1988_Optoelectronics_Designers_Catalog 1988 Optoelectronics Designers Catalog
User Manual: 1988_Optoelectronics_Designers_Catalog
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.-------.:.:- Optoelectronics Designer's Catalog , .. 1988-1989 O,S1RIBUT 0 8y (1M1ltfM() Hall-Mark Electronics Corporation Co: rt / . 1110 Ringwood San Jose, CA. 95131 408/946-0900 --..... . .........- Optoelectronics Designer's Catalog To help you choose and design with HewlettPackard optoelectronic components, this catalog includes detailed specifications for HP component products. The products are divided into nine sections: High Reliability Ink-Jet Components Bar Code Components Motion Sensing and Encoder Products LED Light Bars and Bar Graph Arrays LED Lamps LED Displays Fiber Optics Optocouplers How to Find the Right Information The Table of Contents (pp. iii) indicates each of the nine sections listed above by a thumb-tab. An alphanumeric index (pp. iv) follows the Table of Contents, and it lists every component represented in this catalog. " . . ji ;1 1 . /1 /l JiP .. ' . At the beginning of each of the nine product sections, there is a selection guide with basic product specifications which allows you to quickly select products most suitable for your application. Following the product sections is a complete listing of application bulletins and notes which are frequently useful as design aids. The final section is an appendix containing HP sales, service, and authorized distributor locations. How to Order To order any component in this catalog or additional applications information, call the HP office nearest you and ask for the Components representative. A complete listing of the U. S. sales ' offices is on pp. 11-13; offices located outside of the U.S. are listed on pp. 11-6. A world-wide listing of HP authorized distributors is on pp. 11-2. These distributors can offer off-the-shelf delivery for most HP components. Hewlett-PackardCotnponents: A Brief Sketch Quality and Reliability Quality and reliability are two very important concepts to Hewlett-Packard in maintaining the _ commitment to product performance. History In 1964, Hewlett-Packard established a new division having the charter of developing and producing state-of-the-art electronic components for internal use. By 1975, both microwave and optoelectronic devices contributed to the growing business of Hewlett-Packard and the Components Group was formed. Today there are three divisions: the Optoelectronics division, Optical Communications division and Microwave Semiconductor division. In addition to these three divisions there is a specialiZed team of people to develop, manufacture and market bar code . components. At Hewlett-Packard, quality is integral to product development, manufacturing and final introduction. "Parts per million" (PPM) asa measure of quality is used in HP's definition of product assurance. And HP's commitment to quality means that there is a continuQus process of improvement and tightening of quality standards. Manufacturing quality circles and quality testing programs are important ingredients in HP products. The products of the Components Group are vertically integrated, from the growing of LED crystals to the development oCthe various onboard integrated circuits to package design. Vertical integration insures that HP quality is maintained throughout product development and manufacturing. Reliability testing is also required for the introduction of new HP components. Lifespan calculations in "mean-time-between-failure" (MTBF) terms are published and available as . reliability data sheets. HP's stringent reliability testing assures long compOnent lifetimes and' consistent product performance. Over 5000 employees-are dedicated to HP Components, including manufacturing facilities in Malaysia and Singapore, factory and marketing support in San Jose, California and a world-wide sales force. Marketing operations for Europe are located in Boeblingen, Germany. / Each field sales office is staffed with engineers trained to provide-technical assistance. An extensive communications network links field with factory-to assure that each customer can quickly attain the information and help needed. ii --~~~~~~~~- ~~~~- - ~--- Table of Contents Alphanumeric Index ........... ~ ................ : ................. : ................... , iv. High Reliability ......................................................................... 1-1 Visible Product Screening Programs ............................................... 1~3 Hermetic Lamps Selection Guide ................................................. 1-7 Hermetic Displays Selection Guide .......... ; .................................... 1-9 Hermetic Optocoupler Screening Programs ..................................... 1-13 Hermetic Optocoupler Selection Guide ......................................... 1-18 Ink-Jet Components ... ; ............................... ~ ; ......................... '. " 2-1 Ink-Jet Components Selection Guide ............................................. 2-3. Bar Code Components ...... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-1 Bar Code Components Selection Guide ..................... : ..................... 3-3 Motion Sensing and Control .... ; ................................................ :.. 4. :1 Motion Sensing and .Control Selection Guide ................................. '.. 4-4 Light Bars and Bar Graph Arrays ................................................. 5-1 . Light Bars and Bar Graph Arrays Selection Guide ............................ 5-3 Solid State Lanips : .............................. , ................................... :. 6-L Solid State Lamps Selection Guide ............ ; ...................... ; .......... ; 6,;.3 Hermetic Lamps . .'.: ............................ .'................................. 6-145" Solid State Displays : ..... ; ..... : ...................... :.............................. 7-1'· Solid State Displays Selection Guide ............................................. 7-4 Hermetic Displays ...... .' ....... , ................................................... ; .7-181· Fiber Optics ................................................................................ '8-1 . Fiber Optics Selection Guide ................. : ......................... ~ ........... 8-6, Optocouplers ................ ; ...:................................................. :; ... ).. 9":'1 Optocouplers Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 9-4 Hermetic Optocouplers .: ............................................................·9.:.101 Applications Information ..... ; ...............................................':;.;. 10-1 .... . Authorized Distributor and Representative Directory ................. : ....... 11:. 2 International Sales and Service Offices .......................................... 11-6 U.S. Sales and Service Offices ................................................... 11-13 iii _ _-_._---- ........... .. Alphanutneric ·Index HBCR-1800 HBCR-2.o.oO HBCR-2010 HBCR-8100 HBCR-8300 ......................... 3-31 ...•..................... 3-37 ......................... 3-43 .......................... 3-6 .......................... 3-6 HCPL-2211, OPT. 100 ................ HCPL-2212 ' ......................... HCPL-2212, OPT 010 ..•.... , ...... :.. HCPL-2212, OPT 100 ...... , ......... HCPL-2231 ......................... 9-1.0 9-15 9-9 9-1.0 9-19 HBCR-8500 HBCR-8999 HBCS-11.o.o HBCS-22.o.o ..................... ; ~ . .. 3-6 ..... ,.......... .... . . . . .. 3-12 .......•.......•.....•..• 3-5.0 .•.....•..•.••.•...•...•. 3-19 .•...........•...•....•.. 3-19 HCPL-2231, OPT 010 .......... ;...... HCPL-2231, OPT 100 ...... '" . ; .... ; HCPL-2232 ,. ',' ...................... HCPL-2232, OPT 010. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. HCPL-2232, OPT 100 ................ 9-9 9-1.0 9-19 9-9 9-1.0 HBCS~23.o.o HBCS-24.o.o .............•....•....•. 3-19 HBCS-25.o.o ...............•......... 3-19 HBCS~2999 ..... ;................... 3-18 HBCS-4999 .••..•..•.......•........ 3-18 HBCS-5.o.o.o .....•..•.......••....... 3-13 HBCS-51.o.o HBCS-52.o.o HBC,S-53.o.o HBCS-54.o.o HBCS-55.o.o ......................... ... '...................... ..........•....•......... .•.....•..•...•.•.....•.. ..••.•.••.............•.. HCPL-23.o.o HCPL-23.o.o, HCPL-23.oO; HCPL-2400 HCPL-24.oO, 3~13 .........•.........•..... 9-23 OPT .01.0 ................. 9-9 OPT 10.0 .............•.. 9-10 ............. , ........... 9-29 OPT 010 .•.......•..•...• 9-9 HCPL-24.oO, OPT 10.0 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9-10 HCPL-2411 '......................... 9-29 HCPL-25.o2 .;....................... 9-57 HCPL-2502, OPT 010 .........•....... 9-9 HCPL-2502, OPT 100 .......•....•... 9-1.0 3-13 3-13 3-13 3-13 HBCS~61.o.o .......•....••. ,. . . . . . . .• 3-13,' HBCS-63.o.o ..........•.••.•...•..... 3-13 HBCS-65.o.o ..•.....•.•.•......•..•. : 3-13 HBCS~7.o.o.o ..••.••..•......•..•..... 3-44 HBCS-7.o5.o ...•.••..........•....... 3-44 HCPL-2530 ................• ;....... 9-63 HCPL-2530, OPT .010 ...•..•...•..•... 9-9 HCPL-2530, OPT 1.00 ........ : .• : .•. ~ 9-10 HCPL-2531 ..... , ................... 9-63 HCPL-2531, OPT 010 , ......... , ...... 9-9 HBCS-71.o.o HBCS-715.o HCPL-193.o HCPL-1931 HCPL-22.o.o .............•.•.....•... 3-44 ..•..........•...•••...• ~ 3-44 ..•...•..••..•..•...•.•• 9-153 ..••..........••....•... 9-153 ••..•. , ••..... ,.......... 9-11 HCPL-2531, HCPL-2601 HCPL"2601, HCPL-2601, HCPL-26.o2 OPT 100 ..........•..... 9-1.0 .............•........... 9-39 OPT .010 .............•••• 9-9 OPT 100 ...............• 9-10 ..•....•.•.............•• 9-43 HCPL-22.o.o, OPT .01.0 .......•....•.... 9-9 HCPL-22.o.o, OPT 1.0.0 .....•••........ 9-1.0 HCPL-2201 ......................... 9-15 HCPL~2201. OPT 010 ..............•.. 9-9 HCPL"2201, OPT 100 ................ 9-1.0 HCPL-2602, HCPL-2602, HCPL-2611 HCPL-2612 HCPL-2630 OPT .01.0 •. ;.............. 9-9 OPT ,10.0 ..•..•. ,......... 9-10 ......................... 9-39 ..................... ; ... 9-43 ............. , .......... ; 9-49 HCPL-2202 ......................... 9-15 HCPL-2202, OPT 010 ................. 9-9 HCPL-2202,OPT 100 ................ ,9~1.o HCPL-2211 ......................... 9-.15 HCPL-2211, OPT 010 '" . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 9-9 HCPL-263.o, OPT 010 .,............... 9-9 HCPL-263.o, OPT 1.00 ...•.•.•....•... 9-1.0 HCPL-2631 ..•.........•............ 9-53 HCPL-2631, OPT 01.0 •..............•. 9-9 HCPL-2631, OPT 1.00 ................ 9-10 New Products in BOLD Type, iV HCPL-2730 ......................•.. 9-71 HCPL-2730, OPT 010 ................. 9-9 HCPL-2730, OPT 100 ................ 9-10 HCPL-2731 .......................... 9-71 HCPL-2731, OPT 010 ................. 9-9 HDSP-0782 ........................ HDSP-0782TXV .................... HDSP-0782TXVB ................... HDSP-0783 ........................ HDSP-0783TXV .................... 7-190 7-190 7-190 7-190 7-190 HCPL-2731, OPT 100 ................ 9-10 HCPL-3700 ......................... 9-79 HCPL-3700, OPT 010 ................. 9-9 HCPL-3700, OPT 100 ................ 9-10 HCPL-4100 ......................... 9-85 HDSP-0783TXVB ................... HDSP-0784 ........................ HDSP-0784TXV .................... HDSP-0784TXVB .................... HDSP-0791 ........................ 7-190 7-190 7-190 7-190 7-190 HCPL-4100, OPT 010 ................. 9-9 HCPL-4100, OPT 100 ................ 9-10 HCPL-4200 ......................... 9-93 HCPL-4200, OPT 010 ................. 9-9 HCPL-4200, OPT 100 ................ 9-10 HDSP-0791TXV .................... HDSP-0791TXVB ................... HDSP-0792 ........................ HDSP-0792TXV .................... HDSP-0792TXVB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-190 7-190 7-190 7-190 7-190 HCPL-4502 HCPL-4502, HCPL-4502, HCPL-4661 HCPL-5200 ......................... 9-57 OPT 010 ................. 9-9 OPT 100 ................ 9-10 ......................... 9-53 9-102 HDSP-0794 ........................ HDSP-0794TXV .................... HDSP-0794TXVB ................... HDSP-0860 ........................ HDSP-0861 ........................ 7-190 7-190 7-190 7-163 7-163 HCPL-5201 HCPL-5230 HCPL-5231 HCPL-5400 HCPL-5401 ........................ ........................ ............. ........... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 9-102 9-108 9-108 9-114 9-114 HDSP-0862 ........................ HDSP-0863 ........................ HDSP-0881 ........................ HDSP-0881TXV .................... HDSP-0881TXVB ................... 7-163 7-163 7-190 7-190 7-190 ' HCPL-5430 HCPL-5431 HCPL-5700 HCPL-5701 HCPL-5730 ........................ 9-120 9-120 9-126 9-126 9-130 HDSP-0882 ........................ HDSP-0882TXV .................... HDSP-0882TXVB ................... HDSP-0883 ........................ HDSP-0883TXV .......... ;......... 7-190 7-190 7-190 7-190 7-190 HCPL-5731 HCPL-5760 HCPL-5761 HCTL-1000 HCTL-2000 9-130 ........................ 9-134 ........................ 9-134 ......................... 4-43 ......................... 4-67 HDSP-0883TXVB ................... HDSP-0884 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. HDSP-0884TXV ................. ;.. HDSP-0884TXVB ................... HDSP-0960 ........................ 7-190 7-190 7-190 7-190 7-163 HDSP-0760 HDSP-0761 HDSP-0762 HDSP-0763 HDSP-0770 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 7-163 7-163 7-163 7-163 7-163 HDSP-0961 ........................ HDSP-0962 ........................ HDSP-0963 ........................ HDSP-0981 ........................ HDSP-0981TXV ............... ;.... 7-163 7-163 7-163 7-190 7-190 HDSP-0771 ........................ HDSP-0772 ........................ HDSP-0781 ................... ;.... HDSP-0781TXV .................... HDSP-0781TXVB ................... 7-163 7-163 7-190 7-190 7-190 HDSP-0981TXVB ................... HDSP-0982 ........................ HDSP-0982TXV .................... HDSP-0982TXVB ....... . . . . . . . . . . .. HDSP-0983 ........................ 7-190 7-190 7-190 7-190 7-190 New Products in BOLD Type. v HDSP-0983TXV ................. ;.. HDSP-0983TXVB ...........•..... ,. HDSP-0984.. .. . . . ... . . . . .. . .. ... .. HDSP-0984TXV ................ ; ... HDSP-0984TXVB ................... HDSP-2000 HDSP-2001 · HDSP-2002 HDSP-2003 HDSP-2010 7-190 7-190 7-190 7-190 , 7-190 HDSP-2450TXVB ................... HDSP-2451 ........................ I;l DSP-2451 TXV ...............•.... HDSP-2451TXVB ................... HDSP~2452 ........... ; ..... ; ...... ...............••.... '" .. 7-46 ......................... 7-46 .......................... 7-46 ......................... 7-46 ........................ 7-198 HDSP-2010TXV ....... ... . . . . .... .. HDSP-2010TXVB ................... HDSP-2111 ........................ , HDSP-2112 ........................ ; HDSP-2300 ............... ; ......... 7-235 ,7c235 7-235 7-235 7-235 HDSP-2452TXV ................. , .. 7-235 .HDSP-2452TXVB .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-235 HDSP"2453 .......... :.•... ;.......... 7"235 HDSP-2453TXV ........'. . . .. . . . . . .. 7-235 HDSP-2453TXVB .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 7-235 7~198 HDSP~2470 7-198 .7-19 7-19 7-50 ........................ , ................ ; . . . . .. . .. HDSP-2472 ............... " ... : .. ... HDSP-2490 ......................... HDSP-2491 ......................... 7-68 7-68 7-68 7-56 7-56 HDSP-2301 ......................... 7-50 HDSP-2302 .......................•. 7-50 HDSP-2303 ......................... 7-50 HDSP-2310 ........................ 7-228 HDSP-2310TXV ..................... 7-228 HDSP-2492 .......................... HDSP-2493 ........... ;............. HDSP-3350 ........................ HDSP-3351 ........................ HDSP-3353 ................... ,. . .. 7-56 7-56 !:"lDSP-2310TXVB ................... HDSP-2311 ..................... ;.. HDSP-2311TXV .................. ,. HDSP-2311TXVB ................... HDSP-2312 ..................... ; .. HDSP-3356 HDSP-3400 HDSP-3400, HDSP-3401 HDSP-3403 HDSP~2471 7-228 7-228 7-228 7-228 7-228 7~109 7-109 7-109 .... ,.... ... . .. .... ..... .7-109 .................. ...... 7-138 OPT S02 ............... 7-153 ........................ 7~138 ................... ;.... 7-138 HDSP-2312TXV .................... 7~228 HDSP-2312TXVB ................... 7-228 HDSP-2;313 .. ....................... 7-228 HDSP-2;313TXV ... ... .. . .. . . . . . ....• 7-228 HDSP-2313TXVB ...............•... ·7-228 HDSP~3403, OPT S02 ............... 7-153 HDSP-3405 ........................ 7-138 HDSP-3406 ...............•......•. 7-138 HDSP-3406, OPT S02 ............... 7-153 HDSP~3530 ............ ,....... .... 7-145 HDSP-2351 .............. ,......... HDSP-2351TXV ..................... HDSP-2351TXVB ................... HDSP-2352 ........................ HDSP-2352TXV .................... HDSP-3530, OPT S02 ............... 7~153 HDSP-3531 .................... ;... 7-145 HDSP-3531, OPT S02 ................ 7-153 HDSP-3533 ........................ 7-145 HDSP-3533, OPT S02 ........... i. • • • 7-153 7-214 7-214 7-214 7-214 7-214 HDSP-2352TXVB .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 7-214 HDSP-2353 ...................... ..7-214 HDSP-2353TXV .................... 7-214 HDSP-2353TXVB ................ ; .. 7-214 HDSP-2416 ........•......•......... 7-68 HDSP-3536 HDSP-3536, HDSP-3600 HDSP-3600, HDSP-3601 ........................ OPT S02 ............... ....................... ,. OPT S02 .. .. .. .. . .. . ... ......................... · H DSP-2424 ......................... 7-68 HDSP-2432 •.................•......• ' 7-68 HDSP-2440 .................... ; .. , .. 7-68 · HDSP-2450 ...............••....... 7-235 HDSP-2450TXV .............. ,..... 7-235 HDSP-3603 HDSP-3603, HDSP-3606 HDSP-3606, HDSP-3730. .......................... 7-121 OPT S02 ............•.. 7~153 ....................... ;.7-121 OPT S02 ............... 7-153 . . . . . .. . . . ... .• . ... . . ... 7~145 New Products in BOLD Type. vi 7-145 7-153 7"121 7-153 7-121 ~-~ HD8P-3730, OPT 802 ... . . . . . . . . . . .. HD8P-3731 ........................ HD8P-3731, OPT 802 ............... HD8P-3733 ........................ HD8P-3733, OPT 802 ... .. . . . . . . . . .. HD8P-4840 HD8P-4850 HD8P-5301 HD8P-5301, HD8P-5303 7-153 7-145 7-153 7-145 7-153 - ......................... ......................... ........................ OPT 801, 802 .. . . . . . . . .. ........................ --~------ 5-27 5-27 7-130 7-153 7-130 ........................ 7-145 OPT 802 ............... 7-153 ................... 7-138/7-145 OPT 802 ........... , . .. 7-153 ............. ;..... 7-138/7-145 HD8P-5303, OPT 801, 802 .......... HD8P-5307 .................... ;... HD8P-5307, OPT 801,802 ........... HD8P-5308 ........................ HD8P-5308, OPT 801, 802 .......... 7-153 7-130 7-153 7-130 7-153 HD8P-3901, OPT 802 ............... 7-153 HD8P-3903 ................... 7-138/7-145 HD8P-3903, OPT 802 ............. .. 7-153 HD8P-3905 ................... 7-138/7-145 HD8P-3906 ................... 7-138/7-145 HD8P-5321 ........................ HD8P-5321, OPT 802 ............... HD8P-5323 ........................ HD8P-5323, OPT 802 ..... . .. . . . . . .. HD8P-5501 ........................ 7-130 7-153 7-130 7-153 7-130 HD8P-3906, OPT 802 . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. HD8P-4030 ........................ HD8P-4031 HD8P-4033 HD8P-4036 7-153 7-145 7-145 7-145 7-145 HD8P-5501, OPT 801, 802 . . .. . . . . . .. HD8P-5503 ........................ HD8P-5503, OPT 801,802 .......... HD8P-5507 ........................ HD8P-5507, OPT 801, 802 ....... ;... 7-153 7-130 7-15.3 7-130 7-153 HD8P-4130 HD8P-4131 HD8P-4133 HD8P-4133, HD8P-4136 ........................ ........................ ........................ OPT 820 ............... ........................ 7-145 7-145 7-145 7-153 7-145 HD8P-5508 ........................ HD8P-5508, OPT 801, 802 .......... HD8P-5521 ........................ HD8P-5521, OPT 801, 802 .. .. . . . . ... HD8P-5523 ........................ 7-130 7-153 7-130 7-153 7-130 HD8P-4136, HD8P-4200 HD8P-4201 HD8P-4203 HD8P-4205 OPT 820 ............... 7-153 ................... 7-138/7-145 ................... 7-138/7-145 ................... 7-138/7-145 ................... 7-138/7-145 HD8P-5523, OPT 801,802 .......... HD8P-5531 ........................ HD8P-5531, OPT 802 ............... HD8P-5533 ........................ HD8P-5533, OPT 802 ........ . . . . . .. 7-153 7-145 7-153 7-145 7-153 HD8P-4206 HDSP-4401 HDSP-4403 HD8P-4501 HD8P-4503 ................... 7-138/("-145 ......................... 7-95 ......................... 7-95 ......................... 7-95 ......................... 7-95 HD8P-5537 ........................ HD8P-5537, OPT 802 ............... HD8P-5538 ........................ HD8P-5538, OPT 802 ............... HD8P-5551 ........................ 7-145 7-153 7-145 7-153 7-109 HD8P-4600 HD8P-4601 HD8P-4603 HD8P-4606 HDSP-4701 ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .................... ,.... 7-121 7-121 7-121 7-121 7-95 HD8P-5553 HD8P-5557 HD8P-5558 HD8P-5601 HD8P-5601, ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ OPT 802 ........... ;... 7-109 7-109 7-109 7-130 7-153 HDSP-4703 HD8P-4820 HD8P-4830 HD8P-4832 HD8P-4836 ......................... ......................... .....................•... ......................... ......................... .7-95 5-27 5-27 5-27 5-27 HD8P-5603 HD8P-5607 HD8P-5607, HD8P-5608 HD8P-5621 ................ ;....... ........................ OPT 802 ... , ............ ........ ;............... ........................ 7-130 7-130 7-153 7-130 7-130 HD8P-3736 HD8P-3736, HD8P-3900 HD8P-3900, HD8P-3901 New Products in BOLD Type. vii ~~- HD8P-5623 HD8P-5701 HD8P-5703 HD8P-5707 HD8P-5708 .. ~ ~ . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . .. ........................ ........................ .;...................... ........................ 7-130 7-130 7-130 7-130 7-130 HD8P-7508, OPT 801,802 . . . . . ... . .. HD8P-7511 ........................ HD8P-7513 HD8P-7517 HD8P-7518 7-153 7-109 7-109 7-109 7-109 HD8P-5721 HD8P-5723 HD8P-5731 HD8P-5733 HD8P-5737 ......... :.............. ............... ;........ ........................ .............. ;......... ........................ 7-130 7-130 7-145 7-145 7-145 HD8P-7801 ......................... HD8P-7801, OPT 802 ............... HD8P-7802 ...................... ; .. HD8P-7803 ......................... HD8P-7803, OPT 802 ............... 7-115 7-153 7-115 7-115 7-153 HD8P-5738 HD8P-6300 HD8P-6504 HD8P-6508 HDSP-6621 ............... ,........ .... ;; ......... : ......... .... , .................... .... ,.; .................. ..................... ~ , .. 7-145 7-90 7-84 7-84 7-60 HD8P-7804 ..................•...... HD8P-7807 ........................ : HD8P-7807, OPT 802 ............... HD8P-7808 ......................... HD8P-7808, OPT 802 ............... 7-115 7-115 7-153 7-115 1-153 HDSP-6624 HD8P-7301 HD8P-7301, HD8P-7302 HD8P-7303 ......................... ........ , ........... ; .... OPT 801,802 ......... ~. ......................... ......................... 7-60 7-115 7-153 7-115 7-115 HD8P-8600 HD8P-8601 HD8P-8603 HD8P-8605 HD8P-8606 ............ '; .. .. .. . .. .. ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 7-138 7-138 7-138 7-138 7-138 HD8P-7303, OPT 801,802 ........... HD8P-7304 ................. '... .' .... HD8P-7307 ......................... HD8P-7307, OPT 801,802 ........... HD8P-7308 ..... ; ........ , .......... 7-153 7-115 7-115 7-153 7-115 HD8P-8820 HD8P-8825 HD8P-8835 HDSP-A101 HDSP-A103 ......................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ 5-33 5-33 5-33 7-103 7-103 HD8P-7308,OPT 801,802 . . . . . . . . ... HD8P-7311 ........... ; ............. HD8P-7313 ........... ; ~ ............ HD8P-7317 ...... ; .................. HD8P-7318 ......................... 7-153 7-115 7-115 7-115 7-115 HDSP-A107 HDSP-A108 HDSP-E100 HDSP-E101 HDSP-E103 .......... ;............. ........................ ..................... -.. '. ........................ ........................ 7-103 7-103 7-103 7-103 HD8P-7401 HD8P-7402 HD8P-7403 HD8P-7404 HD8P-7407 ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .......... ; ... ; ...... ~ ... 7-115 7-115 7-115 7-115 7-115 HDSP-E106 HDSP-H101 HDSP-H103 HDSP-H107 HDSP-H108 ........................ .................... -... : ................... .'. ... ........................ ......................... 7-103 7-103 7-103 7-103 HD8P-7408 HD8P-7501 HD8P-7501, HD8P-7502 HD8P-7503 ........... , ......... , ... ......................... OPT 801,802 ........... ......................... ....................... :. 7-115 7-115 7-153 7-115 7-115 HDSP-N100 HDSP-N101 HDSP-N103 HDSP-N105 HDSP-N106 .................... : . .. ........................ ..................... : .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........................ 7-103 7-103 7-103 7-103 7-103 HD8P-7503, OPT 801,802 ....... ~. .. HD8P-7504 ......................... HD8P-7507 ......................... HD8P-7507, OPT 801, 802 ............ HD8P-7508 .................... : .... 7-153 7-115 7-115 7-153 7-115 HED8-0200 HED8-3000 HED8-3001 HED8-3050 HED8-5000 ..................... : -:. 7-103 .......... '......... .- . . . .. 3-25 .................... : .... ' 3-30 ......................... 3-25 .................... _... : 4-25 New Products in BOLD Type. viii 7~103 7-103 HEDS-5010 4-25 HEDS-5100 4-25 HEDS-5110 4-25 HEDS-5200 ......................... 4-25 HEDS-5210 ......................... 4-25 HFBR-1522 HFBR-1523 HFBR-1524 HFBR-1531 HFBR-1532 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-13 HEDS-5300 HEDS-5310 HEDS-5500 HEDS-6000 HEDS-6010 ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... 4-25 4-25 4-19 4-33 4-33 HFBR-1533 HFBR-1534 HFBR-2204 HFBR-2208 8-13 8-13 8-78 8-90 8-98 HEDS-6100 HEDS-6110 HEDS-6200 HEDS-6210 HEDS-6300 ......................... ......................... ......................... ...................' ...... ......................... 4-33 4-33 4-33 4-33 4-33 HFBR-2402 HFBR-2404 HFBR-2406 HFBR-2412 HFBR-2414 8-78 8-37 8-37 8-37 8-37 HEDS-6310 HEDS-7500 HEDS-7501 HEDS-8923 HEDS-8924 4-33 ......................... 4-41 ................. ; ....... 4~41 ......................... 4-25 ......................... 4-25 8-37 HFBR-2416 HFBR-2501 8-60 HFBR-2502 8-60 HFBR-2503 ......................... ,8-60 HFBR-2521 8-13 HEDS-8925 HEDS-8926 HEDS-8927 HEDS-8928 HEDS-8929 ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... HFBR-2522 HFBR-2523 HEDS-8931 HEDS-9000 HEDS-9100 HEDS-9200. HEMT-1001 .......•................. 4-25 .......................... 4-7 ................ , ........ 4-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 4-15 ........................ 6-116 HFBR~2202 4-25 4-25 4-25 4-25 4-25 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-13 HFBR~2524 HFBR-2531 HFBR-2532 8-13 HFBR-2533 HFBR-2534 ......................... 8-13 8-78 HFBR-4202 HFBR-4501 .......................... 8-13 HFBR-4503 8~13 HEMT-3301 ........................ 6-116 HEMT-6000 ........................ 6-120 8-37 HFBR"0400 8-37 HFBR-0410 8-13 HFBR"0501 HFBR-4505 HFBR-4506 HFBR-4511 HFBR-4513 HFBR-4515 HFBR-1202 ............ ;.; .......... HFBR-1204 HFBR-1402 ,' ...... . HFBR-1404 HFBR-1412 ............ ,. ........ '...... HFBR-4593 HFBR-4595 ......................... HFBR-AUD100 ...................... HFBR-AUD1 KM ..................... HFBR-AUS100 ...................... .................. HFBR-1414 HFBR-1502 HFBR-1510 HFBR-1512 HFBR-1521 8-78 8-86 8-37 8-37 8-37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 8~37 ...................... '" 8-60 .......................... 8-60 ....................... '" 8-60 .......................... 8-13 .. .. ... ... . . . . . .. . . ... .. ~ 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-60 8-57 8 e 57 8~57 HFBR-AUS1 KM ................•.... 8-57 HFBR-AWD005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-57 HFBR-AWD010 ...................... 8-57 HFBR-AWD025 . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8-57 HFBR-AWD050 ...................... : 8-57 New Products in BOLD Type. ix HFBR-AWD100 HFBR-AWS001 HFBR-AWSOOS HFBR-AWS010 HFBR-AWS02S ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ; 8-57 8-57 8-57 8-57 8-57 HFBR-PNS1DM ..................... HFBR-PNSSDM. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. HFBR-PUDSOO ...................... HFBR-PUSSOO HFBR-QLS001 8-13 8-13 8-13 8"13 8-13 HFBR-AWSOSO ...................... 8-57 HFBR-AWS100 ...................... 8-57 HFBR-AXS001 8-57 8~57 HFBR-AXS010 HFBR-BXS001 8-57 HFBR-QLSOOS HFBR-QLS010 HFBR-QLS020 HFBR-QLS030 HFBR-QLS04S 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-13 HFBR-BXS010 8-57 8-57 HFBR-CXS001 HFBR-CXS010 ...................... ·8-57 HFBR-PLS001 8-13 HFBR-PLSOOS 8-13 HFBR-QLS060 HFBR-QNS001 HFBR-QNSOOS HFBR-QNS010 HFBR-QNS020 ...................... ...................... ................... ; .. ...................... ..... ; ................ 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-13 HFBR-PLS010 ....................... 8-13 HFBR-PLS020 8-13 8-13 HFBR-PLS030 8-13 HFBR-PLS04S 8-13 HFBR-PLS060 HFBR-QNS030 .................... .. HFBR-QNS04S ...................... HFBR-QNS060 ................. ; . . .. HFBR-QUSSOO ...................... HLCP-A100 ......................... 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-13 5-15 ..................... ..................... .................. ;... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...................... 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-13 HLCP-A100, OPT LOO, L01, L03, L04 ... HLCP-A100, OPT S02 ................ HLCP-B100 ......................... HLCP-B100, OPT S02 . . . . . . . . . . . •. . .. HLCP-C100 ..................... ; ... 5-51 5-53 5-15 5-53 5-15 HFBR-PMD020 ...................... HFBR-PMD030 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. HFBR-PMD04S ...................... HFBR-PMD060 .................... ;. HFBR-PMDSDM .................... 8-13 8-'13 8-13 8-13 8-13 HLCP-C100, OPT L01, L02, L03, L04, L06 ........... HLCP-C100, OPT S02 ............... HLCP-D100 ......................... HLCP-D100, .OPT S02 ............... 5-51 5-53 5-15 5-53 HFBR-PND001 HFBR-PNDOOS HFBR-PND010 HFBR-PND020 HFBR-PND030 ...................... ...................... .................... ;. ...................... ...................... 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-13 HLCP-E100 HCLP-E100, HLCP-F100 HLCP-F100, HLCP-G100 ......................... OPT S02 ............ . . .. ......................... OPT S02 ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-15 5-53 5-15 5-53 5-15 HFBR-PND04S ...................... HFBR-PND060 .................... ;. HFBR-PNDSDM ..................... HFBR-PNS001 HFBR-PNSOOS 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-13 HLCP"G100, OPT S02 ............... HLCP-H100 ......................... HLCP-H100, OPT L01, L02, L03, L04, LOS, L06 ....... HLCP-H100, OPT S02 ............... 5-53 5-15 HFBR-PLS1DM HFBR-PLSSDM HFBR-PMD001 HFBR-PMDOOS HFBR-PMD010 8~13 8~13 .............. ...... . HFBR-PNS010 8-13 HFBR-PNS020 8-13 HFBR-PNS030 ...................... 8-13 HFBR-PNS04S ...................... 8-13 HFBR-PNS060 ...................... 8-13 5-51 5-53 HLCP-J100 ......................... 5-41 ~" HLMP-0103 HLMP-0300 HLMP-0301 HLMP-0354 New Products in BOLD Type. x ........................ 6-144 ......................... 6-95 ......................... 6-95 ........................ 6-146 HLMP-0363 HLMP-0364 HLMP-0365 HLMP-0366 HLMP-0380 ...................... ;. ...................•. ;... ........................ .................. ;..... ........................ 6-152 6-152 6-152 6-152 6-146 HLMP-1301, HLMP-1301, HLMP-1301, HLMP-1302 HLMP-1320 OPT 001, 002 ........... 6-132 OPT 010, 101 ........... 6-137 OPT 104 ............... 6-138 ......................... 6-60 6-65 HLMP-0381 HLMP-0391 HLMP-0392 HLMP-0400 HLMP-0401 ........................ 6-146 .......... : .............. 6-152 ........................ 6"152 ......................... 6~95 ......................... 6-95 HLMP-1321 HLMP-1340 HLMP-1350 HLMP-1385 HLMP-1400 6-65 6-98 6-64 6-60 6-60 HLMP-0454 HLMP-0463 HLMP-0464 HLMP-0465 HLMP-0466 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 6-146 6-152 6-152 6-15;2 6-152 HLMP-1401 HLMP-1401, HLMP-1401, HLMP-1401, HLMP-1402 6-60 OPT 001, 002 ........... 6-132 OPT 010, 101 ............ 6-137 OPT 104 ............... 6-138 ......................... 6-60 HLMP-0480 HLMP-0481 HLMP-0491 HLMP-0492 HLMP-0503 ........................ 6-146 ........................ 6-146 .............. ' .......... 6-152 ......................... 6-152 ......................... 6-95 HLMP-1420 HLMP-1421 HLMP-1440 HLMP-1450 HLMP-1485 6-65 6-65 6-98 6-64 6-60 HLMP-0504 HLMP-0554 HLMP-0563 HLMP-0564 HLMP-0565 ......................... 6-95 ........................ 6-146 ........................ 6-152 ........................ 6-152 ........................ 6-152 HLMP-1503 HLMP-1503, HLMP-1503, HLMP-1503, HLMP-1520 ........................ ,6-60 OPT 001,002 ........... 6-132 OPT 010, 101 ........... 6-137 OPT 104 .............. .6-138 ......................... 6-65 HLMP-0566 HLMP-0580 HLMP-0581 HLMP-0591 HLMP-0592 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ............ : ........... HLMP-1521 ..................... ~ ... 6-65 HLMP-1523 6-60 HLMP-1540 6-98 HLMP-1550 6-64 HLMP-1585 6-60 6-152 6-146 6-146 6-152 6-152 HLMP-0904 ........................ 6-146 HLMP-0930 ........................ 6-146 HLMP-0931 ........................ 6-146 HLMP-1000 ......................... 6-58 HLMP-1002 ......................... 6-58 HLMP-1002, OPT 001, 002 6-132 HLMP-1002, HLMP-1071 HLMP-1080 HLMP-1100 HLMP-1100, OPT 010, 101 ........... 6-137 ......................... 6-58 ......................... 6-58 ........................ 6-106 OPT 010 ............... 6-1'37 HLMP-1120 HLMP-1200 HLMP-1201 HLMP-1300 HLMP-1301 6-106 6-58 6-58 6-60 6-60 HLMP-1600 HLMP-1600, HLMP-1600, HLMP-1601 HLMP-1620 OPT 001.002 ........... OPT 010, 101 ........... ........................ ............... ,........ 6-106 6-132 6-137 6-106 6-106 HLMP-1620, . HLMP-1620, HLMP-1621 HLMP-1640 HLMP-1640, OPT 001. 002 ........... OPT 010,101 .. ; ........ ........................ ................ ,....... OPT 001, 002 6-132 6-137 6-106 6-106 6-132 HLMP-1640, OPT 010, 101 ........... HLMP-1641 ........................ HLMP-1660 HLMP-1661 HLMP-1674 '" .'.', ." .. '. . ~ . . . . . ~ .- . . . . . 6-137 6-106 6-110 6-110 6-110 . New Products in BOLD Type, xi HLMP-1675 HLMP-1687 HLMP-1688 HLMP-1700 HLMP-1719 6-110 6-110 6-110 6-102 6-102 HLMP-2685, HLMP-2700 HLMP-2700, HLMP-2720 HLMP-2720, OPT 802 ................ 5-53 .......................... 5-8 OPT 802 ................ 5-53 ........................... 5-8 OPT 802 ................ 5-53 HLMP-1740 HLMP-1760 HLMP-1790 HLMP-1800 HLMP-1801 ......................... 6-44 ......................... 6-44 ........................ 6-102 ......................... 6-44 ......................... 6-44 HLMP-2735 HLMP-2735, HLMP-2755 HLMP-2755, .......................... 5-8 OPT 802 ............. ; .. 5-53 .......................... 5-8 OPT LOO, L01, L03, L04, L06 ........... 5-51 HLMP-1819 HLMP-1820 HLMP-1840 HLMP-1841 HLMP-2300 ......................... 6-44 ......................... 6-44 ...... , .................. 6-44 ......................... 6-44 .......................... 5-8 HLMP-2755, HLMP-2770 HLMP-2770, HLMP-2785 OPT 802 ................ 5-53 .......................... 5-8 OPT 802 ................ 5-53 .......................... 5~8 HLMP-2300, HLMP-2300, HLMP-2350 'HLMP-2350, HLMP-2400 OPT LOO, L01, L03, L04 ... 5-51 OPT 802 ................ 5-53 .......................... 5-8 OPT 802 ................ 5-53 .......................... 5-8 HLMP-2785, OPT LOO, L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06 ........... 5-51 HLMP-2785, OPT 802 ................ 5-53 HLMP-2800 .......................... 5-8 HLMP-2800, OPT 802 ................ 5-53 HLMP-2400, HLMP-2400, HLMP-2450 HLMP-2450, HLMP-2500 OPT LOO, L01, L03, L04 ... 5-51 OPT 802 ............ ; ... 5-53 .......................... 5-8 OPT 802 ................ 5-53 .......................... 5-8 HLMP-2820 HLMP-2820, HLMP-2835 HLMP-2835, HLMP-2855 HLMP-2500, HLMP-2500, HLMP-2550 HLMP-2550, HLMP-2598 OPT LOO, L01, L03, L04 ... 5-51 OPT 802 .....•.......... 5-53 .......................... 5-8 OPT 802 ................ 5-53 ......................... 5-49 HLMP-2855, OPT LOO, L01, L03, L04, L06 ........... 5-51 HLMP-2855, OPT 802 ................ 5-53 HLMP-2870 .......................... 5-8 HLMP-2870, OPT 802 ................ 5-53 HLMP-2599 HLMP-2600 HLMP-2600, HLMP-2620 HLMP-2620, ..................... '.... 5-49 ........................... 5-8 OPT 802 ................ 5-53 .......................... 5-8 OPT 802 ................ 5-53 HLMP-2885 .......................... 5-8 HLMP-2885, OPT LOO, L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06 ........... 5-51 HLMP-2885, OPT 802 ................ 5-53 HLMP-2898 ......................... 5-49 HLMP-2635 HLMP-2635, HLMP-2655 HLMP-2655, .............. '............ 5-8 OPT 802 ................ 5-53 .......................... 5-8 OPT L01, L02, L03, L04, L06 ............ 5-8 HLMP-2899 HLMP-2950 HLMP-2965 HLMP-3000 HLMP-3000, HLMP-2655, HLMP-2670 HLMP-2670, HLMP-2685 HLMP-2685, OPT 802 ................ 5-53 .......................... 5-8 OPT 802 ...........•.... 5-53 ...................... , ... 5-8 OPT L01, L02,L03, L04, L05, L06 ........... 5-51 HLMP-3000, OPT 010, 100 ........... 6-139 HLMP-3001 ......................... 6-69 HLMP-3001, OPT 001,002 ........... 6-132 HLMP-3001, OPT 010,100 ........... 6-139 HLMP-3002 ......................... 6-69 New Products in BOLD Type. xii .......................... 5-8 OPT 802 ................ 5-53 .......................... 5-8 OPT 802 ................ 5-53 .......................... 5-8 ........................ . 5-49 ......................... 5-20 ......................... 5-20 ...... '................... 6-69 OPT 001,002 ........... ' 6-132 HLMP-3002, HLMP-3002, HLMP-3003 HLMP-3003, HLMP-3003, OPT 001, 002 ........... 6-132 OPT 010, 100 ........... 6-139 ......................... 6-69 OPT 001,002 ........ ; .. 6-132 OPT 010, 100 ........... 6-139 HLMP-3507, OPT 010, 100 ........... 6-139 HLMP-3517 ......................... 6-81 HLMP-3517, OPT 001, 002 ........... 6-132 HLMP-3517, OPT 010, 100 ........... 6-139 HLMP-3519 ;........................ 6-81 HLMP-3050 HLMP-3105 HLMP-3105, HLMP-3105, HLMP-3112 ......................... 6-69 ........................ 6-106 OPT 001,002 ........... 6-132 OPT 010, 100 ........... 6-139 ........................ 6-106 HLMP-3519, HLMP-3519, HLMP-3553 HLMP-3554 HLMP-3567 OPT 001,002 ........... 6-132 OPT 010, 100 ........... 6-139 ......................... 6-71 ......................... 6-71 ......................... 6-75 HLMP-3112, HLMP-3112, HLMP-3200 HLMP-3201 HLMP-3300 OPT 001, 002 ........... 6-132 OPT 010, 100 ........... 6-139 ......... ;............... 6-75 ......................... 6-75 ......................... 6-71 HLMP-3568 HLMP-3590 HLMP-3600 HLMP-3600, HLMP-3600, ......................... 6-75 ......................... 6-98 ........................ 6-106 OPT 001,002 ........... 6-132 OPT 010, 100 ........... 6-139 HLMP-3300, OPT 001, 002 ........... 6-132 HLMP-3300, OPT 010, 100 ........... 6-139 HLMP-3301 ......................... 6-71 HLMP-3301, OPT 001,002 ........... 6-132 HLMP-3301, OPT 010, 100 ........... 6-139 HLMP-3601 ........................ HLMP-3601, OPT 001,002 ........... HLMP-3601, OPT 010, 100 ........... HLMP-3650 ........................ HLMP-3650, OPT 001, 002 ....•.... ;. 6-106 6-132 6-139 6-106 6-132 HLMP-3315 HLMP-3316 HLMP-3350 HLMP-3351 HLMP-3365 ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ................. :....... 6-81 6-81 6-75 6-75 6-75 HLMP-3650, OPT 010,100 .... : ...... HLMP-3651 ...............•........ HLMP-3651, OPT 001,002 ........... HLMP-3651, OPT 010, 100· ........... HLMP-3680 ........................ 6-139 6-106 6-132 6-139 6-106 HLMP-3366 HLMP-3390 HLMP-3400 HLMP-3400, HLMP-3400, ......................... 6-75 ...................... : .. 6-98 ......................... 6-71 OPT 001,002 .......... ; 6-132 OPT 010, 100 ........... 6-139 HLMP-3680, OPT 001. 002 ........... HLMP-3680, OPT 010, 100 ........... HLMP-3681 ........................ HLMP-3681, OPT 001,002 ........... HLMP-3681, OPT 010,100 ........... 6-132 6-139 6-106 6-132 6-139 HLMP-3401 HLMP-3401, HLMP-3401, HLMP-3415 HLMP-3416 ......................... 6-71 OPT 001, 002 ........... 6-132 OPT 010,100 ........... 6-139 ......................... 6-81 ......................... 6-81 HLMP-3750 HLMP-3750, HLMP-3750, HLMP-3762 HLMP-3850 ......................... 6-98 OPT 001,002 ........... 6-132 OPT 010, 100 ........... 6-139 ......................... 6-71 ......................... 6-98 HLMP-3450 HLMP-3451 HLMP-3465 HLMP-3466 HLMP-3490 ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ....................... ;. 6-75 6-75 6-75 6-75 6-98 HLMP-3850, HLMP-3850, HLMP-3862 HLMP-3950 HLMP-3950, OPT 001,002 ........... 6-132 OPT 010, 100 ........... 6-139 ......................... 6-71 ......................... 6-98 OPT 001,002 ........... 6-132 HLMP-3502 ....................•. ;.. 6-71 HLMP-3502, OPT 001,002 ... ~ ........ 6-132 HLMP-3502, OPT 010, 100 ........... 6-139 HLMP-3507 ......................... 6-71 HLMP-3507, OPT 001,002 ........... 6-132 HLMP-3950, HLMP-3962 HLMP-3962, HLMP-3962, HLMP-4000 OPT 010, 100 ........... 6-139 ......................... 6-71 OPT 001,002 ........... 6-132 OPT 010,100 ........... 6-139 ........................ 6-113 New Products in BOLD Type. xiii -_.".. ----,-,,-".----~------- --~------- ---~.--~----------------.-----"'- HLMP-4100 HLMP-4101, tjLMP-4700 HLMP-4700, HLMP-4700, .... , ....... ;...... : .. ~' . .. 6-28 ..................... ;~; . ,6-28, , .... , ...•...•.. ; .•.. ;'.. 6-102 OPT 001,002 ..... ; ..• ~. 6.132 OPT 010, 100 .... , . . . . . .6-139 HLMP-6500, OPT P01,P02 .... i • • • •• ~-130 HLMP-6505 ....... , .......•. , ..... ,.,. 6,32 HLMP~6600 .....•..•....•..•.•..... ; 6-110 HLMP-6600, OPT 010; 011 .......... , 67122 HLMP-6600, OPT 021, 022 ....... i .... 6-126 HLMP-4719 tjLMP-4719, HLMP-4719, HLMP-4740 HLMP-5029 ..•....•..•.. " . . . . . •..... 6-102 OPT 001, 002 ...•...... ~ ,6-132 OPT 010, 100 ........... 6~139 "........................ 6~102 ............ , ..•..•... ;.. 6-141 HLMP-6600, OPT P01, P02 .......... HLMP-6620 ..... '.' .. '.' ...... " ..... HLMP-6620, OPT 010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. HLMP-6~20, OPT 011; 012 ........... HLMP-6620, OPT 021,022 ........... 6-130 6-110 6-122 6-122 6-126 HLMP-6000 .......................... 6-38. HLMP-6000, OPT 010 .... ,.......... 6-139 HLMP-6000,OPTOll,012 ........... 6-122 HLMP-6000. OPT 021,022 ......•..•.. 6-126 HLMP-6000, OPT P01,P02 .......... 6-130 HLMP-6620, HLMP-6650, HLMP-6653 HLMP-6653, HLMP-6654 OPT POl, P02 ...... ,... 6-130 OPT 013 ............•.. 6-122 ..., ...................•.. 6-43 OPT 013 ............... 6-122 ......,................... 6-43 HLMP-6001 HLMP-6001, HLMP-6001, HLMP-6001, HLMP-6203 , .............. :.......... .6-38 OPT 011,'012; .......... 6-136· OPT 021, 022 ....••...... 6,-126 OPT P01, P02 ........... 6~130 ,., .....,.... ;..... ; ..•.... J~-43 HLMP-6655 HLMP-6655, HLMP-6656 HLMP-6656, HLMP-6658 ............... ,......... 6-43 OPT013 , . . .. . . . . . . . ... 6-122 ..•..•.................... 6-43 OJ)T,013 ..... ~ . . . . . . . •• 67122 ...................... ;.. 6,-43 HLMP-6203, HLMP-6204 HLMP-6204, HLMP-6205 HLMP-6205, OPT 013 .. ; ..... ;'. .. . ... 6~38 ............... , ........ ; .. 6-43 OPT 013 .. ;............. 6-1?2 .........,.. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . 6-:-43 OPT 013 ............... 6~122 HLMP-6658, OPT 013 ............... 6-122 ......................... 6-110 HLMP-6700, OPT 010 ............... 6~136 HLMP-6720 ......................... 6-110 HLMP-6720, OPT 010 ........... .•.. 6-136 HLMP-6206 HLMP-6206, HLMP-6208 HLMP-6208, HLMP-6300 ........ ," ............. ; .. 6-43 OPT 013 ; ....... ; .. , .... 6-122 ......................... 6-43 OPT 013 .... , .... ,.,. . .. .. 6~~22 ........ ; ....•... ; ....•... 6~38 HI:.MP-6753 ............•......... ; .. 6-43 HLMP-6753, OPT 01.3 ........... ; .... 6-122 HLMP-6754 ...................... '... 6-43 HLMp-6754, qPT 013 .......•. " . . . .. 6-122 HLMP-6756, ........ ;' ...... ; ........ " 6-43 HLMP-6300, HLrv'lP-6300, HLMP-6300, HLMP-6300, HLMP-6305 OPT 010 ........... l ••• 6.136. OPT 011,012 ... ~' ... , ... 6-122 OPT 021,.022 ............ 6-12~: OPT P01, P02 ......... ; 6-130 .......................... 6.32 HLMP-6756, HLMP-6758 HLMP-6758, HLMP-6800 HLMP-6800, HLMP-6400 HLMP-6400, HLMP-6400, HLMP-6400, ............• ; •.•....•.... 6_3~ OPT 010 .....• ;.....•. ;. 6~136, OPT 011 ............. :... 6-122 OPT 021,022 ........ ,: .6-126 HLMP-6800, OPT 011, 012 .......... ,.: HLMP-6800, OPT 021, 022 ........... ~LMP-6800, OPT POl, P02 ....... , .. HI:.MP-6820 ........................ HLMP~6820, OPT010 ............ ;.. HLMP~6700 HLMP-6405 .......•. ; ..... :: ......... ;' 6-32 HLMP-6500 .............. ;.' .. '.... ,. '" !;i-38 I-:fLMP-6500, OPT 010 ............ ;.•.. 6-136 HlMP-6500, OPT 011, 012. i, •• ,; ••• " •• 6-122 HLMP-6500, OPT 021,02? .....•........ 6-126 New Products in BOLD Type, OPT 013 ............... 6-122 '. ............ ; •......... ;.. 6-43 OPT 013. . .. . . . . . . . . . ... 6-122. .................... ;. i . 6-110 OPT010 ................ 6.-136 6-122 6-126 6-130 6-110 6-122 HLMP-6820, ()PT 011, 012 ....... , : .... 6-122 HLMP-6~2Q, OPT 021, 022 .. , ........ : 6~126 HLMP-6820, OPT P01,:P02 .. ;.. , ..... 6.130 HLMP-6853 ......................... 6,-43 HLMp-6853, OPT 013 •.. , .... , .. :.•..•. 6-122 xiv HLMP-6854 HLMP-6854, HLMP-6855 HLMP-6855, HLMP-6856 ......................... 6-43 OPT 013 ............... 6-122 ......................... 6-43 OPT 013 ............... 6-122 ......................... 6-43 HLMP-K105, OPT 010,101 ........... HLMP-K105, OPT 001, 002 .......... HLMP-K150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. HLMP-K150, OPT 010, 101 ........... HLMP-K150, OPT 001, 002 .......... 6-137 6-132 6-24 6-137 6-132 HLMP-6856, OPT 013 ............... 6-122 HLMP-6858 ......................... 6-43 HLMP-6858, OPT 013 ............... 6-122 HLMP-7000 ........................ 6-102 HLMP-7000, OPT 011,012 ........... 6-122 HLMP-K155 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-24 HLMP-K155, OPT 010, 101 ........... 6-137 HLMP-K155, OPT 001, 002 .......... 6-132 HLMP-K400 ........................ 6"60 HLMP-K401 ......................... 6-60 HLMP-7000, OPT 021,022 ........... HLMP-7000, OPT P01, P02 .......... HLMP-7019 ........................ HLMP-7019, OPT 011,012 ........... HLMP-7019, OPT 021, 022 ........... 6-126 6-130 6-102 6-122 6-126 HLMP-K402 HLMP-L250 HLMP-L251 HLMP-L350 HLMP-L351 ........................ ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... 6-60 6-50 6-50 6-50 6-50 HLMP-7019, OPT P01, P02 .. . . . . . . . .. HLMP-7040 ........................ HLMP-7040, OPT 011,012 ........... HLMP-7040, OPT 021,022 ........... HLMP-7040, OPT P01, P02 .......... 6-130 6-102 6-122 6-126 6-130 HLMP-L550 ......................... HLMP-L551 ......................... HLMP-M200 ........................ HLMP-M201 HLMP-M250 6-50 6-50 6-54 6-54 6-54 HLMP-A200 ......................... 6-85 HLMP-A300 ......................... 6-85 HLMP-A500 ......................... 6-85 HLMP-D101 ......................... 6-20 HLMP-D101, OPT 010,100 ........... 6-139 HLMP-M251 HLMP-M300 HLMP-M301 HLMP-M350 HLMP-M351 6-54 6-54 6-54 6-54 6-54 HLMP-D101, OPT 001, 002 ........... 6-132 HLMP-D105 ........................ 6-20 HLMP-D105, OPT 010, 100 .......... 6-139 HLMP-D105, OPT 001, 002 .......... 6-132 HLMP-D150 ........................ 6-24 HLMP-M500 HLMP-M501 HLMP-M550 HLMP-M551 HLMP-Q101 6-54 6-54 6-54 6-54 6-20 OPT 010,100 .......... 6-139 OPT 001, 002 .......... 6-132 ........................ 6-24 OPT 010,100 .......... 6-139 OPT 001, 002 .......... 6-132 HLMP-Q150 HLMP-Q150, HLMP-Q150, HLMP-Q150, HLMP-Q400 6-24 OPT 011, 012 ........... 6-122 OPT 021, 022 .......... 6-126 OPT P01, P02 .......... 6-130 ........................ 6-38 HLMP-D400 ........................ 6-71 HLMP-D400, OPT 010, 100 .......... 6-139 HLMP-D400, OPT 001, 002 .......... 6-132 HLMP-D401 ........................ 6-71 HLMP-D401, OPT 010,100 ........... 6-139 HLMP-S200 HLMP-S201 HLMP-S300 HLMP-S301 HLMP-S400 ............... . . . . . . . . .. ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... 6-91 6-91 6-91 6-91 6-91 HLMP-D401, OPT 001, 002 .......... 6-132 HLMP-K101 ......................... 6-20 HLMP-K101, OPT 010, 101 ........... 6-137 HLMP-K101, OPT 001, 002 ........... 6-132 HLMP-K105 . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . .... 6-20 HLMP-S401 HLMP-S500 HLMP-S501 HLMP-T200 HLMP-T300 ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... 6-91 6-91 6-91 5-45 5-45 HLMP-D150, HLMP-D150, HLMP-D155 HLMP-D155, HLMP-D155, New Products in BOLD Type. xv HLMP-T400 ............... ; ......... 5-45 HLMP-T500 ......................... 5-45 HMDL-2416 ..................... ;.. 7-204 HMDL-2416TXV .................... 7-204 HMDL-2416TXVB . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... 7-204 4N55/883B ........................ 9-140 4N55TXV .......................... 9-140 4N55TXVB . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. ..... 9-140 5082-7100 ............. ; . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-80 5082-7101 ........................... 7-80 HPDL-1414 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-30 HPDL-2416. ......................... 7-38 JAN1N5765 ........................ 6-146 JAN1N6092 ........................ 6-146 JAN1 N6093 ........................ 6-146 5082-7102 ........................... 7-80 5082-7295 .......................... 7-174 5082-7300 ......................... 7-154 5082-7302 7-154 5082-7304 7-154 JAN1N6094 ........................ 6-146 JANTX1 N5765 ..................... 6-146 JANTX1N6092 ..................... 6-146 6-146 JANTX1 N6093 6-146 JANTX1 N6094 5082-7340 5082-7356 5082-7357 5082-7358 5082-7359 M001-01ACX ....................... M001-02ACX ....................... M001-03ACX ....................... M001-04ACX ...•.............. .... .. SL5505 ........................ ;; ... 7-182 7c182 7-182 7c182 9-61 5082-7404 5082-7405 5082-7414 5082-7415 5082-7432 . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... 7-169 7-169 7-169 7-169 7-169 16800A 16800A, 16800A, 16801 A 16801A, ............................. 3-56 OPT 001 ............... , ..... 3-62 OPT 002 .................... 3-64 ............................. 3-56 OPT 001 .................... 3-62 5082-7433 5082-7441 5082-7446 5082-7610 5082-7610, .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. ........................... ........................... ........................... OPT S01, S02 ............ 7-169 7-174 7-174 7-121 7-153 16801A, 16830A 16832A 16840A 16842A OPT 002 ................ ; .... .............................. ....................... : ...... .......................•....... .............................. 3-64 3-56 3-56 3-56 3-56 5082-7611 5082-7611, 5082-7613 5082-7613, 5082-7616 ........................... OPT S01, S02 ............ ........................... OPT S01, S02 ............ ........................... 7-121 7-153 7-121 7-153 7-121 1 N5765 ............................ 6-146 1N6092 ........... : ................ 6-146 1N6093 ............... ~ ............ 6-146 1N6094 ............................ 6-146 4N45 ................................ 9-75 5082-7616, 5082-7620 5082-7621 5082-7623 5082-7626 OPT S01, S02 ............ ....... ; .................. ........................... .......................... .......................... 7-153 7-121 7-121 7-121 7-121 4N46 ................................. 4N51 ................................ 4N51TXV .......................... 4N52 ............................... 4N52TXV .......................... 9-75' 7-182 7-182 7-182 7-182 5082-7650 .......................... 5082-7650, OPT S01,.S02 ............ 5082-7651 ........................... 5082-7651, OPT S01, S02 ............ 5082-7653 .......................... 7-121 7-153 7-121 7-153 7-121 4N53 .............................. 4N53TXV .......................... 4N54 .............................. 4N54TXV .......................... 4N55 .. : ........................... 7~182 7-182 7-182 7-182 9-140 5082-7653, OPT S01,S02 ............ 5082-7656 .......................... 5082-7656, OPT 801, S02 ..... : . .. ... 5082-7660 .......................... 5082-7661 ........................... 7-153 7-121 7-153 7-121 7-121 New Products in BOLD Type. xvi 7-154 7-158 7-158 7-158 7-158 .......................... OPT S01, S02 ............ .......................... OPT S01, S02 ............ .......................... 7-121 7-153 7-121 7-153 7-121 6N134TXV ......................... 9-145 6N134TXVB ......................... 9-145 6N135 .............................. 9-57 6N135, OPT 010 ..................... 9-10 6N135, OPT 100 ..................... 9-10 5082-7730, OPT S01, S02 ............ 5082-7731 ........................... 5082-7731, OPT S01, S02 ............ 5082-7736 .......................... 5082-7736, OPT S01, S02 ............ 7-153 7-121 7-153 7-121 7-153 6N136 .............................. 9-57 6N136, OPT 010 ...................... 9-9 6N136, OPT 100 ..................... 9-10 6N137 .............................. 9-35 6N137, OPT 010 ...................... 9-9 5082-7740 ........................... 5082-7740, OPT S01, S02 ............ 5082-7750 .......................... 5082-7750, OPT S01, S02 ............ 5082-7751 ........................... 7-121 7-153 7-121 7-153 7-121 6N137, OPT 100 ..................... 9-10 6N138 .............................. 9-67 6N139 .............................. 9-67 6N139, OPT 010 ...................... 9-9 6N139, OPT 100 ..................... 9-10 5082-7751, OPT S01, S02 ............ 5082-7756 .......................... 5082-7756, OPT S01, S02 ............ 5082-7760 .......................... 5082-7760, OPT S01, S02 ............ 7-153 7-121 7-153 7-121 7-153 6N140A ........................... 6N140A/883B ...................... 6N140TXV ......................... 6N140TXVB ........................ 8102801 EC ......................... 5082-7663 5082-7663, 5082-7666 5082-7666, 5082-7730 9-159 9-159 9-159 9-159 9-149 8302401 EC ........................ 9-163 92261A .............................. 2-4 51605B .............................. 2-4 51605G .............................. 2-4 51605R .............................. 2-4 51610A .............................. 2-8 6N134 ............................. 9-145 New Products in BOLD Type. xvii .High Reliability • • • • Screening Programs Hermetic Lamps Selection Guide Hermetic Displays Selection Guide Hermetic Optocouplers Selection Guide -------- - - - - - - - - - High Reliability can be enhanced by 100% screening and conditioning tests. Lot capabilities can be confirmed by acceptance qualfication test programs. MIL-D-87157 is used to define the military requirements for plastic LED indicators and displays. Hewlett-Packard has supplied specially tested high reliability optoelectronic products since 1968 for use in state-of-the-art commercial, military, and aerospace applications. To meet the requirements of high reliability, products must be designed with rugged capabilities to withstand severe levels of environmental stress and exposure without failure. We have accomplished this objective by designing a unique family of hermetic products including lamps, displays, and optocoup1ers which have proven their merits in numerous advanced space and defense programs in the international marketplace. All testing is done by experienced Hewlett-Packard employees using facilities which are approved by DESC for JAN products and by customer inspection for special programs. Environmental equipment capabilities and operating methods of the test laboratory meet MIL-STD-750 or MIL-STD-883 procedures. Hewlett-Packard Quality Systems are in compliance with MIL-Q-9858 or MIL-I-45208. The requirements of MIL-STD-45662 are followed by Hewlett-Packard Calibration Systems. These products receive reliability screening and qualification tests in accordance with the following appropriate reliability programs: MIL-S-19500, MILD-87157 and MIL-STD-883. HP supplies JAN and J ANTX LED indicators and optocoup1ers in compliance with DESC selected item drawings and parts with HP standard military equipment screening programs for optocoup1ers and displays. In addition, Hewlett-Packard optocoup1ers are considered hybrid devices and are therefore line certified in accord~~ce with MIL-STD-1772, as well as in conformance to Appendices A and G of MIL-M-3851O. Reliability programs are also performed to individual customer control drawings and specifications when needed. Some of these special testing programs are very complex and may include Class S requirements for microcircuits. HP's epoxy encapsulated optoelectronic products are designed for long life applications where non-man rated or ground support requirements allow their use. As with hermetic products, the capabilities of epoxy parts 1-2 ---------'--- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- High Reliability Optoelectronic Products Hewlett-Packard offers the broadest line of high reliability, solid state display products. They are specially designed to withstand severe environmental stresses and exposure without failure. This unique product group includes lamps, integrated numeric and hexadecimal displays, 5 x 7 dot matrix displays, and fully intelligent monolithic 16 segment displays. The integrated numeric and hexadecimal displays with on board decoder/driver and memory are hermetically sealed and have a character height of 7.4 mm (0.29 inch). These devices are available in standard red; low power, high efficiency red; high brightness, high efficiency red; yellow; and a green epoxy sealed unit that conforms to MIL-D-87157 hermeticity requirements. These devices are designed and tested for use in military and aerospace applications. The hermetic solid state lamps are listed on the MILS-19500 Qua1ified Parts List (QPL). These devices meet JAN and J ANTX quality levels and are furnished in the basic lamp configuration or an integral panel mountable assembly. Four colors are available: high efficiency red, standard red, yellow and green. The hermetic Ultra-bright lamps are provided with JAN and J ANT~ equivalent testing. These devices are sunlight viewable and are available in three colors: high efficiency red, yellow and green. The 5 x 7 dot matrix alphanumeric displays with extended temperature range capabilities are available in three character heights: 3.8 mm (0.15 inch), 5 mm (0.2 inch) and 6~9 mm (0.27 inch). These displays are available in several colors: standard red, high efficiency red and yellow. Green devices conforming to MIL-D87157 hermeticity requirements are available in the 3.8 mm (0.15 inch) and 5 mm (0.2 inch) character heights. The 5 mm (0.2 inch) and 6.9 mm (0.27 inch) versions have the added features of having a solderglass seal and an even wider operating temperature range than the 3.8 mm (0.15 inch) packiige. This wide variety of character heights and colors makes these products ideal for a variety of applications in avionics, industrial cOntrols, and instrumentations. The hermetically sealed 4N51-4N54 hexadecimal and numeric displays are listed on the MIL-D-87157 Qualified Parts List and are supplied to Quality Level A. Four types of devices are available: numeric indicators with right-hand or left-hand decimals, hexadecimal indicator and overrange display with righthand decimal. In addition to the QPL products, Hewlett-Packard also offers two in-house high reliability testing programs, TXV and TXVB. The TXVB program conforms to MIL-D-87157 Quality Level A test tables with 100% screening and Quality Conformance Inspection testing (QCI). The TXV program is a modification to Level A testing and consists of 100% screening and Group A testing. Products that are tested to TXV and TXVB programs and comply with MIL-D-87157 hermeticity requirements include the numeric and heXadecimal displays, 5 x 7 dot matrix displays, and monolithic 16 segment displays. Detailed testing programs for these devices are given in the individual data sheets. 1-3 ----------------- ------------------------------------- Optoelectronic Product Qualification DESC Qualified Products Two military general specifications are presently in use to qualify visible products. MIL-S-19500 establishes the qualification requirements for JAN and JANTX hermetic lamps. Four hermetic lamps and three panel mountable hermetic lamps are listed on the MILS-19500 Qualified Parts List (QPL). Descriptions of the individual devices and test program are given in the slash (detail) specifications MIL-S-19500/467, /519, /520 and/521. MIL-D-87157 establishes the qualification requirements for the 4N51-4N54 light emitting displays. These four hermetic displays are listed on the MIL-D87157 Qualified Parts List. Descriptions of the individual devices and test program are given in the slash specification MIL-D-87157/1 (ER). Hewlett-Packard Hi-Rei Testing Programs By conforming to the requirements of MIL-D-87157 for all other .display and lamp products, not discussed above, Hewlett-Packard is able to offer products of significant value to. reliability oriented customers. MILD-87157 has provisions fodour different quality levels as follows: Level A Hermetic displays with 100% screening and Group A, B and C testing. Level B Hermetically sealed displays with Group A, B, and C testing and without 100% screening. Level C Non-hermetic displays with 100% screening and Group A, Band C testing. Level D Non-hermetic displays with Group A, B, and Ctestingand without 100% screening. Hewlett-Packard devices meeting the hermeticity requirements of MIL-D-87157 include the hermetic hexadecimal, numeric and alphanumeric displays described in this section of the catalog. If the suffix TXVB is added to the part number, the display is tested to Level A with 100% screening and qualification tests. When the suffix TXV is added. the devices are submitted to 100% screening and Group A testing. Detailed testing programs which follow the MIL-D87157 Quality Level A test tables are given in the individual data sheets. The general MIL-D-87157 Quality Level C program for non-hermetic displays is given on the following pages. 1-4 TABLE I. 100% SCREEN FORMAT FOR QUALITY LEVEL C MIL-STD-750 Method Test Screen 1. Precap Visuall1l 2072 Level C When specified 2. High Temperature Storagel 11 1032 100% 3. Temperature Cyclingl1l 1051 100% 4. Constant Accelerationl 1.2 1 2006 When specified 5. Fine Leakl 11 1071 N/A 6. Gross Leakl11 1071 - 7. Interim Electrical/Optical Testsl 11 8. Burn-lnI 1.3 i 1015 9. Final Electrical/Optical Tests 10. Delta Determinationsl 11 11. External Visuall 3 1 N/A When specified 100% - 100% - When specified 2009 100% Notes: 1. These tests are design dependent. The conditions and limits shall be specified in the detail specification when these tests are applicable. 2. Applicable to cavity type displays only. 3. MIL-STD-883 test method applies. TABLE II. GROUP A ELECTRICAL TESTS[1] LTPD Subgroups Subgroup 1 DC Electrical Tests at 25°C 5 Subgroup 2 Selected DC Electrical Tests at High Temperatures 7 Subgroup 3 Selected DC Electrical Tests at Low Temperatures 7 Subgroup 4 Dynamic Electrical Tests at TA = 25° C 5 Subgroup 5 Dynamic Electrical Tests at High Temperatures 7 Subgroup 6 Dynamic Electrical Tests at Low Temperatures 7 Subgroup 7 Optical and Functional Tests at 25°C 5 Subgroup 8 External Visual 7 Notes: _ _ _ _ 1: The specific parameters to be included for tests in each subgroup shall be as specified in the applicable detail specification. 1-5 ---------- TABLE lila. GROUP B, CLASS A AND B OF MIL-D-87157 (CLASS C AND D DISPLAYS ONLY) , Test MIL-STD-750 Method Sampling Plan 1022 4 Devices/ Subgroup 1 Resistance to Solvents II I 2075[7J Internal Visual and Design Verification[2. 5, 6J o Failures 1 Device/ o Failures Subgroup 2[3,4] Solderabilityl I I E[ectrical/Optical Endpointsl l I 2026 LTPD = 15 Subgroup 3 Therma[ Shockl l I (Temperature Cycling) 1051 LTPD=15 1021 Moisture Resistancel I I E[ectrica[/Optical Endpointsl l I Subgroup 4 Operating Life Test (340 Hours)l1 I Electrical/Optical Endpointsl I I 1027 LTPD = 10 Subgroup 5 Non-Operating (Storage) Life Test (340 Hours)ll I Electrical/Optical Endpointsl l I 1032 LTPD = 10 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Test method or conditions in accordance with detail specification. Not required for solid encapsulated displays. The LTPD applies to the numberof leads inspected except in no ease shall less than three displays be used to provide the number of leads required. Whenever electrical/optical tests are not required as endpoints, electrical rejects may be used. 7. MIL-STD-883 test method applies, Visual inspection is performed through the window display. Equivalent to MIL-STD-883, Method 2014, TABLE IVa. GROUP C, CLASS A AND B OF MIL-D-87157 MIL-STD-750 Method Test Subgroup 1[1] Physical Dimensions 2066 Sampling Plan 2 Devicesl o Failures Subgroup 2[1] Lead Integrityl61 2004 LTPD=15 Subgroup 3 Shockl 21 Vibration, Variable Frequencyl21 Constant Accelerationl 21 External Visuall 3 1 Electrical/Optical Endpointsl 4 1 2016 2056 2006 10100r 1011 LTPD= 15 Subgroup 4 Operating Life Test1 4,51 Electrical/Optical Endpointsl 4 1 1026 A = 10 Subgroup 5 Temperature Cycling (25 cycles min.)1 4 1 Electrical/Optical Endpointsl 4 1 1051 LTPD = 20 Notes 1. Whenever electrical/optical tests are not required as endpoints, electrical rejects may be used. 2. Not required for solid encapsulated displays. 3. Visual requirements shall be as-specified in MIL-STD-883, method 1010 or 5. lOll. 4. Test method or conditions in accordance with detail specification. 6. 1-6 If a given inspection lot undergoing Group B inspection has been selected to satisfy Group C inspection requirements, the 340 hour life tests may be continued on test to 1000 hours in order to s~tisfy the Group C life test requirements. I n such cases, either the 340 hour endpoint measurements shall be made as a basis for Group B lot acceptance or the 1000 hours endpoint measurements shall be used as the basis for both Group Band C acceptance. MIL-STD-883 test method applies, Hermetically Sealed and High Reliability LED Lamps Description Device Package Duiline Drawing Part No. 1N5765 JAN1N576S1 4] T "....- ...... / , ~ <:IT3 ~ \ Colorl 21 Red (640 nm) Package Hermeticl TO-4613] . lens Red Diffused Typical luminous Intensity 1.0 mcd @20mA 2e 112111 70' Typical Forward Voltage 1.6 V @20mA JANTX1 N576514] 1N6092 JAN1N6092[4] High Efficiency Red (626 nm) 5.0 mcd @20mA 2.0 V @20mA JANTX1N6092[4] 1N6093 Yellow (585 nm) Yellow Diffused Green (572 nm) Green Diffused 3.0 mcd @25mA 2.1 V @25mA Red Diffused 1.0 mcd @20mA 1.6 V . @20mA 5.0 mcd @20mA 2.0 V @20mA 3.0 mcd @25mA 2.1 V @25mA JAN1N6093[4] JANTX1 N609314] / ~ -~ 1N6094 JAN1N6094[4] JANTX1N6094[4] HlMP-0904 Red (640 nm) Panel Mount Version HlMP-0930 HlMP-0931 HlMP-0354 JANM195001 51901[4] JTXM195001 51902[4] HLMP-0454 0 JANM195001 52001[4] JTXM195001 52002[4] HLMP-0554 JANM195001 52101{4] JTXM195001 52102[4] High Efficiency Red (626 nm) Yellow (585 nm) Yellow Diffused Green (572 nm) Green Diffused NOTES: 1. (-)112 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. Dominant Wavelength. 3. PC Board Mountable. 4. Military Approved and qualified for High Reliability Applications. 1-7 Page No. 6-146 Hermetically Sealed and High Reliability LED Lamps (cant.) Description Device Package Outline Drawing r;( Part No. Colorl2] HlMP-0363 High Efficiency Red (626 nm) HlMP-0391 HlMP-0392 HlMP-0463 HLMP-0491 Package Hermetic TO-1813] lens Typical luminous Intensity Clear Class 50 mcd @20mA 201/211] 18 Typical Forward Voltage 2.0V @20mA Yellow (585 nm) 50 mcd @20mA 2.0 V @20mA Green (572 nm) 50 mcd @25mA 2.1 V @25mA 50 mcd @20mA 2.0V @20mA Yellow (585 nm) 50 mcd @25mA 2.0 V @20mA Green (572 nm) 50 mcd @25mA 2.1 V @25mA HlMP-0492 -, Gill;, -' HLMP-0563 HLMP-0591 HlMP-0592 HLMP-0364 HLMP-0365 HLMP-0366 HLMP-0464 HLMP-0465 High Efficiency Red (626 nm) Panel Mount Version Clear Glass HLMP-0466 0 HlMP-0564 HLMP-0565 HLMP-0566 NOTES: 1. (-)1/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. Dominant Wavelength. 3. PC Board Mountable. 1-8 Page No. 6-152 - - - - - _......- - - - - Hermetic Hexadecimal and Numeric Dot Matrix Displays Description Device Ll · . IA) [J [J · . IB) · . Ie) ..... ·· .. En 4N51 Numeric RHDP 4N51TXV Decoder /Driver/Memory M87157/00101ACXll) TXV - Hi Rei Screened (4N51TXVB) (A) 4N54 4N54TXV M87157/00103ACXll) (4N54TXVB) (C) 4N53 4N53TXV 104ACXll) (4N53TXVB) (D) Hexadecimal Built-in Decoder /Driver/Memory TXV - Hi Rei Screened HDSP-0781 (A) Numeric RHDP. Built-in Decoder /Driver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 HDSP-0781 TXV ·. (01 HDSP-0782 TXV HDSP-0782 (B) HDSP-0782 TXVB HDSP-0783 (D) 7.4 mm (.29") 4 x 7 Single Digit , Package: 8 Pin Glass Ceramic 15.2mm (.6"1 DIP Truly Hermetic Application 8 Pin Hermetic Built-in 15.2 mm (.6") DIP with gold plated leads HDSP-0783 TXV 0 0 0 4N52 Numeric LHDP Built-in 4N52TXV Decoder/Driver/Memory M87157/00102ACX(1) TXV - Hi Rei Screened (4N52TXVB) (B) HDSP-0781 TXVB TIn Package Military High Reliability Applications Avionics/Space Flight Systems Fire Control Systems HDSP-0784 TXV HDSP-0784 TXVB HDSP-0791 (A) HDSP-0791 TXV HDSP-0791 TXVB HDSP-0792 (B) HDSP-0792 TXV 7-182 0 Ground Support. Shipboard Equipment 0 Ground_ Airborne. Shipboard 7-190 Equipment Fire Control Systems Space Flight Systems Other High Reliability Uses Character Plus/Minus Sign TXV - Hi Rei Screened High Efficiency Red. Low Power ·· 0 NumeriC LHDP. Built-in Decoder/Driver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 Overrange .!: 1 TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 HDSP-0783 TXVB HDSP-0784 (C) Page No. Hexadecimal. Built-in Decoder/Driver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 High Efficiency Red. High Brightness Numeric RHDP. Built-in Decoder/Driver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 0 0 0 · Numeric LHDP. Built-in Decoder / Driver Memory • TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 Ground. Airborne. Shipboard Equipment Fire Control Systems Space Flight Systems Other High Reliability Uses '. HDSP-0792 TXVB .. .. [1] Military Approved and Qualified for High Reliability Applications. 1-9 - - - - _ . __. -_._----- .. -- ------------- Hermetic Hexadecimal and Numeric Dot Matrix Displays (continued) Device HDSP-0783 (D) (See previous page) HDSP-0783 TXV Application Color Description Overrange ±1 TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 · ·· High Efficiency Red. High Brightness · HDSP-0783 TXVB HDSP-0794 (C) HDSP-0794 TXV HDSP-0794 TXVB HDSP-0881 (A) HDSP-0881 TXV HDSP-0881 TXVB HDSP-0882 (B) HDSP-0882 TXV HDSP-0882 TXVB HDSP-0883 (0) HDSP-0883 TXV Hexadecimal. Built-in Decoder IDriver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 Numerrc RHDP. Built-in Decoder I Driver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 Yellow Numeric LHDP. Built-in Decoder IDriver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 Overrange =1 TXV HI Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 HDSP-0883 TXVB HDSP-0884 (C) HDSP-0884 TXV HOSP-0884 TXVB (See previous page) HDSP-0981 (A) HDSP·0981 TXV Hexadecimal. Built-in Decoder IDriver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 High Performance Green Numeric RHDP, Built·in Decoder IDriver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D·87157 HDSP·0981 TXVB HDSP·0982 (B) HDSP·0982 TXV Numeric LHDP, Built·in Decoder !Driver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D·87157 HDSP·0982 TXVB HDSP·0983 (C) HDSP·0983 TXV Overrange ±1 TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL·D·87157 HDSP·0983 TXVB .' 1-10 Page No. Ground. Airborne. Shipboard 7-190 Equipment Fire Control Systems Space Flight Systems Other High Reliability Uses --------- Hermetic Hexadecimal and Numeric Dot Matrix Displays (continued) Hexadecimal, Built-in Decoder IDriver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 HDSP-0984 (D) (See prevIous pagel HDSP-0984 TXV Page No. Applicalion Color Description Device · ·· · High Performance Green HDSP-0984 TXVB Ground. Airborne. Shipboard 17-190 Equlpmenl File Conllol Syslems Space Fllghl Syslems Olhel High Rellablilly Uses Hermetic Alphanumeric Displays Description Device mI r;:=;~:.. __ .J g ~r~~~J; - - -"1!1 11:" ___ 10 ~:- =[:~Jn '-- ~ Color HMDL-2416 4.1 mm (0.16") Four Character Monolithic HMDL-2416 Smart Alphanumeric TXV Display HMDL-2416 Operating Temperature TXVB Range: -55'C to 100'C Red HDSP-2351 Yellow HDSP-2351 TXV HDSP-2351 TXVB 4.87 mm (0.19") 5 x 7 Four Character Alphanumeric Sunlight Viewable Display Operating Temperature Range: -55'C to 100°C HDSP-2352 ··· Page No. Application Military Equipment High Reliability Applications Military Telecommunications • Military Avionics • Military Cockpit • Military Ground Support Systems 7-204 7-214 High Efficiency Red HDSP-2352 TXV HDSP-2352 TXVB HDSP-2353 High Performance Green HDSP-2353 TXV HDSP-2353 TXVB D~ HDSP-2010 I ::.: I i ,.:-:! ! 1:.:.:' I ~ . ~ ~ j,1 :!- HDSP-2010 TXV HDSP-2010 TXVB 3.7 mm (.15") 5 x 7 Four Character Alphanumeric Operating Temperature Range: -40'C to +85'C TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 Red, Red Glass Contrast Filter Extended temperature applications requiring high reliability. liD Terminals Avionics 7-198 For further information see Application Note 1016. - 1-11 ...... · ·· __ ..-_ ......... _.. _ - - - - - - Hermetic Alphanumeric Displays (continued) Paga Dascrlptlon Davlca HDSp·2310 HDSp.2310 . TXV HDSP.2310 TXVB Color. 5.0 mm (.20") 5 x Hour Character Alphanumeric 12 Pin Ceramic 6.35 mm (.25") DIP with untinted glass lens Standard Red Application • Military Equipment • Avionics • High Rei Industrial . Equipment No. 7·228 1 - - - - - 1 Operating Temperature HDSp.2311 HDSP.2311 TXV HDSp·2311 TXVB r-H-D-S-P.2-3---12-l Range: ·55°C to +85°C Yellow True Hermetic Seal TXV - Hi Rei Screened TXVB - Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL·D·87157 High Elf. Red HDSp·2312 TXV HDSp·2312 TXVB HDSp·2313 High Performance Green HDSP·2313 TXV HDSP·2313 TXVB . HDSp·2450 c ... , I HDSp·2450 TXV fiDSP.2450 TXVB f-:-:,::c:-__:-:-I HDSP·2451 HDSP·2451 TXV HDSP·2451 TXVB Operating Temperature Range: .55° C to +85~ C 6.9 mm (.27") 5 x 7 Four Character Alphanumeric 28 Pin Ceramic 15.24 mm (.6") DIP True Hermetic Seal TXV - Hi Rei Screened Red Yellow TXVB -'Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL·D.87157 HDSp·2452 High Efficiency Red HDSp·2452 TXV HDSp·2452 TXVB HDSp·2453 High Performance Green HDSp·2453 TXV HDSP·24s3 TXVB ' 1-12 • Military Equipment • High Reliability Applications • Avionics • Ground Support. Cock· pit. Shipboard Systems 7.235 Hermetic Optocouplers Several years ago, HP commenced the introduction of a new series of 8 pin single and dual channel devices with extraordinary capabilities. The HCPL-5700/l and HCPL-5730/l are, respectively, single and dual channel high gain Darlington units. The HCPL-5200/1 and HCPL-5230/1 are high speed logic gate devices with a wide supply voltage from 4.5 to 20 volts and high CMR. The HCPL-5400/1 and HCPL-5430/1 are, respectively, single and dual channel high speed couplers featuring typical data rates of 40 Mbaud. The most recent of our 8 pin hermetic products is the HCPL-5760/1, a single channel, three chip, ACiDC to logic interface optocoupler.** Hewlett-Packard has selected several very popular optocciupler types for assembly in our militarized hermetic 8 pin and 16 pin dual in-line packages. These devices offer a wide variety of LED input current levels', speed and current transfer ratio. High performance optocouplers are used in many U.S. and international military, aerospace and high reliability applications. HP's hermetic optocouplers are classified by the U.S. Department of Defense as hybrid microcircuits and therefore comply with line certification requirements of Mil-Std-1772. DESC* granted HP QML (Qualified Manufacturing Line) status in April of 1987, which allows us to continue the supply of both 883B marked parts and DESC drawing parts. Virtually all of our hermetic optocouplers may be purchased with screening and quality conformance testing in compliance with class level B of Mil-Std-883 as standard catalog parts. Class S tested parts are also available under special testing programs. Parts having DESC* military drawings are 810280lEC and 830240lEC and are also available from stock. Our Mil-Std-I772 line certification allows HPto consider assembly and test of more technically advanced hybrid devices where our expertise in materials and processing may contribute to a new product's success in OEM applications. Construction of custom hybrid circuits requires the special working relationship that HP has always enjoyed with its customers toward the advancement of state-of-the-art products. The 8102801EC is a 6NI34 consisting of dual channel high speed logic gates compatible with TTL inputs and outputs. The common mode for this part was recently improved to a minimum of 1000 VI p.s. A second family of dual channel high speed logic gates, the HCPL1930/1, also features high common mode and has the added feature of mput current regulation. The 830240lEC is a quad channel low input current photodarlington, ideal for MOS, CMOS, or RS232-C data transmission systems. Finishing out our 16 pin devices is the 4N55 product family. The 4N55 is a dual channel coupler having low gain transistor output useful for isolating circuits in power supply applications, logic interfacing, and wide bandwidth analog applications. *Defense Electronic Supply center (DESC) is an agency of the United States Department of Defense (DOD). **Contact your HP field sales engineer for higher withstand voltage up to 1500 V dc. 1-13 .., ..._----_._-- Plastic Optocouplers Hewlett-Packard supplies plastic optocouplers with high reliability testing for commercial/industrial applications requiring prolonged operational life. Two of the most frequently requested 100% preconditioning and screening programs are given. The first program has burn-in and electrical test only, the second program adds temperature storage and temperature cycling. Either program is available for HP's plastic optocouplers. Electrical testing is to catalog conditions and limits and will include 100% DC parameters, sample testing of input-output insulation leakage current and appropriate AC parameters. Contact your local field representative for pricing and availability of these programs. PLASTIC OPTOCOUPLERS PRECONDITIONING AND SCREENING 100% COMMERCIAL BURN-IN· Examinations or Tests MIL-STD-883 Methods Conditions 1. Commercial Burn-in 1015 TA= 70°C, 160 hours per designated circuit. 2. Electrical Test Per specified conditions and min.lmax. limits at TA = 25°C SCREENING PROGRAM· Examinations or Tests MIL-STD-883 Methods Conditions 1. High Temperature Storage 1008 2. Temperature Cycling 1010 10 cycles, -55°C to +125°C 3. Burn-in 1015 TA = 70°C, 160 hours per designated circuit 4. Electrical Test 5. External Visual 24 hours at 125°C Per specified conditions and min.lmax. limits atTA = 25°C 2009 'Contact your field salesman for details. 1-14 GROUP B TESTING MIL-STD-883, METHOD 5005 (CLASS B DEVICES)[l] Method Test Subgroup 1 Physical Dimensions (Not required if Group D is to be performed) Subgroup 2 Resistance to Solvents Subgroup 3 Solderability (LTPD applies to number of leads inspected - no fewer than 3 devices shall be used.) Subgroup 4 I nternal Visual and Mechanical Condillons LTPD 2016 2 Devices/ o Failures 2015 4 Devices/ o Failures 2003 Soldering Temperature of 245 ±5° C for 10 seconds 2014 15 (3 Devices) 1 Device/ o Failures Subgroup 5 Bond Strength (1) Thermocompression (performed at precap, prior to seal. LTPD applies to number of bond pulls). Subgroup 6 Internal water vapor content (Not applicable - per footnote of MIL-STD) Subgroup 7 Fine Leak Gross Leak 2011 1014 Subgroup 8' Electrical Test Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Electrical Test (1) Test Condition D 15 - Test Condition A Test Condition C 5 Group A, Subgroup 1, except 11- 0 15 3015 Group A, Subgroup 1 ... (To be performed at Initial qualification only) Group C testing is performed on a periodic basis from current manufacturing every 3 months. GROUP C TESTING MIL-STD-883, METHOD 5005 (CLASS B DEVICES)[l] Test Subgroup 1 Steady State Life Test Method 1005 Conditions Condition B, Time + 1000 Hours Total TA = +125°C Burn-in conditions are product dependent and are given in the individual device data sheets. Endpoint Electricals at 168 hours and 504 hours Group A, Subgroup 1, except 11-0 Endpoint Electricals at 1000 hours Group A, Subgroup 1 Subgroups 2 and 3 where applicable Subgroup 2 Temperature Cycling 1010 Condition C, -65° C to +150° C, 10 cycles Constant Acceleration 2001 Condition A, 5K Gs, V, and V2 axis only, 8 pin and 16 pin metal lid DIP Condition E, 30K Gs, V, and V2 axis only, 8 pin ceramic lid DIP Fine Leak 1014 Condition A Gross Leak 1014 Condition C Visual Examination 1010 Endpoint Electricals Per visual criteria of Method 1010 Group A, Subgroup 1 1-15 LTPD 5 15 Group D testing is performed on a periodic basis from current manufacturing every 6 months. GROUP D TESTING MIL-STD-883, METHOD 5005 (CLASS B DEVICES)!'] Test Method Conditions LTPD Subgroup 1 Physical Dimensions 2016 Subgroup 2 Lead Integ rity 2004 Test Condition B2 (lead fatigue) 15 Subgroup 3 Thermal Shock 1011 Condition B, (-55°C to +125°C) 15 cycles min. 15 Temperature Cycling 1010 Condition C, (-65°C to +150°C) 100 cycles min. 15 Moisture Resistance 1004 Fine Leak 1014 Condition A Gross Leak 1014 Condition C Visual Examination Per visual criteria of Method 1004 and 1010 Endpoint Electricals Group A, Subgroups 1, 2 and 3 where applicable Subgroup 4 Mechanical Shock 2002 Condition B,.1500G, t = 0.5 ms, 5 blows in each orientation Vibration Variable Frequency 2007 Condition A min. Constant Acceleration 2001 Condition A, 5K Gs, V, and V2 axis only, 8 pin and 16 pin metal lid DIP Condition E, 30K Gs, V, and V2 axis only, 8 pin ceramic lid DIP Fine Leak 1014 Condition A Gross Leak 1014 Condition C Visual Examination 1010 Per visual criteria of Method 1010 Endpoint Electricals Subgroup 5 Salt Atmosphere 15 Group A, Subgroups 1, 2 and 3 where applicable 1009 Condition A min. 1014 Condition A Gross Leak 1014 Condition C Visual Examination 1009 Per visual criteria of Method 1009 Subgroup 6 Internal Water Vapor Content 1018 5,000 ppm maximum water content at 100°C Subgroup 7 Adhesion of lead finish 2025 15 2024 5 Devices (0 failures) Fine Leak Subgroup 8 Lid Torque (Applicable to 8 pin ceramic lid DIP only) 15 3 Devices (0 failures) 5 Devices (1 failure) Notes: 1. Hewlett-Packard exercises a testing option as allowed by MIL-STD-883, Method 5008, Par. 3.1a. Paragraph 3.1 of Method 5008 states that "hybrid and multichip microcircuits, which are contained in packages having an inner seal perimeter of less than 2.0 inches", may be tested in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-883, Methods 5004 and 5005, with a change to the internal visual from Method 2010 to Method 2017. 1-16 ---~ --_ .. --_.----- Hermetic Optocoupler Product Screening and Quality Conformance Test Program (MIL-STO-883 Class 8) The following 100% Screening and Quality Conformance Inspection programs show in detail the capabilities of our hermetic optocouplers. This program will help customers understand .the tests included in Methods 5004 and 5005 of MIL-STD-883 and to help in the design of special product drawings where this testing is required. The 4N55/8838, 6N140A/8838, 5231/8838, 1931/8838,5401/8838, 5201/8838, 5431/883B, 5761/883B, 5701/8838, 5731/8838, 8102801 EC and 8302401 EC (DESC Selected Item Drawings for the 6N134 a.nd 6N140A respectively) have standardized test programs suitable for product use in military, high reliability applications and are the preferred devices by military contractors. (See note 1.) 100% Screening MIL-STO-883, METHOD 5004 (CLASS 8 OEVICES)[l] Test Screen Method Conditions '. 1. Precap Internal Visual 2017 Condition B, DESC Partsl'] = 150°C, Time = 24 Hours minimum 2. High Temperature Storage 1008 Condition C, TA 3. Temperature Cycling 1010 Condition C, -65° C to +150° C, 10 cycles 4. Constant Acceleration 2001 Condition A, 5K Gs, Y" and Y2 , axis only, 8 pin and 16 pin metal lid DIP Condition E, 30K Gs, Y" and Y2 , axis only, 8 pin ceramic lid DIP 5. Fine Leak 1014 Condition A 6. G ross Leak 1014 7. Interim Electrical Test - 8. 8urn-ln 1015 9. Final Electrical Test Electrical Test Electrical Test Electrical Test - 10. External Visual Condition C Group A, Subgroup 1, except 11/0 (optional) Condition B, Time = 160 Hours minimum, TA = 125°C 8urn-in conditions are product dependent and are given in the individual data sheets. Group A, Group A, Group A, Group A, Subgroup 1, 5% PDA applies Subgroup 2 Subgroup 3 Subgroup 9 2009 Quality Conformance Inspection Group A electrical tests are product dependent and are given in the individual device data sheets. Group A and 8 testing is performed on each inspection lot. GROUP A TESTING MIL-STO-883, METHOD 5005 (CLASS 8 OEVICES)[l] LTPO Subgroup 1 2 Static tests at TA = 25° C Subgroup 2 Static tests at T A = +125° C 3 Subgroup 3 Static tests at T A = -55° C 5 Subgroup 4 Dynamic test at T A = 25° C (where applicable) 2 Subgroups 5, 6, 7 and 8 These subgroups are non-applicable to this device type Subgroup 9 Switching tests at T A = 25° C 2 Subgroup 10 Switching tests at TA = +125° C 3 = -55° C 5 Subgroup 11 Switching tests at TA 1-17 8 Pin Dual-In-Line Package High-Speed Logic Gate Optocouplers Description Device Application 3' '~"" 6 VE HCPL-5200 Single Channel, Hermetically Sealed Wide Supply Voltage Optocoupler 4 5GND HCPL-5201 MIL-STD-883 Class B Military/High Reliability HCPL-5230 Dual Channel, Hermetically Sealed Wide Supply Voltage Optocoupler High Speed Logic Ground Isolation, LSTTL, TTL, CMOS Logic Interface HCPL-5231 MIL-STD-883 Class B Part Military/High Reliability HCPL-5400 Single Channel Hermetically Sealed High Speed Optocoupler High Speed Logic Isolation, AID and Paraliel/Serial Conversion 2 ';~.fJ 7 Vo It¥i}IID- 2 po Vcc P7 VOl 3~flID'------ 6 V02 4 5 GND .." '~.." High Speed Logic Ground Isolation, LSTTL, TTL, CMOS Logic Interface '~ II 7 VE 4 5 GND HCPL-5401 MIL-STD-883 Class B Part Military/High Reliability 7 VOl HCPL-5430 Dual Channel Hermetically Sealed High Speed Optocoupler High Speed Logic Isolation, Communications, Networks, Computers HCPL-5431 MIL -STD-883 Class B Part Military/High Reliability 2 3 6 Vo >.,. 2 \, 3 "" 6 V02 4 5 GND Typical Data Rate INRI] Common Mode Specllied Input Current Wilhstand Test Voltage" Page No. 5 M bills 1000 VII's 6.0 mA 500 Vdc 9-102 r-9-108 40 M bit/s 500 VII'S 9.0mA 500 Vdc 9-114 r-9-120 High Gain Optocouplers Description Device 'tg"" 2, 3 4 7NC 6Vo 5GND HCPL-5700 Single Channel Hermetically Sealed High Gain Optocoupler MIL-STD-883 Class B Part HCPL-5730 Dual Channel Hermetically Sealed 7 VOl High Gain Optocoupler 6 V02 5 GND HCPL-5731 MIL-STD-883 Class B Part HCPL-5701 . '~ " 2' 3 'l 4 I Application Typical Data Rate (NRII Line Receiver, Low 60k bit/s Current Ground Isolation. TTLiTTL. LSTTLITTL. CMOS/TTL Military/High Reliability Line Receiver, Polarity Sensing, Low Current Ground Isolation Military/High Reliability Current Transfer Ratio Specified Input Current Withstand Test Voltage" Page No. 200% Min. 0.5 mA 500 V dc 9-126 - 9-130 AC/DC to Logic Interface Optocoupler Device .. , 7NC '~ '6Vo 2 3 4 -- Description HCPL-5760 5GND HCPL-5761 Single Channel Hermetically Sealed Threshold Sensing Optocoupler MIL-STD-883 Class B Part Application Limit Switch Sensing, Low Voltage Detector Relay Contact Montitor Military/High Reliability 'Contact your HP field sales engineer for higher withstand voltage up to 1500V dc. 1-18 Typical Data Rate 10 kHz Input Threshold Current 2.5 mA TH+ 1.3 mA TH- Output Current Wilhstand Test Voltage" Page No. 2,6 mA 500 V dc 9-134 16 Pin Dual In-Line Package High Speed Transistor Optocouplers Device rg~=~ I§: ~~ift ~~J Description Application 4N55 Dual Channel Hermeticall,y Sealed Analog Optical Coupler Line Receiver. Analog Signal Ground Isolation. Switching Power Supply Feedback Element 4N55/8838 MIL-STO-883 Class 8 Part Military/High Reliability ~ Typical Data Rate INRZ) Currenl Transler Ratio Specilied Input Current Wilhstand Test Voltage Page No. 700k bills 9% Min. 16mA 1500 V dc g..140 Typical Data Rate INRZ) Common Mode Specilied Input Current Withstand Test Vollage Page No. 10M bills 1000 VII's 10mA 1500 V dc 9-145 High Speed Logic Gate Optocouplers Device Q~~ ~ ~vcc Description 6N134 Dual Channel Hermetically Sealed Optically Coupled Logic Gate Line Receiver. Ground Isolation for High Reliability Systems 8102801EC DESC Approved 6N134 Military /High Reliability HCPL-1930 Dual Channel Hermetically sealed High CMR Line Receiver Optocoupler Line receiver. High Speed Logic Ground Isolation in High Ground or Induced Noise Environments HCPL-1931 MIL-STD-883 Class 8 Part Military/High Reliability il '~~v" ~}t!v. ~ I a~_!i~'ND ~ : IW1' v, .~~ r'~~ ';'ND ~v, ~~OUT I ;!VDUT 00" Application I 9-149 10M bills 1000 V/I'S 10 mA 1500 Vdc g..153 Typical Data Rate INRZ) Current Transfer Ratio Specilied Input Current Wilhstand Test Voltage Page No. lOOk bills 300% Min. 05 mA 1500V dc g..159 High Gain Optocouplers Device [jF~ ~ { ~vcc ~}1~iJIvOi ~ 'F~~v" ~}J:~~V03 ! ~ilv" o~ JU ill'" ID ~ - Description 6N140A (6N140) Hermetically Sealed Package Containing 4 Low Input Current. High Gain Optocouplers 8302401EC DESC Approved 6N140A 6N 140A / 8838 MIL-STD-883 (6N140/8838) Class 8 Part Application Line Receiver. Low· Power Ground Isolation for High Reliability Systems Military /High Reliability Use 8302401 EC in New Designs 1-19 I- 9-163 I- g..159 ~ ..•~ , ' '- ' , Ink-JetCotnponents • • Thermal Ink-Jet Print Cartridge Carriage Assembly Ink-Jet Products Non-contact printing permits marking on uneven surfaces, a near impossible task for most printing technologies; the silent operation makes the print cartridge especially suitable for office, classroom, and laboratory environments; and the small size and very low power consumption of the print cartridge make it ideal for battery/portable applications. Thermal Ink-Jet Cartridges Millions of Hewlett-Packard thermal ink-jet print cartridges have demonstrated their performance and reliability in HP ThinkJet and QuietTel printers. Now this revolutionary, proprietary technology is available for OEM printing devices. Its long list of advantages make it attractive for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications. Among the many applications of this breakthrough technology are: ticketing and receipting machines, point-of-sale devices, printing calculators, medical and scientific recorders, document marking machines, and bar code printers. The thumb-sized print cartridges completely integrate all the printing elements and ink supply into a single, disposable unit. Reliability is "designed-in", because there are no moving parts, messy ribbons, or complex ink pumps, typical of other printing technologies. To put the printing technology of tomorrow in your products today, look to Hewlett-Packard's thermal ink-jet! Downtime for ink replenishment or printhead failures virtually eliminated, because the easy pop-outldropIn replacement requires no tools or technicians. ~s 2-2 Ink Jet Products Device Package Outline Drawing Part No. Color Ink 92261 A Black 51605B Blue 51605R Red 51605G Green 51610A 2-3 Description Page No. Print cartridges 2-4 Carriage Assembly for the Thermal Ink-Jet Print Cartridge 2-8 rhO- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD THERMAL INK-JET PRINT CARTRIDGE BLACK 92261 A BLUE 51605B RED 51605R CREEN 516050 Features • HEWLETT-PACKARD'S PROVEN THERMAL INK-JET TECHNOLOGY • LOW COST DISPOSABLE PRINTHEAD • HIGH SPEED (1250 DOTS/SEC.) • HIGH RESOLUTION (96 DOTS/INCH) • 1/8 INCH PRINT ZONE (12 DOT VERTICALLY IN-LINE) • 10 MILLION DOT CAPACITY (500K CHARACTERS) • NON-CONTACT PRINTING • SMALL SIZE • VERY LOW POWER CONSUMPTION • QUIET OPERATION Description • EASY REPLACEMENT The HP Thermal Ink-jet print cartridge is a low cost disposable 'inkjetprinthead which is suitable for a broad range of industrial and commercial applications. The totally self-contained print cartridge uses HP's Thermal Ink-jet technology which overcomes the reliability problems of conventional piezoelectric inkjet technologies. Applications • TICKETING AND RECEIPTING Non-contact printing operation allows printing on irregular surfaces at variable distances. It also eliminates printer failures due to friction wear or foreign body interference. The absence of any moving parts further enhances reliable operation. The self-contained design and pressure interconnect allows fast, simple replacement, and it eliminates the need for any other printer parts such as ribbons, pumps, etc. It can be fired in any physical orientation. • PORTABLE PRINTING • SELECTIVE EJAR CODE PRINTING • INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL MARKING • POINT OF SALE PRINTING The small size of the print cartridge makes it very suitable for compact or portable printing devices. Its small size also makes it possible to combine several cartridges to provide larger print zones or higher throughput speeds. Virtually silent operation matches the ergonomic needs of the office, classroom and laboratory. • ADDRESSING AND PERSONALIZATION • SCIENTIFIC AND MEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION The power consumption of the print cartridge is radically lower than other printing technologies. This dramatically reduces the cost of the printer power supply and driver electronics. It also makes battery operation possible, and lowers radiated EMI levels. Driver circuitry can be made with standard off-the-shelf components. • PERSONAL COMPUTER PRINTING 2-4 A dot firing frequency of 1250 Hz provides a printing speed of 13 inches/sec at 96 dots/inch resolution. This is equivalent to over 155 characters per second at a density of 12 characters per inch. A 2000 Hz dot frequency is possible under certain low dot density printing conditions, such as low resolution text. The typical ink capacity of 10 million dots will provide approximately 500K characters using a common 96 dots/inch square font. Higher char- acter capacities can be achieved by reducing the font resolution (fewer dots per character). Unlike multi-use ribbons used in dot matrix printers, the print quality is consistent over the life of the print cartridge. The print cartridge will print on a wide variety of papers and porous surfaces. Optimum print quality is obtained on HP designated papers. PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS r-10.125, 3.17 0.13 TYP 0.005) • I ± r ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES AND (INCHES) 22.23 ± 0,13 .lJ~~~====~__ 1_0._87J.I' 0.005) ""~;J 4.27 ~g:~ 10.168 ~:g~) ICENTER TO CENTER) LOCATING PINS +0.13 B.30 -0.30 ) (CENTER TO CENTER) (0.327 ~g:g~~ SUBSTRATE/CONNECTOR DETAIL 0.26410.0104) TYP. 12 NOZZLE 1:_;. 2.906 ATE 10.1144) PL 1:",;_+'-___-, NOZZLES [21 SUBSTRATE [ 12 0'1 010 09 08 1.420 NOTES: 10.=05:::59:;-)~TY:;;;P:-.-1-87 -Cile CONTACT PADS 121 oo o o o COM 1 2 3 Cil L J 5.022 10.1977) 1. DIMENSIONS ARE DEFINED BY PHOTOLITHOGRAPHIC PROCESS. 2. CONTACT PAD NUMBERS CORRESPOND TO NOZZLE NUMBERS. 3. CONTACT PADS ARE GOLD PLATED FOR CORROSION PROTECTION; MATING CONTACTS SHOULD AVOID SCRATCHING. 2-5 Maximum Ratings Parameter Max. Rating ·10 Number of dots per print cartrldgell] = Condltioll$ Units MOots Nozzle life 2 MOots Shelf life 18 Mos. Shelf life 6 Mos. Non-operating temperature 60 ·C Any single naule At 25·C in container At 25·C outside container 48 hours Note: 1. Actual number of dots is application dependent. Value shown is typical. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Nozzle to Media Spaclng[l. 2) Min. Max. Units 0.65 1.15 (0.045) mm (inches) (o.D25) Conditions Operating Temperaturel:Jj Top 10 40 ·C Operating Humidity[3j Hop 5 80 %RH 25·C - 0 4500 Meters 25"C Operating Altitude Notes: 1. Clogging may result if media comes in contact with print cartridge. 2. Larger spacing may be used but with degradation in print quality. 3. Prefiring may be req'uired in low humidity' and some low temperature conditions. Electrical Specifications Parameter ReSistance (pad to common) T":' Symbol Rpp 0 Dot frequency Dots fired simultaneously Operating Energy (pad to common) Eo" Max. Units 70 Ohms 1250 Hz 2 Dots Conditions All nozzles firing 36.5 /.IJ Tpw "'4.5/.15 Rpc'" 65 Ohms 40.5 /.IJ Tpw "B.O /.IS Rpc "85 Ohms Tpw ;4.5JLS Operating Voltage {Ped to common) Vop Pulse Wldth!lj Tpw 4.5 4.5 Dead Time TOT 0 0.5 Transition Time Tr. Tpw "6.0 JLs 8.0 /.Isee 500 nsec /.Isec 10-90% Note: 1. Any pulse width t'olerance must be compensated by tightening the voltage variation to maintain an equivalent pulse energy as if there were no pulse width variation. 2-6 RESISTOR FIRING TIMING DIAGRAM SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM COMMON R12 Rll Rl0 R9 RB R7 v R6 R5 R4, R10 R3. R9 R4 r-\. -+--~, ,\----'\-- ~ ____-J'r\ ____ ,~ R3 R2 Rl ~~ R2, RB supporting Information RT, R7 L For further information, refer to: "Thermal Ink-jet Print Cartridge Designer's Guide", Publication #5954-8400 "Hewlett-Packard Journal", May 1985, Publication #5953- 8535. I TIME REQUIRED TO FIRE ONE COLUMN OF 12 DOTS.---J NOTES: OTHER SEQUENCES ARE POSSIBLE. These documents are available through your local HP component sales office. NO MORE THAN TWO DOTS FIRED SIMULTANEOUSLY. safety Information Ordering Information The ink used in the print cartridge includes Diethylene Glycol, which may be harmful if swallowed, but is nontoxic. Test results regarding toxicity and other health considerations are available on request. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION This product complies with the Consumer Safety Protection Code of the Federal Regulations as well as the EPA New Chemical Product Regulations. No special procedures are necessary in disposing of the print cartridge. 2-7 92261 A Black tnk Print Cartridge 51605B 5i60SR 51605G Blue Ink Print Cartridge Red Ink Print Cartridge Green Ink Print Cartridge 51610A Carriage Assembly with Flex Olrcuit from the Hewlett-Packard ThinkJet Printer Flin- a:e.. HEWLETT PACKARD CARRIAGE ASSEMBLY FOR THE THERMAL INK*JET PRINT CARTRIDGE 51610A For use With HP print cartridges #: 92261 A, 51605B, 51605R,516050 " Features • PROVIDES MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL INTERCONNECT FOR THE THERMAL INK-JET PRINT CARTRIDGE • EASY PRINT CARTRIDGE REPLACEMENT • PRECISION MECHANICAL INTERCONNECT • SIMPLE, RELIABLE, PRESSURE ELECTRICAL CONTACTS • 8 INCH PRINT ZONE SCANNING WIDTHS,' • BUILT~iN POSITION DETECTOR ARM Description Note: Print cartridge not incl,ided with 51610A Tl:1e 51!l10A carriage assembly is.a totally self-contained. unit for connecting the HP Thermal Ink-jet print cartridge to a host printing device. It includes all the parts necessary to provide both electrical and mechanical interconnect and comes totally pre-assembled. The 51610A is the same carriage assembly used inihe HP ThinkJet printer. Insertion or removal·of the print cartridge from the carriage assembly requires no tools and takes only a few seconds to complete. Insertion is done by simply dropping the cartridge into the carriage assembly and then rotating' a cammed head latch upward as shown in Figur,e 2. If:I ~CONNECTOR ID IliJ _ ...."v....... CUSliION (2) ~~- WEAl! SHOE I CARRIAGE FRAME .. ~ FLEX CIRCUIT SUPPORT Figure. 1. Exploded View 2-8 13X. 1.310.050) TRACE WIDTH 1 29.5 11.160) rl~~iO)1 - - -n 8-12 591 (2.325) SURFACE FINISH rnm,,,~,"J~-U CARRIAGE ROD 06342 +0 000 -0,005 DIA +0.0000) ( 02497 -00002 . STRAIGHTNESS 0.076 (0.003) NOZZLE PLATE DETAIL [3J DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM (INCHES). @] PROVIDES PRIMARY MOUNTING SURFACE. MATERIAL SHOULD BE 303 STAINLESS STeEL WITH CLEAR PASSIVATION FINISH. NO LUBRICATION IS NECESSARY OR RECOMMENDED. o NOTED PARTS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN CARRIAGE ASSEMBLY, BUT ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE APPLICATION. m MATERIAL IS NYLON 6/6 BLENDED WITH GLASS FIBER (30 %), TFE (13 %) AND SILICONE (2 %J. @] 6~~~~D:~OCU~~R~~~~~~:;~~~TA~CTRH~S~::~N;HzgEN!GAINST THE PRINTER RAIL. I!J :~~61~i~~~~~~; REFERENCE POINT. MATERIAL IS ACETAL FILLED WITH 20 % TFE, lNP # FULTON [2J ge~~A;ri :tt~E~~~~~~~~~DO~I~~C3KOE~:~ROINCHES MINIMUM HARD GOLD (KNOOP 130 MINIMUM Figure 2. Outline Drawing With Printer Interface. 2-9 Electrical connection to the host printer may be made with a standard printed circuit board connector, Amp #1-520315-3. A flexible printed circuit provides electrical connection to both the print cartridge and the host printer without the need for additional connectors. This flex circuit also allows the print cartridge to be scanned across print zone widths of up to 8 inches. A home position detector arm on the carriage assembly may be used to detect when the carriage assembly passes one or more detector locations on the printer. This may be done by passing the detector arm through an interruptable type optical sensor. Suggested parts: Optek #K-8150, Kodenshi #SG-HP01. A specially designed pressure interconnect system provides reliable electrical contact to the print cartridge over a wide range 'of environmental conditions while minimizing any damage to the print cartridge contact pads. Electrical contact is enhanced by using a special dimpling technique on the flex circuit. This provides a greater degree of insensitivity to paper dust and ink contamination. It also makes the contact area easy to clean if contaminants become excessive (see Maintenance). For continuous sensing arid control of carriage motion, HP offers an extensive line of rotary and linear motion sensing and control components. Contact your local Hewlett-Packard Component Sales Representative for more information. ' Design Considerations Maintenance The carriage assembly is intended to be mounted on a carriage rod and moved with a drive cable as shown in Figure 2. The direction of drop firing is controlled by the angular position of the carriage assembly on the carriage rod. A wear shoe (see Figure 2) provides the means for maintaining this angular reference by riding on a low friction printer rail in the host printer. Ifink firing is done in a horizontal orientation, gravitational forces on the carriage assembly c~n be utilized to maintain this mating. No routine cleaning or lubrication is required for the carriage assembly. If excessive contamination of the electrical contacts causes loss of print, gently wipe the contacts with a swab dampened with Iso Propyl Alcohol as shown in the Print Cartridge Designer's Guide. Avoid harsh scrubbing. supporting Information The,51610A-carriage assembly is intended to be used in applications where the paper path is curved, such as with a round printer platen as'shown in Figure 2. This,allows the paper to be brought closer to the print cartridge nozzles than with a flat paper path. Optimum print quality is ,obtained by maintaining the recommended nozzle to paper spacing of 0.65 to 1.15 mm. Larger spacings are possible, but with some degradation in print ,quality (see Thermal Ink-jet Print Cartridge Designer's Guide). To maintain the recommended spacing, it is important that the printer designer maintains good dimensional control from the printer/carriage mating surfaces to the paper surface, and understands which tolerances are important in a given application. 2-10 Title HPPub# Thermal Ink-jet Print Cartridge Data Sheet 5954-8399 Thermal Ink-jet Prjnt Cartridge Designer's Guide 5954-8535 Hewlett-Packard Journal, May 1985 5953-8535 2-11 :j ',' Bar Code Contponents • • • • • SmartWand Digital Wands Decoder ICs Optical' Sensor Readers --- ----- -- ---- ------ ----------------- - - - - - - - ------------ Bar Code Products particularly for the commercial/office environment where control over label quality is high. For those customers beginning to use barcode scanners or addressing consumer applications, Digital Bar Code Wands (HEDS-3XXX) provide a very cost effective solution. The HP SmartWand family (HBCR-8XXX) is the latest addition to the wide range of bar code products offered by Hewlett-Packard. The HP SmartWand is an intelligent peripheral designed to easily add bar code scanning capability to any host system which can support a 5 V serial asynchronous interface. This device is designed specifically for the OEM who would rather not expend valuable resources developing software and integrating system hardware to support bar codes. A powerful microcomputer, bar code decoding software, optical and escape sequence programmability, nonvolatile configuration memory, and a high performance contact scanner, are all combined into a standard size industrial wand package. The decoder IC family now includes three product lines. The most recent, HBCR-20l0, is a CMOS version of the Multi-Purpose HBCR-2000. This product is especially well suited for low power/portable applications_ and like the HBCR-2000, can decode the output from virtually any hand-held scanning device, including hand-held lasers and other solid state noncontact scanners. The general purpose digital wand decode IC, HBCR-1800, offers both full duplex serial or parallel output and provides a powerful, cost competitive decode solution. All the decode ICs are in 40 pin DIP packages. The HP digital wand selection now includes four product families to meet the performance and price requirements of every customer application. The stateof-the-art Low Current Digital Bar Code Wands are available in both a metal case for indoor/outdoor rugged industrial applications (HBCS-6XXX) and a polycarbonate case for commercial/office applications (HBCS-5XXX). Through an advanced/optical sensor and signal processing circuitry, these wands are able to provide superior performance while drawing 3.5 rnA at 5 V. In addition to the very low power requirements, the advanced design allows performance improvements which include high ambient light rejection, including direct sunlight; a wider range of resolution choices; and a sensor which reads thermally printed bar codes. For customers who do not require the state of the art performance of the Low Current Digital Bar Code Wands the Sapphire Tip Digital Bar Code Wands (HBCS-2XXX) offer an attractive alternative, Hewlett-Packard's Industrial Digital Slot Reader, HBCS-7XXX, is a rugged scanner designed specifically for reading bar codes printed on I.D. cards, badges, heavy paper stock, or traveling forms. It features a large slot width for handling even multiple laminated cards, a wide scan speed range, and digital output that is compatible with wand decoding software. Completing the product mix is the High Resolution Optical Reflective Sensor, HBCS-ll00. The HBCS1100 is a unique 0.19 mm resolution sensor packaged in a standard TO-5 header. This product is a cost effective, dependable solution. 3-2 Bar Code Wands Package Outline Drawing ~ ~~.!::--- Part No. Description Features HBCR·8100 HP SmartWand Programmable Contact Bar Code Reader Low Resolution (0.33 mm) HBCR-8300 HP SmartWand Programmable Contact Bar Code Reader Medium Resolution (0.19 mm) HBCR-8500 HP SmartWand Programmable Contact Bar Code Reader High Resolution (0.13 mm) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"'1t!. ~ ~ ~ HBCS-5000 Low Current Digital Bar Code Wand (with Switch) Resolution 0.33 mm HBCS-5100 Low Current Digital Bar Code Wand (without Switch) Resolution 0.33 mm HBCS-5200 Low Current Digital Bar Code Wand (with Switch) Resol'ution 0.19 mm · ·· ·• · · Automatic Recognition and Decode of Standard Codes 5 V Serial Asynchronous Output All Code Reading Parameters Optical/Escape Sequence and Configurable Configuration Stored in Non-Volitile Memory Standard Size Epoxy Coated Metal Case 655 Nanometer Sensor on Low and Medium Resolution Direct Sunlight Operation · ·· o · ··• Low Continuous Current Draw (Less Than 5 mAl High Ambient Light Rejection to 45' Scan Angle Push to Read Switch for Ultra Low Power Consumption Rugged Polycarbonate Case Sealed Sapphire Tip Full Line of Options Available HBCS-5300 Low Current Digital Bar Code Wand (without Switch) Resolution 0.19 mm HBCS-5400 Low Current Digital Bar Code Wand (with Switch) Resolution 0.13 mm HBCS-5500 Low Current Digital Bar Code Wand (without Switch) Resolution 0.13 mm HBCS-6100 Low Current Digital Bar Code Wand Resolution 0.33 mm HBCS·6300 Low Current Digital Bar Code Wand Resolution 0.19 mm HBCS·6500 Low Current Digital Bar Code Wand Resolution 0.13 mm 3-3 · ·•• o ·• Low Continuous Current Draw (Less Than 5 mAl High Ambient Light Rejection to 45' Scan Angle Sealed Sapphire Tip Metal Case Full Line of Options Available Page No. 3-6 3-13 Bar Code Wands (Cont.) Package Outline Drawing ~ ~ ~ Part No. Description Features HBCS-2200 Sapphire Tip Digital Bar Code Wand (with Switch) Resolution 0.19 mm HBCS-2300 Sapphire Tip Digital Bar Code Wand (without Switch) Resolution 0.19 mm HBCS-2400 Sapphire Tip Digital Bar Code Wand (with Switch) Resolution 0.19 mm ~ HBCS-2500 Sapphire Tip . Digital Bar Code Wand (without Switch) Resolution 0.13 mm ~ HEDS-3000 Digital Bar Code Wand (with Switch) Resolution 0.3 mm ~ HEDS-3050 Digital Bar Code Wand (Shielded) Resolution 0.3 mm Page No. ··• ··• · Digital Output 0-45 0 Scan Angle Replaceable Sapphire Tip Internal Shielding Push-to-Read Switch Available for Low Power Applications Rugged Polycarbonate Case Full Line of Options Available 3-19 ·· ·· ·• Digital Output 0-30 0 Scan Angle Replaceable Tip Internal Shielding Available for Improved Electrical Noise Rejection Push-to-Read Switch Available for Low Power Applications Full Line of Options 3-25 Component Level Bar Code Readers Package Outline Drawing Part No. Description Features HBCR-1800 Bar Code Decoder IC ~::::::::::::::::::: :I HBCR-2000 Multi-Purpose Decoder IC " HBCR-2010 CMOS Multi:Purpose Decoder IC Package outline drawings not drawn to scale. 3-4 ·· ·· · ·• ·• • · ·· ·· Page No. Industry $tandard Bar Codes Automatic Code Recognition Full Duplex Serial or Parallel ASCII Output Single 5 Volt Supply 3-31 Accepts Inputs from All Hand-Held Scanners, Including Lasers Largest Selection of Codes Available Automatic Code Recognition Serial ASCII Output Standard 40 Pin Package 3-37 CMOS Low Power Design Accepts Inputs from All Hand-Held . Scanners, Including Lasers Largest Selection of Codes Available Automatic Code Recognition Serial ASCII Output Standard 40 Pin Package 3-43 Component Level Bar Code Readers (Cont.) Package Outline Drawing f 01 1 [[8 f 01 [[8 :1 Part No. Description Features HBCS-7000 Industrial Digital Slot Reader, Visible Red, Resolution 0.19 mm HBCS-7001 Optics/Electronics Module, Visible Red, Resolution 0.19 mm 0 0 0 0 0 125 Mil Slot Width Epoxy Finshed Metal Housing Wide Scan Speed Range Tamper Proof Design Digital Output Page No. 3-44 HBCS-7100 Industrial Digital Slot Reader, Infra-Red Resolution 0.19 mm HBCS-7101 Optics/Electronics Module, Infra-Red, Resolution 0.19 mm Optical Reflective Sensors Package Outline Drawing ~ Part No. Description Features HBCS-1100 High Resolution Optical Reflective Sensor 0 • 0 0 0 0.19 mm spot size Fully Specified and Guaranteed for Assured Perfomance Visible Light Source can Detect Most Colors Photo IC Detector Optimizes Speed and Response Standard To-5 Header Page No. 3-50 Bar Coder Readers Package Outline Orawlng Part No. Description ~ 16800A Programmable Bar Code Reader ~!~U~ Features ~ ~ .' .~~ '.~~ & 0 0 ~~ .?JY 0 0 0 0 16801A Non-Programmable Bar Code Reader ~ 3-5 Flexible Configuration All Standard Industrial and Commercial Bar Codes Supported Computer Control and Simple Operator Feedback (16800A only) Internal Power Supply Meet UL, CSA, FCC Class B, VDE Level B Low Current Digital Bar Code Wand Included Page 'No. 3-56 F/i;- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD HP smartWand programmable Contact Bar Code Reader HBCR'S300 General purpose HBCR·S500 High Resolution HBCR-8100 low ReSolution Description prevent dust, dirt, and liquid contaminants from degrading or destroying components inside the wand. The HP SmartWand is an intelligent peripheral designed to easily add bar code scanning capability to any host system which can support a 5 V serial asynchronous interface. A powerful microcomputer, bar code decoding software, optical and escape sequence programmability, non-volatile configuration memory, and a high performance contact scanner, are all combined into a standard size industrial wand package. This integrated system transmits decoded bar code data in a serial ASCII format, effectively freeing the host system processor from the decoding task. The optics and low power electronics allow operation in a wide range of environments including direct sunlight, intense aritificial light, and' in ; electromagnetic fields caused by motors or radio frequency transmitters. The HP SmartWand automatically recognizes and decodes standard bar code symbologies. Code type identification, label length checking, and check character verification options when enabled ensure a high level of data integrity. A power-on memory self test option ensures the decoder is operating properly. Various code selections, interface protocols, and other control options, can be selected and automatically stored in non-volatile memory by either manually scanning a special bar code menu or transmitting escape sequences from the host system. In addition, the HP SmartWand has the ability to convert any of the standard bar code symbologies to Code 39 and emulate the undecoded output of a digital wand. This allows an existing decode system, which can decode Code 39, to inClude symbologies not previously available. The epoxy coated, textured metal case has O-ring seals at each end, a labyrinth strain relief for the cord, and a replaceable sealed sapphire tip. These design features Block Diagram 3-6 Contact Scanner performance SUMMARY synthetic sapphire ball which contacts the labels is self cleaning and nearly impervious to wear: The low weight and compact shape allows ease of use and helps to reduce worker fatigue. The rugged industrial design allows use in both indoor and outdoor environments. The HP SmartWand is a high performance contact bar code reader designed to scan and decode bar code labels located on uniform surfaces, The optics in the wand are designed to operate with the tip touching the bar code labels while scanning, The scanner is capable of reading through plastic laminates up to 0,25 mm (0,010") thick. The TYPICAL WAND CHARACTERISTICS HBCR-8300 Ge,neral Purpose Parameter HBCR-asoo HighR~solution HBCR-8100 Low Resolution 0.13 mm (0.005 in,) 0.33 mm (0,013 in,) Wavelength 655 nQl; (visible red) 820 nm (infrared) 655 nm (visible red) Scan Speed 3-50 in.lsec; 3-50 in.!sec. 3-50 in.lsec. 0° - 40' 0° - 40' 0° ,. 40° 45% 45% 45% No'minal Narrow Element Width Tilt Angle Minimum Bar/Space Contrast at Specified Wavelength ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE Parameter Conditions Operating Temperature -20' to +70°C (_4' to 158'F) Storage Temperature -40' to +70°C (-40° to +158'F) Humidity 5% to 95% (non-condensing) Operating Altitude Sea Level to 4,600 metres (15,000 feet) Storage Altitude Sea Level to 15,300 metres (50.000 teet) Vibration Random: 5-500 Hz, 3.41 g rms. 10 minutes per axis Swept Sine: 55-500 Hz, @ 3 g. 1 minute/octave, 10 minutes each resonance Shock 500 g's at 1 millisecond, 18 shocks (3 each, 6 surfaces) Ambient Light o to 100kLux (Direct sunlight) Rain MIL-STD-810. Method 506, Procedure II. Drip Dust MIL-STD-810, Method 510, Blowing Dust Mechanical Specifications NOTE: All DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETAES AND (INCHES,. 3-7 programmable configuration configuration menu or by sendillg the appropriate escape sequence from the host system. The wand can be reconfigured at any time to accommodate changing application requirements. Configuration labels and the escape sequences with detailed instructions on how to use each of them are printed in the HP SmartWand Users Manual (Part # HBCR-8997). Configuration labels (Part # HBCR-8998) can also be purchased separat€)ly·as an accessory. The HP SmartWand can be configured by scanning a series of special menu labels or by transmitting escape sequences from the host system to the wand. This allows decoding options and interface protocols to be tailored to a specific application. The configuration is stored in nonvolatile memory and cannot be changed by removing power from the wand or by scanning standard bar code labels. The configuration information can be transmitted to the host system by scanning a bar code label in the An example configuration display screen with the default settings is shown. CONFIGURATION DISPLAY SCREEN CONFIGURATION DISPLAY SCREEN READ CHECK CHAR CODE verlt xmlt (yes) Code 39 (yes) (no) (yes) Int. 2/5 (yes) (no) UPCIEAN (yes) yes yes (yes) Codabar no no Code 128 (yes) yes no Code 11 (yes) (1) yes MSI Code (yes) yes yes version 12.X MESSAGE COMPONENTS (control character = header:( ) trailer: (11M i\J) reader address:( ) - - - SERIAL PORT baud rate:(9600) parity: (0'5) stop bits:(1} (20ms)delay:(off) LENGTH min max (1) (32) (4) (32) fixed (1) (32) (1) (32) (1) (32) (1) (32) A+ letter) CODE ID xmll:(off) . (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (c) Hewlett Packard 1986 OTHER CONFIG. SETTINGS (variable length) (start/stop transmitted) - - - -- -- - -- ---- no-read: ( ) message ready:( 1\ F) message not ready:( 1\ U) PACING - - - - - - MISCELLANEOUS XON/OFF protocol:(off) no-read recognition:(off) Single Read Mode:(off) scanner: (enabled) - - - - -- I - Note: This is a partial listing of configurable parameters. Please refer to the HP SmartWand Users Manual (Part # HBCR-8997) for a complete listing. Bar Code Decoding performance BAR CODE SYMBOLOGIES SUPPORTED The HP SmartWandautomatically recognizes and decodes Code 39 (3 of 9 Code). Interleaved 2 of 5, Universal Product Code (UPC). European Article Numbering Code (EAN), Japanese Article Numbering Code (JAN). Codabar (NW7 Code), Code 128, MSI Code, and Code 11. Minimum and maximum length values can be configured for each code (except UPC/EAN/JAN) and all codes can be scanned bi-directionally. All code types and their decoding format options can be enabled or disabled using either the optical configuration menu or escape sequences. UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, JAN-8 and JAN-13 are fixed length numeric only bar codes that have automatic check character verification and transmission. Decoding can be restricted to UPC-A and UPC-E. UPC-E labels can be expanded into the UPC-A format upon transmission.Supplemental encodations can be enabled in 2 digit, 5 digit, or both 2 and 5 digit lengths. Labels. with supplemental encodations, or "add-on's" must be scanned from left to right in'one stroke so that the supplementals are scanned after the main label. When automatic recognition of supplemental encodations is enabled, labels with or without add-on's are decoded. Codabar, a numeric bar code with special characters, can have a message lengths up to a maximum of 32 characters. The HP SmartWand can be configured to transmit or suppress the data contained in the start and stop characters. Code 39, an alphanumeric bar code, can have message lengths up to a maximum of 32 characters. An optional check character can be used with these codes and the HP SmartWand can be configured to verify this character. Transmission of the check character is optional. Extended Code 39 can be enabled as the full ASCII conversion option for Code 39. Code 128, a compact full ASCII bar code, can have message lengths up to a maximum of 31 characters in codes A and B, and 62 characters in code C: Check character verification is automatic and check character transmission is always suppressed. Interleaved 2 of 5, a compact numeric only bar code, can be read with variable message lengths from 4 to 32 characters in even number increments. It can also be read with fixed message length exactly 2 characters long, with fixed message lengths that are exactly 6 or exactly 14 characters long, or with a fixed message length from 4 to 32 characters in even number increments. Check character verification and transmission are optional. Code 11, a numeric high density code, can have message lengths up to 32 characters. Verification of one or two check characters must be enabled, and the check character(s) are always transmitted. MSI Code, a continuous numeric only code, can have message lengths up to 32 characters. The check digit, a modulo 10 Checksum, is always verified and transmitted. Standard UPC, EANand JAN bar codes including UPC-A, 3-8 DECODING PARAMETERS Other default decoding parameters: Extended Code 39 (full ASCII conversion) is disabled. Interleaved 2 of 5 message length is variable. UPC/EAN/JAN supplemental digits are disabled. Codabar stop/start characters are transmitted. Parentheses indicate the parameter is optically configurable. Brackets indicate the parameter is escape sequence configurable. Default settings are shown. "Code 'Status Code Check Character Verification Transmit Message Length Minimum Maximum C'ode 1.0. Cha,racter Transmit [(disabled)] Code 39 [(enabled)J [(disabled)] [(yes)] (1) (32) {(a)] Interleaved 2 of 5 [(enabled)] .[(disabled)] [(yes)] [(4)] [(32)] [(b)] UPC/EAN/JAN {(enabled») yes yes Codabar [(enabled)] no no (32) [«:i)] [(e)J fixed [(c)) (1) Code 128 [(enabled) I yes no (1 ) (32) Code 11 [(enabled)] [(1 )J yes (1) (32) [(f)) MSI Code [(enabled)J yes yes (1) (32) [(g)J MESSAGE COMPONENTS 10 ASCII characters. The code identification character is a single ASCII character which immediately precedes the decoded data and is used to identify the bar code symbology that was decoded.' The no-read message can be up to 10 ASCII characters and can be transmitted in place of decoded data if a bar code label is scanned and a decode does not occur. There are three optical or escape sequence configurable message components that can be defined by the user and added to the decoded data transmitted by the HP SmartWand. The message components are: header, trailer, and code identification character. A no-read message option is also available. The header, which precedes the decoded data, and the trailer, which follows the decoded data, can contain up to The default settings for the message components are shown, Message Parameter Conflgurable Options Default Setting Header: Trailer: No Read Message: Code Identification Character: 01010 ASCII characters o Characters (empty buffer) o to 10 ASCII characters o to 10 ASCII characters 1 ASCII character CRLF o Characters (empty buffer) See "Decoding Parameters" table Electricallnterface PIN DIAGRAM Wire Pln# Color Function 1 - 2 White TxD Transmitted Data (from the wand) 3 Green RxD Received Data (to the wand) 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 Black o ;; 4 3 2 N/C o o o N/C o 7 o8 o 9 N/C N/C MALE 9 PIN SUBMINIATURE 0 CONNECTOR Ground 8 - N/C 9 Red Vee Shell - Shield 3-9 Pin Description PIN2 TxD - This is the transmitted serial data line from the HP SmartWand. It obeys RS232. data formats, but uses.zero to five volt logic level swings. It can be described as TTL level RS232. This will drive TTL, LSTTL, and CMOS inputs. The output circuit is shown: HP SMART WAND I----~---------I I 1 I I I m~ I TxD Output Specifications TxD (Vee" 5 Yolts DC@TA=25°C) VOH 2.00 VDC @ 740 pA 3.00 VDC @ 410 pA 4.00 VOC @ 95 pA I I I (VOH '" Vec-0.7(3100 'IOH)] I I":" 0.30 VOC @ 20 mA I I I 7')~",~1'~W!"':':~~~"lJlP t illll:-==134==(5.31===u::g=::c L ,)~~'.>11?'~:~~ I ! ~C::I===~ T ,M." 18 ;J~ ---c i2~ 19 (0.8) CDJ)o==IlIIh~..dJ~ /.--260110) ·1· 200 18) NOTE: DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRESAND (INCHES). 3~19 .. __.. _.... _._----_._-------_._--_._-_._..._ - - - _ .._---_._.-_... - .... _-_._ - .__. _ - - - - - - .... Applications The digital bar code wand is a highly effective alternative to keyboard data entry. Bar code scanning is faster and more accurate than key entry and provides far greater throughput. In addition, bar code scanning typically has a higher first read rate and greater data accuracy than optical character recognition. When compared to magnetic stripe enCOding, bar code offers significant adv::.ntages in flexibility of media, symbol placement and immunity to electromagnetic fields. Hewlett-Packard's sapphire tip wands are designed for use in applications where dirt and debris are a common occurrence and could cause clogging in a conventional open-tip wand. In addition, the sapphire ball provides superior wear resistance and improves scanning ease. The rugged yet lightweight polycarbonate case makes these wands ideal for use in commercial or light industrial applications. Applications include remote data collection, work-in-process tracking, point-of-sale data entry, inventory control, library circulation control, medical records tracking, and repair/ service work. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Nominal Narrow Element Width HBCS-2200/2300 H BCS-2400/2500 Min. Max. Units 0.19 (0.0075) mm (in) 0.13 (0.005) mmlin.l Scan Velocity VSCAN 7.6 (3) Contrast Rw-Rs 45 Supply Voltage Vs Temperature TA Notes 127 15m cm/sec (in/sec) % 1 4.5 5.5 Volts 2 -20 +65 °C Tilt Angle (See Figure 8) Orientation (See Figure 1) 3 Noles: 1. Contrast is defined as Rw-Rs, where Rw is the reflectance of the white spaces and Rs is the reflectance of the black bars. measured at the emitter wavelength 1700 nm or 820 nml. Contrast is related to print contrast signallPCS) by PCS = IRw-Rs)/Rw or Rw-Rs = PCS·Rw. 2. Power supply ripple and noise should be less than 100 mV peak to peak. 3. Performance in sunlight will vary depending on shading at wand tip. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Storage Temperature Ts -40 +75 °C +65 °C Operating Temperature TA -20 Supply Voltage HBCS-2200/2300 Vs -0.5 +6.00 V HBCS-2400/2500 Vs -0.5 +5.75 V 200 mW -0.5 +20 V Output Transistor Power PT Output Collector Voltage Vo 3-20 Notes Electrical operation The HBCS-2XXX family of digital bar code wands consists of a precision optical sensor, an analog amplifier, a digitizing circuit, and an output transistor. These elements provide a TTL compatible output from a single 4.5V to 5.5V power supply. The open collector transistor requires an external pull-up resistor for proper operation. Grounding the shield will provide a substantial improvement in EMIIESD immunity in AC powered systems. However, it is essential that the shield be properly terminated even when EMI and ESD are not a concern, otherwise the shield will act as an antenna, injecting electrical noise into the wand circuitry. A non-reflecting black bar results in a logic high (1) level output, while a reflecting white space will cause a logic low (0) level output. The initial or "wake-up" state will be indeterminate. However, after a short period (typically less than 1 second), the wand will assume a logic low state if no bar code is scanned. This feature insures that the first bar will not be missed in a normal scan. The HBCS-2200/2400 wands incorporate a push-to-read switch which is used to energize the LED emitter and electronic circuitry. When the switch is initially depressed, contact bounce may cause a series of random pulses to appear at the output (Vol. This pulse train will typically settle to a final value within 5 ms. The recommended logic interface for the wands is shown in Figure 9. This interconnection provides the maximum ESD protection for both the wand and the user's electronics. The wands provide a case, cable, and connector shield which must be terminated to logic ground or, preferably, to both logic ground and earth ground. The shield is connected to the metal housing of the 5 pin DIN connector. Electrical Characteristics (Vs = 4.5V to 5.5V, TA = 25° C, RL = 1KO to 10KO, unless otherwise noted) Parameter Supply Current Symbol Is High Level Output Current IOH Low Level Output Voltage VOL Min. Typ. Max. Units 42 50 mA Vs=5.0V 400 J,lA VOH=2.4V Conditions 0.4 V IOL= 16 mA Output Rise Time tr 3.4 20 J,lS Output Fall Time 10%-90% Transition RL=1K Notes 4 If 1.2 20 J,lS Switch Bounce HBCS-22()0/2400 Isb 0.5 5.0 ms 5 Electrostatic Discharge Immunity ESD 25 kV 6 Notes: 4. Push-to-read switch (if applicable) is depressed. S. Switch bounce causes a series of sub-millisecond pulses to appear at the output (Vol. 6. Shield must be properly terminated (see Figure 9). The human body is modeled by discharging a 300 pF capacitor through a SOO resistor. No damage to the wand will occur at the specified discharge level. Block Diagram HBCS-2300/2500 (without Switch) HBCS-2200/2400 (with Switch) 3-21 n Scanning performance IVs = 5.0 V, RL = 1.0 to 10 K!l, TA = 25° C, Scan Velocity = 50 cm/sec) Symbol Parameter Decodability Index 01 Average Width Error INarrow Bars) OSbn Average Width Error IWide Bars) OSbw Average Width Error INarrow Spaces) Average Width Error (Wide Spaces) Deviation from Average (InternaiJ Deviation from Average (First Bar) OSsn HBCS· Typ. Max. Units 2200/2300 9 22 % 2400/2500 12 22 % 2200/2300 0.005 10.00021 mm lin,) 2400/2500 0.024 (0.0009) mm lin,) 2200/2300 0.003 10.0001) mm lin.) 2400/2500 0.023 10.009) mm lin.! 2200/2300 -0.Q11 1-0.0004) 0.027 1-0.Q1 06) mm lin,) mm lin.) -0.002 1-0.0001) -0.026 i-0.0010) mm lin,) mm lin.) 2400/2500 2200/2300 OSsw 2400/2500 2200/2300 0.Q18 10.0007) 0.048 (0.0019) mm lin.) 2400/2500 0.019 (0.0007) 0.052 (0.00201 mm lin,) 2200/2300 0,090 (0.0035) 0.152 (0.0060) mm lin.i 2400/2500 0.060 (0.0024) 0.100 (0.0039) mm On.) de db1 Condition Fig. Note 1,2,3 4,7,9 7,8 1,2,9 7 1,2,5 6,9 7 Tilt Angle 0° to 40° Preferred Orientation Standard Test Tag Notes: 7. The test tag for the HBCS·2200/2300 Wands IFigure 2al consists of black bars and white spaces with a narrow element width of 0.19 mm 10.0075 in.1 and a wide element width of 0.42 mm 10.0165 in.l. This equates to a wide·to-narrow ratio of 2.2:1. A margin, or white reflecting area, of at least 5 mm in width precedes the first bar. The test tag for the HBCS-2400/2500 wands IFigure 2bl consists of black bars with a narrow element width of 0.13 mm 10.005 in.1 and wide element width of 0.43 mm 10.017 in.l, giving a ratio of 3.4:1. The white spaces have a narrow element width of 0.28 mm 10.011 in.1 and wide element width of 0.64 mm 10.025 in.1 yielding a ratio of 2.3:1. Both tags are photographically reproduced on diffuse reflecting paper with a PCS greater than 90%. 8. Decodability index is a measure of the errors produced by the wand when scanning a standard test symbol at a constant velocity. It is expressed as a percentage of the narrow element width. For a more detailed discussion of the terms used here, see Hewlett-Packard Application Note 1013 "Elements of a Bar Code System" Ipublication number 5953-93871. HBCS·22/2400 H BCS·23/2500 a, HBCS·22/2300 Test Tag b, HCBS·24/2500 Test Tag Figure 2. Standard Test Tag Formats (Test Tags Enlarged to Show Detail) Figure 1, Preferred Wand Orientation 3·22 Typical Performance Curves IVs = 5 V, RL = 1 Kil, TA = 25° C, Tilt = 15°, VSCAN = 50 cm/sec unless otherwise specified) 25 '" 1 X 25 '" 20 w a a ;:; >f- 15 <>: 10 :::; iii a a u 20 1 X w ;:; -- -- ........ w a .... 1 - - HBCS-2200/2300 15 >f- - --" HBCS-2400/2500 :::; iii <>: a 10 0 u w 1-- a 1 Ci Ci VSCAN - SCAN VELOCITY - em/sec Vs - SUPPLY VOLTAGE - VOLTS Figure 3. Decodabllity Index vs. Supply Voltage. Figure 4. Decodabllity Index vs. Scan Velocity. 0.140 0.140 0.120 '"0a:: 0::: o 0.120 a:: a:: a:: w 0.100 J: f- a 0.080 ~ ei > <>: ffi -- --. HBCS-2200/2300 J: f- db, ~ 0.080 g <>: 0.060 0.060 :;; 0 ~ 0.040 '"'0" ;:: 0.020 <>: :; w 0.100 a -- -_. - --- ... o a:: --- --- I ~ 0.040 db,- HBCS-2400f2500 - ALL WANDS-;:;:::- 'o" ~ ':;',;;-:: :; o Vs - SUPPLY VOLTAGE - VOLTS (O.~8~ ~ ~ 0 15 u 10 w a 1 40 60 80 100 120 em/sec ,--.,----,---,--,---, 1.5 u (0.06) ;:; a <>: 20 u; 20 1;) a o Figure 6. Deviation from Average Width Error vs. Scan Velocity. 25 >f- de ALL JANOS VSCAN - SCAN VELOCITY - Figure 5. Deviation f.rom Average Width Error vs. Supply Voltage. :::; iii ..... 0.020 db, - w a 1 " HBCS-2400i2500 db, :;; a '" " HBCS-2200/2300 ----- I I E E -_.- HBCS-24001250Q 1 fJ: '"W ---- I HBCS-2200/2300 1.0 (0.04) J: a z 0.5 <>: (0.02) s: Ci o -40 -20 20 40 60 80 10 e- TA - TEMPERATURE -"C 20 30 40 TI LT ANGLE - DEGREES Figure 8. Wand Height vs. Tilt Angle. Figure 7. Decodability Index vs. Temperature. 3-23 50 Selection Guide NOMINAL NARROW ELEMENT WIOTH? NOTES: IF IT IS NECESSARY TO READ BAR CODE PRINTED IN COLORS OTHER THAN BLACK AND WHITE IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT EITHER THE HBCS-2200 DR HBCS-2300 WANDS BE SELECTED. IF IT IS NECESSARY TO READ SECURITY "BLACK-ON-BLACK" BAR CODE (CARBON-BASED BLACK AND WHITE BAR CODE WITH A BLACK OVERLAY). IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT EITHER THE HBCS-2400 OR THE HBCS-2500 WANDS BE SELECTED. --------, r - SHIELD - - - - - I - Mechanical Considerations --, ) I Vs (1) I The wands include a standard 5 pin. 240 0 DIN connector. The detailed specifications and pin-outs are shown in Figure 10. Mating connectors are available from RYE Industries and SWITCHCRAFT in both 5 pin and 6 pin configurations. These connecors are listed below. WAND SYSTEM INTERFACE ®TRANSZORB IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF GENERAL SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRIES. TEMPE AZ. Figure 9. Recommended Logic Inlerface (When earth ground Is nol available, connecl shield 10 logic ground, as shown by dolled line). Connector Configuration RYE MAB-5 5Pin SWITCH CRAFT 61 GA5F 5 Pin SWITCH CRAFT 61 HA5F 5 Pin RYE MAB-6 6Pin SWITCHCRAFT 61GA6F 6Pin Maintenance Considerations There are no user serviceable parts inside the wand. The tip is designed to be easily replaceable. and if damaged it should be replaced. Before unscrewing the tip. disconnect the wand from the system power source. The part number for the wand tip is HBCS-2999. The tip can be ordered from any HewlettPackard franchised distributor. NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES AND (INCHES). WIRE COLOR RED Vo OUTPUT BLACK GROUND N/A N/C N/A CASE Vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE WHITE Figure 11. Sapphire Tip. optional Features N/C SHIELD (MUST BE CONNECTED) For options such as special cords. connectors or labels. contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard sales office or franchised Hewlett-Packard distributor. Figure 10. Connector Specifications. 3-24 DIGITAL BAR CODE WAND HEDS-30DO HEDS-3D50 Features • 0.3 mm RESOLUTION Enhances the Readability of dot matrix printed bar codes • DIGITAL OUTPUT Open Collector Output Compatible with TTL and CMOS • PUSH-TO-READ SWITCH (HEDS-3000) Minimizes Power in Battery Operated Systems • SINGLE 5V SUPPLY OPERATION • ATTRACTIVE, HUMAN ENGINEERED CASE • DURABLE LOW FRICTION TIP • SOLID STATE RELIABILITY Uses LED and IC Technology o SHIELDED CASE AND CABLE (HEDS-3050) Maximizes EMI/ESD Immunity in AC Powered Systems electromagnetic interference, electrostatic discharge, and ground loops in AC powered systems. Both wands feature a strain relieved 104 cm (41 in.) cord with a ninepin subminiature D-style connector. Description The HEDS-3000 and HEDS-3050 Digital Bar Code Wands are hand held scanners designed to read all common bar code formats that have the narrowest bars printed with a nominal width of 0.3 mm (0.012 in.). The wands contain an optical sensor with a 700 nm visible light source, photo IC detector, and precision aspheric optics. Internal signal conditioning circuitry converts the optical information into a logic level pulse width representation of the bars and spaces. The HEDS-3000 comes equipped with a push-to-read switch which is used to activate the electronics in battery powered applications requiring lowest power consumption. The HEDS-3050 does not have a switch, and features internal metal shielding that maximizes immunity to Applications The Digital Bar Code Wand is an effective alternative to the keyboard when used to collect information in selfcontained blocks. Bar code scanning is faster than key entry and also more accurate since most codes have check-sums built-in to prevent incorrect reads from being entered. Applications include remote data collection, ticket identification systems, security checkpoint verification, file folder tracking, inventory control, identifying assemblies in service, repair, and manufacturing environments, and programming appliances, intelligent instruments and personal computers. Wand Dimensions HEDS-3000 PUSIi-TQ.oREAO 23 (O.9)~ Li2 paper with a print contrast signal greater than 0.9. 8. The print contrast signal (PCS) is defined as: PCS = (Rw - Rb) IRw, where Rw is the reflectance at 700 nm from the white spaces, and Rb is the reflectance al 700 nm for the bars. 9. 1.0 in. = 2S.4 mm, 1 mm = 0.0394 in. 10. The Wand is in the preferred orientation when the surface of the label is parallel to the height dimension of the bar code. 3-27 - - - _ ... __ ._--.. - ...- ------------------------------------ OPERATION CONSIDERATIONS The Wand resolution is specified in terms of a bar and space Width Error, WE. The width error is defined as the difference between the calculated bar (space) width, B, (S), and the optically measured bar (space) widths, b (s). When a constant scan velocity is used, the width error can be calculated from the following. B = tb' Vscan S '" ts' Vscan ~b = B - b ~s = S - s orientation (Figure 1), tilted at an angle of 10° to 20°, and the Wand tip is in contact with the tag. The Wand height, when held normal to the tag, is measured from the tip's aperture, and when it is tilted it is measured from the tip's surface closest to the tag. The Width Error is specified for the preferred orientation, and using a Standard Test Tag consisting of black bars and white spaces. Figure 2 illustrates the random two level bar code tag. The Standard Test Tag is photographed on Kodagraph Transtar TC5® paper with a nominal module. width of 0.3 mm (0.012 in.) and a Print Contrast Signal (PCS) of greater than 90%. Where ~b, ~s= bar, space Width Error (mm) b, s = optical bar, space width (mm) B, S = calculated bar, space width (mm) Vscan = scan velocity (mm/s) tb, ts = wand pulse width output( s) The magnitude of the width error is dependent upon the width of the bar (space) preceeding the space (bar) being measured. The Guaranteed Width Errors are specified as a maximum for the margin to first bar transition, as well as, maximums and minimums for the bar and space width errors resulting from transitions internal to the body of the bar code character. The Typical Width Error Performance specifies all possible transitions in a two level code (e.g, 2 of 5). For example, the ~b2-1 Width Error specifies the width error of a single bar module (0.3 mm) when preceeded by a double space module (0.6 mm). BAR WIDTH 0.3 mm (0.012 in.) BLACK & WHITE RWHITE ~ 75%, pes;;t. 0.9 KODAGRAPH TRANST AR TC5® PAPER Figure~. The BarWidth Error ~b, typically has a positive polarity which causes the calculated bar, B, to appear wider than its printed counterpart. The typical negative polarity of the Space Width Error ~s, causes the measured spaces to appear narrower. The consistency of the polarity of the bar and space Width Errors suggest decoding schemes which average the measured bars and measured spaces within a character. These techniques will produce a higher percentage of good reads. Standard Test Tag Format. ®TRANSZORB IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF GENERAL SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRIES. r- - - - - - - - -, PUSH~READ I Vs (9) : Te:: AZ. - - - - 0 o-~~----<~~--~~~~~~~~-- + 4.7J.lf I@TRANSZORB I P6KE 7.5C I 13 EAC~oI21 GNDI71 The Wand will respond to a bar code with a nominal module width of 0.3 mm when itis scanned at tilt angles between 0° and 30°. The optimum performance will be obtained when the Wand is held in the preferred - - - - - - ' L _________ ~ HEDS-300e ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SUPPRESSION INTERI=ACE SYSTEM INTERFACE Figure 3a, Recommended Logic Interface for HI:OS-3000 ®TRANSZORB IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF GENERAL INDUSTRIES. r- - - - - - -: - -~ ~i~~CEO~~UCTOR SHIELD I + 4.7pF Vs (9) I-I!;V I@TRANSlORB I P6KE 7.5e I 13 EAC~~ 121 GND(7) L~J!,~~D_~ ___ _J HEDS-3050 HEDS-3000 ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SUPPRESSION INTERFACE SYSTEM INTERFACE HEDS-3050 Figure 3b. Recommended Logic Interface for HEDS-3050. (When earth ground is not available. connect shield to logic ground, as shown by dotted line) Figure 1. Preferred Wand Orientation. 3-28 Typical Performance Curves (RL = 2.2kO) 0.15 0.15 0.10 0: 0 ~ 1S~ B~R " ...... .- ./ 0.05 "b. INTERNAL BAR WIDTH ERROR 0: 0: W :I: PREFERRED ORIENTATION 0.10 0;;0;;; 1:- 1ST LR ..... HEIGHT" 0.1 mm vscan'" 50 em/s - STANDARD TAG 0.05 (O.3mm) Vs "" 5V " ~ W -0.15 ~ w 0.10 ~ V r- f-'" 0.05 5° 1/ \ \ 0.10 - ~ ;: -0,10 -0.15 - - - - o 1O ~ ;: PREFERRED ORIENTATION TILT = 0° -- IY :::::" r-r vscan = 50 em/s STANDARD TAG (0.3 mm) Vs = 5V TA "" 25°C - - - -0.15 I a I --,.... 0.05 i!'o c- 0.05 ! -0,05 w ;: I -0.10 f-I-- -0.15 I I I I o p'REFkRRkD vr i I I I I i i l: b I 1O \ -0.05 -0.10 ~ As, INTERNAL SPACE WIDTH ERROR PREFERRED ORIENTATION TILT-a' HEIGHT = 0.25 mm STANDARD TAG (0.3 mm) TA = 25°C Vs '" 5V I-- I-- - TILT = 0°- - I - ;: - TA = 25°C - I - w I -0.15 o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 so vseao - SCAN VELOCITY - em/s b, 5 - BAR. £PACE WIDTH - mm Figure 8. Width Error vs. Bar Width. WIDTH ERROR ffi O'R'E~TA~'ON I T .J.b, INTERNAL BAR I-- 0: HEIGHT = 0.25 rom Yscan= 50 emfs 5 - 0: o "s. INTERNAL SPACE WIDTH ERROR ~~--r I 1 T 1O I I 1ST BAR I : ,,1' '..L ffi r- r- - J I 0.10 Ab, INTERNAL BAR WIDTH ERROR 0: Ii! -. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 O.S 0.9 1.0 1dT B1R ~ I PREFERRED ORIENTATION TILT = a" vscan = 50 em/s STANDARD TAG (0.3 mm) TA :; 25°C Vs = 5V r- r- - 0.15 1 - r-. Figure 7. Width Error vs. Height (Any Orientation). 0,15 1 -. I- SPACE WIDTH ERROR - \ .,.- h - HEIGHT - mm Figure 6. Width Error vs. Height (Preferred Orientation). 0.10 -- 1 INTE~NAL BAR WIDTH ERROR h - HEIGHT - mm 1 \ f-~tl -0.05 -0.10 0.1 0.2 0,3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1 / a: 0.05 _Ab, o ~ ~~~~:~~~~~ ~R~OR ~, 1 1 1ST BAR 0.15 \ 0: 0: W -0.05 lac 15° 20" 25" 30 e 35" Figure 5. Width Error v:s. Tilt (Any Orientation). w §;' , fJ - TILT - DEGREES a: ~ i""- -0.15 t.b. INTERNAL BAR WIDTH ERROR 0: _r- TILT - DEGREES ~, 1ST BAR iNTE'RNAL SPACE - ~" WIDTH ERROR -0.10 Figure 4. Width Error vs. Tilt (Preferred Orientation). 0.15 -0.05 3: 5' 10' 15' 20' 25' 30' 35' e- ±-:f-.-!. ...... ~ i"- -0.10 ~,... 0: 0: As. INTERNAL SPAC~ ... WIDTH ERROR I -0.05 (0.3 mm) WIDTH ERROR 0: t- o 1O vscaf'l= 50 em/s STANDARD TAG V Ab.IINT~RNlL BAR r- ~~!:~~oC - o TA "" 25°C HEIGHT = 0.1 mm / I Figure 9, Width Error vs. Scan Velocity. 3-29 - I-- r-- 0.15 0.15' - 0.10 E E I a: 0 a: a: w :r I- 0.05 PREFERRED ORIENTATION TIL T = D· STANDARD TAG (0.3 mm) HEIGHT'" 0.25 mm J 0.10 1ST BAR vscan::; 50 emls Vs '" 5V JBA~- E E I 0.05 a: a: ab. INTERNAL BAR WIDTH ERROR Ab. INTERNAL BAR WIDTH ERROR 0 ffi 0 ~ ~ As. INTEIRNAIL SP C~WID H EIRROR_ I -0.05 I -0,05 w ;: ~ -0.10 0 i"0 0 i - r-- PREFERRED ORIENTATION HEIGHT'" 0.25 mm TILT=O· - r- ~ vscan'" 50 emls STANDARD TEST TAG 10.3 mm) TA ::; 25° r- r- -0.10 -0.15 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 As. INTERNAL SPACE WIDTH ERROR -0.15 6.0 5" 10· Vs - SUPPLY VOLTAGE - V 15· 20" 25· 3D· 35· 40· 45· TA - TEMPERATURE _ Figure 10. Width Error vs. Supply Voltago. 60" 55· °c Figure 11. Width Error vs. Temperature. MECHANICAL CONSIDERATIONS The HEDS-3000/-3050 include a standard nine pin D-style connector with integral squeeze-to-release retention mechanism. Two types of receptacles with the retention mechanism are available from AMP Corp. (printed circuit header: 745001-2 Panel mount: 745018, body; 66570-3, pins). Panel mount connectors that are compatible with the Wand connector, but do not include the retention mechanism, are the Molex A7224, and AMP 2074-56-2. MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS While there are no user serviceable parts inside the Wand, the tip should be checked periodically for wear and dirt, or obstructions in the aperture. The tip aperture is designed to reject particles and dirt but a gradual degradation in performance will occur as the tip wears down, or becomes obstructed by foreign materials. Before unscrewing the tip, disconnect the Wand from the system power source. The aperture can be cleaned with a cotton swab or similar device and a liquid cleaner. The glass window on the sensor should be inspected and cleaned if dust, dirt, or fingerprints are visible. To clean the sensor window dampen a lint free cloth with a liquid cleaner, then clean the window with the cloth taking care not to disturb the orientation of the sensor. DO NOT SPRAY CLEANER DIRECTLY ON THE SENSOR OR WAND. ~ o~O'T L~."", b ~DRl HEDS-3001 Figure 12. Wand Tip. After cleaning the tip aperture and sensor window, the tip should be gently and securely screwed back into the Wand assembly. The tip should be replaced if there are visible indications of wear such as a disfigured, or distorted aperture. Th.e part number for the Wand tip is HEDS-3001.1t can be ordered from any franchised HewlettPackard distributor. OPTIONAL FEATURES The wand may also be ordered with the following special features: • Special colors • Customer specified label • No label • Heavy duty retractable coiled cord • No connector • With/without switch button For more information, call your local Hewlett-Packard sales office or franchised distributor. 111 Pin 1 2 I "Cb~ 26.8 III 3 11.05) 4 5 6 .1 ~ 1!lJ t 15.8 10.62) 7 8 9 54321 I [llOOOOO 0000 ! NOTES, 1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES AND (INCHES). II II 98 76 Figure 13. Connector Specifications. 3-30 I] Wire Color NC White NC NC -NC Black NG Red HEDS-3000 FUnction NC Vo Output NC HEOS-3050 Function NC Vo Output NC NC NC NC NC Shield NC Ground NC Vs Supply Voltage Ground NC Vs Supply Voltage Flihl HEWLETT ~~ PACKARO BAR CODE DECODER IC H8CR1800 Features • INDUSTRY STANDARD BAR CODES 3 of 9 Code Extended 3 of 9 Code Interleaved 2 of 5 Code UPC/EAN/JAN Codes i-i • AUTOMATIC CODE RECOGNITION " • FULL DUPLEX SERIAL OR PARALLEL ASCII OUTPUT I ':,p~. ~ :::':1:' <' $1S't \ , ;, ~OH.~'~u:~' ~ !:.lIIckar d Co. ..."Int.., I ,~ ~ , 82 • EXTENSIVE CONFIGURATION CONTROL THROUGH SOFTWARE COMMANDS ~ , • DECODER IC IN A STANDARD 40 PIN DIP PACKAGE • AUDIO AND VISUAL FEEDBACK CONTROL • SINGLE 5 VOLT SUPPLY Description Applications HewleU-Packard's HBCR-1800 Bar Code Decoder IC is a high performance product designed to simplify the implementation of bar code reading capability in any OEM system. The standard 40 pin decoder IC has been specially designed to work with any of HewleU-Packard's digital wands. When combined with an external RAM chip, the result is a component-level reader that allows a manufacturer to easily add bar code reading to his equipment. Bar codes are rapidly becoming a preferred alternative to other forms of data entry. Bar coding has proven faster and more accurate than keyboard entry. In addition, bar code scanning typically has a higher first read rate and greater data accuracy than Optical Character Recognition. When compared to magnetic stripe encoding, bar code offers significant advantages in flexibility of media, symbol placement and immunity to electromagnetic fields. The standard decoding chip supports four of the most popular codes: 3 of 9 Code, Extended 3 of 9 Code, Interleaved 2 of 5 Code, and UPC/EAN/JAN Codes. If more than one standard code is enabled, the reader will automatically recognize and decode the code being scanned. Bi-directional scanning is allowed for all codes except UPC/EAN/JAN with supplemental digits. For 3 of 9 Codes and Interleaved 2 of 5 Code, a maximum of 32 characters inot including start and stop characters) are allowed. Manufacturers of data collection terminals, point-of-sale terminals, keyboards, weighing scales, and other data collection and material handling equipment are finding a growing demand for bar code reading capability in their products. The HBCR-1800 Bar Code Decoder IC makes it easy to add this capability without the need to invest in the development of bar code decoding software. HBCR-1800 Bar Code Decoder IC makes it easy to add this capability without the need to invest in the development of bar code decoding software. The decoder IC may be set to communicate in either serial or parallel ASCII. Operator feedback is supported through pins that allow for external LED drive and a beeper drive circuits. In addition, there are thirteen programmable functions covering items from terminator character selection to the tone of the beeper. The 40 pin decoder IC may be easily configured with most common microprocessors using either a parallel ASCII or serial ASCII interface. The IC may be added to an existing board, designed into an add-on board, or designed into an entirely new system. Using the decoder IC as an integral part of the host system will eliminate the need for the external bar code readers which are often used to perform the same function. 3-31 Decoder Ie Specifications Wand input can be disabled by the host system through a software command. This allows the application program to control the operator's ability to enter bar code data, thereby preventing inadvertant data entry and allowing the host to verify each scan before enabling subsequent scans. General Information The HBCR-1800 Bar Code Decoder IC consists of an NMOS decoding IC in a 40 pin Dual In-Line package. The readers require an external 1K x 8 bit multiplexed RAM chip (Intel 8185 or similar) or a 1K x 8 bit RAM and an address latch chip (Mostek MK4801 or similar and a 74LS373). To complete the reader, a 12 MHz crystal must also be added. The wand is connected to pin 12 of the decoder IC (see Figures 1 and 2). Data Communications The decoding IC is designed to interface with most standard microprocessors, and can communicate in either serial or parallel ASCII. It provides complete compatibility with the output from Hewlett-Packard digital bar code wands. The decoder IC can communicate with the host system through either a serial ASCII or parallel ASCII port. The parallel port allows for faster data communication between the two devices. Both parallel and serial ports are bi-directional. Performance Features The serial port may also be connected directly to RS-232-C level shifters to produce an RS-232-C compatible output. A wide range of baud rate, parity, stop bits and terminator characters may be selected, as described in Table 1. In addition, XON/XOFF pacing for the decoder IC's data transmission is available. Bar Codes Supported The HBCR-1800 Bar Code DecoderlC is capable of reading four popular bar code symbologies: 3 of 9 Code, Extended 3 of 9 Code, Interleaved 2 of 5 Code and UPC/EAN/JAN Codes. The 3 of 9 Code, an alphanumeric code, and the Extended 3 of 9 Code, a full 128 character ASCII version of the 3 of 9 Code, may be read bi-directionally for message lengths up to a maximum of 32 characters. An optional checksum character may be used with these codes, and the decoder IC may be configured to verify this character prior to data transmission. Enabling the Extended 3 of 9 Code will disable the standard 3 of 9 Code as the two are mutually exclusive. The parallel port uti lizes both a send and receive handshake for data transfer between the decode'r IC and the host system. Timing diagrams for these handshakes are shown on page 5. The decoder IC has a 255 character output buffer which will store data if transmission to the host is prevented. A buffer overflow will actuate a signal on the beeper line for the beeper to sound three times in rapid succession. The Interleaved 2 of 5 Code, a compact numeric only bar code, may also be read bi-directionally for message lengths up to a maximum of 32 characters. To enhance data accuracy, an optional checksum character verification and/or label length checking may be enabled. Feedback Features The decoder IC has several provisions for signalling operator feedback. Pin 14 provides a signal for an LED driver and pin 15 provides a signal for a beeper driver. An LED or beeper driver connected to the decoder IC may be controlled directly by the IC, with a signal generated after a good read; or may be controlled by the host system. In addition, the tone of the beeper can be varied by a software command to be one of 16 different tones. . All popular versions of the UPC, EAN, and JAN bar codes may be read bi-directionally, including UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN8, EAN-13, JAN-8, and JAN-13. All codes may be enabled simultaneously or only tlie UPC codes may be enabled. UPC, EAN and JAN codes with complementary two digit or five digit supplemental encodations, or "add-ons", may also be read in one of two ways. If UPC, EAN and JAN codes are enabled but neither tWo digit nor five digit supplemental encodations are enabled, then only the main part of the symbols printed with supplemental encodations will be read. If the two digit or the five digit supplemental encodations are enabled, then only symbols with these supplementals will be read. In this case, the symbols may only be read in the direction which results in the supplement being scanned last. Power Requirements Both the decoder IC and the wands operate from a single +5 V DC power supply. The maximum current draw for the decoder IC is 175 mA Themaximum ripple voltage should be less than 100 mV peak-to-peak. Configuration Control Automatic code recognition is provided for the Interleaved 2 of 5 Code, UPC/EAN/JAN Codes, and either the 3 of 9 Code or the Extended 3 of 9 Code. The decoder IC's default setting is for simultaneous reading of the 3 of 9 Code, Interleaved 2 of 5 Code and UPC/EAN/JAN Codes. Configuration of the decoder IC may be determined through hardwire connections and/or through software commands. Hardwire selection is limited to key operating parameters. A much greater range of configuration control is available through software commands. A summary of the decoder IC features and configuration control these features is presented in the following table. Wand Input The decoder IC has been specially designed to operate with any of several Hewlett-Packard digital bar code wands. 3-32 - - - - --_ .. __._---- -----------------------------_._--------- Table 1. Summary of Features and Configuration Control Feature Function of Value Hardwirel Software Control[1) Mode of Operation Parallel or Serial Mode Hardwire Parallel Default Settlng[2] Mode[3] N/A Baud Rate 300,1200,2400,9600 Hardwire 300 Baud Serial Parity O's, 1's, Odd, Even Hardwire O's Serial Stop Bits 1 or 2 Hardwire 2 Serial Terminator Character, CR, CR/LF, HT, None Hardwire CR Serial User Defined 110 Characters Max.) Software CR Both Both Both Header Character User Defined 110 Characters Max.) Software No Header Character Data Output Pacing XON/XOFF Software No Pacing 3 of 9 Code Interleaved 2 of 5 Code Software Industrial Code Select Extended 3 of 9 Code UPC/EAN/JAN Code Select Both 5 Interleaved 2 of 5 Code UPC/EAN/JAN together; or UPC Only Software UPC/EAN/JAN Codes Enable 2 or 5 Digit Supplements Software Supplements Not Enabled Suppress Zeros UPC-E Software Zeros Included 3 of 9 Code Checksum Both Both Both Interleaved 2 of 5 Checksum Software No Checksum Verification Interleaved 2 of 5 Label Length Check User Defined up to 32 Characters or Variable Length Software Variable Length Both Scanner Disable Disables Wand Input Software Wand Input Enabled Both Good Read Beep Select Enables Good Read Beep in one of 16 Tones Software Beep Signal Enabled; Tone = 15 Both Sound Tone External Command to Sound Tones Defines 1 of 16 Tones Software N/A Both LED Control Controls LED Driver Circuit Software LED to Flash Upon Good Read Both Status Request Gives Status of Decoder Ie Configuration Software N/A Both Software N/A Both Resets Decoder IC to Hardwire Configuration and Default Software Settings 4 3 of 9 Code Checksum Verification Enable Hard Reset Notes Notes: 1. Software commands are sent by means of escape sequence. 2. Default settings are those settings which result when the relevant pins have been tied to +SV and no software commands have been sent to the decoder IC. 3. Some functions apply only when the decoder IC is operating in the serial mode. Others apply in both the parallel and serial modes. 4. In the parallel mode, the parity is always odd. 5. In the parallel mode the terminator character is "CR" unless changed through software commands. 3-33 Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Notes Supply Voltage Ambient Temperature Crystal Frequency Vee 4.5 5.5 V TA 0 70 °C 12 XTAL 7 MHz 8 Note: 7. Maximum power supply ripple of 100 mV peak-to-peak. S. 12 MHz crystal is recommended. Symbol Min. Max. Units Storage Temperature Notes Ts -65 +150 ·C Pin Voltage V,N -0.5 +7.0 V Power Dissipation Po 2.0 Watts 9 Note: 9. Voltage on any pin with respect to ground. Block Diagrams SERIAL PINOUT PARALLEL PINOUT BAUD{ RATE STOP BITS PARITV{ 3 4 TERMINATOR{ PARALLEL OUTPUT PORT ADDRESS AND DATA BUSTO RAM CHIP 2 3 4 ADDRESS AND DATA BUSTO RAM CHIP SUPRESS ZEROS UPC-E RESET RxD TxD WAND IN NC LED BEEPER TO RAM CHIP fWii lIfO XTAL2 XTAL 1 GND NC- Pins should be lell floating Figure 1. .Flgure 2. DECODER IC TO MEMORY 8185 MULTIPLEXED 1Kx8RAM 1Kx 8 RAM WITH ADDRESS LATCH CHIP , ADDRESS CONTROL ADDRESS CONTROL DATA DECODER IC 8185 OR SIMILAR MK4801 OR SIMILAR DECODER IC ADDRESS ADDRESS CONTROL DATA Figure 3. 74LS373 CONTROL Figure 4. 3-34 DATA -------.---------~ )arallel Mode Handshake Timing lOST COMMANDS RECEIVED BY DECODER IC (INPUT FROM HOST) tCR~ -tCS~1 , . tCA I[ 1\ (HOST COMMAND TO BUS) tcc I , PORT I PINS 8-1 I \. 'tCR = Falling edge of COMMAND READY to falling edge of COMMAND READ. Max. = 22!,s (MICRO SECONDS). 'Note: These timing specifications given are based on the assumptions that the wand is not active at the time. Since the wand input to the microprocessor is interrupt driven. the timing might be stretched if the wand is active during that time. All the timings assume the microprocessor runs at 12 MHz. tcs = Command setup to rising edge of COMMAND READY. Min. = 0 !'S. 'tCA = Rising edge of COMMAND READY to rising edge of COMMAND READ. Typical = 6 !'s. tcc = Rising edge of COMMAND READ to falling edge of COMMAND READY. Min. = 0 !'s. DECODER IC DATA SENT TO HOST ~ (INPUT FROM HOST) ~ I--tDD (DATA TO BUS) PORT I PINS 8-I , \- ~ tDF_ . tDD -}I .I I - - tDW-----.I - t D H - (OUTPUT TO HOST) , -.V I 'too = Falling edge of DATA READY to data output to bus. Max. = 140!,s. 'tow = Rising edge of DATA READY to rising edge of DATA WRITE. Max. = 5 !'S. This number reflects that there is no decoding in progress, no status, terminal 10, header or terminator change command is being executed at the time. 'toH = Data hold after rising edge of DATA WRITE. Max. = 2 !'s. too = Rising edge of DATA WRITE to falling edge of DATA READY. Min. = 0 !'s. 'tOF = Data output to bus to falling edge of DATA WRITE. Max. = 2!,s 3-35 DC Characteristics (TA= ooe to 70 oe, Vee = 4.SV to S.SV, Vss =OV) Symbol Parameter VIL Input low Voltage Max. Unit 0.8 V Test CondlUonr; Input High Voltage (except Pins 9 and 18) Vee + 0.5 V Input High Voltage (Pins 9 and 18) Vee +0.5 V Output Low Voltage (Pins H!. 10-17. 21-28) 0.45 V IOL= 1.6 rnA VOLI Output Low Voltage (Pins 30 and 32-391 0.45 V IOL=3.2mA VOH Output High Voltage (Pins 1-8, 10-17 and 21-281 V IOH=-80p.A VOH1 Output High Voltage (Pins 30 and 32-391 V IOH ""-400 p.A 2.4 Input low Current (Pins 1-8, 10-17 and 21-28) Low Current (Pin 1S) nput High Current to Pin 9 for Reset Pin 19 toVss -SOO p.A -2.5 rnA Pin 19 to Vss; VIN .. 0.45V ±10 p.A 0.45 < VIN < Vee SOO p.A VIN=Vee-1.5 175 rnA AU Outputs Disconnected VII'I=O.45V Wand 1/0 Interfaces ~~ Vee 121 WAND CDNNECTOR WAND i WAND INPUT CONNECTDRWV---.......---~ SHIELD SHIELD MINIMAL TRANZDRBS P6KE 7.5C (THREE EACHI RECOMMENDED Note: The shield must be connected to ground for proper wand operation. Figure 5. Wand Interfaces 3-36 - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Flin- HEWLETT ~GtI PACKARD MULTI-PURPOSE BAR CODE DECODER IC HBCR-2000 Features • IDEAL FOR HAND SCANNING APPLICATIONS AND MANY AUTOMATED SCANNING APPLICATIONS • COMPATIBLE WITH THE SCANNERS NEEDED FOR VIRTUALLY ALL HAND-HELD SCANNING APPLICATIONS - Laser Scanners· - Wands - Slot Readers • WIDE SELECTION OF INDUSTRY STANDARD BAR CODES SUPPORTED - Code 39 (3 of 9 Code) - Extended Code 39 - Interleaved 2 of 5 Code - UPC/EAN/JAN Codes - Codabar (NW7 Code) -Code128 • AUTOMATIC CODE RECOGNITION • FULL DUPLEX SERIAL ASCII INTERFACE • EXTENSIVE CONFIGURATION CONTROL THROUGH SOFTWARE COMMANDS • STANDARD 40 PIN DIP PACKAGE • AUDIO AND VISUAL FEEDBACK CONTROL • SINGLE 5 VOLT SUPPLY Description Hewlett-Packard's HBCR-2000 Multipurpose Bar Code Decoder IC offers a flexible 'bar code decoding capability designed to give OEMs the ability to address a large number of industry segments and applications. The decoder IC's flexibility is made possible through sophisticated software which allows the IC to accept data input from a wide variety of digital scanners and to decode the most popular bar code symbologies with full automatic code recognition. Implbmeritation of the decoder IC is easy since it requires only a few supporting chips and provides a standard interface to the host. The HBCR-2000 is compatible with the scanners needed for virtually all hand scanning applications. Specifically, it is compatible with moving-beam laser scanners such as the Symbol Technologies' LS7000, Symbol TechnologieS' LS7000 II, and Spectra Physics' SP2001; fixed-beam noncontact scanners; Hewlett-Packard . digital wands; and Hewlett-Packard digital slot readers. The decoder IC is also an excellent decoding .solution for a number of the stationary scanning applications found in automated systems. In this case, the scan rates for movingbeam applications must be similar to the scan rates for most hand-held laser scanners (35-45, scans/second) and the scan speeds for fixed-beam applications must be similar to the scan speeds for wands and slot rE:laders. For moving beam applications, it is also important for the scanner to utilize the three laser control lines on the IC. The standard decoder IC supports the bar code symbologies now being used for most applications in the. industrial, retail, commercial, government, and medical markets. The bar codes supported are: Code 39 (3 of 9 Code), Extended Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 Code, UPC/EAN/JAN Codes, Codabar (NW7 Code) and Code 128. If more than one code is enabled, the decoder IC will automatically recognize and decode the code being scanned. Bi~directional scanning is allowed for all codes except UPC/EAN/JAN codes with supplemental digits. The HBCR-2000 communicates with the host through a flexible,.full duplex serial ASCII interface. OEMs may choose either to convert this interface to a standard data communi-. cations protocol such as RS-232-CN.24 or to connect the decoder IC directly to another microprocessor for data processing or data re-formatting. Operator feedback is sup~ ported through piiui that allow for external LED drive and beeper drive circuits. In addition, there are 21 programmable functions covering items from laser redundancy check to the tone of the beeper. 3-37 _... _-_.__ . -_.. _._------- ---------_._._---_._------ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _..... _._-- .. _-- _.- ----- .._-_._-..- . _ - - - - - - - - - - - Applications All popular versions of the UPC, EAN, and JAN bar codes may be read bi-directionally, including UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, JAN-8, and JAN-13. All codes may be enabled simultaneously or only the UPC codes may be enabled. UPC, EAN, and JAN symbols with complementary two digit or five digit supplemental encodations,or "addons", may also be read. Bar codes are rapidly becoming a preferred alternative to other forms of data entry. Bar coding has proven faster and more accurate than keyboard data entry. I n addition, bar code scanning typically has a higher first read rate and greater data accuracy than optical character recognition. When compared to magnetic stripe encoding, bar code offers significant advantages in flexibility of media, symbol placement and immunity to electromagnetic fields. Codabar, a numeric only bar code with special characters, may be read bi-directionally for message lengths up to a maximum of 32 characters. The start and stop c'haracters in the symbol are normally transmitted, but transmission of these characters may be disabled through a software command. Manufacturers of data collection terminals, point-of-sale terminals, keyboards, weighing scales, automated test equipment and other data collection or material handling equipment are finding a growing demand for bar code reading capability in their products. The HBCR-2000 Multipurpose Bar Code Decoder IC makes it easy to add bar code reading capability for a wide variety of applications without the need to invest in the development of bar code decoding software. Code 128, a compact full ASCII bar code, may also be scanned bi-directionally for message lengths up to a maximum of 32 characters. Automatic code recognition is provided for the Interleaved 2 of 5 Code, UPC/EAN/JAN Codes, Codabar, Code 128, and either Code 39 or Extended Code 39. Any subset of these codes may be selected for decoding. The decoder IC's default setting is for simultaneous reading of Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 Code with variable lengths, UPC/EAN/JAN Codes without'supplements, Codabar, and Code 128. Decoder Ie Specifications GENERAL INFORMATION The HBCR-2000 is an NMOS decoding IC in a 40 pin Dual In-Line package. When configured in a system, the HBCR2000 requires a crystal and an external 1K byte RAM. The external RAM may be implemented using either a multiplexed RAM chip (Intel 8185 or equivalent) or a nonmultiplexed RAM chip and a latch chip (Mostek MK4801 or equivalent and 74LS373). The recommended crystal frequency is 11.059 MHz (CTS Knights R1032-6BA.11.059 or equivalent). SCANNER INPUT The HBCR-2000 is designed to accept a digital input signal either from a fixed-beam scanner, such as a wand, slot reader, or fixed-beam non-contact scanner, or from a moving-beam scanner such as a hand-held laser scanner. The state of pin 7 must be set prior to power-up to reflect the type of scanner connected to the decoder IC. The decoding software has been specially designed to operate with any of Hewlett-Packard's digital bar code wands. Sapphire-tip digital wands feature a scan angle of 0 to 45 degrees, a variety of resolutions, and a TIL compatible digital output. A complete wand selection guide is presented in Table 2. The decoder IC is designed to interface with most standard microprocessors or other host systems through a full duplex serial asynchronous ASCII port. It offers complete compatibility with Hewlett-Packard digital wands and digital slot readers as well as hand-held laser scanners from both Spectra Physics, Inc. and Symbol Technologies, Inc. Other scanners, such as hand-held fixed-beam non-contact scanners and the scanners used in some stationary scanning applications, may also be used with the IC. The decoder IC is also designed specifically for operation with Hewlett-Packard's digital slot readers. These slot readers feature a sealed case with a slot width of 3.2 mm (0.125 in.)' and either an infrared (880 mm) or visible red (660 mm) LED light source. A separate module which contains the slot reader optics and electronics is available for stationary scanning applications or for configuration in applications requiring a different slot width. ' Performance Features BAR CODES SUPPORTED The HBCR-2000 decoder IC is capable of reading six popular bar code symbologies: Code 39 (3 of 9 Code). Extended Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 Code, UPC/EAN/JAN Codes, Codabar (NW7 Code), and Code 128. ' Code 39, an alphanumeric code, and Extended Code 39, a full 128 character ASCII version of Code 39, may be read bi-directionally for message lengths up to a maximum of 32 characters, An optional check character may be used with these codes, and the decoder IC may be configured to verify this, character prior to data transmission. Enabling Extended Code 39 will disable standard Code 39 as the two are mutually exclusive, The Interleaved 2 of 5 Code, a compact numeric only bar code, may also be read bi-directionally for message lengths from 4 to 32 characters. To enhance data accuracy, optional check character verification and/or label length checking may be enabled. The decoding software for moving-beam scanners has been designed to work with hand-held laser scanners manufactured by Spectra Physics, Inc. and Symbol Technologies, I nco The delay time for automatic laser shutoff is adjustable through a software command to the IC. A redundancy check feature is available for applications which require extreme accuracy. Applications which require and ability to sense motor failure in a laser scanner or to calculate the ratio of laser on-time to laser ofHime must support these requirements through external hardware. The digital input Signal from the scanner is connectedto pin 12. When the decoder IC is used with a hand-held laser scanner, the laser enable, laser trigger, and scanner synchronization signal 'lines are connected to pins 6, 8, and 1:3,. respectively. Scanner input can be disabled by ttie host system though a software command. This allows the, application program to enable bar code data entry only when 3c38 I' expecting the operator to enter data which has been encoded in bar code. The decoder Ie also offers a single read mode which can be enabled through a software command. The single read mode allows the application program to prevent bar code data entry until a "Next Read" command is sent, thereby allowing the host to process transmissions and verify each scan before enabling subsequent decodes. ware command to be one of 16 tones or the beeper may be silenced. POWER REQUIREMENTS The decoder IC operates from a single 5 V DC power supply. The maximum current draw is 175 mAo The maximum ripple voltage for the power supply should be less than 100 mV peak-to-peak. DATA COMMUNICATIONS The decoder IC communicates with the host system through a full-duplex, asynchronous, serial ASCII port. A wide range of baud rate, parity, stop bits, and terminator characters may be selected, as described in Table 1. In addition, both request-to-send/clear-to-send hardware handshake and XON/XOFF (DC1/DC3) character pacing are available for control of the decoder IC's data transmission. CONFIGURATION CONTROL Configuration of the decoder IC may be determined through hardwire connections and/or through software commands. Hardwire selection is limited to key operating parameters. A much greater range of configuration control is available through software commands. A summary of the decoder IC features and the configuration control available for these features is presented in Table 1. A users manual which provides detailed configuration information and example schematics is supplied with the HBCR-2000. OPERATOR FEEDBACK The decoder IC has several provisions for signalling operator feedback. Pin 14 provides a signal for an LED driver and pin 15 provides a signal for a beeper driver. An LED or beeper driver connected to the decoder IC may either be controlled directly by the IC, with a signal generated after a good read, or may be controlled by the host system. In addition, the tone of the beeper can be varied by a soft- Handling Precautions The decoder IC is extremely sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). It is important that good anti-static procedures be observed when handling the IC. The package should not be opened except in a static free environment. Recommended operating Conditions Typ. Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Noles Supply Voltage Vcc 4.5 5.5 V 1 Ambient Temperature TA 0 70 "C Crystal Frequency XTAL MHz 2 Element Time Interval (MOVing-Beam) ETiM 22 555 Itsec 2,3,4,5 Element Time Interval (Fixed-Beam) ETIF 150 70,000 Itsec 2,3,5,6,7 11.059 NOTES: 1. Maximum power supply ripple of 100 mV peak-to-peak. 2. Crystal frequencies from 3.5 MHz to 12 MHz may be used. For frequencies other than 11.059 MHz, multiply the specified baud . XTAL rates and beeper frequencies by 11.059 MHz and multiply the 4. Corresponds to a scan rate of 35 to 45 scans per second, a scan rate which is common for hand-held laser scanners. 5. Element time intervals which are smaller than the minimum ETI's specified will still be processed, but with additional width errors that may cause the input signal to be undecodable. 6. The maximum scan speed may be calculated by dividing the smallest narrow element width by 150 Itsec. For example, for 0.19 mm (0.0075 in.) narrow elements, the maximum scan speed is 127 cm/sec (50 in.!sec). 7. The minimum scan speed may be calculated by dividing the largest wide element width by 70,000 Itsec. For example, for 1.52 mm (0.060 in.) wide elements, the minimum scan speed is 2.2 cm/sec (0.9 in.!sec). element time interval ranges by 11.~5~A~HZ. The ETI ranges specified a crystal frequency of 11.059 MHz. 3. An element time interval (ETI) is the time period in the digital signal from the scanner that corresponds to the physical width of a printed element (bar or space) in the bar code symbol ETIM applies when pin 7 is tied low and ETIF applies when pin 7 is tied high. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Storage Temperature TS -65 +150 °C Pin Voltage VIN -0.5 +7.0 V Power Dissipation Po 1,5 Watts Nole: 8. Voltage on any pin with respect to ground. 3-39 Notes 8 TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF FEATURES AND CONFIGURATION CONTROL I Scanner Type ~ Laser Shutoff Delay I Hardwlre/ Software ControlI91 Function or Value wand/Slot Reader or Moving Beam Laser Scanner Hardwire I Defines Laser On-Time prior to Automatic Shutoff from 0 to 10 seconds in 100 me steps Laser RE!dundancy Check 'Enables Requirement for Two Consecutive, Identical Decodes for a Good Read ~---------------4~------------------------------~SC~an~ne~rl~n~pu~t~E-n-a~bl~e----~E~na~b~le~$-D~~~a~A~cq~u~m~it~io~n_f_rom __S~ca~n_ne_r________ Single Read Mode Enables Requirement for a 'Next Read' Command before Processing the next Scanner Input Signal Extended Code 39 J! Default Settlng[10] Software MOVing Beam Laser Scanner 3 seconds Software Not Enabled -------+--------~ ftware Enabled Software Not Enabled Both Co~39 Interleaved 2 of 5 Code UPCIEAN/JAN Codes Codabar Code 128 Code Select 8~ iTil rn ____________ UPC/EAN/JAN Decoding Options !~ ~~ ________________ Software __________________________4-________ UPC/EANlJAN together; or UFC Only Software Code 39 Interleaved 20f 5 Code UPC/EAN/JAN Codes Codabar ~~C~O~~1~~~ UPC/EAN/JAN together Supplement& ~~_a_b_le_2_or __5_D_i9_it_S_u_p_~_em __ en_~____________~___ftw __a_~ __-+~N~ot~E~n~ab~l~ed~ No Check Character Verification Transmit Check Character Verification Enable Code 39 Check Character Interleaved 2 of 5 C~ Check Character Software Codabar Data 1l'ansmlSSion Option Interleaved 2 of 5 Label Length Check Baud Rate TransmIt or Suppress StartlStop Characters Software User Defined from 4 to 32 Characters or Variable l.ength 1200,2400.4800,9600 0'$, 1's, Odd, Even 10r2 Software Variable Length HardwltJi~ 1200 Hardwire O's jl~ i Terminator Charactar (,) Header Character I Data OUtput Pacing 1. Good Read Beep Select I Sound Tone Both ~-+__..;.,1_--l CR,CR/L~ETX,None· User Defined (10 Characters Max.) User Defined (10 Characters Max.) Software· FITS/CTS Harawire Software ' Software Enables Good Read Beep and sets 1 of 16 tones Software t r= CR No PacIng Beep Enal;lled; Tone 12 N/A Software External Command to InHiate Beep Signal in 1 of 16 tones ~~------------+-~------------~~----~-----4 LED Control Defines LED Control to be Internal, Software LED to Flash Po External. or both Automatically o Upon Good Read u. 1 je Status Request ~'E Hard Reset ililj Gives Status of Decoder IC Confl9ur~ion Resets Decoder IC to Hardwire Configuration and Default Software Settings Software Software N/A N/A NOTES: 9. Hardwire control is accomplished by tying the appropriate input pins high or low. Software commands are sent by means of escape sequences. 10. Default settings are ,those settings which result when the relevant Input pins have been tied to Ground and no software commands have been sent to the decoder IC. 3-40 ---~~ .. --------~-----~--------------------- Pinout BAUD{ RATE VCc(+5 V) ADO ADl AD2 AD3 LASER ENABLE OUTPUT 6 ADDRESS AND DATA BUS AD4 SCANNER TYPE INPUT AD5 LASER TRIGGER INPUT AD6 AD7 +5V ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE NC SCANNER SIGNAL INPUT LASER SYNCHRONIZATION INPUT CODE 39 CHECK CHARACTER EXTENDED CODE 39 LED OUTPUT } TERMINATOR } A9 PARITY } TO RAM CHIP AB VSS(GND) Figure 1. Block Diagrams DECODER IC TO MEMORY 1K x 8 RAM WITH ADDRESS LATCH CHIP 8185 MULTIPLEXED 1K X 8 RAM ADDRESS CONTROL A MK4801 OR SIMILAR DECODER IC ADDRESS CONTROL DATA 74LS373 ADDRESS CONTROl.. DATA DECODER IC B1B5 OR SIMILAR ADDRESS CONTROL DATA Figure 2. Figure 3. Scanner Compatibility The HBCR-2000 is compatible with the complete line of Hewlett-Packard digital wands, Hewlett-Packard digital slot readers, and hand-held laser scanners manufactured by both Symbol Technologies, Inc. and Spectra Physics, Inc. ink smearing, spots and voids, or other minor print flaws, the wands which specify a recommended nominal narrow element width of 0.3 mm (0.012 in.) or 0.33 mm (0.013 in.) are recommended. The selection of Hewlett-Packard digital wands available for use with the HBCR-2000 is presented in Table 2. For the two families of sapphire-tip digital wands, the most widely used wands are those which specify a recommended nominal narrow element width of 0.19 mm (0.0075 in.). These wands are capable of reading bar codes printed with a variety of different printers and over a wide range of printed resolutions (as specified by narrow element widths) and are, therefore, considered to be general-purpose wands. The higher resolution wands, with a recommended nominal narrow element of 0.13 mm (0.005 in.), are recommended for applications in which only high resolution bar codes are being read. For applications which require a scanner to read medium or low resolution bar codes, particularly those with edge roughness, The Hewlett-Packard slot readers and slot reader modules which are available for use with the HBCR-2000 are presented in Table 3. The standard slot readers have a slot width of 3.2 mm (0.125 in.) and are, therefore, capable of reading bar codes on anything from paper to doublelaminated badges. For applications which require a different slot width or. which require a fixed-beam scanner in an automated system, a module which contains the slot reader optics and electronics assembly is also available. 3-41 The hand-held laser scanners compatible with the HBCR2000 include the Symbol Technologies' LS7000, Symbol Technologies' LS7000 II, and Spectra Physics' SP2001. For detailed information on these scanners, please contact these companies directly. TABLE 2. HEWLETT-PACKARD DIGITAL BAR CODE WANDS Emltter[13] Wsvelength Tilt Angle "TYpical Current Case Material Switch Tip O.Smm (0.012 in.) 700nm O-SO° 42 ma ABS Plastic Yes Open HEOS-30S0 I I I I I No I HBGS-2200 OJ9mm (0.0075 in.) 700nm 0-45° 42 ma Poly carbonate Yes Sapphire Ball HBGS-2300 I I I I I No I HBGS-2400 0.13mm (0.005 in.) 820mm I I Polycarbonate Yes I HBGS-2500 I I I I I No I HBGS-SOOO 0.33mm (0.013 in.) 655nm 0-450 3.5 ma Poly carbonate Yes Sapphire Ball I I I I No I Metal I ) Part Number ~';; 00 --10 Q. i7 '" .!:: HEOS-SOOO s; Q. Q. co III i HBGS-5l00 ~ HBCS-6WO Q. :a Q. Q. HBGS·5200 co III i HBCS-5300 HBGS-6300 ::> 0 ~ HBGS-5400 Q --I Recommended[11, 12J Nominal Narrow Element Width HBCS-5500 HBCS-6500 I I I I I 0.19 mm (0.0075 in.) I I I Polycarbonate Yes I I I I I No I I I I I Metal I I I O.13mm (0.005 in.) 820mm I I Polycarbonate Yes I I I I I I I I I I No Metal I I I tion) than specified may also be read as long as print quality is good. 13. Wands with an emitter wavelength of 655 mm are recommended for reading bar codes printed on regular (white) thermal paper or printed with Hewlett-Packard's Thinkjet printer. Either 655 mm or 700 mm wands are recommended for bar codes printed with dye-based ink or in color. 14. Low current sapphire-tip wands are designed to operate in all ambient light environments including in direct sunlight and under high intensity lamps. NOTES: 11. The nominal narrow element width of a symbol may also be referred to as the resolution of the symbol or as the 'x' dimension of the symbol. 12. Nominal narrow element (bar/space) width, a term which applies to the symbol and not to the scanner itself, is specified to facilitate selecting the best scanner for the symbol being read. The scanners are designed to accomodate printing tolerances around the nominal dimension specified. Bar codes having larger nominal narrow element widths (ie. lower resolu- TABLE 3. HEWLETT-PACKARD DIGITAL SLOT READERS Part Number Configuration Recommended(15) Nominal Narrow Element Width Emitter[16) Wavelength Temperature Range Case Material HBCS-7000 Complete Slot Reader 0.19 mm (0.0075 in.) 660 nm -20 to +55"G Metal HBGS-7001 Slot Reader Module I B60nm I HBCS-7100 Gomplete Slot Reader 0.19 mm (0.0075 in.) 880 nm -40 to +70 0 G I I HBGS-7101 Slot Reader I 880 nm I I NOTES: 15. The aperture design of the slot reader optical system allows reading both high resolution bar code symbols and poorly printed medium or low resolution bar code symbols with the same scanner. 16. The 880 nm slot reader is recommended for bar code symbols printed with carbon-based inks or for "black-an-black" bar code symbols. The 660 nm slot reader is recommended for bar code symbols printed with dye-based inks or printed on regular thermal paper. 