitudes. The steady-state routine accounts for it by setting the negative peak of the XTALl signal at a level which depends on the amplitude of the XTALl signal in accordance with experimental observations. It's an exercise in curve-fitting. A user may fmd a different type of curve works better. Later steppings of the chips may behave differently in this respect, having somewhat differenf types of input protection circuitry. It should be noted that the analysis ignores a number of important items, such as high-frequency effects in the on-chip circuitry. These effects are difficult to predict, and are no doubt dependent on temperature, frequency, and device sample. However, they can be simulated to a reasonable degree by adding an "output capacitance" of about 20 pF to the circuit model (i.e" in parallel with CX2) as described below. Notes on Using the Program The program asks·the user to input values for various circuit parameters. First the crystal (or ceramic resonator) parameters are asked for. These are RI, LI, CI, and CO. The manufacturer can supply these values for selected samples. To obtain any kind of correlation between calculation and experiment,· the values of these parameters must be known for the specific sample in the test circuit. The value that should be entered for CO is the CO of the crystal itself plus an estimated 7 pF to account for theXTALI-to-XTAL2 pin capacitance, plus any other stray capacitance paralleling the crystal that the user may feel is significant enough to beincluded. Then the program asks for the values of the XTALI-toground and XTAL2-to-ground capacitances. For. CXTALl, enter the value of the externally connected bulk capacitor plus an estimated 7 pF for pin capacitance. For CXTAL2, enter the value of the externally connected bulk capacitor plus an estimated 7 pF for pin capacitance plus about 20 pF to simulate high-frequency roll-off and phase shifts in the on-chip circuitry. Next the program asks for values for the small-signal parameters of the on-chip amplifier. Typically, for the 8051/8751, Amplifier Gain Magnitude = IS Feedback Resistance = 2300 Kn Output Resistance = 2 Kn The same values can be used for MCS-48 (NMOS and HMOS) devices, but they are difficult to verify, because the Schmitt Trigger does not lend itself to small-signal measurements. 10-302 AP-155 100 DEFDBL C.D.F.G.L.P.R.S.X 200 REM APRIL B. 19B3 300 REM **********.*.*.***.*************** •••• *********** ••• *.**.*** •••••••• *** 400 REM 500 REM 600 REM 700 REM BOO REM FNZM(R.X) 900 DEF FNZM(R.X) 1000 REr1 1100 REM FNZP(R.X) FUNCTIONS MAGNITUDE OF A COMPLEX NUMBER. :R+jX: SOR (R····2+X ..... 2) ANGLE OF A COMPLE~ NUMBER 180/PI*ARCTANIX/R) IF R)O REM 180/P I*ARCTANI X/R I + IBO IF R',O AND X>O REM 180/PI*ARCTANIX/RI - 180 IF R<:O AND X(O DEF FNZP(R.X) 180/PI*ATN(X/R) - ISGNIR)-I)*SGNIX)*90 REM REM INDUCTIVE IMPEDANCE AT C0I1PLEX FREQUENCY S+jF 1HZ) REM Z =- 2*PI*S*L + J2*PI*F*L REM FNRL(S.LI + jFNXLIF.L) DEF FNRLISL.LL) = 2_*PI*SL*LL DEF FNXLIFL.LL) = 2_*PI*FL*LL REM CAPACITIVE IMPEDANCE AT COMPLEX FREQUENCY S+jF 1HZ) REM REM Z = 1/[2*PI*(S+jF)*Cl = S/C2*PI*CS"2+F"2)*Cl + J(-F)/C2.PI*CS ..... 2+F·..·2)Cl REM REM = FNRCIS.F.C) + jFNXCIS.F.CI DEF FNRC ISC. FC. CC I = SCI 12_*PI* ISC "'2+FC"'2)*CC I DEF FNXC ISC. FC. CC) = -FCII2_*PI*(SC"'2+FC"'21*CC I REM REM RATIO OF TWO COMPLEX NUMBERS REM RA+jXA ,RA*RB+XA*XB REM + j REM RB-2+XB-2 RB-2+XB-2 RB+ .rX3 REM FNRRIRA.XA.RB.XB) + jFNXR(RA.XA.RB.XB) DEF FNRR(RA.XA.RB. XB) = (RA*RB+XA*XB)/(RB A 2+XB-2) DEF FNXR(RA.XA.RB. XBI = IXA*RB-XB*RA)/(RB"2+XB A 2) REM REM PRODUCT OF TWO COMPLEX NUMBERS (RA+jXA)*IRB+jXB) REM RA*RD-XA*XB + jIXA*RB+RA*XB) REM FNRM(RA.XA.RB.XB) + jFNXMIRA.XA.RB.XB) DEF FNRM(RA.XA.RB.XBI RA*RD - XA*XB DEF FNXM(RA.XA.RB. XBI RA*XD + RB*XA REM REM REM PARALLEL 1I1PEDANCE.S REM IRA+jXA): :(RD+jXB) REM RA+RD +jIXA+XB) REM RE'M REM REM + REM (RA+RD) "2 + (XA+XB)-2 REM REM FNRPIRA.XA.RD.XDI + jFNXP(RA.XA.RD.XB) DEF FNRPIRA.XA.RB.XD) IRA*IRB"2+XB"'21 + RD*(RA"2+XA-211/«RA+RBI-2 + (XA+XBI-21 DEF FNXPIRA. XA. RB. XDI = (XA*(RB"'2+XD"21 + XB*(RA-2+XA-2) 1/( (RA+RBI-2 + (XA+XBI-2) REM REM ******** •• ********.***************** •• ************************.******. REM REM BEGIN COMPUTATIONS REM LET PI = 3.141592654_ REM REM DEFINE CIRCUIT PARAMETERS Q05UB 14~OO REM REM ESTABLISH r~or"INAL RESONANT ANI) ANT I RESONANT CRYSTAL FREGUENCIES FS = FIX(1/(2*PI-SQR(Ll*Cllll FA = FIX(1/12*PI*SQR(Ll*CI*CO/(CI'~Oi)l) PRINT PRINT "XTAL 15 SERIES RESONANT AT ".FS." HZ" PRINT" PARALLEL RESONANT AT ".FA." HZ" PRINT PR INT "SELECT: 1. LIST PARAMETERS" PR INT 2. CIRCUIT ANALYSIS;' PRINT " 3. OSCILLATION FREQUENC't" PRINT" 4. START'·UP TiME CONSTANT" PRINT 5. STEADY-STATE ANAl.YSIS" 1200 REM 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 IBOO 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600. 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 ~BOO 5900 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 '800 230659-44 10-303 inter Ap·155 7900 PRINT 8000 INPUT N 8100 IF N=I THEN PRINT ELSE 8600 8200 REM 8300 REM ------------- ------.- LIST PARAMETERS ---.-----------------------.-8400 (lOSUS 17100 8500 OOTO 6800 8600 IF N-2 THEN PRINT ELSE 9400 8700 REM 8800 REM - --.---------------.--- CIRCUIT ANALYSIS - -------------------------,8900 PRINT " FREQUENCY' S-+,}F TVPE CS I, IF I " 9000 INPUT SQ.FQ 9100 (lOSUS 20200 9200 (lOSUS 26600 9300 (lOTO 6800 9400 IF N=3 THEN 10300 ELSE 11000 9500 REM 9600 REM ------------------ OSCILLATION FREQUENCY -----------------------9700 CL • CX*CY/CCX+C~1 + CO 9800 FO = FIXC I/C2*PI4S0RCL1*CI*CL/CCl-+CU I I) 9900 SO ~ 0 10000 DF FIXCIO A INTCLOGCFA-FSI/LOOCIOI-2)+. 5) 10100 DS • 0 10200 RETURN 10300 (lOSUS 9700 10400 (lOSUS 30300 10500 PRINT 10600 PRINT 10700 PRINT "FREOUENCY AT WHICH LOOP GAIN HAS ZERO PHASE ANGLE. " 10800 (lOSUB 26600 10900 (lOTO 6800 11000 IF N=4 THEN PRINT ELSE 12200 IIIOO·REM 11200 REM ---------------- START-UP TIME CONSTANT ------------------------11300 PRINT "THIS WILL TAV.E SOME TIME 11400 (lOSUB 9700 11500 (lOSUB 37700 11600 PRINT 11700 PRINT 11800 PRINT "FREQUENCV AT WHICH LOOP GAIN = I AT 0 DEGREES:" 11900 (lOSUB 26600 12000 PRINT: PRINT "THIS YIELDS A START-UP TIME CONSTANT OF "i CSNGCIOOOOOO!/C2*PHSQ))i" MICROSECS" 12100 (lOTO 6800 ~ 12200 IF N=5 THEN PRINT ELSE 7300 12300 REM 12400 REM ---------------- STEADY-STATE ANALYSIS --------------------------12500 PRINT "STEADY-STATE ANALYSIS" 12600 PRINT 12700 PRINT "SELECT: 1. 803118051" 2. 8751" 12800 PRINT 3. 8035/8039/8040/8048/8049" 12900 PRINT " 13000 PRINT 4. 8748/8749" 13100 INPUT ICiI 13200 IF ICX2 AND VO=5 AND VI'~2 THEN RETURN 13700 VO -IO*VI + 15 13800 IF va>' THEN va = 5 13900 IF VO<.2 THEN va = 2 14000 IF ICiI>2 AND VO>2 THEN VO = 5 14100 RETURN 14200 REM 14300 REM ******.************************ .... **+ .... ***.*.****.*.********* 14400 REM 14500 REM DEFINE CIRCUIT PARAMETERS 14600 REM 14700 INPUT" Rl COHMS)"iRI 14800 INPUT" Ll (HENRY) "i Ll 1490'0 INPUT" CI (PF) "i X 15000 Cl • X*IE-12 15100 INPUT" 'CO (PF) "i X 15200 CO = X*IE-12 15300 INPUT" CXTALI (PF)"iX 15400 CX = X*IE-12 15500 INPUT" CXTAL2 (PF)"i X 15600 CV • X*IE-12 = = 230659-45 10-304 inter 1~700 15800 15900 16000 16100 16200 16300 16400 16500 16600 16700 16800 Ap·155 INPUT" GAIN FACTOR MAGNITUDE";AVII INPUT" AMP FEEDDACK RESISTANCE CK-OHMs,",X RX = ~*IOOOII INPUT" AMP OUTPUT RESISTANCE CK-OHr1s,"; X RO = ~*IOOOII REM REM REM L!S! CURRENT PARAMETER VALUES GOsUD 17100 RETURN REr1 REM 16900 REM *.*******.*4~.***4**.4~4***~*~*4._~.*********.******** ******** 17000 17100 17200 17300 17400 17500 17600 17700 17800 17900 18000 18100 18200 18300 18400 18500 18600 18700 18800 18900 19000 19100 19200 19300 19400 19500 19600 19700 19800 19900 20000 20100 20200 20300 20400 20500 20600 20700 20800 20900 21000 21100 21200 21300 21400 21500 21600 21700 21800 21900 22000 22100 22200 ·22300 22400 22500 22600 22700 REI1 LIST CURr~ENT PARAMETER VALUES REI'o REM PRINT RI "i RI," OHMS" PRINT "CURRENT PARAMETER VALUES PRINT" 2 LI ", CSNGCLI)i" HENRY" 3 CI "i CsNGCCI*IE+12)i" PF" PRINT" 4 CO ", CsNGCCO*IE+12)i" PF" PRINT" 5 CXTAL! = ",CsNG(CX*IE+12)i" PF" PRINT" 6 CXTAL2 = ",CsNG(CY.IE+12);" PF" PRINT" 7. AMPLIFIER GAIN MAGNITUDE "i AVII PRINT " PRINT 8. FEEDBAC" RESISTANCE "i CsNGCRX* OOI)i" K-OHMS" 9. OUTPUT RESISTANCE "i CsNG (RD •. 001) i" K-OHMs" PRINT PRINT PRINT "TO CHANGE A PARAMETER VALUE, TYPE CPARAM NO ), CNEW VALUE>' " PRINT "OTHEIlWIsE, TYPE O,C- " INPUT NX,X IF NX=O THEN RETURN IF NX=I THEN RI X IF NX=2 THEN LI X IF NX=3 THEN CI X*IE-12 IF NX=4 THEN CO X*IE-12 IF NX=5 THEN CX X*IE-12 IF NX=6 THEN CV X*lE-12 IF NX=7 THEN AVII = X IF NX=8 THEN RX X*IOOO' IF NX=9 THEN RO = X*IOOO' GOTO 17400 REM REM REM ***********4******************-******************************* REM REM CIRCUIT ANALYSIS REM REM This Tout in. calculate. the loop gain at complex frequenc~ SG+JFG. REM REM I. Crystal ,"'pedance RE + JXE REM XI = FNXL(FQ,LII + FNXC(SQ,FQ,Cll RE = FNRP«RI+FNRL(SQ,LI)+FNRCcsQ,FQ,CI»,XI,FNRC(SQ,FQ,CO),FNXC(SQ,FQ,CO» XE = FNXP«RI+FNRLCSQ,LI)+FNRCCSQ,FQ,CI»,XI,FNRC(SQ,FQ,CO),FNXC(sQ,FQ,CO» REM REM 2. RF + JXF (RE+JXE): :Campli'ler feedback resistance) REM RF = FNRP(RX,O,RE,XE' XF = FNXP(RX,O,RE,XE) REM REM 3. Input impedance. 7.l RI + JXI impedance of CXTALl REM RI FNRC (sG, FG, C'') XI = FNXC (sG, FG, C:<.> REM REM 4 Load impedance: ZL = Ilmpedance of CXTAL2):: [(RF+RIl+J(XF+XIll REM RL = FNRP«RF+RI). (XF+XI),FNRC(SO.FIJ,CY),FNXC(SQ,FG,CY» XL = FNXP«RF+RIl,(XF+XIl,FNRCCSQ,r'G,CY),F'NXCCsG,FQ,CY» REM REM 5 AmpllflOr ga,n A = -AV*ZL/iZL+RO) 22800 REM = = At rlial) + JA( Imag Inary) 22900 23000 23100 23200 REM ARII = -AVII*FNRRCRL, XL, (RO+RL), ~Ll AlII = -AVII.FNXRCRL, XL, CR(J+RL), 'Ll REM 23300 REM 6 Feedbatlt ratio J,t.-?tai lJiJ+JXlil((RF+RI)-t.tCXF+Xt)J 23400 REM B'r~alJ ~ JE(lma~ln~ry) 230659-46 10·305 inter 23500 23600 23700 23800 23900 24000 24100 24200 24300 24400 24500 24600 24700 24800 24900 25000 25100 25200 25300 25400 25500 25600 25700 25800 25900 26000 26100 AP-155 REM DRII = FNRR(RI. XI. IRI+RF). CXI+XF) I Bill = FNXRCRI.XI. (RI+RFI. (XI+XF)) REM REM 7. Amplifier gain ill magnitu"de/phase form" AR+JAI A at AP d~grees REM A = FNZMCARII.AIII) AP = FNZP(ARII.AI.) REM REM 8 Cbeta).n magnitude/phase form D~+JBI B at BP deg . . es REM B = FNZMCDR •• DI.) UP = FNZPCBR •• BI.) REM REM 9 Loop ga.n 'G = CB~+JBI).tAR+JAI) REM = G(real) • JG( lmag inartj) REM GR = FNRMCAR •• AI •• BR •• BI.) GI = FNXM(AR •• AI •• BR •• BI.) REM REM 10. Loop 951n in magnitude/p~ase form. GR+JGI AL at AB degrees REM AL = FNZM(GR.GI) AO = FNZP(GR.GI! RETURN REM REM 26200 REM 26300 26400 26500 26600 26700 26800 26900 27000 27100 27200 27300 27400 27500 27600 27700 27800 REM 27900 28000 28100 28200 28300 28400 28500 28600 28700 28800 28900 29000 29100 29200 29300 29400 29500 29600 29700 29800 29900 30000 30100 30200 30300 30400 30500 30600 30700 30800 30900 31000 31100 31200 ************_**_********._ ••• ****************************** ••• REM REM REM PRINT PRINT" PRINT" PRINT" PRINT" PRINT" PRINT" PRINT" PRINT" RETURN REM REM PRINT CIRCUIT ANALYSIS RESULTS FREOUENCY = "'SO," + J",FO," HZ" HAL IMPEDANCE = ".FNZM(RE.XE)," OHMS.AT ",FNZPCRE.XE)," DEGREES" CRE = ",CSNG(RE)," OHMS)" (XE = ", CSNG(XE), " OHMS)" LOAD IMPEDANCE = ",FNZMCRL.Xl), " OHMS AT ",FNZP(RL.XL), " DEGREES" AMPLIFIER GAIN = ", A," AT ", AP, ,,' DEGREES" FEEDBACK RATIO = ".D." AT ",BP," DEGREES" LOOP GAIN = ", AL," AT ",.AQ," DEGREES" ***************************************************.********** REM REM SEARCH FOR FREOUENCY CS+JF) REM AT WHICH LOOP GAIN HAS ZERO PHASE ANGLE REM REM This routine s.arc~e5 for the fre~uenc~ at which the imaginar~ part REM of the loop gain is zero. The algorithm is as fDl1a~s: REM 1. Calculate the sign of the ima91nar~ part of the loop gain (01), REM 2. Increment the fre~uency. REM 3. Calculate the sIgn of GI at the incremented frequency. REM 4. If the sign of GI has not changed. go back to 2. REM 5. If th@ sign of GI ha!> ct'tanged. and this frequenc~ is lIIithin REM 1Hz of the previous Sign-change. exit the routine. REM 6. Otherlilise. divide the frequency increment b~ -10. REM 7. Go back to 2. REM The routine is entered lIIlth the starting frequency SO+JFO and REM starting increment DS+JDF already defined by the calling program. REM In actual use either DS or DF is·zero. so the routine sear~hes·.fDr REM a GI=O pOInt by lncrementlng either SO Dr FO while holding the other REM constant. It returns control to t~e calling program ~ith the REM increm~nted part of the frequency being within 1Hz of the actual REM GI=O point. REM REM 1. CALCULATE THE SIGN OF THE !l1AGINARY PART OF THE LOOP GAIN (GI). REM GOSUU 20200 GOSUB 26600 IF GI=O THEN RETL'RN SXX = INT(SGNCGI)) IF SXX=+I THEN OS -OS REM (REVERSAL OF OS FO~ GIOO IS FOR THE POLE-SEARCH ROUTINE. ) REM REM 2 INCREMENT THE FREQUENCY. REM SP 50 = 230659-47 10,306 AP-155 31300 31400 31500 31600 31700 31800 31900 32000 32100 32200 32300 32400 32~00 32600 32700 32800 32900 33000 33100 33200 33300 33400 33500 33600 33700 33800 33900 34000 34100 34200 34300 34400 34500 34600 34700 34800 34900 35000 35100 35200 3~300 3~400 35500 35600 35700 35800 35900 36000 36100 36200 36300 36400 36500 36600 36700 36800 36900 37000 37100 37200 37300 37400 37500 37600 37700 37800 37900 38000 38100 38200 38300 38400 38500 38600 38700 38800 38900 39000 FP = FQ Sel = sa ? OS Fel ~ FQ + OF REt1 REM 3 CALCULATE THE SIGll OF GI AT THE INCREMENTED FREOUENCY. REM GOSUB 20200 GOSUB 26600 IF INTISGNIGI))=O THEN RETURN REM REM 4 IF THE SIGN OF III HAS Imr CHANGE!), GO BACK TO 2. REM IF SX7.?INT(SGN(GI))=O THEN PRINT ELSE 31400 SX7. = -SX7. REM IF THE SIGN OF GI f(AS CHANGED, ANO .IF THIS FREOUENCY IS WITHIN REM 5 1HZ OF 'T'"4E PREVIOUS SIGN-CHANGE; AND !F G! IS NEGATIVE. THEN REM REM EXIT THE ROUTINE CTHF ADDITIONAL REClUIREMENT FOR NEGATIVE GI REM IS FOR THt:: POLE-SEARCH ROUTINE. t REt1 IF ABS(5P-50)<:1 AND ADS(FP-FO)<:1 AND 5X'l.=-1 THEN RETURN REM REM 6. DIVIDE THE FREQUI::NCY INCREt1ENT BY -10 REM OS = -05/10. OF = -DF/IO. REM REM 7. GO BACK TO 2 REM GOTO 31200 REM REM REM •• * ••••• ***** ••••• ** ••••• ** ••••• ** •••• **** •• ** ••• ** ••• ******** REM SEARCH FOR POLE FREQUENCY REM REM REM This routine searches for the frequency at which the loop gain = 1 REM at 0 degrees. That fre~uency 1~ t~e pole frequency of the closedREM loop gain function. The pole frequl"ncy is a complex number, SO+JFG REM CHz). Oscillator start-up ensues 1f 5Q~O. The algorithm is based on REM the calculated behaVior of the phase angle of the loop gain in the REM reglon of interest on the complex plane. The locus of points of zero REM phase angle crosses the J-axis at the oscillation frequenc~ and at REM some higher irequency. In between these two crossings of the J-axis. REM the locus lies in Quadrant I of the comple, plane. forming an REM approximate parabola which opens to the left. The basic plan is to REM follow the locus from where, It crosses the J-axis at the oscillation REM frequenc~. into Quadrant I. and find the point on that locus where REM the loop gain has a magnltude of 1. The algorithm' is as follows: 1. Find thi' oscillation freQ.uency. O+JFG. REM REM 2. At thlS frequenc~ calculate the sign of (AL-l) (AL = magnitude of loop gain. ) REM REM· 3. IneTement FQ. 4. For this value of FQ, find the value of SQ for which the loop REM REM gain has zero phase REM 5. For this value of SQ+JFQ, calculate the sign of (AL-11. REM 6. If the sign of (AL-l) t'las not changed, go back to 3. REM 7. If the sign of CAL-I) has changed. and this value of FO is REM within 1Hz of the previous slgn-change, exit the routine. REM S. OtherWlse, dIvide the FO-increment by -10. REM 9. Go bat\!: to 3 REM REM I. FIND THE OSCILLATION FREQUENCY, O"'JFCl REM GOSUB 9700 GOSUB 30300 REM REM 2. AT THIS FREQUENCY, CA'-CUL.ATE THE SIGN OF (AL··I) REM SY7. = INTlSGN(AL··I')) IF SY7.=-1 THEN STOP REM ESTABLISH INITIAL INCREMEIHAT ION VALUE FOR FO FI = FO OF = (FA-Flt/IO. GOSUB 30300 DE (FQ-Flt/IO. OF 0 FQ FI 230659-48 10-307 intJ AP-155 39100 REM 39200 REM 3. INCREMENT FO 39300 REM 39400 Fa - Fa + DE 39:100 REM 39600-REM 4. FOR THIS VALUE OF FO. FIND THE VALUE OF SO FOR WHICH THE LOOP GAIN HAS ZERO PHASE. CTHE ROUTINE WHICH DOES THAT NEEDS OF • O. 39700 REM 50 THAT IT CAN HOLD FO CONSTAr~T. AND NEEDS AN INITIAL VALUE FOR 39BOO REM OS. WHICH IS ARBITRARILY SET TO 05 c 1000. I . 39"00 REM 40000 REM 40100 OS c 1000. 40200 SO • 0 40300 GOSUB 30300 40400 IF AL-I! THEN RETURN 40500 REM 40600 REM 5. FOR THIS VALUE OF SO+.iFO. CALCULATE THE SIGN OF CAL-II. 40700 REM 6. IF THE SIGN OF CAL-II HAS NOT CHANGED. GO BACK TO 3. 40BOO REM 40900 IF SYX+INTCSGNCAL-I!II=O THEN PRINT ELSE 39400 41000· REM 41100 REM 7. IF THE SIGN OF CAL-II HAS CHANGED. AND THIS VALUE OF Fa IS WITHIN 1HZ OF THE PREVIOUS SIGN-CHANGE. EXIT THE ROUTINE. 41200 REM 41300 REM 41400 IF ABSCFI-FOI TLLlV> TPLlV> TPXIZ> 270068-12 b. Using a Power MOSFET Figure 13. Power Switchover Ckts. 80C31BH + CHMOS EPROM The 27C64 and 87C64 are Intel's 8K byte CHMOS EPROMs. The 27C64 requires an external address latch, and .can be used with the 80C31BH as. shown in Figure 14a. In most 8031 + 2764 (HMOS) appli- tACC tCE tOE tDF If the application is going to use the Power Down mode then we have another consideration: In Idle, ALE = PSEN = 1, and in Power Down, ALE = PSEN = o. In a realistic application there are likely to be more chips in the circuit than are shown in Figure 14, and it is likely that the nonessential ones will have their Vee removed while the CPU is in Power Down. In that case the EPROM and the address latch should be among the chips that have Vee removed, and logic lows are exactly what are· required at ALE and PSEN. But if Vee is going to be maintained to the EPROM during Power Down, then it will be necessary to· de- 27C64 8OC31BH 8 ~----------~--------~CE P~EN~----~--~----------~Oi 270068-26 Figure 14a. 80C31BH 10-322 + 27C64 inter AP-252 The 87C64 is like the 27C64 except that it has an onchip address latch. The Port 0 pins are tied to both address and data pins of the 87C64, as shown in Figure, 16a. ALE drives the EPROM's ALE/CS input. During ALE high, the address information is allowed to flow into the EPROM and begin ;lccessing the code byte. On the falling edge of ALE the address byte is internally latched. The AO-A7 inputs are then ignored and the same bus lines are used to transmit the fetched code byte from the 00-07 pins back to the 80C3lBH. The timing waveforms for this configuration are shown in Figure 16b. In Figure 16b the signals and timing parameters in parentheses are those of the 87C64, and the others are of the 80C3lBH. The requirements for timing compatibility are 270066-13 Figure 14b. Timing Waveforms for 80C31BH 27C64 TLHLL> tLL + TAVLL> tAL select the EPROM when the CPU is in Power Down. If Idle is never invoked, CE of the EPROM can be connected to P2.7 of the 80C3lBH, as shown in Figure 15a. In normal operation, P2.7 will be emitting the MSB of the Program Counter, which is 0 if the program contains less than 32K of code. Then when the CPU goes into Power Down, the Port 2 pins emit P2 SFR data, which puts a 1 at P2.7, thus deselecting the EPROM. If Idle and Power Down are both going to be used, CE of the EPROM can be driven by the logical OR of ALE and P2.7, as shown in Figure 15b. In Idle, ALE = I will deselect the EPROM, and in Power Down, P2.7 = 1 will deselect it. TLLAX> tLA TLLlV> tACL TPLlV> tOE TLLPL> tCOE TPXIZ> tOHZ The same considerations apply to the 87C64 as to the 27C64 with regards to the Idle and Power Down modes. Basically you want CS = 1 if Vee is maintained to the EPROM, and CS = OE = 0 if Vee is removed. SCANNING A KEYBOARD P2.7 FE There are many different kinds of keyboards, but alphanumeric keyboards generally consist of a matrix of 8 scan lines and 8 receive lines as shown in Figure 17. Each set of lines connects to one port of the microcontroller. The software has written Os to the scan lines, and Is to the receive lines. Pressing a key connects a scan line to a receive line, thus pulling the receive line' to a logic low. of - - - - - . . . ; . . . . . of 80C31 BH 27C64 270068-14 a. Power Down Is used but not Idle. of 80C31BH _ {ALE~ CE P2.7~ 27~64 270068-15 b. Idle and Power Down both used. Figure 15. Modifications to 80C31BH/27C64 Interface Pulldown resistors are shown in Figure 14a under the assumption that something on the bus is going to have its Vee removed during Power Down. If this is not the case, pullups can be used as well as pulldowns. The 8 receive lines are ANDed to one of the external interrupt pins, so that pulling any of the receive lines low generates an interrupt. The interrupt service routine has to identify the pressed key, if only one key is down, and convert that information to some useful output. If more than one key in the line matrix is found to be pressed, no action is taken. (This is a "two key lockout" scheme.) 10-323 inter AP-252 On some keyboards, certain keys (Shift, Control, Escape, etc.) are not a part of the line matrix. These keys would connect directly to a port pin on the microcontroller, and would not cause lock-out if pressed simultaneously with a matrix key, nor generate an interrup,t if pressed singly. Normally the microcontroller would be in- idle mode when a key has not been pressed, and another task is not in progress. Pressing a matrix key generates an in- r 10K PO terrupt, which terminates the Idle. The interrupt service routine would first call a 30 ms (or so) delay to debounce the key, and then set about the task of identifying which key is down. First, the current state of the receive lines is latched into an internal register. If a single key is down, all but one of the lines would be read as Is. Then Os are written to the receive lines and 1s to the scan lines, and the scan lines are read. If a single key is down, all but one of XI /8 ... 0.-0, 87C64 8OC31BH ArA, /8 P2 /5 -I ArAI~ ALE FE PSEN OE 270068-16 Figure 16a. 80C31BH + 87C64 270068-17 Figure 16b. Timing Waveforms for 80C31BH 10-324 + 87C64 intJ AP-252 RESPONSE_TO_KEY_CLOSURE: CALL DEB OUNCE_DELAY .MOV LINE, P1; ;See Figure 17. ·CALL SCAN DJNZ ZERO_COUNTER, REJECT MOV ADDRESS, ZERO_BIT MOV P2,#OFFH; ;See Figure 17. MOV P1,#O MOV LINE,P2 .CALL SCAN DJNZ ZERO_COUNTER, REJECT XCH A, ZERO_BIT SWAP A ORL ADDRESS,A XCH A, ZERO_BIT MOV P1,#OFFH MOV P2,#O REJECT: CLR EXO RETI these lines would be read as Is. By locating the single 0 in each set of lines, the pressed key can be identified. If more than one matrix key is down, one or both sets of lines will contain multiple Os. A subroutine is used to determine which of 8 bits in either set of lines is 0, and whether more than one bit is O. Figure 18 shows a subroutine (SCAN) which does that using the 8051 's bit-addressing capability. To use the subroutine, move the line data into a bit-addressable RAM location named LINE, and call the SCAN routine. The number of LINE bits which are zero is returned in ZERO_COUNTER. If only one bit is zero, its number (1 through 8) is returned in ZERO_ BIT. The interrupt service routine that is executed in response to a key closure might then be as follows: SCAN LINES rC RECEIVE LINES - '-- aOCSleH f----" I-------" )Pl P2 INTO 270068-18 Figure 17. Scanning a Keyboard 10-325 inter AP-252 SCAN: ONE: TWO: THREE: FOUR: FIVE: SIX: SEVEN: EIGHT: MOV JB INC MOV JB INC MOV JB INC MOV JB INC MOV JB INC MOV JB INC MOV JB INC MOV JB INC MOV RET ZERO_COUNTER. 110 LINE.O.ONE ZERO_COUNTER ZERO_BIT. 411 LINE. I. TWO ZERO_COUNTER ZERO_BIT. 412 LINE. 2. THREE ZERO_COUNTER ZERO_BIT. 413 LINE. 3. FOUR ZERO_COUNTER ZERO_BIT. 414 LINE.4.FIVE ZERO_COUNTER ZEROJlIT.4IS LINE.5.SIX ZERO_COUNTER ZERO_BIT.4Ib LINE. b. SEVEN ZERO_COUNTER ZERO_BIT. 117 LINE. 7. EIGHT ZER030UNTER ZERO_BIT.4Ie ZERO_COUNTER caunts the number of Os in LINE. Tnt LINE bit O. If LINE. 0 ~ O. incre~ent ZERO_COUNTER and reco'l'd th.t 1 ine numb.r I t. active. P1'ocedure continues fa,. other LINE bits. , Line number 2 is active. , Line number 3 is active. , Line number 4 is active. Line number 5 is active. L.ine number 6 i's active. Line number 7 is active. Line number 8 i'i active. 270068-19 Figure 18. Subroutine SCAN Determines Which of 8 Bits in LINE is Zero Notice that RESPONSE_TO~EY_CLOSURE does not change the Accumulator, the PSW, nor any of the registers RO through R7. Neither do SCAN or DEBOUNCE_DELAY. What we come out with then is a one-byte key address (ADDRESS) which identifies the pressed key. The key's scan line number is in the upper nibble of ADDRESS, and its receive line number is in the lower nibble. ADDRESS can be used in a look-up table to generate a key code to transmit to a host computer, and/or to a display device. The keyboard interrupt itself'must be edge-triggered, rather than level-activated, so that the interrupt routine is invoked when a key is pressed, and is not constantly being repeated as long as the key is held down. In edgetriggered mode, the on-chip hardware clears the interrupt flag (EXO, in this case) as the service routine is being vectored to. In this application, however, contact bounce will cause several more edges to occur after the service routine has been vectored to,· during the DEBOUNCE_DELAY routine. Consequently it is necessary to clear EXO again in software before executing RETI. The debounce delay routine also takes advantage of the Idle mode. In this routine a timer must be preloaded with a value appropriate to the desired length of delay. This would be For example, with.a 3.58 MHz oscillator frequency, a 30 ms delay could be obtained using a preload value of - 8950, or DDOA, in hex digits. In the debounce delay routine (Figure 19), the timer interrupt is enabled'and set to a higher priority than the keyboard interrupt, because as we invoke Idle, the keyboard .interrupt is still "in progress". An interrupt of the same priority will not be acknowledged, and will not terminate the Idle mode. With the timer interrupt set to priority 1, while the keyboard interrupt is a priority 0, the timer interrupt, when it occurs, will be acknowledged and will wake up the CPU. The timer interrupt service routine does not itself have to do anything. The service routine might be nothing more than a single RETI instruction. RETI from the timer interrupt service routine then returns execution to the debounce delay routine, which shuts down the timer and returns execution to the keyboard service routine. DRIVING AN LCD An LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) consists of a backplane arid any number of segments or dots which will be used to form the image being displayed. Applying a voltage (nominally 4 or 5V) between any segment and the backplane causes the segment to darken. The only catch is that the polarity of the applied voltage has to be periodically reversed, or else a chemical reac- . I d (ose kHz) x (delay time ms) timer pre oa = 12 10-326 inter AP-252 DEBOUNCE_DELAY: MOV MDV SETB SETB SETB ORL TLI, ..TLI_PRELOAD ; Preload low blJte. TH1,4tTH1JRELOAD j Preload high byte. ETI Enable Timer 1 interrupt. PTt Set TimeT' 1 intel'T"upt to high priority. TR1 Start timer l'unning. peON. ttl j Invoke Idle mode. The next instruction will not be executed until the delay times out. CLR CLR CLR RET TRI Stop the timer. Back to priority 0 (if desired). Disab Ie Timer 1 interrupt (if desired), Continue keyboard scan. PT1 ET1 J 270068-20 Figure 19. Subroutine DEBOUNCLDELAY Puts the 80C51BH Into Idle During the Delay Time tion takes place in the LCD which causes deterioration and eventual failure of the liquid crystal. To prevent this happening, the backplane and all the segments are driven with an AC signal, which is derived from a rectangular voltage waveform. If a segment is to be "off" it is driven by the same waveform as the backplane. Thus it is always at backplane potential. If the segment is to be "on" it is driven with a waveform that is the inverse of the backplane waveform. Thus it has about 5V of periodically changing polarity between it and the backplane. With a little software overhead, the 80C51BH can perform this task without the need for additional LCD drivers. The only drawback is that each LCD segment uses up one port pin, and the backplane uses one more. If more than, say, two 7-segment digits are being driven, there aren't many port pins left for other tasks. Nevertheless, assuming a given application leaves enough port pins available to support this task, the considerations for driving the LCD are as follows. Suppose, for example, it is a 2-digit display with a decimal point. One port (TENS_DIGIT) connects to the 7 segments of the tens digit plus the backplane. Another port (ONES~IGIT) connects to a decimal point plus .the 7 segments of the ones digit. tasks are not requiring servicing. When the timer rolls over it generates an interrupt, which brings the 80C5IBH out of Idle. The service routine reloads the timer (for the next rollover), and inverts the logic levels of all the pins that are connected to the LCD. It might look like this: LCD_DRIVE_INTERRUPT: MOV TL1,#LOW( - XTAL_FREQI MOV TH1,#HIGH( - XTAL_FREQI XRL TENS_DIGIT,#OFFH XRL ONES_DIGIT,#OFFH RETI To update the display, one would use a look-up table to generate the characters. In the table, "on" segments are represented as Is, and "off" segments as Os. The backplane bit is represented as a O. The quantity to be displayed is stored in RAM as a BCD value. The look-up table operates on the low nibble of the BCD value, and produces the bit pattern that is to be written to either the ones digit or the tens digit. Before the new patterns can be written to the LCD, the LCD drive interrupt has to be disabled. That is to prevent a polarity reversal from taking place between the times the two digits are written. An update subroutine is shown in Figure 20. USING AN LCD DRIVER One of the 80C5IBH's timers is used to mark off halfperiods of the drive voltage waveform. The LCD drive waveform should have a rep rate between 30 and 100 Hz, but it's not very critical. A half-period of 12 ms will set the rep rate to about 42 Hz. The preload/reload value to get 12 ms to rollover is the 2's complement negative of the oscillator frequency in kHz: if the oscillator frequency is 3.58 MHz, the reload value is - 3580, or F204 in hex digits. Now, the 80C51BH would normally be in Idle, to conserve power, during the time that the LCD and other As was noted, driving an LCD directly with an 80C51BH uses a lot of port pins. LCD drivers are available in CMOS to interface an 80C5IBH to a 4-digit display using only 7 of the C5IBH's I/O pins. Basically, the C51BH tells the LCD driver what digit is to be displayed (4 bits) and what position it is to be displayed in (2 bits), and toggles a Chip Select pin to tell the driver to latch this information. The LCD driver generates the display characters (hex digits), and takes care of the polarity reversals using its own RC oscillator to generate the timing. 10-327 Ap·252 Figure 25 shows an 80C51BH working with an ICM72llM to drive a 4-digit LCD, and the software that updates the display. One could equally well send information to the LCD driver over the bus. In that case, one would set up the Accumulator with the digit select and data input bits, and execute a MOVX@ RO,A instruction. The LCD driver's chip select would be driven by the CPU's WR signal. This is a little easier in software than the direct bit manipulation shown in Figure 21. However, it uses more I/O pins, unless there is already some external memory involved. In that case, no extra pins are used up by adding the LCD driver to the bus. RESONANT TRANSDUCERS Analog transducers are often used to convert the value .of a physical property, such as temperature, pressure, etc., to an analog voltage. These kinds of transducers then require an analog-to-digital converter to put the measurement into a form that is compatible with a digital control system. Another kind of transducer is now becoming available that encodes the value of the physical property into a signal that can be directly read by a digital control system. These devices are called resonant transducers. Resonant transducers are oscillators whose frequency depends in a known way on the physical property being IIleasured. These devices output a train of rectangular pulses whose repetition rate encodes the value of the quantity being measured. The pulses can in most cases be fed directly into the 80C51BH,which then measures either the frequency or period of the incoming signal, basing the measurement on the accuracy of its own clock oscillator. The 80C51BH can even do.this in its sleep; that is, in Idle. UPDATE_LCD: CLR MOV MOV SWAP ANL MOVC MOV MOV ANL MOVC MOV MOV MOV SETB RET ETl When the frequency or period measurement is completed, the C5IBH wakes itself up for a very short time to perform a sanity check on the measurement and convert it in software to any scaling of the measured quantity that may be desired. The software conversion can include corrections for nonlinearities in the transducer's transfer function. Resolution is also controlled by software, and can even be dynamically varied to meet changing needs as a situation becomes more critical. For example, in a process controller you can increase your resolution ("fine tune" the control, as it were) as the process approaches its target. The nominal reference frequency of the output signal from these devices is in the range of 20 Hz to 500 kHz, depending on the design. Transducers are available that have a full scale frequency shift 2 to 1. The transducer operates from a supply voltage range of 3V to 20V, which means it can operate from the same supply voltage as the 80C51BH. At 5V, the transducer draws less than 5 rnA (Reference 7). It can normally be connected directly to one of the C5IBH's port pins, as shown in Figure 22. FREQUENCY MEASUREMENTS Measuring a frequency .means counting pulses for a known sample time. Two timer/counters can be used, one to mark off the sample time and one to count pulses. If the frequency being counted doesn't exceed 50 kHz or so, one may equally well connect the transducer signal to one of the external interrupt pins, and count pulses in software. That frees up one timer, with very little cost in CPU time. The count that is directly obtained is TxF, where T is the sample time and F is the frequency. The full scale Disable LCD drive interrupt. DPTR. !lTABLE_ADDRESS A. BCD_VALUE A A.!lOFH A.C!!A+DPTR TENS_DIGIT. A A. BCD_VALUE Look-up table begins at TABL.E_ADDRESS A,4tOFH C. DECIMAL_POINT ACC.7.C ONES_DIGIT. A Mask off tens digit. Ones digit pattern to accum'ulator. Add 'dec 1mal point to segment pattern. Update LCD decimal point and ones di"git. ETl Re-enable LCD drive inteT'T'upt. A,@A+DPTR Digits to be ,displayed. Move tens digit to low nibble. Mask off high nibble. Tens digit pattl'r" to accumulator: Update LCD tens digit. Digits to be displayed. 270068-21 Figure 20. UPDATE_LCD Routine Writes Two Digits to an LCD 10-328 AP-252 For example, 8-bit resolution in the measurement of a frequency that varies between 7 kHz and 9 kHz would require, according to this formula; a sample time of 128 ms. The maximum acceptable frequency count would be 128 ms X 9 kHz = 1152 counts. The minimum would be 896 counts. Subtracting 896 from each frequency count (or presetting the frequency counter to - 896 = OFC80H) would allow the frequency to be reported on a scale of 0 to FF in hex digits. range is Tx(Fmax-Fmin). For n-bit resolution 1 LSB = Tx(Fmax-Fmin) 2" Therefore the sample time required for n-bit resolution is T = 2" ::---=-=,---,-Fmax-Fmin BOC51BH ,., PORT { ) 1 ) DIGIT 2 SELECT M} B1 B2 DATA INPUT ) -v B3 v cs v L. C. D. "270068-22 Figure 21a. Using an LCD Driver UPDATE_LCD: MOV SETB SETB CALL CLR CALL MOV CLR SETB CALL CLR CALL RET SHIFT _AND_LOAD: RLC MOV RLC MOIJ RLC MOV RLC MOV CLR SETB RET A. DISPLAY _HI DIGIT _SELECT _2 DIGIT SELECT 1 SHIFT -AND LOAD DIGIT:=SELECT_1 SHIFT _AND_LOAD A. DISPLAY LO DIGIT _SELECT_2 DIGIT _SELECT_1 SHIFT _AND_LOAD DIGIT _SELECT_1 SHIFT_AND_LOAD High byte of 4-digit display. Select leftmost digit of LCD, (Digit address = lIB.) High nibble of high byte to selected digit Select second digit of LCD (address = lOB) Low nibble of high byte to selected digit. Low byte of 4-digit display. Select third digit of LCD. (Digit address = DIE. 1 Hlgh nibble of low byte to selected digit. Select fourth digit (address = OOBl. Low nibble of low byte to selected digit. MSB to carry bit (CY> A DATA INPUT _B3. C A DATA WPUT_B2. C A DATA INPUT _E 1, C A DATA_INPUT_BO.C CHIP _SELECT CHIP _SELECT CY to Oata Input pin B3. Next bit to CY. CY to Oata Input pin B2. Next bit to CV CV to Data Input pln 81. Last bit to CV. CV to Data Input pin eo. Toggle Chip Select. O-to-1 transition latches info. - 270068-23 Figure 21b. UPDATE_LCD Routine Writes 4 Digits to an LCD Driver 10-329 inter AP-252 At this point the value of the frequency of the transducer signal, measured to 8 bit resolution, is contained in FREQUENCY. Note that the timer can be reloaded on the fly. Note too that the timer can be reloaded on the fly. Note too that for 8·bit resolution only the low byte of the frequency counter needs to be read, since the high byte is necessarily O. However, one may want to test the high byte to ensure that it is zero, as a sanity check on the data. Both bytes, of course must be reloaded. VCC VCC 80CS1BH RESONANT TRANSDUCER 1-----1 INTO OR TO VSS PERIOD MEASUREMENTS 270068-24 Figure 22. Resonant Transducer Does Not Require an AID Converter To implement the measurement, one timer is used to establish the sample time. The timer is preset to a value that causes it to roll over at the end of the sample time, generating an interrupt and waking the CPU from its Idle mode. The required preset value is the 2's comple· ment negative of the sample time measured in machine cycles. The conversion from sample time to machine cycles is to multiply it by 1/12 the clock frequency. For example, if the cloqk frequency is 12 MHz, then a sample time of 128 ms is (128 ms) x (12000 kHz)/12 = 128000 machine cycles. Measuring the period of the transducer signal means measuring the total elapsed time over a known number, N, of transducer pulses. The quantity that is directly measured is NT, where T is the period of the transducer signal in machine cycles. The relationship between T in machine cycles and the transducer frequency F in arbitrary frequency units is T Fxtal -F- x (1/12). where Fxtal is the SOCS IBH clock frequency, in the same units as F. The full scale range then is Nx (Tmax-Tmin). For n-bit resolution. 1 LSB = Ns(Tmax-Tmin). Then the required preset value to cause the timer to roll ' over in 128 ms is 2n Therefore the number of periods over which the elapsed time should be measured is - 128000 = FEOCOO, in hex digits. Note that the preset value is 3 bytes wide whereas the timer is only 2 bytes wide. This means the timer must be augmented in software in the timer interrupt routine to three bytes. The SOCS IBH has a DJNZ instruction (decrement and jump if not zero) that makes it easier to code the third timer byte to count down instead of up. If the third timer byte counts down, its reload value is the 2's complement of what it would be for an up-counter. For example, if the 2's complement of the sample time is FEOCOO, then the reload value for the third timer byte would be 02, instead of FE. The timer interrupt routine might then be: TIMER_INTERRUPT_ROUTINE: DNJZ THIRD_TIMER_BYTE,OUT MOV TLO,#O MOV THO,#OCH MOV THIRD_TIMERBYTE,#2 MOV FREQUENCY,COUNTER_LO ;Preset COUNTER to -896: MOV COUNTER_LO,#80H MOV COUNTER_HI,#OFCH OUT: RETI = 2n N = =T-m-ax-.=Tm---:-in However, N must also be an integer. It is logical to evaluate the above formula (don't forget Tmax and Tmin have to be in machine cycles) and select for N the next higher integer. This selection gives a period measurement that has somewhat more than n-bit resolution, but it can be scaled back if desired. For example, suppose we want 8-bit resolution in the measurement of the period of a signal whose frequency varies from 7.1 kHz to 9 ~Hz. If the clock frequency is 12 MHz, then Tmax is (12000 kHz/1.1 kHz) x (1/12) = 141 machine cycles. Tmin is 111 machine cycles. The required value for N, then, is 256/(141-111) = 8.53 periods, according to the formula. Using N = 9 periods will give a maximum NT value of 141 x 9 = 1269 machine cycles. The minimum NT will be III X 9 = 999 machine cycles. A lookup table can be used to 10·330 intJ AP-252 ADDC MOV CLR MOVC MOV POP POP RET scale these values back to a range of 0 to 255, giving precisely the 8-bit resolution desired. To implement the measurement, one timer is used to measure the elapsed time, NT. The transducer is connected to one of the external interrupt pins, and this interrupt is configured to the transition-activated mode. In the transition-activated mode every I-to-O transition in the transducer output will generate an interrupt. The interrupt routine counts transducer pulses, and when it gets to the predetermined N, it reads and clears the timer. For the specific example cited above, the interrupt routine might be: INTERRUPT_RESPONSE: DJNZ N,OUT MOV N,#9 CLR EA CLR TRI MOV NT_LO,TLI MOV NT_HI,THI MOV TLl,#9 MOV THl,#O SETB TRI SETB EA CALL LOOKUP_TABLE OUT: RETI The 80C5lBH timers have an operating mode which is particularly suited to pulse width measurements, and will be useful in these applications if the transducer signal has a fixed duty cycle. The subroutine LOOKUP_TABLE is used to scale the measurement back to the desired 8-bit resolution. It can also include built-in corrections for errors or nonlinearities in the transducer's transfer function. The subroutine uses the MOVC A, @ A + DPTR instruction to access the table, which contains 270 entries commencing at the 16-bit address referred to as TABLE. The subroutine must compute the address of the table entry that corresponds to the measured value of NT. This address is + NT - NTMIN, where NTMIN = 999, in this specific example. LOOKUP_TABLE: PUSH PUSH MOV ADD MOV MOV At this point the value of the period of the transducer signal, measured to 8 bit resolution, is contained in PERIOD. PULSE WIDTH MEASUREMENTS In this routine a pulse counter N is decremented from its preset value, 9, to zero. When the counter gets to zero it is reloaded to 9. Then all interrupts are blocked for a short time while the timer is read and cleared. The timer is stopped during the read and clear operations, so "clearing" it actually means presetting it to 9, to make up for the 9 machine cycles that are missed while the timer is stopped. DPTR = TABL A,NT_HI DPH,A A A,@A+DTPR PERIOD,A PSW ACC ACC PSW A,#LOWCTABLE-NTMINI A,NT_LO DPL,A A,#HIGHCTABLE-NMTINI In this mode the timer is turned on by the on-chip circuitry in response to an input high at the external interrupt pin, and offby an input low, and it can do this while the 80C51BH is in Idle. (The "GATE" mode of timer operation is described in the Intel Microcontroller Handbook.) The external interrupt itself can be enabled, so the same I-to-O transition from the transducer that turns off the timer also generates an interrupt. The interrupt routine then reads and resets the timer. The advantage of this method is that the transducer signal has direct access to the timer gate, with the result that variations in interrupt response time have no effect on the measurement. Resonant transducers that are designed to fully exploit the GATE mode have an internal divide-by-N circuit that fixes the duty cycle at 50% and lowers the output frequency to the range of 250 to 500 Hz (to control RFI). The transfer function between transducer period and measurand is approximately linear, with known and repeatable error functions. HMOS/CHMOS Interchangeability The CHMOS version of the 8051 is architecturally identical with the HMOS version, but there are nevertheless some important differences between them which the designer should be aware of. In .addition, some applications require interchangeability between .HMOS and CHMOS parts. The differences that need to be considered are as follows: External Clock Drive: To drive the HMOS 8051 with an external clock signal, one normally grounds the XTALI pin and drives the XTAL2 pin. To drive the ,CHMOS 8051 with an external clock signal, one must drive the XTALl pin and leave the XTAL2 pin unconnected. The reason for the difference is that in the 10-331 AP-252 HMOS 8051, it is the XTAL2 pin that drives the internal clocking circuits, whereas in the CHMOS version it is the XTALI pin that drives the internal clocking circuits. HMOS There are several ways to design an external clock drive to work with both types. For low clock frequencies (below 6 MHz), the HMOS 8051 can be driven in the same way as the CHMOS version, namely, throu~h XTA~I with XTAL2 unconnected. Another way IS to dnve both XTALI and XTAL2; that is, drive XTALI and use and external inverter to derive from XTALI a signal with which to drive XT AL2. In either case, a 74HC or 74HCT circuit makes an excellent driver for XTALI and/or XTAL2, because neither the HMOS nor the CHMOS XTAL pins have TTL-like input logic levels. Unused Pins: Unused pins of Ports I, 2 and 3 can be ignored in both HMOS and CHMOS designs. The internal pullups will put them into a defined state. Unused Port 0 pins in 8051 applications can be ignored, even if they're floating. But in 80C5IBH applications, these pins should not be left afloat. They can be externally pulled up or down, or they can be internally pulled down by writing Os to them. 8031180C3IBH designs mayor may not need pullups on Port O. Pullups aren't needed for program fetches, because in bus operations the pins are actively pulled high or low by either the 8031 or the external program memory. But they are needed for the CHMOS part if the Idle or Power Down mode is invoked, because in these modes Port 0 floats. Logic Levels: If Vee is between 4.5V and 5.5V, an input signal that meets the HMOS 8051's input logic levels will also meet the CHMOS 80C5IBH's input logic levels (except for XTALl/XTAL2 and RST). For the same Vee condition, the CHMOS device will reach or surpass the output logic levels of the HMOS device. The HMOS device will not necessarily reach the output logic levels of the CHMOS device. T~is is an impor~~nt consideration if HMOS/CHMOS mterchangeablhty must be maintained in an otherwise CMOS system. HMOS 8051 outputs that have internal pullups (Ports 1,2, and 3) "typically" reach 4V or more ifiOH i~ zero, but not fast enough to meet timing specs. Addmg an external pullup resistor will ensure the logic level, but still not the timing, as shown in Figure 23. If timing is an issue, the best way to interface HMOS to CMOS is through a 74HCT circuit. 270068-25 Figure 23. O-to-1 Transition Shows Unspec'd Delay (At) in HMOS to 74HC Logic wishes to preserve the capability of interchanging HMOS and CHMOS 8051s the software has to be designed so that the HMOS parts will respond in an acceptable manner when a CHMOS reduced power mode is invoked. ' For example, an instruction that invokes Power Down can be followed by a "JMP $": CLR ORL EA PCON.#2 JMP $ The CHMOS and HMOS parts will respond to this sequence of code differently. The CHMOS part: going into a normal CHMOS Power Down Mode, w!ll stop fetching instructions until it gets a hardware reset. The HMOS part. will go through the motions of executing the ORL instruction, and then fetch the JMP instruction. It will continue fetching and executing JMP $ until hardware reset. Maintaining HMOS/CHMOS 8051 interchangeability in response to Idle requires more planning. The HMOS part will not respond to the instruction that puts the CHMOS part into Idle, so that instruction needs.to.be followed by a software idle. This would be an 'Idlmg loop which would be terminated by the same conditions that would terminate the CHMOS's hardware Idle. Then when the CHMOS device goes into Idle, the HMOS version executes the idling loop, until either a hardware reset or an enabled interrupt is received. Now if Idle is terminated by an interrupt, execution for the CHMOS device will proceed after RETI from the instruction following the one that invoked Idle. The instruction following the one that invoked Idle is the idling loop that was inserted for the HMOS device. At this point, both the HMOS and CHMC?S devices ~ust be able to fall through the loop to contmue execution. Idle and Power Down: The Idle and Power Down modes exist only on the CHMOS devices, but if one 10-332 AP-252 One way to achieve the desired effect is to define a "fake" Idle flag, and set it just before going into Idle. The instruction that invoked Idle is followed by a software idle: SETB ORL JB IDLE PCON,#l IDLE, $ Now the interrupt that terminates the CHMOS's Idle must also break the software idle. It does so by clearing the "Idle" bit: CLR RETI IDLE Note too that the PCON register in the HMOS 8051 contains only one bit, SMOD, whereas the PCON register in CHMOS contains SMOD plus four other bits. Two of those other bits are general purpose flags. Maintaining HMOS/CHMOS interchangeability requires that these flags not be used. REFERENCES 1. Pawlowski, Moroyan, Alnether, "Inside CMOS' Technology," BYTE magazine, Sept., 1983. Available as Article Reprint AR-302. 2. Kokkonen, Pashley, "Modular Approach to C-MOS Technology Tailors Process to Application," Electronics, May, 1984. Available as Article Reprint AR-332. 3. Williamson, T., Designing Microcontroller Systems for Electrically Noisy Environments. Intel Application Note AP-125, Feb. 1982. 4. Williamson, T., "PC Layout Techniques for Minimizing Noise," Mini-Micro Southeast. Session 9, Jan., 1984. 5. Alnether, J., High Speed Memory System Design Using 2147H. Intel Application Note AP-74. March 1980. 6. Ott, H., "Digital Circuit Grounding and Interconnection," Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility. pp. 292-297, Aug. 1981. 7. Digital Sensors by Technar. Technar Inc., 205 North 2nd Ave.,-Arcadia, CA 91006. 10-333 APPLICATION NOTE AP-281 July 1986 UPI-4S2 Accelerates iAPX 286 Bus Performance CHRISTOPHER SCOTT TECHNICAL MARKETING ENGINEER INTEL CORPORATION Order Number: 292018-001 10-334 AP·281 INTRODUCTION The UPI-452 targets the leading problem in peripheral to host interfacing, the interface of a slow peripheral with a fast Host or "bus utilization". The solution is data buffering to reduce the delay and overhead of transferring data between the Host microprocessor and I/O subsystem. The Intel CMOS UPI-452 solves this problem by combining a sophisticated programmable FIFO buffer and a slave interface with an MSC-51 based microcontroller. The UPI-452 is Intel's newest Universal Peripheral Interface family member. The UPI-452 FIFO buffer enables Host-peripheral communications to be through streams or bursts of data rather than by individual bytes. In addition the FIFO provides a means of embedding cpmmands within a stream or block of data. This enables the system designer to manage data and commands to further off-load the Host. The UPI-452 interfaces to the iAPX 286 microprocessor as a standard Intel slave peripheral device. READ, WRITE, CS and address lines from the Host are used to access all of the Host addressable UPI-452 Special Function Registers (SFR). The UPI-452 combines an MSC-51 microcontroller, with 256 bytes. of on-chip RAM and 8K bytes of EPROM/ROM, twice that of the SOC5l, a two channel DMA controller and a sophisticated 128 byte, two channel, bidirectional FIFO in a single device. The UPI-452 retains all of the 80C5l architecture, and is fully compatible with the MSC-5.1 instruction set. This application note is a description of an iAPX 286 to UPI-452 slave interface. Included is a discussion of the respective timings and design considerations. This application note is meant as a supplement to the UPI-452 Advance Data Sheet. The user should consult the data sheet for addi·tional details on the various UPI-452 functions and features. HOST·UPI·452 FIFO SLAVE INTERFACE The UPI-452 FIFO acts as a buffer between the external Host 80286 and the internal CPU. The FIFO allows the Host - peripheral interface to achieve maximum decoupling of the interface. Each of the two FIFO channels is fully user programmable. The FIFO buffer ensures that the respective CPU, Host or internal CPU, receives data in the same order as transmitted. Three slave bus interface handshake methods are supported by the UPI-452; DMA, Interrupt and Polled. The interface between the Host 80286 and the UPI-452 is accomplished with a minimum of signals. The 8 bit data bus plus READ, WRITE, CS, and AO-2 provide access to all of the externally addressable UPI-452 registers including the two FIFO channels. Interrupt and DMA handshaking pins are tied directly to the interrupt controller and DMA controller respectively. DMA transfers between the Host and UPI-452 are controlled by the Host processors DMA controller. In the example shown in Figure I, the Host DMA controller is the 82258 Advanced DMA Controller. An internal DMA transfer to or from the FIFO, as well as between other internal elements, is controlled by the UPI-452 internal DMA processor. The internal DMA processor can also transfer data between Input and Output FIFO channels directly. The description that follows details the UPI-452 interface from both the Host processor's and the UPI-452's internal CPU perspective. One of the unique features of the UPI-452 FIFO is its ability to distinguish between commands and data embedded in the same data block. Both interrupts and status flags are provided to support this operation in either direction of data transfer. These flags and interrupts are triggered by the FIFO logic independent of, and transparent to either the Host or internal CPUs; Commands embedded in the data block, or stream, are called Data Stream Commands. 0 UPI·452 iAPX 286 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION o The interface described in this application note is shown in Figure I, iAPX 286 UPI-452 System Block Diagram. The iAPX 286 system is configured in a local bus architecture design. DMA between the Host and the UPI-452 is supported by the 82258 Advanced DMA Controller. The Host microprocessor accesses all UPI-452 externally addressable registers through address decoding (see Table 3, UPI-452 External Address Decoding). The timings and interface descriptions below are given in equation form with examples of specific calculations. The goal of this application note is a set of interface analysis equations. These equations are the tools a system designer can use to fully utilize the features of the UPI-452 to achieve maximum system performance. Programmable FIFO channel Thr~sholds are another unique feature of the UPI-452. The Thresholds provide for interrupting the Host only when the Threshold number of bytes can be read or written to the FIFO buffer. This further decouples the Host UPI-452 inter" face by relieving the Host of polling the buffer to determine the number of bytes that can be read or written. It also red \Ices the chances of overrun and underrun errors which must be processed. The UPI-452 also provides a means of bypassing the FIFO, in both directions, for an immediate interrupt of either the Host or internal CPU. These commands are called Immediate Commands. A complete description of the internal FIFO logic operation is given in the FIFO Data Structure section. 10-335 l - r°'-' X2 :!II ID ... C CD :'" ~ RE' . E T t l 1 RES XI 50,51 READY CLK RESET PCLK MRDC MWRC 10RC 10WC M/iO 50,51 DEN READY DT/R ALE CLK - - III ~~ I:: - aI .... 0 c., t.) Ol I II 82284 l RESET 80286 J,. en I\) AI5-AO BHE en - '< I • . ADDRESS DECODE LOGIC -- .£t STB OE - RAM/EPROM cs _rD~ ~ ...... ~ P .,....-- - PORTO RST READ WRITE CS 0- n ;0;C ""! ID ........ ' - - ........ ...... LL"[I ~ SO,S I HLDA DO READY CL~ AI5-AO,,_ M/IO 82258 OMA PORT2 PORT3 PORT4 UPI-452 DACK HLD/ HLDA DO-DI5 UI PORTI AO-A2 LATCH ~ ~.. -I/o PORTS OR -LOCAL EXPANSION BUS -ALTERNATE FUNCTIONS TRAN5CEIVER ~ Q) I- DRQOUT! INTRQOUT 00-07 OE EN bk: INTRQ ...s-i 0!CS RO ViR AO-Al INTA INT IRO IRI IR2 f+-1 8259A ORQO ORQl OACK 0,1 . » ." N .... DRQIN/ INTRQIN 3 3 ,...., I • " MRDC MWRC IN~ III CD iii ~ Milo :!! iii' ~ II I "U >< I\) RST WAIT STATE GENERATOR h h INTA 82288 PCLK READY CLK ~ 292018-1 AP-281 UPI-4S2 INITIALIZATION The UPI-4S2 at power-on reset automatically performs a minimum initialization of itself. The UPI-4S2 notifies the Host that it is in the process of initialization by setting a Host Status SFR bit. The user UPI-4S2 program must release the UPI-4S2 from initialization for the FIFO to be accessible by the Host. This is the minimum Host to UPI-4S2 initialization sequence. All further initialization and configuration of the UPI-4S2, including the FIFO, is done by the internal CPU under user program control. No interaction or programming is required by the Host 80286 for UPI-4S2 initialization. Host read/write access of the FIFO. The internal CPU sets the Slave Control (SLCON) SFR FIFO DMA Freeze/Normal Mode (FRZ) bit high (= 1) to activate Normal Mode. Ths causes the Slave Status (SSTAT) and Host Status (HSTAT) SFR FIFO DMA Freeze Mode bits to be set to Normal Mode. Table 2, UPI-4S2 Initialization Event Sequence Example, shows a summary of the initialization events described above. Table 1. FIFO SpeCial Function Register Default Values At power-on reset the UPI-4S2 automatically enters FIFO DMA Freeze Mode by resetting the Slave Control (SLCON) SFR FIFO DMA Freeze/Normal Mode bit to FIFO DMA Freeze Mode (FRZ = "0"). This forces the Slave Status (SSTAT) and Host Status (HSTAT) SFR FIFO DMA Freeze/Normal Mode bits to FIFO DMA Freeze Mode In Progress. FIFO DMA Freeze Mode allows the FIFO interface to be configured, by the internal CPU, while inhibiting Host access to the FIFO. SFR Name Label Reset Value Channel Boundary Pointer Output Channel Read Pointer Output Channel Write Pointer Input Channel Read Pointer Input Channel Write Pointer Input Threshold Output Threshold CBP ORPR OWPR IRPR IWPR ITH OTH 40H/640 40H/640 40H/640 OOH/DO DOH/OO DOH/OO 01 H/1 0 Table 2. UPI-452 Initialization Event Sequence Example Event Description SFR/bit Power-on Reset The MODE SFR is forced to zero at reset. This disables, (tri-states) the DRQIN/INTRQIN, DRQOUT/ INTRQOUT and INTRQ output pins. INTRQ is inhibited from going active to reflect the fact that a 'Host Status SFR bit, FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, is active. If the MODE SFR INTRQ configure bit is enabled (= 'I '), before the Slave Control and Host Status SFR FIFO DMA Freeze/Normal Mode bit is set to Normal Mode, INTRQ will go active immediately. UPI-4S2 forces FIFO OMA Freeze Mode (Host access to FIFO inhibited) UPI-4S2 forces Slave Status and SSTAT SSTS HSTAT HST1 Host Status SFR to FIFO OMA Freeze Mode In Progress 0 = 0 = 1 UPI-4S2 forces all SFRs, including FIFO SFRs, to default values. The first action by the Host following reset is to read the UPI-4S2 Host Status SFR Freeze/Normal Mode bit to determine the status of the interface. This may be done in response to a UPI-4S2 INTRQ interrupt, or by polling the Host Status SFR. Reading the Host Status SFR resets the INTRQ line low. MOOEM04 • UPI-4S2 user program enables INTRa, INTRa goes active, high Any of the five FIFO interface SFRs, as well as a variety of additional features, may be programmed by the internal CPU following reset. At power-on reset, the five FIFO Special Function Registers are set to their default values as listed in Table 1. All reserved location bits are set to one, all other bits are set to zero in these three SFRs. The FIFO SFRs listed in Table I can be programmed only while the UPI-4S2 is in FIFO DMA Freeze Mode. The balance of the UPI-4S2 SFRs default values and descriptions are listed in the UPI-4S2 Advance Data Sheet in the Intel Microsystems Component Handbook Volume II and Microcontroller Handbook. • UPI-4S2 user program initializes any other SFRs; FIFO, Interrupts, Timers/Counters, etc. The above sequence is the minimum UPI-4S2 internal initialization required. The last initialization instruction must always set the UPI-4S2 to Normal Mode. This causes the UPI-4S2 to exit Freeze Mode and enables = SLCON FRZ = 1 = 1 • Host READ's UPI-4S2 Host Status (HSTAT) SFR to determine interrupt source, INTRa goes low User program sets Slave Control SLCON FRZ SFR to Normal Mode (Host access to FIFO enabled) UPI-4S2 forces Slave and Host Status $FRs bits to Normal Operation • Host polls Host Status SFR to determine when it can access the FIFO -or• Host waits for UPI-4S2 Request for Service interrupt to access FIFO • user option 10-337 SSTAT SST5 HSTAT HST1 = = 1 0 AP-281 Commands can be used to structure or dispatch the data by defining the start and end of data blocks or packets, or how the data following a DSC is to be processed. FIFO DATA STRUCTURES Overview The UPI-4S2 provides three means of communication between the Host microprocessor and the UPI-4S2 in either direction; Data Data Stream Commands Immediate Commands Data and Data Stream Commands (DSC) are transferred between the Host and UPI-4S2 through the UPI4S2 FIFO buffer. The third, Immediate Commands, provides a means of bypassing the FIFO entirely. These three data types are in addition to direct access by either Host or Internal CPU of dedicated Status and Control Special Function Registers (SFR). The FIFO appears to both the Host 80286 and the internal CPU as 8 bits wide. Internally the FIFO is logically nine bits wide. The ninth bit indicates whether the byte is a data or a Data Stream Command (DSC) byte; o = data, 1 = DSC. The ninth bit is set by the FIFO logic in response to the address specified when writing to the FIFO by either Host or internal CPU. The FIFO uses the ninth bit to condition the UPI-4S2 interrupts and status flags as a byte is made available for a Host or internal CPU read from the FIFO. Figures 2 and 3 show the structure of each FIFO channel and the logical ninth bit. It is important to note that both data and DSCs are actually entered into the FIFO buffer (see Figures 2 and 3). External addressing of the FIFO determines the state ofthe internal FIFO logic ninth bit. Tabie 3 shows the UPI-4S2 External Address Decoding used by the Host and the corresponding action. The internal CPU interface to the FIFO is essentially identical to the external Host interface. Dedicated internal Special Function Registers provide the interface between the FIFO, internal CPU and the internal two channel DMA processor. FIFO read and write operations by the Host and internal CPU are interleaved by the UPI-4S2 so they appear to be occurring simultaneously. The ninth bit provides a means of supporting two data types within the FIFO buffer. This feature enables the Host and UPI-4S2 to transfer both commands and data while maintaining the decoupled interface a FIFO buff. er provides. The logical ninth bit provides both a means of embedding commands within a block of data and a means for the internal CPU, or external Host, to discriminate between data and commands. Data or DSCs may be written in any order desired. Data Stream A Data Stream Command (DSC) acts as an internal service routine vector. The DSC generates an interrupt to a service routine which reads the DSC. The DSC byte acts as an address vector to a user defined service routine. The address can be any program or data memory location with no restriction on the number of DSCs or address boundaries. A Data Stream Command (DSC) can also be used to clear data from the FIFO or "FLUSH" the FIFO. This is done by appending a DSC to the end of a block of data entered in the FIFO which is less than the programmed threshold number of bytes. The DSC will cause an interrupt, if enabled, to the respective receiving CPU. This ensures that a less than Thresholdnumber of bytes in the FIFO will be read. Two conditions force a Request for Service interrupt, if enabled, to the Host. The first is due to a Threshold number of bytes having been written to the FIFO Output channel; the second is if a DSC is written to the Output FIFO channel. Ifiess than the Threshold number of bytes are written to the Output FIFO channel, the Host Status SFR flag will not be set, and a Request for Service interrupt will not be generated, if enabled. By appending a DSC to end of the data block, the FIFO Request for Service flag and/or interrupt will be generated. An example of a FIFO Flush application is a mass storage subsystem. The UPI-4S2 provides the system interface to a subsystem which supports tape and disk storage. The FIFO size is dynamically changed to provide the maximum buffer size for the direction of transfer. Large data blocks are the norm in this application. The FIFO Flush provides a means of purging the FIFO of the last bytes of a transfer. This guarantees that the block, no matter what its size, will be transmitted out of the FIFO. Immediate Commands allow more direct communication between the Host processor and the UPI-4S2 by bypassing the FIFO in either direction. The Immediate Command IN and OUT SFRs are two more unique address locations externally and internally addressable. Both DSCs and Immediate Commands have internal interrupts and interrupt priorities associated with their operation. The interrupts are enabled or disabled by setting corresponding bits in the Slave Control (SLCON), Interrupt Enable (IEC), Interrupt Priority (IPC) and Interrupt Enable and Priority (IEP) SFRs. A detailed description of each of these may be found in the UPI-4S2 Advance Information Data Sheet. 10-338 AP-281 o i3 g ..J o a:: 9TH B I T I- INPUT FIFO CHANNEL z o o '- INTERNAL CPU (DATA PROCESSOR) 292018-2 Figure 2. Input FIFO Channel Functional Diagram 10-339 intJ AP-281 o § ...J o 9TH OUTPUT B I T rlFO CHANNEL e:z 8 ".... 01----------...... § o ~I¢:==:~ ;;: INTERNAL CPU (DATA PROCESSOR) 292018-3 Figure 3. Output FIFO Channel Functional Diagram 10-340 AP-281 Table 3. UPI-452 External Address Decoding DACK CS A2 A1 AD 1 1 1 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 READ WRITE No Operation No Operation Data or DMA from Output FIFO Channel Data or DMA to Input FIFO Channel 1 Data Stream Command from Output FIFO Channel Data Stream Command to Input FIFO Channel 1 0 Host Status SFR Read Reserved 0 1 1 Host Control SFR Read Host Control SFR Write 0 1 0 0 Immediate Command SFR Read Immediate Command SFRWrite 0 X 1 1 Reserved X X X Reserved X DMA Data from Output FIFO Channel DMA Data to Input FIFO Channel Below is a detailed description of each FIFO channel's operation, including the FIFO logic response to the ninth bit, as a byte moves through the channel. The description covers each of the three data types for each channel. The details below provide a picture of the various FIFO features and operation. By understanding the FIFO structure and operation the user can optimize the interface to meet the requirements of an individual design. OUTPUT CHANNEL This section covers the data path from the internal CPU to the HOST. Data Stream Command or Immediate Command processing during ,Host DMA Operations is covered in the DMA section. UPI-4S2 Internal Write to the FIFO The internal CPU writes data and Data Stream Commands into the FIFO through the FIFO OUT (FOUT) and Command OUT (COUT) SFRs. Wh,~n a Threshold number of bytes has been written, the Host Status SFR Output FIFO Request for Service bit is set and an interrupt, if enabled, is generated to the Host. Either the INTRQ or DRQOUT/INTRQOUT output pins can be used for this interrupt as determined by the MODE and Host Control (HCON) SFR setting. The Host responds to the Request for Service interrupt by reading the Host Status (HSTAT) SFR to determine the source of the interrupt. The Host then reads the Threshold number of bytes from the FIFO. The internal CPU may continue to write to the FIFO during the Host read of the FIFO Output channel. 10-341 AP-281 Data Stream Commands may be written to the Output FIFO channel at any time during a write of data bytes. The write instruction need only specify the Command Out (coUT) SFR in the direct register instruction used. Immediate Commands may also be written at any time to the Immediate Command OUT (IMOUT) SFR. The Host reads Immediate Commands from the Immediate Command OUT (IMOUT). The internal CPU can determine the number of bytes to write to the FIFO Output channel in one of three ways. The first, and most efficient, is by utilizing the internal DMA processor which will automatically manage the writing of data to avoid Underrun or 'Overrun Errors. The second is for the internal CPU to read the Output FIFO channels Read and Write Pointers and compare their values to determine the available space. The third method for determining the available FIFO space is to always write the programmed channel size number of bytes to the Output FIFO. This method would use the Overrun Error flag and interrupt to halt FIFO writing whenever the available space was less than the channel size. The interrupt service routine could read the channel pointers to determine or monitor the available channel space. The time required for the internal CPU to write data to the Output FIFO channel is a function of the individual instruction cycle time and the number of bytes to be written. Host Read from the FIFO The Host reads data or Data Stream Commands (DSC) from the FIFO in response to the Host Status (HSTAT) SFR flags and interrupts, if enabled. All Host read operations access the same UPI-452 internal I/O ButTer Latch. At the end of the previous Host FIFO read' cycle a byte is loaded from the FIFO into the I/O Buffer Latch and Host Status (HSTA T) SFR bit 5 is set or cleared (I = DSC, 0 = data) to reflect the state of the byte'S FIFO ninth bit. If the FIFO ninth bit is set (= 1) indicating a DSC, an interrupt is generated to the external Host via INTRQ pin or INTRQIN/INTRQOUT pins as determined by Host Control (HCON) SFR bit 1. The Host then reads the Host Status (HSTAT) SFR to determine the source of the interrupt. The most efficient Host read operation of the FIFO Output channel is through the use of Host DMA. The UPI-452 fully supports external DMA handshaking. The MODE and Host Control SFRs control the configuration of UPI-452 Host DMA handshake outputs. If Host DMA is used the Threshold Request for Service interrupt asserts the UPI-452 DMA Request (DRQOUT) output. The Host DMA processor acknowledges with DACK which acts as a chip select of the FIFO channels. The DMA transfer would stop when either the threshold byte count had been read, as programmed in the Host DMA processor, or when the DRQOUT output is brought inactive by the UPI-452. INPUT CHANNEL This section covers the data path from the HOST to the internal CPU or internal DMA processor. The details of. Data Stream Command or Immediate Command processing during internal DMA operations are covered in the DMA section below. Host Write to the FIFO The Host writes data and Data Stream Commands into the FIFO through the FIFO IN (FIN) and Command IN (CIN) SFRs. When a Threshold number of bytes has been read out of the Input FIFO channel by the internal CPU, the Host Status SFR Input FIFO Request for Service bit is set and an interrupt, if enabled, is generated to the Host. The Input. FIFO Threshold interrupt tells the Host that it may write the next block of data into the FIFO. Either the INTRQ or DRQIN/ INTRQIN output pins can be used for this interrupi as determined by the MODE and Host Control (HCON) SFR settings. The Host may continue to write to the FIFO Input channel during the internal CPU read of the FIFO. Data Stream Commands may be written to the FIFO Input channel at any time during a write of data bytes. Immediate Commands may also be written at any time to the Immediate Command IN (IMIN) SFR. 10-342 inter AP-281 The Host also has three methods for determining the available FIFO space. Two are essentially identical to that of the internal CPU. They involve reading the FIFO Input channel pointers and using the Host Status SFR Underrun and Overrun Error flags and Request for Service interrupts these would generate, if enabled in combination. The third involves using the UPI-4S2 Host DMA controller handshake signals and the programmed Input FIFO Threshold. The Host would receive a Request for Service interrupt when an Input FIFO channel has a Theshold number of bytes able to be written by the Host. The Host service routine would then write the Threshold number of bytes to the FIFO. If a Host DMA is used to write to the FIFO Input channel, the Threshold Request for Service interrupt could assert the UPI-4S2 DRQIN output. The Host DMA processor would assert DACK and the FIFO write would be completed by Host the DMA processor. The DMA transfer would stop when either the Threshold byte count had been written or the DRQIN output was removed by the UPI-4S2. Additional details on Host and internal DMA operation is given below. Internal Read of the FIFO At the end of an internal CPU read cycle a byte is loaded from the FIFO buffer into the FIFO IN/Command IN SFR and Slave Status (SSTAT) SFR bit lis set or cleared (I = data, 0 = DSC) to reflect the state of the FIFO ninth bit. If the byte is a DSC, the FIFO ninth bit is set (= I) and an interrupt is generated, if enabled, to the Internal CPU. The internal CPU then reads the Slave Status (SSTAT) SFR to determine the source of the interrupt. Immediate Commands are written by the Host and read by the internal CPU through the Immediate Command IN (IMIN) SFR. Once written, an Immediate Command sets the Slave Status (SSTAT) SFR flag bit and generates an interrupt, if enabled, to the internal CPU. In response to the interrupt the internal CPU reads the Slave Status (SSTAT) SFR to determine the source of the interrupt and service the Immediate Command. FIFO INPUTIOUTPUT CHANNEL SIZE Host The Host does not have direct control of the FIFO Input or Output channel sizes or configuration. The Host can, however, issue Data Stream Commands or Immediate Commands to the UPI-4S2 instructing the UPI-4S2 to reconfigure the FIFO interface by invoking FIFO DMA Freeze Mode. The Data Stream Command or Immediate Command would be a vector to a service routine which performs the specific reconfiguration. UPI-452 Internal The default power-on reset FIFO channel sizes are listed in the "Initialization" section and can be set only by the internal CPU during FIFO DMA Frcczc Mode. The FIFO channel size is selected 10 ac:hicve Ihe oplimum application performance. The enlirc 12H hyle FIFO can be allocated to either the Input or Output . channel. In this case the other channel consists of a single SFR; FIFO IN/Command IN or FIFO OUT/ Command OUT SFR. Figure 4 shows a FIFO division with a portion devoted to each channel. Figure 5 shows a FIFO configuration with a11128 bytes assigned to the Output channel. The FIFO channel Threshold feature allows the user to match the .FIFO channel size and the performance of the internal and Host data transfer rates. The programmed Threshold provides an elasticity to the data transfer operation. An example is if the Host FIFO HOST CPU FIFO INPUT CHANNEL CHANNEL BOUNDRY ~.t---"'" POINTER FIFO (CBP) OUTPUT CHANNEL FIFOINSFR ~ INTERNAL CPU FIFO OUT SFR HOST CPU 292018-4 Figure 4. Full Duplex FIFO Operation 10-343 AP-281 HOST CHANNEL BOUNDRY POINTER (CBP) -+ cpu-+I FIFO INPUT CHANNEL FIFO IN SFR 1-+ INTERNAL CPU H fiFO OUT SFR . J+- ~ HOST CPU 292018-5 Figure 5. Entire FIFO Assigned to Output Channel data transfer rate is twice as fast as the internal FIFO DMA data transfer rate. In this example the FIFO Input channel size is programmed to be 64 bytes and the Input channel Threshold is programmed to be 20 bytes. The Host writes the first 64 bytes to the Input FIFO. When the internal DMA processor has read 20 bytes the Threshold interrupt, or DMA request (DRQIN), is generated to signal the Host.to begin writing.more data to the Input FIFO channel. The internal DMA processor continues to read data from the Input channel as the Host, or Host DMA processor, writes to the FIFO. The Host can write 40 bytes to the FIFO Input channels in the time it takes for the internal DMA processor to read 20 more bytes from it. This will keep both the Host and internal DMA operating at their maximum rates without forcing one to wait for the other. Two methods of managing the FIFO size are possible; fixed and variable channel size. A fixed channel size is one where the channel is configured at initialization and remains unchanged throughout program execution. In a variable FIFO channel size. the configuration is changed dynamically to meet the data transmission requirements as needed. An example of a variable channel size application is the mass storage subsystem described earlier. To meet the demands of a large data block transfer the FIFO size could be fully allocated to the Input or Output channel as needed. The Thresholds are also reprogrammed to match the respective data transfer rates. An example of a fixed channel size application might be one which uses the UPI-452 to directly control a series of stepper motors. The UPI-452 manages the motor operation and status as required. This would include pulse train, acceleration, deceleration and feedback. The Host transmits motor commands to the UPI-452 in blocks of 6-10 bytes. Each block of motor command data is preceded by a command to the QPI-452 which selects a specific motor. The UPI-452 transmits blocks of data to the Host which provides motor and overall system status. The data and embedded commands structure, indicating the specific motor, is the same. In this example the default 64 bytes per channel might be adequate for both channels. INTERRUPT RESPONSE TIMING Interrupts enable the Host UPI"452 FIFO buffer interface and the internal CPU FIFO buffer interface to operate with a minimum of overhead on the respective CPU. Each CPU is "interrupted" to service the FIFO on an as needed basis only. In configuring the FIFO buffer Thresholds and choosing the appropriate internal DMA Mode the user must take into account the interrupt response time for both CPUs. These response times will affect the DMA transfer rates for each channel. By choosing FIFO channel Thresholds which reflect both the respective DMA transfer rate and the interrupt response time the user will achieve the maximum data throughput and system bus decoupling. This in turn will mean the overall available system bus bandwidth will increase. The following section describes the FIFO interrupt interface to the Host and internal CPU. It also describes an analysis of sample interrupt response times for the Host and UPI-452 internal cpu. These equations and the example times shown are then used in the DMA section to further analyze an optimum Host UPI-452 interface. HOST Interrupts to the Host processor are supported by the three UPI-452 output pins; INTRQ, DRQINI INTRQIN and DRQOUT/INTRQOUT. INTRQ is a general purpose Request For Service interrupt output. DRQIN/INTRQIN and DRQOUT/INRQOUT pins are multiplexed to provide two special "Request for Service" FIFO interrupt request lines when DMA is disabled. A FIFO Input or Output channel Request for Service interrupt is generated based upon the value programmed in the respective channel's Threshold SFRs; Input Threshold (ITHR), and Output Threshold 10-344 AP-281 (OTHR) SFRs. Additional interrupts are provided for FIFO Underrun and Overrun Errors, Data Stream Commands, and Immediate Commands. Table 4 lis~s the eight UPI-452 interrupt sources as they appear In the HSTAT SFR to the Host processor. To initiate the interrupt the UPI-452 activates the INTRQ output. The interrupt acknowledge sequence requires two bus cycles, 400 ns (10 MHz iAPX 286), for the two INTA pulse sequence. Equation 1. Host Interrupt Response Time Table 4 UPI-4S2 to Host Interrupt Sources HSTAT SFR Bit HST7 HST6 HST5 HST4 HST3 HST2 HST1 HSTO Action Interrupt Source Time Current instruction execution 800 ns completion INTA sequence 400 ns Interrupt service routine (time to host first READ of UPI-452) 2000 ns Total Interrupt Response Time 2.3/Ls Output FIFO Underrun Error Immediate Command Out SFR Status Data Stream Command/Data at Output FIFO Status Output FIFO Request for Service Status Input FIFO Overrun Error Condition Immediate Comamnd In SFR Status FIFO DMA FreezelNormal Mode Status Input FIFO Request for Service Bus Cycles' 4 .2 10 16 NOTE: 10 MHz iAPX 286 bus cycle, 200 ns each UPI-4S2 Internal . The interrupt response time required by the Host processor is application and system specific. In general, a typical sequence of Host interrupt response eve~ts a~d the approximate times associated with each are listed In Equation 1. The example assumes the hardware configuration shown in Fjgure 1, iAPX 286IUPI-452 Block Diagram, with an 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller. The timing analysis in Equation I also assumes the following; no other interrupt is either in process or pending, nor is the 286 in a LOCK condition. The current instruction completion time is 8 clock cycles (800 ns @ 10 MHz), or 4 bus cycles. The interrupt service routine first executes a PUSHA instruction, PUSH All General Registers, to save all iAPX 286 internal registers. This requires 19 clocks (or 2.0 /Ls @ 10 MHz), or 10 bus cycles (rounded to complete bus cycle). The next service routine instruction reads the UPI-452 Host Status SFR to determine the interrupt source. It is important to note that any UPI-452 INTRQ interrupt service routine should ALWAYS mask for the Freeze Mode bit first. This will insure that Freeze Mode always has the highest priority. This will also save the time required to mask for bits which are forced inactive during Freeze Mode, before checking the Freeze Mode bit. Access to the FIFO channels by the Host is inhibited during Freeze Mode. Freeze Mode is covered in more detail below. The internal CPU FIFO interrupt interface is essentially identical to that of the Host to the FIFO. T~ree internal interrupt sources support the FIFO operatIOn; FIFO-Slave bus Interface Buffer, DMA Channel 0 and DMA Channell Requests. These interrupts provide a maximum decoupling of the FIFO buffer and the internal CPU. The four different internal DMA Modes available add flexibility to the interface. The FIFO-Slave Bus Interface interrupt response is also similar to the Host response to an INTRQ Request for Service interrupt. The internal CPU responds to the interrupt by reading the Slave Status (SSTAT) SFR to determine the source of the interrupt. This allows the user to prioritize the Slave Status flag response to meet the users application needs. The internal interrupt response time is dependent on the current instruction execution, whether the interrupt is enabled, and the interrupt priority. In general, to finish execution of the current instruction, respond to the interrupt request,·push the Program Counter (PC) and vector to the first instruction of the interrupt service routine requires from 38 to 86 oscillator periods (2.38 to 5.38 /Ls @ 16 MHz). If the interrupt is due to an Immediate Command or DSC, additional time is required to read t.he Immediate Command or DSC SFR and vector to the appropriate service routine. This means two service routines back to back. One service routine to read the Slave Status (SSTAT) SFR to determine the source of the Request for Service interrupt, and second the service routine pointed to by the Immediate Command or DSC byte read from the respective SFR. 10-345 inter Ap-281 Table 5. Host UPI-452 Data Transfer Performance DMA DMA is the fastest and most efficient way for the Host or internal CPU to communicate with the FIFO buffer. The UPI-452 provides support for both of these DMA paths. The two DMA paths and operations are fully independent of each other and can function simultaneously. While the Host DMA processor is performing a DMA transfer to Qr from the FIFO, the UPI-452 internal DMA processor can be doing the same. Below are descriptions of both the Host and internal DMA operations. Both DMA paths can operate asynchronously and at different transfer rates. In order to make the most of this simultaneous asynchronous operation it is necessary to calculate the two transfer rates and accurately match their operations. Matching the different transfer rates is done by a combination of accurately programmed FIFO channel size and channel Thresholds. This provid~s the maximum Host and internal CPU to FIFO buffer interface decoupling. Below is a description of each of the two DMA operations and sample calculations for determining transfer rates. The next section of this application note, "Interface Latency", details the considerations involved in analyzing effective transfer rates when the overhead associated with each transfer is considered. HOST FIFO· DMA DMA transfers between the Host and UPI-452 FIFO buffer are controlled by the Host CPU's DMA controller, and is independent of the UPl c452's internal two channel DMA processor. The UPI-452's internal DMA processor supports data transfers between the UPI-452 internal RAM, external RAM (via the Local Expansion Bus) and the various Special Function Registers including the FIFO Input imd Output channel SFRs. Wait States: Processor & Speed iAPX-186* 8MHz 10 MHz 12.5 MHz iAPX-286*' 6 MHz 8MHz 10 MHz Back to Back READI WRITE's DMA: Two Single Cycie Cycle 0 0 1 0 1 2 N/A' N/A' N/A* 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOTES: • iAPX 186 On-chip DMA processor is two cycle operation only. •• iAPX 286 assumes 82258 ADMA (or other DMA) running 286 bus cycles at 286 clo,ck rate. In this application note system example, shown in Figure I, DMA operation is assumed to be two bus cycle. I/O to memory or memory to I/O,' Two cycle DMA consists of a fetch bus cycle from the source and a store bus cycle to the destination. The data is stored in the DMA controller's registers before being sent to the destination. Single cycle DMA transfers involve a simultaneous fetch from the source and store to the destination. As the most common method of I/O-memory DMA operation, two cycle DMA transfers are the focus of this application note analysis. Equation 2 illustrates a calculation of the overall transfer rate between the FIFO buffer and external Host for a maximum FIFO size transfer. The equation does not account for the latency of initiating the DMA transfer. ' Equation 2. Host FIFO DMA Transfer Rate--:lnput or Output Channel 2 Cycle DMA Transfer-I/O (UPI-452) to System Memory FIFO channel size' (DMA READ/WRITE FIFO time + DMA WRITE/READ Memory Time) 128 bytes' (200 ns + 200 ns) 51.2 Jks 256 bus cycles' The maximum DMA transfer rate is achieved by the minimum DMA transfer cycle time to accomplish a source to destination move. The minimum Host UPI452 FIFO DMA cycle time possible is determined by the READ and WRITE pulse widths, UPI-452 command recovery times in relation to the DMA transfer timing and DMA controller transfer mode used. Table 5 shows the relationship between the iAPX-286, iAPX186 and UPI-452 for various DMA as well as nonDMA byte by byte transfer modes versus processor frequencies. NOTES: '10 MHz iAPX 286, 200 ns bus cycles. Host processor speed vs wait states required with UPI452 running at 16 MHz: ' The UPI-452 design is optimized for high speed DMA transfers between the Host and the FIFO buffer. The 10-346 intJ AP-281 UPI-452 internal FIFO buffer control logic provides the necessary synchronization of the external Host event and the internal CPU machine cycle during UPI-452 RD/WR accesses. This internal synchronization is addressed by the TCC AC specification of the UPI-452 shown in Figure 6. TCC is the time from the leading or trailing edge of a UPI-452 RD/WR to the same edge of the next UPI-452 RD/WR. The TCC time is effectively another way of measuring the system bus cycle time with reference to UPI-452 accesses. In the iAPX-286 10 MHz system depicted in this application note the bus cycle time is 200 ns. Alternate cycle accesses of the UPI-452 during two cycle DMA operation yields a TCC time of 400 ns which is more than the TCC minimum time of 375 ns. Back to back Host UPI-452 READ/WRITE accesses may require wait states as shown in Table 5. The difference between 10 MHz iAPX-186 and 10 MHz iAPX 286 required wait states is due to the number of clock cycles in the respective bus cycle timings. The four clocks in a 10 MHz iAPX 186 bus cycle means a minimum TCC time of 400 ns versus 200 ns for a 10 MHz iAPX 286 with two clock cycle zero wait state bus cycle. DMA handshaking between the Host DMA controller and the UPI-452 is supported by three pins on the UPI452; DRQIN/INTRQIN, DRQOUT/INTRQOUT and DACK. The DRQIN/INTRQIN and DRQOUT/ INTRQOUT outputs are two multiplexed DMA or interrupt request pins. The function of these pins is controlled by MODE SFR bit 6 (MD6). DRQIN and DRQOUT provide a direct interface to the Host system DMA controller (see Figure 1). In response to a DRQIN or DRQOUT request, the Host DMA controller initiates control of the system bus using HLD/ HLDA. The FIFO Input or Output channel transfer is accomplished with a minimum of Host overhead and system bus bandwidth. The third handshake signal pin is DACK which is used as a chip select during DMA data transfers. The UPI452 Host READ and WRITE input signals select the respective Input and Output FIFO channel during DMA transfers. The CS and address lines provide DMA acknowledge for processors with onboard DMA controllers which do not generate a DACK signal. The iAPX 286 Block I/O Instructions provide an alternative to two cycle DMA data transfers with approximately the same data rate. The String Input and Output instructions (INS & OUTS) when combined with the Repeat (REP) prefix, modifies INS and OUTS to provide a means of transferring blocks of data between I/O and Memory. The data transfer rate using REP INS/OUTS instructions is calculated in the same way as two cycle DMA transfer times. Each READ or WRITE would be 200 ns in a 10 MHz iAPX 286 system. The maximum transfer rate possible is 2.5 MBytes/second. The Block I/O FIFO data transfer calculation is the same as that shown in Equation 2 for two cycle DMA data transfers including TCC timing effects. FIFO Data Structure and Host DMA During a Host DMA write to the FIFO, if a DSC is to be written, the DMA transfer is stopped, the DSC is written and the DMA restarted. During a Host DMA read from the FIFO, if a DSC is loaded into the I/O Buffer Latch the DMA request, DRQOUT, will be deactivated (see Figure 2 above). The Host Status (HSTAT) SFR Data Stream Command bit is set and the INTRQ interrupt output goes active, if enabled. The Host responds to the interrupt as described above. 