1988_Motorola_Thyristor_Device_Data 1988 Motorola Thyristor Device Data

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Theory and Applications
(Chapters 1 thru 9)

The information in this book has been carefully
checked and is believed to be accurate; however,
no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies.
Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve
reliability, function or design. Motorola does not assume any liability arising out of the application or
use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights
nor the rights of others. Motorola and ® are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc.
is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
Motorola, Inc. general policy does not recommend
the use of its components in life support applications
wherein a failure or malfunction of the component
may directly threaten life or injury. Per Motorola
Terms and Conditions of Sale, the user of Motorola
components in life support applications assumes all
risks of such use and indemnifies Motorola against
all damages.

Selector Guide •

Data Sheets •

Outline Dimensions
and Leadform Options

Index and
Cross Reference

Chipscrete, Designer's, Switch mode, Thermopad, Thermowatt, TMOS and Unibloc are trademarks of Motorola Inc.
Kapton and Teflon are registered trademarks of E.I. Dupont.





Prepared by
Technical Information Center

This manual is intended to give users of thyristors basic information on the product including
applications, theory, and data sheets on the broad line available from Motorola.
Motorola has a long history of supplying high quality thyristors in large volume to the power
supply, industrial, and lighting markets. Being the leading supplier of power devices in the world,
we know how to serve the customers needs.

Series B
Previous Printing © 1985
All Rights Reserved

Printed in U.S.A.


Theory and Applications
(Chapters 1 thru 9)

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .
Chapter 1: Symbols and Terminology . . . . . . .
Chapter 2: Theory of Operation . . . . . . . ... .
Basic Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Switching Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
False Triggering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
Theory of SCR Power Control . . . . . . . . . .. .
Triac Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Methods of Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
Zero Point Switching Techniques ......... .
Chapter 3: Thyristor Drivers and Trigger . ... .
Pulse Triggering of SCRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Current Pulse Triggering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Capacitance Charge Triggering . . . . . . . . .. .
Effects of Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reducing di/dt Effects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
Snubbing a Thyristor . . . . . . . . . . ....... .
Protecting Sensitive Gate SCRs . . . ....... .
Using Triac Drivers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Zero Cross vs Non-Zero Cross Triac Drivers .. .
The Unijunction Transistor. . . . . . . . . ..... .
Programmable Unijunction Transistors ...... .
Silicon Bilateral Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 4: New Thyristor Technologies. . . . . .
The SIDAC, A New High Voltage Bilateral
Trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
GTO Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 5: SCR Characteristics . ..........
SCR Turn-Off Time t q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Parameters Affecting t q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Characterizing SCRs for Crowbar Applications .
Characterizing SCRs as Line-Type Modulators.
Parallel Connected SCRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
RFI Suppression in Thyristor Circuits. . . . . . ..
Chapter 6: Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Phase Control with Thyristors . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Motor Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Phase Control with Trigger Devices .........
Cycle Control with Optically Isolated
Triac Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
AC Power Control with Solid-State Relays ....



Triacs and Inductive Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Interfacing Digital Circuits to AC Loads ..... .
DC Motor Control with Thyristor Applications. . .
Unijunction Transistor Applications . . . . . ... .
Heater Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .
Light Dimmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Voltage Regulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Timer Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .
Programmable Unijunction Transistor (PUT)
Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VC Ramp Generator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Low Frequency Divider. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .
Long Duration Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Phase Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Voltage Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Silicon Bilateral Switch (SBS) Applications . . . .
Lamp Dimmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Electronic Crowbar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Triac Zero-Point Switch Applications . . . . . . ..
Temperature Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Relay-Contact Protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 7: Mounting Techniques for Thyristors
Surface Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thermal Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
Insulation Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . .... .
Fastening Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thermal System Evaluation. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 8: Reliability and Quality . . . . . . . . . .
Thyristor Construction Through A Time Tested
Design and Advanced Processing Methods. .
In-Process Controls and Inspections . . . . . . . .
Reliability Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stress Testing - Power Cycling and Thennal
Shock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Environmental Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mechanical Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 9: Using Thyristor Die for Hybrid
Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Die Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
Electrical Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
Die Backing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
Encapsulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Handling and Shipping . . . . . . .......... .
Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .





Thyristors can take many forms, but they have certain
things in common. All of them are solid state switches
which act as open circuits capable of withstanding the
rated voltage until triggered. When they are triggered,
thyristors become low-impedance current paths and remain in that condition until the current either stops or
drops below a minimum value called the holding level.
Once a thyristor has been triggered, the trigger current
can be removed without turning off the device.
Silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs) and triacs are both
members of the thyristor family. SCRs are unidirectional
devices where triacs are bidirectional. An SCR is designed
to switch load current in one direction, while a triac is
designed to conduct load current in either direction.
Structurally, all thyristors consist of several alternating
layers of opposite P and N silicon, with the exact structure
varying with the particular kind of device. The load is
applied across the multiple junctions and the trigger current is injected at one of them. The trigger current allows
the load current to flow through the device, setting up a
regenerative action which keeps the current flowing even
after the trigger is removed.
These characteristics make thyristors extremely useful
in control applications. Compared to a mechanical
switch, a thyristor has a very long service life and very

fast turn on and turn off times. Because of their fast reaction times, regenerative action and low resistance once
triggered, thyristors can be used as ac power controllers
as well as simply turning devices on and off. Thyristors
are used to control motors, incandescent lights and many
other kinds of equipment.
Although thyristors of all sorts are generally fairly
rugged, there are several points to keep in mind when
designing circuits using them. One of the most important is to respect the devices' rated limits on rate of
change of voltage and current (dv/dt and dildt). If these
are exceeded, the thyristor may be damaged or
destroyed. On the other hand, it is important to provide
a trigger pulse large enough and fast enough to turn
the gate on quickly and completely. Usually the gate
trigger current should be at least three times the minimum turn-on current with a pulse rise time of less than
1 microsecond and a pulse width greater than 10 microseconds. Thyristors may be driven in many different
ways, including directly from transistors or logic families, by optoisolated triac drivers, unijunction transistors (UJTs), programmable unijunction transistors
(PUTs) and silicon bilateral switches (SBSs). These and
other design considerations are covered in this manual.


The following are the most commonly used schematic
symbols for thyristors:
name of device

A o>----__
~I-------4.,~I:>j---T~'c"''€':d~'''Wi''lf1!W'1ll1!(~~'U4''t.~~~l'! ~(~'Z;tAr!l"1M1 ~ji>I".~':~><&;"~~








The maximum value of current which will flow at
VORM and specified temperature.



The maximum value of current which will flow at
VRRM and specified temperature.



The maximum value of current which will flow for
either polarity of VORM and at specified



The maximum voltage drop across the terminals at
stated conditions.



The maximum value of gate current required to
switch the device from the off state to the on state
under specified conditions.



The gate dc voltage required to produce the gate
trigger current.



The value of forward anode current which allows
the device to remain in conduction. Below this value
the device will return to a forward blocking state at
prescribed gate conditions.



The minimum value of the rate of rise of forward
voltage which will cause switching from the off
state to the on state.



The time interval between a specified point at the
beginning of the gate pulse and the instant when
the device voltage (current) has dropped to a specified low value during the switching of an SCR from
the off state to the on state by a gate pulse.



The time interval between the instant when the SCR
current has decreased to zero 'after external switching of the SCR voltage circuit and the instant when
the thyristor is capable of supporting a specified
wave form without turning on.


The junction temperature of the device as a result
of ambient and load conditions.



The temperature at which the device may be stored
without harm.



The temperature of the device case under specified


The air temperature measured below a device in an
environment of substantially uniform temperature,
cooled only by natural air currents and not materially affected by radiant and reflective surfaces.









The thermal resistance (steady-state) from the device case to the ambient.



The thermal resistance (steady-state) from the
semiconductor junction(s) to the ambient.


The thermal resistance (steady-state) from the
semiconductor junction(s) to a stated location on
the case.



The thermal resistance (steady-state) from the
semiconductor junction(s) to a stated location on
the mounting surface.



The transient thermal impedance from the semiconductor junction(s) to the ambient.



The transient thermal impedance from the semiconductor junction(s) to a stated location on the


Unijunction Transistor Nomenclature




Emitter current.
Emitter reverse current. Measured between emitter and base-two at a specified voltage, and base-one open-circuit.
Peak point emitter current. The maximum emitter current that can flow without allowing the UJT to go into the negative resistance region. Peak point is the
lowest current on the emitter characteristic where:


Emitter to base-one voltage.


Emitter saturation voltage. Forward
voltage drop from emitter to base-one
at a specified emitter current larger than
IV and specified interbase voltage.


Valley point emitter voltage. The voltage at which the valley point occurs with
a specified VB2Bl'


Base-one peak voltage. The peak voltage measured across a resistor in series
with base-one when the unijunction
transistor is operated as a relaxation oscillator in a specified circuit.

dVEBl = 0
Valley point emitter current. The current
flowing in the emitter when the device
is biased to the valley point. Valley point
is the second lowest current on the emitter characteristic where:

Interbase resistance temperature coefficient. Variation of resistance between
B2 and Bl over the specified temperature range and measured at the specific
interbase voltage and temperature with
emitter open-circuited.

Interbase resistance. Resistance between base-two and base-one measured at a specified interbase voltage.
Voltage between base-two and baseone. Also called interbase voltage.
IB2 (mod)

Peak point emitter voltage. The maximum voltage seen at the emitter before
the UJT goes into the negative resistance region.


Intrinsic standoff ratio. Defined by the
Vp - VD
71 = VB2Bl

dVEBl = 0


Interbase modulation current. B2 current modulation due to firing. Measured
at a specified interbase voltage, emitter
current and temperature.

Forward voltage drop of the emitter
junction. Also called VF(EB1) or VF.

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.~ .





To successfully apply thyristors, an understanding of
their characteristics, ratings, and limitations is imperative. In this chapter, significant thyristor characteristics,
the basis of their ratings, and their relationship to circuit
design are discussed.
Several different kinds of thyristors are shown in Table
2.1. Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs) are the most
widely used as power control elements; triacs are quite
popular in lower current (under 40 A) ac power applications. Diacs, SUSs and SBSs are most commonly used
as gate trigger devices for the power control elements.

senti ally the same for any operating quadrant of triac
because a triac may be considered as two parallel SCRs
oriented in opposite directions. Figure 2.1(a) shows the
schematic symbol for an SCR, and Figure 2.1(b) shows
the P-N-P-N structure the symbol represents. In the twotransistor model for the SCR shown in Figure 2.1 (c), the
interconnections of the two transistors are such that regenerative action occurs. Observe that if current is injected into any leg ofthe model, the gain ofthe transistors
(if sufficiently high) causes this current to be amplified
in another leg. In order for regeneration to occur, it is
necessary for the sum of the common base current gains
(a) of the two transistors to exceed unity. Therefore, because the junction leakage currents are relatively small
and current gain is designed to be low at the leakage
current level, the PNPN device remains off unless external current is applied. When sufficient trigger current is
applied (to the gate, for example, in the case of an SCR)
to raise the loop gain to unity, regeneration occurs and
the on-state principal current is limited primarily by external circuit impedance. If the initiating trigger current
is removed, the thyristor remains in the on state, providing the current level is high enough to meet the unity
gain criteria. This critical current is called latching current.

Table 2.1. Thyristor Types

*JEDEC Titles
Reverse Blocking Diode
Reverse Blocking Triode

Popular Name., Types
tFour Layer Diode, Silicon
Unilateral Switch (SUS)
Silicon Controlled Rectifier

Reverse Conducting Diode

tReverse Conducting Four
Layer Diode

Reverse Conducting Triode

Reverse Conducting SCR

Bidirectional Triode Thyristor


Turn-Off Thyristor

Gate Turn Off Switch (GTO)

In order to turn off a thyristor, some change in current
must occur to reduce the loop gain below unity. From
the model, it appears that shorting the gate to cathode
would accomplish this. However in an actual SCR structure, the gate area is only a fraction of the cathode area
and very little current is diverted by the short. In practice,
the principal current must be reduced below a certain
level, called holding current, before gain falls below unity
and turn-off may commence.

*JEDEC i. an acronym for the Joint Electron Device Engineering Councils,
an industry standardization activity co-sponsored by the Electronic
Industries Association lElA) and the Nstional Electrical Manufacturers
Association INEMA).
tNot generally available.

In fabricating practical SCRs and Triacs, a "shorted
emitter" design is generally used in which, schematically,
a resistor is added from gate to cathode or gate to MT1.
Because current is diverted from the N-base through the
resistor, the gate trigger current, latching current and
holding current all increase. One of the principal reasons
for the shunt resistance is to' improve dynamic performance at high temperatures. Without the shunt, leakage
current on most high currentthyristors could initiate turnon at high temperatures.

Before considering thyristor characteristics in" detail, a
brief review of their operation based upon the common
two-transistor analogy of an SCR "is in order.

The bistable action of thyristors is readily explained by
analysis of the structure of an SCR. This analysis is es-



Sensitive gate thyristors employ a high resistance
shunt or none at all; consequently, their characteristics
can be altered dramatically by use of an external resistance. An external resistance has a minor effect on most
shorted emitter designs.









creased, however, the ability of a thyristor to support
applied voltage is reduced and there is a certain value
of gate current at which the behavior of the thyristor
closely resembles that of a rectifier. Because thyristor
turn-on, as a result of exceeding the breakover voltage,
can produce high instantaneous power dissipation nonuniformly distributed over the die area during the
switching transition, extreme temperatures resulting in
die failure may occur unless the magnitude and rate of
rise of principal current (di/dt) is restricted to tolerable
levels. For normal operation, therefore, SCRs and triacs
are operated at applied voltages lower than the breakover voltage, and are made to switch to the on state by
gate signals high enough to assure complete turn-on













Figure 2.2. Thyristor Characteristics Illustrating
Breakover as a Function of Gate Current

Figure 2.1. Two-transistor analogy of an SCR:
la) schematic symbol of SCR; Ib) P-N-P-N structure
represented by schematic symbol; Ic) two-transistor
model of SCR.
Junction temperature is the primary variable affecting
thyristor characteristics. Increased temperatures make
the thyristor easier to turn on and keep on. Consequently,
circuit conditions which determine turn-on must be designed to operate at the lowest anticipated junction temperatures, while circuit conditions which are to turn off
the thyristor or prevent false triggering must be designed
to operate at the maximum junction temperature.
Thyristor specifications are usually written with case
temperatures specified and with electrical conditions
such that the power dissipation is low enough that the
junction temperature essentially equals the case temperature. It is incumbent upon the user to properly account for changes in characteristics caused by the circuit
operating conditions different from the test conditions.
Turn-on of a thyristor requires injection of current to
raise the loop gain to unity. The current can take the form
of current applied to the gate, an anode current resulting
from leakage, or avalanche breakdown of a blocking junction. As a result, the breakover voltage of a thyristor can
be varied or controlled by injection of a current at the
gate terminal. Figure 2.2 shows the interaction of gate
current and voltage for an SCR.
When the gate current Ig is zero, the applied voltage
must reach the breakover voltage of the SCR before
switching occurs. As the value of gate current is in-

independent of the applied voltage. On the other hand,
diacs and other thyristor trigger devices are designed
to be triggered by anode breakover. Nevertheless they
also have di/dt and peak current limits which must be
adhered to.
A triac works the same general way for both positive
and negative voltage. However since a triac can be
switched on by either polarity of the gate signal regardless of the voltage polarity across the main terminals, the
situation is somewhat more complex than for an SCR.
The various combinations of gate and main terminal
polarities are shown in Figure 2.3. The relative sensitivity
depends on the physical structure of a particular triac,


MT2( +), G( -)


G(-) - - - - - - - - - \ - - - - - - G(+)



MT2(-), G(-)

MT2(-), G(+)


Figure 2.3. Quadrant Definitions for a Triac


but as a rule, sensitivity is highest in quadrant I and quadrant IV is generally considerably less sensitive than the
Gate sensitivity of a triac as a function of temperature
is shown in Figure 2.4.



<;: 20












~OLTA~E 1~ Vdc


1 100















erates like a remote base transistor having a gain which
is generally about 0.5. When high gate drive currents are
used, substantial dissipation could occur in the SCR or a
significant current could flow in the load; therefore, some
means usually must be provided to remove the gate signal during the reverse blocking phase.





50 I"











~ k"




""" """'"

-80 -60 -40 -20













= 12 V




r" r-f..,




= -55OC








Figure 2.4. Typical Triac Triggering Sensitivity in the
Four Trigger Quadrants








Figure 2.5. Typical Behavior of Gate Trigger Current as
Pulse Width and Temperature Are Varied

Since both the junction leakage currents and the current gain of the "transistor" elements increase with temperature, the magnitude of the required gate trigger current decreases as temperature increases. The gate which can be regarded as a diode - exhibits a decreasing
voltage drop as temperature increases. Thus it is important that the gate trigger circuit be designed to deliver
sufficient current to the gate at the lowest anticipated
It is also advisable to observe the maximum gate current, as well as peak and average power dissipation ratings. Also in the negative direction, the maximum gate
ratings should be observed. Both positive and negative
gate limits are often given on the data sheets and they
may indicate that protective devices such as voltage
clamps and current limiters may be required in some
applications. It is generally inadvisable to dissipate power
in the reverse direction.
Although the criteria for turn-on have been described
in terms of current, it is more basic to consider the thyristor as being charge controlled. Accordingly, as the duration of the trigger pulse is reduced, its amplitude must
be correspondingly increased. Figure 2.5 shows typical
behavior at various pulse widths and temperatures.
The gate pulse width required to trigger a thyristor also
depends upon the time required for the anode current to
reach the latching value. It may be necessary to maintain
a gate signal throughout the conduction period in applications where the load is highly inductive or where the
anode current may swing below the holding value within
the conduction period.
When triggering an SCR with a dc current, excess leakage in the reverse direction normally occurs if the trigger
signal is maintained during the reverse blocking phase
of the anode voltage. This happens because the SCR op~~~~t;,ciV··'~~
~.I':<."H"~"-y.~.. ~'ill;,;,:"



In order for the thyristor to remain in the on state when
the trigger signal is removed, it is necessary to have sufficient principal current flowing to raise the loop gain to
unity. The principal current level required is the latching
current, Il. Although triacs show some dependency on
the gate current in quadrant II, the latching current is
primarily affected by the temperature on shorted emitter
In order to allow turn off, the principal current must be
reduced below the level of the latching current. The current level where turn off occurs is called the holding current, IH. Like the latching current, the holding current is
affected by temperature and also depends on the gate
Reverse voltage on the gate of an SCR markedly increases the latch and hold levels. Forward bias on thyristor gates may significantly lower from the values
shown in the data sheets since those values are normally
given with the gate open. Failure to take this into account
can cause latch or hold problems when thyristors are
being driven from transistors whose saturation voltages
are a few tenths of a volt.
Thyristors made with shorted emitter gates are obviously not as sensitive to the gate circuit conditions as
devices which have no built-in shunt.

When triacs or SCRs are triggered by a gate signal, the
turn-on time consists of two stages: a delay time, td, and
a rise time, t r, as shown in Figure 2.6. The total gate
controlled turn-on time, tgt, is usually defined as the time
interval between the 50 percent point of the leading edge






level. Reverse recovery time (trr ) is usually measured
from the point where the principal current changes polarity to a specified point on the reverse current waveform
as indicated in Figure 2.7. During this period the anode
and cathode junctions are being swept free of charge so
that they may support reverse voltage. A second recovery
period, called the gate recovery time, tgr, must elapse
for the charge stored in the forward-blocking junction to
recombine so that forward-blocking voltage can be reapplied and successfully blocked by the SCR. The gate recovery time of an SCR is usually much longer than the
reverse recovery time. The total time from the instant
reverse recovery current begins to flow to the start of the
forward-blocking voltage is referred to as circuitcommutated turn-off time t q.
Turn-off time depends upon a number of circuit conditions including on-state current prior to turn-off, rate of
change of current during the forward-to-reverse transition, reverse-blocking voltage, rate of change of reapplied
forward voltage, the gate bias, and junction temperature.
Increasing junction temperature and on-state current
both increase turn-off time and have a more significant
effect than any of the other factors. Negative gate bias
will decrease the turn-off time.






0 ......







Figure 2.6., Waveshapes Illustrating Thyristor Turn-On
Time For A Resistive Load
of the gate trigger voltage and 90 percent point of the
principal current. The rise time tr is the time interval required for the principal current to rise from 10 to 90 percent of its maximum value. A resistive load is usually
Delay time decreases slightly as the peak off-state voltage increases. It is primarily related to the magnitude of
the gate-trigger current and shows a relationship which
is roughly inversely proportional.
The rise time is influenced primarily by the off-state
voltage, as high voltage causes an increase in regenerative gain. Of major importance in the rise time interval
is the relationship between principal voltage and current
flow through the thyristor di/dt. During this time the dynamic voltage drop is high and the current density due
to the possible rapid rate of change can produce localized
hot spots in the die. This may permanently degrade the
blocking characteristics. Therefore, it is important that
power dissipation during turn-on be restricted to safe
Turn-off time is a property associated only with SCRs
and other unidirectional devices. (In triacs or bidirectional
devices a reverse voltage cannot be used to provide
circuit-com mutated turn-off voltage because a reverse
voltage applied to one half of the structure would be a
forward-bias voltage to the other half.) For turn-off times
in SCRs, the recovery period consists of two stages, a
reverse recovery time and a gate or forward blocking
recovery time, as shown in Figure 2.7.
When the forward current of an SCR is reduced to zero
at the end of a conduction period, application of reverse
voltage between the anode and cathode terminals causes
reverse current flow in the SCR. The current persists until
the time that the reverse current decreases to the leakage







i----tq ------I

Figure 2.7. Waveshapes Illustrating Thyristor
Turn-Off Time


For applications in which an SCR is used to control ac
power, during the entire negative half of the sine wave
a reverse voltage is applied. Turn off is easily accomplished for most devices at frequencies up to a few kilohertz. For applications in which the SCR is used to control
the output of a full-wave rectifier bridge, however, there
is no reverse voltage available for turn-off, and complete
turn-off can be accomplished only if the bridge output is
reduced close to zero such that the principal current is
reduced to a value lower than the device holding current
for a sufficiently long time. Turn-off problems may occur
even at a frequency of 60 Hz particularly if an inductive
load is being controlled.
In triacs, rapid application of a reverse polarity voltage
does not cause turn-off because the main blocking junctions are common to both halves of the device. When the
first triac structure (SCR-1) is in the conducting state, a
quantity of charge accumulates in the N-type region as
a result of the principal current flow. As the principal
current crosses the zero reference point, a reverse current
is established as a result of the charge remaining in the
N-type region, which is common to both halves of the
device. Consequently, the reverse recovery current becomes a forward current to the second half of the triac.
The current resulting from stored charge causes the second half of the triac to go into the conducting state in the
absence of a gate signal. Once current conduction has
been established by application of a gate signal, therefore, complete loss in power control can occur as a result
of interaction within the N-type base region of the triac
unless sufficient time elapses or the rate of application
of the reverse polarity voltage is slow enough to allow
nearly all the charge to recombine in the common N-type
region. Therefore, triacs are generally limited to lowfrequency - 60 Hz applications. Turn-off or commutation
of triacs is more severe with inductive loads than with
resistive loads because of the phase lag between voltage
and current associated with inductive loads. Figure 2.8
shows the waveforms for an inductive load with lagging
current power factor. At the time the current reaches zero
crossover (Point A), the half of the triac in conduction
begins to commutate when the principal current falls below the holding current. At the instant the conducting
half of the triac turns off, an applied voltage opposite the
current polarity is applied across the triac terminals (Point
B). Because this voltage is a forward bias to the second
half of the triac, the suddenly reapplied voltage in conjunction with the remaining stored charge in the highvoltage junction reduces the over-all device capability to


Figure 2.8. Inductive Load Waveforms

support voltage. The result is a loss of power control to
the load, and the device remains in the conducting state
in absence of a gate signal. The measure of triac turn-off
ability is the rate of rise of the opposite polarity voltage
it can handle without remaining on. It is called commutating dv/dt (dv/dt[c)). Circuit conditions and temperature
affect dv/dt(c) in a manner similar to the way tq is affected
in an SCR.
It is imperative that some means be provided to restrict
the rate of rise of reapplied voltage to a value which will
permit triac turn-off under the conditions of inductive
load. A commonly accepted method for keeping the commutating dv/dt within tolerable levels is to use an RC
snubber network in parallel with the main terminals of
the triac. Because the rate of rise of applied voltage at
the triac terminal is a function of the load impedance and
the RC snubber network, the circuit can be evaluated
under worst-case conditions of operating case temperature and maximum principal current. The values of resistance and capacitance in the snubber are then adjusted
so that the rate of rise of commutating dv/dt stress is
within the specified minimum limit under any of the conditions mentioned above. The value of snubber resistance should be high enough to limit the snubber capacitance discharge currents during turn-on and dampen
the LC oscillation during commutation. The combination
of snubber values having highest resistance and lowest
capacitance that provides satisfactory operation is generally preferred.

Circuit conditions can cause thyristors to turn on in the
absence of the trigger signal. False triggering may result
1) A high rate of rise of anode voltage, (the dv/dt
2) Transient voltages causing anode breakover.
3) Spurious gate signals.
Static dv/dt effect: When a source voltage is suddenly
applied to a thyristor which is in the off state, it may
switch from the off state to the conducting state. If the
thyristor is controlling alternating voltage, false turn-on
resulting from a transient imposed voltage is limited to
no more than one-half cycle of the applied voltage because turn-off occurs during the zero current crossing.
However, if the principal voltage is dc voltage, the transient may cause switching to the on state and turn-off
could then be achieved only by a circuit interruption.
The switching from the off state caused by a rapid rate
of rise of anode voltage is the result of the internal capacitance of the thyristor. A voltage wavefront impressed
across the terminals of a thyristor causes a capacitancecharging current to flow through the device which is a
function of the rate of rise of applied off-state voltage
(i = C dv/dt). If the rate of rise of voltage exceeds a critical
value, the capacitance charging current exceeds the gate
triggering current and causes device turn-on. Operation

~.IIIIII• • •IiIIII!!!I!11111





at elevated junction temperatures reduces the thyristor
ability to support a steep rising voltage dv/dt because of
increased sensitivity.
dv/dt ability can be improved quite markedly in sensitive gate devices and to some extent in shorted emitter
designs by a resistance from gate to cathode (or MT1)
however reverse bias voltage is even more effective in
an SCR. More commonly, a snubber network is used to
keep the dv/dt within the limits of the thyristor when the
gate is open.
TRANSIENT VOLTAGES: - Voltage transients which
occur in electrical systems as a result of disturbance on
the ac line caused by various sources such as energizing
transformers, load switching, solenoid closure, contractors and the like may generate voltages which are above
the ratings of thyristors. Thyristors, in general, switch
from the off state to the on state whenever the breakover
voltage of the device is exceeded, and energy is then
transferred to the load. However, unless a thyristor is
specified for use in a breakover mode, care should be
exercised to ensure that breakover does not occur, as
some devices may incur surface damage with a resultant
degradation of blocking characteristics. It is good practice
when thyristors are exposed to a heavy transient environment to provide some form of transient suppression.
For applications in which low-energy, long-duration
transients may be encountered, it is advisable to use thyristors that have voltage ratings greater than the highest
voltage transient expected in the system. The use of voltage clipping cells (MOV or Zener) is also an effective
method to hold transient below thyristor ratings. The use
of an RC "snubber" circuit is effective in reducing the'
effects ofthe high-energy short-duration transients more
frequently encountered. The snubber is commonly
required to prevent the static dv/dt limits from being
exceeded, and often may be satisfactory in limiting the
amplitude of the voltage transients as well.
For all applications, the dv/dt limits may not be
exceeded. This is the minimum value of the rate of rise
off-state voltage applied immediately to the MT1-MT2
terminals after the principal current of the opposing
polarity has decreased to zero.
SPURIOUS GATE SIGNALS: In noisy electrical environments, it is possible for enough energy to cause gate
triggering to be coupled into the gate wiring by stray
capacitance or electromagnetic induction. It is therefore
advisable to keep the gate lead short and have the common return directly to the cathode or MT1. In extreme
cases, shielded wire may be required. Another aid commonly used is to connect a capacitance on the order of
0.01 to 0.1/LF across the gate and cathode terminals. This
has the added advantage of increasing the thyristor dv/dt
capability, since it forms a capacitive divider with the
anode to gate capacitance. The gate capacitor also reduces the rate of application of gate trigger current which
may cause di/dt failures if a high inrush load is present.
To insure long life and proper operation, it is important
that operating conditions be restrained from exceeding

thyristor ratings. The most important and fundamental
ratings are temperature and voltage which are interrelated to some extent. The voltage ratings are applicable
only up to the maximum temperature ratings of a particular part number. The temperature rating may be chosen by the manufacturer to insure satisfactory voltage
ratings, switching speeds, or dv/dt ability.
Current ratings are not independently established as a
rule. The values are chosen such that at a practical case
temperature the power dissipation will not cause the
junction temperature rating to be exceeded.
Various manufacturers may choose different criteria to
establish ratings. At Motorola, use is made of the thermal
response of the semiconductor and worst case values of
on-state voltage and thermal resistance, to guarantee the
junction temperature is at or below its rated value. Values
shown on data sheets consequently differ somewhat
from those computed from the standard formula:
TC (max) = T (rated) - RruC x PO(AV)
TC (max) = Maximum allowable case temperature
T (rated) = Rated junction temperature or maximum
rated case temperature with zero principal
current and rated ac blocking voltage
= Junction to case thermal resistance
= Average power dissipation
The above formula is generally suitable for estimating
case temperature in situations not covered by data sheet
information. Worst case values should be used for thermal resistance and power dissipation.
Overload current ratings may be divided into two
types: non-repetitive and repetitive.
Non-repetitive overloads are those which are not a part
of the normal application of the device. Examples of such
overloads are faults in the equipment in which the devices are used and accidental shorting of the load. Nonrepetitive overload ratings permit the device to exceed
its maximum operating junction temperature for short
periods of time because this overload rating applies following any rated load condition. In the case of a reverse
blocking thyristor or SCR, the device must block rated
voltage in the reverse direction during the current overload. However, no type of thyristor is required to block
off-stage voltage at any time during or immediately following the overload. Thus, in the case of a triac, the
device need not block in either direction during or
immediately following the overload. Usually only approximately one hundred such current overloads are permitted over the life of the device. These non-repetitive
overload ratings just described may be divided into two
types: multicycle (which include single cycle) and subcycle. For an SCR, the multicycle overload current rating,
or surge current rating as it is commonly called, is generally presented as a curve giving the maximum peak

, "~,~:.uJiI!1I!Li\~~~j~,IIJ;.!t:ji~'r.~iIm


values of half sine wave on-state current as a function of
overload duration measured in number of cycles for a 60
Hz frequency.
For a triac, the current waveform used in the rating is
a full sine wave. Multicycle surge curves are used to select proper circuit breakers and series line impedances
to prevent damage to the thyristor in the event of an
equipment fault.
The subcycle overload or subcycle surge rating curve
is so called because the time duration of the rating is
usually from about one to eight milliseconds which is
less than the time of one cycle of a 60 Hz power source.
Overload peak current is often given in curve form as a
function of overload duration. This rating also applies
following any rated load condition and neither off-state
nor reverse blocking capability is required on the part of
the thyristor immediately following the overload current.
The subcycle surge current rating may be used to select
the proper current-limiting fuse for protection of the thyristor in the event of an equipment fault. Since this use
ofthe rating is so common, manufacturers simply publish
the i 2t rating in place of the subcycle current overload
curve because fuses are commonly rated in terms of i2t.
The i 2t rating can be approximated from the single cycle
surge rating (lTSM) by using:
i2t = 12TSM x tl2
where the time t is the time base of the overload, i.e.,
8.33 ms for a 60 Hz frequency.
Repetitive overloads are those which are an intended
part of the application such as a motor drive application.
Since this type of overload may occur a large number of
times during the life of the thyristor, its rated maximum
operating junction temperature must not be exceeded
during the overload if long thyristor life is required. Since
this type of overload may have a complex current waveform and duty-cycle, a current rating analysis involving
the use of the transient thermal impedance characteristics is often the only practical approach. In this type of
analysis, the thyristor junction-to-case transient thermal
impedance characteristic is added to the user's heat dissipator transient thermal impedance characteristic. Then
by the superposition of power waveforms in conjunction
with the composite thermal impedance curve, the overload current rating can be obtained. The exact calculation
procedure is found in the power semiconductor

The most common form of SCR power control is phase
control. In this mode of operation, the SCR is held in an
off condition for a portion of the positive half cycle and
then is triggered into an on condition at a time in the half
cycle determined by the control circuitry (in which the
circuit current is limited only by the load - the entire line
voltage except for a nominal one volt drop across the
SCR is applied to the load).

One SCR alone can control only one half cycle of the
waveform. For full wave ac control, two SCRs are connected in inverse parallel (the anode of each connected
to the cathode of the other, see Figure 2.9a). For full
wave dc control, two methods are possible. Two SCRs
may be used in a bridge rectifier (see Figure 2.9b) or
one SCR may be placed in series with a diode bridge
(see Figure 2.9c).
Figure 2.10 shows the voltage waveform along with
some common terms used in describing SCR operation.
Delay angle is the time, measured in electrical degrees,
during which the SCR is blocking the line voltage. The
period during which the SCR is on is called the conduction angle.
It is important to note that the SCR is a voltage controlling device. The load and power source determine the
circuit current.
Now we arrive at a problem. Different loads respond
to different characteristics of the ac waveform. Some
loads are sensitive to peak voltage, some to average voltage and some to rms '(foltage. Figure 2.11 shows the
various characteristic voltages plotted against the conduction angle for half wave and full wave circuits. These
voltages have been normalized to the rms of the applied
voltage. To determine the actual peak, average or rms
voltage for any conduction angle, we simply multiply the
normalized voltage by the rms value of the applied line
voltage. (These normalized curves also apply to current
in a resistive circuit.) Since the greatest majority of circuits are either 115 or 230 volt power, the curves have
been redrawn for these voltages in Figure 2.12.


A relative power curve has been added to Figure 2.12
for constant impedance loads such as heaters. (Incandescent lamps and motors do not follOW this curve precisely since their relative impedance changes with applied voltage.) To use the curves, we find the full wave
rated power of the load, then multiply by the fraction
associated with the phase angle in question. For example,
a 180° conduction angle in a half wave circuit provides
0.5 x full wave full-conduction power.
An interesting point is illustrated by the power curves.
A conduction angle of 30° provides only three per cent
offull power in a full wave circuit, and a conduction angle
of 150° provides 97 per cent of full power. Thus, the control circuit can provide 94 per cent of full power control
with a pulse phase variation of only 120°. Thus, it becomes pointless in many cases to try to obtain conduction angles less than 30° or greater than 150°.

The simplest and most common control circuit for
phase control is a relaxation oscillator. This circuit is
shown diagrammatically as it would be used with an SCR
in Figure 2.13. The capacitor is charged through the resistor from a voltage or current source until the breakover
voltage of the trigger device is reached. At that time, the
trigger device changes to its on state, and the capacitor
is discharged through the gate of the SCR. Turn-on of the




SCR is thus accomplished with a short, high current
pulse. Commonly used trigger devices are unijunction
and programmable unijunction transistors, silicon bilateral switches, sidacs and optically coupled thyristors.
Phase control can be obtained by varying the RC time
constant of a charging circuit so that trigger device turnon occurs at varying phase angles within the controlled
half cycle.
If the relaxation oscillator is to be operated from a pure
dc source, the capacitor voltage-time characteristic is
shown in Figure 2.14. This shows the capacitor voltage
as it rises all the way to the supply voltage through several time constants. Figure 2.14(b) shows the charge characteristic in the first time constant greatly expanded. It is
this portion of the capacitor charge characteristic which
is most often used in SCR and Triac control circuits.
Generally, a design starting point is selection of a
capacitance value which will reliably trigger the thyristor
when the capacitor is discharged. Gate characteristics
and ratings, trigger device properties and the load
impedance playa part in the selection. Since not all of
the important parameters for this selection are completely specified, experimental determination is often the
best method.
Low-current loads and strongly inductive circuits
sometimes cause triggering difficulty because the gate
current pulse goes away before the principal thyristor
current achieves the latching value. A series gate resistor
can be used to introduce a RC discharge time constant
in the gate circuit and lengthen trigger pulse duration
allowing more time for the main terminal current to rise
to the latching value. Small thyristors will require a series
gate resistance to avoid exceeding the gate ratings. The
discharge time constant of a snubber, if used, can also
aid latching. The duration of these capacitor discharge
duration currents can be estimated by




ac Control




Two SCR de Control


t w 10 = 2.3 RC where t w 10 = time for current to decay
to 10% of the peak.
For example, when an 8 volt SBS is used to discharge
a 0.5 ,."F capacitor through a 15 ohm resistor into the gate
of an SCR


One SCR de Control

t w 10 = (2.3) (15) (0.5) = 17.3,."s.

Figure 2.9. SCR Connections For Various Methods
Of Phase Control

Because of internal voltage drops in the SBS and SCR
gates, the peak current will be somewhat less than
Ipk = 8/15 = 0.53 amp.
All trigger devices require some drive current to fire.
Highly sensitive devices appear to be voltage operated
when the current required to fire them is insignificant.
The MBS4991 SBS requires that the switching current be
taken into consideration. For a given RC time constant,
larger capacitors allow the use of lower value timing
resistors and less sensitive trigger components.
An example will demonstrate the procedure. Assume
that we wish to trigger a 2N4170 SCR with an 8 volt
MBS4991. We have determined that a 1 ,."F capacitor will
supply the necessary SCR gate current magnitude and
duration while not exceeding the gate ratings. Assume a
16 volt 60 Hz dc gate power supply, 30· minimum con-







\ \

Figure 2.10. Sine Wave Showing Principles
Of Phase Control




230 V .ill..'{







E ......



w z








> 160




















(~ ~ ~ ~














./' '-AVG









Ii ~









































Vc\LTAG~ "


Figure 2.11. Half-Wave Characteristics Of Thyristor Power Control
230V 115V
















w z


















































100 120

Figure 2.12. Full-Wave Characteristics Of Thyristor Power Control





V /











o~ ~



/ ;)


z~ 0.4

~ /'

/ ~~












16V 4 rnA 60 Hz






Figure 2.13. SCR Trigger Circuit

10 x 10- 3
1xlO- 6












= 10kohms.

Figure 2.14(a). Capacitor Charging From dc Source

16 V-8 V
104 ohms = 800 }LA.










a: en 0.3


5~ 0.2


= 2000 ohms.

A 10 k potentiometer with a 2 k series resistor will serve
this purpose.
In this application, the trigger circuit is reset by line
crossing each half cycle. Consequently, SBS latching after
firing is permissible. If the device were used as a free
running oscillator, it would be necessary for the peak
point current to be less than the minimum holding current
specification of the SBS at maximum operating temperature. Timing accuracy requires the 16 V source to be
capable of supplying the worst case required current. In
the example, the initial instantaneous capacitor charging
current will be 16 V/2 k = 8 mA. The gate load line must
also enclose the peak point voltage. The SBS clamps the
capacitor voltage when it breaks over causing little or no
further change in the voltage across the capacitor. Con-




1.39 ms = 0.693 RC
RC = 2.01 ms





30/180x8.33 = 1.39 ms

2.01 x 10- 3
1 x 10- 6




This is more than the 500 }LA needed by the MBS4991
at 25°C. If it were not, the design procedure would need
to be repeated using larger C and smaller R. Alternatively,
a more sensitive MBS4992 could be used.
To obtain minimum R, 150° conduction angle, the delay
is 30° or









The timing resistor must be capable of supplying at
least the worst case maximum SBS switching current at
the peak point voltage. The available current is



>:::> 0.5

6.94 ms = 0.693 RC
RC = 10.01 ms.
If C = 1 }LF,




duction angle and 150° maximum conduction angle with
a 60 Hz anode power source. The capacitor must charge
to 8/16 or 0.5 of the available charging voltage in the
desired time. Referring to Figure 2.14(b), we see that 0.5
of the charging voltage represents 0.693 time constant.
The 30° conduction angle requires that the firing pulse
be delayed 1500 or 6.94 milliseconds (8.33 milliseconds
is the period of 1/2 cycle at 60 Hz). To obtain this delay,












Figure 2.14(b). Expanded Scale
sequently, all of the available current at that time (16 V-8
V)/2 k = 4 mAl diverts through the SBS causing it to fire.
In many of the recently proposed circuits for low cost
operation, the timing capacitor ofthe relaxation oscillator
is charged through a rectifier and resistor using the ac
power line as a source. Calculations of charging time with
this circuit become exceedingly difficult, although they
are still necessary for circuit design. The curves of Figure
2.15 simplify the design immensely. These curves show
the voltage-time characteristic of the capacitor charged
from one half cycle of a sine wave. Voltage is normalized








1.20 ~---+---_+--___7'4__--./_+_--__+:7"".::::::::==~~--_+_---~--~

a:: 0
.... >

~ @



1ii 0.707
~ ~ 0.60 1----++---7I''----r-bc.......--;1'L---j;;..L----:::::Io-=::....---t-----::=;;p--+~_+---___l

0.40 I---~+-+---,i-'--_r_----::;"Ly"---::?.e::::...+-~~'--+--







120 ~4O





Figure 2.15(a). Capacitor Voltage When Charged








a:: 0
.... >





~~ 0.10















Figure 2.15(b). Expansion of Figure 2.15(8)



















Figure 2.15(cl. Expansion of Figure 2.15(bl

to the rms value of the sine wave for convenience of use.
The parameter of the curves is a new term, the ratio of
the RC time constant to the period of one half cycle, and
is denoted by the Greek letter T. It may most easily be
calculated from the equation
T = 2RCf. Where: R = resistance in Ohms
C = capacitance in Farads
f = frequency in Hertz.
To use the curves when starting the capacitor charge
from zero each half cycle, a line is drawn horizontally
across the curves at the relative voltage level of the trigger breakdown compared to the rms sine wave voltage.
The T is determined for maximum and minimum conduction angles and the limits of R may be found from
the equation for T.
An example will again clarify the picture. Consider the
same problem as the previous example, except that the
capacitor charging source is the 115 Vac, 60 Hz power
The ratio of the trigger diode breakover voltage to the
RMS charging voltage is then
81115 = 69.6 x 10- 3.
A line drawn at 0.0696 on the ordinate of Figure 2.15(cl
shows that for a conduction angle of 30°, T = 12, and for
a conduction angle of 150°, T = O.S. Therefore, since R
= T/(2CFI

2(1.0xl0 6160 100 k ohms,


2(lxl0 6)60 = 6667 ohms.


These values would require a potentiometer of 100 k
in series with a 6.2 k minimum fixed resistance.
The timing resistor must be capable of supplying the
highest switching current allowed by the SBS specification at the switching voltage.
When the conduction angle is less than 90°, triggering
takes place along the back of the power line sine wave
and maximum firing current thru the SBS is at the start
of SBS breakover. If this current does not equal or exceed
"Is" the SBS will fail to trigger and phase control will be
lost. This can be prevented by selecting a lower value
resistor and larger capacitor. The available current can
be determined from Figure 2.15(a). The vertical line
drawn from the conduction angle of 30° intersects the
applied voltage curve at 0.707. The instantaneous current
at breakover is then
1=(0.707xl15- S)/l00 k = 733 pA
When the conduction angle is greater than 90°, triggering takes place before the peak of the sine wave. If
the current thru the SBS does not exceed the switching
current at the moment of breakover, triggering may still
take place but not at the predicted time because of the
additional delay for the rising line voltage to drive the
SBS current up to the switching level. Usually long conduction angles are associated with low value timing resistors making this problem less likely. The SBS current at
the moment of breakover can be determined by the same
method described for the trailing edge.
It is advisable to use a shunt gate-cathode resistor
across sensitive gate SCR's to provide a path for leakage
currents and to insure that firing of the SCR causes turnon of the trigger device and discharge of the gate circuit


Figure 2.16(a) shows a simple dc full wave control circuit. RGK is optional on non-sensitive gate parts. Figure
2.16(b) shows an ac control derived from that of Figure
2.16(a). Figure 2.16(c) is a double time constant circuit
featuring low hysteresis.




The triac is a three-terminal ac semiconductor switch
which is triggered into conduction when a low-energy
signal is applied to its gate. Unlike the silicon controlled
rectifier or SCR, the triac will conduct current in either
direction when turned on. The triac also differs from the
SCR in that either a positive or negative gate signal will
trigger the triac into conduction. The triac may be thought
of as two complementary SCRs in parallel.
The triac offers the circuit designer an economical and
versatile means of accurately controlling ac power. It has
several advantages over conventional mechanical
switches. Since the triac has a positive "on" and a zerocurrent "off" characteristic, it does not suffer from the
contact bounce or arcing inherent in mechanical
switches. The switching action of the triac is very fast
compared to conventional relays, giving more accurate
control. A triac can be trigged by dc, ac, rectified ac or
pulses. Because of the low energy required for triggering
a triac, the control circuit can use any of a number of
low-cost solid-state devices presently on the market such
as transistors, unijunction transistors, bilateral switches,
four-layer diodes and sensitive-gate SCRs and optically
coupled drivers.

Figure 2.17(a) shows the triac symbol and its relationship to a typical package. Since the triac is a bilateral
device, the terms "anode" and "cathode" used for unilateral devices have no meaning. Therefore, the terminals
are simply designated by MT1, MT2, and G, where MT1
and MT2 are the current-carrying terminals, and G is the
gate terminal used for triggering the triac. To avoid confusion, it has become standard practice to specify all currents and voltages using MT1 as the reference point.
The basic structure of a triac is shown in Figure 2.17(b).
This drawing shows why the symbol adopted for the triac
consists of two complementary SCRs with a common
gate. The triac is a five-layer device with the region
between MT1 and MT2 being a P-N-P-N switch (SCR) in
parallel with a N-P-N-P switch (complementary SCR).
Also, the structure gives some insight into the triac's ability to be triggered with either a positive or negative gate
signal. The region between MT1 and G consists of two
complementary diodes. A positive or negative gate signal
will forward-bias one of these diodes causing the same
transistor action found in the SCR. This action breaks
down the blocking junction regardless of the polarity of

6.2 k



Figure 2.16(a). Simple de Power Control Circuit




6.2 k


Figure 2.16(b). Simple Full-Wave Power Control








Figure 2.16(e). Full Range ae Power Control




MTl. Current flow between MT2 and MT1 then causes
the device to provide gate current internally. It will remain
on until this current flow is interrupted.
The voltage-current characteristic of the triac is shown
in Figure 2.18 where, as previously stated, MTl is used
as the' reference point. The first quadrant, Q-I, is the
region where MT2 is positive with respect to MT1 and
quadrant III is the opposite case. Several of the terms
used in characterizing the triac are shown on the figure.
VORM is the breakover voltage of the device and is the
highest voltage the triac may be allowed to block in either
direction. If this voltage is exceeded, even transiently, the
triac may go into conduction without a gate signal.
Although the triac is not damaged by this action if the
current is limited, this situation should be avoided
because control of the triac is lost. A triac for a particular
application should have VORM at least as high as the
peak of the ac waveform to be applied so reliable control
can be maintained. The holding current (IH) is the minimum value of current necessary to maintain conduction.
When the current goes below IH' the triac ceases to conduct and reverts to the blocking state. IORM is the leakage
current of the triac with VORM applied from MT2 to MT1
and is several orders of magnitude smaller than the current rating of the device. The figure shows the characteristic of the triac without a gate signal applied but it
should be noted that the triac can be triggered into the
on state at any value of voltage up to VORM by the application of a gate signal. This important characteristic
makes the triac very useful.
Since the triac will conduct in either direction and can
be triggered with either a positive or negative gate signal
there are four possible triggering modes (Figure 2.3):
Quadrant I; MT2( +), G( +), positive voltage and positive gate current. Quadrant II; MT2( +), G( -), positive
voltage and negative gate current. Quadrant III;
MT2( -), G( -), negative voltage and negative gate current. Quadrant IV; MT2( -), G( +), negative voltage and
positive gate current.
Present triacs are most sensitive in quadrants I and III,
slightly less so in quadrant II, and much less sensitive in
quadrant IV. Therefore it is not recommended to use
quadrant IV unless special circumstances dictate it.
An important fact to remember is that since a triac can
conduct current in both directions, it has only a brief
. interval during which the sine wave current is passing
through zero to recover and revert to its blocking state.
For this reason, reliable operation of present triacs is
limited to 60 Hz line frequency and lower frequencies.
For inductive loads, the phase-shift between the current and voltage means that at the time the current falls
below IH and the triac ceases to conduct, there exists a
certain voltage which must appear across the triac. If this
voltage appears too rapidly, the triac will resume con-




















Figure 2.17. Triac Structure and Symbol


,-- v--l



t 1--""7-7




IH _ _

MT2 +






Figure 2.18. Triac Voltage-Current Characteristic

duction and control is lost. In order to achieve control
with certain inductive loads, the rate of rise in voltage
(dv/dt) must be limited by a series RC network across the
triac. The capacitor will then limit the dv/dt across the
triac. The resistor is necessary to limit the surge of current
from the capacitor when the triac fires, and to damp the
ringing of the capacitance with the load inductance.



A useful application of the triac is as a direct replacement for an ac mechanical relay. In this application, the
triac furnishes on-off control and the power-regulating
ability of the triac is not utilized. The control circuitry for
this application is usually very simple, consisting of a
source for the gate signal and some type of small current
switch, either mechanical or electrical. The gate signal
can be obtained from a separate source or directly from
the line voltage at terminal MT2 of the triac.

An effective and widely-used method of controlling the
average power to a load through the triac is by phase
control. Phase control is a method of utilizing the triac to
apply the ac supply to the load for a controlled fraction
of each cycle. In this mode of operation, the triac is held
in an off or open condition for a portion of each positive
and negative cycle, and then is triggered into an on condition at a time in the half cycle determined by the control
circuitry. In the on condition, the circuit current is limited
only by the load - i.e., the entire line voltage (less the
forward drop of the triac) is applied to the load.
Figure 2.19 shows the voltage waveform along with
some common terms used in describing triac operation.
Delay angle is the angle, measured in electrical degrees,
during which the triac is blocking the line voltage. The
period during which the triac is on is called the conduction angle.
It is importantto note that the triac is either off (blocking
voltage) or fully on (conducting). When it is in the on
condition, the circuit current is determined only by the
load and the power source.
As one might expect, in spite of its usefulness, phase
control is not without disadvantages. The main disadvantage of using phase control in triac applications is the
generation of electro-magnetic interference (EM!). Each
time the triac is fired the load current rises from zero to
the load-limited current value in a very short time. The
resulting difdt generates a wide spectrum of noise which
may interfere with the operation of nearby electronic
equipment unless proper filtering is used.

as little as 10 volts across it into a load of a few-hundred
watts, sufficient EMI will result to nUllify the advantages
of adopting zero-point switching in the first place.

Figure 2.21 shows methods of using the triac as an onoff switch. These circuits are useful in appliCations where
simplicity and reliability are important. As previously
stated, there is no arcing with the triac, which can be very
important in some applications. The circuits are for resistive loads as shown and require the addition of a dvfdt
network across the triac for inductive loads. Figure 2.21 (a)
shows low-VOltage control of the triac. When switch 51
is closed, gate current is supplied to the triac from the
10 volt battery. In order to reduce surge current failures
during turn on (ton), this current should be 5 to 10 times
the maximum gate current (lGT) required to trigger the
The triac turns on and remains on until 51 is opened.
This circuit switches at zero current except for initial turn
on. 51 can be a very-low-current switch because it carries
only the triac gate current.
Figure 2.21 (b) shows a triac switch with the same characteristics as the circuit in Figure 2.21 (a) except the need
for a battery has been eliminated. The gate signal is
obtained from the voltage at MT2 of the triac prior to turn
The circuit shown in Figure 2.21 (c) is a modification of
Figure 2.2Hb). When switch 51 is in position one, the
triac receives no gate current and is non-conducting. With
51 in position two, circuit operation is the same as that
for Figure 2.21 (b). In position three, the triac receives gate
current only on positive half cycles. Therefore, the triac
conducts only on positive half cycles and the power to
the load is half wave.
Figure 2.21 (d) shows ac control of the triac. The pulse
can be transformer coupled to isolate power and control
circuits. Peak current should be 10 times IGT(max) and
the RC time constant should be 5 times ton(max). A high
frequency pulse (1 to 5 kHz) is often used to obtain zero
point switching.



In addition to filtering, EMI can be minimized by zeropoint switching, which is often preferable. Zero-point
switching is a technique whereby the control element (in
this case the triac) is gated on at the instant the sine wave
voltage goes through zero. This reduces, or eliminates,
turn-on transients and the EMI. Power to the load is controlled by providing bursts of complete sine waves to the
load as shown in Figure 2.20. Modulation can be on a
random basis with an on-off control, or a proportioning
basis with the proper type of proportional control.
In order for zero-point switching to be effective, it must
indeed be zero point switching. If a triac is turned on with





Figure 2.19. Sine Wave Showing Principles
of Phase Control

~~ '1~~~~>%!''$~~~I'f:'"'' ~~1o/t

TJllhili»lf ~.t".~ .."P.~t .-'-"'1IIi1llr'X ';;~.\l~'w~~:1h)llr.*~n,




--- ---- ----l --- ---- ---- ---- ---,


n nr





Figure 2.23. Slave and Master SCRs for
Zero-Point Switching



Figure 2.22. Load Voltage and line Voltage for
25% Duty Cycle
2 p.F
200 V

low-power transistor, which can be controlled by bridgesensing circuits, manually controlled potentiometers, or
various other techniques.
A basic SCR is very effective and trouble free. However,
it can dissipate considerable power. This must be taken
into account in designing the circuit and its packaging.
In the case of triacs, a slaving circuit is also usually
required to furnish the gate signal for the negative half
cycle. However, triacs can use slave circuits requiring less
power than do SCRs as shown in Figure 2.23. Other considerations being equal, the easier slaving will sometimes make the triac circuit more desirable than the SCR
Besides slaving circuit power dissipation, there is another consideration which should be carefully checked
when using high-power zero-point switching. Since this
is on-off switching, it abruptly applies the full load to the
power line every time the circuit turns on. This may cause
a temporary drop in voltage which can lead to erratic
operation of other electrical equipment on the line (light
dimming, TV picture shrinkage, etc.). For this reason,
loads with high cycling rates should not be powered from
the same supply lines as lights and other voltagesensitive devices. On the other hand, if the load cycling
rate is slow, say once per half minute, the loading flicker
may not be objectionable on lighting circuits.
A note of caution. is in order here. The full-wave zeropoint switching control illustrated in Figure 2.23 should
not be used as a half-wave control by removing the slave
SCR. When the slave SCR in Figure 2.23 is removed, the
master SCR has positive gate current flowing over approximately 1/4 of a cycle while the SCR itself is in the
reverse-blocking state. This occurs during the negative
half cycle of the line voltage. When this condition exists,
Q1 will have a high leakage current with full voltage applied and will therefore be dissipating high power. This
will cause excessive heating of the SCR and may lead to
its failure. If it is desirable to use such a circuit as a halfwave control, then some means of clamping the gate
signal during the negative half cycle must be devised to
inhibit gate current while the SCR is reverse blocking.
The circuits shown in Figures 2.25 and 2.26 do not have
this disadvantage and may be used as half-wave controls.



Figure 2.24. Triac Zero-Point Switch



3.B k
B.2 k



Figure 2.25. Sensitive-Gate Switch

0,25 p.F
200 V


10 nF
200 V

R2 H>!-+-iI'I----<





Figure 2.26. Zero-Point Switch




therefore determines the average amount of power supplied to the load. Zero-point switching is necessary for
large loads such as electric heaters because conventional
phase-shift techniques would generate an excessive
amount of electro-magnetic interference (EM!).
This particular slaving circuit has two important advantages over standard RC discharge slaving circuits. It
derives these advantages with practically no increase in
price by using a low-costtransistor in place ofthe currentlimiting resistor normally used for slaving. The first advantage is that a large pulse of gate current is available
at the zero-crossing point. This means that it is not necessary to select sensitive-gate SCRs for controlling
power. The second advantage is that this current pulse
is reduced to zero within one alternation. This has a couple of good effects on the operation of the slaving SCR.
It prevents gate drive from appearing while the SCR is
reverse-biased, which would produce high power dissipation within the device. It also prevents the slaved SCR
from being turned on for additional half cycles after the
drive is removed from the control SCR.

The zero-point switches shown in Figures 2.25 and 2.26
are used to insure that the control SCR turns on at the
start of each positive alternation. In Figure 2.25 a pulse
is generated before the zero crossing and provides a
small amount of gate current when line voltage starts to
go positive. This circuit is primarily for sensitive-gate
SCRs. less-sensitive SCRs, with their higher gate currents, normally require smaller values for R1 and R2 and
the result can be high power dissipation in these resistors. The circuit of Figure 2.26 uses a capacitor, C2, to
provide a low-impedance path around resistors R1 and
R2 and can be used with less-sensitive, higher-current
SCRs without increasing the dissipation. This circuit actually oscillates near the zero crossing point and provides
a series of pulses to assure zero-point switching.
The basic circuit is that shown in Figure 2.25. Operation
begins when switch S1 is closed. If the positive alternation is present, nothing will happen since diode 01 is
reverse biased. When the negative alternation begins,
capacitor C1 will charge through resistor R2 toward the
limit of voltage set by the voltage divider consisting of
resistors R1 and R2. As the negative alternation reaches
its peak, C1 will have charged to about 40 volts. line
voltage will decrease but C1 cannot discharge because
diode 02 will be reverse biased. It can be seen that C1
and three-layer diode 04 are effectively in series with the
line. When the line drops to 10 volts, C1 will still be 40
volts positive with respect to the gate of 01. At this time
04 will see about 30 volts and will trigger. This allows C1
to discharge through 03, 04, the gate of 01, R2, and R1.
This discharge current will continue to flow as the line
voltage crosses zero and will insure that 01 turns on at
the start of the positive alternation. Oiode 03 prevents
reverse gate-current flow and resistor R3 prevents false
The circuit in Figure 2.26 operates in a similar manner
up to the point where C1 starts to discharge into the gate.
The discharge path will now be from C1 through 03, 04,
R3, the gate of 01, and capacitor C2. C2 will quickly
charge from this high pulse of current. This reduces the
voltage across 04 causing it to turn off and again revert
to its blocking state. Now C2 will discharge through R1
and R2 until the voltage on 04 again becomes sufficient
to cause it to break back. This repetitive exchange of
charge from C1 to C2 causes a series of gate-current
pulses to flow as the line voltage crosses zero. This
means that 01 will again be turned on at the start of each
positive alternation as desired. Resistor R3 has been
added to limit the peak gate current.

The SCR slaving circuit shown in Figure 2.27 provides
a single power pulse to the gate of SCR 02 each time
SCR 01 turns on, thus turning 02 on for the half cycle
following the one during which 01 was on. 02 is therefore turned on only whim 01 is turned on, and the load
can be controlled by a signal connected to the gate of
01 as shown in the schematic. The control signal can be
either dc or a power pulse. If the control signal is synchronized with the power line, this circuit will make an
excellent zero-point switch. During the time that 01 is
on, capacitor C1 is charged through R1, 01 and 01. While
C1 is being charged, 01 reverse-biases the base-emitter
junction of 03, thereby holding it off. The charging time
constant, R1, C1, is set long enough that C1 charges for
practically the entire half cycle. The charging rate of C1
follows an "S" shaped curve, charging slowly at first,
then faster as the supply voltage peaks, and finally slowly
again as the supply voltage decreases. When the supply
voltage falls below the voltage across C1, diode 01 becomes reverse biased and the base-emitter of 03 becomes forward biased. For the values shown, this occurs
approximately 6° before the end of the half cycle con-



120 VAC

An SCR slaving circuit will provide full-wave control of
an ac load when the control signal is available to only
one of a pair of SCRs. An SCR slaving circuit is commonly
used where the master SCR is controlled by zero-point
switching. Zero-point switching causes the load to receive a full cycle of line voltage whenever the control
signal is applied. The duty cycle of the control signal
,~.1~~l!!'!I;"~VLk/W('~;,t';.ij'X ,\/:~~;t~~1!;' '\4;¥~,~i..-·t.;,'1"',·,;':Y:$f'
m:t<.~~~~~ .;;:;;~,,;{*0.y·,~· ....,h .~./ ........ :.. (...$ .. "<+



Figure 2.27. SCR Slave Circuit

,: " '~'n,j,v
-it"':'" ',:, ;>'T'",,',,'\&k.., ~~:V~',:..&,~';'''''''''' ''!1.n,i.l¥.':'IClMt¢/jiL",'
':".t:i' :""f:">}fu~ Vli: ~ ;, .J§ .~~ ~t:~...~~"\..-~~,~t..:}.>'tJr;~:~·~_.;; . . ·

,"'R-:~~"1~~'/ ~ .. ;~bv'L7;>;.t


duction of 01. The base current is derived from the energy stored in C1. This turns on 03, discharging C1
through 03 and into the gate of 02. As the voltage across
C1 decreases, the base drive of 03 decreases and somewhat limits the collector current. The current pulse must
last until the line voltage reaches a magnitude such that
latching current will exist in 02. The values shown will
deliver a current pulse which peaks at 100 mA and has
a magnitude greater than 50 mAwhen the anode-cathode
voltage of 02 reaches plus 10 volts. This circuit com-

pletely discharges C1 during the half cycle that 02 is on.
This eliminates the possibility of 02 being slaved for additional half cycles after the drive is removed from 01.
The peak current and the current duration are controlled
by the values of R1 and C1. The values chosen provide
sufficient drive for "shorted emitter" SCRs which typically require 10 to 20 mA to fire. The particular SCR used
must be capable of handling the maximum current requirements of the load to be driven; the 8 ampere, 200
V SCRs shown will handle a 1000 watt load .














Triggering a thyristor requires meeting its gate energy
specifications and there are many ways of doing this. In
general, the gate should be driven hard and fastto ensure
complete gate turn on and thus minimize di/dt effects.
Usually this means a gate current of at least three times
the gate turn on current with a pulse rise of less than one
microsecond and a pulse width greater than 10 microseconds. The gate can also be driven by a dc source as
long as the average gate power limits are met.
Some of the methods of driving the gate include:
1) Direct drive from logic families of transistors
2) Opto triac drivers
3) Unijunction transistors (UJTs) and programmable
unijunction transistors (PUTs)
4) Silicon bilateral switches (SBSs)
In this chapter we will discuss all of these, as well as
some of the important design and application considerations in triggering thyristors in general. In the chapter
on applications, we will also discuss some additional considerations relating to drivers and triggers in specific














:::;; 0.4


10- 2
10- 1

The current amplification factor, "" increases with emitter current; some typical curves are shown in Figure 3.1.
The monotonical increase of '" with IE of the device in
the blocking state makes the regeneration of current (i.e.,
turn-on) possible.
Using the two transistor analysis, the anode current,
lA, can be expressed as a function of gate current, IG, as:

(1 )

Definitions and derivations are given in Appendix I. Note·
that the anode current, lAo will increase to infinity as "'1
+ "'2 = 1. This analysis is based upon the assumption
that no majority carrier current flows out of the gate circuit. When no such assumption is made, the condition
for turn-on is given by:


1 - "'1

which corresponds to "'1

+ "'2 > 1 (see Appendix I).







jority carriers, the junction J2 becomes forward biased.
The collector emits holes back to J1 and electrons to J3
until a steady state continuity of charge is established.
During the regeneration process, the time it takes for
a minority carrier to travel across a base region is the
transit time, t, which is given approximately as:
W2i where Wi = base width

t1 = 20,.


(The subscript "i" can be either 1 or 2 to indicate the
appropriate base.) The time taken from the start of the
gate trigger to the turn-on of the device will be equal to
some multiple of the transit time.


Figure 3.2. Schematic Structure of an SCR, Positive
Currents Are Defined as Shown by the Arrows
Current regeneration starts when charge or current is
introduced through the gate (Figure 3.2). Electrons are
injected from the cathode across J3; they travel across
the P2 "base" region to be swept out by the ~ollector
junction, J2, and thrown into the N1 base. The Increase
of majority carrier electrons in region N1 decre~s~s the
potential in region N1, so that holes from P1 are Injected
across the junction J1, into the N1 "base" region to be
swept across J2, and thrown into the P2 "base" region.
The increase in the potential of region P2 causes more
electrons to be injected into P2, thereby repeating the
cycle. Since l¥ increases with the emitter current, an increase of regeneration takes place until l¥1 + l¥2 > 1.
Meanwhile, more carriers are collected than emitted from
either of the emitters. The continuity of charge flow is
violated and there is an electron build-up on the N1 side
of J2, and a hole build-up on the P2 side. When the inert
impurity charges are compensated for by injected ma-


Di = diffusion length

Current pulse triggering is defined as supplying current
through the gate to compensate for the carriers lost by
recombination in order to provide enough current to sustain increasing regeneration. If the gate is triggered with
a current pulse, shorter pulse widths require higher currents as shown by Figure 3.3{a). Figure 3.3{a) seems to
indicate there is a constant amount of charge required to
trigger on the device when IG is above a threshold level.
When the charge required for turn-on is plotted versus
pulse current or pulse width, there is an optimum range
of current levels or pulse widths for which the charge is
minimum, as shown in region A of Figure 3.3{b) and (c).
Region C shows that for lower current levels (i.e., longer
minimum pulse widths) more charge is required to trigger on the device. Region B shows increasing charge
required as the current gets higher and the pulse width




VAK = 10V
TA = 25'C

10 V
TA = 25'C




oa:~ 20







~ 10



~ j4-c










IlTln-Tl- r-:I::


AI- f-oj4 B












2 I----





Figure 3.3{a). Typical Variation of Minimum Gate
Current Required to Trigger





A - ~B"




Figure 3.3{b). Variation of Charge versus Gate Current


VAK = 10V
T = 25'C



























Figure 3.3(cl. Variation of Charge versus Minimum
Pulse Width
The charge characteristic curves can be explained qualitatively by the variation of current amplification (aT) with
respect to emitter current. A typical variation of 0<1 and
0<2 for a thyristor is shown in Figure 3.4(a). From Figure
3.4(a), it can be deduced that the total current amplifi-

cation factor, aT = 0<1 + 0<2, has a characteristic curve
as shown in Figure 3.4(b). (The data does not correspond
to the data of Figure 3.3 - they are taken for different
types of devices.)
The gate current levels in region A of Figure 3.3 correspond to the emitter (or anode) currents for which the
slope of the aT curve is steepest (Figure 3.4(bl). In region
A the rate that aT builds up with respect to changes of
IE (or IA) is high, little charge is lost by recombination,
and therefore, a minimum charge is required for turn-on .
In region C of Figure 3.3, lower gate current corresponds to small IE (or IA) for which the slope of aT, as
well as aT itself, is small. It takes a large change in IE (or
IA) in order to build up aT. In this region, a lot of the
charge supplied through the gate is lost by recombination. The charge required for turn-on increases markedly
as the gate current is decreased to the threshold level.
Below this threshold, the device will not turn on regardless of how long the pulse width becomes. At this point,
the slope of aT is equal to zero; all of the charge supplied
is lost completely in recombination or drained out
through gate-cathode shunt resistance. A qualitative
analysis of variation of charge with pulse width at region
A and C is discussed in Appendix II.
In region B, as the gate current level gets higher and
the pulse width smaller, there are two effects that contribute to an increasing charge requirement to trigger-on
the device: (1) the decreasing slope of aT and, (21 the
transittime effect. As mentioned previously, ittakes some
multiple of the transit time for turn-on. As the gate pulse
width decreases to N (tN1 + tP2) or less, (where N is a
positive real number, tN1 = transit time of base N1, and














H/ '\
- JL \

0.8 f-----~+--_II--_\r--_+-____l

:z 0.4





0.8 ~









0.4 ~





_________L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



'.;.. :>r" ~.'''' "







Figure 3.4(al. The Variation of a1 and ll2 with Emitter
Current for the Two Sections of Two Typical
Silicon Controlled Rectifiers
" •• J'> .< ;..




Figure 3.4(b). Typical Variation of






ar versus Emitter

Consider the gate current waveform in Figure 3.6; the
triggering pulse width is made large enough such that
T »
tfi; the threshold trigger current is shown as Ithr.
All of the charge supplied at a transient current level less
than Ithr is lost by recombination, as shown in the shaded
The gate spreading resistance (r' G) of the gate junction
varies inversely with peak current; the higher the peak
current, the smaller the gate spreading resistance. Variation of gate spreading resistance measured by the
method of Time Domain Reflectometry is plotted in Figure 3.8.
From the data of Figure 3.7, it is clear that for larger
values of capacitance a lower voltage level is required
for turn-on. The peak current of the spike in Figure 3.6 is
given by Ipk = R
, ; the smaller flV, the smaller Ipk·
s + rG
Smaller Ipk in turn yields large r'G, so that r'G is dependent on the value of capacitance used in capacitance
charge triggering. This reasoning is confirmed by measuring the fall time of the gate trigger voltage and calculating the transient gate spreading resistance, r' G,

tP2 = transit time of base P2) the amount of current
required to turn-on the device should be large enough to
flood the gate to cathode junction nearly instantaneously
with a charge which corresponds to IE (or IA) high enough
to give aT > 1.



Using a gate trigger circuit as shown in Figure 3.5, the
charge required for turn-on increases with the value of
capacitance used as shown in Figure 3.7. Two reasons
may account for the increasing charge characteristics:
1) An effect due to threshold current.
2) An effect due to variation of gate spreading



from: Rs



Figure 3.5. Gate Circuit of Capacitance Charge

r' Gl

+ RS

Ir' Gl





t- TA


r' G2 + RS e Ir' G2 ~ RSIC2
- - - - - - - -llhr


r' G =

C· Results are plotted in Figure 3.9.

e- I



As expected, r'G increases with increasing values of capacitance used. Referring back to Figure 3.6, for the same
amount of charge (C flV), the larger the (R s + r' G)C time
constant of the current spike, the more charge under the
threshold level is lost in recombination. Increasing the
value of C will increase the time constant more rapidly
than if r' G were invariant. Therefore, increasing the value
of C should increase the charge lost as shown in Figure
3.7. Note that a two order of magnitude increase in capacitance increased the charge by less than 3: 1.




...... V





,..., ,""



IIi = 2.2 Ir' Gl + RSICl







~..- ~OWUNIT


SHADED AREA I = Ilr' Gl + RslIClllllthrl
SHADED AREA II = Ilr' G2 + RslIC211111hri



PULSE WIDTH = 50 p,s

I I I 1111


Cl < C2
AV1Cl = AV2C2


Ilr'Gl + RSIIC111I1thrl~~BW<~


Let us superimpose a current curve (b) on the anodeto-cathode voltage versus time curve to better understand this. If we allow the current to rise rapidly to a high
value we find by multiplying current and voltage that the
instantaneous dissipation curve (c) reaches a peak which
may be hundreds of times the steady state dissipation
level for the same value of current.
At the same time it is important to remember that the
dissipation does not take place in the entire junction, but
is confined at this time to a small volume. Since temperature is related to energy per unit volume, and since
the energy put into the device at high current levels may
be very large while the volume in which it is concentrated
is very small, very high spot temperatures may be
achieved. Under such conditions, it is not difficultto attain
temperatures which are sufficient to cause localized melting of the device.
Even if the peak energy levels are not high enough to
be destructive on a single-shot basis, it must be realized
that since the power dissipation is confined to a small
area, the power handling capabilities of the device are
lessened. For pulse service where a significant percentage of the power per pulse is dissipated during the falltime interval, it is not acceptable to extrapolate the steady
state power dissipation capability on a duty cycle basis
to obtain the allowable peak pulse power.

will tend to forward bias those parts of the transistor 1
emitter-junction closest to the base contact (gate) more
heavily, or sooner than the portions more remote from
the contact area. Regenerative action, consequently will
start in an area near the gate contact, and the SCR will
turn on first in this area. Once on, conduction will propagate across the entire junction.
















Figure 3.14(a). Construction of Typical SCR


Figure 3.14 (b)
The phenomenon of di/dt failure is related to the turnon mechanism. Let us look at some of the external factors
involved and see how they contribute. Curve 3.15(a)
shows the fall of anode-to-cathode voltage with time.
This fall follows a delay time after the application of the
gate bias. The delay time and fall time together are called
turn-on time, and, depending upon the device, will take
anywhere from tens of nanoseconds up to a few microseconds. The propagation of conduction across the entire
junction requires a considerably longer time. The time
required for propagation or equalization of conduction is
represented approximately by the time required for the
anode-to-cathode voltage to fall from the 10 percent point
to its steady state value for the particular value of anode
current under consideration (neglecting the change due
to temperature effects). It is during the interval of time
between the start of the fall of anode-to-cathode voltage
and the final equalization of conduction that the SCR is
most susceptible to damage from excessive current.



TIME 1j.tS)

Figure 3.15. Typical Conditions Current Pulse

Fast-Rise, High

The final criterion for the limit of operation is junction
temperature. For reliable operation the instantaneous
junction temperature must always be kept below the
maximum junction temperature as stated on the manufacturer's data sheet. Some SCR data sheets at present
include information on how to determine the thermal
response of the junction to current pulses. This information is not useful, however, for determining the limitations of the device before the entire junction is in conduction, because they are based on measurements made
with the entire junction in conduction.

Yllii& .ki.:J£"'Nf" ~ •.


•. ," ...

W"·Y~ldf.'~·£.J ~.'


"1'>~?~~"TJ1"~~~·ffi'"",<.:~0lo1li~~~·~rJ!?!~*:tfi:~an'Cfr,~~~ip.~,c..,..J j :J~tJP-~r.'!7'iIII<"',,~i1. '..~',


At present, there is no known technique for making a
reasonably accurate measurement of junction temperature in the time domain of interest. Even if one were to
devise a method for switching a sufficiently large current
in a short enough time, one would still be faced with the
problem of charge storage effects in the device under
test masking the thermal effects. Because of these and
other problems, it becomes necessary to determine the
device limitations during the turn-on interval by destructive testing. The resultant information may be published
in a form such as a maximum allowable current versus
time, or simply as a maximum allowable rate of rise of
anode current (di/dt).


~ 50








en a:





# \ I"..
ff ~


IGT = 17mA

~ I'..



Understanding the dildt failure mechanism is part of
the problem. To the user, however, a possible cure is
infinitely more important. There are three approaches
that should be considered.
Because of the lateral base resistance the portion of
the gate closest to the gate contact is the first to be turned
on because it is the first to be forward biased. If the
minimum gate bias to cause turn-on of the device is used,
the spot in which conduction is initiated will be smallest
in size. By increasing the magnitude of the gate trigger
pulse to several times the minimum required, and applying it with a very fast rise time, one may considerably
increase the size of the spot in which conduction starts.
Figure 3.16(a) illustrates the effect of gate drive on voltage
fall time and Figure 3.16(b) shows the improvement in
instantaneous dissipation. We may conclude from this
that overdriving the gate will improve the di/dt capabilities of the device, and we may reduce the stress on the
device by doing so.









Figure 3.16Ib). Effect of Gate Drive On
Turn-On Dissipation
If the application should require a rate of current rise
beyond the rated dildt limit of the device, then another
approach may be taken. The device may be turned on to
a relatively low current level for a sufficient time for a
large part of the junction to go into conduction; then the
current level may be allowed to rise much more rapidly
to very high levels. This might be accomplished by using
a delay reactor as shown in Figure 3.17. Such a reactor
would be wound on a square loop core so that it would
have sharp saturation characteristic and allow a rapid
current rise. It is also possible to make use of a separate
saturation winding. Under these conditions, if the delay
is long enough for the entire junction to go into conduction, the power handling capabilities of the device may
be extrapolated on a duty cycle basis.


t; 300





> 200









~ 100


Figure 3.17. Typical Circuit Use of a Delay Reactor

~ ,<",-iGT=2A
~ ~IGT = 17mA













Inductive loads (motors, solenoids, etc.) present a
problem for the power triac because the current is not in
phase with the voltage. An important fact to remember
is that since a triac can conduct current in both directions,
it has only a brief interval during which the sine wave
current is passing through zero to recover and revert to
its blocking state. For inductive loads, the phase shift
between voltage and current means that at the time the
current ofthe power handling triac falls below the holding
current and the triac ceases to conduct, there exists a
certain voltage which must appear across the triac. If this
voltage appears too rapidly, the triac will resume con-


Figure 3.16Ia). Effect of Gate Drive on Fall Time

A very straightforward approach is to simply slow
down the rate of rise of anode current to insure that it
stays within the device ratings. This may be done simply
by adding some series inductance to the circuit.




duction and control is lost. In order to achieve control
with certain inductive loads, the rate of rise in voltage
(dv/dt) must be limited by a series RC network placed in
parallel with the power triac as shown in Figure 3.18. The
capacitor Cs will limit the dv/dt across the triac.
The resistor RS is necessary to limit the surge current
from Cs when the triac conducts and to damp the ringing
of the capacitance with the load inductance LL. Such an
RC network is commonly referred to as a "snubber."
Figure 3.19 shows current and voltage waveforms for
the power triac. Com mutating dv/dt for a resistive load
is typically only 0.13 V//Ls for a 240 V, 50 Hz line source
and 0.063 V//Ls for a 120V, 60 Hz line source. For inductive
loads the "turn-off" time and commutating dv/dt stress
are more difficult to define and are affected by a number
of variables such as back EMF of motors and the ratio of
inductance to resistance (power factor). Although it may
appear from the inductive load that the rate or rise is
extremely fast, closer circuit evaluation reveals that the
commutating dv/dt generated is restricted to some finite
value which is a function of the load reactance LL and
the device capacitance C but still may exceed the triac's
critical commutating dv/dt rating which is about 50 V//Ls.
It is generally good practice to use an RC snubber network
across the triac to limit the rate of rise (dv/dt) to a value
below the maximum allowable rating. This snubber network not only limits the voltage rise during cOmmutation
but also suppresses transient voltages that may occur as
a result of ac line disturbances.
There are no easy methods for selecting the values for
RS and Cs of a snubber network. The circuit of Figure
3.18 is a damped, tuned circuit comprised of RS, CS, RL
and LL, and to a minor extent the junction capacitance
of the triac. When the triac ceases to conduct (this occurs
every half cycle of the line voltage when the current falls
below the holding current), the triac receives a step
impulse of line voltage which depends on the power factor of the load. A given load fixes RL and LL; however,
the circuit designer can vary RS and CS. Commutating
dV/dt can be lowered by increasing Cs while RS can be
increased to decrease resonant "over ringing" of the
tuned circuit.

---t--;---'\----+-+---4---'\-+-!-_I_-i----\r--AC LINE



---j'--lf--''t;--+--f'--lr---'H+-+--+--AC CURRENT






- - - - - - - . , . - - - - - ' - - - - IF(OFFI






---,l'--'--'t---J'---'H-+--+---AC CURRENT






Inductive Load

Figure 3.19. Current and Voltage Waveforms
During Commutation
ac voltage source. The following differential equation
can be obtained by summing the voltage drops around
the ci rcu it:




Figure 3.18. Triac Driving Circuit - with Snubber

Figure 3.20 shows an equivalent circuit used for analysis, in which the triac has been replaced by an ideal
switch. When the triac is in the blocking or nonconducting state, represented by the open switch, the
circuit is a standard RLC series network driven by an

in which i(t) is the instantaneous current after the switch
opens, qc(t) is the instantaneous charge on the capacitor,
VM is the peak line voltage, and 

........... r--..... ............... 0.3 r--..... perhaps the collector leakage of a driving transistor. Such current can readily be bypassed by a suitably chosen RGK. The VGT of the SCR at the temperature in question can be estimated from Figure 3.25, an Ohm's Law calculation made, and the resistor installed to define this "won't fire" current. This is a repeatable design well in the control of the equipment designer. HOLDING CURRENT, IH The holding current of an SCR is the minimum anode current required to maintain the device in the on state. It is usually specified as a maximum for a series of devices (for instance, 5 mA maximum at 25°C for the 2N6236 series). A particular device will turn off somewhere between this maximum and zero anode current and there is perhaps a 20-to-1 spread in each lot of devices. Figure 3.26 shows the holding current increasing with decreasing RGK as the resistor siphons off more and more of the regeneratively produced gate current when the device is in the latched condition. NOISE IMMUNITY Changes in electromagnetic and electrostatic fields coupled into wires or printed circuit lines can trigger these sensitive devices, as can logic circuit glitches. The result is more serious than with a transistor since an SCR will latch on. Careful wire harness design (twisted pairs and adequate separation from high-power wiring) and printed circuit layout (gate and return runs adjacent to one another) can minimize potential problems. Another help is the gate-cathode resistor since, with a one-kilohm resistor, 100 ",A to 1 mA of noise current is required to generate sufficient voltage to fire the device. To serve this purpose RGK must be mounted right at the gatecathode terminals of the SCR. ............... 0.2 ~ 0.1 o -40 ,...: \ :z -20 80 100 w a:: a:: :::> '-' 120 ~ 9a Figure 3.25. VGT versus TJ (Typical) 4 ::J: Cl \ " ~ GATE CURRENT, IGT(min) SCR manufacturers sometimes get requests for a sensitive-gate SCR specified with an IGT(min), that is, the maximum gate current that will not fire the device. This requirement conflicts with the basic function of a sensitive gate SCR, which is to fire at zero or very low gate current, IGT(max). Production of devices with a measurable IGT(min) is at best difficult and deliveries can be sporadic! One reason for an IGT(min) requirement might be some measurable off-state gating circuit leakage current, \ t...... ~ a:: 1' .... az o 100 500 5K Figure 3.26. IH versus RGK (Typical) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-3-13 -- 1K RGK (OHMS) 10 K • Since the MOC3011 looks essentially like a small optically triggered triac, we have chosen to represent it as shown on Figure 3.28. DRIVERS: THE MOCl011 NON-ZERO CROSSING TRIAC DRIVER • The MOC3011 non-zero crossing triac driver consists of a gallium arsenide infrared LED optically exciting a silicon detector chip, which is especially designed to drive triacs controlling loads on a 115 Vac power line. The detector chip is a complex device which functions in much the same manner as a small triac, generating the signals necessary to drive the gate of a larger triac. The MOC3011 shows a low power exciting signal to drive a high power load with a very small number of components, and at the same time provides practically complete isolation of the driving circuitry from the power line. The construction of the MOe3011 follows the same highly successful coupler technology used in Motorola's broad line of plastic couplers (Figure 3.27). The planar lead frame with a plastic "dome" undermold provides a stable dielectric capable of sustaining 7.5 kV between the input and output sides of the device. The detector chip is passivated with silicon nitride and uses Motorola's annular ring to maintain stable breakdown parameters. White Mold Compound 1----1--04 Figure 3.28. Schematic Representation of M0C3011 and MOC3010 TRIAC DRIVING REQUIREMENTS Figure 3.29 shows a simple triac driving circuit using the MOC3011. The maximum surge current rating of the MOC3011 sets the minimum value of Rl through the equation: Dome Rl(min) = Vin(pk)f1.2 A If we are operating on the 115 Vac nominal line voltage, Vin(pk) = 180 V, then R1(min) = Vin(pk)f1.2 A = 150 ohms. In practice, this would be a 150 or 180 ohm resistor. If the triac has IGT = 100 mA and VGT = 2 V, then the voltage Yin necessary to trigger the triac will be given by VinT = Rl • IGT + VGT + VTM = 20 V. Co-Planar Isolator Package Figure 3.27. Motorola "Dome" Coupler Package BASIC ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION The GaAs LED has nominal 1.3'V forward drop at 10 mA and a reverse breakdown voltage greater than 3 V. The maximum current to be passed through the LED is 50 mA. The detector has a minimum blocking voltage of 250 Vdc in either direction in the off state. In the on state, the detector will pass 100 mA in either direction with less than 3 V drop across the device. Once triggered into the on (conducting) state, the detector will remain there until the current drops below the holding current (typically 100 !LA) at which time the detector reverts to the off (nonconducting) state. The detector may be triggered into the on state by exceeding the forward blocking voltage, by voltage ramps across the detector at rates exceeding the static dvfdt rating, or by photons from the LED. The LED is guaranteed by the specifications to trigger the detector into the on state when 10 mA or more is passed through the LED. A similar device, the MOC3010, has exactly the same characteristics except it requires 15 mA to trigger. RESISTIVE LOADS When driving resistive loads, the circuit of Figure 3.29 may be used. Incandescent lamps and resistive heating elements are the two main classes of resistive loads for which 115 Vac is utilized. The main restriction is that the triac must be properly chosen to sustain the proper inrush loads. Incandescent lamps can sometimes draw a peak current known as "flashover" which can be extremely high, and the triac should be protected by a fuse or rated high enough to sustain this current. 150 R1 10 rnA MOC3011 Figure 3.29. Simple Triac Gating Circuit ~"l',f;;j.Jl~U.!I}~4PN'~·$:tJfff1:t~~.;~~iL~:~:t:.~iffw~,~;~r~1 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-3-14 bers - one for the triac and one for the MOC3011. The triac snubber is dependent upon the triac and load used. In many applications the snubber used for the MOC3011 will also adequately protect the triac. In order to design a snubber properly, one should know the power factor of the reactive load, which is defined as the cosine of the phase shift caused by the load. Unfortunately, this is not always known, and this makes snubbing network design somewhat empirical. However a method of designing a snubber network may be defined, based upon a typical power factor. This can be used as a "first cut" and later modified based upon experiment. Assume an inductive load with a power factor of PF = 0.1 is to be driven. The triac might be trying to turn off when the applied voltage is given by LINE TRANSIENTS - STATIC dv/dt Ocassionally transient voltage disturbance on the ac line will exceed the static dv/dt rating of the MOC3011. In this case, it is possible that the MOC3011 and the associated triac will be triggered on. This is usually not a problem, except in unusually noisy environments, because the MOC3011 and its triac will commute off at the next zero crossing of the line voltage, and most loads are not noticeably affected by an occasional single halfcycle of applied power. See Figure 3.31 for typical dv/dt versus temperature curves. INDUCTIVE LOADS - COMMUTATING dv/dt Inductive loads (motors, solenoids, magnets, etc.) present a problem both for triacs and for the MOC3011 because the voltage and current are not in phase with each other. Since the triac turns off at zero current, it may be trying to turn off when the applied current is zero but the applied voltage is high. This appears to the traic like a sudden rise in applied voltage, which turns on the triac if the rate of rise exceeds the commutating dv/dt of the triac or the static dv/dt of the MOC3011. • Vto = Vpksin