3-42 F/iP'l HEWLETT CMOS MULTI-PURPOSE BAR CODE DECODER IC ~e.. PACKARD HBCR-2010 Description The HBCR-2010 is a CMOS (low power) version of the HBCR-2000. With the exception of the power consumption, the performance of the HBCR-2010 is identical to the HBCR-2000. Please refer to the HBCR-2000 data sheet and manual (part # 5954-2165) for a complete discussion of the capabilities of the product. The following information summarizes the differences between the HBCR-2000 and the HBCR-2010. Power Consumption (at Vee of 5.0 Volts) 15 mA HBCR-2010 Idle Mode lYpfeal Maximum Typical HBCR-2000 175mA N/A 19 mA 4mA Note: Idle mode only occurs when the HBCR-2010 decoder is in the Wand Mode. Idle mode does not occur when the HBCR-2010 decoder is in the Laser Mode. External Clock Drivers If an external clock is to be used, the function of XTAL 1 (pin 19) and XTAL2 (pin 18) is different for the HBCR-2010. 18 Clock TTL Level 19 20 XTAL2 18 No Connect 19 Clock CMOS Level XTAL1 20 Ground I Ground Ground HBCR-2010 HBCR-2000 3-43 XTAL2 XTAL1 Ground Flin- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD INDUSTRIAL DIGITAL BAR CODE SLOT READERS HBCS~7000 HBCS-70S0 HBCS-7100 HBCS-7150 Features • MULTI-RESOLUTION Compatible with Virtually All Bar Code Resolutions • LARGE SLOT WIDTH Allows Reading Multiple Laminated Cards • SEALED METAL CASE (IP 66/67) Can Be Installed Outdoors or in Wet Environments • TAMPER PROOF DESIGN Ideal for Security Applications • MINIMAL FIRST BAR DISTORTION Compatible with Most Decoding Software • AVAILABLE IN EITHER VISIBLE 660 nm OR INFRARED 880 nm VERSIONS • WIDE OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE -40 to 70° C (HBCS-7100) -20 to 55° C (HBCS-7000) holes, the units become tamper-proof, making them excellent choices for security access control. The optical system is centered in the slot track,allowing the user to easily scan from either direction. The wide slot width makes it easy to insert and slide the cards. The optical system is covered with a recessed window to prevent contamination and reduce the wear on the cards. • WIDE SCAN SPEED RANGE • BLACK TEXTURED EPOXY FINISH • DIGITAL OUTPUT Open Collector Output Compatible with TTL and CMOS Logic The standard slot reader comes with the optical/electrical asembly mounted on a base plate with an opposite rail. A 122 em (48 in.) straight cord and a 5 pin, 240 degree, locking DIN connector are also standard. • SINGLE 5 VOLT SUPPLY Description Hewlett-Packard's Industrial Digital Slot Readers are designed to provide excellent scanning performance on a wide variety of bar coded cards and badges. They contain a unique optical/electrical system that integrates over a large area of the bar/space pattern, providing a greatly improved first read rate even on poorly printed bar codes. The HBCS-7000 has a visible red (660 nm) optical system with a resolution of 0.19 mm (0.0075 in.). The HBCS-7100 model has an infrared (880 nm) optical system with a resolution of 0.19 mm (0.0075 in.). The extra large depth of field allows these slot readers to have a slot width of 3.2 mm (0.125 in.), thus making it possible to read even multiple laminated cards and badges. When used as a stand alone optics module, the maximum depth of field is dependent on resolution. The optics and electronics are housed in a rugged metal case. The cases are fully gasketed and sealed, making them suitable for use in outdoor or wet environments. The black epoxy coating adds a durable, ·finished look to these Digital Slot Readers. When installed using the rear screw The optical/electrical system is also available as a separate unit which can be integrated into other equipment or used as a stand alone sensor assembly. Applications The digital bar codeslot reader is a highly effective alternative to keyboard data entry. Bar code scanning is faster and more accurate than key entry and provides far greater throughput. In addition, bar code scanning typically has a higher first read rate and greater data accuracy than optical character recognition. When compared to magnetic stripe encoding, bar code offers significant advantages in flexibility of media, symbol placement and immunity to electromagnetic fields. Hewlett-Packard's Industrial Digital Slot Readers are designed for applications where high first read rate and durability are important factors. The epoxy coated metal case, with its tamper-proof mounting system, makes these slot readers ideal choices for security access control, time and attendance recording and other bar coded badge and card reading applications. 3-44 Recommended operating Conditions Symbol Parameter Min. Nominal Narrow Element Width H8GS:YOOO/7050 0.19 (0.0075) 20 '(~l) Scari'Velocity!l J VSCAN Gontrast!2] Rw-Rs 45 Vs 4.5 Supply Voltage(31 Temperature(4] HBGS-7000/70S0 ., . Amb!ent Lighj[5] Units mm(in.) 0.19 (0.0075) H8GS-7100/7150 HBCS-7100/7l50 Max. mm (in.) 317 (125) cm/sec{ln .. sec/.) • 5.5 Volts % TA -20 +55 °G TA. -40 +70 °C lQP,OOO lux Ev Notes: 1. Measured scanning a symbol with 0.19 mm (0.0075 in.1 narrow elements. For larger narrow element widths, the maximum scan velocity will increase proportionately. 2. Contrast is defined as Rw-Rs where Rw is the reflectance of the white spaces and Rs is the reflectance of the black bars, measured at the emitter wavelength (660 nm or 880 nm). Contrast is related to print contrast signal (PCS) by PCS = (Rw-Rs)/Rw or Rw-Rs = PCSx Rw. 3. Power supply ripple and noise should be less than 100 mV peak to peak. 4. Non-condensing. If there is frost or dew covering over the optics window, it should be removed for optimal scanning performance. 5. Direct sunlight at any illumination angle. Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Min. Max. Storage Temperature Ts -40 +80 °C Supply Voltage Vs -0.3 +7:0 Volts 200 mW -0.3 +20 Volts Parameter Output Transistor Power Pr Output Collector Voflage Vo Units WARNING: OBSERVING THE INFRARED LIGHT SOURCE IN THE HBCS-7150 AT CLOSE DISTANCES FOR PROLONGED PERIODS OF TIME MAY CAUSE INJURY TO THE EYE. When mounted with the rail in place, the infrared output flux is radiologically safe. With the rail removed, precautions should be taken to avoid exceeding the limits recommended in ANSI Z136.1-1981. Electrical Operation The HBCS-7XXX family of digital slot readers consists of a precision optical system, an analog amplifier, a digitizing circuit, and an output transistor. These elements provide a TTL compatible output from a single 4.5 V to 5.5 V DC power supply. The open collector transistor requires a pull-up resistor for proper operation. The slot reader connector provides a shield which should be terminated to logic ground or, preferably, to both logic ground and earth ground. The shield is connected to the metal housing of the 5 pin DIN connector, the metal housing of the slot reader, and logic ground inside the slot reader. A non-reflecting black bar results in a logic high (1) level output, while a reflecting white space will cause a logic low (0) level output. After power-up, the slot reader will be fully operational after a period of approximately 6 seconds. During operation, the slot reader will assume a logic low state after a short period (typically 1 second) if no bar code is scanned. This feature allows multiple scanners (both slot readers and Hewlett-Packard sapphire tip wands) to be connected together with a simple OR gate. The recommended logic interface for the slot reader is shown in Figure 1. This interface provides ESD protection for both the slot reader and the user's electronics. The maximum recommended cable length for the slot reader's output is 25 feet. 3-45 Electrical Characteristics (V s " 4.5 V to 5.5 V, T Symbol Parameter Supply Current HBCS-7000!7050 Is HBCS-7100!7150 Is Min. A " 25°C, unless otherwise noted) Max. Units 50 100 mA . Vs"5.0V 65 100 mA Vs=S.OV VOH=2.4V 'TYP· High Level Output Current IOH 1.0 p.A Low Level Output Voltage VOL 0.4 V Output Rise Time Output Fall Time Electrostatic Discharge Immunity[6j Ir 0.9 5.0 If 0.07 5.0 ESD 25 Conditions IOL = 16 mA p.S 10%-90% Transition P.s Rl " 1K 0; kV Notes: 6. Shield must be properly terminated (see Figure 1). The human body is modeled by discharging a 300 pF capacitor through a 500 resistor. No damage to the slot reader will occur at the specified discharge level. Interface Specifications The slot readers include a standard Spin, 240°, metal, locking DIN connector. The recommended logic interface is shown in Figure 1. The mechanical specifications and wiring are shown in Figure 2. Mating connectors are available from SWITCH CRAFT in both 5 pin and 6 pin configurations. These connectors are listed on the right. § TRANZORB P6KE 7.5 C I V,(1) SPin SWITCH CRAFT 13EL5F 5 Pin SWITCHCRAFT 61HA6F 6Pin TRADEMARK OF GENERAL r---------,I I I SWITCH CRAFT 61 HASF TRANZORB IS A REGISTERED 13 EACH) SHIELD Configuration Connector SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRIES. TEMPE AZ +5 V 74LS14 i SLOT READER ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SYSTEM INTERFACE SUPPRESSION INTERFACE Figure 1. Recommended Logic Interface (When earth ground is not available, connect shield to logic ground, as shown by dolled line). "'_ _ ""~ WIRE COLOR 13.6\0.53) L"",,~---J RED Vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE WHITE Vo OUTPUT BLACK GROUND N/A N/C N/C N/A CASE HBCS-6XXX NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRESAND IINCHES). Figure 2. Connector Specifications. 3-46 SHIELD IMUST BE CONNECTED I n Mounting Considerations Slot Reader (:'~)r------------------------' The slot reader (HBCS-700017100) is designed to be virtually tamper-proof when mounted using the two rear mounting holes. In this case, the cable must be routed from the rear of the slot reader through the mounting surface (wall, door, etc.). For applications where a tamperproof installation is less of a concern, an optional mounting bracket (HBCS-7999) allows for more convenient surface mounting. _ 7.0 ~ (0.23) When mounting the slot reader, the cable may either be routed through the mounting surface (see above), or it may be routed along grooves in the base and exit the side of the slot reader at anyone of four points. This allows flexibility in the mounting orientation. ffi (a. DB} .= 6.0 E 10.241 7 5.0 ~ (0.20) z 4.0 ~ (0.16) is 3.0 ~ (0.12) ~ Q.. a 2.0 1.0 (0.04) 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 10.0021 10.0041 10.0061 10.0031 10.0101 10.0121 10.0141 MINIMUM SYMBOL RESOLUTION - mm (inches) Optics/Electronics Module The optics/electronics module (HBCS-705017150) is designed for applications which require a different slot width, integration into a larger housing, or a fixed-beam stationary scanner. When using the optics/electronics~ module, the operating distance from the front surface of the module to the symbol will vary depending on the symbol resolution. Figure 3 shows the relationship between operating range and minimum symbol resolution for a typical optics/ electronics module. This relationship was applied in the design of the slot reader, where a slot width of 3.2 mm (0.125 in.) insures excellent performance reading bar code symbols which have a nominal resolution of 0.19 mm (0.0075 in.) and include printing errors. When mounting the optics/electronics module it is important that the screws be tightened with a minimum static torque of 2.5 Nm (22 in.-Ibs.). This will insure that the sealing gasket is compressed sufficiently to provide proper sealing. Rail The rail (HBCS-7998) is designed for use with the optics/ electronics module in applications which require a different slot width. It may also be used in applications where it is preferable to mount the optics/electronics module and rail flush to the mounting surface instead of using the base provided with the slot reader. Figure 3. Typical Operaling Distance vs. Minimum Symbol Resolution. and spaces should cross the area between 1.14 mm (0.45 in.) and 1.40 mm (0.55 in.) from the bottom edge of the card(s) or document(s). The bars should be perpendicular to the bottom edge of the card(s) or document(s), however, a skew of ±4 degrees from the perpendicular is acceptable. Maintenance Considerations The slot reader and optics/electronics module include a window which is slightly recessed in order to prevent direct contact with the bar code symbol. This reduces wear on both the window and the symbol. The window may, however, become dirty over a period of time. If this occurs, clean the window with a commercial glass cleaner. Testing Mounting Bracket The mounting bracket (HBCS-7999) is designed to provide a convenient way of mounting the slot reader, optics/ electronics module, and/or rail to a flat surface. All Hewlett-Packard Digital Bar Code Slot Readers are 100% tested for performance and digitizing accuracy after manufacture. This insures a consistent quality product. More information about Hewlett-Packard's test procedures, test set-up, and test Ifmits are available upon request. Symbol Placement The center of the slot reader's optical system is located 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) from the bottom of the slot. Consequently, bar code symbols to be read by the slot reader must be positioned on the card(s) or document(s) at a height which insures that all bars and spaces will cross a line located 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) from the bottom edge of the card(s) or document(s). For optimal performance, all bars optional Features For options such as special cables or connectors, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard sales office or authorized representative. 3-47 Dimensions SLOT READER (HBCS-7000/7100) OPTICS/ELECTRONICS MODULE (HBCS-7050/7150) r-t=~~~~~~ 0.32 M5 X O.BO TAPPED HOLE 2.0310.80) .L....._:c;::~=====i.-..J -------1.. 10.125) 12) F~ #8-32 TAPPED HOLE (2) ~~~~~~~~7~1~IA;..'--i1i~=I-==""'_===__"U~,,!___...L CABLE EXIT 12) 12.70 2.0310.80) DIA. 11.43 14.50) '~{- MAX. 1+-----1270 15.00) ~---.j CABLE EXIT RAIL (HBCS-7998) if'75 10.69) L-_.J.._ _ _ _ _ _ #8·32 f TAPP~~ HDLE~~ 2.7911.10) t I _ _ ...I.._...Jl~·80) ~ ~7.6213.00)~ ~.I ~12.7015.00) MOUNTING BRACKET (HBCS-7999) 0.5010.196) DIA. THRU 16 PLCS) 1 T) 7.11 7.62 0.43 10.170) DIA. THRU CSK 42° X 0.99 (a.39) DIA. 14 PLCS) 13.00) 0.50 (0.196) DIA. THRU CSK 42· X 0.9910.39) DIA. 12 PLCS) 2.1610.85) DIA. THRU NOTES, 1. MOUNTING HOLES ON HBCS·7000/7100 ARE SUITABLE FOR EITHER #10-a:2 OR MS·O.SO SCREWS. 2. MOUNTING HOLES ON HBCS-7050/7150 ARE FOR #8-32 SCREWS, 3. MOUNTING HOLES ON HBCS-799S ARE FOR #8·32 SCREWS. 4. THICKNESS Of THE HBCS·79S9 MOUNTING BRACKET IS 3.2 mm (0.125 in.) 5. HBCS·7000/7100 SLOT READERS, HBCS·705017150 MODULES, AND HBCS·799B RAILS HAVE A BLACK TEXTURED EPOXY FINISH. HBCS·7999 MOUNTING BRACKETS HAVE AN ELECTROLESS NICKEL FINISH. 6. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE NOMINAL AND ARE STATED IN MILLIMETRES AND (INCHES). 3"48 ~ 1.07 [10.42) 0.5310.21) Selection Guide Dellcr '" Part Number HBCS-7000 p!JiS-7100 I» HBCS-7050 HBCS-7150 n Slot Reader with 660 nm visible red light source and 0.19 mm (0.0075 in.) nominal resoluti'bn. Reader with 880 nm Infrared light source and 0.19 mm (0.0075 in.) nominal lution. tics/Electronics MOdule~with gso nm visible red light source and 0.19 rrfifl' .22 A 1\=700nm. Vo=5V Detector Area Ao .160 IN TA=25°C TA-70·CI Fig. Note IF=O, Vo"'5V; Refiectlon"'O% 12 mm2 Square. with Length=.4mm/Side Emitter Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C Parameter Symbol Forward Voltage VF Reverse Breakdown Voltage BVA Min. Typ. Max. Units 1.6 1.8 V IF=35mA V IR=l00I'A 5 Conditions Radiant Flux 0 0 9~% 70 i!: 50 a: 30 ,-I 20 UJ ~ 40 qO,3 ·0,2 -0,1 80 :'l::> 70 0 " "::> 60 UJ 50 :::i ~10% I-d- ~ . ;:: "... \ 10 ~ 100 2 0 1\ 60 "... 110 I 100 0,1 0 0,2 I\, I\. 40 30 ~ '" - r--- - I- - 90 20 '" 10 00 0.3 1 Ad - EDGE DISTANCE (mm) UJ '"02 51 UJ a: ,- ~ ~ I ~ 70 60 ;;: 10 oS ...2 \\. "... 40 ~ I 600 700 900 800 0,1 0,01 1000 / If_ I ~ 20 0 "",,' / :3I 1§ ., ~O'C 25'C" V I UJ ::> ~ 30 :: a: a: " 50 10 6 100 io-. 80 ""5 Figure 11. Modulation Transfer Function I"", 90 4 SPATIAL FREQUENCY (LINE PAIR/mm) Figure 10. Step Edge Response 100 3 2 E If 1,3 A - WAVELENGTH (nm) I 1,5 1,4 1,6 1,7 v, - FORWARD VOLTAGE (VI Figure 12. Detector Spectral Response Figure 13. LED Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics vee 1,2 REFLECTOR 11 0'C 1 I 1,0 REFERENCE PLANE 2S'C "r-- ;I \ ::> it 0,8 2 C I 0,6 I 7(rc UJ > ~ 1\.1 6 VI V, ,\ 0,4 1/ uJa: ~ 660 v.. v 680 CATHODE ~ R, --, dt=", lip V - 2 720 740 Vee VOUT = 1 + R2/R, R, I ~sI --' 8 "':" ~~ 700 1 ~ --4- 4 SUBSTRATE, CASE ~\ I~ l 0,2 0 640 ANODE I a: 3 ~I x ....... It -lpRF ~ ~T 760 A - WAVELENGTH (nm) Figure 14. Relative Radiant Flux vs. Wavelength Figure 15. Photodiode Interconnection 3-55 V VauT RF Flidl -=:e.. HEWLETT PACKARD BAR CODE READERS 16800A 16801A Features Description • THREE INDUSTRIAL BAR CODES STANDARD: - 3 of9 Code - Interleaved 2 of 5Code - Industrial 2 of 5 Code The 16800A and 1,6801A are high performance bar code readers. The 16800A includes a wide range of programmable features which allow the reader to be fully integrated into sophisticated data entry systems. The, 16801A is non- , programmable, providing a more cost-effective solution for applications which do not requlr~ programmability. • AUTOMATIC CODE RECOGNITION The standard reader supports three popular industrial bar codes: 3 of 9 code, Interleaved 2 of 5 code, and Industrial 2 of 5 code. If more ~han one standard code is enabled, the reader will automatically recognize which code is being read. Options are available for reading UPC/EAN/JAN codes, Coda bar code, and other bar codes. Bidirectional scanning is provided for all bar codes supported. • OPTIONAL BAR CODES AVAILABLE UPC/EAN/JAN - Codabar - Others • FLEXIBLE DUAL RS-232-C (V.24) DATA COMMUNICATIONS - Facilitates a Wide Variety of Configurations • PROGRAMMABLE OPERATION (16800A only): - Two LED Status Indicators Beeper Control Code Selection Data Communication Configuration Reader Operational Status • HIGH PERFORMANCE DIGITAL WANDS: -45 Degree Scan Angle - Sealed Sapphire Tip , - Polycarbonate or Metal Case . , • INTEGRAL POWER SUPPLY The 16800A and 16801A may be configured with a wide range of computer systems; including minicomputers, desktop computers, and personal computers. Dual RS-232-C (V.24) ports facilitate, operation in both stand-alone and eavesdrop configurations. In an eavesdrop configuration, the reader will generally be operated in conjunction with an RS-232-C terminal. ' ' Interactive systems design is supported in the, 16800A through programmable operator feedback and reader control features. A multi-tone'beeper and two LED indicators are provided to allow simple, yet flexible audio and visual programmable feedback. Local operator feedback is provided in the 16801A through a beeper which sounds to signify a good read. Reader performance can be optimized by selecting the wand appropriate for the 'environment and the type of symbol being read. The wands offer a 45 degree scan angle, a rugged case, and a sealed sapphire tip. The sapphire tip may be replaced by the user if it is damaged. • TABLETOP OR WALL MOUNTABLE • BUILT-IN SELF TEST • WORLDWIDE HP SERVICE 3'-56 Applications Bar codes offer a method of entering data into computers which is fast, accurate, reliable, and which requires little operator training. Implementation of a bar code system can lead to increased productivity, reduced inventory costs, improved accountability, increased asset visibility, and reduced paperwork. Customer satisfaction will also improve as a result of improved quality control, reduced shipping errors, and reduced order and ship times. On-line, real-time interactive systems will allow the user to take full advantage of the contributions offered by bar code systems. The 16800A and 16801 A provide a high performance solution for applications which require on-line bar code data entry. The most common type of data stored in bar code is item identification information used in a wide range of applications such as: - Inventory Control Work-in-Process Tracking Distribution Tracking Order Processing Records Management Point-of-Sale Government Packaging and Shipping Bar codes can also be used in applications where information about an item or a transaction must be accurately entered into the host computer. Item location, employee identification, work steps, equipment settings, equipment status, and inspection results are some of the types of information which can be entered using bar codes. Typical configuration The dual RS-232-C (V.24) output provided by the 16800A and 16801 A allows a single reader to be configured in a wide range of on-line applications. Three typical system configurations are outlined below: • Stand-Alone Reader - The 16800Al16801A is in direct communication with the host minicomputer, desktop computer, or personal computer. Computer 3-57 • A cluster of 16800N16801As communicates with the host computer through a multiplexer. Where the advantages of fiber optic data communications are desired, the Hewlett-Packard 39301 A Fiber Optic Multiplexer can be used. Multiplexed - MUX Computer • The 16800N16801A is in an eavesdrop configuration between an RS~232-C terminal and the host computer. The reader c;an be configured to transmit to the computer, to the terminal, or to both simultaneously. Eavesdrop - Computer Terminal Wand Selection The 16800A and 16801 A bar code readers include HBCS5300 digital bar code wand which is capable of reading bar code symbols which have nominal narrow bar/space widths of 0.19 mm (0.0075 in.) or greater. This includes a wide range of high, medium, and low resolution bar codes including standard 3 of 9 code [0.19 mm (0.0075 in.)]. An optional HBCS-5500 digital bar code wand is available for very high resolution codes with nominal narrow bar/ space widths of 0.13 mm (0.005 in.) to 0.20 mm (0.008 in.). The 820 nm near-infrared emitter in the HBCS-5500 wand also enables it to read the black-on-black bar codes used in some security systems. This wand is not recommended for dot matrix printed bar codes or colored bar codes. The HBCS-5000 series wands feature a rugged polycarbonate case designed for light industrial and commercial applications. Applications which require an industrial wand are supported by the optional HBCS-6300 and HBCS-6500 digital bar code wands. These wands feature a solid metal case and internal construction designed for abusive environments. The HBCS-6300 and HBCS-6500 have the same bar code reading characteristics as the HBCS-5300 and HBCS-5500, respectively. All wands are also available under accessory product numbers. Code Selection The 16800A and 16801A offer user flexibility in the implementation of the th ree standard bar codes: • Single Code Selection or Automatic Code Recognition (any combination of the three standard codes) • Checksum Verification Selectable • Variable Message Length up to 32 characters 3-58 • Selectable Message Length Check (Interleaved 2 of 5 code and Industrial 2 of 5 code) • Any specified code resolution Optional bar codes will also provide a high degree of user flexibility. The code reading configuration is switch selectable. Additional information on bar code symbologies is available in the Operating and Installation Manual and in Application Note 1013 - "Elements of a Bar Code System". 16800A Additional Capabilities The 16800A offers the advantage of programmable control over all aspects of the code reading configuration. This capability enables the applications software to determine what code can be read depending on the type of data to be entered. For example, the 3 of 9 code could be enabled for entering item identification information and then the 3 of 9 code disabled and Interleaved 2 of 5 code enabled for entering a different type of data such as employee identification or job status. This allows different barcodes to be used in the system while at the same time preventing the operator from entering the wrong type of data into the data base. Data Communications The 16800A and 16801A provide a flexible dual RS-232-C (V.24) serial ASCII data communications capability which can support a wide range of system configurations. The reader offers the user the choice of full 01 half duplex transmission when in character mode and, if in an eavesdrop configuration with a terminal, the reader can also be operated in block mode. The user can tailor the reader's data communication configuration to the application by selecting the appropriate transmission mode (full/half duplex), operating mode (character/block mode), data rate, parity, terminator, stop bits, and inter-character delay on the readily accessible 01 P switches. Request to Send/Clear to Send and DC1/DC3 (XON/XOFF) traffic control is available. 16800A Additional Capabilities The 16800A offers expanded data communications capabilities with the added benefit of programmable control. In addition to programmable control of the transmission mode (full/half duplex) and the operating mode (character/block mode), the 16800A provides the following programmable features: • User-definable header (up to 10 characters) • User-definable terminator (up to 10 characters) • DC1/DC3 (XON/XOFF) traffic control enable/disable 3-59 operator Feedbacl< The 16800A and 16801 A provide good read feedback to the operator by sounding an integral beeper. Beeper volume can be adjusted as appropriate for the application. 16800A Additional Capabilities Interactive operator feedback is provided in the 16800A through two programmable LED indicators and programmable beeper control. The user has programmable control over operator feedback as follows: o Local good read beep enable/disable o Local good read beep tone (16 tones available) o Computer commanded beep (16 tones available) o Red LED Indicator on/off o Green LED Indicator on/off Programmable operator feedback can be used to prompt the operator, to signify that data has been validated by the computer, to differentiate between different workstations in close proximity, to provide additional LED feedback in extremely noisy environments, or for a variety of other reasons. Reader Control and status (16800A only> The 16800A provides the user with added programmable control over the reader's operation and also enables the user to obtain on-line status information regarding the reader's configuration and functionality. The programmable control and status features are described below: Scanner Enable/Disable - When disabled, further bar code scans are ignored. Single Read Enable/Disable - When enabled, a single bar code scan can be entered between "Next Read" commands. Hard Reset - Commands the reader to return to the operating configuration prescribed by the DIP switch settings. An automatic self-test is also executed. Status Request - Commands the reader to send the status of its operating configuration to the computer. Specifications Environmental Conditions Temperature, Free Space Ambient: -40 to 75° C (-40 to +167° F) Non-Operating: Operating: 0 to+55° C (+32 to 131 ° F) General Typical Wand Reading Characteristics: Parameter Units Minimum Recommended Nominal Narrow Element Width HBCS-5300 HBCS-5500 or or HBCS-6300 HBCS-6500 mm in. 0.190 0.0075 0.127 0.005 THtAngie degrees 0-45 0-45 Scan Speed cm/sec In./sec 7.6-127 3-50 7.6-127 3-50 Wavelength nm 655 820 Bar Codes Supported: Standard: 3 of 9 Code (ANSI MH10.8M-1983; MIL-STD-1189) Interleaved 2 of 5 Code (ANSI MH10.8M-1983) Industrial 2 of 5 Code Optional: UPC/EAN/JAN (Option 001) Codabar (Option 002) Others (contact factory) Data Communications 5 to 95% (non-condensing) Humidity: Altitude: Non-Operating: Operating: Shock: 30g, 11 ms, 1/2 sine PhYSical Specifications Weight, including wand: 2.0 kg (4,4 pounds) Weight, polycarbonate wand only: (including coiled cord) 0.13 kg (0.3 pounds) Weight, industrial wand only: (including coiled cord) 0.16 kg (0,4 pounds) Reader Dimensions: 134 mmW x 23 mmD x 20 mmH (5.3 inW x 0.9 in.D x 0.8 in.H) 158 mmW x 24 mmD x 18 mmH (6.2 inW x 0.9 in.D x 0.7 in.H) Industrial Wand Dimensions: Parity: O's, 1's, Odd, Even. Switch Selectable. Wand Cord Length: Terminator: CR, CR/LF, Horizontal Tab (HT), None. Switch Selectable. Stop Bits: 1 or 2. Switch Selectable. Inter-Character Delay: 30 ms or None. Switch Selectable. Standard Asynchronous Communications Interface: Transmission Modes: Operating Modes: Traffic Control: EIA Standard RS-232-C (CCITT V.24) Full or half duplex, asynchronous. Switch selectable. Programmable in 16800A. Character or Block Mode. Switch selectable. Programmable in 16800A. 100V (+5%, (Opt. 210) 120V (+5%, (Standard) 220V (+5%, (Opt. 222) 240V (+5%, (Opt. 224) Power Consumption: -10%) at 48-66 Hz -10%) at 48-66 Hz -10%) a148-66 Hz -10%) at 48-66 Hz 20 VA maximum Regulatory Agency Approvals RFI/EMI: - VDE 0871 level B - FCC Class B Safety Approvals: - Request to Send/Clear to Send. 255 Characters 94 cm (37 in.) - retracted 206 cm (81 in.) - extended Power Requirements Input Voltage: DC1/DC3 (XON/XOFF). Switch Selectable. Programmable in 16800A. Output Buffer: 260 mmW x 189 mmD X 71 mmH (10.25 inW x 7,4 in.D x 2.8 in.H) Polycarbonate Wand Dimensions: 110,300,600,1200,2400,4800, 9600 baud. Switch Selectable. User defined. Maximum of 10 characters each. 0.38 mm (0.015 in.) POp, 5 to 55 to 5 Hz, 3 axis Vibration: Data Rate: Programmable Header/ Terminator (16800A only): Sea level to 15300 metres (50,000 feet) Sea level to 4600 metres (15,000 feet) UL478, UL114 forEDP and office equipment CSA C22.2-154 for EDP equipment VDE 0730 part 2P for EDP and office equipment Complies with IEC standard #380 and #435 for EDP and office equipment Installation All product preparation and installation can be performed by the owner/user. Refer to the Operating and Installation Manual supplied with the unit for detailed instructions. 3-60 Supporting Literature Siegler ADM-31 to a DEC PDP-ll Computer", Publication Number: 5953-9365 (Available through local sales office) For further information refer to: Application Bulletin 61, "HP 16800A/16801A Bar Code Reader Configuration Guide for an IBM 3276/3278 Terminal", Publication Number: 5953-9361 (Available through local sales office) 16800A/16801 A Option 001 Data Sheet, Publication Number 5954-2156 (Available through local sales office) 16800A/16801 A Option 002 Data Sheet, Publication Number 5954-2157 (Available through local sales office) 16800A/16801A Operating and Installation Manual, PIN: 16800-90001 16800A/16801 A Option 001 Operating and Installation Manual Addendum, PIN: 16800-90004 16800A/16801 A Option 002 Operating and Installation Manual Addendum, PIN: 16800-90006 Application Note 1013, "Elements of a Bar Code System", Publication Number: 5953-7732 (Available through local sales office) Application Bulletin 59, "HP 16800A/16801A Bar Code Reader Configuration Guide for a DEC VT-l00 or Lear Application Bulletin 62, "HP 16800A/16801A Bar Code Reader Configuration Guide for an IBM 4955F Series 1 Process Control CPU/Protocol Converter and an IBM 3101 Terminal", Publication Number: 5953-9362 (Available through local sales office) Application Bulletin 63, "HP 16800A/16801A Bar Code Reader Configuration Guide for an IBM 5101 Personal Computer", Publication Number: 5953-9363 (Available through local sales office) Application Bulletin 68, "HP 16800A/16801A Bar Code Reader Configuration Guide for a MICOM Micro 280 Message Concentrator", Publication Number: 5953-9382 (Available through local sales office) Ordering Information PROOUCTNO. DESCRIPTION 16800A PROGRAMMABLE BAR CODE READER - Includes HBGS-5300 digital wand, Internal power supply for 120V line voltage, power cord, and Operating and Installation Manual. Reader supports 3 of 9 Code, Interleaved 2 of 5 Code, and Industrial 2 of 5 Code. 16801 A BAR CODe READER -Includes HBCS-5300 digital wand, internal power $upplyfor 120V line voltage, power cord, and Operating and Installation Manual. Reader supports 3 of 9 Code, Interleaved 2 of 5 Code, and Industrial 2 of 5 Code. -001 -002 -210 -222 -224 Add UPG/EAN/JAN code reading capability; Delete Industrial 2 of 5 code Add Codabar code reading capability; Delete Industrial 2 of 5 code 100V power supply 220V power supply 240V power supply -320 Delete HBCS-5300 digital wand; Add HBCS-5500 ditlgal wand -400 Delete HBCS-5300 digital wand; Add HBCS-6300 Industrial digital wand -420 Delete HBCS-5300 digital wand; Add HBCS-6500 industrial digital wand -610 Add Wall Mounting Kit -910 Additional Operating and Installation Manual ACCESSORIES 16830A General Purpose Digital Bar Code Wand 16832A High Resolution Digital Bar Code Wand 16840A Industrial (Metal) General Purpose Bar Code Wand 16842A HBCS-2999 HBCS-4~99 Industrial (Metal) High Resolution Bar Code Wand HBCS-5300/5500 Replacement Sapphire Tip HBCS-6300/6500 Replaoement Sapphire Tip 16800-61000 Wall Mount Kit HEDS-0200 20 fool Wand Extension Cord 03075-40006 17355A External Wand Holder 2.7 metres (9 feet) Male-Male RS-232-C cable. Shielded. LITERATURE 16800-90001 16800-90004 16800-90006 Operating and Installation Manual Option 001 Operating and Installation Manual Addendum Option 002 Operating and Installation Manual Addendum 3-61 Flidl HEWLETT II:~ PACKARD CODABAR BAR CODE READERS 16800A OPTION 002 16801A OPTION 002 Features Applications • CODABAR CODE READING CAPABILITY, Coda bar code is commonly used for material tracking, customer Identification, and traceability in four specific application areas: '. TWO STANDARD INDUSTRIAL BARCODES - 30f9Code - Interleaved 2 of 5 Code - • AUTOMATIC CODE RECOGNITION • HIGH PERFORMANCE DIGITAL WANDS ..,. 45 Degree Scan Angle - Replaceable, Sealed, Sapphire Tip - Polycarbonate or Metal Case Description Option 002 adds bar code reading capability for Codabar to the HP16800A Programmable Bar Code 'Reader and HP16801A Non-Programmable Bar Code Reader. Transmission of the start and stop characters which are part of each Coda bar symbol is user-selectable. ,Two standard industrial codes, the 3 of 9 code and Interleaved 2 6f 5 code, may also be read with Option 002. These two codes may be enabled individually, simultaneously, and/or in conjunction with the Codabar code. Industrial 2 of 5 code reading capability, available with the standard HP16800A and HP16801A, is not provided with Option 002. 3-62 Libraries Hospitals FilmProcessing Package Tracking The 3 of 9 code is also popular' in these applications, especially where an alphanumeric code is preferred. In some circumstances, both the 3 of 9 code and Codabar code may need to be read interchangeably. This capability is provided by the automatic code recognition feature of the HP16800A and HP16801A. The 3 of 9 code. and Interleaved 2 of 5 code are generaily preferred in industrial applications and in applications which involve interfacility or intercompany movement of goods. These applications include: - Inventory control tracking Distribution tracking Records management Government packaging and shipping Labor reporting Asset management Work~in-process wand Selection Ordering Information The HP 16800A and HP 16801A Bar Code Readers include an HBCS-5300 digital bar code wand which is capable of reading bar code symbols which have nominal narrow bar/space widths of 0.19 mm (0.0075 in.! or greater. This wand is recommended for reading all low resolution bar codes, such as those produced with dot matrix printers, and for reading high resolution 3 of 9 and Interleaved 2 of 5 bar codes. It may also be used to read most high resolution Codabar symbols. An optional HBCS-5500 digital bar code wand is available for very high resolution codes have nominal narrow bar/space widths of 0.13 mm (0.005 in.! to 0.20 mm (0.008 in.!. This wand may provide superior performance when reading high resolution Codabar symbols since this code has a nominal narrow bar width of 0.17 mm (0.0065 in.>. An 820 nm near-infrared emitter enables the HBCS-5500 to read black-and-white bar codes and the black-on-black bar codes used in some security systems. Applications which require an industrial wand are supported by the optional HBCS-6300 and HBCS-6500 digital bar code wands. These wands feature a solid metal case and internal construction designed for abusive environments. The HBCS-6300 and HBCS-6500 have the same bar code reading characteristics as the HBCS-5300 and HBCS-5500, respectively. Product Number Programmable Bar Code Reader Includes HBCS-5300 digital wand, internal power supply for 120 V line voltage, power cord, and Operating and Installation Manuals. Reader supports Codabar, 3 of 9, and Interleaved 2 of 5 codes. 16801A -002 Non-Programmable Bar Code Reader Includes HBCS-5300 dig7tal wand, internal power supply lor'20 V line voltage, power cord, and Operating and Installation Manuals. Reader supports Codabar, 3 of 9, and Interleaved 2 of 5 codes. 100V Power Supply 220V Power Supply 240V Power Supply Delete HBCS-5300 digital wand; add HBCS-5500 ditigal wand Delete HBCS-5300 digital wand; add HBCS-6300 industrial digital wand Delete HBCS-5300 digital wand; add HBCS-6500 Industrial digital wand Add Wail Mounting Kit Additional Operating and Installation Manuals -210 -222 ·224 -320 -400 Supporting Literature -420 For further information refer to: -610 -910 16800Al16801A Option 002 Operating and Installation Manual Addendum, PIN: 16800-90006 16800Al16801A Operating and Installation Manual, PIN: 16800-90001 16800Al16801A Data Sheet, Publication No: 5954·2155 3-63 DescrlpUon 16aobA -002 FliP'l a:t:. HEWLETT PACKARD UPC/EAN/JAN BAR CODE READERS 16800A OPTION 001 16801A OPTION 001 Features Description • FLEXIBLE COMMERCIAL CODE READING CAPABILITY - UPC-A, UPC-E - EAN-S, EAN-13 - JAN-S, JAN-13 - 2-Digit Supplemental Encodation - 5-Digit Supplemental Encodation Option 001 adds bar code reading capability for the Universal Product Code (UPC), European Article Numbering Code (EAN), and Japanese Article Numbering Code (JAN) to the HP 16800A Programmable Bar Code Reader and HP 16801A Non-Programmable Bar Code Reader. • TWO STANDARD INDUSTRIAL BAR CODES - 3 of9 Code - Interleaved 2 of 5 Code • AUTOMATIC CODE RECOGNITION • COMPATIBLE WITH UPC SHIPPING CONTAINER SYMBOL SPECIFICATION • HIGH PERFORMANCE DIGITAL WANDS - 45 Degree Scan Angle - Replaceable, Sealed, Sapphire Tip - Polycarbonate or Metal Case All popular versions of the UPC, EAN and JAN bar codes may be enabled, including UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, JAN-8 and JAN-13. All codes may be read simultaneously, or only UPC-A and UPC-E may be enabled. UPC, EAN, and JAN codes with complementary 2-digit or 5-digit supplemental encodations, or "add-ons", may be read in one of two ways. If UPC, EAN, and JAN codes are enabled but neither 2-digit nor 5-digit supplemental encodations are enabled, then symbols printed with, or without, supplements can be read and only the main symbol will be output. If 2-digit (or 5-digitl supplemental encodations are enabled, then only symbols with 2-digit (or 5-digitl supplements can be read and both the main symbol and the supplement are output. 2-digit and 5-digit supplemental encodations may be enabled simultaneously. Two standard industrial codes, the 3 of 9 code and Interleaved 2 of 5 code, may also be read with Option 001. These two codes may be enabled individually, simultaneously, and/or in conjunction with the UPC, EAN, and JAN codes. The implementation of the Interleaved 2 of 5 code is compatible with the UPC Shipping Container Symbol Specification. 3-64 colored bar codes and, therefore, is not recommended for reading the UPC, EAN, and JAN bar codes. Industrial 2 of 5 code reading capability, available with the standard HP 16800A and HP 16801 A, is not provided with Option 001. Applications which require an industrial wand are supported by the optional HBCS-6300 and HBCS-6500 digital bar code wands. These wands feature a solid metal case and internal construction deSigned for abusive environments. The HBCS-6300 and HBCS-6500 have the same bar code reading characteristics as the HBCS-5300 and HBCS-5500, respectively. Applications Option 001 to the HP 16800A and HP 16801A Bar Code Readers provides an excellent solution for both commercial and industrial applications by supporting the popular UPC, EAN, and JAN codes as well as the industry standard 3 of 9 and Interleaved 2 of 5 codes. Supporting Literature Typical applications for UPC, EAN, and JAN codes include: - For further information, refer to: 16800Al16801A Option 001 Operating and Installation Manual Addendum, PIN: 16800-90004 Point-of-sale Inventory control in retail stores Order entry for retail products Tracking periodical and/or book returns Tracking coupon receipts Production line tracking in consumer products manufacturing plants 16800Al16801A Operating and Installation Manual, PIN: 16800-90001 16800Al16801A Data Sheet, Publication No.: 5954·2155 Ordering Information The 3 of 9 code and Interleaved 2 of 5 code are commonly used for work-in-process tracking and inventory control applications. Some applications may require that the 3 of 9 code or Interleaved 2 of 5 code be read interchangeably with the UPC, EAN, and/or JAN codes. For example, products which are marked with a UPC code may be shipped in a container marked with the Interleaved 2 of 5 code. The automatic code recognition capability of the HP 16800A and HP 16801A allows these codes to be read interchangeably. PrO'aUel Number Description 16800A -001 PROGRAMMABLE BAR CODE READER Includes HBCS-5300 digital wand, internal power supply for 120 V line voltage, power cord, and Operating and Installation Manuals. Reader supports UPC, EAN, JAN, 3 of 9, and Interleaved 2 of 5 codes. 16801A -001 NON-PROGRAMMABLE BAR CODE READER Includes HBCS-5300 digital wand, internal power supply for 120 V Hne voltage, power cord, and Operating and Installation Manuals. Reader supports UPC, EAN, JAN, 3 of 9, and Interleaved 2 of 5 codes. Typical applications for 3 of 9 code and Interleaved 2 of 5 code include: - Inventory control Work-in-process tracking Distribution tracking Records management Government packaging and shipping Labor reporting Asset management Wand Selection The HP 16800A and HP 16801A Bar Code Readers include an HBCS-5300 digital bar code wand which is capable of reading bar code symbols which have nominal narrow bar/space widths of 0.19 mm (0.0075 in.) or greater. A 655 nm visible red emitter enables the HBCS-5300 to read a wide variety of colored bar codes. This wand is recommended for reading the UPC, EAN, and JAN bar codes An optional HBCS-5500 digital bar code wand is available for very high resolution codes having nominal narrow bar/space widths of 0.13 mm (0.005 in.) to 0.20 mm (0.008 in.) An 820 nm near-infrared emitter enables the HBCS-5500 to read black-and-white bar codes and the black-on-black bar codes used in some security systems. It cannot read -210 100 V power supply -222 220 V power supply -224 240 V power supply -320 Delete HBOS-5300 digital wand; add HBOS-5500 ditigal wand -400 Delete HBOS-5300 digital wand; add HBCS-6300 industrial digital wand -420 Delete HBOS-5300 digital wand; add HBCS-6500 industrial digital wand -610 Add Wall Mounting Kit -910 Additional Operating and Installation Manuals 3-65 - - - - -_._.__.. - .. __ . - - - _ .. _-- Motion Sensing and Control • • • Optical Encoders Digital Potentiometers Motion Control ICs Motion Sensing and Control Motion Sensing New Products As an extension of our emitter/detector systems capability, Hewlett-Packard has developed a family of motion sensing products. These product include optical shaft encoders, optical encoder modules for closed loop servo applications and digital potentiometers for manual input applications. HP's Optical products provide a digital link converting mechanical shaft rotation into TTL logic level signals. Hewlett-Packard's new HEDS-9000 and HEDS-9100 series optical encoder modules provide sophisticated rotary motion detection at a low price making it ideal for high volume applications. The modular design approach incorporates a unique photodetector array allowing easy assembly and encoder design flexibility. Standard resolutions for these modules range from 96 to 1000 counts per revolution. Our HEDS-SOOO and HEDS-6000 series encoders may be used in a wide variety of closed loop servo applications varying from computer peripherals and professional audio-video systems to automated production equipment. Encoders also find widespread use in industrial and instrument applications in which digital information is needed to monitor rotary motion. Hewlett-Packard has also introduced the HEDS-9200 series encoder modules which sense linear movement. These encoder modules are based on the same innovative emitter/detector technology as the HEDS9000 series, however they are optimized to sense linear position. These linear encoder modules are extremely tolerant to misalignment and well suited for printers, copiers, x-y tables and a variety of other industrial and office automation products. The HP encoder system takes advantage of a specialized optical design and a custom integrated circuit to deliver superior performance in a compact package. The design also minimizes the mechanical tolerances required of the shaft and mounting surface. The HEDS-SOOO and HEDS-6000 encoders are available with a range of options including resolution and shaft sizes. The HEDS-7S00 series digital potentiometer is a 28 mm diameter encoder completely assembled with a shaft and bushing, making it suitable for panel mounting. The device converts manual rotary inputs into digital outputs using the same high performance emitter/detector technology used in our encoders. A digital potentiometer can be used as an input mechanism in a variety of applications including: test and measurement equipment, CAD-CAM systems, and positioning tables. 4-2 --------- - The HEDS-5500 is a quick assembly, low cost, complete optical encoder. This product does not require adhesive, special tools, or any last minute adjustments to complete the assembly process. The encoder features high performance based on the HEDS-9100 series encoder module and comes in a wide variety of resolutions and shaft sizes. Motion Control To complement the motion sensing products, HP has released two motion control ICs. The HCTL-lOOO general purpose motion control.IC greatly simplifies the task of designing digital motion control systems. The HCTL-1000 compares .the command position or velocity from a host processor to the actual position or velocity from an incremental encoder, and outputs an appropriate motor command using one of four programmable position and velocity control modes. Some of its other features include a programmable digital filter, an electronic commutator, and a quadrature decoder/counter. The HCTL-2000 Quadrature Decoder Counter IC provides a one chip, easy to implement solution to interfacing the quadrature output of an encoder or digital potentiometer to a microprocessor. It includes a quadrature decoder, a 12 bit up/down state counter, and an 8 bit bus interface. The use of Schmitt triggered inputs and a digital noise filter allows reliable operation in noisy environments. For more information on these new product developments, contact your local Hewlett-Packard Components Field Engineer, or write Hewlett-Packard Optoelectronics Division, 640 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, California 94304. 4-3 Motion Sensing and Control Optical Encoder Modules Package Outline Drawing Part No. /ofOF=~ oox g ~ @[I] I I ffi Resolution Page No. D A.B A 500 CPR B 1000 CPR HEDS-9100 OPT DO 0 A.B K 96 CPR C 100 CPR o 192 CPR E 200 CPR F 256 CPR G 360 CPR H 400 CPR A 500 CPR I 512 CPR 4-7 IOND 2 DO NOT CONNECT ~ XXAA J: Channels HEDS'9000 OPT D 0 0 P=- ! ~~~ A 5 CH. B ~I=~ D A.B Part No. Channels I D L 120 LPI M 127 LPI •. 150 LPI HEDS-9200 OPT rOO 4-11 I 4-15 Quick Assembly Encoder - HEDS-5500 Series Option Code Package Outline Drawing Resolution Shaft Size D CD K 96 CPR C 100 CPR 0 192 CPR E 200 CPR F 256 CPR G 360 CPR H 400 CPR A 500 CPR I 512 CPR 01 02 03 04 05 06 11 12 14 t t HEDS-5500 ~. -.~ ~ ~i~ ~~ =~.A ~.~ PIN =5 - CH.B ~""'OO"':H OPTDCD A,B t~ ~ ~i~;~: ~~D J 28 mm Diameter Encoders - Page No. 4-19 2mm 3mm 1/8 in. 5/32 in. 3/16 in. 1/4 in. 4mm 6mm 5mm HEDS-5000 Series Option Code Package Outline Drawing Part No. Channels Resolution D . .,,) ~~C:\ a~' HEDS-5000 OPT 0 OJ HEDS-5010 OPT 0 A, B OJ I 4-4 A, B, I C 100 CPR o 192 CPR E 200 CPR F 256 CPR G 360 CPR H 400 CPR A 500 CPR I 512 CPR J.- Shaft Size 4-25 o:J 01 02 03 04 05 06 11 14 .. Page No. 2mm 3mm 1/8 in. 5/32 in. 3/16 in. 1/4 in. 4mm 5mm 56 mm Diameter Encoders - HEDS-6000 Series Option Gode Package Outline Drawing Part No. Ghannels HEDS·6000 OPT 0 CD A. B HEDS-6010 OPTD CD A. B, I Resolution D E H A I 200 CPR 400 CPR 500 CPR 512 CPR B 1000 CPR J 1024 CPR Shalt Size OJ 05 06 07 DB 09 10 11 12 13 Page No. 4-33 3/16 in. 1/4 in. 5/16 in. 3/B in. 1/2 in. 5/B in. 4mm 6mm Bmm Digital Potentiometer - HEDS-7500 Series Package Outline Drawing & Part No. Resolution Termination Page No, HEDS-7500 256 CPR Color Coded Wire 4-41 HEDS-7501 256 CPR Ribbon Cable Motion ControllCs - HCTL-XXXX Series Package Outline Part No. NC·[~POE 2 39 ~ AD1/0Bl [ 3 38 b"ALE AD2/DB2 [ 4 37 AD3/DB3 [ 5 36 6 35 ] Vee ADS/CBS [ 7 34 ] EXTCLK DB6 [ 8 33 J'INDEX DB7 [ 9 32 ] Vss Vss [ 10 31 ] CHA Vee [ 11 4-43 30 ] HCTL-2000 Quadrature Decoder/Counter IC 4-67 CHB 29 ] PHD 13 28 ] PHC LlMIT[ 14 27 STOpe 15 PULSE [ General Purpose Motion ControllC J R/W J ·RESET AD4/DB4 [ lNIT [ Page No. HCTL-1000 cs ADO/DBO [ PROF[ 12 Description 26 16 25 SIGN [ 17 24 Mea [ 18 23 Mel [ 19 22 Me2 [ 20 21 P P P P P PHS PHA Me7 MeG MCS P P MC4 Me3 • SHOULD BE LEFT FLOATING. oo[~JVoo elK [ 2 SEL [ 15 J 01 3 14 ] 02 DE/[ 4 13 JD3 RST/[ 5 12 JD4 CHS[ 6 '1J05 CHA,[ 7 10] 06 Vss [ B 9 P 07 4-5 Convenience Assembly Tools for 28 mm Diameter Encoders - Not Required Page Pa~kage Outline Drawing Part No. Description HEDS-8930 HEDS-5000 Series Tool Kit • • • • Holding ScreWdriVer Torquelimiting Screwdriver HEDS-8920 Hub Puller. HEDS-8922 Gap Setter, .' HEDS-892X Centering Cones • Aidin High Volume Assembly • Order in Appropriate Shaft Size ' No_ 4-25 ",':. '.' ", 4-6 TWO CHANI\jEL O~l~AL INeREME~TAL ~!NCODER MODULE HEDS-9000 SERIES Features • HIGH PERFORMANCE • HIGH RESOLUTION • LOWCOST • EASY TO MOUNT • NO SIGNAL ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED o INSENSITIVE TO RADIAL AND AXIAL PLAY • SMALL SIZE • -40 0 C to 1000 C OPERATING TEMPERATURE o TWO CHANNEL QUADRATURE OUTPUT • TTL COMPATIBLE • SINGLE 5 V SUPPLY Description The standard resolutions presently avaihible are 500 CPR and 1000 CPR for use with a HEDS-6100 series codewheel or the equivalent. Consult local Hewlett-Packard sales representatives for custom resolutions. The HEDS-9000 series is a high performance, low cost, optical incremental encoder module. When operated in conjunction with a codewheel, this module detects rotary position. The module consists of a lensed LED source and a detector IC enclosed in a small C-shaped plastic package. Due to a highly collimated light source and a unique photodetector array, the module is extremely tolerant to mounting misalignment. Applications The HEDS-9000 provides sophisticated motion detection at a low cost, making it ideal for high volume applications. Typical applications include printers, plotters, tape drives, and factory automation equipment. The two channel digital outputs and the single 5 V supply input are accessed through four 0.025 inch square pins located on 0.1 inch centers. ESD WARNING: NORMAL HANDLING PRECAUTIONS SHOULD BE TAKEN TO AVOID STATIC DISCHARGE. package Dimensions OPTION CODE ALIGNMENT RECESS DATE COPE NorE I t 1.85(1l·07~.-1 m 2.41 (O·085l MAX. I I ,-jl I.S~\~~O) 11.•7 {O.GSOI ~ - SIDEA xx • WORK WEEK ALIGNMENT RECESS 12.07 (OA15) MAX. 3.0, (0.119) MAX. 1-10028 (0.405) MAX. NOTE 1: YY • YEAR DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS AND (INCHES) II 4.75 OPTle:AL (0.1871 CENTER [ : : REF. • END VIEW 4-7 SIDEB output Waveforms Block Diagram r-, r--------------, I I I I I I I Vee I I I I I I I 4 I I I CHANNEL A I3 ~2 w o ...:::> CHANNEL B I5 12 ::; I " I I I I CHANNEL B EMITTER SECTION CODE WHEEL· ~ IGNO L I ______________ '- _______ ...JI 1 DETECTOR SECTION ROTATION Theory of operation 1 Shaft Rotation = 360 mechanical degrees = N cycles The HEDS-9000 is a C-shaped emitter/detector module. Coupled with a codewheel it translates the rotary motion of a shaft into a two-chan riel digital output. As seen in the block diagram, the module contains a single Light Emitting Diode (LED) as its light source. The light is collimated into a parallel beam by means of a single lens located directly over the LED. OppOSite the emitter is the integrated detector circuit. This IC consists of multiple sets of photodetectors and the signal processing circuitry necessary to produce the digital waveforms. The codewheel rotates between the emitter and detector, causing the light beam to be interrupted. by the pattern of spaces and bars on the codewheel. The photodiodes which detect these interruptions are arranged in a pattern that corresponds to the radius and design of the codawheel. These detectors are also spaced such that a light period on one pair of detectors corresponds to a dark period on the adjacent pair of detectors. The photodiode outputs are then fed through the Signal processing circuitry resulting in A, A, Band· B. Two comparators receive these Signals and produce the final outputs for channels A and B. bue to this integrated phasing technique, the digital output of channel A is in quadrature with that of channel B (90 degrees out of phase). 1 cycle (c) = 360 electrical degrees (0 e) . = 1 bar and window pair Pulse Width (P): The number of electrical degrees that an output is high during 1 cycle. This value is nominally 180 °e or'h cycle. Pulse Width Error (IlP): The deviation, in electrical degrees, of the pulse width from its ideal value of 180 ° e. State Width (S): The number of electrical degrees between a transition in the output of channel A and the neighboring transition in the output of channel B. There are 4 states per cycle, each nominally 90 °e. State Width Error (IlS): The deviation, in electrical degrees, of each state width from its ideal value of 90° e. Phase (»: The number of electrical degrees between the center of the high state of channel A and the center of the high state of channel B. This value is nominally 90 ° e for quadrature output. Phase Error (tl»: The deviation of the phase from its ideal value of 90 °e. Direction of Rotation: When the codewheel rotates in the direction of the arrow on top of the module, channel A will lead channel B. If the codewheel rotates in the opposite direction, channel B will lead channel A. Definitions Optical Radius (Rap): The distance from the codewheel's center of rotation to the optical center (~.C.) of the encoder module. Courit (N) = The number of bar and window pairs or counts per revolution (CPR) of the codewheel. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min. Ts Typ. Max. Units 100 ·C Operating Temperature Ta -40 -40 100 ·C Supply Voltage Vee -0.5 7 Volts Output Voltage Vo -0.5 Vee Volts Output Current per Channel 10 -1.0 5 mA Storage Temperature 4-8 Notes Recommended operating Conditions Symbol Min. Max. Uitlts T -40 100 °C Supply Voltage Vee 4.5 5.5 Volts Riepte <100mVp-p Load Capacitance CL 100 pF 3.2 KO pull-up resistor Count Frequency f 100 kHZ Velocity(rpm)xN 60 Parameter Temperature Typ. Noles Note: The module performance is guaranteed to 100 kHZ but can operate at higher frequencies. Encoding Characteristics Encoding Characteristics over Recommended Operating Range and Recommended Mounting Tolerances. These characteristics do not include codewheel contributions. Parameter Pulse Width Error Logic State Width Error Phase Error Symbol Typ. Case 1 Max. Case 2 Max. Units Ap As Aw/rPb 0.7 1.4 Lw 1.8(.07) Window Length Absolute Maximum Codewheel Radius 2.3(.09) Units mm(inch) Rop +l.9(Om5) mm(inch) Rc 4-9 Noles Includes eccentricity errors Mounting Considerations ALIGNING BOSS 0.76 10.030i HIGH IMAX) 2.36 (O.093)±O.025(O.001) DIA. 0.25(0.010) x 450 CHAMFER 2 PLACES CDDEWHEEL ARTWORK SIDE +-+---+---O,~ ~UNTING i r- "" ----->..~ ~ - I 0\ cp\ PLANE ~'~:~~i:~~B) 2 PLACES --I OPTICAL CENTER ~ I~ i 20.83 (0.820) 12.60 !0.496) 21.08 10.830) MOUNTING PLANE ALIGNING BOSS 0.76 10.030) HIGH IMAX) 2.36 (0 093l±O.025(O.OO1) DIA. MAX. 4.4510.175) NOTE 1 ROP+(:'l;71 ~'~~~CO~~1 x 45 0 CHAMFER NOTE1: THESE DIMENSIONS INCLUDE SHAFT END PLAY, AND CODEWHEEL WARP. Figure 2. Mounting Plane Side A. Figure 3. Mounting Plane Side B. Connectors Manufacturer Pari Number Mounting Surface AMP 103686-4 640442-5 80th Side 8 6erg Both 65039-032 with 4S25X-000 terminals Molex 2695 series with 2759 series terminals SETSCREW 2·56 HOLLOW OVAL POINT SideB rr=~ 25,4 Figure 4. Connector Specifications 18,0 IJ~j Ordering Information . . "lJ [[@] (O,334±O,020) Re$olution (Cycles per Revolution) A - 500 cpr B-1000cpr UNITSmm(lNCHES) Shaft Diameter 05 - 3/16 IN. 11 - 4 mm 06 - 1/4 IN. 12 - 6 mm 07 - 5/16 IN. 13 - 8 mm OS -SIS IN. 09-1/2 IN. 10 -5/SIN. Figure 5. HEDS-6100 Codewheel 4-10 FliO'l HEWLETT ~e.. PACKARD TWO CHANNEL OPTICAL INCREMENTAL ENCOOER MODULE 11 mm, optical RadiLis HEpS-9100 SERIES Features • HIGH PERFORMANCE • HIGH RESOLUTION • LOW COST • EASY TO MOUNT • NO SIGNAL ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED • INSENSITIVE TO RADIAL AND AXIAL PLAY • SMALL SIZE • -40°C to 100°C OPERATING TEMPERATURE " TWO CHANNEL QUADRATURE OUTPUT • TTL COMPATIBLE • SINGLE 5 V SUPPLY Description The HEDS-9100 series is a high performance, low cost, optical incremental encoder module. When operated in conjunction with a codewheel, this module detects rotary position. The module consists of a lensed LED source and a detector IC enclosed in a small C-shaped plastic package. Due to a highly collimated light source and a unique photodetector array, the module is extremely tolerant to mounting misalignment. The standard resolutions presently available range from 96 cpr to 512 cpr for use with a HEDS-5100 series codewheel or the equivalent. Consult local Hewlett-Packard sales representatives for custom resolutions. Applications The two channel digital outputs and the single 5 V supply input are accessed through four 0.025 inch square pins located on 0.1 inch centers. The HEDS-9100 provides sophisticated motion detection at a low cost, making it ideal for high volume applications. Typical applications include printers, plotters, tape drives, and factory automation equipment. ESD WARNING: NORMAL HANDLING PRECAUTIONS SHOULD BE TAKEN TO AVOID STATIC DISCHARGE. package Dimensions ~ z z 8 OATe CODE NOTE 1 ALIGNMENT RECESS '.. OPTICAL CENTER NOTE 1, VY ~·YEAR XX ,. WORK WEEK DIMENSIONS IN MILlIMETEAS AND HNCHESf END VIEW 4-11 SIDEB Block Diagram output Waveforms I------c------+j I 14 I I I I CHANNEL A 3 1 ..!:!&to, w C :J CHANNEL B .... ~ 15 "<: I I I I I IGNO IL I L _______ ...l EMITTER SECTION ______________ CODe .J 1 DETECTOR SECTION WHEEL ROTATION Theory of Operation 1 Shaft Rotation = 360 mechanical degrees = N cycles The HEDS-9100 is a C-shaped emitter/detector module, Coupled with a codewheel it translates the rotary motion of a shaft into a two-channel digital output. As seen in the block diagram, the module contains a single Light Emitting Diode (LED) as its light source. The light is collimated into a parallel beam by means of a single lens located directly over the LED. Opposite the emitter is the integrated detector circuit. This IC consists of multiple sets of photodetectors and the signal processing circuitry necessary to produce the digital waveforms. The codewheel rotates between the emitter and detector, causing the light beam to be interrupted by the pattern of spaces and bars on the codewheel. The photodiodes which detect these interruptions are arranged in a pattern that corresponds to the radius and design of the codewheel. These detectors are also spaced such that a light period on one pair of detectors corresponds to a dark period on the adjacent pair of detectors. The photodiode outputs are then fed through the signal processing circuitry resulting in A, A, Sand B. Two comparators receive these signals and produce the final outputs for channels A and S. Due to this integrated phasing technique, the digital output of channel A is in quadrature with that of channel S (90 degrees out of phase). Definitions Count (N) = The number of bar and window pairs or counts per revolution (CPR) of the codewheel. 1 cycle (c) = 360 electrical degrees (Oe) = 1 bar and window pair Pulse Width (P): The number of electrical degrees that an output is high during 1 cycle. This value is nominally 180 °e or V, cycle. Pulse Width Error (I!.P): The deviation, in electrical degrees, . of the pulse width from its ideal value of 180 °e. State Width (S): The number of electrical degrees between a transition in the output of channel A and the neighboring transition in the output of channel S. There are 4 states per cycle, each nominally 90 ° e. State Width Error (I!.S): The deviation, in electrical degrees, of each state width from its ideal value of 90° e. Phase (<1»: The number of electrical degrees between the center of the high state of channel A and the center of the high state of channel B. This value is nominally 90 °e for quadrature output. Phase Error (f!. 2 10 15 elec deg, Parameter Case 1: Module mounted on tolerances 01 ±O.13mm(O.005"). Notes Case 2: Module mounted on tolerances 01 ±O.38mm(O.015"). Electrical Characteristics Electrical Characteristics over Recommended Operating Range, typical at 25° C Parameter Symbol Supply Current Icc High Level Output Voltage VOH Low Level Output Voltage Rise Time Fall Time Min. Typ. Max. Unlls 17 40 mA 0.4 Volts Volts 2.4 VOL tr 200 ns tf 50 ns Notes =-40 p.A Max. IOl =3.2 mA Cl =25 pF Rl = 11 KH pull-up IOH Note: 1. For improved perlo""ance in noisy environments or high speed applications, a 3.3 kn pull-up resistor is recommended. Codewheel Options Recommended Codewheel Characteristics The HEDS-9100 is designed to operate with the HEDS-5100 series codewheel. See ordering information and specifications at the end of this data sheet. CPR (N) OPTICAL RADIUS Rop mm (inch) 96 11.00 (0.433) 100 11.00 (0.433) 192 11.00 (0.433) 200 11.00 (0.433) 256 11.00 (0.433) 360 11.00 (0.433) 400 11.00 (0.433) 500 11.00 (0.433) 512 11.00 (0.433) Figure 1. Codewheel Design Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Window/Bar Ratio w/ b 0.7 1.4 Lw 1.8(.07) Window Length Absolute Maximum Codewheel Radfu$ Rc 2.3(.09) Units mm{inch) Rop+1.9(0.075) mmUnch} 4-13 Notes I ncludes eccentricity errors Mounting Considerations ARTWORK SIDE +-~ ~~ O_'~ __ ___ MOUNTING OPTICAL CENTER ~ . M 2.5 x 0.45 12·56 UNC·281 2 PLACES ~LANE M 2.5xO.45 12·56 UNC·281 2 PLACES ....-1 OPTICAL CENTER -~c-~: -t~ "'-----\-.......j.... t-..1.---+-t:jl~::rt_ I , f\~" T MOUNTING PLANE 127 Q~ ~F'"'",~ 20.9 0.7610.0301 HIGH 2.3610.093I'O.02510.001IDIA. MAX. 4.4510.1751 NOTE 1 ROP+10~i7:71 ~'~~~cO~~1 x 46" CHAMFER NOTE1, THESE DIMENSIONS INCLUDE SHAFT END PLAY, AND CODEWHEE~ WARP. Figure 3. Mounting Plane Side B. Figure 2. Mounting Plane Side A. Connectors Manufacturer Part Number Mounting Surlaee AMP 103686-4 640442-5 Both SideS Berg 65039-032 with Both 4825X-OOO terminals MoJex 2695 series with 2759 series terminals SideS r 7.9~ I 10.210.401 t Figure 4. Connector SP!clflcatlons Ordering Information [ill] 25.15 (0.9901 DIAMETER ~ ~.,. lJ 10.212 + 0.0121 Resolution (Cycles per Revolution) K-96cpr G-360cpr C·100cpr H-400cpr o - 192 cpr A - 500 cpr E • 200 cpr I - 512 cpr F ·256 cpr Shaft Diameter 01-2mm 02-3mm 03 - 1/8 in. 04-5/32 In. 05 -3116 in. 06-1/4 in. 11-4mm 14-5mm 12 - 6 mm UNITS mm(INCHES) Figure 5. HEDS.-5100 Codewheel 4-14 HEWLETT PACKARD L1NEA~ OPTICAL II\ICREMENTAL ENC€JOER MODULE HEOS-9200 SERIES Features • HIGH PERFORMANCE • HIGH RESOLUTION • LOW COST • EASY TO MOUNT • NO SIGNAL ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED • INSENSITIVE TO MECHANICAL DISTURBANCES • SMALL SIZE • -40 0 C TO 1000 C OPERATING TEMPERATURE • TWO CHANNEL QUADRATURE OUTPUT • TTL COMPATIBLE o SINGLE 5 V SUPPLY Description The HEDS-9200 series is a high performance, .Iow cost, optical incremental encoder module. When operated in conjunction with a codestrip, this module detects linear position. The module consists of a lensed LED source and a detector IC enClosed in a small C-shaped plastic package. Due to a highly collimated light source and a unique photodetector array, the module is extremely tolerant to mounting misalignment. The two channel digital outputs and the single 5 V supply input are accessed through four 0.025 inch square pins located on 0.1 inch centers. The standard resolutions available are 4.72 counts per mm (120 cpi), 5.00 courits per mm (127 cpi) and 5.91 counts per mm (150 cpi). Consult local Hewlett-Packard sales representatives for other resolutions ranging from 1.5 to 7.8 counts per mm (40 to 200 counts per inch). Applications The HEDS-9200 provides sophisticated motion detection at a low cost, making it ideal for high volume applications. Typical applications include printers, plotters, tape drives, and factory automation equipment. ESD WARNING: NORMAL HANDLING PRECAUTIONS. SHOULD BE TAKEN TO AVOID STATIC DISCHARGE. package Dimensions ~z 8 ~< 0 COOE N ALIGNMENT REcess Ql tb:~ u > u ~2 0:~Oi .... 1N > OPTION t r:>') ... ALIGNMENT RECESS 1 , 1.S51D.0131-i ~I 11.21 1·).600 SIDE A NOTE 1, yy. VEAR XX = WORK weeK DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS ANI:> [lNCHESI SIDES 4-15 - - - - _ . _ - - - _ ..- Block Diagram output Waveforms rlr----~--------l~ I ,4 I I I I CHANNEL A I3 ~2 CHANNEL 8 I5 I I I I I I I I I I I I Gllio I _______ .JI L EMITTER SECTION CODE CHANNEL B ~---------~----~, DETECTOR SECTION STRIP LINEAR POSITION Theory of Operation The HEDS-9200 is a C-shaped emitter/detector module. Coupled with a codestrip ,it translates linear motion into a two-channel digital output Pitch: 1/0, The unit length per count. Electrical degree (De): Pitch/360, The dimension of one bar and window pair divided by 360. As seen in the block diagram, the module contains a single Light Emitting Diode (LED) as its light source. The light is collimated into a parallel beam by means of a single lens located directly over the LED. Opposite the emitter is the integrated detector circuit This IC consists of multiple sets of photodetectors and the signal processing circuitry necessary to produce the digital waveforms. 1 cycle (C): 360 electrical degrees, 1 bar and window pair. The codestrip moves between the emitter and detector, causing the light beam to be interrupted by the pattern of spaces and bars on the codestrip. The photodiodes which detect these interruptions are arranged in a pattern that corresponds to the count density of the' codestrip. These detectors are also spaced such that a light period on one pair of detectors corresponds to a dark period on the adjacent pair of detectors. The photodiode outputs are, then fed through the signal processing circuitry resulting in A, A, Band B. Two comparators receive these signals and produce the final outputs for channels A and B. Due to this integrated phasing technique, the digital output of channel A is in quadrature with that of channel B (90 degrees out of phase). State Wldth(S): The number of electrical degrees between a transition in the output of channel A and the neighboring transition in the output of channel B. There are 4 states per cycle, each nominally 900 e. Definitions Count density (D): The number of bar and window pairs per unit length of the codestrip. Pulse Width (P): The number of electrical degrees that an output is high during 1 cycle. This value is nominally 1800 e or 112 cycle. Pulse Width Error (Ll.P): The deviation, in electrical degrees, of the pulse width from its ideal value of 1800 e. State Width Error (Ll.S): The deviation, in electrical degrees, of each state width from its ideal value of 900 e. Phase (<1»: The number of electrical degrees between the center of the high state of channel A and the center of the high state of channel B. This value is nominally 90 0 e for quadrature output. Phase Error (Ll.+C",":..:AN",N:.:E::..1I+'0", VOl ¢1 Po (;2 Theory of operation The incremental shaft encoder operates by translating the rotation of a shaft into interruptions of a light beam which are then output as electrical pulses. In the HEDS-5XXX the light source is a Light Emitting Diode collimated by a molded lens into a parallel beam of light. The Emitter End Plate contains two orthree similar light sources, one for each channel. The standard Code Wheel is a metal disc which has N equally spaced apertures around its circumference. A matching pattern of apertures is pOSitioned on the stationary' phase plate. The light beam is transmitted only when the apertures in the code wheel and the apertures in the phase plate line up; therefore, during a complete shaft revolution, there will be N alternating light and dark periods. A molded lens beneath the phase plate aperture collects the modulated light into a silicon detector. The Encoder Body contains the phase plate and the detection elements for two or three channels. Each channel consists of an integrated circuit with two photodiodes and amplifiers, a comparator, and output circuitry. The apertures for the two photodiodes are positioned so that a light period on one detector corresponds to a dark period on the other ("push-pull"). The photodiode signals are amplified and fed to the comparator whose output changes state when the difference of the two photocurrents changes sign. The second channel has a similar configuration but the location of its aperture pair provides an output which is in quadrature to the first channel (phase difference of 90° ). Direction of rotation is determined by observing which of the channels is the leading waveform. The outputs are TTL logiC level signals. The optional index channel is similar in optical and electrical configuration to the Aand B channels previously described. An index pulse of typically 1 cycle width is generated for each rotation of the code wheel. Using the recommended logic interface, a unique logic state (Po) can be identified if such accuracy is required. The three part kit is assembled .by attaching the Encoder Body to the mounting surface using three screws. The Code Wheel is set to the correct gap and secured to the shaft. Snapping the cover (Emitter End Plate) on the body completes the assembly. The only adjustment necessary is the encoder centering relative to the shaft. This optimizes quadrature. and the optional index pulse outputs. Index Pulse Considerations The motion sensing application and encoder interface circuitry will determine the necessary phase relationship of the index pulse to the main data tracks. A unique shaft position can be identified by using the index pulse output only or by logically relating the index pulse to the A and B data channels. The HEDS-5010 allows some adjustment of the index pulse position with respect to themain data channels. The position is easily adjusted during the assembly process as illustrated in the assembly procedures. Definitions Electrical degrees: 1 shaft rotation' = 360 angular degrees = N electrical cycles 1 cycle = 360 electrical degrees Position Error: The angular difference between the actual shaft position and its pOSition as calculated by counting the encoder's cycles. Cycle Error: An indication of cycle uniformity. The difference between an observed shaft angle which gives rise to one electrical cycle, and the nominal angular increment of 1/N of a revolution. Phase: The angle between the center of Pulse A and the center of Pulse B. Index Phase: For counter clockwise rotation as illustrated above, the Index Phase is defined as: 1 = (>1 ->2). 2 >1 is the angle, in electrical degrees between the falling edge of I and falling edge of B. >2 is the angle, in electrical degrees, between the riSing edge of A and the rising edge of I. Index Phase Error: The Ind.ex Phase Error (LlI) describes the change in the Index Pulse position after assembly with respect to the A and B channels over the recommended operating conditions. 4-26 Absolute Maximum Ratings parilln~ter Symbol Min. Max. Units Ts TA -55 -55 ,'100 °Celsius "Celsius ;, ", g mm(1 inch/JooO) T1R Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Vlbratl,on Shaft Aicialfllay, Shaft Eccentricity Plus Radial Play SUPply;Voltage OiJiput,Voltage Output Current per Channel " -0.5 -0.5 ·1 Vee Vo 10 Velocity Acceleiatlqn " Notes 100 20 .50 (20)' " :1 (4) mm(i inch/i000) TlR, 7 Vee 5 Volts Volts mA 30,000 250,000 Ra~::Sec'2 See N<;>te 1 See Ni>te 1 Movement should be limited even under shock conditions. , R;p.M. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Temperature Supply Voltage Code Wheel Gap Shaft Perpendicularity Plus Axial Play Shaft Eccentricity Plus Radial Play Load Capacitance Symbol Min. Max. Units T -20 4.5 85 5.5 1.1 (45) "Celsius Volt mm (inch/i000) mm (Inch/1000) TIR mm (inch/1QOO) TIR pF Yee " 0.25 (i0) 0.Q4 (1.5) 100 CL Notes 'Non-condensing atmos. Ripple < 100mVp- p Nominal gap = 0.63 mm (.025 in.) when shaft is at minimum gap position, 10 mm (OAlnch) from mounting surface. Encoding Characteristics The specifications below apply within the recommended operating conditions and reflect performance at 500 cycles per revolution (N = 500). Some encoding characteristics improve with decreasing cycles (NI. Consult Application Note 1011 or factory for additional details Parameter Symbol Position ErrorWorst Error Full Rotation AS Cycle Error Worst Error Full Rotation e.C Max. Count Frequency fMAX Pulse Width ErrorWorst Error Full Rotation Phase Sensitivity to Eccentricity Min. Typ. Max. Units NotesiSee Definitions) 10 40 Minutes of Arc 1 Cycle = 43.2 Minutes See Figure 5. 3 5.5 Electrical deg. "- 130,000 e.P 200,000 Hertz 16 Electrical deg. f = Velocity (RPM) x N/60 T "" 25° C. f = 8 KHz See Note 2 520 (13) Elec. deg./mm (Elec. deg.lmil) 20 (.5) Elec. deg.hom (Elec. deg.!mil) ~S 25 Electrical deg. T 25" C. f "" 8 KHz See Note 2 Index Pulse Width f1 360 Electrical deg. T "" 25° C, f"" 8 KHz See Note 3 Index Phase Error A I Electrical deg. See Notes 4, 5 Electrical deg. See Note 5 Phase Sensitivity to Axial Play Logic Slate Width ErrorWorst Error Full Rotation Index Pulse Phase Adjustment Range 0 ±70 17 ±130 4-27 mil = inch/1QOO mil = inch/1000 = Mechanical Characteristics Parameter Symbol Dimension Outline Dimensions Tolerance Units +.000 -.015 mm +.0002 -.0005 Inches +.0000 -.0007 inches Notes See Mech. Dwg. Code Wheel Available to Fitthe Following Standard Shaft Diameters 4 2 3 5 5/32 1/8 3/16 Moment of Inertia gcm2 (oz-in-s2) 0.4 (ex lo-6) J Required Shaft Length Bol! Circle Mounting Screw Size 1/4 12.8 (.50) ±0.5 (±0.02) mm (inches) See Figure 10, Shaft in minimum length position. 20.9 (.823) ±0,13 (±.OOS) mm (inches) See Figure 10, 1.6 x 0.35 x 5 mm DIN 84 or 0-80 x 3/16 Bmding Head mm inches Electrical Characteristics When operating within the recommended operating range. Electrical Characteristics over Recommended Operating Range (Typical at 25° C). Parameter Supply Current Symbol Min. Icc High Level Output Voltage VOH Low Level Output Voltage VOL Typ. Max, Units 21 40 mA 36 60 2.4 0.4 RisaTime tr 0.5 Fan Time tf 0,2 Ceo 12 Cable Capacitance Notes HEDS·SOOO (2 Channel) HEDS·5010 (3 Channel) V IOH = -401lA Max. V IOL=3.2 mA Ils CL "" 25 pF, RL =11 K Pull-up See Note 6 pF/metres Output Lead to Ground NOTES: 1. The structural parts of the HEDS-5000 have been tested to 20g and up to 500 Hz. For use outside this range, operation may be limited at low frequencies (high displacement) by cable fatigue and at high frequencies by code wheel resonallces. Resonant frequency depends on code wheel material and number of counts per revolution. For temperatures below -20 0 C the ribbon cable becomes brittle and sensitive to displacements. Maximum operating and storage temperature includes the surface area of the encoder mounting. Consult factory for further information. See Application Note 1011. 2. In a properly assembled lot 99% of the units, when run at 25 0 C and 8 KHz, should exhibit a pulse width error less than 35 electrical degrees, and a state width error less than 45 electrical degrees. To calculate errors at other speeds and temperatures add the values specified in Figures 1 or 2 to the typical values specified under encoding characteristics or to the maximum 99% values specified in this note. 3. In a properly assembled lot, 99% of the units when run at 25 0 C and 8 KHz should exhibit an index pulse width greater than 260 electrical degrees and less than 460 electrical degrees. To calculate index pulse widths at other speeds and temperatures add the values specified in Figures 3 or 4 to the typical 360 0 pulse width or to the maximum 99% values specified in this note. 4. After adjusting index phase at assembly, the index phase error specification (:S:4 '~~A--l .1J 10 V T L~ -------r=~PO ~_ii I ~~ __ J : 1I374LS11 1/674LS14 -=-oJ-.---~----- GROUND 4 - - } (GROUND OR 00 5 -NOT CONNECT) (1/1000 INCH) MILLIMETRES SHAFT ECCENTRICITY - DASHED LINES REPRESENT AN OPTIONAL INDEX SUMMING CIRCUIT. STANDARD 74 SERIES COULO ALSO BE USED TO IMPLEMENT THIS CIRCUIT. Figure 5. Position Error va. Shaft Eccentricity Figure 6. Recommended Interface Circuit 4-29 ... _.. _- _._-----_._------------------------------ .- ....._--_._.- /~r.:::"""\ PINOUT I" ,"" .. ,,) Vee MOUNTING SURFACE ~ Vee CHANNELS Vee CHANNEL I 9 10 ENCODER BODY NOTE: REVERSE INSERTION OF THE CONNECTOR WI LL PERMANENTLY DAMAGE THE DETECTOR IC. MATING CONNECTOR BERG 65-692-001 OR EQUIVALENT Figure 7. Connector Specifications Figure 8. HEDS-5000 Series Encoder Kit M 1.6 x .35 150 GH OR 0-80 UNF·2B --A------+---~~ 20.90 DIA. I.B23DIA.I !"if! A !0'!.20/1.00BI I 25.15 (.9901 DIAMETER 5.38 ± .31 UNITS mm (INCHES) 1- , 1/ .\-~ GROUND N.C. OR GROUND N.C. OR GROUND GROUND BOTTOM VIEW \\ \."':) ;:'\ \ CHANNEL A MILLIMETRE .X±.5 .XX ±.10 (INCHES) (.XX ± .02 .XXX ± .005) 1.212' .0121 Figure 9. Code Wheel Figure 10. Mounting Requirements Ordering Information HEDS-5 OPTION*y PRODUCT TYPE RESOLUTION ICYCLES PER REVOLUTION) C-l00CPR G -360CPR D -192CPR H - 400 CPR E - 200 CPR A - 500 CPR F - 256 CPR I - 512 CPR NOTE: OTHER RESOLUTIONS AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL REQUEST. 0- 28 mm COMPLETE KIT 1-28mm CODE WHEEL 2 - 28 mm ENCODER BODY 3 - 28 mm EMITTER END PLATE' OUTPUTS SHAFT DiAMETER o- 2 CHANNEL DIGITAL 1 - 3 CHANNEL DIGITAL 01-2mm 02-3mm 03- 1/8 in. 04-5/32 in. 05- 3/16 in. MECHANICAL CONFIGURATION 06-1/4;". 11- 4mm 0- 0.6 m (24 In.j CABLE 12 -6mm 14 - 5mm 00 - USE WHEN ORDERING ENCODER BODIES "NO OPTION IS SPECIFIED WHEN ORDERING EMITTER END PLATES ONLY. 4-30 Shaft Encoder Kit Assembly See Application Note 1011 for further discussion. The following assembly procedure represents a simple and reliable method for prototype encoder assembly. High volume assembly may suggest modifications to this procedure using custom designed tooling. In certain high volume applications encoder assembly can be accomplished in less than 30 seconds. Consult factory for further details. Note: The code wheel to phase plate gap should be set between 0.015 in. and 0.045 in. I WARNING: THE ADHESIVES USED MA Y Bli HARMFUL. CONSUL T THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDA TlONS. I READ THE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE END BEFORE STARTING ASSEMBLY. 3.0 ENCODER BODY ATTACHMENT 1.0 SUGGESTED MATERIALS 1.1 Encoder Parts Encoder Body Emitter End Plate Code Wheel 1.2 Assembly Materials RTV - General Electric 162 - Dow Corning 3145 Epoxy-Hysol 1C Acetone Mounting Screws (3) RTV and Epoxy Applicators 1.3 S\lggesled Assembly Tools a) Holding Screwdriver. b) Torque Limiting Screwdriver. 0.36 cm kg (5.0 in. oz.). c) Depth Micrometer or HEDS-8922 Gap Setter. d) Oscilloscope or Phase Meter (Described in AN 1011). Either may be used for two channel phase adjustment. An oscillo,scope is required for index pulse phase adjustment. 3.1 Place the encoder body on the mounting surface and slowly rotate the body to spread the adhesive. Align the mounting screw holes with the holes in the body base. 3.2 Place the screws in the holding screwdriver and thread them into the mounting holes. Tighten to approximately 0.36 cm kg (5.0 in. oz.) using a torque limiting screwdriver if available (See notes a and b below). Remove centering cone if used. Notes: a) At this torque value, the encoder body should slide on the mounting surface only with considerable thumb pressure. b) Thetorque limiting screwdriver should be periodically calibrated for proper torque. 1.4 Suggested Circuits a) Suggested circuit for index adjustment (HEDS-5010). 4.0 EPOXY APPLICATION A OUTPUT TO OSCILLOSCOPE BUFFER A 1/474LS32 For optimal index phase, adjust encoder position to equalize T1 and T2 pulse widths. b) ~hase Meter Circuit Recommended for volume assembly. Please see Application Note 1011 for details. 2.0 SURFACE PREPARATION 4,1 Collect a small dab of epoxy on an applicator. 4.2 Spread the epoxy inside the lower part of the hub bore. 4.3 Holding the code wheel by its hub, slide it down the shaft just enough to sit it squarely. About 3 mm (1/8"). 5.0 CODE WHEEL POSITIONING -----... , . ~ THE ELAPSED TIME BETWEEN THIS STEP AND THE COMPLETION OF STEP 8 SHOULD NOT EXCEED 112 HOUR. ' 2.1 5.1 Clean and degrease with acetone the mounting surface and shaft making sure to keep the acetone away from the motor bearings. 2.2 Load the syringe with RTV. 2.3 Apply RTV into screw threads on mounting surface. Apply more RTV on the surface by forming a daisy ring pattern connecting the screw holes as shown above. . I CAUTION: KEEP RTV AWA Y FROM THE SHAFT BEARING. ,I 4-31 '\ ~, 'J ''); Take up any loose play by lightly pulling down on the shaft's load end. 5.2 Using the gap setter or a depth micrometer, push the code wheel hub down to a depth of 1.65 mm (.065 in.) below the rim of the encoder body. The registration holes in the gap setter will align with the snaps protruding from the encoder body near the cable. 5.3 Check that the gap setter or micrometer is seated squarely on the body rim and maintains contact with the code wheel hub. 5.4 No epoxy should extrude through the shaft hole. DO NOT TOUCH THE CODE WHEEL AFTER ASSEMBL Y. 6.0 EMITTER END PLATE 8.0 INDEX PULSE ADJUSTMEI':IT (HEDS-5010) 8.1 6.1 Visually check that the wire pins in the encoder body are straig.ht and straighten if necessary. 6.2 Hold the end plate parallel to the encoder body rim. Align the guiding pin' on the end plate with the hole in the encoder body and press the end plate straight down until it is locked into place. 6.3 Visually check to see if the end plate is properly seated. Some applications require that the index pulse be aligned with the main data channels. The index pulse position and the phase must be adjusted simultaneously. This procedure sets index phase to zero. 8.2 Connect the encoder cable. 8.3 Run the motor. Adjust for minimum phase error using an oscilloscope or phase meter (see 7.3). 8.4 Using an oscilloscope and the circuit shown in 1.4, set the trigger for the falling edge of the I output. Adjust the index pulse so that Tl and T2 are equal in width. The physical adjustment is a side to side motion as shown by the arrow. 8.5 Recheck the phase adjustment. 7;0 PHASE ADJUSTMENT 8.6 Repeat steps 8.3-8.5 until both phase and index pulse position are as desired. 8.7 No stress should be applied to the encoder package until the RTV has cured. Cure time: 2 hours@70·Cor24hrs.atroom temperature. SPECIALITY TOOLS - Available from Hewlelt-Packard 7.1 a) HEDS-8920 Hub Puller This tool may be used to remove code wheels from shafts after the epoxy has cured. ~ b) H EDS-8922 Gap Setter This tool may be used in place of a depth micrometer as an aid in large volume assembly. The following' procedure should be followed when phase adjusting channels A and '8. k "65"03mm~~ 7.2 Connect the encoder cable. 7.3 Run the motor. Phase corresponds to motor direction. See output waveforms and definitions. Using either an oscilloscope or a phase meter, adjust the encoder for minimum phase error by sliding the encoder forward or backward on the mounting surface as shown above. See Application Note 1011 for the phase meter circuit. (.DSS ± ,001 in.) c) 7.4 No stress should be applied to the encoder package until the RTV cures. Cure time·is 2 hours @ 70· Cor 24 hrs. at room temperature. Note: After mounting, the encoder should be free from mechanical forces that could cause a shift in the encoder's position relative to its mounting surf~ce. In the event that the code wheel has to be removed after the epoxy has set, use the code wheel extractor as follows: 1 Remove the emitter end plate by prying a screwdriver in the slots provided around the encoder body rim. Avoid bending the wire leads. 2 Turn the screw on the extractor counter-clockwise until the screw tip is no longer visible. 3 Slide the extractor's horseshoe shaped lip all the way into the groove on the code wheel's hub. 4 While holding the extractor body stationary, turn the thumb screw clockwise until the screw tip pushes against the shaft. 5 Applying more turning pressure will pull the hub upwards breaking the epoxy bond. 6 Clean the shaft before reassembly. HEDS-892X Centering Cones For easier volume assembly this tool in its appropriate shaft size may be used in step 3.0 to initially center the encoder body with respect to the shaft and aid in locating the mounting screw holes. Depending on the resolution and accuracy required this centering may eliminate the need for phase adjustment steps 7 and 8. Part Number HEDS-8923 HEDS-8924 HEDS-8925 HEDS-8926 HEDS-8927 HEDS-8928 HEDS-8929 HEDS-8931 CODE WHEEL REMOVAL d) 4-32 0 Shaft Size 2mm 3mm 1/8in. 5/32 in. 3/16 in. 1/4 in. 4mm 5mm HEDS-8930 HEDS-5000 Tool Kit 1 Holding Screwdriver 1 Torque Limiting Screwdriver, 0.36cm kg (5.0 in. oz.) HEDS-8920 Hub Puller . 1 HEDS-8922 Gap Setter 1 1 Carrying Case Fli;' 56 mm DIAMETER TWO AND THREE CHANNEL INCREMENTAL OPTICAL ENCODER ~T HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD HEDS-6ooD SERIES Features • • • • • • • • • 192-1024 CYCLES/REVOLUTION AVAILABLE MANY RESOLUTIONS STANDARD QUICK ASSEMBLY 0.2S.mm (.010 INCHES) END PLAY ALLOWANCE TTL COMPATIBLE DIGITAL OUTPUT SINGLE SV SUPPLY WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGE SOLID STATE RELIABILITY INDEX PULSE AVAILABLE Description The HEDS-6000 series is a high resolution incremental optical encoder kit emphasizing ease of assembly and reliability. The 56 mm diameter package consists of 3 parts: the encoder body, a metal code wheel, and emitter end plate. An LED source and lens transmit collimated light from the emitter module through a precision metal code wheel and phase plate into a bifurcated detector lens. The light is focused onto pairs of closely spaced integrated detectors which output two square wave signals in quadrature and an optional index pulse. Collimated light and a custom photodetector configuration increase long life reliability by reducing sensitivity to shaft end play, shaft eccentricity and LED degradation. The outputs and the 5V supply input of the HEDS-6000 are accessed through a 10 pin connector mounted on a .6 metre ribbon cable. outline Drawing l-600(24)-1 ~ION r A standard selection of shaft sizes and resolutions between 192 and 1024 cycles per revolution are available. Consult the factory for custom resolutions. The part number for the standard 2 channel bit is HEDS-600Q, while that for the 3 channel device, with index pulse, is HEDS-6010. See Ordering I nformation for more details. For additional design information, see Application Note 1011. Applications Printers, Plotters, Tape Drives, Positioning Tables, Automatic Handlers, Robots, and any other servo loop where a small high performance encoder is required. 7.62 (Q.3oo) n--+-.... 10C CONNECTOR CENTER POLARIZED PHASE PLATE CODE WHEE~ 26.9 (1.020) 61.:t (2.410) EMlTTE.R END PLATE 3.25 DIA. 10.128) ~==~~ ENCOOER eDDy L,9.6j ~ 1+-_ _ _ 65.9 MAX. DIA., _ _ _...I (0.776) SECTIONA-A TYPICAL DIMENSIONS IN MILUMETRES ANO (INCHES). 4-33 -_ ... __.- _ - - - ... (2.200) Block Diagram and output Waveforms r- - - - - - - - (FOR COUNTER CLOCKWISE ROTATION OF CODE WHEEL AS VIEWED FROM EMITTER END PLATE) REsiSroR- - - ---, I b Vee CHANNEL A > + = = = t ' - o VOA ~}GROUND ---f.!o I ) -J-CG:::H::::AN::.:N::E::..L::..Bf18", I >--=----t/ I I I DOO:OT CONNEGT VOS ~-"''' \ I i r-,".~" >+C:::H:..:AN::.:N::E::..L,--'+,'0", VOl ¢1 Po r/!2 ENCODER BODY Theory of operation The incremental shaft encoder operates by translating the rotation of a shaft into interruptions of a light beam which are then output as electrical pulses. In the HEDS-6XXX the light source is a Light Emitting Diode collimated by a molded lens into a parallel beam of light. The Emitter End Plate contains two orthree similar light sources, one for each channel. . The standard Code Wheel is a metal disc which has N equally spaced slits around its circumference. An aperture with a. matching pattern is positioned on the stationary phase plate. The light beam is transmitted only when the slits in the code wheel and the aperture line up; therefore, during a complete shaft revolution, there will be N alternating light and dark periods. A molded lens beneath the phase plate aperture collects the modulated light into a silicon detector. The Encoder Body contains the phase plate and the detection elements for two or three channels. Each channel consists of an integrated circuit with two photodiodes and amplifiers, a comparator, and output circuitry. The apertures for the two photodiodes are positioned so that a light period on one detector corresponds to a dark period on the other. The photodiode signals are amplified and fed to the comparator whose output changes state when the difference of the two photo currents changes sign ("PushPull"l. The second channel has a similar configuration but the location of its aperture pair provides an output which is in quadrature to the first channel (phase difference of 90 0 I. Direction of rotation is determined by observing which of the channels is the leading waveform. The outputs are TTL logic level Signals. The optional index channel is similar in optical and electrical configuration to the A,B channels previously described. An index pulse of typically 1 cycle width is generated for each rotation of the code wheel. USing the recommended logic interface, a unique logic state (Pol can be identified if such accuracy is required. The three part kit is assembled by attaching the Encoder Body to the mounting surface using two screws. The Code Wheel is set to the correct gap and secured to the shaft. Snapping the cover (Emitter End Platel on the body completes the assembly. The only adjustment necessary is the encoder centering relative to the shaft, to optimize quadrature and optional index pulse output. Index Pulse Considerations The motion sensing application and encoder interface circuitry will determine the need for relating the index pulse to the main data tracks. A unique shaft position is identified by using the index pulse output only or by logically relating the index pulse to the A and B data channels. The HEDS-6010 index pulse can be uniquely related with the A and B data tracks in a variety of ways providing maximum flexibility. Statewidth, pulse width or edge transitions can be used. The index pulse position, with respect to the main data channels, is easily adjusted during the assembly process and is illustrated in the assembly procedures. Definitions Electrical degrees: 1 shaft rotation = 360 angular degrees = N electrical cycles 1 cycle = 360 electrical degrees Position Error: The angular difference between the actual shaft position and its position as calculated by counting the encoder's cycles. Cycle Error: An indication of cycle uniformity. The difference between an observed shaft angle which gives rise to one electrical cycle, and the nominal angular increment of 1/N of a revolution. Phase: The angle between. the center of Pulse A and the center of Pulse B. Index Phase: For counter clockwise rotation as illustrated above, the Index Phase is defined as: <1>1 = (<1>1-<1>21. 2 <1>1 is the angle, in electrical degrees, between the falling edge of I and falling edge of B.2 is the angle, in electrical degrees, between the riSing edge of A and the rising edge of I. Index Phase Error: The Index Phase Error (11<1>11 describes the change in the Index Pulse position after assembly with respect to the A and B channels over the recommended operating conditions. 4-34 Absolute Maximum Ratings Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Symbol Min. Max. Units Ts ·55 -55 100 100 °Oelslus °Celsius 20 g :25(10) mm (inch/10bb) TIR TA Nbtes See Note 1 See 'i: .·. ·,?5 .sl)iiffAxial Play Shaft Eccentricity Plus Radial Play Supplyyglt(!ge .. Outp{JifVoltage Vee Vo -0,5 -0,5 Vee Volts Output Current Velocity '10 -1 5 mA 12.000 250.000 R,pLM, 7 a Aq'celerC!Jign Movement should 6eJimited even under shock cdhdittdO$: ., Recommended operating Conditions Parameter Temperature Supply Voltage Code Wheel Gap Shaft Perpendicularity Plus Axial Play Shaft Eccentricity Plus Radial Play Load Capacitance Symbol Min. Max. Units T -20 4,5 85 5,5 1,1 (45\ °Celsius Volt mm (inch/10pO) mm (inch/1000) TlR Non-condensing atmos, Ripple < 100mVp_p mm (inch/1000) TlR pF 10 mm (0.4 inch) from mounting surface. Vee 0,25 (10) 0,04 (1.5) 100 CL Notes Nominal gap '" 0,76 mm (,030 in,) when shaft is at minimum gap position, Encoding Characteristics The specifications below apply within the recommended operating conditions and reflect performance at 1000 cycles per revolution (N = 1000). Some encoding characteristics improve with decreasing cycles iN\, Consult Application Note 1011 or factory for additional details. Parameter Position Error Cycle Error Max. Count Frequency Pulse Width Error Symbol M) Min. AC fMAX AP 130,000 Typ, Max. Units Notes (See Definitions) 7 18 Minutes of Arc 1 Cycle = 21.6 Minutes See Figure 5. 3 5.5 Electrical deg. 200,000 Hertz 12 . Electrical deg. Phase Sensitivity to Eccentricity 227 i5,8) Elec. deg.!mm (Elec. deg.!mill Phase Sensitivity to Axial Play 20 (.5) Elec. deg.lmm (Elec. deg.lmil) f =Velocity (RPM) x N/60 T=25°C,f=8KHz See Note 2 mil =inch/1000 mil '" inch/1000 = Logic State Width Error olS 25 Electrical deg. T 25°C, f= 8 KHz See Note 2 Index Pulse Width PI 360 Electrical deg. T = 25° C, f See NoteS Index Phase Error A l Electrical deg. See Notes 4, 5 Index Pulse Adjustment Range 17 0 ±165 4-35 Electrical deg. = 8 KHz / Mechanical Characteristics Parameter. Dimension Symbol Outline Dimensions Tolerance Units +.000 -.015 mm +.0000 -.0007 inches Notes See Mech. Dwg. 4 6 8 Code Wheel Available to Fit the Foltowing Standard Shaft Diameters 3/16 1/4 5/16 1/2 5/8 7.7 (110 x 10-6) J Moment of Inertia 3/8 Required Shaft Length Bolt Circle gcm2 (oZ-in-S21 15.9 (0.625) ±0.6 (±.0241 mm (inches 1 See Figure 10. Shaft at minimum length position. 46.0 (1.811) ±0.13 (±.0051 mm (inches) See Figure 10. 2.5 x 0.45 x 5 OR #2-56 x 3/16 Pan Head Mounting Screw Size mm inches Electrical Characteristics When operating within the recommended operating range. Electrical Characteristics over Recommended Operating Range (Typical at 25°CI. Parameter Supply Current Symbol Min. Icc High Level Output Voltage VOH Low Level Output Voltage VOL Typ. Max. Units 21 40 mA 36 60 2.4 0.4 Rise Time Ir 0.5 Fait Time tf 0.2 Ceo 12 Cable Capacitance Notes HEDS-6000 (2 Channel) HEDS-6010 (3 Channel) V IOH '" -401'A Max. V IOL=3.2mA 1'$ CL'" 25 pF, RL = 11 K Pull-up See NoteS pFlmeter Output Lead to Ground NOTES: 1. The structural parts of the HEDS-6000 have been successfully tested to 20g. In a high vibration environment use is limited at low frequencies (high displacement) by cable fatigue and at high frequencies by code wheel resonances. Resonant frequency depends on code wheel material and number of counts per revolution. For temperatures below -20° C the ribbon cable becomes brittle and sensitive to displacements. Maximum operating and storage temperature includes the surface area of the encoder mounting. Consult factory for further information. See Application Note.l 011. 2. In a properly assembled lot 99% of the units, when run at 25° C and 8 KHz, should exhibit a pulse width error less than 32 electrical degrees, and a state width error less than 40 electrical degrees. To calculate errors at other speeds and temperatures add the values specified in Figures 1 or 2 to the typical values specified under encoding characteristics or to the maximum 99% values specified in this note. 3. In a properly assembled lot, 99% of the units when run at 25°C and 8 KHz should exhibit an index pulse width greater than 260 electrical degrees and less than 460 electrical degrees. To calculate index pulse widths at other speeds and temperatures add the values specified in Figures 3 or 4 to the typical 360° pulse width or to the maximum 99% values specified in this note. 4. Index phase is adjusted at assembly. Index phase error Ls the maximum change in index phase expected over the full temperature range and up to 50 KHz, after assembly adjustment of the index pulse position has been made. 5. When the index pulse is centered on the low-low states of channels A and S as shown on page 2, a unique Po can be defined once per revolution within the recommended operating conditions and up to 25 KHz. Figure 6 shows how Po can be derived from A, S, and I outputs. The adjustment range indicates how far from the center of the low-low state that the center of the index pulse may be adjusted. 6. The rise time is primarily a function of the RC time constant of Rl and Cl. A faster rise time can be achieved with either a lower value of Rl or Cl. Care must be observed not to exceed the recommended value of IOl under worst case conditions. 4-36 ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL DEGREES DEGREES 130 lZ0 110 a: a: 100 00 a: a: 90 a: a: WW 80 J:J: 70 ........ 00 60 H 50 ww .... 40 i:el;; 30 ~~ 20 ww 10 ~~ a: a: a: a: a: a: 00 ww J:J: .... .... 00 H WW " ...... .... 5~ i:el;; ==~ ww .. ~~ zz J:J: zz J:J: -10 -20 -30 uu 130 lZ0 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 -10 -20 -30 "" -40 -60 -40 -40 -60 10 0 -20 -30 .. -40 -50 'z" -70 J: -80 . ~ -70 J: -80 u ~ w -60 -60 w -20 i:e -50 'z" 0 -10 ....J: 0 i!: w -30 -40 ~ 100 20 10 -10 ~ 80 30 "'~ ... ::~~~ -~" ..'l~.... 20 w 60 ELECTRICAL DEGREES 30 i:e 40 Figure 2. Maximum Change In Pulse Width Error or In State Width Error Due to Speed and Temperature ELECTRICAL DEGREES .... 0 i!: 20 TEMPERATURE IN DEGREES CENTIGRADE Figure 1. Typical Change In Pulse Width Error or in State Width Error due to Speed and Temperature J: -20 -40 TEMPERATURE IN DEGREES CENTIGRADE " -90 -90 -100 -100 -110 -110 -120 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 -120 100 80 -60 -40 TEMPERATURE IN DEGREES CENTIGRADE -20 20 40 60 80 100 TEMPERATURE IN DEGREES CENTIGRADE Figure 3. Typical Change in Index Pulse Width Due to Speed and Temperature Figure 4. Maximum Change in Index Pulse Width Due to Speed and Temperature PIN 50 . - - . , . - - , - - - - - - - - Vee "a: u. o 1 => " 30 I a: oa: IE .,.,.- 20 z o ;:: ~ 0.1.uF 9~/674LS14 A 40 :il.... z J; 7 10 i..- --- - I--- I--" - 10 99% t- 0.00 (11 .02 V .06 .08 1J --1 T ~_il I l_ I 1/374LSll 1/674LS14 :-~-~--------GROUND {3) 121 .04 ~ 1J -------r=D---Po 1/674LS14 8~--J TYPICAL I-' o . (1/1000 INCH) .10 MILlIMETRES 4 - - } (GROUND OR DO 5 -- NOT CONNECT) SHAFT ECCENTRICITY DASHED LINES REPRESENT AN OPTIONAL INDEX SUMMING CIRCUIT. STANDARD 74 SERIES COULD ALSO BE USED TO IMPLEMENT THIS CIRCUIT. Figure 5. Position Error vs. Shaft Eccentricity Figure 6. Recommended Interface Circuit 4-37 PINOUT PIN.;t 1 2 Vee GROUND N,C. OR GROUND N,C. OR GROUND GROUND Vee CHANNEL B Vee CHANNEL I 5 6 7 8 BOTTOM VIEW FUNCTION CHANNEL A 10 MATING CONNECTOR BERG 65·692·001 OR EOUIVALENT EMITTER END PLATE Figure 7~ Connector Specifications CODE WHEEL ASSEMBLY PHASE PLATE ENCODER BODY Figure 8. HEDS·6000 Series Encoder Kit SETSCREW 2·56 HOLLOW OVAL POINT 8.48! 0.51 10.334 ± 0.020) , MILLIMETRE ,x ± 0.5 .XX ± 0.10 (INCHES) I.XX. 0.02 .XXX' 0.0061 UNITS mm (INCHES) Figure 9. Code Wheel Figure 10. Mounting Requirements Ordering Information OPTION' RESOLUTION tCYClES PER REVOLUTIONI D-192CPR e -200 CPR H-400CPR PRODUCT TYPE 1-512CPR B -1000CPR J-1024 CPR o - 56 mm COMPLETE KtT 1 - 56 mm CODE WHEEL 2 - 56 mm ENCODER BODY 3 - 56 mm EMtTTER END PLATE· A -500CPR NOTE: OTHER RESOLUTIONS AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL REOUEST OUTPUTS o - 2 CHANNEL DIGITAL SHAFT OlAMETER 1 - 3 CHANNEL DIGtTAL 05 - 31161N. 06 - 1/4 IN. 07 -att6IN. 08 - SI8IN. 09 - 112 IN. 10 - 518 IN. MECHANICAL CONfiGURATION 0-0.6 m (24 IN.l CABLE 11-4mm 12-5mm 'NO OPTION IS SPECIFIED WHEN ORDERING EMITTER END PLATES ONLY. IS-amm 00 - use WHEN ORDERING ENCODER aDDlES 4-38 Shaft Encoder Kit Assembly See Application Note 1011 for further discussion. The following assembly procedure represents a simple and reliable method for prototype encoder assembly. High volume assembly may suggest modifications to this procedure using custom designed tooling. In certain high volume applications encoder assembly can be accomplished in less than 30 seconds. Consult factory for further details. Note - the code wheel to phase plate gap should be set between 0.015 in. and 0.045 in. I WARNING: THE ADHESIVES USED MAY BE HARMFUL. CONSULT THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDA TlONS. I READ THE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE END BEFORE STARTING ASSEMBLY. 1.0 SUGGESTED MATERIALS 3.0 ENCODER BODY ATTACHMENT 1.1 Encoder Parts Encoder Body Emitter End Plate Code Wheel 1.2 Assembly Materials RTV-General Electric 162 -Dow Corning 3145 Acetone Mounting Screws 121 1.3 Assembly Tools al Torque limiting screwdriver, 0.5 cm kg. 17.0 in. oz. I. b I Straight edge. Straight within 0.1 mm 10.004 in. I c I Oscilloscope. 1Phase meter may be optionally used for two channel calibration I. dl Hub puller. Grip-O-Matic-OTC #1000 2-jaw or equivalent. Optional tool for removing code wheels. el Syringe applicator for RTV. f) Torque limiting Allen wrench. 0.5 cm kg (7.0 in. oz.) 0.035 in. hex. 1.4 Suggested Circuits a I Suggested circuit for index adjustment (HEDS-6010 I. 74LS14 ll>O--l1J.~ ____----. A OUTPUT TO.OSCILLOSCOPE BUFFER A 3.1 Place the encoder body on the mounting surface and slowly rotate the body to spread the adhesive. Align the mounting screw holes with the holes in the body base. 3.2 Place the two mounting screws into the holding bosses in the body base, as shown. 3.3 Thread the screws into the mounting holes and tighten both to 0.5 cm kg 17.0 in. oz. I using the torque limiting screwdriver. ISee notes A and BI. 3.4 1/474LS32 Foroptimal index phase adjust encoder pOSition to equalize Tl and T2 pulse widths. bl Phase Meter Circuit Recommended for volume assembly. Please see Application Note 1011 for details. 2.0 SURFACE PREPARATION It is not necessary to center the encoder body at this time. Notes: a I At this torque value, the encoder body should slide on the mounting surface only with considerable thumb pressure. b I The torque limiting screwdriver should be periodically calibrated for proper torque. 4.0 APPLICATION OF RTV TO THE HUB THE ELAPSED TIME BETWEEN THIS STEP AND THE COMPLETION OFSTEPB SHOULD NOT EXCEED 1/2 HOUR. 2.1 Clean and degrease with acetone the mounting surface and shaft making sure to keep the acetone away from the motor bearings. 2.2 Load the syringe with RTV. 2.3 Apply RTV into screw threads on mounting surface. Apply more RTV on the surface by forming iI daisy ring pattern connecting the screw holes as shown above. , CAUTION: KEEP RTVAWAY FROM THE SHAFT BEARING.' , CAUTION: HANDLE THE CODE WHEEL WITH CARE. 4.1 I Make surethatthe hex screw on the hub does not enter intothe hub bore. 4.2 Apply a small amount of RTVonto the inner surface of the hub bore. 4.3 Spread the RTV evenly inside the entire hub bore. 4.4 Holding the code wheel by its hub, slide it down onto the shaft until the shaft extends at least halfway into the bore. 4-39 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . --.._._-_. 5.0 CODE WHEEL POSITIONING 7.0 PHASE ADJUSTMENT 7.1 5.1 Position the Allen torque wrench into the hex set screw in the hub, as shown. 5.2 Pull the shaft end down to bottom out axial shaft play. Using the straight edge, push the top of the hub even with the top of the encoder bocy. The Allen wrench should be used during this movement to apply a slight upward force to the hub, insuring continuous contact between the straightedge and the hub. . The following procedure should be followed when.phase adjusting channels A and B. . 7.2 Connect the encoder cable. 7.3 Run the motor. Phase corresponds to motor direction. See output waveforms and definitions. Using either an oscilloscope or a phase meter, adjust the encoder for minimum phase error by sliding the encoder forward or backward on the mounting surface as shown above. See Application Note 1011 for the phase meter circuit. 5.3 Tighten the hex set screw to approximately 0.5 em. kg. (7.0 in. OZ.I and remove the straight edge. 7.4 No stress should be applied to the encoder package until the RTV cures. Curve time is 2 hours @ 70· Cor 24 hours at room temperature. . 5.4 The code wheel gap may now be visually inspected to check against gross errors. A nominal gap of 0.8 mm 10.030 ·in.1 should be maintained. Note: After mounting, the encoder should be free from mechanical forces that could cause a shift in the encoder's position relative to its mounting surface. 6.0 EMITTER END PLATE 8.0 INDEX PULSE ADJUSTMENT-{HEDS-6010) 8.1 Some applications require that the index pulse be aligned with the main data channels. The index pulse pOSition and the phase must be adjusted simultaneously. This procedure sets index phase to zero. . 6.2 Align the emitter end plate so that the two flanges straddle the track of the encoder body where the wire pins are located. Press the end plate until it snaps into place. 8.2 Connect the encoder cable. 6.3 Visually check to see if the end plate is properly seated. 8.4 Using an oscilloscope and the circuit shown in 1.4, set the trigger for the falling edge of the PI output. Adjust the index pulse so thatTl and T2 are equal in width. The physical adjustment is a side to side motion as shown by the arrow. 8.5 Recheck the phase adjustment. 8.6 Repeat steps 8.3-8.5 until both phase and index pulse position are as desired. 8.7 No stress should be applied to the encoder package until the RTV has cured. Cure time: 2 hours @ 70· C or,24 hours at room temperature. 6.1 Visually check that the wire pins in the encoder body are straight and straighten if necessary. 8.3 Run the motor. Adjustfor minimum phase error using an oscilloscope or phase meter. (See 7.3). 4-40 -------- F/i'PW HEWLETT ~e.tI PACKARO PANEL MOUNT DIGITAL POTENTIOMETER HEDS-7500 SERIES Features • DESIGNED FOR MANUAL OPERATION • SMALL SIZE • RELIABLE OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY • 256 PULSES PER REVOLUTION STANDARD Other Resolutions Available • TTL COMPATIBLE DIGITAL OUTPUT • SINGLE 5 V SUPPLY • -20 0 TO +85 0 C OPERATING RANGE • 0.1 OZ.-IN. NOMINAL SHAFT TORQUE Description The HEDS-7500 series is a family of digital potentiometers designed for applications where a hand operated panel mounted encoder is required. The unit outputs two digital waveforms which are 90 degrees out of phase to provide resolution and direction information. 256 pulses per revolution is available as a standard resolution. The digital outputs and the 5 V supply input of the HEDS-7500 are accessed through color coded wire or through a 10 pin connector mounted on a 6 inch ribbon cable. Each digital output is capable of driving two standard TTL loads. code wheel rotates between the LED and detector to provide digital pulses without wipers or noise. The HEDS-7500 is configured to provide standard potentiometer type panel mounting. Additional design information is available in Application Note 1025. Applications The HEDS-7500 series digital potentiometer may be used in applications where a manually operated knob is required to convert angular position into digital information. The HEDS-7500 emphasizes reliability by using solid state LEDs and photodiode detectors. A non-contacting slotted outline Drawing j---' l61---t----"".911.221 rl13'2gl:~:~1 12.110,Wll 53 I 10POSITlON IPC CONNECTOR C.ENrt:R POLAFUZED OR 4. COLOR CODED ~ ,~ 0 11''';~~=~ L THReAD 31$~32: NUT SUPPLIED i~~~i MAX, OIA. TYPICAlOIM£NS!ONS IN M:tlL1METRESANCHINCHES) 4-41 Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Min. Max. Units Storage Temperature Ts -40 +85 °C Operating Temperature TA -40 Parameter Notes +85 °C Vibration 20 9 20 Hz-2 kHz Shock 30 9 V 11 msec Supply Voltage Vee -0.5 7 Output Voltage Vo -0.5 Vee V Output Current per Channel 10 -1 5 mA 1 Ibs. Ibs. Shaft Load - Radial Axial 1 - Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units T -20 85 °C Vee 4.5 5.5 V 300 RPM Temperature Supply Voltage Rotation Speed Noles Non-condensing atmosphere Ripple < 100 mV p _p Electrical Characteristics When operating within the recommended operating range. Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Range Typical at 25° C. Parameter Symbol Supply Current Icc High Level Output Voltage VOH Low Level Output Voltage VOL Min. Typ. Max. Units 21 40 mA 2.4 0.4 Notes = -40 p.A Max. V IOH V IOL=3.2 mA CAUTION: Device not intended for applications where coupling to a motor is required. WAVEFORMS RECOMMENDED INTERFACE CIRCUIT CHANNEL A f J A 90' ± 4 5 . j - l Vee 1 0 CHA CHANNEL B ILJl CHB~B 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GROUNO GROUND 0 CH B LEADS CH A FOR COUNTERCLOCKWISE ROTATION. CH A LEADS CH B FOR CLOCKWISE ROTATION. STANDARD 74SERIES COULD ALSO BE USED TO IMPLEMENT THIS CIRCUIT. TERMINATION Ribbon Cable Termination Color Coded Wire Termination Ordering Information PINOUT ~ CHANNEL A Vee GROUND N.C. OR GROUND N.C. OR GROUND GROUND DESIGNATION WHITE/BLACK/RED WHITE/BLACK/BROWN WHITE/RED BLACK CHANNEL A CHANNEL B Vee GROUND Vee BOTTOM VIEW 9 10 CHANNEL'B Vee N.C. NOTE: REVERSE INSERTION Of THE CONNECTOR WILL PERMANENTLY DAMAGE THE DETECTOR IC. MATING CONNECTOR BERG 65·692'()01 OR EQUIVALENT 4-42 Part Number Description PPR Termination HEDS-7500 256 Wire HEDS-7501 256 Cable GENERAL PURPOSE MOTION CONTROL Ie . :'II HEWLETT ~ 171~ PAC~ARD Features • DC, DC BRUSH LESS AND STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL o POSITION CONTROL • VELOCITY CONTROL AO,IDaS • PROGRAMMABLE VELOCITY PROFILING o PROGRAMMABLE DIGITAL FILTER o PROGRAMMABLE COMMUTATOR o PROGRAMMABLE PHASE OVERLAP o PROGRAMMABLE PHASE ADVANCE o GENERAL 8 BIT PARALLEL 1/0 PORT Vee PROF INIT CiIiU'I' ffijjI PULSE SIGN • 8 BIT pARALLEL MOTOR COMMAND PORT MCo • PWM MOTOR COMMAND PORT o QUADRATURE DECODER FOR ENCODER SIGNALS o 24 BIT POSITION COUNTER o ~NGLE5VPOWERSUPP~ 1 OR 2 MHz CLOCK OPERATION Package Dimensions ORIENTATION NOTCH: t:::~: mn-----] L NOTES: 'I. EACH PIN CENTERLINE TO 8E LOCATEO WITHIN 0.010" OF ITS TRUE LONGITUOINAL POSITION. 2. LEAO FINISH: SOLOER COAT, r-- -I r- 2.0601 0.010 0•080 t 0.010 --I 0.600tO.Ol0 CToe OFBENOR SEATING PLANE PIN NO, 1 10 0.200MAX 1-1 0.02 MIN ,e~--:!~ .J Me, Me2 'SHO·lu~i.-O-SE""L""E-FT-F-LO"'ATING PINOUT o TTL COMPATIBLE o 7 :±= 4o-PIN PLASTIC DUAL INLINE PACKAGE '" General Description The HCTL-1000 is a high performance, general purpose motion control IC fabricated in Hewlett-Packard NMOS technology, It performs all the time-intensive tasks of digital motion control, thereby freeing the host processor for other tasks. The Simple programmability. of all control parameters provides the user with maximum flexibility and Figure 1. System Block Diagram quick design of control systems with a minimum number of components. All that is needed for a complete servo system is a host processor to specify commands, an amplifier and motor with an incremental encoder. No analog compensation or velocity feedback is necessary (see Figure 1). Table of Contents Page General Description , .. " ... , ... ,',." ............. , 1 Theory of Operation " ... " .. ,', .. , .. , ......... ".,. :2 Absolute Maximum Ratings .... , .. , .. , ............ ,' 3 DC Characteristics .... , ... ,.,'" .:. , .. , .. , . , .. , , , , , ,. 3 AC Characteristics , ... , , ... , , ..' ... , , • , • , .. , , , , , .. , ,. 4 Timing Diagrams " .•• " •. ,., .. "."., .... " •. " .. .',. 5 Functional Pin Description ", ... ,"', .... ,"", ....• 9 Operation of the HCTL-1000 " ......... , ............ 10 - User Accessible Registers . '." . , , , , , ••.•..•.••.•• 10 - Operating Modes ,." .. , ... ,',., .. , ....... ,.,'" 13 - Commutator"" •.. , .. '.,.,.".,',., .. , .. ,""'.'., 17 Interfacing the HCTL-1000 .......... , , ....... , , ...... 20 - I/O Interface '., .. ,', .... ,.," ' ...•• ,"', ... ,......... 20 - Encoder Interface " .. , .. , .. , .............. , , ... , 20 ,.... Amplifier Interface , .•. ', .. " ... , .. , ....... , , , .. , 21 ESD WARNING: Since this is an NMOS device, normal precautions should be taken to avoid static damage. 4-43 PROF INIT r--~-------------------------------, I .. I ADO/DBO MC, AD,/DB, MC, MC, AD2/DB2 AD3/DB3 MOTOR COMMANO AD4/DB4 PORT MC, MC, ADs/DBs MC. DB, MC. DB1 ALE CS PULSE OE SIGN R/W PHA PHB COMMUTATOR i _r;;:;;:;:;, PHC· EXTCLK~ PHD RESET+ I IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CHA CHB Figure 2. Internal Block Diagram Introduction Theory of Operation The purpose of this section is to describe the organization of this data sheet. The front page includes the key features of the HCTL-1000, a general description of the part, the mechanical drawing and pin-out, and a Table of Contents. Following this section is the Theory of Operation, which gives the user a brief overview of how the HCTL-1000 operates by describing the internal block diagram shown in Figure 2. The following five sections give the specifications of the HCTL-1000, including Absolute Maximum Ratings, DC Characteristics, AC Characteristics, Timing Diagrams, and Functional Pin Descriptions. The final two sections include the detailed information on how to operate and interface to the HCTL-1000. The How to Operate section discusses the function and address of each software register, and describes how to use the four position and velocity control modes and the electronic commutator. The How to Interface section describes how to interface the HCTL-1000 to a microprocessor, an encoder, and an amplifier. The HCTL-1000 is a general purpose motor controller which provides position and velocity control for dc, dc brush less and stepper motors. The internal block diagram of the HCTL-1000 is shown in Figure 2. The HCTL-1000 receives it input commands from a host processor and position feedback from an incremental encoder with quadrature output. An a-bit directional multiplexed address/data bus interfaces the HCTL-1000 to the host processor. The encoder feedback is decoded into quadrature counts and a 24-bit counter keeps track of position. The HCTL-1000 executes anyone of four control algorithms selected by the user. The four control modes are: • • • • 4-44 Position Control Proportional Velocity Control Trapezoidal Profile Control for"point to point moves Integral Velocity Control with continuous velocity profiling using linear acceleration --------- ----- - The resident Position Profile Generator calculates the necessary profiles for Trapezoidal Profile Control and Integral Velocity Control. The HCTL-1000 compares the desired position (or velocity) to the actual position (or velocity) to compute compensated motor commands using a programmable digital filter D(z). The motor command is externally available at the Motor Command port as an 8bit byte and at the PWM port as a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signal. - --- -------------- - - - - - - - - - Absolute Maximum Ratings Operating Temperature ................... O°C to 70°C Storage Temperature ................. -40°C to +125°C Supply Voltage ........................... -0.3 V to 7 V Input Voltage ............................ -0.3 V to 7 V Maximum Power Dissipation ................... 0.95 W Maximum Clock Frequency .................... 2 MHz The HCTL-1000 has the capability of providing electronic commutation for dc brushless and stepper motors. Using the encoder position information, the motor phases are enabled in the correct sequence. The commutator is fully programmable to encompass most motor encoder combinations. I n addition, phase overlap and phase advance can be programmed to improve torque ripple and high speed performance. The HCTL-1000 contains a number of flags including two externally available flags, Profile and Initialization, which allow the user to see or check the status of the controller. It also has two emergency flags, Limit and Stop, which allow operation of the HCTL-1000 to be interrupted under emergency conditions. The HCTL-1000 controller is a digitally sampled data system. While information from the host processor is accepted asynchronously with respect to the control functions, the motor command is computed on a discrete sample time basis. The sample timer is programmable. D.C. Characteristics T Parameter A = O°C to +70°C; Vee = 5 V ± 5%; Vss = 0 V Symbol Min. lYP· Max. Units Power Supply Vee 4.75 5.00 5.25 V Supply Current Icc 80 180 mA Iii 10 p.A Tristate Output Leakage Current I'on ±10 p.A Input Low Voltage V Input Leakage Current Teit Conditione "'5.25 V VOUT " -0.3 to 5.25 V VIL -0.3 0.8 Input High Voltage V'H 2.0 Vee V Output low Voltage VOL -0.3 0.4 V Output High Voltage VOH 2.4 Vee V 950 mW 20 pF T A" 25° C, f'" 1 MHz unmeasured pins returned to ground pF Same as above Power DIssipation Po Input Capacitance C'N Output Capacitance load COUT 400 100 4-45 =2.2mA IOH = -200 p.A A.C. Electrical Characteristics· TA =o·c to 70·C; Vcc =5 V± 5%; Units =nsec 2MHz ID# Signal 1 Clock Period Symbol Min. tCPER 500 230 200 = 2 Pulse Width, Clock High 3 4 Pulse Width, Olock Low 5 Input Pulse Width Reset 6 Input Pulse Width StoP. LImit tiP GOO 7 Input Pulse Width Index, Index t,X 8 Input Pulse Width CHA, CHB tlAB 1600 1600 tAB 600 tCPWH tCPWL tOR Olock Rise and Fall Time tlRsT 9 Delay CHA to CHB Transition 10 Input Rise/Fail Time OHA, CHB, Index Input Rise/FaU Time Reset. ALE. OS. DE, Stop, Limit 12 Input Pulse Width ArE, OS tlPW tAC 14 Delay Time. ALE Rise to CS Rise 15 Address Set Up Time Before ALE Rise tOA tASR1 16 Address Set Up Time Before OS Fall 17 Write Data Set Up Time Before OS Rise 18 19 20 21 Delay Time. Write Cyo/e. CS Rise to ALE Fall 22 Delay Time. Read/Write, OS Rise to CS Fait tASR tOSR AddresslOata Hold Time tH Set Up Time, RIW Before CS Rise twos Hold Time, RIW After CS Rise tWH I' 23 Write Cycle, ALE Fall to ALE Fall For Next Write Hm., Cs RI" .. OE 26 27 twe F~I tosOE ay Time. DE Fall to Data Bus valid tOEDe y Time, CS Rise to Data Bus Valid tosoe t Pulse Width DE t'PWOE 28 Hold Time. Data Held After DE Rise tOOEH 29 Delay Time, Read Cycle, CS Rise to ALE Fall tOSALR 30 Read Cycle, ALE Fall to ALE Fall For Next Read 31 Output Pulse Width. PROF. INIT, Pulse. Sign, PHA-PHD, MC Port 32 Output Rise/Fall Time. PROF, INn; Pulse, Sign PHA-PHD. Me Port 50 5000 1100 3100 3100 1100 450 50 80 50 90 50 H 50 20 20 20 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 3400 3000 3530 3200 100 0 1830 1700 100 1800 100 20 3300 100 20 tRC 1820 1950 3320 3450 tOF 500 1000 tOR 20 tEP 20 150 20 300 20 33 Delay Time, Clock Rise to Output Rise 34 Delay Time, CS Rising to MC Port Valid 35 Hold Time, ALE High After CS Rise tcsMO tALH 100 100 36 Pulse Width, ArE High tALPWH 100 100 4-46 Max. 200 tCSAL~ tcscs M 1000 300 50 tlR 13 Delay Time, ALE Fall to OS Fall Max. 2500 t'ABR 11 Clock Frequency 1 MHz 1600 150 300 3200 HCTL-1000 I/O Timing Diagrams Input logic level values are the TTL Logic levels V,L = 0.8 V and V,H = 2.0 V. Output logic levels are VOL = 0.4 V and VOH = 2.4 V. n- ~ INDEX _ _ _ _ __ CHA _~=:r_ INDEX ~ CHB CLOCK RESET i~,~F ----\J,---------i.l~SIGN ~~~~~ _ _ _.....t 4-47 ------ , . _.. _ - - - - _. ._-", . . _0J=:r_ ~ HCTL-1000 I/O Timing Diagrams There are three different timing configurations which can be used to give the uSer flexibility to interface the HCTL-1000 to most microprocessors. See the I/O interface section for more details. ALE/CS NON OVERLAPPED Write Cycle R/W AD/DB ~.I.~ ~ALlD ADDRESS Read Cycle 4-48 HCTL-1000 I/O Timing Diagrams ALE/CS OVERLAPPED Write Cycle t----------i12}----------i RiW AD/DB Read Cycle 4-49 HCTL-1000 I/O Timing Diagrams ALE WITHING CS Write Cycle 1--------------------------~231r_------------------------~ ALE 1-----------{14r----------J+"'--'---------{ }----------l Read Cycle 4-50 Functional Pin Description INPUT/OUTPUT SIGNALS ~ymbol Pin Number Description 2-7 Add1(!lsslData bus - Lower 6 bits of S-bit I/O port which are multiplexed between address and a,l1ta. 6;;9 Data bu~ ;;-Y12R!lr 2 bits 91 8-bit IIQport usest for (jaya only. ADO/DBOAD5/DB5 IJ;ls, D7 INPUT SIGNALS Symbol CHA/CHa Index Description Pin Number 31,30 33 Channel A,a - input pins for position feedback from an incremental shaft encoder. Two channels, A and B. 90 degrees out of phase are required. Index Pulse - input from the reference or Index pulse of an Incremental encoder. Used only In conjunction with the Commutator. Either a low or high true signal can be used with the Index pin. See Timing Diagrams and Encoder Interface section for more detail. R/W 37 Read/Write - determines direction of data exchange for the I/O port. A'l::'E 38 Address Latch Enable - enables lower 6 bits of external data bus into internal address latch. CS 39 Chip Select - performs 110 operation dependent on status of RIW line. For a Write. the external bus data is written into the internal addressed location. For Read, data is read from an internal location into an internal output latch. OE 40 Output Enable - enables the data in the internal output latch onto the external data bus to complete a Read operation. Limit 14 Limit Switch - an Internal flag which when externally set, triggers an unconditional branch to the Initialization/Idle mode before the next control sample is executed. Motor Command is set to zero. Status of the LImit flag is monitored In the Status register. SfOij 15 Stop Flag - an internal flag that is externally set. When flag Is set during Integral Velocity Control mode, the Motor Command is decelerated to a stop. Reset 36 Reset - a hard reset of internal circuitry and a branch to Reset mode. ExtClk 34 External Clock Vec 11,35 Voltage Supply - Both Veo pins must be connected to a 5.0 volt supply. Vss 10,32 Circuit Ground NC 1 Not Connected - this pin should be left floating. OUTPUT SIGNALS Symbol MCO-MC7 Pulse Sign PHA-PHD Description Pin Number 18-25 Motor Command Port - 8-blt output port which contains the digital motor command adjusted for easy bipolar DAC Interfacing. MC7 Is the most significant bit (MSB). 16 Pulse - pulse width modulated signal whose duty cycle is proportional to the Motor Command magnitude. The frequency of the signal is External Clock/lOa and pulse width is resolved Into 100 external clocks. 17 Sign - gives the sign/direction of the pulse signal. 26-29 Phase A. a, C, D - Phase Enable outputs of the Commutator. Prof 12 Profile Flag - Status flag which indicates that the controller is executing a profiled position move in the Trapezoidal Profile Control mode. lnlt 13 Initialization/Idle Flag - Status flag which indicates that the controller is in the Initialization/Idle mode. - - - - - - - - - - - - _. . ._..... 4-51 __ .. -_... _ ... ' - - - .... - ......._------_ .. _--_.. -_._.. _ - - - Operation of the HeTl-1000 F2 - Unipolar Flag - set/cleared by the user to specify Bipolar (clear) or Unipolar (set) mode for the Motor Command port. USER ACCESSIBLE REGISTERS The HCTL-l000 operation is controlled by a bank of 64 8-bit registers, 32 of which are user accessible. These registers contain command and configuration information necessary to properly run the controller chip. The 32 user-accessible registers are listed in Table I. The register number is also the address. A functional block diagram of the HCTL-l000 which shows the role of the user-accessible registers is also included in Figure 3. The other 32 registers are used by the internal CPU as scratch registers and should not be accessed by the user. F3 - Proportional Velocity Control Flag - set by the user to specify Proportional Velocity control. F4 - Hold Commutator Flag - set/cleared by the user or automatically by the Align mode. When set, this flag inhibits the internal commutator counters to allow open loop stepping of a motor by using the commutator. (See "Offset register" description in the "Commutator section.") F5 - Integral Velocity Control- set by the.user to specify Integral Velocity Control. Also set and cleared by the HCTL-l000 during execution of the Trapezoidal Profile mode. This is transparent to the user except when the Limit flag is set (see "Emergency Flags" section). There are several registers which the user must configure to his application. These configuration registers are discussed in more detail below. Program Counter (ROSH) Status Register (R07H) The Program Counter, which is a write-only register, executes the preprogrammed functions of the controller. The program counter is used along with the control flags FO, F3, and F5 in the Flag register (ROOH) to change control modes. The user can write any of the following four commands to the Program Counter. The Status register indicates the status of the HCTL-l000. Each bit decodes into one signal. All 8 bits are user readable and are decoded as shown below. Only the lower 4 bits can be written to by the user to configure the HCTL1000. To set or clear any of the lower 4 bits, the user writes an 8-bit word to R07H. The upper 4 bits are ignored. Each of the lower 4 bits directly sets/clears the corresponding bit of the Status register as shown below. For example, writing XXXX010l to R07H sets the PWM Sign Reversal Inhibit, sets the Commutator Phase Configuration to "3 Phase", and sets the Commutator Count Configuration to "full". OOH - Software Reset 01H -Initialization/Idle mode 02H - Align mode 03H - Control modes; flags FO, F3, and F5 in the Flag register (ROOH) specify which control mode will be executed. The commands written to the Program Counter are discussed in more detail in the section called Operating Modes and are shown in flowchart form in Figure 4. Status Bit Flag Register (ROOH) The Flag register contains flags FO thru F5. This register is also a write-only register. Each flag is set and cleared by writing an 8-bit data word to ROOH. The upper four bits are ignored by the HCTL-l000. The bottom three bits specify the flag address and the fourth bit specifies whether to set (bit = 1) or clear (bit = 0) the addressed flag. Bit number Function 7-4 3 Don't set/clear care 2 1 0 A02 AD1 ADO FO - Trapezoidal Profile Flag - set by the user to execute Trapezoidal Profile Control. The flag is reset by the controller when the move is completed. The status of FO can be monitored at the Profile pin (12) and in Status register R07H bit 4. Fl - Initialization/Idle Flag - set/cleared by the HCTL1000 to indicate execution of the Initialization/Idle mode. The status of Fl can be monitored at the Initialization/Idle pin (13) and in bit 5 of the Status register (R07H). The user should not attempt to set or clear Fl. 4-52 Function Note 0 PWM Sign Reversal Inhibit 0= off 1 =on Discussed in Amplifier Interface section under PWM Port 1 Commutator Phase Configuration 0=3 phase 1 "4 phase Discussed in Oommutator section 2 Commutator Count Configuration o=quadratu re 1 =: full Discussed in Commutator section 3 Should always be set too 4 Trapezoidal Profile Flag FO 1 " in Profile Oontrol 5 Initializatlonlldte Discussed in Operating Flag F1 1 =in Mode sectio~~~~~de Initialization/Idle Mode I nitializalionli 6 Stop Flag Discussed in sel (Stop triggered) Emergency Flags 1 = cleared (no Stop) section 7 Limit Flag Discussed in =: set (Limit triggered) Emergency Flags 1'" cleared (no Limit) section Discussed in Operating Mode section under Trapezoidal Profife Control o" o I TABLE I: REGISTER REFERENCE TABLE Register (Hel() (Dec) ROOH R05H R07H RoaH ROSH ROtH RODH ROEH ROFH R12H R13H R14H R18H R19H R1AH R1BH R1CH R1FH R20H R21H R22H R23H R24H R26H R27H R2aH R29H R2AH R2BH R34H R35H R3CH User f1!l'nctlon Mode Used Data Typel1] Flag Regil\tar ~II All Program Counter Status Register All a bit Motor '@Cftnmand Port 'All PWM Motor Command Pori! iAll Command Position (MSB) All except Proportional Velocity R130 Command Position All except Prop~tional Velooity R140 Command Position (LSB) All exc'ept Proportional Velocity R15D Sample Timer 'All RlaD Aotual Position (MSS) All R190 Actual Position All R20D Actual Position (LSS) All R24D Commutator Ring All Rg.?D Commutator Velocity Timer All R26D X All R27D Y Phase Overlap All R280 Offset All R31D Maximum Phase Advance All All except R32D Filter Zero, A Proportional Velocity R33D Filter Pole, B All except Proportional Velocity R34D Gain, K All R35D Command Velocity (LSB) Proportional Velocity R36D Command Velocity (MSS) Proportional Velocity R38D Acceleration (LSS) Integral Velocity and Trapezoidal Profile R39D AcceleratIon (MSB) I ntegral Velocity and Trapezoidal Profile R400 Maximum Velocity Trapezoidal Profile R41D Final Position (LSB) Trapezoidal Proflle R42D Final Position Trapezoidal Profile R430 Final Position (MSB) Trapezoidal Profile Proportional Velocity R52D Actual Velocity (LSS) R53D Aotual Velocity (MSB) Proportional Velocity R60D Command Velocity Integral Velocity ROOD R050 R070 ROaD R09D R12D - A~ess w w r/w121 Reference Page~1.1lbber r/w "r/w "r/wI3] 10 10 10, 1a 21 22 15 2's complement r/w[3) 15 2'$ complement r/w(3) 15 scalar 2's oomplemEfit 2's complement 2's complement 5calar[6.7) scalar scalar(6) scalad6] 2's complementf7] scalar[6,71 scalar w 13 15 15 15 18 19 18 18 18 scalar r/w 12 scalar 2's complement 2'$ complement scalar r/w r/w r/w r/w 12 15 15 15, 16 scalarl 6] r/w 15,16 scalar(6) 2'5 oomplement 2's complement 2's complement 2's complement 2's oomplement 2'5 complement r/w r/w r/w 16 16 soalar - 2's oomplem~faOH 2's complemei', 2's complement rl4) rf4l/w(5) r[4) r/w w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r r r/w , 19 12 16 16 15 15 15 Noles: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Writing to R13H clears Actual Position Counter to zero. 6. The scalar data is limited to positive numbers (OOH to 7FH). 7. The commutator registers (R18H, Rl CH, Rl FH) have further limits which are discussed in the Commutator section of this data sheet. Consult appropriate section for data format and use. Upper 4 bits are read only. Writing to ROEH (LSB) latches all 24 bits. Reading R14H (LSB) latches data into R12H and R13H. 4-53 POSITIOIII PROFILE GENERATION INTEGRAL VELOCITV 1127H AceEL Msa 1126H ACCEL LSS ~3CH COMMAND VELOCITY TRAPEZOIOAL PROFILE R27H ACCEL M58 1126H ACCEL lsa R2SH MAXIMUM VELOCITY R2aH FINAL POS Msa R~AH fiNAL POS R29H FINAL POS LSD ...... ·· ,·•• COMMANO VELOCITY R24HMSS ~3H COMMAND POSITION ROCHMSS ROOH ROEH LSS LSB I A)\ _o-B----'J ,-----1' J CONFIGURATION ,-==""",R",EG:-;I",ST:::Eo:RS=:---l/ . / ::~ ~~~~::::~~TeR r--- " R07H STATUS FlEGI$TER + _ 1 iL-- Dfd ~ ~ ;r- I I a'BIT PARALLEL MOTOR COMMANO PORT DIGITAL FILTER ~~~~ : R22HK I I L_--~B I ACTUAL VElOCITV R3SHMSS R~4H lSS -I PWM MOTOR COMMAND PORT r - PULSE ...r-- SIGN I R09HI I SAMPLE TIMER I lJ I COMMUTATOR PORT 1118H RING ACTUAL POSITION r------<~ :;:~ : R'21-1 MS8 RI3H I R14H LSI< t A ;; • PROPORTIONAL VELOCITY CONTROL MODE B '" • POSITION CONTROL MODE • INTEGRAL VELOCITY CONTROL MODE • TRAPEZOIDAL PROFILE MODE r-- MCo-MC, L-RO_S_H_ _ _... L-I : :-----------i 'i I 0-----1 I I I 1 I LQUADRATURE DECODER I 1 r-- PHA-PHD R leH OFFSET RlfH MAX ADVANCE R19H VELOCITV TIMER JB Figure 3. Register Block Diagram Emergency Flags - Stop and Limit Stop and Limit flags are hardware set flags that signify the occurrence of an emergency condition and cause the controller to immediately take special action. The Stop flag affects the HCTL-1000 only in the Integral Velocity mode. When the Stop flag is set, the system will come to a decelerated stop and stay in this mode with a command velocity of zero until the Stop flag is cleared and a new command velocity is specified. The Limit flag, when set in any control mode, causes the HCTL-1000 to go into the Initialization/Idle mode, clearing the Motor Command and causing an immediate motor shutdown. When the Limit flag is set, none of the three control mode flags (FO, F3, or F5) are cleared as the HCTL-1000 enters the Initialization/Idle mode. The user should be aware that these flags are still set before commanding the HCTL-1000 to re-enter one of the four control modes from Initialization/Idle mode. In addition, the user should note that if the Limit flag is set while the HCTL-1000 is in Trapezoidal Profile Control mode, then BOTH flags FO AND F5 should be cleared before the HCTL-1000 is commanded to re-enter any of the fou r control modes from Initialization/Idle mode. Stop and Limit flags are set by a low level input at their respective pins (15, 14). The flags can only be cleared when the input to the corresponding pin goes high, signifying that the emergency condition has been corrected, AND a write to the Status register (R07H) is executed. That is, after the emergency pi n has been set and cleared, the flag also must be cleared by writing to R07H. Any word that is written to R07H after the emergency pin is set and cleared will clear the emergency flag, but the lower 4 bits of that word will also reconfigure the Status register. Digital Filter (R22H, R20H, R21 H) All control modes use some part of the programmable digital filter D(z) to compensate for closed loop system stability. The compensation D(z) has the form: 4-54 K(Z-~) D(z) = 256 ---=-4 (z+lL) 256 [1) where: z = the digital domain operator K = digital filter gain (R22H) A = digital filter zero (R20H) B = digital filter pole (R21 H) - - - - - - _ . - - _ . _ - - - _ . _..... The compensation is a first-order lead filter which in combination with the Sample Timer T(ROFH) affects the dynamic step response and stability of the control system. The Sample Timer, T, determines the rate at which the control algorithm gets executed. All parameters, A, S, K, and T, are 8-bit scalars that can be changed by the user any time. The digital filter uses previously sampled data to calculate D(z). This old internally sampled data is cleared when the Initialization/ldle mode is executed. In Position Control, Integral Velocity Control, and Trapezoidal Profile Control the digital filter is implemented in the time domain as shown below: MC n = (K/4)(Xn) - [(N256)(K/4)(X n_1 ) + (S/256)(MC n.1)] [2] where: n = current sample time n-1 = previous sample time MC n = Motor Command Output at n MC n-1 = Motor Command Output at n-1 Xn = (Command Position - Actual Position) at n Xn.1 = (Command Position - Actual Position) at n-1 Velocities are specified to the HCTL-1000 in terms of quadrature encoder counts per sample time. In the Trapezoidal Profile and Integral Velocity Control modes, the minimum velocity which may be specified is one encoder count per sample time. The Proportional Velocity Control mode, allows a minimum velocity of 1 encoder count per 16 sample times to be specified. To achieve the slowest velocities possible, the sample times for the HCTL-1000 must be made as slow as possible. For more information on system sampling times, bandwidth, and stability, please consult Hewlett-Packard Application Note 1032, "Design of the HCTL-1000's Digital Filter Parameters by the Combination Method." OPERATING MODES - Reset - Initialization/ldle -Align. [3] where: Yn = (Command Velocity - Actual Velocity) at n The four control modes available to the user include: - Position Control Proportional Velocity Control Trapezoidal Profile Control I ntegral Velocity Control The HCTL-1000 switches from one mode to another as a result of one of the following three mechanisms: Sample Timer Register (ROFH) The contents of this register set the sampling period of the HCTL-1000. The sampling period is: t = 16(T+1 )(lIfrequency of the external clock) [4] where: T = register ROFH The Sample Timer has a limit on the minimum allowable sample time depending on the control mode being executed. The limits are given below: ROFH Contents Minimum Limit Position Control Proportional Velocity Control Trapezoidal Profile Control Integral Velocity Control . The HCTL-1000 executes anyone of 3 set up routines or 4 control modes selected by the user. The 3 set up routines include: In Proportional Velocity control the digital compensation filter is implemented in the time domain as: MC n = (K/4)(Y n) __ 07H 07H OFH OFH 1. The user writes to the Program Counter. 2. The user sets/clears flags FO, F3, or F5 by writing to the Flag register (ROOH). 3. The controller switches automatically when certain initial conditions are provided by the user. This section describes the function of each set up routine and control mode and the initial conditions which must be provided by the user to switch from one mode to another. Figure 4 shows a flowchart of the set up routines and control modes, and shows the commands required to switch from one mode to another. Set Up Routines (070) (070) (150) (150) 1. RESET The Reset mode is entered under all conditions by either executing a hard reset (Reset pin goes low) or a soft reset (write OOH to the Program Counter, R05H). The maximum value of T (ROFH) is FFH (2550). With a 2 MHz clock, the sample time can vary from 64 !,sec to 2048 !,sec. With a 1MHz clock, the sample time can vary from 128 !,sec to 4096 !,sec. Digital closed-loop systems with slow sampling times have lower stability and a lower bandwidth than similar systems with faster sampling times. To keep the system stability and bandwidth as high as possible the HCTL-1000 should typically be programmed with the fastest sampling time possible. The exception to this rule occurs when the user would like to use the HCTL-1000 to control a motor with an encoder at very slow velocities. When a hard reset is executed, the following conditions occur: - All output signal pins are held low except Sign (17). Databus (2-9). and Motor Command (18-25). - All flags (FO to F5) are cleared. - The Pulse pin of the PWM port is set low while the Reset pin is held low. After the Reset pin is released (goes high) the Pulse pin goes high for one cycle of the external clock driving the HCTL-1000. The Pulse pin then returns to a low output. - The Motor Command port (R08H) is preset to 80H. (1280) - The Commutator logic is cleared. - The 1/0 control logic is cleared. - A soft reset is automatically executed. 4-55 When a soft reset is executed, the following conditions occur: - The digital filter parameters are preset to A (R20H) = ESH (229D) 8 (R21 H) = K (R22H) = 40H (64D) - The Sample Timer (ROFH) is preset to 40H. (64D) - The Status register (R07H) is cleared. - The Actual Position Counters (R12H, R13H, R14H) are cleared to O. From Reset mode, the HCTL-1000 goes automatically to Initialization/Idle mode. RESET PIN LOW 2. INITIALIZATION/IDLE The Initialization/Idle mode is entered either automatically from Reset, by writing 01 H to the Program Counter (ROSH) under' any conditions, or pulling the Limit pin low. In .the Initialization/Idle mode, the following occur: - The Initialization/Idle flag (F1) is set. - The PWM port R09H is set to OOH (zero command). - The Motor Command port (R08H) is set to 80H (128D) (zero command). - Previously sampled data stored in the digital filter is cleared. It is at this point that the user should pre-program all the necessary registers needed to execute the desired control mode. The HCTL-1000 stays in this mode (idling) until a new mode command is given. WRITE DOH TO ROSH 3. ALIGN WRITE 01H TO ROSH WRITE 03H TO ROSH SET/CLEAR FO, F3,OR FS* FO TRAI'EZOIOAL PROFIL' (CoNTROLLER CLEARS . FOAT TH£ END OF THE MoV1!.! F3 PROPORTioNAL VELOCITY CoNTROL FS INTEGRAL VE~QCITY CONTROL POSITION CONTROL The Align mode is executed only when using the commutator feature of the HCTL-1000. This mode automatically aligns multiphase motors to the HCTL-1000's internal Commutator. The Align mode can be entered only from the Initialization/ Idle mode by writing 02H to the Program Counter register (ROSH). 8efore attempting to enter the Align mode, the user should clear all control mode flags and set both the Command Position registers (ROCH, RODH, and ROEH) and the Actual Position registers (R12H, R13H, and R14H) to zero. After the Align mode has been executed, the HCTL-1000 will automatically enter the Position Control mode and go to position zero. 8y following this procedure, the largest movement in the Align mode will be 1 torque cycle of the motor. The Align mode assumes: the encoder index pulse has been physically aligned to the last motor phase during encoder/motor assembly, the Commutator parameters have been correctly preprogrammed (see the section called The Commutator for details), and a hard reset has been executed while the motor is stationary. The Align mode first disables the Commutator and with open loop control enables the first phase (PHA) and then the last phase (PHC or PHD) to orient the motor on the last phase torque detent. Each phase is energized for 2048 system sampling periods (t). For proper operation, the motor must come to a complete stop during the last phase enable. At this point the Commutator is enabled and commutation is closed loop. The HCTL-1000 then switches automatically from the Align mode to Position Control mode. Control Modes 'Only one flag can be set at a time. Figure 4. Operating Mode Flowchart Control flags FO, F3, and FS in the Flag register (ROOH) determine which control mode is executed. Only one control flag can be set at a time. After one of these control flags is set, the control modes are entered either automatically from Align or from the Initialization/Idle mode by writing 03H to the Program Counter (ROSH). 4-56 1. POSITION CONTROL FO, F3, FS cleared. Position Control performs point-to-point position moves with no velocity profiling. The user specifies a 24-bit position command, which the controller compares to the 24-bit actual position. The position error is calcuated, the full digital lead compensation is applied and the motor command is output. The controller will remain position-locked at a destination until a new position command is given. The actual and command position data is 24-bit two'scomplement data stored in six 8-bit registers. Position is measured in encoder quadrature counts. The command position resides in ROCH (MSB), ROOH, ROEH (LSB). Writing to ROEH latches all 24 bits at once for the control algorithm. Therefore, the command position is written in the sequence ROCH, ROOH and ROEH. The command registers can be read in any desired order. Because the Command Velocity registers (R24H and R23H) are internally interpreted by the HCTL-1000 as 12 bits of integer and 4 bits of fraction, the host processor must multiply the desired command velocity (in quadrature counts/sample time) by 16 before programming it into the HCTL-1000's Command Velocity registers. The actual velocity is computed only in this algorithm and stored in scratch registers R35H (MSB) and R34H (LSB). There is no fractional component in the actual velocity registers and they can be read in any order. The controller tracks the command velocity continuously until new mode command is given. The system behavior after a new velocity command is governed only by the system dynamics until a steady state velocity is reached. The actual position resides in R12H (MSB), R13H, and R14H (LSB). Reading R14H latches the upper two bytes into an internal buffer. Therefore, Actual Position registers are read in the order of R14H, R13H, and R12H for correct instantaneous position data. The Actual Position registers cannot be written to, but they can all be cleared to 0 simultaneously by a write to register R13H. The largest position move possible in Position Control mode is 7FFFFFH (8,388,6070) quadrature encoder counts. 3. INTEGRAL VELOCITY CONTROL FS set Integral Velocity Control performs continuous velocity profiling which is specified by a command velocity and command acceleration. Figure 5 shows the capability of this control algorithm. The user can change velocity and acceleration any time to continuously profile velocity in time. Once the specified velocity is reached, the HCTL-1000 will maintain that velocity until a new command is specified. Changes between actual velocities occur at the presently specified linear acceleration. F3 set The command velocity is an 8-bit two's-complement word stored in R3CH. The units of velocity are quadrature counts/sample time. Proportional Velocity Control performs control of motor speed using only the gain factor, K, for compensation. The dynamic pole and zero lead compensation are not used. (See the "Digital Filter" section of this data sheet.) The conversion from rpm to quadrature counts/sample time is shown in equation 5. The Command Velocity register (R3CH) contains only integer data and has no fractional component. The command and actual velocity are 16-bit two's-complement words. While the overall range of the velocity command is 8 bits, two's-complement, the difference between any two sequential commands cannot be greater than 7 bits in magnitude (i.e., 127 decimal). For example, when the HCTL-1000 is executing a command velocity of 40H (+640), the next velocity command must fall in the range of 7FH (+1270), the maximum command range, to C1H (-630), the largest allowed difference. 2. PROPORTIONAL VELOCITY CONTROL The command velocity resides in registers R24H (MSB) and R23H (LSB). These registers are unlatched which means that the command velocity will change to a new velocity as soon as the value in either R23H or R24H is changed. The registers can be read or written to in any order. R24H IIII IIII The command acceleration is a 16-bit scalar word stored in R27H and R26H. The upper byte (R27H) is the integer part and the lower byte (R26H) is the fractional part R23H IIII.FFFF COMMAND VELOCITY FORMAT The units of velocity are quadrature counts/sample time. To convert from rpm to quadrature counts/sample time, use the formula shown below: Vq = (Vr)(N)(t)(0.01667/rpm-sec) [5] Where: Vq =velocity in quadrature counts/sample time Vr = velocity in rpm N = 4 times the number of slots in the codewheel (i.e., quadrature counts). t = The HCTL-1000 sample time in seconds. (See the section on the HCTL-1000's Sample Timer register). 4-57 (2) CD USER CHANGES ACCELERATION COMMAND USER CHANGES VELOCITY COMMAND Figure 5. Inlegral Velocily Mode provided for resolution. The integer part has a range of OOH to 7FH, The contents of R26H are internally divided by 256 to produce the fractional resolution. ~ VELOCITY _ _ _ _ _. - - MAXIMUM VELOCITY USEVkeEL ..- FO SET BY AC~ ~~ ._-- "\rCTl-1000 CLEARED BY L----~----~T~R~A~PE~Z~O~ID~A~L----~~-----t R27H R26H OIllIIII FFFFFFFF/256 -+--- MAXIMUM VELOCITY COMMAND ACCELERATION FORMAT VELOCITY FOSE~ACCEL BY USEr t FOClEARED BY H TL-1000 •t r L-____~~------~------~~---_t The units of acceleration are quadrature counts/sample time squared. TRIANGULAR To convert from rpm/sec to quadrature counts/[sample time]2, use the formula shown below: Aq = (Ar)(N)(t2)(0.01667/rpm-sec) ACCEL 1/2 WAY TO FINAL POSITION FINAL POSITION Figure 6. Trapezoidal Profile Mode [6] 4. TRAPEZOIDAL PROFILE CONTROL Where: Aq = Acceleration in quadrature counts/[sample timej2 Ar = Acceleration in rpm/sec N = 4 times the number of slots in the codewheel (i.e., quadrature counts) t = The HCTL-1000 sample time in seconds. (See the section on the HCTL-1000's Sample Timer register). FO-Set Trapezoidal Profile Control performs point-to-point position moves and profiles the velocity trajectory to a trapezoid or triangle. The user specifies only the desired final position, acceleration and maximum velocity. The controller computes the necessary profile to conform to the command data. If maximum velocity is reached before the distance halfway point, the profile will be trapeZOidal, otherwise the profile will be triangular. Figure 6 shows the possible trajectories with Trapezoidal Profile control. Because the Command Acceleration registers (R27H and R26H) are internally interpreted by the HCTL-1000 as 8 bits of integer and 8 bits of fraction, the host processor must multiply the desired command acceleration (in quadrature counts/[sample timej2) by 256 before programming it into the HCTL-1000's Command Acceleration registers. Internally, the controller performs velocity profiling through position control. Each sample time, the internal profile generator uses the information which the user has programmed into the Command Velocity register (R3CH) and the Command Acceleration registers (R27H and R26H) to determine the value which will be automatically loaded into the Command Position registers (ROCH, RODH, and ROEH). After the new command position has been generated, the difference between the value in the Actual Position registers (R12H, R13H, and R14H) and the new value in the Command Position registers is calculated as the new position error. This new position error is used by the full digital compensation filter to compute a new motor command output for this sample time. The register block diagram in Figure 3 further shows how the internal profile generator works in Integral Velocity mode. In control theory terms, integral compensation has been added and therefore, this system has zero steady-state error. Although Integral Velocity Control mode has the advantage over Proportional Velocity mode of zero steady state velocity error, its disadvantage is that the closed loop stability is more difficult to achieve. In Integral Velocity Control mode, the system is actually a position control system and therefore the complete dynamic compensation D(z} is used. If the external Stop flag F6 is set during this mode signaling an emergency situation, the controller automatiically decelerates to zero velocity at the presently specified acceleration factor and stays in this condition until the flag is cleared. The user then can specify new velocity profiling data. The command data for Trapezoidal Profile Control mode consists of a final position, a command acceleration, and a maximum velocity. The 24-bit, two's-complement final position is written to registers R2BH, (MSB), R2AH, and R29H (LSB). The 16-bit command acceleration resides in registers R27H (MSB) and R26H (LSB). The command acceleration has the same integer and fraction format as discussed in the Integral Velocity Control mode section. The 7-bit maximum velocity is a scalar value with the range of OOH to 7FH (OD to 127D). The maximum velocity has the units of quadrature counts per sample time, and resides in register R28H. The command data registers may be read or written to in any order. The internal profile generator produces a position profile using the present Command Position (ROCH-ROEH) as the starting point and the Final Position (R2BH-R29H) as the end point. Once the desired data is entered, the user sets flag FO in the Flag register (ROOH) to commence motion (if the HCTL-1000 is already in Position Control mode). When the profile generator sends the last pOSition command to the Command Position registers to complete the trapezoidal move, the controller clears flag FO. The HCTL-1000 then automatically goes to Position Control mode with the final pOSition of the' trapezoidal move as the command pOSition. When the HCTL-1000 clears flag FO it does NOT indicate that the motor and encoder are at the final pOSition NOR that the motor and encoder have stopped. The motor and encoder's true position can only be determined by reading the Actual Position registers. The only Way to determine if the motor 'and encoder have stopped is to read the Actual Position registers at successive intervals. 4-58 The status of the Profile flag can be monitored both in the Status register (R07) and at the external Profile pin (pin 12) at any time. While the Profile flag is high NO new command data should be sent to the controller. Each sample time, the internal profile generator uses the information which the user has programmed into the Maximum Velocity register (R28H), the Command Acceleration registers (R27H and R26H), and the Final Position registers (R2BH, R2AH, and R29H) to determine the value which will be automatically loaded into the Command Position registers (ROEH, RODH, and ROCH). After the new command position has been generated, the difference between the value in the Actual Position registers (R12H, R13H, and R14H) and the new value in the Command Position registers is calculated as the new position error. This new position error is used by the full digital compensation filter to compute a new motor cor:nmand ouput for the sample time. (The register block diagram in Figure 3 further shows how the internal profile generator works in Trapezoidal Profile mode.) --POSITIVE DIRECT1QN_ 1 _ 1 1 - - - - - - - - 1 MOTOR REVOLUTION ----PHA -------PHB ---PHC -----PHO -------1 EXAMPLE: 4 PHASE, 2 POLE MOTOR POSITION ENCODER INDEX PULSE AT POINTS CD OR@ COMMUTATOR The commutator is a digital state machine that is configured by the user to properly select the phase sequence for electronic commutation of multi phase motors. The Commutator is designed to work with 2, 3, and 4-phase motors of various winding configurations and with various encoder counts. Along with providing the correct phase enable sequence, the Commutator provides programmable phase overlap, phase advance, and phase offset. Figure 7. Index Pulse Alignment to Molor Torque Curves CHANNEL A & B DETECTORS INDEX PULSE DETECTOR Phase overlap is used for better torque ripple control. It can also be used to generate unique state sequences which can be further decoded externally to drive more complex amplifiers and motors. Phase advance allows the user to compensate for the frequency characteristics of the motor/amplifier combination. By advancing the phase enable command (in position), the delay in reaction of the motor/amplifier combination can be offset and higher performance can be achieved. Phase offset is used to adjust the alignment of the commutator output with the motor torque curves. By correctly aligning the HCTL-1000's commutator output with the motor's torque curves, maximum motor output torque can be achieved. ENCODER CODEWHEEL Figure 8. Codewheellndex Pulse Alignment The inputs to the Commutator are the three encoder signals, Channel A, Channel B, and Index, and the configuration data stored in registers. The Commutator uses both channels and the index pulse of an incremental encoder. The index pulse of the encoder must be physically aligned to a known torque curve location because it is used as the reference point of the rotor position with respect to the Commutator phase enables. The index pulse should be permanently aligned during motor encoder assembly to the last motor phase. This is done by energizing the last phase of the motor during assembly and permanently attaching the encoder codewheel to the motor shaft such that the index pulse is active as shown in Figures 7 and 8. Fine tuning of alignment for commutation purposes is done electronically by the Offset register (R1 CH) once the complete control system is set up. 4-59 SIGN PWM PULSE A HeTl·1OO TTL OUTPUT PHA TO POWER AMPLIFIERS PHB COMMUTATOR PHe PHD 0 Figure 9. PWM Interface to Brushless DC Motors 3 PHASE Each time an index pulse occurs, the internal commutator ring counter is reset to O. The ring counter keeps track of the current position of the rotor based on the encoder feedback. When ttie ring counter is reset to 0, the Commutator is reset to its origin (last phase going low, phase A going high) as shown in Figure 10. ENCODER: 90 COUNTS/REVOLUTION FULL COUNTS RING' 9 CASE X V , 2 3 4 OCCURS AT 3 0 2 1 2 2 THE ORIGIN 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 51s 7 OFFSET ADVANCE The output of the Commutator is available as PHA, PHB, PHC, and PHD on pins 26-29. The HCTL-1000's commutator acts as the electrical equivalent of the mechanical brushes in a motor. Therefore, the outputs of the commutator provide only proper phase sequencing for bidirectional operation. The magnitude information is provided to the motor via the Motor Command and PWM ports. The outputs of the commutator must be combined with the outputs of one of the motor ports to provide proper DC brush less and stepper motor control. Figure 9 shows an example of circuitry which uses the outputs of the commutator with the Pulse output of the PWM port to control a DC brush less or stepper motor. A similar procedure could be used to combine the commutator outputs PHA-PHD with a linear amplifier interface output (Figure 15) to create a linear amplifier system. OUTPUT VOLTAGE INDEX PULSE COUNTS , (INPUT) 8485 8S{S7 88 89tO 1 213 4 8! 91011 I PHA r--x--l 0 ~ I PHC I I IX! ~RING(1)~ : CD PHA Iv x Iv PHC PHA 1. STATUS REGISTER (R07H) 0 vi OFFSE:~ Ivl x Iv PHe PHA : I-- PHe I 0 xlvi I v I xlvi RINGI1II 1·1 I I IvI x Iv Jv PHB Bit #2 only affects the commutator's counting method. This includes the Ring register (R18H), the X and Y registers (R1 AH & R1 BH), the Offset register (R1 CH), the Velocity Timer register (R19H), and the Maximum Advance register (R1FH). , Iv I x Iv Ivl x Iv Iv I x Iv I I --+RINGII't-------l I I I I I I v I x Iv I I vi x vi PHB Bit #1 -0 = 3-phase configuration, PH A, PHB, and PHC are active outputs. 1 = 4-phase configuration, PHA - PHD are active outputs. Bit #2 - 0 = Rotor position measured in quadrature counts (4x decoding). 1 = Rotor position measured in full counts (1 count = i codewheel bar and space.) I I Lvi x I vi Commutation Configuration Registers The Commutator is programmed by the data in the following registers. Figure 10 shows an example of the relationship between all the parameters. .r> "----- ------ CK 12BIT BINARVCTR 12BIT lATCH 4X DECODE lOGIC CHA CNT CNT 00·07 12 Qll UP/ON CHANNEL B 00- UP/ON CK ClR Do-011 CK ClR SE.l INH DE CH B-I'!>-+-4 INHIBIT r---------------, INHIBIT lOGIC SEl------+_-~~-------r_----~------------+_--~ ~------~-~+_--------~+_--------+_----------------------_r-------J Figure 6. Simplified Logic Diagram straint derives from the operation of the input filters. It relates the maximum clock period to the minimum encoder pulse width. The second constraint derives from the decoder operation and is covered in the "Quadrature Decoder" section. It relates the maximum clock period to the minimum encoder state width (Tes). DIGITAL FILTER The digital filter section is responsible for rejecting noise on incoming quadrature signals. Schmitt-trigger conditioning addresses the problems of slow rise and fall times and low level noise. The major task of the filter is to deal with short-duration noise pulses that cause the input logic level to momentarily change. Due to the nature of quadrature decoding, noise pulses on one channel will not cause a count error, but the coincidence of two overlapping noise pulses, one on each input, can cause illegal state transitions. False counts of undetermined direction will result from the decoding of these illegal transitions (see Fig. 8). A pair of filters rejects these noise pulses by sampling the CHA and CHB logiC levels and storing a time history in a pair of shift registers. For each channel, if the input level has had the same value on three consecutive riSing clock edges, that val ue becomes the new output of the filter; otherwise the output is unchanged. This means that the CHA filter output cannot change from high to low until the CHA input has been low for three consecutive rising clock edges. CHB is treated the same as CHA. The operation of this digital filter section places one of two timing constraints on the minimum clock frequency in relationship to the encoder count frequency. The first con- The explanation of constrai nt one above is as follows: It takes a minimum of four positive clock transitions for a new logic level on either CHA or CHB to propagate through their respective filters, but the signal only needs to be stable for tliree consecutive rising clock edges (See Figure 7). This means that the minimum encoder pulse width (Te) on each channel must be;:: 3TCLK, where TCLK is the period of the clock. In the presence of noise, the filter will require that 3TCLK be less than T e, since noise pulses will interrupt the required three consecutive constant level samples necessary for the filter to accept a new input level. In general, the types of noise that this filter will deal with will derive from the rotating system, i.e., motor noise, capacitively coupled level changes from other encoder channels, etc. As such, these noise sources will be periodic in nature and proportional to the encoder frequency. Design for noise of this type is discussed later in the "Filter Optimization" section. 4-72 ClK CHA~ I r---T·-----;:::I.=-;:T-:-:::es~~=·==;'-T.=====1 I. r- I CHB_------!I T.--~·o+ol·~--T.-----I·I Figure 7. Minimum Encoder Pulse Width with Respect to TelK In addition to problems with noise, other common signal problems enter into the determination of the maximum TClK for each application. The following quadrature signal aberrations can all be accounted for by designing with short enough TClK to accommodate the reduction of the effective encoder pulse width: 1) non-ideal encoder rise and fall times, 2) asymmetric pulses, 3) short « 180 electrical degrees) pulses. The combination of the following two errors must be examined in light of the minimum state width constraint to ensure proper operation of the decoder section: 1) Phase shift deviations from 90 electrical degrees between the CHA and CHB signals; 2) Pulse width errors resulting in Te shorter than 180 electrical degrees in either or both CHA and CHB. Design for these conditions is discussed in the "Filter Optimization" section. Designing for these non-ideal signals is discussed later in the "Filter Optimization" section. COUNT Up ~ , QUADRATURE DECODER The Quadrature Decoder section samples the outputs from the CHA and CHB filters. Sampling occurs on the rising clock edge. The Decoder Section observes changes in these outputs, and, on the rising clock edge, it outputs two signals to the position counter. These signals specify when to count and in which direction (up or down). Encoder state changes are detected by comparing the previous sampled state to the current sampled state. If the two are different, the counter section is signaled to count on the next rising clock edge. Count direction (up or down) is also determined by observing the previous and current states, as shown in the quadrature state transition diagram (figure 8). An illegal state transition, caused by a faulty encoder or noises severe enough to pass the filter, will produce a count but in an undefined direction. The second constraint on the relationship between TCLK and the input quadrature signal, as previously mentioned in the "Digital Filter" section, is the requirement by the 4x decoder for at least one positive clock transition to occur during each quadrature state to detect the state. This constraint is satisfied if: Tes > TClK, where Tes is the time interval corresponding to the shortest state width at the maximum system velocity. 4-73 3 ,,~ , , CHA eKS 0 , STATE 2 0 , 3 0 0 4 1 Figure 8. Elements of 4x Quadrature Decoding POSITION COUNTER This section consists of a 12-bit binary up/down counter which counts on rising clock edges as specified by the Quadrature Decode Section. All twelve bits of data are passed to the position data latch. The system can use this count data in three ways: A. System total range is :512 bits, so the count represents "absolute" position. B. The system is cyclic with :512 bits of count per cycle, RST is used to reset the counter every cycle, and the system uses the data to interpolate within the cycle. C. System count is >12 bits, so the count data is used as a relative or incremental position input for a system computation of absolute position. In case C above, counter rollover occurs. In order to prevent loss of position information, the processor must read the outputs of the HCTL-2000 at intervals shorter than 512 times the minimum encoder line period. This minimum line period (Tel p) corresponds to the maximum encoder velocity of the design. Two's complement arithmetic is normally used to compute position from these periodic position updates. POSITION DATA LATCH This section is a 12-bit latch which captures the position counter output data on each rising clock edge, except when its inputs are disabled by the inhibit logic section during two-byte read operations. The output data is passed to the bus interface section. The latch is cleared asynchronously by the RST signal. When active, a signal from the inhibit logic section prevents new data from being captured by the latch, keeping the data stable while successive byte-reads are made through the bus interface section. of the position data latch output. Since the latch is only twelve bits wide, the upper four bits of the high byte are internally set to zero. The SEL and OE signals determine which byte is output and whether or not the output bus is in the high-Z state, respectively. INHIBIT LOGIC The Inhibit Logic Section samples the OE and SEL signals on the falling edge of the clock and, in response to certain conditions (see Figure 9 below), inhibits the position data latch. The RST signal asynchronously clears the inhibit logic, enabling the latch. sTEP SEL t L .2 tI ACTION 'SET"INtlIBIT, READ HI Tesmin and Tmn < 2T CLK. This noise can be subdivided into four categories, each having different design constraints. These categories are differentiated by the pulse width of noise on the individual encoder channels. T nl = The fundamental period characteristic of a periodic noise source T CLK = Period of HCTL-2000 clock input signal T mn = Maximum pulse duration of encoder noise Temin = Te(min) = Minimum encoder line pulse width including encoder errors Tesmin = Tes(min) = Minimum encoder statewidth including encoder errors Telpmin = Period of maximum designed encoder line frequency RPM = Maximum designed operating speed of the encoder in revolutions per minute N = Encoder line count = Number of encoder counts per revolution Kl = 60 sec.!min. Dependant channel noise, as below in case Band C in Table 6, is noise where the superposition of noise from both encoder channels does not display a period shorter than the minimum state width: T nl > Tesmin. The graphic analYSis of the effect of this type of noise upon the filter operation is illustrated in Figure 11. Tmn 4* (TcLKI ENCODING ERRORS Design for quadrature signal errors proceeds as follows for an ideal quadrature signal, i.e. all errors = 0: Tel p = 360 0 e = defined as one electrical cycle in electrical degrees Te = 1/2Telp = 1800 e ideal pulse width Tes = 1/4Telp = 1/2 Te = 90 0 e, ideal state width (1 ) (2) (3) In a real system there are quadrature signal errors, where these errors are: IlP = Maximum encoder pulse width error in ° e, as a deviation from the ideal pulse width of 180° e *Signal after Internal Input Filter Figure 11. Noise is Encoder Channel Dependent Independant channel noise, as in case D and E in Table 6, is such that the noise on each channel is independant of the noise on the other channel. The period 01 the noise on each channel must satisfy the condition: IlS = Maximum state width error in °e, as a deviation from the ideal state width of 900 e The worst cases for pulse width and state width errors in terms of time intervals will occur at the maximum designed system operating velocity. These errors are typically available from encoder manufacturer's data sheets. 4-75 Tnl> Tesmin independantly. The graphic analysis of the effect of this type of noise on the filter operation is illustrated in Figure 12. Tmn 4* (TCLK) FILTER DESIGN EXAMPLES Given the above rules, we can calculate the design parameters for a typical high performance motor loop as follows: Where RPM = 3600 rev/min. N = 1000 counts/rev. AP=±48°e AS=±600e at 60° C, 11Telpmin = 60kHz Then the following calculation accounts for signal errors: K1 (RPMIIN) Teipmin = ( 60 from eq. 4 (3600)11000) = 16667 ns Temin= ( = ( ·Signal after Internal Input Filter Figure 12. Noise Is Encoder Channel Independent 18o-IAPI 360 ) Telpmin 180-48 360 ) 116667 ns) from eq. 5 = 6111 ns The set of design rules that are presented in Table 6 can be derived by examination of Figures 11 and 12, and the following constraints: Tesmln= a)The encoder output signals must stay at a logic level for a minimum of three consecutive clock -pulses before the HCTL-2000 recognizes the logic level change: Temin > 3TCLK· ( = ( 90-IASI 360 ) Telpmin 90-60 360 ) 116667 nSf from eq. 6 = 1389 ns If the noise is as in case B of Table 6, we can use the above to evaluate the system. b)After acceptance by the HCTL-2000 input filtering section, a state must exist for a minimum of TCLK to be recognized by the internal logic. For the condition of noise such that T mn <: 260 ns: TCLK> 260 ns c)The minimum encoded pulse width must be greater than twice the minimum state width: Temin > 2Tesm in. 255 ns:5 T CLK <. T esmin 4 d)The minimum clock period must be greater than 255 ns, which is the minimum clock period for which the HCTL-2000 is -guaranteed to operate over the entire specified operating temperature range. Tesml n= 4 1389 =347 ns 4 Thus, 255 ns:5 T CLK <: 347 ns Similar calculations can be performed to design the filter for the specifics of each system. -l Table 6. Summary of Filter Design Rules for the HCTL-2000 case Nolle Relationship Pulse Width Clock Period Constraint DealS" Criteria Temin > 2Tesmln Tclk <: Te5min 255ns::;; Tclk <: (1/3)Temin TClk>Tmn>O 2550$::;; Tclk <: (1/4)Tesm in General Conditions A No noise on CHAorCHS S Superposition of noise on CHAor CHS Tesmln>Tnl T emln > 2Te8min .. C Superposition of noise on CHAor CHB T esrnin > Tnf T emin > 2Tesmln 2Tclk> Tmn<::Tclk D Noise on CHA or on CHS Indepencklnt of each other Tesmin> Tnf Temin > 2Tesmin TClk> Tmn >'0 255ns::;; TcIk <. (115)Tesml n E Noise on CHA or on CHS Independent of each other Te8min >Tnf T emln > 2Tesmin 2Tclk > T mn <:: Telk 2550$::;; Telk <: (1n)Tesmln 4-76 I 255ns::;;Tolk<:(115)Tesm in Interfacing the HCTL-2000: General The 12 bit latch and inhibit logic on the HCTL-2000 allows access to 12 bits of count with an 8 bit bus. When only 8 bits of count are required, a simple 8 bit (1 byte) mode is available by holding SEL high continously. This disables the inhibit logic. OE provides control of the tri-state bus, and read timing is per Figures 3 and 4. The internal inhibit logic on HCTL-2000 inhibits the transfer of data from the counter to the position data latch during the time that the latch outputs are being read. The inhibit logic allows the microprocessor to first read the high order 4 bits from the latch and then read the low order 8 bits from the latch. Meanwhile, the counter can continue to keep track of the quadrature states from the CHA and CHB input signals. For proper operation of the inhibit logic during a two-byte read, OE and SEL must be synchronous with CLK due to the falling edge sampling of OE and SEL. Figure 10 shows a logic diagram of the inhibit logic circuit. The operation of the circuitry is illustrated in the read timing shown in Figure 13. CLK JlfLfL~J1Jl-fl-fLJUl-fLf I I I I I I I I SEL DE I I I I I I I I I I INHIBIT SIGNAL DATA LINES POSITION LATCH ACTIONS I I I I I I I I i '~ I 'I I. I I ~ / /~I I I I i u I I I II I II I II I I II I I I'l---!+--!l r II I I I I II I I II I I _'L \' I I I I I W--~ow I TRI STATE HIGH BYTE I I BYTE I I I I I I / " II II II I I II / I I I I I I I NEW NEW I NEW lyNEW DATA UNCHANGED DATA I DATA I DATA DATA I I I I I I I I I I (' , I I I I I o I I~, I ' I I I I I ~ I I I I I , I,' ! I I I I I I I I I I cbcb II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LOW BYTE / I I TRI STATE I I I I I I I I!! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NEW I DATA I I I o ocb I I cb Figure 13. Inlernallnhlbil Logic Timing ACTIONS 1. On the rising edge of the clock, counter data is transferred to the position data latch, provided the inhibit signal is low. 2. When OE goes low, the outputs of the multiplexer are enabled onto the data lines. If SEL is low, then the high order data bytes are enabled onto the data lines. If SEL is high, then the low order data bytes are enabled onto the data lines. 3. When the HCTL-2000 detects a low on OE and SEL during a falling clock edge, the internal inhibit signal is activated. This blocks new data from being transferred from the counter to the position data latCh. 4. When SEL goes high, the data outputs change from high byte to low byte. 5. The first reset condition for the inhibit logic is met when the HCTL-2000 detects a logic high on SEL and a logic low on OE during a falling clock edge. 6. When OE goes high, the data lines change to a high impedance state. 7. To complete the reset of the inhibit logic, after the first reset condition has been met, the HCTL-2000 needs to detect a logic high on OE during a falling clock edge. 4-77 Interfacing the HCTL-2000 to a Motorola 6801 This ,interface method provides the minimum part count when the 6801 is operated in "MODE 5". A typical 6801 circuit is shown in Figure 14. In Figure .14, the 74LS138 22 3 A, 23 A, A" los 2 24 , 39 E; A, A, A. 1~~ 6601 3 r' 0, 30 p, 31 9 4 12 ClK OE SEl 0, 10 06 32 33 D. 3. 0, 35 0, 36 0, 37 " 00 11 06 PORT 4 Ii ]6 40 29 "" The processor clock output (E) is used to clock the HCTL2000 as well as the address decoder. One of the address decoder outputs drives the OE input. This results in HCTL2000 counter data being enabled onto the bus whenever an external memory access is made to the HCTL-2000. This example assumes the address assigned to the HCTL-2000 high byte is an even address. The least significant address bit is connected to theSEL input. It determines which data byte is output. When AO on the decoder equals 0 the chip selects the high byte, and when AO equals 1, the chip selects the low byte. This configuration allows the 6801 to read both data bytes with a single double-byte fetch instruction (LDD E, 01 XX). The LDD instruction is a five cycle instruction which reads external memory location 01XX and stores the high order byte in accumulator A and reads external memory location 01 XX +1 and stores the low order byte in accumulator B during the last two cycles. Figure 15 illustrates the sequence of events during all five cycles. wpl 4E, El E address decoder can be eliminated if the HCTL-2000 is the only occupant of Port 4. O. 12 0, 13 HCTL.200(l 03 0, 15 0, " 1 o. Figure 14. A Circuit to'interface to the 6801 CYCLE 1 CYCLE 5 ICLoCK) ADDRESS BUS DATA BUS' 1 I I I I I OPCODE ACDR. +1 OPCODE ADDR. +2 OPERAND ADpR. I I I opdJDE I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I ACDR,. LOW DATA HIGH BYTE OPE~AND I ACDR. HIGH I I I I I I I I 1 I : I I OPCOOE ACDR. I los 1 1 OPE~AND I I I I I I DATA LOW BYTE I I I I I I I I I 1 \ ! I I I I I I I I I : 1 :I .....--+---i-----t'. AolSELI I I OPERAND ACDR. +1 / I ~ i. . . . 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I ,I" I , I I I IIII~IIII I I 1 INTERNAL INHIBIT : I I I 1 I I I 1 : I I : I II' " I, :: I I I I 1 I 1 HCTL -2000 DATA'BUS ACTIONS 1 I I cb, :Ir-l I I I , I I I : I I I I I HIGH Z I I I I cb cb I I I HIGH Z 1 I I I cb cb Figure 15. Interface Timing for the 6801 LDD E 4-78 ACTIONS 1. E is the microprocessor clock output. On the rising edge of E, if the internal inhibit is not active, then new data is transferred from the internal counter to the position data latch. 2. An even address output from the 6801 has caused SEL to go low. E goes high which causes the address decoder output for the HCTL-2000 OE input to go low. This causes the HCTL-2000 to. output the high byte of the position data latch. 4. E is now low, so the address decoder output is disabled and OE goes high. The 6801 increments the address, so SEL goes high. The pOSition data latch is still inhibited. 5. The address decoder is enabled after E goes high, so OE goes low and the low data byte is enabled onto the bus. 6. The 6801 reads the data bus on the falling edge of E, storing the low order data byte in accumulator B. The chip detects that OE is low and SEL is high on the failing edge of E, so the first inhibit-reset condition is met. 7. E is now low, so the address decoder is disabled, causing OE to go high and the data lines to go to the high impedence state. The 6801 continues its instruction execution, and the state of SEL is indeterminate. 3. The 6801 reads the data bus on the falling edge of E, storing the high order data byte in accumulator A. The chip detects that OE and SEL are low on the falling edge of E and activates the internal inhibit signal. The position data latch is inhibited and data cannot be transferred from the internal counter to the latch. 8. The HCTL-2000 detects OE is high on the next falling edge of E. This satisfies the second inhibit reset condition so the inhibit signal is reset. Interfacing the HCTL-2000 to an Intel 8748 The circuit in Figure 15 shows the connections between an HCTL-2000 and an 8748. Data lines 00-07 are connected to the 8748 bus port. Bits 0 and 1 of port 1 are used to control the SEL and OE inputs of the HCTL-2000 respectively. TO is used to provide a clock signal to the HCTL-2000. The frequency of TO is the crystal frequency divided by 3. TO must be enabled by executing the ENTO CLK instruction after each system reset, but prior to the first encoder position change. An 8748 program which interfaces to the circuit in Figure 16 is given in Figure 17. The resulting interface timing is shown in Figure 18. To Pll 1 2 28 3 27 • OE P" 0., 19 18 9 10 DB' 8748 D.5 17 11 16 12 15 ,. 13 13 15 12 1 0.4 0.3 DB' 0., D •• " eLK SEt 0, 0, 05 HCTt-2000 0, 03 0, 0, 00 Figure 16. An HCTL-2000 to Intel 8748 Interface LOC 000 002 003 004 006 008 009 OOB OBJECT CODE 9900 08 A8 8903 08 A9 8903 93 SOURCE STATEMENTS ANL P1, OOH INSA, BUS MOVE ROA ORL P1, 01H INS A, BUS MOV R1, A ORL P1, 03H RETR ENABLE OUTPUT AND OUTPUT HIGHER ORDER BITS LOAD HIGHER ORDER BITS INTO ACC MOVE DAT~ TO REGISTER 0 CHANGE PATA FROM HIGH ORDER TO LOW ORDER BITS, LOAD ORDER BITS INTO AC MOVE DATA TO REGISTER 1 DISABLE OUTPUTS RETURN Figure 17. A Typical Program for Reading HCTL-2000 with an 8748 4-79 11 elK 1 I I I PROGRAM ANL, P1, 004 EXECUTION ORL Pl, OIH 1 I I I RETR INHIBIT r - - - - - - B U S READ DATA BUS ~ I ACTIONS I -----;-1-------, HIGH BYTE I 6: cb Figure 18. 8748 READ Cycle from Figure 14. ACTIONS 1. ANl P1. OOH has just been executed. The output of bits 0 and 1 of Port 1 cause SEl and OE to be logic low. The data lines output the higher order byte. 2. The HCTl-2000 detects that OE and SEl are low on the next falling edge of the ClK and asserts the internal inhibit Signal. Data can be read without regard for the phase of the ClK. 3. INS A, BUS has just been executed. Data is read into the 8748. 5. INS A, BUS has just been executed. lower order data bits are read into the 8748. 6. ORl P1, 03H has just been executed. The HCTl-2000 detects OE high on the next falling edge of ClK. The program sets OE and SEl high by writing the correct values to port 1. This causes the data lines to be tristated. This satisfies the second inhibit-reset condition. On the next rising ClK edge new data is transferred from the counter to the position data latch. 4. ORl PORT 1, 01 H has just been executed. The program sets SEl high and leaves OE low by writing the correct values to port 1. The HCTl-2000 responds by outputting the lower byte. The HCTl-2000 detects OE is low and SEl is high on the next falling edge of the ClK, and thus, the first inhibit-reset condition is met. 4-80 4-81 ~~------------- --------- ----.-.---------.--.--~-------- Light Bars and Bar Graph Arrays • • • Light Bars Bar Graph Arrays Legends IJght Bars and Bar Graph Arrays LED Light Bars are Hewlett-Packard's innovative solution to fixed message annunciation. The large, uniformly illuminated light emitting surface may be used for backlighting legends or simple indicators. Four distinct colors are offered, AlGaAs red, high efficiency red, yellow, and high performance green with two bicolor combinations (see page 5-15). The AlGaAs Red Light Bars provide exceptional brightness at very low drive currents for those applications where portability and battery backup are important considerations. Each of the eight X-Y stackable package styles offers one, two, or four light emitting surfaces. Along with this family of stackable light bars, HP also provides a single chip light bar for high brightness indication of small areas. Panel Mounts and Legends are also available for all devices. In addition to light bars, HP offers effective analog message annunciation with the lO-element and 101element LED Bar Graph Arrays. These bar graph arrays eliminate the matching and alignment problems commonly associated with arrays of discrete LED indicators. Each device offers easy to handle packages that are compatible with standard SIP and DIP sockets. The lO-element Bar Graph Array is available in standard red, AlGaAs red, high efficiency red, yellow, and high performance green. The new multicolor lO~ element arrays have high efficiency red, yellow and green LEDs in one package. The package is X-Y stackable, with a unique interlock allowing easy end-toend alignment. The lOl-element Bar Graph Array is offered in standard red, high efficiency red and high performanc green with I % resolution. 5-2 LED Light Bars Description Device Lens Page No. Diffused 23 mcd 2.0V 5-8 Part No. 1c=J1 HLMP-2300 ~ HLMP-2400 Yellow Difjused 20 mcd 2.1 V HLMP-2500 Green Green Diffused 25 mcd 2.2V Diffused 45 mcd 2.0V II [~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~J ~ I ~ 38 mcd 2.1 V HLMP-2550 Green Green Diffused 50 mcd 2.2 V Diffused 22 mcd 2.0 V Diffused 18 mcd 2.1 V Green Diffused 25 mcd 2.2 V Diffused 25 mcd 2.0V Diffused 18 mcd 2.1 V Green Diffused 25 mcd 2.2 V Diffused 45 mcd 2.0 V Diffused 35 mcd 2.1 V Green Diffused 50 mcd 2.2 V Diffused 43 mcd 2.0 V Diffused 35 mcd 2.1 V Green Diffused 50 mcd 2.2 V HLMP-2620 HLMP-2720 HLMP-2820 HLMP-2635 I ~ D Diffused HLMP-2800 IDDDDI High 8 Pin In-Line; 0.100"' Efficiency Centers; 0.800"'L x Red 0.195"'W x 0.245"'H Yellow HLMP-2700 ~ High 4 Pin In-Line; 0.100"' Efficiency Centers; 0.400"'L x 0.195"'W x 0.245"'H Red HLMP-2450 HLMP-2600 DO B HLMP-2350 Package Typical Forward Imltage @20mA Package Outline Drawing II Color Typical Luminous Intensity @20mA HLMP-2735 HLMP-2835 HLMP-2655 HLMP-2755 HLMP-2855 High 8 Pin DIP; 0.100"' Efficiency Centers; 0.400"'L x 0.400"'W x 0.245"'H Red Dual Arrangement Yellow Green High 16 Pin DIP; 0.100"' Efficiency Centers; 0.800"'L x Red 0.400"'W x 0.245"'H Quad Arrangement Yellow Green High 16 Pin DIP; 0.100"' Efficiency Centers; 0.800"'L x Red 0.400"'W x O.245"'H Dual Bar Yellow Arrangement Green High 8 Pin DIP; 0.100"' Efficiency Centers; 0.400"'L x 0.400"'W x 0.245"'H Red Square Yellow Arrangement Green 5-3 LED Light Bars (Continued) Package Outline Drawing. Part No. HLMP'2670 [JDI , Lens . ~pli:al Luminous Intensity . @20mA Diffused 45 mcd 2.0 V Diffused 35 mcd 2.1 V Green Diffused 50mcd , 2.2V Diffused 80 mcd 2.0V· Diffused 70 mcd 2.1 V Green Diffused 100 mcd 2.2 V Typical Forward Lens Typlcill Luminous Intensity @3ri1A '@3mA Page No. Diffused 7.5 mcd ' 1.6V 5-15 Description Device HLMp·2770 ~ HLMp·2870 HLMP·2685 Cl HLMp·2785 ~. HLMp·2885 . Package:' Color· High 16 Pin DIP; 0: 100" , Efficiency Centers; 0.800"L x Red 0.400"W ~ 0.245"H Dual Square Yellow Arrangement .. Green High 16 Pin DIP; 0. 