1 cs# 1 , \ -_ _---J , \ -_ _---J I-I·----TCC----~'I RD#/WR# ----J-\~ ~ I TRR/TWW \-4t ____T_R_V_~ TRR/TWW, ~ I 292018-6 Symbol Description Var.Osc. @16MHz TCC Command Cycle Time Command Recovery Time 6 * Tclcl 375 ns min 75 75 ns min TRV Figure 6. UPI-4S2 Command Cycle Timing 10-347 inter AP-281 Once INTRQ is deactivated and the DSC·has been read by the Host, the DMA request,DRQOUT, is reasserted by the UPI-452. The DMA request then remains active until the transfer is complete or another DSC is loaded into the I/O Buffer Latch. An Immediate Command written by the internal CPU during a Host riMA FIFO transfer also causes the Host- Status flag and INTRQ to go active ifenabled. In this case the Immediate Command would not terminate the DMA transfer unless terminated by the Host. The INTRQ line remains active until the Hostreads the Host Status (HSTAT) SFR to determine the source of the interrupt. The net effect ora Data Stream Command (DSC) on DMA data transfer rates is to add an additional factor to the data transfer rate equation. This added factor is shown in Equation 3. An Immediate Command has the same effect on the data transfer rate if the Immediate Command interrupt is recognized by the Host during a DMA transfer. If the DMA transfer is completed before the Immediate Command interrupt is recognized, the effect on the DMA transfer rate depends on whether the block being transmitted is larger than the FIFO channel size. If the block is larger than the programmed FIFO channel size the transfer rate depends on whether the Immediate Command flag or interrupt is recognized between partial block transfers. The FIFO configuration shown in Equation 3 is arbitrary since there is no way of predicting the size relative to when a DSC would be loaded into the I/O Buffer Latch. The Host DMA rate shown is for a UPI-452 (Memory Mapped or I/O) to 286 System Memory transfer as described earlier. The equations do not account for the latency of intiating the DMA transfer. Equation 3. Minimum host FIFO DMA Transfer Rate Including Data Stream Command(s) Minimum Host/FIFO DMA Transfer Rate wI DSC FIFO size· Host DMA 2 cycle time transfer rate + iAPX 286 interrupt response time (Eq. # 1) (32 bytes· (200 ns + 200ns)) + 2.3 p.s 15.1 p.s 75.5 bus cycles (@10 MHz iAPX286, 200ns bus cycle) UPI-4S2 INTERNAL DMA PROCESSORThe two identical internal DMA channels allow high speed data transfers from one UPI-452 writable memory space to another. The following UPI-452 memory spaces can be used with internal DMA channels: Internal Data Memory (RAM) External Data Memory (RAM) Special Function Registers (SFR) The FIFO can be accessed during internal DMA operations by specifying the FIFO IN (FIN) SFR as ti).e DMA Source Address (SAR) or the FIFO OUT (FOUT) SFR as the Destination Address (DAR). Table 6 lists the four types of internal DMA transfers and their respective timings. Table 6. UPI-452 Internal DMA Controller Cycle Timings Source Destination Internal Data Mem.orSFR Internal Data Mem.orSFR External Data Mem. ·External Data Memory Internal Data Mem.orSFR External Data Mem. Internal Data Mem.orSFR External Data Memory Machine Cycles'· @12MHz @16MHz 1 1 p.s 750 ns 1 1 p.s 750 ns 1 1 p.s 750ns 2 2 p.s 1.5 p.s . NOTES: "External Data Memory DMA transfer applies to UPI-4S2 Local Bus only. ··MSC-S1 Machine cycle = 12 clock cycles (TCLCL). 10-348 inter AP-281 FIFO Data Structure and Internal DMA INTERFACE LATENCY The effect of Data Stream Commands and Immediate Commands on the internal DMA transfers is essentially the same as the effect on Host FIFO DMA transfers. Recognition also depends upon the programmed DMA Mode, the interrupts enabled, and their priorities. The net internal effect is the same for each possible internal case. The time required to respond to the Immediate or. Data Stream Command is a function of the instruction time required. This must be calculated by the user based on the instruction cycle time given in the MSC51 Instruction Set description in the Intel Microcontroller Handbook. The interface latency is the time required to accommodate all of the overhead associated with an individual data transfer. Data transfer rates between the Host system and UPI-452 FIFO, with a block size less than or equal to the programmed FIFO channel size, are calculated using the Host system DMA rate. (see Host DMA description above). In this case, the entire block could be transferred in one operation. The total latency is the time required to accomplish the block DMA transfer, the interrupt response or poll of the Host Status SFR response time, and the time required to initate the Host DMA processor~ It is important to note that the internal DMA processor modes and the internal FIFO logic work together to automatically manage internal DMA transfers as data moves into and out of the FIFO.· The two most appropriate internal DMA processor modes for the FIFO are FIFO Demand Mode and FIFO Alternate Cycle Mode. In FIFO Demand Mode, once the correct Slave Control and DMA Mode bits are set, the internal Input FIFO channel DMA transfer occurs whenever the Slave Control Input FIFO Request for Service flag is set. The DMA transfer continues until the flag is cleared or when the Input FIFO Read Pointer SFR (IRPR) equals zero. If data continues to be entered by the Host, the internal DMA continues until an internal interrupt of higher priority, if enabled, interrupts the DMA transfer, the internal DMA byte count reaches zero or until the Input FIFO Read Pointer equals zero. A complete description of interrupts and DMA Modes can be found in the UPI-452 Data Sheet. A DMA transfer between the Host and UPI-452 FIFO with a block size greater than the programmed FIFO channel size introduces additional overhead. This additional overhead is from three sources; first, is the time to actually perform the DMA transfer. Second, the overhead of initializing the DMA processor, third; the handshaking between each FIFO block required to transfer the entire data block. This could be time to wait for the FIFO to be emptied and/or the interrupt response time to restart the DMA transfer of the next portion of the block. A fourth component may also be the time required to respond to Underrun and Overrun FIFO Errors. Table 7 shows six typical FIFO Input/Output channel sizes and the Host DMA transfers times for each. The timings shown reflect a 10 MHz system bus two cycle I/O tq Memory DMA transfer rate of 2.5 MBytes/second as shown in Equation 1. The times given would be the same for iAPX 286 I/O block move instructions REP INS and REP OUTS as described earlier.. DMAModes Table 7_ Host DMA FIFO Data Transfer Times The internal DMA processor has four modes of operation. Each DMA channel is software programmable to operate in either Block Mode or Demand Mode. Demand Mode may be further programmed to operate in Burst or Alternate Cycle Mode. Burst Mode causes the internal processor to halt its execution and dedicate its resources exclusively to the DMA transfer. Alternate Cycle Mode causes DMA cycles and instruction cycles to occur alternately. A detailed description of each DMA Mode can be found in the UPI-452 Data Sheet. FIFO Size: Full or Empty Time 32 43 64 85 96 128 I bytes % % % % % Full or Empty 12.8 1i2 25.6 34.0 38.4 51.21 /Ls Table 8 shows six typical FIFO Input/Output channel sizes and the internal DMA processor data transfers times for each. The timings shown are for a UPI-452 single cycle Burst Mode transfer at 16 MHz or 750 ns per machine cycle in or out of the FIFO channels. The 10-349 inter AP-281 machine cycle time is that of the MSC-51 CPU; 6 states, 2 XTAL2 clock cycles each or 12 clock cycles per machine cycle. Details on the MSC-51 machine cycle timings and operation may be found in the Intel Microcontroller Handbook. Table 8. UPI-452 Internal DMA FIFO Data Transfer Times FIFO Size: Full or Empty Time 32 43 64 85 96 114 113 % % % I 128 bytes Full or Empty 24.0 32.3 48.0 64.6 72.0 96.0 I /Ls A larger than programmed FIFO channel size data block internal DMA transfer requires internal arbitration. The UPI-452 provides a variety of features which support arbitration between the two internal DMA channels and the FIFO. An example is the internal DMA processor FIFO Demand Mode described above. FIFO Demand Mode DMA transfers occur continuously until the Slave Status Request for Service Flag is deactivated. Demand Mode is especially useful for continuous data transfers requiring immediate attention. FIFO Alternate Cycle Mode provides for interleaving DMA transfers and instruction cycles to achieve a maximum of software flexibility. Both iriternal DMA channels can be used simultaneously to provide continuous transfer for both Input and Output FIFO channels. Byte by byte transfers between the FIFO and internal CPU timing is a function of the specific instruction cycle time. Of the 111 MCS-51 instructions, 64 require 12 clock cycles, 45 require 24 clock cycles and 2 require 48 clock cycles. Most instructions involving SFRs are 24 clock cycles except accumulator (for example, MOV direct, A) or logical operations (ANL direct, A). Typical instruction imd their timings are shown in Table 9. Oscillator Period: @ @ 12 MHz = 83.3 ns 16 MHz = 62.5 ns MOV directt, A MOV direct, direct 1 /Ls 2/Ls Equation 4. Effective Internal FIFO Transfer Time Using Internal DMA Effective Internal FiFO Transfer Rate with DMA FiFO channel size • Internal DMA Burst Mode Single Cycle DMA Time 128 Bytes • 750 ns 96/Ls Equation 5. Effective FIFO Transfer Time Using Individual Instructions Effective Internal FIFO Transfer Rate without DMA FIFO channel size * Instruction Cycle Time + Block size calculation Time 128 Bytes • (24 oscillator periods @ 16 MHz) + 20 instructions (24 oscillator period each . @ 16MHz) 128 *1.5 /Ls + 300 /Ls 492/Ls . INTERFACE OSCillator @12MHz @16MHz Periods 12 24 A typical effective internal FIFO channel transfer rate using internal DMA is shown in Equation 4. Equation 5 shows the latency using byte by byte transfers with an arbitrary factor added for internal CPU block size calculation. These two equations contrast the effective transfer rates when using internal DMA versus individual instructions to transfer 128 bytes. The effective transfer rate is approximately four times as fast using DMA versus using individual instructions (96 /Ls with DMA versus 492 /Ls non-DMA). 'FIFO DMA FREEZE MODE Table 9. Typical Instruction Cycle Timings Instruction channel. As described above in the FIFO Data Structure section, the block size would have to be determined by reading the channel read and write pointer and calculating the space available. Another alternative uses the FIFO Overrun and Underrun Error flags to manage the tr~sfers by accepting error flags. In either case the instructions needed have a significant impact on the internal FIFO data transfer rate latency equation. 750 ns 1.5/Ls NOTE: t Direct = a·bit internal datil locations address. This could be an Internal Data RAM location (0-255) or a SFR Ii.e., II port, control register, etc.] o Byte by byte FIFO data transfers introduce an additional overhead factor not found in internal DMA operations. This factor is the FIFO block size to be transferred; the number of empty locations in the Output channel, or the number of bytes in the Input FIFO FIFO DMA Freeze Mode provides a means of locking the Host out of the FIFO Input and Output channels. FIFO DMAFreeze Mode can be invoked for a variety of reasons, for example, to reconfigure the UPI-452 Local Expansion Bus, or change the baud rate on the serial channel. The primary reason the FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is provided is to ensure that the Host does not read from or write to the FIFO while the FIFO interface is being altered. ONLY the internal CPU has the capability of altering the FIFO Special Function Registers, and these SFRs can ONLY be altered during FIFO DMA Freeze Mode. FIFO DMA Freeze Mode inhibits Host access of the FIFO while the internal CPU reconfigures the FIFO. 10-350 infef Ap·281 FIFO DMA Freeze Mode should not be arbitrarily invoked while the UPI-452 is in normal operation. Because the external CPU runs asynchronously to the internal CPU, invoking freeze mode without first properly resolving the FIFO Host interface may have serious consequences. Freeze Mode may be invoked only by the internal CPU. The internal CPU invokes Freeze Mode by setting bit 3 of the Slave Control SFR (SC3). This automatically forces the Slave and Host Status SFR FIFO DMA Freeze Mode to In Progress (SSTAT SST5 =. 0, HSTAT SFR HSTl = 1). INTRQ goes active, if enabled by MODE SFR bit 4, whenever FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is invoked to notify the Host. The Host reads the Host Status SFR to determine the source of the interrupt. INTRQ and the Slave and Host Status FIFO DMA Freeze Mode bits are reset by the Host READ of the Host Status SFR. During FIFO DMA Freeze Mode the Host has access to the Host Status and Control SFRs. All other Host FIFO interface access is inhibited. Table 10 lists the FIFO DMA Freeze Mode status of all slave bus interface Special Function Registers. The internal DMA processor is disabled during FIFO DMA Freeze Mode and the internal CPU has write access to all of the FIFO control SFRs (Table 11). If FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is invoked without stopping the host, only the last two bytes of data written into or read from the FIFO will be valid. The timing diagram for disabling the FIFO module to the external Host interface is illustrated in Figure 7. Due to this synchronization sequence, the UPI-452 might not go into FIFO DMA Freeze Mode immediately after the Slave Control SFR FIFO 7 DMA Freeze Mode bit (SC3) is set = 0. A special bit in the Slave Status SFR (SST5) is provided to indicate the status of the FIFO DMA Freeze Mode. The FIFO DMA Freeze Mode INTRQ OR DRaIN/DRaoUT operations described in this section are only valid after SST5 is cleared. Either. the Host or internal CPU can request FIFO DMA Freeze Mode. The first step is to issue an Immediate Command indicating that FIFO DMA Freeze Mode will be invoked. Upon receiving the Immediate Command, the external CPU should complete servicing all pending interrupts and DMA requests, then send an Immediate Command back to the internal CPU acknowledging the FIFO DMA Freeze Mode request. After issuing the first Immediate Command, the internal CPU should not perform any action on the FIFO until FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is invoked. The handshaking is the same in reverse if the HOST CPU initiates FIFO DMA Freeze Mode. After the slave bus interface is frozen, the internal CPU can perform the operations listed below on the FIFO Special Function Registers. These operations are allowed only during FIFO DMA Freeze Mode. Table 11 summarizes the characteristics of all the FIFO Special Function Registers during Normal and FIFO DMA Freeze Modes. For FIFO 1. Changing the Channel Boundary Pointer SFR. Reconfiguration 2. Changing the Input and Output Threshold SFR. To Enhance the 3. Writing to the read and write testability pointers of the Input and Output FIFO's. 4. Writing to and reading the Host Control SFRs. 5. Controlling some bits of Host and Slave Status SFRs. 6. Reading the Immediate Command Out SFR and Writing to the 1m, mediate Command in SFR. ..J RD#/WR# INTRa J .......S.. ____ .. ____ ... _. __ :: : A FIFO RD/WR AFTER I • INTERFACE FREEZE IS • - INVOKED WILL CAUSE HST3 OR HST7 TO BE SET SC3 HSTl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1 SET 292018-7 NOTE: Timing Diagram of disabling of FIFO Module-External Host Interface. Figure 7. Disabling FIFO to Host Slave Interface Timing Diagram 10-351 AP-281 The sequence of events for invoking FIFO DMA Freeze Mode are listed in Figure 8. 4. The Immediate Command interrupt is responded to immediately-highest priority-by Host and internal CPU. 1. Immediate Command to request FIFO DMA Freeze Mode (interrupt) 5. Respective interrupt response times a. Host (Equation 3 above)=approximately 1.6 pos b. Internal CPU is 86 oscillator periods or approximately 5.38 pos worst case. 2. Host/internal CPU interrupt response/service 3. Host/internal CPU clear/service all pending interrupts and FIFO data Event 4. Internal CPU sets Slave Control (SLCON) FIFO DMA Freeze Mode bit ,:: 0, FIFO DMA Freeze Mode, Host Status SFR FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Status bit = 1, INTRQ active (high) 5. Host READ Host Status SFR Time Immediate'Command from Host to UPI-452 to request FIFO DMA Freeze Mode (iAPX286 WRITE) 0.30 pos Internal CPU interrupt response/ service 5.38 pos 6. Internal CPU reconfigures FIFO SFRs Internal CPU clears FIFO-128 bytes DMA 7. Internal CPU resets Slave Control (SLCON) FIFO DMA Internal CPU sets Slave Control Freeze Mode bit 0.75 pos Immediate Command to HostFreeze Mode in progress Host Immediate Command interrupt response 2.3 pos Freeze Mode bit = 1, Normal Mode, Host Status FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Status bit = O. 8. Internal CPU issues Immediate Command to Host indicating that FIFO DMA Freeze Mode is complete ; Internal CPU reconfigures FIFO SFRs Channel Boundary Pointer SFR InputThreshold SFR Output Threshold SFR or Host polls Host Status SFR FIFO DMA Freeze Mode bit to determine end of reconfiguration Internal CPU resets Slave Control (SLCON) Freeze Mode bit = 1, Normal Mode, and automatically resets Host Status FIFO DMA Freeze Mode bit Figure 8. Sequence of Events to Invoke FIFO DMAFreeze Mode EXAMPLE CONFIGURATION Internal CPU writes Immediate Command Out An example of the time required to reconfigure the FIFO 180 degrees, for example from 128 bytes Input to 128 bytes Output, is shown in Figure 9. The example approximates the time based on several assumptions; Host Immediate Command interrupt service - 1. The FIFO Input channel isfull-128 bytes of data Total Minimum Time to Reconfigure FIFO 96.00 pos 0.75 pos 0.75 pos 0.75 pos 2.3 pos 0.75 pos 2.3 pos 112.33 pos Figure 9. Sequence of Events to Invoke FIFO DMA Freeze Mode and Timings 2. Output FIFO channel is empty-1 byte 3. No Data Stream Commands in the FIFO. 10-352 intJ AP-281 Table 10. Slave Bus Interface Status During FIFO DMA Freezer Mode . A2 Interface Pins; A1 AO DACK CS 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 READ WRITE 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 Operation In Normal Mode Status In Freeze Mode Read Host Status SFR Operational Read Host Control SFR Operational Write Host Control SFR Disabled Data or DMA data from Output Channel Disabled 0 Data or DMA data to Input Channel Disabled 0 1 Data Stream Command from Output Channel Disabled 1 1 0 Data Stream Command to Input Channel Disabled 0 0 0 1 Read Immediate Command Out from Output Channel Disabled 1 0 0 1 0 Write Immediate Command In to Input Channel Disabled X X X X 0 1 DMA Data from Output Channel Disabled X X X X 1 0 DMA Data to Input Channel Disabled NOTE: X = don't care Table 11. FIFO SFR's Characteristics During FIFO DMA Freeze Mode Normal Operation (SST5 = 1) Label Name HCON HSTAT SLCON SSTAT IEP Host Control Host Status Slave Control Slave Status Interrupt Enable & Priority Mode Register Input FIFO Write Pointer Input FIFO Read Pointer Output FIFO Write Pointer Output FIFO Read Pointer Channel Boundary Pointer Immediate Command In Immediate Command Out FIFO IN COMMAND IN FIFO OUT COMMAND OUT Input FIFO Threshold Other FIFO Threshold MODE IWPR IRPR OWPR ORPR CBP IMIN IMONT FIN CIN FOUT COUT ITHR OTHR 10-353 Freeze Mode Operation (SST5 = 0) Not Accessible Read Only Read & Write Read Only Read Read Read Read & Write & Write & Write & Write Read & Write Read & Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read & Write Read Only Read Only Read & Write Read & Write Read Only Read Only Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read & Write & Write & Write & Write & Write & Write & Write & Write & Write Only Only & Write & Write & Write & Write inter ARTICLE REPRINT AR-409 October 1985 ORDER NUMBER: 270126-001 © INTEL CORPORATION, 1985 Reprinted from Design News, 8-19-85 270126-1 10-354 inter AR·409 INCREASED FUNCTIONS IN CHIP RESULt IN LIGHTER, LESS COSTLY PORTABLE COMPUTER Jafar Modares, Applications Engineer, Intel Corp., Chandler, AZ Advances in technology have made it possible to reduce the size and increase the functionality and performance of computers and computer peripherals. With the help of microtechnology it is possible to construct a computer terminal that is smaller and lighter than a briefcase, and that can be connected to a mainframe from almost anywhere. As more portable computers are introduced to the marketplace, the demand for lighter and even smaller systems at a lower cost are inevitable. To meet this demand changes in the architecture are necessary. With Intel's recently introduced 80C51 BH microcontroller several obstacles in the design of the portable computer have been overcome. The 80C51 BH is a single chip 8-bit microcontroller that requires a single 5V power supply. It has 32 110 lines. Its functionalities include excellent bit and byte manipulation capability at extremely high speeds as well as interfacing flexibilities through the serial and parallel channels to intelligent and unintelligent devices. It can carry its own program memory up to 4 Kbytes and has various tools and support systems. This article discusses the implementation of a prototype portable terminal based on Intel's new 8OC51 BH microcontroller, and introduces the tools and techniques available to build such a computer terminal. In the application discussed. the chip monitors the keyboard. communicates with the host computer at very high BAUD rates, and displays information on the screen at slower rates for human beings. The chip also monitors the power supply for switching to the battery in case of power failure to save valuable data and computer time. The prototype is currently under futher development at Intel's Microcontroller Division. Introducing the 80C51BH Very new in the market, the 80CSI 8H is a member of Intel's MCS-SI family. The MCS-SI is a group of 8-bit microcontrollers that are extremely powerful because of their 110 structure and their bit manipulating capabilities. The 80C51 BH has 4 Kbytes of on-chip program memory with the capability to address another 60 Kbytes of external program memory. In addition it has 128 bytes of on-chip RAM and can access 64 Kbytes of external data memory. Since the 80CSIBH is CMOS. it has very low power consumption (IS mA at 5V. 12 MHz). In addition, it has two power saving features not available in HMOS versions of the family. These are the Idle and Power Down modes.,which are controlled by software and further reduce power comsumption. These power saving features make it ideal for battery-operated backed-up systems. Display device The display device of this portable terminal'is a 25-line x 80-character Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). It is capable of displaying the same number of characters as a typical CRT, and it is not as bulky or heavy as the latter. LCDs can be divided into two large categories: smart LCDs and dumb LCDs. Those displays that have the capability to receive a byte of ASCII and translate it into a displayed character are considered smart. On the other hand. dumb displays are only a matrix of dots. The former type has some kind of controller of its own plus a small memory to hold the look-up table of characters (character generator). When using a dumb display the microcontroller has to address and tum on the correct dots to make a character. this means more 1/0 pins will be required. However, it gives extra capabilities such as graphic displays and special or custom character generation. Both types of displays normally accept data through an 8-bit bus. Although the LCD is relatively slow. it can still share the bus with a memory device without any degradation of the system performance. Keyboard Depending on their task arid purpose. keyboards vary in shape. size. and the number of keypads. The keyboard for a computer terminal, as a minimum. should have all the alphanumeric keys (standard typewriter) plus a Control. an Escape. and optionally. some Function keys. As the diagram in Figure I shows a 270126-2 10-355 inter typical keyboard consists of a matrix of eight scan lines and eight receive lines. The scan lim,s are connecied to Port 0 of the microcontroller, and receive lines are connected to Port I.' The software writes Os to Port 0 to hold the scan lines at a logic Low, and it writes I s to Port I to hold the receive lines at a logic High. Pressing one of the keys connects a scan line to receive a line and pulls that receive line Low . . Besides being used for the scan lines, Port 0 is also the bus for the data buffer RAM and the display unit. While the controller is talking to the RAM or to the display, the bus must not be used.by other devices or bus contention can occur. Since the microcontoller initiates the access to the display and to the data buffer RAM, no conflict can occur between them. However, if more than one key on the same receive line is held down simultaneously while the RAMor the display is being accessed, it is possible to foul up the information being transferred. Thus, to avoid bus ~onten tion, diodes 0 I through 08 are placed on the scan lines, as shown in Figure I. All the receive lines are ANOed to External Interrupt I, so that pulling any' of the receive lines Low will generate an interrupt. The interrupt service routine, adapts the "two key lock.out." system and identities the pressed key. This system allows only one key to be pressed simultaneously, all of them will be ignored. On some keyboards, certain keys (such as Shift, Control or Escape) are not a part of the line matrix. These keys connect directly to a port pin on the microcontroller. They would not cause lock-out if pressed simultaneously with a matrix key, nor generate an interrupt if pressed singly. However, if they are part of the miltrix, then the software has to recognize those keys and take proper action depending on the function of the pressed key. Normally, when a key is pressed, the microcontroller is in the Idle mode and no other task is in progress. Pressing a key on the matrix generates an interrupt, which terminates the Idle mode. The interrupt service routine tirst calls a sub: routine to provide a delay of approxi- AR-409 Vee RECEIVE LINES I SCAN LINES. H l ~ CONTROL KEY ~ -~lr TO P3.4 ANO P3.S -I PORT (DAT~BUS) >--~ TO THE EXTERNAL INTERRUPT PIN TO PORT 1 Figure 1 mately 25 msec (to debounce the·.key), and to perform' the task of identifying which key is down. There are a number of ways that the interrupt service routine can identify the press key. One way is to utilize the bitaddressing capabilities of the 80C51 BH to test each bit of the receive lines for a zero, which generated the interrupt, and records the bit position. Then write Os to the receive lines, Is to the scan lines, test the scan lines for a zero, and record its position. If the controller finds more than one zero on each port, it will discontinue any further processing and return to the main program. Once the bit positions that contain 0 are recorded, they are used as the address for the characters in the look-up table. The subroutine tinds the character that corresponds to' the. pressed key. The character is represented in ASCII code. The look-up table is a list of the ASCII representation of each keypad character, and is stored in 'the program memory .. The order in which they sit corresponds to the address generated by the scan subroutine when that character is pressed on the keyboard. Serial communication Once the 80C51 BH has' the ASCII code generated from a key closure, it can send it through its Serial' Channel to the host computer. The serial port of the microcontroller can be programmed for all of the standard rates up to 375K. If the terminal is to he connected directly to the mainframe, a simple circuit translates the TTL levels to the RS232 level. The circuit also eliminates the need for the - 12V supply required for R02J2. The circuit diagram is shown in Figure 2. However, the primary application of this terminal is to be the traveling person's window to the central system from any remote location. In this application a modem is needed. There are many types of modems available. Some are on PC boards for OEM use and others arc ready to connect directly to the telephone by the user. They also vary in size, petformance, and the way they communicate. A proper modem for the portable terminal should be small enough to carry in a briefcase and preferdbly be a lowpower device. When an ASCII code is received by the host computer, it records that code and echoes it back to the microcontroller which displays it on the LCD. The serial port of the 80C51 BH can generate interrupts every time il receives or transmils information. The serial port interrupt must have service priority over the external interrupt generated by the keyboard. The high priority enables the serial port' to receive data any time the computer addresses the terminal and transmits data. ,The serial port interrupt service rou: tine transfers the received data to the display or to a memory buffer, depend270126-3 10-356 inter AR-409 ficient for buffering large blocks of data storage. The serial port interrupt service routine takes the data from the SBUF register and writes it to the iRAM. Two index pointers in the serial port interrupt service routine help keep track of the incoming and outgoing iRAM data. There are times the controller has to wait for reasons such as the debounce delay in the scan subroutine or when writing to the display. and must slow down. While the 80CSI BH is waiting. it goes into the Idle mode until one of the timers. which programmed to run. times out and generates an interrupt. The interrupt service routine for this type of interrupt is a short one. it sets or clears one or more flags and returns to continue the task that was in progress before going into the Idle mode. The controller is also in the Idle mode when there is no activity in the terminal. i.e .• no data is being received or transmitted. and the keyboard is not being used. Therefore. is is appropriate to say that when power is applied to the terminal. the controller spends more than 90% of its time in the Idle mode. MICROCONTROLLER ing on the mode selected by a function key. One mode of this function key teUs the controller to move the received data directly to the display. The other mode stores pages of the information in the buffer RAM. so that the user can edit or display the data. one page a,t a time. on the LCD without using the main system's CPU time. Data buffer memory The data buffer RAM is temporary' storage for the information which is either generated at the terminal or retrieved from the central system. The user can display portions of the stored information or scroll through it. The user can also alter the data on the terminal and transmit it back to the computer in a block form. A suitable device for this purpose is the SIC86 iRAM. This device is a pseudo-static dynamic RAM that has a built-in address latch. An internal highspeed arbitration circuit resolves any potential conflict arising between read/ write arid internal refresh cycles. This iRAM is 8K x 8-bit and is suf- What is the Idle mode? When Bit 0 in the Special Function Register PCON is set. the CPU gates off +SV R1 +SV SERIAL OUTPUT RS 02 Figure 2 its own internal clock and goes to sleep. Since the CPU consumes about 90% of the chip's power. this process saves a significant amount of power. More importantly the on chip peripherals and the RAM continue their normal functions independently of the CPU. Since the oscillator is still running. any enabled interrupt (internal or external) will wake the CPU up from its sleep. and it will start executing instructions from the interrupt service routine. A true portable terminal should be capable of operating from a battery source. There are occasions when one would like to use the terminal at a location where an electric outlet is not readily available. But the main purpose of the battery supply is to save the data. which has been entered and stored in the buffer RAM. in the case of an unexpected power failure. While performing all of the previously mentioned tasks. the gOCSI B H can monitor its power supply: detect a power loss in its earliest stages. and initiate a power Down to save the data of the internal and external RAM. One method for the 80CSI BH to monitor its power supply is to have the positive half-cycles of the power supply transformer fed to the External Interrupt o pin (Figure 3). In the level activated mode. this pin generates an interrupt every time there is a high to low transition. The interrupt service routine reloads Timer 0 to a value.that will make it overflow sometime between one and two periods of the line frequency. As long as the half cycles keep coming in. the timer never overflows. because it is reloaded every half a cycle. If there is a. single half a cycle in which the line voltage does not reach a high enough level to generate the interrupt. the timer rolls over and generates a timer interrupt. The interrupt service routine for Timer 0 saves the critical data of some of the internal registers and puts the controller into a Power down mode. A reset button restarts the microcontroller to resume operation when power is restored. In this mode the CPU and all of the on-chip peripherals go to sleep. The device stops its oscillator. freezes all the 270126-4 10·357 inter AR·409 AC311 RECTIFIER AND REGULATOR Rl R2 Vee Cl .--It--+--l INT. 0 J aoC51BH Figure 3 activities and saves the information in its internal RAM for as long as the supply voltage can be reduced to as low· as 2 volts without running any risks of losing the internal RAM information. Supply current in this mode is normally 10 to 50 j.LA. Bit I of the Special Function Register PCON controls this mode. The instruction that puts the device in the Power , II KEYBOARD vi 80C51BH Down mode is the last one executed. The only way for the part to exit this mode is with a hardware reset. A prototype of this terminal was built and connecled to a MDS 800 developement system. The terminal communicated with the host computer through the serial channel at the rate of 2400 baud. The 80C51 BH was emulated using Intel's ICE-51 in circuit emulator. The block diagram of the terminal is shown in Figure 4. . The CHMOS controller and LCD combination provides a system that requires only a single voltage power supply, and consumes less than 200 mW. The system's low power consumption eliminates the need for complex, voltage-regulating hardware, and cooling fans. The result is a lighter and smaller computer terminal at a very low 0 cost. vJ :::) I'r RAM INT. 1 COMMUNICATION LINE TO HOST COMPUTER I MODEM l SERIAL CHANNEL t POWER FAILURE DETECTOR INT. 0 I --) .,. DISPLAY Figure 4 270126-5 10-358 li·I·I· IR,\NSt\t·/lo1\ .... ()~" 1:'>oIH SrRIAI. II.I·C!fW;\.IC\ Veil II \~ ..... o -I. NOVI MBE·R I'IH~ Using the 8051 Microcontroller with Resonant Transducers TOM WILLIAMSON Abstract-Having to interface an analog Iransducer 10 a digilal conlrol system Ihrough an analog-Io-digilal converter represents an expensive bOllleneck in Ihe development of many systems. Some transducer companies are addressing this prohlem by developing proprietar) families of resonant transducers. Resonant transducers are oscillators whose frequency depends in some known wa)" on Ihe physical propl."rty being mrasured. The tledrical output from these devices Is a train of rectangular pulses whose repelition nte encodes the value of the measurand. Changes in the measurand cause the frequ"ncy to shifl. The microcontroller detecls the frequency shift, runs a uhdily check on iI. and cURve rio; it in software to the measurand nlue. This paper discusses software interfacing techniques between resonant transducers and the 8051. Techniques for measuring frequency and period are diS('ussed and compared for resolution and interrogation time. The 80~1 is capable of performing these tasks in extremely short CPU time. Requirements for obtaining n-bit resolution in the measurement are discussed. It Is determined Ihat it is always faster 10 evaluate the measurand 10 a jil;inn level of resolution by meMsurinjil; the period rather than the frequency, even if the me-asurand is_ proportional to the frequency rather than to th~ period. Numerical and softwar~ ~xamples are prestnted to illustrate Ihe c·oncepls. I. RESONANT TRANSDUCERS M OST sensing transducers are not directly compatible with digital controllers. because they generate analog signals. A few transducer companies are developing proprietary families of sensors which generate signals that are more directly compatible with digital systems. These are not analog sensors with built-in A-D conversion. but oscillators whose frequency depends in some known way on the physical propeny being measured. The technology is applicable to vinually any type of measurand: pressure. gas density. position. temperature. force. etc. The sensor and microcontroller can operate from the same supply voltage. so the sensor can in most cases connect directly to a pon pin on the microcontroller. The nominal reference frequency of the output signal from· these devices is in the range of 20 Hz-500 kHz. depending on the design. A change in the measurand away from the reference condition causes the frequency to shili by an amount that is related to the change in the Illeasurand value. Transducers are available that have a full-scale frequency shift of 2-1. The microcontroller detects the change in frequency or period and ,'onvens it in soliware to the Illeasurand value. II. CONNFl'IINl; IHE DI(;ITAL TRANSIlIIl'rR TO tHE 8051 Normally the transducer output can be connected directly to one. of the 8051 pon pins. An exception would occur when the Manu~l.:rip( n!l'eivcd Cktohc:r ~5, 1984. The authur is with Intel Corporalion. Chandler. AZ 85224. transducer signal docs not restrict itself to the voltage range of -0.5 to +5.5 V. The 8051 is not sensitive to the rise and fall times of its input signals. It detects transitions by sampling its pon pins at fixed intervals (once per machine cycle). and responds to a change in the sequence of samples. If the slew rate of the transducer signal is extremely slow. noise superimposed on the signal could cause the sequence of samples to show false transitions. There could on that account be situations in which the transducer signal should be buffered through a Schmitt Trigger to square it up. III. TIMER/COUNTER STRUCTURE IN THE 8051 The 8051 has two 16-bit timer/counters: Timer 0 and Timer I. Both can be configured in software to operate either as timers or as event counters. In the "timer" function. the register is automatically incremented every machine cycle. Since a machine cycle in the 805 I consists of 12 clock periods. the timer is being incremented at a constant rate of 1/12 the clock frequency. In the "counter" function. the register is incremented in response to a I-to-O transition at its corresponding external input pin (7U or TI). The way this function works is the external input pin is sampled once each machine cycle (once every 12 clock periods). and when the samples show a high in one cycle and a low in the next. the count is incremented. Note too that since it takes two machine cycles (24 clock periods) to recognize a I-to-O transition. the maximum count rate is 1124 the clock frequency. If the clock frequency is 12 MHz. the maximum count rate is 500 kHz. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the signal being counted. The 8052. an enhanced version of the 8051 . has three 16-bit timer/counters. two of which are identical to those in the 8051. The third timer/counter can operate either as a 16-bit timer/ counter with automatic reload to a preset 16-bit value on rollover. or as a 16-bit timer/counter with a "capture" mode. In the capture mode a I-to-O transition at the T2EX pin causes the current value in the counting register to the "captured" into RAM. The third timer makes the 8052 panicularly easy to interface with resonant transducers. IV. WHETHER TO MEASURE FREQUENCY OR PERIOO Measuring the frequency requires counting transducer pulses for a lixed sample time. Measuring the period requires measuring elapsed 'time for a fixed number of transducer pulses. For a given level of accuracy in the determination of the value of the measurand. it is usually faster to measure the period. rather than the frequency. even if the measurand is © 1985 IEEE 270434-1 10-359 intJ 8051 MICROCONTROLLER WILLIAMSON' USING THE 8051 MICROCONTROLLER proportional to frequency rather than period. However. both types of measurements will be discussed here. Two timer/counters can be used. one to mark time and the other to count transducer pulses. If the frequency being counted does not exceed 50 kHz or so. one may equally well connect the transducer signal to an external interrupt pin. and count transducer pulses in software. That frees one timer. with very little cost in CPU time. V. How TO MEASURE TRANSDUCER FREQUENCY Measuring the frequency means counting transducer pulses for some desired sample time. The count that is directly obtained is T x F, where T is the sample time and F is the frequency. The full scale range is T x. (Fmax - Fmin). For n-bit resolution I LSB = Tx (Fmax - Fmin) . 2" Therefore. the sample time required for n-bit resolution is T 2" Fmax-Fmin For example, 8-bit resolution in the measurement of a frequency that varies between 5 and 10 kHz would require, according to this formula, a sample time of 51.2 ms. The maximum acceptable frequency count would be 51.2 ms x 10 kHz = 512 counts. The minimum would be 256 counts. Subtracting 256 from each frequency count would allow the frequency to be reported on a scale of 0 to FF in hex digits. If Fmin and Fmax are closer together it takes more time to resolve them. 8-bit resolution in the measurement of a frequency that varies between 7 and 9 kHz would require a sample time of 128 ms. The maximum and minimum acceptable counts would be 1152 and 896. Subtracting 896 from each frequency count would allow the frequency to be reported on a: scale of 0 to FF in hex digits. To implement the measurement, one timer is used to establish the sample time. In this function it autoincrements every machine cycle. A machine cycle consists of 12 periods of the clock oscill~tor. The sample time can be converted to machine cycles by multiplying it by (Fxtal)/ I2, where Fxtal is the 805 I clock frequency. The timer needs to be preset so that it rolls over at the end of each sample time. Then it generates all interrupt, and the interrupt routine reads and clears the transducer pulse counter, and then reloads the timer with the correct preset value. The preset or reload value is the two's complement negative of the sample time in machine cycles. For example, with a 12MHz clock frequency, the reload value required to establish a 5 I. 2 ms sample time is (51.2 ms) x (12000 kHz) 12 -51200=3800 H. In many cases the required sample time exceeds the capacity of a 16-bit timer. For example, establishing a 128 ms sample time with a 12-MHz clock frequency requires a 3-byte timer with a reload of FEOCOOH. The 8051 timer, being only 2: bytes wide. can be augmented in software in the timer interrupt routine to three bytes. The 8051 has a DJNZ instruction (decrement and jump if not zero) which makes it easier to code the third timer byte to count down instead of up. If the third timer byte counts down. its reload value is the two's complement of what it would be for an up-counter. For example. if the two's complement of the sample time is FEOCOOH. then the reload value for the third timer byte would be 02. instead of FE. The timer interrupt routine might then be DJNZ THIRn.J'IMER..BYTE.OUT MOV TLO.IIO MOV THO.IIOCH MOV THIRn.J'IMER..BYTE.1I02 (Now read and clear the transducer pulse counter.) OUT: RETI Interrupt latency will have no effect on the measurement if the latency is the same for every sample time. The trouble with measuring the frequency is it is not only slow. but a waste of the resolving power of the 805 I's timers. A timer with microsecond resolution is being used to mark off 100-ms time periods. The technique is nevertheless useful if the timer is already serving other purposes (servicing a display, perhaps), so that the sample time is coming relatively free of charge. But in most cases it is faster and equally accurate to measure the frequency by deriving it from a measurement of the period. VI. How TO MEASURE THE PERIOD Measuring the period of the transducer signal means measuring the total elapsed time over N-transducer pulses .. The quantity that is directly measured is N x T, where T is the period of the transducer sig~al in machine cycles. The relationship between T in machine cycles and the transducer frequency F in arbitrary frequency units is Fxtal . T=--pX(1/12) where Fxtal is the 805 I clock frequency. in.the same unit as F. The full scale range then is N x (Tmax - Tmin). For n-bit resolution I LSB=· Nx (Tmax - Tmin) 2" . Therefore. the number of periods over which the elapsed time should be measured is N 2" Tmax-Tmin However. N must also be an integer. It is logical to evaluate the above formula (do not forget that Tmax and Tmin have to be in machine cycles) and select for N the next higher integer. This selection gives a period measurement that has somewhat more than n-bit resolution. which mayor may not be acceptable. depending on the overall requirements of the 270434-2 10-360 intJ 8051 MICROCONTROLLER IEEF. TRANSACTIONS 0'/ INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. VOL. IE·l2. NO.4. NOVEMBER 19R5 system. It can be scaled back to n-bit resolution, if necessary, by the following computation: NT-NTmin reported value = NTmax ~ NTmin where NT is the elapsed time measured 'over N periods. The computation can be done in math if a suitable divide routine is available in the software. For 8-bit resolution it is entirely reasonable to find the reported value in a look-up table, which would take up somewhat more than one page in ROM. In fact, the look-up table would contain NTmax NTmin entries. For example, suppose we want 8-bit resolution in the measurement of the period of a signal whose frequency varies from 5 to 10 kHz. If the clock frequency is 12 MHz, then Tmax is (12 000 kHz)I(12 x 5 kHz) = 200 machine cycles, and Tmin is 100 machine cycles. The timer needs to be on then for N = 2.56 periods, according to the formula. Using N = 3 periods will give maximum and minimum NT values of 600 and 300 machine cycles. This is somewhat more than 8-bit resolution. It can be scaled to 8 bits with a 300-byte look-up table, if desired. To implement the measurement, one timer is used to measure the elapsed time NT. Enabling its interrupt is optional. The timer interrupt could be used to indicate a short or open in the transducer circuit. Then the transducer is connected to one of the external interrupt pins (INTO or INTI), and this interrupt is configured' to the transition-activated mode. In the transition-activated mode every I-to-O transition in the transducer output will generate an interrupt. The interrupt routine counts transducer pulses, and when it gets to the predetermined N. it reads and clears the timer. For example DJNZ PULSES ,OUT MOV PULSES,fi..PERlODS (Read and clear timer.) OUT: RETI VIII. DERIVING FREQUENCY FROM A PERIOD MEASUREMENT We now consider the problem of measuring the transducer frequency to n-bit resolution by deriving it from a direct measurement of the period. The advantage of this technique is speed. It is always faster to measure period than frequency. But il is important 10 end up with a frequency value that has the same resolution and accuracy as a directly measured frequency. Two questions need to be addressed. I) To achieve n-bit resolution in the calculated frequency, how much resolution is required in the period? 2) Having measured the period to the required resolution, what is the most efficient way to calculate the frequency? These questions will be addressed one at a time. IX. RESOLUTION REQUIREMENTS In general, n-bit resolution in the frequency derivation requires somewhat more than n-bit resolution in the period measurement. How much more? It will be demonstrated presently that if the transducer frequency varies over a 2-to-1 range, the frequency can be calculated with n-bit resolution from period measurements that have (n + I I-bit resolution. The more practical form of the question is over how many periods (N) must the transducer signal be sampled to' obtain the required resolution in F? And so, we commence a calculation of N. The basic calculation of frequency from N x T (which we shall call NT) is straightforward: F=N/(NT). If other interrupts are also to be enabled, the one connected to the transducer should be set to Priority I, and the others to Priority O. This is to control the interrupt response time. The response time will not affect the measurement if it is the same for every measurement. Variations in the response time will, however, affect the measurement. Selling the pulse-counter interrupt to Pnority I and all others to Priority 0 will minimize variations in the response time. The response time will then be limited to range from 3 to 8 machine cycles. VII. timer also generates an interrupt. The interrupt routine would then read and reset the timer. The advantage of this method is thaI the transducer signal has direct access to the timer gate, with the result that variations in the interrupt response time cease to be a fact"r The timer can be read and cleared any time before the next high in the transducer output. PuLSEWIDTH MEASUREMENTS The 80S I timers have an operating mode which is particularly suited' to pulsewidth measurements, and may be useful here if the transducer has a fix~d duty cycle, or if the transducer output is pulsewidth modulated instead of frequency modulated by the measurand. . In this mode the timer is turned on by the on-chip circuitry in response to an input high at the external interrupt pin, and off by an input low. The external interrupt itself is enabled, so the same I-to-O transition from the transducer that turns off the The relationship between an increment dF in the calculated frequency due to an increment d(NT) in the measured period is, therefore, N dF= - - - d(NT) . (NT)2 F2 =-'N d(NT). This equation says the value of an LSB in the calculated frequency is (F2)/ N x the value of an LSD in NT. Then tile maximum value that an LSB in the calculated frequency can have is (Fmax)1/N x the value of an LSB in NT. For the calculated frequency to have n-bit resolution over the entire range of frequencies, the value of its LSD must never exceed (Fmax - Fmin)12". Therefore, the measurement requires (Fmax)1 . Fmax - Fmin --N-X(I LSB in NT)s 2" 270434-3 10-361 8051 MICROCONTROLLER WILLIAMSON, USING THE BOll MICROCONTROLLER X. COMPUTING ·THE FREQUENCY FROM THE PERIOD The periOd measurement leaves one with a 16-bit integer, which is N x T (or NT) in machine cycles. The conversion to frequency is straightforward: The required resolution in NT is. therefore. I LSD in NTs Nx (Fmax - Fmin) 2" x (Fmax) l . Now. to say that NTis measured with m-bit resolution means I LSD in NT= NX(lIFmin-I/Fmax) . 2m Substituting. this value for I LSD into the .required resolution and sol ving for 2m yields Fmax Fmm 2m~-.-x2". F=N/(NT) periods/machine cycle. The quantity of interest is probably not F, but a normalized measure of the amount by which F exceeds .its. minimum acceptable value. This quantity represents, through the transducer's transfer function, the "reported value" of the measurand, and this quantity is an n-bit integer whose value ranges from 0 (all bits = 0) to full scale (all bits. = I). This normalized frequency is F-Fmin Then the requirement on m is f= Fmax-Fmin m ~ n + _I_n...:(Fi_m_a_x_/Fm_i....:n):.... In (2) . = Fmin x(FIFmin-1\ Fmax-Fmin . It can be stated with some certainty. then. that if the transducer frequency varies over a range of 2-to-I, the frequency can be calculated with 8~bit resolution from a period measurement that has 9-bit resolution. If the frequency variation is less than 2-to-I, another full bit of resolution in the period measurement is not needed. To obtain m-bit resolution in NT, N must satisfy .2 m , N~ -T!=ma-x--"'"'"-=:Tm,.-:-inSubstituting for 2"', and using Tmax IIF max, gives the result that = IIFmin and Tmin = N~ (Fmax)l. x 2". Fmax-Fmin It should be nOted that the units'· of frequency here are periods/machine cycle, since the 80S I measures time by counting machine cycles. The conversion factor between Hz and periods/machine cycle is 12/(c1ock frequency). So the requirement on N can also be written . N~ Fmax Fmax x--x 12x2" Fmax - Fmin Fxtal where Fxtal is the 80S I clock frequency in the same units as Fmax and Fmin. This is the number of transducer pulses over which the transducer signal must be sampled to achieve the required solution in F. For example, suppose that 8-bit resolution is required in F, where Fmax = 10 kHz and Fmin = S kHz, and that Fxtal = 12 MHz. Then the above calculation shows that N = 6 periods gives sufficient resolution in the periOd measurement to satisfy the resolution requirement in F. Six periods will take 0.6-1.2 ms of sampling time, on that frequency range. Recall that the sample time for a direct frequency measurement of the same signal and to the same resolution was earlier calculated to be SI.2 ma. . Using F = NI(NT) and F min = NI(NT max) normalized frequency to be written f a1low~ the . Fmin' x NTmax - NT Fmax - Fmin NT To get a handle on what kinds of numbers are involved here, consider the situation where 8-bit resolution is required in f, and in which Fxtal = 12 MHz, Fmax = 10 kHz, and Fmin = S kHz. We have previously determined that for this set of conditions, N = 6 periods gives sufficient resolution in the period measurement to satisfy the resolution requirement in F .(and inf)o With a 12 MHz clock frequency, Tmax in machine cycles is (12 000 kHz)/(l2 x S kHz) = 200 machine cycles, so NTrnax is 6 x 200 = 1200 machine cycles. The calculation for f then becomes f= 1200-NT. NT The minimum acceptable value that NT can have is (N x 7inin + I), where Tmin = (12000 kHz)/(12 x 10 kHz) = 100 machine cycles. Then N x Tmin ;" 6 x 100 = 600 machine cycles. The allowable values for NT are then 6011200 machine cycles, II total of 599 different values. The fastest way to "calculate" f would be with a S99-byte look-up table. This method has the added advantage that nonlinearities in the transfer function between frequency and measurand can be built into the table. Look-up tables are facilitated in the 805 I by the MOVe A,@A+ PC, and Move A,@A+DPTR instructions. DPTR is a 16-bit "data pointer" register in the 80S I. Its two bytes can be individually addressed as DPL (low byte) and DPH (high byte). . In the example under discussion, it will be necessary to load DPTR with the address of the first byte of the look-up table, less 601, plus ·the 2-byte value of NT. The software that accesses the table might then take the following form: 'rABLE EQU (address of first table entry) 270434-4 10-362 inter 8051 MICROCONTROLLER WHo I'RASS,\('fIOSS os INUl','iTRIAI. U.J:('TRONICS. VCJI. If:· 1.2. NO ~. ,~OVEMHf-:R I"'H~ c-IVI[)f. HDI)lINf: ·,,;mf"'dt.,. 'lo..ot I",nl .,.'nUfTllnoit I" ... tll.n " .... '"l'r-t~."· -, If oJ" ".nOlftlnator iol'" dt'nOll'llnat.'Jr Uu"t.fO"t 1\ c.f " .."nfOrdtOI ;,., ;'1" • Intll!'~.r • th. .. nil flJrm III.. mt'roltnr numl!'rolt(1I dpnomlflator '" 0 thlll numpratC'r 2 pi '!.e numf'rotltor "" 2 4 " " CJ ,; qn '!'I~. qn ... 1 nume-ratar I nutnf'ratol'" • dlo'nOmlnatol lnrrpmt'nt n ~n~... t'llp Fig. I. MOV ADD MOV MOV ADDC MOV CLR MOVC A divide algurilhm. A,NLOW(TABLE-601) A,N'[J.O DPL,A A,NHIGH(TABLE-60I) A,NUiI DPH,A A A,@A+DPTR_ At this point the accumulator contains the 8-bit value of fIt is perfectly reasonable to decide that a 599-byte look-up table is unwieldy. Its advantages are speed and built-in error correction. But a reasonably fast divide algorithm can be written to this specific purpose, making use of a priori knowledge about the sizes of the numbers that are involved in the computation. It helps to know that in this example the numerator is never going to be larger than 599 and the denominator is always greater than the numerator. A complete discusSion of divide routines is beyond the scope of this paper, but a suitable divide algorithm for this specific application is shown in Fig. I. Reference [II calls this the Restoring division algorithm. It is particularly well suite~ to the 8051, because" <" comparisons are greatly facilitated by the 8051's CJNE (compare and jump if not equal) instruction. CJNE A ,B,rel, executes a relative jump if A does not equal B. More importantly to this application, the instruction sets the carry flag if A < B. XI. Since the clock signal is normally generated by a crystal oscillator, the oscillator accuracy normally far exceeds the quantizing error inherent in the finite (n-bit) resolution. As was previously mentioned, interrupt response time does not introduce an error into the measurement itself, but variations in the interrupt response time can. Interrupt response time in the 8051 can vary from 3 to 8 machine cycles, depending on what instruction is in progress at the time the interrupt is generated. This would represeill an error of ± 5 counts in the measured value of NT during a period measurement. An error of ± 5 counts in NT does not necessarily. translate to ± 5 LSB's in the final result, but it might still represent an error that exceeds the resolution. In a direct frequency measurement variations in the interrupt response time would represent an error of ± 5 p.s in the sample time. If these kil.ds of errors are unacceptable there are ways to deal with them. In period measurements, if the duty cycle of the transducer is constant, the pulsewidth measurement technique, previously described, can be used. Its advantage is that it gates the timer off when the interrupt is generated, rather .than when the interrupt is responded to. In other cases one can simply increase the sample time above the minimum required to obtain the desired resolution. For example, if the measurement requires 8-bit resolution, one can design the software for an II-bit resolution and truncate the result to 8 bits. ACCURACY AND RESOLUTION The accuracy with which the 8051 will measure the frequency or period of the transducer signal depends on two things: the accuracy of the clock oscillator and variations in the interrupt response time. R~F~R~Nns III Davil' tl al.. 1);l{ilu/ S)'.'i/ems wilh Algorithm Implementation. New Ynrk: Wiley. 19K.I. 270434-5 10-363 8051 SOFTWARE PACKAGES • Choice of hosts: PCDOS 3.0 based IBM* PC XT/AT*, iRMX®06, iPDSTM System, Series II, Series III, and Series IV • Supports all members of the Intel MCS® -51 architecture • LlB51 Librarian which lets programmers create and maintain libraries of software object modules 0051 Software Development Package Contains the following: PL/M51 Software Package Contains the following: • 0051 Macro Assembler which gives symbolic access to 0051 hardware features • PL/M51 Compiler which is designed to support all phases of software implementation • RL51 Linker and Relocator program which links modules generated by the assembler .RL5.1 Linker and Relocator,which enables programmers to develop software in a. modular fashion • LlB51 Librarian which lets programmers create and maintain libraries of· software object modules LEGEND D -----. 10' I,, _____ 1I o INTEL DEVELOPMENT TOOLS AHDOTMER PRODUCTS MCS"aS1 SOFTWARE TOOLS • USEA-CODED SOFTWARE 162771-1 Figure 1. MCS® -51 Program Development Process ·IBM and AT are registered trademarks of International Business Machine Corporation. 10-364 October 1987 Order Number: 162771-005 8051 Software Packages PL/M 51 SOFTWARE PACKAGE • High-level programming language for the Intel MCS® -51 single-chip microcomputer family • • • Compatible with PL/M 80 assuring MCS® -80/85 design portability • Enhanced to support boolean processing Tailored to provide an optimum. balance among on-chip RAM usage, code size and code execution time Produces relocatable object code which is linkable to object modules generated by all other 8051 translators • • • • • MCS® Allows programmer to have complete control of microcomputer resources Extends high-level language programming advantages to microcontroller software development Improved reliability, lower maintenance costs, increased programmer productivity and software portability Includes the linking and relocating utility and the library manager Supports all members of the Intel -51 architecture PL/M 51 is a structured, high-level programming language for the Intel MCS-51 family of microcomputers. The PL/M 51 language and compiler have been desi!'jned to support the unique software development requirements of the single-chip microcomputer environment. The PL/M language has been enhanced to support Boolean processing and· efficient access to the microcomputer functions. New compiler controls allow the programmer complete control over what microcomputer resources are u~ed by PLIM programs. PLIM 51 is largely compatible with PL/M 80 and PLIM 86. A significant proportion of existing PLIM software can be ported to the MCS-51 with modifications to support the MCS-51 architecture. Existing PLIM programmers can start programming for the MCS-51 with a small relearning effort. PL/M 51 is the high-level alternative to assembly language programmi~g for the MCS-51. When code size and code execution speed are not critical factors, ·PL/M 51 is the cost-effective approach to developing reliable, maintainable software. The PL/M 51 compiler has been designed to support efficiently all phases of software implementation with features like a syntax checker, multiple levels of optimization, cross-reference generation and debug record generation. . . ICETM 5100, ICE 51, and EMV51 are available for on-target debugging .. Software available for PC DOS 3.0 based IBM· PC XT/AT* Systems. LI!GEND o USEA-CODED SOFlWARE 162771-2 Figure 2: PL/M51 Software Package 10-365 intJ 8051 Software Packages PL/M 51 COMPILER FEATURES Interrupt Handling Major features of the Intel PLIM 51 compiler and programming language include: A procedure may be defined with the INTERRUPT attribute. The compiler will generate code to save and restore the processor status, for execution of the user-defined interrupt handler routines. Structured Programming PL/M source code is developed in a series of rriodules, 'procedures, and blocks. Encouraging program modularity in this manner makes programs more readable, and easier to, maintain and debug. The language becomes more flexible, by clearly defining the scope of user variables (local to a private procedure, for example). Compiler Controls The PLIM 51 compiler offers controls that facilitate such features as: - Including additional PL/M 51 source files from disk - Cross-reference - Language Compatibility PL/M 51 object modules are compatible with object modules generated by all other MCS-51 'translators. This means that PLIM programs may be linked to programs written in any other MCS-51 language. Corresponding assembly language code in the listing file Program Addressing Control Object modules are compatible with In-Circuit Emulators and Emulation Vehicles for MCS-51 processors: the DEBUG compiler control provides these tools with symbolic debugging capabilities. ' The PL/M 51 compiler takes full advantage of program addressing with the ROM (SMALL/MEDIUMI LARGE) control. Programs with less than 2 KB code space can use the SMALL or MEDIUM option to generate optimum addressing instructions. Larger programs can address over the full 64 KB range. Supports Three Data Types Code Optimization PL/M makes use of three data types for various applications. These data types range from one to sixteen bits and facilitate various arithmetic, logic; and address functions: - Bit: a binary digit The PL/M 51 compiler offers four levels of optimization for significantly reducing overall program size. :..... Combination or "folding" of constant expressions; "Strength reductions" (a shift left rather than multiply by 2) - Byte: 8-bit unsigned number or, - - Word: 16-bit unsigned number. - Another powerful facility allows the use of BASED variables that map !'(lore than one variable to the same memory location. This is especially useful for passing parameters, relative and absolute addressing, and memory allocation. Two Data Structuring Facilities PLIM 51 supports two data structuring facilities. These add flexibility to the referencing of data stored in large groups. - Array: Indexed list of same type data elements - Structure: Named collection of same or different type data elements - Combinations of Both: Arrays of. structures or structures of arrays. - Machine code optimizations;. elimination of superfluous branches Automatic overlaying of on-chip RAM variables Register history: an off-chip variable will not be reloaded if its value is available in a register. Error Checking The PLIM 51 compiler has a very powerful feature to speed up compilations. If a syntax or program error is detected, the compiler will skip the codegeneration and optimization passes. This usually yields a 2X performance increase for compilation of programs with errors. A fully detailed set of programming and compilation error messages is provided by the compiler and user's guide. 10-366 intJ 8051 Software Packages BENEFITS Lower Development Cost PLIM 51 is designed to be an efficient, cost-effective solution to the special requirements of MCS-51 Microsystem Software Development, as illustrated by the following benefits of PL/M use: Increases in programmer productivity translate immediately into lower software development costs because less programming resources are required for a given programmed function. Low Learning Effort Increased Reliability PLIM 51 is easy to learn and to use, even for the novice programmer. PLIM 51 is designed to aid in the development of reliable software (PL/M programs are. simple statements of the program algorithm). This substantially reduces the risk of costly correction of errors in systems that have already reached full production status, as the more simply stated the program is, the more likely it is to perform its intended function. Earlier Project Completion Critical projects are completed much earlier than otherwise possible because PL/M 51, a structured high-level language, increases programmer productivity. Easier Enhancements and Maintenance Programs written in PL/M tend to be self-documenting, thus easier to read and understand. This means it is easier to enhance and maintain PLIM programs as the system capabilities expand and future prod. ucts are developed. RL51 LINKER AND RELOCATOR • Links modules generated by the assembler and the PL/M compiler • Locates the linked object to absolute memory locations· • Enables modular programming of software-efficient program development • Modular programs. are easy to understand, maintainable and reliable The MCS-51 linker and relocator (RL51) is a utility which enables MCS-51 programmers to develop software in a modular fashion. The utility resolves all references between modules and assigns absolute memory locations to all the relocatable segments, combining relocatable partial segments with the same name. With this utility, software can be developed more quickly because small functional modules are easier to understand, design and test than large programs. The total number of allowed symbols in user-developed software is very large because the assembler number of symbols' limit applies only per module, not to the entire program. Therefore programs can be more readable and better documented. RL51 can be invoked either manually or through a batch file for improved productivity. Modules can be saved and used on different programs. Therefore the software investment of the customer is . maintained. RL51 produces two files. The absolute object module file can be directly executed by the MCS-51 family. The listing file shows the results of the Iink/\locate process. 10-367 inter 8051 Software Packages LIB51 LIBRARIAN The LlB51 utility enables MCS-51 programmers to create and maintain libraries of software object modules. With this utility, the customer can develop standard software modules and place them in libraries, which programs can access through a standard interface. When using object libraries, the linker will call only object modules that are required to satisfy external references. .Consequently, the librarian enables the customer to port and reuse software on different projects-thereby maintaining the customer's software investment. ORDERING INFORMATION Order Code Operating Environment D86PLM51 PL/M51 Software for PC DOS 3.0 Systems R86PLM51 PL/M51 Software for iRMX 86 Systems Documentation Package SUPPORT: PLIM 51 User's Guide Hotline Telephone Support, Software Performance Report (SPR), Software Updates, Technical Reports, and monthly Technical Newsletters are available. MCS-51 Utilities User's GLiide 10-368 inter .8051 Software Packages 8051 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE • Symbolic relocatable assembly language programming for 8051 microcontrollers • Extends Intellec® Microcomputer Development System to support 8051 program development • • Encourage modular program design for maintainability and reliability • Macro Assembler features conditional assembly and macro capabilities • Supports all members of the Intel MCS® 51 architecture Produces Relocatable Object Code which is linkable to other 8051 Object Modules The 8051 software development package provides development system support for the powerful 8051 family of single chip microcomputers. The package contains a symbolic .macro assembler and relocation/linkage utilities. The assembler produces relocatable object modules from 8051 macro assembly language instructions. The object code modules can be linked and located to absolute memory locations. This absolute object code may be used to program the 8751 EPROM version of the chip. The assembler output may also be debugged using the new family of ICE 5100 emulators or with the ICE-51TM in-circuit emulator. The converter translates 8048 assembly language instructions into 8051 source instructions to provide software compatibility-between the two families of microcontroliers. Software available for PC DOS 3.0 based IBM" PC XT/AT Systems. 