--I Rl TRIAC 1--o--'V>.Jv-......--'VV\.,.-'" MOC3011 Cl IGT R2 C 15 rnA 2400 0.1 30 rnA 1200 0.2 50 rnA 800 0.3 Figure 3.30. Logic to Inductive Load Interface 0.24 4 - - STAnC dv/d! - - - COMMUTATING dv/d! ~1. 6 ~ u ~ 1.2 Iii = 2 kO RL - +-+I ~ 0.8 RL 25 30 0.16~ ~ = 5100 40 M0C3011 '";::: 0.12 g 4 ;z ~ -- - - ......... 0.4 o ~ I'. - -"' - VCC 0.20 2 ......... f.... I- f' 60 70 80 50 TA. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (DC) ::;; ::;; l- t--_ ~ t- 90 0.088 .... 0.04 0 100 ~ "C n n n n+ 5V JUUU~ I COMMUTATING I STAnC I t-- dv/dt --i- dv/d!-I dv/d! = 8.9 f Vin 1) For a more thorough discussion of snubbers. see page 1-3-9. Figure 3.31. dv/dt versus Temperature • 7~ •••• !I.!illJ.lI.iII[j.II• • •IIIII~ • •' •.11......111_._. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-3-15 INCREASING INPUT SENSITIVITY In some cases, the logic gate may not be able to source or sink 15 mA directly. CMOS, for example, is specified to have only 0.5 mA output, which mustthen be increased' to drive the MOC3011. There are numerous ways to increase this current to a level compatible with the MOC3011 input requirements; an efficient way is to use athe MC14049B shown in Figure 3.32. Since there are six such buffers in a single package, the user can have a small package count when using several MOC3011's in one system. Setting this equal to the worst case dvldt (static) for the MOC3011 which we can obtain from Figure 3.33 and solving for R2C: dvldt (TJ = 70°C) = 0.8 V/JLS = 8 x 103 R2C = Vto/(dv/dt) = 180/(8 x 105) = 230 x 10- 6 The largest value of R2 available is found, taking into consideration of triac gate requirements. If a sensitive gate triac is used, such as 2N6071B, IGT = 15 mA @ -40°C. If the triac is to be triggered when Vin "" 40 V (Rl + R2) = Vin/lGT = 4010.015 = 2.3 k If we let R2 = 2400 ohms and Cl = 0.1 p.F, the snubbing requirements are met. Triacs having less sensitive gates will require that R2 be lower and Cl be correspondingly higher as shown in Figure 3.30. INPUT PROTECTION CIRCUITS In some applications, such as solid state relays, in which the input voltage varies widely, the designer may Vcc R 180 M0C3011 2.4 k 0.1 p.F 115Vac 4 Vee R HEX BUFFER 5V n 600 n 910 n MC75492 10 V 15 V 220 2N60718 MC75492 MC14049B Figure 3.32. MOS to ac Load Interface INPUT CIRCUITRY RESISTOR INPUT When the input conditions are well controlled, as for example when driving the MOC3011 from a TTL, OTl, or HTl gate, only a single resistor is necessary to interface the gate to the input lED of the MOC3011. This resistor should be chosen to set the current into the lED to be a minimum of 10 mA but no more than 50 mA. 15 mA is a suitable value, which allows for considerable degradation of the lED over time, and assures a long operating life for the coupler. Currents higher than 15 mA do not improve performance and may hasten the aging process inherent in lED's. Assuming the forward drop to be 1.5 Vat 15 mA allows a simple formula to calculate the input resistor. Ri = (VCC - 1.5)/0.015 Examples of resistive input circuits are seen in Figures 3.28 and 3.32. niBil want to limit the current applied to the lED of the MOC3011. The circuit shown in Figure 3.33 allows a noncritical range of input voltages to properly drive the MOC3011 and at the same time protects the input lED from inadvertent application of reverse polerity. 150 MOC3011 Figure 3.33. MOca011 Input Protection Circuit l.alllllllllllM!!f• •:. .IIII.Wntlftl.8R. . . . MOTOROLA THYR(STOR DEVICE DATA 1-3-16 LED LIFETIME All light emitting diodes slowly decrease in brightness during their useful life, an effect accelerated by high temperatures and high LED currents. To allow a safety margin and insure long service life, the MOC3011 is actually tested to trigger at a value lower than the specified 10 mA input threshold current. The designer can therefore design the input circuitry to supply 10 mA to the LED and still be sure of satisfactory operation over a long operating lifetime. On the other hand, care should be taken to insure that the maximum LED input current (50 mAl is not exceeded or the lifetime of the MOC3011 may be shortened. -40 -25 -6 --40,;~ ~ 15V ....--_.~ T L __ ...J PB 0.15 ,, --- 0.05 L5~1--3~00--5~10----~IKRL Figure 3.34(b). Commutating dvldt versus Ambient Temperature and Load Resistance for the MOC3011 and MOC3021 in conjunction with a triac, to control loads on the ac line. Common-mode dv/dt is another significant parameter with non-zero crossing triac drivers. A common-mode spike on either the LED or detector could trigger the triac drivers. Thus, a large common-mode dv/dt rating is essential when using these devices in an electronically noisy environment. The test circuit used to measure this parameter is shown in Figure 3.36. Typical values exceed 5000 V/p$ at 100°C, which is attained through the internal structure of the triac drivers. .,.. 470!! 15V HV ItO!! II MERCURY--;-50.J.kn-"?--r""- +5.6V FUNCTION GENERATOR OUTPUT OV • ,, ,, ,, TA = 25"C (COMMUTATING dvldl versus RU 0.10 1 I I , ~ Figure 3.34(a) shows the com mutating dv/dttest circuit, and Figure 3.34(b) commutating dv/dt versus load resistance and ambient temperature for the non-zero crossing triac drivers. The static dv/dt test circuit is shown in Figure 3.35(a). Static dv/dt versus ambient temperature and load resistance is graphed in Figures 3.35(a) and 3.35(b) for the MOC3011 and MOC3021, respectively. The static dv/dt is of primary importance when the triac driver is being used I I \ ! ~ 75 50 RL = 300.0 ICOMMUTATING dv/dt versus TAl '/ ,, 0.20 TEST RESULTS ON THE MOC3011 AND MOC3021 FUNCTION r DUT-, GENERATOR ....- - - - - - - ' - , I ,, , 0.25 25 ~~ED SIGNAL IN ~_ 0.001 /L F .tV'\.. HV HV _$_' _ _J DUT RL 470 n = 200 Vdc FOR MOC301013011 = 400 Vdc FOR MOC302013021 ~ o : 0.63~V TEST PROCEDURE THE FREQUENCY OF THE TRAINGULAR WAVEFORM IS INCREASED UNTIL THE DUT REMAINS ON AFTER BEING TRIGGERED BY THE PUSHBUnON. THE FRE· QUENCY IS THEN DECREASED UNTIL THE DUT TURNS OFF AND tp IS MEASURED ATTHIS POINT. dv/dl = 22.4 V IIp VOLTAGE APPLIED TO DUT - o ~ n . 50% DUTY CYCLE -~16ms TEST PROCEDURE TURN THE DUT ONE WHILE APPLYING SUFFICIENT dv/dl TO ENSURE THAT IT REMAINS ON EVEN AFTER THE TRIGGER CURRENT IS REMOVED. THEN DECREASE dv/dl UNTIL THE DUT TURNS OFF. MEASURE lIlC, THE TIME IT TAKES TO RISE TO 0.63 HV, AND DIVIDE 0.63 HV BE lIlC TO GET dvldt. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-3-17 HV '---' lIlC Figure 3.35(a). Static dv/dt Test Circuit Figure 3.34(a). Com mutating dv/dt Test Circuit PB ..L_ 15 V -40 -25 25 50 25 75 DRIVERS: THE MOC3061 AND MOC3081 ZERO-CROSSING TRIAC DRIVERS lOO TA Many new applications in the power control field were made possible by Motorola's introduction of the MOC3011 and MOC3021 optically isolated triac drivers. These six-pin, solid-state devices, with an input current of as little as 15 mA. can supply up to 100 mA drive current to switch triacs on either a 115 Vac or 230 Vac power line. Thus, high power ac loads can be controlled from low power circuitry, while an isolation voltage of 7.5 kV is maintained from input to output. Increased flexibility in power control is possible with the MOC3061 and MOC3081 optically isolated(, zerocrossing triac drivers. These new devices offer a unique zero-crossing feature, guaranteeing the triac driver will only 'switch on' between - 25 V and + 25 V. This insures lower generated noise and inrush currents and extends the life of incandescent lamp filaments. The circuitry necessary for zero-crossing is also responsible for improved device parameters, allowing the use of the MOC3061 and MOC3081 in a wide range of applications. Zero-crossing triac drivers are currently being used in electrically noisy industrial environments, where control signals may travel several hundred yards before reaching the MOC3061 or MOC3081 triac driver. This is due to the improved common-mode noise immunity of these devices. Their large static dv/dt rating eliminates the need for snubber networks and guarantees that the zerocrossing triac drivers cannot be unintentionally triggered 'on: by ac line noise. This is particularly important when the triac driver is used to control industrial equipment where inadvertent operation may cause damage or injury. 20 , \""/ RL = 10 kO (STATIC dvldt versus TAl 10 • """ - 7 " TA = 25°C '-__ _ (STATIC dvldt versus RLI ............... RL ~2-K~5K~I-0K~--~20~K--------~40K Figure 3.35(b). Static dv/dt versus Ambient Temperature and Load Resistance for the MOC3011 -40 -25 25 50 75 100 60r-----~--~--~----~~ 50 40 RL = 10 kO (STATIC dvldt versus TAl , \'/ , ,, 20 10 TA = 25°C (STATIC dvldt versus RLI "- ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 20K 5K 10K Figure 3.35(c). Static dv/dt versus Ambient Temperature and Load Resistance for the MOC3021 15 V HV = 400 V II MERCURY WETTED RELAY SIGNAL IN I 10 ~lo ...n.n.. 100 pF 6V I Uf~_tJDUT 510 VOLTAGE APPLIED TO DUT50% DUTY CYCLE 400 V !. IL.JL ~ o ' : 0.63~V HV -16ms'----' 7JlC TEST PROCEDURE APPLY SUFFICIENT COMMON·MODE dvldt TO TRIGGER THE DUT. MEASURE 7JlC. THE TIME IT TAKES TO RISE TO 0.63 HV AND DIVIDE 0.63 HV BY '1lc TO GET dvldt. Figure 3.36. Common-Mode dv/dt Test Circuit The GaAs LED has a maximum forward voltage drop of 1.5 V at 30 mA and a reverse breakdown voltage of 3 V or more. The recommended LED current to trigger the detector (either the MOC3061 or MOC3081) is 15 mA. The minimum LED pulse width capable of triggering the detector is typically 10 microseconds at both 15 mA for the MOC3061 and MOC3081. The MOC3061 detector has a minimum blocking voltage of 600 Vdc in either direction in the 'off' state whereas the minimum blocking voltage of the MOC3081 is 800 Vdc. Once triggered 'on: either detector will pass 100 mA with less than 3 V drop across the device. Both will remain in this conducting state until the current drops below the holding current (typically 100 p.,A for the MOC3061 and the MOC3081) at which time the detector returns to the non-conducting state. It may also be possible to inadvertently trigger the detector into the 'on' state by exceeding the forward blocking voltage or by voltage ramps across the detector exceeding the static dv/dt rating. These voltage ramps usually result from disturbances on the ac power line. However, since the typical static dv/dt rating of the zerocrossing triac driver is in excess of 1000 V/microsecond MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-3-18 at 100°C, ac line noise poses little or no problem for these devices. As a result, the need for snubber networks on the triac drivers, to reduce the speed of voltage ramps, is eliminated. Figure 3.35 shows the static dv/dt test circuit. Once the triac controlled by a triac driver is switched to the conducting state, very little voltage appears across MT1 and MT2, the main terminals of the triac (Figure 3.37). Since there is also a small voltage drop from the gate to T2, the total voltage across the triac driver terminals T1 and T2 is very small - typically less than 2 V. Thus, the detector of the triac driver will conduct very little current and will, for practical purposes, be 'off.' This condition has very important implications when a triac driver and triac are being used to control an inductive load. values exceed 5000 V/}J's at 100°C. This value is attained through the inhibiting action of the internal circuitry of the zero-crossing triac drivers. -25 25 50 75 100 -40 0.35,--+----- ;;;; w > Changes in the peak voltage would be very undesirable in applications like timers and oscillators, the accuracy of which depends on the repeatability of Vp. Vo is defined as the forward voltage drop of the emitter junction and since it is essentially equivalent to the forward voltage drop of a silicon diode, the value of Vo is dependent both on forward current and temperature. Vo can be measured several ways, but it is important to hold the emitter current near Ip when the measurement is made since it really is Vo at Ip that is required in equation 6. One simle way of measuring Vo is shown in Figure 3.46. A constant current equal to Ip is applied between the emitter and base-one, and a potentiometric voltmeter is used to measure the voltage from emitter to base-two. This type of voltmeter has essentially infinite input impedance when the meter is "nulled" and there is no current flowing in the base-two lead. The voltage measured is therefore equal to VO. 12 V w « '" '::i POTENTIOMETRIC VOLTMETER J 0 > ffi II ff- ~ Vo ) Figure 3.46. Circuit for Measuring VD V o -10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 2 Figure 3.47 shows Vo as a function of temperature for an emitter current of 1 /LA. The variation of Vo is essentially linear over the temperature range considered and is equal to - 2.7 mV;oC. The diode voltage drop therefore decreases with increasing temperature and Vo can be written as: 10 EMITTER CURRENT IE IN AMPERES X 10 -10 Figure 3.45(a). Static Emitter Characteristic Vo 20 18 ~ 16 0 > ~ ~ w '"«'::i 0 > t , r T = VON - (T - 25) • KO where VON is the value of Vo at T A = 25°C and KO - 2.7 mV/oC. (Note that KO is current dependent and the value for KO given applies only at 1 /LA.) , VB2Bl = 20 VOLTS T = 25°C 14 12 10 0.7 10 8 ~ "' ~ to 0.6 §? O. 5 .............. ........... ii§ ~ 0.4 10 13 10 11 10 9 '"~ o.3 a ;;:; 0.2 o '"Ci o. 1 EMITTER CURRENT IE IN AMPERES Figure 3.45(b). Static Emitter Characteristic 0 THE DIODE VOLTAGE DROP VD Some of the most important characteristics of the UJT are those that appear in the formula for peak voltage: Vp = Vo + rNB1B2 (6) ........... b-.., ~ -55 o 25 50 TEMPERATURE IN °C 75 125 Figure 3.47. Diode Voltage VD versus Temperature for the Annular Unijunction MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-3-25 ~~ r--..... f"--.. w 10 7 I = 1 !LA VARIATION = -2.7 1 THE INTRINSIC STANDOFF RATIO The intrinsic standoff ratio, defined by: '1 • Vp - VD rBl VB2Bl rBB = (7) is generally believed to be essentially independent of temperature variations. However, this is not true. Figure 3.48 shows typical variations of '1 with temperature for unijunctions from three different manufacturers. There may be several reasons why '1 varies with temperature; the interbase resistance rBB might not have a uniform temperature coefficient throughout the base-two, baseone region, or the temperature might not be uniform over the entire interbase resistance. Surface recombination might also be a factor. constant as the temperature is increased. The lattice mobility decreases with increasing temperature due to increased lattice scattering, and hence the resistivity will increase. As the temperature is increased beyond 125'C, the impurity concentration becomes swamped by carriers produced by thermal generation, and the resistivity decreases rapidly as the temperature is increased. The measurements were performed on a pulsed basis to avoid heating due to power dissipation. In the temperature region from 0 to + 125'C, the increase in rBB with temperature is essentially linear, and rBB can be expressed by the formula: + (T - 25)· Kr rBB = rBBN where rBBN is the value of rBB at 25'C, and Kr is given 1.10 B A 1.05 - C ~ - ---...::::::-::::::: I=" Ea N ::; « ::;;; '" 0 z 0.95 0.90 ~C 0.85 0.80 A (MOTOROLA) B -55 -25 +25 +50 TEMPERATURE 'c +75 +100 + 150 + 125 Figure 3.48. Normalized Intrinsic Standoff Ratio versus Temperature for 3 Different Manufacturers lA, B, & C) '1 can be measured directly or it can be calculated from equation 7 when Vp and VD are known. The curve A-A in Figure 3.48 represents the Motorola annular UJT, and the variation of '1 is relatively linear with temperature over the temperature region considered. '1 can therefore be expressed by the formula: '1 = '1N - (T - 25) K'1 where '1N is the value of '1 at 25'C, and K'1 is a temperature coefficient expressed in %I'C. For the Motorola annular 0.06% . devices K'1 "" ~ '1N The intrinsic standoff ratio is also slightly dependent on VB2Bl, but the variation is so small that for all practical purposes '1 can be said to be independent of voltage. as a %I'C variation of rBBN. For the annular devices Kr is found to be: Kr = 0.8%/C • rBBN In addition, rBB is also found to vary with interbase voltage VB2Bl. A typical curve is shown in Figure 3.50 where rBBN is normalized to the value of rBB for VB2Bl 12 <; ;;; . / "'\. 10 "" ~ VV z~ ~ CJ) ffi ...V '" w THE INTERBASE RESISTANCE rBB CJ) ;:a The resistance from base-two to base-one is highly temperature dependent. A typical rBB vs. temperature characteristic curve for VB2Bl = 3 volts is shown in Figure 3.49. At very low temperatures, near absolute zero, few of the impurity atoms in the semiconductor material are ionized and the resistivity of the doped silicon is quite high. At - 55'C however, most of the impurity atoms are fully ionized, and the carrier concentration is relatively ~ \ /' '" ~ (TYPICAL CURVE) ;;; I 2N48jl-53 I - 55 - 25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE °C Figure 3.49. Interbase Resistance rBB versus Temperature MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-3-26 \ // 175 /' = 3 volts, the voltage usually specified on the manufacturer's data sheet. This increase in rBB with voltage is in part due to a current limiting effect in the base one contact area. Knowing rBB at VB2B1 = 3 V for an annular device, rBB at any other value of VB2B1 can be found with a reasonable degree of accuracy from Figure 3.50. These readings have also been obtained by a low duty-cycle pulse method in order to avoid heating due to power dissipation. TJ is therefore approximately equal to TA. For normal operating conditions, the temperature rise in the base-one, base-two region must be calculated and the change in rBB due to temperature taken into account. 1.5 z ~ a: --....... 1.4 I- U 1.3 a ~1.2 00 ::'i:;1.1 w w ~~ ~ z~ w U :z 1.3 / II ~ ~ ~o 1.2 wI- w a: a: 10 k r-- 0.3 0.2 I- 20V 0.1 • 1 I - ---- 0.6 + -..=- r I 1 1 :© 2N4851 CEl 27 nJ OUTPUT 0.1 CAPCITANCE CE IN /LF 0.01 Figure 3.58(a). Turn-On Time versus Emitter Capacitance CE 120 ! :;;; !;:ig i= ~ ~ 9 z a: :::> 100 80 60 40 20V 1 1 -+ 10k t© ~ CE;: 1'" 27 n J ~~ 2N4851 OUTPUT b----::: l- I- 20 o I 0.01 I I - V V 0.1 CAPACITANCE CE IN /LF Figure 3.58(b). Turn-Off Time versus Emitter Capacitance CE DRIVERS: PROGRAMMABLE UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTORS ANODE A IAI The programmable unijunction transistor (PUT) is a four layer device similar to an SCR except that the anode gate rather than the cathode gate is brought out. It is normally used in conventional unijunction transistor (UJT) circuits. The characteristics of both devices are similar, but the triggering voltage of the PUT is programmable and can be set by an external resistive voltage divider network. The PUT is faster and more sensitive than the UJT. It finds limited application as a phase control element and is most often used in long duration timer circuits. In general, the PUT is more versatile and is a more economical device than the UJT and will replace it in many applications. OPERATION OF THE PUT The PUT has three terminals, an anode (A), gate (G), and cathode (K). The symbol and a transistor equivalent circuit are shown in Figure 3.59. As can be seen from the equivalent circuit, the device is actually an anode-gated SCR. This means that if the gate is made negative with respect to the anode, the device will switch from a blocking state to its on state. ~GATE T '" (KI CATHODE Figure 3.59(a). PUT Symbol K Figure 3.59(b). Transistor Equivalent Since the PUT is normally used as a unijunction transistor (UJT), the UJT terminology is used to describe its parameters. In order to operate this device as a UJT, an external reference voltage must be maintained at the gate terminal. A typical relaxation type oscillator circuit is shown in Figure 3.60(a). The voltage divider shown is a typical way of obtaining the gate reference. In this circuit, the characteristic curve looking into the anode-cathode terminals would appear as shown in Figure 3.60(b). The peak and valley points are stable operating points at MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-3-30 r---......--cG either end of a negative resistance region. The peak point voltage (Vp) is essentially the same as the external gate reference, the only difference being the gate diode drop. Since the reference is circuit and not device dependent, it may be varied, and in this way, Vp is programmable. This feature is the most significant difference between the UJT and the PUT. In characterizing the PUT, it is convenient to speak of the Thevenin equivalent circuit for the external gate voltage (VS) and the equivalent gate resistance (RG). The parameters are defined in terms of the divider resistors (Rl and R2) and supply voltage as follows: NEGATIVE RESISTANCE REGION VF--+--+-+----~----~(------~ VV-f--~+-------~+_--- IGAO + R2) Rl R2/(Rl + R2) Vs = R1 V1/(Rl RG = Most device parameters are sensitive to changes in Vs and RG. For example, decreasing RG will cause peak and valley currents to increase. This is easy to see since RG actually shunts the device and will cause its sensitivity to decrease. Ip • IV Figure 3.60(a). Static Characteristics CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PUT R2 Table 3.111 is a list oftypical characteristics of Motorola's MPU131 series of programmable unijunction transistors. The test circuits and test conditions shown are essentially the same as for the data sheet characteristics. The data presented here defines the static curve shown in Figure 3.60(b) for a 10 V gate reference (VS) with various gate resistances (RG)' It also indicates the leakage currents of these devices and describes the output pulse. Values given are for 25°C unless otherwise noted. + -=OUTPUT 0--+------+ Vl Rl Figure 3.60(b). Typical Oscillator Circuit Table 3.111. Typical PUT Characteristics Symbol Test Circuit Figure Test Conditions MPU131 MPU132 MPU133 Unit Ip 3.64 RG = 1 m!l RG = 10 k!l 1.25 4 0.19 1.20 0.08 0.70 /LA IV 3.64 RG = 1 M!l RG = 10 kH 18 270 18 270 18 270 ~ ~ nA ~ (See Figure 3.65) VAG IGAO Vs = 40 V IGKS Vs = 40 V See Figure 3.66 5 5 5 0.8 0.8 0.8 V 3.67 16 16 16 V 3.68 40 40 40 ns VF Curve Tracer Used Vo tr IF = 50 mA PEAK POINT CURRENT, lip) The peak point is indicated graphically by the static curve. Reverse anode current flows with anode voltages less than the gate voltage (VS) because of leakage from the bias network to the charging network. With currents less than Ip, the device is in a blocking state. With currents above Ip, the device goes through a negative resistance region to its on state. The charging current. or the current through a timing resistor, must be greater than Ip at Vp to insure that a device will switch from a blocking to an on state in an oscillator circuit. For this reason, maximum values of Ip are given on the data sheet. These values are dependent on Vs temperature, and RG. Typical curves on the data sheet indicate this dependence and must be consulted for most appl ications. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-3-31 and is measured by increasing the current while the device is oscillating and recording the value at which oscillations stop. With the PUT, there was no measurable difference between these parameters. This is not necessarily true with a unijunction transistor. The valley current does vary with circuit parameters and temperature as was true of Ip. Typical data sheet curves identify this dependence and are frequently used to approximate actual variations of IV. The test circuit in Figure 3.61 is a sawtooth oscillator which uses a 0.01 ,.,.F timing capacitor, a 20 V supply, an adjustable charging current, and equal biasing resistors (R). The two biasing resistors were chosen to give an equivalent RG of 1 MO and 10 kO. The peak point current was measured with the device off just prior to oscillation as detected by the absence of an output voltage pulse. The 2N5270 held effect transistor circuit is used as a current source. A variable gate voltage supply was used to control this current. PEAK POINT VOLTAGE, (Vp) The unique feature of the PUT is that the peak point voltage can be determined externally. This programmable feature gives this device the ability to function in voltage controlled oscillators or similar applications. The triggering or peak point voltage is approximated by VALLEY POINT CURRENT, (IV) The valley point is indicated graphically in Figure 3.60. With currents slightly less than lV, the device is in an unstable negative resistance state. A voltage minimum occurs at IV and with higher currents, the device is in a stable on state. When the device is used as an oscillator, the charging current or the current through a timing resistor must be less than IV at the valley point voltage (VV). For this reason, minimum values for IV are given on the data sheet for RG = 10 kO. With RG = 1 MO, a reasonable "low" is 2 ,.,.A for all devices. When the device is used as an SCR in the latching mode, the anode current must be greater than IV. Maximum values for IV are given with RG = 1 MO. All devices have a reasonable "high" of 400 tJA IV with RG = 10 kO. Vp = VT Ip, IV NOTES: 11 VARIOUS SENSE RE SISTORS IRS 1ARE USED TO KEEP THE SENSE VO LTAGE NEAR 1 Vdc. 21 THE GATE SUPPLY IVGIIS ADJUSTED FROM ABOUT - 0.5 V to + 20 V. RS ~'I _ '11'--+ VG + 20 V + VS, where Vs is the unloaded divider voltage and VT is the offset voltage. The actual offset voltage will always be higher than the anode-gate voltage VAG, because Ip flows out of the gate just prior to triggering. This makes VT = VAG + Ip RG. A change in RG will affect both VAG and Ip RG but in opposite ways. First, as RG increases. Ip decreases and causes VAG to decrease. Second, since Ip does not decrease as fast as RG increases, the Ip RG product will increase and the actual VT will increase. G S l-2~5270 A ----- 0.01,.,.F \, 1 PUT UNDER TEST A >--0 Vp OUTPUT PULSE 20 R = 2 RG Vs = 10 V Figure 3.61. Test Circuit for Ip, Vp and IV LATCHING AND HOLDING CURRENT, (lL, IH) Using the test circuit in Figure 3.61, an attempt was made to differentiate between latching current (Ill, holding current (lH), and valley current. With the device latched on, reducing the current causes a voltage minimum which is the valley point. The device does remain on at lower currents until holding current (lH) is reached. The holding current is measured as detected by the absence of an output voltage pulse just before oscillation occurs. The latching current is generally higher than IH These second order effects are difficult to predict and measure. Allowing VT to be 0.5 V as a first order approximation gives sufficiently accurate results for most applications. The peak point voltage was tested using the circuit in Figure 3.61 and a scope with 10 MO input impedance across the PUT. A Tektronix, Type W plug-in was used to determine this parameter. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-3-32 FORWARD ANODE-GATE VOLTAGE, (VAG) The forward anode-to-gate voltage drop affects the peak point voltage as was previously discussed. The drop is essentially the same as a small signal silicon diode and is plotted in Figure 3.62. The voltage decreases as current decreases, and the change in voltage with temperature is greater at low currents. At 10 nA the temperature coefficient is about - 2.4 v/oe and it drops to about -1.6 mVI °e at 10 mA. This information is useful in applications where it is desirable to temperature compensate the effect of this diode. 70 / 60 / / ,I 1/ 0 /' / 20 1 10 iGAO, GATE TO ANODE LEAKAGE CURRENT InA) 0.9 Figure 3.63. Typical Leakage Current of the MPU131, 132 and 133 Reverse Voltage Equals 40 V 0.7 :....- en '::; a ~ '" « :> 0.5 0.3 :.- 0.1 -- 25°C "... PEAK OUTPUT VOLTAGE, (VO) The peak output voltage is not only a function of Vp, VF and dynamic impedance, but is also affected by switching speed. This is particularly true when small capacitors (less than 0.01 fLF) are used for timing since they lose part of their charge during the turn on interval. The use of a relatively large capacitor (0.2 fLF) in the test circuit of Figure 3.64 tends to minimize this last effect. The output voltage is measured by placing a scope across the 20 ohm resistor which is in series with the cathode lead. i-'"' i-'"' 75°C "... o 0.01 0.1 10 100 lK 10K iAGI/iAI Figure 3.62. Voltage Drop of MPU131 Series GATE-CATHODE LEAKAGE CURRENT, (lGKS) The gate-to-cathode leakage current is the current that flows from the gate to the cathode with the anode shorted to the cathode. It is actually the sum of the open circuit gate-anode and gate-cathode leakage currents. The shorted leakage represents current that is shunted away from the voltage divider. 16 k 510 k A __ [;: 1 /iF + 20 V-..c:- - 0.2 /-,F ... .;; ,/ FORWARD VOLTAGE, (VF) The forward voltage (VF) is the voltage drop between the anode and cathode when the device is biased on. It is the sum of an offset voltage and the drop across some internal dynamic impedance which both tend to reduce the output pulse. The typical data sheet curve shows this impedance to be less than 1 ohm for up to 2 A of forward current. This is essentially an order of magnitude better than the UJT which is closer to 20 ohms. o V 27k Figure 3.64. PUT Test Circuit for Peak Output Voltage (Vo ) RISE TIME, (t r ) Rise time is a useful parameter in pulse circuits that use capacitive coupling. It can be used to predict the amount of current that will flow between these circuits. Rise time is specified using a sampling scope and measuring between 0.6 V and 6 V on the leading edge of the output pulse. Even fast scopes (100 MHz bandpass) degrade this measurement and readings must be corrected by calculations. It is preferable to use a 1000 pF capacitor and a sampling scope as shown in Figure 3.65 to read the 10% to 90% points directly. The resulting typical rise times of 40 ns are significantly better than those of the UJT which are about 100 ns. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-3-33 Outp ut K 20 GATE-ANODE LEAKAGE CURRENT, (lGAO) The gate-to-anode leakage current is the current that flows from the gate to the anode with the cathode open. It is important in long duration timers since it adds to the charging current flowing into the timing capacitor. The typical leakage currents measured at 40 V are shown in Figure 3.63. Leakage at 25°C is approximately 1 nA and the current appears to double for about every 10°C rise in temperature. G' • To Tekt ronlcs . 510 k Vl 20V + A RG O.OOl /LF ,/ -.=- • = I 10 k G ~ ;;i' 1000 pF not been characterized, it is obvious that temperature compensation is more practical with relatively low frequency oscillators. Type 567 or Equivalent 16 k A 100 K + G -=-12V 20 27k 1k 100 O.D1/LF - Q-----+-oOutput Figure 3.65. tr Test Circuit for PUTs 2k MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM FREQUENCY In actual tests with devices whose parameters are known, it is possible to establish minimum and maximum values of timing resistors that will guarantee oscillation. The circuit under discussion is a conventional RC relaxation type oscillator. To obtain maximum frequency, it is desirable to use low values of capacitance (1000 pF) and to select devices and bias conditions to obtain high IV. It is possible to use stray capacitance but the results are generally unpredictable. The minimum value of timing resistance is obtained using the following rule of thumb: Figure 3.66. Uncompensated Oscillator Various methods of compensation are shown in Figure 3.67. In the low cost diode-resistor combination of 3.67(a), the diode current is kept small to cause its temperature coefficient to increase. In 3.67(b), the bias current through the two diodes must be large enough so that their total coefficient compensates for VAG. The transistor approach in 3.67(c) can be the most accurate since its temperature coefficient can be varied independently of bias current. R(min) = 2(V1 - VV)/IV where the valley voltage (VV) is often negligible. To obtain minimum frequency, it is desirable to use high values of capacitance (10 p.F) and to select devices and bias conditions to obtain low Ip. It is important that the capacitor leakage be quite low. Glass and mylar dielectrics are often used for these applications. The maximum timing resistor is as follows: 100 k < R < 1 M R(max) = (VI - Vp)/21p In a circuit with a fixed value of timing capacitance, our most sensitive PUT, the MPU133, offers the largest dynamic frequency range. Allowing for capacitance and bias changes, the approximate frequency range of a PUT is from 0.003 Hz to 2.5 kHz. TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION The PUT with its external bias network exhibits a relatively small frequency change with temperature. The uncompensated RC oscillator shown in Figure 3.66 was tested at various frequencies by changing the timing resistor RT. At discrete frequencies of 100, 200, 1000 and 2000 Hz, the ambient temperature was increased from 25° to 60°C. At these low frequencies, the negative temperature coefficient of VAG predominated and caused a consistent 2% increase in frequency. At 10 kHz, the frequency remained within 1% over the same temperature range. The storage time phenomenon which increases the length of the output pulse as temperature increases is responsible for this result. Since this parameter has la) Diode-Resistor Ib) Dual-Diode Figure 3.67. Temperature Compensation Techniques MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-3-34 Ic) Transistor TRIGGERS: SILICON BILATERAL SWITCH THE SILICON BILATERAL SWITCH The silicon bilateral switch (SBS) is an advanced semiconductor with negative resistance switching characteristics similar to the 3-layer diode, 4-layer diode and unijunction transistor (UJT). The latter devices have seen wide application, especially in triggering circuits where they can supply the fast rising, high-current gate pulse necessary for the proper operation of power thyristors. In such applications, the SBS can improve circuit performance and reduce cost at the same time. These devices are not just an improved version of a PNPN diode. They are actually fabricated as simple integrated circuits consisting of transistors, diodes and resistors, connected as two anti-parallel, regenerative switches. Since the device is fabricated as an IC, the components are well matched resulting in an asymmetry, or difference of positive Vs and negative VS, of less than 0.5 volts. A third lead, designated the Gate, has been brought out for increased circuit flexibility. Since these devices are a regenerative switch, they may also be designed into many low power latching circuits. The equivalent circuit diagram of an SBS and its symbol are shown in Figure 3.68. The device is actually a simple IC and consists of two halves of a PNP and an NPN transistor, a 6.8 volt zener diode and a 15 k!l resistor, RB. Unlike existing 4-layer diodes which use a stacked structure, the SBS is constructed using annular techniques. The result is a device with better stability and control of its electrical parameters. Vs is applied; VF, the forward voltage, is the voltage drop across the device when it is in the conducting state and passing a specified current; IH' the holding current, is the current necessary to sustain conduction; IB is the leakage current through the device with five volts bias. Operation of the SBS can be best understood by referring to Figures 3.69 and 3.70. Consider an adjustable source of voltage with a current limiting resistor in series supplying a voltage to a device anode 1 that is five volts positive with respect to anode 2. Since this voltage is less than the sum of VBE of the PNP transistor and Vz of the 6.8 volt zener diode, only a very small leakage current will flow and the device in the off or blocking state. As the supply voltage is increased, a point will be reached (near VS) where a small increase in voltage results in a substantial increase in current flow. The PNP transistor purposely has high current gain and most of this increased current flows out of its collector and produces a voltage drop across RB. The two transistors are connected in a positive feedback loop similar to the equivalent circuit for an SCR IlmAI - 3 VF V IVOlTSI 10 8 I 18 10 Vs ANODE 1 A1 6.8 V Figure 3.69. SBS Anode 1-Anode 2 V-I Characteristics GATE Go---I-.,4.,/... VS--------- 6.8 V 1--10S~ A2 (a) Figure 3.68(a). SBS Equivalent Circuit and Symbol TIME IUNSeAlEDI TURN·ON·PUlSES ANODE 2 VS-~~==~--------~ Figure 3.68(b) Electrical characteristics are shown in Figure 3.70 and the parameters are defined as follows: VS, the switching voltage, is the maximum forward voltage the device can su~tain without switching to the conducting state; IS, the sWltchmg current, is the current through the device when I- t>200/J-S-I (b) TIME IUNSeAlEDI Figure 3.70. Waveforms for dv/dt Test MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-3-35 • where the collector current of one is the base current for the other. When the voltage across RB is sufficient to turn the NPN transistor on and the loop gain exceeds unity, both transistors are driven into saturation, the voltage across the device abruptly drops and the current through it is limited mainly by the external circuitry. The device has now switched to the on or conducting state. The 6.8 volt zener diode has a positive temperature voltage coefficient which is opposite to that of VBE of the PNP transistor. The net result is good temperature stability of VS, typically + 0.02%!"C. VF, the forward voltage across the device, remains relatively low even if the current through it is greatly increased, rising approximately 3 volts/ampere. The device will remain on until the current through it is reduced below the holding current value. One method of insuring turn-off is to apply a reverse voltage less than VR, the maximum reverse voltage. After a few microseconds (turn-off time) have elapsed, the transistors will have recovered from saturation and the device will again block a forward voltage up to VS. A third lead, the gate, can be used to modify the characteristics of the SBS. As an example, connecting a 9.4 volt zener diode from gate to cathode would lower Vs to approximately 4.6 volts. Connecting a 20 kO resistor from gate to anode and a similar resistor from gate to cathode will lower Vs to approximately 4 volts at the expense of increased current around the device prior to switching. Also, if a voltage less than Vs is applied to an SBS it can be "gated" on by drawing a small current out of the gate lead. Like other regenerative switches, the SBS has a tendency to switch on in the presence of rapidly rising anode voltage. The dv/dt rating of the SBS is difficult to define and the method of measurement may produce erroneous results. A test ramp of voltage with adjustable dv/dt as shown in Figure 3.70(a} may be applied to the device if not repeated more frequently than every 10 seconds. The device may switch to the on state when the dv/dt is in the range of 1 to 10 volts/microsecond. The repetitive waveform of (b) may be applied much more frequently (convenient for an oscilloscope display) providing only that the time interval between turn-off and the next ramp is longer than the turn-off time of the device. The turnon pulse in (c) is necessary to discharge internal capacitance which can accumulate a charge and give false indication of very high dv/dt capability. Sweeping an SBS in either direction will yield similar results. However, when an SBS has been conducting in one direction and the anode voltage is rapidly reversed, the dv/dt must be limited to approximately 0.1 volt/microsecond. This is necessary because if the transistors in the conducting half of the device have not recovered from saturation, they will provide a path for a current to turn the opposite side on. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-3-36 CHAPTER 4 NEW THYRISTOR TECHNOLOGIES THE SIDAC, A NEW HIGH VOLTAGE BILATERAL TRIGGER SIDAC's are available in the large MK1V series and economical, easy to insert, small MKP9V series axial lead packages. Breakdown voltages ranging from 104 to 280 V are available. The MK1V devices feature bigger chips and provide much greater surge capability along with somewhat higher RMS current ratings. The high-voltage and current ratings of SIDACs make them ideal for high energy applications where other trigger devices are unable to function alone without the aid of additional power boosting components. The basic SIDAC circuit and waveforms, operating off of ac are shown in Figure 4.2. Note that once the input voltage exceeds V(BO), the device will switch on to the forward on-voltage VTM of typically 1.1 V and can conduct as much as the specified repetitive peak on-state current ITRM of 20 A (10 !Ls pulse, 1 kHz repetition frequency). The SIDAC is a high voltage bilateral trigger device that extends the trigger capabilities to significantly higher voltages and currents than have been previously obtainable, thus permitting new, cost-effective applications. Being a bilateral device, it will switch from a blocking state to a conducting state when the applied voltage of either polarity exceeds the breakover voltage. As in other trigger devices, (SBS, Four Layer Diode). the SIDAC switches through a negative resistance region to the low voltage on-state (Figure 4.1) and will remain on until the main terminal current is interrupted or drops below the holding current. SLOPE = RS y:-................. \ ... - _IS =:::::==;:;;=--1~"'""'====f::::=1~ I(BOI V(BOI R _ IV(BOI - VSI S - (IS - I(BOII Figure 4.1 (a). Idealized SIOAC V-I Characteristics Figure 4.1(b). Actual MKP9V130 V-I Characteristic. Horizontal: 50 VlDivision. Vertical: 20 rnA/Division. (0,0) at Center. RL = 14 k Ohm. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-1 • --I • RL < IRSI vISO) I-- R - IVISOI - VSI S - liS - IISOI) RS = SIDAC SWITCHING RESISTANCE Figure 4.2. Basic SIOAC Circuit and Waveforms If the load resistance is less than the SIDAC switching resistance, the voltage across the device will drop quickly as shown in Figure 4.2. A stable operating point (VT, IT) will result if the load resistor and line voltage provide a current greater than the latching value. The SIDAC remains in an "on" condition until the generator voltage causes the current through the device to drop below the holding value (IH)' At that time, the SIDAC switches to the point (Voff, loff) and once again only a small leakage current flows through the device. Figure 4.4 illustrates the result of operating a SIDAC with a resistive load greater than the magnitude of its switching resistance. The behavior is similar to that described in Figures 4.2 and 4.3 except that the turn-on and turn-off of the SIDAC is neither fast nor complete. Stable operating points on the SIDAC characteristics Operation from an AC line with a resistive load can be analyzed by superimposing a line with slope = -1/RL on the device characteristic. When the power source is AC, the load line can be visualized as making parallel translations in step with the instantaneous line voltage and frequency. This is illustrated in Figure 4.3 where v1 through v5 are the instantaneous open circuit voltages ofthe AC generator and i1 through i5 are the corresponding short circuit currents that would result if the SIDAC was not in the circuit. When the SIDAC is inserted in the circuit, the current that flows is determined by the intersection of the load line with the SIDAC characteristic. Initially the SIDAC blocks, and only a small leakage current flows at times 1 through 4. The SIDAC does not turnon until the load line supplies the breakover current (I(BO)) at the breakover voltage (V(BO)). v1, ,.. , V5 = INSTANTANEOUS OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGES AT TIME 1, .. " 5 ;1, .. ,' ;5 = INSTANTANEOUS SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENTS AT TIME 1, .. ,,5 IVSO,ISOI , V 1=- RL Figure 4.3. Load Line for Figure 4.2. (1/2 Cycle Shown.) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-2 RL> IRSI RS = SIDAC SWITCHING RESISTANCE Figure 4.4. High Resistance Load Line with Incomplete Switching between (V(BO), '(BO)) and (VS, IS) result as the generator voltage increases from v2 to v4. The voltage across the SIDAC falls only partly as the loadline sweeps through this region. Complete turn-on of the SIDAC to (VT, 'T) does not occur until the load line passes through the point (VS, IS)· The load line illustrated in Figure 4.4 also results in incomplete turn-off. When the current drops below IH' the operating point switches to (Voff' 'off) as shown on the device characteristic. The switching current and voltage can be 2 to 3 orders of magnitude greater than the breakover current and onstate voltage. These parameters are not as tightly specified as VBO and 'BO. Consequently operation of the SIDAC in the state between fully on and fully off is undesirable because of increased power dissipation, poor efficiency, slow switching, and tolerances in timing. Figure 4.5 illustrates a technique which allows the use of the SIDAC with high impedance loads. A resistor can be placed around the load to supply the current required to latch the SIDAC. Highly inductive loads slow the current rise and the turn-on of the SIDAC because of their LlR time constant. The use of shunt resistor around the load will improve performance when the SIDAC is used with inductive loads such as small transformers and motors. The SIDAC can be used in oscillator applications. If the load line intersects the device characteristic at a point where the total resistance (RL + RS) is negative, an unstable operating condition with oscillation will result. The resistive load component determines steady-state behavior. The reactive components determine transient behavior. Figure 4.10 shows a SIDAC relaxation oscillator application. The wide span between IBO and IH makes the SIDAC easy to use. Long oscillation periods can be achieved with economical capacitor sizes because of the low device I(BO). Z1 is typically a low impedance. Consequently the SIDAC's switching resistance is not important in this • application. The SIDAC will switch from a blocking to full on-state in less than a fraction of a microsecond. The timing resistor must supply sufficient current to fire the SIDAC but not enough current to hold the SIDAC in an on-state. These conditions are guaranteed when the timing resistor is selected to be between Rmax and Rmin. For a given time delay, capacitor size and cost is minimized by selecting the largest allowable timing resistor. Rmax should be determined at the lowest temperature of operation because '(BO) increases then. The load line corresponding to Rmax passes through the point (V(BO), '(BO)) allowing the timing resistor to supply the needed breakover current at the breakover voltage. The load line for a typical circuit design should enclose this point to prevent sticking in the off state. Requirements for higher oscillation frequencies and greater stored energy in the capacitor result in lower values for the timing resistor. Rmin should be determined at the highest operating temperature because IH is lower then. The load line determined by Rand Vin should pass below 'H on the device characteristic or the SIDAC will stick in the on-state after firing once. 'H is typically more than 2 orders of magnitude greater than 'BO. This makes the SIDAC well suited for operation over a wide temperature span. SIDAC turn-off can be aided when the load is an underdamped oscillatory CRL circuit. In such cases, the SIDAC current is the sum ofthe currents from the timing resistor and the ringing decay from the load. SIDAC turn-off behavior is similar to that of a TRIAC where turn-off will not occur if the rate of current zero crossing is high. This is a result of the stored charge within the volume of the device. Consequently, a SIDAC cannot be force commuted like an SCR. The SIDAC will pass a ring wave of sufficient amplitude and frequency. Turn-off requires the device current to approach the holding current gradually. This is a complex function of junction temperature, holding current magnitude, and the current wave parameters. "i': .... ""~.JI:y;;ndJiw~~~~:K#"t,-;;!\?/'9·.), ·.."yyt.'jJ~..,. ..,Ti;~ ; MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-3 RSL RSL < IRSI TYPICAL: RSL = 2.7 kOHM 10 WATT RS = 3kOHM RSL • TURN·ON SPEED UP RESISTOR RS = SIDAC SWITCHING RESISTANCE = Figure 4.5. Inductive Load Phase Control How can the SIDAC be used? One application is to replace the combination of a small-signal trigger and TRIAC with the SIDAC, as shown in Figure 4.6. In this example, the trigger - an SBS (Silicon Bidirectional Switch) that conducts at about 8 V - will fire the TRIAC by dumping the charge from the capacitor into the gate of the TRIAC. This circuit is amenable to phase controlling the TRIAC, if so required, as the RC time constant can be readily varied. The simple SIDAC circuit can also supply switchable load current. However, the conduction angle is not readily controllable, being a function of the peak applied voltage and the breakover voltage of the SIDAC. As an example, for peak line voltage of about 170 V, at V(BO) of 115 V and a holding current of 100 mA. the conduction angle would be about 130°. With higher peak input voltages (or lower breakdown voltages) the conduction angle would correspondingly increase. For non-critical conduction angle, 1 A rms switching applications, the SIDAC is a very cost-effective device. Figure 4.7 shows an example of a SIDAC used to phase control an incandescent lamp. This is done in order to lower the RMS voltage to the filament and prolong the life ofthe bulb. This is particularly useful when lamps are used in hard to reach locations such as outdoor lighting in signs where replacement costs are high. Bulb life span can be extended by 1.5 to 5 times depending on the type of lamp, the amount of power reduction to the filament, and the number of times the lamp is switched on from a cold filament condition. The operating cost of the lamp is also reduced because of the lower power to the lamp; however, a higher wattage bulb is required for the same lumen output. The maximum possible energy reduction is 50% if the lamp wattage is not increased. The minimum conduction angle is 90° because the SIDAC must switch on before the peak ofthe line voltage. Line regulation and breakover voltage tolerances will require that a conduction angle longer than 90° be used, in order to prevent lamp turn-off under low line voltage conditions. Consequently, practical conduction angles will run between 110° and 130° with corresponding power reductions of 10% to 30%. In Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.7, the SIDAC switching angles are given by: 00N = SIN -1 (V(BO)Npk) where Vpk = Maximum Instantaneous Line Voltage oOFF = 180 - SIN -1 ((JH"RLl + VT) Vpk where 00N, 00FF = Switching Angles in degrees VT = 1 V = Main Terminal Voltage at IT = IH Generally the load current is much greater than the SIDAC holding current. The conduction angle then becomes 180° minus O(on). Rectifiers have also been used in this application to supply half wave power to the lamp. SIDAC's prevent the flicker associated with half-wave operation of the lamp. Also, full wave control prevents the introduction of a DC component into the power line and improves the color temperature of the light because the filament has less time to cool during the off time. The fast turn-on time of the SIDAC will result in the generation of RFI which may be noticeable on AM radios operated in the vicinity ofthe lamp. This can be prevented by the use of an RFI filter. A possible filter design is shown in Figure 4.5. This filter causes a ring wave of current through the SIDAC at turn-on time. The filter inductor must be selected for resonance at a frequency above the upper frequency limit of human hearing and as low below the start of the AM broadcast band as possible for maximum harmonic attenuation. In addition, it is important that the filter inductor be non-saturating to prevent dl/dT damage to the SIDAC. For additional information on filter design see page 1-5-30 and Figure 5.34. R TRIAC SIDAC c Figure 4.6. Comparison of a TRIAC and SIOAC Circuits MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-4 t rv 220VAC ~ 100WATI 240 V 1 1 100 /.tHY PREM SPE3:--; RDC = 0.04!l I I I I - I OPTIONAL RFI FILTER • I L ____J Figure 4.7. long-life Circuit for Incandescent lamp The sizing ofthe SIDAC must take into accountthe RMS current of the lamp, thermal properties of the SIOAC, and the cold start surge current of the lamp which is often 10 to 20 times the steady state load current. When lamps burn out, atthe end oftheir operating life, very high surge currents which could damage the SIOAC are possible because of arcing within the bulb. The large MK1V device is recommended ifthe SIOAC is not to be replaced along with the bulb. Since the MK1V series of SIOACs have relatively tight V(BO) tolerances (104 V to 115 V for the -115 device), other possible applications are over-voltage protection (OVP) and detection circuits. An example of this, as illustrated in Figure 4.8, is the SIOAC as a transient protector in the transformer-secondary of the medium voltage power supply, replacing the two more expensive backto-back zeners or an MOV. The device can also be used across the output of the regulator «100 V) as a simple OVP, but for this application, the regulator must have current foldback or a circuit breaker (or fuse) to minimize the dissipation of the SIOAC. Another example of OVP is the telephony applications as illustrated in Figure 4.9. To protectthe Subscriber Loop Interface Circuit (SLlC) and its associated electronics from voltage surges, two SIOACs and two rectifiers are used for secondary protection (primary protection to 1,000 V is provided by the gas discharge tube across the lines). As an example, if a high positive voltage transient appeared on the lines, rectifier 01 (with a P.I.V. of 1,000 V) would block it and SIOAC 04 would conduct the surge to ground. Conversely, rectifier 02 and SIDAC 03 would protect the SLiC for negative transients. The SIOACs will not conduct when normal signals are present. Being a negative resistance device, the SIOAC also can be used in a simple relaxation oscillator where the frequency is determined primarily by the RC time constant (Figure 4.10). Once the capacitor voltage reaches the SIOAC breakover voltage, the device will fire, dumping the charged capacitor. By placing the load in the discharge path, power control can be obtained; a typical load could be a transformer-coupled xeon flasher, as shown in Figure 4.12. SIDAC AS A TRANSIENT PROTECTOR Vo .. l00V z Figure 4.8. Typical Application of SIDACs as a Transient Protector and OVP in a Regulated Power Supply ~'i:":) ·><,;t··'.&A~~·;(."~'*'\'> __ "''''''··'"''··'.,&,,,"-7'jf'''·..iji,,,'''M,'0~'~~.~I''''''' ~.r,:'0'li"}':"':"¥';"C}.""''''''·4~;>,,'.t.~~~:''',,·''''~''''I'\i'''e VOPERATING V • VAC 1 R Figure 4.18. Fluorescent Starter Using SIDAC and Autotransformer Ballast Table 4.1. Possible Sources for Thermistor Devices Fenwal Electronics, 63 Fountain Street Framingham MA 01701 Keystone Carbon Company, Thermistor Division St. Marys, PA 15857 Thermometrics, 808 U.S. Highway 1 Edison, N.J. 08817 Therm-O-Disc, Inc. Micro Devices Product Group 1320 South Main Street, Mansfield, OH 44907 Midwest Components Inc., P.O. Box 787 1981 Port City Boulevard, Muskegon, MI 49443 Nichicon (America) Corp., Dept. G 927 E. State Pkwy, Schaumburg, IL 60195 must be modified to allow heating of the fluorescent tube cathodes if starting is to simulate the conditions existing when a glow tube is used. Thermistors are useful in delaying the turn-on or insuring the turn-off of SIDAC devices. Table 4.1 shows possible sources of thermistor devices. Other high voltage nominal current trigger applications are: • Gas or oil igniters • Electric fences • HV electrostatic air filters • Capacitor Discharge ignitions Note that all these applications use similar circuits where a charged capacitor is dumped to generate a high transformer secondary voltage (Figure 4.11). In many cases, the SIDAC current wave can be approximated by an exponential or quasi-exponential current wave (such as that resulting from a critically damped or slightly underdamped CRL discharge circuit). The question then becomes; how much "real world" surge current can the SIDAC sustain? The data sheet defines an ITSM of 20 A, but this is for a 60 Hz, one cycle, peak sine wave whereas the capacitor discharge current waveform has a fast-rise time with an exponential fall time. To generate the surge current curve of peak current versus exponential discharge pulse width, the test circuit of Figure 4.19 was implemented. It simulates the topology of many applications whereby a charged capacitor is dumped by means of a turned-on SIDAC to produce a current pulse. Timing for this circuit is derived from the nonsymmetrical CMOS astable multivibrator (M.V.) gates G1 and G2. With the component values shown, an approximate 20 second positive-going output pulse is fed to the base of the NPN small-signal high voltage transistor Q1, turning it on. The following high voltage PNP transistor is consequently turned on, allowing capacitor C1 to be charged through limiting resistor R1 in about 16 seconds. The astable M.V. then changes state for about 1.5 seconds with the positive going pulse from Gate 1 fed through integrator R2-C2 to Gate 3 and then Gate 4. The net result of about a 100 ILs time delay from G4 is to ensure non-coincident timing conditions. This positive going output is then differentiated by C3-R3 to produce an approximate 1 ms, leading edge, positive going pulse which turns on NPN transistor Q3 and the following PNP transistor Q4. Thus, an approximate 15 rnA, 1 ms pulse is generated for turning on SeR Q5 about 100 ILs after capacitor charging transistor Q2 is turned off. The SCR now fires, discharging C1 through the current limiting resistor R4 and the SIDAC Device Under Test (D.U.T.). The peak current and its duration is set by the voltage Vc across capacitor C1 and current limiting resistor R4. The circuit has about a 240 V capability limited by C1, Q1 and Q2 (250 V, 300 V and 300 V respectively). MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-10 +15V +15V R2 100 k VCC"; 240 V MC14011 10 k +15V +15V LED R4 22 M 22k 22 M -=- Cl 8O/LF 250 V -= I SIDAC OUT C3 0.1 /LF 3.30 2W 0.47 /LF lN914 Figure 4.19. SIOAC Surge Tester The SCR is required to fire the' SIDAC, rather than the breakover voltage, so that the energy to the D.U.T. can be predictably controlled. By varying VC, C1 and R4, the surge current curve of Figure 15 was derived. Extensive life testing and adequate derating ensure that the SIDAC, when properly used, will reliably operate in the various applications. l00r---------------------------------~ en ":; :$ 30 !Z w a:: a:: '-' w a:: :::J '"en :::J ~ 10 lkl 0.3 30 10 100 300 lvi, PULSE WIDTH Ims) GTO DEVICES Gate turn-off devices (GTOs) are thyristors which can be turned off as well as turned on by a gate signal. The symbol for a GTO is shown in Figure 4.21. Such devices were described as early as the 1960's, but they have only recently begun to see application in switching circuits. Modern GTO devices are rugged efficient high voltage switches combining the benefits of regenerative operation with the turn-off ease of Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs). GTOs provide a blend of many of the most desirable characteristics of the SCR and the BJT. Since they can be turned off with a low power gate signal, they are excellent for pulse width modulation techniques in circuits that need a high-performance economical switch with the ruggedness of an SCR. The GTO should be considered wherever there is a need for a switch which can handle high pulsed power and moderate average power, with high switching SOA and excellent high-voltage switching speed. AN~ODE 'GA:l Figure 4.20. Exponential Surge Current Capability of the MK1V SIOAC. Pulse Width versus Peak Current Figure 4.21. Symbol for GTO MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-11 • Like the BJT. the GTO can be turned off by a low power drive signal. This eliminates the need for bulky. expensive, and inefficient commutation circuits that are needed in SCR forced commutation applications. The GTOs commutating dv/dt(c) and switching speed are an order of magnitude better than a conventional SCR. Unlike other thyristors, GTOs are nearly immune to turn-on by static dv/dt. This allows the use of a small snubber network and permits higher operating frequencies than with SCRs. When a snubber is used, the GTO exhibits a dv/dt(c) sensitive turn-off switching SOA characteristic which is nearly independent of voltage. Even without a snubber it is possible to switch very high currents at moderate voltages at high temperatures. However in order to keep the dv/dt(c) stress within predictable limits, a small snubber is recommended. Like the SCR, the GTO has momentary turn-on gate drive, latching, good l!urge handling ability, and low forward drop conduction losses at relatively high anode currents and die current densities (Figure 4.22). Like an SCR, conduction takes place by both holes and electrons injected into the respective P and N emitters of the device. The resulting high concentration of carriers and the regenerative action which holds the device in saturation allows it to operate at high current densities and that, in turn, allows a smaller chip size for a given switching capability. • 200 400d-25°C .. 100A r;; 50A ~ 125°~== TJ 0- :0 .A 20A .I t- zw lOA a:: a:: 5A ::> <..J w c a z ..: 2A lA ~ F--125°C .,.... I 25°C 40°C 0.5A 0.2A 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5.5 VF, FORWARD VOLTAGE (VOLTSI Figure 4.22. Maximum Forward Voltage versus Current IG = 300 mAo PW = 300 ILs Continuous Gate Drive This results in a devic'e with low internal capacitan<;e and short turn-off storage delay times, high peak to average switching power and low material cost. The GTO can be an elegant solution to switching problems where other devices would require an expensive brute force approach. Like a power transistor. the MGT01000 Series has an interdigitated emitter geometry to aid turn-on current spreading and resist turn-on di/dt failure. Figure 4.23 shows the involute spiral pattern used. The GTO also uses the clip and current spreading ring construction common to thyristors. This improves reliability under high surge current conditions, and results in a high device 12t capability. The regenerative characteristic of the GTO prevents failure under surge current conditions because it cannot easily be pulled into the high dissipation active state common to transistor (BJT) devices. Consequently, GTOs can be protected by fuse techniques that are not usable with BJT devices. Figure 4.23. Involute Spiral Gate-Cathode Emitter Pattern Provides Constant Arm Width and Spacing The GTO's attributes make it well suited for app(ications with large momentary stresses. Such stresses sometimes arise as a consequence of the external environment not under the control of the circuit designer, or the stresses may be inherent in the design itself. *GTO ruggedness may permit simplified designs, allowing easy application of the device to less conditioned environments. *Some sources of stress are listed in Table 4.2. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-12 HOW A GTO OPERATES Table 4.2. Sources of Voltage or Current Stress I. Resulting From Unexpected Circuit Fault 1) Load short 2) Stalled motor 3) Transformer secondary with an open circuit II. Characteristic of the Type of Application 1) Non-linear loads 2) Capacitative loads 3) Capacitor discharge and crowbar protection circuits 4) Fault protection by circuit breaking THE TWO-TRANSISTOR MODEL Like most thyristors, the turn-on of a GTO can be described in terms of the two-transistor model (Figure 4.24a). This model also provides insight into the conditions necessary for turn-off. Turn-off occurs when the Nbase current (Figure 4.24b) is reduced from the maximum provided by the PNP transistor (gate open) to less than the minimum required to saturate the NPN device (reverse gate current). When that happens, the gain of the device (the combined alpha of the two transistors) falls below unity and regeneration ceases. However, the two-transistor model fails to provide an accurate estimate of the turn-off gain because the alphas are functions of the current density, spatial charge distribution, anode voltage and time. III. Factors Under Control of the Designer 1) Parasitic capacitance in the load circuit 2) Discharge of the snubber network 3) Diode recovery currents 4) Parasitic inductance in wiring, snubber circuits, or load 5) Lightning or transients due to interruption of other inductive loads on the same bus IA~ ANODE P·EMITTER + -..=- -- ANODE I IC INPN) ICX N·BASE -j - t P·BASE ! N·EMITTER IK COLLECTO R GATE - - "l------4t---OGATE ICIPNP) 1CATHODE IB(NPN) .1 Figure 4.24(a). Turn-On IGR Figure 4.24(b). Turn-Off IA = IK' IG = 0 IC(PNP) = apNP IA IC(NPN) = aNPN IA IA = aNPN IA + apNP IA + ICX MAX IB(NPN) = apNP IA MIN IB TO SATURATE NPN = (1 - aNPN) IK CRITERION FOR UNSATURATION apNP IA - IGR < (1 - aNPN) IK BUT IK = IA - IGR (apNP + aNPN - 1) IA < aNPN IGR ICX IA = - : - - : - - : : : " : ' - - - , 1 - (aNPN + aPNP) WHEN IG > IGT MOMENTARILY aNPN + apNP > 1 ~ TURN ON aNPN + apNP < 1 ~ FORWARD BLOCKING STATE TURN-OFF GAIN MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-13 IA = G = Jr.ii = GR aNPN (apNP + aNPN - 1) • THE TWO DIMENSIONAL MODEL Figure 4.25 gives additional insight into the switching process of a GTO. Here, the GTO is pictured as a series of smaller devices interconnected by lumped RC components that represent the spreading resistances and junction capacitances within the chip. Early in the turn-on transient, conduction is not uniform across the entire chip area. Those portions of the emitter closest to the gate conduct first and most heavily. The turn-on of the more remote regions is delayed by the • TH drive signal. Ali three junctions continue to conduct during the storage time interval until the excess carriers in the gate region have been removed and the gate-cathode junction recovers. Then the collector junction comes out of saturation and the anode current decreases rapidly during the fali time. During the tail (end region of the "fali time") time, the PNP transistor section of the GTO is biased in its active region while the remaining carriers in the N-base support conduction at low current magnitudes . THO TH .--it--.....- - N ---4~----4I~__l --+-.....--+---.,.-.....-----4~__l f-----4~-_~-N f - - -.......- -..... K Figure 4.25. GTO Model with Junction Capacitance and Spreading Resistance Depicted as Lumped Elements spreading resistance and distributed capacitance within the chip. The spiral geometry of the GTO minimizes the distance between the gate and emitter regions and reduces the time required for conduction to spread across the chip area. This enhances the capability of the device to conduct large, fast rise current pulses by reducing localized current densities and die temperatures. The distributed thyristor model also applies to turn-off. Here the effect results in higher current densities under the emitter at its center rather than at the periphery. GTO turn-off is initiated by applying reverse voltage to the gate-cathode junction to remove current and charge from the P-base. This results in an internal lateral voltage drop (Figure 4.26) which acts to turn on, or oppose, the reverse recovery of the gate-cathode junction. Because of this, recovery does not take place evenly across the entire junction area. Those regions closest to the gate recover first, resulting in a longer path and greater series resistance between the gate and the conducting area. The result is a "squeezing" effect that causes the current to be progressively concentrated in a narrow filament under the center of the cathode N-emitter stripe. Permanent damage to the device can result if the current density and power produces sufficient localized heating during this process. The GTO does not respond instantly to the reverse gate + K Figure 4.26. Lateral Drop at Turn-On and Turn-Off. At Turn-On, Drop Causes Heaviest Conduction at Cathode Edges. At Turn-Off, Current is Squeezed Away from the Gate-Cathode Periphery. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-14 200 GTO FORWARD CHARACTERISTICS TRANSISTOR REGION Figure 4.27 shows the anode characteristics of a MGT01200. There are two regions of operation. At very low values of gate and anode current, the anode current is controlled by continuous gate drive. The anode characteristic is similar to a darlington BJT with base-emitter shunt resistance. The device does not latch, but its current gain increases as the anode current is made larger. Higher gate drive lowers the on-state resistance and forward voltage drop in this region and at moderately higher currents. THYRISTOR REGION When the anode current exceeds the latching current, the device enters the thyristor region of operation. The device saturates, allowing the anode current to be determined by the external load circuit. The gate current must momentarily exceed the minimum trigger current threshold to achieve operation in this region. Additional gate drive provides little benefit in reducing forward voltage after latching takes place and the anode current becomes large in comparison to the gate current. TJ .... JG = 80 mA ffi .... 140 120 a: a: w 0 0 <[ 0 0 '"....'"c: 80 !;( 60 '" .£' 40 w '" \. " "' ~ 20 -40 -20 r-- ~ 0 20 40 60 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1°C) 100 120 (al. Typical Gate Trigger Current 1.05 en ':; 1 ~ 0.9 5 ~ 0.90 <[ \ ~ VD RL 1""- f'.-. 0.7 5 ~ 0.7 0 '"'" '" > 0.5 1 1.5 ANODE TO CATHODE VOLTAGE IVOLTS) ~ ""'" 0.65 0.60 0.55 ~ = 12 V = 1.40- - ..... b" ~ -40 - 20 0 20 40 60 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1°C) 100 120 (bl. Typical Gate Trigger Voltage (al. On-State Threshold Characteristic Figure 4.28. GTO Trigger Characteristics versus Temperature 20 RGK = VD = 12V RL = 1.40 ~ ffi 100 '"'"~ TRANSISTOR REGION IACTIVE) " _ _- - - - - I G = 20 mA IG = 1 mA ;z ~ ffi 0.80 THYRISTOR REGION ISATURATED) = 25°C 100 « ffi :::> u ':; « a: a: :::> u 180 §; 0.8 5 200 E. « E. 160 00 E. .... z w ~ 10 u w 0 0 ;z <[ 0 0 I 500 1000 1500 2000 ANODE TO CATHODE VOLTAGE IVOLTS) (bl. Off-State Forward Blocking Characteristic Figure 4.27. GTO Anode Characteristics TURN-ON SWITCHING Reliable triggering of the GTO requires that the turnon gate current and voltage exceed the maximum specified values. Triggering requirements increase at low temperatures as shown in Figure 4.28. Consequently, the drive circuit should be designed to supply the needed drive at the lowest anticipated operating temperature. For example, to guarantee turn-on at - 40°C, both the 900 rnA and 1.5 volt conditions must be met simultaneously. The GTO's turn-on drive circuit load line should fall outside the 900 mA box in Figure 4.29. The maximum load line is set by the peak-forward gate-power rating and must lie within this safe operating area. At high operating frequencies or with continuous gate drive, average gate power will increase and needs to be kept within the three watt rating. Standard thyristor practice has been to improve reliability and reduce dildt failures by using a peak gate current two to ten times the minimum gate trigger current. This is a recommended practice in applications having a fast anode current rise rate and will reduce turn-on time and switching losses. The peak repetitive gate power rating sets the upper limit to the amount of gate overdrive that can be used to speed device turn-on. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-15 • 50 ie ::E $ '"" zw PEAK GATE POWER 10 WAr::.F I,...- AVERAGE GATE POWER 3 WAn 20 ......... 10 a: a: u ~ .......... t;i <.:> 'r--..,. 40°C ~~ !z w z 0.5 f:::~~ I-i-:'ui >! z 0.2 1-1"'<':> CI) ~ <.:> 0 • ~ ~~ ~5 <.:> '"" <.:» za: ~~ 25"C >! CI) ~~ > ~!'C> 1= 0.5 1 5 2 INSTANTANEOUS GATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 0.2 MGT01000 , 2p.s ..... <.:> 0.1 Et"o 0.05 1'=<':> 0.1 i'- ui The rate of GTO turn-on increases regeneratively with anode current. Moderate gate drive amplitudes result in comparable delay and rise times. Gate overdrive shortens the delay time (Figure 4.31) and should be used wherever the GTO is likely to face turn-on stress. Device regeneration improves the rise time versus current characteristic, causing it to be very flat with little slowdown at higher currents (Figure 4.32). GTOs switch quickly even under high overload conditions. 10 I I "- r-- ~, " Figure 4.29. GTO Firing Characteristics -,.... ......... ~ The gate current rise time should be faster than the anode current rise time to aid in spreading current conduction (Figure 4.30). During turn-on, the gate input impedance of the GTO appears inductive. Applications involving fast, high anode current spikes require measures to minimize the parasitic cathode inductance in the gate drive current loop. High values of turn-on diG/dT are most easily achieved by driving the gate with a high voltage compliance current source to overcome the gate circuit inductance. ~ diG", 10 (lJp.s 300 - d T 200 ns - VD = aDo V ~ FIRING CIRCUIT LOADLINE MUST FALL OUTSIDE BOX FOR CHOSEN MIN TJ AND INSIDE THE (V. I) CONSTRAINTS SET BY THE AVERAGE AND PEAK GATE POWER. I TJ START = 25°C - o IA = 75A= - -- tr ............. td 3 4 5 7 PEAK GATE CURRENT (AMPS) 10 Figure 4.31. Effect of Peak Gate Current on Turn-On Time MGT01000 2.0 I I ton = td + tr_ .....- V MGT01000 - -- tr ~ d = 7 (lJp.s T ,- ".' I-"' ..... ...... V V /1' V t ~ = 225 . / ::;( _r dT V dl l --71d~ = V ./ o 10 20 30 - ! - -......- TJ = 25°C_ VD = 800 V 22.5 (lJp.s 40 50 60 IA(AMPS) 70 I I aD /' 0.7 !:ll IG(pk) = 6A - 7/, _~ ~ = 0.1 p.s ,........, 1.0 90 100 ~ 0.5 , /' 0.3 0.2 / -- tr ~ / / m w I-- ~ ~ - I-"" -- TJ = 125°C VD = 80DV - IG(pk) = 6A _ dlG/dT = 7 AIp.s 40 50 60 M ANODE CURRENT (AMPS) 80 80 Figure 4.32. Typical Turn-On Switching Speed versus Anode Current Figure 4.30. Turn-On Speed versus Gate Current Rise Time ,', ".J. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-16 100 The GTO has excellent di/dt capability and may not require a series anode inductance to slow the current rise time (Figure 4.33). It is capable of switching an 800 volt, 100 ampere resistive turn-on load line (Figure 4.34). The temperature coefficient of the GTO's turn-on switching loss and on-state voltage is outstanding (Figure 4.35). The difference between room temperature and high temperature operation is nearly negligible at moderate to high currents. A dozen GTOs operated in parallel can switch a one megawatt pulse. • VD = 800 V, IA(pk) = 100 A, TJ START = 125°C GATE CURRENT = 1 AlDiv, ANODE CURRENT = 20 AlDiv ANODE VOLTAGE = 100 V/Div, I = 200 ns/Div Id = 720 ns, Ir = 720 ns, E(onl = 12.8 mJ, dlG/dT = 7 AI p.s Figure 4.34. GTO Turn-On Waveform (Nonrepetitive) MGT01000 IA MGT01000 Turn-On Snubber Discharge Transient. Inductive Load II I 1 0.2 p.s/Div, 10 AlDiv, f = 60 Hz, TC = 40°C,IA(pkl = 70 A, Cs = 0.05/LF RS = 4.5 Ohm, Vc INITIAL = 770 V, IGF(pkl = 16 A, dIGl:JdT = 18 AI p.s dlAidT = 150 Alp.s, TURN·ON ENERGY = 5.7 mJ ~Id Ui l(onllA = 100 A / I/I(on) IA = 50 A / Ir 100A 50A tr,IA l~A- -'- 307 w . ~ ~ 0.5 , (a) ......... td = 50A 0.3 I 0.2 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI VD = 800 V, IGF(pkl 105 115 dIGF' = 6 A. Or = 7 AI p.s Figure 4.35. Typical Turn-On Switching Time versus Temperature Junction (b) IN INVERTER APPLICATION DIODE RECOVERY, CURRENT AND SNUBBER CHARGING CONTRIBUTE TO GTO TURN·ON STRESS. Figure 4.33. GTO Transient Handling Ability MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-17 125 • with a lower impedance element to rapidly supply the latching current when the power losses are not prohibitive. ITSM The non-repetitive sine wave surge characteristic (Figure 4.36) is intended to describe the capability of the GTO under unexpected fault conditions, such as those resulting from a short circuited load. Current surges of this magnitude should not be common or normal in the application. Under these conditions, the peak junction temperature will exceed the maximum rating and the part may not block voltage or regain gate control during, or immediately following, the surge. Operation at junction temperatures exceeding the maximum is permissible for short time periods, and the part will maintain its rated characteristics when the temperature returns to normal. This type of rating is traditional for thyristor devices and is included in the GTO ratings to allow comparison and to provide a measure of the extreme current conducting capability of the device. Protecting the device in these circumstances will be done by fuses rather than by its gate control capability. Interruption of the anode current is mandatory if the anode current exceeds the gate maximum non-repetitive current rating. An attempt at a gate controlled turn-off at currents above this level may cause the device to fail catastrophically. ~ 1000 700 ~ 15 a:: ~ ~ 500 a:: - ~ ~ >= u. fb~ "i' z o z ~ l"- i- ::::: ~ " U) a.. ::;; S IL I" 2 .... ~ ~ MGT01200 ~ ::;) u ~ z 1 « IH/ 7 O. 5 0.4 ~ '" 0 II ~ i"".. ~ ./ V -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) CONDITIONS: VD = 12 V RGK = 00 GATE PW = 10 f.LS ~ ...... 1-" 121 ...... 0 10 0.2 !\. 100 120 ANODE PW = 300 ILS f=60Hz IG(pk) = 1 A ITSM 300 200 100 70 0 o~ 3 Figure 4.37. Typical Latching Current "- ::;) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 --4:= 1 - I 111111 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.1 2 3 5 PULSE WIDTH TIME (ms) Continuous gate drive throughout the conduction cycle at an amplitude above the maximum specified IGT value can also be used to prevent holding failure in situations where the load current could fluctuate to an unusual degree. However, this technique results in reduced drive efficiency. Figure 4.38 illustrates an adapter that allows pulsed measurement of GTO latching and holding current on a Tektronix 576/176 curve tracer. 1- 10 20 Figure 4.36. Non-Repetitive Surge Characteristic LATCHING Optimum GTO drive efficiency requires latching. This permits the reduction ofthe on-gate pulse width and duty cycle and results in lower average gate power. GTO latching currents are higher than those of SCR devices. The gate current must be held at a value above IGT until the anode current exceeds the latching value. Latching current depends on junction temperature (Figure 4.37) and is highest at low temperatures. The snubber discharge current can be used to aid in achieving latching when the load is strongly inductive and the anode current rise would otherwise be slow. In this case, the snubber discharge time constant must be selected to maintain the anode current above the latching value until the load current rises sufficiently to achieve the holding state. Alternatively, it may be feasible to shunt inductive loads FORWARD BLOCKING The blocking equation can be modified to include the effects of avalanche multiplication. The turn-on criterion becomes: ICX IA = 1 _ (VRNBO}N _ aNPN _ aPNP N "" 1 to 5 Avalanche multiplication works in conjunction with the device alphas to increase the possibility of unwanted turn-on, particularly at high voltages and high temperatures where alpha increases as a function of both leakage current and temperature. The GTO and SCR share this blocking model. However, the GTO uses anode shorting techniques which reduce aPNP below that of an SCR. While blocking, conduction of the NPN transistor portion of the device is supported mainly through the anode shorting resistance across the P-emitter-N-base junction. This improves high temperature leakage characteristics. In addition, the high forward blocking voltage of the GTO provides a voltage margin in applications which do not require its full voltage capability. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-18 MR510 0.5 n 20 J.'F ANODE SENSE~I--+---t~---, lN4004 ANODE POWER D------__I'v---II----....-t--oANODE POWER ~--o ANODE SENSE ...----0 GATE SENSE 0.27 lN914 BASE POWER o---<.--4Ii-....- -....-+---I~.....---o GATE POWER 176 ADAPTER PW = 300 J.'S flREPI = 60 Hz GTO UNDER TEST 300 300 OPTIONAL RGK lN914 .....- .....> - - - -.....---o CATHODE POWER EMITTER POWER o--~--~-EMITTER SENSE 0 OCATHODE SENSE Figure 4.38. Curve Tracer Adapter for Measurement of Pulsed Latching and Holding Current with Reduced Heating Tolerances The GTO exhibits sustaining voltage behavior (Figure 4.27) similar to that of a high voltage transistor. The anode current at high voltages depends on the effects of avalanche multiplication in the collector depletion layer and the transistor action. With the gate open-circuited, carriers freed by multiplication are acted upon by the NPN transistor gain, and result in lower blocking capability. Blocking voltage can be improved by 100 to 300 volts by providing a low gate termination resistance or, still better, a reverse bias. STATIC dv/dt(s) Under extreme conditions, unwanted GTO turn-on can result from a rapid anode voltage spike even if its amplitude is below the device breakover region. This is a result of the current induced through device selfcapacitance by the rapidly changing voltage. Snubber networks, which suppress rapid transients, are the common technique for preventing dv/dt(s) turn-on. At values above 2000 V/microsecond, the GTO tends to respond to displaced internal charge and to the amplitude of the applied voltage rather than its rate. In this case, lower peak voltages reduce the possibility of unwanted turn-on more effectively than direct suppression of the rate of voltage rise. dv/dt(s) performance depends strongly on the gate termination conditions. Low impedance values and gate reverse bias improve dv/dt(s) capability. Figure 4.39 shows the measurement circuit used. Figure 4.39. Test Circuit and dv/dt(s) Characteristics of a GTO 7 A. 13 DIFFERENTIAL PREAMP 7 A. 23 A STORAGE SCOPE GTO HEAT SINK HEATER POWER l---oD: : ---0 HP 214 A f = 10 Hz, PW = 100 J.tS 20 VISO n RANGE W&@j DISCONNECT HEATER POWER WHEN HIGH VOLTAGE APPLIED 20 k 10k lOW ALL RESISTORS 2 WCARBON UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED GTO UNDER TEST 220n 20 W NON.INDUCTIVE lN914 18V lN967A (a) Linear Static dv/dt(s) GTO Test Circuit : MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-19 0.47 1.2 kV KEPCO ABC + 1kV MTPN100 .... ' 0.47 1.2 kV WfN • 50K 30K REGION OF VO~TAGE MAGNITUDE DEPENDENT TURN·ON 10K 8K 5K :t :> i" • 3K VAKlpk) = 800 RGK = 300 n vI\. lK 800 200 V/Div, RGK = 39 n, TJ = 12BoC ' 500 ........ REGION OF VOLTAGE RATE IDE~ENpE~T Tp~~.O~ Figure 4,39(b). Double Exposure Showing Static dv/dt(s) Waveforms 1,1 1 95 100 105 110 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1°C) 115 MGT01000 Typical Figure 4.39(e). MGT01000 Typical Linear dv/dt(s) 150 ~14O ~130 ~ 120 ili I- 110 If " ....... ....... ' F ~ 90 - :; = 25n5 80 -RGK = 300n 0 60 The GTO is an asymmetrical part. Because of its shorted anode structure, the GTO's reverse blocking volt· age capability is much lower than its capability in the forward direction. Its ability to block depends on the gate cathode termination conditions and approaches zero in circuits with no reverse gate voltage and zero ohms RGK. Applications requiring more than 15 volts reverse blocking capability require the addition of a series block· ing diode. This increases conduction losses because of the additional diode forward drop (Figure 4.40). Some applications will require reverse conducting capability. This is achieved by adding a "flywheel" or antiparallel diode with the necessary current handling ability and response time. ........ ~ 100 ::> REVERSE BLOCKING AND CONDUCTING ....... trv I I "'" " '\. 400 500 600 700 BOO 900 1000 VAK, PEAK ANODE TO CATHODE VOLTAGE IVOLTS) Figure 4,39(c). Linear dv/dt(s) MGT01000 Typical U 160 "-- 150 ~ 140 \. ~ 130 I\. If 120 ~ 110 ~ 100 B 90 r- VAKlpk) = 1000 V §5 80 r- dv/dtls) = 40 kVI JLS ......... :. 70 rLINEAR ,::' 6Or5Or- VGR = 0 VOLT 40 10 100 RGK, GATE·CATHODE RESISTANCE 10HMS) "- .... GTO GTO SERIES BLOCKING DIODE -... Figure 4.39(d). MGT01000 Typical RGK to Prevent dv/dt(s) Turn-On ANTI·PARALLEL DIODE 1k REVERSE BLOCKING REVERSE CONDUCTING Figure 4.40. Modification of GTO Reverse Characteristic MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-20 The GTO is a minority-carrier controlled device. Turnoff requires that the excess carriers stored in both base regions be removed or allowed to. recombine. An optimum turn-off drive circuit will apply a reverse bias across the gate-cathode junction for at least the entire duration of the anode transient or until a steady state blocking voltage results. Since blocking and immunity to dv/dt transients are improved by reverse bias. it is desirable to keep the gate-cathode junction reverse biased throughout the off period. TURN-OFF SWITCHING Inductive load switching results in a fast "kickback" voltage pulse. increasing stress on the switching device. Under these circumstances. preventing device failure is a paramount concern. Because simultaneous high voltages. currents and junction temperatures result during the turn-off transient. optimization of the drive circuit is recommended to reduce energy loss and improve efficiency. GTO performance depends on the drive and anode circuit conditions. Figure 4.41 illustrates typical switching performance. GTO MEASUREMENT AND DEVICE PROTECTION SWITCHING MEASUREMENT Figure 4.42 illustrates the drive circuit and terminal conditions used to evaluate GTO switching parameters. Figure 4.43 shows the circuit used for GTO turn-on and turnoff switching tests. However. a resistive load and a high voltage supply replaced the inductor, clamp and low voltage supply used for turn-off measurements. The snubber is used in both turn-on and turn-off measurements. It is important not to turn off the driver bias supplies while the anode circuit is still energized. Doing so will cause device failure by starving the reverse gate current. TC = 125'C. Cs = 0.068I-'F. LG = 2 I-'H, RG = 3 n Vo = 800 Vlpk).IA = 60 Apk. PW = 100 I-'s, VGR = 12 V f = 50 Hz, LA = 38 I-'H, 0.5 !-'SIOiv, 10 AlOiv, 100 VIOiv (a). GTO Snubbed Inductive Load Turn-Off DESCRIPTION OF THE MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT A coil charge time of 150 microseconds was used for the turn-off measurements to insure complete GTO saturation and to provide worst case switching estimates characteristic of saturated mode switching. Turn-off is initiated by applying reverse voltage from a low impedance source through a gate current slowdown (dlG/dT = VGR/LG) inductor. On the anode side of the circuit. a polarized snubber was used. Turn-off dv/dt is determined by the snubber and can be solved for as: dv/dt(c) = Ipk/C. The size of the anode inductor depends on the desired peak anode current. This inductor must be selected to maintain the flyback voltage duration beyond the tail time of the GTO. More inductance is required for lower test currents. The size of the inductor can be estimated by: TC = 125'C, IAlpk) = 110 A Vo = 240 Vlpk). PW = 100!-'S. f = 10 Hz 1 J.tSi0iv, 20 AlOiv, 50 VIOiv, LA = lOI-'H LG = 2 I-'H. RG = 3 n, VGR = 12 V L> (toff x Vcl amp ) Ilpk The clamp was used to insure accurate definition of the GTO peak anode voltage rise. This improves measurement repeatability. prevents avalanche of the GTO and provides freedom in the selection ofthe load inductor size. Without a clamp. the peak voltage will approach L ) 112 Vpk = Ipk ( Cs (b), GTO Unsnubbed Inductive Load Turn-Off Figure 4,41. GTO Turn-Off Switching Under Inductive Loads MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-21 • 6,680 I NOTE: SHORT THE 1N758 DIODES FOR USE WITH IEC F34 ± 5 V FUNCTION GENERATOR V J SO~,,~ PREM SPE109 I~ 0.01 II + 10TO 15 V j "'" MJ4237 1.5 1/2W • lN4933 . SET I PLATEAU 10 1/2W 0.47 lN4933 " a 4,560 10V " lN758 t:.o + 33 \L JI 1 0.001 43 \, 18V ':~ 2.2000 ~ f' lN5248 20V ~ -=- lN914 .. lN758 ~ l~V j 120 ~ lN4933 1. CO~+ UOUS ON·DRIVE OUTP UT PULSED ON DRIVE OUTPUT / "' 0.47 MTM60MO~1 ~ D 100 \1 ~r 18V 4.560 lN4933 S 1 25 V lN5248 ( 10TO 15V + Figure 4.42. GTO Laboratory Driver. All R's 2 W NonInductive. (4,560) Indicates Parallel Resistor Combination. All Capacitors p.F unless otherwise noted. PEARSON MODEL 4.11 MR 760 33.50 WATT NON·INDUCTIVE +4---, ++4---.--..J VCC Cs Rl NON· INDUCTIVE VGR = 12 V IT = 50 A(pkl IG(pkl = 6A lG=2J.'H Cs = SPECIFIED VALUE VCC = SPECIFIED VALUE PW = 150 fJS f = 10Hz ADJUST Rl AS REQUIRED FOR IT(pkl ~ _ (0.81 (6 AI dT trUGI (a). Resistive Switching Test Circuit (Turn-On) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-22 ++ TO GTO GATE VGR OUTPUT / -::!:91 ~ 2N6190 SOV j 1.5 91 \,~ lav 2.2000 , ; 20 V 91 P1770 1/2W + 1 kO SET IpEAK V2N6274 " 91 0.45 ~ Pl423 ......... MJ4237 001 ' >- L ,..,., 91 HP214 0.5 680 PL82 2N5336 1 ~25V '"' 10 V lN758 r +20V ... 20 PEARSON MODEL 411 VGR = 12 V IT = 50Alpkl LG=2/LH Cs AS SPECIFIED PW = 150 JLS f = 10 Hz ADJUST Vee FOR SPECIFIED IT 33,50 WATT NON-INDUCTIVE MR 760 SCOPE = TEK 7623A P6007 x 100 V PROBE CLAMP +-----, 'CLAMP: TRANSIENT SUPPRESSOR ZENER SERIES STACK, lN6292 OR 1.5 KE75 ADJUSTED FOR SPECIFIED Vlpkl VCC 0-60 V Cs ++-----.~~ (b). Inductive Switching Test Circuit (Turn-Off) Figure 4_43_ GTO Test Circuit This is due to a shortening of the storage and fall time, which reduces the number of charge carriers injected from the P-emitter and the proportion recovered through the gate. The maximum value of steady-state gate reverse bias is limited by the avalanche of the gate-cathode junction and by the gate maximum ratings_ Typical GTO gatecathode voltage breakdowns are large to facilitate turnoff. Driving the gate-cathode junction beyond avalanche does not benefit switching and only serves to increase the gate power dissipation, reduce drive efficiency and raise junction temperature_ TURN-OFF PARAMETERS AND CHARACTERISTICS OGO is the amount of charge per turn-off cycle removed from the gate of the GTO through the storage and fall time intervals (Figure 4.44). A small amount of additional charge will be removed because of current tailing. For constant LG and VGR, 0GO is directly proportional to the peak anode current prior to turn-off. Higher values of VGR will increase the peak gate reverse current (IGO) and lower the turn-off gain (BR) but will not rapidly increase the total recovered charge. MGT01200 70 ~ ..... t!:> 60 en i ..... ..... ..... ..... Cl.. o0 10 4...,V ---::::: Isi_ ~ /;.--- f---': V ",/ c:::::- V-- '7 ~ /"'" ~ _Iii ::-V-TJ = 125"C 1 .!:' m 10 4.5 l - - ~ P"'IT!P_ IGJ 15 a: g10~ o 800 l- as 40 a a: :I: 25 w ~ 50 50 PEAK ANODE CURRENT lAMPS I Cs = O.l/LF, Vlpkl RG = 3 n, VGR = 12 V, PW = 70 o 80 800 V, TJ = 125"C, LG = 2/LH = 150 JLS Figure 4.44. Typical Turn-Off Dynamics (Inductive Load) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-23 0.95 • • The gate current slowdown inductor, LG, influences most of the turn-off parameters. This inductor, along with the reverse turn-off voltage supply, determines the rate of change of gate current during the initial part of the turn-off transient, until the rising gate-cathode impedance dominates the current response and stops the linear ramp. LG provides an additional momentary inductive voltage kick that aids the turn-off voltage supply by avalanching the gate cathode junction at the moment the reverse gate current reaches maximum and begins its rapid decline. This aids in preventing the attenuation of the reverse gate current by the rising cathode impedance. The duration of this pulse can be adjusted by adding a clamping resistor across the gate inductor. This technique maximizes the instantaneous turn-off voltage without the drawbacks associated with the use of a high VGR supply. LG is also a gate-cathode recovery slow-down inductor. When it slows the rise of the reverse gate current, it also delays the recovery of the gate-cathode junction, which leads to longer storage and fall times. Those effects can be undesirable. Still, there are benefits from the use of LG. They include preventing early recovery ofthe cathode emitter at only those regions near the gate periphery. LG reduces localized heating and helps hold the die temperature even. When the GTO begins the turn-off process, reverse gate current and the internal lateral voltage drop focus the current into the area under the center of the cathode emitter stripes. If the current density and applied voltage go high enough, localized heating will permanently damage the device. The gate recovery slowdown inductor helps prevent this by reducing and delaying the instantaneous amplitude of the reverse gate current to insure a more homogenous turn-off of the cathode. When LG and VGR are constant, the peak gate reverse current in the GTO will increase slowly with anode current as shown in Figure 4.44. The turn-off gain can be raised by using a larger LG, which also results in a longer storage time. QGQ increases slightly for larger LG values because of the increase in ts. Consequently, it is not necessary to greatly increase the drive to the GTO to achieve operation in overload situations. The peak reverse gate current that must be conducted by the turn-off drive transistor can be reduced by the selection of larger values of LG. However, this will not reduce the average current required from the turnoff supply. In other words, there are counter balancing considerations in selecting the gate recovery inductor. It should be small to reduce storage time and dissipation during fall time, but it should be large to improve switching energy handling ability, gate drive efficiency and turn-off gain. The reverse gate current will usually be higher than the reverse base current in similar darlington drive configurations. However the peak current flows for only a few microseconds and does not require the drive circuit to handle high average current or power. The reverse gate charge recovered from a GTO compares favorably with that observed in darlingtons with turn-off speed-up diodes. Control of ITLP and the tail time duration is of particular importance in inductive switching applications because the anode voltage is often very high and the "tail" can result in heating and device failures. Larger values of LG result in reductions in tail current magnitude. The increase in dissipated energy during the resulting longer fall time counterbalances the benefits of reduced tail time dissipation and also suggests an upper limit on the size of LG. LG must be small enough to permit enough reverse gate current to exceed the threshold necessary to unsaturate the device and start turn-off. The peak reverse gate power rating may set the lower limit to the size of the gate inductor in some applications. Reverse gate current can approach the magnitude of the anode current and lead to gate failure if no limiting is used. In some situations, it may be better to have a slower current fall time. High turn-off dildt can lead to increased GTO voltage stress due to increased parasitic inductance in the snubber and clamp circuits, which can cause overshoot when these elements are switched on (Figure 4.45). These spikes can be largely eliminated by circuit layout techniques which are not difficult at the 50 ampere level. The tail current is a function of the peak anode current prior to turn off, junction temperature and the rate-ofrise' of the anode voltage. It increases with any of these. LA Lcp DC LSp ; LUMPED PARASITIC SNUBBER INDUCTANCE RS LCp; LUMPED PARASITIC CLAMP INDUCTANCE + VCLAMP VCLAMP DUE TO SNUBBER LOOP INDUCTANCE-LAP, LKP, LSp DUE TO DC, REV RECOVERY ABERRATIONS IN THE FlYBACK VOLTAGE WAVEFORM CAUSE INCREASED POWER DISSIPATION AND GTO STRESS. THIS PROBLEM CAN BE REDUCED BY LAYOUT TECHNIQUES AND COMPONENT SELECTION TO MINIMIZE THE PARASITICS SHOWN. Figure 4.45. Effects of Undesirable Parasitic Circuit and Component Inductance at Turn-Off Time MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-24 Figure 4.46 is a plot of power versus time for an operating GTO. The first peak in the curve corresponds to the fall time and the second, larger peak to the tail time. In the example, the tail time is the major contributor to turnoff energy dissipation. Similar waveforms were integrated to generate the switching loss curves (Figure 4.49). 5000.----,r----r--,-,--,--,---,--r--r-.., E45001---+---f-/-:I:~,.---+--+-t---+--t-+--f ~ 40001--1--+-+ /-+--'lI--I--+-+--I----t--I At higher voltages, unsnubbed operation allows much less peak anode current. However, the continuing drop in permitted maximum current takes place at a much slower rate. The snubber limits the rate of anode voltage rise and changes the shape of the turn-off load line, causing the locus of instantaneous (Va, la) coordinates traversed by the GTO to pass through lower power values. Lower dv/dt(c) speeds turn off due to reduced Miller effect and provides additional time for the GTO to reduce its current before having to withstand high voltage. This brings the turn-off load line (V, I) locus of points below the instantaneous capability of the device. ~ 35001---+-+-/1-+---+1\r--+--+-+--+--t--I 2 30001--A1f----II'---+-+~+--t-_t--t-+-, r ~ "- ~ 2500~/1--k-1'\-/_ft_---jf__-+---l'<--'\.+--+--+---+----i ~ 2000 ~ 1500 I V ~ 1000h~/+_--I-_+-+_--I-_+__'Io'\.+-__I--+___l ~ 5001l1/- + - + - - t - _ t - - t - - + - ,........... -=="-10=-+-, ---r-.0.4 O.B 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 t, TIME (/LS) 2.B 3.2 3.6 100 7 5 Cs C1 Cs ~ '%~A'- 2 Cs C4 C5 Cs C6 0 7C= UNSNUBBED T 2 TJ ,,;; 125°C 1 PW = 100/LS 7 LG=2/LH 5 VGR = -12 VOLT Figure 4.46. Turn-Off Power versus Time 2 SWITCHING SAFE OPERATING AREA Figure 4.47 describes the switching SOA capability of the GTO. The turn-off capability of the device is shown to be determined by the snubber size and dv/dt. The unsnubbed operating limit has a voltage sensitive roll-off characteristic similar to the second breakdown derating shown on power transistor safe operating area (SOA) curves. Since the clamped unsnubbed inductive switching loadline is nearly square, it represents the instantaneous (V, I) handling capability of the device. The initial roll-off shown on the graph has a steeper slope than a constant power line. This is thought to be the result of the SOA capability of the GTO. 1 Cs MGT01000,M C1 0.20/LF 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.022 0.Q1 t- C2 E != i= C3 C4 C5 C6 T MGT01200,M MGTOl400,M 0.10/LF 0.06B 0.05 0.022 0.Q1 0.005 SNUBBED ~ = IA(pk) dt(c) 100 CS 200 300 400 500 600 700 BOO 900 PEAK ANODE TO CATHODE VOLTAGE VDRM (VOLTS) 1000 NOTE: IN BRIDGE INVERTER CONFIGURATIONS THE UPPER AND LOWER SNUBBER CAPACITORS ARE IN PARALLEL PERMITIING A SNUBBER;;. ¥ WHEN STRAY INDUCTANCE IS KEPT LOW. UNSNUBBED OPERATION IS NOT RECOMMENDED ALTHOUGH HIGH CURRENTS AT LOW VOLTAGES CAN BE SWITCHED GIVEN WELL DEFINED LOAD CONDITIONS. THE USE OF A SMALL SNUBBER INSURES THAT THE WORST CASE dv/dt STRESS IS KNOWN. Figure 4.47. Maximum Gate Controlled Interruptable Current (Rating is Non-Repetitive at I > 50 Al MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-25 C3- - Cs ~~.---CS 5 PEAK ANODE CURRENT = 50 A, AVERAGE ANODE CURRENT = 17.1 A TC = BloC, f = 1 kHz, Cs = 0.05/LF VCLAMP = BOO V, LA = 25 /LH, LG = 2 !-tH VGR = -15 V, TURN·OFF ENERGY = 7.B mJ C2 • • Power and energy dissipation in the GTO tends to be greatest during the tail time because the anode voltage is highest then and because the decay of the tail current is relatively slow in comparison to the fall time. The primary influences on the magnitude of tail current for a given set of gate drive parameters are temperature and dv/dt(c). Figure 4.48 shows how the anode current ramp is influenced by dv/dt(c). This current can be roughly modeled as the result of dv/dt across an equivalent capacitance. An abrupt failure will result if this current exceeds the SOA (V, I) capability of the GTO. A fo} N ::v.I Ilpk} - - - - - - , CEQ ~ dv CEQ dt < I SOA FAILURE ~----_Vlpk} Ib} Figure 4.48. dv/dt(c), SOA Model Of GTO Failure Like SCR devices, dv/dt effects in GTOs increase rapidly at junction temperatures at or above 125°C. The use of larger heat sinks to control the worst case TJ will provide significant increases in the switching safety margin. It is desirable to minimize the snubber capacitance to improve circuit efficiency and allow higher switching speeds. The stored energy in the snubber capacitor is dissipated in the snubber resistor each cycle when RCD snubbers are used. This makes the snubber loss directly proportional to frequency. However, the snubber capacitor must be large enough to prevent turn-off failure under the worst case conditions. A polarized snubber provides effective dv/dt limiting by providing an alternative path for the load current which is diverted into the snubber. Most of the stored energy in the load inductance is transferred to the snubber capacitor where its charging aids in limiting the kickback voltage. The snubber diode must be capable of conducting the peak anode current and blocking the peak voltage. The snubber resistor is used to limit the component of anode current supplied from the charged snubber capacitor at GTO turn-on during the next conduction cycle, and to prevent turn-on di/dt failure. The snubber RC time constant must be selected to insure that the snubber capacitor fully discharges during the minimum GTO conduction time. Failure to achieve a low voltage initial condition will result in higher than anticipated anode voltages and dv/dt stress when the anode voltage abruptly flies up to the remaining capacitor voltage at turn-off time. Measurement and application circuits using polarized snubbers and/or clamps should minimize the wiring inductance to these components to prevent overshoot in the anode voltage. These elements will be small enough to permit installation in close proximity to the GTO. The effects of parasitic inductance become more prominent at high current levels, requiring increased attention to management of current parasitics. FAULT PROTECTION The IT(CSM) rating is a measure of a GTO's ability to interrupt the current in a load under fault conditions. This allows overload protection of the GTO by means of its own gate turn-off capability. Switched voltage source applications require the addition of a current slow down inductor to prevent excessive anode current rise before turn-off time. The ability of the GTO to self protect depends on its storage time and IT(CSM) capability as well as the speed of the fault detection and shut-down circuit. Storage time increases with the anode current and is roughly proportional to the square root of the peak current prior to turn-off. Snubber design must consider fault conditions as well as normal repetitive operation. Turn-off cannot be attempted until the snubber circuit has been nearly discharged at least several time constants after the beginning of device turn-on. Failure to initialize the snubber capacitor will lead to high dv/dt stress and probable device failure if a fault-initiated shutdown takes place early in the conduction cycle. Options for the protection of the GTO depend on the abruptness and severity of overload. Higher fault currents are allowable when device protection is accomplished by fusing techniques that rely on the device 12t capability. Gate turn-off must not be attempted at currents above the IT(CSM) value if device destruction is to be avoided. POWER DISSIPATION AND HEAT SINK DESIGN The GTO is designed to operate at peak junction temperatures of 125°C or less. The management of maximum peak instantaneous junction temperature is particularly important at turn-off time because the stress on the device and the possibility of failure is greatest then. Conventional SCR phase control curves do not require forward blocking capability until the beginning of the next ac cycle and allow operation at instantaneous junction temperatures exceeding 125°C. The GTO may be required to turn off, withstand high dv/dt stress and forward block at any time in its conduction wave form. In addition, it may be operated at high frequencies where the power dissipation due to switching losses is a major component of the total average power. Actual GTO devices exhibit superior extreme high temperature blocking capability "'~ :, : .. ' ", ,- . MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-26 " f ...:>: • and are capable of operation at higher temperatures than SCR units. However, the conditions of use will often place more stringent requirements on GTO devices. Consequently, a conservative approach to heat sink design and thermal control is advisable. GTO phase control rating curves showing average current, power dissipation and allowable case temperature versus conduction angle, are similar to SCR curves. These curves describe operation from an ac line or chopping a dc source at variable duty cycle under low frequency conditions where switching power is negligible and the assumption of a current pulse with zero rise and fall time is valid. These curves do not adequately describe peak pulse device capability when inductive, capacitive or high-frequency switching is involved. Figure 4.49 allows estimation of the heat sink requirement under pulsed and higher frequency conditions. The total power that must be dissipated in the heat sink is given by: 100 f= TJ 125°C VOIRXM) 400 I- IGFlpk) = 6 A r- dlGF/dT = 7 AI/'S f: Vo r;; "::;; ~ .... 1l:i a:: a:: :::> u z 10 a Z a:: f---, ....:::> « '"w "- 1 V ~ ~V - ="X" I-- MGT01000,M MG T012oo,M MG T01400,M 100 1 10 ENERGY IMILLIJOULES) 0.1 Figure 4.49(bl. Maximum Energy Per Pulse at Turn-On Ptotal = Pt(on) + Ptf+ Ptail + Pconduction + Pgate + Pleakage Poff = Ptf + Ptail P(AV) = Energy per cycle/Time per cycle .... z w Wave shapes departing from those described may require multiplication and integration of the operating voltage and current waveforms in the actual application. Peak TJ can be estimated using the transient thermal response graph (Figure 4.49g) and the method for finding the temperature at the end of the N + 1 pulse in a rectangular pulse train. Non-rectangular pulses can be modeled as an equal energy rectangular pulse at the same peak power. This provides a worst case high junction temperature estimate. Refer to Motorola Application Note AN569 "Transient Thermal Resistance - General Data and Its Use" for more information. !l§ ~ 10 B.O ~~~. 8 5.0 ~ ~ 3.0 2.0 'IG = 300 ffi ~ w I'\. 90 ~ 70 llJJI 0.01 ~ ! 40 ::;; 30 :::> ::;; 20 ~ f - - =TJ f-- - /' I\, o -SO ?' /' 1.0 \. /' /" 0.20/LF 0.15 JLF V/, "- 0.10/LF ~ 0.05/LF 0.022/LF II 10 20 IT, PEAK ANODE CURRENT (AMPS) 0.2 \ 75 25 50 100 TC, CASE TEMPERATURE 1°C) ./ ~ ~ "\ :/' \. -25 10 ?I I 0.01 iF ROJC = 1°C/W 0 1.0 125°C -NO SNUB~ER \ 0 0.1 PW, PULSE WIDTH Ims) Vlpk) = 700 V, VGR = 12 V, LG = 2/LH,RG = 3.0 PW 100 /'S, D < 2% 10 '\. ~ 60 co t, _ _ E_ VF ITM Figure 4.49(cl. Conduction Energy Per Pulse \. BO V.#.NU: < tw > L-TJ~=~12~50C~_...-..J....L.ll.LIL~-.1.....l...I1J..LlIJ..L.1.'HJ.U>...---3L... '\JJ -,--I'Io..ueJ 1.0 0.001 20 100 X'b"\ mAcoj,tinuolus~ 1 125 50 Figure 4.49(dl. MGT01000,M Turn-Off Energy (Inductive Loadl Figure 4.49(al. Average Power Derating '" . . "" . MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-27 100 • V(pk) = 1100 V. VGR = 12 V. LG = 2 JLH. RG = 30 fW = 100 JLS. D < 2% ~ ~TJ ..- ~~ 125°C 0.1 pI0.068 pI- ..- "x. "..- C 0.0) JLF 0.005/LF W ~V IX V ~ ~v. • 0.05 JLF0.022 JLF NO SNUBBER 3 10 IT. PEAK ANODE CURRENT (AMPS) 3 100 50 !;;1 ~ ffi ~ Q «w :;;~ ~~ 50 100 Figure 4.49(fl. MGT01400.M Turn-Off Energy (Inductive Loadl Figure 4.49(el. MGT01200,M Turn-Off Energy (Inductive Loadl 1.0 0.7 0.5 10 IT. PEAK ANODE CURRENT (AMPS) .- 0.3 1--- ...... 0.2 V 0.1 :: €§ 0.07 Z8JC(t) - R8JC • r(t) ~ ~0.05 I ~ ./ 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10 20 30 t, TIME (ms) 50 100 200 300 Figure 4.49(gl. Thermal Response MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-28 500 1.0 k 2.0 k 3.0 k 5.0 k 10 k POTENTIAL CIRCUIT APPLICATIONS FOR GTO DEVICES Optimum GTO characteristics vary with the generic application and specific circumstances of usage. Consult the factory regarding your specific needs. HIGH FREQUENCY ae IN 1 Y • HIGH FREQUENCY aeOUT SNUBBER 1 Figure 4.50. GTO dv/dt(c) Permits Solid State Switching At High Frequencies +S -P ..."'t.. I de POWER RESET AND SNUB I I I I -P I I I SENSE l J V SENSE J-~ , I 1 -S Figure 4_51. dc Circuit Breaker with OVP Crowbar ae POWER Figure 4.52. GTO ac Circuit Breaker " ~ '~.' '.w ;. .. :3, .,;/ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-29 lOAD I r- ~~ ~ vaett ae LOAD ~ de LOAD • LS ~ . r- "" ~ 1 ~r- Figure 4.53. PWM Chopper for ae or de Load, Snubber with di/dt Limiting Inductor +Q-----~--------~------~-------, SPEED CONTROL Figure 4.54. de Motor Control 310 o---I-----t Figure 4.55. Variable Speed Reversible de Motor Control MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-30 r -PoLEl-r-l I ~. ~ ~ ~ LS RS I ~~ I I I I DS1 ~ I P~LEI J II 3¢ POLE 3 ~I" ~~ ~~ I I I ) DS2 '/ LL ..... ... ~I" ~ I I Cs I I " 1 I I II _ r' Co ~ / ~I" I I I I I I I L ______ -.J Figure 4.56. GTO Inverter for VWF Induction Motor Control or CVCF Service with Turn-On/Off Snubber and Voltage Clamping Vin +Q---..--.----, RECTIFIED LINE + j Figure 4.57. GTO Flyback Converter with Non-Dissipative LC Snubber Vin +---+-----------------, Figure 4.58. Half Bridge Converter MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-31 LOAD • - a Vin +o--_~ Figure 4.59. Push-Pull Converter Vin + 0 - -......- - - -......- - - - - - - - - , Figure 4.60. Full Bridge Converter , >--~ "" * ~ Figure 4.61. Series Resonant Power Supply Provides High Efficiency and Reduced RFI .~ > . ~~' .... " .~~.~: MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-32 .;.;: ~ ; . *".: Figure 4.62. PWM Softstart for Capacitor Input Filter Reduces Rectifier Start-Up Stress and Line Surge Figure 4.63. Double Edged Chopper Incandescent Lamp Dimmer Features Improved Line Regulation Figure 4.64. Three Phase PWM Rectifier Reduces Filter Size and Improves Input Power Factor , . ,/. ,,' " " :;' ,':;- MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-33 • +0---"""""'\ r - - - - H V 12 V • Figure 4.65. GTO Ignition System with Inductive Energy Storage Figure 4.66. High Power, High Frequency Strobe Light + Figure 4.67. GTO Radar Modulator Provides High Operating Voltage, Repetition Frequency, and Turn-Off Confidence. ",. ,~t .. ;;~. ," . ,' } ~; ~ ", ..... ..'" ~ ..'\:: :. ...,.~. ~ .~ ... ~. j$;'~ : ~. ," " .. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-4-34 : ;~ .. ~' . ~ .• .f, ,{ .," CHAPTER 5 SCR CHARACTERISTICS • ANODE SCR TURN-OFF CHARACTERISTICS In addition to their traditional role of power control devices, SCRs are being used in a wide variety of other applications in which the SCR's turn-off characteristics are important. As an example - reliable high frequency inverters and converter designs «20 kHz) require a known and controlled circuit-com mutated turn-off time (t q ). Unfortunately, it is usually difficult to find the turnoff time of a particular SCR for a given set of circuit conditions. This section discusses tq in general and describes a circuit capable of measuring t q . Moreover, it provides data and curves that illustrate the effect on tq when other parameters are varied, to optimize circuit performance. ANODE GATE ~ J1 N GATE J2 J3 N CATHODE CATHODE P·N·P·N STRUCTURE SCR TURN-OFF MECHANISM ANODE The SCR, being a four layer device (P-N-P-N), is represented by the two interconnected transistors, as shown in Figure 5.1. This regenerative configuration allows the device to turn on and remain on when the gate trigger is removed, as long as the loop gain criteria is satisfied; i.e., when the sum of the common base current gains (a) of both the equivalent NPN transistor and PNP transistor, exceed one. To turn off the SCR, the loop gain must be brought below unity, whereby the on-state principal current (anode current iT) limited by the external circuit impedance, is reduced below the holding current OH). For ac line applications, this occurs automatically during the negative going portion of the waveform. However, for dc applications (inverters, as an example), the anode current must be interrupted or diverted; (diversion of the anode current is the technique used in the tq test fixture described later in this application note). ANODE ITM + 01 + 161 = IC2 + IC1 = 162 02 GATE CATHODE CATHODE lWO TRANSISTOR MODEL Figure 5.1. Two Transistor Analogy of an SCR SCR TURN-OFF TIME tq Once the anode current in the SCR ceases, a period of time must elapse before the SCR can again block a forward voltage. This period is the SCR's turn-off time, t q , and is dependent on temperature, forward current, and other parameters. The turn-off time phenomenon can be understood by considering the three junctions that make up the SCR. When the SCR is in the conducting state, each of the three junctions is forward biased and the N . ~, .~ and P regions (base regions) on either side of J2 are heavily saturated with holes and electrons (stored charge). In order to turn off the SCR in a minimum amount of time, it is necessary to apply a negative (reverse) voltage to the device anode, causing the holes and electrons near the two end junctions, Jl and J3, to diffuse to these junctions. This causes a reverse current to flow through the SCR. When the holes and electrons near junc- ". MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-1 • tions J1 and J3 have been removed, the reverse current will cease and junctions J1 and J3 will assume a blocking state. However, this does not complete the recovery of the SCR since a high concentration of holes and electrons still exist near the center junction, J2. This concentration decreases by the recombination process and is largely independent of the external circuit. When the hole and electron concentration near junction J2 has reached some low value, junction J2 will assume its blocking condition and a forward voltage can, after this time, be applied without the SCR switching back to the conduction state. Itq MEASUREMENT When measuring SCR turn-off time, t q , it is first necessary to establish a forward current for a period of time long enough to ensure carrier equilibrium. This must be specified, since ITM has a strong effect on the turn-off time of the device. Then, the SCR current is reversed at a specified dildt rate, usually by shunting the SCR anode to some negative voltage through an inductor. The SCR will then display a "reverse recovery current," which is the charge clearing away from the junctions. A further waiting time must then elapse while charges recombine, before a forward voltage can be applied. This forward voltage is ramped up a specified dv/dt rate. The dv/dt delay time is reduced until a critical point is reached where the SCR can no longer block the forward applied voltage ramp. In effect, the SCR turns on and consequently, the ramp voltage collapses. The elapsed time between this critical point and the point at which the forward SCR current passes through zero and starts to go negative (reverse recovery phase), is the tq of the SCR. This is illustrated by the waveforms shown in Figure 5.2. tq GENERAL TEST FIXTURE The simplified circuit for generating these waveforms is schematically illustrated in Figure 5.3. This circuit is implemented with as many as eight transformers including variacs, and in addition to being very bulky, has been known to be troublesome to operate. However, the configuration is rei event and, in fact, is the basis for the design, as described in the following paragraphs. tq TEST FIXTURE BLOCK DIAGRAMS AND WAVEFORMS The block diagram of the tq Test Fixture, illustrated in Figure 5.4, consists of four basic blocks: A Line Synchronized Pulse Generator establishes system timing; a Constant Current Generator (variable in amplitude) powers the Device Under Test (OUT); a dildt Circuit controls the rate of change of the SCR turn-off current; and the dv/dt Circuit reapplies a controlled forward blocking voltage. Note from the waveforms illustrated that the di/dt circuit, in parallel with the OUT, diverts the constant current from the OUT to produce the described anode current ITM. tq TEST FIXTURE CHARACTERISTICS The complete schematic of the tq Test Fixture and the important waveforms are shown in Figures 5.5 and 5.6, respectively. One CMOS Hex Gate U1, Motorola type MC14572, is used as the Line Synchronized Pulse Generator, configured as a wave shaping Schmitt trigger, clocking two cascaded monostable multivibrators for delay and pulse width settings (Gates 1C to 1F). The result is a pulse generated every half cycle whose width and position di/dt ITM 50%ITM 50% IRM lOX I I ~ I I I a-trr I I" I VT I I VOX Iq dv/dt I Figure 5.2. SCR Current and Voltage Waveforms During Circuit-Commutated Turn-Off MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-2 ~____________IT____~~r)______________________.,~ 01 02 dv/dt di/dt r;-e---40~UT • _--' V1 Figure 5.3. Simplified tq Test Circuit (where on the cycle it triggers) are adjustable by means of potentiometers R2 and R3, respectively. The output pulse is normally set to straddle the peak of the ac line, which not only makes the power supplies more efficient, but also allows a more consistent oscilloscope display. This pulse shown in waveform A of Figure 5.6 initiates the tq test, which requires approximately 0.5 ms to assure the device a complete turn on. A fairly low duty cycle results, (approximately 5%) which is important in minimizing temperature effects. The repetitive nature of this test permits easy oscilloscope viewing and allows one to readily "walk in" the dv/dt ramp. This is accomplished by adjusting the appropriate potentiometer (R7) which, every 8.33 ms (every half cycle) will apply the dv/dt ramp at a controlled time delay. To generate the appropriate system timing delays, four RC integrating network/comparators are used, consisting of op-amps U2, U5 and U6. Op-amp U2A, along with transistor 02, opto-coupler U4 and the following transistors 06 and 07, provide the gate drive pulse to the DUT (see waveforms B, C and D of Figure 5.6). The resulting gate current pulse is about 50 JLs wide and can be selected, by means of switch S2, for an IGT of from about 1 mA to 90 mA. Opto-coupler U4, as well as U1 in the Constant Current Circuit, provide electrical isolation between the power circuitry and the low level circuitry. The Constant Current Circuit consists of an NPN Darlington 03, connected as a constant current source driving a PNP tri-Darlington (Darlington 04, Bipolar 05). By varying the base voltage of 03 (with Current Control potentiometer R4), the collector current of 03 and thus the base voltage of 04 will also vary. The PNP output transistor 05 (MJ14003) (rated at 70 A), is also configured as a constant current source with four, parallel connected emitter resistors (approximately 0.04 ohms, 200 WI, thus providing as much as 60 A test current. Very briefly, the circuit operates as follows: - CMOS Gate 1E is clocked high, turning on, in order, a) NPN transistor 016, b) PNP transistor 01, c) optocoupler U3, and d) transistors 03, 04 and 05. The board mounted Current Set potentiometer R5, sets the maximum output current and R4, the Current Control, is a front panel, multiturn potentiometer. Time delay forthe di/dt Circuit is derived from cascaded op-amps U2B and U5 (waveforms F and G of Figure 5.6). The output gate, in turn, drives NPN transistor 08, fol- CONSTANT CURRENT GENERATOR 01 IT OUT LINE SYNC PULSE GENERATOR IGT ~ CIRCUIT t I I* I CIRCUIT 1 CONSTANT CURRENT dildt dv/dt dv/dt Figure 5.4. Block Diagram of the tq Test Fixture and Waveforms : .. " MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-3 I~ I : :~ • LINE SYNCHRONtZEO PULSE GENERATOR +IOV Ik IN914 TRIAD F93X S o 10 k r----;I'I'. §~II s:: 47k ~VI ~18VO TVP 1 or » 1.8 k 1 112 W IN 914 IN4733 5.1 V, I W ~ < o/LH (TYPI I 0.001 "F +IOV ~ MCI458 470 'DIODE REQUIRED WITH LI 01: MR506 FOR 3 A, HIGH Iq OUTS MR856 FOR 3 A, LOW tOUTS (DIODE IF SCALED TO &iT IAI II: = 50 mA FOR HIGH Iq OUTS IT OUT ;, 150k Yl.. ':'1 50 V (TYPI 1000 RI I k = I A FOR LOWtq ':'1 50 V (TYPI () m o ~ » 10 k 20 V (1m (f) <3 JJ o m = 820pF -< LI: 510 k CONSTANT CURRENT CIRCUIT O.I~IOO/LF __ IN;;;/F 10V,IW -I I JJ 10 k 20,000 ! l "F25V = JJ u, 22 k 150 CI 470 R, 50 C,: DETERMINED BY SPEC dv/dl ~V2' ~12V(TYPI,< ~50V +IOV 100 3.3 k MJE 250 QI4 4.7 k cIIi CIRCUIT dt 0.02 -r/L F ~ Figure 5.5. tq Test Fixture 10/LF 15 V lowed by PNP transistor 09, whose output provides the gate drive for the three parallel connected N-channel power MOSFET transistors 010-012 (waveform H of Figure 5.6). These three FETs (MTM15N06), are rated at 15 A continuous drain current and 40 A pulsed current and thus can readily divert the maximum 60 A constant current that the Fixture can generate. The results of this diversion from the OUT is described by waveforms E, H and I of Figure 5.6, with the dUdt of ITM dictated by the series inductance L1. For all subsequent testing, the inductor was a shorting bar, resulting in very little inductance and consequently, the highest dUdt (limited primarily by wiring inductance). When a physical inductor L1 is used, a clamp diode, scaled to the diverted current, should be placed across L1 to limit "inductive kicks." dv/dt CIRCUIT The last major portion of the Fixture, the dv/dt Circuit, is variable time delayed by the multi-turn, front panel tq Time Control potentiometer R7, operating as part of an integrator on the input of comparator U6. Its output (waveform J of Figure 5.6) is used to turn-off, in order, a) normally on NPN transistor 013, b) PNPtransistor 014 and c) N-channel power MOSFET 015 (waveform L of Figure 5.6). This FET is placed across ramp generating capacitor C1, and when unclamped (turned off), the capacitor is allowed to charge through resistor R1 to the supply voltage + V1. Thus, the voltage appearing on the drain will be an exponentially rising voltage with a dv/dt dictated by R1, C1, whose position in time can be advanced or delayed. This waveform is then applied through a blocking diode to the anode of the OUT for the forward blocking voltage test. Another blocking diode, 01, also plays an important role in tq measurements and must be properly selected. Its purpose is to prevent the X~~~~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-6 Table 5.1. Parameters Affecting tq A Device 2NS50S 25A SOD V s:: 0 --l 0 MCR2150 15A JJ 0 r :t> --l . '" ~ '" 0, JJ .!.J 1k 15 V/f"S ITM ~ 25A IRM ~ 14A di/dt ~ -100 Alf"S ITM duration ~ 275 f"S IGT ~ 30mA RGK ~ 100 dv/dt ~ 2.4 V/f"S ITM ~ 1 A IRM ~ 1.SA di/dt ~ 32 AIf"S RGK ~ 100 dv/dt ~ 2.4 V/f"S ITM ~ 2A IRM ~ 50mA di/dt ~ 0.5 f"S RGK ~ 100 dv/dt ~ 2.4 V/f"S IRM ~ 50mA di/dt ~ 0.45 AIf"S 100 dv/dt ~ 2.4 V/f"S RGK ~ 00 dv/dt ~ 2.4 V/f"S typtq~6Sf"S tyPlq~42f"S typtq~45f"S typtq~49f"S typtq~60f"S typtq~64f"S RGK ~ 1 k dv/dt ~ 125 V/f"S ITM ~ 15A IRM ~ 5.5 A di/dt ~ 36 AIf"S ITM duration ~ 275 f"S IGT ~ 50 mA RGK ~ 100 IRM ~ 0.2 A di/dt ~ 0.64 AIf"S IGT ~ 90mA RGK ~ 100 ITM ~ 2A IRM ~ 2.4A di/dt ~ -40 Alf"S IGT ~ 90 mA tyPlq en--l 2N639S 12A 0 JJ ~ 3.15f"S m < 0 m 0 ~ A :t> ::~: rl~ ., !~ .. MCR20S0 SA typ tq ~ 0.975 f"S typtq ~ 2.31's RGK ~ RGK ~ 100 dv/dt ~ 2.4 VI f"S ITM~37A RGK typtq~64f"S typtq ~ 100 ~ ~ RGK 651's IGT ~ 90 mA tyPlq~6Sf"S 100 ITM~23A RGK ~ 100 IGT ~ 90 mA tyPlq ~ 3.11's RGK ~ 00 IGT ~ 90 mA typ Iq ~ 3.13 f"S IGT ~ tyPlq 90 mA ~ 3.13f"S RGK ~ 100 dv/dl ~ 7 V/f"S IGT ~ 90mA IRM ~ SA dildl ~ 32 Alf"S IGT ~ 90 mA typtq typlq ~ 3.3 f"S ~ 3.S f"S RGK ~ 1k dv/dl ~ 90 VI f"S IRM ~ 11 A di/dt ~ -100 Alf"S ITM duralion ~ 275 f"S IGT ~ 30mA RGK ~ 100 dv/dl ~ 2.5 VI f"S ITM ~ 1 A IRM ~ 50 mA dildl ~ -0.5A1l's RGK ~ 100 dv/dl ~ 2.5 VIf"S ITM ~ 1 A IRM ~ 2.7 A dildl ~ 56 Alf"S typtq~48f"S tyPlq~30f"S tyPlq RGK ~ 1k dv/dl ~ 110 V/f"S ITM ~ SA IRM ~ 5A di/dt~ -50Alf"S ITM duralion ~ 275 f"S IGT ~ 50mA RGK ~ 100 ITM ~ 1 A IRM ~ 50 mA di/dl ~ -0.7A1f"S RGK ~ 100 ITM ~ 12A IRM ~ 0.1 A di/dl ~ -0.7 Alf"S ITM~12A 0 G D ~ dv/dt ~ RGK tyPlq ~ 4.7 f"S tyPlq ~ 2.3f"S tyPlq ~ ~ 31 f"S 2.4f"S RGK ~ 100 dv/dl ~ 2.5 VI f"S IRM ~ 50 mA dildl ~ 32 Alf"S tyP lq ~ 32 f"S RGK ~ 00 IRM ~ 0.1 A di/dl ~ -0.7A1f"S tyPlq ~ 3.2 f"S RGK ~ 100 dv!dl ~ 2.5 V/f"S ITM~ISA IRM ~ 50 mA dildt ~ typtq 0.3 AIl'S ~ 33f"S RGK ~ 100 ITM ~ 1 A IRM ~ 2.SA di/dl ~ -SOAlf"S tyPlq ~ 3.2 f"S RGK ~ 00 ~ 2.5 VI f"S IRM ~ 50mA dildt ~ 0.35 AIf"S dv/dt typ Iq ~ 35.5 f"S RGK ~ 100 IRM ~ 1 A dildl ~ -0.7 Alf"S tyPlq ~ 3.3f"S RGK ~ typ lq IGT ~ tyPlq IGT 100 ~ 45 f"S 90 mA ~ RGK 4.7 f"S ~ tyPlq ~ tyPlq • 90 mA ~ 48f"S 100 ~ 4.S f"S RGK ~ 100 dv/dl ~ 3.S VIf"S tyPlq ~ 4.9 f"S • ,§<.'\ f'! ~ ~~ Table 5.1. Continued " ~ c D Device A CI060 4A IGT=IrnA RGK = I k dv/dt = SV/p.s ITM = 4A 'RM = 4A di/dt = so AI p.s IrM duration = 275 p.s VOX = 50V ITM = 2A 'RM = 2.5A di/dt = -30Alp.s VOX = 50V 'TM = 6A IRM = -I Alp.s di/dt = - I Alp.s VOX = lSOV ITM = 6A IRM = 0.1 A di/dt = - I Alp.s VOX=SOV dv/dt = 1.4 V/p.s ITM = 2A IRM = 0.2 A di/dt = -1.4 Alp.s -V2=35V IRM = 0.2 A di/dt = - 1.4 AII" 'RM = 0.I5A -V2 = 4V di/dt = - 1.4 Alp.s dv/dt = 1.4 V/p.s IRM = 0.I5A di/dt = 1.4 Alp.s IGT = 90mA dv/dt = 1.4 V/p.s 'RM = 2A di/dt = -1.4 Alp.s dv/dt = 28 VI p.s IRM = 0.I5A di/dt = - 1.4 A tyP!q= 28p.s typtq =25p.s tyP!q= 2Sp.s typtq = 2Sp.s typtq = 2Sp.s typ!q=27p.s typtq = 27 p.s typtq = 27p.s tyP!q = 271" typtq = 29p.s RGK = I k dv/dt = 40 Vlp.s ITM = 4A 'RM = 4A di/dt = SO Alp.s 'TM duration =275 p.s IGT=ImA VOX = SOV RGK = 100 dv/dt = 1.3 V/p.s 'TM = I A IRM = SOmA di/dt = - 0.5 AII" IGT = 90mA VOX=I50V RGK = 100 dv/dt = 1.75 VIp.s 'TM = I A IRM = 50 mA di/dt = - 0.5 AIp.s IGT = 90 mA RGK = 100 dv/dt = 1.75 V/p.s 'RM = SOmA dildt = -0.5 AII" IGT = 90 mA dv/dt = 1.75 VIp.s RGK = 100 ITM = 6A 'RM = 50 mA di/dt = - 0.5 AIp.s IGT = 90mA RGK = 100 'RM = 50 mA di/dt = - 0.5 AI p.s IGT = 90 mA RGK = 100 IGT = 900 mA RGK = 00 dv/dt = 1.75 V/p.s 'TM = I A 'RM = SO mA di/dt = - 0.5 AI p.s IGT = 90 mA IGT = 90 mA tyP!q = 44.8 p.s tyP!q = 26p.s tyP!q =' 26.2 p.s typtq = 27.7 p.s typ tq = 2B.S p.s typ!q=30p.s tyP!q = 32.7 p.s tyP!q = 37.2p.s typ!q=41.4", RGK = I k dv/dt = ISO V/p.s ITM = O.BA 'RM = 0.8A di/dt = 12 Alp.s VOX = 50V ITM duration = 275", dv/dt = 30 VIp.s ITM = 0.25 A IRM = 40mA di/dt = -O.SAlp.s dv/dt = 30 V/p.s Ir = 40 rnA dildt = - O.B AII" -V2 = 9V 'RM = 20 rnA di/dt = - 0.4 AIp.s -V2 = I V Ir = 40mA di/dt = - 0.8 AIp.s dv/dt = 30 Vlp.s ITM = 1.12 A IRM = 40 rnA di/dt = - 0.8 AIp.s dv/dt = 30 VI", ITM = 1.12 A 'RM = 40 mA dildt = -0.8A1p.s VOX = lOOV typtq = 14.4 p.s typ!q=I2.7p.s typtq = 13.5 p.s tyP!q = 13.71" typtq =I3.9", tyP!q = 14.4", tyP!q = 14.4", RGK = I k dv/dt = 30 VI p.s ITM = 0.8 A 'RM = 0.8 A di/dt = 12 AI", 'TM duration = 275 p.s VOX = SOV dv/dt = 5 VI", ITM = 0.2 A IRM = SOmA di/dt = - O.S AI p.s dv/dt = 5 VI", 'RM = 50 mA di/dt = - 0.8 AIp.s dv/dt = 5 VI", ITM = 1.12 A 'RM = 50 mA di/dt = - 0.8 AIp.s IRM = 40 mA IRM = 40 mA -V2 = 9 V -V2 = I V di/dt = - 0.45 AI p.s di/dt = - 0.8 AIp.s VOX = lOOV dv/dt = 5 V/p.s 'TM = I.I2A 'RM = 50 mA di/dt = - 0.8 A tyP!q = 28.9 p.s typ tq = 27/p.s tyP!q = 30/p.s typtq = 31 '" tyP!q = 31.2", tyP!q = 31.4", tyP!q = 31.71" dv/dt = 10 V/p.s 'TM = 0.8 A IRM = O.BA di/dt = IB Alp.s 'TM duration = 275 p.s RGK = I k VOX = 30V dv/dt = 3.5 V/p.s 'TM = 0.25 A IRM = 40mA di/dt = -0.7 Alp.s dv/dt = -3.5 VI", IRM = 40 mA di/dt = - 0.8 AI", dv/dt = 3.5 V/p.s ITM=1.12A 'RM = 40mA di/dt = - O.B AI p.s VOX = SOV dv/dt = 3.58/p.s ITM = U2A IRM = 40 mA di/dt = -0.7 AI", -V2 = 4V 'RM = 20mA di/dt = - 0.2 AI", -V2 = I V IRM = 40mA di/dt = - 0.8 AII" typtq = 31.7 '" tyP!q = 19.1", typtq = 19/", typ tq = 19.81" tyP!q = 20.2 p.s tyP!q= 30p.s typtq = 30.2", hit;, '4' ;>¥' ~~ ~ ,"iiI' G -'j. y~ s::f(;Z 2N624O 4A ~ ;l~ oJJ '" 0 r » -I I ..... -< MCRllJO.6 8A cJ, JJ cO C/) -I 0 JJ 0 m < () om ,',,<, 2N5063 BA ):> (¥ '-I '" » ,,"~ 2N5061 BA I I shows what happens to the tq of the different devices when a parameter is varied in one direction or the other. There are also several curves (Figures 5.8, 5.9 and 5.10) which indicate what happens to tq when other influential parameters are varied. Parameter Changed IGT Increase Device 2N6508 MCR2150 2N6398 MCR2080 2N6240 C106D 1st Columns (!£s) - A I - - 68 AF 3.15 48 AG AG 4.7 AI 44.8 27 HI 68 3.13 48 4.7 41.4 27 Decrease RGK 1 k to 100 ohms 2N6508 MCR2150 2N6398 MCR2080 2N6240 AH DF AG AH GI 68 3.13 48 4.7 41.4 65 3.1 45 4.8 32.7 Increase RGK 1 k to co 2N6508 MCR2150 2N6398 MCR2080 2N6240 EF DE DF DF CH 60 3.1 32 3.3 26.2 64 VDX C106D 2N6240 MCR100-6 2N5063 2N5061 DC BC FG DG DE 26 26.2 14.4 31 20.2 26 26 14.4 31.7 19.8 Decrease dv/dt Rate 2N6508 MCR2150 MCR2080 C106D 2N6240 EH DG HI HJ DF 65 3.1 4.8 29 30 60 3.3 4.9 27 27.7 Increase ITM 2N6508 MCR2150 2N6398 MCR2080 C106D 2N6240 EG AH DE BC EH DC DE CE CF CD BE 60 3.15 .32 2.3 26 26.2 27.7 26.2 13.5 30.7 19.1 64 3.8 33 2.4 27 27.7 28.6 28.6 14.4 31 20.7 THE EFFECTS OF CHANGING PARAMETERS ONtq From Tables 5.1 and 5.11, it is clear that some parameters affect tq more than others. The following discussion describes the effect on tq of the various parameters. FORWARD CURRENT MAGNITUDE (lTM) Of the parameters that were investigated, forwardcurrent magnitude and the di/dt rate have the strongest effect on t q . Varying the ITM magnitude over a realistic range of ITM conditions can change the measured tq by about 30%. The change in tq is attributed to varying current densities (stored charge) present in the SeR's junctions as the ITM magnitude is changed. Thus, if a large SeR must have a short tq when a low ITM is present, a large gate trigger pulse (lGT magnitude) would be advantageous. This turns on a large portion of the SCR to minimize the high current densities that exists if only a small portion of the SeR were turned on (by a weak gate pulse) and the low ITM did not fully extend the turned on region. In general, the SeR will exhibit longer tq times with increasing ITM' as shown in the curves of Figures 5.8 and 5.9. Increasing temperature also increases the tq time (Figure 5.9). di/dt RATE Varying the turn-off rate of change of anode current di/dt does have some effect on the tq of SCRs, as shown in Figure 5.10. Although the increase in tq versus increasing di/dt was nominal for the SeRs illustrated, the percentage change for the fast SeRs was fairly high (about MCR 100-6 2N5063 2N5061 Gate Bias Device 2N6508 Conditions -5 V - V2 +V, = - 10 V, IF = 3 A t q1 t q2 Diode 01 40!£s 30 !£S Slow MR502 2.5 dv/dt (V/p$) 50V I I RI 1 kl50 I dv/dt (vips) I 2.5/50 Remarks Slow diode faster than fast diode, (lower t q ) 2N6240 16 !£S 9 !£S Slow 2.5 Slow diode faster. 2.5 V/!£S faster than 50 V/!£S 2N6398 30 !£S 25!£s Slow 2.5 Tested slow diode only C106D 13 !£S 8!£s Slow 2.5 Tested slow diode only 50 2.5 V/!£S does not t q . Both diodes work. 50 50 V/!£s & fast diode only work. -V2 .. -8 V. MCR2150 4!£S 3.7 !£S Fast MR856 MCR2080 2.5!£s 2.3 !£S Fast 3.13 35.5 2.5 37.2 Table 5.11. The Effects of Changing Parameters on 30-40%). OV 2nd (!£S) Table 5.111. The Effects of Gate Bias on tq MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-9 tq • 25 3.5 dildt Cl06 MCR100 dvldt RGK TA 20 !w :; ;::: 15 ""- <;> z - - MCR2150 - - - MCR20BO 2.5 w :; ;::: q TMOS SCR I- z 0:: .Sr • dildt = 10 Ali'S dvldt = 50 VIJLs VDX = 400 V 5A1JLs 2 Ali'S 45 VIi'S 100 n 25°C "- 10 0:: :::> : : : : : :::> MCR1000 I0 w 1.5 • ~ :; 0 0:: 1 10 ITM, ANODE CURRENT IAMPSI 50 ~ 20 .Sr Figure 5.S. Standard SCR 8r. TMOS SCR Turn-Off Time tq as a Function of Anode Current ITM 0.5 O+----r-----r-----.------r------~ 1 REVERSE CURRENT MAGNITUDE fiRM) The reverse current is actually due to the stored charge clearing out of the SCR's junctions when a negative voltage is applied to the SCR anode. IRM is very closely related to the di-ldt rate; an increasing di/dt rate causing an increase of IRM and a decreasing di/dt rate causing a lower IRM. By using different series inductors and changing the negative anode turn-off voltage, it is possible to keep the di/dt rate constant while changing IRM. It was found that IRM has little or no effect on tq when it is the only variable changed (see Table 5.1 C106D, Columns F and G, for example). REVERSE ANODE VOLTAGE IVRM) Reverse anode voltage has a strong effect on the IRM 10 Figure 5.9. Normalized Turn-Off Time tq as a Function of Anode Current ITM for Fast SCRs. Case Temperature TC at 25·C 8r. 100·C magnitude and the di/dt rate, but when VRM alone is varied, with IRM and di/dt held constant, little or no change in tq time was noticed. VRM must always be within the reverse voltage of the device. REAPPLIED dv/dt RATE Varying the reapplied dv/dt rate across the range of dv/dt's commonly encountered can vary the tq of a given SCR by more than 10.0%. The effect of the dv/dt rate on tq is due to the Anode-Gate capacitance. The dv/dt ap- lOr---------------------------------------------, __-.-,-;~.-----e-. ~--------~T~M~O~S;,S~~~----------P-&(!F" MCR1000 dWdt MCR1000 : 5V/i'S mM MCR2OBO: MCR2150 : RGK : TA : 4A 4A 12VIJLs 12 VIi'S 100 n 25°C 2A MCR2OBO fAST SCRs MCR2150 0r-------r-------.-----r----.