100" Efficiency Centers; 0.800"L x Red· O:4OO"W x 0.245"H Single Bar Yellow Arrangement ., Green ~plcal Forward ~Itage ·@20rilA Page No. 5·8 , DH AIGaAs Low Current LED Light Bars , Device Package Dutllns Drawing Descrlpllon Part No. 1c=J1 I Package Color HLCp·Al00 AlGaAs Red 4 Pin In·Llne; 0.100" Centers; 0.400"L x 0.195"W xO.240"H ··fuiJ II ~ltage , II [~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~J m ~ IDDDO! ~ AIGaAs Red 8 Pinln·Line; 0.100" Centers; 0.800"L x 0.195"W x 0.240"H Diffused '15.0 mcd .. .-. HLCp·Dloo ." AIGaAs Red 8 Pin DIP; 0.100" Centers; 0.400"L x O.4oo"W x 0.240"H Dual Arrangement Diffused ,. 7.5 mcd .. ,.... " " HLCp·El00 AIGa!\s Red 16 Pin DIP; 0.100" Centers; 0.800"L x 0.400"W x: 0.240"H Quad Arrangement Diffused I , "'1 HLCP·Bloo : 7.5 mcd· "', .. ; DH AIGaAs Low Current LED Light Bars (Continued) Device Description Lens Typical luminous Intensity @3mA Typical Forward IhIltage @3mA AIGaAs Red 16 Pin DIP; 0.100" Centers; O.SOO"L x 0.400"W x 0.240"H Dual Bar Arrangement Diffused 15.0 mcd 1.6 V D HLCP-Cl00 AIGaAs Red SPin DIP; 0.100" Centers; 0.400"L x 0.400"W x 0.240"H Square Arrangement . Diffused 15.0 mcd IO[JI HLCP-Gl00 AIGaAs Red 16 Pin DIP; 0.100" Centers; O.SOO"L x 0.400"W x 0.240"H Dual Square Arrangement Diffused 15.0 mcd HLCP-Hl00 AIGaAs Red 16 Pin DIP; 0.100" Centers; O.SOO"L x 0.400"W x 0.240"H Single Bar Arrangemimt Diffused 30.0 mcd Package Outline Drawing Part No. [E:3 I I HLCP-Fl00 ~ ~ ~ CJ] ~ Color Package Page. No. 5-15 LED Bicolor Light Bars Device Package Outline Drawing Description . Pari No. HLMP-2950 Color High Efficiency Redl Yellow HlMP-2965 High Efficiency Red/ Green D @ ,- Package S Pin DIP; .100" Centers; .400"l x .400"W x .245"H Square Arrangment Lens . Diffused Diffused 5-5 Typical Luminous Intensity @20mA HER: 20 mcd Yellow: 12 mcd Typical Forward Voltage . @20mA HER: 2.0 V Yellow: 2.1 V HER: 20 mcd Green: 20 mcd HER: 2.0 V Green: 2.2 V Page No. 5-20 LED Bar Graph Arrays Description Device Package Outline Drawing 0000000000 ~v~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I[ r --=:]1 L 11111111 i II: Ii i III Package 20 Pin DIP; . .100" Centers; 1.0"L x .400"W x .200" Lens Diffused Typical Luminous Intensity 1250 !lcd @20mA DC Typical Forward Voltage 1.6V@ 20 mA DC Part No. HDSP-4820 Color Standard Red HDSP-4830 High Efficiency Red Diffused 3500 !lcd @ @10mA DC 2.1 V@ 20 mA DC HDSP-4840 Yellow Diffused 1900 !lcd @10mADC 2.2V@ 20 mA DC HDSP-4850 High Performance Green Green Diffused 1900 !lcd @10mADC 2.1 V@ 10 mA DC HDSP-4832 Multicolor Diffused 1900 !lcd @ 10 mA DC HDSP-4836 Multicolor Diffused 1900 !lcd @10mADC HDSp·8820 Standard Red Red, Non-Diffused 20 !lcd @ 100 mA Pk: 1 of 110 D.F. 175 !lcd @ 100 mA Pk: 1 of 110 DF 2.3 V @ 100 mA Pk: 1 of 110 DF 175 !lcd 100 mA Pk: 1 of 110 OF 2.3 V @ 100 mA Pk: 1 of 110 D.F. mI J 22 Pin DIP; .100" Centers; 4.16"Lx .390"W x .236"H HDSP-8825 High Efficiency Red Clear HDSP-8835 High Performance Green Clear @ 1.7 V@ Page No. 5-27 5-33 100 mA Pk: 1 of 110 D.F. DH AIGaAs Low Current 10-Element Bar Graph Arrays Device Package Outline Drawing lDDOD DODD DOl Description Part No. HLCP-Jl00 Color AlGaAs Red Package 20 Pin DIP; .100" Centers; 1.0"L x .400"W x .200" ~v~ ~ ~ ~ H~ ~ r 5-6 Lens Diffused Typical Luminous Intensity 1000 !lcd @lmA Typical Forward Voltage 1.6V@ 1 mA Page No. 5-41 Single Chip LED Light Bar Device Lens Typical Luminous Intensity Tinted Diffused 4.8 mcd @20mA Description Package Dutllne Drawing Part No. Color Package HLMP-T200 High One Chip Efficiency LED Red Light Bar (626 nm) D W ~O 201/2 100' Typical Forward 1hIitage 2.2V @20mA HLMP-T300 Yellow (585 nm) 6.0 mcd @20mA 2.2V @20mA HLMP-T400 Orange (608 nm) 4.8 mcd @20mA 2.2V @20mA HLMP-T500 Green (569 nm) 6.0 mcd @20mA 2.3 V @20mA Page No. 5-45 Panel and Legend Mounts for LED Light Bars Device Package Outline Drawing I Corresponding Ughl Bar Module Part Number Part No. HLMP-2598 HLMP-2350, -2450, -2550, HLCP-B100 HLMP-2599 HLMP-2300, -2400, -2500, HLCP-A100 HLMP-2898 HLMP-2600, -2700, -2800 -2655, -2755, -2855 -2950, -2965, HLCP-C100, '0100 HLMP-2899 HLMP-2620, -2720, -2820, -2635, -2735, -2835 -2670, -2770, -2870 -2685, -2785, -2885 HLCP-E100, -F100, -G100, -H100 I CJ D CJ Page No. 5-49 Special Options Description Legends Intensity Selected Option Code Applicable Part Number HLMp· LOO, L01, L03, L04 LOO, LOt L03, L06, L04 LOO, L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06 S02 5-7 Page No. 2300, 2400, 2500, HLCP-A 100 2655, 2755, 2855, HLCP-C100 2685, 2785, 2885, HLCP-H100 5-51 2300,2400,2500,2635,2735,2835 2350, 2450, 2550, 2655, 2755, 2855 2600, 2700, 2800, 2670, 2770, 2870 2620, 2720, 2820, 2685, 2785, 2885 5-53 LED LIGHT BARS rhO- HEWLETT, HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HLMP-2300/-2600 SERIES YELLOW HlMP-2400/-2700 SERIES HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN HlMP-2500/-2800 SERIES ~:t:. PACKARD Features • LARGE, BRIGHT, UNIFORM LIGHT EMITTING AREAS ' Approximately LambertianRadiation Pattern • CHOICE OF THREE COLORS • CATEGORIZED FOR LIGHT OUTPUT • YELLOW AND GREEN CATEGORIZED FOR DOMINANT WAVELENGTH • EXCELLENT ON-OFF CONTRAST • EASILY MOUNTED ON P.C. BOARDS OR INDUSTRY STANDARD SIP/DIP SOCKETS • MECHANICALLY RUGGED • X-Y.STACKABLE • FLUSH MOUNTABLE ' Applications '. CAN BE USED WITH PANEL AND LEGEND MOUNTS • BUSINESS MACHINE MESsAGE AN",UNCIATORS • LIGHT EMITTING SURFACE SUITABLE FOR LEGEND ATTACHMENT PER'APpLICATION NOTE 1012 ' • TELECO,MMUNICATIONS INDICATORS • FRONT PANEL PROCESS STATUS INDICATORS • SUITABLE FOR MULTIPLEX OPERATION .PC BOARD IDENTIFIERS • I.C. COMPATIBLE • BAR GRAPHS Description The HLMP-2300/-2400/-2500/-2600/-2700/-2800 series light bars are rectangular light sources designed fora variety of applications where a large, bright source of light is required. These light bars are configured in single-in-line and dual-in-line packages that qontairi' either Single or segmented light emitting areas. The-2300/-2400/-2600/' -2700 'seties' devices utilize LED chips which are made from GaAsP' on a transparent GaP substrate. The -2500/ -2800 series devices utilize chips made from GaP on a transparent GaP substrate. Selection Guide Light Bar Part Number HLMPHigh Green EfIlclency Yellow Red Size of Light Emitting Areas Number of Light Emitting Areas Package OuUine Corresponding Panel and Legend Mount Part No. HLMP- 2300 2400 2500 8.89 mm x 3,81 mm (0.350 in. x 0.150 in.) 1 A t:::l 2599 2350 2450 2550 19.05 mm x 3.81 mm (0.750 in. x 0.150 in.) 1 B c:::::J 2598 2600 2700 2800 8.89 mm x 3.81 mm (0.350 in. x 0.150 in.) 2 0 ~ 2698 2620 2720 2820 8.89 mm x 3.81 mm (0.350 in, x 0.150 in.) 4 2635 2735 2835 3.81 mm x 19.05 mm (0.150 in. x 0.750 in.) 2 2655 2755 2855 8.89 mm x 8.89 mm (0.350 in. x 0.350 in.) 1 C ~ 0 2670 2nO 2870 8.89 mm x 8.89 mm (0.350 in. x 0.350 in.) 2 G rn 2899 2685 2785 2885 8.89 mm 19.05 mm (0.350 in. x 0.750 in.) 1 H 0 2899 5e8 2899 2899 2898 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Average Power Dissipation per LED Chiplll Peak Forward Current per LED Chip. T A'" 50° C (Maximum Pulse Width'" 2 ms l21 Time AVerage Fo~,Ja;d Cui~~rltper LED Chip. Pulsed Conditions l2j HI:~P.~OI HI:MP-24001 HI:M.~;2?~~1 -2600 Series -2700 Series -2800 Stlries 135mW 85mW 135mW 90mA 60mA 90mA 20mA TA"'50°C 25mA TA'''' 25°C 25 mA 30mA ....•.. 25mA DC Forward Current per LED Chip. T A'" 50° clSj 30mA 6V Reverse Voltage per LED Cbip Operating TemperaliJre Rarfg'e Storage Tempef~t(i~ Range -40" C to +85 0 C 260" C 10,r'3 seconds Lead Soldering Temperature 1.6 mm (1/16 inch) 8elo;y:§eating Plane NOTES: 1. For HLMP-23001-25001-26001-2800 series. derate above T A=25'C at 1.8 mW/'C per LED Chip. For HLMP-24001-2700 series, derate above TA=50°C at 1.8 mW/oC per LED Chip. See Figure 2. 2. See Figure 1 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 3.. For HLMP-2300/-2500/-2600/-2800 series, derate above TA =50'C at 0.50 mA/'C per LED Chip. For HLMP-24001-2700 series, derate above TA =60'C at 0.50 mA/'C per LED chip. See Figure 3. r1 rt '-1=7 +, r- r Package Dimensions 4.0b4"MIN, 0.50S 0.0.076 4953 10:1951 MAX (0,160) . B.S90 10.3501 I I I~:~~I 3.S10 10.150} 1'i7~ ~ LD~ LII 10.1501 11:i TOP A PIN 1 3.S10 II I TOPS CATHOOE ENO END VIEW A, B CQLOR BIN DATE CQOE ISEE NOTE 51 LUMINOUS ~\~~~~~ 1 ISEENOT(4) 2.54 TYP (0.1001 L 2 3 4 I ......J (~:~) IJTYP. 6.223 MAX, 10.2451 5 6 1 8 4 ro 0.584,0.016 10.023,0.003) SIDE A SIDE B 0.254 t 0,05 10,010 z 1=1 Cd 7.620 (0.3001 o.oozr1 :I: (O.150) 4.064 ~ MIN. X I , , X 1,m6 (Q,04° TYP. ' T+ x x 6,223 (0.245) MAX. END VIEW C,D. E, F,G,H SI DE VIew C, 0 2.640 (0.100) T'l T ~ ...........J I DATE CODE LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY ISEE NOTE 41 ! I 8.890 (0.350) I 19.050 COLOR 81N {SEE NOTE 5) SIDE VIEW E, F, G, H I f t PART NUMBER 8.890 1.270 (0.350j{O.050 t o.sOSz 0.05 10.020 ± 0.0(2) TYP. ~~ I D D 1_I 1-- S.890 (0.3501 - I I 10.160 (O.4001 MAX, E - 10.160 10.4WI MAX. F - I 10.160 10.400) MAX, G NOTE, DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES IINCHES). TOLERANCES ,0.26 mm ItO.010 in} UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, 5-9 I_ Internal Circuit Diagrams PIN PIN FUNCTION .2300/-2400 B -23501-2450 ·2500 -2550 A A PIN 1 Cathode-a Cathode-a :2 3 Anode-a Cathode -b Anode-a Cathode-b 4 Anode-b 5 6 7 8 1 2 C,D 3 4 15 5 6 7 8 14 9 10 16 Anode-b Cathode-c 11 Anode-C Cathode - d Anode-d 13 .12 11 12 13 14 15 16 PIN FUNCTION C,D E,F,G,H CATHODE a CATHODE a ANODE a ANODEa ANODEb ANODEb CATHODE b CATHODE b CATHODEc CATHODEc ANODEc ANODEc ANODEd ANODEd CATHODEd CATHODEd CATHODEe ANODE. ANODEf CATHODEf CATHODEg ANODEg ANODEh CATHODEh 10 B E,F,G,H Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C High Efficiency Red HLMP-2300/-2600 Series Parameter HLMP2300 2350 2600 Luminous loteoSityl41 Per Light Em itt! ng Area 2620 2635 2655 2670 2685 Peak Wavelength Symbol Min. Typ. 6 23 mcd 20mA DC 26 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 OF 45 mcd 20 mA DC 52 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 013 OF 6 22 mcd 20 mA DC 25 mcd 60 mAPk: 1013 OF 6 25 mcd 20 mA DC 29 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 OF 45 mcd 20 mA DC 52 mcd 60 rnA Pk: 1 013 OF 43 mcd 20 rnA DC 49 mcd 60 rnA Pk: 1 013 OF 45 mod 20 rnA DC 52 mcd 60 mAPk: 1013 OF Iv 13 Iv Iv 13 Iv 13 Iv 13 Iv Test Condillons 22 80 mcd 20 mA DC 92 mcd 60 rnA Pk: 1 of 3 DF om Iv "peak 635 Ad 626 Forward Voltage Per LED VF 2.0 Thermal ReSistance LED J unction-to-Pin Unil$ Iv Dominant WavelengthlSI Reverse Breakdown VOltage Per LED Mal<. VeA 6 15 om 2.6 V IF~ V IR "C/WI R8J-PIN 5-10 150 LED Chip 20 rnA = 100pA Yellow HLMP-2400/-2700 Series Parameter Luminous Intensityl4j Per Ught Emitting Area HLMP- Symbol 2400 Iv 2450 Iv 2700 Iv 2720 Iv 2735 Iv 2755 Iv 2170 2785 Min. 20 mA DC 6~~1013DF 38 46 mOd 20 mcd 60 rnA Pk: 1 of 3 DF 18 mcd 2Q:.mA DC : , / , 22 mcd 60''iTIAPk: 1 of 3 OF 6 18 mcd 20 rnA DC mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 DF 13 22 35 mcd 20 rnA DC 43 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 OF 35 mcd 20mADC 43 mod 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 DF 13 35 43 mcd 20 mA DC 70 85 mod m¢d 60..mA Pk: 1 of 3 OF 26 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 DF 13 ),peak 583 ),d Forward Voltage Per LED Reverse Breakdown Voltage Per LED VF 585 2,1 6 VBR Test Conditions nfpd Dominant Wavelengthl 5 1 Peak Wavelength Units 24 6 Iv Max. mcd 13 Iv Typ. 20 6 20'mA DC nm nm 2.6 15 V IF=20 mA V IR = 100}J.A "C/WI Thermal Resistance LED Junctlon-to-Pln LED Chip 150 ROJ-PIN High Performance Green HLMP-2500/-2BOO Series Parameter Luminous Intensltyl41 Per Light Emltti ng Area HLMP- Symbol 2500 Iv 2550 Iv 2BOO Iv 2820 Iv 2835 Iv 2855 Iv 2870 Iv 2885 Iv Min. 5 Typ. Test Conditions 20 mADC 28 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 013 DF 11 50 mcd 20mA DC mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 OF 5 56 25 mcd 20 mA DC mcd 60 mA Pk; 1 013 DF 5 28 25 mod 20 mA DC mod 60 mA Pk: 1 013 OF 11 28 50 mcd 20mADC 56 mod 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 OF 11 50 mod 20 mADC mod 60 mA Pk: 1 of3 DF 11 56 50 mcd 20mA DC 56 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 013 OF 22 100 mod 20 mADC 111 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 DF nm Apeak 565 Ad 572 Forward Voltage Per LED VF 2.2 Rever$e Breakdown Voltage Per LED VSR Thermal Resistance LED Ju netion-to-Pin Units mcd Dominant Wavelength1 5 1 Peak Wavelength Max. 25 6 15 nm 2.6 V IF=20 mA V IA ~ 100 j.£A "C/WI R8J-PIN 150 LED Chip Notes: 4. These devices are categorized lor luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter code on the side of the package. 5, The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived Irom the CIE chromaticity diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device. Yellow and green devices are categorized lor dominant wavelength with the color bin designated by a number code on the side of the package, 5-11 Electrical ,The HLMP-2300/-2400/-2500/-2600/-2700/-2800/ series of light bar devices .are composed of two, four or eight light emitting diodes, with the light from each LED optically 'scattered to form an evenly. illuminated light emitting surface. The LED's have a P-N junction diffused into the epitaxial layer on a GaP transparent substate. Size of Light Emitting Area The anode and cathode.of each LED is brought out by separate pins. This universal pinout arrangement allows for the wiring of the LED's within a device in any of three possible configurations: parallel, series, or series/parallel.' The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 5, should be used for calculating,the current limiting resistor values and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power diSSipation may be calculated using the following VF models: SUrface Area Sq. Metres Sq. Feet 8.89 mm x 8.89 mm 61.74 x 10.6 729.16 x 10..tl 8,89 mm x 3,81 mm 33.B7 x 10'6 364.58 X 8.89 mm x 19.05 mm 135.48 x 10..tl 1458.32 3.81 mm x 19.05 mm 72.56 x 10-8 10.8 x 1o..t> 781.25 X 10.6 Refresh rates of 1 kHz or faster provide the most efficient operation resulting in the maximum possible time average luminous intensity. VF = 1.8V + IPEAK (400) For IpEAK ;:: 20mA The time average luminous intensity may be calculated using the relative efficiency characteristic of Figure 4, l1iPEAK' and adjusted for operating ambient temperature. The time average luminous intensity at TA = 25'C is calculated as follows: VF = 1.6V + IDe (500) For 5mA'S IDe S 20mA Iv "TIME AVG = [210AVG mA] (111 PEAK ) (Iv Data Sheet) The maximum power dissipation can be calculated for any pulsed 'or DC drive condition. For DC operation, the maximum power dissipation is the product of the maximum forward voltage and the maximum forward current. For pulsed operation, the maximum power dissipation is the product of the maximum forward voltage at the peak forward current times the maximum average forward current. Maximum allowable power dissipation for any given ambient tempenitureand thermal resistance (R8J-A) can be determined by using Figure 2. The solid line in Figure 2 (R8J-A of 538'C/W) represents a typical thermal resistance of a device socketed in a printed circuit board. The dashed lines represent achievable thermal resistances that can be obtained through improved thermal design. Once the maximum allowable power dissipation is determined, the maximum pulsed or DC forward current can be calculated. ' Example: For HLMP-2735 series 111 PEAK Iv TIME AVG = = 1.18 at IPEAK = 48 mA [~~~~] (1.18) (35 mcd) = 25 ~cd The time average luminous intensity may be adjusted for operating ambient temperature by the following exponential equation: Iv (TA) = Iv (25'C) e [K ITA-2S'CI[ Device K -2300/-2600 Series -2400/-2700 Series -2500/-2800 Series -o.0131/·C -0.01121°C -o.0104/°C Optical The radiation pattern for these light bar devices is approximately Lambertian. The luminous sterance may be calculated using one of the two following formulas: L' (~d/m2) = Iv (cd) v, 'A(m2) . .ITlv (cd) Lv (footlamberts) = A (ft2) Example: Iv (80· C) = (25 mcdle [-0.0112 (80·2SI[ = 14 mcd ~g ~~ "'w Zo i=w <0: OPERATION IN ~: ~ a::::J THIS REGION ~ ~ ~ 41-;;;m.;;\;;t+Hiffi--t-\l-tt-tHIt---t'H-l"flctitt'\.:t-+++ttttt;:~~~~~~URE ~~a DERATING OF :ieg IDe MAX "-0-" OZ:> 9~~ 2~~~~~--~-HL~t&-~ ~~~ I ~II~ ~~ _~_g 1~~~~~__~-U~~~~uu~~~~~~ 1 10 tp - PULSE DURATION - fJS Figure 1. Maximum Allowed Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. 5-12 Mechanical These light bar devices may be operated in ambient temperatures above +60 0 C without deratirig when installed in a PC board configuration that provides a thermal resistance to ambient value less than 250 0 C/W/ LED. See Figure 3 to determine the maximum allowed thermal resistance for the PC board, Rope-A, which will permit nonderated operation in a given ambient temperature. To optimize device optical performance, specially developed plastiCS are used which restrict the solvents that may be used forcleaning.lt is recommended that only ~ 180 z 160 a ~ 140 ~ C 120 ffi 100 ~ " X "" " " Q ~ - "'-: REJ.GAoIEN I .. i I "- I -.:.....-", ROJA 40 - 20 - I I I 1/ All,. -430'c,wILED I I I ',/ 0 o tt 322~C/w/lEO <' ./ \ • ~ ~ 20 ""a 15 X >-:..' . m _ a: :> R~r T'Cl'LEi w 25 15a: \ 60 "E ,:. M TA -AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ "" E ~l M IM R8J" • 322'C,wILED RUJ~ • 4~'ck'LE~ / ' ReJ~ • S18·ck'lE~./ I--- 00 cc 10 20 YELLOW ~ 1.0 13 "'i=> ~ a: 0.8 0.7 ~ ~ " .) 1.1 0.9 0.6 \ \ X V 10"\ \ ~ ,) '\ 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Figure 3. Maximum Allowable DC Current per LED vs. Ambient Temperature, Deratlngs Based on Maximum Allowable Thermal Resistance Values, LED Junction-to-Ambient on a per LED Basis, Tj MAX = 1000 C. 1.3 1.2 \ TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °c Figure 2. Maximum Allowable Power Dissipalion per LED vs. Ambient Temperature Deratlngs Based on Maximum Allowable Thermal Resistance Values, LED Junction to Ambient on a per LED Basis, Tj MAX = 1000 C. ,. 15" '\ ylEUdw 10 u "{ , REd.GREkN 30 'I, YELLOW 80 x " 35 I :> mixtures of Freon (Fl13) and alcohol be used for vapor cleaning processes, with an immersion time in the vapors of less than two (2) minutes maximum. Some suggested vapor cleaning solvents are Freon TE, Genesolv 01-15 or DE-15, Arklone A or K. A 60 0 C (140 0 F) water cleaning process may also be used, which includes a neutralizer rinse (3% ammonia solution or equivalent), a surfactant rinse (1% detergent solution or equivalent), a hot water rinse and a thorough air dry. Room temperature cleaning may be accomplished with Freon T-E35 or T-P35, Ethanol, Isopropanol or water with a mild detergent. IJ .- - r:-... / RED - I~REEN - - H I 0.5 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - mA Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak LED Current. 5-13 2.4 90 2.2 BO " E >- "' """'0 "'" " "'~ .!: 2.0 2° _N 1.6 on>,," 00 1.4 ~;x >- E 70 " 15 > >- 60 50 2w 1.2 w" O.B i~' .~« 40 30 1.8 >"' 0 20 ~~ 10 "' I I I 1.0 1/ ...< 0.4 0.2 /' V 0.6 00 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V ,/ ;' R~O, YELLOW, ~AE~N ....... 10 15 - ~- I 1- - 20 25 I-- f-30 IDe-DC CURRENT PER LED-rnA Figure 5. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics. Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current. For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005, 5-14 DOUBLE HETEROJUNCTION AIGaAs RliB LOW CURRENT LIGHT BARS 2 CHIP SIP HLCP-A100 4 CHIP DIP HLCP-C1001D100 4 CHIP SIP HLCP-B100 8 CHIP DIP HLCP-E10QLF100 tG100/H100 Features • LOW POWER CONSUMPTION 3 rnA Drive Current Low Forward Voltage Excellent lor Battery Operated Applications • X-V STACKABLE • DEEP RED COLOR Description The HLCP-X100 Series light bars utilize Hewlett-Packard's newly developed Double Heterojunction (DH) AIGaAs/GaAs material to emit deep red light at 645 nm. This material has outstanding efficiency at low drive currents and can be either DC or pulse driven. Typical applications include message annunciation for business machines, telecommunications, and instrumentation front panel, especially those requiring portability or battery backup. Absolute Maximum Ratings Average Power Dissipation per LED Chip[1] ..... 37 mW Peak Forward Currentper LED Chip[1] .......... 45 mA Time Average Forward Current per LED Chip, Pulsed Conditions[2] .............. 15 mA, T A = 25° C DC Forward Current per LED Chip[3] ........... 15 mA Reverse Voltage per LED Chip .................. 5 V Operating Temperature Range ....... -20° C to +100° C Storage Temperature Range ....•.... -55° C to +100° C Lead Soldering Temperature 1.6 mm (1116 inch) Below Seating Plane ............... 260° C for 3 sec. Noles: 1. For pulsed operation, derate above TA = B7°C at 1.7 mW/oC per LED. 2. See Figure 1 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 3. For DC operation, derate above T A = 91' C at O.B mAl' C per LED. Selection Guide Light Bar Part Number HLCPAIGaAs Red Size of Light Emitting Areas Number of Light Emitting Areas A100 8.89 mm x 3.81 mm (0.350 in. x 0.150 in,) 1 A CI 2599 8100 19.05 mm x 3.81 mm (0.750 in. x 0,150 in.) 1 B c:::::J 2598 0100 8.89 mm x 3.81 mm (0,350 in. x 0.150 in.) 2 0 E100 8,89 mm x 3.81 mm (0.350 in. x 0.150 in.) 4 E 8.89 mm x 19,05 mm (0.150 in. x 0.750 in.) 2 F 1 C E3 0 2899 8.89 mm x 8.89 mm (0.350 in. x 0.350 in.) 2899 2899 F100 C100 = Package Outline Wi G100 8.89 mm x 8.89 mm (0.350 in. x 0.350 in.) 2 G IT] H100 8.89 mm 19.05 mm (0.350 in. x 0.750 in.) 1 H D 5-15 Corresponding Panel and Legend Mount Part No. HLMP· 2698 2899 2898 Package Dimensions' 1\ 4.064 MIN. 0.508 ±0.D76 1 10.020 ±0.0031 8.890 10.3501 MAX 111 'L .r~~ PIN 1 CATHOOE END rl 4953 10:,951 10.1601 4.953 10.1951 3.810 10.1501 19.050 .(0.7501 '. ~I 11:i r 3.. 810 IJ' II~ Lli TOPB TOP A . I PART NUMBER END VIEW A, B SEATING PLANE t...,...;,;,,;.._tTI SEATING PLANE LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY 1 2 (SEE NOTE 41 2.54 TVP J L 1 TypJ 2.54 10.1001 3 4 5 6 7 8 TLS.223 1.016 (0.2451 (0.0401 MAX. ~hTYP. 10.1001 0,584 ± 0.076 (0.023 '0.0031 SIDE B SIDE A I~ ' I ~PIN I :- . - Ii II! ,~.:~ 11g~;;,'r M·AX. 3 6 4 1.016 (O.04°'l~ 6.223 TYP. 10.2451 MAX. 10.3501 5 C -.l T ~ 3.810 10.150'1-1 ""I===I;==--I LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY ISEE NOTE 41 CJJ70 CJ 10.0501' c:J -1 TYP. SIDE VIEW E, F, G, H 1,0.1501 3.810 10.1501 _ _ 4PLCS PART NUMBER 0.508 ± 0.05· (0.020± 0.0021 . L1 DF~I:~~~~O :,' I TYP. --, I 10.160 10.4001 ~ MAX. E NOTE: DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES (INCHES). TOLERANCES :!:0.25 mm (:!;0.010 inl UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 5-16 . 7.620 (0.3001 4064-b] (0:1601~ 'no r----1 - :3m'0:0501 L-..J __'0_,1501 T ~ I~~~g, It-=T --;I,~:~~g, It- SIDE VIEW C, 0 2.540 10.1001 . 0.254' 0.05 _ (0.010 ± 0.002;-11 MIN. END VIEW C,D, E, F,G,H Internal Circuit Diagrams ~ "' .. ' , " 2 3 • A PIN.FUNCTfON PIN C,D PIN FUNCTION B.', -2100/-2350/-2450 . ·2550 A PIN -2000/-2300/-2400 -2500 1 •... Cathode-a 2 A~ode - a Cathode -::- b 3 4 ,i - Anode-b' C,D Caihode - a 16 Anode - a '5 Cathod~.- ,'. b ." Anode-b', 5 .' Cathode -'c 13 6 Anode-.c '2 '7 8 Cathode -d " Anode --,. d 10 B 1 2 3 4 C4THODEa ANODE a'" ANODE b CATHODE b CATHODE c ANODEc ANODEd CATHODE d S 6 7 8 9 10 " 11 12 13 14 15 16 E,F,G,H. CATHODE a ANODE a ANODE b CATHODE b CATHODE c ANODEc ANODEd CATHODEd CATHODEe ANODEe ANODEf CATHODEf .CATHODE 9 ANODE'g ANODEh CATHODE h E,F,G,H Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA = 25°C Parameter HLCP A100 8100 C100 0100 Luminous.lntenslty[4) Per Light Emitting Area E100 Fl00 Gl00 Hl00 Peak Wavelength . Symbol Min. 30 Iv 6.0 Iv 6.0 Iv 3.0 Iv 3.0 Iv 6.0 Iv 6.0 Iv 12.0 Iv Typ. Units Test Conditions mcd 12.0 mcd 20 mA Pk: 1 of 4 OF 15 mcd 3mA DC 3mAOC 24.0 mcd 20 mA Pk: 1 of 4 OF 15 mcd 3mAOC 24.0 mcd 20 mA Pk: 1 of 4 OF 7.5 mcd 3mAOC 12.0 mcd 20 mA Pk: 1 of 4 OF 7.5 mcd 3mA DC 12.0 mcd 20 mA Pk: 1 of 4 OF 15 mcd 3mADC 24.0 mcd 20 mA Pk: 1 of 4 OF 15 mcd 3mAOC 24.0 mcd 20 mA Pk: 1 of 4 OF 30 mcd 3mAOC 48.0 mcd 20 mA Pk: 1 of 4 OF nm nm Apeak 645 Dominant Wavelength[5] Ad 637 Forward Voltage Pef Led VF Reverse Breakdown VOltage Per LED VBR Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin Mal(. 7.5 IF; 3 mA 1.6 1.8 5 2.2 V IF= 20 mA Pk: 1 of4 OF V lR ~ 100,uA "C/WI ROJ _PIN 250 LED Chip Notes: 4. These devices are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter code on. the side of the package. 5. The dominant wavelength, Ad. is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 5-17 Electrical The HLCP-X100 series of light bar devices are compsed of two, four or eight light emitting diodes, with the light from each LED optically scattered to form an evenly illuminated light emitting surface. These diodes have their P-N junctions formed in AIGaAs epitaxial layers on a GaAs substrate. The anode and cathode of each LED is brought out by separate pins. This universal pinout arrangement allows for the wiring of the LED's within a device in any of three possible configurations: parallel, series, or series/parallel. The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 4, should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor values and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum V F values for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation may be calculated using the following VF models: The maximum power dissipation can be calculated for any pulsed or DC drive condition. For DC operation, the maximum power dissipation is the product of the maximum forward voltage and the maximum forward current. For pulsed operation, the maximum power dissipation is the product of the maximum forward voltage at the peak forward current times the maximum average forward current. Maximum allowable current for any given ambient temperature and thermal resistance (RIIJ-A) can be determined by using Figure 2. The solid line in Figure 2 (RIIJ-A of 5380 C/W) represents a typical thermal resistance of a device socketed in a printed circuit board. The dashed lines represent achievable thermal resistances that can be obtained through improved thermal deSign. VFMAX = 2.0 V + IF (10 0), IF 2: 20 mA VFMAX = 1.8 V + IF (20 0), IF ~ 20 mA OPERATION IN THIS REGION REQUIRES TEMPERATURE DERATING OF IDe MAX tp - PULSE DURATION - /-IS Figure 1. Maximum Allowable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration 15 1.2 ,,·t++~ ---~\ " E ,. /' 1.0 "iii 0.8 ::> ~ 0.6 "I > I- iiia: 10 Ro", • 6Qo'c/WILEO -, ~ - ::; a: "c w i= ~ X ".E'" 0.4 i a: 0.2 °20 30 40 50 60 70 80 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ 90 100 10 °c 20 30 40 PEAK CURRENT PER LED (rnA) Figure 2. Maximum Allowed DC Current per LED vs. Ambient Temperature, Deratings Based on Maximum Allowable Thermal Resistance Values, LED Junction-to-Ambient on a per LED Basis, T JMAX = 110' C Figure 3. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak LED Current 5-18 50.0 I " ..1 20.0 I E ...I i:'a:i 10.0 5.0 a: ::> u c 2.0 ~ a: 1.0 a: it 0.5 I -" 0.2 0.1 1.0 0.5 0 VF - '.5 2.0 0'1L .2-l-LLJ O."'5LU..I..L,--!c2-LJ""5~LJ.J,l:0--,J20 2.5 DC CURRENT PER LED (mAl FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity VB. DC Forward Current Figure 4. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics I For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Notes 1005 and 1027. 5-19 I LED BreOLOR LIGHT BARS roUi HEWLETT DIP - single Light Emitting Area -.:~ PACKARD HIGH EFFICIENCY REDIYElLOW HLMp·2950 HIGH EFFICIENCY RED/HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN HLMp·2965 Features • LARGE,BRIGHT, UNIFORM. LIGHT EMITTING AREA' . . 8.89mm x8.89mm (0.35 x 0.35 inch) ApprClximalely Lambertian Radialion Pattern • CHOICE OF TWO.BICOLOR COMBINATIONS • CATEGORIZED FOR LIGHT OUTPUT A'ND • YELLOW GREEN CATEGORIZED FOR DOMINANT WAVELENGTH • EXCELLENT ON-OFF CONTRAST • EASILY MOUNTED ON P.C. BOARDS OR INDUSTRY STANDARD DIP SOCKETS • MECHANICALLY RUGGED • X-Y STACKABLE • FLUSH MOUNTABLE Applications • CAN BE USED WITH HLMP-;!898 PANEL AND LEGEND MOUNT • TRISTATE LEGEND ILLUMINATION • LIGHT EMITTING SURFACE SUITABLE FOR LEGEND ATTACHMENT PER APPLICATION NOTE 1012 • I.C. COMPATIBLE o SPACE-CONSCIOUS FRONT PANEL STATUS INDICATORS o BUSINESS MACHINE MESSAGE ANNUNCIATORS o TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDICATORS o TWO FUNCTION LIGHTED SWITCHES Description The HLMP-2950/-2965 light bars are bicolor light sources designed for a variety of applications where dual state or tristate illumination is required for the same annunciator function. In addition. both devices are capable of emitting a range of colors by pulse width modulation. These light bars '",- are configured in dual-in-line packages which contain a single light emitting area. The high efficiency red (HER) and yellow LED chips utilize GaAsP on a transparent GaP substrate. The green LED chips utilize GaP on a transparent substrate. I package 'Dimensions 2.540 10.1001 -j-;;;;",'==iI LUMINOUS INTENSITV -=~~~ ~D-! I )gl~ 2 MAX. : D11-1 : 8-- 1 T ---rjII ~ 8.890 (0.3501 10.160 (0.4001 -I ' MAX. SIDE VIEW 8.890 (O.350) TOP VIEW END VIEW _ "'OTES, DIMENSIONS IN MllLiMETRes I1NCIIESI. TOLERANCeS cO.25 min {'O.OIO Inl UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter HLMP·2965 HLMP·2950 135mW 85mW Average Power Dissipation per LED Chip!1j Peak Forward Current per LED Chip, T A'" 50' C (Maximum Pulse Width" 2 ms)I1.2! Time AveragEj,Forward Current per LED Chip, Pulsed Conditions[2! .......... ,....•.. ,... 90mA 60mA 25,rnA; TA = 25°C 29mA; Ti<;'50°C DC Fdrward Current per LED Chip, T A = 50' C[3! OPllrating Temperature Range .." 36"mA '25mA -20' C to +85.' C _40° C to +85° C Storage Tempe,rature Range -40' C to +85' C Lead So!dering,Temperature, 1.6 mm (V16 inch) Below Seating plane 260' C for 3 seconds Notes: 1. For HLMP-2965, derate above T A = 25° C at 1.8 mW;o C per LED chip. For HLMP-2950, derate above T A = 50' C at 1.8 mW;oC per LED chip. See Figure 2. 2. See Figure 1 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 3. For HLMP-2965, derate above TA = 50'C at 0.50 mA/'C per LED chip. For HLMP-2950, derate above TA = 60°C at 0.50 mA/oC per LED chip. See Figure 3. Internal Circuit Diagram PIN * HIGH EFFICIENCY RED LED *,. YELLOWI GREEN HER a 2 CATHODE ANODE a 3 4 ANODE b CATHODE b 5 CATHODE c 6 7 CATHODE 9" CATHODE h B ANODEh YELLOW OR GREEN LED Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA = 25°C HIGH EFFICIENCY RED/YELLOW HLMp·2950 Parameter Symbol HER Min. Typ, 13 43 13 Iv HER Peak Wavelength Yellow 5 Yellow Thermal ReSistance LED Junction-to-Pin Yellow mcd 20 mA DC 49 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 Duty Factor 35 mCd 20 mA DC 43 mod 60 mA Pk: 1 of3 Duty Factor nm 583 626 Ad nm 585 HER Forward Voltage Test Conditions 635 APEAK HER Dominant Wavelength Units Iv Luminous Intensity • Yellow Max. VF 2.0 2.6 2.1 2.6 150 OJC 5-21 V "C/W/LED iF=20mA Electrical/optical Characteristics at TA HIGH EFFICIENCY RED/GREEN HLMP-2965 Symbol Parameter HER Luminous Intensity Min. Typ. 19 43 25 20 mA DC 49 mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of 3 Duty Factor 50 mcd 20 mA DC mcd 60 mA Pk: 1 of3 Duty Factor Iv HER Green 635 APEAK Green 626 Ad Green Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin nm 572 HER Forward Voltage nm 565 HER Dominant Wavelength: sl Test Conditions mcd 56 Peak Wavelength Units Iv 4 Green Max. VF 2.0 2.6 2.2 2.6 150 ReJ-PIN V IF '" 20 mA °C/W/LED Notes: 4. These devices are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity categorization designated by a two letter combination code located on the side of the package (Z =HER, W =Yellow or Green) 5. The dominantwavelength, "d, is derived from the C.I.E. chromaticity diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device. Electrical The HLMP-2950/-2965 bicolor light bar devices are composed of eight light emitting diodes: four High Efficiency Red and four that are either Yellow or Green. The light from each LED is optically scattered to form an evenly illuminated light emitting surface. The LED's are die attached and wire bonded in bicolor pairs, with the anodel cathode of each LED pair brought out by separate pins. The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 5, should be used for calculating the current limitin>j resistor values and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation may be approximated using the following VF models: VF = 1.8V + IPEAK (400) For IpEAK ~ 20 mA VF = 1.6V + IDC (500) For 5 mA ::; IDe::; 20 mA The maximum power dissipation can be calculated for any pulsed or DC drive condition. For DC operation, the maximum power dissipation is the product of the maximum forward voltage and the maximum forward current. For pulsed operation, the maximum power dissipation. is the product of the maximum forward voltage at the peak forward current times the maximum average forward current. Maximum allowable power dissipation for any given ambient temperature and thermal resistance r R8J-A I can be determined by using Figure 2. The solid line in Figure 2 (R8J-A of 538 0 C/W) represents a typical thermal resistance of a device socketed in a printed circuit board. The dashed lines represent achievable thermal resistance that can be obtained through improved thermal design. Once the maximum allowable power dissipation is determined, the maximum pulsed or DC forward current can be calculated. Optical The radiation pattern for these light bar devices is approximately Lambertian. The luminous sterance may be calculated using one of the two following formulas: Lv (cd/m2) = Iv (cd) A (m2) Lv (footlamberts) = ITlv (cd) A (ft2) where the area (A) of the light emitting surface is 67.74 x 10-6 m 2 (729.16 x 10-6ft.2). 5-22 For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, see Application Note 1005. 10 100 10000 1000 tp - PULSE DURATION -lAS Figure 1. Maximum Allowed Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. ~ 180 2 160 o ~ 140 ~ Ci 120 ffi 100 "~ RE~.G~EEN ! !, I 80 " X 60 " " 40 X " 20 :J ! I I R."" 8~IIJA t{V)A _,c ." , , " <- ~ 3~2 C~IILE? / / "s'ssc .30 CIWILED .:. 25 a: 20 ""0 15 I-- 15a: \ :J \ ,; "E" ~" '\ C1/lEh~ j II I . u 'I I \\ RUJA - 3Z2'CIWILEI> ROJ~ "410' CJIiLEh / R"J~ • 5~B'ckILEb/ 10 00 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - C '\ ', k"", lX , V f:\: ,1 \, vkuJw E , -""-b. I ~ REb.GR~EN 30 ,- "'~ VE,lOW " " 35 J J 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - Figure 2. Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation per LED vs. Ambient Temperature. Deratings based on Maximum Allowable Thermal Resistance Values, LED Junction to Ambient on a per LED Basis, Tj MAX = 100' C. 80 90 "c Figure 3. Maximum Allowable DC Current per LED vs. Ambient Temperature, Deratings Based on Maximum Allowable Thermal Resistance Values, LED Junction-to-Ambient on a per LED Basis, Tj MAX = 100' C. 5-23 90 80 , "t. e, I- 70 iiia: 60 :> 50 a: "0a: 40 a: 30 ~ .it, .!: 20 10 VF - F.DRWARD VOLTAGE - V IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 4. Relative Elficlency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak LED Cur~nt. Figure 5. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics. 2.' ,. I- ~< 2.2 2.0 1.8 ~~ 1.6 :>< I.' ",l- 00 zw i~ :>~ ~< w:!1 >a: -0 I-z 1.2 1.0 0.8 <- 0.6 iil a:' 0.' IOC-DC CURRENT PER LED-rnA Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. 5-24 DC, Forward Current. Reversing polarity LED Drivers output control or provide other means for turning both LED's off. An example of this circuit technique is shown in Figure 11. Bicolor LED light bar modules require a polarity reversing scheme to turn on the desired LED. Reversing line drivers, timers and memory drivers can be used to drive bicolor LED light bars. The NE556 dual timer, or two NE555 timers can also be used to drive bicolor light bars, as shown in Figure 12. The outputs at the NE555 timer are able to source or sink up to 200 mAo Connected as shown, each timer acts as an inverting buffer. This circuit has the advantage over the previous line driver circuits of being able to operate at a wide variety of power supply voltages ranging from 4.5 to 16 volts. The reversing line driver, which was originally designed to drive a data transmission line, can also be used as a polarity reversing driver for bicolor LED modules. The reversing line driver has a totem pole output structure that differs from most TTL circuits in that the output is designed to source as much current as it is capable of sinking. Memory drivers can also be used to drive bicolor light bars. Figure 13 shows a 75325 core memory driver being used to drive several pairs of bicolor LEDs. The 75325 is guaranteed to supply up to 600 mA of current with an output voltage considerably higher than 5V line drivers. The 75325 requires an additional 7.5V power supply at about 40 mA to properly bias the sourcing drivers. The 75325 allows tristate (red, green, yellow, or emerald, off) operation. Line drivers designed to operate from a single 5V supply are typically specified to source or sink 40 mA. Figure 7 shows the typical output characteristics of three different line drivers connected so that one output sources current across a load and the current is sunk by another output. This circuit is shown in Figure 8. At 40 mA output current, the output voltage typically varies from 2.4V 1741281 to 2.9V IDM 8830, 96141 for Vee = 5.0V. A basic bicolor LED circuit is shown in Figure 9. Since a line driver can supply 40 mA, it is capable of driving two LED pairs. By employing pulse width modulation techniques to any of these circuits a range of colors can be obtained. This technique is illustrated in Figure 14. Some line drivers like the 9614 are constructed such that the sourcing output is brought out separately from the sinking output. With this type of line driver, the LED currents for each pair can be controlled separately. This technique is shown in Figure 10. Other line drivers provide a tri-state 80 'E", I- to-... -..., "\ SO a: ::> "::> 40 ::::> 'i' E ,, V I- ---.---------1r---- vcc V-OM8830 1-'96\4 "I . "\ "<; K' "\ ffi a: Hewlett-Packard cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry described other than the circuitry entirely embodied in an HP product. 74US - \1\ 20 1\\ '\ VO"OUTPUT VOLTAGE - V Figure 8. Line Driver Equivalent Circuit. Figure 7. Typical Output Characteristics of Reversing Line Drivers. RED. RED. GREEN!r-E3~~'!~25D~M8=8=30~-r_-----l 5 YELLOW 3sn RED T-----l GREEN·-l:i3::>==kYELLOW 3sn lsn GREEN! YELLOW RED lsn GREEN! YELLOW YIELDS APPROXIMATELY 20mAlRED LED YIELDS APPROXIMATELY 25mAIYELLOW OR GREEN LED Figure 9. Typical Line Driver Circuit; Approximately 20mA/LED Pair. 5-25 Figure 10. Techniques for Varying the Current of Each LED. 1/67404 RED,GREEN,VELIOW----~--~~;~r_----------_:31~~~------~--------------__, lsn l5n GREENI YELLOW ENABLE-----r------------------~_7_i Figure 11'. Tristate (Red, Green/Yello~ Off) Bicolor LED Driver. +6V RED, GREEN, YELLOW lOn: 10n 10fl RED YIELDS APPROXIMATELY 25mA/LED PAIR Figure 12. Use of Dual Timer to Drive Bicolor Light Bars +V:>7.5 1/67404 ~~-.--~~fA~~~----~~~W~2~------~--~--------_1~----~ 1/275325 X 15 ENABlE--~----~------~r_~ot~------~-----1 GREEN, YELLOW RED +-____________--+______~ lOmA PER LED PAIR rl0'--__-+__ D 1/275325 Yr------' C UP TO 20 LED PAIRS (600mA TOTALI Figure 13. 75325, High Current Bicolor Driver, Vee Vee Vee 100Kfl 2Kfl PULSE WIDTH MODULATION CDNTROL .-/ 100Kn 14 2.2Kfl 1/2 NE556 112 NE556 f------ OUTPUT (BICOLOR CIRCUIT) 2AVn' n_ L-J ~ ~ GREEN, YEL~OW O.BV _______________ 2. 4V UlF -RED 0.8V ________________ Figure 14. Pulse Width Modulation Technique 5-26 LED COLOR KEY FOR ALL FIGURES XHER' A YELLOW OR GREEN LED 10-ELEMENT BAR GRAPH ARRAY F/i;;'l RED HIGH-EFFICIENCY RED YELLOW HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN M!JlnCOlQR MULTICOLOR HEWLETT a:~ PACKARD HD5P-4820 HDSP'1l830 HDSP-481l0 HDSP-1l850 HP$P'1l832 HDSP-1l836 Features • CUSTOM MULTICOLOR ARRAY CAPABILITY • MATCHED LEOs FOR UNIFORM APPEARANCE • END ST ACKABLE • PACKAGE INTERLOCK ENSURES CORRECT ALIGNMENT • LOW PROFILE PACKAGE • RUGGED CONSTRUCTIONRELIABILITY DATA SHEETS AVAILABLE • LARGE, EASILY RECOGNIZABLE SEGMENTS • HIGH ON-OFF CONTRAST, SEGMENT TO SEGMENT • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY • HDSP-4832/-4836/-4840/-4850 CATEGORIZED FOR DOMINANT WAVELENGTH Applications • • • • • Description These 10-element LED arrays are designed to display information in easily recognizable bar graph form. The packages are end stackable and therefore capable of displaying long strings of information. Use of these bar graph arrays eliminates the alignment, intenSity, and color matching problems associated with discrete LEOs. The HDSP-4820/-48301 -4840/-4850 each contain LEOs of just one color. The HDSP-4832/-4836 are multicolor arrays with High-Efficiency Red, Yellow, and Green LEOs in a single package. CUSTOM MULTICOLOR ARRAYS ARE AVAILABLE WITH MINIMUM DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR OR HP SALES OFFICE FOR DETAILS. INDUSTRIAL CONTROLS INSTRUMENTATION OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPUTER PERIPHERALS CONSUMER PRODUCTS Package Dimensions 1. DIMENSIONS IN MII_LIMETRES (lNCHESI. Z. ALL UNTOLERANCEO DIMENSIONS fOR REFERENCE ONLY. 3. HD$P-483ZI-4ll36/-4ll40!-48S0 ONLY. 2.54 (0.1001 DATE CODE R- o.~ PIN I MARKING {O.OISI L I' !...........J 7.52" 0.36 I I (0.300, 0.0151 ~.54±O.2S (O.100±Ml0) 5-27 Absolute Maximum Ratings£91 HDSP-4820 Parameter Average Power DISsipation per LED (T = 25° C) [1} HDSP-4830 HDSP-4840 HDSP-4850 125mW 125mW 125mW 125mW Peak Forward Current per LED 150 mWrll1 90 mA[3) 6OmA(3) 9OmAf3] DC Forward Current per LED 30mA[41 30mA[Sj SamAra] 30 mAFl -40" C to +85" C Operating Temperature Range 20" C to +85· C -40' C to +85' C Storage Temperature Range 3.0 V Reverse Voltage per LE::D Lead Soldering Temperature (1.59 mm (1/16 inCh) below seating plane 260° C for 3 seconds NOTES: 1. Derate maximum average power above TA = 25' C at 1.67 mW/' C. This derating assumes worst case. R0J-A = 600' C/WiLED. 2. See Figure 1 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 3. See Figure 6 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 4. Derate maximum DC current above TA=63' C atO.81 mAl' C per LED. Thisderating assumes worst case R0J-A= 600' C/W/LED. With an improved thermal design, operation at higher temperatures without derating is possible. See Figure 2. 5. Derate maximum DC current above TA = 50' C atO.6 mAl' C per LED. This derating assumes worst case R0J-A = 600' C/W/LED. With an improved thermal design, operation at higher temperatures without derating is possible. See Figure 7. 6. Derate maximum DC current above TA= 70' C atO.67 mAl' C per LED. This derating assumes worst case R0J-A=600' C/W/LED. With an improved thermal design, operation at higher temperatures without derating is possible. See Figure 8. 7. Derate maximum DC current above TA = 37' C at 0,48 mAl' C per LED. This derating assumes worst case R0J-A = 600' C/W/LED. With an improved thermal design, operation at higher temperatures without derating is possible. See Figure 9. 8. Clean only in water, Isopropanol, Ethanol, Freon TF or TE (or equivalent) and Genesolve 01-15 (or equivalent). . 9. Absolute maximum ratings for the HER, Yellow, and Green elements of the multicolor arrays are identical to the HDSP-4830/-48401 -4850 maximum ratings. Multicolor Array segment Colors Internal Circuit Diagram 1'-... v 20 b 19 " d t-.. • . ::: f ::: ::: h ~i K I v 10 18 17 16 15 14 13 PIN 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 FUNCTION AN()DE-a ANODE-b ANODE-c ANOOE-d ANODE-e ANODE-f ANODE-g ANODE-h ANODE-i ANOOE-! PIN 11 12 FUNCTION CATHODE-j CATHODE-; CATHODE-h CATHODE-g CATHODE-f CATHODE-. CATHOOE-d CATHODE-c CATHODE-b CATHODE-a 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 12 Segment a b C d e f g h i 11 J HDSp·4832 Segment Color HER HER HER Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Green Green Green HD$P-4838 Segment Color HER HER Yellow YellOW Green Green Yellow Yellow HER HER Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA,= 25 0 C41 RED HDSP-4820 Parameter Luminous Intensity per LED (Unit Average)111 Symbol IF Test Conditions Min. Typ. IF=20mA 610 1250 APEAK 655 Dominant Wavefength l21 Ad 645 Forward Voltage per LED VF IF=20mA Reverse Voltage per LED VR IR'" 100 p.A Peak Wavelength 1.6 3 Max. Units I I !tcd nm nm 2.0 V 12(5) V Temperature Coefficient VI' per LED AVF/oC -2.0 mVioC Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pln RSJ- P1N 300 "C/WI LED 5-28 YELLOW HDSP-4840 Parameter Luminous Intensity per LED (Unit Average}111 Peak Wavelength t1' ,. Symbol d Test Conditions IF= 10 mA Iv "Min. Ty!). 600 1900 Rax. "cd nm 583 APEAK Dominant Wavelengthl2,3 1 Ad 581 Forward Voltage per LED VF 11'=20 rnA Reverse Voltage per LED VA IA = 100 "A 3 Units 585 592 2.2 2.5 nm V 40(51 V Temperature Coefficient VF per LED AVF/"C -2,0 mVl·C Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin RaJ-PIN 300 ·ClWi LED GREEN HDSP-4850 Parameter Luminous Intensity per LED (Unit Average}111 Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength l2•31 Symbol Iv Test Conditions Min. Typ. IF=10mA 600 1900 Max. fled APEAK 566 Ad 571 577 2.1 2.5 Forward Voltage per LED VF Reverse Voltage per LED VA IF"'" 10 rnA I IA'" 100 "A 3 Units nm nm V 50(51 V Temperature Coefficient VF per LED AVF/·C -2.0 mVl"C Thermal Resistance LED Junction-te-Pin RaJ-PIN 300 ·C/WI LED NOTES: 1. The bar graph arrays are categorized for luminous intensity. The category is des.ignated by a letter located on the side of the package. 2. The dominant y.oavelength. Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. The HDSP-4832/-4B36/-4B40/-4850 bar graph arrays are categorized by dominant wavelength with the category designated by a number adjacent to the intensity category letter. Only the yellow elements of the HDSP-4B32/-4B36 are categorized for color. 4. Electrical/optical characteristics of the High-Efficiency Aed elements of the HDSP-4B321-4836 are identical to the HDSP-4B30 characteristics. Characteristics of Yellow elements of the HDSP-4B32/-4B36 are identical to the HDSP-4B40. Characteristics of Green elements of the HDSP-4B32/-4B36 are identical to the HDSP-4B50. 5. Reverse voltage per LED should be limited to 3.0 V Max. 5-29 HDSP-4820 OPERATION IN THIS REGION REQUIRES TEMPERATURE DERATING OF IDe MAX 1 1 tp - PULSE DURATION - ,uSEe Figure 1. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration " E I z' a: a: ::J " "" >E r-- 25 I-- 20 1', H;.".48S E X 15 >E 10 " "~ 1-0 * 0,9 (j 30 r-:- I'--- I UJ > ;:: ~ RJ'A .loo,d'\'JlsJo/ h,", ""'- I- If > 35 IUJ - 1-1 45 40 a: I I \ ! 0.8 C 0 0 0.7 00 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 I 160 150 Ipeak - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - rnA Figure 2. Maximum Allowable D.C. Current per LED vs. Ambient Temperature. Deratings based on Maximum Allowable Thermal Resistance, LED Junction-to-Ambient on a per LED basis. T JMAX = 1000 C Figure 3. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) VB. Peak Segment Current 1.4,----,..----,---,....---,..-----, 160 i o TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - QC < E 140 ~ z ! ~ 120 100 ~ ~ B 80 60 ~ < ~ 40 I 20 ~ ",. .4 .8 1.2 16 20 24 2.8 ),2 V F - FORWARD VOL T AGE - V IF - SEGMENT DC CURRENT - rnA Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity VB. D.C. Forward ,Current Figure 4. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005. 5-30 HDSP-4830/-4840/-4850 V !dslilllo Illtlll HOSPI1Y'O OPERATION IN THIS REGION REaUIRES HDSP-.4j40 TEMPERATURE "-\ \ "- ~'O 10 ~ DERATING OF IDe MAX. J,.. \ 1\ 'oS>", 1\'<>oS>~ l~oS> ~~ I f\ I ~ 1 ~ 1'\ ~r-~~i'A t: ~<" ~ f\ 1m ~ 10,000 1000 100 DC OPERATION 'tp - PULSE DURATION - ~SEC Figure 6. HDSP-4830/-4840/-4850 Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration 45 "e iii0: 35 ::> 30 0: "c" ::> " "X ""XI "E" u I iii "- r\. 25 I Re'_A = 600'elW/l 15 o o w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 12 ~ 10 " W 00 L "~ . 'It ~ "I 6 ~ 4 "E I 2 o o 00 10 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °C " zw 0: 0: ::> u "c " ::> ~" " J!" 45 1.6 40 1.5 35 30 25 40 50 60 70 BO 90 100 ~ 1.4 iiiC3 1.3 ~ 1,2 ....l SERIES / / HDSP-4840 1 t t -I- ~ 5w 20 , 10 1.0 I 0.9 ~ 0.8 1/ HDSP-4SS0 SERies fA V 1.1 J 0: 15 HDSP-4B30 SERIES / w I ~ 30 Figure 8. HDSP-4840 Maximum Allowable D.C. Current per LED vs. Ambient. Temperature. Deratlngs Based qn Maximum Allowable Thermal Resistance Values, LED Junctlon-to-Amblent on a . per LED basis. TJ MAX = 1000 C. . I I- 20 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE -'C Figure 7. HDSP-4830 Maximum Allowable D.C. Current per LED vs. Ambient Temperature. Deratings Based on Maximum Allowable Thermal Resistance Values, LED Junctlon-to-Amblent on a per LED basis. T J MAX = 1000 C. e - c - , 5 14 a u ~~ 10 RSJ-" 06oo'CIWI$EO+ ~ ~y I 1\1 16 I- Re,••• 4~'CIW/LED 20 ~ ~ lB J I I- 20 I 40 n I .: 0.7 0 0.6 0 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 IpEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - rnA TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE -'C Figure 10. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per UnltCurrent) vs. Peak Segment Current . Figure 9. HDSP-4850 Maximum Allowable D.C. Current per LED ¥s. Ambient Temperature. Deratlngs Based on Maximum Allowable Thermal Resistance Values. LED Junctlon-to-Ambient on a per LED basis. T J.MAX = 100°C C. For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Dat.a Sheet Inforl)1ation and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005: .... 5-31 HDSP-4830/-4840/-4850/-4890 90 r--rr:;HD;:;SP'".-::4S5=O"'1--; .I./, rr--r--,-,--, 4.0,-,--r--,-,--,-r--r-. BO 1--+",SE'j'R",tE;::.Sr----t--I"+-I+-l~+-_1 35 "7 70 f-+-t-f-',+-+-+-t-+---l Ii ~ 60 I--+-+-I--I//'r-/ .-t-;H"'O!;;:SP:;--4S.h;4Q.-I---l !5 1/- SERIES 50 I-H"'OS:±"P-4";;B;-!c3Q;c-' ~l-llllfH'--+-'''T'='-+--1 :=l-I---tT--1L/~ It SERIES '!III ~ 40 f-'=T"-r--'I;,rylH-+-+-t-+---l 2.0 " ~ 30f--r-t-r.~~-t-+-+-t-+---l ~ 20 f-+--tl"hfA'I+--+--I-_I--+-+--1 10 1.5 lhi 2.0 3.0 4.0 • / 1.0 o,:V Vl f--r-H. r-t---r-t-t---r-t--1 1.0 L a 5.0 V 5 L 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 IDC - DC CURRENT PER LED - rnA VF '- FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 11. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Figure 12. HDSP-4830/-4840/-4850 Relative Luminous Intensity vs. D.C. Forward Currenl Electrical These versatile bar graph arrays are composed often light emitting .diodes. The light from each LED is optically stretched to form individual elements. The diodes in the HDSP-4820 bar graph utilize a Gallium Arsenide Phosphide (GaAsP) epitaxial layer on a Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) Substrate. The HDSP-4830/-4840 bar graphs utilize a GaAsP epitaxial layer on a GaP substrate to produce the brighter high-efficiency red and yellow displays. The HDSP-4850 bar graph arrays utilize a GaP epitaxial layer on a GaP substrate. The HDSP-4832/-4836 multicolor arrays have high efficiency red, yellow, and green LEOs in one package. The time averaged luminous intensity may be calculated using the relative efficiency characteristic shown in Figures 3 and 10. The time averaged luminous intensity at TA = 25°C is calculated as follows: These display devices are deSigned to allow strobed operation. The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure4 or 11, should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor value and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VFvalues, for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation, may be calculated using the following VF MAX models. Example; For HDSP-4830 operating at IPEAK = 50 mA, 1 of 4 Duty Factor Refresh rates of 1 KHz or faster provide the most efficient operation resulting in.the maximum possible time averaged luminous intensity. 1 r IFAVG Iv TIME AVG = ~F SPEC AV~('1IPEAK) (Iv SPEC) '1IPEAK = 1.35 (at IpEAK = 50 mAl HDSP-4820 (Red) VF MAX =1.75 V + IPEAK (12.5f1) For: IPEAK :2: 5 mA r12.5 mAl Iv TIME AVG= l1 0 mA (1.35) 2280 !Lcd = 3847 !Lcd j HDSP-4830/-4840 (High Efficiency Red/Yellow) VF MAX = 1.75V + IPEAK(38D) For IPEAK :2: 20 mA VF MAX = 1.6V+loc (45D) For: 5 mA ~ loc ~ 20 mA HDSP-4850 (Green) VF MAX = 2.0V + IPEAK (50D) For: IPEAK > 5 mA I For Further Information Concerning Bar Graph Arrays and Suggested Drive Circuits, Consult HP Application Note 1007 Entitled "Bar Graph Array Applications". -'-' 5-32 Fli;' 101 ELEMENT BAR GRAPH ARRAY HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD HJPH RED HDSp·8820 HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HDSP-8825 PERFORMANCE GR~EN HDSP:8835 TECHNICAL DATA JANUARY 1986 Features • HIGH RESOLUTION (1%) • EXCELLENT ELEMENT APPEARANCE Wide, Recognizable Elements Matched LEDs for Uniformity Excellent Element Alignment • SINGLE-IN-LlNE PACKAGE DESIGN Sturdy Leads on Industry Standard 2.54 mm (0.100") Centers Environmentally Rugged Package Common Cathode Configuration • LOW POWER REQUIREMENTS 1.0 rnA Average per Element at 1% Duty Cycle • SUPPORT ELECTRONICS Easy Interface with Microprocessors Description The HDSP-88XX series is a family of 101-element LED linear arrays designed to display information in easily recognizable bar graph or position indicator form. The HDSP-8820, utilizing red GaAsP LED chips assembled on a PC board and enclosed in a red polycarbonate cover with an epoxy backfill seal, has 1.52 mm (0.060 inch) wide segments. The HDSP-8825 and HDSP-8835 are high efficiency red and high performance green respectively, each with a 1.02 mm (0.040 inch) segment width. The HDSP8825 and HDSP-8835 have a clear polycarbonate lens. Mechanical considerations and pin-out are identical among all 3 devices. The common cathode chips are addressed via 22 single-in-line pins extending from the back side of the package. Applications o INDUSTRIAL PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS o EDGEWISE PANEL METERS o INSTRUMENTATION o POSITION INDICATORS o FLUID LEVEL INDICATORS Package Dimensions (1, 2) MAGNIFIED ELEMENT DESCRIPTION! 5-33 Internal Circuit Diagram 15,61 C'~ co 1 Device Pin Description PIN LOCATION @A ~ ;g: A, At ~ ~ A, i;j A3 ~ I" ~ LA ~ [ As As ~ A7 7 As 31 Ag 27 AlO Cl0 S N :: LA IA :" ~ LA C200-1 C30®-f SIX ADDITIONAL GROUPSOF TEN ELEMENTS C40@)--l C50@)--l C60@--1 C70@--1 C80 33 1 1 1 I I I I N LA ~ iA :~ C90 "' iA L< c: I" 0'" PIN NUMBER NOTES: 5. ELEMENT LOCATION NUMBER ~ COMMON CATHODE NUMBER + ANODE NUMBER, FOR EXAMPLE, ELEMENT 83 IS OBTAINES BY ADDRESSING CSO AND A3. 6. A' AND C' ARE ANODE AND CATHODE OF ELEMENT ZERO. 5-34 FUNCTION 1 2 3 C'(6) 4 No Pin 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 C10 A1 A8 CO A4 No Pin C20 No Pin A'(6) No Pin C30 No Pin A7 No Pin C40 No Pin A2 No Pin C50 No Pin A3 No Pin C60 No Pin A10 No Pin C70 No Pin A9 No Pin C80 A5 A6 No Pin C90 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter HOSP·SS20 HOSP·SS25 Average Power per Element (TA "" 25· C) 15mW 20mW HOSP·S835 20mW Peak Forward Current per Element (TA "" 25"0)17 1(Pulse Width:5 300 psI 200mA 150mA 1S0mA 7mA 5mA SmA Operating Temperature Range -40· to +850 C Storage Temperature Range -40· to +85·C -40" to +85" 0 -400 to+85.C -40. to +850C Average Forward Current per E'iement (TA"" 25" C)[81 Reverse Voltage per Element or DP Lead Solder Temperature 1.59 mm [1.16 inch] below seating plane[Sl -40" to +85· C 5.0 V 5.0V S.OV 260· C for 3 sec. 260" C tor 3 sec. 260' C for 3 seo. Notes: 7. See Figures 1 and 2 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 8. Derate maximum average forward current above TA = 70 0 C at 0.16 mAIO C/Element for the HDSP-8820 and 0.11 mN°C/Element for the HDSP-882s and HDSP-883s. See Figures 3 and 4. 9. Clean only in water, Isopropanol, Ethanol, Freon TF. or TE (or equivalent) and Genesolv DI-ls or DE-IS (or equivalent), See mechanical section of this data sheet for Information on wave soldering conditions. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA 25°C RED HDSP-8820 Para"",ier Time averaged Luminous Intensity per Element (Unit average) [Ill) Symbol Test Conditions Min. IV 100 mA Pk.: 1 of 110 Duty Factor 8 Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength [111 APEAK Max. 20 Ad VF IF'" 100 mA Rel/erse Voltage per Element VR AVF/oC tR" 100 pA 640 1.7 om 2.1 3.0 V V ·2.0 700 R6J-PIN Units pod nm 655 Forward Voltage per Element Temperature cOefficient VF per Element Thermal Resistance LEO Junetlon-ta-Pin Typ. '.eml LED HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HDSP-8825 Parameter Time averaged Luminous Intensity per Element (Unit average) [WI Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength (111 SymbOl IV Test Conditions 100 mA Pk.: 1 of 110 Duty Factor Typ. 60 175 pod 635 626 2.3 nm nm APEAK Ad Forward Voltage per Element VF IF = 100 mA Reverse Voltage per Element VR IR"" 100 pA I Max. Min. 3.0 3.1 UnllS V V Temperature Coefficient VF per Element .lVF'oC -2.0 mVrC Thermal Resistance LED Junctlon-to-Pin Rt)J-PIN 1000 ·elWf LEO 5-35 Electrical/optical Characteristics at TA 25° C (continued) HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN HDSP-8835 Parameter Time Averaged Luminous Intensity per Element (Unit average) [101 Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength 1111 Symbol Tesl Conditions Min. Typ. IV 100 rnA Pk.: 1 of 110 Duty Factor 70 175 Max. Units j.lcd /l.PEAK 568 nm Ad 574 nm Forward Voltage per Element VI' IF"" 100 mA Reverse Voltage per Element IF = 100 itA Temperature Coefficient VF per Element VR J.VF/·C Thermal ReSistance LED JUnction-ta-Pin R('}J-PIN 2.3 3.0 3~ V -2.0 mVl·C 1000 ·C/WI LED Notes: 10. Operation at peak currents olless than 100 mA may cause intensity mismatch. Consult factory for low current operation. 11. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and is the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. i.OPERATION IN ~ "I THIS REGION REQUIRES T. EMPERATURE DERATING OF Icc MAX. tp - PULSE DURATION - p.sec Figure 1. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current VS. Pulse Duration HDSp·8820 ~~ ~~ mRII.m~ :s ~~ I OPERATION IN ffig 37 ~~~6SU~~~~ON ~ :::E 30 " ~~ TEMPERATURE DERATING OF Icc MAX. x" ~'~ u. .... oz Q~ '" "'u "" .... tp - PULSE DURATION - ~sec Figure 2. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration HDSP·8825 and HDSP-8835 5-36 10 10 "EI "EI ~ ~ :i :ia: r--.. a: a: => "::;"c 7. => :; a: => ""c :; ROJA • 20WCiWILEO ""- => ::; ~. ::; x " ::; I ROJA. '" 2000~ClW/lED I w .s .s 10 20 3D 40 50 60 70 80 8590 100 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - 10 gc 20 30 40 50 60 70 808590 100 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE -'C Figure 4. Maximum Allowable D.C. Current per LED vs. Ambient Temperature. Deratings based on Maximum Allowable Thermal Resistance, LED Junction-toAmbient on a per LED basis. T JMAX "" 115' C HDSP-8825/HDSP-8835 Figure 3. Maximum Allowable D.C. Current per LED vs. Ambient Temperature. Deratings based on Maximum Allowable Thermal Resistance, LED Junction-to-. Ambient on a per LED basis. T JMAX = 115' C· HDSP-8820 200 1.2 HDSP-8S25\. 1.1 I >- 1ii" 1.0 1l0SP-8S20 OJ 0.9 *'" 0.9 c=> z :E "-'w > ~ ula: ~ vi / HDSP-a636 " i-o"" E ...zI !I w a: a: IlDSP-8S20 ""0 a: ,}, 0.7 /I" 0.6 t'HOSP-S8:l5 I I I 0.4 0.3 0.2 o 20 40 60 ~ c--- r-- c--- 140 120 ";:a: 100 '"~ 60 12 'HOsP-8a2S 0.5 190 I ~ 90 HOSP-8820 ~ ~ 40 20 o 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 ,..- 160 II D - 1"'1I0SP-8825 HDSI'_ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 VF - PEAK FORWARD VOLT AGE - V IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER SEGMENT - rnA Figure 5. Retative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Segment Current Figure 6. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage For A Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information, See Application Note 1005. 5-37 operational Considerations ELECTRICAL The HDSP-88XX is a 101 element bar graph. array. The linear array is arranged as ten groups of ten LED elements plus one additional element. The ten elements of each group have common cathodes. Like elements in the ten groups have common anodes. The device is addressed via 22 single-in-line pins extending from the back side of the display. This display is designed specifically for strobed (multiplexed) operation. Minimum peak forward current at which all elements will be illuminated is 15 mA. Display aesthetics are specified at 100 mA, 1/110 DF, peak forward current. The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 6 should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor value and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values, for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation, may be calculated using the following VF model: HDSP-8820 VFMAX = 2.02 V + IPEAK (0.8 !1) For IpEAK > 40 mA HDSP-8825 VFMAX = 1.7 V + IPEAK (14!1) For IpEAK > 40 mA HDSP-8835 VFMAX = 1.7 V + IPEAK (14 0) For IPEAK > 40 mA The time averaged luminous intensity at TA = 25°C may be calculated using: Iv Time Avg. = [ I IF-AVG ] • 1)IPEAK . IV-SPEC F-SPEC-AVG where 1), relative efficiency, may be determined from Figure 5. The circuit in Figure 7 displays an analog input voltage in bar graph form with 101 bit resolution. The 74390 dual decade counter has been configured to count from 0 to 99. The 10 outputs correspond to "ones" and the 20 outputs correspond to "tens". The "one" outputs from the counter drives the display element anodes through a 7442 1 of 10 BCD decoder. Sprague UDN2585 drivers source the anodes with 80 mA peaklsegment. The "ten" outputs from the counter drive the group cathodes through a 74145 BCD decoder. The circuit multiplexes segments 100 to 91 first, then segments 90 to 81, and so on with segments 10 to 1 last. During the time that the output from the T.r. TL507C AID converter is low the corresponding display elements will be illuminated. The TL507C is an economical AID converter with 7 bit resolution. The single output is pulse-width-modulated to correspond to the analog input voltage magnitude. With Vcc = 5 V the analog input voltage range is 1.3 V to 3.9 V. The TL507C output is reset each time the 74390 resets. Duration of the high output pulse is shorter for larger analog input voltages. A high output from the TL507C disables the display by forcing the 7442 inputs to an invalid state. Hence, as the analog input voltage increases more elements of the bar graph display are illuminated. Display element zero is DC driven. The circuit in Figure 8 uses the HDSP-88XX as a 100 bit position indicator. Two BCD input words define the position of the illuminated element. Display duty factor, 1/100, is controlled by the ENABLE signal. MECHANICAL Suitable. conditions for wave soldering depend on the specific kind of equipment and procedure used. A cool down period after flow solder and before flux rinse is recommended. For. more information, consult the local Hewlett-Packard Sales Office or Hewlett-Packard Optoelectronics, Palo Alto, California. 5-38 Vee 1 l Vee lKUf 390n L NE555 18 Vee 74390 4 lB 10A 3 ~2A ; R ~28 D 6 TH 2 I 10. 5 lOe 6 1 lA OUT 3 TR F~C.v.GNP ~.05"F 100 7 15 A 0 14 B 1 2 ~c 3 ,_ f'~' -=1- -= 14 ClRz lOA 13 11 2a" 10 20e 9 3 ~ 5 l' .01"F Ion 9 ~ 4 5 12 0 6 7 6 - 200 1 18 2 2 17 3 4 3 16 4 15 5 5 14 6 6 7 9 7 13 12 6 11 p.!.!!- ~ ~ IS ~ eLfI , 10 13 1 18 19 117 6 15 74Ls32 20pF 14 ~ 9 A 14 B 12 C 5 4 3 2 D i 1 I'471-1F 13 5 21 4 3 25 2 33 17 29 37 820n '1 Vee VCC1 e,. C1') C40 C50 Coo C70 Ceo e,. At ~C' 0l)T4 A C Ie. "--- SKU l~ IN AI : C,. 7 6 ,, 0 Vee 11 10 8 9 1 6 13 5 A, -= 9_ 10J , 8 ,----2-'A AN ALOG IN PUT A. 34 2 110 23 A4 A, 10 UDN 2585 AIC 'EN A, 15 35 A7 2 '---C "----f A,. 31 A. 7 -= 10Kn ~ 27 10 9p!.! L); Vee HDSP-88XX UDN 2585 1 Tl507C GNU 3 -= Figure 7. 101 Element Bar Graph 5-39 Ion Vee I 7442 0 15 14 f B BCD DATA 1 : - 2J r--r ~ ,Ii. 2 3 S 4 $ ~C 4_ 5.1 1 8 7 12 rs 1 2 17 19 3 3 16 23 4 4 UDN_ 15 5 14 34 6 6 13 35 7 7 12 15 9 8 11 7 1Ip!2- 74lS32 e 2 EflAl!U 18 All As A. As 31 At ,jUDN - 1 t 7 NESS!> D 6 TH OUT AJ AO ~ ,~ 9 1 300Kn A2 1'0 Vee R Vcc 6 A, 5 3~ D 18 1 2 27 AtO 7 3 KG 1'0 ~ 2 fR 5 ;-- .001 pF 1 9 eNciND ~' -=- 15 'Ii A a 1 14 B a BCD DATA 13 C 12 D L- 8 $ 4 C D 3 2 1 0 Figure 8. 100 Element Position Indicator 5-40 jI1DSP-88JO( ~ 74145 11 37 10 33 9 29 C7(I 7 25 6 21 5 17 4 13 3 Coo Coo Ceo Coo Coo Can 2 9 C"" 5 1 Ie,. Ct. DOUBLE HETEROJUNETION AIGaAs LOW EURRENT 10-ELEMENT BAR GRAPH ARRAY AIGaAs RED HLCP-J100 Features • LOW POWER CONSUMPTION Typical Intensity of 1.0 mcd @ 1 mA Drive Current • • • • • DEEP RED COLOR END-STACKABLE EXCELLENT ON-OFF CONTRAST WIDE VIEWING ANGLE MATCHED LEOs FOR UNIFORM APPEARANCE Description The solid state 10-element LED bar graph array utilizes HP's newly developed double heterojunction (OH) AIGaAs/ GaAs material technology. The material is characterized by outstanding light output efficiency over a wide range of drive currents. Use of these bar graph arrays eliminates the alignment, intensity and color matching problems associated with discrete LEOs. Typical applications are found in office equipment, instrumentation, industrial controls, and computer peripherals where portability or battery backup are important considerations. package Dimensions 1. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES) 2. ALL UNTOLERENCEO DIMENSIONS FOR REFERENCE DNLV. r 6, to + 0.25 IQ.24 M-I0.G15) I I 1.62 ± 0.38 I - i {O.3OO, MiSl 2.&4+0.26 IO.loo±O.010) 5-41 Absolute Maximum' Ratings Average Power Dissipation per LED (TA = 25 0 C)[1) ............................... 37 mW Peak Forward Current per LED .................. 45 mA DC Forward Current per LED ................... 15 mA Operating Temperature Range ......... -20° C to +100° C Storage Temperature Range ..... '...... -55° C to +100° C Reverse Voltage per LED .......................... 5 V Lead Soldering Temperature (1.59 mm (1/16 inch) below seating plane ................ 260° C for 3 sec. Noles: 1, For pulsed operation, derate above TA = 87' e at 1.7 mW/' e per LED. . 2. See Figure 1 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 3. For De operation, derate above TA = 91'e at 0.8 mA/'e per LED. Internal Circuit Diagram N' ~!b ~ . :;:d v • f • h ",i i 10 Ii VI PIN 1 20 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 19 18 17 16 15 to FUNCTION ANODE-. ANODE-b ANODE-c AI'.)ODE-d ANODE-e ANODE-f ANODE-g ANODE-h ANODE- i ANODe-! PIN g 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 FUNCTION CA1HODE-/ CATHODE-; CATHODE-h CATHODE~9 CATHODE-f CATHODE-. CATHODE-d CATHODE-e CATHODE-b CATHODE-. 14 13 12 11 Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA = 25°C Parameter luminous Intensity per LED (Unit Average)!1) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength(2) Forward Voltage per LED Reverse Voltage per LED Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. 600 1000 5200 pcd ApEAK 645 nm Ad 637 nm IF"1 mADC IF - 20mA Pk; 1 of 4 Duty Factor Iv VF IF=1 mADC IF- 20 mA Pk 1 of 4 Duty Factor VR IR"100/LA Max. Units 1.6 1.a 5 2.2 V V Temperature Coefficient VF per LED AVF/'C -2.0 mVl'C Thermal Resistance LEO Junction-to-Pin R0J-PIN 300 "CIWILEO Notes: 4. These devices are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter code on the side of the package. 5. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the elE chromaticity diagram and is that single wavelength v.:hich defines the color of the device. 5-42 HLCP-J100 8 19~~~ 7 S~~rn=i::=j-;;;;;;.;:;:;;;;-d;, 1=== OPERATION IN THIS REGION REQUIRES TEMPERATURE DERATING OF IDC MAX 11~~~~1~0-i~~~~~~~~~ tp - PULSE DURATION - "' Figure 1. Maximum Allowed Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration 15 .. Ru E ...2I LJChV1L~ f..-- "I II 10 Rs... • w a: a: ./ 600"ChV1LED 1.2 ~\ 1.0 I - - > "2 w OJ 0.8 w w O.S u: u. :::I "" - r-- > C I 5 ~ 0.4 w a: :Ii J 0.2 020 30 40 50 SO 70 so TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ 90 100 10 °c Figure 2. Maximum Allowed DC Current per LED vs. Ambient Temperature, Deratlngs Based on Maximum Allowable Thermal Resistance Values, LED Junctlon-to-Amblent on a per LED Basis, T JMAX = 1100 C 20 3D 40 PEAK CURRENT PER LED (mAl Figure 3. Relative Elllclency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) VB. Peak Segment Current 1I ~ w a: a: :::I " ~ ~ Ii? a: I v, - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 4. Forward Current VB. Forward Voltage . DC CURRENT PER LED ImAI Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005. 5-43 Electrical These versatile bar graph arrays are composed of ten light emitting diodes. The light from each LED is optically stretched to form individual elements. These diodes have their P-N junctions formed in AIGaAs epitaxial layers grown on a GaAs substrate. . ' These display devices are designated to allow strobed operation. The typical forward voltage values. scaled from·, Figure 4. should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor value and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values. for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation. may be calculated using the following VF MAX models. The time averaged luminous intensity may be'balculated' using the relative efficiency characteristic shown in Figure 3. The time averaged luminous intensity at TA = 25°C is , calculated as follows: [ . Iv TIME AVG = I IFAv~ '~ ' ('11 PEAK) (Iv SPEC) FSPECAVG , Example: 'For HLCP~J100ciperating at IpEAK = 45 mAo 1 of 3 Duty Factor '1IPEAK = 0.94 (at IpEAK = 45 mAl VFMAX = 1.8 V + 'F (20 0). IF S; 20 mA 15 mA] : Iv TIME AVG= [ ~ (94) 1000 !tcd = 1410 !tcd V FMAX = 2.0 V + 'F (10 0). IF 2: 20 mA Refresh rates of 1 KHz or faster provide the most efficient operation resulting in the maximum possible time averaged luminous intensity. For Further Information Concerning Bar Graph Arrays and Suggested Drive Circuits, , consultHP Applicatlon,Note 1007 Entitled "Bar Graph Array Applications", .' ;';'\' '5-44 SINGLE CHIP LED LIGHT BAR HIGH EFFICIEN~Y REQ.iHLMP-T2QQS YELLOW···HLMP-T300··S O~~~QE HLMP0S S HIGH PERFORMANCE GREENH[ 00 SERIES Features • FLAT RECTANGULAR LIGHT EMITTING SURFACE • CHOICE OF 4 BRIGHT COLORS • EXCELLENT ON/OFF CONTRAST • IDEAL AS FLUSH MOUNTED PANEL INDICATORS • LONG LIFE: SOLID STATE RELIABILITY • SOLDER COATED LEADS Description Applications The HLMP-T200/-T300/-T400/-T500 light bars are rectangular light sources designed for a variety of applications where this shape and a high sterance are desired. These light bars consist of a rectangular plastic case around an epoxy encapsulated LED lamp. The encapsulant is tinted to match the Golor of the emitted light. The flat top surface is exceptionally uniform i.n light emission and the plastic case eliminate~ light leakage froin the sides of the device. • BAR GRAPHS • FRONT PANEL STATUS INDICATORS • TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDICATORS • PUSH BUTTON ILLUMINATION • PC BOARD IDENTIFIERS .• BUSINESS MACHINE MESSAGE ANNUNCIATORS Package Dimensions ,- r 3.55 10.140) t f 03S 1.65 (0.0651 ~~~~R nn E NeE CATHODE NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILlIMETRES {lNCHESI. 2. TOLERANCES ARE '0.25 mm (,0.010 INCHI UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. &.73 ~O.OISJ (0.265) m I ----r .; --J 5-45 1 20.0 (0.780) MIN. i (O~O~~) Tvp.Ji~ i (O'; ';~) SQ. I ~ + NOM. 2.54 NOM. ~IO.l00) Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C DevIce Symbol Description HLMP- MIn. ~p. Iv Luminous Intensity High Efficiency Red T200 3.0 4.8 Orange T400 3.0 4.8 Yellow T300 3.0 6.0 Green T500 3.0 6.0 201/2 >'PEAK ~ TS C Included Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength Speed of Response capacitance All 100 High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 635 612 Max. 583 Unlta Test CondIIIons moo IF= 20mA Deg. I,," 20 inA See Note 1 nm Measurement at Peak nm See Note 2 565 High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 626 608 585 569 High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 350 350 ns 390 870 High EfficIency Red Orange Yellow Green " pF 11 120 'OIW R6JC Thermal Resistance All Vf Forward Voltage HER/Orange Yellow Green VR Reverse Breakdown Volt. All 'Iv Luminous Efficacy High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 4 8 1.5 1.5 2.2 2.2 2.6 1.6 5.0 2.3 2.6 2.6 VF"'O; f= 1 MHz Junctlon to Cathode Lead at Seating Plane V IF "'20 mA V 'R" 100 I4A 145 262 500 59S IUll'I$ns -watt See Note 3 Notes: 1. 0112 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Radiant intensity,_ 'e, in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = 'v/~v, where Iv is the luminolis intensity in candelas and ~v is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 5-46 Characteristics at TA = 25°C '·'1-·------,--"""--"""-,-..,...,.--..,....,.--,---'------,...-------, HIGH £FFIC~ENCY "EO 0.5 o 750 700 500 Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength. High Efficiency Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green Light Bars 90 II 0 0 z'" WE 10 1.0 ZN ~~ ~~. ,,- -N :0-' -,'" w" 5" V~ 4.0 u '.0 w > .,/ .5 " 3.0 ,., *~ 1.0 W /..J 2.0 / 1.5 >" _0 .t >u ffi 00 ZW Ii 0 2.0 1-0 ""j 0 o GRE~±- - in- Ii ~ RI'D. ORANGE ~~~~e V£llOW 1.2 > t- YELLOW 60 40 1.3 ; 0 5.0 ......V " ~ ~ ~- 1/ 0.• 0 .• 0.7 0.6 - \ GRE1N f-- l - II f ~ '" 10 .\ .' 0.5 15 20 25 30 VF -FORWAROVOLTAGE-V 10 IpEAK - ~ ~ ~ 60 M m 80 00 PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA Icc - DC CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics. Ip - PULSE DURATION - Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current. Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous IntenSity per Unit Current) vs. LED Peak Current. jJ.S Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (I DC MAX as per MAX Ratings). 5-47 Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C High Efficiency Red! Orange Yellow Green Peak Forward Current 90 60 90 mA Average Forward Currentl1] 25 20 25 mA Parameter Units DC Current[2j 30 20 30 mA Power Dissipation [3J 135 85 135 mW Operating Temperature Range -40 to +85 -40 to +85 -20 to +85 Storage Temperature Range -55 to +100 -55 to +100 -55 to +100 ·C Rel/erse Voltage (IR" 100 /LA) 5 V Transient Forward Currentl4J (10/Lsec Pulse) 500 mA Lead Soldering Temperature {1.6 mm (0,063 In.) below seating planel 260" C for 3 seconds Notes: 1. See Figure 5 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 2, For Red, Orange, and Green derate linearly from 50" C at 0,5 mA!" C. For Yellow derate linearly from 50" C at 0,34 mAIo C. , 3, For Red, Orange, and Green derate power linearly from 25°C B1.1.6 mWi~b. For,yellow derate power linearly from 50°C at 1.1;> mWrC, 4, The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current that can be applied to the device without damaging the LED die and wirebond, It is not recommended that the device be operated at peak currents beyond'the peak 'forward current listed in: the Absolute Maximum Ratings, ' '. Electrical Mech~lni~al The typical' forward voltage values,: scaled from Figure 2, should be used for calculating· the current limiting resistor values and typical, power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values for the purpose of driver circuit design and . maximum 'power dissipation may be calcullited using'the . following VF models: These light. bar 'devices may be operated in ambient temperatures above +50° C without derating when installed in a PC board configuration that provides a thermal re~ sistance (junction' to ambient) valueless thari625° C/W. VF = 1.8V + IpEAK (400) For IpEAK <': 20mA VF =; 1.6V + IDe (500) For5 mA~ loe~ 20 mA optical' The radiation paiternfor these light bar devices is approximately Lambertian. The luminous sterance may be calculatedusing one of the two following formulas: L ( d/ 2). = Iv: (Cd) . v c m . A (m2) To optimize device optical performance, speCiallydevel. oped plastics are used which restrict the solvents 'that may be used for cleaning .. It is recommended, that only mixtures of. Freon (F113) and alcohol be used ·for vapor cleaning processes, with an immersion time in the vapors of less than two (2) minutes maximum.' Some suggested vapor cleaning solvents are Freon TE, Genesolv DI-15 or DE-15, Arklone A or K. A,60°C,(140°F) water. cleaning process may also be used, which includes. a 'neutralizer rinse (3% ammonia solution or equivalent), a surfactant rinse (1% detergent solution or equivalent), a hot water rinse and a thorough air dry. Room temperature cleaning may be accomplis~ed with Freon T-E35.orT-P35, Ethanol, Isopropanol or water with a mild detergent: ' _ 7Tlv(cd) Lv (footlamberts) - A (ft2) Size of light emitting area (A)= 3.18 mm x 5.72 mm . = 18.19 x 10c6 m 2 ,; 195.8x 10-6 ft2' "i." 5-48 - - _ .._ - - - - _ . _ . _ - - - _ . _ - - - - - ----.-. -n.~ E~ HEWLETT PACKARD PANEL AND LEGEND MOUNTS FOR LED LIGHT BARS HlMP-2598 HlMP-2599 HlMp·2898 HLMP-2899 Features • FIRMLY MOUNTS LIGHT BARS IN PANELS • HOLDS LEGENDS FOR FRONT PANEL OR PC BOARD APPLICATIONS(1) • ONE PIECE, SNAP-IN ASSEMBLY • MATTE BLACK BEZEL DESIGN ENHANCES PANEL APPEARANCE • FOUR SIZES AVAILABLE • MAY BE INSTALLED IN A WIDE RANGE OF PANEL THICKNESSES • PANEL HOLE EASILY PUNCHED OR MILLED Description This series of black plastic bezel mounts is designed to install Hewlett-Packard Light Bars in instrument panels ranging in thickness from 1.52 mm (0.060 inch) to 3.18 mm (0.125 inch). A space has been provided for holding a 0.13 mm (0.005 inch) film legend over the light emitting surface of the light bar module. Selection Guide Panel and Legend Mount Part No. HLMP- Corresponding Light Bar ModUle Part No. HLCP- HLMP- Panel Hole Inslallation Dimensions(2) Package Outline; 2598 9100 2350,2450,2550 7,62 mm 10.300 inch, x 22.86 mm ,0,900 inch, 2599 Al00 2300,2400,2500 7.62 mm 10.300 inch, x 12,70 mm {0.500 inch, ia::l CI A 2898 0100 0100 2600,2700,2800 2655,2755,2855 2950,2965,2980 12.70 mm '0.500 inch, x 12.70 mm ,0.500 inch, [] C CI 0 B El00 2899 2620,2720,2820 2635,2735,2835 G100 2670,2770,2870 Hloo 2685,2785,2885 Floo 12.70 mm 10.500 inch, x 22.86 mm ,0.900 inch' Notes: 1. Application Note 1012 addresses legend fabrication options. 2. Allowed hole tolerance: +0.00 mm, -0.13 mm (+0.000 inch, -0.005 inch). Permitted radius: 1.60 mm (0.063 inch). 5-49 Package Dimensions tI~:~:21 J - - 16.86 ---l I (0.7421 l_t..---I~li 1.:""",;;;;;;;;='" j illl TOPB SIDEA,B I - 23.88. 0.25 -----l I 10.94(h 0.0101 I Tope I~I TOP D NOTES, ,. DIMENSIONS IN MllllMETRES {INCHES} 2. I)r-rrOlERANCED DIMENSIONS ARE FOR o I1I 11----1 0.16 (O.030r- 6.22. 0.25 1(0.245. 0.0101 o ... SIDEC,D REFEAENCEONLV. Mounting Instructions 1. Mill 131 or punch a hole in the panel. Deburr. but do not chamfer. the edges of the hole. Installation Sketches 2. Place the front of the mount against a solid. fiat surface. A film legend with outside dimension~ equal to the outside dimensions of the light bar may be placed in the mount or on the light bar light emitting surface. Press the light bar into the mount until the tabs snap over the back of the light barl41. When inserting' the HLMP-2898. align the notched sides of the light bar with the mount sides which do not have the tabs). (See Figure 1) 3. Applying even pressure to the top of the mount. press the entire assembly into the hole from the front of the paneil5 J. (See Figure 2) NOTE: For thinner panels. the mount may be pressed into the panel first. then the light bar may be pressed into the mount from the back side of the panel. Notes: 3. A 3.18 mm (0.125 inch) diameter mill may be used. 4. Repetitve insertion of the light bar into mount may cause damage to the mount. 5. Repetitive insertion of the mount into the panel will degrade the retention force of the mount. Figure 1. Installation of a Light Bar Into a Panel Mount Suggested Punch Sources Hole punches may be ordered from one of the following sources: Danly Machine Corporation Punchrite Division 15400 Brookpark Road Cleveland. OH 44135 (216) 267-1444 Ring Division The Producto Machine Company Jamestown. NY 14701 (800) 828-2216 Porter Precision Products Company 12522 Lakeland Road Santa Fe Springs. CA 90670 (213) 946-1531 Figure 2: Installation of the Light Bar/Panel Mount Assembly into a Front Panel Di-Acro Division Houdaille Industries 800 Jefferson Street Lake City. MN 55041 (612) 345-4571 5-50 LIGHT BAR LEGENDS STANDARD OPTIONS FC>R: HLCP-A100ZHLMP-2300/-24QO/-25QO SE~IES HLCP-C100/HLMP-26SS/-27S5/-28SS S~~IES HLCP-H100/HLMP-2685/-278S/-2885 SERIES Features • FACTORY INSTALLATION SAVES TIME IN MANUFACTURING, PURCHASING AND STOCKING .qta. .. i~.,r'''~: • LIGHT OR DARK FIELD FORMAT (DARK FIELD STANDARD) • HIGH STRENGTH ADHESIVE BACKING o CUSTOM LEGENDS AVAILABLE Description option Guide Light bar legends are available with factory installation on all light bars, using either standard or custom legends. Options LOO through L06 address our standard legend formats and can be specified for various size light bars in accordance with the Device/Option Selection Matrix. Option Legend Title LOO L01 L02 L03 L04 L05 L06 ON OFF READY HIGH LOW RESET STOP Ordering Information To order light bar legends, include the appropriate option code along with the device catalog number. Example: to order the HLMP-2655 with the "OFF" legend, order as follows: HLMP-2655 Option L01. Minimum order quantities vary by part number. For custom legends, please contact your local HewlettPackard sales office or franchised Hewlett-Packard distributor. Ratings and Characteristics The absolute maximum ratings, mechanical dimensions and electrical characteristics for light bars with legends are the same as for the standard catalog devices. Refer to the basic data sheet for the specified values. For use in applications involving high humidity conditions, please contact your Hewlett-Packard representative. As with the standard light bar devices, the radiation pattern is approximately Lambertion. The luminous sterance for a given device is the same as for the standard light bar products. To calculate this value, refer to the "Optical" section of the LED Light Bars data sheet in this catalog. 5-51 Dimensional specifications for Legends HLMP-2300 Series HLMP-2655 Series NOTE: A~~ OIMENSIONS IN MILl.IMETfles IINCHES)' HLMP-2685 Series Device/Option Selection Matrix Applicable Light Bar Series Option Legend HLMP-2300/·2400/2500 HLCP'A100 HLMP-2655/·2755/-2855 HLCP·C100 HLMP·2685/-2785/-2885 HLCP·H100 LOO L01 L02 L03 LQ4 L05 LOS ON OFF X X X X X X X X X X X X READY HIGH LOW> RESET STOP X X X 5-52 X INTENSITY SELECTED LIGHT BARS Features Luminous intensity selection is available for high efficiency red, yellow, and high performance green. • INTENSITY SELECTION IMPROVES UNIFORMITY OF LIGHT OUTPUT FROM UNIT TO UNIT. AVAILABLE IN HIGH EFFICIENCY RED, YELLOW, AND HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN. • TWO CATEGORY SELECTION SIMPLIFIES INVENTORY CONTROL AND ASSEMBLY. To ensure our customers a steady supply of product, HP must offer selected units from the center of our production distribution. If our production distribution shifts, we will need to change the intensity range of the selected units our customers receive. Typically, an intensity may have to be changed once every 1 to 3 years. Current intensity selection information is available through a category reference chart which is available through your local field sales engineer or local franchised distributor. Description Light bars are now available from Hewlett-Packard which are selected from two adjacent intensity categories. These select light bars are basic catalog devices which are presorted for luminous intensity then selected from two predetermined adjacent categories and assigned to one convenient part number. Example: Two luminous intensity categories are selected from the basic catalog HLMP-2300 production distribution and assigned to the part number HLMP-2300 option S02. Absolute Maximum Ratings and Electrical/Optical Characteristics The absolute maximum ratings, mechanical dimensions, and electrical/optical characteristics are identical to the basic catalog device. Selected light bars are ideal for applications which require two or more light bars per panel. Device Selection Guide The following table summarizes which basic catalog devices are available with category selection. Package 4 Pin In-Line 8 Pin In-Une 8 Pin DIP Dual Arrangement 16 Pin DIP Quad Arrangement 16 Pin DIP Dual Bar Arrangement 8 Pin DIP Square Arrangement 16 Pin DIP Dual Square Arangement 16 Pin DIP Single Bar Arangement Yellow AIGaAs Red HLCP-A 100 OPT 502 HLCP-Bl00 OPT S02 HLCP·C 100 OPT S02 High Efliciency Red HLMP-2300 OPT 502 HLMP-2350 OPT S02 HLMp·2600 OPT 502 HLMP-2400 OPT 502 HLMP·2450 OPT S02 HLMP-2700 OPT S02 Green HLMP-2500 OPT S02 HLMP-2550 OPT S02 HLMP-2800 OPT S02 HLCp·G100 OPT S02 HLMp·2620 OPT S02 HLMP-2720 OPT S02 HLMP-2820 OPT 502 HLCp·F100 OPT S02 HLMp·2635 OPT S02 HLMp·2735 OPT S02 HLMP·2835 OPT S02 HLCP-Dl00 OPT 502 HLMp·2655 OPT S02 HLMp·2755 OPT 502 HLMp·2855 OPT S02 HLCP-G100 OPT S02 HLMP-2670 OPT S02 HLMP-2770 OPT 302 HLMP·2870 OPT 802 HLCP-Hl00 OPT 502 HLMP-26B5 OPT 302 HLMp·2785 OPT 302 HLMP·2885 OPT 302 Note:Option 502 designates a two intensity category selection. Option S02s of different part numbers may not have the same apparent brightness. Contact your HP Field Sales Office for design assistance. 5-53 / . " ... '- ', .'~' ,--- "" ' ··SoUdState·Lantps • • • • • • Optional Leadform/Packaging A1GaAs Lamps . Special Application Lamps Generai Purpose Lamps Emitters Hermetic Lamps Solid State Lamps . . . . From General to SpecialPurpose Lamps, H~wlett~ Packard continues to grow its LED lamp product . offering. This year, the broad line of lamp products is expanding in aspects of performance, packaging, and options. D~uble Heterojunction Aluminum.Gallium Arsenide (AlGaAs) Technology is born and bred to produce high brightness, low current lamps in subminiature, T-I, and T-l 3/4 families. In addition, a special T-I 3/4 version offers 1 Candela (1000 mcd) performance. New packages are always an area of growth and importance to designers and Hewlett~Packard. That's why HP has introduced a family of 2 mmx 5 mm lamps, 940 nm emitter lamps,and now offers a T-l 3/4 bi-colorlamp. In addition,HP offers a new T-2 lamp designed as an alternative to incandescent backlighting. Hermetic Lamps In addition to Hewlett-Packard commercial solid state lamps, Hewlett.,.Packard offers a complete:line of hermetically sealed solid state lamps which are listed on ·MIL-S-19500 Qualified Parts List. All four colors are supplied in the basic lamp configuration, as well as the following two panelmo'unt assembly optitlns: Option #001 represents an anodized lIluminum sleeve and . Option #002 represents a conductive composite sleeve for improved EMIIRFI shielding capabilities. Hermetic ultra bright iamps ar~ provided with JAN and J ANTX equivalent testing, two panel mount options, and in three colors. These devices were specially designed to meet the sunlight viewability requirements of the military market. HP has responded to requests for options and variations of existing subminiature, T-I, and T-l 3/4 lamps in the past and this year is no exception. Subminiature lamp offerings grow with the addition of high brightness lamps, standard bends, and tape and reel options. 6-2 Diffused (Direct View) Lamps Description Device . package Outline Drawing [g~ ( C3:~ Part No. HlMP-3000 Color(2) Package Red (640 nm) T'13/4 lens Tinted Diffused HlMP-3001 HlMP-3002 Thin leadframe HlMP-3003 HlMP-3300 HlMP-3301 High Efficiency Red (626 nm) T-13/4 HlMP-3762 r---;::- HlMP-D400 Orange (608 nm) HlMP-D401 HlMP-3400 Yellow (585 nm) HlMP-3401 HLMP-3862 ,..- " \ 01 0 \ ~_/. / HLMP-3502 Green (569 nm) HLMP-3507 HLMP-3962 HLMP-3200 HLMP-3350 HLMP-3351 ~~ HLMP-3450 "...:.._/. High Efficiency Red (626 nm) Yellow (585 nm) HLMP-3451 HlMP-3553 ·0' 0') " T-13/4 Low Profile HLMP-3201 , 8 Red (640 nm) , Green (569 nm) HLMP-3554 6-3 Tinted Diffused Typical luminous Intensity 2.0 mcd @20mA 4.0 mcd @20mA 2.0 mcd @20mA 4.0 mcd @20mA 3.5 mcd @10mA 7.0 mcd @10mA 15.0 mcd @10mA 3.5 mcd @10mA 7.0 mcd . @10mA 4.0 mcd @10mA 8.0 mcd @10mA 12.0 mcd @10mA 2.4.mcd @10mA 5.2 mcd @10mA 11.0 mcd @10mA 2.0 mcd @20mA 4.0 mcd @20mA 3.5 mcd @10mA 9.0 mcd @.10 mA 4:0 mcd @10mA 10.0 mcd @10mA 3.2 mcd @10mA 10.0 mcd @10mA 291/2(1) Typical Forward Voltage Page. No. 75° 1.6 V @20mA 6-69 65° 2.2 V @10mA 6-71 2.2 V @10mA 75° 2.2 V @10mA 75° 2.3 V @10mA 60° 1.6 V @20mA 50° 2.2 V @10mA 2.2 V @10mA 2.3 V @10mA 6-75 Diffused (Direct View) Lamps (cont.) Device Package Outline Drawing b) DLt Description Part No. HLMP-1000 Color(2( Red (640 nm) Package T-1 Lens Tinted Diffused HLMP-1002 HLMP-1080 HLMP-1300 HLMP-1301 Untinted Diffused Tinted Diffused High Efficiency Red (626 nm) HLMP-1302 HLMP-1385 e ' .... _" HLMP-K400 Orange (608 nm) HLMP-K401 HLMP-K402 HLMP-1400 Yellow (585 nm) HLMP-1401 HLMP-1402 HLMP'1485 HLMP-1503 Green (569 nm) HLMP-1523 HLMP-1585 ( HLMP-1200 )Y HLMP-1201 HLMP-1350 HLMP-1450 e '-- HLMP-1550 Red (640 nm) T-1 Low Profile High Efficiency Red (626 nm) Yellow (585 nm) Green (569 nm) Untinted Non-Diffused Tinted Diffused Typical Luminous Intensity 1.0 mcd @20mA 2.5 mcd @20mA 1.5 mcd @20mA 2.0 mcd @10mA 2.5 mcd @10mA 4.0 mcd @10mA 10.0 mcd @10mA 2.0 mcd @10mA 2.5 mcd @10mA 4.0 mcd @10mA 2.0 mcd @10mA 3.0 mcd @10mA 4.0 mcd @10mA 10.0 mcd @10mA 2.0 mcd @10mA 4.0 mcd @10mA 6.0 mcd @10mA 1.0 mcd @20mA 2.5 mcd @20mA 2.0 mcd @10mA 2811211J 60° 60° Typical Forward Voltage 1.6 V @20rnA 2.2V @10mA 6-58 6-60 2.2 V @10mA 2.2 V @10mA 2.3 V @10mA . 1200 , 1.6 V @20mA 540 2.2 V @10mA 2.2 V @10mA 2.3 V @10mA 6-4 Page No. 6-58 . _._----_._-- Diffused (Direct View) Lamps (cont.) Device Package Outline Drawing Color[2) HLMP-6000 Red (640 nm) =~ =8= Part No. ~ ~plcal Description Package Subminiature Lens Luminous Intensity Tinted Diffused 1.2 mcd @10mA HLMP-6001 3.2 mcd @10mA HLMP-6300 High Efficiency Red (626 nm) 3.0 mcd @lOmA 20112[1) 90°C 6-38 HLMP-6305 High Efficiency Red Untinted Non-Diffused 12 mcd @10mA 70° 2.2 V @10mA 6-32 HLMP-Q400 Orange (608 nm) Tinted Diffused 3.0 mcd @10mA 90° 2.2V @10mA 6-38 2.2V @10mA HLMP-6405 Untinted Non-Diffused 12 mcd @10mA 70° 2.2 V @lOmA 6-32 HLMP-6500 Green (569 nm) Tinted Diffused 3.0 mcd @10mA 90° 2.2V @10A 6-38 -;- Untinted 12 mcd @lOmA 70° 2.3 V @10mA 6-32 3 Tinted 4 Diffused 5 6 8 1.2 mcd @10mA 90° 1.6 V @10mA 6-43 3 4 5 6 8 3.0 mcd @10mA HLMP-6505 -B-a 1.6 V @lOmA Page No. 2.2V @10mA HLMP-6400 Yellow (585 nm) g: ~ Typical Forward Iotltage Non-Diffused HLMP-6203 Red HLMP-6204 (640 nm) HLMP-6205 HLMP-6206 HLMP-6208 HLMP-6653 HLMP-6654 HLMP-6655 HLMP-6656 HLMP-6658 High Efficiency Red (626 nm) HLMP-6753 Yellow HLMP-6754 (585 nm) HLMP-6755 HLMP-6756 HLMP-6758 HLMP-6853 Green HLMP-6854 (569 nm) HLMP-6855 HLMP-6856 HLMP-6858 - -3 4 5 6 8 -3 4 5 6 8 •Array Length - - - - - - - - _ . -_._--------_ .. __ ..... _... 6-5 2.2 V @10mA 2.2V @10mA 2.3 V @10mA ---.--- 2mm Flat Top Lamps Device . Package Outline Drawing ft ~ ~ DaacrlpUon Part No;" Colorl2] HLMP-1800 High Efficiency HLMP-I801 Red (626 nm) Package 2rTim Flat Top, Round Emitting Surface Lens . Tinted Diffused HLMP-1819 Yellow (585 nm) HLMP-1820 HLMP-I840 Green (569 nm) HLMP-I841 @ r:- tn~ D @ HLMP-L250 High Efficiency HLMP-L251 Red (626 nm) HLMP-L350 Yellow (585 nm) HLMP-L351 2mm Flat Top, Square Emitting Surface Tinted Diffused HLMP-L550 Green (569 nm) HLMP-L551 Typical Luminous Intensliy 1.8 mcd @10mA 2.9 mcd @10mA 1.51)1cd @10mA 2.5 mcd @10mA 2.0 mcd , @10mA 3.0 mcd @10mA I.Bmcd @10mA ·2.9 mcd @10mA 1.5 mcd @10mA 2.5 mcd @10mA 2.0 mcd @10mA 3.0 mcd @10mA 281/2\1] : 140° Typical Forward Voltage 2.2 V @10mA Page No. 6-44 2.2 V @10mA 2.3 V @10mA 140° 2.2 V @10mA 6-50 2.2 V @10mA 2.3 V @10mA 4mm FlatTop Lamps Daacrlpllon Davlca Packaga Outllna Drawing D Colorl2] Part No. HLMP-M200 High Efficiency HLMP-M201 Red (626 nm) HLMP-M250 Packaga 4mm Flat Top Lans Tinted Diffused Tinted Non-Diffused HLMP-M251 8 \ I ...•.. HLMP-M300 Yellow (585 nm) HLMP-M301 Tinted Diffused HLMP-M350 Tinted Non-Diffused HLMP-M351 HLMP-M500 Green (569 nm) HLMP-M501 Tinted Diffused HLMP-M550 Tinted Non-Diffused HLMP-M551 6-6 Typical luminous Intanslty 5.0 mcd @20mA 7.0 mcd @20mA 5.0 mcd @10rTiA 7.0 mcd @10mA 5.0 mcd @20mA 7.0 mcd @20mA 5.0 mcd @10mA 7.0 mcd @10mA 7.0 mcd @20mA 10.0 mcd @20mA 10.0 mcd @10mA 16.0 mcd @10mA 28112\1] 150° Typical Forward Voltaga 2.2 V @10mA 2.2 V @10mA 2.3 V @10mA Paga No. 6-54 -------------------------- High Intensity Lamps Description Device Package Outline Drawing Part No. HLMp·3050 Color[2[ Red (640 nm) HLMp·3315 High Efficiency HLMp·3316 Red (626 nm) f""""\ r--- Package Lens Tinted Non·Diffused T·13/4 HLMp·3415 Yellow (585 nm) HLMp·3416 HLMp·3517 Green (569 nm) HLMp·3519 8) o oj ')..,..,.-"'/ HLMp·3365 W ~~ " High Efficiency HLMp·3366 Red (626 nm) Low Profile HLMp·3465 Yellow (585 nm) HLMp·3466 HLMp·3567 Green (569 nm) HLMp·3568 8 I "~--< d n HLMp·l071 Red (640 nm) HLMp·1320 High Efficiency HLMp·1321 Red (626 nm) T·l Untinted Non·Diffused Tinted Non·Diffused Untinted Non·Diffused Tinted Non·Diffused Untinted Non·Diffused Tinted Diffused HLMp·1420 Yellow (585 nm) HLMp·1421 HLMp·1520 Green (569 nm) HLMp·1521 8 Tinted Non·Diffused T·13/4 '".;" Typical Luminous Intensity . 2.5 mcd @20mA 18.0 mcd @10mA 30.0 mcd @10mA 18.0 mcd @10mA 30.0 mcd @10mA 10.0 mcd @10mA 25.0 mcd @10mA 10.0 mcd @10mA 18.0 mcd @10mA 12.0 mcd @10mA 18.0 mcd @10mA 7.0 mcd @10mA 15.0 mcd @10 rnA' 2.0 mcd @20mA 12.0 mcd @.10mA 28112[1) 24° 35° Typical Forward Voltage 1.6 V @20mA 2.2 V @10mA Pags No. 5-69 5-81 2.2 V @10mA 24° 2.3 V @10mA 45° 2.2 V @10mA 5-75 2.2 V @10mA 40' 2.3 V :@10mA 45' 1.6 V @20mA 2.2 V @10mA 45' 12.0 mcd @10mA 2.2 V @10mA 12.0 mcd @10mA 2.3V @10mA Typical Luminous Intensity 2.5 mcd @20mA 5.0 mcd @20mA 2.5 mcd @20mA 5.0 mcd @20mA 2.5 mcd @20mA 5.0 mcd @20mA Typical Forward Voltage 2.2 V @20mA 5-58 5-65 Rectangular Lamps Description Devlcs Package Outline Drawing c=:J ~ ~ ~ Color[2) Part No. HLMP·0300 High Efficiency HLMp·0301 Red (626 nm) Package Rectangular HLMp·0400 Yellow (585 nm) HLMp·0401 HLMp·0503 Green (569 nm) HLMp·0504 6-7 Lens Tinted Diffused 28112[1] 100' 2.2 V @20mA 2.3 V @20mA Page No. 5-95 2 mm x 5 mm Rectangular Lamps Device Package Outline Drawing r--- - ~ Part No. Colorl2) HLMP-S200 High Efficiency Red HLMP,S201 (626 nm) Description Package 2mmx5mm Rectangular Lens Typical Luminous Intensity . Tinted Diffused 3.5 mcd . @20mA 20112111 110' Typical Forward Voltage 2.2 V @20mA Page No. 6-91 4.8 mcd @20mA HLMP-S300 Yellow (585 nm) 2.1 mcd @20mA HLMP-S301 3.5 mcd @20mA HLMP-S400 Orange (608 nm) 3.5 mcd @20mA HLMP-S401 4.8. mcd @20mA HLMP-S500 Green (569 nm) 4.0 mcd @20mA HLMP,S501 5.8 mcd @20mA 2.2 V @20mA 2.2 V @20mA 2.3 V @20mA AIGaAs Lamps Device Package Outline Drawing r .... TI Part No. Colorl21 HLMP'D101 AlGaAs Red (637 nm) Description Package T-13/4 HLMP-D105 .~ G , Lens Typical Luminous Intensity Tinted Diffused 70 mcd @20mA 65' 240 mcd @20mA 24' 45 mcd @20mA 60' 65 mcd @20mA 45' 45 mcd @20mA 70' 201/21 11 Maximum Forward Voltage 2.2 V @20rriA Page No. 6-20 o oj I. "-" f""', HLMP-K101 T-1 r~? 2.2 V @20mA n HLMP-K105 . e '- ... " =c:OP HLMP-Q101 Subminiature ~~ 6-8 2.2 V @20mA - - - .._-_.-_._----- ----------- Low Current AIGaAs Lamps Device Packaga Outllna Drawing r-.. Part No. HLMP·D1~O Description Packaga Color[2[ T·13/4 AIGaAs Red (637 nm) Lans Typical Luminous Intanslty Tinted Diffused 3.0 mcd @1mA 650 10 mcd @1mA 24 0 2.0 mcd @1mA 60 0 3.0 mcd @1mA 450 1.8 mcd @1mA 70 0 Maximum Forward 20112[1] . ~ltaga 3.0 V @20mA Paga No. 6-24 ~ HLMp·D155 D D) (;) , . I. ~-....: , r\ HLMp·K150 T·1 3.0V @20mA r~~ r.rr . , HLMp·K155 e ..... _, ~ HLMp·Q150 Subminiature 3.0V @20mA ~~ Very High Intensity AIGaAs Lamps Davlca Packaga Outllna Drawing g ~~ .. ". 8» , Part No. Color HLMp·4100 AIGaAs Red (637 nm) Dascrlptlon Package .. T·13/4 HLMp·4101 Lens Typical Luminous Intensity Untinted Non·Diffused 750 mcd @20mA 1000 mcd @20mA ~-./ 6-9 Typical Forward 20112 ~Itaga 80 1.8 V @20mA Page No• 6-28 Low Current Lamps Device Description Color(2] Part No.' HlMP-4700 High Efficiency Red (626 nm) Package Outline Drawing ~ ~ ~ ",-" , 0 50° HlMP-4719 Yellow (585 nm) 1.8 mcd @2mA 1.9 V @?mA HlMP-4740 Green (569 nm) 1.8 mcd @2mA 1.8 V @2mA Page No. 6-102 I. HlMP-1700 High Efficiency Red (626 nm) ~~ , 28112(1] \ ~ , lens Tinted Diffused Typical Forward Voltage 1.8 V @2ri1A OJ ~-.:/. , Package T-13/4 ' Typical , luminous ' Intensity 2:0mcd @2mA e T-1 Tinted Diffused 1.8 mcd @2mA 500 '1.8 V @2'mA HlMP-1719 Yellow (1j85 nm) 1.6 mcd @2mA 1.9V @2mA HlMP-1790 Green (569 nm) 1.6 mcd @,2mA "1.8 V @2mA '_:..' =~ ==B=~ " H ~ ~ , " HlMP-7000 High Efficiency Red (626 nm) HlMP-7019 Yellow (585 nm) HlMp:7Q40 Green (569nm) HlMP-1740 High Efficiency Red , ;, , (626 nrn) Subminiature 2 mm Flat Top, Round ,Emitting Surface Tinted Diffused 0.8 mcd @2mA Tinted Diffused 0.6 mcd @2mA 0.6 mcd @2mA 0.5 mcd @2mA 90° 140° 1.8 V @2mA 1.9 V @2mA 1.8 V @2mA 1.8 V @2mA , HlMP-1760 Yellow (585 nm) 0.4 mcd @2mA @} 6-10 1.9V @2mA I ' 6-44 Ultrabright Lamps Descrlpllon Device Package Outline Drawing g ~ Colorl2J Part No. HLMP-3750 High Efficiency Red (626 nm) Package T-13/4 Lens Untinted Non-Diffused Typical Luminous Intensity 125 mcd @20mA 28112[1 [ 24° Typical Forward Voltage 2.2 V @20mA HLMP-3850 Yellow (585 nm) 140 mcd @20mA 2.2V @20mA HLMP-3950 Green (569 nm) 120 mcd @20mA 2.3 V @20mA ~. e [[J] [[J]l ~ . ---' I ~~ e HLMP-3390 High Efficiency Red (626 nm) T-13/4 Low Profile Untinted Non-Diffused 55 mcd @20mA 32° 2.2V @20mA HLMP-3490 Yellow (585 nm) 2.2V @20mA HLMP-3590 Green (569 nm) ·2.3 V @20mA IIIDIIIDj ~_- .... iij 0; .,.... cr: cr: :> iij "iil 0.5 w > ~ cr: ~ ~ , cr: ~ 300 2BO 260 240 220 200 lBO 160 140 120 100 BO 60 40 20 o o 600 II Ii =It 1 .1 II I 0,5 WAVELENGTH - nm 1.4 ffi:i ~~ 1.2 5~ 1.0 "0 :ow :>N .... ::; 0" w:O Ncr: L O.B ::;0 ,,2 0.4 0 2 0.2 V' v >- V V 00 1.0 I ~ct wE (30 ;;:N 2.5 3.0 3.5 ....... O.B ..... ~ tt!;; wO >w 0.6 ...." 0.4 ~~ /. 0.6 ,,cr: 2.0 1.2 0; ",N 1.5 FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. 1.6 ....>- 1.0 VF - Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. WaveleMgth. I ..... f L. w:o cr:cr: ,0 / ~~ 0.2 10 15 20 25 05 30 10 I pEAK I DC - DC FORWARD CURRENT - rnA - 20 50 100 200 300 PEAK FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 4. Relative Efficiency v•• Peak Forward Current. Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current. . 40 35 " E .... iij cr: cr: :> 30 1\ 25 " 20 r- I- ~ 15 r- 0 cr: cr: ~ , 10 ~ 00 R(JJA = 459 z CIW .... \ \ X, \ IIII r\\ -R(" i sri v>< ~\ Rt,,!, 'Bref~ /' 20 40 60 BO 100 tp - PULSE DURATION - TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °C Figure 5. Maximum Forward DC Current vs. Ambient Temperature. Derating Based on T J MAX ~ 1100 C. jJS Figure 6. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Peak Duration (lpEAK MAX Determined from Temperature Derated IDe MAX). 6-22 -------- ---.---.~-~--------------- ----------- 90·i---l--+----!--'--:':'E 90·i---l---+--I-I-f.' Figure 7. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. HLMP-D101. Figure 8. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. HLMP-K101. BO' 90·1---+----+----+----=t::=~I-',10·,-2J,0~·,130"",140""'~50:::':::!60=='' '7' ' 0' ' SO='' '90=·.J,OO' Figure 9. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. HLMP-D105 .. Figure 10. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. HLMP-K105. Figure 11. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement for Subminiature Lamp 6-23 rh~ ~~ DOUBLE HETEROJUNCTION AIOaAs lOW CURRENT RED LED LAMPS HEWLETT T-1 3/4 (Smm) HLMP-01S0/0155 T-1 (3mm) HLMP-K150/K155 SUBMINIATURE HLMP-Q150 PACKARD Features • MINIMUM LUMINOUS INTENSITY SPECIFIED AT 1.mA • HIGH LIGHT OUTPUT AT LOW CURRENTS • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • OUTSTANDING MATERIAL EFFICIENCY • LOW POWER/LOW FORWARD VOLTAGE • CMOS/MOS COMPATIBLE • TTL COMPATIBLE • DEEP RED COLOR Applications Description • LOW POWER CIRCUITS • BATTERY POWERED EQUIPMENT These solid state LED lamps utilize newly developed double heterojunction (DH) AIGaAs/GaAs material technology. This LED material has outstanding light output efficiency at very low drive currents. The color is deep red at the dominant wavelength of 637 nanometres. These lamps are ideally suited for use in applications where high light output is required with minimum power input. • TELECOMMUNICATION INDICATORS package Dimensions 5.""~ 4.~ (0.1801 T ==¥'21 9.19 tQ.3ti2) T 1 12.44 (.490) 1f.'6ii' (.46QI +- Q&l! I.Q&W 0,64 (0.0251 23.01.90) 0-,45 il).Ola) SQUARE NOMIN.Al. I MIN. 1.271.000. NOM. j t 1.21 10.0(0) NOM, CATHOOE ~~~ nlnl !L!.J:?lli / ~'~ "t/ A NOTES, 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES tlNCHES). 2. AN EPOXY MINISCUS MAY EXTEND ABOUT I mm (0.040"1 DOWN THE LEADS. --.---1-, CATHODE " - 254 (.100} NOM. CATHODE B I..- f --! 5.6 (.220j 2.54(.1001 NOM. ~ -; (Continu~d 6-24 on next page.) package Dimensions 1--=---,-1 r I II 17 MI to.020) NOM. 1.111 (M75) MAX, ::::;.--T9.s9 ~ 0.2010.0081 REF. / ... --- ~ I ~ ~.'4100451 r---If---'-I ~= t=== T CATHODE 1£ ~ 0.1& (M30) MAX. 1.78(0,070) ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES (lNCHESI. o Axial Luminous Intensity and Viewing Angle @ 25°C Part Number HLMp· Package Description Iv (mcd) @ 1 mA DC Min. 'tYP· 2111/. Note 1. Degrees Package Outline A 1.2 3 65 5 10 24 B 1.2 2 60 C D150 T-' % Red Tinted Diffused 0155 T-1 % Red Untinted, Non-diffused K150 T-1 Red Tinted Diffused K155 T-1 Red Untinted Non-diffused 2 3 45 C Q150 Subminiature Red Tinted Diffused 1 1.8 70 0 Note: 1. BY, is the off axis angle from lamp centerline where the luminous intensity is Y, the on-axis value. Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA =25°C Peak Forward Current!1] ....................... 300 mA Average Forward Current .............•........ 20 mA DC Current!2] ................................. 30 mA Power Dissipation ............................. 87 mW Reverse Voltage (IR =100I'A) .........•............. 5 V Transient Forward Current (10 I'S Pulse)!3] ...... 500 mA Operating Temperature Range ........... -20 to +100°C Storage Temperature Range ............. -55 to +100°C Lead Soldering Temperature [1.6 mm (0.063 in.) from body] ... 260°C for 5 seconds Notes: 1. Maximum IpEAK at f = 1 kHz, OF = 6.7%. 2. Derate linearly as shown in Figure 4. 3. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current the device can withstand without damaging the LED die and wire bonds. It is not recommended that the device be operated at peak currents beyond the Absolute Maximum Peak Forward Current. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C Symbol Description Min. Typ. Max. 1.6 1.8 5.0 15.0 V Unit Test Condition VF Forward Voltage VR Reverse Breakdown Voltage Ap Peak Wavelength 645 nm Measurement at peak Dominant Wavelength 637 nm Note 1 20 nm Ad AX'h Spectral line Halfwidth ~ed of Response V IF= 1 mA 11l=1001'A 30 ns Exponential Time Constant. e-IITs Capacitance 30 pF VF = 0, f 8JC Thermal ReSistance 220 ·C/W Junction to Cathode Lead I1v Luminous Efficacy 80 9.mIW Note 2 C =1 MHz Notes: 1. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the color of the device. 2. The radiant intensity, Ie, in watts per steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/~v, where Iv is the luminous intensity is in candelas and ~v is luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 6-25 . _ - - _.... _. -----_..... _._ .._._-- 300.0 r--,--,--,.--,---,;01.....-r-"'I 1.0 200.0r-~--~--+--+-7~--~-~ C( 100.0 ~ 50.0 > liS ~ 20.0 ac 5.0 ~ 2.0 a: a: 10.0 ~ I- ;!; 0.5 w a: > 5a: a: w ~ 1.0 I 0.5 ~ 0.2 600 VF- FORWARO VOLTAGE -: V WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward V~ltage. Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength. 40 ". E 35 I 30 I- 2 w II: II: :J CJ c 25 20 a: ~ a: 15 I 10 . 0 ~ IF - DC FORWARD CURRENT - mA TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - ·C Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. . DC Forward Current. Figure 4. Maximum Forward DC Current vs. Ambient Temperature. Derating Based on TJ Max. =. 1.10· C. I. 6-26 ao' 90'1--+--+--f---E~"-:'-:':;0'C-2;;;0::-'-:3;:'0·'":4tO';-'S::':Oc;:'·-:!60::;'-::7trt~a;::0~'9~Oc;:',~'OO' Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. HLMP-K150. Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. HLMP-D150. 90' t--+--+---Ic--F3!l."""',--:'--..:l.,..".,..""""""-::7"'0':-a"'0-g.J.0-.--"00' Figure 8. Relative Luminous Inlenslty vs. Angular Displacement. HLMP-K155. Figure l Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. HLMP-D155. Figure 9. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement for Subminiature Lamp 6-27 DOUBLE HETEROJUNCTION AIOaAs VERY HIOH INTENSITY RED LED LAMPS T-1 3/4 (5 mm) HLMP-4100,-4101 Flin- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD Features • 1000 mcd AT 20 mA • VERY HIGH INTENSITY AT LOW DRIVE CURRENTS • NARROW VIEWING ANGLE • OUTSTANDING MATERIAL EFFICIENCY • LOW FORWARD VOLTAGE • CMOS/MOS COMPATIBLE • TTL COMPATIBLE • DEEP RED COLOR Description These solid state LED lamps utilize newly developed double heterojunction (DH) AIGaAs/GaAs material technology. This LED material has outstanding light output efficiency over a wide range of drive currents. The lamp package has a tapered lens, designed to concentrate the luminous flux into a narrow radiation pattern to achieve a very high intensity. The LED color is deep red at the dominant wavelength of 637 nanometres. These lamps may be DC or pulse driven to achieve desired light output. Applications • BRIGHT AMBIENT LIGHTING CONDITIONS • EMITTER/DETECTOR AND SIGNALING APPLICATIONS • GENERAL USE package Dimensions ~:: ;g:~~:l r 0.64 (0.025) SO!)A~E 1.32 10.0521 NOMINAL liJi2ToJi4oi ~-r==~~T~======~~ ig::~:~J-23'0 MIN·d l ::!; 12.44 t0A90) 11.{;8 10.460) 6-28 10.90) 1.27 {~g~)...-- -------- -------------- - - - - Luminous Intensity @ 25°C PIN HLMP· 4100 r--- Package Description T-1 3/4 Red Untinted. Non-diffused 4101 Iv (mcd) @20mADC Min. Typ. 500 750 700 1000 281/2 Note 1Degrees 8 Note: 1.01/2 is the angle from optical centerline where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the optical centerline value. Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C Maximum Rating Parameter Units Peak Forward CurrentP. 2] 300 mA Average Forward Current(2] 20 mA DC Currentl3 J 30 mA Power Dissipation 87 mW Reverse VOltage (lR = 100 ,"A) 5 V 500 mA Operating Temperature Range -20 to +100 °C Storage Temperature Range -55 to +100 °c Transient Forward Current (10 '"s Pulse)14] Lead Soldering Temperature [1.6 mm (0.063 in.) from body] 260°C for 5 seconds Notes: 1. Maximum IpEAK at f = 1 kHz. DF = 6.7%. 2. Refer to Figure 6 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 3. Derate linerally as shown in Figure 5. 4. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current the device can withstand without damaging the LED die and wire bonds. It is not recommended that the device be operated at peak currents beyond the Absolute Maximum Peak Forward Current. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA = 25°C Symbol Descripllon VF Forward Voltage VR Reverse Breakdown Voltage APEAK Min. 5.0 Typ. Max. Unit 1.8 2.2 V 20mA IR=100!,A Test Condition 15.0 V Peak Wavelength 650 nm Measurement at peak Dominant Wavelength Note 1 642 nm Spectral Line Hallwidth 20 nm Speed 01 Response 30 ns Exponential Time Constant. e- tls Capacitance 30 pF VF " 0, 1 '" 1 MHz 8jc Thermal Resistance 220 °CIW Junction to Cathode Lead 'iJV Luminous Efficacy 80 1m/W Note 2 Ad ~A 1/2 rs C Notes: 1. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the color of the device. 2. The radiant intensity. Ie, in watts per steradian. may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/~v, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and ~v is luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 3. The approximate total luminous flux output within a cone angle of 20 about the optical axis, q,v(20), may be obtained from the following formula: q,v(20) = [q,V(O)/lv(O)]lv: Where:q,v(O)/lv(O) is obtained from Figure 7. 6-29 300 1.0 .. E I ~ ;;; i'!i I- i'!i '::>'"" u 0 '" ;:: '"~ l- i!; W 0.5 .. > ~ '" W I ,." 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 ·120 100 80 60 40 20 600 WAVELENGTH - nm v, - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage 1.2 > 1.0 ~c wE §:w -N 0.6 10 "'''' .!'~ 0.4 ~ti !'i~ w:l! 0.2 I DC - DC FORWARD CURRENT - mA "Igure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current IPEAK - PEAK FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 4. Relative Efficiency ve. Peak Forward Current 0 5 0 fIIi, •• • SS9' 51- R9, ..... 674'CIW= o 6S9"CIW: It,._•• 5 ! 0 1'\.1\ 1.\ (,,' ~1\\ ~ 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 80 100 110 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE -'C tp - PULSE DURATION - /.IS Figure 6. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Peak Duration (I PEAK MAX Determined from Temperature Derated IDe MAX). Figure 5. Maximum Forward DC Current vs. Ambient Temperature Derating Based on T J MAX. =110· C 6-30 o ~ "'w >-' 1-+-1-_1-+_1--1-_1-+-1_+-1°. 14 ..~ "~ 0,135 ~ ~ _I-H++--+-t-+-+-+-t--JI''--t---l 0.12 Hxt--I-+-t--+-t--7f<-I:--+-I0.10 \~",-H*-+--+-t--+"7f--I--I--I----l 0.08 ~ 0 OU "Z ~2 -'to ~" 1--1--1-+-::....."-1--1--1-:--1--+-10.06 ::JZ 0.04 35: \).tH-+~"-+--t-+-t-+--+-t--l "I\I-..+....I---I--I--I--I--+~I--+-I 0.02 O-ANGlE FROM OPTICAL CENTERLINE-DEGREES (CONE HALF ANGLE) Figure 7. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement 6-31 ~~ Fli;- HEWLETT SUBMINIATURE HIGH BRIGHTNESS SOLID STATE LAMPS ~e. PACKARD High Efficiency Red • HlMP-630S Yellow • HlMP-640S High performance Green • HLMP-6505 Features • SUBMINIATURE PACKAGE STYLE • END STACKABLE • LOW PACKAGE PROFILE • AXIAL LEADS • NARROW VIEWING ANGLE • LONG LIFE - SOLID STATE RELIABILITY • AVAILABLE IN BULK, ARRAYS, TAPE AND REEL, SURFACE MOUNT, AND BENT LEAD CONFIGURATIONS Description Lamps in this series of solid state indicators are encapsulated in an axial lead subminiature package of molded epoxy. They utilize an untinted non-diffused lens providing superior product performance. Small size makes these lamps suitable for PC Board mounting in space sensitive applications. Part Special lead bending, packaging and assembly methods can be used with these devices. Refer to the special data sheet for lead bend configurations. Two special surface mount lead configurations are also available. See the data sheets for "gull wing" and "yoke lead" options for more detailed information. Tape and reel packaging for the standard product is also available (refer to Tape and Reel Data Sheet). Number HLMP- Minimum Intensity (mcd) at 10 mA 6305 3.4 High Efficiency Red (GaP on GaAsP) 3.6 Yellow (GaP on GaAsP) 4.2 Green (GaP) 6405 6505 package Dimensions 1§!i~I>IA 1.91 (0.0761 • AU. DIMENSIONS AAE IN MIt.LIMETI\E$ !INCHES), 6-32 I Color (Material) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ..- - - - - - - - - - - - - Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25°C Symbol Iv Parameter Luminous Intensity Device HLMP- Min. Typ. High Efficiency Red 6305 3.4 12 3.6 12 4.2 12 Yellow 6405 Green 6505 Max. Units Test Conditions mcd IF" 10 mA (Figures 3.8, 13) 28 Deg. See Note 1 (Figures 6, 11. 16) 201/2 Including Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points All ApEAK Peak Wavelength High Efficiency Red Yellow Green 635 583 565 nm Measurement at Peak High Efficiency Red Yellow Green 626 585 569 nm See Note 2 High Efficiency Red Yellow Green 40 36 High Efficiency Red Yellow Green 90 90 500 High Efficiency Red Yellow Green 11 15 18 Thermal Resistance All 120 Forward VOltage High Efficiency Red Yellow Green 1.5 1.5 1.5 5.0 Ad AA1/2 7$ C OJC VF Dominant Wavelength Spectral Line Halfwldth Speed of Response Capacitance VA Reverse Breakdown Voltage All 'T}v Luminous Efficacy High Efficiency Red Yellow Green nm 28 2.2 2.2 2.3 145 500 595 ns pF °G/W 3.0 3.0 V VF=O; f" 1 MHz Junction to Cathode Lead IF" 10 mA (Figures 2, 7, 12) 3.0 V IA" 100 p.A lumens See Note 3 Watt Notes: 1. 81/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Radiant intensity, Ie, in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie, " IV/1)v, Where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and 1)v is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. . 6-33 Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C Green High Eft. Red HLMP-6305 Vellow HLMP-6405 HLMp·S505 Uni" 135 85 135 rnW 30[2] 20[1] 30(2) rnA 90 See Fig. 5 60 See Fig. 10 90 See Fig. 15 rnA Reverse Voltage (lR = 100 p.A) 5 5 5 V Transient Forward Currentl3] 500 500 500 mA -55 to +100 -55 to +100 Parameter Power Dissipation DC Forward Current Peak Forward Current (10 p.sec Pulse) Operating Temperature Range -20 to +100 Lead Soldering Thmperature [1.6 mm (0.063 In.) from body] ·C -55 to +100 Storage Temperature Range 260°C for 3 seconds Notes: 1. Derate from 50° Cat 0.2 mAIo C. 2. Derate from 50° C at 0.5 mAIo C. 3. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current that can be applied to the device without damaging the LED die and wirebond. It is not recommended that the device be operated at peak current beyond the'peak forward current listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings . .1.or-------,.--,,....:---......- - . . - - - - . . , . . . . , - - , , . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . T•• 25'0 HIGH EFfiCIENCY RED O.5~------_+~--+_~---~--~---~~~----_4-------~ !lRSEN . ~obo-------=~~~-----~~Sb~------::~65tO~==~~~::7=OO==..--------~750 WAVELENGTH-nm Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength \J '6-34 High Efficiency Red HLMP-6305 60 .." E 50 0 Z w 40 II: II: ::> u 0 30 / II: i~ ~ 20 10 o 1.0 / 1.5 / 4.0 / / ~ .... " 1.5 ~g 1.0 .... w:'iE >11: -0 / II: 2.0 ,/ 3.5 2.5 0.5 o/ o 3.0 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V ,/ ~ f" V / 10 15 20 25 30 IDC.- DC CURRENT PER LED - mA Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current 1.6 1.5 U >0 u" 1.4 ~.§ 1.3 e'c" wQ. 1.2 ,,~ WW - .... >~: S:l! wa: 1.1 1.0 .9 II:Q !; .8 I .7 50 ~I' jj ::d~ 60 ":Iii !PEAK - PEAK CURRENT - mA Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs; Peak Current tp - PULSE DURATION -~. Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration (locMAX as per MAX Ratings) 90°I----..f---I---I---l::!: Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular'Dlsplacement 6-35 Yellow HLMP-640S 60 ", 40 Z 50 E .... w 0 I 0: ~ .l!- TA·JC 30 20 I ID 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 ;;;0- 1.5 ::>" 00 Zw -N :1;::>-' J -," 1.0 / w:I; >a: -0 5;;; w a: ./ o ~Ci ~.!l Z_ II 0: "ii: ,. 0- 0: 0: ::> u 2.5 I 2.5 3.0 3.5 .5 L V' o o 4.0 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V V L v L 10 15 20 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 7. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics Figure 8. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current 1.6 1.5 G u" ,.0 1.4 §~ 1.3 ~~ 1.2 Wo WW >N 1.1 :h wo: ~~ 1.0 0:0 .9 u- ;;; .6 V / V I v V I 10 20 30 40 50 60 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA Ip - PULSE DURATION - P' Figure 9. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current Figure 10. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration (IDC MAX as per MAX Ratings) 90'i---+---t---i----e Figure 11. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement 6-36 ~----~- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Green HLMP-6S0S 60 ..e 40 I II I- ffi0: 50 0: :::> '0:"' 30 f2 20 " ~ 0: .!: 4.0 if 10 o 1.0 .I 1.5 / 'I / / V / 2.0 3.0 3.5 oV 4.0 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V V / o. 5 2.5 V 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure .13. Relative Luminous Intensity VS. Forward Current Figure 12. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 /' 1.2 I 1.1 I 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0 I 10 20 30 tt 40 50 60 70 \ .L.o........u.=O'-.L..L 80 90 100 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LEO - mA 'p - Figure 14. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) VS. Peak Current PULSE DURATION - " ' Figure 15. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current VS. Pulse Duration (I DC MAX as per MAX Ratings) 80' +-_-l__-+'~ 90'1-_+_ _ Figure 16. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement 6-37 Fli;- SUBMINIATURE SOLID STATE LAMPS RED HIGH EFFICIENCY RED ORANGE YELLOW HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN HEWLETT ~e.. PACKARD • • • • • HLMP-6000/6001 HLMP-6300 HLMp·Q400 HLMP'6400 HLMp·6500 Features • SUBMINIATURE PACKAGE STYLE • END STACKABLE • LOW PACKAGE PROFILE • AXIAL LEADS • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • LONG LIFE - SOLID STATE RELIABILITY • AVAILABLE IN BULK, ARRAYS, TAPE AND REEL, SURFACE MOUNT, AND BENT LEAD CONFIGURATIONS Description Lamps in this series of .solid state indicators are encapsulated in an axial lead .subminiature package of molded epoxy. They,utilize a tinted, diffused lens providing high on-off contrast and wide angle viewing. Small size makes these lamps suitable for PC board mounting in space sensitive applications. Special lead bending, packaging and assembly methods can be used with these devices. For example, lead bending on 2.54mm (0.100 in) and 5.0Bmm (0.200 in) centers is available. Two special surface mount lead configurations are also available. See the data sheets for "gull wing," "yoke lead" and bend options for more detailed information. Tape and reel packaging for the standard product and for the surface mountable "gull wing" and "yoke lead" versions is described in their respective surface mount data sheets. package Dimensions ALL DIMENSIONs ARE IN MU.LIMETRES {lNCHESl. 6-38 Part Number HLMP· Minimum Intensity (mcd) at 10 mA 6000 0.5 Standard Red (GaAsP) 6001 1.3 Standard Red (GaAsP) 6300 1.0 High Efficiency Red (GaP on GaAsP) Q400 1.0 Orange (GaP on GaAsP) 6400 1.0 Yellow (GaP on GaAsP) 6500 1.0 Green (GaP) Color (Material) ------------------------------------------ Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25°C r- ,~, Symbol Parameter Iv Luminous Inten§ity c t\ iI% Device HLMP· Min. StandardRM 6000 01 '. 0.5 1.3 i !!lrange Q400 Yellow 6400 1.2 Max. Units; 3.~'% . ~ i~Efficien~y Red • 6300 Typ. 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 .- !If mcd Test Conditions gc,:1ltiG%" IF= 10 mA (Figures 3, 8, 13, 18) ~ Green 6500 201/2 Including Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points All 90 Deg. See Note 1 (Figures 6, 11. 16. 21) APEAK Peak Wavelength Standard Red High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 655 635 612 583 565 nm Measurement at Peak Standard Red High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 640 626 603 585 569 nm See Note 2 Standard Red High Eff, Red/Orange Yellow Green 24 40 36 28 Standard Red High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 15 90 260 90 500 n$ Standard Red High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 100 11 4 15 18 pF 120 ·C/W Ad .1A1/2 TS C Dominant Wavelength Spectral Line Halfwidth Speed of Response CapaCitance 8JC Thermal Resistance All VF Forward Voltage Standard Red High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green VR Reverse Breakdown Voltage 'f/v Luminous Efficacy 1.4 1.5 1.5 1,5 1.5 1.6 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.3 5,0 Slandard Red High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green Notes on following page. 6-39 65 145 262 500 595 • nm 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 VF=O;f=lMHz Junction to Cathode Lead V IF= 10 mA (Figures 2, 7, 12, 17) V IR" 100p.A lumens See Note 3 --watt Notes: 1. (-)1/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Radiant intensity, Ie, in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/ryv. Where Iv is the luminous intensity incandelas and ryv is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA Parameter Power Dissipation DC Forward Current Peak Forward Current Red HLMP·6000f1 High Eff. Red HLMP-6300 Orange HLMp·Q400 Yellow HLMP-6400 Green HLMP-6500 Units 100 135 135 85 135 mW 50PJ 3012 J 30[2} 20[1} 30[2J mA 1000 See Fig. 5 90 See Fig. 10 90 See Fig. 10 60 See Fig. 15 90 See Fig. 20 mA Reverse Voltage (I R= 100 pAl 5 5 5 5 5 V Transient Forward Current(2) (10 }tsec Pulse) 2000 500 500 500 500 mA -55 to +100 -55 to +100 -55 to +100 -55 to +100 Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Soldering Temperature {1.6 mm (0.063 in.) from body} -20 to +100 -55 to +100 °C 2600 0 for 3 seconds Notes: 1. Derate from 50' C at 0.2 mAl' C. 2. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current that can be applied to the device without damaging the LED die and wirebond. It is not recommended that the device be operated at peak current beyond the peak forward current listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings. ,.0r-------------,-~~--~~--~ __ ~----,_~--~r_----------,_------------~ WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength 6-40 standard Red HLMP-6000/6001 • /' • • • • 1.7D VF- FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. "" 1.30 '-T"""T""""-'-"T""-r-""r-r-r-. i \"" S f-t-~+-+-+--r-r-+-+~ ~ ',l°f-Hf-f- V IV .L 10 * " ,.-f-- ~ ',OOf-t-t-t~ f-'- . 50 II' - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. 'rEAK - PEAK CURRENT - mA Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. tp - PULSE DURATION - pi Figure S. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (IDC MAX as per MAX Ratings) 1 '• V I ·• 0 Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. 1.• / I.S U >0 !~ tE~ / / " 1.2 wo wW 1.1 j::::i 1.' >N S~ w~ I I.' 1.3 ~o l! .. .. .7 2.' Vf • FORWARD VOLTAGE - V IDC - DC CURRENT PER LED _ rnA Figure 7. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics 100 1000 tp '- PULSE DURATION Figure 8. RelatlveLuminouslntenslty vs. Forward Current. !PEAK - PEAK CURRENT -mA Figure 9. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. ,.... - JlI Figure 10. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (IDC MAX as per MAX Ratings) Figure 11. Relative Luminous Intensltyvs.AngularDlsplacement. 6-41 Yellow HlMP-6400 / 1.0 / S / 1.5 ! 1~ Q ~' / 5 ./ ./ 2.0 / '-0\ -25;c 2, i / 1.5 2.5 30 • 2, J • • · • • v 00 35 4.0 \If - FORWARD VOLTAGE-V 5 '/ V 4 V 3 / /' 2 • • 9 I. / I '01020 304050 60 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - mA ... - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 12. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics I I 7 2. 15 I / I Figure 13. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. Figure 14. Relat,lve Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. 10000 tp - pULSE DURATION -,us Figure 16. Relative Luminous Intensltyvs.AngularDlsplacement. Figure 15. Maxlmum,Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (IDC MAX as per MAX Ratings) Green HlMP-6500 v '00 .. ~~ • / .~ o = ; 2 .. 0 1.0 / 1.5 2.0 • I 2, 5 2, 0 . 2.5 30 3.5 Figure 17. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. 4 3 2 I V 15 20 25 30 35 40 'PEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA ,Figure ;18. Relative 'Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current o. 7 I I 9 10 / • / •1/ 40 5 '" • VF-FORWARD VOLTAGE-V v' V 5 / I 7 35 '3, 0 / 20 • I 4,0 0 I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Figure 19. Relatlave Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit' Current) vs. Peak LED Current I I tp - PULSE DURATION -III Figure 20. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (IDC MAX as per MAX Ratings) Figure 21. Relative Luminous Intensltyvs.AngularDlsplacement. 6-42 80 90 100 IpfAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA ------.---~-.~------- MA TCHED JltRRA'IS OF SUE3MIf>JlATURE LAMPS RED HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HlMPi~,~;QO SERIES HlMP~66QO SI=RIES ¥l=lLOWc'HlMP~6150 SERIES GREEN HLMP-6850 SERIES Features • IMPROVED BRIGHTNESS • AVAILABLE IN 4 BRIGHT COLORS Red High Efficiency Red Yellow High Performance Green • EXCELLENT UNIFORMITY BETWEEN ELEMENTS / • END STACKABLE FOR LONGER ARRAYS o SELECTION OF VARIOUS LENGTHS • COMPACT SUBMINIATURE PACKAGE STYLE • NO CROSSTALK BETWEEN ELEMENTS Description Applications The HLMP-6XXX Series Arrays are comprised of several subminiature lamps molded as a single bar. Arrays are tested to assure 2.1 to 1 matching between elements and intensity binned for matching between arrays. .. INDUSTRIAL CONTROLS The HLMP-620X Series Arrays are Gallium Arsenide Phosphide red light emitting diodes. The HLMP-665X, HLMP-675X series arrays are Gallium Arsenide Phosphide on Gallium Phosphide red and yellow light emitting diodes. The HLMP-685X series arrays are Gallium Phosphide green light emitting diodes. Each element has separately accessible leads and a diffused lens which provides a wide viewing angle and a high on/off contrast ratio. The center-to-center spacing is 2.54 mm (.100 in.) between elements. Special lead bending is available on 2.54 mm (.100 in.) and 5.08 mm (.200 in.) centers. o POSITION INDICATORS o OFFICE EQUIPMENT II INSTRUMENTATION LOGIC INDICATORS o CONSUMER PRODUCTS Array Length 3-Elem.~nt 4-Element 5-Element 6-Element ,8dilement High Efficiency Red Red HLMP· E1?9? HLMP- 6264 HLMp· 6205 HLMP- 6206 H!7MP- 6208 6e~3 6654 6655 66,56 6658 Yellow 6753 6754 67:,55 6756 6758 High Performance Green 6853 6854 6855 6856 6858 package Dimensions Note'! 1. All ditmO$foll$ are in mUHmetrB$-11ncoesl. 2. Qvetaillength i$ the number of elemenH time$ 2.54mm (.l()() In.l • .16W30j MAX, t::I.l 6-43 . ----~--------- ------- FliP'l 2mm FLAT TOP LED LAMPS HEWLETT High Efficiency Red, Yellow, Green Lamps Low current Lamps Integrated Resistor Lamps a.:~ PACKARD Features • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • UNIFORM LIGHT OUTPUT • MOUNTS FLUSH WITH PANEL • CHOICE OF THREE BRIGHT COLORS - High Efficiency Red - Yellow - High Performance Green • LOW CURRENT VERSION AVAILABLE - High Efficiency Red and Yellow • INTEGRATED RESISTOR VERSION AVAILABLE - Requires no External Current Limiter with 5 V -12V Supply Description These rugged solid state lamps are designed for applications requiring a bright, compact source of light. Uniform light output, wide viewing angle and flat top make the lamp ideal for flush mounting on a front panel. The red and yellow devices use 'Gallium Arsenide Phosphide on Gallium Phosphide light emitting diodes, the green devices use a Gallium Phosphide light emitting diode. Axial Luminous Intensity and Viewing Angle @. Color High Efficiency Red Yellow Green Iv (mcd) rI Number HLMP· -1800 1801 Min. Typ. Test Condition 201/211J Tinted, Diffused 0.8 1.8 10 mA 140 Tinted, Diffused, High Brightness 2.1 2.9 10mA 0.5 2mA Description Tinted, Diffused, Low Current 0.2 Tinted, Diffused,S V Integrated Resistor 0.5 5V -1661 Tinted. Diffused, 12 V Integrated Resistor 0.8 12 V -1819 Tinted, Diffused 0.9 1.5 10 mA -1820 Tinted, Diffused, High Brightness 1.4 2.5 10 mA -1760 Tinted, Diffused, Low Current 0.2 0.4 2mA -1674 Tinted, Diffused,S V Integrated Resistor 0.5 5V -1675 Tinted, Diffused, 12 V Integrated ReSistor 0.9 12 V -1840 Ti nted, Diffused 1.0 2.0 10mA -1841 Tinted, Diffused, High Brightness 1.6 3.0 10 mA -1687 Tinted, Diffused,S V Integrated Resistor 0.5 5V -1688 Tinted, Diffused. 12 V Integrated Resistor 1.0 12 V NOTE: 1. ~)1/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial intensity. 6-44 140 140 Package Dimensions 0.45 (O.OlS) CATHODE SQUARE NOM/ dI:::::r========i==c::k I 2.5410.1001 NOM. '-r ",.~:~J'ib t2.7 .fO.G50) NOM, NOTES; 1 AU, DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILllMETRES ONCHES!. 2. AN"EPOXY MENISCU& MAY EXTEND ABOOT 1 mm {a,040l DOWN THE LEADS. Absolute Maximum Ratings atTA=25°C HIGH EFFICIENCY RED, YELLOW AND GREEN LAMPS .. ' Parameter Peak Forward Current Average Forward Currentl 11 DC Currentl 21 Power DissipationJ31 Reverse Voltage (fR - 100 }J.AI Transient Forward Currentl41 no }J.sec Pulse) Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Soldering Temperature 11.6 mm 10.063 inl from body} High Eliiciency , i; .•, Yellow Green Red HLMp·1800/-1801 HLMP;1819/·1820 HLMp·1840/·1841 90 60 90 ,.", 25 25 20 .". 20 30 30 ii 135 85 135 '.. ,.•..••. 5 5 5 500 500 500 -20 to +100 -55 to +100 -55 to +100 Units rnA mA mA mW V mA °C 260' C for 5 seconds NOTES: 1. See Figure 3 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 2. For Red and Green Series derate linearly from 50° C at 0.5 mAIo C. For Yellow Series derate linearly from 50° C at 0.2 mArC. 3. For Red and Green Series derate power linearly from 25° C at 1.8 mW/o C. For Yellow Series derate power linearly from 50° Cat 1.6 mW/O C. 4. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current that can be applied to the device without damaging the LED die and wirebond. It is not recommended that the device be operated at peak currents beyond the peak forward current listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings. LOW CURRENT LAMPS High Ellici~ncy Red HLMP~1740 Parameter DC and Peak Forward Currentl 11 Transient Forward Current 110 msecPulse) Power Dissipation " Reverse Voltage IIR - 50 MA) Operating and Storage Temperature Rqnge Lead Soldering Temperature n,6 mm 10:063 in.1 from body) 7 500 27 II I I Yellow HLMP·1760 7 500 24 5.0 -55 to +100 Units mA mA mW V °C 260° C for 5 seconds NOTES: 1. Derate linearly from 92° Cat 1.0 mAIO C. INTEGRATED RESISTOR LAMPS Parameter Reverse Voltage (18 - 100 }J.Al DC Forward Voltage ITA = 25° Cl Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Soldering Temperature 5 V Larhps HER/Yellow HLMp·1660 HLMP·1674 5V 7.5 VI 1 1 -40° C to 85° C -55°C to 100°C 12 V Lamps 5 V Lamps HER/Yellow Green HLMP-1661 HLMP-1687 HLMP-1675 5V 5V 7.5 VllJ 15 Vl21 -20° C to 85° C -40° C to 85° C -55°C to lOGoC -550 C to 100° C 260·C for 5 seconds NOTES: 1. Derate from TA = 50° Cat 0.071 Vlo C, see Figure 3. 2. Derate from TA = 50° Cat 0.086 Vlo C, see Figure 4. 6·45 12 V Lamps Green HLMP·1688 5V 15 V[2/ -20· C to 85° C -55°C to 100°C Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA == 25° C High Efficiency Red Symbol Parameter Min, Typ. Yellow Max. Min. Typ. Green Max. Min. lYP. Max. Units Test Conditions APEAK Peak Wavelength 635 583 565 nm LlAl!2 Spectral Line Halfwidth 40 36 28 nm Ad Dominant Wavelength 626 585 569 '7v luminous Efficacy 145 500 595 VA Reverse Breakdown Voltage nm Note 1 lumen Note 2 Iwatt 5.0 5.0 5.0 V IA ~ 100 itA NOTES: 1. The dominant wavelength, Ad. is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 2. Radiant intensity, Ie, in watts/steradian. may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/ryv' Where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and ryv is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. HIGH EFFICIENCY RED, YELLOW AND GREEN LAMPS High Green Yellow Efficiency Red HLMP-1800/-1801 HLMP-1819/-1820 HLMP-1840/-1841 Symbol Parameter VF Forward Voltage TS Speed of Response C Capacitance OJC Thermal Resistance Min. Typ. Max. 1.5 2.2 Min. Typ. Max. 3.0 1.5 2.2 90 3.0 Min. Typ. Max. 1.5 2.3 3.0 500 90 Units Test Condllions V pF 20 15 18 120 120 120 IF= 10 mA ns VF = O. f = 1 MHz °C/W Junction to Cathode Lead LOW CURRENT LAMPS High Efficiency Red HLMP·1740 Symbol Parameter VF Forward Voltage Min. Typ. Max. 1.8 2.2 Yellow HLMP-1760 Min. Typ. Max. Units 1.9 2.7 V Test Conditions 2mA Speed of Response 90 90 ns C Capacitance 11 15 pF ()JC Thermal Resistance 120 120 °CIW Junction to Cathode Lead Max. Units Test Conditions 20 mA At rated voltage °CIW Junction to Cathode Lead .."8 Vp =0. 1= 1 MHz INTEGRATED RESISTOR LAMPS 12V HLMP·1661/ 1675/·1688 5V HLMP-16601 -16741-1687 Symbol Parameter Typ. Max. IF Forward Current Min. 10 15 IIJC Thermal ReSistance 90 Min. I Typ. 13 90 6-46 0" 1.0 10· 20· 30· 40· 50· 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 1. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement 1.0r--------------,----~----~~_.--------~ --,_--------------r_------------_. __ GAEEN HIGH EfFICIENCY /~ RED OL-______~__~~________~~__~~--------~--~------------~~------------~ 500 650 700 750 WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 2. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength HIGH EFFICIENCY RED, YELLOW AND GREEN LAMPS HER HLMP-1800,-1801 Yellow HLMP-1819,-1820 Green HLMP-1840,-1841 90 !J 80 ~~ "'" 00 I . Zw :E~ 2.5 ~'" w:. 2.0 -0 1.5 w 1.0 5~ 0: 0,5 1.4 OJ 1.3 ~ >/ , 1£ 9" 1. 1 i=w'" - 1.0 , n 0.9 ~ I ~ / ~ -::: 0.8 I ;; 0.7 0.6 10 15 ~ 20 ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 !'arlEEN fi= J 0: VHLOW EFflCJENCY RED V L / 1.2 .~ If j. If o ./ o 5 > .~ HIGH YELlOW 1.5 I ,,~ >0: 1. 6 I 'HlGHIEF~lclI,JCY flED ANIl OREEN 4.5 o 10 20 30 ff 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 IPEAK - PEAK LED CURRENT - rnA IDe - DC CURRENT PER LED rnA Figure 5. Relative Luminous .Intenslty vs. Forward Current Figure 6. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak LED Current LOW CURRENT LAMPS HER HLMP-1740 Yellow HLMP-1760 10 10.0,---,----,----,---,----, I ~ , ~ 8.01---t----t---i---++---:;j ~1 -tA .25"C .... 150: ·z N ~~ ~fa HIGH EFFICIENCY 0: Reo .... i3 o 0: -.... 6.0 f---+---l----l....;~:tf-__l ~j , ;! 4 . 0 r - - - t - - + " ' 7 ' ' r f - - - t - - - i ~~ :3~ 2.0 f---+-::",-l----l---;--__l ~ ~ Wo: ~ , J ~ ) 1.0 .5 f"lOW 2.0 1.5 VF.- FORWARD VOLTAGE 2.5 -v IDe - DC CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure S. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current Figure 7. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage INTEGRATED RESISTOR LAMPS 5 Volt HLMP-1660, -1674, 1687 12 Volt HLMP-1661, -1675, -1688 24 '", 20 150: 16 "" 12 E ... I I I ;!: 0: ~ ., o o II 16 "" 12 0 I V / 0: '" ~ , ;!: 0: I ~ 150: 0: V '" 20 ... / 0: '", E V 0: 0 24 / V ~ L I8 7.5 10 12 14 I 15 o o 16 1/;' ,/ V I I8 7.6 I 10 12 14 I 15 16 Vc;c -APPLIED FORWARD VOLTAGE-V Vee - APPLIED FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 9. For:ward Current vs. Applied Forward Voltage. 5 Volt Devices .. Figure 10. Forward Current vs. Applied Forward. Voltage. 12 Volt Devices 6-48 2.5 2.0 2 w 1.5 ~ a: 1.0 / > ;: 0.5 0 0 2 / / ~GH w > ~ a: / 0.5 EFFICIENCV_ REO, YELLOW. GREEI 4 / 1.0 2 6 o I 8 4 I-- HIGH EFFICIENCV I--J-+-v-++-~::;r~ a 10 5 VOLT DEVICE / 8 12 16 20 12 VOLT DEVICES Figure 11. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Applied Forward Voltage. 5 Volt Devices Figure 12. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Applied Forward Voltage. 12 Volt Devices 6-49 FliU- 2mm SQUARE FLAT TOP LED LAMPS HEWLETT High Efficiency Red HLMP-l250, -l251 a:~ PACKARD Yellow HLMP-L350, -L351 Green HlMP-L550, -L551 Features • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • UNIFORM LIGHT OUTPUT • SQUARE LIGHT EMITTING AREA • MOUNTS FLUSH WITH PANEL • CHOICE OF THREE BRIGHT COLORS - High Efficiency Red Yellow High Performance Green Description These rugged solid state lamps are designed for applications requiring a bright, compact source of light. Uniform light output, wide viewing angle and flat top make the lamp ideal for flush mounting on a front panel. The red and yellow devices use Gallium Arsenide Phosphide on Gallium Phosphide light emitting diodes, the green devices use a Gallium Phosphide light emitting diode. Axial Luminous Intensity and viewing Angle Color Part Number HLMP- Description Iv (mcd) Typ. Min. Tesl Condition 2(')1/2111 140 High Efficiency Red -L250 Tinted, Diffused 0.8 1.8 10mA -l251 Tinted, Diffused, High Brightness 2.1 2.9 10 mA Yellow -L350 Tinted, Diffused 0.9 1.5 10 mA -L351 Tinted, Diffused, High Brightness 1.4 2.5 10 mA -L550 Tinted, Diffused 1.0 2.0 10mA -L551 Tinted, Diffused, High Brightness 1.6 3.0 lOrnA Green NOTE: 1. (-)1/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial intensity. 6-50 140 140 Package Dimensions 3Sl i r lBOLI,r ~ 0.B9 (0]81" lo.o 0,64 ,," i F 4,19\0,185) 3.7S(if.J49J i 2.'110.0811 " ,,' ~ ~:;~~-- ~~~:~:~~;l- t - 0.90 10.0351 REF. fSOUA:;V 1 I r--,I I ~10.2201_L ~CATHODE 0.4510.0101 2.54 '~'""":JL 3.fJ110.1211 r----24.13 10.9501 MIN. 4.83 (O.190) ~~~OOI I 1.2110.OGOl NOM. NOTES: 1, ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES (INCHES/' 2. AN EPO'>;Y--MENISCUS MAY EXTEND ABOUT 6,91 (O,272} 6,10 (0.240) 1 mm j(t04Q") DOWN THE LEADS. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA -- 25°C .COMMON CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter High Efficiency Red Yellow Green L2501lL251 L350/351 L550/551 Min. 'TYP· Max. Min. 'TYP· Max. Min. 'TYP· Max. Units Test Conditions ApEAK Peak Wavelength 635 583 565 nm ~A1I2 Spectral Line Halfwidlh 40 36 28 nm Ad Dominant Wavelength 626 585 569 llv Luminous Efficacy 145 500 595 VR Reverse Breakdown Voltage 5.0 VF Forward Voltage 1.5 TS Speed of Response C Capacitance IJJC Thermal Resistance 3.0 5.0 1.5 2.2 90 90 Note 1 IWat't 5.0 2.2 nm lumen Note 2 3.0 1.5 2.3 500 11 15 18 120 120 120 3.0 =100)LA V IR V IF'" 10 rnA ns pF VF'" 0, f '" 1 MHz °C/W Junction to Cathode Lead NOTES: 1. The dominant wavelength. Ad. is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavlength which defines the color of the device. 2. Radiant intensity, Ie, in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie ~ Iv/~v' Where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and ~v is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 6-'51 Absolute Maximum Ratings atTA=25'C HIGH EFFICIENCY RED, YELLOW AND GREEN LAMPS High Efficiency Green Yellow Red HlMP·l250/·L251 HlMP·L350/-L351 HLMP·1550/·l551 Parameter Peak Forward Current Average Forward Currentl11 DC Currentl:?l Power Oissipationl 3 1 Reverse Voltage (lR - 100 JJA,) Transient Forward Currentl 4l (i0 psee Pulse) Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Soldering Temperature (a mm 10.063 in.1 from body) 60 20 20 65 5 500 90 25 30 135 5 500 -55 to +100 90 25 30 135 5 500 -20 to +100 -55 to +100 Unite mA mA mA mW V rnA ~C 260·C for 5 seconds NOTES: 1. See Figure 3 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 2. For Red and Green Series derate linearly from 50' C at 0.5 mAl" C. For Yellow Series derate linearly from 50' C at 0.2 mN'C. 3. For Red and Green Series derate power linearly from 25' C at 1.8 mW/' C. For Yellow Series derate power linearly from 50'C at 1.6 mW/'C. 4. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current that can be applied to the device without damaging the LED die and wirebond. It is not recommended that the device be operated at peak currents beyond the peak forward current listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings. 90'1---+---+--1--+-=== Figure 1. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement 1.0r----------.---~._--~~_r--------~~_.--------------~------------~ --------+--------_1 O.5f------------++---j!\-----+\--..,I------~....... WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 2. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength 6-52 HIGH EFFICIENCY RED, YELLOW AND GREEN LAMPS HER HLMP-L250, -L251 Yellow HLMP-L350, -L351 Green HLMP-L550, -L551 90 # I 80 1/ ) 1.5 0: U / 2.5 1.0 15 ~V 1.2 w"' >0: >u 1. yEt-LOW 1/ 1 0.9 ~ 0.8 " 10 15 ~ t:S 1'' f- VI 2.0 1.0 4.5 t-- fA 20 10 5.0 I Af ,-........,'--------I-->.,--------l---------I ~~OO~---~--~~~-----~-~~------~--~------~~------~7~ WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 2. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength 6-56 HIGH EFFICIENCY RED, YELLOW AND GREEN LAMPS HER HLMP-M2XX Series Yellow HLMP-M3XX Series Green HLMP-M5XX Series 90 ~ BO "E 70 I I- ffi 'a:" " i"E ";:a: ~ I .!: I 60 ,..... HIGH EfflCIENCYJ RED, 50 1/1/ 40 30 20 10 jg 1.0 Figure 3. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (Ioc MAX as per MAX Ratings.) 4.5 >I- in_ wE z" ~:= ",I- "" 00 i~ ".... ".... 4.0 I 3.5 3.0 2.0 ~~ 1.0 '" 0.5 " >- "JIGHiEFf!CIEJCY RED AND GREEN ffi" u -/ 1.4 5.0 ~ 1.2 > 1. 1 ~ 1.0 I 0.9 YEL.lOW ~" 0.8 I HIGH EFFiCIENCY RED /'" II / 1.3 I~ I/' 'f w -::::: -'( GREEN / III ;; 0.7 ,/ 5 4.0 YELLOW a: / 3.0 I.G j 1.5 ?VELLOW_ t---- rt II/) VI 2.0 1.5 '/ w" >'" 0 t---- t---- Figure 4. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage / 2.5 ~ I VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V tp - PULSE DURATION -ps 5.0 GRJEN 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 O.G 50 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 IPEAK - PEAK LED CURRENT - rnA IDe - DC CURRENT PER LED rnA Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. Nondlffused Devices. Figure 6. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak LED Current. Nondiffused Devices. 1.3 YELLOW 1.2 >I- 2.0 "ffi U § in_ z" ~~ ZN ~~ / 1.5 00 zw -N ,,,,"" " 1.0 .... w" >'" 0 I-z ~- / .5 a: --- V V w V g> 20 / 0.9 0.8 0.7 "~ O.G " 15 l,.f. F"'" 1.0 25 I o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA IDe - DC CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 7. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. Diffused Devices. - dRIEEN 0.5 0.4 30 -- 1/ w V 10 1.1 '7 fE~ 1"-,,, " >- Figure 8. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. Diffused Devices. 6-57 T-1 (3mm) Flin- a!e. RED SOLID STATE LAMPS HEWLETT PACKARD HlMP-1000 Series HlMP-1200 Series Features - rr mr.nm 3.18 (.125) 2.61 [1Q5) 3.431.135) • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • SMALL SIZE T-1 DIAMETER 3.18mm (0:125") "'I 6.351t250) t 4.io ~ mimi _~jl-----1 4.;a p 6s1 • IC COMPATIBLE • RELIABLE AND RUGGED Description 1.•2\'.4., JL NOM. 24.13 ~O.95J MIN. The HLMP-1000 is a series of Gallium Arsenide Phosphide Light Emitting Diodes designed for applications where space is at a premium, such as in high density arrays. OATHOO£-I-- The HLMP-1000 series is available in three lens configurations. 1.21LOSOIT'--J NOM. HLMP-1000 .,-- Red Diffused lens provides excellent on-off contrast ratio, high axial luminous intensity, and wide viewing angle. I --- 2.54 to.1OO) NOMINAL HLMP-1080 - Same as HLMP-1000, but untinted diffused to mask red color in the "off" condition. Figure A. HLMP-1 071/-1201 - Untinted non-diffused plastic lens provides a point source. Useful when illuminating external lens, annunciators, or photo-detectors. Pari Number HLMP· Iv (mcd) @20mA Package & Lens Type Min. Typ. _J Viewing Angle 201/2 -1000 A-Tinted Diffused ,5 1.0 60" -1002 A-Tinted Diffused 1.5 2.5 60" -1080 A-Untlnted Diffused .5 1.5 60' A-Untinted Non-Diffused 1.0 -1200 B-Untinted Non-Dlffused .5 1.0 120· -1201 B-Untinted Non-DJffuaed 1.5 2.5 120' -1071 t- 4:)1 Typ. ~o t-ii~HI 1--3.301.1301 MAX. L I~U£j 3.23 t.127) 11) ~L 24.1:1 (0.95) MIN. 0.45 t.018t CATHODE- -+ I----- h~~~~!L '---- 1.27t+{}Sms--i- : 2.0 NOM. 45' I IJ.-I -j 2.54 (0.100) NOM1NAL Figure B. NOTES: 1, ALL OlMENSIONS ARE. IN Mltt.lMETAES (INCHES}. 2, Alii EPOXY MENt$¢US MAY EXHNO ABOUT 1mtll (.040"1 DOWN THE LEApS. 6-58 Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25° C I IiMclHer . Dissipation 1000 Series Units 100 mW . cDC.Forward Current (1) 50 mA Average Forward CurrEln.i 50 mA 1000 mA Peak Operating Forward Current .CC> •• C •. ·CCC.CC. 5 V 2000 mA Reverse Voltage OR"" 100 !,Al Transient Forward Currentl1! (10 !,sec Pulse) Operating and Storage Temperature Range -15°C to +100°C 26q~C for 5 seconds cR~ad Solder TemperaWre (1,6 rum [0.06?lnChlbElI()wpaq~age base) Note: 1. Derate linerarly from sooe at 0.2 rnA/DC. Electrical Characteristics at TA =25°C Symbol Parametilrs ApEAK Peak Wavelength 655 nm Ad Dominant Wavelength 648 nm ,',A112 Spectral Line Halfwidth 24 nm TS Speed of Response 10 ns C Capacitance 100 pF 8JC Thermal Resistance 120 °C/W VF Forward Voltage VR Reverse Breakdown Voltage Min, Typ. 1.4 Max. 1,6 2.0 5 Units Test Conditions Measurement at Peak VF = 0, f"" 1 MHz Junction to Cathode Lead V IF "" 20 mA V IR =100 JiA HLMP-1200/-1201 50 . 40 ~ 30 2.60 < ~ ~ , ~ .. --1---5 20 / 10 'I 1 1 I 00 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 :/ 7 ~- 10 20 30 50 90 1-----l--l----J---+'3i!ll--''::0·'':'20'::-·-:"30'::-'-"40C:-'-"so"""'607. ""70"'·...o~·9:':0:-:-'100° Q 0 40 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA FORWARD CURRENT - VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS Figure 1, Forward Current vs, Voltage Characteristic. Z- / 0 -" L r-~- 5 W ~ I-~ - 2 ~ < - Figure 2. Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current (IF), HLMP-1000/-1002/-10BO Figure 4. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. Figure 3. Typical Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. HLMP-1071 Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. 6-59 T-1 (3mm) Flin- DIFFUSED SOLID STATE LAMPS HEWLETT HIGH EFFICIENCY RED • ORANGE • YELLOW • HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN. ~~ PACKARD HLMP-1300 SERIES HLMP-K400 SERIES HLMP-1400 SERIES HLMP-1500 SERIES Features • HIGH INTENSITY • CHOICE OF 4 BRIGHT COLORS High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow High Performance Green • POPULAR T-1 DIAMETER PACKAGE • SELECTED MINIMUM INTENSITIES • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • GENERAL PURPOSE LEADS • RELIABLE AND RUGGED • AVAILABLE ON TAPE AND REEL package Dimensions Description This family of T-l lamps is widely used in general purpose indicator applications. Diffusants, tints, and optical design are balanced to yield superior light output and wide viewing angles. Several intensity choices are available in each color for increased design flexibility. Part Number HLMp· 1300 General Purpose 1.0 1301 General Purpose 2.0 1302 High Ambient 3.0 1385 Premium lamp 6.0 K400 General purpose 1.0 K401 High Ambient 2.0 K402 Premium lamp 3.0 1400 General Purpose 1.0 1401 General Purpose 2.0 1402 High Ambient 3.0 1485 Premium Lamp 6.0 1503 General Purpose 1.0 1523 High Ambient 2.6 1585 Premium Lamp 4.0 ~ 0.46 HW18, SQUARE NOM. CATHODE " )j L 27NOM.50 10.0 2.5410.100) NOM. NOTES; 1. At.l OIMENSIONS ARE rN MIi..J..IMETRES !INCHES). 2. AN EPOXy MENISCt)S MAY EXTENOAa.O\,.JT lmm (-Q'{)4O-"i DOWN THE LEADS, 6-60 Applicallon Minimum Intensity (mcd) at 10mA Color (Material) High Efficiency Red (GaAsP on GaP) Orange (GaAsP on GaP) Yellow (GaAsP on GaP) Green (GaP) Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25°C Symbol Qescrlptlon Iv (uminous Intensity 20112 ApEAK Ad ~A1I2 TS C I"'" Device High Efficiency Red 13,00 1301 1302 1385 Orange K400 K401 K402 Yellow 1400 1401 1402 1485 Green 1503 1523 1585 Min. 'TYP. 1.0 2.0 3.0 6.0 2.0 2.5 4.0 10.0 to 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.5 4.0 to 2.0 3.0 6.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 10.0 1.0 2.6 4.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 Max. Units Test Condillons ~ mcd IF'" 10 mA 60 Deg. IF'" 10 mA See Note 1 High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 635 603 583 565 nm Measurement at Peak High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 626 608 585 569 nm See Note 2 Spectral Line Halfwidth High Efficiency Red Yellow Green 40 36 28 nm Speed of Response High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 90 280 90 500 ns High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 11 4 15 18 pF 120 °CfW Including Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength Capacitance All 8JC Thermal Resistance All VF Forward Voltage HER/Orange Yellow Green t5 1,5 1.5 5.0 VA Reverse Breakdown Volt. AU rJv Luminous Efficacy High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 2.2 2.2 2.3 145 262 500 595 3.0 3.0 3.0 VF '" 0; f '" 1 MHz Junction to Cathode' Lead V IF=10mA V IR = 100 p.A lumens Watt See Note 3 NOTES: 1. 0112 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Radiant intensity, Ie, in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/~v. where Iv is the luminous intensity in can del as and ~ is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 6-61 Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA HER/Orange Yellow Peak forward Current 90 60 Average Forward Current l11 25 20 DC Current l21 30 20 Power Dissipation l3J 135 Parameter Reverse Voltage OR = 100 pAl Units 90 rnA 25 rnA 30 rnA 135 rnW 5 5 5 V 500 500 500 rnA -55 to +100 -55 to +100 Transient Forward Current l41 (10 psee Pulse) Operating Temperature Range ±= Green Storage Temperature Range -20 to +100 '0 -55 to +100 260· 0 for 5 seconds Lead Soldering Temperature 11.6 mm (0.063 in.) from body] NOTES: 1. See Figure 5 (Red/Orange). 10 (Yellow) or 15 (Green) to establish pulsed 4. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current that can be applied to the device without damaging the LED die and operating conditions. 2. For Red, Orange, and Green series derate linearly from 50' C at 0.5 mAIo C. For Yellow series derate linearly from 500 Cat 0.2 mAID C. wirebond. It is not recommended that the device be operated at peak currents beyond the peak forward current listed in the Absolute Maximum 3. For Red, Orange, and Green series derate power linearly from 25°C at 1,8 mW/oC. For Yellow series derate power linearly from 50°C at 1.6 mW/oC. Ratings. 1.0 ~ ~ w HIOH EFFICIi:.NCY ••0 0.' ~ ~ 0 500 700 750 WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength T-1 High Efficiency Red, Orange Diffused lamps 1.6r-...-......--,.-,--...-.,......,.-,.....-, 90 BO 1, 70 ~ 80 ~ a ~ ~ ~ . ..., 50 20 10 5.0 IDe - DC CURRENT PER L.ED - mA VF - FORWARO VOL. TAGE - V Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics. Figure 3. Relative Luminous tntenslty vs. DC Forward Current. IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER L.ED - mA Figure 4. Relative Elllclency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak LED Current. 100' tp - PUL.SE DURATION -1'5 Figure 5. Maximum Toterable Peak Current vs. Putse Duration. (Ioc MAX as per MAX Ratings). Figure 6. Relative Luminous tntensity vs. Angular Disptacement. 6-62 T-1 Yellow Diffused Lamps 2. 5 I TA .. I II 0 0 0 I 0 0 1.0 1.5 25~C / 5 0 / A 0 2.0 2.5 30 VF • FORWARD VOLTAGE - 35 1.5 g / / 5 1.6 / / ,/ V ~ 1.3 ~ 1.2 ~ ::; 1 i 1. 0 ~ 9 / 20 V / .7 0 4.0 If - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 8. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. V / 6 15 10 v Figure 7. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics. ,/' u 10 20 30 40 50 60 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - mA Figure 9. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. 100" tp - PULSE DURATION -I-'S Figure 11. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. Figure 10. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (Ioc MAX as per MAX Ratings.) T-1 Green Diffused Lamps 0 7 0 0 I 0 I , s / 0 s 0 I 0 V 5 0 0 0 10 / 0 II VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 12. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics. ~ 1.4 f3 1.3 ffi 1. 2 , 0 / 5 oL 20 5 > / : f 10 15 20 25 30 3540 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 13. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Currenl. 7 0'0102030405060 70 80 90100 IpEAK -PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 14. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak LED Current. tp - PULSE DURATION -I'S Figure 15. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (Ioc MAX as per MAX Ratings.) Figure.16. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. 6-63 FliOW LOW PROFILE T-1 (3mm) LED LAMPS HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD High Efficiency Red HLMP-1350 Yellow HLMP-1450 High Performance Green HlMP-1550 Features package Dimensions • LOW PROFILE HEIGHT • SMALL T-1 SIZE DIAMETER 3.18 mm (.125 inch) • HIGH INTENSITY • IC COMPATIBLE • CHOICE OF 3 BRIGHT COLORS High Efficiency Red Yellow High Performance Green Description NOns: t. AU, DIMENSI[)NSARE IN This family of solid state lamps is especially suited for applications where small package size is required without sacrificing luminous intensity. The HLMP-1350 is a red tinted, diffused lamp providing a wide viewing angle. The HLMP-1450 and HLMP-1550 are similar products in yellow and green respectively. MILiIMETRE'S (INCHll.sl. 2. AN t;:POx-Y MENISCUS MAY EXTEND ABOUT 1fl'1fll (."040". DOWN THE LEADS Axial Luminous Intensity and viewing Angle @ 25°C Part Number HLMP- Min. Typ. Test Condition rnA IV (mcd) Description 201/2 (Typ.) [1] Ad (nm-Typ.) [2] 626 High Efficiency Red Color 1350 Tinted, Wide Angle 1.0 2.0 10 55' 1450 Tinted. Wide Angle 2.0 2.0 55' 585 Yellow Tinted, Wide Angle 1.0 1.0 10 1550 10 55' 569 Green NOTES: 1. 01/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial intensity. 2. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the devi!;e. For Maximum Ratings and Electrical/Optical Characteristics (including figures) see HLMP-1300/-1400/-1500 data sheet, publication number 5953-7735, except for Figure A shown here. Figure A. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. 6-64 --~-----,-,-------- - ~------, --------- ._-- IIIU3 HEWLETT 1L'7'~ PACKARD Features • HIGH INTENSITY • CHOICE OF 3 BRIGHT COLORS High Efficiency Red Yellow High Performance Green • POPULAR T-1 DIAMETER PACKAGE • SELECTED MINIMUM INTENSITIES • NARROW VIEWING ANGLE • GENERAL PURPOSE LEADS • RELIABLE AND RUGGED • AVAILABLE ON TAPE AND REEL package Dimensions Description This family of T-1 lamps is specially designed for applications requiring higher on-axis intensity than is achievable with a standard lamp. The light generated is focused to a narrow beam to achieve this effect. Pari Number HLMP- f 1.021.040) NOM. 1320 1321 Description Untinted Non-Diffused Tinted Non-Diffused CATHODE °11 1420 1421 NOMINj\~ 5 1.27l.O - 1520 2.54 {.1001 NOMINAl. 1521 NOTES, 1. ALlDllIIENSIONSARE INMILLIIIIETRES (INCHES), 2. AN EPOXY Mf!NISCUS MAY EXHND ABOUT lmm {,040··' DOWN THE LEADS- 6-65 Untinted Non-Diffused Tinted Non-Diffused Untinted Non-Diffused Tinted Non-Diffused Minimum Intensity (mcd) al10 rnA 8.6 8.6 9.2 6.0 4.2 4.2 Color (Material) High Efficiency Red !GaAsP on GaP) Yellow (GaAsP on GaP) Green (GaP) --"-' Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25°C Symbol Description Iv Luminous Intensity Device HLMP· Min. Typ. 1320 1321 8.6 3.6 12.0 12.0 mcd IF'" 10 mA (Figure 3) 1420 1421 9.2 12.0 12.0 mcd IF" 10 mA (Figure 8) 6.0 1520 1521 4.2 4.2 5.0 5.0 mcd IF" 10 mA (Figure 3) Max. Unils Test Conditions 20 1/2 Including Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points All 45 Deg. IF" 10 mA See Note 1 (Figures 6, 11, 16, 21) ApEAK Peak Wavelength 132X 142X 152X 635 583 565 nm Measurement at Peak (Figure 1) IlA 112 Spectral Line Halfwidth 132X 142X 152X 40 36 28 nm I\d Dominant Wavelength 132X 142X 152X 626 585 569 nm TS Speed of Response 132X 142X 152X 90 90 500 ns C Capacitance 132X 142X 152X 11 15 18 pF 8JC Thermal Resistance Ali VF Forward Voltage 132X 142X 152X 1.5 1.5 1.5 VR Reverse Breakdown Voltage All 5.0 'Iv Luminous Efficacy 120 "C/W 2.2 2.2 \ 2.3 V 3.0 3.0 3.0 145 500 595 132X 142X 152X See Note 2 (Figure 1) VF = 0; f" 1 MHz Junction to Cathode Lead IF"'10mA V IR"1001'A lumens See Note 3 '"Wait Notes: 3. Radiant intensity, Ie, in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/1Jv, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and 1Jv is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 1. Eh/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. The dominant wavelength, Ad. is derived from the erE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C Red Yellow Gireen Units Peak Forward Current 90 60 90 mA Average Forward Current!11 25 20 25 mA DC Current!21 30 20 SO mA Power Dissipationl31 135 85 135 mW 5 5 5 V 500 500 500 mA -5510+100 -20 to +100 -55 to +100 ·C Parameter Reverse Voltage OR '" 100 I'Al Transient Forward Currentl4! (10 ,"sec Pulse) ~emperature Range emperature Range -5510+100 260· C for 5 seconds Lead Soldering Temperature (1,6 mm {0.063 InJ from bodyj 6-66 NOTES: 1. See FigureSIRedl. 10 IYeliowl. or 1SIGreeni to establish pulsed operating conditions. 2. For Red and Green series derate linearly from SO°C at O.S mAloC. For Yellow series derate linearly from SO'C at 0.2 mAl'C. 3. For Red and Green series derate power linearly from 2S'C at 1.8 mW/'C. For Yellow series derate power linearly from SO'C at 1.6 mW/oC. 4. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current that can be applied to the device without damaging the LED die and wirebond. It is not recommended that the device be operated at peak currents beyond the peak forward current listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings. 1.0 ~ ~ ~ ~ w 0.5 2 ~ 0 500 750 WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength T-1 High Efficiency Red Non-Diffused 0 0 0 0 I ojjji I , I 01---- 'I---- W 0 o ~~ 0 0 0 1.0 V 0 0 '.0 3.0 Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics tp - PULSE DURATION 5 1--"- 4 1/ / 3 / I 2 / v II 0 9 10 15 25 IDe - DC CURRENT PER LED - rnA VF - FORWARD VOL TAG E - V I.' 1 '/ 2.0 q , I / Figure 3. Relative Luminous Inlenslly vs. DC Forward Current I o., I o.7 o 10 20 ~ ~ ~ ~ 70 80 Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak LED Current -I'~ Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (locMAX as per MAX Ratings) Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement 6-67 00 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LEO - mA T-1 Yellow Non-Diffused '.B 2.S...---,---r--.,---" ~ 2.' h w.!i i ~~~~~---+~- 1l~. "~~~~--f'-- ~e i 2O~"""'~~-I ;! !~ ~~ ~i ~- ',. ~~ !;~ d 1.3 t~ '.2 u~ 1.5 wQ ww ~~ ,~ :l~ wa: a:~ .5 ... ... .,.... ,. S u \If - FORWARD VOLTAGE· V Figure 7. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 8. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current 'PIEAK - Pl!AK CURRENT - mA Figure 9. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current tp - PULSE DURATION -~, Figure 10. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (IDCMAX as per MAX Ratings) Figure 11. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement T-1 Green NOn.,Diffused I,. - FORWARD CURRENT - mA VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE_V Figure 12. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics Figure 13. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current "EAK - PEAK CURRENT PEA LED - mAo Figure 14. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak LED Current I tp - PULSE DURATION -,ul Figure 15. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (locMAX as per MAX Ratings) Figure 16. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement 6-68 T-1 3/4 (Smm) RED SOLID STATE LAMPS HLMP-3000 HLI\t1P-3Q01 HLMp·3002 HLMP-3003 HlMP·30S0 Features • • • • LOW COST, BROAD APPLICATIONS LONG LIFE, SOLID STATE RELIABILITY LOW P-OWERREQUIREMENTS: 20 mA @ 1.6V HIGH LIGHT OUTPUT: 2.0 mcd Typical for HLMP-3000 4.0 mcd Typical for HLMP-3001 • WIDE AND NARROW VIEWING ANGLE TYPES • RED DIFFUSED AND NON-DIFFUSED VERSIONS Description The HLMP-3000 series lamps are Gallium Arsenide Phosphide light emitting diodes intended for High Volume/ Low Cost applications such as indicators for appliances. smoke detectors. automobile instrument panels and many other commercial uses. The HLMP-3000/-3001/-3002/-3003 have red diffused lenses where as the HLMP-3050 has a red non-diffused lens. These lamps can be panel mounted using mounting clip HLMP-0103. The HLMP-3000/-3001 lamps have .025" leads and the HLMP-3002/-3003/-3050 have .018" leads. NOTES: 1. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current that can be applied to the device without damaging the LED die and wirebond. It is not recommended that the device be operated at peak currents beyond the peak forward current listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings. Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C ~pation DC Forward Current IDerate 100 50 Urilts mW mA 50 1000 5 2000 mA rnA V mA 3000 Series linearly from 50°C at 0.2 mN°C) Average Forward Cu rrent Peak Operating Forward Current Reverse VoltaQe IIR = 100 itA) Transient Forward Currentl 1 1 (10 I'sec Pulse) Operating and Storage Temperature Range Lead Solder Temperature (1.6 mm [0.063 inch] below package base) -55° C to +10Qo C 260· C for 5 seconds package Dimensions HLMP·3002/-3003/-3050 1--->1-- ~;:"'~ t tWoi HLMP-3000/-3001 NOTES: 1, AI..L DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES{lNCHES). 2, AN EPOXY MENISCUS MAY EXTEND A60UT lmm , (.040"1 DOWN THE l.EADS. ~<~~-t ~'1J n1nl 6,1 tMO) 5.6 <'ZJO} /"-'~ CATHOOE _ CATHODE 6-69 O~ 2.54 ,.100) NOM. Electrical Characteristics at TA=25°C Symbol Description Luminous Intensity Iv Oevlce HLMP· Min. Typ. 30oof3002 3001/3003 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 2.5 60 Included Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points Peak Wavelength 20112 Ap Dominant Wavelength Ad 3050 3000/3002 3001/3003 3050 Units Tesl Conditions med IF=20 mA med if=20 rnA med IF=20 mA De9· IF=20 rnA Max. 60 24 655 655 655 648 3000/3002 3001/3003 3050 3000/3002 nm Measurement at Peak om 3001/3003 Spectral Line Halfwidlh AA1J2 3050 3000/3002 24 nm 10 os 100 pF 3001/3003 3050 Speed of Response TS C Capacitance (-lJC Thermal Resistance 3000/3002 3001/3003 3050 3000/3002 3001/3003 3050 VF forward Voltage VB Reverse Breakdown Voltage 3000/3002 'C/W Junction to Cathode Lead 95 120 120 1.6 3000/3001 3002/3003 3050 1.4 VF = 0, f - 1 MHz. 2.0 V If - 20 mA (Fig, 2) V IR-l00IlA 300113003 3050 3000/3002 5,0 3001/3003 3050 2.50 50 40 2.25 ....>- 30 " E 0; ....:ii 20 ~ .... :ii '" "'" "'"0 ~ ::w 10 /" I 2.00 I / 1.75 / 1.50 2 u "'"5: "'" > ;: ~ ~ 1.25 / 1.00 .75 / a: .50 -~ .25 1 1.40 / / .,./ o o 1.70 / 10 20 30 40 50 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS Figure 1. Forward Current Versus Forward Voltage Figure 2. Relative Luminous Intensity Versus Forward Current O.5f-----I-----I-----I!--\----f------4 500 550 600 WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 3, Relative Luminous Intensity Versus Angular Displacement. FIgure 4. Relative LumInous Intensity Versus Wavelength. 6-70 750 T·1 3/4 (Smm) DIfi=FUSf;D SOLtD t PS HICH E~~ICIENC\1w ED ORANGE YELLOW HIGH I?ERFiRMANCE &IEN ~ Features o HIGH INTENSITY o CHOICE OF 4 BRIGHT COLORS High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow High Performance Green o POPULAR T-1'I4 DIAMETER PACKAGE o SELECTED MINIMUM INTENSITIES o WIDE VIEWING ANGLE o GENERAL PURPOSE LEADS o RELIABLE AND RUGGED o AVAILABLE ON TAPE AND REEL Description This family of T-1% lamps is widely used in general purpose indicator applications. Oiffusants, tints, and optical design are balanced to yield superior light output and wide viewing angles. Several intensity choices are available in each color for increased design flexibility. package Dimensions ~WL200j Part Number HUJlP- Application Minimum Intensity (mod) at 10mA 3300 General Purpose 2.1 3301 High Ambient 4.0 3762 Premium Lamp 8.0 0400 General Purpose 2.1 0401 High Ambient 4.0 3400 General Purpose 2.2 3401 High Ambient 4.0 3862 Premium Lamp 8.0 3502 General Purpose 1.6 3507 High Ambient 4.2 3962 Premium Lamp 8.0 4.57 (.180) T 0i,45j..o'1I1 SQUARE. NQMINAL I I LL "" ..011·· NOM. NOTES: 1. ALL OIMENSIONS At:I£IN MII.LlMETRES IINCH~SI Z. AN epoxy MENISCUSMAV EXTEND ABOUT lmm. I 040") DOWN THE lEADS. 6-71 Color (Material) High Efficiency Red (GaAsP on GaP) Orange (GaAsP on GaP) Yellow (GaAsP on GaP) Green (GaP) 565nm ·Electrical Characteristics at TA =25°C Symbol Parameter Iv 201/2 APEAK A)" 1/2 Ad 1's C (JJC VF VR tlv Luminous Intensity Device HLMP- Min. TYP· High Efficiency Red 3300 3301 3762 2.1 4.0 8.0 3.5 7.0 15.0 Orange D400 0401 2.1 4.0 3.5 7.0 Yellow 3400 3401 3862 2.2 4.0 8.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 Green 3502 3507 3962 1.6 4.2 8.0 2.4 5.2 11.0 Including Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points High Efficiency Red Peak Wavelength High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 60 60 60 Orange Yellow Green HER/Orange Yellow Green Dominant Wavelength High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 626 608 585 569 High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 90 280 90 500 High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 11 4 15 18 Thermal Resistance All 140 Forward Voltage HER/Orange Yellow Green 1.5 1.5 1.5 Reverse Breakdown Voltage All 5.0 Luminous Efficacy High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green Capacitance Units Test Conditions mcd IF" 10 mA Oeg. IF" 10 mA See Note 1 nm Measurement at Peak 60 635 612 583 565 Spectral Line Halfwidth Speed of Response Max. 40 36 28 2.2 2.2 2.3 145 262 500 595 nm nm See Note 2 ns pF ·CIW 3.0 $.0 3.0 V VF"'O;f=lMHz Junction to Cathode Lead iF= 10 mA V h'l = 100 p.A lumens See Note 3 Watt NOTES: 1. (-)1/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the sin91e wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Radiant intensity, Ie, in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/T/V, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and T/V is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 6-72 Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C Ii!ER/Orange Yellow 90 60 rnA -5510+100 -55 to +100 ·C Green Units Transient Forward Curreli'!1 41(10 !,sec Pulse) Operating Temperature Range NOTES: 1. See Figure 5 (Red/Orange), 10 (Yellow) or 15 (Green) to establish pulsed operating conditions. 2. For Red, Orange, and Green series derate linearly from 5011 C at 0.5 mA/o C. For Yellow series derate linearly from 500 Cat 0.2 mA/o C. For Red, Orange. and Green series derate power linearly from 25° C at 3. 18 mW/o C. For Yellow series derate power linearly from 50° C at 1.6 mW/"C., 4. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current that can be applied to the device without damaging the LED die and wirebond. It is not recommended that the device be operated at peak currents beyond the peak forward current listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings. ,.o.--------,--,...-~"'_;__."""',____."""'-_.------r_-----, 1: HIGH EFFICIENCY ~ ~,o ~ O.51_-------l-f--,I'r--fPr--f--~-~~-----I_-----_l w "~ WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength T-1 3A1 High Efficiency Red, Orange Diffused Lamps 0 0 I o II I I o 10 V 20 30 t- T+ ~ ~~ " ~ u ~:= I I I II 0 0 40 A I /' I 0 ~ ~~ c- .. r1- -~- -- t- ~ffi ., .. ::~ >< ~~ g- 0.5 40 VF _ FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics. IDe - DC CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current. IpEAIt - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. LED Peak Current. -+'r..::1~!--t-+--IO.2 tp - PULSE DURATION -,.., Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (IDC MAX as per MAX Ratings Figure 6. Relative Luminouslntensltyvs.Angular Displacement. 6-73 T-1 3;4 Yellow Diffused Lamps 2.' ~ lA ~4 20 ~~ .., Wg ~~ ~< "25~C V ~@ ~j w· ~< >« -0 ~~ '.0 / ., L 00 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 7. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics. / '0 / / 15 .7 0 20 10 20 30 40 50 60 'PEAl< - PEAK CURRENT:' rnA 'F - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 8. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. Figure 9. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. lrt11-t-t--t--t--t--t--f=r""t--j 0.2 90'1--_+-_+__+_-£ Ip - PULSE DURATION - 115 Figure 10. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (IDC MAX as per MAX Ratings) Figure 11. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. T-1 % Green Diffused Lamps · · · .. 90 u 2.0 I I 1.5 I fil N Cl :J e: ~ <{ 1r ;;; "e: e: 1.0 0 .5 1.70 Vi o o V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 2. Forward Current versus Forward Voltage. / 10 / _. 1- /' >~ / uE ffi:= - r---- ~~ :to WW w~ -~ r---- ~ ,..... 1.20 1.10 >~ i=~ :Ie: l- I II I wO e:~ 20 30 40 50 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity versus Forward Current. 1.00 o o 20 IpEAK - 40 60 Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) versus Peak Current. tp - PULSE DURATION -IJ-S Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current v'ersus Pulse Duration. ilDe MAX as per MAX Ratings) Figure 6: Relative Luminous Intensity versus Angular Displacement. 6-76 80 PEAK CURRENT - mA 100 GREEN HlMP-3550 SERIES Electrical Specifications at TA=25°C Min. Typ. Axial Luminous Intensity ,3553 3554 3567 3568 1.6 6.7, 4.2 10.6 3.2 10.0 7.0 ,15.0 "IQcluded Angle'Between Hall Luminous Intensity Points 3553 3554 3567 3568 Description Iv 20112 , Device 1'j~,fI{'IP~ Symbol Maj(. 50 , Units Test Conditions mcd IF = 10 mA (Fig. 18) Deg. Note 1 (Figure 21) 50 40 40 APEAK Peah Wayelength 565 nm Measurement at Peak (Fig. 1) Ad Dominant Wavelength 569 nm Note 2 ..'.A1/2 Spectral Line Halfwidth 28 nm T5 Speed of Response 500 ns C Capacitance 18 pF OJC Thermal Resistance 120 VF Forward Volli:lge 1,5 VR Reverse Breakdown Voltage 5.0 'Iv Luminous Efficacy 2.3 VF = 0; 1= 1 MHz °C/W Junction to Cathode Lead 3.0 V IF = 10 mA (Fig. 17) V IR=100jlA ImIW Note 3 595 Notes: 1.8112 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. Dominant wavelength, A.ct, is derived from the CI E chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Radiant Intensity Ie. in watts/steradian may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/flv. where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and T'iv is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 90 1 1. 3 / BO 0 I > t- / o;_ ~ 0 2" wE t-o 2N ::l 0 00 I '"'" "'" ~~ / OJ Q ~ 40 ~~ ,,~" w" >'" ::l~ II 30 ~ 20 / 10 ° 1.0 iE u ~ 1,0 '" "~ ~- 3.0 4,0 0 I 0, B 0, 7 0, 6 / I ~ 0, 5 0. 4 5,0 Figure 17. Forward Current versus Forward Voltage. " - ./" > '" VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V 1 ~w "0,9 1.5 t-2 / 2,0 1; _0 I .'-- 2 2,0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 II' - FORWARD CURRENT - mA IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 18. Relative Luminous Intensity versus Forward Current. Figure 19. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) versus Peak Current. tp - PULSE DURATION - J-lS Figure 20. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current versus Pulse Duration. (IDe MAX as per MAX ratings). Figure 21. Relative Luminous Intensity versus Angular Displacement. 6-77 90 HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HLMP-3350 SERIES Electrical Specifications at TA =25°C Device HLMP- Min. Typ. Axial Luminous Intensity 3350 3351 3365 3366 2.0 5.0 7.0 12.0 3.5 7.0 10,0 18.0 281/2 Included Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points 3350 3351 3365 3366 Symbol Description Iv Max. Units Test Conditions mcd IF"'" 10 mA (Fig, 8) Oeg. Note 1 (Fig. 50 50 45 45 11) AP Peak Wavelength 635 nm Measurement at Peak (Fig. II Ad Dominant Wavelength 626 nm Note 2 AA1/2 Spectral Line Halfwidth 40 nm T$ Speed of Response 90 ns C Capacitance 16 liJC Thermal Resistance 120 VF Forward Voltage 1.5 VR Reverse Breakdown Voltage 5.0 'Iv Luminous Efficacy pF VF=O; f= 1 MHz ·C/W Junction to Cathode Lead 2.2 S.O 145 V IF = 10 mA (Fig. 7l V IR= 100pA Im/W NoteS Notes: 1. Ow, is tM off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. Dominant wavelength, ~d, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which-aefines the color of the device. 3. Radiant Intensity Ie, in watts/steradian may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/11v. where Iv is the lUminous intensity in candelas and 11v is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 4.0 90 I > t: ' ~~ / 0 I I II 0 0 o 1.0 V 2.0 ~~ / ~~ 00 ~~ ::J'" ~i H= 3.0 4.0 2. 0 1. a: O. 5.0 Figure 7. Forward Current versus Forward Voltage, V 1.5 ~~ >- "til " / 5 ~o VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE -V V 3.0 2. 1.6 L 3.5 0 :v / *~ / w > ;: 1.1 a: V I ~ ~ 10 16 20 25 30 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 8. Relative Luminous Intensity versus Forward Current. (PEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - mA Figure 9. Relative Efficiencv . (Luminous Intensity per Unit Currentl versus Peak Current. 90'f--t--+--+--t: tp - PULSE DURATION - /-IS Figure 10. Maximum Tolerable Peal, Current versus Pulse Duration. (lOC MAX as per MAX Ratings) 'Figure 11. Relative Luminous Intensity versus Angular Displacement. 6-78 YELLOW HLMP- 3450 SERIES Electrical Specifications at TA =25°C DevIce HLMP. Min. Typ. Axial Luminous Intensity 3450 3451 3465 3466 2.5 6.0 6.0 12.0 4.0 10.0 12.0 18.0 med IF - 10mA (Fig. 13) 20112 Included Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points 3450 3451 3465 3466 50 50 45 45 Deg. Note 1 (Fig. 16) AP Ad Pe~k~aY7Iength 583 nm Measurement at Peak (Fig. 1l Domlhaht Wavelength 585 nm Note 2 ~A1/2 Spectral Line Halfwidth 36 nm 1's Speed of Response 90 ns C Capacitance 18 pF IJJC Thermal Resistance 120 Symbol Description Iv VF Forward Voltage 1.5 VR Reverse Breakdown Voltage 5.0 'lV LU[11inous Efficacy Max. Units Test Cq,ndltlons VF '" 0; f = 1 MHz °C/W Junction to Cathode Lead 2.2 3.0 V IF = 10 mA (Fig. 12) V IR=100 "A ImIW Note 3 500 Notes: 1.8% is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. Dominant wavelength. Ad. is derived from the CI E chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Radiant Intensity Ie, in watts/steradian may be found from the equation Ie:; IV/flv, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and T1v is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 0 ~ 40 0 0 a: 0 :> ~ ~ _~ / 10 0 ~~ wE >-0 z_ ;;;>- II 0: a: u o a: ,.>- / I >- a; 2.5 1/ :>" 00 zw -N :>-' ,,-," W" J 1.5 2.0 ~ 2slc 2.0 1.5 1.0 / >0: -0 >-z ~- 0: / 1.0 TA 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 VF - FORWARD VOLT AGE - V Figure 12. Forward Current versus Forward Voltage. .5 / V / V 1.6 / 1.5 )-g 1.4 §~ 1. 3 H:~ 1. 2 ~~ 1. 1 u- wo ~~ 5:: 1.0 0:0 9 V wo: 5 8 o o V 10 15 20 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 13. Relative Luminous Intensity versus Forward Current: 7 I / v V . r-- J 10 20 30 40 tp - PULSE DURATION - JAS Figure 16. Relative Luminous Intensity' versus Angular Displacement 6-79 60 Figure 14. Relative Efficiencv (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) versus Peak Current. 1,'-:.0-'-ULlllL-L Figure 15. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current versus Pulse Duration. (I DC MAX as per MAX Ratingsl. 50 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA GREEN HLMP- 3550 SERIES Electrical Specifications at TA =25°C D$vlC$ Units Test Condillons HLMP- Min. Typ. AXial Luminous Intensity 3553 3554 3567 3568 1.6 6.7 4.2 10.6 3.2 10.0 7.0 15.0 mcd IF = 10 mA (Fig. 18) Included Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points 3553 3554 3567 3568 50 50 40 40 Deg. Note 1 (Figure 21) Symbol Description Iv 281/2 Max. AP Peak Wavelength 565 nm Measurement at Peak (Fig. 1) Ad Dominant Wavelength 569 nm Note 2 nm /lA1/2 Spectral Line Hal/width 28 rs Speed of Response 500 ns C Capacitance 18 pF 8JC Thermal Resistance 120 VF Forward Voltage 1.6 Vf\ Reverse Breakdown Voltage 5.0 t/v Luminous Efflcacy VF '" 0; f - 1 MHz "C/W Junction to Cathode Lead 2.3 3.0 V IF'" 10 mA (Fig. 17) V 1f\=100"A Im/W Note 3 595 Notes: 1. By: is the off·axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. Dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CI E chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Radiant Intensity Ie, in wat~s/steradian may be found from the equation Ie = Iy/fly. where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and flv is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 0 El I ~ a: a: '"ou J °ttt a: 30 i2 I 0 I 0 o 1.0 z" '"w 2.0 3~ 1.5 I- ,.u u ~w 00 -N j zw ,,"'~ ~" w" >a: _0 J I-Z ~- 1.2 15 E 1-0 ZN 0 40 TA ~ 25"(; ,. I 0 a: ~ 1.3 I 0 > ~ 1.0 a: ~ .5 ~ a: / 2.0 3.0 4.0 YF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - 5.0 v Figure 17. Forward Current versus Forward Voltage. IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 18. Relative Luminous Intensity versus Forward Current. Figure 19. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) versus Peak Current. 90' f--+--+--+- tp - PULSE DURATION - ~s Figure 21. Relative Luminous Intensity versus Angular Displacement. Figure 20. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current. versus Pulse Duration. (lDC MAX as per MAX ratings). 6-80 -- ~-~-~~----------- T-1 3/4 (5 mm) lTV SOLID ST TE LAMPS rli~ HE\lVLETT a:e... PACKARD EFFICIENC;Y I- X SERIES ~~. HIO~JfRIiORMAN~EYIIJ, GRN - Features • HIGH INTENSITY • CHOICE OF 3 BRIGHT COLORS High Efficiency Red Yellow High Performance Green • POPULAR T-1 3/4 DIAMETER PACKAGE • SELECTED MINIMUM INTENSITIES • NARROW VIEWING ANGLE • GENERAL PURPOSE LEADS • RELIABLE AND RUGGED • AVAILABLE ON TAPE AND REEL J Package Dimensions I Description This family of T-1 3/4 lamps is specially designed for applications requiring higher' on-axis intensity than is achievable with a standard lamp. The light generated is focused to a narrow beam to achieve this effect. Part Number HLMP3315 MS{,..(18) SQVAB\; NQMINAl. 3316 3415 3416 3517 3519 CA'THOOe NOTES' 1. All. DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILUMETRES (iNCHES). ,. AN £POXV MtN.tSC:US MAY 'EXtENO ABOUT lmm 1,040" DOWN THe L~S. 6-81 Description Illuminator/Point Source Illuminator/High Brightness Illuminator/Point Source illuminator/High Brightness Illuminator/Point Source illuminator/High Brightness Minimum Intensity (mcd) at 10 mA 12 20 10 Color (Material) High Efficiency Red (GaAsP on GaPJ 20 Yellow (GaAsP on GaP) 6.7 Green (GaP) 10.6 Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25°C Description Symbol Luminous Intensity Iv 2(-)112 Including Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points Peak Wavelength ApEAK Device HLMP- Min. Typ. 3315 3316 12.0 20.0 18.0 I 30.0 mcd 3415 3416 10.0 20.0 IS.0 30.0 m ; t IF'" 10 mA IFigureS' 3517 3519 6.7 10.0 25.0 mc IF = 10 mA (Figure 31 10.6 Deg. IF'" 10 rnA See Nole 1 IFigure 61 Spectral Une Haifwidlh Dominant Wavelength Ad rs Speed of Response C Capacitance 35 35 3415 3416 35 35 Oeg. IF'" 10mA See Note 1 (Figure III 3517 3519 24 24 Oeg. IF =10 rnA See Note 1 iFigure 16) 331 X 635 5S3 nm Measurement at Peak (Figure 11 565 331 X 40 341X 351X 331X 341X 351X 331X 341X 351X 36 Thermal ReSistance nm 28 626 nm See Note 2 (Figure 1) 585 569 ns 90 90 500 11 15 331 X 341X OJc I Test Condilions IF '" 10 mA (Figure 3' 3315 3316 341X 351X ..u 1/2 Unll$ Max. VF""O; f= 1 MHz pF 351X 18 331 X 120 "CIW Junction to Cathode Lead 341X 351X VF Forward Voltage VR Reverse Breakdown Voll. 'IV Luminous Efficacy 331 X 341 X 351X 1.5 1.5 1.5 All 5.0 331 X 341 X 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.3 145 500 595 351X NOTES: 2.2 2.2 IF = 10 rnA (Figure 2) IF = 10 rnA (Figure 71 IF = 10 mA (Figure 12) V V Ill'" l00jJ.A lumens Watt See Note 3 1. (~)112 is the off-axiS angle at which the luminous intenSity is half the axis/luminous intenSity. 2. The dominant wavelength, Ad. is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Radiant intenSity, Ie. in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation I~ = lv/l1v, where Iv is the luminous intenSity in candelas and.l1v is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C Parameter 331X$eries 341X Series 351 X Series Units Peak Forward Current 90 60 90 rnA Average Forward CurrenVl, 25 20 25 rnA DC Currentl 21 30 20 30 mA Power Dissipallonl31 135 85 135 mW 5 5 5 V 500 500 500 -5510+100 -20 to +100 -55 to +100 Reverse VOltage 1111 = 100 p.AI Transient Forward Curren~41 (10 p.sec Pulse) Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range -55 to +100 260·C for 5 seconds Lead SOldering Temperature !1.6 mm (0.063 In.! from bodyl 6-82 mA, 'C NOTES: 1. See Figure 5 (Red), 10 (Yellow), or 15 (Green) to establish pulsed operating conditions. 2. For Red and Green series derate linearly from 50° Cat 0.5 mAloC. For Yellow series derate linearly from 50° Cat 0.2 mAIo C. 3. For Red and Green series derate power linearly from 25°C at 1.8 mW/' C. For Yellow series derate power linearly from 50°C at 1.6 mW/o C. 4. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current that can be applied to the device without damaging the LED die and wirebond. It is not recommended that the device be operated at peak currents beyond the peak forward current listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings. 1.0 ~ .~ w HIOH ~FFICIENC"" REO 0.5 2: ~ 0 500 700 650 750 WAVELENGTH· nm Figure 1. Relative Intensity. vs. Wavelength High Efficiency Red HLMP-331 X Series 0 , ~ 80 5 70 0 60 5 aa 50., I / / • 30 0 20 :/ 10 0 '-0 '.0 / / 30 IOC • DC CURRENT PER LED. rnA Vf' - FORWARO VOLTAGE - V Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics V . 0 Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - mA Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak LED Current 90'f----+--+--+-Ip - PULSE DURATION -,..5 Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration (IDC MAX as per MAX Ratings) Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement 6-83 Yellow HLMP-341X Series 2.5 TA > ~ !2~ <"to / 2.0 ~~ so /V ~~ 1.5 ~:J ~. 1.0 w~ L >~ ~¥ .5 0/ VF - fORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 7. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics 1.31--+-+7"'!--1--I--1 1.2 t--i'--;I'1--i--t---t--j 1.1 L ~fil " 1. 5t--i'--r-i--t-":::!-'9 1.4 t--i'--r--t-:7""I----t--j 1.0 10 15 20 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA 40 50 60 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - mA Figure 8. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current Figure 9. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current 90" 1---1---!----+-tp - PULSE DURATION - /.IS Figure 10. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration (Ioc MAX as per MAX Ratings) Figure 11. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement Green HLMP-351 X Series I II 0 0 -t- 0 o 0 so II 40 l/ .0 JO 0 10 0 5 il .If 0 4 VI 20 30 IF-DC fORWARD CURRENT-rnA VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 12. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics /v / v Figure 13. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current Ip~AK - PEAK CURRENT PER L.EO - t-t-i-i-i--r-r-r-T--;.6 .4 .2 tp - PULSE DURATION - /,s Figure 15. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration (loC MAX as per MAX Ratings) Figure 16. Relative Luml~ous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. T-l 3/4 Lamp 6-84 mA Figure 14. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak LED Current T-2 (6 mm) Incandescent Alternative LED Lamps High Efficiency Red H~I¥1P·A200 Yellow ~ll;ivtP·A300 High ~erformance Green HLMP;ASOO Features • FOUR LED CHIPS PER LAMP • WIDE RADIATION PATTERN 20,/, = 120° typo • HIGH LIGHT OUTPUT • NON·DIFFUSED • 3 COLORS • POWER SAVING DESIGN Advantages Over Incandescent lamps • MTBF IN EXCESS OF 5,000,000 HOURS Applications • SOCKETS NOT NEEDED • MECHANICALLY RUGGED PACKAGE o ALTERNATIVE TO INCANDESCENT LAMPS • LOW POWER CONSUMPTION • LIGHTED SWITCHES • BACKLIGHTING PANELS, LEGENDS Description The devices have three leads: an anode, a cathode, and a center heat sink which allows operation at elevated temperatures. These non-diffused lamps are designed for backlighting applications where uniform illumination of a translucent surface is required. Typical applications are illuminated switch keycaps and backlighted front panel annunciator functions. The HLMP-A200/-A300/-A500 series of solid state lamps incorporates four LED chips in a single package to give bright uniform backlighting illumination to larger areas than is possible using conventional LED lamps. They provide a low power, long-life alternative to filtered incandescent lamps of similar size. Axial luminous IntenSity and Viewing Angle Color Part Number HLMP· Iv (mea) >v(mlm) Min. lYP· lYP·[ll 20,/, Typ.£2J Test Conditions Backlighting Lamp General Purpose 22 40 180 114° 50mA 25°C Description High Efficiency Red A200 Yellow A300 Backlighting Lamp General Purpose 23 40 160 114" 50mA 25°C High Performance Green A500 Backlighting Lamp General Purpose 27 40 225 1240 50mA 25°C Notes: 1.·v is the total luminous flux produced by the device, measured in millilumens. 2. Oy, is the off·axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the peak intensity. 6-85 Package Dimensions I if.8i (Q.VOj -----.. r6"0(0240~ ~.35 t (0.2SO) filfii.i8oj FLANGE r= 8.64 (0.340) 9.40 iif370j .. ~~~:~~~ I'"---- ! ~ANODELEAD I' - - - - - - f- 5.11 (0.225) 6.3& 1015O} / \ LAMP eODv + 254 (0.1001 NOMINAL \ t:""J I 1___ ~~ ~ ~,- O.S9 (0.0351 CENTER LEAD 5.72 10.225' HEAT SINK SN~J?N3;~~ - - - ~ # f ' -- -- ? - CATHODE LEAD (0 0301 102(0.040\ ANODE AND lEADS I 2.5410 NOMINAL ---1 a.7l 100lTl--8\ 0 - -t, j CJ\TH~De t- - /""'''~ L /b-~ \~ 0.56 (a.0221 -mI0.02SI NOTES: ,. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES IINCHESI. 2. AN EPOXY MENISCUS MAY EXTEND ASOUT 1 mm 10.040"1 DOWN THE lEADS. Internal Circuit Diagram ~ ....1-1--'1 .... 1-1--' I 1 YI YI ...... -1--' THE CENTER HEAT SINK LEAD IS REQUIRED FOR EFFECTIVE HEAT DISSIPATION. NO EXTERNAL 1'1 GROUND OR OTHER ELECTRICAL CONNECTION ANODE HEJ SINK SHOULD BE MADE TO THE HEATSINK LEAD. CATHODE Electrical/Optical Characteristics at T A = 25°C COMMON CHARACTERISTICS High Symbol Parameter Efficiency Red Mal(. Min. Typ. Min. Yellow Typ. Max. Green Min. Typ. Test MaJ(, Units Conditlon& Peak Wavelength 635 583 565 Ad Dominant Wavelength[1! 626 585 569 nm YJv Luminous Efficacyf 2 J 145 500 595 lumen VR Reverse Breakdown Voltage 8.0 VF Forward Voftage(3J 3.7 rs Speed of Response 90 90 500 ns C Capacitance 11 15 18 pF ApEAK nm Iwatt 8.0 4,2 4.8 3.7 8.0 4.3 4.8 4.1 4.6 5.2 V IR"'100"A V IF"50mA VF=O, f" 1 MHz OJC Thermal Resistance[4J 60 60 60 ·C/W Junction to Pins (Total Package) .. Notes: 1. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 2. Radiant intensity, Ie' in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie =Iv/~v. Where Ivis the luminous intensity in candelas and nv is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 3. Designers should be aware that selection of current limiting resistors becomes critical in 5 volt applications. 4. The value ROJ-PIN =60'C/W is the combined thermal resistance, LED junction-to-pin, when both the heat sink and cathode leads are used for heat dissipation. For effective heat dissipation, it is recommended that both the heat sink and cathode leads have equivalent thermal resistance paths to ambient. 6-86 Absolute Maximum Ratings atT A =25°C HIGH EFFICIENCY RED, YELLOW AND GREEN LAMPS ">,,' High Efficiency Red' Peak f;orward Current Average Forw - >- HIGH £l!flC1ENCY :'i>- REO u; ;:; w 0.5 > ;:: ~ '" a 700 500 750 WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength w a ~ '" W '" ~ :;j>" >-'" " ,,'" x" "0" 2 ;:: " ~ a 0 >- ~2 a OW ::> ::>3 a ~u xC) HEJ. G!EE~ YE~LOl " ROJA I - ffi '2a ~ \ I a ,,;j I J I ,.a "E \ 9 Jo~ ~ 25~oC/~""" V 0 '6, ::> u ~ ~ ir -" HIGH 0 - ~ EFFICIENCY REO '0 0 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °C Figure 3. Maximum Allowable DC Current per Lamp vs. Ambient Temperature. Deratings are shown for Three Thermal Resistance Values, LED Junction to Ambient (ROJA)' 6-87 / ~VELLOW 1-111 a 1I1/'GREEN a a 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 If-.II / .." 0 0 (( 2.0 3.0 VF - fr 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 4. Typical Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage 1. 2 V 1. 0 ~ E ~ ~ @ A. 6 YELLOW I?' YELLOW, GREEN /. 20 ~ ~ 0,8 ~ ~ 0,7 .- 0.6 ~ l - i- 30 40 Z ~ ~ I I I I 10 0.9 ,gs l..l 0.2 1.0 ~ ~ ~@ Ii": 0.4 o ;0 1. 1 ffi~ - E ~g Q \iIj ~ o~ o 1.2 > ~/ N ~ ~ O. 81- HIGH ~~6'creNCY v.: 1/ A 1\ \I-H£R. GREEN Y/ 1 '/ I 0.5 0.4 50 60 loe - DC CURRENT - rnA IpEAK Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current - PEAK LED CURRENT - rnA Figure 6. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak LED Current Figure 7. Far-Field Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. Operational Considerations for the HLMP-A200/-A300/-ASOO Series of LED Lamps ELECTRICAl:. CONSIDERATIONS The HLMP-A200/-A300/-A500 series of LED lamps was designed to combine the light-output of filtered incandescent lamps with the reliability and power savings of LEOs. These LEDs present a number of advantages over incandescent lamps in a wide variety of backlighting applications: Long Life - When operated within data sheet conditions, LED lamps exhibit MTBFs over 5,000,000 hours. Miniature incandescent lamps typically have MTBFs varying from 500 to 25,000 hours. Due to the superior reliability of LEOs, they may be permanently mounted on circuit boards, eliminating sockets and their associated costs. INTERNAL CIRCUIT - The HLMP-A200. -A300. and -A500 devices contain four LED chips wired in a "series-parallel" electrical configuration. There are two pairs of parallelwired chips, with the two pairs wired in series. See Figure 8. This electrical arrangement provides compatibility with low voltage systems, yet still allows operation at relatively low currents. The outer' two leads of the lamp serve as the anode and cathode. The cathode lead also serves as a heat sink for two of the LED chips with the center lead providing a heat sink for the other two LED chips. CAUTION: DO NOT connect the heat sink lead to any external electrical circuitry or ground. This could either turn off the LED chips or expose them to excessive drive current. Rugged Package - Since all the internal components of an LED lamp are permanently encapsulated in a plastic package, they are extremely resistant to shock, vibration, and breakage. Low Power - In many applications, these LED lamps provide the same light output as a filtered incandescent lamp, yet consume 50% to 75% less power. They therefore generate less heat, and require smaller power supplies. 6-88 ANODE HEAT SINK Figure 8. Internal Circuit Diagram CATHODE - ---------~-------- The typical forward voltage values, either scaled from Figure 4 or calculated from the model listed below, can be used to calculate the current limiting resistor value and typical power dissipation. Expected minimum and maximum forward voltages may be calculated from the following worst case models. These models can be used to calculate the maximum power dissipation as well as minimum and maximum forward currents for a given electrical design. R 6.3 Voc ANODE VFMIN = VoMIN + IF (RsMIN) VFTYP = VoTYP + IF (RsTYP) VFMAX = VoMAX + IF (RsMAX) For: IF ~ 20 mA Figure 10. Circuit to Operate the Lamp at 6.3 V DC v, Referring to Figure 3, in a typical mounting scheme with = 163° C/W, the maximum DC current is 60 mA at 45° C. CATHODE 8JA Figure 9. Electrical Model The expected values for Va and Rs are listed below in Table 1. EXAMPLE - What is the expected minimum and maximum forward voltage for the HLMP-A200 operated at 60 mA? R=Vs-Vo_Rs IF Where Vs = power supply voltage Va = device voltage intercept from model IF = desired forward current Rs = device internal resistance from model R = (6.3)(1.05) - 3.4 _ 6 (.060) = 48 ohms = 51 ohms (next higher standard 5% value) VFMIN = 3.4 + (.060)(6) = 3.76 VFMAX = 3.8 + (.060)(20) = 5.00 DRIVING THE LAMP - Like other LED devices, this lamp is current driven, and drive circuits must be designed to prevent excessive current from flowing through the device. The lamp has been designed for DC operation. Pulsed operation at average currents in the range of 40-60 mA is allowable but will not increase the light output significantly as compared to the same DC current. CONSTANT-CURRENT DRIVERS - The use of transistors or certain driver ICs which have constant-current outputs to power the lamp is recommended. Drive configurations such as these provide high immunity to power-supply voltage variation and easy interface to logic circuits. Examples of such drive circuits can be found in HewlettPackard's Fiber Optics Applications Manual (HPBK-2000), Section 2.4. Resistor power dissipation: P = 12 R = (.060)2 (51) = .184 Watt = % Watt resistor (next higher standard value) Using this 51 ± 5% ohm resistor and a 6.3 V ± 5% power supply, what is the expected minimum, typical, and maximum forward current? IF=(VS-VO) (R + Rs) Where Vs = power supply voltage Va = device voltage intercept from model R = external current limiting resistor Rs = device internal resistance from model RESISTIVE CURRENT-LIMITING - The simplest method of driving the lamp is to operate it with a series resistor from a fixed voltage supply. Since this drive circuit is most susceptible to variations in both the power supply voltage and the LED's forward voltage, a worst-case design example is shown. EXAMPLE - What is the resistor value needed to run the HLMP-A200 at the maximum DC current at 45° C using a 6.3 ± 5% DC supply? I MIN = (6.3)(.95) - 3.8 F (51)(1.05) +20 = 21 mA I TYP = 6.3 - 3.6 F 51 + 12 = 43 mA I MAX = (6.3)(1.05) - 3.4 F (51 )(.95) + 6 = 59 mA Table 1. Expected typical and worst case values of Vo and Rs Color PIN HLMP VOMIN RsMiN VOTYP RsTYP VoMAX RsMAX HER Yellow Green A200 A300 A500 3.4 V 3.4 V 3.7V Sohms Sohms Bohms 3.SV 3.8V 3.8V 12 ohms 10 ohms 16 ohms 3.8V 3.9V 4.1 V 20 ohms 18 ohms 22 ohms 6-89 MECHANICAL & HANDLING CONSIDERATIONS LEAD CONSTRUCTION - Heavy copper leads were designed into this series of LED lamps to effectively dissipate the heat generated (by the four LED chips. Because the leads are so rigid, care must be taken that the leads are NOT bent in such a way that cracking of the encapsulating epoxy occurs. LEAD PLATING - Lamp leads in this series are silver plated. In order to prevent lead tarnishing, finger cots should be worn whenever handling the devices. SOLDERING - These LED lamps can withstand wave soldering conditions as outlined in Application Note 1027, "Soldering LED Components." Solder temperatures of 260°C for up to 5 seconds will not damage these devices. THERMAL Although LED lamps are extremely reliable within the normal operating temperature range, problems may be encountered at very high temperatures. Specifically, catastrophic failures can occur when the LED junction temperature exceeds 110°C. Several guidelines have been incorporated into this data sheet to prevent such operation. MOUNTING THE LAMP - The Cathode and Heat Sink (center) leads provide the thermal paths for heat generated at the LED junctions to leave the package. Approximately '12 the total package power is dissipated by each of these two leads. For best results, all three leads should be soldered to a printed-circuit board. It is recommended that both the heat sink and cathode leads be soldered to small ('Is" x '!a") metalized areas on the board in the Vicinity of the lamp, particularly if a number of lamps are placed close together. In most cases, forced air circulation around the lamp is not necessary. It is important that the natural convection of air around the device is not obstructed. Efficient heat sinking of this sort will allow operation of the lamp at higher ambient temperatures without exceeding the 110° C maximum LED junction temperature. DETERMINING THE LED JUNCTION TEMPERATURE The LED junction temperature is difficult to measure direct- Iy, but it can be computed if the lamp's lead temperature and its thermal resistance (junction to pin) are known. EXAMPLE - Is it safe to operate a HLMP-A200 device at 50 mA forward current if both the cathode and heat sink lead temperatures are 65° C? Maximum power dissipated by the lamp: P = (IF)(VF) . = (0.050 A)(4.8 V) = 0.240 W Temperature difference between the LED junction and the leads: ~ T = (OJ-PIN)(P) = (60° C/W)(0.240 W) = 14°C Maximum LED junction temperature: Tg = T plN + ~T = 65°C +14°C = 79°C < 110° C, therefore safe In situations where the worst-case lead temperature is unavailable, OJA (the thermal resistance, junction to ambient) may be used to determine the LED junction temperature directly from the ambient temperature. This thermal resistance will be highly dependent on the physical configuration of the equipment in which the lamp is mounted. Figure 3 shows the maximum allowable drive current vs. ambient temperature for several different values of 0JA. The worst case value of 250°C/Watt roughly corresponds to mounting the LED in a very small, enclosed housing without efficient heat sinking (such as in a pushbutton switch). The typical value of 163° C/W might be encountered if the LED is mounted with other components on a PC board in a naturally-convected piece of equipment. The best-case value of 1000 C/W may be achieved if the lamp is soldered to a PC board with large metal "lands" connected to the leads and moderate airflow around the device. As shown in this figure, the full-power operating temperature range is extended as the thermal resistance is lowered. OPTICAL The radiation pattern for this series of lamps (shown in Figure 7) has been specifically tailored for even illumination of flat translucent surfaces. In order to prevent objectionable "hot-spots" on the surface to be illuminated, the luminous intenSity is designed to be greater off-axis than on-axis. At more than 50 0 off-axis, the light output rapidly drops off so as to minimize light loss out the sides and back of the lamp. The relative positioning of the lamp and the surface to be illuminated will need to be optimized for the designer's particular application. Placing the lamp in close proximity to the legend results in bright illumination of a small area; pulling the lamp farther back illuminates larger areas with lower brightness. It may be desirable to mount reflective white baffles around the lamp to redirect some of the light emerging at wide angles onto the legend. Such baffles are also effective at eliminating "cross-talk", a situation in which light from one lamp partially illuminates an adjacent legend. Care should be taken to insure that such baffles do not completely obstruct air flow around the device. Figure 11. Use 01 Metalized Printed Circuit Board to Heat Sink the Lamp 6-90 ------~-----------------~-- 2 mm x 5 mm RECTANGULAR LAMPS Flidl HEWLETT HIGH EFFICIENCY RED YELLOW ORANGE HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN ~~ PACKARD HLMP-S200 SERIES HLMP-S300 SERIES HLMP-S400 SERIES HLMp·5500 SERIES Features • RECTANGULAR LIGHT EMITTING SURFACE • EXCELLENT FOR FLUSH MOUNTING ON PANELS • CHOICE OF 4 BRIGHT COLORS • LONG LIFE: SOLID STATE RELIABILITY • EXCELLENT UNIFORMITY OF LIGHT OUTPUT Description The HLMP-S200, -S300, -S400, -S500 are epoxy encapsulated lamps in rectangular packages which are easily stacked in arrays or used for discreet front panel indicators. Contrast and light uniformity are enhanced by a special epoxy diffusion and tinting process. In addition to the standard high efficiency red, yellow, and high performance green colors, this product comes in Orange for greater flexibility in human factors design. Package Dimensions 5.46 (0.2151 -.r:-4.95~ 5.1810.204) 4lljO;19.il t I ' 1.27 (0.0$01 NOMINA~ NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MtLLIMETRES l/NCHESI. 2. AN EPOXY MENISCUS MAY EXTEND ABOUT 1 mm tlM)40") DOWN THE LEADS. 3. THERE is A MAXiMUM I" TAI'ER fROM BASE TO THE TQl> OF LJ\M~. 6-91 ----- ---- ----- Electrical/optical Characteristics at TA = 25°C Symbol Description Device HLMP· Iv Luminous Intensity High Efficiency Red Min. Typ. 8201 2,1 3.4 3,5 4.8 Orange 8400 8401 2,1 3.4 3,5 4.8 Yellow S300 8301 1.4 2.2 2.1 3,5 Green 8500 S501 2.6 4,' 4.0 5,8 S200 201/2 APEAK Ad TS C Included Angle Between Hall Luminous Intensity Points Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength Speed of Response Capacitance Max. Units Test Conditions mcd IF= 20 mA All 110 Oeg, IF~ 20 mA See Note 1 High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 635 612 583 565 nm Measurement at Peak High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 626 603 585 569 nm See Note 2 High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 350 350 390 870 ns High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 11 4 15 18 pF 120 °CIW OJC Thermal Resistance All VF Forward Voltage HER/Orange Yellow Green 1.5 1.5 5.0 VR Reverse Breakdown Volt. All 'Iv Luminous Efficacy High Efficiency Red Orange Yellow Green 1.5 2,2 2.2 2.3 145 262 500 VF"O;f=lMHz Junction to Cathode Lead at Seating Plane 3,0 3.0 V Ip=20mA V IF!" 1ooJi.A lumens Watt See Note 3 3,0 595 NOTES: 1, 0112 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2, The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the Single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Radiant intensity, Ie. in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = 'v/ryv. where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and ryv is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 6-92 Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C HlghEf~£iency Red! Orange Yellow Green Peak Forward Current 90 60 90 mA Aver~ge 25 20 25 mA DCGU rrent{21 30 20 30 Power DlsSlpl!lion[3] 135 85 135 Parameter Forward Current!1l, Transient F~rWard Currentl 4 ] (19!,sec Pulse) Units /' mA " mW mA 500 Operating Temperature Range -55 to +100 Storage Temperature Range -20 to +85 -55 to +100 Lead Soldering Temperature [1.6 mm (0.063 in.) below seating plane1 °C ';55 to +100 260· C for 5 seconds Notes: 1. See Figure 5 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 2. For Red, Orange, and Green series derate linearly from 50°C at 0.5 mA/oC. For Yellow series derate linearly from 50°C at 0.34 mA/oC. 3. For Red, Orange, and Green series derate power linearly from 25°C at 1.6 mW/oC. For Yellow series derate power linearly from 50°C at 1.6mW/oC. ' 4. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current that can be applied to the device without damaging the LED die and wire bond. It is not recommended that the device be operated at peak currents beyond the peak forward current listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings. 10 ~ HIGH EFFICIENCV ~ RED 0.5 w 2 g GREEN 0 500 700 750 WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength. High Efficiency Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green Rectangular Lamps 90 70 ; 1 iila: 60 / a 50 a: 40 ~ 30 80 ~ ...~ a: 0 ~ ~ ". 2.0 EMERAL.O GREEN YELLOW 10 1.0 E ~ N ::; ""c: 0 ~ IA. 3.0 1.5 "@ 'II: .~ 2.0 ~ ~ t- '1 Iii 20 ,1 EO,ORANGE YELLOW 1.2 OREEN. It y RED, ORANGE o 1.3 4.0 5.0 1.0 // .5 ~ V v'" / 15 20 25 Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current. / ~ > ~ . ~ Icc - DC CURRENT PER LED - rnA 6-93 1,0 • VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics. 1. 1 ~ w V 10 ~ 0.9 08 O. 7 0.6 .. \GREEJ. ,\ .' ~ ~ ! - j- EMSRAI.D GAEEN /1 I O.5 30 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. LED Peak Curren!. Ip - PULSE DURATION - I'S Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (I DC MAX as per MAX Ratings). Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacemeni. 6-94 RECTANGULAR SOLID STATE LAMPS r/i~ HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HLMP-030010301 YELLOW HLMP-0400 10401 HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN HLMP-OS03/0S04 " Features • RECTANGULAR LIGHT EMITTING SURFACE • FLAT HIGH STERANCE EMITTING SURFACE • STACKABLE ON 2.54 MM (0.100 INCH) CENTERS • IDEAL AS FLUSH MOUNTED PANEL INDICATORS • IDEAL FOR BACKLIGHTING LEGENDS • LONG LIFE: SOLID STATE,RELIABILITY o CHOICE OF 3 BRIGHT COLORS HIGH EFFICIENCY RED YELLOW HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN • IC COMPATIBLE/LOW CURRENT REQUIREMENTS Description The HLMP-030X, -040X, -050X are solid state lamps encapsulated in a radial lead rectangular epoxy package. They utilize a tinted, diffused epoxy to provide high on-off contrast and a flat high intensity emitting surface. Borderless package design allows creation of uninterrupted light emitting areas. The HLMP-0300 and -0301 have a high efficiency red GaAsP on GaP LED chip in a light red epoxy package. This lamp's efficiency is comparable to that of the GaP red, but extends to higher current levels. The HLMP-0400 and -0401 provide a yellow GaAsP on GaP LED chip in a yellow epoxy package. The HLMP-0503 and -0504 provide a green GaP LED chip in a green epoxy package. package Dimensions Axial Luminous Intensity ~ 2'~b"r;,:OO) fO:ijjjf'c=L 7.62 (O.300) ill 0.46 (O.OIB) SQUARE NOM 7.62 (O.300J 6.9910.276) ParI \3 r B.OO@lli 7.31 (0.200) 29.21 2.5410.100) 2.1lil1i:Dm (1.1~) Color Number High Efficiency Red HLMp·0300 1.0 2.5 HLMP..Q301 2.5 5.0 HLMp·0400 1.5 2.5 HLMP..Q401 3.0 5.0 HLMP-0503 1.5 2.5 HLMP·0504 3.0 5.0 BOTTOM VIEW \..... CATHODE Yellow LEAD MIN. --L t* \ Iv (mcd) @ 20 mA DC Min. Typ. 1.27 (O.OOO) NOM. High Performance Green NarES: 1. ALL DIME!,SIONS ARE IN MllUMETAES (INCHES). 2. ~~wr::~~~ r~~g~;us MAY EXTEND ABOUT lmm (O.040") 3. THEA!> IS A MAXIMUM l' TAPEA FROM BASE TO TOP OF lAMP. 6-95 Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA HLMP'()~O/'()301 HLMP.()400/0401 HLMP'()503/'()504 Units Peak Forward Current 90 60 90 rnA Average Forward Currentl 11 25 20 25 rnA DC Currentt2J 30 20 30 mA Power Dlssipation[3j 135 85 135 mW 5 5 5 V 500 500 500 rnA -55 to +100 -55 to +100 -20 to +100 -55 to +100 °C Parameter Reverse Voltage (lR '" 100 p.Al Transient Forward CUfrentl 41 (10 I's Pulsel Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Soldering Temperature [1.6 mm (0.063 in.) from body] I I 260 0 C for 5 seconds NOTE~. . . . 1. See Figure 5 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 2: For Red and Green Series derate linearly from 50° C at 0.5 mA/oC. For Yellow Series derate linearly from 50·C at 0.2 mAIO C. 3. For Red and Green series derate power linearly from 25° Cat 1.8 mWlo C: For Yellow series derate power linearly from 50° C at 1.6 mW/o C. 4. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current that can be applied to the device without damaging the LED die and wirebond. It is not recommedned that the device be operated at peak current beyond the peak forward current listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA = 25°C HLMP-G300/-G301 Typ. HLMP-0400/.(l401 Typ. Description 2e1/2 Jneluded Angle Between Half Luminous intensity Palms 100 100 .\p Peak Wavelength 635 583 ~ Spectral Line Hallwidth 1"$ Speed of Response C Capacitance HLMP.(lS03/.(l504 Max. Min. Thermal Resistance Forward Voltage 1.6 VA Reverse Breakdown Voltage 5.0 'Iv Luminous EffiCscy Typ. Max. 100 - m. Dominant Wavelength Al..l/2 ; Min. Max. Min. Symbol Units Test Conditions Deg. Note 1. Figure 6. 565 nm Measurement at Peak 569 nm Note 2 28 nm : 90 500 ns 1 16 18 pF 120 120 120 2.2 3.0 1.6 2.2 5.0 145 Cathode Lead 3.0 1.6 2.3 5.0 . 500 VF""0;f=1 MHz: 'C/W Juncllon to 595 3.0 V Ip=20mA Figure 2. V IA= 100 pA ImIW Note 3 NOTES: 1. 61/2 is the off-axis angle atwhich the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. a. Radiant intensity, I,. in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation 1,=ly/'lY, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and '1V is the. luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. . 6-96 1.0 GREEN ...in>- HIGH EfFICIENCY RED iii... ~ w 0.5 > i= ~ a: 0 500 750 650 WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 1. Relative Intemity .... Wavelength. High Efficiency Red, Yellow and Green Rectangular Lamps a 1.3 iI a il GRE~N±- r-- a / a Ii V a a a 1.0 ~ :0 ~IJ' ~ ~ 0 ;; J} a "~ ~ VI.: RED a a yEL.lOW 2.0 .~ 15 1.0 .5 I f--o. 1-- --., V 'j,;. /- 3.0 4.0 / * 1. 1 u w 1.0 0,9 ~ o. ~ o. 6 > , . ,III I o. - \~R~E~_ #' F"'" , ~ 1S 20 25 30 5.0 loe - DC CURRENT PER LEO - rnA VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. Ip - PULSE DURATION - V / .\ " o.5 10 2.0 ~+I I RW YELLOW 1.2 ~ ~ Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. ~s Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current v50 Pulse Duration. (lDC MAX as per MAX Ratings.J Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. 6-97 rli~ HEWLETT .:a PACKARD ULTRA-BRIGHT LED LAMP SERIES T~1 3/4 HlMp·3750,-3850,·3950 T-1 3/4 lOW PROFILE HlMP-3390,·3490,·3590 T-1 HLMP-1340,-1440, -1540 Features • IMPROVED BRIGHTNESS • IMPROVED COLOR PERFORMANCE • AVAILABLE IN POPULAR T-1 and T-1 3/4 PACKAGES • NEW STURDY LEADS • IC COMPATIBLE/LOW CURRENT CAPABILITY • RELIABLE AND RUGGED • CHOICE OF 3 BRIGHT COLORS High Efficiency Red High Brightness Yellow High Performance Green Description Applications These clear, non-diffused lamps out perform conventional LED lamps. By utilizing new higher intensity material, we achieve superior product performance. o LIGHTED SWITCHES o BACKLIGHTING FRONT PANELS The HLMP-3750/-3390/-1340 Series Lamps are Ga'lIium Arsenide Phosphide on Gallium Phosphide red light emitting diodes. The HLMP-3850/-3490/-1440 Series are Gallium Arsenide Phosphide on Gallium Phosphide yellow light emitting diodes. The HLMP-3950/-3590/-1540 Series lamps are Gallium Phosphide green light emitting diodes. o LIGHT PIPE SOURCES o KEYBOARD INDICATORS Axial Luminous Intensity and viewing Angle @ 25°C· Part Number Iv (mcd) @20mADC Typ. Min. Package Description Color HER 80 T-1 3/4 Yellow 80 3950 Green SO 3390 HER HLMP3750 3850 3490 3590 1340 1440 1540 T-1 3/4 Low Profile T-1 2ft 1/2 Note 1. Package Outline 125 24· A 140 24· A 120 24" A 35 55 32· Yellow 35 55 32° Green 35 55 32" HER 24 35 45" Yellow 24 45° Green 24 35 35 8 8 8 C C C 45· NOTE: 1. 01/2 is the typical off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 6-98 package Dimensions 1-;:~~WoWI 10.J.4291 10.131.3991 I( \ ~:;~!);~~: r-- J T~ 23 0 I 901 ~ ~ r 6.351t2501 56a l 220) HtJL 1.321.0521 . (.0401 _ . 1.02 ....... 0.54 1.0251 "~il~ ~ :~~:, --- ~::; :::~~: 4.7b 1.185) ~~'~-_-l....=!-~---1.0-2.Lt:~)t G66) NOM. 0-4$ !.o1el ~SQUARE 24.13 (.95) NOMINAL MIN. CATHODE- ......... 1.271.0501 NOM • .~ f _..---_1_ 1 j -j iI'"""" 2.54 {.100l NOM. ---~ pjD cIri) :~ ::;:: ,!.-~ CATHODE _ _ 2.54 (.100) NOM. PACKAGE OUTLINE "C" HLMP-1340, 1440,1540 PACKAGE OUTLINE "8" HLMP-3390, 3490, 3590 PACKAGE OUTLINE "A" HLMP-3750, 3650, 3950 NOTES: 1, All dimensions are in millimeters (inches). 2. An epoxy meniscus may extend about 1 mm lOAD") down the leads. Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C Parameter Red Yellow Green Units Peak Forward Current 90 60 90 mA Average Forward Currentl 1 ] 25 20 25 mA DC Currentl 2 1 30 20 30 mA Power Dissipationl 3J 135 85 135 mW Transient Forward Currentl 4 j (10 Ilsec pulse) 500 500 500 mA 5 5 5 V Reverse Voltage (lR = 100 p.AI Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range -55 to+100 -55 to +100 Lead Soldering Temperature 11,6 mm (0.063 in.) from bodyl -20 to +100 -55 to +100 "C 260 0 C for 5 seconds NOTES: 1. See Figure 2 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 2. For Red and Green series derate linearly from 50° Cat 0.5 mAIo C. For Yellow series derate linearly from 50° C at 0.2 mAIO C. 3. For Red and Green series derate power linearly from 25° C at 1.8 mW;o C. For Yellow series derate power linearly from 50° Cat 1.6 mW/oC. 4. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current that can be applied to the device without damaging the LED die and wirebond. It is not recommended that the device be operated at peak currents beyond the peak forward current listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings. 6-99 Electrical/optical Characteristics at TA Description ApEAK Peak Wavelength Symbol Ad Dominant Wavelength ..It..112 Spectral Line Halfwidth rs Speed of Response 0 Capacitance 6JC Thermal Resistance VF Forward Voltage VR Reverse Breakdown Voltage 'rfv Luminous Efficacy T-13/4 3750 3850 3950 3750 3850 3950 3750 3850 3950 3750 3850 3950 3750 3850 3950 3750 3850 3950 3750 3850 3950 3750 3850 3950 3750 3850 3950 Lo T-1:: Dom 3390 3490 3590 3390 3490 3690 3390 3490 3590 3390 3490 3590 3390 3490 3590 3390 3490 3590 3390 3490 3590 3390 3490 3690 3390 3490 3590 I T·1 1340 1440 1540 1340 1440 1540 1340 1440 1540 1340 1440 1540 1340 1440 1540 1340 1440 1540 1340 1440 1540 1340 1440 1540 1340 0 Min. 1.5 1.5 1.5 5.0 T~~ 635 583 565 626 585 569 40 36 28 90 90 500 11 15 18 95 95 95 120 120 120 2.2 2.2 2.3 Units nm nm I T.8t Conditions Measurement at peak Note 1 nm ns pF ·CIW 3.0 3.0 3.0 145 500 595 VF=O; f= 1 MHz Junction to Cathode Lead V IF=20 mA (Figure 3) V IF= 100p.A ~ NoteZ watt NOTES: 1. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 2. Radiant intensity, Ie, in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/~v, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and ~v is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. Red, Yellow and Green ,.or-------r--.,..__-..,.....--..,----~...____r------_,_-----__, HIGH EFfICIENCY RED O.5f-------++--/\-----I-\c-+----t-\-----+--------j ~O~O~---~--~~----~--=~----~--6~5~O-----~~------~700 WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength. 6-100 90 111111111 !111m II .J .J.I.\~I~Hi [I)!!I) 3601~!1 I- 30 KHz V 100 KHz ~ 3 KHz 80 "~E 1.J:rtj 1 KHz / 100 Hz 1\ 1\ 60 "u " 50 0: 30 0: " \ , 1\ 70 150: 0: 1\ I -'= ~ Ii ;V 40 .'1! IN 20 I .'1 lJ. o 2.0 1.0 tp - PULSE DURATION -IJ.S 3.0 4.0 1.3 YELLOW "' ... "" "W 0" :EN 1. 1 1.0 2.0 -'" "'z ~0: I 0.9 1.5 ,,:::; w:E >0: -0 .'!.•...-' 1.2 2.5 z" ~ E ~~ /' 1.0 o o y' 0.8 V /' .5 --- v Figure 3. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. 3.0 ... in_ 5.0 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - Figure 2. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs, Pulse Duration. (IDC MAX as per MAX Ratings,) >- - YELLOW It: RED 10 11'::.0....LJ..LWU1'::0,.-L.J..LlJ-':1.,00:-'-...ll..u:'10~0c:O.L.lLU1UJO~,000 GRE1EN±- / ;: 5: /J , 0.7 "~ 0.6 ~ V . ~ ~- RED - .... \lREEN_ rt /1 I 0.5 10 15 20 25 10 30 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA IDe - DC CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 4. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. Figure 5. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. T -1 3/4 Lamp. Figure 7. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. T -1 3/4 Low Profile Lamp. Figure S. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. T-1 Lamp. 6-101 FliUW LOW CURRENT LED LAMP SERIES HEWLETT ~e. PACKARD T-1 3/4 (Smm) HLMP-4700, -4719, -4740 T-1 (3mm) HLMP-1700, -1719, -1790 SUBMINIATURE HLMP-7000, -7019, -7040 Features • LOWPOWER • HIGH EFFICIENCY D CMOS/MOS COMPATIBLE • TTL COMPATIBLE • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • CHOICE OF PACKAGE STYLES • CHOICE OF COLORS Applications • LOW POWER DC CIRCUITS • TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDICATORS • PORTABLE EQUIPMENT LOW CURRENT LAMP SELECTION GUIDE • KEYBOARD INDICATORS Color Description Size These tinted diffused LED lamps were designed and optimized specifically for low DC current operation. Luminous intensity and forward voltage are tested at 2 mA to assure consistent brightness at TTL output current levels. Red HLMP' Yellow HLMP- Green HLMp· T·1 3/4 4700 4719 4740 T·j 1700 1719 1790 SUbmln lature 7000 7019 7040 package Dimensions 0.45 LOUI) SQUARE NOflHNAt. 1,i7(,05Oo) , NOM. HLMP-7000, ·7019, -7040 HLMP-4700, -4719,-4740 HLMP·1700, -1719, -1790 6-102 NOTES: L ALL DIMENSIONS ARE 11'1 MILLIMETRES !INCHES). 2. AN EPOXY MINISCUS MAY EXTEND ABOUT 1 rom (0.040") DOWN THE lEADS. AXIAL LUMINOUS INTENSITY AND VIEWING ANGLE @ 25°C Part Number Package Description ",m HlMP~ T-13/4 -4700 -4719 -4740 -1700 -1719 -1790 -7000 -7019 -7040 Red Yellow Green \2 1':2 1.2 T-l Tinted Diffused Red""!) Yellow Green JJ~.O l\ '1.0 1.0 Subminiature Red Yellow Green 0.4 0.4 0.4 Tinted Diffused % '" <#RJor Iv (mcd) @2mADC Min. Typ. .r mTinted Diffused 2(-) 1/2[1] Package Outline 50Q A 50· B 90· C 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.e''''10:j 1.6 1.6 ;; 0.8 0.6 0.6 Notes: 1. H1/2 is the typical off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA = 25°C Symbol Description T-1 3/4 T-1 SUbminiature Min. Max. Units 1.8 1.9 1.8 2.2 2.7 2.2 V 2mA V IR=50,..A VF Forward Voltage 4700 4719 4740 1700 1719 1790 7000 7019 7040 VR Reverse Breakdown Voltage 4700 4719 4740 1700 1719 1790 7000 7019 7040 !l.o Dominant Wavelength 4700 4719 4740 1700 1719 1790 7000 7019 7040 626 585 569 nm Spectral Line Halfwidth 4700 4719 4740 1700 1719 1790 7000 7019 7040 40 nm 36 .1;'.1/2 Test Condition Typ. 5.0 5.0 5.0 Note 1 28 1'8 Speed of Response 4700 4719 4740 1700 1719 1790 7000 7019 7040 90 90 500 ns C Capacitance 4700 4719 4740 1700 1719 1790 7000 7019 7040 11 15 18 pF Thermal Resistance 4700 4719 4740 1700 1719 1790 7000 7019 7040 120 120 120 ·OIW Junction to Cathode lead Peak Wavelength 4700 4719 4740 1700 1719 1790 7000 7019 7040 635 583 nm Measurement at peak Luminous Efficacy 4700 1700 1719 1790 7000 7019 7040 145 500 595 (-)JC APEAK ljv 4719 4740 VF=O f=l MHz 565 Lumens Note 2 V1iitt Notes: 1.. The dominant wavelength, hD, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 2. Radiant intensity, Ie. in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/~v, where Iv is the luminous intenSity in candelas and ~v is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. ' 6-103. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Maximum Rating Red Yellow Green Power Dissipation (Derate linearly from 92° 0 at 1.0 mAIo 0) Units 24 36 24 mW 7 DC and Peak Forward Current Transient Forward Ourrent (10 I'sec pulse)111 rnA rnA V 500 Reverse Vof1age (fR'" 50 pAl 5.0 Red/Yellow Green Operating Temperature Range -55·0 to 100·0 -20'0 to 100·0 -55·0 to 100·0 Storage Temperature Range 260· 0 for 5 Seconds IT-1, T-1 S/4J 260·0 for 3 Seconds (Subminiature) Lead Soldering Temperature fl.6 mm 10.063 inl from body> Notes: 1. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current that can be applied to the device without damaging the LED die and wirebond. It is not recommended that the device be operated at peak currents beyond the peak forward current listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings. 1.0.----------.---...----"....----,.----"'7"...---.-------...,--------, 0.5f-------++--j'\----t\---.f-------1--l...------+-------i WAVELENGTH - Figure 1. Relative Intensity 10 nm VS. Wavelength 10.0 r - - , - - - r - - , - - - r - - - , I ~ 8.0 I---I---I---I-......,'--H~-.I ~~ 2 N. TA • 25"C RED_ !0 < 6.01---1---1--+-7'--7'1'---; 0 ~~ --...... !i~ ... '" 4.0f---+--H~~--+---1 Wa: I ) .5 1.0 1.5 2:~ ~- r W YELLOW! a: 2.01---I--"j~t---I---t---; eeror 2.0 2.5 loC - DC CURRENT VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage PER LED - Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity 6-104 VS. rnA Forward Current 80' 90'/---+--+--+--+''3 Figure 4. Relallve Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement for T-1 3/4 Lamp Figure 5. Relallve Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement for T-1 Lamp 90' f - - + - 4 - - j - - t Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement for Subminiature Lamp 6-105 ---------~ ---~--~-.-.- Fli;- INTEGRATED RESISTOR LAMPS HEWLETT 5 volt and 12 Volt Series in T-1 and T-1 3/4 packages ~~ PACKARD Features , .. r:- • INTEGRAL CURRENT LIMITING RESISTOR • TTL COMPATIBLE Requires no External Current limiter with 5 VoIV12 Volt Supply · • COST EFFECTIVE Saves Space and Resistor Cost • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE o AVAILABLE IN ALL COLOR$ Red, High Efficiency Red, YellOW and High Performance Green in T-1 and T-1 3/4 Packages l" n !~)~l' 1I I1h-!r~ _-.Ji~111 .... I . I Description The 5 volt and 12 volt series lamps contain an integral cur· rent limiting resistor in' series with the LED. This allows ihe · lamp to be driven from a 5 volt.i12 voli source without an external current limiter. The red LEOs are made from GaAsP on a GaAs substrate,. The High EfficiE1ncy Red .and Yellow devices use GaAsP on a GaP substrate. PIN HLMP- Color Red Red Package Outline T-1 Tinted Diffused 5 0.8 60· A 5 0.8 1.5 60· A 5 1.0 2.0 60· 12 1.0 2.0 60· B B 60a A 1.5 4.0 50" S 60· A 60" S 50" A 60" S 1601 3600 3601 1621 3650 3651 1540 High Performance Green 2e 1f2£1) T-1 Untinted Diffused 1620 Yellow Iv mcd 1120 1600 I Operating Voltage 1100 3112 Efficiency The T-1 3/4 lamps are provided with sturdy leads suitable for wire wrap applications. The T-1 3/4 !limps may be front panel mounted by using the HLMP-0103 clip and ring. Typ. 1.5 3105 High . The green .devices use GaP on a GaP substrate. The dif··fused lamps provide a wide off-axis viewing angle. 1641 3680 3681 Package T-1 3/4 Tinted Diffused Min. 5 T-1 Tinted Diffused 12 5 T-1 3/4 Tinted Diffused 12 5 T-1 Tinted Diffused 12 5 T-1 3/4 Tinted Diffused 1.5 4.0 12 5 T·1 TInted Diffused 12 5 T-1 3/4 Tinted Diffused 1.5 12 Notes: 1. 01/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 6-106 4.0 Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25° C ~~------r---------~r---~r---~ Notes: 2. Derate from TA = 50· Cat 0.071 V/· C, see Figure 3. 3. Derate from TA = 50· Cat 0.086V!" C, see Figure 4. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA = 25° C Symbol APEAK Ad .lA1I2 High Green Elflclenc Red Yellow Max. Min. MIn" J'yp. Max. Min. Max. Min. Typ. Max. 583 565 655 569 gth 6 585 648 40 28 24 36 Red - Spectral Line Halfwidlh ra. Units Test Gqnllitions nm nm Illbte 4 nm Thermal Resistance 120 120 120 120 °c!W Junction to Cathode eJC Thermal Resistance 95 95 95 95 IF Forward Current 12 V Devices Forward Current 5 V Devices Luminous Efficacy 13 ·C/W Junction to CathOde Lead (Note 7) mA VI'=12V HJC IF "IV VR Lead (Note 6) Reverse Breakdown Voltage 20 13 20 13 20 13 20 10 15 12 15 It 13 10 20 65 5.0 15 145 500 5.0 5.0 Notes: 4. The dominant wavelength, Ad, ·is. derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the Color of the device. 5. Radiant intensity, .Ie, in watts/steradian, may be found from the S95 5.0 mA VF=5V lumen NoteS /watt V IR=100 .. A equation Ie = Iv/"IV. Where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and "IV is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 6. For Figure A package type. 7. For Figure B package type. Package Dimensions .- -~~ -l r-~~ U5!~11 ·>ittm, 'i~ ~~ --j. t·"" .OM 44,U(09S} T 1- I- CAT"OO"T ~~':;~'~QM'"'' l~ri:.",rrL --f Lb4fQ.1QOJNOM.ll\1AI. NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES IINCHEs). 2. AN EPOXY MENISCUSMAV EXTENDABDUT lmm 1.040") DOWN THE LEADS; Figure B. T·1 3/4 Package Figure A. T·1 Package 6-107 24 " E I I- ::; a: a: ::> u 0 20 "E II ,. I 12 / " ;0 a: / o o II / ~ V I .!: 18 10 12 14 7.5 o I ,. 15 v > I " I- <5 > ""!:;'" ~ 0 > " 0 a: " ;0 a: ~ / V / V 18 10 12 14 7.5 I 1. 15 Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Applied Forward Voltage. 12 Volt Devices I 7.5 o V Vee - APPLIED FORWARD VOLTAGE - V > 16 15 ....... ............. 12 0 a: "a: ;0 ~ 5l 5l ~ :::i ~ I u u -!t -!t o o 20 40 60 20 8085 TA - AMBIENT TErY'PERATURE - QC Figure 3. Maximum Allowed Applied Forward Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature ROJA = 175' C/W. 5 Volt Devices 90' 12 "a: Figure 1. Forward Current vs. Applied Forward Voltage. 5 Volt Devices "" 0 a: ;0 Vee - APPLIED FORWARD VOL rAGE - '" ,. a: a: ::> u / .!: 20 ::; I- a: ~ 24 / 40 60 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ 8085 °c Figure 4. Maximum Allowed Applied Forward Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature ROJA = 175'C/W.12 Volt Devices r-+--+--t--\-: Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement for T·1 Package Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement for T·1 3/4 Package 6-108 2,5 1,5 2,0 ::: w '/ 1,5 > ~ w 0: ::: V G~A$P A 0,5 \'/L a 0 ~ 2 > ~ 0: j 0,5 ~} HIGH EfFICIENCYRED, YELLOW, GRr EN 4 1,0 w I 1,0 V j 6 I 8 a 10 5 VOLT DEVICE Figure 7, Relative Luminous Intensity vs, Applied Forward Voltage. 5 Volt Devices a 2 [ 4 V HIGH EFFICIENCY ~REQ, YELLOW, GRE,EN 6 8 10 12 J 14 16 18 20 12 VOLT DEVICES Figure 8. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Applied Forward Voltage. 12 Volt Devices 6-109 FliiiW SUBMINIATURE RESISTOR LAMPS 5 VOLT 4 rnA AND 5 VOLT 10 rnA SERIES HEWLETT ~r.. PACKARD Features D INTEGRAL CURRENT LIMITING RESISTOR D TTL AND LSTTL COMPATIBLE o REQUIRES NO EXTERNAL RESISTOR WITH 5 VOLT SUPPLY D SPACE SAVING SUBMINIATURE PACKAGE o WIDE VIEWING ANGLE o CHOICE OF CURRENT LEVEL, 4 rnA or 10 rnA .. AVAILABLE IN HIGH EFFICIENCY RED, YELLOW, AND GREEN • IDEALLY SUITED FOR PORTABLE OR SPACE CONSTRAINED APPLICATIONS Description The subminiature resistor lamps contain an integral current limiting resistor in series with the LED. This allows the lamp to be driven from a 5 volt source without an external current limiter. The high efficiency red and yellow devices use GaAsP on a GaP substrate. The green devices use GaP on a GaP substrate. The tinted, diffused epoxy lens provides high on-off contrast and a wide viewing angle. The follow- ing special configurations are available on request: 1. Surface Mount Gull Wing Bend Mount Gull Wing Data Sheet. Refer to the Surface 2. Tape and Reel Packaging 3. Special Lead Bending on 2.54 mm (0.100 in,) and 5.08 mm (0.200) in Centers Device Selection Guide High Efficiency Red Yellow Green 5 Volt. 10 mA HLMP-6600 HLMP-6700 HLMP-B800 5 Volt, 4 mA HLMP-B620 HLMP-6720 HLMP-6820 6-110 Package Dimensions TOP VIEW NOTES 1, ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLlMETRES (INCHES) 2, OPTIONAL LEAD FORM AVAILABLE, SIDE VIEW END VIEW Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C HLMP-6600/6620 6700/6720 HLMP·6BOOJ6B20 High Efficiency Red/Yellow Green 6 vons 6 Volts 5 Volts 5 Volts DC Forward Voltage Reverse Voltage OR = 1OOIlA) Operating Temperature Range -40'Ct085°C -55' C to 100° C Storage Temperature Range Lead Soldering Temperature 1,6 mm (0.063 in.) From Body 260 0 C for 3 Seconds Electrical/optical Characteristics at TA = 25° C High J:Hiclency Red HLMp·6600 HLMp·6620 Symbol Parameter Yellow HLMp·6700 Gr.en HlMp·61Z0 HLMp·6S00 HLMp·6620 Min. Typ. Max, Min. Typ. Max, Min, Typ. Max, Min, Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min, Typ, Max. 08 2.0 1.4 5.0 1.6 5,0 1.3 5.0 0.9 2.0 08 2,0 Units Test Conditions mcd '(it.ee~ Figure 5 Volts 2) 90 Oeg Note 1 (See Figure 3 585 nm 28 569 26 nm 120 120 IV Axiat Luminous Intensity 2"'112 Included Angle Between Half luminous IntenSity Pomls 90 90 90 90 90 ApEAK Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength 583 585 36 565 569 Spectral line Halfwidlh 635 626 40 585 ..11.1/2 635 626 40 583 AD 36 r"JC Thermal Resistance 120 120 120 120 'F Forward Current 9.6 VR Reverse Breakdown lIoll3ge W Luminous Efficacy nm Note 2 'C/W Junction (0 Cathode Lead 35 13 5.0 50 145 9.6 5 13 5.0 145 3,5 50 5.0 500 9,6 5 500 35 13 mA II 5.0 595 5 595 ifF ~5 Volts ISee Figure 1) IR ~ 100~A Imlw Note 3 Notes: 1. 2(-)1/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. The dominant wavelength is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device, 3. Radiant intenSity in watts/sterad ion, may be found from the equation Ie = 'v/ryv, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and ryv is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 6-111 - - - _ . -_... _ . _ - - _.. _ - - - _.... 1.6 > ..: ~~ 2"" E I ... ~g 2 w -'" "'"'..:... 0: 0: '" ~fa :!iN u 0 0: "'~~ 0!!- 0: 0: ..: ;= ~o: ... 0 ...0I S~ w 1.4 I 1.2 I 1.0 I 0.8 0.2 = / 0.6 0.4 I / /1/ VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS Figure 1. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. Figure 2. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Voltage. Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. 6-112 ------- - - - - - - - - - - rl;;' ----- ---. ------ HIGH EFFICIENCY RED/T-1 3/4 (5 mm) HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN SleOlOR SOLID STATE LAMP HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD HLMP-4000 Features: • TWO COLOR (RED, GREEN) OPERATION • POPULAR T-1 3/4 PACKAGE • 3 LEADS WITH ONE COMMON CATHODE • DIFFUSED, WIDE VISIBILITY LENS • TTL COMPATIBLE Description The T-1 3/4 HLMP-4000 lamp is a three leaded bicolor light source designed for a variety of applications where dual state illumination is required in the same package. There are two LED chips, high efficiency red (HER) and high performance green (Green). mounted on a central common cathode lead for maximum on-axis viewability. Colors between HER and Green can be generated by independently pulse width modulating the LED chips. package Dimensions Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA =25°C HIgh Efficiency Parameter Peak Forward Current Red/Green Units 90 mA mA II:;;;:;:;::;:;:~-U~ Average Forward Current! l i(Total) 25 DC Current[4] (Total) 30 mA Power Dissipation[3,51(Total) 135 mW Operating Temperature Range -20 to +85 -55 to +100 Reverse Voltage (lR '" 100 p.A) 5 V Transient Forward Current[6] (10 p'sec Pulse) 500 mA 25.40 11.00) MIN. I NLL QC Storage Temperature Range 9.19 10.362) M3 (O]32j , .27 ~~.50} Lead Soldering Temperature [1.6 mm (0.063 in.) below seatl n9 plane1 COMMON CATHOO. 0,508 10.0201 SQ, TYP, 2.64 (0.10CI NOM. 260" C for 5 seconds GREEN ANODE Notes: 1. See Figure 5 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 2. The combined simultaneous current must not exceed the maximum. 3. The combined simultaneous power must not exceed the maximum. 4. For HER and Green derate linearly from 50' Cat 0.5 mAl' C. 5. For HER and Green derate linearly from 25'C at 1.B mW/'C. 6. The transient peak current Is the maximum non-recurring current that can be applied to the device without damaging the LED die and wlrebond. It Is not recommended that the device be operated at peak currents beyond the peak forward current listed In the Absolute Maximum Ratings. 6-113 flAT INDICATES REO ANODE R"D ANOQE COMMON CATHOP" NOTES: " All OIMENSIONS ARE IN Mll~IMETRES (INCHES), 2. AN EPOXY MENISCUS MAY EXTEND ABOUT 1 mm lo.Q4a"1 DOWN THE LEADS. Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25°C Red Symbol Parameters Iv Luminous Intensity APEAK Peak Wavelength Ad Dominant Wavelength TS Speed of Response Typ. Units Test Conditions 4.2 8 mcd IF" 1DrnA 635 565 nm 626 569 90 500 Typ. 2.1 5 C Capacitance 11 VF Forward Voltage 2.1 VB Reverse Breakdown Voltage °JC Thermal Resistance 20112 'l/V Green Min. Min. Max. Max. See Note 1 ns 18 2.5 2.3 2.7 pF VF"D, f= 1 MHz V IF=10mA 5 V 120 120 °CIW Included Angle Between Half Luminous Intensity Points, Both Axes 65 65 Deg. Luminous Efficacy 145 5 595 IA = 100 j1A JUnction to Cathode Lead IF= 10 rnA See Note 2 Lumen! See Note 3 Watt Notes: 1. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 2. 01/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intenSity is half the axial luminous intensity. 3. Radiant intensity, Ie' in watts steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = 1./1)., where I. is the luminous intenSity in candelas and 1). is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 1.0 HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN 0.5 0 500 / J V \ / ~ TA <25"C \;~IGH EFFiCiENCY I-... 550 600 650 ~ Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength 6-114 AEO 700 750 0 « E .... :i ''"" "'o" Yl VI 0 40 '~" 30 I 0 o 1,0 ~~~~ERFORMANCE _ ~ Ii / 1,0 HIGH,PEA,fORMANCE OREEN ',\,i' / 0,5 ./ 4,0 00 5.0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current. I / // 1/1 1,3 1,2 1,1 i"'"" HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN V 1,0 0.7 0 1,5 '" >-- 1,4 a,B W EffICIENCY REO 1,5 O,g 2,0 ~- 3,0 I :E~ w" .... Z 2,0 V j >'" 0 rl HI~H I 2.5 "'.... «.... Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics. 1,6 ;;; .... ",« Zw VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V 1,7 3.0 00 II lj ~~ .... E HIGH EFFICIENCY RED z;2 ,rj::' 0 /, 3.5 > .... : HIO! EFFICIENCY RED 0 '" « ;: 4.0 i I I II J I I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 tOO IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA tp - Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous tntensity per Unit Current) vs. LED Peak Current. PULSE DURATION - P' Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (toe MAX as per MAX Ratings) goo r---j---t---j---r.;~"-7.'0::-·-:c2::::a,..,-::3a~'-:C4:7;a';-;:5~a'-:6~a""-::7a~'-:CB::::a""-::'ga::-'-::!,oo' Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. 6-115 rh~ ~~ 940 nm HIGH RADIANT EMITTERS HEWLETT T-H-1t (5 mm Diameter) HEMT-3301 T-1 (3 mm Diameter> HEMT-1001 PACKARO Features • NONSATURATING, HIGH RADIANT FLUX OUTPUT • EFFICIENT AT LOW CURRENTS, COMBINED WITH HIGH CURRENT CAPABI!.ITY • THREE PACKAGE STYLES • OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE -55°C TO +100°C • MEDIUM-WIDE RADIATION PATTERNS • RADIATED SPECTRUM MATCHES RESPONSE OF SILICON PHOTODETECTORS Description The HEMT-3301 and HEMT-l00l are infrared emitters, using a mesa structure GaAs on GaAs infrared diode, IRED, optimized for maximum quantum efficiency at a peak wavelength of 940 nm. The HEMT-3301 and HEMT-l00l emitters are untinted, undiffused plastic packages with medium-wide radiation patterns. These medium-wide and wide radiation patterns eliminate the beam focusing problems that are encountered with emitters that have narrow radiation patterns. Applications include optical transducers, optical part counters, smoke detectors, covert identification, paper tape and card readers and optical encoders. Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA =25°C Power Dissipation ............................ 150 mW DC Forward Current .......................... 100 mA (Derate as specified in Figure 6) Peak Forward Current ....................... 1000 mA (Time average current as determined from Figure 7) IRED Junction Temperature ..................... 110°C Operating and Storage Temperature .... -55°C to +100°C Lead Soldering Temperature ........ 260°C for 5 seconds (1.6 mm (0.063 in.) from emitter body) package Dimensions ~~ 4.57 ~~\'.~~\ to.tao) r- ~::~~~~ t 6.35 Lso-) ili j LlBS) g,5Ili ..t2~} P-~....;:; ~ otti16S; T 2$:,4011.001 Mlti, ""\0401 II NOM, ;!4,13 {Q.'95J 0,4$ (G.o-UI) SQUARE NOMINAL M'[" CATHOO'T I li 1.21 1G.ll5Q} NOMINAL ~ ~ :6~~~;'~O'''''AL 'lJ.i~50>rl- ! ~ ~ ~,54 {O.l001 NOMINAl. CA1'1iOOE HEMT-3301 NOTES< 1. Al~ DIMENSIONS ARE IN MllllMETRES (INCHES). 2. AN EPOXY MENISCUS MAY EXTEND ASOUT 1 ",In {O.04D") DOWN THE LEADS. 6-116 2.54l(UQOll'l.OMINAl HEMT-1001 Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA = 25°C Symbol Description Ie Radiant Intensity HEM 1 HE 1 Min. Typ. 2.5 1.0 4.0 2.0 Max. Units Test Conditions Fig. mW/sr IF= 20 mA 4.5 Measured at ApEAK 1 Temperature Coeffieient for Radiant Intensity[lj -0.58 Temperature Coelfieien! for Peak Wavelength [21 0.3 nm/oC Measured at ApEAK 1 APEAK Peak Wavelength 940 nm Measured at il.PEAK 1 20'h Half Intenslty[3] Total Angle HEMT-3301 HEMT-1001 60 deg. IF = 20 mA 9 AlelAT "A/"T %/oC: 50 8 tr Output Rise Time (10% to 90%) 1700 ns IpEAK =20 mA tf Output Fall Time (90% to 10%) 700 ns IpEAK :20 mA C Capacitance 30 pI VF"0;f=1 MHz VR Reverse Breakdown Voltage V [R = 10 p.A VF Forward Voltage 1.30 1.15 V IF= 100 mA IF =20 mA OJC Thermal Resistance 120 5.0 1.50 IRED Junction to Cathode Lead °C/W Notes: 1. Radiant intensity at ambient temperature: le(TA) = le(25"C) + (.llel.H) (TA - 25"C)/100. 2. Peak wavelength at ambient temperature: I-PEAK(TA) = I-PEAK(25"C) + (.lI-I.lT) (TA - 25"C). 3. 0'12 is the off-axis angle from emitter centerline where the radiant intensity is half the on-axis value. 4. Approximate radiant flux output within a cone angle of 20: e(20) = [e(O)/le(O)] Ie (TA); e(O)/le(O) obtained from figure 8 or 9. I.' ~ ~ 1.2 1. 1 faN 1.0 « 0.9 :::; 'a:" "zu 'r !-I-i'Jo'cI l' 1.3 m-26'~ 0.8 0.7 ~ 0.6 II 0.5 1-'" 0.4 !;:( 0.3 ~ 0.2 ~ O. 1 o ., I I II I E . V\TA - 8& I ~ a: a: :::> u "a:~ c a: ~ 1\ 1 1'\\ " ~~ 860 880 900 ;>" - 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 WAVELENGTH - nm VF Figure 1. Radiated Spectrum - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 2. Forward Current VS. Forward Voltage 6-117 2 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA IF - DC FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 3. Forward Voltage Temperature Coefficient va. Forward Current Figure 4. Relative Radiant Intensity vs. DC Forward Current 1I ... iiiII: II: "" C II: i12 g I IPEAK - PEAK FORWA~D CURRENT.-:-: mA, TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE -'C Figure 5. Relative Efficiency vs. Peak Forward Current Figure 6. Maximum DC Forward Current vs. Ambient Temperature Derating Based on TJ MAX = 110·C tp - PULSE DURATION - p.s Figure 7. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current va. Peak Duration (I PEAK MAX Determined from Temperature Derated IDe MAX) 6-118 90'1-t--t--t--t--I-I-I-I-1-=13 9 - OFF AXIS ANGLE - OEGREES (CONE HALF ANGLES) NORMALIZEO INTENSITY Figure 8. Far Field Radiation Pattern, HEMT-3301 1.4 0 ;:: 1.2 1.0 "w ...,.'"" -" ~~ 0:'" ... 0 "U. O.S ...0"~ 0.6 "''' u." ~c:; ... ,,:c ,,!: 53 " 0: I ;;;~ l~ oNORMALIZED INTENSITY OFF·AXIS ANGLE - DEGREES (CONE HALF ANGLES) Figure 9. Far Field Radiation Pattern, HEMT-1001 6-119 Fli;- 700nm HIGH INTENSITY SUBMINIATURE EMITTER HEWLETT ~1!.tI PACKARD HEMT -6000 Features • HIGH RADIANT INTENSITY • NARROW BEAM ANGLE • NONSATURATING OUTPUT • BANDWIDTH: DC TO 5 MHz ~~OIA, • IC COMPATIBLE/LOW CURRENT REQUIREMENT • VISIBLE FLUX AIDS ALIGNMENT Description The HEMT-6000 uses a GaAsP chip designed for optimum tradeoff between speed and quantum efficiency. This optimization allows aflat modulation bandwidth of 5 MHz without peaking, yet provides a radiant flux level comparable to that of 900nm IREDs. The subminiature package allows operation of multiple closely-spaced channels, while the narrow beam angle minimizes crosstalk. The nominal 700nm wavelength can offer spectral performance advantages over 900nm IREDs, and is sufficiently visible to aid optical alignment. Applications include paper-tape readers, punch-card readers, bar code scanners, optical encoders or transducers, interrupt modules, safety interlocks, tape loop stabilizers and fiber optic drivers. NOTEs, . 1, Ai.LO:tMEN'Sl¢NSAAE IN MI1.L.1MUfU!8 (lNeH~$I. 1, SIL,Vrtl't,PL.ATiiO LEAPS, seE AT>IiLICATION (lUU.ErIN 3. 3. epoxy tiNOAI'SULANr HASA ~EfRAellva: tNOltx OF 1,53, 4. ¢H!P Cl!ir,Jr~RJNa WITHIN 'tliE MCKASE IS CONSiS1'SNl WITH FOOtNOTe 3, . . Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C Power Dissipation ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 mW (derate'linearly from 70°C @ 1.0mW/°C) Average Forward Current ..................... 20 mA (derate linearly from 70°C @ O.4mA/oC) Peak Forward Current ................... See Figure 5 Operating and Storage TemperatureRange ................. -55° to+100°C Lead Solderi ng Temperature ...................... 260° C for 3 sec. [1.6 mm (0.063 in.) from body] ~ - WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 1. Relative Intensltv versus Wavelength. 6-120 Electrical/optical Characteristics at TA=25°C Symbol Ie Ke Max. Descripilon Min. TyPo Radiant Intensity along Mechanical Axis Temperature Coefficient of Intensity 100 250 /J.W/sr Units IF -0.005 °C·1 Note 1 fNote 2 lly Luminous Efficacy 2.5 Im/W 20% Optical Axis Half Intensity Totel Angle Peak Wavelength (Range) 16 a9Q.715 deg. tr Spectral Shift Temperature Coefficient Output Rise Time (10%-90%) .193 70 nmfC ns tf Output Fall Time 40 Co BVR capacitance ns pF APEAK IlAp'iI (9O%~10%) I 5 66 Forward Voltage VF I:l.VF/I:l.T Temperature Coefficient of VF 12 1.5 -2.1 Thermal Resistance 140 SJC Reverse Breakdown Voltage nm V V 1.B mV/"C °C/W Test Conditions Fig. =10mA 3,4 Note 3, IF 0= 10 rnA Measured @ Peak 6 1 Measured @ Peak, Note 4 IpEAK =lOrnA IpEAK =10mA Vp = O;f'" 1 MHz IR =100J.I.A ,IF =lOrnA 2 IF =100 JI.A Junction to cathode lead NOTES: 1. le(T) = Ie (25°C) exp IKe (T - 25°C)]. 2. Iv = 'lyle where Iv is in candela. Ie in watts/steradian. and 'ly In lumen/watt. 3. 9% is the off-axis angle at which the radiant intensity is half the intensity along the optical axis. The deviation batwlien the mechanical and the optical axis Is typically within a conical half-angle of three degrees. 4. ~ (T) = ~ (26"C) + (A~ /AT) (T - 25°C) PEAK PEAK PEAK VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE-V Figure 2. Forward Currant versus Forward Volt.... IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 3. Relative Radiant Intensity _ ... Forward' Current. IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - mA , Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Radiant Intensity per Unit Current) yarsus Peak Currant. ° 10 20 30 40 60 60 70 60 90°,00 tp - PULSE DURATION -1'1 NORMALIZED INTENSITY Figura 6. Maximum Tolarable Peak Current versus Pulse Duration. (lDC MAX as par MAX Ratings) 9-0FF·AXISANGLE - DEGREES ICONE HALF·ANGLE) Figura 6. Far-Field Radiation Pattarn. 6-121 I· sl~ ;J_ Flidl HEWLETT a:e.. PACKARD SURFACE MOUNT OPTION FOR SUBMINIATURE LAMPS GULL WING LEAD CONFIGURATION INDIVIDUAL SUBMINIATURE LAMP SUPPLIED IN 12mm TAPE - OPTION 011 SUBMINIATURE ARRAY SUPPLIED IN A SHIPPING TUBE - OPTION 013 Features • GULL WING.LEAD CONFIGURATION, INDIVIDUAL SUBMINIATURE LAMPS AND ARRAYS • COMPATIBLE WITH AUTOMATIC PLACEMENT EQUIPMENT • COMPATIBLE WITH VAPOR PHASE REFLOW SOLDER PROCESSES • LOW PACKAGE PROFILE • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • LONG LIFE - SOLID STATE RELIABILITY • INDIVIDUAL SUBMINIATURE LAMPS ARE SUPPLIED IN 12mm TAPE • SUBMINIATURE ARRAYS ARE SUPPLIED IN TUBES Description Device selection Guide These subminiature solid state lamps are encapsulated in an axial lead package of molded epoxy. They utilize a tinted, diffused lens providing high on-off contrast and wide angle viewing. Option Description Option 011 Individual subminiature lamps in gull wing configuration. Supplied in 12mm tape on seven inch reels; 1500 pieces per reel. Minimum order quantity and order increment are 1500 pieces. Optlon 012 Bulk Option 013 (Arrays only) Subminiature array in gull wing configuration. Supplied in shipping tubes. The leads·of this device are bent in a gull wing configuration for surface mounting. The device can be mounted using automatic placement equipment. The indiVidual gull wing subminiature lamp is supplied in 12mm tape on seven inch reels per ANSI/EIA standard RS481 specifications. Gull wing subminiature arrays are supplied in shipping tubes. The lamp can be mounted with either batch or in line vapor phase reflow solder processes. Subminiature lamps for surface mount applications are available in standard red, high efficiency red, yellow, green, integrated resistor, and low current versions. Examples: HLMP-6300 Option 011 High Efficiency Red Supplied on Tape Ordering Information To obtain gull wing surface mount subminiature lamps, order the basic catalog device with the appropriate option code. Note: Option 011 is available for individual subminiature lamps only. Option 013 is available for subminiature arrays only. 6-122 HLMP-6658 Option 013 High Efficiency Red, 8 Element Array Supplied in Tubes --_.--- _._----- vapor Phase Reflow Solder Rating Absolute Maximum Rating Absolute Maximum Ratings and Electrical/Optical Characteristics 215°C fdr-S minute~ Material FC-5311 Vapor Phase Soldering Temperature Note: Lead soldering maximum rating is 260'C for 3 seconds. The absolute maximum ratings and electrical/optical specifications are identical to the basic catalog device. except forthe vapor phase soldering rating as specified at left. Package Dimensions INDIVIDUAL SUBMINIATURE H& 10.0651 om 'Om" ANODEo~'~J J 3_8110_1501 MAX_ ~""." NOMINAl NOTES, 1. ALL DIMENSIONS AliE IN MILLIMETRES IINCHES). CAT\19DE LEAD IS IDENTIFIED BV A COLOR STRIPE. 121 L SUBMINIATURE ARRAY --j r--- 0.51 ~ 0.020) !I NOTES, 1, All DJMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES NOMINAL ilNCHESI. . Q=CATHOOE STRIPE I-.Tfi;.-......;;:n.-J. G~ 1.6510.0651 m iG.075l DIA. ~@ I~ - N [2_54 (Q.l00H MAX. NOTE 2 j 6-123 2. OVERALL LENGTH .S THE NUMBER OF ELEMENTS TIMES 2.54mrn iO.10O- io.L 3. CATHODE LEAD IS IDENTIFIED BY A COLOR STRIPE. 12 mm TAPE AND REEL t1, TOP TAPE ' -_ _ _ _ FEED DIRECTION _ _ _ _ > TOLERANCES (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED): .X' .1,.XX' .051.XXX '.0041 uv~ I NOTES: 1. EMPTY COMPONENT POCKETS SEALED WITH TOP 2. COVER TAPE. 7 INCH REEL - 1,500 PIECES PER REEL. 3. MINIMUM LEADER LENGTH AT EITHER END OF THE TAPE IS500mm. 4. THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CONSECUTIVE MISSING LAMPS IS TWO. 5, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANSI/EtA RS-4Bl SPECIFICATIONS, THE CATHODE IS ORIENTED TOWARDS THE TAPE SPROCKET HOLE. DIMENSIONS PER ANSI/EtA STANDARD RS-4Bl* ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES (INCHES). c:==U::'S:=E=:R:::D:::IR:::E::C::T:'O::N::O::,F:::F:::E:=E:=D=> A 178.012.0(7.010.08) OIA. o 15 +0"(0059+0 .004) DIA . -0.0 . -0.000 . 13.010.512) DIA. TYP. 0, 1.010.039) DIA. MIN. 0, 20.2 (0.795) CIA. MIN. E F Ko N 1.75 ± 0.1 (0.069) 5.50 (0.127 ! 0.002) 3.05 (0.120) TVP. Po P, ~ 50.011.970) MIN. 4.010.157) TYP. 4.010.157) TYP. 2.0 (0.079! 0.002) TVP. T 0.310.012) TYP. 18.410.72) MAX. w 12.0:!: 0.3 (0.472:!: 0.012) THICKNESS OF TOP COVER TAPE 0.10 (0.004) MAX. 500 mm (19.7 in.) MIN. BOTH ENDS LEADER LENGTH 500119.7) MIN. "'EXCEPTION: THE EJECTOR-PIN HOLE (0,) IS 1.0 (0.039) DIA. MIN. 6-124 REEL REEL ! I - - - r-- C N FliiJI HEWLETT .:~ PACKARD llT OPERATOR _ _ _ _ __ HP PART NUMBER _ _ __ OATECODE _ _ _ _ __ TAPING DATE _ _ _ _ __ ELEC. VALUE _ _ _ _ __ TOLERANCE _ _ _ _ __ QUANTITy _ _ _ _ _ __ A CUSTOMER PART NUMBER _ _ ARRAY SHIPPING TUBE :1.:1\:=:= : : =43; ; ; ;:'I'=7'0): : f=J -:;.:;(:-\=(~\~1:.1--· <________ SUGGESTED TUBE FEED _ _ _ _ _---' (~\ ,---\ (~, ,--0,\ ,~, ,~\ (1) ,L_ll-.l.L_.l.L _1l._.l.L _ l l _ Ul Jl ~ ~:_'--L+' H.-,g" TUBE LABEL IDENTIFIES CATHODE SIDE OF ARRAYS. (hi.] ~!~K~J6 / NO. OF LAMP ~ ~..ru HLMP- 6XX3 6XX4 6XX5 6XX6 6XXB 6-125 ELEMENTS PER ARRAY 34 65 8 QUANTITY OF ARRAYS PER TUBE 403253 2620 SURFACE MOUNT OPTION FOR SUBMINIATURE LAMPS "YOKE" LEAD CONFIGURATION Flipta HEWLETT a!r..tI PACKARD INDIVIDUAL SUBMINIATURE LAMP SUPPUED IN 12mm TAPE -OPTION 021 INDIVIDUAL SUBMINIATURE LAMP SUPPLIED IN BULK -OPTION 022 Features • "YOKE" LEAD CONFIGURATION FOR THROUGH HOLE MO.UNTING ON PC BOARD • COMPATIBLE WITH AUTOMATIC PLACEMENT EQUIPMENT . • COMPATIBLE WITH VAPOR PHASE REFLOW SOLDER PROCESSES • LOW PACKAGE PROFILE • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • LONG LIFE-SOLID STATE RELIABILITY • SUPPLIED IN 12 mm TAPE OR BULK Description Ordering Information These subminiature solid state lamps are encapsulated in an axial lead package of molded epoxy. The lens is diffused for even light dispersion. To obtain surface mount subminiature lamps with the "yoke" lead configuration, order the basic catalog device with the appropriate option code. The lamps are designed to be inserted through holes in the PC board to backlight switches, membrane panels, or appliques. Other backlighting applications are equally suitable. As shown in Figure 1, the leads are specially formed to give two features: mechanical strain relief and adequate solder pads. Device Selection Guide Option Automatic placement equipment may be used to mount the LEDs on the PC board if the designer selects the 021 option. These lamps are supplied in 12mm tape on seven inch reels per ANSI/EIA standard RS-481 specifications. Bulk lamps are available under the 022 option code. The lamps can be mounted using either batch or in line vapor phase reflow solder processes. Subminiature lamps for surface mount· applications are available in standard red, high efficiency red, yellow, green, . integrated resistor, and low current versions. DesCription Option 021 Individual subminiature lamps in "yoke" lead configuration. Supplied In 12 mm tape on seven InCh reels; 1500 pieces per reel. Minimum order quantity and order increment is 1500 pieces. Option 022 Individual subminiature lamps in ''yoke'' lead configuration. Supplied in bulk. Examples: HLMP-6300 Option 021 High Efficiency Red Supplied on Tape Figure 1. 6c126 HLMP-6400 Option 022 Yellow Supplied in Bulk vapor Phase Reflow Solder Rating Absolute Maximum Rating Vapor Phase SOld~ri~g Te!'lle,erature NOTE: Lead soldering maximum rating is 260'C for 3 seconds. Absolute Maximum Ratings and Electrical/Optical Characteristics The absolute maximum ratings and electrical/optical specifications are identical to the basic catalog device, except for the vapor phase soldering rating as specified at left. package Dimensions INDIVIDUAL SUBMINIATURE LAMP NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES (INCHES!. 2, CI\'jfItlDE LEAD IS IDENTIFIED BY A COLOR STRIPE. t MG (D.0301 MAX. 9,94 !J!.!m! 1.24 (0,049) 6-127 12mm TAPE AND REEL nil IIII IIII rJJL L, r 1 I I I I L I I I I I L.""j TOP TAPE F~.J IIII IIII L!JJ TOLERANCES IUNLESSOTHERWISE SPECIFIEDI: :> .X ± 0.1: .XX ± 0.05 (.XXX ± 0.004) ~______~F~E~ED~D~IR~E~C~T~IO~N~_______ NOTES: 1. EMPTY COMPONENT POCKETS SEALED WITH TOP COVER TAPE. 2. 7 INCH REEL -1,500 PIECES PER REEL. 3. MINIMUM LEADER LENGTH AT EITHER END OF THE TAPE IS50Dmm. 4. THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CONSECUTIVE MISSING LAMPS IS TWO. 5. IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANSIIEIA RS-481 SPECIFICATIONS, THE CATHODE IS ORIENTED TOWARDS THE TAPE SPROCKET HOLE. ~__~U~S~E~R~D~IR~E~C~TI~O~N~O~F~F~E~ED~--,:> DIMENSIONS PER ANSliEIA STANDARD RS-4Bl ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES (lNCHESI. TAPE A 178.0± 2.0 (7.D! 0.08) CIA. C 13.010.5121 DIA. TYP. o 1.55IO.o61±0.0D2IDIA. 0, 20.210.7951 DIA. MIN. 1.75± 0.110.0691 5.5010.127 ± 0.0D21 NO COMPONENTS KO N P NO COMPONENTS Po P, --------------- t T 500 mm 119.710.1 MIN. BOTH ENDS 3.05 ± 0.110.1201 TYP. 50.011.9701 MIN. 4.010.1571 TYP. 4.010.1571 TYP. 2.010.079 ± 0.0021 TYP. 0.310.0121 TYP. 18.410.721 MAX. 12.o± 0.3IO.472± 0.0121 THICKNESS OF TOP COVER TAPE 0.1010.0041 MAX. LEADER LENGTH 500119.71 MIN. 6-128 C N (h~ HEWLETT PACKARD OPERATOR BER HPPARTNUM ... __________ OATECODE TAPING DATE ________ ELEC. VALUE ________ TOLERANCE QUANTITY RT NUMBER ___ CUSTOMER.P .A______ 6-129 F/iOW TAPE AND REEL SUBMINIATURE LAMPS HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD Tape and Reel Spacing: 2.S4mm (0.100 Inch) - OPTION P01 S.OOmm (0.200 Inch) - OPTION P02 Features • COMPATIBLE WITH AXIAL LEAD AUTOMATIC INSERTION EQUIPMENT • REEL PACKAGING SIMPLIFIES HANDLING AND TESTING Description Subminiature lamps are available on tape and reel. The Option lamp devices have axial leads with 2.54 mm (0.100 inch) spacing for automatic insertion into PC Boards by radial lead insertion equipment. The Option P02 lamp devices have axial leads with 5.00 mm (0.200 inch) spacing packaged on tape and reel for ease of handling. Ordering Information To order Subminiature lamps packaged on tape and reel, include the appropriate option code along with the device catalog part number. Example; to order the HLMP-6300 on tape and reel, order as follows: HLMP-6300 - P01. Minimum order quantities vary by part number. Orders must be placed in reel increments. Please contact your local Hewlett-Packard sales office or franchised HewlettPackard distributor for a complete list of lamps available on tape and reel. Device Selection Guide Option pal paz The absolute maximum ratings, mechanical dimension tolerances and electrical optical characteristics for lamps packaged on tape and reel are identical to the basic catalog device. Refer to the basic data sheet for the specified values. Notes: Description Tape and reel, 2.54 mm (0.100 inch) spaced axial leads. Tape and reel. 5.00 mm (0.200 inch) spaced axial leads. I Option I P01 Quantity/Reel Order Increments 5,000 or 1,000 1,000 I Z,500 or 1,000 1,000 Paz Absolute Maximum Ratings and Electrical/Optical Characteristics 1. Minimum leader length at either end of tape is 2 blank part spaces. 2. Silver saver paper is used as the interlayer for silver plated lead devices. 3. The maximum number of consecutive missing lamps is 2. Drawings and option codes apply to devices with cathode tab intact only. 6-130 ------------ - - - - - - - - OUTLINE A (TAPE AND REEL) - OPTION P01 2.54 mm (0.100 inch) spacing CATHOOE I t 14.61 (0.575) 12.07(0.475) NOTE 1. ...... '0 MAX. \= 0 - I ~ 6.35 (O.250) TYP. ~.~" 1\ .750) MAX. L_ - - ------- 25.40 (1.000) 22.86 (O.900) r\ ~ I I -1-I .-j f.- I I 1I.-- I-- 3.05 (O.120) 2.03 (O.080) -I- ,-,- 25.40(0.100) MAX. ALLOWED FOR SPLICES ----.J LWHITE TAPE NOTE: LED'S MUST FALL WITHIN 0.020" OF A COMMON CENTER, OUTLINE B (TAPE AND REEL) - OPTION P02 5.08 mm (0.200 inch) spacing ~1-'00MAX' CATHODE ~=E t 14.61 (0.575) 12.07 (0.475) NOTE 1. ~ 6.35 (O.250) TYP, I ~-" , 1\ .750) MA X. L_ -- -. ----I 25.40 (1.000) 22.86 (0.900) r\ ~ I I t I I t= 5.58 (0.220) 4.57 (O.180) NOTE: LED'S MUST FALL WITHIN 0.020" OF A COMMON CENTER. 6-131 I 25.40 (O.100) MAX. ALLOWED FOR SPLICES ~-L WHITE TAPE Fhdl HEWLETT TAPE AND REEL SOLID STATE LAMPS ~~ PACKARD Leads: Smm (0.197 Inch) Formed Leads - OPTION 001 2.54mm (0.100 inch) Straight Leads - OPTION 002 Features • COMPATIBLE WITH RADIAL LEAD AUTOMATIC INSERTION EQUIPMENT • MEETS DIMENSIONAL SPECIFICATIONS OF IEC PUBLICATION 286 AND ANSIIEIA STANDARD RS-468 FOR TAPE AND REEL • REEL PACKAGING SIMPLIFIES HANDLING AND TESTING • T-1 AND T-1 3/4 LED LAMPS AVAILABLE PACKAGED ON TAPE AND REEL • 5 mm (0.197 INCH) FORMED LEAD AND 2.54 mm (0.100 INCH) STRAIGHT LEAD SPACING AVAILABLE Device Selection Guide Description Option T-1 and T-1 3/4 LED lamps are available on tape and reel as specified by the IEC Publication 286 and ANSI/EIA Standard RS-468. The Option 001 lamp devices have formed leads with 5 mm (0.197 inch) spacing for automatic insertion into PC boards by radial lead insertion equipment. The Option 002 lamp devices have straight leads with 2.54 mm (0.100 inch) spacing, packaged on tape and reel for ease of handling. T-1 lamps are packaged 1800/reel. T-1 3/4 lamps are packaged 1300/reel. Ordering Information To order LED lamps packaged on tape and reel, include the appropriate option code along with the device catalog part number. Example: to order the HLMP-3300 on tape and reel with formed leads (5 mm lead spacing) order as follows: HLMP-3300 Option 001. Minimum order quantities vary by part number. Orders must be placed in reel increments. Please contact your local Hewlett-Packard sales office or franchised Hewlett-Packard distributor for a complete list of lamps available on tape and reel. LED lamps with 0.46 mm (0.018 inch) square leads with 5 mm (0.197 inch) lead spacing are recommended for use with automatic insertion equipment. It is suggested that insertion machine compatibility be confirmed. Description 001 Tape and reel, 5 mm (0.197 inch) formed leads. '102 Tape and reel, 2.54 mm (0.100 inch) straight leads. Order Increments Package Quantity/Reel T -1 1800 1800 T-13/4 1300 1300 Absolute Maximum Ratings and Electrical/Optical Characteristics The absolute maximum ratings, mechanical dimension tolerances and electrical/optical characteristics for lamps packaged on tape and reel are identical to the basic catalog device. Refer to the basic data sheet for the specified val ues. Noles: 1. Minimum leader length at either end of tape is 3 blank part spaces. 2. Silver saver paper is used as the interlayer for silver plated lead devices. 3. The maximum number of consecutive missing lamps is 3. 4. In accordance with EIA and IEC specs, the anode lead leaves the reel first. 5. Drawings apply to devices with 0.46 mm (0.Q18 inch) square leads only. Contact Hewlett-Packard Sales Office for dimensions of 0.635 mm (0.025 inch) square lead devices. 6-132 Tape and Reel LED Configurations CATHODE ---t--h .rllt'l----.""'---,-.- t I1 t 1 t w k DO Figure 1. T-1 High Profile Lamps, Option 001 CATHODE r H, Figure 2. T -1 High Profile Lamps, Option 002 ---+-!-, CATHODE t 1 --!--\, f I DO Figure 3. T -1 Low Profile Lamps, Option 001 DO Figure 4. T -1 Low Profile Lamps, Option 002 1', f H3 11 DO Figure 5. T -1 3/4 High Profile Lamps, Option 001 Figure 6. T-1 3/4 High Profile Lamps, Option 002 Do Figure 7. T-1 3/4 Low Profile Lamps, Option 001 Figure B. T -1 3/4 Low Profile Lamps, Option 002 6-133 Dimensional Specifications for Tape and Reel Item T1 High Profile Body Height Body Diameter Option Component Height T1 Low Profile Body Height Body Diameter Component Height T1-3/4 High Profile Body Height Body Diameter 001 ~ ~ n~ Component Height T1-314 Low Proftle Body Height BOdy Diameter Component Height Lead wire thickness Pitch of component 002 ~ - i n~ Feed hole pilch Symbol Al 01 HI A2 02 H2 A3 03 H3 A4 D4 H4 d P Po Specification 4.70 (0.1851 4.19 (0.1651 3.18 (0.125) 2.67 (0.105) 25.7 (1.012) Max. 3.73 (0.147) 3.23 (0.127) 3.05 (0.120> 2.79 (0.110) 24.7 (0.974) Max. 9.19 (0.362) 8.43 (0.3321 5.08 (0.200) 4.32 (0.1701 30.2 (1.189) Max. 6.35 (0.250) 5.33 (0.2101 5.08 (0.200) 4.32 (0.170) 27.4 (1.079) Max. OA5 (0.018) 13.7 (0.539) 11.7 (0.461) 12.9 (0.508) ~ Feed hole center to lead center PI 4.55 (0.179) 3.15 (0.124) Hole center to component center P2 Lead to lead distance F 7.35 (0.289) 5.35 (0.211) SAO 10.213) 4.90 (0.193) o± 1.0 (0.039) 18.510.728) 17.5 (0.689) 15.3 (0.602) 14.7 10.579) 9.75 (0.384) 8.50 (0.335) 0.5 (0.020) Max. 21.0 10.827) 20.0 (0.787) 16.5 (0.650) 15.5 (0.6101 4.20 (0.165) 3.8010.150) 0.90 (0.035) 0.50 10.020> Oomponent alignment, front-rear' Tape width ,c,h W Hold down tape width Wo Hole position WI Hold down tape positJon W2 Height of componenl from hole center H Lead Clinch heighl HO Feed hole diameter 00 Total tape thickness I Length of snipped lead L Lead langlh under hold down tape 11 Note: 1. Dimensions in millimetres (inches), maximum/minimum. 6-134 11.0 (0.433) Max. 14.5 (0.571) Min. Notes Square Leacfs Cumulative error: 1.0 mml20 pitches. Measure at crimp bottom. 5.7813.68 (0.227/0.1448) for straight leads . 2.54 (0.100) nominal for straight leads. Figure 9 Paper thickness: ~::! ;~:~:: Figure 9 -r- 20.0 (0.7871 L_ Figure 9. Front to Rear Alignment and Tape Thickness, Typical, All Device Types F'" 100g MIN. APPLIED FOR 3 ± 1 SEC. F = 70g MIN. APPLIED F = 500g MIN. APPLIED FOR 3 ± 1 SEC. FOR 3, 1 SEC. Figure 10. Device Retention Tests and Speclflcallons F .. 5009 MAX. EXTRACTION FORCE TO TAPE lEADER OPERATOR _ _ _ _ _ __ HP PART NUMBERI _ _ _ __ DATE COOE _ _ _ _ _ __ TAPING DATe' _ _ _ _ __ ELEe. VALUE _ _ _ _ __ TOLERArJCE _ _ _ _ _ __ , aUANTITY _ _ _ _ _ __ CUSTOMER PT. NO. Figure 11 ~ Reel Configuration and Labeling 6-135 UNWIND REEL. Fli;a SUBMINIATURE LED RIGHT ANGLE INDICATORS HEWLETT ~I:. PACKARD RED HIGH EFFICIENCY RED YELLOW GREEN HLMP-6000·010 HLMP-6300-010 HLMP·61100·010 HLMp·6500-010 Features • IDEAL FOR PC BOARD STATUS INDICA1'ION • SIDE STACKABLE ON.2.S4 mm (0.100 in) CENTERS • AVAILABLE IN FOUR COLORS • HOUSING MEETS UL 94V-O FLAMMABILITY SPECIFICATIONS • ADDITIONAL CATALOG LAMPS AVAILABLE AS OPTIONS Description The Hewlett-Packard ·series of Subminiature Right Angle Indicators are industry st,mdard status indicators that incorporate tinted diffused LED lamps in black plastic housings. The 2.54 mm (0.100 in) wide packages may be side stacked for maximum board space savings. The silver plated leads are in line on 2.54mm (0.100 in) centers, a standard spacing that makes the PC board layout straightforward. These products are designed to be used as back panel diagnostic indicators and logic status indicators on PC boards. Ordering Information To order Subminiature Right Angle indicators, order the base part number and add the option code 010. For price and delivery on Resistor Subminiature Right Angle Indicators and other subminiature LEOs not indicated above, please , contact your nearest H.P. Components representative. Absolute Maximum Ratings and Other Electrical/Optical Characteristics The absolute maximum ratings and typical device characteristics are identical to those of the Subminiature lamps. For information about these characteristics, see the data sheets of the equivalent Subminiatwe lamp. package Dimensions l r Fl 5'33 !O'210I 4.ea1lilllO) 2.54l0.1OO1 mllr.iili4i ~~!!~:=- ....----...............: ~!l!JW 3Af(ijM JL..",,.1 ~~ .J V-CATHODE t±1 0.'O.2.3!J1,'l!l9t (ij;ljij7f 2.6410.100) NOM. m(O.016) NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES IINCHE$l. 6-136 Flifl'l T-1 (3mm) RIGHT ANGLE LED INDICATORS HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD OPTION * 010 OPTION -101 Features • IDEAL FOR CARD EDGE STATUS INDICATION PACKAGE DESIGN ALLOWS FLUSH SEATING ON A PC BOARD • MAY BE SIDE STACKED ON 4.57 mm (0.18 in) CENTERS • UP TO 8 UNITS MAY BE COUPLED FOR A HORIZONTAL ARRAY CONFIGURATION WITH A COMMON COUPLING BAR (SEE T-1 RIGHT ANGLE ARRAY DATA SHEET) • LEDs AVAILABLE IN ALL LED COLORS, WITH OR WITHOUT INTEGRATED CURRENT LIMITING RESISTOR IN T·1 PACKAGES o EASY FLUX REMOVAL DESIGN • HOUSING MATERIAL MEETS UL 94V-0 RATING • ADDITIONAL CATALOG LAMPS AVAILABLE AS OPTIONS • For example. by ordering HLMp·1302-010, you would receive the long lead option. By ordering HLMP-1302-101. you would receive the short lead option. Arrays made by connecting two to eight Single Right Angle Indicators with a Common Coupling Bar are available. Ordering information for arrays maybe found on the T-l Right Angle Array data sheet. The above data sheet information is for the most commonly ordered part numbers. Refer to other T-l base part number specifications in this catalog for other lamp types that may be ordered with the right angle option. Description Hewlett-PaCkard T-l Right Angle Indicators are industry standard status indicators that incorporate a tinted diffused T-l LED lamp in a black plastic housing. The indicators are available in Standard Red, High Efficiency Red, Orange, Yellow. and High Performance Green. with or without an integrated current limiting resistor. These products are designed to be used as back panel diagnostic indicators and card edge logic status indicators. Absolute Maximum Ratings and Other Electrical/Optical Characteristics Ordering Information To order other T-l High Dome Lamps in Right Angle Housings in addition to the parts indicated above, select the base part number and add the option code 010 or 101, depending on the lead length desired (see drawing belowl. The absolute maximum ratings and typical device characteristics are identical to those of the T-l LED lamps. For information about these characteristics, see the data sheets of the equivalent T-l LED lamp. Package Dimensions 3.6810.145) 3:iS (0.125) DIA. o U 2'4~~~~95)l Fr 6.4310.253) mIO.247) n- I I 7.4410.293) ~[hR1ij~! ,~L * 1 r - 1 2 7 (0050) ~ NOM~.70 (0185) REF. OPTION NO. CATHODE LEAD #010 18.03 (0.710) MIN. #101 3.43 (0.135) 3.43 (0.135) MIN. MIN. LfNGTH see TAOLf NOM MAX. f -'----tt-'lc 2.54 (0.100) 4.5110.160) ANODE LEAD LfNGTH 1.27 (O.OSO) UNSHEARED NOM. LONGER UNEVEN LEADS THAN CATHODE SHEARED EVEN LEADS 0,4510,018) saUARf NOM 6-137 NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES IINCHfS). T-1 (3 mm) RIGHT Fli;' HEWLETT -.=~ PACKARD ANGLE ARRAYS OPTION: 102 104 103 105 106 108 107 Features • IDEAL FOR PC BOARD STATUS INDICATION • STANDARD 4 ELEMENT CONFIGURATION • EASY HANDLING • EASY FLUX REMOVAL • HOUSING MEETS UL 94V-OFLAMMABILITY SPECIFICATIONS • OTHER CATALOG LAMPS AVAILABLE Description These T-1 right angle arrays incorporate standard T-1 lamps for a good balance. 9f viewing angle and intensity. Single units: are held together by a plastic tie bar. The leads of each member of the array are spaced on 2.54 mm (0.100 in) centers. Lead spacil')g between adjacent lamps in the array is. on 2.03 mm (0.080 in) centers. These products are designed to be. used as back panel diagnostic indicators and logic status indicators on PC boards. Ordering Information Use the option code 102 through 108 in addition to the base part number to order' these amlys. Arrays from 2 to 8 elements in length and special lamp color combinations within an array· are available. Please contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Components representative for ordering information on these special items. package Dimensions NOTE: ALL DIMENSIOIIIS ARE IN MI~L'MeTRES (INCHES). \'!--_.-...j_ :~; (~!~l 3.68 (o.1~51 m~ 1 8.64!!)~ ~r 3.43(0.136) MIN. g~ 38.45 (1AIS} lU7@,7!!l UJi(f.'ffll 6-138 r~;w a!'g LED RIGHT ANGLE INDICATORS T-1 3/4~m) HEWLETT PACKARD OFfl'ON ~O OPTION -191 M Features • IDEAL FOR CARD EDGE STATUS INDICATION • PACKAGE DESIGN ALLOWS FLUSH SEATING ONAPCBOARD • MAY BE SIDE STACKED ON 6.35 mm (0.25") CENTERS • .LEDs AVAILABLE IN FOUR COLORS, WITH OR WITHOUT INTEGRATED CURRENT LIMITING RESISTOR IN T-1 3/4 TINTED DIFFUSED PACKAGES • ADDITIONAL CATALOG LAMPS AVAILABLE AS OPTIONS Description The T-1 3/4 Option 010 and 100 series of Right Angle Indicators are industry standard status indicators that incorporate a tinted diffused T-1 3/4 LED lamp in a black plastic housing. The indicators are available in standard Red, High Efficiency Red, Yellow, or High Performance Green with or without an integrated current limiting resistor. These products are designed to be used as back panel diagnostic indicators and card edge logic status indicators. package Dimensions OPTION NO. CATHODE LEAD LENGTH #010 4.70 (0.1851 3.68 (0.1451 #100 20.32 (0.8001 MIN. ANODE LEAD LENGTH 4.70 (0.1851 3.68 (0.1451 SHEARED EVEN LEADS 1.27 (0.0501 UNSHEARED NOM. LONGER UNEVEN LEADS THAN CATHODE NOTes: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES (INCHES). 2. !.fAD WIDTH MAY BE 0.45 (Q.D1BI OR 0.6410.02.) SQUARE NOMINAl. DEPENOING VPON PRODUCT TYPE. 3. OPTION 100 IS AVAILABLE fOR LONGER LEADS. 5.ol\ {O.2QO) WlUmlf NOTE 2 OElIIGNATes CATHODE I ~ I " \ - - 2.64(0.100) fATENT PENDING L:i~,,~ REF. NOM. 6-139 f t SEe TABLE Ordering Information To order T-1 3/4 high dome lamps in addition to the parts indicated above, select the base part number and add the option code 010 or 100. For example: HLMP-3750-010. Absolute Maximum Ratings and Electrical/Optical Characteristics All Hewlett-Packard T-1 3/4 high-dome lamps are available in right angle housing. Contact your local Hewlett-Packard Sales Office or authorized components distributor for additional ordering information. The absolute maximum ratings and device characteristics are identical to those of the T-1 3/4 LED lamps. For information about these characteristics, see the data sheets of the equivalent T-1 3/4 LED lamp. 6-140 FliU- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD T-1 3/4 LED LAMP RIGHT ANGLE HOUSING Features • FITS ANY HP HIGH DOME T-1 3/4 LED LAMP • SNAP-IN FIT MAKES MOUNTING SIMPLE • HIGH CONTRAST BLACK PLASTIC Description The HLMP-5029 is a black plastic right angle housing which mates with any Hewlett-Packard High Dome T-1 3/4 lamp. The lamp snaps into place. The material is fully compatible with environmental specifications of all Hewlett-Packard T-1 3/4 lamps. Physical Dimensions NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MllLlMETRES IINCHESI. 2. ALL TOLERANCES ± 0.254«0.0101 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. r--9.0210.33S} 4.57 (0.1801 ~ 3.731O.1411-+---->oj 0.64 (0.0331 6-141 HlMP-S029 F'in- OPTIONAL LEADFORMS FOR HP SUBMINIATURE LAMPS HEWLETT ~e. PACKARD Features • 100 OR 200 MIL BENDS • CATHODE TAB OR CATHODE STRIPE • SHORT OR LONG LEAD LENGTH CATHODE TAB REMOVED CATHODE STRIPE / A_~.J.,., H~ Description The Hewlett-Packard Subminiature Lamps are available in a variety of lead forms. In addition, these lead forms are available with or without cathode tabs. Iii 3.94 (0.1551 2.54 ( 0 . , 0 0 I U NOM. Ordering Information To obtain subminiature lamps with these lead forms, contact your local Hewlett-Packard sales office or franchised Hewlett-Packard Distributor for specific ordering instructions. Be sure to specify either .100" or .200" spacing, short Or long lead length, and cathode tab or cathode stripe. + . *.~~L M= 3.94 (0.1551 '----r I t 2.54 (0.,001-L-J· NOM. Figure 1, 0.100" Lead Spacing, Short Lead Length CATHODE TAB REMOVED CATHODE STRIPE CATHODE TAB INTACT A". .0 D I 1_, 10.16 (0.4001 10.67 (0.4201 n~·4201 ~ I 2.54 ( 0 . , 0 0 I U ~---l 2.54 (O.,OOIU NOM. NOM. NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES (INCHES). Figure 2. 0.100" Lead Spacing, Long Lead Length 6-142 " +A " - A-d.,", ~ I-.J_~ ---a.d,,'35) 3,,9410,,155) 3.9410.155) 'f I '---rI (0.200)~ I I 5.0B I- NOM. L5"OB 10,,200)J NOM. Figure 3. 0.200" Lead Spacing, Short Lead Length +-¥. .+ [] "'"OOnM "~."m CATHODE STRIPE ~ ~ -~ 10.16 (0.400) 10.67 (0.420) ~ - ---r . ~~ ~ 1--5.0B (0.200)-1 ~~ \.- 5.0B 10.200'-.1 NOM. NOM. NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES (INCHES). 2. REFER TO THE SPECIFIC DATA SHEET FOR SUBMINIATURE LAMPS FOR THE DETAILED DIMENSIONS OF THE LAMP. Figure 4. 0.200" Lead Spacing, Long Lead Length 6-143 10.16 (0.400) 10.67 (0.420) FliD'l CLIP AND RETAINING RING FOR PANEL MOUNTED T1 3/4 LEOs HEWLETT a!~ PACKARD OPTION 009 (HlMP-0103) Description The Option 009 (HLMP-0103) is a black plastic mounting clip and retaining ring. It is designed to panel mount Hewlett-Packard Solid State high profile T-1 3/4 size lamps. This clip and ring combination is intended for installation in instrument panels from 1.52mm (.060") to 3.18mm (.125") thick. For panels greater than 3.18mm (.125") counterboring is required to the 3.18mm (.125") thickness. r; N---T 1t!t7.37 (.290) DIA. -r ; ~:) (~~l)~ ; "~ ... ~ B.OO (.31S) OIA. 1. Drill an ASA C size 6.15mm (.242") dia. hole in the panel. Deburr but do not chamfer the edges of the hole. 2. Press the panel clip into the hole from the front of the panel. 3. Press the LED into the clip from the !;lack. Use blunt long nose pi iers to push on the LED. Do not use force on the LED leads. A tool such as a nut driver may be used to press on the clip. PLIERS Ordering Information T-1 3/4 High Dome LED Lamps can be purchased to include clip and ring by adding Option Code 009 to the device catalog part number. Example: To order the HLMP-3300 including clip and ring, order as follows: HLMP-3300 Option 009. 6-144 II I. )t-- i~ 6.731.265) DIA. II ~~e )I --I 9.53 (.375J D t A . _ RETAINING RING Mounting Instructions 4, Slip a plastic retaining ring onto the back of the clip and press tight using tools such as two nut drivers. 2. TOLERANCES, .25 (.010). ' CLIP Note: Clip and retaining ring are also available for T-1 package, from a non-HP source. Please contact Interconsal Association, 991 Commercial St., Palo Alto, CA 94303 for additional information. 6.73 (.265) 0.641.025) l 5'21('2051~ I-DIA. --II - NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES). HerlDetie Lamps .6-145 FhU- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD JAN QUALIFIED HERMETIC SOLID STATE lAMPS* 1N5765 1N6093 JAN1N5765 JAN1N6093 JANTX1N5765 JANTX1 N6093 1N6092 1N6094 JAN1N6092 JAN1N6094 JANTX1N6092 JANTX1N6094 Features • MILITARY QUALIFIED LISTED. ON MIL-S-19500QPL • CHOICE OF 4 COLORS Red High Efficiency Red Yellow Green HERMETIC T0-46 LAMP • DESIGNED FOR HIGH-RELIABILITY APPLICATIONS • HERMETICALLY SEALED • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • LOW POWER OPERATION • IC COMPATIBLE • LONG LIFE • TWO PANEL MOUNT OPTIONS[4] Option 001 Aluminum Black Anodized Sleeve Option 002 Black Conductive Composite Sleeve Both Options Have Wire Wrappable Leads Electrically Isolated From The Sleeve LAMP ASSEMBLY AS PANEL MOUNT Description The 1N5765, 1N6092, 1N6093 and 1N6094. solid state LED's are hermetically sealed in a TO-46 package with a tinted, diffused plastic lens over a glass window. The panel mountable versions consist of an LED unit permanently mounted in a conductive composite or anodized aluminum sleeve. The electrically conductive composite sleeve provides electrical contact to the front and back panels and has RFI shielding equivalent to the aluminum sleeve. Additionally, the composite sleeve has excellent tensil strength and superior scratch and wear resistance. All these devices are designed for high reliability applications and provide excellent on-off contrast, high axial luminous intensity and a wide viewing angle. The 1N6092 has a high efficiency red GaAsP on GaP LED chip with a red diffused lens over a glass window. This device is comparable to the 1N5765 but it's efficiency extends to higher currents and it provides greater luminous intensity. The 1N6093 provides a yellow GaAsP on GaP LED chip with a yellow, diffused lens over a glass window. The 1N6094 utilizes a green GaP LED chip with a green, diffused lens over a glass window. The plastic lens over glass window system is extremely durable and has exceptional temperature cycling capa" bilities. The 1N5765 utilizes a GaAsP LED chip with a red diffused lens over a glass window. 'Panel mount versions of all of ihe above are available per the selection matrix on the next page. 6-146 COLOR ..;;;. PART NUMBER ";;;LAMP AND PANEL MOUNT MATRIX Standard With JAN au,lilie,lIon[1] JAN'P·lus TX Testing(2] Description Product Sta ndard Red High Elfleiency Red Yellow Green rS], lN5?;65 1N6092 lN6093 Yellow Green Standard Red High Ellipeney Red Controlling MIL,S-1.9500 Document HLMP·0904 HLMp·0354 HLMP·0454 HLMP'0554 HLMP-0930 H'Mp;0380 IJANM19500/5l~Ol' HLMP'0480 IJANM19500lp2P01) HLMP·OSSO IJANM19500/52J01) Notes: 1. Parts are marked J1 NXXXX or as indicated. 2. Parts are marked JTX1 NXXXX or as indicated. 3. Panel mountable packaging incorporates additional assembly of the equivalent Table I TO-46 part into the panel mount enclosure. The resulting part is then marked per Table II. 4. When ordering panel mount devices, specify either Option #001 (anodized aluminum sleeve) or Option #002 (conductive composite sleeve). 5. JAN and JANTX parts only. JAN PART: Samples of each lot are subjected to Group A and B tests listed below. Every six months, samples from a single lot of each part type are subjected to Group C testing. All tests are to the conditions and limits specified by the appropriate MIL-S-19500 slash sheet. JANTX PART: These devices undergo 100% screening tests as listed below to the conditions and limits specified by the MIL-S-19500 slash sheet. The JANTX lot has also been subjected to Group A, Band C tests as for the JAN PART above. Examination or Test MIL-STD-7S0 Method Examination or Test GROUP A INSPECTION GROUP C INSPECTION Subgroup 1 Thermal shock (temperature cycling I End points: (same as subgroup 2 of group BI Subgroup 1 Visual and mechanical examination Subgroup 2 Luminous intensity {fJ Luminous intensity {O Reverse current MIL-STD-750 Method = 0° I = 30° 1 Forward voltage Subgroup 3 Capacitance 2071 - Subgroup 2 Subgroup 3 High-temperature life (nonoperating 1 End points: Luminous intensity iO = 0' 1 1031 4001 Subgroup 4 Steady-state operation life End paints: Isame as subgroup 31 1026 Subgroup 5 Peak forward pulse current Itransientl 2066 Subgroup 2 Solderability Thermal shock I temperature cycling 1 Thermal shock I glass strain - Resistance to solvents 4016 4011 GROUP B INSPECTION Subgroup 1 Physical dimensions I Hermetic seal Moisture resistance End points: Luminous intensity (0 = 0' 1 Subgroup 3 Shock Vibration, variable frequency Constant acceleration Subgroup 6 Peak forward pulse current 1 operating 1 - - End points: I same as subgroup 6 of group B I - PROCESS AND POWER CONDITION ("TX" types only) 2016 2056 2006 High temperature storage Inonoperating I Thermal shock (temperature cyclingl Constant acceleration Hermetic seal Luminous intensity (0 Forward voltage = 0' 1 Subgroup 4 Terminal strength End points: Hermetic seal 2036 1071 Reverse current Subgroup 5 Salt atmosphere I corrosion 1 1041 Burn-in I Forward bias 1 End paints Iwithin 72 hours of burn-in!: Subgroup 7 SteadY'state operation life End paints: Isame as subgroup 61 - End points: Isame as subgroup 6 of group BI 2026 1051 1056 1071 1021 End paints: Isame as subgroup 21 Subgroup 6 High-temperature life I nonoperating I End paints: Luminous intensity iO = 0' I 1051 1032 1027 6-147 ~ Luminous intensity ~ Forward voltage 1051 2006 1071 4011 4016 (0 = 0° I 4011 Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA=25°C Red HLMP-0904 Higb Eft. Red HLMP·0354 Yellow HLMP·0454 Green HLMp·0554 Units Power Dissipation (derate linearly from 50ac at 1.6mW/oC) 100 120 120 120 mW DC Forward Current 50[1) 35(2) 35[2] mA Parameter 35(2J 60 See Fig. 10 1000 See Fig. 5 Peak Forward Current Operating and Storage Temperature Range 60 See Fig. 15 60 See Fig. 20 mA -65°C to 100°C Lead Soldering Temperature (1.6mm (0.063 in.) from body) 260°C for 7 seconds. Notes: 1. Derate from 50' C at 0.2mA/' C 2. Derate from 50' C at O.SmA/' C Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C Symbol Description IVl Axial LumInous HLMP-0904 Min. Typ. O.S 1.0 Max. HLMP·0354 Min. Typ. 3.0 8.0 Max. HLMP-0454 Min. Typ. 3.0 8.0 M••. 20, , At Luminous Intensity ., e e Typ. 3.0.1 80 Int~nsity 1\12 HLMP-oS54 Min. 30'1 5 1 60 Included Angle aetween Half Luminous Intensity Points ApE!\1\ Peak Wavelength lSI ';d Dominanl Wavelength TS Speed of Response 1.5 1.5 1.5 m J Unit. Telt Condilloni mcd IF - 20mA FigS. mcd ee 0.09 111 25mA 1.5 70 70 70 'F M••. INO 655 700 590 635 695 550 583 640 626 585 10 200 200 Capacitancel 51 200 (-)K Thermal Re$istance'" 425 fiJ(' Thermal Re$lstance" 11 550 VF Forward Voltage 1.6 35 300 100 35 425 2.0 525 100 Reverse Currentl S j Revers~ Breakdown 3~' Figures 2.0 Measurement at Peak 570 nm 121 200 ns 600 100 'OJW 550 2.1 3.0 pF 'C/W 425 550 3.0 nm 565 35 425 550 2.0 660 3.0 V At IF; 25mA 18 IF ~ 20 mA 6.11,16,21 0 av. e ~ 0' LO 1.0 4 5 5.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 V,-O; f-l MHz 131 131 'FFigures 2. 7, ~20mA 12,17 IJA V VR- 3V Ik ~ 100pA Voltage ~, Luminous Efficacy 56 140 455 600 ImJW 141 NOTES: 1. e1/2 Is the off-axis angle at which the luminous 'intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. 'The domil1ant wavelength,' Ad. is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Junction to Cathode Lead with 3.18mm (0.125 inch) of leads exposed between base of flange and heat sink. 4. Radiant intensity, Ie. in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = 'v/t)v, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and t)v is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 5. Limits do not apply to non JAN or JANTX parts. 'Panel mount. ""TO-46 WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength. 6·148 Package Dimensions 1N5765,1N6092,1N6093,1N6094 HLMP-0904, 0354, 0454, 0554 TINTED PLASTIC OVER GLASS LENS 4.511.1801 'T 24.6 (.910) PART MARKING ["'~ 0.61 o. GLASS/,METAL HERl\leT1~CAN n 4 ~~u~~ :m2_l1.1iroi.1.t_O_1_ _ _ _ _ GOLD PLATED KOVAR 0,41 10.016) 0.4810.019) ~t~llr NOTES, 9'.~'''21~ _~_ 0.89~ 1.14r;o45j - r - - - - - - - I - - - - f I. THE PANELMOUNT SI.EEVE IS 'G.6?lt.4201 ~ EITHER A BLACK CONDUCTIVE COMPOSITE OR BLACK ANODizeD ALUMINUM. ~. GOI.O PLATED LEADS. 3. MOUNTING I-IARDWARE WHICH INCLUDES ONE LOCK 1.425) WASHER AND ONE H£X-NUT )S INCLUDED WITH EACH ~ PANEL MOUNTABLE HERMETIC SOLID STATE LAMP. 4. USE OF METRIC DRILL SIZE 8.20 MILLlMEtRES OR ENGLISH DRILL SIZE P (o.~~ INCH) IS RECOMMENDED + FOR PRODUCING HOLE IN THE PANEL FOR PANEL . MOUNTING. 4. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLtMETRES (INCHES). &. PACKAGE WEIGHT INCLUDING LAMP AND PANEL MOUNT IS 1.2 - U GRAMS. NUT AND WASHER 1$ AN exTlIA 0.6 -1.0 aRAM. L G,n.80;J-I1----; II I ~'53 (.0") _ OUTLINE T0-46 l f m~ NOteS! 1. AI,.l.. DIMENSIONS AllE IN MILUMeTRESUNCHES), 2. GO\.D·PLATED \.EAOS. :\. PACKAGE WEIGHT OF LAMP ALONE IS .25 -.a5 GRAMS. t. Family of Red 1N5765/HLMP-0904 2. 60 40 "• I l- 'fA ·wc 30 I 20 ili ~ ::> • fA > Iii 2.0 . Qfa 1.5 ffi< I- • ~ u ZN 0 i~ a: "" Ii" ~~ 1.0 ~~ ~ ~- I -" a: 1.40 T.I, 25'J /' ~~ 10 1 1.5 '~5'C 1.70 1.60 VF- FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. .5 / 00 V 1/ 10 20 U >0 u" / ~~ 1.0 ~ iE!:i ... .... ~o ~~ >~ -~ ~! .. -- - - a:~ 30 40 50 °0 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Currant. 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT -mA Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. 1N5765/H LMP-0904 9O'f--+--+-+--+'3 tp - PULSE WIDTH -,us Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (lDC MAX as per MAX Ratings) Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angul~r Displacement. Family of High Efficiency Red 1 N6092/HLMP-0354· 1 I I . 30 • 20 ~ I 1/ 0 15 ".0 v, - 1.50 zw ~~ 2.0 3.0 2.5 v 1.25 /' 1.00 ....... .... 2 0 II 8 / V' 0.00 5 3.4 V / 0.50 0.25 ~"25'b 4 / 0.75 10 15 20 25 30 35 IF - FORWARD CURRENT":' mA PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 7. Forward Current v•• Forward Voltage. 3.0 ....~~ ~9 ~< ~~ / ~ 1.75 ,g~ II 0 ~ ~ ~< I 40 C ~ • 1. 2.00 50 Figure 8. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Cu~rant. • · 0 V I 10 20 30 40 50 60 ' ':£At< - PEAK CURRENT - mA Figure 9. Relative Efficiency (Luminous·lntensity par Unit . Currentl vs. Peak Current. rr",nmr-.-rr . , 10 tp":' 1,000 10,000 PULSE DURATION ":#l$ Figure '11. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular DisPlacem8~. Figure 10. Maximum Tolerable Peak Cur· rent vs. Pulse Durati~n. (lDC MAX as par MAX Ratings) Family of Yellow 1N6093/HLMP-0454 1I ~ ac ! ... 30 ~ . , i J: 0 ~.o .15 \If - 2D / I 2.5 1.50 ~~ 1.2 !!i:::i 1.00 V 5 / ~:!i ! I o ~~ ~!;( , ! 0 I 2.00 ~C( 1.75 '/ Ii! ~ j ~ 6 40 1.6 2.25 I 0 3.0 I PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - V . F Ig·u;e 12. Forvikrd Current vs. . Forward Voltage. ~~ 0.75 ~~ 0,60 ... 0.25 / / 0 / "" 10 I • 15 20 25 30 ...... ;' /" 2 V' 0,00 5 i.....~ 4 35 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 13. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. ·/ · 0 ·FigUre.1~. 10 / 20 30 ---I-f-+--+--+lc++-+-t-+....,~ .75 .50 80' tp -PULSE DURATION -PI Figure 16. Relative Luminous Inte~sitY· vs. Angular Displacement. 6-150 50 60 . mA Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity par Unit Currentl vs. Peak Current• .....:l>+4+++++-t-t-H'·0. Figure 15. Maximum Tolerable Peak Cur· . . rent vs. Pulse Duration. (lDC MAX as par MAX Ratings) 40 IpEA~ '- PEAK CURRENT - Family of Green 1 N6094/HLMP-0554 1.6 2.00 0 ~ 0 ~~ II ~~ 1.25 00 z w 1.0 0 ~~ w~ 0 ~ ~ 0.50 ... V '.5 2.0 0.75 ~g if 0 2.S 3.0 3.4 VF - PEAK FORWARD VOL.TAGE - V Figure 17. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. 0.25 +•. ,.·b 4 ffi1",.50 II 0 1.75 V 0.00 5 V 10 V 15 V 20 17 /' ;; 2 0 /V 25 30 , I . 0 35 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA 10 20 "" V'" 30405060 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA Figure 18. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. Figure 19. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current . .50 ·.~+-++-l--f-4rl--i-f-H.25 ,., r.+i11t,r:-rmlH+-I-Tr,1il!-rtt-mN '.0,L...L.I.=":,o:-'-"""JlI,oo~.JW.u,.":OOO::-'-JWJlO"'.OOO tp - PUL.SE DURATION -lois Figure 20. Maximum Tolerable Peak Cur· rent vs. Pulse Duration. (lOC MAX as per MAX Ratings) Figure 21. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. 6-151 F/ihl ULTRA-BRIGHT HERMETIC SOLID STATE LAMPS* HEWLETT ~e. PACKARD HLMP-0363 HLMP-0391 HLMP-0392 HLMP'0463 HLMP'0491 HLMP-0492 HLMP-0563 HLMP-0591 HLMP'0592 .Features • SUNLIGHT VIEWABLE WITH PROPER CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT FILTER • HERMETICALLY SEALED • CHOICE OF 3 COLORS High Efficiency Red Yellow High Performance Green • LOW POWEROPERATION • IC COMPATIBLE • LONG LIFE/RELIABLE/RUGGED • TWO PANEL MOUNT OPTIONS[2] Option 001 Aluminum Black Anodized Sleeve Option 002 Black Conductive Composite Sleeve Both Options Have Wire Wrappable Leads Electicallylsolated From The Sleeve Description The HLMP-0363, HLMP-0463, and HLMP-0563 are hermetically sealed solid state lamps in a TO-i8 package with a clear glass lens. These hermetic lamps provide improved brightness over conventional hermetic LED lamps, excellent on-off contrast, and high axial luminous intensity. These LED indicators are designed for use in applications requiring readability in bright sunlight. With a proper contrast enhancement filter, these LED indicators are readable in sunlight ambients. All of these devices are available in a choice of two panel mountable fixtures, a conductive composite or anodized aluminum. COLOR Description PART NUMfJ'ER - The HLMP-0363 utilizes a high efficiency red GaAsP on GaP LED chip. The HLMP-0463 uses a yellow GaAsP on a GaP LED chip. The HLMP-0563 uses a green GaP LED chip. These devices are offered with JAN equivalent quality conformance inspection (OCI) and JANTX equivalent screenings similar to MIL-S-i9500/519/520/521. 'Panel Mount version of all of the above are available per the selection matrix on this page. LAMP AND PANEL MOUNT MATRIX JAN QCI Standard Product JANTX Equivalent TABLE I HERMETIC TO·18 PART NUMBER SYSTEM High Efficiency Red Yellow Green HLMP-0391 HLMP-0491 HLMP-0591 HLMP·0363 HLMP·0463 HLMP-0563 HLMP-0392 HLMP-0492 HLMP-0592 TABLE II PANEL MOUNTABLE PART NUMBER SYSTEM{1,2] High Efficiency Red Yellow Green HLMP-0364 HLMP'()464 HLMP'()564 HLMP'0365 HLMP-0465 HLMP-0565 HLMP-0366 HLMP-Q466 HLMP-0566 NOTE: 1. Panel mountable packaging incorporates additional assembly of the equivalent Table I TO-18 part into the panel mount enclosure. The resulting part is then marked per Table II. 2. When ordering panel mount devices, specify either Option #001 (anodized aluminum sleeve) or Option #002 (conductive composite sleeve). 6-152 JAN Equivalent: Samples of each lot are subjected to Group A and B, listed below. Every six months samples from a single lot of each part type are subjected to Group C testing. All tests are to the conditions and limits specified by the equivalent MIL-S-19500 slash sheet for the device under test. Examination or Test JANTX Equivalent: These devices undergo 100% screening tests as listed below to the conditions and limits specified by MIL-S-19500 slash sheet. The JANTX lot has also been subjected to Group A, Band C tests as for the JAN Equivalent PART above. MIL-STD-750 Method Examination or Test GROUP C INSPECTION GROUP A INSPECTION Subgroup 1 Visual and mechanical examination 2071 Subgroup 2 Luminous intensity (8; 0') Reverse current Forward voltage 4016 4011 Subgroup 3 Capacitance 4001 Subgroup 1 Thermal shock (temperature cycling) End points: (same as subgroup 2 of group B) - Subgroup 2 Resistance to solvents GROUP B INSPECTION Subgroup 1 Physical dimensions MIL-STD-750 Method - Subgroup 3 High-temperature life (nonoperating) End points: Luminous intensity (8; 0') 1031 Subgroup 4 Steady-state operation life End points: (same as subgroup 3) 1026 Subgroup 5 Peak forward pulse current (transient) 2066 1051 - - End points: (same as subgroup 6 of group B) Subgroup 2 Solderability Thermal shock (temperature cycling) Thermal shock (glass strain) Hermetic seal Moisture resistance End points: Luminous intensity (8; 0') 2026 1051 1056 1071 1021 Subgroup 3 Shock Vibration, variable frequency Constant acceleration End points: (same as subgroup 2) 2016 2056 2006 Subgroup 6 Peak forward pulse current (operating) End points: (same as subgroup 6 of group B) - Subgroup 4 Terminal strength End points: Hermetic seal 2036 1071 Subgroup 5 Salt atmosphere (corrosion) 1041 Subgroup 6 High-temperature life (nonoperating) End points: Luminous intensity (8; 0') 1032 Subgroup 7 Steady-state operation life End points: (same as subgroup 6) 1027 - PROCESS AND POWER CONDITION ("TX" types only) High temperature storage (nonoperating) Thermal shock (temperature cycling) Constant acceleration Hermetic seal Luminous intensity (8 ; 0') Forward voltage Reverse current Burn-in (Forward bias) End points (within 72 hours of burn-in): " Luminous intensity (8 ; 0') " Forward voltage - 6-153 1051 2006 1071 4011 4016 4011 Absolute Maximum Ratings at T-A=25° C Parameter Power Dissipation (derate linearly from 50·C at 1.6mW/·C) DC Forward Current High Elf. Red HLMP'0363 Yellow HLMP'0463 Green HLMP-Q563 Units 120 120 120 mW 35 111 35111 .60 See Fig. 10 35111 60 See Fig. 15 mA 60 Peak Forward Current See Fig.S Operating and Storage Temperature Range mA -65°C to i00·C Lead Soldering Temperature 11.6mm (0.063 In.) from body] 260· C lor 7 seoonds. NOTES: 1. Derate from 50° C a\ 0.5mAlo C Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA=25° C HlMP-0363 Symbol Descripllon IVl Axial Luminous Intensity 28112 Included Angle Between Half luminous Intensity Points >'PEAK Peak Wavelength Min. Typ. 20 50 HlMP-0463 Max. Min. Typ. 20 50 16 590 635 HlMP-0563 Max., Min. Typ. 20 I I 563 660 Unila Test Condilions mcd 18 deg. [11 Figures 6,11,16 nm Measurement at Peak 525 565 600 , Ad Dominant Wavelength T. Speed of Response C CapacltancelSI 0JC Thermal Resistance' 6JC m 626 585 570 nm 12J 200 200 ns pF Vl=O; 1=1 MHz ,oC/W [3J V IF = 20mA Figures 2,7,12 35 10a 100 35 425 425 425 Thermal ReSistance" 550 550 550 VF Forward Voltage 2.0 I" BVA Reverse Current 3.0 2.0 1.0 5.0 [31 3.0 25mA = 1.0 1.0 5.0 100 2.1 3.0 At IF Reverse Breakdown Voltage iF=20mA Figs. 3,8,13 /1=0' 50 AtlF=25mA 16 695 Mall. 5.0 /.IA V VR"'SV IR=JooIlA 140 455 600 Im/W [4) luminous Efficacy 'Iv NOTES: 1. 9'1.. is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity. 2. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. Junction to Cathode Lead with 3.18mm (0.125 inch) of leads exposed between base of flange and heat sink. 4. Radiant intensity, Ie, in watts/steradian. may be found from the equation Ie = IvI'1v, where Iv is'the luminous intensity in candelas and 'Iv is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt. 5. Limits do not apply to non screened parts. 'Panel mount. "TO'~18. 1,0r-------------~~~-,__--~~~~--~~~------------~------------_, O,5r------------tr---+-~----~~~r_------~~._--------~------------~ WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 1. Relative Intensity ¥s. Wavelength. 6-154 package Dimensions HLMP-0363, 0463, 0563 . "-a.'ll~ cr L- HLMP-0364, 0464, 0564 4'6~\('1781 MH~l 4,85 r.46 __ rr.-.,,--rt DIA. GLASS LENS -r:;f' "'~ Y-- t 262 tro01 c",' - GLASS.I.. M ...ETAl ~ HERMETI~ CAN 1:215) _~. W~~. ~~ 0.61 to:024i -J~~~IOIA. 0.48 10.019' QJ!l!~ 1.141.045' -~ NOTES: 1. THE PANELMOUNT SLEEVE 1$ EtTHEFl A BLACK CONDUCTiVE' CATHODE COMPOSlTE OR BLACK ANODIZ~O AI.UMINt,JM, HA~DWAftE WHICH INCLUOES ONE lOCK WASH!:R AND ONE HEX·Nl,." IS INCLUDED WtTH EACH PANEL MOUNTABLE HERMETIC 801..10 STATE LAMP. 2. MOUNTING i I .J O.81~ ~ 1.01(.042) OUTLINE TO-18 3, USE OF METRIC ORILL SIZE &20 MILUMETFlESOR NOrEg, ENGl.ISH OfULl SIZE P (0-,323 INCHI IS flECOMMENOEO FOR: :PRODUCING HOLE tN THE MNEl FOR PAN.El MOUNTING. 4. All OIMf;NSIONS ARE IN MILUMETRES fiNCHES). 1, ALL DIMENStONS ARE IN MILI.,IMETRES (INCHE$). .2. GOLD·PLATEO LEADS. 3. PACKAGE WEIGHT OF LAMP ALONE IS .2$. ,40GAAMs' S. PACKAGE WEIGHT INCLUDING- LAMP AND PAN~LMOUNT IS 1.z ~ 1.8-GAAMS. NUT AND WASHER ISANEXTRA .6-1.0GRAM. Family of High Efficiency Red HLMP-0363/HLMP-0364 1 I . 50 I io .. II o i ~ I ~ 1.75 ~< ~~ gS 1.1)0 ~~ 1.25 ~~ ;~ 30 ).o>s'! / 1.00 / ~~ e ~ I .6 2.00 ~~ ~~ I 20 ~- / 0.25 0.00 5 3.0 / 7 0 Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. / 20 25 35 Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. .6 0 10 20 30 ~ u 1.72 o 1.000 10,000 9O.1---J---J---J----=f::o 80' 90' ,08· tp - PULSE DURATION - /.IS Figure 5. Maximum Tolerable Peak Curent vs. Pulse Duration. (Ioc MAX as per MAX Ratings) Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. 6-155 40 50 60 Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. z ~ -2.0 100 .- IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA 3.0 10 " I 15 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA VF - PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - V / 8 ./ 10 " 2 / ~g 0.50 10 0 0.75 4 Family of Yellow HLMP-0463/HLMP-0464 60 1I ~ ~ a II I I 50 ~ l- 30 I ~ ~ 20 • o 1.50 ~!il 1.25 ~ ~ 21 ~ 1.00 :; w~ >« 0.75 1. 0 1.5 2.0 3.0 2.5 j ~ 1i0 0.50 g • 6 1.0 1//1 1 I I V I '0102030405060 3.4 VF - PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - V IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 7. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. ..... Q >i -0 ~~ ,~ 4 Q ~~ ~~ i I v 10 ;;;1=>~ U 1.75 ~~ I I ; ~ct I ~.-:wb 2.00 ~ 40 o 1.6 2.25 Figure 8. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. Figure 9. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. I- Z « « => u u 1.72 o 100 tp - PULse DURATION - 1-1$ Figure 11. Relallve Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. Figure 10. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (Ioc MAX as per MAX Ratings) Family of Green HLMP-0563/HLMP-0564 1 .• 2.00 I I 0 • 0 tt± ~ ffi~ ~~ 1.7 , 00 zw 1.00 ~~ 0.7, w~ >« II iLl ~~ 0.5 0 ... 0.2 '/ 0.0 0 VF - PEAK fORWARD VOLTAGE - V V V ./ '/ ./' ~ ~ ~ ~ W W 0 W :: ~ ~«15~ g 1.' ..."" 1.2 ~ .. / 1.' // .. I 10 15 20 25 30 35 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 12. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. g ffi 1 > 1.50 ~< 1.2 J. -..·h , Figure 13. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current. '·0 10 20 30 l ~i .;ll -+--+-j-j-H.60 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 1 10 100 1.000 10,000 tp - PULSE DURATION - 1-11 Figure 15. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. (Ioc MAX as per MAX Ratings) 80'1--+---+---+---1 Figure 16. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. 6-156 50 Figure 14. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. -+--+--+-j"'--H·75 I 40 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT - rnA 60 Contrast Enhancement The objective of contrast enhancement is to optimize display readability. Adequate contrast enhancement can be achieved in indoor applications through luminous contrast techniques. Luminous contrast is the observed brightness of the illuminated indicator compared to the brightness of the surround. Appropriate wavelength filters maximize luminous contrast by reducing the amount of light reflected from the area around the indicator while transmitting most of the light emitted by the indicator. These filters are described further in Application Note 1015. 6-157 . " l~ • Solid State Displays • • • • • • Smart Alphanumeric Displays Alphanumeric Displays AIGaAs Seven Segment Displays Seven Segment Displays Hexadecimal and Dot Matrix Displays Hermetic Displays Solid State Displays Hewlett-Packard's line of Solid State Displays answers all the needs of the designer. From smart alphanumeric displays to low cost numeric displays in sizes from 3 mm (0.15 in.) to 20 mm (0.8 in.) and colors of red, high efficiency red, yellow, and high performance green, the selection is complete. Hewlett-Packard's 5 x 7 dot matrix alphanumeric display line comes in 3 character sizes: 3.8 mm (0.15 in.), 5 mm (0.2 in.), and 6.9 mm (0.27 in.). In addition, there are now 4 colors available for each size: standard red, yellow, high efficiency red, and green. This wide selection of package sizes and colors makes these products ideal for a variety of applications in avionics, industrial control, and instrumentation. The newest addition to HP's alphanumeric display line, the intelligent eight character, 5.0 mm (0.2 in.) alphanumeric display in the very flexible 5 x 7 dot matrix font. Product features include, a low power onboard CMOS IC, ASCII decoder, the complete 128 ASCII character set, and the LED drivers. In addition, an on-board RAM offers the designer the ability to store up to 16 user-definable characters, such as foreign characters, special symbols and logos. These features make it ideal for avionics, medical, telecommunications, analytical equipment, computer products, office and industrial equipment applications. Another addition to HP's alphanumeric display line is the large (0.68 inch and 1.04 inch) 5 x 7 dot matrix alphanumeric display family. This family is offered in standard red (both sizes), high efficiency red (1.04 inch only) and high performance green (both sizes). These displays have excellent viewability; the 1.04 inch character font can be read at up to 18 meters (12 meters for the 0.68 inch display). Applicationis for these large 5 x 7 displays include industrial machinery and process controllers, weighing scales, computer tape drive systems and transportation. Hewlett-Packard's line of numeric seven segment displays is one of the broadest. From low cost, standard red displays to high light ambient displays producing 7.5 mcd/segment, HP's 0.3 in., 0.43 in., 0.56 in., and 0.8 in. characters can provide a solution to every display need. HP's product offering include 0.56 in. dual digit displays and a line fo small package, bright 0.3 in. displays - the 0.3 in. Microbright. HP's borad line of numeric seven segment displays are ideal for electronic instrumentation, industrial, weighing scales, point-ofsale terminals and appliance applications. The newest addition to HP's line of numeric seven segment displays is the Double Heterojunction AlGaAs red low current display family. This family is offered in the 0.3 min. Mini, 0.43 in., 0.56 in., and 0.8 in. package sizes. These AlGaAs numeric displays are very bright at low drive currents - typical intensity of 650 mcd/segment at I rnA/segment drive. These displays are ideal for battery operated and other low power applications. 7-2 High Reliability Displays In addition to Hewlett-Packard commercial solid state displays, Hewlett-Packard offers a complete line of hermetic packages for high reliability military and aerospace applications. These package consists of numeric and hexadecimal displays, 5 x 7 dot matrix alphanumeric displays with extended temperature ranges, and fully intelligent monolithic 16 segment displays with extended temperature ranges and on board CMOS IC's. Similar to the commercial display product selection, the high reliability display products are available in a variety of character sizes and all four colors: standard red, high efficiency red, yellow, and high performance green. Integrated numeric and hexadecimal displays (with onboard IC's) solve the designer's decoding/driving problems. They are available in plastic packages for . general purpose usage, ceramic/glass packages for industrial applications, and hermetic packages for high reliability applications. This family of displays has been designed for ease of use in a wide range of environments. Hewlett-Packard offers three different testing programs for the high reliability conscious display customer. These programs include DESG Qualification on the MIL-D-87157 for the hermetically sealed 4N51-4N54 hexadecimal and numeric displays; and two levels of inhouse high reliability testing programs that conform or a modification to MIL-D-87157 Quality Level A Test Tables for all other high reliability display products. Please refer to the individual data sheets for a complete description of each display's testing program. 7-3 Alphanumeric LED Displays Page Device l ~ i-+-1 L ___ .J ~_=_J ,, , , ' , PIN Description HDSP-2111 5.0 mm (0.2 in.) 5 x 7 Eight Character HDSP-2112 Intelligent Display Operating Temperature Range: -20°C to +70°C Yellow HPDL-1414 2.85 mm (.112") Four Character Monolithic Smart Alphanumeric Display Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C HPDL-2416 4.1 mm (.16") Four Character Monolithic Smart Alphanumeric Display Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C HDSP-2000 3.8 mm (.15") 5 x 7 Four Character Alphanumeric HDSP-2001 12 Pin Ceramic 7.62 mm (.3") DIP with untinted HDSP-2002 glass lens. Operating Temperature HDSP-2003 Range: -20°C to +85°C HDSP-2300 5.0 mm (.20") 5 x 7 Character Alphanumeric HDSP-2301 12 Pin Ceramic 6.35 mm (.25") DIP with untinted HDSP-2302 glass lens Operating Temperature HDSP-2303 Range: -20"C to +85°C Application Color No. • • • • • • • Avionics Medical Telecommunications Analytical Equipment Computer Products Office Equipment Industrial Equipment 7-19 Red • • • • Portable Data Entry Devices Industrial Instrumentation Computer Peripherals Telecommunication Equipment 7-30 Red • • • • • Portable Data Entry Devices Medical Equipment Industrial Instrumentation Computer Peripherals Telecommunication Equipment 7-38 Red • Computer Terminals • Business Machines • Portable, Hand-held or mobile.data entry, readout or communications High Efficiency Red Yellow High Efficiency Red High Performance Green Red Yellow High Efficiency Red High Performance Green 7-46 For further information see Application Note 1016. • Avionics • Grounds Support, Cockpit, Shipboard' Systems • Medical Equipment • Industrial and Process control • Computer Peripherals and Terminals 7-50 For further information see Application Note 1016. HDSP-2490 6.9 mm (.27") 5 x 7 Four Character Alphanumeric HDSP-2491 28Pin Ceramic 15.24 mm (.6") DIP with untinted HDSP-2492 glass lens D~ Red Yellow High Efficiency Red HDSP-2493 Operating Temperature Range: -20°C to +85°C High Performance Green 5082-7100 Red Untinted Glass Lens 5082-7101 5082-7102 6.9 mm (.27") 5 x 7 Three Character Alphanumeric 22 Pin Ceramic 15.2 mm (.6") DIP 6.9 mm (.27") 5 x 7 Four Character Alphanumeric 28 Pin Ceramic 15.2 mm (.6") DIP 6.9 mm (.27") 5 x 7 Five Character Alphnumeric 36 Pin Ceramic 15.2 mm (.6") DIP 7-4 • High Brightness Ambient Systems • Industrial and Process Control • Computer Peripherals • Ground Support Systems 7-56 For further information see Application Note 1016. General Purpose Market • Business Machines • Calculators • Solid State CRT • Industrial Equipment 7-80 Alphanumeric LED Displays (cont.) Device Description HDSP-6504 3.8 mm (.15") Sixteen Segment Four Character Alphanumeric 22 Pin 15.2 mm (.6") DIP HDSP-6508 3.8 mm (.15") Sixteen Segment Eight Character Alphanumeric 26 Pin 15.2 mm (.6") DIP HDSP-6300 3.56 mm (.14") Sixteen' Segment Eight Character Alphanumeric 26 Pin 15.2 mm (.6") DIP Color Red • • • • m- n , ,,, , g g g g g g ·· ··• Application Computer Terminals Hand Held Instruments In-Plant Control Equipment Diagnostic Equipment • Computer Peripherals and Terminals • Computer Base Emergency Mobile Units . • Automotive Instrument Panels • Desk Top Calculators • Hand-Held Instruments· '--- A Page No. 7-84 7-90 For further information ask for Application Note 931. Alphanumeric Display Systems Device PIN rI ~I f ~ ug ". $" oi:, []j; []lj r1 []l': ljil DO o 0 fh.lj)<:>~ , 0" .. Description Color HDSP-6621 Single Line 16 Character Display Board Utilizing the HPDL-1414 114.30 mm (4.50") Lx 30.48 mm (1.20") H x 8.12 mm (0.32") D HDSP-6624 Single Line 32 Character Display Board Utilizing the HPDL-2416 223.52 mm (8.80") L x 58.42 mm (2.30") H x 15.92 mm (0.62") D HDSP-2416 Single-Line 16 Character Display Panel Utilizing the HDSP-2000 HDSP-2424 Single-Line 24 Character Display Panel Utilizing the HDSP-2000 HDSP-2432 Single-Line 32 Character Display Panel Utilizing the HDSP-2000 HDSP-2440 Single-Line 40 Character Display Panel Utilizing the HDSP-2000 Display HDSP-2470 HDSP-2000 Display Interface Incorporating a 64 Character ASCII Decoder HDSP-2471 HDSP-2000 Display Interface Incorporating a 128 Character ASCII Decoder HDSP-2472 HDSP-2000 Display Interface without ASCII Decoder. Instead, a 24 Pin Socket is Provid ed to Accept a Custom 128 Character Set from a User Programmed 1K x 8 PROM 162.56 mm (6.4") Lx 58.42 mm (2.3") H x 7.11 mm (0.28") D m.80 mm (7.0") L x 58.42 mm (2.3") H x 7.11 mm (.28") D 171.22 mm (6.74") Lx 58.42 mm (2.3") H x 16.51 mm (.65") D 7-5 Appllcallon • • • • Computer Peripherals Telecommunications Industrial Equipment Instruments • Data Entry Terminals • Instrumentation Page No. 7-60 7-68 Large Alphanumeric Displays PIN Device HDSP-4701 Red. Common Row Anode I(5"6'Qc5O 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 .QQQQQ I Page No. 17.3 mm (0.6S") Dual-in-Line 0.70" H x 0.50"W x 0.26" D 770 !lcd/dot (100 mA Peak. 1/5 Duty Factor) 7-95 26.5 mm (1.04") Dual-in-Line 1.10" H x 0.79"W x 0.25" D S60 !lcd/dot (100 mA Peak, 1/5 Duty Factor) HDSP-4703 Red, Common Row Cathode HDSP-4401 Red, Common Row Anode 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 Typical Iv @ 50 mA Peak. 1/5 Duty Factor Package Description HDSP-4403 Red, Common Row Cathode HDSP-4501 High Efficiency Red, Common Row Anode 3500 !lcd / dot HDSP-4503 High Efficiency Red, Common Row Cathode 7-6 Double Heterojunction AIGaAs Red Low Current Seven Segment LED Displays Package Device .:B:. §] ~ Description Typical Iv @ 1 rnA DC Page No. 7-103 HDSP-A101 HDSP-A103 HDSP-A107 HDSP-A10S AIGaAs AIGaAs AIGaAs AIGaAs Red, Red, Red, Red, Common Anode, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP Overflow ±1 Common Anode Overflow ±1 Common Cathode 600 !'cd/seg. HDSP-E100 HDSP-E101 HDSP-E103 HDSP-E106 AIGaAs AlGaAs AIGaAs AIGaAs Red, Red, Red, Red, Common Anode, LHDP Common Anode, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP Universal Overflow ±1 650 !,cd / seg. HDSP-H101 HDSP-H103 HDSP-H107 HDSP-H10S AlGaAs AIGaAs AIGaAs AIGaAs Red, Red, Red, Red, Common Anode, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP Overflow ±1 Common Anode Overflow ±1 Common Cathode 700 !,cd/seg. HDSP-N100 HDSP-N101 HDSP-N103 HDSP-N105 HDSP-N106 AlGaAs AIGaAs AIGaAs AIGaAs AIGaAs Red, Red, Red, Red, Red, Common Anode, LHDP Common Anode, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP Common Cathode, LHDP Universal Overflow ±1 590 !'cd/seg. :=0 : , " Z62 mm (0.3") Mini Dual-in-Line 0.5"H x 0.3"W x 0.24"D . . =ff. : 0=: :ao: :U=O:? , B • ~ 0 0 10.92 mm (0.43") Dual-in-line 0.75"H x 0.5"W x 0.25"D =0 bQ9 ~ 1BJ ++.? 14.2 mm (0.56") Dual-in-Line (Single Digit) 0.6TH x 0.49"W x 0.31 "D ~ilu~ =. lLD~ o + 0 + + + O~ ! D ! FOil! + + ,+ o~ 20 mm (O.S") Dual-in-Line 1.09"H x 0.7S"W x 0.33"D 7-7 High Efficiency Red Low Current Seven Segment LED Displays Device, Package :.~ .:8.:. .:=0 .: §J Description HDSP-7511 HDSP-7513 HDSP-7517 HDSP-7518 High Efficiency Red, High Efficiency Red, High Efficiency Red, High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP .' Overflow ±1 Common Anode Overflow ±1 Common Cathode HDSP-3350 HDSP-3351 HDSP-3353 HDSP-3356 High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, LHDP High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, RHDP High Efficiency Red, Common Cathode, RHDP High Efficiency Red, Universal Polarity and Overflow Indicator, RHDP Typical Iv @ 2 mA DC Page No. 270 /lcd / seg. 7-109 0 7.62 mm (0.3") Microbright Dual-in-Line 0.5"H x 0.3"W x 0.24"0 , 'B .• U.=d· '. O'. :U=O~ :~ O~. ~ D }OO /lcdl seg. , ~. 10.92 mm (0.43") Dual-in-line 0.75"H x 0.5"W x 0.25"0 lS ~ [J._ =0 ••• ? HDSP-5551 HDSp:5553 HDSP-5557 HDSP-5558 High Efficiency Red, High Efficiency Red, High Efficiency Red, High Efficiency Red, Commoh Anode, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP Overflow ±1 Common Anode Overflow ±fCommon Cathode 14.2 mm (0.56") Dual-in-Line (Single Digit) 0.67"H x 0.49"W x 0.31"0 7-8 370/lcd/seg. Red, High Efficiency Red, Yellow, and High Performance Green Seven Segment LED Displays Package . . r-- - , ;=0, : .:8: " + '--- ,C{?O' , + - ~ , 0' • + 7.62 mm (.3") Microbright Dual-in-Line .5" H x .3" W x .24" D .-, -:---:, : 0:::0; /,0=° 0 :cr 0: , '---- ,a , - Description Device o 0' ~ , 7.62 mm (.3") Dual-in-line .75" H x .4" W x .1B" D Typical Iv @ 20 rnA DC HDSP-7301 HDSP-7302 HDSP-7303 HDSP-7304 HDSP-7307 HDSP-730B HDSP-7311 HDSP-7313 HDSP-7317 HDSP-731B Red, Common Anode, RHDP Red, Common Anode, RHDP, Colon Red, Common Cathode, RHDP Red, Common Cathode, RHDP, Colon Red, Overflow, ±1, Common Anode, RHDP Red, Overflow, ±1, Common Cathode, RHDP Bright Red, Common Anode, RHDP Bright Red, Common Cathode, RHDP Bright Red, Overflow, ±1, Common Anode Bright Red, Overflow, ±1, Common Cathode 1100/lcd/seg HDSP-7401 HDSP-7402 HDSP-7403 HDSP-7404 HDSP-7407 HDSP-740B Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, 2750/lcd/seg HDSP-7501 HDSP-7502 HDSP-7503 HDSP-7504 HDSP-7507 HDSP-750B High High High High High High Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency HDSP-7B01 HDSP-7B02 HDSP-7B03 HDSP-7B04 HDSP-7B07 HDSP-7BOB High High High High High High Performance Green, Performance Green, Performance Green, Performance Green, Performance Green, Performance Green, 50B2-7730 50B2-7731 50B2-7736 50B2-7740 Red, Red, Red, Red, Common Anode, LHDP Common Anode, RHDP Universal Polarity and Overflow Indicator, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP 50B2-7610 50B2-7611 50B2-7613 50B2-7616 High Efficiency High Efficiency High Efficiency High Efficiency RHDP 50B2-7620 50B2-7621 50B2-7623 50B2-7626 Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, HDSP-3600 HDSP-3601 HDSP-3603 HDSP-3606 High High High High Common Anode, RHDP Common Anode, RHDP, Colon Common Cathode, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP, Colon Overflow, ±1, Common Anode Overflow, ±1, Common Cathode Red, Red, Red, Red, Red, Red, Red, Red, Red, Red, Common Anode, RHDP Common Anode, RHDP, Colon Common Cathode, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP, Colon Overflow, ±1, Common Anode Overflow, ±1, Common Cathode Common Anode, RHDP Common Anode, RHDP, Colon Common Cathode, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP, Colon Overflow, ±1, Common Anode Overflow, ±1, .Common Cathode Common Anode, LHDP Common Anode, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP Universal Polarity Overflow Indicator, Common Anode, LHDP Common Anode, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP Universal Polarity and Overflow Indicator, RHDP Performance Green, Common Anode, LHDP Performance Green, Common Anode, RHDP Performance Green, Common Cathode, RHDP Performance Green, Universal Overflow Indicator, RHDP 7-9 Page No. 7-115 1355 /lcd/seg 5400 /lcd / seg 3700 /lcd /seg 770/lcd/seg 4400 /lcd /seg 3400 /lcd /seg 3950/lcd/seg 7-121 Red, High Efficiency Red, Yellow, and High Performance Green Seven Segment LED Displays (continued) Package + + , , : a u: :O=~ '=0' :0=0: a , + to,O ~ ~ 10.92 mm (.43") Dual·in·line .75" H x .5" W x .25" 0 +gj f];qQ 1"-1'+++ 90 =0 +"","+0 14.2 mm (.56") Dual·in·Line (Single Digit) .67" H x .49" W x .31" D Device 5082·7750 5082·7751 5082·7756 5082·7760 5082·7650 5082·7651 5082·7653 5082·7656 High Efficiency Red, High Efficiency Red, High Efficiency Red, High Efficiency Red, Indicator, RHDP 5082·7660 5082·7661 5082·7663 5082·7666 Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, HDSp·4600 HDSp·4601 HDSp·4603 HDSP·4606 HDSp·5301 HDSp·5303 HDSp·5307 HDSp·5308 HDSp·5321 HDSp·5323 High Performance Green, Common Anode, LHDP High Performance Green, Common Anode, RHDP High Performance Green, Common Cathode, RHDP High Performance' Green, Universal Overflow Indicator, RHDP Red, Common Anode, RHDP Red, Common Cathode, RHDP Red ±1, Common Anode, RHDP Red ±1, Common Cathode, RHDP Red, Common Anode, Dual Digit, RHDP Red, Common Cathode, Dual Digit, RHDP HDSp·5501 HDSP·5503 HDSp·5507 HDSp·5508 HDSp·5521 HDSp·5523 High High High High High High HDSp·5601 HDSp·5603 HDSp·5607 High Performance Green, Common High Performance Green, Common High Performance Green, Common Indicator, RHDP High Performance Green, Common Indicator, RHDP High Performance Green, Common High Performance Green, Common RHDP HDSp·5608 'SIj ~20;;0o 14.2 mm (.56") Dual-in'Line (Dual Digit) .67" H x 1.0" W x .31" 0 Red, Red, Red, Red, Description Common Anode, LHDP Common Anode, RHDP Universal Polarity and Overflow Indicator, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP HDSp·5621 HDSp·5623 HDSp·5701 HDSP·5703 HDSP·5707 HDSp·5708 HDSp·5721 HDSP·5723 Common Anode, LHDP Common Anode, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP Universal Polarity and Overflow Common Anode,LHDP Common Anode, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP Universal Polarity and Overflow Indicator, RHDP Efficiency Red, Common Anode, RHDP Efficiency Red, Common Cathode, RHDP Efficiency Red ±1, Common Anode, RHDP Efficiency Red ±1, Common Cathode, RHDP Efficiency Red, Common Anode, Dual Digit, RHDP Efficiency Red, Common Cathode, Dual Digit, RHDP Anode, RHDP Cathode, RHDP Anode Overflow Page No. 7·121 6100 !lcd/seg 4600 !lcd/seg 3850 !lcd /seg 1300 !lcd /seg 6300 !lcd/seg 5600 /.Lcd / seg Cathode Overflow Anode, Dual Digit, RHDP Cathode, Dual Digit, Yellow, Common Anode, RHDP Yellow, Common Cathode, RHDP Yellow ±1, Common Anode, RHDP Yellow ±1, Common Cathode, RHDP Yellow, Common Anode, Dual Digit, RHDP Yellow, Common Cathode, Dual Digit, RHDP 7-10 Typical Iv @ 2D rnA DC 1100 !lcd /seg 4200 /.Lcd / seg 7·130 Red, High Efficiency Red, Yellow, and High Performance Green Seven Segment LED Displays (continued) Package 1B1D" + , + +0 0+ + 1- Device HDSP·3400 HDSp·3401 HDSp·3403 HDSp·3405 HDSP·3406 HDSP·3900 HDSp·3901 HDSp·3903 HDSp·3905 HDSp·3906 Descrlpllon Red, Common Anode, LHDP Red, Common Anode, RHDP Red, Common Cathode, RHDP Red, Common Cathode, LHDP Red, Universal Polarity Overflow Indicator, RHDP High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, LHDP High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, RHDP High Efficiency Red, Common Cathode, RHDP High Efficiency Red, Common Cathode, LHDP High Efficiency Red, Universal Polarity Overflow Indicator, RHDP HDSp·4200 HDSp·4201 HDSp·4203 HDSp·4205 HDSp·4206 Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, HDSp·8600 HDSp·8601 HDSp·8603 HDSp·8605 HDSp·8606 High High High High High 1- t Dm .+ -+c==:=I !+ D il! o· 20 mm (.8") Dual·in·Line 1.09" H x .78" W x .33" D Common Anode, LHDP Common Anode, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP Common Cathode, LHDP Universal Polarity Overflow Indicator, RHDP Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance Green, Common Anode, LHDP Green, Common Anode, RHDP Green, Common Cathode,.RHDP Green, Common Cathode, LHDP Green, Universal Overflow Indicator, RHDP Typical Iv @ 20 rnA DC 1200 !lcd/seg Page No. 7·138 4800 !lcd / seg 3400 !lcd/seg 3600 !lcd / seg High Ambient Light, High Efficiency Red, Yellow, and High Performance Green Seven Segment Displays Package Device Descrlpllon HDSp·3530 High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, LHDP . . r:---: · . :0=0: :0 0:O' .,,°=° · . ----- HDSp·3531 High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, RHDP HDSp·3533 High Efficiency Red, Common Cathode, RHDP HDSP·3536 High Efficiency Red, Universal Polarity Overflow Indicator, RHDP HDSp·4030 Yellow, Common Anode, LHDP 7.62 mm (.3") Dual·in·Line .75" H x .4" W x .18" D HDSp·4031 Yellow, Common Anode, RHDP HDSp·4033 Yellow, Common Cathode, RHDP HDSP·4036 Yellow, Universal Polarity Overflow Indicator, RHDP HDSp·3600 High Performance Green, Common Anode, LHDP HDSP·3601 High Performance Green, Common Anode, RHDP HDSp·3603 High Performance Green, Common Cathode, RHDP HDSp·3606 High Performance Green, Universal Overflow Indicator, RHDP - •a 0 + o ~ 7-11 Typical Iv @ 100 rnA Peak 1/5 Duty Factor Page No. 7100 !lcd/seg 7·145 4500!lcd/seg 7000 !lcd/seg (90 mA Peak 1/3 Duty Factor) 7·121 High Ambient Light, High Efficiency Hed, Yellow, and High Performance Green Seven Segment Displays (continued) '. Package + + : O:=d. :0=0:·f ~ .. Device , + : a +c:::::I + D + 0IF 0 + + 10,92 mm (.43") Dual-in-Line .75" H x .5" W x .25" D [Q 90 +"t'+++- ~qo' 14.2.mm (.56") Dual-in-Line .67" H x .49" W x .31" D '8' a- + + + +. + +' + .. + ,,+ + + + 'b .. d a at! : a ll: + + + ! -+=+ + + HDSP-3730 HDSP-3731 HDSP-3733 HDSP-3736 High Efficiency Red, High Efficiency Red, High Efficiency Red, High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, LHDP Common Anoae, RHDP Common Cathode, RHDP Universal Poliuity Overflow Indicator, RHDP HDSP-4130 HDSP-4131 HDSP-4133 HDSP-4136 Yellow, Common Anode, LHDP Yellow, Common Anode, RHDP Yellow, Common Cathode, RHDP Yellow, Universal Polarity ,Ove.~low Ind.icalo(;' RHDP HDSP-4600 HDSP-4601 HDSP-4603 HDSP-4606 High High High High HDSP-5531 HDSP-5533 HDSP-5537 HDSP-5538 Typical Iv @ 100 mA Peak 115 Duty Factor Page No• 10000/lcd/seg 7-145 0 + + . DescripUon + 0+ 20 mm (.8") Dual-in-Line 1.09" H x .78" W x ,33" D 5000 /lcd / seg Performance Green, Common Anode, LHDP Performance Green, Common Anode, RHDP' Performance Green, Common Cathode,.RHDP Performance Green, Universal Overflow Indicator, RHDP 6800/lcd/seg (90 rnA Peak 1/3 Duty Factor) 7-121 High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, RHDP High Efficiency Red, Common Cathode; RHDP High Efficiency Red ±1, Common Anode High Efficiency Red±l, Common Cathode 6000 /lcd/s~g 7-145 HDSP-5731 HDSP-5733 HDSP-5737 HDSP-5738 Yellow~:Common Anode, RHDP . Yellow, Common Cathode, RHDP Yellow, ±l,Common Anode Yellow, ±1; Common Cathode 5500 /lcd/seg HDSP-5601 HDSP-5603 HDSP-5607 HDSP-5608 HDSP-3900 HDSP-3901 HDSP-3903 HDSP-3005 HDSP-3006 High Performance Green, Common High Performance Green, Common High Performance Greell, Common High Performance Green, Common HDSP-4200 HDSP-4201 HDSP-4203 HDSp·4205 HDSP-4206 Yellow, Common Anode, LHDP Yellow, Common Anode, RHDP Yellow, Common Cathode, RHDP " Yellow, Common Cathode, LHDP Yellow, Universal Polarity Overflow Indicator, RHDP HDSP'-s600 HDSP~8601 HDSP-8603 HDSP-8605 HDSP-8606 High Performance Green, Common Anode, LHDP High Performance Green, Cqmmon Aryode, RHDP High Performance Green, Common Cathode, RHDP High Performance Green, Common Cathode, LHDP High Performance Green, Universal Overflow Indicator, RHDP .' Anode, RHDP Cathode, RHDP Anode Overflow Indicator Cathode Overflow Indicator High EffitiencyRed, Common Anode, LHDP High Efficiency Red, Common Anode, RHDP High Efficiency Red, Common Cathode, RHDP High Efficiency Red, Common Cathode, LHDP High Efficiency Red, Universal Overflow Indicator, RHDP 9400/lcd/seg (90 rnA Peak 1/3 Duty Factor) 7-130 '. 7000 /lcd j seg 7-145 7000 /lcd/seg 5800 /lcd / seg (90 rnA Peak 1/3 Duty Factor) Solid State Display Intensity and Color Selections : : Option Option SOl Option S02. Option S20 DlI8cripUon Intensity and Color Selected Displays. 7-12 Page No. 7-153 Hexadecimal and Dot Matrix Displays Description Device rc,,-,,-rc ·...· ···... ·· . II I. L.JL.JL.JL.J rlrlrlrl ·...··· ··... . · I ••• L.JL.JL.JL.J (B) rLJ"""lJ""1.J"" LJ ·.... ·· , ..:,.. ,,, ·. I-JL.JI-JL.J (C) (D) . 7.4 mm (.29") 4 x 7 Single Digit 1m r., ·... ···...··· ·.·, ...··· ., · ..· , ·...· r1rlr1" ,-, r l r l I I •• ., L.JL.JL.JL.J L.JL.JL.JL.J (A) (B) rlrLI"Lf""l rLJ"""lJ""1.J"" ··, ...··· .1 · ••· II II Numeric RHDP Built-in Decoder/Driver/Memory 5082-7302 (B) Numeric LHDP Built-in Decoder /Driver /Memory 5082-7340 (C) Hexadecimal Built-in Decoder /Driver /Memory 5082-7304 Over Range ±1 8 Pin Epoxy 15.2 mm (.6") DIP ' (A) ·,·.... 5082-7300 (A) Package , , , : , .. .. ·· · ··. L.JL.JLJLJ ~~~~ (C) (0) 1m 7.4 mm (.29") 4 x 7 Single Digit Package: 8 Pin Glass Ceramic 15.2 mm (.6") DIP Apptication • • General Purpose Market Test Equipment . Business Machines Computer Peripherals Avionics Page No. 7-154 · · (D) 5082-7356 (A) Numeric RHDP Buill-in Decoder /Driver /Memory 5082-7357 (B) Numeric LHDP Built-in Decoder /Driver /Memory 5082-7359 (C) Hexadecimal Built-in Decoder/Driver/Memory 5082-7358 Over Range ±1 8 Pin Glass Ceramic 15.2 mm (.6") DIP ·• • • • Medical Equipment 7-158 Industrial and Process Control Equipment Computers Where Ceramic Package IC's are required High Reliability Applications (D) HDSP-0760 (A) Numeric RHDP Built in Decoder/Driver/Memory' HDSP-0761 (B) Numeric LHDP Built in Decoder !Driver /Memory HDSP-0762 (C) Hexadecimal Built in Decoder /Driver /Memory HDSP-0763 Over Range ± 1 High Efficiency Red Low Power • · ·• Military Equipment Grou·nd Support Equipment Avionics High Reliability Applications • • • High Brightness Ambient Systems Cockpit, Shipboard Equipment High Reliability Applications • • • Business Machines Fire Control Systems Military Equipment High Reliability Applications (D) HDSP-0770 (A) Numeric RHDP Built in Decoder /Driver /Memory HDSP-0771 (B) Numeric LHDP Built in Decoder/Driver IMemory High Efficiency Red High Brightness HDSP-0772 Hexadecimal (C) . Built in Decoder IDriver IMemory HDSP-0763 Over Range ± 1 (D) HDSP-0860 (A) Numeric RHDP Built in Decoder IDriver IMemory HDSP-0861 (B) Numeric LHDP Built in Decoder IDriver IMemory HDSP-0862 (C) Hexadecimal Built in Decoder IDriver IMemory HDSP-0863 Over Range ± 1 · Yellow (D) 7-13 ._._------_.. _ - - - - 7-163 Hexadecimal and Dot Matrix Displays (continued) Description Device and Package (See previous page) Color HDSP-0960 (A) Numeric RHDP Builtin Decoder /Driver /Memory HDSP-0961 (B) Numeric LHDP Built in Decoder /Driver /Memory HDSP-0962 (C) Hexadecimal Built in Decoder/Driver /Memory HDSP-0963 (D) Over Range ± 1 Application • High Performance Green ·· · Business Machines Fire Control Systems Military Equipment High Reliability Applications Page No. 7-163 Monolithic Numeric Displays w:m ~ A ceo II I' o CXXDXXXD Ql]2QQQ:i2QQ:QQQQQQQQ . ~ ~iU'!!lMl:2neef2~f!~m!e!l I I~ I~ I~I ~ 2.79 mm (.11") Red. 4 Digits Centered D.P. 12 Pin Epoxy. 7.62 mm (.3") DIP 5082-7405 2.79 mm (.11") Red. 5 Digits. Centered D.P. 14 Pin Epoxy. 7.62 mm (.3") DIP 5082·7414 2.79 mm (.11") Red. 4 Digits. RHDP 12 Pin Epoxy. 7.62 mm (.3") DIP 5082-7415 2.79 mm (.11") Red. 5 Digits. RHDP 14 Pin Epoxy. 7.62 mm (.3") DIP 5082-7432 2.79 mm (.11") Red. 2 Digits. Right. RHDP 12 Pin Epoxy. 7.62 mm (.3") DIP 5082-7433 2.79 mm (.11") Red. 3 Digits. RHDP 5082-7404 Page No. Application Package Description Device Small Display Market Portable/Battery Power Instruments Portable Calculators • Digital Counters Digital Thermometers • Digital Micrometers Stopwatches Cameras Copiers 7-169 • · · ··· · ·· Digital Telephone Peripherals Data Entry Terminals Taxi Meters For further information ask for Application Note 937. 5082-7441 2.67 mm (.105") Red. 9 Digits. Mounted on P.C. Board 50.8 mm (2") PC Bd .• 17 Term. Edge Con. 5082-7446 2.92 mm (,115") Red. 16 Digits. Mounted on P.C. Board 69.85 mm (2.750") PC Bd .• 24 Term. Edge Con. 5082-7295 4.45 mm (.175") Red. 15 Digits. Mounted on P.C. Board. RHDP 91.2 mm (3.59") PC Bd .. 23 Term. Edge Con. ~m:l2!:m92 7-14 7-174 Hermetic Hexadecimal and Numeric Dot Matrix Displays Device [J [J .. (A) .. J1.J1 (B) [U~iJ .' . JL (e) EJ ·· .. ·. I •• ' • (0) \111 Description 4N51 Numeric RHDP 4N51TXV Decoder /Driver / Memory M87157/00101ACXll] TXV - Hi Rei Screened (4N51TXVB) (A) 8 Pin Hermetic Built-in 15.2 mm (.6") DIP with gold plated leads Application 0 0 0 4N52 Numeric LHDP Built-in 4N52TXV Decoder /Driver / Memory M87157/00102ACXll] TXV - Hi Rei Screened (4N52TXVB) (B) Military High Reliability Applications Avionics/Space Flight Systems Fire Control Systems Page No. 7-182 0 Ground Support. Shipboard Equipment 0 Ground, Airborne, Shipboard 7-190 Equipment Fire Contlol Systems Space Flight Systems Other High Reliability Uses 4N54 Hexadecimal Built-in 4N54TXV Decoder /Driver / Memory M87157/00103ACX[I] TXV - Hi Rei Screened (4N54TXVB) (C) 4N53 4N53TXV 104ACX[I] (4N53TXVB) (D) HDSP-0781 (A) HDSP-0781 TXV Character Plus/Minus Sign TXV - Hi Rei Screened Numeric RHDP. Built-in Decoder / Driver Memory TXV Hi Rei Scre~ned TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 High Efficiency Red. Low Power 0 0 0 HDSP-0781 TXVB HDSP-0782 (B) HDSP-0782 TXV HDSP-0782 TXVB HDSP-0783 (DI 74 mm (29") 4 x 7 Single Digit Package HDSP-0783 TXV Package 8 Pin Glass Ceramic 15.2mm (6") DIP HDSP-0783 TXVB Tru)y Hermetic HDSP-0784 (CI HDSP-0784 TXV Numeric LHDP, Built-in Decoder/Driver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 Overrange _c 1 TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 Hexadecimal, Built-in Decoder /Driver Memo ry TXV HI Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 HDSP-0784 TXVB HDSP-0791 (AI HDSP-0791 TXV Numeric RHDP, Built-in Decoder !Driver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB HI Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 High Efficiency Red. High Brightness 0 0 0 HDSP-0791 TXVB HDSP-0792 (BI HDSP-0792 TXV 0 Numeric LHDP, Built-in Decoder IDriver Memory TXV HI Rei Screened TXVB HI Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 HDSP-0792 TXVB [1] Military Approved and Qualified for High Reliability ApplicatIOns, 7-15 Ground, Airborne. Shipboard Equipment Fire Control Systems Spate Flight Systems Other High Reliability Uses Hermetic Hexadecimal and Numeric Dot Matrix Displays (continued) Device Color Descriplion HDSP-0783 . (01 HDSP-0783 TXV (See previous pagel Overrange ± 1 TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87l57 High Elficiency Red. High Brightness Applicalion 0 0 0 0 HDSP-0783 TXVB HDSP-0794 (CI HDSP-0794 TXV HDSP-0794 TXVB HDSP-088l (A) HDSP-OBBl TXV HDSP-OB8l TXVB HDSP-OB82 (B) . HDSP-0882 TXV HDSP-0882 TXVB HDSP-0883 (D) HDSP-0883 TXV Hexadecimal. Built-in Decoder IDriver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87l57 Numeric RHDP. Built-In Decoder IDriver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 Yellow Numeric LHDP. Built-in Decoder IDriver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87l57 Overrange .: 1 TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87l57 HDSP-0883 TXVB HDSP-0884 (C) HDSP-0884 TXV HDSP-0884 TXVB (See previous page) HDSP-098l (A) HDSP-0981 TXV Hexadecimal. Built-in Decoder IDriver Memo ry TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87l57 Numeric RHDP, Built-in Decoder IDriver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 High Performance Green HDSP-0981 TXVB HDSP-0982 (B) HDSP-0982 TXV Numeric LHDP, Built-in Decoder IDriver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 HDSP-0982 TXVB HDSP-0983 (C) HDSP-0983 TXV Overrange ±l TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87l57 HDSP-0983 TXVB 7-16 Page No. Ground. Airborne. Shipboard 7-190 Equipment Fire Control Systems Space Flight Systems Other High Reliability Uses ----------------- ----------- ----------- - Hermetic Hexadecimal and Numeric Dot Matrix Displays (continued) Color Description Device HDSP-0984 (D) (See previous pagel HDSP-0984 TXV Hexadecimal, Built-in DecoderlDriver Memory TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 Application · ·· · High Performance Green HDSP-D984 TXVB Page No_ Ground, Airborne, Shipboard 7-190 Equipment Fire Control Systems Space Flight Systems OthlH High Reliability Uses Hermetic Alphanumeric Displays Description Device m~ ~ a" ___ ;~ ;f~ ~~]; a:-·--"'l~ 9.:" ___ Jo ~ J Color HMDL-2416 4.1 mm (0.16") Four Character Monolithic HMDL-2416 Smart Alphanumeric Display TXV HMDL-2416 Operating Temperature TXVB Range: -55°C to lDDoC ' Red HDSP-2351 Yeliow HDSP-2351 TXV HDSP-2351 TXVB 4.87 mm (0.19") 5 x 7 Four Character Alphanumeric Sunlight Viewable Display Operating Temperature Range: -55°C to 100°C Application • • · Military Equipment High Reliability Applications Military Telecommunications Page No_ 7-204 • Military Avionics • Military Cockpit • Military Ground Support Systems 7-214 Extended temperature applications requiring high reliability, 110 Terminals Avionics 7-198 High Efficiency Red HDSP-2352 HDSP-2352 TXV HDSP-2352 TXVB HDSP-2353 High Performance Green HDSP-2353 TXV HDSP-2353 T~VB D~ .. - - - HDSP-2Dl0 ~ I. . • i. , ,k ~--:....., HDSP-2010 TXV HDSP-2010 TXVB 3.7 mm (.15") 5 x 7 Four Character Alphanumeric Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C TXV Hi Rei Screened TXVB Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 7-17 Red, Red Glass Contrast Filter ~; ·• For further information see Application Note 1016. ----- Hermetic Alphanumeric Displays (continued) Description Device HDSP-2310 ~L... J to_Ai :" ___ J [~~J HDSP-2310 TXV Application Color 5,0 mm (.20") 5 x 7 Four Character Alphanumeric HDSP-2310 TXVB 12 Pin Ceramic 6.35 mm (.25") DIP with untinted glass lens HDSP-2311 Operating Temperature Range: -55' Cto +85' C HDSP-2311 TXV True Hermetic Seal' HDSP-2311 TXVB TXVB - Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 ··• Standard Red Military Equipment Avionics High Rei Industrial Equipment Page No, 7-228 Yellow TXV - Hi Rei Screened HDSP-2312 High Eff. Red HDSP-2312 TXV HDSP-2312 TXVB High Performance Green HDSP-2313 HDSP-2313 TXV HDSP-2313 TXVB HDSP-2450 r . c I I ?' . "; I , I ~ = '? " I I ~ ~ - i~ J! --,., HDSP-2450 TXV HDSP-2450 TXVB Operating Temperature Range: -55'C to +85'C 6.9 mm (.27") 5 x 7 Four Character Alphanumeric 28 Pin Ceramic 15.24 mm (.6") DIP Red 0 • • True Hermetic Seal HDSP-2451 HDSP-2451 TXV Yellow TXV - Hi Rei Screened TXVB - Hi Rei Screened to Level A MIL-D-87157 HDSP-2451 TXVB HDSP-2452 High Efficiency Red HDSP-2452 TXV HDSP-2452 TXVB High Performance Green HDSP-2453 HDSP-2453 TXV HDSP:2453 TXVB 7-18 · Military Equipment High Reliability Applications Avionics Ground Support, Cockpit. Shipboard Systems 7-235 r/iO'l a!1!II EIGHT CHARACTER 5.0 mm (0.2 INCH) SMART 5 X 7 ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAYS HEWLETT PACKARO YELLOW HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HDSP-2111 HDSP-2112 Features • SMART ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY On-Board CMOS IC Built-in RAM ASCII Decoder LED Drive Circuitry • 128 ASCII CHARACTER SET • 16 USER DEFINABLE CHARACTERS • PROGRAMMABLE FEATURES Individual Flashing Character Full Display Blinking Multi-Level Dimming and Blanking Self Test Clear Function • READ/WRITE CAPABILITY Typical Applications • FULL TTL COMPATIBILITY • COMPUTER PERIPHERALS o AVIONICS • INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION • SINGLE 5 VOLT SUPPLY • MEDICAL EQUIPMENT • EXCELLENT ESD PROTECTION • PORTABLE DATA ENTRY DEVICES • TELECOMMUNICATIONS • WAVE SOLDERABLE • TEST EQUIPMENT • END STACKABLE Absolute Maximum Ratings Description The HDSP-2111 (yellow) and HDSP-2112 (high efficiency red) are eight-digit, 5 x 7 dot matrix, alphanumeric displays. The 5.0 mm (0.2 inch) high characters are packaged in a standard 15.24 mm (0.6 inch) 28 pin DIP. The on-board CMOS IC has the ability to decode 128 ASCII characters, which are permanently stored in ROM. In addition, 16 programmable symbols may be stored in on-board RAM. Seven brightness levels provide versatility in adjusting the display intensity and power consumption. The HDSP-211X is designed for standard microprocessor interface techniques. The display and special features are accessed through a bidirectional eight-bit data bus. These features make the HDSP-211X ideally suited for applications where a low cost, low power alphanumeric display is required. Supply Voltage, Vcc to Ground!1] .....•.... -0.3 to 7.0 V Operating Voltage, Vcc to Ground!2] ............• 5.5 V Input Voltage, Any Pin to Ground .... -0.3 to Vcc + 0.3 V Free Air Operating Temperature Range, TA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -20° C to +70° C Relative Humidity (non-condensing) ...•.•••.••..• 85% Storage Temperature, Ts ............. -40°C to +85°C Maximum Solder Temperature 1.59 mm (0.063 in.) below Seating Plane, t < 5 sec ....•.....•...• 260°C 7-19 ._-_.... _ . _ - - - - ... -- . . - .. --~ .. --~ .. -~--.- .... Notes: 1. Maximum Voltage is with no LEDs illuminated. 2. 20 dots on in all locations at full brightness. ESD WARNING: STANDARD CMOS HANDLING PRECAUTIONS SHOULD BE OBSERVED WITH THE HDSP- 2111 AND HDSP-2112. package Dimensions 4.81 10.1891 ...... ::::: gi~~ 0 nIl! HI~~ 2 ...... .... ..... ...... ..... :in: ..... ::::: ---r 9.8 10.3861 l- PIN 1 IDENTIFIER * r 19.58 "r 2.88 10.1131 SYM IMAGE PLANE IFOR REFERENCE ONLYI 2.010.081 COLOR BIN 131 5.31 10.2091 PIN NO. 1 ~ 3 ' L -II--DIA. 0.5 10.0201 79 1,o.0051 l~i89ISYM I --I I L2.S410.,001 TYP (± 0.005) NON·ACCUM. NOTES: 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, THE TOLERANCE ON ALL DIMENSIONS IS 0.254 mm (0.010 IN). 2. DIMENSIONS IN rnm (INCHES). 3. FOR YELLOW ONLY, Character Set 07 o.------------~--~~ 7-20 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 " ~UNCTION PIN NO. RS'f Fr M 15 16 17 Al A2 A3 SUBSTR. BIAS SUBSTR.8IAS SUBSTR. BIAS A4 CLS CLK Wi'i vee 18 19 FUNCTION GNO (SUPPLY) GNO(I.OGIC) ~ 211 00 01 21 22 NO PIN NO PIN 23 2' 25 26 27 28 02 OJ Do 05 06 07 Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Supply Voltage Symbol Units Vee v Electrical Characteristics Over Operating Temperature Range 4.5 < Vcc < 5.5 V (unless otherwise specified) Parameter Min. Symbol Input leakage (Input without pullup) Ii Input Current (input with pullup) lip 25°C Typ.(1) 25°C Max.tl] 18 11 Max. Units ±1.0 pA Test Conditions Vin " 0 to Vcc pins ClK. 0tl-D7' Ao-A4 30 pA Vin" 0 to '!.s,s; pins RST, ClS, WR, RD, CEo Fl Icc (BlK) 0.5 1.0 1.5 mA Vin" 5.0V Icc 8 digits 12 dots!character{2J Icc{Vl 200 255 330 mA "V" on in all 8 locations Icc 8 digits 20 do!s/characterl21 Icc (#) 300 370 430 mA "#" on in all 8 locations Icc Blank Input Voltage High Vih 2.0 Vcc +0.3 V V Vce "5,5 V Input Voltage Low Vii GND -0.3 V 0,8 V Vee" 4.5 V Output Voltage High Voh 2.4 V Vce " 4.5 V, loh " -40 p,A Output Voltage Low 00-0 7 Vol 0.4 V Vec "4.5 V, lot = 1.6mA V Vcc " 4.5 V. 10 1" 40 p,A Output Voltage Low CLK Thermal Resistance IC Junction-Io-Case 0.4 °C/W 15 0j-c Noles: 1. Vcc" 5.0 V 2. Average Icc measured at full brightness. See Table 2 in Control Word section for Icc at lower brightness levels. Peak Icc = 28/15 x Average Icc (#). optical Characteristics at 25 0 C[31 Vee = 5.0 V, at Full Brightness High Efficiency Red HDSP-2112 Description luminous Intensity Character average (#) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength Symbol Min. Iv 2.5 Typical Max. Units 7.5 mcd "(peak} 635 nm "(dl 626 nm Yellow HDSP-2111 Description luminous Intensity Character average (#) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength Symbol Min. Iv 2.5 Typical 7.5 Max. Units mcd "(peak) 583 nm A{d) 585 nm Note: 3. Refers to the initial case temperature of the device immediately prior to the light measurement. 7-21 AC Timing Characteristics Over Temperature Range Vee = 4.5 V Reference number 1 Symb()1 tacc Descrlptl()n Display Access Time Write Read 2 tacs Address Setup Time to Chip Enable $ tce Chip Enable Active Time Write Read Min. UnIts 210 230 10 ns 4 tach Address Hold Time to Chip Enable 5 tcer Chip Enable Recovery Time 140 160 20 60 6 Ices Chip Enable Active Prior to Rising Edge of Write Read 140 160 ns ns ns ns ns 7 lceh 8 9 10 tw Write Actlve Time twd Data Valid Prior to Rising Edge of Write Signal tdh Ir Data Write Hold Time 0 100 50 20 Chip Enable Active Prior to Valid Data 160 ns Ird Read Active Prior to Valid Data tdf Read Data Float Delay ns Ire Reset Active Time 75 10 300 11 12 13 Chip Enable Hold Time to Rising Edge of ReadlWrite Signal ns ns ns ns ns ns Vee = 4.5 to 5.5 V . Description Units Oscillator Frequency 25° C lYpical 57 70°C Min. Fosc Fri[l] 28 .kHz Display Refresh Rate 256 128 Hz Ffl[2] Character Flash Rate 2 1 Hz Ist lS ] Self Test Cycle Time 4.6 9.2 Sec Symbol Noles: 1. Frj = Fosc/224 2. Fjl = Fosc/28,672 3. lSI = 262,144/F osc Write Cycle Timing Diagram CD ® ® INPUT PULSE LEVELS - 0.6 V TO 2.4 V 7-22 Read cycle Timing Diagram INPUT PULSE LEVELS: 0.6 V TO 2.4 V OUTPUT REFERENCE LEVELS: 0.6 V TO 2.2 V OUTPUT LOADING = 1 TTL LOAD AND 100pFd Relative Luminous Intensity VS. Temperature Enlarged Character Font L_~ .~~"~l"=l r-••••. 5. 0 4. 5 4. 0 0.76 10.030) TYP 3.5 R2 0.25410.01l~ • •• • • R3 • • • • • ••••• 3. 0 rJiDSP.ZI12 2. R4 5, 2. 0 4.8110.189) ~R 1.5 ' il :-<. 1 ~I::=.. 1.0 ~ • •• • • R6 o.5 o • • • • • R7 I ---l I -20 -10 0 10 20 r-- -. 30 40 50 60 70 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE -'C 1-0.6510.026) TYP 7-23 - - _...._._---_._--- HDSP·2111 ---_._._... ... _ 80 Electrical Description PIN FUNCTION RESET (RST, pin 1) Reset initializes the display. FLASH FL low indicates an access to the Flash RAM and is unaffected by the state of address lines Aa-A4. ADDRESS INPUTS (Ao-A4, pins 3-6, 10) Each location In memory has a distinct address. Address inputs (Ao-A2J select a specific location in the Character RAM, the Flash RAM or a particular row in the UDC (User-Defined Character) RAM. A~4 are used to select which section of memory is accessed. Table 1 shows the logic levels needs to access each section of memory. {FL, pin 2) TABLE 1. LOGIC LEVELS TO ACCESS MEMORY Ft A4 A3 Section of Memory A2 0 X X Flash RAM Char. Address 0 0 0 UDC Address Register Don't Care 1 UDCRAM Row Address 0 Control Word Register Don't Care Character RAM Char. Address A1 Ao CLOCK SELECT (ClS, pin 11) This input Is used to select either an internal or external Clock source. CLOCK INPUVOUTPUT (ClK, pin 12) Outputs the master clock (ClS '" 1) or Inputs a clock (ClS '" 0) for slave displays. WRITE (WR, pin 13) Data is written into the display when the input is low. CHIP ENABLE (CE, pin 17) This input must be at a logic low to read or write data to the display and must go high between each read and write cycle. READ (RD, pin 18) Data is read from the display when the RD input Is low and the CE input is low. DATA Bus (00-07' pins 19, 20, 23-28) The Data bus is used to read from or write to the display. GND(SUPPLY) (pin 15) This Is the analog ground for the lED drivers. GND(LOGICl (pin 16} This is the digital ground for internal foglc. VCC(POWER) {pin 14) This is the positive power supply input. VCC{SUBSTRATE) These pins are used to bias the IC substrate and must be connected to V cc These pins cannot be used to supply power to the display. (pins 7-9) WR Input is low and the CE DISPLAY INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1 shows the internal block diagram of the HDSP211 X display. The CMOS IC consists of an a. byte Character RAM, an 8 bit Flash RAM, a 128 character ASCII decoder, a 16 character ASCII decoder, a 16 character UDC RAM, a UDC Address Register, a Control Word Register and the refresh circuitry necessary to synchronize the decoding and driving of eight 5 x 7 dot matrix characters. The major user accessible portions of the display are listed below: Character RAM This RAM stores either ASCII character data or a UDC RAM address. Flash RAM This Is a 1 x 8 RAM which stores Flash data User-Defined Character RAM (UDC RAM) This RAM stores the dot pattern for custom characters. User-defined Character Address Register (UDC Address Register) This register is used to provide the address to the UDC RAM when the user is writing or reading a custom character. Control Word Register This registar allows the user to adjust the display brightness. flash Individual characters, blink, self test or clear the display. 7-24 .. A, ~ IT UDC AODR EN REGISTER eE Ro WR DQ-O, upe APPR - elR PRE SET A; ~1' uoe RAM eE::I--' EN nO WR DOT 0, DATA A,-A, UOCAOOR ROW SET Do A, A, - ,-.- l FlW eE 8.8 RD WR 00-0 1 Ao-A2 -..J I I\) t11 A, A, .--- Fi: _ Fi: CE j=TIL) L EN CHARACTER RD RAM 01) ... 0 6 WR 0 0 -0, 0, Ao-A:;! RESET eHARAODR 'tN FLASH DATA RD WR 0, A, iPL FL ~ RST CONTROL WORD REGISTER RD WR 0.0 ...0 1 il T elK eLS ;. B RESULT TEST ASctl EN DECOOER L - - D-o-D~ - ROW ·'SEl oor DOT DATA DOT DRIVERS rl TIMING S 5)( 1 - lED CHARACTERS rl DATA SELF TEST RAM RESET CHAR ADOR ~ 2 b [SELF TEST IN INTENSITY fJ. 3~ 4 ~RESET SELF - 0 0 -03 rfEN FLASH Ao,-A2 RESET - 6 ROW DRIVERS SELF TEST LTiMING 1 VISUAL TEST ROM TEST SELf 'TEST eLA START BLINK SELF TEST 7~ TEST OK ~ FLASH CLR1 TEST OK CLR2 l ::O-l f-- INTENSITV fLASH BLINK RESET CLOCK CHAR TIMING AND CONTROL ADDR Rowser TIMING - Figure 1. HDSP-211X Internal Block Diagram SOLIO STATE OISPLAYS iiiii'SEWiiiiii RST CE ViA I ' I I ~ I: I ·I 0 WRITE TO DISPLAY ....I._...L • ....;......1.-.....;;..... READ FRDM DISPLAY 1..._ _ WRITE TO DISPLAY READ FROM DISPLAY o CONTROL SIGNALS CONTROL SIGNALS I I I I CHARACTER I 000· LEFT MOST L._'-....I_'...L_'_L.-_A_D_DR_E_SS_---I 111 = RIGHT MOST UDC ADDRESS REGISTER ADDRESS CHARACTER RAM ADDRESS o I .28 ASCII CODE X X X I X X X I X UDC CODE UDC ADDRESS REGISTER DATA FORMAT UDCCODE iiiTiiEWiiiiii I.I I I I CHARACTER RAM DATA FORMAT o. 0 '0 WRITE TO DISPLAY _....I._...L . ....;......1.-.....;;..... READ FROM DISPLAY 1... OlGa 0lG1 0lG2 DIG3 0lG4 DIGs 0lG6 0lG7 CONTROL SIGNALS 0000011010101'1100110'1"01'" FL SYMBOL IS ACCESSED IN LOCATION SPECIFIED BY THE CHARACTER ADDRESS ABOVE • I DISPLAY LOGIC 0;,' • L,O,GIC '; X • DO NOT CARE o• Ao '" I • I I A, A. iI A, ROW SELECT I'OO.ROW. '10, ROW7 UDC RAM ADDRESS Figure 2. Logic Levels to Access the Character RAM D7 I CHARACTER RAM X D. D, X X UDCRAM DATA FORMAT Figure 2 shows the logic levels' needed to access the HDSP~211X Character RAM. Address lines Ao-A2 are used to select the location in the Character RAM. Two types of data can be stored in each Character RAM location: an ASCII code or a UDC RAM address. Data bit D7 is used to dlfierentiate between an ASCII character and a UDC RAM address. D7 ,; 0 enables the ASCII decoder and D7 = 1 enables the UDC RAM. Do-D6 are used to input ASCII data and Do-D3 are used to input a UDC address. D. D, I D. D, D, I DOT DATA C C 0 0 L L • 5 o• LOGIC 0; •• LOGIC '; X • DD NOT CARE Figure 3. Logic Levels to Access a UDC Character UDC RAM AND UDC ADDRESS REGISTER Figure 3 shows the logiC levels needed to access the UDC RAM ,and the UDC Address Register. The UDC Address Register is eight bits wide. The lower four bits (Do-D3) are used to select one of the 1,6 UDC locations" The upper four bits (D4-D7) are not used. Once the UDC address has been stored in the UDC Address Register, the UDC RAM can be accessed. c c C c C 0 0 0 0 0 L L L L L 4 5 • , 2 •• •0 •0 •0 •0 •• 0• 0• 0• , 00 •• , 00 00 00 00 •0 0 0 0 To completely specify a 5 x 7 character requires eight write cycles. One cycle is used to store the UDC RAM address in the uric Address Register, Seven cycles are used to store dot data in the UDC RAM. Data Is entered by rows, One cycle is needed to access each row. Figure 4 shows the organization of a UDC character assuming the symbol to be stored is an "F", ArrA2 are used to select the row to be accessed and DrrD4 are used to transmit the row dot data. The upper three bits (D5-D7) are ignored, Do (least significant bit) corresponds to the right most column of the 5 x 7 matrix and D4 (most significant bit) corresponds to the left most column of the 5 x 7 matrix. .. UDC CHARACTER D4 03 D2 01 Do ROW. ROW2 ROW, ROW. ROWS, ROWS ROW 7 .. HEX CODE ,F 10 ,0 lD 10 10 10 IGNORED 0= LOGIC 0; 1 = LOGIC 1: • = ILLUMINATED LED. Figure 4. Data to Load "F" Into the UDC RAM 7-26 RsTCEWRRD I : I : I ~ I : I::!~EF~~~I~~~:~y iiii 1 CONTROL SIGNALS I WRITE TO DISPLAY • READ FROM DISPLAY CONTROL SIGNALS I : IA: I ~' I ~2~~~;;~~E:O I000 L.._ ...._ AO = LEFT MOST .....L...-........_ _ _ _- - ' 111 - RIGHT MOST FLASH RAM ADDRESS I 0, De Ds D4 D3 DZ D1 X X == CONTROL WORD ADDRESS 3L REMOVE FLASH AT L.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _·....L.Q::J...;I;...1 0,· SPECIFIED DIGIT LOCATION ~~~~~iELt~~G~~ LOCATION 0, 0, 0, 0, 02 0, Do I I I I I I I I I C FLASH RAM DATA FORMAT S S BL F B B o • LOGIC 0; 1 • LOGIC 1; X • DO NOT CARE B T' 1 80% 1 40% 27'" 20'" 130/0 0 o o 1 o Figure 5. Logic Leve.ls to Access the Flash RAM 1 DISABLE FLASH ENABLE FLASH FLASH RAM X NORMAL OPERATION; X IS IGNORED X START SELF TEST; RESULT GIVEN IN X X =0 FAILED X =1 PASSeD NORMAL OPERATION CLEAR FLASH AND CHARACTER RAMS CONTROL WORD DATA FORMAT o • LOGIC 0; 1 • LOGIC 1; X • DO NOT CARE Figure 6. Logic Levels to Access the Control Word Register TABLE 2. CURRENT REQUIREMENTS AT DIFFERENT BRIGHTNESS LEVELS % Symbol Control Word Register tec(V) Figure 6 shows how to access the Control Word Register. This is an eight bit register which performs five functions. They are Brightness coritrol, Flash RAM control, Blinking, Self Test and Clear. Each function is independent of the others. However, all bits are updated during each Control Word write cycle. BRIGHTNESS (BITS 0-2) Bits 0-2 of the Control Word adjust the brightnes.s of the display. Bits 0-2 are interpreted as a three bit binary code with code (000) corresponding to maximum brightness and code (111) corresponding to a blanked display. In addition to varying the display brightness, bits 0-2 also vary the average value of Icc.. Icc can be calculated at any brightness level by multiplying the percent brightness level by the value of Icc at the 100% brightness level. These values of Icc are shown in Table 2. FLASH FUNCTION (BIT 3) Bit 3 determines whether the flashing character attribute is on or off. When bit 3 is a "1 ", the output of the Flash RAM is BRIGHTNESS CONTROL LEVELS DISABLE BLINKING ENABLE BLINKING Fi9ure 5 shows the logic levels needed to access the Flash RAM. The Flash RAM has one bit associated with each locatiOn of the Character RAM. The Flash input is used to select the Flash RAM. Address lines A3-A4 are ignored. Address lines Ao-A2 are used to select the location in the Flash RAM to store the attribute. Do is used to store or remove the flash attribute. Do = "1" stores the attribute and Do ="0" removes the attribute. When the attribute is enabled through bit 3 of the Control Word and a "1" is stored in the Flash RAM, the corresponding character will flash at approximately 2 Hz. The actual rate is dependent on the clock frequency. For an external clock the flash rate can be calculated by dividing the clock frequency by 28,672. 53% Da 01 Do Brightness 25 Q CTyp. Units 100 80 53 40 27 20 13 mA mA rnA mA mA mA mA 000 o0 1 010 011 100 101 110 200 160 106 80 54 40 26 checked. If the content of a location in the Flash RAM is a "1", the associated digit will flash at approximately 2 Hz. For an external clock, the blink rate can be calculated by diving the clock frequency by 28,672. If the flash enable bit of the Control Word is a "0", the content of the Flash RAM is ignored. To use this function with multiple display systems see the Reset section. BLINK FUNCTION (BIT 4) Bit 4 of the Control Word .is used to synchronize blinking of all eight digits of the display. When this bit is a "1" all eight digits of the display will blink at approximately 2 Hz. The actual rate is dependent on the clock frequency. For an external clock, the blink rate can be calculated by dividing 7-27 the clock frequency by 28,672. This function will overrride the Flash function when it is active. To use this function with multiple display systems see the Reset section. SELF TEST FUNCTION (BITS 5,6) Bit 6 of the Control Word Register is used to initiate the self test function. Results of the internal self test are stored in bit 5 of the Control Word. Bit 5 is a read only bit where bit 5 ="1" indicates a passed selnest and' bit 5 ="0" indicates a failed self test. Setting bit 6 to a logic 1 will start the self test function. The built-in self test function of the IC consists of two internal routines which exercises major portions of the IC and illuminates all of the LEDs. The first routine' cycles the ASCII decoder ROM through all states and performs a checksum on the output. If the checksum agrees with the correct value, bit 5 is set to "1". The second routine provides a visual test of the LEDs using the drive cicuitry. This is accomplished by writing checkered and inverse checkered patterns to the display. Each pattern is displayed for approximately 2 seconds. During the self test function the display must not be accessed. The time needeclto execute the self test function is calculated by multiplying the clock period by 262,144. For example: assume a clock frequency of 58 KHz, then the time to execute the self test function frequency is equal to (262,144/58,000) =4.5 second duration. At the end of the self test function, the Character RAM is loaded with blanks, the Control Word Register "is set to zeros except for bit 5, and the Flash RAM is cleared and the UDC Address Register is set to all ones, CLEAR FUNCTION (BIT 7) Bit 7 of the Control Word will clear the Character RAM and Flash RAM. The ASCII character code for a space will be loaded into the Character RAM to blank the display. The UDC RAM, UDC Address Register and the remainder of 'the Control Word are unaffected. Display Reset Figure 7 shows the logic levels needed to Reset the 'display. Thedispiay should be Reset on power-up. The external Reset clears the Character RAM, Flash RAM, Control Word Register and resets the internal counters. All displays which operate with the same clock source must be simultaneously reset to synchronize the Flashing and Blinking functions., RST FE WR AD Fi: A4·AO DrDo lolll x lxlxlxlxl Mechanical and Electrical Considerations The HDSP-211X is a 28 pin dual-in-line package with 26 external pins, which can be stacked horizontally and vertically to create arrays of any size. The HDSP-211X is designed to operate continuously from -20°C to +70o,C with a maximum of 20 dots on per character. Illuminating all thirty-five dots at full brightness is not recommended. The HDSP-211X is assembled by die attaching and wire bonding 280 LED chips and a CMOS IC to a thermally conductive printed circuit board. A polycarbonate lens is placed over the PC board creating an air gap civerthe LED wire bonds. A protective cap creates an air gap over the CMOS IC, Backfill epoxy environmentally seals the display package. This package construction makes the display highly tolerant to temperature cycling and alloWs wave soldering. The inputs to the IC are protected against static discharge and input current latchup. Howeve~ for best results standard CMOS handling precautions should be used. Prior to use, the HDSP-211X should be stored in antistatic tubes or in conductive material. During assembly, a grounded conductive work area should be used, and assembly personnel should' wear conductive wrist straps. Lab coats made,of synthetic material should be avoided since they are prone to static build-up, Input current latchup is caused when the CMOS inputs are subjected to either a voltage below ground (Vin < ground) or to a VOltage higher than Vcc (Vin > Vccl,and when a high current is forced intqthe input. To prevent input current latchup and ESD damage, unused inputs should be connected either to ground or to Vcc , Voltages should not be applied to the inputs until Vcc has been applied to the display, ' ., Thermal Considerations The H DSP-211 X has been designed to provide a low thermal resistance path for the CMOS IC to the 26 package pins. This heat is then typically conducted through the traces of the printed circuit board to free air. For most applications no additional heatsinking is required. Measurements were made on,a 32 character display string to determine the thermal resistance of the display assembly. Several display boards were constructed using 62 mil printed circuit material, and 1 ounce copper 20 mil traces. Some ~f the device pins were connected to a heatsink formed by etching a copper area on the printed circuit board surrounding the display. A maximum metalized printed circuit board was also evaluated.' The junction temperature was measured,for displays soldered directly.to these PC boards, displays installed in sockets, and finally displays installed in sockets with a filter over the display to restrict airflow. The results of these thermal resistance measurements, Elja, are shown in Table 3 and include the affects of Eljc. o =LOGIC 0; 1 '" LOGIC 1; X '" DO NOT CARE NOTE: IF RST, CE AND VIR ARE LOW, UNkNOWN DATA MAY BE WRITTEN·INTO THE DISPLAY. Figure l Logic Levels to Reset the Display 7-28 ------ ------~ to 3 seconds for optimum soldering. The preheat temperature should not exceed 105°C (221°F) as measured on the solder side of the PC board. TABLE 3. THERMAL RESISTANCE, 0]a, USING VARIOUS AMOUNTS OF HEATSINKING MATERIAL. He~lslnkil'lg ',:W/Sockets W/OSockets W/Sockets units Metal per device sq.!n. ." 0 1 3 Max. Metal 4 board avg. W/O Filter (avg.) W/OFliter (avg.) W/Fllter (avg.) 31 31 30 29 30 30 28 26 25 27 35 33 33 32 33 Post solder cleaning may be performed with a solvent or aqueous process. For solvent cleaning, Allied Chemical's Genesolv DES, Baron Blakeslee's Blaco-Tron TES or DuPont's Freon TE may be used. These solvents are azeotropes of trichlorotrifluoroethane FC-113 with low concentrations of ethanol (5%). The maximum exposure time in the solvent vapors at bOiling temperature should not exceed 2 minutes. Solvents containing high concentrations of alcohols such as methanol, ketones such as acetone, or chlorinated solvents should not be used as they will chemically attack the polycarbonate lens. Solvents containing trichloroethylene FC-111 or FC-112 and trichloroethylene (TCE) are also not recommended. :~~ °C/W °C/W ·CIW Ground Connections An aqueous cleaning process may be used. A saponifier, such as Kesterbio-kleen Formula 5799 or its equivalent, may be added to the wash cycle of an aqueous process to remove rosin flux residues. Organic acid flux residues must be thoroughly removed by an aqueous cleaning process to prevent corrosion of the leads and solder connections. The optimum water temperature is 60° C (140° F). The maximum cumulative exposure of the HDSP-211X to wash and rinse cycles should not exceed 15 minutes. For additional information on soldering and post solder cleaning, see Application Note 1027. Two ground pins are provided to keep the internal IC logic ground clean. The designer can, when necessary. route the analog ground for the LED drivers separately from the logic ground until an appropriate ground plane is available. On long interconnects between the display and the host system, the designer can keep voltage drops on the analog ground from affecting the display logic levels by isolating the two grounds. The logic ground should be connected to the same ground potential as the logic interface circuitry. The analog ground and the logic ground should be connected at a common ground which can withstand the current introduced by the switching LED drivers. When separate ground connections are used, the analog ground can vary from -0.3 V to +0.3 V with respect to the logic ground. Voltage below -0.3 V can cause all dots to be on. Voltage above +0.3 V can cause dimming and dot mismatch. Contrast Enhancement The objective of contrast enhancement is to provide good readability in the end user's ambient lighting conditions. The concept is to employ both luminance and chrominance contrast techniques. These enhance readability by having the OFF-dots blend into the display background and the ON-dots vividly stand out against the same background. Contrast enhancement may be achieved by using one of the following suggested filters: Soldering and Post Solder Cleaning Instructions for the HDSP-211X The HDSP-211X may be hand soldered or wave soldered with SN63 solder. When hand soldering it is recommended that an electronically temperature controlled and securely grounded soldering iron be used. For best results, the iron tip temperature should be set at 315° C (600° F). For wave soldering, a rosin-based RMA flux can be used. The solder wave temperature should be set at 245° C ±5° C (473° F ±9° F), and the dwell in the wave should be set between 1V, HDSP-2112 Panel graphic SCARLET RED 65 or GRAY 10 SGL Homalite H100-1670 RED or -1265 GRAY 3M Louvered Filter R6310 RED or N0210GRAY HDSP-2111 Panelgraphic AMBER 23 or GRAY 10 SGL Homalite H100-1720 AMBER or -1265 GRAY 3M Louvered Filter N0210 GRAY For additional information on contrast enhancement see Application Note 1015. 7-29 F/iP'l HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD FOUR CHARACTER 2.8Smm (0.112 inJ SMART ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY HPDL-1414 Features • SMART ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY Built-in RAM, ASCII Decoder and LED Drive Circuitry • WIDE OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE -40° C to +85° C • FAST ACCESS TIME 160 ns • EXCELLENT ESD PROTECTION Built-in Input Protection Diodes • CMOS IC FOR LOW POWER CONSUMPTION • FULL TTL COMPATIBILITY OVER OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE V1L = 0.8 V VIH=2.0V • WAVE SOLDERABLE • RUGGED PACKAGE CONSTRUCTION • END-STACKABLE • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE Typical Applications • PORTABLE DATA ENTRY DEVICES • MEDICAL EQUIPMENT • PROCESS CONTROL EQUIPMENT • TEST EQUIPMENT • INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION Description • COMPUTER PERIPHERALS The HPDL-1414 is a smart 2.85 mm (0.112") four character, sixteen-segment, red GaAsP display. The on-board CMOS IC contains memory, ASCII decoder, multiplexing circuitry and drivers. The monolithic LED characters are magnified by an immersion lens which increases both character size and luminous intensity. The encapsulated dual-in-line package provides a rugged, environmentally sealed unit. • TELECOMMUNICATION INSTRUMENTATION The HPDL-1414 incorporates many improvements over competitive products. It has a wide operating temperature range, very fast IC access time and improved ESD protection. The display is also fully TTL compatible, wave solderable and highly reliable. This display is ideally suited for industrial and commercial applications where a goodlooking, easy-to-use alphanumeric display is required. Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage, Vee to Ground ........... -0.5 V to 7.0 V Input Voltage, Any Pin to Ground .... -0.5 V to Vee+0.5 V Free Air Operating Temperature Range, TA .............. -40°C to +85°C Relative Humidity (non-condenSing) at 65°C ......... 90% Storage Temperature, Ts .............. -40°C to +85°C Maximum Solder Temperature, 1.59 mm (0.063 in.) below Seating Plane, t<5 sec ................... 260°C 7-30 package Dimensions PIN NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 4.10 (0.1601 FUNCTION 05 DATA INPUT ~DATAINPUT WRITE A, ADDRESS INPUTS Ao ADDRESS INPUTS Vee PIN NO. 7 B 9 10 11 12 FUNCTION GND Do OATA INPUT 01 DATA INPUT 02 DATA INPUT 03 DATA INPUT 06 DATA INPUT PIN 1 NOTES, 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED THE TOLERANCE ro~~~: ~:~51 TYP. ON All DIMENSIONS IS 0.25 mOl (0.010 in.,. 2. DIMENSIONS IN mm (inch(l!Ot. Recommended operating Conditions Symbol Parameter = Supply Voltage Input Voltage High Input Voltage Low Min. Nom. Max. Vee 4.5 5.0 5.5 VIH 2.0 Units V V V,L 0.8 V DC Electrical Characteristics Over operating Temperature Range TYPICAL VALUES Parameter Symbol Units -40'C -20·C 2S'C SS'C Icc mA 90 SS 70 60 Vee =5.0 V IcclBU mA 1.8 1.5 1.2 1.1 Vce=5.0V BL = 0.8 V hl pA 23 20 17 12 Vcc=5.0V VIN = 0.8 V Icc 4 digits on (10 seg/digit)il.21 Icc Blank Input Current, Max. Test Condition GUARANTEED MAXIMUM VALUES Symbol Units 25·C Vee 5.0 V = Maximum Over Operating Temperature Range Vee =5.5 V Icc rnA 90 130 lec(BU rnA 2.3 4.0 Input Current, Max. lil. p.A 30 50 Power Dissipation l31 Po rnW 450 715 Parameter Icc 4 digits on (10 segJdigit)11.21 icc Blank Noles: 1. "%" illuminated in all four characters. 2. Measured at five seconds. 3. Power dissipation = Vee' Icc (10 seg.!. 7-31 AC Timing Characteristics Over Operating Temperature Range at Vce = 4.5 V -20°C 25¢C 10·C Symbol IMIN IMIN IM.N Units Address Setup Time lAS 90 115 150 ns Write Delay Time twD 10 15 20 ns Write Time 80 100 130 ns Data Setup Time tw IDS 40 60 80 ns Data Hold Time tOH 40 45 50 ns Address Hold Time IAH 40 45 50 ns Access Time 130 160 200 ns Refresh Rate 420·790 310-630 270-550 Hz Parameter Optical Characteristics Min. Typ. Unlls 0.4 1.0 mod Apeak 655 nm Ad 640 nm Off Axis Viewing Angle ±40 degrees Digit Size 2.85 mm Parameter Symbol Test Condition Peak Luminous Intensity per digit, segments on (character average) Iv Peak Vcc"'5.0V H;(" illuminated in 8114 digits, a Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength Timing Diagram ~ -'X , -. tAS 2 0V . 0.8 V _tAH_ 2.0 V ./ \ tw _-two_I· ! ~: Do-D6 O.B V K2.0V !---tos_ I--toH-1 7-32. 0,8 V ~---~-.----.--~------~ Magnified Character Font Description Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Temperature 3.0 ~ ....~ ." :1" ~ 2.0 ...\ \;\ '\. z w > ~ ula: 5" REF. %Tl~ ,,%C, "- I\. 0 ""- '.0 ~o -20 20 '" 40 60 80 100 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - ("CI Electrical Description Figure 1 shows the intermil block diagram of the HPDL-1414. It consists of two parts: the display LEOs and the CMOS IC. The CMOS IC consists of a four-word ASCII memory, a 64word character generator, 17 segment drivers, four digit drivers, and the scanning' circuitry necessary to multiplex the four monolithic LED characters. In normal operation, the divide-by-four counter sequentially accesses each of the four RAM locations and simultaneously enables the appropriate display digit driver. The output of the RAM is decoded by the character generator which, in turn, enables the appropriate display segment drivers. Seven-bit ASCII data is stored in RAM. Since the display uses a 64-character decoder, half of the possible 128 input combinations are invalid. For each display location where 05=06 in the ASCII RAM, the display character is blanked. Data is loaded into the display through the DATA inputs (D6-Do), ADDRE~S inputs (Al-Ao), and WRITE (WR). After a character has been written to memory, the IC decodes the ASCII data, drives the display and refreshes it without any external hardware or software. o ATA INPUTS (00.001 Do-D. Os 2 WRITE 1 WRITE (Will DATA INPUTS Seven bit ASCII data is entered into (00-06, pins 1, 2, 8-12) memory via the DATA inputs. ADDRESS INPUTS (Al-Ao, pins 4 and 5) Each location in memory has a distinct address. ADDRESS inputs enable the designer to select a specific location in memory to store data. Address 00 accesses the far right display location. Address 11 accesses the far left location. WRITE (WR, pin 3) Data is written into the display when the WR input is low. Vec and GND (pins 6 and 7) These pins supply power to the. display. ~ 6 ADD RESS INPUTS (A,-Aol The HPDL-1414 uses 12 pins to control the CMOS IC. Figure 1 shows the effect these inputs have on the display. Os ---+s- - 64.17 CllAAACTER DECODER r-m- SEGMENT OR IVERS r-m-- $LANK I .II ,- 3r-- 3 3 2r--~ 10f4 OECODER 1 r-'or-- +4 INTERNAL OSC. r- COUNTER Figure 1. HPDL-1414 Inlernal Block Diagram 7-33 2 DIGIT 1 DRIVERS 1 Q 0 ~~~~ WR AJ Ao a a 0, a b b b b b c c c c c d d d d d NC NC :B NC NC c:: NC NC 11 NC NC NC X X X X X Previously Written 06 Os a 04 a H a b b L c c L L L L L L L H H H d d H X X X X 0 3 02 00 0lG3DIG2DIG10lGO a NC NC NC FI Data "a" = ASCII CODE CORRESPONDING TO SYMBOL" R" NC = NO CHANGE L = LOGIC LOW INPUT H = LOGIC HIGH INPUT X= DON'T CARE Figure 2. Write Truth Table using the HPDL-1414 with Microprocessors ADDRESS inputs (A, and Ao) are connected to microprocessor addresses A, and Ao. A 74LS138 may be used to generate individual display WRITE signals. Higher order microprocessor address lines are connected to the 74LS138. The microprocessor write line must be wired to one of the active low enable. inputs of the 74LS138. Both figures are formatted with address 0 being the far right display character. Figures 3 and 4 show how to connect the HPDL-1414 to a Motorola 6800 or an Intel 8085. The major differences between the two circuits are: 1. The 6800 requires two latches to store the ADDRESS and ASCII DATA information to increase the address and data input hold times. 2. The 6800 requires a flip-flop to delay the display WRITE signal to increase the address input setup time. 74lS313 r" l.i 1~1)s. ~ 004 1-.!! MICROPROCESSOR a. D a- 0, -'- 0, 0, DATA BUS 7 I~D, 2 • 5 2 a. ,. a. ,. 12 9 • • a, 2 ao •• .. .,.1] • Of 74LS20 ,..... t .1 ~ 74kS74 D 2 ~'LS04 3 . _ . tP Q I '+b .{ 17 741.$373 D, 13 D4 8 0, A 7 D, , A A0 5 ., 4 • 9 10 11 2 12 8 ~ WAA 14Ii i 8 1 2 12 ,. ,. 13 . ~ USED FOR HIGHER ORDER ADDRESS DECODING Figure 3: Memory Mapped Interface for the 6800 7-34 1 R A, AD 3 • 3 4 • 3~ i 0 9 10 11 9 10 11 1 2 12 '~ ~~ J Oe 1. 1 8888 8EJ88 GJ941~ ,~. 3~ '""";:i;4 ~ 00 O. c..!:!e ~ 3 8 14LS13B a.r-< £, 0, 2 12 ~ .xXXF WR III Ao: '1'414 Q'~ "" • 0, 3 16 1 888~ a.~ l, o.~A2 a3~Al '4 D. A3 , . 8 9 10 l' ~6 5 # 3 4 5 0, 05 DATA LINES FROM MICROPROCESSOR OJ 0, 0, Do 8 9 10'1 4 WR.......!'...c 2 12 8 9 10 11 1 2 12 8 9 10 11 1 2 12 B 9 10 11 1 2 12 74lS13S 6, .{-~e, -----L e, A, 1 ----L A, 3j:>-"... 2 _ _ _~ 2j:>-""'3_ _ _ _ _ +-+_______----' _________+_+---------J AJ--1- A, lj:>-"~4_ _ _ _~+-+ A,--1- Ao at:>-"~5----~~--------_t_t---------~~------~ Al------------~~--------+-+_-------~~~-------~ Ao--------------~---- _____ _4---------_~------~--~ ·USE FOR HIGHER ORDER ADDRESS DECODING. Figure 4. Memory Mapped Interface lor the 8085 7-35 - - - - - - - - ------------------------ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 HEX 0, 1 (space) D3 D2 D, DO BITS D6 05 04 o 1 0 2 a 1. 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F % [1 / < > *- + 0 I 2 j Y 5 5 1 B 9 - / L - ~ ? OJ R B [ ]J E F [; H I J I-< L M N 0 P Q R 5 T U V hi X Y Z [ \ J A I 1/ :±J ~ / I .,-- '" 1 0 0 4 1 0 1 5 Figure 5. HPDL-1414 ASCII Character Set Mechanical and Electrical Considerations The HPDL-1414 is a 12 pin dual-in-line package which can be stacked horizontally and vertically to create arrays of any size. The HPDL-1414 is designed to operate continuously from -40° C to +85 0 C for all possible input conditions. Soldering and Post Solder Cleaning Instructions for the HPDl-1414 The HPDL-1414 is assembled by die attaching and wire bonding the four GaAsP/GaAs monolithic LED chips and the CMOS IC to a high temperature printed circuit board. An immersion lens is formed by placing the PC board assembly into a nylon lens filled with epoxy. A plastic cap creates an air gap to protect the CMOS IC. Backfill epoxy environmentally seals the display package. This package construction gives the display a high tolerance to temperature cycling. The HPDL-1414 may be hand soldered or wave soldered with SN63 solder. Hand soldering may be safely performed . only with an electronically temperature-controlled and securely grounded soldering iron. For best results, the iron tip temperature should be set at 315°C (600° Fl. For wave soldering, a rosin-based RMA flux or a water soluble organic acid (OAI flux can be used. The solder wave t€!mperature should be 245°C ±5°C (473°F ±9°FI, and the dwell in the wave should be set at 1 1/2 to 3 seconds for optimum soldering. Preheat temperature should not exceed 93° C (200° FI as measured on the solder side of the PC, board. ' The inputs to the CMOS IC are protected against static discharge and input current latchup. However, for best results, standard CMOS handling precautions should be used. Prior to use, the HPDL-1414 should be stored in anti-static tubes or conductive material. A grounded conductive assembly area should be used, and assembly personnel should wear conductive wrist straps. Lab coats made of synthetic materials should be avoided since they may collect a static charge. Input current latchup is caused when the CMOS inputs are subjected either to a voltage below ground (VIN < groundl or to a voltage higher than Vee (VIN > Veel, and when a high current is forced into the input. Post solder cleaning may be performed with a solvent or aqueous process. For solvent cleaning, Allied Chemical Genesolv DES, Baron Blakeslee Blaco-Tron TES or DuPont Freon TE can only be used. These solvents are azeotropes of trichlorotrifluoroethane FC-113 with low concentrations of ethanol (5%1. The' maximum exposure time in the solvent vapors at boiling temperature should not exceed 2 minutes. Solvents containing high concentrations of alcohols, pure alcohols, isopropanol or acetone should not be used as they will chemically attack the nylon lens. Solvents containing trichloroethane FC-111 or FC-112 and trichloroethylene (TCEI are not recommended. An aqueous cleaning process is highly recommended. A saponifier, such as Kester Bio-kleen Formula 5799 or equivalent, may be added to the wash cycle of an aqueous process to remove rosin flux residues. Organic acid flux residues must be thoroughly removed by an aqueous cleaning process to prevent corrosion of the leads and solder connections. The optimum water temperature is 60° C (140°FI. The maximum cumulative exposure of the HPDL1414 to wash and rinse cycles should not exceed 15 minutes. 