162771-3 10-369 8051 Software Packages 8051·MACRO ASSEMBLER • Supports 8051 family program development on Intellec® , Microcomputer Development Systems • Gives symbolic access to powerful 8051 hardware features • Produces object file, listing file and error diagnostics • Object files are linkable and locatable • Provides software support for many addressing and data allocation capabilities • Symbolic Assembler supports' symbol table, cross-reference, macro capabilities, and conditional assembly The 805.1 Macro Assembler (ASM51) translates symbolic 8051 macro assembly language modules into linkable and locatable object code modules. Assembly language mnemonics are easier to program and are more readable than binary or hexadecimal machine instructions. By allowing the programmer to give symbolic names to memory locations rather than absolute addresses, software design and debug are performed more quickly and reliably. Furthermore, since modules are linkable and relocatable, the programmer can do his software in modular fashion. This makes programs easy to understand, maintainable and reliable. The assembler supports macro definitions and calls. This is a convenient way to program a frequently used . code sequence only once. The assembler also provides conditional assembly capabilities. Cross referencing is provided in the symbol table listing, showing the user the lines in which each symbol was defined and referenced. ASM51 provides symbolic access to the many useful addressing features of the 8051 architecture. These features include referencing for bit and byte locations, and for providing 4-bit operations for BCD arithmetic. The assembler also provides symbolic access to hardware registers, 1/0 ports, control bits, and RAM addresses. ASM51 can support all memberS of the 8051 family. Math routines are enhanced by the. MUltiply and DIVide instructions. If an 8051 program contains errors, the assembler provides a comprehensive set of error diagnostics, which are included in the assembly listing or on another file. Program testing may be performed by using the iUP Universal Programmer and iUP F87/51 personality module to program the 8751 EPROM version of the chip. ICE 5100, ICE51 a~d EMV51 are available for program debugging. RL51 LINKER ANDRELOCATOR PROGRAM • Links modules generated by the assembler • Locates the linked object to absolute memory locations • Enables modular programming of software for efficient program development • Modular programs are easy to understand, maintainable and reliable The 8051 linker and relocator (RL51) is a utility which enables 8051 programmers to develop software in a modular fashion. The linker resolves all references between modules and the relocator assigns absolute memory locations to all the relocatable segments, combining relocatable partial segments with the same name. With this utility, software can be developed more quickly because small functional modules are easier to understand, design and test than large programs. The number of symbols in the software is very large because the assembler symbol limit applies only per module not the entire program. Therefore programs can be more readable and better documented; Modules can be saved and used on different programs. Therefore the software investment of ·the customer is maintained. 10-370 intJ 8051 Software Packages RL51 produces two files. The absolute object module file can be directly executed by the 8051 family. The listing file shows the results of the link/locate process. LIB51 LIBRARIAN The LlB51 utility enables MCS-51 programmers to create and maintain libraries of software object modules. With this utility, the customer can develop standard software modules and place them in libraries, which programs can access through a standard interface. When using object libraries, the linker will call only object modules that are required to satisfy external references. Consequently, the librarian enables the customer to port and reuse software on different projects-thereby maintaining the customer's software investment. ORDERING INFORMATION Order Code Operating Environment D86ASM51 8051 Assembler for PCDOS 3.0 Systems R86ASM51 8051 Assembler for iRMX 86 Systems Documentation Package: SUPPORT: MeS-51 Macro Assembler User's Guide MeS-51 Utilities User's Guide for 8080/8085 Based Development System Hotline Telephone Support, Software Performance Reporting (SPR), Software Updates, Technical Reports, Monthly Newsletter available. MeS-51 8048-to-8051 Assembly Language Converter Operating Instructions for ISIS-II Users 10-371 inter • • • iDCX 51 DISTRIBUTED CONTROL EXECUTIVE Supports MCS®-S1 and RUPITM-44 , Familes of 8-Bit Microcontrollers .Real-Time, Multitasking Executive - Supports up to 8 Tasks at Four Priority Levels Local and Remote Task Communication • • • • • Small-2.2K Bytes. Reliable Simple User Interface Dynamic Reconflguration Capability Compatible with BITBU5TM/Distributed Control Modules (iDCM) Product Line The iDCX 51 Executive is compact, easy to use software for development and implementation of applications using the high performance 8-bit family of 8051 microcontrollers, including the 8051,8044, and 8052. Like the 8051 family, the iDCX 51 Executive is tuned for real-time control applications requiring manipulation and scheduling of more than one task, and fast response to external stimuli. The MCS-51 microcontroller family coupled with iDCX 51 is a natural combinati(;m for applications such as data acquisition and monitoring, process control, robotics, and machine control. The iDCX 51 Executive can significantly reduce applications development time; particuladyBITBUS distributed control environments. . The iDCX 51 Executive is available in two forms, either as configurable software on diskette or as preconfigured firmware within the 8044 BEM BITBUS microcontroller. 280176-1 Figure 1. iDCX 51 Distributed Control Executive ·XENIXTM is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. 10-372 October 1987 Order Number: 280176-003 inter iDCX51 MICROCONTROLLER SUPPORT The iDCX 51 Executive is designed to support the MCS-51 and RUPI-44 families of 8-bit microcontrollers. MCS-51 microcontrollers that are supported include the 8051, 80C51 , 8052, 8031, 8032, and 8751 devices. The· RUPI"44 microcontrollers include the 8044, 8344, and 8744 devices. All of these microcontrollers share a common 8051 core. ARCHITECTURE Real-time and Multitasking events: interrupts, timers, and messages ensuring the application system always responds to the environment appropriately. Task Management A task is a program defined by the user to execute a particular control function or functions. Multiple programs or tasks may be required to implement a particular function such as "controlling Heater 1". The iDCX 51 Executive recognizes three different task states as one of the mechanisms to accomplish scheduling of up to eight tasks. Figure 2 illustrates the different task states and their relationship to one another. Real-time control applications must be responsive to the external environment and typically involve the execution of more than one activity (task or set of tasks) in response to different external stimuli. Control of an industrial drying process is an example. This process could require monitoring of multiple temperatures and humidity; control of fans, heaters, and motors that must respond accordingly to a variety of inputs. The iDCX 51 Executive fully supports applications requiring response to stimuli as they occur, i.e., in real-time. This real-time response is supported ·for inultiple tasks often needed to implement a control application. The scheduling of tasks is priority based. The user can prioritize tasks to reflect their relative importance within the overall control scheme. For instance, if Heater 1 must go off line prior to Heater 2 then the task associated with Heater 1 shutdown could be assigned a higher priority ensuring the correct shutdown sequence. The RQ WAIT system call is also a scheduling tool. In this example the task implementing Heater 2 shutdown could include an instruction to wait for completion of the task that implements Heater 1 shutdown. Some of the facilities precisely tailored for development and implementation of real-time control application systems provided by the iDCX 51 Executive are: task management, interrupt handling, message passing, and when integrated with communications support, message passing with different microcontrollers. Also, the iDCX 51· Executive is driven by The iDCX 51 Executive allows for PREEMPTION of a task that is currently being executed. This means that if some external elient occurs such as a catastrophic failure of Heater 1; a higher priority task associated with the interrupt, message, or timeout resulting from the failure will·preempt the running task. Preemption ensures the emergency will be responded to immediately. This is crucial for real-time control application systems. I Running Task Executes ROWAIT or RODELETE READY/+1_--:::--:-'::-_--:--,-_-:-::-::---=--:--:-_ _-11 . RUNNING Event Occurs Assoc. wi Asleep Task wi .Higher Priority Than Running Task. J Event Occurs Assoc. wlAsleepTask wi Lower Priority Than Running Task I Event Occurs Assoc. wi Asleep Task wi Higher Priority Than Running Task ASLEEP 1 Running Task Executes ROWAIT Figure 2. Task State Transition Diagram 10-373 280176-2 iDCX 51 Interrupt Handling REMOTE TASK COMMUNICATION The iDCX 51 Executive supports five interrupt sources as shown in Table 1. Four of these interrupt sources, excluding timer 0, can be assigned to a task. When one of the interrupts occurs the task associated with it becomes a running task (if it were the highest priority task in a ready state). In this way, the iDCX 51 Executive responds to a number of internal and external stimuli including time intervals desig'ned by the user. The iDCX 51 Executive, system calls can support communication to tasks on remote controllers. This feature makes the iDCX 51 Executive ideal for applications using distributed architectures. Providing communication support saves significant application development time and allows for more effective use of this time. Intel's iDCM product line combines hardware and software to provide this function. In an iDCM system, communication between nodes occurs via the BITBUS microcontroller interconnect. The BITBUS microcontroller interconnect is a high performance serial control bus specifically intended for use in applications built on distributed architectures. The iDCX 51 Executive provides BITBUS support. Table 1.IDCX 51 Interrupt Sources Interrupt Source Interrupt Number External Request 0 OOH Timer 0 01H External Request 1 02H Timer 1 03H Internal Serial Port 1 04H BITBUSTM/iDCM COMPATIBLE Message Passing The iDCX 51 Executive allows tasks to interface with one another via a simple message passing facility. This message passing facility can be extended to different processors when communications support is integrated within a BITBUS/iDCM system, for example. This facility provides the user with the ability to link different functions or tasks. Linkage between tasks/functions is typically required to support development of complex control applications with multiple sensors (input variables) and drivers (output variables). For instance, the industrial drying process might require a dozen temperature inputs, six moisture readings,' and control of: three fans, two con~ veyor motors, a dryer motor, and a pneumatic conveyor. The data gathered from both the temperature and humidity sensors could be processed. Two tasks might be required to gather the data and process it. One task could perform a part of the analysis, then include a pointer to the next task to complete the next part of the analysis. The tasks could continue to move between one another. A pre-configured version of the iDCX 51 Executive implements the BITBUS message format and provides all iDCX 51 facilities mentioned previously: task management, interrupt handling, and message passing. This version of the Executive is supplied in firmware on the 8044 BEM with the iDCM hardware products: the iSBXTM 344A BITBUS Controller MULTIMODULETM; the iDCX 344A BITBUS controller board for the PC; and the iRCB boards. DeSigners who want tO',use the iDCX executive on an Intel BITBUS board should purchase either DCS110 or DSC120 BITBUS software. Both of these products include an interface library to iDCX 51 procedures and other development files. It is not necessary to purchase the iDCX 51 Executive. , SIMPLE USER INTERFACE The iDCX 51 Executive's capabilities are utlilized through system calls. These interfaces have been defined for ease of use and simplicity. Table 2 includes a listing of these calls and their functions. Note that tasks may be created at system initialization or run-time using the CREATE TASK call. Other Functions such as GET FUNCTION IDS, ALLOCATE/DEALLOCATE BUFFER, and SEND MESSAGE, support communication for distributed architectures. 10-374 intJ iDCX 51 Table 2.IDCX 51 System Calls Call Name Description TASK MANAGEMENT CALLS RQ$CREATE$TASK Create and schedule a new task. RQ$DELETE$TASK Delete specified task from system. RQ$GET$FUNCTION$IDS Obtain the function IDs of tasks currently in the system. RQ$ALLOCATE Obtain a message buffer from the system buffer pool. RQ$DEALLOCATE Return a message buffer to the system buffer pool. RQ$SEND$MESSAGE Send a message to specified task. RQ$WAIT Wait for a message event. MEMORY MANAGEMENT CALLS RQ$GET$MEM Get available system memory pool memory. RQ$RELEASE$MEM Release system memory pool memory. INTERRUPT MANAGEMENT CALLS RQ$DISABLE$INTERRUPT Temporarily disable an interrupt. RQ$ENABLE$INTERRUPT Re-enable an interrupt. RQ$WAIT Wait for an interrupt event. TIMER MANAGEMENT CALLS RQ$SET$INTERVAL Establish a time interval. RQ$WAIT Wait for an interval event. Another feature that eases application -development is automatic register bank allocation. The Executive will assig'n tasks to register banks automatically unless a specific request is made. The iDCX 51 Executive keeps track of the register assignments allowing the user to concentrate on other activities. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION The user configures an iDCX 51 system simply by specifying the initial set of task descriptors and configuration values, and linking the system via the RL 51 Linker and Locator Program with user programs. Each task that will be running under control of the executive has an Initial Task Description (ITO) that describes it. The ITO specifies to the executive the amount of stack space to reserve, the priority level of the task (1-4), the internal memory register bank to be associated with the task, the internal or external interrupt associated with the task, and a function 10 (assigned by the user) that uniquely labels the task. The ITO can also include a pointer to the ITO for the next task. In this wayan ITO "chain" can be formed. For example, if four ITO's are chained to- gether, then when the system is initialized, all four tasks will be put into a READY state. Then, the highest priority task will run. The DCX 51 user cian control several system constants during the configuration process (Table 3). Most of these constants are fixed, but by including an Initial Data Descriptor (100) in an ITO chain, the system clock priority, clock time unit, and buffer size can be modified at run-time. This feature is useful for products that use the same software core, but need minor modification of the executive to better match the end application. The initial data descriptor also allows the designer, who is using an 8044 BEM BITBUS Microcontroller, to modify the preconfigured (on-chip) iDCX 51 Executive. Programs may be written in ASM 51 or PL/M 51. Intel's 8051 Software Development Package contains both ASM 51 and RL 51. Figure 3 shows the software generation process. 10-375 inter IDCX51 Table 3. DCX 51 Configuration Constants Constant Name Description RO CLOCK PRIORITY The priority level of the system clock. RO CLOCK TICK The number of time cycles in the system clock basic time unit (a "tick"). ROFIRSTITD The absolute address of the first ITO in the ITO chain. RO MEM POOL ADR The start address of the System Memory Pool (SMP) in Internal Data RAM. RO MEM POOL LEN The length of the SMP. RORAMIDD The absolute RAM address of where iDCX 51 checks for an Initial Data Descriptor (100) during initialization. RO SYS BUF SIZE The size, in bytes, of each buffer in the system buffer pool. WRITE SOURCE CODE ASSEMBLE/ COMPILE LlNK/ LOCATE LOAD/EXECUTE AEDIT INSTALL EMULATOR r-~---...., PROBE IN ICETt.l5100 SERIES, MICROCONTROLLER ICETt.t 44 ,ICE51, SITE EMV44,OR EMV51.1--....., EMULATORS TARGET BOARD IUP-200A/201A WITH UNIVERSAL PROM \-----1I-H MCS® 51/ PROGRAMMER INSTALL RUPITII44 EPROM . MICROIN CODE CONTROLLER SITE INSTALL SRAM IN CODE SITE 0""'" D FILE SOFTWARE TOOL 280176-3 NOTE: *RL 51 is included with ASM51 and PLIM 51; OBJHEX and the BITBUS Monitor are part of the DCS100 BITBUS Toolbox. Figure 3. Software Generation Process 10-376 inter iDCX 51 SOPHISTICATED INTERNAL MEMORY MANAGEMENT . The amount of internal memory available ranges from 128 to 256 bytes depending on the type of microcontroller used. Internal memory is used for the executive, stack spare for "running" tasks, space for message buffers, and reserved memory for variables storage. Other memory is used for register space. Except for register space, the allocation of internal memory is controlled by. the executive, user-specified task/data descriptors and system configuration constants. To optimize use of this limited resource, iOCX 51 provides dynamic (run-time) memory management. INITIALIZATION AND DYNAMIC MEMORY MANAGEMENT At initialization (see Figure 4), the iOCX 51 Executive creates the System Memory Pool (SMP) out of the remaining initial free space (i.e. memory not used by the iOCX 51 Executive or for register space). Next, stack space is created for each of the initial tasks that will be running on the system. If reserved memory is requested (using an 100), that memory is also set aside. Finally, multiple buffers (size specified duringiOCX 51 configuration or using an 100) are allo- cated from any remaining memory. These buffers form the System Buffer Pool (SBP) that can be used to create additional stack space or to . locate messages sent between tasks. During run-time, the iOCX 51 Executive dynamically manages this space. If a task is deleted, its stack space is returned to the System Buffer Pool for use by other tasks or as a message buffer. As new tasks are dynamicallly created, the executive reserves the needed stack space. If no space is available, the executive deallocates a buffer from the System Buffer Pool and then allocates the needed stack space. To send or receive a message, the executive allocates one or more buffers from the SBP for space to locate the message, With iOCX 51, messages can be optionally located in external (off-chip) memory. The pre-configured executive in the 8044 BEM BITBUS microcontroller, however, always locates messages in internal memory. RELIABLE Real-time control applications require reliability. The nucleus requires about 2.2K bytes of code space, 40 bytes on-chip RAM, and 218 bytes external RAM. DCX 51 Initialization Task 0 Task 1 Task 2 }, Task 3 Unallocated Initial Free Memory Space I SBP I I 4 STEPS: 1. Create system memory pool from the initial free memo ory space. 2. Allocate stack space (space for 4 tasks shown). 3. Allocate user-reserved memory (per the 100). 4. Allocate equal-size buffers to form the system buffer pool. User Memory Figure 4. iDCX 51 Initialization of Internal Memory 10-377 intJ iDCX 51 Streamlined code increases performance and reliability, and flexibility is not sacrificed as code may be added to either on-chip or external memory. The iDCX 51 architecture and simple user interface further enhance reliability and lower cost. For example, the straightforward structure of the user interfaces, and the transparent nature of the scheduling process contribute to reliability of the overall system by minimizing programming effort. Also, modularity increases reliability of the system and lowers cost by allowing user tasks to be refined independent of the system. In this way, errors are identified earlier and can be easily corrected in each isolated module. In addition, users can assign tasks a Function ·ID that allows tracking of the tasks associated with a particular control/monitorig function. This feature reduces maintenance and trouble shooting time thus increasing system run time and decreasing cost. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT The iDCX 51 Executive supports applications development based on any member of the ,high performance 8051 family of microcontrollers. The Executive is available on diskette with user linkable libraries or in the 8044 BITBUS Enhanced Microcontroller preconfigured in on-chip ROM. (The 8044 BEM is an 8044 component that consists of an 8051 microcontroller and SDLC controller on one chip with integral firmware.) When in the iDCM environment (Figure 5), the preconfigured iDCX 51 Executive can communicate with other BITBUS series controller boards. The BITBUS board at the master node can be associated with either an iRMXTM, PC-DOS or XENIX· host system. DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT Intel provides a complete development environment for the MCS-51 and RUPI-44 families of microcon" trollers. The iDCX 51 Executive is only one of many of the software development products available. The executive is compatible with the following software development utilities available from Intel: • 8051 Macro Assembler (ASM 51) • PLIM 51 Compiler • RL.51 Linker and Relocator Program • LIB 51 Intel hardware development tools currently available for MCS-51 and RUPI-44 microcontroller development are: • ICE-51 00/252 Emulator for the MCS-51 farrlilyof microcontrollers • ICE-5100/044 Emulator for the RUPI-44 family of microcontrollers (8044, 8344, 8744) • iUP-200A/201A PROM Programmer, 21X software, and iUP programming modules The DCX 51 Executive is also compatible with older hardware development tools (no longer available), which include: • EMV-51 144 Emulation Vehicles .• ICE-51/44 In"Circuit Emulators Table 4 shows the possible MGS-51 and RUPI-44 families development environments: host systems, operating systems, available software utilities, and hardware debug tools. MASTER REMOTE NODES (SLAVES) 280176-4 Figure 5. IDeM Operating Environment 10-378 inter iDCX51 SPECIFICATIONS Reference Manual (Supplied) Supported Microcontrollers 460367-001- iDCX 51 Distributes Control Executive User's Guide for Release 2.0. 8031 8051 8032 8744 8344 80C31 80C51 8751 8044 8052 ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Executive for 8051 Family of Microcontrollers. Single User License, Development Only. Media Supplied for All Host Systems (Table 3). DCX51RF Royalty (Incorporation) Fee for iDCX Executive. Set of 50 incorporations. IDCX 51 RF does not ship with software (Order DCX 51SU). Compatible DCM BITBUSTM Software DCS 100 BITBUS Toolbox Host Software Utilities Description DCX51SU DCS 110 BITWARE DCM44 Code for BITBUS emulation Table 4. MCS®-S1/RUPITM-44 Families Development Environments Host Systems Development Utilities PC/MS-DOS iRMX® 86 Intellec® iPDSTM Series II Series III/IV SOFTWARE ASM 51 PL/M 51 + Utilities(1) + Utilities(1) iDCX 51 Executive ",. ",. ",. ",. ",. ",. ",. ",. ",. ",. ",. ",. ",. ",. HARDWARE ICE-51 00/044/252 ",. ",. iUP-200Al201 A ",. ",. EMV-5H2). EMV-44(2) ",. ",. ICE-51 (2), ICE-44(2) ",. ",. iPDS + iUP-F87/44A PROM Programmer ",. NOTES: 1. Utilities include RL 51, LIB 51, and AEDIT. Software for Series II systems is down-revision version. 2. These products are no longer available. 10-379 inter ICETM-5100/252 In,;,Ch"cuit Emulator for the MCS®-51 Family of Microc()ntrollers • Precise, Full-Speed, Real-Time Emulation of Selected MCS-51 Microcontroller Components at Speeds Up to and Including 16 MHz • Symbolic Debugging Enables Access to Memory Locations and Program Variables • 64 KB of Mappable High-Speed Emulation Memory • Four Address Breakpoints with InRange, Out-Of-Range, and Page Breaks • 254 24-Bit Frames of Trace Memory (16 Bits Trace Program E,xecution Addresses and 8 Bits Trace External Events) .. • Serial Li'nk to the IBM* PC AT, PC XT (and DOS Compatibles), and the Intellec® Series III/IV ' " Equipped with the Integrated Command Directory (ICDTM) that Includes: - On~Line Help, . ..:... Syr1tax Guidance arid Checking - Dynamic Command-Entry - Error Checking ' - Command Recall • • • ASM-51 and PL/M-51 'Language Support On-Line Disassembler and Single-Line Assembler to Help with Code Patching • Built-In CRT-Oriented Text Editor I". ' The ICETM-5100i252 in-circuit emulator is a high-level, interactive debugging system that is used to develop and test the hardware and software of a target system based on the MCS®-51 family of microcontrollers,The ICE-51 00/252 emulator can be serially linked to an IBM PC AT or PC XT, or an Intellec Series III/IV. The emulator can communicate with the host system at standard baud rates up to 19.2K. The design of 'the emulator supports selected MCS-51 microcontroller components at speeds up to and including 16 MHz: 280200-1 ·IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. 10-380 November 1987 Order Number: 280200-002 inter ICETM·5100/252 EMULATOR PRODUCT OVERVIEW System Integration The ICE-5100/252 emulator provides full emulation support for the MCS®-51 family members listed in Table 1. . Integration of software and hardware can begin when the emulator is plugged into the micro controller socket of the prototype system hardware. Hardware can be added, modified, and tested immediately. As each section of the user's hardware is completed, it can be added to the prototype. Thus, the hardware and software can be system tested in realtime operation as each section becomes available. The ICE-5100/252 emulator enables hardware and software development to proceed simultaneously. With the ICE-5100/252 emulator, prototype hardware can be added to the system as it is designed and software can be developed prior to the completion of the hardware prototype. Software and hardware integration can occur while the product IS being developed. The· ICE-51 00/252 emulator assists four stages of development: • Software debugging • Hardware debugging • System integration System Test When the prototype is complete, it is tested with the final version of the system software. The ICE-51001 252 emulator is then used for real-time emulation of the microcontroller to debug the system as a completed unit. The final product verification test can be performed using the ROM or EPROM version of the microcontroller. Thus, the ICE-5100/252 emulator provides the ability to debug a prototype or production system at any stage in its development without introducing extraneous hardware or software test tools. • System test Software Debugging The ICE-5100/252 emulator can be operated without being connected to the target system or before any of the user's hardware is available (provided external data RAM is not needed). In this stand-alone mode, the ICE-5100/252 emulator can be used to facilitate program development. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The ICE-5100/252 emulator consists of the following components (see Figure 1): • Power supply • AC and DC power cables Hardware Debugging .The ICE-5100/252 emulator'S AC/DC parametric characteristics match the microcontroller's. The emulator's full-speed operation makes it a valuable tool for debugging hardware, including time-critical serial port, timer, and external interrupt interfaces. • Controller pod • Serial cable (host-specific) • User probe assembly (consisting of the processor module and the user cable) • Crystal power accessory (CPA) Table 1. MCS®-51 Family Support Offered by the ICETM-5100/252 Emulator Part On-Chip Program Memory On-Chip Data Memory 8031 80C31 8032 8051 80C51 8052 80C252 83C252 8751 87C51 8752 87C252 .. None . None None 4 KB-ROM 4KB-ROM 8KB-ROM None 8 KB-ROM 4 KB-EPROM 4 KB-EPROM 8 KB-EPROM 8 KB-EPROM 128 bytes 128 bytes 256 bytes 128 bytes 128 bytes 256 bytes 256 bytes 256 bytes 128 bytes 128 bytes 256. bytes 256 bytes 10-381 ICETM·5100/252 EMULATOR • 40-pin DIP target adaptor • Clips assembly • Software (includes the ICE-5100/252 emulator software, diagnostic software, and tutorial) The controller pod contains 64 K8 of emulation memory, 254- by 24-bit frames of trace memory, and the control processor. In addition, the controller pod houses a 8NC connector that can be used to connect up to 10 multi-ICE compatible emulators together for synchronous starting and stopping of emulation. The serial cable connects the host system to the controller pod. The serial cable supports a subset of the RS-232C signals. The user probe assembly consists of a user cable and a processor module. The processor module houses the emulation processor and the interface logic. The target adaptor connects to the processor module and provides an electrical and mechanical interface to the target microcontroller socket. The crystal power accessory (CPA) is a small detachable board that connects to the controller pod and enables the ICE-5100/252 emulator to run in stand-alone mode. The target adaptor plugs into the socket on the CPA; the CPA then supplies clock and power to the user probe. The clips assembly enables the user to trace external events. Eight bits of data are gathered on the rising edge of. PSEN during opcode fetches. The clips information can be displayed using the CLIPS option with the PRINT command. Trace qualification input and output lines are also provided on the clips pod for connection to test equipment. The ICE-51 00/252 emulator software supports mnemonics, object file formats, and symbolic references generated by Intel's ASM-51 and PL/M-51 programming languages. Along with the ICE-5100/252 emulator software is a customer confidence test disk with diagnostic routines that check the operation of the hardware. The on~line tutorial is written in the ICE-5100 command language. Thus, the user is ,able to interact with and use the ICE-51 00/252 emulator while executing the tutorial. A comprehensive set of documentation is included with the ICE-51 00/252 emulator. ';,.,,"f 280200-2 Figure 1. The ICETM-5100/252 System Hardware 10-382 inter ICETM·5100/252 EMULATOR ICETM·5100/252 EMULATOR FEATURES ICE-5100/252 emulator commands that access memory use one of the special prefixes (e.g., CODE) to specify the memory space. The ICE-51 00/252 emulator has been created to assist a product designer in developing,' debugging, and testing designs incorporating the MCS®-51 family of microcontrollers. The following sections detail some of the ICE-5100/252 emulator features. The microcontroller's special function registers and register bits can be accessed mnemonically (e.g., DPL, TCON, CY) with the ICE-5100/252 emulator software. Processor Selection The ICE-51 00/252 emulator emulates the microcontrollers listed in Table 1. Selecting a processor type changes the following characteristics to match the microcontroller selected: • Internal RAM size Data can be displayed or modified in one of three bases: hexadecimal, decimal, and binary. Data can also be displayed or modified in one of two formats: ASCII and unsigned integer. Program code can be disassembled and displayed as ASM-51 assembler mnemonics. Code can be modified with standard ASM-51 statements using the built-in singleline assembler. • Internal ROM size • Idle and power down mode enable • Special function register symbolic map Symbolic references can be used to specify memory locations. A symbolic reference is a procedure name, line number, program variable, or label in the user program that corresponds to a location. • Memory map • Latched or unlatched EA • Serial port framing and error detection Some typical symbolic functions include: • Changing or inspecting the value of a program variable by using the symbolic name to access the memory location. Emulation Emulation is the controlled execution of the user's software in the target hardware or in an artificial hardware environment that duplicates the microcontroller of the target system. Emulation is a transparent process that happens in real-time. The execution of the user software is facilitated with the ICE-51001 252 command language. Memory Mapping There is 64 KB of memory that can be _mapped to the CODE memory space in 4 KB blocks on 4 KB boundaries. By mapping memory to the ICE-51001 252 emulator, software development can proceed before the user hardware is available. , Memory Examination and Modification The memory space. for the MCS®-51 component(s) and its target hardware is fully accessible through the emulator. The ICE-5100/252 emulator refers to four physically distinct memory spaces, as follows: • CODE - references program memory • IDATA - references internal data memory • RDATA - references special function register memory • XDATA - references external data memory • Defining break and trace events using symbolic references. . • Referencing variables as primitive data types. The primitive data types are ADDRESS, BIT. BOOLEAN, BYTE, CHAR (character), and WORD. The ICE-51 00/252 emulator maintains a virtual symbol table (VST) for program symbols. A maximum of 61 KB of host memory space is available for the VST. If the VST is larger than 61 KB, the excess is stored on available host system disk space and is paged in and out as needed. The size of the VST is limited only by the disk capacity of the host system. Breakpoint Specifications Breakpoints are used to halt a user program in order to examine the effect of the program's execution on the target system. The ICE-5100/252 emulator supports three different types of break specifications: • Specific address break - A single address can be specified to halt emulation. 10-383 inter ICETM~5100/252 • Range break - An arbitrary range of addresses can be specified to halt emulation. Program execution within or, optionally, outside the range halts emulation. • Page break - Up to 256 page breaks· can be specified. A page break is defined as a range of addresses that is 256-bytes long and begins on a 256-byte address boundary. Break registers are IJs~r-defined debug definitions used to create and store breakpoint definitions. Break registers can contain multiple breakpoint definitions and can optionally call debug procedures when emulation halts. Trace Specifications Tracing can be triggered using specifications similar to those used for breaking. Normally, the ICE-51 001 252 emulator traces program activity while the user program .is .executing. With a trace specification, tracing can be triggered to occur only when specific conditions are met during execution. Up to 254 24-bit frames of trace information are collected in the buffer during emulation. Sixteen of the 24 bits trace instruction execution addresses, and 8 bits capture external events (CLIPS). The trace buffer display is similar to an ASM-51 program listing shown in Figure 2. The PRINT command enables the user to selectively display the contents of the trace buffer. The user has the option of displaying the clips information as well as disassembled instructions. hlt>PRINT NEWEST 4 EMULATOR Procedures Debugging procedures (PROCs) are a user-named group of ICE-51 00/252 emulator commands that are executed as one command. PROCs enable the user to define several commands in a named block structure. The commands are executed by entering the name of thePROC. The PROC bodies are a simple DO... END construct. PROCs can simulate missing hardware or software, collect debug information, and execute high-level software patches. PROCs can be copied to text files on disk, then recalled for use in later test sessions. PROCs can also serve as program diagnostics, implementing ICE-5100/252 emulator commands or user-defined definitions for special purposes. PROCs can also be used to set breakpoints. On-Line Syntax Menu A special menu, called the Integrated Command Directory (ICD), similar to the one used for the 121CETM system and the VLSiCE-96 emulator, aids in creating syntactically correct command lines. Figure 3 shows an example of the ICD and how it changes to reflect the options available for the GO command. Help The HELP command provides ICE-51 00/252 emulation command assistance via the host system terminal. On-line HELP is available for the ICE-5100/252 emulator commands shown in Figure 4. 1* Print newest four instructions in buffer *1 . INSTRUCTION FRAME ADDRESS CODE (028) C02A PUSH 2AH 300A 2532 ADD· A,32H (03i:J) 300C (032) F52A MOV 2AH,A 300E 853210 CJNE A,32H,$+10H (034) 3010 hIt> hI t>PRINT CLIPS OLDEST 2 1* Buffer display showing clips *1 FRAME ADDRESS CODE INSTRUCTION CLIPS (76543210) (ODD) 300A C02A PUSH 2AH 01110011 300C 2532 ADD A,32H 11110101 (001) hIt> 280200-3 Figure 2. Selected Trace Buffer Displays 10-384 intJ ICETM·5100/252 EMULATOR Allow at least 1-% inches (3.8 cm) of space to fit the processor module and target adaptor. Figure 5 shows the dimensions of the processor module. Design Considerations The height of the processor module and the target adaptor need to be considered for target systems. hI t> GO FROM ARM l FOREVER TIL USING TRACE hIt> GOFROM ) ---------~ hI t> GO FROM J.3H ARM FOREVER l l l TIL USING TRACE hI t> GO FROM J.3H USING BRKREG ) ---------~ hI t> GO FROM J.3H USING brl. ~ TRACE ~ < execute> ) --------~~ hlt> GO FROM J.3H USING brl. TRACE traceit ~ ) ---------~ 280200-4 Figure 3. The Integrated Command Directory for the GO Command hlt>HELP HELP is available for: ADDRESS BRKREG CONSTRUCTS DCI DYNASCOPE GO KEYS LSTEP MTYPE PROC REPEAT SYNCSTART VERSION hlt> APPEND BYTE COUNT DEBUG EDIT HELP LABEL MAP NAMESCOPE PSEUDO_VAR RESET TEMPCHECK WAIT· ASM CHAR CPU DEFINE ERROR IF LINES MENU OPERATOR PUT RETURN TRCREG WORD BASE CI CURHOME DIR EVAL INCLUDE LIST MODIFY PAGING REFERENCE SAVE TYPES WRITE BIT CNTL_C CURX DISPLAY. EXIT INVOCATION LITERALLY MODULE PARTITION REGS STRING VARIABLE BOOLEAN COMMENTS CURY DO EXPRESSION ISTEP LOAD MSPACE PRINT REMOVE SYMBOLIC VERIFY 280200-5 Figure 4. HELP Menu 10-385 inter ICETM·5100/252 EMULATOR PROCESSOR MODULE~ TOP VIEW n H A ~~ZT 0" ~~:iI ~ gx; ~f ~ --1 m~~ I"~i .r~. . .~.&:il!; 0 ~.G'I. Z CABLE BODY 39" (99 em) I PIN 1 . I SIDE VIEW ~;.' 4" (10.2 em) 3 13ft." (9.7 em) ----I ..,., PROCESSOR MODULE ". ~u51X. ~ TARGET ADAPTOR ~. 280200-6 Figure 5. Processor Module Dimensions ELECTRICAL CONSIDERATIONS The emulation processor's user-pin timings and loadings are identical to the 80C252 component except as follows. Maximum Operating ICC and Idle ICC (ma)' Maximum Operating ICC (ma)' Vee 4V 5V 0.5 MHz 0.87 1.62 Maximum Idle ICC (ma)' 6V 4V 5V 6V 0.58 1.21 2.5 Frequency 3.0 3.5 MHz 4.8 8.0 MHz 10.5 15.0 6.82 20.5 9.76 2.2 4.97 6.33 6.0 8.98- 11.76 12.0 MHz 15.2 22.2 30.2 9.2 13.34 17.46 16.0 MHz 19.4 28.6 38.7 11.8 17.4 23.4 • ICC is measured with all output pins disconnected. XTAL 1 driven with TCLCH, TCHCL= 10ns,Vn=Vss + .5V, Vih=Vcc-.5V. XTAL2 not connected. . For maximum operating ICC EA = RST = PortO = Vcc. For maximum idle ICC • EA=PortO=Vcc;RST=Vcc, internal clock to PCA gated off . • Up to 25 pf of additional pin capacitance is contributed by the processor module and target adaptor assemblies. • Pins 18 and 19, XTAL1 and XTAL2, respectively, have approximately 15 to 16 pf of additional capacitance when configured for crystal operation. • Pin 31, EA, has approximately 32 pf of additional capacitance loading due to sensing circuitry. 10-386 infef ICETM·5100/252 EMULATOR Table 2. CHMOS and HMOS Design Differences Chip Function RST trigger threshold RST input impedance Port Iii Clock threshold HMOS Component 8031 CHMOS Component 80C31 2.5V 4K - 10K ohms 70% Vcc (3.5V @ Vcc 50K - 150K ohms -800/LA -50/LA 2.5V 70% Vcc (3.5V The ICE-5100/252 emulator is based on a CHMOS emulation processor. There are minor differences between how the ICE-5100/252 emulator supports CHMOS and HMOS designs as shown in Table 2. Refer to the Microcontrol/er Handbook, order number 210918, for further information on CHMOS and HMOS design considerations. HOST REQUIREMENTS • IBM PC AT or PC XT (or PC-DOS compatible) with 512 KB of RAM and a hard disk running under the DOS 3.0 (or later) operating system. 64 KB Mappable to user or ICE-51 00/252 emulator memory in 4 KB blocks on 4 KB boundaries. Trace Buffer 254- by 24- bit frames Virtual Symbol Table A maximum of 61 KB of host memory space is available for the Virtual Symbol Table (VST). The rest of the VST resides on disk anct is paged in and out as needed. Disk drives - Dual floppy or one hard disk and one floppy drive required. • ICE-5100/252 tutorial softy,lare = 5V) Memory Mappable fullspeed emulation code memory • Intellec Series III/IV Microcomputer Development System running under the ISIS or iNDX operating system respectively, with at least 512 KB of application memory resident. • ICE-51 00/252 emulator software • ICE-51 00/252 confidence tests Vcc EMULATOR PERFORMANCE Emulating HMOS Components ICETM·5100/252 SYSTEM SOFTWARE PACKAGE @ = 5V) PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Controller Pod Width Height Depth Weight 8%" (21 cm) 1%" (3.8cm) 13%" (34.3 cm) 4 Ibs (1.85 kg) User Cable The user cable is 3 feet (approximately 1 m). Processor Module (with the target adaptor attached) Width Length Height 10-387 310/,6" (9.7 cm) 1%" (3.8 cm) 1%" (3.8 cm) inter ICETM·5100/252 EMULATOR pl252KITAs Power Supply Width Height Depth Weight 7%"(18.1 cm) 4" (10.06 CITl) . 11" (27.97 cm) 151bs (6.1 kg) Serial Cable The serial cable is 12 feet (3.6m). pl252KITs ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS This· kit contains the ICE-51 00/252 user probe assembly~ power supply and cables, serial cables, target adaptor, CPA, ICE-5100 controller pod, software, and documentation for use with Intel hosts (Series III, IV). The kit also includes the 8051 Software Development Package and the AEDIT text editor for use on Series III/IV. [Requires software license.) . 'This . kit is the same 'as the pl252KITAs kit excluding the 8051 Software Development Package and the AEDIT text edito~. [Requires. software license.) Power Supply Software Only 100 - 120V or 200 - 240V (selectable) 50-60Hz 2 amps (AC max) @ 120V 1 amp (AC max) @ 240V ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS Operating temperature Operating humidity + 10° C to + 40°C (50°F to 104°F) Maximum of 85% relative humidity, non-condensing Order Code Description psA252D This kit contains the host, probe, diagnostic and tutorial software on 51.4" disks for use on an IBM PC'AT or PC XT (requires DOS 3.0 or later). ,[Requires software license.) psA252s This kit· contains the host, probe, di'. agnostic and tutorial software on 8" : disks (both single"density and doubledensity) for use on a Series III., and on 51.4" disks for use· on a Series W. [Requires software license.) ORDERING INFORMATIO~ Other Useful Intel Debug and Development SupportPro~ucts Emulator Hardware and Software Order Code 'Descrlptlon . Order Code Description pl252KITAD This kit contains: ICE-5100/252 user probe assembly, power supply and cables, serial cables, target adaptor, CPA, ICE-5100 controiler pod, software, and documentation for use with an IBM PC AT or PC XT. The kit also includes the 8051 Software Development Package and the AEDIT text editor for use' on DOS systems. [Re~ quires software license.) pl252KITD This kit is the same as the pl252KITAD kit excluding the 8051 Software Development Package. and the AEDIT text editor. [Requires software license.) pD86AsM51 8051 Software Developm~nt Package (DOS version) - Consists of the AsM-51 .' macro assembler· which gives symbolic access to 8051 hardware features; the RL51 linker and relocator program that links modules generated by AsM-51; CONV51 which enables software written for the MCs-48 family to be up-graded to run on the 8051, and the LlB51 librarian which programmers can use to create and maintain libraries of software object modules. Use with the DOS operating system (version 3.0 or later)~ to-388 inter pD86PLM51 ICETM·5100/252 EMULATOR PL/M-51 Software Package (DOS version) - Consists of the PL/M-51 compiler which provides high-level programming language support; the LlB51 utility that creates and maintains libraries of software object modules, and the RL51 linker and relocator program that links modules generated by ASM-51 and PL/M-51 and locates the linked object modules to absolute memory locations. Use the DOS operating system (version 3.0 or later). pl86ASM51 pl86PLM51 pD86EDIEU 10-389 8051 Software Development Package (ISIS version) - Same as the pD86ASM51 package except this one is for use with the Series III. PL/M-51 Software Package - Same as the pD86PLM51 package except this one is for use with the Series III and Series IV. AEDIT text editor for use with the DOS operating system. MCS®-S1 INDEX 8 8031AH,5-2 8032AH,5-2 8051, 5-2 8051AH,5-2 8052AH,5-2 8052AH-BASIC, 5-2 80C31BH, 5-2 80C5IBH, 5-2, 6-28 80C51FA, 5-2, 7-1 83C51FA, 5-2, 7-1 80C152, 5-3 83C152, 5-3 8751H, 5-2, 6-25, 6-26 8752BH, 5-2, 6-26 87C51, 5-2, 6~26, 6-27 87C51FA, 5-2, 7-1 A AC (Auxiliary Carry) Flag, 6-3, 9-10 ACALL, 5-13, 9-24 Accumulator, 6-2 ADD, 9-25, 9-35 ADDC, 9-26, 9-35 . ADDRESS/DATA Bus, 6-4, 6-5 Addressing Broadcast, 7-8 Given, 7-8 AJMP, 5-13, 9-28 ALE, 5-16, 6-6, 6-30 ANL, 5-12, 6-6, 9-28 Arithmetic Instructions, 5-7 ASM51,5-6 Automatic Address Recognition, 7-8 B B Register, 6-2 Baud Rate, 6-12, 6-13, 6-14, 6-17 BCD, 5-8, 5-10 Bit Addressable, 9-5 Boolean Instructions, 5-11, 5-12 Bus Cycle Data Memory, 5-16 Program Memory, 5-16 Byte Addressable, 9-7 c C (Carry) Flag, 5-6, 5-12,6-3, 9-10 Capture Mode, 7-4 Capture Registers, 6-2 Case Jump, 5-7, 5-13 Ceramic Resonator, 5-14, 6-28 CINE, 5-14, 9-31 CLR, 5-12, 6-6, 9-33 Compare Mode, 7-6 Control Registers, 6-2 CPL, 5~12, 6-6, 9-34 CPU Timing, 5-14 Crystal, 5-14, 6-27, 6-28 D DA A, 5-8, 9-35 Data Memory, 5-4, 5-5, 5-11, 6-6, 6-30, 9-3 Read Cycle, 6-31 Write Cycle, 6-31 Data Pointer, 6-2 Data Transfers, 5-9 DEC, 6-6, 9-37 Direct Addressing, 5-7, 9-3, 9-5 DIV AB, 5-8, 6-22, 9-38 DINZ, 5-14, 6-6, 9-39 E . EA (External Access), 5-4, 6-6, 6-21, 6-26, 6-30 Encryption Array, 6-26 EPROM Programming, 6-26, 6-30 EPROM Verifying, 6-26 Execution Times, 5-7 External Clock, 6-28, 6-29 External Program Execution, 54 F . Fetch/ExecutlOn Sequence, 5-15 Framing Error Detection, 7-8 H High Speed Output, 7-4, 7-7 I I/O ButTers, 6-3, 6-4 Idle Mode, 5-2, 6-24, 6-25, 7-9, 9-10 IE (Interrupt Enable), 5-17, 6-2, 6-20, 7-13, 9-11 Immediate Constants, 5-7 INC, 6-6, 9-40 Indexed Addressing, 5-7 Indirect Addressing, 5-7, 9-3, 9-5 Instruction Set, 5-6, 9-20 Interrupt Response Time, 6-21, 6-22 Interrupts, 5-4, 5-17, 6-20,7-11,9-11 External, 6-22, 9-11 IP (Interrupt Priority), 5-17, 6-2, 6-21, 7-13, 9-12 J . m, 5-12, 9-42 JBC, 5-12, 6-6, 9-42 JC, 5-12, 9-43 JMP, 5-13, 944 10-390 J (Continued) JND, 5-12, 9-45 JNC, 5-12, 9-45 JNZ, 9-46 Jump Instructions, 5-13 JZ,9-46 L LCALL, 5-13, 9-47 UMP, 5-13, 9-47 Lock Bits, 6-26 Logical Instructions, 5-9 Lookup Tables, 5-7, 5-11 M Machine Cycle, 5-15 MOV, 5-12, 6-6, 9-48 16-Bit, 5-10 MOVC, 5-11, 9-53 MOVX, 5-11, 5-16, 9-54 MUL AB, 5-7, 6-22, 9-56 Multiprocessor Communication, 6-11 N Ninth Data Bit, 6-11, 6-17 NOP, 9-56 o ONCE (On-Circuit Emulation) Mode, 6-27 ORL, 5-12, 6-6, 9-57 Oscillator, 5-14, 6-23, 6-27 External, 5-15 Oscillator Frequency, 6-12 OV (Overflow) Flag, 6-3, 9-10 p P (parity) Flag, 5-7, 6-3, 9-10 PCA Timer/Counter, 7-1, 7-5 PCON, 6-2, 6-12, 6-24, 9-10, 9-19 Polling Sequence, 5-17 POP, 5-9, 9-60 Port Bit Latch, 6-3, 6-4 Ports, 6-2, 6-3, 6-29 Power Down Mode, 5-2,6-24, 6-25, 7-9, 9-10 Power Off Flag, 7-9 PROG,6-30 Program Memory, 5-3, 5-4, 6-6, 6-26, 9-2 Program Memory Locks, 6-26 Programmable Counter Array (PCA), 7-1 PSEN, 5-4, 5-16, 6-6, 6~30 PSW (program Status Word), 5-6, 6-2, 9-10 Pulse Width Modulator (PWM), 7-4, 7-7 PUSH, 5-9, 9-60 Q Quick-Pulse Programming Algorithm, 6-26 R RD Signal, 5-4, 6-6 Register Banks, 5-7, 6-3, 9-5, 9-10 Register Instructions, 5-7 Register-Specific Instructions, 5-7 Relative Offset, 5-12 Reset, 6-23, 6-30, 9-8 Power-On, 6-24 RET, 5-13, 6-22, 9-61 RET!, 5-13, 6-21, 6-22, 9-61 RI (Receive Interrupt) Flag, 6-12, 6-14, 6-17, 6-20, 9-18 RL,9-62 RLC, 9-62 RR,9-63 RRC, 9-63 S SBUF, 6-2, 6-10, 6-14 SCON, 6-2, 6-11, 6-14, 6-17, 9-18 Serial Port, 6-10, 6-15, 7-8, 9-10, 9-12, 9-16, 9-18, 9-19 SET,6-6 SETB, 5-12, 9-64 SFRs, 5-6, 6-1, 6-2, 6-4, 7-15, 9-4, 9-5, 9-7 SJMP, 5-13, 9-65 Software Timer, 7-4, 7-6 Stack Pointer, 6-2, 9-5 Start Bit, 6-11, 6-14, 6-17 State Time, 5-15 Status Flags, 5-7 Stop Bit, 6-11, 6-14, 6-17 SUBB,9-66 SWAP A, 5-9, 9-67 T T2CON, 6-2, 6-9, 6-10, 6-13, 9-16, 9-17 TCON, 6-2, 6-7, 6-8, 6-22, 9-11, 9-13 Third Priority Level, 5-18 T! (Transmit Interrupt) Flag, 6-12, 6-14, 6-17, 6-20, 9-18 Timer/Counters, 6-2, 6-6, 9-13 Up/Down, 7-9 TMOD, 6-2, 6-7, 9-13, 9-14, 9-17 v Vpp, 6-26, 6-30 W Watch Dog Timer, 7-3, 7-8 WR Signal, 5-4, 6-6 X XCH, 5-10, 9-68 XCHD, 5-10, 9-69 XRL, 5-L2, 6-6, 9-69 XTALl, 5-14, 5-15, 6-28, 6-29, 6-30 XTAL2, 5-14, 5-15, 6-28, 6-29, 6-30 10-391 80C152 INDEX A A, 8-4, 8-6 Abort, 8-29, 8-30 Acknowledgement, 8-15, 8-16, 8-24, 8-25, 8-30 Acquisition Time, 8-21 Address, 8-18, 8-25, 8-30, 8-35 Address Assignment, 8-34, 8-35 Address Length see AL Address Mask Registers seeAMSKn Address Match Registers see ADRn Address Negotiation, 8-34 Address Recognition, 8-15, 8-16, 8-18 ADRO, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-41 ADR1, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-41 ADR2, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-41 ADR3, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-41 AE,8-3, 8-9, 8-43 AL, 8-3, 8-18, 8-41 ALE, 8-13, 8-49 ALE Switch, 8-49 Alignment Error see AE Alternate Backoff, 8-15, 8-16, 8-19, 8-21, 8-22, 8-23, 8-40 Alternate Cycle Mode, 8-46, 8-52 AMSKO, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-41 AMSKl, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-41 ARB, 8-49, 8-52 Arbiter see ARB Arbiter Mode, 8-47, 8-48, 8-49 . Bit Addressable Memory, 8-6 Bit Addresses, 8-7 Bit Addresses (Symbolic), 8-8 Bit Rate, 8-17 Bit Stripping, 8-25, 8-29, 8-37 Bit Stuffing, 8-25, 8-29, 8-35, 8-37 Bit Time, 8-21 BKOFF, 8-3, 8-4, 8-(;, 8-41 Block Diagram, 8-2 BOF, 8-17, 8-18, 8-20, 8-25, 8-37, 8-39 Broadcast Address, 8-18, 8-25 Burst Mode, 8-46, 8-51, 8-52 Byte Count, 8-33 C Clock Recovery, 8-17, 8-37, 8-38 Collision, 8-17, 8-20, 8-39 Collision Fragment, 8-21 Collision Resolution, 8-15, 8-16, 8-19, 8-21 Command,8-26 Control Field, 8-25, 8-26, 8-28, 8-30 CRC, 8-3, 8-15, 8-16, 8-18, 8-21, 8-24, 8-25, 8-28, 8-32, 8-35, 8-37, 8-44 CRC Error see CRCE CRC Generating Polynomial, 8-18, 8-28 CRC Jam, 8-15, 8-16 CRC Remainder, 8-18, 8-28 CRC Type see CT CRCE, 8-3, 8-9, 8-43 Crystal Selection, 8-17 CSMA/CD, 8-14, 8-15, 8-16, 8-17, 8-34, 8-35, 8-37, 8-40 B B, 8-4, 8-6 Backoff Algorithm, 8-19, 8-20, 8-39, 8-40 Backoff Mode . see MO, Ml Backoff Timer see BKOFF Back-to-Back Frames, 8-42 Balanced, 8-30 Baud, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-20, 8-41 Baud Rate, 8-17, 8-34 Baud Rate Generator see Baud BCRHO, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-45, 8-46 BCRH1, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-45, 8-46 BCRLO, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-45, 8-46 BCRL1, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-45, 8-46 Beginning of Frame Flag see BOF CSMA/CD Frame see Frame Format CT, 8-3, 8-41 Cyclic Redundancy Check see CRC o DARHO, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-45 DARH1, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-45 DARLO, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-45 DARLl, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-45 DAS, 8-3, 8-45, 8-52 Data Encoding, 8-15, 8-16, 8-29, 8-34 Data Memory, 8-5 DC Jam, 8-15, 8-16, 8-21 DC Jam (Bit) see DCJ DCJ, 8-3, 8-21, 8-42 DCONO, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-33, 8-45, 8-46, 8-52 DCONl, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-33, 8-45, 8-46, 8-52 DCR, 8-3, 8-42 10-392 D (Continued) Deference, 8-17 Demand Mode, 8-46, 8-51, 8-52 Demand Mode (Bit) seeDM DEN, 8-11, 8-13, 8-29, 8-35, 8-44 Destination Address Space see DAS Deterministic Backoff, 8-15, 8-16, 8-17, 8-19, 8-21, 8-22, 8-23, 8-40, 8-43 Deterministic Collision Resolution (Bit) see DCR Direct Memory Access see DMA DM, 8-3, 8-46, 8-52 DMA,8-24 DMA Arbitration, 8-51 DMA Control Bits, 8-52 DMA Control Register see DCONn DMA Cycle, 8-45, 8-46, 8-47, 8-51 DMA Precedence, 8-51 DMA Register, 8-45 DMA Register Access, 8-51 DMA Select see DMA (Bit) DMA Serial Demand Mode see GSC, Servicing of DMA Timing, 8-47 DMA Transfer, 8-44, 8-45, 8-47, 8-48 DMA (Bit), 8-9, 8-33, 8-43 DMAO,8-44 DMAI,8-44 DONE, 8-3, 8-9, 8-33,8-46, 8-52 DPH, 8-4, 8-6 DPL, 8-4, 8-6 DPTR,8-6 Duplex see Full Duplex L EA,8-13 EDMAO, 8-9, 8-10 EDMAI, 8-9, 8-10 EGSRE, 8-9, 8-10, 8-20, 8-33 EGSRV, 8-9, 8-10, 8-33 EGSTE, 8-9, 8-10, 8-20, 8-33 EGSTV, 8-9, 8-10, 8-33 End of Frame Flag - see EOF Ending Reception, 8-40 Ending Transmission, '8-40 EOF, 8-17, 8-18, 8-25, 8-29, 8-40 Error Reporting, 8-25 ES,8-1O ETO,8-1O ETl, 8-10 EXO,8-1O EXI,8-IO Extended Address, 8-18 External Clocking of GSC, 8-15, 8-16, 8-17, 8-37 External Demand Mode, 8-46 External Driver, 8-35 External Transmit Clock seeXTCLK F FIFO Pointer, 8-43 Flags, 8-15, 8-16, 8-35 Frame Format, 8-17, 8-25 Full Duplex, 8-15, 8-16, 8-24, 8-30,8-32, 8-34, 8-37 G Garen, 8-42 GFO, 8-1, 8-5 GFl, 8-1, 8-5 GFIEN, 8-1, 8-5, 8-42 Global Serial Channel see GSC Glossary, 8-52 GMOD, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-41 GO, 8-3, 8-46, 8-52 GREN, 8-3, 8-24, 8-39, 8-40, 8-43 Group Address see Multicast Address GRXD,8-13 GSC, 8-14, 8-46 GSC Servicing of (CPU), 8-32, 8-39 Servicing of (DMA), 8-15, 8-16, 8-32, 8-33, 8-39 Servicing of (GSC), 8-15, 8-16 GSC Auxiliary Receiver Enable seeGAREN GSC External Receive Clock Enable seeXRCLK GSC Idle Flag Enable see GFIEN GSC Mode see GMOD GSC Operation, 8-37 GSC Receive Enable see GREN GSC Register Descriptions, 8-41 GSC Sampling Rate, 8-20, 8-37 GSC Transmit FIFO see TFIFO GTXD,8-13 10-393 H HABEN, 8-3, 8-24, 8-39, 8-43 Half Duplex, 8-15, 8-16, 8-24, 8-30, 8-32, 8-34, 8-37 Hardware Based Acknowledge Enable see HABEN Hardware Based Acknowledgement see HBA HBA, 8-15, 8-16, 8-24, 8-30 HDLC, 8-30, 8-37 HLDA, 8-13, 8-44, 8-47,8-48, 8-49, 8-52 HOLD, 8-13, 8-44, 8-47, 8-48, 8-49, 8-52 Hold Acknowledge see HLDA Hold Request see HOLD I IDA, 8-3, 8-45, 8-52 Idle, 8-14, 8-40 Idle Fill Flags, 8-42 Idle (GSC), 8-30 IE, 8-4, 8-6, 8-10 IENl, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-9, 8-10 IFS, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-19, 8-29, 8-41, 8-42 Increment Destination Address see IDA Increment Source Address see ISA Information Field, 8-18, 8-25, 8-28 Information Frame, 8-25, 8-26 Initialization (GSC), 8-34, 8-35 INTO, 8-13, 8-46 INTI, 8-13, 8-46 Interframe Space, 8-17, 8-19, 8-22, 8-24, 8-32, 8-40 Interrrame Space (Register), see IPS Internal Clocking of GSC, 8-15, 8-16 Interrupt Structure, 8-9 . IP, 8-4, 8-6, 8-10 IPNl, 8-3, 8-4, 8~6, 8-9, 8-10 ISA, 8-45, 8-52 J Jam, 8-15, 8-16, 8-17, 8-21, 8-22, 8-40 Jam Time, 8-21 Jitter, 8-35, 8-36 L Line Discipline, 8-30, 8-34, 8-37 Line Idle see LNI LNI, 8-5, 8-30, 8-44 Local Serial Channel see LSC Loop Configuration, 8-30 Loopback, 8-35 LSC, 8-14, 8-46 M . MO, 8-3, 8-35, 8-40, 8-41 Ml, 8-3, 8-35, 8-40, 8-41 Manchester, 8-15, 8-16, 8-17, 8-20,8-24, 8-35, 8-37 Master Station see Primary Station Memory Space, 8-1 Misalignment, 8-24 Mode, 8-26 Modulo, 8, 8-30 Modulo, 128, 8-30 Monitoring Link, 8-40 MOVX, 8-49 Multi-Drop Configuration, 8-30, 8-31 Myslot, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-22, 8-42 N Network Changes, 8-32 Network Expansion, 8-32 No Acknowledgement see NOACK NOACK, 8-5, 8-9, 8-24, 8-44 Nonsequenced Frame see Unnumbered Frame Normal Backoff, 8-15, 8-16, 8-19, 8-21, 8-22, 8-23, 8-40 NRZ, 8-15, 8-16, 8-17, 8-24, 8-35, 8-37 NRZI, 8-15, 8-16, 8-29, 8-35, 8-37 Number of Stations, 8-40 o Overflow, 8-24 Overrun see OVR OVR, 8-3, 8-9, 8-43 P PO see PORTO PI see PORTI P2 see PORT2 P3 see PORT3 P4 ' see PORT4 Package, 8-11 PCON, 8-4, 8-6, 8-42, 8-48, 8-49, 8-52 PDMAO, 8-9, 8-10 PDMAl, 8-9, 8-10 PGSRE, 8-9, 8-10 PGSRV, 8-9, 8-10 PGSTE, 8-9, 8-10 PGSTV, 8-9, 8-10 Pin Description, 8-12 Pin Out (DIP), 8-11 Pin Out (PLCC), 8-12 PLO, 8-3, 8-41 PLl, 8-3, 8-41 10-394 RFIFO Time Delay, 8-20 RFNE, 8-3, 8-9, 8-33, 8-39, 8-43, 8-46 RI,8-46 Ring Configuration, 8-30, 8-31 Round-Trip Propagation, 8-21 RSTAT, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-43 RXC,8-37 RXD,8-13 P (Continued) Pomt-to-Point Configuration, 8-30, 8-31 PoJl/Final Bit see P/F Bit PORTO, 8-4, 8-6, 8-12, 8-44 PORTI, 8-4, 8-6, 8-12 PORT2, 8-4, 8-6, 8-13, 8-44 PORT3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-13 PORT4, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-11, 8-13 Power Down, 8-14 PR, 8-3, 8-41 PRBS, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-22, 8-42 Preamble, 8-15, 8-16, 8-17, 8-18, 8-24, 8-35, 8-37 Preamble Length see PL Primary Station, 8-24, 8-25, .8-30 Program Memory, 8-8 Program Verification, 8-12, 8-13 Promiscuous Address, 8-25 Protocol (Bit) see PR PS,8-1O PSEN,8-13 Pseudo Random Binary Sequence see PRBS PSW, 8-4, 8-6 PTO,8-1O PT!,8-1O PXO,8-1O PXI,8-10 P IF Bit, 8-25, 8-26 R S Raw Receive, 8-15, 8-16, 8-17, 8-35 Raw Transmit, 8-15, 8-16, 8-17, 8-29, 8-35 RCABT, 8-3, 8-9, 8-20, 8-29, 8-39, 8-40, 8-43 RD, 8-13, 8-44, 8-47, 8-51 RDN, 8-3, 8-9, 8-33, 8-39, 8-40, 8-43 Receive Count, 8-30 Receive FIFO see RFIFO Receive FIFO Not Ready seeRFNE Receive Status Register see RSTAT Receiver Collision!Abort Detect see RCABT Receiver Done seeRDN Reception Sequence, 8-26 REN, 8-20, 8-40 REQ, 8-49, 8-52 Requester Mode, 8-47, 8-48, 8-49 Requester (Bit) see REQ Reset, 8-1, 8-10, 8-11, 8-13, 8-14, 8-19, 8-42 Resolution Phase, 8-17, 8-21, 8-23 Response, 8-26 Retransmission, 8-39 RFIFO, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-20, 8-32, 8-33, 8-39, 8-40, 8-43, 8-46 SARHO, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-33, 8-45 SARHl, 8-~, 8-4, 8-6, 8-45 SARLO, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-33, 8-45 SARLI, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-45 SAS, 8-3, 8-45, 8-52 SBUF, 8-4, 8-6, 8-46 SCON, 8-4, 8-6 SDLC, 8-14, 8-15, 8-16, 8-24, 8-30, 8-34, 8-35, 8-37, 8-40 SDLC Commands, 8-27 SDLCFrame see Frame Format Secondary Station, 8-24, 8-25, 8-30 Sending Sequence, 8-26 Separation of Busses, 8-50 Sequence Count, 8-25, 8-30 Serial Backplane, 8-44 Serial Port Demand Mode, 8-46 SFRS see Special Function Registers Slave Station see Secondary Station Slot Address, 8-42 Slot Address Register see Myslot Slot Assignment, 8-17 Slot Time, 8-21, 8-22, 8-32, 8-40 Slot Time (Register) see SLOTTM SLOTTM, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-21, 8-43 Source Address Space see SAS SP, 8-4, 8-6 Special Function Registers, 8-3, 8-6 Supervisory Frame, 8-25, 8-26 T TO,8-13 T!, 8-13 TCDCNT, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-22, 8-39, 8-40, 8-43 TCDT, 8-5, 8-9, 8-20, 8-39, 8-40, 8-44 TCON, 8-4, 8-6 TDN, 8-5, 8-9, 8-24, 8-33, 8-39, 8-40, 8-43, 8-44 TEN, 8-5, 8-29, 8-39, 8-40, 8-43, 8-44 Test Modes, 8-35 TFIFO, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, 8-29, 8-32, 8-33, 8-39, 8-40, 8-43, 8-44,8-46 TFNF, 8-5, 8-9, 8-39, 8-44, 8-46 THO, 8-4, 8-6 THl, 8-4, 8-6 10-395 T (Continued) TI,8-46 Timer/Counters, 8-11 TLO, 8-4, 8-6 TL1~ 8-4, 8-6 TM, 8-3,8-46, 8-52 TMOD, 8-4, 8-6 Transfer Mode seeTM Transmission During Resolution, 8-40 Transmit Collision Detect see TCDT .... Transmit Collision Detect Count see TCDCNT . Transmit Done see TDN Transmit Enable see TEN Transmit FIFO Not Full see TFNF Transmit Status Register see TSTAT Transmit Waveforms, 8-37 TSTAT, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, 8-43 Turn-Around Time, 8-19 TXC, 8-3, 8-37 TXD,8-13 U UART see LSC Unbalanced, 8-30 Underrun seeUR Unnumbered Frame, 8-25, 8~26, 8-27, 8-28 Unused SFR Addresses, 8-5 UR, 8-5, 8-9, 8-43, 8-44 User Defined Protocols, 8-30 Using GSC, 8-30 Using HLDA, 8-49 Using HOLD, 8-, 8-49 v Vee, 8-12 Vss, 8-12 W WR, 8-13, 8-44, 8-47, 8-51 X XRCLK, 8-1, 8-5, 8-37, 8-42 XTAL1,8-12 XTAL2,8-12 XTCLK, 8-37, 8-41 10-396 RUPITM..44 Family .11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THE RUPITM·44 FAMILY: MICROCONTROLLER WITH ON·CHIP COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER real-time control applications such as instrumentation, industrial control, and intelligent computer peripherals. The microcontroller features on-chip peripherals such The RUPI-44 family is designed for applications reas two 16-bit timer/counters and 5 source interrupt caquiring local intelligence at remote nodes, and commupability with programmable priority levels. The micronication capability among these distributed nodes. The controller's high performance CPU executes most inRUPI-44 integrates onto a single chip Intel's highest structions in 1 microsecond, and can perform an 8 X 8 performance microcontroller, the 8051-core, with an multiply in 4 microseconds. The CPU features a Booleintelligent and high performance Serial communication an processor that can perform operations on 256 directcontroller, called the Serial Interface Unit, or SIU. See ly addressable bits. 192 bytes of on-chip data RAM can Figure 1. This dual controller architecture allows combe extended to 64K bytes externally. 4K bytes of onplex control and high speed data communication func- . chip program ROM can be extended to 64K bytes extions to be realized cost effectively~ . ternally. The CPU and SIU run concurrently. See Figure 2. The R~PI-44 family consists of three pin compatible parts: The SIU is designed to perform serial communications • 8344-8051 Microcontroller with SIU with little or no CPU involvement. The SIU supports • 8044-An 8344 with 4K bytes of on-chip ROM prodata rates up to 2.4 Mbps, externally clocked, and gram memory 375 Kbps self clocked (i.e., the data clock is recovered by an on-chip digital phase locked loop). SIU hardware • 8744-An 8344 with 4K bytes of on-chip EPROM supports the HDLC/SDLC protowl: zero bit inserprogram memory tion/deletion, address recognition, cycli.: rcdundan.:y . check, aI\d frame number sequence check arc automatically performed. 1.0 ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION The 8044's dual controller architecture enables the RUpj to perform complex control tasks and high speed communication in a distributed network environment. The SIU's Auto mode greatly reduces communication software overhead. The AUTO mode supports the SDLC Normal Response Mode, by performing secondary station responses in hardware without any CPU involvement .. The Auto mode's interrupt control and frame sequence numbering capability eliminates software overhead normally required in conventional systems. By using the Auto mode, the CPU is free to concentrate on real time control of the application_ The 8044 microcontroller is the 805I-core, and maintains complete software compatibility with it. The microcontroller contains a powerful CPU with on-chip peripherals, making it capable of serving sophisticated ,--------------------, I ~~ ~ L H '= H ____________ ~ I ~I",1---+1--·· COM,,!:~o;cTlON _______ ~ 296163-1 Figure 1. RUPITM-44 Dual Controller Architecture 11-1 Order Number: 296163-001 THE RUPITM·44 FAMILY r---------- ----, " I I .I I I j I I , 1 1 I I t--'\ I I I I I I I I I I I I i i '----.I ii .. c. I ) :r-. ,~ !ii - I 11 !II I 1 1 1 1 'v---J 0 II ~ I 1 il , I ) 1 1 I I - I J I II. r---"I I-~ u r---- r 1 f---' I -I 1 I - I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .J I .: II !Ii Figure 2. Simplified 8044 Block Diagram 11-2 > I I I I I I I ,1 ) I IE ~ } Ig intJ THE RUPITM-44 FAMILY • EFFICIENT: Well Oefined Message-Level Operation • RELIABLE: Frame Check Sequence and Frame Numbering 2.0 THE HOLC/SOLC PROTOCOLS 2.1 HOLC/SOLC Advantages over Async The SOLC reduces system complexity. HOLC/SOLC are "data transparent" protocols. Oata transparency means that an arbitrary data stream can be sent without concern that some of the data could be mistaken for a' protocol controller. Data transparency relieves the communication controller having to detect special characters. The High Level Oata Link Control, HOLC, is a standard communication link control established by the International Standards Organization (ISO). SOLC is a subset of HOLC. HOLC and SOLC are both well recognized standard serial protocols. The Synchronous Oata Link Control, SOLC. is an IBM standard communication protocol. IBM originally developed SOLC to provide efficient. reliable and simple communication between terminals and computers. SOLC/HOLC provides more data tllroughout than Async. SOLC/HOLC runs atMessage-leve~ Operation which transmits multiple l-ytes within the frame. whereas Async is based on character-level ?peration. Async transmits or receives a character at a tine. Since Async requires start and stop bits in every ransmission. there is a considerable waste of overhad compared to SOLC/HOLe. The major advantages of SOLC/HOLC over Asynchronous communications protocol (Async): • SIMPLE: Oata Transparency - I PRIMARY i I- 8044 CONTROLLED SECONDARY I :IOt,lli:J-3 "' Point to Point. Half Duplox Ii PRIMARY I J , t 8044 CONTROLLED· SECONDARY I 8044 CONTROLLED SECONDARY 1044 CONTROLLO SECONDARY J 25163··'\ b) Multipoint, Half Duplex ~ PRIMARY ~ 1044 CONTROLLED SECONDARY 1044 CONTROLLED SECONDARY t ~ 1044 CONTROLLED SECONDARY r- 1044 CONTROLLED SECONDARY 296163-5 c) SDLC Loop Configuration Figure 3. RUPITM-44 Supported Network Configurations 11-3 inter THE RUPITM-44 FAMILY Due to SOLC/HOLC's well delineated field (see Figure 4) the CPU does not have to interpret ~haracter.by character to detcrmine control field and mformatlOn field. In the case of Async, CPU must look at each character to interpret what it means. The practical advantage of such feature is straight forward use of OMA for information transfer. In addition, SOLC,IHOLCfurther improves Oata throughput using implied Acknowledgement of trans. ferred information. A station using SOLC/HOLC may acknowledge previously received information while transmitting different information in the same frame. In addition, up to 7 messages may be outstanding before an acknowledgement is required. The HOLC/SOLC protocol can be used to realize reliable datalinks. Reliable Oata transmission is ensured at the bit lerel by sending a frame check sequence, cyclic redudan EH n 'OH Of 'CH " " 'BH "H "H 31 2SH " 2lH " 22H "H Of 'OH 07 "H 'B so SC " " "so S. 55 54 " " Sf 'f 2&H 24H 'C' .0 . .. 3f 7B ... .. .. " " 57 27H 7C 3E .. 'f '0 'C 'B 'A 'A lO lC lS l4 II '0 'C 'B " 24 2l DO 'B .. OC 0. Ol . . l2 0' '41 23, . 240 50 44 51 43 .. .... " 19 30 19 " 30 18 " " " 31 so 09 0' 81"113 .. ADDO·T~" " lS DIRECT l4 CIITS) II l2 " a.nll I '27 .!! 7 07 l! O. FOH '38 121 135 ~ .. , DIRECT ADDRESS'NG (IITS) IOH IIH 80H .. , 0 BANK 3 Rl lANK 2 REGISTER ADDRESSING .!! ...!. &.nk 2 'OH .!! ADDRESSING 24 2l "H . '80 '52 , , 117 30 00 178 . F8H .'H .OH D8H DOH CIH COH BlH .OH AlH '00 INDIREC 41 " ... ". ,.. ", ,.. ,.. [iiiO IS 22 OA 255 255 70 SA ,. ,. ." " .. " " .. r-"----. 1 " " .." .. .. . O• 07 lANK 1 :: BANK 0 ...!. '-----;--y---J ~ DIRECT ADDRESSING "" OIH 07H STACK-POINTER REGISTER·INDIRECT AND REGISTER·INDIRECT ADDRESSING alnkO 296164-6 296164-S Figure 10. Addressing Operands in Internal Data Memory Figure 9. RAM Bit Address 12-7 inter RUPITM_44 Register-Indirect Addressing using the content of Rl or RO in the selected Register Bank, or using the content of the Stack Pointer (pUSH and POP only), addresSes the Internal Data RAM. Register-Indirect Addressing is also used for accessing the External Data Memory. In this case, either Rl or RO in the selected Register Bank may be used for accessing locations within a 256-byte block. The block number can be preselected by the contents of a port. The 16-bit Data Pointer may be used for accessing any location within the full 64K external address space. TBS TBL TCB RBS RBL RFL RCB DMACNT FIF01 FIF02 FIF03 SIUST PCON 3.0 RESET Reset is accomplished by holding the RST pin high for at least two machine cycles (24 oscillator periods) while the oscillator is running. The CPU responds by executing an internal reset. It also configures the ALE and PSEN pins as inputs. (They are quasi-bidirectional.) The internal reset is executed during the second cycle in which RST is high and is repeated every cycle until RSt goes low. It leaves the internal registers as follows: Register Content PC OOOOH A OOH B OOH PSW OOH SP 07H DPTR OOOOH PO-P3 OFFH IP (XXXOOOOO) IE (OXXOOOOO) TMOD OOH TCON OOH THO OOH TLO OOH TH1 OOH TL1 OOH SMD OOH STS OOH NSNR OOH STAD OOH OOH OOH OOH OOH OOH OOH OOH OOH OOH OOH OOH 01H (OXXXXXXX) The internal RAM is not affected by reset. When VCC is turned on, the RAM content is indeterminate unless VPD was applied prior to VCC being turned off (see Power Down Operation.) 4.0 RUPITM·44 FAMILY PIN DESCRIPTION VSS: Circuit ground potential. VCC: Supply voltage during programming (of the 8744), verification (of the 8044 or 8744), andnorinal operation. Port 0: Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bidirectional I/O port. It is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus during accessses to external memory (during which accesses it activates internal pullups). It also outputs instruction bytes during program verification. (External pullups are required during program verification.) Port 0 can sink eight LS TIL inputs. Port 1: Port 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pUllups. It receives the low-order address byte during program verification in the 8044 or 8744. Port 1 can sink/source four LS TIL inputs, It can drive MOS inputs without external pullups. Two of the Port 1 pins serve alternate functions, as listed below: Port Pin Alternate Function P1.6 RTS (Request to Send). In a non-loop configuration, RTS signals that the 8044 is ready to transmit data. 12-8 8044 Serial Interface 13 THE RUPITM-44 SERIAL INTERFACE UNIT SERIAL INTERFACE Externally Clocked Mode The serial interface provides a high-performance communication link. The protocol used for this communication is based on the IBM Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC). The serial interface also supports a subset of the ISO HDLC (International Standards Organization High-Level Data Link Control) protocol. In the externally clocked mode, a common Serial Data Clock (SCLK on pin 15) synchronizes the serial bit stream. This clock signal may come from the master CPU or primary station, or from an external phaselocked loop local to the 8044. Figure 3 illustrates the timing relationships for the serial interface signals when the externally clocked mode is used in point-to-point and multipoint data link configurations. The SDLCIHDLC protocols have been accepted as standard protocols for many high-level teleprocessing systems. The serial interface performs many of the functions required to service the data link without intervention from the 8044's own CPU. The programmer is free to concentrate on the 8044's function as a peripheral controller, rather than having to deal with the details of the communication process. Incoming data is sampled at the rising edge of SCLK, and outgoing data is shifted out at the falling edge of SCLK. More detailed timing information is given in the 8044 data sheet. Self Clocked (Asynchronous) Mode Five pins on the 8044 are involved with the serial interface: Pin 7 RTS/P16 CTS/P17 Pin 8 Pin 10 I/O/RXD/P30 Pin 11 DATA/TXD/P31 Pin 15 SCLK/Tl//P35 The self clocked mode allows data transfer without a common system data clock. Using an on-chip DPLL (digital phase locked loop) the serial interface recovers the data clock from the data stream itself. The DPLL requires a reference clock equal to either 16 times or 32 times the data rate. This reference clock may be externally supplied or internally generated. When the serial interface generates this clock internally, it uses either the 8044's internal logic Clock (half the crystal frequency's PH2) or the "timer 1" overflow. Figure 4 shows the serial interface signal timing relationships for the loop configuration, when the unclocked mode is used. Figure 1 is a functional block diagram of the serial interface unit (SIU). More details on the SIU hardware are given later in this chapter. The DPLL monitors the received data in order to derive a data clock that is centered on the received bits. Centering is achieved by detecting all transitions of the received data, and then adjusting the clock transition (in increments of '1.8 bit period) toward the center of the received bit. The DPLL converges to the nominal bit center within eight bit transitions, worst case. 1.0 DATA LINK CONFIGURATIONS The serial interface is capable of operating in three serial data link configurations: . 1) Half-Duplex, point-to-point . 2) Half-Duplex, multipoint (with a half-duplex or fullduplex primary) 3) Loop To aid in the phase locked loop capture process, the 8044 has a NRZI (non-return-to-zero inverted) data encoding and decoding option. NRZI coding specifies that a signal does not change state for a transmitted binary 1, but does change state for a binary O. Using the NRZI coding with zero-bit insertion, it can be guaranteed that an active signal line undergoes a transition at least every six bit times. Figure 2 shows these three configurations. The RTS (Request to Send) and CTS (Clear to Send) hand-shaking signals are available in the point-to~point and multipoint configurations. 2.0 DATA CLOCKING OPTIONS 3.0 DATA RATES The serial interface can operate in an externally clocked mode or in a self clocked mode. The maximum data rate in the externally clocked mode is 2.4M bits per second (bps) a half-duplex configuration, and l.OM in a loop configuration. 13-1 Order Number: 296165-001 l BIT PROCESSOR BYTE PROCESSOR SYNCHRONIZED a DIGITAL PHASE LOCI( Rxe:> ., LOOP CONTROL "1'1 c· c ... CD TXD XI SRlST ;'" c: en ..... 2: c.:> "U "::j ;;: . m ........ r\3 0" (') en 2 ;0;- S! DI ...DI CD 3 I I I I I I I I I I INTERNAL -TWO PORT SIU HARDWARE REGISTER (2 PORT) RAM I 18 \. ) 296165-1 RUPITM-44 SIU 8044 CONTROLLED SECONDARY MASTERI PRIMARY 296165-2 1) HALF·DUPLEX, POINT·TO·POINT MASTERI PRIMARY - ~ ~ 8044 CONTROLLED SECONDARY 8044 CONTROLLED SECONDARY 296165-3 2) HALF·DUPLEX, MULTIPOINT MASTERI PRIMARY 8044 CONTROLLED SECONDARY 8044 CONTROLLED SECONDARY 8044 CONTROLLED SECONDARY 296165-4 3) LOOP Figure 2. RUPI-44 Data Link Configurations 13-3 · RUPITM·44SIU In the self clocked mode with an external reference dock, the maximum data rate is 375K bps. 4.1 AUTO Mode To enable the SIU to receive a frame in AUTO mode, the 8044 CPU sets up a receive buffer. This is done by writing two registers-Receive Buffer Start (RBS) Address and Receive Buffer Length (RBL). In the self clocked mode with an internally generated reference clock, and the 8044 operating With a 12 MHz crystal, the available data rates are 244 bps ·to 62.5K bps, 187.5K bps and 375K bps. The SIU receives the frame, examines the control byte, and takes the appropriate action. If the frame is an information frame, the.SIU will load the receive buffer, interrupt the CPU (to have the receive buffer read), and make the required acknowledgement to the primary station. Details on these processes are given in the Operation section, below. For more details see the table in the SMD register description, below. 4.0 OPERATIONAL MODES The Serial Interface Unit (SIU) can operate in either of two response modes: In addition to receiving the information frames, the SIU in AUTO mode is capable of responding to the following commands (found in the control field of supervisory frames) from the primary station: 1) AUTO mode 2) FLEXIBLE (NON-AUTO) mode In the AUTO mode, the stu performs iIi hardware a subset of the SDLC protocol called the. normal response mode. The AUTO mode enables the SIU to recognize and respond to certain kinds of SDLC frames without intervention from the 8044's CPU. AUTO mode provides a faster turnaround time and a simplified software interface, whereas NON-AUTO mode provides a greater flexibility with regard to the kinds of operation permitted. RR (Receive Ready): Acknowledges that the Primary station has correctly received numbered frames up through NR - 1; and that it is ready to receive frame NR· RNR (Receive Not Ready): Indicates a temporary busy condition (at the primary station) due to buffering or other internal constraints. The quantity NR in the control. field indicates the number of the frame expected after the busy condition ends, and may be used to acknowledge the correct reception of the frames up through NR - 1. In AUTO mode, the 8044 can act only as a normal response mode secondary station-that is, it can transmit only when instructed to do so by the primary station. All such AUTO mode responses adhere strictly to IBM's SDLC definitions. REI (Reject): Acknowledges the correct reception of frames up through NR - I, and requests transmission or retransmission starting at frame. NR. The 8044 is capable of retransmitting at most the previous frame, and then only if it is still available in the trarismit buffer. In the FLEXIBLE mode,reception or transmission of each frame by the SIU is performed under the control of the CPU. In this mode the 8044 can be either a primary station or a secondary station. In both AUTO and FLEXIBLE modes, short frames, . aborted frames, or frames which have had CRC's are· ignored by the SIU. The basic format of an SDLC frame is as follows: ! Flag! Address! Control! Information! FCS ! Flag I Format variatio~s consist of omitting one or more of the fields in the SDLC frame. For example, a supervisory frame is formed by omitting theinformation field. Supervisory frames are used to confirm received frames, indicate ready or busy conditions, and to report errors. More details on frame formats are given in the SDLC Frame Format Options section, below. UP (Unnumbered Poll): Also called NSP (Non-Sequenced Poll) or ORP (Optional Response Poll). This command is used in the loop configuration. To enable the SIU to transmit an information frame in AUTO mode, the CPU sets up a transmit buffer. This is done by writing two registers-Transmit Buffer Start (TBS) Address and Transmit Buffer Length (TBL), and filling the transmit buffer with the information to be transmitted. When the transmit buffer is full, the SIU can automatically (without CPU intervention) send an information frame (I-frame) with the appropriate sequence numbers, when the data link becomes available (when the 8044 is polled for information). After the SIU has transmitted the I-frame, it waits for acknowledgement from the receiving station. If the acknowledgement is 13-4 RUPITM_44 SIU negative, the SIU retransmits the frame. If the acknowledgement is positive, the SIU interrupts the CPU, to indicate that the transmit buffer may be reloaded with new information. \J iiTs 7 CTs TRANSCEIVER/BUFFER 8 8044 I/O 10 J C> - DATA de control bit when NB = 0, and Address Mode control bit when NB = 1. Figure 5. Frame Format Options in the on-chip RAM. No FCS checking is done on the received frames, and no FCS is generated for the transmitted frames. The No FCS Field option may be used in conjunction with any of the other options. It is typically used in FLEXIBLE mode, although it does not strictly include AUTO mode. Use of the No FCS Field option AUTO Mode may, however, result in SDLC protocol violations, since the data integrity is not checked by the sm. 5.4 No FCS Field In the normal case (NFCS = 0), the last 16 bits before the closing flag are the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) field. These bits are not stored in the· 8044's RAM. Rather, they are used to compute a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) on the data in the rest of the frame. A received frame with a CRC error (incorrect FCS) is ignored. In transmission, the FCS field is automatically computed by the SIU, and placed in the transmitted frame just prior to the closing flag. Formats without an FCS field have the following applications: The NFCS bit (SMDBit 0) gives the user the capability of overriding this automatic feature. When this bit is set (NFCS = I), all bits from the beginning of the information field to the beginning of the closing flag are treated as part of the information field, and are stored Receiving and transmitting frames without verifying data integrity. Using an alternate data verification algorithm. 13-8 RUPITM·44 SIU Using an alternate CRC-16 polynomial (such as XI6 XIS + X2 + I), or a 32-bit CRC + SMD: SERIAL MODE REGISTER (BYTE-ADDRESSABLE) Bit: Performing data link diagnosis by forcing false CRCs to test error detection mechanisms 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 I SCM21 SCM1 I SCMO I NRZII LOOP I PFS I NB I NFCS I In addition to the applications mentioned above, all of the format variations are useful in the support of nonstandard bit-synchronous protocols. 