-----,-~ 1 20 ITM, ANODE CURRENT AMPS 5 10 di/dt, ANODE CURRENT RATE OF CHANGE IAI i'S1 20 Figure 5.10. Turn-Off Time tq as a Function of Anode Current Rate of Change di/dt MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-10 50 50 plied at the SCR anode injects current into the gate through this capacitance (iGT = C dv/dt). As the dv/dt rate increased, the gate current also increases and can trigger the SCR on. To complicate matters, this injected current also adds to the current due to leakage or stored charge left in the junctions just after turn-off. The stored charge remaining in the center junction is the main reason for long tq times and, for the most part, the charge is removed by the recombination process. If the reapplied dv/dt rate is high, more charge is injected into this junction and prevents it from returning to the blocking state, as soon as if it were a slow dv/dt rate. The higher the dv/dt rate, the longer the tq times will be. MAGNITUDE LIMIT OF REAPPLIED dv/dt (VOX) Changing the magnitude limit of the reapplied dv/dt voltage has little or no effect on a given SCR's tq time when the maximum applied voltage is well below the voltage breakdown of the SCR. The tq times will lengthen ifthe SCR is being used near its voltage breakdown, since the leakage present near breakdown is higher than at lower voltage levels. The leakage will lengthen the time it takes for the charge to be swept out of the SCR's center junction, thus lengthening the time it takes for this junction to return to the blocking state. GATE CATHODE RESISTANCE (RGK) In general, the lower the RGK is, the shorter the tq time will be for a given SCR. This is because low RGK aids in the removal of stored charge in the SCR's junctions. An approximate 15% change in the tq time is seen by changing RGK from 100 ohms to 1000 ohms for the OUTs. GATE DRIVE MAGNITUDE (lGT) Changing the gate drive magnitude has little effect on a SCR's tq time unless it is grossly overdriven or underdriven. When it is overdriven, there is an unnecessary large amount of charge in the SCR's junction. When underdriven, it is possible that only a small portion of the chip at the gate region turns on. If the anode current is not large enough to spread the small turned on region, there is a high current and charge density in this region that consequently lengthens the tq time. FORWARD CURRENT DURATION Forward current duration had no measurable effect on tq time when varied from 100 ps to 300 ps, which were the limits of the Motorola tq Tester. Longer ITM durations heat up the SCR which causes temperature effects; very short ITM durations affect the tq time due to the lack of time for the charges in the SCR's junctions to reach equilibrium, but these effects were not seen in the range tested. REVERSE GATE BIAS VOLTAGE As in transistor operation, reverse biasing the gate of the SCR decreases the turn-off time, due to the rapid "sweeping out" of the stored charge. The reduction in tq for standard SCRs is quite pronounced, approaching perhaps 50% in some cases; for fast SCRs, only nominal improvement might result. Table 5.111 shows this effect on six SCRs where the gate bias was set for 0 V and - 5 V, respectively (the 1 k gate resistor of the OUT was either grounded or returned to - 5 V). Due to the internal, monolithic resistor of most SCRs, the actual reverse bias voltage between the gate-cathode is less than the reverse bias supply. CHARACTERIZING SCRs FOR CROWBAR APPLICATIONS 1-5-11 h ;f~;' The use of a crowbar to protect sensitive loads from power supply overvoltage is quite common and, at the first glance, the design of these crowbars seems like a straightfoward, relatively simple task. The crowbar SCR is selected so as to handle the overvoltage condition and a fuse is chosen at 125 to 250% of the supply's rated fullload line current. However, upon further investigation, other questions and problems are encountered. How much overvoltage and for how long (energy) can the load take this overvoltage? Will the crowbar respond too slowly and thus not protect the load or too fast resulting in false, nuisance triggering? How much energy can the crowbar thyristor (SCR) take and will it survive until the fuse opens or the circuit breaker opens? How fast will the fuse open, and at what energy level? Can the fuse adequately differentiate between normal current levels - including surge currents - and crowbar short circuit conditions? It is the attempt of this section to answer these questions - to characterize the load, crowbar, and fuse and thus to match their characteristics to each other. The type of regulator of most concern is the low voltage, series pass regulator where the filter capacitors to be crowbarred, due to 60 Hz operation, are relatively large and the charge and energy stored correspondingly large. On the other hand, switching regulators operating at about 20 kHz require smaller capacitors and thus have lower crowbar constraints. These regulators are quite often line-operated using a high voltage, two-transistor inverter, half bridge or full bridge, driving an output step-down transformer. If a transistor were to fail, the regulator-transformed power would be less and the output voltage would drop, not rise, as is the case for the linear series regulator with a MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA • • shorted pass transistor. Thus, the need for overvoltage protection of these types of switching regulators is minimized. This premise, however, does not consider the case of the lower power series switching regulator where a shorted transistor would cause the outpufvoltage to rise. Nor does it take into account overvoltage due to transients on the output bus or accidental power supply hookup. For these types of operations, the crowbar SCR should be considered. 20 1---t-+-t-+-H-fttt-+-t--tT~ ~ ~~o~,IDUyYtYC~E ~ 11~}.1 - ~ r---T""T-rT'TTrnr-----rr---.--rITT ITIlIIIIrr-T 1....--r-rIT'T 1'TIITTl Vcc 18 I I I I Ir '5V ~ 16 f-f-+-++++++tt~ ..... d--t-l-4=IoIIttt-·· IPULSE WIDTH I w ~ ~~~~++~~~r"~~++H+-+~~+4++~ ~ 14~~~~++~~~-,r+~~~~~r+44~ ~ => '" ~ 12~~~~44+H+-+-~~~~+-+-~"-P~H+~ HOW MUCH OVERVOLTAGE CAN THE LOAD TAKE? Crowbar protection is most often needed when ICs are used, particularly those requiring a critical supply voltage such as TTL or expensive LSI memories and MPUs. If the load is 5 V TTL, the maximum specified continuous voltage is 7 V. (CMOS, with its wide power supply range of 3 to 18 V, is quite immune to most overvoltage conditions.) But, can the TTL sustain 8 V or 10 V or 15 V and, if so, for how long and for how many power cycles? Safe Operating Area (SOA) of the TTL must be known. Unfortunately, this information is not readily available and has to be generated. Using the test circuit illustrated in Appendix III, a quasiSOA curve for a typical TIL gate was generated (Figure PULSE WIDTH (msl Figure 5.11. Pulsed Supply Voltage versus Pulse Width 5.11). Knowing this overvoltage-time limit, the crowbar and fuse energy ratings can be determined. The two possible configurations are illustrated in Figure 5.12, the first case shows the crowbar SCR across the input of the regulator and the second, across the output. For both configurations, the overvoltage comparator senses the load voltage at the remote load terminals, par- (al. SCR Across Input of Regulator 01 F .":J" VO (bl. SCR Across Output of Regulator VO 'NEEDED IF SUPPLY NOT CURRENT LIMITED Figure 5.12. Typical Crowbar Configurations MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-12 ticularly when the IR drop of the supply leads can be appreciable. As long as the output voltage is less than that of the comparator reference, the crowbar SCR will be in an off state and draw no supply current. When an over-voltage condition occurs, the comparator will produce a gate trigger to the SCR, firing it, and thus clamping the regulator input, as in the first case - to the SCRs onstate drop of about 1 to 1.5 V, thereby protecting the load. Placing the crowbar across the input filter capacitors, although effectively clamping the output, has several disadvantages. 1. There is a stress placed on the input rectifiers during the crowbarring short circuit time before the line fuse opens, particularly under repeated operation. 2. Under low line conditions, the minimum short circuit current can be of the same magnitude as the maximum primary line current at high line, high load, making the proper fuse selection a difficult choice. 3. The capacitive energy to be crowbarred (input and output capacitor through rectifier 01) can be high. When the SCR crowbar and the fuse are placed in the dc load circuit, the above problems are minimized. If crowbarring occurs due to an external transient on the line and the regulator's current limiting is working properly, the SCR only has to crowbar the generally smaller output filter capacitor and sustain the limited regulator current. If the series pass devices were to fail (short), even with current limiting or foldback disabled, the crowbarred energy would generally be less than of the previous case. This is due to the higher impedance of the shorted regulator (due to emitter sharing and current sensing resistors) relative to that of rectifier 01. Fuse selection is much easier as a fault will now give a greater percentage increase in dc load current than when measuring transformer primary or secondary rms current. The disadvantage, however, of placing the fuse in the dc load is that there is no protection for the input rectifier, capacitor, and transformer, if one of these components were to fail (short). Secondly, the one fuse must protect not only the load and regulator, but also have adequate clearing time to protect the SCR, a situation which is not always readily accomplished. The input circuitry can be protected with the addition of a primary fuse or a ci rcu it breaker. HOW MUCH ENERGY HAS TO BE CROWBARRED1 This is dictated by the power supply filter capacitors, which are a function of output current. A survey of several linear power supply manufacturers showed the output filter capacitor size to be from about 100 to 400 microfarads per ampere with about 200 /LF/A being typical. A 30 A regulator might therefore have a 6000 /LF output filter capacitor. Additionally, the usually much larger input filter capacitor will have to be dumped if the regulator were to short, although that energy to be dissipated will be de- pendent on the total resistance in the circuit between that capacitor and the SCR crowbar. The charge to be crowbarred would be Q = CV = IT, the energy, E = 1/2 CV2, and the peak surge current i k = Vc P RT When the SCR crowbars the capacitor, the current waveform will be similar to that of Figure 5.13, with the peak surge current, ipk, being a function of the total impedance in the circuit (Figure 5.14) and will thus be limited by the Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) and inductance (ESL) of the capacitor plus the dynamic impedance of the SCR, any external current limiting resistance, (and inductance) of the interconnecting wires and circuit board conductors. The ESR of computer grade capacitors, depending on the capacitor size and working voltage, might vary from 10 to 1000 milliohms (mO). Those used in this study were in the 25 to 50 mO range. The dynamic impedance of the SCR (the slope of the on-state voltage, on-state current curve), at high currents, might be in the 10 to 20 mO range. As an example, from the on-state characteristics of the MCR70, 35 Arms SCR, the dynamic impedance is rd = IlVF = IlIF (4.5 - 3.4)V (300 - 200)A = ~ "" 11 mO. 100 A The interconnecting wire might offer an additional 5 mO (#20 solid copper wire"" 20 mO/ft) so that the total circuit resistance, without additional current limiting, might be in the 40 to 70 mO range. The circuit inductance was considered low enough to ignore so far as ipk is concerned for this exercise, being in hundreds of nanohenry range (ESL"" 3 nH, L wire"" 500 nH/ft). However, di/dt will be affected by the inductance. HOW MUCH ENERGY CAN THE CROWBAR SCR SUSTAIN1 There are several factors which contribute to possible SCR failures or degradation - the peak surge current, di/dt, and a measure of the device's energy capability, 12t. If the peak current and/or duration of the surge is large, destruction of the device due to excessive dissipation can occur. Obviously, the ipk can be reduced by inserting additional impedance in the crowbar path, at an increase in dump time. However, this time, which is a measure of how long the overvoltage is present, should be within the SOA of the load. The energy stored in the capacitor being a constant for a particular voltage would suggest that the 12t integral for any limiting resistance is also a constant. In reality, MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-13 • 1\ ipk \ -+--,. "- ........ • "- t = 0.5rnsiDiv 50% di/dt - / .I 1~-f-r~------------~~- I o t = 10/LSfDiv I = 200 AlDiv MCR69 C = 22,000 pi CROWBAR CURRENT TERMS RS = 0 Vc = JOV IGT = 200 rnA Figure 5.13. Typical SCR Crowbar Waveform this is not the case as the thermal response of the device must be taken into consideration. It has been shown that the dissipation capability of a device varies as to the \Ii for the first tens of milliseconds of the thermal response and, in effect, the measure of a device's energy capability would be closer to i 2\1i. This effect is subsequently illustrated in the empirically derived ipk versus time derating curves being a non-linear function. However, for comparison with fuses, which are rated in 12t, the linear time base, "t," will be used. The di/dt of the current surge pulse is also a critical parameter and should not exceed the device's ratings (typically about 200 A/p.s for 50 A or less SCRs). The magnitude of di/dt that the SCR can sustain is controlled by the device construction and, to some extent, the gate drive conditions. When the SCR gate region is driven on, conduction across the junction starts in a small region and progressively propagates across the total junction. Anode current will initially be concentrated in this small conducting area, causing high current densities which can degrade and ultimately destroy the device. To minimize this di/dt effect, the gate should be turned on hard and fast such that the area turned on is initially maximized. This can be accomplished with a gate current pulse approaching five times the maximum specified continuous gate current, Igt, and with a fast rise time « 1 p.s). The gate current pulse width should be greater than the propagation time; a figure of 10 p.s minimum should satisfy most SCRs with average current ratings under 50 A or so. The wiring inductance alone is generally large enough to limit the di/dt. Since most SCRs are good for over 100 A/p.s, this effect is not too large a problem. However, if the di/dt is found excessive, it can be reduced by placing RW LW r- ---l I I I I I I L ESR ESL I I I I I I _ _ -.J RW, LW: INTERCONNECTING WIRE IMPEDANCE RS, LS: CURRENT LIMITING IMPEDANCE II.· Figure 5.14. Circuit Elements Affecting SCR Surge Current 1iII:IIIII11111_~D_lBr7F.IIII_I[iIII.i• • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-14 WRUIIII ] '_ _ " Figure 5.15 an inductance in the loop; but, again, this increases the circuit's response time to an overvoltage and the tradeoff should be considered. Since many SCR applications are for 60 Hz line operation, the specified peak non-repetitive surge current ITSM and circuit fusing 12t are based on 112 cycle (8.3 ms) conditions. For some SCRs. a derating curve based on up to 60 or 100 cycles of operation is also published. This rating, however, does not relate to crowbar applications. To fully evaluate a crowbar system, the SCR must be characterized with the capacitor dump exponential surge current pulse. A simple test circuit for deriving this pulse is shown in Figure 5.15, whereby a capacitor is charged through a limiting resistor to the supply voltage, V, and then the charge is dumped by the SCR device under test (OUT). The SCR gate pulse can be varied in magnitUde, pulse width, and rise time to produce the various IGT conditions. An estimate of the crowbar energy capability of the OUT is determined by first dumping the capacitor charged to a low voltage and then progressively increasing the voltage until the OUT fails. This is repeated for several devices to establish an average and minimum value of the failure points cluster. This procedure was used to test several different SCRs of which the following Table 5.IV describes several of the pertinent energy specifications and also the measured crowbar surge current at the point of device failure. This one-shot destruct test was run with a gate current of five IGT(MAX) and a 22,000 JLF capacitor whose ESR produced the exponentially decaying current pulse about 1.5 ms wide at its 10% point. Based on an appropriate derating, ten devices of each line where then successfully tested under the following conditions. Device Vc ipk t MeR68 12 V 250 A 1.5 ms MeR69 30V 800 A 1.5 ms MeR70 30V 800 A 1.5 ms To determine the effect of gate drive on the SCRs, three devices from each line were characterized at non-destruct levels using three different capacitors (200, 6,000, and 22,000 JLF), three different capacitor voltages (10, 20, and 30 V), and three different gate drives (lGT(MAX), 5 IGT(MAX), and a ramp IGT(MAX) with a di/dt of about 1 mAlJLS). Due to its energy limitations, the MCR68 was tested with only 10 V across the larger capacitors. The slow ramp, IGT' was used to simulate overvoltage sense applications where the gate trigger rise time can be slow such as with a coupling zener diode. No difference in SCR current characteristics were noted with the different gate current drive conditions; the peak currents were a function of capacitor voltage and circuit impedance, the fall times related to RrC, and the rise times, t r, and di/dt, were more circuit dependent (wiring inductance) and less device dependent (SCR turn-on time, ton)' Since the wiring inductance limits, t r• the effect of various IGTS was masked, resulting in virtually identical waveforms. The derated surge current, derived from a single (or low number) pulse test, does not truly reflect what a power supply crowbar SCR might have to see over the life of the supply. Life testing over many cycles have to be performed; thus, the circuit described in Appendix IV was developed. This life test fixture can simultaneously Table 5.1V. Specified and Measured Current Characteristics of Three SCRs Measured Crowbar Surge Current Ipk Maximum Specified Values Device Case IT(rms) (A) IT(AV) (A) ITSM* (A) 12t (A2s) IGT(Max) (mA) Min (A) Max (A) Ave (A) MCR68 TO-220 12 8 100 40 30 380 750 480 MeR69 TO-220 25 16 300 375 30 1050 1250 1100 MCR70 TO-208 35 22 350 510 30 1100 1300 1200 *ITSM = Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current, 1/2 cycle sine wave, 8.3 ms. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-15 • f-- ~ ~ ... 3000 en :;; ~ 1000 I- ~ .$ a:: a:: => u « ""w ... C 8400 /LF TA 25°C Ipk ESR = 25mO N 2000 PULSES f 3 PULSES/MIN. VC"" SOV MCR71 MCR70 .......... I- ~ a:: ~ twt;: 5TC r- u -..... N = 2000 PULSES ~ r-...... a:: => MCRS9 300 r---.... "" O.S - !-- 100 ~ ::a N ::::; ~ a:: 0.4 a z 30 0.2 0.1 10 Q5 tWo BASE PULSE WIDTH 50 o 100 Imsl 25 50 75 TC. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE lOCI 100 125 Figure 5.16(a). Peak Surge Current versus Pulse Width (b). Peak Surge Current versus Ambient Temperature test ten SCRs under various crowbar energy and gate drive conditions. Each of the illustrated SCRs of Figure 5.16(a) were tested with as many as four limiting resistors (0, 50,100, and 240 mO) and run for 1000 cycles at a nominal energy level. If no failures occurred, the peak current was progressively increased until a failure(s) resulted. Then the current was reduced by 10% and ten new devices were tested for 2000 cycles (about six hours at 350 cycles/hour). Ifthis test proved successful, the data was further derated by 20% and plotted as shown on log-log paper with a slope of -1/4. This theoretical slope, due to the 12y't onedimensional heat-flow relationship (see Appendix VI), closely follows the empirical results. Of particular interest is that although the peak current increases with decreasing time, as expected, the 12t actually decreases. Figure 5.16(b) shows the effect· of elevated ambient temperature on the peak current capability of the illustrated SCRs. tion of time (Figure 5.11). The crowbar SCR must clamp the overvoltage within a specified time, and still be within its own energy rating; thus, the series-limiting resistance, RS, in the crowbar path must satisfy both the load and SCR energy limitations. The overvoltage response time is set by ti'le total limitations. The overvoltage response time is set by the total limiting resistance and dumped capacitor(s) time constant. Since the SOA ofthe TTL used in this exercise was derived by a rectangular overvoltage pulse (in effect, over-energy), the energy equivalent of the real-world exponentially falling voltage waveform must be made. An approximation can be made by using an equivalent rectangular pulse of 0.7 times the peak power and 0.7 times the base time. Once an overvoltage is detected and the crowbar is enabled, in addition to sustaining the peak current, the SCR must handle the regulator short-circuit current for the time it takes to open the fuse. Thus, all three elements are tied together - the load can take just so much overvoltage (over-energy) and the crowbar SCR must repeatedly sustain for the life of the equipment an rms equivalent current pulse that lasts for the fuse response time. It would seem that the matching of the fuse to the SCR would be straightforward - simply ensure that the fuse rms current rating never exceed the SCR rms current rating (Figure 5.17), but still be sufficient to handle steadystate and normal overload currents. The more exact relationship would involve the energy dissipated in the system fl 2Rdt, which on a comparative basis, can be reduced to 12t. Thus, the "let-through" 12t of the fuse should not exceed 12t capability of the SCR under all operating conditions. These conditions are many, consisting of "available fault current," power factor of the load, supply voltage, supply frequency, ambient temperature, and various fuse factors affecting the 12t. There has been much detailed information published on fuse characteristics and, rather than repeat the text which would take many pages, the reader is referred to those sources. Instead, the fuse basics will be defined FUSE CHARACTERISTICS SCRs, like rectifiers, are generally rated in terms of average forward current, IT(AV), due to their half-wave operation. Additionally, an rms forward current, IT(rms), a peak forward'surge current, ITSM, and a circuit-fusing energy limit, 12t, may be shown. However, these specifications, which are based one-half cycle 60 Hz operation, are not related to the crowbar current pulse and some means must be established to define their relationship. Also, fuses which must ultimately match the SCR and the load, are rated in rms currents. The crowbar energy curves are based on an exponentially decaying surge current waveform. This can be converted* to Irms by the equation. Irms = 0.316 ipk which now allows relating the SCR to the fuse. The logic load has its own overvoltage SOA as a func*See Appendix V MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-16 and an example of matching the fuse to the SCR will be shown. In addition to interrupting high current, the fuse should limit the current, thermal energy, and overvoltage due to the high current. Figure 5.18 illustrates the condition of the fuse at the moment the over-current starts. The peak let-through current can be assumed triangular in shape for a first-order approximation, lasting for the clearing time of the fuse. This time consists of the melting or prearcing time and the arcing time. The melting time is an inverse function of over-current and, at the time that the fuse element is opened, an arc will be formed causing the peak arc voltage. This arc voltage is both fuse and circuit dependent and under certain conditions can exceed the peak line voltage, a condition the user should ensure does not overstress the electronics. The available short-circuit current is the maximum current the circuit is capable of delivering and is generally limited by the input transformer copper loss and reactance when the crowbar SCR is placed at the input to the regulator or the regulator current limiting when placed at the output. For a fuse to safely protect the circuit, it should limit the peak let-through current and clear the fault in a short time, usually less than 10 ms. Fuse manufacturers publish several curves for characterizing their products. The current-time plot, which describes current versus melting time (minimum time being 10 ms), is used in general industrial applications, but is not adequate for protecting semiconductors where the clearing time must be in the subcycle range. Where protection is required for normal multicycle overloads, this curve is useful. Two other useful curves, the total clearing 12t characteristic and the peak let-through current IpLT characteristic, are illustrated in Figures 5.19 and 5.20 respectively. Some vendors also show total clearing time curves (overlayed on Figure 5.19 as dotted lines) which then allows direct comparison with the SCR energy limits. When this clearing time information is not shown, then the designer should determine the IpLT and 12t from the respective curves and then solve for the clearing time from the approximate equation relating these two parameters. As- I... : " ....... ~ SCR CHARACTERISTICS I I I I I ......... ....... .......... , ...... Irmslmax) T~~~~~---------r10ms 4 HRS TIME t (LOG) Figure 5.17. Time-Current Characteristic Curves of a Crowbar SCR and a Fuse ~ ( ; : ' Me ""-rAGE RJSE '0"'" SUPPLY VOLTAGE--;0. INSTANT OF SHORT f\ f\ I V\J H MELTING TIME ARCING TIME CLEARING TIME PEAK ASYMMETRICAL FAULT CURRENT FUSE CURRENT PEAK FUSE CURRENT IPLT -=......'<:::>4~I-+-+~t--l/-\--r- Figure 5.18. Typical Fuse Timing Waveforms During Short Circuit suming a triangular waveform for IpLT, the total clearing time, t c, would then approximately be 31 2t tc = IPLT2 Once tc of the fuse is known, the comparison with the SCR can readily be made. As long as the 12t of the fuse is less than the 12t of the SCR, the SCR is protected. It should be pointed out that these calculations are predicated on a known value of available fault current. By inspection of Figure 5.20, it can be seen that IpLT can vary greatly with available fault current, which could have a marked effect on the degree of protection. Also, the illustrated curves are for particular operating conditions; the curves will vary somewhat with applied voltage and frequency, initial loading, load powerfactor, and ambient temperature. Therefore, the reader is referred to the manufacturer's data sheet in those cases where extrapolation will be required for other operating conditions. The final proof is obtained by testing the fuse in the actual circuit under worst-case conditions. CROWBAR EXAMPLE To illustrate the proper matching of the crowbar SCR to the load and the fuse, consider the following example. A 50 A TTL load, powered by a 60 A current limited series regulator, has to be protected from transients on the supply bus by crowbarring the regulator output. The output filter capacitor of 10,000 /LF (200 /LF/A) contributes most of the energy to be crowbarred (the input capacitor is current limited by the regulator). The transients can reach 18 V for periods of 100 ms. Referring to Figure 5.11, it is seen that this transient exceeds the empirically derived SOA. To ensure safe operation, the overvoltage transient must be crowbarred within 5 ms. Since the TTL SOA is based on a rectangular power pulse even though plotted in terms of voltage, the equivalent crowbarred energy pulse should also be derived. Thus, the exponentially decaying voltage waveform should be multiplied by the exponentially decaying current to result in an energy waveform proportional to ~.' :fL.;. :;; ~:" t :'". '- '.;: "". MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-17 - -- --"-""" -~~~~ • r- SF 13X SERIES r- 130 Vrms. 60 Hz TA = 25°C POWER FACTOR .. 15% 102 -- ~ <§: :<: ::> 0 I / lOA / a: • 15A J CJ 20A / ~ +- ~ 10 4 ~' rTi 1 10 2is 1(5ij I WlAL CLrRlrGI T\~EI 103 104 4 AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT (SYMMETRiCAl rms AMPS! Figure 5.19. Maximum Clearing 12t Characteristics for 10 to 20 A Fuses e- 2x. The rectangular equivalent will have to be determined and then compared with the TTL SOA. However. for simplicity, by using the crowbarred exponential waveform, a conservative rating will result. To protect the SCR, a fuse must be chosen that will open before the SCR's 12t is exceeded, the current being the regulator limiting current which will also be the available fault current to the fuse. The fuse could be eliminated by using a 60 A SCR, but the cost versus convenience trade-off of not replacing the fuse is not warranted for this example. A second fuse or circuit breaker will protect the rectifiers and regulator for internal faults (shorts), but its selection, which is based on the respective energy limits of those components, is not part of this exercise. If a crowbar discharge time of 3 ms were chosen, it would not only be within the rectangular pulsed SOA, but also be well within the derived equivalent rectangular model ofthe exponential waveform. It would also require about 1.3 time constants for the overvoltage to decay from 18 V to 5 V; thus, the RC time constant would be 3 ms/1.3 or 2.3 ms. The limiting resistance, RS would simply be 2.3 ms RS = 10,000 /LF = 0.23 n '" 0.2 n 20lA MAX PEAK AVAILABLE CURRENT (2.35 x SYMMETRICAL rms AMPERES! _\ ~ -;::; _I-" ~ ....... ...Ie: _.... .... - 15A lOA / SF 13X SERIES 130 Vrms, 60 Hz r?~ER FAfTO~ ~ ~5~l 4 AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT (SYMMETRICAL rms AMPS! Figure 5.20. Peak Let-Through Current versus Fault Current for 10 to 20 A Fuses . . . .r J l . . . I ' I : ' I I I I D 1 I i. . . . . . MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-18 Since the capacitor quickly charges up to the overvoltages VCC1 of 18 V, the peak capacitor discharge current would be I pk = VCC1 = RS 18 V 0.2.n = 90 A The rms current equivalent for this exponentially decaying pulse would be Irms = 0.316 Ipk = 0.316(90) = 28.4 Arms Now referring to the SCR peak current energy curves (Figure 5.16), it is seen that the MCR68 can sustain 210 A peak for a base time of 3 ms. This 12 A SCR must also sustain the 60 A regulator limited current for the time required to open the fuse. The MCR68 has a specified peak forward surge current rating of 100 A (1/2 cycle, sine wave, 60 Hz, non-repetitive) and a circuit fusing rating of 40 A2 s. The non-repetitive rating implies that the device can sustian 100 occurrences of this 1/2 cycle surge over the life of the device; the SCR crowbar surge current curves were based on 2000 cycles. For the 3 ms time frame, the 112t1 for the exponential waveform is 112t1 = (28.4 A)2(3 ms) = 2.4 A2s The circuit designer can then make the cost/performance trade-offs. All of these ratings are predicated on the fuse opening within 6 ms. With an available fault current of 60 A, Figure 5.19 shows that a 10 A (SF13X series) fuse will have a letthrough 12t of about 10 A2 s and a total clearing time of about 6 ms, satisfying the SCR requirements, that is, 12t fuse < 12t SCR tc';; 6 ms Figure 5.20 illustrates that for the same conditions, instantaneous peak let-through current of about 70 A would result. For fuse manufacturers that don't show the clearing time information, the approximate time can be calculated from the triangular model, as follows 31 2t 3(10) tc = IPLT2 = (70)2 = 6.1 ms The fuse is now matched to the SCR which is matched to the logic load. Other types of loads can be similarly matched, if the load energy characteristics are known. Assuming that the fuse will open within 6 ms, the approximate energy that the SCR must sustain would be 60 A for an additional 3 ms. By superposition, this would amount to 122t2 = (60 A)2(6 ms) = 21.6 A 2s which, when added to the exponential energy, would result in 24 A2. The MCR68 has a 40 A 2s rating based on a 1/2 cycle of 8.3 ms. Due to the one-dimensional heat flow in the device, the energy capability is not linearly related to time, but varies as to the Vi. Therefore, with a 6 ms 1/2-cycle sine wave, the 40 A 2t rating would now decrease to approximately (see Appendix VI for derivation). Although the 1/2 cycle extrapolated rating is greater than the actual crowbar energy, it is only characterized for 100 cycles of operation. To ensure 2000 cycles of operation, at a somewhat higher cost, the 25 A MCR69 could be chosen. Its exponential peak current capability, at 3 ms, is about 560 A and has a specified ITSM of 300 A for 8.3 ms. The 12t rating is not specified, but can be calculated from the equation 12t = (lTS2M)2 t = (30~ A)2 (8.3 ms) = 375 A2s Extrapolating to 6 ms results in about 318 A2s, an 12t rating much greater than the circuit 24 A 2s value. CHARACTERIZING SWITCHES AS LINE-TYPE MODULATORS In the past, hydrogen thyratrons have been used extensively as discharge switches for line type modulators. In general, such devices have been highly satisfactory from an electrical performance standpoint, but they have some major drawbacks including relatively large size and weight, low efficiency (due to filament power requirements), and short life expectancy compared with semiconductor devices, now can be eliminated through the use of silicon controlled rectifiers. A line type modulator is a modulator whose outputpulse characteristics are determined by a lumpedconstant transmission line (pulse forming network) and by the proper match of the line impedance (PFN) to the load impedance. A switch for this type modulator should only initiate conduction and should have no effect on pulse characteristics. This is in contrast to a hard switch modulator where output pulse characteristics are determined by the "hard" relationship of grid (base) control of conduction through a vacuum tube (transistor) switch. Referring to the schematic (Figure 5.27), when the power supply is first turned on, no charge exists in the PFN, and energy is transferred from the power supply to the PFN via the resonant circuit comprising the charging choke and PFN capacitors. At the time that the voltage across the PFN capacitors reaches twice the power supply voltage, current through the charging choke tries to reverse and the power supply is disconnected due to the back biased impedance of the hold-off diode. If we assume this diode to be perfect, the energy remains stored in the PFN until the discharge switch is triggered to its on state. When this occurs, assuming that the pulse transformer has been designed to match the load impedance to the PFN impedance, all energy stored in the PFN re- MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-19 • actance will be transferred to the load if we neglect switch losses. Upon completion of the transfer of energy the switch must return to its off condition before allowing transfer of energy once again from the power supply to the PFN storage element. OPTIMUM SWITCH CHARACTERISTICS FORWARD BREAKOVER VOLTAGE • Device manufacturers normally apply the variableamplitude output of a half-wave rectifier across the SCR. Thus, forward voltage is applied to the device for only a half cycle and the rated voltage is applied only as an ac peak. While this produces a satisfactory rating for ac applications, it does not hold for dc. An estimated 90% of devices tested for minimum breakover voltage (VBO) in a dc circuit will not meet the data sheet performance specifications. A switch designed for the pulse modulator application should therefore specify a minimum continuous forward breakover voltage at rated maximum leakage current for maximum device temperatures. THE OFF SWITCH The maximum forward leakage current ofthe SCR must be limited to a low value at maximum device temperature. During the period of device nonconduction it is desired that the switch offer an off impedance in the range of megohms to hundreds of megohms. This is required for two reasons: (1) to prevent diminishing the efficiency of recharge by an effective shunt path across the PFN, and (2) to prevent the bleeding off of PFN charge during the interpulse period. This second factor is especially important in the design of radar tansponders wherein the period between interrogations is variable. Change of the PFN voltage during the interpulse period could result in frequency shift, pulse instabilities, and loss of powerfrom the transmitter being modulated. THE ON SWITCH At present, SCR design is more limited in the achievable maximum forward sustaining voltage than in the current that the device will conduct. For this reason modulators utilizing SCRs can be operated at lower impedance levels than comparable thyratron circuits of yesterday. It is not uncommon for the characteristic impedance of the pulse forming network to be in the order of 5 to 10 ohms or less. Operating the SCR at higher current to switch the same equivalent pulse power as a thyratron requires the SCR on impedance to be much lower so that the 12R loss is a reasonable value, in order to maintain circuit efficiency. Low switch loss, moreover, is mandatory because internal power dissipation can be directly translated into junction-temperature-rise and associated leakage current increase which, if excessive, could result in thermal runaway. TURN-ON TIME In radar circuits the pUlse-power handling capability of an SCR, rather than the normally specified averagepower capability, is of primary importance. For short pulses at high PRFs the major portion of semiconductor dissipation occurs during the initial turn-on during the time that the anode rises from its forward leakage value to its maximum value. It is necessary, therefore, that turn-on time be as short as possible to prevent excessive power dissipation. The function of radar is to provide distance information measured as a function oftime. It is important, therefore, that any delay introduced by a component be fixed in relation to some variable parameter such as signal strength or temperature. For radar pulse modulator applications, a minimal delay variation versus temperature is required and any such variation must be repetitive from SCR to SCR, in production lots, so that adequate circuit compensation may be provided. PULSE GATE CURRENT TO FIRE The time of delay, the time of rise, and the delay variation versus temperature associated with SCR turn-on are functions of the gate triggering current available and the trigger pulse duration. In order to predict pulse circuit operation of the SCR, the pulse gate current required to turn the device on when switching the low-impedance modulator should be specified and the limits of turn-ontime variation for the specified pulse trigger current and collector load should be given at the high and low operating temperature extremes. RECOVERY TIME After the cessation of forward conducting current in the on device, a time of SCR circuit isolation must be provided to allow the semiconductor to return to its off state. Recovery time cannot be given as an independent parameter of device operation, but must include factors as determined by the external circuit, such as: (1) pulse current and rate of decay; (2) availability of an inverse voltage immediately following pulse-current conduction; (3) level of base bias following pulse current conduction; (4) rate of rise of reapplied positive voltage and its amplitude in relation to SCR breakover voltage; and (5) maximum circuit ambient temperature. In the reverse direction the controlled rectifier behaves like a conventional silicon diode. Under worst circuit conditions, if an inverse voltage is generated through the existence of a load short circuit, the current available will be limited only by the impedance of the pulse forming network and SCR inverse characteristics. The reverse current is able to sweep out some of the carriers from the SCR junctions. Intentional design of the load impedance to something less than the network impedance allows development of an inverse voltage across the SCR immediately after pulse conduction, enhancing switch turnoff time. Careful use of a fast clamp diode in series with a fast zener diode, the two in shunt across the SCR, allows application of a safe value of circuit-inverse-voltage without preventing the initial useful reverse current. Availability of a negative base-bias following pulse current conduction provides a similar enhancement of switch turnoff time. If removal of carriers from the SCR junction enables a MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-20 faster switch recovery time, then, conversely, operation of the SCR at high temperatures with large forward currents and with slow rate of current decay all increase device recovery time. HOLDING CURRENT One of the anomalies that exist in the design of a pulse SCR is the requirement for a high holding current. This need can be determined by examining the isolation component that disconnects the power supply from the discharge circuit during the time that PFN energy is being transferred to the transmitter and during the recovery time of the discharge switch. An inductance resonating with the PFN capacitance at twice the time of recharge is normally used for power supply isolation. Resonant charging restricts the initial flow of current from the power supply, thereby maximizing the time at which power supply current flow will exceed the holding current of the SCR. If the PFN recharge current from the power supply exceeds the holding current of the SCR before it has recovered, the SCR will again conduct without the application of a trigger pulse. As a result continuous conduction occurs from the power supply through the low impedance path of the charging choke and on switch. This lock-on condition can completely disable the equipment employing the SCR switch. The charging current passed by the inductance is given as (the PFN inductance is considered negligible): ic(t) = Ebb - Vn(O) \!Lc/Cn ( CoS~) 2vr:;;Cn . Tr Sin 2\!LcCn IH = VSO-Vn(O) ( \!Lc/Cn cos Tr-2(recovery time)) 2vr;;cn . Tr Sin 2\!Lc Cn The designer may find that for the chosen SCR the desired characteristics of modulator pulse width and pulse repetition frequency are not obtainable. One means of increasing the effective holding current of an SCR is for the semiconductor to exhibit some turnoff gain characteristic for the residual current flow at the end ofthe modulator pulse. The circuit designer then can provide turn-off base current, making the SCR more effective as a pulse circuit element. THE SCR AS A UNIDIRECTIONAL SWITCH When tirggered to its on state, the SCR, like the hydrogen thyratron, is capable of conducting current in one direction. A load short circuit could result in an inverse voltage across the SCR due to the reflection of voltage from the pulse forming network. The circuit designer may wish to provide an intentional load-to-PFN mismatch such that some inverse voltage is generated across the SCR to enhance its turn-off characteristics. Nevertheless, since the normal circuit application is unidirectional. the semiconductor device designer could take advantage of this fact in restricting the inverse-voltage rating that the SCR must withstand. The circuit designer, in turn, can accommodate this lack of peak-inverse-voltage rating by use of a suitable diode clamp across the PFN or across the SCR. A PRACTICAL PULSE MODULATOR SCR Where Ebb Vn(O) = power supply voltage = 0 volts if the PFN employs a clamp diode or Tr = time of resonant recharge and is usually 1 is matched to the load equal to PRF Lc = value of charging inductance Cn = value of total PFN capacity For a given radar pulse modulator design, the values of power supply voltage, time of resonant recharge, charging choke inductance, and PFN capacitance are established. If the time (t) represents the recovery time of the SCR being used as the discharge switch, ic then represents the minimum value of holding current required by the SCR to prevent power supply lock-on. Conversely, if the modulator design is about an existing SCR where holding current, recovery time, and forward breakover voltage are known, the charge parameters can be derived by rewriting the above formula as follows: Motorola makes several SCRs especially designed as radar modulators, including the 2N4199, MCR729 and MCR1718 families. One actual use of the MCR729 has been in a radar modulator requiring pulse outputs of 60 and 450 ns at a peak pulse power of 2700 watts and a PRF of 10,000 pps. Detected RF pulse rise time, to a large extent dependent on the SCR rate of current rise, is only 20 ns (Figure 5.21). A second application (Figure 5.22) uses a single MCR729 to switch 5000 watts of peak pulse power, with a circuit recovery time of 45 /LS at an 85°C ambient temperature. Maximum duty cycle of this circuit is 0.0024. The current and detected RF waveforms were obtained using an MCR729-9 with this circuit. The current pulse being switched is 18 amperes. Pulse width is approximately 0.75 /Ls. The rise and fall times of the detected RF pulse are both less than 50 ns. Measurements made on the MCR729 prior to circuit use have shown the switch to be stable, fast, and efficient. Pulse "on" impedance has consistently measured less than 0.5 ohm. Delay variation versus temperature is typically ± 20 ns measured from - 55°C to + 105°C. Time of delay averages about 300 ns. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-21 • "V." rv v TURN-ON TIME, VARIATION AND ON IMPEDANCE This circuit assumes that the pulse gate curren-t required to switch a given modulator load current is specified by the manufacturer or that the designer is able to specify the operating conditions. Typical operating values might be: - A • r'\.., t;-..; _J \ Figure 5.21. Vertical 5 A/cm; Horizontal, 0.2 ,.,s/cm. Current Pulse Through an MCR729-9, Driving Magnetron Load SCRs TESTS FOR PULSE CIRCUIT APPLICATION The suitability for pulse circuit applications of SCRs not specifically characterized for such purposes can be determined from measurements carried out with relatively simple test circuits under controlled conditions. Applicable test circuits and procedures are outlined in the following section. FORWARD BLOCKING VOLTAGE AND LEAKAGE CURRENT Mount the SCRs to a heat sink and connect the units to be tested as shown in Figure 5.23. Place the assembly in an oven and stabilize at maximum SCR rated temperature. Turn on the power supply and raise the voltage to rated VBO. Allow units to remain with the voltage applied for a minimum of four hours. At the end of the temperature soak, determine if any units exhibit thermal runaway by checking for blown fuses (without removing the powerl. Reject any units which have blown circuit fuses. The forward leakage current, ILF' of the remaining units may be calculated after measuring the voltage VL, across resistor R2. Any units with a leakage current greater than manufacturer's rating should be rejected. Time of trigger pulse t = 1 /Ls Pulse gate current IG = 200 mA Forward blocking voltage VBO = 400 V Load current ILoad = 30 A To measure turn-on time using a Tektronix 545 oscilloscope (or equivalentl with a dual trace type CA plugin, connect probes of Channels A and B to Test Points A and B. Place the Mode selector switch in the Added Algebraically position and the Channel B Polarity switch in the Inverted position. Adjust the HR212A pulse generator to give a positive pulse 1 /Ls wide (100 ppsl as viewed at Test Point A. Adjust the amplitude of the "added" voltage across the 100-ohm base resistor for the specified pulse gate current (200 mA in this examplel. Switch the Mode selector knob to the alternate position. Connect Channel A to Test Point D. Leave the oscilloscope probe, Channel B, at Test Point B, thereby displaying the input trigger waveform. Measure the time between the 50 percent voltage amplitudes of the two waveforms. This is the Turn-On Time (t 0 + t Rl. To measure turn-on time versus temperature, place the device to be tested on a suitable heat sink and place the assembly in a temperature chamber. Stabilize the chamber at minimum rated (cold I temperature. Repeat the above measurements. Raise the chamber temperature to maximum rated (hotl temperature and stabilize. Repeat the measurements above. To measure the turn-on impedance for the specified + 0 REGULATED POWER SUPPLY - VL L R2 1/16A ANODE ~TE CATHODE ~ -- ADDITIONAL UNITS MAYBE CONNECTED IN PARALLEL J Figure 5.23. Test Setup for SCR Forward Blocking Voltage and Leakage Current Measurements ) Figure 5.22. Vertical Set to 4 cm, Horizontal 0.2 ,.,sIcm. Detected RF Magnetron Pulse RESISTOR RllS USED ONLY IF MANUFACTURER CALLS FOR BIAS RESISTOR BETWEEN GATE AND CATHODE. RESISTOR R2 CAN HAVE ANY SMALL VALUE WHICH, WHEN MULTIPLIED BY MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAKAGE CURRENT, WILL PROVIDE A CONVENIENT READING OF VOLTAGE VL. '.<-t. ' MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-22 VBD~ ! E ~ VBO temperature of operation. Resistor R1 should be chosen to allow an initial magnitude of current flow at the device pulse current rating. To measure holding current, connect the SCRs under test as illustrated in Figure 5.25. Place SCRs in oven and stabilize at maximum expected operating temperature. View the waveform across R1 by connecting the oscilloscope probe (Tektronix 2465) Channel A to Point A, and Channel a to Point a. Place the Mode Selector switch in the Added Algebraically position. Place the Polarity swich of Channel a in the Inverted position. Adjust both Volts! CM switches to the same scale factor, making sure that each Variable knob is in its Calibrated position. Adjust pulse generator for a positive pulse, 1 /Ls wide, and 1,000 pps pulse repetition frequency. Adjust power supply voltage to rated Vao. Adjust input pulse amplitude until unit fully triggers. Measure amplitude of voltage drop across R1, V(A - a), and calculate holding current in mA from the equation VBO 2 2 OV t ~ AS SPECIFIED IC ~ AS SPECIFIED .....- Von l00k/ t ~ AS SPECIF~D / D Figure 5.24. Suggested Test Circuit for SCR "On" Measurements current load, the on impedance can be measured as an SCR forward voltage drop. The point in time of measurement shall be half the output pulse width. For a 1 p.s output pulse, the measurement procedure would be: Connect the oscilloscope probe, Channel a, to Point 0 shown in Figure 5.24. Use the oscilloscope controls Time/ CM and Multiplier to a setting of 0.5 /LS per centimeter or faster. With the Amplitude Control set to view 100 volts per centimeter (to prevent amplifier overloading) measure the amplitude of the voltage drop, VF, across the SCR 0.5 p.s after the PFN voltage waveform has dropped to half amplitude. It may be necessary to check ground reference several times during this test to provide the needed accuracy of measurement. mA = V(A - a) R1 • Vao + 100 k 0 Any unit which turns on but does not turn off has a holding current of less than Vao V 100 kO The approximate voltage setting to view the amplitude ofthe holding current will be 10 or 20 volts per centimeter. The approximate sweep speed will be 2 to 5 /Ls per centimeter. These settings will, of course, vary, depending upon the holding current of the unit under test. SCR recovery time is greatly dependent upon the circuit in which the device is used. However, any test of SCR recovery time should suffice to compare devices of various manufacturers, as long as the test procedure is standardized. Further evaluation of the selected devices could be made in an actual modulator circuit tester wherein techniques conducive to SCR turn-off are used. HOLDING CURRENT The 5CR holding current can be measured with or without a gate turn-off current, according to the position of switch 52. The Motorola Trigger Pulse Generator is a transistor circuit capable of generating a 1.5/Ls turn-on pulse followed by a variable-duration turn-off pulse. Measurements should be made at the maximum expected A 2W tOOk TIME AT WHICH TO MEASURE IN Rt R3 StA Ct 7500fd. NOTE: ADDITIONAL UNITS MAY BE TESTED BY SWTCHING THE ANODE AND GATE CONNECTIONS TO SIMILARLY MOUNTED SCRa. SHORT LEAD LENGTHS ARE DESIRABLE. Figure 5.25. Test Setup for Measuring Holding Current ~t~~*;~~~~~:~}~'~~~~R• •~M• • • • •HIl MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-23 B HOLDDff DIODE • PfN Z()" RLOAD Figure 5.26. Modulator Circuit for SCR Tests The above circuit setup shown in Figures 5.26 and 5.27 can be employed for such tests. A slight load to PFN mismatch is called for to generate an inverse voltage across the SCR at the termination of the output pulse. An SCR gate turn-off pulse is used. The recj)afge component is a charging choke. providing optimized conditions of reapplied voltage to the PFN (and across the SCRI. Ad- equate heat sinking of the SCR should be provided. PARALLEL CONNECTED SCRs When an application requires current capability in excess of a single economical SCR. it can be worthwhile to consider paralleling two or more devices. To help deter- BLOCK DIAGRAM; CHARGING CHOKE HOLD OFF DIODE PULSE TRANSFORMER r---~~'-----~-----'-----------, PFN Es -= TRIGGER IN SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC Figure 5.27. Radar Modulator. Resonant Line Type MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-24 mine if two or more SCRs in parallel are more cost effective than one high current SCR, some of the advantages and disadvantages are listed for parallel devices. Advantages 1. Less expensive to purchase 2. Less expensive to mount 3. Less expensive to replace, in case of failure 4. Ease of mounting 5. Ease of isolation from sink Disadvantages 1. Increased SCR count 2. Selected or matched devices 3. Increased component count 4. Greater R&D effort There are several factors to keep in mind in paralleling and many are pertinent for single SCR operations as well. GATE DRIVE The required gate current (lGT) amplitude can vary greatly and can depend upon SCR type and load being switched. As a general rule for parallel SCRs, IGT should be at least two or three times the IGT(MAX) specification on the data sheet and ideally close to, but never exceeding, the maximum specified gate power dissipation or peak current. Adequate gate current is necessary for rapid turn-on of all the parallel SCRs and to ensure simultaneous turn-on without excessive current crowding across any of the individual die. The rise time of the gate drive pulse should be fast, ideally.;; 100 ns. Each gate should be driven from a good current source and through its own resistor, even if transformer drive is used. Gate pulse width requirements vary but should be of sufficient width to ensure simultaneous turn-on and last well beyond the turn-on delay of the slowest device, as well as beyond the time required for latching of all devices. Ideally, gate current would flow for the entire conduction period to ensure latching under all operating conditions. . With low voltage switching, which includes conduction angles near 1800 and near zero degrees, the gate drive requirements can be more critical and special emphasis may be required of gate pulse amplitude and width. The four parameters shown in Table 5.VI were measured with a curve tracer and are: IL' latching current; VTM, on-state voltage; IGT and VGT, minimum gate current and voltage for turn on. Of the four parameters, IL and VTM can greatly affect current sharing. The latching current of each SCR is important at turnon to ensure each device turns on and will stay on for the entire conduction period. On-state voltage determines how well the SCRs share current when cathode ballasting is not used. Table 5.V gives turn-on delay time (td) and turn-on rise time (t r ) of the anode-cathode voltage and the minimum forward anode voltage for turn-on. These parameters were measured in the circuits shown in Figures 5.30 and 5.31. One SCR at a time was used in the circuit shown in Figure 5.30. Turn-on delay on twenty-five SCRs was measured (only ten are shown in Table 5.V) and they could be from one or more production lots. The variation in td was slight and ranged from 35 to 44 ns but could vary considerably on other production lots and this possible variation in td would have to be considered in a parallel application. Waveforms for minimum forward anode voltage for turn-on are shown in Figure 5.28. The trailing edge of the gate current pulse is phase delayed (R3) so that the SCR is not turned on. The width of the gate current pulse is now increased (R5) until the SCR turns on and the forward anode voltage switches to the on-state at about 0.73 V. This is the minimum voltage at which this SCR will turn on with the circuit conditions shown in Figure 5.28. For dy~amic turn-on current sharing, td, tr and VA(MIN) are very Important. As an example, with a high wattage incandescent lamp load, it is very important that the inrush current of the cold filament be equally shared by the parallel SCRs. The minimum anode voltage at which a device turns on is also very important. If one of the Table 5.V. 2N6394 Turn-On Delay, Rise Time and Minimum Forward Anode Voltage For Turn-On PARAMETER MATCHING For reliable current sharing with parallel SCRs, there are certain device parameters that should be matched or held within close tolerances. The degree of matching required varies and can be affected by type of load (resistive, inductive, incandescent lamp or phase controlled loads) being switched. The most common device parameters that can effect current sharing are: 1) td - turn-on delay time 2) tr - turn-on rise time of anode current 3) VA(MIN) - minimum anode voltage atwhich de,vice will turn on • 4) Static on-state voltage and current 5) IL - Latching current • Device 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Minimum Anode Turn-On Delay and Rise Time Voltage For Off-State Voltage=8 V Peak Turn-On Off-State RL = 10 Ohms, IA '" 6.5 A Peak Voltage=4 V Peak IG=100 mA (PW=100 pS) RL=0.5 Ohm IA=5A Conduction Angle 90 Degrees IG=100mA td(ns) tripS) (Volts) 35 38 45 44 44 43 38 38 38 37 0.80 0.95 1 1 0.90 0.85 1.30 1.25 1 0.82 0.70 0.81 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.70 0.75 0.70 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-25 ~~~--- _. . _ . .- ... ----- • minimum anode voltage for turn-on is from 7 to 14% lower for device 1 than on 2, 3 and 4. Also, device 1 turnon delay is 35 ns versus 38, 45 and 44 ns for devices 2, 3 and 4. The tendency for device 1 to turn on, preventing the other three from turning on, is most probably due to its lower minimum anode voltage requirement and shorter turn on delay. The remedy would be closer matching of the minimum anode voltage for turn-on and driving the gates hard (but less than the gate power specifications) and increasing the width of the gate current pulse. 100 p,s!Div Figure 5.28. Minimum Anode Voltage For Turn-On Off-State Voltage = 4 V Peak, RL = 0.5 Ohm, IA "" 5 A, IG = 75 mA parallel devices turns on before the other devices and its on-state voltage is lower than the required minimum anode voltage for turn-on of the unfired devices, they therefore cannot turn on. This would overload the device which turned on, probably causing failure from overcurrent and excessive junction temperature. Turn-off time - tq is important in higher frequency applications which require the SCR to recover from the forward conduction period and be able to block the next cycle of forward voltage. Thus, tq matching for high frequency operation can be as important as td, tr and VA(MIN) matching for equal turn-on current sharing. Due to the variable in tq measurement, no further attempt will be made here to discuss this parameter and the reader is referred to Application Note AN914. The need for on-state matching of current and voltage is important, especially in unforced current sharing circuits. UNFORCED CURRENT SHARING When operating parallel SCRs without forced current sharing, such as without cathode ballasting using resistors or inductors, it is very important that the device parameters be closely matched. This includes td, t r , minimum forward anode voltage for turn-on and on-state voltage matching. The degree of matching determines the success of the circuit. In circuits without ballasting, it is especially important that physical layout, mounting of devices and resistance paths be identical for good current sharing, even with on-state matched devices. Figure 5.29 shows how anode current can vary on devices closely matched for on-state voltage (1,3 and 4) and a mismatched device (2). Without resistance ballasting, the matched devices share peak current within one ampere and device 2 is passing only nine amps, seven amps lower than device 1. Table 5.VI shows the degree of match or mismatch of VTM of the four SCRs. With unforced current sharing (RK = 0), there vyas a greater tendency for one device (1) to turn-on, preventing the others from turning on when low anode switching voltage (,,;; 10 V rms) was tried. Table 5.V shows that the FORCED CURRENT SHARING Cathode ballast elements can be used to help ensure good static on-state current sharing. Either inductors or resistors can be used and each has advantages and disadvantages. This section discusses resistive ballasting, but it should be kept in mind that the inductor method is usually better suited for the higher current levels. Although they are more expensive and difficult to design, there is less power loss with inductor ballasting as well as othei benefits. The degree of peak current sharing is shown in Figure 5.29 for four parallel 2N6394 SCRs using cathode resistor ballasting with an inductive anode load. With devices 1, 3 and 4, on-state voltage is matched within 10 mV at an anode current of 15 A (See Table 5.VI) and are within 1 A of each other in Figure 5.29, with cathode resistance (RK) equal to zero. As RK increases, the current sharing becomes even closer. The unmatched device 2, with a VTM of 1.41 V (Table 5.VI), is not carrying its share of current (Figure 5.29) with RK equal zero. As RK increases, device 2 takes a greater share of the total current and with RK around 0.25 ohm, the four SCRs are sharing peak current quite well. The value of RK depends on how close the on-state voltage is matched on the SCRs and the degree of current sharing desired, as well as the permissible power disSipation in RK. 17 le :;; 15 >:z w a: a: l'-.. "»'. 13 r-- 5 ::::> (.) ~ 0 :z « 11 >< ~ ~ ~ 7 #3 ¥ ~ #y V o l4 ./ SCR#l ....- /" IG = 400 rnA PW = 400 p.s OFF·STATE VOLTAGE = 26 V Irrns) INDUCTIVE LOAD CONDUCTION ANGLE = 120° 50 100 200 Figure 5.29. Effects Of Cathode Resistor On Anode Current Sharing MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-5-26 150 RK, CATHODE RESISTORS IMILLIOHMS) 250 Table 5.VI. 2N6394 Parameters Measured On Curve Tracer, TC = 25"C Oevice # IL' Latching Current VO=12 Vdc IG=100 mA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13mA 27 28 23 23 23 18 19 19 16 Minimum Gate VTM, On-State Current & Voltage Voltage for Turn-On VO=12 Vdc, IA=15 A PW=300 p$ RL=140 0 IGT VGT 1.25 V 1.41 1.26 1.26 1.28 1.26 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 5.6 mA 8.8 12 9.6 9.4 9.6 7.1 7 8.4 6.9 0.615 V 0.679 0.658 0.649 0.659 0.645 0.690 0.687 0.694 0.679 LINE SYNCHRONIZED DRIVE CIRCUIT Gate drive for phase control of the four parallel SCRs is accomplished with one complementary MOS hex gate, MC14572, and two bipolar transistors (Figure 5.30). This adjustable line-synchronized driver permits SCR conduction from near zero to 180 degrees. A Schmitt trigger clocks a delay monostable multivibrator that is followed by a pulse-width monostable multi-vibrator. Line synchronization is achieved through the half-wave section of the secondary winding of the full-wave, centertapped transformer (A). This winding also supplies power to the circuit through rectifiers 01 and 02. The full-wave signal is clipped by diode 05, referenced to a + 15 volt supply, so that the input limit of the CMOS chip is not exceeded. The waveform is then shaped by the Schmitt trigger, which is composed of inverters U1 - a and U1 - b. A fast switching output signal B results. The positive-going edge of this pulse is differentiated by the capacitive-resistive network of C1 and R2 and triggers the delay multivibrator that is composed of U1-c and U1-d. As a result, the normally high output is switched low. The trailing edge of this pulse (C) then triggers the following multivibrator, which is composed of NAND gate U1-e and inverter U1-f. The positive going output pulse (waveform D) of this multivibrator, whose width is set by potentiometer R6, turns on transistors 01 and 02, which drives the gates of the four SCRs. Transistor 02 supplies about 400 mA drive current to each gate through 100 ohm resistors and has a rise time of "" 100 ns. PARALLEL SCR CIRCUIT The four SCRs are 2N6394s, housed in the TO-220 package, rated at 12 Arms, 50 V and are shown schematically r-------I D1 I I I I I I I 0.01 ,."F I L I I I R5 100kO +15V I I I 0.7ms_--.1 w ~ ':::; MOTOR SPEED CONTROL WITH FEEDBACK While many motor speed control circuits have used SCRs, the TRIAC has not been very popular in this application. At first glance, it would appear that the TRIAC would be perfect for speed control because of its bilateral characteristics. There are a couple of reasons why this is not true. The major difficulty is the TRIAC's dv/dt characteristic. Another reason is the difficulty of obtaining a feedback signal because of the TRIAC's bilateral nature. ~ w z R2 ::::i ~ Figure 6.11. Circuit Diagram for Controlling Permanent-Magnet Motors MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-5 VR ~ = the flux, MMF = the magnetomotive force (strength of the magnet), and R = the reluctance of the magnetic path. Assuming the MMF of the permanent magnet to be constant, it is readily apparent that variations in reluctance will directly affect the flux. The steel fan blades provide a low-reluctance path for the flux once it crosses the air gap between them and the poles of the magnet. If the magnet used has a horseshoe or U shape, and is placed so that adjacent fan blades are directly opposite each pole in one position of the motor armature, the magnetic path will be of relatively low reluctance; then as the motor turns the reluctance will increase until one fan blade is precisely centered between the poles of the magnet. As rotation continues, the reluctance will then alternately increase and decrease as the fan blades pass the poles of the magnet. If a bar- or L-shaped magnet is used so that one pole is close to the shaft or the frame of the motor and the other is near the fan blades, the magnetic path reluctance will vary as each blade passes the magnet pole near the fan. In either case the varying reluctance causes variations in the circuit flux and a voltage is generated in the coil wound around the magnet. The voltage is given by the equation: CONSTANT SPEED MOTOR CONTROL USING TACHOMETER FEEDBACK Tachometer feedback sensing rotor speed provides excellent performance with electric motors. The principal advantages to be gained from tachometer feedback are the ability to apply feedback control to shaded-pole motors, and better brush life in universal motors used in feedback circuits. This latter advantage results from the use of full-wave rather than half-wave control, reducing the peak currents for similar power levels. THE TACHOMETER The heart of this system is, of course, the speedsensing tachometer itself. Economy being one ofthe principal goals of the design, it was decided to use a simple magnetic tachometer incorporating the existing motor fan as an integral part of the magnetic circuit. The generator consists of a coil wound on a permanent magnet which is placed so that the moving fan blades provide a magnetic path of varying reluctance as they move past the poles of the magnet. Several possible configurations of the magnetic system are shown in Figure 6.14. e = -N dx 10-8 dt ' where e = the coil voltage in volts, N = the number of turns in the coil, and d = the rate of change of flux in lines per dt second. COIL WIRES ~NU® MOTOR ARMATURE MOTOR ARMATURE SIDE VIEW FERROUS MOTOR HOUSING MOTOR ARMATURE ~ TOP VIEW Figure 6.14(a). Locations for Magnetic Sensing Tachometer Generator Using a Horseshoe Magnet POSSIBLE MAGNET SHAPES AND LOCATIONS (b). Locations for Magnetic Sensing Tachometer Generator Using an "L" or Bar Magnet MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-7 • + V1 IPURE del In a practical case, a typical small horseshoe magnet wound with 1000 turns of wire generated a voltage of about 0.5 volts/1000 rpm when mounted in a blender. Since both generated voltage and frequency are directly proportional to the motor speed, either parameter can be used as the feedback signal. However, circuits using voltage sensing are less complex and therefore less expensive. Only that system will be discussed here. • ;..:. IPULSING del -y-y-y-y+V2 TACHOMETER GENERATOR THE ELECTRONICS In one basic circuit, which is shown in Figure 6.15, the generator output is rectified by rectifier 01, then filtered and applied between the positive supply voltage and the base of the detector transistor 01. This provides a negative voltage which reduces the base-voltage on 01 when the speed increases. The emitter of the detector transistor is connected to a voltage divider which is adjusted to the desired tachometer output voltage. In normal operation, if the tachometer voltage is less than desired, the detector transistor, 01, is turned on by current through R1 into its base. 01 then turns on 02 which causes the timing capacitor for unijunction transistor 03 to charge quickly. Standard unijunction transistor circuitry is used to trigger the thyristor. As the tachometer output approaches the voltage desired, the base-emitter voltage of 01 is reduced to the point at which 01 is almost cut off. Thereby, the collector current of 02, which charges the unijunction timing capacitor, is reduced, causing that capacitor to charge slowly and trigger the thyristor later in the half cycle. In this manner, the average power to the motor is reduced until just enough power to maintain the desired motor speed is allowed to flow. Input circuit variations are used when the tachometer output voltage is too low to give a usable signal with a silicon rectifier. In the variation shown in Figure 6.15(b), the tachometer is connected between a voltage divider and the base of the amplifier transistor. The voltage divider is set so that with no tachometer output the transistor is just barely in conduction. As the tachometer output increases, aT is cut off on negative half cycles and conducts on positive half cycles. Resistors R9 and R10 provide a fixed gain for this amplifier stage, providing the hFE of aT is much greater than the ratio of R9 to R10. Thus the output of the amplifier is a fixed multiple of the positive values of the tachometer waveform. The rectifier diode 01 prevents C1 from discharging through R9 on negative half cycles of the tachometer. The remainder of the filter and control circuitry is the same as the basic circuit. In the second variation, shown in 6.15(c), RS has been replaced by a semiconductor diode, 02. Since the voltage and temperature characteristics more closely match those of the transistor base-to-emitter junction, this circuit is easier to design and needs no initial adjustments as does the circuit in 6.15(b). The remainder ofthis circuit is identical to that of Figure 6.14. In the second basic circuit, which is shown in Figure 6.16, the rectified and filtered tachometer voltage is added to the output voltage of the voltage divider formed ..... 120V AC R4 INPUT CIRCUIT I I DETECTOR AND POWER CONTROL CIRCUIT Figure 6.15(a). Basic Tachometer Control Circuit R9 R7 C1 R1 TACH aT R8 01 R10 (b). Variation Used when the Tachometer Output is Too Low for Adequate Control R9 aT C1 R1 01 R10 (c). Variation Providing Better Temperature Tracking and Easier Initial Adjustment by R1 and R2. If the sum of the two voltages is less than V1 - VBE 01 (where VBE 01 is the base-emitter voltage of 01), 01 will conduct a current proportional to V1 VBE 01, charging capacitor C. If the sum of the two voltages is greater than V1 - VBE 01, 01 will be cut off and no current will flow into the capacitor. The operation of the remainder of the circuit is the same as the previously described circuits. All of the circuits that have been described show a unijunction transistor as the trigger device. A three-layer bilateral trigger diode may also be used as shown in Figure 6.17. The rectifier diode which is connected to the pulsing dc voltage, V2, discharges the capacitor at the end of each half cycle of the line voltage alternations, providing synchronization to the line voltage. Complete circuit diagrams using the two basic circuits are shown in Figure 6.1S. . '~.'­ :,. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-8 mined by the control circuit, the thyristor switches on for the remainder of the half cycle. By controlling the phase angle at which the thyristor is switched on, the relative power in the load may be controlled. PHASE CONTROL WITH TRIGGER DEVICES Phase control using thyristors is one of the most common means of controlling the flow of power to electric motors, lamps, and heaters. With an ac voltage applied to the circuit, the gated thyristor (SCR, TRIAC, etc.) remains in its off-state for the first portion of each half cycle of the power line, then, at a time (phase angle) deter- PHASE CONTROL WITH UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTORS Unijunction transistors provide a simple, convenient • TO ~ R1 120 VAC +V2 + V1 IPURE del LOAD CHARGING CIRCUIT LOAD MBS4991 120 VAC NOTE: V1 120VAC 60 Hz > VBR OF TRIGGER Figure 6.17. Use of a Bidirectional Switch as the Triggering Device Instead of the Unijunction Transistors Shown in Other Figures Figure 6.16. Another Basic Tachometer Circuit D---1~----------------------------------' 1N4001 6.8 k 1N984A 10 k 1W 4.7k 47k + 2 fJ,F 10V + MDA201 100 JLF~ + 1N4001 60V MPSA20 MAC2104 0.1 JLF 1k IT-SPRAGUE 11Z121 OR EOUIV Figure 6.18Ia). Complete Diagram of Tachometer Speed Control Shown in 6.15 MMBD7000 1k MAC210-4 100 k 0.1 JLF IT·SPRAGUE 11Z121 OR EOUIV Figure 6.18(b). Complete Diagram of Tachometer Speed Control Shown in 6.16 :.: ~ ,! . '" '.: MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-9 'v' ..... • means for obtaining the thyristor trigger pulse synchronized to the ac line at a controlled phase angle. These circuits are all based on the simple relaxation oscillator circuit of Figure 6.19. RT and CT in the figure form the timing network which determines the time between the application of voltage to the circuit (represented by the closing of S1) and the initiation of the pulse. In the case of the circuit shown, with Vs pure dc, the oscillator is free running, RT and CT determine the frequency of oscillation. The peak of the output pulse voltage is clipped by the forward conduction voltage of the gate to cathode diode in the thyristor. The principal waveforms associated with the circuit are shown in Figure 6.19(b). Operation of the circuit may best be described by referring to the capacitor voltage waveform. When the power is applied, CT charges at the rate determined by its own capacitance and the value of RT until its voltage reaches the peak point voltage of the UJT emitter. At that time the UJT switches into the conduction condition, discharging CT through RB' and the gate of the thyristor. With Vs pure dc, the cycle then repeats immediately; however, in many cases Vs is derived from the anode f---o'~ Vs 1 (a) I I v I I I I ~ !:; cog rI ~~ ~ o RB1 = 0.2 RBB(MIN) = 0.2 x 4 k = 40 ohms Vs 20 RB2 is necessary only if some degree of temperature compensation is necessary. In most cases, particularly in the feedback systems described later, it may be left out and base 2 of the unijunction may be connected to the positive side of Vs' It is often necessary to synchronize the timing of the output pulses to the power line voltage zero-crossing points. One simple method of accomplishing synchronization is shown in Figure 6.20. Zener diode D1 clips the rectified supply voltage resulting in a Vs as shown in 6.20(b). Since VBB, and therefore the peak point voltage ofthe unijunction drops to zero each time the line voltage corsses zero, CT is discharged at the end of every half cycle and begins each half cycle in the discharged state. Thus, even if the UJT has not triggered during one half cycle, the capacitor begins the next half cycle discharged so that the phase angle at which the pulse occurs is directly controlled for each cycle by the values of RT and CT. The zener diode also provides voltage stabilization for the timing circuit giving the same pulse phase angle regardless of normal line voltage fluctuations. APPLICATIONS The most elementary application of the UJT trigger circuit, shown in Figure 6.21, is a half-wave control circuit. In this circuit, RD is selected to limit the current through D1 so that the diode dissipation capability is not exceeded. Dividing the allowable diode dissipation by onehalf the zener voltage will give the allowable positive current in the diode since it is conducting in the voltage regulating mode only during positive half cycles. Once the positive half-cycle current is found, the resistor value may be calculated by subtracting 0.7 times the zener voltage from the rms line voltage and dividing the result by the positive current: I w voltage of the thyristor so that the timing cycle cannot start again until the thyristor is blocking forward voltage and once again provides Vs. During the time in which the capacitor is being charged, current flows through the interbase resistance (rBB) of the unijunction. RB1 is included in the circuit to provide a path for this current so that it does not flow through the gate of the thyristor and cause an undesirable turn on. Its value is selected so that a maximum voltage developed across it will be less than 0.2 volt. For a typical unijunction with rBB = 4 to 9 kohms, and a typical operating voltage of 20 volts, the value of RB1 would be: Erms - 0.7 Vz RD = --'-"-:-"----= Ipositive ---VCG I t::::::!________ laaR81 (b) Figure 6.19. Basic Relaxation Oscillator Circuit (a) and Waveforms (bl The power rating of RD must be calculated on the basis of full wave conduction as D1 is conducting on the negative half cycle acting as a shunt rectifier as well as providing Vs on the positive half cycle. The thyristor is acting both as a power control device and a rectifier, providing variable power to the load during the positive half cycle and no power to the load during ~*jl.j;cJA1m,$'lJ;ti!!1i?NJ;:;;i):I::a:t~~~~~jfJ;K~~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-10 I RD RT CONTROL I - - _ J CIRCUIT RB2 D1 Vs (al. Resistive Load CT LINE (al / --..Jvs_-.. r / ~ / I / RB1 I \ \ I SIN:~~E / , I \ V CONTROL I - - _ J CIRCUIT RECTIFIED I V \. \ (bl. Inductive Load \ • Figure 6.22. Half Wave Controls with Switching for Full Wave Operation (bl Figure 6.20. Control Circuit (al with Zener Clipped, Rectified Voltage (bl the negative half cycle. The circuit is designed to be a two terminal control which can be inserted in place of a switch. If full wave power is desired as the upper extreme of this control, a switch can be added which will short circuit the SCR when RT is turned to its maximum power position. The switch may be placed 'in parallel with the SCR if.the load is resistive; however, if the load is inductive, the load must be transferred from the SCR to the direct line as shown in Figure 6.22. Full wave control may be realized by the addition of a bridge rectifier, a pulse transformer, and by changing the thyristor from an SCR to a TRIAC, shown in Figure 6.23. In this circuit RB1 is not necessary since the pulse transformer isolates the thyristor gate from the steady-state UJT current. Occasionally a circuit is required which will provide constant output voltage regardless of line voltage changes. Adding potentiometer P1 to the circuits of Figures 6.21 and 6.23 will provide an approximate solution to this problem. The potentiometer is adjusted to provide reasonably constant output over the desired range of line voltage. As the line voltage increases, so does the voltage on the wiper of P1 increasing VBB and thus the peak point voltage of the UJT. The increased peak point voltage results in CT charging to a higher voltage and thus taking more time to trigger. The additional delay reduces the thyristor conduction angle and maintains the average voltage at a reasonably constant value. FEEDBACK CIRCUITS The circuits described so far have been manual control circuits; i.e., the power output is controlled by a potentiometer turned by hand. Simple feedback circuits may be constructed by replacing RT with heat or lightdependent sensing resistors; however, these circuits have no means of adjusting the operating levels. The addition of a transistor to the circuits of Figures 6.21 and 6.23 allows complete control. LOAD 900W RD LOAD 600W LINE AC LINE Figure 6.21. Half Wave Control Circuit with Typical Values for a 600 Watt Resistive Load Figure 6.23. A Simple Full Wave Trigger Circuit with Typical Values for a 900 Watt Resistive Load ~~,,'Y,<',':',"" P'4~.> ';1"""'",rt,,,<0}t;J';e.<{j'~":';~w,t*¥"'W!~1IJI,J'f.':'f~ ..Jr~~"'1l6~ft~!!t>14>j1;:1 ";~i.!';'~ ,..."''0'>"~ . .f..::> ...:#.-i~ ... '-;;'1·..p.~·~N##';s;"~7f~~2·::-..,~~·"·III;~<:.mn~.%~·}~.~' ~ ..... < MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-11 RD I 6.8 k PI 6.8 k RECTIFIED LINE IFULL DR HALFWAVEI RB2 RECTIFIED LINE DI IN5250A RC 100 k 11N5250A Figure 6.26. Voltage Feedback Circuit • Figure 6.24. Circuit for Line Voltage Compensation 2N4442 6.8 k 6.8 k RD RD RECTIFIED LINE IFULL OR HALFWAVEI RC 1k AC LINE RI 100 k LOAD SOOW RB2 1k ~ R2 30 k IN5250A *RS SHOULD BE SELECTED TO BE ABOUT 3 TO 5 KOHMS AT THE DESIRED OUTPUT LEVEL Figure 6.27. Half Wave. Average Voltage Feedback Figure 6.25. Feedback Control Circuit Figure 6.25 shows a feedback control using a sensing resistor for feedback. The sensing resistor may respond to anyone of many stimuli such as heat, light, moisture, pressure, or magnetic field. Rs is the sensing resistor and Rc is the control resistor that establishes the desired operating point. Transistor 0, is connected as an emitter follower such that an increase in the resistance of Rs decreases the voltage on the base of 0" causing more current to flow. Current through 0, causes voltage to charge CT, triggering the UJT at some phase angle. As Rs becomes larger, more current flows into the capacitor, the voltage builds up faster, causing the UJT to trigger at a smaller phase angle and more power is applied to the load. When Rs decreases, less power is applied to the load. Thus, this circuit is for a sensing resistor which decreases in response to too much power in the load. If the sensing resistor increases with load power, then Rs and Rc should be interchanged. Ifthe quantity to be sensed can be fed back to the circuit in the form of an isolated, varying dc voltage such as the output of a tachometer, it may be inserted between the voltage divider and the base of 0' with the proper polarity. In this case, the voltage divider would be a potentiometer to adjust the operating point. Such a circuit is shown in Figure 6.26. In some cases, average load voltage is the desired feedback variable. In a half wave circuit this type of feedback usually requires the addition of a pulse transformer, shown in Figure 6.27. The RC network, R" R2, C" averages load voltage so that it may be compared with the set point on Rs by 0,. Full wave operation of this type of circuit requires dc in the load as well as the control circuit. Figure 6.28 is one method of obtaining this full wave control. =, . . .: ~ IN4721 121 SPRAGUE I1Z12 lOR EQUIVALENTI AC LINE Figure 6.28. Full Wave. Average Voltage Feedback Control There are, of course, many more sophisticated circuits which can be derived from the basic circuits discussed here. If. for example, very close temperature control is desired, the circuit of Figure 6.25 might not have sufficient gain. To solve this problem a dc amplifier could be inserted between the voltage divider and the control transistor gate to provide as close a control as desired. Other modifications to add multiple inputs, switched gains, ramp and pedestal control, etc., are all simple additions to add sophistication. Basically, however, it is the UJT itself which provides the fast rising, high current pulse, which is desirable for reliable thyristor operation. The ease of adding feedback and relative insensitivity to line voltage changes are additional benefits gained from using this trigger device . :. .' MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-12 CYCLE CONTROL WITH OPTICALLY ISOLATED TRIAC DRIVERS designer may stack two of them in series. When used this way, two resistors are required to equalize the voltage dropped across them as shown in Figure 6.29. In addition to the phase control circuits, TRIAC drivers can also be used for ac power control by on-off or burst control, of a number of ac cycles. This form of power control allows logic circuits and microprocessors to easily control ac power with TRIAC drivers of both the zerocrossing and non zero-crossing varieties. USING NON-ZERO CROSSING OPTICALLY ISOLATED TRIAC DRIVERS USING THE MOC3011 ON 240 VAC LINES The rated voltage of a MOC3011 is not sufficiently high for it to be used directly on 240 V line; however, the REMOTE CONTROL OF AC VOLTAGE Local building codes frequently require all 115 V light switch wiring to be enclosed in conduit. By using a MOC3011, a TRIAC, and a low voltage source, it is possible to control a large lighting load from a long distance through low voltage signal wiring which is completely isolated from the ac line. Such wiring usually is not required to be put in conduit, so the cost savings in installing a lighting system in commercial or residential buildings can be considerable. An example is shown in Figure 6.29. Naturally, the load could also be a motor, fan, pool pump, etc. +5V 150 180 LOAD MOC3011 1M MOC3011 1M 240 Vac 1k Figure 6.29. Two M0C3011 TRIAC Drivers in Series to Drive 240 V TRIAC NON·CONDUIT #22 WIRE 160 115 V 360 _~"'L. 2N6342A Figure 6.30. Remote Control of AC Loads Through Low Voltage Non-Conduit Cable ,;.. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-13 incandescent lamps, reduces the surge current strains on the TRIAC, and reduces EMI generated by load switching. Of course, zero crossing can be generated within the microcomputer itself, but this requires considerable software overhead and usually just as much hardware to generate the zero-crossing timing signals. SOLID STATE RELAY Figure 6.30 shows a complete general purpose, solid state relay snubbed for inductive loads with input protection. When the designer has more control of the input and output conditions, he can eliminate those components which are not needed for his particular application to make the circuit more cost effective. APPLICATIONS USING THE ZERO CROSSING TRIAC DRIVER INTERFACING MICROPROCESSORS TO 115 VAC PERIPHERALS • For applications where EMI induced, non-zero crossing-load switching is a problem, the zero crossing TRIAC driver is the answer. This TRIAC driver can grea1ly simplify the suppression of EMI for only a nominal increased cost. Examples of several applications using the MOC3031,41 follows. The output of a typical microcomputer input-output (I/ 0) port is a TTL-compatible terminal capable of driving one or two TTL loads. This is not quite enough to drive the MOC3011, nor can it be connected directly to an SCR or TRIAC, because computer common is not normally referenced to one side of the ac supply. Standard 7400 series gates can provide an input compatible with the output of an MC6821, MC6846 or similar peripheral interface adaptor and can directly drive the MOC3011. If the second input of a 2 input gate is tied to a simple timing circuit, it will also provide energization of the TRIAC only at the zero crossing of the ac line voltage as shown in Figure 6.32. This technique extends the life of MATRIX SWITCHING Matrix, or point-to-point switching, represents a method of controlling many loads using a minimum number of components. On the 115 V line, the MOC3031 is ideal for this application; refer to Figure 6.33. The large static dv/dt rating of the MOC3031 prevents unwanted 150 180 2.4 k 2W lN4OO2 115V 10 k 47 Figure 6.31. Solid-State Relay +5V~ __ ~ ____________ 200W +5V ~ 180 7400 ADDRESS MC6800 1-----" OR MC6802 MPU DATA MC6820 r--t-r"),.+-_-.,~300~....j OR MC6821 OR 115V (RESISTIVE L..:::..:.:':':":'_ _-oLOAD) MOC3011 180 300 MC6846 1/0 115V:JII~ '-----1 MOC3011 1k OPTOTRIAC DRIVERS t-'VVV--o 5 V OPTIONAL ZERO·CROSSING CIRCUITRY Figure 6.32. Interfacing an M6800 Microcomputer System to 115 Vac Loads MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-14 MOTOR 115V (INDUCTIVE LOAD) CONTROL BUS Figure 6.33. Matrix Switching loads from being triggered on. This might occur, in the case of non-zero crossing TRIAC drivers, when a TRIAC driver on a vertical line was subjected to a large voltage ramp due to a TRIAC on a horizontal line being switched on. Since non-zero crossing TRIAC drivers have lower static dv/dt ratings, this ramp would be sufficiently large to trigger the device on. R is determined as before: R(min) = = Vin(pk) ITSM 170 V 1.2 A = POWER RELAYS The use of high-power relays to control the application of ac power to various loads is a very widespread practice. Their low contact resistance causes very little power loss and many options in power control are possible due to their multipole-multithrow capability. The MOC3041 is well suited to the use of power relays on the 230 Vac line; refer to Figure 6.34. The large static dv/dt of this device makes a snubber network unnecessary, thus reducing component count and the amount of printed circuit board space required. A non-zero crossing TRIAC 150 ohms 3000 CONTROL MOC 3041 230VAC POWER RELAY 1230 VAC COil) Figure 6.34. Power Relay Control MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-15 +5V +5V 7400 200W 300 115V IRESISTIVE LOAD) MOC 3031 MC68000 MPU • MOTOR 3000 300 MOC 3041 1 kO _-vvv-u 230 V !INDUCTIVE LOAD) + 5V Figure 6.35. M68000 Microcomputer Interface cause a voltage much higher than 115 Vac to appear across the winding which is not conducting current. driver (MOC3021) could be used in this application, but its lower static dv/dt rating would necessitate a snubber network. DETERMINING LIMITING RESISTOR R FOR A HIGH-WATTAGE INCANDESCENT LAMP Many high-wattage incandescent lamps suffer shortened lifetimes when switched on at ac line voltages other than zero. This is due to a large inrush current destroying the filament. A simple solution to this problem is the use of the MOC3041 as shown in Figure 6.37. The MOC3041 may be controlled from a switch or some form of digital logic. The minimum value of R is determined by the maximum surge current rating of the MOC3041 (lTSM): MICROCOMPUTER INTERFACE The output of most microcomputer input/output (110) ports is a TTL signal capable of driving several TTL gates. This is insufficient to drive a zero-crossing TRIAC driver. In addition, it cannot be used to drive an SCR or TRIAC directly, because computer common is not usually referenced to one side of the ac supply. However, standard 7400 NAND gates can be used as buffers to accept the output of the I/O port and in turn, drive the MOC3031 and/or MOC3041; refer to Figure 6.35. The zero-crossing feature of these devices extends the life of incandescent lamps, reduces inrush currents and minimizes EMI generated by load switching. R(min) = Vin(pk) ITSM _ Vin(pk) - 1.2 A ACMOTORS The large static dv/dt rating of the zero-crossing TRIAC drivers make them ideal when controlling ac motors. Figure 6.36 shows a circuit for reversing a two phase motor using the MOC3041. The higher voltage MOC3041 is required, even on the 115 Vac line, due to the mutual and self-inductance of each of the motor windings, which may On a 230 Vac Line: 340 V R(min) = 1.2 A = 283 ohms In reality, this would be a 300 ohm resistor. o~-----------------------------, OPTIONAL CURRENT LIMITING RESISTOR 115V R C 300 T o Figure 6.36. Reversing Motor Circuit '. : ~.' :~ ..;-t" :.';: (10) "-"l:"'::-:;':" MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-16 MOC 3041 (11) @D LAMP R ~ SWITCH OR DIGITAL LOGIC 300 MOC 3041 "fC- 23ov Figure 6.37. High-Wattage Lamp Control AC POWER CONTROL WITH SOLID-STATE RELAYS The Solid-State Relay (SSR) as described below, is a relay function with: a. b. c. d. e. Four Terminals (Two Input, Two Output) DC or AC Input Optical Isolation Between Input and Output Thyristor (SCR or TRIAC) Output Zero Voltage Switching Output (Will Only Turn On Close to Zero Volts) f. AC Output (50 or 60 Hz) Figure 6.38 shows the general format and waveforms of the SSR. The input on/off signal is conditioned (perhaps only by a resistor) and fed to the Light-EmittingDiode (LED) of an optoelectronic-coupler. This is ANDed with a go signal that is generated close to the zerocrossing of the line, typically .s; 10 Volts. Thus, the output is not gated on via the amplifier except at the zero-crossing of the line voltage. The SSR output is then re-gated on at the beginning of every half-cycle until the input on signal is removed. When this happens, the thyristor output stays on until the load current reaches zero, and then turns off. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SSRs The SSR has several advantages that make it an attractive choice over its progenitor, the Electromechanical Relay (EMR) although the SSR generally costs more than its electromechanical counterpart. These advantages are: 1) No Moving Parts - the SSR is all solid-state. There are no bearing surfaces to wear, springs to fatigue, assemblies to pick up dust and rust. This leads to several other advantages. 2) No Contact Bounce - this in turn means no contact wear, arcing, or Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) associated with contact bounce. 3) Fast Operation - usually less than 101-'5. Fast turnon time allows the SSR to be easily synchronized with line zero-crossing. This also minimizes EMI and can greatly increase the lifetime of tungsten lamps, of considerable value in applications such as traffic signals. 4) Shock and Vibration Resistance - the solid-state contact cannot be "shaken open" as easily as the EMR contact. 5) Absence of Audible Noise - this devolves from the lack of moving mechanical parts. 6) Output Contact Latching -the thyristor is a latching device, and turns off only at the load current zerocrossing, minimizing EMI. 7) High Sensitivity - the SSR can readily be designed to interface directly with TTL and CMOS logic, simplifying circuit design. 8) Very Low Coupling Capacitance Between Input and Output. This is a characteristic inherent in the optoelectronic-coupler used in the SSR, and can be useful in areas such as medical electronics where the reduction of stray leakage paths is important. This list of advantages is impressive, but of course, the designer has to consider the following disadvantages: 1) Voltage Transient Resistance - the ac line is not the clean sine wave obtainable from a signal generator. Superimposed on the line are voltage spikes from motors, solenoids, EMRs (ironical), lightning, etc. The solid-state components in the SSR have a finite voltage rating and must be protected from such spikes, either with RC networks (snubbing), zener diodes, MOVs or selenium voltage clippers. If not done, the thyristors will turn on for part of a half cycle, and at worst, they will be permanently damaged, and fail to block voltage. For critical applications a safety margin on voltage of 2 to 1 or better should be sought. The voltage transient has at least two facets the first is the sheer amplitude, already discussed. The second is its frequency, or rate-of-rise of voltage (dv/dt). All thyristors are sensitive to dv/dt to some extent, and the transient must be snubbed, or "soaked up," to below this level with an RC network.(1) Typically this rating ("critical" or "static" (1) For a more thorough discussion of snubbers, see page 1-3-9. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-17 • v LOAD INPUT ••f----i ON/OFF I LED AMPL LINE lINEO~\J NO~~ 0 0 not have as definite an off condition. There is always some current leakage through the output power switching thyristor, the control circuitry, and the snubbing network. The total of this leakage is usually 1 to 10 mA rms - three or four orders of magnitude less than the on-state current rating. 4) Multiple Poles - are costly to obtain in SSRs, and three phase applications may be difficult to implement. 5) Nuclear Radiation - SSRs will be damaged by nuclear radiation. ~\.. non 0 ON OFF--"'-----.1...I-----OUTPUT --'V--+-C\--'------ TRIAC SSR CIRCUIT Figure 6.38. SSR Block Diagram dv/dt) is 50 to 100 V/ILS at maximum temperature. Again the failure mode is to let through, to a halfcycle of the line, though a high energy transient can cause permanent damage. Table 6.1 gives some starting points for snubbing circuit values. The component values required depend on the characteristics of the transient, which are usually difficult to quantify. Snubbing across the line as well as across the SSR will also help. Load Current Arms Resistance .0 Capacitance 5 47 0.047 pF 10 33 0.1 25 10 0.22 40 22 0.47 Table 6.1. Typical Snubbing Values 2) Voltage Drop - The SSR output contaC1 has some offset voltage - approximately 1 V, depending on current, causing dissipation. As the thyristor has an operating temperature limit of + 125°C, this heat must be removed, usually by conduC1ion to air via a heat sink or the chassis. 3) Leakage Current - When an EMR is open, no current can flow. When an SSR is open however, it does Many SSR circuits use a TRIAC as the output switching device. Figure 6.39(a) shows a typical TRIAC SSR circuit. The control circuit is used in the SCR relay as well, and is defined separately. The input circuit is TTL compatible. Output snubbing for induC1ive loads will be described later. A sensitive-gate SCR (SCR1) is used to gate the power TRIAC, and a transistor amplifier is used as an interface between the optoelectronic-coupler and SCR1. (A sensitive-gate SCR and a diode bridge are used in preference to a sensitive gate TRIAC because of the higher sensitivity of the SCR.) CONTROL CIRCUIT OPERATION The operation of the control circuit is straightforward. The AND funC1ion of Figure 6.38 is performed by the wired-NOR colleC1or configuration of the small-signal transistors 01 and 02. 01 clamps the gate of SCR1 if optoeleC1ronic-coupler OC1 is off. 02 clamps the gate if there is sufficient voltage at the junC1ion of the potential divider R4, R5 to overcome the VBE of 02. By judicious seleC1ion of R4 and R5, 02 will clamp SCR1's gate if more than approximately 5 Volts appear at the anode of SCR1; i.e., 02 is the zero-crossing deteC1or. If OC1 is on, 01 is clamped off, and SCR1 can be turned on by current flowing down R6, only if 02 is also off which it is only at zero crossing. The capacitors are added to eliminate circuit race conditions and spurious firing, time ambiguities in operation. Figure 6.39(b) shows the full-wave reC1ified line that appears across the control circuit. The zero voltage firing • • • I!!!IIA.-fiIO_ _ _ _ _IIIH•••liJlJ_I_ _••TfRIJIIlWIII'! MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-18 r- - ----~r + IIN;UT LOAD Rll I C1 R1 R4 R2 R6 I R13 I I I I I OC1 ....--+----i I I Q2 I C11 R7 01 1.._ C2 _ I R12 RS I R3 I LINE I _J INPUT AND CONTROL CIRCUIT Figure 6.39(al. TRIAC SSR Circuit VSCR1 (b) "ZERO" VOLTAGE FIRINGLEVEL / / / "r / I I (e) FIRING WINDOW WITHOUT C1 AND C2 / I (dl I I FIRING WINDOW WITH C1 AND C2 ~ FIRING WINDOW I I I Figure 6.39. Firing Windows MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-19 ~ I • • Table 6.11. Control Circuit Parts List Line Voltage level is shown in 6.39(b) and 6.39(c), expanded in time and voltage. A race condition exists on the up-slope of the second half-cycle in that SCRl may be triggered via R6 before Ql has enough base current via R2 to clamp SCRl 's gate. Cl provides current by virtue of the rate of change of the supply voltage, and Ql is turned on firmly as the supply voltage starts to rise, eliminating any possibility of unwanted firing of the SSR; thus eliminating the race condition. This leaves the possibility of unwanted firing of the SSR on the down-slope of the first half cycle shown. C2 provides a phase shift to the zero voltage potential divider, and Q2 is held on through the real zero-crossing. The resultant window is shown in 6.39(d). CONTROL CIRCUIT COMPONENTS The parts list for the control circuit at two line voltages is shown in Table 6.11. Rl limits the current in the input LEO of DC1. The input circuit will function over the range of 3 to 33 Vdc. 01 provides reverse voltage protection for the input of DC1. 02 allows the gate of SCRl to be reverse biased, providing better noise immunity and dv/dt performance. R7 eliminates pickup on SCR1's gate through the zerocrossing interval. SCRl is a sensitive gate SCR; the 2N5064 is a TO-92 device, the 2N6240 is a Case 77 device. Alternatives to the simple series resistor (Rl) input circuit will be described later. POWER CIRCUIT COMPONENTS The parts list for the TRIAC power circuit in Figure 6.39(a) is shown in Table 6.111 for several rms current ratings, and two line voltages. The metal TRIACs are in the half-inch pressfit package in the isolated stud configuration; the plastic TRIACs are in the TO-220 Thermowatt package. R12 is chosen by calculating the peak control circuit off-state leakage current and ensuring that the voltage drop across R12 is less than the VGT(MIN) of the TRIAC. Part 120 V rms 240 V rms Cl C2 Dl D2 OCl 01 02 Rl R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 SCRl 220 pF, 20%, 200 Vdc 0.022 p.F, 20%, 50 Vdc lN4001 lN4001 MOC1005 MPS5172 MPS5172 1 kO, 10%, 1 W 47 kO, 5%,112 W 1 MO, 10%, 1/4 W 110 kO, 5%, 1/2 W 15 kO, 5%,114 W 33 kO, 10%, 1/2 W 10 kO, 10%, 1/4 W 2N5064 100 pF, 20%,400 Vdc 0.022 p.F, 20%, 50 Vdc lN4001 lN4001 MOC1005 MPS5172 MPS5172 1 kO, 10%, 1 W 100 kO, 5%, 1 W 1 MO, 10%, 1/4 W 220 kO, 5%, 1/2 W 15 kO, 5%, 1/4 W 68 kO, 10%, 1 W 10 kO, 10%, 1/4 W 2N6240 Cll must be an ac rated capacitor, and with R13 provides some snubbing for the TRIAC. The values shown for this network are intended more for inductive load commutating dv/dt snubbing than for voltage transient suppression. Consult the individual data sheets for the dissipation, temperature, and surge current limits of the TRIACs. TRIACs AND INDUCTIVE LOADS The TRIAC is a single device which to some extent is the equivalent of two SCRs inverse parallel connected; certainly this is so for resistive loads. Inductive loads however, can cause problems for TRIACs, especially at turn-off. A TRIAC turns off every line half-cycle when the line current goes through zero. With a resistive load, this coincides with the line voltage also going through zero. The TRIAC must regain blocking-state before there are more than 1 or 2 Volts of the reverse polarity across it - at 120 V rms, 60 Hz line this is approximately 30 /los. The TRIAC has not completely regained its off-state charac- Table 6.111. TRIAC Power Circuit Parts List Voltage 120 V rms 240 V rms rms Current Amperes 8 12 25 40 8 12 25 40 BR11 MDA102A MDA102A MDA102A MDA102A MDA104A MDA104A MDA104A MDA104A Cl', p.F (10%, line voltage ac rated) 0.047 0.047 0.1 0.1 0.047 0.047 0.1 0.1 Rl1 (10%,lW) 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 R12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 620 620 330 330 620 620 330 330 2N6342 2N6342A - 2N6343 2N6343A - - - T4121B T6420B - T4121D T4121D T6420D (10%,1/2W) R13 (10%,1/2W) TR11 I Plastic I Metal - 2N6163 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-20 ON/OFF 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ON SIGNAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - L - - - - - - - i : - - - - - - - - - OFF LOAD CURRENT (LAGGING LOADI LINE VOLTAGE .,- dV/dt -/ / / " ,,'" ~~/===F=========='~~~======~==;Z~/~~--------~~~--­ LINE AND F TRIAC VOLTAGE .... ~ ;' ,.... ...... - - ...- / TRIAC VOLTAGE Figure 6.40. Commutating dv/dt the next current zero. As the current is lagging the applied voltage, the line voltage at that instant appears across the TRIAC. It is this rate-of-rise of voltage, the commutating dv/dt, that must be limited in TRIAC circuits, usually to a few volts per microsecond. This is normally done by use of a snubber network RS and Cs as shown in Figure 6.41. SCRs have less trouble as each device has a full halfcycle to turn off and, once off, can resist dv/dt to the critical value of 50 to 100 V//Ls. RS Cs CHOOSING THE SNUBBING COMPONENTS(1) There are no easy methods for selecting the values of RS and Cs in Figure 6.41 required to limit commutating dv/dt. The circuit is a damped tuned circuit comprised by RS, CS, RL and LL, and to a minor extent the junction capacitance of the TRIAC. At turn-off this circuit receives a step impulse of line voltage which depends on the power factor of the load. Assuming the load is fixed, which is normally the case, the designer can vary RS and Figure 6.41. TRIAC with Snubber Network teristics, but does so as the line voltage increases at the 60 Hz rate. Figure 6.40 indicates what happens with an inductive or lagging load. The on signal is removed asynchronously and the TRIAC, a latching device, stays on until (1) For a more thorough discussion of snubbers, see page 1-3-9. L.... I .... 021 LOAD R23 ..... 1 ..... 1 024 R2l + INPUT + CONTROL CIRCUIT (SEE FIGURE 6.39(al AND TABLE 6.111 I - - ~ R24 .. SCR21 , 022 - T .... 1 ~ ~CR22 lC21 R22 023 .... I .... Figure 6.42. SCR SSR Circuit MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-21 LINE • +0---.----------.------------------, CS. Cs can be increased to decrease the commutating dv/dt; RS can be increased to decrease the resonant overring of the tuned circuit - to increase damping. This can be done empirically, beginning with the values for C11 and R13 given in Table 6.111, and aiming at close to critical damping and the data sheet value for commutating dvl dt. Reduced temperatures, voltages, and off-going di/dt (rate-of-change of current at turn-off) will give some safety margin. OCl R31 330 k INPUT SCR SSR CIRCUIT D31 lN4001 The inverse parallel connected Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) pair (shown in Figure 6.42) is less sensitive 'to commutating dv/dt. Other advantages are the improved thermal and surge characteristics of having two devices; the disadvantage is increased cost. The SCR power circuit can use the same control circuit as the TRIAC Circuit shown in Figure 6.39(a). In Figure 6.42, for positive load terminal and when the control circuit is gated on, current flows through the load, D21, R21, SCR1, D22, the gate of SCR21 and back to the line, thus turning on SCR21. Operation is similar for the other line polarity. R22 and R23 provide a path for the off-state leakage of the control circuit and are chosen so that the voltage dropped across them is less than the VGT(MIN) of the particular SCR. R24 and C21 provide snubbing and line transient suppression, and may be chosen from Table 6.IV or from the C11, R13 rows of Table 6.111. The latter values will provide less transient protection but also less off-state current, with the capacitor being smaller. Other circuit values are shown in Table 6.IV. Consult the individual data sheets for packages and dissipation, temperature, and surge current limits. While the SCRs have much higher dv/dt commutation ability, with inductive loads, attention should be paid to maintaining the dv/dt below data sheet levels. 031 MPS5172 R32 330 TH31 WESTERN THERMISTOR CORP., CURVE 2, r-----, 650 n ± 10% @ 25°C P/N2C6500 OR EOUIVALENT R33 180 TH31 Figure 6.43. TTL/CMOS Compatible Input LED for adequate performance to 100°C. At 2 mA do not use the CMOS output for any other function, as a LOGIC o or 1 may not be guaranteed. Assume a forward voltage drop of 1.1 V for the LED, and then make the Ohm's Law calculation for the system dc supply voltage, thus defining a new value for R1. TTL/CMOS COMPATIBLE To be TTL compatible at 5 Volts and CMOS compatible over 3 to 15 Volts, a constant current circuit is required, such as the one in Figure 6.43. The current is set by the VBE of 031 and the resistance of the R32, R33, and thermistor TH31 network, and is between 1 and 2 mA, higher at high temperatures to compensate for the reduced transmission efficiency of optoelectronic-couplers at higher temperature. The circuit of Figure 6.43 gives an equivalent impedance of approximately 50 kn. The circuit ALTERNATE INPUT CIRCUITS CMOS COMPATIBLE The 1 kn resistor, R1, shown in Figure 6.39(a) and Table 6.11, provide an input that is compatible with the current that a TTL gate output can sink. The resistor R1 must be changed for CMOS compatibility, aiming at 2 mA in the Table 6.1V. SCR Power Circuit Parts List Voltage rms Current Amperes C21 (10%, line voltage ae rated) 021-24 120 Vrms .. 11 5 22 240 Vrms 5 49 11 22 49 SEE TEXT lN4003 lN4003 lN4003 lN4003 lN4004 lN4004 lN4004 lN4004 R21 (10%, 1 W) 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 R22, 23 (10%,112 W) 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 III R24 SCR21 ,22 I Plastic I Metal ~ SEE TEXT 2N6239 2N4442 2N6402 - 2N6240 2N4443 2N6403 - - 2N4170 2N6168 2N6172 - 2N4172 2N6169 2N6173 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-22 R42 2 kil, 10% 1/2W R41 C41 2 ",F INPUT AC R41 10% 50 V BR41 MDA100A 120V 240 V 22 kO, 10%, 1 W 47 kil, 10%,2 W Figure 6.44. AC Compatible Input performs adequately over 3 to 33 Vdc and -40 to + 100°C. Note that though the SSR is protected against damage from improperly connected inputs, the external circuit is not, as 031 acts as a bypass for a wrongly connected input driver. AC LINE COMPATIBLE To use SSRs as logic switching elements is inefficient, considering the availability and versatility of logic families such as CMOS. When it is convenient to trigger from ac, a circuit such as shown in Figure 6.44 may be used. The capacitor C41 is required to provide current to the LED of OC1 through the zero·crossing time. An in-phase input voltage gives the worst case condition. The circuit gives 2 mA minimum LED current at 75% of nominal line voltage. INVERSE PARALLEL SCRs FOR POWER CONTROL TRIACs are very useful devices. They end up in solid state relays, lamp drivers, motor controls, sensing and detection circuits; just about any industrial full·wave application. But in high·frequency applications or those reo quiring high voltage or current, their role is limited by their present physical characteristics, and they become very expensive at current levels above 40 amperes rms. SCRs can be used in an inverse-parallel connection to -T bypass the limitations of a TRIAC. A simple scheme for doing this is shown in Figure 6.45. Table 6.V. lists sug· gested SCR's for this circuit configuration. The control device can take any of many forms, shown is the reed relay (Figure 6.45). TRIACs and Opto couplers can be inserted at point A·A to replace the reed relay. Compared to a TRIAC, an inverse-parallel configuration has distinct advantages. Voltage and current capabilities are dependent solely on SCR characteristics with ratings today of over a thousand volts and several hundred amps. Because each SCR operates only on a half-wave basis, the system's rms current rating is V2 times the SCR's rms current rating (see Suggested SCR chart). The system has the same surge current rating as the SCRs do. Operation at 400 Hz is also no problem. While turnoff time and dv/dt limits control TRIAC operating speed, the recovery characteristics of an SCR need only be better than the appropriate half-wave period. With inductive loads you no longer need to worry about commutating dv/dt, either. SCRs only need to withstand static dv/dt, for which they are typically rated an order of magnitude greater than TRIACs are for commutating dvl dt. Better reliability can be achieved by replacing the reed relay with a low current TRIAC to drive the SCRs, although some of its limitations come with it. In the preferred circuit of Figure 6.45(b), the main requirements of r - - --1 I V2V t~ ~ R;;.---(RL+RcI IGP WHERE IGP IS PEAK GATE CURRENT RATING OF SCR ~2V jr FLOATING I I,;Jr--..........- - - - - - - - - - I G - 1 1 - . - - - , I OR A t I" - - - -, o----J GROUNDED I LOADRL L ___ RC CONTROL DEVICE (CLOSED RESISTANCEI R :-1_ _ _--<_IG-2-------.-----~ I i ~ ~ Figure 6.45. Use of Inverse Parallel SCRs MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-23 SCR2 • Table 6.V. Suggested SCRs • Line Voltage (rms) Load Current (rms) SCR SCR Current Rating (rms) 120V 220 V 120V 220 V 120 V 220 V 120 V 220 V 25A 25A 35A 35A 50A 50A 75A 75A 2N5169 2N5170 2N6506 2N6507 2N3897 2N3898 MCR64-4 MCR64-6 20 A 20 A 25A 25 A 35A 35A 55A 55A This circuit offers several benefits. One is a considerable increase in gain. This permits driving the TRIAC with almost any other semiconductors such as linear ICs, photosensitive devices and logic, including MOS. If necessary, it can use an optically coupled TRIAC driver to isolate (up to 7500 V isolation) delicate logic circuits from the power circuit (see Figure 6.46(c)). Table 6.VI. lists suggested components. Another benefit is being able to gate the TRIAC with a supply of either polarity. Probably the most important benefit of the TRIAC/SCR combination is its ability to handle variable-phase applications - nearly impossible for non solid-state control devices. the TRIAC are that it be able to block the peak system voltage and that it have a surge current rating compatible with the gate current requirements of the SCRs. This is normally so small that a TO-92 cased device is adequate to drive the largest SCRs. In circuits like Figure 6.45, the control devices alternately pass the gate currents IG1 and IG2 during the "a" and "b" half cycles, respectively. ILa and ILb are the load currents during the corresponding half cycles. Each SCR then gets the other half cycle for recovery time. Heat sinking can also be done more efficiently, since power is being dissipated in two packages, rather than all in one. The load can either be floated or grounded. If the SCRs are not of the shunted-gate variety, a gate-cathode resistance should be added to shunt the leakage current at higher temperatures. The diodes act as steering diodes so the gate-cathode junctions are not avalanched. The blocking capability of the diodes need only be as high as the VGT of the SCRs. A snubber can also be used if conditions dictate. INTERFACING DIGITAL CIRCUITS TO THYRISTOR CONTROLLED AC LOADS Because they are bidirectional devices, TRIACs are the most common thyristor for controlling ac loads. A TRIAC can be triggered by either a positive or negative gate signal on either the positive or negative half-cycle of applied MT2 voltage, producing four quadrants of operation. However, the TRIAC's trigger sensitivity varies with the quadrant, with quadrants II and III (gate signal negative and MT2 either positive or negative) being the most sensitive anc;l quadrant IV (gate positive, MT2 negative) the least sensitive. For driving a TRIAC with IC logic, quadrants II and III are particularly desirable, not only because less gate trigger current is required, but also because IC power dissipation is reduced since the TRIAC can be triggered by an "active low" output from the IC. There are other advantages to operating in quadrants II and III. Since the rate of rise of on-state current of a TRIAC (dildt) is a function of how hard the TRIAC's gate A A (a). Reed Relay (b). Low-Current TRIAC A (c). Optically Coupled TRIAC Driver Figure 6.46. Control Devices Table 6.VI. Driver TRIACs Line Voltage Gate Negative Or In Phase With Line Voltage Gate Positive Optically Coupled 120 220 MAC97A4 MAC97A6 MAC97A4 MAC97A6 MOC3030', 3011 MOC3020, MOC3021 *Includes inhibit circuit for zero crossover firing. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-24 A A is turned on, a given IC output in quadrants II and III will produce a greater di/dt capability than in the less sensitive quadrant IV. Moreover, harder gate turn-on could reduce dildt failure. One additional advantage of quadrant II and III operation is that devices specified in all four quadrants are generally more expensive than devices specified in quadrants I, II and III, due to the additional testing involved and the resulting lower yields. I ~ GATE USING TRIACs Once the TRIAC load requirements are defined, an appropriate device selection can be made by referring to the TRIAC current ratings of Table 6.VII. Two important thyristor parameters are gate trigger current (lGT) and gate trigger voltage (VGT). IGT (Gate Trigger Current) is the amount of gate trigger current required to turn the device on. IGT has a negative temperature coefficient - that is, the trigger current required to turn the device on increases with decreasing temperature. If the TRIAC must operate over a wide temperature range, its IGT requirement could double at the low temperature extreme from that of its 25°C rating. It is good practice, if possible, to trigger the thyristor with three to ten times the IGT rating for the device. This increases its dildt capability and ensures adequate gate trigger current at low temperatures. VGT (Gate Trigger Voltage) is the voltage the thyristor gate needs to ensure triggering the device on. This voltage is needed to overcome the input threshold voltage ofthe device. To prevent thyristor triggering, gate voltage should be kept to approximately 0.4 V or less. Like IGT' VGT increases with decreasing temperature. INDUCTIVE LOAD SWITCHING Switching of inductive loads, using TRIACs, may require special consideration in order to avoid false triggering. This false-trigger mechanism is illustrated in Figure 6.47 which shows an inductive circuit together with the accompanying waveforms. 60 Hz LINE VOLTAGE APPLIED TO TERMINALS AAND B • \ 11 I ~~----------~\~----- 1 ~~~~GE t WITH SNUBBER NETWORK +-__ _ _- i _ _~ _ _ CHANGE IN TRIAC VOLTAGE DURING TURN·OFF Idvl ~~~_~ J ~~tT~GE WITHOUT SNUBBER NETWORK UNDESIRED TRIGGERING DUE TO FEEDBACK Figure S.47. Inductive Load TRIAC Circuit and Equivalent Waveforms Table S.VII. TRIACs with Various Current Ratings Sensitive Gate TRIACs TRIAC IT(rmsl MAG97, 97A, 978 2N6068A MAG228, A Series As shown, the TRIAC is triggered on, at t1, by the positive gate current (IGT). At that point, TRIAC current flows and the voltage across the TRIAC is quite low since the TRIAC resistance, during conduction, is very low. From point t1 to t2 the applied IGT keeps the TRIAC in a conductive condition, resulting in a continuous sinusoidal current flow that lags the applied voltage by 90° for this pure inductive load. At t2, IGT is turned off, but TRIAC current continues to flow until it reaches a value that is less than the sustaining current (lH), at point A. At that point, TRIAC current is cut off and TRIAC voltage is at a maximum. Some of that voltage is fed back to the gate via the internal capacitance (from MT2 to gate) of the TRIAC. 0.6 A 4A SA Non-sensitive Gate TRIACs TRIAC MAG91, A Series 2N6071-75 2N6342-49 2N6342A-49A MAG15A, 15AFP Series MAG223A, 223AFP Series 2N6160-65 2N5444-46 TT(rmsl 0.6 4 8 12 15 25 30 40 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-25 VCC TTL-TO-THYRISTOR INTERFACE The subject of interfacing requires a knowledge of the output characteristics of the driving stages as well as the input requirements of the load. This section describes the driving capabilities of some of the more popular TIL circuits and matches these to the input demands of thyristors under various practical operating conditions. VCC - - - - -SOURCE R2 CURRENT 100 I SINK I CURRENT Q2 I ~CONNECTION LOAD FOR CURRENT SINK CONDITION I .,,''' • '--~~K ...v~ut TTL CIRCUITS WITH TOTEM-POLE OUTPUTS (e.g. 5400 SERIES) The configuration of a typical totem-pole connected TTL output stage is illustrated in Figure 6.48(a). This stage is capable of "sourcing" current to a load, when the load is connected from Vout to ground, and of "sinking" current from the load when the latter is connected from Vout to VCC. If the load happens to be the input circuit of a TRIAC (gate to MT 1), the TRIAC will be operating in quadrants I and IV (gate goes positive) when connected from Vout to ground, and of "sinking" II and III (gate goes negative) when connected from Vout to VCC. LOAD CONNECTION FOR CURRENT SOURCE CONDITION ~ -= Vout QUADRANT I-IV OPERATION Considering first the gate-positive condition, Figure 6.48(b), the operation of the circuit is as follows: When Vin to the TTL output stage is low (logical "zero"), transistors 01 and 03 of that stage are cut off, and 02 is conducting. Therefore, 02 sources current to the thyristor, and the thyristor would be triggered on during the Vin = 0 condition. When Vin goes high (logical "one"), transistors 01 and 03 are on and 02 is off. In this condition depicted by the equivalent circuit transistor 03 is turned on and its collector voltage is, essentially, VCE(sat). As a result, the TRIAC is clamped off by the low internal resistance of SOURCE CURRENT SINK CURRENT (a) VCC Rl 03. QUADRANT II-III OPERATION When the TRIAC is to be operated in the more sensitive quadrants II and III (negative-gate turn-on), the circuit in Figure 6.49(a) may be employed. With 03 in saturation, as shown in the equivalent circuit of 6.49(b), its saturation voltage is quite small, leaving virtually the entire - VEE voltage available for thyristor turn-on. This could result in a TRIAC gate current that exceeds the current limit of 03, requiring a currentlimiting series resistor, (R(lim))' When the Vout level goes high, 03 is turned off and 02 becomes conductive. Under those conditions, the TRIAC gate voltage is below VGT and the TRIAC is turned off. 1k DIRECT-DRIVE LIMITATIONS With sensitive-gate TRIACs, the direct connection of a TRIAC to a TIL circuit may sometimes be practical. However, the limitations of such circuits must be recognized. (c) Figure 6.48. Totem-Pole Output Circuit TTL Logic, Together with Voltage and Current Waveforms, (b) Equivalent Circuit for Triggering TRIAC with a Positive Voltage - TRIAC-On Condition, (c) TRIAC-Off Condition MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-26 For example: For TTL circuits, the "high" logic level is specified as 2.4 volts. In the circuit of Figure 6.48(a), transistor Q2 is capable of supplying a short-circuit output current (lSc) of 20 to 55 rnA (depending on the tolerances of R1 and R2, and on the hFE of Q2). Although this is adequate to turn a sensitive-gate TRIAC on, the specified 2.4 volt (high) logic level can only be maintained if the sourcing current is held to a maximum of 0.4 rnA - far less than the current required to turn on any thyristor. Thus, the direct conneciton is useful only if the driver need not activate other logic circuits in addition to a TRIAC. A similar limiting condition exists in the Logic "0" condition of the output, when the thyristor is to be clamped off. In this condition, Q3 is conducting and Vout equals the saturation voltage (VCE(sat)) of Q3. TTL specifications indicate that the low logic level (logic "0") may not exceed 0.4 volts, and that the sink current must be limited to 16 rnA in order not to exceed this value. A higher value of sink current would cause (VCE(sat)) to rise, and could trigger the thyristor on. ROiml ~IRCUIT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Where a 5400-type TTL circuit is used solely for controlling a TRIAC, with positive-gate turn-on (quadrants I-IV), a sensitive gate TRIAC may be directly coupled to the logic output, as in Figure 6.48. If the correct logic levels must be maintained, however, a couple of resistors must be added to the circuit, as in Figure 6.50(a). In this diagram, R1 is a pull-up which allows the circuit to source more current during a high logical output. Its value must be large enough, however, to limit the sinking current below the 16 rnA maximum when Vout goes low so that the logical zero level of 0.4 volts is not exceeded. Resistor R2, a voltage divider in conjunction with R1, insures VOH (the "high" output voltage) to be 2.4 V or greater. The resistor values may be calculated as follows: For a supply voltage of 5 V and a maximum sinking current of 16 rnA R1 ;;. VCC/16 rnA ;;. 5/0.016 ;;. 312 n Thus, 330 n, 1/4 W resistor may be used. Assuming R1 to be 330 n and a thyristor gate on voltage (VGT) of 1 V, the equivalent circuit of Figure 6.50(b) exists during the logical "1" output level. Since the logical "1" level must be maintaned at 2.4 volts, the voltage drop across R2 must be 1.4 V. Therefore~ R2 LOGIC CIRCUIT = 1.41IR = 1.4IVR1/R2 = VCC 1.4/(2.6/330) '" 175 n VCC (a) -5V Vout 60 Hz LINE ..J~ R2 LOGIC CIRCUIT VEE/satl 0.4 V MAX ......_ _ Vout = 2.4 V Rl Rl (a) (bl LOAD Figure 6.50. Practical Direct-Coupled TTL TRIAC Circuit; (bl Equivalent Circuit Used for Calculation of Resistor Values (b) Figure 6.49. TTL Circuit for Quadrant II and III TRIAC Operation Requiring Negative VGT, (b) Schematic Illustrates TRIAC Turn-On Condition, Vout Logical "0" = MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-27 • A 180 n resistor may be used for R2. If the V GT is less than 1 volt, R2 may need to be larger. The MAC97A and 2N6071A TRIACs are compatible devices for this circuit arrangement, since they are guaranteed to be triggered on by 5 rnA, whereas the current through the circuit of Figure 6.50(b) is approximately 8 rnA, (VR1/Rl)' When the TRIAC is to be turned on by a negative gate voltage, as in Figure 6.49(b), the purpose of the limiting resistor R(lim) is to hold the current through transistor Q3 to 16 rnA. With a 5 V supply, a TRIAC VGT of 1 Vand a maximum sink current of 16 rnA R(lim) = (VCC - VGT)/lsink = (5 - 1)/0.016'" 250 In practice, a 270 n, 1/4 W resistor may be used. Depending on the logic family used, resistor Rl (pullup resistor) and R3 (base-emitter leakage resistor) may or may not be required. If, for example, the logic is a typical TTL totem-pole output gate that must supply 5 rnA to the base of the NPN transistor and still maintain a "high" (2.4 V) logic output, then Rl and R2 are required. If the "high" logic level is not required, then the TTL circuit can directly source the base current, limited by resistor R2. VCC n ---------, I OPEN COLLECTOR TTL CIRCUIT The output section of an open-collector TTL gate is shown in Figure 6.51(a). A typical logic gate of this kind is the 5401 type Q2input NAND gate circuit. This logic gate also has a maximum sink current of 16 rnA (VOL = 0.4 V max.) because of the Ql (sat) limitations. If this logic gate is to source any current, a pull-up-collector resistor, Rl (6.51b) is needed. When this TTL gate is used to trigger a thyristor, Rl should be chosen to supply the maximum trigger current available from the TTL circuit (= 16 rnA, in this case). The value of Rl is calculated in the same way and for the same reasons as in Figure 6.50. If a logical "1" level must be maintained at the TTL output (2.4 V min.), the entire circuit of Figure 6.50 should be used. For direct drive (logical "0") quadrants II and III triggering, the open collector, negative supplied (- 5 V) TTL circuit of Figure 6.52 can be used. Resistor Rl can have a value of 270 n, as in Figure 6.49. Resistor R2 ensures that the TRIAC gate is referenced to MTl when the TTL gate goes high (off), thus preventing unwanted turn-on. An R2 value of about 1 k should be adequate for sensitive gate TRIACs and still draw minimal current. Circuits utilizing Schottky TTL are generally designed in the same way as TTL circuits, although the current sourcelsink capabilities may be slightly different. TRIGGERING THYRISTORS FROM LOGIC GATES USING INTERFACE TRANSISTORS For applications requiring thyristors that demand more gate current than a direct-coupled logic circuit can supply, an interface device is needed. This device can be a smallsignal transistor or an opto coupler. The transistor circuits can take several different configurations, depending on whether a series or shunt switch design is chosen, and whether gate-current sourcing (quadrants I and IV) or sinking (quadrants II and III) is selected. An example of a series switch, high output (logic 1) activation, is shown in Figure 6.53. Any logic family can be used as long as the output characteristics are known. The NPN interface transistor, Ql, is configured in the common-emitter mode - the simplest approach - with the emitter connected directly to the gate of the thyristor. I I I I I I 1k I - - _ _ _ _ _ _ .J (al 5V Rl G yOU! MTl lOGIC CIRCUIT (bl Figure 6.51. Output Section of Open-Collector TTL, (bl For Current Sourcing. A Pull-up Resistor. R1. Must Be Added R2 Rl lOGIC CIRCUIT -5V Figure 6.52. Negative-Supplied (- 5 VI TTL Gate Permits TRIAC Operation in Quadrants II and '" MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-28 YOU! VCC When the TTL output is low, the lower transistor of the totem-pole, 03, is a clamp, through the 560 n resistor, across the 2N4401; and, since the 560 n resistor is relatively low, no leakage-current shunting resistor, R3, is required. In a similar manner, if the TTL output must remain at "Iogic 1" level, the resistor R1 can be calculated as described earlier (R3 mayor may not be required). For low-logic activation (logic "0"1, the circuit of Figure 6.54 can be used. In this example, the PNP-interface transistor 2N4403, when turned on, will supply positive-gate current to the thyristor. To ensure that the high logic level will keep the thyristor off, the logic gate and the transistor emitter must be supplied with the same power supply. The base resistors, as in the previous example, are dictated by the output characteristics of the logic family used. Thus if a TTL gate circuit is used, it must be able to sink the base current of the PNP transistor (lOL(MAX) = 16 mAl. R1 R2 LOGIC GATE R3 Figure 6.53. Series Switch, High Output (Logic ''1''1 To illustrate this circuit, consider the case where the selected TRIAC requires a positive-gate current of 100 mA. The interface transistor, a popular 2N4401, has a specified minimum hFE (at a collector current of 150 mAl of 100. To ensure that this transistor is driven hard into saturation, under "worse case" (low temperature) conditions, a forced hFE of 20 is chosen - thus, 5 mA of base current. For this example, the collector supply is chosen to be the same as the logic supply (+ 5 VI; but for the circuit configuration, it could be a different supply, if required. The collector-resistor, R4, is simply When thyristor operation in quadrants II and III is desired, the circuits of Figures 6.55 and 6.56 can be used; Figure 6.55 is for high logic output activation and Figure 6.56 is for low. Both circuits are similar to those on Figures 6.53 and 6.54, but with the transistor polarity and power supplies reversed. R4 = (VCC - VCE(sat) - VGT(typ))/IGT = (5 - 1 - 0.91/100 mA = 40 n A 39 ohm, 1 W resistor is then chosen, since its actual dissipation is about 0.4 W. If the "Iogic 1" output level is not important, then the base limiting resistor R2 is required, and the pull-up resistor R1 is not. Since the collector resistor of the TTL upper totem-pole transistor, 02, is about 100 n, this resistor plus R2 should limit the base current to 5 mA. Thus R2 calculates to R2 = [(VCC - VBE - VGT)/5 mAl - 100 n = [(5 - 0.7 - 0.91/0.005] 100 n = 560 Figure 6.55 sinks current from the thyristor gate through a switched NPN transistor whose emitter is referenced to a negative supply. The logic circuit must also be referenced to this negative supply to ensure that transistor 01 is turned off when required; thus, for TTL gates, VEE would be - 5 V. In Figure 6.56, the logic-high bus, which is now ground, is the common ground for both the logic, and the thyristor and the load. As in the first example (Figure 6.531, the negative supply for the logic circuit (- VEE) and the collector supply for the PNP transistor need not be the same supply. If, for power-supply current limitations, the collector supply is chosen to be another supply (- Vce), it must be within the VCEO ratings of the PNP transistor. n (specified I +5V R2 R1 LOGIC GATE -VEE Figure 6.54. Low-Logic Activation with Interface Transistor Figure 6.55. High-Logic Output Activation MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-29 • R2 Rl LOGIC GATE • -VEE -VEE Figure 6.56. Low-Logic Output Activation Figure 6.58. Shunt-,Interface Circuit (Quadrants I and'llI Operation) Also, the power dissipation of collector resistor, R3, is a function of -VCC - the lower -VCC, the lower the power rating. The four examples shown use gate-series swjtching to activate the thyristor' and load (when the interface transistor is off, the load is off). Shunt-switching can also be used ifthe converse is required, as shown in Figures 6.57 and 6.58. In Figure 6.57, when the logic output is high, NPN transistor, 01, is turned on, thus clamping the gate of the thyristor off. To activate the load, the logic output goes low, turning off 01 and allowing positive gate current, as set by resistor R3, to turn on the thyristor. In a similar manner, quadrant's II and III operation is derived from the shunt interface circuit of Figure 6.58. OPTICAL ISOLATORS/COUPLERS An Optoelectronic isolator combines a light-emitting device and a phpto detector in the same opaque package that provides ambient light protection. Since there is no electrical connection between input and output, and the emitter and detector cannot reverse their roles, a Signal can pass through the coupler in one direction only. Since the opto-coupler provides input circuitry protection and isolation from output-circuit conditions, groundloop prevention, dc level shifting, and logic control of high voltage power circuitry are typical areas where opto. couplers are useful. Figure 6~59 shows a photo-TRIAC used as a driver for a higher-power TRIAC. The photo-TRIAC is light sensitive and is turned on by a certain specified light density (H), which is a function of the LED current. With dark conditions (LED current = 0) the photo-TRIAC is not turned on, so that the only output current from the coupler is leakage current, called peak-blocking current (lORM). The coupler is bilateral and designed to switch ac signals. The photo-TRIAC output current capability is, typically, 100 mA, continuous, or 1 A peak. Any Motorola TRIAC can be used in the circuit of Figure 6.59 by using Table 6.VII. The value of R is based on the photo-TRIAC's current-handling capability. For example, when the MOC3011 operates with a 120 V line voltage (approximately 175 V peak), a peak IGT current of 175 VI 180 ohm (approximately 1 A) flows when the line voltage is at its maximum. If less than 1 A of IGT is needed, R can be increased. Circuit operation is as follows: Table 6.VII. Specifications for Typical Optically Coupled TRIAC Drivers +5V Rl LOGIC GATE R2 Figure 6.57. Shunt-Interface Circuit (High-Logic Output) Device Type Maximum Required LED Trigger Current (mA) Peak Blocking Voltage MOC300S MOC3011 MOC3011 MOC3020 MOC3021 MOC3030 MOC3031 30 15 10 30 15 30 15 250 250 250 400 400 250 250 R(Ohms) laO lao lao 260 360 51 51 When an op-amp, logic gate, transistor or any other appropriate device turns on the LED, the emitted light triggers the photo-TRIAC. Since, at this time, the main TRIAC is not on, MT2-to-gate is an open circuit. The 60 Hz line can now cause a current flow via R, the photoTRIAC, Gate-MT1 junction and load. This Gate-MT1 current triggers the main TRIAC, which then shorts and turns MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-30 n r-------, it I I I MC3870P offers the following specifications: ....-----'\/\/\._ ~ LED I I PHOTO I-.......L---:-O L ___ .!!!I~_--1 60 Hz MTl LINE OPTO COUPLER LOAD Figure 6.59. Optically-Coupled TRIAC Driver is Used to Drive a Higher-Power TRIAC off the photo-TRIAC. The process repeats itself every half cycle uAtil the LED is turned off. Triggering the main TRIAC is thus accomplished by turning on the LED with the required LED-trigger current indicated in Table 6.VII. MICROPROCESSORS Microprocessor systems are also capable of controlling ac power loads when interfaced with thyristors. Commonly, the output of the MPU drives a PIA (peripheral interface adaptor) which then drives the next stage. The PIA Output Port generally has a TTL compatible output with significantly less current source and sink capability than standard TTL. (MPUs and PIAs are sometimes constructed together on the same chip and called microcontrolliers.) When switching ac loads from microcomputers, it is good practice to optically isolate them from unexpected load or ac line phenomena to protect the computer system from possible damage. In addition, optical isolation will make UL recognition possible. A typical TTL-compatible microcontroller, such as the IOH = 300 !LA (VOH = 2.4 VI IOL = 1.8 mA (VOL = 0.4 V) VCC = 5 V Since this is not adequate for driving the optocoupler directly (10 mA for the MOC3011), an interface transistor is necessary. The circuit of Figure 6.60 may be used for thyristor triggering from the 3870 logical "1." The interface transistor, again, can be the 2N4401. With 10 mA of collector current (for the MOC30111 and a base current of 0.75 mA, the VCE(satl will be approximately 0.1 V. Rl can be calculated as in a previous example. Specifically: 1.8 mA (maximum IOL for the 3870) > 5 V/R1; Rl > 2.77 k Rl can be 3 k, 1/4 W With a base current of 0.75 mA, Rl will drop (0.75 mAl (3 k) or 2.25 V. This causes a VOH of 2.75 V, which is within the logical "1" range. • R2=[2.75 V-VSE(on)]lls = (2.75-0.75)/0.75= 2.66 k R2 can be a 2.7 k, 114 W resistor. R3 must limit IC to 10 mA: R3 = [5 V - VCE(satl - VF(diodel/l0 mAl = (5 - 0.1 - 1.21/10 mA = 370 n Since R3 is relatively small, no base-emitter leakage resistor is required. Figure 6.61 shows logical "0" activation. Resistor values are calculated in a similar way. THE CMOS INTERFACE Another popular logic family, CMOS, can also be used to drive thyristors. +5V Rl R2 Figure 6.60. Logical "1" Activation from MC3870P Microcomputer Figure 6.61. Logical "0" Activation ~':';;P1.Q:t~0i'i$'4i-~~~:<;:;;;S/,:}\t"Z~~~~~~:f~~~~~~w.