7-36 optical Considerations/ Contrast Enhancement The HPDL-1414 display uses a precision aspheric immersion lens to provide excellent readability and low off-axis distortion. The aspheric lens produces a magnified character height of 2.85 mm (0.112 in.! and a viewing angle of ±40 degrees. These features provide excellent readability at distances of up to 1.5 meters (4 feet). Each HPDL-1414 display is tested for luminous intensity and marked with an intensity category on the side of the display package. To ensure intensity matching for multiple package applications, mixing intensity categories for a given panel is not recommended. The HPDL-1414 display is designed to provide maximum contrast when placed behind an appropriate contrast enhancement filter. Some suggested filters are Panelgraphic Ruby Red 60, Panel graphic Dark Red 63, SGL Homalite Hl00-1650, Rohm and Haas 2423, Chequers Engraving 118, and' 3M R6510. For further information on contrast enhancement, see Hewlett-Packard Application Note 1015. 7-37 - - - - .._..... __._---_.__._._.. ------_. _......- r/idl HEWLETT ~e. PACKARD FOUR CHARACTER 4.1 mm (0.16 inJ SMART ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY HPDL-2416 Features • SMART ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY Built-in RAM, ASCII Decoder, and LED Drive Circuitry • WIDE OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE -40 0 C to +85 0 C • VERY FAST ACCESS TIME 160 ns • EXCELLENT ESD PROTECTION Built-in Input Protection Diodes • CMOS IC FOR LOW POWER CONSUMPTION • FULL TTL COMPATIBILITY OVER OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE Typical Applications VIL =0.8 V VIH =2.0 V • PORTABLE DATA ENTRY DEVICES • WAVESOLDERABLE • MEDICAL EQUIPMENT • RUGGED PACKAGE CONSTRUCTION • PROCESS CONTROL EQUIPMENT • END-STACKABLE • TEST EQUIPMENT • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION • COMPUTER PERIPHERALS Description The HPDL-2416 has been designed to incorporate several improvements over competitive products. It has a wide operating temperature range, fast IC access time and improved ESD protection. The HPDL-2416 is fully TTL compatible, wave solderable, and highly reliable. This display is ideally suited for industrial and commercial applications where a good looking, easy-to-use alphanumeric display is required. The HPDL-2416 is a smart 4.1 mm (0.16 in) four character, sixteen-segment red GaAsP display. The on-board CMOS IC contains memory, ASCII decoder, multiplexing circuitry, and drivers. The monolithic LED characters are magnified by an immersion lens which increases both character size and luminous intensity. The encapsulated dual-in-Iine package construction provides a rugged, environmentally sealed unit. 7-38 • TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage, VCC to Ground .......... -{l.5 V to 7.0 V Input Voltage, Any Pin to Ground ... -0.5 V to Vee +0.5 V Free Air Operating, No Cursors On[1J Temperature Range, T A .............. -40° C to +85° C Relative Humidity (non-condensing) at 65° C ........ 90% Storage Temperature, Ts .............. -40° C to +85° C Maximum Solder Temperature, 1.59 mm (0.063 in.! below Seating Plane, t < 5 sec. ................. 260° C Nole: 1. Free air operating temperature range: T A> 75° C No Cursors On TA';; 60° C 3 Cursors On T A';; 75' C 1 Cursor On TA';; 55° C 4 Cursors On T A';; 68' C 2 Cursors On -------- - - - - - package Dimensions Ir ::1 25.2010.990) r' - 6.3510.250) TYP. .~ fiv~~ L I 2007 10.790)~ 3. ~0~0005) ~'~"" f' 2 .1 0 15.03 10.600) 1 F=-~ REF. ~ 10.160) PIN NO. 1 2 3 4 PART NUMBER LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY AND/\CODE ......-- r ',,,'" 6.6 10;61 HPDl 2416 L ... ",'" "".. 4,10 .., REF tlI0.160) . y~WWI 0.51 ± .013 TVP 10.020 ±0.005) . 5 6 7 ~~~~~tl PIN 1 IDENTIFIER TIe . e 9 PIN FUNCTION NO. ti, CHIP ENASlE 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ~W:A'WABLE cull CURSOR ENABLE CiJ CURSOR SELECT Wll WRITE ADOA ess INPUT Al ADDRESS INPUT Ao Vee FUNCTION GND Do OATA INPUT D, DATA INPUT D, DATA INPUT D, DATA INPUT 0, OATA I~PUT D. DATA·INPUT Oil OAT~ INpUT If[ DISPLAY BLANK NOTES: 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, THE TOLERANCE ON ALL DIMENSIONS IS 0.254 mm (0.010 IN.l 2. DIMENSIONS IN mm (INCHES). 2.5410.1001 TYP. ReCOmmended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Min. N6m. Max. Supply Voltage Vee 4.5 5.0 5.5 Input Voltage High VIH 2.0 Input Voltage Low VIL Units V V 0.8 V DC Electrical Characteristics Over Operating Temperature Range TYPICAL VALUES Parameter Symbol Units -40°C -20°C 2S"C 70°C 85°C Test Condition ICC 100 95 85 75 72 VCC=5.0V 147 140 125 110 105 VCC=S.OV 1.85 1.5 1.15 Vec =5.0V BL=O.S V 20 17 14 ICC Cusor ,2 .J ICC'CU, ICC Blank ICC1BLI mA mA mA IlL J.1A Icc 4 digits on! 10 seg/digit, 1.21 Input Current, Max. Vcc=50V VIN =0.8 V GUARANTEED VALUES Parameter 2S"C Vee = 5.0 V Maximum Over Operating Temperature Range Vee "" S.S V Symbol Units Icc 115 170 165 232 3.5 SO Icc IBU rnA mA mA Input Current. Max. IlL p.A 30 40 Power Dissipation. 4 PD mW 575 910 Icc 4 digits on (10 seg/digitl 1.2 Icc Cursor 2.3 1 ...... lce leU) Icc Blank I Notes: 1. "%" illuminated in all four characters. 4. Power dissipation 2. Measured at five seconds. 3. Cursor character is sixteen segments and DP on. 7-39 = Vee' lee lID seg.l. AC Timing Characteristics Over Operating Temperature Range at Vee = 4.5 V -20o e 25°e 70c e Symbol tMIN tMIN tMIN Units Address Setup Time lAs 90 115 150 ns Write Delay Time 10 15 20 80 100 130 Data Setup Time two tw tos 40 60 80 Data Hold Time tOH 40 45 50 Address Hold Time tAH 40 45 50 ns ns ns ns ns ns Parameter Write Time Chip Enable Hold Time teEH 40 45 50 Chip Enable Setup Time teEs 90 115 150 ns Clear Time telA 2.4 3.5 4.0 ms Access Time 130 Refresh Rate 420-790 =~ 160 200 ns 310-630 270-550 Hz Optical Characteristics Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min, Typ. Units Peak Luminous Intensity per digit, 8 segments on (character average) Iv Peak Vcc=5,QV "%" illuminated in al14 dIgits. 0.5 1.25 mcd Petak Wavelength Apeak 655 nm Ad 640 nm Off Axis Viewing Angle ±5Q degrees Digit Size 4,1 mm Dominant Wavelength Timing Diagram f2.0V --, I 0.8V teES I --'..- 2.0 V I ~O.8V I -'e'H--'~(OV ~. , 'AS -two 0.8 V "'-',H __ i I '- 2.0 V 0.8 V tw I ~r 00-0 6 -'DS"-- I--'OH-- 7-40 ~2.0V O.8V Magnified Character Font Description Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Temperature 3.0 1 -(~:~~~)-1 a, I 32 fl\111 0 'IVI~l £12 ~ 1,\ 0 1'\ I""I'-- 0 d, -40 -20 20 40 f'.. 60 60 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ (CO) Electrical Description Data Entry Display Internal Block Diagram Figure 2 shows a truth table for the HPDL-2416 display. Setting the chip enables (CE" CE2) to their low state and the cursor select (CU) to its high state will enable data loading. The desired data inputs (06-00) and address inputs (A" Ao) as well as the chip enables (CE" CE2) and cursor select (CU) must be held stable during the write cycle to ensure that the correct data is stored into the display. Valid ASCII data codes are shown in Figure 3. The display accepts standard seven-bit ASCII data. Note that 06 = 05 for the codes shown in Figure 2. If 06 = 05 during the write cycle, then a blank will be stored in the display. Data can be loaded into the display in any order. Note that when A, = Ao = 0, data is stored in the furthest right-hand display location. Figure 1 shows the internal block diagram for the HPDL-2416' display. The CMOS IC consists of a four-word ASCII memory, a four-word cursor memory, a 64-word character generator, 17 segment drivers, four digit drivers, and the scanning circuitry necessary to multiplex the four monolithic LED characters. In normal operation, the divideby-four counter sequentially accesses each of the four RAM locations and simultaneously enables the appropriate display digit driver. The output of the RAM is decoded by the character generator which, in turn, enables the appropriate display segment drivers. For each display location, the cursor enable (CUE) selects whether the data from the ASCII RAM (CUE = Q) or the stored cursor (CUE = 1) is to be displayed. The cursor character is denoted by all sixteen segments and the DP ON. Seven-bit ASCII data is stored in RAM. Since the display utilizes a 64-character decoder, half of the possible 128 input combinations are invalid. For each display location where Os = 06 in the ASCII RAM, the display character is blanked. The entire display is blanked when BL=O. Cursor Entry As shown in Figure 2, setting the chip enables (CE" CE2) to their low state and the cursor select (CU) to its low state will enable cursor loading. The cursor character is indicated by the display symbol having all16 segments and the DP ON. The least significant data input (Do). the address inputs (A" Ao). the chip enables (CE" CE2). and the cursor select (CU) must be held stable during the write cycle to ensure that the correct data is stored in the display. If Do is in a low state during the write cycle, then a cursor character will be removed at the indicated location. If Do is in a high state euring the write cycle, then a cursor character will be stored at the indicated location. The presence or absence of a cursor character does not affect the ASCII data stored at that location. Again, when A, = Ao = 0, the cursor character is stored in the furthest right-hand display location. Data is loaded into the display through the data inputs (06Do). address inputs (A" Ao)~hip enables (CE" CE2). cursor select (CU), and write (WR). The cursor select (CU) determines whether data is stored in the ASCII RAM (CU = 1) or cursor memory (CU = 0). When CE, = CE2 = WR = 0 and CU = 1, the information on the data inputs is stored in the ASCII RAM at the location specified by the address inputs (A" Ao). When CE, = CE2 = WR = 0 and CU = 0, information on the data input, Do, is stored in the cursor at the location specified by the address inputs (A" AO)' If Do = 1, a cursor character is stored in the cursor memory. If DO = 0, a previously stored cursor character will be removed from the cursor memory. All stored cursor characters are displayed if the cursor enable (CUE) is high. Similarly, the stored ASCII data words are displayed, regardless of the cursor characters, if the cursor enable (CUE) is low. The cursor enable (CUE) has no effect on the storage or removal of the cursor characters within the display. A flashing cursor is displayed by pulsing the cursor enable (CUE). For applications not requiring a cursor, the cursor enable (CUE) can be connected to ground and the cursor select (CU) can be connected to Vee. This inhibits the cursor function and allows only ASCII data to be loaded into the display. If the clear input (CLR) equals zero for one internal display cycle (4 ms minimum), the data in the ASCII RAM will be rewritten with zeroes and the display will be blanked. Note that the blanking input (BU must be equal to logical one during this time. 7-41 DATA INPUTS (D6-D, 1 6 4x7 DATA INPUT (DO 1 ADDRESS INPUTS (A,-A 01 64x 17 ASCII MEMORY 2 OOrrt-" O. WRITE CLEAR READ 2 ~ 4xl CURSOR MEMORY l¥- t-- WRITE READ .... .., (CE, SEGMENT DRIVER SLAN!\ D, ~ ;::D- 2 ~ CE2 1 WRITE (WA 1 CURSOR SELECT Pf. CURSOR ~D t- CHIP ENABLES CftARACTER GENERATOR (CO' 1 CURSOR ENABLE (CUE 1 CLEAR IClR 1 .~) BLANK IliL 1 B '. $ COUNTER f¥o- 'OF4 DECODER f*. DI 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I 0 I 0 0 1 1 1 Q 0 1 1 1 5 8 7 (> , Q 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 8 9 A 1 Q I 1 Q 1 , , 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 B C D E 1 1 1 I 1 F / :±J gj % & < > + 0 I 2 3 y 5 5 1 B 9 -- /- L ~ ? N 0 IOJ IR B [ D E F G H I J K P Q R 5 T U V WX YZ [ \ J A (space) 1 u / * I = LiM Figure 3. HPDL-2416 ASCII Character Set Mechanical and Electrical Considerations either to a voltage below ground (VIN < ground) or to a voltage higher than Vee (VIN > Vee) and when a high current is forced into the input. To prevent input current latchup and ESD damage, unused inputs should be connected either to ground or to Vee. Voltages should not be applied to the inputs until Vee has been applied to the display. Transient input voltages should be eliminated. The HPDL-2416 is an 18 pin dual-in-line package that can be stacked horizontally and vertically to create arrays of any size. This display is designed to operate continuously between -40° C to +85° C with a maximum of 10segments on per digit. During continuous operation of all four Cursors the operating temperature should be limited to -40° C to +55° C. At temperatures above +55° C, the maximum number of Cursors illuminated continuously should be reduced as follows: No Cursors illuminated at operating temperatures above 75° C. One Cursor can be illuminated continuously at operating temperatures below 75° C. Two Cursors can be illuminated continuously at operating temperatures below 68° C. Three Cursors can be illuminated continuously at operating temperatures below 60° C. The HPDL-2416 is assembled by die attaching and wire bonding the four GaAsP/GaAs monolithic LED chips and the CMOS IC to a high temperature printed circuit board. An immersion lens is formed by plaCing the PC board assembly into a nylon lens filled with epoxy. A plastic cap creates an air gap to protect the CMOS IC. Backfill epoxy environmentally seals the display package. This package construction provides the display with a high tolerance to temperature cycling. The inputs to the CMOS IC are protected against static discharge and input current latchup. However, for best results standard CMOS handling precautions should be used. Prior to use, the HPDL-2416 should be stored in antistatic tubes or conductive material. During assembly a grounded conductive work area should be used, and assembly personnel should wear conductive wrist straps. Lab coats made of synthetic material should be avoided since they are prone to static charge build-up. Input current latchup is caused when the CMOS inputs are subjected Soldering and Post Solder Cleaning Instructions for the HPDL-2416 The HPDL-2416 may be hand soldered or wave soldered with SN63 solder. Hand soldering may be safely performed only with an electronically temperature-controlled and securely grounded soldering iron. For best results, the iron tip temperature should be set at 315°C (600°F). For wave soldering, a rosin-based RMA flux can be used. The solder wave temperature should be 245°C ±5°C (473°F ±9°F), and the dwell in the wave should be set at 1V, to 3 seconds for optimum soldering. Preheat temperature should not exceed 93°C (200°F) as measured on the solder side of the PC board. Post solder cleaning may be performed with a solvent or aqueous process. For solvent cleaning, Allied Chemical Genesolv DES, Baron Blakeslee Blaco-Tron TES or DuPont Freon TE can only be used. These solvents are azeotropes of trichlorotrifluoroethane FC-113 with low concentrations of ethanol (5%). The maximum exposure time in the solvent vapors at boiling temperature should not exceed 2 minutes. Solvents containing high concentrations of alcohols, pure alcohols, isopropanol or acetone should not be used as they will chemically attack the nylons lens. Solvents containing trichloroethane FC-111 or FC-112 and trichloroethylene (TCE) are not recommended. 7-44 An aqueous cleaning process is highly recommended. A saponifier, such as Kester-Bio-kleen Formula 5799 or equivalent, may be added to the wash cycle of an aqueous process to remove rosin flux residues. Organic acid flux residues must be thoroughly removed by an aqueous cleaning process to prevent corrosion of the leads and solder connections. The optimum water temperature is 60°C (140°F). The maximum cumulative exposure of the HPDL2416 to wash and rinse cycles should not exceed 15 minutes. optical Considerations/ Contrast Enhancement The HPDL-2416 display uses a precision aspheric immersion lens to provide excellent readability and low off-axis distortion. The aspheric lens produces a magnified character height of 4.1 mm (0.160 in.! and a viewing angle of ±50°. These features provide excellent readability at distances up to 2 metres (6 feet). Each HPDL-2416 display is tested for luminous intensity and marked with an intensity category on the side of the display package. To ensure intensity matching for multiple package applications, mixing intensity categories for a given panel is not recommended. The HPDL-2416 display is designed to provide maximum contrast when placed behind an appropriate contrast enhancement filter. Some suggested filters are Panelgraphic Ruby Red 60, Panelgraphic Dark Red 63, SGL Homalite H100-1650, Rohm and Haas 2423, Chequers Engraving 118, and 3M R6510. For further information on contrast enhancement, see Hewlett-Packard Application Note 1015. 7-45 Flidl FOUR CHARACTER 3.8 mm (0.15 INCH) 5x7 ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAYS HEWLETT STANDARD REO YEllOW HIGH EFFICIENCY REO HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN .:~ PACKARD HDSP-2000 HDSP-2001 HDSP-2002 HDSP'2003 Features • FOUR COLORS Standard Red Yellow High Efficiency Red High Performance Green • INTEGRATED SHIFT REGISTERS WITH CONSTANT CURRENT DRIVERS • COMPACT CERAMIC PACKAGE • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • END STACKABLE FOUR CHARACTER PACKAGE • • • • TTL COMPATIBLE 5 x 7 LED MATRIX DISPLAYS FULL ASCII SET CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY HDSP-2001/2003 CATEGORIZED FOR COLOR Description The HDSP-2000/-2001/-2002/-2003 series of displays are 3.B mm (0.15 inch) 5 x 7 LED arrays for display of alphanumeric information. These devices are available in standard red, yellow, high efficiency red, and high performance green. Package Dimensions . _ _ _ 1.6991 17.7SMAX••••• I I--.....l I_see Typical Applications • " • • INDUSTRIAL PROCESS CONTROL EQUIPMENT BUSINESS MACHINES PROGRAMMABLE LEGEND SWITCHES MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS o MILITARY GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT o COMPUTER PERIPHERALS Each four character cluster is contained in a 12 pin dual-inline package. An on-board SIPO (SeriaHn-Paraliel-Out) 7-bit shift register associated wiih each digit controls constant current LED row drivers. Full character display is achieved by external column strobing. ""'' l NOTE 4 I COLUMN FU~~TIO.N1 ~PI.N7 FUNCTI~~_ DATA OUT t~--.· ~6ill~~·r ~ __ :~ -~~. -;J fp'N J 1 I 4 5 _ 6 3.71 REf. He 1.290' {.146) 1 / " "'4'.13 __ PIN 1 MARKED BY 1.1-15 ' .0051 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 - t INt _C~NN'ECP ~ 10 11 -12 CLOCK GROUND" I~ I?ATA "DONO"!' CONNECT OR USE I DOT ON SACK OF PACKMe. NOTES; 1. DIMENSiON$IN nun {mchtsl. 2. UNl£SS OTHERWISE: SF>SCfFleO TIU! TOLERANCE ONAf..f..DIM£NSIONS 1$ ~,:t8mm 1~.{)1&"} 3, LEAD MATERIAL IS COPPJ::R: AU.OY, 4, CHARACTER$ ARE CE:NTEREO w,TH RESPeCT TO lMo$ W*THtN: ,.,3mlTll·.005"l. 1,21 __ (,050) 7-46 Absolute Maximum Ratings (HDSP-2000/-2001 /·2002/-2003) Supply Voltage Vee to Ground .......... -0.5V to 6.0V Inputs, Data Out and VB •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -0.5V to Vee Column Input Voltage, VeOl ............ -0.5V to +6.0V Free Air Operating Temperature Range, TA[1.2] ......... -20°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range, Ts ..... -55°C to +100°C Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation at TA = 25° C[1,2,3] ..•..........•..•.•.... 1.24 Watts Maximum Solder Temperature 1.59 mm 10.063 in) Below Seating Plane t < 5 sec ................ 260° C Recommended operating Conditions (HDSP-2000/-2001/-2002/-2003) Parameter Supply Vol1age Data Out CUHent, Low State Data Out Current. High State Column Input Voltage,'oolumn On HOSP-2000 Column Input Voltage, Column On, HDSP-2001/-2002f-2003 Setup Time Hold Time Width of Clock Clock Frequency Clock Transition Time Free Air Operating Temperature Rangep,21 SYmbol Vee IOl IOH VeOl VeOl Min. Nom. 4.i5 5.0 fclock tTHl TA -20 thold tw(Clock) V mA mA V V ns ns ns MHz ns °C 3.5 3.5 2.4 275 70 30 75 0 tsel up Units Max. 5.25 1.6 -0.5 45 0 3 200 85 Fig. 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 Electrical Characteristics Over Operating Temperature Range (Unless otherwise specified I ,;'Descrlption . Supply Current Symbol lec Column Current at any Column Input Column Current at any Column Input Vs, Clock Or Data Input ThreshOld High oNs, Clock Or Data Input Threshold Low input Current Logical 1 Vs, Clock Data In Input Current Logical 0 Va, Clock Data In Data Out Voltage Power DiSSipation Per Package" Thermal Resistance IC Junclion·to·Case ICOl ICOL VIM Vil hH hH hL hl VOH VOL PD Test Conditions Vec = S.25V VClOCK - VOATA 2.4V All SR Stages = Logical 1 Vcc=5.25 V VeOl =3,5V All SR Stages ~ logical 1 = Vee ~ VeOl ~ mA Vs= 2.4V 73 95 mA Vs = OAV Va = 2.4V ~ 335 500 I"A 410 rnA V V 2.0 0,8 20 2.4V 10 Vec=4.75V, IOH --a.SmA, leOl = 0 mA Vee - 4.7SV, IOl = 1.6 mA, leal = rnA Vee - S.OV, VCOl - 3.5V, 17.5% OF 15 LEOs on per character, Va 2.4V ° = R&J-c 2.4 80 40 -500 ·250 3.4 -800 0.2 004 -400 Fig: 4 J1A iJA I"A I1A V V 0,72 W 2 25 °CIW! Device 2 "Power dissipation per package with four characters illuminated. 7-47 ._-_......__._.__...... Uillts 60 Vec = 5,25V, Vil = OAV Notes: 1. Operation above 85°C ambient is possible provided the following conditions are met. The junction should not exceed 125°C TJ and the case temperature las measured at pin 1 ·or the back of the display I should not exceed 100°CTc. .---.-.-~ Max. 45 Min• 4.7SV Vee = 5,25V, Viti 'All typical values specified at Vee = 5.0V and TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted. ----~ Typ" Vs =0.4V 2. The device should be derated linearly above 50°C at 16.7 mW/oC. This derating is based on a device mounted in a socket having a thermal resistance from case to ambient at 35°C/W per device. See Figure 2 for powerderatings based on a lower thermal resistance. 3. Maximum allowable dissipation is derived from Vce - 5.2SV, Vs = 2.4V, VeOL = 3.5V 20 LEOs on per character, 20% OF. optical Characteristics STANDARD RED HDSP-2000 Description Peak Luminous Intensity per LEDI4.SI !Character Average) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength[7J Symbol I,Peak Test Conditions Vee'"' 5.0V, VeOL - 3.5V Ti '" 25° CI6J , VB == 2.4V Min. Typ.' Units Fig. 105 200 ,",cd 3 655 639 nm nm APEAK Ad Max. YELLOW HDSP-2001 Description Peak Luminous Intensity per LE014.81 (Character Average) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelengthl S,7j Symbol IYPeak Test Coridltlons Vee - 5.0V, VeOL - 3.5V TI = 25° CI6J, VB"" 2.4V Min. Typ: Units Fig. 400 750 ,",cd 3 583 585 nm nm • APEAK Ad Max. HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HDSP-2002 Description Peak Luminous IntenSity per LED14.61 (Character Average) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength[7J I Symbol I I J IvPeak Test Coridllii:ms Vee == 5.0V, VeOl - 3.5V Ti = 25·C[61, VB'" 2.4V Min. Typ.' Units Fig. 400 1430 ,",cd 3 635 626 nm nm APEAK Ad Max. HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN HDSP-2003 -Description Peak Luminous Intensity per LED!4.81 (Character Average) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelengthl5.7J Symbol IvPeak Test Conditions Vee'" 5.0V, VeOl - 3.5V Ti '" 25° CI6J, Va = 2.4 V APEAK Ad Typ: Units Fig. 850 1550 /lcd 3 568 nm nm Max. 574 'All typical values specified at Vce == 5.0V and TA == 25'C unless otherwise noted. Notes: 4. The characters are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter code on the bottom of the package. 5. The HDSP-2001/-2003 are categorized for color with the color category designated by a number code on the bottom of the package. 6. Ti refers to the initial case temperature of the device immediately prior to the light measurement. Min. "Power dissipation per package with four characters illuminated. Dominant wavelength Ad. is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram. and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. S. The luminous sterance of the LED may be calculated using the following relationships: Lv (cd/m2) == Iv (Candela)/A (Metre)2 Lv IFootlamberts) == rrlv ICandela)/A IFoot)2 A == 5.3 X 10.8 M2 == 5.S X 10-7 I Footl2 7. Electrical Description column 1 input is now enabled for an appropri'ate period of time, T. A similar process is repeated for columns 2, 3, 4 and 5. If the time necessary to decode and load data into the shift register is t, then with 5 columns, each column of the display is operating at a duty factor of: The HDSP-200X series of four character alphanumeric displays have been designed to allow the user maximum flexibility in interface electronics design. Each four character display module features DATA IN and DATA OUT terminals arrayed for easy PC board interconnection. DATA OUT represents the output of the 7th bit of digit number 4 shift register. Shift register clocking occurs on the high to low transition of the clock input. The like columns of each character in a display cluster are tied to a single pin. Figure 5 is the block diagram for the displays. High true data in the shift register enables the output current mirror driver stage associated with each row of LEDs in the 5 x 7 diode array. T D.F.= 5 (t + T) Thetime frame, t + T, alloted toeach column of the display is generally chosen to provide the maximum duty factor consistent with the minimum refresh rate necessary to achieve a flicker free display. For most strobed display systems, each column of the display should be refreshed (turned on I at a minimum rate of 100 times per second. With columns to be addressed. this refresh rate then gives a value for the time t + T of: The TTL compatible VB input may either be tied to Vee for maximum display intensity or pulse width modulated to achieve intensity control and reduction in power consumption. 1/[5 x (100)1 = 2 msec If the device is operated at 3.0 MHzclock rate maximum, it is possibleto maintain t« T. Forshort display strings, the duty factor will then approach 20%. In the normal mode of operation, input data for digit 4 column 1 is loaded into the 7 on-board shift register locations 1 through 7. Column 1 data for digits 3, 2 and 1 is similarly shifted into the display shift register locations. The Forfurther applications information, refer to HP Application Note 1016. 7-48 CLOCK SERIAL DECODED DATA INPUT CLOCK SERIAL DECODED DATA OUTPUT DATA IN BLANKING CONTROL DATA OUT htll,t"JIt PrOp1;IgatiQO Ct delay CLOCK to OArAoUT = 15pF RI.=2.4KU 125 n'S Figure 1. Switching Characteristics HDSP-2000/-2001/-2002l-2003 ITA = _20· C to +85· C) 5 COLUMN DRIVE INPUTS Mechanical and Thermal Considerations Figure 5. Block Diagram 01 HDSP-2000/-2001/-2002l-2003 The HDSP-2000/-2001/-2002/-2003 are available in standard ceramic dual-in-line packages. They are designed for plugging into sockets or soldering into PC boards. The packages may be horizontally or vertically stacked for character arrays of any desired size. Full power operation (Vee = S.2SV, VB = 2.4V, VeOl = 3.SV) with worst case thermal resistance from IC junction to ambient of 60· C/watVdevice is possible up to ambient temperature of SO° C. For operation above SO°C, the maximum device dissipation should be derated linearly at 16.7 mW/oC (see Figure 2). With an improved thermal design, operation at higher ambient temperatures without derating is possible. Power derating for this family of displays can be achieved in several ways. The power supply voltage can be lowered to a minimum of 4.7SV. Column Input Voltage, VCOL, can be decreased to the recommended minimum values of 2.4V for the HDSP-2000 and 2.7SV for the HDSP-2001/-2002/2003. Also, the average drive current can be decreased through pulse width modulation of VB' Please refer to HP Application Note 1016 for further information. The HDSP-2000/-2001/-2002/-2003 displays have glass windows. A front panel contrast enhancement filter is desirable in most actual display applications. Some suggested filter materials are provided in Figure 6. Additional information on filtering and constrast enhancement can be found in HP Application Note 101S. ~s ~;: 0 1 ~z ~Q Polaroid HNCP10-Glass Marks Polarized (HP Greenj MPC·010'·5-12 Note: 1. Optically coated circular polarized filters, such as Polaroid HNCP10. Figure 6. Contrast Enhancement Filters 500 in - I.' - ....... ~ 1.2 "'i;; ::I~ 0.8 "'0: D•• I-- APJA' 50'C/W I , J ',/ RtJJA" 4O"C/W D•• 11.1.1 r-- ! til/ 00 f/- ill 10 20 30 40 50 I ill0: ~ 0: ::I ~ ~ V u ,. z t :E ~ I 100 "~ 0: 70 eo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TJ - JUNCTION TE~PERATURE _·c TA -AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _·c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.. _----_..----- 0 Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Temperature 7-49 .. -- .... 00 rt .... - 'I ,I HDSP-2QOIf-2OW-2003 ] ~ 90 100 Figure 2. Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation vs. Temperature bUi HOSNOOO 3 8 200 w 3 > >= 60 300 z 0 J~~ ~o I- 3.0 I- 1 0.2 ~ 0: 100 TA -AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °c FIgure 5. MaxImum Allowable Power DIssIpatIon vs. Temperature 400 0: 0: 1.0 ""z HDSP._ ~ ~ HD~ " I " -20 1IDSP·2303 20 40 60 80 '~" r-r- I ] 100 TJ - JUNCTION TEMPERATURE _ 120 140 °c FIgure 6. RelatIve LumInous IntensIty vs. Temperature 7-53 8 ~" VeOL -COLUMN VOLTAGE -VOLTS FIgure 7. Peak Column Current vs. Column Voltage Electrical Description CLOCK The HDSP-230X series of four character alphanumeric displays have been designed to allow the user maximum flexibility in interface electonics design. Each four character display module features DATA IN and DATA OUT terminals arrayed for easy PC board interconnection. DATA OUT represents the output of the 7th bit of digit number 4 shift register. Shift register clocking occurs on the high to low transition of the Clock input. The like columns of each character in a display cluster are tied to a single pin. Figure 5 is the block diagram for the displays. High true data in the shift register enables the output current mirror driver stage associated with each row of LEOs in the 5 x 7 diode array. SERIAL SERIAL DECODED DATA OUTPUT DECODED DATA INPUT BLANKING CONTROL The TTL compatible VB input may either be tied to Vee for maximum display intensity or pulse width modulated to achieve intensity control and reduction in power consumption. In the normal mode of operation, input data for digit 4 column 1 is loaded into the 7 on-board shift register locations 1 through 7. Column data for digits 3, 2, and 1 is similiarly shifted into the display shift register locations. The column 1 input is now enabled for an appropriate period of time, T. A similar process is repeated for columns 2,3,4 and 5. If the time necessary to decode the load data into the shift register is t, then with 5 columns, each column of the display is operating at a duty. factor of: COLUMN DRIVE INPUTS Figure 8. Block Diagram 01 HDSP-2300/-2301/-2302/-2303 T D.F. = 5 (1+ T) The time frame, t + T, alloted to each column of the display is generally chosen to provide the maximum duty factor consistent with the minimum refresh rate necessary to achieve a flicker free display. For most strobed display systems, each column of the display should be refreshed (turned on) at a minimum rate of 100 times per second. HOSP·2001 (Yellow) (HER) With columns to be addressed, this refresh rate then gives a value for the time t + T of: HOSP-2003 (HP Green) 1/[5 x (100)) = 2 msec Panelgra-phlc Chequers Grey Ruby Red 60 105 Chequers Red 112 Panelg1aph,< Green 48 Chequers Green 107 POlaroid HNCP10~Glass Marks Pofatized MPC·OZ01·2·22 Polaroid HNCP10,G,." Marks Polarized MPC·OlO,·5·12 Note: 1. Optically coated circular pOlarized lilters, such as Polaroid HNCP10. If the device is operated at 3.0 MHz clock rate maximum, it is possible to maintain t« T. For short display strings, the duty factor will then approach 20%. Figure 9. Contrast Enhancement Fillers Forfurther applications information, refer to HP Application Note 1016. Mechanical and Thermal Considerations The HDSP-2300/-2301/-2302/-2303 are available in standard ceramic dual-in-line packages. They are designed for plugging into sockets or soldering into PC boards. The packages may be horizontally or vertically stacked for character arrays of any desired size. The HDSP-2301/-2302/-2303 utilize a high output current IC to provide excellent readability in bright ambient lighting. Full power operation (Vee = 5.25V, VB = 2.4V, VeOL = 3.5V) with worst case thermal resistance from IC junction to ambient of 60° C/waU/device is possible up to ambient temperature of .37° C. For operation above 37° C, the maximum device dissipation should be derated linearly at 16.7 mWrC (see Figure 5). With an improved thermal design, operation at higher ambient temperatures without derating is possible. Please refer to HP Application Note 1016 for further information. The HDSP-2300 uses a lower power IC, yet achieves excellent readabilty in indoor ambient lighting. Full power operation up to TA = 50° C (Vee = 5.25V, VB = 2.4V, VeOL = 3.5V) is possible byproviding a total thermal resistance from IC junction to ambient of 60° C/wattldevice maximum. For operation above 50° C, the maximum device dissipation should be derated at 16.7 mW/o C/device (see Figure 2). 7-54 ------------.-.----_.- Power derating for this family of displays can be achieved in several ways. The power supply voltage can be lowered to a minimum of 4.75V. Column Input Voltage, VeOl, can be decreased to the recommended minimum values of 2.6V for the HDSP-2300 and 2.75V for the HDSP-2301/-2302/-2303. Also, the average drive current can be decreased through pulse width modulation of VB. The HDSP-2300/-2301/-2302/-2303 displays have glass windows. A front panel contrast enhancement filter is desirable in most actual display applications. Some suggested filter materials are provided In Figure 9. Additional information on filtering and constrast enhancement can be found in HP Application Note 1015. Post solder cleaning may be accomplished using water or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for vapor cleaning processing or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for room temperature cleaning. Freon/alcohol vapor cleaning processing for up to 2 minutes in vapors at boiling is permissible. Suggested solvents include Freon TF, Freon TE, Genesolv DI-15, Genesolv DE-15, and water. NOTE: The HDSP-2301/-2302/-2303 are available in high intensity categories suitable for some applications where direct sunlight viewing is required. For information on displays and filters for sunlight viewable applications, contact your field salesman. 7-55 rlidl FOUR CHARACTER 6.9 mm (0.27 INCH) 5X7 ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAYS HEWLETT STANDARD RED YEllOW HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN ~t:. PACKARD HDSp·2490 HDSP-2491 HDSP-2492 HDSP-2493 Features • FOUR COLORS Standard Red Yellow High Efficiency Red High Performance Green • INTEGRATED SHIFT REGISTERS WITH CONSTANT CURRENT DRIVERS • COMPACT CERAMIC PACKAGE • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • END STACKABLE FOUR CHARACTER PACKAGE • • • • Typical Applications TTL COMPATIBLE 5 x 7 LED MATRIX DISPLAYS FULL ASCII SET CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY HDSP-2491/2493 ALSO CATEGORIZED FOR COLOR • • • • • • Description The HDSP-2490/-2491/-2492/-2493 series of displays are 6.9 mm (0.27 inch) 5 x 7 LED arrays for display of alphanumeric information. These devices are available in standard red, yellow, high efficiency red, and high performance green. Each four character cluster is contained in a 28 pin dual-inline package. An on-board SIPO (Serial-ln-Parallel-Out) 7-bit shift register associated with each digit controls constant current LED row drivers. Full character display is achieved by external column strobing. package Dimensions 35~. ~-4jjl.'$) I ~-t-~ I 1 PIN1 MAAKED &YIlOT OHeAd( OF PACkA~E, I L_ .....(~:)- I I I _J I I I L_ I -, I r- -1 r- I I I 2-+----+-3 I _J I I L_ I I I _J I -T I 4-j- I L_ 1 2 COLUMN 1 ,. FUNCTION NO CONNECT DATA OUT 3 COLUMN 1 17 DATA OUT PIN _L [I 11 - .voI ••• • 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 !ii-ru US) 2.54 (1.400) MAX. I r- INSTRUMENTS BUSINESS MACHINES INDUSTRIAL PROCESS CONTROL EQUIPMENT MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS COMPUTER PERIPHERALS MILITARY GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT 31.2 (1.23) aao 1.1 (~~-----------------------------------; 7-56 FUNCTIONI 11 NO CONNECT COLUMN 2 PIN 15 ,. 19 COLUMN 3 20 COLUMN 3 21 COLUMN 4 22 COLUMN 4 23 COLUMN 5 2' COLUMNS 25 INT. CONNECTIZ I 2. INT. CONNECTIZI 27 NO CONNECT 2' COLUMN 2 V, V, V" V" CLOCK CLOCK GROUND GROUND DATA IN DATA IN NOCONNECT --_._--_.. _-_ .. _.. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- Absolute Maximum Ratings (HDSP-2490/-2491/-2492/-2493) Supply VOlt~e Vee to Ground .......... -0.5V to 6.0V Inputs, Data ut and Vs •.............. " -0.5V to Vee Column Input 1I0itage, VeOl ............ -0.5V to +6.0V Free Air Opera ,ng Temperature Range, TA[1,21 ........ ·-20°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range, T5 ..... -55°C to +100°C Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation at TA = 25°C 1,2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.46 Watis Maximum Solder Temperature 1.59 mm (0.063 in.) Below Seating Plane t < 5 sec ................ 260° C Recommended operating Conditions (HDSP-2490/-2491/-2492/-2493) Electrical Characteristics Over operating Temperature Range (Unless otherwise specified) Description Supply Current Symbol Icc Column Current at any Column Input leoL Column Current at any Column Input VB, Clock or Data Input Threshold HiQh Vs, Clock or Data I nput Threshold Low Input Current Logical 1 Va, Clock Data In Input Current Logical 0 Va, Clock Data In leol VIH VIL Data Out Voltage Power Dissipation Per Package" Thermal Resistance IC Junction-to-Case hH hH ilL hL VOH VOL PD Test Conditions Vee-5.25V VClOCK = VOATA = 2.4V All SR Stages = Logical 1 Vee=5.25V VCOl =3.5V All SR Stages = Logical 1 Typ.- Max. UnUs VB"'0.4V 45 6() mA VB =2.4V 73 95 rnA Min. VB =O.4V 380 Va=2AV Vce = Veol = 4.75V 2.4 ~ -250 -400 3.4 0.2 0.4 0_78 20 V V W -oCIWI Device 4 2 2 "Power c;lisslpation per package with four characters Illuminated. 'All typical values specified at Vce = 5.0V and TA = 25° C unless otherwise noted. . Notes: 1. Operation above 85° C ambient is possible provided the following conditions are met. The junction should not exceed 125°C TJ and the case temperature (as measured at pin 1 or the back of the display I should not exceed 100°CTe. 7-57 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.._---_._ .. __ . _ .__ ... - rnA V V 0.8 Vee = 5.25V, Vil =_ ~.4V R8J-c /lOA 520 2.0 Vee = S.25V, VIIi = 2.4V Vee - 4.75V, 10H '" -0.5 rnA, leoL - 0 rnA Vee -4.75V.loL = 1.6 rnA, leol - a rnA Vee - S.OV, VeOl - 3.5V, 17.5% OF 15 LEOs on per character, Ve = 2.4V 500 Fig. 2. The device should be derated linearly above 60° C at 22.2 mW/oC. This derating is based on a device mounted In a socket having a thermal resistance from case to ambient at 25° C/W per device. See Figure 2 for powerderatings based on a lower thermal resistance. 3. Maximum allowable dissipation Is derived from Vee = 5.25V, Ve = 2.4V, VeOl = 3.5V20 LEOs on per character, 20% OF: . ------ optical Characteristics STANDARD RED HDSP-2490 Description Peak Luminous Intensity per LED14,81 (Character Average) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength[7] Symbol IvPeak Test Conditions Vee = 5.0V, VeOl = 3.5V TI '" 25°CI61, VB'" 2.4V Min, Typ,' 220 APEAK Ad Max, Units Fig. 370 licd 3 655 639 nm nm YELLOW HDSP-2491 Description Peak Luminous Intensity per LED14,81 (Character Average) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelengthl5 , 7} Symbol IvPeak TesfC:ondjtlons Vee'" 5.0V, VeOl = 3.5V TI '" 250 Clel, Vs '" 2.4V Unlls 1 Fig. Min. Typ.- S50 1400 }LCd I 563 585 nm nm I I APEAK Ad Max. I 31 I I HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HDSP-2492 Description Peak Luminous Intensity per LED14.81 (Character Average) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength!?! SymbOl I.Peak APEAK Ad Test Conditions Vee'" 5.0V, VeOL '" 3.5V TI = 25~CI61, Va = 2.4V Min. Typ,* Units Fig, 850 1530 }Lcd 3 635 626 nm nm , Max. HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN HDSP-2493 Description Peak Luminous Intensity per LED14.81 (Character Average) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength [5,71 'All typical values specified at Vcc otherwise noted. ~ 5.0V and TA Symbol Ivp~ak Test Conditions Vee = 5.0V, VeOl "" 3.5V T1 = 25" Cl61, VB = 2.4 V Typo" 2410 Max. 568 574 APEAK Ad ~ Min. 1280 25°C unless I Units ~ Fig. 3 nm "Power dissipation per package with four characters illuminated. Nol.s: 4. The characters are categorized for luminous intensity with the intenSity category designated by a letter code on the bottom of the package. 5. The HDSP-2491/-2493 are categorized for color with the color category deSignated by a number code on the bottom of the package. 6. T; refers to the initial case temperature of the device immediately prior to the light measurement. 7. Dominant wavelength Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram, and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 8. The luminous sterance of the LED may be calculated using the following relationships: Lv (cd/m21 ~ Iv (Candelal/A (Metre)2 Lv (Footlambertsl ~ 7rlv (Candelal/A (Foot)2 A ~ 5.3 X 10.8 M2 ~ 5.8 x 10-7 (Footl2 Electrical Description column 1 input is now enabled for an appropriate period of time, T. A similar process is repeated for columns 2, 3, 4 and 5. If the time necessary to decode and load data into the shift. register is t, then with 5 columns, each column of . the display is operating at a duty factor of: The HDSP-249X series of four character alphanumeric displays have been designed to allow the user maximum flexibility in interface electronics design. Each four character display module features DATA IN and DATA OUT terminals arrayed for easy PC board interconnection. DATA OUT represents the output of the 7th bit of digit number 4 shift register. Shift register clocking occurs on the high to low transition of the clock input. The like columns of each character ina display cluster are tied to a single pin. Figure 5 is the block diagram for the displays. High true data in the shift register enables the output current mirror driver stage associated with each row of LEDs in the 5 x 7 diode array. OF =_T_ ., 5 (t +T) The time frame, t + T, alloted to each column of the display is generally chosen to provide the maximum duty factor consistent with the minimum refresh rate necessary to achieve a flicker free display. For most strobed display systems, each column of the display should be refreshed (turned on) at a minimum rate of 100 times per second. With columns to be addressed, this refresh rate then gives a value for the time t + T of: The TTL compatible VB input may either be tied to Vee for maximum display intensity or pulse width modulated to achieve intensity control and reduction in power consumption, 1/[5 x (100)J = 2 msec In the normal mode of operation, input data for digit 4 column 1 is loaded into the 7 on-board shift register locations 1 through 7. Column 1 data for digits 3, 2 and 1 is similarly shifted into the display shift register locations. The 7-58 If the device is operated at 3,0 MHz clock rate maximum, it is possible to maintain t« T. For short display strings, the duty factor will then approach 20%, Forfurther applications information, refer to HP Application Note 1016. CLOCK 2.4V SERIAL DECODED DATA INPUT CLOCK 0.4V SERIAL DECODED DATA OUTPUT 2.4V DATA IN O.4V ~ 2.4V DATA OUT 0.4V·-----+.J P'''.meler ~ klOCk CLOCK Aajc tnit Propagation delay CLOCK r-'PHL -I Condillon Min. Typ. MaJ[, BLANKING CONTROL Units 3 MHz 125 ns trill. CI "" 15pr Rl",,24KH to DATA OUT Figure 1. Switching Characteristics HDSP-2490/-2491/-2492/-2493 (TA = _20 0 C to +85 0 C) S COLUMN DRIVE INPUTS Mechanical and Thermal Considerations Figure 5. Block Diagram of HDSP-2490/-2491/-2492/-2493 filter materials are provided in Figure 6. Additional information on filtering and contrast enhancement can be found in HP Application Note 1015. The HDSP-2490/-2491/-2492/-2493 are available in standard ceramic dual-in-line packages. They are designed for plugging into sockets or soldering into PC boards. The packages may be horizontally or vertically stacked for character arrays of any desired size. The HDSP-2490/-2491/-2492/-2493 utilize a high output current IC to provide excellent readability in bright ambient lighting. Full power operation (Vee = 5.25V, VB = 2.4V, VeOL = 3.5V) with worst case thermal resistance from IC junction to ambient of 45 0 C/wattidevice is possible up to ambient temperature of 60 0 C. For operation above 60 0 C, the maximum device dissipation should be derated linearly at 22.2 mW/ o C (see Figure 2). With an improved thermal design, operation at higher ambient temperatures without derating is possible. Please refer to Application Note 1016 for further information. Post solder cleaning may be accomplished using water or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for vapor cleaning processing or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for room temperature cleaning. Freon/alcohol vapor cleaning processing for up to 2 minutes in vapors at boiling is permissible. Suggested solvents include Freon TF, Freon TE. Genesolv DI-15, Genesolv DE-15, and water. Power derating for this family of displays can be achieved in several ways. The power supply voltage can be lowered to a minimum of 4.75V. Column Input Voltage, VeOL, can be decreased to the recommended minimum values of 2.4V for the HDSP-2490 and 2.75V for the HDSP-2491/-2492/-2493. Also, the average drive current can be decreased through pulse width modulation of VB. HDSP"2Q02 (HER) Chequers HDSP';2003 (HPGreeni Panelgraphlc Green 48 t07 Note: 1. Optically coated circular polarized filters. such as Polaroid HNCP10. Figure 6. Contrast Enhancement Filters soo 4.0 1.8 ~ S ~~ 1,4 ~~ 1,2 ~~ R'''i..I5{iW +± :i: o. 6 Ef~ 0.4 IW I 3.0 1.0 ~ ~ o. ""c: ~ 1,6 ~ "~~ I1JA "36 CIW a 10 .:s, HPSP·249 ·2491/·!49U·24$3 60 80 100 120 140 Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Temperature 7-59 I . 100 0 20 TJ -JUNCTION TEMPERATURE _ °C J HOSP·2400 z ,... Hosp·24a2 O. 2 0 400 ffi " 2.0 POlarOid HNCP10·(;lass Marl..s polarized MPC-0201-2-22 Polaroid HNCP11)·Gla$!iMarks PolariZed MPC·0101-5--12 112 CheQuers Gre-en The HDSP-2490/-2491/-2492/-2493 displays have glass windows. A front panel contrast enhancement filter is desirable in most actual display applications. Some suggested 2.0 Chequer$ Grey 105 Panefgr"phlC AubyRed """ 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 VCOL - COLUMN VOLTAGE - VOLTS Figure 4. Peak Column Current vs. Column Voltage S.O SMART DISPLAY BOARD FAMILY F/idl HEWLETT II.!~ PACKARD 16 AND 32 CHARACTER 2.85 mm (0.112) AND 4.1 mm (0.16) HDSP~6621 HDSP-6624 Features • FULLY ASSEMBLED • FUNCTIONALLY TESTED • INCLUDE ON-BOARD CHARACTER GENERATOR, MEMORY, DRIVER, DECODER, MULTIPLEX, AND BUFFER CIRCUITRY • 64 ASCII CHARACTER SET • ALL DIGITS ALIGNED AND MATCHED FOR INTENSITY • 2.85 mm (0.112) or 4.1 mm (0.16) CHARACTER HEIGHT • VIEWING ANGLE GREATER THAN ±40o • SINGLE 5 V POWER SUPPLY • FULL TTL COMPATIBILITY Description The HDSP-6621 and HDSP-6624 smart display systems are board assemblies based on the HPDL-1414 and HPDL-2416 displays. The HDSP-6621 consists of four HPDL-1414 displays (16 characters) plus a decoder and interface buffer on a single printed circuit board. The HDSP-6624 consists of eight HPDL-2416 displays (32 characters) plus a decoder and interface buffers on a single printed circuit board. Each display provides its own character memory, 64 character ASCII decoder ROM, and refresh circuitry necessary to synchronize the decoding and driving of four 17 segment red LEDs. The HDSP-6624 has the additional features of a cursor (all dots on) or a blanking (flashing) function. The characters in each system are aligned and matched for intensity. The HDSP-662X family can be configured in custom string lengths, and the HDSP-6621 is available without a connector. Contact your local Hewlett-Packard field sales representative with your requirements. Typical Applications • COMPUTER PERIPHERALS • TELECOMMUNICATIONS • INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT • INSTRUMENTS Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage, Vee to Ground .............. -0.3 to 7.0 V Input Voltage, Any Pin to Ground ............. -0.3 to Vee Free Air Operating Temperature Range ....... DOC to 7DoC Storage Temperature ..................... -4DoC to 85°C 7-60 Package Dimensions l °L HDSP-6621 ......... 7.1110.281 PIN FUNCTION 1 2 3 Ao DIGIT SElECT Al DrGIT SElECT 04 DATA INPUT 3.175 t 92.08 (3.625} ~t; o J13 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 IL ~~ ;-- <==) I ffi-r==- --e:::::J- 12.k5 J ~- ~5}30.4 ~ '" ;# 11,20 ... L---II ..-l 'K '-fo.~}--l 10.82} 3.0 10.11B) DIA 4 PLC~ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Do DATA INPUT (LSB) OJ DATA INPUT 02 DATA INPUT GND A3 DIGIT SELECT WRWRITE A2 DIGIT SELECT De DATA INPUT (MSB) 01 DATA INPUT 05 DATA INPUT Vee I. NOTES, 1. TOLE RANCES; HOLES, 0.254 (0.011 ALL OTHERS, 0.50810.021 2. DIME NSIONS IN MILLIMETRES {INCHES} 56.3912.22) package Dimensions • HDSP-6624 1---------------223.5218.80)--------------0.1 r<----------------215.80 (8.50)---------------1 1-------114,30 (4.501-------1 3.91 10.1541 DIA. 8 PLACES 00 NOT USE FOR MOUNTING 6,80 (0.261 L II A CONNECTOR I CONNECTOR Jl MONNECTOR PIN 1~ CONNECTOR J2 Jl I V-PIN 2 " CONNECTOR Jl "J J ll BERG 3M 66900-026 3399-6000 J2 POWER MOLEX 09-50-7041 HOUSING 08-50-0105 TERMINAL PIN 1 2 3 "'-PIN 26 NOTES 1, TO !.fRANCES to.508 (D.02) t 0.264 (0,010) 2. SHU NT BAR PROVIDED WITH THE UNIT IS AMP PiN 531220-3 J2 3. DIM ENSIONS IN MII.LIMETRES (INCHES) 7-61 RECOMMENDED MATING CONNECTOR FUNCTION CONTROL DATA • :~ PIN 25 I J1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 FUNCTION A2 ADDRESS LINE DE4 DISPLAY ENABLE ~DDRESSLINE DE3 DISPLAY ENABLE A4 ADDRESS LINE DE, DISPLAY ENABLE NO CONNECTION DE2 DISPLAY ENABLE DO DATA LINE NO CONNECTION D1DATALlNE NO CONNECTION 02 DATA LINE G'ND Vee PIN I. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2. 25 26 3 • FUNCTION NO CONNECTION 06 DATA LINE NO CONNECTION 04 DATA LINE CUE CURSOR ENABLE Os DATA LINE CURSOR SElECT Ao ADDRESS LINE co erR CLEAR A, ADDRESS LINE WRWRITE 03 DATA LINE BLBLANKING Vee GND Recommended operating Conditions Symbol Min. Nom. Supply Voltage Vee 4.75 5.0 5.25 V Input Voltage High V'H VIL 2.0 Vee + 0.3 V GND - 0.3 0.8 V Parameter Input Voltage Low Electrical Characteristics Parameter Max, Units Over Operating Temperature Range HDSP-6621 Max, 1}tp. HDSP-6624 Typ. Max, 315 720 Icc AU digits on (10 seg/digit)l1) 480 1200 1040 Icc Cursorl2. 3J (HDSP-6624 only) 1600 40 Icc Blank 30 Units Test Conditions mA Vee ~ 5.0V mA Vee=5.25V mA Vee" 5.0V mA Vee = 5.25 V mA Vee" 5.0V 75 80 mA Vee'" 5.25V 'IH with pullup NA -2.85 mA Vee" 5.25 V, VIH ~ 2.4 V IlL with pullup NA -4.85 mA Vee" 5.25 V, V'L =0.4 V IIH with pulldown NA 2.4 mA Vee" 5.25 V, VIH " 2.4 V IlL with pulldown NA 0.4 mA Vee ~ 5.25 V, VIL " 0.4 V IIH without resistor 40 40 J1.A Vee" 5.25 V, VIH " 2.4 V IlL without resistor -1.6 -1.6 mA Vee ~ 5.25 V, VIL '" 0.4 V Notes: 1. "%" illuminated in all locations. 2. Cursor character is sixteen segments and DP on. 3. Cursor operates continuously over operating temperature range. optical Characteristics Symbol Parameter Peak Luminous Intensity per digit. 8 segments on (character average) HDSP-6624 HDSP-6621 Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength 011 Axis Viewing Angle Digit Size IvPeak Min. Typ. 0.5 1.25 0.4 1.0 Units Test Condition mcd Vee'" 5.0 V in all digits APeak 655 nm Ad 640 nm HDSP-6624 ±50 HDSP-6621 ±40 HDSP-6624 2.85 HDSP-6621 4.1 deg. mm 7-62 "*" illuminated _ .. _ - - - - - - ._--_._._- -----_ .. - AC Timing Characteristics -------- Over Operating Temperature Range HDSP.6621 Reference Number Parameter HDSP·6624 Symbol 25"C Min. 70·C Min. 25"C Min. 70"C Min. Units IACC 180 220 350 480 ns lAS 115 150 285 410 ns 65 70 65 70 ns 1 Access Time 2 Address Setup1!j'llFile 3 Address Hold Time tAH 4 Write Delay Time two 15 20 115 180 5 Write Time tw 100 130 170 230 6 Data Setup Time ......... tos 80 100 160 220 ns 7 Data Hold Time tDH 65 70 65 70 ns 8 Display Enable Hold Time toes N/A N/A 65 70 ns 9 Display Enable Setup Time IDEH N/A N/A 285 410 ns Clear Time teLR 3.5 4.0 3.5 4.0 ms 310 270 310 270 Hz Refresh Rate I ns ns TIMING DIAGRAM FOR THE HDSP-6621 DISPLAY SYSTEM -!., r--~ 9 DE, -DE4 V \ 2.av a.BV i--®------- 6 ~ K ~ 2.av a.BV 5 \ 2.av a.BV ..,v I-®~ -0---- ~ DO -06 K 2.av a.BV TIMING DIAGRAM FOR THE HDSP-6624 DISPLAY SYSTEM 1 r------ 14LSI39 ---!:c ill .---2. In wR IV2 3 IA AJ - IB WI IYO A2 7 6 5 4 Figure 1. Circuli Diagram for Ihe HDSP·6621 Display Interface HDSP-6621 Figure 1 shows the circuit diagram for the HDSP-662l Information is transferred to the display on a 4 pin connector. The following lines are available to the user to pass data to the display. For a detailed explanation of the function of the pins see the HPDL-1414 data sheet. The HDSP-6621 has 2 Address lines which are not on the HPDL-1414. Data lines (0 0-06) (pins 3-6, 11-13) ASCII data is entered into the display on the Data lines. Address lines (Ao-A3) (pins 1-3, 8) Each location In memory has a distinct address, Address inputs enable the designer to select a specific location in memory to store data. Address 0000 accesses the far right location and address 1111 accesses the far left location. Write line (WR) (pin9) Data is written into the display when the display write line is low and the display has been selected. 7-64 J2 9 ....... 10 26 U2 3 ..... 2 15 .....U2 1~'2 .....U2 7 ...... 6 '9 H ..... U2 9 ....... 10 .....U3 25 13 7..J'o.". 6 ......U3 n 5 ..... 4 U3 3 ....... 2 -voo HPDl~416~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jio }.1}."}.!!.1 ltd II I ." .c c: iil !" 0 a§: c -.J 1 ffi iii" '; 3 g . _ _......_..:.'4'1~ 21 Vu3 1~12 23 :;: 24 :I: -20 C ......U3 ~8 1: """"'Ul +5V """-UT 14~15 CU ..... U2 In l' '"'" 1R I CUE .... '" 22 I CLR DEI DE2 4 I DE3 5 ..... 4 ~ +5V ......U2 ' ..... 13", 2 12 ~. II ....Ul II II II II II I: DE4~ 74L$42 H A, -b - 15 .. 14 B A3 13 C A, ALL RESISTORS'" 1 KU Ul '" 74lS14 L.....E 0 U2, U3 '" Me 14050 SOLIO STATE DISPLAYS Display Interface HDSP-6624 Figure 2 shows the circuit diagram for the HDSP-6624. Information is transferred to the display on a 26 pin connector. The following lines are available to the user to pass data to the display. For a detailed explanation of the function of the pins see the HPDl-2416 Data Sheet. The HDSP-6624 has four display enable inputs and 3 address lines which are not on the HPDl-2416. Data lines (Do-D6) (J2 pins 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 25) ASCII data or cursor data is entered into the display on the data lines. Address lines (Ao-A4) (J2 pins 1, 3, 5, 21, 23) Each location in memory has a distinct address. Address inputs enable the designer to select a specific location in memory to store data. Address 00000 accesses the far right location. Address 11111 accesses the far left location. Display Enables (DE,-DE4) (J2 pins 2, 4, 6, 8) The user can connect anyone of the four Display Enable inputs to all of the CE2 inputs of the HPDl-2416 displays. All that is required is to short the appropriate pins on the display board with the shorting plug. This allows the user to display the same character data on two or more systems or to display different data on up to four display boards. DE, DE2 DE3 DE4 =shorting A and B =shorting Band C =shorting D and E =shorting E and F or F and G Shorting G and H will bypass DE,-DE 4 and enable the device. Write line (WR) (J2 pin 24) Data is written into the display when the Write line is low and the display ha.s been selected. Cursor Select line (CU) (J2 pin 20) This. input is used to de.termine whether data is stored in ASCII memory or Cursor memory. (1 =ASCII, a =Cursor) Cursor Enable line (CUE) (J2 pin 18) This input is used to determine whether. Cursor data is displayed. (1 a ~ ASCII) Blanking input (Bl) (J2 pin 26) The Blanking input can be used to create a flashing display or to blank the display without clearing the ASCII memory. This input inhibits the IC segment drivers and the display Clear function. Clear input (ClR) (J2 pin 22) ASCII data will be removed from the ASCII Memory after the Clear input has been held at a logic low for 4 ms. The Cursor data is unaffected by the Clear input. = Cursor, using. the Display Interface Hewlett-Packard's Smart Display Systems can be treated as a block of RAM locations, whose purpose is to store and display 64 character .ASCII data using a sixteen-segment character font as shown in Figure 3. To load data into the display system, the host .system has. to supply the ASCII 1 0 1 0 o .. 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 : 0 1 1 . 1 3 4 5 6 7 D3 D2 Dl Do 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 HEX 0 1 2 0 2 (space) o 1. 1 3 1 0 0 4 1 0 1 5 BITS D6 DS 04 o 1 data" the address and the proper control signals and the . character will be stored in the location selected. See the timing diagram for the necessary timing and signal sequence. , 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 o· 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 9 A B C D E F % & / < ) *- + I 0 I 2 j Y 5 5 1 8 g -- -/ L OJ R B [ lJ E F G H I J K L P Q R 5 T U V WX Y Z [ \ I " :H gj Figure 3. HDSP-6621/6624 ASCII Character Set 7-66 - / -- ~ ? MN 0 J /\ - Design Considerations Solvents containing alcohols, ketones and halogenated hydrocarbons will attack the nylon lens of the displays and should be avoided. These display systems use CMOS components that may be damaged by electrostatic discharge. These display systems can be safely handled by the PC board edges. To avoid static damage use standard CMOS handling procedures. For additional information on handling and cleaning please refer to the HPDL-1414 and HPDL-2416 data sheets and Application Note 1026. Cleaning may be performed with a solvent or aqueous process. The following solvents may be used without causing damage to the system: Allied Chemical Genesolv DES Baron Blakeslee Blaco-tron TES DuPont Freon TE 7-67 rli~ HEWLETT a=~ PACKARD 5 x 7 DOT MATRIX ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY SYSTEM HDSP-2416 HQSP-2424 HOSP- 2432 HDSP-2440 HOSP-2410 HQSP-2471 HllSp-2472 Features • COMPLETE ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY SYSTEM UTILIZING THE HDSP-2000 DISPLAY • CHOICE OF 64, 128, OR USER DEFINED ASCII CHARACTER SET • CHOICE OF 16, 24, 32, or 40 ELEMENT DISPLAY PANEL • MULTIPLE DATA ENTRY FORMATSLeft, Right, RAM, or Block Entry • EDITING FEATURES THAT INCLUDE CURSOR, BACKSPACE, FORWARDSPACE, INSERT, DELETE, AND CLEAR • DATA OUTPUT CAPABILITY • SINGLE 5.0 VOLT POWER SUPPLY Typical Applications • TTL COMPATIBLE CI • EASILY INTERFACED TO A KEYBOARD OR A MICROPROCESSOR o CI CI Description The HDSP-24XX series of alphanumeric display systems provides the user with a completely supported 5 x 7 dot matrix display panel. These products free the user's system from display maintenance and minimize the interaction normally required for alphanumeric displays. Each alphanumeric display system is composed of two component parts: DATA ENTRY TERMINALS INSTRUMENTATION BUSINESS EQUIPMENT COMPUTER PERIPHERALS PART NUMBER 1. An alphanumeric display controller which consists of a preprogrammed microprocessor plus associated logic, which provides decode, memory, and drive signals necessary to properly interface a user's system to an HDSP-2000 display. In addition to these basic display support operations, the controller accepts data in any of four data entry formats and incorporates several powerful editing routines. 2. A display panel which consists of HDSP-2000 displays matched for luminous intensity and mounted on a P.C. board designed to have low thermal resistance. These alphanumeric display systems are also available in high efficiency red, yellow, and green. In addition, they are available using the HDSP-2300 or HDSP-2490 series displays to form display systems with larger characters (5.0 mm and 6.9 mm, respectively). Contact your local HP sales office for more information. 7-68 DESCRIPTION Display Boards HDSP-2416 Single-llne 16 character display panel utifizing the HDSP-2000 display HDSP-2424 Single-line 24 character display panel utilizing the HDSP-2000 display HDSP-2432 Single-line 32 character display panel utilizing the HDSP-2000 display HDSP-2440 Single-llne 40 character display panel utilizing the HDSP-2000 display Controller Boards HDSP·2470 HDSP·2000 display interface Incorporating a 64 character ASOtl decoder HDSP-2471 HDSP-2000 display interface Incorporating a 128 character ASCn decoder HDSP-2472 HDSP-2000 dIsplay Interface without ASCII decoder. Instead. a 24 pin socket Is provided to accept a custom 128 character set from a user programmed 1 K x 8 PROM. When ordering, specify one each of the Controlier Board and the Display Board for each complete system. "~-----.----------------- HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Recommended Operating Conditions Absolute Maximum Ratings Vee •.....................•............ -0.5V to 6.0V Parameter Operating Temperature Range, Ambient (TA) ....................... O·C to 70·C Supply Voltage Storage Temperature Range (Ts) .... -55·C to 100·C Data Out Voltage Applied to any Input or Output .. -0.5V to 6.0V Ready, Data Valid, Column On, Display Data IsoUReE Continuous for any Column Driver .......... 5.0 Amps (60 sec. max. duration) Clock Column1-5 Symbol Min. Max. Vee 4.75 5.25 V IOL 0.4 mA IOH -20 p.A IOL 1.6 mA IOH -40 p.A Units IOL 10.0 mA IOH -1.0 mA ISOUReE -5.0 A Electrical Characteristics Over operating Temperature Range (Unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Supply Currentl1 ] Min. Typ. Input Threshold High (except Reset) Max. 400 Icc Units Conditions mA Vee = 5.25V Column On and All Outputs Open ± .25V VIH 2.0 V Vee;' 5.0V VIH 3.0 V Vee = 5.0V ± .25V V Vee = 5.0V V IOH =·-20p.A Vee = 4.75V V IOL- O.4mA Vee = 4.75V V IOH = -1000p.A Vee = 4.75V 0.5 V IOL= 10.0mA Vee =4.75V V IOH - -40p.A Vee = 4.75V VOL 0.5 V IOL= 1.6mA Vee =4.75V Input Current,(31 All Inputs Except Reset, Chip Select, 01 ItH -0.3 IlL -0.6 mA VIL - O.SV Vee =5.25V Reset Input Current hH -0.3 mA VIH=3.0V Vee == 5.25V -0.6 mA VIL - O.SV Vee=5.25V +10 p.A 0< VI < Vee V lOUT = -S.OA Input Threshold High - Reset l2 ] Input Threshold Low - All Inputs Data Out Voltage 0.8 VIL VOHData 2.4 VOLData Clock Output Voltage Ready, Display Data, Data Valid, Column on Output Voltage VOHClk 0.5 2.4 VOLClk VOH 2.4 IlL Chip Select, 01 Input Current Column Output Voltage II -10 VOLCOL 2.6 3.2 ± .25V mA VIH = 2.4V Vee == 5.25V Vee -S.OOV NOTES: 1. See Figure 11 for total system supply current. 2. External reset may be initiated by grounding Reset with either a switch or open collector TTL gate for a minimum timeef 50ms. For Power On Reset to function properly, Vee power supply'should turn on at a rate> 100V/s. 3. Momentary peak surge currents may exist on these lines. However, these momentary currents will not interfere with proper operation of the HDSP-2470/1!2. 7-69 HDSP-2416/-2424/-2432/-2440 Recommended operating Conditions Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage Vee to Ground ..•...... -0.5V to 6.0V Parameter Inputs, Data Out and VB Supply Voltage Vee 4.75 Column Input Voltage, Column On VeoL 2.6 Setup Time tSETUP 70 45 Hold Time tHoLD 30 0 ............... -0.5V to Vee Column Input Voltage, VeOL ......... -0.5V to +6.0V Free Air Operating Temperature Range, TAlll ....................... O°C to +55°C Storage Temperature Range, Ts •... -55°C to +100°C Symbol Min. Norm. Max. Units 5.0 5.25 V ns ns ns tW(eLOeK) 75 Width of Clock Clock Frequency feLoeK Clock Transition Time tTHL Free Air Operating(1) Temperature Range 0 0 TA V 3 MHz 200 ns 55 ·C Electrical Characteristics Over operating Temperature Range (Unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Min. Supply Current Typ." Max. 45n 60n1 2) 73n 95n Icc 1.5n leOL Column Current at any Column Input 335n leOL Peak Luminous Intensity per LED (Character Average) Iv PEAK 105 2.0 410n VB,Clock or Data Input Threshold High VIH VIL 0.8 Input Current Logical 1 mA Vee = VeOL = 5.25V VB = OAV All SR Stages = Logical 1 VB = 2.4V mA V V ilH 80 }.lA Data In ItH 40 }.lA Va, Clock ilL -500 -800 }.lA ilL -250 -400 }.lA Po 0.66n VB, Clock Data In Power Dissipation Per Board l41 'All typical values specified at Vec = 5.0V and TA = Conditions mA Vee"" 5.25V Va'" OAV VeLoeK=VoATA'=2.4V mA All SR Stages = VB = 2.4V Logical 1 Vee = 5.0V. VeOL = 3.5V }.lCd T 1= 25°C1 3 1, VB = 2.4V 200 VB,Clock or Data Input Threshold Low Input Current Logical 0 Units W Vee = VeOL = 4.75V Vee = 5.25V, VIH = 2.4V Vee = 5.25V, VIL = O.4V = Vee 5.0V, VCOL = 2.6V 15 LED's on per Character, VB = 2.4V 25°C unless otherwise noted. NOTES: 1. Operation above 55° C (70° C MAX) may be. aC.hieved by the use of forced air (150 fpm normal to component side of HDSP-247X controller board at sea level). Operation down to _20° C is possible in applications that do not require the use of HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 controller boards. 2. n = number of HDSP-2000 packages HDSP-2416 n = 4 HDSP-2424 n = 6 HDSP-2432 n = 8 HDSP-2440 n = 10 3. Tj refers to initial case temperature immediately prior to the light measurement. 4. Power dissipation with all characters illuminated. 7-70 System Overview The HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controllers provide the interface between any ASCII based Alphanumeric System and the HDSP-2000 Alphanumeric Display. ASCII data is loaded into the system by means of anyone of four data entry modes Left, Right, RAM or Block Entry. This ASCII data is stored in the internal RAM memory of the system. The1system refreshes HDSP-2000 displays from 4 to 48 characters with the decoded data. The user interfaces to any of the systems through eight DATA IN inputs, five ADDRESS inputs (RAM mode), a CHIP SELECT input, RESET input, seven DATA OUT outputs, a READY output, DATA VALID output, and a COLUMN ON output. A low level on the RESET input clears the display and initializes the system. A low level on the CHIP SELECT input causes the system to load data from the DATA IN and ADDRESS inputs into the system. The controller outputs a status word, cursor address and 32 ASCII data characters through the DATA OUT outputs and DATA VALID output during the time the system is waiting to refresh the next column of the display. The COLUMN ON output can be used to synchronize the DATA OUT function. A block diagram for the HDSP2470/-2471/-2472 systems is shown in Figure 1. DATA OUT DATA VALID COLUMN ON VB, DISPLAY BLANKING f--- r- -c 3 RAM ADDRESS ~ DATA IN ---+- CHIP SELECT -C READY r~:t ;.., 7 DISPLAY CONTROLLER 1110 DECODER + + DRIVE TRANS COLUMN 1-5 I I I L __ _...J I I I - 7 - PISD DISPLAY DATA CLOCK -CHARACTER GENERATOR FOR HDSp·2471. SOCKET FOR lK X8 PROM FOR HDSP·2472. Figure 1. Block Diagram for the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controller. The system interfaces to the HDSP-2000 display through five COLUMN outputs, a CLOCK output, DISPLAY DATA output, and the COLUMN ON output. The user should connect DISPLAY DATA to DATA IN of the leftmost HDSP-2000 cluster and cascade DATA OUT to DATA IN of all HDSP-2000 clusters. COLUMN outputs from the system are connected to the COLUMN inputs of all HDSP2000 clusters. The HDSP-24XX Series display boards are deSigned to interconnect directly with the HDSP-247X Series display controllers. The COLUMN outputs can source enough current to drive up to 48 characters of the HDSP-2000 display. Pulse width modulation of display luminous intenSity can be provided by connecting COLUMN ON to the input of a monostable multivibrator and the output of the monostable multivibrator to the VB inputs of the HDSP-2000 displays. The system is designed to refresh the display at a fixed refresh rate of 100 Hz. COLUMN ON time is optimized for each display length in order to maximize light output as shown in Figure 2. 20 I"l::: 18 w ::;; ;:: z z::;; '" 16 ~ ~ ,HDSP.2471/.2472 " N'. 0 14 HDSP-2470"", :::l .... 0 ,." "- 12 " i"-"'" 10 o o 4 6 12 16 20 24 26 32 36 40 44 46 DISPLAY LENGTH Figure 2. Column on Time vs. Display Length for the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controller. 7-71 Control Mode/Data Entry User Interface to the HDSP-247X Series controller is via an 8 bit word which provides to the controller either a control w'ordorstandardASCII data input. In addition tothis user provided 8 bit word, two additional control lines, CHIP SELECT and READV, allow easily generated "handshake" Signals for iriterface pLirposes. CONTROL WORD: D7D6DSD4D3D2D1DO 111x xl-Iv v v vi A logic low applied to the CHIP SELECT input (minimum six microseconds) causes the controller to read the 8 DATA IN lines and determine whether a control word or ASCII. data word present, as determined by the logic state of the 11)0st significant bit (07). If the controller detects a logic high at 07, the state of 06-00 will define the data entry mode and the number of alphanumeric characters to be displayed. The 8 bit control data word format is outlined in Figure 3. For the control word (07 high), bits 06 and 05 define the selected data entry mode (Left entry, Rightentry, etc.) and bits 03 to Do define display length. Bit 04 is ignored. CLEAR. OFFSCREEN CURSOR DISPLAV LENGTH: 4 DIGITS 8 12 16 20 24 0 0 0 1 001 0 001 1 o1 0 0 o1 0 1 o1 1 0 011 1 1 000 100 1 101 0 1 0 1 1 is Control word inputs are first checked to verify that the control word is valid. The system ignores display lengths greater than 1011 for left block or right, or 0111 for RAM. If the word is valid, the present state-next state table shown in Figure 4 is utilized to determine whether or not to clear the display. For display lengths of up to 32 characters, RAM entry can be used as a powerful editing tool, or can be used to preload the cursor. With other transitions, the internal data memory is cleared. VVVV o0 o0 28 32" 36 40 " 44 48 "maximum for RAM data entry mode xX o0 o1 1 0 1 1 DATA ENTRV MODES RAM DATA ENTRV LEFT DATA ENTRV RIGHT DATA ENTRV BLOCK DATA ENTRV Figure 3. Control Word Format for the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controller. = 30,,, (1) RAM ENTRY MODE IS VALID FOR DISPLAYS OF 32 CHARACTERS OR LESS IN LENGTH. (2) FOLLOWING A TRANSITION FROM RAM TO BLOCK. WHEN THE CURSOR ADDRESS IS 48 (30,.) DURING THE TRANSITION. THE FIRST VALID ASCII CHARACTER WILL BE IGNORED AND THE SECOND VALID ASCII CHARACTER WILL BE LOADED IN THE LEFT· MOST DISPLAY LOCATION. WHERE BEGIN IS DEFINED AS FOLLOWS: DISPLAY ~ 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 4B CLEAR. BLINKING CURSOR = BEGIN CLEAR, INVISIBLE CURSOR' BEGIN CURSOR ADDRESS OF BEGIN 2C, •• 44,0 28, •• 4010 24, •• 3610 20, •• 32,0 1C, •• 28,0 18, •• 24,0 14, •• 2010 10,.,16,0 OC, •• 12,0 08 16 • 8 10 0416 • 410 00,. Figure 4. Present.State-Next State Diagram for the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controller. 7-72 (space) to 5F16 Wl and ignores all ASCII characters outside this subset with the exception of those characters defined as display commands. These display commands are shown in Figure 5. Displayed character sets for the HDSP-2470/-2471 systems are shown in Figure 6. If 07 is a logic low when the DATA IN lines are read, the controller will interpret 06-00 as standard ASCII data to be stored, decoded and displayed. The system accepts seven bit ASCII for all three versions. However, the HDSP-2470 system displays only the 64 character subset [2016 DATA WORD: ASCII ASSIGNMENT LF BS HT US DEL 07 10 I 06 05 04 A A A 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 O2 0 1 DO A A A AI DISPLAY COMMAND I~';"," 1 CLEAR Right Entry BACKSPACE CURSOR Mode FORWARDSPACE CURSOR INSERT CHARACTER DELETE CHARACTER Valid in Left Entry Modo Figure 5. Display Commands lor the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controller. 128 CHARACTER ASCII SET (HDSP'2471 ) 64 CHARACTER ASCII SUBSET (H DSP·2470) '00' DOlO 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 '00' '00' 1010 1011 1100 1101 11'0 "11 -DISPLAV COMMANDS WHEN USED IN LEFT ENTRY +DISPLAV COMMANDS WHEN USED IN RIGHT ENTRY Figure 6. Display Font lor the HDSP-2470 (64 Character ASCII Subset), and HDSP-2471 (128 Character ASCII Set) Alphanumeric Display Controller. 7-73 Regardless of whether a control word or ASCII data word is presented by the user, a READY signal is generated by the controller after the input word is processed. this READY signal .goes low for 251's and upon a positive transition, a new CHIP SELECT may be accepted by the controller. Data Entry Timing is shown in Figure 7. DATA ENTRY TIMING II RAM ADDRESS ADDRESS HOLD TIME ., 1--10", MAX. E ="M'l _________________________... CHIPSELECT DATA HOLD TIME--------=t lL~I ___ --~I._~ 6"_"_MI_N'__ ~ ___ _ DATA ENTRY TIME ---------.j.11--2.5"'. II READY CELECT=O I AFTER THIS TIME. CONTROLLER WILL ENTER NEXT CHARACTER. j.-25",--l MAXIMUM DATA ENTRY TIMES OVER OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE FUNCTION DATA ENTRY MODE HDSP· DATA HOLD TIME" DATA ENTRY BACK SPACE CLEAR FORWARD SPACE DELETE INSERT 205!,s 225!,s 725!,s 745!,s 725!,s 735!,s LEFT (2471/2) LEFT (2470) 135!,s 150!,s 235!,s 245!,s 1951's 215!,s 505!,s 530!,s RIGHT (2471/2) RIGHT (2470) 85!,s 1051's 480!,s 490!,s 470!,s 490!,s 465!,s 485!" 120!'s' , 130!'s'" RAM (2471/2) RAM (2470) 55!,s 551's BLOCK (2471/2) BLOCK (2470) 55!,s 55!,s 120!,s 130!,s LOAD CONTROL (2471/2) LOAD CONTROL (2470) 50!,s 50!,s 505!,s 505!,s 190!,s 200!,s (155!,s FOR RIGHTMOST CHARACTER) (165!,s FOR RIGHTMOST CHARACTER) "Minimum time that data inputs must remain valid after Chip Select goes low. "'Minimum time that RAM address inputs must remain valid after Chip Select goes low. Figure 7. Data Entry Timing and Data Entry Times for the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controller. 7-74 Left Entry Mode With Left entry, characters are entered in typewriter fashion, i.e., to the right of all previous characters. Left entry uses a blinking cursor to indicate the location where the next character is to be entered. CLEAR loads the display with spaces and resets the cursor to the leftmost display location. BACKSPACE and FORWARDSPACE move the cursor without changing the character string. Thus, the user can backspace to the character" to be edited, enter a character and then forward space the cursor. The DELETE function deletes the displayed character at the cursor location and then shifts the character string following the cursor one location to the left to fill the void of the deleted character. The INSERT CHARACTER sets a flag inside the system that causes subsequent ASCII characters to be inserted to the left of the character at the cursor location. As new characters are entered, the cursor, the character at the cursor, and all characters to the right of the cursor are shifted one location to the right. The INSERT function is terminated by a second INSERT CHARACTER, or by BACKSPACE, FORWARDSPACE, CLEAR or DELETE. In Left entry mode, after the display is filled, the system ignores all characters except BACKSPACE and CLEAR. The system allows the cursor to be positioned "only in the region between the leftmost display character and immediately to the right (offscreen) of the rightmost display character. Right Entry Mode In Right entry mode, characters are entered at the right hand side of the display and shifted to the left as new characters are entered. In this mode,the system stores 48 ASCII characters,although only the last characters entered are displayed. CLEAR loads the display with spaces. BACKSPACE shifts the display one location to the right, deleting the last character entered and displaying the next character in the 48 character buffer. Right entry mode is a simple means to implement the walking or "Times-Square" display. FORWARDSPACE, INSERT, and DELETE have character assignments in this mode since they are not treated as editing characters. In this mode, the cursor is located immediately to the right (offscreen) of the rightmost displayed character. Block Entry Mode Block entry allows the fastest data entry rate of all four modes. In this mode, characters are loaded from left to right as with Left entry. However, with Block entry, after the display is completely loaded, the next ASCII character is loaded in the leftmost display location, replacing the previous displayed character. While Block entry has a nonvisible cursor, the cursor is always loaded with the address of the next character to be entered. I n this entry mode, the system can" display the complete 128 character ASCII set. The display can be cleared and the cursor reset to the leftmost display location by loading in a new BLOCK control word. RAM Entry Mode, In RAM entry, ASCII characters are loaded at the address specified by the five bit RAM address. Dueto the limitation of only five address lines, RAM data entry is allowed only 7-75 for displays less than or equal to 32 characters. Regardless of display length, address 00 is the leftmost display character. Out of range RAM addresses are ignored. While RAM entry has a non-visible cursor, the cursor is always preloaded with the address to the right of the last character entered. This allows the cursor to be preloaded with an address prior to gOing into any other entry mode. In RAM entry, the system can display the complete 128 character ASCII set because it does not interpret any of the characters as control functions. The display can be cleared by loading in a new RAM control word. Data Out For display lengths of 32 characters or less, the data stored in the internal RAM is available to the user during the time between display refresh cycles. The system outputs a STATUS WORD, CURSOR ADDRESS, and 32 ASCII data characters. The STATUS WORD specifies the data entry mode and the display length of the system. The STATUS WORD output differs slightly from the CONTROL WORD input. This difference is depicted in Figure 8. Regardless of display length, the CURSOR ADDRESS of the rightmost character location is address 47 (2Fle) and the offscreen address of the cursor is address 48 (301e). The CURSOR ADDRESS of the leftmost location is defined as address 48 minus the display length. A general formula for CURSOR ADDRESS is: CURSOR ADDRESS = (47 - Display Length) + Number of Characters from Left. For example, suppose the alphanumeric display is 16 characters long and the cursor was blinking at the third digit from the left. Then the CURSOR ADDRESS would be 47 -16 + 3 or34 (221e) and the 18th ASCII data word would correspond to the ASCII character at the location of the display cursor. In Left and Block entry, the CURSOR ADDRESS specifies the location where the next ASCII data character is to be entered. In RAM entry, the CURSOR ADDRESS specifies the location to the right of the last character entered. In Right entry, the CURSOR ADDRESS is always 48 (301e). The negative edge of the DATA VALID output can be used to load the 34 DATA OUT words into the user's system. The DATA OUTtiming for the HDSP-247X systems are summarized in Figure 8. For displays longer than 32 characters, the system only outputs the STATUS WORD between refresh cycles. Master/Power On Reset When power is first applied to the system, the system clears the display and tests the state of the DATA INPUT, D7. If D7 > 2.0V, the systems loads the control word on the DATA INPUTS into the system. If D7 S .8V or the system sees an invalid control word, the system initializes as Left entry for a 32 character display with a flashing cursor in the leftmost location. For POWER ON RESET to function prp'perly, the power supply mustturn on ata rate> 100 Vis. In" addition, the system can be reset by pulling the RESET input low for a minimum of 50 milliseconds. POWER ON/MASTER RESET timing is shown in Figure 9. 2000~s -------------------------------------------.,.1 I· ·~ ON 25ns COLU~M~ 2470 HDSP· 40n5 HDSP· COLUMN 2471/.2472 ON1~s .~:... DATA VALID ASCII DATA HDSP2470 X, COLUMN OFF TIME (HDSp·2470) (HDSP-2471/·2472) HDSP· 2470 = = + 20,1..15 X Display Length 17.5,us + 17.5ps X Display Length 30.5.us Y, DATA VALID TO COLUMN OFF TIME (Display Length .,;;;32 Characten) (HDSp·2470) = 813.5115 - 20,1..15 X Display Length (HDSp·2471/·24721 ., 826.2~s - 17.5~s X Display Length STATUS WORD FORMAT (WORD AI HDSP2471/·2472 ----1 HDSP2471/2472 L....._---J I-l.2~s L-_....Jn 35~s --:-l- 35~s ASCII DATA l .. 500ns MIN n!-___ ----I 06 Os 04 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 03 0, 0, Do Y Y Y RAM ENTRY Y BLOCK ENTRY LEFT ENTRY RIGHT ENTRY YYYY = DISPLAY LENGTH CURSOR ADDRESS FORMAT (WORD BI CU RSOR ADDRESS = ( 47 - Display Lengthl + No. of Characters from Left I STAT1S CU.RSOR +-DATA DATA WORD ADDRESS WORD~WORDS jill (BI . (01 (1 - 31) I .. ~ I DATA WORD FORMAT (WORDS 0-311 STANDARD ASCII DATA Where Word (31) is Rightmost Displayed ASCII Character f----soons MIN Figure 8,. Data Out Timing and Format lor the H'DSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controller. -----,~•.-----------------50msMIN----------------~·1 l~ 330~s L-__________________________________________________________ READY ;-~ l.-2.5,us* I'IFCHIPSELECT=O AFTER THIS TIME, CONTROLLER WILL r~__.....;E;;;.N;.;TER A CHARACTER. READS IN CONTROL WORD DATA INPUT, 0, __~~~~~~~~~~~-L~~~~~ INITIALIZES AS LEFT ENTRY MODE, 32 CHARACTER DISPLAY LENGTH Figure 9. Power-On/Master Reset Timing lor the HDSP-2470/-2471/-2472 Alphanumeric Display Controller. 7-76 Custom Character Sets The HDSP-2472 system has been specifically designed to permit the user to insert a custom 128 ASCII character set. This system features a 24 pin socket that is designed to accept a custom programmed 1K X 8 PROM, EPROM, or ROM. The read only memory should have an access time:5 500ns, IIL:5 1-.4mA I and ItH :5 40!-,A. A list of pin compatible read only memories is shown in Figure 10. Jumper locations are provided on the HDSP-2472 P.C. board which allow the use of ROM's requiring chip enables tied either to 0 or 5V. For further information on ROM programming, please contact the factory. 6 - PEAK Icc. ALL SYSTE~ 4 1/ / / ./ -,,' 1 .5 V / / AVG.l cc • ./ 3 Power Supply Requirements The HDSP-247X Alphanumeric Display System is designed to operate from a single 5 volt supply. Total Icc requirements for the HDSP-247X Alphanumeric Display Controller and HDSP-24XX Display Panel are shown in Figure 11. Peak Icc is the instantaneous current required for the system. Maximum Peak Icc occurs for Vec =5.25V with 7 dots ON in the same Column in all display characters. This current must be supplied by a combination of the power supply and supply filter capacitor. MQl !: ~ ~ !g ~ 40 DUTY FACTOR;;:: 1/7 V 1.0 ,..,....-- ~ ij // .8 l SO // l/J#V ~V , 20 1< w 10 .4 /,~ V; .6 .8 1,0 / ./ /. / .6 20 8 10 AVERAGE CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 3. °c Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Case Temperature at Fixed Current Level. 1/20 . , / w· ,.;: TC - CASE TEMPERATURE - Figure 2. I V ":3 ~ 2.0 Forward Current-Voltage Characteristic. 80 60 1.6 FORWARD VOLTAGE - V 100 ~ ffi 1.2 40 60 80 100 PE".K CURRENT PER LED - mA Figure 4. Typical Time Average Luminous Intensity per LED vs. Average Current per LED. 7-81 Typical Relative Luminous Efficiency vs. Peak Current per LED. package Dimensions and Pin Configurations '.271.0501 GLA$S t.' 4.4S 1.57011 MAX. , 651 Q6Sf ....._--'-_-_ flEF 2.64 1. 30~~~201 I~~ ···VVWV T I I --l f... .. 0.43 1.0111 . ......-2,54 (,1001 ryp, TV'. 5082·7101 111 f 2-80) OAIENT ArlON MARK MET AI,. TAB r"iICK1~':'~ATe" 13,46 1.530) 22.36 J :"EF.··..' ~-l 1 __'-'::1-+-=:"=':=-'--- 4.57 3 '6 (.180) 4 25 , lrem 36 35 34 33 32 24 32.00 31~4 I 23 (1,230) ! 22 35.6E;(1,4oo) I I 21 MAX. 20 I ,. 31 (~wo:'l:=·~eo) : 30 29 ~10~~~~~~C-- 1$ ~a 27 45.7~l~eOOI 11 26 12 25 T7 13,-++---""'-'1"""-'-_ 24 16 '5 14 23 22 " 20 Notes.: 19 1, OlrrMotion$ ilr(l-:ln mlUirnetru and (iochet), 2. Unten otherwbe ~Pftclflad, the tolerance on 411 dimen;lons 1$ 'to.3Smm {::.015 ioJ. 3, Char.a(:ter Site 6.9 x4.9mm t27 x +19 In.}. Device Pin Description 5082·7100 5082·7101 5082·7102 Pin Function Pin Function Pin Function Pin Function Pin Function Pin Function 1 2 3 4 AnodeG 12 13 14 Anode a 1 N/C Ie 16 Anode G 2b 2d Anode 0 Anode E 3<: 15 16 17 Anode C 4c 4. Anode B 1 2 3 4 19 20 Sa 5 3b 3a 6 N/C 1e Ie Anode F 2b 2d 28 Anode E 5e 5c 5a Anode 0 48 40 N/C Anode C 3d 3b 3a Anode B 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 Ie ld Anode F Anoda E 2b 2d Anode C 3a 3c 3e 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 3d 2 3b Anode A 28 2<: 2a Anod.O 1e lb 3 10 3d la 11 Anode F 4b 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 1a 1b 1c A 4d 4& ld 1e 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. 2<: 2. Anode A ld lb Ie 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3c 3a AnodeG 4a 4b 4d NIC 5b 5d N/C 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e JtlJI' .~JtI.~ Jtlj< '.;tt"JII'.;tt' ,¥'.'Ji' 'J/' 'JI'J/' ,,''If' '1' ',,1'1' 5082·7100/7101/7102 Schematic Wiring Diagram "" JtlJI' '" ',I' ~ ~.ytI'~ /.~ r~ 'ytI'~ G !-CHARACTER 1_!-CHARACTER 2-i+cHARACTER 3+CHARACTER 4+CHARACTER 5-1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 20 28 Anode A 1d lb 1a ----- .. _---_ ... - - - operating Considerations ELECTRICAL The 5 x 7 matrix of LED's, which make up each character, are X-V addressable. This allows for a simple addressing, decoding and driving scheme between the display module and customer furnished logic. There are three main advantages to the use of this type of X-V addressable array: 1. It is an elementary addressing scheme and provides the least number of interconnection pins for the number of diodes addressed. Thus, it offers maximum flexibility toward integrating the display into particular applications. 2. This method of addressing offers the advantage of sharing the Read-Only-Memory character generator among several display elements. One character generating ROM can be shared over 25 or more 5 x 7 dot matrix characters with substantial cost savings. 3. In many cases equipment will already have a portion of the required decoder/driver (timing and clock circuitry plus buffer storage) logic circuitry available for the display. To form alphanumeric characters a method called "scanning" or "strobing" is used. Information is addressed to the display by selecting one row of diodes at a time, energizing the appropriate diodes in that row and then proceeding to the next row. After all rows have been excited one at a time, the process is repeated. By scanning through all rows at least 100 times a second, a flicker free character can be produced. When information moves sequentially from row to row of the display (top to bottom) this is row scanning, as illustrated in Figure 5. Information can also be moved from column to column (left to right across the display) in a column scanning mode. For most applications (5 or more characters to share the same ROM) it is more economical to use row scanning. MECHANICAL/THERMAL MOUNTING The solid state display typically operates with 200 mW power dissipation per character. However, if the operating conditions are such that the power dissipation exceeds the derated maximum allowable value, the device should be heat sunk. The usual mounting technique combines mechanical support and thermal heat sinking in a common structure. A metal strap or bar can be mounted behind the display using silicone grease to insure good thermal control. A well-designed heat sink can limit the case temperature to within 1oDe of ambient. READ ONLY MEMORY ROW DRIVERS Figure 5. Row Scanning Block Diagram. 7-83 Fli;' HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD 16SEOMENT SOLID STATE ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY HDSP-6504 HDSP-6508 Features • ALPHANUMERIC Displays 64 Character ASCII Set and Special Characters • 16 SEGMENT FONT PLUS CENTERED D.P. AND COLON • 3.~1mm (O.1S0") CHARACTER. HEIGHT • APPLICATION. FLEXIBILITY WITH PACKAGE DESIGN 4 and 8 Character Dual-In-Line Packages End Stackable-On Both Ends for 8 Character and On One End for 4 Character Sturdy Gold-Plated Leads on 2.S4mm (O.100") Centers Environmentally Rugged Package Common Cathode Configuration • LOW POWER As Low as 1.0-1.SmA Average Per Segment Depending on Peak Current Levels • EXCELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE Continuous Segment Font High On/Off Contrast 6.3Smm (O.2S0") Character Spacing Excellent Character Alignment Excellent Readability at 2 Metres • SECONDARY BARREL MAGNIFIER AVAILABLE Increases Character Height to 4.45 mm (0.175") • SUPPORT ELECTRONICS Can Be Driven With ROM Decoders and Drivers Easy Interfacing With Microprocessors and LSI Circuitry • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Description The HDSP-6504 and HDSP-650B are 3.B1mm (0.150") sixteen segment GaAsP red alphanumeric displays mounted in 4 character and B character dual-in-line package configurations that permit mounting on PC boards or in standard IC sockets. The monolithic light emitting diode character is magnified by the integral lens which increases both character size and luminous intensity, thereby making low power consumption possible. The rugged package construction, enhanced by the backfill design, offers extended environmental capabilities compared to the standard PC board/lens type of display package. Its good temperature cycling capability is the result of the air gap which exists between the semiconductor chip/wire bond assembly and the lens. In addition to the sixteen segments, a centered D.P. and colon are in~ eluded. Character spacing yields 4 characters per inch. Applications These alphanumeric displays are attractive for applications such as computer peripherals and terminals, computer base emergency mobile units, automotive instrument panels, desk top calculators, in-plant control equipment, hand-held instruments and other products requiring low power, display compactness and alphanumeric display capability. 7-84 ------------------------------------ Device Selection Guide Characters Per Display Device Part No. flDSP- Package 4 (Figure 6) ""6504 8 (Figure 7) 6508 Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Min. ~. IpEAK Parameter Peak Forward Current Per Segment or DP (q,yration::;; 3121's) lAva Average'Current Per Segment or DP[l) PD Average Power Dissipation Per Characted' .2) TA Operating Temperature. Ambient -4(iu",":1§ Ts Storage Temperature -40 200 mA 7 mA 138 wmW 85 >tOO °C ·C 5 V 260 'c Reverse Voltage VR Solder Temperature at 1.59mm (1/16 inch) below seating plane. t::;; 3 Seconds Unitll NOTES: 1. Maximum allowed drive conditions for strobed operation are derived from Figures 1 and 2. See electrical section of operational considerations. 2. Derate linearly above TA = SO·C at 2.17mW/·C. Po Max. ITA = 8S·C) = 62mW. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C Symbol 11 Parameter Test Condition MI'ri.- Typ. 0.40 1.65 Max. Units h~EAK Iv Luminous Intensity, Time Average. Character Total with 16 Segments Illuminated (3,4) VF Forward Voltage Per Segment or DP APeAK Peak Wavelength 655 nm Dominant Wavelength [S] 640 nm Ad lR = AVF/AoC ROJ-PIN = 30m A 1/16 Duty Factor IF- 30mA (One Se~Biient On) Reverse Current Per Segment or DP w 1.6 mcd 1.9 ':<-' V 10 p.A Temperature Coefficient of Forward Voltage -2 mVioC Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin 232 VR=5V 'C/WI Seg NOTES: 3. The luminous intensity ratio between segments within a digit is designed so that each segment will have the same luminous sterance. Thus each segment will appear with equal- brightness to the eye. 4. Each character of the display is matched for luminous intensity at the test conditions shown. Operation of the display at lower peak currents may cause intensity mismatch within the display. Operation at peak currents less than 7 rnA will cause objectionable display segment matching. S. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the C.I.E. chromaticity diagram and represents that single wavelength which defines the color of the device, standard red. -------- 7-85 --------,,------------------ 1.0 I' 0.9 1 II: .."~ 1 .... Z w II: II: " 2 8 ~II: "~ W C .. I 1 ~ ~ i 0.8 ....... "- r-.. 0.7 0.6 0.3 H=t 0.2 O. 1 50 tp - "- ....... RU,wIN -340' iWiCIIAR. 0.5 0.45 0.4 60 70 80 85 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ DC PULSE DURATION -loll Figure 1. Maximum A lIowed Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. Derate derived operating conditions above TA c 50°C using Figure 2. Figure 2. Temperature Derating Factor For Peak Current per Segment vs. Ambient Temperature. TJMAX 'c Ilo"C 1.5 200 1.·1 > "E ;:; iiiII: 1 .... "iii II: ~w :> ~ II: 1 ~ ~ 100 ~ 80 " ~ 60 1 "' 140 120 II: ~ 160 "c II: > ;: I 180 40 1 I - ~ 1 20 o :1 1.0 j 1.2 1.4 1.6 I .• 2.0 VF - PEAK FORWARD Y-OLTAGE - V lPEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - rnA Figure 3. Relative Luminous Efficiency (Luminous Intensity Per Unit Current) vs. Peak Segment Current. Figure 4. Peak Forward Sagment . Current vs. Peak Forward Voltage. For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005. o o 0 o o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .9 A B C o E F [9RBCIlEFGHIJ"kLMND PQR5TUVWXYZ [ \ /I ±g]%JJ <> *+/ o 2 3 Y 5 [] 18 9 / L Figure 5. Typical 64 Character ASCII Set. o Additional Character Font 7-86 J~ t / ~? package Dimensions r l~~i~~1 MAX'1} 3.18 1.1251 22 i 12 t 10.67 10.4201 21.34'.4 1.840 .0201 r L PIN 1 INOTE 31 = II (~lra) TYP. -I , I--- I'*' ---r 3.81 ± .25 (.150 ± .010) 3.81 ± .25 1.150 , .0101 NOTES: 1, ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES AND (INCHES). 2. ALL UNTOLERANCED DIMENSIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. 3. PIN llDENTIFIED BY INK DOT ADJACENT TO LEAD. Figure 6. HDSP·6504 Magnified Character Font Description Figure 7. HDSp·650S Device Piln Description Function Pin No. DEVICES HDSP·6504 HDSP·6508 2.77 1 2 3 4 5 REF'~ (0.109) 6 / : ,~~"'~v~l U~u "U! ,.,," '~~~~~:J' Figure S. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 7-87 HDSP-6S04 Anod0 Anode Cathode Anode Anode Cathode Anode Anode Anode Cathode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Cathode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Segment 91 Segment DP Digit 1 Segment d2 Segment I Digit 3 Segment e Segment m Segment k Digit 4 Segment d, SegmentJ Segment Co Segment g2 Segment a2 Segment i Digit 2 Segment b Segment a, Segment c Segment h Segment f HDSP-6S08 Anode Anode Cathode Anode Anode Cathode Anode Anode Anode Cathode Anode CathOde Cathode Cathode Cathode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Cathode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Segment g1 Segment DP Digit 1 Segment d2 Segment I Digit 3 Segment e Segment m Segment k Digit 4 Segment d, Dig~t 6 Digit 8 Digit 7 Digit 5 SegmentJ Segment Co Segment g2; Segment aa Segment I Digit 2 Segment b Segment a, Segment c Segment h Segment f operational Considerations ELECTRICAL The HDSP-6504 and -6508 devices utilize large monolithic 16 segment GaAsP LED chips with centered decimal point and colon. Like segments of each digit are electrically interconnected to form an 18 by N array, where N is the quantity of characters in the display. In the driving scheme the decimal point or colon is treated as a separate character with its own time frame. These displays are designed specifically for strobed (multiplexed) operation. Under normal operating situations the maximum number of illuminated segments needed to represent a given character is 10. Therefore, except where noted, the information presented in this data sheet is for a maximum of 10 segments illuminated per character: The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 4, should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor values and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values for the purpose of driver circuit design may be calculated using the following VF model: VF = 1.85V + IPEAK (1.80) For: 30mA ::; IPEAK ::; 200mA VF = 1.58V + IPEAK (10.70) For: 10mA ::; IPEAK ::; 30mA OPTICAL AND CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT Each large monolithic chip is positioned under a separate ' element of a plastic aspheric magnifying lens, producing a magnified' character height 6f 3.81 mm (.150 inch). The aspheric lens provides wide included viewing angles of typically 75 'degrees horizontal and 75 degrees vertical with low off-axis distortion. These two features,coupled with the very' high segment luminous sterance, provide to the user a display with excellent readability in bright ambient light for viewing distances in the range of 2 meters. Effective contrast enhancement can be obtained by employing any of the following optical filter products: Panelgraphic: Ruby Red 60, Dark Red 63 or Purple 90; SGL Homalite: H100-1605 Red or Hl00~1804 Purple, Plexiglas 2423.For very bright ambients, such as indirect sunlight, the 3M Light Control Film is recommended: Red 655, Violet, Purple or Neutral Density. For those applications requiring only 4 or 8 characters, a secondary barrel magnifier, HP pari number HDSP-6505 (four character) and -6509 (eight character), may be inserted into support grooves on the primary magnifier. This secondary magnifier increases the character ,height to 4.45mm <'175 inch) without loss of horizontal viewing angle. ' MECHANICAL These devices are co~structed by LED die attaching and wire bonding to a high temperature PC board substrate. A precision molded plastic lens is attached to the PC board and the resulting assembly is backfilled with a sealing epoxy to form an envi'ronmentally sealed unit. The four character and eight character devices can be end stacked to form a character string which is a multiple of a basic four character grouping. As an example, one -6504 and two -6508 devices will form a 20 character string. These devices may be soldered onto a printed ,circuit board or inserted into 24 and 28 pin DIP L$I, sockets. The socket spaCing must allow for device end stacking. Suitable conditions for wave soldering depend upon the specific kind of equipment and procedure used. For more information, consult the local HP Sales Office or HewlettPackage Components, Palo Alto, California. ·More than 10 segments may be Illuminated in a given character, provided the maximum allowed character power dissipation. temperature derated, is not exceeded. ' 7-88 ~~--- .. ~---- OPTIONAL 4 DIGIT MAGNIFIER HDSP-6505 OPTIONAL 8 DIGIT MAGNIFIER HDSP-6509 END VIEW (BOTH) C 31.SSMAX'J 11.2551 C 53.67MAX'-j .,'" =1 11. kl rut 11\JU- 9.25MAX·11 ,-, 2 L 2S.SMAX.J 11.1351 MOUNTED ON HOsp·6504 L 50.67 MAX. 11.9951 ----II MOUNTED ON HDSP·650B Figure 9. Design Data for Optional Barrel Magnifier in Single Display Applications. 7-89 NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES AND (lNCHESI. 2. THIS SECONDARY MAGNIFIER INCREASES THE CHARACTER HEIGHT TO 4.45mm (.175 in.) Fli;' HEWLETT ':1:. PACKARD 16SEOMENT SOLID STATE ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY HDSP-63DD Features • ALPHANUMERIC Displays 64 Character ASCII Set and Special Characters • 16 SEGMENT FONT PLUS CENTERED D.P. AND COLON • 3.S6mm (0.140") CHARACTER HEIGHT • APPLICATION FLEXIBILITY WITH PACKAGE DESIGN S Character Dual-ln-L,lne Package End Stackable .. Sturdy Leads on 2.S4mm (0.100") Centers Common Cathode Configuration • LOW POWER As Low as 1.0-1.SmA Average Per Segment Depending on Peak Current Levels • EXCELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE Continuous Segment Font High On/Off Contrast S.OSmm (0.200") Character Spacing Excellent Character Alignment Excellent Readability at 1.5 Metres • SUPPORT ELECTRONICS Can Be Driven With ROM Decoders and Drivers Easy Interfacing With Microprocessors and LSI Circuitry • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Description The HDSP-6300 is a sixteen segment GaAsP red alphanumeric display mounted in an 8 character dual-inline package configuration that permits mounting on PC boards or in standard IC sockets. The monolithic light emitting diode character is magnified by the integral lens which increases both character size and luminous intensity. thereby making iow power consumption possible. The sixteen elements consist of sixteen segments for alphanumeric and special characters plus centered decimal point and colon for good visual aesthetics. Character spaCing yields 5 characters per inch. Applications These alphanumeric displays are attractive for applications such as computer peripherals and mobile terminals. desk top calculators. in-plant control equipment. handheld instruments and other products requiring low power. display compactness and alphanumeric display capability. 7-90 Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol :::'.;:;- 'i Parameter Min. IPEAK Peak Forward Current Per Segment or DP ([Juration::::; 417 ,us) IAVG Ave(age';Current Per Segment or DP(1j'./' Po Average Power Dissipation Per CharI'\Pier [1.2j TA Ts Operating Templlf~t~re. Ambient Storage T ~i1lperatUre " VR Reverse Voltage ., Max. Units 150 mA 6.25 mA 133 mW -40 85 °C -40 100 5 °C V 2(30 °C Solder Temp'erj'lture at1.59mm (1/16 inch) belOw seating plane, t :S 5 Seconds NOTES: 1. Maximum allowed drive .conditions for strobed operation are derived from Figures 1 and 2. See electrical section of operational considerations. 2. Derate linearly above TA = 50'C at 2.47 mW/'C. Po Max. ITA = 85'C) = 47 mW. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C Symbol Iv Parameter Luminous Intensity. Time Average, Character Total with 16 Segments Illuminated (3,4) VF Forward Voltage Per Segment or DP APEAK Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength (5] Ad Test Condition Min. Typ. 400 1200 IF'" 24mA (One Segment On) IR Reverse Current Per Segment or DP R8J-PIN Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin per Character Max. Units IPEAK =24mA 1/16 Duty Factor ,ucd 1.9 1.6 V 655 om 640 nm 10 VR "" 5V ,uA °C/W/ Char. 250 NOTES: 3. The luminous intensity ratio between segments within a digit is designed so that each segment will have the same luminous sterance. Thus each segment will appear with equal brightness to the eye. 4. Each character of the display is matched for luminous intensity at the test conditions shown. Operation of the display at lower peak currents may cause intensity mismatch within the display. Operation at peak currents less than 7 mA will cause objectionable display segment matching. 5. The dominant wavelength, Ad. is derived from the C.I.E. chromaticity diagram and represents that single wavelength which defines the color of the device, standard red. 1.0 ~ I 200 ffi 150 ~ 10 0 II: '- § '- il "~ o?~'" 0 " I ~ ~ ,'- 0.9 '\ 20 0 7 ~"',r. ~1. " 10 'l;. ~ 100 tp 7"" '(. 1000 ~ 0.7 ~ 0.6 ~ 0.5 ex: r-- ReJ~IN • '" ' ' 390'C/WICHAA. " 0.4 I 0.3 5 . ~ O. 3 0.2 O. 1 _DC 10000 PULSE DURATION -IJ.S 50 60 70 80 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ Figure 1. Maximum Allowed Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration. Derate derived operating conditions above T A = 50~ C using Figure 2. 7-91 .. "I ~ ,,-~'" 1\II ~ '" rt, I ~~ I III '" o,a 8 °c Figure 2. Temperature Derating Factor For Peak Current per Segment v•. Ambient Temperature. T JMAX ='110'C > !;!. w c:; 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 '1.1 1.0 0.9 '0.8 !Ew w 2: .... :l' w a: . I i! " 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 VF - PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - V IPEAK. - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - mA Figure 3. Relative Luminous Efficiency (Luminous Intensity Per Unit Current) vs. Peak Segment Current. Figure 4. Peak Forward Segment Current vs. Peak Forward Voltage. For a Detai.led Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005. A3 A2 A, Ao 1 A4 0 0 0 ~ A5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B A 0 E F R B C ]J E F G H I J f-< L M N·D PQR5TUVWXYZ[ 0 C /I 0 :Eg]%1J <> 0 I 2 3 Y5 5 1 B 9 j:igure 5. *+ / J? \ ~ / / L ~ ? Typical 64 Character ASCII Set. fZJ o Additional Character Font U5 (.25111 18.30 ••38 1.720 ••1115} f 1 NOns; I. ALL OIMENSlOI\I$ IN MILLIMI!TRES AND fiNCH E$}, 2. All IJlI/TOLERANCED DlMENSIONSARE FOR REFERENC! ONLY. 3.l'IN 1 IDENTIFIED BY DOT ADJACENT TO LeAD. 7-92 Magnified Character Font Description Device Pin Description Pin No. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Figure 7. 24 25 26 Function Anode Anode Anode Cathode Cathode Cathode Cathode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Cathode Cathode Cathode Cathode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anode Anqde Segment K Segment 01 Segment C Digit 1 Digit 2 Digit 3 Digit 4 Segment L Segment Gz Selfment E Segment M Segment D2 Segment DP Segment Az Segment' Segment J Digit 8 Digit 7 Digit 6 Digit 5 Segment Co Segment G1 Segment B Segment F Segment H Segment Al operational Considerations ELECTRICAL The HDSP-6300 device utilizes large monolithic 16 segment plus centered decimal point and colon GaAsP LED chips. Like segments of each digit are electrically interconnected to form an 18 by N array, where N is the quantity of characters in the display. In the driving scheme the decimal point or colon is treated as a separate character with its own time frame. This display is designed specifically for strobed (multiplexed) operation. Under normal operating situations the maximum number of illuminated segments needed to represent a given character is 10. Therefore, except where noted, the information presented in this data sheet is for a maximum of 10 segments illuminated per character: 7-93 The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 4, should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor values and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values for the purpose of driver circuit design may be calculated using the following VF model: VF = 1.85V + IpEAK (1.8lll For 30mA ~ IPEAK ~ 150mA VF = 1.58V + IpEAK (10.7lll For 10mA ~ IPEAK ~ 30mA 'More than 10 segments may be illuminated in a given character. provided the maximum allowed character power dissipation, temperature derated, is not exceeded. OPTICAL AND CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT Each large monolithic chip is positioned under a separate element of a plastic aspheric magnifying lens producing a magnified character height of 3.56mm (0.140 inch). The aspheric lens provides wide included viewing angles of 60 degrees horizontal and 55 degrees vertical with low off axis distortion. These two features, coupled with the very high segment luminous sterance, provide to the user a display with excellent readability in bright ambient light for viewing distances in the range of 1.5 metres. Effective contrast enhancement can be obtained by employing an optical filter product such as Panelgraphic Ruby Red 60, Dark Red 63 or Purple 90; SGL Homalite H100-1605 Red or H100-1804 Purple; or Plexiglas 2423. For very bright ambients, such as indirect sunlight, the 3M Red 655 or Neutral Density Light Control Film is recommended. MECHANICAL This device is constructed by LED die attaching and wire bonding to a high temperature PC board substrate. A precision molded plastic lens is attached to the PC board. The HDSP-6300 can be end stacked to form a character string which is a multiple of a basic eight character grouping. These devices may be soldered onto a printed circuit board or inserted into 28 pin DIP LSI sockets. The socket spacing must allow for device end stacking. Suitable conditions for wave soldering depend upon the specific kind of equipment and procedure used. It is recommended that a non-activated rosin core wire solder or a low temperature deactivating flux and solid wire solder be used in soldering operations. For more information, consult the local HP Sales Office or Hewlett-Packard Components, Palo Alto, California. 7-94 FliOW a!e.. LARGE 5 x 7 DOT MATRIX ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAYS HEWLETT PACKARD 17.3 mm (0.68 inJ STANDARD RED HDSP-4701/4703 26.5 mm (1.04 inJ STANDARD ReD HOSP-4401/4403 26.5 mm (1.04 in.J HIGH EFFiCiENCY RED HDSP-4501/4503 Features • LARGE CHARACTER HEIGHTS • 5 x 7 DOT MATRIX FONT • VIEWABLE UP TO 18 METERS (1.04 in. DISPLAY) • X-Y STACKABLE • IDEAL FOR GRAPHICS PANELS • AVAILABLE IN COMMON ROW ANODE AND COMMON ROW CATHODE CONFIGURATIONS • CATEGORIZED FOR INTENSITY • MECHANICALLY RUGGED • AVAILABLE IN CUSTOM DISPLAY BOARDS Description The large 5 x 7 dot matrix alphanumeric display family is comprised of 26.5 mm (1.04 inch) character height packages (HDSP-440X Standard Red, and HDSP-450X High Efficiency Red) and 17.3 mm (0.68 inch) packages (HDSP470X Standard Red). These devices have excellent viewability; the 1.04 inch character font can be read at up to 18 metres (12 metres for the 0.68 inch device). has an industry standard 7.6 mm (0.3 inch) DIP configuration. Applications include electronic instrumentation, computer peripherals, point of sale terminals, weighing scales, and industrial electronics. These devices utilize a 10.2 mm (0.4 inch) dual-in-line (DIP) configuration for the 1.04 inch font, while the 0.68 inch font Devices Pari Number Color Description HDSP-4701 HDSP-4703 Standard Red 17.3 mm Common Row Anode 17.3 mm Common Row Cathode HDSP-4401 HDSP-4403 Standard Red 26.5 mm Common Row Anode 26.5 mm Common Row Cathode HDSP-4501 HDSP-4503 High Efficiency Red 26.5 mm Common Row Anode 26.5 mm Common Row Cathode 7-95 Package Dimensions (HDSP-470X Series) DATE cooe 2.54 (O.IOl L. u;4 (0.1<» i r- COLOR 81N NOTE •• LUMINOUS INTENSITV CATEGORY NOTES, 1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES UNCHES). 2. ALL UNTOLERANCED DIMENSIONS ARE FOR REFERENeE ONLY. 3. A NOTCH ON SCRAMBLeR SIDE DENOTES PIN t. 4. FOR GREEN ONLY. LEFT SIDE VIEW FUNCTION PIN HDSP·4701 HDSP·4703 1 COLUMN 'I CATHODE ROW 1 CATHODE 2 ROW 3 ANODE ROW 2 CATHODE 3 COLUMN 2 CATHODE COLUMN 2 ANODE 4 ROW 5 ANODE COLUMN 1 ANODE 5 ROW 6 ANODE ROW 6 CATHODE 6 ROW7 ANODE 'ROW 7 CATHODE 7 COLUMN 4 CATHODE COLUMN 3 ANODE 8 COLUMN 5 CATHODE ROW 5 CATHODE 9 ROW 4 ANODE COLUMN 4 ANODE 10 COLUMN 3' CATHODE ROW 4 CATHODE n ROW 2 ANODE ROW 3 CATHODE 12 ROW 1 ANODE COLUMN 5 ANODE fRONT VIEW &.GO (O.260) MAJ(. END VIEW Package Dimensions (HDSP-440X/-450X/Series) PIN 1 ReFERENCE :1.25 (0.131 DATE ODDe t 13 12 11 10 COLOR 81N NOTE 4. LUMINOUS INTENSITV CATEGORY LEFT SIDE VIEW f!==L j:JL-': -bj' I , NOTES: 6.35 1. ALl'DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETIlES (lNCHESI. (O.25ll1 MAX. 2. ALL UNTOLERANCED DIMENSIONS ARE fOR REF£RENCE ONLV. 3. A BLACK OCT ON SCRAM8LER $IDE INDICATES I'IN #t. .. FOR GREEN ONLY. FUNCTION PIN 1 COLUMN 1 CATHODE ROW 1 CATHODE NO PIN NO PIN 2 3 ROW 3 ANODE COLUMN 3 ANODE COLUMN 2 CATHODE ROW 3 CATHODE 4 NO PIN NO PIN 5 6 ROW 5 ANODE COLUMN 1 ANODE 7 NO PIN NO PIN 1.0 S ROW 6 ANODE COLUMN 2 ANODE Cc)'041 9 ROW 7 ANODE ROW 7 CATHODE 10 COLUMN 3 CATHODE ROW S CATHODE' 11, COLUMN 5 CATHODE COLUMN 4 ANODE 12 NO PIN NO PIN, ' I 13 ROW 4 ANODE ROW 5 CATHODE 4.76 14 NO PIN ' N O PIN (O.19) 15 COLUMN 4 CATHODE ROW 4 CATHODE 16 ROW 2 ANODE , ROW2CATHODE 17 NO PIN NO PIN ......IS--'__R_0_W_l_A_N_0_D_E_ _"-C_0_L_U_M_N_5_A_N_0_D_E....... f 4.0& ""'11--""'111"" II U I; to.161 (to2~ISO. MIN. II U to.16 to.4Ol END VIEW ,7-96 Internal Circuit Diagrams HDSP-4401/4501/ HDSP-4403/4503/ HDSP-4701/ COMMON ANODE ROW COMMON CATHODE ROW COMMON ANODE ROW COLUMN x = ROW OR COLUMN NUMBER, COLUMN 0· HDSP-4703/ COMMON CATHODE ROW COLUMN COLUMN x • ROW OR COLUMN NUMBER, PIN NUMBER 0= PIN NUMBER Absolute Maximum Ratings at 25°C HDSP·440X Series HDSP-470X Series HDSP-450X Series Average Power per Dot (TA" 25·C)j1] 75mW 75mW Peak Forward Current per Dot (TA = 25·C)12] 90mA 125mA Average Forward Current per Dot (TA = 25·C)!3] 15mA 25mA Operating Temperature Range -40· C to +850 C Storage Temperature Range -40·C to +85·C Reverse Voltage per Dot 3.0 V Lead Solder Temperature (1.59 mm [1/16 inch] below seating plane) 260 C for 3 sec. 0 Notes: 1. Average power is based on 20 dots 'on' per character. Total package power dissipation should not exceed 1.S W. 2. Do not exceed maximum average current per dot. 3. For the HDSP-440X series and HDSP-470X series displays, derate maximum average current above SO°C at 0.4 mA/oC. For the HDSP-4S0X series displays, derate maximum average current above 3SoC at 0.2 mA/oC. This derating is based on a device mounted in a socket having a thermal resistance from junction to ambient of 1000°C/W per dot. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C STANDARD RED HDSP-470X SERIES Description Luminous Intensity/Dot!4! (Digit Average) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelengtht5] Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Iv 100 mA PI<: 1 of 5 Duty Factor (20 mA Avg.) 360 770 Max. Units }lcd APEAK 655 nm AD 640 om Forward Voltage/Dot VF IF= 100mA 1,8 Reverse Voltage/Dot or DPI61 VR IR = 100}lA 12 V 2,2 V Temperature Coefficient of VF/Dot J:.VFJOC -2.0 mWoC Thermal Resistance LED Junctlon-to-Pin per Dol RcflJ-PIN 420 °C/W/ Dot 7-97 STANDARD RED HDSP-440X SERIES Description Luminous Intensity/Dotl4 1 (Digit Average) Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Iv 100 mA Pk: 1 of 5 Duty Factor (20 mA Avg.) 400 860 "cd nm '\PEAK 655 Dominant Wavelengthl 5j '\D 640 Forward Voltage/Dot VF IF = 100 mA Reverse Voltage/Dot or DP[6} VA I R " 100 J.tA Peak Wavelength 1.8 3.0 Max. Units nm 2.2 V 12 V Temperature Coefficient of VF/Dot t;,.VF/"C -2.0 mVl·C Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pln per Dot RJ-PIN 380 ·C/W/ Dot HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HDSP-450X SERIES Description Luminous Intensity/Dot[4] (Digit Average) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength[5] Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Iv 50 mA Pk: 1 of 5 Duty Factor (10 mA Avg.) 1400 3500 Max. Units "cd APEAK 635 nm "-0 626 nm Forward Voltage/Dot VF IF= 50 mA Reverse Voltage/Dot or DPI6] VA IA = 100 "A 2.6 3.0 :'k5 V 25.0 V Temperature Coefficienl of VF/Dot /:,VF/"C -2.0 mVl"C Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin per Dot RJ-PIN 380 ·C/W/ Dot Notes: 4. The displays are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter on the left hand side of the package. The luminous intensity minimum and categories are determined by computing the numerical average of the individual segment intensities. 5. The dominant wavelength is derived from the C.I.E. Chromaticity diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 6. Typical specification for reference only. Do not exceed absolute maximum ratings. 7. The displays are categorized as to dominant wavelength with the category designated by a number adjacent to the intensity category letter. 7-98 ------------- - - - - 0 160 ~ 5 I 0 § ....~ I 5 : 'TfaJj.\;OX/440X I I" 5~ ...... I'!-. 0 5 o 10 20 30 40 50 a: r--.... " J E>JA • 1000'eM/DOT 0 a: ac ) 60 70 SO TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - I90 f.- 100 15a: 0 He P.450X 14 0 120 1/ 0 0 I 0 I II- ~ o o 100 Figure 1. Maximum Allowable Average Current Per Dot as a Function of Ambient Temperature IpEAK """HDSP-460X ./) v, - ~c I I 0 ~ f-HOSP.41QXI440X FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 2. -Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage HDSP-440X/470X, HDSP-450X - PEAK DOT CURRENT - rnA Figure 3. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity Per Unit Dot) vs. -Peak Current per Dot operational Considerations ELECTRICAL Circuit Design These display devices are composed of light emitting diodes, with the light from each LED optically stretched to form individual dots. These display devices are well suited for strobed operation. The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 2, should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor value and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values, for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power disSipation, may be calculated using the following VF MAX models: + IpEAK (6.5 0) For 5 mA::; IpEAK::; 125 mA HDSP-440X/-470X Series: VF = 1.55 V HDSP-450X Series: VF MAX = 1.75 V + I PEAK (35 0) For IpEAK ~ 5 mA The Coded Data Controller circuit, shown in Figure 4, is designed to display eight characters of ASCII text. ASCII coded data is stored in a local 128 x 8 RAM. After the 7-99 microprocessor has loaded the RAM, local scanning circuitry controls the decoding of the ASCII, the display data loading and the display row select function. With minor modifications the circuit can be utilized for up to 128 display characters. The RAM used in this circuit is an MCM6810P with the address and data inputs isolated with tristate buffers. This allows the RAM to be accessed either by the microprocessor or by the local scanning electronics. The protocol is arranged such that the microprocessor always takes precedence over the local scanning electronics. The Motorola 6810 RAM stores 8 bytes of ASCII data which is continuously read, decoded and displayed. The ASCII data from the RAM is decoded by the Motorola 6674 128 character ASCII decoder. The 6674 decoder has five column outputs which are gated to the Sprague UCN5832A 32 bit shift register data input via a 74LS151 multiplexer. Strobing of the display is accomplished ,via the 74LS90, 74LS393 and 74LS197 counter string. THERMAL CONSIDERATIONS The thermal resistance of the device may be used to calculate the junction temperature of the central LED. Equation 1 is used to calculate the junction temperature of the central (hottest) LED. Tj = Po X 0j-a + T A Po = VF(max) x IF(avg) 0j-a = 0j-pin + 0 pin-a (1 ) (2) (3) Tj is the junction temperature of the central LED. T A is the ambient temperature. 0j-a is the thermal resistance from the central LED to the ambient. 0 pin-a is the thermal resistance from the case (any pin) to the ambient. 0j-pin is the thermal resistance of the device. VF(max) is calculated using the appropriate VF model. Po is the power diSSipated by one LED. The 74LS197 is used as a divide by 7 counter. Output 0 0 resets the counter and loads output OA to logic 1 and outputs as, Oc and 00 to logic O. Outputs OA, as, and Oc of the 74LS197 are used to synchronize the row drivers and the row data entry into the shift register. Row drivers are sequentially turned on and off so that only one row driver is on at a given time. The junction temperature of the central LED was measured with all of the dots on at a fixed drive current. The thermal resistance was calculated by using equation 4. The 74LS393 counter is used as a divide by 64 counter. This counter has two functions. The first is to provide the address of the character to be decoded. Outputs lOA, las, and lac supply the address to the RAM. The other function is to generate a signal which will simultaneously clock the 74LS197, disable the row drivers and shift register outputs, and provide one of the logic signals needed to enable the system clock to clock data into the shift register. Outputs 10o, 20A, and 20s are gated to create this Signal. The duty factor for this system is 1 of 8 or 12.5%. CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT The 74LS90 is connected as a divide by 5 cascaded into a divide by 2 for an effective divide by 10 counter. Outputs as, Oc, and 00 are used to convert the parallel output from the character generator to serial input for entry into the shift register. Output QA in combination with the system clock and the gated outputs of the 74LS393 counter are used to clock data into the shift register. When character data is loaded into the shift register, output OAalternates between allowing data to be loaded and providing setup time for a valid address at the RAM to generate valid decoded character data at the output of the 74LS151 multiplexer. 0j-pin = (Tj - T pin)/Po (4) Where T pin is the temperature of the hottest pin. The objective of contrast enhancement is to provide good display readability in the end use ambient light. The concept is to employ both luminance and chrominance contrast techniques to enhance the readability by having the OFFdots blend into the display background and the ON-dots stand out vividly against this same background. Therefore, these display devices are assembled with a gray package and matching encapsulating epoxy in the dots. Contrast enhancement may be achieved by using one of the following suggested filters: HDSP-440X/-470X: Panelgraphic RUBY RED 60 SGL Homalite Hl00-1605 RED 3M Louvered Filter R6610 RED or N0210 GRAY HDSP-450X: Panelgraphic SCARLET RED 65 or GRAY 10 SGL Homalite Hl00-1670 RED or Hl00 GRAY 3M Louvered Filter R6310 RED or N0210 GRAY For further information on contrast enhancement please see Application Note 1015. This circuit can be used with the HDSP-4701 with minor modifications due to different pin locations. HDSP-4X03 devices require a change of both the shift register and drive transistors. The shift register can be changed to a Sprague UCN-5818. This part has different pin assignments than the UCN-5832. For further details consult the Sprague data sheet. The MJE700 Darlington transistors need to be replaced with suitable npn Darlington transistors. 7-100 74LS367 D6 Os D4 OJ ~____ D1 14 6A 6Vf.'~3----------------------------------------, 12 5AW~~~'~I--------------------------------------' 10 4A~~4Yf9~------------------------------____--, 6 3A;E3y~7~----------------------__________- - , 4 2A 2 lA m2V~5~ ly~3~ 1 ________________________________, ______________________________, J '" MCM6810 V" MCM6674 24 : ~ I~~: M Vee Do 2 Au 4Y 9 01 3 6 Al 7 024 SA2 5Y 11 ~ -WR ." OJ 5 4 D4 3 A4 05 ~ ~ ~ ~ f,] 74lS151 UCN5832A c z o T II. ~ - , ' 4 38 g ~ ~ n 1 no en < o ~3 r-m .... n ~ ;>:; ~n Cl 2 C UCN5832A AJ OS ~ 74LS368 3 5 7 I: Vee iil ~ 11 RS1 CS 13 10 RS2 CS 10 8 RS3 74LS14 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17 0 Q. 0 '5V 0 3- 2~ 0 if lMHz CLOCK 2.7k~l -KSJ INPUT S: h. I 0 I 0 I ~ ~ ~ ~ -5V ~ l!1 ~ I 0 ~ ~ 74lS14" l ___..] . 74LS14 ~ Y 12 9 11 ......... _10 DI~LAY I DI~LAY I DI~LAY I D1S:lAY I OI~LAY I DI~lAY I DI~LAY I OIS;L~Y MJE700 V 74LS10 74LS14 SOLID STATE DISPLAYS MECHANICAL HANDLING To optimize device optical performance, specially developed plastics are used which restrict the solvents which may be used for cleaning. It is recommended that only azeotropes of Freon (F113) and isopropanol and/or ethanol be used for vapor cleaning processes, with an immersion time in the vapors of less than 2 minutes maximum. Some suggested vapor .cleaning solvents are Freon TE, Genesolve DES, DI15 or DE-15, Arklone A or K. A 60° C (140° F) water cleaning process may also be used, which includes a neutralizer rinse (3% ammonia solution or equivalent), a surfactant rinse (1 % detergent solution or equivalent), a hot water rinse and thorough air dry. Total exposure to hot water should not exceed 15 minutes. Room temperature cleaning may be accomplished with Freon T-E35 or T-P35, ethanol, isopropanol or water with a mild detergent. Cleaning agents from the ketone family (acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, etc.) and from the chlorinated hydrocarbon family (methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, etc.) are not recommended for cleaning LED parts. All of these various solvents attack or dissolve the plastics and encapsulating epoxies used to form the packages of these LED devices. For further information on soldering and cleaning please see Hewlett-Packard Application Note 1027. 7-102 . _ - - - - - -. . .- - - .. ----. FliPW HEWLETT ------- -----_._._._. --- Double, ~eterOjuncti()n AIGaAS RED LOW CURRENT SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAYS ~I.!AI PACKARD 7.6 mm (0.3 In) 10.9 mm (0.43 In) 14.2 mm to.56 In) 20.0 mm to.a Inl HOSP'A101 SERIES HOSP-E100 SERIES HDSP-H101 SERIES HDSP-N100 SERIES Features • LOW POWER CONSUMPTION Typical Power Consumption is 1.6 mW/Seg at 1 rnA Drive Ideal for Battery Operated Applications Special Selection is Available for Operation at '12 rnA o TYPICAL INTENSITY OF 650 /-Lcd/Seg AT 1 rnA DRIVE o EXCELLENT FOR MULTIPLEXING LONG DIGIT STRINGS o COMPATIBLE WITH MONOLITHIC LED DISPLAY DRIVERS • FOUR CHARACTER SIZES 7.6 mm (0.3 in), 10.9 mm (0.43 in), 14.2 mm (0.56 in), 20.0 mm (0.8 in) o COMMON ANODE OR COMMON CATHODE Overflow ± 1 Character o EXCELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE Wide Viewing Angle Grey Body for Optimum Contrast • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Use of Like Categories Yields a Uniform Display Description This line of solid state LED displays uses newly developed Double Heterojunction (DH) AIGaAs/GaAs material to emit deep red light at 650 nm. This material has outstanding efficiency at low drive currents and can be either DC or pulse driven. Viewability at up to 10 metres (HDSP-Nl00 Series) is available for applications such as instruments, weighing scales, meters and point-of-sale terminals. Devices Pari No. HOSP· Character Size Al01 A103 Al0? Al0a 0.3" Mini (?6mm) Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal Overflow ±1 Common Anode Overflow ±1 Common Cathode A B C El00 El01 E103 E106 E 0.43" (10.9mm) Common Anode Left Hand Decimal Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal Universal Overflow ±1 Hl01 H103 Hl0? Hl0S 0.56" (14.2 mm) Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal Overflow ±l Common Anode Overflow ±1 Common Cathode Nl00 Nl01 N103 Nl0S Nl06 O.S" (20mm) Package Drawing Description Common Anode Left Hand Decimal Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal Common Cathode Left Hand Decimal Universal Overflow ±1 7-103 0 F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q package Dimensions (HDSP-A101 Series) MITERED CORNER FOR PIN 1 REFERENCE lr IJ~.1 1.27 lcr ------.r-1.0501 LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY ,--,...----- t II~~~I ------1 DATE CODE ~ 1); 5.08 (.2001 .380 L~ TYP, 3.81 MINUS 1.1501 9.91 ! ! 1.500 , .0151 '} '-L ' 2.5 4 (.100) S.09 (.240) 12.7 t _J ~~1 ~ TVP. MIN. 1.3901 ,~:,BL j~ 5.08 ~ I~;~~I NOTE 2 REF. A,B ',f 2.97D 1.1171 I 7.S2· I r-1.3001-J C,D Notes: 1. All dimensions in millimetres linchesl. 2. Maximum. 3. All untoleranced dimensions are for reference only. 4. Redundant anodes. 5. Redundant cathodes. fUNCTION a PIN A 1 ANOOEt 4 1 2 CATHODE t 3 CATHODE 9 ,.27 (,0501 1.200) C ANODE(4) 0 CATHODE IS) ANODE 9 ANODE e- CATHODE PLuS CATHODE MINUS NC ANODE PLUS ANODE MINUS NC ANOD, d NC NO CArHoDE!5t CATHODE IS! ANODE t 4 CATHOOE e5 CATHODE" 6 ANOOt:-141 7 CATHODE OP B CATHODE c 9 CATHODE h 10 CATKODE a CATHOOE!SI ANODE 141 ANODE DP ANODE < CATHODE OP CATHODE (: ANODE OP ANOOE b CATHOOE b ANODE b ANODE ~ NC NC ANOOE c Package Dimensions (HDSP-E100 Series) j 7.01 f.2761 : tf~ ~ -1-~~ j . + 1 10' + +'u.~u(;+ 10.921.4301 4 + 5 -'--_--'s+-+o-= 7 0+ 10 + d1 "1:1-::----'- ~_-t--+I-a ~~ NO"4J ~.35 (.2501 3.1al.125) NOTE (4] - - 5.21 f.205) H F,G E FRONT VIEW fUNCTION 1---'2.701.500)1 I MAX. . LUMINOUS INTENSITY PIN CATEGORY ~ uR-15-'}'-I~-)-ls-I2~-~) f~ 4.061. 1S0) Ii I 7,S2 I ' I ANOO-e:·a 2 CATHODE·i CATHODE·' ANOOE·' a ANODE{~1 ANODE~)! CATHOOEISI 4 NO-PIN NO PIN 5 NO PI" CATHODE·dp CATHODE·, CATI 30 ,- 1,3 60 70 8085 90 100 10 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °C 20 30 40 50 PEAK CURRENT - rnA Figure 1. Maximum Allowable Average or DC Current per Segment vs. Ambient Temperature Figure 2. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Segment Current 7-107 - - - - - . - - . -..- - - - . - -.. O.SmA O.B -.--~ .. - .. 50.0 20.0 1 10.0 I !2w 0:' 0: 5.0 :> "0 2.0 0: ~ 1.0 ~ 0.5 0: I ... 0.2 0.1 0 0.5 v, - 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 FORWARD VOLTAGE - V I, - DC FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 3. Forward Current VS. Forward Voltage Figure 4. Relative L~mlnouB Intensity VB. DC Forward Current Electrical Contrast enhancement may be achieved by using one of the following suggested filters: The HDSP-A101lE100/H101/N100 series of display devices are composed of light emitting diodes, with the light from each LED optically stretched to form individual segments and decimal points. These displays have their p-njunctions formed in AIGaAs epitaxial layers grown on a GaAs substrate. These display devices are well suited for strobed operation. The typical forward voltage values; scaled from Figure 3, should be used for calculating the current limiting ,resistor value and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values, for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation, may be calculated using the foilowing VF MAX model: VF MAX = 2.0 V + IpEAK (10 OJ For: IpEAK 2': 20 mA VF MAX = 1.B V + Ibc (200) For: loc:S; 20 mA These displays are compatible with monolithic LED display drivers. See Application Note 1006, for more information. Contrast Enhancement The objective of contrast enhancement is to provide good display readability in the end use ambient light. The concept is to employ both luminance and chrominance contrast techniques to enhance readability by having the OFF-segments blend into the display background and the ON-segments stand out vividly against this same background. Therefore, these disPlay devices are assembled with a gray package and matching encapsulating epoxy in the segments. Panelgraphic RUBY RED 60 SGL Homalite H100-1605 RED 3M Louvered Filter R6610 RED or N0210 GRAY Mechanical To optimize device optical performance, specially developed plastics are used which restrict the solvents that may be used for cleaning. It is recommended that only mixtures of Freon (F113) and alcohol be used for vapor cleaning processes, with an immersion time in the vapors of less than two (2) minutes maximum. Some suggested vapor cleaning solvents are Freon TE, Genesolve 01-15 or DE-15, Arklone A or K. A 60°C (140°F) water cleaning process may also be used, which includes a neutralizer rinse (3 0/0 ammonia solution or equivalent), a surfactant rinse (1% detergent solution or equivalent), a hot water rinse and a thorough air dry. Room temperature cleaning may be accomplished with Freon T-E35 or T-P35, Ethanol, Isopropanol or water with a mild detergent. Such cleaning agents from the ketone family (acetone, methyl ,ethyl ketone, etc.! and from the chlorinated hydrocarbon family (methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, etc.) are not recommended for cleaning LED parts. All of these various solvents,attack or dissolve 'the encapsulating epoxies used to form the packages of plastic LED devices. 7-108 ----------------- l0WCURRENT FliHW SEV HEWLETT a!~ PACKARD HIGH Ef;FICIENC.:rRED SEGMENT ell.SPLAYS 7.6 mm (0.3ih) HDsp-i$11.?ERIES 10.9 mm (0.43 In) HqSPt 335Q.SERIES 14.2mm (0.56 in) HDSP-555t.SERIES Features o LOW POWER CONSUMPTION Typical Power Consumption is 3 mW/Seg at 2 rnA Drive o TYPICAL INTENSITY OF 300 !",cd/Seg AT2 rnA DRIVE o CAPABLE OF HIGH CURRENT DRIVE Excellent for Long Digit String Multiplexing o COMPATIBLE WITH MONOLITHIC LED DISPLAY DRIVERS • THREE CHARACTER SIZES 7.6 mm (0.3 in), 10.9 mm (0.43 in), 14.2 mm (0.56 in) o COMMON ANODE OR COMMON CATHODE Overflow ±1 Character o EXCELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE Wide Viewing Angle • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Use of Like Categories Yields a Uniform Display Description The HDSP-7511, HDSP-3350, HDSP-5551 series are 7.6 mm (0.3 in), 10.9 mm (0.43 in) and 14.2 mm (0.56 in) high efficiency red displays featuring low power consumption. The HDSP-7511 series are designed for viewing distances up to 2 meters, the HDSP-3350 series for viewing distances up to 5 meters, and the HDSP-5551 series for viewing distances up to 7 meters. Typical applications include instruments, scales, point-of-sale terminals and meters. Devices Package Drawing Part Number Color Descriplion HDSP-7511 HDSP-7513 HDSp·7517 HDSP-7518 High Efficiency Red 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 HDSP-3350 HDSP-3351 HDSP-3353 HDSP-3356 High Efficiency Red 10.9 mm 10.9 mm 10.9 mm 10.9 mm Common Anode Left Hand Decimal Common Anode Right Hand DeCimal Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal Universal Overflow ±1 Right Hand Decimal HDSP-5551 HDSP-5553 HDSP-5557 HDSP-5558 High Efficiency Red 14.2 mm 14.2 mm 14.2 mm 14.2 mm Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal OverflOw ±1 Common Anode OverflOW ±1 Common Gathode mm mm mm mm Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal Overflow ±1 Common Anode Overflow ±1 Common Cathode 7-109 A B C D E F G H I J K L package Dimensions (HDSP-7511 Series) MITERED CORNER FOR PIN 1 REFERENCE lr lJ~1 1.27 _.SI.0501 LUMINOUS INTENSITY .-----.:=----. -. CATEGORV T QATECOOE 10' .508 11.0201 ----.i TYP. 1lI~--.it _{_~~ r.. I--LI~;~I J.- 5.08 1.2001 6.09'1* --1.2401, 9.91 1---1.3901' REF. J A, B .254 (,0101 TVP. 3.81 1.1501 MIN. MINUS C,D Noles: 9 J FUNCTION '~1.27 i ' 4. Redundant anodes. 5. Redundant cathodes. 1. All dimensions in millimetres !inchesl. 2. Maximum. 3. All untoleranced dimensions are for reference only. PIN 1 2 3 4 5 -(,0501 5.0~.1.1.2001 B A ANODEI'I CATHODE f CATHODE 9 CATHODE. CATHODe 151 ANODE' ANOOEg ANOOE e ANOOE d CATHODE d CATHODEI~l 6 ANOOEI41 7 cATHODE OP ANOOE DP S CATHODE. ANODE 9 ANODE b ANODE: a CA~HODE b 10 CATHODE. ~ 0 C ANODE 1.1 CATHODE PLUS CATHOOE MINUS ANODE PLUS ANODE MINUS NC NO NO CATHODE h NC CATHQOEI" ANODE 0. AI'lODE < ANOOEf b NC 1';0 ANOOE!4.1 CATHODE DP CATHOPE e CATHODEI~I package Dimensions (HDSP-3350 Series) 10' 10' 12 11 10 11-__1-_+\8 L.._ _.....,......... 8 3.181.1251 It R.H.D.P. NOTE 141 R.H.D.P. I--.J"~-f- 5.21 1.2051 G F,H E FRONT VIEW 1.17 MAX. LUMINOUS INTENSITV CATEGORV 1--12.701.500'1 1- MAX. _..!!_-'L u~ 1~:i~~1 I~~' --==r--, I I !~ltr~' . :++1 1 4.061.1601 MIN. r-I 7.62 I 2.~4 I DATE CODE END VIEW 16.24 1.6001 =f=-_l ~!~I~O~~' 1.3001~ FUNCTION 1.1001 SIDE VIEW NOTES: 1. Dimensions in millimeters and (inches). 2. All untoleranced dimensions are for reference only 3. Redundant anodes. 4. 5. 6. 7. Unused dp position. See Internal Circuit Diagram. Redundant cathode. See part number table for L.H.D.P. and R.H.D.P. designation. 7-110 PIN Eo F G H 1 CATHODE·, 2 CATHODE,f 3 4 ANODE III NO PIN NOPIN CATHODE·dp CATHODE", CATHDDEod NoeON""I'1 CATHODS·t; CATftOOE·, NO PIN CATHODE·b CATHODE·. CATHODE-' ANODEI31 NOPIN NOPJN NOCClNN.tsl CATHODE·. CATHODEod CATHooe",. CATtlODE.-e CATHOOEo, NO PIN CATHOOE·b ANODEt31 ANOOt·. ANODE-I CATHODE 101 NO PIN NOCONN.lOl ANODE.. ANODE'" ANODEodp CATHODE" ANODE-d NO PIN CATHODE.. CATHODE·. ANODh ANODE-c ANODE"''' CATHODEod. ANOD(·c CATHODE.·b ANODh NOP'N ANODE·b CATHODE 1.1 CATHODE.. NO PIN ANODe .. ""OOE·b $ 6 1 8 9 10 "12 13 14 ANODEI)I ~PIN package Dimensions (HDSP-5551 Series) TOP END VIEW I, J, K, L FRONT VIEW I, J 100 LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY FUNCTION L K PIN CATHODEe CATHODEd ANOOE!4~ CATHODEc --I I 9 8 7 6 B.OO 13151 CATHODEDP I--I ~I~~~I CATHOPEb .254 CATHODE a ANODEI 4 1 [1~-r~l :'0 CATHODE! 10 CATHODEg 1.6001 .. J L ~ Noles: 1. All dimensions in millimetres (inches). 6.B6 12701 FRONT VIEW K, L 2. 3. 4. 5. SIDE VIEW I, J, K, L Maximum. All untoleranced dimensions are for reference only. Redundant anodes. Redundant cathodes. Internal Circuit Diagram A 10 10 10 10 B 14 13 11 ;.c+----+-11 10 E F 1 2 3 4 H G 5 1 2 3 4 5 K J 7-111 1 2 3 4 L 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings (All Products) Average Power per Segment or DP (TA = 25°C) ..............•..•...•...... 52 mW Peak Forward Current per Segment or DP (TA = 25°C)11l ............•.............. 45mA Notes: 1. Do not exceed maximum average current per segment. 2. Derate maximum average, current above T A = 65° C at 0,4 mAr C per segment, see Figure 1, Derate maximum DC current above TA = 78 0 C at 0.6 mAIo C per segment. Average or DC Forward Current per Segment l2l or DP (TA = 25°C) ......•..•....••.....••••... 15 mA Operating Temperature Range ••••.••.• -40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range .........• -55° C to +100° C 'Reverse Voltage per Segment or DP .............• 3.0 V Lead Solder. Temperature (1,59 mm [1/16 inch] below seating plane) ........................ 260° C for 3 sec, Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA = 25 0 C HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HDSP-7511 SERIES Description Luminous Intensity/Segmentl3j (Digit Average) Symbol Iv Test Conditions Min. Typ. 2mADC 160 270 5mADC 1050 40 mA Pk; 1 of 4 Duty Factor 3500 Max. Unlts licd APEAK 635 nm Dominant Wavelengthl 4j hd 626 nm Forward Voltage/Segment or DP VF Peak Wavelength IF=2mA IF=5 mA IF= 20 mA Pk =1.6 1.7 = 3,0 2.1 V 2.5 30,0 V Temperature Coefficient of VF/Segment or DP t:.VF/oC -2,0 mVI"C Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to·Pin ROJ.PIN 200 °C/W/ Seg Reverse Voltage/Segment or OpjSj VA IA '" 100 /lA HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HDSP-3350 SERIES Description Luminous Intensity/SegmentlSj (Digit Average) Peak Wavelength Symbol Iv Tesf Conditions Min. Typ. 2mADC 200 300 5mADC 1200 40 mA Pk: 1 of 4 Duty Factor 3900 Max. Units /led APEAK 635 nm Dominant Wavelengthl4j Ad 626 nm Forward VoltagelSegment or DP VF IF=2mA 1.6 V IF=5mA 1,7 IF =20mA Pk Reverse Voltage/Segment or OPI5j VR IR =100 pA 2.1 3,0 2.5 30.0 V Temperature Coefficient of VF/Segment or DP J.VF/oC -2.0 mV/·C Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin R8J-PIN 282 °C/WI Seg 7-112 ----.-.-_._--.-. HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HDSP-5551 SERIES t; Description Symbol Luminous Intensity/Segmentl31 (Digit Average) Iv Peak Wavelength Tesl conditions Min. Typ. 2mADC 270 370 10 mA DC 3400 40 mA Pk; 1 of 4 Duty Factor_ 4800 Units Max. I'cd APEAK 635 nm Dominant Wavelengthl 4 1 Ad 626 nm Forward VOltage/Segment or DP VF IF= 2 mA 1.6 V IF = 5 mA 1.7 IF=20 m-APk Reverse Voltage/Segment or DPlsl VR 2.1 3.0 IR=1001'A 2.5 30.0 V Temperature Coefficient of VF/Segment or DP ::Np/"C -2.0 mV/oC Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin RaJ.PIN 345 "c/WI Seg 3. The digits are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter on the right hand side of the package. The luminous intensity minimum and categories are' determined by computing the numerical average of the individual segment intensities, decimal point not included. Operation at less than 2 mA DC or peak current per segment may cause objectionable display segment matching and is not recommended. 4. The dominant wavelength is derived from the C.l.E. Chromaticity diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 5. Typical specification for reference only. Do not exceed absolute maximum ratings. HDSP-7511/-3350/-5551 SERIES . ..ffi 3.0 E I '8r-~-+--+--~-+-+-~-+-+-4 a: a: / "uw !il V V ffi :t "x I ~ ~ ~ I . X ~ > ; o 0 0'--',0-2-'-0-3J.. 0 --'70-S""0"""9'-:-0-'-'00 0 ---'40-5-'-0-6J.. o TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °C 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 IpEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - mA Figure 1. Maximum Allowable Average Current per Segment as a Function of Ambient Temperature Figure 2. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current per Segment 16 40 " .. rlj 30 / a: a: "u0 .. a: .... .... >- I E I 20 in E rljN '2 Z .. '0 ~q ,,00 / / / z .. /V ;Eo "W ;: -,N a: 5' 10 .!: o o 0.5 1,0 V 1.5 2.0 / w::; I >" -:E V "0: "0 ~~ 2.5 V 10 3.0 " 14 12 14 16 IF - SEGMENT DC CURRENT - mA VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 3. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Figure 4. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current 7-113 -------------»_._------------- Electrical Mechanical The HDSP-7511/-3350/-5551 series of display devices are composed of light emitling diodes, with the light from each LED optically stretched to form Individual segments and decimal pOints. These displays have their p-n junctions diffused into GaAsP epitaxial layer on a GaP substrate. To optimize device optical performance, specially developed plastics are used which restrict the solvents that may be used for cleaning. It is recommended that only mixtures of Freon (F113) and alcohol be used for vapor cleaning processes, with an immersion time in the vapors of less than two (2) minutes maximum. Some suggested vapor cleaning solvents are Freon TE, Genesolve 01-15 or DE-15, Arklone A or K, A 60°C (140°F) water cleaning process may also be used, which includes a neutralizer rinse (3% ammonia solution or equivalent), a surfactant rinse 11% detergent solution or equivalent), a hot water rinse and a thorough air dry, Room temperature cleaning may be accomplished with Freon T-E35 or T-P35, Ethanol, Isopropanol or water with a mild detergent. These display devices are well suited for strobed operation. The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 3, should be used for calculating the current limit'ing resistor value and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values, for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation, may be calculated using the following VF MAX model: = 1,75 V + IPEAK (38!}) For: IPEAK ~ 20 mA VF MAX = 1.6 V + loc (45!}) For: 2 mA :5 IDe :5 20 mA VF MAX These displays are compatible with monolithic LED display drivers. See Application Note 1006 for more information. Contrast Enhancement Such cleaning agents from the ketone family (acetone, methyl 'ethyl ketone, etc') and from the chlorinated hydrocarbon family (methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, etc') are not recommended for cleaning LED parts. All of these various solvents attack or dissolve the encapsulating epoxies used to form the packages of plastic LED devices, The objective of contrast enhancement is to provide good display readability in the end use ambient light. The concept is to employ both luminance and chrominance contrast techniques to enhance readability by having the OFF-segments blend into the display background and the ON-segments stand out vividly against this same background. Therefore, these display devices are assembled with a gray package and matching encapsulating epoxy in the segments. Contrast enhancement may be achieved by using one of the fol'lowing suggested filters: Panelgraphic SCARLET RED 65 or GRAY 10 SGL Homalite H100-1670 RED or -1266 GRAY 3M Louvered Filter R6310 RED or N0210 GRAY 7-114 7.6 mm <'3 inch) M.IGRO BRIGHT 7 SEGMENT DISPLAVS RED HIGH EFFICIENCY RED YELLOW HIOl;l·R.~RFORI\II..~NC,g..qI5EEN HD$P-7301 HDSP'7S01 HDSP'7401 HQ$P-7S01 Features o HIGH BRIGHTNESS Package Optimized for High Amblenl Conditions • COMPACT PACKAGE 0.300 x 0.500 Inches o CHOICE OF FOUR COLORS: Red, High Elliciency Red, Yellow, High Performance Green o EXCELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE: Evenly Lighted Segments Mitered Segments Wide Viewing Angle Grey Package Provides Optimum On-Oil Contrast • EASY MOUNTING ON PC BOARDS OR SOCKETS 5.08 mm (0.2 inch) DIP Leads on 2.54 mm (0.1 inch) Centers • AVAILABLE WITH COLON FOR CLOCK DISPLAY o COMMON ANODE OR COMMON CATHODE Right Hand Decimal Point Overllow ±1 Character • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY; YELLOW AND GREEN ALSO CATEGORIZED FOR COLOR Use of Like Category Yields a Uniform Display Description The HDSP-7301/-7501/-740117801 Series are 7.6 mm (0.3 inch) character LED seven segment displays in a compact package. Designed lor viewing distances up to 3 metres (10 feet), these displays are ideal lor high ambient applications where space is at a premium. Typical applications include instruments, aircraft and marine equipment, point-ol-sale terminals, clocks, and appliances. Devices Pari Number Color Package Drawing Description HDSP·7301 HDSP-7311 HDSP-7302 HDSP-7303 HDSP-7313 HDSP-7304 HDSP-7307 HDSP-7317 HDSP-730B HDSP-7318 Red Bright Red Red Red Bright Red Red Red Bright Red Red Bright Red Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Anode Right Hand Decimal, Colon Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal Common CathOde Right Hand Decimal Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal, Colon Overflow ±1 Common Anode Overflow ±1 Common Anode Overflow ±1 Common Cathode Overflow ±1 Common Cathode HDSp·7501 HDSP-7502 HDSP·7503 HDSP·7504 HDSP·7507 HDSP-750S HER Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Anode Right Hand Decimal, Colon Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal, Colon OverflOW ±1 Common Anode Overflow ±1 Common Cathode HDSP-7401 HDSP-7402 HDSp·7403 HDSp·7404 HDSP·7407 HDSp·7408 Yellow HDSP·7801 HDSP·7802 HDSP-7803 HDSP·7804 HDSP-7807 HDSp·780S Green Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Anode Right Hand Decimal, Colon Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal Common CathOde Right Hand Decimal, Colon Overflow ±1 Common Anode Overflow +1 Common Cathode Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Anode Right Hand Decimal. Colon Common Cathode RighI Hand Decimal Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal, Colon OverflOW ±1 Common Anode Overflow ±1 Common Cathode 7-115 A A B C C 0 E E F F A B C 0 E F A B C 0 E F A B C D E F package Dimensions li · COLOR BIN 254 (.010) 1.27 ~(.050) (NOTE 6) MITERED CORNER FOR PIN 1 REFERENCE LUMINOUS INTENSITY -. CATEGORY .508 r i(·020) -------t TYP. DATE CODe ~J- 5.08 (.200) 6.09 (.240) t _--1 --.- ll; i:' !i!,g. 9.91 (.390) REF. L2'54 (.100) TYP. 3.81 (.150) MIN. MITERED CORNER FOR PIN 1 REFERENCE 10· B, D A,C ,~gL J ;t= . ~__ 1.27 (,050) E, F 5.08 (.200) Notes: I. All dimensions in millimetres (inches). 2. Maximum. 3. All untoleranced dimensions are for reference only. 4. Redundant anodes. 5. Redundant cathodes. 6. For HDSP-7401/-7801 series product only. FUNCTION PIN B C CATHODE COLON CATHODE lSI CATHODE f ANODE f CA,HOOEg 3 CATHODE 9 ANODE, 4 CATHODE. CATHODE. ANODE. 5 CATHODE rl CATHODE d ANODE d ANODE CATHODE(') 6 ANODEI') 7 CATHODE DP CATHODE DP ANODE OP B CATHODE. CATHODE c ANODE c 9 CATHODE b CATHODE b ANODE b 10 CATHODE tlCATHODE: a ANODE IJ A 1 ANODEI') 2 CATHODE f E ANODEi') CATHODE PLUS CATHODE M)NUS 0 ANODE COLON ANODE f ANODE 9 ANODE. ANODE d CATHODE ANODE DP ANODE c ANODE b NC NC ANODE (41 CATHODE OP CATHODE. CATHODE b NC ANODE a F CATHOOE(5] ANODE PLUS ANODE MINUS NC NC CATHODE)') ANODE OP ANODE c ANODE b NC Internal Circuit Diagram A 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 9 2 9 2 9 2 9 2 9 2 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 B C dp dp E D 10 dp F Absolute Maximum Ratings HDSP-73011 -7311 Series Average Power Dissipation per Segment or D.P. Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Peak Forward Current per Segment or D.P.f71 DC Forward Current per Segment or D.P. [8) Reverse Voltage per Segment or D.P. Lead Soldering Temperature 1.59 mm (1/16 inchl below seating plane 73mW 150mA 25mA 3V HDSp·7501 Series HDSP-7401 Series 81 mW 105mW -40 0 C to + 1000 C -55 0 C to + 100° C 90mA 30mA 3V SOmA 20mA 3V Hbsp-7801 Series 105mW 90mA 30mA 3V 260· C for 3 Sec. 7. See Figures 1,6.7, and 8 to establish pulsed operating conditions. (Figure I, HDSP-7301 Series; Figure 6. HDSP-7501 Series; Figure 7, HDSP-7401 Series; Figure 8, HDSP-7801 Series). 8. See Figures 2,9,10, and II to derate maximum DC current. (Figure 2, HDSP-7301 Series; Figure 9, HDSP-7501 Series; Figure 10, HDSP-7401 Series; Figure II, HDSP-7801 Series). 7-116 Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA = 25°C STANDARD RED HDSP-7301 SERIES *.ViC& ~DSP- Description Luminous IilIfsity/seg m~ntl91 10igit Avera j t!Jw')I \Ibm Symbol Test Conditions Iv 10mA DC ~2(j!mA DC 7fi,~ ?Jo mA DC ~;J;,; 2C1imADC 7301"'1&£' . *'M>C" 7311 Peak Wavelength Min. 6@0 770 Typ. 655 ~d 640 ,,,,..'" v~gm'"t" D.P. VF IF=20 mA VR IR=100pA Temperature Caef t of Forward Voltage .~ 610 1355 ~PEAK gmen! or D.P.l 12j Units !t= Dominant Wavel~gthll01 Reverse Voltage. a .eMax. lied nm nm 2.0 1.6* V 12.0 V .J.VF/oC -2.0 mVioC ROJ-PIN 200 °C/WI Thermal Resistance LEO Junction-to·Pin 3.0 Seg HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HDSP-7501 SERIES Description Luminous Intensity/Segmentf9 1 (Digit Average) Peak Wavelength SymBol Iv Test Conditions Min. Typ. 5mAD.C. 360 980 20mA D.C. 5390 60 mA Pk: 1 of 6 Duty Factor 3430 Max. lJlits licd APEAK 635 nm Dominant Wavelengthl 101 Ad 626 nm Forward Voltage/Segment or D.P. VF Reverse Voltage/Segment or D.P. [12] IF=5 mA 1.7 IF=20 mA 2.0 IF =60 mA 2.8 2.5 V 30.0 V Temperature Coefficient Of VF/Segment or D.P. /!"VF/oC -2.0 mVioC Thermal Resistance LED Junctlon-to-Pln R9J.PIN 200 °CIWI VR IR=100IiA 3.0 Seg YELLOW HDSP·7401 SERIES Description Luminous Intensity/Segmentl9 1 Symbol Iv (Digit Average) Peak Wavelength Test Conditions Min. Typ. 5mAD.C. 225 480 20 mA D.C. 2740 60 mA Pk: 1 of 6 Duty Factor 1700 ~d Forward Voltage/Segment or D.P. VF 581.5 nm 586 IF""5mA 1.8 IF=20mA 2.2 IF=60 mA 3.1 Units licd 583 APEAK Dominant Wavelengthl 1O.11 j I Max. I 592.5 nm 2.5 V 50.0 V Temperature Coefficient of VF/Segment or D.P. /!"VFI"C -2.0 mW·C Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to·Pin ROJ-PIN 200 °CIWI Reverse Voltage/Segment or D.P. [12] VA IR=100pA 3.0 Seg .. digits are categorized 9. The for luminous intensity With the intensity category designated by a letter on the nght hand side of the package. The luminous intensity minimum and categories are determined by computing the numerical average of the individual . segment intensities. decimal point not included. 10. The dominant wavelength is derived from the C.I.E. Chromaticity diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 11. The HDSP-7401/·7801 series are categorized as to dominant wavelength with the category designated by a number adjacent to the intensity category letter. 12. Typical specification for reference only. Do not exceed absolute maximum ratings. 7-117 ------_.. __ __._-_........_-- .__. HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN HDSP-7801 SERIES Description Symbol Luminous intensity/Segment[9] (Digit Average) Test Conditions Min. Typ. 5mAD.C. Iv 10 mA D.C. /led 1935 APEAK 566 Dominant Wavelength[10, l1J (Digit Average) Ad 571 577 Forward Voltage/Segment or D.P. VF 2.1 2.5 Reverse Voltage/Segment or D.P.l 12 [ VR IF"" 10 mA 3.0 IR '" 100 /lA nm nm V 50.0 V 200 "C/W/ Seg ROJ . P1N Thermal Resistance LED Junction-Io-Pin Units 1480 570 60 mA Pk: 1 of 6 Duty Factor Peak Wavelength Max. 545 HDSP-7301 SERIES OPERATION INTHISAEGIQNREOUIRES TEMPERATURE DERATING OF 'DC MAX. ] 20 28 ~ 15 10 9 8 7 1\ \ .f.'\'b , I Nol clor .~ 1 IO~ 10 0: "" o" \. r-' ~ ~ I ~ " ~ ~1; \ \' 20 T~ ~ AOJ' " 695" elW/SEGMENT 16 12.5 , 12 RaJA " 77ifCIW SEGMJNT--' I " ""o I X E \ III t ~ ~~ -q; ~ 1, ~ 1.5 I t- iii0: 2524 I \ j I I 35 55 75 I 95 I 115 I 135 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °C 100 1000 10000 tp - PULSE DURA nON - /.lSEC Figure 1. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration ~ iii u Ii: u. w w > ~ ~I 160 ~ 140 :; ~ 120 ~ 100 Figure 2. Maximum Allowable DC Current Dissipation per Segment as a Function 01 Ambient Temperature 1.' - !-,- -.~ .-- I-- I-- ,- >- t-" in E 1.2 ~~ t-t- 1.0 r--- "00.. .8 - tZ w 80 53N ""o 60 ~ ii! 0: 0: 0: :; 0: 0: ~ I 50 IpEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - mA Figure 3. Relative Elliciency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current per Segment .!: ;Eo .~- o I-- i "w .... N w::l .6 >" -:; .0 I-- '-- r--20 ~" , ~~ " 1I IIlPJA '770"CIW/SEG 10 u E ~! OPERATION itl 25 tp - PULSE DURATION - VS. 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 TA-AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °c ~SEC Figure 6. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current Duration - HDSp·7501 Series 35 V" .H >...; \1 ROJA = aWClW/SEG 15 Pulse Figure 9. Maximum Allowable DC Current and DC Power Dissipation per Segment as a Function 01 Ambient Temperature HDSp·7501 Series 20 "...., E 2 W a: a: ""c " :;; ":;;x \ 18 \ V 16 -"\ RDJA = GoO'elW/SEG 14 \ ROJA • 770"CIWISEG 12 ++ 10 ":;;, x ":;; f-- u E 25 tp - PULSE DURATION - "SEC. 35 45 55 65 76 85 96 105 TA -AMBIENT TEMPERATURE -'C Figure 10. Maximum Allowable DC Current and DC Power Dissipation per Segment as a Function 01 Ambient Temperature HDSp·7401 Series Figure 7. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current VS. Pulse Duration - HDSp·7401 Series 50 OPERATION IN THIS REGION REQUIRES TEMPERATURE DERATING OF IDe MAX. ~ ....2 45 "" 35 w a: a: ":;; ":;; 0 ~ :;; I ~:;; u 40 R0J .... 52$' elWlSEa 30 25 20 15 i'-.. H ' ... ' "~ , , r-', ReM' GliO'CIW/SEO"'- )~, 10 ~ R"IJ.A • 77I1'CIW/SEa E 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 J 105 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE -'C Figure 11. Maximum Allowable DC Current per Segment vs. Ambient Temperature HDSP·7801 Series Figure 8, Allowed Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration HDSP·7801 Series - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- 7-119 --_._---------------- --------------- ----- «E > ~ " I c:; ~ w 100 12 80 10 I- ~ a; a; 1.4 60 ""c > i= :l a; ~ w a; I 40 a; ~ " ~ I 20 .!: " 0 Figure 12. Relative Luminous Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Segment Current 0 5.0 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V IpEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - rnA Flg'lIre 13. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics IF - SEGMENT DC CURRENT - rnA Figure 14. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current Electrical The HDSP-7301/-740117501/-7801 series of display devices are composed of light emitting diodes, with the light from each LED optically stretched to form individual segments and decimal points. The -7301 series uses a p-n junction diffused into a GaAsP epitaxial layer on a GaAs substrate. The -7401 and -7501 series have their p-n junctions diffused into a GaAsP epitaxial layer on a GaP substrate. The -7801 series use a GaP epitaxial layer on Gap. HDSP-7301: Panelgraphic RUBY RED 60 SGL Homalite H10D-1605 RED 3M Louvered Filter R6610 RED or N0210 GRAY HDSP-7401: Panelgraphic YELLOW 27 or GRAY 10 SGL Homalite H100-1720 AMBER or -1266 GRAY 3M Louvered Filter A5910 AMBER or N0210 GRAY HDSP-7501: Panelgraphic SCARLET RED 65 or GRAY 10 SGL Homalite H100-1670 RED or "1266 GRAY 3M Louvered Filter R6310 RED or N0210 GRAY These display devices are well suited for strobed operation. The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 4 or 13, should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor value and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values, for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation, may be calculated using the following VF MAX models: HDSP-7801: Panelgraphic GREEN 48 SGL Homalite H100-1440 GREEN 3M Louvered Filter G5610 GREEN or N0210 GRAY H DSP-7301 Series: VF MAX = 1.85 V + IPEAK (70) For: IPEAK ~ 5 mA HDSP-7401/-7501 Series: VF MAX = 1.75 V + IPEAK (380) For: IPEAK ~ 20 mA VF MAX = 1.6 V + IDe (450) For: 5 mA :s IDe :s 20 mA Mechanical To optimize device optical performance, specially developed plastics are used which restrict the solvents that may be used for Cleaning. It is recommended that only mixtures of Freon /F113) and alcohol be used for vapor cleaning processes. with an immerSion time in the vapors of less than two (2) minutes maximum. Some suggested vapor Cleaning solvents are Freon TE, Genesolve DI-15 or DE-15, Arklone A or K. A 60° C /140° F) water cleaning process may also be used, which includes a neutralizer rinse /3% ammonia solution or equivalent), a surfactant rinse (1% detergent solution or equivalent), a hot water rinse and a thorough air dry. Room temperature cleaning may be accomplished with Freon T-E35 or T-P35, Ethanol, Isopropanol or water with a mild detergent. H DSP-7801 Series: VF MAX = 2.0 V + IPEAK (500) For: IPEAK ~ 5 mA Contrast Enhancement The objective of contrast enhancement is to provide good display readability in the end use ambient light. The concept is to employ both luminance and chrominance contrast techniques to enhance readability by having the OFF-segments blend into the display background and the ON-segments stand out vividly against this same background. Therefore, these display devices are assembled with a gray package and matching encapsulating epoxy in the segments. Contrast enhancement may be achieved by using one of the following suggested filters: Such cleaning agents from the ketone family (acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, etc.) and from the chlorinated hydrocarbon family (methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, etc.) are not recommended for Cleaning LED parts. All of these various solvents attack or dissolve the encapsulating epoxies used to form the packages of plastic LED devices. 7-120 F/in- 7.6/10.9 mm (0.3/0.43 INCH) SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAYS HEWLETT RED. HIGH EFFICIENCY RED. YELLOW. HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN. a!~ PACKARD 5082-7730/-7750 SERIES 5082-7610/-7650'SERIES 5082-7620/-7q60 SERIES HDSP-3600/-4600 SERIES Features • COMPACT SIZE • CHOICE OF 4 BRIGHT COLORS Red High Efficiency Red Yellow High Performance Green • LOW CURRENT OPERATION As Low as 3mA per Segment Designed for Multiplex Operation • EXCELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE Evenly Lighted Segments Wide Viewing Angle Body Color Improves "Off" Segment Contrast o EASY MOUNTING ON PC BOARD OR SOCKETS Industry Standard 7_62mm (0.3 in_) DIP Leads on 2_54mm (0_1 in_) Centers Description • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY; YELLOW AND GREEN CATEGORIZED FOR COLOR Use of Like Categories Yields a Uniform Display The -7730/-7610/-7620/-3600 and -7750/-7650/-7660/-4600 series are 7.62/10.92 mm (0.3/.43 in.) red, high efficiency red, yellow, and green displays. The -7730/-7610/-7620/-3600 series displays are designed for viewing distances of up to three metres and the -7750/-7650/-7660/-4600 series displays are designed for viewing distances of up to six metres. These displays are designed for use in instruments, point of sale terminals, clocks and appliances. o MECHANICALLY RUGGED Devices Pari Number 5082-7730 5082-7731 5082-7740 5082-7738 Color 5082-7610 5082-7611 5082-7613 5082-7616 5082-7620 5082-7621 5082-7623 5082-7626 HDSP-3S00 HDSP-3601 HDSP-36D3 HDSP-3606 High Efficiency Red Red Yellow High Performance Green Description 7.6 mm Common ArlOde Left Hand Decimal 7.6 mm Common Anode Right Hand Decimal 7.6 mm Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal 7.6 mm Universal Overflow ±1 Right Hand Decimal 7.6 mm Common Anode Left Hand Decimal 7.6 mm Common Anode Right Hand Decimal 7.6 mm Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal 7.6 mm Universal Overflow ±1 Right Hand Decimal 7.6 mm Common Anode Left Hand Decimal 7.6 mm Common Anode Righi Hand Decimal 7.6 mm Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal 7.6 mm Universal Overflow ±1 Right Hand Decimal 7.6 mm Common Anode Left Hand Decimal 7.6 mm Common Anode Right Hand Decimal 7.6 mm Common CathOde Righi Hand Decimal 7,6 mm Universal OverflOW ±1 Right Hand Decimal NOTE: Universal pinout brings the anode and cathode of each segment's LED out to separate pins. See internal diagram D. 7-121 Package Drawing A B C 0 A B C D A B C D A B C D Devices Package Part Number 5082-7150 5082-1751 5082-7160 5082-7756 Color 5082-7650 5082-7651 5082-7653 5082-7656 5082-7600 5082-7661 50B2-7663 5082-7666 HOSP-4600 HDSP-4601 HOSP-4603 HDSP-4606 High Efficiency Red Description Red Drawing s: 10.9 mm Oommon Anode Left Hand Decimal 10.9 mm Common Anode Right Hand Decimal 10.9 mm Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal 10.9 mm Universal Overflow ±1 Righi Hand Decimal F G H s: 10.9 mm Common Anode Left Hand DeC1linal 10.9 mm Common Anode Right Hand Decimal 10.9 mm Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal 10.9 mm Universal Overflow ±1 Right Hand Deoimal 10.9 mm Common Anode Left Hand Decimal 10.9 mm Common Anode Right Hand Deoimal 10.9 mm Common Cathode flight Hand Decimal 10.9 mm Universal Overflow ±1 Right Hand Decimal 10.9 mm Common Anode Left Hand Decimal 10.9 mm Common Anode Right Hand Deaimal 10.9 mm Common Cathode flight Hand Decimal 10.9 mm Universal Overflow ±1 RIght Hand Deoimal Yellow High Performance Green F G H s: F G H E F G H NOTE: Unoversal pinout brings the anode and the cathode of each segment's LED out to separate pins. see Internal diagram H. Internal Circuit Diagram 10 F H G Absolute Maximum Ratings ·7730/-7750 ·7610/-7650 -7620/-7660 -3600/·4600 Series Series Series Series 65 mW[1) 105 mW[2] 81 mW(3) Average Power Dissipation per Segment or DP 105 mW[4j Operating Temperature Range 40· C to +100·C 40·C to +100·C -40· C to +100·C -4O·C to +100·C -55·C to +100·C 55· C to +100· C -55"C to +100·C 55' C to +100· C Storage Temperature 150 mA[S] 90 mA[6] 60 mA[7) Peak Forward Current per Segment or DP 90 mAla] 25 mA[l] 20 mA[3) DC Forward Current per Segment or DP SO mAIZI 30 mA(4] Reverse Voltage per Segment or DP 3.0 V S.O V 3.0V 3.0 V Lead Soldering Temperature 260· C for 3 sec. 260· C for 3 sec. 260· C for 3 sec. 260· C for 3 sec. 1.59 mm (1/16 in.) below seating plane Noles: 1. 2. 3. 4. See power derating curve (Figure 5). See power derating curve (Figure 6). See power derating curve (Figure 7). See power derating curve (Figure 8). 5. 6. 7. 8. 7-122 See Figure 1 to establish See Figure 2 to establish See Figure 3 to establish See Figure 4 to establish pulsed operating conditions. pulsed operating conditions. pulsed operating conditions. pulsed operating conditions. ------------""" package Dimensions (5082-7730/-7610/-7620/-3600) fUNCTION 10 PIN A 1 cATHODE -B CATHODE - f ANOD!;1121 CATHOOe -a NO.,III CATHODE - f ANODEll2:) CATHODEI1!Jl ANODE;: ~ f NOPIN NOPIN NOPIN ANODE -9 2 1. :l 4 2 A.H.D.P. I ' -ti--I- -J---.JG. B 5 6" CATHODE -dp 7 CATHODE -e 8 9 CATHODE M d NOCONN.l14] 10 CATHOOE-c 11 CATHODE -, 12 NOPIN 13 CATHODE - b 14 ")'NODEI"I Note 16 3.94 (.1651 5.08 (.2001 --------- 3.94 (.1651 A,B,C 0 C NOPIN NO CONN.1141 CATHODE -I} CAlf-lODE ~d ANODE CAiHODE-dp CATHODE ~c CATHODE ~g NOPIN CATHODE - b ANODEt;:!:] ANOOE-d NOPIN ~ CATHODE d CATHOOE -c -e ~e CATHODE ANODE ~d NOPIN NOPIN CATIiODEI15) ANODE -e ANOOEwc ANODE -op ANODE -c ANODE ~ b CATHODE - OP CATHODE - b ANODE ~dp NOPIN ANODE -a CATHODE -8 ANODE -a NOPIN A"NODE - b D LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY COLOA BIN NOTE 17 '0 . '6 ---1 (.4001 IMAX'I~ R 1 L ~~'OOI MIN. -t-- , ~I~ ~ DATE DATE CODe CODE - 1 6.10 ~ 2.54 (100) C SIDE SIDE (.1801 --1'1-- 0.25 (.0101 7.62 (.3001+----1 051 (.020) (.240) A,B,D t 4.06 (.1601 . A,B,C,D END (5082-7750/-7650/-7660/-4600) _I 7.01 (.276) _1_ ;:'u.~i;:: 4 +eflC::Pn + 7 *' ~ + U, 1 lJ('" -L'_~--c*+ c::±::r --!'~ L.H.DI'P, 3.18(.125) _11-,0' -1--1 ..----m + ~ 14 -----r a '===:I -\- 11 l I 1 2..1. I 3 ,19.05 ± 0.25 4 .... 1.750,,010) 5..1. 11 10,92 (.430) 10 9_ : ~raNote13 d; -r-II---f------I 7.01 (.276) 100 5.08 6.35 (.250) II 13 a e 0 12 ..l.. 9 ___ E 1.4061 I t o,--I't- 8 - A.H.D.P. I A.H.D.P. -, 6.35 (.250) - - - ! 10.31 + 10 b 0 _.L~~L~ 3.18 (.125) Not"3~' (.2001 6..j.. d N~te 13 - 5.21 (.205) H F,G FRONT VIEW I1-- 1 '2 .70 (, 5001 MAX. 152 ~ f-,I MIN. 11 I 7.62 I 1 I END VIEW NOTES: 10. Dimensions in millimetres and (inches). 11. AU untoleranced dimensions are for reference only. FUNCTION I 0.51 2.k4 DATE CODE (.1001 SIDE VIEW 12. Redundant anodes. 13. Unused dp position. 14.5ee Internal Circuit Diagram. E 1 CATHODE -a CATHODE - f CATHODE: -a ANODE - 2 CATHODE _ j ANODE -d 3 ANODEml ANODE(12J ANODE -t CATHODE(15) NOPIN NOPIN NOPIN CATHODE-<: NO PIN NOPIN NOPIN CATHODE -e • F H ~ CAtHODE ~d NOPIN CATHODE -dp NOCONNJ14] NOCONNJt41 ANODE 15.24 7 CATHOOE -6 ANODE -e ANOOE-c (.6001 8 9 10 CATHODE - d NOCONN,[141 CATHODE -;I CATHODE _ d ANODE ~d ANODE ~ dp CATHODE ~dp ANODE:-ffdp CATHOD!; -e CATHODE ~<: ANODE -e 11 CATHODE ~ 9 CATHODE ~ 9 ANODE ~g 12 13 " NOPlf\I: NOPIN NOPIN -e CATHODE -dp CATHODE ~ b CATHODE-a NO PIN CAntOCE ~ b CATHODE .. b ANODE ~ b ANODE-a ANOOEf12J ANODEl12J CATHOOEll!;i] ANODE 15. Redundant cathode. 16. See part number table for L.H.D.P. and R.H.D.P. designation. 17. For yellow and green devices only. 7-123 G PI" 5 6 =t=--l Iii 0.25 ---1,1---(.0101 (.3001~ (·T ;: '~~T :=rT UM-(5-}L'~-I-(~-':i~'-~1 4.06(.1601 1.17 MAX. ~6t: ~ b Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C RED 5082-7730/-7750 SERIES Parameter Luminous Intensity/ SegmeJ1t l181 !Digit Average) Device HDSP-7730 Series Symbol Teal Condition Min. Typ. Iv 20 rnA DC 360 770 100 rnA Pk 1;10 Duty Factor 20 rnA DC -7750 Series 360 1100 570 APEAK 655 Dominant Wavelength l191 Ad 640 Forward Voltage/Segment or D.p.1211 VF IF'" 20 rnA Reverse Voltage/Segment or D.p,I21,221 VR iR= 100j.tA Temperature Coefflcient of VFlSegment or D.P. ::"VFI"C Thermal Resistance LED Junctlon-to-Pin ROJ-PIN Units /tcd 400 100 rnA Pk 1;10 Duty Factor Peak Wavelength Max. ~ nm nm 2.0 V V mVl"C ~C/WI 282 Seg HIGH EFFICIENCY RED 5082-7610/-7650 SERIES Parameter Luminous Intensity! Segment l181 (Digit Average) Device HDSP-7610 Series Symbol Test Condition Min. Typ. Iv 5 rnA DC 340 800 60 rnA Pk 1:6 Duty Factor -7650 Serles 5 rnA DC 340 Peak Wavelength Forward Voltage/Segment or D.P) 21 1 Reverse Voltage/Segment or D.p)21,221 1115 3900 APEAK Ad VF 635 nm 626 nm IF=5 rnA 1.7 iF=20mA 2.0 iF=60mA 2.8 3.0 2.5 V 30.0 V Temperature Coefficient of VFlSegment or D.P. !lVFl o C -2.0 mV/oC Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin ROJ-PIN 282 °C/WI Seg VR 7-124 IR= 100p.A Units pCd 2800 60mA Pk 1:10 Duty Factor Dominant Wavelength l191 Max. -~-~~~-------------.~---- YELLOW 5082-7620/-7660 SERIES (continued) Parameter Luminous Intensity/ Segmentl181 (Digit Average) Device HDSP-7620 Series Symbol Test Condition Min. Typ. Iv 5mADC 205 620 60 mA Pk 1:6 DutY Fac,:tor -7660 Series 5mADC Ad Forward Voltage/Segment or DiP.l21I VF Reverse Voltage/Segment or D.p.121,221 ",cd 2414 290 835 3250 583 APEAK Dominant WavelengthllQ,201 Units ......... 60 mA Pk 1:6 Duty Factor Peak Wavelength Max. 513'1',5 586 IF=5 mA 1,8 IF=20 mA 2,2 IF=60 mA 3.1 nm 2.5 V 50,0 V Temperature Coefficient of VF/Segment or D.P, !.NFI"C -2.0 mVI"C Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin ROJ-PIN 282 ~C1WI VR fR = 100 JlA 3,0 nm 592.5 Seg HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN HDSP-3600/-4600 SERIES Parameter Luminous Intensity! Segment l181 (Digit Average) Device HDSP-3600 Series Symbol Test Condition Min. Typ. IV 10 mA DC 570 1800 60 mA Pk 1:6 Duty Factor -7750 Series 10 mA DC 460 Dominant Wavelength 119,201( Digit Average) Forward Voltage/Segment or D.p.1211 Reverse Voltage/Segment or D.pJ21,221 Thermal Resistance LED Junction-Io-Pin Units ",cd 2350 60 mA Pk 1:6 Duty Factor Peak Wavelength Max. 1750 2280 APEAK 566 Ad VF VR 571 577 nm 2.1 2.5 V ROJ_PIN IF= 10 mA lR = 100,uA 3.0 nm 50.0 V 282 "C/WI Seg NOTES: 18. The digits are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter located on the right hand side of the package. 19. The dominant wavelength, Ad. is derived from the C.I.E. Chromaticity Diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 20. The displays are categorized as to dominant wavelength with the category designated by a number adjacent to the intensity category letter. . 21. Quality level for electrical characteristics is 1000 parts per million. 22. Typical specification is for reference only. Do not exceed absolute maximum ratings. 7-125 I 20 r-T""l-rrrrm-T'""TTTI'TTlT"--,-.--rrrmr-.-n'TI'Tm . 15r--r~HH~r-~~~~--~~cltH*--1-tf+t~-----1 OPERATION IN THIS REGION REQUIRES TEMPERATURE DERATING OF IocMAx. _DC OPERATION 10000 tp - PULSE DURATION - J.LSEC Figure 1. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration) 5082-7730/-7750 Series ..J..J.J.J~~J...Jll.I.1.L!~:-'-""'J..U~:!:"_ DC OPERATION lp - PULSE DURATION - "SEC Figure 2. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration - 5082-7610/-7650 Series OPERATION IN THIS REGION REQUIRES TEMPERATURE DERATING OF IDe MAX. ~ '~,....J...J..u.L~....J._ lp - PULSE DURATION - "SEC. Figure 3. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration - 5082-7620/-7660 Series 7-126 t:-'+_ " ~ r:h '~ f-Tli I' .~ 1 I I I ,-CI t i , I - Ii I 1 I ,( II; ," I . II r II : i i OPERATION IN THIS REGION REQUIRES TEMPERATURE DERATING OF I DC MAX. I ~ tp - PULSE DURATION - pSEC Figure 4. Allowed Peak Current VS. Pulse Duration - 26 25 .~ 24 '"I E ~ \ 22 - => "g ~ 12.5 "x 16 50 '"E \ \ 1 20 18 a: a: R"t • jBO'CrISIEGMfNT '\ . 14 "'x", "'" RijJ~ 45 .'. 40 a: a: 35 ~ => ""c ~I' 12 ~'f r5.~tWISrGMfNT ./ \ V 10 HDSP-3600/-4600 Series 30 "=> "x '~" x '"" • 76QCIW/SEGMENT / ROJA, '" 520'CIW/SEG 20 ROJA, '" 45 55 65 75 85 95 Figure 5. Maximum Allowable DC Current Dissipation per Segment as a Function 01 Ambient Temperature- 5082-7730/-7750 Series 20 E 18 .... 16 \ Rl!JA '" 600 C/W/SEG a: a: 14 ""c 12 => "=> "x ",::'" "" 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE .. °C Figure 6. Maximum Allowable DC Current and DC Power Dissipation per Segment as a Function 01 Ambient Temperature -.5082-7610/-7650 Series \ V· .... A\ a: a: ~ 40 => 35 " ROJA • no'eM/SEG RBJ .A "'525 CIWISEG OJ C "=> 10 t 30 "x "'x" I '"" I u -, 1 I 25 105 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - "C ~ '\ T :-~ 7!O~CIWISEG 10 Q 35 1-- ••••• M._ P" " ROJA '" Q35'CIW/SEG 15 ..__..- MM".M_ U 25 '", "'-1- ~. '\. t"~ "-' 25 U 10 Q E 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 TA .. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - 25 ~c Figure 7. Maximum Allowable DC Current and DC Power Dissipation per Segment as a Function 01 Ambient Temperature - 5082-7620/-7660 Series 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - 105 C Figure 8. Maximum Allowable DC Current per Segment vs. Ambient Temperature - HDSP-3600/-4600 Series 7~127 1 ~w $ il 1.0 w J g .. > I ~ :; ~ o --- /" I • z .7 0 10 20 40 30 50 100 Ipeak - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - rnA IpEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - rnA Figure 9. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) versus Peak Current per Segment- 5082-7730/-7750 Series 160 " E 1 .ill .""l:! ~ ~ Ia il r---r--r 100r-----r----,-----r----;---~ 140 "E 12. ffi 100 a: a: " a: ~ 60 iZ 2'r--4-4-+---t--t---t--4---t--~ -'" -7860 C 1 ~ 60~--_+----~---tT-_f----~ :J SO 4. ~ BO~---1-----+-----+_+--+-__1 1 " i2 Figure 10. Relative Luminous Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Segment Current ~ ,VF ..:. FORWAR~ VOLTAGE - ~I VOLTAGE :- V, 12 L 1.2 1. 0 / .8 .6 0 FORW~RD Figure 12. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics 1.4 2 r----4-----ilr#--t--+---i YF - Figure 11.' Forw~rd Current;vs: Forward Voltage- ; 5082-7730/-7750 Serfes. .4 20 V v > / 1- 10 Ui 15 1:!; '":Ja z >1 / :: w > ~ V u:la: 10 15 20 25 I.F - SEGMENT DC CURRENT - mA IF ,- SEGMENT DC CURRENT - rnA Figure 13. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current- 5082-7730/-7750 Serfes Rgure 14. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current 7-128 Electrical Mechanical These display devices are composed of light emitting diodes, with the light from each LED optically stretched to form individual segments and decimal points. To optimize device optical performance, specially developed plastics are used which restrict the solvents that may be used for cleaning. It is recommended that only mixtures of Freon (F113) and alcohol be used for vapor cleaning processes. with an immersion time in the vapors of less than two (2) minutes maximum. Some suggested vapor cleaning solvents are Freon TE, Genesolve 01-15 Qr DE-15, Arklone A or K. A 60 0 C (140 0 F) water cleaning process may also be used, which includes a neutralizer rinse (3% ammonia solution or equivalent), a surfactant rinse (1% detergent solution or equivalent), a hot water rinse and a thorough air dry. Room temperature cleaning may be accomplished with Freon T-E35 or T-P35, Ethanol, Isopropanol or water with a mild detergent. These display devices are well suited for strobed operation. The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 8, should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor value and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values, for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation, may be calculated using the following VF MAX models: 5082-7730/-7750 Series: VF = 1.55V + IpEAK (70) For 5 mA s: IpEAKS: 150 mA Such cleaning agents from the ketone family (acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, etc.! and from the chlorinated hydrocarbon family (methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, etc.! are not recommended for cleaning LED parts. All of these various solvents attack or dissolve the encapsulating epoxies used to form the packages of plastic LED devices. 5082-7610/-7620/-7650/-7660 Series: VF MAX = 1.75 V + IPEAK (380) For: IPEAK;:: 20 mA VFMAX = 1.6 V + I DC (450) For: 5 mA s: IDC::; 20 mA HDSP-3600/-4600 Series: VF MAX = 2.0 V + IPEAK (50m For: IPEAK;:: 5 mA Contrast Enhancement The objective of contrast enhancement is to provide good display readability in the end use ambient light. The concept is to employ both luminance and chrominance contrast techniques to enhance readability by having the OFF-segments blend into the display background and the ON-segments stand out vividly against this same background. Therefore, these display devices are assembled with a package color which matches the encapsulating epoxy in the segments. Contrast enhancement may be achieved by using one of the following suggested filters: 5082-77301 Panelgraphic RUBY RED 60 or GRAY 10 -7750 SGL Homalite H100-1605 RED or -1266 GRAY 3M Louvered Filter R6510 RED or N0210 GRAY 5082-76101 Panelgraphic SCARLET RED 65 or GRAY 10 -7650 SGL Homalite H10o-1670 RED or -1266 GRAY 3M Louvered Filter R6310 RED or N0210 GRAY 5082-76201 Panelgraphic YELLOW 27 or GRAY 10 -7660 SGL Homalite H10o-1720 AMBER or -1266 GRAY 3M Louvered Filter A5910 AMBER or N0210 GRAY HDSP-36001 Panelgraphic GREEN 48 -4600 SGL Homalite H100-1440 GREEN 3M Louvered Filter G5610 GREEN or N0210 GRAY 7-129 Flin- aa!e. HEWLETT PACKARD 14.2mm <'56 INCH) SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAYS REO HIGH EFFICIENCY REO HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN YELLOW HOSP-S301 HDSP-SS01 HOSP-S601 HDSP-5701 SERIES SERIES SERIES SERIES Features • INDUSTRY STANDARD SIZE • INDUSTRY STANDARD PINOUT 1S.24mm (.6 inch) DIP Leads on 2.S4mm (.1 inch) Centers • CHOICE OF FOUR COLORS Yellow . Red High-Efficiency Red High Performance Green • EXCELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE Evenly Lighted Segments Mitered Corners on Segments Gray Package Gives Optimum Contrast • COMMON ANODE OR COMMON CATHODE Right Hand Decimal Point Overflow ±1 Character • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY; YELLOW AND GREEN CATEGORIZED FOR COLOR Use of Like Categories Yields a Uniform Display Devices Description The HDSP-5301/-5501/-5601/-5701 Series are large 14,22 mm (,56 inch) LED seven segment displays, Designed for viewing distances up to 7 metres (23 feet), these displays provide excellent readability in bright ambients, These devices utilize an industry standard size package and pin function configuration, Both the numeric and ±1 overflow devices feature a right hand decimal paint and are available as either common anode or common cathode, Part No. HDSP5301 5303 5307 5308 5321 5323 5501 5503 5607 6508 5521 5523 5601 5603 5607 5608 5621 6623 5701 5703 5707 5708 5721 5723 Description Color Red High Efficiency Red High Performance Green Yellow Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Cathode Right Hand D,eclmal Overflow ±1 Common Anode Overflow ±1 Common Cathode Two Digit Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Two Digit Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal Package Drawing A B C D E F Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal Overftow ±1 Common Anode Overflow ±1 Common Cathode Two Digit Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Two Digit Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal A Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal Overflow ±1 Common Anode Overflow ±1 Common Cathode Two Digit Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Two Digit Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal A Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal Overflow ±1 Common Anode Overflow ±1 Common Cathode Two Digit Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Two Digit Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal 7-130 B C D E F B C D E F A B C 0 E F ~~~------~~~--~~~~-------~--~~-~~~~~--------------- package Dimensions FRONT VIEW A, B TOP END VIEW E. F TOP END VIEW A, B, C, 0 COLOR BIN INOTE 51 2.54 1.1001 TYP .51 1.0201 TVP LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY t --I I 17'0C-~9170 ±L 9. 1.6731 ,. 8.00 1.3151 I-- 254 I ~ I~~~I [r__ ' 1 -I,5. ~r ~ 12 10 0.9 ...." .............- I i " 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 o. 8 " ,~.~~ o. 7 95 105 20 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE -"C ~ 160 ~ 140 ~ 120 ~ 100 ~ a: 80 :0 U 60 40 Ii' 120 140 I 160 150 / / / V 1/ 40 20 ) I o 100 1.4 a: ~a: 80 Figure 3. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) YS. Peak Segment Current. C a: 60 Ipeak - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - rnA Figure 2. Maximum Allowable Average Forward Current Per Segment vs. Ambient Temperature: HDSp·5301 Series. z - a: I < ~ l"'- t-- if >u ~;\ RVJ.A "770'CIWISEG ROJ.A I--' ~ I I 22 1 o .4 ,8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 o o 3.2 10 / / 15 20 25 IF - SEGMENT DC CURRENT - rnA VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity ys. D.C. Forward Current. Figure 4. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage, For a Detailed Explanation of the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005. 7-133 HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HOSP-5501 SERIES Paramet&r Luminous IntensltyfSegment(13] (Digit Average) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelengthl14J Forward Voltage/Segment or OpPEl] Reverse Voltage/Segment or OP[171 Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin Symbol III Test Condition 10mADC 60 mA Peak: 1 of 6 Duty Factor Min. 900 VF IF '" 20 mA IR'" 100 /LA Units pcd 3700 APEAK Ad VR R8J-PIN ~ 3 635 626 2.1 30 345 2.5 nm nm V V ·C/WI 8eg. HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN HOSP-5601 SERIES Paramel&r Luminous Intensity/Segmentl 131 (Digit Average) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength[14, lSI Forward Voltage/Segment or DPI'S] Reverse Voltage/Segment or DPf1 6 • 17] Thermal Resistance LED Junctlon-ta-Pin Symbol Iv Test Condition 10 mADC 60mA Peak: 1 of 6 Duty Factor Min. 900 VR R8J-P1N IF= 10 mA IR = 100 pA Max. Units /Lcd 3100 566 571 2.1 APEAK Ad VF Typ. 2500 3 577 2.5 nm nm V 50 V 345 'CJW! Seg. YELLOW HOSP-5701 SERIES Parameter Luminous IntenSity/Segment!13] (Diga Average) Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength[14. 15] Forward Voltage/8egment or OpPEl] Reverse Voltage/Segment or opPEI,171 Thermal ReSistance LED Junction-to-Pin Symbol Iv Test Condition 10mADC 60mA Peak: 1 of 6 Duty Factor Min. 600 Vp VR R8J-PIN 581.5 IF-20mA IR-100 p.A Max. Units /Lcd 2700 APEAK Ad Typ. 1800 583 586 2.2 3 40 345 592.5 2.5 nm nm V V ·CJWf Seg. Notes: 13. The digits are categorized for luminous intensity with category deSignated by a letter located on top of the package. The luminous intensity minimum and categories are deterrl)ined by computing the numerical average of the individual segment intensities, decimal point not included. 14. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the C.I.E. Chromati,eity Diagram and is that single'wavelength which defines the color of the device. 15. The H[)SP-5601 and HDSP,5701 series displays are categorized as to dominant wavelength with the category designated by a number adjacent to the intensity category letter. 16. Quality level for Electrical Characteristics is 1000 parts per million. 17. Typical specification for reference only. Do nct exceed absolute maximum ratings. 7-134 HDSP-5501/-5601/-5701 SERIES ,,0 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~S~ §5~~ ~~~ 1 ~~~ OPERATION IN I02:> THIS REGION :e LL. REQUIRES o ~:E TEMPERATURE ~ ~ ~ 41--+-+++tH-tt-~H-Pk!-ItII---3o,d-N"""':Itl1f-++++++I!l DERATING OF a:CJ:E loCMAX ~Ii f I < u ~.9 1 llL_I-Ll..l.lJLaL-:-..L-"'-LIJ.....':-:-....L..Jo..LJ..lJ]oI.!_oc OPERATION ..LL 1 10000 tp - PULSE DURATION - j.lsec Figure 6. Maximum Tolerable peak Current vs. Pulse Duration - HDSP-5501 Series. ,,0 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~I:e ffi ~ 0<2 ~~§. g ~ ~ LL. I-:e ~ ~ CJ ~ X I~ ~ ~ 20 13~~g~II~~~~I~~~~I;~~EII 10 8 a: CJ:e 4 OPERATION IN THIS REGION REQUIRES TEMPERATURE ~~R~!~NG OF I ~~ :11" < u ~E 2 l'--'--'-..LJ...L.ULlL._I-LL.l.lJ""-_..L......WJ..lll'---l-'l....l...l..LL1>I 1 10 1000 tp - PULSE DURATION - 10.000-- DC OPERATION ~sec Figure 7. Maximum Tolerable peak Current vs. Pulse Duration - HDSP-5601 Series. ,,0 ~~ ",0: !:~ I-w <0: 0:" ~O ~o: ~ 20 !5 ~ ~ f--I-+++I+I+-+++ +-f-H-+++l-H+--I-+-l-l-+++H OPERATION THIS REGIONIN REQUIRES :Ht#: ~"~I-a ~~~t!ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T:EM~P:ErR~A:T~UR < 0 '8 CJ ~~~ ~6 ~~R;!~~G OF llllL I ! 02::J o~::E t= 0: ~ ~G:e 5 41--+-H++HfI--P 35 :> 35 a: ""c " " "", ""E :> a: 30 1,,\ 25 [} X X u 20 Rej~A <1+ " :> • 45 ~ " I " 1I \ 510~CIV'I!SEG 10 • "X "" ::l ~ "'\ ROJ..A '" 1iO"C/W/SEG 15 ""c , ~ ~ M "E" Re, .•• 525'cIW/SEG 30 ""- 25 10 18 ""c X 65 14 \ RY'-A = 770"cIW/SEG "15c:; I.' 95 105 itw 1.2 > ;:: 1.1 - w ~ 1.0 ~ .9 ex:, ~ u ~ ". HDSP-~Ol SERIES / 1.3 I I 8 85 / 7 'HOSP-5101 SERIES r\ ! AIi'J_A '" 510~C/W}SEG 12 10 >- f\ 1.,\ /' 75 ~ 1.5 16 " "X "", . " E 55 1.6 a: :> 45 Figure 10. Maximum Allowable Average Current per Segment vs. Ambient Temperature. - HDSP-5601 Series. 22 :> 35 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - °C 2. 20 "{ I 25 Figure 9. Maximum Allowable Average Current per Segment vs. Ambient Temperature. - HDSP-5501 Series. 15a: , If'... RS, .•• 770·CIW!SEG TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °C I- ~, ""'" 15 a • '. I t'--., 20 ~ ......, I ffi= -'" HOS~-S601 l -I - SERIES A .8 r .7 .6 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 o TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °C ~, 0 ~a: 0 :> a: 50 "ca: 0 ~ a: Ii: 50 >- 3.5 ;!; I /1 'I) ~ '":>0 z HDSP-5601 SERIES " 3.0 -' 2.0 w 1.5 "uja: 1.0 > ;:: .5 3.0 80 90 100 4.0 V V V o o 5.0 / / 2.5 :> HOSP-5501 SERfES rI 2.0 70 I 0; 15 WJ. '" 60 I- I- HDSP-5701 SERfES 0 1.0 40 4.0 I 30 0 30 Figure 12. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Segment Current. /I 0 20 IpEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - rnA Figure 11. Maximum Allowable Average Current per Segment vs. Ambient Temperature. - HDSP-5701 Series. 0 10 1/ 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 IDe - DC CURRENT PER LED - rnA VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 14. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current. - HDSP-5501/-5601/-5701 Figure 13. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Characteristics. 7-136 Electrical The HDSP-5301/-5501/-5601/-5701 series of display devices are composed of light emitting diodes, with the light from each LED optically stretched to form individual segments and decimal points. The -5301 series uses a p-n junction diffused into a GaAsP epitaxial layer on a GaAs substrate. The -5501 and -5701 series have their p-n junctions diffused into a GaAsP epitaxial layer on a GaP substrate. The -5601 series use a GaP epitaxial layer on GaP. HDSP-5501: Panelgrahpic SCARLET RED 65 or GRAY 10 SGL Homalite H100-1670 RED or-1266 GRAY 3M Louvered Filter R6310 RED or N0210 GRAY These display devices are designed for strobed operation. The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 4 or 13, should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor value and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values, for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation, may be calculated using the following VF MAX models: HOSP-5701: Panelgraphic YELLOW 27 or GRAY 10 SGL Homalite H100-1720 AMBER or -1266 GRAY 3M Louvered Filter A5910 AMBER or N0210 GRAY HDSP-5301 Series: VF MAX = 1.55V + IPEAK (70) For: IpEAK ~ 5 mA HOSP-5601: Panelgraphic GREEN 48 SGL Homalite H100-1440 GREEN 3M Louvered Filter G5610 GREEN or N0210 GRAY Mechanical To optimize device optical performance, specially developed plastics are used which restrict the solvents that may be used for cleaning. It is recommended that only mixtures of Freon (F113) and alcohol be used for vapor cleaning processes, with an immersion time in the vapors of less than two (2) minutes maximum. Some suggested vapor cleaning solvents are Freon TE, Genesolve 01-15 or OE-15. Arklone A or K. A 60°C (140°F) water cleaning process may also be used, which includes a neutralizer rinse (3% ammonia solution or equivalent), a surfactant rinse (1 % detergent solution or equivalent), a hot water rinse and a thorough air dry. Room temperature cleaning may be accomplished with Freon T-E35 or T-P35, Ethanol, Isopropanol or water with a mild detergent. HDSP-5501/-5701 Series: VF MAX = 1.75V + IPEAK (380) For: IPEAK ~ 20 mA VF MAX = 1.5V + IDe (450) For: 5 mA ~ IDe ~ 20 mA H DSP-5601 Series: VF MAX = 2.0V + IPEAK (50m For: IPEAK ~ 5 mA Contrast Enhancement The objective of contrast enhancement is to provide good display readability in the end use ambient light. The concept is to employ both luminance and chrominance contrast techniques to enhance readibility by having the OFFsegments blend into the display background and the ON-segments stand out vividly against this same background. Therefore, these display devices are assembled with a gray package and matching encapsulating epoxy in the segments. Such cleaning agents from the ketone family (acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, etc.) and from the chlorinated hydrocarbon family (methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, etc.) are not recommended for cleaning LED parts. All of these various solvents attack or dissolve the encapsulating epoxies used to form the packages of plastic LED devices. Contrast enhancement may be achieved by using one of the following suggested filters: HDSP-5301: Panelgraphic RUBY RED 60 SGL Homalite H100-1605 RED 3M Louvered Filter R6610 RED or N0210 GRAY 7-137 LAROE 20 mm (0.8") SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAYS rhll HEWLETT a:~ PACKARD Reo HIGH EFFICIENCV RED YELLOW HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN HDSP-3400 Series HOSP'39oo series HDSP-4200 series HDSp·S600 Series Features • 20 mm (0.8") DIGIT HEIGHT Viewable Up to 10 Metres (33 Feet) • CHOICE OF FOUR COLORS Red Yellow High Efficiency Red Green • EX.CELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE Evenly Lighted Segments . Wide Viewing Angle . Mitered Corners on Segments Grey Package Provides Optimum Contrast • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY; YELLOW AND GREEN CATEGORIZED FOR COLOR Use of Like Categories Yields a Uniform Display • IC COMPATIBLE • MECHANICALLY RUGGED Description The HDSP-3400/-3900/~4200/-B600Series are very large 20 mm (O.B in.) LED seven segment displays. Designed lor viewing distances up to 10 metres (33 leet), these single digit displays provide excellent readability. These devices utilize a standard 15.24 mm (0.6 in.) dual In line package conliguration that permits mounting on PC boards or in standard IC sockets. Requiring a low forward voltage, these displays are inherently IC compatible, allowing lor easy .integration into electronic Instrumentation, point-ol-sale terminals, TVs, weighing scales, and digital clocks. Devices . Part Number HDSP~3400 HOSp.,3401 HDSP-3403 HDSP-l'l405 HDSp·3406 HDSP-3900 HOSP-3901· HOSP-3903 HDSP-3905 HOSP-3906 HDSP-4200 HOSP-4201 HDSP-4203 HOSP-4205 HOSP-420a HOSP-8600 HDSP-B601 HDSP-8603 HDSP-a605 HDSP-B606 Color Red - M _+", High Efflclency Fled Yellow High Performance ·Green Description Common Anode Left Hand Deolmal Common Anode Rigl'lt Hand Decimal Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal CommOr'l Cathode Left Hand Decimal Universal Overflow ±1 Flight Hand Decimal Common Anode Lett Hand Deoimal Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Cathode Right Hand Declm lODh OATHODE f ANODE!>I 2 3 16 17 SIDE VIEW IS • CATHDDE~P NO PIN NO PIli NO PIN CATHODE d ANooetJ1 CATHODe c CATHODE 9 CATHODE b NO PIN ANOOSp·1 NO PIN NO PIN MIOOE a ANDDE f CATHODE") NO PIN ANODE. ANODE f CATHODEI•. · NO PIN CATHODE. ANODE d .CATHODEd ;~~~~gf' ~~~~g;EI" ~~~g;~i~.· g~~g~; NO.CONN~C. NO.CONNEC. NO PIN NO PIN • NO 1'1111 CATHODE lip ANODE dp CATHODE d ANODe d A.NOOet:lj CATI100E!et OATHOOE c ANODE c OATHODE 9 ANODE 0 CATHooe b ANODE ~ NO PIN NO PIN AN006dP' ND PIN NO PIN NO PIN ANODE d CATrtOoe: tflt ANODE, ANODE 0 ANODe b NO PIN ANooe131 NO PIN NO PIN NO PIN CATHOOet$1 NO PIN ANODE • . CATHODE dP NO PIN ANODE dp CATHODE dp CATHODE; tl ANOIlE" ANODE c ANODE' NO PIN CATHODE t\ NO PIN CATHOOEt~1 . NOTES: 1. Dimensions In millimeters and (inchesl. 4. Unused dp position. 7. For HDSP-4200/-8600 Series product only. 2. All untoleranced dimensions are for reference only. 5. See Internal Circuit Diagram. 8. See part number table for LHDP and 3. Redundant anodes. 6. Redundant Cathodes. RHDP designation. Internal Circuit Diagram 18 A B Absolute Maximum Ratings Average Power per Segment or DP (TA = 25· 0)1 9 1 Operating Temperature Range l101 Storage Temperature Range Peak Forward Current per Segment or DP ITA = 25' 0, Pulse Width = 1.2 malin] DO Forward Ourrent per Segment or DP (TA= 25°0)1 91 Reverse Voltage per Segment or DP Lead Soldering Temperature (1.6 mm [1/6 in.1 Below Seating Plane) E D C -3400 Series 120mW -40· C to +85· C -55°0 to +100'0 -3900/-4200 Series -8600 Series 105 mW 105mW -40° 0 to +850 0 -20·C to +fWC -55"0 to +100· C -55°0 to +100·0 200mA 50mA 3.0 V 135mA 40mA 3.0 V 90mA SOmA 3.0 V 260° 0 for 3 sec. 260· 0 for 3 sec. 260· 0 tor 3 sec. Notes: 9. See Power Derating Curves (see Figure 2 for -3400 Series, Figure 7 for -3900/-4200 Series, and Figure 12 for -8600 Series). 10. For operation of -8600 series to -40'C consult Optoelectronics division. 11. See appropriate curves to establish pulsed operating conditions (see Figure 1 for -3400 Series, Figure 6 for -3900/-4200 Series. Figure 11 for -8600 Seriesl. 7-139 Electrical/optical Characteristics at TA = 25° C RED HDSP-3400 SERIES Description Luminous Intensity/Segment (Digit Averagel(12,13) Peak Wavelength Symbol Iv Test Condition Min. Typ. 11'=20 mA 500 1200 APEAK - Ad Dominant Wavelength[14J Forward Voltage, any Segment or OP[16! VI' 11'=20 mA Reverse Voltage. any Segment or OP[15.16] VA IR= 100 /JA Temperature Coefficient of Forward Voltage AVF/'C IF=20mA Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin ROJ-PIN Units /Jcd 655 nm 640 nm 1.6 3.0 Max. 2.0 V 20.0 V -1.5 mW·C 375 "C/WI Seg HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HDSP-3900 SERIES Description Luminous Intensity/Segment (Digit Average)f12.131 Symbol Iv Test Condition Min. Typ. 100 mA Pk; 1 of 5 Duty Factor 3350 - 7000 20 mADC 4800 Peak Wavelength APEAK 635 Dominant Wavelength[14] (Digit Average) Ad 626 Forward Voltage, any Segment or DP[161 VF IF'" 100 mA Reverse Voltage, any Segment or DP!16.17] VR IR '" 1oo}lA Temperature Coefficient of Forward Voltage AVF/·C 11'= 100 rnA Thermal Resistance LEO Junction-to-Pln R8J-PIN 2.6 3,0 Max. Units /Jcd t== 3.5 nm nm V 25.0 V -1.1 mWoC 375 ·C/WI Sag YELLOW HDSP-4200 SERIES, Description Luminous Intensity/Segment (Digit Average)(12,13] Symbol Test Condftlon Min. Units 100 mA Pk; 1 of 5 Duty Factor Iv }lcd 20mADC nm Oomlnan nm Forward IF'" 100 mA V Reverse Voltage, any Segment or DPf16,17j VR IR= 1oo}lA V Temperature Coefficient of Forward VOltage AVF/oC IF= 100 mA Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pln R/lJ-PIN 7-140 mVioC 375 'C/WI Sag = HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN HDSP-8600 SERIES Symbol Descrip!ion Luminous Intensity/Segment (Digit Average)112,13) 'Typ. Min. Test Condition ~10f5 Duty or Iv ApEAK Dominant Wavelength 114 ,15) migit Average) Forward Voltage, any SegmentprDP(16) Ad VF Reverse Voltage, any Segmentor DP[16, 17 1 VR Thermal Resistance LED Junction-Io-Pin R8J-PIN :': "",i" •.."'.'. 3.0 190 Jl.A !,cd 1500 566 571 2.1 50,0 375 IF='10"mA IR= ,'," 1960 700 """, Peak Wavelength uiiits Max. nm 577 2,5 ,"" nm V V °g/W/ Seg "" Notes: 12. Case temperature of the device immediately prior to the intensity measurement is 25' C, 13. The digits are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter on the side of the package, 14. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device, 15. The yellow and green displays are categorized as to dominant wavelength with the category designated by a number adjacent to the intensity category letter, 16. Quality level for electrical characteristics is 1000 parts per million, 17. Typical specification for reference only. Do not exceed absolute maximum ratings. HDSP-3400 SERIES 6ar-r-.--r-r-r-.-,--r-r-.-,-, 13.3 551-+-+-++-1" HO,IIJ\ .. 14Z0,I(;i\oL';E(!MJ:~T·· ~:j::j:+*~j::~+:j:Id:l4~::j:jlmHt--lltffiitl-----,--- ~ OPERATION IN THIS REGION i5 REQUIRES TEMPERATURE ~ 35 100 DC 25 u laf---+-4-++-+-+~--~+-4-+~ 15f---+-4-++-+-+~--~+-4-+~ TA -AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °C Figure 2. Maximum Allowable DC Current per Segment vs. Ambient Temperature Figure 1. Maximum Allowable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration > u ~':I--I--l--r- I X c ' - - ' - - ' -.....I..WJ-..J....l--'-I.J.J.l.......-'-'w..JL.L1.lJJo._'-........LJ.J.l.I1.- 10 4a r-r-+-+-+-+- ~ ""x "" "" 1.51-+-H-f+ttIt-+- E <.J <.J o DERATING OF IDe MAX ::HHH--t-I-\ .~~:::. ····1·····,.·:1 • . ,. " I.' 2.a V V 1/ a 10 20 30 4a 50 60 IpEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - rnA VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE -V IF - SEGMENT DC CURRENT - rnA Figure 3. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs, Peak Segment Current Figure 4. Peak Forward Segment Current vs. Peak Forward Voltage Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current 7-141 HDSP-3900/-4200 SERIES 20 13.5 [\ '\. 10 \. "- 4 3.4 3 "I" ""!i ""g I~ 1 1 , m '.rfm "- ~t ~- , 10 , '~ ~ 100 .. ( ~'b ~ OPE RATION IN THI SREGION RE QUIRES TE MPERATURE DE RATING OF IDC MAX "'-et"'.. 1000 10.000 DC OPERATION .. - PULSE DURATION - " ' Figure 6. Maximum Allowed Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration !;; w 0: 0: :::> "!:l ~ i" I i u E TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE -"C IpEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - rnA Figure 7. Maximum Allowable DC Current per Segment vs. Ambient Temperature Figure 8. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Segment Current 2.4 160 " E I 2.2 140 > .w"" I- iii0: !::120 a: :::> 1.8 ~c§ 1.6 :::>1- 1.4 SEw 1.2 "e 100 ;: " SO e" Ze 5:! . 60 :::>!:! ........ .. N 0: 0: "~ I ~ j w" >" I-e ~~ -0: 40 0: 20 2.0 ze 1.0 O.S 0.6 0.4 0.2 VF - PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - V IF - SEGMENT DC CURRENT - rnA Figure 9. Peak Forward Segment Current vs. Peak Forward Voltage Figure 10. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current .' 7-142 HDSP-8600 SERIES tp - PULSE DURATION - /lsec Figure 11. Maximum Allowed Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration 1.4 60 55 l- aia: a: u u :::> c " :::> "X "" I X "" E u 45 40 I I I 1. 1 I. . . . O( '\. /" / 25 20 15 RfJA fS2j"CflSjGjENl .9 .8 aia: c a: - -- .... ... I .6 I I .5 .4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 IpEAK .. PEAK CURRENT PER LED - rnA Figure 12. Maximum Allowable DC Current per Segment vs. Ambient Temperature Figure 13. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Segment Current 4.0 I II 80 60 a: "'M_" TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - QC 70 :::> u I -.l - f--- I - .7 ~ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 90 .:. ff- V 1.0 100 "E ... 1.2 V 30 00 1.3 j RQJA "425"ClWISEGMENT 35 10 ! I I I SO 50 "3:a: 40 :r 30 .!: 20 / / J .. II 10 >- I- 0; ai 2.0 3.0 3.0 I I- ;; i '":::>0 4.0 2.5 z 2.0 :l 1.5 ;; w / > i= ~a: 1.0 0.5 oL o / 1.0 3.5 5.0 / 1/ J V 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 IDe - DC CURRENT PER LED - rnA VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE .. V Figure 15. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current Flgure,14. Peak Forward Segment Current vs. Peak Forward Voltage 7-143 Electrical Mechanical These display devices are composed of eight light emitting diodes, with light from each LED optically stretched to form individual segments and a decimal point. These devices are constructed utilizing a lead frame in a standard DIP package. The LED dice are attached directly to the lead frame. Therefore. the cathode leads are the direct thermal and mechanical stress paths to the LED dice. The absolute maximum allowed junction temperature, TJ MAX. is 105°C. The maximum power ratings have been established so that the worst case VF device does not exceed this limit. These display devices are designed for strobed operation. The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 4, 9, or 14 should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor value and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values, for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation, may be calculated using the following VF MAX models: HDSP-3400 Series VF MAX = 1.55 V + IPEAK (7[1) For: IPEAK 2': 5 mA HDSP-3900/-4200 Series VF MAX = 2.15 V + IPEAK (13.50) For: IF 2': 30 mA Worst case thermal resistance pin-to-ambient is 400° C/ W/Seg when these devices are soldered into minimum trace width PC boards. When installed in a PC board that provides ROPIN-A less than 400° C/W/Seg these displays may be operated at higher average currents as shown in . Figure 2. VF MAX = 1.9 V + IDC (21.80) For: 10 mA:S IF :S 30 mA Optical VF MAX = 2.0 V + IpEAK (50[1) For: IPEAK 2': 5 mA HDSP-8600 Series Temperature derated strobed operating conditions are obtained from Figures 1,6, or 11 and 2, 7, or 12. Figures 1, 6, and 11 relate pulse duration (tp), refresh rate (f), and the ratio of maximum peak current to maximum dc current (/PEAK MAX/IDC MAX). Figures 2, 7, and 12 present the maximum allowed dc current vs. ambient temperature. Figures 1, 6, and 11 are based on the principle that the peak junction temperature for pulsed operation at a specified peak current, pulse duration and refresh rate should be the same as the junction temperature at maximum DC operation. Refresh rates of 1 kHz or faster minimize the pulsed junction heating effect of the device resulting in the maximum possible time average luminous intensity. The time average luminous intensity can be calculated knowing. the average forward current and relative efficiency characteristic, '7IPEAK, of Figures 3, 8, or 13. Time average luminous intensity for a device case temperature of 25° C, Iv (25° C), is calculated as follows: The radiation pattern for these devices is approximately Lamberlian. The luminous sterance may be calculated using one of the two following formulas. IvlCd] LVI cd/m2 I = AI m2 I 7TIVI cd] LVlfootlamberts] = - Alft2] Area/Seg. IpEAK = 100 mAo For OF = 1/5: r?O ° _ mAl O·OoJ [7.0 mCdJ = 7.0 mcd/ Iv (25 C) -l,?0 mAJ segment The time average luminous intensity may be adjusted for operating junction temperature by the following exponential equation: Iv (TJ) = Iv (25°C) elk(TJ + 25°C)1 where TJ = TA + PD' ROJ-A Device K -3400 -Om88rC -3900 -0.0131/"C -4200 -0.0112/oC -8600 -o.0044/oC 0.0231 The objective of contrast enhancement is to optimize display readability. Adequate contrast enhancement can be achieved in indoor applications through luminous contrast techniques. Luminous contrast is the observed brightness of the illuminated segment compared to the brightness of the surround. Appropriate wavelength filters maximize luminous contrast by reducing the amount of light reflected from the area around the display while transmitting most of the light emitted by the segment. These filters are described further in Application Note 1015. Example: For HDSP-4200 series = 1.00 at in.2 14.9 Contrast Enhancement IAVG ] ['7 ] flv DATA SHEET] Iv (25° C) = [ IAVG Test IPEAK l.' Condition '7IPEAK AreSlSeg. mm 2 7-144 Chrominance contrast can further improve display readability. Chrominance contrast refers to the color difference between the illuminated segment and the surrounding area. These displays are assembled with a gray package and untinted encapsulating epoxy in the segments to improve chrominance contrast of the ON segments. Additional contrast enhancement in bright ambients may be achieved by using a neutral density gray filter such as Panelgraphic Chromafilter Gray 10, or 3M Light Control Film (louvered filml. 'SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAYS FQR HIGH: LIGHT AMBIENT CONDITIONS HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HDSP'3S30/'3Zc~O/'5531/'3900 SERIES YEllOW HDSP-4030/-4130/-S731/-4200 SERIES Features • HIGH LIGHT OUTPUT Typical Intensities of up to 7.0 mcd/seg at 100 mA pk 1 of 5 duty factor. • CAPABLE OF HIGH CURRENT DRIVE Excellent for Long Digit String Multiplexing • FOUR CHARACTER SIZES 7.6 mm, 10.9 mm, 14.2 mm, and 20.3 mm • CHOICE OF TWO COLORS High Efficiency Red Yellow • EXCELLENT CHARACTER APPEARANCE Evenly Lighted Segments Wide Viewing Angle Grey Body for Optimum Contrast Description The HDSP-3530/-3730/-55311-3900 and HDSP-4030/-4130/ -5731/-4200 are 7.6 mm, 10.9 mm/14.2 mm/20.3 mm high efficiency red and yellow displays designed for use in high light ambient condition. The four sizes of displays allow for viewing distances at 3, 6, 7, and 10 meters. These seven segment displays utilize large junction high efficiency LED chips made from GaAsP on a transparent GaP substrate. Due to the large junction area, these displays can be driven at high peak current levels needed for high ambient conditions or many character multiplexed operation. • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY; YELLOW CATEGORIZED FOR COLOR Use of Like Categories Yields a Uniform Display • IC COMPATIBLE o MECHANICALLY RUGGED These displays have industry standard packages, and pin configurations and ±1 overflow display are available in all four sizes. These numeric displays are ideal for applications such as Automotive and Avionic Instrumentation, Point of Sale Terminals, and Gas Pump. Devices Part No. HDSP3530 3531 3533 3536 4030 4031 4033 4036 Color Description High Efficiency Red 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 mm mm mm mm Common Common Common Universal Yellow 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 mm mm mm mm Common Anode Left Hand DeCimal Common Anode Right Hand DeCimal Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal Universal Overflow ±1 Right Hand Decimal Anode Left Hand Decimal Anode Right Hand Decimal Cathode Right Hand Decimal Overflow ±1 Right Hand Decimal Package Drawing A B C D A B C D Note, Universal pinout brings the anode and cathode of each segment's LED out to separate pins. See internal diagrams 0 and H. 7-145 Devices Part No. Color HDSP Common Common Common Universal 10.9 mm 10.9 mm 10.S mm 10.9 mm 14.2 mm 14.2 mm 14.2 mm 14.2 mm Common Anode Left Hand Decimal Common Anode Right Hand DeCimal Common Catl'lode Right Hand Decimal Universal Overflow ±1 Right Hand Dec. Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common cathode Right Hand Decimal Overflow ±1 Common Anode Overflow ±1 Common Cathode Yellow 14.2 mm 14.2 mm 14.2 mm 14.2 mm Common Anode Right Hand Decimal Common Cathode Right Hand DeCimal Overflow ±1 Common Anode Overflow ±1 Common Cathode Common Common Common Common Universal Anode Left Hand Decimal Anode Right Hand Decimal cathOde Right Hand Decimal cathode Left Hand Decimal Overflow ±1 Right Hand Decimal M High Efliclency Red 20,3 mm 20.3 mm 20.3 mm 20.3 mm 20.3 mm Common Common Common Common Universal Anode Left Hand Decimal Anode Right Hand DeCimal cathode Right Hand DeCimal cathode Left Hand Decimal Overflow ±1 Right Hand Decimal M Yellow 5731 5733 5737 5738 High Efflolency Red High Efficiency Red f i 390~6 4200 4201 4203 4205 4206 Yellow .20.3 20.3 20.3 20.3 mm mm mm mm 20.3 mm Anode Left Hand Decimal Anode Right Hand Dacimal Cathode Right Hand Decimal Overflow ±1 Right Hand Dec. e 10,S mm 10.9 mm 10.9 mm 10,9 mm 3730 3731 3733 3736 4130 4131 4133 4136 5531 5533 5537 5538 3900 3901 3903 3905 Package Drawing Description F G H E F G H I J K L I J K L N 0 P Q N 0 P Q Note: Universal pinout brings the anode and cathode of each segment's LED out to separate pins. See internal diagram Absolute Maximum Ratings (All Products) Average Power per Segment or DP (TA = 25°C) Peak Forward Current per Segment or.DP (TA = 25°C)111 DC Forward Current per Segmentl21 or DP (TA = 25°C) 105mW 135 mA (Pulse Width = 0.16 ms) 40mA Operating Temperature Range -40° C to +85° C Storage Temperature Range -55°C to +100°C Reverse Voltage per Segment or DP Lead Solder Temperature (1.59 mm [1/16 inch [ below seating plane) 3.0V 260° C for 3 sec. 7-146 Notes: 1. See Figure 1 to establish pulsed operating conditions. 2. Derate maximum DC current above TA = 25° C at .50 mAIo C per segment, see Figure 2. Q. package Dimensions (HDSP-3530/4030 Series) FUNCTION ~I ;'0 II ·353014030 C ·35331·4033 D ·353614036 1 2 3 CATHODE·, CATHOOE·r ANODEI'I CATHODE·. <;ATHODE·r ANODEI3l iNOPIN ICATHODE t61 IANODE-! ANODE-d 'laPIN CATHODE-d 4 NO PIN NO PIN NO PIN NO PIN IIINODE_e CATHODE-c CATHODe·, 1 , 2 • LH.D.P. NoteS 19.05 4 R.H.D.P. NoteS 5.721.225) 4.19 (.165) 5.08 1.200) 4.19 (.165) ~ 0.25 5 "TrJL...-I;!--¥ 5.72 1.225) 'i. _I I ~ R.H.D.P. 9 10 11 12 0.25 1.010) , :ANODE~g CATHODE·, CATHODE." CATHODEill::i\THOOEil NO PIN NO PIN CATHODE·b CATHODE·b 13 o A,B,C 8 ·3531/4031, ~~!~~~;~P ~~T~OO~~I:I ~~~~:-d ~~~~~:: CN~O~TC_~HO_~N~'N~.:·I~d5'1 CATHODE-d ,NO PIN ANNOOpOINE-dp CATHODE·dp CATHOOE[.] a Note 4 I PIN ANODE-dp ANODE... ANODE""" ANODE-a I I CATHOD:J-dP CATHODE·b CATliODE·. ANODE·, '-14_'--A_N_OD"'···. _E[_'[_...L.A_N_O_D_E""(~_J_..LN.:.O,-P",I",N_ _...l...-'ANODE.b 1 '0. 16 (.4001 MAX. L I- R --t- L I-~ (.1801 4.06 (.160) , MIN. I . -r- '--1 '1-- . 7.62 (.3001~ A,B,C,D END C SIDE SIDE 0.25 (.0101 1 package Dimensions (HDSP-3730/4130 Series) 7.01 (.276) 1 7.01 (.276) _I "---I r'O _11--,0" i' 1 ~: + ,J ;: 19.05,025::cdl [.750, .0101 a L.H.D.P. 1 ~ ...L 3.18 (.125) !)-_--t_-+~8 7 '-J'+---+-""'-5.-0'-['-'200 1 6.35 (.250) Not' -! 6.35 (.250} 3.18 (.125) I ---I 4~ ::' 0 -t. n'U:~~J,6 1.40'1 bU_~ ~0--.l ....\ .... i- R.H.D.P . \ R.H.D.P. Note4 ~--5.21(.205) H F,G E FRONT VIEW rI 1 12 .70 (.5001 MAX. ! r r LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY lN U~-(5-}L'~-I-(6.Ii;-~1 f-,I 406 (.160) MIN. II 7.62 I I ~!~(~O~~I SIDE VIEW 7-147 I I I fUNCTION I F ·3731/·4131 G ·3733/·4133 H ·3736/4136 AN06E:"'c- 2 3 4 5 6 7 CATHODE·! ANOOeiJJ NO PIN NOVIN CA'THOOEfij! NOPIN NOPIN NOCONN.l5\ NOCONN,15J ANOOE-d NO PIN CATHOOE·(: CArHODE-e ANOOE,e CATHODS'e CAT-HODE-1t ANOOE+e- ANOOE-c a CATHODEd NOCONN,t51 ANODE'd NOPJN CATHODE·d CATHODE,or CATHOO.E.(: CATHODE.g NOPIN CATHOOE·b CATHODE·b 13 END VIEW E ·3730/4130 CATHODE-a' CATHODE·a 10 11 12 I I 1 9 (.300)~ I .. 14 CATHODE·,h,DP ANoDe DP ANODE. CATHODE •• b.DP CATHODE e,d CATHODEd ANOOEd NO PIN , NO PIN , -~ 12.573 1.4951 MAX FRONT VI EW K, L SIDE VIEW I, J, K, L package Dimensions (390014200 Series) I Ii. I~: ZO.32 10.8001 5 6 1 7 8 ____ 9 + 1 . + + + ~ 8.2~·I LHDP RHOP 10.3251 • NOTE 4 . 1_. 1.27 .110.0501 ILcHARACTER l FRONT VIEW M, P 19.96 MAX. rlo.786MAx.1 FRONT VI EW N, 0 LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY I. PIN 2AND 17 ~i~~:: CATHODE 4 CATHODE I ANOOE"' 9 10 NO PI" NO PIN OATHODEd ANODe!'1 e 13 CATHODE c 15 CAtHODE 9 CATHODe b NOP'N I. 16 SIDE VIEW M, N, 0, P, Q NOTES: 1. Dimensions in millimeters and (inches). 2. All untoleranced dimensions are for reference only. 3. Redundant anodes. . a CATHOOEe ANQOe l3J CArHOOE dp NOPIN .2 DATECQDE NO PIN S $ 1 n :,.:;51 10.600, '0.0101 3900/4200 • 2 3 10.0401 END VIEW M, N,O, P, Q N M Pin ..l10.330, 0.0101 I FRONTVIEWQ Funcllon S~ 10'F PACKAGE..J COLOR BIN(7I ~0'25 --.l.J 6.1 MIN. Ii. LpACKAGE 17 ANooe!31 18 NO PIN 3901/4201 NO PIN CATHODEo CATHODE I ANOOE.!$! CATHOOE~ ANOOi!31 NO. CONN~C NO PIN NOPI~ CATHODE dp OATHODEd ANOOI;1 ""c ::E 35 :::> ::E ~ ::E I ~ 2 u '\ ..... 30 I ~ ~< ~~ \ , \ 25 R8JA ~ 430'( II'//SEGRBJA • 530'C/WI$EG15 ROJA • 625'C/WISEG 20 RqJA • ..~< \ ~ ~ /' 6 :::.,. \ \ /' /- " ~~ w-' I~ 0.4 30 ~ ~ ~ ro 20 °c 1~ a: a: w 120 "ca: 100 :::> ~ a: :r "'" ~ I j" BO 60 100 , 20 ~ o 1.5 :::> ... 1.4 ~c 1.2 w'" >::E -a: O.B ::E :::>t! -'-' ~~ 1/ 2.0 1.6 ",N II // . ~ I.B ~c§ 0'"w wa: 1301 -5731/-4200 SERIES 2.5 / 2.0 zc w'" ')'1 60 / 2.2 ~ UiiJ II HDSP-35301-3730/ -5531!.3000SERles", 1~ 120 2.4 BO 1.0 40 Figure 3. Relative Elliciency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Segment Current 160 '" H=H IpEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - mA Figure 2. Maximum Allowable DC Current per Segment vs. Ambient Temperature ....z \. HDSP-4030/-41301 .Sf31/j 4200 SERIES 0.2 o 00 100 ~ TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ E I 1/ "" ;;;.- / ~~ E - ./ ,,0 "l0'C/wIS£G- W O.B 0.6 2 10 .... .;" .;" a:'" ) 10 o o HD~P'~30L3~'ao/1 ~1/~39ilOll RIES 1.0 / / 1.0 1/ 0.6 0.4 ,/ 0.2 o ./ o 3.0 / / V 10 20 30 40 VF - PEAK FORWARD VOL'TAGE - V IF - SEGMENT DC CURRENT - mA Figure 4. Peak Forward Segment Current vs. Peak Forward Voltage Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current 7-151 Electrical Mechanical These display devices are composed of eight light emitting diodes, with light from each LED optically stretched to form individual segments and a decimal point. These devices are constructed utilizing a lead frame in a standard DIP package. The LED dice are attached directly to the lead frame. Therefore, the cathode leads are the direct thermal and mechanical stress paths to the LED dice. The absolute maximum allowed junction temperature, TJ MAX, is 105°C. The maximum power ratings have been established so that the worst case VF device does not exceed this limit. The devices utilize LED chips which are made from GaAsP on a transparent GaP substrate. These display devices are designed for strobed operation. The typical forward voltage values, scaled from Figure 4 should be used for calculating the current limiting resistor value and typical power dissipation. Expected maximum VF values, for the purpose of driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation, may be calculated using the following VF MAX models: Worst case thermal resistance pin-to-ambient is 400° CI W/Seg when these devices are soldered into minimum trace width PC boards. When installed in a PC board that provides ROPIN-A less than 400°C/W/Seg these displays may be operated at higher average currents as shown in Figure 2. VF MAX = 2.15V + IpEAK (13.501 For: IF 2: 30 mA optical VF MAX = 1.9V + IDC (21.8!li For: 10 mA S IF S 30 mA Temperature derated strobed operating conditions are obtained from Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 relates pulse duration (tp), refresh rate (f), and the ratio of maximum peak current to maximum dc current (IPEAK MAX/IDC MAX). Figure 2 presents the maximum allowed dc current vs. ambient temperature. Figure 1 is based on the principle that the peak junction temperature for pulsed operation at a specified peak current, pulse duration and refresh rate should be the same as the junction temperature at maximum DC operation. Refresh rates of 1 kHz or faster minimize the pulsed junction heating effect of the device resulting in the maximum possible time average luminous intensity. The radiation pattern for these devices is approximately Lambertian. The luminous sterance may be calculated using one of the two following formulas. Iv(cd) Lvlcd/m2) = --2 A(m ) 7Tlv(cd) Lv(footlamberts) = A(ft2) AREA/SEG, The time average luminous intensity can be calculated knowing the average forward current and relative efficiency characteristic, '1IPEAK, of Figure 3. Time average luminous intensity for a device case temperature of 25° C, Iv (25° C), is calculated as follows: Iv (25°C) = [2~:GAJ '7IPEAK = 1.00 at IPEAK = 100 mAo For DF = liS: r?O °C mA] ) - L20 mA ~ .00J [4.5 mCdJ = 4.5 mcdl segment The time average luminous intensity may be adjusted for operating junction temperature by the following exponential equation: Iv (TJ) = Iv (25°C) elk(TJ where TJ = TA + + 25°C)] PD' ROJ-A DEVICE K -3530/-3730/-5531/-3900 -0.0131!"C -40301-4130/-5731/-4200 -0.0112/°C mm 2 -35301-4030 2.5 .0039 -3730/-4130 4.4 .0068 -5531/-5731 8.8 .0137 -3900/-4200 14.9 .0231 Contrast Enhancement ['7IPEAKJ Ov DATA SHEETJ Example: For HDSP-4030 series Iv (25 AREA/SEG. IN.2 DEVICE The objective of contrast enhancement is to optimize display readability. Adequate contrast enhancement can be achieved in indoor applications through luminous contrast techniques. Luminous contrast is the observed brightness of the illuminated segment compared tothe brightness of the surround. Appropriate wavelength filters maximize luminous contrast by reducing the amount of light reflected from the area around the display while transmitting most of the light emitted by the segment. These filters are described further in Application Note 1015. Chrominance contrast can further improve display readability. Chrominance contrast refers to the color difference between the illuminated segment and the surrounding area. These displays are assembled with a gray package and untinted encapsulating epoxy in the segments to improve chrominance contrast of the ON segments. Additional contrast enhancement in bright ambients may be achieved by using a neutral density gray filter such as Panelgraphic Chromafilter Gray 10, or 3M Light Control Film (louvered filml. 7-152 rh~ a.:~. INTENSITY AND COLOR SELECTEDDISPLAYS HEWLETT PACKARD . .., Features • INTENSITY SELECTION IMPROVES UNIFORMITY OF LIGHT OUTPUT FROM UNIT TO UNIT. AVAILABLE IN RED, HIGH EFFICIENCY RED, AND HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN. • COLOR SELECTION IMPROVES UNIFORMITY OF COLOR FROM UNIT TO UNIT. AVAILABLE IN YELLOW. o ONE AND TWO CATEGORY SELECTION SIMPLIFIES INVENTORY CONTROL AND ASSEMBLY. Description Seven segment displays are now available from HewlettPackard which are selected from one category or from two categories. These select displays are basic catalog devices which are pre-sorted for luminous intensity and color, then selected from one predetermined category (S01 Option) or two predetermined adjacent categories (S02 Option). Each option will be assigned to a part number. Example: One luminous intensity category is selected from the basic catalog 5082-7750 production distribution and assigned to the part number 5082-7750 Option SOt Two ... luminous intensity categories are assigned the part number 5082-7750 Option S02. Luminous intensity selection is available for red and high efficiency red for S01 Option and for red, high efficiency red, and high performance green for S02 Option. Color selection is available for yellow on selected products. To ensure our customers a steady supply of product, HP must offer selected units from the center of our distribution. If our production distribution shifts, we will need to change the intensity or color range of the selected units our customers receive. Typically, an intensity may have to be changed once every 1 to 3 years. Current intensity and color selection information is available through a category reference chart which is available through your local field sales engineer or local franchised distributor. Absolute Maximum Ratings and Electrical/Optical Characteristics The absolute maximum ratings, mechanical dimensions, and electrical/optical characteristics are identical to the basic catalog device. Device Selection Guide The following table summarizes which basic catalog devices are available with category selection. COLOR Character Height 7.62mm (0.3") Microbright 7.62mm (0.3") 10.92mm (0.43") 14.2mm (0.56") Single Digit 14.2mm (0.56") Dual Digit 20mm (0.8··) Red HDSP-7301 SOl & S02 Option HDSP-7303 SOl & S02 Option HDSP-7307 SOl & S02 Option HDSP-7308 SOl & S02 Option 5082-7730 SOl & S02 Option 5082-7731 SOl & S02 Option 5082-7736 SOl & S02 Option 5082-7740 SOl & S02 Option 5082-7750 Sal & S02 Option 5082-7751 Sal & S02 Option 5082-7756 SOl & S02 Option 5082-7760 SOl & S02 Option HDSP-5301 SOl & S02 Option HDSP-5303 SOl & S02 Option HDSP-5307 SOl & S02 Option HDSP-5308 SOl & S02 Option HDSP-5321 S02 Option HDSP-5323 S02 Option High Efficiency Red HDSP-7501 SOl & S02 Option HDSP-7503 SOl & S02 Option HDSP-7507 SOl & S02 Option HDSP-7508 SOl & S02 Option 5082-7610 SOl & S02 Option 5082-7611 SOl & S02 Option 5082-7613 SOl & S02 Option 5082-7616 SOl & S02 Option 5082-7650 Sal & S02 Option 5082-7651 Sal & S02 Option 5082-7653 SOl & 502 Option 5082-7656 SOl &.S02 Option HDSP-5501 SOl & S02 Option HDSP-5503 Sal & S02 Option HDSP-5507 SOl & S02 Option HDSP-5508 Sal & S02 Option HDSP-5S21 Sal & S02 Option HDSP-5523 Sal & S02 Option HDSP-3400 S02 Option HDSP-3403 S02 Option HDSP-3406 S02 Option Basic Family Not Applicable Notes: 1. Option Sal deSignates a one intensity category selection. 2. Option S02 designates two intensity category selection. 3. Option S20 designates a two color category selection. High Ambient High Efficiency Red Basic Family Not Applicable HI gh Ambient High Efficiency Yellow Yellow Selected Version Basic Family Not Available Not Applicable HDSP-3530 Option S02 HDSP-3531 Option S02 HDSP-3533 Option S02 HDSP-3536 Option S02 HDSP-3730 Option S02 HDSP-3731 Option S02 HDSP-3733 Option S02 HDSP-3736 Option S02 HDSP-5531 Option S02 HDSP-5533 Option S02 HDSP-5537 Option S02 HDSP-5538 Option S02 Basic Family Not Applicable Selected Version Basic Family Not Available Not Applicable HDSP-3900 Option HDSP-3901 Option HDSP-3903 Option HDSP-3906 Option S02 S02 S02 S02 High Performance Green HDSP-7801 Option S02 HDSP-7803 Option S02 HDSP-7807 Option S02 HDSP-7808 Option S02 Selected Version Selected Version HDSP-3600 Option S02 Not Available Not Available HDSP-3603 Option S02 HDSP-3606 Option S02 5082-7663 HDSP-4133 Selected Version Option S20 Option S20 Not Available HDSP-4136 5082-7666 Option S20 Option S20 Selected Version Selected Version HDSP-5601 Option S02 Not Available Not Available HDSP-5607 Option S02 Basic Family Not Applicable Selected Version Not Available Selected Version Selected Version Not Available Not Available 4. Option Sal and S02 of different part numbers may not have the same apparent brightness. Contact your HP Field Sales Office for design assistance. 7-153 FliOW 5082·7300 5082·7302 5082·7304 5082·7340 HEXADECIMAL AND NUMERIC DISPLAYS HEWLETT ~e.. PACKARD Features • NUMERIC 5082-7300/-7302 0-9, Test State, Minus Sign, Blank States, Decimal Point 7300 Right Hand D. P. 7302 Left Hand D.P. • HEXADECIMAL 5082-7340 0-9, A-F, Base 16 Operation, Blanking Control, Conserves Power, No Decimal Point • TTL COMPATIBLE • INCLUDES DECODER/DRIVER WITH MEMORY 8421 Positive Logic Input The 5082-7302 is the same as the 5082-7300, except that the decimal point is located on the left-hand side of the digit. • 4 x 7 DOT MATRIX ARRAY Shaped Character, Excellent Readability The 5082-7340 hexadecimal display decodes positive 8421 logic inputs into 16 states, 0-9 and A-F. In place of the decimal point an input is provided for blanking the display (all LEOs off), without losing the contents of the memory. Applications include terminals and computer systems using the base-16 character set. • STANDARD DUAL-IN-LiNE PACKAGE INCLUDING CONTRAST FILTER 15.2 mm x 10.2 mm (0.6 inch x 0.4 inch) • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Description The HP 5082-7300 series solid state numeric and hexadecimal displays with on-board decoder/driver and memory provide 7.4 mm (0.29 inch) displays for reliable. low-cost methods of displaying digital information. The 5082-7300 numeric display decodes positive 8421 BCD logic inputs into characters 0-9, a "-" sign, a test pattern, and four blanks in the invalid BCD states. The unit employs a right-hand decimal pOint. Package Dimensions 7300 The 5082-7304 is a (±1) overrange display including a right-hand decimal point. The ESD susceptibility of these IC devices is Class A of MIL-STD-883 or Class 2 of DOD-STD-1686 and 000HDBK-263. Applications Typical applications include point-of-sale terminals, instrumentation, and computer system. 7302 7340 Function lO.2MAX'=1 ---- (0.400) fT I '_ 1.5 ~6) 5062-7300 (0.06) (1.2\) ~t--IH·"'lj--r. Pin I (O.:9) 1.I 14.0 (0.19) 5 6 7 I-4o,lO' 8 LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY T~ I~S~t~~~G 15.2 (.600) DATE CODE + 0.3' 0.08 TYP. 1 1 1 (0.012' 0.0031 PIN 1 KEY 4 3 2 1 (2;~}--j 41;-1 --l f-(0.17) 2 Inpul4 InputS BlanKing Control ~ IDQut4 InputS Decimal Poin1 LatCh Enable Ground 7 8 Vee Input 1 Vee Input 1 5 4.8 'B ~ ~' I-~ff "3TYP'~' ~~' SEATING PLANE (.050) 1.5 (.15) (.06) I 11_0.5' 0.08 TYP. -j (0.020 ' 0.003) 2.5' 0,13 TYP, (D.10' 0.005) 7-154 3.4 HexadeCimal Inpul2 4 51 5082-7340 Numeric InpuI2 3 T I ...r-.I.......,.....",,..,... _5. and 7302 1 Latch Enable Ground Notes: 1. Dimensions in millimeters and (Inches I 2. Unless otherwise specified. the tolerance on all dimensions IS ±O 38 mm (:!:: 0,015 Inchl 3 Digit center line is :::0.25 mm (±D 01 inch) from package center line. - - - - - - - - - - - _ ..._._--._--- Absolute Maximum Ratings D~~Ilptl~n Symbol ~lh~ Ts -40 Max. +100 Te -20 +85 ·C ·C Vee -0,5 -0.5 +7.0 +7.0 .. :v -0.5 Vee V 230 ·C ~ Storage temperature, ambTent Operating temR~£p.ture, case[1,2} Supply vOltagJ/ J ) ~j VOI~ed to input logic, dp and!ene,bl'li"'plns Volt " ..% 'k9:;. 'WV::WOP,VE VB 'ed to?j9lanklng Input!m Maximum solder temperature at 1.59mm (.062 inch) below seating'15flane; t,.;;; 5 seconds Unit V Recommended operating Conditions Symbol Desetl!Jtion Supply Voltage Operating temperature, case Unit Min. Nom. Max. 4.5 5.0 5.5 V +85 ·C Vee To tw -20 120 nsec Time data must be held before positive transition of enable line tSEll'P 50 nsec Time data must be held after positive transition of enable line tIlOL!> 50 nsec Enable Pulse Width Enable pulse rise time 200 IrLIl Electrical/Optical Characteristics Description Supply Current Power dissipation Luminous Intensity per LED (Digit average) (;,61 Test Conditions Icc Py Vee" 5.5 V (characters "5." or "B" displayed) I, Vec=5.0V, Te'" 25°C V(L Logic high-level Input voltage VIll Enable low-voltage; data being entered VEL Enable high-voltage; data not being entered VEil Blanking low-voltage; display not blanked(1) VBl Blanking high-voltage; display blanked '" Blanking low-level input current Pl (T c = -20° C to +85° C, Unless Otherwise Specified) Symbol Logic low-level input voltage nsec Min. 32 Typ.<4 1 Max. 1112 170 mA 560 935 mW 70 ,ucd 0.8 2.0 V V 0.8 Vcc=4.5V 2.0 V V 0.8 V 3.5 VBH Unit V IBe Vcc=S.SV, VBL=0.8V 20 ,uA Blanking high-level input current m IBII Vcc=5.5V, VBH=4.SV Logic low-level input current hL 2.0 -1.6 mA Logic high-level input current Enable low-level input current Vcc=5.SV, V'L=OAV Vcc=5,5V, VUl=2AV IEL +250 -1.6 ,uA mA Enable high-level input current Peak wavelength Dominant Wavelength IS) 11/1 1£11 Vcc=5.SV, VEL=OAV Vcc=S.5V, VEH =2.4V +250 mA ,uA )..PEAK Tc = 25°C 655 nm )..4 Tc = 2S0C 640 0.8 nm WeLQht gm Notes: 1. Nominal thermal resistance of a display mounted in a socket which is soldered into a printed circuit board: 0JA = 50' CIW; 0 JC = 15°C/W; 2. eCA of a mounted display should not exceed 35°C/W for operation up to Tc =+85'C. 3.Voltage values are with respect to device ground, pin 6. 4. All typical values at Vcc = 5.0 Volts, TA = 25'C. 5. These displays are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter located on the back of the display contiguous with the Hewlett-Packard logo marking. 6. The luminous intensity at a specific case temperature, Iv(T c) may be calculated from this relationship: Iv(T c) = Iv (25'C) e [-0.0188/'C(Tc-25'C)1 7. Applies only to 7340. 8. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 7-155 0,' v«', 5.0 Vee tsETUP-t----t-~~+tHOlD ENABLE DATA INPUT (LOW LEVEl DATA) ~ _)(2 - X , LATCH - X 8 MEMOR¥ INPUT DP[2] 4 DATA INPUT (HIGH LEVEl DATA) E _Xl LOGIC 1.5V ~ -0' f--- MATRIX D-ECODER - ~ ~ a ":;; 0,3 /V 2 2 D. BLANKING[3J CONTROL 4 I ~ • 1.5V T;:;: "'25 C 0.4 LED MATRIX DRIVER 0,2 ~ f--- LeI> MATRIX IE 0.1 /" GROUND V / V VB - BLANKING VOLTAGE - V Figure 1. Timing Diagram of 5082-7300 Series Logic. 0.35 ~ 0.30 E ~ "- , Vee ~ 5<0 V VE ""'IlV VIN ",OV_ ......... 0.25 V8i4SV a 0.20 2 0.15 * " ~ ~ ...... r-..l va j3.5V 0.10 IE 0.05 Figure 2. Block Diagram of 5082-7300 Series Logic. - -l.B ~ E r--- r--..... - -20 20 40 60 u w ~ '" - ill ~ ; -1.2 ill -1.2 a -1,0 -1.0 S ~ , -O.B ~ :: u a 9 -0.6 1\ -0.4 2$9 C -1.4 -0.2 -0.4 -0.2 \. 1.0 Te - CASE TEMPERATURE - 'c -0.8 -0.6 2 t 90 2.0 3.0 4,0 VE - LATCH ENABLE VOLTAGE - V Figure 4. Typical Blanking Control Input Current vs. Temperature, 5082-7340. T~" Vcc~5,OV -1.6 -1.4 ~ .!!' 80 _1.8 Vee ,,-SJ) V ~ Vs. "'o,SV o Tc '2S'C -1.6 ~ ~ ~ r-- r Figure 3. Typical Blanking Control Current vs. Voltage for 5082-7340. Figure 5. Typical Latch Enable Input Current vs. Voltage for the 50827300 Series Devices. VIN - LOGIC VOLTAGE - V Figure 6. Typical Logic and Decimal Point Input Current vs. Voltage for the 5082-7300 Series Devices. Decimal Point Applies to 5082-7300 and -7302 Only. TRUTH TABLE BCDDATA[l\ X, x. x, x, 5002·730<117302 I.. L I- f ," H H -'- :,,! Ll i •• ," H ," " H - .-, j ,BLANK) H 1", H ; H iBLANKI H iBtANKI BlANKING(J) , 1:'; i•• : H ENABLE( 1) .- /BLANKI H OECIMAL PT. (21 i •• ,, " H _. i". ',,' H H ,- .~:; H H .J H l H S002·n40 .. 1''' r,,, ON Vop "" L OFf tOAD DATA VOl'"' H LATCH DATA VE -H OfSPLAY.oN VB - l DlSPLAY·OF'!! Va =H VE 'L Notes: 1, H = Logic High: L = Logic Low, With the enable input at logic high changes in BCD input logic levels or D.P. input have no effect upon display memory, displayed character, or D.P, 2. The decimal point input, DP, pertains only to the 5082-7300 and 5082-7302 displays, 3, The blanking control input. B. pertains only to the 5082-7340 hexadecimal display. Blanking input has no effect upon display memory. 7-156 Solid State Over Range Display For display applications requiring a ±. 1. or decimal point designation. the 5082-7304 over range display is available. This display module comes in the same package as the 5082-7300 series numeric display and is completely compatible with it. package Dimensions REAR FRONT END SIDE ........... SEATING PLANE 0.3 :to.OB TVP. + 1.012 :t.0031 I~;~I--l .fl-J 1.1711- NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS AND (INCHES). 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, THE TOLERANCE 5082-7304 ON ALL DIMENSIONS IS :to.3S MM 1=0.015 INCHES). TI'IUTH TABLE FOR 5082-7304 r---------- ----------, ~1 PIN CHARACTER 1 2,3 4 8 + H L 1 Decimal Point Blank X X X X H X X X 1-1 L H H X - X l L 4,5 S.O 5.0 I I I X ---", L ---' sso!! Figure l Typical Driving Circuit for 5082-7304 SYMBOL MIN NOM MAX UNIT IF 5.5 10 Absolute Maximum Ratings V mA DESCRIPTION Storage temperature, ambient NOTE: LED current must be externally limited. Refer to Figure 7 Operating temperature, cas. Forward current. each lEO for recommended resistor values. Reverse voltage, each LEO SYMBOL MIN •. MAX. +100 -20 +85 --40 TS Te IF VR 10 4 Electrical/Optical Characteristics 5082-7358 (T C = -20 0 C to +85 0 C. Unless Otherwise Specified) DESCRIPTION SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS Forward VOltage per LED Power di~$ipation VF PT luminous Intensity per LEO (digit average} Iv IF' 6mA Peak wavelength Apeak TC =25°C Tc: =25"C TC" 250e I Dominant Wavelength Weight I N:! IF -lOrnA IF "IOmA all diodes lit =~ MIN ~MAA UNIT 25 mW 2.0 32 ~ 0.8 7-157 . - - - . , - , - , _ . _ ... J I Recommended Operating Conditions Vec ~ I NOTES: L: Line switching transistor in Fiqure 7 cutoff. H: Line switching transistor in Figure 7 saturated. X: 'Don't care' LEO supply vOltas" Forward eutrentt each LeO V<:<; ~~s. N\,lMff'A.LOtlll; _------------- I V j.lcd nm nm gm UNIT ·C ·c rnA V Flin- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD HEXADECIMAL AND NUMERIC DISPLAYS FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS 5082-7366 6082-7351 5082-1358 6082·7369 Features • CERAMIC/GLASS PACKAGE • ADDED RELIABILITY • NUMERIC 5082-7356/-7357 0-9, Test State, Minus Sign, Blank States, Decimal Point 7356 Right Hand D.P., 7357 Left Hand D.P. • HEXADECIMAL 5082-7359 0-9, A-F, Base 16 Operation, Blanking Control, Conserves Power, No Decimal Point • TTL COMPATIBLE • INCLUDES DECODER/DRIVER WITH MEMORY 8421 Positive Logic Input The 5082-7357 is the same as the 5082-7356, except that the decimal point is located on the left-hand side of the d~~ . . • 4 x 7 DOT MATRIX ARRAY Shaped Character, Excellent Readability The 5082-7359 hexadecimal display decodes positive 8421 logic inputs into 16 states, 0-9 and A-F. In place of the decimal point an input is provided for blanking the display (all LED's off), without losing the contents of the memory. Applications include terminals and com'puter systems using the base-16 character set. • STANDARD DUAL-IN-LiNE PACKAGE 15.2 mm x 10.2 mm (0.6 Inch x 0.4 inch) • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Description The HP 5082-735X series solid state numeric and hexadecimal displays with on-board decoder/driver and memory provide 7.4 mm (0.29 inch) displays for use in adverse industrial environments. The 5082-7358 is a (±1) overrange display including a right-hand decimal point. Applications The 5082-7356 numeric display decodes positive 8421 BCD logic inputs into characters 0-9 "-" sign, a test pattern, and four blanks in the invalid BCD states: The unit employs a right-hand decimal point. Typical applications include control systems, instrumentation, communication systems, and transportation equipment. package Dimensions 1--".2 MAX.--! I..... (.400) ...., I 7359 1 1 1 13.5 1.r+1-rl-r:l-ri 1 I 4.8 1 2 6 7 • ·T 4 5 LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY 1S SEATING PLANE PIN 1 KEY 1.3 TV'] (.050) 3 2 (.061 f.151 ! ~' DATE CODE 4 .l1ri:'-TIl Q.~, END VIEW REAR VIEW' _ 1 I' . 11- -j 3.4 0.5 '0.08 TV'. '.020 !.003) 2.5±.13TYP. (.10±.005) 7-158 I T, 3 r-------r- (.191 • T PIN 6 7 8 I I I T I I FUNCTION 5082·7359 5082·7356 AND 7357 HEXA· NUMERIC , DECIMAL Input 2 Input 2 I Input 4 Input 8 I Input 8 Decimal point Latch enable Ground 'flPut4 Blanking 1 I Vee I Input 1 i oontrol Latch enable Gtcond Vee Joput1 NOTES, 1. Dimensions in millimeters and (inches). 2. Unless otherwise specified, the tolerance on ell dimensions is ± O.38mm (±~Mn5 in.) 3. Digit center,line is ± O.25mm (fO.01 in.) from package center line. I Absolute Maximum Ratings Description Symbol Min. MaK. Unit Ts -65 +125 °C 'T" -55 +100 °C Vee -0.5 +7.0 V VI,VOP.VE -0.5 +7.0 V Vo -0,5 Vee V 260 °C ""',' Storage temperature, ambient Operating temp~rature, ambient {I,ll .:t,'· SuppIY,)loltage me " i""'" , VoltaQeapplied to input 16gic, dp and enable pins Voltage applied to blanking input i1l Ma~imu~~~~~~:; t~rnperature at 1.59mm (.062 inch) be!ow seplane; t ~ 5 seconds Recommended Operating Conditions Symbol Descrlptig" Min. Nom. Max. 5.0 5.5 V +85 °C Unit Vee 4.5 T" h,,' -55 100 nsec Time data must be held before positive transition of enable line tSETuP 50 nsec Time data must be held after positive transition of enable line tnoLD 50 nsec SUpply Voltage Operatipg temperature, ambient Enable Pulse Width Enable pulse rise time 200 hLH Electrical/Optical Characteristics (T A = -55° C to +85° C, Unless Otherwise Specified) Symbol Test Conditions Supply Current Icc Power dissipation Pr Vee = 5.5 V (characters "5." or "B" displayed) Luminous intensity per LED (Digit average) (5,"1 L Vcc=c.5,OV, T,,="25°C Description nsec Min. 40 Typ.l'l Max. Unit 112 170 mA 560 935 mW 85 /lCd Logic low-level input voltage VII. Logie high-level input voltage V IH Enable low-voltage; data being entered VEL Enable high-voltage; data not being entered VEil Blanking low-voltage; display not blanked (11 VBL Blanking high-voltage; display blanked (71 VBH Blanking low-level input current<7l 10L Vcc=5.5V, VBL=0.8V 50 /lA Blanking high-level input current I7l hm Vec=5.5V, VBH=4.5V 1.0 mA Logic low-level input current IlL Vce=5.5V, VII.=OAV -1.6 mA Logie high-level input current lIB Vcc=5.5V, VlH""2.4V +100 p.A Enable low-level input current !"I. Vec=5.5V, Vn=OAV -1.6 mA Enable high-level input current Peak wavelength Dominant Wavelength (SI IEH 0.8 2,0 V V 0.8 Vcc"'4.5V 2.0 V V 0.8 3.5 V V Vcc=5.5V, VEH"'2.4V +130 p.A APEAK T,,=25°C 655 nm Ad TA=25°C 640 nm 1.0 gm Weight Notes: 1. Nominal thermal resistance of a display mounted in a socket which is soldered into a printed circuit board: 8JA=50°C/W; 8Jc=15°CIW; 2. 8CA of a mounted display should not exceed 35° ClWforoperation up to T A=+100" C. 3. Voltage values are with respect to device ground, pin 6. 4. All typical values at Vcc=5.0 Volts, TA=25°C. 5. These displays are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter located on the back of the display contiguous with the Hewlett-Packard logo marking. 6. The luminous intensity at a specifiC ambient temperature, Iv (TAL may be calculated from this relationship: Iv(TA)=lv["Oq (.985) [TA -25°Cl 7. Applies only to 7359. 8. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 7-159 TRUTH TABLE DATA INPUT (LOW LEVEL DATA) 1.5V 1'--+_"' J DATA INPUT (HIGH LEVEL DATA) L H I- 'nH H I"I~==:-_ INPUT 15V 10% 5082·7359 L ~ 1.5V ENABLE ~ 5082·7356/1357 x, x, ~90% ~\v~ K H H H H Figure 1. Timing Diagram of 5082-735X Series Logic. H {BLANK) H Pin. Vee ENABLE LOGIC INPUT N;~ (BLANKI 5------. H H 8_X1 l_XZ 2-X4 3-XB op[Z] H LAiCH MEMORY r-- H H MAHHX OECODER IBLANKI .... (BLANKI ON DECIMAL PT. 121 4-0P : :." OFF LOAD DATA J ENABLEP1 1_ LATCH DATA DP BLANKING(31 CONTROL 4_ lEO MATRIX DRNER DlSPLAY·ON BLANKINGl3) r-- lED MATRIX GROUND Figure 2. Block Diagram of 5082-735X Series Logic. Notes: 1. H = Logic High; L =Logic Low. With the enable input at logic high changes in BCD input logic levels or D.P. input have no effect upon display memory. displayed character. or D.P. 2. The decimal point input. DP. pertains only to the 5082·7356 and 5082·7357 displays. 3. The blanking control input. B. pertains only to the 5082·7359 hexadecimal display. Blanking input has no effect upon display memory. J .l.B L ~ -1.6f-----f---+-- ~C" 25~C .1_ ." -l.0f----+--+---/---+--j !!!~ Vee' 5.0V ... :Z .l.4t----f---+---t----t----1 ~ -1.2t----f---+---t----t----1 w ~ !. B:--", ...... 3 -.6t-----j+--+--+---f----1 I -.4f----++ ,-1----+----+--1 ~ 50f--+---f---i---r--+---f---+--~ Va = O,BV ~~5~.~40"-.2~O~~O"~2~O~4~O"~W~~.O~~'00 VB - BLANKING VOLTAGE - V Figure 3. Typical Blanking Control Current vs. Voltage for 5082· 7359. TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - "c Figure 4. Typical Blanking Control Input Current vs. Ambient Temperature for 5082·7359. 7-160 _w .. 21----++__ '-+--+--1---..1 \ °O~-~l~.0~~~2~.O----~3.~O--~4~.O~~5.·O VE - LATCH ENABLE VOLTAGE-V Figure 5. Typical Latch Enable Input Current vs. Voltage. 1.0 -1.8 ~ iT "25"C c -1.6 I ~ :0a: - Vee" $lJV ~ ~ I 2 ~ -1.2 g (5 -.8 I -.6 z .B l"- I-- ~ ~ ~ I't ~ ~~ -.... \ y£ '"' al ffi" V I 4 2 °0 .5 - .......... 2 -~ ~ B -10 u I I- 26 ....... B ~ .7 ~ B .6 2 1-1.4 ~ "E .9 Vee ":5:-oV V1l "O.BV .4 u .3 g ~ _;;! ~= .2 V£ .. 5V \ 1..1' 0.5 I" 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 -55 -40 VIN - LOGIC VOLTAGE - V Figure 6. Typical Logic and Decimal Point Input Current vs. Voltage. z 'i 24 I 22 ~ !z a~ 20 18 ~§ ~ u 16 100 Figure 7. Typical Logic and Enable Low Input Current vs. Ambient Temperature. - '0[- - Vee +r- S.OV , V'H"24V I -~ Y /i_ ~ 14 "" ~i 10 ~ ~ 8 I i :.: 12 ~ 9 _w _= < / 4 o I / .x 6 2 -20 0 20 40 60 80 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °C - 2~ i ~I 1 o I- - / ./ ~ -55 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - °C 100 Figure 8. Typical Logic and Enable High Input Current vs. Ambient Temperature. Operational Considerations ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL The S082-73SX series devices use a modified 4 x 7 dot matrix of light emitting diodes (LED's) to display decimal/hexadecimal numeric information. The LED's are driven by constant current drivers. BCD information is accepted by the display memory when the enable line is at logic low and the data is latched when the enable is at logic high. To avoid the latching of erroneous information, the enable pulse rise time should not exceed 200 nanoseconds. Using the enable pulse width and data setup and hold times listed in the Recommended Operating Conditions allows data to be clocked into an array of displays at a 6.7MHz rate. These displays are designed for use in adverse industrial environments. These displays may be mounted by soldering directly to a printed circuit board or inserted into a socket. The leadto-lead pin spacing is 2.S4mm (0.100 inch) and the lead row spacing is 1S.24mm (0.600 inch). These displays may be end stacked with 2.54mm (0.100 inch) spacing between outside pins of adjacent displays. Sockets such as Augat 324-AG2D (3 digits) or Augat 50S-AGSD (one digit, right angle mounting) may be used. The primary thermal path for power dissipation is through the device leads. Therefore, to insure reliable operation up to an ambient temperature of +1000 C, it is important to maintain a case-to-ambient thermal resistance of less than 3S o C/watt as measured on top of display pin 3. The blanking control input on the 50S2-7395 display blanks (turns off) the displayed hexadecimal information without disturbing the contents of display memory. The display is blanked at a minimum threshold level of 3.5 volts. This may be easily achieved by using an open collector TTL gate and a pull~up resistor. For example, (1/6) 7416 hexinverter buffer/driver and a 1200hm pull-up resistor will provide sufficient drive to blank eight displays. The size of the blanking pull-up resistor may be calculated from the following formula, where N is the number of digits: Post solder cleaning may be accomplished using water, Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for vapor cleaning processing (up to 2 minutes in vapors at boiling) or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for room temperature cleaning. Suggested solvents: Freon TF, Freon TE, Genesolv DI-1S, Genesolv DE-1S. CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT Rbi'" = (Vee - 3.5V)/[N (1.0mA)] The S082-73SX displays have been designed to provide the maximum posible ON/OFF contrast when placed behind an appropriate contrast enhancement filter. Some suggested filters are Panelgraphic Ruby Red 60 and Dark Red 63, SGL Homalite H100-1605, 3M Light Control Film and Polaroid HRCP Red Circular Polarizing Filter. For further information see Hewlett-Packard Application Note 964. The decimal point input is active low true and this data is latched into the display memory in the same fashion as is the BCD data. The decimal point LED is driven by the onboard IC. The ESD susceptibility of these IC devices is Class A of MIL-STD-883 or Class 2 of DOD-STD-1686 and 000HDBK-263. 7-161 Solid State Over Range Display For display applications requiring a ±, 1, or decimal point deSignation, the 5082-7358 over range display is avaiiable. This display module comes in the same package as the 5082-735X series numeric display and is completely compatible with it. package Dimensions ----------, .. 111t:f: r-----~---NlJMJi(I.AI.ON~ -;--;-+--+ M~S I ~ I I 1 "SEAtiNG PLA.NE 0,3 'OM TVP. (.Ol~ r.003) t....;]' I~~I-l .FI-f -I f- FRONT _ _ _.. I I ~ 'DOl' WI SIDE Flgur. 9. Typical Driving Clrcuit~ TRUTH TABLE PIN Ct.fARACTER REAR 1 PIN FUNCTION 1 Noras, 2 Plus Numeral One t: •• 3 Numeral One 1. DIM'~SIQNS IN M,.t.IMETEAS AND (INCHES). UNLESS orllalWI66 SPECifiED. TliE 10LERANCE ON ALL OIMENSIO~S IS 1(1,38 MM (.o.ole INCHIiSl. · 4 B j( X. X. H H X + -1 OP Open Open 6 7 2,3 j( H Decimal Point X X Blank L L X H L X L NOTES: L: Line switching transistor in Figure 9 cutoff. H: Line switching transistor in Figure 9 saturated. X: 'Don't care' .. Vee MlnUS/l"luI Electrical/Optical Characteristics 5082-7358 (TA = -55 0 C to +85 0 C, Unless Otherwise Specified) DESCRIPTION SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS FOrVWItd Voltage per LEO VF IF = 10mA Power dissipation PT Luminous Intensity pet LEO (digit average) Iv Peak wavelength Dominant Wavelength Apeak hd =10mA all diodes lit If -emA TC ~25°C Tc ~ 26°C TC=2SoC VO". LEO supply Forward current. e.cll LeO IF 4,5 5.0 5.0 5.5 10 NOTE: LED current must be externally limited. Refer to Figure 9 MAX UNIT 1.6 2,0 V 40 280 320 mW 85. 655 640 1.0 lied nm nm gm Absolute Maximum Ratings SYMBOL MIN NOM MAX UNIT Vee TYP IF weight Recommended operating Conditions MIN V mA DESCRIPTION SYMBOl. MIN. MAX. Storage temperatura, ambient -65 +125 TS Operating temperature. ambient -55 +100 TA Forward current, each LED 10 IF Reverse voltage, each LEO 4 VR for recommended resistor values. 7-162 ~ ·c rnA V XA[1ECfMAL AND NUI'I1I RIC DISPLAYS FOR IN9USTRIAL APPLICATIONS Flidl HIOH EFFICIENCY RED lOw POytTer HDSP'0760/0761/0762/0763 High Brlghtfless HDSP'0770/0771 10772/0763 YELLOW HDSP-0860/0861/0862Idss3 O~EEN H, PrrQ960LQ :1:/0962L0963 HEWLETT a:~ PACKARD Features • THREE COLORS High-Efficiency Red Yellow High Performance ,Green • THREE CHARACTER OPTIONS Numeric Hexadecimal Over Range o TWO HIGH-EFFICIENCY RED OPTIONS low Power High Brightness L o PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER TEMPERATURE o MEMORY lATCH/DECODER/DRIVER TTL Compatible Description o 4x7 DOT MATRIX CHARACTER o CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY o YEllOW AND GREEN CATEGORIZED FOR COLOR Typical Applications The numeric devices decode positive BOD logic in'to characters "0-9", a "-" sign, decimal paint, and a test pattern. The hexadecimal devices decode positive BCD logic into 16 characters, "0-9, A-F", An input is provided on the hexadecimal devices to blank the display (all LED's off) without losing the contents of the memory. o INDUSTRiAL EQUIPMENT o COMPUTER PERIPHERALS o INSTRUMENTATION o TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT The over range device displays "±1" and right hand decimal point and is typically driven via external switching transistors. Devices Pari Number HDSP0760 0761 0762 0763 0770 0771 0772 0763 0860 0861 0862 0863 0960 0961 0962 0963 These solid state display devices are designed and tested for use in adverse industrial environments. The character height is 7.4mm (0.29 inch). The numeric and hexadecimal devices incorporate an on-board 10 that contains the data memory, decoder and display driver functions. Description Numeric, Right Hand DP Numeric, Left Hand DP Hexadecimal Over Range ±1 Numeric, Right Hand DP Numeric, Left Hand DP Hexadecimal Over Range ±1 Numeric, Right Hand DP Numeric, Left Hand DP Hexadecimal Over Range ±1 Color High-Efficiency Red Low Power High-Efficiency Red High Brightness Yellow .. Numeric, Right Hand DP Numeric, Left Hand DP Hexadecimal Over Range ±1 Green 7-163 - - _ ..... - - - - - Front View A B C D A B C D A B C 0 A B 0 D package Dimensions f.-'0.2 MAX. 10.4001 C I ,.., ,-----J~U~N~C~T~IO~N~____~ I PIN 1 HEXA. DECIMAL NUMERIC 13.5 31 Lr-riT-rtMh-,...d I 5 L..... B ~0.'0° REAR VIEW 5 6 7 B PLANE 4 3 15 1.061 1151 I I * 1.3 1050) PIN 1 KEY I Inpu, 1 Inpu, 1 1. Dimensions in millimetres and (inches). 2. Digit center line is ±O.S8 mm (±O.015 inch) from package center line. 3. Unless othecwlse specIfied, the tolerance on all dimensions is ±O.3S mm (±O.015 inch). ~ ~ -~If TYP]~' D~ SEATING DATE CODE Latch enable END VIEW 'B LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY Latch enable 3.4 4. HDSP-0860 and HDSP-096Q series. 11_0.5 ±0.08 TYP. 10.020 ±0.003) 2.5 ±O,1a TYP. 10.1010.0OS) -j 2 tsETUP-t---......-t---......+tHOLD DATA INPUT ILOW LEVEL DATA) TAUTHTABLE x, 1.5V DATA INPUT IHIGH LEVEL DATA) NUMERIC HEXA· DECIMAL 1.5V H 90% H L H '''I H Figure 1. Timing Diagram Vee H 7~ H + INPUT DP(2) =: =: - 1(1 X2 X4 X8 H MATAlX LATCH MEMORY DECODER {BLANK) (BLANKI H (BLANK) .. tl ~ ' IBLANK) H "::-i. -1 OECIMAL PT, lil f-c0"'N"'________.....,.v;:.n::... L __ DP ENA8UI11 ~ .- H H H + OP BLANKING(3) CONTROL H H ENABLE LOGIC i H ~EO MATRI" DRIVER BLANKING ," f- OFF VD~· LATCH DATA V• • H DISPLAY·OFF VB "H H Notes: 1, H '" Logic High; L '" Logic Low. With the enable input at logic high changes in BCD input logic levels have no effect upon display memory, displayed character, or DP. 2. The decimal point input, DP, pertains only to the numeric displays, LED MATRIX 3. The blanking control input, e, pertains only to the hexadecimal displays. Blanking input has no effect upon display memory. GROUND Figure 2. Logic Block Diagram 7-164 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ..- - - - - - - - - - - - - Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Description Storage t~e, am~i.ent Operating ture, ambient 111 Supply vol 1 .,> ." Min. -65 -55 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 J;j; ,,' TA '. Vee VloVDP,V C volia'ge applied to input logic, dp and enable pins VOltCige applied to ~.!.anking input 121 VB Maximum solder temperature at 1.59mm (.062 inch) below se~ting plane; t ~ 5 seconds Max. Unit +tOO ob +§5 ·C +7.0 Vee V V Vee' V 260 °C Recommended Operating Conditions Description S,ymbol '\tee Supply Voltage 121 Op~rating temp~rature, ambient 111 TA tw Enable Pulse Width Time data must be held before positive transition of enable line Time data must be held after positive transition of enable line Enable pulse rise time HDSP-0760 Series HDSP-0770 Series HDSP-0860 Series HDSP-0960 Series Description Luminous intensity per LED (Digit Average)l3.4j Nom. 5.0 Max. 5:5 +85 Unit V ·C nsec tSET~P 50 nsec tHOW 50 nsec trLH 1.0 msec Max. Unit s.ov Optical Characteristics at TA Device Min. 4.5 -55 100 Symbol Iv Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength(5) APEAK Ad Luminous Intensity per LED (Digit Average)f3.4] Iv Min. 65 260 Typ. 140 !,cd 635 nm 626 nm 620 !,cd Peak Wavelength APEAK 635 nm Dominant Wavelength l5j Ad 626 nm Luminous Intensity per LED (Digit Average)'3-AJ Iv 490 /lcd Peak Wavelength APEAK 583 nm Dominant Wavelength!5,6J Ad 585 nm Luminous intensity per LED (Digit Average)13.4J Iv 1100 !,cd nm nm 215 298 Peak Wavelength APEAK 568 Dominant Wavelength lS.6J Ad 574 Notes: 1. The nominal thermal resistance of a display mounted in a socket that is soldered onto a printed circuit board is RBJA =50°C/W/device. The device package thermal resistance is RBJ-PIN = 15°C/W/device. The thermal· resistance device pin-to-ambient through the PC board should not exceed 35'C/W/device for operation at TA = +85°C. 2. Voltage values are with respect to device ground, pin 6. 3. These displays are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter code located on the back of the display package. Case temperature of the device immediately prior to the light measurement is equal to 25' C. 7-165 Electrical Characteristics; TA Descrlpllon Supply Current Power Dissipation = -55°C to +85°C Symbol HOSP-0760 Series HDSP-0770 Series HDSP-0860 Series HOSP·0960 Series Icc HDSP-0760 Series HDSP-0770 Series HOSP-0860 Series HDSP·0960 Series Pr Test Conditions Min. Typ.l71 Max.' Unit 78 lOS Ycc'" 5.SV 120 175 (characters "S." or "8" displayed) 390 S73 690 963 mA mW Logic, Enable and Blanking Low-Level Input Voltage VIL Logic, Enable and Blanking High-Level Input Voltage VIH Logic and Enable Low-Level Input Current ttL Vee = S.SV Blanking Low-Level Input Current leL Logic, Enable and Blanking High-Level Input Current hH 0.8 M Vee'" 4.5V . V V -1.6 mA VIL = OAV -10 Vee =S.SV VIH"" 2AV +40 p,A p,A Weight 1.0 Leak Rate gm 5xl0-S cc/sec Notes: 4. The luminous intensity at a specific operating ambient temperature, Iv (TA) may be approximated from the following expotential equation: Iv ITA = Iv 125'C) elk ITA' 25' C1 1. Device HDSP-0760 Series HDSP-0770 Series HDSP-0660 Series HOSP-09S0 Series K -O.0131/'C -O.0112!'C -O.0104/'C 5. The dominant wavelength, Ad, is derived from the CIE Chromaticity Diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 6. The HDSP-0860 and HDSP-0960 series devices are categorized as to dominant wavelength with the category designated by a number on the back side of the display package. 7. All typical values at Vee = 5.0V and TA = 25' C. Operational Considerations ELECTRICAL These devi'ces use a modified 4 x 7 dot matrix of light emitting diode to display decimal/hexadecimal numeric information. The high efficiency red and yellow LED's are GaAsP epitaxial layer on a GaP transparent substrate. The green LED's are GaP epitaxial layer on a GaP.transparent substrate. The LED's are' driven by constant current drivers, BCD information is accepted by the display memory when the enable line is at logic low and the data is latched when the enable is at logic high. Using the enable pulse width and data setup and hold times listed in the Recommended Operating Conditions allows data to be clocked into an array of displays at a 6.7 MHz rate. blanked at a minimum threshold level of 2.0 volts. When blanked, the display standby power is nominally 2S0 mW at TA = 2S'C. The decimal point input is active low true and this data is latched into the display memory in the same fashion as the BCD data. The decimal point LED is driven by the onboard IC. " Post solder cleaning may be accomplished using water, Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for vapor cleaning processing (up to 2 minutes in vapors at boiling) or Freon/alcohol mixutres formulated for room temperature cleaning. Suggested solvents: Freon TF, Freon TE, Genesolv DI-1S, Genesolv DE-1S. The blanking control input on the hexadecimal displays blanks (turns off) the displayed information without disturbing the contents of display memory. The display is MECHANICAL The primary thermal path for power dissipation is through the device leads. Therefore, to insure reliable operation up to an ambieni temperature of +85'C, it is important to maintain a cast-to-ambient thermal resistance of less than 35° C wattldevice as measured on top of display ~n3. ' 7-166 CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT These display devices are designed to provide an optimum ON/OFF contrast when placed behind an appropriate contrast enhancement filter. The following filters are suggested: Ambient Lighting Display Color Dim HDSP-0860 Series Yellow Panelwaphic Yellow 27 Chequers Amber 107 Moderate Bright Polaroid HNCP 37 3M light Control Film Polaroid Gray HNCP10 HOYA Yellowish-OraAge HLF-608-3Y Marks Gray MCP-0301-8·10 Panelgraphic Gray 10 HDSP-0760 Series HDSP-0770 Series High Efficiency Red Panelgraphic Ruby Red 60 Chequers Red 112 HDSP-0960 Series HP Green Panelgraphic Green 48 Chequers Green 107 Chequers Grey 105 Polaroid Gray HNCP10 HOYA Yellow-Green HLF-608-1G Marks Yellow-Green MCP-0101-5-12 Over Range Display Absolute Maximum Ratings The over range devices display u±1 u and decimal pOint. The character height and package configuration are the same as the numeric and hexadecimal devices. Character selection is obtained via external switching transistors and current limiting resistors. DeScription Storage Temperature, Ambient Operating Temperature Ambient Forward Current, Each LED Reverse Voltage, Each LED package Dimensions I-(~O~) MAX'_I ,&,,L,,&,"§" --.1.5 _. ~('O6) [1 7.4 4.8 (.29) (.19) IT .• .i• I ---t-iiT or- 1.9 li'r'p 0 Pin 1 2 :l j:)(T i'1''2' 1'3' 'i C .075 }s 13.5 3.3 (0.13) 4 5 6 Plus Numeral One Numeral One DP. Open Open 7 8 Minus/Plus Vee FRONT VIEW - 1 Decimal Point Blank I I I ~'7 UnU +100 ·0 TA -55 +85 ·0 IF 10 I mA VA 5 V >-- - - ,,2' R, R, ~ Pin 2,3 4 1 0 X X 0 X X X X 1 0 Vee'" 5.0V 8 1 ~'7 ., '7 ~ #3 1 1 X 0 Max. -65 ~7 L_ X Min. ----------"1 r---------PLUS NUMERAL ONE MINUS PLUS I I .....-'----, r---'I I ~;p ~'7 '7 ~'7 '7 ~ I ~ I ~'7 Note: 1. Dimensions in millimetres and (inches). + Symbol Ts Function ;) ::':haf8cler Polaroid Gray HNCP10 HOYA Reddish-Orange HLF-608-SR Marks Gray Mep-OS01-8-l0 Marks Reddish-Orange MCP-020l-2-22 --#8'>- - - ---- #4 R, '::' 1 X Figure 3. Typical Driving Circuit X 0 Notes: 0: Line switching transistor in Figure 7 cutoff. 1: Line switching transistor in Figure 7 saturated. X: 'don't care' 7-167 ~ '---r- #;< RJ RJ '::' '7 '::' I I I __oJ Recommended Operating Conditions. Vee = 5.0V Luminous Intensity Per LED Forward Device Low Power HDSP-0763 High Brightness HDSP-0863 HDSP-0983 Current Per lEO, mA 2.8 8 8 B Electrical Characteristics; TA =-55°C to +85°C Device DeSCription HD$P·0763 Power Dissipation (all LED's lIIuminatedl HDSP·08S3 HDSP-D963 I PT Forward Voltage per LED VF Power DI$$ipation (aU LED's Illuminated I Pr Forward Voltage per LED Power DI$$lpation (all LED's Illuminated) Forward Voltage per LED Test Condition Symbol IF"" 2.8 mA IF=8mA IF" 2.8 mA IF=8 mA Min. Max. Units =ij~ 282 mW 237 282 Typ. 72 g.? V mW IF"" 6 mA VF 1.90 243 - Pr IF =8 mA VF 1.85 7·168 2.2 V 282 mW 2.2 V r Flio- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD LEADFRAME MOUNTED SEVEN SEGMENT IVIONOLITHIC NUMERIC INDICATORS 508+-740017430 SERIES Features • COMPACT PACKAGE SIZES .25" Package Width .150" and .200" Digit Spacing • STROBED OPERATION Minimizes Lead Connections • FULLY ENCAPSULATED STANDARD DIP PACKAGES End Stackable Integral Red Filter Extremely Rugged Construction • I.C. COMPATIBLE • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INT-ENSITY Assures uniformity of light output from unit to unit within single category. Description The HP 5082-7400/-7430 series are 2.79 mm (.11"), seven segment GaAsP numeric indicators packaged in 2, 3,4 and 5 digit clusters. An integral magnification technique increases the luminous intensity, thereby making low power consumption possible. Options include either the standard lower right hand decimal pOint or a centered decimal point. . Applicaiions include mobiJe.telephones, hand held calculators, portable instruments and many other products requiring compact, rugged, long lifetime active indicators. Device Selection Guide Configuration Digits per Cluster Device 2 (right) I 3 IBIBlal 4 5 IBIBI IBIBIBIBI IBIBIBIBIBI Inter·Digit Spacing mm (inches) Part Number Center Decimal Point Right Decimal Point 5.08 (,200) 5082·7432 5.08 (.200) 50'12·7433 3.81 (.150) 5082·7404 5082·7414 5082·7405 5082·7415 J 3.81 (.150) 7-169 Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol( Parameter Min. Max. Units Peak Forward Current per Segment or dp (Duration < 500 /-Is) 5082-7432/7433 IPEAK 50 mA Peak Forwa'rd Current per Segment or dp (Duration < 1 mseo) 5082-7404174051741417415 IPEAK 110 mA Average Current per Segment or dp IAVG 5 mA Power Dissipation per Dlgit!11 Po 80 mW Operating Temperature, Ambient TA -40 75 ·C Storage Temperature Ts -40 100 ·C Reverse Voltage VR V 5 Solder Temperature 1/16" below seating plane (t $ 3 8ec)12 1 230 ' ·C Max. Units Notes: 1. Derate linearly @ 1 mW/oC above 25°C ambient. 2. See Mechanical section for recommended flux removal solvents .. Electrical/Optical CharacteristiCS at TA Parameter Luminous Intensity/Segment or dpl3.41 5082-743217433 Luminous Intensity/Segment or dpl3.41 (Time Averaged) 5082·7404174051741417415 Symbol Test Condition Min. Typ. Iv IAVG = 500 /-IA (lPK =5 mA duty cycle"" 10%) 10 40 /-Icd Iv IAVG = 1 mA IPK =10 mA dutY cycle"" 10%) 5 20 /-Icd 655 Peak Wavelength APEAK Forward Voltage/Segment or dp 5082-7432/-7433 VF IF =5 mA 1.55 2.0 nm V Forward Voltage/Segment or dp 5082-7404174051741417415 VF IF'" 10 mA 1.55 2.0 V I Reverse Voltage/Segment or dp VR Rise and Fall Timel51 tr, If V 5 IR = 200 /-IA ns 10 NOTES: 3. The digits are categorized for luminous intensity. Intensity categories are designated by a letter located on the back side"of the ' package. 4. Each character of the display is matched for luminous intensity at the test conditions shown. Operation of the display at lower peak currents may cause intensity mismatch within the display. Operation at peak currents less than 5.0 mA may cause objectionable display segment matching. 5. Time for a 10%-90% change of light intensity for step change in current. 5082-743217433 'B "I I- C Z ~~ «C> 1000 I 500 400 300 DUTY CVCL~ • 5% " ':.~ I ffi~ 200 >0: «~ w> 100 C1~. A:! 1-:> C Z ~ :> -> 50 40 30 ,20 ~ Z w ij / ii: ::; ". 1/ 11'/ Iht? 10 0,1 0.2 0.3 '-'" I ,8 .6 ~ ,4 . 2 1,0 w 0: I " 1.0 V "" 1,2 5 I / 1/ 0.5 1,4 w > '& 'Y 3E11- .. ->Z >", ., 5082-7432n433 1,6 3 5 I ,2 00 10 "'AVG - AVe'RAGE CURRENT'PER SEGMENT - rnA 5 10 16 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER SEGMENT - I1'IA Figure 1. Typical Time Averaged Luminous Intensity per Segment (Digit Average) VB. Current per Segment. Figure 2. Relative Luminous Efficiency va. Peak Current per Segment. ' 7-170 - - - - -_._----_. - - - - - - - - ------------- __.- _ . _ - - - - - - - 5082~7404/7405/7414/7415 5082-7404/74Q5/7414/7415 > I- - 1.8 0; [iii "C ~ E, &%/ lOy ~ .15 ~ffi .10 ~ ~ .08 ~~ a!:: ~§ /77 ~g -'w ,,~ ~" ,0 1 ~~ 1.2 w 1.0 ~w .8 I .6 ~ .4 a: // v,~ 0.4 ifw > ~o/w ":; 1.4 U ~ t;I DUTY CYCLE· ,04 ~~ ,02 I-a: 20% I.V/ ,06 1--;- 1.6 > "Z w ~ I II / V .2 0.6 0.8 1.0 4,0 2.0 00 6.0 l.vI • - AVERAGE CURRENT PER SEGMENT - rnA 20 40 60 80 100 IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER SEGMENT - mA Figure 4. Relative Luminous Efficiency vs. Peak Current per Segment. Figure 3. Typical Time Averaged Luminous Intensity per Segment (Digit Average) vs. Average Current per Segment. 5082-7400/7430 SERIES 80 < ~ 5.0 r----..--,--sr-O..,.RA""'G""EC"A-NO.,...-..--.,..., II 60 I- k--j::!t:::=t=:;;-~~t~~TlNG -I==~:!-I ~ a: a: ::J " a 40 i o .. 20 I ~ 00 -I .4 .8 1_2 1.6 .4 '--..J.._...l-_'--..J.._~---''--UII 2,0 2.4 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - 2,8 3.2 -60 v -40 -20 a 20 40 60 80 Tc - CASE TEMPERATURE - °c Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Case Temperature at Fixed Current Level. Figure 5. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. Electrical/optical The 5082-740017430 series devices utilize a monolithic GaAsP chip of 8 common cathode segments for each display digit. The segment anodes of each digit are interconnected, forming an 8 by N line array, where N is the number of characters in the display. Each chip is positioned under an integrally molded lens giving a magnified character height of 2.79mm (0.11) inches. Satisfactory viewing will be realized within an angle of ±SO· for the 7404174051741417415 and ±20· for the 743217433, measured from the center line of the digit. .Mechanical The decimal point in the 7432, 7433, 7414, and 7415 displays is-located at the lower right of the digit for conventional driving schemes. The 5082-7404 and 7405 displ!lYs contain a centrally located decimal point which is activated ih place of a digit. In long registers, this technique of setting off the decimal point significantly improves the display'S readability. With' respect to timing, the decimal point is treated as a separate character with its own unique time frame. 'To improve display contrast, the plastic incorporates a red dye that absorbs strongly at all visible wavelengths except the 655 nm emitted by the LED. An additional filter, such as Plexiglass 2423, Panelgraphic 60 or 63, and SGL Homalite 100-1605, will further lower the ambient reflectance and improve display contrast. 7-171 The 5082-740017430 series package is a: standard 12 or 14 Pin DIP consisting of a plastic encapsulated lead frame with integral molded lenses. It is designed for plugging into DIP sockets or soldering into PC boards. The lead frame construction allows use of standard DIP insertion tools and techniques. Alignment problems are simplified dueto the clustering of digits in a single package. The shoulders of the lead frame pins are intentionally raised above the bottom of the package to allow tilt mounting of up to 20· . from the PC board. To optimize device optical performance, specially. developed plastics are used which restrict the solvents that may be used for cleaning. It is recommended that only mixtures of Freon (F113) and alcohol be used for vapor cleaning processes, with an immersion time in the vapors of less than two (2) minutes maximum. Some suggested vapor cleaning solvents are Freon TE, Genesolv 01-15 or DE-15, Arklone A or K. A 60·C (140·C) water cleaning process may also be used, which includes a neutralizer rinse (3% ammonia solution or equivalent), a surfactant rinse (1% detergent solution or equivalent), a hot water rinse and a thorough air dry. Room temperature cleaning may be accomplished with Freon T-E35 or T -P35, Ethanol, Isopropanol or water with a mild detergent. package Description 5082-7404, -7405, -7414, -7415 Notes: 6. Dimensions in millimeters and (inches). 7. Tolerances on all dimension are ±.38 mm (±.015 in.) unless otherwise noted. 6.35.± 0.25 1.2S0' .010) ~~2rE~~~ 7.62± 0.25 1.('300±,0101.1 LED LriB~I 2.54 (.100) REF. 5° REF.-I Figure 7. 5082-7404/7414 0.25 (.010)-.\ I-- Figure 9. 5082-7404174051 Figure 8. 5082-7405/7415. 741417415 Magnified Character Font Description O"~'O"" """"m""" ""'"~ r:~!",j DEVICES ~::~:;::: 'T DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS AND (INCHES), , EJ '. . 1.57. (.062) REF. ~I I -/ '"~ d- :l" DEVICES 5082-7414 5082-7415 U ~. 9 so e d Figure 10. Center Decimal Point Configuration Figure 11. Right Decimal Point Configuration Device Pin Description 5082-7404/7414 5082-740517415 FUNCTION. CATHODE 1 CATHODE 1 .2 ANODEe ANODEe 3 ANODEc ANODEc 4 CATHODE 3 CATHODE 3 S ANODEdp ANODEdp 6 7 OATHODE4 ANODEd ANODEg CATHODES 8 9 10 ANODEd ANODEg ANODE! CATHODE 4 OATHODE2 ANODEf 11 ANODE!> SEE NOTE 8 12 13 ANODE a ANODE!> - OATHODE2 PIN NO. 1 14 27~~~1I .1. FUNCTION ANODE a Note 8: Leave Pin Unconnected. 7-172 d~ dP. .79 (.031) REF. ' .53 (.021) REF. Package Description 5082-7432, -7433 NOTES' 9. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMOTERS AND HNC~ESI. 10. TOLERANCES ON ALL DIMENSIONS ARE 0.038 ,(.0151 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. Figure 11. Magnified Character Font Description DEVICES 5082·7432 5082-7433 DIMENSIONS IN MILliMETERS AND IINCHESI. Figure 12. Device Pin Description PIN 5082·7432 508~·7433 NUMBER FUNCTION FUNCTION 1 SEE NOTE 11. ANODEe ANODEd CATHOOE 2 ANOOEc ANODEdp CATHODE 3 ANODE b ANODEg ANOOEa ANODEf SEE NOTE 11. CATHODE 1 ANODEe ANODEd CATHODE 2 ANODEc ANODEdp CATHODE 3 ANODEb ANOOEg ANODE a ANOOEf SEE NOTE 11. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NOT E 11. Leave Pin unconnected. 7-173 rli~ HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD MOUNTED SEVEN SEGMENT NUMERIC INDICATORS 5082-720017440 SERIES Features • MOS COMPATIBLE • AVAILABLE IN 9 TO 16 DIGIT CONFIGURATIONS • CHARACTER HEIGHTS OF .105", .115" AND .175" • LOW POWER • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Description The HP-5082-720017440 series of displays are seven segment GaAsP Numeric Indicators mounted on printed circuit boards. A plastic lens magnifies the digits and includes an integral protective bezel. Character heights of .105" (2.67 mm), .115" (2.92 mm) and .175" (4.45 mm) are available. For large quantity applications, digit string lengths of 8,12 and 14 digits are available by special order. Applications are hand held calculators and portable equipment requiring compact, low power, long lite time, active displays. Device Selection Guide Part Number Digits Per PC Board Decimal Point Package Character Height (mm) in. Inter-Digit . Spacing (mm) in. (5.08) .200" 5082-7441 9 Right Hand Fig. 9 (2.67) .105" 5082-7446 16 Right Hand Fig. 11 (2.92) .115" i3.81) .150" 5082-7285 5 Right Hand Fig. 14 (4.45) .175" (5.84) .230" 5082-7295 15 Right Hand Fig. 13 (4.45) .175" (5.84) .230" 7-174 Maximum Ratings 5082-7441/7446 Symbol Parameter Peak Forward Current per Segment or dp (Duration < 500/ls) Min. IpEAK Average Current per Segment or dp[l]' IAVG Power Dissipation per Digit [2] Po Operating Temperature, Ambient TA Storage Temperatu re Ts Reverse Voltage VR Max. Units 50 mA 3 mA 50 mW -20 +85 -20 +85 °c °c Solder Temperature at connector edge (t";3 sec.)13) 3 V 230 °c NOTES: 1. Derate linearly at O.lmAfC above 60°C ambient. 2. Derate linearly at 1.7rrlNfC above 60°C ambient. 3. See Mechanical section for recommended soldering techniques and flux removal solvents. Maximum Ratings 5082-7285/7295 Parameter Symbol Peak Forward Current per Segment or OP (Duration <35!'s) IpEAK Average Current per Segment or DP ,41 Max. Min. Units' m,A' • 200 IAVG 7 mA Power Dissipation per Diglt i51 Pn 125 mW Operating Temperature. Ambient TA -20 +70 ·C Storage Temperature Ts -20 +80 °C Reverse Voltage VR Solder Temperature at connector edge (t';;3 sec.)161 3 V 230 ·C NOTES: 4. Derate linearly at 0.12mA/oC above 25°C ambient. 5. Derate linearly at 2.3mW/oC above 25°C ambient. 6. See Mechanical section for recommended soldering techniques and flux removal solvents. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA Parameter Symbol Luminous Intensity/Segment or dp[7] 5082·7441 25°C 5082-7441/7446 Test Condition Min. Typ. IAVG = 500llA (lPK = 5mA duty cycle 10%) 9 40 /led 5mA Peak 1/16 Duty Cycle 7 35 /led 655 nm 1.55 V = Iv 5082-7446 Peak Wavelength Apeak Forward Voltage/Segment or dp VF IF =5mA Max. Units NOTES:, 7. Each character of the display is matched for luminous intenSity at the test 'conditions shown. Operation of the display at lower pea'k currents may cause intensity mismatch within the display. Operation at peak currents less than 3.5 mA may cause objectionable display segment matching. 7-175 50 ".... E 0 1000 1 45 I .... 500 400 2 cWW 40 ffi 35 ::> 30 to::; 300 a: 25 w> 20 -'2 a: a: "ca: ~ a: ~ "" ~ 0 .!: ~ .... ...... ", ;; 5 .. .2 .4 / .8 1;0 1.2 3 1.4 1.6 1.6 5 4:-.." 3 ......... :::::--.. 2 ~ 0 2 ;; 3 w > f' ~ a: 0.2 0.3 1.4 > u 1.2 U 1.0 ffi ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 > ~ :::-... ~ a: 0 ~ -40 TA -20 - 0 20 1.0 2 3 10 5 V I - W "~ 0.1 -60 0.5 Figure 2. Typical Time Averaged Luminous Intensity per Segment vs. Average Current per Segment. 10 ~ V. V.V/ / ,oh~ II IAVG - AVERAGE CURRENT PER SEGMENT - rnA Figure 1. Peak Forward Current vs. Peak Forward Voltage. > .... 50 40 30 0.1 1.8 2.0 ~ !/ ~ vy 100 " 20 0 2 VF - ?EAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - V . 10"AI<- 2°~1 <~ 0 0 :i.... OUTY CYCLE .. 5%" 40 60 80 8 / .6 11 .4 .2 00 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _oC 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 IPEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER SEGMENT - rnA Figure 4. Relative Luminous Efficiency vs. Peak Current per Segment. Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Ambient Temperature at Fixed Current Level. Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA =25°C 5082-7285/7295 Symbol Test Condition Min. Typ. Luminous IntensitY/Segment or dp (Time Averaged) 15 digit display 5082-72951 8 .10 1 Parameter I, I"g. = 2 mA (30 mA Peak 1/15 duty cycle) 30 90 pod Luminous Intensity/Segment or dp (Time Averaged) 5 digit display 5082-7285 18,10 1 Iv I..g. = 2 mA (10 mA Peak 1/5 duty cycle) 30 70 pod Forward Voltage per Segment or dp 5082-7295 15 digit display VF IF = 30mA 1.60 2.3 V Forward Voltage per Segment or dp 5082-7285 5 digit display VF IF = 10 mA 1.55 2.0 V Peak Wavelength DominanIWavelength[9[ Max. Units APEAK 655 nm Ad 640 nm Reverse Current per Segment or dp IR Temperature Coefficient of Forward Voltage t:NF/'C VR=5V 10 pA -2.0 mVI'C -~ NOTES: 8. The luminous intensity at a specific ambient temperature, Iv (TA), may be calculated from this relationship: Iv(TA) = IVI250CI (,985) ITA - 25°CI. 9. The dominant wavelength. Ad, is derived from the C.I.E. Chromaticity Diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 10. Each character of the display is matched for luminous intensity at the test conditions shown. Operation of the display at lower peak currents may cause intensity mismatch within the display. Operation at peak currents less than 6.0 mA may cause objectionable display segment matching. 7-176 200 I 180 ~, 160 ... 150: 140 0: => 120 C 100 "a: '3:" 0: l2 80 ~'" 60 -'= 20 40 0 .8 ./ 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 IAVO - AVERAGE CURRENT PER SEGMENT - rnA V F - PEAK FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 6. Typical Time Averaged Luminous Intensity per Segment vs. Average Current per Segment. Figure 5. Peak Forward Current vs. Peak Forward Voltage. > 1.8 f---+-+-l-+-+--+--+--Jr--t---- ffiCj 1.7 1.6~ r=:t:t=t=6l=+~~=R ~ 1.51-++7l-1.e-::=1-+-+-+--i-t--i :;; > ~ : ~ ~ V-+-+-+-+-+-+--+----I 1.4I-hof 1.31----+t/'+-l-t-+--+--+--J-t-1 12 1---+--+--t-t-+--t---T--J-t-1 1.1 f-H L_I-+-+-+--i-t--i--+-I ':: f-'HL-t--++---t-I-+-+-+--J .71---+--+--+-!--+--t--+-t-t-1 o~o -40 -20 0 20 40 T A - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ 60 ~o 80 "c m ~ W W 100 lWl~l~ l00WO IpEAK - PEAK CURRENT PER SEGMENT - rnA Figure 7. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Ambient Temperature at Fixed Current Level. Mechanical These devices are constructed on a standard printed circuit board substrate. A separately molded plastic lens is attached to the PC board over the digits. The lens is an acrylic styrene material that gives good optical lens performance, but is subject to sc~atching so care should be exercised in handling. Figure 8. Relative Luminous Efficiency vs. Peak Current per Segment. displays should be stored in the unopened shipping packages until they are used. Further information on the storage, handling, and cleaning of silver plated components is contained in Hewlett-Packard Application Bulletin NO.3. Electrical/Optical The device may be mounted either by use of pins which may be hand soldered into the plated through holes at the connector edge of the PC board or by insertion into a standard PC board connector. The devices may be hand soldered for up to 3 seconds per tab at a maximum soldering temperature of 230°C. Heat should be applied only to the edge connector tab areas of the PC board. Heating other areas of the board to temperatures in excess of 85°C can result in permanent damage to the display. It is recommended that a non-activated rosin core wire solder or a low temperature deactivating flux and solid wire solder be used in soldering operations. The PC board is silver plated. To prevent the formation of a tarnish (Ag2S) which could impair solderability the 7-177 The HP 5082-7441, -7446, -7285 and 7295 devices utilize a monolithic GaAsP chip containing 7 segments and a decimal point for each display digit. The segments of each digit are interconnected, forming an 8 by N line array, where N is the number of digits in the display. Each chip is positioned under a separate element of a plastic magnifying lens, producing a magnified character. Satisfactory viewing will be realized within an angle of approximately ±20° from the centerline of the digit. A filter, such as plexiglass 2423, Panelgraphic 60 or 63, and Homalite 100-1600, will lower the ambient reflectance and improve display contrast. Digit encoding of these devices is performed by standard 7 segment decoder driver circuits. package Dimensions 1.02±.38 - (.040 ± ,015) -) r. ~'7;~~---·--~---- --5:~~;7(:'~:O)---------- (.030) I -(l.940±.010)----~ 5.08 (.200) TYP. ~ t 7.11 ± .38 (.2ao± ,015) --'-12'70 ± .38 -.1___ _ - ! DIGIT =1 .LT-_._-_i- _-_-:.-_-_-_~l~...~"':~...Il '"'<;~ ~ ~"'!...~ j})'"'~t)i-!(iI':!-~ ~ ~'"'\~-:(j'I~ ~1.~":':~!. I~ L _I 720 1 ...-:..--.. _1._-,1,-'0_15_--,---t--- ... 2 1.91 ± .38 (.075± .015) 5.08 _ 3 4 5 6 7 8 L (.500± .015) 18.9±.38 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 \ 1.....-.- 2.54 (.100) NON·CUMULATIVE (.200) 1.02± .13 (,040±.OOS) DIA, TYP, LB,mu, 1.202 ± .0121 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in millimeters and (inches). 2. Logo and part number ara on back of package. 3. Secondary 1.25X magnifier that slides into primary lens and increases character height to 3.33 (.131) available as special product. 4. Tolerances: ±.88 (.015) Figure 9. 5082-7441 Magnified Character Font Description 5082-7441 Note: All dimensions in millimeters and (inches). Figure 10. Device Pin Description Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6082·7441 Function Dig. 1 Cathode Seg. c Anode Dig. ;1 Cathode d,p. Anode Dig. 3 Cathode Seg. a Anode Dig. 4 Cathode Seg. e Anode Dig. 5 CathOde 7-178 Pin No. 6082-7441 Function 10 Seg, d Anode 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Dig. 6 Cathode Seg. gAnode Dig. 7 Cathode Seg. bAnode Dig. 8 Cathode Seg. f Anode Dig. 9 Cathode ----------------~~~- package Dimensions 1----------- (~~:~: ~~:)------- ~~ j I----------(~~~~: ~~~)-----------·ll -- .I ++++--'j11.18 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (';r) 1.02 (.0401 DIA PLATED THRU 24 HOLES (.52 (.248' .0151 5.64 (.2221 +- 1.581.25 1--1 ,-,'''' M "l". 13.34,o.38 6.30'0'38 t~r!J1..~"w 4.72 ± 0.38 1.186:!: .015) Figure 11. 5082-7446 Magnified Character Font Description NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES AND (INCHES). 2. TOLERANCES ON ALL DIMENSIONS ARE to.3D (.0151 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. Figure 12. Device Pin Description Pin 5082-7446 Function No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 Cathode-Digit 1 Cathode-Digit 2 Cathode-Digit 3 Cathode-Digit 4 Cathode-Digit 5 Anode-Segment e Cathode-Digit Anode-Segment d Cathode-Digit 7 Anode-Segment a Cathode-Digit 8 Anode-Segment DP Cathode-Digit 9 Anode-Segment c Cathode-Digit 10 Anode-Segment g Cathode-Digit 11 Anode-Segment b Cathode-Digit 12 Anode-Segment f Cathode-Digit 13 Cathode-Digit 14 Cathode-Digit 15 Cathode-Digit 16 e 7-179 package Dimensions ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS AND (INCHES!. r- I~--------------(~:~~: :O!~I_--_-_-_-==~_-_-_--_·-_-_--_-_-_-_--··-------~I (3.590± .0151 - - (~2~b) TYP. 1_------ . (Oig~1 ~~~T ,(~i~~1 _ 45.59± 0.38 (1.795±",015).. ~ 28.32 ±0.38 (1.'1S± .015) 15.24± 0.38 (.GOO± .015) (~1~~) DIA. TYP. Figure 13. 5082-7295 Magnified Character Font Description Device Pin Description DEVICE Pin 5082.7295 No. Function 1 2 3 5082-7295 4 5 6 7 I> 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 d.p. 17 18 19 20 ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS AND (INCHES). 21 22 2~ Figure 14. 7-180 lr TOLERANCES ARE ±O.20 (±.OOS) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Cathode Digit 1 Cathode Digit 2 Cathode Digit 3 Cathode Digit 4 Anode Segment dp Cathode Digit 5 Anode Segment c Cathode Digit 6 Anode Segment e Cathode Digit 7 Anode Segment a Cathode Digit 8 Anode Segment 9 Cathode Digit 9 Anode Segment d Cathode Digit to Anode Segment f Cathode Digit 11 .Anode Segment b Cathode Digit 12 Cathode Digit 13 Cathode Digit 14 Cathode Digit 15 HEIGHT , . Hermetic Displays 7-181 JAN QUALIFIED, HERMETIC, NUMERIC AND HEXADECIMAL DISPLAYS FOR HIOH AiLiABILITY APPLICATIONS FliDW HEWLETT a:~ PACKARD 4N51/4N51TXV / 4N52 / 4N52TXV I 4N53 I 4N53TXV / 4N54! 4N54TXV I M87157/00101ACX M87157/00102ACX M87157/00103ACX M87157/00104ACX Features • MILITARY QUALIFIED LISTED ON MIL-D-87157 QPL • TRUE HERMETIC PACKAGE • TXV VERSION AVAILABLE • THREE CHARACTER OPTIONS Numeric, Hexadecimal, Over Range • 4 x 7 DOT MATRIX CHARACTER • PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER TEMPERATURE • HIGH TEMPERATURE STABILIZED • GOLD PLATED LEADS • MEMORY LATCH/DECODER/DRIVER TTL Compatible • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY part numbers are defined as follows: "Pi' signifies MIL-D87157 Quality Level A, "C" signifies gold plated leads, "X" signifies the luminous intensity category. Description These standard red solid state displays have a 7.4 mm (0.29 inch) dot matrix character and an on-board IC with data memory latch/decoder and LED drivers in a glass/ ceramic package. These devices utilize a solder glass frit seal and conform to the hermeticity requirements of MILe 0-87157, the general specification for LED. displays. These 4N5X series displays are deSigned for use in military and aerospace applications. These military qualified displays are designated as M87157/ 00101ACX through -/00104ACX in the MIL-D-87157 Qualified Parts List (QPL).The letter deSignations at the end of the The 4N51 numeric display decodes positive 8421 BCD logic inputs into .characters 0-9; a "-" sign, a test pattern, and four blanks in the invalid BCD states. The unit employs a right-hand decimal point. The 4N52 is the same as the 4N51 except that the decimal point is located on the left-hand side of the digit. The 4N54 hexadecimal display decodes positive 8421 logic inputs into 16 states, 0-9 and A-F. In place of the decimal point an input is provided for blanking the display (all LED's off), without losing the contents of the memory. The 4N53 is a "±1." overrange display, including a righthand decimal point. Package Dimensions * ".2 MAX "1 j ~ .:...... ....... - . (0.4,001 1.5 (0.061 - 7.4 (0.291 1 1.5 (0.06) ~:. •••• N51 5.' ...... :ttj.!l .... • 13.5 10.531 :- t-l-_- (D.22} •. i -, '"r::r'CM--n::r'- ...1_ 3.' ---I -' 7 7. , 7' (0.29) (0.29) 1. (~~6;) . , 8 · ... I ·.--1. 13.5 (0.53) 4 •• --L...: 2 'JEDEC Registered Data. 3.' (.135) 1rJi 2.5 =0,13 TYP. (.10 :!:.005) 1 MIL.STD.MARKING(Sl 7-182 Latch enable enable Input 1 I. 1.061 1:3TVP_~' ~~'----J. 11_ 0.5(.020'0.08:!:.OO~) TVP. {.0501 PIN 1 KEY Input 4 InputS Sianking DATA v. =L v. -H lATCH DATA I>'SPLAV.ON DISPLAY,OfF Va -L VB 'H 1, H =Logic High; L =LogiC Low. With the enable Input at logic. high changes in BCD inputloglc levels or D,P, input have no effect upon display memory. displayed character. or D,P. 2. The decimal point Input. DP. pertains only to the 4N51 and 4N52 displays, . 3, The blanking control input. B. pertains only to the4N54hexadecimai display, Blanking Input has no effect upon display memory, 350 1., 300 I I I Vcc""s.ov Tc"'2S C Q V / •• :::: ~ NDtes: .5 / ;": ," MATRIX Figure 2. Block Diagram 014N51-4N54 Serlel Logic; ...... /' !::: .. ! ~ED GROUND 1 6 "1 }:) H H '- , .:::f." Ii OpI21 4 - 01' ~ :::: f..l (BLANK) H MAT1<,X DECODER '''t .;:~ !. L H H ~. C: .::; H H ~~ ;:::.... '-' 1'" H Ii Vee ,", .'! Ii Figure 1. Timing Diagram 01 4N51-4N54 "ENABLE .... " H L Pin. 4NS4 .1+'. -t." V ~ ",250 '"rJ ~ 200 ~ 150 "~, V \. "_= f'.. r... r-.... Figure 3. Typical Blanklng.Control Current VB. Voltage lor 4N54. ....... ".-'BV r- l""- -... -... ~V t- 50 • -"v ....... 100 ·55 -40 VB - BLANKING VOLTAGE V~'5.Jv v."OVv,"ov \Ia- • .BV -20 ,20 40 60 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - 80 Figure 4. Typical Blanking Control Input Current VB. Ambient . Temperature lor 4N54. "JEDEC Registered Data. 7-184 6 •• 100 °c V E - LATCH ENABLE VOLTAGE - V Figure 5. Typical Latch Enable Input Current VB. Voltage. ~~~--~--- -1. 1.0 I • 0 ~ ...z1-1.• - 26 r- ITC .2l; C 1 _ Vee" s.ov -1, 6 - r-. ~ -1. 2 Vee" 5.0V G -1. 0 V1L .. u § -.,I't I _, 6 " \ 2 • 2 0 a v~'" 1.0 o.av: -- -~----- I ...Z ..,I 2'22 I a~ - rr-~ !z ... gj I 20 Vcc "'5.QV 18 '-- V'H-"'2.4V / ~ u 16 z'" X i2 "'" ~~ / 14 :I: X 12 CC, :§! V ~ ~ _w 9 2.0 3,0 4.0 5.0 o -55 -40 V1N - LOGIC VOLTAGE - V Figure 6. Typical Logic and Decimal Point Input Current vs. Voltage. -20 20 40 60 80 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _·C 100 Figure 7. Typical Logic and Enable Low Input Current vs. Ambient Temperature. _= / / / 10 8 / 6 / ,I lriV~ 0.5 .-----~-- 4 o -55 -40 -.-.-20 /' a 20 40 60 80 100 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _·C Figure 8. Typical Logic and Enable High Input Current vs. Ambient Temperature. Operational Considerations ELECTRICAL leak rate of 5 x 10-8 CC/SEC and a fluorocarbon gross leak bubble test. The 4N51-4N54 series devices use a modified 4 x 7 dot matrix of light emitting diodes (LED's) to display decimal/hexadecimal numeric information. The LED's are driven by constant current drivers. BCD information is accepted by the display memory when the enable line is at logic low and the data is latched when the enable is at logic high. To avoid the latching of erroneous information, the enable pulse rise time should not exceed 200 nanoseconds. Using the enable pulse width and data setup and hold times listed in the Recommended Operating Conditions allows data to be clocked into an array of displays at a 6,7MHz rate. These displays may be mounted by soldering directly to a printed circuit board or inserted into a socket. The leadto-lead pin spacing is 2.54mm (0.100 inch) and the lead row spacing is 15.24mm (0.600 inch). These displays may be end stacked with 2.54mm (0.100 inch) spacing between outside pins of adjacent displays. Sockets such as Augat 324-AG2D (3 digits) or Augat 50S-AGSD (one digit, right angle mounting) may be used. The primary thermal path for power dissipation is through the device leads. Therefore, to insure reliable operation up to an ambient temperature of +100°C, it is important to maintain a case-to-ambient thermal resistance of less than 35°C/watt as measured on top of display pin 3. The blanking control input on the 4N54 display blanks (turns off) the displayed hexadecimal information without disturbing the contents of display memory. The display is blanked at a minimum threshold level of 3.5 volts. This may be easily achieved by using an open coliectorTTL gate and a pull-up resistor. Forexample, (1/6) 7416hexinverter buffer/driver and a 120 ohm pull-up resistor will provide sufficient drive to blank eight displays. The size of the blanking pull-up resistor may be calculated from the following formula, where N is the number of digits: Rbi'" = (Vee - 3.5V)/[N (1.0mA)] The decimal point input is active low true and this data is latched into the display memory in the same fashion as the BCD data. The decimal point LED is driven by the onboard IC. The ESD susceptibility of the IC devices is Class A of MIL-STO-883 or Class 2 of OOO-STD-1686 and DOOHDBK-263. MECHANICAL 4N51-4N54 series displays are hermetically tested for use in environments which require a high reliability device. These displays are designed and tested to meet a helium Post solder cleaning may be accomplished using water, Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for vapor cleaning processing (up to 2 minutes in vapors at boiling) or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for room temperature cleaning. Suggested solvents: Freon TF, Freon TE, Genesolv DI-15, Genesolv DE-15. PRECONDITIONING 4N51-4N54 series displays are 100% preconditioned by 24 hour storage at 125° C. CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT The 4N51-4N54 displays have been designed to provide the maximum posible ON/OFF contrast when placed behind an appropriate contrast enhancement filter. Some suggested filters are Panelgraphic Ruby Red 60 and Dark Red 63, SGL Homalite H100-1605, 3M Light Control Film and Polaroid HRCP Red Circular Polarizing Filter. For further information see Hewlett-Packard Application Note 1015. 'JEDEC Registered Data. 7-185 Solid State Over Range Display For display applications requiring a ±, 1, or decimal point designation, the 4N53 over range display is available: This display module comes in the same package as the 4N51-4N54 series numeric display and is completely compatible with it. package Dimensions * r---------- ., I I NUMERAL ONe 'oleIC ----------~ M~S PUIS 1 ... I I I I 'S.ATING PLANE I t 0.3 :to,na!yp, I (.012:1;.-003) ., 1..- ...L..f"~=-+ ---., - ---,,2" ----;;4 ",," FRONT f I ---' Figure 9. Typical Driving Circuit. TRUTH TABLE PIN CHARACTER REAR liP STANDARD MARKING PIN FUNCTION 2· 3 Numeral One Numeral One 1. DIMENSIoNS IN MIUIMETIIES ,.,.0 UNCHE'~ 2. UNLESSDTHERwtSESl'El:1FIED. TH£ TOLEAANCE ON ALL DIMENSIONS 1$ '.38 MM Ct .0'16 INCHEII. 4 CP Open 6 Open 8 Mmus'l"'lus 2,3 4 8 H X X H H X H X L L 1 X X X X H X BI~nk L L + - Plu. Nmll& 1 L X NOTES: L: Line switching transistor in Figure 9 cutoff. H: Line switching transistor in Fig'ure 9 saturated. X:· 'Don't care' Electrical/Optical Characteristics * 4N53 (TA = -SS"C to +100°C, Unless Otherwise Specified) DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Forw81d 1I00tage per LEO Power dissipetlon TEST CONDITIONS 'F=10mA IF-IOmA all diodes lit IF-SmA Tc ~25"C Tc "250(: TC=250 (; IIF PT . Luminous Intensity per LEO (digit average 1 Iv ~peak Peak wavelength Dominant Wav.length Ad MIN 40 Weight** Recommended Operating Conditions * 4,6 5.0 5.0 6.6 10 NOTE: LED current must be extern.allylimited. Refer to Figure 9 for recommended resistor values. 'JEDEC Registered Data. "Non Registered Data. tvP MAX UNIT 1.6 2.0 V 280 320 mW 85 !it:d 855 640 nm nm 1.0 gm Absolute Maximum Ratings * V rnA SVMBOL MIN. MAX. UNIT ·65 +125 ·c TS ·C Operating temperature, ambient -55 +100 TA Forward currellt, each t..ED 10 rnA IF Reverse \loltege, each LeO 4 V VA DESCRIPTION Storege temperature, ambient 7-186 High Reliability Testing PART MARKING SYSTEM Two standard reliability testing programs are available. The military program provides QPL parts that comply to MIL-D-87157 Quality Level A, per Tables I, II, lila, and IVa. A second program is an HP modification to the full conformance program and offers the 100% screening portion of Level A, Table I, and Group A, Table II. In addition, a MIL-D-87157 Level S equivalent testing program is available upon request. With T,!~.!'ls I, II, ilia and IVa With Table I and II Standard Product PREFERRED PART NUMBER SYSTEM 4N51 4N52 4N54 4N53 4N51TXV 4K!52TXV 4N54TXV 4N53TXV M87157/00101ACX M87157/00102A0X M87157/00103ACX M87157/00104ACX 100% Screening TABLE L QUALITY LEVEL A OF MIL-D-87157 MtL-STD-750 Method Test Screen Conditions 1. Precap Visual 2072 Interpreted by HP Procedure 5956-7572-52 2. High Temperature Storage 1032 TA 3. Temperature Cycling 1051 Condition S, 10 Cycles, 15 Min. Dwell =125 0 C, Time = 24 hours 4, 0onstan! Acceleration 2006 10,000 G's at Y1 orientation 5. Fine Leak 1071 Condition H 6. Gross Leak 1071 Condition C 7. Interim Electrical/Optical Testsl 2 1 8. Burn-lnl l • 31 - lv, Icc, ISL, IBH, IEL, IEH, hL. and IIH TA =25°0 Condition S at Vee = 5V and cycle through logic at 1 character per second, TA = 100°0, t"" 160 hours 1015 - 9. Final Electrical Tesll:!l 10. Delta Determinatlons 11. External Visua" 11 Same as Step 7 ulv =: -20%, ulce = ± 10 mA, uliH = ±lOIlA and ulEH = ±13 pA 2009 Notes: 1. MIL-STD-883 Test Method applies. 2. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. 3. Burn-in for the over range display shall use Condition B at a nominal IF minimum. =8 rnA per LED, with all LEOs illuminated for t =160 hours TABLE II GROUP A ELECTRICAL TESTS - MIL-D-87157 Tesl Subgroup 1 DC Electrical Tests at 25°0 111 Parameters LTPD lv, Icc, ISL, ISH, IEL, IEH, ilL, and hH and visual1unction, TA = 25'C 5 Subgroup 2 DC Electrical Tests at High Temperaturei 11 Same as Subgroup 1, except delete Iv and visual function. TA=+100'C 7 Subgroup 3 DC Electrical Tests at Low Temperaturel 11 Same as Subgroup 1, except delete Iv and visual function. TA"" -55" C 7 Subgroup 7 Optical and Functional Tests at 25¢C Satisfied by Subgroup 1 5 SubgroupS External Visual MIL-STD-8S3, Method 2009 7 Subgroup 4, 5, and 6 not applicable 1. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. 7-187 TABLE lila GROUP B, CLASS A AND B OF MIL-D-87157 Test Subgroup 1 MIL-STO-7S0 Method Conditions Resistance to Solvents 1022 Internal Visual and Design Verification!11 20751 7 ] Sample Size 4 Devices! o Failures 1 Devicei o Failures Subgroup 2[2,3) Solderability 2026 T A = 245" C for 5 seconds LTPD= 15 1051 1021 1071 1071 Condition 61,15 Min. Dwell LTPD"'15 Subgroup 3 Thermal Shock (Temp. Cycle) Moisture Aesistance[4] Fine Leak Gross Leak Electrical/Optical Endpointsl51 Condition H Condition C lv, Icc. IBL. IBH. IEL. IEH. ilL. IIH and visual function. TA '" 25"C - $ubgroup4 Operating Ufe Test (340 hrs.}16] Electrical/Optical Endpointsl 5] 1027 - TA'" +100°C at Vee'" 5.0V and cycling through logic at 1 character per second. Same as Subgroup 3. LTPD= 10 TA=+125°C LTPD = 10 SubgroupS Non-operating (Storage) Ufe Test (340 hrs.J Electrical/Optical Endpoints l51 1032 - Same as Subgroup 3 Notes: 1. Visual inspection performed through the display window. 2. Whenever electrical/optical tests are not required as endpoints, electrical rejects may be used. 3. The LTPO applies to the number of leads inspected except in no case shall less than 3 displays be used to provide the number of leads required. 4. Initial conditioning is a 15' inward bend, one cycle. S. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. 6. Burn-in for the over range display shall use Condition B at a nominal IF = 8 mA per LED, with all LEOs illuminated for t = 160 hours minimum. 7. Equivalent to MIL-STO-883, Method 2014. 7-188 TABLE IVa GROUP C, CLASS A AND B OF MIL-D-87157 Test MIL.STO:750 Method Conditions Subgroup 1 Physical Dimensions 2066 Subgroup 2[2,7,9] Lead Integrity 2004 Condition 82 Fine Leak Gross Leak 1071 1071 Condition H Condition C 2016 1500G, Time = 0.5 ms, 5 blows in each orientation Xl, Yl, Zl Subgroup 3 Shock Vibration, Vari,able Frequency Constant Acceleration External Visuall 4 1 Electrical!Optical Endpoints[8} 2 Devices! o Failures LTPD= 15 2056 2006 1010 or 1011 - LTPD'" 15 10,000G at Yl orientation lv, Icc, ISL, ISH, IEL, IEH, ilL, hH and visual Function, TA = 25° C Subgroup 4[1,31 Salt Atmosphere External Visuall 4 1 1041 1010 or 1011 Subgroup 5 Bond Strengthl 5 ) 2037 Condition A 1026 TA=+100°C Same asSubgroup 3 Subgroup 6 Operating Life Test( 6 ) Electrical/Optical Endpointsl 81 Sample Size LTPD= 15 LTPD'" 20 (C=O) A= 10 - 1. Whenever electrical/optical tests are not required as endpoints, electrical rejects may be used. 2. The L TPD applies to the number of leads inspected except in no case shall less than three displays be used to provide the number of leads required. 3. Solderability samples shall not be used. 4. Visual requirements shall be as specified in MIL-STD-883, Methods 1010 or 1011. 5. Displays may be selected prior to seal. 6. If a given inspection lot undergoing Group B inspection has been selected to satisfy Group C inspection requirements, the 340 hour life tests may be continued on test to 1000 hours in order to satisfy the Group C Life Test requirements. In such cases, either the 340 hour endpoint measurements shall be made a basis for Group B lot acceptance or the 1000 hour endpoint measurement shall be used as the basis for both Group B and Group C acceptance. 7. MIL-STD-883 test method applies. 8. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. 9. Initial conditioning is a 15' inward bend, three cycles. 7-189 Flifl'l HERMETIC, NUMERIC AND HEXADECIMAL DISPLAYS FOR MILITARY APPLICATIONS HEWLETT a!~ PACKARD HIGH EFFICIENCY RED LOW Power High Brightness YELLOW High Performance GR.EEN HDSp·078X/078XTXV /078XTXVB HDSP-079X/079XTXV /079XTXVB HDSP-088X/088XTXV /088XTXVB HDSP-098X/098XTXV/098XTXVB Features • CONFORM TO MIL-D-87157, QUALITY LEVEL A TEST TABLES • TRUE HERMETIC PACKAGE FOR HIGH EFFICIENCY RED AND YELLOW[lj • TXV AND TXVB VERSIONS AVAILABLE • THREE CHARACTER OPTIONS Numeric, Hexadecimal, Over Range • THREE COLORS High Efficiency Red, Yellow, High Performance Green • 4 x 7 DOT MATRIX CHARACTER • HIGH EFFICIENCY RED, YELLOW, AND HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN • TWO HIGH EFFICIENCY RED OPTIONS Low Power, High Brightness The hermetic HDSP-078X,-079X/-088X displays utilize a solder glass frit seal. The HDSP-098X displays utilize an epoxy glass-to-ceramic seal. All packages conform to the hermeticity requirements of MIL-D-87157, the general specification for LED displays. These displays are designed for use in military and aerospace applications. • PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER TEMPERATURE The numeric devices decode positive BCD logic into characters "0-9", a "-" sign, decimal point, and a test pattern. The hexadecimal devices decode positive BCD logic into 16 characters, "0-9, A-F". An input is provided on the hexadecimal devices to blank the display (all LEOs off) without losing the contents of the memory. • HIGH TEMPERATURE STABILIZED • GOLD PLATED LEADS • MEMORY LATCH/DECODER/DRIVER TTL Compatible • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Description The over range device displays "±1" arid right hand decimal point and is typically driven via external switching transistors. These solid state displays have a 7.4 mm (0.29 inch) dot matrix character and an onboard IC with data memory latch/decoder and LED drivers in a glass/ceramic package. Note: 1. The HDSP-098X high performance green displays are epoxy sealed and conform to MIL-D-87157 hermeticity requirements. Devices Part Number HDSP· 0781/0781 TXV/0781 TXVB 0782/0782TXv/0782TXVB 0783/0783TXV/0783TXVB 0784/0784TXV/0784TXVB 0791/0791 TXV/0791 TXV B 0792/0792TXV/0792TXVB 0783/0783TXVI0783TXVB 0794/0794TXVI0794TXVB 0881 /0881TXV10881 TXV B 0882/0882TXv/0882TXVB 0883/0883TXv/0883TXVB 0884/0884TXV10884 TXVB 0981/0981 TXVl0981 TXVB 0982/0982TXVl0982TXVB 0983/0983TXVl0983TXVB 0984/0984TXVlO984TXVB Color Description Front View High-Efficiency Red Low Power Numeric, Right Hand D? Numeric, Left Hand D? Over Range ±1 Hexadecimal A B C 0 Numeric, Right Hand DP Numeric, Left Hand OP Over Range ±1 Hexadecimal A High-Efficiency Red High Brightness Yellow Numeric, Right Hand DP Numeric, Left Hand DP Over Range ±1 Hexadecimal B C D High Performance Green Numeric, Right Hand D? Numeric, Left Hand DP Over Range ±1 Hexadecimal A B C 0 7-190 B C 0 A - .~----~----- --------_._--- - - - - package Dimensions FRONT VIEW A FRONT VIEW D PIN HEXA, NUMERIC DECIMAL Input 2 Inp,yt 2 Inpul4 Input 4 Input 8 Inp~t Ori'dmal Blanking control ppint REAR VIEW 5 6 7 SlOE VIEW 8 LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY DATE CODE PIN 1 KEY 4 3 2 IT 15.2 (.6001 I ~O'10' ~ "-- SEATING PLANE 1 0.3 .t 0.08 TVP. (0.12.t 0.003) /l~~H-+ -I r- END VIEW 38 \ I ~ I I Typ.jD~ 1.3 (.0501 Latch ~nable Ground Ground Vee Vee jnput 1 Input 1 1. Dimensions in millimetres and (inches). 2. Unless otherwise specified, the tolerance on all dImensIons IS ± 38 mm (± 015"). 3 Digit center line is :±-.25 mm (±.01") from package center line. 4 Lead material is gold plated 5 Color code for HDSP·088X/·098X senes {~~, ~ 3.4 TI('1~51 _ Laten en I ~J± ENABLE l l H DEC".AL ,', i J. L L -"2! I " I . , 1 ,', , ~", '''. (BLANKI .':;' i. l IBLANK! H ,,, L IBLANKI H (BLANKl ON +. 1" VDp " L OFF VO? ~ H LOAD DATA V, ~ LATCH DATA V, ~H DISPLAY-ON V, " L DISPLAY·OFF VB • H l Notes: 1. H'" Logic High; L '" Logic Low. With the enable input at logic high changes in BCD input logic levels have no effect upon display memory, displayed cha;acter, or DP. 2. The decimal point input, DP. pertains only to the numeric displays. 3. The blanking control input, S, pertains only to the hexadecimal displays. Blanking input has no effect upon display memory. LED MATR(X GROUND Figure 2. Logic Block Diagram 7-191 B Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Min. Max. Unit Storage temperature. ambient T, -65 QC Operating temperature, ambient \' Supply voltage T,,\ -55 +125 +100 Vee -0,5 +7,0 V VI,VDP,Vr -0,5 V('( V V~ -0,5 V('c V 260 °C Description :2: Voltage applied to input logic, dp and enable pins Voltage applied to blanking input l2 ! Maximum solder temperature at 1,59mm (.062 Inch) below seating plane; t to;;: 5 seconds °C Recommended Operating Conditions Desorlptlon Symbol Supply Voltage 2 Operating temperature, ambient Y Min. Vcc T,,\ 4.5 -55 Nom. Max. 5.0 5,5 +100 Unit V "C tv. 100 nsec Time data must be held before positive tranSition of enable line tSEn~ 50 nsec Time data must be held after positive transition of enable Une hlOLl) 50 Enable Pulse Width Enable pulse rise time Optical HDSP·078X Series HDSP-079X Series HDSP·OB8X S~Hies . HDSP-098X Series Description 1.0 msec Max. Unit s.ov Characteristics at TA Device nsec till! Symbol Min. Typ, 65 140 ~typerLED ,41 Iv Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength[5J /l.PEAK 635 A" 626 L~ JD' , Iv 260 620 Mcd ~ Mcd Peak Wavelength APEAK 635 nm Dominant Wavelength(5] /l.d 626 nm Luminous Intensity per LED ,Digit Average)[3.4j Iv 490 Mcd Peak Wavelength APEAK 583 nm Dominant Wavelength(5,6) /1.0 585 nm Luminous Intensity per LED (Digit Average) 13 ,4) Iv 1100 !,cd Peak Wavelength ApEAK 568 nm Dominant Wavelength Act 574 nm 215 298 Notes: 1. The nominal thermal resistance of a display mounted in a socket that is soldered onto a printed circuit board is ROJA =50'C/W/device. The device package thermal resistance is ROJ-PIN = 15'C/W/device. The thermal resistance device pin-to-ambient through the PC board should not exceed 35°C/W/device for operation at TA = +100°C, 2. Voltage values are with respect to device ground, pin 6. 3. These displays are categorized for luminous intensity with the intensity category designated by a letter code located on the back of the display package. Case temperature of the device immediately prior to the light measurement is equal to 25°C. 7-192 Electrical Characteristics; (TA = _55° C 10 +100° C) Description , Supply Current HDSP-078X Series HD13P-079XI-088X/ -098X Series HDSpc078X Series Power ,.. Di~~ipation HD$P-079l-- - #4 '8 RT R3 -=- -~ - -;,'" R3 -=- Figure 3. Typical Driving Circuit -=- __..1 ~~~~~- --------------- ~~-- Recommended operating Conditions Luminous Intensity Per LED (Digit Averagel at TA = 25°C Device HDSP-D783 HDSP-0883 HDSP-0983 Tesl contillion; IF-2!8"mA IF '" 8 mA IF S mA liif8)ilA Min. 65 T9p~ 140'''' 620 215 298 ~ 490 Units ,ued /led ,ucd Oevice HDSP-0883 HDSP-0983 Device Low Power HDSP-0783 High Brightness HDSRc0883 HQse;0983 1100 ''''i!i;d Electrical Characteristics ITA = -55 HDSP-0783 Descrlplion Power Dissipation lall LEOs Illuminated) ---~~-------~-------~~- 0 1300 200. 8 360 47 68 ,. . 8 8 360 360 36 30 56 43 Tesl"Condition Min. Pr Power Dissipation (all LEOs Illuminated) Pr Forward Voltage per LED VF Power Dissipation (all LEOs illumi'1ated) Pr Forward Voltage per LED VF Typ. = 2.8 mA IF = 8 mA ,;)00 224 IF = 2.8 mA 1.6 IF = 8 mA "Max. Units 282 mW 72 IF VF Ri.$I~tSFValue C to +100 0 C) Symbol Forward Voltage per LED Vcc = 5.0V Forward Current Per LED, mA 2.8 1.75 2.2 237 282 V mW IF = 8 mA =8 mA V 2.2 1.90 IF 243 282 1.85 2.2 mW V High Reliability Testing PART MARKING SYSTEM Two standard reliability testing programs are available. The TXVB program is in conformance with Quality Level A Test Tables of MIL-D-87157 for hermetically sealed displays with 100% screening tests. A TXVB product is tested to Tables I, II, Ilia, and IVa. A second program is an HP modification to the full conformance program and offers the 100% screening portion of Level A, Table I, and Group A, Table II. 100% Screening With Table I and" HDSP-078XTXV Standard Product HDSP-078X HDSP-079X HDSP-088X HDSP-098X HDSP-079XTXV HDSP-088XTXV HDSP-098XTXV With Tables I, ii, ilia and IVa HDSP-078XTXVB HDSP-079XTXVB HDSP-088XTXVB HDSP-098XTXVB TABLE I. QUALITY LEVEL A OF MIL-D-87157 Teat Screen M1L-STD-750 Method Conditions 1. Precap Visual 2072 Interpreted by HP Procedure 5956-7572-52 2. High Temperature Storage 1032 TA 3. Temperature Cycling 1051 Condition B, 10 Cycles, 15 Min. Dwell 1250 C, Time at Y1 4. Constant Acceleration 2006 10,000 G 5. Fine Leak 1071 Condition H 6. Gross Leak 1071 Condition C 7. Interim Electrical/Optical Testsl 2 1 8. Burn-lnll,31 1015 = 24 hours orientation lv, Icc, ISL, ISH, IEL. iEH, IlL, and hH TA =: 25°C Condition B at Vee"" 5V and cycle through logiC at 1 character per second. TA 1000 C, t '" 160 hOurs = 9. Final Electrical Testl 2 1 10. Delta Determinations 11. External Visuali 11 - Same as Step 7 - j,lv -20%, ..lIce = ± 10 rnA, ..lIiH and ..lIEH = ±13 j.lA = =±10j.lA 2009 Noles: 1. MIL-STD-883 Test Method applies. 2. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. 3. Burn-in for the over range display shall use Condition B at a nominal IF = 8 mA per LED, with all LEDs illuminated for T = 160 hours minimum. 7-195 TABLE II GROUP A ELECTRICAL TESTS - MIL-D-87157 Test Parameters SUbgroup 1 DC Electrical Tests at 25"C 1, LTPD Iv. Icc. ISl. ISH. tSl.ISH, Ill. and hH and visual function, T A"" 25" C 5 Subgroup 2 DC Electrical Tests at High Temperature;l, Same as Subgroup 1. except delete Iv and visual function. TA'" +100·C 7 Subgroup 3 DC Electrical Tests at Low Temperaturel1 , Same as Subgroup 1, except delete Iv and visual function. T A '" -55" C 7 Subgroup 7 Optical and Functional Tests at 25·C Satisfied by Subgroup 1 5 Subgroup 8 External Visual MIL-STD-SS3, Method 2009 7 SUbgroup 4, 5, and 6 not applicable Notes: 1. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. TABLE lila GROUP B, CLASS A AND B OF MIL-D-87157 Tnt Subgroup 1 Resistance to Solvents Internal VIsual and Design Verification!!] Subgroup 2[2.31 Solderability Subgroup 3 Thermal Shock (Temp. Cycle) MOisture Resistance[4j Fine Leak Gross Leak Electrical/Optical Endpointst51 Subgroup 4 Operating Life Test (340 hrs.)l6) Electrical/Optical Endpoints!5) SubgroupS Non-operating (Storage) Life Test (340 hrs.1 Electrical/Optical Endpoints[5] MIL-STD-7SO Method Conditions 4 Devices/ o Failures 1 Device/ Failures 1022 2075(1) 2026 1051 1021 1071 1071 Sample Size o ITA == 245· C for 5 seconds LTPD= 15 I Condition 81, 15 min. Dwell LTPD=15 Condition H Condition C Iv. Icc. ISL., ISH. IEL. ISH, ilL, hH and visual function. TA == 25°C - 1027 1032 - TA"" +100°C at Vee" 5.0V and cycllng through logic at 1 character per second. Same as Subgroup 3. LTPO=10 TA=+125·C LTPO=10 Same as Subgroup 3 Notes: , t. Visual inspection performed through the display window. 2. Whenever electrical/optical tests are not required as endpoints, electrical rejects may be used. 3. The LTPD applies to the number of leads inspected except in no case shall less than 3 displays be used to provide the number of leads required. 4. Initial conditioning is a 15° inward bend, one cycle. 5. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. 6. Burn-in for the over range display shall use Condition B at a nominal IF ± 8 rnA with '+' illuminated for t = 160 hours. 7. Equivalent toMIL-STD-883, Method 2014. 7-196 TABLE IVa GROUP C, CLASS A AND B OF MIL-D-87157 Test MIL-STO-750 Method Conditions Sample Size Subgroup 1 Physical Dimensions 2066 2 Devices/ o Failures Subgroup 2[2.7.9) 'LTPD = 15 Lead Integrity 2004 Condition B2 Fine Leak Gross Leak 1071 1071 Condition H Condition C 2016 1500G. Time = 0.5 ms. 5 blows in each orientationX,. Y,.Z1 Subgroup 3 Shock Vibration. Variable Frequency C,onstant Acceleration External Visuall 4J Electrical/Optical Endpointsl 8 ] 2056 2006 1010 or 1011 - LTPD=15 10.000G at Y1 orientation Iv. Icc. ISl. ISH. IEL, IEH. IlL. IIH and visual Function. TA =0 25° C Subgroup 4£1.3] Salt Atmosphere Extemal Visuall 4 1 1041 1010 or 1011 LTPD = 15 Subgroup 5 Bond Strength[51 Subgroup 6 Operating Life Testl 6 1 Electrleal/Optical EndpointslSI 2037 Condition A 1026 TA=+100°C Same as Subgroup 3 LTPD= 20 (C=O) A= 10 - Notes: 1. Whenever electrical/optical tests are not required as endpoints, electrical rejects may be used. 2. The LTPD applies to the number of leads inspected except in no case shall less than three displays be used to provide the number of leads required. 3. Solderability samples shall not be used. 4. Visual requirements shall be as specified in MIL-STD-883, Methods 1010 or 1011. 5. Displays may be selected prior to seal. 6. If a given inspection lot undergoing Group B inspection has been selected to satisfy Group C inspection requirements, the 340 hour life tests may be continued on test to 1000 hours in order to satisfy the Group C Life Test requirements. In such cases, either the 340 hour endpoint measurements shall be made a basis for Group B lot acceptance or the 1000 hour endpOint measurement shall be used as the basis for both Group B and Group C acceptance. 7. MIL-STD-883 test method applies. 8. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. 9. Initial conditioning is a 15° inward bend, 3 cycles. 7-197 F/in- FOUR CHARACTER RED ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY FOR EXTENDED TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS HEWLETT a.!~ PACKARD HDSP-2010 HDSp·2010TXV HDSP-2010TXVB Features • OPERATION GUARANTEED TO T A = ·40°C • LEAK RATE GUARANTEED • TXVB VERSION CONFORMS TO MIL·D·87157 QUALITY LEVEL A TEST TABLES • GOLD PLATED LEADS • INTEGRATED SHIFT REGISTERS WITH CONSTANT CURRENT DRIVERS • CERAMIC 7_S2mm (.3 in.) DIP Integral Red Glass Contrast Filter • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • END STACKABLE 4 CHARACTER PACKAGE • PIN ECONOMY 12 Pins for 4 Characters • TTL COMPATIBLE • 5 x 7 LED MATRIX DISPLAYS FULL ASCII CODE • RUGGED, LONG OPERATING LIFE • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY Assures Ease of Package to Package Brightness Matching Description The HDSP-2010 display is designed for use in applications requiring high reliability. The character font is a 3.8mm (0.15 inch) 5 x 7 red LED array for displaying alphanumeric information. The device is available in 4 character clusters and is packaged in a 12-pin dual-in-line type package. An on-board SIPO (serial-in-parallel-out) 7-bit shift register associated with each digit controls constant current LED row drivers. Full character display is achieved by external column strobing. The constant current LED drivers are externally programmable and typically capable of sinking 13.5mA peak per diode. Applications include interactive I/O terminals, avionics, portable telecommunications gear, and hand held equipment requiring alphanumeric displays. PIN I r-l I I I L I , +--t " / I ~ __ 4.44· PIN 1 MARKED BY DOT ON $ACK OF I L .1~ 2 I r-, I I H-l -3 +--t " I I I I I I ~ . r-j I 1___ I L_~ (.;461 , L_~ 7 COLUMN 3 6 -- INT. CONNECT" FUNCTION DATA OUT -.• ~~-10 " I 12 ~~~~~DDATA IN "DO NOT CONNECT OR USE ! L 175· .0051 ' --+ r~~~~t;~~ 1.200) ~ -'-_- - .- NOTES~ 1. OtMI:NS*ONS tN nil'rl Hnc;hesl. Z. t)NLESSOTHERWfS€ SPECiFtEOTHE ~ TOLEAANcE ON Al.l nlM"ENSIONS l$!.3B mm (!.o-iS") 3. LEAD MATeRtAt 1$ 001..0 PLATE(!COj;lPER ALLOY. Sl:ATING PLANE (,050;· PIN _ 3 -1.-~OLUM!'l ~ 5 __ t .cOLUMN 5 3.7 PACKAGe. 1.27 FUNCTION ~~MN' ----i-2 COLUMN 2 4. CHA~ACTERS ARE:: CENTEREO _I I -I I WITH RESPECT to LEAO$ WITHIN" '.13mm h,OOS"). 2.54t,1$tY-p, .......... U{)O t.005J NON ACCUM, 7-198 Absolute Maximum Ratings ~ Supply Voltage Vee to Ground .......... -0.5V to 6.0V Inputs, Data Out and VB ................ -0.5V to Vee Column Input Voltage, VeOL .......... -0.5V to +6.0V Free Air Operating Temperature Range, T.P........................ -40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range, Ts ..... -55°C to +100°C Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation atT A =25°C",2." ......•..........•....... 1.29 Watts Maximum Solder Temperature 1.59mm (.063") Below Seating Plane t<5 secs •.............. 260°C Recommended Operating Conditions Symbol Parameter Supply Voltage Data Out Cu rrent. Low State Data Out Current. HighState Column Input Voltage. Column On Min. 4.75 Vee Max. 5.25 10L 1.6 lou -0.5 t5etlJp fclod:. ns ns ns 0 3 MHz ns 200 85 hHL -40 TA V 45 30 75 0 thold tw(Clo.:k) Units V mA mA 3.5 2.6 70 VCOL Setup Time Hold Time Width of Clock Clock Frequency Clock Transition Time Free Air Operating Temperature Range Nom. 5.0 °C Electrical Characteristics Over Operating Temperature Range (Unless otherwise specified.) Description Supply Current Column Current at any Column Input Symbol Icc leOl Column CUrrent at any Column Input Icol Peak Luminous Intensity per LEDI3.71 IvPEAK ! Character Average) VB. Clock or Data Input Threshold High V,H VB. Data Input Threshold Low V,l Clock Threshold Low V'l Input Current Logical 1 VB, Clock IIH Data In IiH Input Current Logical 0 VB. Clock III Data In III VOH Oat, Out Voltage VOL Power Dissipation Per Package" Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength l51 Thermal Resistance IC J unction-to-Case Leak Rate Test Conditions Vee - 5.25V VClOCK = VOATA = 2.4V All SR Stages = Logical 1 Vee - 5.25V VCOl = 3.5V All SR Stages = Logical 1 Typ.' Max. Units VB = OAV Min. 45 60 mA VB = 2.4V 73 95 mA VB = OAV = 2.4V 500 I"A 350 435 mA VB Vee - 5.0V. Veol - 3.5V T, = 25° CI41 VB = 2.4V 105 200 I"cd 2.0 Vee = Veol 4.75V Vee = 5.25V, VIH = 2.4V Vee = 5.25V, V,l = OAV Vee - 4.75V. IOH - -0.5mA. VeOl - OV Vec - 4.75V, IOl - 1.6mA, VCOL - OV Vce - 5.0V, VeOl = 3.5V 17.5% OF 15 LEOs on per character. VB = 2.4V 20 10 -500 -250 204 0.8 0.6 80 40 -800 -400 304 0.2 0.4 V V V I"A flA I"A I"A V V .74 W Ad 655 640 ROJ-c 25 nm nm °C/WI Device Po APEAI( 5x10- 7 ccls ·AII typical values specified at Vee = S.OV and TA = 25°C unless othefWise noted. ··Power dissipation per package with 4 characters illuminated. 1. Operation above 85°C ambient is possible provided the following conditions are met. The junction temperature should not exceed 1250 C TJ and the case temperature as measured at pin 1 or the back of the display should not exceed 10QoC Te. 2. The device should be derated linearly above 50° Cat 16.7 mW JOC. This derating is based on a device mounted in a socket having a thermal resistance from case to ambient at 35° C/W per device. See Figure 2 for power deratings based on a lower thermal resistances. 3. The characters are categorized for Luminous Intensity with the category designated by a letter code on the bottom of the package. 4. Ti refers to the initial case temperature of the device immediately prior to the light measurement. .\d, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram, and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. S. Maximum allowable dissipation is derived from Vee = Va = 5.25 Volts, VeOl = 3.5V, 20 LEOs on per character, 20% OF. 7. The luminous stearance of the LED may be calculated using the following relationships: 5. Dominant wavelength lv (cd/m') =" (Candela/A (Metre)' l, (Footlamberts) = 71'1, (Candela)/A (Foot)' A = 5.3 x 10-8 M2 = 5.8 x 10-7 (Foot)2 7-199 3M Light Control Film (louvered filters). OCLI Sungard optically coated glass filters offer superior contrast enhancement. Post solder cleaning may be accomplished using water, Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for vapor cleaning processing (up to 2 minutes in vapors at boiling) or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for room temperature cleaning. Suggested solvents: Freon TF, Freon TE, Genesolv 01-15, Genesolv DE-15. Electrical Description The HDSP-2010 display provides on-board storage of decoded column data and constant current sinking row drivers for each of 28 rows in the 4 character display. The device consists of four LED matrices and two integrated circuits that form a 28-bit serial input-parallel output (SIPO) shift register, see Figure 5. Each character is a 5 x 7 diode array arranged with the cathodes of each row connected to one constant current sinking output of the SIPO shift register. The anodes of each column are connected together, with the same column of each of the 4 characters connected together (i.e. column 1 of all four characters are connected to pin 1). Any LED within any character may be addressed by shifting data to the appropriate shift register location and applying a voltage to the appropriate column. Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units Parameter fcloCk CLOCK Rate tPLH. tPHL Propagation delay CLOCK to DATA OUT C L := 15pF Rl.=2.4KD 3 MHz 125 ns Figure 1. Switching Characteristics. (Vee = 5V, TA = -4:l°C to +70'C) Mechanical and Thermal Considerations The HDSP-201 0 is available in a standard 121ead ceramicglass dual in-line package. It is designed for plugging into DIP sockets or soldering into PC boards. The packages may be horizontally or vertically stacked for character arrays of any desired size. The HDSP-2010 can be operated over a wide range of temperature and supply voltages. Power reduction can be achieved by either decreaSing VCOl or decreasing the average drive current through pulse width modulation of VB. The· HDSP-2010 display has a glass lens. A front panel contrast filter is desirable in most actual display applications. Some suggested filters are Panel graphic Ruby Red 60, SGL Homalite H100-1605 Red and 1.6 a:E ~~ :I' 1.4 x ~ 3.0 -..... - 1. 2 ~2 1.o - R&JA" 6O"CIW ":§~.... o.B_1 R$J~ '" 5~"C,w/ i~ , '"V><'" \ 10 W ~ ~ ~ !i... w 1. 0 ~ ..... a: O -60 -40 -20 20 r--.... 40 t'- t - 60 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Electrical Description Display Internal Block Diagram Figure 1 shows the internal block diagram for the HMDl-2416 display. The CMOS IC consists of a four-word ASCII memory, a four-word cursor memory, a 64-word character generator, 17 segment drivers, four digit drivers, and the scanning circuitry necessary to multiplex the four monolithic lED characters. In normal operation, the divideby-four counter sequentially accesses each of the four RAM locations and simultaneously enables the appropriate display digit driver. The output of the RAM is decoded by the character generator which, in turn, enables the appropriate display segment drivers. For each display location, the cursor enable (CUE) selects whether the data from the ASCII RAM (CUE = OJ or the stored cursor (CUE = 1) is to be displayed. The cursor character is denoted by all sixteen segments and the DP ON. Seven-bit ASCII data is stored in RAM. Since the display utilizes a 64-character decoder, half of the possible 128 input combinations are invalid. For each display location where Os = De in the ASCI,I RAM, the display character is blanked. The entire display is blanked when Bl=O. Data is loaded into the display through the data inputs (06- Do), digi~lects (Al' AQh..chip enables (CE1, CE2, cursor select (CU), and write (WR). The cursor select (CU) determines whether data is stored in the ASCII RAM (CU = 1) or cursor memory (CU = 0). When CE l = CE2 = WR = 0 and CU = 1, the information on the data inputs is stored in the ASCII RAM at the location specified by the digit selects (Al' Ao). When CE l = CE 2 = WR = 0 and CU = 0, the information on the data input, Do, is stored in the cursor at the location specified by the digit selects (Al' Ao). If Do = 1, a cursor character is stored in the cursor memory. If Do = 0, a previously stored cursor character will be removed from the cursor memory. If the clear input (ClR) equals zero for, one internal display cycle (4 ms minimum), the data in the ASCII RAM will be rewritten with zeroes and the display will be blanked. Note that the blanking input (BLl must be equal to logical one during this time. 80 100 -loCI Data Entry Figure 2 shows a truth table for the HMDl-2416 display. Setting the chip enables (CE 1, CE2) to their low state and the cursor select (CU) to its high state will enable data loading. The desired data inputs (06-00) and address inputs (Al' Ao) as well as the chip enables (CE1, CE2) and cursor select (CU) must be held stable during the write cycle to ensure that the correct data is stored into the display. Valid ASCII data codes are shown in Figure 3. The display accepts standard seven-bit ASCII data. Note that 06 = 05 for the codes shown in Figure 2. If 06 = 05 during the write cycle, then a blank will be stored in the display. Data can' be loaded into the display in any order. Note that when Al = Ao = 0, data is stored in the furthest right-hand display location. Cursor Entry As shown in Figure 2, setting the chip enables (CE1, CE2) to their low state and the cursor select (CU) to Its low state will enable cursor loading. The cursor character is indicated by the display symbol having all 16 segments and the DP ON. The least significant data input (Do), the digit selects (Al' Ao), the chip enables (CE1, CE2), and the cursor select (CU) musi be held stable during the write cycle to ensure that the correct data is stored in the display. If Do is in a low state during the write cycle, then a cursor character will be removed at the indicated location. If Do is in a high state during the write cycle, then a cursor character will be stored at the indicated location. The presence or absence of a cursor character does not affect the ASCII data stored at that location. Again, when Al = Ao = 0, the cursor character is stored in the furthest right-hand display location. All stored cursor characters are displayed if the cursor enable (CUE) is high. Similarly, the stored ASCII data words are displayed, regardless of the cursor characters, if the cursor enable (CUE) is low. The cursor enable (CUE) has no effect on the storage or removal of the cursor characters within the display. A flashing cursor is displayed by pulsing the cursor enable (CUE)' For applications not requiring a cursor, the cursor enable (CUE) can be connected to ground and the cursor select (CUI can be connected to Vee. This inhibits the cursor function and allows only ASCII data to be loaded into the display. 7-207 CURSOR ENABLE ICUE) CLEAR (ClR) --- I ~ BLANK (BL) 8 +4 COUNTER F- 10F4 DECODER W- DIGIT DR.IVER 3 2 1 0 BLANK r Figure 1. HMDL-2416 Inlernal Block Diagram 7-208 f Clear Cursor Disable Cursor Memory X I' X " X X X X X X X X X ., . L L L X L = LOGIC LOW INPUT H = LOGIC HIGH INPUT X = DON'T CARE L .' L X X H L X H X L H L X X x' x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X H H H L L H H L H L H X X X X X X X X X X X X X. X H '.-.JC' 'ffJ NC NC H ~ NC NC NC X L L X X X X X L L X X X r -, c __ NC NC NC c-, L_J I I NC NC NC cc__, NC I I NC NC r-, L_J NC NC NC Previously Written Cursor "a" = ASCII CODE CORRESPONDING TO SYMBOL" R" NC = NO CHANGE ~ = CURSOR CHARACTER (ALL SEGMENTS ONI Figure 2a, Cursor/Data Memory Write Truth Table Function BL CLR CUE CUE H Clear CU CE l CE2 WR L H X X X X X X X H H H H L X X X X X' X 0lG3 0lG 2 olG, OIGo R W . C B ~ ,c-, c_J ,c c-, c-, , I ~_J -NOTE: CLR should be held low for 4 ma fOllowing the. last WRITE cycle to ensure all data is cleared. Blanking L X X X X X X t_J I I --" ] W W c-, ,c_J, L_J r-~ ,cr-,__, c-, U Figure 2b. Displayed Data Truth Table 7-209 Display previously written data Display previously written cursor Clear data memory, cursor memory unchanged Blank display, data and cursor memories Unchanged. 01 DO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 ·1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C ° E F (spacII) 03 O2 BITS De 05 04 o 1 0 2 o '1 .• 1 3 1 0 0 4 1 0 1 5 %& I <> I + 0 I 2 j Y 5 5 1 B 9 I L Q] R B [ 11 E F G H I J K L P Q R 5 T U V WX Y Z [ \ I /I :±J g] * - / -- ~ ? M N 0 J /\. - Figure 3. HPDL-2416 ASCII Character Set Mechanical and Electrical Considerations soldering and post Solder Cleaning Instructions for the The HMDL-2416 is an 18 pin dual-in-line package, that can be stacked horizontally and vertically to create arrays of any size. The HMDL-2416 is designed to operate continuously from -55° to +100°C for all possible input conditions including the illuminated cursor in all four character locations. The HMDL-2416 is assembled by die attaching and wire bonding the four GaAsP/GaAs monolithic LED chips and the CMOSIC to a 18 lead ceramic-glass dual-inline package. It is designed either to plug into DIP sockets or to solder into PC boards. HMDL-2416 The inputs of the CMOS IC are protected against static discharge and input current latchup. However, for best results standard CMOS handling precautions should be used. Prior to use, the HMDL-2416 should be stored in anti-static tubes or conductive material. During assembly, a grounded conductive work area should be used. The assembly personnel should use conductive wrist straps. Lab coats made of synthetic materials should be avoided since they are prone to static charge build-up. Input current latchup is caused when the CMOS inputs are subjected to a voltage either below ground (V IN < ground) or to a higher voltage than Vee (VIN > Vee! and a high current is forced. into the input. To prevent input current latchup and ESD damage, unused inputs should be connected either to ground or to Vee, voltages should not be applied to the inputs until Vee has been applied to the display, and transient input voltages should be eliminated. The HMDL-2416 may be hand soldered or wave soldered with SN63 solder. Hand soldering may be safely performed only with an electronically temperature-controlled and securely grounded soldering iron. For best results, the iron tip temperature should be set at 315° C (600° F). For wave soldering, a rosin-based RMA flux or a water soluble organic acid (OA) flux can be used. The solder wave temperature should be 245°C ±5~C (473°F ±9°F), and the dwell in the wave should be set at 1 1/2 to 3 seconds for optimum soldering. Post solder cleaning may be accomplished using water or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for vapor cleaning processing or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for room temperature cleaning. Freon/alcohol vapor cleaning processing for up to 2 minutes in vapors at boiling is permissible. Suggested solvents include Freon TF, Freon TE, Genesolv DI-15, Genesolv DE-15, Genesolv DES, and water. For further information on soldering, refer to Application Note 1027, "Soldering LED Components". . 7-210 High Reliability Testing optical Considerations/ Contrast Enhancement Each HMDl-2416 display is tested for luminous intensity and marked with an intensity category on the back of the display package. To ensure intensity matching for multiple package applications, all displays for a given panel should have the same category. Two standard high reliability testing programs are available. The TXVB program is in conformance with Mll-D-87157 level A Test Tables. The TXVB product is tested to Tables I, II, lila, and IVa. The TXV program is an HP modification to the full conformance program and offers the 100% screening of Quality level A, Table I, and Group A, Table II. The HMDl-2416 display is designed to provide maximum contrast when placed behind an appropriate contrast enhancement filter. Some suggested filters are Panelgraphic Dark Red 63, SGl Homalite H100-1650, Rohm and Haas 2423, Chequers Engraving 118, and 3M R6510. For further information on contrast enhancement, see Hewlett-Packard Application Note 1015. Part Marking System Standard Product HMDL-2416 wn~ Ta~les I, II; Ula,IVa ..! HMDL-2416TXVB 100% Screening Table I. Quality level A of Mll-D-87157 Test Screen Mll-STO-750 Method Conditions 1. Precap Visual 2072 Interpreted by HP Procedure 5956-7235-52 2. High Temperature Storage 1032 TAo'" 125'C. Time'" 24 hours 3. Temperature Cycling 1051 Condition B, 10 cycles. 15 min. dwell 4. Constant Acceleration 2006 5,000 G's at Y1 orientation 5. Fine Leak 1071 Condition H 6. Gross Leak 1071 Condition C 7. Interim Electrical/Optical Tests[2J - 8, Burn-ln!l) 1015 Condition B at Vee'" 5.5 V TAo "" 100'C t 160 hours 9, Final Electrical Testl 21 - Icc%, Icc (CU), Icc (Bl) Ill, Iv@ Vee'" 5.0 V TAo = 25'C 10. Delta Determinations - ~Iec=± 10% 2Ilv= - 20% TAo = 25'C 11. External Visual[lj 2009 Icc, Iv@Vee""5.0V TAo'" 25°C = Notes: 1. MIL-STD-883 Test Method Applies 2, Limits and conditions are per the electrical optical characteristics. 7-211 Table II. Group A Electrical Tests - MIL-D-871S7 LTPD Parameters Subgroup/Test SUbgroup 1 DC Electrical Tests at 25°C·1 Icc%. Icc (CU), Icc (Bl). Ifl, Iv and visual function @Vce""S.OV 5 Subgroup 2 DC Electrical Tests at High Temperature lT ' Same as Subgroup 1. except delete Iv and visual function, TA =0 + 100°C 7 Subgroup 3 DC Electrical Tests at low Temperatureill Same as Subgroup 1, except delete Iv and visual function, TA = -S5°C 7 Subgroup 7 Optical and Functional Tests al 25°C Satisfied by Subgroup 1 5 Subgroups External Visual Mil-STD-883. Method 2009 7 Subgroup 4, 5, and 6 not applicable Note: 1. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. Table ilia. Group B. Class A and B of MIL-D-871S7 Subgroup/Test Subgroup 1 ReSistance to Solvents Internal Visual and Design Verification[l] Subgroup 2[2.31 Solderability Subgroup 3 Thermal ShOck ITemp. Cyclel Moisture Resistancel4 ] Fine leak Gross leak ElectriCal/Optical Endpoints[5J Subgroup 4 Operating Life Test (340 hrs.1 Electrical/Optical Endpointsl5J SubgroupS Non-operating ,Storagel Life Test 1340 hrs., Electrical/Optical EndpointslSj MIL-STD-7S0 Method Conditions Sample Size 4 Devices! Failures 1 Device/ Failures 1022 o 2075[6J o 2026 T A = 245 0 C for 5 seconds lTPD= 15 1051 1021 Condition 81, 15 minute dwell lTPD"" 15 1071 Condition H 1071 Condition C - lec%.lee (CU). Icc (Bl), l'l.lv @ V cc =0 5.0 V and visual function. TA = 25°C 1027 TA = 100°C@V ee '" 5.5 V 1032 lTPO = 10 Same as Subgroup 3 TA=+125°C - lTPD=10 Same as Subgroup 3 Notes: 1. Visual inspection is performed through the display window. 2. Whenever electrical/optical tests are not required as endpoints. electrical rejects may be used. 3. The LTPD applies to the number of leads inspected except in no case shall less than 3 displays be used to provide the number of leads required. 4. Initial conditioning is a 15° inward bend for one cycle. 5. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical chara.cteristics. 6. Equivalent to MIL-STD-883, Method 2014. 7-212 Table IVa. Group C, Class A and B 01 MIL-D-87157 MIL-$TD-750 Method Conditions Subgroup/Test Subgroup 1 Physical Dimensions Sample Size 2066 Subgroup 2[2] Lead IntegrityJ;; 9J Fine Leak Gross Leak Subgroup 3 Shock Vibration, Variable Frequency Constant Acceleration External Visual(4 ) Electrical/Optical Endpoints(8j 2 Devicesl o Failures 2004 1071 1071 Condition B2 Condition H Condition C LTPD""15 2016 1500G, Time = 0.5 ms, 5 blows in each orientation Xl, Y1, Z1 LTPD "" 15 2056 2006 1010 or 1011 - Subgroup 4{1,3] Salt Atmosphere External Visual[4j 5,000 G's at Y1 orientation Ice%, Icc (CU), Icc (BL), IlL, Iv @Vce= 5.0 V and visual function. TA'" 2SoC 1041 1010 or 1011 SubgroupS Bond StrengthJ5] 2037 " LTPD = 15 Condition A , SubgroupS Operating Life TesU6] ,'~ 1026 - Electrical/Optical Endpoints[8] TA "'-, ,. .:.....~-,·--".i,.~" = 100°C@Vec=5.5V LTPD =20 ,'IC ~,o, .- A = 10 Same as Subgroup 3 Notes: 1. Whenever electrical/optical tests are not required as endpoints, electrical rejects may be used. 2. The L TPD applies to the number of leads inspected except in no case shall less than three displays be used to provide the number of leads required. 3. Solderability samples shall not be used, 4. Visual requirements shall be as specified in MIL·STD-883. Methods 1010 or 1011, 5, Displays may be selected prior to seal. 6, If a given inspection lot undergoing Group B inspection has been selected to satisfy Group C inspection requirements, the 340 hour life tests may be continued on test to 1000 hours in order to satisfy the Group C life test requirements. In such cases, either the 340 hour endpoint measurements shall be made a basis for Group B lot acceptance or the 1000 hour endpoint measurement shall be used as the basis for both Group B and Group C acceptance, 7, MIL-STD-883 test method applies, 8, Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. g, Initial conditioning is a 15° inward bend for three cycles. 7·213 ,,-.~,-,.,.-,-.---~--------- .. -------- F/iP'W EXTENDED TEMPERATURE FOUR CHARACTER 5.0 mm (0.20 INCH) 5 X7 ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY FOR SUNLIGHT VIEWABLE APPLICATIONS HEWLETT a!~ PACKARD YELLOW HDSP-2351/2351 TXV/2351 TXVB HICH EFFICIENCY RED HDSP-2352/2352TXV/2352TXVB HIGH PE~.F~.~~.,,!CE GREEN HDSP-2353/2353TXV/23S3TXVB Features • TXVB VERSION CONFORMS TO MIL-D-87157 QUALITY LEVEL A TEST TABLES • SUNLIGHT VIEWABLE UP TO 10,000 FOOTCANDLES • WIDE OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE -55 0 C TO +85 0 C o THREE COLORS Yellow High Efficiency Red High Performance Green • COMPACT CERAMIC PACKAGE Description • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE The HDSP-2351/-2352/-2353 displays are designed for use in military applications requiring readability in bright sunlight. With a proper contrast enhancement filter and heat sinking, these displays are readable in sunlight ambients up to 10,000 footcandles. The character font is a 5.0 mm (0.20 inch) 5 x 1 LED array for displaying alphanumeric information. These devices are available in yellow, high efficiency red, and high performance green. Each four character cluster is packaged in a 12-pin dual-in-line package. An on-board serial-in-parallel-out l-bit shift register associated with each digit controls constant current LED row drivers. Full character display is achieved by external column strobing. • END AND ROW STACKABLE • 5 x 7 LED MATRIX DISPLAYS FULL ASCII SET • INTEGRATED SHIFT REGISTERS WITH CONSTANT CURRENT LED DRIVERS • TTL COMPATIBLE • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY • HDSP-2351/-2353 CATEGORIZED FOR COLOR package Dimensions ~~'OIMAX'~ 1,7901 r- 4 1~~~S3 11110'9'81 DATE CODE _ _ _ _,. f ! $.43 2.41 (.332) A---";j;;;:-!;;;;;;:,,;;;:-=~,:,,;;.;..r_..... 1M951 LUMINOUS INTENSITY PIN 1 PIN 1 CATEGORY n i~ _lil...-·,5, .05 TYP. 1.010' .0021 6.35, .25 I.Z50, ,010) 7-214 FUNCTION COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 CLOUMN 5 PIN 7 2 B 3 9 4 10 5 INT, CONNECT" 12 6 DO NOT CONNEOT OR USE . " FUNCTION DATA OUT V Vee CLOCK GROUND DATA IN NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS IN nim (inches). 2, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED THE TOLSRANCE ON ALL DIMENSIONS IS ~ 0.38 mm jt 0.15"1. 3. CHARACTERS ARE CENTERED WITH RESPECT TO LEADS WlrHtN , 0.13 mm I, 0.005"1. 4.• SAD MATERIA. IS GOLD PLATED COPPER ALLOY, Absolute Maximum Ratings (HDSP-2351/-2352/-2353) Typical Applications • MILITARY AVIONICS - Cockpit displays, aircraft system monitors, fuel management and airborne navigational radio systems Supply Voltage Vee to Ground ..•..... -0.5 V to +6.0 V Inputs, Data Out and VB •.••••.••..••••• -0.5 V to Vee Column Input Voltage, VeOL ..•....... -0.5 V to +6.0 V Free Air Operating Temperature Range, TAl 1.21 •••••••••.•••••••••••• -55° C to +85° C Storage Temperature Range, Ts ...... -55°C to +100°C Maximum Allowable Package Dissipation at TA = 25 o Cll,2,31 HDSP-2381/-2382/-2383 ' . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . .• 1.74 Watts Maximum Solder Temperature 1.59 mm (0.063 in) Below Seating Plane t<5 sec •........•....... 260° C • MILITARY TEST AND GROUND SUPPORT FIELD EQUIPMENT • MILITARY VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT • OTHER APPLICATIONS REQUIRING READABILITY IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT Recommended operating Conditions Over Operating Temperature Range (-55°C to +85°C) (HDSP-2351/-2352/-2353) SVmbol Parameter Supply Voltage Data Out Current, low State Data Out Current. High State I I Column Input Voltage, Column On HDSP-2381/-2382/-2383 Setup Time Hold Time Width of Clock Clock Frequency Clock Transition Time Free Air Operating Temperature Rengef1,2] Min. 4.75 Nom. 5.0 Mix. 10l 5.25 1,6 10H -0,5 Vee Veol tSETUI' tHOLO tW(CLOCK) fCLOCK ITHL TA 2.15 Units V rnA mA V 3.5 70 30 Fig. 45 ns 0 ns ns 4 1 1 1 1 75 0 3 MHz ns ! -20 200 85 °C 3 Electrical Characteristics Over Operating Temperature Range (-55°C to +85°C) YELLOW HDSP-2351/HIGH EFFICIENCY RED HDSP-2352/HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN HDSP-2353 Description Supply Current Symbol Icc Column Input Current (any Column Pinl leoL Column Input Current (any Column Pin) VB, Clock or Data Input Threshold HIQh VB, Data Input Threshold Low leoL VIH VIL Clock Input Threshold Low VIL Input Current Logical 1 Inpul Current Logical 0 Va. Clock Data In VB, Clock Data In hH hH ilL ht. TeilrConditlons Vee -5.25V VCLOCK = VOATA; 2.4V All SR StagGs '" LogIcal! Vec -5.25 V VeoL =3.SV All SR Stages; Logical! Malt, Units Vs'" O.4V 50 60 rnA Va=2.4V 90 100 mA 500 I'A 550 653 0.6 mA V V V 20 SO pA 10 40 -800 Min. Va =O.4V VB ~ 2.4V 2.0 Vee = VeoL ~ 4.75V o.S Vee; 4.75 V Vee" 5.25V, VIH ; 2.4V -500 Vee = 5,25V, VIL ~ O.4V = Data Out Voltage VOH VOL Vee - 4,75V, 10K - .(l.S rnA, leoL 0 mA Vee =4.75V, IOL = 1.6 rnA, lcol. = 0 rnA Power Olssipatfon Per Package"" Po Vee - S.OV. Veol '" 3.5V. 17.5% OF 15 LEOs on per character, Va "" 2.4V Thermal Resistance IC Junction-la-Pin Typ." 2.4 -250 3.4 0.2 -400 0.4 V V W 'C/WI 10 RtlJ-PIN Device 5Xl0-8 Leak Rate 4 /.IA Il A pA 1.05 Fig. 2 2 co/sec 'All typical values specified at Vee = 5,OV and TA; 25°C unless otherwise noted. "Power dissipation per package with four characters illuminated. Notes: 2. Operation above 50° C ambient is possible provided the following conditions are met. The junction temperature should not exceed 125°C (TJi and the temperature at the pins should not exceed 100'C (Tel. 3. Maximum allowable dissipation is derived from Vee = 5.25 V, Va = 2.4 V. VeoL = 3.5 V, 20 LEOs on per character, 20% OF. 1. The HDSP-23511-2352/-2353 should be derated linearly above 50° Cat 24.3 mW/' C, based on a device mounted such that the thermal resistance from IC junction to ambient Is 45' C/W (10'C/W RtlJ-PIN and 35°C/WPIN_Ai. See Figure 2 for power deratings based on lower thermal resistance mounting. 7-215 -'-------------- ·AII typical values specified at Vee = 5.0V and TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted. ··Power dissipation per package with four characters illuminated. Noles: 4. These LED displays are categorized for luminous intensitywith the intensity category designated bya letter code on the bottom of the package. . 5. The HDSP-2351/-2353 are categorized tor color with the color category designated by a number code on the bottom of the package. 6. TI refers to the initial case temperature of the device immediately prior to the light measurement. 7. Dominant wavelength Ad. is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram. and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device: 8. The luminoussterance of the LED may be calculated using the following relationships: Lv Icd/m2) = Iv ICandela)/A IMetre)2 Lv IFootlamberts) = 71"lv ICandela)/A IFoot)2 A = 5.3 x 10-8 M2 = 5.8 x 10-7 I Foot)2 7-216 · -.~.----~--------------------------------- -~, ~rntl a 10 20 3U 40 rn If! r .' -. 50 60 70 SO TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - Nd 90 100 -60 -40 -20 I r .... z ::;; 400 ~" I I 200 l100 ~ II I ! 300 :30 u , / 500 ~ 0: 0: ::l U o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 o /. 1.0 °c Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Device Substrate (PIN) Temperature. 600 I 0 TpN - DEVICE PIN TEMPERATURE _ °c Figure 2. Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature as a Function 01 Thermal Resistance IC Junction to Ambient Air. R9JA. "E .. --f~rTllmfj~·I- '~ 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 VCOL. - COLUMN VOLTAGE - VOLTS Figure 4. Peak Column Current vs. Column Voltage. 7-217 . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ .__._-- Electrical Description The electrical configuration of the HOSP-235X series alphanumeric displays allows for an effective interface to a microprocessor data source. Each display device contains four 5x7 LED dot matrix characters and two integrated circuits, as diagrammed in Figure 5. Thetwointegrated circuits, with TTL compatible inputs, form a 28 bit serial-in-parallelout column data shift register. The data input is connected to shift register bit position 1 and the data output is connected to bit position 28. The shift register parallel outputs are connected to constant current sinking LED row drivers that sink a nominal 19.6 mA. A logic 1 stored in the shift register enables the corresponding LED row driver and a logic 0 stored in the shift register disables the corresponding LED row driver. The light output of the display may be dimmed by pulse width modulating (PWM) the blanking input VB, with the brightness being in direct proportion to the LED on-time. When the blanking input is at logic high the display is illuminated and when the blanking input is at logic low the display is blanked. These displays may be dimmed by PWM on the order of a 2000:1 change in brightness while maintaining light output and color uniformity between characters. The LEO on-time duty factor, OF, may be determined when the time to load the on-board shift register, t, the column on-time without blanking, T, and the time display is blanked, TB, are known: T OF= 5(t+T+TB) Column data is loaded into an on-board shift register with high to low transitions of the Clock input. To load character information into the display, column data for the character 4 is loaded first and the column data for character 1 is loaded last in the following manner: The 7 data bits for column 1, character 4 are loaded into the on-board shift register. Next, the 7 data bits for column 1, character 3 are loaded into the on-board shift register, shifting the character4 data over one character pOSition. This process is repeated until all 28 bits of column data are loaded into the on-board shift register. Then, the column 1 input is energized to illuminate column 1's in all four characters. The procedure is repeated for columns 2,3,4 and 5. Where: 5(t + T + TB) is 1/column refresh rate The column driver inputs should be strobed at a refresh rate of 100 Hz or faster to achieve a flicker free display. The value of OF approaches 20% when TB = 0 and t is very small compared to T. The ESO susceptibility of these IC devices is Class A of MIL-STO-883 or Class 2 of 000-STO-1686 and 000HOBK-263. For information on interfacing these displays to microprocessor data sources and techniques for intensity control, see Application Note 1016. COLUMN DRIVE INPUTS 1 COLUMN 2 3 4 5 1 ~ I I I I 1 ~ ~I~ ~ w ~~~)f{~ ~ LED MATRIX 2 I CONTROL, VB -- 1 2 S 4 5 6 7 SERIAL DATA INPUT -- 1 BLANKING ~ I I I I 1 I I III ~ ~ LED MATRIX 3 I ROWS 1-7 ROWS 1-7 J ~ ,A rv LED MATRIX 4 ROWS 1-7 I ROWS COIllSTANT CIJRRENTSINKING LEO DRIVERS I 2 3 4 " 6 7 ~~ ~~ ~~ ROWSS-14 ROWS 15-21 ROWS 22-28 SERIAL 2S·BIT SIPO SHIFT REGISTER A I CLOCK Figure 5. Block Diagram 01 an HDSP-235X Series LED Alphanumeric Display 7-218 I--- DATA OUTPUT ---------- ----------- Power Dissipation and Low Thermal Resistance Design Considerations The light output of the HDSP-235X devices is a function of temperature, decreasing 1.5% for each 1° C increase in junction temperature. Therefore, it is desirable to maintain as low device junction temperature as possible to insure sufficient light output for sunlight readability. This is preferably achieved by designing for a low junction to ambient thermal resistance, or alternatively by controlling total display power dissipation by derating, see data sheet Figure 2. Power Dissipation Calculation: Power dissipation may be calculated using the equations of Figure 6a. For typical applications, the average pixel count per character is 15. The maximum power dissipation is calculated with a pixel count of 20 per character. As demonstrated in Figure 6c, the maximum power dissipation is 1.741 W with DF= 20%, Vee=5.25 V and VeoL=3.5 V. The average power dissipation is 1.161 W per device with DF = 20%, Vee = 5.0 V and VeoL = 3.5 V. As shown in Figure 4 on the data sheet, the column current, leoL, is constant when the column input voltage, VeOL, is at 2.75 Vor greater. Setting VeOLsubstantiallygreaterthan 2.75 V does not increase light output, but does add to device total power dissipation. Fdr optimum performance, it is recommended that VeoL be set between 2.75 V and 3.5 V. Junction Temperature and Device Thermal Resistan{:e: It is necessary to control the IC junction temperature, T J(lC), to insure proper operation of the display: TJ(lC)MAX = 125°C The equations to calculate TJ(lC) are given in Figure 6b. TJ(lC) will be higher than the device substrate temperature where as the individual LED pixel junction temperatures, T J(LED), will be nearly the same as the substrate temperature. A sample calculation is presented in Figure 6c. An easy design rule is to obtain a IC junction to ambient thermal resistance, ROJ- A, that establishes the device pin temperature less than 100°C. The value of ROJ- A = 23"C/W will permit device operation in an ambient temperature of 85° C, without derating. Figure 7 gives the maximum values for ROJ_A for reliable device operation in ambient temperatures from 25° C to 85° C. To achieve a low value of RO PIN - A' the following designs may be incorporated into the display system: 2. Install a metal plate, or bar, between the display packages and the PC board, with the bar mechanically fastened to the chassis, as illustrated in Figure 9a. For multiple display lines, a metal plate may be placed between the display packages and the PC board to conduct the heat to the chassis housing assembly. The metal plate may be electrically insulated from the PC board by a thermally conductive insulator. Heat sink bars are formed in the metal plate by milling out lead clearance slots. The ceramic package of a display rests on one of the heat sink bars with the device leads passing through the slots to make electrical contact with the PC board. The heat is transferred from the display ceramic package into the metal plate. The chassis housing acts as the thermal radiator to'dissipate the heat into the surrounding environment. The metal plate must be mechanically fastened to the housing assembly, otherwise it will act only as a thermal capacitor and will not diSSipate thEli' heat.-,,' ' 3. Install a heat pipe between the display packages arid the PC board, with the heat pipe mechanically fasten'ad to the - chassis housing, as shown in Figure 9b. ,," The heat pipe is a low mass alternative to the metal plate described above. A heat pipe is a small tube, filled with a ; cherpical, that transfers heat froryl the· spume to a heat sink with minimal thermal impedance. It is not a heatsink. The heat pipe transfers the heat directly from the display ceramic package to the chassis housing which dissipates the heat into the surrounding air. 4. Utilize a heat pipe to transfer the heat from a maximum metalized PC board to a finned heat sink mounted on the back of the assembly housing, as shown in Figure 10. The heat pipe is placed against the back side of a maximum metalized PC board, electrically isolated by a thermally conductive insulator. When the heat pipe is connected to a finned heat sink on the back of the chassis housing, PC board to external ambient thermal resistance values in the range of 10 to 15° C/W per device can be achieved. The heat generated by the displays is directly dissipated into the external ambient surrounding the chassis housing by the finned heat sink. Contact the following manufacturers for information on: Heat Pipe Technology: 1. Mount the displays on a double sided maximum metalized PC board, as illustrated in Figure 8. For single line display assemblies, a double sided maximum metalized PC board is a cost effective way to achieve a low thermal resistance to ambient. "Lands" are used instead of "traces" as the current carrying elements. Each "land" is made as wide as possible, consistent with circuit layout restrictions, to aChieve metalized surface area to radiate thermal energy. Isolation strips, 0,64 mm (0.025 inch) wide, are etched from the board to electrically isolate the lands. PC board thermal resistance values in the range of 35° C/W per device are achievable for Single line display assemblies. Air flow across the display PC board assembly dissipates the heat. Noren Products 3545 Haven Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 (415) 365-0632 Thermally Conductive Insulators; "Sil-Pad": 7-219 Bergquist Company 5300 Edina Indl Blvd. Minneapolis, MN 55435 (612) 835-2322 PO = P(lcd + P(IREF) + P(lcod; Total power dissipation per device. Where: P(lcd = Icc (VB =0.4 V) • V cc; Power dissipated by the two ICs when the display Is blanked. Device Maximum Power Dissipation: P(lREF) = 5 • [Icc (VB = 2.4 V) - Icc (VB = 0.4 V)) - V cc - (n/35) - OF; Additional power dissipated by the two ICs wllh characters illuminated. IC Maximum Power Dissipation: P(lcd = (0.060A) (5_25 V) = 0.315 W P(I REF) = 5(0.100A - 0.060A) (5.25 V) (20/35) (lIS) = 0.120W P(lcod = 5· ICOL· Vcodn/35)· OF; Power dissipated by the LED pixels when the characters are illuminated. ICOL Power Dissipation: P(lcod = 5(0.653A) (3.5 V) (20/35) (lIS) = 1.306 W n = 15 pixels per character for average power_ Device Maximum Power Dissipation: n = 20 pixels per character for maximum power. PD(MAX) = 0.315 W + 0.120 W + 1.306 W = 1.741 W IC Junction Temperature, T A = 85° C: Figure 6a. Equations for Calculating Device Power Dissipation. IC Junction Temperature Rise Above Substrate Pin: Della TJ(IC) = (10°C/W) (1.741 W) = 17.4°C Rise Della T J (IC) = ROJ-PIN· PO; IC junction temperature rise above device pin temperature. Device Pin Temperature Rise Above Ambient: Della T(PIN) = (13°C/W) (1.741 W) = 22.6°C Rise Where: RO J-PIN = 10° C/W; The thermal resistance IC junction to device pin 1. IC Junction Temperature: T J(IC) = 85° C + (17.4° C + 22.6° C) = 125.0° C Della T PIN = ROPIN_A - PO; Device pin temperature rise above the ambient temperature, T A. Where: RO PIN _A = The thermal resistance, device pin to ambient through the PC board, on a per device basis. T J (IC) = T A + [Della T J (IC) + Della T PIN]; IC junction temperature, the sum of the ambient temperature and the temperature rise above ambient. Note: Icc and ICOl values taken from the data sheet Electrical Characteristics. ROJ-PIN = 10°C/Wand ROPIN-A = 13°C/W. Figure 6b. Equations for Calculating IC Junction Figure 6c. Sample Calculation of Device Maximum Power Dissipation and IC Junction Temperature for an HDSP-235X Series Device Operating in an Ambient of T A = 85° C. 60 5755 r--., 50 "- ..... 45 ;; ;' X "'" ~ a: 40 ..... 35 I' 30 I I I I 15 10 0 ..... I'- 25 2320 1 I 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 TA _oC Figure 7. Maximum Thermal Resistance IC Junction to Ambient, ROJ_A, vs. Ambient Temperature. Based on: Po MAX. = 1.741 W, TJ (IC) MAX. = 125°C. 7-220 "LAND", CURRENT CARRYING ELEMENT 0.63 mm (0.025 in.! ELECTRICAL ISOLATION STRIPS BETWEEN LANDS Figure 8. Maximum .Metallzed PC Board, Double Sided, for Mounting HDSP-235X Series Displays. CHASSIS HOUSING HDSP-235X SERIES DISPLAYS Figure 9b. Heat Pipes Mounted Between Display Devices and PC Board, Mechanically Fastened to Chassis Housing. Figure 9a. Metal Plate Mounted Between Display Devices and PC Board, Mechanically Fastened to Chassis Housing. DISPLAY PC BOARD WITH MAXIMUM BACK FINNED HEAT SINK MOUNTED ON BACK OF CHASSIS HOUSING HEAT PIPE MOUNTING FLANGE, HEAT PIPE TO DISPLAY PC BOARD Figure 10. Using a Heat Pipe to Transfer Display Generated Heat to an Externally Mounted Finned Heat Sink. 7-221 :.1 Contrast Enhancement The high light output of the HDSP-235X series displays in combination with improved contrast enhancement techniques, such as a new filter for the green H DSP-2353 display, make it possible to achieve readability in sunlight. Readability of the HDSP-235X series displays in sunlight is achieved by placing an antireflection coated, AR, circular polarized, CP, optically tinted glass filter in front of the display. The AR/CP optically tinted glass filter provides luminous contrast between the on-LED pixels and the display background, establishes a recognizable color difference between the onLED pixels and the display background and reduces the level of ambient light reflected off the front surface of the filter. This technology and the concept of Discrimination Index, as a measure of readability, are discussed in Application Note 1015. An AR/CP optically tinted glass filter should have a single pass relative transmission between 11% and 17% at the peak wavelength of the LED radiated spectrum, provided by the optical tinting. The double pass relative transmission should be less than 1%, provided by the circular polarizer. The filter can be either neutral density or bandpass, depending upon the properties of the optical tinting. The appropriate bandpass filter, with a peak relative transmission positioned at the peak wavelength of the LED radiated spectrum, will typically have a higher luminous contrast ratio than a neutral density filter, as it absorbs ambient light in the blue and blue-green regions. The AR coating reduces reflections off the front surface of the glass filter to a nominal 0.25%. Luminous contrast values greater than 4.0 can be achieved in 107,0001m/m 2 (10,000fc) sunlight, excluding the condition of a reflected image of the sun off the front surface of the filter. The luminous contrast, which includes both diffuse and specular reflectance components off the front surface of the glass filter, is the predominant factor in the determination of the Discrimination Index. The luminous contrast combined with the color difference between illuminated LED pixels and the display background, as viewed through the AR/CP filter, produce Discrimination Index values in the neighborhood of 5.0. Values of Discrimination Index greater than 4.0 have been demonstrated to correlate with acceptable readability in sunlight. A theoretical relative transmission characteristic for an optimal bandpass filter for the HDSP-2353 is presented in Figure 11. Diffuse and specular reflectance values are given in Figure 12. One AR/CP glass filter th!!t approaches the theoretical characteristic is the 12% GREEN passband, manufactured by Marks Polarized Corporation. Figures 13a, band c present the Luminous Index, Chrominance Index and Discrimination Index calculations for the HDSP2353/Marks 12% GREEN filter combination. The luminous contrast ratio of 5.22 gives a Luminance Index of 4.79, combined with a Chrominance Index of 1.07 produces a Discrimination Index of 4.91. The HDSP-2353 combined with a 14% neutral density AR/CP glass filter can achieve a luminous contrast of4.66, providing a Discrimination Index of 4.60 which is an 16% improvement over the value of 3.97 calculated for the standard green HDSP-2303 display in Application Note 1015. Table 1 lists calculated values for luminous contrast, Luminous Index, Chrominance Index and Discrimination Index for the three HDSP-238X series devices in combination with a 14% transmission neutral density AR/CP glass filter in sunlight. Three filter manufacturers provide AR/CP optically tinted glass filters for use with the HDSP-235X series displays in sunlight: Manufacturer HOYA Optics, Inc. 3400 Edison Way Fremont, California 94538-6138 (415) 490-1880 AR/CP Glass Filter Transmission HP Display HLF-608-1G Yellow-Green Bandpass 14% HDSP-2353 Green HLF-608-3Y Yellowish-Orange Bandpass 14% HDSP-2351 Yellow HLF-608-5R Reddish-Orange Bandpass 14% HDSP-2352 HER Hoya offers an optical coating on the backside surface as an option. Manufacturer Marks Polarized Corporation 25B Jefryn Blvd. West Deer Park, New York 11729-5715 (516) 242-1300 AR/CP Giass Filter Transmission HP Display MCP-0101-5-12 Yellow-Green Bandpass 12% HDSP-2353 Green MCP-0201-2-22 Reddish-Orange Bandpass 22% HDSP-2352 HER MCP-0301-8-10 Neutral Density Gray 10% HDSP-23511 2352/2353 Yellow/HERI Green Manufacturer Polaroid Corporation Polarizer Division 1 Upland Road Norwood, Massachusetts 02062 ·2000 (617) 577-2000 AR/CP Glass Filter HNCP10 NeutralDensity Gray 7-222 Transmission HP Display 10% HDSP-23511 2352/2353 Yellow/HERI Green Refer to Application Note 1029 for more information on luminous contrast and 'sunlight readability. Table I, Discrimination Index Value.s for.the HDSP-235X Series Displays with Neutral Density Gray Filter Time Average Luminous Intensity Luminous Contrast HDSP-23§L, 680 !,cd 4,68 HDSP-2352 " 'lli 570!,cd Display Device Luminance Index Chrominance Index Discrimination Index 4,09 4.66 HDEiP-2353 Ambient: 107,000 Im/m2 (10,000 fc) Sunlight Filter Type: 14% Transmission, AR/CP, Neutral Density Filter Surface Reflectance: 0.25% Specular and 0.02% Diffuse Luminous Intensity: Data Sheet Typical x 20% Duty Factor 1.0 z a ili 0.9 0.8 ~z 0.7 a: 0.6 w 0.5 '" I- > ~ uJa: I I- RADIATED SPECTRUM OF GREEN LED T (" = 0 BELOW 530 pm T (570 nm) = 0.11 TO 0.11 0.4 SINGLE PASS TRANSMISSION CHARACTERISTIC 0.3 0.2 0.1 480 500 660 520 ~ 680 - WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 11. Relative Transmission Characteristics for a Yellow-Green Bandpass Antireflection Coated, Circular Polarized Glass Filter for use with the HDSP-2353 Green LED Alphanumeric Display. t---;liI&__ RFS = 0.0025 SPECULAR .".~, :~R~ ",H"" RS ::: 0.25 SPECULAR AR COATING RD = 0.25 DIFFUSE ~~~ SSI;-POLARIZER DISPLAY GLASS WINDOW_i==":fJ.r==t.t====~":{ LED CHIP AND DIE ATTACH PAD (LED PIXEL) DISPLAY CERAMIC SUBSTRATE Figure 12. Reflectances off Surfaces of an HDSP-235X Series Display and an AR/CP Glass Filter. 7-223 ..•. ---.----~ -- .... . ...... _ - - - ....•... ID = .;'IDL2 + IDC2 IDL=4.79 ID = .;'<4.79)2 +(1.07)2 IDC=1.07 mI TRANSMISSION Y£LLOW.QREEN FI LTER WINDOW I ~·O.255 v-Q.374 ID = 4.91 0.3 0.2 Figure 13a. Discrimination Index for the HDSP-2353 Green LED Alphanumeric Display Combined with a 12% Transmission Yellow-Green Bandpass AR/CP Glass Filter In Indirect 107000 Im/m2 (10,000 Ic) sunlight. I---'H---t---f'=-;--:;-;c-t---;---i 0.1- 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Figure 13c. Color Difference and Chromlnance Index eR '" LvS + LvB + Lv F LvB + LvF IDL"~ CR '" 13::.3+ +452~/ 274 LOG,. 15.22) IOL = --0.-'5-- CR '" 5.22 IDL '" 4.79 lOG10 CR Figure 13b. Contrast Ratio and Luminance Index. 7-224 0.6 0.7 High Reliability Testing Part Marking System Two standard reliability testing programs are available. The TXVB program is in conformance with MIL-D-87157 Quality Level A Test Tables for hermetically sealed LED displays with 100% screening tests. A TXVB product is tested to Tables I, II, Ilia, and IVa. The TXV program is an HP modification to the full conformance program and offers the 100% screening of Quality Level A, Table I, and Group A, Table II. Standard Product With Table I and II With Tables I, II, ilia, IVa HDSP-2351 HDSP-2352 HDSP-2353 HDSP-2351TXV HDSP-2352TXV HDSP-2353TXV HDSP-2351 TXVB HDSP-2352TXVB HDSP-2353TXVB 100% SCreening Table I. Quality Level A of MIL-D-87157 Test Screen MIL-STD-750 Method 1. Precap ViSUal 2072 Conditions Interpreted by HP Procedure 5956-7512-52 2. High Temperature Storage 1032 T A = 125° C, Time = 24 hours!3] 3. Temperature Cycling 1051 Condition B, 10 cycles, 15 min. dwell 4. Constant Acceleration 2006 10,000 G's at Y1 orientation 5. Fine Leak 1071 Condition H 6. Gross Leak 1071 Condition C 7. Interim Electrical/Optical Tests111 - Icc lat VB = O.4V and 2.4V), leOL (at VB = O.4V and 2.4V I hH IVB, Clock and Data In), IlL IVB, Clock and Data Inl, IOH, IOL, Visual Function and Iv Peak. VIH and Vil inputs are guaranteed by the electronic shift register test. T A = 25' C 8. Burn-ln!l] 9. Final Electrical Testf2] 10. Delta Determinations 1015 - Condition B at Vee 3.5V, TA = +85° C, = VA = 5.25V, VeOL = LED ON-Time Duty Factor = 5%, 35 Dots On; t = 160 hours Same as Step 7 ..lIce - ±6 mA, ...lIIH (clock I - ±10 I'A, ...lhH iData In) = ±10 I'A ...lIOH = ±10% of initial value, and ...llv = -20%, TA = 25°C 11. External Visual!1] 2009 .- Notes: 1. MIL-STD-883 Test Method applies. 2. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. The IOH and IOl tests are the inverse of VOH and VOL specified in the electrical characteristics. 3. TA = 100' C for HDSP-2353. 7-225 ~~~-~~------ .. Table II. Group A Electrical Tests - MIL-D-87157 SubgrouplTest Parameters Subgroup 1 DC Electrical Tests at 25°C 1 LTPD 5 Icc at VB '" OAV and 2.4V'o leal ,at VB = OAV and 2.4V, IIH ,VB, Clock and Data In', ill Va, Clock and Data In '. IOH, IOl Visual Function and Iv peak, VIH and Vil inputs are guaranteed by the electronic shiJt register test. Subgroup 2 DC Electrical Tests at High Temperature 1 Same as Subgroup 1, except delete Iv and visual function, TA'" +85°C 7 Subgroup 3 DC Electrica.l Tests at Low Temperature 11 Same as Subgroup 1, except delete Iv and visual function, TA = -55°C 7 Subgroup 7 Optical and Functional Tests at 25°C Satisfied by Subgroup 1 5 Subgroup 8 External Visual MIL-STO-883 Method 2009 7 Subgroup 4, 5, and 6 not tested Note: 1 limits and conditions are> per the electncal/optical characteristics. 'The IOH and IOL tests are the inverse of VOH and VOL speCified in the electrical characteristics. Table ilia. Group B, Class A and B 01 MIL-D-87157 Subgroup/Test Subgroup 1 Resistance to Solvents Internal Visual and DeSign Verlfication[1J Subgroup 2[2,3] Solderability Subgroup 3 Thermal Shock (Temp, Cyclel Moisture Reslstance!4] Fine Leak Gross Leak Electrical/Optical Endpoints!5] Subgroup 4 Operating Ufe Test 1340 hrS.1 Electrical/Optical Endpoints[5] Subgroup 5 Non-operating IStoragsl Ufe Test 1340 hrs,j Electrical/Optical Endpointsl S) Mll-STD·750 Method Conditions SampleSl;z:e 4 Devices! Failures 1 Devicel o Failures 1022 o 20751 6J 2026 T A '" 245° C for 5 seconds LTPD =15 1051 1021 1071 1071 Condition 81, 15 min, Dwell LTPO=15 Condition H Condition C Icc I at VB - DAV and 2AV I, leol lat VB = OAV and 2.4VI, IiH IVa. Clock and Data In), hL IVa, Clock and Data Inl, lOH, 10L Visual Functfon and Iv peak, VIH and VIL inputs are guarante_ed by the electronic shift registertest TA = 25'C - = 1027 1032 - TA "" +85"C at Vee = Va 5,25V, VeaL = 3,5V, LED ON-Time Duly Factor'" 5%, 35 Dots On Same as Subgroup 3 LTPD=10 TA = +125 Q C(6] LTPO'" 10 Same as Subgroup 3 Notes: 1. Visual inspection is performed through! the display window. 2. Whenever electrical/optical tests are not required as endpoints, electrical rejects may be used. 3. The LTPD applies to the number of leads inspected except in no case shall less than 3 displays be used to provide the number of leads required. 4. Inilial conditioning is a 15 c inward bend for one cycle 5. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. The IOH and IOl tests are the inverse of VOH and VOL specified in the electrical characteristics. 6. Equivalent to MIL·STD·883, Method 2014. 7-226 Table IVa. Group C, Class A and B of MIL-D-87157 subgrOu.,/Tesl MIL·STD-7S0 Conditions Method Subgroupw1 Physical Dimensions 2066 Subgroup 2[2] Lead Integrlty(7, 9] Fine Leak Gross Leak 2004 1071 1071 Subgroup 3 Shock 2016 Vibration, Variable Frequency Constant Acceleration Externat Visual1 4 1 electrical/Optical Endpointsl 81 Sample Size 2;tviCeS! 0" ' lIures ill Condition B2 i€ondition H Condition C = lS00G, Time 0,5 ms, 5 blows in each orientation Xl. Yl. 21 2056 2006 1010 or 1011 - Icc f at Va - OAV and 2.4V, leOl {at Va = O.4V and 2,4VI hH IVe, Clock and Data 1m hL IVa, Clock and Data In1 tOH, 10L. Visual Function and Iv peak. VIH and VIL Inputs are guaranteed by the electronic shift register test. TA '" 2S·C, 1041 1010 or 1011 SubgroupS Bond Strength,SI 2037 Condition A Subgroup 6 Operating Life Testl6! 1026 T A = +8S"C at Vee'" VB = 5.25V, Veol. '" S.5V. 35 Dots On Same as Subgroup 3 - LTPD "" 15 10,000G at VI orientation Subgroup 4(1,3J Salt Atmosphere External Visual1 41 Electrical/Optical EndpolntslSI LTPD=1S LTPD:= 15 LTPD=20 (C",O, ,,= 10 Noles: 1. Whenever electrical/optical tests are not required as endpoints, electrical rejects may be used. 2. The LTPD applies to the number of leads inspected except in no case shall less than three displays be used to provide the number of leads required. 3. Solderability samples shall not be used. 4. Visual requirements shall be as specified in MIL-STD-883, Methods 1010 or 1011. 5. Displays may be selected prior to seal. 6. If a given inspection lot undergoing Group B inspection has been selected to satisfy Group C inspection requirements, the 340 hour life tests may be continued on test to 1000 hours in order to satisfy the Group C life test requirements. In such cases, either the 340 hour endpoint measurements shall be made a basis for Group B lot acceptance or the 1000 hour endpoint measurement shall be used as the basis for both Group B and Group C acceptance. 7. MIL-STD-883 test method applies. 8. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. The IOH and IOL tests are the inverse of VOH and VOL specified in the electrical characteristics. ' 9. Initial conditioning is a 15 degree inward bend, 3 cycles. 7-227 Fliifl HEWLETT HERMETIC, EXTENDED TEMPERATURE RANGE S.Omm <'20") SX7 ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAYS STANDARD REO YELLOW HIGH EFFICIENCY REO HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN ~~ PACKARD HDSP-2310/2310TXV12310TXVB HDSP-2311 12311 TXV 12311 TXVB HDSp·2312/2312TXV /2312TXVB HDSP-2313/2313TXV 12313TXVB Features • WIDE OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE -55°C TO +85°C • TRUE HERMETIC PACKAGE FOR RED, YELLOW AND HIGH EFFICIENCY RED DISPLAYS[1] • TXVB VERSION CONFORMS TO MIL-D-87157 QUALITY LEVEL A TEST TABLES • FOUR COLORS Standard Red High Efficiency Red Yellow High Performance Green • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY • YELLOW AND GREEN DISPLAYS CATEGORIZED FOR COLOR Description • INTEGRATED SHIFT REGISTERS WITH CONSTANT CURRENT LED DRIVERS • 5x7 LED MATRIX DISPLAYS FULL ASCII CHARACTER SET • WIDE VIEWING ANGLE • END STACKABLE • TTL COMPATIBLE Nole: 1. The HDSP-2313 high performance green displays are epoxy sealed and conform to MIL-D-87157 hermeticity requirements. The HDSP-2310 series displays are 5.0mm (0.20 in.) 5x7 LED arrays for display of alphanumeric information. These devices are available in standard red, yellow, high efficiency red and high performance green. All displays use a 14 pin dual-in-line glass ceramic package. The hermetic HDSP2310/-2311/-2312 displays utilize a solder-glass seal. The HDSP-2313 displays utilize an epoxy glass-to-ceramic seal. All display packages conform to the hermeticity requirements of MIL-D-87157. An on-board SIPO (Serial-In-ParallelOut) 7-bit shift register associated with each digit controls constant current LED row drivers. Full character display is achieved by external column strobing. Package Dimensions QATE CODE S€E NOTE 3 4.87 I1Of. r 8.43 (.192) (.3nl _=-----1 PIN 1 MARKED BY oor ON SACK Of PACKAGE LUMINOUS INT€NSITY 5.00, "3 1,197 > .0051 PIN .. CATEOORY , PIN s.oe (.2001 t L COLUMN COLUMN COLUMN COLUMN CLOUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 INT. CONNECP PIN 7 8 9 '0 11 '2 00 NOT CONNECT OR USE t 2.54 (.1001 FUNCTION 2 3 4 5 , FUNCTION DATA OUT VB Vee CLOCK GROUND DATA IN NOTES, " DIMENS!ONS IN mm ttll<:ned, 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED TflE TOLERANCE ON ALL OIMENSIONs IS , 0.38 mm (; MS"J. 2i~:oo '::.io;r -l NON ACCUM. S, CHAAACTERS ARE CENTERED WITH RESPECT TO ,.AO$ WITHIN, 0,'3 O.OQS") , 4. LEAD MATERIA. 1$ GOLD PLATEO COPPER ALLOY, mm', 7-228 Typical Applications • MILITARY EQUIPMENT • AVIONICS • HIGH RELIABILITY INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT Absolute Maximum Ratings (HDSP-231 0/-2311/-2312/-2313) Supply Voltage Vee to Ground .......... -0.5V to 6.0V Inputs, Data Out and VB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -0.5V to Vee Column Input Voltage, VeOl ............ -0.5V to +6.0V Free Air Operating Temperature Range, TA 1.2 •.•••••••• -55°e to +85°e Storage Temperature Range, T5 HDSP-2310/-2311/-2312 ............ .. -65°C to +125°C HDSP-2313 ........................ -55°e to +100°C Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation at TA = 25°Cll.2.3] ......................... 1.46 Watts Maximum Solder Temperature 1.59 mm (.063") Below Seating Plane t<5secs .................. 260°C Recommended Operating Conditions (HDSP-231 0/-2311/-2312/-2313) Parameter Supply Vollage Data Out Current, Low State Oala Out Current. H'9h State Column Input Voltage, Column On HOSP-2310 Column Input VOltage, Column On HOSP-2311/-2312/-2313 SetupT,me Hold Time Width of Clock Clock Frequency Clock Transition Time Free Air Operating Temperature Range 1.2· Symbol Vee IOl IOH Veol Veol Min. 475 Nom. Max. 50 525 1.6 -0.5 3.5 35 2.4 tho1d 275 70 30 t . . -1C!ock; 75 fcloCK 0 tTHl TA 3 200 -55 85 Isetup 45 0 Units V rnA rnA V V ns ns Fig; ns 1 1 1 MHz ns °C 4 4 1 1 Electrical Characteristics Over Operating Temperature Range IUnless otherwise specified I Description Suppty Current Symbol lec Test Conditions Vec - 5.25V VCLOCK = VOATA "2AV All SR Stages Logical 1 Vee =5.25 V Veal =3.5V All SR Stages = Logical 1 = Column Current at any Column Input leaL Column Current at any Column Input VB, Clock or Data Input Threshold High VB, Data Input Threshold Low Clock Input Threshold Low Input Current Logical 1 VB, Clock Data In Input Current Logical a Va, Clock Data In leOl V,H Data Out Voltage Power Dissipation Per Package" Thermal Resistance IC Junction-to-Case Leak Rate V'L V'L IIH hH III lil VOH VOL Po Typ.' Max. Units VB =OAV 45 60 mA Va" 2.4V 73 95 mA Min. Va ffl OAV Va = 2.4V 380 500 p.A 520 mA V V V MA p.A 2.0 0.8 0.6 Vee =4.75V Vee =5.25V, V1H =2AV Vee; 5.25V. V'l = DAV = Vee = 4.75V, JOH - -0.5 mA, leOL 0 mA Vee =4.75V, 1.6 mA, leol = 0 mA Vce - 5.0V. VCOL - 3.5V, 17.5% OF 15 LEOs on per character. VB - 2.4V = ROJ-C 2.4 20 10 -500 -250 3.4 0.2 80 40 -800 -400 0.4 Fig; 4 rA p.A V V 0.78 W 2 25 'C/WI Device ;: 5xlQ-8 cc/sec 'All typical values specified at Vee = 5.0V and TA = 25' C unless otherwise noted. "Power dissipation per package with four characters illuminated. Notes: 1. Operation above 85°C ambient is possible provided the Ie junction temperature. TJ, does not exceed 125°C. 2. The device should be derated linearly above 3]0 C at 16.7 mW/' C. This derating is based on a device mounted in a socket having a thermal resistance from case to ambient at 35° C/W per device. See Figure2 for powerderatings based on a lower thermal resistance. 3. Maximum allowable dissipation is derived from Vee - 5.25V, VB - 2.4V, VeaL - 3.5V 20 LEOs on per character, 20% OF. 7-229 ·. Optical Characteristics ."'