6.0 HOLC In addition to its support of SDLC communications, the 8044 also supports some of the capabilities of HDLC. The following remarks indicate the principal differences between SDLC and HDLC. HDLC permits any number of bits in the information field, whereas SDLC requires a byte structure (multiple of 8 bits). The 8044 itself operates on byte boundaries, and thus it restricts fields to multiples of 8 bits. HDLC provides functional extensions to SDLC: an unlimited address field is allowed, and extended frame number sequencing. HDLC does not support operation in loop configurations. 7.0 SIU SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS The 8044 CPU communicates with and controls the SIU through hardware registers. These registers are accessed using direct addressing. The SIU special function registers (SIU SFRs) are of three types: Control and Status Registers Parameter Registers ICE Support Registers The Serial Mode Register (Address C9H) selects the operational modes of the SIU. The 8044 CPU can both read and write SMD. The SIU can read SMD but cannot write to it. To prevent conflict between CPU and SIU access to SMD, the CPU should write SMD only when the Request To Send (RTS) and Receive Buffer Empty (RBE) bits (in the STS register) are both false (0). Normally, SMD is accessed only during initialization. The individual bits of the Serial Mode Register are as follows: Blt# Name Description SMD.O NFCS No FCS field in the SDLC frame. SMD.1 NB Noon-Buffered mode. No control field in the SDLC frame. SMD.2 PFS Pre-Frame Sync mode. In this mode, the 8044 transmits two bytes before the first flag of a frame, for· DPLL synchronization. If NRZI is enabled, OOH is sent; otherwise, 55H is sent. In either case, 16 pre-frame transitions are guaranteed. SMD.3 LOOP Loop configuration. SMD.4 NRZI NRZI coding option. SMD.5 SCMO Select Clock Mode-Bit 0 Select Clock Mode-Bit 1· SMD.6 SCM1 SMD.7 SCM2 Select Clock Mode-Bit 2 The SCM bits decode as follows: SCM Clock Mode 210 000 001 010 011 1 00 1 0 1 1 1 0 111 7.1 Control and Status Registers There are three SIU Control and Status Registers: Serial Mode Register (SMD) Status/Command Register (STS) Send/Receive Count Register (NSNR) Externally clocked Undefined Self clocked, timer overflow Undefined Self clocked, external 16x Self clocked, external 32x Self clocked, internal fixed Self clocked, internal fixed ·Based on a 12 MHz crystal frequency • ·0-1 M bps in loop configuration The SMD, STS, and NSNR registers are all cleared by system reset. This assures that the SIUwill power up in an idle state (neither receiving nor transmitting). These registers and their bit assignments are described below (see also the More Details on Registers section). 13-9 Data Rate (Bits/sec)· 0-204M·· 244-62.5K 0-375K 0-187.5K 375K 187.5K intJ RUPITM_44 SIU STS: STATUS/COMMAND REGISTER, (BIT-ADDRESSABLE) Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2' 1 Bit# Name STS.7 TBF 0 I rBF I RBE I Rrs I 51 I BOV I OPB I AM I RBP I The Status/Command Register (Address CSH) pro~ vides operational control of the SIU by the S044 CPU, and enables the SIU to post status information Jor the CPU's access. 'The SIU can read STS: and can alter certain bits, as indicated below. The CPU,can both read and write STS asynchronously. However, 2-cycle instructions that access STS during both cycles ('JBC/B, REL' and 'MOY /B,C.') should not be used, since the SIU may write to STS between the two CPU accesses. The individual bits of the Status/Command Register are as follows: Bit#' Name Description STS.O' RBP Receive Buffer Protect. Inhibits writing of data into the receive buffer. In AUTO mode, RBP forces an RNR response instead of an RR. STS.1AM, AUTO ModelAddressed Mode. Selects AUTO mode where AUTO mode is allowed. If NB is , true; (= 1), the AM bit selects , the addressed mode. AM may be cleared by the SIU. STS.2 OPB Optional Po" Bit. Determines whether the SIU will generate an AUTO response to an optional po" (UP with P = 0). OPB may be set or cleared by the SIU .. STS.3 BOV Receive Buffer Overrun. BOV may be set or cleared by the SIU. STS.4 SI SIU Interrupt This is one of the five interrupt sources to the CPU. The vector location = 23H. SI may beset by the SIU. It should be cleared by the CPU before returning fron'! an ' interrupt routine. STS.5 RTS Request To Send. Indicates tnat the 8044 is ready to ' transmit or is transmitting. RTS may be read or written by the CPU. RTS may be read by the SIU, and in AUTO mode may be written by the SIU. STS.6 RBEReceive Buffer Empty. RBE can be thought of as Receive' Enable. RBE is set to one by the CPU when it is ready to receive a frame, or has just read the buffer, and to zero by the SIU when a frame has been received. Description Transmit Buffer Fu". Written by the CPU to indicate that it has , filled the transmit buffer. TBF may be cleared by the SIU., NSNR: SEND/RECEIVE COUNT REGISTER (BIT-ADDRESSABLE) B~ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INS21 NS1 INSO ISES I NR21 NR1 INRO ISER I The SendlReceive Count Register (Address DSH) contains the transmit and receive sequence numbers, plus tally error' indications. The SIU can both read and write NSNR. The S044CPU can both read and write NSNR asynchronously. However, 2-cycle instructions that access NSNR during both cycles (,JBC /B, REL', and 'MOY /B,C') should not be used, since the SIU may write to NSNR between the two S044 CPU accesses. The individual bits of the SendlReceive Count Register are as follows: Bit# Name Description NSNR.O SER Receive Sequence Error: NS (P)* NR (S) NSNR.1 NRO Receive Sequence Counter-Bit 0 NSNR.2 NR1 Receive Sequence Counter-Bit 1 NSNR.3 NR2 Receive Sequence Counter-Bit 2 NSNR.4 SES NSNR.5 NSO Send Sequence Error: NR (P) * NS (S) and NR (P)* NS (S) + 1 Send Sequence Counter-Bit 0 NSNR.6 NS1 Send Sequence Counter-"-Bit 1 NSNR.7 NS2 Send Sequence Counter-Bit 2 7.2 Parameter Registers There are eight, parameter registers that are used in connection, with SIUoperation. All eight registers may, be read or written by the S044 CPU. RFL and RCB are normally ,loaded by the, SIU. The eight parameter registers are as follows: STAD: STATION ADDRESS REGISTER (BYTE-ADDRESSABLE) The Station Address register (Address CEH) cOntains the station address. To prevent access conflict, the CPU 13-10 RUPITM_44 SIU should access STAD only when the sm is idle (RTS = o and RBE = 0). Normally, STAD is accessed only during initialization. RFL: RECEIVE FIELD LENGTH REGISTER (BYTE-ADDRESSABLE) TBS: TRANSMIT BUFFER START ADDRESS REGISTER (BYTE-ADDRESSABLE) The Received Field Length register (Address CDH) contains the length (in bytes) of the received I-field that has just been loaded into on-chip RAM. RFL is loaded by the sm. RFL = 0 is valid. RFL should be accessed by the CPU only when RBE = O. The Transmit Buffer Start address register (Address DCH) points to the location in on-chip RAM for the beginning of the I-field of the frame to be transmitted. The CPU should access TBS only when the SIU is not transmitting a frame (when TBF = 0). RCB: RECEIVE CONTROL BYTE REGISTER (BYTE-ADDRESSABLE) The Received Control Byte register (Address CAH) contains the control field of the frame that has just been received. RCB is loaded by the sm. The CPU can only read RCB, and should only access RCB when RBE = O. TBL: TRANSMIT BUFFER LENGTH REGISTER (BYTE-ADDRESSABLE) The Transmit Buffer Length register (Address DBH) contains the length (in bytes) of the I-field to be transmitted. A blank I-field (TBL = 0) is valid. The CPU should access TBL only when the SIU is not transmitting a frame (when TBF = 0). 7.3 ICE Support Registers The 8044 In-Circuit Emulator (ICE-44) allows the user to exercise the 8044 application system and monitor the execution of instructions in real time. NOTE: The transmit and receive buffers are not allowed to "wrap around" in the on-chip RAM. A "buffer end" is automatically generated if address 191 (BFH) is reached. The emulator operates with Intel's Intellec® development system. The development system interfaces with the user's 8044 system through an in-cable buffer box. The cable terminates in a 8044 pin-compatible plug, which fits into the 8044 socket in the user's system. With the emulator plug in place, the user can exercise his system in real time while collecting up to 255 instruction cycles of real-time data. In addition, he can single-step the program. TCB: TRANSMIT CONTROL BYTE REGISTER (BYTE-ADDRESSABLE) The Transmit Control Byte register (Address DAH) contains the byte which is to be placed in the control field of the transmitted frame, during NON-AUTO mode transmission. The CPU should access TCB only when the SIU is not transmitting a frame (when TBF = 0). The Ns and NR counters are not used in the NON-AUTO mode. RBS: RECEIVE BUFFER START ADDRESS REGISTER (BYTE-ADDRESSABLE) The Receive Buffer Start address register (Address CCH) points to the location in on-chip RAM where the beginning of the I-field of the frame being received is to be stored. The CPU should write RBS only when the SIU is not receiving a frame (when RBE = 0). Static RAM is available (in the in-cable buffer box) to emulate the 8044 internal and external program memory and external data memory. The designer can display and alter the contents of 'the replacement memory in the buffer box, the internal data memory, and the internal 8044 registers, including the SFRs. Among the SIU SFRs are the following registers that support the operation of the ICE: DMA CNT: DMA COUNT REGISTER (BYTE-ADDRESSABLE) The DMA Count register (Address CFH) indicates the number of bytes remaining in the information block that is currently being used. RBL: RECEIVE BUFFER LENGTH REGISTER (BYTE-ADDRESSABLE) The Receive Buffer Length register (A.ddress CBH) contains the length (in bytes) of the area in on-chip RAM allocated for the received I-field. RBL = 0 is valid. The CPU should write RBL only when RBE = O. FIFO: THREE-BYTE (BYTE-ADDRESSABLE) The Three-Byte FIFO (Address DDH, DEH, and DFH) is used between the eight-bit shift register and the information buffer when an information block is received. 13-11 inter RUPITM_44 SIU SIUST: SIU STATE COUNTER (BYTEADDRESSABLE) , The SIU Suite Counter (Address D9H) reflects the state of the internal logic which is under SIU control. Therefore, care must be taken not to write into this register. SIUST Value Function 2SH Waiting for I field byte. This state can be entered from state 20H or from states 01 H, OSH, or 10H depending upon the SIU's mode configuration. (Each time a byte is received, it is pushed onto the top of the FIFO and the byte at the bottom is put into memory. For no FOS formatted frames, the FIFO is collapsed into a single register). 30H Waiting for the closing flag after having overflowed the receive buffer. Note that even if the receive frame overflows the assigned receive buffer length, the FOS is still checked. The SIUST register can serve as a helpful aid to determine which field of a receive frame that the SIU expects next. The table below will help in debugging 8044 reception problems. SIUST Value 01H OSH 10H lSH 20H Function Waiting for opening flag. Waiting for address field. Waiting for control field. Waiting for first byte of I field. This state is only entered if a FOS is expected. It pushes the received byte onto the top of the FIFO. . . Examples of SIUST status sequences for different frame formats are shown below. Note.that status changes after acceptance of the received field byte. Waiting for second byte of I field. This state always follows state lSH. Table 1 SIUST Status Sequences Frame Option NFCS NB AM~ Example 1: Frame Format SIUSTValue I o o Example 2: I. Frame Format 1 (Idle) 1 F 1 A 1 I 1 F0 S F 1 2S 1__ SIUST Value _0_1:...,..J.L...0-=-1:..L.:.OS::..J....:1~S...JI...:2:.:0:..L1...:2::S:...J,-'::::::"":_L.::0:.:. o L, Example 3: Frame Format SIUSTValue I o o Example 4: Frame Format SIUSTValue I (Idle) I F I A I I I F I I 01 I 01 I OS I 2S I 01 I Example 5: Frame Format t.!.(I"..dl,..;e)+1 _:...1_-I-I_F~I SIUST Value . L_ _0_1_J...,_01.;....L._~2.:.S_.L-=0~1...J o ",:-F-+I.;..' ExampleS: Frame Format 1 (Idle) -, F SIUSTValue 1 01 l' 1 I .' 1 0111s120 12s1 I OVERFLOW I FOS 1 F 1 30 1 .30 1011 13-12 o o intJ RUPITM-44 SIU 8.0 OPERATION TBS, TBL - to define the area in RAM allocated for the Transmit Buffer. The SIU is initialized by a reset signal (on pin 9), followed by write operations to the SIU SFRs. Once initialized, the SIU can function in AUTO mode or NONAUTO mode. Details are given beiow. ' Once these registers have been initialized, the user may write to the STS register to enable the SIU to leave the idle state, and to begin transmits and/or receives. 8.1 Initialization Setting RBE to 1 enables the SIU for receive. When RBE = I, the SIU monitors the received data stream for a flag pattern. When a flag pattern is found, the SIU enters Receive mode and receives the frame. Figure 6 is the SIU. Registers SMD, STS, and NSNR are cleared by reset. This puts the 8044 into an idle state-neither receiving nor transmitting. The following registers must be initialized before the 8044 leaves the idle state: - to establish the 8044's SDLC station adSTAD dress. SMD - To configure the 8044 for the proper operating mode. RBS, RBL - to define' the area in RAM allocated for. . the Receive Buffer. . Setting RTS to 1 enables the SIU for t~ansmit. When RTS = I, the SIU monitors the received data stream for a GA pattern (loop configuration) or waits for a CTS (non-loop configuration). When the GA or CTS arrives, the SIU ·enters Transmit mode and transmits a frame. In AUTO mode, the SIU sets RTS to enable automatic transmissions of appropriate responses. END-OFFRAME FLEXIBLE MODE STRTREC STRTXMIT FLEXIBLE MODE END-OF·FRAME AUTO MODE STRT REC = RBE. FLAG STRT XMIT = RTS. (CTS. LOOP + GA.LOOP) WAIT = NOT (STRT REC + STRTXMIT) Figure 6. SIU State Diagram 13-13 . 296165-9 inter RUPITM-44 SIU 8.2 AUTO Mode Figure 7 illustrates the receive operations in AUTO· mode. The overall operation is shown in Figure 7a. Particular cases are illustrated in Figures 7b through 7j. If any Unnumbered Command other than UP is received, the AM bit is cleared and the SIU responds as if in the FLEXIBLE mode, by interrupting the CPU for supervision. This will also happen if a BOV or SES condition occurs. If the received. frame contains a poll, the SIU sets the RTS bit to generate a response. Figure 8 illustrates the transmit operations in AUTO mode. When the SIU gets the opportunity to transmit, and if the transmit buffer is full, it sends an I-frame. Otherwise, it sends an RR if the buffer is free, or an RNR if the buffer is protected. The sequence counters NS and NR are used to construct the appropriate control fields. Figure 9 shows how the CPU respoilds to an SI (serial interrupt) in AUTO mode. The CPU tests the AM bit (in the STS register), If AM = I, it indicates that the SIU has receivc:d either an I-frame, or a positive response to a previously transmitted I-frame. 2) In a non-loop configuration, one to eight extra dribble bits are transmitted after the closing flag. These bits are a zero followed by ones. 3) In a loop configuration, when a GA is' received and the 8044 begins transmitting, the sequence is 01111110101111110 ... (FLAG, I, FLAG, ADDRESS, etc.). The first flag is created from the GA. The second flag begins the message. 4) CTS is sampled after the rising edge of the serial data, at about the center of the bit cell, except during a non-loop, externally clocked mode transmit, in which case it is sampled just after the falling edge. 5) The SIU does not check for illegal I-fields. In particular, if a supervisory command is received in AUTO mode, and if there is also an I-field, it will be loaded into the receive buffer (if RBP = 0), but it cannot cause a BOV. 6) In relation to the Receive Buffer Protect facility, the user should set RFL to 0 when clearing RBP, such that, if the SIU is in the process of receiving a frame, RFL will indicate the proper value when reception of the frame has been completed. 8.5 Turn Around Timing 8.3 FLEXIBLE Mode Figure 10 illustrates the receive operations in NONAUTO mode. When the SIU successfully completes a task, it clears RBF and interrupts the CPU by setting SI to 1. The exact CPU response to SI is determined by software. A typical response is shown in Figure 11. Figure 12 illustrates the transmit operations in FLEXIBLE mode. The SIU does not wait for a positive acknowledge response to the transmitted frame. Rather, it interrupts the CPU (by setting SI to 1) as soon as it finishes transmitting the frame. The exact CPU response to SI is determined by software. A typical response is shown in Figure 13. This response results in another transmit frame being set up. The sequence of operations shown in Figure 13 can also be initi.ated by . the CPU, without an SI. Thus the CPU can initiate a transmission in FLEXIBLE mode without a poll, simply by setting the RTS bit in the STS register. The RTS bit is always used to initiate a transmission, but it is applied to the RTS pin only when a non-loop configuration is used. 8.4 8044 Data Link Particulars The following facts should be noted: 1) In a non-loop configuration, one or two bits are transmitted before -the opening flag. This is necessary for NRZI synchronization. In AUTO mode, the SIU generates an RTS immediately upon being polled. Assuming that the 8044 sends an information frame in response to the poll, the primary station sends back an acknowledgement. If, in this acknowledgement, the 8044 is polled again, a response may be generated even before the CPU gets around to processing the interrupt caused by the acknowledge. In such a case, the response would be an RR (or RNR), since TBF would have been set to 0 by the SIU, due to the acknowledge. IT the system designer does not wish to take up channel time with RR responses, but prefers to generate a new I-frame as a response, there are several ways to accomplish this: 1) Operate the 8044 in FLEXIBLE mode. 2) Specify that the master should never acknowledge and poll in one message. This is typically how a loop system operates, with the poll operation confined to the UP command. This leaves plenty of time for the 8044 to get.its transmit buffer loaded with new information after an acknowledge. 3) The 8044 CPU can clear RTS. This will prevent a response from being sent, or abort it if it is already in progress. A system using external RTS/CTS handshaking could use a. one-shot delay RTS or CTS, thereby giving the CPU more time to disable the reSponse. 13-14 RUPITM~44 SIU RECEIVE NEXTBYTE NO AlIORT, SHORT FRAME, OR INVALID I FRAME CTRL FIELD .. RCI NO YES I'IELD .. RFC aUF lAO s •• Figure, 7c thru 7) 296165-10 Figure 7a. SIU AUTO Mode Receive Flowchart-General 13-15 inter RUPITM~44 SIU uAM" ...... uSI" -4-1 "RBE tI. . - • ..SES...... uSER"~' 296165-11 Figure 7b. SIU AUTO Mode Receive Flowchart-Unknown Command 13-16 RUPITM·44 SIU .IIAMn~o "RBE"..-O "SI" .... 1 296165-12 Figure 7c. SIU AUTO Mode Receive Flowchart-Unnumbered Poll 13-17 inter RUPITM·44 SIU NO 296165-13 Figure 7d. SIU AUTO Mode Receive Flowchart--Supervlsory Command 13-18 inter RUPITM_44 SIU BAD I COMMAND NRi~ NllSl + N P --NRS ,,~ '- 1, 1 "Na" - • "RBE"_' "TBF"_' Ns-Ns+1 "5ES"_. "SER"_' "SI" _1 296165-14 Figure 7e. SIU AUTO Mode Receive Flowchart-I Command: Prior Transmitted I-Field Confirmed, Current Received I-Field In Sequence 13-19 intJ RUPITM·44 SIU BAD ICpMMAND NRIP) ~ HsIS) HsIP) ~ HRIS) "AM" = ,,"Nan .... .. RBE...... . .. SES...... . .. SER ...... . "SI" .... 1 296165-15 Figure 7f. SIU AUTO Mode Receive Flowchart-I Command: Prior.. Transmitted I-Field Not Confirmed, Current Received I-Field In Sequence 13-20 intJ RUPITM·44 SIU BAD I COMMAND NAIP) " NsIS) + NRIP) '" NsIS) NsIP) - NAIS) "AM" - " "NB" , =0 "AM" .... "SES"-+-' "SER"-+-O "RBE"_O "51" ... , 296165-16 Figure 7g. SIU AUTO Mode Receive Flowchart-I Command: Sequence Error S",nd, Current Received I·Fleld In Sequence 13-21 inter RUPITM-44 SIU BAD I COMMAND NR(P) - NS(S) + 1 NS(P) .. NR(S) "AM" = 1, "NB" = 0 .. BOV..... 1 "AM" .... ..RBE.. ·.... "TBF"_. NS~NS+l "SES"_' "SER" .... 1 "SI" _1 296165-17 Figure 7h. SIU AUTO Mode Receive Flowchart-I Command: Prior Transmitted I-Field Confirmed Sequence Error Receive 13-22 RUPITM·44 SIU BAD I COMMAND NRIP) - NsIS) NsIP) .. NRIS) "AM" "'" 1, "NB" = 0 "BOY"_1 "AM" _ _ "RBE" . . _ "AM" _ _ "RBE" _ _ uSI" SI -4-1 _1 296165-18 Figure 7i. SIU AUTO Mode Receive Flowchart-I Command: Prior Transmitted I·Field Not Confirmed, Sequence Error Receive 13-23 inter RUPITM·44 SIU BAD I COMMAND HAIPI" Ha\SI + 1 NRP "NaS NaIP)" NR P) "AM" - 1. nNB" .. 0 UAM" .... "RBE"'-' "SES"'-l "SER"~1 1181" ..... 1 296165-19 Figure 7J. SIU AUTO Mode Receive Flowchart-I Command: Sequence Error Send and Sequence Error Receive 13·24 intJ RUPITM·44 SIU X MIT I FRAME X MIT RR FRAME X MIT RNR FRAME 296165-20 Figure 8. Siu AUTO Mode Transmit Flowchart 13-25 RUPITM-44 SIU LOAD I-FIELD INTO XMITBUFFER PROCESS INFORMATION OR SET "RBP" 296165-21 Figure 9. AUTO Mode Response to "SI" 13-26 inter RUPITM_44 SIU RECEIVE NEXT BYTE -----j NO YES ABORT, SHORT FRAME OR INVALID I RECEIVE MESSAGE CTRL FIELD ....RCB, I FIELD .... REC BUF, SET BOV ON OVERRUN - - - I I I I I RBE ~. .... (ABORT FROM CPU) BAD GOOD CLEAR "RBE" SET "SI" L----------toII-------...J 296165-22 Figure 10. SIU FLEXIBLE Mode Receive Flowchart 13-27 inter RUPITM-44 SIU PROCESS MESSAGE, SeT UP RESPONSE IF NECESS;ARY 296165-23 Figure 11. FLEXIBLE Mode Response to Receive "51" 13-28 inter RUPITM-44 SIU TRANSMIT MESSAGE USING TCB FOR CONTROL FIELD r - - - - -=.- - - I I TBF (ABORT FROM CPU) ~UT-OFF - LOOP) + CTS-LOOP [ABORT FROM PRIMARY] ----, I I I I I ~ CLEAR "TBF" ~=~l_ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~ ______ J CLEAR "RTS" SET "SI" TRANSMIT ABORT SEQUENCE 296165-24 Figure 12. SIU FLEXIBLE Mode Transmit Flowchart 13-29 inter RUPITM·44 Slu CLEAR"SI" lIMIT = I,PENDING BUFFULL TBF INDICATEB LAST TRANSMIT ABORTED IV CPU ORPR_V. BUFEMPTY CTRL FIELD . .TCI I-FIELD .. XMIT aUF SET"TI" SET "ATS· 296165-25 FIgure 13" FLEXIBLE Mode Re.ponse to Transmit "SI" . 13·30 intJ RUPITM-44 SIU 9.0 MORE DETAILS ON SIU HARDWARE The SIU divides functionally into two sections-a bit processor (BIP) and a byte processor (BYP~haring some common timing and control logic. As shown in Figure 14, the BIP operates between the serial port pins and the SIU bus, and performs all functions necessary to transmit/receive a byte of data to/from the serial data stream. These operations include shifting, NRZI encoding/decoding, zero insertion/deletion, and FCS generation/checking. The BYP manipulates bytes of data to perform message formatting, and other transmitting and receiving functions. It operates between the SIU bus (SIB) and the 8044's internal bus (IB). The interface between the SIU and the CPU involves an interrupt and some locations in on-chip RAM space which are managed by the BYP. The maximum possible data rate for the serial port is limited to '12 the internal clock rate. This limit is imposed by both the maximum rate of DMA to the onchip RAM, and by the requirements of synchronizing to an external clock. The internal clock rate for an 8044 running on a 12 MHz crystal is 6 MHz. Thus the maximum· 8044 serial data rate is 3 MHz. This data rate drops down to 2.4 MHz when time is allowed for external clock synchronization. 9.1 The Bit Processor In the asynchronous (self clocked) modes the clock is extracted from the data stream using the on-chip digital phase-locked-loop (DPLL). The DPLL requires a clock input at 16 times the data rate. This 16 X clock may originate from SCLK, Timer 1 Overflow, or PH2 (one half the oscillator frequency). The extra divide by-two described above allows these sources to be treated alternatively as 32 X clocks. The DPLL is a free-running four-bit counter running off the 16 X clock. When a transition is detected in the receive data stream, a count is dropped (by suppressing the carry-in) if the current count value is greater than 8. A count is added (by injecting a carry into the second stage rather than the first) if the count is less than 8. No adjustment is made if the transition occurS at the count of 8. In this manner the counter locks in on the point at which transitions in the data stream occur at the count of 8, and a clock pulse is generated when the count overflows to O. The zero insert/delete circuitry (ZID) performs zero insertion/deletion, and also detects flags, GA's (GoAhead's), and aborts (same as GA's) in· the data stream. The pattern 1111110 is detected as an early GA, so that the GA may be turned into a flag for loop mode transmission. The shut-off detector monitors the receive data stream for a sequence of eight zeros, which is a shut-off command for loop mode transmissions. The shut-off detector is a three-bit counter which is cleared whenever a one is found in the receive data stream. Note that the ZID logic could not be used for this purpose, because the receive data must be monitored even when the ZID is being used for transmission. As an example of the operation of the bit processor, the following sequence occurs in relation to the receive data: 1) RXD is sampled by SCLK, and then synchronized to the internal processor clock (IPC). 2) If the NRZI mode is selected, the incoming data is NRZI decoded. 3) When receiving other than the flag pattern, the ZID deletes the '0' after 5 consecutive 'l's (during transmission this zero is inserted). The ZID locates the byte boundary for the rest ofthe circuitry. The ZID deletes the 'O's by preventing the SR (shift register) from receiving a clocking pulse. 4) The FCS (which is a function of the data between the flags-notincluding the flags) is initialized and started at the detection of the byte boundary at the end of the opening flag. The FCS is computed each bit boundary until the closing flag is detected. Note that the received FCS has gone through the ZID during transmission. 9.2 The Byte Processor Figure 15 is a block diagram of the byte processor (BYP). The BYP contains the registers and controllers necessary to perform the data manipulations associated with SDLC communications. TheBYP registers may be read or written by the CPU over the 8044's internal bus (IB), using standard 8044 hardware register operations. The 8044 register select PLA controls these operations. Three of the BYP registers connect to the IB through the IBS, a sub-bus which also connects to the CPU interrupt control registers. In order to perform NRZI decoding, the NRZI decoder compares each bit of input data to the previous bit. There are no clock delays in going through the NRZI decoder. . 13-31 RUPITM·44 SIU INTERRUPT IB' 1 CPU RAM r - ---- ------- i-------------Siij.., -1 - SHARED REGISTERS ~ BIP BYP SIB L _____________ ~ _________ I I I I I I I I 1/01RXD DA'J:AITXD ~---J 296165-26 Figure 14. The Bit and Byte Processors Simultaneous access of a register by both the IB and the SIB is prevented by timing. In particular, RAM access is restricted to alternate internal processor cycles for the CPU and the SIU, in such a way that collisions do not occur. As an example of the operation of'the byte processor, the following sequence occurs in relation to the receive data: 1) Assuming that there is an address field in the frame, the BYP takes the station address from ihe regist~ me into temporary storage. After the opening flag, the next field (the address field) is compared to the station address in the temporary storage. If a match occurs, the operation continues. 2) Assuming that there is a control field in the frame, the BYP takes the next byte and loads it into the RCB register. The RCB register has the logic to update the NSNR register (increment receive count, set SES and SER flags, etc.). 3) Assuming thatthere is an information field, the next byte is dumped into RAM at the RBS location. The DMA CNT (RBL at the opening flag) is loaded from the DMA CNT register into the RB register and decremented. The RFL is then loaded into the RB register, incremented, and stored back into the register me. 4) This process continues until the DMA CNT reache~ zero, or until a closing flag is received. Upon either event, the BYP updates the status, and, if the CRC is good, the NSNR register. 13·32 intJ RUPITM·44 SIU Ir----~----------, RAM SIB BYP IB SHARED REGISTERS TIMING AND CONTROL I I I ~ L ______________ I I ~~ 296165-27 Figure 15. The Byte Processor 10.0 DIAGNOSTICS An SIU test mode has been provided, so that the onchip CPU can perform limited diagnostics on the SIU. The test mode utilizes the output latches for P3.0 and P3.1 (pins 10 and II). These port 3 pins are not useful as out-put ports, since the pins are taken up by the serial port functions. Figure 16 shows the signal routing associated with the SIU test-mode. Writing a 0 to P3.1 enables the serial test mode (P3.1 is set to I by reset). In test mode the P3.0 bit is mapped into the received data stream, and the 'write port 3' control signal is mapped into the SCLK path in place of TI. Thus, in test mode, the CPU can send a serial data stream to the SIU by writing to P3.0. The transmit data stream can be monitored by reading P3.1. Each successive bit is transmitted from the sm by writing to any bit in .Port 3, which generates SCLK. In test mode, the P3.0 and P3.1 pins are placed in a high voltage, high impedance state; When the CPU reads P3.0 and P3.1 the logic level applied to the pin will be returned. In the test mode, when the CPU reads 3.1, the transmit data value will be returned, not the voltage on the pin. The transmit dilta remains constant for a bit time. Writing to P3.0 will result in the signal being outputted for a short period of time. However, since the signal is not latched, P3.0 will quickly return to a high voltage, high impedance state. 13-33 .~. .. !J '5 SCLKI ~_'_-r_IQ-~~-~-H~DI_·~ 1 ----' ~. ~ I SYSCLK .. /1 ,I L!J 'IN1" ~ I _,_ ~§- _.- A PH .. RXDI .~ ~n ~ ... ~.,..,... .... __ ~ • c:i!: w ~ en 2 f READ PORT 3 PINII DATAl TXDI P31 l WRITE PORT 3 SlU TRANSMIT DATA STREAM 296165-28 inter RUPITM_44 SIU The serial test mode is disabled by writing a I to P3.1. Care must be taken that a 0 is never written to P3.1 in the course of normal operation, since this causes the test mode to be entered. transmits a supervisory frame. This frame consists of an opening flag, followed by the station address, a control field indicat~g that this is a supervisory frame with an , RNR command, and then a closing flag. Figure 17 is an example of a simple program segment that can be imbedded into the user's diagnostic program. That example shows how to put the 8044 into "Loop-back mode" to test the basic transmitting and receiving functions of the SIU. Each byte of the frame is transmitted by writing that byte into the A register and then calling the subroutine XMIT8~ Two additional SCLKs are generated to guarantee that the last bits in the frame have been clocked into the SIU. Finally the CPU reads the status register (STS). If the operation has proceeded correctly, the status will be 072H. If it is not, the program jumps to the ERROR loop and terminates. Loop-back mode is functionally equivalent to a hardwire connection between pins 10 and 11 on the 8044. In this example, the 8044 CPU plays the role of the primary station. The SIU is in the AUTO mode. The CPU sends the SIU a supervisory frame with the poll bit set and an RNR command. TheSIU responds with a supervisory frame with the poll bit set and an RR command. The operation proceeds as follows: Interrupts are disabled, and the self test mode is enabled by writing a zero to P3.1. This establishes P3.0 as the data path from the CPU to the SIU. CTS (clear-tosend) is enabled by writiIjg a zero to P1.7. The station address is initialized by writing 08AH into the STAD (station address register). The SIU is configured for receive operation in the clocked mode and in AUTO mode. The CPU then The SIU generates an SI (SIU interrupt) to indicate that it has received a frame. The CPU clears this interrupt, and then begins to monitor the data stream that is being generated by the SIU in response to what it has received. As each bit arrives (via P3.1), it is moved into the accumulator, and the CPU compares the byte in the accumulator with 07EH, which is the opening flag. When a match occurs, the CPU identifies this as byte boundary, and thereafter processes the information byte-to-byte. The CPU calls the RCV8 subroutine to gct each byte into the accumulator. The CPU performs compare oper~tions on (successively) the station address, the control field (which contains the RR response), and the closing flag; If any of 'these do not compare, the program jumps to the ERROR loop. If no error is, found, the program jumps to the DONE loop. 13-35 inter RUPITM.-44 SIU , ISIS-II PICa-51 .....CRD .AS_I-ER 112,.0 . DI~CT IIODULE PLACED IN· : Fl : DATA, DB" ASSEttI.LIER 'INVOKED ,IV: .... 51: ,flo: ... t •. un d.vic.(44) LDC 0000 . DDQ3 0005 0007 DB" 7SCaOO C211 C297 7SCEBA OODA "7'D86~ DODD 7,C901 0010 7'CaC2 0013 0015 oole OOIA OOID OOIF 0022 0024 0027 0029 747E 1200..6 74.... 120066 7495 120066 747E 120066 D210 D210 002a E,eB 002D 14722A 0030 ·C2CC 0032 7400. 0034 710C 0036 0038 003A 0031 OOlE 0041 0043 D210 A211 13 147E03 0:10046 DIF3 0200"'" 0046 1200SC 004914_ 004C 1200SC oo4F 141108 0052 I:IOOSC 0055 147E02 005e aOFE 00"," 80FE OO5C oo5E 0060 0062 0063 0065 7808 D2ao A211 13 D8F9 22 0066 780" 0068 13 006" DBOI 0068 22 006C 4004 006E C2BO 0070 BOF6 007~ D280 0074 8OF2 LIN!' I' 2 '3 4 5 6 ,7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14· 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 '.26 27 28 SOURCE INIT: J' MOIl CLR ,CLR .II1I\I 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 11011 II1I\I ICIII Int tiel i Ie .eld" ••• NSCS)-3; SES-C. NR(9)-,. SER-O NBHR • • •AH BI1D, eolH aTB. eOC2H NFee-t J TIF-l. RIE-l, Nt-l TRMSI1IT A _ERIiISORV FR_ FRDI1 THE PRII1M~ STATION WITH.THE POLL. S~N~: ICI\I CALL 11011 CIILL II1I\I CIILL 11011 " CIILL SETa ··8ETI "Oil CJNE A. 17EH XI1ITS A. laAH XI'IIT& A. 1095H XI'IIT8 A. 17EH Th. SIU rec .. i V.I .. ne. ftT's.'" , The .dd" ••• is n •• t , , Receive clasing fie. RNIt SUP FANE with P/F-l. NRCP)-4 1"IT8 t". P3,O P3,O O.n.".t ••• SCUV. to Initiate "eceive acUon It.,i 8T9 A. .72H. ERROR Chec II '0" .p,,,o,,,i.te st.tus ; PREPIt.RE TO RECEIVE RUP!'. RESPONCE TO PRI"lt.Ry·S RNA CLA REClio Cl •• " II .Cl •• " ACC I T"II l2 ti ••• IlO\l ICI\I LIIOK. FOR THE OPENING FLAO WFLIIO I: :SETB 1'1011 . ', RRC C.JNE JI'ff' WFLO I : D.JNZ JI1P CNTINU: CALL 51 52 53 54 C"NE 57 58 5. 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 6" 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 7a 79 80 81 82 83 Enebl. ,.U t •• t Mod. En.bl. eTa J 8 IT SET AND A RNA CDI1IIAND 50 "56 I PI.7 'STAD. lBAH CONFIGURE RECEIVE OPERATION 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 . BTS.IOOH P3,I CALL C"NE CALL C"NE P3.0 I SCL.M.' C, P3.1 I T".n •• itt.1I d.t• A AI .07EH. WFLO 1 CNTINU R3. WFLAOI ERROR RCIIB A. 1000H. ERROR RCIIB A. 10BlH. ERROR RCIIS A. 107EH. ERROR DONE: "11P DONE ERROR: JI1P ERROR RCIIB: OETB I T: 11011 SETB 11011 RRC DJNZ RET RO.108 P3,O C. P3, I O.t SIU'. T".n •• itted .dd" ••• U.U , P"'··"II e.pect. ta ,..eceiv. RR '''D. SIU Receive clasing fl •• , In' tieU I. the, b" cDunt." SCLK I T"e".1111 tted d.t. A RO. OETIIT 84 296165-29 Figure 17. Loop-Back Mode S~ftware 13-36 8044 Application Examples . 14 8044 APPLICATION EXAMPLES ure 3 shows the 8088 and support circuitry; the memory and decoders are not shown. It is a basic 8088 Min Mode system with an 8237A DMA controller and an 8259A interrupt controller. 1.0 INTERFACING THE 8044 TO A MICROPROCESSOR The 8044 is designed to serve as an intelligent controller for remote peripherals. However, it can also be used as an intelligent HDLC/SDLC front end for a microprocessor, capable of extensively off-loading link control functions for the CPU. In some applications, the 8044 can even be used for communications preprocessing, in addition to data link control. This section describes a sample hardware interface for attaching the 8044 to an 8088. It is general enough to be extended to other microprocessors such as the 8086 . or the 80186. OVERVIEW A sample interface is shown in Figure 1. Transmission occurs when the 8088 loads a 64 byte block of memory with some known data. The 8088 then enables the 8237A to DMA this data to the 8044. When the 8044 has received all of the data from the 8237A, it sends the data in a SDLC frame. The frame is captured by the Spectron Datascope™* which displays it on a CRT in hex format. In reception, the Datascope sends a SDLC information frame to the 8044. The 8044 receives the SDLC frame, buffers it, and sends it to the 8088's memory. In this e~ample the 8044 is being operated in the NON-AUTO mode; therefore, it does not need to be polled by a primary station in order to transmit. DMA Channel One transfers a block of memory to the tri-state latch, while Channel Zero transfers a block of data from the latch to 8088's memory. The. 8044's Interrupt 0 signal vectors the CPU into a routine which reads from the internal RAM and writes to the latch. The 8044's Interrupt 1 signal causes the chip to read from the latch and write to its on-chip data RAM. Both DMA requests and acknowledges are active low. Initially, when the power is applied, a reset pulse coming from the 8284A initializes the SR flip-flops. In this initialization state, the 8044's transmit interrupt and the 8088's transmit DMA request are active; however, the software keeps these signals disabled until either of the two processors are ready to transmit. The software leaves the receive signals enabled, unless the receive buffers are full. In this way either the 8088 or the 8044 are always ready to receive, but they must enable the transmit signal when they have prepared a block to transmit. After a block has been transmitted or received, the DMA and interrupt signals return to the initial state. The receive and transmit buffer sizes for· the blocks of data sent between the 8044 and the 8088 have a maximum fixed length. In this case the buffer size was 64 bytes. The buffer size must be less than 192 bytes to enable 8044 to buffer the data in its on-chip RAM. This design allows blocks of data that are less than (i4 bytes, and accommodates networks that allow frames of varying size. The first byte transferred between the 8088 and the 8044 is the byte count to follow; thus the 8044 knows how many bytes to receive before it transmits the SDLC frame. However, when the 8044 sends data to the 8088's memory, the .8237A will not know if the 8044 will send less than the count the 8237A was programmed for. To solve this problem, the 8237A is operated in the single mode. The 8044 uses an I/O bit to generate an interrupt request to the 8259A. In the 8088's interrupt routine, the 8237A's receive DMA channel is disabled, ~us allowing blocks of data less than 64 bytes to be received. THE INTERFACE The 8044 does not have a parallel slave port. The 8044's 32 I/O lines can be configured as a local micro.processor bus master. In this configuration, the 8044 can expand the ROM and RAM memory, control peripherals, and communicate with a microprocessor. The 8044, like the 8051, does not have a Ready line, so there is no way to put the 8044 in wait state. The clock on the 8044 cannot be stopped. Dual port RAM could still be used, however, software arbitration would be the only way to prevent collisions. Another way to interface the 8044 with another CPU is to put a FIFO or queue between the two processors, and this was the method chosen for this design. THE SOFTWARE The software for the 8044 and the 8088 is shown in Table 1. The 8088 software was written in PL/M86, and the 8044. software was written in assembly language. Figure 2 shows the schematic of the 8044/8088 interface. It involves two 8-bit tri-state latches, two SR flipflops, and some logic gates (6 TTL packs). The circuitry implements a one byte FIFO. RS422 transceivers are used, which can be connected to a multidrop link. Fig- The 8044 software begins by initializing the stack, interrupt priorities, and triggering types for the interrupts. At this point, the SIU parameter registers are *Datascope is a trademark of Spectron Inc. 14-1 inter RUPITM_44 DATASCOPE 296166-1 Figure 1. Block Diagram of 8088/8044 Interface Test initialized. The receive and transmit buffer starting addresses and lengths are loaded for the on-chip DMA. This DMA is for the serial port. The serial station address and the transmit control bytes are loaded too. Once the initialization has taken place, the SIU interrupt is enabled, and the external interrupt which· receives bytes from the 8088 is enabled. Setting the 8044's Receive Buffer Empty (RBE) bit enables the receiver. If thiS bit is reset, no serial data can be received. The 8044 then waits in a loop for either RECEIVE DMA interrupt or the SERIAL INT interrupt. The RECEIVE DMA interrupt occurs when the 8237A is transferring a block of data to the 8044. The first time this interrupt occurs, the 8044 reads the latch and loads the count value into .the R2 register. On subsequent interrupts, the 8044 reads the latch, loads the data into the transmit buffer, and decrements R2. When R2 reaches zero, the interrupt routine sends the data in an SDLC frame, and disables the RECEIVE DMA interrupt. After the frame has been transmitted, a serial interrupt is generated. The SERIAL INT routine detects that a frame has been transmitted and reenables the RECEIVE DMA interrupt. Thus, while the frame is being transmitted through the SIU, the 8237A is inhibited from sending data to the 8044's transmit buffer. . NormaIly this interrupt remains disabled. However, if a serial interrupt occurs, and the SERIAL INT routine detects that a frame has been received, it caIls the SEND subroutine. The SEND subroutine loads the . number of bytes which were received in the frame into the receive buffer. Register RI points to the receive .buffer and R2 is loaded with the count. The TRANSMIT DMA interrupt is enabled, and immediately upon returning from the SERIAL INT routine, the interrupt is acknowledged. Each time the TRANSMIT DMA interrupt occurs, a byte is read from the receive buffer, written to the latch, and R2 is decremented. When R2 reaches 0, the TRANSMIT DMA interrupt is disabled, the SIU receiver is re-enabled, and the 8044 interrupts the 8088. .CONCLUSION For the software shown in Table I, the transfer rate from the 8088's memory to the 8044 was measured at 75K bytes/sec. This transfer rate largely depends upon the number of instructions in the 8044's interrupt service routine. Fewer instructions result in a higher transfer rate. There are many ways of interfacing the 8044 loca1ly to another microprocessor: FIFO's, dual port RAM with software arbitration, and 8255's are just a few. Alternative approaches, which may be more optimal for certain applications, are certainly possible. The TRANSMIT DMA routine sends a block of data from ·the 8044's receive buffer to the 8088's ~emory. 14-2 l DACKI "'II c' c iil !" :g . .... .... :D - c: ..... 5' ....• Co) 'U ~ CD ::l. ~ ••• DACK, CD 0' if CD g CD Vee RUPI EXPANSION BUS 2128 PI 296166-2 l ·s CS "'''''' ~ ~ OBOOOFOH B3 6520 rr:==~:j:~ g~03 SEL A3 04 PCLK MEMR lOR MEMW M~ CLK ~ "1\ iFi c ~ +5V B1 5257 ~ 03 ~ M~ {~ ; r---~------------------------~8237CS r----i> +5V ~ CO - 0 RESET g ..... .j>. .P.. CO +5 3C S" ~ g- j 3 ~ ...,b-:==.......Ir--. ~ITn~~t~!f::~====~3~~~~ HlDA HOLO ALE CLK DACK. DREQt g~~~ DREQ2 OACK2 OREQ3 Dt 8237-2 RESEli DACK. DREQt g:~~l DREQ2 OACK2 r li r========~STB~-JOE""--' g:: gg: AD7 (MIN) :: B = TEST ~g~ INTR A15A~ll1~ADt 017 g:; gl~ D07 F1 N AO-A7 J1 ~ :s gw, Ott .. Dot -ooo-D7 (((((((( ~ • ...J. OESTB~ ~~~ DI7 007 015 014 DOS 004 N l{ D~M ' g~; gg~ 011 DOl Ott Oot1J ~ I ~ 8088 "U 01lio 01lio INTR NMI XI c: 296166-3 intJ RUPITM-44 37 0058 85CD29 005B 7929 005D AACD 005F OA 0060 D2A8 0062 22 0063 0013 0013 020063 0063 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 S4 55 ;•••••••••••••••••••••••••• SEND: MOV MOV MOV INC SETB RET 41.RFL RI. '41 R2. RFL R2 EXO .;................... LOLTMPSET ORG LJMP ORG SUBROUTINES ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ; FIRST BYTE IN BLOCK IS COUNT ; POINT TO BLOCK OF DATA ; LOAD COUNT ; ENABLE DMA TRANSMIT INTERRUPT INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINES ••••••••••••••••••••• ; SET UP INTERRUPT TABLE JUMP $ .0013H RECEIVE_DMA LOLTMP RECEIVE-DMA: 296166-69 14-5 intJ RUPITM·44 Table 1. Transmit and Receive Software.for an S044/S0SS·System (Continued) 0063 IOOOOE 0066 0067 0068 0069 EO F6 08 DA08 006B D2CF OO6D D2CD 006F D200 0071 C2AA 0073 32 0074 78M 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 . 70 71 JBC FIRSLBYTE. LI ; THE FIRST BYTE TRANSFERRED IS THE COUNT MOVX A.@DPTR MOV @RO.A INC RO DJNZ R2.L2 SETB SETB SETB CLR 0079 0003 0003 020079 0079 0079 007A 0078 007C E7 FO 09 DA08 007E 0080 0082 0084 C2A8 C294 D294 D2CE 0086 32 0087 0023 0023 020087 0087 0087 3OCE06· 008A 30CFOB 008D 020056 00902OCBC3 0093 1158 0095 C2CC 0097 32 0098 C2CC 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 ;SEND DATA ; RO IS A POINTER TO THE TRANSMIT ; BUFFER STARTING ADDRESS ; PUT THE FIRST BYTE INTO ; R2 FOR THE COUNT L2: RETI 1I: . MOY RO.lI06 .MOYX MOY RETI A.@DPTR R2. A . $ LOLTMPSET ORG ooom LJMP TRANSMILDMA ORG LOLTMP TRANSMILDMA 13: MOV A.@RI MOVX .@DPTR.A INC RI DJNZ R2.13 ; READ BYTE OUT OF THE RECEIVE BUFFER ; WRITE IT TO THE LATCH ClR CLR SETB SETB ; DISABLE INTERRUPT ; CAUSE 8088 INTERRUPT TO TERMINATE DMA IE.O PI.4 PI. 4 RBE ; WHEN ALL 8YTES HAVE. BEEN SENT ; ENABLE RECEIVER AGAIN RETI LOC-T~PSET ORG LJMP ORG S 0023H SERIALINT LOC-TMP SERIALINT: JNB JNB LJMP RBE.RCV TBF.XMIT ERROR RCV: JB CALL CLR RETI BOV.ERROR SEND. SI XMIT: CLR SI III 112 113 114 ; AFTER READING BYTES. TBF RTS FIRSLBYTE EXI 72 0076 EO 0077 FA 0078 32 ; READ THE LATCH ; PUT IT IN TRANSMIT BUFFER ; WAS A FRAME RECEIVED ; WAS A FRAME TRANSMITTED ; IF NEITHER ERROR ; IF BUFFER OVERRUN THEN ERROR . ; SEND THE FRAME TO THE 8088 296166-70 14-6 inter RUPITM-44 Table 1. Transmit and Receive Software for an 8044/8088 System (Continued) 009A D2AA 009C 32 SETB RET! 115 116 117 lIB EXI END SYMBOL TABLE LISTING - NAME TYPE VALUE BOV ERROR EXO EXI FIRSLBYTE IE INIT IP B C B B B D C D C C C C D B D D C C D B C C B D D D B D D D D D D C C OOCBH.3 0056H OOABH.O OOABH.2 0020H.O OOABH 0026H OOBBH 0074H 0073H 00B6H 00B7H 0090H 00CBH.6 OOCBH OOCCH 0090H 0063H OOCDH OOCBH.5 005BH 0087H OOCBH.4 00C9H 0081H OOCEH 00C8H.7 OODBH OODCH OODAH 0088H 008DH 0089H 0079H 009BH LI l2 L3 lOCTMP PI RBE RBl RBS RCV RECEIVLDMA RFl RTS SEND SERIALINT SI SMD SP STAD TBF TBl TBS TCB TCON THI TMOD TRANSM IT_DMA XMIT ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR AD DR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ATTRIBUTES A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A REGISTER BANK(S) USED: 0, TARGET MACHINE(S): 8044 ASSEMBLY COMPLETE, NO ERRORS FOUND 296166-71 14-7 inter RUPITM-44 Table 2. PL/M-86 Compiler RUPI/8088 Interface Example SERIES-III PL/~-B6 Vl.0 CO~PILATION OF ~ODULE RUPI_BB OBJECT ~ODULE PLACED IN :Fl:RBB.OBJ CO~PILER INVOKED BY: PL~B6.B6 :Fl:RBB.SRC .DEBUg .TITLE C'RUPI/BOBB INTERFACE EXA~PLE') DECLARE 2 LIT TRUE FALSE LITERALLY LIT LIT RECV_BUFFER(64) BYTE, BYTE, BYTE, BYTE, X~IT_BUFFER(64) I WAIT 'LITERALLY', '01H', 'OOH', '* 8237 PORTS*' I'tASTER_CLEAR_37 'OFFDDH', CLEAR_BYTE.fTR_37 LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT CHO_ADDR CHO_COUNT CHI_ADDR CHI_COUNT CH2_ADDR CH2_COUNT CH3_ADDR CH3_COUNT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT .'OFFDOH', 'OFFDIH', 'OFFD2H', 'OFFD3H', 'OFFD4H', 'OFFD:»i', 'OFFD6H', ASSIQN~ENTS *' CO~AND_37 ALL_~ASK_37 SINQLE_I'tASK_37 STATUS 37 REQUEST_REg_37 ~DE_REg_37 '* S237 BIT CHO':'SEL CHI_BEL CH2_SEL CH3_SEL WRITE_XFER READ_X FER DEI1ANDJ10DE SINQLEJ10DE 'OFFDBH', 'OFFDFH', 'OFFDAH', 'OFFDSH', 'OFFD9H', 'OFFDBH', 'OFFDCH', 'OFFD7H', \ 'OOH'·, LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT BLOCK_~ODE SET_~ASK .'OlH', i02H~, '03H', '·04H', 'OSH', 'OOH', '40H', 'BOH~, '04H', ,. 8259 PORTS ., .EJECT STATUS_POLL_59 ICWl_59 OCWl_59 OCW2_59 OCW3_59 ICW2_59 ICW3_59 ICW4_59 'OFFEOH', 'OFFEOH', 'OFFEIH', LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT 'OFFEOH', " 'OFFEOH', 'OFFEIH', 'OFFEIH', 'OFFEIH', ,. INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE ., OFF_RECVJ)I'IA: 4 2 5 2 6 2 PROCEDURE INTERRUPT 32, OUTPUTCSINQLEJ1ASK_37).40H, WAIT-FALSE, END, 296166-4 14-8 RUPITM-44 Table 2. PL/M-86 Compiler RUPII8088 Interface Example (Continued) 7 DISABLE. '* INITIALIZE 8237 *' 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 1:1 16 17 18 19 20 21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I oUTPUTCMA8TER_CLEAR_37) OUTPUT CCDHMAND_37) -04OH, OUTPUTCALL~ASK_37) -OFH. OUTPUTCMDDE_REg_37) oUTPUTCMODEjREg_37) oUTPUTCCLEAR_BYTE-PTR_37) -0. -C8INQLE~DE OR WRITE_XFER DR CHO_SEL), -CSINQLE_MDDE DR READ_XFER DR CHI_SEL), -0. oUTPUTCCHO~DDR) -OOH, oUTPUTCCHO~DDR) -40H. -64, OUTPUTCCHO_COUNT) OUTPUT CCHO_CoUNT) OUTPUTCCHI_ADDR) oUTPUTCCHI_ADDR) oUTPUTCCHI_COUNT) OUTPUTCCHI_CoUNT) -00; -40H, -4OH, -64, -00. '* INITIALIZE 82:19 *' 22 oUTPUTCICWI_:l9) 23 24 25 OUTPUT« ICW2_:l9) OUTPUT« ICW4_'9) oUTPUTCoCWI_'9) 26 .E.lECT CALL SET. INTERRUPT 27 28 29 30 -13H. '*SINgLE MODE. EDQE TRIggERED INPUT. 8086 INTERRUPT TYPE*' -2OH. '*INTERRUPT TYPE 32*' -03H. '*AUTo-EoI*' -OFEH. '*ENABLE INTERRUPT LEYEL 0*' XMIT_BUFFERCO)-64, '*THE FIR8T BYTE IN THE BLoCK'oF DATA IS THE NUMBER OF BYTES TO BE TRANSFERED. NOT INCLUDINg THE FIRST BYTE*' I 2 2 DO I- I TO 64. '* FILL UP THE XMIT-,UFFER WITH DATA *' XMIT-,UFFERC I )-1. END. 31 oUTPUTCALL_MASK_37)-DFCH, 32 ENABLE, 3' 33 34 I I 2 WAIT-TRUE, DO WHILE WAIll END, 36 37 I 2 DO WHILE I, END, '*ENABLE CHANNEL I AND 2 *' '* A BLOCK OF DATA WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO THE RUPI. WHEN THE RUPI RECEIVES A BLOCK OF DATA IT WILL SEND IT TO THE SOBS I1EI'IDRY AND INTERRUPT THE 8088. THE INTERRUPT' SERYICE ROUTINE WILL SHUT OFF THE DMA CONTROLLER AND SET 'WAIT' FALSE *' 38 CODE AREA SIZE CONSTANT AREA SIZE YARIABLE AREA SIZE MAXIMUM STACK SIZE 124 LINES READ o PRogRAM WARNINQ8 o PROgRAM ERRORS - 00D7H - OOOOH -'OOS2H - OOIEH 21:10 00 1300 300 END OF PL'M-86 COMPILATION 296166-5 14-9 inter RUPITM·44 A HIGH PERFORMANCE NETWORK USING THE 8044 2.0 INTRODUCTION This section describes the design of an SOLC data link using the 8044 (RUPI) to implement a primary station and a secondary station. The design was implemented and tested. The following discussion assumes that the reader understands the 8044 and SOLC. This section is divided into two parts. First the data link design example is discussed. Second the software modules used to implement the data link are described. To help the reader understand the discussion of the software, flow charts and software listings are displayed in Appendix A and Appendix B, respectively. APPLICATION DESCRIPTION This particular data link design example uses a: two wire half-duplex multidrop topology as shown in Figure 4. In an SOLC multidrop topology the primary station communicates with each secOndary station. The secondary stations communicate only to the primary. Because of this hierarchial architecture, the logical topology for an SOLC multidrop is a star as shown in Figure 5. Although the physical topology of this data link is multidrop, the easiest way to understand the information flow is to think of the logical (star) topolo'gy. The term data link in this case refers !o the logi.cal communication pathways between the pnmary station and the secondary 'stations. The data links are shown in Figure 5 as two way ~rows. The application example uses dumb async termina~ to interface to the SOLC network. Each secondary station has an async terminal comiected to it. The secondary stations are in etTect protocol converters which allows any async terminal to communicate with any other async terminal on the network. The secondary stations use an 8044 with a UART to convert SOLC to async. Figure 6 displays a block diagram of the data link. The primary station, controls the data link. In addition to data link control the primary provides a higher level layer which is a path control function or networking layer. The primary serves as a message exchange or switch. It receives information from one secondary station and retransmits it to another secondary station. Thus a virtual end to end connection is made between any two secondary stations on the network. Three separate software modules were.written for this network. The first module is a Secondary Station Oriver (SSO) which provides an SOLC data link interface and a user interface. This module is a general purpose driver which requires application software, to run it. The user interface to the driver provides four functions: OPEN, CLOSE, TRANSMIT, and SIU_RECV. Using these four functions properly will allow any application software to communicate over this SOLC data link without knowing the details of SOLC. The secondary station driver uses the 8044's AUTO mode. The second module is ~n example of application software which is linked to the secondary station driver. This module drives the 8215A, butTers data, and interfaces with the secondary station driver's user interface. The third module is a primary station, which is a standalone program (i.e., it is not linked to any other module). The primary station uses the 8044's NON-AUTO or FLEXIBLE mode. In addition to controlling the data link it acts as a message switch. Each time a secondary station transmits a frame, it places the destination address of the frame in the first byte of the information or I field. When the primary station receives a frame; it removes the first byte in the I field and retransmits the frame to the secondary station whose address matches this byte. This network provides two complete layers of the OS1 (Open Systems Interconnection) reference model: the physical layer and the data link layer. The physical layer implementation uses the RS-422 electrical interface. The mechanical medium consists of ribbon cable and connectors. The data link layer is defmed by SOLC. SOLC's use of acknowledgements and frame number- ' ing guarantees that messages will be received in the same order in which they were sent. It also guarantees message integrity over the data link. However this network will not guarantee secondary to secondary message delivery, since there are acknowledgements between secondary stations. 2.1 Hardware The schematic of the hardware is given in Figure 7. The' 8251A is used as an async conimunications controller" in support· of the 8044. TxRDY and RxROY on the 8251A are both tied to the two available external interrupts of the 8044 since the secondary station driver is totally interrupt driven. The 8044 butTers the data and some variables in a 2016 (2K x 8 static RAM). The 8254 programmable interval timer is employed as a programmable baud rate generator and system clock driver for the 8251A. The third output from the 8254 could be used as an external baud rate generator for the 8044. The 2732A shown in the diagram was not used 14-10 inter RUPITM·44 since the software for both the primary and secondary stations used far less than the 4K bytes provided on the 8744. For the async interface, the standard RS-232 mechanical and electrical interface was used. For the SDLe channel, a standard two wire three state RS-422 driver is used. A DIP switch connected to one of the available ports on the 8044 allows the baud rate, parity, and stop bits to be changed on the async interface. The primary station hardware does not use the USART, 8254, nor the RS-232 drivers. 2.2 SOLe Basic Repertoire The SDLe commands and responses implemented in the data link include the SDLe Basic Repertoire as defined in the IBM SDLe General Information manual. Table 3 shows the commands and responses that the primary and the secondary station in this data link design recognize and send. PRIMARY STATION SECONDARY STATION SECONDARY STATION SECONDARY STATION 296166-6 Figure 4. SDLC Multidrop Topology SECONDARY STATION SECONDARY STATION PRIMARY STATION SECONDARY STATION SECONDARY STATION 296166-.7 Figure 5. SDLC Logical Topology 14-11 RUPITM·44 CD I 18 ~ Figure 6. Block Diagram of the Data Link Application Example 14·12 intJ RUPITM·44 g' = • • Figure 7. Schematic of Async/SDLC Secondary Station Protocol Converter 14·13 inter RUPITM·44 naI. The SSD is independent of the main application, it just provides the SDLC communications. Existing 8051 applications 'could add high performance SDLC communications capability by linking the SSD to the existing software and providing additional software to be able to communicate with the SSD. Table 3. Data Link Commands and Responses Implemented for This Design Primary Station Responses Recognized Commands S.ent UA DM FAMA *AD SNAM DISC Supervisory AA ANA AA ANA Information I I Unnumbered DATA LINK INTERFACE AND USER INTERFACE STATES The SSD has two Software interfaces: a data link interface and a user interface as shown in Figure 8. The data link interface is the part of the software which controls the SDLC communications. It handles link access, command recognition/response, acknowledgements, and. error recovery. The user interface· provides four functions: OPEN, CLOSE, TRANSMIT, and SIU_ RECV. These are the only four functions which the application software has to interface in order to communicate using SDLC. These four functions are common to many I/O drivers like floppy and hard disks, keyboard/CRT, and async communication drivers. Secondary Station Unnumbered Supervisory Information Commands Recognized Responses Sent SNAM DISC ·TEST UA DM FAMA *AD "TEST AA ANA AEJ AA ANA I I The data link and the user interface each have their own states. Each inierface can only be in one state at any time. The SSD uses the states of these two interfaces to help synchronize the application module to the data link. "not included in the SOLe Basic Repertoire The term command specifically means all frames which the primary station transmits and the secondary sta.tions receive. Response refers to frames which the secondary stations transmit and the primary station receives. NUMBER OF OUTSTANDING FRAMES This particular data link design only allows one outstanding frame before it must receive an acknowledgement. Immediate acknowledgement allows the secondary station drivers to use the AUTO mode. In addition, one outstanding frame uses less memory for buffering, and the software becomes easier to manage. 2.3 Secondary Station Driver using AUTO Mode The 8044 secondary station driver (SSD) was written as it general purpose SDLC driver. It was written to be linked to an application module. The application software implements the actual application in addition to interfacing to the SSD. The main application could be, a printer or plotter, a medical instrument, or a termi- There are three states which the secondary station data link interface can be in: Logical Disconnect State (L...J)J), Frame Reject State (FRMRJ), and the Information Transfer State (I_T_S). The Logical Disconnect State is when .a station is physically connected to the channel but either the primary or secondary have not agreed to enter the Information Transfer State. Both the primary and the secondary stations synchronize to enter into the InfOl:mation Transfer State .. Only when the secondary station is in the I_T_S is it able to transfer data or information to the primary. The Frame Reject State (FRMR-S) indicates that the secondary station has lost software synchronization with the primary or encountered some kind of error condition. When the secondary station is in the FRMRJ, the primary station must reset the secondary to resyncbronize. The user interface has two states, open or closed. In the closed state, the user program does not want to communicate overthe network. The communications chan.' nel is closed and not available for use. The secondary station tells the prill1ary this by responding to all commands with DM. The primary continues to poll the secondary in case it wants to enter the I_T_S state. When the user program begins communication over the data link it goes into the open state. It does this by calling the OPEN procedure. When the user interface is in the open state it may transfer information to the primary. 14-14 inter RUPITM-44 SECONDARY STATION ··SECONDARY STATION DRIVER MODULE APPLICATION MODULE DATA LINK INTERFACE SSD INTERFACE A t JI. USER INTERFACE r USER STATES SSD INTERFACE PROCEDURES OPEN CLOSE TRANSMIT SIU RECV 1. OPEN 2. CLOSED DATA LINK STATES 1. LOGICAL DISCONNECT STATE 2. INFORMATION TRANSFER STATE 3. FRAME REJECT STATE , 296166-10 Figure 8. Secondary Station Software Modules 14-15 inter RUPITM·44 - SECONDARY STATION COMMANDS, RESPONSES AND STATE TRANSITIONS Table 4 shows the commands which the secondary station recognizes and the responses it generates. The first row in Table 4 displays commands the secondary station recognizes and each column shows the potential responses with respect to secondary station. For example, if the secondary is in the Logical Disconnect 'State it will only respond with DM, unless it receives a SNRM command and the user state is open. If this is the case, then the response will be UA and the secondary station will move into the I_T_S. There is a buffer overrun. The Nr that was received from the 'primary station is invalid. The secondary station cannot leave the FRM~S until it receives a SNRM or a DISC command. SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION OF THE SSD To aid in following the description of the software, the reader may either look at the flow charts which are given for each procedure, or read the PL/M-Sl listing provided in Appendix A. Figure 9 shows the state diagram of the secondary station. When power is first applied to the secondary station, it goes into the Logical Disconnect State. As mentioned above, the I_T_S is entered when the secondary station receives a SNRM command and the user state is open. The secondary responds with UA to let the primary know that it has accepted the SNRM and is entering the I_T_S. The I_T_S can go into either the L_D_S or the FRM~S. The I_T_S goes into the L_D_S if the primary sends the secondary DISC. The secondary has to respond with UA, and then goes into the L_D....:.S. If the user interface changes, from open to' close state, then the secondary . sends RD. This causes the primary to send a DISC. A block diagram of the software structure of the SSD is given in Figure 10. A complete module is identified by the dotted box, and a procedure is identified by the solid box. Therefore the SIU_RECV procedure is not included in the SSD module, it exists in the application software. Two or more procedures connected by a solid line means the procedure above calls the procedure below. Transmit, Power_on_D, Close, and Open are all called by the application software. Procedures without , any solid lines connected above are interrupt procedures. The only interrupt procedure in the SSD module is the SIU_INT. The FRMR_S is entered when a secondary station is in the I"":"T_S and either one of the following condi- , tions occurs. - A command can not be recognized by the secondary station. The entire SSD module is interrupt driven. Its design allows the application program to handle real time events or just dedicate more CPU time to the application program. The SIU_INT is the only interrupt procedure in the SSD. It is automatically entered when an SIU interrupt occurs. This particular interrupt can be the lowest priority interrupt in the system. Table 4. Secondary Station Responses to Primary Station Commands Data Link States Information Transfer State Primary Station-Commands I RR RNR I RR RNR RD FRMR I RR RNR RD FRMR I RR RNR RD FRMR SNRM DISC RD UA TEST RD UA Test Logical Disconnect State DM DM DM DM DM DM UA Frame Reject State FRMR FRMR FRMR FRMR UA 14-16 UA intJ RUPITM·44 DISC UA ~~~ER ____________~ 296166-11 Figure 9. State Diagram of Secondary Station 14-17 r------------------------------------~----- I 1 I SIU_RECY I SIU_INT II I I I I I I I I :!! CI:I C I a; .... ~ en CD .... ! (XI g :::J ! i :::J C ::::!. ...~ ( I II I COMMAND_DECODE I I XMIT_ FRMR ' I I IN_FRMR_STATE I I IN_DISCONNECT_STATE I I I I SNRM_RESPONSE I I I I i-J::i J I II l:I c: XMIT_UNNUMBERED '0 ':i ill: r-------~---------~---------------------~-~ I POWER_ON_DI .--~ ~ !I OPEN I I' _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ •...1 296166-12 • ~ ~ inter RUPITM·44 SSD INITIALIZATION Upon reset the application software is entered first. The application software initializes its own variables then calls Power_On~ which is the SSD's initialization routine. The SSD's initialization sets up the transmit and receive data buffer pointers (TBS and RES), the receive buffer length (RBL), and loads the State variables. The STATION_STATE begins in the L_D_S state, and the USER--STATE begins in the closed state. Finally Power_OIL-D initializes XMIT_ BUFFER--EMPTY which is a bit flag. This flag serves as a semaphore between the SSD and the application software to indicate the status of the on chip transmit buffer. The SSD does not set' the station address. It is the application software's responsibility to do this. After initialization, the SSD is read to respond to all of the primary station commands. Each time a frame is received with a matching station address and a good CRC, the SIU_INT procedure is entered. reasons for the SIU to automatically leave the AUTO mode. The following is a list of these reasons, and the responses given by the SSD based on each reason. 1. The SIU has received a command field it does not recognize. Response: If the CPU recognizes the command, it generates the appropriate response. If neither the SIU nor the CPU recognize the command, then a FRMR response is sent. 2. The SIU has received a Sequence Error Sent (SES= 1 in NSNR register). Nr(p);6Ns(S)+ I, and Nr(P);6Ns(S). Response: Send FRMR. 3. A buffer overrun has occurred. BOV = 1 in STS register. ' Response: Send FRMR. 4. An I frame with data was received while RPB = 1. Response: Go back into AUTO mode and send an AUTO mode response SIU_INT PROCEDURE The first thing the SIU_INT procedure clears is the serial interrupt_bit (SI) in the STS register. If the SIU_INT procedure returns with this bit set, another SI interrupt will occur. The SIU_INT procedure is branches three independent cases. The first case is entered if the STATION_ STATE is not in the 1_TJ . If this is true, then the SIU is not in the AUTO mode, and the CPU will have to respond to the primary on its own. (Remember that the AUTO mode is entered when the STATION_ STATE enters into LTJ.) If the STATION_ STATE is in the I_TJ, then either the SIU has just left the AUTO mode, or is still in the AUTO mode. This is the second and third case, respectively. In the first case, if the STATIONJTATE is not in the I_T_S, then it must be in either the L~_S or the FRMR--S. In either case a separate procedure is called based on which state the station is in. The IlLDisconnect_State procedure sends to the primary a DM response, unless it received a SNRM command and the USER--STATE equals open. In that case the SIU sends a UA and enters into the I_T_S. The IlLFRMR--State procedure will send the primary the FRMR response unless it received either a DISC or an SNRM. If the primary's command was a DISC, then the secondary will send a UA and enter into the L_ D_S. If the primary's command was a SNRM, then the secondary will send a UA, enter into the LT_S, and clear NSNR register. For the second case, if the STATION_STATE is in the LT_S but the SIU left the AUTO mode, then t\le CPU must determine why the AUTO mode was exited, and generate a response to the primary. There are four In addition to the above reasons, there is one condition where the CPU forces the SIU out of the AUTO mode. This is discussed in the SSD's User Interface Procedures section in the CLOSED procedure description , Finally, case three is when the STATION_STATE is in the I_T_S and the AUTO mode. The CPU frrst looks at the TBF bit. If this bit is 0 then the interrupt may have been caused by a frame which was transmitted and acknowledged. Therefore the XMIT_BUFFER--EMPTY flag is set again, indicating that the application software can transmit another frame. The other reason this section of code could be entered is if a valid I frame was received. When a good I frame is received the RBE bit equals O. This means that the receiver is disabled. If the primary were to poll the 8044 while'RBE=O, it would time out since no response would be given. Time outs reduce network throughput. To improve network performance, the CPU first sets RBP, then sets RBE. Now when the primary polls the 8044 an immediate RNR response is given. At this point the SSD calls the application software procedure SIU~CV and passes the length of the data as a parameter. The SIU_RECV procedure reads the data out of the receive buffer then returns to the SSD module. Now that the receive information has been transferred, RBP can be cleared. COMMAND_DECODE PROCEDURE The Command~ecode procedure is called from the SIU_INT procedure when the STATION_STATE == I_TJ and the SIU left the AUTO mode as a result of not being able to recognize the receive control byte. Commands which the SIU AUTO mode does not 14-19 inter RUPITM·44 C·FIELD OF THE REJECTED COMMAND, AS RECEIVED r I THIS STATION'S PRESENT Ns , ___ I THIS STATION'S PRESENT Nr ~ 0 , o I HIGH·ORDER W X y Z , o o o o I RECEIVED DISAGREES WITH TRA NSMITTED Ns BUFFER OVERRUN (I·FIELD IS TOo LONG) PROHIBITED I·FIELD RECEIVED INVALID OR NONIMPLEMENTED COMMAND 296166-13 Figure 11. Information Field of the FRMR Response, as Transmitted recognize are handled here. The commands recognized in this procedure are: SNRM, DISC, and TEST. Any other command received will generate a Frame Reject with the nonimplemented command bit set in the third data byte of the FRMR frame. Any additional unnumbered frame commands which the secondary station is going to implement, should be implemented in this procedure. IF an SNRM is received the command_decode procedure calls the SNR~L•.Response procedure. The SNR~esponse procedure sets the STATION_ STATE = LTJ, clears the NSNR register and responds with a UA frame. If a DISC is received, the comman~decode procedure sets the STATION_ STATE = L~J, and responds with a UA frame. When a TEST frame is received, and there is no buffer overrun, the command_decode procedure responds with a TEST frame retransmitting the same data it received. However if a TEST frame is received and there is a buffer overrun, then a TEST frame will be sent without any data, instead of a FRMR with the buffer overrun bit set. fteld. Figure 11 displays the format for the three data bytes in the I fteld of a FRMR response. The XMIT_ FRMR procedure sets up the Frame Reject response frame based on the parameter' REASON which is passed to it. Each place in the SSD code that calls the XMITJRMR procedure, passes the REASON that this procedure was called, which in tum is communicated to the primary station. The XMITJRMR procedure uses three bytes of internal RAM which it initializes for the correct response. The TBS and TBL registers are then changed to point to the FRMR buffer so that when a response is sent these three bytes will be included in the I fteld. The INJRMR-STATE procedure is called by the SIU_INT procedure when the STATION_STATE already is in the FRMR state and a response is required. The INJRMR-STATE procedure will only allow two commands to remove the secondary station from the FRMR state: SNRM and DISC. Any other command which is received while in the FRMR state will result in a FRMR response frame. XMIT_UNNUMBERED PROCEDURE FRAME REJECT PROCEDURES There are two .procedures which handle the FRMR state: XMIT~R and IN_FRMR-STATE. XMITJRMR is entered when the secondary station ftrst goes into the FRMR state. The frame reject response frame contains the FRMR response in the command fteld plus three additional data bytes in the I This is a general purpose transmit procedure, used only in the FLEXIBLE mode, which sends unnumbered ·responses to the primary. It accepts the control byte as a parameter, and also expects the TBL register to be set before the procedure is called. This procedure waits until the frame has been transmitted beforeretuming. If 14-20 RUPITM-44 this procedure returned before the transmit interrupt was generated, the SIU_INT routine would be entered. The SIU_INT routine would not be able to distinguish this condition. SSD's User Interface Procedures-OPEN, CLOSE, TRANSMIT, SIU_RECV-are discussed in the following section. The OPEN procedure is the simplest of all, it changes the USE~STATE to OPEN_S then returns. This lets the SSD know that the user wants to open the channel for communications. When the SSD receives a SNRM command, it checks the USE~STATE. If the USE~STATE is open, then the SSD will respond with a UA, and the STATION_STATE enters the I_T_S. The CLOSE procedure is also simple, it changes the USE~STATE to CLOSED_S and sets the AM bit to O. Note that when the CPU sets the AM bit to 0 it puts the SIU out of the AUTO mode. This event is asynchronous to the events on the network. As a result an I frame can be lost. This is what can happen. 1. AM is set to 0 by the CLOSE Procedure. 2. An I frame is received and an SI interrupt occurs. 3. The SIU_INT procedure enters case 2 (STATION_STATE = I_T_S, and AM = 0). 4. Case ~ detects that the USE~STATE = CLOSED_S, sends an RD response anl.i ignores the fact that an I frame was received. Therefore it is advised to never call the CLOSE procedure or take the SIU out of the AUTO mode when it is receiving I frames or an I frame will be lost. For both the TRANSMIT and SIU_RECV procedures, it is the application software's job' to put data into the transmit buffer, and take data out of the receive buffet. The SSD does not transfer data in or out of its transmit or receive buffers because it does not know what kind of buffering the application software is implementing. What the SSD does do is notify the application software when the transmit buffer is empty, XMIT_BUFFE~MPTY = I, and when the receive buffer is full. application software thinks that the SDLC channel is now open and it can transmit. This is not the case. For the channel to be open, the SSD must receive an SNRM· from the primary and respond' with a UA. However; the SSD does not want to hang up the application software waiting for an SNRM from the primary before returning from the OPEN procedure. When the TRANSMIT procedure is called, the SSD expects the STATION_STATE to be in the I_T_S. If it isn't, the SSD refuses to transmit the data. The TRANSMIT procedure first checks to see if the USE~STATE is open. If not, the USE~STATE_CLOSED parameter is passed back to the application module. The next thing TRANSMIT checks is the STATION_STATE. If this is not open, then TRANSMIT passes back LINILJ)ISCONNECTED. This means that the USE~STATE is open, but the SSD hasn't received an SNRM command from the primary yet. Therefore, the application software should wait awhile and try again. Based on network performance, one knows the maximum amount of time it will take for a station to be polled. If the application software waits this length of time and tries again but still gets a LINILJ)ISCONNECTED parameter passed back, higher level recovery must be implemented.. Before loading the transmit butTer and calling the TRANSMIT procedure, the application software must check to see that XMIT_BUFFE~EMPTY = 1. This flag tells the application software that it can write new data into the transmit buffer and call the TRANSMIT procedure. After the application software has verified that XMIT.-BUFFE~EMPTY = I, it fills the transmit buffer with the data and calls the TRANSMIT procedure passing the length of the buffer as a parameter. The TRANSMIT procedure checks for three reasons why it might not be able to transmit the frame. If any of these three reasons are true, the TRANSMIT procedure returns a parameter explaining why it couldn't send the frame. If the application software receives one of these responses, it must rectify the problem and try again. Assuming these three conditions are false, then the SSD clears XMIT_BUFFE~EMPTY, attempts to send the data and returns the parameter DAT~TRANSMITTED. XMIT_ BUFFE~EMPTY will not be set to I again until the data has been transmitted and acknowledged. One of the functions that the SSD performs to synchronize the application software to the SDLC data link. However some of the synchronization must also be done by the application software. Remember that the SSD does not want to hang up the application software waiting for some event to occur on the SDLC data link, therefore the SSD always returns to· the application software as soon as possible. For example, when the application software calls the OPEN procedure, the SSD returns immediately. The 14-21 The SIU.-R,ECV procedure must be incorporated into the application software module. When a valid I frame is received by the SIU, it calls the SIU_RECV procedure and passes the length of the received data as a parameter. The SIU.-R,ECV procedure must remove all of the data from the receive butTer before returning to the SIU_INT procedure. inter RUPITM-44 LINKING UP TO THE SSD Figure 12 shows the necessary parts to include in a PL/M-51 application program that will be linked to the SSD module. RL51 is used to link and locate the SSD and application modules. The command line used to do this is: $registerbank(O) user$mod': do; $include (reg44.dcl) decl'are literally 'literally', lit buffer_length lit '60', SiU_lODit_buffer (buffer_length) byte external idata, siu_recv_buffer (buffer_length) byte external, xmit_buffer_emptybit external; After the secondary station powers up, it enters the 'terminal mode', which accepts data from the terminal. However, before any data is sent, the user must configure the station. The station address and destination address must be set, and the station must be placed oli1ine. To configure the station the ESC character is entered at the terminal which puts the protocol converter into the 'configure mode'. Figure 13 shows the menu which appears on the terminal screen. I' external procedures 'I, external,; close: procedure end close; external using 1; open: procedure end open; external uSing 1; transmit: proce'dure (lODit_buffer_length) byte declare xmit_buffer_length end transmit; 2.4 Application Module; ASYNC to SOLC Protocol Converter One of the purposes of this application module is to demonstrate how to interface software to the SSD. Another purpose is to implement and test a practical application. This application software performs I/O with an async terminal through a USART, buffers data, and also performs I/O with the SSD. In addition, it allows the user on the async terminal to: set the station address, set the dc:stination address, and go online lind omine. Setting the station address sets the byte in the STAD register. The destination address is the first byte in the I field. Going online or otlline results in either calling the OPEN or CLOSE procedure respectively. RL51 SSD.obj ,filename.obj ,PLM51.LIB TO ,,' filename & RAMSIZE(192) power _on_d: procedure end power_on_d; The SSD module uses the $REGISTERBANK(I) attribute. Some procedures are modified with the USING attribute based on the register bank Itwei of the calling procedure. ' (1)8044 Secondary Station / 12345- external; byte; /* local procedures' 'I siu_recv: procedure (length) public declare length byte,- Set the Station Address Set the Destination Address Go Online Go Omine Return to terminal mode Enter option _ uSing 1; Figure 13. Menu for the Protocol Converter • • • In the terminal mode data is buffered up in the second~ ary station. A Line Feed character 'LF' tells the secondary station to send an I frame. If more than 60 bytes are buffered in the secondary station when a 'LF' is received, the applications software packetizes the data into 60 bytes or less per frame. If a LF is entered when the station is omine, an error message comes on the screen which says 'Unable to Get OIi1ine'. Figure 12. Applications Module Link Information PL/M-51 AND REGISTER BANKS The 8044 has four register banks. PL/M-51 assumes that an interrupt procedure never uses the same bank as the procedure it interrupts. The USING attribute of a procedure, or the $REGISTERBANK control, can be used to ensure that. The secondary station also does error checking on the async interface for Parity, Framing Error, and Overrun Error. If one of these errors are detected, an error message is displayed on the terminal screen. 14-22 inter RUPITM·44 ... 1 !8 u; MULTIDROP SOLe DATALINK '" '" WN a:N i:b Na: ......a:W ......Wa: III III ~ ~ ... !i W , , in III z Iil ~ .... a: ... ...g ~ III ::IE C III oW ~I!! >- CD~ III A .'" N i u z >- III C ::IE .... a: c --z a: Ii: W ...6 fZ ...i!:W a: ~ ii: ~~ a: C III Iila: a: .... ...W )( w", a: ... i;J; ... a: 1-.... ~ ui!: Z::IE >-a: !Ill!! - \ rO'i ~~ 'iP~ W Figure 14. Block Diagram of Secondary Station Protocol Converter illustrating Buffering 14-23 RUPITM.