~~~~~;~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-31 • As shown in Figure 6.62(a), the output stage of a typical CMOS Gate consists of a P-channel MOS device connected in series with an N-channel device (drain-todrain), with the gates tied together and driven from a common input signal. When the input signal goes high, logical 1, the P-channel device is essentially off and conducts only leakage current (lOSS), on the order of picoamps. The N-channel unit is forward-biased and, although it has a relatively high on resistance (rOS(on)), the drain-to-source voltage of the N-channel device (VOS) is very low (essentially zero) because ofthe very low drain current (VOSS) flowing through the device. Conversely, when the .input goes low (zero), the P-channel device is turned fully on, the N-channel device is off and the output voltage will be very near VOO. When interfacing with transistors or thyristors, 'the CMOS Gate is current-limited mainly by its relatively high on resistance, the dc resistance between drain and source, when the device is turned on. The equivalent circuits for sourcing and sinking current into an external load is shown in Figures 6.62(b) and 6.62(c). Normally, when interfacing CMOS to CMOS, the logic outputs will be very near their absolute maximum states (VOO or 0 V) because of the extremely small load currents. With other types of loads (e.g. TRIACs), the current, and the resulting output voltage, is dictated by the simple voltage divider of rOS(on) and the load resistor RL, where rOS(on) is the total series and/or parallel resistance of the devices comprising the NOR and NAND function. Interfacing CMOS gates with thyristors requires a knowledge of the on resistance of the gate in the source and sink conditions. The on-resistance of CMOS devices is not normally specified on data sheets. It can easily be calculated, however, from the output drive currents, which are specified. The drive (source/ sink) currents of typical CMOS gates at various supply voltages are shown in Table 6.VIII. From this information, the on resistance for worst case design is calculated as follows: For the source condition rOS(on)(MAX) = (VOO - VOH)/IOH(MIN) Similarly, for the sink current condition rOS(on)(MAX) = VOL/IOL(MIN) Values of rOS(on) for the various condition shown in Table 6.VIII are tabulated in Table 6.IX. Table 6. VIII. CMOS Characteristics Specified source/sink currents to maintain logical "1" and logical "0" levels for various power·supply (VOOI voltages. The IOH and IOL values are used to calculate the "on" resistance of the CMOS output. CMOS AL Series mA,de Output Drive Current CMOSCLlCP Series mA,de Min Typ Min Typ I(sourcel - 10H VOO = 5 V: VOH = 2.5 V VOO = 10 V; VOH = 9.5 V VOO = 15 V; VOH = 13.5 V -0.5 -0.5 -1.7 -0.9 -3.5 -0.2 -0.2 -1.7 -0.9 -3.5 I(sinkl - IOl VOO = 5 V; VOL = 0.4 V VOO = 10 V; Val = 0.5 V VOO = 15 V; VOL = 1.5 V 0.4 0.9 7.8 2 7.8 0.2 0.5 7.8 2 7.8 Table 6.1X Calculated CMOS On Resistance Values For Current Sourcing and Sinking at Various VDD Options Operating Conditions Output Resistance, rOSlon) Ohms Typical Maximum 1.7 k 500 430 12.5 k 2.5 k 500 420 190 2k 1k Source Condition VDD VDD dj:'"'' Yin D = 5V 10V 15V - Sink Condition P·CHANNEL rOS(onl Vout VOO RL = 5V 10V 15V - Vout q",.,NEL (a) VOO VDD ::- N·CHANNEL rOSlonl RL (b) -= (c) Figure 6.62. Output Section of a Typical CMOS Gate, (b) Equivalent Current-Sourcing Circuit is Activated when Vin goes Low, Turning the P-Channel Device Fully On, (c) Equivalent Current Sinking Circuit is Activated when the Input Goes High and Turns the N-Channel Device On It is apparent from this table that the on resistance decreases with increasing supply voltage. Although the minimum currents are now shown on the data sheet for the 15 V case, the maximum on resistance can be no greater than the 10 V example and, therefore, can be assumed for worst case approximation to be 1 and 2.5 kohms for sink-and-source current cases, respectively. The sourcing on resistance is greater than the sinking case because the difference in carrier mobilities of the two channel types. Since rOS(on) for both source and sink conditions var- ;r't:? j"T~~>#"'''»<'''''' .,.t} ... ",.!.'(~..JlII; '~f;#'~ ,,,,V<\""''Ir,, r"'''.".'J1'l&t''r"..,.,~r· ·,~'\].",t'H ·JIi,;&_.e'if~lt,$f;""" -:: :'.£~~:.·0>."·.~i!.l"),,,~,,:(~;··~~r~:~~:·~:L.>-.~\~rK1.%..;i.fl.t.*~~s,~~"~~~·)'h~:".~-t~~~~0>¥,~. :", MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-32 ies with supply voltage (VOO), there are certain drive limitations. The relative high rOS(on) of the P-channel transistor could possibly limit the direct thyristor drive capability; and, in a like manner, the N-channel rOS(on) might limit its clamping capability. With a 10 or 15 V supply, the device may be capable of supplying more than 10 mA, but should be limited to that current, with an external limiting resistor, to avoid exceeding the reliable limits of the unit metalization. DC MOTOR CONTROL WITH THYRISTORS In order to control the speed of a dc series field motor at different required torque levels, it is necessary to adjust the voltage applied to the motor. For any particular applied voltage the motor speed is determined solely by the torque requirements and top speed is reached under minimum torque conditions. When a series motor is used as a traction drive for vehicles, it is desirable to control the voltage to the motor to fit the various torque requirements of grades, speed and load. The common method of varying the speed of the motor is by inserting resistance in series with the motor to reduce the supplied voltage. This type of motor speed control is very inefficient due to the 12R loss, especially under high current and torque conditions. A much more efficient method of controlling the voltage applied to the motor is the pulse width modulation method shown in Figure 6.63. In this method, a variable width pulse of voltage is applied to the motor at the same rate to proportionally vary the average voltage applied to the motor. A diode is placed in parallel with the inductive motor path to provide a circuit for the inductive motor current and prevent abrupt motor current change. Abrupt current changes would cause high induced voltage across the switching device. BATTERY DIODE CURRENT VM = BACK EMF OF MOTOR LM = MOTOR INDUCTANCE RM = MOTOR RESISTANCE AVERAGE SCR DC MOTOR CONTROL SCRs offer several advantages over power transistors as semiconductor switches. They require less driver power, are less susceptible to damage by overload currents and can handle more voltage and current. Their disadvantages are that they have a higher power dissipation due to higher voltage drops and the difficulty in commutating to the off condition. The SCR must be turned off by either interrupting the current through the anode-cathode circuit or by forcing current through the SCR in the reverse direction so that the net flow of forward current is below the holding current long enough for the SCR to recover blocking ability. Commutation of the SCR in high current motor control circuits is generally accomplished by discharging a capacitor through the SCR in the reverse direction. The value of this capacitor is determined approximately from the following equation: Where: Cc = value of necessary com mutating capacitance FJ--Pt AVERAGE MOTOR CURRENT The circulating current through the diode decreases only in response to motor and diode loss. With reference to Figure 6.63, it can be seen that the circulating diode current causes more average current to flow through the motor than is taken from the battery. However, the power taken from the battery is approximately equal to the power delivered to the motor, indicating that energy is stored in the motor inductance at the battery voltage level and is delivered to the motor at the approximate current level when the battery is disconnected. To provide smooth and quiet motor operation, the current variations through the motor should be kept to a minimum during the switching cycle. There are limitations on the amount of energy that can be stored in the motor inductance, which, in turn, limits the power delivered to the motor during the off time; thus the off time must be short. To operate the motor at low speeds, the on time must be approximately 10 percent of the off time and therefore, a rapid switching rate is required that is generally beyond the capabilities of mechanical switches. Practical solutions can be found by the use of semiconductor devices for fast, reliable and efficient switching operations. ~--- Figure 6.63. Basic Pulse Width Modulated Motor Speed Control T q = turn-off time of the SCR IA = value of anode current before commutation Vc = voltage of Cc before commutation This relationship shows that to reduce the size of Cc, the capacitor should be charged to as high a voltage as possible and the SCR should be selected with as Iowa turn-off time as possible. If a 20 microsecond turn-off time SCR is com mutated by a capacitor charged to 36 volts, it would take over 110 p.F to turn off 200 amperes in the RC commutating circuit of Figure 6.64. If a 50 cycle switching frequency is desired, :~ " MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-33 • • Figure 6.64. Speed Control with Resistive Charging the value of R1 would be approximately 5 ohms to allow charging time with an on duty cycle of 10 percent. The value of this resistor would give approximately 260 watts dissipation in the charging circuit with 90 percent off duty cycle. If the resonant charging commutating circuitry of Figure 6.65 is used, the capacitor is reduced to approximately 55 p.F. In this circuit, SCR3 is gated on at the same time as SCR1 and allows the resonant charging of Cc through Lc to twice the supply voltage. SCR3 is then turned off by the reversal of voltage in the resonant circuit before SCR2 is gated on. It is apparent that there is very little power loss in the charge circuit depending upon the voltage drop across SCR3 and the resistance in Lc. If the com mutating capacitor is to be reduced further, it is necessary to use a transformer to charge the capacitor to more than twice the supply voltage. This type of circuit is illustrated by the transformer charge circuit shown in Figure 6.66. In this circuit the capacitor can be charged to several times the supply voltage by transformer action through diode 01 before commutating SCR1' The disadvantage ofthis circuit is in the high motor current that flows through the transformer primary winding. HEAVY DUTY MOTOR CONTROL WITH SCRs Another advantage of SCRs is their high surge current capabilities, demonstrated in the motor drive portion of the golf cart controller shown in Figure 6.67. Germanium power transistors were used because of the low satura- Figure 6.65. Speed Control with Inductive Charging Figure 6.66. SCR Motor Control with Transformer Charging tion voltages and resulting low static power loss. However, since switching speeds are slow and leakage currents are high, additional circuit techniques are required to ensure reliable operation: 1) The faster turn-on time of the SCR (09) over that of the germanium transistors shapes the turn-on load line. 2) The parallelled output transistors (03-08) require a 6 V reverse bias. 3) The driver transistor 02 obtains reverse bias by means of diode 04. To obtain the 6 V bias, the 36 V string of 6 V batteries are tapped, as shown in the schematic. Thus, the motor is powered from 30 V and the collector supply for 02 is 24 V, minimizing the dissipation in colliector load resistor R1. Total switching loss in switch mode applications is the result of the static (on-state) loss, dynamic (switching) loss and leakage current (off-state) loss. The low saturation voltage of germanium transistors produces low static loss. However, switching speeds of the germanium transistors are low and leakage currents are high. Loss due to leakage current can be reduced with off bias, and load line shaping can minimize switching loss. The turnoff switching loss was reduced with a standard snubber network (05, C1, R2) see Figure 6.67. Turn-on loss was uniquely and substantially reduced by using a parallel connected SCR (across the germanium transistors) the MCR265-4 (55 Arms, 550 A surge). This faster switching device diverts the initial turn-on motor load current from the germanium output transistors, reducing both system turn-on loss and transistor SOA stress. The main point of interest is the power switching portion of the PWM motor controller. Most of the readily available PWM ICs can be used (MC3420, MC34060, TL494, SG1525A, UA78S40, etc.), as they can source at MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6~34 least a 10 mA, + 15 V pulse for driving the following power MOSFET. Due to the extremely high input impedance of the power MOSFET, the PWM output can be directly connected to the FET gate, requiring no active interface circuitry. The positive going output of the PWM is power gained and inverted by the TMOS FET Q1 to supply the negative going base drive to PNP transistor Q2. Diode 01 provides off-bias to this paraphase amplifier, the negative going pulse from the emitter furnishing base drive to the six parallel connected output transistors and the positive going collector output pulse supplying the SCR gate trigger coupled through transformer n. Since the faster turn-on SCR is triggered on first, it will carry the high, initial turn-on motor current. Then the slower turn-on germanium transistors will conduct clamping off the SCR, and carry the full motor current. For the illustrated 2HP motor and semiconductors, a peak exponentially rising and falling SCR current pulse of 120 A lasting for about 60 /kS was measured. This current is well within the rating of the SCR. Thus, the high turn-on stresses are removed from the transistors providing a much more reliable and efficient motor controller while using only a few additional components. DIRECTION AND SPEED CONTROL FOR MOTORS For a shunt motor, a constant voltage should be applied to the shunt field to maintain constant field flux so that the armature reaction has negligible effect. When constant voltage is applied to the shunt field, the speed is a direct function of the armature voltage and the armature current. If the field is weak, then the armature reaction may counterbalance the voltage drop due to the brushes, windings and armature resistances, with the net result of a rising speed-load characteristic. The speed of a shunt-wound motor can be controlled with a variable resistance in series with the field or the armature. Varying the field current for small motor provides a wide range of speeds with good speed regulation. However, if the field becomes extremely weak, a rising speed-load characteristic results. This method cannot provide control below the design motor speed. Varying the resistance in series with the armature results in speeds less than the designed motor speed; however, this method yields poor speed regulation, especially at low speed settings. This method of control also increases power dissipation and reduces efficiency and the torque since the maximum armature current is reduced. Neither type of resistive speed control is very satisfactory. Thyristor drive controls, on the other hand, provide continuous control through the range of speed desired, do not have the power losses inherent in resistive circuits, and do not compromise the torque characteristics of motors. Although a series-wound motor can be used with either dc or ac excitation, dc operation provides superior performance. A universal motor is a small series-wound mo- • +36V OFF BIAS 6 25W Q9 MeR 2654 lNll63 D4 27 +15V +101J!' 1:: 25V 0.01 p.F 01 0.6 - ...... ~OOW \ 70 03 1N914 FORWARD REVERSE J - ./ -= / ~ -=- +15V +18V \ PWM -= 1N1163 1N914 20 SOW Rl I -= MTP12NOB 1 1 lN4744 -= I -= Figure 6.67. PWM DC Motor Controller Using SCR Turn..()n Feature ~~~~~~~z~.·~~"~~HBRB"""""""""~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-35 • tor designed to operate from either a dc or an ac supply ofthe same voltage. In the small motors used as universal motors, the winding inductance is not large enough to produce sufficient current through transformer action to create excessive commutation problems. Also, highresistance brushes are used to aid commutation. The characteristics of a universal motor operated from alternating current closely approximate those obtained for a dc power source up to full load; however, above full load the ac and dc characteristics differ. For a series motor that was not designed as a universal motor, the speedtorque characteristic with ac rather than dc is not as good as that for the universal motor. At eight loads, the speed for ac operation may be greater than for dc since the effective ac field strength is smaller than that obtained on direct current. At any rate, a series motor should not be operated in a no-load condition unless precaution is are taken to limit the maximum speed. capacitor charges to the breakdown voltage of zener diode 05 through potentiometer R1 and resistor R2. As the capacitor voltage exceeds the zener voltage, the zener conducts, delivering current to the gate of SCR 05. This turns 05 on, which discharges C1 through either T1 or T2 depending on the position of 51. This creates the desired triggering pulse. Once 05 is on, it remains on for the duration of the half cycle. This clamps the voltage across C1 to the forward voltage drop of 05. When the supply voltage drops to zero, 05 turns off, permitting C1 to begin charging when the supply voltage begins to increase. The speed of the motor can be controlled by potentiometer R1. The larger the resistance in the circuit, the longer required to charge C1 to the breakdown voltage of zener 05. This determines the conduction angle of either 01 and 04, or 02 and 03, thus setting the average motor voltage and thereby the speed. SERIES-WOUND MOTORS The circuit shown in Figure 6.68 can be used to control the speed and direction of rotation of a series-wound dc motor. Silicon controlled rectifiers 01-04, which are connected in a bridge arrangement, are triggered in diagonal pairs. Which pair is turned on is controlled by switch 51 since it connects either coupling transformer T1 or coupling transformer T2 to a pulsing circuit. The current in the field can be reversed by selecting either SCRs 02 and 03 for conduction, or SCRs 01 and 04 for conduction. Since the armature current is always in the same direction, the field current reverses in relation to the armature current, thus reversing the direction of rotation of the motor. A pulse circuit is used to drive the SCRs through either transformer T1 or T2. The pulse required to fire the SCR is obtained from the energy stored in capacitor C1. This SHUNT·WOUND MOTORS If a shunt-wound motor is to be used, then the circuit in Figure 6.69 is required. This circuit operates like the one shown in Figure 6.68. The only differences are that the field is placed across the rectified supply and the armature is placed in the SCR bridge. Thus the field current is unid'irectional but armature current is reversible; consequently the motor's direction of rotation is reversible. Potentiometer R1 controls the speed as explained previously. RESULTS Excellent results were obtained when these circuits were used to control 1115 hp, 115 V, 5,000 r/min motors. This circuit will control larger, fractional-horsepower motors provided the motor current requirements are within the semiconductor ratings. Higher current devices will •• • 14) lN4722 OR MDA2503 AC LINE .--~F-----'-"'~----" T1 T2 5 JLF 75 V ARMATURE + 05 2N5062 Cl • •• Tl R3 1k 12) SPRAGUE l1Z13 T2 Figure 6.68. Direction and Speed Control for Series-Wound or Universal Motor MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-36 02 (411 N4722 OR MDA2503 ac LINE 02 04 05 2N5062 •• T1 AND T2 ARE SPRAGUE 11Z13 01 THRU 04 - 2N4172 Figure 6.69. Direction and Speed Control for Shunt-Wound Motor permit control of even larger motors, but the operation of the motor under worst case must not cause anode currents to exceed the ratings of t\1e semiconductor. UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTOR APPLICATIONS USING RELAXATION OSCILLATORS Most UJT oscillator circuits employ the basic relaxation oscillator circuit in some way or another. As mentioned previously, either the output at base-one, base-two, or the emitter can be utilized in order to fulfill a specified requirement. voltage pulse will therefore appear at base-two, and this waveform is shown in Figure 6.71(b). When the voltage at the emitter has decreased to VO, a voltage approximately equal to the valley voltage when R1 is purely resistive, the UJT will turn off if RE meets certain conditions. CE will start to charge up again, and the cycle repeats. The waveform that appears at the emitter is shown in Figure 6.71(c). In order for the above sequence of events to take place, RE has to meet certain conditions. What these conditions are can best be explained by means of the emitter characteristic curve in Figure 6.72. (This curve is not drawn to scale in order to show more detail.) THE BASIC UJT RELAXATION OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT V1 The UJT relaxation oscillator, the basic building block in most UJT timer and oscillator circuits (Figure 6.70), operates as follows: When power is applied, the capacitor CE charges exponentially through the resistor RE until the voltage on the capacitor equals the emitter firing voltage Vp. At this voltage, the emitter base-one junction becomes forward biased and the emitter characteristic goes into the negative resistance region. The capacitor CE discharges through the emitter and a positive going pulse will be available at base-one. This pulse is shown in Figure 6.71(a) for a circuit having RE = 10 kn, CE = 0.01 ILF, R2 = 200 n, R1 = 47 n, and V1 = 20 V. Prior to firing, a current IS2 is flowing from base-two to base-one. When emitter current starts to flow, this current will increase to IS2(mod) since the resistance from base-two to ground is decreasing. A negative going l POSSIBLE \ OUTPUTS Figure 6.70. Basic UJT Relaxation Oscillator '.:, . MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-37 "'. ;-, ~:. ": intersecting the characteristic curve in the cutoff region, as illustrated by load line one, would keep the UJT from ever firing. Having selected RE < RE(maxl, the UJT will turn on, and CE will discharge through the emitter. If RE is too small, however, and allows an emitter current larger than the valley current IV to flow, the UJT will not turn off. A stable state in the saturation region will result, and the load line will intersect the emitter characteristic curve somewhere to the right of the valley point. Load line 2 in Figure 6.76 intersecting the characteristic curve at P2 illustrates this condition. The minimum RE that can be used in order to assure oscillation can be defined by this formula: 5 V/oiv • OV ~ k 2OJ.IS.IDiv (al. Base-One Waveform RE> 5 V/oiv 1I V1 - Vv IV = RE(min)** (2) where Vv is the valley voltage. An emitter resistance selected to meet the requirements in equations (1) and (2) will result in a load line which intersects the characteristic curve somewhere in the negative resistance region. An example is given by load line 3, intersecting the curve at P3. The theory explaining the turn-off will be given in the appendix. The time required for a complete period can be calculated. The voltage on CE at any time is given by the equation: V OV 20 p.sIDlv (bl. Base-Two Waveform 5 VlDiv OV ~ V ..... V V ~ ~ ~ lCE V V VE V1 20 J.IS.IDiv (cl. Emitter Waveform SATURATION CUTOFF REGION Figure 6.71. UJT Oscillator Waveforms ---iilto~--- ,..o--RE_G_IO_N......... Vp The emitter capacitor CE, will charge until the emitter voltage is equal to Vp. At this point on the characteristic curve, peak point emitter current Ip will be flowing, and in order to fire the unijunction, the value of emitter resistor RE must be small enough to allow a current somewhat larger than Ip to flow. RE must, therefore, meet the following requirement: RE < V1 - Vp I = RE(max) p LOAD LINE 1 (1) where V1 is the applied bias voltage. Referring to Figure 6.72, this means that a load line Ie Figure 6.72. UJT Emitter Characteristic Load Lines MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-38 VCE = Vv + (V1 - VV) (1 - e-tiRECE) Substituting VCE = Vp = Vo Vo + 1/VB2B1 = Vv (3) + 1/VB2B1 * + (V1 - VV) (1 - e-tiRECE) (4) --r-o-......-o + 24 10 k Solving this equation for t will give the time to charge CE from Vv to Vp. V1 - Vv (5) - Vo - 1/VB2B1 A complete period T also includes the switching time of the UJT and the formula for T becomes: t = RE CE 1n V1 2N4853 B1 V1 - Vv + to n + t 0 ff (6) - Vo - 1/VB2B1 The following simplifications can be made in this formula: The turn-on time is generally much smaller than toff and can be omitted. V1 is also usually an order of magnitude larger than Vo or VV. and when R1 and R2 are small. VB2B1 "" V1. Equation (6) can therefore be written: T = RE CE 1n V1 1 T"" RE CE 1n 1 _ 1/ + toff • (7) Figure 6.73. A Simple Time Delay Circuit To summarize: The condition for stable operation' of the relaxation oscillator is that RE must be chosen such that the load line intersects the emitter characteristic in the negative resistance region. The approximate period can be found from Equation (7). A SIMPLE TIME DELAY The basic building block can be used without modification in simple time delay circuits. One such circuit is shown in Figure 6.70. The circuit operation is as follows: The circuit values are determined by means of the equations developed previously. The value of the emitter resistor RE is chosen by means of Equations (1) and (2) to meet the requirements. RE(min) < RE < RE(max) When RE = 10 MO. CE = 10 JLF. and 1/ = 0.8. the time required for one complete period can be found from Equation (7): T"" RECE 1n _1_ = 10 .106x10 .10- 6x1n __ 1_ 1 - 1/ 1 - 0.8 T "" 160 seconds R2 is selected as 1 kO to provide maximum temperature compensation with the UJT used. The theory of temperature compensation is given in the appendix. After the first cycle. the relay will normally be energized. When push-button S1. being normally closed is activated. the SCR turns off. the relay is de-energized. and power is applied to the relaxation oscillator and the load. After a time delay varying from less than a second *In practice. the variation of the emitter voltage in the neighborhood of the valley point is so small that in order to assure turn-off. RE should be selected two to three times larger than RE(min). to approximately 2.5 minutes. as determined by the setti'ng of the 10 MO pot. the unijunction will fire and turn on the SCR. The relay will energize and power is removed from the oscillator and the load. The relay K1 will stay energized until the push button S1 is pushed again. As shown in the example. the UJT trigger output from Base 1 directly drives the gate of the SCR. However. where isolation between the UJT trigger. or any other type of trigger. and the thyristor power circuit is required. then a simple pulse transformer interfacing the two elements will suffice. TEMPERATURE STABILIZATION OF THE PEAK POINT VOLTAGE Practically all UJT characteristics are temperature dependent. The interbase resistance rBB and emitter reverse current lEO increase. while the peak. valley voltage. current. intrinsic standoff ratio .,. and the junction diode drop decrease with increasing temperature. The peak point voltage is given by the equation: Vp = Vo + "VB2B1 (10) Since both Vo and., decrease with temperature. Vp will also decrease. This is. of course. a very undesirable condition in many applications. and particularly in timers and oscillator circuits. It has been found. however. that the change in Vp can be compensated for by adding a resistor R2 in series with the base two terminal. If this resistor is selected properly. Vp can be made to vary less than 1% over a 50°C temperature variation. An equivalent circuit for the UJT in the cutoff region. including the external resistor R2. is shown in Figure 6.74. The peak point voltage is now given by: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""""~"""III MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-39 If a high degree of accuracy is required, however, a final adjustment of R2 should be made in the actual operating circuit. Frequency variation as a function of temperature for a typical annular UJT is shown in Figure 6.75. Temperature curves for several values of R2 ranging from 250 ohms to 3 kohms are shown, and an R2 of approximately 1.5 kohms can be seen to compensate very well from - 5°C to + 85°C. A smaller resistor should be used for operation below -5°C. ~ J, /' ::-r E~~f---""AjJB2Bl fBl a Bl Figure 6.74. Electrical Equivalent Circuit for the UJT with the External Compensating Resistor R2. The Equivalent Circuit is Valid in the Cutoff Region Only. 'IV 1r BB (11) = Vo + ---=-...,.. P (rBB + R2) When temperature is increased, Vo decreases, and for Vp to remain unchanged, the second term in Equation (6), representing the voltage at point A, must increase. Since rBB will increase and R2 will remain unchanged, the second term in the equation will indeed increase. It would seem like a relatively simple task to calculate R2 from Equation (11) by taking the derivative of Vp with dv . dt p equa I to zero, an d respect to temperature, setting V solve for R2. This procedure would result in the following equation for R2. '[ R2 = 1/2 -(2rBB (2 rBB K2 K3 , + V, r BB K,) + V1 'I K K2 ± K3 K3] + V, 'I K, + V, rBBK1 - 4 rBB (, + V'K1) (12) dvo where K, -2.7 mVrC dt d rBB K2 = Cit = rBBN· 0.77 100 K = d'l = 'IN, 0.06 3 dt 100 rc rc 1.2 ,------,----,----,--~-~~-__r_-r___.-__, and the sUbscript N denotes the value at 25°C. When solving this equation, it would also have to be taken into account that rBB is voltage dependent and when VB2B1 is increased by one volt, rBB increases 1.2% (based on the value of rBB at VB2B1 = 3 V). Furthermore, the temperature dependency of rBB affects not only terms containing K2 but also terms containing rBB itself. In equation (12)"fBB, K1, K2, and 'I are voltage dependent and VB2B1 is dependent on R2. This interdependency results in a very complex equation that is difficult to solve, which in turn greatly reduces the usefulness of Equation (12). In most applications, the variation predominates and can be compensated for by choosing R2 as follows: R2 = 15% rBB DYNAMIC OPERATING PATHS In order to determine the dynamic operating path of the relaxation oscillator, the circuit in Figure 6.76 can be used. Figure 6.80(b) shows the emitter characteristic curve for VB2B1 = 20 volts with the dynamic operating path of the oscillator shown with dotted lines. (V1 is adjusted for VB2B1 = 20 volts.) At the beginning of a cycle, CE will start to charge from point A on the characteristic curve. At point B, where the voltage of CE equals V P' the UJT will fire and the characteristic curve goes into the negative resistance region. The voltage on the capacitor cannot change instantaneously, however, and the dynamic operating path will move from 'point B to point C. The time required to move from B to C is approximately 1 /Ls. From point C, the operating path follows an essentially straight line to point D, which is approximately equal to the valley point. This straight line has a slope of approximately 32 volts/ampere or 32 ohms, and is composed of R1 and the UJT emitter base one saturation resistance. There is not enough emitter current available to sustain operation at point 0, and the operating path tries to follow the characteristic curve to the point where it is intersected by the load line determined by RE. If the emitter circuit of the UJT were purely resistive (Le. no capacitor CE), this intersection point would be a stable operating point. To reach this point, however, the emitter voltage must increase. The resistance from emitter to base-one will also increase, and the emitter current will decrease somewhat. When the emitter voltage increases, however, current starts to (13) is:t'l%;,,~:t~t~.~,.;:£~~i~it~~;; ~:y'tH1i t 1 ' j ~l ~; , 1.11:::--+-""""1:::--+-+ 0,8 ~--=--::------';---f::--=---!::-----:!;--:!::--=-----:-:! -55 -35 -20 -5 10 25 40 55 70 85 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE IN °C Figure 6.75. Frequency versus Temperature for a UJT Relaxation Oscillator Circuit. (Frequency is Normalized to 25°C and R2 is a Variable Parameter) #!~rr.: H~; ,~..x~HtH~~ J;~~Ii~ ;~t,~t=«ttM'~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-40 20 / 18 16 I B - w .' ~ (j) " ~ " .£ ~ AD " - 100 ~ :J;!"' 12 w - - ~ a / :> a:: ~ ~ =60 l- 200 300 400 EMITTER CURRENT IR ImAI (a) 7CE r-- .......... "'\ i} <:> II STATIC EMhTER tHARACTERISTIC .L- I-- 14 '::; / := " "- a 1"-.'= 32 n t,J$ a:: 16 ,,' ~12 -1\ - -- "'IC g ~ 10 b 18 - ~ 14 20 DY~AMIC ~PER~TING P~TH l10 lp.F I I ..j. ~ CE = O.lp,F_ 0.05 p,F , 1-) ~ r-..... CECE ,== O.Olp,F I I .,L- I-- V 1/ t:: a'j /; 500 V VB2Bl = 20V _ I-Rl = 270 / / 10 k o o 1k 100 200 300 EMITTER CURRENT IE ImAI 400 500 Figure 6.77(a). Dynamic Operating Path versus Emitter Capacitance (Circuit Figure 6.80) 20 VB2Bl (b) V Figure 6.76. Determining the Dynamic Operating Path 16 flow into the capacitor and the emitter current is reduced more than that required by the characteristic curve. So, with a capacitor CE in the emitter circuit, there are no stable operating points in the negative resistance region, and from point D, therefore, the operating path goes to point A again and the cycle repeats. It takes about 180 JLS to traverse the path from point C to point A in the circuit shown. The shape of the dynamic operating path is determined by the capacitor CE, the bias voltage, and the resistor R1. Figure 6.77 shows operating paths for different values of CE while 6.77(b) shows operating paths for fixed CE but varying interbase voltage. When an inductive load, like a relay coil, for example, is substituted for R1, the dynamic operating path will be somewhat different. Figure 6.78(a) shows a relaxation oscillator having a pulse transformer instead of R1, and Figure 6.78(b) shows the resulting dynamic operating path. An important difference here is that the emitter no longer ceases to conduct when valley voltage is reached but goes down to less than 0.5 volts before turning off. Figure 6.78(c) shows how the turn-off voltage is dependent on the bias voltage . . .~. VB2Bl (j) a 12 :> w <:> « '::; 10 a:: ~ 8 ~ w / VB2Bl ::;; w VB2Bl = 10 / jfT / / J ICE = lp,FI V / 100 200 JOO EMITTER CURRENT IE ImAI 400 500 Figure 6.77(b). Dynamic Operation Path versus Interbase Voltage (Circuit Figure 6.80) '. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-41 V = 15 V 7 a> t:: ~ = 20V 14 '::; lJ = 25 V 18 • BATTERY CHARGER USING A UJT The battery charger circuit shown in Figure 6.79(a) is a very simple circuit utilizing the relaxation oscillator. The circuit will not work unless the "battery to be charged is connected with proper polarity. The battery voltage controls the charger and when the battery is fully charged, the charger will not supply current to the battery. The circuit operation is as follows: The battery charging current is obtained through the SCR when it is triggered into the conducting state by the UJT relaxation oscillator. The oscillator is only activated when the battery voltage is low. VB2B1 of the UJT is derived from the voltage of the battery to be charged, and since Vp = Vo + 71VB2B1, the higher VB2B1, the higher Vp. When Vp exceeds the breakdown voltage of the zener diode Z1, the UJT will cease to fire and the SCR will not conduct. This indicates that the battery has attained its desired charge as set by R2. The relaxation oscillator itself and the waveforms associated with the operation is shown in Figure 6.79(b). (The voltage increase will tend to change the pulse repetition rate, but this is not important, since the battery will tend to average the output.) 10 k • PULSE TRANSFORMER 'INDUCTANCE = 230 p.H Figure 6.78Ia). A Relaxation Oscillator with Inductive* Load 20 18 !3 16 ~ 14 > w w 12 (!) ~ 10 ~ 8 r-- ....... '\ - - a:: ~ ::E w I'-.. ~ 4 2 i...-- I-- r-100 I-- '""" 200 300 -J 500 400 FEEDBACK CIRCUITS The circuits described so far have been manual control circuits; i.e., the power output is controlled by a potentiometer turned by hand. Simple feedback circuits may be constructed by replacing RT with heat or lightdependent sensing resistors; however, these circuits have no means of adjusting the operating levels. The addition of a transistor to the circuits allows complete control. Figure 6.81 shows a feedback control using a sensing resistor for feedback. The sensing resistor may respond EMITTER CURRENT IE (mA) Ib) 0.9 !3 O.B ~ 0.7 - ~ 0.6 ~ 0.5 ~ ~ ifi 0.2 = 20V ......... I-..... ~ ""/ 0.4 0.3 / MCR3818 / 'hV 25 V ......... / /. V 30V......., K2 V /" ./ "'/ V VB2Bl r- RS' _V - /. '7' T1- PRIMARY = 30 TURNS #22 SECONDARY = 45 TURNS #22 CORE = FERROXCUBE 203 F 181·3C3 • RS - SERIES RESISTANCE TO LIMIT CURRENT THROUGH SCR. MCR 2818-3 IS RATED AT 20 AMPS rms. ~ :;..' 0.1 o W W 30 40 ~ ~ M EMITTER CURRENT IE (rnA) 00 00 ~ Figure 6.79hi). A 12 Volt Battery Charger Control 120 Amps rms Max) Ie) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-42 RE + VBl B2 I BATIERY CHARGING I BATIERY -1- CHARGED -TIME UJT PEAK POINT VOLTAGE ZENERVOUAGE _---~---------- ~ VCE - - - - - _ - - • TIME SCR CONDUCTS I I SCR - 1 - NONCONDUCTING TIME voltage divider and the base of 01 with the proper polarity. In this case, the voltage divider would be a potentiometer to adjust the operating point. Such a circuit is shown in Figure 6.82. In some cases, average load voltage is the desired feedback variable. In a half wave circuit this type of feedback usually requires the addition of a pulse transformer, shown in Figure 6.83. The RC network, R" R2, C, averages load voltage so that it may be compared with the set point on RS by 01. Full wave operation of this type of circuit requires dc in the load as well as the control circuit. Figure 6.84 is one method of obtaining this full wave control. There are, of course, many more sophisticated circuits which can be derived from the basic circuits discussed here. If, for example, very close temperature control is desired, the circuit of Figure 6.81 might not have sufficient gain. To solve this problem a dc amplifier could be inserted between the voltage divider and the control transistor gate to provide as close a control as desired. Other modifications to add multiple inputs, switched gains, ramp and pedestal control, etc., are all simple additions to add sophistication. Basically, however, it is the UJT itself which provides the fast rising, high current pulse, t Pl 6.8 k 500 RECTIFIED LINE (FULL OR HALF WAVE) Dl lN5250A CT Figure 6.80. Circuit for Line Voltage Compensation 6.8 k Figure 6.79(b). Waveforms Associated with Battery Charger Operation to anyone of many stimuli such as heat, light, moisture, pressure, or magnetic field. RS is the sensing resistor and RC is the control resistor that establishes the desired operating point. Transistor 0, is connected as an emitter follower such that an increase in the resistance of RS decreases the voltage on the base of 0" causing more current to flow. Current through 01 causes voltage to charge CT, triggering the UJT at some phase angle. As RS becomes larger, more current flows into the capacitor, the voltage builds up faster, causing the UJT to trigger at a smaller phase angle and more power is applied to the load. When RS decreases, less power is applied to the load. Thus, this circuit is for a sensing resistor which decreases in response to too much power in the load. If the sensing resistor increases with load power, then RS and RC should be interchanged. If the quantity to be sensed can be fed back to the circuit in the form of an isolated, varying dc voltage such as the output of a tachometer, it may be inserted between the RD RD RECTIFIED LINE IFULL OR HALF WAVE) RS* lN5250A Dl ! *RS SHOULD BE SELECTED TO BE ABOUT 3 TO 5 kO AT THE DESIRED OUTPUT LEVEL Figure 6.81. Feedback Control Circuit 6.8 k RECTIFIED LINE lN5250A RC 100 k Figure 6.82. Voltage Feedback Circuit MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-43 • 2N4442 RS T SPRAGUE 11Z12 (OR EQUIVALENT) 6.8 k RC 1k ac LINE R1 100 k LOAD 600W RB2 1k R2 30k 1N5250A • T Figure 6.83. Half Wave, Average Voltage Feedback charges to the firing voltage of Q2, 02 fires and turns the TRIAC on through pulse transformer T1. If the temperature continues to decrease, the resistance of RT increases more and 01 is turned on more. C1 charges faster and the TRIAC is triggered earlier, delivering more power to the load. As the temperature increases, the resistance of RT decreases and Q1 will conduct less. C1 takes longer to charge and the TRIAC is triggered later in the cycle. When the desired temperature is reached, 01 is off and the TRIAC is off. The circuit shown is for a heater load, but the circuit could also be used to control a motor with a constant load such as a blower motor, as indicated by the dotted portion of Figure 6.85. The circuit is shown for a heating application but can be used for cooling by interchanging RT and R2. 800 W LIGHT-DIMMER CIRCUITS LOAD 1N4721 (2) SPRAGUE 11Z12 (OR EQUIVALENT) AC LINE Figure 6.84. Full Wave, Average Voltage Feedback Control which is desirable for reliable thyristor operation. The ease of adding feedback and relative insensitivity to line voltage changes are additional benefits gained from using this trigger device. TEMPERATURE-SENSITIVE HEATER CONTROL Figure 6.85 shows a heater circuit which is controlled by the room temperature. This circuit eliminates several of the disadvantages of the mechanical control: large size, high price, unreliability, and poor power regulation. The mechanical control is an on-off control and is not capable of regulating the power. By using phase control, the circuit shown in Figure 6.85 is able to reduce the power to the load as the desired temperature is reached, thus eliminating much of the overshoot inherent in mechanical controls. The line voltage is full-wave rectified by the bridge consisting of 01 through 04. The output of the bridge is applied to the control circuit through resistor R1 and clamped to 20 volts by zener diode 05. The thermistor RT and variable resistor R2 control the base current for transistor Q1. R2 is adjusted so Q1 is off at the desired temperature. When Q1 is off, no current can flow to capacitor C1, and C1 cannot charge to the firing voltage of unijunction transistor 02. Therefore, 02 cannot fire the TRIAC. If the temperature decreases, the resistance of RT increases, Q1 is turned on and current flows to C1. C1 Figure 6.86 shows a wide-range light-dimmer circuit using a unijunction transistor and a pulse transformer to provide phase control for the TRIAC. The circuit operates from a 115 volt, 60 Hz source and can control up to 800 watts of power to incandescent lights. The power to the lights is controlled by varying the conduction angle of the TRIAC from 0° to about 170°. The power available at 170° conduction is better than 97% ofthat atthe full 180°. Operation begins when ac voltage is applied to the diode bridge consisting of diodes 01 through 04. The bridge rectifies the input voltage and applies a dc voltage to resistor R1 and zener diode 05. The zener applies a constant voltage of 22 volts to unijunction transistor Q1 except at the end of each alternation when the line voltage drops to zero. Ouring each half cycle, capacitor C1 charges through variable resistor R2 until the capacitor voltage equals the emitter firing voltage Vp of Q1. When Vp is reached, Q1 fires and C1 discharges through the emitter of 01 and a pulse is applied to the TRIAC through pulse transformer T1. Once the TRIAC turns on, voltage to the timing circuit is removed and no further pulses can occur during that half cycle. Since the line voltage is full-wave rectified and applied to the phase control circuit, the operation is the same for both positive and negative half cycles. Variable resistor R2 varies the time constant of the timing circuit thus providing phase control of the TRIAC. 800 W SOFT-START LIGHT DIMMER The circuit shown in Figure 6.87 is a light dimmer with soft-start operation. Soft starting is desirable because of the very low resistance of a cold filament compared to its hot resistance. This low resistance causes very high inrush currents when a lamp is first turned on, and this leads to short lamp life. Soft starting also allows the use of TRIACs with lower current ratings. Failures caused by high inrush currents are eliminated by the soft-start feature, which applies current to the bulb slowly enough to eliminate high surges. Accidental turn on, which could nUllify this advantage, is prevented by a special dv/dt network (R6, C3) across the TRIAC. '~il:A~/l'J.1:.!hltWlk;t7fV$ff":""t;;L ;1..>>#>~'t'>f'\~,;,!'Jt<;. :'~:. },,·tt·~ i.,tilfuJ.~;it&~(¥f.It}'-& 'li;?4:¥~~¥\~~""~"£!~#'fjr~:~ . ~..·t~"~:· ~,~~~&~Mf.~.",~v-1..~"Po/~:~~~~~'·;~::X~~ ~~~~~~ ~~:'¥,·i .... ~)'. <,,~.~~"Jf~"7"('~~\r:.,t ~"~':«'1b. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-44 r - - - - 1 r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... - - - - - l I I R1 /-1..\ I 12 k '--J1 1W LI R3 10 k I R4 1k I t---, 2N~6 115VAC 60 Hz I I I ~ I I @1 r-~ >- t / I '----1 I I '---------6-------------------4 - - - - - ~ I _L 'T' I : : I 4 __ -1 Figure 6.85. Temperature-Sensitive Heater Control Operation of this circuit begins when 115 Vac input voltage is applied to the diode bridge consisting of 01 through 04. The bridge rectifies the input and applies a dc voltage to resistor R1 and zener diode 05. The zener provides a constant voltage of 20 volts to unijunction transistor 01, except at the end of each half-cycle of the input when the line voltage drops to zero. Initially the voltage across capacitor C1 is zero and capacitor C2 cannot charge to trigger 01. C1 will begin to charge, but because the voltage is low, C2 will be charged to a voltage adequate to trigger C1 only near the end of the half cycle. Although the lamp resistance is low at this time, the voltage applied to the lamp is low and the inrush current is small. Then the voltage on C1 rises, allowing C2 to trigger 01 earlier in the cycle. At the same time the lamp is being heated by the slowly increasing applied voltage, and by the time the peak voltage applied to the lamp has reached its maximum value, the bulb has been heated sufficiently so that the peak inrush current is kept to a reasonable value. Resistor R4 controls the charging rate of C2 and provides the means to dim the lamp. Diode 06 and resistor R7 improve operation at low conduction angles. LOAD R1 6.8 k 2W r ---I I I I 115VAC 60 Hz I I I I I I I I I IL __ _ D5 1N4748 22 V I ..J MDA920A4 Figure 6.86. 800 W TRIAC Light Dimmer MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1·6·45 Q2 2N6346 OR 2N5569 • MOA920A4 r • LOAD l D6 lN4001 03 011 1 1 1 1 1 11SVAC 1 1 60 Hz 1 1 C3 Rl S.l k 0.1 p.F 2S0V RS + 1k OS lN4747 I I 021 I L 04 J Figure 6.87. 800 W Soft-Start Light Dimmer VOLTAGE REGULATOR FOR A PROJECTION LAMP The circuit shown in Figure 6.88 will regulate the rms output voltage across the load (a projection lamp) to 100 volts ± 2% for an input voltage between 105 and 250 volts ac. This is accomplished by indirectly sensing the light output of lamp L1 and applying this feedback signal to the firing circuit (01 and 02) which controls the conduction angle of TRIAC 03. The load is a 150-watt projection lamp which has a reflector mirror included inside the glass envelope. If the light output of the lamp were sensed directly by the photocell, it would respond to the 60 Hz variations of the supply voltage unless additional filter components were used. Therefore, another approach was used to generate the feedback signal. The reflector inside the lamp's envelope glows red due to the heat of the filament. Since the reflector has a relatively large mass it cannot respond to the supply frequency, M0A920A7 01-04 and its light output provides a form of integration. This light is then used as a feedback signal. To eliminate 60 Hz modulation of the photocell, it is mounted at one end of a black tube with the other end of the tube directed at the back side of the reflector in the lamp. The lamp voltage is provided by TRIAC 03, whose conduction angle is set by the firing circuit for unijunction transistor 02. The circuit is synchronized with the line through the full-wave bridge rectifier. The voltage to the firing circuit is limited by zener diode 05. Phase control of the supply voltage is set by the charging rate of capacitor C1. 02 will fire when the voltage on C1 reaches approximately 0.65 times the zener voltage. The charging rate of C1 is set by the conduction of 01, which is controlled by the resistance of photocell R2. Potentiometers R3 and R4 are used to set the lamp voltage to 100 volts when the line voltage is 105 volts and 250 volts, respectively. This assures that R2 Rt 3k SW TUBE (SEE TEXT) R3 10 k >...--+----~ lW OS 1NS250A lOS TO 250 V AC POWER SOURCE • L1- lS0 WATT PROJECTION LAMP WITH BUILT·IN REFLECTOR MIRROR Figure 6.88. Voltage Regulator for a Projection Lamp MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-46 SPRAGUE llZ12 the lamp voltage will be within the desired tolerance over the operating range of input voltage. Some interaction will occur between R3 and R4 and the adjustment of each potentiometer may have to be made several times. Since this is an rms voltage regulator, a true rms meter must be used to adjust the load voltage. TIMER CIRCUITS A variation of the UJT-relay time delay circuit is shown in Figure 6.89. Here the relay is replaced by an SCR which generally reduces circuit cost. After one cycle of operation, SCR #1 will be on, and a low value of voltage is applied to the UJT emitter circuit, thus interrupting the timing function. When push button 51 is pushed, or a positive going pulse is applied at point A, SCR #2 will +24V ~l 10 k R2 1k 390 RL* ~Sl N.O. 1 p.F Cc #2 MCR72-2 510 A *VALUE OF RL MUST BE LOW ENOUGH TO ALLOW HOLD CURRENT TO FLOW IN THE SCR. Figure 6.89. A Simple Time Delay Circuit Using Two SCRs turn on, and SCR #1 will be turned off by com mutating capacitor Cc . With SCR #1 off, the supply voltage will be applied to RE and the circuit will begin timing again. After a period of time determined by the setting of RE, the UJT will fire and turn SCR #1 on and commutate SCR #2 off. The time delay is determined by the charge time of the capacitor. In order to achieve long time delays, RE, CE, or both will have to be large. For good accuracy and repeatability, the capacitor must have a leakage current that is much smaller than the charge current. A Mylar type capacitor has been found to be good for this purpose, but since this type of capacitor is fairly expensive for large values of capacitance, it is preferable to increase RE in order to obtain long time delays. Large values of RE, however, creates a problem due to the UJT peak point emitter current Ip. When the capacitor is charged almost to the peak point, only a small voltage will appear across RE, and if RE is very large, only a small current will be flowing. If the peak current of the UJT is appreciable, the device will never fire if the current through RE is not sufficient to supply Ip. The annular device, having a typica"p of 0.2 pA @ VB2B1 = 25 Vdc, offers an advantage in this area and large values of RE can be used. However, when charging through a resistor, the charge current will initially be relatively large while the charge current when the voltage on the capacitor is close to Vp will be small. It would, for this reason, be advantageous to charge with a constant small current. This can be accomplished by simply replacing RE by a junction field effect transistor as shown in Figure 6.90. Since the JFET is fully on when there is no voltage from gate to source, the 10 MO resistor will determine the amount of off bias applied to the FET. A constant current of less than 1 p.A can easily be obtained which results in time delays up to 10 minutes. When the capacitor is charged with a linear current, the charge time can be found from the equation: tcharge = (V p - VV),CE I h c arge When CE is in microfarads and 'charge is in microamperes, t will be in seconds. However, even an emitter peak current as low as 0.2 p.A is objectionable if longer time delays are desired. In the circuit shown in Figure 6.91 the peak current is supplied separately from the charging current and extremely long time delays are possible. Transistor 01 and resistors R1, R2, and R3 form a constant current source and the charge current might be adjusted to be as low as a few nanoamperes. This current would, of course, not be sufficient to fire the UJT where Ip = 0.2 pA unless the peak current was supplied from another source. Field effect transistor 02, acting as a source follower, supplies the current flowing into the emitter lead prior to firing and diode D1 provides a low impedance discharge path for CEo D1 must be selected to have a leakage much lower than the charge current. The charge current to CE is given by the formula: +20V 2N4853 _ ......._ _.... OUTPUT PULSE R1 27 ' " -_ _--.-_ _--.J Figure 6.90. A Time Delay Circuit Featuring Constant Current Charging 'charge = MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-47 E - VBE R3 - 'B • +25V 1 1k E Rl 1k • which the PUT can be used. The circuits are not optimized even though performance data is shown. In several of the circuit examples, the versatility of the PUT has been hidden in the design. 8y this it is meant that in designing the circuit, the circuit designer was able to select a particular intrinsic standoff ratio or he could select a particular RG (gate resistance) that would provide a maximum or minimum valley and peak current. This makes the PUT very versatile and very easy to design with. --! 18 2N4853 03 R2 1k LOW VOLTAGE LAMP FLASHER One advantage of the PUT over a conventional unijucntion transistor is that the PUT operates very well for low supply voltages. This is due to the low forward voltage drop ofthe PUT, 1.5 volts maximum for the MPU13133, compared to the emitter saturation voltage of the UJT of 3 volts maximum for the 2N5431. A circuit using the PUT in a low voltage application is shown in Figure 6.92 where a supply voltage of 3 volts is used. The circuit is a low voltage lamp flasher composed of a relaxation oscillator formed by 01 and an SCR flip flop formed by 02 and 03. With the supply voltage applied to the circuit, the timing capacitor C1 charges to the firing point of the PUT, 2 volts plus a diode drop. The output of the PUT is coupled through two 0.01 JLF capacitors to the gate of 02 and 03. To clarify operation, assume that 03 is on and capacitor C4 is charged plus to minus as shown in the figure. The next pulse from the PUT oscillator turns 02 on. This places the voltage on C4 across 03 which momentarily reverse biases 03. This reverse voltage turns 03 off. After discharging, C4 then charges with its polarity reversed to that shown. The next pulse from 01 turns 03 on and 02 off. Note that C4 is a non-polarized capacitor. For the component values shown, the lamp is on for about 1/2 second and off the same amount of time. Figure 6.91. Long Duration Time Delay Since 18 is small, the delay time will vary linearly with R3. The voltage E, applied across R3 and the base emitter junction of 01, is set by the variable resistor Rl. Time delays up to 10 hours are possible with this circuit. Resistor R4 in series with the FET drain terminal must be large enough not to allow currents in excess of IV to flow when the UJT is on, otherwise the UJT will not turn off and the circuit will latch up. PUT APPLICATIONS PUTs are negative resistance devices and are often used in relaxation oscillator applications and as triggers for controlling thyristors. Due to their low leakage current, they are useful for high-impedance circuits such as long-duration timers and comparators. VOLTAGE CONTROLLED RAMP GENERATOR The PUT provides a simple approach to a voltage controlled ramp generator, VCRG, as shown in Figure 6.93(a). TYPICAL CIRCUITS The following circuits show a few of the many ways in Rl 100 k R6 51 k R3 1k 01 ...----,2N6027 Q2 2N5060 C2 C1 10 JLf O.Olp.F R5 1k R2 910 = Figure 6.92. Low Voltage Lamp Flasher ~ ~ : ~."" ;. ~. ; MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-48 The current source formed by 01 in conjuction with capacitor C1 set the duration time of the ramp. As the positive dc voltage at the gate is changed, the peak point firing voltage of the PUT is changed which changes the duration time, i.e., increasing the supply voltage increases the peak point firing voltage causing the duration time to increase. Figure 6.93(b) shows a plot of voltage-versus-ramp duration time for a 0.0047 ",F and a 0.01 JLF timing capacitor. The figure indicates that it is possible to have a change in frequency of 3 ms and 5.4 ms for the 0.0047 JLF and the 0.01 JLF capacitor respectively as the control voltage is varied from 5 to 20 volts. Rl 10 k ~ + 40V RAMP OUT R2 20 k 2N6027 R5 100 k + 5to20V R4 100 Figure 6.93(a). Voltage Controlled Ramp Generator (VCRG) 20 / 18 / 17 15 14 0= 12 / :> / / / / C = O.Ol",F / I 13 ~ / C = 0.0047 ",F / 16 OUT R4 100 R6 5.1 k Figure 6.94. Low Frequency Divider MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-49 C, 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 ",F ",F ",F ",F ",F ",F ",F ",F ",F ",F Cz Division 0.01 ",F 0.02 ",F 0.03",F 0.04",F 0.05",F 0.06",F 0.07 ",F 0.08",F 0.09",F 0.1 ",F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 • +20Vdc The time needed to charge C1 to the peak point firing voltage of Q2 can be approximated by the following equation: Ql 2N5457 I----~---...., R3 2M t = C!l.V I ' where Q2 2N6028 • -0 R2 100 OUTPUT R4 2M Figure 6.95. 20-Minute, Long Duration Timer The circuit works very well and is fairly insensitive to the amplitude, pulse width, rise and fall times of the incoming pulses. PUT LONG DURATION TIMER A long duration timer circuit that can provide a time delay of up to 20 minutes is shown in Figure 6.95. The circuit is a standard relaxation oscillator with a FET current source in which resistor R1 is used to provide reverse bias on the gate-to-source of the JFET. This turns the JFET off and Increases the charging time of C1. C1 should be a low leakage capacitor such as a mylar type. The source resistor of the current source can be computed using the following equation: VGS = Vp (1 - VIO/IOSS) . R1 = VGS .. 10 where 10 is the current out of the current source. Vp is the pinch off voltage, VGS is the voltage gate-to-source and, lOSS is the current, drain-to-source, with the gate shorted to the source. Bridge MOA990-3 t is time in seconds C is capacitance in JLF, !l.V is the change in voltage across capacitor C1, and I is the constant current used to charge C1 . Maximum time delay of the circuit is limited by the peak point firing current, Ip, needed to fire Q2. For charging currents below Ip, there is not enough current available from the current source to fire Q2, causing the circuit to lock up. Thus a PUT works better than a unijunction in a long duration timer because it has a lower peak point firing current. Also, because ofthe programmable aspect of the PUT, Ip can be made very small by making RG (the equivalent parallel resistance of R3 and R4) large, (1 MO) as shown in Figure 6.95. PHASE CONTROL Figure 6.96 shows a circuit using a PUT for phase control of an SCR. The relaxation oscillator formed by Q2 provides conduction control of Q1 from 1 to 7.8 milliseconds or 21.6° to 168.5°. This constitutes control of over 97% of the power available to the load. Only one SCR is needed to provide phase control of both the positive and negative portion of the sine wave by putting the SCR across the bridge composed of diodes 01 through 04. BATTERY CHARGER USING A PUT A short circuit proof battery charger is shown in Figure 6.97 which will provide an average charging current of about 8 amperes to a 12 volt lead acid storage battery. The charger circuit has an additional advantage in that it will not function nor will it be damaged by improperly connecting the battery to the circuit. With 115 volts at the input, the circuit commences to function when the battery is properly attached. The battery provides the current to charge the timing capacitor C1 used in the PUT relaxation oscillator. When C1 charges Rl 15 k R3 2WATI D5 lN4114 20V Figure 6.96. SCR Phase Control MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-50 1k R4 1k 2N5164 • A Rl 10 k R4 1k 2N6027 R2 -=- 12V PUT 01 lN5240 10V Cl O.I/LF T2 l1Z12 1:1 R3 47k • + 50k B SPRAGUE Figure 6.97(8). 12-Volt Battery Charger to the peak point voltage ofthe PUT, the PUT fires turning the SCR on, which in turn applies charging current to the battery. As the battery charges, the battery voltage in· creases slightly which increases the peak point voltage of the PUT. This means that C1 has to charge to a slightly higher voltage to fire the PUT. The voltage on C1 increases until the zener voltage of 01 is reached which clamps the voltage on C1 and thus prevents the PUT oscillator from oscillating and charging ceases. The maximum battery voltage is set by potentiometer R2 which sets the peak point firing voltage of the PUT. In the circuit shown, the charging voltage can be set from 10 V to 14 V, the lower limit being set by 01 and the upper limit by n. Lower charging voltages can be obtained by reducing the reference voltage (reducing the value of zener diode 01) and limiting the charging current (using either a lower voltage transformer, T1, or adding resistance in series with the SCR). Resistor R4 is used to prevent the PUT from being destroyed if R2 were turned all the way up. Figure 6.97(b) shows a plot of the charging characteristics of the battery charger. 1250 ~ ~ cr: '"u:: (.) 1200 ~PECIFI~ GRAJITY OF IELECT~OLvri versuj TIME '""'- r\. \ 1\ / )V U ~ '" 90 V rms VOLTAGE REGULATOR USING A PUT The circuit of Figure 6.98 is an open loop rms voltage regulator that will provide 500 watts of power at 90 V rms with good regulation for an input voltage range of 110-130 V rms. With the input voltage applied, capacitor C1 charges until the firing point of 03 is reached causing it to fire. This turns 05 on which allows current to flow through the load. As the input voltage increases, the voltage across R10 increases which increases the firing point of 03. This delays the firing of 03 because C1 now has to charge to a higher voltage before the peak-point voltage is reached. Thus the output voltage is held fairly constant by delaying the firing of 05 as the input voltage increases. For a decrease in the input voltage, the reverse occurs. Another means of providing compensation for in- 1150 _V" \ ~AR.TNG C~RREN1 versuj 4 TIME I 4 5 TIME (HRI 2 9 Figure 6.97(b). Charging Characteristics of Battery Charger creased input voltage is achieved by 02 and the resistive divider formed by R6 and R7. As input voltage increases, the voltage at the base of 02 increases causing 02 to turn on harder which decreases the charging rate of C1 and further delays the firing of 05. To prevent the circuit from latching up atthe beginning of each charging cycle, a delay network consisting of 01 and its associated circuitry is used to prevent the current source from turning on until the trigger voltage has reached a sufficiently high level. This is achieved in the following way: Prior to the conduction of 02, the voltage on the base of 01 is set by the voltage divider (R4 + R5)/ (R1 + R3 + R4 + R5). This causes the base of 01 to be more positive than the emitter and thus prevents 01 from conducting until the voltage across R3 is sufficient to forward bias the base-emitter junction of 01. This occurs when the line voltage has increased to about 15 volts. The circuit can be operated over a different voltage range by changing resistors R6 and/or R4 which change the charging rate of C1. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-51 /' LOAD SOOW 90V ± 2 Rl 10 k R6 300 k R2 1k R3 110-130 V rms 1k R4 10k • 02 lN4747 20V RS 6.8 k Cl O.I/LF 100V R7 4.7k R8 10 k RIO 6.8 k Figure 6.98(al. rms Voltage Regulator 100 ~ r-... -- ;-<:1'-,. 90 ~ w '"~ 80 .... :::> 70 ~ 1= :::> a 60 ....... " f- - - CONDUCTION TIME 00 80 -1--IOUTiUTVOILTAGEI 90 100 110 120 130 140 INPUT VOLTAGE (V rms) ~ .. - r- I"'-.. ~ ,, '" 100 Vs of the SBS is reduced to about 4 volts, and since this is below the operating voltage of the internal zener diodes, the temperature sensitivity of the device is increased. An improved full range power controller suitable for lamp dilT\ming and similar applications is shown in Figure 6.100. It operates from a 120 volt, 60 Hz ac source and can control up to 1000 watts of power to incandescent bulbs. The power to the bulbs is varied by controlling the conduction angle of TRIAC Q1. Many circuits can be used for phase control, but the single RC circuit used is the simplest by far and was consequently chosen for this particular application. For settings such that no power is delivered to the load, the timing capacitor would never discharge through the SBS. The result is an abnormal amount of apparent phase shift caused by the capacitor starting to charge toward a source of voltage with a residual charge of the opposite sign. This is the cause of the hysteresis effect and is eliminated in this circuit by the addition of the two diodes and 5.1 kO resistor connected to the SBS gate. At the end of each positive half 160 '"z..: , 4 z ~ '-' :::> '"az '-' 2 170 (bl. Output Voltage and Conduction Angle versus Input Voltage Figure 6.98(b) provides a plot of output voltage and conduction angle versus input voltage for the regulator. As the figure indicates, good regulation can be obtained between the input voltage range of 110 to 130 volts. SILICON BILATERAL SWITCH (SBS) APPLICATIONS It is important that thyristor trigger circuitry be capable of supplying a fast rising, high current gate pulse to the power thyristors in order to prevent di/dt failure, especially when they are subjected to high inrush load currents. Because of the regenerative switching action and low dynamic on resistance of the SBS, it is ideally suited for this use. These circuits indicate the uses for the SBS. In some applications the device switches on at Vs while in others it is turned on by drawing a small current out of the gate lead. LAMP DIMMER Figure 6.99 is the schematic diagram of a low cost full range lamp ,dimmer. Shunting the SBS with two 20 kO resistors minimizes the "flash-on" or hysteresis effect. Figure 6.99. Low Cost Lamp Dimmer MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-52 5.1k descent lamp with a voltage rating equal to the supply voltage. It may be used to check the set point and operation of the unit by opening the test switch and adjusting the input or set point to fire the SBS. An alarm unit such as the Mallory Sonalert may be connected across the fuse to provide an audible indication of crowbar action. Note that this circuit may not act on short, infrequent power line transients. 10 k Ql SBS APPLICATIONS IN POWER CONTROL lN4003 O.l/LF Figure 6.100.1000 W TRIAC Light Dimmer cycle when the applied voltage drops below that of the capacitor, gate current flows out of the SBS and it switches on, discharging the capacitor to near zero volts. The RC network shown across the TRIAC represents a typical snubber circuit that is normally adequate to prevent line transients from accidentally firing the TRIAC. ELECTRONIC CROWBAR Occasionally the need arises for positive protection of expensive electrical or electronic equipment against excessive supply voltage. Such overvoltage conditions can occur due to improper switching, wiring, short circuits or failure of regulators. Where it is economically desirable to shut down equipment rather than allow it to operate on excessive supply voltage, an electronic "crowbar" circuit such as the one shown in Figure 6.101 can be employed to quickly place a short-circuit across the power lines, thereby dropping the voltage across the protected device to near zero and blowing a fuse. Since the TRIAC and SBS are both bilateral devices, the circuit is equally useful on ac or dc supply lines. With the values shown for Rl, R2 and R3, the crowbar operating point can be adjusted over the range of 60 to 120 volts dc or 42 to 84 volts ac. The resistor values can be changed to cover a different range of supply voltages. The voltage rating of the TRIAC must be greater than the highest operating point as set by R2. 11 is a low power incan- The incandescent-lamp dimmer was one of the first circuits to use thyristors after their invention and has remained one ofthe most important applications of these devices. Triggering circuits for the lamp dimmer have taken many forms, from the relatively complex unijunction transistor oscillator with an RC slaving network to simpler circuits, which use a SBS trigger. Figure 6.102 shows the basic control circuit. In the positive half-cycle, the 0.1 j.tF capacitor charges through the dual-section phase-shift circuit until its voltage reaches the break-over potential of the MBS4991 SBS. The MBS4991 potential then drops to about 1 volt, forcing charge from the 0.1 j.tF capacitor through the gate of the MAC210-4 TRIAC. This current turns the TRIAC on. When the TRIAC turns on, it removes the voltage from the timing circuit. Cl then discharges through the latched on TRIAC and the SBS if it also holds. What happens depends on the setting of Rl, and the switching current, switching voltage, latching current and holding current of the SBS. Analysis of the circuit behavior is difficult and cannot be treated on a half-cycle basis because the previous half-cycle must be considered to establish the initial conditions, and because large residual voltages remain on Cl. Several cycles of the ac line are needed to establish steady state conduction angles. Hysteresis in the single RC phase controller is a result of the initial voltage on the capacitor before triggering. If the control is set to completely turn-off the lamp, triggering does not occur, and the capacitor voltage alternates up and down to some value less than VS. If the control is advanced, the SBS fires and latches, causing the capacitor to charge from the previous polarity on- Rl 10 k SUPPLY VOLTAGE AC OR DC R2~~S_ET_P_0_IN_T_AD_J_'~____~~~____- J 1k MBS4991 R3 lk Figure 6.101. Electronic Crowbar MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-53 TO ELECTRICAL OR ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT 1 MT2 100 RI 100 k .' 0.1 p,F 15 LINE LOAD C2 R2 27 k 0.22 p,F CI Figure 6.102. Basic Control Circuit for TRIAC Using a SBS Trigger symmetrical. Therefore, the conduction angles of the MAC21 0-4 are not identical in the two half-cycles. As a result, a small dc component is introduced in the load. In cases where high power must be handled or rapidly rising voltages may be encountered (high dv/dt), it is preferable to use two SCRs instead of a TRIAC for fullwave power control. Figure 6.103 illustrates a variation of the basic circuit to allow this. In the positive half-cycle, SCR-l is triggered, through the primary of the pulse transformer (T), in exactly the same manner as in the basic circuit. In the negative half-cycle, the 0.1 p,F triggering capacitor discharges through the shunt G-K diode of SCR-l and the primary of the pulse transformer, inducing a pulse in the secondary, which triggers SCR-2. The circuits described above were designed for incandescent-lamp dimmers and are ideally suited for this purpose. However, they may have many other uses, which are perhaps not immediately obvious. For example, uni- state voltage of about 1 V. Consequently, the control settings for dim illumination depend on whether the potentiometer is being advanced from an off state or retarded from a state with the lamp on, because the timing capacitor must charge through a different voltage gradient in . the two cases. The dual-section phase-shift network prevents hysteresis and allows reliable and stable triggering at all conduction angles. The 100 kO variable resistor Rl and the 0.22 p,F capacitor Cl perform the basic phase shifting and serve as a charging supply for the 0.1 p,F charge-storage capacitor C2. The 27 kO resistor isolates the trigger circuit from the phase shifter so that the voltage on Cl is only minimally affected by the triggering action. It is this isolation that reduces the hysteresis, prevalent in singlesection .phase~shift systems, to an unnoticeable level. Although the same timing circuit is used for both halves of the cycle, the MBS4991 trigger is not exactly SCR.I MCR265·6 IN4001 SCR·2 S IN4001 lOOk MBS4991 LOAD LINE 15 0.1 p,F *200 p.H ...----11-----. MINIMUM PRIMARY INDUCTANCE, 0.22 p,F 1:1 TURN RATIO L..-_......._ _ _-I f-------I (SPRAGUE IIZI21 27 k o~-----------------~o Figure 6.103. Basic Full-Wave Control Circuit for SCRs MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-54 +-LOAO-- LINE • *200 /LH MINIMUM PRIMARY INDUCTANCE. 1:1 TURN RATIO (SPRAGUE 11 Z121 27k Figure 6.104. Variation of Basic Control Circuit to Provide Controlled DC Output versal and shaded-pole motors are easily and conveniently controlled with these circuits. These motors have higher torque at low speeds when open-loop controlled in this manner rather than with rheostats or variable transformers. owing to the higher voltage pulses applied. In another application, a slight modification of the basic control circuit allows control of the dc output of a fullwave rectifier bridge using pulse-transformer coupling (Figure 6.104). The power rating of these circuits is limited only by the thyristors employed. The control circuit will give sufficient drive for any thyristor that can be triggered with 50 mA or less gate current. For example, with MCR3818-4 controlled rectifiers mounted on a suitable heat sink, these circuits will control up to 3 kW power from a 120 V line. TRIAC ZERO-POINT SWITCH APPLICATIONS BASIC TRIAC ZERO-POINT SWITCH Figure 6.105 shows a manually controlled zero-point switch useful in power control for resistive loads. Operation of the circuit is as follows. On the initial part of the positive half cycle, the voltage is changing rapidly from R3 1.2 k 7W D1 1N4003 R4 1500 1W R1 12 k 2W 115VAC 60 Hz 06 1N4372 Q2 2N6346 04 1N4001 D3 1N4003 02 1N4003 Q1 MCR1906-4 R2 10 k C1 10/LF 5V C2 2pf 200 V 05 1N4003 +C3 1pf 200 V S1 Figure 6.105. Zero-Point Switch MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-55 LOAD zero causing a large current flow into capacitor C2. The current through C2 flows through R4, 03, and 04 into the gate of the TRIAC Q2 causing it to turn on very close to zero voltage. Once Q2 turns on, capacitor C3 charges to the peak of the line voltage through 05. When the line voltage passes through the peak, 05 becomes reversebiased and C3 begins to discharge through 04 and the gate of Q2. At this time the voltage on C3 lags the line voltage. When the line voltage goes through zero there is still some charge on C3 so that when the line voltage starts negative C3 is still discharging into the gate of Q2. Thus Q2 is also turned on near zero on the negative half cycle. This operation continues for each cycle until switch Sl isciosed,atwhichtimeSCRQl isturnedon.Ql shunts the gate current away from Q2 during each positive half cycle keeping Q2 from turning on. Q2 cannot turn on during the negative cycle because C3 cannot charge unless Q2 is on during the positive half cycle. If Sl is initially closed during a positive half cycle, SCR Ql turns on but circuit operation continues for the rest of the complete cycle and then turns off. If Sl is closed during a negative half cycle, Ql does not turn on because it is reverse biased. Ql then turns on at the beginning of the positive half cycle and Q2 turns off. Zero-point switching when Sl is opened is ensured by the characteristic of SCR Ql. If Sl is opened during the • positive half cycle, Ql continues to conduct for the entire half cycle and TRIAC Q2 cannot turn on in the middle of the positive half cycle. Q2 does not turn on during the negative half cycle because C3 was unable to charge during the positive half cycle. Q2 starts to conduct at the first complete positive half cycle. If Sl is opened during the negative half cycle, Q2 again cannot turn on until the beginning of the positive half cycle because C3 is uncharged. A 3-volt gate signal for SCR Ql is obtained from 01, Rl, Cl, and 06. TEMP~RATURE CONTROL WITH ZERO-POINT SWITCHING Figure 6.106 shows a modulated TRIAC zero-point switching circuit designed to control heater loads operating from 115 Vac. Circuit operation is best described by splitting the circuit into two parts. The circuit at the right is the zeropoint switch (previously described in the section on zeropoint switching) and its operation is unchanged. The circuit to the left is the proportional control for the zeropoint switch. The operation of the control circuit is as follows: diode 01, resistor Rl, capacitor Cl and the load on Cl establish the dc supply voltage for the control circuit. Temperature ZERO·POINT SWITCH CONTROL CIRCUIT R1 5k 5W D1 lN4003 + R8 1.2 k 7W R2 470 R4* 20 k C3 2/LF 200 V R6 3k 04 2N6346 R9 150 1W 115VAC 60Hz D4 + C1 R3 330 k 40/LF SOV D5 1N4001 1N4003 R5* 82 k 01 2N4870 D6 1N4003 D3 1N4003 + C4 03 2N6239 C2 0.47 /LF 30 V 1/LF 200 V R10 1k 2W "LOW TEMP. COEFFICIENT **FENWELL OR51J1100 k THERMISTOR Figure S.10S. Temperature Controller Using Zero-Point Switching ... ,...... ',' MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-56 HEATER LOAD is sensed by thermistor RT, which is part of the bridge circuit consisting of R4, R5, R6, R7, D2 and RT. The detector for the bridge is transistor 02. R7 is set so the bridge is in balance at the desired temperature. As the temperature increases, RT decreases, 02 turns on and provides gate drive to SCR 03. 03 turns on and shunts the gate signal away from the TRIAC 04.04 shuts off and removes power to the load. Now, as the temperature drops, RT increases and 02 turns off, SCR 03 turns off, and fullwave power is applied to the load. Normally, the circuit would continue to cycle randomly, providing groups of full power to the heater load. However, modulation is applied to proportion the load power in response to small changes in RT. The modulation is achieved by superimposing a sawtooth voltage on one arm of the bridge through R3. The period of the sawtooth is set to equal 12 cycles of the line frequency. From one to all 12 cycles can be applied to the load, thus allowing the load power to modulate in 8% steps from 0% to 100% duty cycle. The sawtooth voltage is generated by the unijunction transistor relaxation oscillator consisting of R2, R3, R4, C2 and 01. The sawtooth wave modulates the bridge voltage so that over a portion ofthe twelve-cycle group the bridge voltage will be above the null point, and over the other portion it will be below the null point. This action divides each twelve-cycle group into an on portion and an off portion, the proportioning depending upon the amount RT has varied from the nominal value. This circuit provides excellent control of a resistance heater as it will tend to stabilize and apply the correct amount of power on a continuous basis at a steady-state duty cycle depending on the load requirements. The temperature is therefore controlled over a very narrow range and no EMI is generated. TRIAC RELAY-CONTACT PROTECTION A common problem in contact switching high current is arcing which causes erosion of the contacts. A solution to this problem is illustrated in Figure 6.107. This circuit can be used to prevent relay contact arcing for loads up to 50 amperes. There is some delay between the time a relay coil is energized and the time the contacts close. There is also a delay between the time the coil is de-energized and the time the contacts open. For the relay used in this circuit both times are about 15 ms. The TRIAC across the relay contacts will turn on as soon as sufficient gate current is present to fire it. This occurs after switch Sl is closed but before the relay contacts close. When the contacts close, the load current passes through them, rather than through the TRIAC, even though the TRIAC is receiving gate current. If S1 should be closed during the negative half cycle of the ac line, the TRIAC will not turn on immediately but will wait until the voltage begins to go positive, at which time diode Dl conducts providing gate R3 47 C2 O.l/LF Q12N5569 Sl 115VAC 60 Hz 115 V RELAY WITH PICK· UP AND DROP·OUT TIMES OF 10-20 ms DllN4004 Rl 1.5 k lOW R2 10 lOW Cl + 20/LF 250 V Figure 6.107. TRIAC Prevents Relay Contact Arcing current through Rl. The maximum time that could elapse before the TRIAC turns on is 8-1/3 ms for the 60 Hz supply. This is adequate to ensure that the TRIAC will be on before the relay contact closes. During the positive half cycle, capacitor Cl is charged through Dl and R2. This stores energy in the capacitor so that it can be used to keep the TRIAC on after switch Sl has been opened. The time constant of Rl plus R2 and C1 is set so that sufficient gate current is present at the time of relay drop-out after the opening of Sl, to assure that the TRIAC will still be on. For the relay used, this time is 15 ms. The TRIAC therefore limits the maximum voltage, across the relay contacts upon dropout to the TRIAC's voltage drop of about 1 volt. The TRIAC will conduct until its gate current falls below the threshold level, after which it will turn off when the anode current goes to zero. The TRIAC will conduct for several cycles after the relay contacts open. This circuit not only reduces contact bounce and arcing but also reduces the physical size of the relay. Since the relay is not required to interrupt the load current, its rating can be based on two factors: the first is the rms rating of the current-carrying metal, and the second is the contact area. This means that many well-designed 5 ampere relays can be used in a 50 ampere load circuit. Because the size of the relay has been reduced, so will the noise on closing. Another advantage of this circuit is that the life of the relay will be increased since it will not be subjected to contact burning, welding, etc. The RC circuit shown across the contact and TRIAC (R3 and C2) is to reduce dvldt if any other switching element is used in the line. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-57 • • 11lll11"""'~"""'.""""l!li.~~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-6-58 CHAPTER 7 MOUNTING TECHNIQUES FOR THYRISTORS Current and power ratings of semiconductors are inseparably linked to their thermal environment. Except for lead-mounted parts used at low currents, a heat exchanger is required to prevent the junction temperature from exceeding its rated limit, thereby running the risk of a high failure rate. Furthermore, semiconductor-industry field history indicates that the failure rate of most silicon semiconductors decreases approximately by one-half for a decrease in junction temperature from 160°C to 135°C.* Many failures of power semiconductors can be traced to faulty mounting procedures. With metal packaged devices, faulty mounting generally causes unnecessarily high junction temperature resulting in reduced component life. In addition, mechanical damage can occur from mounting securely to a warped surface. With the widespread use of plastic-packaged semiconductors, mechanical damage becomes very significant. Figure 7.1 shows an example of doing nearly everything wrong. In this instance, the victimized device is in a TO-220 package. The leads are bent to fit into a socket - an operation which, if not properly done, can crack the package, break the bonding wires, or crack the die. The package is fastened with a sheet-metal screw through a 1I4"-hole containing a fiber-insulating sleeve. The force used to tighten the screw pulls the package into the hole, causing enough distortion to crack the die. Even if the PLASTIC BODY die were not cracked, the contact area is small because of the area consumed by the large hole and the bowing of the package; the result is a much higher junction temperature than expected. If the heat sink surface is rough and some burrs are present around the hole, many but unfortunately not all - poor mounting practices are covered. In many situations, the semiconductor case must be isolated electrically from its mounting surface. The isolation material is, to some extent, a thermal isolator as well, which raises junction operating temperatures. In addition, there is the possibility of arc-over problems if high voltages are being handled. Thus, electrical isolation places additional demands upon the mounting procedure. Proper mounting procedures necessitate attention to the following areas: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Mounting surface preparation, Application of thermal compounds, Installation of the insulator, Fastening of the assembly, and Lead bending and soldering. In this chapter, the procedures are discussed in general terms. Specific details for each class of packages are given in the figures and in Table 7.1. Appendix VII contains a brief review of thermal resistance concepts, and Appendix VIII lists sources of supply for accessories. Motorola-supplied hardware for all power packages is detailed on separate data sheets for each package type. MOUNTING SURFACE PREPARATION SHEET METAL SCREW Figure 7.1. Extreme Case of Improperly Mounting A Semiconductor (Distortion Exaggerated) *See MIL Handbook 217B, Section 2.2. ". ~>. ;',:" ,-. ,',.. ~ ;. . ' In general, the heat sink mounting surface should have a flatness and finish comparable to that of the semiconductor package. In lower power applications, the heat sink surface is satisfactory if it appears flat against a straight edge and is free from deep scratches. In highpower applications, a more detailed examination of the surface is required. SURFACE FLATNESS Surface flatness is determined by comparing the variance in height (<1h) of the test specimen to that of a reference standard as indicated in Figure 7.2. Flatness is normally specified as a fraction of the Total Indicator .. , " MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-7-1 • TlR = TOTAL INDICATOR READING SAMPLE PIECE Ilh j • REFERENCE PIECE DEVICE MOUNTING AREA Figure 7.2. Surface Flatness Reading (TIR). The mounting surface flatness, i.e., AhITlR, is satisfactory in most cases if less than 4 mils per inch, which is normal for extruded aluminum - although disc type devices usually require 1 mil per inch. SURFACE FINISH Surface finish is the average of the deviations both above and below the mean value of surface height. For minimum interface resistance, a finish in the range of 50 to 60 microinches is satisfactory, * a finer finish is costly to achieve and does not significantly lower contact resistance. Most commercially available cast or extruded heat sinks will require spotfacing when used in highpower applications. In general, milled or machined surfaces are satisfactory if prepared with tools in good working condition. Mounting holes generally should only be large enough to allow clearance of the fastener. The larger packages having mounting holes removed from the semiconductor die location, such as a TO-204AA (TO-3), may successfully be used with larger holes to accommodate an insulating bushing, but this doesn't work well with Thermopad plastic packages. For these packages, a smaller screw size must be used so that the hole for the bushing does not exceed the hole in the package. Punched mounting holes have been a source of trouble because, if not properly done, the area around a punched hole is depressed in the process. This "crater" in the heat sink around the mounting hole can cause two problems. The device can be damaged by distortion of the package as it attempts to conform it to the shape of the heat sink indentation, or the device may only bridge the crater and leave a significant percentage of its heat-dissipating surface out of contact with the heat sink. The first effect may often be detected immediately by looking for cracks in the package (if plastic), but usually an unnatural stress is imposed, which results in an early-life failure. The second effect results in hotter operation and the problem is not manifested until much later. . Although punched holes are seldom acceptable in the relatively thick material used for extruded aluminum heat *Tests run by Thermalloy (Catalog #74-INS-3, page 14) using a copper TO-3 package with a typical 32-microinch finish, showed that finishes between 16 and 64 Win caused less than ± 2.5% difference in interface thermal resistance. sinks, several manufacturers are capable of properly utilizing the capabilities inherent of fine-edge blanking or sheared-through holes when applied to stamped heat sinks. The holes are pierced using Class A progressive dies mounted on four-post die sets equipped with proper pressure pads and holding fixtures. When mounting holes are drilled, a general practice with extruded aluminum, surface cleanup is important. Chamfers must be avoided because they reduce heat transfer surface and increase mounting stress. The edges should be broken to remove burrs which cause poor contact between device and heat sink and which may puncture isolation material. Many aluminum heat sinks are black-anodized to improve radiation ability and prevent corrosion. Anodizing results in significant electrical but negligible thermal insulation.lt need only be removed from the mounting area when electrical contact is required. Another treated aluminum finish is iridite, or chromate-acid dip, which offers low resistance because of its thin surface, yet has good electrical properties because it resists oxidation. It need only be cleaned of the oils and films that collect in the manufacture and storage of the sinks, a practice which should be applied to all heat sinks. For economy, paint is sometimes used for sinks; removal of the paint where the semiconductor is attached is usually required because of paint's high thermal resistance. However, when it is necessary to insulate the semiconductor package from the heat sink, anodized or painted surfaces may be more effective than other insulating materials which tend to creep (i.e., they flow), thereby reducing contact pressure. It is also necessary that the surface be free from all foreign material, film, and oxide (freshly bared aluminum forms an oxide layer in a few seconds). Unless used immediately after machining, it is a good practice to polish the mounting area with No. 000 steel wool, followed by an acetone or alcohol rinse. Thermal grease should be immediately applied thereafter and the semiconductor attached as the grease readily collects dust and metal particles. THERMAL COMPOUNDS To improve contacts, thermal joint compounds or greases are used to fill air voids between all mating surfaces. Values ofthermal resistivity vary from 0.10 degrees MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-7-2 Celsius-inches per watt for copper film to 1200°C-inIW for air, whereas satisfactory joint compounds will have a resistivity of approximately 60°C-inIW. Therefore, the voids, scratches, and imperfections which are filled with a joint compound, will have a thermal resistance of about 1/20th of the original value which makes a significant reduction in the overall interface thermal resistance. Joint compounds are a formulation of fine zinc particles in a silicon oil which maintains a grease-like consistency with time and temperature. Since some of these compounds do not spread well, they should be evenly applied in a very thin layer using a spatula or lintless brush, and wiped lightly to remove excess material. Some cyclic rotation of the package will help the compound spread evenly over the entire contact area. Experience will indicate whether the quantity is sufficient, as excess will appear around the edges of the contact area. To prevent accumulation of airborne particulate matter, excess compound should be wiped away using a cloth moistened with acetone or alcohol. These solvents should not contact plastic-encapsulated devices, as they may enter the package and cause a leakage path or carry in substances which might attack the assembly. Data showing the effect of compounds on several package types under different mounting conditions is shown in Table 7.1. The rougher the surface, the more valuable the grease becomes in lowering contact resistance; therefore, when mica insulating washers are used, use of grease is generally mandatory. The joint compound also improves the breakdown rating of the insulator and is therefore highly desirable despite the handling problems created by its affinity for foreign matter. Some sources of supply for joint compounds are shown in Appendix VIII. Some users and heat sink manufacturers prefer not to use compounds. This necessitates use of a heat sink with lower thermal resistance which imposes additional cost, but which may be inconsequential when low power is being handled. Others design on the basis of not using grease, but apply it as an added safety factor, so that if improperly applied, operating temperatures will not exceed the design values. MEASUREMENT OF INTERFACE THERMAL RESISTANCE Measuring the interface thermal resistance ROCS appears deceptively simple. All that's apparently needed is a thermocouple on the semi, a thermocouple on the heat sink, and a means of applying and measuring dc power. However, ROCS is proportional to the amount of contact area between the surfaces and consequently is affected by surface flatness and finish and the amount of pressure on the surfaces. In addition, placement of the thermocouples can have a significant influence upon the results. Consequently, values for interface thermal resistance presented by different manufacturers are in poor agreement. Consider the TO-220 package shown in Figure 7.3. The mounting pressure at one end causes the other end where the die is located - to lift off the mounting surface Table 7.1 Approximate Values for Interface Thermal Resistance and Other Package Data (See Table 7.11 for Case Number to JEDEC Outline Cross-Reference) Dry interface values are subject to wide variation because of extreme dependence upon surface conditions. Unless otherwise noted the case temperature is monitored by a thermocouple located directly under the die reached through a hole in the heat sink. Package Type and Data JEDEC Outline Description Interface Thermal Resistance (OCIW) Recommended Mounting Hole and Drill Size Machine Screw Size1 Torque In-Lb Metal-to-Metal With Insulator Dry Lubed Dry Lubed Type DO-4 10-32 Stud 7/16" Hex 0.188, #12 10-32 20 0.3 0.2 1.6 0.8 3 mil Mica DO-5 1/4-28 Stud 11/16" Hex 0.250, #1 1/4-28 25 0.2 0.1 0.8 0.6 5mil Mica DO-21 Pressfit, 1/2" See Figure 7.7 - 0.15 0.10 - TO-204 (TO-3) Diamond Flange 0.140, #28 6-32 6 0.5 0.1 1.3 0.36 3mil Mica TO-126 Thermopad 1/4" x 3/8" 0.133, #33 4-40 6 2 1.3 4.3 3.3 2 mil Mica TO-127 Thermopad 1/2" x 5/8" 0.140, #26 6-32 8 1.6 0.8 2.6 1.8 2mil Mica TO-220AB Thermowatt 0.140, #28 6-32 8 1.2 1 3.4 1.6 2 mil Mica - - See Note 1 1,2 NOTE 1. See Figures 7.8 and 7.11 for additional data on TO-204 and TO-220 packages. NOTE 2. Screw not insulated. . MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-7-3 : . ~/ . E.I.A. • MOTOROLA Figure 7.3. JEDEC TO-220 Package Mounted to Heat Sink Showing Various Thermocouple Locations and Lifting Caused by Pressure at One End slightly. To improve contact, Motorola TO-220 packages are slightly concave and use of a spreader bar under the screw lessens the lifting, but some is inevitable with a single-ended package. The thermocouple locations are shown: a. The Motorola location is directly under the die reached through a hole in the heat sink. The thermocouple is held in place by a spring which forces the thermocouple into intimate contact with the bottom of the semi's case. b. The EIA location is close to the die on the top surface ofthe package base reached through a blind hole drilled through the molded body. The thermocouple is swaged in place. c. The Thermalloy location is on the top portion of the tab between the molded body and the mounting screw. The thermocouple is soldered into position. Temperatures at the three locations are generally not the same. Consider the situation depicted in the figure. Because the only area of direct contact is around the mounting screw, nearly all the heat travels horizontally along the tab from the die to the contact area. Consequently, the temperature at the EIA location is hotter than at the Thermalloy location and the Motorola location is even hotter. Since junction-to-sink thermal resistance is constant for a given setup, junction-to-case values decrease and case-to-sink values increase as the case thermocouple readings become warmer. There are examples where the relationship between the thermocouple temperatures are different from the previous situation. If a mica washer with grease is installed between the semi package and the heat sink, tightening the screw will not bow the package; instead, the mica will be deformed. The primary heat conduction path is from the die through the mica to the heat sink. In this case, a small temperature drop will exist across the vertical dimension of the package mounting base so that the thermocouple at the EIA location will be the hottest. The thermocouple temperature at the Thermalloy location could be close to the temperature at the EIA location as the lateral heat flow is generally small. The EIA location is chosen to obtain the highest tem- perature on the case. It is of significance because power ratings are supposed to be based on this reference point. Unfortunately, the placement of the thermocouple is tedious and leaves the semiconductor in a condition unfit for sale. The Motorola location is chosen to obtain the highest temperature of the case at a point where, hopefully, the semi is making contact to the heat sink, since heat sinks are measured from the point of semi contact to the ambient. Once the special heat sink to accommodate the thermocouple has been fabricated, this method lends itself to production testing and does not mark the device. However, this location is not easily accessible to the user. The Thermalloy location is convenient and is often chosen by equipment manufacturers. However, it also blemishes the case and may yield results differing up to 1°C/W for a TO-220 package mounted to a heat sink without thermal grease and no insulator. This error is small when compared to the heat dissipators often used with this package, since power dissipation is usually a few watts. When compared to the specified junction-to-case values of some of the higher power semiconductors becoming available, however, the difference becomes significant, and it is important that the semiconductor manufacturer and equipment manufacturer use the same reference point. Another method of establishing reference temperatures utilizes a soft copper washer (thermal grease is used) between the semiconductor package and the heat sink. The washer is flat to within 1 mil/inch, has a finish better than 63 winch, and has an imbedded thermocouple near its center. This reference includes the interface Table 7.11 Cross Reference Chart Motorola Case Number to JEDEC Outline Number and Table 7.1 Reference JEDEC Number Motorola Number Old New Reference In Table 7.1 54-05 61-03 63-02 77-05 86-01 90-05 174-04 175-03 221A-04 235-03 263-04 310-02 311-02 326-01 TO-3 2 TO-3 2 00-42 TO-126 1,2 00-41,2 TO-1271,2 00-211,2 00-51,2 TO-220AB 00-51,2 00-51,2 00-211,2 00-51,2 TO-32 TO-204AE TO-204AE TO-203AE TO-225AA TO-203AA TO-225AB TO-208AA TO-203AB TO-220AB TO-203AB to-203AB TO-208AA TO-203AB TO-204AA TO-3 TO-3 00-4 TO-126 00-4 TO-127 00-21 00-5 TO-220AB 00-5 00-5 00-21 00-5 TO-3 NOTE 1. Would fit within this family outline if registered with JEDEC. NOTE 2. Not within all JEDEC outline dimensions. The data in Table 7.1 and suggested mounting hardware and procedures generally apply. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-7-4 resistance under nearly ideal conditions and is therefore application-oriented. It is also easy to use and yields reproducible results. At this printing, however, sufficient data to compare results to other methods is not available. The only way to get accurate measurements of the interface resitance is to also test for junction-to-case thermal resistance at the same time. If the junction-to-case values remain relatively constant as insulators are changed, torque varied, etc., then the case reference point is satisfactory. insulator between the semiconductor and the heat sink. Where heat sink isolation is not possible, because of safety reasons or in instances where a chassis serves as a heat sink or where a heat sink is common to several devices, insulators are used to isolate the individual components from the heat sink. When an insulator is used, thermal grease assumes greater importance than with a metal-to-metal contact, because two interfaces exist instead of one and some materials, such as mica, have a markedly uneven surface. Reduction of interface thermal resistance of between 2 to 1 and 3 to 1 are typical when gre;ase is used. Data obtained by Thermalloy, showing interface resistance for different insulators and torque applied to TO-3 and TO-220 packages, are shown in Figure 7.4 for bare surfaces and Figure 7.5 for greased surfaces. It is obvious that with some arrangements, the interface thermal resistance exceeds that of the semiconductor (junction to case). When high power is handled, beryllium oxide is INSULATION CONSIDERATIONS Since it is most expedient to manufacture power semiconductors with collectors or anodes electrically common to the case, the problem of isolating this terminal from ground is a common one. For lowest overall thermal resistance, it is best to isolate the entire heat sink/semiconductor structure from ground, rather than to use an ~ 1.8 w - t-- <.> z t-~ en 1.4 iii w rr: ..... <[ TJERMALFiLM, o.oJ ~ III, \ I - iHERMA~FILM 1"""''/ -I II r-- MICA. 0.003" " // /' MICA, 0.003"'/ ::;;; rr: w HARD ANODIZE, 0.020" :J: I- "" Z ~ ~ 0.6 en <3 @0.2 a:: _ 2 // MICA. 0.002" '" ,/ ALUMINUM OXIDE, 0.062" '/" SILICONE RUBBER, 0.012" BERYLLIUM OXIDE, 0.062" ..... NO INSULATOR [ 250 PSI INTERFACE PRESSURE 500 PSI- ~ARD ANpDIZE • o 4 5 MOUNTING SCREW TORQUE IIN·LBS) (a). TO-3 2 NO INSULATOR / ' I 4 MOUNTING SCREW TORQUE IIN·LBS) (b). TO-220AB Figure 7.4. Interface Thermal Resistance Without Thermal Grease as a Function of Mounting Screw Torque Using Various Insulating Materials ~ 0.8 w <.> z ~ ~ ~ 0.6 ---- ""z ~ 0.2 5 ~ rr: 0 f- MICA, 0.003" MICA. 0.003':vr= ALUMINUM OXIDE, 0.062" HARD ANODIZE, 0.020" / I--" MICA, 0.002" I--' HARD ANODIZE ; - /' :--250 PSI 2 THERMALFILM I II ..... II THERM~LFILM 1'1 0.002" ffi 0.4 ~ 2.5 SILICONE RUBBER THERMALFILM II, 0.002" r-- I--' NO INSULATOR BERYLLIUM OX\~ NO INSULATOR I INTERFACE PRESSURE 500 PSI- 0.5 3 4 5 MOUNTING SCREW TORQUE IIN·LBS) 2 4 MOUNTING SCREW TORQUE (IN·LBS) (b). TO-220AB (a). TO-3 Figure 7.5. Interface Thermal Resistance Using Thermal Grease as a Function of Mounting Screw Torque Using Various Insulating Materials . ; . ; .~: "",: .... .{~' ; ~» MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-7-5 • 280 ~ 200 ~160 / 1/ ~ z120 I 77 ~ 80 !fl /I/I IE 40 o w • range of physical deflection - generally 20% to 80% thereby maintaining an optimum force on the package. When installing, the assembler applies torque until the washer depresses to half its original height. (Tests should be run prior to setting up the assembly line to determine the proper torque for the fastener used to achieve 50% deflection.) The washer will absorb any cyclic expansion of the package or insulating washer caused by temperature changes. Bell type washers are the key to successful mounting of devices requiring strict control of the mounting force or when plastic hardware is used in the mounting scheme. Motorola washers designed for use with the Thermopad package maintain the proper force when properly secured. They are used with the large face contacting the packages. I 240 7 ./ TO!127 1/ TO·126 / / ./ -- II a a 20 40 60 80 DEFLECTION OF WASHER DURING MOUNTING (%) 100 Figure 7.6. Characteristics of the Ben Compression Washers Designed for Use with Thermopad Semiconductors MACHINE SCREWS Machine screws and nuts form a trouble-free fastener system for all types of packages which have mounting holes. Torque ratings apply when dry; therefore, care must be exercised when using thermal grease to prevent it from getting on the threads as inconsistent torque readings result. Machine screw heads should not directly contact the surface of any of the Thermopad plastic package types as the screw heads are not sufficiently flat to provide properly distributed force. unquestionably the best choice. Thermafilm is Thermalloy's tradename for a polyimide material which is also commonly known as Kapton*; this material is fairly pop· ular for low power applications because it is low cost, withstands high temperatures and is easily handled, in contrast to mica which chips and flakes easily. When using insulators, care must be taken to keep the mating surfaces clean. Small particles of foreign matter can puncture the insulation, rendering it useless or seriously lowering its dielectric strength. In addition, particularly when voltages higher than 300 V are encountered, problems with creepage may occur. Dust and other foreign material can shorten creepage distances significantly so that having a clean assembly area is important. Surface roughness and humidity also lower insulation resistance. Use of thermal grease usually raises the breakdown voltage of the insulation system. Because of these factors, which are not amenable to analysis, high potential testing should be done on prototypes and a large margin of safety employed. In some situations, it may be necessary to substitute "empty" packages for the semiconductors to avoid shorting them or to prevent the semiconductors from limiting the voltage applied during the high potential test. SELF-TAPPING SCREWS Under some conditions, sheet-metal screws are acceptable. However, during the tapping process with a standard screw, a volcano-like protrusion will develop in the metal being threaded; a very unsatisfactory surface results. When used, a speed-nut must be used to secure a standard screw, or the type of screw must be used which roll-forms machine screw threads. EYELETS Successful mounting can also be accomplished with hollow eyelets provided an adjustable, regulated pressure press is used such that a gradually increasing pressure is used to pan the eyelet. Use of sharp blows could damage the semiconductor die. RIVETS When a metal flange-mount package is being mounted directly to a heat sink, rivets can be used. Rivets are not a recommended fastener for any of the plastic packages except for the tab-mount type. Aluminum rivets are preferred over steel because less pressure is required to set the rivet and thermal conductivity is improved. FASTENER AND HARDWARE CHARACTERISTICS Characteristics of fasteners, associated hardware, and the tools to secure them determine their suitability for use in mounting the various packages. Since many problems have arisen because of improper choices, let us look at the basic characteristics of several types of hardware. INSULATORS AND PLASTIC HARDWARE Because of its relatively low cost and low thermal resistance, mica is still widely used to insulate semiconductor packages from heat sinks despite its tendency to chip and flake. It has a further advantage in that it does not creep or flow so that the mounting pressure will not reduce with time in use. Plastic materials, particularly COMPRESSION WASHERS A very useful piece of hardware is the bell-type compression washer. As shown in Figure 7.6, it has the ability to maintain a fairly constant pressure over a wide *®DuPont ~fJtt!t~';flfU'jyf.lif;lt!J.Jll.!+~.<&;(iY)tlhLtX'$"'i7~;"'''~.l,Uf!;£J. l"'~AJ"':7Mi,w:~ML.£~n'it~ .".wu f",-.g~:f~~ . b. ~y, ~FW"~~~,.:~,,4." ~W~.;;.T~ivr~~'~~Jt.~.:.. ~~~·~~:·~ft~J.,.~~~~ I •••• " ' ... MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-7-6 . hardware available for a number of different packages. Consult the Hardware Data Sheet for dimensions of the components and part numbers. Specific fastening techniques are discussed in the remainder of this chapter for the following categories of semiconductor package. 1) Stud mount: 10-32 UNF-24 1/4-28 UNF-24 2) Flange mount: TO-3 3) Pressfit: 00-21 4) Thermopad®: TO-225AA/225AB or 225 Family 5) Thermowatt®: TO-220 Family , @)_MICAWASHER SEATING PLANE @_TEFLON BUSHING I 10-32UNF-2A ~ STUD MOUNT Mounting errors with stud-mounted parts are generally confined to application of excessive torque or tapping the stud into a threaded heat sink hole. Both these practices may cause the hex base to warp, which may crack the semiconductor die. The best fastening method is to use a nut and washer; the details are shown in Figure 7.7. HEATSINK-~ DIM A C F MILLIMETERS INCHES MIN MAX MIN MAX - 111.10 - 10.437 7.87 0.310 1.78TYP 0.070 TYP 2.29 2.79 0.090 0.110 10.72 11.48 0.422 0.452 16.76 0.660 15.49 0.610 G J K L NOTE: 1. DIM "G" MEASUREO AT CAN. - CASE 86-01 2N4167-2N4174 STYLE 1: @_MICAWASHER @_ FLAT STEEL WASHER ! ~- ~ FLANGE MOUNT Few known mounting difficulties exist with this type of package. The rugged base and distance between die and mounting holes combine to make it extremely difficult to warp, unless mounted on a surface which is badly bowed or unless one side is tightened excessively before the other screw is started. A typical mounting installation is shown in Figure 7.8. Machine screws, self-tapping SOLDER TERMINAl $ _ I STEEL LOCK WASHER PIN 1. GATE 2. CATHODE STUD: ANODE I @_HEXNUT NO.6 SHEET METAL SCREWS I Figure 7.7. Mounting Details for Stud-Mounted Semiconductors Teflon*, will flow. When plastic materials form part of the fastening system, a compression washer is a valuable addition which assures that the assembly will not loosen with time. FASTENING TECHNIQUES Each of the various types of packages in use requires different fastening techniques. Details pertaining to each type are discussed in following sections. Some general considerations follow. To prevent galvanic action from occurring when devices are used on aluminum heat sinks in a corrosive atmosphere, many devices are nickel- or gold-plated. Consequently, precautions must be taken not to mar the finish. Manufacturers which provide heat sinks for general use and other associated hardware are listed in Appendix VIII. Manufacturer's catalogs should be consulted to obtain more detailed information. Motorola also has mounting Figure 7.8. Mounting Details for Flat-Base Mounted Semiconductors (TO-204AE Shown) *Trademark E.I. DuPont MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-7-7 • ~ SHOULDER RING 0.501 I 0.505 DIA. I· -..L 0.24~ T --l CHAMFER l j r 0.D1 NOM. ~W' I .1 V The hole edge must be chamfered as shown to prevent shearing off the knurled edge of the case during press·in. The pressing force should be applied evenly on the shoulder ring to avoid tilting or canting of the case in the hole during the pressing operation. Also, the use of a thermal joint compound will be of considerable aid. The pressing force will vary from 250 to 1000 pounds, depending upon the heat sink material. Recommended hardnesses 1°.01 NOM. fA, HEATS!NK ~~ f-- 0.0499 ± 0.001 DIA. Heat Sink Mounting • .~~ are: copper-less than 50 on the Rockwell F scale; aluminum-less ~OO~ -==~HEATSINKPLATE INTIMATE CONTACT AREA COMPLm KNURL CONTACT AREA than 65 on the Brinell scale. A heat sink as thin as 1/8" may be used, but the interface thermal resistance will increase in direct proportion to the contact area. A thin chassis requ ires the addition of a backup plate. THIN CHASSIS Thin-Chassis Mounting Figure 7.9. Mounting Details for Press-Fit Semiconductors screws, eyelets, or rivets may be used to secure the package. PRESS FIT For most applications, the press-fit case should be mounted according to the instructions shown in Figure 7.9. A special fixture meeting the necessary requirements is a must. THERMOPAD The Motorola Thermopad plastic power packages have been designed to feature minimum size with no compromise in thermal resistance. This is accomplished by die-bonding the silicon chip on one side of a thin copper sheet; the opposite side is exposed as a mounting surface. The copper sheet has a hole for mounting, i.e., plastic is molded enveloping the chip but leaving the mounting hole open. The benefits of this construction are obtained at the expense of paying strict attention to the mounting procedure. Success in mounting Thermopad devices depends largely upon using a compression washer which provides a controllable pressure across a large bearing surface. Having a small hole with no chamber and a flat, burr-free, well-finished heat sink are also important requirements. Several types of fasteners may be used to secure the Thermopad package; machine screws, eyelets, or clips are preferred. With screws or eyelets, a bell compression washer should be used which applies the proper force to the package over a fairly wide range of deflection. Screws should not be tightened with any type of air-driven torque gun or equipment which may cause high impact. Characteristics of the recommended washers are shown in Figure 7.6 Figure 7.10 shows details of mounting TO-225AA or TO-225AB devices. Use of the clip requires caution to insure that adequate mounting force is applied. When electrical isolation is required, a bushing inside the mounting hole will insure that the screw threads do not contact the metal base. THERMOWATT The popular TO-220 Thermowatt package also requires attention to mounting details. Figure 7.11 shows suggested mounting arrangements and hardware. The rectangular washer shown in Figure 7.11 (a) is used to minimize distortion of the mounting flange; excessive distortion could cause damage to the semiconductor chip. Use of the washer is only important when the size ofthe mounting hole exceeds 0.140 inch (6-32 clearance). Larger holes are needed to accommodate insulating bushings when the screw is electrically connected to the case; however, the holes should not be larger than necessary to provide hardware clearance and should never exceed a diameter of 0.250 inch. Flange distortion is also possible if excessive torque is used during mounting. A maximum torque of 8 inch-pounds is suggested when using a 6-32 screw. Care should be exercised to assure that the tool used to drive the mounting screw never comes in contact with the plastic body during the driving operation. Such contact can result in damage to the plastic body and internal device connections. To minimize this problem, Motorola TO-220 packages have a chamfer on one end. TO-220 packages of other manufacturers may need a spacer or combination spacer and isolation bushing to raise the screw head above the top surface of the plastic. In situations where the Thermowatt package is making direct contact with the heat sink, an eyelet may be used, provided sharp blows or impact shock is avoided. FREE AIR AND SOCKET MOUNTING In applications where average power dissipation is of the order of a watt or so, power semiconductors may be MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-7-8 mounted with little or no heat-sinking. The leads of the various metal power packages are not designed to support the packages; their cases must be firmly supported to avoid the possibility of cracked glass-to-metal seals around the leads. The plastic packages may be supported by their leads in applications where high shock and vibration stresses are not encountered and where no heat sink is used. The leads should be as short as possible to increase vibration resistance and reduce thermal resistance. In many situations, because its leads are fairly heavy, the TO-22SAB package has supported a small heat sink; =/ HEAT SINK SURFACE \ however, no definitive data is available. When using a small heat sink, it is good practice to have the sink rigidly mounted such that the sink or the board is providing total support for the semiconductor. Two possible arrangements are shown in Figure 7.12. The arrangement in Figure 7.12Ia) could be used with any plastic package, but the scheme of part Figure 7.12Ib) is more practical with Case 77 or Case 90 Thermopad devices. With the other package types, mounting the transistor on top of the heat sink is more practical. In certain situations, in particular where semiconductor testing is required, sockets are desirable. Manufacturers MACHINE SCREW OR SHEET METAL SCREW ' ~~ COMPRESSION WASHER COMPRESSION WASHER I ~ ~ THERMOPAD PACKAGE .CA .... R.~"'AlI SPRING LOCK WASHER MACHINE OR SPEED NUT lal. Machine Screw Mounting Ibl. Eyelet Mounting PARTS C50272'()11 AND C51451'()11 PART C52825-011 MATERIAL: HEAT·TREATED SPRING STEEL 0.011 THICKNESS MATERIAL: HEAT·TREATED SPRING STEEL 0.011 THICKNESS ~ 1 ,sss ~ 0.047-0.056 Part P C50272·011 C51451'()11 0.046-0.055 0.030-0.034 ~"": ~ PA~EL r"=f 0.105 PANEL _ 0.480 TO-225AB Clip RANGE TO-225AA Clip lei. Tinnerman Clips IEaton Corp.1 Figure 7.10. Recommended Mounting Arrangements for TO-225AA and TO-22SAB Thermopad Packages MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-7-9 • have provided sockets for all the packages available from Motorola. The user is urged to consult manufacturers' catalogs for specific details. (al THERMOPAD HEAT SINK SURFACE (al. Preferred Arrangement for Isolated or Non-isolated Mounting. Screw is at Semiconductor Case Potential. 6-32 Hardware is Used. (bl. Alternate Arrangement for Isolated Mounting when Screw must be at Heat Sink Potential. 4-40 Hardware is Used. Use Parts Listed Below. Use Parts Listed Below. .. .. T-6-32HEX ~ HEAD SCREW II! / CIRCUIT BOARD TWIST LOCKS OR SOLDERABLE LEGS 4-40 HEX HEAD SCREW (bl NYLON INSULATING BUSHING ~ ~ 11)RECTANGULAR STEEL WASHER \ ! """N~crO~' I i ICASE 22~ :21A): SEMICONDUCTOR I : / ICASE i~)===:::::;> ! :::::;:::::::::::=======:::J 12)RECTANGULAR MICA INSULAT~ CIRCUIT BOARD I C !::::::: HEAT SINK " RECTANGULAR MICA INSULATOR "- r-~----, '\ 12)NYLON BUSHING HEAT SINK ~ HANDLING PINS, LEADS, AND TABS ! L, 13)FLAT WASHE=R--''-r'--..J .... / 14)COMPRESSION, OR LOCK WASHER COMPRESSION WASHER ..........\'""""~:-'--rl~( 6-32 HEX NUT "(x: Figure 7.12. Methods of Using Small Heat Sinks with Plastic Semiconductor Packages i ______ 4-40 HEX NUT Xl 11) USED WITH THIN CHASSIS ANDIOR LARGE HO~E 12) USED WHEN ISOLATION IS REQUIRED 13) REQUIRED WHEN NYLON BUSHING AND LOCK WASHER ARE USED 14) COMPRESSION WASHER PREFERRED WHEN PLASTIC INSULATING MATERIAL IS USED TORQUE REQUIREMENTS INSULATED 0.68 N·M 16 IN·LBS) MAX NONINSULATED 0.9 N·M 18 IN·LBS) MAX Figure 7.11. Mounting Arrangements for Thermowatt Packages The pins and lugs of metal-packaged devices are not designed for any bending or stress. If abused, the glassto-metal seals could crack. Wires may be attached using sockets, crimp connectors, or solder, provided the datasheet ratings are observed. The leads and tabs of the plastic packages are more flexible and can be reshaped, although this is not a recommended procedure for users to do. In some cases, a heat sink can be chosen which makes lead-bending unnecessary. Numerous lead- and tab-forming options are available from Motorola. Preformed leads remove the risk of device damage caused by bending from the users. If, however, lead-bending is done by the user, several basic considerations should be observed. When bending the lead, it must be supported between the point of bending and the package. For forming small quantities of units, a pair of pliers may be used to clamp the leads at the case while bending with the fingers or another pair MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-7-10 of pliers. For production quantities, a suitable fixture should be made. The following rules should be observed to avoid damage to the package. 1. A lead-bend radius greater than 1/16 inch is advisable for TO-225AA, 1110 inch for TO-225AB and 1/32 inch for TO-220. 2. No twisting of leads should be done at the case. 3. No axial motion of the lead should be allowed with respect to the case. The leads of plastic packages are not designed to withstand excessive axial pull. Force in this direction greater than 4 pounds may result in permanent damage to the device. If the mounting arrangement imposes axial stress on the leads, a condition which may be caused by thermal cycling, some method of strain relief should be devised. An acceptable lead-forming method that provides this relief is to incorporate an S-bend into the lead. Wirewrapping of the leads is permissible, provided that the lead is restrained between the plastic case and the point of the wrapping. The leads may be soldered; the maximum soldering temperature, however, must not exceed 275°C and must be applied for not more than 5 seconds at a distance greater than 1/8 inch from the plastic case. When wires are used for connections, care should be exercised to assure that movement of the wire does not cause movement of the lead at the lead-to-plastic junctions. CLEANING CIRCUIT BOARDS It is important that any solvents or cleaning chemicals used in the process of degreasing or flux removal do not affect the reliability of the devices. Alcohol and unchlorinated Freon solvents are generally satisfactory for use with plastic devices, since they do not damage the package. Hydrocarbons such as gasoline may cause the encapsulant to swell, possibly damaging the transistor die. Likewise, chlorinated Freon solvents are unsuitable, since they may cause the outer package to dissolve and swell. When using an ultrasonic cleaner for cleaning circuit boards, care should be taken with regard to ultrasonic energy and time of application. This is particularly true if the packages are free-standing without support. THERMAL SYSTEM EVALUATION Assuming that a suitable method of mounting the semiconductor without damage has been achieved, it is important to ascertain whether the junction temperature is within bounds. In applications where the power dissipated in the semiconductor consists of pulses at a low duty cycle, the instantaneous or peak junction temperature, not average temperature, may be the limiting condition. In this case, use must be made of transient thermal resistance data. For a full explanation of its use, see Motorola Application Note, AN569. Other applications, notably RF power amplifiers or switches driving highly reactive loads, may create severe current crowding conditions which render the traditional concepts of thermal resistance or transient thermal impedance invalid. In this case, transistor safe operating area or thyristor di/dt limits, as applicable, must be observed. Fortunately, in many applications, a calculation of the average junction temperature is sufficient. It is based on the concept of thermal resistance between the junction and a temperature reference point on the case. (See Appendix VII). A fine wire thermocouple should be used, such as #32AWG, to determine case temperature. Average operating junction temperature can be computed from the following equation: where TJ = TC + RruC x Po TJ = junction temperature (OC) TC = case temperature (OC) RruC = thermal resistance junction-to-case as specified on the data sheet (OCIW) Po = power dissipated in the device (W). The difficulty in applying the equation often lies in determining the power dissipation. Two commonly used empirical methods are graphical integration and substitution. GRAPHICAL INTEGRATION Graphical integration may be performed by taking oscilloscope pictures of a complete cycle of the voltage and current waveforms, using a limit device. The pictures should be taken with the temperature stabilized. Corresponding points are then read from each photo at a suitable number of time increments. Each pair of voltage and current values are multiplied together to give instantaneous values of power. The results are plotted on linear graph paper, the number of squares within the curve counted, and the total divided by the number of squares along the time axis. The quotient is the average power dissipation. SUBSTITUTION This method is based upon substituting an easily measurable, smooth dc source for a complex waveform. A switching arrangement is provided which allows operating the load with the device under test, until it stabilizes in temperature. Case temperature is monitored. By throwing the switch to the "test" position, the device under test is connected to a dc power supply, while another pole of the switch supplies the normal power to the load to keep it operating at full power level. The dc supply is adjusted so that the semiconductor case temperature remains approximately constant when the switch is thrown to each position for about 10 seconds. The dc voltage and current values are multiplied together to obtain average power. It is generally necessary that a Kelvin connection be used for the device voltage measurement. r~k~~~~~·~·~~~~UR~"~"~"""" MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-7-11 • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1·7·12 CHAPTER 8 RELIABILITY AND QUALITY As the price of semiconductor devices decreases, reliability and quality have become increasingly important in selecting a vendor. In many cases these considerations even outweigh price, delivery and service. The reason is that the cost of device fallout and warranty repairs can easily equal or exceed the original cost of the devices. Consider the example shown in Figure 8.1. Although the case is simplistic, the prices and costs are realistic by today's standards. In this case, the cost offailures raised the device cost from 15 cents to 21 cents, an increase of 40%. Clearly, then, investing in quality and reliability can pay big dividends. With nearly three decades of experience as a major semiconductor supplier, Motorola is the largest manufacturer of discrete semiconductors in the world today. Since semiconductor prices are strongly influenced by manufacturing volume, this leadership has permitted Motorola to be strongly competitive in the marketplace while making massive investments in equipment, processes and procedures to guarantee that the company's after-purchase costs will be among the lowest in the industry. As a result of the procedures, Motorola is pro-' jecting an outgoing quality level of less than 3 PPM by 1992. Given: Purchase = 100,000 components @ 15¢ each Assumptions: Line Fallout = 0.1% Warranty Failures = 0.01% Components Cost = 100,000 x 15¢ = $15,000 100 x $40 = 4,000 Line Fallout Cost= @ $40 per repair 10 x $200 = 2,000 Warranty Cost = @ $200 per repair $21,000 Adjusted Cost Per Component = $21,000 + 100,000 = 21¢ Quality and reliability are two essential elements in order for a semiconductor company to be successful in the marketplace today. Quality and reliability are interrelated because reliability is quality extended over the expected life of the product. Quality is the assurance that a product will fulfill customers' expectations. Reliability is the probability that a product will perform its intended function satisfactorily for a prescribed life under certain stated conditions. The quality and reliability of Motorola thyristors are achieved with a four step program: 1) Thoroughly tested designs and materials 2) Stringent in-process controls and inspections 3) Process average testing along with 100% quality assurance redundant testing 4) Reliability verifications through audits and reliability studies ESSENTIALS OF RELIABILITY Paramount in the mind of every semiconductor user is the question of device performance versus time. After the applicability of a particular device has been established, its effectiveness depends on the length of trouble free service it can offer. The reliability of a device is exactly that - an expression of how well it will serve the customer. Reliability can be redefined as the probability offailure free performance, under a given manufacturer's specifications, for a given period of time. The failure rate of semiconductors in general, when plotted versus a long period of time, exhibit what has been called the "bath tub curve" (Figure 8.2). INFANT MORTALITY RANDOM FAILURE MECHANISM WEAROUT PHENOMENON Definitions: Line Fallout = Module or subassembly failure requiring troubleshooting, parts replacement and retesting Warranty Failure = System field failure requiring in warranty repair Figure 8.1. Component Costs to the User (including line fallout and warranty costsl Figure 8.2. Failure Rate of Semiconductor MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-8-1 • RELIABILITY MECHANICS Since reliability evaluations usually involve only samples of an entire population of devices, the concept of the central limit theorem applies and a failure rate is calculated using the,\2 distribution through the equation: ,\ .;; ,\2 (a, 2r + 2) 2 nt ,\2 • T = Absolute temperature, °Kelvin (OC where a = 100 - cI 100 = Failure rate cl = Confidence limit in percent + 273°) o = Activation energy in electron volts (ev) K = Soltzman's constant = 8.62 x 10- 5 evrK This equation can also be put in the form: = Number of rejects n Where R(t} = reaction rate as a function of time and temperature Ro = A constant t = Time = chi squared distribution ,\ Years of semiconductor device testing have shown that temperature will accelerate failures and that this behavior fits the form of the Arrhenius equation: R(t} = Ro(t}e- o/ KT AF = Acceleration factor = Number of devices T2 = User temperature = Duration of tests T1 = Actual test temperature The confidence limit is the degree of conservatism desired in the calculation. The central limit theorem states that the values of any sample of units out of a large population will produce a normal distribution. A 50% confidence limit is termed the best estimate, and is the mean of this distribution. A 90% confidence limit is a very conservative value and results in a higher,\ which represents the point at which 90% of the area of the distribution is to the left of that value (Figure 8.3). 5O%Cl RELIABILITY QUALIFICATIONS/EVALUATIONS OUTLINE: X I I I I The Arrhenius equation states that reaction rate increases exponentially with the temperature. This produces a straight line when plotted on log-linear paper with a slope expressed by o. 0 may be physically interpreted as the energy threshold of a particular reaction or failure mechanism. The overall activation energy exhibited by Motorola thyristors is 1 ev. 9O%Cl /C'Z S A, FAilURE RATE Figure 8.3. Confidence Limits and the Distribution of Sample Failure Rates Some of the functions of Motorola Reliability and Quality Assurance Engineering are to evaluate new products for introduction, process changes (whether minor or major), and product line updates to verify the integrity and reliability of conformance, thereby ensuring satisfactory performance in the field. The reliability evaluations may be subjected to a series of extensive reliability testing, such as in the tests performed section, or special tests, depending on the nature of the qualification requirement. AVERAGE OUTGOING QUALITY (AOQ) The term (2r + 2) is called the degrees of freedom and is an expression of the number of rejects in a form suitable to ,\2 tables. The number of rejects is a critical factor since the definition of rejects often differs between manufacturers. Due to the increasing chance of a test not being representative of the entire population as sample size and test time are decreased, the ,\2 calculation produces surprisingly high values of ,\ for short test durations even though the true long term failure rate may be quite low. For this reason relatively large amounts of data must be gathered to demonstrate the real long term failure rate. Since this would require years of testing on thousands of devices, methods of accelerated testing have been developed. With the industry trend to average outgoing qualities (ADQ) of less than 100 PPM, the role of device final test, and final outgoing quality assurance have become a key ingredient to success. At Motorola, all parts are 100% tested to process average limits then the yields are monitored closely by product engineers, and abnormal areas offallout are held for engineering investigation. Motorola also 100% redundant tests all de parameters again after marking the device to further reduce any mixing problems associated with the first test. Prior to shipping, the parts are again sampled, tested to a tight sampling plan by our Quality Assurance department, and finally our outgoing final inspection checks for correct paperwork, mixed product, visual and mechanical inspections prior to packaging to the customers. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-8-2 AVERAGE OUTGOING QUALITY (AOQ) AOa = Process Average x Probability of Acceptance x 106 (PPM) A _ No. of Reject Devices P rocess verage - No. of Devices Tested .. No. of Lots Rejected Probability of Acceptance = (1 - No. of Lots Tested) Case 22-03/TO-206AA (TO-lSI Devices Available: SCRs. UJTs, PUTs Current Range: to 0.5 A Voltage Range: 25 to 200 V 106 = To Convert to Parts Per Million AOa = No. of Reject Devices x No. of Devices Tested (1 _ No. of Lots Rejected) x 106(PPM) No. of Lots Tested Current AOa levels (1988) are less than 50 PPM. The projected goal, by 1992, is less than 3 PPM, a defect rate so low that it becomes virtually invisible to the user. Figure 8.4 shows AOO of Motorola Thyristors. 3000 Case 77-0S/TO-22SAA (TO-1261 THYRIS~OR PPM I 4000 r-... 1000 1979 3264 Devices Available: SCRs, TRIACs Current Range: to 4 A Voltage Range: 25 to 600 V "- ~ '", 2000 1960 2561 1961 1546 1962 1057 Case 79-04/TO-20SAD (TO-391 Devices Available: SCRs Current Range: to 1.6 A Voltage Range: 25 to 600 V *P~OJECTION ............ Case 29-04fTO-226AA (TO-921 Devices Available: SCRs, TRIACs, UJTs, PUTs, SBSs Current Range: to 0.8 A Voltage Range: 25 to 600 V I--1964 200 1985' 100 1966* 50 1987* 0 Figure 8.4. Average Outgoing Quality (AOQ) of Motorola Thyristors Case 221A-04fTO-220AB THYRISTOR RELIABILITY The reliability data described herein applies to Motorola's extensive offering of thyristor products for low and medium current applications. The line includes not only the pervasive Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs) and TRIACs, but also a variety of Unijunction Transistors (UJTs), Programmable Unijunction Transistors (PUTs), Silicon Bidirectional Switches (SBSs), SIDACs and other associated devices used for SCR and TRIAC triggering purposes. Moreover, these devices are available in different package styles with overlapping current ranges to provide an integral chip-and-package structure that yields lowest cost, consistent with the overriding consideration of high reliability. The various packages and the range of electrical specifications associated with the resultant products are shown in Figure 8.5. To evaluate the reliability of these structures, production line samples from each type of package are being subjected to a battery of accelerated reliability tests deliberately designed to induce long-term failure. Though the tests are being conducted on a continuing basis, the Devices Available: SCRs, TRIACs Current Range: to 40 A Voltage Range: 50 to 1000 V Case 267-03/Axial Lead (Surmetic SOl Devices Available: SIDAC Voltage Range: 104 to 240 V Case 311-021 Press Fit/Stud Devices Available: SCRs, TRIACs Current Range: to 55 A Voltage Range: 25 to BOO V Figure 8.5. Motorola Thyristor Packages results so far are both meaningful and impressive. They are detailed on the following pages in the hope that they will provide for the readers a greater awareness of the potential for thyristors in their individual application. ;).:' MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-8-3 ' ..' .;,.' THYRISTOR CONSTRUCTION THROUGH A TIME TESTED DESIGN AND ADVANCED PROCESSING METHODS • A pioneer in discrete semiconductor components and the world's largest supplier thereof, Motorola has pyramided continual process and material improvements into thyristor products whose inherent reliability meets the most critical requirements of the market. These improvements are directed towards long-term reliability in the most strenuous applications and the most adverse environments. DIE GLASSIVATION All Motorola thyristor die are glass-sealed with a Motorola patented passivation process making the sensitive junctions impervious to moisture and impurity penetration. This imparts to low-cost plastic devices the same freedom from external contamination formerly associated only with hermetically sealed metal packages. Thus, metal encapsulation is required primarily for higher current devices that would normally exceed the powerdissipation capabilities of plastic packages - or for applications that specify the hermetic package. HIGHLY MECHANIZED ASSEMBLY Motorola uses many techniques to ensure quality manufacturing of its thyristor products. A few of the newest techniques are (1) all diffusion steps are performed by microprocessor-controlled diffusion tubes, (2) four point probes are used to verify resistivity at each step during wafer processing, (3) all chips are individually probed to their electrical specifications, (4) wafer preparation for assembly includes laser scribing to separate the die while in wafer form, (5) assembly furnaces are automated to perform automatic insertion and removal of assembly fixtures. VOID-FREE PLASTIC ENCAPSULATION A fifth generation plastic package material, combined with improved copper piece-part designs, maximize package integrity during thermal stresses. The void-free encapsulation process imparts to the plastic package a mechanical reliability (ability to withstand shock and vibration) even beyond that of metal packaged devices. IN-PROCESS CONTROLS AND INSPECTIONS INCOMING INSPECTIONS Apparently routine procedures, inspection of incoming parts and materials, are actually among the most critical segments of the quality and reliability assurance pro- gram. That's because small deviations from materials specifications can traverse the entire production cycle before being detected by outgoing Quality Control, and, if undetected, could affect long-term reliability. At Motorola, piece-part control involves the services of three separate laboratories ... Radiology, Electron Optics and Product Analysis. All three are utilized to insure product integrity: Raw Wafer Quality, in terms of defects, orientation, flatness and resistivity; Physical Dimensions, to tightly specified tolerances; Metal Hardness, to highly controlled limits; Gaseous Purity and Doping Level; Mold Compounds, for void-free plastic encapsulation. IN-PROCESS INSPECTIONS As illustrated in Figure B.6, every major manufacturing step is followed by an appropriate in-process OA inspection. Quality control in wafer processing, assembly and final test impart to Motorola standard thyristors a reliability level that easily exceeds most industrial, consumer and military requirements ... built-in quality assurance aimed at insuring failure-free shipments of Motorola products. RELIABILITY AUDITS Reliability audits are performed following assembly. Reliability audits are used to detect process shifts which can have an adverse effect on long-term reliability. Extreme stress testing on a real-time basis, for each product run, uncovers process abnormalities that may have escaped the stringent in-process controls. Typical tests include HTRB/FB (high-temperature reverse bias and forward bias) storage life and temperature cycling. When abnormalities are detected, steps are taken to correct the process. OUTGOINGQC The most stringent in-process controls do not guarantee strict adherence to tight electrical specifications. Motorola's 100% electrical parametric test does - by eliminating all devices that do not conform to the specified characteristics. Additional parametric tests, on a sampling basis, provide data for continued improvement of product quality. And to help insure safe arrival after shipment, antistatic handling and packaging methods are employed to assure that the product quality that has been built in stays that way. From rigid incoming inspection of piece parts and materials to stringent outgoing quality verification, assembly and process controls encompass an elaborate system of test and inspection stations that ensure step-by-step adherence to a prescribed procedure designed to yield a high standard of quality. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-8-4 • Figure 8.6. In-Process Quality Assurance Inspection Points for Thyristors ".; RELIABILITY TESTS BLOCKING LIFE TEST Only actual use of millions of devices, under a thousand different operating conditions, can conclusively establish the reliability of devices under the extremes of time, temperature, humidity, shock, vibration and the myriads of other adverse variables likely to be encountered in practice. But thorough testing, in conjunction with rigorous statistical analysis, is the next-best thing. The series of torture tests described in this document instills a high confidence level regarding thyristor reliability. The tests are conducted at maximum device ratings and are designed to deliberately stress the devices in their most susceptible failure modes. The severity of the tests compresses into a relatively short test cycle the equivalent of the stresses encountered during years of operation under more normal conditions. The results not only indicate the degree of reliability in terms of anticipated failures; they trigger subsequent investigations into failure modes and failure mechanisms that serve as the basis of continual improvements. And they represent a clear-cut endorsement that, for Motorola thyristors, low-cost and high quality are compatible attributes. This test is used as an indicator of long-term operating reliability and overall junction stability (quality). All semiconductor junctions exhibit some leakage current under reverse-bias conditions. Thyristors, in addition, exhibit leakage current under forward-bias conditions in the off state. As a normal property of semiconductors, this junction leakage current increases proportionally with temperature in a very predictable fashion. Leakage current can also change as a function of time - particularly under high-temperature operation. Moreover, this undesirable "drift" can produce catastrophic failures when devices are operated at, or in excess of, rated temperature limits for prolonged periods. The blocking life test operates representative numbers of devices at rated (high) temperature and reverse-bias voltage limits to define device quality (as measured by leakage drifts) and reliability (as indicated by the number of catastrophic failures*). The results of these tests are shown in Table 8.1. Table 8.11 shows leakage-current drift after 1000 hours HTRB. :.: MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-8-5 the internal manufacturing integrity ofthe package. Readouts at the various intervals offer information as to the time period in which failures occur. Although devices are not exposed to such extreme high temperatures in the field, the purpose of this test is to accelerate any failure mechanisms that could occur during long periods at actual storage temperatures_ Results of this test are shown in Table 8.111. Table 8.1. Blocking Life Test High Temperature Reverse Bias (HTRB) and High Temperature Forward Bias (HTFB) Tat1Concitions • TOIl' DevIco TA @RatodVottog. Sampl. Size Dul'ltion 29-1141TO-226AA (TO-921 lOO"C 1000 1000 1,000,000 I n-05fT0-225AA (TO-1261 II000e 1000 1000 1,000,000 0 22IA-ll4lTO-220AB lOO"e 1000 1000 1,000,000 0 311-02lPress FitlStud lOO"e 200 1000 200,000 0 22-D3IT0-206AA (TO-lSI II000e 200 1000 200,000 0 79-D4IT0-205AD (T0-391 II000e ISO 1000 lSO,OOO 0 29-041T0-226AA (TO·92) TA 150°C 10002000 400 1,500,000 0 267-03IAxial Lead (Surmetic SOl 125°e 150 1000 lSO,OOO 0 77-05IT0-225AA (10-126) ** 10002000 350 550,000 0 *Failures are at maximum rated values. The severe nature of these tests is normally not seen under actual conditions. 221A-04IT0-220 1000 300 300,000 0 311-02lPress Fit/Stud 1000 125 125,000 0 22-03IT0-206AA (TO-IS) 10002000 400 600,000 0 79-041T0-205AO (TO-39) 10002000 100 150,000 0 267-03lAxial Lead (Surmetic 501 1000 100 100,000 0 Cue (Hou..' Crtastrophk Failures- Hours Table 8.111. High Temperature Storage Life Case Table 8.11. Leakage-Current Drift after 1000 Hours HTRB I I VORM = 400 V 1 I )A = lOJOC Sample Duration Test Conditions Size (Hours) Total Catastrophic Device Failures' Hours *Failures are at maximum rated values. The severe nature of these tests is normally not seen under actual conditions. • **Same for all. ::: ••• STRESS TESTING THERMAL SHOCK •• •• :: POWER CYCLING TEST •• ••• ••• ... 40,.A • •• :::. 20,.A POWER CYCLING AND .. o •• +20,.A How do the devices hold up when they are repeatedly cycled from the off state to the on state and back to the off state under conditions that force them to maximum rated junction temperature during each cycle? The Power Cycling Test was devised to provide the answers . In this test, devices are subjected to full-rated, on-state power until rated junction temperature (TJ) has been reached. The devices are then turned off and TJ decreases to near ambient, at which time the cycle is repeated. This test is important to determine the integrity of the chip and lead frame assembly since it repeatedly stresses the devices to their maximum ratings. It is unlikely that these worst-case conditions would be continuously encountered in actual use. Any reduction in TJ results in an exponential increase in operating longevity. Table 8.IV shows the results of power cycling. +40,.A Leakage Shift from I nitial Value The favorable blocking-life-test drift results shown here are attributed to Motorola's unique "glassivated junction" process which imparts a high degree of stability to the devices. HIGH TEMPERATURE STORAGE LIFE TEST This test consists of placing devices in a high-temperature chamber. Devices are tested electrically prior to exposure to the high temperature, at various time intervals during the test, and at the completion of testing. Electrical readout results indicate the stability of the devices, their potential to withstand high temperatures, and ~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~.a~aHMD""MM MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-8-6 Table B.lV. Power Cycling Case Test Conditions 29-04IT0-226AA (TO-92) IT(rms) = Maximum Rating IlTJ = 70'C (30'C to 100'C) or 77-05fTO-225AA (TO-126) Sample Size Duration (Cycles) Total Device Cycles Catastrophic Failures· 100 200 100 5,000 10,000 20,000 500,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 0 1 0 622 10,000 6,220,000 0 200 200 100 5,000 10,000 20,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 0 0 50 10,000 500,000 0 75 10,000 750,000 0 IlTJ = 95'C (30'C to 125'C) 221 A-04fTO-220 Depending on Maximum TJ Rating 311-02/Press Fit/Stud 22-03fTO-206AA (TO-18) 79-04fTO-205AD (TO-39) Force Air Cooling "toff = Adjust per device type *Failures are at maximum rated values. The severe nature of these tests is normally not seen under actual conditions. ··Typical 4 seconds OFF. LlQUID-TO-LiQUID (GLASS STRAIN) THERMAL SHOCK CONDITIONS BEYOND THE NORM Excesses in temperature not only cause variations in electrical characteristics, they can raise havoc with the mechanical system. Under temperature extremes, contraction and expansion of the chip and package can cause physical dislocations of mechanical interfaces and induce catastrophic failure. To evaluate the integrity of Motorola thyristors under the most adverse temperature conditions, they are subjected to two different thermal shock tests: liquid-toliquid and air-to-air. This thermal shock test is performed for the same reasons as the temperature cycling test, however, the extreme changes in temperature are more sudden. This is an especially useful tool for evaluating the metal to non- . metal interface. Results of this test are shown in Table S.V. AIR-TO-AIR (TEMPERATURE CYCLING) This thermal shock test is conducted to determine the ability of the devices to withstand exposure to extreme high and low temperature environments and to the shock of alternate exposures to the temperature extremes. Results of this test are shown in Table S.VI. Table B.V. Liquid-to-Liquid Test Conditions Case 29-04fTO-226AA (TO-92) Mil Std 750, Method 1056-1 77-0SfTO-22SAA O'C to 221A-04fTO-220 (TO-126) Dwell Time - 22-03fTO-206AA (TO-18) Immediate Transfer + 1OO'C 15 seconds Number of Cycles Catastrophic Failures· 950 300 0 200 300 0 300 300 ...0 Sample Size 75 300 0 79-04IT0-20SAD (TO-39) 75 100 0 311-02/Press Fit/Stud 75 100 0 267-03/Axial Lead (Surmetic SO) 75 300 0 *Failures are at maximum rated values. The severe nature of these tests is normally not seen under actual conditions. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-8-7 • Table S.VI. Air-to-Air Sample Size Number of Cycles Total Device Cycles Catastrophic Failures* 900 400 360,000 0 SOO 400 200,000 0 400 400 160,000 0 lS0 400 60,000 0 22-03fTO-206AA (TO-18) 300 400 120,000 0 79-04fTO-20SAD (TO-39) 7S SO 3,750 0 100 400 40,000 0 Test Conditions Case -40°C or -6SoC to + lS0°C 29-04ITO-226AA (TO-92) 77-0SfTO-22SAA (TO-126) Dwell - lS minutes at each extreme 221A-04fTO-220 311-02lPress Fit/Stud • Immediate Transfer 267-03/Axial Lead (Surmetic 50) *Failures are at maximum rated values. The severe nature of these tests is normally not SBen under actual conditions. ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING component parts and constituent materials to the combined deteriorative effects of prolonged operation in a high-temperature/high-humidity environment. H3TRB test results are shown in Table B.VII. MOISTURE TESTS Humidity has been a traditional enemy of semiconductors, particularly plastic packaged devices. Most moisture-related degradations result, directly or indirectly, from penetration of moisture vapor through passivating materials, and from surface corrosion. At Motorola, this erstwhile problem has been effectively controlled through the use of a unique junction "glassivation" process and selection of package materials. The resistance to moisture-related failures is indicated by the tests described here. BIASED HUMIDITY TEST This test was devised to determine the resistance of MOISTURE RESISTANCE TEST This test evaluates the deteriorative effects of temperature cycling and high humidity under accelerated conditions simulating tropical environments. During this test, devices are subjected to alternate periods of condensation and drying, which "breathe" moisture into nonhermetic packages and accelerate the development of corrosion. Increased effectiveness is further obtained by use of high temperatures which intensify the effects of humidity. Test results are shown in Table B.VIII. Table S.VII. Biased Humidity Test High humidity, high Temperature, reverse bias (H3TRB) Case Test Conditions Sample Size Duration Hours Total Device Hours Catastrophic Failures· 29-04fTO-226AA (TO-82) Relative Humidity 85% TA = 8SoC 400 500-1000 300,000 0 77-0SfTO-22SAA Reverse Voltage-Rated or 200 V Maximum 200 SOO-1000 150,000 0 100 500-1000 7S,000 0 100 SOO-100 7S,000 0 30 1000 30,000 0 Sample Size Duration Hours Catastrophic Failures* Mil. Std. 7S0 Method 1021 100 960 0 Relative Humidity 92-98% 100 960 0 50 720 0 40 960 0 221A-04ITO-220 22-03fTO-206AA 267-03/Axial Lead (Surmetic SO) *Failures are at maximum rated values. The severe nature of these tests is normally not seen under actual conditions. Table S.VIIi. Moisture Resistance Test Test Conditions Case 29-04ITO-226AA (TO-92) 77-0SfTO-22SAA (TO-126) 221A-04ITO-220 Temperature CycleCycle Time 24 Hours 267-03/Axial Lead (Surmetic SO) *Failures are at maximum rated values. The severe nature of these tests is normally not seen under actual conditions. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-8-8 MECHANICAL TESTING VIBRATION TEST (VARIABLE FREQUENCY) Vibration, by causing loosening of parts or relative motion between parts in the sample, can produce objectionable operating characteristics, noise, wear and physical distortion, and often results in fatigue and failure of mechanical parts. This test determines the effects of vibration within the predominate frequency ranges and magnitudes that may be encountered by thyristors during field service. Most vibration encountered in field service is not of a simple harmonic nature. Nevertheless, tests based on vibrations of this type have proved satisfactory for determining critical frequencies, modes of vibration and other data necessary for planning protective steps against the effects of undue vibration. Test results are shown in Table 8.JX. CONSTANT ACCELERATION TEST The Constant Acceleration test is used to determine the effects of a centrifugal force on semiconductor devices. This test is designed to indicate types of structural and mechanical weaknesses not necessarily detected in shock and vibration tests. The results of this test are shown in Table B.XI. Table S.XI 10,000 G's in Yl Y2 Axis Table S.lX Test Conditions MiI·S·75D, Method 2OS6 20 G's in Xl Yl Zl Axis Case Duration (Minutesl Sample Size Catastrophic Failures' n05 48 100 0 221A·04 48 150 0 29-04 48 340 0 22-03 48 75 0 79-04 48 - - 25 0 48 84 0 311-02 267-03 Sample Size Catastrophic Failures' 1 100 0 1 340 0 221A-04 1 150 0 22-03 1 75 0 267-03 1 84 0 Test conditions MiI·S 750, Method 2006 Case Duration (Minutes) 77-05 29-04 *Failures are at maximum rated values. The severe nature of these tests is normally not seen under actual conditions. DROP SHOCK TEST Drop shock testing simulates the stress encountered by a device during rough handling, transportation or field operation. Shocks of this type may disturb operating characteristics or may cause catastrophic failures. Motorola plastic thyristors exhibited extremely good resistance to mechanical shock. Results are shown in Table 8.XII. *Failures are at maximum rated values. The severe nature of these tests is normally not seen under actual conditions. SOLVENTS TEST Almost invariably, in actual practice, plastic thyristors are subjected to a cleaning solution to remove residue flux or solvents utilized during circuit manufacturing. Frequently, the cleaning solution is highly chlorinated and the devices are completely immersed in an elevated temperature bath. Motorola plastic thyristors subjected to hot chlorinated baths have proved highly resistant to the potentially damaging effects of this chemical. Alcohols, water baths, freon, etc., produce no known latent failure mechanisms. Tests have indicated that Motorola plastic packages will withstand all cleaning agents commonly used. Solvents' test results are shown in Table Table S.X. Chlorothene Immersion alTA = 50°C Case Test Conditions Mil-STD·2D2, Method 202 XI, VI Axis 15 G's, 10 Blows Case Sample Catastrophic Size Failures* 77-05 100 1 221A-04 150 0 0 29-04 340 311·02 25 0 22-03 75 0 267-03 84 0 *Failures are at maximum rated values. The severe nature of these tests is normally not seen under actual conditions. B.X. Test Conditions Table S.XII Number of Sample Minutes Size Catastrophic Failures' 221A-04 30 100 0 n05 30 50 0 29-04 30 50 0 267-03 30 50 0 *Failures are at maximum rated values. The severe nature of these tests is normally not seen under actual conditions. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-8-9 • • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-8-10 CHAPTER 9 USING THYRISTOR DIE FOR HYBRID ASSEMBLY Substantial savings in weight and volume can be achieved by hybrid packaging techniques. Most Motorola thyristor packaged devices are in die form for custom hybrid assembly. The same advanced thyristor processing techniques available in packaged form is available in die form. DIE CHARACTERISTICS Currently 12 die sizes are available. Seven in the low current range « 8 amps) and 5 in the medium current range (> 8 amps). Table 9.1 lists all low current devices and their die sizes while Table 9.11 lists all medium current devices (for die layout and bond pad dimensions consult the factory). Table 9.1. Low Current « 8 Amps) Die Metallization: AI (front), Au (back) Part Number *Die Size IMil2) 2C5060 thru 5064 MCRC1004 thru -8 MCRC22-2 thru -8 2C1595 thru 2C1599 MCR106-2 thru -8 CC106F thru M MAC974 thru -8 2C6071 thru 6075 2C4870 th ru 2C4871 2C2646 thru 2C2647 2C6027 thru 2C6028 1C5758 thru 5761 A MBSC4991 thru 4992 2C6116 thru 6118 32 42 48 70 70 48 42 84 15 x 20 15 x 20 20 20 20 20 Die metallization: Solderable TiNiAg (Front and Back) Part Number *Die Size (Mil2) MCRC218-2 thru -10 CC122Fl thru N1 MCRC72-2 thru -8 MCRC67-2 thru -6 2C6394 th ru 6399 MCRC68-2 thru -6 2C6400 th ru 6405 MCR69-2 thru -6 2C682 thru 692 CC230F thru 230M MCRC70-2 thru 70-6 MCRC264-2 thru -10 CC228A thru CC228M MCRC265-2 thru -10 TC2500B thru N MACC218A4 thru Al0 2C6342 thru 6349 MACC228A4 thru Al0 2C6342A thru 6349A MACC15A4 thru Al0 MACC223A4 thru Al0 TC6421B thru N MACC224A4 thru Al0 92 92 92 92 92 92 150 150 150 150 150 180 150 210 120 120 120 120 150 150 180 210 210 "All Thyristor Die are square unless indicated. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS All die are individually probed at room temperature. However due to limitations when probing in wafer form some of the specifications of the equivalent packaged device cannot be tested and guaranteed in wafer form. These parameters include ROJC, VTM at high current, and switching times. The above parameters depend upon the *AII Thyristor Die are square unless indicated. ,'~ Table 9.11. Medium Current (> 8 Amps) 1l" .;~. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-9-1 • assembly techniques of the individual user. Each die is 100% tested by state-of-the-art computer test equipment and visually inspected per MIL-STD 19500 and MIL-STD 750 prior to shipment. Electrical specifications for most devices listed in Tables 9.1 and 9.11 can be found by consulting the corresponding data sheet for the packaged part. wire having an elongation of 10%. Caution should be exercised during wire bonding that the bond footprint remains within the bonding pad area. Wire bond settings should be optimized and a wire pull test performed (see Method 2037, MIL-STD 750B) to monitor wire bond strength uniformity. Destructive sample testing and 100% non-destructive testing is recommended. Electrical connection for medium current thyristors can be accomplished through the solder clip method as the pad metallization is a solderable TiNiAg. Assembly techniques such as a profiled belt furnace (hydrogen atmosphere) is recommended for attachment of the clips. Clips are recommended in order to withstand the high surge currents. *Wire sizes of 15 mils and greater are pure AI. Example: MCRC218-2 thru 10See MCR218 Data Sheet 2C5060 See 2N5060 Data Sheet CC228A thru M See C228 Data Sheet VISUAL INSPECTION OF THYRISTOR DIE All Motorola thyristor die meet the visual inspection criteria of MIL-Standard 750B, Method 2073, with the exception of specific criteria listed below. All thyristor dice are visually screened to a 1% AQL level. ENCAPSULATION Before encapsulation, the assembly must be kept in a moisture-free environment. For a non-hermetic package, a high grade electronic coating such as Dow Corning RTV3140 should be applied (coating is optional with hermetic package). Before encapsulation, a 150°C two-hour bake should be performed to remove any surface moisture, and any capping of hermetic packages must be performed in a dry nitrogen atmosphere. DIE BACKING All standard thyristor die come with the following metallization: low current « 8 amps) - aluminum front metal and gold back metal, and medium current (> 8 amps) solderable titanium nickel silver on both front and back metal. This metallization is suitable for solder preform mounting. Commonly used header materials such as copper, nickel plated copper, gold plated mqlybdenum, beryllia, and alumina are acceptable. The substrate must be free of all oxides prior to assembly. Mounting is generally accomplished in a profiled belt furnace (hydrogen atmosphere is recommended). HANDLING AND SHIPPING Thyristor die are packaged several ways. MULTI-PAK This is a 2" x 2" or a 4" x 4" waffle type carrier with a separate carrier for each die, holding 100 to 400 die depending upon die size. The multi-pak is shown in Figure 9.1. WIRE BONDING AND CLIP ATTACHMENT Electrical connection for low current thyristors can be accomplished by ultrasonic wire bonding, using AIMg* T 1--" 2 NOM Figure 9.1. Multi-Pak .j_.n:!III.:_m~"il~H+ir1t~.~AIiliiH:~I:.IM'.fii1ft'JlJ__fj MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-9-2 I CIRCLE PAK WAFER PAK The wafer is placed on a sticky film before being sawed and broken. Each wafer is completely sawed through with one side backed against the PVC film. The die adhere to the PVC film and maintain their exact orientation and spacing. This packaging method also offers the convenience and storage with original orientation and spacing even after a portion of the wafer is used. The evacuated plastic bag is thermally sealed, holds the contents securely, and allows no die movement. Die can be removed from the sticky film by a sharp ejector pin pushing a die up and a vacuum needle manually picking it up. The circle-pak can also be handled by an automatic die loader with minor adjustment. The circle pak is shown in Figure 9.2. The die are 100% electrically tested (rejects are inked) but the wafer is left unsawed. No visual inspection is performed. VACUUM PAK The die are 100% electrically tested (rejects are inked). A wafer or a Quarter wafer is scribed and broken with the wafer left on the mylar. This is then sealed in a vacuum bag. No visual inspection is performed. Upon opening the packaging medium, dice should be stored in a nitrogen atmosphere to prevent oxidation of bond areas prior to assembly. All dice should be handled with teflon tipped probes to prevent any mechanical damage. • Circle pak packaging method is patented by Motorola Inc. PROTECTIVE CARDBOARD PVC FILM WITH CARDBOARD RING (STICKY SIDE IS AGAINST THE GOLD·BACKED SIDE OF WAFER) Figure 9.2. Circle Pak (CP Suffix) d~""":iitPf,~"'il'if'k. ,,t"'r:,.,N';,/",;.''i''J}L?:J;),l~;~''''~.:m' . ~V!fMf<;::y;.,,*, . ,!tif';J'~8'. . 'P< ~~ .. 7IY~, \!;. ~R;: .. {3", . ~~~1 ... . . MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-9-3 . • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-9-4 APPENDICES APPENDIX I USING THE TWO TRANSISTOR ANALYSIS Equation (3) relates IA to IG, and note that as a1 + a2 = 1, IA goes to infinity. IA can be put in terms of IK and a's as follows: DEFINITIONS: IC == Collector current IB == Base current ICS == Collector leakage current (saturation component) IA == Anode current IK == Cathode current a == Current amplification factor IG == Gate current The subscript "i" indicates the appropriate transistor. IB1 = IC2 Combining equations (1) and (2): ICS1 + ICS2 IA = -=-=-....:;:.=-=--1 - a1 - (.!K) a2 IA IA - 00 if denominator approaches zero, i.e., if IK 1 - a1 'A a2 Note that just prior to turn-on there is a majority carrier build-up in the P2 "base." If the gate bias is small there will actually be hole current flowing out from P2 into the gate circuit so that IG is negative, 'K = IA + IG is less than IA so: (see Figure 3.2 for the directions of current components) FOR TRANSISTOR #1: IC1 = a1 IA + ICSI and IK iA < 1 which corresponds to a1 IB1 = IA - IC1 Combining these equations, IB1 = (1 - (1) IA - ICS1 + a2 > 1 A , IA (1 ) - PI DEVICE #1 lSI Nl P2 LIKEWISE, FOR TRANSISTOR #2 IC2 = a21K + ICS2 .ICI G (2) IG IB1 = IC2 and by combining Equations (1) and (2) and substituting IK = 'A + 'G, it is found that DEVICE #2 IS2 K Schematic Diagram of the Two Transistor Model of a Thyristor (3) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-10-1 • APPENDIX II CHARGE AND PULSE WIDTH • In the region of large pulse widths using current triggering, where transit time effects are not a factor, we can consider the input gate charge for triggering, 0in, as consisting of three components: 1) Triggering charge Otr, assumed to be constant. 2) Charge lost in recombination, Or, during current regeneration prior to turn-on. 3) Charge drained, Odr, which is by-passed through the built-in gate cathode shunt resistance (the presence of this shunting resistance is required to increase the dvldt capability of the device). Mathematically, we have Oin = Otr + 0dr + Or = IG1' (1) Or is assumed to be proportional to 0in; to be exact, Or = Oin (1 - exp -1'/1'1) (2) where IG = gate current, l' = pulse width of gate current, 1'1 = effective life time of minority carriers in the bases The voltage across the gate to cathode P-N junction during forward bias is given by VGK (usually 0.6 V for silicon). * The gate shunt resistance is Rs (for the MCR729, typically 100 ohms), so the drained charge can be expressed by VGC Odr = As Assume life time at the temperature range of operation increases as some power of temperature 1'1 = KTm (5) where K and m are positive real numbers. Combining Equations (4) and (5), we can get the slope of Oin with respect to temperature to be slope = dOin dT VGC = - m(Otr + As1') l' expo Tl1'1 :;::j - - T - (6) In reality, Otr is not independent of temperature, in which case the Equation (6) must be modified by adding an additional term to become: VGC l' exp.1'!T1 dOtr slope = -m(Otr+--1')----+-- exp1'/1'1 (7) Rs 1'1 T dT Physically, not only does Otr decrease with temperature so that dOtr/dT is a negative number, but also IdOtr/dTI decreases with temperature as does Ida/dTI in the temperature range of interest. Equation (6) [or (7)) indicates two things: 1) The rate of change of input trigger charge decreases as temperature (life time) increases. 2) The larger the pulse width of gate trigger current, the faster the rate of change of Oin with respect to change in temperature. Figure 3.11 shows these trends. (3) l' Combining equations (1), (2), and (3), we get 0in = IG1' = (Otr VGC + As 1') expo 1'/1'1 (4) Note that at region A and C of Figure 3.4(b) 0in has an increasing trend with pulse width as qualitatively described by Equation (4). II *VGC is not independent of IG. For example, for the MCR729 the saturation VGC is typically 1 V, but at lower IG's the VGC is also smaller, e.g. for IG = 5 mA, VGC is typically 0.3 V. . .lIJItIn4~.I~il.UtlUFlf.Nt'tJ!!.;."giAJt~lt~~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-10-2 APPENDIX III TTL SOA TEST CIRCUIT Using the illustrated test circuit, the two TTL packages (quad, 2-input NAND gates) to be tested were powered by the simple, series regulator that is periodically shorted by the clamp transistor, Q2, at 10% duty cycle rate. By varying the input to the regulator Vl and the clamp pulse width, various power levels can be supplied to the TTL load. Thus, as an example, Vee could be at 5 V for 90 ms and 10 V for 10 ms, simulating a transient on the bus or a possibly shorted power supply pass transistor for that duration. These energy levels are progressively increased until the gate (or gates) fail, as detected by the status of the output LEOs, the voltage and current waveforms and the device case temperature. Vee MJE220 Vl 220 2W 5.6V lW Vl 300 1k Vee 01 ;I 220 1k 100 /LF lN4739 -= O.l/LF -= MCl4011 SOUARE WAVE GENERATOR f = 1 Hz V2 2N3904 03 220 -= (21 MC7400 OUT V2 10 k Tll-1 I------f-- T2 .JLIl 10 k -= 10 k 5msjAq,· ~. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-10-5 . '. t2 • APPENDIX VII THERMAL .RESISTANCE CONCEPTS The basic equation for heat transfer under steady-state conditions is generally written as: q = a where hA~T (1) using Kirchoff's Law and the following equation results: TJ = PO(RruC where q = rate of heat transfer or power dissipation (PO), h ,= heat transfer coefficient, A = area involved in heat transfer, ~T = temperature difference between regions of heat transfer. However, electrical engineers generally find it easier to work in terms of thermal resistance, defined as the ratio of temperature to power. From Equation (1), thermal resistance, Re, is Re = ~T/q (2) = 1/hA The coefficient (h) depends upon the heat transfer mechanism used and various factors involved in that particular mechanism. An analogy between Equation (2) and Ohm's Law is often made to form models of heat flow. Note that ~T could be thought of as a voltage; thermal resistance corresponds to electrical resistance (R); and, power (q) is analogous to current (I). This gives rise to a basic thermal resistance model for a semiconductor (indicated by Figure A3). The equivalent electrical circuit may be analyzed by + Recs + ReSA) + TA The thermal resistance junction to ambient is the sum of the individual components. Each component must be minimized if the lowest junction temperature is to result. The value for the interface thermal resistance, Recs, is affected by the mounting procedure and may be significant compared to the other thermal-resistance terms. The thermal resistance of the heat sink is not constant; it decreases as ambient temperature increases and is affected by orientation of the sink. The thermal resistance of the semiconductor is also variable; it is a function of biasing and temperature. In some applications such as in RF power amplifiers and short-pulse applications, the concept may be invalid because of localized heating in the semiconductor chip. TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE - - .----:--. MICA INSULATORS DIE" \.. HEAT SINK" A, Rruc Po TC. CASE TEMPERATURE-- ~ (3) TJ = junction temperature, Po = power dissipation, RruC = semiconductor thermal resistance (junction to case), Recs = interface thermal resistance (case to heat sink), ReSA = heat sink thermal resistance (heat sink to ambient), TA = ambient temperature. v/llN?I8l11/' W$M/;i;0Z0I FLAT WASHER - - jI?tI? IV? ?I ?II ' SOLDER TERMINAL / " " CCJJ NUT/'" TS. HEAT SINK TEMPERATURE - TA,AMBIENT __ TEMPERATURE R8CS R8SA REFERENCE TEMPERATURE Basic Thermal Resistance Model Showing Thermal to Electrical Analogy for a Semiconductor MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-10-6 APPENDIX VIII SOURCES OF ACCESSORIES Insulators Manufacturer Aavid Eng. AHAM Astrodyne Delbert Blinn IERC Staver Thermalloy Tor Tran·tec Wakefield Eng. Wei Corp. Joint Compound BeO Ai02 Anodize Mica Heat Sinks Plastic Film Silicone Rubber Stud Flange Disc Thermowatt UnWDuo Watt RF Stripline Ther·o·link 1000 - - - - - - X X - X - - - - - - - - - X X - X - #829 - - - - X X X X X X - - - X X X X X X - - - - Thermate - - - - - X X - X X X - - - - - - - X X - X X X Thermacote X X X - X - X X X X X X - TJC X - X X X - X X - X - XL500 X - - - X X X X X X X X Type 120 X - X - - - X X X X X - - - - - - - - X X - - - - Other sources for Joint Compounds: Dow Corning, Type 340 Emerson & Cuming, Eccoshield - SO (Electrically Conducting) Emerson & Cuming, Eccotherm - TC·4 (Electrically Insulating) SUPPLlERS'ADDRESSES Aavid Engineering, Inc., 30 Cook Court, Laconia, New (603) 524-4443 Hampshire 03246 AHAM Heat Sinks, 27901 Front Street, Rancho, California 92390 (714) 676-4151 International Electronics Research Corporation, 135 West Magnolia Boulevard, Burbank, California 91502 (213) 849-2481 Astrodyne, Inc., 353 Middlesex Avenue, Wilmington, (617) 272-3850 Massachusetts 01887 The Staver Company, Inc., 41-51 North Saxon Avenue, Bay Shore, Long Island, New York 11706 (516) 666-8000 Delbert Blinn Company, P.O. Box 2007, Pomona, California 91766 (714) 623-1257 Thermalloy, Inc., P.O. Box 34829, 2021 West Valley View Lane, Dallas, Texas 75234 (214) 243-4321 Dow Corning, Savage Road Building, Midland, Michigan 48640 (517) 636-8000 Tor Corporation, 14715 Arminta Street, Van Nuys, California 91402 (213) 786-6524 Eaton Corporation, Engineered Fasteners Division, Tinnerman Plant, P.O. Box 6688, Cleveland, Ohio 44101 (216) 523-5327 Emerson & Cuming, Inc., Dielectric Materials Division, 869 Washington Street, Canton, Massachusetts 02021 (617) 828-3300 Tran-tec Corporation, P.O. Box 1044, Columbus, Nebraska 68601 (402) 564-2748 Wakefield Engineering, Inc., Wakefield, Massachusetts 01880 (617) 245-5900 Wei Corporation, 1405 South Village Way, Santa Ana, (614) 834-9333 California 92705 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-10-7 • APPENDIX IX DERIVATION OF RFI DESIGN EQUATIONS where: N is total turns Erms is line voltage The relationship of flux to voltage and time is E = N~~ or E = NAc ~~ since cf> = BAc and Ac is a constant. Rearranging this equation and integrating we get: JE dt • tr is allowable current rise time in seconds = NAc (B2 - Bl) = NAc a B BMAX is maximum usable flux density of core material (1) At is usable core area in square inches Window area necessary is: which says that the volt-second integral required determines the size of the core. In an L-R circuit such as we have with a thyristor control circuit, the volt-second characteristic is the area under an exponential decay. A conservative estimate of the area under the curve may be obtained by considering a triangle whose height is the peak line voltage and the base is the allowable switching (4) Aw = N Awirex3 The factor of 3 is an approximation which allows for insulation and winding space not occupied by wire. Substituting equation (3) in (4): Aw = 10.93 Erms trxl06 A . x3 BMAXAc wire time. The area is then 1/2 bh or E~tr. Substituting in Equa- (The factor 10.93 may be rounded to 11 since two significant digits are all that are necessary.) tion (1): The factor AcAw can easily be found for most cores and is an easy method for selecting a core. (2) where: Ep is the peak line voltage tr is the allowable current rise time A A _ 33 Erms trAwirex106 c w BMAX In this equation, the core area is in in 2. To work with circular mils, multiply by 0.78 x 10- 6 so that: N is the number of turns on the coil At is the usable core area in cm 2 . A A _ 26 Erms trAwire c w BMAX a B is the maximum usable flux density of the core material in W/m2 where Awire is the wire area in circular mils. Inductance of an iron core inductor is L = 3.19 N2 Ac 10- 8 Rewriting Equation (2) to change aB from W/m2 to gauss, substituting v'2 Erms for Ep and solving for N, we get: N = ~ tr x 108 = 0.707 Erms trx108 2 Ac a B BMAX Ac At in this equation is in cm 2. To change to in 2, multiply Ac by 6.452. Then: Ig + !!; JL Rearranging terms, Ig = 3.19 N2 Ac 10- 8 _ lc L N = 10.93 Erms trx106 BMAxxAc JL (3) APPENDIX X BIBLIOGRAPHY ON RFI Electronic Transformers and Circuits, Reuben Lee, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1955. Electrical Interference, Rocco F. Ficchi, Hayden Book Company, Inc., New York, 1964. "Electromagnetic-Interference Control," Norbert J. Sladek, Electro Technology, November, 1966, p. 85. "Transmitter-Receiver Pairs in EMI Analysis," J. H. Vogel man, Electro Technology, November, 1964, p. 54. "Radio Frequency Interference," Onan Division of Studebaker Corporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota. "Interference Control Techniques," Sprague Electric Company, North Adams, Massachusetts, Technical Paper 62-1, 1962. "Applying Ferrite Cores to the Design of Power Magnetics," Ferroxcube Corporation of America, Saugerties, New York, 1966. ., .:' <> ; ~ , ; A' ".,' • 'i': •• ~ '.' • .:::.~)' MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 1-10-8 Motorola's broad line of Thyristors include .... • A full line of TRIACs and SCRs covering a forward current range from 0.5 to 55 amperes and blocking voltages from 15 to 800 volts. • Two basic package categories - plastic for lowest cost - including fully insulated plastic Case 221 C-02 (TO-220 Full Pak); metal for hemeticallysealed requirements in high-reliability projects. • An extensive line of trigger devices that includes UJTs, PUTs, SBS - even optically-coupled TRIAC drivers from Motorola's optoelectronic product line. Then there are the special applications devices for Radar Modulation and Crowbar applications; even specially packaged devices with quickdisconnect terminals for appliances and SOT packages for surface mounting in space-saving requirements. Finally, there is the continued Motorola investment in discrete-product R&D, producing new capabilities such as "gate-turnoff" (GTO) devices whichfacilitates the use of thyristors in dc power-switching applications. Selector Guide • Contents Page Numeric Index ....................... GTOs (Gate Turn-Off) .................. Isolated TRIAC Mold Type .............. SCRs General Purpose .................... Radar Modulator .................... TRIACs General Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optically Isolated .................... Triggers UJT - Unijunction Trnasistors .......... SIDACs .......................... PUT - Programmable Unijunctions . . . . . . . SBS - Silicon Bidirectional Switch ...... 2-1 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-15 2-16 2-27 2-28 2-28 2-28 2-28 Characteristic Curves SCR If -Reverse , VT Blocking Region IH_ VRRM I IORM- VH IRRM "'-Reverse • 1(-) Avalanche Region t.: ,.{ K iIi VH V(+) I VORM Fo~ard Forward Breakover Blocking Point Region Vv ~, E~ B1 I: TRIAC Forward Breakover Vo~age! +VT Current [A- - V(+) VORM .- SBS 1(+) Vs MT2 V(-) IS I /IH IS ===~~=;:::::2;::=V(+) 1/ , Vs I IV IE 1(-) Peak Point Negative Resistance Region I Valley Point 1(+) MT1 A PUT ~ +IH IORM , r-'~" -t---- Ip Vp Vs , +IT -- Quadrant I MT2 + MTl B2 Negative VEB1 Cutoff :Resim,ance I Saturation Region I Region : Region Vp --Peak: Point: VB2B; = K : Valley Point I I VEB1(sat) ___ _ I_____ ..J' MT2 ,/VORM I (+ ) Reverse -VT: Breakover Voltage! - IT Current Quadrant III 1(-) MT2 - ~ UJT I MTl A 1(+) t' ITM * VTM SIDAC IH MT2 I(BO) V(+) VH VF Vv VORM ··········1 1(-) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 2-2 V(BO) Numeric Index Device 2N Devices 2N682-692 2N1595-99 2N1843-49A 2N2323-29 2N2646-47 2N3870-73 2N3896-99 2N3980 2N4199-4204 2N4213-19 2N4851-53 2N4870-71 2N4948-49 2N5060-64 2N5164-71 2N5431 2N5441-43 2N5444-46 2N6027-28 2N6071-75B 2N6116-18 2N6157-59 2N6160-65 2N6167-70 2N6171-74 2N6237-41 2N6342-49 2N6342A-49A 2N6394-405 2N6400-04 2N6504-09 Page 2-10 2-5 2-18 2-16 2-28 2-12 2-12 2-28 2-15 2-6 2-28 2-28 2-28 2-5 2-9 2-28 2-25 2-26 2-28 2-17 2-28 2-25 2-24 2-9 2-13 2-6 2-19 2-21 2-8 2-9 2-10 Device Page "C" Devices (SCRs) C35 Series 2-13 2-6 C106 Series 2-7 C122 Series C205 Series 2-5 C228, (3) Series 2-13 C229 Series 2-12 2-11 C230 Series C230, (3) Series 2-11 C231, (3) Series 2-11 C232 Series 2-11 C233 Series 2-12 Page Device MAC3030 Series MAC3040 Series MAC3060 Series 2-27 2-27 2-27 "S" Devices (SCRs) S2800 Series 2-7 S6200 Series 2-9 S6210 Series 2-9 S6220 Series 2-9 MBS Devices (Bilateral Switches) 2-28 MBS4991-92 MCR Devices (SCRs) MCR22 Series 2-5 MCR63 Series 2-14 MCR64 Series 2-14 MCR65 Series 2-14 MCR67 Series 2-8 MCR68 Series 2-8 MCR69 Series 2-10 MCR70 Series 2-12 MCR71 Series 2-14 MCR72 Series 2-7 MCR100 Series 2-5 MCR102-3 2-5 MCR106 Series 2-6 MCR202-6 2-5 MCR218 Series 2-7 MCR218FP Series 2-10 MCR225-12 MCR225FP Series 2-10 MCR264 Series 2-13 MCR265 Series 2-14 MCR310 Series 2-8 MCR506 Series 2-7 MCR729 Series 2-15 MCR1718 Series 2-15 MCR1906 Series 2-6 MCR3818 Series 2-9 MCR3835 Series 2-12 MCR3918 Series 2-10 MCR3935 Series 2-12 MAC Devices (TRIACs) MAC15A Series 2-21 MAC15AFP Series 2-22 MAC25A Series 2-22 MAC50A Series 2-26 MAC97,A,B Series 2-16 MAC210A Series 2-20 MAC210AFP Series 2-20 MAC212A Series 2-21 MAC212AFP Series 2-20 MAC218A Series 2-18 MAC218AFP Series 2-19 MAC223A Series 2-23 MAC223AFP Series 2-23 MAC224A Series 2-26 MAC228A Series 2-19 MAC229A Series 2-19 MAC310A Series 2-20 MAC320A Series 2-22 MAC320AFP Series 2-22 MAC625 Series 2-24 MAC635 Series 2-25 MAC3010 Series 2-27 MAC3020 Series 2-27 MPU Devices (PUTs) MMBPU131 2-28 MMBP6027,28 2-28 MU Devices (UJT) MU10,20 2-28 MU4891-94 2-28 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 2-3 Page Device "SC" Devices (TRIACs) SC141 Series 2-18 SC143 Series 2-18 SC146 Series 2-20 SC149 Series 2-21 SC260, (3) Series 2-23 SC261 Series 2-23 "T" Devices (TRIACs) T2322 Series 2-16 T2323 Series 2-16 T2500 Series 2-17 T2500FP 2-18 T2800 Series 2-19 T2801 Series 2-17 T2802 Series 2-19 T6400 Series 2-25 T6401 Series 2-25 T6410 Series 2-26 T6411 Series 2-24 T6420 Series 2-26 T6421 Series 2-24 "MK" Devices (SIDACs) MK1V Series 2-28 MKP9V Series 2-28 2 GTOs Gate Turn-Off Thyristors SCRs ~I G Silicon Cor.trolled Rectifiers Case 221A-04 GTOs are thyristors that can be turned off as well as on by a gate signal. They are rugged, efficient high voltage switches that are particularly well suited for pulse width modulation circuits and in applications such as motor drives, switching power supplies, inverters and other functions requiring high surge-current capabilities and fast switching speeds. Specification Max • Device Number MGT01000 I MGT01200 1000 I 1200 VDRXM (V) 1(+1 On-State Reverse Blocking Region IT - 0.8 A . VT IHJli IORM V (- 1 --;.V~RI:RM~= --- IRRM ITSM (A) 200 ""-Reverse IGTM (mA) 300 Avalanche Region TC = 6T'C ' V(+I I VORM Forward Forward Breakover Blocking Point Region 11-1 ,~ VGTM (V) 1.5 IH (rnA) 400 Sensitive Gate 15 Case 318-02 SOT-23 VGRM (V) ATTENTION: PACKAGE INNOVATION Isolated TRIAC Mold Type :'. . fI\ "" VDRM 25V MMBS5060 50 V MMBS5061 100 V MMBS5062 200 V VRRM 400 V 500 V 600 V Features a TO-3 isolated mounting with a high isolation voltage of 2.5 kVrms min. This package also offers quick disconnect lead attachments, is plastic encapsulated to provide economical cost and is UL recognized. See pages 2-26 and 2-27 for the MAC625 and MAC635 series. ITSM (Amps) 60 Hz III ~ ~5!1i IGT(mA) 0.2 :::iEiil< VGT(V) 0.8 T J Operating Range (OC) -25 to +150 :!:ii: ffi -1-1:; ~&liili :I: u MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 2-4 Thyristors - SCR's Metal/Plastic Packages 0.5 to 55 Amperes RMS 25-1000 Volts On-State IRMS) Current O.SAMP TC = 6S"C 0.8 AMP TC 1.2 AMPS = S8'C TC = 2S'C 1.S AMPS TC = SO'C K' I' = 80"C !J G A Sensitive Gate ease 22·03 TO·206AA (TO·18) Style 6 1.6 AMPS TC Case 29-04 TO·226AA (TO·92) Style 10 NOTE: Industry Standards, with a variety of Custom Specifications and Leadforms available on Case 29-04 product . Case 79·04 TO·205AD (TO·39) Style 3 MCR202 MCR102 2N5060 BRX44/BRY55-30' C205Y MCR203 MCR103 2N5061 BRX45/BRY55-60' C205YV MCR22-2 2N1595 SOV MCR204 MCR100-3 2N5062 BRX46/BRY55-100' C205A MCR22-3 2N1596 100 V MCR206 MCR100-4 2N5064 BRX47/BRY55-200' C205B MCR22-4 2N1597 200 V MCR100-6 BRX49/BRY55-400' C205D MCR22-6 2N1599 400 V 2SV VRRM SOOV BRY55-500' MCR100-8 BRY55-600' 6 VORM MCR22-8 150(1) 10 600 V 15 ITSM (Amps) 60 Hz III ~ 10 0.2 IGTlmA) ~5!a ::Eii:ffi xl3l3 0.8 3 VGTIV) , ..~":hf'. = .:~ .. "'d':i'>~'S," ~..:!'J)£''.00.'b,. ~~~~~ ;t<5."t>~~~ >","'W?c'''''Y..#h~,j.'j, ~7v''''' MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 2-8 On-State (RMS) Current 16 AMPS TC 20 AMPS = 90·C ~/A TC if ·G A G = 65·C (J: d i!~ Isolated ease 221A-04 TO-220AB Style 3 Case 310-02 Style 1 ease 263-04 Style 1 2N6400 2N5164 2N5168 Case 311-02 Style 1 G A MCR3818-2 50V MCR3818-3 100 V 2N6401 S6200A S6210A 2N6167 S6220A 2N6402 2N5165 S62008 2N5169 S62108 2N6168 S62208 MCR3818-4 200 V 2N6403 2N5166 S6200D 2N5170 S6210D 2N6169 S6220D MCR3818-6 400 V 2N6404 2N5167 S6200M 2N5171 S6210M 2N6170 S6220M MCR3818-8 600 V MCR3818-10 BOO V 2N6405 160 • Case 174-04 TO-203AA Style 1 VDRM VRRM ITSM (Amps) 240 60Hz II) 40 30 IGT(mA) :::Ii"'" Sl I- ;)5~ :::Iiii:ffi 1.5 VGT(V) -til~w~ ::::tid cc :a::: CJ -40 to +125 -40 to +100 TJ Operating Range (OC) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 2-9 SCR's (continued) On-State (RMS) Current 20 AMPS TC = 25 AMPS TC 67°C A VRRM 50V MCR3918-2 2N6504 MCRS9-2 100 V MCR3918-3 2NS505 MCRS9-3 200 V MCR3918-4 2NS50S 400 V MCR3918-S 2NS507 &DO V MCR3918-8 800 V ITSM (Amps) 60 Hz = 650C ~~ ~ A Case 221A-04 TO-220AB Style 3 Style 1 TC K' G Case 175-03 VORM 850C ~I iJG • = case 221C-02 Style 3 Case 263-04 Style 1 MCR225-2FP 2NS82 2NS83 MCR225-4FP 2NS85 MCR225-SFP 2NS88 2NS508 MCR225-8FP 2N690 MCR3918-10 2NS509 MCR225-10FP 2NS92 240 300 300 150 MCRS9-S 750(1) II) u ::E-'I= ::JCS!ll ::E-a: -~~ ~w~ ::EiiI< 40 IGT(mA) 30 VGT(V) 40 1.5 2 :r u T J Operating Range (OC) -40 to -40 to +125 +100 (1) Peak capacitor discharge current for tw = 1 ,.s. tw is defined as five time constants of an exponentially decaying current pulse (crowbar applications). MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 2-10 -S5 to +125 On-State (RMS) Current 2SAMPS TC = 60·C TC = 6S"C TC = 7O"C ~G JI' il if G A A Isolated Case 175-03 Style 1 ease 174-04 TO-203AA Style 1 Case 235-03 Style 1 C230F C231F C230F3 C231F3 C232F SOV C230A C231A C230A3 C231A3 C232A 100 V C230B C231B C230B3 C231B3 C232B 200 V C230D C231D C230D3 C231D3 C232D 400 V C230M C231M C230M3 C231M3 C232M 600 V VORM VRRM BOO V ITSM (Amps) 60 Hz 250 II) u 25 9 9 25 25 IGT(mA) ~~~ :EiCffi -1-1- >~ ~<.,- MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 2-11 seR's (continued) On-State (RMS) Current 35 AMPS 25 AMPS TC = 7O"C TC I ~G A • Case 175-03 Style 1 TO-203AA Style 1 VRRM ifG A Case 174-04 VDRM = 65CC Case 310-02 Style 1 SOV C233F MCR3835-2 MCR3935-2 MCR70-2 100 V C233A 2N3870 2N3896 MCR70-3 20GV C233B 2N3871 2N3897 400 V C233D 2N3872 2N3898 600 V C233M 2N3873 MCR3835-8 2N3899 MCR3935-8 MCR3835-10 MCR3935-10 800 V C229A C229B C229D MCR70-6 C229M ITSM lAmps) 60 Hz 250 350 850(1) 300 IGTlmA) 9 40 30 40 VGTIV) 1.5 1.6 1.5 2.5 !j ~5~ ::IE~ffi -t;t; ~w:! ~iil", :c CJ TJ Operating Range ICC) (1) Peak capacitor discharge current for tw = , -40 to +100 ,",,5. -40 to +125 tw is defined as five time constants of an exponentially decaying current pulse (crowbar applications). MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 2-12 On-State (RMS) Current 35 AMPS TC = 4O·C 40 AMPS TC I: = 650C TC i' l ~, ~: G Isolated Case 263-04 Style 1 = BO·C Case 221A-04 TO-220AB Style 3 Case 311-02 Style 1 C35F MCR264-2 50V C35A C228A 2N6171 C228A3 MCR264-3 100 V C35B C228B 2N6172 C228B3 MCR264-4 200 V C35D C228D 2N6173 C228D3 MCR264-6 400 V C35M C228M 2N6174 C228M3 MCR264-8 600 V MCR264-10 BOO V C35N 225 300 350 300 400 VDRM VRRM trSM lAmps) 60Hz III CJ 40 50 IGTlmA) :t:;i!~ i~i5 -titi 3 2.5 1.6 2.5 1.5 VGTIV) i~~ 11101( :z: CJ -65 to +125 TJ Operating Range IOC) -40 to +125 ~".!!! JS'7'5Xl~~~m ',,,",,&r71 nil MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 2-13 a:III&'7 n seR's (continued) On-State (RMS) Current 55 AMPS TC = 75"<: • NOTE: Industry Standards, with a variety of Custom Specifications and Leadforms available. VDRM VRRM i!G TC = 70"C J ~r - t; iw~ ~~ ~': ~/A ~ ~~ ~ Isolated ", G Casa310·02 Style 1 Case 263·04 Style 1 Case 311·02 Style 1 Cases 221A.Q4 TO-220AB Style 3 50V MCR63·2 MCR64-2 MCR65·2 MCR265·2 MCR71·2 100V MCR63·3 MCR64-3 MCR65·3 MCR265·3 MCR71·3 200 V MCR63-4 MCR64-4 MCR65·4 MCR265·4 400 V MCR63-6 MCR64-6 MCR65·6 MCR265·6 600 V MCR63-8 MCR64-8 MCR65·8 MCR265·8 600 V MCR63·10 MCR64-10 MCR65·10 MCR265·10 irsMIAmps) 60 Hz :e:e 15 J TC = 85"<: MCR71·6 1700(1) 550 'GTlmA) 40 VGTIV) 3 50 30 1.5 u TJ Operating Range ("<:) Case 263.Q4 Style 1 -40 to +125 (1) Peak capacitor discharge current for tw = 1 p.s. tw is defined as five time constants of an exponentially decaying current pulse (crowbar applications). 7 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 2-14 On-State Pulsed Current 100 AMPS 1000 AMPS TC = 85"C TC = 65"C ~: ~G tt} ease 63-03 Radar Modulators ease 263-04 TO-64 Style' Style' 50V 100 V 200 V 2N4199 2N4199JAN MCR729-5 MCR1718-5 300 V 2N4200 2N4200JAN MCR729-6 MCR1718-6 400 V 2N4201 2N4201JAN MCR729-7 MCR1718-7 500 V 2N4202 2N4202JAN MCR729-8 MCR1718-8 &GO V 2N4203 2N4203JAN MCR729-9 700 V 2N4204 2N4204JAN MCR729-10 80DV 100· 1000· 50 VORM VRRM ITSM IAmpsl 60Hz IGTlmAI ~ :iE .... i= :;)~!!! :iEiCl5 1.5 VGTIVI -UU i~~ Woe ::c CJ -65 to +105 -65 to +125 TJ Operating Range I"CI • Indicates pulse rating Pw = 3 p.s duty cycle = 0.60%. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 2-15 Thyristors - TRIACs Metal/Plastic Packages 0.6 to 40 Amperes 25 to 800 Volts • On-State IRMS) Current 0.6 AMPS 2.5 AMPS TC = 5O"C TC = 70"<: F MTI/ NOTE: Industry Standards. with a variety of Custom Specifications and Leadforms available. G M~2 MT2 Case 29-04 Case 77-05 Style 5 TO-226AA (TO-921 Style 12 VDRM MT1 Sensitive Gate 200 V MAC97-4 MAC97A4 MAC97B4 T2322B T2323B 400 V MAC97-6 MAC97A6 MAC97B6 T2322D T2323D 600 V MAC97-8 MAC97A8 MAC97B8 T2322M T2323M SOOV 8 trSM (Amps) 25 II) ~ ~ III ~~ i~ :iEec I -I III IGT @ 25"<: (mA) MT2(+)G(+) MT2(+)G(-) MT2(-)G(-) MT2(-)G(+) VGT @ 25"<: (V) MT2(+)G(+) MT2(+)G(-) MT2(-)G(-) MT2(-)G(+) 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 7 3 3 3 5 2 2 2 2.5 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 2-16 25 40 25 40 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 -40 to +110 TJ Operating Range ("<:) 10 10 10 10 On-State (RMS) Current 4 AMPS 6 AMPS TC '" 850C TC '" 800C , G7 MT1 MT2 MT2 MT1 G Sensitive Gate Case 221A-04 TO-220AB Style 4 Case 77-05 Style 5 2N6071 2N6071A 2N6071B T2500B T2801B 200 V 2N6073 2N6073A 2N6073B T2500D T2801D 400 V 2N6075 2N6075A 2N6075B T2500M T2801M 600 V T2500N T2801N 800 V 60 80 ITSM (Amps) 80 80 80 80 IGT @ 250C (mA) MT2(+)G(+) MT2(+)G(-) MT2(-)G(-) MT2(-)G(+) 4 4 4 4 VGT @ 250C (V) MT2(+)G(+) MT2(+)G(-) MT2(-)G(-) MT2(-)G(+) 30 VDRM I/) 30 30 - 5 5 5 10 3 3 3 5 @ -40°C @ -40°C 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 - 25 60 25 60 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 TJ Operating Range (OC) -40 to +110 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 2-17 CJ i= ii2 w I/) ~~ !!l~ ~CJ ::IE-' < CJ ii2 t; w -' w TRIACs (continued) On-State (RMS) Current 8 AMPS 6 AMPS TC = 8O"C • ., Mnl MT2 G Ca•• 221A-04 TO-220AB i ~i :lEe ~O :IE~ g w G Casa 221C-02 StyI.3 Style 4 200 V T2500BFP SC141B SCl43B MAC218A4 MAC218A4FP 400 V T2500DFP SC141D SCl43D MAC218A6 MAC218A6FP 600 V T2500MFP SC141M SCl43M MAC218A8 MAC218A8FP 800 V T2500NFP SC141N MAC218Al0 MAC218Al0FP IGT @ 25"C ImA) MT2I+)GI+) MT2I+IGI-) MT21-IGI-1 MT2I-IGI+1 VGT @ 25"C IVI MT21+IGI+1 MT21+IGI-1 MT2I-IGI-1 MT21-IGI+1 TJ Operating Range I"CI 100 80 trsM lAmps) ~ MT2 G Case 221c-02 Styl.3 VDRM Mnl Mn MT2 80 80 80 80 50 50 50 50 50 50 80 2.5 2.5 2.5 2 2 2 2.5 - 4 4 4 4 -40 to +110 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 2-18 -40 to +125 On-State (RMS) Current SAMPS TC = soot , MT1 MT2 G • Sensitive Gate Case 221A-04 TO-220AB Style 4 2N6342 2N6346 T2800B T2802B MAC228A4 MAC229A4 200 V 2N6343 2N6347 T2800D T2802D MAC228A6 MAC229A6 400 V 2N6344 2N6348 T2800M T2802M MAC228A8 MAC229A8 600 V MAC228A10 MAC229A10 SOOV 2N6345 2N6349 100 80 VDRM ITSM (Amps) en 50 75# 50 75# 2 2.5# 2.5 2.5# 25 60 25 60 50 - 50 - 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 5 5 10 2.5 10 10 10 20 2 2 2 2.5 - 2.5 - IGT @ 25°C (mA) MT2(+)G(+) MT2(+)G(-) MT2(-)G(-) MT2(-)G(+) VGT @ 250C (V) MT2(+)G(+) MT2(+)G(-) MT2(-)G(-) MT2(-)G(+) ~ ii: w ~~ ~~ >'~ TJ Operating Range (OC) :',~ VORM (I) iti w :E ::Jiil! !!1~ Xu ~-' < u ~ w -' w ·:"i..'W'J:",%\,,""~j\mUllU'M"'" ~,¢;Ftt~;r.U J''l'i-,rti_,,%!_Y4':!~.'Nk '''*, '" Mt.nt£~ff'4,;"#(G~_·~~&;" f,:"." f!<"'..',P",J./;t:/:,";~'1.i,;~",:,""'0'''i'¥., ~..""l;~7"4i->u.,~,:w,1f"" .. i''%,\':h}'.''A;'}'i;.;'''.jIJf,!~W~,~f",,lI,' ", MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 2-21 TRIACs (continued) On-State (RMS) Current 15 AMPS TC TC = 75°C ~,I MT2 , MT1 MT2 G G Case 221A-04 TO-220AB Case 221C-02 Style 3 VDRM 25 AMPS 20 AMPS = 900c Style 4 TC = 900c 'M* MT1 G JlMT2 Hermetic and Isolated Case 326-01 Style 2 200 V MAC15A4FP MAC320A4FP MAC320A4 MAC25A4 400 V MAC15A6FP MAC320A6FP MAC320A6 MAC25A6 600 V MAC15A8FP MAC320A8FP MAC320A8 MAC25A8 800 V MAC15A10FP MAC320A10FP MAC320A10 MAC25A10 ITSM (Ampsl 150 250 IGT @ 250C (mAl MT2(+IG(+1 MT2(+IG(-1 MT2(-IG(-1 MT2(-IG(+1 50 50 50 80 70 70 70 100 III ~ a:w ~~ i!/il~ >---le from 1 Hz to 1 MHz. Vs Plastic TO-92 (Case 29-0419) • MU10 2N4870 2N4871 MU4891 MU4892 MU4893 MU4894 0.5 0.56 0.7 0.55 0.51 0.55 0.74 5 5 5 5 2 2 1 0.85 0.75 0.85 0.82 0.69 0.82 0.86 1 1 1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1 2 4 2 2 2 2 Ip "0= 10 kO Device Type I IV RG= 1 MO IGAO @40V 0.5 0.56 0.68 0.68 0.56 0.7 0.7 0.55 0.74 0.72 0.85 0.75 0.82 0.82 0.75 0.85 0.85 0.82 0.86 0.8 nAMax ,J. Min ,J. Max ,J. Mex 1 12 0.2 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 1 4 8 1 2 4 6 2 2 2 ITMIHV(-I t.~ Surface Mount SOT-23 (Case 318-03/20) MMBP6027I I. MMBP6028. Device Type s ...- V(+I breakover voltage in eithe direction, the device switches to a low-voltage on-state. V~ ~(BOI VSO Volts trSM Amps Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 104 110 120 220 240 250 I 10 10 I . 70 70 50 25 I Max Silicon Bidirectional Switch (SBS) 1(+1 This versatile trigger device exhibits highly symmetrical Vs bidirectional switching charIH I V(-I IS acteristics which can be modIS:.,..,""\.....""'t±+"''''''''''''''''' IH 115 125 135 250 270 280 110 120 220 240 250 v(+ 1 Vs 11-1 Device Type 4 4 4 4 4 2 0.15 vi~es similar in opera~ion to a Case 59-0411 MKP9V120 MKP9V130 MKP9V240 MKP9V260 MKP9V270 I High voltage trigger de- IS Case 267-03/1 MK1V115 MK1V125 MK1V135 MK1V240 MK1V260 MK1V270 5 1 'Also available as JAN and JANTX devices. IDRM~I(BOI Triac. Upon reaching th e C----l 1(-1 50 25 Metal TO-18 (Case 22-03/6) 'Also available as JAN and JANTX devices. SIDACsl(+1 70 25 10 10 5 5 2 2 2 2 0.4 2 1 0.4 "0= 1 MO Plastic TO-92 (Case 29-04/16) Metal TO-18 (Case 22A-01/1) MU20 2N2646 2N2647 2N3980 2N4851 2N4852 2N4853 2N4948* 2N4949* 2N5431 * RG = 10kO 125 135 250 270 280 Vs Volts Min 1 Max Plastic TO-92/T0-226AA MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 2-28 ified by means of a gate lead. Requires a gate trigger current of only 250 pA dc for triggering. IS ,J. Max IH mAMax Data Sheets 3-1 2N682 thru 2N692 Silicon Controlled Rectifier Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors · .• designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever half-wave silicon gate-controlled, solid-state devices are needed. seRs 25 AMPERES RMS 25 thru 800 VOLTS • Glass Passivated Junctions and Center Gate Fire for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts G AO .(" OK CASE 263-04 • STYLE 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 125°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Rating *Peak Repetitive Off-State Blocking Voltage, Note 1 2N682 2N683 2N685 2N688 2N690 2N692 VRRM or VORM ·Peak Non-Repetitive Reverse Voltage VRSM Unit Volts 50 100 200 400 600 800 Volts 75 150 300 500 720 2N682 2N683 2N685 2N688 2N690 2N692 960 *RMS On-State Current (All Conduction Angles) *Average On-State Current (TC Value = 65°C) *Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One cycle, 60 Hz, preceded and foUowed by rated current and voltage) Circuit Fusing Considerations (TJ = -40 to + 125°C, t = 1 to 8.3 ms) *Peak Gate Power *Average Gate Power IT(RMS) 25 Amps IT(AV) 16 Amps ITSM 150 Amps 12t 93 A 2s PGM 5 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 Watt ·Indicates JEDEC Registered Data (cont.} Note 1. VDRM and VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous dc basis without incurring damage. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. Devicas should not be tested for blocking capability in a manner such that the voltage supplied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-2 2N682 thru 2N692 MAXIMUM RATINGS - continued (TJ = 125°C unless otherwise noted.) Rating Symbol Value Unit IGM 2 1.2 Amps VFGM VRGM 10 5 Volts °c *Peak Forward Gate Current 2N682-2N688 2N690, 2N692 *Peak Gate Voltage - Forward Reverse TJ -65 to + 125 Tstg -65 to +150 °C - 30 in. lb. *Operating Junction Temperature Range *Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic *Average Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open, TJ = 125°C) IO(AV), IR(AV) 2N682-2N683 2N685 2N688 2N690 2N692 Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 25°C TJ = 125°C IORM,IRRM *Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = 50.3 A peak, Pulse Width .. 1 ms, Duty Cycle .. 2%) VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VAK = 12 Vdc, RL = 50O) *(VAK = 12 Vdc, RL = 500, TC = -65°C) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) (VAK = 12 Vdc, RL = 50O) *(VAK = 12 Vdc, RL = 500, TJ = -65°C) VGT *Gate Non-Trigger Voltage (Rated VORM, RL = 500, TJ VGO Holding Current (VAK = 12 Vdc, Gate Open) = Typ Max - - 6.5 6 4 2.5 2 - - 10 20 pA mA 2 Volts - - 40 80 - 0.65 2 3 - = 125°C) Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Rated VORM, Exponential Waveform, TJ Min - mA mA Volts 0.25 - - Volts 'H - 7.3 50 mA dv/dt - 30 - V//J.s 125"C, Gate Open) 'Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-3 - - Unit • 2N682 thru 2N692 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 1 - AVERAGE CURRENT DI;,RATING 125 I""I1II .... "Iii: ~ l3 ... 115 ~ ~ ~ ..... II: => I 105 ~ II: ~ ~ 95 ........~ u :IE I .......: ~ ~ I" ~ 0: = 85 I A-1"1- ~ ~ I--I-- r-r- ...... .:-. :"' " " " r-... "- "-r-.. " r--... r-...: 300 < ,1200, ~65 j I 1 I ..... 55 o 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 12 24 I :"' r..... 18~ ~ 16r---r-~--~-.~~~~~-r---1-~ '"< ~ 12t---r--i--::~~~~~~t---r--i-~ < TJ = 1250 C S8.01---+--~ ~5tIII'5oI.c..-+---+--t--+--i ~ ... 4.0t---iII. 1 14 16 2.0 IT(AV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT (AMP) 150 10 • ~140 LI' !Z ... ~ II: ~ ~ u ... !Z ~ I 250 C ~ II 10 ... ~ z u 7.0 ":&11 0 3.0 ~ ~ 2.0 100 I 1.0 J :E .1::' 1.0 o.1 o. 5 I o. 3 o.2 o. 1 1.0 ~ 3.0 4.0 NUMBER OF CYCLES I i!! I 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 16 14 ~ ...... r"-I'!o, 2.0 I z ~ CURRENT AND VOLTAGE I o S ...'" "" " 1=60 Hz ~ III 5.0 12 ~= ['... '"~ 120 GE IS PRECEDED AND '" r- SUR FOLLOWED BY RATED II: => 130 "" II: 20 10 8.0 f"'... 0:: TJ = 1250 C , / I 6.0 FIGURE 4 - MAXIMUM NON·REPETITIVE SURGE CURRENT FIGURE 3 - ON-sTATE CHARACTERISTICS 30 4.0 IT(AV). AVERAGE DN.sTATE CURRENT (AMPS) 10q 50 -1 "I-," --t--+---t--::;---bI'~""I--~ i!i I dc_ I-- " 900 X i 1(100 A ~28 ffi20t-_Q_=_CrON_D_u_a,I_DN_AN_G~L_E_-+~~~~~~~~~ ~o = CONDUCTION ~NGLE 60 0 ~ 15 FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM ON·STATE POWER DISSIPATION 3.0 VTM. MAXIMUM INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-4 6.0 8.0 10 2N682 thru 2N692 FIGURE 5 - THERMAL RESPONSE ~ 1.0 0.7 0.5 II: _ 0.3 0.2 w ~ ili .... c ...l,...- ~~ ffi ~ o. 1 "':. V :: ~ 0.07 ~ - 0.05 in ~ ZBJCIII = RBJC. rill ...- 0.03 II: ~ 0.02 :g 0.0 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 2.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 10 100 20 30 50 I. TIMElmsl .§ f- 30 ;:5 20 a: a: => '-' w 0- 10 OFF·STATE VOLTAGE 12 V':: RL-50!!- "~ ~ 1\ ;:5 TJ = -55 0 C """ '" ...... ~ ,..: 3.0 a: a: '-' III25 C 0.5 1.0 10 OFlsTATlVOLT~GERL=50n= JV ~ ffi 7.0 '"'" ~ 50 i'o... ......... ............ w 0- i'--.. « ~ 2.0 20 5.0 III 10 20 50 100 200 20 60 -40 -20 lL- '" > ffi ........... 0.6 ........ ~ '" ~ II: ........ 60 80 " 100 120 OFLTA,iE VOL ........... ~AGE = \2 V RL=5O!!- ............ ........ ........ ..... ~ ~ 0- w ~ 40 20 OFF.lTATE lOLT)GE = RL=50!! ....... 20 ......... FIGURE 9 - HOLDING CURRENT FIGURE 8 - GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE '"~ 0.8 ........... '"« !:; 0 " TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATUR E lOCI 1.0 on , '"~ 3.0 PULSE WIDTH (ILS) !:; 10 k => 0 1.0 0.2 ['... 0- ........... 2.0 k 3.0 k 5.0 k 1.Ok 2.0 « 7.0 >< « 5.0 .<;! 500 FIGURE 7 - GATE TRIGGER CURRENT FIGURE 6 - PULSE TRIGGER CURRENT 100 70 50 ;;( 200 300 ........ .......... 0.4 ............. ............. '",..: ........... 3.0 >'" 0.2 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 2.0 -60 -40 m -20 ~ W W TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE lOCI TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE lOCI MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-5 ~ 1m ~ 2N1595 thru Silicon Controlled Rectifiers 2N1599 Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors These devices are glassivated planar construction designed for gating operation in mA/pA signal or detection circuits. • Low-Level Gate Characteristics -IGT = 10 mA (Max) @ 25·C • Low Holding Current - IH = 5 mA (Typ) @ 25·C • Glass-to-Metal Bond for Maximum Hermetic Seal SCRa 1.6 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 600 VOLTS G .~ AO OK ,f/! CASE 79-04 (TO-205AD) STYLE 3 • -MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 125°C unless otherwise noted, RGC = 1 kil.) Rating Symbol Value Unit Repetitive Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 2N1595 2N1596 2N1597 2N1599 VRRM 50 100 200 400 Volts Repetitive Peak Forward Blocking Voltage, Note 1 2N1595 2N1596 2N1597 2N1599 VORM 50 100 200 Volts 400 IT(RMS) 1.6 Amps Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Cycle, 60 Hz, TJ = -65 to + 125°C) ITSM 15 Amps Peak Gate Power PGM 0.1 Watt PG(AV) 0.D1 Watt IGM 0.1 Amp VGFM VGRM 10 10 Volts TJ -65 to +125 ·C lstg -65 to +150 °C RMS On-State Current (All Conduction Angles) Average Gate Power Peak Gate Current Peak Gate Voltage - Forward Reverse Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range 'Indicates JEOEC Registered Data. Note 1. VORM or VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous DC basis without incurring damage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-6 2N1595 thru 2N1599 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Min Typ Max Unit - 10 6 pA. mA VTM - 1.1 2 Volts *Gate Trigger Current (Continuous de) (VO = 7 V, RL = 12 Ohms) IGT - 2 10 mA *Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) (VO = 7 V, RL = 12 Ohms) (VO = 7 V, RL = 12 Ohms, TJ = 125°C) VGT - 0.7 3 Reverse Gate Current (VGK = 10 V) Characteristic *Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TJ = 25°C TJ = 125°C IORM,IRRM *Peak On-State Voltage (IF = 1 Ade, Pulsed, 1 ms (Max), Outy Cycle .. 1%) Volts 0.2 - IGR - 17 - mA Holding Current (VO = 7 V) IH - 5 - mA Turn-On Time (lGT = 10 mA.IF = 1 A) (lGT = 20 mA, IF = 1 A) tgt 0.8 0.6 - - Turn-Off Time (IF = 1 A,IR tq 10 - = 1 A, dV/dt = 20 V/JLS, TJ = - 125°C) JLS JLS 'Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. CURRENT DERATING FIGURE 1 - CASE TEMPERATURE REFERENCE FIGURE 2 - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE REFERENCE 140r---~--~N~OT~E~S:--------------~-----r--~ I~. 3¢. 6¢, CIRCUIT - RESISTIVE OR ...,.....--+- 111 dc.INDUCTIVE LOAD. 50 TO 400 Hz -=,.-+-----i w '" ;3 121 125°C JUNCTION TEMPERATURE ~Gll0~--~~~~~~--~--~~--~t-~~~ ~~ ~ ~100~--~~~~~~~-P~~~ -'I- « 0: ~ ~ ~ r5 x I~ 90 ~--+-- 300- ,- 60°- I 90- NOTES: 80 111 dc. 1<,,30. S", CI RCUIT _ ---'t"'-~'IRESISTIVE OR INDUCTIVE LOAD, 50 to 400 Hz 70 121 CASE TEMPERATURE MEASURED AT CENTER -+----t--'~_i OF BOnOM OF CASE 60 131 125°C JUNCTION TEMPERATURE o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.1 IFIAVI, AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT IAMPI 0.2 O.~ 0.6 0.7 IFIAVI. AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT IAMPI l.1IJ1IJ.i~~~'~~~~:.\~II• •I:iII.111 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-7 liB ,2N1843 thru 2N1849 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor con. trois, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever half-wave silicon gatecontrolled, solid-state devices are needed. SCRs 16 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 400 VOLTS • Glass Passivated Junctions with Center Gate Geometry for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Blocking Voltage to 400 Volts .~ AO G OK CASE 263-04 STYLE 1 • MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 100·C unless otherwise noted.) Rating Symbol *Peak Repetitive Forward or Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 2N1843 2N1844 2N1846 2N1849 VDRM or VRRM *Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage VRSM Value 50 100 200 400 Volts 75 150 300 500 2N1843 2N1844 2N1846 2N1849 *Average On-State Current (TC = 35·C) *Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One cycle, 60 Hz, preceded and followed by rated current and voltage) Circuit Fusing (TJ = -40 to Unit Volts IT(AV) 10 Amps ITSM 125 Amps 12t 60 A 2s Watts + 100·C, t = 1 to 8.3 ms) *Peak Gate Power *Average Gate Power *Peak Forward Gate Current *Peak Gate Voltage - Forward Reverse *Operating Junction Temperature Range *Storage Temperature Range PGM 5 PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps VFGM VRGM 10 5 Volts TJ -40 to + 100 ·C Tstg -40 to + 125 ·C 'Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. Note 1. VDRM and VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous dc basis without incurring damage, Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. Devices should not be tested for blocking capability in a manner such that the voltage supplied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. I MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-8 111.1111 II I "I' II 2N1843 thru 2N1849 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic *Average Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (VO = Rated VORM, VR = Rated VRRM, TC = 35°C) 2N1843 2N1844 2N1846 2N1849 Typ Min Max Unit mA IO{AV), IR{AV) Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 25°C TC = 100°C IORM,IRRM *Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = 31.4 A peak, Pulse Width .. 1 ms, Duty Cycle .. 2%) VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 50 n) *(VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 50 n, TC = -40°C) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 50 n) *(VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 50 n, TC = -40°C) *(VO Rated VORM, RL = 50 n, TC = 100°C) VGT - - 19 12.5 6 4 - - 10 6 /LA mA - - 2.5 Volts - 6 80 150 mA - Volts - - Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, Exponential Waveform, TC = 100°C, Gate Open) 3.5 - 0.3 Holding Current (VO = 12 Vdc, Gate Open) - 0.65 - IH - 7 - mA dvldt - 30 - V//Ls • 'Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. FIGURE 1 - AVERAGE CURRENT DERATING FIGURE 2 - GATE TRIGGER CURRENT 2.0 !... OFFISTATE)VOlT~GE = dV Rl=50l!- z ~1 0 cr !".... " :::> u ffi 7. 0 ~ 40 ~--~----~- '"'" ~ 5. 0 ~ !;( ........ . ....... ~ w I, '"~ 3.0 ~ 20~--~----~--1---~----4---~----4---~ ::> :;; DC, 1... 3,.'. 6 ... CIRCUIT·RESISTIVE OR INDUCTIVE LOAD, 50 TO 400 CPS ~ ~ .2 r.... 1""- I -~ 2.0 4 8 10 12 14 16 IT(AV). AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (AMPS) -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-9 100 120 140 2N1843 thru 2N1849 . 1.0 FIGURE 3 - GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE OFF1TATE ~ o ~ 0.8 ....... '"~ j'..... o > ffi 0.6 FIGURE 4 - HOLDING CURRENT 20 ~OLTA~ERL=50!! = lJV_ OFIF-5TATIE VOL RL=50U- ~ ~ 10 ........ .......... w .......... '";:'" .... w =: 0.4 .......... '"'" '"z § .......... ........ i""o. a: a: ........ ~AGE = \2 V ~ ..... ........ 5.0 o % .......... i '",.: 3.0 ~ 0.2 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 2.0 -60 140 -40 20 -20 40 ~ ~ TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-10 ~ 120 m 2N1843A thru 2N1849A Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever half-wave silicon gatecontrolled, solid-state devices are needed. SCRs 16 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 400 VOLTS • Glass Passivated Junctions with Center Gate Geometry for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Blocking Voltage to 400 Volts • Junction Temperature Rated @ 125°C ~ AO G OK CASE 263-04 STYLE 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 100°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Rating *Peak Repetitive Forward or Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 2Nl843A 2N1844A 2N1846A 2Nl849A VDRM or VRRM *Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage VRSM 2Nl843A 2Nl844A 2Nl846A 2Nl849A Value Unit Volts 50 100 200 400 Volts 75 150 300 500 *Average On-State Current (TC = 80·C) IT(AV) 10 Amps *Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One cycle, 60 Hz, preceded and followed by rated current and voltage) ITSM 126 Amps 12t 60 A 2s Watts Circuit Fusing (TJ = »5 to + 125°C, t = 1 to 8.3 ms) 'Peak Gate Power *Average Gate Power 'Peak Forward Gate Current *Peak Gate Voltage - Forward Reverse *Operating Junction Temperature Range *Storage Temperature Range PGM 5 PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps VFGM VRGM 10 5 Volts TJ -65 to + 125 ·C Tstg -65 to +125 ·C *Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. Note 1. VDRM and VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous dc basis without incurring damage. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. Devices should not be tested for blocking capability in a manner such that the voltage supplied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-11 • 2N1843A thru 2N1849A THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 125'C unless otherwise noted) Characteristic Symbol *Average Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (VO = Rated VORM or VR = Rated VRRM, gate open, TC 2N1843A 2N1844A 2N1846A 2N1849A Typ Unit Max mA = 125'C) Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 25'C TJ = 125'C - - 19 12.5 6 4 - - 10 6 pA mA - - 2.5 Volts IORM,IRRM *Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = 31.4 A peak, Pulse Width", 1 ms, Duty Cycle'" 2%) VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 500) *(VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 500, TC = -65'C) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 500) *(VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 500, TC = -40'C) *(VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 500, TC = -65'C) *(VO = Rated VORM, RL = 500, TC = 125'C) VGT mA - 6 Volts - 0.65 0.25 Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, Exponential Waveform, TC = 125'C, Gate Open) 80 150 - - - 3.5 3.7 - IH - 7 - mA dvldt - 30 - VII's Holding Current (VO = 12 Vdc, Gate Open) • Min IO(AV), IR(AV) "Indicates JEDEC Registered pata. FIGURE 1 - AVERAGE CURRENT DERATING FIGURE 2 - GATE TRIGGER CURRENT 2.0 ~ OFFISTATEIVDLT~GE =1~ V I"'- 5 I- ~ cc 10 cc RL=50n- "'- G ffi 10 ........ ........ '" <:! ~ ........... 5.0 w I........... I- cr: ::;; => ::;; ;:;: cr: ::;; .....U DC 70 60 0 2 4 10 12 14 "'" '"~ 3.0 16 ITiAVI. AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT lAMPS) 2.0 -60 -40 20 -20 40 60 ......... 80 ........... 100 120 140 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1°C) .;'lrrl~""""'.·I"'!!!!!III... " r ' ! MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-12 2N1843A thru 2N1849A ;:;; OFF lTATE lOLTA1GE ° ':; o ~ FIGURE 4 - HOLDING CURRENT FIGURE 3 - GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE 10 ............. 08 '" « ':; o > 20 lL- OFIF.STATIE VOL Al = 50!! ........ i".... ~ 06 ........ ............. '" !i:' '">-w ........ ............. ~AGE ° 112 V RLo501!- r--.... ........ ..... ..... 1'-.. ............ r..... .......... ~ 04 r--.... '" r--.... .......... ~ 30 ~ > 02 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 20 -60 140 Tj, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) -40 M -20 ~ W ~ 1~ 1M 1~ Tj, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ._ _ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-13 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Silicon Controlled Rectifier Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. all diffused PNP devices designed for gating operation in detection circuits. • • • • mAlIiA signal or SCRs 1.6 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 400 VOL1S Low-Level Gate Characteristics - IGT = 200 IiA (Max) @ 25°C Low Holding Current - IH = 2 mA (Max) @ 25°C Anode Common to Case Glass-to-Metal Bond for Maximum Hermetic Seal G ---t~~--()O K A 0-0 CASE 79-04 (TO-205AD) STYLE 3 • *MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted, RGK = 1000 ohms.) Rating Symbol Peak Repetitive Forward and Reverse Blocking Voltage, Notes 1 and 2 2N2323 2N2324 2N2326 2N2329 VORM or VRRM Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage (t .. 5 ms, Notes 1 and 2) 2N2323 2N2324 2N2326 2N2329 VRSM Unit Volts 50 100 200 400 Volts 75 150 300 500 RMS On-State Current (All Conduction Angles) Average On·State Current Value TC = S5°C TA = 30°C Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One cycle, 60 Hz, TC = SO°C) Preceded and followed by rated current and voltage IT(RMS) 1.6 Amps IT(AV) 1 0.45 Amp ITSM 15 Amps *Indiciates JEDEC Registered Data. (cont.) Notes: 1. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for forward or reverse blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 2. Thyristor devices shall not have a positive bias applied to the gate concurrently with a negative potential applied to the anode. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-14 2N2323 thru 2N2329 -MAXIMUM RAnNGS - continued (TC = 25·C unless otherwise noted, RGK = 1000 ohms.) Rating Peak Gate Power Symbol Value Unit Watt PGM 0.1 PG(AV) 0.D1 Watt Peak Gate Current IGM 0.1 Amp Peak Gate Voltage VGM 6 Volts TJ -65 to + 125 ·C Tstg -65 to +150 ·C - +230 ·C Average Gate Power Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Solder Temperature (>1/16" from case, 10 s max) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25·C unless otherwise noted, RGK = 1000 ohms.) Symbol Characteristic *Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 25·C TJ = 125·C Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = 1 A peak) (lTM = 3.14 A Peak, TC VTM = 85·C)* Gate Trigger Current (Continuous de), Note 1 (VO = 6 Vde, RL = 100 ohms) (VO = 6 Vde, RL = 100 ohms, TC = -65·C) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) (VO = 6 Vde, RL = 100 ohms) (VO = 6 Vde, RL = 100 ohms, TC = -65·C)* (VO = Rated VORM, RL = 100 ohms, TJ = 125·C)* VGT Holding Current (VO = 6 Vde) (Vo = 6 Vdc, TC (VO = 6 Vde, TC IH = = Min Max Unit - - 10 100 pA pA - 1.5 2 - 200 350* - 0.8 1 0.1 - - 2 3 IORM,IRRM -, -65·C)' 125·C)* 0.15 Volts p.A Volts • rnA - *Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. Note 1. RGK current is not included in measurement. CURRENT DERATING FIGURE 2 - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE FIGURE 1 - CASE TEMPERATURE ~ ~ w :::> '" >- ~ 140 130 :::> '",.w 110 w 100 >- '" « ~ 120 ~-+--+--+--r-~ ~ 120 ~ w >- ,. --1Q~ ~ :::'i ,.«a; u w ~ w 90 ~ '" « 3: :3 ,.;( ,. :::> ,.«x u' >- --la~ 100 >- a= CONOUCTION ANGLE a= CONDUCTION ANGLE 80 60 « '" 3: 80 :3 40 ;( ,. ,. 10 :::> 60 0 02040,60,81,01214 ITIAV) AVERAGE ON,STATE CURRENT lAMP) 1-6 ,.«x «' de 20 0 0 0,1 >- ;ilr;;t.t;" MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-15 OJ 2N2574 thru 2N2579 MCR649AP 1 thru 10 Silicon Controlled Rectifier Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. designed for industrial applications such as motor controls, heater controls, and power supplies, wherever half-wave or dc silicon gate controlled devices are needed. • Glass Passivated Junctions for Maximum Reliability • Center Gate Geometry for Parameter Uniformity • High Surge Current, ITSM = 260 A, for Crowbar Service MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 125°C unless otherwise noted.) Rating • Symbol Peak Repetitive Forward and Reverse Blocking Voltage. Note 1 MCR649APl 2N2574. MCR649AP2 2N2575. MCR649AP3 2N2576. MCR649AP4 2N257S. MCR649AP6 MCR649APS MCR649AP9 MCR649AP10 On-State Current Circuit Fusing (TJ = -65'C to 2N Series MCR Series 2N Series VDRM or VRRM Peak Gate Power - = - 65' to + 125°C) Forward Average Gate Power - Forward Unit 25 50 100 200 400 600 700 SOO CASE 54-05 STYLE 2 MCR649AP-' thru MCR649AP-'0 25 20 Amps 12t 275 235 A 2s ITSM 260 Amps Watts PGM 5 PG(AVG) 0.5 Watt Peak Gate Current - Forward IGM 2 Amps Peak Gate Voltage - Forward Reverse VGFM VGRM 10 5 Volts TJ -65 to + 125 'C Storage Temperature Tstg -65 to + 150 °C Thermal Resistance. Junction to Case RIIJC Operating Junction Temperature 1.5 °C/W Note 1. VORM and VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous basis without incurring damage. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-16 CASE 61-03 STYLE 1 2N2574ithru 2N2579 Volts IT(RMS) + 125'C, t". S.3 ms) MCR Series Peak Surge Current (Half Cycle. 60 Hz, TJ Value SCRs 20 and 25 AMPERES RMS 25 thru 800 VOLTS 2N2574 thru 2N2579. MCR649AP1 thru MCR649AP10 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25'C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 25'C TJ = 125'C - - 10 5 pA mA - 40 mA - 0.7 0.3 - 3.5 VTM - 1.1 1.4 IH - 10 - mA tgt - 1 - p.s tq - 30 - p.s dv/dt - 30 - V/p.s VGT 125'C) Forward On Voltage (lTM = 20 Ade) Holding Current (VO = 7 Vde, Gate Open) = Rated VORM) = Unit 0.6 Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) (VO = 7 Vde, RL = 1000) (VO = Rated VORM, RL = 1000, TJ Turn-Off Time (IT = 10 A, IR = 10 A, dv/dt = 20 V/p.s, TJ (Vo = Rated Voltage VORM) Max - IGT Turn-On Time (td + t r ) (lGT = 50 mA, IT = 10 A, Vo Typ IORM,IRRM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 7 Vdc, RL = 1000) = Min Volts - Volts 125'C) Forward Voltage Application Rate (Exponential) (Gate Open, TJ = 125'C, Vo = Rated VORM) FIGURE 2 - GATE TRIGGER CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING MAXIMUM ALI.OWABLE FORWARD GATE CURRENT IGM =2 AMP 125 :--+----I--lC\ I 120 115 110 ~ w 00 I -----1 1.0 lBOo - I---~~~~-t----="""" ~ONDUCTIO~ ANGLE .... 100 '" .... Q, 95 :::J g 'ww" .... ....U AS A TRIGGER CIRCUIT DESIGN CRITERIA ALL UNITS WILL TRIGGER AT ANY VOLTAGE ANO CURRENT WITHIN THIS AREA 5- ffi I I I I 0.2 a: a: .. '-' ~ 90 ~ '-' I I 0: 105 a: :::J MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE GATE POWER PGM = 5 WATTS 2.0 '",.; -'" 85 0.1 I I L .05 BO 75 • .02 70 65 0 10 15 20 25 o 1 2 FORWARD~ I~ 3 5 7 VGT, GATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-17 __________ _ MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE GATE VOLTAGE 10 VOLTS .0001~ 0.3 IT(AV), AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (AMP) TYPICAL TRIGGER POINT [ 40mA MINIMUM GATE CURRENT REaUIRED TO TRIGGfR ALL UNITS. (1250 C-25mA) (-65 0 C - 80 mAl 9 10 2N2574 thru 2N2579. MCR649AP1 thru MCR649AP10 FIGURE 3 - ON-8TATE CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 4 - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NON·RECURRENT SURGE CURREII'T ~ 300 100 I ~ I .... Z / 0: J Ii; ~ 10 :::> u r'... u .~ V .P ~ ~ 250 / /1 :Ii ~zo _TYPICAL '" MAXIMUM - ~ I I rg iii z 2.0 ~ ............... ... III I ----- " 'II ~ 0.5 !! I- ~ I I ~ 1.0 CYCLE . . . . . . r---_ ! 200 ...> I Q K-:-ll 0: Q O ~ 150 TJ·1250 C TJ' 250 C "">< ~ 100 10 , I , I O. 1 40 20 60 FIGURE 6 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON TYPICAL GATE CURRENT 20 : I 2.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 VT.INSTANTANEOUS FORWARO ON VOLTAGE (VOLTSI 0.0 1 I'--. ........... OF~-STAT~ VOLT~GE = j V I- ::i FIGURE 5 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON TYPICAL HOLDING CURRENT 10 0:: 0:: ......... ...... ::> ~ 1.0 w 20 ........... to ........... 1 10 I- ...z ...~ OF~-STAT~ VOL~AGE = ~ V r--..... b-.... ........... 5.0 ...... ~ w r--..... ~ to ~3.0 '" ~ 7.0 u .... o .... % CYCLES AHO Hz 0.2 '"~ r-.. r-.. ~ 1 .~ • SURGE IS PRECEDED AND FOLLDWED BY RATED CURRENT AND VOLTAGE. I "" r'LJ'L I- ...... 2.0 .f0 ........ 5.0 -40 -20 I"---.. % 0 20 40 60 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI 100 120 140 FIGURE 8 - MAXIMUM TRANSIENT THERMAL RESISTANCE JUNCTION TO CASE j 3.0 1.6 2.0 .f0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 TJ.JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI 100 120 1.4 ~ 0.9 ~ I .......... ~ 0.8 .......... ... ~ ~ 0.7 ~ ~ !!? 1.0 W '" 0: .... ..."" :-- 0: % lI- .......... .......... 0.6 iii: :;; 0.5 ...inz ......... "" 0: I- 1111111111 III -40 1111111 -20 7 II!! / ....... 20 40 60 80 100 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI 0.4 / ; ;:- 0.2 'So 0.4 > 0.3 -60 J 0.6 z ~ ~ V ::& 0.8 .......... 0: I/ '" z I OFF-STATE VOLTAGE = 7 V - .......... / ~ ~ 1.2 FIGURE 7 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON TYPICAL GATE VOLTAGE 1.0 ~ 140 120 140 .1 ••tJll • •'n.....I1I PEAK ALLOWABLE DISSIPATION IN RECTIFIER FDR TIME 1 EQUALS maC (MAX. TJI MINUS MEASURED CAST TEMP•• DIVIDED BY THE TRANSIENT THERMAL RESISTANCE. TJ(mo)-TC Ppaak"--- V ~ 0.0 .001 .002 I .005 .111 1111_1 iii MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-18 CURVE DEFINES TEMP. RISE OF JUNCTION ABOVE CASE FOR SINGLE LOAD PULSE OF DURATION I. .01 .02 .05 I. TIME(s) 2'mm 0.1 "hi 0.2 I 0.5 1.0 2N2646 2N2647 PN Unijunction Transistors Silicon PN Unijunction Transistors · .. designed for use in pulse and timing circuits, sensing circuits and thyristor trigger circuits. These devices feature: • Low Peak Point Current - 2 pA (Max) • Low Emitter Reverse Current - 200 nA (Max) • Passivated Surface for Reliability and Uniformity PN UJTs ! CASE 22A-01 STYLE 1 -MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Rating Power Dissipation, Note 1 RMS Emitter Current Peak Pulse Emitter Current, Note 2 Emitter Reverse Voltage Interbase Voltage Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Symbol Value Unit Po 300 mW IE(RMS) 50 mA iE 2 Amps VB2E 30 Volts VB2B1 35 Volts TJ -65 to +125 °C Tstg -65 to + 150 °C • 'Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. Notes: 1. Derate 3 mWrC increase in ambient temperature. The total power dissipation (available power to Emitter and Base·Two) must be limited by the external circuitry. 2. Capacitor discharge - 10 /LF or less. 30 volts or less. ~~~~k!M~~.~~~"~~~~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-19 2N2646 • 2N2647 *ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25'C unless otherwise noted.) Min Typ Max 0.56 0.68 - 0.75 0.82 rBB 4.7 7 9.1 k ohms arBB 0.1 - 0.9 %rC Emitter Saturation Voltage (VB2Bl = 10 V, IE = 50 mAl, Note 2 VEB1(sat) - 3.5 - Volts Modulated Interbase Current (VB2Bl = 10 V, IE = 50 mAl IB2(mod) - 15 - mA - 0.005 0.005 12 0.2 - 1 1 5 2 4 8 6 10 - 3 6 5 7 - Symbol Characteristic Intrinsic Standoff Ratio (VB2Bl = 10 V), Note 1 1/ 2N2646 2N2647 Interbase Resistance (VB2Bl = 3 V, IE = 0) Interbase Resistance Temperature Coefficient (VB2Bl = 3V, IE = 0, TA = -55'Cto +125'C) Emitter Reverse Current (VB2E = 30 V, IBl = 0) IEB20 2N2646 2N2647 Peak Point Emitter Current (VB2Bl = 25 V) Valley Point Current (VB2Bl = 20 V, RB2 - p.A p.A Ip 2N2646 2N2647 IV = 2N2646 2N2647 100 ohms), Note 2 Base-One Peak Pulse Voltage (Note 3, Figure 3) Unit VOBl 2N2646 2N2647 mA 18 Volts "Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. • Notes: 1. Intrinsic standoff ratio, ~, is defined by equation: 2. Use pulse techniques: PW = 300 /LS, duty cycle" 2% to avoid internal heating due to interbase modulation which may result in erroneous readings. 3. Base-One Peak Pulse Voltage is measured in circuit of Figure 3. This specification is used to ensure minimum pulse amplitude for applications in SCR firing circuits and other types of pulse circuits. Vp - VF ~=--- VB2Bl Where Vp = Peak Point Emitter Voltage VB2Bl = Interbase Voltage VF = Emitter to Base-One Junction Diode Drop (= 0.45 V @ 10 pAl FIGURE I FIGURE2 UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTOR SYMBOL AND NOMENCLATURE STATIC EMITTER CHARACTERISTIC CURVES - FIGURE 3 - VOBI TEST CIRCUIT (Typical Relaxation Oscillator) (Exaggerated to Show Details) Ve 182 v, Negative Cutoff Region Resistance -.,.. Saturation Region Region +20 V Vp Ie 8, ve81(sat) Vv -i-t~--------L-----~~ - IV Ie leo MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-20 2N3870 thru Silicon Controlled Rectifiers 2N3873 2N3896 Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors · .. designed for industrial and consumer applications such as power supplies; battery chargers; temperature, motor, light and welder controls. • Economical for a Wide Range of Uses • High Surge Current - ITSM = 350 Amp • Practical Level Triggering and Holding Characteristics 4 and 5.2 mA (Typ) @ TC = 25°C • Rugged Construction in Either Pressfit, Stud or Isolated Stud Package thru 2N3899 2N6171 thru 2N6174 seRs 35 AMPERES RMS 100 thru SOO VOLTS MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC = 100°C unless otherwise noted.) Rating Symbol Value Unit -Peak Repetitive Forward or Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 (TJ = -40 to + 100"C, 1/2 Sine Wave, 50 to 400 Hz, Gate Open) 2N3870,2N389S,2NS171 2N3871, 2N3897, 2NS172 2N3872,2N3898,2NS173 2N3873,2N3899,2NS174 VRRM or VORM *Peak Non-Repetitive Forward or Reverse Blocking Voltage (t .. 5 ms) 2N3870, 2N389S, 2NS171 2N3871, 2N3897, 2NS172 2N3872, 2N3898, 2NS173 2N3873,2N3899,2NS174 VRSM or VOSM -Average On-State Current, Note 2 (TC = -40 to +S5"C) (TC = + 85"C) IT(AV) *Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One cycle, SO Hz) (TC = +S5°C) ITSM 350 Amps 12t 510 A 2s Volts ~~ G OK 100 200 400 SOO Volts CASE 174-04 (TO-203) STYLE 1 2N3870 thru 2N3873 150 330 SSO 700 Amps 22 11 Circuit Fusing (TC = -40 to + 100"C) (t = 1 to 8.30 ms) AO • Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. Notes: 1. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. Devices shall not have a positive bias applied to the gate concurrently with a negative potential on the anode. Devices should not be tested with a constant current source for forward or reverse blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 2. Isolated stud devices must be derated an additional 10 percent. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-21 \~E"~ STYLE 1 2N3896 thru 2N3899 ~ ~ ~"n.., STYLE 1 (Stud Isolated) 2N6171 thru 2N6174 2N3870 thru 2N3873. 2N3896 thru 2N3899. 2N6171 thru 2N6174 MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC = 1000C unless otherwise noted.) Rating Symbol *Peak Gate Power Value Unit Watts PGM 20 PG(AV) 0.5 Watt *Peak Forward Gate Current IGM 2 Amps Peak Gate Voltage VGM *Average Gate Power *Operating Junction Temperature Range *Storage Temperature Range 10 Volts TJ -40 to + 100 Tstg -40 to + 150 - 30 Symbol Max Stud Torque ·C ·C in. lb. "Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. -THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case 2N3870 thru 2N3873, 2N3896 thru 2N3899 2N6171 thru 2N6174 Unit ·CIW R8JC 0.9 1 " Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25·C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic *Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open, TJ = 100·C) 2N3870, 2N3896, 2N6171 2N3871, 2N3897, 2N6172 2N3872, 2N3898, 2N6173 2N3873,2N3899,2N6174 (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open, TJ = 25·C) All Devices Min Typ Max - *Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = 69 A Peak) Unit mA IORM,IRRM VTM . 1 1 1 1 - - 2 2.5 3 4 10 - 1.5 1.85 Volts - 9 4 80 40 mA - 0.9 0.69 3 1.6 Volts - p.A *Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, RL = 24 ohms) *TC = -40·C TC = 25·C IGT *Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (YO = q2 V, RL = 24 ohms) *TC = -400C TC = 25·C VGT *Holding Current (Gate Open) (VO = 12 V, ITM = 200 mAl *TC = -40·C TC = 25·C 'H - 14 5.2 90 50 mA *Gate Controlled Turn-On TIme (td + t r ) (lTM = 41 Adc, Vo = rated VORM, IGT = 40 mAdc, Rise TIme'" 0.05p,s, Pulse Width = 10 p,s) tgt - - 1.5 p,s Circuit Commutated Turn-Off Time (lTM = 10A, IR = 10A) (lTM = 10 A, IR = 10 A, TC = 1000C) tq - - 25 35 - - - 50 - dv/dt Forward Voltage Application Rate (TC = 1000C, Vo = Rated VORM) "Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-22 p,s V/p,s 2N3870 thru 2N3873. 2N3896 thru 2N3899. 2N6171 thru 2N6174 FIGURE 1 - AVERAGE CURRENT DERATING FIGURE 2 - ON-STATE POWER DISSIPATION Typos 2N6171 thru 2N6174 must b, derated In additionellO%. For example, in Figure 1, tho mIX TC at 20 A (1BOO Conduction) i. 700 C. N!I..,----+ a d"ating of 300 C. Tho. types must be derated 330 C; tho"'orl. the allowable TC Imax) I----+--'......~~"'d- is 670 C. ,---l---l- i TJ'100 0 C-+--+---+--+---+"'£... +-_+ 401--_-+_ _ rr: ~ 30 ... w :'"w ~I----+-~~~~~~+---+- :c :> ... 0:: ~~~-+--_+--+- 15 10 300 500 TJ~250C 0 w rr: rr: :::> <..> 0 o :::> '" o ~ ~ Z ~ a: :IE ~ rr: a: :::> <..> w '" ...'" ~ a: r- '" f f--I/l CYCLE I I I 2.0 I 3.0 5.0 7.0 5.0 3. 0 2.0 1.0 o. 7 0.5 1.0 1.4 1.B 2.2 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.8 4.2 4.6 VTM. MAXIMUM INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-23 r- 1-- """I 10 0.3 0.6 - I I I IIIII ~ .~ 1 T IJJ TJ = -40 to +1000 C 1=60Hz 100 f - - f L Y " L SURGE IS PRECEOED ANO FOLLOWEO BY ~AT~D CU~RE~T ~N~ ~OmGE 70 50 1.0 {f --l 1-- 200 i;l /I 0 300 I- Z W V w ~ z ~V , 0 :IE ~ IZ .......... -:::::: ~ h-~OOC 100 40 35 25 FIGURE 4 - MAXIMUM NON· REPETITIVE SURGE CURRENT FIGURE 3 -ON-STATE CHARACTERISTICS 200 ~f- CONDUCTION ANGLE ITIAV). AVERAGE ON-sTATE CURRENT lAMP) IT(AV). AVERAGE ON-sTATE CURRENT (AMP) a: 20 0= 7.0 10 20 NUMBER OF CYCLES 30 50 70 lOa 2N3870 thru 2N3873. 2N3896 thru 2N3899. 2N6171 thru 2N6174 FIGURE 5 - TYPICAL THERMAL RESPONSE 1.0.mmlmllm~em~ 0.7 0.5 L- PRESSFIT PACKAGE ..... ...JC ""W :;;!:::i =...J W"" :1::; 1-= 1-0 0.3 0.2 1-+++H--+_+-+~~"""""l-bIi-H"-.==-Jr;O PACKAG E+-I-+-++I----+-+-~>_+++~~+_+__+___l_I_I_+_I_l_l___+__l__I_~ O. I ~~ ~~ 0.0 1 :! "" 0.05 1-1;; 2~ 0.0 3 ~= 0.0 2 ~L..L..LJ':-.1-..:I.,.---J...-I-LL...U...u....--L--:!----L-~L..J....L.Ll.JL---J...-I_J...-I......LIL.JILl..u....I--L-~......L....I........I....L.I...L.LJ._L...l--iL.I.....J 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20 50 100 200 500 1.0 k 2.0 k 5.0 k t, TIME 1m,) FIGURE 7 - GATE TRIGGER CURRENT FIGURE 6 - PULSE TRIGGER CURRENT 100 70 50 1 Ii< 30 ~ 20 u w 10 = => • ~ 2.0 OFF·STATE VOLTAGE 12V= Rl 2~ - " t\ ............ \. ~ .. 7.0 ~ 5.0 ..... ...'" 3.0 w '" .- 2.0 I 1.0 0.2 .-+t IHt -' III I I TJ = -40oC - , 250 C_ 7.0 '" := 5.0 t-... ~ '" ,t; 3.0 I 1111 ~ f.-- 10 50 20 -100 2.0 ·60 200 -40 40 20 ... ;: 10 ........ o > 0.6 120 140 RV 24!l ;;( E ............. '"~ 100 O~.sTATIE VOl~AGE = \2 V ,J OFF1TATE lOLTA1GE = V Rl = 24 n o ~ 0.8 80 FIGURE 9 - HOLDING CURRENT FIGURE 8 - GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE iii ~ 60 ....... TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) 1.0 ........... i:'i ........... '"'"ii: = t-... '" 7. 0 B ......... '" z § ........... ........... I- ~ 20 -20 PULSE WIDTH 1m,) ffi ....... "'"""'-r":~ w 5.0 2.0 ~ '- !;;: IIII 1.0 10 ~ T I 0.5 ~ = => '-' OFF~TATlVOlTIGE = 11V Rl=24n- z III = 1.... ...... 5.0 ........ ~ r-...... 0.4 '" 3.0 '" !: 0.2 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 2. 0 ·60 -40 m -20 40 ~ 00 100 1m 140 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) .. tm . . .m]f7~IIID"'BI'iUiQ' '. . . .!lI.lill!'l'3 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-24 E''SSI!III IFJ~ 2N3980 PN Unijunction Transistor Silicon Annular PN Unijunction Transistor · .. designed for military and industrial use in pulse, timing, sensing, and oscillator circuits. These devices feature: • • • • Low Peak Point Current - 2 pA max Fast Switching - to 1 MHz Low Emitter Reverse Current - 10 nA max Passivated Surface for Reliability and Uniformity MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = PN UJTs 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Value Unit RMS Power Dissipation, Note 1 PD 360 mW RMS Emitter Current Ie 50 mA Amp Rating Peak Pulse Emitter Current, Note 2 Emitter Reverse Voltage Interbase Voltage Storage Temperature Range ie 1 VB2E 30 Volts VB2B1 35 Volts Tstg -65 to +200 °C CASE 22A·01 STYLE 1 Notes: 1. Derate 2.4 mWfC increase in ambient temperature. Total power dissipation (available power to Emitter and Base·Two) must be limited by the external circuitry. 2. Capacitance discharge current must tall to 0.37 Amp within 3 ms and PRR '" 10 PPS. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Min Intrinsic Standoff Ratio (VB2B1 = 10 V) Note 1 '1/ 0.68 Interbase Resistance (VB2B1 = 3 V, IE = 0) RBB 4 aRBB 0.4 - Emitter Saturation Voltage (VB2B1 = 10 V, IE = 50 mAl Note 2 VEB1(sat) - Modulated Interbase Current (VB2B1 = 10 V, IE = 50 mAl IB2(mod) Characteristic Interbase Resistance Temperature Coefficient (VB2B1 = 3 V, IE = 0, TA = -65°C to + 100°C) Emitter Reverse Current (VB2E = 30 V, IB1 = 0) (VB2E = 30 V, IB1 = 0, TA = 125°C) IEB20 Peak Point Emitter Current (VB2B1 = 25 V) Ip Typ Max Unit 0.82 - 8 kohms 0.9 %l"C 2.5 3 Volts 12 15 - mA - 5 - 10 1 pA - 0.6 2 pA 6 • nA (cont.) Notes: 1. Intrinsic standoff ratio, 'I, is defined by equation: 'I = 2. Use pulse techniques: PW = 300 ,.s duty cycle", 2% to avoid internal heating due to interbase modulation which may result in erroneous readings. Vp - (VEB1) VB2B1 Where Vp = Peak Point Emitter Voltage VB2B1 = Interbase Voltage VF = Emitter to Base-One Junction Diode Drop (0.45 V@ 10 ,.A) ~J:rt~~~~f!]~,[bt'.(~; ~&t4!flg~,.La• •f;I.lI.fi~~alll• • •R1~,j. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3·25 2N3980 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS - continued (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit IV 1 4 10 mA Base-One Peak Pulse Voltage (Note 1, Figure 3) VOBl 6 8 - Volts Maximum Oscillation Frequency (Figure 4) t(max) 1 1.25 - MHz Valley Point Current (VB2Bl = 20 V, RB2 = 100 ohms) Note 2 Notes: 1. Base·One Peak Pulse Voltage is measured in circuit of Figure 3. This specification is used to ensure minimum pulse amplitude for applications in ACR firing circuits and other types of pulse circuits. 2. Use pulse techniques: PW = 300 ,... duty cycle .. 2% to avoid internal heating due to interbase modulation which may result in erroneous readings. FIGURE 1 - UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTOR SYMBOL AND NOMENCLATURE FIGURE 2 - STATIC EMITTER CHARACTERISTICS CURVES (Exaggerated to Show Details) VE CUTOFF REGION NEGATIVE RESISTANCE SATURATION I-REGION-I- REGION I Vp I I I I I IE • EMITTER TO SASE-I E VESI VS2S1 (sat) Vv -+~~------~----~IE lEO FIGURE 3 - VOBl TEST CIRCUIT (Typical Relaxation Oscillator) FIGURE 4 - f(max) MAXIMUM FREQUENCY TEST CIRCUIT +20 V +20 V RS2 loon RI RS2 50 kn loon CI CI 0.21'F o to 0.1 I'F TO FREQUENCY COUNTER MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-26 2N4168 thru 2N4174 2N4184 thru 2N4190 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor • •• mUlti-purpose PNPN silicon controlled rectifiers suited for industrial, consumer, arid military applications. Offered in a choice of space-saving, economical packages for mounting versatility. • Uniform Low-Level Noise-Immune Gate Triggering -IGT = 10 mA (Typ) @ TC = 25°C • Low Forward "On" Voltage - vT = 1 V (Typ) @ 5 Amp @ 25°C • High Surge-Current Capability - ITSM = 100 Amp Peak • Shorted Emitter Construction SCRs" 8 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 600 VOLTS .r"" AO G oK MAXIMUM RATINGS (Apply over operating temperature range and for all case types unless otherwise noted.) Rating Symbol *Peak Repetitive Forward and Reverse Blocking 2N4168,84, Voltage, Note 1 2N4169,85, 2N4170, 86, 2N4172,88, 2N4174,90 Forward Current RMS *Peak Forward Surge Current (One cycle, 60 Hz, TJ = -40 to + 100°C) Circuit Fusing (TJ = -40 to +100°C;t<;; 8.3 ms) *Peak Gate Power 'Average Gate Power VDRM or VRRM Value Unit Volts 50 100 200 400 600 ~\\\\ IT(RMS) 8 Amps ITSM 100 Amps 12t 40 A 2s PGM 5 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 Watt 'Peak Gate Current IGM 2 Amps Peak Gate Voltage, Note 2 VGM 10 Volts TJ -40 to +100 °C Tstg -40 to +150 °C 15 in. lb. *Operating Temperature Range 'Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque ~ " CASE 86-01 STYLE 1 2N4168 thru 2N4174 ~ • CASE 87L-02 STYLE 1 2N4184 thru 2N4190 'Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. Notes: 1. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. Devices should not be tested for blocking capability in a manner such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 2. Devices should not be operated with a positive bias applied to the gate concurrently with a negative potential applied to the anode . .. ~~~~~~~m~j~·~~""~~HD~fia""BE. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-27 2N4168 thru 2N4174 • 2N4184 thru 2N4190 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Typ Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Characteristic R8JC 1.5 2.5.* .C/W Thermal Resistance, Case to Ambient (See Figure 11) 2N4183-98 R/JCA 50 - .C/W "Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic *Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 25·C TJ = 100·C IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Vo = 7 Vdc, RL = 1000) "(VO = 7 Vdc, RL = 1000, TC = -40·C) "(VO = 7 Vdc, RL = 1000, TJ = 100·C) VGT "Forward "On" Voltage (pulsed, 1 ms max, duty cycle .. 1%) (lTM = 15.7 A) VTM IH = Turn-On Time (td + t r ) (lG = 20 mAdc, IF = 5 Adc, Vo • IORM,IRRM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc), Note 1 (Vo = 7 Vdc, RL = 1000) *(VO = 7 Vdc, RL = 1000, TC = -40°C) Holding Current (VO = 7 Vdc, gate open) *(VO = 7 Vdc, gate open, TC Turn-Off Time (IF = 5 Adc, IR = 5 Adc) (IF = 5 Adc, IR = 5 Adc, TJ (dv/dt = 30 V/,.s) Min -40·C) ton = Rated VORM) Typ Max Unit 10 2 p.A. mA - - - 10 30 60 - 0.75 0.2 - 1.5 2.5 - 1.4 2 - 10 - 30 60 1 - - 15 25 - - 50 - - mA - Volts - - mA toff = 100°C, Vo = Rated VORM) Forward Voltage Application Rate (Exponential) (Gate open, TJ = 100·C, Vo = Rated VORM) dv/dt Volts ,.s ,.s V/p.s 'Indicates JEDEC Registered Data Note 1. For optimum operation, i.e. faster turn-on, lower switching losses, best di/dt capability, recommended IGT = 200 mA minimum. TYPICAL TRIGGER CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 2 - CAPACITIVE DISCHARGE TRIGGERING FIGURE 1 - PULSE CURRENT TRIGGERING 50 150 VD = '\. 7.0 Vd. 100 ~ 20 o 70 1 50 ~ z w ~ ..,=> w !;( to ,.; 30 to '" !:P 10 ~ o - t'... > a: o TJ= -55DC ............. 5.0 ~cr ~ : -- W. 25°C t:i 2.0 ~ ~ VA - - = .J:' = = - 0.1 0.2 - r- ~ 1.0 7. 0 5.0 0.05 1v =25°C =7.0 Vdc :;; 10 '\. ,,'\. 20 TJ VD '\ 100°C 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20 O. 5 200 50 500 1000 2000 I""·>-----PFcr. two AVERAGE TRIGGER PULSE WIDTH (psi 5000 3-28 0.02 0.05 ,,---eot-j TRIGGER CAPACITANCE . . .mll'll !I!IlIIII:IIF II 11111''''. . .IIIfIfIIII&1I: III'M'I [S. 5N !!RUII MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 10.01 •.• II rr_l !II • 2N4168 thru 2N4174 • 2N4184 thru 2N4190 CURRENT DERATING FIGURE 4 - MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE FIGURE 3 - MAXIMUM CASE TEMPERATURE 100 100 90 ~ ~ ......... ..~.... w w a:: a:: w ~ .... .. ~ .... ~ 80 a:: => => 80 ~ .... .... 75 :l:i ........ iii 70 ::& 65 70 60 50 40 30 20 0 ITIAV).AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT lAMP) ITIAV). AVERAGE FORWARD CURR ENT lAMP) FIGURE 5 - POWER DISSIPATION FIGURE 6 - MAXIMUM SURGE CAPABILITY ~ 100 !! I~ I"--.. ... a:: ~ ~ ~ ~cn '"a: « ~ ~z : ~ ~iii f' ~ ~ S6.01-----+---+---Tt-/-¥--r'-f-~~ wo 0 a: a: s~~lg~ETROA~~~".:T r--. 0 ~ 4.01---+--+¥-F---if<~-+---+­ w i ct..c z Ii: « :I: Z i"- 0 4 DEVICE IN FREE STILL AIR w :;;!! ~ T""r- bII 1"- !"-- r--':DEVICE I I 20 ~ a ... 8.0 2.0 10 3.0 5.0 ITIAV). AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT lAMP) J ) RATED LOAD CONDITIONS 0 TJ = -40°C to +100 C ~ PULSE REPETITION i'""""--~QUENCY = 60 Hz I"'-r---., I"'r-.. 10 20 30 ~OUNTED ON IHEATSINK 50 III 100 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 7 - THERMAL RESPONSE ~ ~ 2.0 w .... z - l - - +-- MAlx ;5 1.0 ~ ::& :ia:: w ~ ...... ~ t::r- ~ O. 1 a:: -,:;0.05 U - ........-::::: / ~ D.2 . ... -- TYP ..... 0.5 - ,;:0.03 N 0.02 .....- ..... 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20 t. TIME Imsl MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-29 100 200 500 1000 2000 • 2N4168 thru 2N4174 • 2N4184 thru 2N4190 FIGURE 8 - FORWARD VOLTAGE £100 :E ~ 70 lZ w 50 ~ 30 w 20 TYP C w MAX- Z II: u FIGURE 9 - HOLDING CURRENT 3.0 N ::; .A? VD 2.0 '" :E r- r- II: ~z o ~ 1.0 ~ 5.0 ~ 3.0 z IZ w ::> u to TJ= 1000 C I o 90 "i I 1111 0.4 " ~ 1.2 200 w II: '" '" ::> d !:2 100 "' 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 -40 4.0 -20 20 """ , Units mounted In center _ of square sheet of liB· inch thick bright copper. Heat sinks _ held vertically In stili Bir. (Heat sink area IS • 20 2.0 +--- 1\ t\.\ twice - area of one side) ~ v:. ~ "' I- 10 1.0 100 FIGURE" - CASE-TO-AMBIENT THERMAL RESISTANCE 50 ;;; '"w 80 60 II: " 60 40 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) W '"'"z ....... 0.5 0.3 0.8 FIGURE 10 - TYPICAL THERMAL RESISTANCE OF PLATES ~ '"" 0.7 lIT, INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 400 - - --- r- r-. z // ~ 1.0 II: II: Tr 25 0C ~ 2.0 ~ 1.0 i'O ~~ / 10 0 /V / =7.0 Vdc "' ~ 10 5.0 10 15 o TYPICAL TERMINAL STRIP OR PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD MOUNTING (CASE 87l) L= 3/4" I. = 1/4" ~ L = LEAD LENGTH - .......:::::: ~ 100 200 300 AIR FLOW, LINEAR FTIMIN ROSA, THERMAL RESISTANCE (OCIW) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-30 400 500 2N4199 thru 2N4204 Designer's Data Sheet Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor SCRa · .. fast switching, high-voltage Thyristors especially designed for pulse modulator applications in radar and other similar equipment. 100 AMPERE PULSE 300 thru 800 VOLTS • • • • • Guaranteed Limits on All Critical Parameters High-Voltage: VORM = 300 to 800 Volts Maximum Turn-On Times Specified - 300 to 400 ns Repetitive Pulse Current to 100 Amperes Stable Switching Characteristics Over an Operating Temperature Range From -6Sto +10SoC • Pulse Repetition Rates as High as 20,000 pps • JAN Versions Available CASE 63-03 (TO-64) STYLE 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Value Unit = .105°C) VRRM 50 Volts 2N4199 2N4200 2N4201 2N4202 2N4203 2N4204 VDRM 300 400 500 600 700 800 Volts ITRM 100 Amps Amps Rating Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 (TJ *Peak Forward Blocking Voltage, Note 1 (TC = 105°C) Repetitive Peak On-State Current (PW = 3 /LS, Duty Cycle = 0.6%, TC Continuous On-State Current (TC = = 85°C) 65°C) Current Application Rate, Note 2 Peak Forward Gate Power Average Forward Gate Power 5 5000 A/p,s PGFM 20 Watts PGF(AV) 1 Watt IGFM 5 Amps VGFM VGRM 10 10 Volts Peak Forward Gate Current Peak Gate Voltage - IT di/dt Forward Reverse, Note 3 Operating Junction Temperature Range Blocking State Conducting State TJ Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque °c -65 to + 105 -65 to +200 Tstg -65 to +200 °c - 15 in. lb. *Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. Notes: 1. Characterized for unilateral applications where reverse blocking capability is not important. Higher voltage units available upon request. VDRM and VRRM may be applied as a continuous dc voltage for zero or negative gate voltage but positive gate voltage must not be applied concurrently with a negative potential on the anode. When checking blocking capability, do not permit the applied voltage to exceed the rated voltage. 2. Minimum Gate Trigger Pulse: iG = 200 mA. PW = 1 p.s, tr = 20 ns. 3. Do not reverse bias gate during forward conduction if anode current exceeds 10 amperes. Design... Date for "Worat ease" CondItions - The Designers Data Sheets permit the design of most circuits entirely from the information presented. Limit curves - representing boundaries on device characteristics - are given to facilitate "worst case" design. :. '; MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-31 • 2N.4199 thru 2N4204 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic *Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 2S0C unless otherwise noted.) Fig. No. Symbol *Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 10SoC 17 IORM,IRRM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (Anode Voltage = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 ohms, TC = 2S0C) *(Anode Voltage = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 ohms, TC = -6S0C) 14 IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) *(Anode Voltage", rated VORM, RL = 100 ohms, TC = 10S0C) (Anode Voltage = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 ohms, TC = 2S0C) *(Anode Voltage = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 ohms, TC = -6S0C) 12 *Holding Current (Anode Voltage", 7 Vdc, gate open, TC = 105°C) 18 *Forward "On" Voltage (lTM = S Adc, PW = 1 ms max, Outy cycle". 1%) *Dynamic Forward "On" Voltage (O.S p.s after 50% decay point on dynamic forward voltage waveform) Forward Current: 30 A pulse Gate Pulse: at 200 mA, PW = 1 p.s, tr = 20 ns Characteristic i. • *Turn-On Time Delay Time Rise Time *Pulse Turn-Off Time Test Conditions: PFN discharge; Forward Current = 30 A pulse; Reverse Current = SA, TC = 8SoC, dvldt = 2S0 VII'S to Rated VORM; Reverse anode voltage during turn-off interval = 0 V; Reverse gate bias during turn-off interval = 6 V *Forward Voltage Application Rate (Linear Rise of Voltage) (TC = 10SoC, gate open, Vo = Rated VORM) mA - - SO 100 0.2 - mA Volts 1.S 2 IH 3 - mA 8 VTM 2.6 - Volts 7 VTM - 2S Volts 1,9 1,11 td tr 200 200 lS0 130 100 2, 13 tq - 20 p.s 16 dvldt 250 - VII's 11111 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-32 Unit 2 - *JEDEC Registered Data. III Max - VGT ITM = 30A All types 2N4199 and 2N4200 2N4201 2N4202 2N4203 and 2N4204 Min ns 2N4199 thru 2N4204 TEST CIRCUITS FIGURE 2 - TURN-OFF TIME FIGURE 1 - TURN-ON TIME 200 H (+) PFN, Zo = 2.0 n RE-APPLIED FORWARD VOLTAGE, dv/dt = 250 V TO RATED VDRM I,.. RS = 1.0 RC n = 2.0 n -Two 1 N4937 fast-recovery diodes in series each shunted by a 180 kU resistor. FIGURE 3 - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE FORWARD PULSE CURRENT I- ~ "" 10 0 a: a: ......... -r-. :::> '-' w 0 i.- '"-' 12 5: '" ~ lit = 500 A/PS M~X 0 .i "" 5. 0 1.0 ns 2.0 -.... 4.0 10 ns 40 20 100 ns 200 400 4.0 ~C=250C. -- If Dala iJ based upon a peak junction temperature 200 oC. Junction temperature must be no higher than 105 0 C prior to application of forward blocking voltage. "" 0 .~ ......... I Li c a: ~ ......... L-dl 40 r-r--- ---- ~~ 100 pS 200 I"" 1 ms 400 t, TIME OR PULSE WIDTH FIGURE 4 - DERATING USING NO SWITCHING LOSSES 0: 100 '" ::£ I- ~ a: a: 70 :::> 12 0 c Data is based on a: ~ a: :::> '"X ~ :oil 20 l:" "' "- r"- r-..~ ~ maXi~ (Figure 8) atT J = 2000e and data of Figure 6. Turn-on power transients are neglected. The curves indicate maximum capabilitv that '" ""- 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 '"N 100 70 t--===- VAK r=- a: :::> '-' 2.0 kHz ~ 12 50 yAK TJ Te 300 V ~ 800 V - ... $~:t~_ I!! a: ~ 30 O.5j.tsJ / 15.0p.S-' / 10 j.tS li~OkHZ' 10 kHz ~.OkHz '" :::> 20 '"X . . . . .1.111. 20j.ts./ Data IS indicatIVe of capability In typical PFN circUits. Actual circuits should be 10 checked as indicated In the design note. 100 200 500 1k 2k 10 20 PW, PULSE WIDTH (ps) '" 30 " fi 0.02 _ ~ -- ~ ...... ;.". ~ 0.01 1 - - .... ", ~O.OO 0.1,.. 0.4 0.2 - ' . ~I""" I-- ~~ - ~ ~ -- o liTYC1LE STEADY STATE VALUES DJC(~) = 30C/W MAX OJC(~) = 20C/W TYP i= f= t- ~ ""0.005 0)= 0 (SINIGLE tU~SE) 1.0.. 2.0 4.0 10.. 20 40 100,.. 200 I, TIME DR PULSE WIDTH 1.0 ms 400 2.0 10 ms 4.0 20 100m. 40 FORWARD "ON"VOLTAGE DATA FIGURE 7 - TYPICAL DYNAMIC FORWARD "ON" VOLTAGE FIGURE 8 - MAXIMUM STEADY-8TATE Ll .1 TJ=250C105 0C- r::- Il 1/ II 1"-1 ',.// rJ.!J.. II/V IJJl 2000C- • 0 0 0 0 0 O~~ o 0 (Time reference - 10% point of peak anode current. Value at specified time after reference point) __~~__~~__~__~~__~~__~-=~~~~~~ 100 200 300 400 SOD 600 700 800 1000 AT(t4) , I '000 (0.0205 + (. - 5.25' .0. 3 ) 0.27 + 5.25 •• 0.3 - 0.271 + 700 [(1 - 7.75' .0. 3 ) 0.27 + 7.75' .0.3 - 0.2711 3 = 93.5. o C II", 800 AT(tS) - [ 1000 [0.032 + (1 - 5.25' 10.3 ) 0.27 + 5.25 • 10.3 - 0.27 - 0.02051 + 700 (0.025 + (1 - 7.75' .0. 3 ) 0.27 + 7.75 •• 0.3 - 0.27) I 3 = '05.6 o C :: 60 0 ~ I I I I a:: ~ .: ~ ~ I in 1--11 400 0 p I~~ pf\ r ... I I 0.5 FIGURE B - MORE ACCURATE MODEL PI r- '-t.. 20o , FIGURE A - SIMPLE MODEL Ie ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 VF, FORWARO "ON"VOLTAGE (VOLTS) vr, TRANSIENT FORWARD "ON" VOLTAGE (VOLTS) DESIGN NOTE CONTINUED ~ 0 ~ 12- '- / ACTUAL PULSE ~ '~ ! ! 1.0 r--- APPROXIMATION ~. T"'-J 1.5 2.0 2.5 ,3.0 I,TIME(.&) 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 FIGURE C - AN ACTUAL TRANSIENT POWER PULSE MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3·34 2N4199 thru 2N4204 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS TRIGGERING CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 9 - DELAY TIME FIGURE 10 - TYPICAL PULSE TRIGGER CHARGE/CURRENT 500 200 I--r-..... j'---. w :E ~ 100 o 70 ~ ;9 I I -.....:.. w '"«'" '-' r- l"- I--.. - a VAK = 7 V ~ 1a :x: 1'-TYPICAL 100 100 I I VAK = 400 V.ITM = 30 A0.1 pF CAPACITANCE l MAXIMUM DISCHARGE CIRCUIT TJ = -65 TO +105 DC - f - t---r-. 30a ! I I IGT a "- '\, a N. ~ '"'"a: a ... (rl~E TIME 20 70 50 '",.: 200 500 300 700 ~~ >= w ...'"z ~ 100 '"~ -' ~ - ......... ......... -65DC 70 -..... --- '" ~ '"~ - r- I- O. 8 --;;: 0.6 > ,.. ~ 0.2 ['I w ~ 10 ...... --r- ..- ~ 7.0 '"=> ~ ~ I-' 5.0 ~ .... ~ a ~- --.~~ I-~ - j..- ..... ""'" 2.0 -60 -40 -20 - ..... "- .J,oo .... -""'" .- 40 ..... .." 60 , • .... TYPICAL 'r-~IMpM 1-- -- NON·TRIGGER REGION o -80 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) ~ 7a g ... 5a i':l '" '"~ a '"w ~ 2a ...'"w L\"'R':VERSE GATE BIAS - - OV 6V j..-- ....RATE OF RE·APPLIED- • 1 [ [ VOLTAGE 400 V/psTO VDRM 1 REVERSE ANODE CURRENT = 5 A FORWARD CURRENT FALL TIME < 200 ns 20 -~ VD = RATED VDRM 10a ~ ::::: ,..,.. ..... ..... l- ~~ ::::: ::::: ....... ;;....- .... !AXIMUM FIGURE 14 - DC GATE TRIGGER CURRENT 0 lOA -I-.. ~ FIGURE 13 - TYPICAL TURN-OFF TIME 3~A I-.. - - ~ 0.4 '"~ 300 400 500 600 700 800 200 VAK. ANOOE·TO·CATHODE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) ITM =60A '",.: !: VAK=7V/ w t-- 50 100 !;;: r- ~ 1.2 ~ 1. 0 25 DC 1O~ PU LSE WI DTH (ps) 1.4 w 1 ........ I--.. ':; R ;::K~ ~ '"'" -. 105DC 1. 6 DISC~ARG~ 0.1 CAPAClTANCEI IT = 5 TO 100 AMPS (SEE FIG. 1 -IRL VARIED) ~ t;::: 20 '-' FIGURE 12 - DC GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE 1. 8 300 w ~ V- / 1... Ord inates are minimum values to cause triggering for a typical unit. 3 3 2.0 3.0 5.0 0.05 0.07 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.7 1.0 1000 FIGURE 11 - CURRENT RISE TIME :E V 25 DC I)c ...... r--, fJ T. ~F 17 l'V 1-11'1 1/ I"J-. w IG. GATE CURRENT (mA) r-.... ~ 200 N 50 OGT 7 '" Dr GAT~ TRIGGEr PULSf" 2r nS)1 100 .'"-" !;;:1 a r-- d a r--.. l...--- w 70 TJ - -65 DC 80 - ,.: !: 100 TC. CASE TEMPERATURE (DC) VAK=7V_ """t--. l ' ...... l ' ...... 10 " TYPICAL " " ...... i"--i"--I-.. 7 5 -80 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 T J. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-35 -- S~AXIMUM ...... !;;: '" TTT ...... 80 100 120 2N4199 thru 2N4204 ~ o FIGURE 16 - TYPICAL LINEAR dv/dt CAPABILITY FIGURE 15 - TYPICAL BLOCKING VOLTAGE DERATING ~ 4000 2.0 « '" ~ o ~ GATE OPEN TJ= 105°C > '"~ 3000 VW ..,..10' ~ '" ~ 2000 1.0 ~ /. V o <.:> > ~ fil 0.7 1:1 a: ~ -- - -.... o ~ 0.3 ~ ~ ~ a: 0.2 200 100 °l~> > 300 500 100 1000 2000 3000 500 400 0.1 5000 .3 I- ii'i a: 0.3 w I- « MAXIMUM E ii'i a: o 3 2 1 O. 5 ~ GAT~ OPE~ 30 20 a: B ./ Ti PIC '"z § 10 / ~ -40 -20 20 40 SO 80 100 120 ...- V ~ ........- 3.0 5.0 - 25°C ..----r ~L@TJ=1050C- r 1 ...- 1 -ti;;;IMUM '1 I @~J = lOJOC- r-- FORWARO +0.5 -2 -1 -3 -4 -5 VGK. GATE·TO·CATHODE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) FIGURE 19 - TYPICAL ANODE-TO-CATHODE CAPACITANCE FIGURE 20 - TYPICAL GATE-TO-CATHODE CAPACITANCE 50 ~ ~ ~ 240 ~ w w <.:> <.:> TJ=250C z 30 U ~ ~ 20 " z « I- 2N4204 U ~ ~ ~ r-. w 1:1 o w 180 :J:: I- « 1S0 6 :;; r-.. o z « « '" <.:> '" '" 5 10 20 50 100 200 140 I- ...... 500 1000 VAK.ANOOE·TO·CATHOOE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) T/= 250C 200 ~ <.:> 10 1 220 0 0 r-... .... r---, :J:: '" f:: TYPICAL @TJ V ~ i TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) « <.:> 2.0 /_L I-- REVERSE -so ~ :;;oo 1.0 0 :J:: -;!;. I-' 0.2 ~ /' I- ~ 1~ E' VAK=lVt== 10 50 50 20 0.1 FIGURE 18 - HOLDING CURRENT a: a 0.5 100 ........- 200 100 V VGK. GATE·TO·CATHOOE RIoVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) FIGURE 17 - FORWARD BLOCKING CURRENT 200 0 1000 =VO =VORM 500 V 105°C 0.2 dv/dt. LINEAR RATE OF APPLlEO VOLTAGE (VI",) 0 « -, ,... f-' a: V 25°C w !;( 100 ri Li--"" ::. 1000 r--.... t- ~ TJ = -S5 0 C ,...~ ~ I'... 0.5 fr fil N • ~ rt r-JD=t~ w 120 100 \ '" ---- ........... ........ r- -2 -4 -S r-- -8 -10 VGK. GATE·TO·CATHOOE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) &' MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-36 2N4213 thru 2N4219 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. all diffused PNPN devices designed for operation in mAljJA signal or detection circuits. • • • • Low-Level Gate Characteristics -IGT = 100 jJA Max @ 25°C Low Holding Current - IHX = 3 mA Max @ 25°C Anode Common To Case Glass-to-Metal Bond for Maximum Hermetic Seal SCRs 1.6 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 400 VOLTS G A O---I~Nv",---~O K CASE 79-04 (TO-20SAD) STYLE 3 *MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 125°C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Peak Repetitive Forward and Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 2N4213 2N4214 2N4216 2N4219 Forward Current RMS (All Conduction Angles) Peak Surge Current (One Cycle, 60 Hz) No Repetition until Thermal Equilibrium is Restored Peak Gate Power - Forward Average Gate Power - Forward VDRM or VRRM Rating Unit Volts 50 100 200 400 IT(RMS) 1.6 Amps ITSM 15 Amps PGFM 0.1 Watt PGF(AV) 0.Q1 Watt Peak Gate Current - Forward IGFM 0.1 Amp Peak Gate Voltage - Forward Reverse VGFM VGRM 6 6 Volts TJ -65 to + 125 °C Tstg -65 to + 150 °C +230 °C Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range - Lead Solder Temperature (>1/16" from case, 10 s max) 'Indicates JEDEC Registered Values. Note 1. VDRM and VRRM can be applied for all types on a continuous de basis without incurring damage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-37 I 2N4213 thru 2N4219 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted, RGK = 1000 ohms.), Note 1 Symbol Characteristic *Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 25°C TJ = 125°C VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc), Note 2 (VO = 7 V, RL = 100 ohms) (TC = 25°C) (TC = -65°C) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 7 V, RL = 100 ohms, TC = 25°C) *(VO = 7 V, RL = 100 ohms, TC = -65°C) *(VO = Rated VORM, RL = 100 ohms, TJ = 125°C) VGT = 7 V) Max Unit - 10 200 pA pA - 1.5 Volts IORM,IRRM *Forward "On" Voltage (lTM = 1 Adc peak) Holding Current (VO Min /L Adc - 100 300 - 0.8 1 Volt 0.1 = 25°C = -65°C - mA IHX 3 7 Turn-On Time ton Turn-Off Time toff Circuit dependent, consult manufacturer TC *TC *Indicates JEDEC Registered Values. Notes: 1. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for forward or reverse blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. Thyristor devices shall not have a positive bias applied to the gate concurrently with a negative potential applied to the anode. 2. RGK current is not included in measurement. I FIGURE 1 - CASE TEMPERATURE vs CURRENT FIGURE 2 - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE vs CURRENT ~ 130 ~140r----'-----r----'-----'----'-----r----, "~ ~" 120 it ~ 110 120 f-'III_--+----+----+-----l-- ~ ~ 100 -jaI- - ~ 5 100 ; "w ~ = ~ 60r---_1----~~~~~~~~_1----_+----~ " ~ " 90 80 ~ < x 70 ~ .. "~ 60 0 " ~ ~ .." .. 80r---~--~~~~~----+_--~----_r--~ x 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10 14 1.2 iT(AV), AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT (AMP) 1.6 40r---r---r-~~~~~--~~~--~ 20r---~----_r--~~~~~~~----_+~--~ de °O~--~O~I--~O~2~--~O.~3--~~-~~~--~0~.6--~O~.7· iT(AV),AVERAGE ON STATE CURRENT (AMP) RS~~~~~~,~'~~~~~'~~~~~~~~'b~~~~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-38 2N4441 thru 2N4444 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors · .. designed for high-volume consumer phase-control applications such as motor speed, temperature, and light controls and for switching applications in ignition and starting systems, voltage regulators, vending machines, and lamp drivers requiring: • Small, Rugged, Thermopad Construction - for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation, and Durability • Practical Level Triggering and Holding Characteristics @ 25°C IGT = 7 mA (Typ) IH = 6 mA (Typ) • Low "On" Voltage - VTM = 1 Volt (Typ) @ 5 Amps @ 25°C • High Surge Current Rating - ITSM = 80 Amps seRs 8 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 600 VOLTS ~ AO G oK A ,L K (TO-225AA) STYLE 2 MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 100°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Rating Peak Repetitive Forward and Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 2N4441 2N4442 2N4443 2N4444 VDRM or VRRM *Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage (t = 5 ms (max) duration) 2N4441 2N4442 2N4443 2N4444 VRSM = 73°C *Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (1/2 cycle, 60 Hz preceded and followed by rated current and voltage) Circuit Fusing (TJ = -40 to + 100°C; t = Unit Volts 50 200 400 600 • Volts 75 300 500 700 *RMS On-State Current (All Conduction Angles) Average On-State Cu rrent, TC Value IT(RMS) 8 Amps IT(AV) 5.1 Amps ITSM 80 Amps 12t 25 A2s Watts 1 to 8.3 ms)' *Peak Gate Power PGM 5 PG(AV) 0.5 Watt *Peak Forward Gate Current IGM 2 Amps *Peak Reverse Gate Voltage VRGM tD Volts *Average Gate Power 'Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. (cont.I Note 1. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage but positive gate voltage shall not be applied concurrently with a negative potential on the anode. When checking fOlWard or reverse blocking capability, thyristor devices should not be tested with a constant current source in a manner that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. ·~l:HIIjf:J.L:'·l;it~;rt'"'::t!:rtJ'/J.~r:l~:!f·WNglllla~~lIIiilll'l~M~~~M~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-39 2N4441 thru 2N4444 MAXIMUM RATINGS - continued (TJ = 100°C unless otherwise noted.) Rating Symbol Value Unit TJ -40 to +100 °c Tstg -40 to +150 °c - 8 in. lb. *Operating Junction Temperature Range *Storage Temperature Range Mounting Torque (6-32 screw), Note 1 THERMAL CHARACTERISITCS Symbol Typ Max Unit *Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ROJC - 2.5 °CIW Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient R6JA 40 - °CIW Characteristic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) (VO = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) (VO = Rated VORM, RL = 100 Ohms) Symbol TJ TJ = 25°C = 100°C TC *TC = 25°C = -40°C TC TC TJ = 25°C = -40°C = 100°C Peak On-State Voltage (Pulse Width = 1 to 2 ms, Duty Cycle .. 2%) • Min Typ Max Unit pA. mA - - 10 2 - 7 30 60 - 0.75 1.5 2.5 mA IGT VGT 0.2 Volts - - Volts VTM (lTM *(lTM - = 5 A peak) = 15.7 A peak) Holding Current (VO = 7 Vdc, gate open) 1 - 1.5 2 mA IH TC *TC Gate Controlled Turn-On Time (lTM = 5 A, IGT = 20 mA, Vo IORM,IRRM = Rated VORM) Circuit Com mutated Turn-Off Time (lTM = 5 A, IR = 5 A) (ITM = 5A, IR = 5A, TJ = 100°C) = 25°C = -40°C tgt - - 6 40 70 - 1 - - 15 20 - 50 - tq Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, Exponential Waveform, TJ = 100°C, Gate Open) dv/dt I-'s I-'s - V/!-'5 *Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. Note 1. Torque rating applies with use of torque washer (Shakeproof WD19522 #6 or equivalent). Mounting torque in excess of 8 in. Ibs. does not appreciably lower case-to·sink thermal resistance. Anode lead and heatsink contact pad are common. For soldering purposes (either terminal connection or device mounting), soldering temperatures shall not exceed + 225°C. tJ:'~~!u:nt.r,tt~tr,1t~~~~~_a'.ItJ,:i7' MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-40 2N4441 thru 2N4444 FIGURE 1 - ON-STATE CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM ON-STATE POWER DISSIPATION 100 / / 50 / TJ = 25 0 C 30 /; 0:- a: o 1/ 5- 10 0t;5 ~ / / // / /. ~ / ~V V 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 ITIAV), AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) f u ./ 180 0 6~. =3010 /I I 7.0 y "CONDUCTION ANGLE 900 / :I; a: VfOOOC o II 20 :::> -~ -- jot - ./ . / 70 w 05.0 « 0- "! z 3.0 z « 100~~'----.----r----r---'--~-----r---. I « 0- FIGURE 3 - AVERAGE CURRENT DERATING I 0 '":::> £z l~~ u o ~_~ ~G 2.0 ~ '\ ~'" ""t:- :1;' 1.0 0.7 0.3 ! 1 0.5 "+-~t------I "'\.,, " ~__-+____t-__-r__-;18_00__-+___ ""-f~~ d~ cO I o 70r-__ ~ -l -......,.", = CONDUCTION ANGLE ,'\."" o = 30 0 _II ~ t-- 60~__~__~~__~__~__~__~~__-+__~ 2.0 1.0 3.0 40 o 50 20 4.0 6.0 InAV), AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) vTM, INSTANTANEOUS ON·STATE VOLTAGE IVOLTS) 8.0 • FIGURE 4 - THERMAL RESPONSE 3.0 ~ I I 2.0 !--- in ..-f- ~~ 1.0 ~ ~ O. 7 r AX TYPICAL "'w ~ ~ O. 5 6~ ~ ~ 0.3 .--:; ::,....- ~ ~ O. 2 u--' 2« :::>:1; ...., 0:: f-"V V V O. 1 -=~ U ..... 0.0 7 ~ 0.05 0.03 ....... 0.03 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0,5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10 t, 20 30 50 70 100 TIME 1m,) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-41 200 300 500 700 1000 2000 3000 2N4441 thru 2N4444 FIGURE 5 - MAXIMUM NON·REPETITIVE SURGE CURRENT 100 a:: 90 ~ BO '" IZ w a: a: 60 w a: 50 '-' to ~ ..."" ;:1i ~ !:" --n --- -- - - TJ=1000 C t = 60 Hz f-t- 70 :::> FIGURE 6 - TYPICAL HOLDING CURRENT 20 40 .\ I 30 < .§ I- t-- (\ \. VD = )'0 Vdc GATE OPEN a: a: I- -I- 13 ....... ........... ) 0 to 1 CYCLE Z § I I ............. ............... 5.0 0 :I: SURGE IS PRECEDED AND FOLLOWED BY RATEDI CURREY ANDIVDL,AGj 20 I 10 ~ --- r--. :i 3.0 10 o 3.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 6.0 B.O 2.0 -40 10 FIGURE 7 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER CURRENT VD = ~ a: a: 10 j.O Vdc VD = )'0 Vdc w to • o .............. 5. 0 > -.......... .............. w !;;: t---" O.B "' !;;: 0.6 r-- I- --r--. --............. W ~ [-... to 3.0 2.0 -40 a: w to to to § r--.... ~ -........ to '"~ 1. 0 « a: 7.0 w ,.: to > -20 20 40 100 ~ o ~ '-' BO FIGURE 8 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE r---... :::> 60 1.2 ;( I- 40 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) 20 .§ 20 -20 NUMBER OF CYCLES ---- 60 BO 100 0.4 -40 20 -20 40 60 TJ,JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATU RE (OC) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-42 80 100 2N4851 thru 2N4853 PN Unijunction Transistors Silicon Unijunction Transistor · .. designed for pulse and timing circuits, sensing circuits, and thyristor trigger circuits. • Low Peak-Point Current - Ip = 0.4 pA Max • Low Emitter Reverse Current - lEO = 50 nA Max • Fast Switching PN UJTs CASE 22A-Ol STYLE 1 -MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25·C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Value Unit RMS Power Dissipation, Note 1 PD 300 mW RMS Emitter Current Ie 50 mA Peak-Pulse Emitter Current, Note 2 ie 1.5 Amp Emitter Reverse Voltage VB2E 30 Volts Interbase Voltage, Note 3 VB2Bl 35 Volts TJ -65 to + 125 ·C Tstg -65 to +200 ·C Rating Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range 'Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. Notes: 1. Derate 3 increase in ambient temperature. 2. Duty cycle", 1%, PRR = (see Figure 6). 3. Based upon power dissipation at T A = 25°C. mwrc MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-43 2N4851 thru 2N4853 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25'C unless otherwise noted.) Rating *Intrinsic Standoff Ratio, Note 1 (VB2B1 = 10 V) Symbol 4,8 1/ Min Typ Max 0.56 0.70 0.75 0.85 9.1 kohms Unit - 11, 12 rBB 4.7 - 12 aBB 0.2 - 0.8 %l"C Emitter Saturation Voltage, Note 2 (VB2B1 = 10 V, IE = 50 mAl VEB1(sat) - 2.5 - Volts Modulated Interbase Current (VB2B1 = 10 V, IE = 50 mAl IB2(mod) - 15 - mA - - 0.1 0.05 - - 2 0.4 2 4 6 - - 2N4851 2N4852,2N4853 *Interbase Resistance (VB2B1 = 3 V, IE = 0) *Interbase Resistance Temperature Coefficient (VB2B1 = 3 V, IE = 0, TA = -65 to +125'C) *Emitter Reverse Current (VB2E = 30 V, IB1 = 0) *Peak-Point Emitter Current (VB2B1 = 25 V) 'Valley-Point Current, Note 2 (VB2B1 = 20 V, RB2 = 100 ohms) *Base-One Peak Pulse Voltage • Fig. No. 7 IEB20 2N4851,2N4852 2N4853 9,10 Ip 2N4851 , 2N4852 2N4853 - 13,14 3,17 *Maximum Frequency of Oscillation 5 pA. - IV 2N4851 2N4852 2N4853 2N4851 2N4852 2N4853 pA. 3 5 6 VOBl - f(max) - mA Volts - - 1.25 MHz 'Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. Notes: 1,1/, Intrinsic standoff ratio, is defined in terms of the peak-point voltage, Vp, by means of the equation: Vp = 1/ VB2Bl + VF, where VF is about 0.49 volt at 25'C @ IF = 10 /LA and decreases with temperature at about 2.5 mVI'C. The test circuit is shown in Figure 4. Components Rl, Cl, and the UJT form a relaxation oscillator; the remaining circuitry serves as a peak-voltage detector. The forward drop of Diode 01 compensates for VF. To use, the "cal" button is pushed, and R3 is adjusted to make the current meter, Ml, read full scale. When the "cal" button is released, the value of 1/ is read directly from the meter, if full scale on the meter reads 1. 2. Use pulse techniques: PW = 300 #LS, duty cycle ~ 2% to avoid internal heating, which may result in erroneous readings. FIGURE 1 - UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTOR SYMBOL AND NOMENCLATURE FIGURE 2 - STATIC EMITTER CHARACTERISTICS CURVES CUTOFF REGION I_REGION _ _ SATURATION REGION Vp EMITTER TO BASE ONE CHARACTERISTIC E \ VB2Bl VBE1(sat) Vv Ip lEO MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-44 2N4851 thru 2N4853 FIGURE 4 - 11 TEST CIRCUIT FIGURE 3 - VOBl TEST CIRCUIT +10 V +20 V CAL'1 RB2 loon Cl O.lIlF Cl 0.21lF 1, 10llA FULL SCALE t01. diode with the following characteristics: VF ~0.49 V@ IF ~ 10llA IR'; 2.0 IlA@ VR ~ 20 V FIGURE 6 - PRR TEST CIRCUIT AND WAVEFORM FIGURE 5 - f(max) TEST CIRCUIT DUTY CYCLE'; '%, PRR'; '0 pps VI + 20 V 0.' 5 ~:~==i=====t~--jr:: • CURRENT WAVEFORM THRU R, TO FREQUENCY COUNTER 20·30 V (Adjust for 1.5A 151lF peak in A,) R, 0.' n TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE B -INTRINSIC STANDOFF RATIO FIGURE 7 - EMITTER REVERSE CURRENT 1... z w a: a: ::> '" w ::;'" > w a: 1. 0 0. 5 O. 2 O. 1 0.05 ~ 0.02 ~ 0.0 1 :::: ~ sy I - A ;:: : ..... ~ ......o ~ "'" -20 0.7 '" u; z '/ r-- t--. a; ... ~ -- -- -r-- z ~ IEB2 -40 o.Sr--. o ./ ~ 0.00 2 1 -60 o / ' 1/ ffi ffi 0.00 1 VB2Bl· 10 V SW OPEN FOR IEB20 SW CLOSEO FOR IEB2S - ~ 0.0051 - o.9 O. 6 t"-- r-- i-- 40 60 80 100 120 O. 5 -60 140 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) - 2N4SJ -40 -20 20 40 60 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-45 -l- I--- ,; 20 2N4852, 2N4853 100 120 140 2N4851 thru 2N4853 PEAK POINT CURRENT FIGURE 9 - EFFECT OF VOLTAGE FIGURE 10 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE 1. 0 2. 5 TJ=25 0 C .3 0 ~ l\ 1\ \ \ I, 5 0:: 0:: "" 5 ~ ......... t- O. I: ~ .... O. ~ ~ 9.0 12 15 18 21 24 27 - 2N4851.2N4852 "- ......... """- O. 2 0 -60 30 r-- r-- 4~ if I 2N4853 -... '-- 6 .......... ~ 2N4851. 2N4852 ................ 0 6.0 ffi'" z r-. 3.0 o. 8 W " " "- 0 VB2Bl = 25 V ;; -40 2N4853 W -20 W M M 100 lW ~ TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) VB2Blo INTERBASE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) INTERBASE RESISTANCE FIGURE 11 - EFFECT OF VOLTAGE oW N ::; ;i FIGURE 12 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE 1.5 12 NORMALIZED @3.0 V TJ = 25DC 1.4 IE = 0 ~ w 0:: Z 1.3 ~ w CD ......... 0:: . 1. 1 CD 1. 0 o 3.0 6.0 9.0 8.0 '":i w .... 6.0 0:: ... V !: .; CD 0:: ..... V ............. !: 0:: , ili 0:: W /' 1. 2 ~ ~ In ,/ ~ 12 15 10 z < V w' ~ u / o 18 21 2N4853 VB2Bl = 3.0 V IE = 0 24 27 4.0 /' ./ ........ V --' 2.0 30 V .......::: ::::::+rr4852 .-'1"'" 2N4851 -40 -60 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) VB2Blo INTERBASE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS VALLEY CURRENT FIGURE 13 - EFFECT OF VOLTAGE 1 .... z w ~ '"u !z ~ 16 TJ = 250 C 14 . RB2· 10011 VB2Bl = 20 V 14 -RB2=10011 12 10 6. 0 ~ 4. 0 2 274~ .............. 8.0 ~ ..... ..... FIGURE 14 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE 16 ...... ~V ... 2. 0 0 ~ :::: ~ ~ f...- ~2~4851 3.0 6.0 9.0 12 15 18 -- 21 ... .-,...- 24 --- 1 12 0:: 0:: 10 '" !Z 8.0 C > 6.0 !Z w u - ... w :::l ~ :--.... r- r:::::: -... -... 4.0 r-- -... _2N4B53 ::¥ 2N14851' :? 2.0 27 30 0 -60 r- r-. r- ~ i== -40 W -20 W r-- r-- M M TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) VB2Bl.INTERBASE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-46 ~ r" -I' lW ~ 2N4851 thru 2N4853 VALLEY VOLTAGE FIGURE 15 - EFFECT OF VOLTAGE FIGURE 16 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE 1.8 I.B - -- TJ=25 DC S 1.7 « ~ 0 1.6 / > ~« > ,; 1.5 > V' 1.4 o 30 / 80 ~o V w to « ~ o > >- 1.4 r-- --..r- j / 90 1.6 ~ ./ ~ w to ~ V V 0 TJ = 25DC VB2BI = 10 V --- -r- « : > 12 15 18 21 24 27 '.2 1.0 -60 30 -40 W ~ -20 VB2BI, INTERBASE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) ~ M 100 1~ ~ TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) FIGURE 17 - OUTPUT VOLTAGE 0; ~ 20 RBI-lOon o ~ w to 0 ~ 7. 0 5. 0 > ~ 3. Or": ... i2 2. 0 o "" ~ ~ 1. 0 z c:;> w ~ '" .... - ..,,' ....0.002 0.001 ;;i o. 3 o .... ....-: o. 7 O. 5 - -' > O. 2 .... - .... ~ , . .... 1-"" 0.005 ,.~' -""'" 0.01 --- .-.- on .- .- I-"r-" ---.- 1--1- I-- .- ... - - loll " _. .- .- .- ~<: -- 0.02 -- (SEE FIGURE 3) -V, = 20 V RB2=10011 TA = 25DC 2N4851 - - 2N4852,2N4853 0.1 0.05 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 • C" CIRCUIT CAPACITANCE, EMITTER TO GROUND ("F) _ _M.!lOa·.........7.11.'_1111111• •11711111117_ _ _ _ __ .I~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-47 PN Unijunction Transistors 2N4870 2N4871 Silicon Unijunction Transistors · .. designed for pulse and timing circuits, sensing circuits, and thyristor trigger circuits. These devices feature: • • • • • Low Peak Point Current - 1 pA Typical Low Emitter Reverse Current - 5 nA Typical Passivated Surface for Reliability and Uniformity One-Piece Injection-Molded Unibloc* Plastic Package for Economy and Reliability High 11 for greater bandwidth PN UJTs ~B2 \J1Bl ,~~ B2 CASE 29-04 STYLE 9 • MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25' unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Value Unit RMS Power Dissipation, Note 1 PD 300 mW RMS Emitter Current Ie 50 mA Peak-Pulse Emitter Current, Note 2 ie 1.5 Amp Emitter Reverse Voltage VB2E 30 Volts Interbase Voltage, Note 3 VB2Bl 35 Volts TJ -55 to +125 'C Tstg -55to +150 'C Rating Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Notes: 1. Derate 3 mwrc increase in ambient temperature. 2. Duty cycle'" 1%, PRR = 10 PPS (see Figure 5). 3. Based upon power dissipation at TA = 25'C. taa:8"~~IR!_iR.IiiI~~ihlttaliiHtlGJlitt.I_~;t;d:"".« MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-48 2N4870 • 2N4871 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25"C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Intrinsic Standoff Ratio, Note 1 (VB2Bl = 10 V) Fig. No. Symbol 4, 7 1) 2N4870 2N4871 Interbase Resistance (VB2Bl = 3 V, IE = 0) Typ Min 0.56 0.70 Max Unit - - 0.75 0.85 6 9.1 kohms - 0.90 %rC 10,11 RBB 4 11 aRBB 0.10 Emitter Saturation Voltage, Note 2 (VB2Bl = 10 V, IE = 50 mAl VEB1(sat) - 2.5 - Volts Modulated Interbase Current (VB2Bl = 10 V, IE = 50 mAl IB2(mod) - 15 - mA Interbase Resistance Temperature Coefficient (VB2Bl = 3 V, IE = 0, TA = -65 to +125"C) Emitter Reverse Current (VB2E = 30 V, IBl = 0) 6 IEB20 - 0.005 1 p.A Peak-Point Emitter Current (VB2Bl = 25 V) 8,9 Ip - 1 5 p.A 12,13 IV 2 4 5 7 3 5 6 8 - Valley-Point Current, Note 2 NB2Bl = 20 V, RB2 = 100 ohms) 2N4870 2N4871 Base-One Peak Pulse Voltage 2N4870 2N4871 3, 16 VOBl mA Volts Notes: 1. 'I, Intrinsic standoff ratio, is defined in terms of the peak-point voltage, Vp, by means of the equation: Vp = 'I VB2B1 + VF. where VF is about 0.49 volt at 25"C @ IF = 10 pA and decreases with temperature at about 2.5 mVrC. The test circuit is shown in Figure 4. Components A1, C1, and the UJT form a relaxation oscillator; the remaining circuitry serves as a peak-voltage detector. The forward drop of Diode 01 compensates for VA. To use, the "cal" button is pushed, and R3 is adjusted to make the current meter, M1, read full scale. When the "cal" button is released, the value of 'I is read directly from the meter, if full scale on the meter reads 1. 2. Use pulse techniques: PW ~ 300 P-s, duty cycle ~ 2% to avoid internal heating. which may result in erroneous readings. FIGURE 1 - UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTOR SYMBOL AND NOMENCLATURE FIGURE 2 -STATIC EMITTER CHARACTERISTICS CURVES vE IB2 NEGATIVE CUTOFF ~ESISTANCf REGION Vp I-REGJON· II I I SATURATION REGION I E VEBHsat) Vv I I : EMITTER TO I BASE·1 :CHARACTERISTIC : I VALLEY \ ~ _____ -lI_':.<:.INT t-----I I I I I I I I -+~~------~----~IE Ip MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-49 2N4870 • 2N4871 FIGURE 4 - FIGURE 3 - VOB1 TEST CIRCUIT 1] TEST CIRCUIT +10V Vl +20 V CAL.~ Rl 10 kn R2 910 kn D,t -E]l--- C2 vOBl ~ C1 C, 1.0 j. u ~ a: 1.0 O. 5 O. 2 O. 1 ~ w a:: 0.0 5 ffi 0.0 2 t:3ii ~ I S~ - - 0.0 1 FIGURE 7 - INTRINSIC STANDOFF RATIO 0.9 VB2Bl SW OPEN FOR IEB20 SW CLOSED FOR IEB2S A ~ ~ '"~ . / 1/ /' l"- I-- 0; z '...." ;!: l"- I-- 0.7 <..) w ~O.OO 5== IEB2S w '" ~o.oo 2~ I~ f-"'" wO.OO 1 -60 -40 -20 0.8 ~ u. o o ./ 0.6 r-- r-- I-I-- l"- I-- '" W W ~ W 1~ 10V = o lW O. 5 -60 lW TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE lOCI -40 -20 20 40 60 2N4871 -2N487 0 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE lOCI MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-50 - 1 100 120 140 2N4870 • 2N4871 PEAK POINT CURRENT FIGURE 9 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE FIGURE 8 - EFFECT OF VOLTAGE 1.4 3.0 TJ ' 25 0 C < -=.....z 2.5 '":::> u 2.0 ~ ..... 1\\ ~ ~ ..... ..... 1.0 ~ 0.5 .. 1.0 ::5 t::: :\. "'j'....... ,;, t--- t--- t-- 0.8 ..... "'- '" ~ 0.4 ~ 0.2 o 6.0 9.0 t-- ~ 0.6 ~ 3.0 - r-- t-- i3 1.5 ~ VS2S 1'25V ...... 1.2 i'5 ~ ..... z <:::t. 12 15 18 21 24 27 -60 30 -40 20 -20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) VS2Blo INTER BASE VOLTAGE IVO LTS) INTERBASE RESISTANCE FIGURE 11 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE FIGURE 10 - EFFECT OF VOLTAGE 1.4 NORMALIZED @3.0V TJ' 25 0 C IE' 0 ~ N :::; .. ~ CJ 10 1.3 z W z ffi 1.2 1. 1 ..... '":li '" 1. 0 o .....3.0 "..,... 6.U .. w u J u ~ iii '"w ~ VB2Bl ' 3.0 V IE'O g ....-V V V 9.0 12 ./ 15 / z V 21 24 V !;; iii '"w '" ~ / 6.0 ..... '~" 18 8.0 ./ ~ 2.0 -60 30 27 4.0 -40 ./ /" ~1 2N4870 ./ /' 20 -20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) VB2B I, INTERBASE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS VALLEY CURRENT FIGURE 13 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE FIGURE 12 - EFFECT OF VOL TAGE 16 < .§ ..... z 14 16 TJ' 250 C RB2' 10011 < .§ 2 ..... 10 ~ 8.0 a: I u V ~ 6.0 ./' 4. 0 ...V ~ 2.0 II: ~ I-- ~ ~ 12 i'5 w '" II: :::> ~ VB2Bl' 20 V 14 ,--RBZ= lOOn ~ 1487~ V ~ ~ I-- Z~4870 6.0 9.0 12 15 18 21 -- - 24 27 r- I-- u ...;<5 8.0 6.0 t-t-- .... .. 4.0 > ~ 2.0 0 -60 0 3.0 0 :::> !Z 30 VBZB1- INTERBASE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) r-.r-.- r-- ~Nt 2N4S'7ii" -40 -20 W ~ r- r--......... ... r- t-- ~ ~ TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC). MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-51 100 -10lW WO • 2N4870 • 2N4871 VALLEY VOLTAGE FIGURE 14 - EFFECT OF VOLTAGE FIGURE 15 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE 1. 8 1.8 TJ = 25 0 C 7 V 6 lL ~ f-""'""" ~ o / 1/ j 1.4 30 60 1.6 VB2BI = 10V_ r-. r- ~ '".. :; w o > V 5 o ~ 1.4 --- r-- l"- t---I'" >- .. j V ';; 1.2 > 90 12 IS 18 21 24 27 1.0 -60 30 -40 -20 W VB281.INTERBASE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) W ~ M 100 IW ~ TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) FIGURE 16 -OUTPUT VOLTAGE ~o 0 RBI = lOon ~ 10 w ~ 7. 0 ~ 5. 0 ,...... > ~ 3. oi"": ~ 2. 0 ""::ll ~ 1. 0 ~ D. 7 W ~ O. 5 I---' ", ......-: ~- .... I--"'t""'" - - .....- -_...r~ r-- '-"'" ~-- ~ ~- i-' I~ ~- - Ion .- .- ~n<:. ~r- 0.002 -- .- _ 1-"- .-~- ISEE fiGURE 31 VI = 20~l= RB2=1001) TA = 250 C 2N4870 --2N4871 f L.oo' ci; o.3t""'" .... " ..... :i' O. 2 , . 0.001 ~- i.--'~ 20n ~ 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 CI. CIRCUIT CAPACITANCE. EMITIER TO GROUNO (.F) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-52 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 2N4948 2N4949 PN Unijunction Transistors Silicon PN Unijunction Transistors · .. designed for military and industrial use in pulse, timing, triggering, sensing, and oscillator circuits. The annular process provides low leakage current, fast switching and low peak-point currents as well as outstanding reliability and uniformity. Recommended usage includes: • Silicon Controlled Rectifier Triggering Circuits • Long-time Delay Circuits - 2N4949 2N4948 I ~un. I I ~:: I CASE 22A-01 STYLE 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Value Unit RMS Power Dissipation. Note 1 PD 360 mW RMS Emitter Current Ie 50 mA Peak Pulse Emitter Current, Note 2 ie 1 Amp Rating Emitter Reverse Voltage VB2E 30 Volts Storage Temperature Range Tstg -65 to +200 °C Notes: 1. Derate 2.4 mwrc increase in ambient temperature. Total power dissipation (available power to Emitter and Base-Two) must be limited by the external circuitry. Interbase voltage (VB2B1) limited by power dissipation. VB2B1 = VRBB • PO' 2. Capacitance discharge current must fall to 0.37 Amp within 3 ms and PRR " 10 PPS. ii.,:.,T'i{:'.Ll." i;' t~:'; "ft0;{!. 'v{;:;"'.f"0':.':ili1L.;~.d'~~;'~<";k."!< i4"n'fikL' ,""'0.,j!, """"'. ,'.,," " ... '*"1. ;t'l-,.;\!, ..... , w ~ ~ zo ~ '" 3.0 "" ~ 2.0 ::;j '" .!:" 1.0 1.0 I I o. 3 3.0 5.0 7.0 10 20 30 50 70 100 NUMBER OF CYCLES I o. 2 II fil « ~ FIGURE 5 - POWER DISSIPATION z t; 2.0 IL z « • '" iil I I w T'"'- ::> '" I O. 5 u l"""- 5.0 u 25"C L D. 7 7.0 ::; - «2 D.' "'~ ::>~ 0.03 "'« x~ JAKRl=l00'= 7.0 1V .......... 0.7 0.6 RGK=1.0k_ ~ ;;: .... w .... .. to ci i:::i a:: ........ a:: ~ ffi "" 0.4 > ~ i'.. ...... 0: .... w ....« I"-. .......... -25 ::; ~ .......... -50 ~ .... 0.5 -75 .. o r--..... 0.3 o ~ ffi to to FIGURE'S - GATE TRIGGER CURRENT o 50 25 75 100 125 to 200 \ 100 VAK=7.0V~ Rl = 100.:::::::: 0 O~ 2N5062·64 "\ 10 5.0 1--2N5060·61 2. 0 ~ O. 5 .,..: E' O.2 -75 -50 -25 TJ,JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) ~ N 3-0 ::; ~ a:: 2. 0 o ~ .... z J " "" ......... ~ 1.0 O.8 % 0.6 9o ~ V -V I +V I ~ A--~~----JV~------, - -- LOAD 2N5060,61 ........ r-.... ""'- O.4 -50 -25 0 25 50 125 BLOCKING STATE -+ RRM A- 2N5062.';-- -75 tON STATE IH A+ ____ I to Z 1 -V "' ~ 100 75 50 FIGURE 10 - CHARACTERISTICS AND SYMBOLS TYPICAL V - I CHARACTERISTICS AK = 7.0 V Rl=l00 RGK= l.Ok- .............. w a:: a:: 25 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) FIGURE 9 - HOLDING CURRENT 4.0 ~ 1.0 75 100 125 TJ,JUNCTION.TEMPERATURE (OC) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3·58 K 2N5164 thru 2N5171 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. designed for industrial and consumer applications such as power supplies. battery chargers. temperature. motor. light and welder controls. • • • • SCRs 20 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 600 VOLTS Supplied in Either Pressfit or Stud Package High Surge Current Rating - ITSM = 240 Amps Low On-State Voltage - 1.2 V (Typ) @ ITM = 20 Amps Practical Level Triggering and Holding Characteristics - 40 mA (Max) and 50 mA (Max) @ TC = 25°C AO .~ G oK MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol 'Peak Forward and 'Repetitive Reverse Blocking Voltage. Notes 1 and 2 2N5164.2N5168 2N5165.2N5169 2N5166.2N5170 2N5167.2N5171 VORM or VRRM 'Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage 2N5164.2N5168 2N5165.2N5169 2N5166.2N5170 2N5167.2N5171 VRSM On-State Current RMS Average On-State Current (TC = 67°C) Valua Unit Volts 50 200 400 600 CASE 263-04 STYLE 1 Volts 75 300 500 700 IT(RMS) 20 Amps IT(AV) 13 Amps 2N5168 thru 2N5171 ~".. STYLE 1 2N5164 thru 2N5167 12t 235 A 2s 'Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One cycle. 60 Hz. TJ = -40 to + 100·C) Preceded and followed by rated current and voltage ITSM 240 Amps 'Peak Gate Power (Maximum Pulse Width PGM 5 Watts Circuit Fusing (TJ = -40 to +100·C. t .. 8.3 msl = 10 jIS) 'Average Gate Power PG(AV) 0.5 Watt 'Peak Forward Gate Current (Maximum Pulse Width = 1Ol-'sl IGM 2 Amps Peak Gate Voltage VGM 10 Volts TJ -40 to +100 °c Tstg -40 to +150 °c 30 in. lb. 'Operating Junction Temperature Range 'Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque 2N5168-2N5171 'Indicates JEDEC registered data. Notes: 1. VDRM for all types can be applied on a continuous dc basis without incurring damage. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. Devices should not be tasted for blocking capability in a manner such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 2. Devices should not be operated with a positive bias applied to the gate concurrent with a negative potential applied to the anode. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-59 • 2N5164 thru 2N5171 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Symbol "Thermal Resistance. Junction to Case 2N5164. 65. 66. 67 2N5168. 69. 70. 71 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC Typ Max 1 1.1 = Unit .C/W R/lJC 1.5 1.6 25·C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic *Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM. gate open) TJ = 2S·C TJ = 100·C IORM.IRRM Min Max Unit - 10 5 pA mA - 40 75 - 1.5 2.5 - Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc). Note 1 (VO = 7 Vdc. RL = 100 0) *(VO = 7 Vdc. RL = 100 O. TC = -40·C) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 7 Vdc. gate open) *(VO = 7 Vdc. RL = 100 O. TC = -40·C) *(VO = Rated VORM. RL = 100 O. TJ = 100·C) VGT Peak On-State Voltage (Pulse Width = 1 ms max. duty cycle"" 1%) (lTM = 20 A) *(lTM = 41 A) VTM mA - Volts - Holding Current (VO = 7 Vdc. gate open) *(VO = 7 Vdc. gate open. TC = -40·C) IH 0.2 - 8 1.5 1.7 - 50 90 Volts mA Typical • Gate Controlled Turn-On Time (td + t r ) (lTM = 20 A. IGT = 40 mAdc. Vo = Rated VORM) tgt Circuit Commutated Turn-Off Time (lTM = 10 A. IR = 10 A) (lTM = 10 A. IR = 10 A. TJ = l00·C) (Vo = VORM = rated voltage) (dv/dt = 30 V/p.s) tq 1 p's p.s 20 30 Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = Rated VORM. Exponential Wave Form. Gate open. TJ = 100·C) dv/dt 'Indicates JEDEC registered data. Note 1. Devices should not be operated with a positive bias applied to the gate concurrent with a negative potential applied to the anode. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-60 50 V/p.s 2N5164 thru 2N5171 EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE UPON TYPICAL TRIGGER CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 2 - GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE FIGURE 1 - GATE TRIGGER CURRENT 20 ~ oJF-STJE VOJAGE = '-..... 10 15 '" ~ W to S! 1 in ~ 0.9 OFF-STATE VOLTAGE = 7 V - 2:- ............. ~ 0.8 ........ « 1.0 .............. ':; ...... ........... u '" V- o S' 2.0 -60 -411 -20 0 20 411 60 80 TJ,JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) 100 120 0.3 -60 140 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) 120 140 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NON-REPETITIVE SURGE CURRENT FIGURE 4 - SUB-CYCLE SURGES FIGURE 3 - 60 Hz SURGES 500 240 220 "-r-... .. 200 I ~ '":! ~ 180 '" '" ~ ""~ ~ w ~ r---... 140 ~ ~ 100 1---11 JJ=JclolJc I~ 300 W to '" ~ i'.... ........ V\ t- f- >< « ~ 120 '" o~ :'!" '"'" ......... 160 a7 40 :'5 to '"~ II plIOR)O SJRG1E SCR OPERATED AT RATED LOAO CONOITIONS TJ =-400 C10 +1000 C f =60 MHz = w t- « ~ 200 r--... '" "'", 121 235 A2, z o V "- '" ~ • ........ CYCLE-l 80 o 1.0 10 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 20 40 60 80 100 1.0 1.5 2.0 NUMBER OF CYCLES 3.0 5.0 7.0 10 PULSE WIDTH 1m,) ~. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-61 2N5164 thru 2N5171 FIGURE 5 - GATE TRIGGER CHARACTERISTICS 2.0 FIGURE 6 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON TYPICAL HOLDING CURRENT r r - - r - - . . . . : ' - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE FORWARO GATE CURRENT 20 IGM = 2.0 AMP OJF.STJE VOLtGE =11 V - 0.1 ~ .§. 10 0.5 .... a: :! 0.3 ....'" ffi '" '" :::> <.> w .... ............ ........., RECOMMENDED TRIGGER CURRENT 0.2 ....., ffi ..... ~ 7.0 ~ ..... ....... ~ 5.0 § 0.1 1 ;lj 0.01 1 !E 0.0 L __ , _____ _ ALL UNITS WILL TRIGGER AT ANY VOLTAGE ANO CURRENT WITHIN THIS AREA (TC = 250 C. VAK = 1.0 V) 0.03 e :J:: : ' 3.0 2.0 -60 40 mA GATE CURRENT REOUIRED TO TRIGGER ALL UNITS@TJ = 250 C 0.02 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE FORWARD GATE VOLTAGEVGM= 10 VOLTS ~ -40 -20 20 40 60 BO TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) 100 120 140 ~ O.OOOlott·tl-I--r--~I--r1-"TI";:='-rj-"TI---r-Tj-r---I ~ In u ~ ~ ~ w ~ u ~ W VG. GATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) • DERATING AND DISSIPATION FOR RESISTIVE AND INDUCTIVE LOADS (f = 60 to 400 Hz, SINE WAVE) FIGURE 7 - AVERAGE CURRENT DERATING FIGURE 8 - ON-STATE POWER DISSIPATION ~ 24~-t--t--+--+--+--;--;---r~4r~ e :; in 20~-t--+--+--+--+--;-r-t::;.,-c--r-+---: "'< ........ ;1:< g; ~ 16~-t--+--+--+ ...... we ~ ~ 121--t--±-::-+1''"7I''h~''t-- "'Wu;... >'" "': C g 2.0 4.0 6.0 B.O 10 12 14 16 IB 20 B.OI--t--.....,fi~I"--t---t-- I--M"-IF---t---t---t-- Q = CONOUCTION II:NGLE 2.0 IT(AV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) 4.0 6.0 B.O 10 12 14 16 ITIAV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT (AMP) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-62 IB 20 2N5164 thru 2N5171 FIGURE 9 - ON-5TATE CHARACTERISTICS _ 250 ~ 200 ---....- ~ ~100 ~ 70 !5 <..> 50 W 30 ~ ~ TYPICAL 20 '" // // ~ ;/ .'"", y/ z ~ 10 - MAXIMUM ~ 1.0 W z 5.0 ~ z ~ 2.0 ~ .t:' -TJ l000 C --TJ-25 0 C ! 3.0 1.0 0.25 I I I I I 1.0 0.5 2.0 1.5 3.0 2.5 3.5 3.75 VT,INSTANTANEOUS ON·STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) FIGURE 11 - MOUNTING DETAILS FOR PRESSFIT THYRISTORS FIGURE 10 - TYPICAL THERMAL RESISTANCE OF PLATES 400 '"w 13 ..... "- 200 w '" ~ g 100 « w 60 _ z'" 40 en ~ ~ :J: 20 - 10 1.0 L 505 Oia.-F==!/ H..t Sink - ~ C@:;.: ::@% }, " T 2.0 3.0 ~ Intimat~ ........ H..tSinkPlate Complete • 'ThiDChaSsiS Contact Area ...... " 7.0 Additional ~ I~~ ...... 5.0 r-- Heat Sink Mounting Rivet ..... thick bright aluminum. Heat sinks held vertically in still air. (Heat sink area is twice area of one side.l) I 1.5 --i .24 Units mounted in center of square sheets of l/B·inch Or- .01 Nom. lIl!l!l!I' .01 Nom r17' .501 " ~ Chamfer ~ Knurl Contact Area Thin-Chassis Mounting 10 R8SA, THERMAL RESISTANCE (OCIW) " MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-63 - - - - ... _ ... 7 _------ .. 2N5431 PN Unijunction Transistors Silicon Annular Unijunction Transistors · .. characterized primarily for low interbase-voltage operation in sensing, pulse triggering, and timing circuits. • • • • Low RBB Spread - 6 to 8.5 kO Low Peak-Point Current - Ip = 4 pA. (Max) @ VB2B1 = 4 V Low Emitter Saturation Voltage - VEB1(sat) = 3 V (Max) Narrow Intrinsic Standoff Ratio - TJ = 0.72 to 0.80 PN UJTs CASE 22A-01 STYLE 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25'C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Value Unit RMS Power Dissipation, Note 1 PD 360 mW RMS Emitter Current Ie 50 mA Peak-Pulse Emitter Current, Note 2 ie 1.5 Amp Emitter Reverse Voltage VB2E 30 Volts Interbase Voltage, Note 3 VB2B1 35 Volts TJ -65 to + 125 'C Tstg -65 to +200 'C Rating I Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Notes: 1. Derate 3 mWI'C increase in ambient temperature. 2. Duty Cycle"" 1%, PRR = 10 PPS Isee Figure 5). 3. Based upon power dissipation at TA = 25'C. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-64 2N5431 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Intrinsic Standoff Ratio, Note 1 (V82Bl = 10 V) Fig. No. Symbol Min Max Unit 4 71 0.72 0.80 - RBB 6 8.5 kG aRBB 0.4 0.8 %rC 3 Volts Interbase Resistance (VB2Bl = 3 V, IE = 0) Interbase Resistance Temperature Coefficient (VB2Bl = 3 V, IE = 0, TA = 0 to 100°C) - Emitter Saturation Voltage, Note 2 (VB2Bl = 10 V, IE = 50 mAl VEB1(sat) Modulated Interbase Current NB2Bl = 10 V, IE = 50 mAl IB2(mod) 5 30 mA Emitter Reverse Current (VB2E = 30 V, IBl = 0) IEB20 - 10 nA Peak-Point Emitter Current (VB2Bl = 25 V) (VB2Bl = 4 V) Ip - 0.4 4 Valley-Point Current (2) (VB2Bl = 20 V, RB2 = 100 ohms) IV 2 - mA VOBl 1 - Volts Base-One Peak Pulse Voltage (VBB = 4 Volts) 3 pA Notes: 1.7], Intrinsic standoff ratio, is defined in terms of the peak-point voltage, Vp, by means of the equation: Vp = 7]VB2Bl + VF, where VF is about 0.45 volt at 25°C @ IF = 10 pA and decreases with temperature at about 2.5 mvrc. The test circuit is shown in Figure 4. Components Rl, C" and the UJT form a relaxation oscillator; the remaining circuitry serves as a peak-voltage detector. The forward drop of Diode 0, compensates for VF. To use, the "cal" button is pushed, and R3 is adjusted to make the current meter. read full scale. When the "cal" button is released, the value of 7] is read directly from the meter, if full scale on the meter reads ,. M,. 2. Use pulse techniques: PW = 300 p..s, Duty Cycle ::s:;; 2% to avoid internal heating, which may result in erroneous readings . FIGURE 2 - STATIC EMITTER CHARACTERISTICS CURVES FIGURE 1 - UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTOR SYMBOL AND NOMENCLATURE VE CUTOFF • NEGATIVE ~ESISTANCF -REG,ON· ,- REGION Vp SATURATION REGION I I I I : EMITTER TO I BASE·' :CHARACTERISTIC E I VALLEY \ VEB' (sat) Vv -+ _____ ~-':.c:.INT t-----I I I I I I 'B2 = 0 : -+~~------~----~IE Ip W'u.,""""'" ",",'"",/:, ",. ""/{':<')''I,,''wi',,,: ,,:.'y ':J0j"j),.$;;ft:,';M,'fi!J:'LXj'lk2'~£,fH, U$!;0 '!i''f:[,,:y.V.AY~'')fIf'£!J'' '\i' j.)' ,,'t ~.£: f1..x-"t ... ¥.l &.lm- :/..:::.:~ .'."'., ;;ff. K~":",;$'{;,~~,~.#'~',.7~':f,(·. A-'.<-'"%:r'{$' 'r.~..@ ,${..... ·,vN:.wJ..... S,,""it.,~'-4 :f«.': MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-65 2N5431 FIGURE 4 - '11 TEST CIRCUIT FIGURE 3 - VOB1 TEST CIRCUIT +10 V Vl +4.0 V CAL.-1 loon --Bl 910 kn VOBl Cl ~ C1 O.l/-1F 0.2/-1F t 0,_ diode with the following characteristics: VF = 0.49 V @ IF = 10 /-IA I R ';;2.0ILA @VR=20V • FIGURE 5 - PRR TEST CIRCUIT AND WAVEFORM DUTY CYCLE .. 1.0%, PRR" 10 PPS 0.15 ~::t==:J::=====*--F CURRENT WAVEFORM THRU R, 20·30 V (AdJ ust for 1.5 A peak in R,) - IIII III rt III ' • •:.811111 IIIIII MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-66 I' -= 2N5441 thru 2N5446 Triacs Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for industrial and military applications for the control of ac loads in applications such as light dimmers, power supplies, heating controls, motor controls, welding equipment and power switching systems; or wherever full-wave, silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. • Glass Passivated Junctions and Center Gate Fire • Isolated Stud for Ease of Assembly • Gate Triggering Guaranteed In All 4 Quadrants TRIACs 40 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 600 VOLTS ~ AO G OK MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol *Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage (TJ = -65 to + 110·C) 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open Value *Peak Principal Voltage 2N5441,2N5444 2N5442, 2N5445 2N5443, 2N5446 Unit Volts VDRM 200 400 600 *RMS On-State Current (TC per Figure 2) (TC = + 100·C) Full Sine Wave, 50 to 60 Hz 40 20 *Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle of surge current at 60 Hz, preceded and followed by a 40 A RMS current, TJ = +110·C) ITSM 300 Amps *Peak Gate Power (Pulse Width = 10 i. a.. X ~ 80 «w TYPICAL :;;'" .=> ~ ...... ~ 70 60 L.:::::::::= :::;;..-- o 90 :;;:;; ./"""'-/ ;( 10 ;;:- 0 ~~110~~+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--~-~ // MAXIMUM 360° CURRENT WAVEFORM =SINUSOIDAL LOAO = RESISTIVE OR INDUCTIVE --!----!---+--+---I CONDUCTION ANGLE =360° 120 V/ CONDUCTION ANGLE = 01 + 0111 w 130r---r--.---.---,---.---.---r--,---,---, / OI~rrOI'" ;:: :: FIGURE 2 - RMS CURRENT DERATING 10 20 30 ITIRMS). FULL CYCLE RMS ON-STATE CUR RENT lAMP) 40 ITIRMS), RMS ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE FIGURE 4 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER CURRENT 70 1.7 '" '::; 0 -- -- 1.5 ? w to « 1.3 > a: w to ~ 1. 1~ t-. I"'-.9 -~ r- I- « to >= .5 .3 -60 -40 V - 20 40 '" ~ r-- ........... ~~ ....... ......... ~ r---.... 60 80 100 ~ t::-.... W F1/'1 "" r---.. w I- ~ 120 QUAORANTS - 10 4- 70 -60 140 p-....... ~~ ............ 20 I- f:::::::::: ~ I OF~-STAT~ VOLiAGE = \2 V- ....... ........ a: r-- .........,;;;:... 3 4/ -20 30 ......... w /'" r-.. ./' r-- 2V / r- OUAD RANTS a: 5a: a: """- , 1 l7"> -..L I>': ~ .7 .s 50 ;:3 r- a: I- w =12 V- t-.. '::; 0 OFF-STATE VOLTAGE ~ -40 20 -20 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1°C) 40 ......... ~ ....... ........... ~ ~ 60 - 80 ...... 100 120 140 T.1. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1°C) FIGUR E 5 - TYPICAL THERMAL RESPONSE -' 1.0 0.7 ~_ 0.5 PR ESSF IT PACKAG E ~~ 0.3 r- ..... I-N ~~ 0.2 i--"'" w:;; ina: zo « z a: - -Sru-D PACKAGE AND ISOLATED STUD PACKAGE ". 0.1 V ..-- i--"'" ::;~ 0.07 >z ~ ~ 0.05 ~ ~ 0.03 ZOJCIt) = rlt). ROJC 0.02 I I I I Iii ::;a: II I 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20 50 100 t, TIME 1m,) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-69 200 500 1k 2k 5k • 2N5441 thru 2N5446 FIGURE 6 - ON-STATE CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 7 - TYPICAL HOLDING CURRENT • 0 30 0 0 II 1... 0 ffi ~ ...w ....... '"z II MAIN TERMINAL #1 POSITIVE / ....... ......... .; 91.0 r..... r--.. ....... r--.. o :I: ~ 5.0 r--- jlN TjRMINAIL 7. 0 :z P,SITIVE ....... 1 1 5. 0 lL 0: 0: ::J .... """'" r..::: t"- r-... ~ I0 I 0 ~ I" :--.... 0: 0: 0 ~ 20 GATE OPEN ~ ~ I' I' 3. 0 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TJ.JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) 3. 0 ~ ;: 2. 0 o FIGURE 8 - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SURGE CURRENT '" :::> :i: z t ~ ~ 500 1.0 ~».~~<. ~.~~:*~~~-¥...d<~~:,i ~>rn> ""jV~~~ ~'~I¥~~_ ~~".;':" ·».ti.~.i.li(Krly~.¥'~~""', < <, J Jf: , < . .' MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-72 2N5567 thru 2N5570. T4101M • T4111M. T4121 Series FIGURE 3 - POWER DISSIPATION FIGURE 4 - POWER DISSIPATION (Pressfit and Stud) (Isolatad Stud) 14 I I I FULL WAVE SINUSOIOAL WAVEFORM /" T4121 series only / /" MAXIMUM . / V L ./' -'" "" TYPICAL ./' / ' ./ ./ .......-::: ~ ........::: V ~V ./ 10 IT(RMS). RMS ON-STATE CURRENT (AMP) IT(RMS). RMS ON-STATE CURRENT (AMP) FIGURE 5 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE 1.8 en O+-STA~E VOdAGE = \2 V- 1.6 ~ o ~ 1.~ ~ 1.2 o > ~ 1.0 '"'" ~ ;? .§ 30 >- I'-.... --......... --.......... Foo.. -..::: ~ >- I- QUAORANTS « '" 0_6 I~~ '"'"' I -60 -40 -20 20 t---- ........ -......... 2. >w >« -...... ........ ...... ~ '" 10 p~ 7.0 QUADRANT I I 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 5.0 -60 -40 I '-r :::::-- i"--.. >-.. <'~ b::>( I'~ ,....,..... 2 ..... 3- .......... ...... ............. ~ ........ L ........ ~ ........ 4"""""" -20 .......... 20 40 60 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) ?j1G~7r;~~i;< ""'''-<''''~-''. i -...... ............... ............... ~ ~~ .......... ..........., ........... I'-... w ............... .........-...... ......, '" S! :::-=::::: OFIF-STA~E VOL+AGE = 112 V- ............ ~ 3/ > 0.4 a ........ 1~ 0.8 ~ / .......... ./ r--.;: =:::::::::,.. w ~ JUADR~NT 4 --........... w '" « FIGURE 6 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER CURRENT 50 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-73 100 120 140 • 2N5567 thru 2N5570. T4101M • T4111M • T4121 Series FIGURE 7 - ON-STATE CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 8 - TYPICAL HOLDING CURRENT 20 100 70 50 TJ = 250 C / 30 20 JL ii: ~ ~ 10 '" '" 7. 0 ~ LV ,.......... V >~ooc !.... 10 ~ 1.0 :::::::" t---.. f'--- "'- z 1/ ~ '-' / ~ 5.0 § ........ [""'-... I 2.0 -60 -40 -20 l'-... f"--.. P~sITIVf ":E' 3.0 ~ 5.0 MAIN TERMINAL #1 POSITIVE MAIN TERMINAL #2 o w .... GATE OPEN ....... ......... :::> 'I ~ ~ ............ ./ r-... l:"'--, ........... I r--.... T' T' 20 40 60 80 TJ,JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 10C) 100 120 140 z o ~ 3. 0 ~ z ~ 2. 0 FIGURE 9 - MAXIMUM NON·REPETITIVE SURGE CURRENT ~z .~ 200 1. 0 .7 ::--,. TJ f ..::, ...... .5 Surge IS preceded and followed by rated current . 1--.3 • fV\?1 .2 .1 1.0 2.0 2O 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 =-65'0 +1000C =60 Hz 5.0 --............ .......... i't-. 7.0 20 10 30 50 t70 100 NUM8ER OF CYCLES VTM, INSTANTANEOUS ON·STATE VOLTAGE IVOLTS) FIGURE 10 - TYPICAL THERMAL RESPONSE 1. 0 O. 7 O. 5 -'0 ~~ PRESSFIT PACKAGE o. 3 ffi;t o. 2 '" f5~ ~~ ~~ .!!! ~ k:::-JT;;'o PACKAGE I- ,,~ .... 0 .... I--'" ...... I--" ......... l - o. I 0.07 0.05 :g~ 0.03 ZOJCIt) = rlt). ROJC ~ i~lill 0.0 2 I I 0.0 1 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k t,TIME 1m,) .IIHII "710 1& I Pii. . .lllll'III• •12U.IIII. . . . .2Il1Z· III'!'_II MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-74 ~ Triaes Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for industrial and military applications for the control of ac loads in applications such as light dimmers, power supplies, heating controls, motor controls, welding equipment and power switching systems; or wherever full-wave, silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Stability • Pressfit, Stud and Isolated Stud Packages • Gate Triggering Guaranteed In All 4 Quadrants 2N5571 thru 2N5574 2N6145 thru 2N6147 T4100M T4110M MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol *Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage (TJ = -65 to +100·CI 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open 2N5571, 2N5573, 2N6145 2N5572, 2N5574, 2N6146 T4100M, T4110M, 2N6147 *Peak Gate Voltage 20 Volts 15 10 = Peak Gate Power *(TC = 80·C, Pulse Width 2N5571 thru 2N5574 T4100M, T4110M *(TC = 80·C, Pulse Width 2N6145 thru 2N6147 *Average Gate Power (TC = 80·C, Pulse Width ITSM 100 Amps 12t 40 A 2s 1 to 8.3 ms) = Watts PGM , 1 /Ls) 16 16 = 2/LS) 20 = 8.3 ms) *Peak Gate Current *Operating Junction Temperature Range *Storage Temperature Range PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps TJ -65to +100 ·C Tstg -65 to + 150 ·C 30 in. lb. - Stud Torque *2N5573, 2N5574, T4110M *2N6145, 2N6146, 2N6147 P ? " THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic *Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case *Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. I TRIACs 15 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 600 VOLTS Amps IT(RMSI *Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full cycle of surge current at 60 Hz, preceded and followed by rated current, TC = 85·C) Circuit Fusing (TC = -65 to +80·C, t Unit Volts 200 400 600 VGM *RMS On-State Current (TC = -65 to +80·C) (TC = +85·C) Value VDRM I CASE 174-04 (TO-203) STYLE 3 2N5571 2N5572 T4100M CASE 175-03 STYLE 3 2N5573 2N5574 T4110M CASE 311-02 STYLE 2 2N6145 2N6146 2N6147 ._1IIIIIIII.,,13 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-75 113P", 2N5571 thru 2N5574 • 2N6145 thru 2N6147 • T4100M • T4110M ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25"C, and Either Polarity of MT2 to MT1 Voltage unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic *Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORMor VRRM) TC = 25°C TC = 100°C IORM,IRRM *Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = 21 A Peak. Pulse Width = 1 to 2 ms, Outy Cycle .. 2%) VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc), Note 1 (VO = 12 Vdc, RL ='30 Ohms) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-) MT2(+), G(-); MT2(-), G(+) *MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-), TC = -65°C *MT2(+), G(-); MT2(-), G(+), TC = -65°C IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (All Quadrants) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 30 Ohms) TC = 25°C *TC = -65°C *(VO = Rated VORM, RL = 10 k ohms, TC = + 100°C) VGT Holding Current (VO - 12 Vdc, Gate Open) (Initiating Current = 500 mAl Typ Max Unit - - 10 2 pA mA 1.3 1.B Volts mA - - 50 80 150 200 - - 2.5 4 0.2 Volts - mA IH TC = 25°C *TC = -65°C Gate Controlled Turn-On Time (Rated VORM, ITM = 21 A Peak, IGT = 160 mA, Rise Time = 0.1 /LS, Pulse Width = 2 /Ls) • Min tgt - 75 300 1 2 dv/dt(c) *Critical Rate-of-Rise of Commutation Voltage (Rated VORM, ITM = 21 A Peak, Commutating di/dt = B Alms, gate unenergized TC = BO°C 2N5571 thru 2N5574, T4100M, T4110M TC = 75°C 2N6145 thru 2N6147 Critical Rate-of-Rise of Off-State Voltage (Rated VORM, Exponential Voltage Rise, Gate Open, TC *2N5571, 2N5573, 2N6145 *2N5572, 2N5574, 2N6146 T4100M, T4110M, 2N6147 - V//Ls 2 2 10 10 - dv/dt = /LS V/p.s 100°C) 30 20 10 150 100 75 - "Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. Note 1. All Voltage polarities referenced to main terminal 1. :mII~_m.HI.IIC:II.'fl:UbEi:tISatlJJN;lJ'IIIIiII'i1gJ)I"~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-76 2N5571 thru 2N5574. 2N6145 thru 2N6147 • T4100M • T4110M FIGURE 1 - RMS CURRENT DERATING 100 ~ w ~ 95 ....« tr ...11iw .... w « '" u ,.=> "' ~~ ","," ~ ,-........; ~ 0 85 """ ~ 80 ....U • = 75 ./ • -1. -s\f f'-. f'... "- - CONOUCTION ANGLE o 4.0 2.0 6.0 8.0 10 12 '" 18 ~w 15t- I~==+===~==~= « ~ ,. 9.0 1----t----t-----+n"7b~>tc::=---7,.£:...___I--___l r......... t......... ,.~ 60 t-----f----t-:;65-'S...-:..--+"'--_t_---t---__jI----i :;; 3.0 t----t...~S--4----t---_t_--_t_--__jI----i ~ t......... 14 °0~~~~~~--~6.~0--~8~.0~~10~~1~2--~1~4--~16 16 InRMS), RMS ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) ITIRMS), RMS ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE 1.8 '" 1.6 ~ o 2: 1.4 O+-STA~E VOL1AGE = f""'-.... « '" ~ 1.2 o > - '"'" ~ ........... t-... 0.8 '" 0.4 -60 I I -40 ;;;: .§. 30 .... z w 20 20 ~ .... ........ ~ 10 ........ « '"~. 7.0 t-::::::3 60 80 100 120 140 TJ,JUNCTION TEMPERATURE I"C) aUAORANT 5.0 -60 t---.. r--,' r--, r-..... w OFIF-STAiE -...... ........ .1 ........ I'--- ~ i'.., [>.,., k:~ v ...... ......... ........L : ......... I'~ ~ I -40 -20 D 8:V .......... ........ 4~ I VOL~AGE = 112 V- ......... ~ r-----.., a: ......- ,........::::: E=::::::,. 40 t--- '" !e ........ 12"'~ .......... a: 3/ -20 a a: / -........ ./ I~ ;::::-:::::: I- aUAORANTS '" 0.6 ,..: ::> ........... r--:::::-= f=:::::::,.. w ....« V- JUAOR~NT 4 :""==::::: ~ 1.0 \2 FIGURE 4 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER CURRENT 50 I ........... w de 12l----+----f---- > t'-.... ---vIF '-.W ~ '" ~ ....... I I ~ /1800 " "' f1-1.1--i. 24rr=============,---,---,----,---,~~ !;;( 21 ./ 300 ,..... /90 0 ~ t<-.? f-..... ~ ,.« .. !;;::,.... 90 x FIGURE 2 - ONoSTATE POWER DISSIPATION ~ 20 40 60 80 ""'" TJ,JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 10C) 100 120 140 • :JtJ.::1*'~~lJJi!JiiJfl:,;> ~i.:t;;.·1:.(i9V~'/\it">I!i;,.~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-77 2N5571 thru 2N5574 • 2N6145 thru 2N6147 • T4100M • T4110M FIGURE 5 - MAXIMUM ON.sTATE CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 6 - TYPICAL HOLDING CURRENT 100 20 70 L TJ= 250 C 50 /. Goooc ! /. V V- 30 0 !;; 7.0 g; 5.0 ::IE ~ w a: ""'- "-.. ~ ~ 1.0 ::::I <..> '" I/ r--.., J MAIN TERMINAL #1 POSITIVE '" :-...., ...... ~ ........ / ~ 5.0 § I(f Ii: GATE OPEN r-..... I- II' 20 10 .......... f"'-.,.. b.., I"'-. MAIN TERMINAL #2 o % prSITIVjE :- 3.0 I 2.0 -60 fI -40 .......... I -20 20 40 60 80 '" ["'-.., 100 l' l' 120 140 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI <..> I 0 'J 0 FIGURE 7 - MAXIMUM NON-REPETITIVE SURGE CURRENT I 200 j "- ::IE 0 ~ I- ,.; .1::" z O.7 ~ 100 o.5 <..> 70 w ~ TJ = -65 to +1000C 1= 60 Hz Surge is preceded and lollowed by rated ....... ...... current. iil o.3 • ....... a: ::::I "" 50 ~ "- ,.; .2 '" .!:" 30 o.1 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 I~¥I 20 1.0 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 2.0 3.0 VTM. MAXIMUM INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 5.0 7.0 ~ 10 20 ....... r---r-, 30 50 70 100 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 8 - TYPICAL THERMAL RESPONSE 1.0 O.7 O.5 PRESSFIT PACKAGE .... 0 r- ~ ~ .? lMO --- -...... -..... I"---. :;: 10 I 10 15 VS, SUPPLY VOLTAGE IVOLTSI 5 -50 20 o -25 RG - 10 kO t::::::"" -- --.. a: a: '-' I 100kO - -jo... ~ ;:: 100 t-". zw -- +25 r- 100kO ~ lMO -,...... +50 +75 FIGURE 6 - FORWARD VOLTAGE FIGURE 7 - PEAK OUTPUT VOLTAGE 25 I '=' '" 20 ..'=' 15 2: to ./ .... ~ o 5, 0 L > o 50 10 15 FIGURE 8 - STANDARD UNIJUNCTION COMPARED TO PROGRAMMABLE UNIJUNCTION STANDARD UNIJUNCTlOIII ELt R2 B2 P N Al 20 25 30 RBB ~ ,-------,...-- + Al + R2 Al Al+A2 '1~--- Bl Circuit Symbol Typical Application Equivalent Circuit PROGRAMMABLE UNIJUNCTION B2 A E ,-------,...--+ A2 P ABB G N ~ Al'+ A2 A G Rl '1~Al+A2 p Al N K r--::: ~ ~ VS.SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) I F. PEAK FORWARO CURRENT (AMPI A /" V lL" ~ o ........:: L--- Bl V V ~ !; 10 '"'" ~ K Bl Circuit Symbol Equivalent Circuit with External "Program" Resistors A 1 and R2 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-81 / L w '" > =O,2~F Cc TA = 25 0 C t - - - (SEE FIGURE 3) in B2 +100 TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE I'CI Typical Application ~ 35 40 • 2N6027 • 2N6028 TYPICAL PEAK CURRENT BEHAVIOR 2N6027 FIGURE 9 - EFFECT OF SUPPLY VOLTAGE AND RG FIGURE 10 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND RG 100 10 50 5.0 1 ~ a: a: :::> u '" « ~ ....... ........ ........ 10 « ~ 3.0 .I' 20 ;: 2.0 ~ 1.0 ~ a: 5.0 a: G RG: 10k!l 0.5 ......... '" 2.0 ~ l00k!l.l' 1.0M!l O. 3 VS:'IOVOLTS (SEE FIGURE 2) ........ TA 25 0 C (SEE FIGURE 2) RG 1.0 0.2 1.0M!) 0.2 10 5.0 15 .::--., ~ O. 1 -50 20 .::--., 100 kU 0.5 0.1 -- .:---. ./ 10k!) +50 +25 -25 VS. SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) +75 +100 TA. AMBIENT TEMPERATU RE (DC) 2N6028 FIGURE 11 - EFFECT OF SUPPLY VOLTAGE AND RG FIGURE 12 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND RG 1.0 10 0.7 0.5 ,,=30° ~ II: """ W ~ FIGURE 2 - RMS CURRENT DERATING 90 l!:! w ~ U ~ ~ ........ ~ 600 ~ '-' ~ SO e.. w 100 ::> " ~ ~ 120° 1800 1~~0 a: w ~ w ~ w ~ '-' u -1" 4.0 o 1.0 4.0 FIGURE 4 - POWER DISSIPATION FIGURE 3 - POWER DISSIPATION 8.0 ~ ~+--+--+-~-=~~ -1"\J1 r--------..--""T"----r--~-__r-__, "t+ ~ -1" ~ ~ 6.0 II: • 3.0 2.0 IT(RMS), RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMP) S.O r---:::::c---.----,--r--,----r---,---., ".. 6.0 de ,,=CONDUCTIO"N ANGLE IT(AV), AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT (AMP) §_ I ~ ~ SO 70 3.0 2.0 f::::3 ~ 180° I- I- 1.0 ...... 90 ,,= CONDUCTION ANG LE o ~UO ~~ ~~ II: -1" 70 ~ ~~ J +---r---lr-~~-~'7~ ~"-=-CO~N~D-U-CT-IO~NTA-N~G-LE~-~~-4--~~~~~9 a: w ;= ~ 4.0 t---t---+-:--t-~'-b~s.tY'----+---+----1 ~ 4.0 1---+--+--t--+--t~~,jL7"""-j;;.-L---1 II: '"«a:w w ~ ~ ;;: ~ 2.0 t---+----:,.",~~~'-----+----l---+---+-___l ;; 2.0 1---+--+---,Z:I=~7I"'7"~"....q-+- « ;;: 1.0 2.0 3.0 o~~~l-~__~__L--J.~-L~ o 4.0 1.0 IT(AV),AVERAGE ON-8TATE CURRENT (AMP) C :::; « ::IE Ei 3.0 O~F.STAjE VOL+AGE =112 Vde w N 2.0 II: 0 0 ~ w « '"..... 0 1.0 l""- I""- > a: w '"a: !l! I- w I- 0.7 ~ -- W II: - -- 0.5 a: ::> 10 r---..... ....... u a: w '" !l! 0.7 i"... ......... II: I- w '" 0.5 ~ '":IE to ~ IZ « > 4.0 OFF·STATE VOLTA~E = 121Vde_ ALL MODES w N :::; « ::;; 2.0 ALL MODES II: I- 3.0 FIGURE 6- TYPICAL GATE·TRIGGER CURRENT FIGURE 5 - TYPICAL GATE·TRIGGER VOLTAGE 3.0 2.0 IT(RMS), RMS ON·STATE CURRENT(AMP) '" 0.3 .Ji0 -40 -20 20 40 60 SO 100 120 ~ 140!E TJ,JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) 0.3 -60 -40 20 -20 40 60 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE(OC) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-86 ItO 120 t40 2N6071,A,B thru 2N6075,A,B FIGURE 8 - TYPICAL HOLDING CURRENT FIGURE 7 - MAXIMUM ON-STATE CHARACTERISTICS 40 /" 30 ./ 20 f' 10 , :Ii !! I TJ = lllJOC 3.0 w ::; N 2.0 " ..: :E a: 0 ~ I- Z w a: a: I GATE OPEN APPLIES TO EITHER DIRECTION \.. 1.0 ::> c.> fF '"Ci z ....I 0 ::t: 0.7 0.5 '" 2.0 """" ............ ..... J 0.3 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) I z o TJ= 250 C II :Ii .!::" 1.0 FIGURE 9 - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SURGE CURRENT 34 , 0.7 32 I ~ 30 !! 8 ............... I- 2 0.5 zw ~ 26 ............... ..... r--..., ::> ~ 0.3 o. 1 o ........ ~ c.> w 0.2 " :i III ::> !.;: Ii; C J iL 5.0 ~ a: ~ g 7.0 !Z ~ V Y 3.0 24 > I ....... ..... TJ = -40 10 +1100 C ~ 22 I - - f=60Hz I ~ 20 I '" ~ I, .......... ..... • ...... .... 18 16 3.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 14 1.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 7.0 10 NUMBER OF FUll CYCLES VrM. 0 N.sTATE VO LTAG E (VO l TS) FIGURE 10 - THERMAL RESPONSE ~ 10 c.> 5.0 0 3.0 ... z ..: ...!l... e.. 2.0 ...-- ---::::: ~:: ....I ~ ffi :z: 1.0 I- ~ 0.5 -- MAXIMUM TYPICAL - ...........-.- in ~ 0.3 a:: ": 0.2 U .i 0.10.1 ~ ~ '" 0.2 ::::-f-'" 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20 50 100 200 500 1.0k 2.0k 5.0k 10k I.TIME(ms) . i J l W . I = m I l l . I I I B R• I iIII.lllllilillllllJl._nl'.111111 • I!!•• MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3·87 2N6116 2N6117 2N6118 Silicon Programmable Unijunction Transistors · .. designed to enable the engineer to "program" unijunction characteristics such as RBB, 71, lV, and Ip by merely selecting two resistor values. Application includes thyristor-trigger, oscillator, pulse and timing circuits. These devices may also be used in special thyristor applications due to the availability of an anode gate. • • • • • • PUTs 40 VOLTS - 250 mW Programmable - RBB, 71, IV and Ip Hermetic TO-1S Package Low On-State Voltage - 1.5 Volts Maximum @ IF = 50 mA Low Gate to Anode Leakage Current - 5 nA Maximum High Peak Output Voltage - 16 Volts Typical Low Offset Voltage - 0.35 Volt Typical (RG = 10 k ohms) ~ CASE 22-03 (TO-18) STYLE 13 I -MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Valua Unit Repetitive Peak Forward Current 100 /LS Pulse Width, 1% Duty Cycle 20 /LS Pulse Width, 1% Duty Cycle ITRM Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Current 10 /LS Pulse Width ITSM 5 Amps IT 200 2 rnA mArC IG ±20 rnA VGKF 40 Volts Amps 1 2 DC Forward Anode Current Derate Above 25°C DC Gate Current Gate to Cathode Forward Voltage Gate to Cathode Reverse Voltage VGKR 5 Volts Gate to Anode Reverse Voltage VGAR 40 Volts Anode to Cathode Voltage VAK ±40 Volts Forward Power Dissipation @ TA = 25°C Derate Above 25°C PF 1/liJA 250 2.5 mWrC TJ -55 to + 125 °c Tstg -65 to +200 °C Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range 'Indicates JEOEC Registered Data. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-88 mW 2N6116. 2N6117. 2N6118 -ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Fig. No. Offset Voltage (VS = 10 Vdc, RG = 1 MO) 1 2N6116 2N6117 2N6118 All Types (VS = 10 Vdc, RG = 10 k ohms) Symbol Min Typ Max Unit VT 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.70 0.50 0.40 0.35 1.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Volts - 5 75 Gate to Anode Leakage Current (VS = 40 Vdc, TA = 25°C, Cathode Open) (VS = 40 Vdc, TA = 75°C, Cathode Open) - - 1 30 Gate to Cathode Leakage Current (VS = 40 Vdc, Anode to Cathode Shorted) - IGKS - 5 50 nAdc 2,9,14 Ip - 1.25 0.19 0.08 4 1.20 0.70 2 0.3 0.15 5 2 1 !LA - 50 25 70 50 18 18 270 270 Peak Current (VS = 10 Vdc, RG = 1 MO) 2N6116 2N6117 2N6118 2N6116 2N6117 2N6118 (VS = 10 Vdc, RG = 10 k ohms) IGAO 1,4.5 Valley Current (VS = 10 Vdc, RG = 1 MO) IV 2N6116,2N6117 2N6118 2N6116 2N6117,2N6118 (VS = 10 Vdc, RG = 10 k ohms) nAdc !LA - Forward Voltage (IF = 50 mA Peak) 1,6 VF - 0.8 1.5 Volts Peak Output Voltage (VB = 20 Vdc, Cc = 0.2I'F) 3,7 Vo 6 16 - Volts Pulse Voltage Rise Time (VB = 20 Vdc, Cc = 0.2 I'F) 3 tr - 40 80 ns • "Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. FIGURE 1 - ELECTRICAL CHARACTERIZATION R2 I RI ,--V---,. -VS ~ RI • R2 VB RI IA - PROGRAMMABLE UNIJUNCTION WITH "PROGRAM" RESISTORS RI,ndR2 18 - EQUIVALENT TEST CIRCUIT FOR FIGURE IA USED FOR ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TESTING (ALSO SEE FIGURE 2 J FIGURE 2 - PEAK CURRENT lip) TEST CIRCUIT IF 'GAO IC - ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 3 - Va AND tr TEST CIRCUIT +VB ADJUST FOR TURN-ON ~ THRESHOLD --=- Y -=- 1.0"; +V Ip(SENSEJ 100"V"IOnA 510k _ V8 RG " R/2 Vs "VB/2 16 k Cc 27 k (See Figure 1) SCOPE 20 !l 20 PUT UNDER TEST MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-89 2N6116 • 2N6117 .2N6118 TYPICAL VALLEY CURRENT BEHAVIOR FIGURE 4 - EFFECT OF SUPPLY VOLTAGE FIGURE 5 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE 1000 l 300 I- z 200 '" '" :::> '" > 100 « 50 ? 3D w j > 1000 == ;::::::_TA - 25 0 C (SEE FIGURE 1) 500 RG=1Dk!l= 500 b- « .3 200 I- ............... ~ 100 kll - 20 f...-- 10 5.0 '" '" i3 100 ~« 50 ? 20 ............ > 15 r- 5.0 -75 20 -25 -50 VS.SUPPL Y VOLTAGE (VOLTS) FIGURE 6 - FORWARD VOLTAGE til- '" !:; o ~ ~ 2.0 !:; /' 1.6 V '"!:;« o I- :::> « ~ o 0.2 0.5 Cc = 0.2 ~F 1.0 2.0 V 0 5. 0 0 5.0 -- ./ / 5.0 t-:::: r- j..--- 10 15 20 25 VS. SUPPLY VD LTAG E (VO LTS) STANDARD UNIJUNCTION RT E L { p:: RBB=R1+R1 Rl R1 "=R1+R2 Cc Bl TYPICAL APPLICATION EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PROGRAMMABLE UNIJUNCTION A ~. K CIRCUIT SYMBOL EtjP G :: RBB=R1+R2 N "_ Rl P - Rl + R2 N Rl Cc K B1 EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT WlTH EXTERNAL "PROGRAM" RESISTORS Rl and R2 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-90 - V '/ B2 Bl L /'" FIGURE 8 -STANDARD UNIJUNCTION COMPARED TO PROGRAMMABLE UNIJUNCTION CIRCUIT SYMBOL +125 ...... V IF. PEAK FORWARD CURRENT (AMP) '~ +100 TA = 25 0 C (SEE FIGURE 3) 15 > 0.1 +75 +50 L o 0.4 0.05 - 1.0JIl 20 '" "" 0.8 u: r-- ~ ~ > +25 I- o ~ i'-r- > ,..- 1.2 lDDk!l== :::---"" ~ w V c '" ~ 25 II ~ ~ r--t--- FIGURE 7 - PEAK OUTPUT VOLTAGE TJ = 2koc- 2.4 -- TA. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (OC) 2.8 ~ c r---. Vs = 10 Volts (SEE FIGU RE 1) 10 1.0 MIl_ I 10 - RG -10 k!l TYPICAL APPLICATION 3D 1000 pF ~ 35 40 2N6116. 2N6117. 2N6118 TYPICAL PEAK CURRENT BEHAVIOR 2N6116 FIGURE 9 - EFFECT OF SUPPLY VOLTAGE AND RG FIGURE 10 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND RG 10 100 50 7.0 5.0 1 3.0 ~ 2.0 '"B ~ _ ~ f 100 kl1 1.0M\! 0.2 I O. I 10 5.0 50 ~ '"u=> '" ~ r---- RG ~ 10 k!1 0.3 .3 t- ~ 1.0 7 O. O. 5 ;;{ 20 10 ~ TA 25°C (SEE FIGURE 2) :::-.... VS-IOVOLTS= (SEE FIGURE 2 ) - r-.... 20 1.0 ~G~lOk" .......... ......... lOOk!] 0.5 02 .............. 0.1 1.0 M!l:: 0.05 L 002 001 I 15 -)5 20 -50 +25 -25 VS. SUPPL Y VOLTAGE (VO LTS) +50 +75 +100 +125 TA. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (OC) 2N6117 FIGURE 11 - EFFECT OF SUPPLY VOLTAGE AND RG FIGURE 12 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND RG 10 100 50 7.0 5.0 1 TA ~ 25 0 C (SEE FIGURE 2) 3.0 I- ~ 2.0 '" ~ 10 ~ 01 ~ 0.5 -==== - ;;{ .3 ~ '" G RG "" 10 k!~ '" ~ ~ 0.3 100 k!! 1 5.0 Vs~ 10 VOLTS(SEE FIG~RE 2) = 50 20 .......... 10 ............ - 05 RG~IOkn 02 I"'---. .............. 01 100 kn .-. 005 0.2 O. I ,,,- 20 10 0.02 001 a M~! IU 15 20 -)5 10 Mf! -50 -25 +25 +50 +)5 +100 +125 TA. AMBIENTTEMPERATURE (OCI VS. SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 2N6118 FIGURE 14 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND RG FIGURE 13 - EFFECT OF SUPPLY VOLTAGE AND RG 50 10 20 07 03 ~ 0.2 lOOk!! I- 'K- '"'"=> u 1 RG - 10 k!! 1 50 20 0.5 ~ 0.01 0.2 ~ 01 005 1.0M!! 003 RG - 10 k!~ 100 k!l 0.02 .............. - ............. 10MU~ 001 000 5 0.0 I 5.0 10 -- ............ r--..... If 0 05 TA - 25°C (SEE FIGURE 21 002 ...... "- 1.0 I '" VS~ 10VOLTS(SEE FIGURE 2) ~ 10 05 15 -)5 20 -50 -25 +25 +50 +75 +100 +125 TA. AMBIENT TEMPERATU RE (OC) VS. SUPPl Y VOLTAGE (VOL TSI ~~~~_IIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-91 E 2N6157 thru Triaes 2N6165 Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for industrial and military applications for the control of ac loads in applications such as light dimmers, power supplies, heating controls, motor controls, welding equipment and power switching systems; or wherever full-wave, silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. • Glass Passivated Junctions and Center Gate Fire • Isolated Stud for Ease of Assembly • Gate Triggering Guaranteed In All 4 Quadrants MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol *Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage (TJ = -65 to +125°C) 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open *Peak Principal Voltage 2N6157,2N6160,2N6163 2N6158, 2N6161, 2N6164 2N6159,2N6162,2N6165 • *Peak Gate Voltage 10 = 2 ItS) *Average Gate Power (TJ = +80°C, t = 8.3 ms) *Peak Gate Current 'Operating Junction Temperature Range 'Storage Temperature Range CASE 263-04 STYLE 2 2N6160-62 ITSM 250 Amps 12t 210 A 2s PGM 20 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps TJ -6510+125 °c Tstg -65 to +150 °c 30 in. lb. - *Stud Torque 2N6160 thru 2N6165 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic *Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case "Indicates JEOEC Registered Data. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-92 CASE 174-04 STYLE 3 2N6157-59 Volts 30 20 Circuit Fusing Considerations (TJ = -65 to + 125°C, t = 1 to 8.3 ms) , Amps IT(RMS) *Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle of surge current at 60 Hz, preceded and followed by a 30 A RMS current, TJ = + 125°C) *Peak Gate Power (TJ = + 80°C, Pulse Width Unit Volts 200 400 600 VGM *RMS On-State Current (TC = -65 to +85°C) (TC = + 100°C) Full Sine Wave, 50 to 60 Hz Value VORM TRIACs 30 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 600 VOLTS CASE 311-02 STYLE 2 2N6163-65 2N6157 thru 2N6165 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 2S0C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol *Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VDRM or VRRM) TJ = 2SoC TJ = 12SoC Min Typ Max Unit - - 10 2 pA mA - 1.S 2 Volts IDRM,IRRM *Peak On-State Voltage (Either Direction) (lTM = 42 A Peak, Pulse Width = 1 to 2 ms, Duty Cycle .. 2%) VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc), Note 1 (Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = SO Ohms) MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) *MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-) TC = -6SoC *MT2(+),G(-); MT2(-),G(+)TC = -6SoC IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = SO Ohms) MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) *AII Quadrants, TC = -6SoC *Main Terminal Voltage = Rated VDRM, RL = 10 k ohms, TJ VGT mA - lS 20 20 30 - - - Volts - 0.8 0.7 0.8S 1.1 0.2 - - = + 12SOC Holding Current (Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, Gate Open) (Initiating Current = SOO rnA) MT2(+) MT2(-) *Either Direction, TC = -6SoC IH *Turn-On Time (Main Terminal Voltage = Rated VDRM, ITM = 42 A, Gate Source Voltage = 12 V, RS = SO Ohms, Rise Time Pulse Width = 2 !£s) = 0.1 60 70 70 100 200 2S0 2 2.1 2.1 2.S 3.4 - - mA - tgt - dv/dt(c) - 8 10 70 80 200 1 2 p,s 5 - V/p,s • p,s, Blocking Voltage Application Rate at Commutation, f = 60 Hz, TC = 8SoC On-State Conditions: (lTM = 42 A, Pulse Width = 4 ms, di/dt = 17.S Alms) Off-State Conditions: (Main Terminal Voltage = Rated VDRM (200 !£S min), Gate Source Voltage = 0 V, RS = SO 0) "Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. Note 1. All voltage polarities referenced to main terminal 1. FIGURE 1 - RMS CURRENT DERATING 126 Iooo!ii .... 118 ~ w IZ: :::J ~ 110 , III!!! '" 5 86 <.3 .... r78 r- ........ 70 o - ",- ...._9IJO ...... ~ 40 ... ~ ........ r-..... "- '" 12 16 20 24 =' « 24 > « 16 ~ :> « ~ I I I I =j\Y = ii: 8.0 28 32 o~ o V .v V de_ .,/ .v ./ a = 180. / V 120·, ./. ~ V 90·, ./ f' ~ V ~ 10 ~ ~ ..,. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ... - '" ~ ~ ~ 4.0 "" ./ ". ...... 60· ~ I!e: ;::::; i-"" 30· 12 20 :iIIII II'!: i-"" V i--"'" .v .v I I I I I 8.0 16 24 28 32 IT(RMS), RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMP) IT(RMS). RMS ON-STATE CURRENT (AMP) ~~"'f(_~1!i"'"':f""-' I W to I I 8.0 _I ja 3: 32 _ a= CONDUCTION ANGLE 0 W !"'...; t":t-.. ....... 48 IZ: .......;; :--..;: ~ CONDUCTION ANG lE I ~ .... « ~ ~~ ~ ,.... 30· j\Y ja 4.0 I = lBO" -....;: ..;;:::0 ..... de- Q= a ....... ~~ g... 102 94 56 I I .... :; w Iw FIGURE 2 - POWER DISSIPATION '¥", .,.' •...y~"",. •.1"¥.•""'~",>ii!4$C';;V.i MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-93 • 2N6157 thru 2N6165 FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE FIGURE 5 - MAXIMUM ON-8TATE CHARACTERISTICS 300 1.7 1.5 ~ w '"!:;« 1.3 0 1.1 > '" '" w .9 ...'"iCw ...« .7 '"j- -..... OFF-STATE 1~ 1--...£ 2~L / ' 1 3 4 I I .3 -60 -40 V 1/ " .. 20 -20 "A"'" .... -- 40 70 r--- ~"'" r - -i=: 80 100 120 '".$ 30 '"~ 20 !Zw 140 w ~ ~ ~ ffi FIGURE 4 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER CURRENT 70 I ........ ~ 50 '" ~ r-=::: ~ 30 '"gw 20 ...zw ....... '" r---... ... w 1 !;c '" QUADRANTS ~ 10 7.0 -60 ~ z ;.3. 0 I 2. 0 p-...... ~ ~........ ....... W t"- ~ ......... 1.0 f'... ~~ O. 7 O. 5 " -40 20 -20 7. 0 ~ 5.0 1'-... ~ t--.. ~¥l 4- I0 .t:" i"- t-... ~ iC z OFksTAT~ VOLiAGE = \2 V- r--... JJ. 1/ <.> TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) 40 60 80 O. 3 100 120 140 1.0 T.I. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) 20 !Z w '"'" a I0 cS 7. 0 '"zQ 1.8 1.4 2.2 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.8 4.2 4.6 5.0 VTM,MAXIMUM INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) FIGURE 6 - TYPICAL HOLDING CURRENT 30 ~ 1// I ::IE -I-- 60 , 50 ~ L 100 ~ r-- -,. ~ .5 f- QUADRANTS ~ ....../: ~ ~250C TJ = 250C ........ .......... --..... ---- ~ 200 ~OLTA~E = 12 Ii- ..... J 1 ~0 FIGURE 7 - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SURGE CURRENT 50 0 GATE OPEN "'- t'...:: l'........ :z: ~5.o 3.0 -60 0 " t""'- t-... / ....... ,....-.....:: J' f""oo. ..... ....... jAIN TEtMINAIL : ; jSITIVE I -40 -20 r--.... r.... 0 MAIN TERMINAL #1 POSITIVE W 40 "......."- .. .. ~ ~ IW -- r---"" r-.... 0 ~ ~ TJ" -65 to 125°C I" 60 Hz ~ -""""" :.... 0 50 1.0 m 2.0 5.0 7.0 10 20 NUMBER OF FULL CYCLES TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-94 50 70 100 2N6157 thru 2N6165 FIGURE 8 - TYPICAL THERMAL RESPONSE .... ~ 1.0 0.7 0.5 PRESSFIT PACKAGE a:_ ~m 0.3 1-'" ~~ 0.2 i-"""' w,,", r-,..-,.... -STUD PACKAGE ...- ~ .-- i-"""' u;a: :ia: -~ o. I ~~o.o7 ~ ~ 0.05 UU> ~~O.D 3 "'a: W -E ZeJCltl = r(tle ReJC '11 0.02 0.0 1 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20 II m II I 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k t, TIME Im.1 • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-95 2N6167 thru Silicon Controlled Rectifier 2N6170 Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. designed for industrial and consumer applications such as power supplies; battery chargers; temperature, motor, light and welder controls. seRs 20 AMPERES RMS 100 thru 600 VOLTS • Economical for a Wide Range of Uses • High Surge Current - ITSM = 240 Amps • Rugged Construction in Isolated Stud Package ~ AO G oK CASE 311-02 STYLE 1 • MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol "Peak Repetitive Forward and Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 (TJ = -40·Cto +100·C) 2N6167 2N6168 2N6169 2N6170 VORM or VRRM "Non·Repetitive Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage (t ... 5 ms) 2N6167 2N6168 2N6169 2N6170 VRSM * Average Forward Current (TC = -40 to +65·C) (+85·C) IT(AV) *Peak Surge Current (One cycle, 60 Hz) (TC = + 65·C) (1.5 ms pulse @ TJ = 100·C) Preceded and followed by no current or Voltage ITSM Value Unit Volts 100 200 400 600 Volts 150 250 450 650 Amps 13 6.5 Amps 240 560 12t Circuit Fusing (TJ = -40 to + 100·C) (t = 1 to 8.3 ms) *Peak Gate Power *Average Gate Power 235 A 2s PGM 5 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 Watt "Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. (cant.) Note 1. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. Devices shall not have a positive bias applied to the gate concurrently with a negative potential on the anode. Devices should not be tested with a constant current source for forward or reverse blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-96 2N6167 thru 2N6170 MAXIMUM RATINGS - continued Rating Symbol Value Unit IGFM 2 Amps "Peak Forward Gate Current "Operating Junction Temperature Range "Storage Temperature Range TJ -40 to +100 ·C Tstg -40 to + 150 ·C - 30 in. lb. "Stud Torque -THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25·C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic "Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open, TC = 100·C) 2N6167 2N6168 2N6169 2N6170 (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open, TC = 25·C) All Devices *TC TC Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, Rl = 240) "TC TC Holding Current (VO = 12 V, gate open, IT *TC TC = 200 mAl - Turn-Oft Time (lTM = 10A,IR (lTM = 10 A. IR = lOA) = 10 A, TJ = Unit 1 1 1 1 - - 10 jLA - 1.5 1.7 Volts IGT - - VGT IH ton = 2 2.5 3 4 VTM = -40·C = 25·C = -40·C = 25·C = -40·C = 25·C 'Turn-On Time (td + t r ) (lTM = 41 Adc, Vo = Rated VORM, IGT = 200 mAdc, Rise Time"" 0.05 p.s, Pulse Width Max mA - "Peak Forward "On" Voltage (lTM = 41 A Peak) Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, Rl = 240) Typ Min IORM,IRRM 2.1 75 40 mA - - 0.8 0.63 2.5 1.6 Volts mA - - 90 - 3.5 50 - - 1 • p.s 10 p.s) toft 100·C) Forward Voltage Application Rate (TJ = 100·C, Vo = Rated VORM) dv/dt - - 25 40 - 50 p.s - V/p.s "Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. FIGURE 2 - POWER DISSIPATION FIGURE 1 - AVERAGE CURRENT DERATING 100 ~a: 95 I~ ~ !;( 90 ~ 1\ \~, r0 \ \\1\.'\\ 85 >- ~ « u 80 ~ :; 75 ~ 70 Q' = 300 5 60 o 2.0 4.0 GOo 900 6.0 8.0 ./ de 24 ........ ---i ~ w - Ct ,--- '" ffi 0= CONOUCTION ANGLE ""- '" "- 1800 10 ~ -It "'- ~ "- r-.... '\. 12 I 14 GOo ./ . / 0 / r---- _.=30/ V/ ./ V 12 ~ 16 il I , / / . / /. . / I 'l"""': V- ~ 8.0 " 16 « :; " r-.... 18 ;; 4. D « a:: 20 ./ 900 ::> t'... ./ ./ 20 :; de ./ 1800 a: \ \ 1\ :; U >- >>~ \~ ~ ::> ~ u; 28 I~ - .= CONDUCTION ANGLE I TJ~ //A ~ WOOC f--- /.,,- 0 ~ o 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 12 14 16 ITlAV).AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT lAMP) lTIAV).AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT lAMP) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-97 - ~. 18 20 2N6167 thru 2N6170 FIGURE 3 - MAXIMUM ON-8TATE CHARACTERISTICS 300 . . .v 200 V ....... ~ V TJ 100 =25° L~ V';OOOC FIGURE 4 - MAXIMUM NON-REPETITIVE SURGE CURRENT - 500 I- 0: r;CLEtr\ '""" ;: 300 ~ '" ~ 200 r- r- t-1'-- w 70 g;! ~ / IV 0 "" ""~ 100 III '" rt 0 E I 0 ~ TJ +100 0 C r- t-r- 1= 60 Hz 70 I--fUR~E 50 1.0 II - 2.0 "I, ,~ ISPjREC 0 1 0 r 3.0 ~NNr~LOW10 BI RATrO C~R~~Tl 5.0 7.0 10 20 50 30 70 100 NUMBER OF CYCLES 0 0 FIGURE 5 - CHARACTERISTICS AND SYMBOLS 0 +1 0 2. 0 1. 0 .7 -V _ REVERSE BLOCKING REGION IH- ~~~;I;:I:D;R~M?f~~~~~;:~ +V IRRM o.5 O.3 0.4 1.2 2.8 2.0 4.4 3.6 5.2 IVDRM FORWARD BLOCKING REGION REVERSE AVALANCHE REGION 6.0 FORWARD BREAKOVER POINT .• ',VT -I vr,lNSTANTANEOUS ON·STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) FIGURE 6 - THERMAL RESPONSE ~ 1.0 O. 7 O. 5 "'~ffi O.3 -' t-N - I- ~~ O.2 w'" in'" --- ~~ O. 1 ~~O.O7 ~~ 0.0 5 ....~~O.O '" ::;0:: -r ...... +- 3 Z8Jf!t) i '(i) ~ ~81~ 0.02 0.0 1 0.05 I I 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20 50 100 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-98 200 500 1k 2k 5k 2N6167 thru 2N6170 FIGURE 7 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER CURRENT FIGURE 8 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE 20 < ..5 I- ~ 10 1.0 I"---.. a: a: r--.. « '" .......... ~ 7.0 ~ o ............ ::=i '"'"ii: ~ 0.9 o ~ 0.8 OF~.STATk VOL T~GE = 12 V 5.0 .......... w '"'" ~ ....... I- w « '"5 ............. ............ ............ 0.7 ............ > ~ 0.6 .............. I- OFF~TATEIVOlT~GE =d V - .......... I'-... I'-..... 0.5 ~ 3.0 '" 0.4 ;f 2.0 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0.3 -60 -40 20 -20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) FIGURE 9 - TYPICAL HOLDING CURRENT 20 OFF~TATEIVOLT~GE = J V- 1 10 r--.... r-..... IZ t-... .......... w a: 7.0 a: .......... :::> <.> ....... ~ 5.0 " § o :r :- 3.0 2.0 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-99 • 2N6237 thru 2N6241 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors · •. PNPN devices designed for high volume consumer applications such as temperature, light, and speed control; process and remote control, and warning systems where reliability of operation is important. seRs 4 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 600 VOLTS • • • • Passivated Surface for Reliability and Uniformity Power Rated at Economical Prices Practical Level Triggering and Holding Characteristics Flat, Rugged, Thermopad Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Recommended Electrical Replacement for C 106 • CASE 77-05 (TO·225AA) STYLE 2 MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC = 110·C unless otherwise noted.) Rating Symbol *Repetitive Peak Forward and Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 (1/2 Sine Wave) 2N6237 (RGK = 1000 ohms, TC = -40 to +110·C) 2N6238 2N6239 2N624O 2N6241 VORM or VRRM *Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage (1/2 Sine Wave, RGK = 1000 ohms, TC= -40 to + 110·C) VRSM Value Unit Volts 50 100 200 400 600 2N6237 2N6238 2N6239 2N6240 2N6241 Volts 100 150 250 450 650 *Average On-State Current (TC = -40 to +90·C) (Tc = + 10eoC) IT(AV) *Surge On-State Current (1/2 Sine Wave, 60 Hz, TC = +90·C) (1/2 Sine Wave, 1.5 ms, TC = +9eoC) ITSM Amps 2.6 1.6 Amps 25 35 Circuit Fusing (TC = -40 to +110·C, t = 1 to 8.3 ms) *Peak Gate Power (Pulse Width = 10 I'-S, TC = 90·C) 12t 2.6 A 2s PGM 0.5 Watt *Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. (cont.) Note 1. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. Devices shall not have a positive bias applied to the gate concurrently with a negative potential on the anode. Devices should not be tested with a constant current source for forward or reverse blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-100 2N6237 thru 2N6241 MAXIMUM RATINGS - continued (TC = 110·C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Value Unit PG(AV) 0.1 Watt Peak Forward Gate Current IGM 0.2 Amp Peak Reverse Gate Voltage VRGM 6 Volts ·C Rating *Average Gate Power (t = 8.3 ms, TC = SO·C) *Operating Junction Temperature Range *Storage Temperature Range TJ -40 to +110 Tstg -40 to +150 ·C - 6 in. lb. Mounting Torque, Note 1 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Characteristic *Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case R6JC Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient R6JA Min Max Unit - 3 ·CIW 75 ·CIW 'Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25·C and RGK = 1000 ohms unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic *Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TC = 25·C TC = 110·C *Peak Forward "On" Voltage (lTM = 8.2 A Peak, Pulse Width = Min IORM,IRRM - - VTM 1 to 2 ms, 2% Duty Cycle) Typ Max Unit - 10 200 p.A p.A 2.2 Volts 200 500 - Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc), Note 2 (VAK = 12 Vdc, RL = 24 Ohms) *(VAK = 12 Vdc, RL = 24 Ohms, TC = -40·C) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Source Voltage = 12 V, RS = 50 Ohms) *(VAK = 12 Vdc, RL = 24 Ohms, TC = -40·C) VGT - - Gate Non-Trigger Voltage (VAK = Rated VORM, RL VGO 0.2 - = = 100 Ohms, TC Holding Current (VAK = 12 Vdc, IGT = 2 mAl *(lnitiating On-State Current = 200 mAl - 1 Volts Volts 110·C) IH TC TC p.A - - 5 10 tgt - 2 - pos dv/dt - 10 - V/pos = 25·C = -40·C *Total Turn-On Time (Source Voltage = 12 V, RS = 6 k Ohms) (lTM = 8.2 A, IGT = 2 mA, Rated VORM) (Rise Time = 20 ns, Pulse Width = 10 pos) Forward Voltage Application Rate (Vo = Rated VORM, TC = 110·C) mA • 'Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. Notes: 1. Torque rating applies with use of compression washer (B52200F006 or equivalent). Mounting torque in excess of 6 in. lb. does not appreciably lower case-to-sink thermal resistance. Anode lead and heatsink contact pad are common. (See AN-209 B) For soldering purposes (either terminal connection or device mounting), soldering temperatures shall not exceed + 200"C. For optimum results an activated flux (oxide removing) is recommended. 2. Measurement does not include RGK current. ,.1••••!IISiIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIII:••IIIIIII;::I!'I"" .. .1F7777 •• MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-101 2N6237 thru 2N6241 FIGURE 1 - MAXIMUM CASE TEMPERATURE ~ FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 110 110-.---,----,----,----,----.----,----.---, w a: => .. I- a: ~ ~ w ~ ..'" ..j W ...J s: .'"'"'" => x U I- iTlAV). AVERAGE FORWARO CURRENT (AMP) iT(AV).AVERAGE FORWARO CURRENT (AMP) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-102 2N6342 thru 2N6349 Triaes Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as light dimmers, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever full-wave silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. Triac type thyristors switch from a blocking to a conducting state for either polarity of applied anode voltage with positive or negative gate triggering. • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowa-tt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Gate Triggering Guaranteed in Two Modes (2N6342, 2N6343, 2N6344, 2N6345) or Four Modes (2N6346, 2N6347, 2N6348, 2N6349) • For 400 Hz Operation, Consult Factory • 12 Ampere Devices Available as 2N6342A thru 2N6349A TRIAC. 8 AMPERES RMS SO thru 800 VOLTS ~G o MT2 MTI MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating *Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage (TJ = -40 to + 100°C) 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open Symbol 2N6346 2N6347 2N6348 2N6349 Unit Volts VORM 2N6342, 2N6343, 2N6344, 2N6345, (TC = + 80°C) (TC = + 90°C) *RMS On-State Current Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz Value 200 400 600 800 'T(RMS) 8 Amps 4 *Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TJ = + 80°C) Preceded and followed by 10 Rated Current Circuit Fusing (TJ = -40 to + 100°C, t = 1 to 8.3 ms) *Peak Gate Power (TC = +80°C, Pulse Width = 2 p.s) ITSM 100 Amps 12t 40 A 2s Watts PGM 20 PG(AV) 0.5 Watt *Peak Gate Current IGM 2 Amps *Peak Gate Voltage VGM 10 Volts TJ -40 to + 125 OC Tstg -40 to +150 OC *Average Gate Power (TC = +SOOC, t = 8.3 ms) *Operating Junction Temperature Range *Storage Temperature Range MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-103 o 2N6342 thru 2N6349 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic *Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25·C, and Either Polarity of MT2 to MT1 Voltage, unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic *Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 25·C TJ = 100·C • IORM,IRRM *Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = 11 A Peak; Pulse Width = 1 to 2 ms, Duty Cycle.;; 2%) VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous de) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) (Minimum Gate Pulse Width = 2 p.s) MT2( +), G( + ) All Types MT2( + ), G( -) 2N6346 thru 49 MT2( - ), G( - ) All Types MT2( -), G( +) 2N6346 thru 49 *MT2( +), G( +); MT2( -), G( -) TC = -40·C All Types *MT2( +), G( -); MT2( -), G( + lTC = -WC 2N6346 thru 49 IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) (Minimum Gate Pulse Width = 2 p.s) MT2( +), G( + ) All Types MT2( +), G( -) 2N6346 thru 49 MT2( -), G( - ) All Types MT2( -), G( +) 2N6346 thru 49 *MT2( +), G( +); MT2( -), G( -) TC = -40·C All Types *MT2( +), G( -); MT2( -), G( +) TC = -40·C 2N6346 thru 49 (VO = Rated VORM, RL = 10 k Ohms, TJ = 100·C) *MT2( +), G( +); MT2( -), G( -) All Types *MT2( +), G( -); MT2( -), G( -) 2N6346 thru 49 VGT *Holding Current (VO = 12 Vdc, Gate Open) (IT = 200 mAl Min Typ Max Unit - - 10 2 mA 1.3 1.55 Volts - mA - - 50 75 50 75 100 125 - 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.4 - 2 2.5 2 2.5 2.5 3 0.2 0.2 - - 6 - 40 75 tgt - 1.5 2 p's dv/dt(c) - 5 - V/p.s IH Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage (Vo = Rated VORM, ITM = 11 A, Commutating dildt = 4.3 Alms, Gate Unenergized, TC = BO·C) 12 12 20 35 Volts TC = 25·C *TC = -40·C *Turn-On Time (VO = Rated VORM, ITM = 11 A, IGT = 120 mA, Rise Time = 0.1 P.s, Pulse Width = 2 p.s) I-IA mA "Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. FIGURE 1 - RMS CURRENT DERATING 100 ....=-,-~--,r-·-,-----r--,,---,--..., FIGURE 2 - ON-STATE POWER DISSIPATION 10 ......« ;;; ~ w ...:::>'" 96 '" ~ 6.0 « 92 ~ ffi w 0. ~ ... lJj -J. CONDUCTION ANGLE ffi 4.0 > « -J. 84 ~ .= « '" ~ .= 88 « u .....; 8.0 ~ s ~ 2.0t--+-~~~p...<''':;;;.'''''''--+---f--+--l CONDUCTION ANGLE 80 0 4.0 5.0 ITIRMS). RMS ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) ITIRMS). RMS ON-STATE CURRENT (AMP) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-104 2N6342 thru 2N6349 FIGURE 4 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER CURRENT FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE 1.8 !S O+STA~E VOLiAGE = \2 v- 1.6 I ~ 1.4 w '"~ 1.2 .......... g ~ a: 1.0 w '" ~ :-;;: .......... J """""- ./' -..;:: 0- w 5 0.6 I- QUADI RANTSI 12----s. 3~ i- 0.4 I -60 - ......... :--:::::: 1.......... - 0.8 / ~ a '" -20 20 ...0: !;( ......... ~ 10 QUADRANT w ........ OFrF.STA~E VOL~AGE .112 V- r--..... ...... r-....: r--..... to I'....... f"'... ~ r-..... l"- ~ -...::;:::: 20 40 60 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) -40 r-.... to to I?i . . s r.::: ~ l?~ 1.0 I I 0 ~ dUAORiNT4 ........... f"'... ........ « .s... I ........... 0 100 120 ...... I 5.0 -60 140 -40 ............ -20 20 40 60 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) 20 ...... ......- 50 # V ...... , 0 ......- !... II TJ= 1000C ~ 140 GATE OPEN MAIN TERMINAL #1 POSITIVE ......... ............. => <.> / ~ 5.0 § ....... o prSITIV~ % ~. 3.0 2.0 -60 '1 -40 -20 r-.... ............ MAIN TERMINAL #2 11 0 ...... ......... 7.0 H 0 10 w 250C 0 ~ ~ ....... r---... z ~ I 1/ ~ ~ 30 120 FIGURE 6 - TYPICAL HOLDING CURRENT FIGURE 5 - ON-STATE CHARACTERISTICS 100 0 100 "- ............ 20 40 60 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) 120 140 100 0 I 0 FIGURE 7 - MAXIMUM NON·REPETITIVE SURGE CURRENT II 100 ~ I I--l ...... r- 0:: :; !! 80 :E O.7 ...z O.5 '" '" => <.> (\' w .1::' 60 V w to O. 3 '" ;;: O.2 ...'";:5 ~ .t' O. 1 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4 'r\ ..... , 40 I-CYCLE - TJ = 1000C 20 I---- f ~ 60 Hz f--- I sure IS p,ejded anj IOlired jV Ted cU'ient o 1.0 2.0 VTM,INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-105 -- -- 3.0 NUMBER OF CYCLES 5.0 7.0 10 • 2N6342 thru 2N6349 FIGURE 8 - TYPICAL THERMAL RESPONSE 10 .. w ~ O.S l;; :z'" - -,0 .......- 0.2 ~~ ~~ ........ '"0 01 ....- - ..... ZOJC(I) =r(l) - ROJe ~ ~O.05 ..'" in z +- 0.02 ~ 0.0 1 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 20 50 100 200 I.TIME 1m,) • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3·106 500 1.0 k 2.0 k 5.0 k 10 k 2N6342A thru Triacs 2N6349A Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors • •• designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as light dimmers, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever full-wave silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. Triac type thyristors switch from a blocking to a conducting state for either polarity of applied anode voltage with positive or negative gate triggering. • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Gate Triggering Guaranteed in Two Modes (2N6342A, 2N6343A, 2N6344A, 2N6345A) or Four Modes (2N6346A, 2N6347A, 2N6348A, 2N6349A) • For 400 Hz Operation, Consult Factory • 8 Ampere Devices Available as 2N6342 thru 2N6349 TRIACs 12 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS ~ o MT2 MT11 0 . G MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating *Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage (TJ= -40 to + 110"C) 112 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open . *RMS On-State Current (Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz) Symbol Value VORM 2N6342A, 2N6346A 2N6343A, 2N6347A 2N6344A,2N6348A 2N6345A, 2N6349A (TC = + 60°C) (TC = + 95°C) *Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TJ = +8O"C) Preceded and Followed by Rated Current Circuit Fusing (TJ = -40 to +110"C,t = 1 toS.3ms) *Peak Gate Power (TC = +SO·C, Pulse Width = 2 pAl) Unit Volts 200 400 600 SOO IT(RMS) 12 6 Amps ITSM 120 Amps 12t 59 A 2s Watts PGM 20 PG(AV) 0.5 Watt *Peak Gate Current IGM 2 Amps *Peak Gate Voltage VGM ±10 Volts TJ -40 to +125 °c Tstll -40 to +150 "C *Average Gate Power (TC = +80·C, t = S.3 ms) *Operating Junction Temperature Range *Storage Temperature Range ·Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-107 • 2N6342A thru 2N6349A THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS CharactarJatic *Thermal Resistance. Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C. unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic *Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM. gate open) TJ = 25°C TJ = 1100c • IORM.IRRM *Peak On-Stete Voltage (Either Oirectionl (lTM = 17 A Peak; Pulsa Width = 1 to 2 ms. Duty Cycle ... 2%1 VTM Gete Trigger Current (Continuous dcl (Vo = 12 Vdc. RL = 1000hmsl MT2( + I. G( + I All Types MT2( + I. G( -I 2N6346A thru 2N6349A MT2( -I. G( - ) All Types MT2( -). G( + I 2N6346A thru 2N6349A *MT2( +). G( + I; MT2( -I. G( -I TC = -4O"C All Types *MT2( +). G( -); MT2( -I. G( + I TC = -40°C 2N6346A thru 2N6349A IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dcl (VO = 12 Vdc. RL = 1000hmsl MT2( + I. G( + I All Types MT2( + I. G( -I 2N6346A thru 2N6349A MT2( -I. G( -I All Types MT2( -I. G( + I 2N6346A thru 2N6349A *MT2( + I. G( + I; MT2( -I. G( -I TC = -40°C All Types *MT2( + I. G( -I; MT2( -I. G( + I TC = -40°C 2N6346A thru 2N6349A (VO = Rated VORM. RL = 10 k ohms. TJ = 100°CI *MT2( + I. G( + I; MT2( -I. G( -I All Types *MT2( + I. G( -I; MT2( -I. G( -I 2N6346A thru 2N6349A VGT Holding Current (Either Oirectionl (VO = 12 Vdc. Gate Openl (IT = 200 mAl Min Typ Max Unit - - 10 2 pA mA - 1.3 1.75 Volts mA - 6 6 10 25 - Volts - 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.4 IH mA 6 - 40 75 tgt - 1.5 2 p,s dv/dt(cl - 5 - VII'S TC = 25°C *TC = -40°C Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage (VO = Rated VORM. ITM = 17 A. Commutating dildt = 6.5 Alms. Gate Unenergized. TC = SOOCI 2 2.5 2 2.5 2.5 3 - 0.2 0.2 *Turn-On Time (VO = Rated VORM. ITM = 17 A. IGT = 120 mA. Rise Time = 0.1 p,s. Pulse WicUh = 2 I'sl 50 75 50 75 100 125 *Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. FIGURE 1 - RMS CURRENT DERATING 110 G ~ w ..... ~ ~ ~O. ~ ~ ~ ~ Ij 100 :> !;;: a: ~ :IE 90 ~ ~ u BO ... -lAy _ in 60· ~ ~~~ a: ...w 900 "- ['...; ~ '" ~~ .J.... de o 2.0 4.0 6.0 B.O 10 I'... w 12 ~ 180" 12 16 - 0 lJ\J= -Ja TJ=110·C '" w > < ~ ~~ ,,; ITIRMS). RMS ON-STATE CURRENT. lAMP) 4.0 o o ~ .......A "/ V [ ~ / ;/"V r\. V~ ~ V 1(' ~ ;~(JO a-CONDUCTION ANGLE w 14 ~V V ~ ~ v: V" .Ja < B.O a: ~ l/.: ~ d. ... - 120·-1-- f'- '~ ~ ~ "~ "- ~ .Ja t: ~ a: "-I' ~ ~ ~ l'.... a-CONOUCTION ANGLE 70 FIGURE 2 - ONoSTATE POWER DISSIPATION 20 ~ ~~ 2.0 4.0 ~~~~ 'l ::;..s &.0 80" 70. 1200 a = 31)0 B.O 10 ITIRMS). RMS ON·STATE CURRENT lAMp) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-108 12 14 2N6342A thru 2N6349A FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE FIGURE 4 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER CURRENT 50 1.8 ~ 1.6 ~1.4 o > ~ ffi 1.0 '"'"iC .... w :--.., 1.2 0.8 5 0.6 .......... a >-~ ~ 3-;' ........ r-.. « 1 -60 -40 20 40 60 80 -20 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) 100 120 4- ~ ,-~ 30 / LO ~ '" ~ = 100D C 10 140 ,g 10 ~ 1.0 ....z t"-. ~ ~ ...... ........ ........ ~ ::> '-' .......... / ~ 5.0 § MAIN TERMINAL ,,2 PfSITIVIE o :r 25D C !/MAIN TERMINAL ,,1 POSITIVE :=' 3.0 r-.... ............... ........ .......... ........ I II 7.0 III 1::i ~ I 120 GATE OPEN i"-.. ;{ hy / TJ 100 FIGURE 6 - TYPICAL HOLOING CURRENT ....... 50 .......... 20 40 60 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) 20 ....... .L" 70 -20 ...... ...... I -40 FIGURE 5 - ON.sTATE CHARACTERISTICS 100 ......... ::>. ~ I"-:... QUADRANT : 5.0 -60 140 I'..... I'::: >< ~? R:K 10 1?~ 7.0 !- -........... ~ '" ...;:::::::: ~ ........ ............. i'-- '"a: ........ .......... ........ S! ~ / ' [""".....;;:: 20 ~ .......... .;I .......... ......... .......... a: / ~ r-..... >-- JUAOR~NT4 """""" 11/~ f- QUADRANTS 2 ............... ;f 0.4 E 30 ~ OF1F.STAiE VOLiAG,E .112 V- .......... ;{ I i -........... w '"~ :"-- OF1F-STAiE VOLtAGE = \2 V'( "( 2.0 -60 ~I 5.0 -40 -20 II ~ 20 40 60 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) 100 120 140 w ~ 3.0 I z o "'. ::> o r 2.0 w z « .... z ~ 1.0 '" .!::- D. FIGURE 7 - MAXIMUM NON,REPETITIVE SURGE CURRENT 100 ---J. I r--l ~ 7 ....'" z 0.5 ::> ::!: ~ W 0: 0: 80 60 0.2 ...;1i 40 -- r- ,-CYCLE - "" =' E :--I- \J 0: 1i: 'r\ (\1 '-' w co 0.3 D. 1 0.4 • l 20 - - TJ =100D C f~60Hz I surDe is prejded an, fOIiOred rv ralted currnt o 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4 10 20 VTM. MAXIMUM INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE IVOLTS) 3.0 5.0 7.0 10 NUMBE R OF CYCLES ~nj~~~~~:~'~~~~~""RM""~~""". ~'Bo:~¥it:~~~"i0i,J>~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-109 2N6342A thru 2N6349A FIGURE 8 - TYPICAL THERMAL RESPONSE 1.0 w ~ o.s ~ '" iii..: - 0.2 ~~ ffi ~ 0.1 ..... 0 ....:r:< ..: .... 0 ::'i ~ -- ZOJC(tI = r(.) - ROJC ~0.05 in z « ..: t- 0.02 ~ 0.0 1 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 20 50 100 200 '.TlME (m,) • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-110 500 1.0 k 2.0 k 5.0 k 10 k 2N6394 thru 2N6399 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supplies. • Glass Passivated Junctions with Center Gate Geometry for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts SCRs 12 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 800 VOLTS Q AO .(" oK • *MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Peak Repetitive Forward and Reverse Blocking Voltage (TJ = -40 to 125·C) 2N6394 2N6395 2N6396 2N6397 2N6398 2N6399 RMS On-State Current (A" Conduction Angles) TC VRRM or VORM + 125·C, t = Unit Volts 50 100 200 400 600 800 = 90·C Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (1/2 cycle, Sine Wave, 60 Hz, TJ = 125"C) Circuit Fusing (TJ = -40 to Value IT(RMS) 12 Amps ITSM 100 Amps 12t 40 A 2s PGM 20 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 Watt 1 to 8.3 ms) Forward Peak Power Forward Average Gate Power *Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. (cont.) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-111 2N6394 thru 2N6399 -MAXIMUM RATlNGS - continued RatIng Symbol Value Unit IGM 2 Amps TJ -40 to +125 ·C Tstg -40 to +150 ·C Forward Peak Gate Current Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance. Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25"C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol *Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TJ = 25·C TJ = 125·C • IORM.IRRM Min Typ Max Unit - 10 2 mA 1.7 2.2 Volts mA *Forward "On" Voltage (lTM = 24 A Peak) VTM - *Gate Trigger Current (Continuous de) (VO = 12 Vde. RL = 100 Ohms) IGT - 5 30 *Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) (VO = 12 Vde. RL = 100 Ohms) (VO = Rated VORM. RL = 100 Ohms. TJ = 125·C) VGT VGO - 0.7 1.5 IIA Volts 0.2 - *Holding Current (VO = 12 Vde) IH - 6 40 mA Turn-On Time (lTM = 12 A. IGT = 40 mAde. Vo = Rated VORM) tgt - 1 2 ps Turn-Off Time (VO = Rated VORM) (lTM = 12A.IR = 12A) (lTM = 12 A.IR = 12 A. TJ = 125·C) tq - 15 35 - Critical Rate-of-Rise of Off-State Voltage Exponential (VO = Rated VORM. TJ = 125·C) dvldt - 50 ps Vips "Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM ON-8TATE POWER DISSIPATION FIGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING u ~ 130r---,----,----,----,----,----,----r---, II: ~ 125~~~--~----+----+----+-II: w ~ 120~~~~~~--+---_+----+-- w .... A-10/1- 20 0/ = CONOUCTION « ~ ANGLE 115~--~~~~~~~-+----+---~----~--~ II: W ~ IIO~--~--~~~~~~~~~--~----~--~ ~ w w ~ ...« ~ 105r----r--~~\_+-~~._~~--~~--r---~ ~ :E 100 --- 0/ 14 -- A-10/1- 18 i!!.... ~ '"ffi« > 16 12 10 8.0 ~ 6.0 r----r--~------'\t_--_l'_~+----'~----p...<:: '> :::> ~ 95~--~--~----~--_+-+--~r-~--~~--~ « :E ~ 900~--~1.~0--~2.~0--~3.0~--~L-~~~~--~~~8.·0 IT(AV), AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT (AMP) ~ 4.0 2.0 = CONDUCTION ANGLE 900 a 30" ~" V /' ,/ ~ / / /' ./ ~ L~ L . / V/ V/ V TJ'" 125"C ~~V ~~ o ~~ 1.0 o 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 IT(AV), AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT (AMP) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-112 180" /- 7.0 8.0 2N6394 thru 2N6399 FIGURE 3 - ON-sTATE CHARACTERISTICS 100 10 _ 95 50 , 30 ffi !5 /. V ""~ 10 """'" too... 80 65 60 ....... .... r-- SURGE IS PRJCEOEO AND FOLLOWEO BY ,ATEO C~RRENT I 2.0 1.0 w ~ ....... ~ i 50 0:: (.) 5.0 Z I"--. 55 7.0 :::> o ........ TJ = 125 DC f=6r HZ ~ 70 ~ f". ~ 15 0:: :li ...'" fth ~ 85 0:: il Ii: ~ ~ 90 /' V ~250C lfil' 20 ............" ... ./ TJ=25DC ~ lz FIGURE 4 - MAXIMUM NON·REPETITIVE SURGE CURRENT 1111 3.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 NUMBER OF CYCLES 3.0 en :::> ~ 2.0 Z ;: Z ~ ~ 1.0 :!ii' .1::' 0.7 0.5 0.3 • 0.2 O. 10.4 1.2 2.0 2.8 3.6 4.4 5.2 1ITH,INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTSI 6.0 FIGURE 5 - THERMAL RESPONSE c ~ 1.0 ~ 0.7 ~ 0.5 o ~ o. 3 ""~ ~ 0.2 V ~ O. I ~ 0.07 ~ 0.05 w :z: .... 0.03 . / j...- ..... ZOJC(t1 = ROJC • r(tl lz ~ 0.02 ~ .... -;i "l:' 0.0 I 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10 20 30 50 t, TIME (msl 100 200 300 SOD 1.0 k 2.0 k 3.0 k 5.0 k 10 k _.mil4HBlt _ _I_ _;.~ ••I.II.I••Il.II•••i1.111I1••II•••••••IIII.r•••••n.n.II7••• __ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-113 2N6394 thr~ 2N6399 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 6 - PULSE TRIGGER CURRENT FIGURE 7 - GATE TRIGGER CURRENT 300 111111 200 c II I < \ ~ 100 70 a: 0:: 50 ~ w .... < '"< ""w E ~ ~ .... z ............ I'r-..... w 30 \. ........ 1'\ 20 ::; 1 ~ ~ TJ = -400C ......... ~ OF~-STAT~ VOL~AGE = \2 V - r-- 2 0:: U 0:: r-..... ~ ~ 0.7 I"- ~, 10 .... :::; ;; <> zw u ~ W N ~+-!+f++++--+-+-f- OFF-STATE VOLTAGE = 12 V t - - ........... '"a: ~ ~ 0.6 ~ 7 ~ '".... ~ ' 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WU~~~ 0.2 0.5 5 10 20 60 100 200 ~ 0.3 -40 40 FIGURE 8 - GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE 1.1 ~ <> 1.0 ~ 0.9 ~ 0.8 • w ~ '"t; 160 I I I OFF·STATE VOLTAGE· 12 V 20 1 .... ........ ~ a: ........ aa: ........ 0.7 '"z ........ ........... 0.6 ~ O. 6 10 rr-........ . 5 7. 0 i 6. 0 ..... """ " <> :z: ............ ....... ........ ............ > 0.4 ,60 0 OFlsTAT~ VOLT~GE = 1~ V - ~ g ....a: 120 FIGURE 9 - HOLDING CURRENT 2:- ~ 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) PULSE WIDTH (ps) -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IDC) 3. 0 -60 -40 20 -20 40 ~ 60 -- 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IDC) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-114 i"- 100 120 140 2N6400 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers thru 2N6405 Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors seRs · .. designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever half-wave silicon gate-controlled, solid-state devices are needed. 16 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 800 VOLTS • Glass Passivated Junctions with Center Gate Geometry for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts _--t~-r-_G--<>c K AC>-O • *MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Peak Repetitive Forward and Reverse Voltage 2N6400 2N6401 2N6402 2N6403 2N6404 2N6405 RMS On-State Current, TC VRRM or VORM = 90°C Average On-State Current Peak Non-Repetitive Forward Surge Current (1/2 cycle, Sine Wave, 60 Hz, TJ = 125°C) Circuit Fusing (TJ = -40 to Value Unit Volts 50 100 200 400 600 800 IT(RMS) 16 Amps IT(AV) 10 Amps ITSM 160 Amps 12t 100 A 2s PGM 20 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 Watt + 125°C, t = 1 to 8.3 ms) Forward Peak Gate Power Forward Average Gate Power "Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. (cont.1 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-115 2N6400 thru 2N6405 -MAXIMUM RATINGS - continued Rating Symbol Value Unit IGM 2 Amps TJ -40 to + 125 °c Tstg -40 to +150 °c Forward Peak Gate Current Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 250C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic 'Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TJ = 25'C TJ = 125°C Min Typ Max Unit - - 10 2 pA. mA VTM - - 1.7 Volts IGT - 5 30 mA - 0.7 1.5 2.5 IORM,IRRM *Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = 32 A Peak, Pulse Width .. 1 ms, Duty Cycle .. 2%) *Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 50 Ohms) *Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 50 Ohms) VGT TC = 25°C TC = -40°C TC = +125°C (VO = Rated VORM, RL = 50 Ohms) • - - IH Turn-On Time (lTM = 16 A, IGT = 40 mAdc, Vo = Rated VORM) Turn-Off Time (lTM = 16 A, IR = 16 A, Vo = Rated VORM) tgt tq TC = 25°C TJ = + 125°C dv/dt Critical Rate-of-Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, Exponential Waveform) - 0.2 TC = 25°C *TC = -40°C *Holding Current (VO = 12 Vdc) Volts - 6 - 40 60 mA i.£S - 1 - - 15 35 - - 50 - i.£S V/i.£S TJ = +125°C 'Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM ON·STATE POWER DISSIPATION FIGURE 1 - AVERAGE CURRENT DERATING 16 128 u ~ 124 .... a: => !;;: 120 ffi ~ ~~ " ...... 116 I- w ~ ..., A-l+~ "" a ~-.... "-'\ ,~ ~ 112 :E i x 108 « '"'.104 ..., Q I- "- I'...~ ~ r-.... I'-... ~"\. r-.... "- "- ~....... \. '\ "- I'.., I '" .'= 30 90· 60· I "' 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 l- « 12 5.0 6.0 7.0 • = ", ;;; 4.0 « ........ 9.0 10 IT(AV). AVERAGE ON·STATE FORWARD CURRENT (AMP) ~ (/ . /V I / / V.,b ~ " / /. ~ ~ liP" h~ w 6.0 0:- 30· // / j ///./ .~ > « de 180· I I 8.0 60· ~ a: w 10 3: ~ w 8.0 « a: 120· '" 90· TJ ~ 125·C to I-... 18~ 120· 14 I- CONOUCTION ANGLE ......... I 100 0 0 u; 2.0 ~ 00 ~ 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 A-lala = CONDUCTION AINGLE I 8.0 9.0 IT(AV). AVERAGE DN·STATE FORWARD CURRENT (AMP) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-116 10 2N6400 thru 2N6405 FIGURE 3 - ON-STATE CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 4 - MAXIMUM NON-REPETITIVE SURGE CURRENT 2tIO ". V ". ~ 1011 .. 20 TJ u =125°C I w ~ 7.0 tt ......... r-... f-- Q. J ~ TJ =125°C f .=60 Hz ~ 120 .!:" I'-. ..... 1"--, SURGE IS PRECEDED AND I - - fOLLYWEO BYtATE~ CUR1RENT 110 10 P\:h ~ 130 "";;'i CI ~ .. r'--. '-' 1/ ::> ~ ~ 140 A' ~30 "- l'5 ~ a:: :E ~ . '". ~ 150 >- I' 50 160 a:: ~ ~ 70 >~ ....::; Q250 C 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 NUMBER Of CYCLES 1"[', 6.0 B.O 10 z 5.0 o :::> '" CI ~ 3.0 ~ z ~ 2.0 ;!; .~1.0 0.7 0.5 • o.3 o. 2 ~ U U ~ U U U U U ~ U VfM.INSTANTANEOUS ON·STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) FIGURE 5 - THERMAL RESPONSE ." 1.0 ~ z ~ iii 0.7 0.5 0.3 ~r-- ~E 0.2 .L ~~ ffi:i i-"'"" O. 1 >- .. 007 - ZOJCIt) - ROJC • rlt) :>::E E~ D~05 . in ~ 0.03 ~ 0.02 "" 0.0 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10 20 30 50 t. TIME (m,) 100 200 300 500 1.0k 2.0k 3.0k 5.0k 10 k ~.~.I.I.ifMljlWrll MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-117 2N6400 thru 2N6405 TYPICAL TRIGGER CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 6 - PULSE TRIGGER CURRENT 100 70 !IE ~ ""'-' 30 :::> w 0- OFF-STATEVOLTAGE-12V.= RL = 5011- 50 20 FIGURE 7 - GATE TRIGGER CURRENT 2.0 " 1\ I"\, ........... .... 10 """ ...... It! ,.: 3.0 ~ 10 ffi IIII 2.0 5.0 10 20 50 100 2.0 -60 200 OFF kATE ..... C!I • ~ g fli r-..... 0•• ........ -40 20 -20 40 60 80 100 120 140 FIGURE 9 - HOLDING CURRENT ~OLTAIGE = lJ vRL = 50 II 20 OFIF-STAr'e VOL~AGE = \2 V RL=5011- ~ ~ ........ I. . . . . . ....... FIGURE 8 - GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE ~ c--... TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 10C) 1.0 ;;; 0.8 ~ '"~ 3.0 PULSE WIDTH Ims) g " ....... ~ 1'-0. IIII IIII 1.0 ..... 7.0 w rffitC 0.5 r---.... '"'" ~ 5.0 250C .g> 2.0 1.0 0.2 Z [ "":::>'-' ~ 7.0 ~ 5.0 RL=5011- 0- TJ = _400C OFF's-rATEIVOLT~GE = 1~ V 1 10 t"-.... w r--...... C!I C!I iii: -.... I"-..... 0- w ~ 0.4 "" "" 1.0 B ......... C!I t'-o.. ~ '"z:9 5.0 r-.... o t--...... ,.. % r-...... j ........ 1'" 3.0 ~ 0.2 -80 2.0 -40 -20 20 40 80 80 TJ,JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 10C) 100 120 140 -80 -40 -20 20 40 80 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 10C) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-118 ~ 120 140 2N6504 thru 2N6509 Thyristors Silicon Controlled Rectifiers · .. designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supply crowbar circuits. seRs • Glass Passivated Junctions with Center Gate Fire for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Constructed for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • 300 A Surge Current Capability 25 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 800 VOLTS ~ AO G OK CASE 221A-C14 (TO-220AB) STYLE 3 • MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating *Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 Unit Volts VRRM 2N6504 2N6505 2N6506 2N6507 2N6508 2N6509 50 100 200 400 600 800 Forward Current (TC = 85·C) (All Conduction Angles) Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (1/2 Cycle, Sine Wave) Value 8.3 ms 1.5 ms IT(RMS) IT(AV) 25 16 Amps ITSM 300 350 Amps (cont.) "Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. Note 1. VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous dc basis without incurring damage. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltege. Devices should not be tested for blocking capability in a manner such that the voltage supplied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-119 2N6504 thru 2N6509 MAXIMUM RATINGS - continued RatIng Forward Peak Gate Power Forward Average Gate Power Forward Peak Gate Current Symbol Value Unit PGM 20 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range TJ -40 to Tstg -40 to + 125 + 150 °c °c -THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic *Peak Forward Blocking Voltage (TJ = 125°C) 2N6504 2N6505 2N6506 2N6507 2N650S 2N6509 *Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TJ = 25°C TJ = 125°C IORM,IRRM *Forward "On" Voltage, Note 1 (lTM = 50 A) • Min VORM VTM Typ Max Unit Volts 50 100 200 400 600 SOO - - - - 10 2 mA - 1.S Volts - 40 75 mA 25 1 1.5 Volts - p.A *Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Anode Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms, TC = -40°C) VGT - Gate Non-Trigger Voltage (Anode Voltage = Rated VORM, RL = 100 Ohms, TJ = 125°C) VGO 0.2 - - Volts *Holding Current (Anode Voltage = 12 Vdc, TC = -40°C) IH - 35 40 mA *Turn-On Time (lTM = 25 A, IGT = 50 mAdc) tgt - 1.5 2 p.S Turn-Off Time (VORM = rated voltage) (lTM = 25 A, IR = 25 A) (lTM = 25 A. IR = 25 A, TJ = 125°C) tq - 15 35 - *Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (Anode Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) TC = 25°C TC = -400C IGT dv/dt Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Gate Open, Rated VORM, Exponential Waveform) - 50 ",s V/",s "Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. Note 1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width", 300 p.s, Duty Cvcle '" 2%. 7 II , ill I II I 12 11111: '.1'1. III P' , IIII MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-120 1I111! II 2N6504 thru 2N6509 FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM ON-5TATE POWER DISSIPATION FIGURE 1 - AVERAGE CURRENT DERATING 130 II:! 120 I~ ~ ~~ ,,~ \ ~ 110 ~ 100 i~ 80 ~ ~ ~ r-... \ r"-. ~ ~ ~ 1\' \ '\. , \ a=3O" f'..... r--- I\. 90" I I I II ~ '" ""'180" "\.. U ~ ""'- M de ""'-.. oI~ ~ o 4.0 20 ii: :." !i! w if ~ 10 ~250 u 125"C j ~ .'I en ~ ~ 225 ~200 25"C I- ii:i 7.0 ac 5.0 ~ 3.0 ~ I ./ V TJ = 12S"C 12 20 18 "" " PCh ~ ~ f'.... ......... ...... ~ SURGE IS PRECEDED AND FOLLOWED BY RATED CURRENT ...... ~ 175 I 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 B.O 10 NUMBER OF CYCLES ~ 2.0 FIGURE 5 - CHARACTERISTICS AND SYMBOLS z: ~ ~~ l7 I en .!f. / B.O ' - - - TC = 85"C f = 80Hz - ~ " II: j ,; f'.... ~ 275 IL- 20 ~ ./ Vde FIGURE 4 - MAXIMUM NON-REPEnnVE SURGE CURRENT 300 30 11/ /V iT(AV). AVERAGE ON-STATE FORWARD CURRENT (AMPS) FIGURE 3 - MAXIMUM FORWARD VOLTAGE V,.... (f1' 180" #. ~ V 100 70 / 90" V / / V/ V", V V/. 0 -/ iT(AII). ON-5TATE FORWARD CURRENT (AMPS) 50 ~ -Ia l- f--a = CONDUCTION ~NGLE a = CONIlUCTlON ANGLE 60" a=3O"\ o f--- --I a l- f--- t':::- "1\ 32 f-------- +1 1.0 ,,, , 0.7 0.5 0.3 REVERSE 'T BLOCKING REGION IH -V _ __~~~I~D~RM~~===1~~~ +V I 0.2 0.1 o 0.4 ! O.B 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 REVERSE AVALANCHE REGION 2.B Yf.INSTANTANEOUS VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 'RRM VDRM FORWARD BLOCKING _I REGION ~i,';i,:{¢;hNJ~'t?t.),'t;~:;;·filiiiJrJffl:;f;.?;;~fl~~~~Jt~~lJ!l.~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-121 2N6504 thru 2N6509 FIGURE. - THERMAL RESPONSE ~ ~ 1.0 0.7 0.5 ...- ~~ ~ 0.3 1---1--' iiD.2 1~0.1 .... ZruCII) = Rruc -r(I) V ffi om ~ 0.05 ~ 0.03 . / ~ 0.D2 0.01 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 2.0 3.0 1.0 5.0 10 20 30 50 t T1MElms) 200 300 100 500 1.0 k 2.0 k 3.0 k 5.0 k 10 k TYPICAL TRIGGER CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 8 - GATE ,",IGGER VOLTAGE FIGURE 7 - GATE '"'!GOER CURRENT 50 1.1 40 ~1.0 OFf.STAlE VOLTAGE = 12 V 1 30 I 20 i""- • ~ c( g ......... ......... -40 -20 0 20 ......... 40 60 .........:. 80 ........... ~ 0.6 .......... 100 ....... ~ 0.5 r-120 I ...... ~ 0.7 .................... 7.0 5.0 -60 ....... 0.8 !ij .......... I .......... 0.9 ~ ~ 10 ~ ........... ~ .............. I I OFF-STATE VOLTAGE = 12 V- ""'" 0.4 -60 -40 -20 140 0 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) 20 40 60 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) FIGURE 9 - HOLDING CURRENT 50 40 .......... ............... ............... ......... r-........ ........... ..................... ...... 7.0 5.0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-122 100 120 140 C35 Series Silicon Controlled Rectifier Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever half-wave silicon gatecontrolled, solid-state devices are needed. seRs 35 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 800 VOLTS • Glass Passivated Junctions and Center Gate Fire for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts ~ AO G oK CASE 263-04 STYLE 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 125'C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Rating Peak Repetitive Forward and Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 C35F (TC= -65 to + 125'C) C35A C35B C35D C35M C35N VDRM or VRRM Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage (TC = -65 to + 125'C, V < 5 ms) VRSM C35F C35A C35B C35D C35M C35N RMS On-State Current (All Conduction Angles) Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One cycle, 60 Hz) Circuit Fusing (t = 1 to 8.3 ms) Peak Gate Power Value Unit Volts 50 100 200 400 600 800 Volts 75 150 300 500 720 960 IT(RMS) 35 Amps ITSM 225 Amps 12t 75 A 2s Watts PGM 5 Average Gate Power PG(AV) 0.5 Watt Peak Reverse Gate Voltage VGRM 5 Volts TJ -65 to +125 Tstg -65 to +150 °c °c Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Note 1. VDRM and VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous dc basis without incurring damage. Ratings applv for zero or negative gate voltage. Devices should not be tested for blocking capability in a manner such that the voltage supplied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-123 • C35 Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic *Peak Forward Blocking Current (VO = Rated VORM @TC = +125°C) (Vo = Rated VORM @ TC = C35F,A C35B C350 C35M C35N All Devices 125°C) Peak Reverse Blocking Current (VR = Rated VRRM @ TC = + 125°C) (VR = Rated VRRM @ TC = - - 13 12 6 5 4 10 - - - 6.5 6 4 2.5 2 10 p.A - - 2 Volts - 6 40 VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (Vo = 12 Vdc, RL = 50O) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 500, TC = -65°C) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 500, TC = -65°C to + 125°C) (VO = Rated VORM, RL = 10000, TC = 125°C) VGT 140 w a: ...i= 120 a: w ~ 100 w Iw ...'"u ~ ...'" g ... 80 60 ~ -' :IE ::> :IE ... X u· I ~...... ...... ~ ~~ '\. '\ ..... ~ .......... ...~ - ~ a~ ;:: '" ...... ~ a: w "" a= 3D. II ....... 60. 90· 120· 180· II JlL J u ~ ~ ....... - V/p.s de ./ 30 ...a:to 20 w ~ ... IT(AV), AVERAGE ON.sTATE CURRENT (AMPS) ~ ~ 50 ...>o· 10 de ~ - mA 60 ~ ...w'" I ~ 10 20 25 - 70 ~ 40 C .......... ......... I I I I 100 Volts z "'i ........... "- I'\..""i'.. ........ ....... 40 20 J 3 - - FIGURE 2 - POWER DISSIPATION (HALF-WAVE SINE WAVE) ~ I- , pA mA 80 dv/dt FIGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING (HALF-WAVE RECTIFIED SINE WAVE) mA - 0.25 C35F,M,N C35A,B C350 Unit mA - IH Critical Rate of Rise of Forward Blocking Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, TC = + 125°C) I- Max IORM(AV) or IRRM(AV) Holding Current (VO = 24 Vdc, Gate Supply = 10 V, 20 0, 45 p.s minimum pulse width, IT = 0.5 A) :IE Typ - Peak On-State Voltage f (lTM = 50.3 A peak, Pulse Width", 1 ms, Duty Cycle'" 2%) ~ Min IORM or IRRM - C35F,A C35B C350 C35M C35N All Devices 125°C) Symbol ./ 180· 120· V 90· / / 60·// / a= 3D./. y./ / ./ V ~ 8 ~ ~~ V 1/ V 12 ..... a ..... 16 20 24 28 32 ~ IT (AV),AVERAGE ON.sTATE CURRENT (AMP) , .IPII• • • I'!liIRI~~INIIII.letID'Jtti'llI'IiRtill.lll;illll.I.~I.1 .fkill Bil MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-124 C106 Series Silicon Controlled Rectifier Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors · .. Glassivated PNPN devices designed for high volume consumer applications such as temperature, light, and speed control; process arid remote control, and warning systems where reliability of operation is important. • • • • SCRs 4 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 600 VOLTS Glassivated Surface for Reliability and Uniformity Power Rated at Economical Prices Practical Level Triggering and Holding Characteristics Flat, Rugged, Thermopad Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability G AO~--~~v"'-_o K G CASE 77-05 (TO-225AA) STYLE 2 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Peak Repetitive Forward and Reverse Blocking Voltage Cl06F (RGK = 1 kO) (TC = -40· to 110·C) Cl06A Cl06B Cl06D Cl06M VDRM or VRRM Value Unit Volts 50 100 200 400 600 RMS Forward Current (All Conduction Angles) IT(RMS) 4 Amps Average Forward Current (TA = 30·C) IT(AV) 2.55 Amps Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (1/2 Cycle, 60 Hz, TJ = -40 to + 110·C) ITSM 20 Amps > 1.5 ms 12t 0.5 A 2s Watt Circuit Fusing t Peak Gate Power Average Gate Power Peak Forward Gate Current • PGM 0.5 PG(AV) 0.1 Watt IGFM 0.2 Amp (cont.) ~."'ti:{~ ~·~J~J'~~;>-~:?\")'0':'.;~·;,t'iiC':'F:% ".¥: ~~ '¥~.r~~~.~~• •~'.RJ~~iIl~~ 7<.M!Ni{~jitry.~iJ· ~~~~;~~?"G"i?llIiV, ",,111 ...... "1,, <:rr..JJ. ~.~#'~!~XV"1 ., .+~PM<.¥-~,!,,~;Ni.al MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-125 C106 Series MAXIMUM RATINGS - continued Symbol Rating Peak Revetse Gate Voltage Value Unit VGRM 6 Volts TJ -40 to +110 Tstg -40 to +150 'c 'c - 6 in. lb. Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Mounting Torque, Note 1 Note 1. Torque rating applies with use of compression washer (B52200F006). Mounting torque in excess of 6 in. lb. does not appreciably lower case-to-sink thermal resistance. Anode lead and heatsink contact pad are common. (See AN-290 B) + 200°C. For soldering purposes (either terminal connection or device mounting), soldering temperatures shall not exceed results, an activated flux (oxide removing) is recommended. For optimum THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Characteristic RIiJC 3 'CIW Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient RIiJA 75 'CIW ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25'C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, RGK = 1000 Ohms) TJ = 25'C TJ = 110'C Forward "On" Voltage (lFM= 1 A Peak) VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VAK = 6 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) (VAK = 6 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms, TC • = = 10 100 pA pA - - 2.2 Volts - 30 75 200 500 0.4 0.5 0.2 - 0.8 1 - - 0.3 0.4 0.14 - mA - 3 6 2 - 8 - V/fJ.S - - TJ = 25'C TJ = -40'C TJ = +110'C 1000 Ohms) IHX dv/dt tgt - 1.2 Turn-Off Time tq - 40 ~ w a: ....... 90 !;;: ...a:w !>- .. V HALF SINE WAVE "RESISTIVE OR INDUCTIVE LOAD. 50 to 400 Hz 40 ~ 30 t.> 20 o i .4 ILs +eMPEAATUR~ '" 110bc / ;: ;t DC C a: I I r--.... ~ ~ w ~ t\. HALF SINE WAVE RESISTIVE DR INDUCTIVE LOAD 50 TO 400Hz. ~ " "' '1'0.., '1'0.. 60 10 ::::..... ~ 50 JUNbTlDN z ........ ..r' 70 fJ.S o ........ ........... 80 Volts FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM ON-STATE POWER DISSIPATION ~~ :::J >- - VGT FIGURE 1 - AVERAGE CURRENT DERATING w - Turn-On Time 100 Unit pA -40'C) Forward Voltage Application Rate (TJ = 110'C, RGK = 1000 Ohms, Vo = Rated VORM) 110 Max IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VAK = 6 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms, RGK = 1000 Ohms) TJ = 25'C (VAK = Rated VORM, RL = 3000 Ohms, TJ = -40'C RGK = 1000 Ohms, TJ = 110'C) Holding Current (VO = 12 Vdc, RGK Typ Min IORM,IRRM ~ 4 z ........ /~ " , o " .8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 IT IAV) AVERAGE DN·STATE CURRENT (AMPERES) 4.0 w c.o < ~ > < :> < ~ , ............ j 0 0 -- ~ / ~ ./ ~'" ", DC ~ ~ .4 .8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.6 3.2 3.6 'T IAV) AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPERES) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-126 / 4.0 C106 Series P...... Intllrch.llllllblllty Th. dimen.'onal dlagr_. bal_ compara the critical dlmen.lon. of the Motorola C·'06 package with competitive devicli. It he. been demonltreted that the Imallar dimen.ion. of the Motorola pack • ... make it compatible In molt lead-mount .nd ch...,.....ount applications. The u..r I. advlud to campara all critical dlmen,lon. for mounting compatibility. Motorolo c·, 06 Pockogo Competitive C·'06 Pocko ... MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-127 C122 Series Silicon Controlled Rectifier Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor • .. designed primariiy for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever half-wave silicon gatecontrolled, solid-state devices are needed. seRs 8 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 800 VOLTS • Glass Passivated Junctions and Center Gate Fire for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Blocking Voltage to 600 Volts • Different Lead Form Configurations, Suffix (2) thru (6) available, see Thyristor Selection Guide for Information • ~ AO G oK CASE 221A-04 (TO-220AB\ STYLE 3 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage C122F C122A C122B C1220 C122M C122N Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage VORM VRRM TC" 75°C Peak Forward Surge Current (1/2 Cycle, Sine Wave, 60 Hz) Circuit Fusing Considerations (t = 8.3 ms) Unit Volts 50 100 200 400 600 800 Volts VRSM 75 200 300 500 700 C122F C122A C122B C1220 C122M C122N Forward Current RMS (All Conduction Angles) Value SOO IT(RMS) 8 Amps ITSM 90 Amps 12t 34 A 2s Note 1. VORM for all types can be applied on a continuous dc basis without incurring damage. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. (cont.) Devices should not be tested for blocking capability in a manner such that the voltage supplied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 11'111 11 ~_'.ISMI'•• II'I'ifM~!..,....e"'II.I""'D5Innll_ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-128 C122 Series MAXIMUM RATINGS - continued Rating Forward Peak Gate Power (t = 10 J.'S) Forward Average Gate Power Symbol Value Unit PGM 5 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps TJ -40 to + 100 °c + 125 °c Forward Peak Gate Current Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range -40 to Tstg THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TC = 25°C TC = 100°C Min IORM,IRRM Peak On-State Voltage, Note 1 (lTM = 16 A Peak, TC = 25°C) VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous de) (VO = 6 V, RL = 91 Ohms, TC = 25°C) (VO = 6 V, RL = 45 Ohms, TC = -40°C) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) (VO = 6 V, RL = 91 Ohms, TC = 25°C) (VO = 6 V, RL = 45 Ohms, TC = -40°C) (VO = Rated VORM, RL = 1000 Ohms, TC VGT Unit - 10 0.5 /loA mA - - 1.83 Volts - - 25 40 - 1.5 2 - = 100°C) Max - - Holding Current (VO = 24 Vdc, IT = 0.5 A, 0.1 to 10 ms Pulse, Gate Trigger Source = 7 V, 20 Ohms) Typ 0.2 mA Volts - mA IH TC TC - = 25°C = -40°C Turn-Off Time (VO = Rated VORM) (lTM = 8 A, IR = 8 A) Critical Rate-of-Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, Linear, TC = 100°C) - - - 30 60 tq - 50 - /loS dv/dt - 50 - V//loS Note 1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 1 ms, Duty Cycle'" 2%. FIGURE 2 - CURRENT DERATING (FULL-WAVE) FIGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING (HALF·WAVE) ~ w "'=>>~ ~>w ~ w ~ ~ ~ 75~--~---4----H----1----t----t----H---~ j ~ 70 "~ '=>" 'x~" m « ;;: ~ « « => x « '" ",' >- 60 0 1 4 5 7 IT(AV). AVERAGE ON·STATE FORWARO CURRENT (AMPERES) 65 +----I+----+----+----I------Jt---I RESISTIVE OR INOUCTIVE LOAO. 50 TO 400 Hz -+----I+----t---4~--+---4t_---j 60~0--~L---~---U----~--~----~--~--~ ",' >- IT(AV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPERES) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-129 C122 Series FIGURE 3 - MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATION (HALF-WAVEI ~ .... ~ :5 ;:: :: ~ u; 14 - ~ 6 -CONDUCTION I-- 6'j I/.. ~ ANGL?O. ~ ~ ./ 4 ffi> .. .. '> iC 120· 900 - w '" 2 :: ./ ° ~ ""'" ~ ," c 1/ '"~ :rw .... « I;; ~V z 0 ~ /. ~ "/ ./ iii ,/ 180· 8 o z 0 ;:: L 10 2 w '"ffi > 4 10 ~ DC 12 '" ~ Z ........ « R~SIStIVEI OR iND CTI~E LhAD'50 o 4~0 H) C :rw FIGURE 4 - MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATION {FULL-WAVEI .. 7 ....u IT(AV). AVERAGE DN-5TATE CURRENT (AMPERES) 1---+----1~N"I.I'!i;.c--+--h_CJulll I--~~~~-+---+~. "~ ,. 1---2!S'IIfI.~--If---+---+_oln CYCLE Of .......' FftEQUENCY RESISTIVE OR INDUCTIVE LOAD. 50TD 400 Hz 4 5 IT(AVI. AVERAGE ON-5TATE CURRENT (AMPERES) • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-130 CDllIUCTIOII 7 - C205 Series Plastic Silicon Controlled Rectifiers · .. designed and tested for repetitive peak operation required for CD ignition, fuel ignitors, flash circuits, motor controls and low-power switching applications. • 150 Amperes for 2 p.S Safe Area • High dv/dt • Very Low VF at High Current • Low-Cost TO-92 SCRs 1.2 AMPERES RMS 30 thru 400 VOLTS AO MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage. Note 1 Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage C205Y C205YV C205A C205B C2050 400 Peak Forward Surge Current (1/2 Cycle. Sine Wave. 60 Hz) TA = 25°C Forward Average Gate Power TA = 25°C Forward Peak Gate Current TA = 25·C Unit Volts 30 60 100 200 Forward Current RMS (All Conduction Angles) Forward Peak Gate Power Valua VRRM VORM Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range IT(RMS) 1.2 Amps ITSM 10 Amps PGM 0.5 Watts PG(AV) 0.1 Watt IGM 0.2 Amps TJ -40 to +125 "C Tstg -40 to +150 ·C THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance. Junction to Case Note 1. VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous dc basis without incurring damage. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. Devices should not be tested for blocking capability in a manner such that the voltage supplied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-131 C205 Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 250(; unless otherwise noted. RGK = 1000 Ohms) Symbol Cha...cteri8tic Peak Forward Blocking Current (Rated VORM) TC TC Peak Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VRRM TC TC = 25°C = 125°C = 25°C = 125°C Peak On-State Voltage, Note 1 (lTM = 1 A Peak, TC = 25°C) Min Typ - - - - 5 10 tq - 15 - p.s dv/dt - 20 - V/p.s IORM IRRM VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 6 V, RL = 100 Ohms, TC = 25°C TC = -4OOC IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 7 V, RL = 100 Ohms, TC = 250(;) VGT Holding Current Anode Voltage = 12 Vdc Turn-Off Time (V ORM TJ = +125°C TC TC = Rated Voltage) Forward Voltage Application Rate (TC = 100°C) = 250(; = -4OOC IH Note 1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 1 ms, Duty Cycle .. 2%. • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-132 Max Unit 10 200 pA 10 200 pA 1.6 Volts pA 200 500 0.8 Volts mA C228 C228( )3 C229 Silicon Controlled Rectifier Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor Series · .. designed for industrial and consumer applications such as power supplies, battery chargers, temperature, motor, light and welder controls. • • • • Economical for a Wide Range of Uses High Surge Current - ITSM = 300 Amps Low Forward "On" Voltage -1.2 V (Typ) @ ITM = 35 Amps Practical Level Triggering and Holding Characteristics - 10 mA (Typ) @ TC = 25°C • Rugged Construction in Either Pressfit, Stud, or Isolated Stud Packages • Glass Passivated Junctions for Maximum Reliability SCRs 35 AMPERES RMS 100 thru 600 VOLTS Q A oC>----1~~--<>o K MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ = -40 to + 125°C) C228A,C228A3,C229A C228B,C228B3,C229B C228D,C228D3,C229D C228M, C228M3, C229M Non-Repetitive Reverse Voltage (TJ = -40 to +125°C) C228A,C228A3,C229A C228B, C228B3, C229B C228D,C228D3,C229D C228M, C228M3, C229M = Unit Volts # 100 200 400 600 Volts 150 300 500 720 IT(RMS) 35 Amps ITSM 300 Amps 12t 370 A 2s Watts -40 to + 125°C) Circuit Fusing Considerations (TC = -40 to + 125°C, t = 1 to 8.3 ms) Peak Gate Power Average Gate Power Peak Forward Gate Current Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque Value VRSM Forward Current RMS Peak Surge Current (One Cycle, 60 Hz, TC VDRM and VRRM PGM 5 PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps TJ -40 to +125 °c Tstg -40 to + 150 °c 30 in. lb. - Note 1. VDRM and VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous dc basis without incurring damage. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. Devices shall not have a positive bias applied to the gate concurrently with a negative potential on the anode. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-133 CAR"" STYLE 1 C229 Series If~E_ STYLE 1 C228 Series II~311~ STYLE 1 C228( )3 Series C228 • C228( )3. C229 Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Symbol Thermal Resistance. Junction to Case C22S and C229 Series C22S( )3 Series Max Unit 0c/w R9JC 1.7 1.S5 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM. gate open) TC = 25°C TC = 125°C Forward "On" Voltage (lTM = 100 A Peak) VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous de) (Vo = 12 Vdc. RL = 80 Ohms, TC = 25°C) (VO = 6 Vdc, RL = 50 Ohms, TC = -40°C) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = SO Ohms, TC = 25°C) (VO = 6 Vdc. RL = SO Ohms. TC = -4O"C) VGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Rated VORM. RL = 1000 Ohms, TC = +125°C) Holding Current (Anode Voltage = 24 V. gate open) • VGT TC = 25°C TC = -40°C IH Turn-On Time (td + t r ) (lTM = 35 Adc, IGT = 40 mAde) ton Turn-Off Time (lTM = 10 A, IR = 10 A) (lTM = 10 A. IR = 10 A, TC = 100°C) toff Forward Voltage Application Rate (TC = 100°C) dv/dt FIGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING (HALF-WAVE RECTIFIED SINE WAVE) ....u Typ Max Unit - - - 10 3 p.A mA - - 1.9 Volts - - 40 - - 2.5 3 0.2 - - - - 75 150 1 - - 20 35 - 50 - Min IORM,IRRM mA SO Volts 10 mA /LS p.s V/p.s FIGURE 2 - CURRENT DERATING (FULL-WAVE RECTIFIED SINE WAVE) 45L-__~~LJ~L-~~~~__L-__~__~__~ o Volts 40 IT (AV). AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT (AMPS) IT (AV) AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT (AMPS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-134 Silicon Controlled Rectifier Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. designed for industrial and consumer applications such as power supplies, battery chargers, temperature, motor, light and welder controls. • • • • C230,231 C230( )3, 231( )3 C232,233 Series Economical for a Wide Range of Uses High Surge Current - ITSM = 300 Amps Low Forward "On" Voltage -1.2 V (Typ) @ ITM = 25 Amps Practical Level Triggering and Holding Characteristics - 10 mA (Typ) @ TC = SCRs 25 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 600 VOLTS 25°C • Rugged Construction in Either Pressfit, Stud, or Isolated Stud • Glass Passivated Junctions for Maximum Reliability AO ~ G OK MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Suffix Symbol Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TC = -40 to + 100°C) All Types F A B Value Unit VDRM and VRRM 50 100 200 400 600 Volts VRSM 75 150 300 500 720 Volts IT(RMS) 25 Amps ITSM 250 Amps 12t 260 A 2s PGM 5 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps TJ -40 to +100 °c Tstg -40 to + 125 °c - 30 in. lb. Symbol Max 0 M Non-Repetitive Reverse Voltage (TC = -40 to 100°C) All Types F A B 0 M Forward Current RMS Peak Surge Current (One Cycle, 60 Hz, TC = -40 to 100°C) Circuit Fusing (TC = -40 to 100°C, t = 1 to 8.3 ms) Peak Gate Power Average Gate Power Peak Forward Gate Current Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque CASE 174-04 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Pressfit and Stud Isolated Stud Unit °CIW R6.JC 1 1.15 Note 1. VDRM and VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous dc basis without incurring damage. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. Devices shall not have a positive bias applied to the gate concurrently with a negative potential on the anode. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-135 ITO-203) STYLE 1 C232 and C233 Series CASE 175-03 STYLE 1 C230 and 231 Series C2301 CASE 235-03 STYLE 1 )3 and C2311 )3 Series • C230,231 • C230( )3, 231( )3. C232, 233 Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TC = 25°C TC = 100°C IORM,IRRM Forward "On" Voltage (lTM = 100 A Peak, Pulse Width"" 1 ms, Outy Cycle"" 2%) Gate Trigger Current, C230, C230( )3, C232 series (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 120 Ohms) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 60 Ohms) Gate Trigger Current, C231, C231( (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 120 Ohms) (Vo = 12 Vdc, RL = 60 Ohms) IGT TC TC -40°C TC TC TC = -- w _ 80 ..J U ;~ 9 :----: ~ ~ ...... I-- - ",0 Q' '" 30 0 = = -40°C +100°C = TC = 100°C TC = 100°C 1.9 Volts - - 25 40 - - 9 20 - 1.5 2 JJA mA - mA - Volts 50 - mA 100 - 1 - - 25 35 - - 100 - ,..s p.s V/p.s FIGURE 2 - ON-STATE POWER DISSIPATION versus ON-STATE CURRENT ~ u; I, ~ >- ~ 24 180 0 18 600 co ~ co 12 40 w 24 28 IT(AV). AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (AMPS) ~ ....j,,~ II.~ > 20 :L/ ~~V "- . ..i' 1/ L / ./ jh~ V ex'" 30 0 '"~ 6.0 uu >20 ~ooL 90 0 c; :::>"- ~ f' 0' = I-- I-- Conduction Angle ./ 4.0 8.0 12 16 20 IT(AV). AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (AMPS) NOTE. Derating IS for Presslh and Stud Devices. Isolated stud devices must be derated an additional 15%. For exam pier the max Tc@16A(180 0 conductionangle) is 70 oe, a derating of 30 oe. Isolated stud devices must be derated 34.5 0 C; therefore, the maximum TC IS 65.5 0 C. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-136 V ,/ z co ;::: "- ~ 60 16 - - tq = 50 p.s, --- 12 mA - tgt <: "w :E~ ~ 10 1 0.2 -40°C ::Iiw ~ ~ - - dv/dt ~o ~0 900~~~00 - - -40°C FIGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING FOR PRESSFIT AND NON-ISOLATED STUD ~ Unit = Rated VORM) Forward Voltage Application Rate (VO = Rated VORM) 100 Max VGT = 0.5 A) Turn-Off Time (lTM = 10 A. IR = 10 A, Pulse Width dv/dt = 20 V/,..s, Vo = Rated VORM) Typ IGT IH Turn-On Time (td + t r ) (lTM = 25 Adc, IGT = 40 mAdc, Vo • = )3, C233 (Continuous dc) Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Vo = 12 Vdc, RL = 120 Ohms) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 60 Ohms) (VO = Rated VORM, RL = 1000 Ohms) Holding Current (VO = 24 V, gate open, IT VTM Min 24 28 C230,231 • C230( )3, 231( )3. C232, 233 Series FIGURE 3 - GATE CURRENT VARIATION WITH TEMPERATURE FIGURE 4 - GATE VOLTAGE VARIATION WITH TEMPERATURE 20 .s< ~ "" 10 1.0 r--.... .......... 5.0 w ~ ~ ........... §! 0.7 .......... :'!:i ........ g a: .... ....... .......... " 0.6 ~ 0.5 r--.... ~ r-.... < '" 3.0 2.0 -60 - ........... :; ........ Off·State Voltage = 12 V - ........... ~ 0.8 ~ 7.0 '" ~ < ""u::> '"'" ~ I '" 0.9 ~ o I .1. I Off·State Voltage = 12 V ~ 0.4 > -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) 0.3 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) • ••llj ......... I~IIIII:~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-137 MAC15A Series Triaes Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors • •. designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as solid-state relays, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever full-wave silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. Triac type thyristors switch from a blocking to a conducting state for either polarity of applied anode voltage with positive or negative gate triggering. TRIAC. 15 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Gate Triggering Guaranteed in Four Modes • CASE 221A-04 (TO-220AB) STYLE 4 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage (TJ = -40 to 125·C) Value MAC15A4 MAC15A6 MAC15AB MAC15A10 Unit Volts VORM 200 400 600 BOO Peak Gate Voltage On-State Current RMS Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz (TC = +90·C) VGM 10 Volts IT(RMS) 15 Amps 12t 93 A2s Peak Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TC = + BO·C) Preceded and followed by rated cu rrent) ITSM 150 Amps Peak Gate Power (TC = +SOOC, Pulse Width = 2 p.s) PGM 20 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps TJ -40 to +125 ·C Tstg -40 to +150 ·C Circuit Fusing Average Gate Power (TC = + BO·C, t = B.3 ms) Peak Gate Current Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-138 MAC15A Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc = 2S·C, and either polarity of MT2 to MT1 Voltage, unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 2S·C TJ = 12S·C Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = 21 A Peak; Pulse Width = IORM,IRRM VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) IGT Max Unit - - 10 2 mA 1.3 1.6 Volts pA. Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) (VO = Rated VORM, RL = 10 k Ohms, TJ = 110·C) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); MT2(+), G(-); MT2(-), G(+) VGT mA - - SO SO 50 80 Volts - 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.4 2 2 2 2.S 0.2 - - Holding Current (Either Oirection) NO = 12 Vdc, Gate Open) (IT = 200 mAl IH - 6 40 mA Turn-On Time No = Rated VORM, ITM = 17 A) (lGT = 120 mA, Rise Time = 0.1 p.s, Pulse Width tgt - 1.S - p.s dv/dt(c) - S - V/p.s = 2 p.s) = 8 Alms, FIGURE 1 - RMS CURRENT DERATING ~ 120 2or----,--~---,----~---,---.----~._, ........ ~ j;: 11 0 < IZ: ~ IZ: w ~~ ~ .=1800 100 o ~ 16 ~~ / ~ ~ ./",=900 w 80 /",=300 /"'=600 IZ: ~ $' 9o • FIGURE 2 - ON-8TATE POWER DISSIPATION 130 ~ Typ 1 to 2 ms, Outy Cycle" 2%) Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, ITM = 21 A. Com mutating di/dt Gate Unenergized, TC = 80·C) ~ w Min JAy -J. a= - ........ ~w ~ ~ ....... de,", l'.. ~ r'\. i'.. '"< ~ ~ :> ~ TJ ~ 1250, CONOUCTION ANGLE 6 10 12 I"\. 14 12 0~0~~~--+---~--~---7.10,---~12~-.1~4--~16 16 IT(RMS). RMS ON-5TATE CURRENT (AMP) IT(RMS). ON·STATE CURRENT (AMP) ?,••____••,MI_._ 1i1.1i•• I _ ••••••••I_ •• ' •• ! .'_II5ISi~.tl_lll.il.i MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-139 MAC15A Series FIGURE 4 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER CURREN:r FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE \2 1.8 ~ OF:F-5TA~E VOLtAGE = 1.6 V- « I ~ 1.4 1.2 .......... ~ I""'-;;'" w '" 0.8 ~ """'" ....... - -- I~ :"""::: - QUADRANTS 5 0.6 -60 -40 -20 20 40 ~ '"....'" = ~ 10 ....... ~ '"£i' 7.0 ~ ~=' 3-:'" I- 0.4 ... ~ ....... 60 80 100 120 QUADRANT -40 r--..... .......... ....... ~ r--...... I><: t>-.. l<" / v .......... ........... 2./' --!- --- ........ .............. ....... 1'/ - -20 20 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI 40 ............ b:: ?< .......... FIGURE & - ON·STATE CHARACTERISTICS ......... 60 BO 100 1/ / L 30 J 0 """" 110 / ~ 125°C w ::1 V 20 ... 7.0 :::> / :z: ::E 3.0 1 2.0 -60 " /1 I ~ cz: cz: ... :::> , I w '"i5lcz: ...'";;'i : , ::l; ~ I O.B r-.., -40 -20 r-... ~ ........... r--..... :0I'..... .... I 0 20 40 60 BO TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI -------- ~ 200 .... o. 7 0.4 "' r--...... 100 120 140 300 I o. 1 ....... FIGURE 7 - MAXIMUM NON-REPETITIVE SURGE CURRENT ii: o. 2 ....... MAIN TERMINAL #2 prSlTIvr CI I o. 3 140 MAIN TERMINAL #1 POSITIVE I/ ......... / ~ 5.0 i5 .... If o.5 120 GATE OPEN I'.... TJ = 25°C ....... ....... FIGURE 6 - TYPICAL HOLDING CURRENT /' 50 ... ~ ....... 20 70 1-0...... TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI 100 • OFiF-5TAiE VOLiAGE .112 V- i'-. r--.... J 5.0 -60 140 ......... r-.., ...... t--.. cz: ~ 20 / ......... .II' 12~ ....-- -...;; .... w 30 .... dUAORiNT 4 ............ o ;: 1.0 !. I""--- ~ ............ w '"~ 0 I-- 100 70 50 r - I""- TC = BOoC I = 60 Hz Surge is preceded and followed by rated current 30 1.2 1.6 2.4 2.B 3.2 3.6 4.4 I 10 NUMBER OF CYCLES VTM.INSTANTANEOUS ON-5TATE VOLTAGE (VOLTSI MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-140 MAC15A Series FIGURE 8 - THERMAL RESPONSE w ~ ~ 0.5 ~0.2 -,0 ~~ ffi ~ ,,:E ~ 0; ~ O. 1 ZoJC(tl = ,hi· ReJC ........ '"0 ~ ~O.05 0; z « '" t- 0.02 "" 0.0 1 0.1 0.2 0.5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10 k t. TIME (m.1 • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-141 MAC15AFP Series Triacs Silicon Bidirectional Thyristors · .. designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as solid-state relays, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever full-wave silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. Triac type thyristors switch from a blocking to a conducting state for either polarity of applied anode voltage with positive or negative gate triggering. ISOLATED TRIACs THYRISTORS 15 AMPERES RMS 200-800 VOLTS • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Gate Triggering Guaranteed in Four Modes MT2~MTl STYLE 3 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating • Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open MAC15A4FP MAC15A6FP MAC15A8FP MAC15A10FP = -40 to +125°C) Peak Gate Power (TC = Average Gate Power (TC = +SOOC) = 2 ~s) = S.3 ms) +SOOC, Pulse Width = +SOOC, t Peak Gate Current Peak Gate Voltage RMS Isolation Voltage (TA Unit Volts VORM 200 400 600 SOO On-State RMS Current (TC = +SOOC), Note 2 Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz.(TC = + 95°C) Peak Nonrepetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TC preceded and followed by rated current Value = 25°C, Relative Humidity ... 20%) IT(RMS) 15 12 Amps ITSM 150 Amps Watts PGM 20 PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps VGM 10 Volts VUSO) 1500 Volts TJ -40 to +125 OC Tstg -40 to +150 OC Operating Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range Notes: 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested wi1h a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 2. The case temperatura referance point for all Te measurements is a point on the center lead of the package as close as possible to the plastic body. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3·142 MAC15AFP Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case R6JC 2 ·CIW Thermal Resistance, Case to Sink R6CS 2.2 (typ) ·CIW Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient RruA 60 ·CIW Characteristic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25·C unless otherwise noted) Symbol Characteristic Peak Blocking Current (Either Direction) TJ Rated VORM @TJ = + 125·C, Gate Open = 25·C Peak On-State Voltage (Either Direction) ITM = 21 A Peak; Pulse Width = 1 to 2 ms, Duty Cycle"" 2% VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, Rl MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) IGT = Min Typ Max Unit - - - 10 2 p.A mA 1.3 1.6 Volts IORM mA 100 Ohms Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, Rl = 100 Ohms MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) Main Terminal Voltage = Rated VORM, Rl = 10 kG, TJ All Trigger Modes - - 50 50 50 SO Volts VGT = + 110·C - 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.4 2 2 2 2.5 0.2 - - Holding Current (Either Direction) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, Gate Open, Initiating Current = 200 mA IH - 6 40 mA Turn-On Time Rated VORM, ITM = 17 A, IGT = 120 mA, Rise Time = 0.1 /LS, Pulse Width = 2 p.s tgt - 1.5 - p.s dv/dt(c) - 5 - V//Ls Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage Rated VORM, ITM = 21 A, Com mutating dildt Gate Unenergized, TC = +SO·C = S Aims, QUADRANT DEFINITIONS MT2(+) QUADRANT II QUADRANT I MT2( +), G( -) MT2( +), G( +) Trigger devices are recommended for gating on Triacs. They provide: 1. Consistent predictable turn-on points. 2. Simplified circuitry. 3. Fast turn-on time for cooler, more efficient and raliabla operation. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS of RECOMMENDED BIDIRECTIONAL SWITCHES G(-l Usage ------+------ G(+l QUADRANT III MT2(-), G(-) QUADRANT IV MT2(-), G(+) MBS4991 Vs 6-10 V 7.5-9 V IS 350 p.A Max 120 p.A Max VS1-VS2 0.5 V Max 0.2 V Max Temperature Coefficient MT2(-1 General Part Number MBS4992 0.02%rCTyp 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-143 • MAC15AFP Series TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 130 ~ 120 i5 -.... ~ ~~ ~ 110 ~ 100 ra = "." CONDUCTION ANGLE o 4 6 8 10 12 14 OFF·STATE VOLTAGE = 12 Vdc_ ALL MODES 2 ,..... ~ i'--- I'--- !z ~ a: :::> <..> " r~ -Ja ,9 90 r 80 1/60" 125°C/ :::;; ~ / ~ ~ 1c'90° ~~ 1500 to 180°/ ~' ~ r-... d~ ~ ~ ~ :--... ~ ~ ~ gs 1/300 3 1 a: '"~ 0.7 ~ 0.5 '"~ .£' O. 3 -60 16 -40 -20 70 16 fi ~ 12 ~ ~_ I / 50 ~ L::..t: -J a ~ +--+...s-7I'~7~--:;~. ~ ~ ~ 0~~~--7-~~-~-~-~~~~~ o 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ITIRMS), RMS·ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) / ,! 7 I 5 II d ,I , Figure 2. On-State Power Dissipation 3 dFF.STATE VOLTAGE = 12 Vdc ALL MODES 2 1 gs ~ §; o. 5 -- - - -- O.3 -60 -40 -20 o 1 :-- r-- a: g ~ ~ '" ~ > 17 V' 0 ~ 140 I. lI'125°C 0 8 a = CONDUCTION ANGLE -.,fi'I7"':A..!"'----,,"""'--I-.........J ~ 120 = 25°C V/ TJ 0 1 ~ 100 / TJ = 125°C--+--I--I----¥--F-.,IF- I o i5 20 40 60 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1°C) r-... 100 20r---,----,---,---,---,----,---.-.-, ~ z r-..... Figure 4. Typical Gate Trigger Current Figure 1. RMS Current Derating • ......... "'- ITIRMS), RMS ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) ~ ......... w O.7 20 40 60 80 100 O. 7 O. 5 O. 3 0.2 120 140 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1°C) O. 1 0.4 , ,: I 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 INSTANTANEOUS ON·STATE VOLTAGE IVOLTSI V'j', Figure 5. Maximum On-State Characteristics Figure 3. Typical Gate Trigger Voltage MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-144 4.4 MAC15AFP Series \. cw ~ 1L ~ a: I- Z w 0.7 z 0 Z w a: a: ::J ~ 100 '" a: ....... ::J ~ ........... ............. 0.5 :J: ~ .... ~ -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1°C! 120 140 Figure 6. Typical Holding Current ~ z ;5 0.5 r-- I-- ~ 50 30 1 - --- 70 ~ ~ 0.3 -60 ----- 200 I- " ~ '"9 ~ i'-.. 0 a: a: ::J u 300 I GATE OPEN APPLIES TO EITHER DIRECTION TC = 80°C f = 60 Hz SURGE IS PRECEDED AND FOLLOWED BY RATED CURRENT 10 3 5 NUMBER OF CYCLES Figure 7. Maximum Nonrepetitive Surge Current ~ en en i':! c 0.2 ~ it:;! ffi ~ o. 1 ....... fZ/lJClt! = rlt!- R6JC E~ 15 ~0.05 en ~ :g 0.02 0.01 0.1 0.2 0.5 20 50 100 t, nME(ms! Figure 8. Thermal Response 10 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k. R_~~~_"~'·f;;:N1fiii.iW1Hit:illitd;~~'~'~:.rI1._ _a_itB_M~~.~~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-145 MAC20A MAC25A MAC50A Triaes Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for industrial and consumer applications for full-wave control of ac loads such as appliance controls, power supplies, solid-state relays, heating controls, motor controls, welding equipment, and power switching systems. • • • • • TRIACs 15,25 and 40 AMPERESRMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS Electrically Isolated From Mounting Base Isolation Voltage of 2500 Volts RMS Quick ConnectlDisconnect Terminals Glass Passivated and Center Gate Geometry Gate Triggering Guaranteed in Four Modes CASE 326-01 STYLE 2 • MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = -40 to + 125°C unless otherwise noted.) MAC series Symbol Rating Unit 20A Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open MAC20Al25A150A4 MAC20Al25A150A6 MAC20Al25A150AB MAC20Al25A150A 10 25A SOA Volts VORM 200 400 600 BOO RMS On-State Current (TC = 1000C for MAC20A) (TC = gooC for MAC25A) (TC = 700C for MAC50A) IT(RMS) Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz) - 25 - - ITSM 150 250 300 Amps 12t 90 260 375 A 2s PG(AV) O.!i 0.5 0.75 Watt IGM 2 2 4 Amps Circuit Fusing (t = 1 to B.3 ms) Average Gate Power Peak Gate Current (10 I£S) Operating Junction Temperature Range TJ Storage Temperature Range Tstg MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-146 Amps 15 o to 40 +125 -40 to + 125 °C °C MAC20A • MAC25A • MAC50A THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Symbol Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case (OC) (Apparent) Note 1 Maximum Value Unit 1.61 1.5 1 1.4 1.3 1 0.95 °CIW R8JC Note 1. Defmed as: (125°e - Tel for a 60 Hz full sine wave. PAY ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (All voltage polarity reference to MT1; applies to either polarity of MT2 to MT1; TC Characteristic Symbol Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TC = 25°C TC = 125°C IORM' IRRM Peak On-State Voltage (Pulse Width = 1 ms, Outy Cycle 2%) (lTM = 21 A Peak) (lTM = 35 A Peak) (lTM = 56 A Peak) VTM IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Vo = 12 Vdc, RL = 50 Ohms) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); MT2(+), G(-) MT2( -), G( +) (VO = Rated VORM, RL = 10 kO, TC = 125°C) VGT MAC25A MAC50A Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max - - 10 2 - - 10 2 - - 10 2 Unit p.A mA Volts mA - IH = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) - 1.3 1.6 - - - - - - - - - 1.4 1.7 - - - - - - - - - 1.65 1.75 MAC20A MAC25A MAC20A Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 50 Ohms) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) Holding Current (Vo = 12 Vdc, Gate Open, RL = MAC20A 15 30 50 75 - - 20 70 35 100 - 20 35 70 100 Volts - 0.9 2 1.4 2.5 0.2 - - 6 - - - - - 1.1 2 1.3 2.5 0.2 - - 10 - 10 75 - - 1.1 2 1.3 2.5 0.2 40 - 75 mA 40 Ohms) Turn-On Time (Vo = Rated VORM) (lTM = 21 A,IG = 120 mAl (lTM = 35 A, IG = 200 mAl (lTM = 56 A, IG = 200 mAl tgt - MAC20A MAC25A MAC50A Critical Rate-of-Rise of Commutation Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, ITM = 21 A, Com mutating di/dt = 8 Aims, TC = 100°C) (VO = Rated VORM, ITM = 35 A, Com mutating di/dt = 16 Aims, TC = 90°C) (VO = Rated VORM, ITM = 56 A. Com mutating di/dt = 22 Aims, TC = 70°C) IJ.S - - - - - - 1.5 - - 1.5 - - - - - 1.5 - dv/dt(c) MAC20A - - - - - - - - - 5 30 - - - - - - - 5 30 - 100 - 100 - - 75 5 MAC25A MAC50A Critical Rate-of-Rise of Off-State Voltage (Exponential Rise) (VO = Rated VORM, Gate Open, TC = 125°C) V/IJ.S dv/dt 30 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-147 V//Ls MAC20A • MAC25A • MAC50A FIGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING ~ 125 :::J ~ ~ i'!i ... ~ ~ _ 95 ~ c..> :-..... ::--....... " "- -........: I'-............ 105 w ~ ~~ 115 0: " ,",0 <~ / ./ MAC50A / . I'-.. r-... " 85 j ~ 75 MAC20A :::J - MAC25A ::E ~ FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATION MAC25A ......... I'.. MAC20A .......: y / "- .. 65 55 ~ ~ ,/ lMAC50t~ Q.. V ~ P"" ::E ... /' /' ./ 0 ~~ 8 16 24 32 40 8.0 16 24 32 40 iT(RMS)' RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPERES) IT(RMS). RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPERES) II MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-148 ...... MAC97,A,B Series Triacs Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed for use in solid state relays, MPU interface, TTL logic and any other light industrial or consumer application. Supplied in an inexpensive TO-92 package which is readily adaptable for use in automatic insertion equipment. • One-Piece, Injection-Molded Unibloc Package • Sensitive Gate Triggering in Four Trigger Modes for all possible Combinations of Trigger Sources, and Especially Suitable for Circuits that Source Gate Drives. • All Diffused and Glassivated Junctions for Maximum Uniformity of Parameters and Reliability • Available in TO-S or TO-1S Leadforms TRIACs 0.6 AMPERE RMS 200 thru 600 VOLTS CASE 29-04 (TO-226AAI STYLE 12 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage (TJ = -40 to +110°C) Note 1 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open MAC97or MAC97Aor MAC97B- Value VORM 4 6 8 Unit Volts 200 400 600 IT(RMS) 0.6 Amp Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TJ = 110°C) ITSM 8 Amps Circuit Fusing Considerations (TJ = -40 to +110°C,t = 8.3 ms) 12t 0.26 A 2s On-State RMS Current (Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, TC = + 50°C) Peak Gate Voltage (t '" 2 /Ls) VGM 5 Volts Peak Gate Power (t '" 2 /Ls) PGM 5 Watts PG(AV) 0.1 Watt IGM 1 Amp TJ -40 to +110 °c Tstg -40 to +150 °c Average Gate Power (TC = 80°C, t '" 8.3 ms) Peak Gate Current (t '" 2 /Ls) Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-149 • MAC97,A,8 Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case R8JC 75 °CIW Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient ROJA 200 °CIW Characteristic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC 25°C, and Either Polarity of MT2 to MTl Voltage unless otherwise noted.) = Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TJ = 25°C TJ = 110°C IORM,IRRM Peak On-State Voltage (Either Oirection) (lTM = 0.85 A Peak; Pulse Width"" 2 ms, Outy Cycle"" 2%) Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc, Rl = 100 Ohms) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc, Rl = 100 Ohms) MT2( +), G( +) All Types MT2( +), G( -) All Types MT2( -), G( -) All Types MT2( -), G( +) All Types (VO = Rated VORM, Rl = 10 k ohms, TJ = 110°C) MT2( +), G( +); MT2( -), G( -); MT2( +), G( -) All Types MT2( - ), G( + ) All Types VGT Holding Current (Vo = 12 Vdc, ITM = 200 mA. Gate Open) Gate Controlled Turn-On Time (VO = Rated VORM, ITM = 1 A pk, IG • VTM = 25 mAl Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, ITM = 0.84!AA pk) (Com mutating dildt = 0.32 Alms, Gate Unenergized, TC Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Vo = Rated VORM Exponential Waveform, TC = Min - Typ - Max Unit - 8 10 0.1 mA - - 1.9 Volts See Table 1 !AA mA Volts - - - 2 2 2 2.5 0.1 0.1 - - IH - - 10 mA tgt - 2 - ",s dv/dt(c) - 5 - V/",s dvldt - 25 - V/",s - = 50°C) '10°C) Note 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking voltage such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. QUADRANT DEFINITIONS MT2(+1 QUADRANT II QUADRANT I MT2(+l.G(-) MT2(+1. G(+) G(-I TABLE 1 - MAXIMUM GATE TRIGGER CURRENTS (VD =12 V, RL =100 n) Quadrant and Polarity G(+I QUADRANT III QUADRANT IV MT2(-),G(-) MT2(-),G(+) Unit 97A 97B I MT2(+I. G(+I 10 5.0 3.0 mA II MT2(+I, GH 10 5.0 3.0 mA III MT2(-I,GH 10 5.0 3.0 mA IV MT2(-I, G(+I 10 7.0 5.0 mA MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-150 MAC Series 97 MAC97,A,B Series FIGURE 1 - RMS CURRENT DERATING IR .......... : c.. T_penolUn) 110 100 FIGURE 2 - ON-STATE CHARACTERISTICS -...... 60 " 40 t'--.. ""i"':--, .... "" TJ=1100 C ./. 10 0 I.V ......... 10 NOTES: 1. CASE TEMPERATURE REFERENCE POINT ISTHE FLAT SlOE OF CASE. or-or-- 2. CURVE APPLIES FOR 50-60 Hz FUll CYCLE SINE WAVE OF CURRENT. 0:: ::;; 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 ;:s '" '" 800 il 04 1/ I '-' w ~ zo FIGURE 3 - RMS CURRENT DERATING IRafennce: Ambient Temperature) 01 '":::> 8z -............ 0I ~ z ~ 00 6 .......... ~ .......... 0 ~. 004 .......... 0 " 00 2 NOTE: CURVE APPLIES FOR 50-60 Hz " " OF FULL CYCLE SINE WAVE OF CURRENT. f'... ......" 0 50 L ;;) ITlRMS). ON·STATE CURRENT (rnA) I-- I 6 ~ >- 0 I!I""" /.. V 25 0 C ...... 1'0.. 0 ~ ..... ~ .., lo"'" 100 200 300 00 I " 000 6 04 400 tr(RMS). ON·STATE CURRENT (rnA) 20 11 18 36 44 51 60 VTM.INSTANTANEOUS ON·STATE VOLTAGE (VOL TSI FIGURE 4 - ON-STATE POWER DISSIPATION ~ 1.0 ... ~ i5 0.8 ~ r-in iii 0.6 r-- CURVE APPLIES FOR 511-60 Hz FULL CYCLE SINE WAVE OF CUjRENT. ~ ~ TJ = I100C o. 4 L /' '"~ /' ;;;: O. 2 /' ;; e'" / / a: o V ./ 1.0 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 BOO ITlRMS). ON-STATE CURRENT (rnA) JiI!g,~j;i".. ,J'> .~. ·"i.t iN 'lfU"!'<1"\j;) }f +~. l\ i'YtJi1f-ill'o~~~"""'·lolII'~J~~~~~~", _ ............. _ !'\i.~LKi. "" MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-151 MAC97,A,8 Series FIGURE 6 - NORMALIZED GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE FIGURE 5 - NORMALIZED GATE TRIGGER CURRENT ~ 2.2 ...!2 a: a: ~ ...a: 3.0 2.0 '":!a: 1.S ~ .......... ......... :;; 1.0 ~~1. 2 1 - - ALL QUADRANTS----: VD = 12V RL= 100n_ f - - !C '"III .......... N ~ 0.3 1.6 ~S 1.4 CO .......... '"'"E ffi --- -r--. .... '" ~~1. 0 a: .... li go. 8 r...... ::E ...... a: ~ ALL QUADRANTS _ Vo = 12 V RL=100n - 0.6 -- > o 0.4 z ; -40 +20 -20 +40 +60 +80 +100 +120 -40 -20 20 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) 40 r-.. r- so 60 100 120 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) FIGURE 7 - NORMALIZED HOLD CURRENT FIGURE 8 - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SURGE CURRENT 10 < oS ~ 3.0 ~ 2.0 -- u o • S :z: 1.0 o ..~ -~ r-- VD = 12 V ITM=200mA == ::::::::::::: Z ~ ~ 0.5 ~ 0.3 o r------- 0.2 0.1 -40 +20 +40 +SO +SO +100 1.0 +120 ~ 110 0 C .1 1" 60 Hz, SUlge is P"ieui d 10 -20 TJ 2.0 3.0 1""--....... 5.0 I rll fi"ii"l ily "tedlcurlO"lt. 10 30 50 100 NUMBER OF CYCLES TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) FIGURE 9 - THERMAL RESPONSE § 10 ..'" 0.5 .. 0.2 N ::; a: -- o ~ ...'-' z In i:ia: I ~ 005 .... ~ f- ZHJC(t) = r(t) • RHJC f:; ... ...u;!Z :t: :i := 0.02 00 1 20 5.0 10 20 50 200 100 t, TIME 500 10k 2.0 k SDk 10 k 20 k Ims) u;U~.tt..~"'~lf.