. STANDARD RED HDSP-2310 Description Peak Luminous Intensity per LED : Character Average I Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength!7} YELLOW Symbol 4.8 IvPeak Test Conditions Vee'" 5.0V, VeOl '" 3.5V Tj = 25° Clol, VB = 2.4V Min. 220 APEAK Ad Typ.' Units Fig. 370 pcd 3 655 639 nm nm Max. HDSP-2311 Description Peak LuminOus Intensity per LED 4.8 I Character Averagel Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength[S. 7} HIGH EFFICIENCY RED Min. Typ.* Units Fig. 650 1140 ",cd 3 APEAK 583 Ad 585 nm nm Symbol IvPeak Test Conditions Vee = 5.0V, VeOl = 3.5V Tj = 25°CI 61, VB = 2.4V Max, HDSP-2312 Description Peak Luminous Intensity per LED 4.8 (Character Average I Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength(7) Symbol Ivpeak Test Conditions Vee - 5.0V, VeOl - 3.5V Tj = 25" CISI, Va = 2.4V ApEAK Ad Min. IYp.' Units Fig. 650 1430 Max. ",cd 3 635 626 nm nm HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN HDSP-2313 Min. Typ.' Max. Description Symbol Test Conditions Ulilts Fig. Peak Luminous Intensity per LED 4.8 Vee = 5.0V, VeOl 3.5V 6 pcd 1280 2410 Iv Peak TI'" 25° CISI, VB'" 2.4V I Character Average I Peak Wavelength 568 nm APEAK Dominant Wavelength[S. 7) nm Ad 574 . All tYPical values specified at Vec ~ 5.0V and TA ~ 25° C unless "Power dissipation per package with four characters Illuminated. = otherwise noted. Noles: 4. The characters are categorized for luminous intensity With the IntenSIty category designated by a letter code on the bottom of the package. 5. The HDSP-2311 and HDSP-2313 are categorized for color with the color category designated by a number code on the bottom of the package. 6. The luminous intensity is measured at TA = Ti = 25°C. No time is allowed for the device to warm-up prior to Dominant wavelength Ad. Is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram. and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 8. The luminous sterance of the LED may be calculated using the following relationships: Lv Icd/m2) = Iv ICandela)1 A IMetre)2 Lv IFootiamberts) = rrlv = ICandelal/A IFootl 2 A = 5.3 x 10'a M2 = 5.8 x 10-7 IFootl2 7. measurement. column 1 input is now enabled for an appropriate period of time, T. A similar process is repeated for columns 2, 3, 4 and 5. If the time necessary to decode and load data into the shift register is t, then with 5 columns, each column of the display is operating at a duty factor of: Electrical Description The HDSP-2310 series of four character alphanumeric displays have been deSigned to allow the user maximum flexibility in interface electronics design. Each four character module is arranged as a 28 bit serial in parallel out shift register as is shown in Figure 5. The display module features Data In and Data Out terminals arrayed for easy PC board interconnection. Data Out represents the output of the 7th bit of digit number 4 shift register. Shift register clocking occurs on the high to low transition of the Clock input. The like columns of each character in a display cluster are tied to a single pin. Figure 5 is the block diagram for the displays. High true data in the shift register enables the output current mirror driver stage associated with each row of LEDs in the 5x7 diode array. D.F.= _ _ T_ 5 (t+TI The time frame, t + T, alloted to each column of the display is generally chosen to provide the maximum duty factor consistent with the minimum refresh rate necessary to achieve a flicker free display. For most strobed display systems, each column of the display should be refreshed (turned onl at a minimum rate of 100 times per second. The TTL compatible VB input may either be tied to Vee for maximum display intensity or pulse width modulated to achieve intensity control and reduction in power consumption. If the device is operated at 3.0 MHz clock rate maximum, it is possible to maintain t«T. For short display strings, the duty factor will then approach 20%. With five columns to be addressed, this refresh rate then gives a value for the time t + T of: In the normal mode of operation, input data for digit 4, column 1 is loaded into the 7 on-board shift register locations 1 through 7. Column 1 data for digits 3, 2, and 1 is similarly shifted into the display shift register locations. The 1/[5 x (10011 = 2 msec The ESD susceptibility of these devices is Class A of MILSTD-883 or Class 2 of DOD-STD-1686 and DOD-HDBK-263. Forfurther applications iniormation, refer to HP Application Note 1016. 7-230 CLOCK 2.4V SERIAL CLOCK SERIAL DECODED DATA O.4V DECODED DATA OUTPUT INPUT 2.4V DATA IN O.4V BLANKING CONTROL 2.4V DATA OUT O.4V-----+....I Figure 1. Switching Characteristics HDSP-2310/-2311/-2312/-2313 (TA = -55°C to +85°C) 5 COLUMN DRIVE INPUTS Mechanical and Thermal Considerations Figure 5. Block Diagram 01 HDSP-2310/-2311/-2312/-2313 The HDSP-2310 series displays are available in standard ceramic dual-in-line packages. They are designed for plugging into sockets or soldering into PC boards. The packages may be horizontally or vertically stacked for character arrays of any desired size. HDSP-2310 series displays utilize a high output current IC to provide excellent readability in bright ambient lighting. Full power operation (Vee = 5.25V, VB = 2.4V, VeOl = 3.5V) with worst case thermal resistance from IC junction to ambient of 60°C/watVdevice is possible up to ambient temperature' of 37°C. For operation above 37°C, the maximum device dissipation should be derated linearly at 16.7 mW/oC (see Figure 2). With an improved thermal design, operation at higher ambient temperatures without derating is possible. Power derating for this family of displays can be achieved in several ways. The power supply voltage can be lowered to a minimum of 4.75V. Column Input Voltage, VeOl, can be decreased to the recommended minimum values of 2.4V for the HDSP-2310 and 2.75V for the HDSP-23111-2312/ -2313. Also, the average drive current can be decreased through pulse width modulation of VB. information on filtering and contrast enhancement can be found in HP Application Note 1015. Post solder cleaning may be accomplished using water or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for vapor cleaning processing or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for room temperature cleaning. Freon/alcohol vapor cleaning processing for up to 2 minutes in vapors at boiling is permissible. Suggested solvents include Freon TF, Freon TE, Genesolv DI-15, Genesolv DE-15, and water. High Reliability Testing Two standard reliability testing programs are available. The TXVB program is in conformance with Quality Level A of MIL-D-87157 for hermetically sealed LED displays with 100% screening tests. A TXVB product is tested to Tables I, II, Ilia, and IVa. The TXV program is an HP modification to the full conformance program and offers the 100% screening of Quality Level A, Table I, and Group A, Table II. Part Marking System Standard Product HDSP~2310 The HDSP-2310 series displays have integral glass windows. A front panel contrast enhancement filter is desirable in most actual display applications. Some suggested filter materials are provided in Figure 6. Additional. HDSP-2311 HDSP-2312 HDSP-2313 With Tables I, II. ilia, IVa With Table I alld II HDSP-2310TXV8 HDSP-2311TXVB HDSP·2312TXV8 HDSP-2313TXVB HDSP-2310TXV HDSP-2311 TXV HDSP-2312TXV HDSP~2313TXV 500 40 0 / 'I?' 0 J HDSI'·;/3l0 ffi I/HOSP-2311/-2312/",.ma 1/ 200 100 0 .oJ 1.0 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _·c Figure 2. Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation vs. Temperature TJ t"C) Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Temperature 7-231 2.0 3.0 4.0 VeOL - COLUMN VOLTAGE - VOL T8 Figure 4. Peak Column Current vs. Column Voltage 5.0 Ambient Lighting Display Color HDSP-2310 Standard Red Dim Moderate Panelgraphic Dark Red 63 Ruby Red 60 Chequers Red 118 prexiglass 2423 Polaroid HNCP 37 3M Light Control Film Bright Panelgraphic Gray 10 Polaroid Gray HNCP10 HOYA Yellowish-Orange HLF-60S-3Y Marks Gray MCP-0301·S-l0 HDSP-2311 Yellow Panefgraphic Yellow 27 Chequers Amber 107 HDSP·2312 HER Panelgraphic Ruby Red 60 Chequers Red 112 Polaroid Gray HNCP10 HOYA Reddish-Orange HLF-608-SR Marks Gray MCP-0301-8-10 Marks Reddish-Orange MCP-D201-2-22 HDSP-2313 HP Green Panelgraphic Green 4S Chequers Green 107 Polaroid Gray HNCP10 HOYA Yellow-Green HLF-60&-lG Marks YellOW-Green MCP-Ol01-5-12 Chequers Grey 105 Figure 6. Contrast Enhancement Filters 100% Screening Test Screen Table I. Quality Level A of MIL-D-87157 MIL-STD·750 Method ± Conditions 1. Precap Visual 2072 2. High Temperatura Storage 1032 Interpreted by HP Procedure 5956-7512-52 3. Temperature Cycling 1051 4. Constant Acceleration 5. Fine Leak 2006 1071 10,000 G's at y, orientation 6. Gross Leak 1071 CondltionC TA'" 125°C, Time =24 hours[3) Condition B, 10 cycles, 15 min. dwell Condition H 7, Interim Electrical/Optical Tests[11 - Icc (at VB = O.4V and 2.4V}, leOL (at Va = OAV and 2.4V) hH (Va, Clock and Data In), ItL (Va, Clock and Data In), 10H, IOL and Iv Peak. VIH and VIL inputs are guaranteed by the electronIc shift register test. TA=25° C a. Burn-lnP! 1015 Condition B at Vee"" VB "" 5.25V. VeOL S.SV, TA=+a5·C, L.ED ON-Time Duty Factor" 5%. 35 Dots On; t= 160 hours Same as Step 7 .:llec ±6 mA, .:lIIH (clock) '" ±10 ItA, .:lIIH (Data In) =±10 p.A alOH ±10% of initial value, and .lIV -20%, TA'" 25" C 9. Final Electrical Testl2 j 10. Delta Determinations 11. External Visualfll - = = = = 2009 Notes: 1. MIL-STD-BB3.Test Method applies. 2. Lim.its and conditions are per theelectricailoptical characteristics,The 10H and 10L tests are the inverse of VOH and VOL specifie.9 in the electrical ·characteristics. " . . 3. T A = 100· C for HDSP-2313. ' . .' ' 7-232 Table II. Group A Electrical Tests - MIL-D-B7157 SubgroupiTest Parameters Subgroup 1 DC Electrical Tests at 25°C111 LTPD Icc lat VB = OAV and 2AVI, ICOL (at VB "'" OAV and 2.4VI IIH (VB, Clock and Data Inl, IlL (VB, Clock and Data 1m. IOH, IOL Visual.,.fu?ction and Iv peak. VIH and,YIL inputs are guaranteed by the electronic shift register test. 5 Subgroup 2 DC Electrical Tests at High Temperaturei11 Same as Subgroup 1, except delete Iv and visual function, TA = +85°C 7 Subgroup 3 DC Electrical Tests at Low Tem peraturel 1I Same as Subgroup 1, except delete Iv and visual function. TA=-55°C 7 Subgroup 7 Optical and Functional Tests at 25°C Satisfied by Subgroup 1 5 Subgroup B External Visual MIL-STD-883 Method 2009 7 I'" ;", SUbQroup 4, 5, and 6 not lested Note: 1. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. The IOH and tOl tests are the inverse of VOH and VOL specified in the electrical characteristics. Table ilia. Group B, Class A and B of MIL-D-B7157 Subgroup/Test Subgroup 1 Resistance to Solvents Internal Visual Design Verification(1) Subgroup 2[2.31 Solderability Subgroup 3 Thermal Shock (Temp. Cycle) Moisture Resistance[4] Fine Leak Gross Leak Electrical/Optical Endpoints[5] Subgroup 4 Operating Life Test (340 hrs,1 Electrical/Optical Endpoints[5] SubgroupS Non-operating (Storage) Life Test (340 hrs.1 Electrical/Optical Endpoints[51 MIL-STD-750 Method Conditions Sample Size 4 Devices! Failures 1 Devicel Failures 1022 o 2075[7] o 245" C for 5 seconds 2026 TA 1051 1021 1071 Condition 81. 15 min. Dwell LTPD=15 LTPD'" 15 Condition H Condition C 1071 - Icc (at VB = OAV and 2AVI. leaL (at VB =; OAV and 2AVI. IiH (VB. Clock and Data Inl, hL (Vs. Clocl< and Dala Inl. IOH, IOl Visual Function and Iv peak. VIH and VIL inputs are guaranteed by the electronic shift register test. TA"'" 25°C 1027 1032 - TA = +85°C at Vee'" VB = 5.25V. VeOL '" 3.5V, LED ON-Time Duty Factor = 5%, 35 Dots On Same as Subgroup 3 LTPD=10 TA = +125"Cf6) LTPD= 10 Sarne.as Subgroup 3 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Visual inspection is performed through the display window. Whenever electrical/optical tests are not required as endpoints, electrical rejects may be used. The LTPD applies to the number of leads inspected except in no case shall less than 3 displays be used to provide the number of leads required. Initial conditioning is a 15° inward bend for one cycle. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristiCS. The IOH and IOL tests are the inverse of VOH and VOL specified in the electrical characteristics. 6. TA =100°C for HDSp·2313, 7. Equivalent to Mll·STD·883. Method 2014. 7-233 Table IVa. GroupC, Class A and B of MIL-D-87157 SUbgrouplTest Subgroup 1 Physloal Dimensions Subgroup 212] Lead Integrity!?, 9J Fine Leak Gross Leak Subgroup 3 ShOck Vibration, Variable Frequency Con&tant Acceleration External Visuaj/ 41 Electrical/Optical Endpointsl8! MIL4TD·7SO Method Conditions 2066 2 Devices! a Failures 2004 1071 1071 2016 2056 2006 10100r 1011 - nB2 Condition H ConditionC LTPD=15 1500(3, Time"" 0.5 ms, 5 blows In each orientation Xl. V1,Z1 LTPD = 15 10.000G at Y1 orientation Icc {at Va =O.4Vand 2.4VJ leoL (at VB '" O.4V and 2.4VI hH (Va, Clock and Data In! ilL (Va, Clock and Data In! IOH, Jot., Visual Function and Iv peak. VIH and VIL inputs are guaranteed by the eleotronic shift register test. TA" 25°C. Subgroup 411,$) Salt Atmosphere External Visuall 4j 1041 1Pl0 or 1011 SUbgroupS Bond Strengthl 51 2037 ConditlonA SubgroupS Operating Ufe Test lSI 1026 r A'" +8S' C at Vee" Va:;; 5.25V. Electrical/Optloal Endpointsllli - Sample Size LTPD=15 VCOL'" 3.SV, 35 Dots On Same as Subgroup 3 LTPD=- 20 (C=:;O) ,\ = 10 Notes: 1. Whenever electrical/optical tests are not required as endpoints, electrical rejects may be used. 2. The LTPD applies to the number of leads inspected except in no case shall less than three displays be used to provide the number of leads required. ' 3. Solderability samples shall not be used. 4. Visual requirements shall be as specified in MIL-STD-883, Methods 1010 or 1011. 5. Displays may be selected prior fo seal. S. If a given inspection lot undergoing Group B inspection has been selected to satisfy Group C inspection requirements, the 340 hour life tests may be continued on tesllo 1000 hours in orderto satisfy the Group C life test requirements. In such cases, either the 340 hour endpoint measurements shall be made a basis for Group B lot acceptance or the 1000 hour endpoint measurement shall be used as the basis for both Group B and Group C acceptance. 7. MIL-STD-883 test method applies. 8. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. The lo'H and IOL tests are the inverse of VOH and VOL specified in the electrical characteristics. 9. Initial conditioning is a 15 degree inward bend, 3 cycles. 7-234 ---_._------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fliffl HERMETIC, EXTENDED TEI\!IPERATURE RANGE 6.9mm <'27") 5X7 ALPHANUMfiRIC DISPLAYS H'EWLETT STANDA:fll~;P, ~OfP·zg~~~f~~~~~~~~i~~: HIGH iFFICIENCY H 452/2452TXV /2452TXYB HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN HDS '45i/2453TXV 1245,,~~X"'B ~J:. PACKARD Rfo Features • WIDE OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE -55°C TO +85°C • TRUE HERMETIC PACKAGE FOR RED, YELLOW AND HIGH EFFICIENCY RED DISPLAYS[1] • TXVB VERSIONS CONFORM TO MIL·D-87157 QUALITY LEVEL A TEST TABLES • FOUR COLORS Standard Red High Efficiency Red Yellow High Performance Green • CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY • YELLOW AND GREEN DISPLAYS CATEGORIZED FOR COLOR Description • INTEGRATED SHIFT REGISTERS WITH CONSTANT CURRENT DRIVERS The HDSP-2450 series displays are 6.9 mm (0.27 in.) 5x7 LED arrays for display of alphanumeric information. These devices are available in standard red, yellow, high efficiency red and high performance green. All displays use a 28 pin dual-in-line glass ceramic package. The hermetic HDSP2450/-2451/-2452 displays utilize a solder-glass seal. The HDSP-2453 displays utilize an epoxy glass-to-ceramic seal. All display packages conform to the hermeticity requirements of MIL-D-87157. An on-board SIPO (Serial-In-ParallelOut) 7-bit shift register associated with each digit controls constant current LED row drivers. Full character display is achieved by external column strobing. • 5x7 LED MATRIX DISPLAYS FULL ASCII CHARACTER SET ° WIDE VIEWING ANGLE o END STACKABLE • TTL COMPATIBLE Note: 1. The HDSP-2453 is epoxy sealed and complies with MIL-D87157 hermeticity requirements. package Dimensions '- ~-t-~ I 1 PlN 1 OF PACKA I I MARKEI> 8VOOT DNSAeK I I L_ _J Go, - 1-,'.6-1 (.18' , -!.... - - -, ..... - -, r- I I I I L_ 2 --+- - r- -1 r- -T I I I I -+-3 I I _J L_ --:/2.. [.88) I I I _J -- -- '~~ 1.53) 'II 35,& (1.40J MAX ~-4.9(.19) 31.~ 11.231 .-----:-I _L L_ IT .I, FUNCTIONI" P'N 1 2 NO CONNECT 15 NOCONNECT COLUMN 1 3 COLUMN 1 17 " DATA OUT DATA OUT COLUMN 2 18 VB VB V", V", CLOCK CLOCK GROUND GROUND DATA IN DATA IN NO CONNECT COLUMN 2 211 IT r- P'N 6 COLUMN 3 7 COLUMN 3 • • COLUMN 4 COLUMN 4 " 2' 21 22 23 2. 10 COLUMN 5 11 25 COLUMN 5 tNT. CONNECT1 1 1 26 '2 13 INT. CONNECTI21 27 14 NO CONNECT 2B FUNCTION ~TEs: 'J. AU.lJSeA8f.ia FUNCTION PINS AIlE: REQUNDANf, GI.&(!lRfCAI. CONNECTION (fA"., 8E MADEl 10 EITH~~ tt1n oR BOTH. .a. 00 NOT CONNECl 0I't USf, a. DItIIENStQNlIN ~(tncHesJ, 4. UNt.E$S: OTHERW.S! SPE(:IFtED, THE rOLEflANCE OkALL DIMENSIONS 1S 1 ,,38 mm f',015 INCHES., So. U'AO MATEfUAllS OOLD~t.A"Et) IRON ALLOY. 3.30(.1 ~.54 (.10) I LI J 2.54, .13TYJ' (.100;1:. ,0051 NONA¢CUPr!, I, ,I [ [J ~ -H--- Iu ~ ,64..09 (.020.:..003) 7-235 - - - - - - - - - _.._ - - _ .... _..... Typical Applications • MILITARY EQUIPMENT • AVIONICS • HIGH RELIABILITY INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT Absolute Maximum Ratings (HDSP-2450/-2451/-2452/-2453) Supply Voltage Vee to Ground .......... -0.5V to 6.0V Inputs. Data Out and VB ... ..... ..... .. .. -0.5V to Vee Column Input Voltage, VeOL ............ -0.5V to +6.0V Free Air Operating Temperature Range, TAI1.21 .......... -55°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range, Ts HDSP-2450/-2451/-2452 ............. -65°C to +125°C HDSP-2453 ........................ -55°C to +100°C Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation at TA = 25°C[1.2,3] ......................... 1.46Watts Maximum Solder Temperature 1.59 mm (.063") Below Seating Plane t < 5 secs .................. 260°C Recommended Operating Conditions (HDSP-2450/-2451/-2452/-2453) Parameter Supply Voltage Data Out Current, Low State Data Out Current, High Stale Column Input Voltage, Column On HDSP-2450 Column Input Voltage, Column On HDSP-2451/2452/2453 Setup Time Hold Time Width of Clock Clock Frequency Clock Transition Time Free Air Operating Temperature Range 11.21 Symbol Min, Nom, Max. Vee IOL 4.75 5.0 5,25 1.6 -0.5 3.5 JOH VeoL VeoL !setup 2.4 2.75 70 45 tnold 30 0 tw(ClodJ fclock 75 0 3 tTHl TA -55 200 85 Units V mA mA Fig: V V 4 3,5 ns ns ns MHz ns 4 1 1 1 1 1 PC Electrical Characteristics Over Operating Temperature Range (Unless otherwise specified 1 [Oescrlption Supply Current Symbol ICC Column Currenl at any Column Input ICOl Column Current at any Column Input VB, Clock or Data Input Threshold High VB, Data Input Threshold Low Clock Input Threshold Low leoL VIH V,L Input Current Logical 1 Input Current Logical 0 Va, Clock Data In VB, Clock Data In Data Qut Voltage Power Dissipation Per Package" VIL hH hH lil lil VOH VOL PD Thermal Resistance IC Junction-la-Case Test Conditions Vee - 5,25V VelOCK VOATA ~ 2,4V All SR Stages ~ Logical 1 Vee - 5,25 V VCOl 3.SV All SR Stages ~ Logical 1 = = I Va ~ 2AV VB ~ OAV Typ.' Max, Units 45 60 rnA 73 95 mil 500 p,A 520 rnA V V V p,A p.A 380 Ve=2AV 20 Vee = 4.7SV 0.8 0.6 Vee = 5,25V, VIH Vee 20 =2AV =5.25V, Vil = OAV Vee = 475V. 10H - -0.5 rnA, ICOl - 0 rnA Vee - 4,75V lOl = 1,6 rnA, leOl - 0 rnA Vee - 5,DV, VeOl - 3,5V, 17.5% OF 15 LEOs on per character, Va = 2.4V ROJ-e 2.4 80 10 40 -500 -800 -400 -250 3,4 0.2 0.4 = 5,OV and TA = 25°C unless Fig. 4 JlA JlA V V 078 W 2 20 "C/WI Device 2 5x10·e Leak Rate 'All typical values specified at Vcc otherwise noted. Min. VB ~ OAV co/sec "Power dissipation per package with four characters Illuminated, Noles: 1, Operation above 85°C ambient is possible provided the IC junction temperature, TJ, does not exceed 125°C, 2, The device should be derated linearly above 60° C at 22,2 mW/o C. This derating is based on a device mounted in a socket having a thermal resistance from case to ambient at 25° C/W per device, See Figure 2 for powerderatings based on a lower thermal resistance, 3, Maximum allowable dissipation is derived from Vec = 5,25V, VB = 2.4V, VCOl = 3,5V 20 LEOs on per character, 20% OF. 7-236 Optical Characteristics (continued) STANDARD RED HDSP-2450 Description Peak luminous Intensity per LED,4,8, I Character Average I Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength[7] YELLOW Symbol Test Conditions Vee - 5.0V, WOOL - 3.5V TI=25~Ct61, VB '" 2.4V Min" 'Typ.' ,Units Fig. 3 370 fled APEAK 655 Ad 639 nm nm Iv Peak 220 Max. HDSP-2451 Oescripllon Peak Luminous Intensity per lEOI4.B, (Character Average I Peak Wavelength Dominani WavelengjhJ5.71" HIGH EFFICIENCY RED Symbol IVPeak APEAK Ad. TeslCondltlons Vee - 5.0V, VeOl - 3.5V TI = 25° C1 61, VB:;= 2.4V . Min. Typ.· Wilts Fig. 850 1400 fl cd 3 583 "585 nm nm Test C!ofoaillons Vee - 5.QV. VeOl - 3.5V Ti = 25°C[61, VB = 2.4V Min. Typ.' 'Max. Units Fig. 850 1530 ;tcd 3 635 626 nm' nm Max. HDSP-2452 Description Peak Luminous Intensity per LEDI4,81 I Character Average I Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavele'1gth[7) Symbol IvPeak APEAK Ad HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN HDSP-2453 DescriptIon Peak Luminous Intensity per LEO;4.S, I Character Average I Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength!?) Symbol Iv Peak Test Conditions Vee = 5.0V, VeOl - 3,5V T) = 25° CI 6 1, VB = 2.4V Min. Typ," 1280 APEAK Ad • All tYPical values specified at Vee ~ 5.0V and T A ~ 25"C unless otherwise noted. Notes: 4. The characters are categorized for luminous intensity with tile intensity category deSignated by a letter code on the bottom of the package. 5. The HDSP-2451 and HDSP-2453 are categorized for color with the color category designated by a number code on the bottom of the package. 6. The luminous intensity is measured at TA = Tj = 25" C. No time is allowed for the device to warm-up prior to measurement. Electrical Description The HDSP-2450 series of four character alphanumeric displays have been designed to allow the user maximum flexibility in interface electronics design. Each four character display module features Data In and Data Out terminals arrayed for easy PC board interconnection. Data Out represents the output of the 7th bit of digit number 4 shift register. Shift register clocking occurs on the high to low transition of the Clock input. The like columns of each character in a display cluster are tied to a single pin. Figure 5 is the block diagram for the displays. High true data in the shift register enables the output current mirror driver stage associated with each row of LEDs in the 5x7 diode array. The TTL compatible VB input may either be tied to Vee for maximum display intensity or pulse width modulated to achieve intensity control and reduction in power consumption. The normal mode of operation input data for digit 4, column 1 is loaded into the 7 on-board shift register locations 1 through 7. Column 1 data for digits 3, 2, and 1 is similarly shifted into the display shift register locations. The column 1 input is now enabled for an appropriate period of time, T. A Max. Units Fig, 2410 pcd 3 568 574 nm nm .. Power diSSipation per package with four characters Illuminated . 7. Dominant wavelength Ad. is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram, and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 8. The luminous ster&nce of the lED may be calculated using the following relationships; l, Icdfm2, = I, (Candela,fA IMetre,2 Lv IFootiamberts) = rrlv ICandela)/A IFoot)2 A ~ 5.3 X 10.8 M2 ~ 5.8 x 10-7 Foot 2 similar process is repeated for columns 2, 3, 4 and 5. If the time necessary to decode and load data into the shift register is t, then with 5 columns, each column of the display is operating at a duty factor of: T D.F.=--5 (t+T) The time frame, t +T, al/oted to each column of the display is generally chosen to provide the maximum duty factor consistent with the minimum refresh rate necessary to achieve a flicker free display. For most strobed display systems, each column of the display should be refreshed (turned on) at a minimum rate of 100 times per second. With columns to be addressed, this refresh rate then gives a value for the time t + T of: 1/[5 x (100)1 = 2 msec If the device is operated at 3.0 MHz clock rate maximum, it is possible to maintain t«T. For short display strings, the duty factor will then approach 20%. The ESD susceptibility of these devices is Class A of MILSTD-883 or Class 2 of DOD-STD-1686 and DOD-HDBK-263. For further applications information, refer to HP Application Note 1016. 7-237 1----- 1/f;:~ __;~_=1 CLOCK ~I j. - tTHL 2.4V SERIAL CLOCK O.4V SERIAL DECODED DECODED DATA INPUT DATA OUTPUT 2.4V DATA IN O.4V BLANKING CONTROL 2,4V DATA OUT O,4V Parameter Unh.. klcck MHz CL.OCK Rare os Figure 1. SWitching Characteristics HDSP-2450/-2451/-2452/-2453 (TA = -55'C to +85'C) 5 COLUMN DRIVE INPUTS Figure 5. Block Diagram 01 HDSP-24S0/-24S1/-24S2/-24S3 Mechanical and Thermal Considerations The HDSP-245X series displays are available in standard ceramic dual-in-line packages. They are designed for plugging into sockets or soldering into PC boards. The packages may be horizontally or vertically stacked for character arrays of any desired size. HDSP-245X series displays utilize a high output current IC to provide excellent readability in bright ambient lighting. Full power operation (Vee = 5.25V, VB = 2.4V, VeOL = 3.5V) with worst case thermal resistance from IC junction to ambient of 45' C/watVdevice is possible up to ambient temperature of 60°C. For operation above 60°C, the maximum device dissipation should be derated linearly at 22.2 mW/'C (see Figure 2). With an improved thermal design, operation at higher ambient temperatures without derating is possible. Power derating for this family of displays can be achieved in several ways. The power supply voltage can be lowered to a minimum of 4.75V. Column Input Voltage, VeOL, can be decreased to the recommended minimum values of 2.4V for the HDSP-2450 and 2.75V for the HDSP-2451/ -2452/-2453. Also, the average drive current can be decreased through pulse width modulation of VB. on filtering and contrast enhancement can be found in HP Application Note 1015. . Post solder cleaning may be accomplished using water or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for vapor cleaning processing or Freon/alcohol mixtures formulated for room temperature cleaning. Freon/alcohol vapor cleaning processing for up to 2 minutes in vapors at boiling is permissible. Suggested solvents include Freon TF, Freon TE, Genesolv DI-15, Genesolv DE-iS, and water. High Reliability Testing Two standard reliability testing programs are available. The TXVB program is in conformance with Quality Level A of MIL-D-87157 for hermetically sealed LED displays with 100% screening tests. A TXVB product is tested to Tables I, II, Ilia, and IVa. The TXV program is an HP modification to the full conformance program and offers the 100% screening of Quality Level A, Table I, and Group A, Table II. Part Marking System The HDSP-245X series displays have glass windows. A front panel contrast enhancement filter is desirable in most actual display applications. Some suggested filter materials are provided in Figure 6. Additional information With Tables Standard Product With Table I and II J, II, ilia, IVa HDSP-2450 HDSP-2451 HDSP-2452 HDSP-2453 HDSP-2450TXV HDSP-2451TXV HDSP-2452TXV HDSP-2453TXV HDSP-2450TXVB HDSP-2451TXVB HDSP-2452TXVB HDSP-2453TXVB 500 2.0 1.a ~E 1.• ~~ 1.' ~2 1.2 0 1 ~Q §5~ ~~ I -- 1.0 I oa I - ~o ~'" IW ~~ m F= == - OS 0.' '\ 40 0 / ' '?' \ 300 >n J HOSl'-2450 /l'IOSP-24511-24521 -2453 I 200 100 0.2 0 °0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _ °c Figure 2. Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation vs. Temperature J 1.0 90 100 TJ (Oel Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Temperature 2.0 3.0 4.0 VCOl - COLUMN VOLTAGE - VOLTS Figure 4. Peak Column Current vs. Column Voltage 5.0 Ambient Lighting Display Color Dim Moderate HDSP-2450 Standard Red Panelgraphic Dark Red 63 Ruby Red 60 Chequers Red; 18 Plexlglass 2423 Polaroid HNCP 37 3M Light Control Film Bright HDSP-2451 Yellow Panel graphic Yellow 27 Chequers Amber 107 Chequers Grey 105 HDSP-2452 HER Panelgraphic Ruby Red 60 Chequers Red 112 Polaroid Gray HNCP10 HOYA Reddish-Orange HLF-608-5R Marks Gray MCP..Q301-8-10 Marks Reddish-Orange MCP-0201-2-22 HDSP-2453 HP Green Panel graphic Green 48 Chequers Green 107 Polaroid Gray HNCP10 HOYA Yellow-Green HLF-608-1G Marks Yellow-Green MCP-Ol01-5-12 Panelgraphic Gray 10 Polaroid Gray HNCP10 HOYA Yiillowish-Orange HLF-608-3Y Marks Gray MCP-0301-8-10 Figure 6. Contrast Enhancement Filters 100% Screening Test Screen Table I. Quality Level A of MIL-D-87157 MIL-STD-750 Method Conditions 1. Precap Visual 2072 Interpreted by HP Procedure 5956-7512-52 2. High Temperature Storage 1032 T A = 1250 C, Time" 24 hours[31 3. Temperature Cycling 1051 Condition B, 10 cycles, 15 min. dwell 4. Constant Acceleration 2006 10,000 G's at Y1 orientation 5. Fine Leak 1071 Condition H 6. Gross Leak 1071 7. Interim Electrical/Optical Tests[1) - Condition C Icc (at VB ~ DAV and 2.4V), feOL (at VB OAV and 2AV) = ilH (VB, Clock and Data In), ilL (VB, Clock and Data In), IOH, IOL and Iv Peak. VIH and VIL inputs are guaranteed by the electronic shift register test. TA = 2S"C 8. Burn-lnPl 1015 Condition B at Vee = VB"" 5.25V, VeOl = 3.5V, TA=+85°C, LED ON-Time Duty Factor = 5%,35 Dots On; t'" 160 hours 9. Final Electrical Test[2] - Same as Step 7 10. Delta Determinations - Alee"" ±6 rnA, AhH (clock) = ±8I'A, AhH (Data In) = ±51'A AloH = ±SO /lA, and Alv '" -20%, TA = 25°C 11. External Visuall ' ) 2009 Notes: 1. MIL-STD-883 Test Method applies. 2. limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. The 10H and 10 tests are the inverse of VOH and VOL specified in the electrical characteristics. 3. TA = 100' C for HDSP-2453. 7-239 Table II. Group A Electrical Tests - MIL-D-87157 SubgrouplTesl Parameters Subgroup 1 DC Electrical Tests at 25°C111 LTPD Icc (at Va = OAV and 2.4V). ICOL (at Va = 0.4V and 2.4V) hH (Ve, Clock and Data In), IlL (Ve. Clock and Data In), IOH. IOL Visual Function and Iv peak. VIH and Vil Inputs are guaranteed by the electronic shift register test. 5 Subgroup 2 DC Electrical Tests at High Temperaturel1l Same as Subgroup 1, except delete Iv and visual function, T A = +S5c C 7 Subgroup 3 DC Electrical Tests at Low Temperature l11 Same as Subgroup 1, except delete Iv and visual function, TA "" -55"C 7 Subgroup 7 Optical and Functional Tests at 25°C Satisfied by Subgroup 1 5 Subgroup 8 External Visual MIL-STD-S83 Method 2009 7 Subgroup 4, 5, and 6 not applicable Note: 1. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. The IOH and IOL tests are the inverse of VOH and VOL specified in the electrical characteristics. Table /IIa. Group B,Class A and B of MIL-D-87157 SubgrouplTest Subgroup 1 Resistance to Solvents Internal Visual and DeSign Verlfication[1j Subgroup 2[2,3} Soldera.bility Subgroup 3 Thermal Shock (Temp. Cycle) Moisture Resistance[4! Fine Leak Gross Leak Electrical/Optical Endpoints[5) Subgroup 4 Operating Life Test (340 hrs.} MIL-STO-750 Method Conditions Sample SIze 4 Devices! Failures 1 Device! Failures 1022 o ,2075[7) o 2026 TA '" 245" C for 5 Seconds LTPD=15 1051 1021 1071 1071 Condition 81, 15 Min. Dwell LTPD==15 - 1027 Condition H Condition C Icc (at VB - OAV and 2.4VI, leoL (at Ve "" 0.4V and 2.4V), hH (Va, Clock and Data In), ill (VB, Clock and Data Inl, IOH, 10L Visual Function and Iv peak. VIH and V1L inputs are guaranteed by the electronlc shift register test. TA = 25" C TA=+85¢C at Vee "'Va == 5.25V, VeOL = 3.5V, LED ON-Time Duty Factor 5%, 35 Dots On Same as Subgroup 3 LTPD=10 TA" +125"C[6j LTPD == 10 = Electrical/Optical Endpolnts[5j SubgroupS Non-operattng (Storage) Life Test (340 hrs.1 Electrical/Optical Endpoints[S! 1032 - Same as Subgroup 3 Notes: 1. Visual inspection is performed through the display window. 2. Whenever electrical/optical tests are not required as endpoints, electrical rejects may be used. 3. The LTPD applies to the number of leads inspected except in no case shall less than 3 displays be used to provide the number of leads required. 4. Initial conditioning is a 15 0 inward bend for one cycle. 5. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. The IOH and IOL tests are the inverse.of VOH and VOL specified in the electrical characteristics. 6. T A = 100°C for HDSP-2453. 7. Equivalent to MIL-STD-883, Method 2014. 7-240 Table IVa. Group C, Class A and B of MIL-D-87157 Subgroup/Test Subgroup 1 Physical Dimensions I"""· Subgroup 2[2J Lead Integrityl? 9J Fine Leak Gross Leak Subg:OUP3 Shock Vibration, Variable Frequency Constant Acceleration External Visual1 4 1 Electrical/Optical Endpoints!8r Subgroup 4[1.3) Salt Atmosphere External Visual1 4 1 MIL-STD:750 Method Sample Sil:e Conditions 2 Devices/ o Failures 2066 ,g2~:§:·"""···· ".""."""j CondItion 62 Condition H 2004 1071 1071 Condition C 1500G. Time = 0.5 ms. 5 blows in each orientatiol'f"X 1. Y1, Z1 2016 2056 2006 LTPD = 15 10,000G'atY10rientation 1010 or 1011 - Ice I at VB - OAV and 2AV I leal (at VB = O.'ilV and 2AV) IIH (VB. Clock and Data In) ilL (VB, Clock and Data In) IOH. loL. VisUal Function and Iv peak. VIH and VIL inputs are guaranteed by the electronic shift register test. TA = 25"C. 1041 LTPD=15 1010 or 1011 Subgroup 5 60nd Strengthl51 2037 Condition A Subgroup 6 Operating Life Testl 61 1026 TA = +85°C at Vee = VB 5.25V, VeOl = 3.5V. 35 Dots On Electrical/Optical EndpointslSI , - LTPD= 20 IC=OI = A = 10 Same as Subgroup 3 Noles: 1. Whenever electrical/optical tests are not required as endpOints. electrical rejects may be used. 2. The LTPD applies to the number of leads inspected except in no case shall less than three displays be used to provide the number of leads required. 3. Solderability samples shall not be used. 4. Visual requirements shall be as specified in MIL-STD-883. Methods 1010 or 1011. 5. Displays may be selected prior to seal. 6. If a given inspection lot undergoing Group B inspection has been selected to satisfy Group C inspection requirements. the340 hour life tests may be continued on test to 1000 hours in order to satisfy the Group C life test requirements. In such cases. either the 340 hour endpOint measurements shall be made a basis for Group B lot acceptance or the 1000 hour endpoint measurement shall be used as the basis for both Group B and Group C acceptance. 7. MIL-STD-883 test method applies. 8. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. The IOH and IOl tests are the inverse of VOH and VOL specified in the electrical characteristics. 9. Initial conditioning is a 15 degree inward bend. 3 cycles. 7-241 ::;", ,,',','.:' , T . , ' : ,'" ", ",',,,.,' c"'··,,· , , ,', ,'\'" -.' . , ' .;, , ~~,,' :.' , Fiber Optics • • Fiber Optic TransmitterlReceiver Components Evaluation Cables, Connectors, and Accessories Fiber Optics HP's Commitment Versatile Link Components Hewlett-Packard has been committed to Fiber Optics since the introduction of our first link in 1978. Years of technological experience with LED emitters, detectors, integrated circuits, precision optical packaging and optical fiber qualify HP to provide practical solutions for your application needs. Low cost and ease of use make this family of link components well suited for applications connecting computers to terminals, printers, plotters, test equipment, medical equipment and industrial control equipment. These links utilize 665 nm technology and 1 mm diameter plastic fiber cable. Assembling the plastic snap-in connectors onto the cable is extremely easy. The HFBR-050l evaluation kit contains a complete working link including transmitter, receiver, 5 metres of connectored cable, extra connectors, polishing kit and technical literature. HP's unique combination of technologies and high volume manufacturing processes provide you with high quality transmitter and receiver components to meet a wide variety of computer, local area network, telecommunication and industrial communication needs. Low Cost Miniature Link Components This family offers a wide range of price/performance choice for computers, central office switch, PBX, local area network and industrial-control applications. These components utilize 820 nm technology and glass or plastic clad silica fiber cable. The unique design of the lensed optical coupling system makes this family of components extremely reliable. The Dual-In-Line Package requires no mounting hardware. The package is designed for auto insertion and wave soldering. These components are available for use with industry standard ST or SMA connectors. Specifications are provided for four fiber sizes: 62.5/125 JJ.m, 50/125 JJ.m, 100/140 JJ.m and 200 JJ.m Plastic Clad Silica (PCS) cable. Evaluation kits are available for both ST and SMA connectors. A transmitter, receiver, connectored cable and technical literature are contained in the evaluation kits. Three major families of fiber optic components offer a wide range of application solutions. Each family is designed to match HP's technology to your application requirements resulting in minimum cost and maximum reliability. The design and specification of each of these families allow easy design-in and provide guaranteed performance. Hewlett-Packard's method of specification assures guaranteed link performance and easy design-in. The transmitter optical power and receiver sensitivity are specified at the end of a length of test cable. These specifications take into account variations over temperature and connector tolerances. All families of components incorporate the fiber optic connector receptacle in the transmitter and receiver packages. Factory alignment of the emitter/detector inside the package minimizes the variation of coupled optical power, resulting in smaller dynamic range requirements for the receiver. The guaranteed distance and data rates for various transmitter/receiver pairs are shown in the following selection guide. Hewlett-Packard offers a choice of fiber optic cable, either glass fiber or plastic, simplex or duplex, factory connectored or bulk. Connector attachment has been designed for your production line economy. 8-2 FUTURE 1300 nm PRODUCT PLANS 1300 nm PRODUCTS UNDER DEVELOPMENT HP Experience with 1300 nm Materials Technology Emitter and Detector Chip Development The first two 1300 nm device chips developed at HP were transferred onto our high volume manufacturing lines in the middle of 1987. The chips are a doubleheterostructure surface-emitting, InGaAsP. LED and a top-illuminated planar InGaAs PIN detector. These chips have demonstrated extremely consistent optoelectronic performance over many production runs. They have also demonstrated outstanding reliability performance based on accelerated life tests performed at stress levels up to 200 degrees C and times up to 5 K hours. These tests have lead to estimations of failure rates which exceed by many orders of magnitude the most stringent requirements of commercial fiber optic applications. HP begll:n the development of 1300 nm materials and device technology in the early 1980's based on the perceived needs for greater performance and reliability in the markets for local fiber optic data links that we are committed to serve. These markets have requirements for links with data rates in the 50 MBd to 1000 MBd range at distances anywhere from a few hundred metres to tens of kilometres. The fundamental transmission properties of fiber optic waveguides dictate that the 1300 nm wavelength region of operation will give lower attenuation and chromatic dispersion with consequently higher effective bandwidth for either multimode or single mode fibers than can be obtained at the 820850 nm first wavelength window. Additional 1300 nm devices are under investigation at HP. These devices include: 1. Advanced surfaceemitting LED structures for enhanced coupled power. into multimode and single mode fibers 2. Edge emitting LED and Laser structures for use primarily with single mode optical fibers. These markets are. also demanding a level of reliability in the 100-300 FIT range for fiber optic transceivers used in commercial applications. The fundamental physics of 1300 nm emitter devices show these materials to be less susceptible to the primary failure mechanisms found in 820 nm materials without any significant new failure modes to offset the advantage. This results in fundamentally superior reliability for 1300 nm devices, and systems which use these devices, when they are produced on controlled high volume manufacturing lines. Integrated Product Development Parallel development is underway to develop package designs and integrated circuits which will lead to fully integrated transmitter and receiver products. The integrated products will offer high performance to system designers in user-friendly, logic-compatible building blocks. This will allow the system designer to obtain the benefit of high performance fiber optic links without having to design the complex optics and analog circuits that are contained within these products. HP's fiber optic package designs are concentrating on optimum optical coupling, thermal management and high volume assembly techniques. The optical designs are aimed at optimal solutions to interface our 1300 nm emitter and detector chips to multimode and single mode fibers via connectorized optical ports or fiber pigtails. The thermal design efforts are aimed at minimizing the thermal resistance from the III/V chips and the support ICs to achieve the best possible device reliability. High volume assembly techniques are essential to provide consistant performance, high 8-3 reliability and cost effective products. HP is capitalizing on its long history of packaging optoelectronic devices to develop state of the art manufacturing techniques for 1300 nm products. These products will be fully characterized and guaranteed to meet the optoelectronic requirements of the FDDI Local Area Network Standard now under development as an American National Standard by ASC X3T9.5. One version of this product will be compatible with the mechanical requirements of the duplex fiber optic connector receptacle under development in the committee. Hewlett-Packard has a large variety of IC processes available for use in its integrated fiber optic transmitter and receiver products. High speed processes such as our 5 GHz silicon bipolar process are being used to provide the sophisticated digital to analog transmitter LED driver functions and very sensitive receiver amplification and digitization functions. These custom ICs are.being developed with the assistance ofHP created computer models of the fiber uptic links and the IC performance. 3. Discrete Emitter and Detector Products A series of discrete products are being investigated in a variety of package styles including TO style packages without integral optics, complete optical subassembly packages with integral optics and connector ports, and pigtailed packages for optimum coupling to single mode fibers. Initial Product Plans For Further Information Some of the specific integrated products that will be introduced in the near future (1988/9) are the following: For further information on these 1300 nm products, contact your local HP Components Sales Representive at the offices listed in the Appendix of this Catalog. You may also contact the Optical Communication Division's Product Marketing Department directly at 408-4357400 or by mail at 350 West Trimble Road, Mail Stop 90-2H2, San Jose, CA 95131-1096. 1. High Speed 40-200 MBd Transmitter and Receiver Pair These products will be available initially in the package illustrated below with ST* fiber optic connector ports. 2. FDDI Compatible 125 MBd Transmitter and Receiver Pair *ST (R) is a registered trademark of AT&T for Lightguide Cable Connectors. 8-4 ------_._---- HP Fiber Optic Performance Characteristics The charts on this page illustrate the performance ranges of Hewlett-Packard's fiber optic components. Both charts are coded by family. To determine which family is appropriate for your deisgn, use the distance/data rate chart (Figure 1). The performance of each family incorporates the entire area below each boundary. Specific component choices and their associated optical-power budget are indicated in Figure 2. 100,000 1,1 VERSATILE LINK COMPONENTS 'lllI/J LOW 10,000 COST MINIATURE LINK COMPONENTS E:J.:f}t!'J FUTURE HIGH PERFORMANCE 1300 nm MODULES d! PRODUCTS UNDER INVESTIGATION 1,000 "C ::l ca .c :a: I w !:c a: ~ 100 10 - 1-'" rna: 24041 ~~ =:::::1 <.:>1- HFBR- =:!: -':IE 2414 24041 ~:: ... - HFBR- = ~ p~~~p ... :::::I" PINI . Preamp &.LIEffi a: c -, i=gi5 :::::1..,= "'-:IE 1300 nm Module 1 A=820nm 140211412 1404/1414 I HFBR- HFBR- 1 A=820nm I HFBR- 1404/1414 1300 nm Module I 1300nm Module .. -8.2 '@60mA 1 -10.3 ,@60mA 'I -8.2 @60mA ' 1 -8.5 @60mA 1 @-~'~A 1 -12.0 @60mA 1 -16.5· @60mA I I FIBER SIZE [I'm) [ATTENUATION) 1000 (0.25 dB 1m) 1000 (O.25dB/m) 1000 (0.25 dB/m)' 1000 (O.25dB/m) 200 PCS (5.3dB/km) 100/140 62.5/125 50/125 62.5/125 62.5/125 (3.3dB/km) (2.8dB/km) (2.BdB/km) (2.BdB/km) (2.BdB/km) 5MBd 40m 1 MBd 65m 1 MBd 35m 40 KBd '125m I- ;;; ;::: r;; z ... "" .. -36 -33 5MBd 3.5Km ' 5MBd 4.rKm 5MBd ' 4.7Km 5MBd 3.2Km 5MBd 5.6Km 5MBd 7.3Km ' 5MBd ' 8.6Km 5MBd 7.0Km 30MBd 6OOm" 30MBd 3.0Km" 30MBd 4.0Km" 30MBd 4.0Km" " PINI Preamp -35.6 30MBd 65Om", 30.MBd 3.3Km" 30MBd 4.5Km" 30MBd 4.5Km" PINI Preamp -32, 100 MBd 130m" 100 MBd 75Om" 100 MBd 1.0Km" 100 MBd 1.0Km" Logic IC 125 MBd 2.0Km Logic IC 200 MBd 2-0Km ----- Future 1300 nm modules are discussed on page 8-3. "Distance is limited by a combination of fiber bandwidth and transmitter optical riselfall time and LED spectral width. '"I!! <0 '" ii: co :::I '- 1300 nm Module --::- 1 A=820nm 1402/1412 - 24061 2416 A=820nm HFBR- COUPLED OPTICAL POWER [dBm) -25.4 -, HFBR24061 2416' HFBR- 1523il533 '- 24021 ~ l A=665nm I 1522/1532; 1524/1534 "--- HFBR- z ::; -21.6 logic IC 25211 -11.1 @60mA A= 665nm HFBR- " 1 A=665nm I, 152111531 I Fiber Optic Selection Guide The newer transmitter/receiver product families located at the front of the selection guide provide the designer with significantly improved price/performance benefits over older products. These newer product families have been specifically designed for easy use in high volume manufacturing operations. Each can be auto-inserted and wave soldered. No mounting hardware is required. The optical-power budget is determined by subtracting the receiver sensitivity (dBm) from the transmitter optical output power (dBm). The distance specification can be calculated simply by dividing the optical-power budget (dBm) by the cable attenuation (dBlkm). Versatile Link Family Features: Dual-in-line package. horizontal and vertical PCB mounting. plastic snap-in connectors. specified for 1 mm dia. plastic fiber. TIL/CMDS compatible output. auto insertable. wave solderable. $~ Products/Part Numbers Page No. Description Evaluation Kit HFBR-0501 HFBR-1524 Transmitter. HFBR-2524 Receiver. 5 metre connectored cable. connectors, bulkhead feedthrough adapter, polishing kit, literature. 8-13 Transmitter/Receiver Pairs 5 MBd High Performance Link 1 MBd High Performance Link 1 MBd Standard Performance Link 40 KBd Extended Distance Link Low Current Link Photo Interrupter Link Horizontal Vertical HFBR-1521/2521 HFBR-1531/2531 HFBR-1522/2522 HFBR-1532/2532 40iil Distance' 65m 1 MBd HFBR-1524/2524' HFBR-1534/2534 HFBR-1523/2523 HFBR-1533/2533 HFBR-1523/1523 HFBR-1533/2523 HFBR-1523/1523 HFBR-1533/1523 HFBR-1522/2522 HFBR-1532/2532 35 m . 125 m 40 m NA NA 1 MBd 40 KBd 40 KBd 20 KHz 500 KHz Data Rate 5M'8d Plastic Fiber Cable Standard Attenuation Improved Attenuation Simplex Various PIN Various PIN Duplex Various PIN NA Connectored cable available in standard lengths. Unconnectored cable available in 500 m reels. HFBR-4501 HFBR-4511 HFBR-4503 HFBR-4513 HFBR-4506 Gray connector/crimp ring Blue connector/crimp ring Gray connector/crimp ring Blue connector/crimp ring Parchment connector/crimp ring Connectors Simplex Standard Simplex Latching Duplex Polishing Kit HFBR-4593 Bulkhead Feedthrough/in-line splice HFBR-4505 HFBR-4515 Plastic polishing fixture (used for ali connectors), abrasive paper, lapping film Gray bulkhead feedthrough adapter Blue bulkhead feedthrough adapter 'Link performance at 25'C, improved attenuation cable. 8-7 ._. __ . --- ----._--- --------- ----- Low Cost Miniature Link Family Features: Dual-in-line package, interfaces directly with ST or SMA connectors, specified for use with 50/125 I'm, 62.5/125 I'm, 1001140 I'm and 200 I'm Plastic Coated Silica (PCS) fiber. Auto insertable, wave solderable, no mounting hardware required. ~ Evaluation Kits HFBR-0410 (ST) Page No. Description Products/Part Numbers 8-37 HFBR-1412 transmitter, HFBR-2412 receiver, 3 metre connectored cable, literature HFBR-1402 transmitter, HFBR-2402 receiver, 2 metre connectored cable, literature HFBR-0400 (SMA) Transmitter/Receiver Pairs ST Series SMA Series Optical Power Budget' HFBR-1412/2412 HFBR-1402/2402 20.5 dB (200 I'm fiber) 15 dB (100/140 I'm fiber) 5 MBd 5 MBd HFBR-1414/2412 HFBR-1404/2402 15 dB (62.5/125 I'm fiber) 10.5 dB (50/125 I'm fiber) 5 MBd 5 MBd HFBR-1412/2414 HFBR-1402/2404 18 dB (100/140 I'm fiber) 13.5 dB (100/140 I'm fiber) 5 MBd 30 MBd HFBR-1414/2414 HFBR-1404/2404 18 dB (62.5/125 I'm fiber) 13.5 dB (62.5/125 I'm fiber) 5 MBd 30 MBd HFBR-1412/2416 HFBR-1402/2406 21 dB (100/140 I'm fiber)' 19 dB (100/140 I'm fiber) 30 MBd 150 MBd HFBR-1414/2416 HFBR-1404/2406 21 dB (62.5/125 I'm fiber) 19 dB (62.5/125 I'm fiber) 30 MBd 100 MBd Data Rate HFBR-1412 Standard transmitter - ST HFBR-1402 Standard Transmitter - SMA Optimized for large size fiber such as 100/140 I'm and 200 I'm PCS HFBR-1414 High Power Transmitter - ST HFBR-1404 High Power Transmitter - SMA Optimized for small size fibers such as 50/125 I'm or 62.5/125 I'm HFBR-2412 5 MBd Receiver - ST HFBR-2402 5 MBd Receiver - SMA TTL/CMOS compatible receiver with -25.4 dBm sensitivity HFBR-2414 25 MHz Receiver - ST HFBR-2404 25 MHz Receiver - SMA PIN - preamp receiver for data rates up to 35 MBd HFBR-2416 125 MHz Receiver - ST HFBR-2406 125 MHz Receiver - SMA PIN - preamp receiver for data rates up to 150 MBd , Link performance at 25°C. 8-8 Connectored Cable for Versatile Link ~~ , Features: Fully specified fiber cable, simplex or duplex (zip cord style), factory installed connectors or unconnectored, standard or improved attenuation cable, standard simplex, simplex latching or duplex connectors. Description Product! Part Number Siandard Improved Latching Plasllc Plastic Slmpl" N.w PIN Did HP PIN P Q L Standard Slmpl" N Dupl" Unean· neclared Singi. Channel M U S HFBR·PNSIOM ·3511 X X X ·PNS5DM ·3512 X X X ·PNSDDI ·3513 X X X ·PNSDD5 ·3514 X X X ·PNSD10 ·3515 X X X ·PNS020 ·3516 X X ·PNS030 ·3517 X ·PNS045 ·3518 X X X X ·PNS06O ·3519 X HFBR·ONSOOI ·3530 X X ·QNS005 ·3530 X ·3530 X ·QNS02D ·3530 X X X X X ·QNS010 ·QNS03O ·3530 X X ·QNS045 ·3530 X X X ·ONS060 ·3530 X X HFBR·PL51DM ·3521 X ·PL55DM ·3522 X X X X X ·PL5001 ·3523 ·PL5DD5 ·3524 ·PL5010 ·3525 ·PL5020 ·3526 X X ·PL5030 ·3527 X ·PL5045 ·3528 ·PL5060 ·3529 X X HFBR·QL5001 ·3540 X ·OL5005 ·3540 ·QL5010 -3540 X X ·OL5020 ·3540 ·QL503O ·3540 ·QL5045 ·3540 ·QLS060 ·3540 HFBR·PMD5DM ·3632 ·PMDDDI ·3633 ·PMDDD5 ·3634 ·PMD010 ·3635 ·PMDD20 ·3636 ·PMD03O ·3637 ·PMD045 ·3638 ·PMD060 ·3639 HFBR·PND5DM ·3612 10 M 20M 30M 45M 60M 005 DID 030 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ·PNDOOI ·3613 ·PNDOO5 ·3614 X X X X ·PND010 ·3615 X ·PND020 ·3616 ·PND03O ·3617 X X X X X ·PND045 ·3618 ·PND060 ·3619 X X HFBR·PU5600 ·3581 X ·QU5500 ·3582 ·PUD500 ·3681 500 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Pago N~ 8-13 X X X X X 500M X X X 060 X X X 045 X X X X X D20 X X X X X X X 10M 5DM 001 5M X X X X X X X 0 X X X X X X Dual Channel [I M [5M 1M X X X X X Cabl. Length Cabl. Typo Conneclor Slyi. fiber TIP' X X X X X X X X X X 8-9 .........- . - . - -... ~~~~~~- ST Connectored Evaluation Cables Features: Evaluation cables for link testing. factory installed ST connectors. simplex cables only. Description Fiber Size (I'm) Part Number 62.5/125 1001140 50/125 Length Conneclor Cable ST·Ceramlc Simplex 1 metre X HFBR·AXS001 X X X HFBR·AXS010 X X X HFBR·BXS001 X X X HFBR·BXS010 X X X HFBR·GXS001 X X X HFBR·GXS010 X X X Page No. 10 metres 8-37 X X X X X SMA Connectored Cable Features: Fully specified fiber cable. simplex or duplex (zip cord style). factory installed SMA connectors or unconnectored. Description Fiber Size Connector Style Cable Type Cable Length Single Channel Dual Channel 1M 5M 10M 25 M 50 M 100M S 0 001 005 010 Productl Part Number 100/140 SMA Uncon· nectored Old HP PIN A W U HFBR·AWS001 -3000 X X X ·AWS005 -3000 X X X ·AWS010 -3021 X X X -AWS025 -3000 X X X -AWS050 -3000 X X X -AWS100 ·3000 X X X HFBR-AWD005 ·3100 X X X 1000 M lKM X X X X X X -3100 X X X -AWD050 -3100 X X X -AWD100 ·3100 X X X HFBR-AUS100 ·3200 X X X ·3200 X X X -3300 X X X -3300 X X X X X X X X X X 8-10 Page No. 8-57 X ·3100 ·AUD1KM 100 X ·AWD010 HFBR·AUD100 050 X ·AWD025 ·AUS1KM 025 X X Snap-In Link Family Features: Operate with 1 mm dia. plastic fiber, plastic snap-in connector compatible (standard simplex only), TIL compatible output. ~ FOR NEW DESIGNS: Refer to the Versatile Link Family on page 8-13 to achieve the best price/performance value. Transmitter/Receiver Pairs 5 MBd Link 1 MBd Link Extended Distance Link Low Current Link Photo tnterrupter Link Page No. Description Products/Part Numbers Data Rate" 5MBd 1 MBd 40 kBd 40 kBd 20 kHz 500 kHz Distance" 40 metre 65 metre 125 metre 40 metre N/A N/A HFBR-1510/-2501 HFBR-1502/-2502 HFBR-1512/-2503 HFBR-1512/-2503 HFBR-1512/-2503 HFBR-1502/-2502 8-60 "Link performance at 25°C, improved attenuation cable. Miniature Link Family Futures: Interfaces directly with SMA style connectors, specified for use with 100/140 I'm fiber. Precision metal connector interface. FOR NEW DESIGNS: Refer 'to the Low Cost Miniature Link Family on page 8-37 to achieve the best price/performance value. Distance" 800 metre 1200 metre 1800 metre 2100 metre 500 metre (typical) Transmitter/Receiver Pairs HFBR-1202/-2202 HFBR-1202/-2204 HFBR-1204/-2202 HFBR-1204/-2204 HFBR-1204/-2208 Mounting Hardware HFBR-4202 Page No. , Description Products/Part Numbers Data Rate" 5 MBd 40 MBd 5 MBd 40 MBd 125 MBd (typical) PCB mounting bracket, EMI shield, mise, hardware for HFBR-1202/-1204/-2202/-2204/2208. "Link performance at 25°C. 8-11 8-78 The following products are available but not recommended for new designs. For lIIerature on these products please contact your local HP sales oillce. Products/Part Nos. Description/Features Transmitter/Receiver Pairs Specified for 100/140 I'm fiber, HP style connector, TIL compatible, Link monitor. Distance' Data Rate' Connector Style 180 metre 10 MBd HFBR-4000 1500 metre 10 MBd HFBR-4000 HFBR-1001/-2001 HFBR-1002/-2001 RS·232-CIV.24 to Fiber Optic Multiplexer 39301A Multiplexer PIN Photodiodes 5082-4200 Series 1250 metres length, 19.2 kbps/channel data rate, 16 channels RS-232-C Input/Output High Speed PIN Photodiodes for use in Fiber Optic Applications Variety of packages, high speed, low capacitance, low noise. HP Style Connectors HFBR-4000 HFBR-3099 Metal body. metal ferrule Connector-connector junction. bulkhead feedthrough for HFBR-4000 connector. HP Style Connector Assembly Tools HFBR-0100 HFBR-0101 HFBR-0102 Field installation kit for HFBR-4000 connectors (includes case. tools, consumables) Replacement consumables for HFBR-0100 Kit Custom tool set only HP Style Connectored Cable Fully specified 100/140 I'm fiber cable, simplex or duplex (zip cord style), factory installed HP style connectors Description Fiber Size Connector Style Cable Type Cable Length Uncon· nectored Single Channel Dual Channel 1M 5M 10 M 25 M 50 M 100 M U S 0 001 005 010 100/140 HFBR· 4000 Old HP PIN A H HFBR-AHS001 -3000 X X X -AHS005 -3000 X X X -AHS010 -3001 X X X -AHS025 -3000 X X X -AHS050 ·3000 X X X -AHS100 ·3000 X X X HFBR-AHD005 -3100 X X X -AHD010 -3100 X X X -AHD025 ·3100 X X X -AHD050 ·3100 X X X -AHD100 -3100 X X X Product! Part Number 8-12 025 050 100 X X X X X X X X X X X VERSATILE LINK Fli;- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD The Versatile Fiber Optic Connection HFBR-OS01 SERIES Features • LOW COST FIBER OPTIC COMPONENTS • GUARANTEED LINK PERFORMANCE OVER TEMPERATURE High Speed Links: dc to 5 MBd Extended Distance Links: up to 82 m Low Current Link: 6 rnA Peak Supply Current Low Cost Standard Link: dc to 1 MBd Photo Interrupter Link • COMPACT, LOW PROFILE PACKAGES Horizontal and Vertical Mounting "N-plex" Stackable Flame Retardant • EASY TO USE RECEIVERS TTL, CMOS Compatible Output Level High Noise Immunity • EASY CONNECTORING Simplex, Duplex and Latching Connectors Flame Retardant Material Versatile Link Applications • Reduction of lightning/Voltage transient susceptability • LOW LOSS PLASTIC CABLE Selected Super Low Loss Simplex Simplex and Zip Cord Style Duplex Flame Retardant • Motor controller triggering o Data communications and Local Area Networks • Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) for regulated systems: FCC, VDE, CSA, etc. • NO OPTICAL DESIGN REQUIRED • AUTO-INSERTABLE AND WAVE SOLDERABLE • Tempest-secure data processing equipment • DEMONSTRATED RELIABILITY @40°C EXCEEDS 3 MILLION HOURS MTBF • Isolation in test and measurement instruments o Error free signalling for industrial and manufacturing equipment Description o Automotive communications and control networks The Versatile Link series is a complete family of fiber optic link components for applications requiring a low cost solution. The HFBR-0501 series includes transmitters, receivers, connectors and cable specified for easy design. This series of components is ideal for solving problems with voltage isolation/insulation, EMI/RFI immunity or data security. The Link design is simplified by the logic compatible receivers and complete specifications for each component. No optical design is necessary. The key optical and electrical parameters of links configured with the HFBR-0501 family are fully guaranteed from 0° to 70° C. A wide variety of package configurations and connectors provide the designer with numerous mechanical solutions to meet application requirements. The transmitter and receiver components have been designed for use in high volume/low cost assembly processes such as autoinsertion and wave soldering. • Communication and isolation in medical instruments o Power supply control 8-13 • Noise immune communication in audio and video equipment • Remote photo interrupter for office and industrial eqUipment • Robotics communication Link Selection Guide Specific Product Numbers and Component Selection Guide on page 23. ~plcal Guaranteed Minimum Link Length Metres V$reatlle Link = 0·C·70·C ~--$.- Standard Cable Improved Cable 12 17 Link Length Metres 25"C 25°C Standard Cable Page Standard Cable Improved Cable 17 24 35 40 8-16 30 41 50 65 8-16 - 30 35 8-16 100 125 8-16 Improved Cable MBd 24 Low Current Link 40 kBd 8 11 Extended Distance Link 40 kBd 60 82 65 90 1 MBd 5 7 30 40 8-16 N.A. 11 N.A. 15 500kHz N.A. N.A. N.A. 8-22 Contents: Horizontal transmitter. horizontal receiver packages: 5 metres of simplex cable with simplex and simplex latching connectors instalted; individual connectors: simplex, duplex, simplex latching, bulkhead adapter; polishing tool. abrasive paper, literature. 8-35 High Performance Standard Photo Interrupter EvaluatIon Kit 1 MBd (Standard) versatile Link Product Family 5 MBd, 1 MBd and 40 kBd FIBER OPTIC LINKS Simplex Link - Horizontal Packages Simplex Link - Vertical Packages Duplex Link - Combination 01 Horizontal & Vertical Packages N-Plex Link - Comblnallons 8-14 Table of Contents Designing with versatile link Versatile Link Configurations ........................ 2 Versatile Link Product Description .................... 3 Designing with Versatile Link ........................ 3 Manufacturing with Versatile Link .................... 4 Versatile Link Performance High Performance 5 MBd Link .................... 4 High Performance 1 MBd Link .................... 4 Low Current Extended Distance 40 kBd Link ....... 4 Standard 1 MBd Link ............................ 4 Versatile Link Design Considerations ................. 7 Photo-Interrupter Link .............................. 10 Transmitter Specifications .......................... 11 Receiver Specifications ............................ 13 Cable Specifications ............................... 15 Connector Descriptions ............................ 16 Connector Specifications .......................... 18 Connectoring ..................................... 18 Versatile Link Mechanical Dimensions ............... 20 Component Selection Guide ........................ 23 When designing with Versatile Link, the following topics should be considered: Distance and Data Rate Distances and data rates guaranteed with Versatile Link depend upon the Versatile Link transmitter/receiver pair chosen. See the Versatile Link guide (Page 4). Typically, a data rate requirement is first specified. This determines the choice of the 5 MBd, 1 MBd or 40 kBd Versatile Link components. Distances guaranteed with Versatile Link then depend upon choice of cable, specific drive condition and circuit configuration. Extended distance operation is possible with pulsed operation of the LED (see Figure 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e and 2f dotted lines.) Drive circuits are described on page 7. Cable is discussed on page 15. Pulsed operation of the LED at larger current will result in increased pulse width distortion of the receiver output signal. Versatile Link can also be used as a photo interrupter at frequencies up to 500 KHz. This is described on page 10. versatile link Product Description Mechanical: The compact Versatile Link package is made of a flame retardant material (UL V-D) in a standard, eight pin dual-in-line package (DIP) with 7.6 millimetre (0.3 inch) pin spacing. Vertical and horizontal mountable parts are available. These low profile Versatile Link packages are stackable and are enclosed to provide a dust resistant seal. Snap action simplex, simplex latching, and duplex connectors are offered with simplex or duplex cables. Electrical: Transmitters incorporate a 660 nanometre light emitting diode (LED). Receivers include a monolithic DC coupled, digital IC receiver with open collector Schottky output transistor. An internal pullup resistor is available for use in the HFBR-25X1/2/4 receivers. Transmitter and receiver are compatible with standard TTL circuitry. A shield has been integrated into the receiver IC to provide additional, localized noise immunity. Optical: Internal optics have been optimized for use with 1 mm diameter plastic optical fiber. Versatile Link specifications incorporate all component interface losses. Therefore, the need of optical calculations for common link applications is eliminated. Optical power budget is graphically displayed to facilitate electrical deSign for customized links. Package Orientation As shown in the photograph, Versatile Link is available in vertical and horizontal packages. Performance and pinouts for the two packages are identical. To provide additional attachment support for the Vertical Versatile Link housing, the designer has the option of using a self-tapping screw (2-56) through a printed circuit board into a mounting hole at the bottom of the package. For most applications this is not necessary. Connector Style As shown, Versatile Link can be used with three snap-in connectors: simplex, simplex latching, and duplex. The simplex connector is intended for applications requiring simple, stable connection capability with a moderate retention force. The simplex latching connector provides similar convenience with a larger retention force. Connector/cable retention force can be improved by using a RTV adhesive within the connector. A suggested adhesive is 3M Company product: RTV-739. Versatile Link components and simplex connectors are color coded to eliminate confusion when making connections. Versatile Link transmitters are gray and Versatile Link receivers are blue. The duplex connector connects a cable containing two fibers to two similar Versatile Link components. A lockout feature ensures the connection can be made in only one orientation. The duplex connector is intended for Versatile Link components "n-plexed" together, as discussed in the next section. N-plexing Versatile Link components can be stacked or interlocked (n-plexed) together to minimize use of printed circuit board space and to provide efficient, dual connections via the duplex connector. Up to eight identical package styles can be n-plexed and inserted by hand into a printed circuit board without difficulty. However, auto-insertability of stacked units becomes limited when more than two packages are n-plexed together. 8-15 Cable Two cable versions are available: Simplex (single channel) and color coded duplex (dual channel). Each version of the cable is flame retardant (UL VW-1) and of low optical loss. Two grades of the simplex cable are available: standard cable and improved cable. Improved cable is recommended for applications requiring longer distance needs, as reflected in the Link Selection Guide on page 2. Flexible cable construction allows simple cable installation techniques. Cables arediscussed in detail on page 15. Accessories A variety of accessories are available. The bulkhead feedthrough adapter discussed on page 16 can be used to mate two simplex snap-in connectors. It can be used either as a splice or a panel feedthrough for a panel thickness < 4.1 mm (0.16 inch). Manufacturing with versatile Link Non-stacked Versatile Link parts require no special handling during assembly of units onto printed circuit boards. Versatile Link components are auto-insertable. When wave soldering is performed with Versatile Link components, an optical port plug is recommended to be used to prevent contamination of the port. Commercially available port plugs are obtainable from companies such as Sinclair & Rush Co., Saint Louis, MO. Water soluable fluxes, not rosin based fluxes, are recommended for use with Versatile Link components. Proper cleaners are Freon TMS (DuPont) and halide-free solvents. Refer to the Connectoring Section on page 18 for details of connectors and cable connectoring. Several accessories are offered to help with proper fiberl connector polishing. These are shown on page 16. versatile Link performance 5 MEGABITS PER SECOND (NRZ) 1 MEGABIT PER SECOND (NRZ) 40 KILOBITS PER SECOND (NRZ) The 5 Megabaud (MBd) Versatile Link is guaranteed to perform from DC to 5 Mb/s (megabits per second, NRZ). Distances up to 17 metres are guaranteed when the transmitter is driven with a current of 60 milliamperes. This represents worst case performance throughout the temperature range of 0 to 70 degrees centigrade. With the required drive circuit of Figure 1b and at 60 milliamp drive current, the 1 Megabaud Versatile Link has guaranteed performance over 0 to 70 degrees centigrade from DC to 1 Mb/s (NRZ) up to 34 metres. The low current link requires only 6 mA peak supply current for the transmitter and receiver combined to achieve an 11 metre link. Extended distances up to 82 metres can be achieved at a maximum transmitter drive current of 60 mA peak. The 40 kBd Versatile Link is guaranteed to perform from DC to 40 kbis (NRZ) over 00 to 70 0C up to the distances just described. Receivers are compatible with LSTTL, TTL, CMOS logic levels and offer a choice of an internal pull-up resistor or an open collector output. Horizontal or vertical packages provide identical performance and are compatible with simplex, simplex latching, and duplex connectors. Refer to the connector section (page 16) and the cable section (page 15) for further information about these products. A list of specific part numbers is found below and in the Selection Guide on page 23. VERSATILE LINK GUIDE Cable Link Length Unit VersaUle Link High Performance High Performance 5MBd 1 MBd Low Current! Extended Distance 40kBd Standard 1MBd Horizontal Package Vertical Package Tx HFBR-1521 HFBR-1531 Rx HFBR-2521 HFBR-2531 Tx HFBR-1522 HFBR-1532 Rx HFBR-2522 HFBR-2532 Tx Rx HFBR-1523 HFBR-2523 HFBR-1533 HFBR-2533 Tx HFBR-1524 HFBR-1534 Rx HFBR-2524 HFBR-2534 8-16 Standard Cable Improved Cable 12 metres 17 metres 24 metres 34 metres 8 metresi 60 metres 11 metresl 82 metres 5 metres 7 metres RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Pii'rameter Ambient Temperature Transmitter Peak Forward Current Avg, Forward Cur(ept Receiver Supply Voltage .....;. Min. Max. Units TA 0 70 °C IF PK 10 750 IF AV o HFSR-25X1/25X2/25X4 HFSR-2§Xl(25X2/25X4 Vee 4.50 5.50 4.75 5,25 m.~ ........ V 1 N HFSfl;,2SX1!25X2!2q«4 ; ." ;;. 18 HFSR-2$X3 Note 1,8 V Vee Vo Ret. ;. . . . ;:•. ~1', • .•. . . . . . . ~O ......;.>... HFSR-2Q 3 Output Voltage' HE§R-25X3 Fanout (TTU Symbol Note2 ;; ...,.•i;. 5 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE Under recommended operating conditions unless otherwise specified. I:':::; Parameter Symbol 'JI,tp.[5] de Data Rate High Performance 5MSd Min. Link Distance with Standard Cable Q Link Distance with Improved Cable Q Max. Units COI'\~itions 5 MSd SER':oS 10-9, PRSS: 21-1 12 17 35 17 24 40 m IpPK=60mA m IFPK=60mA.25·C Ref. Fig.2a Note 7 m IFPK=60mA m iFPK=60mA,25°C Rl =5600, CL =30pF Q =0.5 metre -21 ,6S PRS-9.5 dSm Fig.3,5 Notes 3, 6 P R=-15dSm RL =5600, CL =30pF Fig. 3,4 Note 4 Fig.2b Note 7 _ _ .... 00. Propagation Delay PulseWidlh Distortion tpLH 80 140 ns tpHL 50 140 ns tD 30 Data Rate dc Link Distance with Standard Cable 30 ns 1 24 High Performance 1MBd 50 Propagation Delay Pulse Width Distortion IFPK=60mA m IFPK=60 mA, 25°C m 60 m 50% I FPK =120mA Duty IFPK = 120 mA, 25·C Factor m IFPK=60mA 65 m IfPK = 60 mA, 25·C m 50% IFPK=120mA Duty IFPK = 120 mA, 25°C Factor 30 36 41 £ 44 51 SER S 10-9, PRBS: 27_1 m Q 34 Link Distance with Improved Cable MSd 75 m tpLH 180 250 ns tpHL 100 140 ns to 80 ns 8-17 Fig.2a Notes 1,7,8 Fig.2b Notes 1,7,8 RL =5600, CL =30 pF Q = 0.5 metre PR=-24dBm Fig. 3, 5 Notes 3, 8 PR=-24dBm RL =5600, C L =30pF Fig. 3, 4 Notes 4, 8 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE Under recommended operating conditions unless otherwise specified. Link Low Current/ Extended Distance 40k8d Parameter Symbol Min. Typ.t5] Max. dc Q 8 30 m IFPK ~ 2 mA 60 100 m IFPK=60 mA link Distance with Improved Cable Q 11 35 m IpPK" 2 mA 125 m IpPK" 60 mA RL " 3.3 kO, CL " 30 pF " 1 metre PR'" -25 d8m 4 ,..s tpHL 2.5 ,..s 7.0 D 1 dc 5 Link Distance with 11 30 12 1B 40 ? link Distance with Improved Cable Propagation Delay Pulse Width Distortion P.s MBd 15 40 -39 S; PR S; -14 dBm 25 50 m I fPK " 60 mA, 25°C m i FPK "120mA Fig. 3, 6 Note 4 Fig.2e Notes 1,7,8 m 50% Duty tFPK" 120mA, 25"C Factor m I FPK =60mA m i FPK "60mA,25°C m lVPK" 120mA m IpPK =120mA, 25°C RL = 560n. CL =30pF £ =0.5metre PR"-20d8m Fig. 3, 5 Notes 3, 8 PR=-20d8m RL "560H, CL =30pF Fig. 3,4 Notes 4, 8 tpLH 180 250 ns tpHL 100 140 ns to 80 Noles: 1. For IFPK > 80 rnA, the duty factor must be such as to keep IFOe ,; 80 rnA. In addition, for IFPK > 80 rnA, the following rules for pulse width apply: I FPK'; 160 rnA: Pulse width,; 1 ms IFPK'" 160 rnA: Pulse width,; 1 its, period", 20 itS. 2. It is essential that a bypass capacitor (0.01 ItF to 0.1 ,..F ceramic) be connected from pin 2 to pin 3 of the HFBR25X1I25X2/25X4 receivers and from pin 2 to pin 4 of the HFBR-25X3 receiver. Total lead length between both ends of the capacitor and the supply pins should not exceed 20 mm. 3. The propagation delay for one metre of cable is typically 5 ns. Fig. 3,? Note 3 8ER S; 10-9, PR8S: 27.1 I FPK =60mA Q 17 Fig.2d Note? RL '" 3.3 kG, CL " 30 pF m Q Standard Cable Fig.2c Note? B2 tpLH Data Rate Ref. SER:S; 10-9, PRSS: 27_1 Data Rate Pulse Width Distortion Standard 1MBd k8d Conditions Link Distance with Standard Cable Propagation Delay 40 Units nS ~OO/O F: Fig. 21 Notes 1,7,8 uty actor to = tpLH - tpHL' Typical data is at 25° C, Vee = 5 V. Typical propagation delay is measured at PR = -15 dBm. Estimated typical link life expectancy at 40° C exceeds 10 years at 60 rnA. 8. Pulsed LED operation at IF> 80 rnA will cause increased link tpLH propagation delay time. This extended tpLH time contributes to increased pulse width distortion of the receiver output Signal. 9. Pins 5 and 8 of both the transmitter and receiver are for mounting and retaining purposes only. Do not electrically connect pin 5 and/or pin 8. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8-18 versatile Link Design Considerations Simple interface circuits for 5 MBd, 1 MBd and 40 kBd applications are shown in Figure 1. The value of the transmitter drive current depends upon the desired link distance. This is shown in Figures 2a through 2f. After selecting a value of transmitter drive current, IF, the value of R1 can be determined'with the aid of Figures 1a, 1band 1d. Note that the 5 MBd and 40 kBd Versatile Links can have an overdrive and underdrive limit for the chosen value of IF while the 1 MBd Versatile Link has only an underdrive limit. Dotted lines in Figures 2a through 2f Vre RI VF 2 represent pulsed operation for extended link distance requirements. For the 1 MBd interface circuit, the R1 C1 time constant must be> 75 ns. Conditions described in Note 1 must be met for pulsed operation. Refer to Note 8 for performance comments when pulsed operation is used. All specifications are guard banded for worst case conditions between 0 to 70 degrees centigrade. All tolerances and variations (including end-of-life transmitter power, receiver sensitivity, coupling variances, connector and cable variations) are taken into account. ' • HFBR-152111531--------_. HFBR-252112531 (5 MBd-HIGH PERFORMANCE L1NKI Figure 1a. Typical 5 Mild Interface Circuit: HFBR-2622/2632 (I MBd-HIGH PERFORMANCE L1NKI HFBR-2524/2534 (I MBd-STANDARO L1NKI RI vee PIN 1'40. t 2 3 4 5 6 HFBR-1622/1532-------' 7 8 HFBR-1524/1534 _ _ _ _ _ _ _...J Rx TX ~ ANODE CATHODE OPEN Vee OPEN RL DO NOT CONNECT' DO NOT CONNECT' -- -- DO 'lOT CONNECT' DO NOT CONNEcT' ·seE. NOTE 9 PG.& Rl "" VCC-VF -VOLI754511 IF R1Cl~.1~ ns 1c. Electrical Pin Assignments for 5 MBd and 1 MBd Transmitters and Receivers 1b. Required 1 MBd Interface Circuit: ~·"'E::. - - - - - - - - ' " " " - , HFBR·262312633 (COW CURRENTI EXTENDED DISTANCE LINK) PIN NO. 1d. Typical 40 kBd Interface Circuit; t 2 OPEN 6 -- 7 8 VI> CATHODE GilD OPEN oPEN Veo DO NOT CONNECT DO NOT OONNECT' 3 4 6 Ax Tx ANODE -- DO III)T CONNECT' DO NOT CONNECT' ·SEE NOTE 9 PG.6 1e. Electrical Pin Assignments for 40 kBd Transmitters and Receivers 8-19 , lOa 100~~ ;;: ! ...z w a: a: :> u c a: ";:a: It .1: 10 5 20 10 0 30 50~~~10-----2~0----~3~0----~40-----"50 40 £ -CABLE LENGTH-METRES \I-CABLE LENGTH-METRES Figure 2a. Guaranteed System Performance for the HFBR-15X1/25X1 and HFBR-15X2/25X2 Links with Standard Cable 120 lOa 80 60 ..."I E 40 ~ 20 :> u 10 a: a: ca: Figure 2b. Guaranteed System Performance for the HFBR-15X1/25X1 and HFBR-15X2/25X2 Links with Improved Cable 120~_ fftl 10° ~ /' / / ~ f'>.H O'C 10'e 'I< ./ LV " BR"1SX3! 5X3 2S'C ;: a: It / .1: VJ '0 // 10 I 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 80 ~ - CABLE LENGTH- METRES Figure 2c. Guaranteed System Performance for the HFBR-15X3/25X3 Link with Standard Cable laO 90 i ;rz 80 70 / 60 / w a: a: ac so a: 40 It 30 ~ .1: / ;;: /' /< / ,/ ~~ ~ VI 0 A Figure 2d. Guaranteed System Performance for the HFBR-15X3/25X3 Link with Improved Cable E hl "O'C-70'0 60 so ca: 40 It 30 "Ii! .1: 1S V 70 a: a: ~HFBR-rX4125X4 80 T ...z w :> u '25'C 10 ,- 100 90 ..- / 90 100 11 - CABLE lENGTH- METRES / A ~ £ -CABLE LENGTH-METRES Figure 2e. Guaranteed System Performance for the HFBR-15X4/25X4 Link with Standard Cable / K" "~ I • • / HFBR-1SX4/,5X4 \...0'C-70'C / 20 ZV / 20 25.c"1 a 10 ~ 20 30 -CABLE LENGTH-METRES Figure 2f. Guaranteed System Performance for the HFBR-15X4/25X4 Link with Improved Cable ------- ~--- -. I, ~--~~--~----~--~'5V INPUT MONITORING 0------.... NODe OUTPUT VI '----------4-__+-0 MONITORI NG 51 vo n HFBR·1523/1533 ------------_1 NODE HFBR·2523!2533 Al 40 kBd PROPAGATION DELAY TEST CIRCUIT 5' n IF 5Vo-----~~----~~--~~._~ VF 2 rr--------.-O +5 V RL OUTPUT '------~__--4-_o vo PULSE GENERATOR HFBR-1521/1531 - - - - - - - - - - - - . MONI TORING NODE HFBR-2521/2531 (5 MBd-HIGH PERFORMANCE LINK) HFBR-2522/2532 (1 MBd-HIGH PERFORMANCE LINK) B) 5 MBd PROPAGATION DELAY TEST CIRCUIT HFBR-2524/2534 (1 MBd-STANDARD LINK) 5' n HFBR-'52211532 ----------' PULSE GENERATOR VaH HFBR-'52411534 _________--' C) , MBd PROPAGATION DELAY TEST CIRCUIT DJ PROPAGATION DELAY TEST WAVEFORMS Figure 3. Propagallon Delay Tesl Clrculls and Waveforms: a) 40 kBd, b) 5 MBd, c) 1 MBd, d) Tesl Waveforms 500 2 0 400 400 ;:: ~ ~c 300 Q ...c ~ 200 "~ ~ ~ I JOO 2 0 J: liE 1--+-+-+- > a: 200 :: '00 9 ~~2~5--=-~20~----~'5~----'~0-----~5~--~ PR - INPUT OPTICAL POWER - dBm PR - INPUT OPTICAL poweR - dBm Figure 4. Typical HFBR-15X1/25X1, HFBR-15X2/25X2 and HFBR-15X4/25X4 Link Pulse Wldlh Dlslorllon vs. Opllcal Power Figure 5. Typical HFBR-15X1/25X1, HFBR-15X2/25X2 and HFBR-15X4/25X4 Link Propagation Delay VS. Opllcal Power 8-21 -----~-----~------------ !!l I > ~ ! ! r- --1. .,.- ~~ t¥LIf C 2 ).- V o ~ ,-- -, )I 1/ f' ~ " I ~ tPHl I -2. -22 -'6 -'0 p~. - INPUT OPTICAL POWER - dBm PR, -INPUT OPTICAL POWER, dB'1' Figure 6. Typical HFBR-15X3/25X3 Link Pulse Width Distortl~n VB. Optical Power ' Figure 7. Typical HFBR-15X3/25X3 Link Propagation Delay VB. Optical Power , Versatile Link Photo Interrupter 20 KHz (40 kBd) LINK, 500 kHz (1 MBd) LINK RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Versatile Link may be used as a photo-interrupter in optical switches, shaft position sensors, velocity sensors, position sensors, and other similar applications. This link is P8(ticularly useful where high VOltage, electrical noise, or explosive environments prohibit the use of electromechanIcal or optoelectronic sensors. The 20 kHz (40 kBd) transmitter/rgceiver: pair has an optical power budget of 25 dB. The 500 kHz (1 MBd) tranllmitter/receiver pair has an optical power budget of 10 dB. Total system losses (cable attenuation, air gap loSS, etc.) must not exceed the link optical pciwerbudget: Recommended operating conditions' are identical to those of ttie Low CurrenVExtended Distance and High Performance 1 MBd links. Refer to page 5. Parameter Min. lYp.l11 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE These specification apply' wh'en using Standard and , Improved cable and, unless otherwise specified, under recommended operating conditions. Refer to the appropriate link data on pages 7 and 8 for additional design information. Max. Units Conditions Ref. HFBR·15X3I2SX3 Max, Count Frequency de Optical Power Budget 25.4 27.8 34 ~ kHz dB IFPK '" 60 mA, 0-70"C dB IFPK = 60 mAo 25"C Note 2 HFBR-15X2I25X2 ' Max. Count Frequency dc Optical Power Budget lOA 12.8 500 15.6 kHz dB tl'PI( '" 60 mAo 0-700 C , dB I!'PK = 60 mA, 25·C Notes: 1. Typical data is at 2S'·C, Vee '= 5 V. 2. Optical Power Budget = PT min. - PR (L) min. Refer to pages 11-14 for additional design information. 8:22 Note 2 Photo Interrupter Link Design considerations The fiber optic Transmitter/Receiver pair is intended for applications where the photo interrupter must be physically separated from the optoelectronic emitter and detector. This separation would be useful where high voltage, electrical noise or explosive environments prohibit the use of electronic devices. To ensure reliable long term operation, link design for this application should operate with an ample optical power margin "'M :::: 3 dB, since the exposed fiber ends are subject to environmental contamination that will increase the optical attenuation of the slot with time. A graph of air gap separation versus attentuation for clean fiber ends with minimum radial error :50.127 mm (0.005 inches) and angular error (:53.0°) is provided in Figure 1. The following equations can be used to determine the HFBR·15X3 HFBR-1SX2 20 STANDARD CABLE HFBR--4501/4511 CONNECTORS transmitter output power, PT, for both the overdrive and underdrive cases. Overdrive is defined as a condition where excessive optical power is delivered to the receiver. The first equation calculates, for a predetermined link length and slot attenuation, the maximum PT in order not to overdrive the receiver. The second equation defines the minimum PT allowed for link operation to prevent underdrive condition from occurring. PT (MAX) - PR (MAX) :5 "'0 MIN PT (MIN) - PRL (MIN):::: "0 MAX Q+ Q+ "SLOT Eq. 1 "SLOT + "M Eq.2 Once PT (MIN) has been determined in the second equation for a specific link length ( Q ), slot attenuation ("SLOT) and margin ("M). Figure 2 can then be used to find IF. HFBR·25X3 HFBR-25X2 +10 ~~ .g AXIAL~ ~ +5 l' ffi ;: SEPARATION 15 ~ -5 ,.. \, -10 ;r,.. "0 l ~ ~ 0 10 V I-" PTIMAXI ~ "u ii' -15 -20 ~ -25 ......- r- i- I-- pr~'NI -30 10 10 11 12 20 30 40 50 100 IF-TRANSMITTER DRIVE CURRENT-rnA 13 AXIAL SEPARATION (mm) Figure 2. Typical HFBR-15X3/15X2 Optical Power YS. Transmitter IF (O-70°C) Figure 1. Typical Loss YS. Axial Separation HFBR-152XI153X SERIES TRANSMITTERS Versatile Link n-ansmitters HFBR-1S21/1S31 (S MBd - High Performance) HFBR-1S22/1S32 (1 MBd - High Performance) HFBR-1S23/1S33 (40 kBd - Low Current/Extended Distance) HFBR-1S24/1S34 (1 MBd - Standard) Versatile Link transmitters incorporate a 660 nanometre LED in a gray horizontal or vertical housing for the HFBR15X1I2/4 transmitters or a black horizontal or vertical housing for theHFBR-15X3 receiver. The transmitters can be easily interfaced to standard TTL logic. The optical output power of the HFBR-152X/153X series. is specified at the end of 0.5 m of cable. The mechanical and electrical pin spacing and connections are identical for both the horizontal and vertical packages. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Lead Soldering Cycle l I Symbol Min. Max. Units Ts -40 +75 °C TA 0 +70 °C Temp. 260 Time to t= °C rnA iFPK 1000 OC Forward Input Current IFOC 80 mA VR 5 V 8-23 Note 1 sec. Peak Forward Input Current Reverse I nput Voltage Ref. Nole2 Electrical/Optical Characteristics Param$ltr Symbol Transmitter Output Optical Power HFBR-15X2 and HFBR-15X3 PT HFBR-15X3 PT HFBR·15X4 PT Typ.lG] Min. -1M PT HFBR-15X1 OOG to +700G Unless Otherwise Specified APT AT Peak Emission Wavelength APK Forward Voltage VF . ~~~~~r~lVoltage tu fe Coefficient Units Condillons -7.6 dBm IF; 60mA, 0-70°0 -14.3 -8.0 dBm IF = 60mA, 25"0 -13.6 -4.5 dBm IF" 60mA, 0-70"0 -11.2 -5.1 dBm IF'" 60mA, 25°G -35.5 dBm -17.8 -4,5 -15.5 Output Optical Power Temperature Ooefficient Max. -5.1 660 Fig. 2 Notes 3,4 " 2 mA, 0-70'0 dBm IF'" 60mA, 0-70 0 e dBm IF" 60 rnA, 25'G nm 1.67 AVF R$f. %/eO -0.85 1.45 I IF j V 2.02 IF'" 60mA -1.37 mV/cO mm Fig. 1 -;IT Effective Diameter DT 1 Numerical Aperture N.A. 0.5 Reverse Input Breakdown Voltage VSR 11.0 V IF = -10/JA. TA = 25°e Diode Oapacitance 00 86 pF VF " 0, f " 1 MHz Rise Time tr 80 ns 10%(090%,lF"'60mA Fall Time If 40 ns 5.0 Notes: 1. 1.6 mm below seating plane. 2. l}.1s pulse, 20}.ls period. 3. Measured at the end ·of 0.5 m Standard Fiber Optic Gable with large area detector. 4. Optical power. P (dBm) = 10 Log [P (}.IW)/1000 }.IW]. 5. Typical data is at 25°G. 6. Rise and fall times are measured with a voltage pulse driving the transmitter and a series connected 50 Ohm load. A wide bandwidth optical to electrical waveform analyzer (trans- Nole6 ducer), terminated to a 50 Ohm input of a wide bandwidth oscilloscope, is used for this response time measurement. 7. Pins 5 and 8 of the transmitter are for mounting and retaining purposes only. Do not electrically connect pin 5 and/or pin 8. WARNING: When viewed under some conditions. the optical port of the Transmitter may expose the eye beyond the Maximum Permissible Exposure recommended in ANSI Z-136-1, 1981. Under most viewing conditions there is no eye hazard. 1.B ~ w IE 1.7 to ;:.... a > a 0: 1.6 « ;: 0: it I it , 1 1.5 -- ~ S-"K 1".4 2 !5 - vKI--' ,.,;1--' '" "a @ N :; ........-;;: ...-1-" 10 '\T',1il ,....1-' ~ ,.,; / -5 -10 l/ « ~ II o -15 'T .:- V -2 0 2 100 IF-TRANSMITTER DRIVE CURRENT (rnA) 10 100 IF-TRANSMITTER DRIVE CURRENT-rnA Figure 1. Typical Forward Voltage vs. Drive Current for HFBR·152X/153X Series Transmitters Figure 2. Normalized HFBR-152X/153X Series Transmitter Typical Output Optical Power vs. Drive Current 8-24 versatile Link Receivers HFBR-25X1/25X2/25X4 RECEIVER VO~' HFBR-2521/2531 (5 MBd - High Performance) HFBR-2522/2532 (1 MBd - High Performance) HFBR-2524/2534 (1 MBd - Standard) GROUND The blue plastic Versatile Link receivers feature a shielded, integrated photodetector and a wide bandwidth DC amplifier for high EMI immunity. A Schottky clamped opencollector output transistor allows interfacing to common logic families and enables "wired-OR" circuit designs. The open collector output is specified up to 18 V. An integrated 1000 ohm resistor internally connected to Vee may be externally connected to provide a pull-up for ease of use Vee RL 8 00 NOT CONNECT" ~i : ~. 4 "' ,_1000 ' n 5 DO NOT CONNECT- "SEE NOTE 7 with +5 V logic. Under pulsed LED current operation (I F > 80 mAl, the combination of a high optical power level and the optical falling edge of the LED transmitter will result in increased pulse width distortion of the receiver output signal. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Ts -40 +75 °C TA 0 Storage Temperature +70 'C Temp. 260 °C Time 10 sec. Operating Temperature I I Lead Soldering Cycle Supply Voltage -0.5 Vee Output Collector Current 10 Output Collector Power Dissipation POD Output Voltage Vo -0.5 VRL -0.5 Pullup Voltage Note 1 7 V 25 mA 40 mW 18 V Vee V ReI. Note 6 Electrical/Optical Characteristics DOC to +70°C, 4.75V S Vccs 5.25V Unless Otherwise Specified Typ.(5] Min. Max. Units Conditions Symbol Ref. -Parameter 0-70°C. VOL" 0.5 V Receiver Input Optical Power Level for LogiC "0" -21.6 HFBR-2521 and HFBR-2531 PRILl HFBR-2522 and HFBR-2532 PRIl) HFBR-2524 and HFBR-2534 -9.5 dBm d8m dBm 0-70°C, VOL "O.5V IOL =8mA -24 dBm 25°C. VOL" 0.5 V IOL" SmA -20 dBm 0-70°C, VOL = O.5V IOL '" 8mA -20 dBm 25'C, VOL" 0.5 V IOL :8mA -43 dBm VOH" 5.25V. IOHS250/lA -B.7 -21.6 -24 PRIL) Input Optical Power Level for Logie ''1'' PRtH) High Level Output Current IOH 5 250 fJ.A VOL 0.4 0.5 V Low Level Output Voltage High Level Supply Current Low Level Supply Current ICCH 3.5 63 ICCl 62 10 Effective Diameter DR 1 Numerical Aperture NAR 0.5 Inlernal Pull-Up Resistor RL IOL "BmA 25°C, VOL" 0.5 V IOl" SmA lQOO 680 r Vo ~ lB V, PR ~ 0 IOL~8mA, PR ~ PRIL)MIN Notes 2. 3.B Notes 2, 3,$,9 Notes 2, 3.8,9 Note 2 Note 4 Note 4 mA Vcc" S.2SV. PR ~OfJ.W Note 4 mA VCC" 5,25V. PR" -12.5dBm Note 4 mm 1700 Ohms 8-25 ~---'~~-----"" Note.: of the capacitor and the pins should not exceed 20 mm. 7. Pins 5 and 8 of. both the transmitter and receiver are for mounting and retaining purposes only. Do not electrically connecfpin 5 andlor pin 8. 8. Pulsed LED operation at IF > 80 rnA will cause Increased link tpLH propagation delay time. This extended tpLH time 'contributes to in- 1. 1.6 mm below seating plan. 2. Optical flux, P (dBm) = 10 Log IP (~W)11000 ~Wl. 3. Measured at the end of Fiber Optic Cable with large area detector. detector. 4. RL is open. 5. Typical data Is at 25' e, Vee = 5 V. 6. It is essential that a bypass capacitor 0.Q1 ~F to 0.1 ~F be connected from pin 2 to pin 3 of the receiver. Total lead length between both ends creased pulse width distortion of the receiver output signal. 9. The LED driver circuit of Figure 1b on page 7 (Link Design Considera- tions) is required for 1 MBd operation of the HFBR-2522/253212524/2534. High Sensitivity Receiver HFBR-25X3 RECEIVER DO NOT CONNECT* HFBR-2.5X3 The blue plastic HFBR-25X3 Receiver module has a sensitivity of -39 dBm. It features an integrated photodector and DC amplifier for high !:MI immunity. The output is an open collector with a 150 p.A internal current source pullup and is compatible with TTULSTTL and most CMOS logic families. For minimum rise time add an external pullup resistor of at least3.3K ohms. Vee must be greater than or equal to the supply voltage for the pull-up resistor. GROUND OPEN vee -"-E::=;;;;:!...J DO NOT CONNECT* 'SEE NOTE 8 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Ts TA --40 +75 ·C 0 +70 ·C Storage Temperature Operating Temperature I Temp Lead Soldering Cycle I Time 260 ·C 10 sec Vee -D.5 7 V Output Collector Current ! Notee =5.5V. PR =0 p.W Note 6 5. Typical data is at 25' e. Vee =5 V. 6. Including current in 3.3 K pull-up resistor. 7. It is recommended that a bypass capacitor om ~F to 0.1 ~F ceramic be connected from pin 2 to pin 4 of the receiver. 8. Pins 5 and 8 are for mounting and retaining purposes only. Do' not electrically connect pin 5 andlor pin 8. to filter out sIgnals from this source if they pose a h~ar~ to the system. 8-26 Plastic Fiber Optic Cable I,. ,', Simplex Fiber Optic Cable is constructed of a single step index plastic fiber sheathed in a PVC jacket. Duplex Fiber Optic Cable has two plastic fibers, each in a cable of construction similar to the Simplex Cable, joined with a web. The individual channels are identified by a marking on one channel of the cable. The Improved Fiber Optic Cable is identical to the Standard Cable except that the attenuation is lower. SIMPLEX CABLE These cables are UL recognized components and pass UL VW-1 flame retardancy specification. Safe cable properties in flammable environments, along with non-conductive electrical characteristics of the cable may make the use of conduit unnecessary. Plastic cable is available unconnectared or connec!ored. Refer to pages 23 and 24 for part numbers. DUPLEX CABLE Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Min. IVJ~)(· Units Storage Temperature Ts -40 +75 "C I nstallation Temperature Tl -20 +70 °C Parameter Short Term Tensile Force I Single Channel I Dual Channel FT 50 N FT 100 N Short Term Bend Radius r 10 mm Long Term Bend Radius r 35 mm Long Term Tensile Load FT Flexing Impact Cable Attenuation l Standard Cable Improved Cable "'0 Cycles Note 3 0.5 Kg Note 4 h 150 mm DoC to +70°C Unless Otherwise Specified Typ.tS] Malt. 0.19 0.31 0.43 0.19 0.25 0,31 Min. Units Conditions dB/m Source is HFBR-152X/153X (660 nm), Q= 20 m N.A. 0.5 Diameter, Core 1.0 2.2 mm Travel Time Constant Dc DJ Q/v 5.0 nsec/m Mass per Unit Length/Channel m/Q 4.6 g/m Without Connectors IL 12 nA 50 kV, Q= 0.3 m Cable Leakage Current Ref. Note? Q> 2m Numerical Aperture Diameter, Jacket Note 2 1000 Symbol j N Note 1 m Electrical/Optical Characteristics Parameter 1 Ref. mm Simplex Cable NoteS Notes: 1. 2. Less than 30 minutes. Less than 1 hour, non-operating. 3. 90° bend on 10 mm radius mandrel. 4. Tested at 1 impact according to MIL-STD-1678, Method 2030,' 5. 6. Typical data is at 25'C. Travel time constant is the reciprocal of the group velocity for propagation 01 optical power. Group velocity is v = cln, where c is the 7. Procedure .1. 8. 8-27 velocity of light in space (3 )( 108 m/s) and n equals effective 'core index of refraction. Unit length of,cable is Q . In addition to standard Hewlett-Packard 100% product testing, HP provides additional margin to ensure link performance. Under certain conditions, cable installation and improper connectoring may reduce performance. Contact Hewlett-Packard for recommendations. Improved cable is available in 500 metre spools and in factoryconnectored lengths less than 100 metres. versatile Link Fiber Optic Connectors Absolute Maximum Ratings Versatile Link transmitters and receivers are compatible with three connector styles; simplex, simplex latching, and duplex. All connectors provide a snap-action when mated to Versatile Link components. Simplex connectors are color coded to match with transmitter and receiver color coding. Duplex connectors are keyed so that proper orientation is ensured. When removing a connector from a module, pull at the connector body. Do not pull on the cable alone. The same, quick and simple connectoring technique is used with all connectors and cable. This technique is described on page 18. Units Notes Symbol Min. Max. Storage Temperature Ts -40 +75 ·C Operating Temperature TA 0 +70 ·C Nut Torque HFBR·4505/4515 0.7 N-m TN 100 OZ~~jn Parameter CONNECTORS FEEDTHROUGH/SPLICE POLISHING TOOLS 1 Noles: 1. Recommended nut torque is 0.57 N-m (8DOzF-in). HFBR-4501 (GRAY)/4511 (BLUE) SIMPLEX CONNECTOR 9~' Simplex Connector Styles HFBR-4501l4511 - Simplex 0 SILVER COLOR CRIMP RING The simplex connector provides a quick and stable connection for applications that require a component to provide retention force of 8 Newtons (1.8Ibs). These connectors are available in colors of gray (HFBR-4501) or blue (HFBR-4511 ). HFBR-4503 (GRAY)/4513 (BLUE) SIMPLEX LATCHING CONNECTOR SILVER COLOR HFBR-4503/4513 - Simplex Latching CRIMP RING The simplex latching connector is designed for rugged applications requiring greater retention force, 80 N (18Ibs), than that provided by a simplex connector. When inserting the simplex latching connector into a module, the connector latch mechanism should be aligned with the top surface of the horizontal module, or with the tall vertical side of the vertical module. Misorientation of an inserted latching connector into either module housing will not result in a positive latch. The connector is released by depressing the rear section of the connector lever, and then pulling the connector assembly away from the module housing. HFBR-4506 (PARCHMENT) DUPLEX CONNECTOR If the cable/connector will be used at elevated operating temperatures or experience frequent and wide temperature cycling effects, the cable/connector attachment can be strengthened by applying a RTV adhesive within the connector. A recommended adhesive is 3M Company product RTV-739. In most applications, use of RTV is unnecessary. The simplex latching connector is available in gray (HFBR4503) or blue (HFBR-4513). HFBR-4505 (GRAY)/4515 (BLUE) ADAPTER Duplex Connector HFBR-4506 - Duplex Duplex connectors provide convenient duplex cable termination and are keyed to prevent incorrect connection. The duplex connector is compatible with dual combinations of identical Versatile Link components (e.g., two horizontal transmitters, two vertical receivers, a horizontal transmitter and a horizontal receiver, etc.). A duplex connector cannot connect to two different packages simultaneously. The duplex connector is an off-white color. (USE WITH SIMPLEX CONNECTORS ONLY) HFBR-4593 POLISHING KIT 600 GRIT ABRASIVE PAPER Feedthrough/Spllce HFBR-4505/4515 - Adapter The HFBR-4505/4515 adapter mates two simplex connectors for panel/bulkhead feedthrough of plastic fiber cable. Maximum panel thickness is 4.1 mm (0.16 inch). This adapter can serve as a cable in-line splice using two simplex connectors. The colors of the adapters are gray (HFBR4505) and blue (HFBR-4515). The adapter is not compatible with the duplex or simplex latching connectors. (USED WITH ALL CONNECTOR TYPES) 8-28 connector Applications ATTACHMENT TO HEWLETT-PACKAi:co HFBR-152X/153X/252X/253X VERSATILE LINK FIBER OPTIC COMPONENTS SIMPLEX CONNECTOR HORIZONTAL PACKAGE VERTICAL PACKAGE SIMPLEX LATCHING CONNECTOR HORIZONTAL PACKAGE TWO STACKED VERTICAL PACKAGES DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES (INCHES) ADAPTER BULKHEAD FEEDTHROUGH OR PANEL MOUNTING FOR HFBR-4501/4511 SIMPLEX CONNECTORS DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES (INCHES) IN-LINE SPLICE FOR HFBR-35XX/36XX FIBER OPTIC CABLE WITH HFBR-4501/4511 SIMPLEX CONNECTORS 8-29 ---------------------------- Connector Mechanical/optical Characteristics 25°C Wnless Otherwise Specified. Parameter Retention Force Connector to HFBR-152X/153X1252X1253X Modules Tensile Force Connector to Cable Symbol Pert Number Simplex HFBR-4501l4511 Simplex Latching HFBR-4503/4513 Duplex HFBR-4506 Simplex HFBR·4501/4511 Simplex Latching HFBR-4503/4513 Duplex HFBR-4506 FR.G FT Min. "TYP. 7 8 47 80 7 12 8.5 22 8.5 22 Mex. Units Ref. N Note 4 N Notes 3, 4 dB Notes 1, 5 N Note 4 N Notes 2, 4 ....... 14 35 Adapter Connector to Connector Loss HFBR-4505/4515 with HFBR-4501/4511 «ce 0.7 1.5 Retention Force Connector to Adapter HFBR-4505/4515 with HFBR·4501/4511 FR·B 7 8 Simplex HFBR-4501l4511 I nsertion Force Connector to HFBR-152XI153X/252X/253X Modules Simplex Latching HFBR-4503/4513 Duplex HFBR·4506 F, 2.8 8 12 16 35 13 46 Notes: 1. Factory polish or field polish per recommended procedure. 2. No perceivable reduction in insertion force was observed after 2000 insertions. Destructive insertion force was typically at 178 N (40Ibs). 3. For applications where frequent temperature cycling over temperature extremes is expected please contact Hewlett·Packard for alternate connectoring techniques. 4. All mechanical forces were measured after units were stored at 70°C for 168 hours and returned.t025°C for one hour. 5. Minimum and maximum limits of OICC are for O°C to 70°C temp\lrature range. Typical value of OICC is at 25°C. connectoring The fOllowing easy procedure'describes how to make cable terminations. It is ideal for both field and factory installation, If a high volume connectoring technique is required please contact your Hewlett·Packard sales engineer for the recom· mended procedure and equipment. 6) Industrial Razor Blade or Wire Cutters 7) 16 Gauge Latching Wire Strippers 8) Crimp Tool, AMP 90364-2 Step 1 The zip cord structure of the duplex cable permits easy separation of the channels. The channels should be separated approximately 50 mm (2.0 in.) back from the ends to . '. permit connectoringand polishing. Connectoring the cable is accomplished with the HewlettPackard HFBR-4593 Polishing ,Kit consisting of a Polishing Fixture, 600 grit abrasive paper and 3 micron pink lapping film (3M Company, OC3-14), No adhesive material is needed to secure the cable in the connector, and the connector can be used immediately after polishing. Improved connector to cable attachment can be achieved with the use of a RTV adhesive for frequent, extreme temperature cycling environments orlor elevated temperature operation. After cutting the. cable .. to the desired length, strip off approximately 7 mm (0.3 in.) of the outer jacket with the 16 gauge wire strippers. Excess webbing on duplex cable may have to be trimmed to allow the simplex or simplex latching connector to slide over,.the cable. When using the duplex connector and duplex cable, the separated duplex cable must be stripped to equal lengths on each cable. This allows easy and p(oper seating of the cable into the duplex connector. Connectors may be easily installed on the cable ends with readily available tools. Materials needed for the terminating procedure are: 1) Hewlett·Packard Plastic Fiber Optic Cable 2) HFBR-4593 Polishing Kit 3) HFBR-4501/4503 Gray Simplex/Simplex Latching Connector and Silver Color Crimp Ring 4) HFBR-4511/4513 Blue Simplex/Simplex Latching Connector and Silver Color Crimp Ring 5) HFBR-4506 Parchment Duplex Connector and Gold Color Crimp Ring' 8-30 7mm --~~~----~------------. Step 2 This plastic polishing fixture can be used to polish two simplex connectors or two simplex latching connectors simultaneously, or one duplex connector. Place the crimp ring and connector over the end of the cable; the fiber should protrude about 3 mm (0.12 in.) through the end of the connector. Carefully position the ring so that it is entirely on the connector and then crimp the ring in place with the crimping tool. One crimp tool is used for all connector crimping requirements. Note: The four dots on the bDttom of the polishing fixture are wear indicatDrs. Replace the polishing fixture when any dot is nD IDnger visible. Place the 600 grit abrasive paper on a flat smooth surface. Pressing down on the connector, polish the fiber and the connector using a figure eight pattern of strokes until the connector is flush with the bottom of the polishing fixture. Wipe the connector and fixture with a clean cloth or tissue. Note: Place the gray connector on the cable end to be connected to the transmitter and the blue CDnnectDr Dn the cable end to be cDnnected to the receiver tD maintain the CD lor cDding (bDth connectDrs are the same mechanically). FDr duplex CDnnectDr and duplex cable applicatiDn, align the cDIDr cDded side Df the cable with the apprDpriate ferrule Df the duplex CDnnectDr in Drder to match CDnnectiDns tD the respective optical ports. The simplex CDnnectDr crimp ring (silver cDIDr) cannDt be used with the duplex CDnnectDr. The duplex CDnnectDr crimp ring (gDld colDr) cannot be used with the simplex Dr simplex latching connectDrs. !! FIBER END ~I : -----I~~'.5';'m MINIMUM Step 4 Place the flush connector and polishing fixture on the dull side of the 3 micron pink lapping film and continue to polish the fiber and connector for approximately 25 strokes. The fiber end should be flat, smooth and clean. SIMPLEX ~~ The cable is now ready for use. Note: Use of the pink lapping film fine polishing step results in approximately 2 dB improvement in coupling performance of either a transmitter-receiver link or a bulkhead/splice over 600 grit polish alone. This fine polish is comparable to Hewlett-Packard factDry polish. The fine polishing step may be omitted where an extra 2 dB of optical pDwer is not essential, as with short link lengths. Proper polishing of the tip of the fiber/connector face results in a tip diameter between 2.8 mm (0.110 in.) minimum and 3.2 mm (0.125 in.) maximum. CRIMP RING SIMPLEX LATCHING DUPLEX POLISHING FIXTURE CRIMP RING Step 3 Any excess fiber protuding from the CDnnector end may be cut off; however, the trimmed fiber ShDUld extend at least 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) from the connector end. Insert the connector fully into the polishing fixture with the trimmed fiber protruding from the bottom of the fixture. POLISHING PAPER For simultaneous multiple connector polishing techniques please contact Hewlett-Packard. 8-31 versatile Link Mechanical Dimensions All All dimensions in mm (inches). . dimensions ±O.25 mm unless otherwise specified. HORIZONTAL MODULES HFBR-4501 (GRAY)/4511 (BLUE) S.IMPLEX CONNECTOR HFBR-1521/152211523/1524 (GRAY) HFBR-2521/2522/2523/2524 (BLUE) 7.6 10.3001" 1 6~ 0.270l' CJcj .~ ~o" 2.0 10.0601 3.810.1501'" [ CRIMP RING SILVER COLOR 2.2 10.0801" . . . . .. ~IS.6 r--10.7701 0.64 10L I 7.62 '. . ~1___ I-r +--I ~I ~·.::t-II rl'=i-.JL !---- CONNECTORS OIFFER ONLY IN COLOR ....,i.IP.I.I. 3.81 3.5610.1401 MIN. 10.300~'? I .":";: 2.B 10.10SI 4.2 10.1651 1.27 ,:-r.' HFBR-4503 (GRAY)/4513 (BLUE) SIMPLEX LATCHING CONNECTOR 5.1(0.2001 II .LU5· - I r--. 10.0731 ~=~I-rJl I]~lIl 1I.I.I~ ~ po8.s{0.3501 VERTICAL MODULES HFBR-1531/1532/1533/1534 (GRAY) HFBR-2531/253212533/2534 (BLUE) CRIMP RING SILVER COLOR !-4.6710.1801 HFBR-4506 (PARCHMENT) DUPLEX CONNECTOR f~.......r"'1 10.210.4001 I Lr-.-"'I...JJI 3.81 10.1601 3.61 I 10.1601-1 OPTIONAL MOUNTING HOLE FOR #2 SELFTAPPING SCREW IMETRIC EOUIVALENT M2.2 x 0.451 6.B 10.2301 8-32 BULKHEAD FEEDTHROUGH WITH TWO HFBR-4501/4511 CONNECTORS HFBR-4505 (GRAY)/4515 (BLUE) ADAPTERS 10'~:~1" 9.1 1\ 'I 10.375 lI0.4201.J I ~ MAX. WAl.L THICKNESS: - 1:0 ADAPTERS DIFFER DNLY IN COLOR 4.1 (0,1601 PANEL MOUNTING - BULKHEAD FEEDTHROUGH FIBER OPTIC CABLE DIMENSIONS THREE TYPES OF PANEL/BULKHEAD HOLES CAN BE USED. ~""" 1:":b:--.l I 6.4 -WIO.2501 MIN. DOUBLE 'D' 7.910.3121 DIA. MIN. r 'D' HOLE 7.910.3121 DIA. MIN. 7.910.312) HOLE MIN. DIMENSIONS IN mm (INCHES) ALL DIMENSIONS ~O,2 mm UNLESS NOTED. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES AND (lNCHESI versatile Link Printed Circuit Board Layout Dimensions VERTICAL MODULE HORIZONTAL MODULE ~ 10.3001 2.54_ 10.1001 - I -- 1.01 lo.o40)DIA. 1.01 10.0401 DIA. ~-~-~-.€H---"T'" 4 3 2 .,-'7'''----. 2.25 10.090) CLEARANCE HOLE FDR OPTIONAL VERTICAL MOUNT SELF- TAPPING SCREW #2. ; TOP VIEWS --r----- PCB EDGE - - - 10~;638IMIN DIMENSIONS IN MILUMETRES AND (lNCHESI ELECTRICAL PIN FUNCTIONS PIN NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 TRANSMITTERS HFBR-15XX ANODE CATHOOo OPoN OPEN DO NOT CONN ECT DO NOT CONNECT RECEIVERS oXCLUolNG HFBR-26)(3 REceiVER I.fFBR-25X3 Vee Vo GROUND OPEN RL DO NOT CONNECT DC NOT CONNECT 00 NOT CONNeCT DO NOT cONNeCT Vo GRDUND 8-33 Vee Interlocked (Stacked) Assemblies STACKING HORIZONTAL MODULES I __ 10.16 ±0.127 J I¥ 1D.400 ±0.0061 Recommended stacking assembly of horizontal packages is easily accomplished by placing units upside down with pins facing upward. Initially engage the interlocking mechanism by sliding the L bracket body from above into the L slot body of the lower package. Lay the partially interlocked units on a flat surface and push down with a thin, rigid, rectangular edged object to bring all stacked units into uniform alignment. This technique prevents potential harm that could occur to fingers and hands of assemblers from the package pins. Refer to Figure 1 below that illustrates this assembly. Stacked horizontal packages can be disengaged should there be a need to do so. Repeated stacking and unstacking causes no damage to individual units. PIN TO IDENTICAL PIN OF ADJACENT PACKAGE SPACING MAXIMUM OF EIGHT INTERLOCKED PACKAGES. STACKING VERTICAL MODULES , ~ ! I ...- 10.16 ±0.127 j¥ 10.4001 Recommended stacking of vertical packages is to hold two vertical units, one in each hand, with the pins facing away from the assembler and the optical ports located in the bottom front of each unit. Engage completely, the L bracket unit from above into the lower L slot unit. Package to package alignment is easily insured by laying the full, flat, bottom side of the assembled units onto a flat surface pushing with a finger the two packages into complete, parallel alignment. The thin rectangular edged tool, used for horizontal package alignment, is not needed with the vertical packages. Stacked vertical packages can be disengaged should there be a need to do so. Repeated stacking and unstacking causes no damage to individual units. PIN TO IDENTICAL PIN OF ±0.005) ADJACENT PACKAGE SPACING MAXIMUM OF EIGHT INTERLOCKED PACKAGES. THIN, RECTANGULAR EOGE ASSEMBLY TOOL Figure 1. Interlocked (Stacked) Horizontal or Vertical Packages. 8-34 versatile Link polishing Kit Contents: a) One polishing tool. b) One piece, 600 grit abrasive paper: 3M Company. c) One piece, 31'm lapping film: 3M company, OC3-14. component Selection Guide TRANSMITTERS {Tx)/RECEIVERS (Rx) fJi:ersatile Unk Unit Horizontal Modules Pages 11114 Connectored 'Iahdard Plastic Fiber Optic Cable l?,lJplex Standard Cable Vertical Modules 1B,~Bd High Performance 1 ~Bd High Performance 40 kBd Low CurrenV Extended Distance 1 MBd Standard Tx Tx HFBA-1521 HFBR-1531 HFBA-1522 HFBR-1532 Tx Tx HFBA-1523 HFBR-1533 HFBR-l§24 HFBA-1534 5 MBd High Performance 1 MBd High Performance 40 kBd Low Current! Extended Distance 1 MBd Standard Ax Ax HFBA-2521 HFBR-2531 HFBA-2522 HFBA-2532 Rx Rx HFBA-2523 HFBR-2533 HFBR-2524 HFBR-2534 Standard Simplex C Lllihlng Simplex H ND5DM D5DM HFBR-PND001 HFBtl-PLD001 HFBR-PN0005 HFBA-PL0005 HFE\!1-P 010 HFBR-PLD010 HFBRH !R-PL0020 ' HFBR- 0030 H. R-PLe030 HFBR-P~J5 HF -PLD045 HFBA-PNI!!tJ60 HF -PLD\l~O Connectored Standard PlastIc Fiber Optic Cable Simplex Standard Cable Standard Simpt.x Connectors Latcblng Simplex Connectors Length (metres) HFBA-PNS10M HFBR-PNS5DM HFBR-PNSOO1 HFBR-PNS005 HFBR·PNS010 HFBR-PNS020 HFBR-PNS03O HFBR-PNS045 HFBR-PNS060 HFBR-PLS10M HFBA-PLS50M HFBR-PLSOOl HFBR-PLS005 HFBR-PLS010 HFBR-PLS020 HFBR-PLS030 HFBR-PLS045 HFBR-PLS060 0.1 0.5 Standard Attenuation Simplex Cable Standard Attenuation Duplex Cable Improved Attenuation Simplex Cable 1 HFBR-QNS001 HFBR·QNSOO5 HFBR-QNS010 HFBR-QNS020 HFBR-QNS030 HFBA-QNS045 HFBR-QNS060 Latching Simplex Connectors HFBR-QLSOOl HFBR-QLS005 HFBA-QLS010 HFBR-QLS020 HFBR-OLS030 HFBR-QLS045 HFBA-QLS060 . Length (metres) HFBR-PMD50M HFBR-PMD001 HFBR-PMOqp5 HFBR-PMOcfio HFBR-PMO" 0 HFBR-P 0 HFBR-P 5 HFBR-PM0060 0.5 1.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 45.0 60.0 . Length (metres) HFBR-PUS500 500 HFBA-PUD500 500 HFBR-QUS500 500 CONNECTORS 5 10 20 30 45 60 Page 16 HFBR·4501 Gray Simplex Connector/Crimp Ring HFBR·4511 Blue Simplex Connector/Crimp Aing HFBR-4503 Gray Simplex Latching Connector with Crimp Ring HFBR-4513 Blue Si~plex Latching Connector with Crimp Ring HFBR-4506 Parchment Duplex Connector with Crimp Ring HFBR-4593 Polishing: Kit (Polishing Fixture, Abrasive Paper, Lapping Fifm) HFBR-4505 Gray Adapter HFBR-4515 Blue Adapter Simplex Improved Cable Standard Simplex Connectors Duplex Connectors Unconn~ctored Cable . Page 15 CABLES rs Lenglh (metres) 1 5 10 20 30 45 60 EVALUATION KIT, HFBR-OS01 CONTENTS: HFBR-1524 Transmitter HFBA-2524 Aeceiver HFBA-4506 Duplex Connector with Crimp Ring 5 metres of Connectored Simplex Cable with Blue Simplex and Gray Simplex Latching Connectors HFBA-4501 Gray Simplex Connector with Crimp Ring HFBA-4513 Blue Simplex Latching Connector with Crimp Ring HFBR-4505 Gray Adapter Polishing Tool and 600 grit paper HFBA-0501 Data Sheet and Brochure MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS 8-35 Page 20 A Note About Ordering Cable There are four steps required to determine the proper part number for a desired cable. Step 1 Select Standard or I mproved Cable. .---.r--r-.,.---,---,-----, As explained on page 15, two levels of attenuation are available: Standard and Improved. Step 2 To determine the appropriate part number, select the letter corresponding to your selection and fill in the following: H FBR-LI-L-L-...l...-..l...-.l.......J I' Select the connector style. Connector styles are described on page 16. Step 3 Select Simplex or Duplex. Step 4 Determine the cable length. L"gth io M",," Simplex Cable = S Duplex Cable = 0 The following standard lengths are available. Unconnectored = U Standard Simplex Connectors = N Latching Simplex = L Duplex Connectors = M Lasl Three D1911$ length L of Pari Number 0.1 m 10M' O.5m 1m Sm 10m SOM" 2Qm 020 030 HFBR~PUD500 045 060 500 (Unconnectored only) A complete list of plastic cable part numbers isshown on page 23. 30m 4Sm eOm 500 m Standard Attentuation = P I mproved Attenuation = Q 001 005 010 (Custom-length cables are also available. Contact Packard for details.) 'Standard simplex cable only. "Standard simplex and duplex cable only. For example: is a Standard Attenuation, Unconnectored, Duplex, 500 metre cable. Hewlett~ Please note that several cable combinations are not available. These include duplex Improved Cable, 0.1 metre and 0.5 metre simplex Improved Cable, and 0.1 metre duplex standard cables. 8-36 r/i~ HEWLETT a!~ PACKARD LOW COST, MII\UATURE FIBER OPTIC COMPONENTS WITbi ST* AND SMA PORTS H~BR-0400 ST* and SMA SERIES .... Features • LOW COST TRANSMITTERS AND RECEIVERS • CHOICE OF ST OR SMA PORTS • 820 NANOMETRE WAVELENGTH TECHNOLOGY • DATA RATES UP TO 150 MEGABAUD • LINK DISTANCES UP TO 4 KILOMETRES o GUARANTEED WITH 62.5/125 ",m, 100/140 ",m, 50/125 ",m, AND 200 ",m PCS FIBER SIZES • QUICK TWIST DELIVERS LOCKING AND SPRING LOADED ST CONNECTION o REPEATABLE ST CONNECTIONS WITHIN 0.2 dB TYPICALLY o UNIQUE OPTICAL PORT DESIGN FOR EFFICIENT COUPLING o AUTO-INSERTABLE AND WAVE SOLDERABLE o NO MOUNTING HARDWARE REQUIRED o WIDE OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE -40°C to 85°C o AIGaAs EMITTERS 100% BURN-IN ENSURES HIGH RELIABILITY o DEMONSTRATED RELIABILITY @ 40°C EXCEEDS 5 MILLION HOURS MTBF Applications o COMPUTER TO PERIPHERAL LINKS o LOCAL AREA NETWORKS • CENTRAL OFFICE SWITCH LINKS Description The HFBR-0400 Series of components is designed to provide cost effective, high performance fiber optic communication links for information systems and industrial applications with link distances of up to 4 kilometres. With the latest addition to the HFBR-0400 series, the 125 MHz analog receiver, data rates of up to 150 megabaud are attainable. Transmitters and receivers are directly compatible with popular "industry-standard" connectors; ST and SMA. They are completely specified with multiple fiber sizes; including 62.5/125 I'm, 100/140 I'm, 50/125 I'm, and 200 I'm PCS. Complete evaluation kits are available for ST and SMA product offerings; including transmitter. receiver, connectored cable, and technical literature. In addition, ST and SMA connectored cables are available. • PBX LINKS • COMPUTER MONITOR LINKS o VIDEO LINKS • MODEMS AND MULTIPLEXERS • SUITABLE FOR TEMPEST SYSTEMS 'ST is a registered trademark of AT&T Lightguide Cable Connectors. 8-37 HFBR-0400 Series Selection Guide Description Part Number (STSeries) Part Number (SMA Series) Standard Transmitter High Power Transmitter 5 MBd TTL Receiver 25 MHz Analog Receiver 125 MHz Analog Receiver Evaluation Kit (5 MBd) Connectored Cables HFBR-1412 HFBR-1414 HFBR·2412 HFBR-2414 HFBR-2416 HFBR-0410 Various HFBR-1402 HFBR-1404 HFBR-2402 HFBR-2404 HFBR-2406 HFBR.o400 Various Literature Guide Tide Description HFBR.o400 Series Reliability Data Transmitter & Receiver Reliability Data Application Bulletin 73 Low-Cost Fiber Optic Transmitter & Receiver Interface Circuits Application Bulletin 74 Digital Interface Circuits for the 125 MHz Receiver Technical Brief 105 ST Connector/Cable Guide Technical Brief 101 Fiber Optic SMA Connector Technology HFBR-0400 ST and SMA Series Transmitter & Receiver Specifications Contact your local HP components sales office to obtain these publications. Handling and Design Information package Information All HFBR-0400 Series transmitters and receivers are housed in a low-cost, dual-In-line package that is made of high strength, heat resistant, chemically resistant, and UL V-O flame retardant plastic. The transmitters are easily identified by the light grey color connector port. The receivers are easily identified by the dark grey color connector port. The package is designed for auto-insertion and wave soldering so it is ideal for high volume production applications. When soldering, it is advisable to leave the protective cap on the unit to keep the optics clean. Good system performance requires clean port optics and cable ferrules to avoid obstructing the optical path. Clean compressed air often is sufficient to remove particles of dirt; methanol or Freon on a cotton swab also works well. LED OR DETECTOR Ie LENS-SPHERE (ON TRANSMITTERS ONLY) LENS·WINDOW CONNECTOR PORT HEADER EPOXY BACKFILL Figure 1. HFBR-0400 ST Series Cross-Sectional View 8-38 Link Design Considerations LOGIC LINK DESIGN UP TO 150 MBd The HFBR-14XX transmitter and the HFBR-24XX receiver can be used to design fiber optic data links that operate with 62.5/125 I'm, 100/140 I'm, 50/125 I'm, and 200 I'm PCS fiber cables. The HFBR-14X2 standard transmitter and the HFBR-24X2 receiver are suitable for systems requiring up to 5 MBd and 2 Km. For higher data rate or longer distance, the HFBR-14X4 high power transmitter and/or the HFBR-24X4 receiver should be considered. 5 MBd LOGIC LINK DESIGN The HFBR-14X4/24X2 Logic Link is guaranteed to work with 62.5/125 I'm fiber optic cable over the entire range of o to 1200 metres at a data rate of dc to 5 MBd, with arbitrary data format and typically less than 25% pulse width distortion, when the transmitter is driven with IF = 30 mA, RL = 89 Ohm as shown in Figure 2. If it is desired to economize on power or achieve lower pulse distortion, then a lower drive current (IF) may be used. The following example will illustrate the technique for optimizing IF. EXAMPLE: Maximum distance required = 400 metres. From Figure 3 the drive current should be 20 mA. From the transmitter data VF = 1.6 V (max) as shown in Figure 9. R1 = Vcc- V F=5V-1.6V =1700hm . IF 20 mA The curves in Figures 3,4, and 5 are constructed assuming no in-line splice or any additional system loss. Should the link consist of any in-line splices, these curves can still be used to calculate link limits provided they are shifted by the additional system loss in dB. For example, with 20 mA of transmitter drive current, 1.6 km link distance is achievable. With 2 dB of additional system loss, 1.2 km link distance is achievable. LOGIC LINK DESIGN UP TO 35 MBd For data rates up to 35 MBd, or longer distance, the HFBR14X4 high power transmitter and/or the HFBR-24X4 receiver can be used. The table on the following page summarizes the typical performance of a 30 MBd link. For more details, please refer to HP Application Bulletin 73 (5954-8415). If circuit design assistance is needed, please contact your local Hewlett-Packard Components Field Sales Engineer. For data rates of up to 150 MBd, the HFBR-14XX transmitters and the HFBR-24X6 receiver can be used. The table on the following page summarizes the typical performance of a 100 MBd link. For more details, please refer to HP Application Bulletin 74. If circuit design assistance is needed, please contact your local Hewlett-Packard Components Field Sales Engineer. CABLE SELECTION The HFBR-0400 as 62.5/125 I'm, 1000 I'm Plastic. ameters need to Series can be used with fiber sizes such 100/140f.Lm, 50/125 I'm, 200f.Lm PCS and Before selecting a fiber type, several parbe carefully evaluated. The bandwidth and attenuation (dB/km) of the selected fiber, in conjunction with the amount of optical power coupled into it will determine the achievable link length. The parameters that will significantly affect the optical power coupled into the fiber are as follows: a. Fiber Core Diameter. As the core diameter is increased, the optical power coupled increases, leveling off at about 250 I'm diameter. b. Numerical Aperture (NA). As the NA is increased, the optical power coupled increases, leveling off at an NA of about 0.34. In addition to the optical parameters, the environmental performance of the selected fiber/cable must be evaluated. Finally, the ease of installing connectors on the selected fiber/cable must be considered . ST connectored fiber optic cable is available from a variety of manufacturers and distributors, including those listed in HP Technical Brief 105; ST Connector/Cable Guide. For ST Evaluation Cables from Hewlett-Packard, please refer to page 13. ST CONNECTORS ST connections are locking, vibration resistant, low loss and very repeatable. The HFBR-0400 ST Series Transmitters and Receivers are compatible with AT&T's ST Connector and bayonet connectors from a varietyof manufacturers and distributors. For more information about ST Connectors, please refer to Technical Brief 105; ST Connector/Cable Guide. SMA CONNECTORS The HFBR-0400 SMA Series Transmitters and Receivers are compatible with SMA type connectors. Depending upon the type of SMA connector that is chosen, price, performance, and reliability will vary. For more information about SMA connectors, please refer to Technical Brief 101; Fiber Optic SMA Connnector Technology. 8-39 .... --- ... , - - _... " ._._--- 5 MBd Link performance -40°C to +85°C unless other wise specified Symbol Min. 1} -24 dBm Peak Asynchronous data rate limit is based on these assumptions: a) NRZ data; b) arbitrary timing - no duty factor restriction; c) TTL threshold, The EYE pattern describes the timing range within which there is no uncertainty of the logic state, relative to a specific threshold, due to either noise or intersymbol prop, delay effects. (see Application Bulletin 73 for details) Min. Mal(. Parameter Symbol Optical Power Budget w/62.5/12S I'rn Fiber OPB62,$ 13'S dB HF8R·14X4/24X4 w/62,S/125 Jim, NA" 0.27 Optical Power Budget w/100/140 I'm Fiber OPB,oo 13.5 dB HFBR-14X2/24X4 w/100/140 /otm, NA '" 0.30 OPB50 9 dS HFBR·14X2/24X4 w/SO/125 I'm, f\lA = 0.18 OPB200 19 dB HFBR-14X4/24X4 w/200 11m POS, NA " 0.40 30 MBaud Optical Power Budget w/50/125 Mm Fiber Optical Power Budget w/200 11m PCS Fiber . Data Format NRZ de lYp.[1] Units propagation Delay LOW to HIGH tpLH 12 naea Propagation Delay HIGH to LOW t~HL e naec tpl.WtpHL 4 nsec System Pulse Width Distortion Bit Error Rate 10-9 SER Notes: 1. Typical data at T = 25' C, Vee = 5.0 V dc, 2. This circuit utilizes the LT1016 comparator from Linear Technology Corporation, If operated at 5 MBd, an additional 4.5 dB of optical power budget can be obtained. 8-40 Conditions Reference AB 73 forelreults detailS, Note 2, 3 TA'" 25"0, PR=~13 dBm Peak .£" 1.0 metre Data Rate so 30 MBaud PR > ~2S.5 dBm Peak 3. If HFBR-24X4 is replaced with the HFBR-24X6, an additional 5.5 dB of optical power budget can be obtained at 30 MHd NRZ. 100 MBd Link Performance (see Application Bulletin 74 for details) Min. Typ,(1) Parameter Symbol Optical Power Budget w/62.5/125 pm Fiber OPBSZ,5 19 dB HFBR-14X4/24X6 w/62.5/125 I'm, NA .. 0.27 Optical Power Budget w/100!140 I'm Fiber OPB 100 19 dB HFBR-14X2/24X6 w/l00/140 I'm; NA " 0.30 Optical Power 8udget w!50!125,um Fiber OP85Q 14 dB Optical Power 8udget w/200 ,um PCS Fiber OP820Q Max. Units Conditions HF8R-14X4/24X6 w/50/125 I'm, NA " 0.18 Data Format 20% to 80% Duty Factor 24 d8 HFBR-14X2/24X6 w/200 I'm NA ;: DAD 100 M8aud Reference AS 74 for circuit details, Note 2 Propagation Delay LOW to HIGH tpLH 5 nsec Propagation Delay HIGH to LOW tpHL 4 nsec tpu,-tpHL 1 nsec pes. TA" 25"C, PR" -7 d8m Peak System Pulse Width Distortion Bit Error Rate 10-9 SER Q;: 1.0 metre Data Rate:5 100 M Baud PR> ·31 dBm Peak Notes: 1. Typical data at TA =25°C, VEE =-5.,2 Vdc, Vee =0 (ECL), 2, The optical power budgets at 100 MBd were measured with an unrestricted receiver, without a Nyquist filter. A 10116 ECL line receiver was used in the receiver digitizing circuit. If unnecessary bandwidth is eliminated by low-pass filtering, an additional 2 dB of link budget is attainable at 30 MBd. 5 MBd Link Performance SELECT R, TO SET IF . TLDATA t5V HFBR-24X2 RECEIVER HFBR-14XX TRANSMITTER ~ OUT 2 R 6 7&3 TRANSMISSION DISTANCE - 2 NOTE: IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT A BYPASS CAPACITOR (0,01 "F TO 0.1 "F CERAMIC) BE CONNECTED FROM PIN 2 TO PIN 7 OF THE RECEIVER. TOTAL LEAD LENGTH BETWEEN BOTH ENDS OF THE CAPACITOR AND THE PINS SHOULD NOT EXCeeD 20 mm, Figure 2. Typical Circuit Configuration 8-41 RL I Vee r-...",.....,~-"""'---r-~...,.O 50 P"T==~'-_"'l40 --i---r+---j30 _:7f_ _+ __"1 20 1 is Ie ~ Io Ie it ~~#r----+---4----j'O ~~ ! UNK LENGTH (kml UNK LENGTH (km) Figure 3. HFBR-1414/HFBR-2412 Link Design Limits with 62.5/125 /Lm. Cable Figure 4. HFBR-14X2IHFBR-24X2 Link Design Limits with 100/140 /Lm Cable Figure 5. HFBR-14X4/HFBR-24X2Unk Design Limits with . 50/125 /Lm Cable 55 50 45 z 0 ;:: a: 40 0 In 2i N a: 35 z 9 20L-~~-~~--~~-~~~~ -22 -21 -20 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 PR - RECEIVER POWER - dBm PR - RECEIVER POWER - dBm Figure 6. Propagation Delay through System with One Metre 01 Cable Figure 7. 1\'plcal Distortion 01 NRZ EYE-pallern with Pseudo Random Data at 5 Mb/s (see nole 2) .. PULSE REPETITION FRED."" MHz INPUT INPUTUF) ~ ~ D- ~ I - FROM l-METRE TEST CABLE +5V Pr lIMIN.G ANAl.YSlS EQUIPMENT ~~E __J I: pt~~1F.=1~~~r-~O=U=T;PU~T.L._~ 15pF +}vo Va :~.~ ~~~'I" 1,6V o HFBR-2412 RECEIVER . Figure 8. System Propagation Delay Test Circuit and Waveform Timing Definitions 8-42 . ~- H' H SP&lED LOW COST FIBER OPT,c TRAt:t§MITTeR Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter HFBR-141i (STI HFBR-14141§'rh HEaR-1402 (SM$i Storage Operating Lead Soldering Cycle HF§R-140:(SM'I' Forward Input Current Description Reverse Input The HFBR-14XX fiber optic transmitter contains an 820 nm GaAIAs emitter capable of efficiently launching optical power into four different optical fiber sizes: 62.S/12Spm, 100/140pm, SO/12Spm, and 200pm PCS. This allows the designer flexibility in choosing the fiber size. The HFBR14XX is designed to operate with the Hewlett-Packard HFBR-24XX fiber optic receivers. V 1.B PIIIl ! ANODE 2' CATHODE The HFBR-14XX transmitter's high coupling efficiency allows the emitter to be driven at low current levels resulting in low power consumption and increased reliability of the transmitter. The HFBR-14X4 high power transmitter is optimized for small size fiber and typically can launch -16.SdBm optical power into SO/12Spm fiber and -12dBm into 62.S/12Spm fiber. The HFBR-14X~ standard transmitter typically can couple -11.SdBm of optical power into 100/140 pm fiber cable. It is ideal for large size fiber such . as 100/140pm. The high power level is useful for systems where star couplers, taps, or inline connectors create large fixed losses. Consistent coupling efficiency is assured by the doublelens optical system (Figure 1). Power coupled into any of the three fiber types varies less than S dB from part to part at a given drive current and temperature. The benefit of this is reduced dynamic range requirements on the receiver. VSR Volt ge 3 4 S 6' 7' 8 PINNO.! INDICATOR FUNCTION N.C. ANODE CATHODE N.C. N.c. ANODE AIIlDoe N.C. "PINS 2, 6 AND 7 ELECTRICALLY CONNECTED TO HEADER BOTTOM VIEW CAUTION: The small junction sizes inherent to the deSign of this component increases the component's susceptibility to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD). It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly of this component to prevent damage and/or degradation which may be induced by ESD. Electrical/Optical Characteristics -40° C to +8So C unless otherwise specified Parameter Forward Voltage Symbol Min. Typ.l2} Max. VF Forward Voltage Temperature Coefficient VF/T Reverse Input Voltage VSR 1.58 Units Conditions Notes V IF=60mA Fig. 9 mVioC IF=60mA Fig. 9 3.8 V IR;; 100pA nm 1.80 -0.86 1.8 Peak Emission Wavelength AP 820 Diode CapaCitance CT 14S Optical Power APT/AT Temperature Coefficient -0.016 2.19 II dB/oC Fig. 12 V= 0, f= 1 MHz IF=60mA ·OIW NoteS, 8 290 ,um Note 4 1S0 ,urn Note 4 Thermal Resistance SJA 240 Numerical Aperture (HFBR-14X2) NA 14X2 0.49 Numerical Aperture {HF6R-14X4} NA14X4 0.31 Optical Port Diameter (HF6R-14X2) DT14X2 Optical Port Diameter (HFBR-14X4) DT14X4 8-43 Electrical/Optical Characteristics -40°C to +85°C unless otherwise specified HFBR-1412 and HFBR-1402 Peak Output Optical Power Measured Out of 1m of Cable Parameter 62.5/125 j.
+- I" E Q £ 0.4 0.2 ,I 00 2.2 >= -2 ~ -3 a: -4 -5 -6 -7 -9 lI ;; E ,;: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 IF - FORWARD CURRENT -,mA VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE-V Figure 10. Normalized Transmitter Output vs. Forward Current Figure 9. Forward Voltage and Current Characteristics 8-45 1.3 r\1 1.2 r-----------~~--------------------_r--~+5V=VCC ffi ~ Ry !; i= o" I 1.1 ~ 0.9 0.8 J 1 1. IL ::-{-I I F - -~-l I I I L_____ -t~~_J 0.5 IT 1n 0.4 0: E 0.2 0 ~ 0: O. 1~ L IL w 760 r----- r- ~5"C 1L .... NO.3 """, E" .< fi I 0.7 0.6 ~L-.i-~IT1~'-r~R~x~21 HFBR-1412/1414 TTL IN >-.......+--=..-LJ \ ·41rC 1.0 1\ 1\.\ ~ ~ "\1\. ~ l\...."\ Z ~~ 780 800 820 840 860 880 900 A -WAVELENGTH - NANOMETRES Figure 11. Recommended Drive Circuit Figure 12. Transmitter Spectrum Normalized to the Peak at 25°C Figure 13: Test Circuit lor Measuring t r• tl 8-46 Absolute Maximum Ratings 5MBd LOW COST FIBER OPTIC HFBR-2412 (ST) HFBR-2402 (SMA) f, Storage Temperature Ts Operating Temperature TA Lead So/derlng Cycle RECEI~iR Description The HFBR-24X2 receiver incorporates an integrated photo IC containing a photodetector and dc amplifier driving an open-collector Schottky output transistor. The HFBR-24X2 is designed for direct interfacing to popular logic families. The absence of an internal pull-up resistor allows the. open-collector output to be used with logic families such as CMOS requiring voltage excursions much higher than Vee· Both the open-collector "Data" output Pin 6 and Vee Pin 2 are referenced to "Com" Pin 3, 7. The "Data" output allows busing, strobing and wired "OR" circuit configurations. The transmitter is designed to operate from a single +5 V supply. It is essential that a bypass capacitor (0.01 JLF to 0.1 JLF ceramic) be connected from Pin 2 (Vee> to Pin 3 (circuit common) of the receiver. CAUTION: The small junction sizes inherent to the design of this component increases the component's susceptibility to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD). It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly of this component to prevent damage and/or degradation which may be induced by ESD. Max. -55 +8$' Units R.ferene. 'C +260 'C Ii -Temp. ---/----/---t---,;j---; I Time" Supply Voltage Vee Output Current 1o Oulput Voltage The HFBR-24X2 fiber optic receiver is designed to operate with the Hewlett-Packard HFBR-14XX fiber optic transmitter and 62.5/125 JLm, 1001140 JLm, and 50/125 JLm fiber optic cable. Consistent coupling into the receiver is assured by the lensed optical system (Figure 1). Response does not vary with fiber size. Min. -0.5 25' Vo Output Collector Power DISSipation 7.~ 18.0 V Po AV 4'(f mW N 5 Pan Out (TTL) -0.5 V rnA I:~R PIN NO. 1 INDICATOR - - . . f-J .405 " 0306 Note 2 Vee DATA COMMON l"'1__........" 1'\..~~01 ~108 BOTTOM VIEW PIN 1 2 3' 4 5 6 7' a FUNCTION N.C. V.d5V) COMMON N.C. N.C. OATA COMMON N.C, 'PINS 3 AND 7 ARE ELECTRICALLY CONNECTED TO HEADER (Continued on next page) 8-47 - - - - - _... _ •.._ - - - - - Electrical/optical Characteristics -40°C to +85°C unless otherwise specified Fiber sizes with core diameter::; 100 /.1m and NA::; 0.4, 4.75::; Vee::; 5.25 V Parameter Symbol 1\Ip.(3) Max. Min, Units High Level Output Current IOH 5 250 IJA Low Level Output Voltage VOL 0.4 0.5 V High Level Supply Current lecH 35 6.3 Low Level Supply Current lecL 6.2 10 Equivalent NA NA .50 Optical Port Diameter DR 400 Reference Vo'" laV PR <: -40dBm 10 ~ a mA PR;' -24 d6m I mA Vee'" 5.25 V PR'" -40 dBm mA Vec - 5.25 V PR" -24 dBm Dynamic Characteristics Parameter Condition, Symbol Peak Input Power Level Logic HIGH PRH Peak Input Power Level Logic LOW PRL. Note 4 /.1m -40°C to +85°C unless otherwise specified; 4.75::; Vee::; 5.25 V Min. 1\Ip.13] Max. Unit$ Condillon$ Notes -40 dBm AP =820 nm Note 5 TA'" +25°C, IOL"'8 mA NoteS 0.1 /.IW -25.4 -9.2 dBm 2.9 120 /.IW -24.0 -10.0 dBm 4.0 100 /.IW Propagation Delay LOW to HIGH tPLHR 65 nsec Propagation Delay HIGH to LOW tPHLA 49 nsec Notes: 1. 2.0 mm from where leads enter case. 2. 8 mA load (5 x 1.6 mAl, RL = 560 n. 3. Typical data at TA = 25'C, Vee = 5.0 V dc. 4. DR is the effective diameter of the detector image on the plane of the fiber face. The numerical value is the product of the actual detector diameter and the lens magnification. 5. Measured at the end of 100/140 I'm fiber optic cable with large area detector. -40 40IJW, then pulse width distortion may increase. At Pin = 80J.l.W and T A = 85° C, some units have exhibited as much as 100 ns pulse width distortion. 5 Typical specifications are for operation at TA = 25°C and Vee = S.OV. 6. Input optical signal is assumed to have 10% - 90% rise and fall times of less than 6 ns. 7. Percent overshoot is defined as: VPK - V100% x 100% V100% 3. VaUT = Va DC -IRp x PR" 4. OR is the effective diameter of the detector image on the plane of the fiber face. The numerical value is the product of the actual detector diameter and the lens magnification. ' (VPOWER SUPPLY RIPPLE) 8. Output referred PS.R.R. . 15 defined as 20 log 8-50 VOUT RIPPLE --------------------------------- 125 MHz LOW COST FIBER OPTIC RECEIVER Absolute Maximum Ratings' HFBR-241 Er(ST) HFBR-2406 (SMA) Description The HFBR-24X6 fiber eptic receiver is designed to. eperate with the Hewlett-Packard HFBR-14XX fiber eptic transmitters and 62.5/125 I'm, 1001140 I'm, and 50/125 I'm fiber eptic cable. Censistent ceupling into. the receiver is assured by the lensed eptical system (Figure 1). Respense dees net vary with fiber size fer cere diameters ef 100 I'm er less. The receiver eutput is an analeg signal which allews fellew-en circuitry to. be eptimized fer a variety ef distancel . data rate requirements. Lew-cest external cempenents can be used to. cenvert the analeg eutput to. legic cempatible signal levels fer varieus data fermats and data rates up to. 150 MBaud. This distanceldata rate tradeeff results in increased eptical pewer budget at lewer data rates which can be used fer additienal distance. er splices. The HFBR-24X6 receiver centains a PIN phetediede and lew. neise transimpedance pre-amplifier integrated circuit. The HFBR-24X6receives an eptical signal and cenverts it to. an analeg veltage. The eutput is a buffered emitterfellewer. Because the signal amplitude from the HFBR-24X6 receiver is much larger than frem a simple PIN phetediede, it is less susceptible to. EMI, especially at high Signal rates. The receiver has a minimum dynamic ral1ge ef 23 dB ever temperature (assuming 10-9 BER). Because the maximum receiver input pewer is 6 dB larger and the neise is 2 dB lewer ever temperature than HP's HFBR-24X4 25 MHz receiver, the HFBR-24X6 is well suited fer mere demanding link designs that require wide receiver dynamic range. The frequency respense is typically dc to. 125 MHz. Fer bandwidth selectien centact yeur HP Cempenents sales engineer. Altheugh the HFBR-24X6 is an analeg receiver, it is easily made cempatible with digital systems. Please refer to. Applicatien Bulletin 74 fer simple and inexpensive circuits that eperate up to. 150 MBaud. PIN NO, 1 INDICATOR BOTTOM VIEW PIN 1 2 3' 4 5 S 7' 8 FUNcTION N.c. SIGNAl. V.. N.c N.C. Vee V.. N,C. 'PINS 3 AND 7 ARE ELECTRICALLY CONNECTED TO HEADER CAUTION: The small junction sizes inherent to the design ef this component increases the compenent's susceptibility to damage from electrestatic discharge (ESD). It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly of this cempenent to prevent damage andler degradation which may be induced by ESD. The recemmended AC ceupled receiver circuit is shewn in Figure 14. It is essential that a 10 ehm resister be cennected between VEE and the pewer supply, and a 0.1 I'F ceramic bypass capaciter be cennected between the pewer supply and greund. (Continued en next page) 8-51 Electrical/Optical Characteristics RLOAD = 511 n, Fiber sizes with core dia. ~ -40°C to +85°C; -5.45 ~ Supply Voltage~, - 4.75, 100 microns. and N.A. ~ 0.35 unless otherwise specified. Symbol Min. Typ.t2J Max. Unit Responsivlty Rp 5 7 9 mV/I"W TA = 25°C at 820 nm, 50 MHz 11.5 mV/I"W @ 820 nm, 50 MHz RMS Output Noise Voltage VNO 0.38 0.53 mV Bandwidth Filtered @75MHz PR= O,uW 0.70 mV Unfiltered Bandwidth PR '" O,uW -43.0 -41.9 dBm 0.050 0.065 pW Bandwidth Filtered @75MHz -7.6 dBm TA=25°C 175 ,uW -8.2 dBm 150 ,uW Parameter 4.5 Equivalent Optical Noise Input Power (RMS) PN Peak Input Power PR Output Impedance 20 DC Output Voltage Vodc 30 Conditions n Test Frequency = 50 MHz -3,1 -2.4 V PR" O/tW lEE 9 15 rnA RLOAD" 00 Equivalent NA NA 0.35 Equivalent Diameter DR 324 Power Supply Current -4.2 pm Reference Note 3, 4 NoteS Figure 15 Figure 16 Note 6 Note 7 Dynamic Characteristics -40° C to +85° C; -5.45 ~ Supply Voltage~, - 4,75, RLOAD = 511 n, CLOAD '" 5 pF unless otherwise specified Parameter Rise/Fall Time 10% to 90% Pulse Width Distortion Typ.[2} Max. Unit Ir, If 3,3 6.3 ns PWD 0.4 2,5 Symbol Overshoot Min. Reference PR = l00,uW Figure 17 ns PR '" 150 pW Peak 2 % PR " 5 pW Peak, tropt" 1.5 ns Note 9 -3 dB electrical Note 10 at 10 MHz Note 11 Bandwidth (Electrical) BWe 125 MHz Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR 20 dB 0.41 Hz,s Bandwidth, Rise Time Product Conditions Note 8, Figure 17 Note 12 Noles: 1, 2,0 mm from where leads enler case, 2, Typical specifications are for operation al TA; 25°C and VEE; -5,2 Vdc, 3, For 200 I'm PCS fibers, typical responsivity will be 6 mVlI'W Other parameters will change as well. 4, Pin #2 should be ac coupled to a 511 ohm load, Load capacitance must be less than 5 pf, S. Measured with a 3 pole Bessel filter with a 7S MHz, -3 dB bandwidth, Recommended receiver filters for various bandwidths are provided in Application Bulletin 74, 6, Overdrive is defined al PWD ; 2,S ns, 7, DR is the effective diameter of the detector image on Ihe plane of the fiber face, The numerical value is the product of the actual detector diameter and the lens magnification, 8, Measured with a 10 ns pulse width, SO% duty cycle, at the SO% amplitude point of the waveform, g, Percent overshoot is defined as: VPK - V100% x 100%, V100% 10, For bandwidth selection contact your HP Componenets sales engineer, 11, Output referred P'S,R,R, is defined as 20 log (VPOWER SUPPLY RIPPLE) Your RIPPLE 12, The conversion factor for the rise time to bandwidth is 0.41 since the HFBR-24X6 has a second order bandwidth limiting characteristic, 8-52 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. VC:~ r - -----<)---, I :+ "t..-, ./ I "" .I.:IGNAL T1: 1 .... L - - 3.7 >iiEE- 1= 150 ~> . 125 > 100 I !: O.I.F 511 -.-~ '"w2 n 0 75 '"02 ...< 50 ......... w ...J Ion "'-...... V t-. a: t; 25 ~ POWER SUPPLY °0L--~60--1~0-0--1~50-~2~OO-~2~50~~300 (-5.2 VI FREQUENCY - MHz Figure 14. Recommended AC Coupled Receiver Circuit Figure 15. Typical Spectral Noise Density vs. Frequency 6.0 3.0 2 0 , 2.5 ;:: a: ~ 2.0 J: 1.5 :;; ;:: II 2i t- 5.0 w o i w ~ 1.0 I 0 0,5 ." III w 1 ........ if 00 40 PR - 80 120 a: 200 1ft-3.0 tr I 1/ 160 4.0 w '"02 =- $ 2.0 1.0 -60 -40 240 -20 20 40 TEMPERATURE _ INPUT OPTICAL POWER. PEAK - IlW Figure 16. Typical Pulse Width Distortion vs. Peak Input Power 60 80 100 °c Figure 17. Typical Rlse,and Fall Times vs. Temperature 8-53 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' _... __ .... - ..........---..- ST Evaluation Kit The HFBR-0410 kit is a simple and inexpensive way to demonstrate the performance of Hewlett-Packard's HFBR0400 ST Series transmitters and receivers. The HFBR-0410 ST Evaluation Kit contains the following items: • One HFBR-1412 transmitter • One HFBR-2412 five megabaud TTL receiver • Three metres of ST Connectored 62.5/125 I'm fiber optic cable with low cost plastic ferrules • HFBR-0400 Series data sheets • HP Application Bulletin 73 • ST connector and cable data sheets To order an ST Evaluation Kit. please specify HFBR-0410. Quantity 1. SMA Evaluation Kit The HFBR-0400 kit is a simple and inexpensive way to demonstrate the performance of Hewlett-Packard's HFBR0400 SMA Series transmitters and receivers. The HFBR-0400 SMA Evaluation Kit contains the following items: • One HFBR-1402 transmitter • One HFBR-2402 five megabaud TTL receiver • Two metres of SMA connectored 1000 I'm plastic core fiber optic cable • HFBR-0400 Series data sheets • HP Application Bulletin 73 To order an SMA Evaluation Kit. please specify HFBR0400. Quantity 1. ST Evaluation Cables Hewlett-Packard offers six different ST connectored cables. available for prototyping purposes. These simplex cables use an ST Connector with a precision ceramic ferrule. One and ten metre simplex cables are available with 62.5/125I'm. 1001140 I'm. and 50/125 I'm fiber sizes. To order any of these cables. please select the desired part number found below: For example. to order two connectored simplex cables with 62.5/1251'm fiber. and ST connectors with ceramic ferrules. each ten metres long. specify: HFBR-BXS010 Quantity: 2 ST CABLE SELECTION MATRIX Fiber Size (I'm) Part Number 100/140 HFBR-AXS001 X HFBR-AXS010 X HFBR-8xSOO1 HFBR-8XS010 62.5/125 50/125 X X Connector Cable ST·Ceramic Simplex 1 metre X X X X X X X HF8R-CXSOO1 X X X HFBA-CXS010 X X 8-54 Length X X X X X 10 metres X X X Because our ST evaluation cables are short in length, optical attenuation will be insignificant. The optical loss throughout the cable will typically be 0.5 dB, attributable to the ST Connectors on each end of the cable. It should be noted that Hewlett-Packard's HFBR-0400 ST Series transmitter and receiver specifications already account for losses through the ST Connectors. For longer distance cable lengths, mechanical and optical parameters can be guaranteed by a variety of cable suppliers. For technical information about ST Connectors, and a listing of ST connectored cable suppliers, please refer to Technical Brief 105, or call your local HP Components Field Sales Engineer. Mechanical Dimensions HFBR-0400 ST SERIES SECTION A-A HFBR-0400 SMA SERIES _ ---1I 4.8 l' I~ -It 2.5 (0.10) (O~O~) DIA. PIN NO.1 INDICATOR NOTE:' ALL DIMENSIONS IN MI LLIMETRES AND (INCHES). 8-55 f 9.5 (0.375) ~ 1.27 (0.05) i ST CONNECTOR (See note 3) ~-----------~~l>------------~ (O'~:rDIA' r SMA CONNECTOR (Used on HP's 100/140 J.lm fiber optic cable assemblies) NOTES, 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETRES AND (INCHES). 2. FOR APPLICATIONS WITH SPACE CONSTRAINTS. THE HFBR-0400 ST AND SMA SERIES PACKAGE CAN BE SUPPLIED WITHOUT THE UPPER AND LOWER HOUSING (SEE FIGURE 1). FOR MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS, PLEASE SEE YOUR HP COMPONENTS FIELD SALES ENGINEER. THE DIMENSIONS ARE SIMILAR TO THE HFBR-0200. 3. FOR THE ST CONNECTOR SHOWN ABOVE. THE CORRESPONDING AT&T PART NUMBERS ARE P2020A·C·125. P2030A·C·125. P2020A·M25. AND P2030A·C·140. 4. COLOR CODING; PART MARKING IS IN RED FOR HFBR-14XX TRANSMITTERS AND BLACK FOR HFBR-24XX RECEIVERS. THE PORTS ARE SHADED AS SHOWN BELOW. RECEIVERS TRANSMITTERS 8-56 F/in- GLASS FIBER'OPTIC CABLE/CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD Features • SMA CONNECTORS OR UNCONNECTORED o CONNECTORS FACTORY INSTALLED AND TESTED • SIMPLEX OR DUPLEX CABLE WITH 100/140 j.lm GLASS FIBER • UL RECOGNIZED COMPONENT PASSES UL VW·1 FLAME RETARDANCY SPECIFICATION· o RUGGED TIGHT JACKET CONSTRUCTION • PARAMETERS OPTIMIZED FOR LOCAL DATA COMMUNICATIONS • BANDWIDTH: 40 MHz AT 1 km Fiber OptiC Cable construction Description 2.65 mm NOMINAL CIA. 6.3 mm NOMINAL WIDTH POLYURETHANE OUTER JACKET ARAMID STRENGTH MEMBERS SECONDARY JACKET SILICor~E BUFFER GLASS OPTICAL FIBER • SMA connectored cable assemblies are intended for use with the HFBR-0400 SMA Series transmitters and receivers. These cables are available in standard lengths. as shown in the cable assembly ordering guide. Unconnectored 100/140 I'm fiber optic cable is also available. The simplex cable is constructed of a single graded index glass fiber surrounded by a silicone buffer, secondary jacket, and aramid strength members. The combination is covered with a scuff resistant polyurethane outer jacket. The duplex cable has two glass fibers each in a cable of construction similar to the simplex cable, joined with a web. The individual channels are identified by a marking on one channel of the cable. DUPLEX ,SIMPLEX The cable's resistance to mechanical abuse, safety in flammable environments, and absence of electromagnetic interference effects may make the use of conduit unnecessary. However, the light weight and high strength of the cables allows them to be drawn through most electrical conduits. The connectors must be protected during installation by a pulling grip such as Kellems 033-29-003. 'UL File Number E84364 Mechanical Dimensions r CABLE LENGTH TOLERANCE Cable Length (Metres) REF. PLANE FOR J 391151 M A X ; s j FERRULE CABL~.~:NGTH 316 (.12351 1"Z451~ -:}Q.301J:J 8.38 (0.33) SMA STYLE CONNECTOR 8-57 Tolerance 1-10 +10/-0 % 11-100 +1/-0 Metre > 100 +1/-0 % NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS ARE IN mm (lNeIlES). 2. FIBER END IS LOCKED FLUSHIIIITH FERRULE fACE. CAUTION, ,. COUPLING NUT SHOULD NOT BE OVERTlGfHENED: TORQUE 0.05 TO 0.1 UNITS N'm OVoR TIGIiTENING MAY CAu~E EXCESSIVE flSER MISALIGNMENT OR PERMANENT DAMAGE. 2. GOOD SYSTEM PEI1FORMANCE REOUI flES CLEAN FERRULE fACES TO AVOID DeSTRUCTING THE OPTICAL PATH. CLEAN COMPRESSED AIR OFrEN IS SUFFICI ENT TO REMQVE PARTIClES. A COTTON Sll/AB SOAKED IN METHANOL OR !'REON·· MAY ALSO BE USED. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Relative Humidity at TA'" 70"C 95 % Note 13 Storage Temp. Ts -40 +85 Operating Temp. TA -20 +85 r 25 mm 10 50K Cycles 1 Bend Radius, No Load Flexing Symbol Numerical Aperture Alten uation Symbol Fe 200 m 1.5 N kg h 0,15 m on Cable Tensile Force on Conneclor/Cable Min. TypJ6J 0:0 3.5 4,5 20 Max. Units 8 dB/Krn Conditions A = 820 nrn, Q ?; 300m MHz A = 820 nm (LEO) 5 ns/m A =820 nm Optical Fiber Core Diameter Dc 100 Cladding Outside Diameter DCL 140 4 11 I'm Index Grading Coefficient g 2 - Cable Structural Strength Fc 1800 N I Dual Channel Note 5, 14 40 Cable Leakage Current Fig. 7,12 IN Unit Length 9,8 A= 820 nm BW mlQ N 100 -20° C to +85°C Unless Otherwise Specified, 0,3 NA 300 Fr Bandwidth @ 1 km I Single Channel 2,8 3 Travel TI me Constant Mass per Note Impact °C Mechanical/Optical Characteristics Parameter Min, Max. Units Parameter Crush Load 6 8 kg/km 12 IL nA 30 Noles: 1,180° bending at minimum bend radius, with 10N tensile load, 2, Force applied on 2,5 mm diameter mandrel laid across the cable on a flat surface, for 100 hours, followed by flexure lest. 3. Tested at 1 impact according to DOD-STD-1678, Method 2030, Procedure 1, 4. Fiber N,A, is measured at the end of 2 metres of mode slripped fiber, using the far field pattern, N,A, is defined as the sine of Ihe half angle, determined at 5% of the peak intensity point. 5. Bandwidth is measured with a pulsed LED source (h = 820 nm), and varies as Q -0,85, where Q is the length of the fiber (km), Pulse dispersion and bandwidth are approximately inversely related, 6. Typical values are at TA = 25°C, 7, Fixed losses (length independent) are included in Transmitter/Receiver optical specifications, SOKV, Q'" O.3m 8, One Newton equals approximately 0.225 pounds force. g, Short term, '" 1 hr, 10, The probability of a fiber weak point occurring at a point of maximum bend is small, consequently the risk of fiber breakage from exceeding the maximum curvature is extremely low, 11, Travel time constant is the reciprocal of the group velocity for propagation of optical power, Group velocity, V = hln where h = velocity of light in space = 3 x 108 m/s and n = effective core index of refraction, 12, For lower attenuation cable consult local HP sales office, 13, This applies to cable only, 14, For wider bandwidth cable consuillocal HP sales office, 8-58 ------------------------- I,r~ = Cable Assembly Ordering Guide = SIMPLEX The desired fiber optic cable assembly can be identified by examining the part number description in Figure 1. To minimize delivery turnaround time, fixed lengths of cable have been adopted. The standard offerings of connectored and unconnectored glass fiber optic cables are listed below. LD HFBR-l X 1 Iz y Lr-- # DUPLEX I 1 # # A = 100/140 GLASS FIBER CABLE r- W = SMA CONNECTOR, PRECISION FERRULE ' - - U = UNCONNECTORED Figure 1. Part Number Description for SMA Connectored Cables and Unconnectored Cables SMA AND UNCONNECTORED CABlES[1,2] Fiber Size Part Number 100/140 pm HP Code Connector Style Cable Type Uncon- Single Dual SMA neetored Channel Channel u s o Cable Length 1M 5M 10M 25M SOM 100M 1000M 001 005 010025 050 100 1KM A W x x x x x HFBR-AWS010 x x x ,HFBR-AWS025 x x )( "HFBR-AWS050 x HFBR-AWS100 x x HFBR-AWD005 x x x x HFBR-AW0010 x x x HFBR-AWD02S x x x HFBR-AWDOSO x x x x HFBR-AWD100 x II x x HFBR-AUS100 x HFBR-AUS1KM x HFBR·AUD100 x x HFBR·AWSOO1 HFBR-AWS005 HFBR·AUD1KM x x x )( x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Notes: 1. Please contact your local HP sales office for delivery and pricing of non-standard lengths of SMA connectored cables, and unconnectored cables with 100/140 I'm fiber. 2. For cables with HFBR-4000 (HP Style) connectors, the standard offerings are identical to the SMA connectored cable offerings. To order, replace the W (SMA) in the part number with H (HFBR-4000). For example, for one piece of 100/140 I'm duplex fiber cable. S metres long. with HFBR-4000 connectors. specify HFBR-AHDOOS, Quantity 1. Examples: A. To order Ihree duplex 100/140 I'm cable assemblies. 100 metres long each. with SMA connectors, specify: HFBR-AWD100, Quantity 3. B. To order one simplex 100/140 I'm cable assembly. 10 metres long .. wilh SMA connectors, specify: HFBR-AWS010._Quantity 1. C. To order two duplex 100/140' I'm cable assemblies, 1000 metres long each, unconnectored. specify: HFBR-AUD1 KM, Quantity 2. 8-59 FliD'l SNAP-IN FIBER OPTIC LINKS TRANSMITTERS, RECEIVERS, CABLE AND CONNECTORS HEWLETT a!~ PACKARD HFBR-0500 SERIES Features • GUARANTEED LINK PERFORMANCE OVER TEMPERATURE High Speed Links: dc to 5 MBd Extended Distance Links up to 82 m Low Current Links: 6 mA Peak Supply Current for an 8 m Link Photo Interrupters • LOW COST PLASTIC DUAL-IN-LiNE PACKAGE • EASY FIELDCONNECTORING • EASY TO USE RECEIVERS: Logic Compatible Output Level Single +5 V Receiver Power Supply High Noise Immunity . • LOW LOSS PLASTIC CABLE: Selected Super Low Loss Simplex Cable Simplex and Zip Cord Style Duplex Cable Description The HFBR-OSOO series is a complete family of fiber optic link components for configuring low-cost control, data transmission, and photo interrupter links. These components are designed to mate with plastic snap-in connectors and low-cost plastic cable.' Link design· is simplified by the logic compatible receivers and the ease of connectoring the plastic fiber cable. The key parameters of links configured with the HFBR-OSOO family are fully guaranteed. Applications • HIGH VOLTAGE ISOLATION • SECURE DATA COMMUNICATIONS • REMOTE PHOTO INTERRUPTER • LOW CURRENT LINKS • INTER/INTRA-SYSTEM LINKS • STATIC PROTECTION • Cable is available in standard low loss and selected super low loss varieties. • EMC REGULATED SYSTEMS (FCC, VDE) Link Selection Guide GUARANTEED LINKS Guaranteed Link Length O·70~C Data Rate Standard Cable Improved Cable Typical Link Length$ 2S"C Standard Improved Cable Cable Tran&mltter Receiver Page 5MBd Link 5MBd 12 17 3Sm 40m HFBR-1S10 HFBR-2S01 8-62 1 MBd Link 1 MBd 24 34 SOm 65m HFBR-1S02 HFBR-2S02 8-64 low Current link 40kBd 8 11 30m 35m HFBR-1512 HFBR·2503 8-66 HFBR-1512 HFBR-2S03 8-66 HFBR-1S12 HFBR·1502 8-68 8-68 Extended Di$tance Link 40kBd 60 82 100m 12Sm Photo Interrupter Unk 20kHz SOO kHz N/A N/A NlA N/A N/A NfA N/A N/A 8-60 HFBR-2503 HFBR·2502 component Selection Guide TRANSMITTERS CABLES Please refer to page 15 (of the Versatile Link Fiber Optics Data Sheet) for cable specifications. Minimum Output Optical Power o lo70Q C Peak Emission Wavelength Page HF8R-1510 -16.5 d8m 665 nm 11 HF8R-1502 -13.6 d8m 665 nm 11 -13,6 dBm 665 nm 11 Sensllivily o to 70° C DalaRale ~ HF8R-2501 -21,6 dBm 5MBd 12 HF8R-2502 -24dBm 1 MBd 12 HFBR-2503 -39 dBm 40 kBd 14 HFBR-1512 CONNECTORS Page 17 HF8R-4501 Gray Connector/Crimp Ring HFBR4511 Blue Connector/Crimp Ring HFBR-4595 Polishing Kit Polishing Fixture - Abrasive Paper HFBR-4596 Polishing Fixture 8ulkhead Feedthrough/ln-Line Splice HF8R-4505 Gray HFBR-4515 Blue RECEIVERS Mechanical Dimensions Page 19 5 MBd Link HFBR-1510 AND HFBR-2501 The dc to 5 MBd link is guaranteed over temperature to operate up to 17 m with a transmitter drive current of 60 mA. This link uses the 665 nm HFBR-1510 Transmitter, the HFBR-2501 Receiver, and Plastic Cable. The receiver compatible with LSTTL/TTL/CMOS logiC levels offers a choice of internal pull-up or open collector output. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol Min. Mal(. Units TA 0 70 °C Transmitter Peak Forward Current IFPK 10 750 mA Avg. Forward Current IFAV 60 rnA Receiver Supply Voltage Vee 5,25 V Parameter Ambient Temperature Fan-Out (TTLI 4.75 5 N 8-61 Ref. Note 1 Note 2 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE Using Standard Cable under recommended operating conditions unless otherWise specified. Parameter 01 S~" Data Rate Transmission Distance Standard Cable Pulse Width Distortion TypJ5] dc Q Max. Units Conditions 5 M8d BER:S 10-9 12 17 Transmission Oistance Improved Cable Propagation Oelay Min. 35 17 24 40 m IFPK = 60 mA, 0-70"C m IFPK = 60 mA, 25" C m tFPK'" 60 mA, 0-70° C m IFPK = 60 mA, 25" C n, CL "" 30 pF Ref. tPLH 80 140 ns RL = 560 tpHL 50 140 ns PR "" -21.6SPR:S-9.5dBm Note 3 tD 30 ns PR=-15 dBm RL"" 5600, CL =30 pF Fig. 4,6 Note 4 8000 Vim EMllmmunity Fig.4,5 BER:S 10.9 Notes: 1. For IFPK > 80 mA, the duty factor must be such as to keep IFAV oS 80 mAo In addition, for IFPK > 80 mA, the following rules for pulse width apply: IFPK oS 160 mA: Pulse width oS 1 ms IFPK> 160 mA: Pulse width oS 1 I's 2. It is essential that a bypass capacitor (0.01 I'F to 0.1 I'F ceramic) be connected from pin 3 to pin 4 of the receiver. Total lead length between both ends of the capacitor and the pins should not exceed 20 mm. 3. The propagation delay of 1 m of cable (5 ns) is included. 4. T D = tpLH - tpHL' 5. Typical data is at 25°C, Vee = 5 V. Link Design Considerations The HFBR-1510/2501 Transmitter/Receiver pair is guaranteed for operation at data rates up to 5 MBd over link distances from 0 to 12 metres with standard cable and from 0 to 17 metres with improved cable. The value of transmitter drive current, IF, depends on the link distance as shown in Figures 2 and 3. Note that there is an upper as well as a lower limit on the value of IF for any given distance. The dotted lines in Figures 2 and 3 represent pulsed operation. When operating in the pulsed mode, the conditions in Note 1 must be met. After selecting a value of the transmitter drive current IF, the value of R1 in Figure 1 can be calculated as follows: R1 = Vee-VF IF vee HFBR-2501 Figure 1, Typical Circuit Operation (5 MBd oS 12 m) 8-62 .: 100 90 80 70 60 .!. 50 E iiia: a: 40 U 0 30 Y" V a: ~ 20 't'/ ...a ..... ~ ~25'C '-0'C-7D'd ':~ '/ 1o 100~----~--~10----1~5----2~0--~~~~30· ." h ~V " r ~~ .: ~ ./ A :J I." L o 10 -CABLE LENGTHMETRES OF STANDARD CABLE 15 20 25 30 35 -CABLE LENGTHMETRES OF IMPROVED CABLE Figure 2. Guaranteed System Performance with HFBR-1510 and HFBR-2501, Standard Cable Figure 3. Guaranteed System Performance with HFBR-1510 and HFBR-2501, Improved Cable HP80078 P!JlSE GENERATOR INPUT MONITORING NODE VI 0------+ 51n HFBR-1510 HFBR-2501 Figure 4. A.C. Test Circuil 100 z 0 ;: 200 2 I 75 > ~ e z e Q :z: ....e ;: 100 .: 50 to i ~ ~ 150 :3w a: ~ 0 g: 25 I I!; I f; 0 o -5 -~ 50 -25 PR - INPUT OPTICAL POWER - dBm "'-. -20 "'.... --- "- ~ -15 ... -10 - -;"L -5 PR - INPUT OPTICAL POWER - dBm Figure 5. HFBR-1510/2501 Link Pulse Width Distortion vs. Optical Power Figure 6. HFBR-1510/2501 Link Propagation Delay vs. Optical Power 8-63 1 MBd Link HFBR-1502 AND HFBR-2502 The dc to 1 MBd link is guaranteed over temperature to operate from 0 to 34 m with a transmitter drive current of 60 mA. This link uses the 665 nm HFBR-1502 Transmitter, the HFBR-2502 Receiver, and Improved Cable. The receiver is compatible with LSTTL/TTUCMOS logic levels and offers a choice of an internal pull-up or open collector output. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol Min. Max. Units TA 0 70 QC Transmitter Peak Forward Current IF PK 10 750 mA Avg. Forward Current IF AV 60 mA Receiver Supply Voltage Vee 5.25 V Parameter Ambient Temperature Fan-Out (TTL) 4.75 Ref. Note 1 Note 2 5 N SYSTEM PERFORMANCE Using Standard Cable under recommended operating conditions unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Transmission Distance Standard Cable £ Transmission Distance Improved Cable £ Transmission Distance Standard Cable Transmission Distance Improved Cable Propagation Delay Pulse Width Distortion Min. TypJ5] dc Data Rate Max. Units Conditions 1 MBd BER:::: 10-9 m IFPK = 60 mA, 0-70°C 50 m \FPK = 60 mA, 25° C m IFPK'" 60 mA, 0-70°C 65 m 24 30 34 41 36 60 IFPK 41 £ 50 IFPK '" 60 mA, 25" C IpPK = 120 mA, 0;-70° C 30 £ Ref. IFPK = 120 mA, 25° C = 120 mA, 0-70 C 0 IFPK = 120 mA, 25" C 75 n, CL'= 30 tpLH 180 250 ns Rl = 560 pF Fig. 4, 5 tPHL 100 140 ns PR=-24 dBm to 80 ns PI'! =-24 dBm Rl. '" 560 n, Cl = 30 pF Fig. 4, 6 Note 4 8000 Vim EMllmmunity Note 3 BER:::: 10"9 Noles: 1. For IFPK > 80 mA, the duty factor must be such as to keep IFAV 5 80 mAo In addition, for iFPK > 80 mA, the following rules for pulse width apply: IFPK 5160 mA: Pulse width 5'1 ms IFPK > 160 mA: Pulse width 51 /.IS 2. It is essential that a bypass capacitor (0.01 /.IF to 0.1 /.IF ceramic) be connected from pin 3 to pin 4 01 the receiver. Total lead length between both ends of Ihe capacitor and the pins should not exceed 20 mm. 3. The propagation delay of 1 m of cable (5 nSI is included, 4. TD = tpLH - tpHL' 5. Typical data Is at 25°C, Vee = 5 V. Link Design Considerations The HFBR-1502/2502 Transmitter/Receiver pair is guaranteed for operation at data rates up to 1 MBd over link distances from 0 to 24 metres with standard cable and from 0 to 34 metres with improved cable. The value of transmitter drive current, IF, depends on the link distance as shown in Figures 2 and 3. Note that there is a lower limit on the value of IF for any given distance. The dotted lines in Figures 2 and 3 represent pulsed operation. When operating in the pulsed mode, the conditions in Note 1 must be met. After selecting a value of the transmitter drive current IF, the value of Rl in Figure 1 can be calculated as follows: Rl = Vce-VF-Vol (754511 IF For the HFBR-1502/2502 pair, the value of the capacitor, C, (Figure 1) must be chosen such that R, C, 2: 75 ns. vee HFBR·1502 Figure 1. Typical Clrcuil Operation (1 MBd 5 24 m) 8-64 100 90 80 70 = >= a: 0 lL 400 400 .... f-""" g: , 100 i> ~ 0 -25 -20 -15 -10 10 0 0 -25 -5 PR - INPUT OPTICAL POWER - dBm i' /" VtPI.H / -- -20 V -15 "'ML -10 -5 PR - INPUT OPTICAL POWER - dBm Figure 5. HFBR-1502/2502 Link Pulse Width Distortion vs. Optical Power Figure 6. HFBR-1502/2502 Link Propagation Delay vs. Optical Power 8-65 Low Current/Extended Distance Link HFBR-1512 AND HFBR-2503 The low current link requires only 6 mA peak supply current for the transmitter and receiver combined to achieve an 11 m link. Extended distances up to 82 m can be achieved at a maximum transmitter drive current of 60 mA peak. This link can be driven with TTULSTTL and most CMOS logic gates. The black plastic housing of the HFBR-1512 Transmitter is designed to prevent the penetration of ambient light into the cable through the transmitter. This prevents the sensitive receiver from being triggered by ambient light pulses. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units TA 0 70 "C 2 l20 mA 60 mA Ambient Temperature Transmitter Peak Forward Current J! IF PK Avg. Forward Current IPAY Receiver Supply Voltage Vee 5.5 V Output Voltage Vo Vee V Fan-Out (TTL) N 1 4.5 Ref. Note 1 Note 2 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE Using Standard Cable lInder recommended operating conditions unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Data Rate Min. Typ,[5] dc Transmission Distance Standard Cable R Transmission Distance Improved Cable l' Propagation Delay Pulse Width Distortion Bit Error Rate Max. Units 40 kBd Conditions tD::; 7.0 2 mA, 0-70° C 8 30 m IFPK'" 60 100 m IFPK "" 60 rnA, 0-70·C 11 35 m IFPK'" 2 mA, 0-70° C 82 125 m IFPK '" 60 mAo 0-70·C tPLH 4 "S RL'" 3.3K .0. CL = 30 pF tPHL 2.5 "S PA =-25 dBm Jls -39::; PA oS -14 dBm Rt. = 3.3 Kn. CL = 30 pF 7.0 to 10"9 BER EMI Immunity Ref. "s Fig. 4. 5 Note 3 Flg.4,6 Note 4 PA=-30 dBm 5000 Vim PR=O mW Notes: 1. For IFPK > 80 mA, the duty factor must be such as to keep IFAV :s 80 mA. In addition, if IFAV > 80 mA, then the pulse width must be equal to or less than 1 ms. 2. It is recommended that a bypass capacitor (0.01 I'F to 0.1 I'F ceramicl be connected from pin 3 to pin 4 of the receiver. 3. The propagation delay of 1 m of cable 15 nsl is included. 4. tD ~ tPLH - tPHL. 5. Typical data is at 25° C, Vcc ~ 5 V. Link Design Considerations The HFBR-1512/2503 Transmitter/Receiver pair is guaranteed for operation at data rates up to 40 kBd for transmitter drives as low as 2 mA. The value of transmitter drive current, IF, depends on the link distance as shown in Figures 2 and 3. Note that there is an upper as well as a lower limit on the value of IF for any given distance. After selecting a value of the transmitter drive current IF, the value of Rl in Figure 1 can be calculated as follows: Rt = VCC-VF IF N.C. vee IF HFBR-1512 Figure 1. Typical Circuit Operation (40 kBd) 8-66 -------------------- 120 100 BO 60 'E" 40 z w a: a: 20 ::> u 0 ~/ ./ ,!. ./ 10 /V ,/"" ;1) ~ t/< a: 'a:" 25'C ;: It 0'C"'-70,'C 1. //,'.",., I Vj 10 10 20 ~ 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 - CABLE LENGTH-METRES OF STANDARD CABLE \!-CABLE LENGTH-METRES OF IMPROVED CABLE Figure 2. Guaranteed System Perlormance with HFBR-1512 and HFBR-2503, Standard Cable HP BOO7B IF PULSE GENERATOR INPUT Figure 3. Guaranteed System Perlormance with HFBR-1512 and HFBR-2503, Improved Cable 0----; MONITORING NODE VI 51n HFBR-1512 Vo HFBR-2503 NODE Figure 4. A.C. Test Circuit / / / - V ~ ,.I ~ I ~ / o -40 V -34 -2B IE I tpHl, 1 -22 -16 0 -40 -10 PR - INPUT OPTICAL POWER, dBm --- -2B -22 -16 -10 Figure 6. HFBR-1512/2503 Link Propagation Delay vs. Optical Power 8-67 ------ -34 PR - INPUT OPTICAL POWER - dBm Figure 5. HFBR-1512/2503 Link Pulse Width Distortion vs. Optical Power - - - - -.._---_._- >- "- ~ /' /' o ......-V 1 'PCH o z o Photo Interrupter Links HFBR-1S02/2502 HFBR-1S12/2503 ' The HFBR-151212503 link (20 kHz) has an optical power budget of 24 dB, and the HFBR-1502l2502 link (500 kHz) budget is 10 dB. Total system losses (cable attenuation, airgap loss, etc) must not exceed the link optical power budget. These links may be used in optical switches, shaft position sensors, imd velocity sensors. They are particularly useful where high voltage, electrical noise, or explosive environments prohibit the use of electromechanical or optoelectronic sensors. RECOMMENDED. OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol Min. Max. Units TA 0 70 ·C Transmitter Peak Forward Current IF PK 10 750 mA Avg. Forward Current IFAV 60 mA Parameter Amblelit Temperature Receiver Supply Voltage Output Voltage FanouttTTL> !HFBR-2503 1"'-: Vee 4.50 5.50 4.75 5.25 V Vee Vo HFBR-2503 1 5 Note 1 Note 2 V 18 IHFBR-2502 Ref. SYSTEM PERFORMANCE See HFBR-1502/2502 link data sheet (page 5) and HFBR-1512/2503 link data sheet (page 7) for more design information. These specifications apply when using Standard Cable and, unless otherwise specified, under recommended operating conditions. Parameter' Conditions Ret. HFBR-15121HFBR4503 Max. Count Frequenoy 20 Optical Power Budget kHz dB HFBR·1S02, HFBR-2502 Max. Count Frequency 500 Optical Power Budget 15.6 IFPK=?eO mA,Q-70·C dB fFPK '" 60 rnA,0-7O"C dB IFPK=60mA,25°0 kHz Note 3 Notes: 1. For IFPK > 80 mA, the duty factor must be such as to keep IFAV ::; 80 mAo In addition, for IFPK > 80 mA, the following rules' for pulse width apply: IFPK::; 160 mA: Pulse width::; 1 ms IFPK> 160 mA: Pulse width::; 1 I's 2. A bypass capacitor (0.01 I'F to 0.1 I'F ceramic) connected from pin 3 to pin 4 of the receiver Is recommended for the HFBR-2503 and essential for the HFBR-2502. For the HFBR-2502, the total lead length between both ends of the capacitor and the pins should not exceed 20 mm. 3. Optical Power Budget = PT Min, - PR(L) Min. Refer to HFBR-1502/1512 data sheet,page 11; HFBR-2502 data sheet, page 12; and HFBR-2503 data sheet, page 14 for additional design information. 4. In addition to a minimum power budget, care should be taken to avoid overdriving the HFBR-2503 receiver with too much optical power. For this reason power levels into the receiver should be kept less than -13.7 dBm to eliminate an'y overdrive with the recommended operating conditions. 5. Typical data is at 25°C, Vcc = 5 V. 8-68 Link Design Considerations The HFBR-1512/2503 and HFBR-1502/2502 Transmitter/ Receiver pairs are intended for applications where the photo interrupter must be physically separate from the optoelectronic emitter and detector. This separation would be useful where high voltage, electrical noise or explosive environments prohibit the use of electronic devices. To ensure reliable long term operation, links designed for this application should operate with an ample optical power margin CX:M 2 3 dB, since the exposed fiber ends are subject to environmental contamination that will increase the optical attenuation of the slot with time. A graph of air gap separation versus attenuation for clean fiber ends with minimum radial error ~ 0.005 inches (0.127 mm) and angular error (~3.0 0 ) is provided in Figure 2. The following equations can now be used to determine the_ transmitter output power, PT, for both the overdrive and minimum drive cases. Overdrive is defined as a condition where excessive optical power is delivered to the receiver. The first equation enables the maximum PT that will not result in receiver overdrive to be calculated for a predetermined link length and slot attenuation. The second equation defines the minimum PI allowed for link operation. PT (MAX) - PR (MAX) ~ "'0 MINQ PT STANDARD CABLE 20 Eq.1 Eq.2 Once PT (MIN) has been determined in the second equation for a specific link length (Q), slot attenuation ("'SLOT) and margin ("'M), Figure 3 can then be used to find IF. Figure 1. Typical Slot Interrupter Configuration. Refer to 1 MBd or Low Current Links for Schematic Diagrams HFBR-15XX + "'SLOT (MIN) - PRL (MIN) 2 "'0 MAXQ+ "'SLOT + "'M HFBR-4501/4511 CONNECTORS HFBR-25XX ~~ AXIAL~ ~ SEPARATION 15 10 10 11 12 AXIAL SEPARATION (mm) Figure 2. Typical Loss VS. Axial Separation -3o1'::-o----!2o:---.......-:4':-o--J.--="6o,......-:'Bo~100 IF-TRANSMITTER DRIVE CURRENT-rnA Figure 3. Typical HFBR-1S02/1S12 Optical Output Power vs. Transmitter IF (0-70' C) 8-69 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- 13 665 nm Transmitters HFBR-1510/1512J1502 Transmitter HFBR-1S02lHFBR-1S10and HFBR-1S12 The HF~R"15l0/Hi02ll5l2 Transmitter mod.ules incorporate a 665 nm LED emitting at a.low attenuation wavelength for the HFBR-3510/36l0 plastic fiber optic cable. The trans~itters can be easily interfaced to standard TTL logic. The optical power output of the HFBR-15l0/l5l21l502 is specified at the tmd of 0.5 m of cable. The HFBR-15l2 output optical power is tested and guaranteed at low drive .currents. N.C. ANODE 2.l-.!...~=I.r-"i N.C. Absolute Maximum· Ratings Symbol Min. Max. Storage Temperature Ts -40 +75 Operating Temperature TA 0 +70 Parameter Lead Soldering Cycle I Temp. 260 I Time 10 Peak Forward Input Current fFPK 1000 Average Forward Input Current IFAV 80 VR 5 = Reverse Input Voltage F'e I Units Ref. ·C ·C ~ sec. mA = Note 1 Note 2 mA I V Electrical/optical Characteristics 0° C to +70°CUnless Otherwise Specified Typ.l5l Symbol Min. Max. Unll$ HFBR-1510 Pr -16.5 -7.6 dBm = 60 mA. 0-70"C -14.1 • -8.4 d =60mA.25"C HFBR-1502 Pr Parameter Transmitter Output Optical Power and HFBR-1512 HFBR-1512 Pr APr Output Optical Power Temperature Coefficient -AT Peak Emission Wavelength N>K Forward Voltage VF Forward Voltage Temperature Ooefficient ~ -35.5 -1.37 AVF - 60 mA. 0-70·C Fig. 2 60 mA.25°C Note 4 2mA,D-70·C NoteS I nm 665 1.67 Ref. dB/DC 4>.026 1.45 ndltlona 2.~ mVrC IF=60 mA Fig. 1 4T Effective Diameter Dr 1 Numerical Aperture N.A. 0.5 Reverse Input Breakdown Voltage VBR Diode Capacitance Co Rise and Fall Time tR.1F 5.0 mm 12.4 V IF "'-10 p.A, TA = 25·0 86 50 pF VF=O.f=l MHz ns 10% to 90% Notes: 1. 1.6 mm belew seating plane. 2. 1 I's pulse, 20 I'S peried. 3. Measured at the end .of 0.5 m standard Fiber Optic Cable with large area detecter. 4. Optical pewer, P (dBm) = 10 Leg P (I'W)/1000 I'W. . 5. Typical data is at 25° C. . WARNING. When viewed under seme cenditiens, the .optical pert .of the. Transmitter may expese the eye beyend the Maximum Permissible Expesure recemmended in ANSI Z-136-1, 1981. Under mest viewing cenditiens there is ne eye hazard. 8-70 ..: 1000 E I I- iiia: a: :> "> w ii: c a: w I: iii '"..:z a: l- I .!!- 2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.S 1.9 2.0 2.1 IF-TRANSMITTER DRIVE CURRE,NT-mA VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 1. Typical Forward Voltage vs. Drive Current for HFBR-1510/1502l1512 Figure 2. Normalized HFBR-1510/1502l1.512 Typical Output Optical Power vs. Drive Current Receivers HFBR-2501/2502 Receiver HFBR-2501 (5 MBd) and HFBR-2502 (1 MBd) The HFBR-2501/2502 Receiver modules feature a shielded integrated photodetector and wide bandwidth DC amplifier for high EMI immunity. A Schottky clamped open-collector output transistor allows interfacing to common logic families and enables "wired-OR" circuit designs. The open collector output is specified up to 18V. An integrated 1000 ohm resistor internally connected to Vee may be externally jumpered to provide a pull-up for ease-ol-use with +5V logiC. The Combination 01 high optical power levels and fast transitions falling edge could result in distortion of the output signal (HFBR-2502 only), that could lead to multiple triggering of following circuitry. RL Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter \\!Storage Temperature ~Operating Temperature Lead Soldering Cycle Symbol Min. M~x. Units Ts -40 +75 ·C TA 0 +70 ·C 260 ·C 10 sec I Temp I Time Supply Voltage Output Collector Current Vee -D.5 10 7 V 25 mA 40 mW Output Voltage Vo -D.5 18 V Pullup Voltage VRL -D.5 Vee V Output Collector Power Dissipation POD 8-71 Ref. Note 1 Note 6 Electrical/Optical Characteristics 0° C to +70° C, 4.75 :5 Vee :55.25 Unless Otherwise Specified Parameter Receiver Input Optical Power Level for Logic "0" HFBR-2501 HFBR-2502 Input Optical Power Level for Logic "1" Typ,[$) Symbol Min. Max. Units Conditions PR(l) -21.6 -9.5 dBm 0-70° C, VOL = 0.5 V IOL=8 mA -21.6 -8.7 dBm 25°C, VOL=0.5 V IOL=8 mA -24 dBm 0-70° C, VOL = 0.5 V IOL=8 mA -24 dBm 25° C, VOL = 0.5 V IOL""8 mA -43 dBm VOH = 5.25 V, IOH:5250 /JA PRIL} PRIH) Ref. Note 2, 3 Note 2 " High Level Output Current IOH 5 250 /Jo A Low Level Output Vol'tage VOL 0.4 0.5 V High Level Supply Current ICCH 3.5 6.3 mA Vo=1BV,PR"'0 Note 4 IOL"'BmA, PR'" PRLMIN Note 4 Vee = 5.25 V, Note 4 PR=OpW Low Level Supply Current Effective Diameter Numerical Aperture Internal Pull-Up Resistor 6.2 ICCL DR 1 NAR 0.5 RL 680 1000 10 mA Vec =5.25 V, PR = -12.5 dBmJ Note 4 mm 1700 Ohms Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5" 6" 1.6 mm below seating plane. Optical flux, P IdBml = 10 Log P II'WI/l000 I'W. Measured at the end of standard Fiber Optic Cable with large area detector. RL is open. Typical data is at 25° C, Vcc = 5 V" It is essential that a bypass capacitor 0.01 I'F to 0.1 I'F be connected from pin 3 to pin 4 of the receiver. Total lead length between both ends of the capacitor and the pins should not exceed 20 mm. 8-72 High sensitivity Receiver HFBR-2S03 Receiver HFBR-2503 The blue plastic HFBR-2503Heceiver module has a sensitivity of -39 dBm. It features an integrated photodetector and DC amplifier for high EMI immunity. The output is an open collector with a 150 I'A internal current source pullup and is compatible with TTLILSTTL and most CMOS logic families. For minimum rise time add an external puilup resistor of at least 3.3K ohms. Vee must be greater than or equal to the supply voltage for the pull-up resistor. Absolute Maximum Ratings MIll(, Units -40 +75 ·C Om Parantlter Storage Temperature Ts +70 ·C I Temp 260 ·C I Time 10 sec Opilrating Temperature Lead Soldering Cycle Vee -0.5 7 V Output Collector Current (Average) 10 -1 5 mA Output Collector Power Dissipation POD 25 mW O,'!!aut Voltage Vo -0,5 Vee V Supply Voltage Ref. Note 1 Note 7 Electrical/Optical Characteristics o· C to +70· C, 4.5 :5 Vee:5 5.5 Unless Otherwise Specified Parameter Receiver Input Optical Power Level for Logic "0" HFBR-2503 Symbol Min. Mal(. Uhlts Conditions PR (L) -39 -13.7 dBm 0-70· C, Vo = VOL fOL=3.2 mA -39 -13.3 dBm 25° C, Vo = VOL -53 dBm VOH =5.5V, IOH :540 I'A Input Optical Power Level for Logic "1" PR (H) High Level Output Voltage VOH Low Level Output Voltage VOL High Level Supply Current leeH Low Level Supply Current leel Effective Diameter DR Numerical Aperture N.A.R Typ. (5) 2.4 Ref. Note 2,3,4 IOL = 3.2 mA V IOH=-40}J.A, PR =OI'W 0.4 V lOL=3,2 mAo PR = PRL MIN 1.2 1.9 rnA Vee'" 5.5V, PR = 0 I'W 2.9 3.7 rnA Vee =5.5V, PR 2: PRl (MIN) Note 2 Note6 Note 6 mm 0.5 Noles: 1.6 mm below seating plane. 1. 2. 3. 4. Optical flux, P (dBm) ~ 10 Log P (I'W)/1000 I'W. Measured at the end of the standard Fiber Optic Cable with large area detector. Because of the very high sensitivity of the HFBR-2503, the digital output may switch in response to ambient light levels when a cable is not occupying the receiver optical port. The designer should take care to filter out signals from this source if they pose a hazard to the system. 5. Typical data is at 25° C, Vee ~ 5 V. 6. Including current in 3.3K pull-up resistor. 7. It is recommended that a bypass capacitorO.OlllF to 0.1 I'F ceramic be connected from pin 3to pin 4 of the receiver. 8-73 ----------------------_.. Snap-in Fiber Optic connector, Bulkhead Feedthrough/Splice and Polishing Tools HFBR-4501 (GRAY)/4511 (BLUE) CONNECTOR HFBR-45C1/4511 CONNECTORS HFBR-4505/4515 BULKHEAD FEEDTHROUGHS HFBR-4505 (GRAY)/4515 (BLUE) BULKHEAD FEEDTHROUGH The HFBR-4501 and HFBR-4511 snap-in connectors terminate low cost plastic fiber cable and mate with the Hewlett-Packard HFBR-{)500 family of fiber optic transmitters and receivers. They are quick and easy to install. The metal crimp ring provides strong and stable cable retention and the polishing technique ensures a smooth optical finish which results in consistently high optical coupling efficiency. HFBR-4595 POLISHING KIT ,'" <1> The HFBR-4505 and HFBR-4515 bulkhead feedthroughs mate two snap-in connectors and can be used either as an in-line splice or as a panel feedthrough for plastic fiber cable. The connector to connector loss is low and repeatable. ' ..'" v,', ",.', .. ' 6 Applications A" .. .rr'l '. CONNECTOR c::::=~CltC'j,r'"\.ft_ I ~! Ji c:::::=OIJ_Hu.o-'---,,0 TERMINATION FOR HEWLETT-PACKARD PLASTIC FIBER OPTIC CABLE INTERFACE TO HEWLETT-PACKARD HFBR-15XXl25XX SNAP-IN FIBER OPTIC LINK COMPONENTS • BULKHEAD FEEDTHROUGH BULKHEAD FEEDTHROUGH OR PANEL MOUNTING OF HFBR-45XX CONNECTORS IN-LINE SPLICE FOR PLASTIC FIBER OPTIC CABLE Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Storage Temperature Ts Operating Temperature TA Nut Torque HFBR-4505/4515 TN -40 +75 cC +70 QC -0.7 N-m 0 Notes 1 100 OZF-IN Noles: 0 57 N-m 1, Recommended nut torque is ~ OZF-IN 8-74 Mechanical/Optical Characteristics 0° to 70°C Unless Otherwise Specified. Typical Data at 25° C. Parameter : Retyp,tlon Force Connector/Module HFBR-4501/4511 to HFBR-15XX;25XX Tensile Force Connector/Cable, Symbol Min. FRG 6.8 Fr 22 HFBR-4505/4515 Conri:'lo Conn. Loss aCG Retention Force Connector/ Bulkhead HFBR-4501/4511 to HFBR-4505/4515 FRB 0.7 Max. Typ. Units Note! N I····: 1.5 2.8 7.8 N dB 2,3 N Notes: 2. Factory polish or field polish per recommended procedure. 3. Module to connector insertion loss is factored into the transmilter output optical power and the receiver input optical power level specifications. Note: For applications where frequent temperature cycling over extremes is expected please contact Hewlelt-Packard for alternate connectoring techniques. Cable Terminations The following easy procedure describes how to make cable terminations. It is ideal for both field and factory installaiton. If a high volume connectoring technique is required please contact your Hewlett-Packard sales engineer for the recommended procedure and equipment. Connectoring the cable is accomplished with the HewlettPackard HFBR-4595 Polishing Kit consisting of a Polishing Fixture and 600 grit abrasive paper and 3 micron pink lapping film (3M Company, OC3-14). No adhesive material is needed to secure the cable in the connector, and the connector can be used immediately after polishing. Connectors may be easily installed on the cable ends with readily available tools. Materials needed for the terminating procedure are: Step 2 Place the crimp ring and connector over the end of the cable; the fiber should protrude about 3 mm (0.12 in.) through the end of the connector. Carefully position the ring so that it is entirely on the connector and then crimp the ring in place with the crimping tool. Note: Place the gray connector on the cable end to be connected to the transmitter and the blue connector on the cable end to be connected to the receiver to maintain the color coding (both connectors are the same mechanically). ~~ CRIMP RING ,c 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Plastic Fiber Optic Cable HFBR-4595 Polishing Kit HFBR-4501 Gray Connector and Crimp Ring HFBR-4511 Blue Connector and Crimp Ring Industrial razor blade or wire cutters 16 gauge latching wire strippers Crimp Tool, AMP 90364-2 Step 3 Any excess fiber protruding from the connector end may be cut off; however, the trimmed fiber should extend at least 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) from the connector end. Insert the connector fully into the polishing fixture with the connector end protruding from the bottom of the fixture. Step 1 The zip cord structure of the duplex cable permits easy separation of the channels. The channels should be separated approximately 50 mm (2.0 in.) back from the ends to permit c~nnecting and polishing. For high volume connectoring use the hardened steel HFBR-4596 polishing fixture. After cutting the cable to the desired length, strip off approXimately 7 mm (0.3 in) of the outer jacket with the 16 gauge wire strippers. Excess webbing on duplex cable may have to be trimmed to allow the connector to slide over the cable. Place the 600 grit abrasive paper on a flat smooth surface. Pressing down on the connector, polish the fiber and the connector until the connector is flush with the end of the polishing fixture. Wipe the connector and fixture with a clean cloth or tissue. Note: The four dots on the bottom of the polishing fixture are wear indicators. Replace the polishing fixture when any dot is no longer visible. ~ l FIBER END ~l ~~!-,.5mm MINIMUM 8-75 Step 4 Place the flush connector and polishing fixture on the dull side of the 3 micron pink lapping film and continue to polish the fiber and connector for approximately 25 strokes. The fiber end should be flat, smooth and clean. The cable can now be used. Note: Use of the pink lapping film fine polishing step results in approximately a 2 dB improvement in coupling performance of either a transmitter-receiver link or a bulkhead/splice over 600 grit polish alone. This polish is comparable to Hewlett-Packard's factory polish. The fine polishing step may be omitted where an extra 2 dB of optical power is not essential as with short link lengths. POLISHING PAPER Mechanical Dimensions AllAll dimensions dimensions in mm (inches). ±O.25 mm unless otherwise specified. HFBR-15XX (GRAY OR BLACK)/250X (BLUE) MODULE r- J.7 L--- --.l 7.1 (.2801 [.61.30010 1.5001 r1 5.31.2101 HFBR-4501 (GRAY)/4511 (BLUE) CONNECTOR ;"rl~·" 19.1 (,751--1 j~~:~J;LP~ ~, o'f~~fX :J L i 2.5 1101 -- 1~"('75ID I ~25.411.001~ CONNECTORS DIFFER ONLY IN COLOR 2 BULKHEAD FEEDTHROUGH WITH TWO HFBR-4501/4511 CONNECTORS I HFBR-4505 (GRAY)/4515 (BLUE) BULKHEAD FEEDTHROUGH 10~24~01 '9.1 I' 1:.0 'I 1..10.4201..1 - I I f.- MAX, WALL THICKNESS: 4.1 (0.160) BULKHEAD FEEDTHROUGHS DIFFER ONLY IN COLOR 8-76 10.3751 PANEL MOUNTING ----.l ~6.4 --wfO.250) MIN. r DOUBLE '0' 7.9 (0.312) DIA. MIN. FIBER OPTIC CABLE CONSTRUCTION ~""" r- 'D' HOLE 7.9 (0.312) DIA. MIN. Simplex 7.9 (0.312) HOLE MIN. DIMENSIONS IN mm (INCHES) ALL DIMENSIONS :!:O.2 mm UNLESS NOTED, 8-77 Duplex Flidl MINIATURE FIBER OPTIC LOGIC LINK HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD HFBR-1202 HFBR-2202 HFBR-4202 Features • DC TO 5 MBAUD DATA RATE • MAXIMUM LINK LENGTH 625 Metres (Guaranteed) 1600 Metres (Typical) • TTL/CMOS COMPATIBLE OUTPUT • MINIATURE, RUGGED METAL PACKAGE • SINGLE +5V RECEIVER POWER SUPPLY • INTERNALLY SHIELDED RECEIVER FOR EMI/RFIIMMUNITY • PCB AND PANEL MOUNTABLE • LOW POWER CONSUMPTION Applications • EMC REGULATED SYSTEMS (FCC, VDE) • EXPLOSION PROOF SYSTEMS IN OIL INDUSTRY/CHEMICAL PROCESS CONTROL INDUSTRY • SECURE DATA COMMUNICATIONS • WEIGHT SENSITIVE SYSTEMS (e.g. Avionics, Mobile Stations) • HIGH VOLTAGE ISOLATION IN POWER GENERATION efficiency is assured by factory alignment of the LED with the optical axis of the package. Power coupled into the fiber varies less that 4 dB from part to part at a given temperature and drive current. The benefit of this is reduced dynamic range requirements on the receiver. The HFBR-2202 Receiver incorporates a photo IC containing a photodetector and dc amplifier. An open collector Schottky transistor on the IC provides logic compatibility. The combination of an internal EMI shield, the metal package and an isolated case ground provides excellent immunity to EMI/RFI. For unusually severe EMI/ESD environments, a snap-on metal shield is available. The receiver is easily identified by the black epoxy backfill. Description The HFBR-1202 Transmitter and HFBR-2202 Receiver are SMA style connector compatible fiber optic link components. Distances to 1600 metres at data rates up to 5 MBaud are achievable with these components. The HFBR-1202 Transmitter and HFBR-2202 Receiver are compatible with SMA style connectors, types A and B (see Figure 11. The HFBR-1202 Transmitter contains a high efficiency GaAIAs emitter operating at 820 nm. Consistent coupling Mechanical Dimensions HFBR-2202 RECEIVER HFBR-1202 TRANSMITTER 1/4-3G UNS-ZA fHRfAO flAT FLAT 1.54 t1001 DIA_~ PIN CIRCLE _ ~~-- ""-~ WHITE BACKFill,. PIN in FLAT L (.230) 5.8. SLACK BACKFU.t FUNCTION PIN 1 ANODE CATHODE 2 3 • CASE DIMENSIONS IN MllllMETRES !INCHES; UNLESS OIHERWtSE SPECIFIE.D, THE TOLERANCES ARE: :X !. .51 mm CXX !. .{l2 IN • .XX:± .13 mm {.XXX;t .0(}6: IN-l 8-78 FUNCTION CASE Vee DATA COMMON system Design Considerations The Miniature Fiber Optic Logic Link is guaranteed to work over the entire range of 0 to 625 metres at a data rate of dc -5 MBd, with arbitrary data format and typically less than 25% pulse width distortion, if the Transmitter is driven with IF = 40 mA, Rl = 820. If it is desired to economize on power or achieve lower pulse distortion, then a lower drive current (IF) may be used. The following example will illustrate the technique for optimizing IF. will significantly affect the optical power coupled into the fiber are as follows: a. Fiber Core Diameter. As the core diameter is increased, the optical power coupled increases, leveling off at about 250 I'm diameter. b. Numerical Aperture (NA). As the NA is increased, the optical power coupled increases, leveling off at an NA of about 0.34. c. Index Profile (01). The Index profile parameter of fibers varies from 2 (fully graded index) to infinite (step index). Some gains in coupled optical power can be achieved at the expense of bandwidth, when 01 is increased. EXAMPLE: Maximum distance required = 250 metres. From Figure 2 the worst case drive current = 20 mA. From the Transmitter data - VF = 1.8V (max,). Rl = Vcc-VF=5-1.8V = 1600 IF 20 mA In addition to the optical parameters, the environmental performance of the selected fiber/cable must be evaluated. Finally, the ease of installing connectors on the selected fiber/cable must be considered. Given the large number of parameters that must be evaluated when using a nonstandard fiber, it is recommended that the 100/140 I'm fiber be used unless unusual circumstances warrant the use of an alternate fiber/cable type. The optical power margin between the typical and worst case curves (Figure 2) at 250metres is 4 dB. To calculate the worst case pulse width distortion at 250 metres, see Figure 8. The power into the Receiver is PRL + 4 dB = -20 dBm. Therefore, the typical distortion is 40 ns or 20% at 5 MBd. CABLE SELECTION SMA STYLE CONNECTORS The link performance specifications on the following page are based on using cables that contain glass-clad silica fibers with a 100 I'm core diameter and 140 I'm cladding diameter. This fiber type is now a user accepted standard for local data communications links (RS-458, Class I, Type B). The HFBR-1202 Transmitter and HFBR-2202 Receiver are optimized for use with the 100/140 I'm fiber. There is, however, no fundamental restriction against using other fiber types. Before selecting an alternate fiber type, several parameter need to be carefully evaluated. The HFBR-1202/2202 is compatible with either the Type A or Type B SMA style fiber optic connector (see Figure 11). The basic difference between the two connectors is the plastic half-sleeve on the stepped ferrule tip of the Type B connector. This step provides the capability to use a full length plastiC sleeve to ensure good alignment of two connectors for an inline splice. Hewlett-Packard offers connectored cable that utilizes the Type A connector system because of the inherent environmental advantages of metal-to-metal interfaces. Typical Circuit configuration NOTE, IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT ASYPASS CAPACITOR (O.OI.f., 0.1." CERAMIC) 8E CONNECTEQ FROM PIN 2 TO PIN 4 OF THE RECEiVER. TOTAL LEAD LENGTH BErw!;eN BOTH ENDS OF THE CAPACITOR AND THE PINS SHOULD NOT EXCEED 20 mm. SELECTR, T0501I, +5V Vee TRANSMISSION OI$TANCE 1------- CABLE/CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY Figure 1. 