·44 BUFFERING There are two separate buffers in the application,module: a transmit buffer and a receive buffer; The transmit buffer receives data from the USART, and sends data to the SSD. The receive buffer receives data from the SSD, and transmits data to the USART. Each buffer is a 256 byte software FIFO. If the transmit FIFO becomes full and no 'LF' character is received, the sec-, , ondary station automatically begins sending the data. In addition, the application modules will shut off the terminal's transmitter using CTS until the FIFO has been partially emptied. A block diagram of the buffering for the protocol converter is given in Figure 14. APPLICATION MODULE SOFTWARE A block diagram of the application module software is given in Figure IS. There are three interrupt routines iii this module: USARTJECV_INT, USART_ XMIT_INT, and TIMER-OjNT. The first two are for servicing the USART. TIMER-O~INT is used If the TRANSMIT procedure in the SSD is called and does not return with the DAT~TRANSMITTED parameter. TIMER-OjNT employs Timer 0 to wait a finite amount of time before trying to transmit again. The highest priority interrupt is, USART_RECV_ INT. The main program and all the procedures it calls use register bank 0, USART~MITjNT and TIMER-O_INT and FIFO-R-OUT use bank' I, while USARTJECV_INT and all the proCedures it calls ' use register bank 2. POWER-ON PROCEDURE The Power_On procedure initializes all of the chips in the system including the 8044. The 8044 is initialized to use the on-chip DPLL with NRZI coding, PreFrame Sync, and Timer I auto reload at a baud rate of 62.5 Kbps. The 8254 and the 8251A are initialized next based on the DIP switch values attached to port I on the 8044. Variables and pointers are initialized, then the SSD's Power-Up Procedure, Power_~, is called. Finally, the interrupt system is enabled and the main program is entered. MAIN PROGRAM The main program is a simple loop which waits for a frame transmit command. A frame transmit command is indicated when the variable SEND~ATA is greater than O. The value of SEND~ATA equals the number of 'LF' characters in the transmit FIFO, hence it also indicates the number of frames pending transmission. Each time a frame is sent, SEND~ATA is decremented by one. Thus when SEND~ATA is, greater than 0, the main program falls down into the next loop which polls the XMIT_BUFFER-EMPTY bit. When XMIT_BUFFBR-EMPTY equals 1, the SIU~MITJUFFER can be loaded. The first byte in the buffer is loaded with the destination address while the rest of the buffer is loaded with the data. Bytes are removed from the transmit FIFO and placed' -into the SIU~MITJUFFER until one of three' things happen: 1. a 'LF' character is read out of the FIFO, 2. the number of bytes loaded equals the size of the SIU_XMITJUFFER, or 3. the transmit FIFO ,is empty. After the SIU~MITJUFFER is filled, the SSD TRANSMIT procedure is called and the results from the procedure are checked. Any result other than DAT~TRANSMITTED will result in several retries within a finite amount of time. If all the retries fail, then the LINICJ)ISC procedure is called which sends a message to the terminal, 'Unable to Get Online'. When the 8251A receives a charaCter, the RxRDY pin on the 82~IA is activated, and this interrupt procedure is entered: The routine reads the USART status register to determine if there are any errors in the character received. If there are, the character is discarded and the ERROR .procedure is called which prints the type of error on the screen. If there are no errors, the received character is checked to see if it's an ESC. If it is an ESC, the MENU procedure ~s called which allows the , 'user t6 charige the configuration. If neither one of these two conditions exists, the received character is inserted into the transmit FIFO: The received character mayor may not be echoed back to the terminal based on the dip switch settings. TRANSMIT FIFO The transmit FIFO consists of two' procedures: FIFO_ L,3N and FIFO_T_OUT. FIFO_TjN inserts a character into the FIFO, and FIFO_T_OUT removes a character from the FIFO. The FIFO itself is, an array of 256 bytes called FIFO_T. There are two pointers used as indexes in the array to address the characters: IN_PTR-T and OUTJTR-T. IN_ PTR-T points to the location in the array which will. store the next byte of data inserted. OUTJTR-T points t~ the next byte of data removed from the array. Both IN",-PTR-T and OUTJTR-T are declared as bytes. The FIFO_TjN procedure receives a character from the USART~ECV_INT procedure and stores it in the array location pointed to by IN_PTRT, then INJTR-T is incremented. Similarly, when FIFO_T~OUT is called by the main program, to 'load the SIU~MITJUFFER, the byte in the array 14-24 r-------~-----------------------I I I I MAIN_PROGRAM ~----------~I--------~ II I I . ( I I I FIFO_T_OUT I I I I I I I I I :!! ID C III ... I .... ..... ~ N en I I ~ I m 0' n ;I\" I FIFO_T..JN :JJ c: C iii" "U ... ID ~ DI 3 I ... "'"'"" 0 C In ... III en 0 -... ~. ... III· I I I I I IUSART_XMIT_INT I TIMER_O_INT I I IL ______________________________________________ ~ 296166-15 intJ RUPITM·44 pointed to by OUT~~T is read, then OUT_ PT~T is incremented; Since IN_PT~T and OVTJT~T are always incremented, they must be able to roll over when they hit the top of the '256 byte address space. This is done automatically by having both INJT~T and OUTJT~T declared as bytes. Each character inserted into the transmit FIFO is tested to see if it's a LF. If it is a LF, the variable SEND~ATA is incremented, which lets the main program know that it is time to send an I frame. Similarly each character removed from the FIFO is tested. SEND_DATA is decremented for every LF character removed from the FIFO. stations and receives responses from them. The primary station controls link access, link level error recovery, and the flow of information. Secondaries can only transmit when polled by the primary. Most primary stations are either micro/minicomputers, or front end processors to a mainframe computer. The example primary station in this design is standalone. It is possible for the 8044 to be used as an intelligent front end processor for a microprocessor, implementing the primary station functions. This latter type of design would extensively off-load link control functions for the microprocessor. The code listed in this paper can be used as the basis for this primary station design. Additional software is required to interface to the microprocessor. A hardware design example for interfacing the 8044 to a microprocessor can be found in the applications section of this handbook. INJT~T and OUT_PT~T are also used to indicate how many bytes are in the FIFO, and whether it is full or empty. When a character is placed into the FIFO and INJT~T is incremented, the FIFO is full if INJ~T equals OUTJT~T. When a character is read from the FIFO and OUTJT~T is incremented, the FIFO is empty if OUT_PT~T equals INJT~T. If the FIFO is neither full nor empty, then it is in use. A byte called BUFFE~ STATUS_T is used to indicate one ofthese three conditions. The application module uses the buffer status information to control the flow of data into and out of the FIFO. When the transmit FIFO is empty, the main program must stop loading bytes into the SIU_ XMITJUFFER. Just before the FIFO is full, the async input must be shut off using CTS. Also, if the FIFO is full and SEND~ATA = 0, then SEND_ DATA must be incremented to automatically send the data without an LF. From the listing of the software it can be seen that the variable NUMBE~OF,,-STATIONS is a literal declaration, which is 2 in this design example. There were three stations tested on this data link, two secondaries and one primary. Following the NUMBE~OF_ STATIONS declaration is a table, loaded into the object code file at compile time, which lists the addresses of each secondary station on the network. RECEIVE FIFO REMOTE STATION DATABASE The receive FIFO operates in a fashion similar to the transmit FIFO. Data is inserted into the receive FIFO from the SIUJECV procedure. The SIU_RECV procedure is called by the SIUJNT procedure when a valid I frame is received. The SIU_RECV procedure merely polls the receive FIFO status to see if it's full before transferring each byte from the SIUJECV_ BUFFER into the receive FIFO. If the receive FIFO is full, the SIU_RECV procedure remains polling the FIFO status until it can insert the rest of the data. In the meantime, the SIU AUTO mode is responding to all polls from the primary with a RNR supervisory frame. The USART~MIT_INT interrupt procedure removes data from the receive FIFO and transmits it to the terminal. The USART transmit interrupt remains enabled while the receive FIFO has data in it. When the receive FIFO becomes empty, the USART transmit interrupt is disabled. The primary station keeps a record of each secondary station on the network. This is called the Remote Station Database (RSD). The RSD in this software is an array of structures, which can be found in the listing and also in Figure 16. Each RSD stores the necessary information about that secondary station. 2.5 Primary Station The primary station is responsible for controlling the data link.' It issues commands to the secondary The primary station must know the addresses of all the stations which will be on the network. The software for this primary needs to know this before it is compiled, however a more flexible system would download these parameters. ' To add additional secondary stations to the network, one simply adjusts the NUMBE~OF_STATIONS declaration, and adds the additional addresses to th~ SECONDARY~DDRESSES table. The number of RSDs is automatically allocated at compile time, and the primary automatically polls each station whose address is in the SECONDARY~DDRESSES table. Memory for the RSDs reSides in external RAM. Based on memory requirements for each RSD, the maximum number of stations can be easily buffered in external RAM. (254 secondary stations is the maximum number SDLC will address on the data link; i.e. 8-bit address, FF H is the broadcast address, and 0 is the null address. Each RSD uses 70 bytes of RAM. 70 x 254 = 17,780.) 14-26 RUPITM·44 The station state, in the RSD structure, maintains the status of the secondary. If this byte indicates that the secondary is in the DISCONNECT_S, then the primary tries to put the station in the I_T_S by sending an SNRM. If the response is a UA then the station state changes into the I_T_S. Any other frame received results in the station state remaining in the DISCONNECT_S. When the RSD indicates that the station state is in the LT_S, the primary will send either an I, RR, or RNR command, depending on the local and remote butTer status. When the station state equals GO_TO_DISC the primary will send a DISC command. If the response is a UA frame, the station state will change to DISCONNECT_S, else the station state will remain in GO_TO_DISC. The station state is set to GO_TO_DISC when one of the following responses occur: I. A receive butTer overrun in the primary. 2. An I frame is received and Nr(P) =P Ns(S). 3. An I frame or a Supervisory frame is received and Ns(P) + 1 =P Nr(S) and Ns(P) =P Nr(S). 4. A FRMR response is received. 5. An RD response is received. 6. An unknown response is received. The send count (Ns) and receive count (Nr) are also maintained in the RSD. Each time an I frame is sent by the primary and acknowledged by the secondary, Ns is incremented. Nr is incremented each time a valid I frame is received. BUFFER-STATUS indicates the status of the secondary station's butTer. If an RR response is received, BUFFER-STATUS is set to BUFFER-READY. If a RNR response is received, BUFFER-STATUS is set to BUFFER-NOT_ READY. BUFFERING The butTering for the primary station is as follows: within each RSD is a 64 byte array butTer which is initially empty. When the primary receives an I frame, it looks for a match between the first byte of the I frame and the addresses of the secondaries on the network. If a match exists, the primary places the data in the RSD butTer of the destination station. The INFO_ LENGTH in the RSD indicates how many bytes are in the butTer. If INFOJENGTH equals 0, then the butTer is empty. The primary can butTer only one I frame per station. If a second I frame is received while the addressed secondary's RSD butTer is full, the primary cannot receive any more I frames. At this point the primary continues to poll the secondaries using RNR supervisory frame. . PRIMARY STATION SOFTWARE A block diagram of the primary station software is shown in Figure 17. The primary station software consists of a main program, one interrupt routine, and several procedures. The POWER-ON procedure begins by initializing the SIU's DMA and enabling the receiver. Then each RSD is initialized. The DPLL and the timers are set, and finally the TIMER interrupt is enabled. ° The main program consists of an iterative do loop within a do. forever loop. The iterative do loop polls each secondary station once through the do loop. The variable STATION_NUMBER is the counter for the iterative do statement which is also used as an index to the . array of RSD structures. The primary station issues one command and receives one response from every secondary station each time through the loop. The first statement in the loop loads the secondary station address, indexed by STATION_NUMBER into the array of the RSD structures. Now when the primary sends a command, it will have the secondary's address in the address field of the frame. The automatic address recognition feature is used by the primary to recognize the response from the secondary. Next, the main program determines the secondary station's state. Based on this state, the primary knows what command to send. If the station is in the DISCONNECT_S, the primary calls the SNRM_P procedure to try and put the secondary in the LT_S. If the station state is in the GO_TO_DISC state, the DISCJ is called to try and put the secondary in the L.-D_S. If the secondary is in neither one of the above two states, then it is in the I_T_S. When the secondary is in the 1_T_S, the primary could send one of three commands: I, RR, or RNR. If the RSD's butTer has data in it, indicated by INFO_LENGTH being greater than zero, and the secondary's BUFFER-STATUS equals BUFFER-READY, then an I frame will be sent. Else if RPB = 0, an RR supervisory frame will be sent. If neither one of these cases is true.. then an RNR will be sent. The last statement in the main program checks the RPB bit. If set to one, the BUFFER-TRANSFER procedure is called, which transfers the data from the SIU receive butTer to the appropriate RSD butTer. 14-27 intJ RUPITM_44 RSD maximum frame length time comes from the fact the 8044 does not generate an interrupt from a received frame until it has been completely received, and the CRC is verified as correct. This means that the timeout is bit rate dependent. STATION-ADDRESS STATION-STATE NS NR BUFFER-STATUS Ns AND Nr CHECK PROCEDURES INFO-LENGTH DATA (0) Each time an I frame or supervisory frame is received, the Nr field in the control byte must be checked. Since this data link only allows one outstanding frame, a valid Nr would satisfy either one of two equations; Ns(P) + I = Nr(S) the I frame previously sent by the primary is acknowledged, Ns(P) = Nr(S) the I frame previously sent is not acknowledged. If either one of these two cases is true, the CHECLNR procedure returns a parameter of TRUE; otherwise a FALSE parameter is returned. If an acknowledgement is received, the Ns byte in the RSD structure,is incremented, and the Information buffer may be cleared. Otherwise the information buffer remains full. DATA (63) Figure 16. Remote Station Database Structure RECEIVE TIME OUT Each, time a frame is transmitted, the primary sets a receive time out timer; Timer O. If a response is not received within a certain time, the primary returns to the main program and continues polling the rest of the stations. The minimum length of time the primary should wait for a response can be calculated as the sum of the following parameters. 1. Propagation time to the secondary station 2. Clear-to-send at the secondary station's DCE 3. Appropriate time for secondary station processing 4. Propagation time from the secondary station 5. Maximum frame length time The clear-to-send time and the propagation time are negligible for a local network at low bit rates. However, the turnaround time and the maximum frame length time are significant factors. Using the 8044 secondaries in the AUTO mode minimizes turnaround time. The When an I frame is received, the Ns field has to be checked also. If Nr(p) = Ns(S), then the procedure returns TRUE, otherwise a FALSE is returned. RECEIVE PROCEDURE The receive procedure is called when a supervisory or information frame is sent, and a response is received before the time-out period. The RECEIVE procedure can be broken down into three parts. the first, part is entered if an I frame is received. When an I frame is received, Ns, Nr and buffer overrun are checked. If there is a buffer overrun, or there is an error in either Ns or Nr, then the station state is set to GO_TO~ DISC. Otherwise Nr in the RSD is incremented, the receive field length is saved, and the RPB bit is set. By incrementing the Nr field, the I frame just received is acknowledged the next time the primary polls the secondary with an I frame or a supervisory frame.' Setting RBP protects the received data, and also tells the main program that there is data to transfer to one ofthe RSD buffers. 14-28 inter RUPITM·44 MAIN PROGRAM BUFFER TRANSFER 296166-16 Figure 17. Block Diagram of Primary Station Software Structure If a supervisory frame is received, the Nr field is checked. If a FALSE is returned, then the station state is set to GO_TO_DISC. If the supervisory frame received was an RNR, buffer status is set to not ready. If the response is not an I frame, nor a supervisory frame, then it must be an Unnumbered franie: The only Unnumbered frames the primary recognizes are UA, DM, and FRMR. In any event, the ,station state is set to GO_TO~ISC. However, if the frame received is a FRMR, Nr in the second data byte of the I field is checked to see if the secondary acknowledged an I frame received before it went into the FRMR state. If this is not done and the secondary acknowledged an I frame which the primary did not recognize, the primary transmits the I frame when the secondary returns to the I_T_S. In this case, the secondary would receive duplicate I frames. 14-29 inter RUPITM·44 APPENDIX A 8044 SOFTWARE FLOWCHARTS POWER-ON-D PROCEDURE USER-STATE STATION-STATION = CLOSED-S = DISCONNECT-S TBS = S.IU-XMIT-BUFFER STARTING ADDRESS RBS = SIU-RECV-BUFFER STARTING ADDRESS RBl = BUFFER LENGTH . ENABLE SIU RECEIVER: RBE XMIT-BUFFER-EMPTY =1 =1 RE.TURN 296166-17 CLOSE PROCEDURE AM=O RETURN OPEN PROCEDURE USER STATE = OPEN_S RETURN 296166-18 Figure 18. Secondary Station Driver Flow Chart 14-30 infef RUPITM-44 XMIT-UNNUMBERED PROCEDURE 296166-19 TRANSMIT PROCEDURE STATUS = USER·STATE·ClOSE STATUS = LINK_DISCONNECTED = STATUS ?VERFlOW XMIT·BUFFER·EMPTY =0 TBl = XMIT·BUFFER·lENGTH I·FRAME·lENGTH = XMIT.BUFFER.lENGTH STATUS = DATA· TRANSMITTED 296166-20 Figure 19. Secondary Station Driver Flow Chart 14-31 intJ RUPITM~44 XMIT-FRMR PROCEDURE FRMR·BUFFER (2) = REASON STATION·STATE = FRMR·S· N y SEND FRMR FRAME 296166-21 Figure 20. Secondary Station Driver Flow Chart 14-32 intJ RUPITM·44 IN·DISCONNECT·STATE PROCEDURE N 296166-22 SNRM·RESPONSE PROCEDURE 296166-23 Figure 21. Secondary Station Driver Flow Chart 14·33 inter RUPITM-44 IN·FRMR·STATE PROCEDURE y y 296166-24 Figure 22. Secondary Station Driver Flow Chart 14·34 inter RUPITM·44 COMMANO DECODE PROCEDURE 296166-25 Figure 23. Secondary Station Driver Flow Chart 14-35 l . SIII-INT PROCEDURE 6c I ~ y y iiJ ,. ~ N Ie n 0 I CALL COIIMAND-DECODE XMIT·BUFFER·EMPTY =1 :=I a. CALL XMIT·UNNUMBERED (REQ.DISC) DI .... .c!. t <» Sfl - 11--------, y 1 • 1 N is" ...C ...<" y ~ ..• CALL XIIIT-FRMR CD •~ 0 :r DI ::I. c: ." DI :=I :II CALL COMMAND DECODE 296166-26 RUPITM·44 MAIN PROGRAM LOAD DESTINATION ADDRESS IN FIRST BYTE OF SIU-XMIT BUFFER LOAD INFORMATION INTO SIU XMIT-BUFFER SIU BUFFER LENGTH OR FIFO-T EMPTY Y OUTPUT MESSAGE TO TERMINAL 'UNABLE TO GET ON LINE' 296166-27 Figure 25. Application Module Flow Chart 14-37 inter RUPITM·44 USART·RECV·INT INTERRUPT PROCEDURE N 296166-28 Figure 26. Application Module Flow Chart 14·38 intJ RUPITM-44 MENU PROCEDURE OUTPUT MENU TO TERMINAL CALL OUTPUT·MESSAGE 'ENTER THE STATION ADDRESS:_' CALL GET·HEX SHIFT TO LEFT BY FOUR LOAD ADDRESS INTO STAD CALL OUTPUT·MESSAGE 'THE. NEW STATION ADDRESS:_' N CALL OUTPUT·MESSAGE 'ENTER THE DESTINATION ADDRESS:_' CALL GET·HEX SHIFT TO LEFT BY FOUR LOAD ADDRESS INTO DESTINATION·ADDRESS CALL OUT·MESSAGE 'THE NEW DESTINATION ADDRESS IS:_' RETURN 296166-29 Figure 27. Application Module Flow Chart 14-39 RUPITM·44 ERROR PROCEDURE y y RESET ERROR FLAGS ON USART 296166-30 Figure 28. Application Module Flow Chart 14-40 RUPITM-44 FIFO·T-OUT PROCEDURE 296166-31 Figure 29. Application Module Flow Chart 14·41 RUPITM·44 FIFo-T·IN PROCEDURE N RETURN 296166-32 Figure 30. Application Module Flow. Chart 14-42 RUPITM·44 SIU·RECV PROCEDURE 296166-33 Figure 31. Application Module Flow Chart POWER ON I INITIALIZE SIU REGISTERSJ I FOR EACH STATION INITIALIZE RSD RECORDS 1. STATlON·ADDRESS 2•.STATIQN·STATE DISCONNECT 3. BUFFER·STATE BUFFER·NOT·READY 4. INFO-LENGTH 0 == = I I RETURN I 296166-34 Figure 32. Primary Station Flow Charts 14·43 inter RUPITM_44 PRIMARY STATION MAIN PROGRAM ADDRESS NEXT STATION SETSTAD Y CALL SEND-SNRM Y CALL SEND-DISC CALL XMIT I T S (T-I-FRAME) - Y I---------.,.-C CALL XMIT-I-T-S (T-RR) Y v CALL BUFFER-TRANSFER 296166-35 Figure 33. Primary Station Flow Charts 14-44 RUPITM·44 SEND·SNRM PROCEDURE N 296166-36 SEND-DISC PROCEDURE N = STATION·STATE DISCONNECT·S BUFFER·STATUS BUFFER-NOT·READY = 296166-37 Figure 34. Primary Station Flow Charts 14·45 inter RUPITM·44 XMIT·ToS PROCEDURE BUILD CONTROL FIELD USING EITHER I, RR, RNR AND NR AND/OR NS CALL RECEIVE y 296166-38 XMIT PROCEDURE 296166-39 Figure 34. Prlr:nary Station Flow Charts 14-46 RUPITM·44 BUFFER·TRANSFER PROCEDURE MOYE DATA FROM SIU·RECY·BUFFER TO RSD BUFFER 296166-40 Figure 36. Primary Station Flow Charts 14·47 intJ RUPITM_44 CHECK-NRPROCEDURE RETURN TRUE 296166-41 CHECK-NsPROCEDURE 296166':'42 Figure 37. Primary Station Flow Charts 14·48 l REMOTE BUFFER-sTATUS = BUFFER-READY Y .,.. ac a; Co» PI ~ :u ~j J.. <0 c: 'U se . ':j i: RECEIVE-FIELD-LENGTH III g • RFL -\ ~ ~ i9 ., ~. III STATION-STATE = Go.TO-OISC 296166-43 RUPITM·44 APPENDIX B LISTINGS OF SOFTWARE MODULES PL/....51 COf'PILER IBIB-U PL/II-51 111.0 CIlI1PILEA INIIOKED BV, 20: 24: 47 09/20/83 PAGE ,Fa, PL"51 ,Fa, APNDTE. SRC ('R"'I-44 Sec and.,., St.UDn DT"iY.,,') .TITLE 10£1\10 tREOISTERBANKUI MINtMOD: ___ 1ST DOl p.p.,. /. To ••V~ the RUP] ,. •• ht.,. • • r. nat U.t.d, but tbis is the .t.t.... n' u ••• to inc Iud. the.: .INCLUDE' (:F2: RE044. DCL) . / 5 DECLARE LIT TRUI! FALSE FDREVER 6 DECLARE BNR" UA DISC ~ FR"" REG....DISC UP TEST LITERALLV LIT LIT LIT 'WHILE 1" '73H', '43H', '1FH'. '97H', '11314." '33H', '0E3H' , LIT LIT CLDSEDJI 'OFFH'. 'OOH', .'S3H', LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT OPENJI 'LITERALLV', 'OOH', '01H', *' . *', 'OOH', , . LOCnCALLY DISCa...e:CTED STATE*' LIT LIT LIT 'OIH', , . FRNE RE..IECT STATE '02H'. USERJlTATEj:LOSED LIT 'DOH', LINK....DISCDNNECTED OVERFLOW DATA_TltANSltJ"r;T&D LIT LIT LIT 'OaH', '03H', /. ItrFORPfATION TRANSFER STATE 'OtH', /. '.,.••• h1'. p...... to XMIT...FRftR ./ UNIIBIIIGNED_C ND_I../'IELD.J\Ll.DWED BUFF....DIlERRUN SEB...ERR LIT LIT LIT LIT 'OOH', 'OIH', '021'1', '03M', 296166-44 14-50 RUPITM-44 PL./tt-:U cOtP ILER 20: 24: 47 BYTE BVTE IYTE USERJlTATE STATJDNJ1TATE IjAAMEJ.ENQTH PAOE AUXILIARY. AUXILIARY. AUXILIARY. IUFFEAJ.ENOTH SIU_XHITJlUFFER (IUFFEAJ.ENOTH) SIUJlECYJlUFFEA (IUFFERJ.ENQTH) FR""JtUFFER(3) 09/20/93 160', LIT IYTE IYTE PUBLIC PUILIC. BYTE. /. Ft. • • • / XHI TJlUFFER.POPTY 7 81T PUILIC. 9 2 2 I SIUJlECY: PROCEDURE (LENOTH) EXTERNAL, DECLARE LENGTH IYTE. END SIUJlECY, 10 II 12 2 2 I OPEN: PROCEDURE PUBLIC USING 2. UBERJlTATE-OPENJh END [PEN, .3 14 CLOSE: PROCEDURE PUBLIC USING 2. " 16 2 2 2 I UBERJlTATE-CLDSEDJI' END CLOSE. .7 2 PDWER_ONJ): PROCEDURE la 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 a .9 20 21 22 23 24 PUBLIC USINO 0, USER.:,.sTATE-CL.OSED_S, BTItTIDN,JITItTE-DISCONNECT _BI TI&-. SIUJlHITJlUFFEA(O), AI&-. SIUJlECYJlUFFER(Oh RIL-IUFFERJ.ENQTH, ABE-I, /. En.bl. thl 8IU'. ,..edv.,. ., X"ITJlUFFERJUPTY-l. END PDWEA_ONJ), 2' 26 ,....·0. 2 TAANSHIT: PADCEDURE CXHITJlUFl'EAJ.ENOTH) IYTE PUBLIC USINII 0, /. Uu" .us' chd XHITJlUFFER..,.E. . TY fl •• It •• o,.. C.Uinl this p,-oc.dur. 27 2 DECLARE XHITJlUFFEAJ.ENIITH 28 2 30 2 IF UBERJlTATE-CLDBED_S THEN STATUs-uBER_BTATE_CLDBED' ELSE IF STATrONJlTATE-DISCONtECT_S THEN STATUs-LINKJ)ISCDNNECTED, ELSE IF XHIT JlUFFERJ.ENIITIOIUFFERJ.ENIITH THEN STATUS_FLOW, ELSE DO. I STATUS 32 2 34 3 *' IYTE, IYTE IYTE AUXILIARY. AUXILIARY, 296166-45 14-51 i2 inter RUPITM·44 20: 24: 47 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 3 3 3 2 I 2 44 2, 45 46' 47 4B 49 iIO 2 2 2 3 3 2 TIF-S. STATUllaMTA_TRANMITTEDI END. RETURN STATUS. 'END TR_IT. X"IT_IN«IIIIIERED: PROCEDURE (CDNTROLJlVTEI • DECLARE CDNTRDLJlVTE . BVTE. TCB-CDNTRDLJlVTE. TIF-l. RTs-1i DO WHILE MIT 81. END. 81-0. ' END Xf1IT_UIIN.ItIEREDI 51 52 2 53 2 2 2 57 H 59 60 ~"~E.~: PROCE~E • STATIONJTATE-I_T_BI NsNR-O, IF (RCI AND SOH) 0 THEN DO, 62 63 64 i' polhd . , CALL X"lT_UNNUI1IIEREDCUA), 3' 2 0 , . R•• pond TlL-O, 3 3 ENDI IF X"ITJI\FF'ER~TV-o THEN DO, 65 PAGE 3 3 3 43 54 55 09/20/83 *' ,. If .n I frM • .,.. 1." th.n r •• tor. U: p.ndj~. '".ndt •• tan rlL.-IJRNEJ..ENQTH, TlF-1, ENDI 3 3 3 2 66 X"IT...FR~: PROCEDURE (REASONI 67 2 68 2 DECLARE REASON 69 2 TC • .p'R""h 70 71 72 2 2 TBg., FR~JlUFFER(OIo 73 74 75 :I I IYTE, T8L-3. FR~JlUFFER (Ol-RCBI :I / ....., nnu •• In NaIR . / FRI'tR __ t.PFERU)-CSHLtcNBNR MD 0EH),41 OR 3 3 DO CASE REA. . ., FR"J:UFFER(2)-oIH, /. UNASBIONED_C He (NSNR *' AND OEOH)"4», 296166-46 14-52 3 inter RUPITM_44 PL/f1-eU CDI1P J: LER 76 77 78 79 3 3 3 3 80 81 a a B3 84 8S 3 3 4 B6 87 as B9 20: 24: 47 FRI1RJUFFER C:2 J -02HI FRtIR ..... UFFER (2) -o4H, END. PAQE *,- *' '* BES~RR 1* ND_IJIELD.j&LLDWED lUFF OVERRUN *1 FRIIRJlUFFER cal-OSH. I- STATIONJJTATE-FRf1RJJ' IF CRCI AND 10H. <>0 THEN DO. TIF-I, RrS-11 DO WHILE NOT 81. END. • SI-O, 3 3 I END. '* '''D. 91 a a 93 a 9S 96 97 98 3 3 3 I TIL-a, CALL. XPtIT_UNt«JMBERED(DttJI ENO. END INJllSCClNNECT_STATE. 99 a INjRKR_STATE: PROCEDURE I /* e.l hd b, SIU_INT .hen ,. , ...... " •• bun ,..cdv.d 100 a 90 09/20/83 INJUSCONNECT_BTATE: PROCEDURE J C.U.d SIU_INT procedure . / IF CCU8ER_BTATE-OPEN_BJ AND «RCB AND OEFH)-SNRMJ) THEN CALL SNR"-"EBPONBE, ELSE IF (RCB AND 10M) 00 0 TtEN DD. ..hen in th FR. . . t.t. *, IF CRCB AND OEFH)-SNAtt TI£N DO, loa 103 104 3 3 3 lOS a 107 109 109 3 3 3 III lIa CALL BNR"....RESPONSEI Ta&-. BIU~"ITJlUFFER(OJJ END. 1* R•• ta .... ''riln •• U bu"." _,_"" .dd" ••• *' ELSE IF (RCB AND OEFHJ-DISC nEN DOl STATIDNJJTATE-DISCDNNECT_SJ TlS-. SIU~"ITJUFFERCO)1 IF CRCa AND IOH)<> 0 TtEN DOl 4 4 4 '* R•• tar. t".n •• U: bu,h" .t."t .dd" . . . ., TaL-OI CALL X"IT_UNNUI"I8EREDCUA)J 113 114 3 liS 116 3 3 118 119 4 TIF-., 4 RT8-S, END. END. ELSE DOl I . R.ceive cont:rol but. is sa •• thing oth." than D]SC a" SNR" . , IF CRCa AND 10tn 0 0 llEN DOl 296166-47 14-53 intJ RUPITM·44 :20: 24: 47 PL/I'I-51 CDtPILER I~O I~I I~ 1~3 •• 4 3 1~4 0./20/83 PAGE DO WHILE NOT BI, END, END, END, END INJR"'JlTATE, CO.....NDJlECODE: PROCEDURE , I~' ~ 126 ~ IF (RCB AND OEFHI-sNR" THEN CALL SNR"JlEBPONBE, ELSE IF CRCI AND OEFH)-DlSC THEN DO, 1:111 ~ 130 131 -3 3 133 134 131 136 4 4 4 3 137 ~ 139 3 141 4 143 144 141 146 147 14B 14. ISO 1.1 •• •• •• I'~ 4 STATIOtCSTATE-DIBCONNECT_9, IF CRca AND IOH)OO THEN DO. END, ELSE IF CRCB AND OEFH)-TEST THEN 001 IF ~- I~ 163 3 3 16. 3 *' TBL-eJ, CALL XI'IIT_UNNU...EREDCTEST OR 1OH), 'END, ELSE DO, '* I f no BOY. TIL....FL' und received 1 flteld ... ck to pri ••,., TBS-R.S, CALL. K"IT _UNNUPIIEREDCTEBT DR 10M) I nB-.8IU_X"ITJlUFFERCOh /. R•• tD,.. TBS END, '* I' an I fir ••• III., p.ndin,. ..t it II, *' *' _,.in ., IF Kf1IT JlUFFER..EftWITV-O THEN DO, • 160 An,.nd if ,alhd ./ BOY-I. BEND THe: TEST RESPONSE WITHOUT AN I FJELD THEN DO, I I I 3 3 i. /. FOR caov-iou IF CRCB AND lOH)>O THEN 001 1.4 I •• 1.6 117 I.B II. ' TBL-o, CALL X"IT _UNNUIIIIERED (UA I, END, TBL-IjRNE.-LENOTHI TBF-l, . I- •4 END, ELSE IF CRCB AND OIH) • 0 /. Kich' out o. the AUTO .ode beceu •• an 1 'ra...... received whUe RPB • 1 ./ llEN DOl Apt. II IF X"IT JlUFFER..EIPTV • I THEN TIL. O. TBF • I. '* Send an AUTO .ad. 1" • • pon •• */ 296166-48 14-54 RUPITM-44 PL., .... ,' CDI'tPILER ,.... 167 3 3 168 2 169 20: 24: 47 RTS - ELSE CALL X"ITJRf'lRC!JNASBJONED_C), , . Rec.ived an undwf1n.d Dr nat tllpl ••• nte. co_and *' END CDfl'tANDJ)ECODE. 2 a DECLARE 172 173 2 a SI-o. IF STATJONJITATE<> I_T.-s /. Must b. In NON-AUTD,lIoda 175 3 183 184 6 11 170 I. PAE END, 171 177 178 179 180 181 09/20/83 StU_tNT: PROCEDURE INTERRUPT 4. AUXILIARY, BYTE THEN DO, '* IF R8£-0 Received • •" ••• ? THEN DO, ,,, , *' Qiv. " •• pon •• _, DO CASE STATIDNJlTATE. CALL IN...DISCONNECT ....sTATE. CALL INJRIIIJlTATE. END. R8E-l, END. 4 4 3 3 RETURN, END. / . %f tt.. P"ol" ....... cb . . 'hie ,oint. STATIONJITATE-I_T...S which •••na th BtU .Uhe........ 01' still h in the AUTO I1DDE A....o 18' 2 187 3 IF (RCB AND OEFH)-UIBC THEN CALL COfI'IANDJ)ECODE. 189 3 191 . 192 193 194 4 4 4 3 ELSE IF USER....sTATE-CLOSED_S Tt-EN DO, T8L-D • CALL XMIT_UM«JMIEREDCREGJ)ISC), END. ELSE IF BEB-I TIEN CALL X"IT JRIIA(BES..ERRl. ELSE IF BOY-I IF *' THEN DO. 196 3 198 4 201 202 203 204 aoo 4 4 3 3 3 20' 206 3 3 208 3 THEN DO.,. DON1T SEND FA . . IF A TEST WAS RECEIYED4t1 IF CRCB AND OEFH)-TEST THEN CALL C~...DECaDE. a.BE CALL XMITJRrtR (BUFF_OVERRUN) I END. ELSE CALL CDf'l'fANDJ)ECQOE, RIE-I, END; ELSE DO, '* PIJ8T STILL. IE IN AUTO t100E . , IF TBF-o THEN X.. ITJlUFFERj:MPTV-I, , . TRANSI'IITTEO It FRNE . , IF RBE-o THEN DC, 296166-49 PL/tt-DI CCl'lPILER .210 4 211 212 213 214 215 216 4 4 4 4 3 I 20: 24: 47 09/.20/83 PAQE RIP-I, I. RNA STATE . , RIE-I, , . RE-ENABLE RECE1VEA . , CALL 81UJlECVCRFL.J RIP-O, I. RR STATE . , END. END. 217 _NlNOS: 4 IS TIE HIGHEST USED INTERRUPT lIIIDULE IN'CRItATlON: CaDE SIZE CCNBTANT BIZE DIRECT YARIABLE SIZE INDIRECT YARIABLE SIZE In aUE BIT-ADORESSABLE SIZE AUXILIARY YARIABLE 81ZE MK Utu.. STACK 81 ZE REOISTER-BANKeSl USED: 460 LINES READ o PRDaR,," ERRORes) END .IF PL'"-51 CCllPILATlON eSTATlC+ClllERLAYABLEl - O.i28FH 6550 - OOOOH 3FH+02H OD 63D+ 3CH+OOH OIH+OOH 6OD+ tD+ OOH+OOH OD+ .OOODH 6D .OOI7H 01 2 .i23D aD 00 00 00 296166-50 14-55 7 intJ RUPITM-44 18,~, 181S-11 PL/....51 Yl.0 CDf'PlLEA INVOKED BY: 09/19/83 PACIE : '2,: unat. .• T'C' : '2: pl_" STITLE C~Applic.t:lon Module: Alunc/SDLe P"otoeat convert.,.' t ... ltul S"".,ilh,.'.n. CO) 5 53 u •• ,. ••ocl: do. tNDLlBT DECLARE LIT TRUE F ....SE FIlREVER Eac LF CR .8 IEL EN'TY INUBE PULL UBER_STATE_CLOBEO LINKJ)ISCONECTED IlllERFLOW DATA_TR_ITTED LITERALLY LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT ~ 'LITERALLY', 'OFFH'. 'DOH', 'WHILE ,'18H', 'OAH', 'DOH', 'OSH', '07H', 'DOH', 1': "OtH'. '02.4'. '00II', 'OSH', '02.4'. '03H', / . BUFFERS . / .YFFERJ.ENOTH LIT 8IU-,,"ITJlYFFERCBYFFERJ.ENOTH. BIU.."RECYJlUFFERCBUFFERJ.ENOTH. FIFD_Tea",. BYTE IN-'TR_T BYTE OUT-'TR_T .YTE IUFFERJlTATUB_T BYTE FIFD.."RCa",. BYTE IN-'TR.."R BYTE OUT-'TR.."R .YTE .UFFERJlT...TU8.."R BYTE LENGTH CHAR I UBMT_CHD DE8T1N1\TlDN~DREBa IEND......T.. RESULT PRJEBSAOE_INDEX ERRJEBBAOE-'TR IYTE IYTE BYTE BYTE BYTE BYTE .YTE BYTE WORD '60'. .YTE. EXTERNAL BYTE EXTERNAL. AUXll.IARY. AUXILIARY, AUXILIARY, AUXILIARY, MJJClLIMY, AUXILIARV, AUXILIARY, AUXILIARY. AUXILIARY, AUXILIARY. AUXILIARY. AUXILIARY. AUXILIARY, "UXlLIARY, AUXILIARY, AUXILIARY. MJXILJARV. PMUTVe*) BYTE CCIGTANT(LF.CR. 'Pal'itlJ E,.,.o," netechd'.LF.CR,OOtU. FRNEC_) BYTE CDNSTNfTCLF. CR. 'F"•• :ln, E""o1' D.tlct.d'. LF. CA. OOln. 296166-51 14-56 inter PL/tt-!U COI1PJLER RUPITM·44 Application t1odul.: ",..,nc/SDLt Protocol canve,.,!". IS: '0:'3 09/19/83 PAQE OYERJtUNC.) BYTE CONSTANTCLF, CR. 'Ov.r ... un Error Dehc'hd I, LF. CR. 0)' LINKe_» BYTE CONBTANTCLF.CR. 'Unable to Oet Onlin.'.LF.CR.OOH), DE8Tj.DDRC*) BYTE CONSTANTCCR. LF. LF.· 'Ent.,-· the de.tination addre •• : _', as. 88. 0). DJliDDRj.lCKC.) BYTE CONBTANT 5 Tt£N TEI1P-o. 4 00. 4 4 4 END. a., 4 4 37 38 4 39 4 40 41 4" 43 4 4 4 4 44 45 46 47 4 4 4 4 /. 4800./ 48 49" ... 4 4 4 4 /. 9600./ 52 4 4 4 4 /. 19200 55 56 /. ft •• , DO CASE TEI'IP I 32 53 54 TlttER_S-a3H. TIttER S-2OH," - TlI'IER_1-20H1 TIPIER_l-o'H. END. '* 2400./ DO. TIPIER_I-bOH. lUtER_I-OaHI END. DO. TII'IER_l-:1OH. TlI'1ER_l-olH. END. DO. TI"ER_l-o'HI TII'IER_l-o. END. *' DO. TlttER_1-33H1 TIPIER_I-O. END. END. So,t.,.,.. *' 57 USMT-.8TATUS-O, 118 59 USMT_BTATUB-O, USNIT_STATUS-O, 60 UIIMT_STATUB-4OH. 61 62 63 TEJIP~HI /. D.tel".ln. the per it, end. of stop bU • • / TE".-TEIF OR (P, AND 3OHl, IF STOP..In-I THEN ~.TaP OR oea.." 65 PAGE , . 300 . / 33 34 35 51 09119/83 ., on 0" 28 a1' 18: '0: 53 "'pplie.tion P1oduh: "' ... nc/SDLe PTotocal conv."hT ./. pOIIIII.,.-on r . . . t fot' B25.1'" ELSE TEtP-TEPIP OR 40H. '* *' 66 67 UBART..BTATUS-'EPIP, USART "0111. Wa'r"cI USMTJlTATUS. USART_CI'ID-27H'/ttUSMT Co . . . nd Ward RlB. RIE. DTA. l.EN-le, 68 STIID_FH. 296166-54 14-59 4 inter RUPITM-44 Applie.Uan t1aduh: ,.."nc/SOLC PT'otocol con..,.,.t.,. 69 2 70 2 71 2 BUFFER..8TATUS_', 8UFFER':'STATUS..R- ENt,y, 72 2 CAU.. PDWER_tw_DI 73 2 74 2' 75 2 76 18: 110:'3 09/19/83 PAGE /* Inti.Un Fh.s ./ SENDJ)ATA- O , . Thn continu. to . . nd the . . . . . . . _, THEN DO, USARTJ)ATA. ftESSADECEARJ£SSADE_INDEXJ, ERR..,.MESSAQE_INDEX-EAR.)IEBSAOE_INDEX+I. END, '* ELSE DO, I f •••••, . h dan. ,. ••• t ERRORJLAO .nd .hut aff int.,.rupt " ERADAJLAQ-OI IF BUFFER_STATUSJI • EMPTY THEN Ext-O, ENOl FIFO,s ...ptU END. ELSE UBARTJJATAraFIFO-"_OUT. END USART..x'UT_INTI " SIUJlECY: PROCEDURE (LENGTH) PUBLIC USING I, .22 2 DECLME LENGTH I .23 .24 .25 126 127 3 4 DO 1-0 TO LENOTH-l, 4 3 3 129 END. BYTE. BYTE AUXILIARY, DO WHILE BUFFER_SrArUSJlaFULL, , . Ch.d to . . . i f fUa h END. CALL FIFD..JI_'NCSIU..JIECYJlUFFERU l l. hll *' END SIU..JIECY. 129 2 130 2 DECLARE CHAR 131 132 133 2 2 2 FIFD_TC IN""pTR_Tl-tHAR. 135 2 IF IUFFERJlTATUS_T-E. . TY TfoEN 8UFFERJlTATUS_T-lNUSE, ELSE IF CCIUFFER_STATUS_T-INUSE) AND CINJlTR_T+aO-OUT....pTR_T» THEN DO, '* Stop ,..c.ption udnl eTa */ USAATJlTATUS, USART_CI'1D-USART_CI'1D AND NDT(20H), IUFFERJJTATUS_T-FULL. IF SENDJ)ATA-O THEN SENDJ)ATA-:L,,*U ttl. buff.,. is full .nd na LF FIFO_T_IN: PROCEDURE (CHAR) USING .2, BYTE. INJTR_T-INJlTR_T+:L1 IF CHM-LF THEN BENDJ)ATA-SENDJ)ATA+l, 137 2 139 140 141 3 3 3 143 144 3 1 h•• b •• n ,..c.iv.d then •• nd d.t. END. *' 296166-56 14-61 *' intJ RUPITM_44 PL/.... I,. CDI'IP ILEA FIFD_T _OUT: PROCEDURE 8Y.TE 14' 2 146 2 DECLARE CHAR 147 148 149 2 2 2 CHM-FIFO_T([JUTJTR_T1 J DUTJlTR_T-ouTJTR_T+11 IF ~T:Oi.INJTR_T 1S1 1'2 153 1'4 3 3 3 3 3 2 ISS 1'6 1118 1'9 160 161 163 09/19/83 PADE I ,.UXILIARV, IYTE '* Then FI~_T is ••pt'it *' E"-O, IUFFER_STATUB_T-EMPTY, SEHD.J)ItTA-O. E~ll END. ELSE IF CCIUFFER.-sTATUS_T-FULL) AHD CDUTjTR_T-ao-IN~TR_n) THEN DO, USART.-sTATUS. USART_CHD-usART _CHD DR 2OH. 8UFFER-.sTATUB_'-INUSE, ' 16~ 3 3 3 2 2 1 END FIFO_'_OUT. 16' 2 ERROR: PROCEDURE (STATUS) USINO 21 166 2 DECLARE STATUS 167 2 169 2 IF (STATUS AND OBH)OO TI£N ERRJlESBAOE-PTR-. PARITY. ELSE IF (STATUS AND lOH)<>O TI£N ERRJ£SSAOE..pTR-. OYER-"UN. ELSE IF CSTATUS AHD 2011)00 TIEN ERR.JIEBSAOE..pTR-. FANE, ENOl IF (CHAR-LF AND SENDJ)ATA>O) TIEN SENDJ)ATA-SENDJ)ATA":I. RETURN CHAR, BVTE, 171 2 173 2 UBMT_STATUB-CUSART_Ctm OR IOHh 174 175 176 2 2 2 ERR..,.I'IE88AQE_INDEX • O. '* ERRDRJ'LAo-l. Ext-', /. R••• , .",.01" TU'f'n on TI Int.rrupt- "*,. on USMT . , *' END ERRDR. 177 178 2 179 2 180 181 182 183 184 18: :10: 53 AppHe.tio" f1Dduh: .... unc/sDLe P'r'otocol cony_,.t.,. 2 2 2 2 3 LINKJUBC: PROCEDURE I DECLARE HESSAOE"pTR fCESSAOE oJ EXl_STORE WORD AUXILIARY. BASED ~8SACIE"pTR C1 BVTE BlT. ~UXILIARY. ) BYTE CONSTANT, EXl_STOREaEUI /. Shut; off •• \lnc tr_n,.it int..,. ... upt . / EXl-OJ ~OEJTR-. LINK, ~-O. DO YULE (t£SSADE"'?<>O)J 296166-57 14-62 7 inter RUPITM·44 PL/I1-~l .e .BO .87 .BB • 89 190 COttPtLER •• DO WHILE WSART_BTATUS AND 01H)-O, .92 CD: 3 3 2 PROCEDURE (CHAR) USING 21 DECLARE CHAR BYTE, DO WHILE CUBART_BTATUS AND DIH) • 0, ENOl UBMT ..DATA-CHAR, END CO, .97 CI: PROCEDURE BYTE U91NC1 2. .98 2 3 3 DO WHILE CUSAAT _STATUS AND Q2H) • 200 20. 2 RETURN USARTJ)AT/u ..... *' , . R•• to ........ nc trans.it intnrupt . / Ext-EX I_STORE, END LINKJ)lSC. '9. '9' '90 PAGE END, '9' • 2 2 /. W.U fa1' TIRDY on USART END, 09/19/83 UBMTJ)ATA-P£SSAOEeJ) , oJ-..,+l • 3 3 3 2 .93 IB: SO: S3 "'ppUCA'tiO" l1oduh: "s .. nc/SDLe Protocol convert.,- 202 01 ENOl END ell 203 2 204 2 DECLARE CHAR I 20' 2 LO: CIiNt-CI, 206 207 3 3 209 2.0 211 2 2 2.3 2 OETflX: PROCEDURE BYTE USJNQ 21 BYTE BYTE AUXILIARY. AUXILIARY, DO 1-0 TO Uh IF CHAR-HEX_TABLE( I) lIEN GOTO L1, END, Ll: CALL COCHEX_TABLE(I»I IF 1-14. THEN OOTO LO, END GET.} 0, CALL CQCttEBSAOEC J))J 1-1+1, 296166-58 14-63 8 intJ RUPITM-44 18: SC!: 53 PL/....II CIM'IU!R 221 3 222 PIICIE ENDI END OUTPUTJEftAIlEI 223 2 224 2 f'ENU: PROCEDURE URINQ 2, DECLARE I IYTE CHAR BYTE BTIlTlON.JIDIIRESS BYTE AUXlL.IARY, AUXIL.IARY, AUXILIARY, STMT: 22' 2 226 2 227 228 3 3 DO 1-<1 TO 41 230 3 ENDI 231 232 2 2 "l: CALL COUENU_CHMCI)I IF 1-' ntEN IIIITD ItOI 234 3 DO CIISE II 235 236 4 4 DOl 237 4 .STATIDN.,ADDRESS-sHLCOETJEI, 4) I 238 4 STIlTION....ADDIIESSoCBTIlTION....ADDIIEBB DR IlET_HEXII 23'1 4 STAIIoSTIlTlON....ADDIIESSI 240 4 CIILL DUTPUTJEBSllClEC. S.JIDDlljlCKII 241 242 4 4 CALL COCtE'X_TMLE(SHIUSTATION.,.ADDRESS, 4)), CIILL CDlHEX_TIllLEIOFH lIND BTIlTlON....ADDIIESSI II 243 244 4 4 ENDI 24' 4 DOl 246 4 247 4 DE8T1""TIDN~J)DRESS"""COETjEX, 248 4 DESTlNllTlON.JIDDIIESS-IDESTlNIITION.JIDDIIEBB DR IlETJEX II 249 09/19/83 CIILL OUTPUTJIIEIISIICIE (. BIONJINII IF CHARof1ENU_CHII/IUI TlEN ODTO "I. CIILL DUTPUTJESSIICIEC.BTAT....ADDllII CIILL DUTPUTJEBSIIOE('IIDDlljlCKJINJI CIILL DUTPUTJtESSIIIIE(. DEBT.JIDDIIII 4), CALL OUTPUTJ£B8I\CIE(. D.JIDDlljlCKli 296166-59 14-64 9 inter RUPITM_44 18: Appl'catlon Pladul.: " ... ne/BDLC P"o'ocol conv.,.t ... 200 25,1 4 4 252 253 4 4 254 255 256 257 4 4 4 4 258 259 260 261 4 4 4 4 262 3 263 3 53 09/19/83 PAGE CM.L CDCHEX_TAlLECSHRCDEBTlNllTlDN.J'I)DREBB, 4J J)' CALL COCHEX_TAIILECOFH AND DEBTINATlDN......DRESSII. CALL DUTPUTJEBSAGEC, ADDR.J\CKJIN), END. DO. CALL OUTPUT,.HESIlllQE C. FIN). CALL OPEN, END. DQ. CALL OUTPUT.,JESSAOEC. FIN), CALL CLOSE' END. CALL DUTPUTftBBAGEC. FJN), END. ,. DO CASE ./ END I'ENU. 264 260 2 266 2 USARTJlECY_INT: PROCEDURE INTERRUPT 0 USING 2, DECLARE CHAR STATUS BYTE AUXILIARY. BYTE AUXlL.IARY, 2 2 2 CHAR-uBARTJlATA. STATUS-UllllRTJiTATUS AND 38H. IF STATUSOO THEN CALL ERRDRCSTATUSt, 271 2 Et.SE IF CHAR-ESC THEN CALL PlENU. 273 274 275 3 3 3 ELSE DO, 277 3 267 268 269 ~Q: 278 CALL FIFO_T_INCCHAR', IF ECHD-o THEN CALL COCCHAR), END. END USART JlEC":'_INTI 279 2BO 281 2 2 2B3 4 284 285 2B6 287 4 3 3 4 DO FOREVER, IF SENDJlATA)O THEN DQ. DO WHIL.E END. NOTCX"IT.JIUFFER~TV)I I.Wan until BIU_XPlIT_BUFFIf' is •• -I. p'" *' LENGTH. CHAR SIU_X"IT..BUFFER CO'.DEBTIWATIQN..ADOREBB, DO WHILE I CCHAR<>LFI AND CLENGTH EI1PTYII. 296166-60 14-65 10 intJ RUPITM·44 18: _ 4 290 291 4 4 :!92 3 Ll: 293 3 3 RETRY: 29. 297 29B 299 300 301 4 4 4 4 302 4 4 ~ 307 308 309 310 311 312 3'3 0."9/83 PAGE LENOTH-LENOTH+I. END, the ,.".In.1 .is ..... ,." than 8UFFER~NOTH ellar, ••nd the fh,t IUFFERJ.,ENOTH eb.,., n.n .. nd the " •• t, line. the SIU bu' :Is an1u 8UFFERJ,.ENOTH ltV'.' . / /. I f the Un • • nte" ••• , 303 304 S3 CHAR-FIFO_T_OUT. .' SIU_X"ITJlUFFERCLENIITH'oCHAII, 289 294 ~O: 4 f.,. 1-0, , . U.. J to cOUnt: the nUllb.,. of un.ute •• lul tran •• Us ./ '* JlESULT-TAANSMITCLENOTHJ I Send th . . . . . . . . . , IF REBULT<>IUITA_TRANIIIIITTED ,. w.n THEN DD, SO' ..I.e far Un. to connect then WAIT-I, *' TRG-Il DO WHILE WAIT, END, S S TRo-O. 1-1+1. IF 1)100 THEN DO. S 1,* WaU 5 .. c to , . , on 1:I.n. et,. '.nd ."1'01" ••••••• to t.rlllinel and all*i" .," '''\1' CALL LINKJ)ISC, S S S GOTO Ll. END, .-4 3 1:", ••• in THO-3CH, TLo-CMFlh ODTO RETRY, END, END, 2 1 IIMNINOB: 2 ,IS THE HIOHEST USED INTERRUPT IIDDULE .NFIIII....TICIN: CODE B1ZE CONSTANT SIZE DIRECT VARIABLE SIZE INDIRECT VARIABLE B1ZE lIT S1ZE IIT-ADDREBBABLE SIZE AUXILIARY YAlUABLE SIZE ....XlIIUII STACK SIZE ,EOISTER-I_CB' USED: 713 LINES READ o PRDORN'I ERROR CB. END OF PL/"-SI CDIII'ILATlDN (STATIC+OVERLAVAILE) • 0612H 17141) • OlC~ 4630 OOH+OSH 00+ OOH+OOH OD+ 02H+OIH 2D+ OOH+OOH OJ)+ .021FH 543D • OGaBH 400 SD OD ID OD 012 296166-61 14-66 11 RUPITM_44 PL/H-Sl COI'fPILER RUPI-44 ISIS-II PL/I't-91 YI. 0 CDI'fPILER INYDKED BY; PrimaT'~ ShUan .:!O; 47: 13 09/26/83 PAGE ; F2: PLH:51 : F2: PNDTE. SRC 'TITLE C 'RUPI-44 Prima,,\! ShUon') .DEBUG 'REQIBTERBANJI,CO) MAIN'MOD: DOl *' /. To •• v. pape,. the RUPI registers are not listed. but this is the statement und to include thelll: 'JNCLUDE (: f2: REQ44. Del) aNOLIST DECLARE LIT LITERALLY FOREVER '* 'LITERALLV', 'OFFH', 'OOH', 'WHILE 1'1 LIT LIT LIT TRUE FALSE SDLe COMMANDS AND RESPONSES DECL.ARE SNRM LIT UA DISC LIT *' '93H', '73H', '53H', 'lFH'. '97H', '53H', '33H', LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT DK FRMR REO_DISC UP TEST RR LIT 'OF3H', 'ItH', RNR LIT '15H'. 1* REMOTE STATION SUFFER STATUS BUFFER..READY BUFFER_NOT _READY '* LIT LIT STATION STATES DISCONNECT_S LIT QO_TOJUSC L.IT I_T _S L.IT *' '0', '1'. *' 'OOH'. '01H', '02H', 1* LOGICALLY DJSCONNECTED STATE*, /* INFORMATION TRANSFER STATE */ /* PARAMETERS PASSED TO XMIT _I_T _S */ T_I_FRAHE LIT 'OOH', T-,RR LIT 'OIH', T~NR L.IT '02H', /* SECONDARV STATION IDENTIFICATION */ NUMBER_OF _STATIONS LIT '2', SECONDARY _ADDRESSES(NUMBER_OF _STATIONS» CONSTANT ( ~5H, 43H», BYTE 296166-62 14-67 RUPITM·44 PL'f'I-:U COl1PILER RUPI-44 Prima,." Station' 20: 47: 13 09/26/93 P~gE RSDCNUI'1BER_OF..sTATIONS) STRUCTURE (STATION_ADDRESS STATION_STATE NS NR BYTE. BYTE. BYTE. BYTE. BUFFER_STATUS INFO_LENGTH BYTE. BVTE. DATIII(64) BYTE) '* *' VARIABLES STATlDN_NUrlBER IVTE RECYJ'IELD_LENQTH BYTE WAIT '* BUFFERS . , SIU_XMITJUFFER(04) POWER_ON: 2 • 2 10 11 12 2 2 2 13 I" 15 16 17 *' AUXILIARY. AUXILIARY, BYTE BYTE, IDATA. J BYTE AUXILIARY. T8S-. SIU_X''lIT_BUFFERCOJi RaS-. SIU..RECVJlUFFER(O), R8L-64, 64 a"h reedv. buff.-r '*/. En.bh tbl' SIU'. receiver*' ./ RBE-l, 00 1- 0 TO NUMBER_OF_STATIONS-I, 3 3 3 3 18 RSDel). STAT]ON_ADDRESS.SECONDARY~DDRESSES( I), RSDC I). STATION_SlATE-DISCONNECT_S; RBD( I ). DUFFER_STATus-aUFFER_NOT-.READY' RSD( I ). INFO_LENOTH-O, ENOl 1. 20 2 2 22 23 2 2 2. PROCEDURE DECLARE I The .. htu .. o. th • • • conh1'V .t.tiDn. bu'''" AUXILIARY, BIT. SIU~ECYJlUFFER(64) 9 '* " SMD-54HI 1* Using DPLL, NAZI. PFS. nMER 1, • 62.5 Mltps TI'IOD-21H; TH1-OFFHI U~. timer 0 for receive tim. out. int~r"upt TCON-4DH, IE-82H; '* *' *' END POWER_ON. 2" 25 2 26 2 27 2S 2 2 .MIT: PROCEDURE (CDNTRDL.-BVTE); DECLARE CONTROL_BYTE BYTEi TCa-CONTROL_BYTEi TBF-ll 296166-63 14-68 2 RUPITM_44 PL/M-51 CDMP ILER 29 30 3' 32 RUPI-44 PrilllArv Station 09/26/93 PAGE RTS-., 2 3 3 2 33 20: 47: 13 DC WHILE NOT SI; ENOl BI-O, END )1"11, 34 35 36 2 2 , TlP1ER_O_INT: PROCEDURE INTERRUPT 1 WAIT-O, END TIMER_O_INTI 37 2 TIME_OUT: PROCEDURE BYTE, 38 2 DECLARE BYTE USING II '* Tillie_out returns true AUXILIARY, if' there .... n't .. flr.me rllceivlld within 200 m•• c. If th.re w..... fr.lmll receivlld within 200 1II •• e then time_out returns , .. 1 ••. *' DO 1-0 TO 3, 39 40 4, 42 43 44 45 3 3 3 3 4 4 47 48 4 3 WAn-II THO-3CH, TLO-OAFH, TRO-I, DO WHILE WAITI IF SI-l THEN COTD T _0 I, END; END, RETURN TRUE, 49 50 51 2 Sl-Ol RETURN FAL.Se, 52 END TU1E~OUT; 53 SEND_DISC: PROCEDURE, 54 55 56 2 TBlcO, 2 2 CALL XMIT(DISC), 57 59 60 6' 62 3 3 3 3 2 IF TIME_our-FALSE THEN IF RCO-UA OR Rca-OM THEN 001 RSD C9TAT ION_NUt1BER). BUFFER_ST '\TUS·BUFFER~OT.-READY I RBO( STATION..NUI'1BER). STATION_STATE=-OISCONNECT_51 ENOl 63 64 2 SEND_SNR"': 65 2 TBl-Ol PROCEDURE; 296166-64 14-69 3 inter RUPITM-44 Pl/l'l-51 COMPILER 66 67 2 2 69 3 70 71 72 73 3 3 3 2 RUPI-44 PrimarV Station 20: 47: 13 09/;!6/S3 PAGE CALL XI'IITCSNRI'I). IF CTIME_our-FALSE> AND CRCa-UA) THEN DO; RSDCSTATJON_NUf1BER1. STATION_STATE"'I_T _51 RSD(STATJON_NUf'lDER)' Ns.-OI RSDCSTATlONJruI'1BER)' NAcO, ENO, RBE-', 7. 70 2 7. 2 78 2 79 80 CHECK-fiS: PROCEDURE BYTE, IF (RSDCSTATION":'NUMBERL NR-(SHRIHCD.l) AND 07H» THEN RETURN TRUE, ELSE RETURN FALSEI END CHECK_NS; 2 CHECK_NR: PROCEDURE BYTE, _ls. ,,..me. / . Chu.k the Nt' f1hld of the ,.ltc:dvltd If NsCP)+l-NrCS) then the frame h •• b •• n acknQlllhdgd. i f Ns(P)-NT'CS) then the fTame has not blten ilcknollfledged. ehe r •• et th • • • conda,.v . / 8t 2 83 a. ae a. 3 3 3 2 as 2 a9 « (RSDCSlATION_NUMBER), NS + 1) AND 07H) • SHR(RCB, 5» THEN DO; RSD(STATIDN-.NUMBER). NS-' CRSDCSTATION.-NUI'IBER). NS+l) AND 07H), RSDCSTATlON_NUI'1BER). INFO_LENQTH-O; ENOl ELSE IF (RSDCSTATlON_NUf'fBERJ. NS <> SHRCRCB. 5J) THEN RETURN FALSE, IF. RETURN TRUE, END CHECK-.NR, 90 2 91 2 DECLARE 92 2 RSD (STATlON..NUMBER). BUFFER_STATUS-DUFFER_READV, RECElVE: PROCEDURE I BYTE AUXILIARY. I . If .n RNR III.S ".C.~V.d buff.,. _,t.tus 111111 be ch.nged in the sup.,.viso,. .. fI,. .... decode s.ction 'uth.,. dOllln in this p,.oc.du,. ••• nlJ oth.,. " •• pon5e me.ns the r.mDte st.tiDns buff.,. is l'e.dlj *1 93 2 ge 3 97 9S •• *," IF (RCa AND 01H)-O THEN DOl .1* I F,..me Rec.ived IF (CHECK_HB-TRUE AND BDV-O AND CHECK.flR-TRUEJ THEN DOl RSD(STATlON..NUMBERL NR-( CRSDC"STATION_NUMBER). NR+!) AND 07H)1 RDP-1i 296166-65 14-70 intJ RUPITM-44 PL/M-51 COMPILER RUP]-44 Pri/llaT'~ Station •• 20: 47: 13 09/26/83 PAQE RECV-FIELDJ.ENQTH-RFL-l; ENOl 100 101 102 103 3 3 2 10. 3 107 3 10. 3 110 III 3 3 113 4 114 115 tUt 117 4 4 :3 :3 llS 2 II. ELSE RSOCSTATION_NUMDER). STATIDN_STATE.aOD_TO_DISCi END; ELSE IF CRCB AND 03HI=OlH THEN DO; Supervillory Frame received *1 IF CHECK_NR.zFALSE THEN RSO(STATION_NUHBER I. STATION_STATE-QO_TOJHSCi '* ELSE IF «RCB AND OFH)-O'H) 1* thlf" RNR *1 THEN RSDCSTATION_NUMDER). BUFFER_STATUS-BUFFER_NOT _READY; ENOl ,* DT' unknown f,. .. m. received . I f FRMR was received check NT' for an ac:knollJledged I frallle RCB-SIU_RECY_BUFFER( 1) I I-CHECK_NRI ENOl RSO (STATION_NUMBER). STATIDN_STATE"OD_TOJ)I SCi ELSE DOi Unnumber.d frame IF RCB-FRMR THEN Doi ,* *' *' ENOl END RECEIVE. 120 2 121 2 DECLARE BYTE; TEMP IF TEl'IP-T_I_FRAME 122 THEN DOl '* '* *' T1"an'lIit 1 frame Transf.r the station buff.,. into int.rnal ram */ 12. 125 126 4 •• DO TEI1P-O TO RBDCSTATIDNJlUI'1BER)' INFO_LENGTH-II SIU_XMITJiUFFER (TEMP )"'RBOC STATJON-.NUMBER). DATA I TEMP) I END; 127 129 12. 130 3 3 3 3 TEMP.CSHLCRSOC'STATIONJlUI'IBER).NR.,:U OR SHLCRSDCSTATION_NUMDERI,NS.l1 011 WltI. rpL=RSO(STATlON_NUMBER). INFOj.ENGTH, CALL XMlTCTEMPJi IF TIME_OUT-FALSE THEN CALL RECEIVE. 132 3 133 13' 3 3 13' 3 , . Build the.l f"alll. control field . , END. ELSE DO; '* Transmit RR or RNR.' IF TEMP=T_RR THEN TEMP-RRj ELSE TEHP ..RNRI 296166-66 14-71 inter RUPITM-44 RUPI-44 Pri ... "u St.tion PL,I'1-S1 COI1P]LER 20: 47: 13 09/26/83 PAOE 6 TEr1P.(SHL,tRSDCSTATlON_NUPtBEA), HR. 5) OR TEI1P),' TBL-OJ 137 13B 139 140 3 3 3 3 142 143 3 I ENDI END X"lT_I_T_SJ 144 2 BUFFER_TRANSFER: PROCEDURE, 14~ a DECLARE 146 147 3 3 DO 1-0 TO NUMBER_OF_STATlONB-l J . IF RSDe J). BTATIONjlDDREBS-SIU..RECYJlUFFERCO) THEN OOTO Ttl 149 3 ISO 2 IS2 IS3 ISS 3 3 3 2 IS7 ISB IS9 160 161 162 3 4 4 4 3 3 CALL Xl'tITnEI'F), IF T111E_OUT-FALSE THEN CALL RECEIVEI I oJ BYTE BYTE AUXILIARV. AUXILIARY, ENDI n: IF I-NUI'IBERJlF_STIITIDNS ,_ If th • • dll" . . . . d .t.UDn doe. not: nU •• tllen diu,lt'd the data */ THEN DOl 1~4 RIP-OJ RETURNI ENDI ELSE IF RSDel), INFDJ.ENOTH-O liEN DOl RSDe I). INFD_LENQTH-RECYjIELD..LEHGTHI DO "-I TO RECYjIELD-.LENOTH, RSD( I), DATAf.J-l J-SIU..REC"_BUFFERhJ)J ENOl RSP-O, ENDI 163 END BUFFER_TRANSFER I 164 BEOIN: CALL POWER_ONI I.' a I •• ,.7 16B 3 3 3 170 3 172 3 174 3 176 3 177 3 DO FOREvER I DO STATlON_NUttBER-D TO NlR'tIER_OF'_STATIDNS-1J STAD-RSDC STATION.JWt1BER). STATION..ADDRESSJ IF R9DCSTATION_NUf'IIBER). STATION_STATE. DISCONNECT_S THEN CALL SEND~"J . ELSE IF RSDCSTATIONJW"B~IU. BTATlON_STATE • OD_TOJUSC THEN CALL SENDJlISC, . ELSE IF CCRSDCSTATlDN_NUPlBERL IflFO-.LENQTH>OJ AND CRSDCSTAnON~UMBER). 8UFFER..BTATUS-BUFFERJ'EADV» THEN CALL XMIT_I_T_SCT_tJRAl'IEl, ELSE IF RBP-O THEN CALL XMJT_I_T_SCT_RR), ELSE CALL XMIT_I_T_SCT_RNR); IF RUP-1 THEN CALL BUFFER_TRANSFER, 296166-67 PL/I1-51 COMPILER 20: 47: 13 IBI PAOE ENOl 17" 190 09/26/93 02 ENOl END MAI~MODI WARNINgS: 1 IS- THE HIGHEST USED INTERRUPT MODULE U"IIFORMAT10N: CODe SIZE CONSTANT SIZE DIRECT VARIABLE SIlE INDIRECT VARIABLE SI ZE BIT SIZE DIT-ADDRESSABLE SIZE AUXILIARV VARIABLE SIlE MAXIr-ftJM STACK SUE REC'HSTER-BANK(S) USED: 456 LINES READ o (STATIC+OYERLAVADLE) • 053DH 1341D • 0002H 2D 40H+OiZH 64D+ 4OH+00H 640+ 01H+00H 10+ OOH+OOH OD+ • 0093H 147D • 0019H 25D o iZD OD 00 00 I PROORAM ERROR (S) END OF PL/M-51 COI'IPILATION 296166-68 14-72 7 RUPITM Datasheet, Application Note, Article Reprint and Development Support Tools 15 8044AH/8344AH/8744H HIGH PERFORMANCE 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER WITH ON-CHIP SERIAL COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER • 8044AH-lncludes Factory Mask Programmable ROM • 8344AH-For Use with External Program Memory • 8744H-lncludes User Programmable/Eraseable EPROM SERIAL INTERFACE UNIT (SIU) . 8051 MICROCONTROLLER CORE • • • • • • Optimized for Real Time Control 12 MHz Clock, Priority Interrupts, 32 Programmable I/O Lines, Two .16-bit Timer/Counters Processor • Boolean 4K x 8 ROM, 192 x 8 RAM • 64K Accessible External Program • Memory Accessible External Data Memory • 64K 4 ,..,s Multiply and Divide • Serial Communication Processor that Operates Concurrently to CPU 2.4 Mbps Maximum Data Rate 375 Kbps using On-Chip Phase Locked Loop Communication Software in Silicon: - Complete Data Link Functions - Automatic Station Response Operates as an SDLC Primary or Secondary Station The RUPI-44 family integrates a high performance 8-bit Microcontroller, the Intel 8051 Core, with an Intelligent/high performance HDLC/SDLC serial communication controller, called the Serial Interface Unit (SIU). See Figure 1. This dual architecture allows complex control and high speed data communication functions to be realized cost effectively. Specifically, the 8044's Microcontroller features: 4K byte On-Chip program memory space; 32 I/O lines; two 16-bit timer/event counters; a 5-source; 2-level interrupt structure; a full duplex serial channel; a Boolean processor; and on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry. Standard TTL and most byte-oriented MCS-80 and MCS85 peripherals can be used for 1/0 amd memory expansion. The Serial Interface Unit (SIU) manages the interface to a high speed serial link. The SIU offloads the On-Chip 8051 Microcontroller of communication tasks, thereby freeing t~e CPU to concentrate on real time control tasks. The RUPI-44 family consists of the 8044, 8744, and 8344. All three devices are identical except in respect of on-chip program memory. The 8044 contains 4K bytes of mask-programmable ROM. User programmable EPROM replaces ROM in the 8744. The 8344 addresses all program memory externally. The RUPI-44 devices are fabricated with Intel's reliable aged in a 40-pin DIP. + 5 volt, Silicon-gate HMOSII technology and pack- The 8744H is available in a hermetically sealed, ceramic, 40-lead dual in-line package which includes a window that allows for EPROM erasure when exposed to ultraviolet light (See Erasure Characteristics). During normal op.eration, ambient light may adversely affect the functionality of the chip. Therefore applications which expose the 8744H to ambient light may require an opaque label over the window. 8044's Dual Controller Architecture HOLCI SOLC port 231663-1 Figure 1. Dual Controller Architecture 15-1 October 1987 Order Number: 231663-004 inter 8044AH/8344AH/8744H Table 1. RUPITM-44 Family Pin Description - vee + 5V power supply during operation and program DATA TxD (P3.1) In point-to-pointor multipoint configurations, this pin functions as data input! output. In loop mode, it serves as transmit pin. A '0' written to this pin enables diagnostic. mode. - INTO (P3.2).lnterrupt 0 input or gate control input for counter O. verification. - INT1 (P3.3). Interrupt 1 input or gate control input for counter 1. - TO (P3.4): Input to counter O. - SCLK T1 (P3.5). In addition to I/O, this pin provides input to counter 1 or serves as SCLK (serial clock) input. - WR (P3.6). The write control signal latches the data byte from Port 0 into the External Data Memory. - RD (P3.7). The read control signal enables External Data Memory to Port O. VSS Circuit ground potential. PORTO Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bidirectional I/O port. It is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus when using external memory. It is used for data output during program verification. Port 0 can sink/source eight LS TTL loads (six in 8744). PORT 1 Port 1 is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port. It is used for the low-order address byte during program verification. Port 1 can sink/source four LS TTL loads. RST A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. A small external pulldown ·resistor (::::::8.2K!l) from RST to Vss permits power-on reset when a capacitor (:::::: 10p.f) is also connected from this pin to V cc. In non-loop mode two of the I/O lines serve alternate functions: - RTS (P1.6). Request-to-Send output. A low indicates that the RUPI-44 is ready to transmit. - CTS (P1.7) Clear-to-Send input. A low indicates that a receiving station is ready to receive. ALE/PROG Provides Address Latch Enable output used for latching the address into external memory during normal operation. It is activated every six oscillator periods except during an external data memory access. It also receives the program pulse input for programming the EPROM version. PORT 2 Port 2 is an 8-bit quasi-bidirection I/O port. It also emits the high-order address byte when accessing external memory. It is used for the high-order address and the control Signals during program verification. Port 2 can sink/source four LS TTL loads. PSEN PORT 3 The Program Store Enable output is a control signal that enables the external Program Memory to the bus during external fetch operations. It is activated every six oscillator periods, except during external data memory accesses. Remains high during internal program execution. Port 3 is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port. It also contains the interrupt, timer, serial port and RD and WR pins that are used by various options. The output latch corresponding to a secondary function must be programmed to a one (1) for that function to operate. Port 3 can sink/source four LS LTT loads. In addition to I/O, some of the pins also serve alternate functions as follows: - I/O RxD (P3.0). In point-to-point or multipoint configurations, this pin controls the direction of pin P3.1. Serves as Receive Data input in loop and diagnostic modes. EA/VPP When held at a TTL high level, the RUPI-44 exe. cutes instructions from the internal ROM when the PC is less than 4096. When held at a TTL low level, the RUPI-44 fetches all instructions from external Program Memory. The pin also receives the 21V EPROM programming supply voltage on the 8744. 15-2 inter 8044AH/8344AH/8744H Table 1. RUPITM-44 Family Pin Description (Continued) XTAL 1 XTAL2 Input to the oscillator's high gain amplifier. Required when a crystal is used. Connect to VSS when external source is used on XTAL 2. Output from the oscillator's amplifier. Input to the internal timing circuitry. A crystal or external source can be used. '" f}; ::a ~:: c~ Go Pl.0 vcc P1.' PO.O ADO PO.l AOI Pl1 PO.2 A02 P1 .• PO.3 AD3 Pl.S PO•• PO.S AOt Pl.7 PO.I Alii PO.7 A07 iiTs m '" AST l ". '" Ii Z ~ ~ i!I ~ ~ i[M: DATA _CTI ~ -~ DATA I/O SCLK TXD __ INTO_ .. - =}@},... iNfi.... ~ RXD P3.0 Ii ·vpp TXD P3.1 ALE INTO P3.2 mJii INTI PU P2.7 A15 TO PU P2.I AU T1 P3.5 P2.5 AU Wi iiii P3.I P2.• A12 2 _ "'-'" TO-., 0 SCLK..!!_ Go WII_ . iifi-- _ ADS ~ c PIIOG P3.7 P2.3 All XTAL2 P2.2 XTALI P2.1 AID A, VSS P2.0 AI 231663-3 '" 231663-2 Figure 3A. DIP Pin Configuration Figure 2. Logic Symbol "II;"'l<"'! C!CJ ()o Nt') O::ii:a:a:a::~~g~~~ Pl.S 39 PO.4 P1.6 38 PO.S P1.7 PO.6 RST/VPD PO.7 EA P3.0 N/e N/e P3.1 ALE P3.2 PSEN P3.3 P2.7 P3.4 P2.6 P3.S P2.S 231663-21 Figure 38. PLCC Pin Configuration 15-3 . inter . 8044AH/8344AH/8744H FREQUENCE REFERENCE r-I I DATA I-+I-----<'~~. I I .........."r"I'"-.' ,L I ~g~~DLC COMMUNICATIONS ~--¥..----.I I I I TWO 16-BIT TIMER EVENT COUNTERS INTERRUPTS L---,r-T"-...J L...-r-""'T-' ~--- INTERRUPTS 1/0 I I I I I I L-_~-...J I~-"'" ..J CONTROL COUNTERS PARALLEL PORTS ADDRESS DATA BUS AND 1/0 PINS 231663-4 Figure 4. Block Diagram FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION • 4K bytes of ROM • 192 bytes of RAM General • • • • The 8044 integrates the powerful 8051 microcontrollar with an intelligent Serial Communication Controller to provide a single-chip solution which will efficiently implement a distributed processing or distributed control system. The microcontroller is a selfsufficient unit containing ROM, RAM, ALU, and its own peripherals. The 8044's architecture and instruction set are identical to the 8051's. The 8044 replaces the 8051's serial interface with an intelligent SOLC/HOLC Serial Interface Unit (SIU). 64 more bytes of RAM have been added to the 8051 RAM array. The SIU can communicate at bit rates up to 2.4 M bps. The SIU works concurrently with the Microcontroller so that there is no throughput loss in either unit. Since the SIU possesses its own intelligence, the CPU is off-loaded from many of the communications tasks, thus dedicating more of its com~ puting power to controlling local peripherals or some ' external process. 32 I/O lines 64K address space for external Data Memoiy 64K address space for external Program Memory two,fully programmable 16-bit timer/counters • a five-source interrupt structure with two priority level,S • bit addressability for Boolean processing SPEClAL FUNCTION iii REGISTERS ~ 255 241 FlH Fo. E•• , EO. DB. DOlt RAM ClI. ~iii {D INDIRECT. ADORESS· ING co• ••H .0H A.H ADH .B. ID. ' 00. !!! 135 128 IOH DIRECT ADDRESS- 127 The Microcontroller :"~ES", BITS IN Bl:A. The microcontroller is a stand-alone high-performance single-chip computer intended for use in sophisticated real-time application such as instrumentation, industrial control, and intelligent computer peripherals. (121 BITS) t!! 32 , 127 120 0 A7 24 AD BANK3 REGISTERS ING A7 BANK2 !!. A7 8' AD BANtU ~ :~ The major features of the microcontroller are: • 8-bit CPU • on-chip oscillatOr . BANKO INTERNAL DATA RAM SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS 231663-5 Figure 5. Internal Data Memory Address Space 15-4 8044AH/8344AH/8744H • 1 p.s instruction cycle time for 60% of the instructions 2 p.s instruction cycle time for 40% of the instructions Parallel 1/0 The 8044 has 32 general-purpose I/O lines which are arranged into four groups of eight lines. Each group is called a port. Hence there are four ports; Port 0, Port 1, Port 2, and Port 3. Up to five lines from Port' 3 are dedicated to supporting the serial channel when the SIU is invoked. Due to the nature of the serial port, tWo of Port 3's lID lines (P3.0 and P3.1) do not have latched outputs. This is true whether or not the serial channel is used. • 4 p.s cycle time for 8 by 8 bit unsigned Multiplyl Divide INTERNAL DATA MEMORY Functionally the Internal Data Memory is the most flexible of the address spaces. The Internal Data Memory space is subdivided into a 256-byte Internal Data RAM address space and a 128-bit Special Function Register address space as shown in Figure Port 0 and Port 2 also have an alternate dedicated function. When placed in the external access mode, Port 0 and Port 2 become the means by which the 8044 communicates with external program memory. Port 0 and Port 2 are also the means by which the 8044 communicates with external data memory. Peripherals can be memory mapped into the address space and controlled by the 8044. 5. The Internal Data RAM address space is 0 to 255. Four 8-Register Sanks occupy locations 0 through 31. The stack can be located anywhere in the Internal Data RAM address space. In addition, 128 bit locations of the on-chip RAM are accessible through Direct Addressing. These bits reside in Internal Data RAM at byte locations 32 through 47. Currently locations 0 through 191 of the Internal Data RAM address space are filled with on-chip RAM. Table 2. MCS®-S1Instruction Set Description Mnemonic Description ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS ADD A,Rn Add register to Accumulator ADD A,direct Add direct byte to Accumulator A,@Ri Add indirect ADD RAM to Accumulator ADD A,#data Add immediate data to Accumulator ADDC A,Rn Add register to Accumulator with Carry ADDC A,direct Add direct byte to A with Carry flag ADDC A,@Ri Add indirect RAM to A with Carry flag AD DC A,#data Add immediate data to A with Carry flag SUBB A,Rn Subtract register from A with Borrow SUBB A,direct Subtract direct byte from A with Borrow Byte Cyc Mnemonic Description Byte Cyc ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS (Continued) SUSS A,@Ri Subtract indirect RAM from A with Sorrow SUBB A,#data Subtract immed data from A with Borrow 2 INC A Increment Accumulator INC Rn Increment register INC direct Increment direct byte 2 @Ri Increment INC indirect RAM DPTR INC Increment Data Pointer A Decrement DEC Accumulator Rn Decrement DEC register DEC direct Decrement direct byte 2 @Ri DEC Decrement indirect RAM Multiply A & B MUL AB DIV AB DivideAbyB Decimal Adjust DA A Accumulator 2 2 2 2 2 15-5 2 1 4 4 inter ~OOI§Il.DIMJDOO~OOW .8044AH/8344AH/8744H Table 2. MCS@-51InstructlonSetDescrlptlon (Continued) Mnemonic Description Byte Cyc Mnemonic Description LOGICAL OPERATIONS LOGICAL OPERATIONS (Continued) ANL A,Rn RL A RLC A RR A 2 RRC A 2 SWAP A ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL ORL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL XRL CLR CPL AND register to Accumulator A,direct AND direct byte ·to Accumulator A,@RI AND indirect RAM to Accumulator A,#data AND immediate data to Accumulator direct,A AND Accumulator to direct byte direct,#data AND immediate data to direct byte A,Rn OR register to Accumulator A,direct OR direct byte to Accumulator A,@Ri OR indirect RAM to Accumulator A,#data OR immediate data to Accumulator direct,A OR Accumulator to direct byte direct,#data OR immediate data to direct byte A,Rn Exclusive-OR register to Accumulator A,direct Exclusive-OR direct byte to Accumulator A,@RI Exclusive-OR indirect RAM to A A,#data Exclusive-OR immediate data toA direct,A Exclusive-OR Accumulator to direct byte direct, # data Exclusive-OR immediate data to direct A Clear' . Accumulator A Complement Accumulator 2 3 2 Byte Cyc Rotate Accumulator Left Rotate A Left through the Carry flag Rotate Accumulator Right Rotate A Right through Carry flag Swap nibbles within the Accumulator DATA TRANSFER MOV A,Rn MOV 2 MOV MOV 2 MOV 2 3 MOV 2 MOV MOV 2 MOV MOV MOV 2 MOV 2 MOV 3 2 MOV 15-6 Move register to Accumulator A,direct Move direct byte to Accumulator A,@RI Move indirect RAM to Accumulator A,#data Move immediate data to Accumulator Rn,A Move Accumulator to register Rn,direct Move direct byte to register Rn,#data Move immediate' data to register direct,A Move Accumulator to direct byte direct,Rn Move register to direct byte direct, direct Move direct byte to direct direct,@Ri Move indirect RAM to direct byte direct,#data Move immediate data to direct byte @Ri,A . Move Accumulator to indirect RAM @Ri,direct Move direct byte to indirect RAM 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 intJ ~OO~!LOfMlOOO&'OOW 8044AH/8344AH/8744H Table 2. MCS®-S1Instruction Set Description (Continued) Mnemonic Description DATA TRANSFER (Continued) MOV @Ri,#data Move immediate data to indirect RAM MOV DPTR,#data16Load Data Pointer with a 16-bit constant MOVCA,@A+ DPTR Move Code byte relative to DPTR toA MOVCA,@A+PC Move Code byte relative to PC to A MOVXA,@Ri . Move External RAM (8-bit addr) toA MOVXA,@DPTR Move External RAM (16-bit addr) to A MOVX@Ri,A MoveAto External RAM (8-bit addr) MOVX@DPTR,A Move A to External RAM (16-bit) addr Push direct byte PUSH direct onto stack POP direct Pop direct byte from stack XCH A,Rn Exchange register with Accumulator XCH A,direct Exchange direct byte with Accumulator XCH A,@Ri Exchange indirect RAM with A XCHDA,@Ri Exchange loworder Digit ind RAMwA ByteCyc Mnemonic Byte Cyc BOOLEAN VARIABLE MANIPULATION (Continued) ANL C,/bit AND complement of direct bit to 2 Carry C/bit OR direct bit to ORL Carry flag 2 OR complement ORL C,/bit of direct bit to Carry 2 MOV C,/bit Move direct bit to Carry flag 2 MOV bit,C Move Carry flag 2 to direct bit 2 3 Description 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 PROGRAM AND MACHINE CONTROL ACALL addr11 Absolute Subroutine Cail Long Subroutine LCALL addr16 Call RET Return from subroutine '. Return from RETI interrupt Absolute Jump AJMP addr11 LOl']gJump LJMP addr16 Short Jump SJMP rei (relative addr) @A + DPTR Jump indirect JMP relative to the DPTR Jump if JZ rei Accumulator is Zero Jump if JNZ rei Accumulator is Not Zero Jump if Carry rei JC flag is set Jump if No Carry rei JNC flag Jump if direct Bit bit,rel JB set Jump if direct Bit bit,rel JNB Not set Jump if direct Bit bit,rel JBC is set & Clear bit CJNE A,direct,rel Compare direct toA&Jumpif Not Equal CJNE A,#data,rel Comp, immed, to A & Jump if Not Equal 2 2 " 2 2 2 2 2 2 BOOLEAN VARIABLE MANIPULATION 1 Clear Carry flag CLR C CLR bit Clear direct bit 2 Set Carry Flag 1 SETB C SETB bit Set direct Bit 2 Complement CPL C Carry Flag Complement CPL bit direct bit 2 ANL C,bit AND direct bit to Carry flag 2 2 15-7 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2· 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 8044AH/8344AH/8744H Table 2. MCS®·51 Instruction Set Description (Continued) Mnemonic Description Byte PROGRAM AND MACHINE CONTROL (Continued) CJNE Rn,#data,rel Comp, immed, to reg & Jump if Not Equal 3 CJNE @Ri,#.data, rei Comp, immed, to indo & Jump if Not Equal 3 DJNZ Rn,rel Decrement register & Jump if Not Zero 2 DJNZ direct,rel Decrement direct & Jump if Not Zero 3 NOP No operation eyc Notes on data addressing modes: (Continued) , # data - 8-bit constant included in instruction #data16 - 16-bit constant included as bytes 2 & 3 of instruction bit -128 software flags, any I/O pin, controll or status bit 2 2 Notes on program addressing modes: addr16 - Destination address for LCALL & LJMP may be anywhere within the 64-K program memory address space Addr11 - Destination address for ACALL & AJMP will be within the same 2-K page of program memory as the first byte of the following instruction rei - SJMP and a/l conditional jumps include an 8~bit offset byte, Range is + 127 -128 bytes relative to first byte of the following instruction 2 2 Notes on da~a addressing modes: Rn - Working register RO-R7 direct - 128 internal RAM locations, any I/O port, control or status register @Ri -Indirect internal RAM location addressed by register RO or R1 All mnemonic copyrighted@ Intel Corporation 1979 Timer/Counters Serial Interface Unit (SIU) The 8044 contains two 16-bit counters which can be used for measuring time intervals, measuring pulse widths, counting events; generating precise periodic interrupt requests, and clocking the serial communications. Internally the Timers are clocked at 1/12 of the crystal frequency, which is the instruction cycle time. Externally the counters can run up to 500 KHz. The Serial Interface Unit is used for HDLC/SDLC communications. It handles Zero Bit Insertion/Deletion, Flags automatic access recognization, and a 16-bit cyclic redundancy check. In addition it implements in hardware a subset of the SDLC protocol certain applications it is advantageous to have the CPU control the reception or transmission of every single frame. For this reason the SIU has two modes of operation: "AUTO" and "FLEXIBLE" (or "NONAUTO"). It is in the AUTO mode that the SIU responds toSDLG frames without CPU intervention; whereas, in the FLEXIBLE mode the reception or transmission of every single frame will be under CPU control. Interrupt System External events and the real-time driven on-chip peripherals require service by the CPU asynchronous to the execution of any particular section of code. To tie the asynchronous activities of these functions to normal program execution, a sophisticated multiplesource,two priority level, nested interrupt system is provided. Interrupt response latency ranges from 3 ,""sec to 7 ,""sec when using a 12 MHz clock. There are three control registers and eight parameter registers that are used to operate the serial interface. These registers are shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6. The control register set the modes of operation and provide status information. The eight pa· rameter registers buffer the station address, receive and transmit control bytes, and point to the on-chip transmit and receive buffers. All five'interrupt sources can be mapped into one of the two priority levels. Each interrupt source can be enabled or disabled individually or the entire interrupt system can be enabled or disabled. The five interrupt sources are: Serial Interface Unit, Timer 1, Timer 2, and two external interrupts. The external interrupts can be either level or edge triggered. Data to be received or transmitted by the SIU must be buffered anywhere within the 192 bytes of onchip RAM. Transmit and receive buffers are not allowed to "wrap around" in RAM; a "buffer end" is generated after address 191 is reached. 15-8 inter 8044AH/8344AH/8744H SYMBOLIC ADDRESS REGISTER NAMES BYTE ADDRESS BIT ADDRESS ~ B REGISTER ACCUMULATOR "THREE BYTE FIFO B ACC FIFO FIFO FIFO TBS TBL TCB SIUST NSNR PSW DMA CNT STAD RFL RBS RBL RCB SMD STS IP P3 IE P2 PI THI THO TLI TRANSMIT BUFFER START TRANSMIT BUFFER LENGTH TRANSMIT CONTROL BYTE , SIU STATE COUNTER SEND CDUNT RECEIVE COUNT PROGRAM STATUS WORD 'DMA COUNT STATION ADDRESS RECEIVE FIELD LENGTH RECEIVE BUFFER'START RECEIVE BUFFER LENGTH RECEIVE CONTROL BYTE SERIAL MODE STATUS REGISTER INTERRUPT PRIORITY CONTROL PORT 3 INTERRUPT ENABLE CONTROL PORT 2 PORT 1 TIMER HIGH 1 TIMER HIGH 0 TIMER LOW 1 TIMER LOW 0 TIMER MODE TIME'R CONTROL DATA POINTER HIGH DATA POINTER LOW STACK POINTER PORTO 247 throuah throuah ~ 240 224 208 throuah throuah throuGh throuah throuah TLO TMDD TCON DPH DPt. SP PO 143 135 throuah 128 240 224 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200 184 176 168 160 144 141 140 139 138 137 136 131 130 129 128 (FOH) (EOH) (DFH) (DEH) (DDH) (DCH) (DBH) (DAH) (D9H) (D8H) (DOH) (CFH) (CEH) (CDH) (CCH) (CBH) (CAH) (C9H) (C8H) (B8H) (BOH) (A8H) (AOH) (90H) (8DH) (8CH) (8BH) (8AH) (89H) (88H) (83H) (82H) (81H) (80H) SFR's CONTAINING D)RECT ADDRESSABLE BITS 231663-6 NOTE: 'ICE Support Hardware registers, Under normal operating conditions there is no need for the CPU to access these registers, Figure 5. Mapping of Special Function Registers SERIAL MODE REGISTER (SMD) SCM2 SCMl SCMO NRZI LOOP PFS NB I I OPB AM I STATUS REGISTER (STS) TBF RBE RTS SI BOV I I I NFCS '--- NO FRAME CHECK SEQUENCE NON· BUFFERED PRE· FRAME EYNC LOOP NON RETURN TO ZERO INVERTED SELECT CLOCK MODE RBP ~ RECEIVE BUFFER PROTECT AUTO MODEIAODRESSED MODE OPTIONAL POLL BIT RECEIVE INFORMATION BUFFER OVERRUN SERIAL INTERFACE UNIT INTERRUPT REQUEST TO SEND RECEIVE BUFFER EMPTY TRANSMIT BUFFER FULL SEND COUNT RECEIVE COUNT REGISTER (NSNR) r-:=,.-r-:-::~...-:=,.-r""",,,,.-...-:=,.-r--..:~-r-,=...,.-,;;;:;;-, SEQUENCE ERROR RECEIVED L-_...L_---"L.._ _ _ RECEIVE SEQUENCE COUNTER L-_______________________ SEQUENCEERRORSEND L-_...L_---"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SEND SEQUENCE COUNTER 231663-7 Figure 6. Serial Interface Unit Control Registers 15·9 inter 8044AH/8344AH/8744H With the addition of only a few bytes of code, the 8044's frame size is not limited to the size of its internal RAM (192 bytes), but rather by the size of external buffer with no degradation of the RUPI's features (e.g. NRZI, zero bit insertion/deletion, address recognition, cyclic redundancy check). There is a special function register called SIUST whose contents dictates the operation of the SIU. At low data rates, one section of the SIU (the Byte Processor) performs no function during known intervals. For a given data rate, these intervals (stand-by mode) are fixed. The above characteristics make it possible to program the CPU to move data to/from external RAM and to force the SIU to perform some desired hardware tasks while transmission or reception is taking place. With these modifications, external RAM can be utilized as a transmit and received buffer instead of the internal RAM. When the Receive Buffer Empty bit (RBE) indicates that the Receive Buffer is empty, the .receiver is enabled, and when the RBE bit indicates that the Receive Buffer is full, the receiver is disabled. Assuming that the Receiver Buffer is empty, the SIU will respond to a poll with an I frame if the Transmit Buff~ er is full. If the Transmit Buffer is empty, the SIU will respond to a poll with a RR command if the Receive Buffer Protect bit (RBP) is cleared, or an RNR command if RBP is set. AUTO Mode In the FLEXIBLE mode all communications are under control of the CPU. It is the CPU's task to encode and decode control fields, manage acknowledgements, and adhere to the requirements of the HOLC/SOLC protocols. The 8044 can be used as a primary or a secondary station in this m9de. In the AUTO mode the SIU implements in hardware a subset of the SOLC protocol such that it responds to many SOLC frames without CPU intervention. All AUTO mode responses to the primary station will comform to IBM's SOLC definition. The advantages of the AUTO mode are that less software is required to implement a secondary station, and the hardware generated response to polls is much faster than doing it in software. However, the Auto mode can not be used at a primary station. To transmit in the AUTO mode the CPU must load the Transmit Information Buffer, Transmit Buffer Start register, Transmit Buffer Length register, and set the Transmit Buffer Full bit. The SIU automatically responds to a poll by transmitting an information frame with the P/F bit in the control field set. When the SIU receives a positive acknowledgement from the primary station, it automatically increments the Ns field in the NSNR register and interrupts the CPU. A negative acknowledgement would cause the SIU to retransmit the frame. To receive in the AUTO mode, the CPU loads the Receive Buffer Start register, the Receive Buffer Length register, clears the Receive Buffer Protect bit, and sets the Receive Buffer Empty bit. If the SIU is polled in this state, and the TBF bit indicates that the Transmit Buffer is empty, an automatic RR response will be generated. When a valid information frame is received the SIU will automatically increment Nr in the NSNR register and interrupt the CPU. While in the AUTO mode the SIU can recognize and respond to the following commands without CPU intervention: I (Information), RR (Receive Ready), RNR (Receive Not Ready), REJ (Reject), .and UP (Unnumbered Poll). The SIU can generate the fol- lowing responses without CPU intervention: I (Information), RR (Receive Ready), and RNR (Receive Not Ready). FLEXIBLE (or NON-AUTO) Mode To receive a frame in the FLEXIBLE mode, the CPU must load the Receive Buffer Start register, the Receive Buffer Length register, clear the Receive Buffer Protect bit, and set the Receive Buffer Empty bit. If a valid opening flag is received and the address field matches the byte in the Station Address register or the address field contains a broadcast address, the 8044 loads the control field in the receive control byte register, and loads the I field in the receive buffer. If there is no CRC error, the SIU interrupts the CPU, indicating a frame has just been received. If there is a CRC error, no interrupt occurs. The Receive Field Length register provides the number of bytes that were received in the information field. To transmit a frame, the CPU must load the transmit information buffer, the Transmit Buffer Start register, the Transmit Buffer Length register, the Transmit Control Byte, and set the TBF and the RTS bit. The 81U, unsolicited by an HOLC/SOLC frame, will transmit the entire information frame, and interrupt the CPU, indicating the completion of transmission. For supervisory frames or· unnumbered frames, the transmit buffer length would be O. CRC The FCS register is initially set to all 1's prior to calculating the FCS field. The SIU will not interrupt the CPU if a CRC error occurs (in both AUTO and FLEXIBLE modes). The CRC error is cleared upon receiving of an opening flag. 15-10 8044AH/8344AH/8744H Frame Format Options In addition to the standard SDLC frame format, the 8044 will support the frames displayed in Figure 7. The standard SDLC frame is shown at the top of this figure. For the remaining frames the information field will incorporate the control or address bytes and the frame check sequences; therefore these fields will be stored in the Transmit and Receive buffers. For example, in the non-buffered mode the third byte is treated as the beginning of the information field. In the non-addressed mode, the information field begins after the opening flag. The mode bits to set the frame format options are found in the Serial Mode register and the Status register. NFCS NB AM1 Standard SOLC NON-AUTO Mode 0 0 0 IF IA IC I I I FCS I F I Standard SOLC AUTO Mode 0 0 1 IF IA IC I I I FCS I F I Non-Buffered Mode NON-AUTO Mode 0 1 1 IF IA I Non-Addressed Mode NON-AUTO Mode 0 1 0 I FI No FCS Field NON-AUTO Mode 1 0 0 IF IA IC I I No FCS Field AUTO Mode 1 0 1 IF IA IC I I No FCSField Non-Buffered Mode NON-AUTO Mode 1 1 1 IF IA I No FCS Field Non-Addressed Mode NON-AUTO Mode 1 1 0 IF I FRAME OPTION Mode AM NB NFCS Key F = A = C = FRAME FORMAT I FCS I I I I I F I I F I I F I I FCS I I I F I F F I I I Bits: - "AUTO" Mode/Addressed Mode - Non-Buffered Mode - No FCS Field Mode to Abbreviations: Flag (01111110) Address Field Control Field I = Information Field FCS= Frame Check Sequence Note 1: The AM bit function is controlled by the NB bit. When NB = 0, AM becomes AUTO mode select, when NB = 1, AM becomes Address mode select. Figure 7. Frame Format Options 15-11 inter 8044AH/8344AH/8744H transmit and receive data in this mode at rates up to 2.4 Mbps. Extended Addressing To realize an extended control field or an extended address field using the HDLC protocol, the FLEXIBLEmode must be used; For an extended control field, the SIUis programmed to be in the non-buffered mode. The extended control field will be the first and second bytes in the Receive and Transmit Buffers. For extended addressing the SIU is placed in the non-addressed mode. In this mode the CPU must implement the address recognition for received frames. The addressing field will be the initial bytes in the Transmit and' Receive buffers followed by the control field. The SIU can transmit and receive only frames which are multiples of 8 bits. For frames received with other than 8-bit multiples, a CRC error will cause the SIU to reject the frame. SOLC Loop Networks, The SIU can be used in an SDLC loop as a secondary or primary station. When the SIU is placed in the Loop mode it receives the data on pin 10 and transmits the data one bit time delayed on pin 11. It can also recognize the Go ahead signal and change it into a flag when it is ready ~o transmit. As a secondary station the SIU can be used in the AUTO or FLEXIBLE modes. As a primary station the FLEXIBLE mode is used; however, additional hardware is required for generating the Go Ahead bit pattern. In the Loop mode the maximum data rate is 1, Mbps clocked or 375 Kpbs self-clocked. This self clocked mode allows data transfer without a common system data clock.' An on-chip Digital Phase Locked Loop is employed to recover the data clock which is encoded in the data stream. The DPLL will converge to the nominal bit center within eight bit transitions, worst case. The DPLL requires a reference clock of either 16 times (16x) or 32 times (32x) the data rate. This reference clock may be externally applied or internally generated. When internally generated either the 8044's internal logic clock (crystal frequency divided by two) or the timer 1 overflow is used as the reference clock. Using the internal timer 1 clock the data rates can vary from 244 to 62.5 Kbps. Using the'internal logic clock at a 16x sampling rate, receive, data can either be 187.5 Kl;lps, or 375 Kbps. When the reference clock for the DPLL is externally applied the data rates can vary from 0 to 375 Kbps at a 16x sampling rate. To aid in a Phase Locked Loop capture, the SIU has a NRZI (Non Return to Zero Inverted) data encoding and decoding option. Additionally the SIU has a preframe sync option that transmits two bytes of alternating 1's and O's to ensure that the receive station DPLL will be synchronized with the data by the time ,it receives the opening flag. Control and Status Registers There are three SIU Control and Status Registers: Serial Mode Register (SMD) Status/Command Register (STS) SOLC Multidrop Networks Send/Receive Count Register (NSNR) The SIU can be used in a SDLC non-loop configuration as a secondary or primary station. When the SIU is placed in the non-loop mode, data is received and transmitted on pin 11, and pin 10 drives a tri-state buffer. In non-loop mode, modem interface pins, RTS and CTS, become available. The SMD, STS, and NSNR, registers are all cleared by system reset. This assures that the SIU will power up in an idle state (neither receiving nor transmitting). Data Clocking Options The 8044's serial port can operate in an externally clocked or self clocked system. A clocked system provides to the 8044 a clock synchronization to the data. A self-clocked system uses the 8044's on-chip Digital Phase Locked Loop (DPLL) to recover the clock from the data, and clock this data into the Serial Receive Shift Register. In this mode, a clock synchronized with the data is externally fed into the 8044. This clock may be generated from an External Phase Locked Loop, or possibly supplied along with the data. The 8044 can These registers and their bit assignments are described below. SMD: Serial Mode Register (byte-addressable) Bit 7: 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ISCM21sCM11sCMOINRZIILOOpi PFsl NBI NFcsl The Serial Mode Register (Address C9H) selects the operational modes of the SIU. The 8044 CPU can both read and write SMD. The SIU can read SMD but cannot write to it. To prevent conflict between CPU and SIU access to SMD, the CPU should write SMD only when the Request To Send (RTS) and 15-12 8044AH/8344AH/8744H Receive Buffer Empty (RBE) bits (in the STS register) are both false (0). Normally, SMD is accessed only during initialization. The individual bits of the Serial Mode Register are as follows: Bit# Name Description SMD.O NFCS No FCS field in the SDLC frame. SMD.1 NB SMD.2 PFS CPU, and enables the SIU to post status information for the CPU's access. The SIU can read STS, and can alter certain bits, as indicated below. The CPU can both read and write STS asynchronously. However, 2-cycle instructions that access STS during both cycles ('JBC/B, REL' and 'MOV/B, C.') should not be used, since the SIU may write to STS between the two CPU accesses. The individual bits of the Status/Command Register are as follows: Non-Buffered mode. No control field in the SDLC frame. Pre-Frame Sync mode. In this mode, the 8044 transmits two bytes before the first flag of a frame, for DPLL synchronization. If NRZI is enabled, OOH is sent; otherwise, 55H is sent. In either case, 16 preframe transitions are guaranteed. Bit# Name Description STS.O RBP Receive Buffer Protect. Inhibits writing of data into the receive buffer. In AUTO mode, RBP forces an RNR response instead of an RR. STS.1 AM AUTO Mode/Addressed Mode. Selects AUTO mode where AUTO mode is allowed. If NB is true, (= 1), the AM bit selects the addressed mode. AM may be cleared by the SIU. STS.2 OPB Optional Poll Bit. Determines whether the SIU will generate an AUTO response to an optional poll (UP with P = 0). OPM may be set or cleared by the SII). STS.3 BOV Receive Buffer Overrun. BOV may be set or cleared by the SIU. SMD.3 LOOP Loop configuration. SMD.4 NRZI NRZI coding option. If bit = 1, NRZI coding is used. If bit = 0, then it is straight binary (NRZ). SMD.5 SCMO Select Clock Mode-Bit 0 SMD.6 SCM1 Select Clock Mode-Bit 1 SMD.7 SCM2 Select Clock Mode-Bit 2 The SCM bits decode as follows: SCM Data Rate 2 1 0 Clock Mode (Bits/sec)· 0 0 0 Externally clocked 0-204M·· STSo4 SI SIU Interrupt. This is one of the five interrupt sources to the CPU. The vector location = 23H. SI may be set by the SIU. It should be cleared by the CPU before returning from an interrupt routine. STS.5 RTS Request To Send. Indicates that the 8044 is ready to transmit or is transmitting. RTS may be read or written by the GPU. RTS may be read by the SIU, and in AUTO mode may be written by the SIU. STS.6 RBE Receive Buffer Empty. RBE can be thought of as Receive Enable. RBE is set tq one by the CPU when it is ready to receive a frame, or has just read the buffer, and to zero by the SIU when a frame has been received. S:rS.7 TBF Transmit Buffer Full. Written by the ~U to indicate that it has fille the transmit buffer. TBF may be cleared by the SIU. 0 0 1 Reserved 0 1 0 Self clocked, timer overflow 244-62.5K 0 1 1 Reserved 1 0 0 Self clocked, external16x 1 0 1 Self clocked, external 32x 0-375K 1 1 0 Self clocked, internal fixed 375K 1 1 1 Self clocked, internal fixed 187.5K 0-187.5K NOTES: • Based on a 12 Mhz crystal frequency "0-1 M bps in loop configuration STS: Status/Command Register (bitaddressable) Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ITBF IRBE IRTS ISI IBOV IOPB IAM IRBP I The Status/Command Register (Address C8H) provides operational control of the SIU ~y the 8044 15-13 inter 8044AH/8344AH/8744H TBS: Transmit Buffer Start Address Register (byte-addressable) NSNR: Send/Receive Count Register (bltaddressable) Bit:? 