&W~~~~~~;H-t.m;~","lmtf~~Uti MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-152 : MAC210A Series Triacs Silicon Bidirectional Thyristors · .. designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as light dimmers, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever full-wave silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. Triac type thyristors switch from a blocking to a conducting state for either polarity of applied anode voltage with positive or negative gate triggering. TRIACs 10 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Gate Triggering Guaranteed in Four Modes CASE 221A-04 (T0-220AB) STYLE 4 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ = -40 to + 125'C) 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open Symbol Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TC = +70'C) Preceded and followed by Rated Current Circuit Fusing Considerations (TC = +70'C, t = 1 to B.3 ms) Peak Gate Power (TC = + 70'C, Pulse Width = 10/Ls) = + 70'C, t = B.3 ms) Peak Gate Current (TC = + 70'C, Pulse Width Unit Volts 200 400 600 BOO MAC210A4 MAC210A6 MAC210AB MAC210A10 On-State Current RMS (TC = + 70'C) Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz Average Gate Power (TC Value VORM = 10!£S) Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range IT(RMS) 10 Amps ITSM 100 Amps 12t 35 A 2s PGM 20 Watts PG(AV) 0.35 Watt IGM 2 Amps TJ -40 to + 125 ·C Tstg -40 to +125 ·C • Note 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. , ~ri;Ft':r~;i;j:i:13.~:J.~:t:~:::+J:y~J,,:t~5:"'!t.>j;,~:Y'hk4jJii':;j.;t1J/!iI~~~Jj:;;j;JJf;rN~'~~~~f~"i1iIJ1f"~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-153 MAC210A Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted) Characteristic Symbol Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 25°C TJ = +125°C IDRM,IRRM Peak On-State Voltage (Either Direction) (lTM = 14 A Peak; Pulse Width = 1 to 2 ms, Duty Cycle'" 2%) • VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) (Main Terminal Voltage = Rated VDRM, RL = 10 k ohms, TJ = +125°C) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); MT2(+), G(-); MT2(-), G(+) VGT Min Typ Max Unit - - 10 2 mA 1.65 Volts - 1.2 tJA mA - 12 12 20 35 50 50 50 80 Volts - 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.4 2 2 2 2.5 0.2 - - Holding Current (Either Direction) (Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, Gate Open, Initiating Current = 500 mA, TC = + 25°C) IH - 6 50 mA Turn-On Time (Rated VORM, ITM = 14 A) (lGT = 120 mA, Rise Time = 0.1 p.s, Pulse Width = 2 p.s) tgt - 1.5 - p.s dv/dt(c) - 5 - V/p.s dv/dt - 100 - V/p.s Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage (Rated VORM, ITM = 14 A. Commutating di/dt = 4.3 Aims, Gate Unenergized, TC = 70°C) Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = VOROM, Exponential Voltage Rise, Gate Open, TC = + 70°C) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-154 MAC210A Series FIGURE 2 - POWER DISSIPATION FIGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING 130 .......... 120 5iijc:; 110 CbNDU~ON A~GLE = ~600 .......... z 12.0 .......... .......... lli 10.0 I...... 8.0 ~ ......... !'-... ~f.i ~~ 90 ....... :Ii:li ~= 80 ......... :Ii '" .......... 70 .......... i ~ ~ 2.0 3.0 IT(RMS~ 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 IL ./ 4.0 VI/" 2.0 o 10.0 '" " ./ 1.0 2.0 3.0 IT(RMS~ RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) FIGURE 3 - MAXIMUM ON·STATE CHARACTERISTICS " ,/ 6.0 o ./ 60 1.0 ./ fi ~Ii! 100 o CON~UcnO~ ANG~ = 36~ C> elL. ~ 14.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) FIGURE 4 - MAXIMUM NON-REPETITIVE SURGE CURRENT 100 100 50 ,... /. ,V Tr~5°C ", TJ = 125°C 20 10 lO 7.0 10 NUMBER OF CYCLES 5 0.2 FIGURE 5 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE O. 1 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4 Yr. INSTANTANEOUS ON·STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 2.0 S !::! ~ 1.6 --- - a: C> ~ ~ 1.2 ...... !:i C> :> !i: 0.8 Ii 0.4 ~ '" ~ o -60 -40 -w -- - 0 W 40 Tc. CASE TEMPERATURE 1°C) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-155 OFF·STATE VOLTAGE = 12 VtIc _ ALL MODES 60 60 MAC210A Series FIGURE 6 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER CURRENT c FIGURE 7 - TYPICAL HOLDING CURRENT 2.8 2.0 ~ ~ 1.6 '"~ ....... C> ~ 1.2 ........ ~ 24 OFF·STATE VOLTAGE = 12 Vdc _ All MODES ........ ~ ~ 20 C> ;:- 16 I"-- 8§ ~ u r--... ~ '"'" ~ '"~ u 12 '"~ 08 ~ 0.4 C> '">'- ~ 0 -60 ....... ....... i:i'i i' ffi 0.8 S' f"""-.. '" r--... f'... ...... "" ::t: 0.4 ....... o -40 -20 20 40 TC. CASE TEMPERATURE 1°C! 60 -60 80 -40 -20 0 20 40 TC. CASE TEMPERATURE 1°C) 60 80 FIGURE 8 - THERMAL RESPONSE 10 '"~ ~ os ~ a: 0 0.2 ~~ r- ~ ~ 0.1 V- .....- i-"'" I ZOJCltl ~ fltle ROJe :r:l! ,..'" ,..0 ~ ~005 ..'" u; z ..... - 0.02 0.0 1 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 20 so 100 200 500 2.0 k 1.0 k 5.0 k 1 k t.TlME Im'l • 1. :.r . 1 1 I f I I 8 I I I i l l ·. . MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-156 1111. • MAC210AFP Series Triaes Silicon Bidirectional Thyristors · .. designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as light dimmers, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever full-wave silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. Triac type thyristors switch from a blocking to a conducting state for either polarity of applied anode voltage with positive or negative gate triggering. • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Gate Triggering Guaranteed in Four Modes ISOLATED TRIACs THYRISTORS 10 AMPERES RMS 200-800 VOLTS ~ MT2~MTl STYLE 3 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open MAC210A4FP MAC210A6FP MAC210A8FP MAC21 OAl OFP On-State RMS Current (TC = -40 to + 125°C) Circuit Fusing (TC = + 70°C) = + 70°C, t = 1 to 8.3 ms) Peak Gate Power (TC = + 70°C, Pulse Width = 10 !Ls) Average Gate Power (TC Peak Gate Current (TC = + 70°C, t = 8.3 ms) = + 70°C, Pulse Width = 10 !Ls) RMS Isolation Voltage (TA Unit Volts 200 400 600 800 = + 70°C) Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Note 2 Peak Nonrepetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TC preceded and followed by rated current Value VORM = 25°C, Relative Humidity .. 20%) IT(RMS) 10 Amps ITSM 100 Amps 12t 41 A 2s Watts PGM 20 PG(AV) 0.35 Watt IGM 2 Amps V(lSO) Operating Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range 1500 Volts TJ -40 to + 125 °c Tstg -40 to + 125 °c THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case RIIJC 2.2 °CIW Thermal Resistance, Case to Sink RIICS 2.2 (typ) °CIW Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient ROJA 60 °CIW Characteristic Notes: 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 2. The case temperature reference point for all TC measurements is a point on the center lead of the package as close as possible to the plastic body. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-157 MAC210AFP Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = + 25°C unless otherwise noted) Characteristic • Symbol Peak Blocking Current (Either Direction) Rated VORM, Gate Open TJ = 25°C TJ= +125°C IORM Peak On-State Voltage (Either Direction) ITM = 14 A Peak; Pulse Width = 1 to 2 ms, Duty Cycle'" 2% VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms Minimum Gate Pulse Width = 2 p's MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms Minimum Gate Pulse Width = 2 p.s MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) Main Terminal Voltage = Rated VORM, RL = 10 kG, TJ = + 125°C All Trigger Modes VGT Min - Typ Max Unit - - - 10 2 pA mA - 1.2 1.65 Volts mA - - 12 12 20 35 50 50 50 80 Volts - 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.4 2 2 2 2.5 0.2 - - Holding Current (Either Direction) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, Gate Open, Initiating Current = 500 mA, TC = +25°C IH - 6 50 mA Turn-On Time Rated VORM, ITM = 14 A, IGT = 120 mA, Rise Time = 0.1 p.s, Pulse Width = 2 p.s tgt - 1.5 - p.s dv/dt(c) - 5 - V/p.s dv/dt - 100 - V/p.s Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage Rated VORM, ITM = 14 A, Commutating di/dt = 4.3 Alms, Gate Unenergized, TC = +70°C Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = VOROM, Exponential Voltage Rise, Gate Open, TC = + 70°C) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3·158 MAC210AFP Series TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS E 130 w ~ 120 -......." a: ~ ~ ........... ~ w "'" 0" , 5 100 ~ ~ 90 ::> ::;; ~ 0 in i5 8 V- "'- ./ ffi ~ , 6 w .......... 80 ~w ........... 345678 IT(RMS!, RMS ON-STATE CURRENT lAMPS! 10 0 ..;-'" "'- ./ o Figure 2_ Power Dissipation 100 100 50 ~ ii: ::;; ,V 20 I- '" ::> V> aw z ~ z ~ n (\ ~"'t'~ 40 ~ 20 Ii'" TJ ='1250(; 1 60 '" ~ TJ = 25°C ~ ::> C\ Z w a: a: ::> u w a: 10 V> -r--L I- (3 !;i Ii? ............... 80 S ./ Z g§ 10 2345678 ITIRMS!, RMS ON-STATE CURRENT lAMPS! Figure 1_ Current Derating iC ./ ./ .,/ 2 $o V V ./ ~ "'" 70 2 ./ a ~ V> ...... ,9 60 0 CON~UCTlO~ ANGL~ = 36~0 12 z ........... ::;; 110 ~ ::;; 14 ~ cONDUcrlDN A~GLE =1360° a: - --r-i""'- r--. TC = 70°C r- f =60Hz r- SURGE lSI PRECEDfD AN~ FOL~OWfD Br RAT~D CUIRRE~T-e-- o W 1 NUMBER OF CYCLES ~ V> 0.5 :0= Figure 4_ Maximum Nonrepetitive Surge Current .~ 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.4 "T, INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE IVOLTS! Figure 3_ Maximum On-State Characteristics c ~ ~ ~ ~ 1.6 ~ -r-. w ~ 1.2 !:; ~ a: ~ 0.8 - OFF-STATE VOLTAGE = 12 Vdc_ ALL MODES -.... r-. r-- r-. '"j!: w !;( 0.4 - '" ~ o -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 TC, CASE TEMPERATURE 1°C! 60 Figure 5. Typical Gate Trigger Voltage MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-159 BO MAC210AFP Series 2.8 Ei ~ ~ co: o ...... 1.6 ~ 0--- ~ co: ::;) ......... ~ 2.4 OFF-STATE VOLTAGE = 12 Vdc_ ALL MODES ...... 1.2 r-.... u ~ co: o I'-... ~ 0.8 ......... ............... !Z a~ 1.2 '"~ 0.8 , ...... ......... ......... I'-,.. i"-.. is ~ 0.4 S' .......... ~ 1.6 '"~ '"0=- 2 ~ 0.4 0 o -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 60 -60 -~ TC, CASE TEMPERATURE ('CI -~ ~ :---.. ~ 60 60 TC, CASE TEMPERATURE ('CI Figure 6_ Typical Gate Trigger Current Figure 7. Typical Holding Current 1 w ~ ~ ffi 0.5 ....- r--- ~ i5 O. 2 V «~ ~~ O. 1 !'l!:;; -ZOJC(tl = r(ll_ R8JC 0--- co: 0---0 15 ~ 0.05 tiS • ~ :g 0.02 0.0 1 0.1 0.2 0.5 20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10 k . t, TIME Imsl Figure 8_ Thermal Response ••a:une=rJ!!f!tll .·IDI ""_~._.D'n.ii."It:J'lIAfIIt.Rl.ii; MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-160 MAC212A Series Triacs Silicon Bidirectional Thyristors · .. designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as light dimmers, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever full-wave silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. Triac type thyristors switch from a blocking to a conducting state for either polarity of applied anode voltage with positive or negative gate triggering. • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Gate Triggering Guaranteed in Four Modes TRIACs 12 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS O~----;'~G MT2 ~ MT1 o CASE 221A-04 (TO-220ABI STYLE 4 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol = Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open -40 to + 125°C) On-State Current RMS (TC = +S5°C) Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz Circuit Fusing Considerations (TC Peak Gate Power (TC = Average Gate Power (TC Peak Gate Current (TC = +S5°C, t +S5°C, Pulse Width = = +S5°C, t = +S5°C) = 1 to S.3 ms) = lOI£S) = S.3 ms) = +S5°C. Pulse Width lOI£S) Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Unit Volts VORM MAC212A4 MAC212A6 MAC212AS MAC212A10 Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle. 60 Hz, TC preceded and followed by Rated Current Value 200 400 600 SOO IT(RMS) 12 Amp ITSM 100 Amp 12t 35 A 2s PGM 20 Watts PG(AV) 0.35 Watt IGM 2 Amp TJ -40 to +125 °c Tstg -40 to +150 °c • Note 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. ~',#L",,-_,'f;" ·,j"''''''''iJj·..;,'.II;!,:~.t'¥.'''""",,,,~_.i~"··''#"ti';f!4,.4'J:'>J.''<~~'lii''''lIL~ ~~D""'·;~";,cKj:, .WR;~~""t7\.i~~·'i"r7,')!}f;fDl#~............:c&~'~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-161 MAC212A Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC • = +25°C unless otherwise noted) Characteristic Symbol Peak Blocking Current (Either Direction) Rated VDRM, Gate Open TJ = 25°C TJ = +125°C IDRM Peak On-State Voltage (Either Direction) ITM = 17 A Peak; Pulse Width = 1 to 2 ms, Duty Cycle", 2% VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous de) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(-) MT2( -), G( -) MT2(-), G(+) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) Main Terminal Voltage = Rated VDRM, RL = 10 k!l, TJ = + 125°C MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); MT2(+), G(-); MT2(-), G(+) VGT - 10 2 mA - 1.3 1.75 Volts /LA mA 12 12 20 35 50 50 50 SO Volts - 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.4 2 2 2 2.5 0.2 - - - 6 50 tgt - 1.5 - /LS dv/dt(c) - 5 - V//Ls dv/dt - 100 - V//Ls ~ :::> !;;: ffi 115 -- -..... a.. ~ ~ ~ ~ 95 J-- 85 - rr Q" 75 S ~ 24 , R:' ::::::::: ~ ~~~ " riJ\y 0 -J Q z o r1\i I - r- -J"j- a = JO° ~ :::-..... " ""t'.. "'- '""- 60° goo I-- r 15 16r- r-ua:: en - ~ - ./de- de- c-- S- 4. 0 14 0 - .&l h 0 ~ 4 F:::: :;..",: _f'"" 2.0 ~ ~ / ...... '" goo /60" / ' J00 r- ~ 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 ITIRMSI. RMS ON-STATE CURRENT IAMPI MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-162 ,., / . ;...'" . / /" ~ ~ B.0 /::;.-" // 2 - ::;.-" a = 180" CONDUCTION ANGLE w 180° I-- 12 ...l" 20 I' V v !a r- ~ -.... r- t---. I I-CYCLE - 1-+ 5.0 ,"" c:> .. TJ= 25°C TC= 70°C 1=60 Hz r--- V TJ = 125°C ~ 2.0 ez ~SUrge IS prec1eded ani talljWed o j! 1.0 z ~ !; -.... r\ V 10 '-' t;; Z r--.L (\1 10 20 t rr ed current 30 50 70 10 NUMBER OF CYCLES O. 5 £O. 2 O. 1 FIGURE 5 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4 2.0 Yr. INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) ffi !:j ~ 16 -- -- - OFF-STATE VOLTAGE = 12 Vdc _ ALL MODES a:: c:> ~ r-.. ~ '" 1.2 13c:> > a:: ~ r- O. 8 '" ~ ~ ~ ,.... 0.4 o -60 -40 -w 0 w ~ 60 80 TC. CASE TEMPERATURE (OC) FIGURE 6 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER CURRENT FIGURE 7 - TYPICAL HOLDING CURRENT 2.8 2.0 ffi !:j ~ 1.6 a:: ........ c:> ~ ~ 1.2 a:: a:: :::> u ffi 0.8 b-. ....... ffi OFF· STATE VOLTAGE = 12 Vdc _ ALL MODES '" 2.4 !:j ~ 2.0 a:: c:> .......... ~ 1.6 ...... ~ I'-- '" a:: I'-- § 1.2 '-' .......... '"'" '"~ ~ [".. ....... r-.... 0.8 I""-.. c:> ~ 0.4 .......... ~ ~ 0.4 '" o o -60 • -40 -20 0 20 40 TC. CASE TEMPERATURE (0C) 60 80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 TC. CASE TEMPERATURE (OC) 60 80 ~~r~~ . ··~~~~~~~~~a.~!sWE""~RI~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-163 MAC212A Series FIGURE 8 - THERMAL RESPONSE 10 w ~ 0.5 ~ -- 0; ~0 0.2 ~~ « ~ ",,, o. 1 1-0: 1- 0 i:5 ~o.o 5 ....- ....ZOJC(t) =,It) - ROJC 500 1.0k 0; z ~ I- 0.0 2 ~ 0.0 1 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 20 50 t,T1ME 100 200 (m,) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-164 2.0k 5.0 k 10 k MAC212AFP Series Triaes Silicon Bidirectional Thyristors · .. designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as light dimmers, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever full-wave silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. Triac type thyristors switch from a blocking to a conducting state for either polarity of applied anode voltage with positive or negative gate triggering. • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Gate Triggering Guaranteed in Four Modes MT2~MTl ISOLATED TRIACs THYRISTORS 12 AMPERES RMS 200-800 VOLTS ~ STYLE 3 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open MAC212A4FP MAC212A6FP MAC212A8FP MAC212A10FP On-State RMS Current (TC = Symbol = -40 to + 125'C) Circuit Fusing (TC = +85'C, t = +85'C) Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Note 2 Average Gate Power (TC Peak Gate Current (TC = = = + 85'C, t = = + 85'C) = 10/Ls) 8.3 ms) +85'C, Pulse Width RMS Isolation Voltage (TA = 1 to 8.3 ms) +85'C, Pulse Width Unit Volts 200 400 600 800 Peak Nonrepetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TC preceded and followed by rated current Peak Gate Power (TC Value VDRM = 10/Ls) 25'C, Relative Humidity .. 20%) Operating Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range IT(RMS) 12 Amps ITSM 100 Amps 12t 35 A 2s Watts PGM 20 PG(AV) 0.35 Watt IGM 2 Amps VUSO) 1500 Volts TJ -40 to + 125 ·C Tstg -40 to +150 ·C • THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Characteristic RIIJC 2.1 'CIW Thermal Resistance, Case to Sink RIICS 2.2 (typ) 'CIW Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient RIIJA 60 'CIW Notes: 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 2. The case temperature reference point for all TC measurements is a point on the center lead of the package as close as possible to the plastic body. • 1 ~~~~·.~;~gu~Dft~~. . . . . . . .~~~. . . . . . . . MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-165 MAC212AFP Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = + 25°C unless otherwise noted) Symbol Charactaristic Peak Blocking Current (Either Direction) Rated VORM, Gate Open TJ = 25°C TJ = +125°C IORM Peak On-State Voltage (Either Direction) ITM = 17 A Peak; Pulse Width = 1 to 2 ms, Duty Cycle"" 2% VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL Minimum Gate Pulse Width = 2 p,s MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) IGT = Typ Min - - - 1.3 Max Unit 10 2 pA mA 1.75 Volts mA 100 Ohms- - Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms Minimum Gate Pulse Width = 2 p,s MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) Main Terminal Voltage = Rated VORM, RL = 10 leO, TJ All Trigger Modes 12 12 20 35 50 50 50 80 Volts VGT = - 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.4 2 2 2 2.5 + 125°C 0.2 - - Holding Current (Either Direction) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, Gate Open, Initiating Current = 500 mA, TC = +25°C IH - 6 50 mA Turn-On Time Rated VORM, ITM = 17 A, IGT = 120 mA. Rise Time = 0.1 p,s, Pulse Width = 2 p,s tgt - 1.5 - p,s dv/dt(c) - 5 - V/p,s dv/dt - 100 - V/p,s Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage Rated VORM, ITM = 17 A, Commutating di/dt Gate Unenergized, TC = +85°C = 4.3 Alms, Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = VOROM, Exponential Voltage Rise, Gate Open, TC -- ....... ....... - ~ ~ z 0 "" " 'r-...r-... 4.0 6.0 = 30" t..... - w ~ ~ 60" 90° ~ 180° - 10 12 I -jo CONOUCTION ANGLE 12 w ~ ..... I-' -- ,r· o o ~a=18O" 90" ::,...- 60° r-/V ....-:: V /1/" . / 30° V h ~ -:::;;- . / ~ ~ ~~ ffi 8.0 ;;;: 14 /dc- f-- 0 o 8.0 I t""" -~ .J -.= - ~ dc- - .= CONOUCTION ANGLE I f-- ~ 20 f-~ r-- tJ) 15 16 f-a: ......... ~ ~ ~ ~~ .J. 2.0 28 ~ 24 r-- ~ !- ~ + 85°C) TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS ~ ........ ~ ~ a :---.. ...... ~ - = 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 iT(RMS), RMS ON-5TATE CURRENT (AMP) IT(RMS), RMS ON-5TATE CURRENT (AMP) Figure 1. Current Derating Figure 2. Power Dissipation MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-166 12 14 MAC212AFP Series 100 ---r\ 100 0 ,V 0 <>: /v ;;- :::;; !$. 80 I- ifi a:: a:: :::;) 60 ~CYC~ '-' w ""ena:: :::;) r--L 40 r\' - - -rr--- i--. I « "" ~ TJ = 25"C 1'"' . I V TJ = 125"C 700C :IE 20 _;C= f = 60 Hz ~ - SURGE lSI PRECEDfD AN~ FOL~OWfD BIY RA1D CUrRE~T- - o 1 10 1 NUMBER OF CYCLES Figure 4. Maximum Nonrepetitive Surge Current 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.4 Vj'. INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE IVOLTS) 2 Figure 3. Maximum On-State Characteristics 6 r- 2 -40 OFF-STATE VOLTAGE = 12 Vdc_ ALL MODES - ......... r-.. l""- I"'- -20 0 20 40 TC. CASE TEMPERATURE I"C) 60 80 Figure 5. Typical Gate Trigger Voltage o 2 ~ :;; 1. 6 a:: a ~ I- ffi a:: OFF-STATE VOLTAGE = 12 Vdc_ ALL MODES ....... ......... ................. 1.2 a ""~ o I-.... ["'.... '-' ""~ ........ " r..... ........ 0.8 a 0.4 -60 ....... ~ 1.2 I'-- I-.... ""52 1= i'""- as I'-- ffi o. 8 2.4 ~ ~ 1.6 .......... a:: !;i i 2.8 ~ 0.4 -40 o -20 0 20 40 TC. CASE TEMPERATURE IOC) 60 80 -60 -40 -~ 0 ~ 40 TC. CASE TEMPERATURE I"C) Figure 6. Typical Gate Trigger Current Figure 7. Typical Holding Current MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-167 60 80 MAC212AFP Series 1 ~. z ~ -- 0.& ~ ~s 0.2 i~ ~i I- 1.4 r-...... ffi '" '" .'" "- I I -20 0.8 ~ ~ 06 a: ,..:. '" S ~ ::;; EO. 5 -60 -40 10 ~ o 20 40 60 80 100 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC I 120 FIGURE 5 - > -........ J QUANDRANTS ~ 0.4 140 tiUADR~NT 4 .......... ~~ 1~ '"z -........ .......... ~ I- ~ 1.0 QUADRANT ~O 7 ........... 1.2 I- -60 I I I I -40 -20 12 ---:: i'-.. "-.... ~ IZ ~ a: B ~ 9 ~ 1.0 ....... o. 7 .. o. / GATE OPEN MAIN TERMINAL #1 POSITIVE "- ........ f""-.... MAIN TERMINAL #2 !:J '"z ........ o. 5 ~ ~ 1/ ~OSITIV~ 3 ...... '" -.......... ~O. 2 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) 120 140 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-171 ""- -.......;;; ~ / ' "'" "- -.. r.::::::: 20 40 60 80 100 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC( NORMALIZED HOLDING CURRENT r--... .§. ::-:::::: / 3/ 2.0 <" VOLT~GE = 12 V I '"~ ~ '-... "'>< I~? i /' X -:; ><~ t"--.... ........... OFIF-STAiE > ;:;;- 1.6 .......... ....... NORMALIZED GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE ~ 1.8 120 140 MAC218AFP Series Triacs Silicon Bidirectional Thyristors · .• designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as light dimmers, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies. • • • • ISOLATED TRIACs THYRISTORS 8 AMPERES RMS 200-800 VOLTS Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability Isolated TO-220 Type Package for Ease of Mounting Gate Triggering Guaranteed in Four Modes MT2~MT1 STYLE 3 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating • Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open MAC218A4FP MAC218A6FP MAC218A6FP MAC218Al0FP On-State RMS Current (TC = = -40 to + 125·C) = Peak Gate Power (TC +80·C) Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Note 2 -40 to + 100·C, t = Average Gate Power (TC = 1 to 8.3 ms) +80·C, Pulse Width = +80·C, t Peak Gate Current (Pulse Width RMS Isolation Voltage (TA = Unit Volts 200 400 600 800 Peak Nonrepetitive Surge Current 10ne Full Cycle, 60 Hz) preceded and followed by rated current Circuit Fusing (TJ Value VORM = 21'8) = 8.3 ms) 1 J.Ls) = 25·C, Relative Humidity '" 20%) Operating Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range IT(RMS) 8 Amps ITSM 100 Amps 12t 35 A 2s PGM 16 Watts PG(AV) 0.35 Watt IGM 4 Amps V(lSO) 1500 Volts TJ -40 to +125 ·C Tstg -40 to +150 ·C THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case R8JC 2.2 ·CIW Thermal Resistance, Case to Sink ROCS 2.2 (typ) .C/W Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient ROJA 60 .C/W Characteristic Notes: 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 2. The case temperature reference pOint for all TC measurements is a point on the center lead of the package as close as possible to the plastic body. nm7 II" I 111 77 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-172 MAC218AFP Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = + 25°C unless otherwise noted) Characteristic Peak Off-State Current (Either Oirection) (Rated VOROM @ TJ = 125°C, Gate Open) Peak On-State Voltage (Either Oirection) (lTM = 11.3 A Peak; Pulse Width = 1 to 2 ms, Outy Cycle < 2%) Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO Trigger Mode MT2( +), G( +) MT2( +), G( -) MT2(-), G(-) MT2( -), G( +) = 12 Vdc, Rl = 12.0.) Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = VOROM, Exponential Voltage Rise, Gate Open, TJ w :""-.. ffi 115 a.. ::;; ~ III 105 5 ~ m ~ ~ 95 ~ ~ ~ IOROM mA VTM - 1.7 2 Volts mA = - 50 50 50 80 - Volts - - 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.4 2 2 2 2.5 0.2 - - IH - - 50 mA dv/dt(c) - 5 - V/p.s dv/dt - 100 - V/p.s 125°C) " /" ./ /" V '-... ........ ........ 85 75 0 Unit 2 ./ ~ ::;; ~ ~ Max - VGT Critical Rate of Rise of Com mutating Off-State Voltage (Rated VOROM, IT(RMS) = 6 A. Com mutating di/dt = 4.3 Alms, Gate Unenergized, TC = 80°C) a: :::> Typ - - Holding Current (Either Oirection) (VO = 24 Vdc, Gate Open, Initiating Current = 200 mAl !;;: Min IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, Rl = 100 Ohms MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) Main Terminal Voltage = Rated VORM, Rl = 10 k.o., TJ = +125°C MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); MT2(+), G(-); MT2(-), G(+) ~ 125 Symbol 2 3 4 5 6 IT(RMS). RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) "" / Figure 1. Current Derating V ./' V 2 3 4 5 6 IT(RMS). RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) Figure 2. Power Dissipation MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-173 k': MAC218AFP Series TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1 5 I- r-..... Z ~ cc '-' cc w ::::> Cl Cl ~ w !;;: Cl o 3 2 i?i 1.8 .......... r-..... ~ r--... ,r ""'- ......... ~ QUAD~NT i~ ~ O. 5 - ......... I -60 -40 4 -20 ~ !:; ~ 1.4 r--... / 1/ ffi g >-...... /' r>< ~ r>< F::: ~ ......... /' ...... " ........... ............ 1.2 ~ w !;;: 1 ~ 1 '"i§ 0.7 '" is ::J: lW ~ O. 8 OU~DRAyS i , ~ cc ~ f--- . /V GATE OPEN i'< /MAIN TERMINAL #1 POSITIVE ......... ......... ............ r>.... f-- MAIN TERMINAL # 2 / ,POSITlrE I'-.... I'-.... r-..... ...... .......... , O.3 O. 2 -60 ....... -40 -20 ~ E=:::::,. "" 120 Figure 4. Normalized Gate Trigger Voltage fil 0.5 N ~ .......... K a: r-- ~ /" { ~ 0.6 f a z I ,.::. 0.4 .f; -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 60 100 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI 2 a ......... ~ ~ Figure 3. Normalized Gate Trigger Current IZ r-;;:::::: .......... ./ ......... W 40 60 60 100 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI 1 /OUADRANT4 .......... ~ Cl o 12 v- w ............ r---...: r--... l§ O.7 :z OFF·STATE VOLTAGE = 12 V ~ ~"""t-.. OFF~STATEIVOLTAhE = g 1.6 0 20 40 60 80 100 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI 120 140 Figure 5. Normalized Holding Current MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-174 140 MAC223A Series Triaes Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications such as lighting sysjtems, heater controls, motor controls and power supplies; or wherever fullwave silicon-gate-controlled devices are needed. • Off-State Voltages to 800 Volts • All Diffused and Glass-Passivated Junctions for Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged Thermowatt Construction for Thermal Resistance and High Heat Dissipation • Gate Triggering Guaranteed in Four Modes TRIAC. 25 AMPERES RMS 100 thru 800 VOLTS o MT2 • MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage (TJ = -40 to 125'C), Note 1 (1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open) Value Unit Volts VDRM 200 400 600 800 MAC223A4 6 S 10 On-State RMS Current (TC = SO·C) (Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz) IT(RMS) 25 Amps Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TJ = 125'C) ITSM 250 Amps 12t 260 A 2s IGM 2 Amps VGM ±10 Volts PGM 20 Watts Circuit Fusing (TJ = -40 to 125'C; t = S.3 ms) Peak Gate Current (t "" 2 p.s) Peak Gate Voltage (t "" 2 p.s) Peak Gate Power (t "" 2 p.s) Note 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for bloclcing voltage such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THY~ISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-175 (cont.) MAC223A Series MAXIMUM RATINGS - continued Rating Average Gate Power (TC = 8O"C, t ... S.3 ms) Symbol Value Unit PG(AV) 0.5 Watts °c TJ -40 to 125 Tstg -40 to 150 °c - S in. lb. Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Mounting Torque THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case R8JC 1.2 0c/w Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient R8JA 60 OCIW Characteristic - ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C and either polarity of MT2 to MTl voltage unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Note 1) (Rated VORM or VRRM) TJ = 25°C TJ = 125°C • Min Typ Max Unit - - 10 2 p.A mA - 1.4 1.S5 Volts IORM,IRRM Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = 35 A Peak, Pulse Width ... 2 ms, Outy Cycle'" 2%) VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous de) (VO = 12 V, Rl = 1000) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) (VO = 12 V, Rl = 1000) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); MT(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) (VO = Rated VORM, TJ = 125°C, Rl = 10 k) All Trigger Modes VGT mA - 20 30 50 SO Volts 0.2 1.1 1.3 0.4 Holding Current (VO = 12 V, ITM = 200 mA, Gate Open) IH - 10 50 mA Gate Controlled Turn-On Time (VO = Rated VORM, ITM = 35 A Peak, IG = 200 mAl tgt - 1.5 - IJ.S dv/dt - 40 - V/ILS dv/dt(c) - 5 - V/IJ.S Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Vo = Rated VORM, Exponential Waveform, TC = 2 2.5 - 125°C) Critical Rate of Rise of Commutati9n Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, ITM = 35 A Peak, Com mutating di/dt = 13.4 Alms, Gate Unenergized, TC = SO°C) Note 1. Ratings apply for open gete conditions. Devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking voltage such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. FIGURE 2 - ON-STATE POWER DISSIPATION FIGURE 1 - RMS CURRENT DERATING l3 ~ 125 ......... 40 / a: :::> 0- ffi "- ...... 1'--.. 11 5 r-.... :IE ~ 105 L ~ ...~ ~ ~ .. ..x g ..... ,/ .......... '"" 5 5 ......... /' I" :IE ~ /~ ......... .:; V V 75 ,/"/ :IE 0- V 5.0 10 15 20 0 25 5.0 10 15 20 IT(RMS). RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) iT(RMS)' RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-176 25 MAC223A Series FIGURE 4 - GATE TRIGGER-VOLTAGE FIGURE 3 - GATE TRIGGER CURRENT >~ a: 3.0 a: ~ -- 2. 0 w ~ 0 '" c 1. w 3.0 2. 0 Vo = 12 V RL = 100f! r-. r-- I-- 1. 0 Vo =12 V RL =100 f! N ~ O. 5 a: c z o. 5 -... :I! O. 3 O. 3 o. 2 O. 1 -60 O. 2 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 O. 1 -60 140 Tj. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) -40 -20 20 40 60 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) 100 120 140 FIGURE 8 - ON-STATE CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 6 - HOLD CURRENT ie :I! ~ !;;; >~ a: a: ~ w 2.0 :l c :J: 1.0 ~ N -- ""'"- :;: 50 ~ ITM = 200mA Gate Open ~ ~ 0.5 c 5.0 w z :I! ~ 1.0 ~ O. 3 z 200 ~ 100 :::> z ~ 0.5 o. 2 ~ O. 1 -60 :E -40 -20 20 40 60 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) 100 120 ••• 140 .!::- 0.1 0 4.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 VTM,INSTANTANEOUS ON-8TATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) • ._.I11[.:.:.!!!!.m.I~ IM1IiifWIIIIl'.IiI.f1. Ilalllll. . .I!!III• • • • • IIIII• ••• MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-177 MAC223AFP Series Triaes Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications. such as lighting systems. heater controls. motor controls and power supplies; or wherever full-wave silicon-gatecontrolled devices are needed. • Off-State Voltages to SOO Volts • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small. Rugged Thermowatt Construction for Thermal Resistance and High Heat Dissipation • Gate Triggering Guaranteed in Four Modes ISOLATED TRIACs THYRISTORS 25 AMPERES RMS 100-800 VOLTS ~ MT2~MTl STYLE 3 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating • Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage. Note 1 (TJ = -40 to + 125°CI 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz. Gate Open MAC223A4FP MAC223A6FP MAC223A8FP MAC223A10FP On-State RMS Current (TC = +80°CI Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz. Note 2 Peak Nonrepetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle. 60 Hz. TJ = + 125°CI preceded and followed by rated current Circuit Fusing (TJ = -40 to 125°C; t = 8.3 msl Peak Gate Power (t .. 2 I'sl Average Gate Power (TC = + 80°C. t .. 8.3 msl Valua Unit Volts VORM 200 400 600 800 IT(RMSI 25 Amps ITSM 250 Amps 12t 260 A 2s PGM 20 Watts PG(AVI 0.5 Watt Peak Gate Current (t .. 2 !'81 IGM 2 Amps Peak Gate Voltage (t .. 2 I'sl VGM ±10 Volts V(lSOI 1500 Volts TJ -40 to +125 OC Tstg -40 to +150 °c - 8 inllb RMS Isolation Voltage (TA = 25°C. Relative Humidity .. 20%1 Operating Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range Mounting Torque Notes: 1. Ratings apply for open gete conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such thet the voltage applied exoseds the reted blocking voltage. 2. The esse temperature referenos point for all TC measurements is a point on the osnter lead of the package as close as possible to the plastic body. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-178 MAC223AFP Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C and either polarity of MT2 to MT1 voltage unless·otherwise noted) Symbol Characteristic Peak Blocking Current, Note 1 TJ = 25°C (VO = Rated VORM, TJ = 125°C IORM Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = 35 A Peak; Pulse Width"" 2 ms, Duty Cycle"" 2% VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, RL = 1000.) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-), MT2(+). G(-) MT2(-), G(+) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, RL = 1000.) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-), MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) (VO = Rated VORM, TJ = 125°C, RL = 10 k) All Trigger Modes VGT Min Typ Max Unit - - 10 2 mA 1.S5 Volts 1.4 ,..A mA - 20 30 - 50 SO Volts - 0.2 1.1 1.3 0.4 Holding Current (VO = 12 V, ITM = 200 mA, Gate Open) IH - 10 50 mA Gate Controlled Turn-On Time (VO = Rated VORM, ITM = 35 A Peak, IG = 200 mAl tgt - 1.5 - p.s dv/dt - 40 - V/p.s dv/dt(c) - 5 - V/p.s - Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, Exponential Waveform, TC = 125°C) Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage (Vo = Rated VORM, ITM = 35 A Peak, Commutating di/dt = 13.4 Alms, Gate Unenergized, TC = SO°C) 2 2.5 - NOTE 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking voltage such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. e 125 ......... S w a: :::> !;( 115 ...... It ~ 105 w 5~ ~ 9 85 ::;; z a ~ ::;; / ~ ........ a: 40 ........ .............. 10 V ./ ~ 5 10 15 20 ITIRMS), RMS ON-STATE CURRENT lAMPS) Figure 2. On-State Power Dissipation MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-179 25 MAC223AFP Series TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS !Z 3 ll'! ex: 2 B w !;;: '"~ 1 - w ~ !:; ........... w !;;: '"~ - -- ~ o.5 !§ 0.3 z O. 2 O. 1. -60 g Vo = 12 V RL = 100 n -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE lOCI 100 120 Vo = 12V RL=l00n I-- r-- 1 z 0 .... z .... '" ~ <[ 0.3 <[ 0.2 O. 1 -60 ::i; -40 20 -20 40 60 100 80 120 140 r 1. 0 1.0 TJ.JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) 3.0 2.0 VrM. INSTANTANEOUS ON·STATE VOLTAGE IVOLTS) FIGURE 7 - THERMAL RESPONSE w U Z ~ '" 13 a: 1.0 0.7 0.5 ~ 0.3 j...ol--' 0.2 - ..... 1"" ~O « w ffi ~ O. 1 ZtlJClt) = ROJC . rll) I-"'" ::E!>! ~ ~ 0.0 7 f.5 ~ 0.0 5 0- 0 in ~ t- - 0.03 0.02 .J' 0.0 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10 20 30 50 I. TIME Ims) 100 200 300 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-183 500 lk 2k 3k 5k 10k MAC228A Series Triacs Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for industrial and consumer applications for full wave control of ac loads such as appliance controls, heater controls, motor controls, and other power switching applications. • Four Mode Triggering for Drive Circuits that Source Current • All Diffused and Glass-Passivated Junctions for Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal resistance and High Heat Dissipation • Center Gate Geometry for Uniform Current Spreading TRIACs 8 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS O---I~IO:!I--G--- « ;; ~ 2.01--+---7I~.-.;;.~~rl'''--___1--+--+-_I 0" CONOUCTION ANGLE 800L--L--~-~~-4~.0~~5~0-~~-~-~ O~~l-__~__- L__~__~~~~~~~ o 1.0 60 ITlRMS), RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMP) ITlRMS), RMS ON STATE CURRENT (AMP) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-185 7.0 8.0 MAC229A Series Triaes Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for industrial and consumer applications for full wave control of ac loads such as appliance controls, heater controls, motor controls, and other power switching applications. • Four Mode Triggering for Drive Circuits that Source Current • All Diffused and Glass-Passivated Junctions for Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal resistance and High Heat Dissipation • Center Gate Geometry for Uniform Current Spreading TRIACs 8 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS o MT2 CASE 221A·04 (TO-220AB) STYLE 4 I MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ = -40 to 110'C) 1/2 Sine ave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open MAC229A4 A6 AS Al0 Unit Volts VORM 200 400 600 SOO On-State RMS Current (TC = SO'C) Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle 60 Hz, TJ = 110'C) Circuit Fusing (TJ = -40 to 110'C, t Value IT(RMS) S Amps ITSM SO Amps 12t 40 A 2s Amps = S.3 ms) Peak Gate Current (t '" 2 p.s) IGM ±2 Peak Gate Voltage (t '" 2 p.s) VGM ±10 Volts PGM 20 Watts Peak Gate Power (t '" 2 p.s) Note 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking voltage such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-186 (cont.1 MAC229A Series MAXIMUM RATINGS - continued Rating Symbol Value Unit PG(AV) 0.5 Watts TJ -40 to 110 °c Tstg -40 to 150 °c S in. lb. Average Gate Power (TC = SO°C, t .. S.3 ms) Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Mounting Torque THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Characteristic R8JC 2.2 °CIW Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient R8JA 60 °CIW ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C and either polarity of MT2 to MT1 voltage unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current, Note 1 (Rated VORM or VRRM) TJ = 25°C TJ = 110°C VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, Rl = 1000) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(+), G(-); MT2(-), G(-) MT2( -), G( +) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) (VO = 12 V, Rl = 100 0) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(+), G(-); MT2(-), G(-) MT2( -), G( +) (VO = Rated VORM, TC = 110°C, Rl = 10 k) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(+), G(-); MT2(-), G(-); MT2( -), G( +) VGT = Typ Max Unit IORM,IRRM Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = 11 A Peak, Pulse Width .. 2 ms, Duty Cycle .. 2%) Holding Current (VO = 12 Vdc, ITM Min - - 10 2 /LA mA - - 1.5 Volts mA - - 10 20 Volts - - 2 2.5 0.2 0.2 - - IH - - 15 mA tgt - 1.5 - /Ls dvldt - 25 - V//Ls dv/dt(c) - 5 - V//Ls All types MAC229 series 200 mA, Gate Open) Gate-Controlled Turn-On Time (Vo = Rated VORM, ITM = 16 A Peak, IG = 30 mAl Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, Exponential Waveform, TC = 110°C) Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage (Vo = Rated VORM, ITM = 11 A Peak, Commutating dildt = 5.S Alms, Gate Unenergized, TC = SO°C) Note 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking voltage such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 110 ....=,-,---,--,-----,--, 10 0; .... .... « 80 ~t04 ~ => ~ ~ ~--+--t_~~~~~~~-.~+_ '"~ 98r---+--+---+~~~~~~~T+-- ~ w "- o~ CONOUCTION ANGLE w '" g 4.0 i'll ~ 92 TJ"'110oC > « ;3 U .... ~ -Jo 60 :> « 86 o~ 0:: CONOUCTION ANGLE ITIRMS)' RMS ON-STATE CURRENT (AMP) IT(RMS). RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMP) ~~~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-187 MAC310A Series Triaes Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for industrial and consumer applications for full wave control of ac loads such as appliance controls, heater controls, motor controls, and other power switching applications. • Sensitive Gate Triggering in Three Trigger Modes for AC Triggering or Sinking Current Sources (MAC310 series) • Four Mode Triggering (10 mAl for Drive Circuits that Source Current (MAC310A series) • All Diffused and Glass-Passivated Junctions for Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation • Center Gate Geometry for Uniform Current Spreading II TRIACs 10 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 600 VOLTS CASE 221A-04 (TO-220ABI STYLE 4 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage (TJ = -40 to 110°CI Note 1. 1/2 Sine Wave to 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle 60 Hz, TJ = 110°CI Unit Volts VDRM MAC310A4 MAC310A6 MAC310A8 On-State RMS Current (TC = 80°CI Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz Circuit Fusing (TJ Value 200 400 600 IT(RMSI 10 Amps ITSM 100 Amps 12t 40 A 2s Amps = -40 to 110°C, t = 8.3 msl Peak Gate Current (t .. 2 /LsI IGM ±2 Peak Gate Voltage (t .. 2 /LsI VGM ±10 Volts Peak Gate Power (t .. 2 /LsI PGM 20 Watts PG(AVI 0.5 Watts TJ -40 to 110 °c Tstg -40 to 150 °c - 8 in-Ib Average Gate Power (TC = 80°C, t .. 8.3 msl Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Mounting Torque THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case R8JC 2.2 °CIW Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient ROJA 60 °CIW Characteristic ~:YI'ltiiNl'l1l1Wh.2A~L"H~.L>li.~«:~rT~~?f'~nz;.n,$,jid.~ J!"""It4Ri~U·~A\'~;f~~:. ~;o;u;;;~!fflIll'lY'fW;~q\~_i>@f~~ ~f':'FlII'TU'.~:~'1I·~::",::w-r7:7'TI7l!~!!~IJ.Tm;¥ ,~,;tr":D:t'T.:m~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-188 MAC310A Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25'C and either polarity of MT2 to MTl voltage unless otherwise noted) Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Peak Blocking Current (Note 1) (VO = Rated VORM, TJ = 110'C) IORM - - 2 mA Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = 14 A Peak, Pulse Width .. 2 ms, Outy Cycle .. 2%) VTM - - 1.7 Volts Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, Rl = 1000) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(+), G(-); MT2(-), G(-); MT2(-), G(+) IGT - - 10 mA Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, Rl = 1000) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(+), G(-); MT2(-), G(-); MT2(-), G(+) (Vo = Rated VORM, TC = 110'C, Rl All Trigger Modes VGT Holding Current (VO = 12 V, ITM Volts - - 2.5 0.2 - - IH - - 15 mA tgt - 1.5 - p.s dv/dt - 25 - V/p.s dv/dt(c) - 5 - V/p.s = 10 k) = 200 mA, Gate Open) Gate-Controlled Turn-On Time (VO = Rated VORM, ITM = 14 A Peak, IG = 30 mAl Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Vo = Rated VORM, Exponential Waveform, TC = 110'C) Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, ITM = 14 A Peak, Commutating di/dt = 14 Aims, Gate Unenergized, TC = SO'C) Note 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking voltage such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 20 g ~ 120 w !;( 110 a: ~ :; ~ 16 de ~ a: :::> - a: :-:::r----.. --:::::: r-...:::::: ~ :::::-- ...... .......... ..........--... ~ 3:::::: ...... 100 5 ,990 ................. 80 o ~ .....-:: /......-: I/:: :::::::::: ~ 10' .... /' ~ w l'--... « '"a: 30' 50' r-:::::-- 90" ............. 180' ~ 2 4 6 8 IT(RMS), RMS ON-STAlI CURRENT (AMPS) /.1 80" 20' / V/ 190' 12 w ~ ~ ~ ~ ;:...:::V :> a!- de 10 ~ o o .......-....,,:: ~ :;.--=:: ~ 2 4 6 8 IT(RMS), RMS ON-STATE CURRENT (AMPS) Figure 2. On-State Power Dissipation Figure 1. RMS Current Derating MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-189 10 60" 30' MAC320A Series Triacs Silicon Bidirectional Thyristors • •• designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as solid-state relays, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever full-wave silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. Triac type thyristors switch from a blocking to a conducting state for either polarity of applied anode voltage with positive or negative gate triggering. . TRIAC. 20 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance. High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Gate Triggering Guaranteed in Four Modes MT1 o CASE 221A-04 (TO-220AB) STYLE 4 • MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage (TJ = - 40 to + 125·C) 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz. Gate Open Value VORM 200 400 600 BOO MAC320A4 MAC320A6 MAC320AB MAC320A10 Peak Gate Voltage On-State Current RMS (TC = + 75·C) (Full Cycle, Sine Wave. 50 to 60 Hz) Peak Surge Current (One Full Cycle. 60 Hz. TC = + 75·C) preceded and followed by rated current Peak Gate Power (TC = + 75·C, Pulse Width = 2 p.s) Average Gate Power (TC = + 75·C. t = B.3 ms) Peak Gate Current Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range VGM 10 Volts IT(RMS) 20 Amp ITSM 150 Amp Watts PGM 20 PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amp TJ -40 to +125 ·C Tstg -40 to +150 ·C THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance. Junction to Case MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-190 Unit Volts MAC320A Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = + 25°C unless otherwise noted) Characteristic Symbol Peak Blocking Current (Either Direction) Rated VDRM, Gate Open TJ = 25°C TJ = + 125°C IDRM Peak On-State Voltage (Either Direction) ITM = 28 A Peak; Pulse Width = 1 to 2 ms, Duty Cycle'" 2% VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous de) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms MT2 (+), G(+); MT2 (+), G(-); MT2 (-), G(-) MT2 (-), G(+) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = MT2 (+), G(+); MT2 (+), G(-); MT2 MT2 (-), G(+) Main Terminal Voltage = Rated VDRM, MT2 (+), G(+); MT2 (-), G(-); MT2 MT2 (-), G(+) VGT Min Typ Max Unit - - - 10 2 mA 1.4 1.7 Volts pA. mA - - 50 80 Volts 100 Ohms (-), G(-) RL = 10 k 0, TJ = + 110°C (+), G(-); - 0.9 1.4 2 2.5 0.2 - - Holding Current (Either Direction) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, Gate Open, Initiating Current = 200 mA IH - 6 40 mA Turn-On Time Rated VDRM, ITM = 28 A, IGT = 120 mA, Rise Time = 0.1 p.s, Pulse Width = 2 p's tgt - 1.5 - p.s dv/dt(C) - 5 - V/p.s Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage Rated VDRM, ITM = 28 A. Commutating di/dt = 8 Aims, Gate Unenergized, TC = + 75°C FIGURE 1 - FIGURE 2 - RMS CURRENT DERATING e1~~~r-~---r--'---.---.--.---.--.---. 40 ~ 120 1=~• •!;10"" ..~+----f---+---+----+---+----1 ~ ~ 110 1-----1f--+---+~~"""""""'?-""-="7t­ I!! ~ a: w <3 2 ~100f---+---+----+---+-~~~~~~CP~~~ ~ CD OOr-~---+---+---,---t-~~~~~~~~ ~80 ~ ~ :::;; g :i 70 60 JAy' .J -JQ~ Q a = Conduction 35 ~ 25 20 '"w « a: :i( ~"'"1.:.t: .J a ~---+---f--+---+- 30 w • ON·STATE POWER DISSIPATION a = Conduction Angle 15 ~ 10 5 5.0 --+---+--t---jf--- n. --+----f---+----f---+---I Angle 00 ~ 600~~2.0~~4~.0~~6~~--~8.0~~1~0--~12~~14--~1~6--~~20 ITIRMS), RMS ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 12 14 16 ITIRMS), RMS ON,STATE CURRENT lAMP) 20 . . . .~~~~~ . .~~ • •·. rl.v.III.Ell.I.III.11.117.' . . . .111.77.' . . . . . . . . . . .777 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-191 MAC320A Series FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE o OJF.STA-tE VOLtAGE =112 Vdc ALL MOOES ~ ~ FIGURE 5 - MAXIMUM ON·STATE CHARACTERISTICS 100 2 -- o'" ~ w '"i3 g w '" 70 ;" / 50 r-- r-. TJ = 25 0 C ;: 30 -.. t-.. '" 0.7 / '"a: I- w !;( / 1250 C ~' 20 r-- / ,f 0.5 '" ~ '" 0.3 > -60 -40 20 -20 40 60 80 100 120 140 I If TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) " I I FIGURE 4 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER CURRENT OFF-5TAT:L~O~~~~~ = 12 Vdc_ ..... 0.7 ............ o. 5 r--...... ..... • '"w I- ~ I 0.3 r-...... 0.5 r-- 0.2 '" 3 : , ~ o. 1 20 40 60 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE(OC) 100 120 140 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 VTM, INSTANTANEOUS ON-5TATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3·192 4.4 MAC320A Series FIGURE 6 - "- i5 w .. N :::; ~ a: 0 ~ I "'- w a: a: :::> '"gz O. 7 o. 5 0 :I: FIGURE 7 - '" I i.... 200 --- - ~ r--- a: a: ~ ...... w 100 '" 70 ~ 50 '"5la: .......... ........... .............. ~ ...... .... :I: a -40 -20 20 40 60 BO 100 120 140 10 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIGURE 8 - w U Z to'" ~ a: - ~o 5 0.2 V- ~~ t--- l--- r- TC = BOoC = 60 Hz Surge IS preceded and followed by rated current TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) 1 I--~ rf O. 3 -60 MAXIMUM ON-REPETITIVE SURGE CURRENT 300 GATE OPEN. APPLIES TO EITHER OIRECTION .... z u TYPICAL HOLDING CURRENT THERMAL RESPONSE ZOJClt) ~ ~ 01 =rlt) • ROJC :I:'" .... a: .... 0 ~ ~o.o 5 u; z ;i .... " 00 2 0.0 1 0.1 0.2 0.5 10 20 50 t, TIME 100 200 1m,) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-193 500 1k 2k 5k 10 k • MAC320AFP Series Triacs Silicon Bidirectional Thyristors · .. designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as solid-state relays, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever full-wave silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. Triac type thyristors switch from a blocking to a conducting state for either polarity of applied anode voltage with positive or negative gate triggering. • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Gate Triggering Guaranteed in Four Modes MT2~MT1 ISOLATED TRIACs THYRISTORS 20 AMPERES RMS 200-BOO VOLTS ~ STYLE 3 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open MAC320A4FP MAC320A6FP MAC320ASFP MAC320A 1OFP • Symbol = -40 to + 125°C) = + 75°C) Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Note 2 Peak Nonrepetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TC preceded and followed by rated current Peak Gate Power (TC = + 75°C) = + 75°C, Pulse Width = 2/Ls) Average Gate Power (TC = + 75°C, t = S.3 ms) Peak Gate Current RMS Isolation Voltage (TA = 25°C, Relative Humidity '" 20%) Operating Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range Unit Volts VORM 200 400 600 SOO Peak Gate Voltage On-State RMS Current (TC Value VGM 10 Volts IT(RMS) 20 Amps ITSM 150 Amps Watts PGM 20' PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps V(lSO) 1500 Volts TJ -40 to +125 °c Tstg -40 to +150 °c Symbol Max Unit THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case R8JC I.S °CIW Thermal Resistance, Case to Sink RIICS 2.2 (typ) °CIW Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient R8JA 60 °CIW Notes: 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 2. The case temperature reference point for all TC measurements is a point on the center lead of the package as close as possible to the plastic body. .. Ii JIIi!.' •• III•• '.:I'm:III...........illllllNl.'Ullt. .' . MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-194 'I MAC320AFP Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = +2S0C unless otherwise noted) Symbol Characteristic Peak Blocking Current (Either Direction) Rated VDRM, Gate Open TJ = 25°C TJ = +12SoC IDRM Peak On-State Voltage (Either Direction) ITM = 28 A Peak; Pulse Width = 1 to 2 ms, Duty Cycle .. 2% VTM Peak Gate Trigger Current Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL Minimum Gate Pulse Width = 2 p.s MT2( +), G( +) MT2(+). G(-) MT2( -), G( -) MT2(-), G(+) IGT = Min Typ Max Unit - - 10 2 pA. mA 1.4 1.7 Volts mA 100 Ohms - - - Peak Gate Trigger Voltage Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms Minimum Gate Pulse Width = 2 p.s MT2(+), G(+) MT2(+), G(-) MT2(-), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) Main Terminal Voltage = Rated VDRM, RL = 101<0, TJ All Trigger Modes 50 SO 50 80 Volts VGT = - 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.4 2 2 2 2.S +110°C 0.2 - - Holding Current (Either Direction) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, Gate Open, Initiating Current = 200 mA IH - 6 40 mA Turn-On Time Rated VDRM, ITM = 28 A, IGT = 120 rnA, Rise Time = 0.1 p.s, Pulse Width = 2 p.s tgt - 1.5 - p.s dv/dt(c) - S - V/p.s Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage Rated VDRM, ITM = 28 A, Com mutating di/dt Gate Unenergized, TC = + 75°C = 8 Alms, I TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS ~130r--''--.---.---'---r---'--'---'---'--' tl! ~a:: 120~~~"~~~=+---t--~--~--+---+-~ ~ 110~~~-1---+~~~~~~~~ I!! 40 ~ ~ ~100~~~-1---+---t--~~~~~~~~t---i ~ '"ffi« ~ 9O~~~-1---1---+--+--+"""'..t-''''"'';;I-''''''''P-.....J >80 ~ 70 :;; ~ 60 ~ -J' ~ .J , --+---t----+----+-Il = Conduction ---+---f---I--+---+----1 Angle ~ 600~~2.~0--~4.0~-6~.0~~8~.0--~1~0--~1~2--~14~~16~~--~ 20 Il ~ 25 a:' ~ 30 a:: <3 ~ 35 w ~ = Conduction Angle 20 15 ~ 10 i5 n. 5.0 00 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 12 14 20 16 IT(RMS!, RMS ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP! ITIRMS!, RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMP! Figure 1. RMS Current Derating Figure 2. On-State Power Dissipation ~. . . . . . . . .lllliiillllllllllir MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-195 II. . . . I MAC320AFP Series c ~ l5 ~ r-. r-. w '"~ ~ a: w g 100 OFF-STATE VOLTAGE = 12 Vdc ALL MODES 0.7 - 70 TJ - 25°C ~ ~' 30 20 ............ ::;; 0- 10 ii'i a: ~ -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) 100 120 140 a: ::> '-' 0 a: I a: II ~ fr If '"::> Figure 3_ Typical Gate Trigger Voltage ,I , fil z ~ c z ~ '"~ OFF-STATE VOLTAGE = 12 Vdc_ ALL MODES I!;l ~ ::;; a: / 125°C J ::£ ~ 0.3 / / ii: ~ ~ 0.5 -60 ./ / 50 :::l; .l=- 0 ~ 0.7 0Z w a: a: ::> u ............ 1 ffi '"'"~ I 0.7 i'--. ....... ....... 0.5 ........ 0.3 .......... I'- w !;( 0.5 0.2 0.3 -60 : , I '"~ !P I I -40 -20 20 40 60 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) 100 120 0.1 0.4 140 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 .4.4 VTM. INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Figure 4_ Typical Gate Trigger Current Figure 5. Maximum On-State Characteristics MQTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-196 MAC320AFP Series '\. 0 ~ "'- ~ :;;; a: 0 ~ I- ~ a: a: => u !z w a: a: ""- :::l u w z ,;t ........ V> ............ -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 ~~ 1-0 ~ ~ u; = 70 r- :E 50 TC = 800C .'!.' f = 60Hz 100 120 30 140 1 10 Figure 6. Typical Holding Current Figure 7. Maximum Nonrepetitive Surge Current 0.5 0.2 ~ "",0 ffi;i b:., NUMBER OF CYCLES ;! z:;;; I - a: - TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE lOCI V> ffl .... !--.-- SURGE IS PRECEDED AND FOLLOWED BY RATED CURRENT 0.3 a: _ ...""LiS ............. 0.5 ~ 100 a: :::l z 90 ---- <>: :;;; 200 :!. 0.7 300 I GATE OPEN APPLIES TO EITHER DIRECTION ~ O. 1 --- f- ZOJCltl = rltle ROJC 0.05 z ~ ~ 0.02 0.01 0.1 0.2 0.5 10 20 50 t, TIME Imsl 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k Figure 8. Thermal Response ~~,j1.~(4 .'!"'C"'~ 'to;~;·"rrJ··,"",~.."';Lry·; ··'·,·!,.,.~r>" ,x"Jr,T.'i·'" .~ W1~.~)'..o!N,~~iiiMYjY.!'."NYm:Mi~:"'&ShJ'J.'fu;,;::r YV";r.", It::.'N.~Jlr,; 'Nd""¥f'";''' ,M/W:'llIiffBfFlh tfj1L.~~·\iWJ\.,..;lr;;1",.~. ;P".KN JI·.E4',l\,g\;;D:'IIi'N,l!I(fdl MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-197 MAC625 Series MAC635 Series Triaes Silicon Bidirectional Thyristors · .. designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as solid-state relays, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever full-wave silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. Triac type thyristors switch from a blocking to a conducting state for either polarity of applied anode voltage with positive or negative gate triggering. • • • • • Blocking Voltage to 600 Volts TO-3 Isolated Mounting High Isolation Voltage - 2.5 kV rms High Commutating dv/dt - 6 V//LS Min UL Recognized - File # E69369 ISOLATED TRIACs THYRISTORS 25/35 AMPERES RMS 200-600 VOLTS MT2~MT' CASE 383-01 • MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage (1) (TJ = -40 to + 125°C) 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open Peak Gate Voltage VGM On-State RMS Current (TC = + 75°C) Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz (2) (TC = 5BOC) MAC625 Series MAC635 Series Peak Nonrepetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TC = + 75°C) preceded and fOllowed by rated current MAC625 Series MAC635 Series 10 Peak Gate Power (TC = +75°C, Pulse Width = 21£5) Peak Gate Current RMS Isolation Voltage (TA = 25°C, Relative Humidity '" 20%) Operating Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range MAC625 Series MAC635 Series Volts Amps IT(RMS) Average Gate Power (TC = + 75°C, t = B.3 ms) Unit Volts 200 400 600 MAC625-41635-4 MAC625-6/635-6 MAC625-B/635-B Circuit Fusing (TC = + 70°C, t = 1 to B.3 ms) Value VORM 25 35 ITSM 250 330 Amps PGM 10 Watts PG(AV) 1 Watt IGM 3 Amps V(lSO) 2500 Volts TJ -40 to + 125 °c Tstg -40 to +125 °c 12t 260 360 A 2s (1) Ratings apply for opan gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. (2) The case temperature reference point for all TC measurements is a point on the center lead of the package as close as possible to the plastic body. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-198 MAC625 Series. MAC635 Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = +25°C unless otherwise noted) Symbol Characteristic Peak Blocking Current (Either Direction) Rated VDRM, Gate Open IDRM IRRM Peak On-State Voltage (Either Direction) ITM = 1.4IT(RMS) VTM Peak Gate Trigger Current Main Terminal Voltage = 6 Vdc, IT MT2( +), G( +) MT2( +), G( -) MT2(-), G(-) MT2(-), G(+) IGT pA - - 1.4 Volts mA - 50 50 50 Volts VGT = 1A - - VGD 0.2 - - Volts IH - 30 - mA tgt - - 10 p.s dv/dt(c) 6 - - V/p.s dv/dt 100 - - V/p.s - - 3 3 3 - = 10 k!1, TJ = 125°C = Rated IT, IGT = 100 mA Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage VD = 2/3 Rated VDRM, Commutating di/dt TJ = 125°C 213 VDRM, TJ 10 - Holding Current (Either Direction) = Unit - - Gate Non-Trigger Voltage Main Terminal Voltage = 1/2 Rated VDRM, RL dv/dt @ VD Max - = 1A Peak Gate Trigger Voltage Main Terminal Voltage = 6 Vdc, IT Minimum Gate Pulse Width = 2 p.s MT2( +), G( +) MT2( +), G( -) MT2( -), G( -) MT2( -), G( +) Turn-On Time VD = 1/2 Rated VDRM, ITM Typ Min = 15 Alms = 125°C TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS -- i.-"" ~ I- ~ Z W ~ 102 u w V ~ MAC~S:= r-- MAC625- !;;: t? 1/ z o 1/ 101 VI 2 3 ON·STATE VOLTAGE (V) GATE CURRENT (rnA) Figure 1. Gate Characteristics Figure 2. On-State Voltage MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-199 4 II MAC625 Series. MAC635 Series 350 300 I'\. ~ Izw 250 a: a: ::> <.> !;i ~ l"-,. ~ ~ 'a:"" "-IX ~K MA~ ~ i I 60Hz k 50Hz "' 100 r---.,.:: I-- ......... 1.8 MACS25 1.4 ;;;! 1.2 ~ 1 j:!: 0.8 MACS35 - - ., I- ~ 0.5 en ~ r= I I 100 11111 ~ ~- ..:::- t-- r:- I I o II lin 2 ~ 1.5 ........ ...... 50 !~~N&Id~'~o ~~ ~ 2.2 60Hz 50 Hz' ::> '" V :-..... ........... Ii; 150 w ~AC635 200 I'.. r-.... 2.4 I J 0.4 0.2 10 - 3 10 1 TIME (CYCLES) LI 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 104 TIME (SEC) Figure 4. Transient Thermal Impedance Figure 3. Surge On-State Current Rating (Non-Repetitive) RMS On-State Current versus Maximum Power Dissipation 50,---,---,--,,--,,--,---,---,---, 40 35 ~ 30 z o ~ 25 l,9 ~ 0 ,,/ ~~ % ::/" ".,,~~~ /' ~ ~ ~V !;i 115 20 '"j5 • a: ~ ~ 15 10 ~ 9= 9= 9= 9= 9= 11800 150 '120 900'500 9 = 300 0 0 ~ ~I-'"'" 10 15 20 25 30 10 RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (A) 15 20 25 30 RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (A) 35 40 Figure 6. MAC635 Figure 5, MAC625 RMS On-State Current versus Allowable Case Temperature 130 E w a:: ::> !;;c a:: ~ :0 ~ 120 110 100 80 ~ 70 ;;;! SO E w ....... ~ ....... ~ ~ ~ ~ ........ .... a:: ::> 110 a:: ~ 100 !;;c 300 ~ ~ ~ ~ 8= 8 = 600- 90 ~~ 9 - 130 :0 ~ w I ~ ~ 88 == 9012000 '"cS ~8= 150 0 9 = 1600 w 80 '"~ 70 ~ ~ 10 15 20 25 90 60 30 40 RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (A) Figure 8. MAC635 Figure 7. MAC625 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-200 MAC625 Series. MAC635 Series Ambient Temperature versus RMS On-State Current 25 ~ 20 !z ~ ~ u ~ 15 ~ 10 z: a ~ a: f'.. ......... ~ 'r-..,. 35 ~ ""- V '\ Rth 0.5°CfW ""- ~ "-K V I"'-- ~ 30 .... Rth 1.5"CJW I""" =" i'- "0- " I'" Rth T'CfW k" V Rth 3°CfW r-..' ~ \ / r....: ~ \, 5 I-- IRth: IEATI SINK THEiMAiIMPjOANfE) I '"'" 25 ~ 20 ......... a: !;;;: " I " ..... I"'-.. i.......... b.... " i""""'-. ""~ 140 Figure 9. MAC625 .... ~ ~ ~~ ~..... I.",. 0: ~iRthiHEAI SIN1 TH~M'j IM~OA1CE) I I 1\ I I =Rth 1°CfW ......Rth 1.5"CJW .:o.Rth 2°CfW '<"""" ~ ~~ " " ~ 15 a en ~ 10 I _Rt~0.5"CJW :'- ~ .... ~ ro 40 ~ M 100 1ro MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (OC) il5 a: "'" r-.. I I I I I I \." ~ ~~ ~ " 20 40 60 M 100 120 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (OC) 140 Figure 10. MAC635 • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-201 Triaes Silicon Bidirectional Thyristors • .. designed for full-wave ac power control applications, and specifically designed to be used in conjunction with MOC30XX opto couplers in circuits similar to that shown on page 206. • • • • • Blocking Voltages to 400 Volts Load Current Controlled Up to 40 A Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability Gate Triggering Guaranteed in Four Modes Designed for Use with MOC Series Optoisolators Having Triac Driver Outputs MAC3010 MAC3020 MAC3030 MAC3040 Series TRIACs 4,8, 15,25 and 40 AMPERES RMS 250 thru 400 VOLTS O----li~;:!~-G-O ~ MT2 • ~ CASE 77-05 (TO-225AA) STYLE 5 -4 MAXIMUM RATINGS Currant Ratings Rating Symbol -8 -15 -25 -40 -401 Unit -4 IT(RMS) 4 8 15 25 40 Amps Peak Nonrepetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TJ = 110·C) ITSM 30 80 150 250 300 Amps Circuit Fusing Considerations (TJ = -40 to +llO"C,t = 8.3ms) 12t 3.6 26 90 260 370 A 2s Peak Gate Voltage (t .. 2 /£s) VGM ±5 Peak Gate Power (t .. 2 /£s) PGM 10 20 20 20 20 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Watts IGM 11 12 12 12 12 Amps TJ * -40 to +125 * ·C - 6 8 8 8 30 in. lb. VORM 250 400 250 400 250 400 250 400 250 400 Volts On-State RMS Current (see Figure 1) (Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz) Average Gate Power (TC = BO"C, t .. 8.3 ms) Peak Gate Current (t .. 2 !£S) Operating JunCtion Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Mounting Torque MAC3010/MAC3030, Note 1 MAC3020/MAC3040 MT1 ~o ASE 221A-04 ±10 ±10 ±10 ±10 Volts ·C -40 to +150 Tstg Note 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking voltage such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-202 (TO-220AB) STYLE 4 -8, -15, -25 d:\~ ~ CASE 283-04 STYLE 2 ,, -40 -- \" CASE 311-02 STYLE 2 -401 MAC3010, MAC3020, MAC3030, MAC3040 Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol -4 -8 -15 -25 -40 -401 Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case R/lJC 3.5 2.2 2 1.2 0.9 0c/w Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient R/IJA 75 60 60 60 1 0c/w Characteristic + l00"C. *TJ - 40" to -8, -15. -25 CURRENT RATINGS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C, and Either Polarity of MT2 to MT1 Voltage unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TJ = 25"C TJ = 125°C Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = v'2 IT(RMS) A Peak; Pulse Width '" 2 ms, Outy Cycle'" 2%) MAC3030·S MAC3030·15 MAC3030·25 Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, RL = 100 Ohms) MT2( +), G( +); MT2( -), G( -) All Types (TJ = 125°C, RL = 10 k Ohms) MT2( +), G( +); MT1( -), G( -) All Types VGT = FIGURE 1 - ............... 100 II r........ // ............... ~ a: :::0 :;: Full cyclo 01 ffi Go. 9O - r- 50/60 Hz current. .,," ~ ~ /'" 0 "" ./ r---.. ,,/ !.... ..... \ '" Power DISSipation 8.0;;; 110 5 105 ~ U 6 .o~ ~ a: :::> 95 '" o ~ 90 ;:: o ... Go. ~ ...'" ...> 2.0ffi ~ 85 ~ 0; 80 ~ Volts - - 1.6 1.6 1.S5 mA 40 Volts - - 2 0.2 - - - IH 40 mA tgt - 1.5 - IJ.S dv/dt(c) - 5 - VI/Ls dv/dt - 40 - VI/Ls 75 ~O • IT(RMS). RMS ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) 2.0 - -- 0.25 Powe, Dissipation ~ v· \ ...-- \ 0.50 ,...- ~" r-- ,,/ 1.5 ~ C a: UJ ;:: 1.0 ~ UJ 0.5 '"a:« ~ « ;; \ o 0.75 1.00 ITIRMS)RMS ON·STATE CURRENT lAMPS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-203 o >= Full cycle 01 \ 50/60 Hz current. o ~ i" :: I\, 65 60 4.0 Ku~e1er~ting \ll ~. 70 ~ ~O "\ ~100 r-- Go. en ~ 4.0 ffi I"- ~ ,. p.A mA B. REFERENCE: AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Cu~ont oo,a:ing .,- 10 2 CURRENT DERATING AND POWER DISSIPATION 0 __ ~ 80 - = 0.52 IT(RMS) A. REFERENCE: CASE TEMPERATURE ~ - 100 mAl Critical Rate of Rise of Off·State Vpltage (Exponential Waveform, TC = 125°C) G Unit = 200 mA, Gate Open) Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage (lTM = 2 IT(RMS) A Peak, Commutating di/dt Alms, Gate Unenergized, TC = SO°C) r-...... Max IGT Gate Controlled Turn-On Time (lTM = 2 IT(RMS) A Peak, IG 11 Typ VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, RL = 100 Ohms) MT2( +), G( +); MT2( -), G( -) All Types Holding Current (VO = 12 V,ITM Min IORM,IRRM 1.25 Q...~ MAC3010, MAC3020, MAC3030, MAC3040 Series -8. -15. -25 CURRENT RATINGS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C, and Either Polarity of MT2 to MT1 Voltage unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TJ = 25°C TJ = 125°C IORM,IRRM - Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = v'2 IT(RMS) A Peak; Pulse Width"" 2 ms, Duty Cycle"" 2%) MAC3030-8 MAC3030-15 MAC3030-25 VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, RL = 100 Ohms) MT2( +), G( +); MT2( -), G( -) All Types IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, RL = 100 Ohms) MT2( +), G( +); MT2( -), G( -) All Types (TJ = 125°C, RL = 10 k Ohms) MT2(+), G(+); MT1(-), G(-) All Types VGT Holding Current (Vo = 12 V, ITM = - """'" ~ ~105 '\. pA rnA - 1.6 1.6 1.85 rnA 40 IH - tgt - 1.5 - p.s dv/dt(c) - 5 - V/p.s dv/dt - 40 - V/p.s 2 40 rnA FIGURE 3 - ON-STATE POWER DISSIPATION 40 I /" "- / ~ ......... ....... 0 ...... I: ::! 10 2 - - = 0.52 IT(RMS) RMS CURRENT DERATING I i~ - Full cycle of ._ 50160 Hz current 115 ~ Unit 100 rnA) ~ ~125 ~ Max Volts 0.2 Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Exponential Waveform, TC = 125°C) FIGURE 2 - - - Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage (lTM = 2 IT(RMS) A Peak, Com mutating di/dt Aims, Gate Unenergized, TC = 80"C) II Typ Volts - = 200 rnA, Gate Open) Gate Controlled Turn-On Time (lTM = 2IT(RMS) A Peak, IG Min ......... '\. I I MAC3010140-8 - I I I ....... ...... ... V /'" 0 MAC30~0/40-15 r- - MAC301~40-25 I II I 12 16 I 20 ./ II I 24 ~ /" L' TJ ~ 125"<: Full cycle of 50160 Hz current. 10 28 V 15 ITIRMSI. RMS ON·STAll: CURRENT lAMPS) ITIRMSI. RMS ON·STAll: CURRENT lAMPS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-204 20 25 MAC3010, MAC3020, MAC3030, MAC3040 Series -40. -401 CURRENT RATINGS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25·C, and Either Polarity of MT2 to MTl Voltage unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VDRM or VRRM) TJ = 25·C TJ = 110·C Min Typ Max Unit - 10 2 mA - 1.85 Volts mA IDRM.IRRM Peak On-State Voltage (Either Direction) (ITM = 56 A Peak; Pulse Width .. 2 ms, Duty Cycle .. 2%) VTM - Gate Trigger Current (Continuous de) No = 12 V, RL = 1000) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-) IGT - - 40 Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) (VD = 12 V, RL = 100 0) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-) (RL = 10 ko, TJ = 110·C) MT2(+), G(+); MT1(-), G(-) VGT - 2 - Volts 50 mA Holding Current (VD = 12 V, ITM IH - - tgt - 1.5 - p,s dv/dt(c) - 5 - V/p,s dv/dt - 30 - V/p,s 0.2 = 200 mA, Gate Open) Gate Controlled Turn-On Time (lTM = 56 A pk, IG = 200 mAl Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage (lTM = 56 A pk, Commutating di/dt = 22 Alms, Gate Unenergized, TC = SO·C) Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Exponential Waveform, TC = 110·C) !LA • FIGURE 5 - FIGURE 4 - RMS CURRENT DERATING G 2- ... II: ~ 110 II: ~100 ! ...c ...ca - ~ t::::::,.. 90 u 0 c ~ 0 Curves apphcable lor lull ot-- sine wave 01 50/60 Hz current. t-- t-- I- U) Curve. applicable lor lull sine wave of 50/60 Hz current ~ r-J 0 ~ 0 Istted ::> ~ c>< t-- TJ = 1100C Stud / - - - U L sr P": d ""- ./ V' / L 1L IL / . / I-"" 0 ~ ~ I- Y 0 '~ ::l c ON-STATE POWER DISSIPATION 0 10 20 30 40 IT(RMS). RMS ON-STATE CURRENl (AMPS) ~~w~~·,rl!!-~"''''' 10 20 30 40 IT(RMS). RMS ON-STATE CURRENT (AMPS) "'; ,,-. '-:J'A,'f"::~"L"'~'d",,;w.~£'i·~;i'ii'hf'::lf'~~~~~r;tJnm~~t:.'V. 'i'M~. .'~ . .NJ.' ~~~ ~~;~J.~~ftn;.;rp'.~:;y.J¥~:#~::>\'$' <~;.~_ ·'!&!·~~1~1.~~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-205 MAC3010, MAC3020, MAC3030, MAC3040 Series USING THE MOC OPTO COUPLERS AND MAC TRIAC SERIES DEVICES The MOCXXXX Opto Coupler can be used as a triac driver with MACXXXX-X by selecting RC to limit the surge current thru the coupler and yet supply enough gate drive to the triac to gua~antee complete turn on. The maximum surge current rating of the coupler (lTSM) determines the minimum value of RC: R' Vin(pk) C (mm) = ITSM (coupler) For high line 110 Vac nominal voltage: Vin(pk) = 187 V. 187V RC (min) = 1.2 A = 155.8 ohms must be specified to sustain the repetitive surge (ITSM). In practice. the RMS value is chosen attwotimes actual so the surge rating of the triac will be very high. Inductive Loads Motors. solenoids. and magnets are typical problem loads for the triac and coupler. Since the triac turns off as the current approaches zero. but the inductive voltage is still high. it appears to the triac as a rise in applied voltage. If this rate of rise in voltage exceeds the dv/dt commutating of the triac or the dv/dt static ofthe coupler. the triac will turn back on. Snubber Network In practice, this would be a 180 ohm resistor. The maximum gate drive required determines the maximum value of RC: VIH-VrM RC (max) = IGlitriac) Where VIH is the inhibit voltage of the coupler and VTM is the on-state voltage of the triac in the coupler. For the MOC3040 and MAC3040 -25 VIH = 40 V. VTM = 3.0 V, end IGT = 40 mAo RC (max) = • 40 V-3.0 V 40 mA = 930 ohms Vturn off voltage =Vpk sin t/> ... Vpk'" 187 V In practice, the gate is driven two or three times IGT to guarantee complete turn on. RC (max)would be 460 ohms or 310 ohms . The line voltage at turn on is: VLine at turn on = RC' IGT +VTM(coupler) +VGntriac) = = For the above example VGntriac) 2.0 V. IGT 80 mAo RC = 210 ohms. V Une at turn on = (210) (0.08 A) + 3.0V + 2.0V = 22 V Resistive Loads Resistive heating elements and incandescent lamps are typical loads for the triac. Cold incandescent lamps can draw 5-6 times their hot RMS value on start up. The triac VCC When the dv/dt of the circuit exceeds the capability of the coupler or triac. a RSCS network is placed across the main terminals ofthe triac. In most applications the snubber used for the triac will also protect the coupler. The RS also limits the energy from the Cs destroying the gate region on the first use of the triac. Since the power factor of the board (cosine of the I-V phase shift) is not always known. a typical design can be a starting point for scope verification. For power factor = 0.1. 110 V nominal line. Setting the dv/dt C (triac) equal to the circuit VTurn off over the snubber time constant and solving for RS: dv/dt C (triac) = V~~~;ff Vrurn off RS = dv/dt (c) Cs For MAC3030-25 dv/dt (c) = 5.0 Vips. and choosing Cs pF =0.1 187 V RS = (5.0 VI ps1l0.1 pF) RS = 374 ohms In practice. RS is selected empirically. For more details seeAN780A. Rin Opto Coupler MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-206 MBS4991 MBS4992 MBS4993 Silicon Bidirectional Switch (Plastic) Bidirectional Diode Thyristors SBS (PLASTIC) ... designed for full-wave triggering in Triac phase control circuits, half-wave SCR triggering application and as voltage level detectors. Supplied in an inexpensive plastic TO-226M package for high-volume requirements, this low-cost plastic package is readily adaptable for use in automatic insertion equipment. • • • • • Low Switching Voltage - 8 Volts Typical Uniform Characteristics in Each Direction Low On-State Voltage - 1.7 Volts Maximum Low Off-State Current - 0.1 pA Maximum Low Temperature Coefficient - 0.02 %rC Typical EftD MT2 0 o MT1 G M"0~ G~'- MT2 :;.< CASE 29-04 ITO-226M) STYLE 12 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Power Dissipation DC Forward Current DC Gate Current (off-state only) Repetitive Peak Forward Current (1% Duty Cycle, 10 ps Pulse Width, TA = 100·C) Non-Repetitive Forward Current (10 ps Pulse Width, TA = 25·C) Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Symbol Value Unit PD 500 mW IF 200 mA IG(off) 5 mA IFM(rep) 2 Amps IFM(nonrep) 6 Amps TJ -55 to +125 ·C Tstg -65 to + 150 ·C MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-207 • MBS4991 • MBS4992 • MBS4993 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25·C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Min Typ Max Unit MBS4991 MBS4992. MBS4993 Vs 6 8 8 10 9 Vdc MBS4991 MBS4992 MBS4993 IS 175 90 175 500 pAdc - 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.2 Vdc - - 100 500 pAdc - 0.7 0.2 0.3 1.5 0.5 0.75 mAdc - 0.08 2 0.08 6 1 10 0.1 10 - 1.7 1.7 Characteristic Switching Voltage Switching Current Switching Voltage Differential (See Figure 10) MBS4991 MBS4992. MBS4993 Gate Trigger Current (VF = 5 Vdc. RL = 1 k ohm) MBS4992 MBS4993 IGF Holding Current MBS4991 MBS4992 MBS4993 IH Off-State Blocking Current (VF = 5 Vdc. TA = 25·C) (VF = 5 Vdc. TA = 85·C) (VF = 5 Vdc. TA = 25·C) (VF = 5 Vdc. TA = 100·C) - IVS1- VS21 - 120 250 pAdc IB MBS4991 MBS4991 MBS4992. MBS4993 MBS4992. MBS4993 Forward On-State Voltage (IF = 175 mAdc) (IF = 200 mAde) • 7.5 VF MBS4991 MBS4992. MBS4993 Vdc - 1.4 1.5 Peak Output Voltage (Cc = 0.1 p.F. RL = 20 ohms. (Figure 7) Vo 3.5 4.8 - Vdc Turn-On Time (Figure 8) ton - 1 - p.s Turn-Off Time (Figure 9) toff - 30 Temperature Coefficient of Switching Voltage (- 50 to + 125·C) TC - +0.02 - o/oI"C 100 pA Switching Current Differential (See Figure 10) 151-IS2 - p.s TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 2 - SWITCHING CURRENT versus TEMPERATURE FIGURE 1 - SWITCHING VOLTAGE ve,sus TEMPERATURE 80 104 § N 1.03 '"'"'" 1.01 ;;: ~ '" « N 1.00 '" > '"z 099 >- 0.98 ~ ~ ~ - ~ '"~ '"z ~ ij5 40 30 1\ '\. 1.0 ~ I'--.. >- 0.97 10 :i: 0.96 -75 -50 -15 +15 +50 +75 +100 +115 -75 -50 -15 +15 -- +50 TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE laC) TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE lOCI MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-208 +75 +100 +115 MBS4991 • MBS4992 • MBS4993 FIGURE 4 - OFF-8TATE BLOCKING CURRENT versus TEMPERATURE FIGURE 3 - HOLDING CURRENT versus TEMPERATURE 10.0 B.O 1.... ~ 7.0 N ~ 6.0 ili' o ~ \ 50 .... ~ 40 a"""" '"z 30 § Normalized to 15°C \ \\ 2.0 "'" o -75 -50 1.0 w .... 0.1 ~ +15 -15 « .... - L ~ ~ 0 ~ +50 +75 +100 ./ 0.01 +115 -50 -25 TA. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (OCI +25 70 u; - ~ 6.0 0 ? w '" « ~ > >- 0 '/ +100 +125 => ~ >- /' 40 30 0 '" ~ 10 .; 10 > , - .....--!';;:..... .,; 50 => /' 1'< -~ , i'- ~RL=500'! ...;; -Rl=100~! l"~L =50,! /' :-.... RL=20', RL = 5" I III 00 1 3.0 +75 FIGURE 6 -PEAK OUTPUT VOLTAGE (FUNCTION OF RLANDCcl 10 2.0 +50 TA. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE lOCI FIGURE 5 - ON-STATE VOLTAGE versus FORWARD CURRENT 1.0 VpS.OV- r - - ~ :! a> o "'. 1.0 '" / ~ """"=> u '" z 4.0 5.0 001 Q 02 005 01 02 II 05 TA = 25°C 1.0 Ce. CHARGING CAPACITANCE I"FI VF. FORWARD ON·STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTSI FIGURE 7 - PEAK OUTPUT VOLTAGE TEST CIRCUIT 10 K D.U.T. L MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-209 2.0 5.0 10 • MBS4991 • MBS4992 • MBS4993 FIGURE 8 - TURN-ON TIME TEST CIRCUIT Mercury Relay 1.0 k!l Anode Voltage + -=- 12 V 1.0 k!l Turn-on timeismeasuredfromthetime Vs D.U.T. Vs is achieved to the time when the anode voltage drops to within 90% of the difference between Vs and VF' FIGURE 9 - TURN·OFF TIME TEST CIRCUIT Anode 100 l! + 5.0 V • 500 l! Voltage C -=- +------:::oIt:~----. MT2 Mercury Relay (N.D.) D.U.T . L -_ _ _ _~~---------~ MTl With the SBS In conduction and the relay contacts open, close the contacts to cause anode A2 to be driven negative. Decrease C until the SBS JUst remains oft when anode A2 becomes positive. The turn off time, toff. IS the time from initial contact closure and until anode A2 voltage reaches zero volts. FIGURE 10 - DEVICE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT. CHARACTERISTICS AND SYMBOLS +I MT2 MT2 G +V IH2 MTl CIRCUIT SYMBOL MT1 J VF2 -I EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT CHARACTE RISTICS MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-210 MCR22-2 thru 8 Plastic Si licon Controlled Rectifiers • .. designed and tested for repetitive peak operation required for CD ignition, fuel ignitors, flash circuits, motor controls and low-power switching applications. • • • • 150 Amperes for 2 I-£S Safe Area High dv/dt Very Low VF at High Current Low-Cost TO-226AA SCRa 1.5 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 800 VOLTS ~ AO G OK K CASE 29-04 (TO-226AA) STYLE 10 G A MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Peak Repetitive Reverse Blocking Voltage MCR22-2 MCR22-3 MCR22-4 MCR22-S MCR22-8 Circuit Fusing Considerations, TA (t = 2 to 8.3 ms) Peak Gate Power, TA = 25°C = 2SoC = 2SoC Average Gate Power, TA = 2SoC Peak Forward Gate Current, TA (300 ILS, 120 PPS) Unit Volts SO 100 200 400 SOO On-State Current RMS (All Conduction Angles) Peak Nonrepetitive Surge Current, TA (1/2 Cycle, Sine Wave, SO Hz) Value VRRM = 2SoC Peak Reverse Gate Voltage Operating Junction Temperature Range @ Rated VRRM and VORM Storage Temperature Range Lead Solder Temperature (Lead Length;;. 1/1S" from case, 10 s Max) IT(RMS) 1.S Amps ITSM 15 Amps 12t 0.9 A 2s PGM O.S Watt PG(AV) 0.1 Watt IFGM 0.2 Amp VRGM S Volts TJ -40 to +125 °C Tstg -40 to +150 °C - +230 °C MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-211 • MCR22-2 thru MCR22-8 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance. Junction to Case Characteristic RruC 50 °CIW Thermal Resistance. Junction to Ambient RruA 160 °CIW ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted. RGK = 1000 Ohms.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward Blocking Voltage (TC = 125°C) TC TC Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Anode Voltage = 7 Vdc. RL = 100 Ohms) (Anode Voltage = Rated VORM. RL = 100 Ohms) TC TC TC Holding Current (Anode Voltage TC TC 12 Vdc) = 25°C = -40°C = 25°C = -40°C = 125°C = 25°C = -40°C Forward Voltage Application Rate (TC = 125°C) Unit Volts - - - - 10 200 !LA !LA VTM - 1.2 1.7 Volts IGT - 30 200 500 !LA VGT - O.S 1.2 Volts VGO 0.1 IH - 2 - 5 10 rnA dv/dt - 25 - V/p.s - 1.2 - p.s 40 - p.s IORM.IRRM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc). Note 1 (Anode Voltage = 6 Vdc. RL = 100 Ohms) Max 50 100 200 400 600 MCR22-2 MCR22-3 MCR22-4 MCR22-6 MCR22-S Forward "On" Voltage (lTM = 1 A peak) • Typ VORM Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TC = 25°C TC = 125°C = Min Turn-On Time ton Turn-Off Time totl - - - - Note 1. RGK Current Not Included in Measurement. CURRENT DERATING FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE FIGURE 1 - MAXIMUM CASE TEMPERATURE ~ I"'" t:--... ....... ................ " "" ~ ........ 180' ~ ~ ~ r'-...' I'-.. ~ 180' ,de J 020.4060.810 121.416 ITIAVI. AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT IAMPSI R8JC COOLING TIME TJ 18 20 02 R8JA COOliNG TIME 5O"CW 3.0 ms TJ 125"<: l6O"CW 3.0 ms 125"<: MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-212 0.4 0.6 08 ITIAVI. AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT IAMPI 10 MCR22·2 thru MCR22·8 FIGURE 4 - PEAK REPETITIVE CAPACITOR DISCHARGE CURRENT FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL FORWARD VOLTAGE 5.0 180 V":: ./~ 3.0 ~ 180 V TJ 2.0 125 0C ~ 250C _ f-- ~ 0.7 !5 ~ 0.5 ~ 60 03 '"~ 0.2 :!... I u ~ is 1- I I ::> 40 20 12Hz r-. 0 -20 I II ~ f--tw--J IT r 5tetOjtan{s = 1.0 ~ ..... I 3.0 5.0 7.0 10 30 two PEAK CURRENT DURATION (I's) I z r-- 80 c[ I ~ 1 1.0 Hz r-- w 10 ::!! .... r--- a 100 JV/ iL :- !5~ 120 1/ V j [/ ; ~ 140 V 50 70 100 I S I I z ~ I ~ ~ o. 1 ,.:. - 0.07 FIGURE 5 - PEAK REPETI_TIVE SINUSOIDAL CURVE 180 in16D ..........:: i140 ....... I- i5 120 0.05 I ~ 80 ~ 60 11 5 '" is I ~ ~ II 00 1 o 15 20 " r-- ........ ~~ 801 ....... 1=1 tw I-- -20 25 1.0 3.0 two VT. INSTANTANEOUS ON·STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) I"--~ ,~ 7\. 40 f- ITM 20 f- 1.0 11/z J"'" r~ ...... :. 0 10 05 r-. !5100 u 1/ 0.02 ~I-- r-.... a: I 0.03 ;:::: ..... 5.0 7.0 10 30 PEAK CURRENT DURATION II'S) ~r-. 50 70 100 FIGURE 6 - THERMAL RESPONSE 0 O. 7 w o. 5 o. 3 ~ t; ffi a:: _ ~c - O. 2 c[w ::!!~ ffi ~ D. I :I:::!! :: ~ 0.0 7 ~ ~o.o 5 ..... l- - ...... I-f- in :i 0.0 3V" -' 0.0 2 I!' ~ 0.0 1 01 0.2 05 10 20 50 10 20 50 100 200 1. TIME 1m.) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-213 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 • MCR22-2 thru MCR22-8 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 8 - TYPICAL GATE TRIGGER CURRENT FIGURE 7 - GArE TRIGGER VOLTAGE 0.8 '" '" i! ~ ~ 0.7 ... '"~ S > 0.& I VAK=7.DVRl'l00 _ '" r--.. ..."" .'" ~ r-..... r--..... 1.20 " ~ '" 0.4 C > -50 50 30 o. 5 0.3 -75 100 I "" '" "- -25 25 50 75 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI ! i ....... 10 5.0 I!' 3.0 ~ 2.0 'I'-... 100 " '"S; 1.0 125 FIGURE 9 - HOLDING CURRENT -40 ~ c 10 20 40 60 80 100 TJ JUNCTION TEMPERATURE I"CI -20 .l 900 1.6 I""-..... 1.0 -40 - 20 20 --r--... 1.0 ~ 0.8 ~~... 0.6 ~ 0.4 ........... I ........... 40 60 80 100 120 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE I"CI 140 160 ~ L V 0.2 o ~ 0 0.2 ~./ 0.4 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 'TIAVI. AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT IAMPSI MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-214 / / II / / / /// / / / /dc r//~ V Ii '///V .. 1.2 ~ 180 / 1200 lJoo 300~00T J 4 -I--. 140 FIGURE 10 - POWER DISSIPATION .1.8 !i 1,. ~ 120 2.0 CI • ..... 1.4 1.8 Silicon Controlled Rectifier Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. designed for industrial and consumer applications such as power supplies; battery chargers; temperature, motor, light, and welder controls. • • • • Economical for a Wide Range of Uses High Surge Current - ITSM = 550 Amps Rugged Construction in Either Pressfit, Stud, or Isolated Stud Glass Passivated Junctions for Maximum Reliability MCR63-2 thru 10 MCR64-2 thru 10 MCR65-2 thru 10 seRs 55 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 800 VOLTS G AO .(" oK MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Peak Repetitive Forward and Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 MCR63 MCR64 MCR65 -2 -3 -4 -6 -8 -10 Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage (t .. 5 ms) -2 MCR63 -3 MCR64 -4 -6 MCR65 -8 -10 VORM or VRRM Value Unit Volts 50 100 200 400 600 800 Volts VRSM 75 150 300 500 700 900 Forward Current RMS IT(RMS) 55 Amps Peak Surge Current (One cycle, 60 Hz, TJ ITSM 550 Amps 12t 1255 A 2s PGFM 20 Watts PGF(AV) 0.5 Watt = - 40 to + 125°C) Circuit Fusing Considerations (TJ = -40 to + 125°C, t = 1 to 8.3 ms) Peak Gate Power Average Gate Power (Pulse Width .. 2 /£s) Peak Forward Gate Current IGFM 2 Amps Peak Gate Voltage - VGFM VGRM 10 10 Volts Forward Reverse Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque TJ -40 to + 125 Tstg -40 to + 150 - 30 °C °C in. lb. Note 1. VRRM for all types can be applied o~ a continuous de basis without incurring damage Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. Devices shall not have a positive bias applied to the gate concurrently with a negative potential on the anode. M'OTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-215 I I I CASE 263-04 STYLE 1 MCR64 Series . CASE 3111-02 STYLE 1 MCR63 Series l, CASE 311-112 STYLE 1 MCR65 Series MCR63-2 thru MCR63-10. MCR64-2 thru MCR64-10. MCR65-2 thru MCR65-10 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Pressfit and Stud Isolated Stud Max Unit 'CIW ROJC 1 1.1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25'C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 25'C TJ = 125'C VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, RL = 50 G) Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, RL = 50 G) = Rated VORM, RL = Holding Current (VO = 12 V, RL • 1 kG, TJ TC TC = 25'C = -40'C TC TC = 25'C = -40'C = 125'C) IGT u w ...'"« :::> ~ ...~ w '"«u 105 85 ,~ ~ ~ .\ 1\....... ~ r--... \ "- ...... I""---. ......... r-... :E x 45 « :E U ... , ...... I\, \ :E :::> • = - 10 2 pA. rnA - 2 Volts - 40 75 - rnA Volts 0.2 - - IH - 60 rnA dv/dt 50 - V/p,s FIGURE 2 - POWER DISSIPATION u; 60 ~~ 65 - 3 3.5 = 50 G, Gate Open) FIGURE 1 - AVERAGE CURRENT DERATING c Unit VGT Forward Voltage Application Rate (TJ = 125'C, Vo = Rated VORM) 125 Max IORM,IRRM Forward "On" Voltage (lTM = 175 A Peak) (VO Min .......... 1m , - - ~L :---..... ......« ~ - .......... '"3: :i' w 40 '"~ de • = > 30 « :::> 90 0 :;!' 20 x 180 0 I 10 20 30 40 I :;10 « 0::- I 50 60 IT(AV). AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT (AMPS) I ./ / / V I-' ,/ -- . J'Jt. ~ " h ~ W' 10 20 30 40 IT(AV). AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT (AMPS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-216 / ~ J//. /./ « :E Derate MCR65 series f--by an additIOnal 10%. f--- 25 I / 9~0 I // / /' 11/ / ' :E 60 0 30 0 I I w \ 30 0 60 0 .-{ / 180 0 50 50 60 MeR67 Series MeR6S Series MeR69 Series Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. designed for overvoltage protection in crowbar circuits. • Glass-Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Stability and Reliability • Center-Gate Geometry for Uniform Current Spreading Enabling High Discharge Current • Small Rugged, Thermowatt or Metal Packages Constructed for Low Thermal Resistance for Maximum Power Dissipation and Durability • High Capacitor Discharge Current 300 Amps (MCR67, 68) 750 Amps (MCR69) SCRs 12 and 25 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 400 VOLTS MAXIMUM RATINGS Value Rating Symbol Unit MCR67 MCR68 MCR69 Repetitive Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 (TJ = -40 to + 125°C) -2 MCR67, 68, 69 -3 -6 Volts VDRM or VRRM Peak Discharge Current, Note 2 ITM 300 300 750 Amps IT(RMS) IT(AV) 12 8 12 8 25 16 Amps ITSM 100 100 300 Amps 12t 40 40 375 A 2s Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (112 Cycle, Sine Wave, 60 Hz, TJ = 125°C) Circuit Fusing (t .. 8.3 ms) Critical Rate-of-Rise of Current (Note 3) Peak Gate Power (t .. 2 ,..s) G oK 50 100 400 On-State Current (TC = 85°C) (1/2 Cycle, Sine Wave, 60 Hz) Peak Gate Cu rrent (t .. 2 ,..s) ~ AO Average Gate Power Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range dildt 100 AI,..s IGM 2 Amps PGM 20 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 Watt TJ -40 to +125 °c Tstg -40 to +150 °c - Mounting Torque 75 15 8 8 in. lb. THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient Notes: 1. VORM for all types can be applied on a continuous basis over the operating junction temperature range without recurring damage. Ratings apply for open or shorted gate conditions or negative voltage on the gate. Oevices should not be tested for blocking voltages such that the supply voltage exceeds the rating of the device. 2. Ratings apply for tw = 1 ms. See Figure 1 for ITM capability for various duration of an exponentially decaying current waveform, tw is defined as 5 time constants of an exponentially decaying current pulse. 3. Test Conditions: IG = 150 rnA, Vo = Rated VORM, ITM = Rated Value, TJ = 125°C. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-217 MCR68IMCR69 Series # CASE 86-01 STYLE 1 MCR67 Series MCR67 Series. MCR68 Series. MCR69 Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TJ = 25°C TJ = 125°C Forward On-State Voltage (lTM = 24 Amps), Note 1 (lTM = 50 Amps), Note 1 (lTM = 300 Amps, tw = 1 ms), Note 2 (lTM = 750 Amps, tw = 1 ms), Note 2 Typ Max Unit p.A mA - - 10 2 - - 2.2 1.8 VTM MCR67,68 MCR69 MCR67,68 MCR69 - Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, RL = 1000) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Volts, RL = 1000) (VO = Rated VORM, RL = 1 kO, TJ = 125°C) VGT 2 Volts 6 6 - 7 30 1.5 mA volts 0.2 0.65 0.40 Holding Current (lTM = 100 mA, Gate-Open) IH 3 15 50 mA Latching Current (VO = 12 Vdc, IG = 150 mA, tr';; 50/Ls) IL - - 60 mA dvldt 10 - - V//Ls Critical Rate-of-Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, Gate Open, Exponential Waveform, TJ = 125°C) Gate Controlled Turn-On Time, Note 3 (VO = Rated VORM, IG = 150 mAl (lTM = 24 Amps, peak) (lTM = 50 Amps, peak) • Min IORM,IRRM - /LS tgt - MCR67,68 MCR69 - 1 1 - - Notes: 1. Pulse duration", 300 /LS, duty cycle'" 2%. 2. Ratings apply for tw = 1 ms. See Figure 1 for ITM capability for various durations of an exponentially decyaing current waveform. tw is defined as 5 time constants of an exponentially decaying current pulse. 3. The gate controlled turn-on time in a crowbar circuit will be influenced by the circuit inductance . FIGURE 2 - PEAK CAPACITOR DISCHARGE CURRENT DERATING FIGURE 1 - PEAK CAPACITOR DISCHARGE CURRENT ~ 1000 ~ f- ~ MCR69 0: 0: i3 300 '" 200 0: « ::I: l1l 100 '"~ 0 c ... :Ii r -r-M~R6~ r-.68,- - t-r--r-. w fLO :os 0: r-- -- L fb: 2.0 '"~ 0.6 r-- r--- c w 0.4 N ~tw-l 1.0 0.8 - -- - ::l « :;; 0.2 0: lvv =5 time constants 20 0.5 0: i3 '"Z 5.0 10 20 50 two PULSE CURRENT DURATION (m,) 25 75 50 TC. CASE TEMPERATURE (OC) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-218 100 125 MCR67 Series. MCR68 Series. MCR69 Series FIGURE 3 - CURRENT DERATING MCR67,68 125 ~ 120 ~ i"""o ~ ~ :::> f- « 110 ~ 105 '"<..>« 95 X " 85 U 80 f- f- w '" ;3 ............ Half Wave ' " 90 « '" ~ 15 ~ t-....... de ~ ~ ~ ........ w -' \. ..j '".. '" 75 2.0 10 8.0 5.0 "- 115 l"': t"'-.... I" .......... ......... 110 de 105 "- 100 ~ 85 x 80 Half wave"'" « 20 4.0 0 ;:: ;t 14 V ~ V V 0 a: l: ~ 10 > « ....-':V « D::' ~ 4.0 ;; 2.0 in 32 .. >>- ~ z de_ /' '>-=' - / ~ 0 a: l: / ..'" .. .. ~ 80 > :> ./ D::' 2.0 4.0 5.0 ./ ~ w ~ ,,- 0 , o 10 8.0 / ./ V /V ,/' de 16 ~ TJ"1250C Half Wave / 24 ;t ~ P" 1.0 20 16 FIGURE 6 - MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATION MCR69 /. / ' 8.0 w '";;!iw / 12 8.0 IT(AV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) H'lfW~ve_ / ~ z " 75 U f- FIGURE 5 - MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATION MCR67,68 18 "" """- "'-"- 90 IT(AV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) '"f-f- ~ « '" 95 ;: \ 1.0 ........ a: 120 :::> w fw 100 :::> 125 w ~ 115 ~ FIGURE 4 - CURRENT DERATING MCR69 V V V h ~ 4.0 TJ" 125°C 8.0 12 20 16 IT(AV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) IT(AV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) FIGURE 7 - THERMAL RESPONSE w .. ~ ~ 13 a: _ 07 05 03 I---'~ 02 -,0 ..- «w "'~ ~;;: 01 f-"" - ZruclII .- RruC. rill ,,'" ,...0 007 t- tt: ~ ~ 005 in : oro >- 002 - 001 01 02 03 05 10 20 30 50 100 200 300 t. TIME Im'l MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-219 500 1k 2k 3k 5k 10k • MCR67 Series - MCR68 Series - MCR69 Series FIGURE 8 - GATE TRIGGER CURRENT FIGURE 9 - GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE 10 !Z w a:: a:: ~ 3.0 ffi 2.0 '"'"ii: 1.4 5.0 Vo = 12 Volu - j - - - --- .... 1.0 w ~ '"ffi 0.5 - RL=100n r----- VD'= 12 V~IU _ RL = 1001l ...... 1.2 ........... r-....... 1.0 ~ N ........ J".... I"...... O.B ........... ~ 0.3 ~ 0.2 I' o z: -so -40 -20 0 20 40 60 BO 100 120 0.5 -60 140 -40 -20 0 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI 20 FIGURE 10 - HOLDING CURRENT I 2.0 I I Vo = 12 Volts _ ITM = 100 rnA t--., I'---- I'---. 1.0 ....... O.B ........ ........... ---- r---... ............. 0.5 0.3 -60 -40 40 60 BO TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI 3.0 • r--- -20 0 20 40 60 BO 100 120 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-220 140 100 120 140 MCR70 Series MCR71 Series Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. designed for overvoltage protection in crowbar circuits. • Glass-Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Center-Gate Geometry for Uniform Current Spreading Enabling High Peak Current Capability • High Capacitor Discharge Current Capability 850 Amps (MCR70) 1700 Amps (MCR71) • Hermetically-Sealed Metal Packages SCRs 35 and 55 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 400 VOLTS G AO .(" oK MAXIMUM RATINGS Value Rating Symbol Repetitive Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 MCR70, 71-2 MCR70, 71-3 MCR70, 71-6 Peak Discharge Current, Note 2 MCR70 MCR71 Unit Volts VDRM or VRRM 50 100 400 ITM 850 1700 Amps IT(RMS) IT(AV) 35 22 55 35 Amps ITSM 350 550 Amps 12t 510 1255 A 2s Critical Rate-of-Rise of Current, Note 3 dildt 100 Forward Peak Gate Power (t '" 20 its) PGM 20 Watts On-State Current (TC '" 75°C) Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (1/2 Cycle, Sine Wave, 60 Hz, TJ = 125°C) Circuit Fusing (t '" 8.3 ms) 200 PG(AV) 0.5 Watts IGM 2 Watt Operating Junction Temperature Range TJ -40 to +125 ·C Tstg -40 to +150 ·C 30 in. lb. Storage Temperature Range - Mounting Torque ACAS....~ til'" CJ STYLE 1 MCR71 Series • AiI'.5 Forward Peak Gate Current (t '" 20 its) Forward Average Gate Power CASE 175-03 STYLE 1 MCR70 Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Notes: 1. The rated voltage can be applied over the rated operating junction temperatures without incurring damage. Ratings apply for shorted-open or shorted-gate conditions or negative voltage on the gate. Devices should not be tested for blocking capability in a manner such that the voltage supplied exceeds the rated blocking voltages. 2. Rating is for tw = I ms. See Figure I for ITM limits of an exponentially decaying current pulse of various durations. 3. Test Conditions: IG = 150 rnA. VD = Rated VDRM. ITM = Rated Value. TJ = 125°C. ... :.~,' ,ij<:~.~~1.;~,; ,'j Y.;';'#'h~~~f\T·~iif..'.'>iL1 '..,.,,;.':'fM;""twt...fr..t£2$'jhti~J!·.' 4x .J~-4~.~.. .~ ~=~~,.th~W*p~ '~~~i ~~. ~..fM~~;'rr..~jj.({7./ .~~~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-221 MCR70 Series. MCR71 Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC 25'C unless otherwise noted.) = Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TJ = 25'C TJ = 125'C On-State Voltage, Note 1 (lTM = 70 A) (lTM = 175 A) (lTM = 850 A, tw = 1 ms) Note 2 (lTM = 1700 A, tw = 1 ms) Note 2 IORM,IRRM VTM Max Unit - - 10 2 rnA - series series series series Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, RL = 100!l) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Volts, RL = lOOn) (Vo = Rated VORM, RL = 1 ko., TJ VGT pA Volts 1.85 2.1 2 10 30 - 1 1.5 0.2 125'C) - 1.5 1.7 6 7 - - rnA volts - - Holding Current (lTM = 0.5 A, Gate-Open) IH 3 15 50 rnA Latching Current (VO = 12 Vdc, IG IL - 30 60 rnA 10 - - V/I£S = 150 rnA, I r .. 5OI£S) Critical Rate-of-Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, Gate Open, Exponential Waveform, TC Turn-On Time, Note 3 (VO = Rated VORM, IG = 150 rnA) (lTM = 70 Amps, peak) (lTM = 110 Amps, peak) • Typ - MCR70 MCR71 MCR7_0 MCR71 = Min dvldt = 125'C) I£S ton - MCR70 series MCR71 series 1 1.2 - Notes: 1. Duty Cycle .. 1%, Pulse Width .. 300 p.s. 2. Characteristic applies for tw = 1 ms. tw is defined as 5 time cgnstants of an exponentially decaying current pulse. 3. The gate controlled turn-on time in a crowbar circuit will,blt inffuenced by the circuit inductance . FIGURE 2 - PEAK CAPACITOR DISCHARGE CURRENT DERATING FIGURE 1 - PEAK CAPACITOR DISCHARGE CURRENT 1 ie :IE ~2000 ... -- I--. ~ ~ 1000 u ... !,..-MCR71 ~ ./ "';c~ c: c: I 13 :;g ~ 5:l 500 c( % r-- 1;l ~ :5 ~ 0.6 ::;; c: IT~ ~ ........ 0.4 - - , I--- r-- 0.2 ,to 50 0.5 0.8 N 200 ...:E 100 r--- '" 1.0 w 'w- t--,w 5 time constants 1.0 3.0 10 t w, PULSE CURRENT DURATION (m,) 30 50 o o 50 25 75 TC. CASE TEMPERATURE (DC) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-222 100 125 MCR70 Series. MCR71 Series FIGURE 3 - AVERAGE CURRENT DERATING MCR70 12 5["'.... 5 ." 0 r-- T)125 0C '" 5 __ 0 ~ 5 t-.." ~" _'\ / 0 ~ ~ I'"a -!la ~af...- = 5.0 10 15 20 25 30 35 ...... ~ w a: 105 ::> !;;: ~ -...;;;: ~ ~ >w ~ r---. de r-...... ~ ::> ,.«X 5 U w w > ,.« ,. ,."x :> 0::" ::> >- 5 o 10 20 30 40 = 40 L L 50 J Half Wave 40 50 V 30 20 10 ./ o ./" o 60 IL ~ 10 ITlAV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT lAMPS) / V '/ 20 de V [/ J '";;:: ......... 5 5 35 60 '"~ [ , -...... ~ « '" u ,. ,. 30 «>- Half Wave 85 25 [ FIGURE 6 - POWER DISSIPATION MCR71 '">- ~ 20 [ ITlAV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) FIGURE 5 - CURRENT DERATING MCR71 '" 15 10 ITlAV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) 12 5 ~al- a = ConductIon Angle _ ~ oL50 40 ~ V / .L ~ 0 '" 65 / / 0 Conduction Angle .."".. a '" 180 0 / ~- ~=1800 / / V / Yde 5 o FIGURE 4 - POWER DISSIPATION MCR70 V V TJ 30 40 ~ 125 0 C 50 60 ITIAV). AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT lAMPS) • FIGURE 7 - TYPICAL THERMAL RESPONSE 10 7 5 = - 3 I-- 2 L,.....- r- I 7 5 Z~JCII) ~ rll)e R~JC 3 I I [ Il'il 2 00 I 005 01 02 05 10 20 50 10 I. I III 20 50 100 200 500 10k 20k 50k TIME 1m,) ~W"'~"!T __'(n·~iO'III"~_D;'¥;';~~~~ff. ~';ID~~4i <..> 2.0 V~ = 12 ~ ~ '" .... '" ....«w '"fi3 > ............ 1.0 - '" w '" 12 ~ ~ ........ N :::; ~ 10 '"5! 08 « r-... 0.7 « :=; 0.5 '"0z -40 -20 20 40 60 80 I Va = 12 Volts RL = lOOn " .......... ............. ........ r---... N :::; r--.... .... 100 120 ............. ~ 0.6 o z 0.3 -60 I 1.5 14 o RL=100!!- !;! I w '"~ ~ 140 04 0.3 -60 -40 20 -20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1°C) FIGURE 10 - HOLDING CURRENT 0 I 0 ............ 0 I'-..- - ........ • V~=12)_ r--ITM = 100 mA ......... r---... ............... 5 o3 -60 ··40 -10 10 40 60 80 100 110 140 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1°C) ?If,l,~1h~~F;J$l~#tli+t'~~Jll't·;.,Ji:ii#1:Hf~ ..q:M::;;m,r,ftI~~·r:~P;;lq MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-224 I MCR72 Series Silicon Controlled Rectifier Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. designed for industrial and consumer applications such as temperature, light and speed control; process and remote controls; warning systems; capacitive discharge circuits and MPU interface. SCRs 8 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 600 VOLTS • Center Gate Geometry for Uniform Current Density • All Diffused and Glass-Passivated Junctions for Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Low Trigger Currents, 200 pA Maximum for Direct Driving from Integrated Circuits AQ • CASE 221A-04 (TO-220AB) STYLE 3 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Peak Repetitive Forward and Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 (TJ = -40 to 110°C) (1/2 Sine Wave, RGK = 1 kO) -2 -3 MCR72 -4 -6 -8 On-State RMS Current (TC = 83°C) Value Unit Volts VDRM or VRRM 50 100 200 400 600 IT(RMS) 8 Amps 'TSM 100 Amps 12t 40 A 2s Peak Gate Voltage (t '" 10 /Ls) VGM ±5 Volts Peak Gate Current (t '" 10 /Ls) IGM 1 Amp Peak Gate Power (t '" 10 /Ls) PGM 5 Watts PG(AV) 0.75 Watts TJ -40 to +110 °c Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (1/2 Cycle, 60 Hz, TJ = -40 to 110°C) Circuit Fusing (t = 1 to 8.3 ms) Average Gate Power Operating Junction Temperature Range Note 1. Ratings apply for negative gate voltage or RGK = 1 kn. Devices shall not have a positive gate voltage concurrently with a negative voltage on the anode. Devices should not be tested with a constant current source for forward and reverse blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-225 (cant.) MCR72 Series MAXIMUM RATINGS - continued Rating Storage Temperature Range Symbol Value Tstg -40to+1S0 ·C 8 in. lb. - Mounting Torque Unit THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Charactaristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = Max Unit RruC 2.2 ·CIW RruA 60 ·CIW 2S·C, RGK = 1 kO unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current, Note 1 (Rated VORM or VRRM) TJ = 2S·C TJ = 110·C IORM,IRRM Min Typ Max Unit - - 10 SOO p.A p.A On-State Voltage (lTM = 16 A Peak, Pulse Width .. 1 ms, Outy Cycle .. 2%) VTM - 1.7 2 Volts Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc), Note 2 (VO = 12 V, RL = 1000) IGT - 30 200 /LA Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, RL = 1000) (VO = Rated VORM, RL = 10 kO, TJ VGT - O.S 1.S 0.1 - - IH - - 6 mA dv/dt - 10 - V//LS tgt - 1 - /LS Holding Current (VO = 12 V, ITM = = 110·C) Volts 100 mAl Critical Rate of Rise of Forward Blocking Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, TJ = 110·C, Exponential Waveform) • Symbol Gate Controlled Turn On Time (VO = Rated VORM, ITM = 16 A, IG = 2 mAl Notes: 1. Ratings apply for negative gate voltage or RGK = 1 kn. Devices shall not have a positive gate voltage concurrently with a negative voltage on the anode. Devices should not be tested with a constant current source for forward and reverse blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 2. Does not include RGK current. FIGURE 2 - ON·STATE POWER DISSIPATION FIGURE 1 - AVERAGE CURRENT DERATING 110~~'----r---'r---'----r----r---'----' ......in . 16r---'-~-r----r---'----r---'r---.----' ~ z 0 12 >= ;t iii c .. .. a: B.O w '" <.> ~ :; :::> :; w to ~ ::i x 80 . w ...u 4.0 1--+....,.~~.£,.....~---1--+---+--+--! > :; 10 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 B.O 2.0 ITIAV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) 4.0 6.0 ITlAV), AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-226 B.O MCR12 Series FIGURE 3 - NORMALIZED GATE CURRENT FIGURE 4 - GATE VOLTAGE 3.0 t- ~ 2.0 a: a: ~ ~ i'-- w t- « '"~ 1.0 ......... ~ '"« ~ ~ ........ ffi ::::; '" ~ ......... « ........... ::IE a: " 0 0.5 0.3 -40 -20 ......... 20 0.6 ~ i'-- 0.5 ........... o > N z 0.7 o 40 60 80 " 90 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) i' 100 0.2 '"~ o. 1 140 -60 ........ ~ 03 tw ~ > 120 0.4 .......... -40 ....... -20 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) • 'MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-227 MCR100 Series Plastic Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors SCRs 0.8 AMPERE RMS 100 thru 600 VOLTS PNPN devices designed for high volume, line-powered consumer applications such as relay and lamp drivers, small motor controls, gate drivers for larger thyristors, and sensing and detection circuits. Supplied in an inexpensive plastic TO-226AA package which is readily adaptable for use in automatic insertion equipment. • • • • • Sensitive Gate Trigger Current - 200 JJA Maximum Low Reverse and Forward Blocking Current - 100 JJA Maximum, TC = 125'C Low Holding Current - 5 mA Maximum Glass-Passivated Surface for Reliability and Uniformity Also Available with TO-5 or TO-18 Lead Form G AO>-----1~~--oo K ,:I! (TO-226AA) STYLE 10 I MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage MCR100-3 MCR100-4 MCR100-6 MCR100-8 Unit Volts 100 200 400 600 Forward Current RMS (See Figures 1 & 2) (All Conduction Angles) Peak Forward Surge Current, TA (1/2 cycle, Sine Wave, 60 Hz) Value VRRM = 25'C IT(RMS) 0.8 Amps ITSM 10 Amps 0.415 A 2s Circuit Fusing Considerations, TA (t = 1 to 8.3 ms) = 25'C 12t Peak Gate Power - = 25'C PGM 0.1 Watts PGF(AV) 0.01 Watt IGFM 1 Amp VGRM 5 Volts TJ -65 to +110 'C Tstg -40 to +150 'C +230 'C Forward, TA Average Gate Power - Forward, TA Peak Gate Current (300/Ls, 120 PPS) Forward, TA Peak Gate Voltage - Reverse = 25'C = 25'C Operating Junction Temperature Range @ Rated VRRM and VORM Storage Temperature Range - Lead Solder Temperature « 1/16" from case, 10 s max) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-228 MCR100 Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case RruC 75 °CIW Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient RruA 200 °CIW Symbol Min Characteristic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (RGK = 1000 Ohms) Characteristic Peak Forward Blocking Voltage (TC = 125°C) - 10 100 p.A VTM - 1.7 Volts - 200 p.A - O.S 1.2 Volts 0.1 - - 5 10 mA IORM,IRRM Forward "On" Voltage, Note 1 (lTM = 1 A peak @ TA = 25°C) Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc), Note 2 (Anode Voltage = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) TC = 25°C IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Anode Voltage = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) (Anode Voltage = Rated VORM, RL = 100 Ohms) TC TC TC 25°C -40°C 125°C VGT Holding Current (Anode Voltage TC TC = = = = = 25°C -40°C IH 7 Vdc, initiating current = 20 mAl Unit Volts 100 200 400 600 MCR100-3 MCR100-4 MCR100-6 MCR100-S Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TC = 25°C TC = 125°C = Max VORM - - p.A Notes: 1. Forward current applied for 1 ms maximum duration, duty cycle'" 1%. 2. RGK current is not included in measurement. FIGURE 2 - MCR100-7, MCR100-S CURRENT DERATING (REFERENCE: AMBIENT TEMPERATURE) FIGURE 1 - MCR 100-7, MCR10D-S CURRENT DERATING (REFERENCE: CASE TEMPERATURE) ~ 120 w ~ 110 I~ ~ « ~ 100 55 :;; 90 5 80 w '" ~ '" ~ 70 j « 60 ,1= """'II!!!! Iii;;;:"... ~ ;;;:- ............. '0 ~ , ........ \. 0:::: CONJuCTIO~ ANG[E7\!' ~~ "'" " ,,-" ~ \ 30 0 ~ ~ a; « CASE MEASUREMENT POINT - CENTER OF ......... -..........E~T PORTION 90~ 60 0 1200 '"w - ~u ",,=- ~~ 80 I'-- ~ 180 ~ ......... co=:> ~~ ~« «cr; "'w 60 =:>0.. ",i'ij 0 x~ « :;; :;; ~ 50 « 40 x '"U - - o ffi ",0.. '\. ::::-....... ~~ x>- .= «W "'''' 30 :=u .« 10 ANGLE CASE MEASUREMENT POINT - CENTER OF .............. 50 "- \ 1'..."- 0 30 0 .N ~ COlNOUCTl6N ~ ~ ~ r-... ~ ~ ~ ...... «« :E - FIGURE 2 - CURRENT DERATING (REFERENCE: AMBIENT TEMPERATURE I 0.1 0.2 I N~ ","'"~'9~ ~ I":: 60 0 0.3 - FlAT PORTION 120 0 o _- 0.4 ~ 180 0 0.5 IF(AV). AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (AMP) IF(AV.l. AVERAGE FORWMo CURRENT (AMP) liliIBBlBlIU_ _IIil::11111111II111111_7Sf),10TOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-231 MCR106 Series Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors PNPN devides designed for high volume consumer applications such as temperature, light, and speed control; process and remote control, and warning systems where reliability of operation is important. • • • • Glass-Passivated Surface for Reliability and Uniformity' Power Rated at Economical Prices Practical Level Triggering and Holding Characteristics Flat, Rugged, Thermopad Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability SCRs 4 AMPERES RMS 60 thru 600 VOLTS G AO----~~~----~OK ,~ AK • CASE 77-05 (TO-225AA) STYLE 2 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 Value MCR106-2 -3 -4 -6 -8 Unit Volts VRRM 60 100 200 400 600 RMS Foward Current (All Conduction Angles) IT(RMS) 4 Amps Average Forward Current TC = 93'C or TA = 30'C IT(AV) 2.55 Amps Peak Non-RepetitivlI Surge Current (1/2 cycle, 60 Hz, TJ = -40 to + 110'C) ITSM 25 Amps Circuit Fusing Considerations (TJ = -40 to +110'C,t = 1 t08.3ms) 12t 2.6 A 2s Peak Gate Power PGM 0.5 Watt PG(AV) 0.1 Watt Peak Forward Gate Current IGM 0.2 Amp Peak Reverse Gate Voltage VRGM 6 Volts TJ -40 to +110 'c Average Gate Power Operating Junction Temperature Range Note 1. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage but positive gate voltage shall not be applied concurrently with a negative (cant.) potential on the anode. When checking forward or reverse blocking capability. thyristor devices should not be tested with a constant current source in a manner that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. ~~~!,a£_:H~~ji~W~1'1mttl'un~Vf?llill:t~IMU.~~I MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-232 MCR106 Series MAXIMUM RATINGS - continued Rating Symbol Value Tstg -40 to +150 °C - 6 in. lb. Storage Temperature Range Mounting Torque, Note 1 Unit THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case RIiJC 3 °CIW Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient RIiJA 75 °CIW Characteristic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C and RGK = 1000 ohms unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Peak Forward Blocking Voltage (TJ = 110°C, Note 1) Symbol MCR106-2 60 100 200 400 600 ·3 -4 ·6 ·8 Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TJ = 25°C TJ = 110°C - VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc), Note 2 (VAK = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 ohms) (VAK = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 ohms, TC = -40°C) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VAK = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 ohms, TC VGT Holding Current (VAK = 7 Vdc, TC Typ Max Unit Volts - - - 10 200 pA /LA 2 Volts IORM,IRRM Forward "On" Voltage (ITM = 4 A Peak) Gate Non-Trigger Voltage (VAK = Rated VORM, RL Min VORM - - - pA 200 500 - - 1 Volts VGO 0.2 - - Volts IH - - 5 mA dv/dt - 10 - V//LS = 25°C) = 100 ohms, TJ = 110°C) = 25°C) Forward Voltage Application Rate (TJ = 110°C) Notes: 1. Torque rating applies with use of compression washer (B52200·FOO6 or equivalent). Mounting torque in excess of 6 in. lb. does not appreciably lower case-ta-sink thermal resistance. Anode lead and heatsink contact pad are common. (See AN209B). For soldering purposes (either terminal connection or devic~ mounting), soldering temperatures shall not exceed results. an activated flux (oxide removing) is recommended. 2. RGK current is not included in measurement. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-233 + 200°C. For optimum MeR106 Series CURRENT DERATING FIGURE 1 - MAXIMUM CASE TEMPERATURE FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE IIO~---r----r----r----r----r----r----r---. ITlAV). AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT lAMP) ITIAV). AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT lAMP) • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-234 MCR202 thru MCR206 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors Annular PNPN devices designed for industrial/military applications such as relay and lamp drivers, small motor controllers and drivers for larger thyristors, and in sensing and detection circuits. • • • • • Sensitive Gate Trigger Current - 200 pA Maximum Low Reverse and Forward Blocking Current - 100 pA Maximum, TC = 125°C Low Holding Current - 5 mA Maximum Passivated Surface for Reliability and Uniformity TO-1S Hermetically Sealed Metal Package SCRs 0.5 AMPERES RMS 30 thru 200 VOLTS G .~ AO oK ~ (TO-206AA) STYLE 6 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Peak Off-State and Reverse Voltage VORM VRRM MCR202 MCR203 MCR204 MCR206 RMS On-State Current (All Conduction Angles) (See Figures 4 & 5) Peak Non-Repetitive Forward Surge Current (112 cycle, Sine Wave, 60 Hz) Circuit Fusing Considerations (t = 1 to 8.3 ms) Peak Forward Gate Power Value Unit Volts 30 60 100 200 IT(RMS) 0.5 Amps ITSM 6 Amps 12t 0.15 A 2s Watt PGM 0.1 PGF(AV) 0.01 Watt Peak Forward Gate Current (300 ILS, 120 PPS) IGFM 1 Amp Peak Reverse Gate Voltage VGRM 4 Volts TJ + 125 -65 to + 150 °C Average Forward Gate Power Operating Junction Temperature Range @ Rated VRRM and VORM Storage Temperature Range Tstg -65 to °C ~~~~~i"iI;:_~:.""" MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-235 MCR202 thru MCR206 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case R9JC 150 0c/w Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient R9JA 400 °CIW Symbol Min CharllCterllltic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (RGK = 1000 Ohms) Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VDRM or VRRM) TC = 25°C TC = 125°C IDRM,IRRM Peak On-State Voltage (ITM = 1.2 A peak, ImS, Duty Cycle .. 1%) TC TC Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Anode Voltage = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) TC TC TC Holding Current (Anode Voltage TC TC = 7 Vdc, initiating current = 20 mAl = 25°C = -65°C = 25°C = -65°C = 125°C = 25°C = -65°C Unit 10 100 pA pA 1.7 Volts - 200 350 pA 0.8 1.2 Volts 0.1 - - 5 10 mA - - VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (Note 1) (Anode Voltage = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) Max IGT VGT IH Note: 1. RGK current is not included in measurement. FIGURE 3 - FORWARD VOLTAGE FIGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING (REFERENCE: CASE TEMPERATUREI 5.0 ~ 125~~~-.~-.~-r~-r~-r~~~~~~-' ~ => • ~ = w ... ~ 3.0 II V _.- 105 / / 85 5 = 65~~---+--~--+-~ -' 0: ~ ~ 45~~~-4---4---+--~--~--+---+---+-~ => :Ii 25L-~~~__~__~__~__~__~__~__L-~ 0 >- ~ a II I I 0.2 I I ~ z ~ z « t; I I I w >- z I o. 1 !!!!; .~. 0.07 0.6 ~~ "'< "'2 :lie I 0.5 o 0.8 "'S: >- 0.7 ;::'i ~ '"~ 1.0 ~ 0.3 100 200 300 400 IT(AV), AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT (rnA) FIGURE 2 - POWER DISSIPATION Ii: 250 C :Ii -' =:,. V /1/ w X '" / TJ = 125 0 C 2.0 :Ii w : ~ /~ V 0.05 0.4 =>>~: .1 0.03 x- "'~ : Ii.0 ;; ~ 0.02 0.2 I 0.0 1 o II I 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 VTM,INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) IT(AV),AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT (rnA! ,< MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-236 2.5 MCR202 thru MCR206 FIGURE 5 - CURRENT DERATING (REFERENCE: AMBIENT TEMPERATURE) FIGURE 4 - SURGE RATINGS ~ :; 10 !! I- ffi 0:: 7.0 0:: => u W 5.0 I- '" ~ z 0 w 130 -- I- ...f\......f\.- - -l r--"", "'--,,, CD;;:; 3.0 ~g; "'~, I\~ 90 "'::; :;0.. ....... ~ 2.0 =>:; 70 X '" '" ~ ~ 1.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 70 10 20 30 50 '" ;:: .r iD :; 1--1 CYCLE ~ ...... Z w \ \ o 80 ,,= CONDUCTION ANGLE ..... \. ~c .\..IBO O l\.. ~O\. ...... 240 160 400 320 IT(AV),AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT (mA) NUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60 Hz FIGURE 6 - THERMAL RESPONSE I- f5 ~ 1.0 0.7 0.5 - '" ~~ 0.3 ~ wZ ~~ 0.2 ~Cii ",w 1---''""'" ~~ 0.1 ~ ~ 0.07 No:: ~ ~ 0.05 oJChl =rhlOJC ~I- ~ 0.03 z 0.02 ......... -E 0.01 0.0001 0.0003 0.0005 0.001 0.003 0.005 0.03 0.01 t, TIME 0.05 0.1 0.3 (SECONOS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-237 0.5 1.0 3.0 5.0 10 • MCR202 thru MCR206 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 7 - GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE FIGURE 8 - GATE TRIGGER CURRENT 10 0.8 g 0.7 o ~ ~ ;o > ~ '"..: ~ c ~ 5.0 ::::; ~ ~ O. 6 < :IE 0:: "' i:">. ~ 2.0 """- O. 5 ~l.0 0:: => "'-f"... O. 3 50 25 l"""- t-... ... ffi "'" -25 ..... iZ o. 4 -50 -.... ,...... O. 5 "'" "" '"'" ....... "'" 100 75 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1°C) ,... = O. 2 ~ " 125 150 '",...-0. 1 !E -50 -25 0 25 50 75 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) FIGURE 9 - HOLDING CURRENT 3.0 RGK'= lKU ffi 2.0 N ::::; --.. ............ ~ 0:: • o ~ z 1.0 t""....... W 0:: ... O. ~ ..... Joo.. 7 --"", §'" O.5 ....... o :c :.:" - O. 3 -50 -25 ........... < 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) 125 150 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3·238 100 125 MCR218 Series Thyristors Silicon-Controlled Rectifiers · .. designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever half-wave silicon gatecontrolled, solid-state devices are needed. SCAs 8 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 800 VOLTS • Glass-Passivated Junctions • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • TO-220 Construction - Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability G AOO---I~~---oO K MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage Symbol VRRM VORM MCR218-2 -3 -4 -6 -8 -10 Value Unit Volts 50 100 200 400 600 600 Forward Current RMS (All Conduction Angles) Peak Forward Surge Current (1/2 Cycle, Sine Wave, 60 Hz) Circuit Fusing Considerations (t = 8.3 ms) Forward Peak Gate Power Forward Average Gate Power Forward Peak Gate Current Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range IT(RMS) 8 Amps ITSM 80 Amps 12t 34 A 2s Watts PGM 5 PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps TJ -40 to +125 "C Tstg -40 to + 150 ·C Note 1. VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous de basis without incurring damage. Ratings applv for zero or negative gate voltage. Devices should not be tested for blocking capability in a manner such that the voltage supplied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-239 • MCR218 Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Min Typ Max Unit - 10 2 mA VTM - 1.5 1.8 Volts Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, RL = 100 Ohms) IGT - 10 25 mA Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 V, RL = 100 Ohms) (Rated VORM, RL = 1000 Ohms, TJ VGT - - 2.5 Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TJ = 25°C TJ = 125°C IORM,IRRM Peak On-State Voltage, Note 1 (lTM = 16 A Peak) = Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Rated VORM, Exponential Waveform, Gate Open, TJ Note 1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width = = • '"E ...~ _ ~ a f---- ~--+--+--L--,.I a= Conduction Angle . / de 9.011---+----1r---r---=--+1-20-0---.,r:,lSO:="0- i...... ---:I"c-+----I ~i: 600 )~/ / ' ~!. 6.011--+--:-if---7'17'7"'7'f---:7"'If--+--t----t .... c h~ a=300 :;: go /" h~Y ~ 30~~""'T-V_+----+-+---;---t---t ~ 1.0 2.0 16 30 mA dv/dt - 100 - V/p.s FIGURE 3- NORMALIZED GATE TRIGGER CURRENT 3. 0 4.0 3.0 6.0 5.0 7.0 S.O C[ g 5; 2. 0 "'" II'! '"i3 1. 5 ffi '"~ ........ 1. 0 .... O.9 ........ ~;i :E :sz ...... ....... O. 5 ........ O. 4 .3 '" 0-60 .JP -40 1 3.0 i.... > ffi O. 7 -- -- ;i ~ O. 5 o z ""- 2. 0 f"'-..... :::> s'"!:=! o. ~ O. 3 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 SO '" z 1. 5 9o :c 1.0 9 O. ~ .7 ~ r-- SO 100 z 120 i'--r-,. ...... , 120 140 ...... ....... ......... o ~ 100 60 FIGURE 5 - NORMALIZED HOLDING CURRENT o 0:9 40 4. 0 ~ 1. 2 ~ 20 -20 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) !:; .... 1 0 ~ ~ FIGURE 4 - NORMALIZED GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE 1. 3 '" iZ' '" i'-.. '" O. 7 IT(RMS). RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) ... - 1 ms, Duty Cycle"" 2%. ~~~+-~-r-+~ 21----_f_ - - 125°C) FIGURE 2 - ON-STATE POWER OISSIPATION ~ 0.2 = 0.5 A, 5r---~----~~---r--~----r---r---' z o Volts IH 125°C) Holding Current (Anode Voltage = 24 Vdc, Peak Initiating On-State Current 0.1 to 10 ms Pulse, Gate Trigger Source = 7 V, 20 Ohms) /LA 140 o. 5 o -60 -40 20 -20 40 60 SO TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) TJ. ,IUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-240 100 120 140 MCR218FP Series Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Thyristors · .. designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supply crowbar circuits. ISOLATED SCRs 8 AMPERES RMS 800 VOLTS • Glass Passivated Junctions with Center Gate Fire for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Constructed for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • 80 A Surge Current Capability • Insulated Package Simplifies Mounting Ao .r'" G 0 K l~ STYLE 2 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage MCR21S-2FP MCR21S-4FP MCR21S-6FP MCR21S-SFP MCR21S-10FP On-State RMS Current (TC = = Symbol -40 to + 125°C) Unit Volts 50 200 400 600 SOO + 70°C) Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Note 2 Peak Nonrepetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TC Preceded and followed by rated current Value VDRM VRRM = + 70°C) = + 70°C. t = 1 to S.3 ms) Peak Gate Power (TC = + 70°C, Pulse Width = 10 !-'s) Average Gate Power (TC = + 70°C, t = S.3 ms) Peak Gate Current (TC = + 70°C, Pulse Width = 10 !-'s) RMS Isolation Voltage (TA = 25°C. Relative Humidity '" 20%) Circuit Fusing (TC Operating Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range IT(RMS) S Amps ITSM SO Amps 12t 26 A 2s Watts PGM 5 PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps V(lSO) 1500 Volts TJ -40 to +125 °c Tstg -40 to + 125 °c Notes: 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 2. The case temperature reference point for all TC measurements is a point on the center lead of the package as close as possible to the plastic body. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-241 • MCR218FP Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ROJC 2 °CIW Thermal Resistance, Case to Sink ROCS 2.2 (typ) °CIW Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient ROJA 60 °CIW Characteristic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Peak Forward Blocking Current (Rated VORM @ TJ = 125°C) TJ = 25°C Min IORM - Typ Max Unit - - 10 2 mA - 2 mA pA Peak Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VRRM @ TJ = 125°C) IRRM - Forward "On" Voltage, Note 1 (lTM = 16 A Peak) VTM - 1 1.8 Volts IGT - 10 25 mA Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Anode Voltage = 12 Vdc, Rl = 100 Ohms) VGT - - 2.5 Volts Gate Non-Trigger Voltage (Anode Voltage = Rated VORM, Rl = 100 Ohms, TJ = 125°C) VGO 0.2 - - Volts Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (Anode Voltage = 12 Vdc, Rl = 100 Ohms) • Symbol TC = 25°C Holding Current (Anode Voltage = 12 Vdc) IH - 16 30 mA Turn-On Time (lTM = 8 A. IGT = 40 mAdc) tgt - 1.5 - p.s Turn-Off Time (VORM = Rated Voltage) (lTM = 8 A, IR = 8 A) (lTM = 8 A, IR = 8 A, TJ = 125°C) tq - 15 35 - Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Gate Open, Rated VORM, !;'xponential Waveform) dv/dt p.s - 100 V/p.s Note 1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width" 300 ILS, Duty Cycle" 2%. TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS :z o ~ "gj 15 15 ~ 12 a: a= ~" - - -1al- ~~ 120° !i;~ 2:- a= o w ~ 75~__~__~__~~~A-__~__~__~~~ 0 1 3 4 ~ a::- 5 60° 0 /90)- / ' V ~ ::.,/ tI o 180° /' ~ .h ~ ' / 30° h :;;;: ~ /' /" CONDUCTION ANGLE V 2 6 IT(RMS), RMS ON-STATE CURRENT (AMPS) IT(AV), AVERAGE ON-STATE FORWARD CURRENT (AMPS) Figure 2. On-State Power Dissipation Figure 1. Current Derating MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-242 de MCR218FP Series 80 100 70 TJ = 25"<: 50 V 30 !C :E :$ I~ 20 a: ::::> u !C ::IE :$ """ "- 75 ffi a: a: ::::> u V 70 ~ w '" a: ::::> '" ...: ""~ f 10 ~ I- V,25°C "V I- 15 a: V. V ./ ...- :::E ~ 65 '" '~ r---- TC = 85"<: f=60Hz ~ """ 6() SURGE IS PRECEDED AND FOLLOWED BY RATED CURRENT - 0 ~a: P\:h I'-.. ....... 1'-. 55 1 e 4 NUMBER OF CYCLES w ~ 6 8' 10 Figure 4. Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current ~ z 0 ::::> '" o w ! +1 ~ .!f. 0,7 0.5 REVERSE BLOCKING REGION IH 0.3 _ -V __-r-J~ID~R~M~~~~~~~ +V 0.2 REVERSE AVALANCHE REGION 0.1 0,4 1.2 2 2.8 3.6 5.2 4.4 _I • VDRM FORWARD BLOCKING REGION vF. INSTANTANEOUS ON-5TATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Figure 3. On-State Characteristics w u ~ usa 1 0.7 0,5 .....- : ~ 0.3 ::IE :i 0.2 a: a: ........ ~o :: ~ o.1 i Figure 5. Characteristics and Symbols .... L.-f-'" Z8JC{I) = R8JC. r{l) ifi 0.07 ~ 0.05 ./ 0.03 0.02 0.01 0,1 0,2 0.3 0.5 10 20 30 50 I. TIME (ms) 100 200 300 Figure 6. Thermal Response MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-243 500 1.Ok 2.0k 3,Ok S.Ok 10k MCR218FP Series Ei ~:;; a: 1.6 1\ \. o ~ !'a:5 NORMALIZED TO TJ ANODE V = 12V I'.. ..... 1.2 ......... a: i3 !lj ........... 0.8 ........ r--... ~ 0.4 ~ 0 -60 1. 6 ~ ~ 1.2 !lj 0.8 -20 20 40 60 80 100 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI 120 140 ~ 1. 6 « ~ "" "'- 1. 2 !'a::5 a: a 0.8 ""'" .......... ........ '"9z • -40 r--- ~ ~ 0.4 ~ 0 -60 -40 -~ r- r-. 0 -60 -~ NORMALIZED TO TJ ANODE V = 12V @ :;; . . r- ~ 40 60 60 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI 100 rn ~ Figure 8. Gate Trigger Voltage versus Temperature Figure 7. Gate Trigger Current versus Temperature ~ ........... ~ 0.4 > o = 25°C_ ............. '"~ ........... r-. '"~ -40 NORMALIZED TO TJ ANODE V = 12 V ~~ !::i ~ '"~ '" Ei = 25°C_ 0 ~ 40 60 60 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE lOCI = 25°C_ -100 rn Figure 9. Holding Current versus Temperature MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-244 ~ MCR225FP Series Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Thyristors · .. designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supply crowbar circuits. ISOLATED SCRs 25 AMPERES RMS BOO VOLTS • Glass Passivated Junctions with Center Gate Fire for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Constructed for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • 300 A Surge Current Capability • Insulated Package Simplifies Mounting G Ao .(" STYLE 2 oK MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ = -40 to + 125°C) Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage MCR225-2FP MCR225-4FP MCR225-6FP MCR225-BFP MCR225-10FP On-State RMS Current (TC = + 70°C) Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Note 2 Peak Nonrepetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TC = + 70°C) Preceded and followed by rated current Circuit Fusing (TC = + 70°C, t = 1 to B.3 ms) Peak Gate Power (TC = + 70'C, Pulse Width = 10 !-'s) Average Gate Power (TC = +70'C, t = B.3 ms) Peak Gate Current (TC = + 70°C, Pulse Width = 10 !-'s) RMS Isolation Voltage (TA = 25'C, Relative Humidity'" 20%) Operating Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range Value Unit Volts VORM VRRM 50 200 400 600 BOO IT(RMS) 25 Amps ITSM 300 Amps 12t 373 A 2s Watts PGM 20 PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps V(lSO) 1500 Volts TJ -40 to +125 'c Tstg -40 to +125 °c • Notes: 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 2. The case temperature reference point for all TC measurements is a point on the center lead of the package as close as possible to the plastic body. ~~~,~~g~;:~~~~,:~~~~~~~~rx~aB"~".s~~~~~~·-~ k~~4\1(.';? ..~~~_~~~.Nif~fu(~~ . 'J!iii MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-245 MCR225FP Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ROJC 1.5 °CIW Thermal Resistance, Case to Sink R8CS 2.2 (typ) °CIW ROJA 60 °CIW Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Max Unit - - - 10 2 pA mA Peak Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VRRM @ TJ = 125°C) IRRM - - 2 mA Forward "On" Voltage, Note 1 (lTM = 50 A) VTM - - 1.8 Volts IGT - - 40 mA VGT - 0.8 1.5 Volts VGO 0.2 - - Volts IH - 20 40 rnA tgt - 1.5 - p.s - 15 35 - 100 - ;90° L~ TJ = 25°C Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (Anode Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) TC = 25°C Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Anode Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) Gate Non-Trigger Voltage (Anode Voltage = Rated VORM, RL Holding Current (Anode Voltage = = 100 Ohms, TJ = 125°C) Min 12 Vdc) Turn-On TIme (lTM = 25 A, IGT • Typ IORM Peak Forward Blocking Current (Rated VORM @ TJ = 125°C) = 40 mAdc) Turn-Off Time (VORM = Rated Voltage) (lTM = 25 A, IR = 25 A) (lTM = 25 A, IR = 25 A, TJ = 125°C) tq Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Gate Open, Rated VORM, Exponential Waveform) dv/dt p.s V/p.s Note 1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width", 300 p.s, Duty Cycle'" 2%. TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 130 ~ O~ ~ -Ial- r-- I\.~ ~ 0 \ \ \ ~ r-... "- \ ~ o II ""- i'..~ .......... 90° '\. ~ I I I 24 _ a ~ 180°"" ~ D.. w '"ffi c( = COND~CTlON ~NGLE ~ dC"-.... "" 4 8 12 16 IT(AV), ON·STATE FORWARD CURRENT (AMPSI ~ ,;;:- """ 20 Figure 1. Average Current Derating a 16 1~ -laL a: '\ "- f'... "'- a=300\ 600 80 ~~ a = CONDUCTION ANGLE ~ ~ t-.... \ 32 r-- = 300 60° V/ /' V ~ V . . . V.., V /~ 0- ~" ~~V I o~~ 4 o /' V ~ / TJ = 125°C 8 12 16 IT(AV), AVERAGE ON·STATE FORWARD CURRENT (AMPS) 20 Figure 2. Maximum On-State Power Dissipation MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-246 MCR225FP Series 100 300 70 50 L" V...... ~ ~ a: a: :::> u w 250 '"""<0: It V\:h ""'....... 225 J"-,. r--- TC = 85°C f=60Hz ~200 25°C .!:- 7 1 , II 1""'r-.. SURGE IS PRECEDED AND FOLLOWED BY RATED CURRENT r---- 175 5 "" f'... a: ~ /, ""'- I- 125°C.l 20 275 ~ ) 30 ~ ~ 1"')'0, 4 NUMBER OF CYCLES 10 Figure 4. Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current 3 I 2 1 0.7 0.5 REVERSE IT BLOCKING REGION IH I I I 0.3 _ -V __-T~~'~D~RM~~~==i=~~ , 0.2 1 0.1 o 0.4 ! 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.4 REVERSE AVALANCHE REGION 2.8 _I • FORWARD BLOCKING REGION vF, INSTANTANEOUS VOLTAGE (VOLTSI Figure 3. Maximum Forward Voltage ~ ~ 1 o.7 o. 5 ma ~ ~ D. 3 J.....-I--" ~ ~ D. 2 I- ~ ~ .....Z(lJC(11 ~~D 1 * Figure 5. Characteristics and Symbols = R(lJC. r(11 V • 7 0.05 0.0 0.03 0.02 ./ 0.01 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 10 20 30 50 100 200 300 I, TIME (msl Figure 6. Thermal Response MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-247 500 1.0k 2.0k 3.0k 5.0k 10k MCR225FP Series 2 5 ~ ::;; 1.6 @j ~ t- ffi \ \. NORMALIZED TO TJ ANODE V = 12V a " 1.2 ~ 0.8 "' ~ t:i ~ ......... ....... :---.... ~ 0.4 1.6 .......... 1.2 ............ ~ 0.8 ~ ~ 0.4 .......... I---..... C!> G -40 -20 ~ ~ ~ M 100 m > ~ 0 -SO -~ ~ t- '" 1.2 z ~ a: ::::> (J 0.8 ['--... ......... r-..... C!> ;;z 9 a ::c: ~ = 25°C_ "\.. « a ............ r- 0.4 o -~ -~ ~ M 100 1~ 1~ Figure 8. Gate Trigger Voltage versus Temperature NORMALIZED TO TJ ANODE V = 12V ::;; a: ~ --- TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) Figure 7. Gate Trigger Current versus Temperature 5w ~ 1.S ~ -20 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) • -r--- C!> 0 -60 NORMALIZED TO TJ = 25°C_ ANODE V = 12V ~ '"~ ~ ~~ '\.. ~ '" 5 = 25°C_ -~ 0 ~ ~ ~ M TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) 100 1~ Figure 9. Holding Current versus Temperature MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-248 1~ MCR264-2 thru MCR264-12 Thyristors Silicon Controlled Rectifiers • .. designed for back-to-back SCR output devices for solid state relays or applications requiring high surge operation. • Photo Glass Passivated Blocking Junctions for High Temperature Stability, Center Gate for Uniform Parameters • 400 Amperes Surge Capability • Blocking Voltage to 1000 Volts SCRs 40 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 1000 VOLTS .~ AO G oK (TO-220ABI STYLE 3 MAXIMUM RATINGS RatIng Symbol Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 Unit Volts VRRM 50 100 200 400 600 BOO 1000 MCR264-2 MCR264-3 MCR264-4 MCR264-6 MCR264-B MCR264-10 MCR264-12 Forward Current (TC = BO·C) (All Conduction Angles) Peak Nonrepetitive Surge Current (1/2 Cycle, Sine Wave) Value B.3 ms 1.5 ms Forward Peak Gate Power Forward Average Gate Power Forward Peak Gate Current (300 p.S, 120 PPS) Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range IT(RMS) IT(AV) 40* 25* Amps ITSM 400 450 Amps Watts PGM 20 PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps TJ -40 to +125 ·C Tstg -40 to +150 ·C Note 1. VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous dc basis without incurring damage. Ratings apply for zero or negative voltage. Devices should not be tested for blocking capability in a manner such that the voltage supplied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-249 • MCR264-2 thru MCR264-12 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS I Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance. Junction to Case Characteristic R/JJC 1 0c/w Thermal Resistance. Junction to Ambient R/JJA 60 °CIW ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward Blocking Voltage (TJ = 125°C) Typ VORM 50 MCR264-2 MCR264-3 MCR264-4 MCR264-6 MCR264-8 MCR264-10 MCR264-12 100 200 400 600 800 1000 Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TJ = 25°C TJ = 125°C IORM.IRRM Forward "On" Voltage. Note 1 (lTM = BOA) - - VTM Max Unit Volts - - - 10 2 mA 1.6 2 Volts 15 30 50 90 mA 1 1.5 Volts tJA Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) (Anode Voltage == 12 Vde. RL == 100 Ohms) VGT - Gate Non-Trigger Voltage (Anode Voltage = Rated VORM. RL VGO 0.2 - - Volts IH - 30 60 mA tgt - 1.5 - jA.S dv/dt - 50 - V/,.s Gate Trigger Current (Continuous de) (Anode Voltage = 12 Vde. RL = 100 Ohms. TC • Min Holding Current (Anode Voltage = IGT -40°C) = 100 Ohms. TJ = 125°C) = 12 Vde) Turn-On Time (lTM = 40 A. IGT = 60 mAde) Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Gate Open. Rated VORM. Exponential Waveform) Note 1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width", 3OO,.s. Duty Cycle'" 2%. FIGURE 1 - AVERAGE CURRENT DERATING 125 ~~ .... ~ 1"-..- t".... ~ t'--.. ~" '\ f'... ........ ~ 1'1\."\\.' ,"'" ~-~ -Ia~ ........... 800 o 50 I""--- I"900 "- 5.0 10 15 20 trIAV). ON·STATE FORWARD CURRENT lAMPS)" V !ii40 := 60 0 ~ 35 ~.... ........ """ """'" 1800 in 45 t--..... a = CONDUCTION ANGLE \ f\. "a = 300"\ '\ 75 FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM ON-STATE POWER DISSIPATION a v300 2 lL' V": L 'L IL'" :/ V/ r......-: k--"" 30 ll: 25 Nc : ... !:: 20 ~15 ci:" 10 "- 5.0 L ~~ ~V ~ ~V o~ ~ o 5.0 1800 25 900 L ... V d'y L V~t- -I~~~t- a = CONDUCTION ANGLE 10 15 20 ITIAV). AVERAGE ON·STATE FORWARD CURRENT lAMPS) -ThiS device ia rated for use in applications subject to high surge condi· tion8. Care must be taken to insure proper heat sinking when the device is to be used at high sustained currants. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-250 25 MCR264-2 thru MCR264-12 FIGURE 3 - GATE TRIGGER CURRENT FIGURE 4 - NEW GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE 40 1.1 u; ~ 1.0 o 1 i .......... 20 or:: ~ ""'" ~ ~ ~ "" ~ 10 Ie '"..t? 7. 0 -20 20 r-.... "" 0.8 rz: '" g .... .......... .. ...... ........ ~ 0.5 ~ 80 r-.... to .......... 60 .......... ~ "- 40 ....... 0.7 =0.6 5. 0 0 4'_60 -40 I'-.. ~ 0.9 a f5 '"'"ii: OF~.STAT~ VOLT~GE = 12 V - ............ 100 > ""120 4 140 O. -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DCI TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI FIGURE 5 - HOLDING CURRENT FIGURE 6 - TYPICAL FORWARD VOLTAGE 0 0 0 ........ C e / ............ 0 >=3 z / ............ ~ -....... or:: 1320 z r--.. 9o : :i: - I 0 ............ '" ............ 1 10 7'~60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 u.2 O. u.4 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI I 0.8 1.0 1.2 .6 1.4 18 VF. INSTANTANEOUS VOLTAGE (VOLTS I 2.0 • FIGURE 7 - THERMAL RESPONSE 1.0 '" ~ 0.7 0.5 ~ 0.3 i1i ..... .... co 0.2 rz: - ;~ ffi ~ i ::Ii ~ tli - ! rz: .... -" ..- '" 0.1 ZOJChl =ROJC • rhl 0.01 0.05 " 0.03 0.02 ~ 0.01 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10 20 30 50 1. TIME (mol 100 200 300 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-251 500 1k Zk 3k 5k 10k MCR265-2 thru MCR265-10 Thyristors Silicon Controlled Rectifiers · .. designed for inverse parallel SCR output devices for solid state relays, welders, battery chargers, motor controls or applications requiring high surge operation. • Photo Glass Passivated Blocking Junctions for High Temperature Stability, Center Gate for Uniform Parameters • 550 Amperes Surge Capability • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts SCRs 56 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 800 VOLTS ~ AO • G OK MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 MCR265-2 MCR265-3 MCR265-4 MCR265-6 MCR265-8 MCR265-10 Unit Volts 50 100 200 400 600 800 Forward Current (TC = 70·C) (All Conduction Angles) Peak Nonrepetitive Surge Current (1/2 Cycle, Sine Wave) Value VRRM 8.3 ms Forward Peak Gate Power Forward Average Gate Power Forward Peak Gate Current (300 p.s, 120 PPS) Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range IT(RMS) IT(AV) 55 35 Amps ITSM 550 Amps PGM 20 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps TJ -40 to + 125 ·C Tstg -40 to +150 ·C Note 1. VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous dc basis without incurring damage. Ratings apply for zero or negative voltage. Devices should not be tested for blocking capability in a manner such that the voltage supplied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-252 MCR265-2 thru MCR265-10 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance. Junction to Case RruC 0.9 °CIW Thermal Resistance. Junction to Ambient RruA 60 °CIW Characteristic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC 25°C unless otherwise noted.) = Characteristic Symbol Peak Forward Blocking Voltage (TJ = 125°C) Min Typ Max VORM MCR265-2 MCR265-3 MCR265-4 MCR265-6 MCR265-8 MCR265-10 - - - - 10 2 mA 1.5 1.9 Volts 20 40 50 90 1 1.5 Volts Volts 50 100 200 400 600 800 Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TJ = 25°C TJ = 125°C Unit Volts IORM.IRRM - - pA Forward "On" Voltage. Note 1 (lTM = 110A) VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (Anode Voltage = 12 Vdc. RL = 100 Ohms) (TC = -40°C) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Anode Voltage = 12 Vdc. RL = 100 Ohms) VGT - VGO 0.2 - - IH - 30 75 mA tgt - 1.5 - /LS dv/dt - 50 - V//LS Gate Non-Trigger Voltage (Anode Voltage = Rated VORM. RL Holding Current (Anode Voltage = Turn-On Time (lTM = 55 A. IGT = mA - 100 Ohms. TJ = 125°C) • 12 Vdc) = 200 mAde) Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Gate Open. Rated VORM. Exponential Waveform) Note 1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width", 300 !,S, Duty Cycle'" 2%. FIGURE 1 - AVERAGE CURRENT DERATING 125 G 12 1~ ~ ~11 7~ ~, ~ 11 3 => g 10 9 '\."\. ::---.... ."" " ........... ... 10 5 ........... a5 10 1 r---- " = 300 .'\. " '\. ........... ......... ~ 97 en i'\... '\ ........ ;j 93 '\. :::;; 89 '\. "~ 85 .. x :::;; ,!d' 1 7 3 69 o 60 ~1= i--i----I" ~ " = CONDUCTION ANGLE - ........... "- FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM ON·STATE POWER DISSIPATION " '" . . ~ " '"ffi de i--- > " S « iL I'-.. " 40 80 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 ITIAV). AVERAGE ON·STATE FORWARD CURRENT IAMPSI" a = 30° / 24 6.0 1800- // J// V . . . . V /~ ~ V ~ V- o~ 5.0 o 40 / / 1/ V ~// / /' 30 12 / 90° 60° / 36 18 /iaoo J 1= 48 ~ 42 0 " 54 a: ...~ '\. '\. "- 60).. 90° . in 10 15 ./' ~- r--- ~,,~- i---- " = CONDUCTION ANGLE 20 25 30 35 ITIAV). AVERAGE ON·STATE FORWARD CURRENT (AMPS)" * This device IS rated for use In applicatIOns sublect to high surge conditions Care must be taken to Insure proper heat sinking when the deVice IS to be used at high sustained currents. . ." ;. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-253 40 MCR265-2 thru MCR265-10 FIGURE 4 - GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE FIGURE 3 - GATE TRIGGER CURRENT 3. 0 2. 5 .. 2. 0 z 1. 5 !;i 0 ~ II: ::> u ""'-. "'" ~ ....... '" C> ~ O. 7 :il O. 5 Z 04 " ;;t II: C> - ....... .......... 2.0 ~ g 1. 5 53 ~ 1.0 ~ 0.8 """- - z 0.5 ~ 40 20 20 40 60 80 100 120 0'~60 140 I -40 -20 20 40 20 II: ::> • ~ ~ ............ 1. 0 ~ :il ........... ........ ....... O. 7 II: 0 Z ....... -20 100 120 140 - 0 r--..... O. 5 O. 3 -60 -40 ./ 0 53 80 FIGURE 6 - ON-STATE CHARACTERISTICS 0 u to Z 9 0 60 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1°C) FIGURE 5 - HOLDING CURRENT :z: - r-. o TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1°C) ..Ii! r- r-.. II: ............. O. 3 02 5 -60 ~ 20 40 60 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1°C) 100 120 0 140 1.0 2.0 3.0 VTM. INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE IVOLTS) FIGURE 7 - THERMAL RESPONSE 10 ~ ~ ~ 07 05 '" 0.3 II: 02 [3 ~C ,...... .... "'~ :il!:::! ...- ',..... .... , ffi;;J, 0.\ - i I Z9JCII) = R9JC . rll) I :z::il :: 15 0.07 asin ~ 005 .. ~ 0.03 "" 0.02 't:' ~ 0.0 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10 20 I. 3D 50 TIME Imo) 100 200 300 500 lk 2k 3k 5k 10k I M"I 111M " . I _ I j• •w~lU:Ulg.f.•iltfttIC:"R.S.italllAJ14~tjll, MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-254 MCR506 Series Plastic Silicon Controlled Rectifiers · .. PNPN devices designed for high volume consumer applications such as temperature, light, and speed control; process and remote control, and warning systems where reliability of operation is important. • • • • Passivated Surface for Reliability and Uniformity Power Rated at Economical Prices Practical Level Triggering and Holding Characteristics Flat, Rugged, Thermopad Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability. SCRs 6 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 600 VOLTS G~ AK CASE 77-05 (TO-225AA) STYLE 2 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 MCR506-2 ·3 -4 -6 -8 RMS Forward Current (All Conduction Angles) Average Forward Current (TC = 93·C) Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (1/2 cycle, 60 Hz, TJ Circuit Fusing Considerations (TJ = -40 to 110·C, t = = -40 to 110·C) 1 to 8.3 ms) Peak Gate Power Symbol Value Unit VRRM 50 100 200 400 600 Volts IT(RMS) 6 Amp IT(AV) 3.82 Amp ITSM 40 Amp 12t 2.6 A 2s PGM 0.5 Watt PG(AV) 0.1 Watt Peak Forward Gate Current IGM 0.2 Amp Peak Reverse Gate Voltage VRGM 6 Volts TJ -40 to 110 Average Gate Power Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Tstg - Mounting Torque.(Note 2) -40 to 6 HiO ·C ·C in. lb. Notes: 1. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage but positive gate voltage shall not be applied concurrently with a negative potential on the anode. When checking forward or reverse blocking capability, thyristor devices should not be tested with a constant current source in a manner that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 2. Torque rating applies with use of torque washer (Shakeproof WD19523 or equivalent). Mounting torque in excess of 6 in. lb. does not appreciably lower case-to-sink thermal resistance. Anode lead and heat sink contact pad are common. (See AN~90 B) For soldering purposes (either terminal connection or device mounting), soldering temperatures shall not exceed + 225"C. For optimum results, an activated flux (oxide removing) is recommended. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-255 MCR506 Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case R9JC 3 0c/w Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient R9JA 75 °C/W ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted, RGK = Peak Forward Blocking Voltage (TJ = 110°C) Typ Min Max VORM MCR506-2 -3 -4 -6 -8 - - 60 100 200 400 600 Unit Volts - - Peak Forward Blocking Current (Rated VORM, TJ = 110°C) IORM - - 200 pA Peak Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VRRM, TJ = 110°C) IRRM - - 200 pA Forward "On" Voltage (lTM = 12 A Peak) VTM - - 1.9 Volts - - 200 500 VGT - - 1 Volts VGO 0.2 - - Volts IH - - 5 mA dv/dt - 10 - Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VAK = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 ohms) (VAK = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 ohms, TC = Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VAK = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 ohms, TC = 25°C) Gate Non-Trigger Voltage (VAK = Rated VORM, RL II 1000 ohms.) Symbol Characteristic Holding Current (VAK = 7 Vdc, TC = -40°C) 100 ohms, TJ = 110°C) = 25°C) Forward Voltage Application Rate (TJ = 110°C) FIGURE 1 ~ CURRENT DERATING FIGURE 2 - / I!? !;( ~ z i'- ....... / 8.0 / 0 l"- I-..... ~ 0- "- in en 25 ", ~ 0W ...... '"w :;;: 0::.- 6.0 4.0 V « a:: ~ 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 IT(RMS). RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) 6.0 a:: 0 7.0 V / / ...... V 2.0 V o . /V o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 IT(RMS). RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-256 V/p,s POWER DISSIPATION _ 10.0 i'-- 1.0 pA IGT 6.0 7.0 MCR729-5 thru MCR729-10 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. fast switching, high-voltage Silicon Controlled Rectifiers especially designed for pulse modulator applications in radar and other similar equipment. • • • • High-Voltage: VORM = 300 to 800 Volts Turn-On Times: in Nanosecond Range Repetitive Pulse Current to 100 Amps Stable Switching Characteristics Over an Operating Temperature Range From - 65 to + 105°C • Pulse Repetition Rates as High as 10,000 pps seRs 5 AMPERES RMS 300 thru 800 VOLTS ~ AO G oK CASE 63-03 (TO-64) STYLE 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 105°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Repetitive Forward Blocking Voltage, Note 1 MCR729-5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 Value Unit Volts VORM 300 400 500 600 700 800 Peak Repetitive Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 Forward Current RMS Average Forward Power Peak Repetitive On-State Control (PW = 10 I's) Peak Forward Gate Power VRRM 50 Volts IT(RMS) 5 Amps PF(AV) 5 Watts ITRM 100 Amps Watts PGFM 20 PGF(AV) 1 Watt IGFM 5 Amps Peak Forward Gate Voltage VGFM 10 Volts Peak Reverse Gate Voltage VGRM 10 Volts TJ -65 to + 105 °C Tstg -65 to +150 °C 15 in. lb. Average Forward Gate Power Peak Forward Gate Current Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque • Note 1. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltages. Devices shall not have a positive bias to the gate concurrently with a negative potential on the anode. Devices should not be tested with a constant current source for forward and reverse blocking voltages such that the applied voltage exceeds the ratings. .. ~;:~.,{'1JI4l1!Id..::~ 'Ii!> 'l',,;."'" .f'!"~~:>'V ""ii~" ""'.~':"1! v;; ·"k'·.L~ .N~~i!·i.<"IIi '''~ ~,>~~~~}Y"Jt'~N" '''<.~, !1!.J''QN...~''t ~;""",.:.WY~~~>jfA;'h .. ·~<'N~.~"":\;ft_AMlrr .. ;'rU,_~?N:~.lI::M1:ii..;.&\o::mwj~~~~!:!4.""'$;i~~~"''''f,. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-257 MCR729-5 thru MCR729-10 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC 25°C unless otherwise noted.) = Symbol Min Typ Max Unit IORM,IRRM - 0.2 2 mA Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (Vo = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 ohms) IGT - 10 50 mAdc Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 ohms) VGT - 0.8 1.5 Volts IH 3 15 - mA Forward On Voltage (lTM = 5 A, PW,,;; 1 ms, Outy Cycle,,;; 1%) VTM - - 2.6 Volts Dynamic Forward On Voltage (0.5 /LS after 50% pt, IG = 200 mA, Vo VORM, iF(pulse) = 30 Amps) VTM - 15 25 Volts Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TC = 105°C Holding Current (VO = 7 Vdc, gate open) = Rated Turn-On Time (td + t r ) (lG = 200 mA, Vo = Rated VORM) (iTM = 30 Amps peak) (iTM = 100 Amps peak) Turn-On Time Variation (TC = + 25°C to + 105°C and -65°C to +25°C, ITM Pulse Turn-Off Time (iF(pulse) = 30 Amps, Ireverse (Inductive charging circuit) = 30 A) - 200 400 - ton - ±500 - ns trec - 15 - I-'S dv/dt 50 - - V/I-'s - - 4 °CIW = 0) Forward Voltage Application Rate (Linear Rate of Rise) (Vo = Rated VORM, gate open, TC = 105°C) • ns ton Thermal Resistance (Junction to Case) t1JC MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-258 - MCR171S-5 thru MCR171S-S Silicon Controlled Rectifier Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. fast switching, high-voltage thyristors especially designed for pulse modulator applications. • • • • High-Voltage Capability from 300 to 600 Volts Repetitive Pulse Current to 1000 Amps Pulse Repetition as High as 4000 pps Current Application Rate as High as 1000 A/p,s SCRs 25 AMPERES RMS 300 thru 600 VOLTS .~ AO G oK CASE 263-04 STYLE 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Peak Repetitive Forward or Reverse Blocking Voltage, Note 1 MCR1718-5 -6 -7 -8 VDRM VRRM Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage (Transient) (Non-Recurrent 5 ms (max)) MCR1718-5 -6 -7 -8 VRSM Forward Current RMS Value Unit Volts 300 400 500 600 Volts 400 500 600 700 IT(RMS) 25 Amps Peak Forward Surge Current (1-10 p,s Pulse Width) ITSM 1000 Amps Current Application Rate (up to 1000 A peak) di/dt 1000 A/p,s 12t 250 A 2s PF(AV) 30 Watts Watts Circuit Fusing (TJ = -65 to + 125'C; t .;; 1 ms) Dynamic Average Power (TC = 65'C) Peak Gate Power - Forward Average Gate Power Peak Gate Current - Forward Forward PGM 20 PG(AV) 1- Watt IGM 5 Amps Note 1. VORM and VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous de basis without incurring damage. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-259 (cont.1 MCR171S-5 thru MCR171S-S MAXIMUM RATINGS - continued Rating Peak Gate Voltage Symbol Value Unit VGM 10 Volts TJ -65 to + 125 'C Tstg -65to +150 'C - 30 in. lb. Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25'C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 25'C TJ = 125'C • IORM,IRRM Forward "On" Voltage (lTM = 25 Adc) VTM Oynamic Forward On Voltage (lGT = 500 mA, Ipul se = 500 Amps) (1 IJ,8 after start (10% pt.) of Ipul se ) (5 IJ,8 after start (10% pt.) of Ipul se ) vTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 7 Vdc, RL = 50 Ohms) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Vo = 7 Vdc, RL = 50 Ohms) (VO = Rated VORM, RL = 50 Ohms, TJ = 125'C) VGT VGO Min Typ Max Unit - - 10 8 p.A mA 1.1 1.3 Volts - 30 5 - 10 50 - 0.8 1.5 - - mA Volts 0.25 - - mA Holding Current (VO = 7 Vdc, Gate Open) (Vo = 7 Vdc, Gate Open, T/= 125'C) IH - 15 6 Circuit Com mutated Turn-Off Time (IF = 500 A, IR = 10 A, dv/dt = 20 V//Ls Vo = Rated VORM, VR = Rated VRRM) (Conductive Charging Circuit - Circuit dependent) tq - 20 - /LS dv/dt - 100 - V/IJ,8 5 Critical Exponential Rate of Rise (Gate Open, TJ = 125'C, Vo = Rated VORM) - 1.IAlI.4'ft~~JiI~itRllmt:A!£Z.ftll!lJ.'! MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-260 MCR1906 Series Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors These devices are glassivated planar construction designed for applications in control systems and sensing circuits where low-level gating and holding characteristics are necessary. seRs 1.6 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 400 VOLTS • Low-Level Gate Characteristics - IGT = 1 mA (Max) @ TC = 25°C • Low Holding Current - IH = 5 mA (Max) @ TC = 25°C • Glass-to-Metal Bond for Maximum Hermetic Seal G AOC>----1~~:.....-..,o K CASE 79-04 ITO-205AD) STYLE 3 MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 100·C unless otherwise noted.) Rating Symbol Repetitive Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage Value VRRM MCR1906-2 MCR1906-3 MCR1906-4 MCR1906-6 MCR1906-8 Unit Volts 50 100 200 400 600 RMS On-State Current (All Conduction Angles) Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Cycle, 60 Hz, TJ = -40 to +110·C) Preceded and followed by rated current and voltage Peak Gate Power IT(RMS) 1.6 Amp ITSM 15 Amps Watt PGM 0.1 PGF(AV) 0.01 Watt Peak Gate Current IGM 0.1 Amp Peak Gate Voltage VGM 6 Volts TJ -65 to +110 ·C Tstg -65 to + 150 ·C - +230 ·C Average Gate Power Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Solder Temperature (>1/16" From Case, 10 s max) • "'\;;,' J.,...."-/J..'*':: "Y\di~,;'!"'i.;~'jL:t.!:':~'f«;.;r. .( $./,~.Ji'.··~,.~4$~I~:~~:~l'~~'* .W\o"'.~'~ ......... :i : 70 t----I---__t----t~ ~ ! : ~ ~ 60~---I---__t----+_--_+~~~~+_--~. 50t----I---__t----t-----I---~----+_--_t_--~ 400~--70.72--~O~A~~O~.6---70.8~--1~.0~~1~.2--~1.~4--~1.6 IF(AV). AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (AMPS) 10~0----~0.-1----0~.2--~~~~~~~----~~~O.7 IF(AV). AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (AMPS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-262 MCR3818 Series MCR3918 Series Silicon Controlled Rectifier Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. designed for industrial and consumer applications such as power supplies, battery chargers, temperature, motor, light and welder controls. • • • • seRs 25 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 800 VOLTS Supplied in Either Pressfit or Stud Package High Surge Current Rating - ITSM = 240 Amps Low On-State Voltage - 1.2 V (Typ) @ ITM = 20 Amps Practical Level Triggering and Holding Characteristics - 40 mA (Max) and 50 mA (Max) @ TC = 25°C G A<>O---1~W~-O()OK MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Peak Repetitive Forward and Reverse Voltage, Note 1 MCR3818, MCR3918-2 -3 -4 -6 -8 -10 VDRM or VRRM Non-Repetitive Reverse Blocking Voltage MCR3818, MCR3918-2 -3 -4 -6 -8 -10 VRSM On-State Current RMS Value Unit 50 100 200 400 600 800 (TO-203) STYLE 1 MCR3818 Series Volts 75 150 300 500 700 900 IT(RMS) 20 Amps IT(AV) 13 Amps 12t 235 A 2s Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Cycle, 60 Hz, TJ = -40 to + 100°C) ITSM 240 Amps Peak Gate Power (Maximum Pulse Width PGM 5 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps Average On-State Current (TC = 67°C) Circuit Fusing (TJ = -40 to + 100°C, t .. 8.3 ms) = 10/Ls) Average Gate Power Peak Forward Gate Current (Maximum Pulse Width = 10/Ls) Note 1. VORM for all types can be applied on a continuous dc basis without incurring damage. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. These devices should not be tested with a constant current source for forward or reverse blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-263 ,~,,- Volts 4 ~CASE . 175-03 STYLE 1 MCR3918 Series • MCR3818 Series. MCR3918 Series MAXIMUM RATINGS - continued Rating Peak Gate Voltage Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Symbol Value Unit VGM 10 Volts TJ -40 to Tstg -40 to Stud Torque + 125 + 150 °c °c in. lb. 30 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Typ Symbol Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Pressfit Package Stud Package = Unit 0c/w 1 1.1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC 1.5 1.6 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 25°C TJ = 100°C • Max R8JC IORM,IRRM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 7 Vdc, RL = 1000) (VO = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 n, TC = -40°C) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 7 Vdc, gate open) (VO = 7 Vdc, RL = 100 n, TC = -40°C) (VO = Rated VORM, RL = 100 n, TJ = 100°C) VGT Peak On-State Voltage (Pulse Width (lTM = 20 A) (lTM = 41 A) Holding Current (VO = 7 Vdc, gate open) (VO = 7 Vdc, gate open, TC = 1 ms max, duty cycle.; 1%) Max Unit - 10 5 pA rnA - 40 75 - 1.5 2.5 0.2 - - 1.5 1.7 - 50 90 rnA Volts Volts VTM IH = Min rnA - -40°C) Typical Gate Controlled Turn-On Time (td + t r ) (lTM = 20 A, IGT = 40 mAdc, Vo = Rated VORM) tgt Circuit Commutated Turn-Off Time (lTM = 10A,IR = lOA) (lTM = 10 A, IR = 10 A. TJ = 100°C) (VO = VORM = rated voltage) (dv/dt = 30 V/p.s) tq 1 p.s p.s 20 30 Critical Rate of Riseof Off-State Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, Exponential Wave Form, Gate open, TJ dv/dt = 50 V/p.s 100°C) flll.II" n!lI'I!!!n·. . .I~1J1IItIIII Iii IUrrlh MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-264 F .111111 MCR3818 Series. MCR3918 Series EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE UPON TYPICAL TRIGGER CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 2 - GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE FIGURE 1 - GATE TRIGGER CURRENT 20 JF.STJE vOJAGE 1 t'--... 10 I- = 1.0 l 1-' E' 2.0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) 100 120 0.3 -60 140 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) 120 140 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NON-REPETITIVE SURGE CURRENT FIGURE 3 - 60 Hz SURGES 240 22 0 ~ :; i'- 200 I 'i"- I'- 5 180 a: a: ~ ~ a: a: 1----11 o 1.0 2.0 ~ 30 0 "'~"- : "':.-. :~ < 3.0 5.0 7.0 10 PULSE WIDTH (m,) NUMBER OF CYCLES ","C?( i - -!~fI:rt;~;:;;j'o~-jftiIHt:'f;k~~,1ii~;#~ytlii,j;~;/>'f;;' MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-265 MCR3818 Series. MCR3918 Series FIGURE 6 - EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON TYPICAL HOLDING CURRENT FIGURE 5 - GATE TRIGGER CHARACTERISTICS 20 OJF.STJE VOJAGE = i'- I'---. 110 l V- I- ~ ~ 7.0 ::> ...... u ..... r....... ~ 5.0 § o ::t: =" 3.0 2.0 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IDC) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE FORWARD rr--::==:: GATE VOLTAGE VGM 10 VOLTS ~ 0.0001 tttl-I--r----rl--Ir-""""Ti='-Ir---rI--,--~.,..---1 = 0 0.2 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 B.O 9.0 10 VG, GATE VOLTAGE IVOLTS) DERATING AND DISSIPATION FOR RESISTIVE AND INDUCTIVE LOADS (f = 60 to 400 Hz. SINE WAVE) • FIGURE 8 - ON-8TATE POWER DISSIPATION FIGURE 7 - AVERAGE CURRENT DERATING ,{' ~ '" '"~ 24 \< w ~ 90 c en 180D 20 /~/ "'I«I- '" ~ ~~ ~ 90 D 16 :;; win ~ 701----+----+----+---+---+---~--+_---'~~+_--4 ~5 8.0 w~ ~ ~ 12 ",,,- u :::> « :;; 0=3/~ >'" ~~ :; « ~ U 4.0 ~ I- 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 12 14 16 18 20 V./. ~ ~D :;; 80 I---+-----'\--~....",d_".......+_''''''+~ ~Z ~ 4.0 6.0 8.0 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-266 - --L~ 0= CONOUCTION ANGLE 10 I I I I 12 14 16 18 ITIAV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) ITIAV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT lAMP) V (l ~ ~ 2.0 /' 20 MCR3818 Series. MCR3918 Series FIGURE 9 - ON-5TATE CHARACTERISTICS _ 250 ~ 200 ~ ~ 100 ~ 70 ~ 50 W ~ -- - :! TYP\~AL 30 t;:; 20 J-/ Z // :;: 10 ,/ ,,/ / // MAXIMUM ~ 7.0 z 5.0 ~ 2.0 I ~ .t:' TJ-1000c - - TJ = 25°C , ~ z 3.0 I I 1.0 0.25 I I 1.0 0.5 1.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 3.5 3.75 VT,INSTANTANEOUS ON·STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) FIGURE 10 - TYPICAL THERMAL RESISTANCE OF PLATES 400 '" 5 " W 200 ~ 100 d ~ '"~ W 60 _ '" z 40 ;;; ~ _ '" 1illill!l!!I .01 Nom T"'y Oia.~ / Heat Sink =Lc=::J cp \. ~ l Units mounted in center of thick bright aluminum. Heat ~ ~ I" 'I'\.. 5.0 7.0 ~ ~ Intimat~ , Contact Area Additional JHeatSinkPlate ( I!:. Complete 'ThinChassis Knurl Contact Area Thin..chassis Mounting 10 3.0 Heat Sink Mounting Rivet ....., air. (Heat sink area is twice :z: 20 f-- area of one side.) 2.0 Nom. f- - .24 square .h..ts of 1I8·inch 1.5 L=1r .01 .501 .505 r-- .inks held vertically in still 1.0 Chamfer ~ ~ ~ W a: FIGURE 11 - MOUNTING DETAILS FOR PRESSFIT THYRISTORS The hole edge must be chamfered as shown to prevent shearing off the knurled edge of the rectifier during press-in. The pressing force should be applied evenly on the shoulder ring to avoid tilting or canting of the rectifier case in the hole during the pressing operation. Also, the use of a thermal joint compound will be of considerable aid. The pressing force will vary from 250 to 1000 pounds, depending upon the heat sink material. Recommended hardnesses are: copper - less than 50 on the Rockwell F scale; aluminum - less than 65 on the Brinell scale. A heat sink as thin as lIS" may be used, but the interface thermal resistance will increase in proportion to the reduction of contact area. A thin chassis requires the addition of a back-up plate . 10 R8SA, THERMAL RESISTANCE (OCIW) • ••• 1 . . I!I .. . . .~ •.~.~R... aMiR.II.I.II.IIIIII.I.11. . . . . . . . . 77 ............ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-267 MCR3835 Series MCR3935 Series Silicon Controlled Rectifier Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor · .. designed for industrial and consumer applications such as power supplies, battery chargers, temperature, motor, light and welder controls. • • • • Economical for a Wide Range of Uses High Surge Current - ITSM = 350 Amps Low Forward "On" Voltage - 1.2 V (Typ) @ ITM = 35 Amps Practical Level Triggering and Holding Characteristics - 10 mA (Typ) @ TC = 25°C • Rugged Construction in Either Pressfit or Stud Package • Glass Passivated Junctions for Maximum Reliability SCRs 35 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 800 VOLTS MAXIMUM RATINGS • Rating Symbol Peak Repetitive Forward and Reverse Blocking Voltage Note 1 MCR3835-2 -8 -10 VDRM VRRM Value Volts 50 600 800 MCR3935-2 -3 -4 -6 -8 -10 Peak Non-Repetitive Reverse Blocking Voltage (t .; 5 ms) MCR3835-2 -8 -10 Forward Current RM,S = -40 to + 125°C) Circuit Fusing (TJ = -40 to + 100°C, t 35 700 900 75 150 300 500 700 900 IT(RMS) 35 Amps ITSM 350 Amps 12t 510 A 2s Watts = 1 to 8.3 ms) Peak Gate Power PGFM 5 PGF(AV) 0.5 Watt Peak Forward Gate Current IGFM 2 Amps Peak Gate Voltage - VGFM VGRM 10 10 Volt -40 to +125 °C Average Gate Power Forward Reverse Operating Junction Temperature Range I TJ Note 1. VDRM and VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous de basis without incurring damage. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. Devices shall not have a positive bias applied to the gate concurrently with a negative potential on the anode. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-268 (TO-203) STYLE 1 MCR3835 Series STYLE 1 MCR3935 Series Volts VRSM ~,,- P_m~ 50 100 200 400 600 800 MCR3935-2 -3 -4 -6 -8 -10 Peak Surge Current (One Cycle, 60 Hz, TJ Unit MCR3835 Series. MCR3935 Series MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Tstg -40 to +150 ·C - 30 in. lb. Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque Unit THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Symbol Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case MCR3835 MCR3935 Max Unit ·CIW RruC 1.2 1.3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25·C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 25·C TJ = 100·C Typ Min Max Unit 1 10 5 rnA IORM,IRRM - - - ~ Forward "On" Voltage (lTM = 35 A Peak) VTM - 1.2 1.5 Volts Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 7 V, RL = 1000) IGT - 10 40 rnA Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 7 V, RL = 1000) (VO = Rated VORM, RL = 100 n, TJ VGT - 0.7 1.5 Volts VGO 0.2 - IH - 10 50 rnA Turn-On Time (td + t r ) (lTM = 35 Adc, IGT = 40 mAdc) ton - 1 - /loS Turn-Off Time (lTM = 10 A, IR (lTM = 10 A, IR tq - 20 30 - - 50 = 100·C) Holding Current (VO = 7 V, gate open) = = 10 A) 10 A, TJ = 100·C) dv/dt Forward Voltage Application Rate (VO = Rated VORM, TJ = 100·C) - /loS - FIGURE 2 - TYPICAL POWER DISSIP.lI.TION FIGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING 50 100~~'--'---'---'---'---'---r---r--'---' de 40 1800 ~~ «I~ g:; 60 I 50 ----+'....-+---+-----j I MCR3935 must be derated an additional--+---t-"...-t----1 10%, i.e., in Figure 1. the max Te of ~V MC R3835 at 24 Ade is 70 0C. a derating --+---+----f----1 of 30 0C below TJ max. MCR3935 derating would be 33 0C. and TC max 67 0C. --+---+---+------1 40 30 20~ o ~Z "';:: 8.0 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 20 - >'" - :::i '" 10 I"---.. ..,'":::> ffi '"'" ~ '"~ = 7V o 2! ........ ........ 7.0 5.0 ........ w !;( I 0.8 o o.7 I I V ............ I"'--... -......... f'::: t--.... ~ o. 5 !;( '"~ 3.0 I ............ '"a: ........ I OFF·STATE VOLTAGE = > ~ '" 0.6 .......... ......... 2.0 ·60 ~ ; : 1 0.9 r-... '",.: 0.4 >'" o. 3 ·40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 ·60 ·40 20 -20 40 60 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) TJ,JUNCTION TEMPERATURE IOC) • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-270 100 120 140 MGT01000 MGT01200 Gate Turn-Off Thyristors The GTO is a family of asymmetric gate turn-off thyristors designed primarily for dc power switching applications such as motor drives, switching power supplies, inverters, or wherever a need exists for high surge current capabilities and fast switching speeds. GTOs 18 AMPERES RMS 1000 and 1200 VOLTS • • • • • Fast Turn-Off With Reverse Gate Pulse High Voltage - VDRXM = 1000 and 1200 Volts Momentary Forward Pulse For Turn-On Minimizes Drive Losses Interdigitated Emitter Geometry Aids Turn-On Current Spreading and Improves Turn-On di/dt • Clip and Current Spreading Ring for Reliable High Surge Capability ITSM = 200 A ANODE o ~CA,"~" CASE 221A-04 (TO-220AB) STYLE 3 GATE MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage (TJ = -40 to + 125°C, 1/2 Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz) Note 1 Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage, Gate Open (TJ = -40 to + 125°C), Note 2 Repetitive Peak Reverse Gate Voltage, Note 3 On-State Current at TC = 65°C (112 Cycle Sine Wave, 50 to 60 Hz) Peak Nonrepetitive Surge Current (8.3 ms Conduction, Half Sine Wave TC Circuit Fusing (TJ Symbol Value Unit VDRXM 1000 1200 Volts VRRM 15 Volts VGRM 15 Volts IT(RMS) 18 Amps ITSM 200 Amps 12t 167 A 2s ITCM 50 Amps ITCSM 70 Amps Watts • = 65°C) = -40 to + 125°C, t = 8.3 ms) Repetitive Controllable On-State Current, Note 4 Nonrepetitive Maximum Interruptable On-State Current, Note 5 Peak Forward Gate Power Average Forward Gate Power Peak Reverse Gate Power Average Reverse Gate Power PGFM 10 PGF(AV) 3 Watts PGRM 400 Watts 5 Watts PGR(AV) Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range TJ -40 to + 125 °c Tstg -40 to + 150 °c n Notes: 1. VORXM for all types can be applied on a continuous basis without damage. Ratings apply for R ~ 39 or shorted gate conditions or negative voltage on the gate. Devices should not be tested for blocking voltage such that the supply voltage exceeds the rating of the device. 2. This is an asymmetric anode shorted part with a blocking gate-cathode junction. The ability to support a reverse voltage depends on the gate-cathode terminal conditions. Gate-cathode reverse bias increases VRRM. 3. Instantaneous voltage at turn-off may exceed rated VGRM provided PGRM is not exceeded. 4. Vo Maximum Peak ~ VORXM - 300 V, TJ < 125°C, LG ~ 2 ~H, VGR ~ 12 V (See Figure 2) Cs ~ 0.1 ~F for MGT01000 Cs ~ 0.05 ~F for MGT01200 5. Vo Maximum Peak ~ VORXM - 300 V, TJ < 125°C, LG ~ 2 ~H, VGR ~ 12 V (See Figure 2) Cs ~ 0.2 ~F for MGT01000 Cs ~ 0.1 ~F for MGT01200 m~~2~~«;;~~l';;~~~~ "MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-271 i_l_ MGT01000. MGT01200 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Symbol Value Unit Rruc 1 °CIW RruA 60 °CIW Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise noted), Note 1 Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit 5 mA 2.7 3.1 Volts - 60 300 mA VGTM - 0.8 1.5 Volts IGRM - - 5 mA 'L - 1 - Adc 'H - 700 - mA - 1.5 - /Ls tdi 0.6 - tri - 0.9 - IORM - - VTM - Peak Gate Trigger Current (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 1.40, Pulse Width;;. 10 p.s) IGTM Peak Gate Trigger Voltage (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 1.40, Pulse Width;;. 10 p.s) Reverse Gate Leakage Current (VGRM = 15 V, TJ = 125°C) Peak Forward Blocking Current (VO = Rated VORM, RGK = 390, TJ = 125°C) Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = 50 A, Pulse Width ... 300 p.s, Duty Cycle ... 2%, IGT Latching Current (PW = 300 p.s, f = 60 Hz, Gate Pulse = 1 A, 10 /LS, Vo = = 300 mAdc) 12 Vdc) Holding Current (PW = 300 p.s, f = 60 Hz, Gate Pulse = 1 A, 10 /LS, Anode Pulse = 6 A, 100 p.s, Vo = 12 Vdc) SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise noted) RESISTIVE TURN-ON SWITCHING Gate Turn-On Time • Turn-On Delay Time Rise Time Vo = 600 V, 'T = 50 A IG(pk) = 6 A, Cs = 0.1 /LF dig/dt ;;. 7 AIp.s See Figure 1 and Table 1(A) tgt INDUCTIVE TURN-OFF SWITCHING Gate Tun-Off Time Storage Time Fall Time VO(pk) = 700 V, 'T = 50 A, VGR IG(pk) = 6 A LG = 2 /LH, Cs = 0.1 /LF See Figure 2 and Table 1(B) = - 3 - 2.6 Tfi - 0.4 - VO(pk) = 700 V, 'T = 50 A VGR = 12V LG = 2 /LH, Cs = 0.1 /LF See Table l(B) OGO - 35 - 17 - p.C IGO ITLP - 5 - A V(pkl = VORM - 400 V RGK = 390, TJ = 125°C Linear Waveform dv/dt - 10,000 - V/p.s 12 V tgq Tsi p.s GATE TURN-OFF CHARGE Gate Charge Peak Reverse Gate Current Peak Tail Current STATIC dv/dt Critical Exponent of Rise Time Note 1. This device is rated for use in applications subject to high surge conditions. Care must be taken to insure proper heat~sinking is used at sustained currents (see derating curves). ~;r:.:i1J.::::#3~~:::i~#!!:;'~~l$lltiJj~f~·"~Qim~~'5:J~C8.m. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-272 MGT01000 • MGT01200 TABLE 1 - TERMS, SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS FOR SWITCHING WITH GTO'S NOTE: The parameters are shown on two separate graphs for clarity. Symbols Terms Definitions RESISTIVE TURN-ON SWITCHING Turn-On Time tgt 1:: l!! 5 u CD "tI 0 c: r_++--+_--..30._+_--~+_--_+--___I 65~--1----+--~~~+---~.--4----~~~ ~ 771-----+----+_--~--~+_--_P~--+_--_t--~ § 55~--~---+--~r---~--~~~----+--+~ ~ u .... :::;; ~ 71~--+_--~--~--~--~_+~r_--+_~ 65~__~___ L_ _~~_L~_ _~~_L_ _~~~ 70A 45~__~__-7~__~__~~~~~~__~~~ 0 1.5 95t---_+~r_~~_+~~~~_rT ~89t----+--++-'t---'lr----.....,----f'o.----+----+-----I ~ o 75 .? 12 0 3.0 may require determination of the pulse power, energy, and peak T J rise to achieve safe turn-off. FIGURE 6 - HALF WAVE 50-60 Hz POWER DISSIPATION f!? 30 ~ ~ o C5 ~ '"~ ~:::;; fi a.. ~ 2 12 89 w '"ffj 83 => 77 ~ 21 15 ::;: 9.0 6.0 ~ 3.0 71 65 a:0 3.0 12 15 6.0 9.0 18 AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT IAMPSI 21 24 D / 180' 60' V L V/ / ~ ~~ / a 90' ..... 24 j5 a: 95 I~- TJlpkl = 125'C 27 - g'j 18 101 :::;; .? 24 uated using the pulsed rating curves. Surge operation with high power pulses FIGURE 5 - CURRENT DERATING 50-60 Hz RECTANGULAR WAVEFORM w 20 longest conduction time. Operation at high frequencies should also be eval- NOTE: Sine wave and rectangular chopper curves allow estimation of heat sink requirements at low frequencies (50 or 60 Hz) where switching losses are low compared to conduction losses. Heat sink sizes should be based on conduction angles that include the worst case peak current as well as the CI) 6.0 9.0 12 15 18 AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT IAMPSI V // / = CONOUCTION ANGLE / a = 3~' V ~ // ,/ ~/ "/ ~~ /. /"",dc ./' ~ IiiP" 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT IAMPSI 10.5 12 FIGURE 8 - POWER DISSIPATION versus FORWARD CURRENT RECTANGULAR WAVEFORM FIGURE 7 - FULL WAVE 50-60 Hz POWER DISSIPATION ~40 ~ 35 r---~--~----+----+----~~~--~r---4 z o ~ ~ I-----t---_t----+--- ~ 25r_--+---+---+-~~~~---+---+--~ i5 ffi 20 ~---t----t-~~~~~---t----~--~----~ ~ w 15 ~---t=---"iir7':-r-"~--+----t----~--~----~ ~ 10 ~--+--7.!;yj-#o.......+----+----f--''LU.Ur-!L''"lI------l ~ ~ 5.0 t---~7"''-+_--_+----+_­ 5.0 I-~_E:.-+---+----+----+-~~--Uf-CL.~ a:- 3.0 15 24 AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT IAMPSI 3.0 6.0 9.0 12 15 18 AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT IAMPSI MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-275 • MGT01000. MGT01200 FIGURE 9 - FIRING CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 10 - NONREPEnnVE SURGE CHARACTERlsncs le 1000 100 Ie w ::::> f.1I outside box for chosen min TJ and inside the (Y. I) ......... IZ a: a: ~: Firing circuit loadline must ~ ~ c---- _ ~onst,alnts set ........ 10 4~ <.> NG47i- Pr''' ~ 71 "" 7C en ::::> -<~ 0 w z 1.0 ~O;::;l -4O'C ~;!z ~ z ~ en W o - V .......... 12t 50 z 20 g ~ m 0.2 1.0 2.0 VG. INSTANTANEOUS GATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 10 FIGURE 11 - MAXIMUM INTERRUPTABLE CURRENT Cs ITSM ./ ~~ _::'!ic> -g; 0.1 ITSM -":":r-.- 100 25'C -<:a _Pc> 0.1 !;i ~ 300 200 :D =~~ 3!; 10 ~~.9 ""J .I"T!~ 0.85 '\. <.> ffiloo 80 "'" ~ 60 0.60 I' 0.55 -40 -20 120 0 20 40 60 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE ('C) a811B MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3·276 100 70111111111 120 • MGT01000. MGT01200 FIGURE 15 - THERMAL RESPONSE 1.0 ~ 0.7 0.5 !!l 0.3 ~ ffi ~~ ~~ 0.1 :: ~ 0.07 - 1..--....... ,.. ~S 0.2 ROJC'rltl ZOJCltl ~ ~0.05 ~ ./ 0.03 0.02 ~ -E 0.01 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 2.0 3.0 1.0 5.0 10 20 30 t, TIME Imsl FIGURE 16 - TYPICAL LATCHING CURRENT r\. ~ Conditions: ~ u 1.0 8 ~ ::i 15 10 ~ 30~ 5.0 ~ '" ~ 20~ ~ .............. '" ............ o ~ 20 40 60 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE lOCI 100 ~ i 4.0 _CS LG 3.5 w O~ I 10 120 I, .! 1 3.0 ~ f·5 / ~ 2.0 en 31.5 1.0 ° ~ 0.95 10 ~ ~ ;..-- ,.. tsi ~ 20 700 a:: => 400~ 3OO~ J I I 30 40 50 60 PEAK ANODE CURRENT IAMPSI FIGURE 19 800 .l = 0.1 p.F, Vpk = 800 V, TJ = 125 C = 2.0 p.H, RG = 3 n, VGR = 12 V !z 500~ It = 0.1 p.F, Vpk = 800 V, TJ = 125°C- - 200 ~ LG ~ 2.0 p.H, RG = 3 n, VGR = 12 V _ - 1 00 FIGURE 18 - TYPICAL TURN-OFF SWITCHING SPEED 4.5 600~ ~ Cs SP -40 -20 -- ~ ~o 10~ 2.0 k 3.0 k 5.0 k en VO"" 12 V Gate Pulse Width = 10,....s Anode Pulse Width = 300 j.LS " " IL !'a::5 70 H~ldin9 clrrent Latchl!9 and " "'- if 2.0 1.0 k 500 FIGURE 17 - TYPICAL TURN-OFF DYNAMICS 4.0 3.0 200 300 100 50 I 70 80 • CONDUCTION ENERGY PER PULSE l°om"~R 80 50 -- ~ 1 30 40 50 60 PEAK ANODE CURRENT IAMPSI 1.0 ~~~~~~.o-LJ...ll.llL-~L..nIlilllL-x..L..nIl.1.lllI 0.001 0.01 0.1 pw, PULSE WIDTH Imsl 70 "\"'""'1,,, "(')'.]'('''4 ,,,',~"""J'W:1W)\',,",,,,A'''J,,! ~/!{,!".~AJV.. ;ifY: .!)~:M:~1ti100 Vo "- (INDUCTIVE LOAD) 20 =. 125°C. IGFlpkl = 6.0 A. dlGPdt = 7.0 A/pll = VORXM - 400 U I ~ ~ V(pkl = 700 V. VGR = 12 V. LG = 2.0 ~H. RG = 3.0 n PW 100 ~s. D < 2.0% :::= f=TJ MGT01000./ g§ az /. ~ a Z § 10 MGT01000. 1000M TURN-OFF ENERGY ENERGY PER PULSE AT TURN-ON f-- W - MGtO 1200 Vo ./ 125°C r-- ~O SNLBB~R -'i. V YV IT 0.022 ~F FIGURE 22 - 10 ENERGY IMILLIJOULESI 10 IT. PEAK ANODE CURRENT IAMPSI 100 MGT01200, 1200M, TURN-OFF ENERGY (INDUCTIVE LOAD) FIGURE 23 - V(pkl ~_ 10~L~G§=~2~'OE~~H'JR~G3=@3~.0§n~~~~~~~~~~ PW 100 pll. 0 < 2.0% ~uu • ./ '/ ~ ~ 1,/ X 1.0~~§~ii~~~~~~~§!til ~ 0.5 ffi C 0.1 ~F 0.068 ~F ...-s V ,/.; V 0.022 ~F r./ ~ ~~ 0.Q1 ~F 0.005 ~F .111'1. 50 ~ 'l 0.05 ~F_ 0.022 ~F 0.01 ~F C - 0.005 ~F 10 ~ 0.2 L-.J.........JL--.J.........J--L.L.iLLJ..lL1L......1_L....J.-7:-L..J....J...L.J 10 IT. PEAK ANODE CURRENT IAMPSI ?( i-" NO SNUBBER <'l' 3.0 :%~ 125°C 0.068 ~F r..Y:~ ~05 ~F+-+-I-+~ NO SNUBBER'/ a: :::::=: f=TJ 0.1 ~F 125°C 100 MGT01400, 1400M, TURN-OFF ENERGY Vlpkl = 1100 V. VGR = 12 V LG = 2.0 ~H. RG = 3.0 n PW = 100 ~s. D< 2.0% = 900 V. VIlR = 12 VH-tt--t-t--+-+-+-+-+-t-+1 ~~TJ 50 (INDUCTIVE LOAD) 20.-~-r-.-.ro"nn.--r-r--'-~rrTTn ii> iF II 0.2 1.0 0.Q1 'l 1.0 ~ 0.10 ~F 0.05 ~F K T" If if i!; ~F 0.15 ~F "- 'V./ ~ ~ ~ 0.20 'l ~ i?' '\ I- • :::J ~ V 100 'T. PEAK ANODE CURRENT IAMPSI r ii' P • •', II MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-278 100 MK1V115 MK1V125 MK1V135 Plastic Sidac High Voltage Bilateral Trigger Plastic Sidac High Voltage Bilateral Trigger High Voltage Triggers · .. designed for direct interface with the ac power line. Upon reaching the breakover voltage in each direction, the device switches from a blocking state to a low voltage on-state. Conduction will continue like an SCR until the main terminal current drops below the holding current. The plastic axial lead package provides high pulse current capability at low cost. Glass passivation insures reliable operation. Applications are: • • • • • • High Pressure Sodium Vapor Lighting Strobes and Flashers Ignitors High Voltage Regulators Line Transient Clippers Pulse Generators SIDACs 1 AMPERE RMS 104 thru 135 VOLTS MT1 o-----tf.J----o MT2 ~ SURMETIC50 PLASTIC AXIAL STYLE 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Repetitive Breakover Voltage Min Max V(BOI MK1V-115 MKW-125 MKW-135 Off-State Repetitive Voltage 104 110 120 115 125 135 - ±90 Volts IT(RMSI 1 Amp ITSM - 20 Amps VORM On-State RMS Current (All Conduction Angles) On-State Surge Current (Nonrepetitive) (60 Hz One Cycle Sine Wave, Peak Value) Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Solder Temperature (Lead Length", 1/16" from case, 10 s Max) Unit Volts TJ -40 +125 ·C Tstg -40 +150 ·C ·C - - +230 Symbol Min Max Unit - 15 .C/W 45 ·C/w • THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ROJC Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient ROJA OIIIIII~II.lilla •• IIIB.:iRIlIIIIIPI:PlIJII.11nr&lIl:II'••IIIIIIIII[••IIIIIIIIIIII.II•••• 11 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-279 MK1V Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise noted; both directions.) Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Breakover Current (60 Hz Sine Wave) I(BO) - - 200 pA Repetitive Peak Off-State Current (60 Hz Sine Wave, V = VORM) IORM - - 10 pA Repetitive Peak On-State Current (TC = 25°C, Pulse Width = 10 p.s, Repetition Frequency, f = 1 kHz) ITRM - 20 - Amps Forward "On" Voltage (lTM = 1 A peak) VTM - 1.1 1.5 Volts IH - - 100 mA RS 0.1 - - kG di/dt - 50 - A/p.s Characteristic Dynamic Holding Current (60 Hz Sine Wave, RS = 0.1 ill) Switching Resistance Maximum Rate of Change of On-State Current CURRENT DERATING FIGURE 1 - MAXIMUM CASE TEMPERATURE u ~ 130 II! => l- ea:: 120 ............ w C>. :;; ~ w ~ • ;;:: ~ :;; => ~= -1,,~- I'..... "- ~ 110 u ;e ...... Tj Rated u I- =125°C _ 0.2 r-- ....... 100 ::;; it 80 ~..... '""= """ 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 IT(AV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) ::;; a = 180?- 60 40 20 180° 1.8 2.0 00 0.2 ~ I a:: => E O. 4 o '"=> ~ i !; .r O. 1 0.8 / 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 ~ 1.6 - Q' ~ / 1.8 2.0 = V / ./ Conduction Angle /" Tj Rated = 125°C /" 0 I a = 180° -1,,~ 5- if O. 3 o. 2 - I I u ~ - 25°Cf Lf125°C- - Ii II! O. 6 0.6 FIGURE 4 - POWER DISSIPAnON 5 o. 8 0.4 IT(AV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) 1. 0 C>. Tj Rated = 125°C _ r-...... ::;;~ FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL FORWARD VOLTAGE ;;; a'= Conduction Angle - =>::;; a 800 a!~ ;;i ~ "- 90 :;; :: u 140 o=> ........... 100 ~= -1a~- 15iii ~ II! 120 ()( = Conduction Angle - ~ e :;; FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE /' 1 /' /' / ,/" 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.2 VT. INSTANTANEOUS ON·STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 1.3 02 0.4 0.6 0.8 IT(AV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-280 1.0 MK1V Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 5 - THERMAL RESPONSE 1.0 0.5 ..... 6 0.3 ~Ppk = _~ r- .,-----1 Ppk LEAD LENGTH = 1/4" DUTY CYCLE - tplll PEAK POWER, Ppk, IS peak of an TIME equivalent square power pulse. , ~ ~ 0.2 - dTJL = Ppk. R9JL 10 + (1- 01· r(1l + tpl + r(tpl- r(1l11 '"w<-' - where: :Z:'" 1 .0. TJl = the increase in junction temperature above the 1-", t- 0 O. lead temperature. ~~ r(t) = normalized value of tranSient thermal resistance 0.05 -attime,t,i.e.' ",< 3 - rhl + tp) = normalized value of '; ~ 0.0 - tran~jent therma' reslstan~ "'w 2_11 tlmetl+tp,~ '" 0.0 = = ..... ..... possible to the tie point. The thermal mISS con- = ~~ neeted to the tie pOInt is normally large enough so that it will not significantly respond to heat surges generated in the diode as a result of pulsed operation once steady-state conditions are achieved. Usmg the measured value of TL. the junction tern- ..... .J.....t"ll IIII 0.0 1 0.2 0.5 1.0 I 2.0 . r·~t~~ ~~y b. det~rmi:'d by: I I II ~J - ~L ~TJLI 10 5.0 I J I IIII The temperature of the lead should be measu,ed usu'=! a thermocouple placed on the ad as close IS 1..-- .... 20 50 200 100 t, = 500 1.0 k 2.0 k F ~ rr- J-- I I I II I rt=: I IIII 5.0 k 10 k 20 k TIME (msl TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 7 - HOLDING CURRENT FIGURE 6 - BREAKOVER CURRENT 100 250 90 22 5 4" 3 80 200 I- ~ 70 :::> 60 ~ '-' 4" .§. 175 I- ffi 50 :> 0 "" '" :;'i ~ j .......... f-"'" 40 30 20 10 .......... Z !!:' 150 v 100 ::t: 5 0 V -40 '"z 9o ......... ,./ r-- r- 25 o -60 -- ~ B 12 5 -20 0 20 40 60 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE lOCI 100 120 140 0 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 FIGURE 8 - V-1 CHARACTERISTICS ' ( ' Slope = RS IORM ') , '" .),'. c·';;'-. 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OC) '>': /;,'.L,:';·i;~8Y(~jfiitJ}t;jkHII~/~//<;,'/;; MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-281 100 120 • 140 MK1V240 MK1V260 MK1V270 Plastic Sidac High Voltage Bilateral Trigger Plastic Sidac High Voltage Bilateral Trigger High Voltage Triggers · .. designed for direct interface with the ac power line. Upon reaching the breakover voltage in each direction, the device switches from a blocking state to a low voltage on-state. Conduction will continue like an SCR until the main terminal current drops below the holding current. The plastic axial lead package provides high pulse current capability at low cost. Glass passivation insures reliable operation. Applications are: • • • • • SIDACs 1 AMPERE RMS 240 thru 270 VOLTS High Pressure Sodium Vapor Lighting Strobes and Flashers Ignitors High Voltage Regulators Pulse Generators CASE 267-03 SURMETIC50 PLASTIC AXIAL • Polarity denoted by cathode band MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Min Max Unit ±lS0 Volts 1 Amp 20 Amps On-State Current RMS (TL = 100·C, LL = 3/8",60 Hz Sine Wave Conduction Angle = lS0·) IT(RMS) - On-State Surge Current (Non repetitive) (60 Hz One Cycle Sine Wave, Peak Value) ITSM - Off-State Repetitive Voltage VORM Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Solder Temperature (Lead Length;;. 1/16" from Case, 10 s Max) TJ -40 +125 ·C Tstg -40 +150 ·C ·C - - +230 Symbol Min Max Unit R9JL - 15 .C/W THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Lead (LL = 3/S") MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-282 MK1V240 Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise noted; both directions.) Characteristic Symbol Breakover Voltage Min Typ Max Unit Volts V(BO) MK1V240 MK1V260 MK1V270 220 240 250 - - 250 270 280 Breakover Current (60 Hz Sine Wave) I(BO) - - 200 !LA Repetitive Peak Off-State Current (60 Hz Sine Wave, V = VDRM) IDRM - - 10 p.A Forward "On" Voltage (lTM = 1 A peak) VTM - 1.1 1.5 Volts IH - - 100 mA RS 0.1 - di/dt - 50 - Dynamic Holding Current (60 Hz Sine Wave, RS = 0.1 kG) Switching Resistance Maximum Rate of Change of On-State Current kG A/p.s CURRENT DERATING FIGURE 1 - MAXIMUM LEAD TEMPERATURE FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE u !?...14O ~ 130 ... 120 !c ffi 1.25 in ~ ~ 110 l- ~ 100 a: 0.75 '-' :::J ~ iii "" :;; "" 90 ~ ~ ;= 80 '" Z Q :::: 70 :::J 60 :;; x "" :;; .=- '\ ~ I- I-I-I-- 0.50 Q c;:; ~ 0.25 E 50 0.2 1.6 1.8 2.0 :: 2.0 ~ ~ 20 5 !c I--.J'./ 01---- ./ r-- t- TJ = 125°~f 1f'25 0C '\ ~ 51---- I--- :; 0.7 ~ 0.5 ~ o Yr. 1.0 2.0 INSTANTANEOUS ON·STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 140 L '" L" ./ 0.2 3.0 """0.4 0.6 0.8 IT(AV). AVERAGE ON·STATE CURRENT lAMPS) 3-283 IL ./ a = Conduction Angle TJ Rated = 125°C /" ./ I L ......... 5 0.2 a = 1800 -1,,~ 0 z :! 0.3 z ~O.1 40 60 80 100 120 TA. MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (OC) I--- :1.0 :!~ I\. Assembled on PCB II = 3/8" FIGURE 4 - POWER DISSIPATION ... ;;;- 10 ~ 7.0 ;:- 5.0 z 3.0 - ~ 0 :::J I Sine Wave Conduction Angle = 180 0 - 40 FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL ON-STATE VOLTAGE i I 1~50C I TJI = ~ 100 1.0 • MK1V240 Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE & - THERMAL RESPONSE 1.0 0.5 .... a ew :::E..... a::::; we :z:~ ~~ ~~ iij~ ~~ ~!;; E f3 ~ a: f:~ . Ip (pI ~ .... '" V ~ C> ~ -, v ffi 0.9 > ~ 100 ........... 9 .......... ~ 0.6 .;t. \ 0 20 40 60 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) ....... '"z \ ~ -20 ....... a 0.8 '\ -40 ........... 15 a: a: 00 0.8 -60 1.0 I- :i'"" .i a: :> ........... C> C> I ......... a: ""' '\. > ........ :::; 1.2 « :::;; 120 140 0.4 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (DC) 100 120 140 FIGURE 9 -·V-1 CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE B - PULSE RATING CURVE 500 300 in 200 0:::;; ::. 100 ~ ~ '-' ......... ....... TJ - 25°C 50 ~ 30 III 0- j 20 ~ ~~ -Ilwl- \ IORM Non-repetitive ========-~====t===l= I(BOI No. I ....... (t~r ~rrmonal i~+H~~ I~~e EB:061 10 ' ( ' Slope = RS VORM r--.i' -"'--- 5.0 0.1 1.0 10 tWo PULSE WIDTH (m.) 100 1000 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-284 -, V(BO) MKP9V120 MKP9V130 MKP9V240 MKP9V260 MKP9V270 Plastic Sidac High Voltage Bilateral Trigger Plastic Sidac High Voltage Bilateral Trigger High Voltage Triggers · .. designed for direct interface with the ac power line. Upon reaching the breakover voltage in each direction, the device switches from a blocking state to a low voltage on-state. Conduction will continue like an SCR until the main terminal current drops below the holding current. The plastic axial lead package provides high pulse current capability at low cost. Glass passivation insures reliable operation. Applications are: • • • • • SIDACs 0.9 AMPERES RMS 120 thru 270 VOLTS High Pressure Sodium Vapor Lighting Strobes and Flashers Ignitors High Voltage Regulators Pulse Generators MT'~MT2 Polarity denoted by cathode band MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Off-State Repetitive Voltage On-State Current RMS (TL = 80'C, LL = 3/8", conduction angle = 180',60 Hz Sine Wave) On-State Surge Current (Nonrepetitive) (60 Hz One Cycle Sine Wave, Peak Value) Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range lead Solder Temperature (Lead Length", 1116" from case, 10 s max) Symbol MKP9V120 MKP9V130 VDRM ±90 MKP9V240 MKP9V260 MKP9V270 Unit ±180 Volts IT(RMS) 0.9 Amp ITSM 4 Amps TJ -40 to +125 'C Tstg -40 to +150 'C - 230 'C Symbol Unit RI1JL 40 • THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Lead LL = 3/8" 'C/W !i1~:!i.t~","i4?;~· ii,';ii':ii'ri~~i~;~~rJ'l.ll'.f;;llllj;lfi;"~fI.WJlHJ·{iliJt'~lliJHljRD,w:J;::N5, MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-285 MKP9V120 • MKP9V130 • MKP9V240 • MKP9V260 • MKP9V270 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise noted; both directions.) Symbol Characteristic Breakover Voltage Typ Min VBO Max Unit Volts 125 135 250 270 280 5 50 pA. - VTH - 1.3 1.5 Volts Oynamic Holding Current (60 Hz Sine Wave) IH - - 100 mA Switching Resistance RS 0.1 - 110 120 220 240 250 MKP9V120 MKP9V130 MKP9V240 MKP9V260 MKP9V270 Repetitive Peak Off-State Current (60 Hz Sine Wave, V = VORM) IORM TJ = 125°C Forward "On" Voltage (IT = 1 A) Breakover Current (60 Hz Sine Wave) IBO Maximum Rate of Change of On-State Current I • I TL"") ....... to-.. I j.¥a".j ....... r-... 1 ........ ........ ........ 1 1 A/p.s - FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 1.0 I- ie .- "- ~ 1'- ~ 0.6 , TJ = 1~"C Sine Wave Conduction Angle = 180"- u !;i t? z TJ = 125°C Sine Wave Conduction Angle = 180" ~ ~ 0.8 j.¥a"+j , kO pA. - 90 50 - FIGURE 1 - MAXIMUM LEAD TEMPERATURE I'.. - di/dt MKP9V120, 130 MKP9V240, 260, 270 200 , , ~ ~ f'.. 0.4 o en ......... :IE .F 0.2 ......... , Assembled in PCB Lead Lenglh = ¥a" _ " ....... ....... ......... 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 IT(RMS) ON·STATE CURRENT (AMPS) t-... 1.8 2.0 20 FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL ON-5TATE VOLTAGE Ie :IE 10 1.25 ~ 5.0 S 1.00 ............. ~ o a 2.0 r-- -TJ=25+# V125"C !i ~ 1.0 fi ... 51 ~ 0.50 • II ~ 0.3 ~ 0.2 o 140 / / / V L V ,.". - ...... V !2 ..,.....1"" ~ 0.25 ./ ,E ~ ~0.1 - Conduction Angle = 180°C 0.75 is 0.5 TJ = 25"C ~ ~ 0.7 ;z: I. r-- z r/ I-' 40 60 eo 100 120 TA. MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (OC) FIGURE 4 - POWER DISSIPATION 7.0 ~ g§ 3.0 - I-I ./ 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Yr, INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 5.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 irIRMS). ON-STATE CURRENT lAMPS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-286 1.0 MKP9V120. MKP9V130. MKP9V240. MKP9V260. MKP9V270 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 5 - THERMAl RESPONSE ... C 1.0 .. N :::; 0.1 O.S -- 2 II: 0 ~ ~ .. z ~ in ~ ~ 0.3 I-" 0.2 0.1 DOl O:OS II: ~ 0.03 t- ...iniE 0.02 ,..... ~ d=tTI Ip - ~ 0.01 ~ 0.1 Z8JLII) ~ Z8JL. ril) _ ,.TJL ~ DUTY CYCLE. 0 ~ Ipll! PEAK POWER, Ppk, "peak alan Pk I-I!-I TIME equIvalent square power pulse Ppk. ROJL 10 + 11 - D). rll! + Ip) + ril p) - rilll1 where f·T Jl = the Increase In Junction temperature above the lead lemperature r(t) = normalized value of tranSient thermal resistance at time, t, from Ftgure 5. I.•.. r(11 + tpl = normalized value of tranSlenllhermal resistance at tlme,'1 + tp. 1.0 0.5 0.2 S.O 2.0 20 10 50 100 200 SOD S.Ok 2.0 k 1.0 k 10k I, TIME 1m,) TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 7 - HOLDING CURRENT FIGURE 6 - BREAKOVER VOLTAGE 1.4 ~ -""""i'o.. ....... ./ V" ...~:::;; 1.2 !5 ~ 10 !Z. r-..... ~ ......... "- "- w ex: ex: ... i3 0.8 ""'- .......... ...... ...... t'...... CJ z 9 I' ~ 0.6 ~ 0,8 -60 -40 -20 020406080 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI 100 120 140 0.4 -60 -40 -20 020406080 TJ. JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (OCI 100 '(" Slope = RS ..... ie ~ ~ I- I--.. Z r- IPI( w ex: ex: 10 :::> u ......'" 1=~F~ .. := ~ ....... IORM VORM 10% r-\ 1.0 120 140 FIGURE 9 - V-I CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 8 - PULSE RATING CURVE w 100 tw ~ 1 11111111 0,1 I 10 1.0 tw. PULSE WIDTH (m.1 100 -, --- '1 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-287 V(BOI • MMBS5060 MMBS5061 MMBS5062 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Forward Current Avg. (TC = + 67'C) Peak Forward Gate Voltage Peak Forward Blocking Voltage RG = 1 k Symbol Value Unit IF 510 mA VGFM 5 V V VFXM MMBS5060 MMBS5061 MMBS5062 SCRs 30 thru 100 VOLTS 30 60 100 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Total Device Dissipation FR-5 Board." TA = 25'C Derate above 25'C Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient Total Device Dissipation Alumina Substrate."' TA Derate above 25'C = 25'C Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient Junction and Storage Temperature • Symbol Max Unit PD 225 mW 1.8 mWI'C R(jJA 556 'C/mW PD 300 mW 2.4 mWI'C ROJA 417 'C/mW TJ, Tstg 150 'c CASE 318-02103 STYLE 14 *FR-5 = 1 x 0.75 x 0.62 in. "Alumina = 0.4 x 0.3 x 0.024 in. 99.5% alumina. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA I = 25'C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Min MMBS5060 = 30V Anode Voltage = MMBS5061 = 60V MMBS5062 = 100 V VGNT 0.1 - Peak Forward Blocking Current (RGC = 1 kO, TC = 125'C) MMBS5060 = 30V VFXM = MMBS5061 = 60V MMBS5062 = 100 V IFXM - 50 p,A Peak Reverse Blocking Current (RGC = 1 kO, TC = 125'C) MMBS5060 = 30V VRXM = MMBS5061 = 60V MMBS5062 = 100 V IRXM - 50 p,A Forward Voltage' (IF = 1.2 A Peak) VF - 1.7 V Gate Trigger Current** (RGC = 1 kO, VAC = 7 V, RL = 100 0) IGT - 200 p,A Gate Trigger Voltage (RGC = 1 kO, VAC = 7 V, RL = 100O) VGT - 0.8 V IH - 5 mA Characteristic Max Unit OFF CHARACTERISTICS Gate Trigger Voltage (RL = 1000, RGC = 1 kO, TC = 125'C) Holding Current (VAC = 7 V, RGC = 1 kO) V *PW :E; 1 ms, D.C. :!SO: 1%. **RGC current not included in measurement. ~~_IIiIi!:IIilIII;;~IJIi.:laUliai1lJlf»i1l8."'I;;NI"'_ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-288 11111 11~1, MOC3041 MOC3042 MOC3043 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators Triac Driver Output These devices consist of gallium arsenide infrared emitting diodes optically coupled to a monolithic silicon detector performing the function of a Zero Voltage Crossing bilateral triac driver. They are designed for use with a triac in the interface of logic systems to equipment powered from 240 Vac lines, such as solid-state relays, industrial controls, motors, solenoids and consumer appliances, etc. • • • • • • • • Simplifies Logic Control of 240 Vac Power Zero Voltage Crossing High Breakdown Voltage: VDRM = 400 V Min High Isolation Voltage: VI SO = 7500 V Guaranteed Small, Economical, 6-Pin DIP Package dv/dt of 2000 V/p.s Typ, 1000 V/p.s Guaranteed UL Recognized, File No. E54915 VDE approved per standard 0883/6.80 (Certificate number 41853), with additional approval to DIN IEC380NDE0806, IEC435NDE0805, IEC65NDE0860, VDEOll0b, covering all other standards with equal or less stringent requirements, including IEC204NDEOl13, VDE0160, VDE0832, VDE0833, etc. Special lead form available (add suffix "T" to part number) which satisfies VDE08831 6.80 requirement for 8 mm minimum creepage distance between input and output solder pads. Various lead form options available. Consult "Optoisolator Lead Form Options" data sheet for details. 6-PIN DIP OPTOISOLATORS TRIAC DRIVER OUTPUT 400 VOLTS % ® • • CASE 730A-02 PLASTIC STYLE 6 883 COUPLER SCHEMATIC MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted) I I Rating Symbol Value Unit VR 6 Volts INFRARED EMITTING DIODE Reverse Voltage Forward Current - Continuous Total Power Dissipation @ TA = 25°C Negligible Power in Output Driver Derate above 25°C IF 60 mA PD 120 mW 1.41 mWrC ~-_n6 2 4 3 OUTPUT DRIVER Off·State Output Terminal Voltage VDRM 400 Volts Peak Repetitive Surge Current (PW = 100I-'S, 120 pps) ITSM 1 A PD 150 1.76 mW mWrC VISO 7500 Vac PD 250 2.94 mW mWrC Junction Temperature Range TJ -40 to + 100 °c Ambient Operating Temperature Range TA -40 to +85 °c Storage Temperature Range Tstg -40 to +150 °C Soldering Temperature (10 s) - 260 °c Total Power Dissipation @ TA Derate above 25°C = 25°C TOTAL DEVICE Isolation Surge Voltage (1) (Peak ac Voltage, 60 Hz, I Second Duration) Total Power Dissipation @ TA = 25°C Derate above 25°C 1. ANODE 2. CATHODE 3. NC 4. MAIN TERMINAL 5. SUBSTRATE DO NOT CONNECT 6. MAIN TERMiNAl (1) Isolation surge voltage, VISQ, is an internal deVice dielectric breakdown rating. For this test. Pins 1 and 2 are common, and Pins 4, 5 and 6 are common. ';,. ";"':-" ,·.>,'·:,JiI'~?;i;'!I;.~-"'It'fr.'\' .,':".'·".'/'1"Jt,;V"'~~~.llf"i®.0' "~ u PWin '" 100 ILS TA = 25°C \ N ~ ""-. :;;; a: e 0, 7 i"-- z ~ -40 o - 20 20 40 60 80 100 o 10 1 TA. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE lOCI 20 50 PWin. LED TRIGGER PULSE WIDTH IlLS} Figure 5. Tr,igger Current versus Temperature Figure 6. LED Current Required to Trigger versus LED Pulse Width +400 Vdc MERCURY WEmD RELAY APPLIED VOLTAGE WAVEFORM-- ."""- 1. The mercury wetted relay provides a high speed repeated pulse to the D.U,T, 2, 100x scope probes are used, to allow high speeds and voltages. 3. The worst-case condition for static dv/dt is established by triggering the D.U.T. with a normal LED input current, then removing the current. The variable RTEST allows the dv/dt to be gradually increased until the D.U.T. continues to trigger in response to the applied voltage pulse, even after,the LED current has been removed. The dv/dt is then decreased until the D.U.T. stops triggering. TRC is measured at this point and recorded. CTEST PULSE INPUT -- Xl00 D,U,T, SCOPE PROBE - - - - - - Vmax = 400 V 252 V ~~--- dvldt - - -- - --- = 0.63 Vmax = 252 TAC TAC Figure 7. 'Static dv/dt Test Circuit MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-291 MOC3041, MOC3042, MOC3043 VCC Rin J..:...-'VII\r+---<~---o HOT MOC3041/ 30421 3043 240 Vac 330 NEUTRAL 'For highly inductive loads (power factor < 0.5). change this value to 360 ohms. Typical circuit for use when hot line switching is required. In this circuit the "hot" side of the line is switched and the load connected to the cold or neutral side. The load may be connected to either the neutral or hot line. Rin is calculated so that IF is equal to the rated 1FT of the part, 5 mA for the MOC3043, 10 mA for the MOC3042, or 15 mA for the MOC3041. The 39 ohm resistor and 0.01 JLF capacitor are for snubbing ofthe triac and mayor may not be necessary depending upon the particular triac and load used. Figure 8. Hot-line Switching Application Circuit r----.--~~--------~--------2--~~ Rl Dl Suggested method of firing two, back-to-back SCR's, with a Motorola triac driver. Diodes can be 1N4001; resistors, Rl and R2, are optional 330 ohms. VCCo---'-j MOC3041/ 30421 3043 SCR SCR 27* 'For highly inductve loads (power factor < 0.51. change this value to 360 ohms. Note: This optoisolator should not be used to drive a load directly. It is intended to be a trigger device only. D2 R2 • _.ll~~·~ Figure 9. Inverse-Parallel SCR Driver Circuit __ Ul~;jj. . . .a.liillllll~:1111 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-292 .'i MOC3061 MOC3062 MOC3063 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators Triac Driver Output These devices consist of gallium arsenide infrared emitting diodes optically coupled to monolithic silicon detectors performing the functions of Zero Voltage Crossing bilateral triac drivers. They are designed for use with a triac in the interface of logic systems to equipment powered from 240 Vac lines, such as solid-state relays, industrial controls, motors, solenoids and consumer appliances, etc. • • • • • • • • • Simplifies Logic Control of 240 Vac Power Zero Voltage Crossing High Breakdown Voltage: VDRM = 600 V Min High Isolation Voltage: VI SO = 7500 V Min Small, Economical, 6-Pin DIP Package Same Pin Configuration as MOC3041 Series UL Recognized, File No. E54915 dv/dt of 1500 V//Ls Typ, 600 V//Ls Guaranteed VDE approved per standard 0883/6.80 (Certificate number 41853). with additional approval to DIN IEC3801VDE0806, IEC4351VDE0805, IEC651VDE0860, VDE011 Ob, covering all other standards with equal or less stringent requirements, including IEC2041VDE0113, VDE0160, VDE0832, VDE0833, etc. • Special lead form available (add suffix 'T' to part number) which satisfies VDE08831 6.80 requirement for 8 mm minimum creepage distance between input and output solder pads. • Various lead form options available. Consult "Optoisolator Lead Form Options" data sheet for details. MAXIMUM RATINGS 6-PIN DIP OPTOISOLATORS TRIAC DRIVER OUTPUT 600 VOLTS % ® I Symbol Rating Value Unit VR 6 Volts IF 60 mA PD 120 mW 1.41 mWrC CASE 730A-02 PLASTIC STYLE 6 883 COUPLER SCHEMATIC INFRARED EMITTING DIODE Reverse Voltage Forward Current - Continuous Total Power Dissipation (0 TA = 25°C Negligible Power in Output Driver Derate above 25°C 2 OUTPUT DRIVER Off-State Output Terminal Voltage VDRM 600 Volts Peak Repetitive Surge Current (PW = 100 p.s, 120 ppsl ITSM 1 A PD 150 1.76 mW mWrC VI SO 7500 Vac PD 250 2.94 mW mWrC Junction Temperature Range TJ -40 to +100 °c Ambient Operating Temperature Range TA -40 to +85 °c Tstg -40 to +150 °c 260 °c Total Power Dissipation Derate above 25°C «I TA = 25°C TOTAL DEVICE Isolation Surge Voltage (11 (Peak ac Voltage, 60 Hz, 1 Second Durationl Total Power Dissipation (aJ TA = 25°C Derate above 25°C Storage Temperature Range - Soldering Temperature (10 sl (11 Isolation surge voltage, VISQ, is an internal device dielectric breakdown rating. For this test, Pins 1 and 2 are common, and Pins 4, 5 and 6 are common . . ,.. .:: ~,' i .. ' ~ " MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-293 1. ANODE 2. CATHODE 3. NC 4. MAIN TERMINAL 5. SUBSTRATE DO NOT CONNECT 6. MAIN TERMINAL • MOC3061. M0C3062. MOC3063 ~ 25'C unless otherwise noted) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA I I Characteristic Min Symbol Typ Max Unit INPUT LED Reverse Leakage Current (VR ~ 6 V) IR - 0.05 100 p.A Forward Voltage (IF ~ 30 mAl VF - 1.3 1.5 Volts IORMl - 60 500 nA OUTPUT DETECTOR (IF ~ 0) Leakage with LED Off, Either Direction (Rated VORM, Note 1) Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Note 3) dv/dt - 1500 600 V/p.s COUPLED LED Trigger Current, Current Required to Latch Output (Main Terminal Voltage ~ 3 V, Note 2) MOC3061 MOC3062 MOC3063 - - 15 10 5 VTM - 1.8 3 - Peak On-State Voltage, Either Direction (lTM ~ 100 mA, IF ~ Rated'IFT) Volts IH - 100 - p.A VINH - 5 20 Volts Leakage in Inhibited State (IF ~ Rated 1FT, Rated VORM, Off State) IORM2 - - 500 p.A ~ VISO - - Holding Current, Either Oirection Inhibit Voltage (MTl-MT2 Voltage above which device will not trigger.) (IF ~ Rated 1FT) • mA 1FT Isolation Voltage (f 60 Hz, t ~ 1 sec) 7500 Vac(pk) Notes: 1. Test voltage must be applied within dv/dt rating. 2. All devices are guaranteed to trigger at an IF value less than or equal to max 1FT. Therefore, recommended operating IF lies between max 1FT (15 mA for MOC3061, 10 mA for MOC3062, 5 mA for MOC30631 and absolute max IF (60 mAIo 3. This is static dv/dt. See Figure 7 for test circuit. Commutating dv/dt is a function of the load~driving thyristor(s) only. TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS +800 j---'OUTPJT PULiE IF ~ 30 mA ~ +600 r - - f ~ 60Hz ~ +400 f---- TA ~ 25'C g§ +200 => '-' ~ ~ -200 / Z o -400 ~ -600 -800 / -4 1.5 WID~H - 60' p.s V 1.4 / ./ ./ / NORMALIZED TO t-TA ~ 25'C 1.3 c -- 1.2 j;:J :::; 1.1 t-- ~ a:: '"'-- o ~ 0.9 l - t-- t---. z "> 0.8 / - I- 0.7 06 0.5 -40 2 1 0 1 VTM, ON·STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) -20 o 20 40 60 TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ('CI 80 Figure 2. Inhibit Voltage versus Temperature Figure 1. On-State Characteristics MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-294 100 MOC3061, MOC3062, MOC3063 500 1 >-- 1.5 t---- 1.4 =0 IF 200 ./ ~ ./ 0: 0: ~ 100 :::> u '"52z 20 ~ a: .9 10 I ""'- « 1.1 ~ "- ~ 0.9 ""-, a: .9 0.8 ./ """ 0.7 0.6 -40 -20 40 20 60 80 TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ('CI 100 - ""- "'- z /' I IF = RATED 1FT 0 ./ < ~ N 50 u I'\. 1.3 40 40 80 100 20 60 TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE I"CI 20 Figure 3. Leakage with LED Off versus Temperature Figure 4. IORM2. Leakage in Inhibit State versus Temperature 25 ~DR~ALlZ~D T6 - - 1.5 1.4 ~ 1.3 ;;j! 1.2 "- TA "- ~ 1. 1 o z 1 ~ 0.9 = 25'C - >-~ ~ 20 :::> u - ffi - - -- r--.... ~ ~ o '::f o 10 ~ i-- 0.8 0.7 o 20 40 60 TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE I'CI - 20 -40 II NORMALIZED TO: PWin '" 100 ILs 1\ 15 \ \ \ 0.8 / -4 NORMALIZED TO I-TA = 25°C 1.3 ~ 0.9 / :Z ~ 1. 5 WID~H - 80' /LS -20 o 20 40 60 TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (OC) 80 Figure 2. Inhibit Voltage versus Temperature MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-298 '00 MOC3081 • MOC3082 • MOC3083 500 1,5 ;;;: 1,4 E ;:: 200 zw V a: !5 u 100 z 8'" 50 g ~ .9 c ~ 1,2 ~ 1,1 ." a: o Z I " ''i' 10 r--- ....., ......... ........... a: .9 0.8 VDRM ~ 800 V- r-------- I IF ~ RATED 1FT ~ 0,9 ./ 20 "- 1,3 /' '" ~ v ['I.. , 0.7 I 0,6 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 1°C) 100 -40 - 20 Figure 3. Leakage with LED Off versus Temperature 20 40 60 80 100 TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 1°C) Figure 4. IDRM2. Leakage in Inhibit State versus Temperature 25 ~OR~AlIZkD Tb - r-- 1, 5 TA ~ 25°C 1,4 /'I. . . . . . @ 1. ~ 1.2 !l§ r- 20 :::> u ~ 15 1\ r- r-- 0, 8 0, 7 \ c ~ c 10 1\ ~ l""- t- N'ORMALIZED TO: PWin :;.100!J.$ 1\ \ ~ . . . r-.... ~O. 9 -40 Z Eli t--... ~ 1, 1 o z 1 - I- ~ a: 1"'- o z o 20 40 60 TA. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 1°C) -20 80 t"- .!t: o 100 5 10 20 PWin, LED TRIGGER PULSE WIDTH l/ts) 1 Figure 5. Trigger Current versus Temperature 50 100 Figure 6. LED Current Required to Trigger versus LED Pulse Width +800 Vdc 10k!} PULSE INPUT MERCURY WETIED RELAY APPLIED VOLTAGE WAVEFORM-- OVOlrn-- - 1. The mercury wetted relay provides a high speed repeated pulse to the D.U.T. 2. 100x scope probes are used, to allow high speeds and voltages. 3. The worst-case condition for static dv/dt is established by triggering the D.U.T, with a normal LED input current, then removing the current, The variable RTEST allows the dv/dt to be gradually increased until the D.U.T. continues to trigger in response to the applied voltage pulse, even after the LED current has been removed. The dv/dt is then decreased until the D,U.T. stops triggering. TflC is measured at this point and recorded. CTEST D.U,T, Xl00 SCOPE PROBE Vmax ~ BOO V 504 V ~:;.,---- dv/dt = 0,63 Vmax = 504 TAC --- - --- TAC Figure 7. Static dv/dt Test Circuit MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-299 • MOC3081 • MOC3082 • MOC3083 27* !-=--JV\tv-.---;/:i:.lJ:tlJt!Jh:l~y~;;~<:;';:r~):-:x;/~ifJ9jit~~~:1>fi~~~·"~..~m~R.~~~~"~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-303 MU4891 thru MU4894 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Intrinsic Standoff Ratio (VB2Bl = 10 V), Note 1 MU4892 MU4891, MU4893 MU4894 Interbase Resistance (VB2Bl = 3 V, IE = 0) Typ Max Unit - 0.51 0.55 0.74 - - 0.69 0.82 0.86 4 4 7 7 9.1 12 0.9 %FC Volts k ohms RBB MU4891, MU4892 MU4893, MU4894 aRBB 0.1 - Emitter Saturation Voltage (VB2Bl = 10 V, IE = 50 rnA), Nota 2 VEB1(sat) - 2.5 4 Modulated Interbase Current (VB2Bl = 10 V, IE = 50 rnA) IB2(mod) 10 15 - rnA - 5 10 nA - 0.6 0.6 0.6 5 2 1 Interbase Resistance Temperature Coefficient (VB2Bl = 3 V, IE = 0, TA = -65°C to + 100°C) Emitter Reverse Current (VB2E = 30 V, IBI = 0) IEB20 Peak Point Emitter Current (VB2Bl = 25 V) Valley Point Current (VB2Bl = 20 V, RB2 Ip MU4891 MU4892, MU4893 MU4894 /LA rnA IV = 100 Ohms), Note 2 MU4891, MU4B93, MU4894 MU4892 Base-One Peak Pulse Voltage (Note 3, Figure 3) • Min 1) 2 2 4 3 - 3 6 5 8 - Volts VOBI MU4891, MU4892, MU4894 MU4893 Notes: 2. Use pulse techniques: PW = 300 /LS. duty cycle", 2% to avoid internal heating due to interbase modulation which may result in erroneous readings. 1. Intrinsic standoff ratio. Tj, is defined by equation: Vp - V(EB1} 3. Base-One Peak Pulse Voltage is measured in circuit of Figure 3. This specification is used to ensure minimum pulse amplitude for applications in SeR firing circuits and other types of pulse circuits. Tj VB2B1 Where Vp = Peak Point Emitter Voltage VB2B1 = Interbase Voltage V(EB1} = Emitter to Base·One Junction Diode Drop (=0.5 V @ 10 /LA) FIGURE 1- UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTOR SYMBOL AND NOMENCLATURE FIGURE 3- VOSI TEST CIRCUIT FIGURE 2 - STATIC EMITTER CHARACTERISTICS CURVES (Typical Relaxation Oscillator) v, +20 V R, 20 kQ Vp V, R" 100 Q C, 0.2/LF RBI 20Q -++.'------:'----'-_1, F;t":~rs:;r F.f~~;~:&q ~!t MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-304 S2800 Series Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever half-wave silicon gate-controlled, solid-state devices are needed. seRs 10 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 800 VOLTS • Glass Passivated Junctions and Center Gate Fire for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts ~ AO G OK ~ (TO-220AB) STYLE 3 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Peak Repetitive Reverse Voltage, Note 1 Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage F A B D M N 50 100 200 400 600 800 Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage Non-Repetitive Off-State Voltage Volts VRSM VDSM S2800 RMS Forward Current (All Conduction Angles) TC Unit Volts VRRM VDRM S2800 75 125 250 500 700 900 F A B D M N IT(RMS) 10 Amps ITSM 100 Amps 12t 40 A 2s PGM 16 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 Watt TJ -40 to +100 °c Tstg -40 to +150 °c = 75°C = 80°C) = -65 to + 100°C, t = 1 to 8.3 ms) Peak Forward Surge Current (1 Cycle, Sine Wave, 60 Hz, TC Circuit Fusing Considerations (TJ Value Forward Peak Gate Power (t ,,; 10 /Ls) Forward Average Gate Power Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Note 1. VORM and VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous dc basis without incurring damage. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. Devices shall not have a positive bias applied to the gate concurrently with a negative potential on the anode. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-305 • S2800 Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25'C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM) TC = 25'C TC = 100'C IORM,IRRM 10 2 mA 1.7 2 Volts IGT - 8 15 mA Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Vo = 12 Vdc, RL = 30 Ohms) VGT - 0.9 1.5 Volts Holding Current (Gate Open, Vo = 12 Vdc, IT = 150 mAl IH - 10 20 mA Gate Controlled Turn-on Time (Vo = Rated VORM, ITM = 2 A, IGR tgt - 1.6 - /.1.8 tq - 25 - /.1.8 dv/dt - 100 - V//.1.8 = 80 mAl in 12 ~IDO '" ~ HALF-WAVE CURRENT WAVEFORM: A SINUSOIDAL LOAD: RESISTIVE OR INDUCTIVE ~ I"'.: ...i'll w l'-... ["-.... w .... '" i'o... ~ 80 => " ~ '"~ « / ~ 6 f w ......... ""- ~ ::; ...... 0 4 ~, > ......... « 2 ;;; « I ,. 70 /MAXIMUM ~ ........... 0:- 10 / :/ 1 c I x 10 ili ............ t'" .......... IT(AV~ ~' MAXIMUM~ ~ I--IT(RIMS) ". 5 90 iZ f-f-- o r-..... !LA FIGURE 2 - POWER DISSIPATION FIGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING ~ - Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 30 Ohms) '" '" ,. ,. Unit VT o w « Max Instantaneous On-State Voltage (lTM = 30 A Peak, Pulse Width .. 1 ms, Duty Cycle .. 2%) Critical Rate-of-Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, Exponential Rise, TC = 100'C) j Typ - Circuit Com mutated Turn-Off Time (VO = VORM, ITM = 2 A, Pulse Width = 50 /.1.8, dv/dt = 200 V//.I.8, di/dt = 10 Ai/.l.8, TC = 75'C) • Min 0 L :,,- L ./ +-+- ". o " - /HALF.WAVE CURRENT WAVEFORM: A SINUSOIDAL LOAD: RESISTIVE DR INDUCTIVE RMS CURRENT I I t--t-AV CURRENT 4 10 IT(AV).IT(RMS). MAXIMUM ON-STATE CURRENT (AMP) IT(AV).IT(RMSI. ON-sTATE CURRENT (AMPS) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-306 56200 56210 56220 Thyristors Silicon Controlled Rectifiers 5eries · .. designed for industrial and consumer applications such as power supplies, battery chargers, temperature, motor, light and welder controls. • • • • Economical for a Wide Range of Uses High Surge Current - 'TSM = 200 Amps Low Forward "On" Voltage - 1.2 V (Typ) @ ITM = 20 Amps Practical Level Triggering and Holding Characteristics - 10 mA (Typ) @ TC = 25°C • Rugged Construction in Either Pressfit, Stud or Isolated Stud Package • Glass Passivated Junctions for Maximum Reliability SCRs 20 AMPERES RMS 100 thru 600 VOLTS .r'" AO G oK MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage, Note 1 56200,56210,56220 56200,56210,56220 56200,56210,56220 56200,56210,56220 Value A B D M Unit Volts VDROM VRROM , 100 200 400 600 Non-Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage, Note 1 56200,56210,56220 A 56200,56210,56220 B 56200,56210,56220 D 56200, 56210, 56220 M VDSOM VDROM RMS On-State Current (TC = 75·C) IT(RMS) 20 Amps ITSM 200 Amps 12t 170 A 2s Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle of surge current at 60 Hz, preceded and followed by rated current, TC = 75·C) Circuit Fusing Considerations (TJ = - 65 to + 100·C, t = 1 to B.3 ms) Peak Gate Power (10 !JS Max) Average Gate Power Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque Volts 150 250 500 700 PGM 40 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 Watt TJ -65 to + 100 ·C Tst9 -65to +150 ·C - 30 in. lb. Symbol Max Unit ROJC 1.2 1.4 ·c/W THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case 56200 56210,56220 Note 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-307 s=::s () CASE 174-04 (TO-203) STYLE 1 S6200 SERIES • " ii CASE 263-04 STYLE 1 S6210 SERIES "', ~ CASE 311-02 STYLE 1 S6220 SERIES 86200. 86210. 86220 8eries ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25'C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Intantaneous Forward Breakover Voltage (Gate Open, TC = 100'C) S6200,S6210,S6220 S6200, S6210, S6220 S6200, S6210, S6220 S6200, S6210, S6220 Peak Blocking Current (Rated VOROM @ TC Min Typ Max 100 200 400 600 A B 0 M = Unit Volts V(BO)O 100M IRROM - VT - - - 10 2 ,.A mA - - 2.4 Volts IGT - - 15 mA VGT - - 2 Volts Holding Current (Either Direction) (Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, Gate Open) IHO - - 20 mA Gate Controlled Turn-On Time (VO = V(BO)O, IT = 30 A Peak, IGT = 200 mA. Rise Time = 0.1 ,.s) tgt - 2 - ,.s TC = 25'C 100'C) Peak On-State Voltage (IT = 100 A Peak) Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = 30 Ohms) Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, RL = 30 Ohms) Critical Rate-of-Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = V(BO)O, Exponential Voltage Rise, Gate Open, TC A,O S6200,S6210,S6220 S6200, S6210, S6220 B S6200, S6210, S6220 M dv/dt = V/,.s 100'C) • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-308 10 10 10 100 150 75 - SC141 SC146 Triacs Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as light dimmers, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies. • Triggering Specified in Three Quadrants • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability TRIACs 6 and 10 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS CASE 221A-04 (TO-22OAB) STYLE 4 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage, Gate Open B SC141 D SC146 M N RMS On-State Cu rrent (TC = SO°C) 200 400 600 SOO 6 10 SO 120 12t A 2s 26.5 60 SC141 SC146 Peak Gate Power (Pulse Width = 10 its) PGM 10 PG(AV) 0.5 Watt Peak Gate Current (Pulse Width = 10 its) IGM 3.5 Amps Peak Gate Voltage VGM 10 Volts TJ -40 to + 125 °c Tstg -40 to + 125 °c Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range '~, Amps ITSM SC141 SC146 Average Gate Power (TC = +SO°C, t = 8.3 ms) '1 . Amps IT(RMS) Circuit Fusing Considerations (t = S.3 ms) Unit Volts VDRM SC141 SC146 Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz) :" ..• ->:' Value .". 't:: MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-309 Watts • SC141 • SC146 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ·C/w 2.2 1.5 SC141 SC146 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = + 25·C, Either Polarity of MT2 to MT1 Voltage unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TC = 25·C TC = +100·C Peak On-State Voltage (Pulse Width", 1 ms, Duty Cycle'" 2%) SC141 ITM = 8.5 A Peak SC1461TM = 14 A Peak VTM Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Vo = Rated VORM, Gate Open-Circuited, Exponential Waveform dv/dt DC Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (Vo = 12 Vdc, Trigger Mode) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); RL = 100 Ohms MT2(+), G(-); RL = 50 Ohms MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); RL = 50 Ohms MT2(+), G(-); RL = 25 Ohms DC Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (Vo = 12 Vdc, Trigger Mode) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); RL = 100 Ohms MT2(+), G(-); RL = 50 Ohms MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); RL = 50 Ohms MT2( +), G( -); RL = 25 Ohms (Vo = Rated VORM; RL = 1000 Ohms) Holding Current (VO = 24 Vdc, IT = 0.5 A) (Pulse Width = 1 ms, Duty Cycle'" 2%) (Gate Trigger Source = 7 V, 20 Ohms) Min Typ Max Unit - - 10 0.5 /LA mA IORM,IRRM Volts - - - 50 1.83 1.65 - V//Ls TC = +100·C Critical Rate-of-Rise of Com mutating Off-State Voltage (1) (IT(RMS) = Rated IT(RMS), Vo = Rated VORM, Gate Open-Circuited TC = +80·C SC141 Commutating di/dt = 3.2 Alms SC146 Com mutating di/dt = 5.4 Alms • Unit Max RIIJC dv/dt(c) V//Ls 4 4 - mAdc IGT - TC = -40·C TC = -40·C - - 50 50 80 80 Vdc VGT TC TC All TC = -40·C = -40·C Polarities = +100·C - - - - 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 0.2 - mAdc IH - TC = +25·C TC = -40·C Latching Current (VO = 24 Vdc) (Gate Trigger Source = 15 V, 100 Ohms, Trigger Mode) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-) MT2(+), G(-) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-) TC = -40·C MT2(+), G(-) TC = -40·C 50 100 mAdc IL MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-310 - - - 100 200 200 400 SC141 • SC146 FIGURE 1 - RMS CURRENT DERATING ~ 100 ... S 96 '\. "I\. ~ ill ~ 92 '\ 5 ... ~ ~ 88 '",. ..,.x 84 80 o ~ 100 ~ z 0 50 ;:: /L ;t lo " '\. " "~t 1'\. j .. => ,.JT060 IHz- ........ FIGURE 2 - POWER DISSIPATION ~ " lii SC141 STEAOY STATE RMS LIMIT f- C 20 .. . '" '> 0::- 1 0.5 0.7 '/ SCI46 STEADY STATE RMSL1M1T ~ "=> "x :/ b 1 " 1. TJ' IODDC 2. CONOUCTION ANGLE -l600 l. CURRENT WAVEFORM IS SINUSOIDAL 10 20 IT(RMSI.RMSoN-STATE CURRENT (AMP) lO 50 • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-311 SC250 SC250( )3 SC251 Triacs Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for industrial and military applications for the control of ac loads in applications such as light dimmers, power supplies, heating controls, motor controls, welding equipment and power switching systems; or wherever full-wave, silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. TRIACs 15 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 600 VOLTS • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Stability • Pressfit, Stud and Isolated Stud Packages • Gate Triggering Guaranteed In All 3 Quadrants MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage SC251B,SC250B.SC250B3 SC251D,SC250D,SC250D3 SC251 M, SC250M, SC250M3 SC251 N, SC250N 200 400 600 800 Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz) 15 Amps ITSM 100 Amps A 2s 20 41.5 Peak Gate Power Average Gate Power = 10 ,..s) Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque ~ r( CASE".... IT(RMS) 12t Circuit Fusing Considerations t = 1 ms t = 8.3 ms Peak Gate Power (Pulse Width Unit Volts VDRM RMS On-State Current • Value PGM 10 Watts PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps TJ -40 to +115 °C Tstg -40 to +125 °C - 30 in. lb. (TO-203) STYLE 3 SC251 PRESS FIT ?J ':'\ ; . CASE 175-03 STYLE 3 SC250 STUD THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Characteristic Thermal Resistance. Junction to Case SC250. SC251 SC250( )3 Max Unit °CIW ROJC 2 2.3 CASE 235-03 STYLE 2 SC250( )3 ISOLATED STUD I !!N:~ua~lW~~~~~J:~~ I MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-312 SC250 • SC250( )3. SC251 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = + 25'C unless otherwise noted. Values apply for either polarity of Main Terminal 2 Characteristics referenced to Main Terminal 1.) Characteristic Symbol Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TC = 25'C TC= +115'C Min Typ IORM,IRRM . - Max Unit - 10 0.5 mA 1.65 Volts Peak On-State Voltage (ITM = 21 A. Pulse Width = 1 ms, Duty Cycle ,s; 2%) VTM - - Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Rated VORM, Gate Open-Circuited, Exponential Waveform) dv/dt 100 - DC Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (Vo = 12 Vdc, TC = -40'C) MT2( +), G( +); MT2( -), G( -); RL = 50 Ohms MT2( +), G( -); RL = 25 Ohms IGT DC Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); RL = 100 Ohms MT2( +), G( -); RL = 50 Ohms VGT DC Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc, TC = -40'C) MT2( +), G( +); MT2( -), G( -); RL = 50 Ohms MT2( +), G( -); RL = 25 Ohms VGT DC Gate Non-Trigger Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, RL = lK Ohms, TC = 115'C) All Trigger Modes VGO Holding Current (VO = 24 Vdc, Peak Initiating Current = 0.5 A, Pulse Width = 0.1 to 10 ms, Gate Trigger) (Source = 7 V, 20 Ohms) ~ ....... ~ " 50 50 mAde - SO SO - Vdc - - 2.5 2.5 - Vdc - - - - 3.5 3.5 0.20 - - mAdc - TC = +25'C TC = -40'C - 50 100 mAdc IL - - 100 200 FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM ON-STATE POWER DISSIPATION 20 V ./ /' ESSFIT 8 STUD / ~ 12 ......... " Vdc IH W~VE SIN~ 5 4 - WAVE °rERATION ISOLATED STUD ' " 5 mAde - fiGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING 5 - - Latch i ng Cu rrent (VO = 24 Vdc, Gate Trigger Source = 15 V, 100 Ohms, Pulse Width = 50 p.s, 5 p.s Maximum Rise and Fall Times) MT2( +), G( +); MT2( -), G( -); MT2( +), G( -) TC = 25'C MT2( +), G( +); MT2( -), G( -); MT2( +), G( -) TC = -40'C 5 V//Ls 4 4 IGT ~~ .........; V/p.s dv/dt(c) DC Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); RL = 100 Ohms MT2(+). G(-); RL = 50 Ohms FUll - TC = +115'C Critical Rate-of-Rise of Com mutating Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (IT(RMS) = Rated RMS On-State Current, Vo = VORM) (Gate Open-Circuited, Commutating di/dt = S Aims) SC250, SC251 TC = +S4'C SC250( )3 TC = +7S'C 51"'" p.A. ~ .... 4 S 0 ./ 16 :- ./ ./ V '" TJ "" ]115 0C FULL~AVE SINE WAVE OPERjTlON 12 0 '1IRMS), RMS ON-STATE CURRENT (AM" 'lIRMS), RMS AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT (AMP) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-313 r-r-c-16 • SC260 SC260( )3 SC261 Triacs Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for industrial and military applications for the control of ac loads in applications such as light dimmers, power supplies, heating controls, motor controls, welding equipment and power switching systems; or wherever full-wave, silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Stability • Pressfit, Stud and Isolated Stud Packages • Gate Triggering Guaranteed In All 3 Quadrants TRIACs 25 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 600 VOLTS MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage (TC = -40°C to +115°C) SC260B,SC260B3,SC261B SC260D,SC260D3,SC261D SC260M, SC260M3, SC261 M Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Cycle, 60 Hz) IT(RMS) 25 Amps ITSM 250 Amps 12t Circuit Fusing Considerations t = 1 ms t = 8.3 ms Peak Gate Power (Pulse Width Unit Volts 200 400 600 RMS On-State Current • Value VDRM A 2s 150 260 = 10 ILS) 10 Watts 0.5 Watt IGM 2 Amps TJ -40 to +115 °C Tstg -40 to +125 °C - 30 in. lb. Max Unit PGM Average Gate Power PG(AV) Peak Gate Power Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case STYLE 2 SC260 # ~E31.a STYLE 2 SC261 I 'I,} , ', D CASE 311-02 STYLE 2 SC260( )3 °CIW RIIJC SC260, SC261 SC260( )3 A ......... tp! 1.8 1.95 '1~11'~;Jt~~·~ ·d'¥.~L·~'~-!''''P'"''fti,rp~t'~~~:'''~I''tIi*LEi~~~ ~rtr~'~r,;~'N .~:f;~,,:r. .~-:.~~iU'7~.~-~)~,J~~i~r,l:~W;:'@iJ~-~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-314 I SC260 • SC260( )3. SC261 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC ~ + 25°C unless otherwise noted. Values apply for either polarity of Main Terminal 2 Characteristics referenced to Main Terminal 1.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TC ~ TC~ Peak On-State Voltage (lTM ~ 35 A Peak, Pulse Width ~ Min Typ Max Unit - 10 1 pA mA VTM - 1.58 Volts dvldt 50 - - VIILS dv/dt(e) 5 - - VIILS IORM,IRRM 25°C +115°C 1 ms, Duty Cycle,,; 2%) Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Rated VORM, Gate Open-Circuited, Exponential Waveform) TC Critical Rate-of-Rise of Commutating Off-State Voltage (IT(RMS) ~ Rated RMS On-State Current) (VORM ~ Rated Peak Off-State Voltage, Gate Open-Circuited, Com mutating dildt ~ 13.5 Alms) ~ +115°C TC ~ +80°C DC Gate Trigger Current (Continuous de) (VO ~ 12 Vdc) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); RL ~ 100 Ohms MT2( +), G( -); RL ~ 50 Ohms - DC Gate Trigger Current (Continuous de) (VO ~ 12 Vdc) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); RL ~ 50 Ohms MT2( +), G( -); RL ~ 25 Ohms DC Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO ~ 12 Vdc) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); RL ~ 50 Ohms MT2( +), G( -); RL ~ 25 Ohms ~ VGT ~ VGO TC ~ ~ 105 ~ 1!l ... ~ '~ 95 '"m ~ ..~ 85 15 0 - 2.5 2.5 Vdc - 3.5 3.5 0.25 - - Vde mAdc - - 75 100 mAde IL - 25°C 25°C -40°C -40°C - 100 200 200 400 - - FIGURE 2 - MAXIMUM ONoSTATE POWER DISSIPATION ;;;28 ~ ~ 24 ./ ./ z o sLo- ~ 20 ./ ~1 6 '"'" 2 ~ 1 '" '"~ > ~ '" " 10 15 20 ITIRMSI. RIIS ON-STATE CURRENT IAIIP) - TC ~ +25°C TC ~ -40°C ~, ~ t'.... ISO,TED SIUD ~ '")( :li ...u .PREssmIANO 80 80 IH FULlWAVE SINEWAVE OPERATION ~~ - 115°C FIGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING ... - Vdc -40°C Latching Current (VO ~ 24 Vdc, Gate Trigger Source ~ 15 V, 100 Ohms, Pulse Width ~ 50 ILs, 5 ILS Maximum Rise and Fall Times) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-) TC ~ MT2(+), G(-) TC ~ MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-) TC ~ MT2(+), G(-) TC ~ , mAde -40°C - Holding Current (Vo ~ 24 Vdc, Peak Initiating Current ~ 0.5 A, Pulse Width ~ 0.1 to 10 ms, Gate Trigger Source ~ 7 V, 20 Ohms) '"=>'" 50 50 VGT TC DC Gate Non-Trigger Voltage (VO ~ Rated VORM, RL ~ 1K Ohms, All Trigger Modes) ........ 100. - IGT TC DC Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) (Vo ~ 12 Vdc) MT2(+), G(+); MT2(-), G(-); RL ~ 100 Ohms MT2( +), G( -); RL ~ 50 Ohms ~115 mAdc IGT 25 ./ Ti~ 115°C - I / B ". • J ./ V I'" ;,~~L:"~~E _ V DPERATlON- V 0 ......... 5 W " ITIRMSI. RMS ON-STATE CURRENT lAMP) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-315 28 25 T2322 T2323 Sensitive Gate Triacs Series Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors • .• designed primarily for ac power switching. The gate sensitivity of these triacs permits the use of economical transistorized or integrated circuit control circuits. and it enhances their use in low-power phase control and load-switching applications. • • • • SENSITIVE GATE TRIACs 2.5 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 600 VOLTS Very High Gate Sensitivity Low On-State Voltage at High Current Levels Glass-Passivated Chip for Stability Small. Rugged Thermopad Construction for Low Thermal Resistance. High Heat Dissipation and Durability ~G MT20 OMTt ,~ MT~ MT1 • MAXIMUM RATINGS (Apply for TJ CASE 77·05 (TO·225AA) STYLE 5 -40 to 100°C unless otherwise noted.) = Rating Suffix Symbol Value Unit B VORM 200 400 600 Volts RMS On·State Current (TC = 70°C) (Full·cycle sine wave 50 to 60 Hz) IT(RMS) 2.5 Amps Peak Non·Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle. 60 Hz) ITSM 25 Amps 12t 2.6 A 2s PGM 10 Watts PG(AV) 0.15 Watt IGM 0.5 Amp TJ -40 to +110 °c Tstg -40 to +150 °c 8 in. lb. Peak Repetitive Off·State Voltage, Note 1 T2322. T2323 0 M Circuit Fusing (t = 8.3 ms) Peak Gate Power (1 /Ls) = 60°C Average Gate Power (TC + 38.3 ms) Peak Gate Current (1 /Ls) Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range - Mounting Torque (6·32 Screw). Note 2 Notes: 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 2. Torque rating applies with use of torque washer (Shakeproof WD19523 or equivalent). Mounting Torque in excess of 6 in. lb. does not appreciably lower case-ta-sink thermal resistance. Main terminal 2 and heat-sink contact pad are common. For soldering purposes (either terminal connection or device mounting), soldering temperatures shall not exceed + 200°C, for 10 seconds. Consult factory for lead bending options. ~£U'&iMi.1:tJi£..iEt.iIi':c:::;;r:r~·~".ilrAkf'''j.,4·nV'i!t~'';';~;i!:.r,:\%'''VhW'~~;;~C?''?~~· M'tr'.J. ~~f4Kr.·~r> "'WrA'W~ ~~>f, ..:..,1-t-4" " .... :"'.r.~~ ,,1,1¢ ~m~~d.Jr:l""~<».at ~.~~:IW>4.-.~ .f ar..:"~ ., ~r<,~k-n~~~ . . MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-316 I T2322 • T2323 Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case R8JC 3.5 'CIW Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient R8JA 60 'CIW Characteristic ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25'C and either polarity of MT2 to MTl voltage unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 25'C TJ = 100'C Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = lOA) Min IORM,IRRM Typ Max Unit - mA - 0.2 10 0.75 - 1.7 1.7 2.6 2.2 IGT - - 10 25 40 Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 300, TC = 25'C) (VO = VOROM, RL = 1250, TC = 100'C) VGT !LA Volts VTM T2323 Series T2322 Series Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (All Modes) (VO = 12 V, RL = 30 0) T2322 Series MT2( +), G( +); MT2( -), G( -) T2323 Series MT2(+), G(-); MT2(-), G(+) T2323 Series Holding Current (VO = 12 V, ITM . mA - - - Volts - 1 2.2 - - IH - 15 30 mA tgt - 1.8 2.5 ILs dvldt 10 100 - VIILs dv/dt(c) 1 4 - VIILS 0.15 = 150 mA, Gate Open) Gate-Controlled Turn-On Time (VD = Rated VORM, ITM = 10 A pk, IG = 60 mAl Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, Exponential Waveform, TC = 100'C) Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, ITM = 3.5 A pk, Commutating dUdt = 1.8 Aims, Gate Unenergized, TC = 90'C) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-317 • T2500 Series Triacs Silicon Bidirectional Thyristors · .. designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as light dimmers, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies. • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • TRIACs 6 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS MT20~MTl CASE 221A-04 (TO-22OAB) STYLE 4 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ = -40 to +100·C) Gate Open T2500 On-State Current RMS (Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz) (TC = +BO·C) Circuit Fusing Considerations (TJ = -40 to +100·C, t = 1.25 to 10 ms) = Unit Volts 200 400 600 800 B D M N Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TC = +80·C) Peak Gate Power (TC = +80·C, Pulse Width Value VDROM IT(RMS) 6 Amps ITSM 60 Amps 12t 18 A 2s PGM 16 Watts PG(AV) 0.2 Watt IGTM 4 Amps TJ -40 to +100 ·C Tstg -40 to +150 ·C 1 p.s) Average Gate Power (TC = +80·C, t = 8.3 ms) Peak Gate Trigger Current (Pulse Width = 10 /Ls) Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Note 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-318 T2500 Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 100°C Max Unit IORM,IRRM - - 2 mA VTM - - 2 Volts Maximum On-State Voltage (Either Oirection) (IT = 30 A Peak) Gate Trigger Current (Continuous de) (VO = 12 Vdc, Rl = 12 Ohms) VMT2(+), VG(+) VMT2(+), VG(-) VMT2( -), VG( -) VMT2( -), VG( +) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) (All Quadrants) (Vo = 12 Vdc, Rl = 12 Ohms) (VO = VOROM, Rl = 125 Ohms, TC = 100°C) VGT Min Typ mA - 10 20 15 30 25 60 25 60 - 1.25 2.5 0.2 - - 15 30 mA Volts Holding Current (Either Oirection) (Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc, Gate Open, Initiating Current = 150 mA, TC = 25°C) IHO - Gate Controlled Turn-On Time (Rated VOROM, IT = 10 A, IGT tgt - 1.6 - j.£S dv/dt(c) - 10 - V/j.£s = 160 mA, Rise Time = 0.1 j.£s) Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage (Rated VOROM, IT(RMS) = 6 A. Com mutating di/dt Gate Unenergized, TC = 80°C) = 3.2 Alms, Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Rated VOROM, Exponential Voltage Rise, Gate Open, TC = 100°C) T2500B T25000,M,N V/j.£s dv/dt - 100 75 - • QUADRANT DEFINITIONS MT2(+1 QUADRANT II QUADRANT I MT2(+). G(-) MT2(+). G(+) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS of RECOMMENDED BIDIRECTIONAL SWITCHES G(-I-------I-------G(+I QUADRANT IV QUADRANT III MT2(-). G(+) MT2(-). G(-) General USAGE PART NUMBER MBS4991 MBS4992 Vs 6.0 - 10 V 7.5 - 9.0 V IS 350IJ.A Max 120 IJ.A Max VSl - VS2 0.5 V Max 0.2,v Max Temperature Coefficient 0.02%l oC Typ MT2(-) See AN-526 for Theory and Characteristics of Silicon Bidirectional Switches. ~;:~%~1;l~l~~*'! _ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-319 _ EI.,. T2500FP Series Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as solid-state relays, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever full-wave silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. Triac type thyristors switch from a blocking to a conducting state for either polarity of applied anode voltage with positive or negative gate triggering. ISOLATED TRIACs THYRISTORS 6 AMPERES RMS 200-800 VOLTS • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Isolated Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating • Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ = -40 to + 100°C) Gate Open Value T2500BFP T25000FP T2500MFP T2500NFP Unit Volts VOROM 200 400 600 BOO On-State RMS Current (TC = +BO°C). Note 2 Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz Peak Nonrepetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TC = + 80°C) Circuit Fusing Considerations (TJ = -40 to + 100°C, t = 1.25 to 10 ms) Peak Gate Power (TC = +80°C, Pulse Width = 1 /Ls) Average Gate Power (TC = +80°C, t = 8.3 ms) Peak Gate Trigger Current (Pulse Width = 10/Ls) RMS Isolation Voltage (TA = 25°C, Relative Humidity"" 20%) Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range IT(RMS) 6 Amps ITSM 100 Amps 12t 41 A 2s PGM 1 Watt PG(AV) 0.2 Watt IGTM 4 Amps VISO 1500 Volts TJ -40 to + 100 °c Tstg -40 to +150 °c Symbol Max Unit R8JC R8CS R8JA 2.7 2.2 (typ) 60 °CIW THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case, Note 2 Case to Sink Junction to Ambient Notes: 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. 2. The case temperature reference point for all TC measurements is a point on the center lead of the package as close as possib1e to the plastic body. Thermowatt is a trademark of Motorola Inc. t~~~tilYF.r~IJ:l~J~IIi~IB~. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-320 T2500FP Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc = 25·C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Off-State Current (Either Direction) Rated VDROM @ TJ = 100·C. Gate Open Maximum On-State Voltage (Either Direction) IT = 30 A Peak Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) VD = 12 Vdc. Rl = 12 Ohms VMT2( +). VMT2( +). VMT2( -). VMT2( -). Gate Controlled Turn-On Time Rated VDROM. IT = 10 A. IGT = 160 mAo Rise Time = 0.1 p.s Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage Rated VDROM. IT(RMS) = 6 A. Com mutating di/dt = 3.2 Alms. Gate Unenergized. TC = BO·C Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage Rated VDROM. Exponential Voltage Rise. Gate Open. TC = 100·C 2 mA VTM - - 2 Volts - 10 20 15 30 25 60 25 60 - 1.25 2.5 MT2(+) Volts VGT 0.2 - - IHO - 15 30 mA tgt - 1.6 - p.s dv/dt(C) - 10 - V/p.s dv/dt - 100 - V/p.s Part Number MT2( +). G( +) G(-) G(+) Quadrant III Quadrant IV MT2(-). G(-) MT2( -). G( +) MT2(-) General Usage Quadrant I MT2(+). G(-) mA Electrical Characteristics of Recommended Bidirectional Switches Quadrant Definitions Quadrant II Unit - IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (All Quadrants) VD = 12 Vdc. Rl = 12 Ohms VD = VDROM. Rl = 125 Ohms. TC = 100·C. All Trigger Modes Holding Current (Either Direction) Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc. Gate Open. Initiating Current = 150 mAo TC = 25·C Max - VG( +) VG( -) VG( -) VG( +) Min Typ IDROM Trigger devices are recommended for gating on Triaes. They provide: 1. Consistent predictable turn-on points. 2. Simplified circuitry. 3. Fast turn-on time for cooler, more efficient and reliable MBS4991 MBS4992 Vs 6-10 V 7.5-9 V IS 350 p.A Max 120 p.A Max VS1- VS2 0.5 V Max 0.2 V Max Temperature Coefficient • 0.02%rC Typ operation. ~~;1<~;<~,:tm~~~~~~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-321 T2800 T2802 Triacs Series Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as light dimmers, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies. • Blocking Voltage to 600 Volts • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small, Rugged, Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and Durability • T2800 - Four Quadrant Gating T2802 - Two Quadrant Gating TRIACs 8 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 600 VOLTS I~o ~G OMTI CASE 221A-04 (TO-220AB) STYLE 4 • MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ = -40 to + 100°C) Gate Open T2800, T2802 M (TC = + 80°C) Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz, TJ = + 80°C) Fusing Circuit (TJ = -40 to + 100°C, t = Unit Volts 200 400 600 B 0 RMS On-State Current (Conduction Angle = 360°) Value VOROM IT(RMS) 8 Amps ITSM 100 Amps 12t 50 A 2s PGM 16 Watts PG(AV) 0.35 Watt IGTM 4 Amps TJ -40 to +100 °c Tstg -40 to +150 °c 1.25 to 10 ms) Peak Gate Power (Pulse Width = 1 ,..s) Average Gate Power Peak Gate Trigger Current (Pulse Width = 1 !Ls) Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range THERMAL CHARACTERISnCS Charactaristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Note 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-322 T2800 • T2802 Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25·C unless otherwise noted.) Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM. gate open) TC = 25·C TC = 1000C IORM.IRRM Peak On-State Voltage (Either Direction) (IT = 30 A Peak), IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (All Polarities) (VO = 12 Vdc. RL = 100 Ohms) (RL = 125 Ohms. Vo = VORM. TC = 100·C) VGT Holding Current (Either Direction) (VO = 12 Vdc. Gate Open) (IT = 125 mAl IHO ~ .... II: w w w 5w 90 ........ ~ ........ 85 ::IE ::IE ...u o 1.25 2.5 Volts - - mA 1.6 - p.s dv/dt(c) - 10 - Vlp.s Vlp.s - 100 75 60 - FIGURE 2 - POWER DISSIPATION I" f-- FULL CYCLE ""SINUSOIDAL f-- ""WAVEFORM FULL CYCLE SINUSOIDAL WAVEFORM MAXIMUM./' ./ / 4 IL / V 'f'~ TYPICAL ~ ,f. ~ """ ............... i'oo.. :::I 80 - ...... ::IE ..x 30 tgt B i'oo.. '" .. - 25 50 60 25 50 60 ~ ... ~... 10 25 20 15 25 12 " :IE Volts 30 60 0 ........... 95 2 dvldt FIGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING w 1.7 !LA 15 20 M :::I mA - = 4.3 Aims. T2800 T2802 II: 10 2 p.s) Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Rated VORM. Exponential Voltage Rise. Gate Open. TC = 100·C) ~ 100 - mA T2800 T2802 Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage (Rated VORM. IT(RMS) = 8 A. Commutating di/dt Gate Unenergized. TC = 80·C) Unit - 0.2 = 80 mAo Rise Time = 0.1 Max Typ - VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VO = 12 Vdc. RL = 12 Ohms) VMT2(+). VG(+) T2800 T2802 VMT2( +). VG( _) T2800 Only VMT2( -). VG( -) T2800 T2802 VMT2( -). VG( +) T2800 Only Gate Controlled Turn-On Time (Rated VOROM. IT = 10 A. IGT Min Symbol Characteristic " ITIRMSI. RMS ON-STATE CURRENT lAMp) 'f' ./ /' /.. "/ " .L. ...... ~ 10 ITIRMS). RMS DN-STATE CURRENT lAMP) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-323 12 T2801 Series Triacs Bidirectional Triode Thyristors • .. designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications. such as light dimmers. motor controls. heating controls and power supplies. • Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Uniformity and Stability • Small. Rugged. Thermowatt Construction for Low Thermal Resistance. High Heat Dissipation and Durability TRIACs 6 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS CASE 221A·04 (TO-220AB) STYLE 4 • MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ = - 40 to + 100·C) Gate Open B 0 200 400 600 SOO M N (TC = +8O"C) Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle. 60 Hz) Fusing Circuit (TJ = -40 to +l00"C, t = Peak Gate Power (TC = +8O"C, Pulse Width Unit Volts VORM T2801 RMS On-State Current (Conduction Angle = 360·) Value IT(RMS) 6 Amps ITSM 80 Amps 12t 35 A 2s PGM 0.35 Watt PG(AV) 0.35 Watt IGTM 4 Amps TJ -40 to + 100 ·C Tstg -40 to +150 ·C 1 to 8.3 ms) = 2 p.s) Average Gate Power (TC = +SO·C. t = 8.3 ms) Peak Gate Trigger Current (Pulse Width = 1 /Ls) Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Note 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltsge applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-324 T2801 Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25·C, Either Polarity of MT2 to MT1 Voltage, unless otherwise noted.) Min Typ Max Unit - 10 2 mA VTM - 2 3 Volts Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc), Note 1 (VD = 12 Vdc, RL = 12 Ohms) IGT - 25 BO mA Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc), Note 1 (VD = 12 Vdc, RL = 12 Ohms) (VD = VDRM, RL = 125 Ohms, TC = 10OOC) VGT - 1.5 0.2 - 4 Holding Current (Either Direction) (VD = 12 Vdc, Gate Open, Initiating Current IH - 100 - mA tgt - 2.2 - I'S dv/dt(c) - 10 - VII'S Symbol Charactaristic Peak Off-State Current (Rated VDRM, Gate Open, TJ TJ = Peak On-State Voltage (lTM = 30 A Peak; Pulse Width Turn-On Time (1) (VD = Rated VDRM, IT = = 25·C IDRM 100·C) = ,.A 1 to 2 ms, Duty Cycle"" 2%) 10 A, IGT = Volts 150 rnA) = 80 rnA. Rise Time = 0.1 Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage (VD = Rated VDRM, IT(RMS) = 6 A, Commutating di/dt Gate Unenergized, TC = BO·C) I's) = 4.3 Alms, Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (VD = VDRM, Exponential Voltage Rise, Gate Open, TC = 100·C) V/p,s dv/dt T2801 - 50 30 10 10 B D M N - - - - Note 1. Applies for MT2( +), G( +), MT2( -), G( -). FIGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING ~ w 100 ......... rr :::> >« rr ~ 96 w 92 w -' '" 88 « 3: j « :E :::> :E .. 84 x :E ",' >- FULL WAVE SINUSOIDAL WAVEFORM t',.. i'li >- '"~ '" , 80 FIGURE 2 - POWER DISSIPATION ~ f--- f--- FULL WAVE SINUSOIDAL WAVEFORM ['.. /' '" '" V V / ,/ '" " V /' ./"" ~ .......- V 4 5 IT(RMS), RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMP) IT(RMS), RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMP) li;'i;~~l~": ,'1. >~~~~"iL"t.;,#R.iti~;;;;r);8:j~'fltS;lq/r:~ilfJ~;~4"'itllitf;,tl~r;t~S;JJ::gf!"l~JS;j:~t;', MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-325 - - - - - - -_.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - _ . T4120 Series Triacs Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors · .. designed primarily for industrial and military applications for full wave control of ac loads in applications such as light dimmers. power supplies. heating controls. motor controls. welding equipment and power switching systems. • All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater Stability • Isolated Stud Package • Gate Triggering Guaranteed In All 4 Quadrants TRIACs 15 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS I~o ~, O~I CASE 236-03 STYLE 2 • MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage. Note 1 (TJ = -65 to +100'C) Gate Open Value VORM T4120 Unit Volts 200 400 600 800 B 0 M N RMS On-State Current (Conduction Angle = 360') TC = +75'C Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle. 60 Hz) Circuit Fusing (TJ = -65 to +100'C. t = 1.26 to 10 ms) Peak Gate Power (Pulse Width = 1 /Ls) Average Gate Power Peak Gate Trigger Current (Pulse Width = 1 /Ls) Operating Case Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque IT(RMS) 15 Amps ITSM 100 Amps 12t 50 A 2s Watts PGM 16 PG(AV) 0.5 Watt IGTM 4 Amps TC -66 to +100 Tstg -65 to +160 'c 'c - 30 in. lb. THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance. Junction to Case Note 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-326 T4120 Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25'C, either polarity of MT2 to MTI voltage, unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TC = 25°C TC = 100°C Peak On-State Voltage (IT = 21 A Peak) VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc), Note I (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 30 Ohms) VMT2(+), VG(+); VMT2(-), VG(-) VMT2(+), VG(-); VMT2(-), VG(+) VMT2(+), VG(+); VMT2(-), VG(-), TC = -65°C VMT2(+), VG(-); VMT2(-), VG(+), TC = -65°C IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (All Quadrants) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 30 Ohms) TC = 25°C TC = -65°C (VO = Rated VOROM, RL = 125 Ohms, TC = 100°C) VGT Holding Current (Vo = 12 Vdc, Gate Open) (IT = 500 mAl Typ Max Unit - - - 10 2 pA. mA - 1.4 1.8 Volt Min IORM,IRRM mA - - - 50 80 150 200 Volts - 0.2 - 2.5 4 - mA IH TC TC = = - 75 300 tgt - 1.6 2.5 dv/dt(c) 2 10 - 25°C -65°C Gate Controlled Turn-On Time (VO = Rated VORM, ITM = 25 A Peak, IGT = 160 mA, Rise Time = O.llLs) Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage (Rated VORM, IT(RMS) = 15 A, Cummutating di/dt = 8 Aims, Gate Unenergized, TC = ILS V/p.s 75°C) dv/dt Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Rated VORM, Exponential Voltage Rise, Gate Open, TC = loa'C) T4120 • V/lLs 30 20 10 10 B 0 M N 150 100 75 - - - Note 1. All Voltage polarities referenced to main terminal 1. ~ w a:: ::> t- <[ ~ 1li tw <[ '" u 90 w 85 j <[ '" '"x '"U ::> 80 <[ t- ~ t- i\. '\. 95 -' <[ '"3: FIGURE 2 - POWER DISSIPATION FIGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING 100 15 FUll ""- 25 <[ W~VE SIN~SOIOAl ~ z 0 WAVEFORM 20 /' ;:: ~ " ~ C MAXIMUM/ 15 ~ ~ I'-.. w 10 '"g ............. ""'" '" 12 > <[ ""'" r-.... 16 IT(RMS). RMS ON·STATE CURRENT (AMP) 5 / .V ~ ::;;.-' ;; <[ ;;:- 0 ~ P"" o FUll WAVE SINJSOIOAl WAVEFORM 12 ITlRMS). ON-STATE CURRENT (AMP) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-327 V V V . / ~Cil / ./ a:: i'.. ...... V 16 T6400 Triacs T641 0 Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors T6420 · .. designed primarily for industrial and military applications for the control of ac loads in applications such as power supplies, heating controls, motor controls, welding equipment and power switching systems; or wherever full-wave, silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. • Glass Passivated Junctions and Center Gate Fire • Press Fit Stud - T6400 Stud -T6410 Isolated Stud - T6420 • Gate Triggering Guaranteed in All 4 Quadrants Series TRIACs 40 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ = -65 to + 110·c) Gate Open T6400B, T6410B, T6420B T6400D, T6410D, T6420D T6400M, T6410M, T6420M T6400N, T6410N, T6420N • TC (Pressfit) = 70·C TC (Stud) = 65·C On-State Current RMS (Conduction Angle = 360·) Peak Surge Current (Non-Repetitive) (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz) Circuit Fusing (TJ = -65 to +110·C, t = Value Unit Volts VDRM 200 400 600 800 IT(RMS) 40 Amps ITSM 300 Amps 12t 450 A 2s PGM 40 Watts PG(AV) 0.75 Watt IGTM 12 Amps TC -65 to +110 ·C Tstg -65 to +150 ·C - 30 in. lb. 1.25 to 10 ms) Peak Gate Power (Pulse Width = 10 p.s) Average Gate Power Peak Gate Current (Pulse Width = 1 p.s) Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Symbol Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Pressfit Stud Isolated Stud RruC Max Unit 0.8 0.9 1 ·CIW Note 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shall not be tested with a constant current source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-328 ~I:.....STYLE 2 T6410 STUD ~ ~ . . . . . . OG STYLE 2 T6400 PRESS FIT I " CASE 311-02 STYLE 2 T6420 ISOLATED STUD T6400 • T6410 • T6420 Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM. gate open) TJ = 25°C TJ = 110°C - Maximum On-State Voltage (Either Oirection) (IT = 100 A Peak) VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous de'!. Note 1 (VO = 12 Vdc. RL = 30 Ohms VMT2(+). VG(+) VMT2(+). VG(-) VMT2(-). VG(-) VMT2(-). VG(+) VMT2(+). VG(+). VMT2(-). VG(-). TC = -65°C VMT2(+). VG(-). VMT2(-). VG(+). TC = -65°C IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) (VO = 12 Vdc. RL = 30 Ohms. TC = 25°C TC = -65°C (Vo = Rated VORM. RL = 125 Ohms. TC = 110°C) VGT Holding Current (Either Oirection) (VO = 12 Vdc. Gate Open) (Initiating Current = 500 mAl IHO Gate Controlled Turn-On Time (Rated VORM. IT = 60 A. IGT TC TC Min Typ Max Unit - - 10 4 pA mA 1.5 2 Volts IORM.IRRM - mA - 15 30 20 40 50 80 50 80 125 240 1.35 2.5 3.4 - Volts - 0.2 mA - = 25°C = -65°C = 200 mAo Rise Time = 0.1 - 25 60 100 - - tgt - 1.7 3 /LS dv/dt(c) - 5 - V/I£S I£S) Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage. On-State Conditions (di/dt = 22 Aims. Gate Unenergized. Vo = Rated VOROM. TC (Stud) = 65°C IT(RMS) = 40 A. TC (Pressfit) = 70°C) Note 1. All voltage polarities referenced to main terminal 1. FIGURE 2 - RMS CURRENT DERATING FIGURE 1 - ON-5TATE POWER DISSIPATION 0; 50 z o ~~~'ff"~~' : \ iU360 40 ~ ~ 30 C o a: 3! ~ 20 w 180 0 « 120 V/ MAXIMUM o -+---+----+----+---1 «- §~ 100~--l_--l_~~~l_--l_--l_--l_--t---t---1 v/ ... 1- «< /. V . / /'" TYPICAL :; ffi :::> <>. 90 ~ 80 "'''' ~~ 70 ~~ X «w .,..,... ~ 0~ CURRENT WAVEFORM = SINUSOIDAL LOAD = RESISTIVE OR INDUCTIVE CONDUCTION ANGLE =360 0 ~ ~ 110 '-00-1---1---1---1---1---1---1---+---+----1 / V ./"/ /'i 10 :;; ii:" 0 CONDUCTION ANGLE = 01 + 0111 to :w ::c /1 CURRENT WAVEFORM = SINUSOIDAL LOAD = RESISTIVE DR INDUCTIVE S ~ 130.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---, 60 ::::;.- 10 20 30 ITIRMS), FULL CYCLE RMS DN·STATE CURRENT (AMP) 40 ITlRMS), RMS ON-STATE CURRENT (AMP) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-329 T6401 T6411 T6421 Triaes Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors Series · .. designed primarily for industrial and military applications for full wave control of ac loads in applications such as light dimmers, power supplies, heating controls, motor controls, welding equipment and power switching systems. TRIACs • Glass Passivated Junctions and Center Gate Fire • Press Fit, Stud, Isolated Stud Packages • Gate Triggering Guaranteed In All 4 Modes 30 AMPERES RMS 200 thru BOO VOLTS MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage, Note 1 (TJ = -65 to +100"C) Gate Open T6401B. T6411B. T6421B T6401D, T6411D, T6421D T6401M, T6411M, T6421M T6401N,T6411N,T6421N • On-State Current RMS (Conduction Angle = 360°) Value Unit Volts VDRM 200 400 600 800 IT(RMS) 30 Amps ITSM 300 Amps 12t 450 A 2s PGM 40 Watts PG(AV) 0.75 Watt IGTM 2 Amps TC -65 to +100 °c Tstg -65 to +150 °c - 30 in. lb. Symbol Max Unit RIIJC 0.8 0.9 1 0c/w TC';; +65°C Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current (One Full Cycle, 60 Hz) Circuit Fusing (TJ = -65 to + 100°C, t = 1.25 to 10 ms) Peak Gate Power (Pulse Width = 1 j.£S) Average Gate Power Peak Gate Current Pulse Width.;; 1 j.£S) Operating Case Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Pressfit Stud Isolated Stud Note 1. Ratings apply for open gate conditions. Thyristor devices shan not be tested with a constant currant source for blocking capability such that the voltage applied exceeds the rated blocking voltage. MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-330 I I ,I " CASE 263-04 STYLE 2 T6401 PRESS FIT CASE 310-02 STYLE 2 T6411 STUD CASE ,,,... STYLE 2 T64Z1 ISOLATED STUD 16401 • 16411 • 16421 Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25'C, and Either Polarity of MT2 to MT1, unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VORM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 25'C TJ = 100'C IORM,IRRM Min Typ Max Unit - - 10 4 ,.,A mA 2.1 2.5 Volts Maximum On-State Voltage (Either Direction) (IT = 100 A Peak) VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous de), Note 1 (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 30 Ohms VMT2(+), VG(+); VMT2(-), VG(-) VMT2(+), VG(-F VMT2(-), VG(+) IGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous de) (All Trigger Modes) (VO = 12 Vdc, RL = 30 Ohms) (VO = Rated VORM, RL = 125 Ohms, TC = 100'C) VGT Holding Current (VO = 12 Vdc, Gate Open) (IT = 150 mAl IHO , - - tgt - 3 Gate Controlled Turn-On Time No = Rated VORM, ITM = 45 A, IGT Rise Time = 0.1 /Ls) mA - 20 35 50 80 - 1.35 2.5 Volts 0.2 - 60 mA 1.7 3 /LS 20 - V//LS = 200 mA, Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage, On-State Conditions (di/dt = 16 Alms, Gate Unenergized, Vo = Rated VORM, IT(RMS) = 30 A, TC = Rated Value from Figure 1) dv/dt(c) Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (VO = Rated VORM, Exponential Rise, TC = 100'C) T6401B, T6411B, T6421B T6401 0, T64110, T6421 0 T6401M, T6411M, T6421M T6401N, T6411N, T6421N dv/dt VI/Ls - 40 25 20 20 - - - - Note 1. All voltage polarities referenced to main terminal 1. FIGURE 1 - CURRENT DERATING G ~ w 100 a: ::::0 !;c a: ~ 90 ~ " >-~ 5 80 w --' '" ~ 10 ::E 60 ..j ::::0 ., PRE~SFIT ~ ::--.... ~~ ~ r-....... /"" ~ l'-... ISO LATEO STUD ~ u >-- " o FULL WAVE SINUSOIDALWAVEFORM SjUO ::E X ~ 50 FIGURE 2 - POWER DISSIPATION 16 50 ~ ~ z o 40 ~ ~ C MAXIMUM I-30 1/ / FULL WAVE SINUSOIDAL WAVEFORM' / ~ a: "'- "'" '"" ~ Ii: .. w ~ ~ « r-.... ~ 24 ITIRMS). RMS ON-STATE CURRENT lAMP) 10 ;; 32 0 V L V TYPICAL / /' 20 /' /' '"a: "","" ~ ,.,. ./ . / / .V ~ F-' o 16 24 IT (RMS). ON-STATE CUflRENT (AMP) MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-331 32 40 • MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-332 Outline Dimensions and Leadform Options 4-1 • Outline Dimensions CASE 22-03 CASE 22A·01 Style 1 TO-20SAA ITO·1S) Styles 6,13 NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOlERANCING PER ANSI ~ Yl4.5M,1982. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH. N G 1 II ~ 3. PIN 3 CONNECTED TO CASE. STYlE 6, PIN 1. CATHODE 'GATE J a.ANODE ...., ...• .., smEl: PINt. EMlTIER 2. BASf 1 3. BASE 2 STYLEt3: MAX ..• 0, .162 OJ" PIN 1. ANODE 'GATE 3:CATMODE ..LUME1ERS Mfj MAlI A 5.31 ,64 4.95 • ...., , C D G H J 1.17 tJ, K M :0 AlIJEIECnoIeIanddmanaionsapply, N CASE 29·04 ..,, DIM . 0.41 ..3 AS 2.54 TYP ," t.22 0.71 12.70 45"TYP I.27TYP INCHES M.. MAlI ,209 0,230 0.178 0.195 0.170 0.210 .016 0.019 O.100TYP 0,036 0,046 0.028 0,048 0,500 45°TYP O.05OlYP CASE 54-05 Style 2 TO-22SAA ITO·92) Styles 9, 10, 12, 16 NOTES, 1. CONTOUR OF PACKAGE BEYOND ZONE "pI' IS UNCONTROUED. 2. DIM "f" APPLIES BElWEEN ''H'' AND "l" •DIM HOrt &: "5" APPUES BElWEEN "l" I. 12.70mm (Q.5~1 FROM SEATING PlANE. LEAO DIM IS UNCONTROlLED IN ''H'' I; BEYOND 12.7Omm ('5", FROM SEA~NG PlANE, 3. CONTFIOWNG DIM: INCH. SIYlU, PINt BASE 1 2,EMIT1EA 3, BASE2 STYLE 10: STYlE '6, ANt. CATHODE 1 GATE • ANODE ... 11M 32 0.4, <" ,55 6 ," PINt ANODE 2, GATE • CATHODE MAX 39.12 20," ... .J!l! !!!L MAlI 0.210 11M 0.175 0, 0,' 0,022 0.019 C D -1.22 ',30 ,,," ~l ~ 2,64 3.06 0.112 F 29. 10.67 5,33 30.40 11.18 ,'20 1.197 0,4411 l20 " '6 A ilI55 ,'00 0.105 G H 0,500 2,68 K 0.105 11 3.43 II. 0.170 AI ,,' ,2,64 °0.018 2.42 2.. srvt.E12: PIN to MAIN TERMINAL 1 1 GATE U'AlllTERMlNAl.2 '36 0,015 16 613 ,64 R 0, MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 4·2 ,19" I. <119 --=- 1.540 0.815 0.312 1,9 un ..., ..m 0.420 10 0, 15' 0.420 11 ~ STYLf 2, !THY, PINt. GATE 2. CATHODE CASE: ANODE , CASE 61-03 CASE 59·04 Style 1 N~ ,1:,ll :fIT L~"~' Ie DL e-J- Q~.+~~. 1 I H \: ' ItT ~I./ ! STYU: 1: PIN 1. GATE 2. CATHODE CASE: ANODE NOTES, 1. All RUlfS AND NOTES ASSOCIATED W111< JEDEC 0041 OUTUNE SHAll AmY. 2. POlAR1lY DENOTED BY CATHODE BAND. 1 LEAD OIAMETER NOT CONlllOliED W1lHitI '1" D.,ENSION. -- DIll MIN A B D K 5.97 179 ~76 0,110 0.030 1.100 21.94 A • C D E F • • J MAX 0.280 Jli U35 N Q 0.034 • MAX DIM H .... MAX liO 3JI5 OJII i """':- F _ ,." 38.23 20.32 20.70 7.92 '.33 .iiS 4.83 2 29.lio 3.05 U INCHES MAX MIN 1.505 1.540 0.0 0.815 0.17' 0.312 0.190 0.210 0.112 0.120 1.1n 1197 0420 0.... 0.210 0.220 O. 1 0.661 10.67 30." 1118 '.33 16.54 16.51 17.27 0.650 0.680 <32 <05 0.130 0.151 26.16 2.79 0.70 0.170 0.161 0.1130 0.110 '.59 16.79 '.30 '.84 2<84 2.29 R to 0.090 CASE 77·05 CASE 63-03 Style 1 . TO·225AA Styles 2, 5 ~ R • =1uBr-~F N lr 1~~i1 Q.lJ~G rf(- ---1 FIT Q~ J:JI:[ -----. t ~ rr;;' ~ \.~EA~NG ~ PlANE.t§;l I0-32UNF4A - 1! IH ~ _, s'- STY1.E', PINt CATHODE 2. ANODE 3. GATE STYLE 1: PIN 1. CAntOOE Z. GATE STUD: ANODE STYLE 5: PINt MT1 ,. Ml2 1 GATE NOTE. t ALL RULES & NOTES ASSOCIATED WITH REFERENCED TO-M OUTLINE SHALL APPLY. mM • C E P4LUMETERS MAX .,N 10.77 7.92 1.52 F G H 2.03 0.33 J K 10.16 17.78 N P Q R • T 11.10 10.16 4.45 3.45 11,5.1 21.72 10.17 Q.400 0.078 0.453 0.700 0.659 4.14 4.80 10' 1.91 10.16 4.212 0.163 0.040 0.400 4.310 0.1658 1.52 ... INCHES MAX 0.437 OAOO 0.175 0.136 M.. 0.424 0.300 .060 0.080 0.013 1.66 • orA TO OIM A" BAT MAXIMUM MATERIAl CONDITION. ~H K 1 NOTES: 1. MT=MAIN TERMiNAl. 2. LEADS, TRUE POSITIONED WITHIN O.25mm 10.010) A 0.424 0.189 0.075 MlIJM MIN MAX 10.80 11.04 7.50 7.74 C D F G '''' 0.51 H 1.27 '.93 '.32 • 0.63 14.61 16.63 cf 3.76 R 1.15 0.84 0.1697 V 3"TYP 3.69 1.02 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 4-3 2.41 0.39 M 0.080 '.66 0.66 117 ,... 4.1)1 1.39 • 0.020 0.115 0.091 0.125 0.097 0.060 O. 0.015 0.575 0.025 0.659 3"TYP 0.148 0.158 0... O. 3.63 0.,. 0.055 0.035 0.1 0.040 .166 - ~ , CASE 79-04 TO-205AD CASE 86-01 Style 1 Style 3 ~ -- ~ -=J-f -II--D'" 1"1~0,3610,.,~® c f OIl ". MIl •• B.S, ." 7,75 C 0 E F G H J • • " L M ',60 0,53 OA' 0,23 1.04 OAB OA' ... BSC 0.72 0.66 0.74 1.14 12.70 6..15 45°BSC 1.27 2,54 ,. 2. GATE 3. ANODE STVI.E1: PIN 1. GATE 2. CATHODE STUD: ANODE NOTE: 1. DIM "G" MEASURED AT CAN. MAXIMUM. • 10.0101 IN ZONE R. THIS ZONE CONTROllED FOR °0.250"'BSC.750 G DIMENSION LAND KMINIMUM, L£AD DIAMETER IS UNCONTROlLED IN DIMENSION P AND BEYOND DIMENSION KMINIMUM. L un l.78TYP ,79 10.72 15AS .310 TYP 0.110 0,'" 0.660 0.6, CASE 90-05 TO-USAB Style 1 Style 1 ~ A I';' --f:B- I" M llJ iHr- T' L K -~ L__ F ~h-f '~~~ +- ' _N A :vt:K HL I \--D r ....j •• MKUMETE1IS !IN MAlI It STYLE 1; PIN 1. CATHODE 2. ANODE 3. GATE . , C D G H • L N • S 0,430 .350 D aI' 1.09 F 11 G H 1.240TYP 0.075 K M 31.50TYP 1.65 1.91 0,065 8," 33.63 3,., 4,57 31),48 3," 5,OS MILLIMETERS MAlI .235 0,034 0,030 0,091) ." ... 16.13 12.57 0.110 0.370 5," 0,86 2.1. 9," 0.76 DIM A INCHES MAlI Mro 10.92 0.350 C J ,J2il 10,'35 O.11K1 1.200 NOTES: 1. DIM "0" UNCONTROLLED IN ZONE "H", 2. DIM "F" OIA THRU. 3. HEAT SINK CONTACT AREA U30TTOM). 4. LEADS WITHIN 0.005" RAe Of TRUE POSITION (TP) AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. ~=-.t NOTES: 1. DIM "G" MEASURED AT CAN. 2. lEAD NO.3 ±7.5° DISPlACEMENT. DIM J -0- jBI~ STYLEt: PINt. GATE 2. CATHODE 3. ANODE INCItES Mro MAlI 0,43) ••• " 1&,. " • 5. DIMENSION FAPPLIES BfTWEEN DIMENSION P AND L DIMENSION 0 APPLIES BeTWEEN 0,'" - C F AUTOMATIC HANDUNG. • IILlIIIEIERS M.. MAlI 11.10 DIM 4. DIMENSION BSHAll NOT VArf'( MORE THAN 0.25 CASE 87L-02 • ............. ~~ VI4.5M,I982. 2. CONTROlliNG DIMENSION: INCH. 3. DIMENSION J MEASURED FADM DIMENSION A 033' 0, 0,021 004' 0,016 0.019 O.2ODBSC 0028 0,034 0,028 -- J STYLE 3: PIN 1. CATHODE 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI 0, 0,240 0.016 0009 0.100 t?i~ ~ Jl K ITI .®I H ®I NOTES: 0,MIN336 0,MAlI 370 ',50 PIME j 0 INCIES ....... K J~ ~ M [~ j I I Q 01" " 0100 U V MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 4-4 MAlI 0,645 ,505 ,'35 ,049 0,043 0.138 ,'48 O.l66BSC 0.115 0.105 0,034 0.032 0,595 0,645 12.83 3,., 0.125 ",9'TYP 1.91 6.22 2,03 INCItES 0,535 0,495 1.24 3.76 4.22BSC >8, 2.92 0., 0,864 16.38 4,,. ... '6.36 9'TYP 49' 2.16 ',48 - 0165 0.,5 0.245 ' 0,060 0195 0,065 0.255 ~ CASE 174-04 CASE 175-03 Styles 1, 3 Styles 1,3 STYLE 1 TERM 1 GATE 2 CATHODE 3 ANODE STYLE 1 TERM 1 CATHODe 2 GATE STUD ANODE STYLE 3 TERM 1 GATE D,. A MillIMETERS MAX MI. 1273 1283 11.Bl 1206 •, '" '" '" C F H J 0330 216 0035 0105 441 246 0148 0.174 00" 009) 0"0 2032 406 • C F I 0100 1295 '" A 0"0 204 Q DIM .-~ ~ 0415 254 089 K N 2 MAIN TERMINAL 1 3 MAIN TERMINAL 2 INCHES MIN MAX 0.510 OISf} 0065 Mll.UMfT£fIS MIN MAX 1560 142(1 14.00 2070 24.13 15" 0.89 H J K 3.75 10.67 l 6.99 I." 1270 978 Q T "6 441 "" )7, 10.54 4.06 1283 INCHES M~ MAX 0604 0.614 0.551 0.559 0815 0.950 0.035 01"' 0'174 014' 0420 0.455 0385 0416 0.275 0306 0065 0160 0500 0505 STYLE 3 TERM 1 MAIN TERMINAL 1 2 GATE STUD MAIN TERMINAL 2 CASE 221C-02 CASE 221A-04 TO-220AB Styles 2, 3 .F Styles 3, 4 G DI.10.2510.01111 ®IB NOTES' 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCrNG PER ANSI Y14.5M,I982. 2 CONTROlliNG DIMENSION: INCH. 3. DIM Z DEFINES A ZONE WHERE ALL BODY AND LEAD IRREGULARnles ARE AllOWED. STYLE 3: PIN 1. CATHODE 2. ANODE a.GATE 4. ANODE STYLE 4: PIN 1. MAIN TERMINAL! 2. MAIN TERMINAL 2 a.GATE 4. MAIN TERMINAL 2 ON A • MlLUMETERS r.IN MAX 15.75 10.28 9." 14.48 4" C 0 0.64 F 0." 3.Bl ..73 242 2.00 0.36 2." 3.93 1270 14.27 tiS 4." 2.64 2.04 I." • H J K l N Q "T S U V Z 1.15 5.97 0.00 '" 4.82 0.55 '.33 3.04 2.7> .., 1.39 1.27 2.04 INCHES MAX ". .," 0.570 0.380 0.180 0.025 0142 0.'" "M A 0,"' 0.190 0.035 B C 0147 0105 D 0.110 0.014 0.155 F 0."'" 0.045 0.562 0.056 0.210 0.120 0.110 0.055 0190 0.100 0.080 0.046 0.235 0.255 0000 0.046 00'" 9." 4.45 0.64 864 3." 4." ... INCHES 0600 0.308 0.175 0.025 MAX 0.700 0.468 0.195 0.040 0.365 l N P ).36 0.270 0.290 12.70 0.480 3.04 0"'" 0.090 0.105 0.070 0.120 (1,115 • H J K Q S ... 1210 219 un 1.78 0.080 1m 10.36 1.01 9.01 3.81 2.54BSC 3.93 2.aD 0.46 0.71 12.70 13.97 1.15 I.n 1.25 E 0022 PttLUMETERS MAX MIN 1728 2.92 2,28 0.340 0.140 01" O.100BSC 0.110 0.155 0.018 0.028 0.090 0.'" 0.045 0.070 ® I vi • NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOlERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M,1982. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH. 3 LEAD DIMENSION UNCONTROLLED WITHIN DIMENSION',?:' STYLE 2 PINt CATHODE 2 NODE 3. GATE 0.046 STYLE 3' PINt MTt 2.MT2 3. GATE 0.090 ""1·","'~'%'.kh,,",,' "",:".<. ,.~. ~~ '*·t';'·\i·",.XJ1\L'W'" '«~:"~;';5.P(.,N",~~~~':'I!Jt,*~~j::'ii'lli!%.thJ~"';>~:: ~','·."<~~·~V~·:~~·~J ·/';::":~·V:/:~"4;."~;t-¥N£~'~.:·~.~~~JJJtt~~~~~~:~.~~~~;~~~.~$l~~~~~~~ MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 4-5 CASE 235-03 CASE 263-04 Styles 1, 2 Styles 1,2 " ~ j A. "" 'G n-. I H --r 1-~l K F ;. ---r t C L. ~ N STYLE 1. PINt 2. 3 STUD. STYLE 1 PINt CATHODE 2 GATE 3 ANODE CATHODE GATE ANODE ISOLATED STYLE 2 PINt MTl 2. GATE 3 MT2 STYLE 2. PIN 1. MAIN TERMINAL 1 DOl • 8 C F G H J • l • Q T MIlUMETERS MIN MAX 14.00 12.73 14.20 12.83 26,16 1.65 <.. 3.75 10.67 9." 6.99 8.48 343 0.99 8.48 4.41 11.56 10.54 7.15 6.99 3.81 2.16 - INCHES MIN MAX 0.551 0559 0.501 0.505 1030 0.065 0.160 0.255 0.148 0.174 0.420 0455 0.'" 0.415 0.275 0.305 0255 0.275 0.135 0.150 0.035 0." 2 GATE 3. MAIN TERMINAL 2 STUD. ISOLATED DOl • B C Q 7.62 1.40 14.20 30.23 <06 6.13 11.56 17.02 8.89 2,16 T 12.73 12.83 F 2.67 3.43 H J 1(},67 • l CASE 267-03 CASE 310-02 Style 1 Styles 1, 2 MILUMETERS MIN MAX 15.60 15. 14.00 15.15 ... INCHES 0.604 0.551 1.050 0.135 OA21) 0.620 0.300 0.055 0.501 MAX !l.614 0.559 1100 0.160 0.265 0.455 0.670 0.350 0.085 0.505 II STYLE 1: PIN 1. CATHODE 2. GATE CASE' ANODE NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING ANO TOl£RANCING PER AMSI Yl4.SM,19B2. STYLE 2. PIN 1. MT1 2. GATE 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH. CASE: MT2 DIM DIM • • B D -4.83 1.22 ~ • .65 5.33 1.32 INCHES MIN MAX 0.3J\'~;'~'Wk·e~'. 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MCR65-10 MCR67-1 MCR67-2 MCR65-10 MCR67-2 MCR67-2 3-215 3-217 3-217 MCR67-3 MCR67-6 MCR6B-l MCR6B-2 MCR6B-3 MCR6B-6 MCR67-3 MCR67-6 MCR6B-2 MCR6B-2 MCR6B-3 MCR6B-6 3-217 3-217 3-217 3-217 3-217 3-217 MCR69-1 MCR69-2 MCR69-3 MCR69-6 MCR70-1 MCR7Q-2 MCR69-2 MCR69-2 MCR69-3 MCR69-6 MCR70-2 MCR70-2 3-217 3-217 3-217 3-217 3-221 3-221 MCR70-3 MCR70-6 MCR71-1 MCR71-2 MCR71-3 MCR71-6 MCR70-3 MCR70-6 MCR71-2 MCR71-2 MCR71-3 MCR71-6 3-221 3-221 3-221 3-221 3-221 3-221 MCR72-1 MCR72-2 MCR72-3 MCR72-4 MCR72-5 MCR72-2 MCR72-2 MCR72-3 MCR72-4 MCR72-6 3-225 3-225 3-225 3-225 3-225 MCR72-6 MCR72-7 MCR72-B MCR100-3 MCR100-4 MCR100-5 MCR72-6 MCR72-B MCR72-B MCR100-3 MCR100-4 MCR100-6 3-225 3-225 3-225 3-22B 3-22B 3-22B MCR10O-6 MCR1OO-7 MCR100-B MCR10l MCR102 MCR103 MCR104 MCR10O-6 MCR1OO-B MCR100-B MCR102 MCR102 MCR103 MCR100-3 3-22B 3-22B 3-228 3-230 3-230 3-230 3-22B MCR106-1 MCR106-2 MCR106-3 MCR106-4 MCR106-5 MCR106-6 MCR106-2 MCR106-2 MCR106-3 MCR106-4 MCR106-6 MCR106-6 3-232 3-232 3-232 3-232 3-232 3-232 MCR106-7 MCR106-B MCR107-1 MCR107-2 MCR107-3 MCR107-4 MCR106-B MCR106-B MCR106-2 MCR106-2 MCR106-3 MCR106-4 3-232 3-232 3-232 3-232 3-232 3-232 MCR107-5 MCR107-6 MCR107-7 MCR107-B MCRl15 MCR120 MCR100-4 MCR100-4 MCR201 MCR202 MCR203 MCR204 MCR205 MCR206 MCR202 MCR202 MCR203 MCR204 MCR206 MCR206 3-235 3-235 3-235 3-235 3-235 3-235 MCR21B-2 MCR21B-3 MCR21B-4 MCR21B-5 MCR21B-6 MCR21B-7 MCR21B-2 MCR21B-3 MCR21B-4 MCR21B-6 MCR21B-6 MCR21B-B 3-239 3-239 3-239 3-239 3-239 3-239 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 5-12 Motorola Similar Replacement MCR106-6 MCR106-6 MCR106-B MCR106-B 3-232 3-232 3-232 3-232 3-228 3-22B p~~d~~~ter Motorota Direct Replacement Motorota Similar Replacement Page # 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S2008Fl 52008F3 52008,521 52610M 52620B 526200 52620M 52710B 527100 , Motorola Similar Replacement MCR106-6 MCR106-6 3-305 3-305 3-305 3-305 3-232 3-232 • p~~d~~~ter S4001 LS2 S4001LS3 S4001M S4001MSI S4001MS2 S4001MS3 Motorola Direct Replacement 2N1599 2N4219 2N2329 MCR1906-6 S4003L S4003LS 1 S4003LS2 S4003LS3 S4003MS2 S4003MS3 MCR106-6 MCRI06-6 MCR106-6 MCR106-6 MCR106-6 MCR106-6 2N6240 2N6240 Page # 3-232 3-232 3-6 3-37 3-14 3-261 3-232 3-232 3-232 3-232 3-100 3-100 S40068 S4006FS21 S4006FS31 S4006L S4006LS2 S4006LS3 MCR729-6 MCR72-6 MCR72-6 S28000 MCR72-6 MCR72-6 3-257 3-225 3-225 3-305 3-225 3-225 S4008F 1 S4008F3 S4008FS21 S4008FS31 S4008L S4008LS2 MCR218-6 MCR218-6 MCR72-6 MCR72-6 MCR218-6 MCR72-6 3-239 3-239 3-225 3-225 3-239 3-225 S4008LS3 S4008R S4010L S4012L S4012R S4015L MCR72-6 S28000 2N6397 2N6397 2N6397 2N6403 3-225 3-305 3-111 3-111 3-111 3-115 S4016R S4020L S40250 S4025H S4025R S40350 2N6403 2N6507 C23003 2N6507 C22803 3-115 3-119 3-135 3-2 3-119 3-133 MCR729-7 MCR218-8 MCR649-8 MCR3835-8 3-21 3-21 3-257 3-239 3-268 S4035G S4035H S5006B S5008L S5025C S5025G S5025H S5035G S5035H S6000C S6000E S6000S • Motorola Similar Replacement 2N688 2N3872 2N3898 MCR3935-8 MCR3835-8 MCR3935-8 2N6397 2N6398 2N6399 3-268 3-268 3-268 3-111 3-111 3-111 S6001L S6003L S6006L S6008F S6008Fl S6008F3 MCR106-8 MCR106-8 S2800M MCR218-8 S2800M MCR218-8 3-232 3-232 3-305 3-239 3-305 3-239 S6008L S6008R S6010L S6012L S6012R S6015L S2800M S2800M 2N6398 2N6398 2N6398 2N6404 3-305 3-305 3-111 3-111 3-111 3-115 S6016R S6020L S60250 S6025H S6025R S60350 2N690 2N6404 2N6508 C230M3 3-115 3-119 3-135 3-2 3-119 3-133 S6035G S6035H S6100C 2N3873 2N3899 2N6403 2N6508 C228M3 3-21 3-21 3-115 p~~d~~~ter Motorola Direct Replacement Motorola Similar Replacement Page # 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Direct Replacement Motorol. Similar Replacement Page # SC2668 SC266D SC266E 2N5441 2N5442 2N5443 3-67 3-67 3-67 SC266M SISC122C SISC122D SISC122E SISC122M SISC122N 2N5443 C122Dl C122D1 C122Ml C122M1 C122Nl 3-67 3-128 3-128 3-128 3-128 3-128 SISC141C SISC141D SISC141E SISC141M SISC141N SISC141S SC141D SC141D SC141M SC141M SC141N SC141N 3-309 3-309 3-309 3-309 3-309 3-309 SISC143C SISC143D SISC143E SISC143M SISC143N SISC143S MAC218A6 MAC218A6 MAC218A8 MAC218A8 MAC218A10 MAC218Al0 3-169 3-169 3-169 . 3-169 3-169 3-169 SISC146C SISC146D SISC146E SISC146M SISC146N SISC146S SC146D SC146D SC146M SC146M SC146N SC146N 3-309 3-309 3-309 3-309 3-309 3-309 SISC149C SISC149D SISC149E SISC149M SISC149N SISC149S 2N6347A 2N6347A 2N6348A 2N6348A, 2N6349A 2N6349A 3-103 3-103 3-103 3-103 3-103 3-103 Tl06Al Tl0681 Tl06Cl Tl06Dl Tl06El Tl06Fl Cl06A C1068 Cl06D Cl06D Cl06M Cl06F 3-125 3-125 3-125 3-125 3-125 3-125 Tl06Ml Tl0601 Tl06Yl Tl07A 1 Tl0781 Tl07Cl Cl06M Cl06F Cl06F Cl0GA Cl066 Cl060 3-125 3-125 3-125 3-125 3-125 3-125 Tl07Dl Tl07El Tl07Fl Tl07Ml Tl0701 TlO7Y1 Cl06D C106M Cl06F Cl06M Cl06F Cl06F 3-125 3-125 3-125 3-125 3-125 3-125 T1145AO Tl145A 1 Tl145A2 Tl145A3 T1145A4 T230lA 2N1595 2N1596 2N1597 2N1599 2N1599 2N60708 T23018 T2301C T23010 T2301E T2301F T2301M 2N60708 2N60738 2N60738 2N60756 2N60758 2N60756 T2301PA T2301P8 T2301PC T2301PD T2301PE T2301PF 2N60706 2N60708 2N60738 2N6073B 2N60756 2N60756 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-6 - 3-83 3-83 3-83 3-83 3-83 - 3-83 3-83 3-83 3-83 • ~'_~:.':;'~';~.?ri~~""""'II'II_117n MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 5-19 Industr~ Part Hum er • Motorola Direct Replacement Motorola Similar Replacement Page # T2301PM T2302A T2302B T2302C T23020 T2302E 2N6075B 2N6070A 2N6070A 2N6073A 2N6073A 2N6075A 3-83 - T2302F T2302M T2302PA T2302PB T2302PC T2302PO 2N6070A 2N6075A 2N6070A 2N6070A 2N6073A 2N6073A 3-83 3-83 3-83 T2302PE T2302PF T2302PM T2303F T2304B T23040 2N6075A 2N6070A 2N6075A 2N6070A 2N6070A 2N6073A 3-83 3-83 3-83 T2305B T23050 T2306A T2306B T23060 T2311A 2N6071A 2N6073A 2N6070A 2N6071A 2N6073A 2N6070B 3-83 3-83 3-83 3-83 - T2311B T23110 T2311F T2312A T2312B T23120 2N6070B 2N6071B 2N6070B 2N6070A 2N6070A 2N6071A 3-83 T2312F T2313A T2313B T23130 T2313F T2313M 2N6070A 2N6070A 2N6070A 2N6071A 2N6071A 2N6075A 3-83 3-83 3-83 - 3-83 3-83 3-83 - 3-83 T2322A T2322B T2322C T23220 T2322E T2322F T2322B T2322B T23220 T23220 T2322M T2322B 3-316 3-316 3-316 3-316 3-316 3-316 T2322M T2323A T2323B T2323C T23230 T2323E T2322M T2323B T2323B T23230 T23230 T2323M 3-316 3-316 3-316 3-316 3-316 3-316 T2323F T2323M T2500A T2500B T2500BFP T2500C T2323B T2323M T2500B T2500B T2500BFP T25000 3-316 3-316 3-318 3-318 3-320 3-318 T25000 T25000FP T2500E T2500M T2500MFP T2500N T25000 T25000FP T2500M T2500M T2500MFP T2500N 3-318 3-320 3-318 3-318 3-320 3-318 T2500NFP T25005 T2506B T25060 T2800A T2800B T2500NFP T2500N T2500B T25000 T2800B T2800B 3-320 3-318 3-318 3-318 3-322 3-322 T2800C T28000 T2800E T28000 T28000 T2800M 3-322 3-322 3-322 pal~d~~~ter Motorola Direct Replacement T2800F T2800M T2801A T2800B T2800M T2801B 3-322 3-322 3-324 T2801B T2801C T28010 T2801E T2801M T2801N T2801B T28010 T28010 T2801M T2801M T2801N 3-324 3-324 3-324 3-324 3-324 3-324 T28015 T2802A T2802B T2802C T28020 T2802E T2801N T2802B T2802B T28020 T28020 T2802M 3-324 3-322 3-322 3-322 3-322 3-322 T2802F T2802M T2806B T2806C T28060 T2806M T2802B T2802M T2800B T28000 T28000 T2800M 3-322 3-322 3-322 3-322 3-322 3-322 Motorola Similar Replacement Page # T2806N T2850A T2850B T28500 T2850E T2851B T28018 T2851C T28510 T2851E T2856B T2856C T28560 T28010 T28010 T2801M T2800B T28000 T28000 3-324 3-324 3-324 3-322 3-322 3-322 T4100A T4100B T4100C T41000 T4100E T4100F 2N5571 2N5571 2N5572 2N5572 T4100M 2N5571 3-75 3-75 3-75 3-75 3-75 3-75 T4100M T4101A T4101B T4101C T41010 T4101E T4100M 2N5567 2N5567 2N5568 2N5568 T4101M 3-75 3-71 3-71 3-71 3-71 3-71 T4101F T4101M T4106B T41060 T4106M T4107B 2N5567 T4101M 2N5571 2N5572 T4100M 2N5567 3-71 3-71 3-75 3-75 3-75 3-71 T41070 T4107M T4110A T4110B T4110C T41100 2N5568 T4101M 2N5573 2N5573 2N5574 2N5574 3-71 3-71 3-75 3-75 3-75 3-75 T4110E T4110F T4110M T4111A T4111B T4111C T4110M 2N5573 T4110M 2N5569 2N5569 2N5570 3-75 3-75 3-75 3-71 3-71 3-71 T41110 T4111E T4111F T4111M T4116B T41160 2N5570 T4111M 2N5569 T4111M 2N5573 2N5574 3-71 3-71 3-71 3-71 3-75 3-75 MAC218A 10FP 2N6346A 2N6346A 2N6347A 2N6347A 3-172 3-103 3-103 3-103 3-103 3-324 ~ .. 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MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 5-20 p~~d~~~ter Motorola Direct Replacement Motorola Similar Replacemenl Page # T4116M T4117B T4117D T4117M T4120A T41208 T4110M 2N5569 2N5570 T4111M T4120B T41208 3-75 3-71 3-71 3-71 3-326 3-326 T4120C T4120D T4120E T4120F T4120M T4120N T4120D T4120D T4120M T41208 T4120M T4120N 3-326 3-326 3-326 3-326 3-326 3-326 T4120S T4121A T41218 T4121C T4121D T4121E T4120N T41218 T41218 T4121D T4121D T4121M 3-326 3-71 3-71 3-71 3-71 3-71 T4121F T4121M T4121N T4121S T41268 T4126D T41218 T4121M T4121N T4121N T41208 T4120D 3-71 3-71 3-71 3-71 3-326 3-326 T4126M T41278 T4127D T4127M T4700B T4700C T4120M T41218 T4121D T4121M MACI5A4 MAC15A6 3-326 3-71 3-71 3-71 3-138 3-138 T4700E T4700F T47068 T4706D T6000A T6000B MAC15A8 MACI5A4 MACI5A4 MAC15A6 MACI5A4 MACI5A4 3-138 3-138 3-138 3-138 3-138 3-138 T6000C T6000D T6000E T6000F T6000M T6001A MAC15A6 MAC15A6 MAC15A8 MACI5A4 MAC15A8 MACI5A4 3-138 3-138 3-138 3-138 3-138 3-138 T6001B T6001C T6001D T6001E T6001F T6001M MACI5A4 MAC15A6 MAC15A6 MAC15A8 MACI5A4 MAC15A8 3-138 3-138 3-138 3-138 3-138 3-138 T6006A T60068 T6006C T6006D T6006E T6006F MACI5A4 MACI5A4 MAC15A6 MAC15A6 MAC15A8 MACI5A4 3-138 3-138 3-138 3-138 3-138 3-138 T6006M T6260B T6260C T6260D T6260E T6260M MAC15A8 MAC25A4 MAC25A6 MAC25A6 MAC25A8 MAC25A8 3-138 3-146 3-146 3-146 3-146 3-146 T6261B T6261C T6261 E T6261M T6400A T64008 MAC25A4 MAC25A6 MAC25A8 MAC25A8 T64008 T64008 3-146 3-146 3-146 3-146 3-328 3-328 T6400C T6400D T6400E T6400D T6400D T6400M 3-328 3-328 3-328 Motorola Direct Replacement T6400M T6400N T6400S T6400M T6400N T6400N 3-328 3-328 3-328 T6401A T64018 T6401C T6401D T6401E T6401M T6401B T64018 T6401D T6401D T6401M T6401M 3-330 3-330 3-330 3-330 3-330 3-330 T6401N T6401S T6402E T6402F T64068 T6406D T6401N T6401N 2N5443 2N5441 2N5441 2N5442 3-330 3-330 3-67 3-67 3-67 3-67 T6406E T6406M T6407B T6407D T6407E T6407M 2N5443 2N5443 T64018 T6401D T6401M T6401M 3-67 3-67 3-330 3-330 3-330 3-330 T6410A T6410B T6410C T6410D T6410E T6410M T6410B T6410B T6410D T6410D T641 OM T6410M 3-328 3-328 3-328 3-328 3-328 3-328 T6410N T6410S T6411A T6411B T6411C T6411D T6410N T6410N T64118 T6411B T6411D T6411D 3-328 3-328 3-330 3-330 3-330 3-330 T6411E T6411M T6411N T6411S T6412E T6412F T6411M T6411M T6411N T6411N 2N5446 2N5444 3-330 3-330 3-330 3-330 3-67 3-67 T6420A T6420B T6420C T6420D T6420E T6420M T64208 T64208 T6420D T6420D T6420M T6420M 3-328 3-328 3-328 3-328 3-328 3-328 T6420N T6420S T6421A T64218 T6421C T6421D T6420N T6420N T6421B T64218 T6421D T6421D 3-328 3-328 3-330 3-330 3-330 3-330 T6421E T6421M T6421 N T6421S T64268 T6426D T6421M T6421M T6421N T6421N T64208 T6420D 3-330 3-330 3-330 3-330 3-328 3-328 T6426M T64278 T6427D T6427M TE205 TE305 T6420M T64218 T6421D T6421M MCR100-4 MCRlO0-6 3-328 3-330 3-330 3-330 3-228 3-228 MCR100-6 MCR100-8 MCR100-8 2N5567 2N5568 2N5569 3-228 3-228 3-228 3-71 3-71 3-71 TE405 TE505 TE605 TIC20 TIC21 TIC22 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 5-21 Motorola Similar Replacement p~~d~~~ter Page # 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Motorola Direct Replacement Page # TIC2410 TlC241E TIC2428 T41200 T4120M 2N5573 3-326 3-326 3-75 TIC2420 TIC242E TIC2468 TIC2460 TIC2528 TIC2520 2N5574 T4110M MAC15A4 MAC15A6 T64118 T64110 3-75 3-75 3-138 3-138 3-330 3-330 TlC252E TIC252M TIC2538 TIC2530 TIC253E TIC253M T6411M T6411M MAC20A4 MAC20A6 MAC20A8 MAC20A8 3-330 3-330 3-146 3-146 3-146 3-146 TIC2608 TIC2600 TIC260E TIC260M TIC2620 TIC262E T64018 T64010 T6401M T6401M T64110 T6411M 3-330 3-330 3-330 3-330 3-330 3-330 TIC262M TIC2638 TIC2630 TIC263E TIC263M TIC2708 T6411M MAC25A4 MAC25A6 MAC25A8 MAC25A8 2N5441 3-330 3-146 3-146 3-146 3146 3-6, TIC2700 TIC270E TIC270M TIC2728 TIC2720 TIC272E 2N5442 2N5443 2N5444 2N5444 2N5445 2N5446 3-67 3-67 3-67 3-6, 3-67 367 TIC272M TL 106-05 TL 106-1 TL 106-2 TL 106-4 TL 106-6 2N5446 MCR106-2 MCR106-3 MCR106-4 MCR106-6 MCR1068 3-67 3232 3-232 3-232 3-232 3-232 TL 107-05 TL 107-1 TL 107-2 TL 107-4 TL 107-6 TL 1003 MCR106-2 MCR1063 MCR1064 MCR106-6 MCR106-8 MCR218-3 3-232 3-232 3232 3-232 3232 3239 TL 1006 TL2003 TL2006 TL4003 TL4006 TL6003 MCR2183 MCR218-4 MCR218-4 MCR218-6 MCR218-6 MCR218-8 3-239 3-239 3-239 3239 3239 3239 TL6006 TL8003 TL8006 TLClllA TLC1118 TLC113A MCR2188 MCR21810 MCR21810 T23228 T23228 T2322B 3-239 3-239 3-239 3316 3-316 3316 TLC1138 TLC221A TLC2218 TLC223A TLC2238 TLS 106-05 T23228 T23228 123220 T23228 T23228 MCR106-2 3-316 3316 3-316 3-316 3-316 3-232 TLS106-1 TLS106-2 TLS106-4 TLS106-6 TLS 107-05 TLS107-1 MCR106-3 MCR106-4 MCR106-6 MCH106-8 MCR106-2 MCR106-3 3-232 3-232 3-232 3-232 3-232 3-232 MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 5-22 Motorola Similar Replacement p~~td~~%ter Motorota Direct Replacement Motorota Similar Replacement Page # TL5107-2 TL5107-4 TL5107-6 TM507 TM1007 TM2007 MCR106-4 MCR106-6 MCR106-8 2N4168 2N4169 2N4170 3-232 3-232 3-232 3-27 3-27 3-27 TM3007 TM4007 TM5007 TM6007 TRAL11250 TRAL 11350 2N4171 2N4172 2N4173 2N4174 5C2608 T6420B 3-27 3-27 3-27 3-27 ;1-314 3-328 TRAL22250 TRAL22350 TRAL38350 T5135 T5235 T5435 5C26OO T6420B T6420N 2N3896 2N3897 2N3898 3-314 3-328 3-328 3-21 3-21 3-21 T5635 T5835 TY504 TY508 TY510 TY1004 2N3899 MCR3935-10 MCR218-2 MCR218-2 2N6394 MCR218-3 3-21 3-268 3-239 3-239 3-111 3-239 TY1008 TY10l0 TY2004 TY2008 TY2010 TY3004 MCR218-3 2N6395 MCR218-4 MCR218-4 2N6396 MCR218-6 3-239 3-111 3-239 3-239 3-111 3-239 TY3008 TY3010 TY4004 TY4008 TY4010 TY5004 MCR218-6 MCR220-6 MCR218-6 MCR218-6 2N6397 MCR218-8 3-239 3-239 3-239 3-111 3-239 TY5008 TY5010 TY6004 TY6008 TY6010 TY8008 MCR218-8 2N6398 MCR218-8 MCR218-8 2N6398 MCR218-1O 3-239 3-111 3-239 3-239 3-111 3-239 TY8010 TYAL118B TYAL-118M TYAL-228B TYAL-228C TYAL-228M 2N6398 MAC218A4 T2802B MAC218A6 T2800B T28020 3-111 3-169 3-322 3-169 3-322 3-322 TYAL -388B TYAL1110B TYAL1110M TYAL 11158 TYAL 1115M TYAL2210B MAC218A 10 5C146B 5C146B MAC15A4 MAC15A4 5C1460 3-169 3-309 3-309 3-138 3-138 3-309 TYAL2210M TYAL2215B TYAL2215M TYAL3810B TYAL3810M TYAL3815B TYAL3815M 5C1460 MAC15A6 MAC15A6 5C146N 5C146N MAC15A10 MAC15Al0 3-309 3-138 3-138 3-309 3-309 3-138 3-138 p~~td~~t~ter Motorola Direct Replacement Motorola Similar Replacement Page # 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