6 543210 INs2INs1INsolsEslNR2INR1IN~0IsERI The Send/Receive Count Register (Address D8H) contains the transmit and receive sequence numbers, plus tally error indications. The SIU can both read and write NSNR. The 8044 CPU can both read and write NSNR asynchronously. However, 2-cycle instructions that access NSNR during both cycles (,JBC /B, REl,' and 'MOV /B,C') should not be used, since the SIU may write to NSMR between the two 8044 CPU accesses. TBl: Transmit Buffer Length Register (byte = addressable) The Transmit Buffer length register (Address DB H) contains the length (in bytes) of the I-field to be transmitted. A blank I-field (TBl = 0) is valid. The CPU should access TBl only when the SIU is not transmitting a frame (when TBF = 0). The individual bits of the Send/Receive Count Register are as follows: Blt# NOTE: The transmit and receive buffers are not allowed to "wrap around" in the on-chip RAM. A "buffer end" is automatically generated if address 191 (BFH) is reached. Name Description NSNR.O SER Receive Sequence Error: NS (P) =1= NR (S) NSNR.1 NRO Receive Sequence Counter-Bit 0 NSNR.2 NR1 Receive Sequence Counter-Bit 1 NSNR.3 NR2 Receive Sequence Counter-Bit 2 NSNR.4 SES Send Sequence Error: NR (P) =1= NS (S) and NR (P) =1= NS (S) + 1 NSNR.5 NSO Send Sequence Counter-Bit 0 NSNR.6 NS1 Send Sequence Counter-Bit 1 NSNR.? NS2 Send Sequence Counter-Bit 2 The Transmit Buffer Start address register (Address DCH) points to the location in on-chip RAM for the beginning of the I-field of the frame to be transmitted. The CPU should access TBS only when the SIU is not transmitting a frame (when TBF = 0). TCB: Transmit Control Byte Register (byte-addressable) The Transmit Control Byte register (Address DAH) contains the byte which is to be placed in the control field of the transmitted frame, during NON-AUTO mode transmission. The CPU should access TCB only when the SIU is not transmitting a frame (when TBF = 0). The Nsand NR counters are not used in the NON-AUTO mode. RBS: Receive Buffer Start Address Register (byte-addressable) Parameter Registers The Receive Buffer Start address register (Address CCH) points to the location in on-chip RAM where the beginning of the I-field of the frame being received is to be stored. The CPU should write RBS only when the SIU is not receiving a frame (when RBE = 0). There are eight parameter registers that are used in connection with SIU operation. All eight registers may be read or written by the 8044 CPU. RFl and RCB are normally loaded by. the SIU. The eight parameter registers are as follows: RBL: Receive Buffer length Register (byte-addressable) STAD: Station Address Register (byte-addressable) The Station Address register (Address CEH) contains the station address. To prevent acess conflict, the CPU should access STAD only when the SIU is idle (RTS = 0 and RBE = 0). Normally, STAD is accessed only during initialization. The Receive Buffer length register (Address CBH) contains the length (in .bytes) of the area in on-chip RAM allocated for the received I-field. RBl=O is valid. The CPU should write RBl only when RBE = O. 15-14 intJ 8044AH/8344AH/8744H RFL: Receive Field Length Register (byte-addressable) The Receive Field Length register (Address CD H) contains the length (in bytes) of the received I-field that has just been loaded into on-chip RAM. RFL is loaded by the SIU. RFL = 0 is valid. RFL should be accessed by the CPU only when RBE = O. RCB: Receive Control Byte Register (byte-addressable) The Received Control Byte register (Address CAH) contains the control field of the frame that has just been received. RCB is loaded by the SIU. The CPU can only read RCB, and should only access RCB when RBE = O. The emulator operates with Intel's Inteliec™ development system. The development system interfaces with the user's 8044 system through an in-cable buffer box. The cable terminates in a 8044 pin-compatible plug, which fits into the 8044 socket in the user's system. With the emulator plug in place, the user can excercise his system in real time while collecting up to 255 instruction cycles of real-time data. In addition, he can single-step the program. Static RAM is available (in the in-cable buffer box) to emulate the 8044 internal and external program memory and external data memory. The designer can display and alter the contents of the replacement memory in the buffer box, the internal data memory, and the internal 8044 registers, including the SFR's. SIUST: SIU State Counter (byte-addressable) ICE Support The 8044 In-Circuit Emulator (ICE-44) allows the user to exercise the 8044 application system and monitor the execution of instructions in real time. The SIU State Counter (Address D9H) reflects the state of the internal logic which is under SIU control. Therefore, care must be taken not to write into this register. This register provides a useful means for debugging 8044 receiver problem. 15-15 inter 8044AH/8344AH/8744H ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Ambient Temperature Under Bias ...... O°C to 70°C Storage Temperature ........... -65°C to -150°C Voltage on EA, VPP Pin to VSS ... -0.5V to -21.5V Voltage on Any Other Pin to VSS .... - 0.5V to -7V Power Dissipation ........................... 2W D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol *Notice: Stresses above those listed under 'i'\bsolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. TA = O°Cto 70°C, VCC = 5V = 10%, VSS = OV Parameter Min Max Unit -0.5 0.8 V VIL Input Low Voltage (Except EA Pin of 8744H) VIL1 Input Low Voltage to EA Pin of 8744H VIH Input High Voltage (Except XTAL2, RST) 2.0 VCC 2.5 VCC VIH1 Input High Voltage to XTAL2, RST VOL Output Low Voltage (Ports 1, 2, 3)* VOL1 Output Low Voltage (Port O,ALE,PSEN)* 0 0.8 + 0.5 + 0.5 Test Conditions V V V XTAL1 = VSS 0.45 V IOL = 1.6mA 8744H 0.60 0.45 V V IOL = 3.2 rnA IOL = 2.4 rnA 8044AH/8344AH 0.45 V IOL = 3.2 rnA VOH Output High Voltage (Ports 1, 2, 3) 2.4 V IOH = -80/LA VOH1 Output High Voltage (Port 0 in External Bus Mode, ALE, PSEN) 2.4 V IOH =-400 /LA ilL Logical 0 Input Current (Ports 1,2, 3) IlL 1 -500 /LA Logical 0 Input Current to EA Pin of 8744H only -15 rnA IIL2 Logical 0 Input Current (XTAL2) -3.6 rnA Yin = 0.45V III Input Leakage Current (Port 0) 8744H 8044AH/8344AH ±100 ±10 /LA /LA 0.45 0.45 IIH Logical 1 Input Current to EA Pin of 8744H 500 p.A IIH1 Input Current to RST to Activate Reset 500 p.A ICC Power Supply Current: 8744H 8044AH/8344AH 285 170 rnA rnA Pin Capacitance 10 pF CIO Yin = 0.45V Yin < Yin < VCC < Yin < VCC < (VCC - 1.5V) All Outputs Disconnected: EA = VCC Test Freq. = 1MHz(1) 'NOTES: 1. Sampled not 100% tested. T A = 25'C. 2. Capacitive loading on Ports 0 and 2 may cause spurious noise pulses to be superimposed on the VOLs of ALE and Ports 1 and 3. The noise is due to ex1ernal bus capacitance discharging into the Port 0 and Port 2 pin when these pins make 1-too transitions during bus operations. In the worst cases (capacitive loading > 100 pF), the noise pulse on the ALE line may exceed O.SV. In such cases it may be desirable to qualify ALE with a Schmitt Trigger, or use an address latch with a Schmitt Trigger STROBE input. 15-16 inter 8044AH/8344AH/8744H A.C. CHARACTERISTICS T A = O°C to + 70°C, VCC = 5V ± 10%, VSS = OV, Load Capacitance for Port 0, ALE, and PSEN Load Capacitance for All Other Outputs = 80 pF = 100 pF, EXTERNAL PROGRAM MEMORY CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter 12 MHzOsc Min Max Variable Clock 1/TCLCL = 3.5 MHz to 12 MHz Min Unit Max TLHLL ALE Pulse Width 127 2TCLCL·40 ns TAVLL Address Valid to ALE Low 43 TCLCL·40 ns TLLAX1 Address Hold After ALE Low 48 TCLCL·35 ns TLLlV ALE Low to Valid Instr in 8744H 8044AH/8344AH TLLPL ALE Low to PSEN Low TPLPH PSEN Pulse Width 8744H 8044AH/8344AH TPLIV 58 TCLCL·25 ns 190 215 3TCLCL·60 3TCLCL·35 ns ns PSEN Low to Valid Instr in 8744H 8044AH/8344AH TPXIX Input Instr Hold After PSEN TPXIZ2 Input Instr Float After PSEN TPXAV2 PSEN to Address Valid TAVIV Address to Valid Instr in 8744H 8044AH/8344AH TAZPL ns Address Float to PSEN 4TCLCL·150 4TCLCL·100 183 233 100 125 0 3TCLCL·150 3TCLCL·125 ns 0 63 75 TCLCL·20 TCLCL·8 267 302 -25 ns ns 5TCLCL·150 5TCLCL·115 -25 ns ns ns ns ns NOTES: 1. TLLAX for access to program memory is different from TLLAX for data memory. 2. Interfacing RUPI·44 devices with float times up to 75ns is permissible. This limited bus contention will not cause any damage to Port 0 drivers. 15·17 8044AH/8344AH/8744H EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Variable Clock 1/TCLCL = 3.5 MHz to 12 MHz 12 MHzOsc Parameter Min Max Min Unit Max RD Pulse Width 400 6TCLCL-100 ns TWLWH. WR Pulse Width 400 6TCLCL-100 ns 48 TCLCL-35 ns TRLRH TLLAX Address Hold after ALE TRLDV RD Low to Valid Data in TRHDX Data Hold After RD 5TCLCL-165 252 0 ns 0 ns TRHDZ Data Float After RD 97 2TCLCL-70 ns TLLDV ALE Low to Valid Data In 517 8TCLCL-150 ns 9TCLCL"165 ns 3TLCLCL+50 ns TAVDV Address to Valid Data In TLLWL ALE Low to RD or WR Low 200 TAVWL Address to RD or WR Low 203 4TCLCL-130 ns TQVWX Data Valid to WR Transi~ion 8744H 8044AH/8344AH 13 23 TCLCL-70 TCLCL-60 ns ns TOVWH Data Setup Before WR High 433 7TCLCL-150 ns TWHOX Data Held After WR 33 TCLCL-50 ns TRLAZ RD Low to Address Float TWHLH RD or WR High to ALE High 8744H 8044AH/8344AH 585 3TCLCL-50 300 25 33 43 TCLCL-50 TCLCL-40 133 123 25 ns TCLCL+50 TCLCL+50 ns ns NOTE: 1. TLLAX for access to program memory is different from TLLAX for access data memory. Serial Interface Characteristics Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit TDCY Data Clock 420 ns TDCL Data Clock Low 180 ns TDCH Data Clock High 100 ns tTD Transmit Data Delay tOSS Data Setup Time 40 ns tOHS Data Hold Time 40 ns 140 15-18 ns inter 8044AH/8344AH/8744H WAVEFORMS Memory Access PROGRAM MEMORY READ CYCLE ~-------------------------------TCV--------------------------~ ALE .}~---+---.-f--:-.j TPXAV PSEN INSTRIN A7-AD PORTO ADDRESS OR SFR-P2 PORT2 ADDRESS A1S-AS ADDRESS A 1S-AS 231663-8 DATA MEMORY READ CYCLE ~------"""" 1+------ TllDV------------~ TWHlH ALE PSEN TllWl RD ----------------~r_------------, ~~-----_+TRlRH------------~.__- - - - - TllAX TRHDX DATA IN A7-AO PORTO TRlAZ PORT2 ADDRESS OR SFR-P2 ADDRESS A1S-AS OR SFR-P2 231663-9 DATA MEMORY WRITE CYCLE TWHLH ALE ----------------4-----------~ 14-----------TWLWH------~--~~_____ TOVWH PORT2 TWHQX DATA OUT PORTO ADDRESS A1S-A8 OR SFR-P2 231663-10 15-19 inter- 8044AH/8344AH/8744H SERIAL 1/0 WAVEFORMS SYNCHRONOUS DATA TRANSMISSION 1-------,-----.;..- TDCy-------,----! - - - - " " " ' " " I-----TDCL--~ r-----~ SCLK I+--~TDCH--~ ' - - _ _ _ _ _.J "------ DATA TTD 231663-11 SYNCHRONOUS DATA RECEPTION 1--------'TDCy-------! - - - - - - - - , . I------,--TDCL - - - + l SCLK r------""" i+---TDCH - - + I DATA TDSS I-----'---TDHS-------+I 231663-12 15-20 intJ 8044AH/8344AH/8744H =x AC TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT, FLOAT WAVEFORMS r------------------------------, FLOAT INPUT/OUTPUT 2.4 0.45 20 2.0)<=. TEST POINTS -"0.:::.8_ _ _ _ _......::0::::..;.8 2.4 ~ 231663-13 AC testing inputs are driven at 2.4V for a Logic "1" and 0.45V for a Logic "0" Timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a Logic "1" and 0.8V for a Logic "0". j >-----FLOAT------- RBL). This state is executed until the closing flag is received. At the end of reception, if the FCS option is used, the closing flag and the FCSbytes will remain in the 3-byte FIFO. The contents of the RCB register are used to update the NSNR (Receive/Send Count) register. The SIU updates the STS register and sets the serial interrupt. 3.2 Transmit State Sequence Setting the RTS bit puts the SIU in the transmit mode .. When the CTS pin goes active, the byte processor goes into START-XMIT state. In this state the opening flag is moved into the RAM Buffer (RB) register. The byte processor jumps to the next state and goes into the standby mode. If the Pre-Frame Sync (PFS) option is selected, the PFSI and PFS2 states will be executed to transmit the two Pre-Frame Sync bytes (OOH or 55H). In these two states the contents of the Pre-Frame Sync generator are sent to the serial port while the Zero Insertion Circuit (ZID) is turned off. ZID is turned back on automaticallyon the next byte boundary. If the PFS option is not chosen, the byte processor jumps to the FLAG state. In this state, the byte processor moves the contents of TBS into the SRAR register, decrements TBL and moves the contents into the DCNT register. The byte 'processor turns off the ZID and turns on FCS GEN/CHK. The contents of FCS GEN/CHK are not transmitted unless the NFCS bit is 15-31 inter FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 SIUST STATE STATE PROCEDURE 01H ( FLAG J 01-1) 01-2) 01-3) 0104) OBH' ( ADDRESS ) OB-l) SR-TMP OB-2) (STAD)-RB OB-3) IF RB.NE.TMP AND FFH.NE.TMP THEI\I IDLE 08-4) IF NB=1 GOTO 10-2 10H ( CONTROL ) 10-1) SR-(RCB) 10-2) IF NFCS=1 GOTO 20-3 lBH ( PUSH-l ) 18-1) SR-(FIFOO) 18-2) PUSH 20H ( PUSH-2 ) 20-1) 20-2) 20-2) 20-4) 2BH ( DMA-LODP ) 28-1) IF END OF I-FIELD. THEN IDLE 28-2) (FIF02)-@SRAR 28-3) SR- (FIFOO) 28-4) INC. SRAR 28-5) PUSH 2B-6) DEC; (DCNT) 2B-7) INC. (RfL) 2B-8) IF NOT DMA BUFFER END. GOTO 2B-l 28-9) RCB)- RB 30H ( BOY-LOOP ) ~, ~ (RBS)-SRAR (RBL)-I-(DCNT) TURN ON FCS GEN/CHK IF POINT TO POINT MODE. GOTO 10-2 SR-(FIFOO) PUSH (RFL)-OOH IF DMA BUFFER END. GOTO 28-7 20-5) (RCB)-RB 30-1) SET BOY BIT (SRS.3) 30-2) (RCB)- RB 30-3) IF NOT END OF I-FIELD. GOTO 30-1 30-4) IDLE 292019-4 Figure 4. Receive State Diagram set. If a frame with the address field is chosen. it moves the contents of the STAD register into the RB register for transmission. At the same time. the opening flag is being transmitted by the bit processor. In the ADDRESS (SIUST = AOH) and CONTROL (SIUST = ASH) states, TCB and the first information byte are loaded into the RB register for transmission, respectively. Note that in the CONTROL state, none of the registers (e.g. DCNT, SRAR) are incremented, and ZID and FCS GEN/CHK are not turned on or off. The procedures in the DMA·LOOP state are similar to the procedures of the DMA·LOOP in the receive state diagram. The SRAR register pointer to the internal RAM is incremented, and the DCNT register is decremented. The contents of DCNT reach'zero when all the information bytes froni the transmit buffer are transmitted. A byte from RAM is moved to the RB register for transmission. This state is executed on the following byte' boundaries until all the information bytes are transmitted. ' The FCSI and the FCS2 states are executed to transmit the Frame Check Sequence bytes generated by the FCS generator, and the END-FLAG state is executed to transmit the closing flag. The XMIT-ACTION and the ABORT-ACTION states are executed by the byte processor to synchronize the SIU with the CPU clock. The XMIT"ACTION or the ABORT-ACTION state is repeated until the byte processor status is updated. At the end, the STS and the TMOD registers are updated. The two ABORT-SEQUENCE states (SIUST = EOH and SIUST = ESH) are executed only if transmission is aborted by the CPU (RTS or TBF bit of the STS register is cleared) or by the serial data link (CTS signal goes inactive or shut-off occurs in loop mode.) 15-32 FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 SIUST STATE STATE PROCEDURE 87H 88H 90H 98H B7-1) FLAG-- RB J ( B8-1) IF NO PFS (SMD.2=0). GOTO 98-1 'B8-2) XMIT A PFS BYTE BB-3) ZID OFF PFS2 I FLAG ) 90-1) XMIT A PFS BYTE 90-2) ZID OFF 9B-1) 98-2) 9B-3) 98-4) 98-5) (TBS)--SRAR ZID OFF (TBL)-I-- (DCNT) TURN ON ,CS GEN/CHK IF POINT TO POINT MODE. GOTO A8-1 98-6) (STAD)-- RB AOH AO-l) IF NB=1 GOTO A8-1 AO-2) IF AUTO MODE CTRL--RB AO-3) IF FLEXIBLE MODE (TCB)--RB A8H A8-1) IF DMA BUFFER END. GOTO BO-3 A8-2) @SRAR--RB BOH BO-1) INC. SRAR BO-2) DEC. DCNT BO-3) IF DMA BUFFER END AND NFCS=I. GOTO,CO-l BO-4) @SRAR--RB BO-5) GOTO BO-l BBH BB-l) NO ACTION COH CBH CB-1) ZID OFF DOH 00-1) REPEAT THIS STATE TILL SIU IS IN SYNC. WITH CPU. THEN IDLE. ZID OFF EOH EO-1) NO ACTION EBH EB-l) ZID OFF FOH ,0-1 ) REPEAT ni IS STATE TILL SIU IS IN SYNC. WITH CPU. THEN IDLE. ZID OFF Figure 5. Transmit State Diagram 15-33 292019-6 intJ FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 4.2 SIU Registers 4.0 TRANSMISSION/RECEPTION OF LONG FRAMES (EXPANDED· OPERATION) . In this application note, a frame whose information field is more than 192 bytes (size of on~chip RAM) is referred to as a long frame. The 8044 can access up to 64000 bytes of external RAM. Therefore, a long frame can have up to 64000 information bytes. 4.1 Description During transmission or reception of a frame, while the bit processor is processing a byte, the byte processor, after 16 CPU states, is in the standby mode, and the internal registers and the internal bus are not used .. The period between each byte boundary, when the byte processor is in the standby mode, can be used to move data from external RAM to one of the byte processor . registers for transmission and vice versa for receptioll. The contents of the SIUST register, which dictate the state of the byte processor, can be monitored to recognize the beginning of each SDLC field and the consecutive byte boundaries. To write into the SIUST register, the data must be complemented. For example, if you intend to write 18H into the SIUST register, you should write E7H to the register. The data read from SIUST is, however, true data (i.e. 18H). Read and write accesses to the SIUST, STAD, DCNT, RCB, RBL;· RFL, TCB, TBL, TBS, and the 3-byte FIFO registers are done on even and odd phases, respectively. Therefore, there is no bus contention when the CPU is monitoring the registers (e.g. SIUST), and SIU is simultaneously writing into them. There is no need to change or reset the contents of any SIU register while transmitting or receiving long frames, unless the. byte processor is forced to repeat a state in which the contents of theSe registers are modified. Note that the SRAR register can not be accessed by the CPU; therefore, avoid repeating the DMALOOP states. If SRAR increments to 192, the SIU will be interrupted and communication will be aborted. 4.3 Other Possibilities By writing into the SIUST register, the byte processor can be forced to repeat or skip a specific state. As an example, the SIU can be forced to repeatedly put the received bytes into the RCB register. This is. accom-· plished by writing E7H into the SIUST register when the byte processor goes into the standby mode. The byte processor, therefore, executes the CONTROL state at the next byte boundary. For transmission, the byte processor is put in the transmit mode. When transmission of a frame is initiated, the user program calls a subroutine in which the state of the byte processor is monitored by checking the contents of the SIUST register. When the byte processor reaches a desired state and goes into standby, the CPU loads the first byte of the internal RAM buffer with data and moves the byte processor to the CONTROL state. The routine is repeated for every byte. At the end, the program returns from the subroutine, and the SIU finishes its task (see application examples). For reception, a software routine is executed to move data to external RAM and to force the SIU to repeat the CONTROL state. The CONTROL state is repeated because, as shown in the receive state diagram, the only action taken by the byte processor, in the CONTROL state, is to move the contents ofSR to the RCB register. None of the registers (e.g. SRAR and DCNT) are incremented. A similar comment justifies the use of the CONTROL state for transmission. In the transmit CONTROL state, contents of a location in the on-chip RAM addressed by TBS is moved to RB for transmission. The internal RAM, in conjunction with an external buffer (RAM orFIFOs), can be used as a transmit and receive buffer. In other words, Expanded and Normal operation can be used together. For example, if a frame with 300 Information bytes is received and only 255 of them are moved to an external buffer, the remaining bytes (45 bytes) will be loaded into the internal RAM by the SIU (assuming RBL is set to 45 or more).· The contents of RFL indicate the number of bytes stored in the internal RAM. For transmission, the contents of the external buffer can be transmitted followed by the contents of the internal buffer. If the internal RAM is not used, contents of the RBL register can be 0 and contents of the TBL register must be set to 1. The contents of the TBS register can be any location in the internal RAM. The transmission and reception procedures for long frames with no FCS are similar to those with FCS. The exception is the contents of the SIUST register should be compared with· different values since the two FCS states of the transmit and receive flow charts are skipped by the byte processor. If a frame format with no control byte is chosen, a location in the RAM addressed by TBS should be used for transmission as with control byte format. The FIFO can be used for reception. The STAD register can be used for transmission if no zerq insertion is required. 15-34 inter FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 If the RUPI is used in Auto mode (see Section 5), it will still respond to RR, RNR, REJ, and Unnumbered Poll (UP) SDLC commands with RR or RNR automatically, without using any transmit routine. For ex.ample, if the on-chip CPU is busy performing some real time operations, the SIU can transmit an information frame from the internal buffer or transmit a supervisory frame without the help of CPU (Normal operation). Maximum data rate using this feature is limited primarily by the number of instructions needed to be executed during the standby mode. Transmission or reception of a frame can be timed out so that the CPU will not hang up in the transmit or receive procedures if a frame is aborted. Or, if the data rate allows enough time (standby time is long enough), the CPU can monitor the SIUST register for idle mode (SIUST = OIH). It is also possible to transmit multiple opening or clos- ing flags by forcing the byte processor to repeat the END-FLAG state. 4.4 Maximum Data Rate in Expanded Operation Assuming there is no zero-insertion/deletion, the bit processor requires eight serial clock periods to process one block of data. The byte processor, running on the CPU clock, processes one byte of data in 16 CPU states (one state of the state diagrams). Each CPU state is two oscillator periods. At an oscillator frequency of 12 MHz, the CPU clock is 6 MHz, and 16 CPU states is 2.7 /J-s. At a 3 Mbit rate with no zero-insertion/deletion, there is exactly enough time to execute one state per byte (16 states at 6 MHz = 8 bits at 3M baud). In other words, the standby time is zero. Figure 6 demonstrates portions of the timing relationship between the byte processor and the bit processor. In each state, the actions taken by the processors, plus the contents of the SIUST register, are shown. When the byte processor is running, the contents of SIUST are unknown. However, when it is in the standby mode, its contents are determinable. The maximum data rate for transmitting and receiving long frames depends on the number of instructions needed to be executed during standby, and is propor- STATE: BIP: ADDRESS X CRTL BYTE - :J< SR BYP: :J < 6i F 19 Al0 2-!.o WE ~ ',j, " ~" " L V , .~"" .. M _" A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 Al0 , m,. ~ 1 '.. '., '.. ~ ~ A4 A5 2 A6 -;- A7 -::.1.2 A8 Z _J --, • "11 ::a 00 ~ 5: In 00 '.. " "00,,,,, '" " " '.. '" en N In :e:::::j ::z:: -I . 04 05 06 07 '15 '16 '17 , 05 os ii7 ---4 ~ A9 ~ Al0 .2!.. All 20 OE L----~--~==_~18~ CE ~ l l " 15 " .. .. -. '" 01 '11 OO,,~ ~" ",,~ '" 4 A4 -'1 "', "'" "'J "00 ~ r .s - . •.. " A4 I .. STB I "' AM9128 Al '" "" '" M 00 . ~ AO " A3 M 17 WR' RO I 29 ~, ~ 828L....., 19 ,.. ""'" 3 -",,, "~"", ...--- :::I. :J: A01, -- ~, " () 00 ---, .;. '" ~. A07, !O DI - '." "''' -'" g» Cu 00 .!. '" " " . " " iiJ o:::I 00 ~'''' ~ "~,,. oo~ [= -'"'' ""'; '" """ ~ ~ ~ ,.Xl '"""i91 I" I" R2 c" '" t: ~".~ I 5 - ~ '~ ~, ADO-7 All - J 292019-11 ::z:: In CI) o "'"'"" inter FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 Main Routine First, the chip is initialized (see Figure 10). It is put in Flexible mode, externally clocked, and "Flag-Information Field-FCS-Flag" frame format. Pre-Frame Sync option (PFS = I) and automatic Frame Check Sequence generation/detection (NFCS = 0) are selected. The on-chip transmit buffer starts at location 20H and the transmit buffer length is set to 1. This one byte buffer contains the address of the secondary station. There is no on-chip receive buffer since the long frame being received is moved to the external buffer. The RTS, TBF, and RBE bits are set simultaneously. Setting the RTS and TBF bits causes the SIU to transmit the contents of the transmit buffer. tasks. After reception of the long frame, the SIU interrupt routine is executed again. This time, RTS, TBF, and RBE are set for another round of information exchange between the two stations. SIU never interrupts while reception or transmission is taking place. The SIU registers are updated and the SI is set (serial interrupt) after the closing flag has been received or transmitted. An SIU interrupt never occurs if the receive interrupt routine or the transmit subroutine is being executed. Setting the RBE bit of the STS register puts the RUPI in the receive mode. However, the jump to the receive interrupt routine occurs only when a frame appears on the serial port. Incoming frames can be detected using the Pre-Frame Sync. option and one of the CPU timers in counter mode. The counter external pin (TO) is connected to the data line (pin 11 is tied to pin 14). Setting the PFS (Pre-Frame Sync.) bit will guarantee 16 transitions before the opening' flag of a flame. 292019-12 Main Program Figure 10. Primary Station Flow Charts SIU Interrupt Routine After transmission of the frame, the SIU interrupts the on-chip CPU (SI is set). In the SIU interrupt service routine, counter 0 is initialized and turned on (see Figure 11). The user program returns to perform other 292019-13 SIU Interrupt Routine Figure 11. Primary Station Flow Charts 15-39 inter FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 The counter registers are initialized such that the counter interrupt occurs,before the opening flag of a frame. When the PFS transitions appear on the, data line, the counter overflows and interrupts the CPU., The CPU program jumps to the timer interrupt service routine and executes the receive routine. In the receive routine, the received frame, isprocessed,and the information bytes are moved to the external RAM. Note that the maximum count ni.te of the 8051 counter is '124 of the oscillator frequency. At 12 MHz, the data rate is limited to 500 Kbps. Another method to detect a frame on the data line and cause an interrupt is to use an external "Flag-Detect" circuit to interrupt the CPU. The "Flag Detect" circuit can be an 8-bit shift register plus some TTL chips. If this option is used, the RUPI must operate in externally clocked mode because the clock is ,needed to shift the incoming data into the shift register. With this option, the maximum data rate is ,not limited by the maximum count rate of the 8051 counter. , Receive Interrupt Routine In Normal operation, the byte processor executes the procedures of the FLAG state, jumps to the CONTROL state without going into the standby mode, and executes 10-2 procedure of the state (see Figure 4). It then jumps to the PUSH-l state and goes into the standby mode. At the following byte boundaries, the byte processor executes the PUSH-I, PUSH-2, and DMA-LOOP states, respectively. The receive interrupt routine as, shown iii the flow chart of Figure 12 and described below forces the byte processot'to repeatedly execute the CONTROL state before the PUSH-l state is executed. The following is the step by step procedure to receive long frames: 1) Turn off the CPU counter and save all the impor-, tant registers. Jump to the receive interrupt routine, execution of the instructions to save regIsters, and initialization of the receive buffer pointer take place while the Pre-Frame Sync bytes and the opening flag are being received. This is about three data byte periods (48 CPU cycles at 500 Kbps). 2) Monitor the SIUST register for standby in the PUSH-I state (SIUST = 18H). When the SIUST contents are 18H, the byte processor is waiting for the first information byte. The bit processor has already recognized the flag and is processing the first , information byte. 3) In the standby mode, move the byte processor into the CONTROL state by writing "EFH" (complement of 10H) into the SIUST register. When the next' byte boundary occurs, the bit processor has processed and moved a byte of data into the SR register. The byte processor moves the contents of SR into the RCB register, jumps to the PUSH-I state (SIUST ,;; 18H), and waits. 4) Monitor the SIUST register for standby in the PUSH-l state. When the contents of SIUST becomes 18H, the contents of RCB are the first information byte of the information field. 5) While the byte processor is in the standby mode, move the contents of RCB to an external RAM or an I/O port. 6) Check for the end of the information field. The end can be detected by knowing the number of bytes transmitted, or by having a unique character at the end of information field. The length of the information field can be loaded into the first byte(s) received. The receive routine can load this byte into the loop counter. , 7) If the byte receiv~ is not the last information byte, move the byte processor back to standby in the CONTROL state and repeat steps 4 through 6. Otherwise, return from the interrupt routine. Upon returning from the receive interrupt routine, the byte processor automatically executes the PUSH-I, PUSH-2, and DMA-LOOP before it stops. This causes the remaining information bytes (if any) to be stored in the internal RAM at the starting location specified by the contents of RBS register. At the end of the cycle, the closing flag and the CRC bytes are left in the FIFO. The RFL register will be incremented by the number of bytes stored in the internal RAM. Then, the STS and NSNR registers are updated, and an appropriate response is generated by the SIU. The software to perform the above task is given in Table 1. In this example, the number of ittstruction cycles executed during standby is 12 cycles. 15-40 FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 Receive Codes REC: WAIT1: NEXTI: WAIT2: END • • • Cycles • • • CLR MOV CJNE MOV MOV CJNE MOV MOVX INC DJNZ TRO A,#18H A, SIUST ,WAITl SIUST, #OEFH ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 A,#18H •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l A,SIUST,WAIT2 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 A,RCB •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 @DPTR,A ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 DPTR •••• .'•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 R5,NEXTI ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 RET!. 12 Cycles 6.1.4 SECONDARY STATION SOFTWARE The assembly code for the secondary station software is given in Appendix A. The secondary station contains the transmit subroutine which is called for transmission of long frames. Main Routine As shown in the secondary station flow chart (Figure 13), the external transmit buffer (external RAM) is loaded with the information data (FFH, FEH, FDH, ... ) at starting location 200H. The internal transmit buffer (ori chip RAM) starts at location 20H (TBS = 20H), and the transmit buffer length (TBL) is set to 1. The on-chip CPU, in the transmit subroutine, moves the information bytes from the external RAM to this one byte buffer for transmission. The receive buffer starts at location IOH and the receiver buffer length is 1. This buffer is used to buffer the frame transmitted by the primary. The received byte is used as an address byte. The Secondary is configured like the Primary station. It is put in Flexible mode, externally clocked, Point-topoint frame format. The PFS bit is set to transmit two bytes before the first flag of a frame. The RBE bit is set to put the chip in receive mode. Upon reception of a valid frame, the SIU loads the received information byte into the on-chip receive buffer and interrupts the CPU. SIU Interrupt Routine In the serial interrupt routine, the RBE bit is checked (see Figure 14). Since RBE is clear, a frame has been received. The received Information byte is compared with the contents of the Station Address (STAD) register. 292019-14 Receive Interrupt Routine Figure 12. Primary Station FI.ow Charts 15-41 intJ FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 = 1. FRAME XMlmD ADDRESS NOT MATCHED 292019-15 292019-16 Main Program SIU Interrupt Figure 13. Secondary Station Flow Charts Figure 14. Secondary Station Flow Charts If they match,thesecondary will call the transmit sub· routine to transmit the long frame. Upon returning from the transmit subroutine, the RBE bit is set, and program returns from the SIU interrupt. Mter trans· mission of the closing flag, sm interrupt occurs again. In the interrupt routine, the RBE is checked. Since the RBE is' set, the program returns from the SIU interrupt routine and waits until another long frame is received. While the bit processor is transmitting the first Pre· Frame Sync byte, the byte processor executes the PFS2 state and jumps to the standby mode in the FLAG state. The FLAG state is executed when the bit proces· sor begins to transmit the sec9nd Pre·Frame Sync byte. When the flag is being transmitted, the byte processor executes the 98-1, 98-2, 98-3, and 98-4 procedures of the FLAG state, and jumps to execute the A8-1 procedure of the CONTROL state. When the opening flag is transmitted, the contents of RB are the fttst information byte. (See transmit state diagram.) If the secondary were in Auto mode, the chip must be ready to execute the transmit routine upon reception of a poll·frame; otherwise, the chip automatically trans· mits the contents of the internal transmit buffer if the TBF bit is set, or transmits a supervisory command (RR or RNR) if TBF is clear. Transmit Subroutine In Normal operation the byte processor executes the START·TRANSMIT state and jumps to the PFSI state. While the bit processor is transmitting some un· wanted bits, the byte processor executes the PFSI state and jumps to the standby mode in the PFS2 state. In the transmit subroutine (see Figure 15), the byte processor is forced to repeat the CONTROL state before the DMA-LOOP state. In the CONTROL state, the contents of a RAM location addressed by the TBS . register are moved to the RB register. The following is the step by step procedure to transmit long frames: 1) Put the chip in transmit mode by setting the ins and TBF bits. 2) Move an information byte from external RAM to a location in the internal RAM addressed by the contents of TBS. 15-42 infef FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 3) Monitor the SIUST register for the standby mode in the DMA-LOOP state (SIVST = BOH). When SIUST is BOH, the opening flag has been transmitted, and the first information byte is being transmitted by the bit processor. 4) If there are more information bytes, move the byte processor back to the CONTROL state, and repeat steps 2 through 4. Otherwise, continue. 5) Move byte processor to the Standby mode in the CONTROL state (SIUST = ASH) and return from the subroutine. The byte processor automatically executes the remaining states to send the FCS bytes and the closing flag. After the completion of transmission, SIU updates the STS and NSNR registers and interrupts the CPU. If the contents of the TBL register were more than I, the SIV transmits (TBL)-I additional bytes from the internal RAM at starting address (TBS) + I because it executes the DMA-LOOP state (TBL) -I additional times. The byte processor should' not be programmed to skip the DMA-LOOP state, because the transmission of FCS bytes is enabled in this state. The maximum baud rate that can be used with these codes is calculated by adding the number of instruction cycles executed, during the standby mode, between each byte boundaries (see Table 2) . . Using Equation I, the maximum data rate, based on the transmit software, is 509 Kbps; However, the maximum count rate of the counter limits the data rate to 500 Kbps. 292019-17 Transmit Subroutine Figure 15. Secondary Station Flow Charts Table 2. Codes for Lon Frame Transmission Transmit Codes TRAN: LOOP: WAIT1: NEXTI: END • • • MOV MOV SETB SETB MOVX MOV MOV CJNE INC MOVX MOV DJNZ MOV RET MOV MOV JMP Cycles • • • DPTR.#200H R5. #OFFH TBF RTS A.@DPTR @Rl.A A. #OBOH A.SIUST.WAIT1 •••••••••••••••••••• 2 DPTR ••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••• 2 A,@DPTR ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 @Rl.A ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 R5,NEXTI ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 SIUST.#57H SIUST. #57H •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 A. #OBOH ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 WAITl •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 13 Cycles 15-43 inter FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 6.2 Multidrop Application Performance of long frame in addition to the features of the 8044 are described using a sUnple multidrop communication system in which three RUPIs, one as a master and the other two as secondary stations, transmit and receive ICing frames alternately (see Figure 16). All stations perform automatic Zero bit, insertion/dele- , tion, NRZI decoding/encoding, Frame Check Sequence (FCS) generation/detection, and on-chip clock recovery at a data rate of 375 Kbps. ' 'The primary and the secondary station's software code is giveri in Appendix B. These programs, for simplicity, assume only reception of information and supervisory frames. It is also assumed that the frames are received and transmitted in order: All stations use very similar transmit and receive routines. This code is written for standard SDLC frames (see Figure 7). 6.2.1 POLLING SEQUENCE The priinary station, in Flexible mode, transmits a long frame (for this example, 255 I-bytes), polls one of the secondary stations, and acknowledges a previously received frame simultaneously (see Figure 17). Both secondary stations, in Auto mode, detect the transmitted frame and check its address byte. One of the secondary stations receives the frame, stores the Iriformation bytes in an external RAM buffer, and transmits the same data back to the priinary. After reception of the frame, the primary polls and transmits a long frame to the other secondary station which will' respond with the same long frame. ' 6.2.2 HARDWARE The schematic of the secondary station hardware is shown in Figure 18. The primary station's hardware is similar to the secondary station's hardware. The exception is in secondary stations only, where the RTS signal is inverted and tied to the interrupt 0 input pin (INTO). In the primary station, RTS is tied to CTS. At each station, software codes are stored in' external EPROM (2732A). Static RAM (2Kx8) is used as external transmit/receive buffer. There is no hardware handshaking done between the stations, The serial clock is extracted from the data line using the on-chip phase locked loop. PRIMARY STATION SECONDARY STATION SECONDARY STATION 292019-18 Figure 16. SDLC Multidrop Application Example PRIMARY SECONDARY SECONDARY 292019-19 Figure 17. POlling Sequence Between the Primary and Secondary Stations 15-44 ~"~,IH,' 'U.... , ~ 1 ." ,~, 1 SJ ~ l-~."~400 1 ,. .. SWI "'II c ...iiJ ~ f ..... :J a. .... io U1 1\1 . l ...a. 00 m ' " ""'" ". '" - - ._.r ' ,~D ~ " ",~ .~, ~117 30 ~, " g=~, .. - - - - - -.. 1 ,.l, '-::::! SCLKOATA U • • II ~ rV ~ ''',,, ." J ",,~~ "" M M M " 'M '" ".. """ " '" " .. I' .. I'." ~ .. '" .. n " " t r- ~ !!! r- m~ ~:: ~ -." '-~A3'~ , :: AII "'11 m ~ 21 20 "I -" ", '.!. '" WE or - r J • A3 _ J z "'11 :tI ---, • " ::::::l'" ,.. I:: "' 0;.- 03 » s: m en N m :e:::j ::I: ~ iiJ ~~ ( 0 0" "0 0 'M " :: :: .:: !. '" STB "ro -:- " M '''''" -- 1111!J " ' ' ' ~~ ~"~ , '" • , M" At.l91280 0 " " ' .. '" " ' " I or ~, ~ .. ", "'" U1 '< rn :J :J: 1\1 .11 .... R2 iEi "" ~ ~" "'" '" -!c' '" """" ""• ~ """" "~ ' " "", " ., ~,,~, ~ ~"" ~ "'"~ "'~ '" "".. ~...; '" '" " .. 'I' - = ~'M'" ~~ ~~ - ~ ~""" ". '" .., ~ I ,;" AOO-7 M A5 I A6 I A7 A8. ~ ~ 1 2 22 -::- A4 04 I 15 A5 A6 A7 A8 05 I 16 06 I 17 07 rA9 ~A9 AIO ...2.9 AIO All 21 All ii5 ii6 D7 --111 20 or L---------------===-~1~8 CE V L J 292019-20 ~ ::I: m co o ./:100 ./:100 infef FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 .6.2.3 PRIMARY SOFTWARE Main Routine, During initialization (see Figure 19), the 8044 is set to Flexible mode, internally clocked at 375 Kbps, and configured to handle standard SDLC frames. The onchip receive and transmit buffer starting addresses and lengths are selected. The external transmit buffer is chosen from physical location 200H to location 2FFH (255 bytes). The external transmit buffer' (external RAM) is loaded with data (FFH, FEH, FDH, FCH, ... OOH). Timer 0 is put in counter mode and set to priority I. The counter register (TLO) is loaded such that interrupt occurs after 8 transitions on the data line. The Pre-Frame Sync option (setting bit 2 of the SMD register) is selected to guarantee at least 16 transitions before the opening flag of a frame. The station address register (STAD) is loaded with address of one of the secondary stations. The RTS, TBF, and RBE bits of the STS register are simultaneously set and a call to the transmit routine follows. The transmit routine transmits the contents of the external transmit buffer. At the end of transmission, RTS and TBF are cleared by the SIU, and SIU interrupt occurs. In Flexible mode, SIU interrupt occurs after every transmission or reception of a frame. SIU Interrupt Routine In the SIU interrupt service routine (see Figure 20), SI is cleared and the RBE bit is checked. If RBE is set, a long frame has been transmitted. The first time through the SIU interrupt service routine, the RBE test indicates a long frame has been transmitted to one of the secondary stations. Therefore, the Counter is initialized =1. FRAME XMITTED 292019-22 292019-21 Main Program SIU Interrupt Figure 19. Primary Station Flow Charts Figure 20. Prirriary Station Flow Charts 15-46 inter FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 and turned on. The program returns from the interrupt routine before a frame appears on the communication channel. When a frame appears on the communication line, counter interrupt occurs and the receive routine is executed to move the incoming bytes into the external RAM. After reception of the frame and return from the receive routine, SIU interrupt occurs again. In the SIU interrupt routine, RBE is checked. Since the RBE bit is clear, a frame has been received. Therefore, the appropriate NS and NR counters are incremented and loaded into the TCB register (two pairs of internal RAM bytes keep track of NS and NR counts for the two secondary stations). Transmission of a frame to the next secondary station is enabled' by setting the RTS and the TBF bits. The chip is also put in receive mode (RBE set), and a call to transmit routine is made. After transmission, SIU interrupt occurs again, and the process continues. 6.2.4 SECONDARY SOFTWARE Main Routine Both secondary stations have idep.tical software (Appendix B). The only differences are the station addresses. Contents of the STAD register are 55H for one station and 44H for the other. SET UP ~XTERNAL AND INTERNAL TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE BUFFERS The secondary is configured to transmit an Information frame every time it is polled. The RTS pin is inverted and tied to INTI pin. External interrupt 1 is enabled and set to interrupt on low to high transition of the RTS signal. This will cause an interrupt (EXI set) after a frame is transmitted. In the interrupt routine the CTS pin is cleared to prevent any automatic response from the secondary. If the CTS pin were not disabled, the secondary station would respond with a supervisory frame (RNR) since the TBF is set to zero by the SIU due to the acknowledge. In the SIU interrupt routine, the CTS pin is cleared after the TBF bit is set. If this option is not used, the primary should acknowledge the previously received frame and poll for the next frame in two separate transmissions. SIU Interrupt Routine When a frame is received, counter 0 iiIterrupt occurs and the receive routine is executed (see Figure 22). If the incoming frame is addressed to the station, the information bytes are stored in external RAM; Otherwise, the program returns from the receive routine to perform other tasks. At the end of the frame, SIU interrupt occurs. In Auto mode, SIU interrupt occurs whenever an Information frame or a supervisory frame is received. Transmission will not cause an interrupt. In the SIU interrupt service routine, the AM bit of the STS is checked. If AM bit is set, the interrupt is due to a frame whose address did not match with the address of the station. In this case, NFCS, AM, and the BOY bits are cleared, the RBE bit is set, the counter 0 is initialized and turned on, and program returns from the interrupt routine. If AM bit is not set, a valid frame has been received and stored in the external RAM. TBF bit is set, CTS pin is activated, counter 0 is disabled and a call to transmit routine is made which transmits the contents of external transmit buffer. This frame also acknowledges the reception of the previously received frame (NS and NR are automatically incremented). Upon return from the transmit routine RBE is set and counter 0 is turned on, thereby putting the chip in the receive mode for another round of data exchange with the primary. 292019-23 Main Program Figure 21. Secondary Station Flow Charts During initialization, the chip is set to Auto mode, standard SDLC frame, and internally clocked at 375 Kbps (see Figure 21). Internal buffer registers: RBS, RBL, TBS, and TBL are initialized. The RBE bit is set and the counter·.O is turned on. Note that, if the second station is in receive mode, and the counter is enabled and turned on, the CPU will be interrupted each time a frame is on the communication channel. If the frame is not addressed to the secondary station, the chip enters the receive routine, executes only a few lines of code (address comparison) and returns to perform other tasks. This interrupt will not occupy the CPU for more than two data byte periods (43 microseconds at 375 Kbps). At the end of the frame, the BOY bit is set by the SIU, and the SIU interrupt occurs. In the SIU interrupt service routine, 15-47 inter FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 In tp.e receive interrupt service routine (see Figure 23), counter 0 is turned off, important registers ·are saved, receive buffer starting address and receive buffer length of the external RAM are set (do not confuse the external RAM settings with that of the internal RAM buffer.) After reception of.an opening flag, the byte processor jumps to the ADDRESS state and waits until the bit processor processes and moves the receiving address byte to SR. Then, the byte processor is triggered to execute the state. In the secondary stations, the CPU monitors the SIUST register for the ADDRESS state (SIUST = OSH). When the ADDRESS state is reached, the byte processor is moved to the next state (CONTROL state), and the ADDRESS state is skipped. Therefore, when the address byte is moved to SR, the byte processor executes the CONTROL state rather than the ADDRESS state and then jumps to the PUSH-l state. The execution of the CONTROL state causes the contents of SR (the received address byte) to be loaded into the RCB register. =I, ADDRESS MATCHED The CPU cheCks the contents of RCB with the contents of the STAD (Station Address) register. If they match, the receive routine continues to store the received Information bytes in the external RAM buffer; Otherwise, the byte processor is moved to the very last state (BOY-LOOP); and the program returns from the routine to perform other tasks. The byte processor executes the BOY-LOOP state in each byte boundary until the closing flag of the frame is reached. It then sets the BOY bit and interrupts the CPU (serial interrupt SI set). In the serial interrupt routine the counter 0 is turned back on, and the station is reset back. to the receive mode (RBE set). 292019-24 SIU Interrupt Figure 22. Secondary Station Flow Charts the RBE bit is set and the counter is turned on which put the chip back in the receive mode. 6.2.5 RECEIVE INTERRUPT ROUTINE Assembly code for the receive interrUpt routine can be found in both primary and secondary software (Appendix B). The receive interrupt routine of the primary station is very similar to that of the primary station in example 1. In the following two sections the receive and transmit routine of the secondary stations are discussed. In Normal operation, in the ADDRESS state, the received address byte is automatically compared with the station address. If they match, the byte processor executes the remaining states; otherwise, the byte proces- . sor goes into the idle mode (SIUST = OIH) and waits for the opening flag of the next frame. In the expanded operation, this state is skipped to avoid idle mode. If the byte processor went into the idle mode, clocks which run the byte processor would be turned off, and the byte processor can not be moved to any other states by the CPU. When the byte processor is in idle mode, counter 0 can not be turned on immediately because counter interrupt occurs on the same frame, and program returns to the receive routine and stays there. If the address byte matches the station address, the byte processor is moved to the CONTROL state again. This time, after execution of the CONTROL state the contents of RCB are the received control byte. . CPU investigates the type of received frame by checking the received control byte. If the receiving frame is not an information frame (i.e. Supervisory frame), execution of receive routine will be terminated to free the 15-48 ( "11 ci c iil ,~, ",,,-,m ,~'". SET BOV ~ SET SI "TI r- m >< SUP-REeVED m r= I\) ~ :II =i < Z 1\1 n 1\1 <" 1\1 "TI ::!l ..... 0::e ~ CD :lI ~ 3: 0 m ..:T rJ) II) N m 'iii 1\1 n 0 =i == ~ ..a. ::t -t ::t DI -- '< 1/1 m DI 011 0' Q ".. ".. .2- 292019-25 inter FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 CPU. In Auto mode, the SIU checks the control byte and responds automatically in response to the supervisory frame. After the control byte is received, it is saved in the stack. The byte processor is moved to the CONTROL state so that the next incoming byte will also be loaded into the RCB register. The byte processor remains in CONTROL state until a byte is processed by the bit processor and moved to SR. The byte processor is then triggered to move the contents of SR to the RCB register. The CPU monitors SIUST and waits until the first Information byte is loaded into the RCB register. When byte processor reaches the PUSH-I state (SIUST = ISH), RCB contains the first Information byte. The byte is moved to external RAM (receive buffer), and the byte processor is moved back to the CONTROL state. The process continues until all of the Information bytes are received. When all the Information bytes are received, the program returns from the routine. The byte processor automatically goes through the remaining states, updates the STS register, and interrupts the CPU as it would in Normal operation. 6.2.6 TRANSMIT SUBROUTINE The transmit subroutine codes can be found in the primary and the secondary software (Appendix B). The transmit subroutines of the Primary and secondary sta-, tions are identical. A call to transmit routine is made when the R TS and TBF bits of the STS register are set. In Auto mode, RTS is set automatically upon reception of a poll-frame (poll bit of the control byte is set). In the transmit routine (see Figure 15), the starting address and the transmit buffer length of the external buffer are set. Then the CPU moiritors the SIUST register for CONTROL state (SIUST = ASH). In the CONTROL' state the bit processor transmits the control byte, while the byte processor goes into the standby mode after it has moved the contents of a location in the internal RAM addressed by the contents of Transmit Buffer Start (TBS) register to the RB register. While the control byte is being transmitted' and the byte processor is in standby, the CPU moves an Information byte from external RAM to the internal RAM location addressed by TBS. The byte processor is then moved to CONTROL state. This will cause the byte processor, in the next byte boundary, to move the contents of the same location in the internal RAM to the RB register (see transmit state diagram.) When this byte is being transmitted, the byte processor jumps to the DMA-LOOP state (SIUST = BaH) and waits. When the DMA-LOOP state is reached (CPU monitors SIUST for BOH), the CPU loads the next Information byte into the same location -in the internal RAM and moves the byte processor to the CONTROL state before it gets to execute the DMA-LOOP state. Note that the same location in the internal RAM is used to transmit the subsequent Information bytes. When all the Information bytes from the external RAM are transmitted, the byte processor is free to go through the remaining states so that it will transmit the FCS bytes and the closing flag. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS The RUPI, with addition of only a few bytes of code, can accept and transmit large frames with some compromise in the maximum data rate. It can be used in Auto or Flexible mode, with external or internal clock, ing, automatic CRe checking, and zero bit insertion/ deletion. In addition, almost all of the internal RAM is available to be used as general purpose registers, or in conjunction with the external RAM as transmit and receive buffers. All in all, this feature opens up new areas of applications for this device. Besides transmitting/receiving long frames, it may now be possible to perform arithmetic operations or bit manipulation (e.g. data scrambling) while transmission or reception is taking place, resulting in high throughput. Transmission of continuous flags and transmission with no zero insertion are also possible. In addition to unlimited frame size, an on-chip controller, automatic SDLC responses, full support of SDLC protocol, 192 bytes of internal RAM, and the highest data rate in self clocked mode compared to other chips make this product very attractive. ' 15-50 inter FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 APPENDIX A LISTING OF SOFTWARE MODULES FOR APPLICATION EXAMPLE 1 $DEBUG NOMOD5l. $INCLUDE (REG44.PDF) ASSEMBLY CODE FOR PRIMARY STATION (POINT TO POINT) FLEXIBLE MODE; FCS OPTION ORG SJMP ORG JMP ORG SJMP DOH INIT OBH REC 23H SIINT LOCATIONS 00 THRU 26H ARE USED BY INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINES. VECTOR ADDRESS FOR TlMERO INT. VECTOR ADDRESS FOR SIU INT. ; •• ***.*************** INITIALIZATION **** ••• ** ••••• ***.*** ••••• INIT: DOT: ORG MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV SJMP 26H SMD, '00000110B TBS,#20H TBL,tOlH 20H,#55H THOD,'OOOOOlUB IE,nOOlOOl.OB STS,#l.ll.OOOOOB DOT EXT CLOCK; PFS=NB~l INT TRANSMIT BUFFER START INT TRANSMIT BUFFER LENGTH STATION ADDRESS COUNTER FUNCTION; MODE EA=l; SI=l.; ETO=l TRANSMIT A FRAME WAIT FOR AN INTERRUPT SIU TRANSMITS THE PFS BYTES, THE OPENNING FLAG, THE CONTENTS OF LOCATION 20H, THE CALCULATED FCS-BYTES, AND THE CLOSING FLAG. AT THE END OF TRANSMISSION, SIU INTERRUPT OCCURS. ;************* SERIAL CHANNEL INTERRUPT ROUTINE *.*.* •• *******.* SIINT: CLR 81 JNB RaE,RECVED TRANSMITTED A FRAME ? MOV TLO,'OF8H YES, INITIALIZE COUNTER REGISTER MOV DPTR,'200H EXT RAM RECEIVE BUFFER START MOV R5,'OFFH EXT RAM RECEIVE BUFFER LENGTH SETS TRO TURN ON COUNTER 0 RETI RETURN WHEN A FRAME APPEARS ON THE SERIAL CHANNEL, COUNTER (RECEIVE) INTERRUPT OCCURS. AFTER SERVICING THE INTERRUPT ROUTINE, SID INTERRUPT OCCURS. RECVED: MOV RETI STS, 'l.ll.OOOOOB 292019-28 TRANSMIT A FRAME RETURN ,.*************** RECEIVE INTERRUPT ROUTINE .*****.************* REC: WAITl: NEXTI: WAIT2: END TRO A,U8H A, SIUST, WAITl MOV SIUST, 'OEFH . MOV A,U8H CJNE A, SIUST, WAIT2 MOV A,Res MOVX @DPTR,A INC DPTR DJNZ R5,NEXTI RETI .CLR MOV CJNE DISABLE THE COUNTER 0 INTERRUPT PUSH-l STATE MOVE BYP TO CONTROL STATE PUSH-l STATE MOVE RECEIVED BYTE INTO ACC. MOVE DATA TO EXT. RAM INCREMENT POINTER TO EXT RAM LAST BYTE RECEIVED? YES, RETURN 292019-29 15-51 inter FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 $DEBUG NOMOD51 $INCLUDE (REG44.PDF) ASSEMBLY CODE FOR SECONDARY STATION (POINT TO POINT) FLEXIBLE MODEl FCS OPTION ORG SJIIP ORG SJIIP OOH INIT 23H SIINT ,*.t ••••••••••••• ORG INIT: MOV MOV LDRAM: MOV MOVX INC DJNZ ; VECTOR ADDRESS FOR SIU INT. tpAD TRANSMIT BUFFER WITH DATA 26H DPTR,#200H R3,tOFFH A,R3 @DPTR,A DPTR R3,LDRAM EXT RAM XHIT BUFFER START EXT RAM XHIT BUFFER LENGHT LOAD EXT BUFFER WITH FFH,FEH, ••• INCREMENT POINTER ;**** •• *************INITIALIZATION DOT: HOV HOV MOV MOV MOV MOV HOV MOV MOV MOV HOV SJHP .t.t ••••••••• SHU,IOOOOOllOB Rl,#lOH TBS,Rl TBL,f01H RBS,t20H RBL,fOlH STAD,USH TCON,tOOH IE,U0010000B IP,fOFFH STS,f01000000B *tttt •••••••••• * ••••••••••• EXT CLOCK; PFS=lIB=l INT RAM XHIT BUFFER START INT RAM XHIT BUFFER LENGTH INT RAM RECEIVE BUFFER START INT RAM RECEIVE BUFFER LENGTH STAD ADDRESS=55H RESET TCON REGISTER ENABLE SI INT. IEA=l ALL INTERRUPTS I PRIORITY 1 RBE-l, RECEIVE A FRAME. WAIT FOR AN INTERRUPT DOT I SIU INTERRUPT OCCURS AT THE END OF A RECEIVED FRAME OR ; A TRANSMITTED FRAME. ,******* ••• ***** SERIAL CHANNEL INTERRUPT ROUTINE SI RBE, RETlIN HOV A,STAD CJNE A,20H,NKACH ACALL TRAN tttttIA ••••• 292019-30 SIINT: CLR JB RECEIVED A FRAME? YES STATION ADDRESS MATCHED? YES, CALL TRANSMIT SUBROUTINE TRANSMIT SUBROUTINE IS CALLED TO TRANSMIT A LONG FRAME. AFTER TRANSMISSION, ,51 IS SET. SIU INTERRRUPT IS SERVICED AFTER THE CURRENT ROUTINE (SIINT) IS COMPLETED. NKACH: SETB RETlIN: RETI RBE ; RBE~l, RECEIVE A FRAME ; RETURN ;.t •• t.A ••••••• TRANSMIT SUBROUTINE *ttttIA ••••••••••••••••••• TRAN: HOV MOV SETB . SETB LOOP: MOVX MOV MOV WAIT1: CJNE INC DJNZ MOVX HOV HOV DPTR,f200H RS,tOFFH TBF RTS A,@DPTR @Rl,A A,fOBOH A,SIUST,WAITl DPTR RS,NEXTI A,@DPTR @Rl,A SroST"S7H RET NEXTI: MOV JIIP END SIUST,'S7H LOOP EXT RAM RECEIVE BUFFER START EXT RAM RECEIVE BUFFER LENGTH SET TRANSMIT BUFFER FULL ENABLE XHISSION OF AN I-FRAME MOVE THE 1ST I-BYTE INTO ACC. THEN, MOVE TO INT. RAM @ (TBS) DKA-LOOP STATE WAIT FOR XHISSION OF AN I-FRAME INCREMENT POINTER TO EXT. RAM ALL BYTES XHITTED? YES, EXCEPT THE LAST BYTE. MOVE DATA INTO INT. RAM I! (TBS) MOVE BYP TO CONTROL STATE THE SIU TRANSMITS THE FCS-BYTES AND THE CLOSING FLAG. RETURN MOVE BYP TO CONTROL STATE (ASH). TRANSMIT THE NEXT BYTE 292019-31 15-52 inter FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 APPENDIX B LISTING OF SOFTWARE MODULES FOR APPLICATION EXAMPLE 2 $DEBUG NOMODSl $INCLUDE (REG44.PDF) ASSEMBLY CODE FOR PRIMARY STATION (MULTIPOINT) FLEXIBLE MODE; FCS OPTION ORG SJMP ORG JMP ORG SJMP OOH INIT OBH REC 23H SlINT LOCATIONS 00 THRU 26H ARE USED BY INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINES. VECTOR ADDRESS FOR TlMERO INT. VECTOR ADDRESS FOR SIU INT. ,******** •• ****** LOAD TRANSMIT BUFFER WITH DATA ••• ********* ORG MOV MOV LDRAM: MOV MOVX INC DJNZ INIT: 26H DPTR, f200H R3,#OFFH A,R3 @DPTR,A DPTR R3, LDRAM EXT RAM XMIT BUFFER START EXT RAM XMIT BUFFER LENGHT LOAD BUFFER WITH FFH,FEH, ••• OO INCREMENT POINTER ;********************* INITIALIZATION ******.*** •• **** •••• **. LOOP: MOV MOV· MOV DEC CJNE RO,#OBFH A,tOOH @RO,A RO RO,#4oH,LOOP PUT ZEROS INTO INT. RAM FROM BFH TO 40H. MOVE 0 INTO RAM ADDRESSD BY RO MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV KOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV 30H, 'OOH 31H, 'OOH 32H, #OFFH 33H, #OFFH 34H, 'OlH SMD,#llOlOlOOB RBS,flOH RBI., 'OOH Rl,#20H TBS,Rl TBL, 'OlH NSNR, 'OOH THOD,#OOOOOlllB TCON,jOOH IE,#lOOlOOlOB IP,#OOOOOOlOB TCB,#OOOlOOOOB STAD, #SSH STS,tlllOOOOOB NS COUNTER FOR STAD=SS NR COUNTER FOR STAD=SS NS. COUNTER FOR STAD=44 NR COUNTER FOR STAD~44 PONITER TO SECONDARY STATIONS INT. CLKED @ 37SK; NRZI=l; PFS=l INT. RAM RECEIVE BUFFER STAR~lOH INT. RAM RECEIVE BUFFER LENGTH=O INT. RAM XMIT BUFFER START-20H 292019-32 INT. RAM XMIT BUFFER LENGTH=l NS=NR=O COUNTER FUNCTION, MODE 3 EA-l; SI=ll ETO-i TIMER 0 INT. PRIORITY 1 I-FRAME W/POLL ADDRESS BYTE=SSH RBE=TBF-RTS=l TRANSMIT A LONG FRAME WITH POLL BIT SET, WAIT FOR.A RESPONSE. DOT: ACALL TRAM SJMP DOT CALL TRANSMIT ROUTINE WAIT FOR AN INTERRUPT 15-53 292019-33 inter FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 ;************* SERIAL INTERRUPT ROU~INE *****************.*.* SIINT: SKIP: CLR JB MOV JB MOV CJNE MOV INC ANL MOV MOV INC ANL MOV RL RL RL RL ORL RL ORL MOV MOV MOV JMP MOV INC ANL MOV MOV INC ANL MOV RL RL RL RL ORL RL ORL MOV SI RBE, RETl1RII A,RCB ACC.O,GETI A,f01H A,34H,SKIP A,30H A A, #00000111B 30H,A A,.3lH A A, #00000111B 31H,A A A A A A,30H A A,.00010000B TeStA CLEAR SI RECEIVED A FRAME ?' YES, LOAD ACC WITH REC CNTRL BYTE IS IT AN I-FRAME ? YES MOVE NS INTO INCREMENT NS MASK OUT THE SAVE NS MOVE NR INTO INCREMENT NR MASK OUT THE SAVE NR SHIFT 4 BITS ACC. LEAST 3 SIG. BITS ACC. LEAST SIG. BITS TO LEFT MOVE NS COUNT TO ACC. SHIFT 1 BIT TO LEFT SET THE POLL BIT MOVE CONTROL BY'l'E INTO TCB REG. 'lCB: NR2,HRl,NRO,1,HS2,NS1,NSO,O STAD"SSH 34H,foOH GETI A,32H A A, '00000111B 32H,A A,33H A A, #OOOOOll1B 33H,A A A A A A,33R A A,'OOO10000B TCB,A 292019-34 I MOVE NS INTO ACC. INCREMENT NS MASK OUT THE SAVE NS MOVE NR INTO INCREMENT NR MASK OUT THE SAVE NR SHIFT 4 BITS LEAST 3 SIG. BITS ACC. LEAST SIG. BITS TO LEFT MOVE NS COUNT TO ACC. SRIFT 1 BIT TO LEFT SET THE POLL BIT MOVE CONTROL BYTE INTO TCB TeB: NR2,NR1,NRO,1,NS2,HSl,NSO,O MOV MOV GETI: MOV ACALL RETI RETl1RII: CLR MOV SETB SETB RETI STAD,#44R 34R,#01R STS, '11100000B TRAN EA TLO,IOFBR TRO EA WAIT1: NEXTI: WAIT2: CLR MOV MOV MOV CJNE PUSH MOV MOV CJNE MOV MOVX INC DJNZ POP RETI RECEIVE INTERRUPT ROUTINE TRO DPTR,#400H RS,foFFH A,U8H A,SIUST,WAITl RCB SIUST, 'OEFH A,U8H A, SIUST, WAIT2 A,RCB @DPTR,A DPTR RS,NEXTI RCB ,* ••• *******.*** •• TRAN: WA:IT: NXTI: MOV MOV MOV CJNE MOVX MOV INC DJNZ MOV RET MOV MOV JMP DISABLE ALL INTERRUPTS INTERRUPT AFTER 8 COUNTS Tl1RII ON COUNTER 0 292019-35 ;.*****.**** ••• REC: ENABLE TRANSMISSION CALL TRANSMIT ROUTINE ° Tl1RII OFF COUNTER EXT. RAM RECEIVE BUFFER START EXT. RAM RECEIVE BUFFER LENGTH PUSH-l STATE WAIT FOR THE CONTROL BY'l'E SAVE RECEIVE CONTROL BYTE PUSH "BYP" INTO CONTROL STATE (lOB) • PUSR-l STATE WAIT FOR AN I-BYTE MOVE RECEIVED I-BYTE INTO ACC. MOVE DATA TO EXT. RAM, INCREMENT PTR TO EXTERNAL RAM IS IT THE LAST I-BYTE? YES, RESTORE THE CONTENTS OF RCB I RETl1RII TRANSMIT SUBROUTINE DPTR,#200R RS,#OFFH A,loASH A,SIUST,WAIT A,@DPTR @Rl,A DPTR RS,NXTI S:IUST,#57H S:IUST,#S7H A,.OBOH WAIT ********.*.*.**.*.* *************.**** •• ** EXT. RAM TRANSMIT BUFFER START EXT. RAM TRANSMIT BUFFER LENGTH CONTROL STATE WA:IT FOR CTRL BY'l'E XMISS:ION MOVE DATA FROM EXT. RAM TO Ace. MOVE DATA INTO :INT. RAM @ (TBS) INCREMENT POINTER IS :IT THE LAST :I-BYTE ? NO.' XMIT THE LAST I-BYTE RETl1RII. KEEP "BYP" IN CONTROL STATE(A8H). I DMA-LOOP STATE TRANSM:IT THE NEXT BYTE END 292019-36 15-54 FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 $DEBUG NOHODSl $INCLUDE (REG44. PDF) ASSEMBLY CODE FOR SECONDARY STATIONS (MULTIPOINT) AUTO MODE; FCS OPTION ORG OOH SJHP INIT ORG OBH REC JHP ORG 13H XINTl JHP 'ORG 23H SIINT JHP VECTOR ADDRESS FOR TlHERO INT. VECTOR ADDRESS FOR EXT. INT. 1 VECTOR ADDRESS FOR SIU INTERRUPT ,********········***INITIALIZATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• INIT: ORG MOV HOV 26H SMD,U1010100B STAD,'SSH MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV RDS,UOH RBL, 'OOH Rl,#20H TBS,Rl TBL, 'OlH NSNR,tOOH TCON,#OOOOOlOOB IE,'OOOlOllOB IP"OOOOOOlOB THOD,#OOOOOllB STS,t01000010B TLO"OF8H INT. CLKED @ 375KINRZI-l;PFS-l STATION ADDRESS; STAD-44H FOR THE OTHER STATION INT. RAN RECEIVE BUFFER START INT. RAN RECEIVE BUFFER LENGTH INT. RAN XKIT BUFFER START INT. RAN XKIT BUFFER LENGTH NS~NR-O EXT. INT.: EDGE TRIGGERED SI~l; ETO~l; EXO=l TlHER 0: PRIORITY 1 COUNTER FUNCTION: MODE RECEIVE I-FRAME. SET COUNTER TO OVERFLOW AFTER B COUNTS 5ETB TRO TURN ON COUNTER SETB EA I ENABLE ALL INTERRUPTS DOT: SJHP DOT I WAIT FOR AN INTERRUPT. I CPU IS INTERRUPTED AT THE END OF RECEPTION (51 SET), AND AT. ; THE END OF LONG-FRAME TRANSMISSION (EXO SET). 292019-37 • ,****** •• *******EXTERNAL XINT1: SETB INTERRUPT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Pl. 7 ; DISABLE CTS PIN RETI ; RETURN. ;•• *•••••••••••• SIINT: SERIAL INTERRUPT ROUTINE •••••••••••••••••••• JB SI AM,HOP CLR EA CLR MOV ~OV SETB SETS STS,#OlOOOOlOB TLO,#OF8H TRO EA RETI ; HOP: GETI.: JB TBF,GETI SETB TBF CLR Pl.7 ACALL TRAN JB RBE,RETURN CLR SETB MOV SETB SETB RETURN: RETI EA RBE TLO, ,OF8H THO EA ,*.* •••••••••••••• TRAN: WAIT: MOV MOV MOV CJNE MOVX MOV INC NXTI: MOV RET MOV MOV JHP DJNZ ADDRESS MATCHED? DISABLE ALL INTERRUPTS RBE-l; NB=l TURN ON COUNTER 0 ENABLE ALL INTERRUPTS RETURN. A FRAME TRANSMITTED? ENABLE TRANSMISSION OF I-FRAME ENABLE CTS PIN CALL TRANSMIT ROUTINE A FRAME RECEIVED? DISABLE ALL INTERRUPTS PUT RUPI IN RECEIVE MODE TURN ON COUNTER 0 ENABLE ALL INTERRUPTS RETURN. TRANSMIT SUBROUTINE DPTH,UOOH RS"OFFH A"OABH A,SIUST,WAIT A,@DPTR @Rl,A DPTH RS,NXTI SIUST, '57H SIUST,157H A,'OBOH WAIT *.* •••••••••••••••••••• EXT. RAN TRANSMIT BUFFER START EXT. RAN TRANSMIT BUFFER LENGTH CONTHOL STATE WAIT FOR CONTROL BYTE TRANSMISSION MOVE DATA FROM EXT. RAN TO ACC. MOVE DATA INTO INT. RAN AT @TDS INCREMENT POINTER IS IT THE LAST I-BYTE ? XMIT THE LAST I-BYTE RETURN. KEEP "BYP" 'IN CONTROL STATE DHA-LOOP STATE TRANSMIT THE NEXT BYTE 15-55 292019-38 292019-39 FLEXIBILITY IN FRAME SIZE WITH THE 8044 ,**********RECEIVE INTERRUPT ROUTINE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• REC, HOLD, WAITl, WAIT2, CLR TaO MOV MOV MOV CJNE MOV DPTR,f200H RS,#OFFH A,I08H A,SIUST,HOLD SIUST,tOEFH MOV CJNE MOV CJNE SJMP MOV MOV RETI A,fl8H A,SIUST,WAITl A,RCB A,STAD,WAIT2 WAIT3 RCB,'OOOlOOOOB SIUST,foCFH MOV MOV CJNE MOV SIUST,'OEFH A,#l8H A,SIUST,WAIT4 A,RCB ACC.O,RTRN RCB SlUST,'OEFH A,#l8H A,SIUST,WAIT5 A,RCB @DPTR,A DPTR R5,NEXTl RCB ; WAIT3' WAIT4, JB WAIT5, PUSH MOV MOV CJNE MOV MOVX INC RTRN, END RETI NEXTI, DJNZ POP TURN OFF COUNTER 0 EXT. RAM RECEIVE BUFFER START EXT. RAM RECEIVE' BUFFER LENGTH ADDRESS STATE WAIT FOR ADDRESS BYTE MOVE "BYP" INTO CONTROL STA'l'E SKIP THE ADDRESS STATE '. PUSH-l STATE WAIT FOR THE ADDRESS BYTE MOVE THE RECEIVED ADDRESS BYTE TO ACC. ADDRESS MATCHED? YES. MOVE INFO. CONTROL BYTE TO RCB MOVE "BYP" INTO BOV-LOOP STATE RETURN MOVE "BYP" INTO CONTROL STATE PUSH-l STATE WAIT FOR THE CONTROL BYTE MOVE RECEIVE CONTROL BYTE INTO ACC. IF NOT AN I-FRAME RETURN SAVE RECEIVE CONTROL BYTE ·PUSH "BYP" INTO CONTROL STATE (lOH) • PUSH-l STATE WAIT FOR AN 'I-BYTE MOVE RECEIVED I-BYTE INTO ACC. MOVE DATA TO EXT. RAM INCREHBNT PTR TO EXTERNAL RAM IS IT THE LAST I-BYTE? YES. RESTORE THE CONTENTS OF RCB RETURN 292019-40 15-56 intJ ARTICLE REPRINT AR-307 NOVEMBER 1983 January 1985 © ORDER NUMBER 230876-001 INTEL CORPORATION 230876-1 15-57 intJ AR-307 SUMMARY The 8044 offers a lower cost and higher performance solution to networking microcontrollers than conventionalsolutions. The system cost 'is lowered by integrating an entire microcomputer with an intelligent HDLC/SDLC communication processor onto a single chip. 1'he higher performance is realized by integrating two processors running concurrently on one chip; the powerful 80S I microcontroller and the Serial Interface Unit. The 8051 microcontroller is substantially off-loaded from the communication tasks when using the AUTO mode. In the AUTO mode the SIU handles many of the data link functions in hardware. The advantages of the AUTO mode are: less software is required to implement a secondary station data link, the 8051 CPU is offloaded, and the turn-around time is reduced, thus increasing the network throughput. Currently the 8044 is' the only microcontroller with a sophisticated communications processor on-chip. In the future there will be more microcontrollers available following this trend. acknowledgements, error checking/recovery, and data transparency are not standardized nor supported by . available data comm chips. SDLC, Synchronous Data Link Control, meets the requirements for communications link design. The physical medium can be used on two or four wire twisted pair with inexpensive transceivers and connectors. It can also be interfaced through modems, which allows it to be used on broadband networks, leased or switched telephone lines. VLSI controllers have been available from a number of vendors for years; higher performance and more user friendly SDLC controllers continue to appear. SDLC has also been designed to be very reliable. A 16 bit CRC checks the integrity of the received data, while frame numbering and acknowledgements are also built in. Using SDLC, up to 254 stations can be uniquely addressed, while HDLC addressing is unlimited. If an RS-422 only requires a single +5 volt power supply. INTRODUCTION Today microcontrollers are being designed into virtually every type of equipment. For the household, they are turning up in refrigerators, thermostats, burglar alarms, sprinklers, and even water softeners. At work they are found in laboratory instruments, copiers, elevators, hospital equipment, and t~lephones. In addition, a lot of microcomputer equipment contains more than orie microcontroller. Applications using multiple microcontrollers as well, as the office and home, are now faced with the same requirements that laboratory instruments were faced with 12 years ago - they need to connect them together and have them communicate. This need was satisfied in the laboratory with the IEEE-48B General· Purpose Instrumentation Bus (GPIB). However, GPIB does not meet the current design objectives for networking microcontrollers. What will the end user pay for the added value provided by communications? The cost of the communications hardware is not the only additional cost. There will be performance degradation in the main application because the microcontroller now has additional tasks to perform. There are two extremes to the cost of adding communication capability. One could spend very little by adding an I/O port and have the CPU handle everything from the baud rate to the protocol. Of course the main application would be idle while the CPU was communicating. The other extreme would be to add another microcontroller to the system dedicated to communications. This communications processor could interface to the main CPU through a high speed parallel link or dual port RAM. This approach would maintain system performance, but it would be costly. Today there are many communications schemes and protocols available; some of the popular ones are GPIB, Async, HDLC/SDLC, and Ethernet. Common design objectives of today's networks are: low cost, reliable, efficient throughput, and expandable. In examining available solutions, GPIB does not meet these design objectives; first, the cable is too expensive (parallel communications), second, it can only be used over a limited distance (20 meters), and third, it can only handle a limited number of stations. For general networking, serial communications is preferable because of lower cable costs and higher reliability (fewer connections). While Ethernet provides very high performance, it is more of a system backbone rather than a microcontroller interconnect. Async, on the other hand, is inexpensive but it is not an efficient protocol for data block or file transfers. Even with.some new modifications such as a 9 bit protocol for addressing, important functions such as Adding HDLe/SDLC Networking Capability Figure I shows a microcamputer system with a canventianal HDLC, SDLC cammunications salutian. The additional hardware needed to realize the conventional design is: an HOLC SOLC communicatian chip. additional ROM for the communicatian saftware. part af an interrupt cant railer. a baud rate generatar. a phase lacked laap. NRZI encaded decader. and a cable driver lacked loap are used when the transmitter daes nat send the clack an a separate line fram the data (i.e. aver telephane lines. ar two. wire cable). the NRZI encader decader is used in HOLC SDLC to. combine the clack into. the data line. A phase locked laap is used to recaver the clock fram the data line. The majority of tire available communication chips provide a limited number of data link control functions. Most of them will handle Zero Bit Insertion/Deletion (ZBI/D), Flags, Aborts, Automatic 230876-2 15-58 inter AR-307 MICROCONTROLLER SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS SOLC/HOLe BAUD RATE GENERATOR Figure 1. Conventional mlcrocontroller networking solution address recognition, and CRC generation and checking. It is the CPU's responsibility to manage link access, command recognition and response, acknowledgements and error recovery. Handling these tasks can take a lot of CPU time. In addition, servicing the transmission and reception of data bytes can also be very time consuming depending on the method used. require I LSI chip and about 10 TTL chips. The cost of CPU throughput degradation can be even greater. The percentage of time the CPU has to spend servicing the communication tasks can be anywhere from 10-1001170, depending on the serial bit rate. These high costs will prevent consumer acceptance of networking microcomputer equipment. A Highly Integrated, High Performance Solution The 8044 reduces the cost of networking microcontrollers without compromising performance. It contains all of the hardware components necessary to implement a microcomputer system with communications capability, plus it reduces the CPU and software overhead of implementing HDLC/SOLC. Figure 2 shows a functional block diagram of the 8044. U sing a D M A controller ca n increase the overall system performance. since it can transfer a block of data in fewer clock cycles than a CPU. In addition. the CPU and the DMA controller can mUltiplex their access to the bus so that both can be running at virtually the same time. However. both the DMA controller and the CPU are sharing the same bus. therefore. neither one get to utlize IOO~; of the bus bandwidth. Microcontrollers available today do not support DMA. therefore. they would have to use interrupts. since' polling is unacceptable in a multitasking environment. The 8044 integrates the powerful 80S I microcontroller with an intelligent Serial Interface Unit to provide a single chip solution which efficiently implements a distributed processing or distributed control system. The microcontroller is a self sufficient unit containing ROM, RAM, ALU and its own peripherals. The 8044's architecture and instruction set are identical to the 80S 1~s. The Serial Interface Unit (SIU) uses bit synchronous HOLC/SOLCprotocol and can communicate at bit rates up to 2.4 Mbps, externally clocked, or up to 37S Kbps using the on-chip digital phase locked loop. The SIU contains its own processor, which operates concurrently with the microcontroller. In an interrupt driven, the CPU has overhead in addition to servicing the interrupt. During each interrupt request the' CPU has to save all of the important registers, transfer a byte, update pointers and counters, then restore all of its registers. At low bit rates this overhead may be insignificant. However, the percentage of overhead increases linearly with the bit rate. At high bit rates this overhead would consume all of the CPU's time. There is another nuisance factor associated with interrupt driven systems, interrupt latency .. Too much interrupt latency will cause data to be lost: from underrun and overrun errors. The CPU and the SIU, in the 8044, interface through 192 bytes of dual port RAM. There is no hardware arbitration in the dual port RAM. Both processor's memory access cycles are interlaced; each processor' has access every other clock cycle. Therefore, there The additional hardware necessary to implement the communications solution, as shown in Figure I, would 230876-3 15-59 inter AR-307 I SIU 1 1 ,..------'-.., .1 I 8051 MICROCONTROLLER HDLC/SDLC COMMUNICATIONS PROCESSOR DMA CONTROLLER L __________ ___ _ ~ Figure 2. 8044 single chip mlcrocontroller networking solution is no throughput loss in either processor as a result of the dual pon RAM, and execution times are deterministic: Since this has· always been the method for memory access on the 8051 microcontroller, 8051 programs have the same execution time in the 8044. transmitted or received. Also, the nuisance of overrun and underrun errors is totally eliminated since the dedicated DMA controller is guaranteed to meet the maximum data rates. Having a dedicated DMA coniroller means that the .serial channel interrupt can be the lowest priority, thus allowing the CPU to have higher priority real time interrupts. By integrating all of· the .communication· hardware onto the 8051 microcontroller, the hardware cost of the system is reduced. ·Now several chips have been integrated into a single chip. This means that the system power is reduced, P.C. board space is reduced, inventory and assembly is reduced, and reliability is improved. The improvement in reliability is a result of fewer chips and interconnections on the P.C.board. Figure 3 sho'ws a c~mparison between the.conventionai and the 8044 solution on the percentage of time the CPU must spend sending data. This diagram was derive.d by assuming a 64 byte information frame is being transmitted repeatedly. The conventional solution is interrupt driven, and each interrupt service routine is assumed to take about 15 instructions with a I /oIsec instruction cycle time. At 533 Kbps, an interrupt would occur every 15 usec. Thus, the CPU becomes completely dedicated to servicing the serial communications. The conventional design could not support bit rates higher than this because of underruns .and overruns. For the 8044 to repeatedly send 64 byte frames, it simply has to reinitiaIize the DMA controller. As a result, the 8044 can support bit rates up to 2.4 Mbps. As·mentioned before, there can be two extremes in a design which adds communications to the microcomputer system. The 8044 solution uses the high end extreme. The SIU on the 8044 contains its own processor which communicates with the 8051 processor through dual port RAM and control/status registers. While the SIU is not a totally independent communications processor, it substantially offloads the 805 I processor from the communication tasks. Some of the other communications tasks the CPU has to perform. such as link access. command recognition/response. and acknowledgements. are performed automatically by the SIU in a mode called "AUTO;" The combination of the dedicated DMA controller and the AUTO mode. substantially offload Tbe DMA on the 8044 is dedicated to the SIU. It cannot access external RAM. By having a DMA controller in the SIU, the 8051 CPU is oftloaded. Asa result of the dual pon RAM design, the DMA does not share the running at full speed while .the frames are being 230876-4 15-60 inter AR-307 • CONCURRENT PROCESSING CONVENTIONAL SOLUTION 90 80 70 PERCENTAGE OF CPU TIME SPENT SERVICING SOLC 60 50 40 30 80.44 SOLUTION 20 1~~__-=====================~ 250 K 500 K 750K 1M BIT RATE (BITS/SECOND) Figure 3. SIU offloads CPU the CPU, thus allowing it ,to devote more of its power to other tasks, can directly set a bit Which communicates to the primary what its transmit and receive buffering status is. 8044's Auto Mode In the AUTO mode'the SlU implements in hardware a subset of the SOLC protocol such that it responds to many SOLC commands without CPU intervention. All AUTO mode responses to the primary station conform to IBM's SOLC definition. In the AUTO mode the 8044 can only be a secondary station operating in SOLC specified "Normal Response Mode." Normal Response Mode means that the secondary station· can not transmit unless it is polled by the primary station. The SIU in the AUTO mode can recognize and respond to the. following SOLC commands without CPU intervention: I (Information), RR (Receive Ready), RNR (Receive Not Ready), REJ (Reject), and for loop mode UP (Unnllmbered Poll). The .SIU can generate the following responses without CPU intervention: I, RR, and RNR. In addition, the SIU manages Ns and Nr in the control field. If it detects an error in either Ns or Nr, it interrupts 'the CPU for error recovery. When the CPU wants to send a frame, it loads the . transmit buffer with the data, loads the starting address and the COUrit of the data into the SIU, then sets TBF to transmit the frame. The SIU waits for the primary station to poll it with a RR command. After the SIU is polled, it automatically sends the information frame to the primary with the proper control field. The SIU then waits for a positive acknowledgement· from the primary before incrementing the Ns field and interrupting the CPU for more data. If a negative acknowledgement is received, the SIU automatically retransmits the frame. When the 8044 is ready to receive information, the CPU loads the receive buffer starting address and the buffer length into the SIU, then.enables the receiver. When a valid information frame with the correct address and CRe is received, the SIU will increment the Nr field, disable the receiver and interrupt the CPU indicating that a good I frame has been received. The CPU then sets RBP, reenables the receiver and processes the received data. By enabling the receiver with RBP set, the SIU will automatically respond to polls with a Receive Not Ready, thus keeping the link moving rather than timing out the primary from a disabled receiver, or interrupting the CPU with another poll before it has 'processed the data. After the data has been processed, the CPU clears RBP, returning to the Receive Ready responses. How does the SIU know what responses to send to the primary? It uses two status bits which are set by the CPU. The two bits are TBF (Transmit Buffer Full) and RBP (Receive Buffer Protect). TBF indicates that the CPU wants to send data, and RBP indicates that the receive data buffer is full. Table I shows the responses the SIU will send based on these two status bits. This is an innovative approach to communication design, The CPU in the 8044 with one instruction 230876-5 15-61 AR-307 Table 1. SIU's automatic responses II) auto mode 'STATUS BITS RESPONSE TBF RBP o o o (RR) Receive ready 1 (RNR) Receive' not ready 1 o (I) Information 1 1 (I) ·Information SDLC communications can be broken up into four states: Logical Disconnect State, Initialization State, Frame Reject State, and Information Transfer State. Data can only be transferred in the Information Transfer State. More than 90070 of the time a station will be in the Information Transfer State, which is where the SIU can run autonomously. In the other states, where error recovery, online/offline, and initialization takes place, the CPU manages the protocol. In the Information Transfer State there are three com-' mon events which occur as illustrated in Figure 4, they are: I) the primary polls the secondary and the secondary is ready to receive but has nothing to send, 2) the primary sends the secondary information, and 3) the secondary sends information to the primary. Figures 5, 6, and 7 compare the functions the conventional design and the 8044 must execute in order to respond to the primary for the cases in Figure 4. PRIMARY I SECONDARY I ISECONDARY I Case 1. Primary polls secondary secondary has nothing to send Command RR . . Response RR Case 2. Primary polls secondary , secondary sends Information frame Command Response RR,NR .. Information frame ... RR, NR+1 .. Case 3. Primary sends secondary information frame Command Response RR .. 'RR,NR Information frame RR, NR+1 RR = Recelv.e ready ... Not~: . . Figure 4. SDLC commands ,and responses in the Information transfer state 230876-6 15-62 intJ AR-307 CASE 1 8044 AUTO MODE CONVENTIONAL DESIGN PRIMARY Receive interrupts -RRPoll Decode received control field Check NR field Load response into transmit control field Send frame Transmit interrupts Figure 5. Primary polls secondary, secondary has· nothin~ to send CASE 2 8044 ·AUTO MODE PRIMARY Load transmit buffer Set TBF bit -.._ - RR _.- - 1 1...poll ..........- - RR -___ poll CONVENTIONAL DESIGN Load transmit buffer and transmit control byte Receive interrupts Decode receive control byte Check NR field Send frame Transmit interrupts Receive interrupts Decode receive control byte Check NR field Increment NS Transmit Interrupt Figure 6. Primary polls secondary. secondary sends information frame 230876-7 15-63 inter AR-307 CASE 3 8044 AUTO MODE CONVENTIONAL DESIGN PRIMARY' ----RR~ Receive interrupts Decode received control field Check NR field Load response into transmit control field Send frame Transmit interrupts Receive interrupts Decode receive control field Check NS NR fields Increment NR Load response into transmit control field Send frame Transmit Interrupts poll Receive interrupt ~Iframe_ , Figure 7. Primary sends information frame to secondary Using case 1 as an example, the conventional design first gets receive interrupts bringing the data from the SOLC comm chip into memory. The CPU must then decode the command in the control field and determine the response. In addition, it must check the Nr field for any pending acknowledgements. The CPU loads the transmit buffer with the appropriate address and control field, then transmits the frame. When the 8044 receives this frame in AUTO mode, the CPU never gets an interrupt because the SIU handles the entire frame reception and response automatically. . most critical parameter for calculating throughput on any high speed network is the station turnaround time; the time it takes a station to respond after receiving, a frame. Since the 8044 handles all of the commands and responses of the Information Transfer State in hardware, the turnaround time is much faster than handling it in software, hence a higher throughput. 8044's Flexible Mode In the "NON-AUTO" mode or Flexible mode, the SIU does not recognize or respond to any commands, nor does it manage acknowledgements, which means the CPU must handle link access, command recognition/response, acknowledgements and error recovery by itself. The Flexible mode allows the 8044 to have extended address fields and extended control fields, thus providing HOLC support. In the Flexible mode the 8044 can operate as a primary station, since it can transmit without being polled. In SOLC networks, when there is no information transfers, case 1 is the activity on the line. Typically this is 80010 of the network traffic. The CPU in the conventional design would constantly be getting interrupts and servicing the communications tasks, even when it has nothing to send or receive. On the other hand, the 8044 CPU would only get involved in communicating when it has data to send pr receive. Front End Communications Processor Having the SIU implement a subset of the SOLC protocol in hardware not only offloads the CPU, but it also improves the throughput on the network. The Tile 8044 can also be used as an intelligent HOLC/SOLC front end for a microporcessor, capable of extensively off-loading link control functions for 230876-8 15-64 AR-307 computer. Sophisticated secondary stations could also take advantage of this design. the microporcessor. In some applications the 8044 can even be used for communications preprocessing, in addition to data link control. For this type of design the 8044 would communicate to the Host CPU through a FIFO, or dual port RAM. A block diagram of this design is given in Figure 8. A tightly coupled interface between the 8044 and the Host CPU would be established. The Host CPU would give the 8044 high level commands and data which the 8044 would convert to HOLC/SOLC. This . particular type of design would be most appropriate for a primary Station which is normally a micro, mini, or mainframe Since the 8044 has ROM on chip, all the communications software is non-volatile. The 8044 primary station could down-line-load software to 8044 secondary stations. Once down-line-loading is implemented, software updates to the primary and secondary stations could be done very inexpensively. The only things which would remain fIXed in ROM are the HOLC/SOLC communications software and the software interface to the HOST. SYSTEM MEMORY HOST SYSTEM DATA BUS INTERFACE HARDWARE 8044 DATA BUS 8044 EXPANSION MEMORY HDLC/SDLC DATA LINK Figure 8. 8044 front end processor 230876-9 15-65 inter ICETM·5100/044In·Circuit Emulator for the RUPITM·44 Family • Precise, Full-Speed, Real-Time Emulation of the RUPITM-44 Family of Peripherals • • 64 KB of Mappable High-Speed Emulation Memory • • • 254 24-bit Frames of Trace Memory (16 Bits Trace Program Execution Addresses and 8 Bits Trace Eternal Events) Serial Link to Intel Series III/IV or IBM* PC AT or PC XT (and PC DOS Compatibles) ASM-51 and PL/M-51 Language Support • • • • • Built-in CRT-Oriented Text Editor Symbolic Debugging Enables Access to Memory Locations and Program Variables Four Address Breakpoints Plus InRange, Out-of-Range, and Page Breaks Equipped with the Integrated Command Directory (ICDTM) That Provides - On-Line Help - Syntax Guidance and Checking - Command Recall On-Line Disassembler and Single-Line Assembler to Help with Code Patching Provides an Ideal Environment for Debugging BITBUSTM Applications Code The ICETM-5100/044 in-~ircuit emulator is a high-level. interactive debugger that is used to develop and test the hardware and software of a target system based on the RUPITM-44 family of peripherals. The ICE5100/044 emulator can be serially linked to an Intellec® Series III/IV or an IBM PC AT or PC XT. The emulator can communicate with the host system at standard baud rates up to 19.2K. The design of the emulator supports all of the RUPI-44 components at speeds up to and including 12 MHz. ·IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in an Intel product. No other patent licenses are implied. Information contained herein supersedes previously published specifications on these devices from Intel. 280325-1 15-66 November 1988 Order Number: 280325-001 ICETM·5100/044 tion of the microcontroller to debug the system as a completed unit. PRODUCT OVERVIEW The ICE-51001044 emulator provides full emulation support for the RUPI-44 family of peripherals, including 8044-based BITBUSTM board products. The RUPI-44 family consists of the 8044, the 8744, and the 8344. ' The ICE-5100/044 emulator enables hardware and software development to proceed simultaneously. With the ICE-5100/044, prototype hardware can be added to the system as it is designed and software, can be developed prior to the completion of the hardware prototype. Software and hardware integration can occur while the product is being developed. ' The final product verfication test can be performed using the ROM or EPROM version of the microcontroller. Thus, the ICE-51001044 emulator provides the ability to debug a prototype or production system at any stage in its development without introducing extraneous hardware or software test tools. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The ICE-5100/044 emulator consists of the following components (see Figure 1): • Power supply • AC and DC power cables The ICE-5100/044 emulator assists four stages of development: . • Controller pod • Serial Cable (host-specific) • User probe assembly (consisting of the processor module and the user cable) • Software debugging • Hardware debugging o System integration • System test • Crystal power accessory (CPA) Software Debugging • 40-pin target adaptor It Clips assembly The ICE-5100/044 emulator can be operated without being connected to the target system and before any of the user's hardware is available (provided external data RAM is not needed). In this stand-alone mode, the ICE-5100/044 emulator can be used to facilitate program development. Hardware Debugging The ICE-51001044 emulator's AC/DC parametric characteristics match the microcontroller's. The emulator's full-speed operation makes it a valuable tool for debugging hardware, including time-critical serial port, timer, and external interrupt interfaces. System Integration Integration of software and hardware can begin when the emulator is plugged into the microcontroller socket of the prototype system hardware. Hardware can be added, modified, and tested immediately. As each section of the user's hardware is completed, it can be added to the prototype. Thus, the hardware and software can be system tested in realtime operation as each section becomes available. System Test When the prototype is complete, it is tested with the final version of the system software. The ICE5100/044 emulator is then used for real-time emula- • Software (includes the ICE-5100/044 emulator software, diagnostic software, and a tutorial) The controller pod contains 64 KB of emulation memory, 254- by 24-bit frames of trace memory, and the control processor. In addition, the controller pod houses. a BNC connector that can be: used to connect up to 10 multi-ICE compatible emulators for synchronous starting and stopping of emulation. The serial cable connects the host system to the controller pod. The serial cable supports a subset of the RS-232C signals. The user probe assembly consists of a user cable and a processor module. The processor module houses the emulation processor and the interface logic. The target adaptor connects to the processor module and provides an electrical and mechanical , interface to the target microcontroller socket. The crystal power accessory (CPA) is a small, detachable board that connects to the controller pod and enables the ICE-5100/044 emulator to run in stand-alone mode. The target adaptor plugs into the socket on the CPA; the CPA then supplies clock and power to the user probe. The clips assembly enables the user to trace external events. Eight bits of data are gathered on the rising edge of PSEN during opcode fetches. The clips information can be displayed using the CLIPS option with the PRINT command. 15-67 ICETM·5100/044 280325-2 Figure 1. The ICETM·51001044 Emulator Hardware _ The ICE-5100-044 emulator software supports mnemonics, object file formats, and symbolic references generated by Intel's ASM-51 and PL/M-51 programming languages~ Along with the ICE-5100104.4 emulator -software -is a customer confidence test disk with diagnostic routines that check the operation of the hardware. troller of the target system. ElTlulation is a transparent process that happens in real-time. ,The executi_on of the user software is facilitated with the ICES100/044 command language. -- The on-line tutorial is written in the ICE-5100 command language. Thus, the user is able to interact with and use the ICE-51001044 emulator while executing the tutorial. There is a 64 KB of memory that can be mapped to the CODE memory space in 4. KB blocks on 4 KB boundaries. By _mapping -'memory to _the ICE5100/044 emulator, software development.can proceed b~fore the user hardware is available. A comprehensive set of documentation is provided with the ICE-51 001044 emulator. ICETM·5100/044 EMULATOR FEATURES The ICE-51 00/044 emulator has been created to assist a product designer in developing, debugging and testing designs incorporating the RUPI-44 family of peripherals. -The following sections detail some of the ICE-51 001044 emulator features. Memory Mapping Memory Examination and Modification The memory space for the 8044 microcontroller and its target hardware is fully accessible through the emulator. The ICE-5100/044 emulator refers to four physically _distinct memory spaces, as follows: • CODE....,..references program memory • IDATA-"--references internal data memory • RDATA-references special function' register , memory • XDATA-references external data memory Emulation Emulation is the controlled execution of the user's software in the target hardware or in an artificial hardware environment that duplicates the microcon- ICE-5100/044 emulator commands that access memory use one of the special prefixes (e.g., CODE) to specify the memory space. 15-68 inter ICETM-5100'044 The microcontroller's special function registers and register bits can be accessed mnemonically (e.g., OPt.:, TCON, CY, P1.2) with, the ICE-51 00/044 emulator software. Data can be displayed or modified in one of three bases: hexadecimal, decimal, or binary. Data can also be displayed or modified in one of two formats: ASCII or unsigned integer. Program code can be disassembled and displayed as ASM-51 assembler mnemonics. Code can be modified with standard ASM-51 statements using the built-in single-line assembler. Breakpoint Specifications Breakpoints are used to halt a user program in order to examine the effect of the program's execution on the target system. The ICE-51 00/044 emulator supports three different types of break specifications: • Specific address break-specifying a single address point at which emulation is to be stopped. • Range break-an arbitrary range of addresses can be specified to halt emulation. Program execution within or, optionally, outside the range halts emulation. • Page break-up to 256 page breaks can be spec~ ified. A page break is defined as a range of addresses that is 256-bytes long and begins on a 256-byte address boundary. Symbolic references can be used to specify memory , locations. A symbolic reference is a procedure name, line number, program variable, or label in the user program that corresponds to a location. Some typical symbolic functions include: • Changing or inspecting the value of a program variable by using its symbolic name to access the memory location. • Defining break and trace events using symbolic references. • Referencing variables as primitive data types. The primitive data types are ADDRESS, BIT, BOOLEAN, BYTE, CHAR (character), and WORD. The ICE-51 00/044 emulator maintains a virtual symbol table (VST) for program symbols. A maximum of 61 KB of host memory space is available for the VST. If the VST is larger than 61 KB, the eXCeSS is stored on available host system disk space and is paged in and out as needed. The size of the VST is limited only by the disk capacity of the host system. Break registers are user-defined debug definitions used to create and store breakpoint definitions. Break registers can contain multiple breakpoint definitions and can optionally call debug procedures when emulation halts. Trace Specifications Tracing can be triggered using speCifications similar to those used for breaking. . Normally, the ICE-5100/044 emulator traces program activity while the user program is executing. With a trace specification, tracing can be triggered to. occur only when specific conditions are met during execution. Up to 254 24-bit frames of trace information are collected in a buffer during emulation. Sixteen of the 24 bits trace instruction execution addresses, and 8 bits capture external events (CLIPS). *' '1~ ,. Print newest four instructions in the buffer hlt>PRINT NEWEST 4 FRAME ADDR CODE INSTRUCTIONS (28) 300A C02A PUSH 2AH (30 300C 2532 ADD A, 32H (32) 300E F52A MOV 2AH, A (34) 3010 B53210 CJNE A,32H, $+10H hlt> h1 t > PRINT CLIPS OLDEST 2 Buffer display showing clips FRAME ADDR. CODE INSTRUCTIONS CLIPS (76543210) (00) 007AH INC INDX PTR 10101111 0508 (01) 007CH SJMP (#28) 00100010 80E6 '* *' - Figure 2. Selected Trace Buffer Displays 15-69 - 280325-3' intJ ICETM·5100/044 The trace buffer display is similar to an ASM-51 program listing as shown in Figure 2. The PRINT command enables the user to selectively display the contents of the trace buffer. The user has the option of displaying the clips information as well as dissassembled instructions. ARM FOREVER TIL USING Procedures Debugging procedures (PROCs) are a user-defined group of ICE-51 00/044 commands that are executed as one command. PROCs enable the user to define several commands in a named block structure. The commands are executed by entering thename of the PROC. The PROC bodies are a simple DO ... END construct. TRACE ~>Gon," J hl t > GO FROM 13H ARM FOREVER TIL USING TRACE hl t > GO FROM 13H USING 13H USING brl TRACE hl t > GO FROM 13H USING brl TRACE OUTSIDE PAGE FROM TIL hlt>GO FROM 13H USING brl TRACE trace1t 280325-4 Figure 3. The Integrated Command Directory for the GO Command 15-70 inter ICETM·5100/044 PROCs can simulate missing hardware. or software, set breakpoints, collect debug information, and execute high-level software patches. PROCs can be copied to text files on disk, then recalled for use in later test sessions. PROCs can also serve as program diagnostics, implementing ICE-51 00/044 emulator commands or user-defined definitions for special purposes. On·Line Syntax Menu A special syntax menu, called the Integrated Command directory (ICD), similar to the one used for the 121CETM system and the VLSiCE-96 emulator, aids in creating syntactically correct command lines. Figure 3 shows an example of the ICD and how it changes to reflect the options available for the GO command. Help The HELP command provides ICE-51 00/044 emulation command assistance via the host system terminal. On-line HELP is available for the ICE-5100/044 emulator commands shown in Figure 4. BITBUSTM Applications Support The ICE-5100/044 emulator provides an ideal environment for developing applications code for BITBUS board products such as the RCB-44/10, the RCB-44/20, the PCX-344, and the iSBXTM-344 board. The BITBUS firmware, available separately as BITWARE, can be loaded into the ICE-51 00/044 emula- tor's memory along with the user's code to enable rapid debug of 8044 BITBUS applications code. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The height of the processor module and the target adaptor need to be considered for target systems. Allow at least 1% inches (3.8 cm) of space to fit the prqcessor module and target adaptor. Figure 5 shows the dimensions of the processor module. Execution of user programs that contain interrupt routines causes incorrect data to be stored in the trace buffer, When an interrupt occurs, the next instruction to be executed is placed into the trace buffer before it is actually executed. Following completion of the interrupt routine, the instruction is executed and again placed into the trace buffer. ELECTRICAL CONSIDERATIONS The emulation processor's user-pin timings and loadings are identical to the 8044 component, except as follows. • Up to 25 pF of additional pin capacitance is contributed by th~ processor module .and target adaptor assemblies. o Pin 31, EA, has approximately 32 pF of additional capacitance loading due to sensing circuitry. • Pins 18 and 19, XTAL1 and XTAL2 respectively, have approximately 15-16 pF of additional capacitance when configured for crystal operation. It>HELP HELP is available for: ADDRESS BYTE CURHOME DISPLAY EXPRESSION KEYS MAP OPERATOR REFERENCE STRING VERIFY APPEND CHAR CURX DO GO LABEL MENU PAGING REGS SYMBOLIC VERSION ASM CI CURY DYNASCOPE HELP LINES MODIFY PARTITION REMOVE SYNCSTART WAIT BASE CNTL_C DCI EDIT IF LIST MODULE PRINT REPEAT TEMP CHECK WORD BIT COMMENTS DEBUG ERROR INCLUDE LITERALLY MSPACE PROC RESET TRCREG WRITE BOOLEAN CONSTRUCTS DEFINE EVAL .INVOCATION LOAD MTYPE PSEUDO_VAR RETURN TYPES BRKREG COUNT DIR EXIT ISTEP LSTEP NAMESCOPE PUT SAVE VARIABLE hlt> --------n l l \ - - - - - - - - - -________~~-· 280325-5 Figure 4. HELP Menu 15-71 intJ ICETM·5100/044 PROCESSOR MODULE~ PIN 1 j TOP VIEW ~ T ~I~&J !iis t H ~~Z . z 'i 3':J/,." rem) i ! CABLE BODY I· ~ I 39" . (99 em) SIDE VIEW 4" (10,2 em) .. PROCESSOR MODULE ~-9;r·· ~ TARGET ADAPTOR ---l . 280325-6 Figure 5. Processor Module Dimensions HOST REQUIREMENTS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS • IBM PC AT or PC XT (or PC DOS compatible) with 512 KB of available RAM and a hard disk running under the DOS 3.0 ( or later) operating system. • Intellec Series III/IV microcomputer development system running the ISIS or iNDX operating system respectively, with at least 512 KB of application memory resident. • Disk drives-dual floppy or one hard disk and one floppy drive required. Controller Pod Width: Height: Depth: Weight: 8-%" 1-%" 13-%" 41bs (21 cm) ( 3.8 cm) (34.3 cm) ( 1.85 kg) User Cable ICETM·5100/044 EMULATOR SOFTWARE PACKAGE The user cable is 3 feet (approximately 1 m) • ICE-51 00/044 emulator software Processor Module • ICE-51 00/044 confidence tests • ,ICE-51 00 tutorial software (With the Width: Height: Depth: EMULATOR PERFORMANCE target adaptor 3-1 0/16" (9.7 (10.2 4" (3.8 1-%" attached) cm) cm) cm) Memory Mappable full-speed emulation code memory 64 KB .~-,;' Mappable to user or ICE5100/044 emulator memory in 4 KB blocks on 4 KB boundaries. Trace memory 254 x 24 bit frames Virtual Symbol Table A maximum of 61 KB of host memory space is available for the virtual symbol table (VST). The rest of the VST resides on disk and is paged in and out as needed. Power Supply Width: Height: Depth: Weight 7-%" 4" 11" 151bs (18.1 cm) (10.06 cm) (27.97 em) ( 6.1 kg) Serial Cable The serial cable is 12 feet (3.6 m). 15-72 intJ ICETM·5100/044 Software Only ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Order Code SA044D Power Supply 100-120V or 200-240V (selectable) 50-60 Hz 2 amps (AC max) @ 120V 1 amp (AC max) @ 240V SA044S ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS Operating temperature Operating humidity + 10°C to + 40°C (50°F to 104°F) Maximum of 85% relative humidity, non-condensing ORDERING INFORMATION Emulator Hardware and Software Order Code 1044KITAD 1044KITD 1044KITAS 1044KITS Description This kit contains the ICE-51001044 user probe assembly, power supply and cables, serial cables, target adaptor, CPA, ICE-5100 controller pod, software, and documentation for use with an IBM PC AT or PC XT. The kit also -includes the 8051 Software Development Package and the AEDIT text editor for use on DOS systems. [Requires software license.] This kit is the same as the 1044KITAD excluding the 8051 Software Development Package and the AEDIT text editor. [Requires software license.] This kit contains the ICE-51001044 user probe assembly, power supply and cables, serial cables, target adaptor, CPA, ICE-5100 controller pod, software, and documentation-for use with Intel hosts (Series IIIIIV). The kit also includes the 8051 Software Development Package and the AEDIT text editor for use on the Series IIIIIV. [Requires software license.] , This kit is the same as the 1044KITAS excluding the 8051 Software Development Package and the AEDIT text editor. [Requires software license.] Description This kit contains the host, probe, diagnostic, and tutorial software on 5%" disks for use on an IBM PC AT or PC XT (requires DOS 3.0 or later). [Requires software license.] This kit contains the host, probe, diagnostic, and tutorial software on 8" disks (both single-density and double-density) for use on a Series III, and on 5-%" disks for use on a Series IV. [Requires software license.] Other Usefullntel® MCS®-51 Debug and Development Support Products Order Code Description D86ASM51 8051 Software Development Pack· age (DOS version)-Consists of the ASM-51 macro assembler which gives symbolic access to 8051 hardware features; the RL51 linker and relocator program that links modules generated by ASM-51; CONV51 which enables software written for the MCS-48 family to be up-graded to run on the 8051, and the LlB51 Librarian which programmers can use to create and maintain libraries of software object modules. Use with the DOS operating system (version 3.0 or later). D86PLM51 PL/M·51 Software Package (DOS version)-Consists of the PL/M-51 compiler which provides high-level programming language support; the LlB51 utility that creates· and maintains libraries of software object modules, and the RL51 linker and relocator program that links modules generated by ASM-51 and PL/M-51 and locates the linked object modules to absolute memory locations. Use with the DOS operating system (version 3.0 or later). 186ASM51 8051 Software Development Pack· age (ISIS version)-Same as the D86ASM51 package except this one is for use with the Series III. 186PLM51 PL/M·51 Sofware Package-Same as the D86PLM51 package except this one is for use with the Series III and Series IV. D86EDINL AEDIT text editor for use with the DOS operating system. 15-73 MCS®-80 /85 Data Sheets 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I intJ • • • • • • 8080A/8080A-1/8080A-2· 8-BIT N-CHANNEL MICROPROCESSOR 6 General Purpose Registers and an Accumulator • • • • Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range 16·Bit Program Counter. for Directly Addressing up to 64K Bytes of Memory • Available in 40·Lead Cerdip and Plastic Packages TTL Drive Capability· 2JJ,s (-1:1.3JJ,s, -2:1.5JJ,s) Instruction Cycle Powerful Problem Solving Instruction Set Decimal, Binary, and Double Precision Arithmetic Ability to Provide Priority Vectored Interrupts 512 Directly Addressed I/O Ports (See Packaging Spec. Order #231369) 16·Bit Stack Pointer and Stack Manipulation Instructions for Rapid Switching of the Program Environment The Intel@ 8080A is a complete 8-bit parallel central processing unit (CPU). It is fabricated on a single LSI chip using Intel's n-channel silicon gate MOS process. This offers the user a high performance solution to control and processing applications. The 8080A contains 6 8-bit general purpose working registers and an accumulator. The 6 general purpose registers may be addressed individually or in· pairs. providing Qoth single and double precision operators. Arithmetip and logical instructions set or reset4 testable flags. A fifth flag provides decimal arithmetic opera. tion. The 8080A has an external stack feature wherein any portion of memory may be used as a last in/first out stack to store/retrieve the contents of the accumulator, flags, program counter, and all of the 6 general purpose registers. The 16-bit stack pointer controls the addressing of this external stack. This stack gives the 8080A the ability to easily handle multiple level priority interrupts by rapidly storing and restoring processor status. It also provides almost unlimited subroutine nesting. This microprocessor has been designed to simplify systems design. Separate 16-line address and 8-line bidirectional data busses are used to facilitate easy interface to memory and I/O. Signals to control the interface to memory and I/O are provided directly by the 8080A. Ultimate control of t~e address and data busses resides with the HOLD signal. It provides the ability to suspend processor operation and force the address and data busses into a high impedance state. This permits OR-tying these busses with other controlling devices for (DMA) direct memory access or multi-processor operati.on. . NOTE: The 8080A is functionally and electrically compatible with the Intel 8080. 16-1 November 1986 Order Number: 231453-001 8080AI8080A-1/8080A-2 IIBITI INTEAt:aAL DATA ius ..~ :::a: ~ "::! S REG. 0 REG. H ,It ,.,'" ., ,., REG. L ,., STACK POINTER PROGRAM COUNTER REGISTER ARRAV REG. "" 1111 1111 TIMING AND CONTROL ACK 231453-1 Figure 1. Block Diagram A,. GND D. 'D. O. D, D3 D. D,O D.O -5V RESET HOLD INT ~. Wii SYNC +5V A11 A,. An Au A,. At A. ' A, 10 II 12 13 14 IS 18 17 18 19 20 8OIIOA 32 31 At As 30 OAo 29 28 27 26 -'3 +1ZV A. A, Au 24 23 22 21 ., WAIT READY HLDA 231453-2 Figure 2. Pin Configuration 16-2 SOSOA/SOSOA-1/S0S0A-2 Table 1. Pin Description Symbol Type A15-AO 0 Name and Function ADDRESS BUS: The address bus provides the address to memory (up to 64K 8·bit words) or denotes the I/O device number for up to 256 input and 256 output devices. Ao is the least significant address bit. DrDo I/O SYNC 0 DBIN 0 DATA BUS IN: The DBIN signal indicates to external circuits that the data bus is in the input mode. This signal should be used to enable the gating of data onto the 8080A data bus from memory or 110. READY I READY: The READY signal indicates to the 8080A that valid memory or input data is available on the 8080A data bus. This signal is used to synchronize the CPU with slower memory or I/O devices. If after sending an address out the 8080A does not receive a READY input, the 8080A will enter a WAIT state for as long as the READY line is low. READY can also be used to single step the CPU. DATA BUS: The data bus provides bi·directional communication between the CPU, memory, and 110 devices for instructions and data transfers. Also, during the first clock cycle of each machine cycle, the 8080A outputs a status word on the data bus that describes the current machine cycle. Do is the least significant bit. SYNCHRONIZING SIGNAL: The SYNC pin provides a signal to indicate the beginning of each machine cycle. WAIT WR 0 0 HOLD I HOLD: The HOLD signal requests the CPU to enter the HOLD state. The HOLD stato allows an external device to gain control of the 8080A address and data bus as soon as the 8080A has completed its use of these busses for the current machine cycle. It is recognized under the following conditions: • the CPU is in the HALT state. • the CPU is in the T2 or TW state and the READY signal is active. As a result of entering the HOLD state the CPU ADDRESS BUS (A15-AO) and DATA BUS (Dr Do) will be in their high impedance state. The CPU acknowledges its state with the HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE (HLDA) pin. 0 HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE: The HLDA signal appears in response to the HOLD signal and indicates that the data and address bus will go to the high impedance state. The HLDA . signal begins a t : · • T3 for READ memory or input. • The Clock Period following T3 for WRITE memory or OUTPUT operation. In either case, the HLDA signal appears after the rising edge of cfJ2. INTERRUPT ENABLE: Indicates the content of t.he internal interrupt enable flip/flop. This flip/flop may be set or reset by the Enable and Disable Interrupt instructions and inhibits interrupts from being accepted by the CPU when it is·reset. It is automatically reset (disabling further interrupts) at time T1 of the instruction fetch cycle (M1) when an interrupt is accepted and is also reset by the RESET signal. HLDA INTE 0 INT I RESET1 I Vss VDO Vee VBB cfJ1, cfJ2 WAIT: The WAIT signal acknowledges that the CPU is in a WAIT state. WRITE: The WR signal is used for memory WRITE or 110 output control. The data on the data bus is stable while the WR signal is active low (WR = 0). INTERRUPT REQUEST: The CPU recognizes an interrupt request on this line at the end of the current instruction or while halted. If the CPU is in the HOLD state or if the Interrupt Enable flip/flop is reset it will not honor the request. . RESET: While the RESET signal is activated, the content of the program counter is cleared. After RESET, the program will start at location 0 in memory. The,INTE and HLDA flip/flops are also reset. Note that the flags, accumulator, stack pointer, and registers are not cleared. GROUND: Reference. POWER:. + 12 ±5% V. POWER: +5 ±5% V. POWER: -5 ±5% V. CLOCK PHASES: 2 externally supplied clock phases. (non TTL compatible) NOTE: 1. The RESET signal must be active for a minimum of 3 clock cycles. 16-3 8080A/8080A-1/8080A-2 • Notice: Stresses abo.ve those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent dam~ age to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. , ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature Under Bias ............ O·C to + 70·C Storage Temperature ,.......... - 65·C to + 150·C All Input or Output Voltages with Respect to Vss ........... - 0.3V to + 20V Vcc, VDD and Vss with Respect to Vss ...• '..••..• - 0.3V to + 20V Power Dissipation .....•.................... 1.5W D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = O·C to 70·C, VDD = noted Symbol + 12V ±5%, Vcc = Parameter +5V ±5%, Vss = -5V ±5%, Vss = OV; unless otherwise Typ Min Max Unit Vss + 0.8 V VllC Clock Input Low Voltage Vss - 1 VIHC Clock Input High Voltage 9.0 Vil Input Low Voltage Vss - 1 Vss + 0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage 3.3 Vce +1 V Val Output Low Voltage 0.45 V VOH Output High Voltage ' VDD +1 3.7 Test Condition V } IOl = 1.9 rnA on All Outputs, IOH = -150/LA. V IDD(AV) Avg. Power Supply Current (VDD) 40 70 rnA ICC (AV) Avg. Power Supply Current (Vce> 60 80 rnA IsS (AV) Avg. Power Supply Current (Vss) 0.01 1 rnA ) Ope-" Tcy =0.48/Ls :s: VIN :s: Vcc :s: VClOCK :s: VDD Vss:S: VIN :s: Vss + 0.8V Vss + 0.8V :s: VIN :s: VCC III Input Leakage ±10 /LA Vss ICl Clock Leakage ±10 /LA Vss IDl Data Bus Leakag'e'in Input Mode -100 --'2.0 /LA rnA IFl Address and Data Bus Leakage During HOLD +10 -100 /LA CAPACITANCE 1,5 r-----r-----,---......, TA = 25°C, Vcc = VDD = Vss = OV,Vss = -5V Symbol Parameter Typ Max Unit Cq, Clock Capacitance 17 25 pF fc= 1 MHz CIN Input Capacitance 6 10 pF Unmeasured Pins COUT Output Capacitance 10 20 pF Returned to Vss Test Condition VADDR/DATA = VCC VADDR/DATA = Vss + 0.45V ~ a: a: ~ 1.01---=""'".,.....=--+----j i O.50~-----:.=25---:'.50:---~.,5 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE lOCI 231453-3 Typical Supply Current vs Temperature. Normalized Dol Supply/DoTA = -O.45%rC 16-4 8080A/8080A-1/8080A-2 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (8080A), TA = 0·Ct070·C, voo = -5V ± 5%, VSS = OV; unless otherwise noted = +12V ±5%, vee = +5V ±5%, VBB Symbol -1 Parameter -1 -2 -2 Unit Test Condition Min Max Min Max Min Max tey(3) Clock Period tr, tf Clock Rise and Fall Time 0 1 Pulse Width 60 50 60 ns d>2 Pulse Width 220 145 175 ns ns t1 td>2 I I 0.48 2.0 0.32 2.0 0.38 2.0 50 0 25 0 t01 Delay <1>1 to <1>2 0 0 0 t02 70 60 70 t03 Delay <1>1 to <1>2 Delay <1>1 to <1>2 Leading Edges 80 60 70 50 /Ls ns ns ns tOA Address Output Delay From <1>2 200 150 175 ns too Data Output Delay From <1>2 200 180 200 ns toe Signal Output Delay From <1>1 or <1>2 (SYNC, WR, WAIT, HLDA) 120 110 120 ns tOF tOI(1) DBIN Delay From <1>2 tOS1 Data Setup Time During <1>1 and DBIN 30 10 20 ns tOS2 tOH(1) Data Setup Time to <1>2 During DBIN 150 120 130 ns Data Hold Time From <1>2 and DBIN (1) (1) (1) tiE INTE Output Delay From <1>2 tRS READY Setup Time During <1>2 120 90 90 ns 25 Delay for Input Bus to Enter Input Mode 140 25 tOF 130 25 tOF 200 ns ns 200 ns tHS HOLD Setup Time During <1>2 140 120 120 ns tiS INT Setup Time During <1>2 120 100 100 ns tH Hold Time From <1>2 (READY, INT, HOLD) 0 0 0 ns tFO Delay to Float During Hold (Address and Data Bus) 120 120 120 ns tAW Address Stable Prior to WR (5) (5) (5) ns tow Output Data Stable Prior to WR (6) (6) (6) ns two Output Data Stable From WR (7) (7) (7) ns tWA Address Stable From WR (7) (7) (7) ns tHF HLDA to Float Delay (8) (8) (8) ns tWF WR to Float Delay (9) (9) (9) ns tAH Address Hold Time After DBIN During HLDA -20 -20 -20 ns A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT DEVICE UNDER TEST '1CL~100PF -= CL = 100 pF CL Includes Jig Capacitance 16-5 231453-4 CL = 50 pF 140 ns tOF 200 CL = 100 pF CL = 50 pF ., .2 - ~t~' . tey ~ ~I "-f -too-I ° ,° -- L _____ 0 ~ T SYNC -DBIN to~l-- -1 -- ~ - tOi 1- en m WR ~ :,1= ~ oJ to ------ --- -4 ---- - --- -f -lOW _ 1052 - ATA OUT - I» Q I» tDel- i:..... l. 11 I» ---'OF-! Q ----------,L tH - READY l I--t oo- toHI""'- ~ --·t:-~ ---:::.. -- t-,.....-tAW g~TA IN I--toF~1 ..... ." oJ3 s:: en t02 - - I--toA--:r - - ~-- I~ ~ io--- ~ ---I A'S-AO 7 it'- f\ -I -.t03 _ ~ < m -X@ ------------ - WAIT t R5 f.-tH- ..t oc- - HOLD 71 I» [. toe 1---1 Q ~ .... co J-:-- ~~~--:I Q ~ ~ - - ...X@ tH --0 N J--X ~r;;.; Q- HLDA - .............. rf X~ '-4 INT tlSJ:-: 'H_ ~ ... ~ INTE 231453-5 NOTE: Timing measurements are made at the following reference voltages: CLOCK "1" "0" = o.av = a.ov, "0" = 1.0V; INPUTS "1" = a.av, "0" = o.av; OUTPUTS "1" = 2.0V, 8080A/8080A-1/8080A-2 Typlcalll Output Delay vs Il Capacitance WAVEFORMS (Continued) ~, ,J\ ~2 ~ f\ I-J I- . .°7·°0 > - W WAf- I-- toe .. tAH ~ I -- ~'wF- READY I - tHf- WAIT I- - to' HLDA _X- ~ I ~ o 1--. --:'1 INTE ~ .~ '1 tWA DBIN INT w Q +100 ~ - I- SYNC HOLD :5 ~ --- ---~-'FD I-- -I-_.Y -- --.- -- .... --t-1'wD Y I-~-- A,s·Ao ! ~:~231453-6 NOTES: (Parenthesis gives -1, - 2 specifications, respectively.) 1. Data input should be enabled withDBIN status. No bus conflict can then occur and data hold time is assured. tOH = SO ns or tOF, whichever is less. 2. lev = t03 + tr<1>2 + t 2 + tf 2 + t02 + tr l ~ 480 ns (-1 :320 ns, - 2:380 ns). CAPACITANCE (pI) (CACTUAL - CSPEC ) 231453-7 3. The following are relevant when interfacing the 8080A to devices having VIH = 3.3V: a) Maximum output rise time from 0.8V to 3.3V = 100 ns @ CL = SPEC. b) Output delay when measured to 3.0V = SPEC +60 ns @ CL = SPEC. c) If CL = SPEC, add 0.6 ns/pF if CL > CSPEC, subtract 0.3 ns/pF (from modified delay) if CL < CSPEC· 4. tAW = 2tcv - t03 - trcf>2 - 140 ns (-1:110 ns, - 2:130 ns). S. tow = tcv - .t03 '- tr 2 - 170 ns (-1:1S0 ns, - 2:170 ns). .6. If not HLDA, two = tWA = t03 + tr 2 + 10 ns. If HLDA, two = tWA = tWF· 7. tHF = t03 + trcf>2 -SO ns. 8. tWF = toa + tr 2 - 10 ns. 9. Data in must be stable for this period during DBIN T 3. Both tOSl and tOS2 must be satisfied. 10. Ready signal must be stable for this period during T 2 or TW. (Must be. externally synchronized.) 11. Hold signal must be stable for this period during T 2 or TW when entering hold mode, and during T 3, T4, T 5 and TWH when in hold mode. (External synchronization is not required.) 12. Interrupt signal must be stable during this period of the last clock cycle of any instruction in order to be recognized on the following instruction. (External synchronization is not required.) 13. This timing diagram shows timing relationships only; it does not represent any specific machine cycle. 16-7 inter 8080A/8080A-1/8080A-2 8080A. The ability to increment and decrement memory,the six general registers and the accumulator is provided as well as extended increment and decrement instructions to operate on. the register pairs and stack pointer. Further capability is provided by the ability to rotate the accumulator left or right through or around the, carry bit. INSTRUCTION, SET ' The accumulator group instructions include arithmetic and logical operators with direct, indirect, and immediate addressing modes. Move, load, and store instruction groups provide the ability to move either 8 or 16 bits of data between memory, the six working registers and the accumulator using direct, indirect, and immediate addressing modes. Input and output may be accomplished using memory' addresses as I/O -ports or the directly addressed I/O provided for in the 8080A instruction set. , ' The following special instruction gro!-,p completes the 8080A instruction set: the NOP instruction" HALT to stop processor execution and the OAA instructions provide decimal arithmetic capability. STC allows the carry flag to be directly set, and the CMC, instruction allows it to be complemented. CMA complements the contents of the, accumulator and XCHG exchanges the contents of two 16-bit register pairs directly. The ability to branch to different portions of the program is provided with jump, jump conditional, and computed jumps. Also the ability to call to and return from subroutines is provided both conditionally and unconditionally. The RESTART (or single byte call instruction) is useful for interrupt vector operation. Double preCision operators such as stack manipulation and double add instructions extend both the arithmetic and Interrupt 'handling capability of the Data and Instruction Formats Oata·in the8080A is stored in the form Df8-bit binary integers. All data transfers to they system data bus will be in the same format. ' . rl0-7-'-06-0-5-0 -'-40-3-0-20-'0I 0 1DATA WORD The program instructions may be one, two, or three bytes in length. Multiple byte instructions must be stored in :~~cessive words in program memory.. The instruction formats then depend on the particular operation executOne Byte Instructions 107 D6 05 04 03 D2 ~1 . ' Do TYPICAL INSTRUCTIONS I OP CODE Register to register, memory reference, arithmetic or logical, rotate, return, push, pop, enable or disable Interrupt instructions Two Byte Instructions 107 06 05 D4 03 02 01 Dol OPCODE 107 D6 05 04 03 02 0 1' Dol OPERAND Immediate mode or I/O instructions Three Byte Instructions Jump, call or direct load and store ' ' , instructions 107 06 D5 04 03 02 01 Dol OPCOOE 107 06 D5 D4 03 02 D1 Dol LOW ADDRESS OR OPERAND 1 10 7 06 D5 04 D3 02 01 Dol HIGH ADDRESS OR OPERAND 2 For the 8080A a logiC "1" is defined as a high level and a logiC "0" is defined as a low level. 16-8 inter 8080A/8080A-1/8080A-2 Table 2. Instruction Set Summary ~nemonlc' Instruction Code (1) D7D6DsD4D3D2D1Do Operations Description Clock Cycles (2) ~nemonlc' MOVE, LOAD, AND STORE MOVr1,r2 MOVM,r MOVr,M MVlr MVIM LXIB LXID LXIH STAXB STAXD LDAXB LDAXD STA LDA SHLD LHLD XCHG a 1 D D D S S S Move register to register a 1 1 1 a S S S Move register to memory a 1 D D D 1 1 a Move memory to register a a D D D 1 1 a Move immediate register a a 1 1 a 1 1 a Move immediate memory a a a a a a a 1 Load immediate register Pair B & C a a a 1 0 0 a 1 Load immediate register Pair D & E a a 1 a a a a 1 Load immediate register Pair H & L a a a a a a 1 a Store A indirect a a a 1 a a 1 a Store A indirect a a a a 1 a 1 a Load A indirect a a a 1 1 a 1 a Load A indirect a a 1 1 a a 1 a Store A direct 0 0 1 1 1 a 1 b Load A direct a a 1 a a a 1 a Store H & L direct· a a 1 a 1 a 1 a Load H & L direct 1 1 1 a 1 a 1 1 Exchange D & E, H & L Registers 5 7 Instruction Code (1) D7 D6 Ds D4 D3 D2 D1 Do JM JPE 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 a 1 a 1 JPO PCHL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a a a 1 a PUSHD 1 1 a a 1 a PUSHH 1 1 1 a a 1 a PUSH PSW POPB 1 1 1 1 0 1 a 1 1 a a a a a POPD 1 1 a 1 a a a POPH 1 1 1 0 a a a POPPSW 1 1 1 1 a a a XTHL 1 1 1 SPHL 1 1 1 1 1 1 a a a 1 a 0 LXISP 0 0 1 1 0 0 a INXSP 0 0 1 1 DCXSP 0 0 1 1 1 even 1 a Jump on parity odd 0 1 H & L to program counter 10 10 10 5 CALL. 7 CALL CC CNC CZ CNZ CP CM CPE 'CPO 10 10 10 10 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0'0 1 1 a 1 Call unconditional 0 1 1 1 a a Call on 9arry 0 1 0 1 a o Call on no carrY a a 1 1 a o Call on zero a a a 1 a o Call on no zero 1 1 0 1 0 o Call on positive 1 1 1 1 0 a Call on minus 1 a 1 1 a a Call on parity even 1 a a 1 a o Call on parity odd 11/17 11/17 11/17 11/17 11/17 11/17 11/17 11/17 a a a a a a a a 1 1 a a 1 1 1 a 1 0 0 a a o Return on carry 0 o Return on no carry a a Return on zero a a Return on no zero a a Return on positive a a Return on minus a a Return on parity 10 5111 5/11 5/11 5/11 5/11 5/11 5/11 a a a Return on parity 17 RETURN 7 7 7 13 13 16 16 4 a 0 1 a 1 1 Push register Pair B &Constack 1 Push register Pair D& E on stack 1 Push register Pair H& Lon stack 1 Push A and Flags on stack 1 Pop register Pair B & C 011 stack 1 Pop register Pair D & E 011 stack 1 Pop register Pair H & L 011 stack 1 Pop A and Flags 011 stack 1 Exchange top of stack, H & L 1 H & Ltostack pointer 1 Load immediate stack pointer 1 Increment stack pointer 1 Decrement stack pOinter 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 a a 1 0 1 1 a 1 0 a a 1 RET RC RNC RZ RNZ RP RM RPE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RPO 1 1 1 0 1 Return a 0 0 a 1 1 Jump unconditional Jump on carry 1 1 a 1 1 a 1 1 1 0 1 a a 1 o Jump on no carry 1 1 '0 0 1 0 1 o Jump on zero 1 1 a 0 a a 1 a Jump on no zero Jump on positive 1 1 1 1 a a 1 o o 0 0 5/11 odd RESTART 11 RST 11 1 1 A A A 1 1 1 Restart 11 INCREMENT AND DECREMENT 11 10 10 10 10 18 5 a a a a a 0 INXD 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 INXH a DCXB DCXD DCXH a D D 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 D D DD 1 0 1 a 0 0 a 0 0 1 1 0 a a 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 a 1 1 a 0 1 a 1 0 1 1 ADD 5 ADDr ADCr 1 0 0 1 0 a a a a 1 ADDM ADCM 1 a a 1 0 0 a a a 1 ADI ACI 1 1 0 1 1 0 a a a 1 DADB DADD DADH DADSP 0 a 0 a a a a 1 a 0 1 a a 0 1 1 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 16-9 1 a a 1 a 1 1 a o 1 0 1 0 1 1 INRr DCRr INRM DCRM INXB 10 JUMP JC JNC JZ JNZ JP a a a Jump on minus a Jump on parity Clock Cycle! (2) even PUSHB 1 1 0 1 7. STACKOPS JMP a a Operations Description 1 1 1 1 Increment register Decrement register Increment memory Decrement memory Increment B & C registers Increment D & E registers Increment H & L registers Decrement B & C Decrement D & E Decrement H & L S S S Add register to A S S S Add register to A with carry 1 1 a Add memory to A 1 1 o Add memory to A with carry 1 1 a Add immediate to A 1 1 o Add immediate to A with carry a a 1 AddB&CtoH&L a a 1 AddD&EtoH&L a a 1 AddH&LtoH&L 0 0 1 Add stack pointer toH&L 5 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 8080A/8080A-1/8080A-2 Table 2 Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Mnemonic· Instruction Code (1) o,.DsDsD4D3D2Dl D Operations Description Clock Cyclel (2) ~nemonlc· SUBTRACT SUBr Operations Description Clock Cycle! (2) ROTATE 1 0 0 1 0 S S S Subtract register SBBr l' 0 0 1 1 S S SUBM 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 SBBM 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 SUI 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 SBI 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 from A S Subtract register from A with borrow o Subtract memory from A o Subtract memory from A with borrow o Subtract immediate from A o Subtract immediate from A with borrow 4 4 RLC RRC RAL 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Rotate A left 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Rotate A right 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 Rotate A left 7 RAR 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Rotate A right 4 4 4 through carry 4 through carry 7 SPECIALS 7 CMA STC CMC 7 OM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Complement A Set carry Complement carry Decimal adjust A 4 4 ~ 4 INPUTIOUTPUT LOGICAL ANAr Instruction Code (1) D7DsDsD4D3D2D1D 1 0 1 0 0 S S S And register XRAr 1 0 1 0 1 S S ORAr CMPr 1 0 1 1 0 S S 1 0 1 1 1 S S ANAM 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 XRAM 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 ORAM CMPM 1 0 ·1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ANI 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 XRI 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 ORI 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 CPI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 with A S Exclusive or register with A S Or register with A S Compare register with A o And memory with A o Exclusive Or memory with A o Or memory with A o Compare memory with A .0 And immediate with A o Exclusive Or immediate with A o Or immediate with A o Compare immediate with A 4 IN OUT 4 CONTROL 4 4 EI 01 NOP HLT 7 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 Input 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 Output 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Enable Interrupts 1 1 Disable Interrupt 0 o No-operation 1 o Halt 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 NOTES: 1. DDD or SSS: B = 000, C = 001, D = 010, E = 011, H = 100, L = 101, Memory = 110, A = 111. 2. Two possible cycle times (6/12) indicate instruction cycles dependent on condition flags. 'AII mnemonics copyright @ Intel Corporation 1977 16-10 10 10 4 4 4 7 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 8-BIT HMOS MICROPROCESSORS System Controller; Advanced • On-Chip Cycle Status Information Available for Large. System Control. Four Vectored Interrupt Inputs (One Is • Non-Maskable) Plus an SOSOACompatible Interrupt Serial In/Serial Out Port • Decimal, Binary and Double Precision • Arithmetic Addressing Capability to 64K • Direct Bytes of Memory in 40-Lead Cerdip and Plastic • Available Packages + SV Supply with 10% • Single Voltage Margins 3 MHz, S MHz and 6 MHz Selections •. Available 20% Lower Power Consumption than • SOSSA for 3 MHz and S MHz 1.3 p.s Instruction Cycle (SOSSAH); O.S • p.s (80SSAH-2); 0.67 p.s (80SSAH-1) 100% Software Compatible with S080A • On-Chip Generator (with External. • Crystal, LCClock or RC Network) Pow~r (See Packaging Spec., Order # 231369) The Intel 8085AH is a complete 8-bit parallel Central Processing Unit (CPU) implemented in N-channel, depletion load, silicon gate technology (HMOS). Its instruction set is 100% software compatible with the 8080A microprocessor, and it is designed to improve the present 8080A's performance. by higher system speed. Its high level of system integration allows a minimum system of three IC's [8085AH (CPU),8156H (RAMIIO) and 8755A (EPROM/IO)] while maintaining total system expandability. The 8085AH-2 and 8085AH-1 are faster versions of the 80B5AH. The 8085AH incorporates all of the features that the 8224 (clock generator) and 8228 (system controller) provided for the 8080A, thereby offering a higher level of system integration. . The 8085AH uses a multiplexed data bus. The address is split between the 8-bit address bus and the 8-bit data bus. The on-chip address latches of 8155H/8156H/8755A memory products allow a direct interface with the 8085AH. liifA Xl X2 RESET OUT I ,.. C '1(0 D REG. III REG II, I. '" l ," flEO Kill REG. MG. }-. ARRAY STACI(POINTEA fill PROGRAM COUNTER 1111 INCAEM1NTEA/DECREMlNTEA ADDR($SLATCIl "I! x, x, SIO TRAP RST 7.5 RST 6.5 RST 5.5 INTR iNfA ADO AOl AD2 ADJ AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 Vss Vee HOLD HLDA eLK lOUT! RESET IN REAOV 101M S1 iii5 iVA ALE So Al5 Al4 All Al2 All AlO Ag AS 231718-2 AII-At ADDItEII8US ADJ-ADo AODAlSIIDAT A aus 231.718-1 Figure 1. 8085AH CPU Functional Block Diagram 16-11 Figure 2. 8085AH Pin Configuration September 1987 Order Number: 231718-001 intJ 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 Table 1_ Pin Description Symbol Type Name and Function ADDRESS BUS: The most significant 8 bits of memory address or the 8 bits of the 0 Aa-A15 1/0 address, 3~stated during Hold and Halt modes and during RESET. 1/0 MULTIPLEXED ADDRESSIDATA BUS: Lower 8 bits of the memory address (or ADo-7 1/0 address) appear on the bus during the first clock cycle (T state) of a machine cycle. It then becomes the data bus during the second and third clock cycles. ALE 0 ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE: It occurs during the first clock state of a machine cycle and enables the address to get latched into the on-chip latch of peripherals. The falling edge of ALE is set to guarantee setup and hold times for the address information. The falling edge of ALE can also be used to strobe the status information. ALE is never 3-stated. So, S1 and 101M 0 MACHINE CYCLE STATUS: RD 0 WR 0 READY I HOLD I HLDA 0 INTR I 101M 51 50 Status 0 0 1 Memory write 1 0 Memory read 0 1 0 1 1/0 write 1 1 0 1/0 read 1 1 Opcode fetch 0 ·1 1 1 Interrupt Acknowledge • 0 0 Halt • X X Hold • X X Reset • = 3-state (high impedance) X = unspecified 51 can be used as an advanced R/W status. 101M, SO and S1 become valid at the beginning of a machine cycle and remain stable throughout the cycle. The falling edge of ALE may be used to latch the state of these lines. . READ CONTROL: A low level on RD indicates the selected memory or 1/0 device is to be read and that the Data Bus is available for the data transfer, 3-stated during Hold and Halt modes and during RESET. WROTE CONTROL: A low level on WR indicates the data on the Data Bus is to be written into the selected memory or 1/0 location. Data is set up at the trailing edge of WR. 3-stated during Hold and Halt modes and during RESET. READY: If READY is high during a read or write CyCh3, it indicates that the memory or peripheral is ready to send or receive data. If READY is low, the CPU will wait an integral number of clock cycles for READY to go high before completing the read or write cycle. READY must conform to specified setup and hold times; HOLD: Indicates that another master is requesting the use of the address and data buses. The CPU, upon receiving the hold request, will relinquish the use of the bus as soon as the completion of the current bus transfer. Internal processing can continue. The processor can regain the bus only after the HOLD is removed. When the HOLD is acknowledged~ the Address, Data RD, WR, and 101M lines are 3-stated. HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE: Indicates that the CPU has received the HOLD request and that it will relinquish the bus in the next clock cycle. HILDA goes low after the Hold request is removed. The CPU takes the bus one half clock cycle after HLDA goes low. INTERRUPT REQUEST: Is used as a general purpose interrupt. It is sampled only during the next to the last clock cycle of an instruction and during Hold and Halt states. If it is actiVe, the Program Counter (PC) will be inhibited from incrementing and an INTA will be issued. During this cycle a RESTART or CALL instruction can be inserted to jump to the interrupt service routine. The INTR is enabled and disabled by software. It is disabled by Reset and immediately after an interrupt is accepted. 16-12 intJ SOS5AH/SOS5AH-2/S0S5AH-1 Table 1. Pin Description (Continued) Symbol Type Name and Function INTA 0 INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE: Is used instead of (and has the same timing as) RD during the Instruction cycle after an INTR is accepted. It can be used to activate an 8259A Interrupt chip or some other interrupt port. RST5.5 RST6.5 RST7.5 I RESTART INTERRUPTS: These three inputs have the same timing as INTR except they cause an internal RESTART to be automatically inserted. The priority of these interrupt is ordered as shown in Table 2. These interrupts have a higher priority than INTR. In addition, they may be individually masked out using the SIM instruction. TRAP I TRAP: Trap interrupt is a non-maskable RESTART interrupt. It is recognized at the same time as INTR or RST 5.5-7.5. It is unaffected by any mask or Interrupt Enable. It has the highest priority of any interrupt. (See Table 2.) RESET IN I RESET IN: Sets the Program Counter to zero and resets the Interrupt Enable and HlDA flip-flops. The data and address buses and the control lines are 3-stated during RESET and because of the asynchronous nature of RESET, the processor's internal registers and flags may be altered by RESET with unpredictable results. RESET IN is a Schmitt-triggered input, allowing connection to an R-C network for power-on RESET delay (see Figure 3). Upon power-up, RESET IN must remain low for at least 10 ms after minimum Vee has been reached. For proper reset operation after the power-up duration, flESET IN should be ~ept Iowa minimum of three clock periods. The CPU is held in the reset condition as long as RESET IN is applied. RESET OUT 0 RESET OUT: Reset Out indicates CPU is being reset. Can be used as a system reset. The signal is synchronized to the processor clock and lasts an integral number of clock periods. X1,X2 I X1 and X2: Are connected to a crystal, lC, or RC network to drive the internal clock generator. X1 can also be an external clock input from a logic gate. The input frequency is divided by 2 to give the processor's internal operating frequency. ClK 0 CLOCK: Clock output for use as a system clock. The period of ClK is twice the X1, X2 input period. SID I SERIAL INPUT DATA LINE: The data on this line is loaded into accumulator bit 7 whenever a RIM instruction is executed. SOD 0 SERIAL OUTPUT DATA LINE: The output SOD is set or reset as specified by the SIM instruction. POWER:· + 5 volt supply. Vee Vss GROUND: Reference. . Table 2. Interrupt Priority, Restart Address and Sensitivity Priority Address Branched to(1) When Interrupt Occurs Type Trigger 1 24H Rising Edge AND High level until Sampled RST7.5 2 3CH Rising Edge (latched) RST6.5 3 34H High level until Sampled Name TRAP RST5.5 4 2CH High level until Sampled INTR 5 (Note 2) High level until Sampled NOTES: 1. The processor pushes the pe on the stack before branching to the indicated address. 2. The address branched to depends on the instruction provided to the CPU when. the interrupt is acknowledged. 16-13 inter 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 (SID) and Serial Output Data (SOD) lines for simple serial interface. RESET IN : ' c, R, Vee 0 I f In addition to these features, the 8085AH has three maskable, vector interrupt pins, one nonmaskable TRAP interrupt, and a bus vectored interrupt, INTR. I~ INTERRUPT AND SERIAL I/O 231718-3 Typical Power-On Reset RC Values' RI = 75 KO CI = 1 "F 'Values May Have to Vary Due to Applied Power Supply Ramp UpTime. The 8085AH has 5 interrupt inputs: INTR, RST 5.5, RST 6.5, RST 7.5, and TRAP. INTR is identical in function to the 8080A INT. Each of the three RESTART inputs, 5.5, 6.5, and 7.5, has a programmable mask. TRAP is also a RESTART interrupt but it is nonmaskable. Figure 3. Power-On Reset Circuit The three maskable interrupt cause the internal execution of RESTART (saving the program counter in the stack 'and branching to the RESTART address) if the interrupts are enabled and if the interrupt mask is not set. The nonmaskable TRAP causes the internal execution of a RESTART vector independent of the state of the interrupt enable or masks. (See Table 2.) FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The 8085AH is a complete 8-bit parallel central processor. It is designed with N-channel, depletion load, silicon gate technology (HMOS), and requires a singie + 5V supply: Its basic clock speed is 3 MHz (8085AH), 5 MHz (8085AH~2), or 6 MHz (8085-AH- t), thus improving on the present 8080A's performance with higher system speed. Also it is designed to fit into a minimum system of three IC's:, The CPU (8085AH), a RAM/10(8156H), and an EPROM/IO chip (8755A). ' , There are two different types of inputs in the restart interrupts. RST 5.5 and RST 6.5 are high level-sensitive like INTR (and INT on the 8080) and are recognized with the same tiining ,as INTR. RST 7.5 is rising edge-sensitive. The 8085AH has twelve addressable 8-bit registers. Four of them can function only as two 16-bit register pairs. Six others can be used' interchangeably as 8-bit registers or as 16-bit register, pairs. The 8085AH register, set is as follows: Mnemonic Register Contents ACC or A, Accumulator 8 Bits PC Program Counter 16-Bit Address BC, DE, HL General-Purpose 8-Bits x 6 or 16'Bitsx3 Registers; data pointer (HL) Stack Pointer '16-Bit Address SP Flags or F Flag Register 5 Flags (8-Bit Space) For RST 7.5, only a pulse is required to set an internal flip-flop which generates the internal interrupt request (a normally high level signal with a low going pulse is recommended for,highest system noise immunity). The RST 7.5 request flip-flop remains set until the request is serviced. Then it is reset automatically. This flip~flop may also be reset by using theSIM instrUction or by issuing a RESET IN to the 8085AH. The RST 7.5 internal flip-flop will be set by a pulse on the RST 7.5 pin even when the RST 7.5 interrupt is masked out. ' The 8085AH uses a multiplexed Data Bus. The address is split between the higher 8-bit Address Bus and the lower 8-bit Address/Data Bus. During the first T state (clock cycle) of a machine cycle the low order address is sent out on the AddresS/Data bus. These lower 8 bits may be latched exterrially by the Address Latch Enable Signal (ALE). During the rest of the machine cycle the data bus is used for memory or I/O data. The 8085AH provides RD, WR, So, Sl, and 10/M Signals for' bus control. An Interrupt Acknowledge signal (INTA) is also provided. HOLD and all Interrupts are synchronized with the processor's internal clock. The 8085AH also provides Serial Input Data The status of the ,three, RST interrupt' masks can only be affected by the SIM instruction and RESET IN. (See SIM, Chapter 5 of the 8080/8085 User's Manual.) The interrupts are arranged' in a fixed priority that determines which interrupt is to be recognized if more than one is pending as follows: TRAP-highest priority, RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5;5, INTR-Iowest priority. This priority scheme does not take into account the priority of a routine that was started by a higher priority interrupt. RST 5.5 can interrupt an RST 7.5 routine if the interrupts are re-enabled before the end of the RST 7.5 routine. The TRAP interrupt is useful for catastrophic 'events such as power failure or bus, error. The TRAP input is recognized just as any other interrupt but has the 16-14 intJ 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 highest priority. It is not affected by any flag or mask. The TRAP input is both edge and level sensitive. The TRAP input must go high and remain high until it is acknowledged. It will not be recognized again until it goes low, then high again. This avoids any false triggering due to noise or logic glitches. Figure 4 illustrates the TRAP interrupt request circuitry within the 8085AH. Note that the servicing of any interrupt (TRAP, RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5, INTR) disables all future interrupts (except TRAPs) until an EI instruction is executed. EXTERNAL INSIDE THE 8085AH REOUEST SCHMITT TRIGGER +5V 0 Parallel resonance at twice the'clock frequency desired CL (load capacitance) s 30 pF Cs (Shunt capacitance)s 7 pF Rs (equivalent shunt resistance) s 75!l Drive level: 10 mW Frequency tolerance: ± 0.005% (suggested) Note the use of the 20 pF capacitor between X2 and ground. This capacitor is required with crystal frequencies belpw 4 MHz to assure oscillator startup at the correct frequency. A parallel-resonant LC citcuit may be used as the frequency-determining network for the 8085AH, providing that its frequency tolerance of approximately ± 10% is acceptable. The components are chosen from the formula: TRAP INTERRUPT RESET I':;; hence, the 8085AH is operated with a 6 MHz crystal (for 3 MHz clock), the 8085AH-2 operated with a 10 MHz crystal (for 5 MHz clock), and the 8085AH-1 can be operated with a 12 MHz crystal (for 6 MHz clock). If a crystal is used, it must have the following characteristics: elK D FIF INTERNAL To minimize variations in frequency, it is recommended that you choose a value for Cext that is at least twice that o,f Cjnt, or 30 pF. The use of an LC circuit is not recommended for frequencies higher than approximately 5 MHz. TRAP F.F. TRAP ACKNOWLEDGE 231718-4 Figure 4. TRAP and RESET In Circuil The TRAP interrupt is special in that it disables interrupts, but preserves the previous interrupt enable status. Performing the first RIM instruction following a TRAP interrupt allows you to determine whether interrupts were enabled or disabled prior to the TRAP. All subsequent RIM instructions provide current interrupt enable status. Performing a RIM instruction following INTR, or RST 5.5-7.5 will provide current Interrupt Enable status, revealing that interrupts are disabled. See the description ofthe RIM instruction in the 8080/8085 Family User's Manual. The serial I/O system is also controlled by the RIM and SIM instruction. SID is read by RIM,' and SIM sets the SOD data. DRIVING THE X1 AND X2 INPUTS You may drive the clock inputs of the 8085AH, 8085AH-2, or 8085AH-1 with a crystal, an LC tuned circuit, an RC network, or an external clock source. The crystal frequency must be at least 1 MHz, and must be twice the desired internal clock frequency; An 'RC circuit may be used as the frequency-determining network for the 8085AH if maintaining a precise clock frequency is of no importance. Variations in the on-chip timing generation can cause a wide variation in frequency when using the RC mode. Its advantage is its low component cost. The driving frequency generated by the circuit shown is approximately 3 MHz. It is not recommended that frequencies greatly higher or lower than this be attempted. Figure 5 shows the recommended clock driver circuits. Note in d and e that pullup resistors are required to assure that the high level voltage of the input is at least 4V and maximum low level voltage of 0.8V. For driving frequencies up to and including 6 MHz you may supply the driving signal to Xl and leave X2 open-circuited (Figure 5d). If the driving frequency is from 6 MHz to 12 MHz, stability of the clock generator will be improved by driving both Xl and X2 with a push-pull source (Figure 5e). To prevent self-oscillation of the 8085AH, be sure that X2 is not coupled back to Xl through the driving circuit. 16-15 inter 8085AH/8085AH·2/8085AH·1 +IY Xt eOllIAtI ,----, I * I I CINT -15pF '--:........~_~2 I X2_ _ _ J '20 pF capacttors required for '--_ _ _ _ _ __ crystal frequency ,;; 4 MHz only. 231718-5 a. Quartz Crystal Clock Driver. 'X2 left floating 808SAH r x, ,..--...---1 231718-8 1.:::"" - - . . , '1 " t d. 1-6 MHz Input Frequency Clock Driver Circuit I C'NT ...L. -15pF LEXT - .....I CEXT ;! x. +IY I '----+-....,--11... -""- - _....J .. 231718-6 b. LCTuned Circul~ Clock DrIver x, 1 47011 '-----lx. -8K . 20 231718-9 pF ' - - - - ( e.1-12 MHz Input Frequency External Clock Driver Circuit 231718-7 c. RC Circuit Clock Driver Figure 5. Clock Driver Circuits GENERATING AN8085AH WAIT STATE . If your system requirements are such that' slow memories or peripheral devices are being used, the circuit shown in Figure 6 may. be used to insert one WAIT state in each 8085AH machine cycle. As in the,8080, the READY line is used to extend the read and write pulse lengths so that the 8085AH can be used with slow memory. HOLD causes the CPU to relinquish the bus when it is thOrough with it by floating the Address and Data Buses. SYSTEM INTERFACE Th~ D flip-flops should be chosen so that • ClK is rising edge-triggered • CLEAR is low-level active. ~ 808SAH CLlUIUTPIIT"" - CLEAR ClK "0" F/F +5V- 0 Q The 8085AH family includes memory components, which are directly compatible to the 8085AH CPU. For example, a system consisting of the three chips, 8085AH, 8156H, and 8755A. will have the following features: • 2K Bytes EPROM TO 808SAH ClK '"0'" F/F - • 256 Bytes RAM • 1 Timer/Counter READY INPUT ~~ 0 • 4 8-bit 110 Ports, .1 6-bitll0 Port 231718-10 'ALE and ClK (OUT) should be buffered if ClK input of latch exceeds 8085AH IOl or IOH. • 4 Interrupt Levels • Serial In/Serial Out Ports Figure 6. Generation of a Wait State for 8085AH CPU 16-16 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 This minimum system, using the standard 1/0 technique is as shown in Figure 7. shows the system configuration of Memory Mapped 1/0 using 8085AH. . In addition to the standard 1/0, the memory mapped 1/0 offers an efficient 1/0 addressing technique. With this technique, an area of memory address space is assigned for 1/0 address, thereby, using the memory address for 110 manipulation. Figure 8 The 8085AH CPU can also interface with the standard memory that does not have the multiplexed addressldata bus. It will require a simple 8-bit latch as shown in Figure 9. ---- TRAP r1D~x, x, Vss vee rl I RESET IN HOLD HlDA RST1.5 RST6.5 SOD 8085AH RST5.5 SID ADDR , I-- I- 5,1-- INTR TNTA II-- ADDRI DATA ALE AD 18) Wli RESET S. OUT 101M RDY ClK I-Vi' (81 ~ I~r- vr POR!~ WR _ PORT RD 8156H B J.. A ALE DATAl ADDR ~ 101M RESET ~ 181 PORT~ C 161 IN TIMER OUT r-- - iow AD ALE Itr- CE '" ~.;:: V J.. .A A8-10 ~ 8755A DATAl ADDR 1011\; RESET I- PORT A * RDY ~ ClK PORT B ~. Vee lOR -.J .t tJ 1. Vss Vee Voo PROG Vee Vee Vee 231718-11 • NOTE: Optional Cqnnection Figure 7. 8085AH Minimum System (Standard 1/0 Technique) 16-17 - AS-1S ~O-7 8085AH ...IDc. !» co CI co 01 3C S" WR 101M CLK - RESET OUT f READY (I) ~ ,!, to ID i 1 .. I. 3 RESET m '< :TIMER IN + WR AD ALE AD CE ",-,70-7 , - RD 3" c ...... r- 0 ALE l! (D , 101M l "v 0 - - Vee vce vec 1 I. A8- AD ~A10VO.7 CE 101 1 M ALE AD iOW CLK RS1RDY 3 II co 0 co en )I::z:: ..... co 0 co en )I::z:: . PI) ..... co 3: ID 0 CO Tb~~R_ 3 0 ~ en )I::z:: 8158H 3C [RAM III + I/O + COUNTERlTIMERj .....• 8755A [EPROM + I/O] ~ ~ ID Co ::::: .9 231718-12 'NOTE: Optional Connection. inter 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 -- --- TRAP X2 X, RESET IN HOLD HlDA RST7 RST6 SOD 8085AH RST5 INTR INTA ADDR SID S, RESET So OUT ADDRI DATA ALE AD WR 101M RDYClK ' ~~ 'Qr -_. --101M (CS) WR RD .1\. V' DATA ~ " \ , STANDARD MEMORY ADDR (CS) / V (16) --- ClK RESET 101M (CS) 1/0 POR TS, lS B WR RD ... V r--.. DATA " ... I STANDARD 1/0 ADDR DUI II V AA Y:V YAY; YV .. Vee Vee Vee 231718-13 Figure 9. 8085 System (Using Standard Memories) 16-19 inter 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 BASIC SYSTEM TIMING The 8085AH has a multiplexed Data Bus. ALE is used as a strobe to sample the lower 8-bits of address on the Data Bus. Figure 10 shows an instruction fetch, memory read and 1/0 write cycle (as would occur during processing of the OUT instruction). Note that during the 1/0 write and read cycle that the 1/0 port address is copied on both the up. per and lower half of the address. There are seven possible types of machine cycles. Which of these seven takes place is defined by the status of the three status lines (101M, S1, So) and the three control signals (RD, WR, and INTA). (See Table 3.) The status lines can be used as advanced controls (for device selection, for example), since they become active at the T 1 state, at the outset of each machine cycle. Control lines RD and WR become active later, at the time when the transfer of data is to take place, so are used as command lines. A machine cycle normally consists of three T states, with the exception of OPCODE FETCH, which normally has either four or six T states (unless WAIT or HOLD states are forced by the receipt of READY or HOLD inputs). Any T state must be one of ten possible states, shown in Table 4 .. Table 3. 8085AH Machine Cycle Chart Status Machine Cycle 101M S1 Con,trol SO RD W~~ INTA OPCODE FETCH (OF) 0 1 1 0 1 1 MEMORY READ (MR) 0 1 0 0 1 1 MEMORY WRITE (MW) 0 0 1 1 0 1 1/0 READ (lOR) 1 1 0 0 1 1 1/0 WRITE (lOW) 1 0 1 1 0 1 ACKNOWLEDGE OFINTR (INA) BUS IDLE (BI): DAD ACK.OF RST,TRAP HALT 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 TS 1 0 1 0 1 TS 1 TS 1 1 Table 4. 8085AH Machine State Chart Machine State Control Status & Buses S1,SO 101M Aa-A 15 ADo-AD7 RD,WR INTA ALE X X X 1 1 1· T1 X T2 X X X X X X 0 TWAIT X X X X X X 0 Ts X X X X X X 0 T4 1 TS 1 1 0 Ts 1 X TS 1' 1 0 Ts 1 ot ot ot X X TS 1 1 0 TRESET X TS TS TS TS 1 0 THALT 0 TS TS TS TS 1 0 THOLD X TS TS TS TS 1 0 o = LogIc "0" TS = High Impedance X = Unspecified 1 = Logic "1" • ALE not generated during 2nd and 3rd machine cycles of DAD instruction. tlOiM = 1 during T4-Ts of INA machine cycle. 16-20 intJ 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 M, CLK As -A'5 M2 M3 T, PCH (HIGH ORDER ADDRESS! (PC + 1IH S,s. (FETCH! 10 (READ! AO O_7 ALE iID WR 101M STATUS 01 WRITE 11 231718-14 Figure 10. 8085AH Basic System Timing 16-21 8085AH/8085AH~2/8085AH·1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS· Ambient Temperature under Bias .....,. O·C to 70·C Storage Temperature .......... - 65·C to + 150·C Voltage on Any Pin with Re!!pect to Ground .........• - 0.5V to + 7V Power Dissipation ........•................. 1.5W • Notice: Stresses above those listed under ':4bsolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and funCtional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may IfIffect device reliability. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS 8085AH, 8085AH-2: TA = O·C to 70·C, Vee = 5V t 10%, Vss = OV; unless otherwise specified" ' 80S5AH-1: TA = O·C to 70·C, Vee = 5V ±5%, Vss = OV; unless otherwise specified" Symbol Parameter Min Max Units VIL Input Low Voltage -0.5 +O.S V VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 Vee +0.5 V VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage Icc Power Supply Current 0.45 2.4 V IOL V IOH = 2mA = -400 p,A 135 rnA 8085AH, SOS5AH-2 200 rnA 8085AH-1 IlL Input Leakage ±10 . p,A ILO Output Leakage ±10 p,A VILR Input Low Level, RESET, +O.S V VIHR Input High Level, RESET 2.4 VHY Hysteresis, RESET 0.15 -0.5 Test Condlti,ons Vee + 0.5 o ~ VIN ~ Vee 0.45V ~ VOUT ,~ Vee V 'V A.C. CHARACTERISTICS SOS5AH, 8085AH-2: TA = o·c to 70·C, Vee = 5V ±10%, vss = ov· S085AH-1: TA = O·C to 70·C, vee = 5V ±5%, vss = OV Symbol Parameter 8085AH (2) 8085AH.2 (2) 8085AH~1 (2) Min Max Min Max Min Max 2000 200 2000 167 2000 tCYC CLK Cycle Period 320 t1 CLK Low Time (Standard CLK Loading) SO 120 40 20 Units ns ns t2 CLK High Time (Standard CLK Loading), tr, tf CLK Rise and Fall Time tXKR X1 Rising to CLK Rising 20 120 20 100 tXKF X1 Rising to CLK Falling 20 150 20 110 tAC A8-15 Valid to Leading Edge of Control (1) 270 115 70 ns tACL AO-7 Valid to Leading Edge of Control 240 115 60 ns tAD AO-15 Valid to Valid Data In tAFR Address Float after Leading Edge of READ (lNTA) tAL A8-15 Valid before Trailing Edge'of ALE (1) 70 30 50 30 ns 30 ns 20 100 ns 20 110 ns 575 350 225 ns 0 0 0 ns 115 °NOTE: For Extended Temperature EXPRESS use M8085AH Electricals Parameters. 16-22 50 25 ns SOS5AH/SOS5AH·2/S0S5AH·1 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Symbol 8085AH (2) Parameter Min tAll AO-7 Valid before Trailing Edge of ALE tARY READY Valid from Address Valid tCA Address (AS-15) Valid after Control tcc Width of Control low (RD. WR.INTA) Edge of ALE tCl Max . 8085AH-2 (2) Min Max 50 90 220 8085AH-1 (2) Min 25 100 Units Max ns 40 ns 120 400 60 230 30 150 ns Trailing Edge of Control to leading Edge of ALE 50 25 0 ns tow Data Valid to Trialing Edge of WRITE 420 tHABE HlDA to Bus Enable tHABF Bus Float after HlDA tHACK HlDA Valid to Trailing Edge of ClK tHOH HOLD Hold Time tHOS HOLD Setup Time to Trailing Edge of ClK tlNH INTR Hold Time tiNS INTR. RST. and TRAP Setup Time to Falling Edge of ClK tLA . Address Hold Time after ALE tlC Trailing Edge of ALE to leading Edge of Control tlCK ALE low During ClK High tLDR ALE to Valid Data during Read tLDW ALE to Valid Data during Write tll ALE Width tlRY ALE to READY Stable tRAE Trailing Edge of READ to Re-Enabling of Address 140 230 210 210 ns 150 150 ns 150 150 ns ns 110 0 170 0 160 40 0 120 0 150 0 0 120 0 150 100 130 50 60 20 25 ns 100 50 15 ns 460 200 140 270 140 80 110 150 ns ns ns ns 175 110 ns 10 ns 50 30 90 .300 ns ns ns 50 150 ns ns 75 tRO READ (or INTA) to Valid Data tRY Control Trailing Edge to leading Edge of Next Control 400 220 160 ns tROH Data Hold Time after READ INTA READY Hold Time tRYS READY Setup Time to leading Edge ofClK 0 0 110 0 0 100 0 5 100 ns tRYH two Data Valid after Trailing Edge of WRITE tWOl lEADING Edge of WRITE to Data Valid 100 60 40 ns ns 30 20 ns ns 30 ns NOTES: 1. Aa-A15 address Specs apply 101M. SO. and 51 except Aa-A15 are undefined during T4-T6 of OF cycle whereas 101M. SO. and 51 are stable. 2. Test Conditions: tCYC = 320 ns (SOS5AH)/200 ns (SOS5AH-2);/167 ns (SOS5AH-1); CL = 150 pF. 3. For all output timing where C 150 pF use the following correction factors: 25 pF s;; CL < 150 pF: -0.10 ns/pF 150 pF < CL S;; 300 pF: +0.30 ns/pF 4. Output timings are measured with purely capacitive load. 5. To calculate timing specifications at other values of tCYC use Table 5. * 16-23 inter 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT INPUT/OUTPUT ~~... ~ > TEST POINTS 0.8 OEVICE UNDER TEST --:I (ADDRESS. CONTROLS) BUS T HOLD T HOLD T, :1 231718-20 READ OPERATION WITH WAIT CYCLE (TYPICAL)-SAME READY TIMING APPLIES TO WRITE T, I T2 / elK \ - - tlCK As-A,. ADo-AD, ALE ). ) r- T, ~ / ·1 T, _ICA_ ADDRESS - 'AD r- tLL--'" -tLAtAFR_ . 'Al tRDH //II/) - elL ADDRESS - /:== <'---'LRY 'ARY tAC_ . 'Ro •~ ]--I 'RY' 'RYH _I . - .... ---.... I .... ~ -) ,I tee IJ . '\ DATA IN ~rRA'- -'Cl-Y --'L~-rt . .. 'LOA 1- ~ RD/iNTA READY TWAIT 'i. lAYS lIlllllllA tRYH J 231718-21 NOTE: 1. Ready must remain stable during setup and hold times. / 16-26 8085AH/8085AH·2/8085AH·1 WAVEFORMS (Continued) INTERRUPT AND HOLD 11----·-- BUS FLOATING' -----1 MI-------------l-----,~----------------~ HOLD HLOA 231718-22 'NOTE: 101M is also floating during this ·time. 16-27 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 Table 6. Instruction Set Summary Mnemonic Instruction Code D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 Do Operations Description MOVE, LOAD AND STORE Instruction Code Mnemonic D765 D D D4 D3 D2 D'1 D0 . Operations Description STACK OPS (Continu.ed) MOVr1 r2 0 1 D D D S S S Move register to register MOVM.r 0 1 1 MOVr.M 0 1 D D D 1 MVlr 0 0 D D D MVIM 0 0 1 LXIB 0 0 LXID 0 LXIH 0 POPPSW 1 1 1 1 0 1 Pop A and Flags off stack XTHL 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Move memory to register SPHL 1 1 1 '1 1 1 0 Move immediate register LXISP 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 Move immediate inemory INXSP 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Increment stack pOinter 0 0 0 0 0 1 Load immediate . register Pair B & C DCXSP 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 Decrement stack pOinter 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Load immediate register Pair D & E JUMP JMP 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 Jump unconditional 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Load immediate register Pair H & L JC 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 Jump on carry JNC 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 Jump on no carry JZ 1 1 0 0 JNZ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Jump on no zero 1 0 S S S Move register to memory 0 0 STAXB 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Store A indirect STAXD 0.0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Store A indirect LDAXB 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Load A indirect LDAXD 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Load A indirect STA 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Store A direct LDA 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 Load A direct SHLD 0 0 1 0-0 0 1 0 Store H & L direct LHLD 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Load H & L direct XCHG 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 Exchange D & E, H & L Registers 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Exchange top of stack, H & L 1 H & Ltostack pointer 1 Load immediate stack pointer 1 0 Jump on zero JP 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 Jump on positive JM 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 JPE 1 1 1 0 1 0 Jump on parity even 1 0 JPO 1 1 1 0 0 0 PCHL 1 1 1 0 1 o Jump on minus 1 0 Jump on parity odd 0 0 1 H & L to program counter CALL STACKOPS CALL 1 1 0 0 CC 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 Call on carry 1 1 0 1 0 1 Call unconditional PUSHB 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Push register Pair B & Con stack CNC 1 1 0 PUSHD 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Push register Pair D & E on stack CZ 1 1 0 0 CNZ 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Push register Pair H & Lon stack CP 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 Call on positive CM 1· 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 PUSHH 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 Call on no carry 1 1 0 PUSH PSW 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 Push A and Flags on stack CPE 1 1 1 0 POPB 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Pop register Pair B & C off stack CPO 1 1 1 0 0 RETURN POPD 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 Pop register Pair D & E off stack RET 1 1 0 0 RC 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 Pop register Pair H & L off stack RNC 1 1 0 1 0 0 RZ 1 1 0 0 POPH 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 16-28 o Call on zero 0 Call on no zero 0 Call on minus 1 0 0 Call on parity even 1 0 1 0 0 0 Call on parity odd 1 Return 0 Return on carry 0 0 Return on no carry 1 0 0 0 Return on zero inter 8085AH/8085AH·2/8085AH·1 Table 6. Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Mnemonic Instruction Code D7 D6 Ds D4 D3 D2 Dl Do Operations Description Mnemonic RETURN (Continued) Instruction Code D7 D6 Ds D4 D3 D2 Dl Do . Operations Description IADD (Continued) RNZ 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Return on no zero DADO 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 AddD&EtoH&L RP 1 1 1 1 0 DADH 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 AddH&LtoH&L RM 1 1 1 1 1 0 DAD8P 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 Add stack pOinter RPE 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Return on positive 1 0 0 0 Return on minus toH&L 0 0 Return on parity even RPO 1 1 1 0 IsUBTRACT 0 0 0 0 Return on 8UBr 1 0 0 1 0 8 8 8 Subtract register from A 8BB r 1 0 0 1 1 8 8 8 Subtract register from A with borrow 8UBM 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 o 8ubtract memory 8BBM 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 o Subtract memory 8UI 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 o Subtract immediate SBI 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 o Subtract immediate parity odd RESTART R8T 1 1 A A A 1 1 1 Restart INPUTIOUTPUT IN 1 1 0 OUT 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 Input 1 0 1 1 Output 0 from A from A with borrow INCREMENT AND DECREMENT INRr 0 0 D D D 1 0 0 Increment register DCRr 0 0 D D D 1 0 INRM 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 Increment memory DCRM 0 0 INXB 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Increment B & C 1 1 0 1 0 from A 1 Decrement register from A with borrow 1 Decrement memory LOGICAL registers ANAr 1 0 1 0 0 8 8 8 And register with A XRAr 1 0 1 0 1 S 8 8 Exclusive OR register with A INXD 0 0 0 0 1 1 Increment D & E registers ORAr INXH 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Increment H & L registers 1 0 1 1 0 8 8 8 OR register with A CMPr DCXB 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 Decrement B & C 1 0 1 1 1 8 8 8 Compare register with A DCXD 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Decrement 0 & E ANAM 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 Decrement H & L XRAM 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 DRAM 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 CMPM 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 o OR memory with A o Compare ANI 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 o And immediate Add memory to A with carry XRI 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 o Exclusive OR 0 Add immediate to A ORI 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 o OR immediate CPI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o Compare DCXH 1 0 with A ADD ADDr 1 0 0 0 0 8 8 8 Add register to A ADCr 1 0 0 0 1 8 8 8 Add register to A memory with A with carry o o ADDM 1 0 C 0 0 1 1 ADCM 1 0 1 1 ADI 1 1 0 0 0 ACI 1 0 1 1 1 0 Add immediate to A 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 Add memory to A with A immediate with A with A with carry DADB o And memory with A o Exclusive OR memol)l 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Add B & C to H & L immediate with A 16-29 inter 8085AH/8085AH-2/8085AH-1 Table 6. Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Mnemonic Instruction Code . D7 D6 Ds D4 D3 D2· D1 Do Operations Description ROTATE Mnemonic Instruction Code ~ D6 Ds D4 D3 D2 D1 Do Operations Description CONTROL RLC 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Rotate A left EI 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 RRC 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Rotate A right DI 1 ,1 1 1, 0 0 1 1 Disable Interrupt RAL 0 0 O. 1 0 1 1 1 Rotate A left through carry NOP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No-operation HLT 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 Halt RAR 0 0 0 1 1 " 1 Rotate A right through carry NEW 8085AH INSTRUCTIONS RIM 0 0 1 0 0 0 Read Interrupt Mask 1 Complement A SIM 0 0 1 1 SPECIALS CMA 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 STC 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 Set carry CMC 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Complement carry DAA 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 Decimal adjust A NOTES: 1. DDS or SSS: B 000, 'C 001, D 010, E011, H 100, L101, Memory 110, A 111. 2. Two possible cycle times (6/12) indicate instruction cycles dependent on condition flags. "All mnemonics copyrighted @lIntel Corporation 1976. 16-30 0 0 0, 0 1 Enable Interrupts 0 Set Interrupt Mask 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 2048-BIT STATIC HMOS RAM WITH I/O PORTS AND TIMER • • • • • • • • • • • Single + 5V Power Supply with 10% Voltage Margins 30% Lower Power Consumption than the 8155 and 8156 256 Word x 8 Bits Completely Static Operation Internal Address Latch 2 Programmable 8-Bit 1/0 Ports 1 Programmable 6-Bit 1/0 Port Programmable 14-Blt Binary Counter1 Timer Compatible with 8085AH and 8088 CPU Multiplexed Address and Data Bus Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range - Extended Temperature Range The Intel® 8155H and 8156H are RAM and I/O chips implemented in N-Channel, depletion load, silicon gate technology (HMOS), to be used in the 8085AH and 8088 microprocessor systems. The RAM portion is designed with 2048 static cells organized as 256 x 8. They have a maximum access time of 400 ns to permit use with no wait states in 8085AH CPU. The 8155H-2 and 8156H-2 have maximum access times of 330 ns for use with the 8085H-2 and the 5 MHz 8088 CPU. The I/O portion consists of three general purpose I/O ports. One of the three ports can be programmed to be status pins, thus allowing the other two ports to operate in handshake mode. A 14-bit programmable counter/timer is also included on chip to provide either a square wave or terminal count pulse for the CPU system depending on timer mode. 101M 256 X 8 STATIC ADo 7 RAM * ALE RO WR RESET TIMER G G G PAa - 7 PC, Vee PC. PC. TIMER IN PC I RESET PC, PB, TIMER OUT PBs 101M PBo-7 PCa - s vce 1+5V) vss IOV) TIMER CLK PBs PB. AD 231719-1 '8155H/8155H·2 = ~,8156H/8156H-2 = CE PB, WR PB. ALE PB, AD. PB. AD, PA, AD. PAs AD, PAs AD. PA. PA, AD, TIMER OUT PC. AD. PA. AD, PA, vss PA•. 231719-2 Figure 1. Block Diagram Figure 2. Pin Configuration 16-31 December 1986 Order Number: 231719-001 inter . 8155H/8156H/8155H·2/8156H·2 Table 1. Pin Description Type Name and FUl1ction RESET I RESET: Pulse provided by the 8085AH to initialize the system (connect to 8085AH RESET OUT). Input high on this line resets the chip and initializes the three I/O ports to input mode. The width of RESET pulse should typically be two 8085AH clock cycle times. ADo-7 I/O ADDRESS/DATA: 3-state Address/Data lines that interface with the CPU lower 8-bitAddress/Data Bus. The 8·bit address is latched into the address latch inside the 8155H/56H on the falling edge of ALE. The address c~ be either for the memory section or the I/O section depending on the 10/Minput. The 8·bit data..!!..either written into the chip or read from the chip, depending on the WR or RD input signal. CEorCE .I CHIP ENABLE: On the 8155H, this pin is CE and is ACTIVE LOW. On the 8156H, this pin is CE and is ACTIVE HIGH. Symbol RD I READ CONTROL: Input low on this line with the Chip Enable activ~ enables and ADo-7 buffers. If 10/M pin is low, the RAM content will be read out to the AD bus. Otherwise the content of the selected I/O port or command/s.tatus . registers will be read to the AD bus. WR I WRITE CONTROL: Input low on this line with the Chip Enable active causes the data on the Address/Data bus to bewritt~n to the RAM or I/O ports and command/status register, depending on 10/M. ALE I ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE: This control signal latches both the address on the ADo-7 lines and the state of the. Chip Enable and 10/M into the chip at the falling edge of ALE. 10/M I I/O MEMORY: Selects memory if low and I/O and command/status registers if high. PAO-7 (8) I/O PORT A: These 8 pins are general purpose I/O pins. The in/out direction is selected by programming the command register. PBO-7 (8) I/O PORT B: These 8 pins are general purpose I/O pins. The in/out direction is selected by programming the command register. PCo-s (6) 110 PORT C: These 6 pins can function as either input port, output port, or as control signals for PA and PB. Programming is done through the command register. When PCo-s are .used as control signals, they will provide the following: PCo-A INTR (Port A Interrupt) PC,-ABF (port A Buffer Full) PCr-A STB (Port A Strobe) PCs-B INTR (Port B Interrupt) PC4-B BF (Port B Buffer Full) PCs':""B STB (Port B Strobe) TIMER IN I TIMER OUT d TIMER INPUT: Input to the timer-counter. . TIMER OUTPUT: This output can be either a square wa~e or a pulse, d~pending on the timer mode. + 5V supply. Vee VOLTAGE: Vss GROUND: Ground reference. 16·32 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION I I I The 8155H/8156H contains the following: e2K Bit Static RAM organized as 256 x8 I I e Two 8-bit I/O ports (PA & PB) and one 6-bit I/O port (PC) I I I e 14-bit timer-counter I TIMER MODE The 101M (IO/Memory Select) pin selects either the five registers (Command, Status, PAO-7, PBO-7, PCO-5) or the memory (RAM) portion. . I _________ JI L ____ _ 231719-3 The 8-bit address on the Address/Data lines, Chip Enable input CE or CE, and 101M are all latched onchip at the falling edge of ALE. CE(8155H) Figure 3. 8155H/8156H Internal Registers \ V '\ / 1\ / \ V \ OR CE(8156H) 101M A°0-7 X ADQRESS I\. I X DATA VALID ALE iiiiORWR NOTE: 231719-4 For detailed timing information, see Figure 12 and A.C. Characteristics. Figure 4. 8155H/8156H On-Board Memory Read/Write Cycle 16-33 intJ 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 READING THE STATUS REGISTER PROGRAMMING OF THE COMMAND REGISTER The status register consists of seven latches, one for each bit; six (0-5) for the status of the ports and one (6) for the status of the timer. The command register consists of eight latches. Four bits (0-3) define the mode of the ports, two bits (4-5) enable or disable the interrupt from port C when it acts as control' port, and the last two bits (6-7) are for the ,timer. The status of the timer and the liD section can be polled by reading the Status Register (Address XXXXXOOO). Status word format is shown in Figure 6. Note that you may never write to the status register since the command register shares the same liD address and the command register is selected when a write to that address is issued. The command register contents can be altered at any time by using the liD address XXXXXOOO during a WRITE operation with the Chip Enable active and 101M = 1. The meaning of each bit of the command byte is defined in Figure 5. The contents of the command register may never be read. 5 4 r= 3 2 ITM. TM,I IEBI lEAl Pc.1 PC, '--r---' 0 PB I PA I DF.FINESPAo-, } 0;; INPUT . DEFINES P90-1 1 '" OUTPUT , { DEFINES PCo.. 00- ALT 1 " • ALT 2 01 • ALT 3 10 .. ALl'" ENABLE PORT A INTERRUPT '-----'-_ _ _ _ _ _ ~:::RL~U~RT B } 1 '" ENABLE 0 • DISABLE 00· NOP - DO NOT AFFECT COUNTER OPERATION 01 '" STOP - NOP IF TIMER HAS NOT STARTED; STOP COUNTING JF THE TIMER IS RUNNING 10" STOP AFTER Te - STOP IMMEDIATELY L-..TIMER COMMAND l' E AFTER PRESENT TC IS REACHEO (NOP IF TIMER HAS NOT STARTED' START - LOAD MODE AND CNT LENGTH AND START IMMEDIATELY AFTER LOADING (IF TIMER IS NOT PRESENTLY RUNNINGl. IF TIMER IS RUNNING, START THE NEW MODE AND CNT LENGTH IMMEDIATELY AFTER PRESENT Te IS REACHED, 231719-5 Figure 5. Command Register Bit Assignment AD, AD, ADs AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 ADo IXITIMFRI1N:el ~ IIN:RIIN;EI ':F liN;' I I I T':'" PORT A INTERRUPT REQUEST ~ ~,.W"' .."'~_ (lNPUT/OUTPUTI PORT A INTERRUPT ENABLE PORT B INTERRUPT REQUEST PORT B BUFFER FULL/EMPTY UNPUTIOUTPUTI PORT B INTERRUPT ENABLED TIMER INTERRUPT (THIS BIT IS LATCHED HIGH WHEN TERMINAL COUNT IS REACHED. AND IS RESET TO LOW UPON READING OF THE CIS REGISTER AND BY HARDWARE RESETI. Figure 6. Status Register Bit Assignment 16-34 231719-6 inter 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 ond is an output signal. indicating whether the buffer is full or empty, and the third is an input pin to accept a strobe for the strobed input mode. (See Table 2.) INPUTIOUTPUT SECTION The 1/0 section of the 8155H/8156H consists of five registers: (see Figure 7.) • CommandlStatus Register (C/S)-Both registers are assigned the address XXXXXOOO. The CIS address serves the dual purpose. When the CIS registers are selected during WRITE operation, a command is written into the command register. The contents of this register are not accessible through the pins. When the CIS (XXXXXOOO) is selected during a READ operation, the status information of the 1/0 ports and the timer becomes available on the ADo_ilines. • PA Register-This register can be programmed to be either input or output ports depending on the status of the· contents of the CIS Register. Also depending on the command, this port can operate in either the basic mode or the strobed mode (see timing diagram). The 1/0 pins asSigned in relation to this register are PAO-7. The address of this register is XXXXX001. • PB Register-This register functions the same as PA Register. The I/O pins assigned are PBO-7. The address of this register is XXXXX010. • PC Register-This register has the address XXXXX011 and contains only 6 bits. The 6 bits can be programmed to be either input ports, output ports or as control signals for PA and PB by properly programming the AD2 and AD3 bits of the CIS register. When PCO-5 is used as a control port, 3 bits are assigned for Port A and 3 for Port B. The first bit is an interrupt that the 8155H sends out. The sec- When the 'C' port is programmed to either ALT3 or ALT4, the control signals for PA and PB are initialized as follows: Control BF INTR STB Input Mode Low Low Input Control 1/0 Addresst (1) Output Mode (2) Simple Input (3) Strobed Input Selection X X X X X 0 0 X X X X X 0 X X X X X 0 X X X X X 0 0 1 1 X X X X X 1 0 X X X X X 1 0 0 Interval CommandlStatus Register 1 General Purpose 1/0 Port A 0 General Purpose 1/0 Port B 1 Port C-General Purpose 110 or Control 0 Low-Order 8 bits of Timer Count 1 High 6 bits of Timer Count and 2 bits of Timer Mode X: Don't Care. t: 1/0 Address must be qualified by CE = 1 (8156H) or CE = 0 (8155H) and 101M = 1 in order to select the appropriate register. Figure 7. 1/0 Port a.nd Timer Addressing Scheme Figure 8 shows how 1/0 PORTS A and B are structured within the 8155H and 8156H: 1 Multiplexer . Control Low High Input Control A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 AO 8155H/8156H One Bit of Port A or Port B NOTES: Output Mode 231719-7 (4) = 1 for Output Mode = 0 for Input Mode READ Port = (101M = 1) • (RD = 0) • (CE Active) • (Port Address Selected) WRITE Port = (101M = 1) • (WR = 0) • (CE Active) • (Port Address Selected) Figure 8. 8155H/8156H Port Functions 16-35 inter 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 ." Table 2 Port Control Assignment Pin ALT1. ALT2 PCO PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 Input Port Input Port Input Port Input Port· Input Port Input Port . Output Port Output Port Output Port Output Port Output Port Output Port ALT3 . A INTR (Port A Interrupt) A SF (Port A Buffer Full) A 13TB (Port A Strobe) Output Port Output Port Output Port Note in the diagram that when the 1/0 ports are programmed to be output ports, the contents of the output ports can still be read by a READ operation when appropriately addressed. The outputs of the 8155H/8156H are "glitch-free" meaning that you can write a "1" to a bit position that was previously "1" and the level at the output pin will not change. Note also that the output latch is cleared when the port enters the input mode. The output latch cannot be loaded by writing to the port if the port is in. the input mode. The result is that each time a port mode . is changed from input to output, the output pin will go low. When the 8155H/56H is RESET, the output latches are all cleared and all 3 ports enter the input mode. . ALT4 .A INTR (Port A Interrupt) A BF (Port A Buffer FiJlI) A STB (Port A Strobe) B INTR (Port B Interrupt) B BF (Port B Buffer Full) B STB (Port B Strobe) TIMER SECTION The time is a 14-bit down-counter that counts the TIMER IN pulses and provides either a square wave or pulse when terminal count (TC) is reached. The timer has the. 1/0 address XXXXX100 for the low order byte of the register and the I/O address XXXXX101 for the high order byte of the register. (See Figure 7.) To program the timer, the COUNT LENGTH REG is loaded first, one byte at a time, by selecting the timer addresses. Bits 0-13 of.the high order count register will specify the length of the next count and bits 14-15 of the high order register will specify the timer output mode (see Figure 10). The value loaded into the count length register can· have any value from 2H through 3FFFH in Bits 0-13. . When in the ALT 1 or ALT 2 modes, the. bits of PORT C are structured like the diagram above in the simple input or output mode, respectively. 765432·10 I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I Reading from an input port with nothing connected to the pins will provide unpredictable results. ~' r MSB OF CNT LENGTH TIMER MODE 7 6 5 4 3 2 ,1 O' I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I , , Figure 9 shows how the 8155H/8156H 1/0 ports might be configured in a typical MCS®-85 system. LSB OF CNT LENGTH 231719-9 I TO 8085AH RST INPUT --1 PORTA PORTC PORTB OUTPUT PORT A A tNTR ISIGNALS DATA RECEIVED) A SF (SIGNALS DATA READY) A 5Ta (ACKNOWL. DATA RECEIVED) B STa (LOADS PORT B LATCH) B BF (SIGNALS BUFFER IS FULLI Figure 10. Timer Format }-~ There are four modes to choose from: M2 and M1 define the timer mode, as shown in Figure 11. PERIPHERAL INTERFACE B tNTR (SIGNALS BUFfER READY FOR READING) INPUT START COUNT MODE BITS TO INPuJ PORT (OPTIONALI TO 8085AH RST INPUT 231719-8 Figure 9. Exa,mple: Command Register = 00111001 M2 M, o 0 TERMINAL COUNT ~ (TERMINAL) COUNT _____ i ____ . 1. SINGLE saUAAEWAVE 2. CONTINUOUS saUAREWAVE 3. ~~~~iEON ---"~--------.--' TERMINAL COUNT 4. CONTINUOUS PULSES' -----,ur----~ 231719-10 Figure 11. Timer Modes 16-36 inter 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 Bits 6-7 (TM2 and TM1) of command register contents are used to start and stop the counter. There are four commands to choose from: TM2 o o TM1 0 1 o Nap-Do not affect counter operation. STOP-Nap if timer has not started; stop counting if the timer is running. STOP AFTER TC-Stop immediately after present TC is reached (Nap if timer has not started) START-Load mode and CNT.length and start immediately after loading (if timer is not presently running). If timer is running, start the new mode and CNT length immediately after present TC is reached. Note that while the counter is counting, you may load a new count and mode into the count length registers. Before the new count and mode will be used by the counter, you must issue a START command to the counter. This applies even though you may only want to change the count and use the previous mode. In case of an odd-numbered count, the first half-cycle of the squarewave output, which is high, is one count longer than the second (low) half-cycle, as shown in Figure 12. The counter in the 8155H is not initialized to any particular mode or count when hardware RESET occurs, but RESET does stop the counting. Therefore, counting cannot begin following RESET until a START command is issued via the CIS register. Please note that the timer circuit on the 6155HI 8156H chip is designed to be a square-wave timer, not an event counter. To achieve this, it counts down by twos twice in completing one cycle. Thus, its registers do not contain values directly representing the number of TIMER IN pulses received. You cannot load an initial value of 1 into the count register and cause the timer to operate, as its terminal count value is 10 (binary) or 2 (decimal). (For the detection of single pulses, it is suggested that one of the hardware interrupt pins on the 8085AH be used.) After the timer has started counting down, the values residing in the count registers can be used to calculate the actual number of TIMER IN pulses required to complete the timer cycle if desired. To obtain the remaining count, perform the following oper- , ations in order: 1. Stop the count 2. Read in the 16-bit value from the count length registers 3. Reset the upper two mode bits 4. Reset the carry and rotate right one position all 16 bits through carry 5. If carry is set, add % of the full original count (% full count-1 if full count is odd). NOTE: 5 231719-11 NOTE: If you started with an odd count and you read the count length register before the third count pulse occurs, you will not be able to discern whether one or two counts has occurred. Regardless of this, the 8155H/56H always counts out the right number of pulses in generating the TIMER OUT waveforms. 5 and 4 refer to the number of clocks in that time period. . Figure 12. Asymmetrical Square-Wave Output Resulting from Count of 9 16-37 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 • 2K Bytes EPROM 8085AH MINIMUM SYSTEM CONFIGURATION • 38110 Pins • 1 Interval Timer • 4 Interrupt Levels Figure 13a shows a minimum system using three chips, containing: • 256 Bytes RAM J\ A8-15 _J\ Y1 ) ADO·1 asAN , ALE jjjj ~ t-t-- WA 101M ClK r- r--- t-t-t-- RESET OUT READY Vee TIMER. IN RESET T:'~~R_ G ,,- WARD ALE '-!. CE:-; .7 J: LATCHES 101M , 7:~~ , 7: _101 0 ALE 0-7 CE M jjjj~Oii ClK RS ROY J -~~ CONTROL 256 x 8 RAM ~ 8755A (EPROM + 1/0) I ~~cp~ B88 88 Figure 13a. 8085AH Minimum System Configuration (Memory Mapped I/O) 16-38 231719-12 inter 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 8088 FIVE CHIP SYSTEM • 38 1/0 Pins ,. 1 Interval Timer Figure 13b shows a five chip system containing: • 2 Interrupt Levels • 1.2SK Bytes RAM • 2K Bytes EPROM ~ Vss Vee j j ~ H- POR!fOV >--_WR AD PORT 11111101 8 ALE PORT DATAl C ... ADDR Vee p-, ADDRIOATA ALE T~ " ~4 ?'" 6 GND (V,,) GND MANUAL, RESET X, RST@ X, CLK READY I-- 8284 RESET RDY' f- ~ AD f- I-- I- 'NA f- 101M i-i-- --I DATAl ADDR 101M PORT RESET 8 READY ~ Vee ~-l III f- ~ 1755A-I ... .-- liES A8 _10 V ALE PORT A CE ... /,-- 8088 READY MN/MX f--Vee rD1 (6) RD L- ~ W lOW AD DR A . - - CLKADo-AD7 (8) IN_ 101M TIMER OUT f-RESET " As-A19 ~ LROG Vss Vee Voo Vee WR .... RD CE, G) 118502 ALE If- <:S, i-- CE, I~ f- A•• Ag "'"- ADO_7 " I J V" Vee , 231719-13 Figure 13b. 8088 Five Chip System Configuration 16-39 8155HI8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature Under Bias ............ O·C to + 70·C' Storage Temperature .......... - 65·C to + 150·C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground .......... -O.5V to + 7V ' Power Dissipation .......................... 1.5W D.C., CHARACTERISTICS Symbol TA = • Notice: Stresses above those listed under '~bso lute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at, these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not impliecl.' Exposure' to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 0·Ct070·C, Vcc Parameter = Min 5V ±10% Max Units Test Conditions , Vil Input LowVoltage -0.5 0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 Vcc+ 0.5 V Val Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage 0.45 2.4 V IOl = 2mA V IOH = -400 p-A III Input Leakage, ±10 p-A OV ~ VIN ~ Vcc ILO Output Leakage Current ±10 p-A 0.45V ~ VOUT ~ Vcc Icc Vcc Supply Current 125 mA III (CE) Chip Enable Leakage 8155i-f -, +100 -100 8156H A.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = O·C to 70·C, Vcc Symbol p-A p-A ' OV ~ VIN ~ Vcc = 5V ± 10% '8155H/8156H Parameter Min Max 8155H-2/8156H-2 Min Units Max tAL Address to Latch Setup Time 50 30 ns tLA Address Hold Time after Latch 80 30 ns tlC Latch to ,READ/WRITE Control 100 tRO Valid Data Out Delay from READ Control 170 tLO Latch to Data Out Valid 350 270 n,s tAD Address Stable to Data Out Valid 400 330 ns tll Latch Enable Width tROF Data Bus Float after READ 40 100 0 ns 140 70 100 0 ns ns 80 ns tCl READ/WRITE Control to Latch Enable 20 10 tCll WRITE Control to Latch Enable for CIS Register 125 125 ns ns tcc READ/WRITE Control Width 250 200 ns tow Data In to WRITE Setup Time 150 100 ns two Data In Hold Time after WRITE 25 25 ns tRV Recovery Time between Controls 300 200 ns twp WRITE to Port Output 400 16-40 300 ns 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol TA = O·C to 70·C, Vee Parameter = 5V ± 10% (Continued) 8155H/8156H Min 8155H-2/8156H-2 Max Min Units Max tPR Port Input Setup Time 70 50 ns tRP Port Input Hold Time 50 10 ns tSBF Strobe to Buffer Full tss Strobe Width tRBE READ to Buffer Empty 400 300 ns tSI Strobe to INTR On 400 300 ns tRDI READ to INTR Off 400 300 ns tpss Port Setup Time to Strobe 50 0 ns tpHS Port Hold Time After Strobe 120 100 ns tSBE Strobe to Buffer Empty 400 300 ns tWBF WRITE to Buffer Full 400 300 ns ns 300 400 200 150 ns tWI WRITE to INTR Off 400 300 ns tTL TIMER-IN to TIMER-OUT Low 400 300 ns tTH TIMER-IN to TIMER-OUT High 300 ns tRDE Data Bus Enable from READ.Control 400 10 10 ns t1 TIMER-IN Low Time 80 40 ns t2 TIMER-IN High Time 120 70 ns twr WRITE to TIMER-IN (for writes which start counting) 360 200 ns A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICE UNDER TEST 231719-14 A.C. testing: inputs are driven at 2.4V for a logic "I" and O.45V for a logic "0". Timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a logic "I" and O.BV for a logic "0". i c l = 150pF 231719-15 CL = 150 pF CL Includes Jig Capacitance 16-41 inter 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 WAVEFORMS READ CEC1155HI /- CECI15IHI - \ 101M / '\ \. / V \ lAO - tAl - DATA VALID ~ - t LA - ~ i\ / Al E >- ADDRESS >- 7 _t AOf _ - t LL- - _ILC-~ I--t ROF - _tRD_ _ I CC · - "- 1/ - -tel_ t Rv - ILO 231719-16 WRITE \ / \ CE(I158H) / '"'\ 7 lolM' \ I '\ 151H) aR X AO O_7 I- f---t LA I AL- J ALE )~ _ t el - _ t ow - - ~ DATA VALID V ~ l - t LL - tCLL---l Wi! K ADDRESS -==1 I- _ t LC two---':"" \I 1- IWT tee ------ _ t Rv - ~j TIMER IN I-- " 231719-17 16-42 inter 8155H/8156H/8155H-2/8156H-2 WAVEFORMS '(Continued) STROBED INPUT OF INTR INPUT DATA FROM PORT ------------------~~-----+----~~------------------------------------------------------------231719-18 STROBED OUTPUT OF INTR 'w, OUTPUT DATA TO PORT --------------------------------------------~~-----------------------------------------------------231719-19 BASIC INPUT RD BASIC OUTPUT ==x 'P. \... 'NPUT OATABUS· - -- - - '.P } - =x J -I WR k DATA BUS· OUTPUT ------- 231719-20 231719-21 'Data Bus Timing is shown in Figure 7, 16-43 ~ ii! » 0 ." ::D c: ~ "tI c: ~ 0 0 c: z I LOAD COUNTER FROM CLR 2 I ~ _I RELOAD COUNTER FROM CLR 5 3 I 2 I -\ C I~ 5 ""::D0 s::: TIMER IN en ~ 0 ~ TIMER OUT IPULSEI \ \~ II INOTE 1) ___ J :e m < m ( 0 :::u 3: en '0 0 ~ :::l c AoIO S755A DATAl ADDR 1-r- f- 101M PoRT RESET ' B W ROY X 0 X 0 Power Down and Function Disable(l) 0 1 1 0 powered Up and Function Disable(l) 0 0 1 1 I- CLK ~1 v!c vtD tRaG WR AD Powered Up and Enabled CE'·S1·S5 ALE NOTES: X = Don't Care. . .' 1: Function Disable 'implies Data Bus· in high impedance state and not writing. 2: CS· = (CEl = 0) X (CE2 == 1) (CS = 0). CS· = 1 signifies all chip enables and chip select active. x ~~- CS.CE2 ,. Aa.Ag ADo.7 vt Table 2. Truth Table for Control and Data Bus Pin Status (CS*) RD WR L 231450-3 ADo,-'; During Data 8185 Function Portion of Cycle Figure 3. 8185 In an MCS®-85 System 0 X X Hi-Impedance . 1 0 1 Data from Memory Read 1 1 0 Data to Memory Write 1 1 1 Hi-Impedance Reading, but not Driving Data Bus No FU'lction NOTE: X = Don't Care. 16-46 4 Chips: 2K Bytes EPROM 1.25K Bytes RAM 38110 Lines 1 CounterITlmer 2 Serial 110 Lines 5 Interrupt Inputs Vee Vee 8185/8185-2 iAPX 88 FIVE CHIP SYSTEM: • 1.2SK Bytes RAM • 2K Bytes EPROM • 38 I/O Pins • 1 Internal Timer • 2 Interrupt Levels /). V•• Vee I I ~ POR!~ I ~I- POR~ k A (81 > WR RD .1_ ~ "f ~ ALE PORTkA> DATAl C (61 ADDR IN_ 101M TIMER OUT RESET f.- Aa iOW ADDR AI, v ~ /1 .---- .- := 8088 READY l4 I~ GND (Vss) GND MANUAL RESET r- RST x, ® ClK READY I-- RES RDY1 "- Aa_1o V I--vee ALE ~ ~ RD l- I - I-- WR I- 101M ~ r--- I284A RESET PORT A ee y rD1 X, ALE J~ 'J MNIMX Vee ADDR/DATA CLKAOo- ADr Ali ,1755A02 DATAl ADDR r 101M PORT RESET B READY ~ ~ ~ Vee iDA -.J III LROG Vss Vee VDD IVee W1i .... Ali ee, .1115-2 CD ALE \1- es. Irl- CE, II-I- AI,A, V ADo·, Iv•• t Vee , 7 231450-4 Figure 4. IAPX 88 Five Chip System Configuration 16-47 8185/8185-2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature Under Bias ............ O·C to + 70·C Storage Temperature .......... -65·C to + 150·C Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground .......... - 0.5V to + 7V Power Dissipation .......................... 1.5W D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Vil TA Units Input Low, Voltage -0.5 0.8 V 2.0 Vcc+ 0.5 V 0.45 V Input High Voltage VOH Output High Voltage Test Conditions IOl = 2mA 2.4 IOH = -400 p.A ±10 p.A OV ~ VIN ~ Vcc ±10 p.A 0.45V ~ VOUT ~ Vcc Vcc Supply Current Powered Up 100 mA Powered Down 35 mA Input Leakage ., " Output Leakage Current A.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol 5V ±10% Max Output Low Voltage' Icc = Min VIH ILO 0·Ct070·C, Vcc Parameter VOL III = • Notice: Stresses above those listed under ':4bsolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these. or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability..' TA= 0·Ct070·C, Vcc = 5V ±10% 8185·2 8185 Parameter Min Max Min tAL Address to Latch Set Up Time 50 30 tLA Address Hold Time After Latch 80 30 100 Max ns ns tlC Latch to READ/WRITE Control tAO Valid Data Out Delay from READ Control 170 140 ns tLD ALE to Data Out Valid 300 200 ns tll tAOF Latch Enable Width 40 Units 70 100 Data Bus Float After READ 0 ns 100 0 ns 80 ns tel READ/WRITE Control to Latch Enable 20 10 ns tcc READ/WRITE Control Width 250 200 ns tow Data In to WRITE Set Up Time 150 150 ns two Data In Hold Time After WRITE 20 20 ns tsc Chip Select Set Up to Control Line 10 10 ns tcs Chip Select Hold Time A~er Control 10 10 ns tAlCE Chip Enable SetUp to ALE Falling 30 10 ns tLACE Chip Enable Hold Time After ALE 50 30 ns 16-48 inter 8185/8185-2 A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT INPUT/OUTPUT "=X > 2.0 TEST POINTS 0.8 0.45 DEVICE UNDER TEST < )C . 2.0 0.8 i Cl = IS0pF 231450-5 221450-6 A.C. Testing: Inputs Are Driven at 2,.4V for a Logic "I" and 0.45V for a Logic "0." Timing Measurements Are Made at .2.OV for a Logic "I" and O.SV for a Logic "0." CL=150pF CL Includes Jig Capacitance WAVEFORM ALE (CE1-01(CE2'"'l' WR.RD ADO-AD1 IREAD CYCLE) (As.Asl --.cc----I (WRITE CYCLE I ADO-AD7 cs. {DESELECTEDl (SELECTEDl 231450-7 16-49 intJ . • • • • 8224 CLOCK GENERATOR AND DRIVER FOR 8080A C.PU Single Chip Clock Generator/Driver for 8080A CPU Power-Up Reset for CPU Ready Synchronizing Flip-Flop Advanced Status Strobe Oscillator Output for External System Timing Controlled for Stable • Crystal System Operation Reduces System Package Count • Available • - Standardin EXPRESS Temperature Range Available in 16-Lead Cerdip Package • (See Packaging Spec, Order #231369) The Intel 8224 is a single chip clock generator/driver for the 8080A CPU. It is controlled by a crystal, seiected by the designer to meet a variety of system speed requirements. Also included are circuits to provide power-up reset, advance status strobe, and synchronization of ready. The 8224 provides the designer with a significant reduction of packages used to generate clocks and timing for 8080A. §> 1!9 I!D XTAL1 ,....,.----I>---osc IE> RESET Vee RESIN XTAL1 RDYIN XTAL2 READY TANK XTAL2 .. ~, (TTLI ., STSTB ~, osc SYNC TANK I--i~---~, [E> I--i~---., §> VDD GND I-----¢,ITTLI(D 231464-2 ID IV SYNC ----t----ll-.., mrN --I,>-t-l l -........--RESET II> IV RDYIN --,...---+-1 t----READY[9 RESiN Reset Input RESET Reset Output XTAL 1 RDYIN Ready Input XTAL2 READY Ready Output TANK Us9d with Overtone XTAL SYNC Sync Input OSC Oscillator Output . STSTB StatusSTB (Active Low) 2(lTL) <1>2 CLK (TTL Level) Vee +5V } Voo +12V GND OV 231464-1 Figure 1. Block Diagram ~ <1>2 801i0 Clocks } Connections for Crystal Figure 2. Pin Configuration 16-50 December 1986 Order Number: 231464-001 inter 8224 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature Under Bias ............ O·C to + 70·C Storage Temperature .......... -65·C to + 150·C Supply Voltage, Vee ............... -0.5V to + 7V Supply Voltage, VOD ............ -0.5V to + 13.5V Input Voltage ..................... -1.5V to + 7V • Notice: Stresses above those listed under '~bso lute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect.device reliability. Output Current .......................... 100 mA D.C. CHARACTERISTICS = O·Cto +70·C, Vee = +5.0V ±5%, Voo = +12V ±5% TA Symbol Limits Parameter Min Typ Units Test Conditions Max IR Input Leakage Current 10 ,."A Ve Input Forward Clamp Voltage 1.0 V VIL Input "Low" Voltage V = 0.45V VR = 5.25V Ie = -5mA Vee = 5.0V VIH Input "High" Voltage 2.6 V Reset Input 2.0 V All Other Inputs VIWVIL RESIN Input Hysteresis 0.25 V Vee VOL Output "Low" Voltage 0.45 V (4)1, 4>2), Ready, Reset, STSTB IOL = 2.5mA 0.45 V All Other Outputs IOL = 15 mA IOH IF VOH Input Current Loading -0.25 mA 0.8 VF Output "High" Voltage 4>1, 4>2 9.4 V READY,RESET 3.6 V IOH All Other Outputs 2.4 V IOH lee Power Supply Current 115 mA 100 Power Supply Current 12 mA = = = = .. 5.0V -100,."A -100,."A -1 mA NOTE: 1. For crystal frequencies of 18 MHz connect 510n resistors between the Xl input and ground as well as the X2 input and ground to prevent oscillation at harmonic frequencies. Crystal Requirements Power Dissipation (Min): 4 mW Tolerance: 0.Q05% at 0·C-70·C "NOTE: Resonance: Series (Fundamental)' With tank circuit use 3rd overtone mode. Load Capacitance: 20 pF-35 pF Equivalent Resistance: 750-200 16-51 inter 8224 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter t.,,1 <1>1 Plllse Width t.,,2 <1>2 Pulse Width Limits Min t01 <1>1 to <1>2 Delay 0 <1>2 to <1>1 Delay t03 <1>1 to <1>2 Delay 2tcy .--.14ns 9 2tcy 9 tR <1>1 and <1>2 Rise Time tF <1>1 and <1>2 Fall Time <1>2 to <1>2 (TIL) Delay toss <1>2 to STSTB Delay tpw STSTB Pulse Width tORS RDYIN Setup Time to Status Strobe tORH RDYIN Hold Time afterSTSTB tOR RDYIN or RESIN to <1>2 Delay Max Units Test Conditions ns CL= 20pFt050pF 2TIL,CL = 30 R1 :: 3000. R2 = soon 2tcy --20ns 9 5tcy --35ns 9 t02 to.,,2 Typ 2tcy 9 + 20ns 20 20 :-5 +15 ns Stcy _ 30 ns 9 tcy - -15ns 9 4tcy 50ns-9 4tcy 9 4tcy --25ns 9 6tcy 9 ns STSTB, CL = 15 pF R1 = 2K R2 =4K ns ns tcy 9 tCLK CLKPeriod fmax Maximum Oscillating Frequency, 27 MHz Cin Input Capacitance 8 pF Ready & Reset CL = 10pF R1 = 2K R2 = 4K ns VCC = +5.0V VOO = +12V VSIAS = 2.5V 'f = 1 MHz NOTE: These formulas are based on the internal workings of the part and intended for customer convenience. Actual testing of the part is done at Icy = 488.28 ns. 1S-52 8224 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) For tey = 488.28 ns; TA = O·C to 70·C, Vee = Symbol +5V ±5%, VOO = +12V ±5% LImits Parameter Typ Min Units Max t1 2 2 tpw ns 129 ns Output Rise Time 20 ns Output Fall Time 20 ns 296 326 ns 1, <1>2 Logic "0" = 1.0V, Logic "1" = B.OV. All other signals measured at 1.5V. CLOCK HIGH AND LOW TIME (USING X1, X2) 18MHz Rl ":- 0"'T Xl eLK X2 R2 - 231464-6 16-54 intJ • • • • 8228 SYSTEM CONTROLLER AND BUS DRIVER FOR 8080A CPU • Single Chip System Control for MCS®·80 Systems Built·ln Bidirectional Bus Driver for Data Bus Isolation Allows the Use of Multiple Byte Instructions (e.g. CALL) for Interrupt Acknowledge Reduces System Package Count • • User Selected Single Level Interrupt Vector (RST 7) Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range Available in 28·Lead Cerdip and Plastic Packages (See Packaging Spec, Order #231369) The Intel® 8228 is a single chip system controller and bus driver for MCS®-80. It generates all signals required to directly interface MCS-80 family RAM, ROM, and I/O components. A bidirectional bus driver is included to provide high system TTL fan-out. It also provides isolation of the 8080 data bus from memory and lID. This allows for the optimization of control signals, enabling the systems designer to use slower memory and lID. The isolation of the bus driver also provides for enhanced system noise immunity. A user selected single level interrupt vector (RST 7) is provided to simplify real time, interrupt driven, small system requirements. The 8228 also generates the correct control signals to allow the use of multiple byte instructions (e.g., CALL) in response to an interrupt acknowledge by the 8080A. This feature permits large, . interrupt driven systems to have an unlimited number of interrupt levels. The 8228 is deSigned to support a wide variety of system bus structures and also reduce system package count for cost effective, reliable design of MCS-80 systems. NOTE: The specifications for the 3228 are identical with those for the 8228. 1 0.0,_ CPU DATA BUS °2°30 .. - 0,_ 0,0,- _aBo} - O B1 - ° 82 ::: g:! SYSTEM DATA BUS -as, . -DB, - O B7 _ . III ~ ~LATCH STATUS GATING ARRAY S'rSfii _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-' 231465-2 m ---------------l ____________________ OlIN ~ HLDA -------------iL~~-- IlIITA 231465-1 Figure 1. Block Diagram 07·00 DalaBus (80BO Side) 087·080 Data Bus (System Side) HlDA HLDA ('rom B080) 1100 /10 Reed WI! WR (from aOBO) Status Strobe (Irom 8224) MemoryWri1e = Vee +5V CaiN (Irom 8080) GND o Volta ,"OW 110 Write tfEfJR Memory Read ~ DelN INTA = Interrupt Acknowiedge Bus Enable Input Figure 2. Pin Configuration 16-55 September 1987 Order Number: 231465-002 inter 8228 *Notice: Stresses above those listed under ':Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions. above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for ex/ended periods may affect device reliability. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINqS*· Temperature Under Bias ............ O'C to+ 70'C Storage Temperature .......... - 65'C to + 150'C Supply Voltage, Vee ............... ":'05V to Input Voltage ...................... -1.5 to + 7V + 7V Output Current ...... :' .......... , ....... ,.100 mA D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = O'Cto +70'C, Vee = 5V ±5%· Symbol Parameter Ve Input Clamp Voltage, All Input IF Input Load Current limits Min Typ(1) 0.75 lee Power Supply Current Output Low Voltage VOL " VOH Output High Voltage Vee = 4.75V; Ie = -5 mA .500 p.A Vee = 5.25V 750 p.A VF = 0.45V 00,01,04, 05&07 250 p.A All Other Inputs 250 p.A 100· p.A Vee = 5.25V VR = 5.25V 20 p.A OBo-OB7 VTH V Test Conditions 02&06 All Other Inputs Input Threshold Voltage. All Inputs ~1.0 Unit STSTB Input Leakage Current STSTB IR Max O.S 140 "100 p.A 2.0 V 190 Vee =5V mA Vee = 5.25V 00- 0 7 0.45 V Vee = 4.75V; 10L = 2 rnA All Other Outputs 0..45 V 10L =·10mA V Vee = 4,.75V; 10H = -10p.A V 10H = -1 mA 00-0 7 3.6 3.8 All Other Outputs 2.4 los Short Circuit Current, All Outputs 10 (off) Off State Output Current All Control Outputs liNT INTA Current 15 90 mA Vee = 5V 100 p.A Vee = 5.25V; Vo = 5.25V -100 5 NOTE: 1. Typi9al values are for TA'= 25°e and nominal supply voltages. 16-56 p.A Vo = 0.45V mA (See INTATestCircuit) 8228 CAPACITANCE VSIAS = 2.5V, Vee = 5.0V, TA = 25°C, f = 1 MHz 1. This parameter is periodically sampled and not 100% tested. Symbol Parameter Min . Limits Typ(1) Max Unit CIN Input Capacitance 8 12 pF COUT Output Capacitance Control Signals 7 15 pF 1/0 1/0 Capacitance (Dor DB) 8 15 pF A.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA Symbol = O°Cto + 70°C, Vee = 5V ±5% Limits Parameter Min Max Unit Conditions tpw Width of Status Strobe 22 tss Setup Time, Status Inputs 00-07 8 ns tSH Hold Time, Status Inputs 00-07 5 ns toe Delay from STSTB to any Control Signal 60 ns CL tRR Delay from DBIN to Control Outputs 30 ns CL tRE Delay from DBIN to EnablelDisable 8080 Bus 45 ns CL tRO Delay from System Bus to 8080 Bus during Read tWR Delay from WR to Control Outputs tWE Delay to Enable System Bus DBo-DB7 after STSTB two Delay from 8080 Bus 00-07 to System Bus DBo-DB7 during Write 20 5 5 ns = = = = = = = 100pF 100pF 25 pF 30 ns CL 45 ns CL 30 ns CL 40 ns CL CL - 100 pF tE Delay from System Bus Enable to System Bus DBo-DB7 30 ns tHO HLDA to Read Status Outputs 25 ns tos Setup Time, System Bus Inputs to HLDA 10 ns tOH Hold Time, System Bus Inputs to HLDA 20 ns CL = 25 pF 100 pF 100 pF 100 pF 100 pF INTA Test Circuit (for RST 7) AC TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT .12Y ~Vcc lKO:l:l0'lo R, DEVICE UNDER TEST Cl i -=- ~ f R, 8228 ~ -= 231465-3 For Do-~; Rl = 4 KO. R2 = 000, CL = 25 pF. For all other outputs: Rl. = 5000, R2 = 1 KO, CL = 100 pF. 23 INTA 0--------' 231465-4 16-57 8228 WAVEFORMS ., ·2---- -"'pw- "ST"'A"'TU"'S"'S"'T";R"'OB""E ~ X _DATA BUS X I~I-= -Is.ri \. OBIN INTA, lOR, iiiiiii IDC_ -l'RRj=- \ I~ - HLDA INTA, lOR, MEMR OURINGHLDA SYSTEM BUS DURING READ _ BUS DURING READ \ .I_lOS- I_IHO ~ .-------- ~ '~E - -:P 1>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - \. 'WR~ lOW OR MEMW 1010 BUS DURING WRITE SYSTEM BUS DURING WRITE _____________ _IO~ -------- --------- I- ---~I~ ~~------------- ------~ -~ ,:1- SYSTEM BUS ENABLE - - - - - - - - - - J '\ ------------------ - SYSTEM BUS OUTPUTS - J -11-twR _1- - - t"IWOl j - d ~I~ ~I:-=" --_-________ _ 231465-5 VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT POINTS: Do-D7 (when outputs) LogiC "0" sured at 1.5V. ·16-58 = O.BV, Logic "1" = 3.0V. All other signals mea- intJ • • • • • 8755A 16,384-BIT EPROM WITH 110 • • • • • 2048 Words x 8 Bits Single + 5V Power Supply (VcC> Directly Compatible with 8085AH U.V. Erasable and Electrically Reprogrammable Internal Address Latch 2 General. Purpose 8-Bit I/O Ports Each I/O Port Line Individually Programmable as Input or Output. Multiplexed Address and Data Bus· 40-Pin DIP Available in EXPRESS - Standard Temperature Range - Extended Temperature Range The Intel·8755A is an erasable and electrically reprogrammable ROM (EPROM) and I/O chip to be used in the 8085AH microprocessor systems. The EPROM portion is organized as 2048 words by 8 bits. It has a maximum access time of 450 ns to permit use with. no wait states in an 8085AH CPU. . The I/O portion consists of 2 general purpose I/O ports. Each I/O port has 8 port lines, and.each I/O port line is individually programmable as input or output. ClK~-----, ADo-7 G G As- IO CE2 2K x 8 EPROM 101M ALE RD iOW RESET lOR t PROGICE I v o o - - -.... t. vee t+5vl ~Vsstovl 231735-1 Figure 1. Block Diagram PROG ANOCE I vee . . eE2 PB 7 ClK PB6 RESET PBs voo PB4 READY PB J 101M PB 2 lOR PB I AD PBo lOW PA 7 ALE PA 6 ADo PA5 ADI PA 4 AD2 PA J AD J PA 2 A0 4 PAl AD5 PAo AD6 A IO AD7 Ag vss As 231735-2 Figure 2. Pin Configuration 16·59 November 1986 Order Number: 231735·002 8755A Table 1. Pin Description Symbol ALE Type Name and Function I AD!!RESS LATCH ENABLE: When Address latch Enable goes high, ADO-ZL 101M, AS-10, ~ and CE1 enter the address latches. The signals, (AD, 101M, ADs-10, CE2, CE1) are latched in at the trailing edge of ALE. ADo_7 I BIDIRECTIONAL ADDRESS/DATA BUS: The lower 8 bits of the PROM or I/O address are applied to the bus lines when ALE is high. Du.!!!:!.9 an 1/0 cycle, Port A or B is selected based on the latched value of ADo. IF RD or lOR is low when the latched Chip Enables are active, the output buffers present data on the bus. ADS-10 I ADDRESS BUS: These are the high order bits of the PROM address. They do not affect I/O operations. PROG/CE1 CE2 .I CHIP ENABLE INPUTS: CE1 is active low and CE2 is active high. The 8755A can be accessed only when both Chip Enables are active at the time the ALE signal latches them up. If either Chip Enable input is not active, the ADo-7' and READY ouputs will be in a high impedance state. CE1 is also used as a programming pin. (See section on programming.) 101M I I/O MEMORY: If the latched 101M is high when RD is low, the output data comes from an I/O port. If it is low the output data comes from the PROM. RD I READ: If the latched Chip Enables are active when RD goes low, the ADo-7 output buffers are enabled and output either the selected PROM location or I/O port. When both RD and lOR are high, the ADo_7 output buffers are 3stated. lOW I I/O WRITE: If the latched Chip Enables are active, a Iowan lOW causes the output port pointed to b~he latched value of ADo to be written with the data on ADo-7. The state of 101M is ignored. ClK I CLOCK: The ClK is used to force the READY into its high impedance state after it has been forced low by CE1 low, CE2 high, and ALE high. READY 0 READY is a 3-state output controlled by CE1, CE2, ALE and ClK. READY is forced low when the Chip Enables are active during the time ALE is high, and remains low until the rising edge of the next ClK. (See Figure 6c;) PAO.7 I/O PORT A: These are general purpose I/O pins. Their inputloutput direction is determined by the contents of Data Direction Register (DDR). Port A is selected for write operations when the Chip Enables are active and lOW is low and a 0 was previously latched from ~ AD1. Read Operation is s~ected ~either lOR low and active Chip Enables and ADo and AD1 low, or 101M high, RD low, active Chip Enables, and ADo and AD1 low. PBO-7 I/O PORT B: The general purpose I/O port is identical to Port A except that it is selected by a 1 latched from ADo and a 0 from AD1. RESET I RESET: In normal operation, an input high on RESET causes all pins in Ports A and B to assume input mode (clear DDR register). lOR I I/O READ: When the Chip Enables are active, a Iowan lOR will output the selected I/O port onto the AD bus. lOR low performs the same function as the combination of 101M high and RD low. When lOR is not used in a system, lOR should be tied to Vee ("1 "). Vee Vss Voo POWER: + 5V supply. GROUND: Reference. POWER SUPPLY:Voo is a programming voltage, and must be tied to Vee when the 8755A is being read. For programming, a high voltage is supplied with Voo =. 25V, typical. (See section on programming.) 16-60 inter 8755A A port can be read out when the latched Chip Enables are active and either RD goes low with 101M high, or lOR goes low. Both input and output mode bits of a selected port will appear on lines ADo-7. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION PROM Section The 8755A contains an 8-bit address latch which allows it to interface directly to MCS@-48 and MCS@-85 processors without additional hardware. To clarify the function of the 1/0 Ports and Data Direction Registers, the following diagram shows the configuration of one bit of PORT A and DDR A. The same logic applies to PORT Band DDR B. The PROM section of the chip is addressed by the 11-bit address and the Chip Enables. The address, CEl and CE2 are latched into the address latches on the falling edge of ALE. If the latched Chip Enables are active and 101M is low when RD goes low, the contents of the. PROM location addressed by the latched address are put out on the ADo-7 lines (provided that Voo is tied to Vecl. 8755A ONE BIT OF PORT A AND DDR A I/O Section ... ~ ffi The 1/0 section of tne chip is addressed by the latched value of ADo-1. Two 8-bit Data Direction Registers (DDR) in 8755A determine the input/output status of each pin in the corresponding ports. A "0" in a particular bit position of a DDR signifies that the corresponding 110 port bit is in the input mode. A "1" in a particular bit position signifies that the corresponding 1/0 port bit is in the output mode. In this manner the 1/0 ports of the 8755A are bit-by-bit programmable as inputs or outputs. The table summarizes port and DDR designation. DDR'scannot be read. ! RESET Do ~ AEADPA 231735-3 WRITE PA = (lOW = 0) • (CHIP ENABLES ACTIVE) • (PORT A ADDRESS SELECTED) WRITE DDR A = (lOW = 0) • (CHIP ENABLES ACTIVE) • (DDR A ADDRESS SELECTED) READ PA = ((101M = 1) • (RD = 0) + (lOR = 0)1 • (CHIP ENABLES ACTIVE) • (PORT A ADDRESS SELECTED) NOTE: ADl ADo 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Write PA is not qualified by IOlM. Selection PortA PortB Port A Data Direction Registe((DDR A) Port B Data Direction Register (DDR B) When lOW goes low and the Chip Enables are active, the data on the ADo-7 is written into 1/0 port selected by the latched value of ADo_1. During this operation all 1/0 bits of the selected port are affected, regardless of their 1/0 mode and the state of 10/ M. The actual output level does not change until lOW returns high. (Glitch free output.) Note that hardware RESET or writing a zero to the DDR latch will cause the output latch's output buffer to be disabled, preventing the data in the Output Latch from being passed through to the pin. This is equivalent to putting the port in the input mode. Note also that the data can be written to the Output Latch even though the Output Buffer has been disabled. This enables a port to be initialized with. a value prior to enabling the output. The diagram also shows that the contents of PORT A and PORT B car be read even when the ports are configured as outputs. 16-61 inter 8755A ERASURE CHARACTERISTICS SYSTEM APPLICATIONS The erasure characteristics cif the 8755A.are such that erasure begins to occur when exposed to light with wavelengths shorter than approximately 4000 Angstroms (A). It should be noted that sunlight and certain types of fluorescent lamps have wavelengths in the 3000-4000A range. Data show that constant exposure to room level fluorescent. lighting could erase the typical 8755A in approximately 3 years while it would take approximately 1 week to cause erasure when exp·osed to direct sunlight. If the 8755A is to be exposed to these types of lighting conditions for extended periods of time, opaque labels are available from Intel which should be placed over the 8755A window to prevert unintentional era-. sure. The recommended erasure procedure for the 8755A, is exposure to shortwave ultraviolet light which has a wavelength of 2537 Angstroms (A). The integrated dose (i.e., UV intensity x exposure time) for erasure should be a minimum of 15W-sec/cm2. The erasure time with this dosage is approximately 15 to 20 minutes using an ultraviolet lamp with a 12000 /J-W/cm 2 power rating. The 8755A should be placed within one inch from the lamp tubes during erasure. Some lamps have a filter on their tubes and this filter should be removed before erasure. System Interface with 8085AH A system using the 8755A can use either one of the two I/O Interface techniques: • Standard I/O • Memory Mapped I/O If a standard I/O technique is·used, the system can use the feature of both CE2 and CE1. By using a combination of unused address lines All :"15 and the Chip Enable inputs, the 8085AH system can use up to 5 8755A's without requiring a CE decoder. See Figure 4. ' , If a memory mapped I/O approach is used the 8755A will be selected by the combination of both the Chip Enables and 101M using ADs-15 address lines. See Figure 3. . ~ A 8085AH ~LE eLK (~2) The 8755A can be programmed on the Intel Universal Programmer (iUP), and iUPF8744A programming module. The program mode itself consists of programming a single address at a time, giving a single 50 msec pulse for every address. Generally, it is desirable to have a verify cycle after a program cycle for the same address as shown in the attached timing dia" gram. In the verify cycle (I.e., normal memory read cycle) 'Voo' should be at + 5V. 16-62 " tt-- READY Initially, and after each erasure, all bits. of the EPROM portions of the 8755A are in the "1" state. Information is introduced by selectively programming "0" into the desired bit locations. A programmed "O"canonly be changed to a "1" by UV erasure. '. .~ AD WIi PROGRAMMING ~ "- A":'15 ~ 1011.1 J~ tttt7 , AlD._I iiITI f 7 AI-II I RD' eLK 101M ALE mil READY CE 8155A 231735-4 Figure 3. 8755A in 8085AHSystem (Memory-Mapped 1/0) l . ...., ... ::!! AIDD-7 fa C ... ALE ~ .... AN CO ...... (/I (/I ~ c.J I- I-- CLKI.21 ~ 0) I-- AD Wii 3' READY CO «:I CO 101M I- - A,. A .. A" - .-- " CD .... "- ..... An r'- - r- I-- I- l- e- I-- I- l- e- I-I-- 1-- ) - I- co (/I "" ~ en en ::E: en J> 1 CD 3 -... ";, Cil I II 7' 7 I,-AIDO-' 10' :;, a. a. III ...... .0 elK 10"" AU iii READY fE, .755A 12K BYTES) II ";, , .." iiii AIDO-' A ";" '11iiDii 10111tE, AUiIliiDIelKREADY .755A 12K BYTESI i' 7 AID.., AO-" AU:'0iiielKREADY10"tE,'11iiiiii 1755A 12K BYTES) 7 AID., 7 AO-" ALEiIlimweLKREADY.. IIICI,'11iiiii AID.., 8755A 12K BYTESI :::: .9 l' " 7 A." AU.0illilelKREADY,alii, I CE, 8155A 12K BYTESI 231735-6 NOTE: Use CEl for the first 8755A in the system, and CE2 for the other 8755.A's. Permits up to5-8755A's in a system without CE decoder. 8755A • Notice.' Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damTemperature Under Bias ........ ,', , , O·C to + 70·C age to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operaiion of the device at these or any Storage Temperature " " " " " - 65·C to + 150·C other conditions above those indicated in the operaVoltage on any Pin tional sections of this specification is not implied Exwith Respect to Ground, , , , , , , , , , - O,5V to + 7V . , posure to absolute maximum rating conditions for Power Dissipation, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1,5W . extended periods may affect device reliability. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* D.C. CHARACTERISTICS. TA = o·c to 70·C, Vee = voo =5V ±5% ' Test Conditions Min Max Unit VIL Input Low Voltage -0,5 0,8 V Vee = 5,OV VIH Input High Voltage 2,0 VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage IlL Input Leakage ILO Symbol Parameter + 0,5 V Vee = 5,OV 0.45 V IOL = 2mA V IOH = - 400 /LA 10 /LA Vss ::;: VIN ::;: Vee Output Leakage Current ±10 /LA O,45V::;: Vour::;: Vee lee Vee Supply Current 180 rnA 100 Voo Supply Current, 30 Vee 2.4 CIN Capacitance of Input Buffer 10 CliO Capacitance of 1/0 Buffer 15 ... rnA Voo = Vee pF fc pF fe = 1/LHz = 1 /LHz D.C. CHARACTERISTICS-PROGRAMMING T A = o·C to 70·C, Vee = 5V ± 5%, Vss = OV, Voo = 25V ± 1V Symbol Parameter Voo Programining Voltage (during Write to EPROM) , 100 Prog Supply Current 16-64 Min Typ 24 25 26 V 15 30 rnA Max Unit 8755A A.C. CHARACTERISTICS = O·C to 70·C. vcc = 5V ±5% TA Symbol 8755A Parameter Min Max Unit tCYC Clock Cycle Time 320 ns T1 CLK Pulse Width 80 ns T2 CLK Pulse Width 120 tf. tr CLK Rise and Fall Time tAL Address to Latch Set Up Time tLA tlC ns 30 ns 50 ns Address Hold Time after Latch 80 ·ns Latch to READ/WRITE Control 100 ns tRD Valid Data Out Delay from READ Control' 170 ns tAD Address Stable to Data Out Valid" 450 ns tll Latch Enable Width 100 0 ns tRDF Data Bus Float after READ tCl READ/WRITE Control to Latch Enahle 20 100 ns ns tcc READ/WRITE Control Width 250 ns tDW Data in Write Set Up Time 150 ns tWD Data in Hold Time after WRITE 30 twp WRITE to Port Output tpR Port Input Set Up Time 50 tRP Port Input Hold Time to Control 50 tRYH READY HOLD Time to Control 0 tARY ADDRESS (CE) to READY tRV Recovery Time between Controls 300 ns ti=lDE READ Control to Data Bus Enable 10 ns ns 400 ns ns ns 160 ns 160 ns NOTES: CLOAD = 'Or TAD - 150 pF. (TAL + T Lcl, whichever is greater. "Defines ALE to Data Out Valid in conjunction with TAL. A.C. CHARACTERISTICS-PROGRAMMING = O·C to 70·C, Vcc = 5V ±5%. Vss = OV. VDO = 25V TA Symbol ±1V Parameter Min Data Setup Time 10 tpD Data Hold Time 0 ns ts Prog Pulse Setup Time 2 fLs tH Prog Pulse Hold Time 2 tpR Prog Pulse Rise Time 0.01 2 p.s tPF Prog Pulse Fall Time 0.01 2 p.s tpRG Prog Pulse Width 45 50 ·ms tps 16·65 Typ Max Unit ns fLs 8755A A.C. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM .. > "=X 2.0 . TEST POINTS 0.45 0.' ~ 2.0 0.' A.C. TESTING LOAD CIRCUIT )C DEVICE UNDER TEST ICL.1SOP F 231735-7 A.C. Testing: Inpuls are driven a12.4V for a Logic "1" and 0.45V for a Logic "0". Timing Measurements are made al 2.0V for a Logic "1" and 0.8V for a Logic "0". CL=150pF CL Includes Jig Capacitance 231735-8 WAVEFORMS CLOCK SPECIFICATION FOR 8755A 231735-9 PROM READ, I/O READ AND WRITE ADDRESS Aa·10 101M '------,....,}- ADO·1 ALE CE, --t----·ow 231735-10 Please note that eEl must remain low for the entire cycle. 16-66 intJ 8755A WAVEFORMS (Continued) 1/0 PORT ~OR )~ -J~ __________ "''' ---,J ~ '.. INPUT ~-f-rIR_P_______ X. .______ ~ DATA· BUS - - - - - - )( ------- ~------------------ 231735-11 A. Input Mode { \ PORT OUTPUT --- - ----------'::~XO"""' ------------ DATA" BUS GLITCH FREE - - - - ____ _ V ..A_________ X".____ ..J 231735-12 B. Output' Mode . WAIT STATE (READY = 0) 231735-13 16-67 8755A WAVEFORMS (Continued) 8755A PROGRAM MODE FUNCTION I. .~----- PAOGRAM CYCLE - - - - - -...rl........- - - V E R I F V CYCLE" ------1_ PROGRAM CYCLE ALE DATA TO BE A/DO·7 PROGRAMMED IpO A8·10 CEa Ips +25 VOO +5------------------------( 231735-14 ·Verify cycle is a regular Memory Read Cycle (with Voo = +5V for 8755A), 16-68 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DOMESTIC SALES OFFICES ALABAIIA GEORGIA NEW MEXICO TEXAS !~nrs ir~drord Dr., #2 ~J8I~:::e Parkway Intel Corp .. 8500 Menual Boulevard N.E. Suite B 295 ;~~tC:~erson Lane Huntsville 35805 Tel: (205) 83Q.401 0 Suite 200 Norcross 30092 Tel: (4041449-0541 ARIZONA W:5~~8th Dr., 85029 #0214 ~~~~ ~~ Dorado Placa Suite 301 Tucson 85715 Tel: (602) 299-6815 CALIFORNIA ~C:~OW8n Street l\n5'1'5 Suita116 i::(a:arrJ4~8~ orp_ ~mpe'ial Highway 90245 Tet: IntoIC':;f.- NEW YORK Intel C0M:'· Tel, (31213¥O-6031 Intel Corp. 127 Main Street Binghamton 13905 Tel: (607) 773-0337 INDIANA Inlel Corp.· lWr ;u~e ~e~~s,s4~~~s OHice Park Suite 125 ~r~~~~~~~ IOWA Intel Corp." 300 Motor Parkway Haupcauge 11787 Road ~:~(3;W~~~~ intelCorp. St. Andrews Building 1930 St. Andrews Drive H.E. Cedar Rapids 52402 Tel: (319) 393-5510 KANSAS 0·6040 131,r ~~~e~:;' ILUNOIS ~~mb~nag~~~oad, Suite 400 PhOenix Tal, (6021869-4980 uite 101 Tel: (916) 920·8096 ~"Jg1 t&c::fulive Drive Suite 105 ~:r (~~4;~~~ InleICorp.· 400 N. Tuslln Avenue Suite 450 Santa Ana 92705 ~:1~~955~4 t~t6fg:fs'~ 2700 San Tomas Expressway Santa Clara, CA 95051 ~J~~~~~~5 COLORADO Intel Corp. 4445 Noi'thpark DrIve Suite 100' ~= ~~~~.&k80907 CONNEcnCUT ,~n~:t~:n R'oad Oanbu~Q6811 ~:7,~~'l~ ~~:u~~~:2~:JJ: llnJ8I~~~~Oth Street Suite 170 Overland Park 66210 Tel: (913) 345-2727 MARYLAND IntelCOIp: 7321 Par1l.way Drive South SuiteC Hanover 21 076 Tel: (301) 796-7500 TWX: 710-862·1944 Suite 1490 Houston 77074 ~i!J~b~88:"~2~960 UTAH Intel Corp. Suile 2B Hollowbrook Park 15 Myers Corners Road p 'nger Falls 12590 Tel: 914) 297·6161 : 510·248·0060 ~e~~(~~~J:'8051 ~ NORTH CAROLINA Intel Corp. 5700 Executive Center Drive Suile213 Charlotte 28212 Tel: (704) 568-8966 VIRGINIA tlntelCorp. 1504 Santa Rosa Road Suital08 RiChmond 23288 Tel: (804) 282·5668 WASHINGTON lIntel Corp. ff Road S~~ Wi" ~:l~~~9r7~~~8022 ,.ASSACHUSEns ~~A~~5~~~ Intel Corp: 3401 Park Center Drive Suite 220 Da~on 45414 tlntel Corp: Westford Corp. Center 3 Carlisle Road Westford 01886 Tel: (617) 692·3222 TWX:"110·343-6333 ~J~A~b~~~~~~ MICHIGAN OKLAHOMA Intel Corp: 25700 Science Park Dr .• Suile 100 BeachwOOd 44122 ~n~~ ~~G;oadway tlntelCorp. 7071 Orchard Lake Road Suife100 " West Bloomfield 48033 Tel: (313) 851-8096 Suite 115 Oklahoma City 73116 Tel: (405) 848·8086 MINNESOTA OREGON Intel Corp. t=~~: MISSOURI . ~~~~ ~~re ·Freeway Intel Corp. 5201 Green Street Suite 290 OHIO Bloomin~ton 55431 Tel: (612 835-6722 lWX: 91 576-2867 ~J~~t~~S~to.85':,~ ~J: ~~b~~~~3~ Intel Corp. 5th Roor 7833 Walker Drive Greenbelt 20770 Tel:. (301) 441·1020 3500 W. 80th St, SUite 360 Suite 314 Austin 78752 Tel: (5121454-3628 Greenbrier Parkway, Bldg. B Beaverton 97006 ~~~~~~~:7~i2, ~nJ:1 ,ro~lIan Road Suite 102 Spokane 99206 Tel: (509) 928-S086 WISCONSIN tlntelCorp. 330 S. Executive Or. Suite 102 Brookfield 53005 Tel: (414) 784-8087 FAX; (4141796·2115 CANADA BRInSH COWMBIA Inlel Semiconductor of Canada, Ltd. Suite 202 ONTARIO l~~~I~~~~!ct8~: Canada, Ltd. 14 PENNSYLVANIA FLORIDA Intel Corp. 1513 Cedar Ciiff Drive '~~~::tmonte Or. ¥:I~G1~:1 ~:~-1k5 tlntel Semiconductor of Canada, Ltd. 190 Attweli Driva Sulle500 Tel: (201) 747·2233 Intel Corp." 400 Penn Center Blvd., Suite 610 1~~~t~~a~O~~r:!~f Canada, Ltd. Intel Corp. 280 Corporate Center 75 Livingston Avenue First Floor Roseland 07068 Tel: (201)740,0111 PUERTO RICO Suite 105 ~:.(~r8nsB32714 FAX,3D5-682·6047 NEW JERSEY Intel Corp.· Parkway 109 Office Center ~: :~~~~~rlngs Road ~t;'oo~~· Street North Suite 170 SL _rsbU9! 33702 ~:'if~\U~a:~::g tSales and Service Office ·Reld Application Location QUEBEC ~::s~~r!h8~:70 Intel Microprocessor Corp. South industrial Park P.O. Box 910 Las Piedras 00671 Tel: (809) 733·8618 PoInte Claire H9R 3K3 ~~~1~66':4~~1~ ( .DOMESTIC DISTRIBUTORS tMlcrocomputer System Technical Distributor Centers DOMESTIC DISTRIBUTORS NEW MEXICO NORTH CAROLINA ICon I'd.) PENNSYLVANIA (Conl'd.) Alliance Electronics Inc. Pioneer Electronics 9801 A-Southern Pine Blvd. Charlotte 28217 Tel: (704) 527-8188 TWX: 810-621-0366 Pioneer Electronics 259 Kappa Drive Pittsburah 15238 11 ~ASHINGTON Arrow Electronics Inc. 1093 Meyerside Dr, Unit 2 MlsslssauBa LST 1 M4 ~:tj,b?7~2S~'~2 ~~X~~',~~~:~= FAX: 412-963-8255 Hamllton/Avnet Electronics 2524 Baylor Drive S.E. ~:~~~~:t~Jgg FAX: 50~-243-1395 OHIO Arrow Electronics, Inc. 7620 McEwen Road Centerville 45459 NEW YORK ~~~55"~~~:~~ Arrow Electronics, Inc. 25 Hub Drive Melville 11747 tArrow Electronics, Inc, 6238 Cochran Road Solon 44139 ~~~~~~~~~6 ~~~~~\~-~:::~'Wa FAX: 516-391-1401 HamUton/Avnet Electronics 14212 N.E. 21st Street Benevue 98005 TEXAS tArrow Electronics, inc. :)22D Commander Drive carrollton 75006 ~~~~',t~:~ra tArrow Electronics, Inc. 10899 Klnghurst Dr. Suitel0D Houston 77099 Tel: (713) 530-4700 FAX: 713-568-8518 ~~f~':J-:5:g~~ r?'~ ~~2~~~~~~, c;:.~~p . Bellevue 98005 ~~xf~'~~~~ T FAX: 71 -475-91 t~:ir~~lfat~e~~~lronlcs Syracuse 13200 ~~~~',~_~~~~ ~A~f~',~~~= ~~~~\~-~~~:g~~g ~tct~',~~~n~ ~~IX~~\~-~;:iA~· l~G;)!I~~~~~~r il:~:onics tPioneer Electronics 4433 Interpoin! Blvd. Dayton 45424 Tef: (513) 236-9900 FAX: 513-236-8133 ~~~~~\~.H~~il tHamliton/Avnet Electronics ~111 W. Walnut Hill lane Irving 75038 ~~~f~\~-~:wgg tPioneer Electronics 4800 E. 131st Street Cleveland 44105 ~~~~',t~~g::~g CANADA ~l~fb~li~~~ tHamilton~Avnet ALBERTA FAX: 216-587-3906 ~~:go~r~7lr7oad, Ste.19D OKLAHOMA ~~~~'t~~:g~~~~ Arrow Electronics, Inc. 3158 S. 108 East Ave., Ste. 210 Tulsa 74146 KleruUf Electronics, Inc. 2010 Merritt Dr. Gariand 75040 tArrow Electronics. Inc, 5240 Greens Dairy Road ~1~:~~92~s:a'32 FAX: 91~-876-3132, ext. 200 lHamllton/Avnet ElectronicS R~~ ~~~orest Drive ~~~~b~te.~~96 KierulH Electronics, Inc. 2238-E W. Bluemound Rd. Waukesha 53186 B~~~u~o~~13T4 FAX: ~1a-451-8320 tientronics 155 Colonnade Road Unit 17 Nepean K2E 7K1 ~~~~',~_~~~::g SASKATCHEWAN Hamilton/Avnet Electronics 2816 21st Street N.E. Cal g ar6; T2E 6Z2 ~A~~~~~~g:~g~? QUEBEC tArrow Electronics Inc, 4050 Jean Talon Quest Montreal H4P 1W1 ~~X~~',~_~t~~~~ OREGON tPioneer Electronics 1828-0 Kramer Lane Austin 78758 ~~~~~~~:~: ~~IX~\"~~~~~~ BRmSH COLUMBIA Arrow Electronics Inc. Hamilton/Avnet Electronics ~~~~:;u~~~~:g., Ste.115 ~A~f~~~~!~~ ~~~f~2~~~'~ FAX: 516-921-2143 NORTH CAROUNA ~~f~\~-~::~~Jg lZentronlcs m (~'6) 451-9600 ~AIX~~\~-=~:Hgg ~~IX~~\~_~~= ~~~~\~-ggt~g~~ Hamilton/Avnet Electronics 2975 Moorland Road New Berlin 53151 N"/"ian K2E 7J5 Zentronics 6815 8th Street, N.E., Ste. 100 CalgarJ T2E 7H7 tPloneer Northeast Electronics 60 Crossway Part< West Woodbury. Lon¥ Island 11797 tPioneer Northeast Electronics 840 Fairport Park Falrport 14450 . HamUton/Avnet Electronics 3688 Nashua Dr. Units 9 and 10 MisSlssa~a L4V 1 M5 tHamiiton/Avnet Electronics 19D Colonnade Road South ~AIX~\',~_=~A~g Electronics Units 3-5 MlsslssauBa L4V 1 R2 ~A'X}~'16J.:~~:~ l~6r~~p~~J~r:>~:::,ls1e.100 tHamilton/Avnet Electronics 30325 Bainbridge Rd., Bldg. A Solon 44139 Austin 78758 '~5~::~=eh~~edctronlcs WISCONSIN Brookfield 53005 tArrow Electronics, Inc. 2227 W. Braker Lane Austin 78758 Hamilton/Avnet Electronics ONTARIO Zentronics ~8 ~~~~ri~~~Io~o~~~arkwaY Suite 600 Hillsboro 97124 tPioneer Electronics 5853 Point West Drive Houston 77036 ~~~j\~-:g:~~5~ UTAH ~~f~~~ Zentronics 6D-1313 Border Street Tel: (201 694-1957 FAX: 2 3-9255 PENNSYLVANIA ~:xf~\~-~~~m Haminon/Avnet Electronics Wyle Distribution Group 13"25 West 2200 South SuileE ¥:~ (~~e ~~~_::JJ9 FAX: tMicrocomputer System Technical Distributor Centers MANITOBA Winnipe~3H OX4 Arrow Electronics, Inc. 650 Seco Road Monroevl11e 15146 =~i~'5~~" Bldg. E Tel: (41'2 281-4150 FAX: 412-281-8562 ~~~h~~~3 ~6~~~ort Road ~~~~~-~~~:~~~5 80~-972-2524 Zentronlcs inter DENMARK EUROPEAN SALES OFFICES WEST GERMANY ISRAEL SPAIN IntelSeidlstrass8 27 lmel* . ...ttldlm Industrial Perk P.O. Box 43202 Tel Aviv 61430 ~:b~oz='3~~n no. 28.',sq 8000 Muenchen 2 ~~~=,~r90 mFaV,~~:O 60 Intel FINLAND 00390 Helsinki 39 ~~!~~44 ITALY l~!~~r4081 Milanoflorl Palazzo E Inte'· Intel Abraham Uncaln StrasH 16-18 FRANCE 6200 Wiesbaden Intel 1, rue Edlton-BP 303 78054 81 Quentin-en-Yvelines Cedex l~~~~l7000 t~M~sU~ 40 04 SWEDEN HoherlZollern Strass. 5 3000 Hannover 1 Intel RuosDantle2 Intel l~!~~~~ 6050 Intel· Alexander Poort Building ~1e~vM~:"7': . l~~~1~~21 2377 l~:(7~1'.a1~~ 00 82 0100 Milano m~~,~~4071 NETHERLANDS Intel Bruckstrasse 61 7012 Fellbach s~.n Intel' 20090 Alsego NORWAY Intel Hvamveien 4-P.O. Box 92 2013S'3:". SWITZ!RLAND Intel· Talackel'$trasS8 17 8065Zur/ch tnc:~V9fs9 29 n UMTED KINGDOM Intel' ~~ri:;''''flt$hlre SN3 1~J ~~,(~~60oo . t~~~801~ 420 EUROPEAN DISTRIBUTORS/ REPRESENTATIVES AUSTRIA WEST GERMANY 1120Wlen " Ri:(~~S 84 60 BELGIUM lnelca Belgium S.A. Av. des Croix de Guane 94 1120 Bruxelles ~~~~180180 DENMARK ITALY (Cont'd.) Vertrlebs-AG 12 82 10 Bacher Electronics GmbH Rotenmuehlgasse 26 ITT MultikOmponent GmbH Bahnhofstrasse 7,., 44 Mm"lI"" m~~~~9879 m~~~~~-o 20092 Clnlsello BalSamo Milano ~~~~~0012 NETHERLANDS ~=e:~~r1man 2621 AP Delft ~~~~~~O 99 06 9 Jermyn GmbH 1m Oachsstueck 8250 UmbU,%., ~~:~::f2~· NORWAY 80 Nordisk Elektronik AIS P,O. Box 122 Smedsvingen .. 1384 Hvalstad Metrologle GmbH ~j~:,::~:~~~9 Tel: (089118 04 20 TLX: 5213189 ~~~ttrtO OYAntronlcAB Melkonkatu 24A 00210 Helsmkl21 PORTUGAL ~M)2~~:022 Proelectron Vertflebs GmbH Max Planck Sirasse 1-3 6072 Oreleich m~~V9~ 30 43 43 FIIANC! IRELAND FINlAND ~:Oag=~" Park g:~~~I~ ~~:(y,~6288 . Ollram Av. M. Bombard., 133-1 0 1000 Usboa Tel: (II 54 5313 TLX: 14182 ~~!:~:ee68 Bytech Comway Ltd. Unll2 The Western Centre Western Road B Ba lRW 2211 Jermyn Vestry Estate Otford Road Sevenoaks kent TNt. SEU ~:(~~~J24S 0144 Rapid Silicon RaPJd House DenmarlcSt. =~~~~ m!m3f 2268 Rapid,Systems Rapid House Denmark St. A10 Electronica S.A. Plaza Cludad de Viana no. 6 28040 Madrid mf~Ja~0244 ~~~~2~~ 40 00 ITT-SESA Eastronles Ltd. 11 Rozenis Street P.O. Box 39300 Te! Aviv 81392 i~1oMr!fa,:~:ngel no. 21·3 ~~~~~SI51 SWEDEN 'TALV Nordlsk ElektrOnlk A,9. ~~~~7~~ 09 51 ~~~g:,~~1 d.. _ 11127 SoIna Tel, (6) 734 97 70 TLX: 10547 Clrle-Vemet ~ BP 2 SWITZERLAND 0_ Accent Electronic Com~nents Ltd. =~~b='~k SPAIN ISRAt!L .~~:1535 UNITED KINGDOM ~~:"~~~R YUGOSLAVIA H.R. MICroelectronics Corp. 2005 de II Cruz Blvd., Ste. 223 • Santa Clara, CA 95050 U.S.A. ~~!~4~f0286 INTERNATIONAL SALES OFFICES AUSTRALIA JAPAN Inlel Australia Pty. Ltd: S&ri!rum Bulldin'l ~:~~it~w, ~:~6 JAPAN (Conl'd) KOREA Wi~~~~~:i.~·~isu9i Bldg. Intel Technology Asia ltd. ~:,~t:~~~.37~awa 243 Seoul 150 Tel: (2) 784-8186 TLX: 29312INTELKO FAX: (2) 784-8096 1-2-1 Asahl-machi ~~t~ti~~-2744 FAX: 0462-29-3781 FAX: (2) 923-263~ BRAZIL ~!~~~f~~~~9~~ld9. Intel Semlcondutores do Brasil LTD" f~Fri4;~:l~1183 1-8989 Fuchu-cho Av. Paulista. 1159-CJS 404/405 01311 -Sao Paulo - S,P. Tal: 55-11-287-5899 TLX: 1153146 FAX: 55·11-212·7631 ~nJ~I~6~s':~~~;~f~ Ltd. ~~x~~J-:~~g:l Goldhlrr Squara Intel Japan K,K.· Aower-HIII Shin-mach! Bldg. 1-23-9Shinmachi Intel Japan K.K. Shinmaru Bldg. 1-5-1 Marunouchl TLX: 39921 INTEL FAX: 250-9256 FAX: 03-427-7620 FAX: 03-201-6850 Intel Japan K.K: ~':~iw:r. K.K. :~B·.ro~~c~:ya ~:&f:l~2:~8~fltama 360 FAX: 0485-24-7518 HOHGKONG SINGAPORE FAX: 0423-60-0315 ~:~a~~~~~~kYO 154 CHINA Inlel Japan K.K.· Ayokuchl-Eki Bldg. 2-4-1 Terauchi Tor:onaka-shi, Osaka 560 ~~~y~:~SJ~~~~~o~~~eUngpo-ku ¥~l:Ygg.~f:3~~~YO 100 ~~~f2ro.78\~30 TAIWAN 1-16-30 ~eieki Minami ~~~~5~a-ku, Nagoya-shl Tel: 052-561-5181 FAX: 052-561-5317 ~~e~~~G~~~i~:saShl_koSU91 Bldg. Intel Semiconductor Ltd.· 1701-3 Connaught Centre 1 n u htRoad 915 Shinmaruko, Nakahara-ku T TWX: FAX: FAX: 044--733-7010 ~~=~t:;!7~:ragawa 211 555 ISLHK HX 589 INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS/REPRESENTATIVES ARGENnNA CHINA IConl'd) JAPAN ICont'd) DAFSYSS.R.L. Chacabuco, 90-4 PISO t069-Buenos Aires Tel: 54-1-334-1871 54-1-34-7726 TLX: 25472 . Schmidt & Co. Ltd. 18/F Great Eagle Centre 23 Harbour Road Dia Semlcon Systems, Inc. Wacore 64, 1·37-8 Sa~enjaya ·~r~~~5~~~ TWX: 74766 SCHMC HX FAX: 852-5-891-8754 Total Electronics P.M.B.250 9 Harker Street Burwood, Victoria 3125 Tal: 81-3-288-4044 TLX: AA 31261 Total EJectronles P.O. Box 139 Artamon, N.S,W. 2064 Tel: 61-02-438-1855 TLX: 26297 BRAZIL 8ebra Microelectronlca R. Geraido Ftaustno Gomes, 78 SAndat 04575 - Sao Paulo - S.P. Tel: 55-11-534-9522 TLX: 1154591 or 1154593BR FAX: 55-11-534-9637 ~:I~~~~:2~~:I:;Shi 460 Basavanagudl Ryoyo EJecl:ro Corp. Konwa Bldg. 1-12-22 Tsukiji SINGAPORE FAX: 03-546-5044 17 Harvey Road #1)4..01 '::~~I:r2~~' TLX:. 0845-8332 MD BG IN Micronic Devices 403, Gagan Deep 12, Rajeildra Place New Delhi 110008 Tel: 91-58-97-71 TLX: 03163235 MONO IN ~:!~ ~.O~'~:!fw~n:iree~g. N.T., Kowloon ~:'i~"'3-222 TWX: 39114 JINMI HX FAX: 8524261..&02 "Field Application location KOREA Tet, 91.~2-39-63 TLX: 9531 171447 MDEV IN JAPAN Asahi Electronics Co. Ltd. KMM Bldg. 2-14-1 Asano Kokurakftl.-ku FAX: "093-551-7861, ¥~~~~7-4~ 107 FAX: 03-497-4969 Francotone Electronics Pte Ltd. ~~1~:~81~89-1618 TWX: 56541 FRELS FAX: 2895327 SOUTH AFRICA ~~~~~c':~ding Elements, Ply. Ltd. g~~b~h='irl,Road C. Itoh Techno-Science Co., Ltd. C. Itch B~, 2-5-1 Klta-Aoyama Novel Precision Machin~ Co., ltd. re'1~~'54~Jf,'04 Mlcronic DeviCes No. 516 5th Roor Swastlk Chambers ~~~~~~;~~~~2 ell.. 'Okaya Koki 2-4-18 Sakae FAX: 052-204-2901 DIN Instruments Suecia2323 CesUIa 6055, Correa 22 ~~~.22"8139 Auckland 1 Tel: 64-9-501-219, 501-801 TLX: 21570 THERMAL Micronic Devices CHILE TL.X: 440422 RUDY CZ FAX: 03-487-8088 Northrup Instruments & Systems Ltd. ~~g.~~~NRe':~arket INDIA ~~"Jcr.t.&~Road AUSTRAUA ~:a~a8~~~~kyo 1 NEW ZEALAND Samsung Semiconductor & Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 150, 2-KA, Tafpyung-ro, Chung-ku Seoul 100 Tel: 82-2-751-3987 TLX: 27970 KORSST FAX: 82-2-753-0967 MEXICO· Dicopei S.A. Tochtli 368 Frace. Ind. San Antonio ~~~:=~eXico, D.F. Tel: 52-5-561-3211 TLX: 1773790 DICOME Pine Square, 18th Street Hazelwood, Pretoria 0001 Tel: 27-12-469921 TLX: 3-227786 SA TAIWAN Mltac Corporation ~~P;~5R.~~'l? Shen East Rd. Tel: 886-2-501-8231 FAX: 886-2-501-4265 VENEZUELA P. Benavides S.A. Avllanes a Rio ResldenCia Kamarata Locales 4 AL 7 La Candelaria, Caracas Tel: 58-2-571-0396 TL.X: 28450 FAX: 58-2-572-3321 inter ALABAMA DOMESTIC SERVICE OFFICES. CONNECTICUT InlelC 6OOE. SlerraVllt1 Tel: (602)4 ARKANSAS ~.~g:!206 Ulm 72170 Tel: (501) 2414264 CAUFORNIA FLORIDA Sulle200 '~':aS&'!r~or~pcpressway ~:ita~~iZalll InltICorp. =~~n:t\4 Suite 225 Rarllan Centsr Edison 08817 Tel: (20') 225-3000 fLUNQrs NORTH CAROLINA rei: (9'5) 75'.0'88 YrRGINIA Intel Corp. 1603 Sanla Rosa Rd .• #109 m:8's~~~eadowvlew Road Richmond 23288 Tel: (804) 282-5668 Suite 206 Greensboro 27407 Tel: (9'9) 294-'54' INOIANA Intel Corp. ~J~Jf~~C, HEW JERSEY Norcross 30092 Tel: (404) 44H171 Intel Corp. 8777 Purdue Rd., #'25 ~J~~~~4~ Intel Corp. 313 E. Anderlon Lane Suite 314 AusUn78762 GEORGIA ~,~ ~rrnte Parkway Intel Corp. SlIIte110 Santa Ana 92705 IntslCorp. ~~ CJty Expressway ~~h3w.f:.o ~($~rsr8=32714 ~~:=a =~IhStreet = TEXAS SUite 105 =~perial Highway ~:o~:a~r5~' MJSSOURI ~:"(3~~~'5 ~: ~~atmonte DrIve SUite 218 Tel: (918) 351-8143 PINNSYLVANIA Intel Corp. 201 Penn Center Boul....ard Suite 301 W Suite tOO West Bloomfield 48033 Tol: (3'3) 851-11905 ARIZONA InteICcrp. 11225 N. 28th Dr., #0214 Phoenix 85029 Tel: (602) 869"980 MICHIGAN Intel Corp. 1071 Orchard Lake Road ~":.(a~W~~::\ WASHINGTON Inlel Corp. ~~~ ~~~d., Suite 102 Tel: (B'9) 781-11022 OHIO KANSAS WISCONSIN te~~~'1Oth Street InlelCorp. 330 S. EXecutive Dr. SUI\e'02 Suite 170 Overland Park 66210 Brookfield 53005 Tel: (913) 345-2727 KENTUCKY Tel: (414) 714-8087 Intel Corp. 8500 Poe CANADA ~:rr,:r:~ Tel: (408) 970-1740 ~,=';a'P' Rexdale OREGON Canada Tel: (41 MARYLAND - :;:~orlein Blvd. Intel Corp. COLORADO :mg1~/iiCherry Sulte91S Denver 80222 ~~~~~~';= . PoInte Qalre, Quebec 5th Floor 7833 Walker Drive canada H9R 3K3 Tel: (5'4) 894-9'30 Greenbeft 20nO Tal: (301) 441-1020 Intel Corp. 2850 0u88l'lsvtew DrIve. #250 IIASSACHUSErrB Ottawa. Ontario, ==corp.Center canada K2B 8H8 Tel: (8'3) 929-9?'4 3 carlllle Road Westford 01886 Tel: (817) 692·1060 CUSTOMER TRAINING CENTERS CALifORNIA ILliNOIS MASSACHUSEns MARYLAND 2700 San Tomas Expressway Santa Clara 95051 ~:Um~~~~~:300 3 Carlisle Road Westford 01886 7833 Walker Dr•• 4th Floor Greenbelt2f1770 Tel: (30') 220-3380 Tel: (408) 970-1700 Tel: (3'2) 3'1'0-5700 Tel:(617)692-1~ SYSTEMS ENGINEERING OFFICES CAUFORNIA ILUNQIS MASSACHUSETTS NEW YORK 2700 San Tomas Expressway Sanla Ctara 95051 ' ~:imM~~ln~~#300 3 Carlisi. Road Westford 01886 300 Motor Parkway Tel: (408) _8086 Tel: (3'2) 3¥0-B03' Tel: (617) 692-3222 ~:r\fi'~;31~30
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