8-79 -------1 Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter SymbOl Min. Max. Units TA -40 +85 40 ·C IF. PK IFAV 40 Reference TRANSMITTER Ambient Temperature Peak Forward Input Current Average Forward Input Current Note 7 mA= mA Note 7 RECEIVER Ambient Temperature TA -40 Supply Voltage fan Out (TTLI Vee 4.75 N +85 5.25 °C V Note 3, Fig. 1 5 CABLE (see SMA conneotored cable data sheet} system performance -40°C to +85°C unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol MlnJ'1 £ 625 Transmission Distance I I Data Rate . Synchronous .' .. Asynchronous .' Typ. 1600 Units Max. de 5 de 2.5 Conditions Reference Metres Fig. 2, Note 9 MBaud MBaud Note 10 Note 10, Fig. 8 Propagation Delay •. LOWtoHIGH ... tPt..H 82 nsec Propagation Delay. HII3H to LOW System Pulse Width' Distortion tPHL 55 nsec to 27 nsac Bit Error Rate BER 10-9 Fig. 7,8,9 TA '" 2S·C. PR '" -21 d8m IF. PK" 15 mA Q ,. 1 metre Data Rate S5 MBaud PR> -24 dBm (4pW) NOMOGRAPH dBm.- pW CONVERSION -10 -12 40 ~ I cw ... z !2w cO: i~ ~o: ~~ .!!- TVPIc;")I 2$'0 -40'1;, +85"0 -I' 30 25 / l- ffi§ I:~ 0 WORSTC~/ 35 20 15 12 / / -1 / / V / -3 -16 / 800 1200 ~ w -18 15 ~ dBm -20 10 9 8 7 > • - LINK (CABLE) LENGTH - m 0: -22 -5 -2' -6 -26 1600 45 40 35 30· 25 20 w -' w -4 JV 400 I 0: -2 10 !!l 100 90 80 70 60 50 -28 '1.6 -30 Figure 2. System Performance: HFBR-1202lHFBR-2202 with HP's 1001140 pm fiber cable 8-80 pW ~ ~~-----~~- ~ ------------- --~--~------------ HFBR-1202 TRANSMITTER HFBR-1202 TRANSMITTER Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameler Storage Tempi -24 dBm High Level Supply Current leCH 3,5 6,3 mA Low Level Sypply Current ' lecl 6.2 NA .32 Vec Reference = 5.25 V PI'! < -40dBm Optical Port Diameter Numerical Aperture ,1'.1\ mA 10 Vec = 5.25 V PR > -24 dBm Note 12 700 Dynamic Characteristics -40°C to +85°C and 4.75::; Vee::; 5.25 V unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Min. Typ.l1 1 Max. Input Power Level Logic HIGH -40 Input Power Level Logie LOW Conditions Reference dBm !\p= 820 nm Note5 TA'" +25°C Flg,4, Note 5 TA '" 25°C, PR = -21 dBm Note 8, Fig. 7 0.1 v.W -25.4 -11.2 dBm 2.9 76 v.W -24 -12.0 dBm r----r----+----r----~ 63 4.0 Propagation Delay LOW to HIGH Propagation Delay HIGH to LOW Units tPLHR fJ.W 65 nsec 49 osec 11. DT is measured at the plane of the fiber face and defines a diameter where the optical power density is within 10 dB of its maximum. 12. DR is the effective diameter of the detector image on the plane of the fiber face. The numerical value is the oroduct of the actual detector diameter . and the lens magnification. 13. HP's 100/140 J,tm Fiber Cable is specified at a narrower temperature range, -20° C to 85° C. 14. Measured at the end of 1.0 metre 50/125 .um fiber with large area detector and cladding modes stripped, approximating a Standard Test Fiber. The fiber NA is 0.21, measured at the end of a 2.0 metre length, the NA being defined as the sine of the half angle determined by the 5% of peak intenSity points. 15. Output Optical Power into connectored fiber cable other' than HP's Fiber Optic Cable/Connector Assemblies may be different than specified because of mechanical tolerances of the connector, quality of the fiber surface, and other variables. 16. Measured at the end of 1.0 metre Siecor 100/140 J,tm fiber cable or equivalent, with large area detector and cladding modes stripped, terminated with the appropriate type of connector. This assembly approximates a Standard Test Fiber. The fiber NA is 0.275, measured at the end of a 2.0 metre length. the NA being defined as the sine of the half angle determined by the5% of peak intensity points. Notes: 8. Propagation delay through the system is the result of several sequentially-occurring phen0mena. Consequently it is a combination of data-rate-limiting effects and of transmission-time effects. Because of this, the data-rate limit of the system must be described in terms of time differentials between delays imposed on falling and rising edges. As the cable length is increased, the propagation delays increase at 5 ns per metre of length increase. Data rate, as limited by pulse width distortion, is not affected by increasing cable length if the optical power level at the Receiver is maintained. 9. Worst case system performance is based on worst case performance of individual components: transmitter at +85 0 C, receiver at -40°C and cable at- 20·C. 10. Synchronous data rate limit is based on these assumptions: (al 50% duty factor modulation, e.g. Manchester lor BiPhase I Manchester III; I bl continuous data: (C I PLL (Phase Lock Loop I demodulation; Idl TTL threshold. Asynchronous data rate limit is based on these assumptions: (al NRZ data; (b I arbitrary timing - no duty factor restriction; IC) TTL threshold. The EYE pattern describes the timing range within which there is no uncertainty of the logic state, relative to a specific threShold, due to either noise or intersymbol (prop. delay) effects. 8-82 - - - - - - _ . __. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !:l ~ / \ 1 ~w -3 -4 > ~ -5 llirV -6 '"I -7 ~ / -a -9 ~ ~ / " -2 ill '/ -10 40 "r I o / . ;*. ~n;; «E ~ ...I 15 ::. '"'"u 20 '" ~ 20 ~ « ;:: w > ;: 10 it'" ~ if • 10 !:l I 1 I .!!- '" 40 VF -FORWARD VOLTAGE-VOLTS TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _·C IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 3. Normalized Transmitter Output vs. Forward Current Figure 4. Normalized Thermal Effects In Transmitter Output, Receiver Threshold, and Link Performance (Relative Threshold) Figure 5. Forward Voltage and Cur.rent Characteristics for the Transmltter.LED. j!: ~~ z-' ::'w ",> w« 0.;: . o I ~'" ... w ~~ '" t0::. wa.. ~g "'"~ 1,3 1,2 1,1 1.0 • o. r---- .. J O. 1 d~ 780 800 '" 0 860 40 '"zI TO tmI,..MIN.) ~ ~ -t\ +25'C, :~ ~ f-'""" -",' - ~\... , .... f} 20 '" 0 ·:we ~ $ -24 900 }.- WAVELENGTH - NANOMETRES Figure 6. Transmitter Spectrum NormalIzed to the Peak at 25° C '" N t 880 I i5 I "- 1-""' ~"::: ~ 840 1".1 MAX.I 60 t; it "I\, 820 z 0 ;: 0 \. \ ~ 760 0 ~ 85"C \ f '. ~ / I / / '/ ~ 0 z \ 0.4 ;:~ > \ 0.5 0.2 I \ 0.6 0.3 0 I I 25'C 0.8 D. 7 Ii:) aD :'\-40"0 /\ -22 -20 -12 -24 -22 -18 -16 -14 -12 Figure 8. Worst-Case Distortion of NRZ EYE-pattern with Pseudo Random Data at 5 Mb/s. (see note 10) Figure 7. Propagation Delay through System with One Metre of Cable 1_ INPUT -20 PR - RECEIVER POWER - dBm PR - RECEIVER POWER - dBm 100 ns-J """I PULSE REPETITION fREQ.'" 1 MHz ~-------- IF INPUT (IF) S :;~,;~~~~~~~~~~~~L~sxw~~~·':·E~ FROM l-METRE • I - TEST CABLE TIMING +5V ANALYSIS EQUIPMENT r 1. } ~-::;:;:-;:::;-. ~w.~~t..~j4t1:::~~:'~5~.~F Vo I OUTPUT + .:'i. Va 1.:; ~~~'I Figure 9. System Propagation Delay Test Circuit and Waveform Timing Definitions 8-83 ~_ o----~======~------~~~-------- Typical Circuit Configuration HFBR-1201 TRANSMITTER HFBR-2201 RECEIVER Good system performance requires clean port optics and cable ferrules to avoid obstructing the optical path. Clean compressed air often is sufficient to remove particles of dirt; methanol or Freon'· on a cotton swab also works well. It is essential that a bypass capacitor (0.01 I'F to 0.1 I'F ceramic) be connected from pin 2 to pin 4 of the receiver. Total lead length between both ends of the capacitor and the pins should not exceed 20 mm. Horizontal PCB Mounting Mounting at the edge of a printed circuit board with the lock nut overhanging the edge is recommended. the leads at the base of the package and bend the leads as desired. When bending the leads. avoid sharp bs •. ds right where the lead enters the backfill. Use needle nose pliers to support When soldering. it is advisable to leave the protective cap on the unit to keep the optics clean. MOUNTING HARDWARE: HFBR-4201 1 EMI/ESD SHI ELD 1 1/4-32 NUT 1 1/4x .005 INCH WASHER 2 2-56 SELF TAPPING SCREWS 1 MOUNTING BRACKET DIMENSIONS FOR BULKHEAD MOUNTING HOLE W 5.88D ~ . ' --- 6.25'{.250) OIA. (STANDARD 1/4INCH "0" HOLE - RU PUNCH) 2-56 SELF TAPPING SCREWS (METRIC EOUIV. M2.2 x 0.451 8-84 ~ ~ ~--.---- ----- HFBR-1202 TRANSMITTER HFBR-2202 RECEIVER 1.95 (.078) DIA. HOLES ACCEPT A 2-56 SELF TAPPING SCREW 1.95 (.078) DIA. HOLES ACCEPT A 2-56 SELF TAPPING SCREW PIN 1 7.8 TRANSMITTER PCB LAYOUT DIMENSIONS PCB EDGE RECEIVER PCB LAYOUT DIMENSIONS Figure 13. Mounting Dimensions DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES (INCHES). Ordering Guide Transmitter: HFBR-1202 (SMA Connector Compatible) Receiver: HFBR-2202 (SMA Connector Compatible) Mounting Hardware: HFBR-4202 (SMA Connector Compatible) 8-85 PCB EOGE FliP'l HIGH EFFICIENCY FIBER OPTIC TRANSMITTER HEWLETT a!~ PACKARO HFBR-1204 Features • OPTICAL POWER COUPLED INTO 100/140 ILm FIBER CABLE -9.8 dBm Guaranteed at 25° C -7.4 dBm Typical • FACTORY ALIGNED OPTICS • RUGGED MINIATURE PACKAGE • COMPATIBLE WITH SMA CONNECTORS Description The HFBR-1204 Fiber Optic Transmitter contains an etchedwell 820 nm GaAIAs emitter capable of coupling greater than -10 dBm of optical power into HP's 100/140 I'm SMA connectored cable assemblies. This high power level is useful for fiber lengths greater than 1 km, or systems where' star couplers, taps, or in-line connectors create large fixed losses. Consistent coupling efficiency is assured by factory alignment of the LED with the mechanical axis of the package connector port. Power coupled into the fiber varies less than 5 dB from part to part at a given drive current and temperature. The benefit of this is reduced dynamic range requirements on the receiver. HFBR-1204 is compatible with SMA style connectors. The low profile package is designed for direct mounting on printed circuit boards or through panels without additional heat sinking. A complete mounting hardware package (HFBR-4202) is available for horizontal mounting on PCBs, including a snap~on metal shield for harsh EMI/ESD environments. High coupling efficiency allows the emitters to be driven at low current levels resulting in low power consumption and increased reliability of the transmitter. Another advantage of the high coupling efficiency is that a significant amount of power can still be launched into smaller fiber such as 501125 I'm (-19.1 dBm typ.l. The HFBR-1204 transmitter is housed in a rugged miniature package. The lens is suspended to avoid mechanical contact with the active devices. This assures improved reliability by eliminating mechanical stress on the die due to the lens. For increased ESD protection and design flexibility, both the anode and cathode are insulated from the case. Figure 1. Cross Sectional View Mechanical Dimensions HFBR·1204 flAT 2'$4i'1(0)OIA.~ P1NCfRClE _ 'Ao' "'(0' REO aACKFILL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES IINCHES! 8-86 PIN 1 FUNCTION ANODE CATHODE CASE HFBR-1204 TRANSMITTER HFBR·1204 TRANSMITTER Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Min. Max. Unit Storage Temperature 1'8 -55 +85 Operating Temperature TA -40 +85 °C dC +260 "e Parameter Lead Soldering Cycle Temp. > o 0: ~ ~ _1° ~~ I .!: ~. '.o-~ .... i'- ...... r"- " ['... -1 ~ -20 20 40 60 TJ - JUNCTION TEMPERATURE _ VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS Figure 2, Forward Voltage and Current Characteristics .. ~~ ~ -1.5 -60 -40 80 100 °c Figure 3. Normalized Thermal Effects In Transmitter Output !g 1.3,--,-,--=--:-::::--,-,---,-. I o ~ .... ,......." 0: a: w -' ~ "'0: O:w >-;: ~~ ;: ~ w "'>0::> ~ ~5 ~~ :; ::>w wo. > N>- W 0: 0: o I 0:> w0.;: I -I~ ~g >- ~ o • • E 0. ~I~ !~ }.- WAVELENGTH - NANOMETRES IF - DC FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 4. Normalized Transmitter Output vs. DC Forward Current Figure 5. Transmitter Spectrum Normalized to the Peak at 25°C Ordering Guide Transmitter: HFBR-1204 (SMA Connector Compatible) Mounting Hardware: Receiver: HFBR-2202 (5 MBaud, SMA Connector) HFBR-2204 (40 Mbaud, SMA Connector Compatible) HFBR-4202 (SMA Connector Compatible) Fiber OptiC Cable - see data sheets 8-88 (2) PT = Po + 10 log (1/10) High speed operation Rise and fall times can be improved by using a pre-bias current and "speed-up" capacitor. A 1 mA pre-bias current will significantly reduce the junction capacitance and will couple less than -34 dBm of optical power into the fiber cable. The TTL compatible circuit in Figure 7 using a speed-up capacitor will provide typical rise and fall times of 10 ns. IPEAK = 100 mA = Vee - VF 34.90 where Po = transmitter power speCification (dBm) at 10 10 = specified transmitter current (100 mAl I = selected transmitter current (mA) To allow for the dynamic range limits of proper receiver performance, it is necessary that a link with maximum transmitter power and minimum attenuation does not OVERDRIVE the receiver and that minimum transmitter power with maximum attenuation does not UNDERDRIVE it. These limits can be expressed in a combination of the two equations above: (3) Po MAX + 10 log (lMAX/lo) - Q. "'oMIN < PR MAX IAVG = 78 mA = Vee - VF 34.9 + 100 (4) Po MIN + 10 log (IMIN/lo) - Q. "'oMAX > PR MIN where Po MAX, Po MIN = max., min. specified power from transmitter (dBm) at I = 10 IMAX, IMIN max., min. selected transmitter operating current (mA) PR MAX, PR MIN = max., min. specified power at receiver (dBm) "'oMAX, "'oMIN = max., min. attenuation (dB/km) A more useful form of these equations comes from solving them for the current ratio, expressed in dB: (5) 10 log (lMAX/l o) < PR MAX - Po MAX + Q • "'oMIN (6) 10 log (lMIN/l o) > PR MIN - Po MIN + Q. "'oMAX These are plotted in Figure 8 as the OVERDRIVE LINE, and UNDERDRIVE LINE, respectively for the following components: Figure 6. Tesl Clrcuil lor Measuring Ir, II 34.9n 11W) ~L->-----------~~t--I HFBR-1204 Transmitter -11.2 < PT < -4 dBm HFBR-2204 Receiver (25 MHz) -28.5 < PR < 12.6 dBm HFBR-2204 Receiver (2.5 MHz) -35.5 < PR < -12.6 dBm HP's 100/140 I'm Fiber Cable 4 < 0:0 < 8 dB/km 10.n 680 pF III I 0 ;:: u :::> u I w > a: Link Design Q -10 I With transmitter performance specified as power in dBm into a fiber of particular properties (core size, NA, and index profile), and receiver performance given in terms of the power in dBm radiated from the same kind of fiber, then the link design equation is simply: 0: I- -0 ~ t!l g :: ~ - CABLE LENGTH - km Figure 8. Link Design Limits. (1) PT-Q· "'0 = PR where PT = transmitter power into fiber (dBm) Q= fiber (cable) length (km) "'0 = fiber attenuation (dB/km) PR = receiver power, from fiber, (dBm) For transmitter input current in the range from 10 to 100 mA, the power varies approximately linearly: 8-89 These design equations take account only of the power loss due to attenuation. The specifications for the receiver and transmitter include loss effects in end connectors. If the system has other fixed losses, such as from directional couplers or additional in-line connectors, the effect is to shift both OVERDRIVE and UNDERDRIVE lines upward by the amount of the additional loss ratio. Flin- 40 MBd MINIATURE FIBER OPTIC RECEIVER HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD HFBR-2204 Features • DATA RATES UP TO 40 MBd • HIGH OPTICAL COUPLING EFFICIENCY • RUGGED, MINIATURE METAL PACKAGE • COMPATIBLE WITH SMA STYLE CONNECTORS • VERSATILE ANALOG RECEIVER OUTPUT • 25 MHz ANALOG BANDWIDTH Applications • DATA ACQUISITION AND PROCESS CONTROL • SECURE DATA COMMUNICATION • EMC REGULATED SYSTEMS (FCC/VDE) • EXPLOSION PROOF SYSTEMS • WEIGHT SENSITIVE SYSTEMS (e.g., AVIONICS, MOBILE STATIONS) • VIDEO TRANSMISSION The signal from this simple analog receiver can be optimized for a variety of transmission requirements. For example, the circuits in Application Bulletin 73 add low-cost external components to achieve logic compatible signal levels optimized for various data formats and data rates. Description Each of these fiber optic components uses the same rugged, lensed, miniature package. This package assures a consistent, efficient optical coupling between the active devices and th~ optical fiber. The HFBR-2204 Receiver is capable of data rates up to 40 MBd at distances greater than 1 km when used with cable and HFBR-1202/4 Transmitters. The HFBR-2204 Receiverscontains a discrete PIN photodiode and preamplifier IC. TheHFBR-2204 Receiver is compatible with SMA style connectors: types A and B (see Figure 11 and HP's 100/140 I'm SMA connectored cable assemblies. HP's 100/140 I'm fiber optic cable can be ordered with or without con nectors. Mechanical Dimensions HFBR-2204 RECEIVER ~ FI.AT GREEN 5.84 l.laOI .450 {.OlB) TYP. BACKFILL DIMENSIONS IN M'LI.IMETRES IINCflES} UNLESS OTHERWiSE SP-cCIFIED, THE 'tOLERANCES ARE, .X t. ,51 !'11m ~,XX :t ,02 IN) .xX ± ,13 mm i.XXX :':+005 tN~ 8-90 PIN 1 2 3 4 FUNCTION CASE SIGNAL COMMON Vee Electrical Description 3. The versatile miniature package is easy to mount. This low profile package is designed for direct mounting on printed circuit boards or through panels without additional heat sinking. A complete mounting hardware package is available for horizontal PCB applications, including a snap-on metal shield for harsh EMIIESD environments. The HFBR-2204 Fiber Optic Receiver contains a PIN photodiode and low noise transimpedance pre-amplifier hybrid circuit with an inverting output (see note 10). The HFBR2204 receives an optical signal and converts itot an analog voltage. The output is a buffered emitter-follower. Because the signal amplitude from the HFBR-2204 Receiver is much larger than from a simple PIN photodiode, it is less susceptible to EMI, especially at high signal rates. Good system performance requires clean port optics and cable ferrules to avoid obstructing the optical path. Clean compressed air often is sufficient to remove particles of dirt; Methanol or Freon on a cotton swab also works well. Note: When installing connectored cable on the optical port, do not use excessive force to tighten the nut. Finger tightening is sufficient to ensure connectoring integrity, while use of a wrench may cause damage to the connector or the optics. The frequency response is typically dc to 25 MHz. Although the HFBR-2204 is an analog receiver, it is easily made compatible with digital systems (see Application Bulletin 73). Separate case and signal ground leads are provided for maximum design flexibility. It is essential that a bypass capacitor (0.01 IlF to 0.1 IlF ceramic) be connected from Pin 4 (Vee) to Pin 3 (circuit common) of the receiver. Total lead length between both ends of ~he capacitor and the pins should be less than 20 mm. system Design Considerations Mechanical Description For additional information, see Application Bulletin 73. The HFBR-2204 Fiber Optic Receiver is housed in a miniature package intended for use with HP's 100/140 Ilm SMA connectored cable assemblies. This package has important performance advantages: OPTICAL POWER BUDGETING The HFBR-2204.Fiber Optic Receivers when used with the HFBR-1202 Fiber Optic Transmitter can be operated at a signalling rate of more than 40 MBd over a distance greater than 1000 metres (assuming 8dB/km cable attenuation). For shorter transmission distances, power consumption can be reduced by decreasing Transmitter drive current. At a lower data rate, the transmission distance may be increased by applying bandwidth-filtering at the output of the HFBR- 1. Precision mechanical design and assembly procedures assure the user of consistent high efficiency optical coupling. 2. The lens is suspended to avoid contact with the active devices, thereby assuring improved reliability. Figure 1. Cross Sectional View 8-91 minimum optical power bUdget of 11.8 dB is obtained: 2204 Receiver; since noise is reduced as the square root of the bandwidth, the sensitivity of the circuit is proportionately improved provided these two conditions are met: [-18 dBm -3 dB +32.8 dBm)] ;= 11.8 dB Using 8 dB/km optical fiber, this translates into a minimum link length of 1475 metres (typical link power budget for this configuration is approximately 17.2 dB or 3130 mettes with 5.5 dB/km fiber). a. input-referred noise of the follow on circuit is well below the filtered noise of the Receiver b. logic comparator threshold is reduced in the same proportion as the noise reduction BANDWIDTH As an example, consider a link with a maximum data rate of 10 MBd (e.g., 5 Mb/s Manchester); this requires a 3 dB bandwidth of only5 MHz. Forthis example, the input-referred rms noise voltage of the follow-on circuit is 0.03 mV. The'equivalent optical noise power of the complete receiver (PNO) is given by: PNO = [(VNO)2 (B/Bo) + (VNI)2JO.5 The bandwidth of the HFBR-2204 is typically 25 MHz. Over the entire temperature range of -40° C'to +85° C, the rise and fall times vary in an approximately linear fashion with temperature. Under worst case conditions, tr and tf may reach a maximum of 26 ns, which translates to a 3 dB bandwidth of: /Rp i3dB ~ 350 tr VNO = rms output noise voltage of the HFBR-2203/04 with no banCtwidth filtering VNI = input-referred rms noise voltage of the follow-on circuit B = filtered 3 dB bandwidth Bo = Unfiltered 3dB bandwidth of the HFBR-2203/04 (25 MHz) Rp = optical-to-electrical responsivity (mV/p'w) of the HFBR-2240 = 350 26 ns = 13.5 MHz The receiver response is essentially that of a single-pole system, rolling off at 6 dB/octave. In orderforthe receiver to operate up to 40 MBd even though its worst case 3 dB bandwidth is 13.5 MHz, the received optical power must be increased by 3 dB to compensate for the restricted receiver transmission bandwidth. PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT Note that noise adds in an rms fashion, and that the square of the rms noise voltage of the HFBR-2204 is reduced by the bandwidth ratio, B/Bo. When operating at data rates above 10 MBd, standard PC board precautions should be taken. Lead lengths greater than 20 mm should be avoided whenever possible and a ground plane should be used. Although transmission line techniques are not required, wire wrap and plug boards are not recommended. From the receiver data (Electrical/Optical Characteristics) taking worst-case values, and applying NO bandwidth filtering (B/Bo = 1): PNO = I (0.43)2+(0.03)2JO.5 mV = 0.094!,Wor-40.3 dBm 4.6 mV/!,W OPERATION WITH HEWLETT-PACKARD TRANSMITTERS To ensure a bit error rate less than 10-9 requires the signal power to be 12 times larger (+11 dB) than the rms noise as referred to the Receiver input. The minimum Receiver input power is then: Hewlett-Packard offers two transmitters compatible with the HFBR-2204 Link performance with each transmitter is shown below for 25°C operation with HP's 100/140!'m glass fiber cable. See product data sheets for further information. PRMIN = PNO + 11 dB = -29.3 dBm With the application of a 5 MHz low-pass filter, the bandwidth ratio becomes: B/Bo = 5 MHZ/25 MHz = 0.2 HFBR-1202 -11dBm Note that 25 MHz should be used for the total noise bandwidth of the HFBR-2204. Inserting this value of the bandwidth ratio in the expressions for PNO and PRM1N above yields the results: PNO HFBR-1204 -9.8 dBm Coupled Optical Coupled Optical Power Power = 0.042 !'W or -43.8 dBm and PRMIN = -32.8 dBm Given the HFBR-1202 Transmitter optical power PT -18 dBm at IF = 40 mA, and allowing a 3 dB margin, a 8-92 HFBR-2204 -27 dBm Sensitivity 1200m 40MBd 2100 m 40MBd HF8R-2204 -32 dBm Sensitivity 1800M 10 MBd 2800 M 10 MBd ----.-.--.~.- HFBR-2204 RECEIVER HFBR-2204 RECEIVER Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Storage Temperature Ts Min. -55 Operating Tf!,wperature "fA -40 "Lead Soldering Cycle Symbol Max. Unit Reference 85 85 °C ·C Note 9 I"emp. "260 ·C Time 10 sec 25 Case Voltage Signal Pin Voltage SlPply Voltajle ..----+-'--vcc r--+~,SIGNAL CASE '-----t-"--COMMON Note 1 VeASE VSIGNAL -0.5 1 V V Vee -0.5 7.0 V Electrical/optical Characteristics -40° C to +85° C; 4.75:5 Vee :5 5.25; RLOAD = 5110 unless otherwise specified Symbol Min. Typt4J Max. Unit Conditions Reference Responsivitlty Rp 5.1 7 10.9 mVlp.W TA = 25°C at 820 nm Note 10 Figure 3 12.3 mVlp.W -40 :5 TA:5 +85° C RMS outRut Noise Vo tage VNO .36 mV .43 mV TA = 25°C, PIN Op.W -40 :5 T A ::;85· C, P1N=0 p.W -12.6 dBm 55 p.W -14 dBm 40 p.W Parameter 4.6 .30 Peak Input Power PR Output Impedance Zo 20 DC Output Voltage Vode .7 Power Supply Current Icc Equivalent NA NA 3.4 .35 Equivalent Diameter DR Input Power PN TA=25°C Figures 4. 7 Note 2 -40::;TA:58SoC Test Frequency = 20 MHz 0 V PIN=OP.W 6.0 mA RLOAO=" -43.7 -40.3 dBm .042 .094 JAW p'm 250 Equivalent Optical Noise = Notes Dynamic Characteristics -40°C to +85°C; 4.75:5 Vee:5 5.25; Parameter Rise/Fall Time, 10% to 90% Poise Width Distortion Symbol tr. tf tphl- tpln Overshoot Bandwidth Power Supply Rejection Ratio (Referred to Output) RLOAD = 5110, CLOAD = 13 pF unless otherwise specified PSRR Min. TypJ1l Max. Units 19.5 ns Conditions TA","25°C PIN'" 10 p.W Peak Reference 14 ~ ns -40:5 TA::; 85·C Figorea8,9 Pit" ns % I =40 /lW Peak NoteS Figure 9 TA"'25°C Note 6 Figures 8, 9 at2 MHz Note 7 FIgures 5. 6 MHz 50 dB Notes: 1. 2.0 mm from where leads enter case. 2. If Pin < 40 ,..W, then pulse width distortion may increase. At Pin = BO,..W and TA = BO·C, some units have exhibited as much as 100 ns pulse width distortion. 8-93 .-----'---.--.-~--- .. -. ... Notes (conU: 3. DR is the effective diameter of the detector image on the plane of the fiber face. The numerical value is the product of the actual detector diameter and the lens magnification. 4. Typical specifications are for operation at TA = 25° C and Vee = 5.0V. 5. Input optical signal is assumed to have 10% - 90% rise and fall times of less than 6 ns. 6. Percent overshoot is defined as: VPK - V100% x 100% See Figure 16. V100% It is essential that a bypass capacitor (0.01 JlF to 0.1 JlF ceramic) be connected from pin 4 (Vee) to pin 3 (circuit common) of the receiver. Total lead length between both ends of the capacitor and the pins should be less than 20 mm. 9. HP's 1001140 fJm fiber cable is specified at a narrower temperature range, -20° C to 85° C. 10. Vour = VaDe - IRp x PINI. 8. 7. Output referred P.S.R.R. is defined as 20 10 (VPOWER SUPPLY RIPPLE) g VOUT RIPPLE 1.00 .25 ..... V 1/ .75 .50 a 5 1.25 /"\ i\ \ / V / ./' 480 \ \ a -2a -4a -.o~ V a -8 1\ -10a -- --' 0.4 0.6 • -12a o 400 a 1 560 640 720 800 880 0 0.1 960 1040 A. - WAVELENGTH - nm .llll 10 1.0 100 -1'a -1.a0.1 0.2 f - FREQUENCY - MHz f - FREQUENCV - MHz Figure 3. Receiver Spectral Response Normalized to 820 nm Figure 4. Receiver Nolse·Spectral Density HP 1120A 500MHt ACTIVE 13 pF PROSE Figure 6. Power Supply Rejection Test Circuit Vee HP 1120A 600 MHz ACtiVE PROSE PiN =OJ.lW CL 13 pF (CL IS THE SUM OF A lOAD CAPACITOR AND INPUT CAPACITANCE OF THE ACTIVE PROBE) Figure 7. RMS Output Noise Voltage Test Circuit 8-94 Figure 5. Receiver Power Supply Rej. vs. Freq. HPII!568A SPECTRUM ANALYZER • 1a ----~--~------ Vee HFBR-1202 HP 172SA ~OScILLO. SCOPE son PULSE GENERATOR Figure 8. Rise and Fall Time Test Circuit RISE AND FALL TIMES PULSE WIDTH DISTORTION 40---, 10--, +----- .1- iii ... "> ~ 250 "' ----1---- 250 " , - - . 50% \ .1- ~ \ 250 ",--'..,..r--250", ~ I VPEAK 100 90 Cl :l in ~ Cl lO >0 10 f; PULSE WIDTH DISTORTION = I tpHL - tpLH I Figure 9. Waveform Timing Definitions 8-95 ~~---~----~-~--~ HFBR-2204 RECEIVER RECEIVER PCB LAYOUT DIMENSIONS 1.951.078) DIA. HOLES ACCEPT A 2-56 SELF TAPPING SCREW PIN 1 1/4-38 UNS-2A ~HREAD 1.625 1.065) , f 13.2111.520) j ,7.BI.3:12J .h~I~~~~ 2.251.090) DIA. CLEARANCE HOLES FOR MOUNTING BRACKET ,SCREWS PCB EDGE DIMENSIONS IN'MILLIMETRES (INCHES) • • 13.751.550) - Figure 10. Mounting Dimensions SMA STYLE CONNECTORS TYPE A' (Used in HP's SMA Connectored Cable Assemblies). TYPEB (Not Available from Hewlett-Packard) 3.141.12351 3.16 {.12451 Figure 11. Fiber Optic Connector Styles 8-96 Horizontal PCB Mounting Mounting at the edge of a printed circuit board with the lock nut overhanging the edge is recommended. the leads at the base of the package and bend the leads as desired. When bendi ng the leads, avoid sharp bends right where the lead enters the backfill. Use needle nose pliers to support When soldering, it is advisable to leave the protective cap on the unit to keep the optics clean. DIMENSIONS FOR BULKHEAD MOUNTING HOLE 5.BBDID ~ 6.251.2501 DIA. (STANDARD 1/4INCH "0" HOLE·- RU PUNCH) .£ 2-56 SELF TAPPING SCREWS (METRIC EQUIV. M2.2 x 0.45) MOUNTING HARDWARE: HFBR-4202 (HFBR-2204) 1 1 1 2 1 EMJ/ESD SHIELD 1/4-36 NUT 1/4x .005 INCH WASHER 2-56 SELF TAPPING SCREWS MOUNTING BRACKET Ordering Guide Transmitter: HFBR-1202 (SMA Connector Compatible) HFBR-1204 (SMA Connector Compatiblei Receiver: HFBR-2204 (SMA Connector Compatible) Moun"ling Hardware: HFBR-4202 (SMA Connector Compatible) 8-97 ; ~ Flin- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD PIN PHOTODIODE FIBER OPTIC RECEIVER HFBR-2208 Features • GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE: . 60 MHz Bandwidth at 5 V Reverse Bias Low Capacitance: Less than 1.6 pF 0.29 A/W Minimum Responsivity Low Dark Current: Less than 500 pA • MATES DIRECTLY WITH SMA STYLE CONNECTORS • RUGGED, ISOLATED MINIATURE METAL PACKAGE WITH FACTORY ALIGNED OPTICS Applications • HIGH SPEED FIB.ER OPTIC LINKS • WIDE BANDWIDTH ANALOG FIBER OPTIC LINKS • HIGH SENSITIVITY, LOW BANDWIDTH LINKS • OPTICAL POWER SENSOR Description The HFBR-2208 Fiber Optic Receiver is a silicon PIN photodiode mounted in a rugged metal package. Well suited for high speed applications, the HFBR-2208 Fiber Optic Receiver has low capacitance and low noise. The high coupling efficiency of the miniature package provides·l;i minimum of 0.29 AIW responsivity. Receiver responsivity·includes the optical power lost in coupling light from the fiber onto the PIN photodiode as well as the responsivity of the PIN photodiode itself. HFBR-2208 mates with SMA style connectors. The HFBR-2208 is a member of the family of transmitters and receivers which use the miniature package. HP ·also . offers connectored and unconnectored 100/140 I'm fiber cable in simplex and duplex configurations. Cross Sectional View Mechanical Dimensions HFBR-2208 SMA STYLE COMPATIBLE ~ ~ ~ ~ 0,39 0 1.01---I-+-+--:l,e.4 ~ " 0.996 I > 0.38 I- § 0.9921---I-+'~+--I--t- :; ~ a: 0 0.984 iq ~ !!: ~ 0.37 O,9BO I--I+-+-t--+-+-+---I--I '0 '2 I- IU I 15a: ";! ::J U ~ Z a: "a:" 2.0 '.5 I (j I :I! " I J: TA =+r5~-C ~ , E '.0 ''\ '"~ - .I T~ -- -- _oc '5 ~:::; ~ "z " 2.0 I w U ~ l\ "'\ ~ 05 ~ -55 I 0 30 I '0 '5 Figure 6. 3 dB Bandwidth vs. Reverse Voltage '0 "-' "\ ~ \. I -'5 \ "w~ ......... I -35 ............- ~ iia: ~ 25 > ~ "- -... 45 65 -5 a: I ~ 85 ~ -1 0 -30 -25 -20 -'5 -'0 \ PR - OPTICAL POWER - dBm TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _oC Figure 8. Linearity Characteristic vs. Optical Power Figure 7. Normalized Bandwidth vs. Ambient Temperature 8-100 20 VA -REVERSE VOLTAGE-V ~ '.0 0.15 / z o 1.25 ~ 0 10 1/ V ~ o I 25 ~ Figure 5. Capacitance vs. Reverse Voltage J: '.5 20 0 15 I VR - REVERSE VOLTAGE - V Figure 4. Dark Current vs. Ambient Temperature ~ 1.75 V 250 :a .f '0 ./ 300 5 ~z 200 ~T =+25"C "" Cl 25 35 0 2.5 I 20 Figure 3. Responslvlty vs. Reverse Voltage 3.0 ~ ~ '5 VR - REVERSE VOLTAGE - V 3.5 !llM V 0.365 Figure 2. Normalized Responslvity vs. Ambient Temperature Figure 1. Normalized Responslvity vs. Wavelength b ~ 0/ TA -AMBIENT TEMPERATURE _oC h - WAVELENGTH - nm TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE TA -~I--- 100 VII'S VCM = 10V (Typical) 5.0mA 3000 V dc 2500 V ac HCPL·2601 High Common Mode Rejection, Optically Coupled Logic Gate High Speed Logic Ground Isolation 10 M bills 1000 VII'S 5.0 mA HCPL·2611 Motor Controls Switch·mode Power Supplies Electrically Noisy Environments 6 VOUT 9-19 1M 5000 VII's 4.0 M bills 1000 VII's Optically Coupled Logic Gate ~ 5000 VII's Very High Speed Logic Isolation AIO and Parallel to Serial Conversion 7 v, 9-11 1M VCM = 50 V HCPL·2400 20 MBaud, High Common Mode Rejection, Optically Coupled Logic Gate 3 State Output HCPL·2411 6N137 1M @ High Speed, Long Distance Line Rec l iver, Computer Perip'herallnterfaces CMOS Logic Interface ~ 3000 V dc 2500 V ac 1000 VII's HCPL·2300 Very Low Input Current, High Speed Optocoupler ~IIDGNO [! 1,6mA VCM = 50 V Motor Controls Switch·mode Power Supplies Electrically Noisy Environments J!Jvcc HCPL·2231 Dual Channel Low Input Current CATHODE 1 11 il!V JLl V" Optically Coupled CATHODE 2 ~ ~elID\ID V" Logic Gate ANODE 2 B rL..ffi GN. HCPL·2232 VCC = 20 V Max Withstand Test Specified Voltage Input Page Current Standard' Option mo" No. @ Logic Gate VCC = 20 V Max. ANODEID~.'r.=. 1M 9-35 1M 5 GNO IT \!IVcc ANOOE~~~V' ~ jIDVDUT YGNO ~ ~~ HCPL·2602 Optically Coupled 4 HCPL·2612 +IN 2 -IN 5 M bills HCPL·2201 Low Input Current GNO [! [! Guaran· teed CMR ~+IIDt:DVD HCPL·2202 Optically Coupled ,"ODE [1 CATHODE!} Appllcatlon!t! High Speed Logic Ground Isolation LSTTL, TTL, CMOS Logic Interference Typical Dala Rate [NRZ[ 7 v, '" Line Receiver VOUT 5 GNO Replace Conventional Line Receivers @ 9-4 9-39 1M 5000 VII'S @ VCM=300V 10 M bills 1000 VII'S @ 5000 VII'S @ VCM=300V 'Standard Parts meet the UL1440 V ac test for 1 minute. "Option 010 parts meet the UL 2500 V ac test for 1 minute. 1M VCM = 50 V VCM =50V Electrically Noisy Environments 3000 V dc 2S00 V ac 5.0mA 3000 V de 2S00 V ac 1M 1M 9·43 High-Speed Logic Gate Optocouplers Device .--- Description ANOOE,(j~, ~Vee HCPL·2630 Dual Channel ANOOE,@ tID GNO CATHODE1 ~ ,"t>-~ VOl CATHODE, ~13'~C>-~ V" - Optically Coupled Gate .--HCPL·2631 ANODE, [I ID Vee CATHOOE'~ "C>-~VOI ICATHOOEz~i3'~C>-]I V" ANOOE,@ '---- ]] GNO HCPL-4661 13-: Dual Channel, High Common Mode Rejection, Optically Coupled LogiC Gate ~ Applfcationlll Typical Data Rate [NRZ] Guaran· teed Ratio Line Receiver, High 10 M bitls >100 VI J-tS @ Speed Logic Ground Isolation VCM = 10 V (Typical) High Speed Logic Ground Isolation 10 M bitls 1000 VI J-tS Specified Input Current 5.0 mA Withstand Test Voltage Page Standard' Option 010" No . 3000 V dc 2500 V ac 'iU 5,0 mA @ 3000 V dc 2500 V ac 'iU VCM=50V 9-49 'iU 9-53 'iU 5000 VI J-tS Motor Controls Switch-mode Power Supplies Electrically Noisy Environments @ VCM=300V 'Standard Parts meet the UL 1440 V ac test for 1 minute, "Option 010 parts meet the UL 2500 V ac test for 1 minute, High-speed Transistor Output Optocouplers Device .--- Ill¥F~IDvee ] V, Description 6Nt35 Transistor Output [I ANODE CATHODE @ @ ~ ]I V, ]I GNO 6N136 HCPL·4502 HCPL·2502 ··"m'· HCPL·2530 Line Receiver, Analog Circuits, TTLiCMOS, TTLiLSTTL Ground Isolation Current Transfer Ratio Specified Input Current Standard' Option Of 0" Page No, t M bitls 7% Min. t6mA 3000 V de 2500 V ac 9·57 'iU 'iU 19% Min. Pin 7 Not Connected 15·22% SL5505 CATHODE, 2. ; CATHODE, 3 ; ANODE, 4 APplicatlonl!1 Withstand Test Voltage Typical Data Rate INRZI Dual Channel Transistor Output 7 VOl 6 V" HCPL·2531 5 GNO Telephone circuits, Approved by CNET 1 M bitls Line Receiver, Analog Circuits, TTLiCMOS, TTLiLSTTL Ground Isolation 1 M bltls 15% Min, 16mA t500Vdc 16 mA 3000 V de 9-61 40% Max. 7°10 Min. 'iU 2500 V ac 9·63 'iU 19% Min. High Gain Optocouplers Device B'· ANODE 2 CATHODE -, 4 3,,. ANOOh 4 V, 6N139 5 GNO .. HCPL·2730 6 '.102 HCPL·2731 71101 5 GNO AHOOE~V' 5 Vo 4N45 CATHODE 2 .. " 3 Specilied Input Current Siandard' Option OlD" Page No, Line Receiver, Low Current Ground Isolation, TTLiTTL, LSTTLITTL, CMOS/TTL Line Receiver, Ultra Low Current Ground Isolation, CMOSI LSTTL, CMOSITTL, CMOSICMOS lOOk bitls 300% Min, 1.6 mA 3000 V de 2500 V ac 9-67 Dual Channel. High Gain, Vcc = 7 V Max, Dual Channel, High Gain, Vec = 18 V Max. Line Receiver, Polarity Sensing, Low Current Ground Isolation lOOk bitls Darlington Output Vce = 7 V Max. Darlington Output Vce = 20 V Max, AC Isolation, Relay· Logic Isolation Low Saturation Voltage, High Gain Output. VCC = 7 V Max. 7 V8 .~'~ 2 Current Transler Ratio Description 6N138 4 GNO 4N46 Withstand Test Voltage Typical Data Rate INRZI Low Saturation Voltage, High Gain Output. Vce = 18 V Max, Applicatlonlll 'iU 3k bitls 400% Min, 0,5mA 300% Min. 1.6mA 400% Min, 0,5mA 250% Min, 1.0mA 350% Min. 9-5 0,5 mA 3000 V de 'iU 'iU 2500 V ac 9-71 'iU 3000 V de 2500 V ac 'iU 'iU 9-75 AC/DC to Logic Interface Optocoupler Device '~. 2 Description HCPL·3700 ,7 3 6 4 5 AC/DC to Logic Threshold Sensing Interface Optocoupler Appllcatlonlll Typical Data Rales 4 KHz Limit Switch Sensing. Low Voltage Detector. Relay Contact Monitor Oulpul Currenl Wllhstand Tesl Vollage Slandard' Option Ol~'' 2.5 mA TH+ 1.3 mA TH- 4.2·mA 3000 V dc Input Char· aclarlstlcs Output Char· acterlstlcs Inpul Threshold Currenl 1M _-25Iio V l\C Page No. 9-79 1M 20 mA Current Loop Optocouplers Devlca '~. 2 : 7 3 : 6 4 " 5 Description HCPL·4100 HCPL-4200 i~~ 4 ' 8 7 Optically Coupled 20 mA Current Loop Transmitter Appllcatlonl 11 Isolated 20 mA Current Loop in: • Computer Peripherals • Industrial Control Equipment • Data Communication Equipment Typical Oala Ratas 20 kBd (at TTL/CMOS 27 V Max. 400 metres) Compliance Voltage Optically Coupled 20 mA Current Loop Receiver 6.5mA Typ. Threshold Current 6 Withstand Test Voltaga Standard' Option DID" Paga No. 3000 V dc 2500 V ac 9-85 1M 1M 3 State Output t-9-93 5 Optocoupler Options OptlDn DescrlptlDn 010 SpeCial conslruclion and testing to ensure the capability to withsland 2500 V ac input 10 outpul for one minute. Testing is recognized by Underwriters Laboratories. Inc. (File No. E55361). This specification is required by U.L. in some applications where working voltages can exceed 220 Vac. 9-9 IDa Surface mountable optocoupler in a standard sized dual·in-line package with leads trimmed (butt joint). Provides an optocoupler which is compatible with surface mounting processes. 9-10 'Standard Parts -meet the UL1440 Vae test for 1 minute. "Opiion 010 parts meet the UL 2500 V ae test for 1 minute. 9-6 -- -------~-------------------- 8 Pin Dual-In-Line Package High-Speed Logic Gate Optocouplers Description Device Application '~ iT .. HCPL-5200 Single Channel, Hermetically Sealed Wide Supply Voltage Optocoupler 4 5GNU HCPL-5201 MIL -STD-883 Class B Military/High Reliability 1~" 8 Vcc HCPL-5230 Dual Channel, Hermetically Sealed Wide Supply Voltage Optocoupler High Speed Logic Ground Isolation, LSTTL, TTL, CMOS Logic Interface HCPL-5231 MIL-STD-883 Class B Part MilitarylHigh Reliability HCPL-5400 Single Channel Hermetically Sealed High Speed Optocoupler High Speed Logic Isolation, AID and Parallel/Serial Conversion 2 ';- 3' ~lID 3W lID 2 4 '<-- '~ 2 3 '" 11 " 7 Vo 6 Ve 7 VOl 6 V02 5 GNU ... 7 Ve 6 Vo High Speed Logic Ground Isolation, LSTTL, TTL, CMOS Logic Interface 4 5 GNU HCPL-5401 MIL-STD-883 Class B Part MilitarylHigh Reliability '~ .." HCPL-5430 Dual Channel Hermetically Sealed High Speed Optocoupler High Speed Logic Isolation, Communications, Networks, Computers 4 5 GNU HCPL-5431 MIL-STD-883 Class B Part Military/High Reliability 2 \. 3 "'" IJ 7 VOl 6V02 Typical Data Rate [NRZ] Common Mode Specified Input Current Withstand Test Voltage' Page No. 5 M bitls 1000 ViI's 6.0 rnA 500 Vdc 9-102 I-9-108 40 M bitls 500 ViI's 9.0 rnA 500 Vdc 9-114 '--9-120 High Gain Optocouplers Description Device . .." '~ " 2, 3 4 7NC 6Vo 5GND '~ 2' 3 'l 4 I HCPL-5700 Single Channel Hermetically Sealed High Gain Optocoupler MIL-STD-883 Class B Part HCPL-5730 Dual Channel Hermetically Sealed 7 VOl High Gain Optocoupler 6 V02 5 GND HCPL-5731 MIL-STD-883 Class B Part HCPL-5701 Application Typical Data Rate [NRZJ Line Receiver. Low 60k bills Current Ground Isolation. TTLiTTL. LSTTLITTL. CMOS/TTL Military/High Reliability Line Receiver, Polarity Sensing. Low Current Ground Isolation Military/High Reliability Current Transfer Ratio Specilied Input Current Withstand Test Voltage Page No. 200% Min. O.5mA 500 V dc 9-126 9-'i3O AC/OC to Logic Interface Optocoupler Description Device 't!~r 2 • 3 • 4· HCPL-5760 7NC 6Vu 5GND HCPL-5761 Single Channel Hermetically Sealed Threshold Sensing Optocoupler MIL-STD-883 Class B Part Application Limit Switch Sensing, Low Voltage Detector Relay Contact Montitor Military / High Reliability 9-7 Typical Data Rate 10 kHz Input Threshold Current 2.5 rnA TH+ 1.3 rnA TH- Output Current Withstand Test Voltage Page No. 2.6 rnA 500 V dc 9-134 16 Pin Dual In-Line Package High Speed Transistor Optocouplers Device 'i' ~ Q; Description 4N55 ; ~~~~= ~~LJ Dual Channel Hermetically Sealed Analog Optical Coupler 4N55/8838 MIL-STD-883 Class 8 Part Application Line Receiver. Analog Signal Ground Isolation. SWitching Power Supply Feedback Element Typical Data Rate (NRZI Current Transfer Ratio Specified Input Current Withstand Test Voltage Page No. 700k bitls 9°'0 Min. 16 mA 1500 V dc 9-140 Typical Data Rate (NRZI Common Mode Specified Input Current Withstand Test Voltage Page No. 10M bitls 1000 V/"s 10 mA 1500 V dc 9-145 Military/High Reliability High Speed Logic Gate Optocouplers Device ~~ .If j~ ~ !~ Description 6N134 Dual Channel Hermetically Sealed Optically Coupled Logic Gate Line Receiver. Ground Isolation for High Reliability Systems 8102801EC DESC Approved 6N134 Military/High Reliability HCPL-I930 Dual Channel Hermetically sealed High CMR Line Receiver Optocoupler Line receiver, High Speed Logic Ground Isolation in High Ground or Induced Noise Environments HCPL-I931 MIL-S1O-883 Class 8 Part Military/High Reliability '~v" ~ ~ 11 ~ , ~ GND iVE ::~tc ~£; 1 VE 13VOUT 'rn:r;::" 1 VDUT :~~ 8 10 . Application f--9'149 10M bit/s 1000 VI ItS 10mA 1500 Vdc 9-153 Typical Data Rate (NRZI Current Transfer Ratio Specified Input Current Withstand Test Voltage Page No. lOOk bitls 300% Min. 0.5mA 1500 V dc 9-159 High Gain Optocouplers Description Device Q~~ ~ J ~vcc ~lt~~,V. 4 '1 I VO! ~}J:I>-~V03 ~ !I>-~VM ~5tJ-~G" ~-~ Hermetically Sealed Package Containing 4 Low Input Current. High Gain Optocouplers DESC Approved 8302401EC 6N140A 6N140A/8838 MIL-STD-883 (6NI40/883B) Class 8 Part 6N140A (6NI40) Application Line Receiver, Low Power Ground Isolation for High Reliability Systems Military/High Reliability Use 8302401 EC in New Designs 9-8 - 9-163 - 9-159 OPTOCOUPLER OPTION FOR 2500 Vac/ 1 MINUTE REQUIREMEN;r Features OPTION 010 DEVICE MARKING • SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION AND TESTING • UL RECOGNITION FOR 2500 Vae/1 MINUTE REQUIREMENT (FILE NO. E55361) ./" TYPE NUMBER Fh;;"l xxx~;:: DATE CODE • ~~COGNITlDN a:~YYWW~ • AVAILABLE FOR ALL PLASTIC OPTOCOUPLERS 010, 6~~ • 480 V ae LINE VOLTAGE RATING . . . . OPTION CODE Description Option 010 consists of special construction on a wide range of Hewlett-Packard plastic optocouplers. After assembly, each unit is subjected to an equivalent electrical performance test to insure its capability to withstand 2500 Vac input to output for 1 minute. This test is recognized by Underwriters' Laboratory as proof that these components may be used in many high voltage applications. 5pecifications All specifications for optocouplers remain unchanged when this option is ordered. The 2500 Vac/1 Minute capability is validated by a factory 3200 Vac/1 Second dielectric voltage withstand test. Applications Ordering Information The 2500 Vac/1 Minute dielectric withstand voltage is required by Underwriters Laboratory when components are used in certain types of electronic equipment. This requirement also depends on the specific application within the equipment. Some applicable UL documents are listed below. UL Spec. Number 1577 114 347 478 508 544 698 773 913 916 1012 ·1244 1410 To obtain this high voltage capability on plastic optocouplers order the standard part number and Option 010. Examples: 6N135 Option 010 HCPL-3700 Option 010 This option is currently available on all standard catalog plastic optocouplers except SL5505. Specification Title Standard for Optical Isolators Applications Appliance and Business Equipment High Voltage Industrial Control Equipment Information Processing and Business Equipment Industrial Control Equipment Medical and Dental Equipment Industrial Control Equipment for Use in Hazardous Locations Plug-in, Locking Type Photocontrols Intrinsically Safe Apparatus and Associated Apparatus Standard for Energy Management Equipment Power Supplies Electrical and Electronic Measuring and Testing Equipment Television and Video Products 9-9 F4.. HEWLETT .:'~ PACKARD SURFACE MOUNT OPTION FOR OPTOCOUPlERS OPTION 100 Features • SURFACE MOUNTABLE Leads Trimmed for a Butt Joint Connection • COMPATIBLE WITH,VAPOR PHASE REFLOW AND WAVE SOLDERING PROCESSES • MEETS ALL ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF CORRESPONDING STANDARD PART' NUMBERS • LEAD COPLANARITY WITHIN 0.004 INCHES • AVAILABLE FOR ALL OPTOCOUPLERS IN PLASTIC PACKAGES • AVAILABLE IN STANDARD SHIPPING TUBES Description Ordering Information Option 100 is an optocoupler in a standard sized dual-in-line package, with trimmed leads (butt joint>. The distance from , the printed circuit board (PCB), to the bottom of the optocoupler package, will be typically 0.035 ,inches. The height of the optocoupler package is typically 0.150 inches, leaving a distance of 0.185 inches from PCB to the top of the optacoupler package. ' Option 100 is available for all optocouplers in plastic packages. To. obtain surface-mountable optocouplers, order'the standard part number and Option 100. Examples: 6N136 Option 100 Applications Option 100 enables electronic component assemblers to include HP optocouplers on a PCB that utilizes surfacemount assembly processes. Option 100 does not require "through holes" in a PCB. This reduces board costs, while potentially increasing assembly rates and increasing companent density per board. HCPL-22oo Option 100 OPTION 100 DRAWING TVP£NUM8ER r/~ xxxx a!~vvww , '. 100 t~: "T:-'l""T":"T""T':"T""I'~ specifications OATEOOIIE UL RECOGNITION OPTION CODE a All electrical specifications for optocouplers remain unchanged whIm this option is ordered. In addition, the device will withstand typical vapor phase reflow soldering conditions of 215° C for 30 seconds, and wave solder immersion for 5 seconds, @ 260°C. DIMilN$IONS IN MI L.UMETRES IINCHES) Not.: For complete dimensions, refer 10 outline drawing of corresponding catalog part number. 9-10 ---.-~-.-- F/iO'l .. - -..- - - -------- HEWLETT ~e.. PACKARD lOW INPUT CURRENT lOGIC GATE OPTOCOUPlER HCPL-2200 SCHEMATIC : 1 ~--,----o8 Vee +J~1" 2 _"··40,1.370J ii,OO 13001 _ VF - i 7 6 ;rYPENUMBEA I •. 10~ 7,36 (,2oo) 6,60 (.260) 1 1 UL ~=-;-rnr:;-,...,...,-J RECOGNITION ~----~-----4-------oGND SHIELD ..i Tt----I--ry~~=-~ 5 OATE COOE 1 3 a 0.181.0071 O.33/1ii3l •. 1 1 1 TRUTH TABLE (Positive Logic) 1]l![:j'jjj') I I ~_,,==::::;::;;;:;=- 5 Features • COMPATIBLE WITH LSTTL, TTL, AND CMOS LOGIC • WIDE Vcc RANGE (4.5 TO 20 VOLTS) • 2.5 MBAUD GUARANTEED OVER TEMPERATURE • LOW INPUT CURRENT (1.6 mA) • THREE STATE OUTPUT (NO PULLUP RESISTOR REQUIRED) • GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE FROM 0° C TO +85°C • INTERNAL SHIELD FOR HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION • RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF U.L. (FILE NO. E55361) FOR DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND PROOF TEST VOLTAGES OF 1440 Vac, 1 MINUTE AND 2500 Vac, 1 MINUTE (OPTION 010). • . HCPL-5200/1 COMPATIBILITY OIMENSIONS IN MllLIMETAE:S ANt) {INCHES). eliminates the need for a pullup resistor and allows for direct drive of data busses. The hysteresis provides differential mode noise immunity and eliminates the potential for output Signal chatter. The detector IC has an internal shield that provides a guaranteed common mode transient immunity of 1,000 volts/!,sec. Higher CMR specifications are available upon request. Improved power supply rejection eliminates the need for special power supply bypassing precautions. The Electrical and Switching Characteristics of the HCPL2200 are guaranteed over the temperature range of 0° C to 85° C. The HCPL-2200 is guaranteed to operate over a Vee range of 4.5 volts to 20 volts. Low IF and wide Vee range allow cOiroatibility with TTL, LSTTL, and CMOS logic. Low IF and low Icc result in lower power consumption compared to other high speed optocouplers. Logic signals are transmitted with a typical propagation delay of 160 nsec. Applications • • • • • • • The HCPL-2200 is useful for isolating high speed logic interfaces, buffering of input and output lines, and implementing isolated line receivers in high noise environments. Isolation of High Speed Logic Systems Computer-Peripheral Interfaces Microprocessor System Interfaces Ground Loop Elimination Pulse Transformer Replacement Isolated Buss Driver High Speed Line Receiver Recommended Operating Conditions Description The HCPL-2200 is an optically coupled logic gate that com- . bines a GaAsP LED and an integrated high gain photon detector. The detector has a three state output stage and has a detector threshold with hysteresis. The three state output 9-11 Parameter Power Supply Voltage Enable Voltage High Enable Voltage -Low Forward Input Current Forward Input Current Operating Temperature Fan Out Symbol Vce VEH Vel IF(ON) IF(OFF) TA N Units Min. Max. Volts 4.5 20 2.0 . 20 Volts Volts 0 0.8 rnA 1.6 5 mA 0.1 85111 0 'C TTl. Loads 4 Absolute Maximum Ratings Recommended Circuit Design (No Derating Required up to 70· C) ..----1~o() ~~I ~c.;) 0--,,;_...,120 pF Storage Temperature ••.••.••.•...••• -55·C to +125·C Operating Temperature •..•..••.••.. -40·C to +85·Cll! Lead Solder Temperature •.•.•.•...••.• 260· C for 10 s (1.6 mm below seating plane) Average Forward Input Curr,ent - IF •.•••...••.. 10 mA Peak Transient Input Current - IF •.....•.••.•••..• 1A (:51 I'S Pulse Width, 300 pps) Reverse Input Voltage ............................ 5V Supply Voltage - Vee ••••...•••••• O.OV min., 20V max. Three State Enable Voltage - Va ......... . • . . . . . . • • . . • . • .• -C.5V min., 20V max. Output Voltage - Vo ..........•.. -C.5V min., 20V max. Total Package Power Dissipation - P .......................... 210 mWll! Average Output Current - 10 .••••••••••••••••• 25 mA DATA I I OUTPUT , : ,,~: •.J ">-0 : ~'f' UP TO 16 LSTTL I I LOADS , r'-.!., OR 4 TTL LOADS H DATA INPUT I I l,.A" >-0 I 11"... ' L1 .-I "'>--0 - Figure 1. Recommended LSTTL to LSTTL Circuit Electrical Characteristics For DoC::; TAil!::; 8S D C. 4.S V::; Vee::; 20 V. 1.6 rnA ::;IF(ON)::; S rnA. 2.0 V::; VEH::; 20 V. 0.0 V::; VEL::; 0.8 V. o rnA ::;IF(OFF)::; 0.1 rnA. All Typicals at TA = 2S D C. Vee = SV, IF(ON) = 3 rnA unless otherwise specified. Parameter = Symbol Logic Low Output Voltage LogiC High Output Voltage VOL VOH Output Leakage Current ,VOUT:> Vec', IOHH Logic High Enable Voltage VeH Logic Low Enable Voltage VeL Min. Typ. Max. Unlt$ Test Conditions Voila IOL '" 6.4 rnA (4 TTL Loadal 2.4 . 0.5 Volts pA 100 500 ~ leH Logic Low Enable Current la O.B ICCL LogIc High Supply Current ICCH "A pA =~eN=2.7V fJA VEN = 20V mA VEN = OAV 4.5 6.0 mA Vee = 5.5V IF=OmA 5.25 7.S mA Vec =20V VEl '" Oon't Care 2.7 4.5 mA Vce=5.5V 3.1 6.0 Logic High Short CiroUit Output Current IOSH Input CUrrent Hysteresis IH'ls Input Forward Voltage VF Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage VR Input Diode Temperature Coefficient -.lTA Input-Output Insulalion 11-0 I IF=5mA, ~=20V -20 fJ HPA pA 500 IO$~ Vcc=4.6V Vo=20V 250 IOZH Logie Low Short Circuit Output Current VEl '" Don't ~re Vo=O.4V VEN '" 2V,IF "" 5 mA Vo=2.4V VEN = 2V. IF =0 Vo=5.5V !'A Vo=20V 25 mA Vo = Vee = 5.5V 40 mA Vo = Vee =2OV -10 mA VCC""5.5V -25 mA Vcc= 20V mA Vce~5V 0.12 1.5 1.70 5 :J,VF -1.7 2 4 Volts IR= 10!,A, T A "25"C 45% flH,t '" 5s,VI_O"'3kV dC,TA"'25 D C t "" 1 min. VRMS flH ::; 50%. 1012 ohms V,-O '" 500 VDC Input-output Capacitance C,..(l 0.6 pF f= 1 MHz, VI..(l '" OVDC Input Capacitance C'N 60 pF f., 1 MHz. VF '" OV, Pins 2 and 3 9-12 5 IF=5mA RJ..o VISO 2500 IF=5mA, VO=GNO =25"C IF'" 5 rnA, TA pA 1 2 .. Volts mV!'C IF=OmA Inpu!-Oulpul Resi$lance OPT. OW 3 1,,"'SmA -0.32 loll. High Impedance State Output Current I Volts 100 .004 Logic Low Supply Current 'VOH" VCC- 2•1II Note 2.0 20 Logic High Enable Current 10H =-2.6mA Vo~5.5V figure 2 3.7 e 3 3 switching Characteristics 0.0 mA:S IF(OFF):S 0.1 rnA. All Typicals at TA ~ For O'C:s TAlll:s 85'C, 4.5V:S Vee:S 20V, 1.6 mA:S IF(ON):S 5 rnA, 25'C, Vee ~ 5V, IF(ON) ~ 3 rnA unless otherwise specified. Min. uti lIs Max. Typ. 4,5 6,7 4,5 Propagation Delay Time to Logic High Output Level tPLH Output Enable Time to Logic High tPZH 25 ns 8,10 Output Enable Time 10 Logic Low tPZl 28 ns 8,9 Output Disable Time from Logic High tPHZ 105 ns 8,10 Output Disable Time IPLZ 60 ns 8,9 Output Rise Time (10-90%1 t( 55 ns 6,11 Output fall Time (90-10%) If 15 ns 210 160 170 115 ns Without Pellking Capacitor With Peaking Capaoitor ns Without Peaking"Capacitor With Peaking Capacitor 300 300 ". 6,11 Logic High Common Mode ICMHI Transient fmmunily 1000 10,000 VII's TA '" 2S'C.IF ~ 1.6 mA VeM ~ 50 V 12,13 6 Logic Low Common Mode Transient Immunity 1000 10,000 Vlj.J.s T A - 25' C, IF - 0 VCM"'50V 12,13 6 ICMLI 1 0.9 w CI vL ')OV- 0.8 ",-S.4mA- tF:"'QmA V~.4.~V _ 1 0.7 0,6 ~ 0,5 ...J 0.4 0,3 § 0.2 I w Vo"'1..7V -3 Va "2AV ~ O. 1 I o -so ~g \ -4 "- .... -6 TA" 25"C > -5 ~ V~=4.5V III "'SmA 1\ -2 ~ o Nole 6,7 tPHL ~ := Figure $ymbol tram Logic Low ~ g Tesl Conditions Parameler Propagation Delay Time to Logic Low Output Level " ::> o I ~ lOt'" 6.4 rnA -7 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 -. -60 -40 TA - TEMPERATURE -"C Figure 2. Typical Logic Low Output Voltage vs. Temperature 'Oti "'-VirnA ~ 20 -20 40 60 80 °0~----~.5------~----'~.5~--~ 100 IF -INPUT CURRENT - rnA TA - TEMPERATURE _oC Figure 3. Typical Logic High Output Current vs. Temperature Figure 4. Oulpul Voltage vs. Forward Input Current PULSE GENERATOR Vee E I > D, ~ 0 D, "0 D, ~ ';'t" 0 IE I f; RI 2.15 Kn 1.1 Kn GaUl I (ONI 1.6mA 3mA SmA 50L-~--J-~--~~~~--~~ ALL DIODES ARE lN916DR lN3064 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS INPUT IF -d ------ Figure 5. Typical tnput Diode Forward Characteristic -60 ___ IF (ON) -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 TA - TEMPERATURE _·C -)50% 'F{ONI PLH OUTPUT Vo 1001----+-f-2II11O!!'+-t--+--f---l ~ --------1.3V VOL tPHL OmA .--VOH Figure 6. Test Circuit lor tpLH, tpHl> to and tf 9-13 Figure 7. Typical Propagation Delays vs. Temperature . - - - . . . , CL • 15 pF INCLUDING PROBE PULSE AND JIG CAPACIT ANCE ~ +5V GENERATOR Vee c!» Zg=50n 100 81 tr=tt.- Sns Vo Ct. • ~ 16 pF I ~ 80 e 2 D. D3 ~ 60 lE 40 "~ D4 w ~ :\! 20 ff; INPUT I V, b 0 -60 TA - TEM-:'ERATURE _ °C TA - TEMPERATURE _·C Vo Vee 120 ~cc'5~ CL-t5pF 2 100 I / w ! :c 80 ~ ~ 50 Ii;: I V 4D "; ....., V ~,oooo .11 I 9000 r LoooJI "~ 7000 ~ -5DV VeM OV ' SWITCH AT A: IF ·1.6 mA ,VOH~ " 20 6ODO ~ 5000 II . . ~ 4000 ......... 50 -4D ffi a: 20 o Figure 10. Typical LOgic High Enable Propagation Delay vs. Temperature Figure 9. Typical Logic Low Enable Propagation Delay vs. Temperature Figure 8. Test Circuit for tpHZ, tpZH. tpLZ. and tpZL 20 OUTPUT 40 60 80 SWITCH AT 8: IF .. 0 mA vo.~ 100 VOL TA .,.. TEMPEflATURE _·C ~ 3000 i§ 2000 ! I tl 1000 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 VCM -COMMON MODE TRANSIENT VOLTAGE-V "SEE NOTE 6 Figure 11. Typical Rise. Fall Time VB. Temperature Figure 12., Test Circuit for Common Mode Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms Figure 13. Typical Common Mode, Transient Immunity vs. Common Mode Transient Amplitude VCC2 l4.5ta 20VI VCCI Ii5VI DATA INPUT Figure 14; LSTTL to CMOS Interface Circuit Figure 15. Recommended LED Drive Circuit Figure 16. Series LED,Drlve with Open Collector Gate (6.04 K!l Resistor Shunts IOH from the LED) The 120 pF capacitor may be omitted in applications where 500 ns propagation 'delay is sufficient. Notes: 1. Derate total package power dissipation, P, linearly above 70° C free air temperature at a rate of 4.5 mW/oC. 2. Duration of output short circuit time should not exceed 10 ms. 3. Device considered a two terminal device: pins 1, 2, 3 and 4 shorted together. and pins 5, 6. 7 and 8 shorted together. 4. The tpLH propagation delay is measured from the 50% point on the leading edge of the input pulse to the 1.3V point on the leading edge of the output pulse. The tPHL propagation delay is measured from the 50% point on the trailing edge of the input pulse to the 1.3V point on the trailing edge of the output pulse. When the peaking capacitor is omitted, propagation delay times may increase by 100 ns. 6. CML is the maximum rate of rise of the common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic low state (Va < 0.8VI. CMH is the maximum rate of fall of the common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic high state (Vo > 2.0VI. 7. This is a proof test. This rating is equally validated by a 2500'Vac. 1 sec. test. 8. See Option 01,0 data sheet for more information. 5. 9-14 ~--- -~~~~-~~~~--.-----.-- ---- ~--- VERY HIGH CMR, WU9E VCC LOGIC GATE OPTOCOUPLER .. +~~ T 2 :I 3 I I H,§~L-2202 HCPL-2211 HCPL-2212 . ~ ~~ SCHEMATIC I HceL-2201 OUTLINE DRAWING ....----_----08 Vee Va VF - I -1 ___ I 1- .,:.4---- 1.73 ( 070) MAX L19 1-047) MAX TRUTH TA91.S ~POSITIVE t.OGIC~ .. ,,_: __ HPCL-2201!11 ~t0901 2:.80 Cno) HCPL-2202!12 DIMENSIONS tN Mltl.lMHAES ANo (lNCHES). Features Description • VERY HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION, 5 KVJMsec AT 300 V GUARANTEED (HCPL-2211/12) The HCPL-2201/02/11/12 are single-channel, opticallycoupled logic gates. The detectors have totem pole output stages and optical receiver input stages with built-in Schmitt triggers to provide logic-compatible waveforms, eliminating the need for additional waveshaping. • WIDE Vcc RANGE (4.5 TO 20 VOLTS) • 300 ns PROPAGATION DELAY GUARANTEED OVER THE FULL TEMPERATURE RANGE o 5 MBAUD TYPICAL DATA RATE o LOW INPUT CURRENT (1.6 mA) o TOTEM POLE OUTPUT (NO PULLUP RESISTOR REQUIRED) • GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE FROM _40 0 C TO +85 0 C • RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF U.L. (FILE NO. E55361) FOR DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND PROOF TEST VOLTAGES OF 1440 Vac, 1 MINUTE AND 2500 Vac, 1 MINUTE (OPTION 010) A superior internal shield on the HCPL-2211112 guarantees common mode transient immunity of 5,000 V/Msec at a common mode voltage of 300 volts. The electrical and switching characteristics of the HCPL2201/02/11/12 are guaranteed from -400 C to +85 0 C and a Vce from 4.5 volts to 20 volts. Low I F and wide Vee range allow compatibility with TTL, LSTTL, and CMOS logic and result in lower power consumption compared to other high speed couplers. Logic signals are transmitted with a typical propagation delay of 150 nsec. Recommended operating Conditions Parameter Applications • ISOLATION OF HIGH SPEED LOGIC SYSTEMS • COMPUTER-PERIPHERAL INTERFACES • MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM INTERFACES • PULSE TRANSFORMER REPLACEMENT • HIGH SPEED LINE RECEIVER Units Power Supply Voltage Vee 4.5 20 Forward Input Current IF{ON) 2.2' 5 mA VF(OFF) - 0.8 Volts Operating Temperatu TA -40 85 ·C Fan Out N 4 TTL Loads Forward Input ~ • GROUND LOOP ELIMINATION Symbol Min. Max. Volts '2.2 mA condition includes an LED degradation guard band. Initial switching threshold is 1.6 mA or less. See Figure 11. 9-15 Recommended Circuit Design ,-----.--0 i~J) DATA ,I OUTPUT : i"~. . . . :l. . . >.;;.~o I r-., +. . 16 LSTTL LOADS OR 4 TTL LOADS i[........... -O DATA INPUT I I r··.. . L.1 "..:>--0 L- Absolute Maximum Ratings (No Derating Required up to 70°C) Storage Temperature ................... -55°C to +125°C Operating Temperature .................. -40°C to +85°C Lead Solder Temperature ................. 260°C for 10 s (1.6 mm below seating plane) Average Forward Input Current-IF ............... 10 mA Peak Transient Input Current-IF .................... 1 A (:=;1 ,.,s Pulse Width, 300 pps) Reverse Input Voltage .............................. 5 V SupplyVoltage-Vcc ............... O.OV min., 20V max. Output Voltage - Vo ............... -0.5 V min., 20 V max. Total Package Power Dissipation - P ........... 210 mWI1) Average Output Current -10 ..................... 25 mA -0.1 ~F BYPASS SEe NOTE 8 Figure 1. Recommended LSTTL to LSTTL Circuit Electrical Characteristics . -40°C:=; TA:S 85°C, 4.5 v:s Vce:S 20 V, 1.6 mA:S IF(ON):S 5 mA, OV:s VF(OFF):S 0.8 V, unless otherwise specified. All Typicals at TA = 25°C. Parameter Symbol LogiC Low Output Voltage . VOL Logic High Output Voltage :VOH OutPLit Leakage Current (Vour:> Vccl ' '., .:. :",: Logic !-Ugh SUPPlY· Current leCH Logic Low Sholj.DircUlt Output Current ,> idsl ., ..OSH '" InPUt.Forward Voltage .VF Input'Rever$8 Bili'!akdown Voltage ' ... VR InpulDiode Temperature Ooefficlent 100 pA Vo" 5.5V 500 pA Vo" 20V Vee "S.5V 2.4 4.0 Vee = 5,5V 2.7 5.0· 7,0 mA mA Vee =4.5V IF=5mA Vee = 20V mA Vo '" Vee'" 5,5 V mA Vo=Vec=20V rnA Vee = 5.5V -20 mA Vee::: 20V 1.5 1.70 '- Vp=OV 2 II'''' SmA Vo =GND. 2 Volts IF=SmA, TA=2S·0 5 Volts IR =10MA, TA '" 2S·C 5 ' AVF 3,4,8 VF=OV Vce= 20V 15 . ,~ Note 2,4 Ip"'SmA Vge=4.5 V 20 mVl"C IF =SmA -1.7 ATA .... Inpilt-Outputlnsulatlon IOH=-2,6mA ~ tmA 3.7 . Figure Volts IOL = 6.4 mA(4 TTL Loads) IOH = ..().4mA 4.3 . Units Test Conditions Volts . ,', . 2.4 2.7 . : '.cCL .' 0.5 "'. Logic High Short Circuit Output Current . TYP· Max, IOHH LogloLoW Supply Current ,". Min. 1 {I-O p.A IVr-o = 3000 VDe "" . 3,6 Reletive Humidity = 45% .. \ OPTION 010 'VISO 2500 min. VRMS Input~Dutput ReSistance RI-O 1012 Input-Output Oapacitance CI-O 0.6 pF f'" 1 MHz, V.-o = OVDC OIN 60 pF f = 1 MHz. VI''' Ov,Plns 2 and 3 Input Capacitance ohms VI'O '" 500 voe 9-16 7 3 3 switching Characteristics -40°C:s TA:S 85°C, 45V:S Vee:S 20 V, 1.6mA:S IF(ON):S 5 mA, OV:S VF(OFF):S 0.8V. All Typicals at TA " 25°C. Vee" 5V, IF(ON) " 3mA unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Typ, Min, Max. Units 150 tpHL Propagation Delay Time to Logic High Output Level tpLH Output Rise Time (10-90%) tr 30 ns Output Fall Time (90-10~!o) tf 7 nsi 90 ICMHI Logic Low Common Mode Transient Immunity ICMLI ~ 0.8 g 0, 7 I- 0,6 ~ o .J ~ 0.5 0.4 ... 0.3 ~ 0.2 ~ ~ vc:t .. 4.! v. . v~ "' av r- -60 -40 Grins Test Co'nditions 1,000 VII's !Vcml=50V 5,000 VII'S IVem 1= 300 V 1,000 VII's IVcml:c50V 5,000 Vlp.S IVcml=300V 40 5 2()~C I ~ g -,' w -5 :r -6 ~ " l(j "'-2.6mA f- ::> ~ 1;o I o > ;: -7 10 "'SArnA. o o 100 TA - TEMPERATURE - Figure 2. Typical Logic Low Output Voltage va. Temperature 10 w ~ 80 5 Vee'" 4,5 V -3 ::> 0 GO 10 VF =OV Vee= 5 V TA = 25°C 'fA" -2 I 20 Note > 1i -20 Figure IF" 1,6 mA Vee ;'5 V T A" 25°C -1 ~ l- 6,9 , ::> - 4 ,', ~ 13 O. I o HCPL-2201 HCPL-2202 HCPL-2211 HCPL-2212 ~ 6, 7 6,9 ~ 10 • 6.4 mA- 4 With Peaking Capacitor Min. Logic High Common Mode Transient Immunity 1 6.7 Without Peaking Capacitor 300 Device O. 9 Note With Peaking Capacitor I"": ns f10 HCPL-2201 HCPL-2202 HCPL-2211 HCPL-2212 I w I;i{', 300 150 Symbol > Figure Without Peaking Capacitor Propagation Delay Time to Logic Low Output L!i'V!i'1 Parameter Test Conditions 1.0 0,5 °c 1.5 IF - INPUT CURRENT - rnA Figure 4. Output Voltage VB. Forward Input Current Figure 3. Typical Logic High Output Current va. Temperature PULSE GENERATOR Vee 5V 250 D, D, ~ I IS US-EI), > see 0: RI 2.15 Kn 1.10 Kn 681 n IF (ON) 1.6 rnA 3 rnA 5 rnA "z >= "";t ALL DIODES ARE 1N916 OR 1N3064 ~ -::.- THE PROBE AND JIG CAPACITANCES ::> " ~ ARE INCI.UDED IN C, AND C2. i I (NPUT IF OUTPUT Vo VF - FORWARD VOL lAGE - VOLTS Figure 5. Typical Input Diode Forward Characteristic d. ------: - - - - I F (ONi -)50% IF(ONI ~,~r-=vo~rnA ~---------~VOL. ·0.1 jJF BYPASS SEE NOTE 8 0 (mAl FIGURE G. 200 '/ ~ ffi 0: t, Vet;' e" 50 -60 V V 40 -20 .-:::: ~ ,./ / ,./ V 20 V 40 / 60 • 21.6 1.S- 6 SO 100 TA - TEMPERATURE _·C Figure 6. Circuit for tpLH, tpHL, t r , tf 9-17 Figure 7. Typical Propagation Delays Temperature VB. 20 > . I to. ~ ·1 5 g ~ o . 100 n'PICA~ VQtI tJ$. Vee AT lo ""-2.6 mA T,p, -as"c 10 -' V / ~ :z: ";: / '/ / ,..;:: 0 -' ~ ili' 00 10 15 o Vee - SUPPLY VOLTAGE,- V 1.0 .§ IIcc IFIO~ 0 ~ '" 0.8 :z: ff- ffi '"::>'" "~ f- 0.7 0.• ~ r SWITCH AT A: I, .. 1.6 rnA VOH~ OUTPUT 'f 20 SWITCH AT B: V F = 0 V vo~ 40 60 80 Figure 9. Typical Rise, Fall Time vs. Temperature 100 VOL • SEE NOTE 5, 8 Figure 10. Test Circuit for Common Mode Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms ~/ l5.Q 0.• 13 -VCMPEAK OV TA - TEMPERATURE _ °C Figure 8. Typical LogiC High Output Voltage vs. Supply Voltage ;; - -60 -40 -20 20 IVeMI .~ . . .. ~- I % ~ I 0 a: ,/ I Joe .Jv 80 f ~ <"(OFF! ~ 0.5 -60 -:-40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 Flgur!! 11. Typical Input Threshold Current vs. Temperature Figure 12. LSTTL to CMOS Interlace Circuit Figure 13. Alternative LED Drive Circuit Figure 14. Series LED Drive with Open Collector Gate (6.04 KG Resistor Shunts IOH from the LED) Notes: 1. Derate 10tal package power dissipation, P, linearly above 70°C free air temperature at a rate of 4.5 mW/oC. 2. Duration of output short circuit time should not exceed 10 ms. 3. Device considered a two terminal device: pins 1, 2, 3 and 4 shorted together, and pins 5, 6; 7 and S shorted together. 4. The tpLH propagation delay is measured from the 50% point on the leading edge of the input pulse to the 1.3 V point on the leading edge of the output pulse. The tpHL propagation delay is measured from the 50% point on the trailing edge of the input pulse to the .1.3 V point on the trailing edge of the output pulse: 5. CML is the maximum slew rate of the common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic low state. Vo < O.SV. CMH is the maximum slew rate of the common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic high state Vo > 2.0 V. 6. This is a proof test to validate the UL 220 Vac rating. This rating is equally validated by a 2500 Vac 1 sec· test. 7. See Option 010 data sheet for more information. S. For HCPL-2202/12, Vo is on pin 6 9-18 VERY HIGH CMR, WIDE Vee DUAL LOGIC GAlE HCPL-2231 HCPL-2232 OPlQ~QUPLER SCHEMATIC OUTLINE DRAWING ~ .....-...1 II-~ 9.90 (,300) I" +v): -! 5 -J DAfE CODE 4 + ~ ~ _! 6Ta (Xci l I -------==_ PIN1riT,,...,..,,,..,r.;-r-r:;T.J RECOGNITIQN ONEIl T 6.10 \.24OJ ],36lJ2Qi 7.88 (:JTOI UL L.-_ _+--_...,...---' 3 v" ! 1 !+---.-1,7S{,070lMAX ............... 1,191-0411 MAX .......!I 1 .----~====- • I .-"'-~CJ....J'-"-'-""-"'-iTYPE NUMSER ---I 2 {Ita 1.007) rn (]'fJJ I --I ---I I I I L--==-~---+----+---<>GND Features Description .. VERY HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION 5 KVJtlsec AT 300 V GUARANTEED (HCPL-2232) The HCPL-2231/2 are dual-channel, optically-coupled logic gates. The detectors have totem pole output stages and optical receiver input stages with built-in Schmitt triggers to provide logic compatible waveforms, eliminating the need for additional waveshaping. .. WIDE Vcc RANGE (4.5 TO 20 VOLTS) .. 300 ns PROPAGATION DELAY GUARANTEED OVER THE FULL TEMPERATURE RANGE .. 5 MBAUD TYPICAL DATA RATE .. LOW INPUT CURRENT (1.8 rnA) .. TOTEM POLE OUTPUT (NO PULLUP RESISTOR REQUIRED) .. GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE FROM -40°C TO +85°C .. RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF U.L. (FILE NO. E55361) FOR DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND PROOF TEST VOLTAGES OF 1440Vac, 1 MINUTE AND 2500 Vac, 1 MINUTE (OPTION 010) .. HCPL-5230/1 COMPATIBILITY A superior internal shield on the HCPL-2232 guarantees common mode transient immunity of 5,000 V/!,sec at a common mode voltage of 300 volts. The electrical and switching characteristics of the HCPL223112 are guaranteed from -40°C to +85°C and a Vee from 4.5 volts to 20 volts. Low I F and wide Vee range allow compatibility with TTL, LSTTL, and CMOS logic and result in lower power consumption compared to other high speed couplers. Logic Signals are transmitted with a typical propagation delay of 150 nsec. Recommended operating Conditions Parameter Applications Power Supply Voltage .. ISOLATION OF HIGH SPEED LOGIC SYSTEMS Input Current (High) .. COMPUTER-PERIPHERAL INTERFACES .. GROUND LOOP ELIMINATION .. PULSE TRANSFORMER REPLACEMENT .. HIGH SPEED LINE RECEIVER Min. Max. Units Vee 4.5 20 Volts IF (ON) 2.5' 5 rnA Volts VF(OFF) - 0.8 Operating Temperature TA -40 85 °C Fan Out per Channel N 4 TTL Loads Input Voltage {Low) .. MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM INTERFACES Symbol '2.5 mA condition includes an LED degradation guardband. Initial switching threshold is 1.8 mA or less. See Figure 12. 9-19 Absolute Maximum Ratings Recommended Circuit Design CHANNEL ONE SHOWN Storage Temperature ., ................. -55°C to +125°C Operating Temperature .................. -40°C to +B5°C Lead Solder Temperature ................. 260°C for 10 s (1.6 mm below seating plane) Average Forward Input Current-IF ............. 10 mAPI Peak Transient Input Current-IF .................. 1 API (51 ,..s Pulse Width, 300 pps) Reverse Input Voltage ............................ 5 VI11 Supply Voltage - Vee ............... 0.0 V min., 20 V max. OutputVoltage-Vo ............. -0.5V min., 20V max.PI Total Package Power Dissipation ................. 294 mW Output Power Dissipation - Po per Channel ........ Fig. B Average Output Current-I o per Channel ......... 25 mA r----.()~~~l DATA OUTPUT ~ ..r""~",,>-O : i. . . . . . UP TO 16 LSTTL I. I I ......... LOADS OR 4 TTL LOADS H DATA INPUT I -;"-.() t........... PER CHANNEL : r. . . . L-i :;~~o l......f *0.1 pF BYPASS Figure 1. Recommended LSTTL to LSTTL Circuit Electrical Characteristics -40°C 5 TA 5 B5°C, 4.5 V 5 Vee 5 20 V, I.B mA 5 I F(ON) 5 5 mA, 0 V 5 VF (OFF) 5 O.B V, unless otherwise specified. All Typicals at TA " 25°C. Symbol Parameter Logic Low Output Voltage VOL Logic High Output Voltage VOH Output Leakage Current (VOUT> Vecl IOHH Logic Low Supply Current lecL Logic High Supply Current loSL Logic High Short Circuit Output Current laSH VF Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage VR Input Diode Temperature Coefficient AVr: -ATA OPTION010 'TYP· 0.5 Units Test Conditions Volts IOL ~ SAmA (4 TTL Loads) Volts 'oH"-2.6mA IOH"'-o·4mA 100 /lA Va" 5.5V 500 ,..A Vo 7.4 12.0 mA Vee" 5.5V 8.6 14.0 mA Vee" 'l0V 4.B 8.0 mA Vee" 5.5V SA 10.0 mA Vee'" 'l0V 15 mA Va =Vee" 5.5V 20 mA Va" Vee" 'l0V ='20 V ~=5.5V = -10 Input Forward Voltage I Max. m lecH Logic Low Short Circuit Output Current Input-Output Insulation Min. -20 m t5 1.7 Volts "'l0V Vee =4.5 V -1.7 Note 2,4 1 3,4.9 1 IF=5mA Vee" 4.5 V 1 VF"'OV IF"5mA VF=OV 1,2 IF'" 5mA Vo"GND 1, '2 IF=5mA,TA "25"C Volts IR" 10/lA, TA" 25°C 5 Figure 5 1 1 mVI"C IF"5mA 1 '1-0 2500 p.A VI-O " 3000 VDC TA '" 25°C, t " 5 s Relative Humidity" 45% 3,6 VRMS RH 5 50%, t '" 1 min, 7 ohms VI-O '" 500 VDC 3 Input-Output Resistance VISO RI_o I nput-Output Capacitance CI-O 0.6 pF f" 1 MHz. V'-o" OVDC 3 Input Capacitance C IN 60 pF f" 1 MHz. VF" 0 V 1 ,..A Relative Humidity" 45% t"5s, VI-!" 500V 8 1012 • I nput-lnput Insulation Leakage Current IH 0.005 Resistance (Input·lnput) RI_ 1 1011 n VI-! =500 V 8 Capacitance (Input-Input) CI_1 0.25 pF f'" 1 MHz 8 9-20 ---------.------ Switching Characteristics -40°C :STA:S 85°C, 4.5V:S Vee:S 20 V, 1.8mA:S IF(ON):S 5mA, O:S VF(OFF):S 0.8 V. All Typicals at TA = 25°C, Vee = 5 V, IF(ON) = 3 mA unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Propagation Delay Time 10 Logic Low Output Level tpHL 110 Without pe3f I w VQ'"2.1V 5 0.3 ~ '" Note Ir 0.5 ~ With Peaking C~ 300 Figure Output Fall Time (90-10%) ::0 ~ Without Peaking Capacitor Output Rise Time (10-90%) .... 0 Test Conditions ns 150 w g Units tpLH Logic Low Common Mode ICMLl Transient Immunity '~" Max. 150 Logic High Common Mode ICMHI Transient Immunity I Typ. Propagation Delay Time to Logic High Output Level Parameter > J. . . In. 80 0~0------~0~5------~1~.0~----~'.5 100 °c IF - INPUT CURRENT - mA Figure 3. Typical Logic High Output Current vs. Temperature Figure 4. Output Voltage vs. Forward Input Current PULSE GENERATOR 1 I ffi0: 0: iJ o 100 0f!j 10 o~ ~ ,zot;/or r-[} / ~ D, T. 0, D, 0.0 ":" /V' ~ I '~ 1/ ./ " r 1.20 IF (ON) INPUT IF 1.30 ., THE PROBE AND JIG CAPACITANCES ARE INCLUDED IN CLAND Cz 1,96 Kn 1.10 Kn 1.8mA 3mA 6am 5mA ALL DIODES ARE 1N916 OR 1N3064 0.00 1.10 1.40 1.50 VF - fOR'WARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS , 2 ~ 200 C 2 .0 iit .1 ~ 250 OUTPUT Vo -d ------ - __ IF (ONI 0 ~ 150 '~" .., if 100 ~50% IFIONJ ---I ~r-=vo: mA ----1'---------\.1=i.VOL TA - TEMPERATURE _ °c Note: Channel one shown. Figure 5. Typical Input Diode Forward Characteristic Figure 6. Circuit for tpLH. tpHL, tr• tf 9-21 Figure l Typical Propagation Delays vs. Temperature 20 80 100 > TYPICAL vat! ~ 1! T"'~ ~ ~ "0 "" "X 40 "" 20 ~ 10 -\;,:: / Vee 15 / tA; =- 2S'C \80 C \, 10 \\ 15 \1$. Ai to'" -.til mA TA .. i5 (; 60 f< / V / 60 0 ,V $ 20 10 15 20 Vee - SUPPLY VOLTAGE - V Vee - SUPPLY VOL.TAGE - V Figure 8. Maximum Output Power per Channel vs. Supply Voltage "'"t-}- 80 Figure 9. Typical Logic High Output Voltage vs. Supply Voltage 20 o t, _ - -60 -40 20 ,." tj 20 40 TA - TEMPERATURE _ 60 80 100 cc Figure 10. Typical Rise, Fall Time vs. Temperature Vee 1.0 Vee 0.9 1,,1~ ~ o. 8 -vcmpEAK ~ VCM L~ o. 7 ~ OV SWITCH AT A: IF = 1.8 mA VOH~ °llTPUT fl I. 5..1 0.6 ~(OFF! V SWITCH AT B: VF " OV VO~ VOL 0.5 -60 -40 ·SEE NOTE 5 -20 20 40 60 80 TA - TEMPERATURE _ °C Figure 11. Test Circuit for Common Mode Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms 100 NOTE: CHANNEL ONE SHOWN NOTE: CHANNEL ONE SHOWN Figure 12. Typical Input Threshold Current vs. Temperature Figure 13. LSTTL to CMOS Interface Circuit Vee I.. VI DATA INPUT NOTE: CHANNEL ONE SHOWN Figure 14. Alternate LED Drive Circuit Figure 15. Series LED Drive with Open Collector Gate (6.04 KO Resistor Shunts IOH from the LED) Notes: 1. Each channel. 2. Duration of output short circuit time should not exceed 10 ms. 3. Device considered a two terminal device: pins 1. 2. 3 and 4 shorted together. and pins 5. 6. 7 and 8 shorted together. 4. The tpLH propagation delay is measured from the 50% point on the leading edge of the input pulse to the 1.3 V point on the leading edge of the output pulse. The tpHL propagation delay is measured from the 50% point on the trailing edge of the input pulse to the 1.3 V point on the trailing edge of the output pulse. 5. CML is the maximum slew rate of the common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic low state. Va < 0.8 V. CMH is the maximum slew rate of the common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic high state Va > 2.0 V. 6. This is a proof test to validate the UL 220 Vac rating. This rating is equally validated by a 2500 Vac 1 sec test. 7. See Option 010 data sheet for more information. 8. Measured between pins 1 and 2. shorted together. and pins 3 and 4. shorted tog.ether. 9-22 Flio- LOW INPUT CURRENT HIGH SPEED QPTQCQUPLER HEWLETT ~~ PACKARO OUTLINE DRAWING ...-ICC r-~----O 1000 n Vee .-- .-----===1.1 8 6.10~ I ~: VFJ-?I 3 SHIELD HCPL-2300 6.60 (0.2601 '.36~L' 7.66 (0.310) •\-r.I"""r',.,..,.."...,..-,-J UL RECOGNITION /'---_----~ GND ---r I 5 A 0.01 TO 0.1 ,uF BYPASS CAPACITOR MUST BE CONNECTED BETWEEN TRUTH TABLE PINS 8 AND 5. (SEE NOTE 1). (POSITIVE lOGIC) t !!:1!~ 0.33 (0.(1131 sQTVP• -, . . -'~'==_ r DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES AND (INCHES) 4.10 (0.185) MAX. I I I II t ~O.51MIN. (0.0201 . 2.92 lO.llO1 MIN. , - 1+-0.66 (0.025) MAX. Figure 1. Schematic !-o+ ~:: :~:~~~: Features Description • GUARANTEED LOW THRESHOLDS: IF = 0.5 rnA, VF :S1.5V The HCPL-2300 optocoupler combines an 820 nm AIGaAs photon emitting diode with an integrated high gain photon detector. This combination of Hewlett-Packard designed and manufactured semiconductor devices brings high performance capabilities to designers of isloted logic and data communication circuits. • HIGH SPEED: GUARANTEED 5 MBd OVER TEMPERATURE • VERSATILE: COMPATIBLE WITH TTL, LSTTL AND CMOS • MORE EFFICIENT 820 nrn AIGaAs IRED The low current, high speed AIGaAs emitter manufactured with a unique diffused junction, has the virtue of fast rise and fall ties at low drive currents. The HCPL-2300 has a typical propagation delay of 120 ns at 0.5 mA forward current. With special selection, the device can achieve 80 ns propagation delay at 150 IJ.A. Figure 6 illustrates the propagation delay vs. input current characteristic. These unique characteristics enable this device to be used in an RS-232-C interface with ground loop isolation and improved common mode rejection. As a line receiver, the HCPL-2300 will operate over longer line lengths for a given data rate because of lower IF and VF speCifications. • INTERNAL SHIELD FOR GUARANTEED COMMON MODE REJECTION • SCHOTTKY CLAMPED, OPEN COLLECTOR OUTPUT WITH OPTIONAL INTEGRATED PULL-UP RESISTOR • STATIC AND DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED FROM -40° C to 85° C • SPECIAL SELECTION FOR LOW FORWARD CURRENT APPLICATIONS (IF ~ 150 IJ.A) • RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF U.L. (FILE NO. E55361) FOR DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND PROOF TEST VOLTAGES OF 1440 Vac, 1 MINUTE AND 2500 Vac, 1 MINUTE (OPTION 010). The output of the shielded integrated detector circuit is an open collector Schottky clamped transistor. The shield, which shunts capacitively coupled common mode noise to ground, provides a guaranteed transient immunity specification of 100 V/lJ.s. The output circuit includes an optional integrated 1000 Ohm pull-up resistor for the open collector. This gives designers the flexibility to use the internal resistor for pull-up to five volt logic or to use an external resistor for 18 volt CMOS logic. Applications • GROUND LOOP ELIMINATION • COMPUTER-PERIPHERAL INTERFACES • LEVEL SHIFTING • MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM INTERFACES • DIGITAL ISOLATION FOR AID, D/A CONVERSION • RS-232-C INTERFACE • HIGH SPEED, LONG DISTANCE ISOLATED LINE RECEIVER The Electrical and Switching Characteristics of the HCPL2300 are guaranteed over a temperature range of -40° C to 85° C. This data sheet will allow users of the HCPL-2300 to confidently implement all necessary static and dynamic performance requirements which may be subjected to a broad range of operating environments. 9-23 Recommended operating Conditions Max. Units 0.8 1.0 0.75 Supply Voltage, Output Fan Out (TTL Load) V mA V Vee 4.75 5.25 5 N Operating Temperature TA -40 85 'C VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS Figure 2. Typical Input Diode Forward Characteristic. Absolute Maximum Ratings (No derating required) Symbol Min. T8 ·55 Max. 125 Units Storage Temperature Parameter Operating Temperature TA -40 85 ·C Lead Solder Temperature Reference 'c 260·C for 10 s. (1.6 mm below seating plane) Average Forward Input Current IF 5 Reverse Input Voltage VR 4.5 mA V Supply Voltage Vee 0.0 7.0 V Pull-up Resistor Voltage VRL -0.5 Output Collector Current 10 ·25 Vee 25 mA V Input Power Dissipation PI 10 mW Output Collector Power Dissipation Po 40 mW Output Collector Voltage Vo 18 V -0.5 See Note 2 Electrical Characteristics For -40'C::;; TA::;; 85'C, 4.75 V::;; Vee::;; 5.25 V, VFL::;; 0.8 V, unless otherwise specified. All typicals at TA = 25' C, Vcc"= 5 V, unless otherwise specified. Parameter' Symbol Min. TYP'~ Units jJ.A Test Conditions High Level Output Current 10H Low Level Output Voltage VOl.. 0.4 High Level Supply Current teCH 4.0 6,$ mA IF "" a mA, Voe = 5.25 V Low Level Supply Current leoL 6,2 10,0 mA IF= 1.0 mA, 1.3 1,5 Input Forward Voltage VF Input Diode Temperature Coefficient AVF ATA Input Rellet'$e Breakdown Voltage BVR Input Capacitance I 1.0 Ii-o J OPT010 ReSistance (Input-outputJ RI-O, Capacitance (Input-Outputl 01.0 0,5 -1.6 18 1 2500 RL 1012 1000 V 1700 VF '" 0.8 V, Vo = 18 V IF "'0.5 mA 10L (Sinking) ... 8 mA IF"" 1.0 mA, TA "" 25'C III = 10 SlA, TA = 25·0 pF VF=OV. f= 1 MH:z. SlA 45% RH. t = 5s. n VI-o '" 500 V f=1 MHz ~3kVdC,TA':"25.C VRMS 0% t "" 1 MiN Ohms Figure Note 4 3 2 IF"" 1.0 mA V pF 0.6 680 V mVI"C 4.5 CII~ Input-Output Insulation Internal Pull-up Resistor . 0.05 TA",25"C r 3,9 10 8 t± Switching Characteristics For -40° C:5 TA:5 85° C, 0.5 mA:5 IFH:5 0.75 rnA; For 0° C :5 TA:5 85° C, 0.5 rnA :5 IFH:5 1.0 rnA; With 4.75 V:5 VCC :5 5.25 V, VFL :5 0.8 V, unless otherwise specified. All typicals at TA = 25°C, Vcc = 5 V, IFH = 0.625 rnA, unless otherwise specified. S.6bl r Propagation y Ti"1~ to Logic High Output Leve~ Min. illlt1alt. Typ. 1!ILillLH " stY 5,6,8 C!;!i20 pF 110 Propagation Delay Time to Logic Low Output Level IPHL Output Rise Time (10-90%) If 40 ns Outpul Fall Time (90-10%1 If 20 ns ns 200 35 Cp1d!pF ns 160 85 Figure I J\fote T~~t9on Units e5 5,8 f Cp=ofpF 5,6,8 CP '" 20 pF 5,8 CP"" 20 pF 4'b 5,8 7,8 8 Common Mode Transient Immunity at High Output Level ICMHI 100 400 Vips VCM = 50 V (peak), Vo (m~n.) = 2 V, RL = ~on, IF "" 0 rnA 9, 10 6 Common Mode Transient Immunity at Low Output Level ICMLI 100 400 Vips VCM '" 50 V (peak), V,O (max,) = 0.8 V, RL '" ~~60n. IF = 0.5 mA 9, 10 7 (See page 5-35 for Notes) > r" ~-4O'C'-, I w ~ tIf$$oa: AI.. ~ /:A c ~ ~ I 100 o r----- is ~ ~ ~ ,!- I 50 I \ 200 300 400 sao -40 a -20 i"""'" Figure 3. Typical Output Voltage VS. Forward Input Current vs. Temperature. ~ ........ _ F ,,0C .... -~ ~ ~ -60 - -- -40 -20 0 I--- 20 40 60 ao A 100 TA - TEMPERATURE _ °C TA - TEMPERATURE _·C IF - FORWARD INPUT CURRENT -p,A -~ ,..8 ;;E ~.., 8:~ 100 V"c~5 If Rl."'560n Cl" 15~F > T" =25"C g 150 V""~5V '\ Figure 4. Typical Logic High Output Current vs. Temperature. tPHL { A {-O.5 rnA TO 1.0 rnA, Cp .. 20 pF - -0.5 rnA TO 0.75 rnA. Cp" 20 pF B -Q,5mA,Cp"OpF C -1.0mA,Cp=OpF 15 tpLH { 1'",,=51' l'I,·5son C, -15.F D r-O.5 rnA TO 1.0 rnA, Cp .. 20 pF -0.5 rnA TO 0.76 rnA. Cp" 20 pF E -O.5mA,Cp"OpF F -1.0mA, Cp. OpF 1- Cp*'20pF > 300 w ~ ,. >= c ::l :i! z 0 ~ "0f g: 200 .. ::- 100 ,!- 0.' 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 IF - FORWARD INPUT CURRENT - mA Figure 6. Typical Propagation Delay VB. Forward Current. 25 o -60 t, ....... V - ill' a:r - so i-" Figure 5. Typical Propagation Delay VS. Temperature and Forward Current With and Without Application 01 a Peaking Capacitor. ,.... tf V , -40 -20 20 40 60 80 TA - TEMPERATURE _ °C Figure 7. Typical Rise, Fall Time vs. Temperature. 9-25 100 PUlse GeNERATOR ...>- Z +5 V .,""... 560 S2 OUTPUT Vo CL" iii MONITOR NODE u; z 5V SWITCH AT A: VF '" 0 V OUTPUT Vo MONITORING NODE r- '------" CM H SWITCH AT B: IF '" 0.5 rnA Vo 0.5 V f\- - Vo IMAX.I" *SEE NOTES 6, 7. Figure 10. Test Circuit for Common Mode Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms. Applications The HCPL-2300 optocoupler has the unique combination of low 0.5 mA LED operating drive current at a 5 MBd speed performance. Low power supply current requirement of 10 mA maximum and the ability to provide isolation between logic systems fulfills numerous applications ranging from logic level translations, line receiver and party line receiver applications, microprocessor 1/0 port isolation, etc. The open collector output allows for wired-OR arrangement. Specific interface circuits are illustrated in Figures 11 through 18 with corresponding component values, performance data and recommended layout. For -40° C to 85° C operating temperature range, a mid range LED forward current (IF) of 0.625 mA is recommended in order to prevent overdriving the integrated circuit detector due to increased LED efficfency at temperatures between 0° C and -40° C. For narrower temperature range of 0° C to 85° C, a suggested operating LED current of 0.75 mA is recommended for the mid range operating point and for minimal propagation delay skew: A peaking capacitance of 20 pF in parallel with the current limiting resistor for the LED shortens tPHL by approximately 33% and tPLH by 13%. Maintaining LED forward voltage (VF) below 0.8 V will guarantee that the HCPL-2300 output is off. The recommended shunt drive technique for TTULSTTU CMOS of Figure 11 provides for optimal speed performance, no leakage current path through the LED, and reduced common mode influences associated with series switching of a "floating" LED. Alternate series drive tec- 9-26 niques with either an active CMOS inverter or an open collector TTL/LSTTL inverter are illustrated in Figures 12 and 13 respectively. Open collector leakage current of 250 p.A has been compensated by the 3.16K Ohms resistor (Figure 13) at the expense of twice the operating forward current. An application of the HCPL-2300 as an unbalanced line receiver for use in long line twisted wire pair communicac tion links is shown in Figure 14. Low LED IF and VF allow longer line length, higher speed and multiple stations on the line in comparison to higher IF, VF optocouplers. Greater speed performance along with nearly infinite common mode immunity are achieved via the balanced split phase circuit of Figure 15. Basic balanced (differential) line receiver can be accomplished with one HCPL-2300 in Figure 15, but with a typical 400 V/p.s common mode immunity. Data rate versus distance for both the above unbalanced and balanced line receiver applications are compared in Figure 16. The RS-232-C interface circuit of Figure 17 provides guaranteed minimum common mode immunity of 100 V/p.s while maintaining the 2:1 dynamic range of IF. A recommended layout for use with an internal 1000 Ohms resistor or an external pullcup resistor and required Vee bypass capaCitor is given in Figure 18. Veel is used with an external pull-up resistor for output voltage levels (VOl greater than or equal to 5 V. As illustrated in Figure 18, an optional Vee and GND trace can be located between the input and the output leads of the HCPL-2300 to provide additional noise immunity at the compromise of insulation capability (VI-OI. OUTPUT INPUT r----------, HCPL-2300 Vee, ---.----If---~-_, r---~_¢~--~--5V I I ·20 pF : V,N I Vo ~-~--~~=_-_4~----t_-~---GN02 R, k.Il ?Jfd~ 15 RL kll VCC2 Vae 6.19 1 (INTERNALI 5 14.7 2.37 10 21.5 3.16 15 'SCHOTTKY DIODE (HP 5082·2800. OR EQUIVALENT) AND 20 pF CAPACITOR ARE NQT REQUIRED FQR UNITS WITH OPEN COLLECTOR OUTPUT. Figure 11. Recommended Shunt Drive Circuit lor Interlacing Between TTL/LSTTLICMOS Logic Systems •. HCPL-2300 OUTPUT r----------, INPUT 5V I Vaa I OUTPUT ) I I 5 V HCPL-2300 r - - - - - - -..., INPUT --,---+-----, V,N GND 1 v,,, lIoa lIoe Vae RI kll 5.11 5 AL kll Vee Voe 5 1 IINTERNALl 10 15 TO 1:1.3 237 10 16 19.6 3.16 15 Figure 12. Active CMOS Series Drive Circuit. Figure 13. Series Drive Irom Open Collector TTLILSTTL Units. I~~~I DRIVER +12 V ----~=-, 5V VIN I"Lo v / ./ l!l--r----, /// ~ I / I / . I / I I / I / / / / r----------, HCPL-2300 I -12 V 0.1.uF , -__~~r8~--~--~--~---5V I 20 pF I I 2I Vo GND1-+_~~--~ .. \ 1 INPUT L---~----~~----+_--f_--+----GND2 I LINE ·OTHER DEVICES: MC3488A/B TI-pA9636A. ** MAY BE REQUIRED ON OLDER VERSIONS OF pA9636A. "·SCHOTTKY DIODe (HP 5082-2800, OR eQUIVALENT). REFERENCE FIGURE 16 FOR DATA RATE VS. L!NE DISTANCE L. Figure 14. Application 01 HCPL-2300 as Isolated, Unbalanced Line Receiver(s) •. 9-27 INPUT HCPL-2300 .~ , r----------, 20 pF I I I I ~A9638* I Va I LINE GND 1 .OTHER DEVICE: TI-IJA963BA REFERENCE FIGURE 17 FOR DATA RATE vs. LINE DISTANCE L. FOR LESS SEVERE COMMON MODE INTERFERENCE ENVIRONMENTS, ONE HCPL-2300 OPTOCOUPLER WITH NO EXCLUSIVE -OR FLIP FLOP CIRCUIT CAN BE USED FOR BALANCED LINE RECEIVER APPLICATIONS. Vo = VIN. Figure 16. Application of Two HCPL-2300 Units Operating as an Isolated, High Speed, Balanced, Split Phase Line Receiver with Significantly Enhanced Common Mode Immunity. 10% PULSE WIO,H DISTORTION 22 Awn UNSHieLDED TWISTEQ PAIR WIRE CAlllE r:=::~~(O;,;E;;:A~R;a::::joRN NO. 8622(5) Ie HCPL-2300 ~S-232-C TA ·2S'C SIGNAL 3 v - 25 V -3V--25V 7.15K r ----------, B I . 5V I I I I Va n GND , OK ~,---'-:':,o:--:-,!'!o"'o-'-~-'!,""oo::o,.......JJ-!',O~.OOO L - Figure 18. RS-232-C Interface Circuit with HCPL-2300. ODC < TA < 85 DC. LINE lENGTH - METRES Figure 17. Typical Point to Point Data Rate vs. Length of Line for Unbalanced (Figure 15) and Balanced (Figure 16) Line Receivers using HCPL-2300 Optocouplers. / GND BUS (BACK) (OPTIONAL) ______ ..1'_ N.C. N.C.ar.==T1idh~~ N.C. ""1.---'l-f"'~ Va 0_ *SEE NOTE 1 NOTES: 1. Bypassing of the power supply line is required with a 0.01 ~F ceramic disc capacitor adjacent to each optocQupler as illustrated in Figure 19. The power supply bus for the optocoupler(s) should be separate from the bus for any active loads, otherwise a larger value .of bypass capacitor {up to 0.1 J,tFl may be needed to suppress regen· erative feedback via the power supply. 2. Peaking circuits may produce transient input currents up to 100 rnA, 500 ns maximum pulse width, provided average current does not exceed 5 rnA. 3. Device considered a two terminal device: pins 1, 2, 3 and 4 shorted together, and pins 5, 6, 7 and 8 shorted together. 4. The tPLH propagation delay is measured from the 50% point on the trailing edge of the input pulse to the 1.5 V point on the trailing edge of the output pulse. 5. The tPHL propagation' delay is measured from the, 50% paint on the leading edge of the input pulse to the 1.5 V point on the leading edge of the output pulse. 6. CMH is the maximum tolerable rate of rise of the common mode vol· tage to assure that the output will remain in a high logic state (Le., VOUT > 2.0 VI. 7. CML is the maximum tolerable rate of fall of the common mode voltage to assure that the output will remain in a low logic state (i.e., VOUT < 0.8 VI. 8. Cp is the peaking capacitance. Refer to test circuit in Figure 9. 9. This is a proof test. This rating is equally validated by a 2500 Vac, 1 sec. test. 10. See Option 010 data sheet for more information Figure 19. Recommended Printed Circuit Board Layout. 9-28 ~~-- --------- Flidl - .. ~-- ----- - -- ---------.- .. HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD -~---~ -.-------~--------------- 20 M BAUD HIGH CMR LOGIC GATE OPTOCOUPLER HCPL-2400 HCPL-2411 OUTLII~E DRAWING SCHEMATIC r-~~~_-~I"'CC'--o8 Vee 0.1. (,(>!ill ANODE -. ij]J(;Oj3)-:i 2 1;- VF~1 CATHODE~ 5 TRUTH TABLE T TYPE NUMBER DATE '--~~~~~--<> GND (POSITIVE LOGIC) PI 7.36 ~2jJql J.B1j {310) Ul N 1 2 ONEil _ CODE 3 -I 4f-- 4 RECOGNITION I 6.10~ if.6lI ,.2601 t I L S' L...--==-":=:JE~=::;::::='- 1-1.781.0701 MAx. 1.19{.041}MAX. ,. DIMENSIONS IN MILlIMETRES AND (lNC~ESi Features • HIGH SPEED: 40 MBd TYPICAL DATA RATE • HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION I -.-.... • HCPL-2400 = 50 VCM o HCPL-2411 = 300 VCM o AC PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER TEMPERATURE II 1_ _ 2.921.1151 MIN. f--0,65 (.025) MAX. ~ 1- 2.80 10901 (.1101 Description The HCPL-2400/11 high speed optocouplers combine an 820 nm AIGaAs photon emitting diode with a high speed photon detector. This combination results in very high data rate capability and low input current. The three state output eliminates the need for a pull-up resistor and allows for direct drive of data buses. The hysteresis provides typically 0.25 mA of differential mode noise immunity and minimizes the potential for output signal chatter. Improved power supply rejection minimizes the need for special power supply bypassing precautions. • COMPATIBLE WITH TTL, STTL, LSTTL, AND HCMOS LOGIC FAMILIES • NEW, HIGH SPEED AIGaAs EMITTER • THREE STATE OUTPUT (NO PULL-UP RESISTOR REQUIRED) • HIGH POWER SUPPLY NOISE IMMUNITY • RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF U.L. (FILE NO. E55361) FOR DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND PROOF TEST VOLTAGES OF 1440 Vac, 1 MINUTE AND 2500 Vac, 1 MINUTE (OPTION 010). The electrical and switching characteristics of the HCPL2400/11 are guaranteed over the temperature range of O°C to 70°C. The HCPL-2400/11 are compatible with TTL, STTL, LSTTL and HCMOS logic families., When Schottky type TTL devices (STTL) are used, a data rate performance of 20 MBd over temperature is guaranteed when using the application circuit of Figure 13. Typical data rates are 40 MBd. • HCPL-5400/1 COMPATIBILITY Applications • ISOLATION OF HIGH SPEED LOGIC SYSTEMS • COMPUTER-PERIPHERAL INTERFACES • ISOLATED BUS DRIVER (NETWORKING APPLICATIONS) Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Power Supply Voltage Input Current (High) • SWITCHING POWER SUPPLIES • GROUND LOOP ELIMINATION Input Voltage (Low) Symbol Vcc IF (ON) VF (OFfl • HIGH SPEED DISK DRIVE I/O Enable Voltage (Low) VEL • DIGITAL ISOLATION FOR AID, DIA CONVERSION Enable Voltage 1High) VEH Operating Temperature TA Fan Out N • PULSE TRANSFORMER REPLACEMENT 9-29 Min. Max. 4.75 5.25 4 8 0.8 0 0.8 2.0 Vee 70" 0 - 5 Units Volts mA Volts Volts Volts ·C TTL Loads .-~---- Absolute Maximum Ratings (No derating required up to 85° C) Max. Units 125 ·C -65 ·C 85 TA 0 260'Cforl0 s.ll.6 mm betowseating plane) Symbol Parameter Storage Temperature Min. Note Ts Operating Temperature Lead Solder Temperature IF Average Forward I nput CUrrent ~putcurrent 10.0 2().Q IFPK VI> ollage Average Output Collector Current Output Collector Voltage -25.0 --().5 Vo Po Output Collector Power Dissipation 7.0 10.0 0 --().5 9 mA V 3.0 Vee Ve 10 Three State Enable Voltage mA V 10.0 V mA V 4().Q mW 25.0 Electrical Characteristics ForO'C 5 TA 5 70·C, 4.75 V 5 Vee 5 5.25 V, 4 mA5IF(ON) 5 8 mA, 2.0 V 5 VEH 5 5.25, a V 5 VEL 50.8 V, a V 5 VF(OFF) 5 0.8 V except where noted. All Typicals at TA = 25° C, Vee = 5 V, IF(ON) = 5.0 mA, VF(OFF) = a V except where noted. Parameter Symbol Logic Low Output Voltage VOL Lagle High Output Voltage VOl'! Max. Unlls Test Conditions 0.5 Volts 10L ~ 8.0 mA (S TTL Loads) 1 2A VailS IOH--4.0mA :< 2.0 "A Volts Min. Typ. Figure Note Vo~5.25V Output Leakage Current IOI'!H Lagle High Enable Voltage VliJi Logic Low Enable Voltage VEL O.B Lagle High Enable Current IEH 20 p.A Vs=2AV 100 p.A VE"'5.25 V --(),28 --(),4 mA Ve=OAV Vee VF'"O.8 V Volts Logic Low Enable Current IEL Logic Low Supply Current ICCL 19 26 Logic High Supply Current ICCH 17 26 mA rnA High impedance State Supply Current lecz 22 28 mA VeC = 5.25 V VE=S,25 V High Impedance State Output Current lozl 20 p.A Vo=O.4V Ve"'2V 10m 20 Jl.A Vo "'2.4 V VE=2V IOZH 100 p.A Vo ~ 525 V I =5.25 V Ve=OV LogiC Low Short Circuit Output Current lOSt 52 mA Vo=Vce~S.25V 11'=8 mA 1 Logic High Short Circuit Output Current 10SH -45 mA Vee = S.25 V Ip'O mAo Vo""GND 1 mA Input Current Hysteresis Vcc=5V $ Volts IF~ 4 5.0 Volts IR -1.44 mV/"C 0.25 IHYS I VF 1.1 1.3 Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage VR 3.0 Input Diode Temperature Coelficient .lVF -"TA Input-Output Insulation 11-0 Input Forward Voltage I Option 010 VISO 1 2500 RI-O 1012 I nput-Output Capacitance 01-0 0.5 I nput Capacitance GIN 20 Input-Output Resistance 1.5 p.A VRMS ohms 5 mA, TA= 25'C =10 p.A, TA = 25°C 1,=5 mA 450/, RH, t '" 55, VI_O '" 3kVdc, T A 4 =25" C RH $50%. t-1 min. Vl-O - 500 VDC di~irHl' VI-O ~ a V de pF pF 9-30 MHl, VF = OV, Pins 2 and 3 2,8 10 2 2 switching Characteristics 0' CoSTA oS 70' C, 4.75 V oS Vee oS 5.25 V, 0.0 V oS VEN oS 0.8 V, 4 mA oS IF oS 8.0 mAo All Typicals Vee'" 5 V, TA '" 25'C, IF'" 5.0 mA except where noted. Parameter Symbol Propagation Delay Time to Logic Low Output Level tpHL Propagation Delay Time to Logic High Output Level' tplH Pulse Width Distortion Channel Distortion Typ. Min. Max. Units Tesi"CoridlUons Figure 55 ns IF(ON)= 7.0mA 5,6,7 4 ns 5,6,7 3 5,6,7 4 15 33 60 55 ns 15 30 60 ns ItPHL-tPLH I 2 15 ns 3 25 ns .:I.tpHL 8 25 ns 5,8 5 "tPLH 8 25 ns 5 tr 20 ns 5 Output Fall Time tf 10 ns 5 Output Enable Time to Logic High tpZH 15 ns 9,10 Output Enable Time to Logic Low tpZL 30 ns 9,10 Output Disable Time from Logic High tpHZ 20 ns 9,10 Output Disable Time from Logic Low tpLZ 15 ns 9,10 Logic High Common Mode Transient Immunity ICMHI 2400 1000 10,000 V/p.s VCM'" 50V 2411 1000 V/p.s VCM= 300V 2400 1000 2411 1000 Output Rise Time Logic Low Common Mode Transient Immunity ICMLI Power Supply Noise Immunity PSNI .50 0 ~ w ~ .400 TA TA '" 0'0 ~ ~ .300 ~ => o ~ .20 0 " § , .100 k;::::~ #25~-C VII's VCM=50V VCM=300V 0.5 V/p.s Vp _p V 4. 0 ' \ l\ I\, ~ ;;.-5 +t3. 0 10.0 20.0 IOL - LOGIC lOW OUTPUT CURRENT - rnA Figure 1. Typical Logic Low Output Voltage vs. Logic Low Output Current 3 5,8 4 I 5 5 TA = 25'C, IF= 0 11,12 6 TA"'25'C,IF=4mA 11. 12 6 VCC= S.OV, 48Hz ~ FAC~50MHz 7 6. CMH is the maximum slew rate of common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic high state (VO(MINI > 2.0 VI. CML is the maximum slew rate of common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic low state (VO(MAXI < 0.8 VI. 7. Power Supply Noise Immunity is the peak to peak amplitude of the ac ripple voltage on the Vee line that the device will withstand and still remain in the desired logic state. For desired logic high state, VOH(MINI > 2.0 V, and for desired logic low state, VOL(MAXI < 0.8 volts. 8. This is a proof test. This rating is equally validated by a 2500 V ac, 1 second test per UL E55 361. 9. Peak Forward Input Current pulse width < SOl'S at 1 KHz maximum repetition rate. 10. See Option 010 data sheet for more information. 1 " T", "7Q'C ~ o 5,6;7 5.0 ~ ~ PJ ., IF(ON) = 7.0 mA Note I 1 I I I I TA '" 70?C i'< I....... i' l-< , I=ttf"tYC "'o" 3. 0 ~=> 2. 0 ~ 1.0 > I'. l"" I:'-.. 1'1'. ~ ::--.. ~ "" ~ -10.0 'OH - LOGIC HIGH OUTPUT CURRENT - rnA Figure 2. Typical Logic High Output Voltage vs, Logic High Output Current 9-31 '"" .... j.,... o, I I -5.0 4. 0 w ~ 'Ir::::- I > I TA -=:25'C o o 1.0 2.0 IF - INPUT FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 3, Typical Output Voltage vs. Input Forward Current 3.0 Vee 5.0V Va OUTPUT MONITORING NODE 1.3K n Cl 15pF THE PROBE AND JIG CAPACITANCES ARE INCLUDED IN ~tC~?0~2ES ARE ECG 619 o'R EQUIVALENT. VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 4. Typical Diode Input Forward Current Characteristic Figure 5. Test Circuit lor tpLH. tpHL. t,. and If 0 10 ~ 45 ~ C "'N' 0 i ~ 35 ", ,.,V 30 25 ~' ~ ,'" ...... Z c o I ~ c !l 35 ~_-+__+-_~__;-_~ ~I 30~---+--+- ~ 50 __ ____ ~ ,...' 6 ....... / ~~~ 2 1 25 8 40~---+----+---~----;---~ .~ 70 TA - TEMPERATURE - 'C Figure 6. Typical Propagation Delay vs. Ambient Temperature 25 IF - INPUT FORWARD CURRENT - mA II. I. 50 85 70 TA - TEMPERATURE _·C Figure 8. Typical Pulse Width Distortion VB. Ambient Temperature Figure 7. Typical Propagation Delay vs, input Forward Current Vee I J 0 25~0----=---~--~--~~-~,0· 6.0 V T., HCPL-2400/11 50 IF o--+---IlH ~ I ~c 02 03 INPUT VE MONITORING NODE .2 ., ., CLOSED OPEN CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED OPEN 3.0 V INPUTVE SWITCH MATRIX '.6V OUTPUT Va "'.5V VOL' VOH "'.5V OUTPUT Va tPHZ tPZH tPLZ tPZL z c 30 '''''' ~ ~ 20 "HZ ::1 10 ~ 04 0-""'-+------------' ...-- ,.- 40 ~ "",..- "',. t,... ..- --- ill o o 25 50 TA - TEMPERATURE 70 85 _·c Figure 10. Typical Enable Propagation Delay vs. Ambient Temperature ALL DIODES ARE EC6 619 OR EQUIVALENT C1· 30 pF INCLUDING PROBE AND JIG CAPACITANCE. Figure 9. Test Circuit for tpHZ. IpZH. IpLZ and tpZL' 9-32 HCPL-2400111 ~ >10000 Vee "-5.Q V IFI'~" 4.0mA I ~ ~ OUTPUT Va A vfL"o,av VOH .. 2.0 V (NUN.) VOL'" 0-.8 V (MAX.; fA. b.2$"C (SEE NOTE G) 8000 ~ 1--+---1~.o MONITORING ~ NODE >- 1E '" ;2 6000 Z \. CMLAND CMH >w 4000 c o ~ z 50V',-----------~~~~--~ VCM ~ VOH " -/ 8 I 1i v::. . SWITCH AT A: IF ,. 0 rnA VOL ~ 200 0 0V ..Va MAX." 0 1000 500 1500 2000 VCM - COMMON MODE TRANSIENT VOLTAGE - V \ SWITCH AT B: IF - 4 rnA ·MUST BE LOCATED < 1 em FROM DEVICE UNDER TEST. "SEE NOTE 6. tCl IS APPROXIMATELY 15 pF, WHICH INCLUDES PROBE AND STRAY WIRING CAPACITANCE. Figure 12. Typical Common Mode Transient Immunity vs. Common Mode Transient Voltage Figure 11. Test Diagram for Common Mode Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms Applications Vec, = +5 V - - -.....- . . , r-----;=::;:~Im----r--- VCC2 = 5 V IN OATA DATA OUT A Y GND Figure 13. Recommended 20 MBd HCPL-2400/11 Interface Circuit 1--+---',.-' '-'--t--'.::-- GND 2 Figure 14. Alternative HCPL-2400/11 Interface Circuit 20 18 16 ~ SEE fiGURE 13 2 lNN1~0:::A roo--- 8 2 Y Y 50 BIPHASE-MARK 4 2n 74S04 2YY50~:~~~SE74LS04 7404 74HC04 2 N Y 50 MANCHESTER 'J RATE (~ SECOND X NO. SYMBOLS) BIT ~ I I 1 I I 11 I n n n n nn nnn i II I'll 1'1'1I1i-1 I 6 SIGNALING (SYMBOLS OR BAUO\ RATE SECOND J '" DATA SELF~CLOCKING? DUTY FACTOR RANGE (%) 0 0 J NUMBER SYMBOLS PER BIT INVERTIBLE? roo--- 14 I I I I ~I..J..J....L.II..J 1..1.. I~II1..1..I~I~III J U U W U U LU U U U DRIVER TYPE Figure 15. Typicai Puise Width Distortion vs. input Driver Logic Famiiy Figure 16. Modulation Code Selections 9-33 Data Rate, Pulse-width Distortion, and Channel Distortion Definitions Applications Circuits A recommended application circuit for high speed operation is shown in Figure 13. Due to the fast current switching capabilities of Schottky family TTL logic (74STTL), ,data rates cif 20 MBd are achievable from 0 to 70°C. the 74S04 totem-pole driver sources current to series-drive the input of the HCPL-2400/11 optocoupler. The 3480 resistor limits the LED forward current. The 30 pF speed-up capacitor assists in the turn-on and turn-off of the LED, increasing the data rate capability of the circuit. On the output side, the following logic can be directly driven by the output of the HCPL-2400/11 since a pull-up resistor is not requii'ed. If desired, a non-inverting buffer may be substituted on either the input or the output side to change the circuit function from Y = A to Y = A. This circuit satisfies all recommended operating conditions. In the world of data communications, a bit is defined as the smallest unit of information a computer operates with. A bit is either a Logic 1 or Logic 0, and is interpreted by a number of coding schemes. For example, a bit can be represented by one symbol through the use of NRZ code, or can contain two symbols in codes such as Biphase or Manchester (see Figure 16). The bit rate capability of a system is expressed in terms of bits/second (b/s) and the symbol rate is expressed in terms of Baud (symbols/second>. For NRZ code, the bit rate capability equals the Baud capability because the code contains one symbol per bit of information. For Biphase and Manchester codes, the bit rate capability is equal to one half of the Baud capability, because there are two symbols per bit. An alternative circuit is shown in Figure 14, which utilizes a 74S05 open-collector inverter to shunt-drive the HCPL2400/11 optocoupler. This circuit also satisfies all recommended operating conditions. Propagation delay is a figure of merit which describes the finite amount of time required for a system to translate information from input to output when shifting logic levels. Propagation delay from low to high (tPLH) specifies the amount of time required for a system's output to change from a Logic 0 to a Logic 1, when given a stimulus at the input. Propagation delay from high to low (tPHL) specifies the amount of time required for a system's output to change from a Logic 1 to a Logic 0, when given a stimulus at the input (see Figure 5). The HCPL-2400/11 optocouplers are compatible with other logic familes, such as TTL, LSTTL, and HCMOS. However, the output drive capabilities of Schottky family devices greatly exceed those associated with TTL, LSTTL, and HCMOS logic families, and are recommended in high data rate (20 MBd) applications where fast drive current transitions are required to operate the HCPL-2400/11 with minimum pulse-width distortion. When tpLH and tPHL differ in value, pulse width distortion results. Pulse width distortion is defined as jtPHL-tPLH and determines the maximum data rate capability of a distortion-limited system. Maximum pulse width distortion on the order of 20-30% is typically used when specifying the maximum data 'rate capabilities of systems. The exact figure depends on the particular application (RS-232, PCM, T-1, etc.>. I Channel distortion, (AtPHL, AtpLH), describes the worst case variation of propagation delay from device to device at identical operating conditions. Propagation delays tend to shift as operating conditions cha'nge, and channel distortion specifies the uniformity of that shift. Specifying a maximum value for channel distortion is helpful in parallel data transmission applications where the synchronization of signals on the parallel lines is important. \l The HCPL-2400/11 optocouplers offer the advantages of specified propagation delay (tPLH, tPHU, pulse-width distortion 1000 Vlp.s TYPICAL GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE OVER TEMPERATURE RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF U.L. (FILE NO. E55361) FOR DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND PROOF TEST VOLTAGES OF 1440 Vac, 1 MINUTE AND 2500 Vac, 1 MINUTE (OPTION 010). Description / Applications The 6N137 consists of a GaAsP photon emitting diode and a unique integrated detector. The photons are collected in the detector by a photodiode and then amplified by a high gain linear amplifier that drives a Schottky clamped open collector output transistor. The circuit is temperature, current and voltage compensated, This unique isolator design provides maximum DC and AC circuit isolation between input and output while achieving LSTTLITTL circuit compatibility. The isolator operational parameters are guaranteed from O°C to 70°C, such that a minimum input current of SmA will sink an eight gate fan-out (13mA) at the output with S volt Vee applied to the detector. This isolation and coupling is achieved with a typical propagation delay of SSns. The enable input provides gating of the detector with input sinking and sourcing requirements compatible with LSTTUTTL interfacing. The 6N137 can be used in high speed digital interfacing applications where common mode signals must be rejected, such as for a line receiver and digital programming of floating power supplies, motors, and other machine control systems. It is also useful in digital/analog conversion applications, like compact disk players, for noise elimination. The open collector output provides capability for bussing, OR'ing and strobing. CAUTION: The small junction sizes inherent to the design of this bipolar component increases the component's susceptibility to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD). It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly of this component to prevent damage and/or degradation which may be induced by ESD. 'JEDEC Registered Data. UC I R€COGNITJON .LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _====~:::::::~ t 4,70- (, UJ5! MAX. --- [! rl ~ 0.'16 (,030) it-c IIr-- o I I ,- I ANODE 2 C.B.10201 MIN CATHOOe. 2.921.1151 M1N 55 (025) MAX lAo (.OSS) !+-~ ~:;~ i:~~~~ DIMENSIONS IN MII.lIMETRES ANPllNCtiESI. Recommended operating CondOt" I Ions Sym. Min. Max. Units Input Current, Low Level Each Channel Input Current, High Level Each Channel High Level Enable Voltage Low Level Enable Voltage (Output High) Supply Voltage, Output Fan Out (TTL Load) Operating Temperature IF!. 0 250 iJA IFH 6.3" 15 mA VBI 2.0 0 Vee 0.8 v Vee N 4.5 5.5 8 V T\ 0 70 ·C VEL Absolute Maximum Ratings' (No derating required up to 70°C) Storage Temperature ........................... -Sso C to +12So C Operating Temperature .............................. 0° Cto +70° C Lead Solder Temperature .................... 260°C for lOS (1.6mm below seating plane) Peak Forward Input Current ........................... 40mA (t S; 1msec Duration) Average Forward Input Current ............................. 20mA Reverse Input Voltage .................................................. SV Enable Input Voltage ................................................. S.SV (Not to exceed Vee by more than SOOmV) Supply Voltage - Vee ................. 7V (1 Minute Maximum) Output Current-Io .................................................. SOmA Output Collector Power DiSSipation ..................... 8SmW Output Voltage - Vo ...................................................... 7V **S.3mA condition permits at least 20% eTR degradation guardband. Initial switching threshold is 5mA or less. 9-35 V Electrical Characteristics OVER RECOMMENDED TEMPER.ATURE (TA = O°C TO 70°C) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Parameter Typ.** Max. Units Test Conditions Figure High Level Output CUrrent Symbol IOH* 2 250 p.A VCC=5.5V. VO=5.5V, IF=250J,IA, Ve;"'2.0V 6 Low Level Output Voltage VOL * 0.4 0.6 V Vce=5.5V,IF=SmA, VEH=2.0V 'OL (Sinking) =l3mA 3,5 High Level Enable Current IEH Low Level Enable Current . IEL High Level Supply Current leCH" Low Level Supply leeL * Input-Output In~'ation 1'.0 J Min. -1.0 • -2.0 mA Vce=5.5V, VE=O.5V 7 15 mA Vce"'5.5V. IF"'O VE=0.5V 18 mA Vcc=5.5V,IF=10mA VE"'0.5V 1 p.A 45% AH. t = 55, VI.O'" 3 kV dC,TA'" 25°C AHS50%t=1 MIN 14 2500 VISO R,_o ~) <4-0 0.6 Vp* 1.5 . ",,,,,. Input Forward Input Reverse Voltage own Input Capacltiloce Current Trahsfer Ratio eVR" Vcc"5.5V. VE=2.0V -1.4 OPT010 Resistance (Input-dutput) ", mA VRMS n .1012 pF 1.75 CIN CTR 10 5 f=1MHz. TA=25·C 1","'10mA, TA=25"C V IR"'10f,lA, TA=25"C 5 5,9 VI_o"'500V, TA'" V 60 pF Vp=O, foot MHz 700 % 'p=5.0mA, RL=tOOn Note 5 4 8 2 7 **AII typical values are at Vec = 5V, TA = 25°C Switching Characteristics at TA =25°C, VCC = 5V Parametef® Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions Figure Note Propagation Delay Time to High Output "Le~el tPLH* 55 75 nS RL =350n, CL =15pF, Ip=7.5mA 7,9 1 Propagation Delay Time to ' Low Output Lev~1 Pulse Width Distortion tPHL * 55 75 ns RL =350n, CL =15pF, IF"'7.5mA AL =350n, CL -15pF, IF=7.5mA 7,9 2 ItPHL- tPLH \ 10 ns tr. tf 50,20 ns RL =350n, IF=7.5mA tELH 65 ns RL =350n, CL =15pF , 'F"'7.5mA, VEH-3.0V, VEL=0.5V 8 3 tSHL 20 ns RL =350n, CI. =l5pF, IF=7.5mA VEH=3.0V, VeL "'O.5V 8 4 Common Mode Transient Immunity at Logic High Output Level j, u~ ICMHI 100 vlJ.ls VCM=10V RI. =350n, Vo(min.)",:lV, IF"'OmA 11 6 Common Mode Transient Immunity at Logic Low Output Level ICMLI -300 vtp.$ VCM=10V RL =350n, Vo {max.j=0.8V, IF "'SmA 11 6 Output Rise-Fall Time (1(}90%) Propagation Delay)rime of Enable from VEH to VEL "' ~ Propagation Del~YilTime of Enable from VEL to VEH 1 •JEDEC Registered Data. 9-36 Ct."'15pF, ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - - - - Operating Procedures and Definitions Logic Convention. The 6N 137 is defined in terms of positive logic. Bypassing. A ceramic capacitor (.01 to 0.1MF) should be con· nected from pin 8 to pin 5 (Figure 12). Its purpose is to stab· ilize the operation of the high gain linear amplifier. Failure to provide the bypassing may impair the switching properties. The total lead length between capacitor and coupler should not ex· ceed 20mm. Polarities. All voltages are referenced to network ground (pin 5). Current flowing toward a terminal is considered positive. Enable Input. No external pull·up required for a logic (1), i.e., can be open circuit. .. 80 70 «E , ...... 1~~ -'" .'" ~" -""" ~~. ...... 60 . ... ffi ...... ,... .. _...... ' ...- TA ~ -- --V , -- -- -f.-- -- r--, . . 50 a: a: a~P. s",p, :;) a: " 40 ~ 30 IF =1soc I lmASTEPS NOTES: 1. The tPLH propagation delay is measured from the 3,75mA point on the trailing edge 01 the input pulse to the 1.5V point on thetraillng edge of the output pulse. 2. The bHl propagation delay is measured from the 3.75mA point on the leading edge of the input pulse to 1.5V paint on the leading edge of the output pulse. 3. The tELH enable propagation delay Is measured from the 1.SV point of the trailing edge of the input pulse to the 1.SV point on the trailing edge of the output pulse. 4. The tEHL enable propagation delay is measured from the 1.SV point on the leading edge of the input pulse to the 1.SV point on the leading edge of the output pulse. 5. Device considered a two terminal device: pins 2 and 3 shorted together, and pins 5, 6, 7, and 8 shorted together. 6. Common mode transient immunity in Logic High level is the maximum tolerable (positive) dVcM/dt on the leading edge of the common mode pulse, VCM, to assure that the output will remain in a Logic High state (I.e., Vo>2.0V). Common mode transient immunity in Logic Low level is the, maximum tolerable (negative) dVcM/dt on the trailing edge of the common mode pulse signal, VCM, to assure that the output will remain in a Logie Low state (I.e., Vo<0.8V). 7. DC Current Transfer Ratio Is defined as the ratio of the output collector current to the forward bias Input current times 100%. 8. At 10mA VF decreases with increasing temperature at the rate of 1.6mVf'C. 9. This is a proof test. This rating is equally validated by a 2500 Vae, 1 sec. test. 10. See Option 010 data sheet for more information. ~ 1-""- ...0 \ 8, ~, 4mP, 20 ..... 3mA _0 ."" 10 -- ~ a: a: :;) "Ca: O- - MAX. DC RAT'i ~ a: o o , ~ 10 Vo - COLLECTOR VOLTAGE - v "" Note: Dashed characteristics - denote pulsed operation only, V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS CURVE Figure 4. Input Diode Forward Characteristic. TRACER TERMINALS >, 1f!:O 5mA i" .... _ w "« '>..." Figure 2. Optocoupler Collector Characteristics. __ ~:.!s.:A_ 0,6 0 I-- \:," namA :;) I'--. \:, -9,SmA := 0.5 :;) ,O-6.... A , 0 Vee = 5.0V , >0 0.4 TA~25·C- \\;: 1 50 25 \' '\:\ \\ - TA - TEMPERATURE _ BL 75 °c Figure 5. Output Voltage, VOL vs. Temperature and Fan-Out. 350il /lk!1 4k!1 100 J1 '( '- If! '" 250/l-A Vee 'i, ... ffi a: a: IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - rnA 50 :;) "... Erl------v.:1m~~--~-o+5V ~ 5.5 V Vo .... s.SV r-- :;) := :;) 0 , l>fWl--+---"'---o ~ Vo _0 25 50 TA - TEMPERATURE - Figure 6. Output Current, IOH Figure 3. Input-Output Characteristics. 9-37 V50 75 °c Temperature {iF=250ILAI. +SV INPUT VE r--~~., MONITORING NODE PULSE GENERATOR puLse GENERATOI!r----- MONITORING I, NODE OUTPUT Va 47n MONITORING NODE t U - + - - - + - o MONITORING NODE ·CL Is ~~p'roximately 15pF, which includes ~robe.a.nd stray wiring ca~acjtance. INPUT I, - - 350mV IIF"'!7.5mAI . . J-----\---17~mVII,.3.7SmAI - I tpHl I--- . ~ tpLH t*"I ~ I __ ~ ____ I e~TPUT . VOH ----1.SV " - - " - - - VOL Figure 7. Test Circuit for tpHL and tPLH"* Figure 8. Test Circuit for tELH and tEHL . .. JEDEC. Registered Data. e, ;>O~---'----------;~>O-"'Ch.n ~ Chan B rnr--V;;J;!l-t"""--+~':--__ +5V c ~ i , ChanA~ __ I tOL "'50ns (delay in response to logic High Level input) ~ ' Chan B ~ tOH '" 20n5 .(delay in response to logic Low Level input) IFH - PULSE INPUT CURRENT - rnA Figure 9. Propagation Delay, tpHL and tPLH VI. Pulse Input Current, IFH. Figure 10. Response Oelay·Between TTL Gates. t, "'160ns tf- 55nl " ~ ~+---~-__oVO Va A A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SV ~;;; SWITCH AT A: IF= OmA ~VOL VO.. - · · - - - - : . - - - - - -.. PULSE GEN. SWITCH AT B: IF- 5mA VcM + Figure 11. Test Circuit for Transient Immunity and Typical Wa.veforms. ______ LGNDBUSlaACK) N.C. CIf.;-!rlt===~==~ ENABLE (IF USED) N.C• OUTPU:r1 .........-..:;..!f:r-- Figure 12. Recommended Printed Circuit Board Layout. 9-38 FliRW HIGH CMR, HIGH SPEED OPTOCOUPLER HEWLETT ~e.tI PACKARD ~I S'.90 !:39'3'1 I_~I."OI 'F I +- I ~: ] VF - 8 7 6 OUTLINE DRAWING !lli.CW!._ 0 ..').3 1.013.1 ..t ~i-~!"··-"""'=~-r 5. TYPE NUMBeR DATE CODe I ti~Pl-2601 f4CPL-2611 u, l:r.,......,,,-,..,,,...,..,,.... j al()~ 7.36 ~ iI60 L~601 'f88 1-310) ~ECOGNITION t_~~=:;;;;= I L---~--_t~----~---o5GND '. A 0.01 TO 0.1 pF BYPASS CAPACITOR MUST BE CONNECTED BETWEEN PINS 8 AND 5 (See Note 1). Figure 1. Schematic. t V. 7 --I TRUTH TABLE (Positive Logic) Input Enable Output H L H H H L H H H 4,70\.leSI MAX, I I II '." I '.1 2:9:/,1,. 115t MIN 41--0,65 C02S} MAX. 0_]6 (.0301 j 1:40 f1i55j !__ ~ ~:.~~; --- MIN DIMENSIONS- tN MllLIMHRES AND (INCHESl. Applications o INTERNAL SHIELD FOR HIGH COMMON MODE • • I rI - Features • • • • ·:to. '. ". I II I • • • • • • • • • REJECTION (CMR) HCPL-2601 = 1000 V/p.s HCPL-2611 = 3500 V/p.s HIGH SPEED: 10 MBd TYPICAL LSTTL/TTL COMPATIBLE LOW INPUT CURRENT REQUIRED: 5 rnA GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE OVER TEMPERATURE: ODC to 70DC STROBABLE OUTPUT RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF U.L. (FILE NO. E55361) FOR DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND PROOF TEST VOLTAGES OF 1440 Vae, 1 MINUTE AND 2500 Vae, 1 MINUTE (OPTION 010). Isolated Line Receiver Simplex/Multiplex Data Transmission Computer-Peripheral Interface Microprocessor System Interface Digital Isolation for A/D, D/A Conversion Switching Power Supply Instrument Input/Output Isolation Ground Loop Elimination Pulse Transformer Replacement Recommended operating Conditions "Sym. Description The HCPL-2601/11 optically coupled gates combine a GaAsP light emitting diode and an integrated high gain photon detector. An enable input allows the detector to be strobed. The output of the detector I.C. is an open collector Schottky clamped transistor. The internal shield provides a guaranteed common mode transient immunity specification of 1000 V/J1.S for the 2601, and 3500 V/J1.S with the 2611. This unique design provides maximum D.C. and A.C. circuit isolation while achieving TTL compatibility. The isolator D.C. operational parameters are guaranteed from 00 C to 700 C allowing troublefree system performance. This isolation is achieved with a typical propagation delay of 40 nsec. The HCPL-2601/11 are suitable for high speed logic interfacing, input/output buffering, as line receivers in environments that conventional line receivers cannot tolerate and are recommended for use in extremely high ground or induced noise environments. 9-39 Min. Max. Ulllls Input Current, Low Level IFe 0 250 Input Cu rrent, High Level IfH 6.3' 15 I'A rnA V Supply Voltage, Output Vee 4.5 5.5 High Level Enable Voltage VEH 2.0 Vcc V Low Level Enable Voltage VEL 0 0.8 V 0 70 Fan Out (TTL LOad) Operating Temperature N T" 8 'c CAUTION: The small junction sizes inherent to the deSign of this bipolar component increases the component's susceptibility to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD). It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly of this component to prevent damage and/or degradation which may be induced by ESD. *6.3 mA condition permits at least 20% eTR degradation guard band. Initial switching threshold is SmA or less. Absolute Maximum Ratings (No Derating Required up to 70°..C) . SupplyVoltage-Vee ......... 7V (1. MinuteMaxim~m) Enable I nput Voltage - VE ..................... ,.. 5:5 V (Not to exceed Vee by more than 500 mY) Output Collector Current - 10 ................. 25 mA Output Collector Power Dissipation .... . .. . . .. 40 mW Output Collector Voltage- Vo .................... 7V StorageTemperature . . . . . . . . . . . ... -55° C to +125· C Operating Temperature ................ O·C to +70· C LeadSolderTemperature ..... ....... 260·Cfor10S (1.6mm below seating plane) Forward Input Current - IF (see Note 2) ....... 20 mA Reverse Input Voltage ........................... 5 V Electrical Characteristics (Over Recommended Temperature, TA = DoC to +70°C, Unless Otherwise Noted) Typ,' Max. Units Test Condilions High level Output Current 10H 20 250 I'A Vee'" S.5V. Vo '" 5.5V. IF 250 p.A, VE = 2.0 V 2 Low level Output Voltage VOl. 0.4 0.6 V ~~c = 5.5V, IF '" SmA E = 2.0 V, 101. (Sinking) = 13 rnA 3,5 High level Supply Current !cen 10 15 mA Vee = 5.5V, IF = 0, Va'" 0.5 V Low level Supply Current len 15 19 mA Vee'" 5.5V, IF'" 10 mA, Va =0.5 V Low level ~Current High Level Current lal. .1.4 -2.0 Ian -1,0 High Level Enable Voltage VEH L;ow Level Enaqle Voltage VEl. Symbol Parameter Min. eVil Inpul Diode Temperature . £!.1. 1.75 10mA. v 5 eo GIN ~OElfflclent V 11 V 0.8 1.5 own . Input Capacitance ~a mA 2,0 VI' 'Input Reverse 8 Voltage = Figure Nole- 4 11\ '" 10p.A, T pF VF "" 0, f = 1 MHz mVJOG IF= 10 mA -1.6 ~TA '1,-0 Input.Output Insulation '% ~jt%1i I OPT 010 Re$lstance (Input-Output) CapacitllBse (Inf&t:OutplJt) VISO 1 45% RH, I"" 5s, VI-o =$ kV do. TA >= 25·0 VRMS IRHS50%t=1 MIN n VI-O 0= 500 V pF f=l MHz 2500 ".Ar-o ' 10" .... OI~O 0.6 3,12 I'A 13 3 3' 'All typical values are al Vee = 5V.TA = 25'C. switching Characteristics Paramelar Plop/Igatlon Diay Time to High Output; evel Propagation Delay Time to Low output Level • symbol . Min, ITA = 2Soc. Vee"" SV) lYp. Max. Units .1PLH 40 75 os tp.HL 40 75 ns RI."'$50n FliJura Note 6 4 6 5 9 8 9 7 Ot.= 15pF Pul8eWldlh DlstortiQn . f!PHL;.tpl.H1 10 os outpUt Flise Time (10-90%) :Ir . If 20 n$ 30 ns 25 n$ Output Fall Time (90-10%) Tett Condition. propagation Delay Time 01 Enable from VEH to Vel. tEl.H Propagation Delay nme of Enable from VEL to VEH . !EHI. IF=7.5mA i'lL'" 3500, GL'" 15pF, IF"'7.5mA, VSH=3V, VEL"OV Common Mode TranslenllmmunilY at High Output Level 10M i'll Common Mode . Transient Irnmunlt)/ at low Output Level ICrvld .' 25 2601 1000 110.000 2611 3500 ~1ooo 3500 10,000 os . III,.s RL =350.0, CL'" 15pF, IF=1.5mA, VEH=3V. VIiI."'OV VCM=50V VO(MIN}=211. RI.=350n IIlp/& VOM" 400 II IF=OmA VII'S VOM"SOV Vlp.$ 110M: 400 II IF=7.5mA 9-40 VO(MAx)=O.BII RL=350n 12 . 5.10 12 9,10 -- ----~ ----- --~~--~-~----~~~ NOTES: 1. Bypassing of the power supply line is required, with a 0.01 J.lF ceramic disc capacitor adjacent to each isolator as illustrated in Figure 15. The power supply bus for the isolator(s) should be separate from the bus for any active loads, otherwise a larger value of bypass capacitor (up to 0.1 J.tF) may be needed to suppress regenerative feedback via the power supply. 2. Peaking circuits may produce transient input currents up to 50 rnA, 50 ns maximum pulse width, provided average current does not exceed 20 mAo 3. Device considered a two terminal device: pins 1, 2, 3 and 4 shorted together, and pins 5, 6, 7 and 8 shorted together. 4. The tpl.H propagation delay is measured from the 3.75 rnA pOint on the trailing edge of the input pulse to the 1.5 V point on the trailing edge of the output pulse. 5. The tpHl propagation delay is measured from the 3.75 mA point on the leading edge of the Input pulse to the 1.5V paint on the leading edge of the output pulse. Ve• l • 5.6~ Vo • 5.•V Vs ·:/'oV 15 10 "- o o 20 10 .... ......... 30 '..0.... 40 J 10. For sinusoidal voltages, (ldvnl l --dt ~ "fCMVCM (p-p) rna" 11. No external pull up is required for a high logic state on the enable input. 12. This is a proof test. This rating is equally validated by a 2500 Vac, 1 sec. test. 13. See Option 010 data sheet for more information, - • 26Q"A- '" ~ 6. The tEI.H enable propagation delay is measured from the 1.5 V point on the trailing edge of the enable input pulse to the 1.5 V point on the trailing edge of the output pulse. 7. The tEll!. enable propagation delay is measured from the 1.5 V point on the leading edge of the enable input pulse to the 1.5 V paint on the leading edge of the output pulse. 8. CMH is the maximum tolerable rate of rise of the common mode voltage to assure that the output will remain in a high logic state (Le., VOl''!" >2.0 V). 9. eM!. is the maximum tolerable rate of fall of the common mode voltage to assure that the output will remain in a low logic state (i.e., Vm'T I .,v 1111:- !>nl 4.0 f---i'flr--+--!--+--+--4 w "~ g ~ 60 Z ~ o IE ·CL Is Ipproxlmately 16 pF, which Includes probe and stray wiring capacllance, I 1.0 INPUT IF J IF '- FORWARD INPUT CURRENT - mA V8, Forward I ~---IF-7.'mA ~. 1 - - - - - - , - - - IF -3.75mA ---+I 1- ---, r-~~TPUT~_l.'V tpHL Output Voltage Input Current. 70 o ~ 2.01---+~ Figure 5, Vee - 5.0V I, • 1.s",A+----...Jr----r--l-----I I Q 3,0 f--"lllft--+"o-::-'-';""",.........J-,.--+--4 o -i 2 10 tpLH Figure 6, Test Circuit for tpHL and t pLH ' 20 30 40 60 60 TA =TEMPERATURE-'C Figure 7, Propagation Delay vs. Temperature, 9-41 ~.--.~.~-.------ 70 MJLse a 70 ~ 60 GENERATOR 8OH-+--j--.j c I 5 w c ~ ", • ."n Vet t:: S.OV -TA ·25"C 70i---:--r-- 60H-+- CL'" Output,vo "iinTOl....L...._.....J. Monitoring Nod. L -_ _ _ _ _ _ 'V o Figure 8. Propagation Delay vs. Pulse Input Current, 200 ~-l-_ R 60 I L):il'HF=~-o:::r~~ Nodo 10 20 3q 40 50 BOOO w ~ w c o :0 z '35on 60 !;; in ov ~MH 5V SWITCH AT A: IF = 0 RL #4kD ) 0' ! !!: VCM o :> :0 '!:"f- Rl Figure 10. Enable Propagation Delay vs. Temperature. ~ 10000 I-r+-+-I-+--! 3500 10 ·0 ~----1.5V R }360n Rl = lk~ 0 ~ 12000 F=t==f=F=t==f=F=t==F=F'1 I --- -- -- - 20 0 r-- Figure 9. Test Clrcult.for tEHL and tELH. RL -lkn 40 30 tELH ____ .__ . I --- - - 50 ~ I- .'4kn t,--- w tEHL l:T.:.:c ~l Vee = 5.0 V 190 r l , • 7.SmA 70 TA - TEMPERATURE _cC' Figure 11. Rise, Fall Time vs. Temperature. Vo O.5V _ _,....-~f\--Vofmax.1 1000 ~ V eM - COMMON MODE TRANSIENT AMPLITUDE 0 - V Figure 13. Common Mode Transient Immunity vs. Common Mode Transient Amplitude. ~ ______ LGND BUS (BACK) ~ ~ 1.31--1---1'--1--+~ ~ 1.21--1--+ . Figure 12. Test Circuit for Common Mode Transienllmmunlty and Typical Waveforms. 1.4 r--;-,--,---r-,--,---r ~z ~ :0 8 ·1 SWITCH AT B: IF .. 7.5 mA w 10 I ,!i' OUTPUT~I ., '. I IF - PULSE INPUT CURRENT ~ rnA J- w ~PUT J------}.---'.5V --I iT 20 « "'z \----3.0V 20 "r 30 w .... It .oC L Is approxlma~ly 15pF. which includes ", prDbe.ndstraywiringcapacitance.· .~ 40 "0i1: ~ I '" ~ RL 210 50 z 0 It :0 c '5V i ;: .... .... ~ w I ~ff.. tI'"' N.C. ctP~rt~==~==~ c3!i ENABLE "~ ffi... 1.1/-'::"'~-I'--f--+- (IF USED) j:Cii ~. ~ a: ... 1.0 /--I--I""'d--+-+-+-; .9 1---1--\--+--'''''',-1--4-''; N.C. N.C.~~~ N.C. Figure 14. Relative Common Mode Transient Immunity vs. Temperature. ~-7+.'J-' Figure 15. Recommended Printed Circuit Board Layout. 9-42 OUTPUT 1 OUTPUT 2 ----~-~--~--~ ------------------ HIGH CMR LINE RECEIVER OPTOCOUPLER 9.90 (.390) I-~~ la 7 _I HCPl-2602 HCPl-2612 OUTLINEDRAWING* 65. TYPE NUMBER 1t 'DATE eOOE 6.10 tMID 1.36 (.290, 6.60- i.2601 I 7']8(.310) PlN~'T""I"""'"2T""1"""'"3T""1"""4..J ONEil - _I UL flECOGNITION ----=\S~o;;;;::::- t 1_t78L0701MAX. .............. 1<19 (.047) MAX. OIMENSIO~ IN MllLJMEifleSANO ~rNCHES~. TRUTH TABLE (Positive Logic) A 0.01 TO 0.1 p.F BYPASS CAPACITOR MUST BE CONNECTED BETWEEN PINS BAND 5 (See Note 1). Figure 1. Schematic. Input Enable Output H L H L H H L L H H H L Features Applications • HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION 2602 = 1000 VII'S 2612 = 3500 VII'S • LINE TERMINATION INCLUDED - NO EXTRA CIRCUITRY REQUIRED • ACCEPTS A BROAD RANGE OF DRIVE CONDITIONS • GUARDBANDEDFOR LED DEGRADATION • LED PROTECTION MINIMIZES LED EFFICIENCY DEGRADATION • HIGH SPEED - 10MBd (LIMITED BY TRANSMISSION LINE IN MANY APPLICATIONS) • INTERNAL SHIELD PROVIDES EXCELLENT COMMON MODE REJECTION • EXTERNAL BASE LEAD ALLOWS "LED PEAKING" AND LED CURRENT ADJUSTMENT • RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF U.L. (FILE NO. E55361) FOR DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND PROOF TEST VOLTAGES OF 1440 Vac, 1 MINUTE AND 2500 Vac, 1 MINUTE (OPTION 010). • HCPL-1930/1 COMPATIBILITY o Computer-Peripheral Interface Digital Isolation for A/D, 0/A Conversion o Current Sensing o Instrument Input/Output Isolation o Ground Loop Elimination o Pulse Transformer Replacement DC specifications are defined similar to TTL logic and are guaranteed from 0° C to 70° C allowing trouble free interfacing with digital logic circuits. An input current of 5 mA will sink an eight gate fan-out (Till at the output with a typical propagation delay from inpL.' to output of only 45 nsec. The HCPL-2602/12 are useful as line t>.'!rs in high noise environments that conventional line re",,:. 'rs cannot tolerate. The higher LED threshold volt". 'l provides improved immunity to differential noise and th, internally shielded detector provides orders of magnitude improvement in common mode rejection with little or no sacrifice in speed. CAUTION: The small junction sizes inherent to the design of this bipolar component increase the component's susceptibility to damange from electrostatic discharge (ESD). It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly of this component to prevent damage and/or degradation which may be induced by ESD. 9-43 ~-----.---.~- Simplex/Multiplex Data Transmission o o The HCPL-2602/12 optically coupled line receivers combine a GaAsP light emitting diode, an input current regulator and an integrated high gain photon detector. The input regulator serves as a line termination for line receiver applications. It clamps the line voltage and regulates the LED current so line reflections do not interfere with circuit performance. The regulator allows a typical LED current of 8.5 mA before it starts to shunt excess current. The output of the detector IC is an open collector Schottky clamped transistor. An enable input gates the detector. The internal detector shield provides a guaranteed common mode transient immunity specification of 1000 ViI's for the 2602, and 3500 ViI's for the 2612. - o o Microprocessor System Interface Description ------ Isolated Line Receiver Recommended Operating Conditions Sym. Min. Max. Units IlL Input Current, High Level lIB 0 6.3" Supply Voltage, Output VtT 4.5 60 5.5 High Level Enable Voltage VEll Low Level Enable Voltage VEl. 2.0 Vee V 0 0.8 V Fan Out (TTL Load) N Operating Temperature TA .. Storage Temperature ........ ; ..... -55·Cto+125°C Operating Temperature ................ 0·Clo+70°C Lead Solder Temperature ........... 260·C for 10 S (1.6mm below seating plane) Forward Input Current -I) •••••••..••. ,....... 60 mA Reverse Input Current ....••..•..••..•..•••.•. 60 mA Supply Voltage-Vee ......... 7V (1 Minute Maximum) Enable Input Voltage - VE ........................ 5,5 V (Not to exceed Vee by more than 500 mY) Output Collector Current -10 .................. 25 mA Output Collector Power DiSSipation . . . . . . . .. .. 40 mW Output Collector Voltage - Vo .................... 7 V InputCurrent,Pin4 •..•..... , ..•...••••.•••. ±10mA ~ Input Current, Low Level 250 Absolute Maximum Ratings V 8 0 DC 70 6.3 rnA con.dltlon permits at least 20% degradation guard band. Initial switching threshold is 5 rnA or less. NOTES: 1. Bypassing of the power supply line is required. with a 0.01 pF ceramic disc capacitor adjacent to each isolator as illustrated in Figure 15. The power supply bus for the isolator(s) should be separate from the bus for 6. The t':1I1. enable propagation delay is measured from the 1.5 V point on the leading edge of the enable input pulse to the 1.5 V pOint on the leading edge of the output pulse. 7. eMil is the maximum tolerable rate of rise of the common mode voltage any active loads, otherwise a larger value of bypass capacitor (up to 0.1 pF) may be needed to suppress regenerative feedback via the power supply. 2. Device considered a two terminal device: pins 1, 2, 3 and 4 shorted logether. and pins 5. 6. 7 and 8 shorted together. 3. The tl'l.lI propagation delay is measured from the 3.75 rnA point on the trailing edge of the input pulse to the 1.5 V pOint on the trailing edge of the output pulse. . 4. The tpHi. propagation delay is measured from the 3.75 rnA point on the leading edge of the input pulse to the 1.5V point on the leading edge of the output pulse. to assure that the output will remain in a high logic state (I.e., VO\'l' a. >2.0 V). CM!. is the maximum tolerable rate of fall of the common mode voltage to assure that the output will remain in a low logic state (I.e., VOl''!' , 4.0 > w w '~" ~§! 3.0 §! ... ~, !; ~ 2.0 0 I .f "> 1.0 10 1.' 10 20 30 40 50 60 ,I, - INPUT CURRENT - rnA ~ §! !; ~ 1 >'5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Figure 3. Input Characteristics. I [ 'f ~ S.OmA 0.61--r--~---:.·--'---'--+--l 0.51----4--I.--!- 0.3 OutputVo Monitoring Node ·CL is approxim~taly 15 pF, which includes proba and stray wiring capacitanc:a. INPUT 0.2 t~ "6.4mA 0.1 0'---'10--2Q.l--ao J--.'-0--'50--6..1.0--'70 TA -TEMPERATURE_OC Figure 5. Low Level Output Voltage vs. Temperature. I, ~~----~'-7.~_mA --"------~A --+l tpHL_I- ----., tpLH ~~TPUT~I ____ r-- ~_~ __ 1'5V Figure 6•. Test Circuit lor tpHL and·tpLH. 9-44 70 Figure 4. High Level Output Current vs. Temperature. 0.8 r--r-,--.,.--r---"--'---, Vee' MV 0.71---.,.----".--- V. • 2.0V ~~ 0'4E~~~~~ § :----... TA -TEMPERATURE-"C IF - FORWARD INPUT CURRENT - rnA Figure 2. Output Voltage vs. Forward Input Current. , r-- -... 1.2 0 w I\.. ~ --. 1.0 > - Figure 7. Propagailon. Delay vs. Temperature. Electrical Characteristics (Over Recommended Temperature, TA = O'Cto +70'C, Unless Otherwise Noted) Parameter Symbol High Level Output Current Low level Output Voltage' Typ." Max. Units 10H 20 250 I1A VOL 0.4 0.6 V V Input Voltage Min. VI Input Reverse Voltage VR Test Conditions Vee" 5.5V, Va = 5.5V 1,=250 /.lA, VE=2.0V Vcc=5.5V,I,=5 rnA Ve 2•.oY, 10 L (Slnking)=13 rnA 2.0 2.4 2.3 2.7 0.75 0.95 V -2.0 rnA Vec=5.5V, VE=0.5V rnA Vec=5.5V, VE=2.0V Low Level Enable Current IEL -1.4 High Level Enable Current IgH -1.0 High level Enable Voltage VEH 2.0 Figure Note 4 2,5 1,=5mA 3 1,?60mA 3 IR=5 rnA 10 V Low Level Enable Voltage VEL 0.8 V High Level Supply Current leeH 10 15 rnA Vce=5.5V, 1,=0, VE=0.5V Low level Supply Current ICCL 16 19 rnA Vec"5.5V, 1,=60 rnA VE=0.5V CtN 90 pF V,=O, f"'l MHz, (PIN 2·3) p.A 45% RH, t = 5s, V'.O""3 kV dC,TA= 25°C 2,11 RH$50%t"" 1 MIN 12 Input Capacitance Input·Output Insulation I 1 I,·a OPT010 2500 Visa VRMS Resistance (lnput·Output) R,_o 10 12 n Capacitance (lnput·Output) CI-O 0.6 pF V,_0=500V 2 f'" 1 MHz 2 --All typical values are at Vee = 5V, TA = 25'e. Switching Characteristics (TA" 25°C, Vec" 5V) Parameter Symbol Typ. Max. Units Propagation Delay Time to High Output Level tpLH 45 75 ns Propagation Delay Time to Low Output Leve' tpHL 45 75 ns Output Rise Time (10-90%) tr 25 Output Fall Time (90-10%) tf 25 ns Propagation Delay Time of Enable from VEH to VEL tELH 15 ns Propagation Delay Time of Enable from VEL to VEH tEHL 15 Common Mode Transient Immunity at High Output Level ICMHI Common Mode Transient Immunity at Low Output Level ICMLI Min. 2602 1000 2612 3500 2602 1000 2612 3500 10,000 10,000 9-45 Test Conditions Figure Note 6 3 6 4 10 5 10 6 VO(MIN)=2V RL'" 350.0 1,=OmA 12 7,9 VO(MAX) "'0.8 V RL = 350.0 1,=7:5mA 12 8,9 RL'" 350!) CL = 15pF 1,= 7,5mA ns RL = 350!), CL = 15 pF. 1,= 7.5 rnA. VEH =3V, VEL = OV Vlp.s VcM =50V Vips VCM= 300 V VI!J,s VCM=50V Vips VCM=300V 80 E 240 r--r"'v.:-cc~=-:5-:.0:-:V~-"~-"-"---' 1m 1!11.5mA tt 70 I > '" 60 9 Z 50 ~ 40 ..J ;:: ::: uI ii: I 30 " 20 OutputVo II::~~~~~~~::=j . 0 I so ~ !;; If RC w ::; W 0 40l--+--~~~~-- 00t:~10t::120:::3!0:::40r::J6EO::6tO::j70 TA - TEMPERATURE _ °C 11 - PULSE IN!:'U:r CURRENT - rnA Figure 8. Propagation Delay vs. Pulse Input Current. Figure 9. Rise, Fall Time vs. Temperature, Figure 10. Test Circuit for tEHLand tELH' 70 ~ 12000 F=F=F=F=F=F=F=F=F=1=:::::J 5 60 0 Z 50 ~ 10000 i 40 ! tpLH for proper operation. A NOR flipflop has infinite CMR for POSITIVELY sloped transients but requires tpHL < tpLH for proper operation. An exclusive-OR flip-flop has infinite CMR for common mode transients of EITH ER polarity and operates with either tpHL > tpLH or tpHL tpLH, so NAND gates are preferred in the R-S flip-flop. A higher drive amplitude or different circuit configuration could make tpHL tpLH or tpHL --r~~~-o I I I I I EXCLUSIVE-OR FLIP FLOP Figure d. Flip Flop Configurations. 9-48 NAND flip flop tolerates simultaneouslV HIGH . inputs; NOR flip flop tolerates simultaneously LOW inputs; EXCLUSIVE· OR flip flop tolerates simuttanaously HIGH OR LOW inputs without causing either of the outputs to change. FliOW DUAL TTL COMPATIBLE OPTOCOUPLER HEWLETT a.!~ PACKARO +3 V~' 2 NOTE: HCPL-2630 01JTLINE DRAWING Vee vo, ::::::: :,: "*~ 8765 vo, I I PINm-;-,T"T":;'2"""":;'3T"T-;-r4-' ONE,) L------+--<~-_o GND _ ~~COQNITION !UQ~ i The HCPL-2630 can be used in high speed digital interface applications where common mode signals must be rejected such as for a line receiver and digital programming of floating power supplies, motors, and other machine control systems. It is also usefull in digital/analog conversion applications, like compact disk players, for noise elimination. The open collector output provides capability for bussing, strobing and "WIRED-OR" connection. In all applications, the dual channel configuration allows for high density packaging, increased convenience and more usable board space. 5' TYP •• ~'t ........1 1_,.78 1.0701 MAX. ___ 1.19(,0471 MAX. ANODE, 1 4.701.1851 MAX. I t lo.51 I 4 II CATHODE, 2 (.0201 I MIN. ¢ATHOOE2 ~.9Z {.1151 MIN. ~ ~ -11,65 (.025) MAX. ANOOE ~ I- I- g£I! 2.80 (.1101 4 '-01..-_ _--1:-"'" DIMENSIONS IN MI Ll.lMnRES AND {INCHESI, Recommended Operating Conditions Input Current, Low Level Eaeh Channel Input Current, High Level Each Channel Supply Voltage, Output Fan Out (TTL Load) Each Channel Operating Temperature The HCPL-2630 consists of a pair of inverting optically coupled gates each with a GaAsP photon emitting diode and a unique integrated detector. The photons are collected in the detector by a photodiode and then amplified by a high gain linear amplifier that drives a Schottky clamped open collector output transistor. Each circuit is temperature, current and voltage compensated. This unique dual coupler design provides maximum DC and AC circuit isolation between each input and output while achieving LSTTL/TTL circuit compatibility. The coupler operational parameters are guaranteed from 0° C to 70° C, such that a minimum input current of 5 mA in each channel will sink an eight gate fan-out (13 mAl at the output with 5 volt Vee applied to the detector. This isolation and coupling is achieved with a typical propagation delay of 55 nsec. I _ Features Description/Applications \ 736 1.290) 660 I 2601 7JjjjDWI • LSTTL/TTL COMPATIBLE: 5V SUPPLY • HIGH SPEED: 10 MBd TYPICAL • LOW INPUT CURRENT REQUIRED: 5 mA o GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE OVER TEMPERATURE • HIGH DENSITY PACKAGING o RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF U.L. (FILE NO. E55361) FOR DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND PROOF TEST VOLTAGES OF 1440 Vae, 1 MINUTE AND 2500 Vae, 1 MINUTE (OPTION 010). .---u- • TYPE NUMBER DATE CODE Sym, Min. Max. Units IFL 0 250 pA IFH VCC 4.5 16 6,5 mA V 0 70 6.3· S N TA ·c Absolute Maximum Ratings (No derating required up to 70°C) Storage Temperature ..•........•..... -55°C to +125·C Operating Temperature ... , .•.... ,',., .•. DoC to +70°C Lead Solder Temperature ..... , ...• , ...• , . 260°C for 10s (1.6mm below seating plane) Peak Forward Input Current (each channel) ..... 30 mA (<;; 1 msec Duration) Average Forward Input Current (each channel) ..... 15 mA Reverse Input Voltage (each channel) .•... , .... , , . . .. 5V Supply Voltage - Vee ...... ".. 7V (1 Minute Maximum) Output Current - 10 (each channel) ..• , •.•...... , 16 mA Output Voltage - Vo (each channel) ...•. , .. ,....... 7V Output Collector Power Dissipation ....• ,....... 60 mW *6.3mA condition permits at least 20% eTR degradation guardband. Initial switching threshold is 5mA or less. 9-49 Electrical Characteristics OVER RECOMMENDED TEMPERATURE (TA Parameter Symbol = O°C TO 70°C) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Min. Typ.** Max. Units Figure Test Conditions High Level Output Current IOH 2 250 IJA Vee" 5.5V, Vo '" 5.5V, IF = 250IJA Low Level Output Voltage VOL 0.5 0.6 V Vce "5.5V, IF = 5mA IOl (Sinking) = 13mA High Level Supply Current leeH 14 30 rnA Vee = 5.5V, IF = 0 (Both Channels) Low Level Supply leCl 28 36 rnA Vec = 5.5V, If' = lOrnA (Both Channels) Input-Output Insulation 11-0 1 ,..A 45% RH, t "" 5$, VI-O "" 3 kV dc, TA '" 25°C J OPT 010 Resistance (I nput·Output) Vise Capacitance (Input-Output) RI-o CI_O Input Forward Voltage VF YAMS RHS50%t=1 MIN 10 12 n VI-O 0.6 pF f= lMHz, TA '" 25°C 2500 1.5 3 3 3 4,9 10 4 500V, T A = 25°C 4 IF = 10mA, TA '" 25°C V I A '" 101JA, T A = 25°C 60 pF VF=O,f=lMHz 3 0.005 JJ.A Relative Humidity'" 45%, t=5s, VI_I=500V 8 VH '" 500V f= lMHz 8 pF % IF '" 5.0mA, RL = lOOn BVR Input Capacitance CIN Input-Input Insulation Leakage Current II-I Resistance (Input-Input) RI.I 1011 n Capacitance (I nput-Input) CI-I CTR 0.25 700 5 4 7,3 V 1.75 I nput Reverse Breakdown Voltage Current Transfer Ratio = Note 8 2 6 ** All typical valUes are at VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C Switching Characteristics at TA=2SoC,VcC=SV EACH CHANNEL Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions Figure Note Propagation Delay Time to High Output Level tplH 55 75 ns RL = 350 n, Cl '" 15pF, .IF =7.5mA 6,7 1 Propagation Delay Time to Low Output Level tPHL 55 75 os Rl " 350 n, CL IF =7.5mA 6,7 2 Pulse Width Distortion tPHL - tpLH 10 ns Rl '" 350 n, Cl If' '" 7.5mA Output Rise Time (10-90%) OUtput Fall Time {90-10%l Common Mode Transient Immunity at High Output Level tr 50 tf 20 ns ns Rl '" 350 n, Cl = 15pF, IF =7.SmA VCM " 10Vp _p , Rl" 350 n, Vo (min.) '" 2V, IF '" OmA 9 5 9 5 Common Mode Transient Immunity at Low Output Level NOTE: ICMHI 100 V/p.s ICMLI 300 VIp.. 15pF, C ~ VeM '" 10Vp _p, Rl" 350 n, Vo (max.) '" O.BV IF'" 7.5mA 15pF, It is essential that a bypass capacitor I:01IlF to O.lIlF, ceramicl be connected from pin 8 to pin 5. Total lead length between both ends of the capacitor and the isolator pins should not exceed 20mm. Failure to provide the bypass may impair the switching properties (Figure 5), 9-50 ---~-.--------------- NOTES: 1. The tpLH propagation delay is measured from the 3.75 rnA point on the trailing edge of the input pulse to the 1.5V point on the trail- Vee"'- 5,OV iA" 2S 2.0V). Common mode transient. immunity in Logic Low level is the max imum tolerable (negative) dV CM/dt on RL 35iffi /lkfl ~41d] /V' '( IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT .• rnA the trailing edge of the common mode pulse signal, VCM, to assure that the output will remain in a Logic Low. state (i.e., VO o-~ +5V ~ChanB rr---+-~--o+5V 7404 CMnA----,L________~ Chan B ---+,-' 1 • I 470n tDL '" 50 ns (delay in response to , logiC low lavel input) ~'tDH = 30 m .01j.tF BYPASS (delay in response to logic high level input) TA-2S g C Figure 8. Response Delay Between TTL Gates. t, '" 160115 tf" 55n5 ~~------~-o+5V 350n Vo Vo ---_~ ..- - - - - - - 5V SWITCH AT A: IF"" OmA VeM Vo + Il}----......., -----------~VOL SWITCHATB: IF ;o7.SmA PULSE GEN. Figure 9. TIIIit Circuit for Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms. 9-52 Fhdl HEWLETT .:~ PACKARD DUAL CHANNEL HIGH CMR HIGH SPEED OPTOCOUPLER :,: '" *leo .-__ OUTLINE DRAWTNG 1 ----.--..:.--'cc--.,.--o ::: 2' _~('310'_! B 1 6 I IF2 + - o:J:lr:Di3)"J:. I ·.--~~-~~~=1 I rnCiWI VF2J~ 3 5 TYPE NUMBER I DATE CODE 6.101d1Q! 1.36 (.2901 6.60 (.2601 I 4 O.lHOO]} 1 9.90 (.390) I - HCPL-2631 HCPL-4661 ~T"T-;;-r'''''-:;-''''''..,.-J ~~COGNITION l I - =::!S~~- 7 I I I 5 L - - - - J - - -__~~---oGND NOTE, A ,01 TO 0.1 ~F BYPASS CAPACITOR MUST BE CONNECTED BETWEEN PINS BAND 5. SEE NOTE 1. ANODE1 1 I 4.70 (.1861 MAX. i "l Figure 1. Schematic Features rl - 0.75 (.0301 1.40~) • INTERNAL SHIELD FOR HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION (CMR) I I --~--. t lo.51 1.0201CATHODE, f II --c:... 2 MIN. CATHODE 2 3 2.92 1.1151 MIN. , - -0.66 [.025) MAX. MlODE. 4 I_I-- ~ (.0901 2.80 (.110) ' -_ _- - f DIMENSIONS IN MI L~!.~ETRES AN~ !iNCH"SI. 2631 = 1000 VIJ.ls • LSTTL AND TTL COMPATIBLE receivers in environmen1s that conventional line receivers cannot tolerate. The HCPL-263114661 can be used for the digital programming of machine control systems, motors, and floating power supplies. The internal shield makes the HCPL-2631/4661 ideal for use in extremely high ground or induced noise environments. • GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE OVER TEMPERATURE O°C to 70°C Applications 4661 = 3500 VIJ.ls • HIGH DENSITY PACKAGING • HIGH SPEED: 10 MBd TYPICAL • ISOLATION OF HIGH SPEED LOGIC SYSTEMS • RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF U.L. (FILE NO. E55361) FOR DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND PROOF TEST VOLTAGES OF 1440 Vae, 1 MINUTE AND 2500 Vae, 1 MINUTE (OPTION 010). • COMPUTER-PERIPHERAL INTERFACES • 6N134 COMPATIBILITY • GROUND LOOP ELIMINATION • MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM INTERFACES • ISOLATED LINE RECEIVER • DIGITAL ISOLATION FOR AID, D/A CONVERSION Description The HCPL-2631/4661 are dual channel optically coupled logiC gates that combine GaAsP light emitting diodes and integrated high gain photodetectors. Internal shields provide a guaranteed common mode transient immunity specification of 1000Vl}.Ls with the HCPL-2631, and 3500Vl}.Ls with the HCPL-4661. The unique design provides maximum DC and AC circuit isolation while achieving LSTTL and TTL logic compatibility. The logic isolation is achieved with a typical propagation delay of 40 nsec. The dual channel design saves space and results in increased convenience. The HCPL-2631/4661 are recommended for high speed logic interfacing, input/output buffering and for use as line Recommended operating Conditions Sym, Min. Max. Units Input Current, Low Level }.LA 250 Each Channel 0 IFL Input Current, High Level 6.3' 15 mA Each Channel IFH V 4.5 5.5 Supply VoltaQe. Outout Vee Fan Out (TTL Load) 8 Each Channel N QC 70 Operating Temperature 0 TA '6.3 mA condition permits at least 20% eTR degradation guardband. Initial switching threshold is 5 rnA or less. 9-53 Absolute Maximum Ratings (No derating required up to 70· C) Storage Temperature .•.............. -55·C to +125·C Operating Temperature ................. O·C to +70·C Lead Solder Temperature ...........•... 260·b for 108 (1.6 mm below seating plane) Average Forward Input Current (each channell ...... 15 mA (See Note 2) Reverse Input Voltage (each channell ...........•.. 5 V Supply Voltage - Vee ........ 7 V (1 Minute Maximum) Output Current - lo.(each channell ............ 16 mA Output Voltage - Vo (each channell .......•........ 7 V .Output Collector Power Dissipation (each channel) .............................. 40 mW Electrical Characteristics (Over Recommended Temperature, TA'= O· C to +70· C, Unless Otherwise Noted) Symbol Parameter Low Level Output Voltage High Level Output Current High Level Supply Current Low Level Supply Current Input Forward Voltage Input Reverse Breakdown Min. Max. Units 3 4 3 5 3 0.6 V 10H 20 250 p.A Vee -= 5.5V, Vo" 5,5 V. JF=250,.A leeH 20 30 mA Vee 5.5V, IF = O. (Both Channels) JeeL 30 38 mA Vee = 5.5V,IF 10 mA, (Both Channels) Vr: 1.5 1.75 V IF= 10 mAo TA=25°C V IR""10}1A. TA=25°C 3 VF =0. f= 1 MHz 3 I 5 CIN 60 pF AVF -1.6 mVl"C ATA 1 11-0 2500 VISO Input-Input Leakage Current p.A. VRMS h-1 • 0.005 RI-I CI_I 1011 Capacitance (Input-Input) Resistance (lnput.Qutputl RI-Q 0.25 1012 CI-O 0.6 Capacitance 2.0 VI. 10.CML is the maximum tolerable rate of fall of the common mode voltage to assure that the output will remain in a low logic state (i.e., VOUT > O.B VI. NOTES: 1. Bypassing of the power supply line is required, with a 0.D1 }.IF ceramic disc capacitor adjacent to each isolator as illustrated in Figure 14. Total lead~length between both ends of the capacitor and the isolator pins should not exceed 20 mm. The power supply bus for the isolator(s) should be separate from the bus for any active loads, otherwise a larger value of bypass capacitor (up to 0.1 "F) may be needed to suppress regenerative feedback via the power supply. Failure to provide the bypass may impair the switching properties. 2. Peaking circuits may produce transient input currents up to 50 rnA, 50 ns maximum pulse width, provided average current does not exceed 15 rnA. 3. Each channel. 4. Measured between pins 1, 2, 3, and 4 shorted together, and pins 5, 6, 7, and 8 shorted together. 5. This is a proof test. ~This rating is equally validated by a 2500 Vac, 1 sec. test. 6. Measu'red between pins 1 and 2 shorted together, and pins 3 and 4 shorted together. > 0.8 .~g 0.7 ~ 0.5 ... ~ o .J w ~ ~ I :III ~ > 40 15 It 4.0 It ::> w '~" 5.6~ Veel • Vo • 5.6V ~ 1~'~A/ \. CJ 0 oJ w 2.0 '" " ~ ::> 20 r---... oJ l: '"I ;: 1.0 - • 260pA t'-.. ~ 0 I / ~l~ 'U:nA/ / / 30 5 3.0 0 ...> ...::>~ 0.3 '-1 ' 12.BmA 0 O. 1 0 ".... I 10 ' 16.0..A 0.2 12. As illustrated in Figure 14, the Vee and GND traces can be I,ocated between the input and the output leads of the HCPL-263114661 to provide additional noise immunity at the compromise of insulation capability. 13. See Option 010 data sheet for more information. 5.0mA 0.4 ~ = ,.fCMVCM (p-p) I "'I J 0.6 1d~~MI ) max 5.0 v~. 5.~V I w 11. For sinusoidal voltages, ( 10 r--. r-..... :r .SJ 10 20 30 40 50 10 70 60 20 30 40 50 60 70 6.0 TA - TEMPERATURE -"C TA - TEMPERATURE _DC IF - FORWARD INPUT CURRENT - rnA Figure 2. Low Level Output Voltage vs. Temperature Figure 3. Output Voltage Input Current VS. Forward Figure 4. 80 +SV ~ I 70 ~ 60 > I 0 ::> 2 0 Vee - S.OV IF E ~ It It JII: 7.5mA ;:: CJ o ~" 0 It ~ It . It ~ *Ct. is approximately 15 pF, which includes I -t- r--- probe and stray wiring capacitai1ca. ::PUT~_ 1.30 1.40 1.50 V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS Figure 5. High Level Output Current Temperature VS. Input Diode Forward Characteristic --I 'PHL 'F"'7.5mA - -- I-- I ~ 20 -IF -3.7SmA I 10 'PLH Figure 6. : ______ Figure 7. SO Propagation Delay vs. Temperature 9-55 -- 40 --~.1.SV Test Circuit for tpHL and tpLH' Note 3 ~-~ 30 TA -TEMPERATURE-"C ~ I OUTPUT Vo 20 -----~----------- 60 70 210,--,---,---,--,....-,,--r-.., Vee ·6.0V ~ 200~-4~~--~~~~ TA • 26'C 80 I ...w~ 70 c zQ 80 ~ 50 0 40 I 30 '~" Output Vo Monitoring l!jt:~~~!!t-""",----ONoda IE ". OV~· 5V SWITCH AT A: I, • 0 12 CM H 20 18 16 14 SWITCH AT B: IF = 7.5 rnA TA - TEMPERATURE -'C I, - PULSE INPUT CURRENT - rnA Figure 8. Figure 9. Propagation Delay vs. Pulse Input Current 1\- - Vo 0.5 V Rise, Fall Time vs. Temperature Vo (max.) Figure 10. Test Circuit for Common Mode Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms. Note 3 12000 Vee·S.OV IFH • 7.SmA ~;OOOO - ZZ o=> n 6000 ~~ 4000 I- 2000 "l!i0: I I VOH " 2.0V ~~ 8000 8;: CHANNEL 1 SHOWN r----------, 'FL ,. OmA > j!ll VOL' O.BV TA .. 26"C 11 _~ANOCMrn I 1 J GN01~.-~-----~~ I I I 111 I 200 600 400 V eM - 'OIODE 01 11N916 OR EQUIVALENT) IS NOT REQUIRED FOR UNrrSWITH OPEN COLLECTOR OUTPUT. V Figure 11. Common Mode Transient Immunity vs. Common Mode Transient Amplitude w 1.4 1.3 ~~ 1.2 8~ ~~ j:US 1. VOH " VOL w IFH • 1Ft. ;,. 1 ........ ~~ 1.0 .9 -k1~ .8 " "I .7 2.0V ______ LGND BUS (BACK) O.8V 7.5",A0 rnA RL • 350R - ,~ ' 0:1- I Figure 12. Recommended TTL/LSTTL to TTLILSTTL Interlace Circuit Vc~' Soolv C ~~ ~~--~--4-~~---t---GN02 1000 600 COMMON MODE TRANSIENT AMPLITUOE - 5V VCC2 ~I I-- ilL • 350R " I 18 ....... ~~==~~==~~==~OUTPUTI ........ ==~'> O.UTPUT 2 I'..... ['.. a 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 NOTES 1.12 TA - TEMPERATURE -'C Figure 13. Relative Common Mode Transient Immunity vs. Temperature Figure 14. Recommended Printed Circuit Board Layout 9-56 rh~ ~~ 6N135 6N136 HIGH SPEED OPTOCOUPLERS HEWLETT PACKARD HCPl·2502 HCPl·4502 I OUTLINE DRAWING' SCHEMATIC ~ 8 r - - - - - - - O Vee 2 TVPI; NUMBER bATE CODE i ANODE 6,10 ('240) 7.36 f.290J 7.88 C:ITO) 6.65 (.260) CATHODE """'3;-r-"4r ~~COGNITION 1__!__.---.;==5.=Ty~~' t ~ I~ ~>--F ~ _ _ _-....J 5 t 1_,.781.070' MAX. ..-.- 1,'9 (,041' MAX. L------o 7 *4.10 !.l8S! MAX. I ! I r-I 1- II ANODE 2 MIN, CATHODE 3 ~ 2.921.1151 MIN. - j .......... 0,65 ('025) MAX- 0.76 COSOl I 1.40 (iiGS) j-~ ;:;6 ~:~~i NC 4 '------' • • Video Signal Isolation Line Receivers - High common' mode transient immunity (>1000V/",sl and low input-output capacitance (0.6pFI. o High Speed logic Ground Isolation - TTL/TTL, TTLIL TTL, TTL/CMOS, TTL/LSTTL. o Replace Slow Phototransistor Isolators - Pins 2-7 of the 6N135/6 series conform to pins 1-6 of 6 pin phototransistor couplers. Pin,8 can be tied to any available bias voltage of 1.5V to 30V for high speed operation. Features • • • o o "" Applications OIMf:NSIONS INMILL1METRESAND {fNCHES}, o VB GND ** Note: For HCPL-4502, pin 7 is not connected. NC 1 i l0.511 020' 6 ~----- -----==--'¥ HIGH SPEED: 1 Mbitls TTL COMPATIBLE HIGH COMMON MODE TRANSIENT IMMUNITY: >1000VlfLS TYPICAL 9 MHz BANDWIDTH OPEN COLLECTOR OUTPUT RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF U.L. (FILE NO. E55361) FOR DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND PROOF TEST VOLTAGES OF 1440 Vac, 1 MINUTE AND 2500 Vac, 1 MINUTE (OPTION 010). Description These'diode-transistor optocouplers use an insulating layer between the light emitting diode and an integrated photon detector to provide electrical insulation between input and output. Separate connection for the photodiode bias and output transistor collector increases the speed up to a hundred times that of a conventional photo-transistor coupler by reducing the base-collector capacitance. The 6N135 is for use in TTL/CMOS, TTLILSTTL or wide bandwidth analog applications. Current transfer ratio (CTRI for the 6N135 is 7% minimum at IF = 16 mA. The 6N136 is designed for high speed TTLITTL applications. A standard 16 mA TTL sink current through the input LED will provide enough output current for 1 TTL load and a 5.6 kG pullup resistor. CTR of the 6N136 is 19% minimum at IF 16 mA. = The HCPL-2502 is suitable for use in applications where matched or known CTR is desired. CTR is 15 to 22% at IF = 16 mA. The HCPL-4502 provides the electrical and switching performance of the 6N136 and increased ESD protection. *JEDEC Registered Data (The HCPL-2502 and HCPL-4502 are not registered.) Replace Pulse Transformers - Save board space and weight. o Analog Signal Ground Isolation - Integrated photon detector provides improved linearity over phototransistor type. o Absolute Maximum Ratings Storage Temperature" ... , .............. --55°C to +125°C Operating Temperature" ................. --55°C to 100°C Lead Solder Temperature" ................. 260°C for 10s (1.6mm below seating plane) Average Input Current - IF" ..................... 25mAI11 Peak Input Current - IF" ....................... 50mAI 2 1 (50% duty cycle, 1 ms pulse widthl Peak Transient Input Current - IF' .................. 1.0A (:O;1",s pulse width, 300ppsl Reverse Input Voltage - VR' (Pin 3-21 ................. 5V Input Power Dissipation" ........................ 45mWl 3 1 Average Output Current - 10" (Pin 61 ................ 8mA Peak Output Current" ............................ 16mA Emitter-Base Reverse Voltage" (Pin 5-7, except -45021 ... 5V Output Voltage" - Va (Pin 6-5) ............... -0.5V to 15V Supply Voltage" - Vee (Pin 8-5) ..........•... -0.5V to 15V Output Voltage - Vo (Pin 6-5) ............... --D.5V to 20V Supply Voltage - Vee (Pin 8-5) .............. --D.5V to 30V Base Current - IB" (Pin 7, except HCPL-45021 . . . . . . .. 5mA Output Power Dissipation" ..................... 100mWI 4 1 CA UTlON: The small junction sizes inherent to the design of this bipolar component increases the component's susceptibility to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD). It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly of this component to prevent damage and/or degradation which may be induced by ESD. See notes, following page. 9-57 Electrical Specifications Over recommended temperature (TA = O°C to 70° C) unless otherwise specified. Parameter Sym. CTR' CTR VOL Logic High Output Current 6Nl36 HCPL-4502 19 24 15 18 HCPL-2502 6Nl35 Current Transfer Ratio Logic Low Output Voltage Min. 7 TYP.... 6N135 Device 6N136 HCPL-4502 Max. 5 19 15 25 % % % IF = l6mA, Vo '" 0.5V. Vee = 4.5V 6N135 0.1 0.4 V IF'" 16 mAo to'" 1.1mA, Vee"" 4.5V. TA=25°C 8Nl36 HCPL-2S02 HCPL-4502 0.1 0.4 V 3 500 nA 1 p.A 0.01 50 10H 50 leoL I IF "'OmA. Vo '" Vee'" 15V IF'" OmA, Vo - Open. Vee'" l5V TA=25·C p.A Input Forward Voltage leCH VF' 1.5 2 1.7 Il A V Temperature Coefficient of Forward Voltage J.VF J.TA Input Reverse Breakdown Vollage aVR' Input capacitance CIN Input-Output Insulation It-o' mV/'C 5 60 1,"'16mA, TA=2S'C V IR = lOIlA. TA = 25'C pF f= lMHz, VF =0 !l 2500 VRMS OJ-o 0.6 pF t~1MHz Trenslstor 00 Current Gain hFE 150 - Vo=5V,10=SmA Sym, Propagation Delay Time to Logic High at Output Common Mode Translenllmmunity at Logio High Level Output Common Mode Translenllmmunityat Logic Low Level Output tPLH' e e e Max, Units 0.2 1.5 !'S RL =<4.1kO 6N136 HCPL-2502 HCPL-4502 6N135 0.2 0.8 liS RL=1.9kH 1.3 1.5 !'s 6Nl36 HCPL-2502 HCPL-4502 0.6 0.8 6N135 1000 6NiS6 ICMHI HCPL-2502 HCPL-4502 6N135 6N136 ICMLl HCPL-2502 HCPL-4502 BW Bandwidth Noles: tPHL' ,,5 Vlp.s 1000 I VIliS Test Conditions Vlp.s VCM = 10Vo_D-, RL = 4.1k!l VI!,s VCM'" 10Vp _p , RL '" 1.9k!l MHz See Test Circuit 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 9-58 Note 5,9 8.9 5,9 8,9 10 7,8,9 10 7,8.9 8 10 IF'" OmA. VCM = 10 Vo-n, RL'" 4.1kll IF'" 0 m, VCM '" 10 V p_p, RL 1000 9 Fig. RL=4.1kn RL = 1.9kH 1000 Derate linearly above 700 free-air temperature at a rate of 0.8 rnA/DC. Derate linearly above 70 0 free-air temperature at a rate of 1.6·mAl~C. Derate linearly above 70 0 e free-air temperature at a rate of 0.9 mwrc. Derate linearly above 70 0 free-air temperature at a rate of 2.0 mW/o C. CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO is defined as the ratio of output collector current, 10, to the forwarc;l LEO Input current, IF, times 100%. 6. Device considered a two-terminal device: Pins 1, 2, 3, and 4 shorted together and Pins 5, 6, 7, and 8 shorted together. . ' . , 7. Common mode transient immunity In Logic High level is the maximum tolerable (positive) dVCM/dt on the leading edge of the common mode pulse, VCM' to assure that the output w,I." remain In a Logic High state (I.e., Va > 2.0 V). Common mode transient 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. "All typicals at TA = 25° C Typ.·· Min, 13 6 Vee =5V,IF= 16mA, unless otherwise specified 6N135 Device 6,11 6 'For JEDEC registered parts. Switching Specifications at TA = 25°C Parameter 3 1012 IlA 5 IF=16mA Capacitance (Input-Outpull Propagation Delay Time to Logic Low at Output 5.12 IF '" OmA, Vo = Open, Vce '" 15V 45% RH. I - 5s, VI.O = SkV dc, TA=25·C RH S 50%. t - 1 min. VI-o - 500Vdo 1 VISO RI-o 1.2.4 6 IF = 16mA. Vo = Open. Vee'" 15V 1 -1.6 IF -OmA. Vo ~ Vee =MV TA=2S·C IF = OmA, Vo = Vee'" 15V TA=25·C p.A 0.02 OPT. 010 Resistance (Input-Outpull Note IF'" l6mA, 10 =2.4mA. Vee "'4.5V. TA"'2SoC p.A ICCH' Logic High Supply Current Fig. IF"" l6mA, Vo =0.4V, Vee =4.5V TA=25°C % % 22 lOH' Logic Low Supply Current Test Condltlons Units 18 =1.9kll immunity in Logic Low level is the maximum tolerable (negative) dVCM/dt on the trailing edge of the common mode pulse signal, VCM, to ass.ure that th~ output will remain in a Logic Low state (I.e., Va < 0.8 V). T~~ 1.9 kn load represents 1 TTL u~it load of 1.6 rnA and the 5.6 kn pull-u'p resistor. The 4.1 kU load represents 1 LSTTL unit load of 0.36 rnA' and 6.1 kn pull-up resistor. The frequency at which the ae output voltage is 3 dB below its maximum value. The Is a proof test. This rating is equally validated by a 2500 Vac', 1 sec. test. -The JEOEC registration for the 6N136 specifies a minimum CTR of 15%. HP guarantees a minimum CTR of 19%. See Optidn 010 data sheet for more Information. ---"'-" ---- TA' 2!>C 10 -Veo·S.OV ........ .... .... - I ffi " I::l -- ---- ~I a: a: ::l ----Srlil35 -6111136, HCPL-4502 .,.... .".,.35 mA .... / I ,-~/ t'..,."._ ........... ~ 1.5.-------,------,------, .".40 rnA o .- ~ _ ...... ..,.,,30 -- a: a: w mj ~ ,;?il.\,• • Wlf:i" _25mA If ffi Vee =5V TA -25"C ::l _20mA ~ o "o m"*,, -16mA Va -OAV a: a: 1- S ._--__I 1.0 I-------l="----J~........... W N :::; I E 0.51------tf------+---------l :! 15 mA IS2 10mA IF -smA o o 10 0.1 0!:---I.......I-I.J.l.llJ!--.J.......L..u..Ll.I:!I!:-O-...L.-L...L.LJ.J~,t!O·O 20 Vo -OUTPUTVOLTAGE-V IF -INPUTCURAENT- rnA Figure 1. DC and I'ulsed Transfer Characteristics. Figure 2. Current Transfer Ratio vs. I nput Current. 1.1 ...... - .. -. '\ ; I L..- I '3S -6N13s, HCPL·4S02 ~ -,,'" 1.0 _L- sl ........ 0.9 -+---+NORMAliZED 1'\, I, = ISmA Va '*o.4V '\.,, 0.8 Vee -5V T. = 26"C \'~ \ 0.7 V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE -VOLTS O.6 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 TA - TEMPERATURE Figure 3. Input Current vs. Forward Voltage. IF·'emA.Vc;e~5.0V ~ 0 " 2 0 ~ 1000 ~ .... .... '" J .l J _--10-.. . - I ~ 500 ::::-:::: ~ -40 I•• 0 iiia: 10+3 ::l 10+ 2 ~ I " /" 40 so 80 10+1 ~ 100 "a9 10- 1 ,/ V ./ ............ ~ / V" I :z: .9 10-2 -50 100 TA - TEMPERATURE _oC -25 +25 +50 +75 +100 TA - TEMPERATURE - °C Figure 6. Logic High Output Current vs. Temperatura. Figure 5. Propagation Delay vs. Temperature. 9-59 . _ - - - - - _...._----- ._._.. ~ o :c P t '\ 20 140 / Vo=Vce IIIS.OV I::l --- -- ---1--- _1\ ...- -20 120 10+ 4 I I- a: \LH if 1 ......"" ..... :/ f..;.... 0 100 Figure 4. Current Transfer Ratio vs. Temperatura. - -6N135{R•• 4.1kU) !---6NI36.HCPL-2502,HCPL-4502 (ft•• '.9knl I 1500 ~ 80 -~C +5 ~ ~ \. -5 \ a: TA ... 2&~C, Al "" loon. Vee "SV / / ...- V ~ -10 "z -15 0.1 .. 'l'A"'f!:S"C ....... I1i ~ \ a: 0 Jill -20 1.0 11111 10 100 III f - FREQUENCY - MHz +12 16 12 r--;::==b!l-t---;-;-""'-tct-:-r-,o V<>-1r--"T-~----' [! 0,01 !IF 25 IF - QUIESCENT INPUT CURRENT - mA Figure 7. Sman-8ignal Current Transfer Ratio vs. Quiascant Input Currant. TYPICAL TYPICAL TYPICAL TYPICAL TYPICAL LINEARITY" +/- 3% AT VIN .. , Vp-p SNR" 60 dB RT .. 376 n Vo de " 3.B V If .. 9 rnA Figure 8. Frequencv Response. I:~ PU\..SE I I 5V I Va GEN. ZO'50n t,."Sns l--r---o+5V 1/f< 100PI I--I--"f-O Va 1.5V IF MONITOR Figure 9. Switching Test Circuit •• 10V---.Jt~ OV 1~ -J 1,. 1: 90% 1--1-----0 +5V tr,t,"Bns ..:.:::'0%::.....-_ " I--~---ovo A Va - - - -.... '--""" ....- - -_ _ _ _ _ 5V SWITCH AT A: IF"",OmA IIcM + .fl}--~--; Va --..;..--------~VOL SWITCH AT B: IF .. '16mA 'JEDEC Registered Data PULSE GEN. Figura 10. Test Circuit for Transient I mmunitv and TVPical Waveforms. 9-60 0,01 !IF +12V HIGH SPEED OPTOCOYPLER SL5505 SCHEMATIC 0.18/.00n ilTlf.Oi3l-:L 1" .----=~'='=CC=-o8 vee 2 ANOOE~ 'F VF CATHODE~ 'f4 ..l.. K- --t +4.70 £.IB5f MAX. !I I " r-I - 0,76 (,030) iAO rOSs! I I 1 - - t Vo 5 GND 7 ANODE 2 I)""-0,65 (.026). 2.'2£.1151 MIN. MAX. 1-1- ~:: ~ I,. NO 1 -to.Sl £.0201 MJN, CATHODE 10 V. 3 NO 4 '--__..s- DIMENSIONS It.! MILLIMETRES AND (INCHES). Absolute Maximum Ratings Storage Temperature .............. -55·Cto +125·C Operating Temperature ............. "55·C to 100·C Lead Solder Temperature ............. 260·C for 10s (1.6mm below seating plane) Average Input Current - IF ................. 25mAI 1 1 Peak Input Current - IF .................... 50mAI 2 1 (50% duty cycle, 1 ms pulse width) Peak Transient Input Current - IF ............. 1.0A (:51 ILs pulse width, 300pps) Reverse Input Voltage - VR (Pin 3-2) ............. 3V Input Power Dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45mW 13 ] Average Output Current - 10 (Pin 6) ........... 8mA Peak Output Current ......................... 16mA Emitter-Base Reverse Voltage (Pin 5-7) ........... 5V Supply and Output Voltage - Vee (Pin 8-5), Vo (Pin 6-5) ............................ -0.5V to 15V Base Current - Is (Pin 7) ............•......... SmA Output Power Dissipation ................. 100mWI 4 1 Switching Specifications at TA =25°C Vee = 5V, IF = 16mA, unless otherwise specified Min. Max. Units tpHL 0.8 p.s Rl =1.9kn 7 tpLH 0.8 p.s RL =1.9kn 7 Parameler Symbol Propagation Delay Time to Logic Low at Output (Fig. 1) Propagation Delay Time to Logic High at Output (Fig. 1) Test Conditions 9-61 -------_._-_._-- _ _._-_ _------_.- - - - - - .__ .. _._ ...• .. ... Note Electrical Specifications (TA = 25°C) unless otherwise specified. Parameter Min. Max. CTR 15 40 CTR 8 Units % % 004 V Symbol Test Conditions Note Logic High Output Current 101-1 50 nA =4.5V IF = 2mA. Vo '" 5.0V, Vee = 4.5V IF = l6mA, 10'" 2.4mA, Vee = 4.5V IF'" Om A, Vo =Vee = 10V 10H 25 p.A IF = OmA. Vo= Vee'" 10V, TA= 70°C Input Forward Voltage VF 1.8 V Input Reverse Current IR 50 J.lA VR='3V J.lA 45% Relative Humidity. t '" 55 VI-O =' 1500Vdc n VI-O Current Transfer Ratio Logic Low Output Voltage VOL Inpul-Output Insulation Leakage Current Resistance (Input-Output) 1.0 11-0 Rf-O 109 Transistor DC Current Gain hFe 100 Capacitance CI-O Breakdown Voltage Collector/Emitter V{SR) CEO Breakdown Voltage Collector/Base IF - 16mA. Vo '" OAV, Vee 5 IF = 20mA 6 = 100Vdc 6 400 - Vo = 5V, 10 = 3mA 1.3 pF f = 1 MHz 6 22 V Ie" 10mA 8 V IBR } eBO 40 V Ie" 10llA Breakdown Voltage Emitter/Base V(SR) EBO 3 V '10" 10ilA Collector/Base Current leBO nA Vea '" 22V 50 Notes: 1. Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of 0.8mAI DC. 2. Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of 1.6mAI DC. 3. Derate linearly above 70° C free-air temperature at a rate of 0.9mWfO C. 4. Derate linearly above 70° C free-air temperature at a rate of 2.0mW/o C. 5. CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO is defined as the ratio of output collector current, 10, to the forward LED input current, IF, times 100%. 6. Device considered a two-terminal device: Pins 1, 2, 3, and 4 shorted together and Pins 5, 6, 7, and 8 shorted together. 7. The 1.9 Kfl load represents 1 TTL unit load of 1.6 mA and .the 5.6 Kfl pull-up resistor. 8. Duration of this test should not exceed 300!,s. I:~ va-I, PULSE I I 1 GEN. I I ....Z_t?:5_S!'.... ) (SATURATED RESPONSE) ) 1.5V ~[¥"j -~~I--""'R-L ---<> +5V 1 ) I'------+I-'.j---VOL tPLH~ 10% DUTY CYCLE 1/f = 100~s _ r. 'I' ~ I, MONITOR 0------. E h pt--+--.1-Q ... ~-=- • Tel: 15pF ..L lOon *CL INCLUDES PROBE AND FIXTURE CAPACITANCE Figure 1. Switching Test Circuit. CAUTION: The small junction sizes inherent to the design of this bipolar component increases the component's susceptibility to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD). It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly of this component to prevent damage andlor degradation which may be induced by ESD. 9-62 Va FliO'l DUAL HIGH SPEED OPTOCOUPLER H F:WLETT a!r.. pACKARD SCHEMATIC Of" IliE OItAWING I-~(~-I 0.90 (.3901 : 8 7 6 HCPL-2530 HCPL-2&31 0.18 (JlO1) ii.33r.o13i:J. ~------~======.I 5! T Type NUMBER! OATE COOE 6.10 (.240) 7.36 t.2901 iiJij C26O) j' 7]l! [.3iO) I UL !rT.-T""T':;"1"'''-::-T""T-:rJ RECOGNITION. '., - 7 v., /""------0 4 14.70 L185! MAX. --- I II MIN. CATHOOE 1 2.92 (.1I5J M'N. "'IIt-O.651.025~ __ '" 3~ CATHOO-S 1 - l 0 ' S ! {.0201 II I""'" t '.2 ./"'----4___.06 V02 5 GND .......---..1>----0 MAX. 1--1- ~! ::~~~~ ANOO<, 4 1-_ _ _...1 DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS AND CINCHES) Features Applications o HIGH SPEED: 1 Mbitls • • TTL. COMPATIBLE • HIGH COMMON MODE TRANSIENT IMMUNITY: >1000V/lLs TYPICAL ' • HIGH DENSITY PACKAGING o 3 MHz BANDWIDTH o OPEN COLLECTOR OUTPUTS o RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF U.L. (FILE NO. E55361) FOR DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND PROOF TEST VOLTAGES OF 1440 Vac,1 MINUTE AND 2500 Vac, 1 MINUTE (OPTION 010). o 4N55 COMPATIBILITY • • • • • Line Receivers - High common mode transient immunity (>lOOOV IlLS) and low input-output capacitance (0.6pF). High Speed Logic Ground Isolation - TTL/TTL, TTL/ LTTL, TTL/CMOS, TTL/LSTTL. Replace Pulse Transformers, - Save board ·space and weight. Analog Signal Ground Isolation - Integrated photon detector provides improved linearity over phototransistor type. Polarity Sensing. Isolated Analog Amplifier - Dual channel packaging enhances thermal tracking. ' ' Description Absolute Maximum Ratings The HCPL-2530/31 dual couplers contain a pair of light emitting diodes and integrated photon detectors with electical insulation between input and output. Separate connection for the photodiode bias and output transistor collectors increase the speed up to a hundred times that of a conventional phototransisior coupler by reducing the ' base-collector capaCitance. Storage Temperature ••.....•......• -SSoC to +12SoC Operating Temperature ..•..••...•..• -S5°C to +100°C Lead Solder Temperature . . • . . . • • • . • • .• 260°C for lOs (1.6mm below seating plane) Average Input Current - IF (each channel) .... ,. 2SmA[l) Peak Input Current - IF (each channel) .••.••••. SOmA[2) (SO% duty cycle, 1 ms pulse width) Peak Transient Input Current -IF (each channel) .•.• 1.0A (~llLs pulse width, 300pps) Reverse Input Voltage - VR (each channel) ..•..•.••• SV Input Power Dissipation (each channel) . . . • . • •. 4SmW[3) Average Output Current - 10 (each channel) •••..•• 8mA Peak Output Current - 10 (each channell ..••••..•• l6mA Supply Voltage - V cc (Pin 8-S) • • • . • • • . •• - O.SV to 30V Output Voltage - Va (Pin 7,6-S) .•.•••••. - O.SV to 20V Output Power Dissipation (each channel) • • • • .. 3SmW[4J The HCPL~2530 is for use in TTL/CMOS, TTL/LSTTL or wide bandwidth analog applications. Current transfer ratio .(CTR) forthe -2530 is 7% minimum at IF = 16 mA. The HCPL-2531 is designed for high speed TTLITTL applications. A standard 16 mA TTL sink current through the input LED will provide enough output curent for 1 TTL load and a 5.6 kO pull-up resistor. CTR of the -2531 is 19% minimum at IF = 16 mA. See notes, following page. 9-63 - - - - - - - - _..... "._ .. .... " " ..."._" .. _ - - - - " - - - - - Electrical Specifications Over recommended temperature (TA = O°C to 70°C) unless otherwise specified Parameter Current Transfer Ratio Sym. CTR Device HCPL· Min. Typ.*" ~ Max. m % % % 15 0.1 2530 Logic Low Output Voltage Logic High Output Current VOL 0.5 V 2531 600 nA TA ~ 26"C,IF1 "IF2=o, VOl ~ V02" VCC" 5.5V 50 itA IF1 " IF::!" 0, VOl" V02" VCC "15V itA 1FT - IF2 = 16mA VOl" V02" Open, VCC" 15V IF1 " IF2" OmA VOl" V02" Open. VCC" 15V ICCH 0.06 4 itA 1.6 1.7 V Input Raverse Breakdown Voltage VR Input Capacitance CIN Input·Output Insulation 1'-0 I OPT,OlO Resistance (lnput-OutpUt) Capacitance (lnput·Output) Input-Input Insulation Leakage Current 5,6 IF" lSmA, 10 = 1.lmA, VCC "4.5V, 3 Logic High Supply Cu rrent Ai'A 1.2 IF ~ TSmA, Vo ~ O.5V, Vec = 4.5V V 100 AVF Note 4.6V 0.5 ICCL VF ~ 0.1 Logic Low Supply Current Input Forward VolTage IF ~ lSmA, VO" O.5V, Vec TA"::!5"C Fill. TA~25°C lOH Temperature Coefficient of Forward Voltage Test Conditions -1.6 mVfC V 5 SO 1 2500 V'SO 5 IF" lemA. 10 - 2AmA, VCC =4.5V, TA=26"C S 5 5 3 IF" lEimA, TA" 25'C 5 IF "HimA 5 IF" 1altA, TA" 26"c 5 pF f"1MH2,VF=0 5 pA 45% RH,t w 5s. VI.O= 3kV dC,TA"'25°C 7,13 RH ,,; 50%. t = 1 min. 14 VRMS RI_O 1012 S1 CI_O 0.6 pF 1= 1MHz 7 11-1 0.005 itA 45% Relative Humidity, t = 5 s VI_I 500Vdc a Resistance (Input-Inputl fll_1 1011 n VI_I = 500Vdc 8 Capacitance ( Input-Input) CI_I 0.25 pF VI-O ~ 7 600Vdc = f = lMHz 8 •• All typicals at 25' C. Switching Specifications at TA = 25°C Vcc = 5V, IF = 16mA, unless otherwise specified Parameter Gym. Propagation Delay Time To Logic Low at Output tpHL Propagation Pelay Time to Logic High at Output tpLH Common Mode Tran· sient ImmunitY at Logic High Level Output ICMHI Common Mode Translent Immunity at Logic Low Level Output ICMLj Bandwidth Device HCPL· Typ. Max. Units 2530 0.2 1.5 liS RL~4.1kS1 2531 0.2 O.S liS flL = 1.9kn 2530 1.3 1.5 /.l' RL =4.1 kn 2531 0.6 0.8 /.lS RL=1.9kS1 2530 1000 VIps IF =OmA,RL =4.1 kS1,VCM'"10Vp•p 2531 1000 VIlIS IF=OmA,RL=1.9kS1, VCM=10Vp-p 2530 1000 Vllts VCM,"10Vp-p , RL = 4.1kn 2531 1000 Vlp.s VCM MHz RL'" lOOn. Min. BW NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of O.8mAfC: Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of 1.6mAfC. Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of O.9mwtC. Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at e rate of 1.0mW('C. Each channel. CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO Is defined as the ratio of output collector current, 10, to the forward LED input current, IF. times 100%. 7. Device considered a two·terminal device: Pins 1, 2, 3, and 4 shorted together and Pins 5, 6, 7, and 8 shorted together. 3 Test Conditions =10Vp-p. RL = 1.9kS1 8. Measured between pins 1 and 2 shorted together, and pins 3 and 4 shorted together. 9. Common mode transient immunity in Logic High level Is the maximum tolerable (positive) dVCM/dt on the leading edge of the common mode pulse VCM. to assure that the output will remain in a Logic High state (i.e., Va > 2.0V). Common mode trensient immunity In Logic Low level is the maximum tolerable (negative) dVCM/dt on the trailing edge of the common mode pulse signal, VCM, to assure thet the output will remain in a Logic Low state (I.e .. Vo < a.aV). 10. The 1.9kn load represents 1 TTL unit load of 1.6mA and the 5.6kn pull·up resistor. 9-64 Fig. Note 6,9 10,11 5,9 10,11 10 9,10,11 10 9,10,11 8 12 11. The 4.1kn load represents 1 LSTTL unit load of a.36mA and 6.1 kn pull·up resistor. 12. The frequency at which the Be output voltage Is 3dB below the low frequency asymptote. 13. ThiS IS a proof test. This rating is equally validated by a 2500 Vae, 1 sec. test. 14. See Option 010 data sheet for more information. T. -26 C 10 f-- Vee - _.... -- -- --"" ...---,,S.OV ....... I/ li I ffi a: _HCPL·253t 0 ~ a: a: ~ .... _30 mA I NORMALIZED I, ·IGntA l- _2SmA r-- 1.0 :i!"'a: -- ¥- - - "" "~ I- - - - - - HCPL·2530 _ ... I a: 1.5 _40mA ~_35mA ~ ........ .".. I"r-_ _ t'"' ~ _... I- ffi a: Vo -MV Vee ~6V TA -25"0 a: " fil" 20 mA o N ::; 0.5 ,.'a:" I E 15 mA . 0 10 mA o If "'SmA , o 10 0.1 .,.0-.....L-1.....L..w...uJ!--.1--'-J...J...u."!1.,.0--'-...L.......1.J.J~1~00 20 Va - OUTPUT VOLTAGE - V IF -INPUTCURRENT-mA Figure 1. DC and Pulsed Transfer Characteristics. Figure 2. Current Transfer Ratio vs. Input Current. o ~ a: a: ~ ~ a: I- !;; W a: a: ""o ~ ~ ,. .. a: o V, - FORWARD VOLTAGE -VOLTS 0.6 ' - _....._ ......_ ....._ ....._ ....._ ' - - ' - - ' - - ' - - ' -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TA Figure 3. Input Current vs. Forward Voltage. -TEMPERATURE_o~ Figure 4. Current Transfer Ratio vs. Temperature. 'F '" 16mA~Vcc '*0.0\1 I- - - .2&30 !RL ~ 4.1kn) ·2531 IRL -1.9kn) I 15001-- - I- ~ o .. c i 100 0 IE I ~ 600 .,..,."" l- ",'" ~ 1--- , V 1\ 1-'/ liLM ~c. ~ I-"' I- 0 -60 -40 -20 IF -0 ......1-...... t'H~ -- -- -20 1--- 40 L I .1- vo' Vee • 6.OV V' ~ _l~ ~~ 60 80 ~ 100 /""" V" L V L ,/ 10-2 -50 -25 +25 +50 +75 +100 TA - TEMPERATURE - C· Figure 5. Propagation Delay vs. Temperature. Figure 6. Logic High Output Curre.nt vs. Temperature. 9-65 __ ------_. ..... __............_...._ - - - !ll I T. ·21;oc -5 tF *"16mA w '"z -10 a: -15 i2 ::J TA • 25°C. nL • 1QQQ, fil ~CC • 5V N :; "'a:z" 0 / / V -20 -25 -30 ..01 0.1 1.0 10 f - FREQUENCY - MHz +5V o----..~----1 +15V ,,12 16 25 IF - QUIESCENT INPUT CURRENT - rnA Figure 7. Small-Signal Current Transfer Ratio vs. Quiescent I "put Current. Figure 8. Frequency Response. ':~ Vo PULSE 1 GEN. I ZOo t,'" 5f\~ 5V I son 1--1~---o +5V 1.5V l/f< 100,(15 IF MONITOR Figure 9. -Switching Test Circuit. 1 VCM 90% tf I---t----o t"t,=1005 t: A Vo - - - -..... '--"" .....- - - - - - - _ 5V SWITCH AT A: IF= OmA Vo +5V .,:.::10::.,%_ _ -----------~VaL SWITCH AT B: IF'" 16mA Figure 10. Test Circuit for Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms. 9-66 '-'----Ova ---- ------~-.--------.~------------------- lOW INPU'.·CURRE~r, BIGH GAIN OPTOeOUPlERS 1 ~9.40 1~370)_1 OUTLINE DRAWiNG9.90 (.390; 8 7 +_ 51 6 TYPE NUMBER FJ;;"I XXXX a!!~ VYWW R.J I SCHEMATIC 0.18 {.OOl) mlF13lJ. ! I DATE CODE 6.101240) 7.36 1229.) 6.60 [260} UL 1.310) I ANODE res ~,...,...".,...,...",,,...,.-;,..., RECOGNITION ~ 6N138 6N139 L 3 2 + Vee B ~ Icc IF VF .:::;. 10 ----~~==~=- 4 CATHODE - 3 ---t II" I rl 1- 0.76 (.Q301 1,40 (1lSSl I -- I I II - NC 1 *4.70 Cla5) MAX, I ANODE' I, t -t-t lO.51 (.0201 MIN. CAtHODE 3 ~ 2.92 (.l15) MIN. 1 -0,$5 (.025) MAX. l-l-- ~:: ~:~~~; Applications DIMENSIONS IN MH.l.IMETRESAND INcHES. • Features Ground Isolate Most Logic Families - TTLITTL, CMOS/ TTL, CMOS/CMOS, LSTTL/TTL, CMOS/LSTTL o Low Input Current Line Receiver - Long Line or Party line • HIGH CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO-2000% TYPICAL • LOW INPUT CURRENT REQUIREMENT - 0.5 mA • TTL COMPATIBLE OUTPUT - 0.1 V VOL TYPICAL o HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION - 500 V/IJ.S • PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER TEMPERATURE 0° C 10 70° C o BASE ACCESS ALLOWS GAIN BANDWIDTH ADJUSTMENT • HIGH OUTPUT CURRENT - 60 mA • RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF U.L. (FILE NO. E55361) FOR DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND PROOF TEST VOLTAGES OF 1440 Vac, 1 MINUTE AND 2500 Vac, 1 MINUTE (OPTION 010). • .HCPL-5700/1 COMPATIBILITY G EIA RS-232C Line Receiver II Telephone Ring Detector e 117 Vac Line Voltage Status Indicator - Low Input Power Dissipation e Low Power Systems - Ground Isolation Absolute Maximum Ratings * Storage Temperature ............. _55°C to +125°C Operating Temperature" .............. -40°C to +85°C Lead Solder Temperature .. . . . . . . . . . . 260°C for lOs (1.6mm below seating plane) Average Input Current - IF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20mA [1] Peak Input Current - IF ........ , . . . . . . . . . .. 40mA (50% duty cycle, 1 ms pulse width) Peak Transient Input Current - IF . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1.0A « 11.ts pulse width, 300 pps) Reverse Input Voltage - VR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5V Input Power Dissipation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35mW[2] Output Current - 10 (Pin 6) ....... . . . . . .. 60mA [3] Emitter-Base Reverse Voltage (Pin 5-7) . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5V Supply and Output Voltage - Vcc (Pin 8-5). Vo (Pin 6-5) 6N138 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 7V 6N139 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5to18V Output Power Dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100mW [4] Description These high gain series couplers use a Light Emitting Diode and an integrated high gain photon detector to provide extremely high current transfer ratio between input and output. Separate pins for the photodiode and output stage result in TTL compatible saturation voltages and high speed operation. Where desired the Vee and Vo termi nals may be tied together to achieve conventional photodarlington operation. A base access terminal allows a gain bandwidth adjustment to be made. The 6N139 is for use in CMOS, LSTTL or other low power applications. A 400% minimum current transfer ratio is guaranteed over a~-70° C operating range for only 0.5 mA of LED current. See notes, following page. CAUTION: The small junction sizes inherent to the design of this bipolar component increases the component's susceptibility to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESo). It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly of this component to preventdamageandlordegradation which may be induced by £SO. The 6N138 is designed for use mainly in TTL applications. Current Transfer Ratio is 300% minimum over 0-70° C for an LED current of 1.6 mA [1 TTL Unit load (U.L.)]. A 300% minimum CTR enables operation with 1 U.L. out with a 2.2 kIJ. pull-up resistor. 'JEDEG Registered Data. ..JEDEG Registered QOG to 7QoG 9-67 .~ .-~~~-~----.~~-------- Electrical Specifications OVER RECOMMENDED TEMPERATURE (TA= Parameter Curienl Transfer Ratio Sym, CTR' Device 6N139 6N138 Logie Low Output Voltage VOL ooe to 70°C). Min. Typ,H 400 500 300 2000 1600 1600 Max. % % 6N13S 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 6N139 6N138 0.05 0.1 100 250 6N139 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED Test Conditions Fig. Note IF ~ 0.5mA, Vo ~ OAV, VCC ~ 4.6V 11'= 1.6mA. VO~OAV, VCC=4.6V IF -1.6mA, VO=O.4V, VCC-4.5V 3 5.G 'F ~ 1,6mA. 10 = SmA, VCC = 4.5V IF = 5mA. 10 = 15mA, VCC = 4.SV 'F ~ 12mA, 10 = 24mA, Vce = 4.SV IF = 1.6mA, 10 - 4.SmA. VCC 4.5V 1,2 6 Units V V IJA p.A IF - OmA. Va = Vee = ISV IF = OmA, Va = Vec =7V 0.4 mA IF = 1.6mA, Vo tecH 10 nA IF Input Forward Voltage VF* lA V IF = 1,GmA, TA Input R .Verse Breakdown Voltage BVR< Logic High OutPUt Current 'OH' Logic Low Supply Current ICCL Logic High SupplV Current 5 V Temperature Coefficient of Forward Voltage AVF Ai"A -1.8 Input Capacitance CIN 60 Input-Output Insulation 11-0' I OPT.OIO VIsa 1.7 mvfC 1 2500 = Open, Vec = BV 6 = OmA, Va = Open. VCC = 5V =25"C IR =10JjA, TA=25'e IF ~ 6 4 1.6mA =0 pI' f=1 MHz. VF JjA 45% RH. t "" 5s. VI_O = 3kV dc. TA =2$¢C VRMS 6 7,11 AH s; 50%. t "" 1 min. 12 Re$istance (Input-Output) RI_O 10" !1 VI.O ; 500Vdc 7 Capacitance II nput-Outpull C'·O O.S pF fe 1 MHz 7 *JEDEC registered data. **AII typ;cals at TA = 2 SoC and Vee = 5V.-unless otherwise noted. Switching Specifications AT TA = 25°C, Vee = 5V Parameter Sym. Propagation Delay Time To Logic Low at Output tPHL' Dellica SN139 6N138 Propagation Delay Time tPLH~ To Logic High at Output 6N139 6N138 Min. Typ. Max. Units 5 0.2 1.6 25 1 10 JjS 18 60 7 35 2 10 Jj$ (.IS JjS Common Mode Transie.nt Fig. Note IF - 0.5mA. RL e 4.7k!1 IF: 12mA, RL = 21m'! IF - 1.6mA. RL = 2.2k!1 7 6,8 IF = 0.5mA, RL - 4.7k!1 IF = 12mA. RL =21011 IF - 1.6mA. RL - 2.2k!1 7 6.8 Test Conditions leMHI 500 Vips IF = OmA, RL = 2.2kn, Rce ~ 0 IVcm 1= 10Vp.p 8 9,10 Common Mode Transient Immunity at Logic Low ICMLI Level Output 500 VIj1s IF =1.6mA, R L ~ 2.2k!1, RCC =0 IVcm l=10Vp.p S 9,10 Immunity at Logi¢ High Leval Output NOTES: 1. Derate linearly above 50"C free-air temperature at a rate of O.4mA/oC. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Derate Iinearly above 50° C free-. ir temperature at a rate of 0.7 mW /" C. Derate linearly above 25°C free-air temperature at a rate of 0.7 mAIo C. Derate linearly above 25°C free-air temperature at a rate of 2.0mW/"C. DC CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO is defined as the ratio of output collector current. 10, to the forward LED input current. IF. times 100%. Pin 7 Open. . Device considered a two-terminal device: Pins 1, 2, 3. and 4 shorted together and Pins 5. 6.7, and 8 shorted together. 8. Use of a resistor between pin 5 and 7 will decrease gain and delay time. See Application Note 951-1 for more details. 9. Common mode transient immunity in Logic High level is the maximum tolerable (positive) dVcmldt on the leading edge of the common mode pulse, Vem • to assure that the output will remain in a Logic High state (i.e., Va> 2.0V). Common mode transient immunity in Logic Low level is the maximum tolerable (negative) dVcmldt on the trailing edge of the common mode pulse signal. Vcm • to assure that the output will remain in a Logic Low state (i.e.• Vo < 0.8V). 10. In applications where dV Idt may exceed 50,OOOVIJJs (such as static discharge) a series resistor. Rce. should be included to protect the detector IC from destructively high surge currents. The recommended value is Rce '" 1V k!1. 0.15 'F (mA) 11. This is a proof test. This rating is equally validated by a 2500 Vac. 1 sec. test. 12. See Option 010 data sheet for more information. 9-68 "'F"7 -;... 50 4 I II'/" I- ffi0: r.; 0: ::> " "::>i= --- - -~ ;.y .;::.-r- '"E I- - I.-- 25 I- '/ /, 0 I .;' II :: l/ o e~ ~ ~,o ~~ ~.bJ.-.: mA~ ,...". ,.- ~0: po -~ ~ l- i- o p ~ 1.Gm~ I \ TAl " 25iC - I 1// 1600 '" 0: lI- ffi0: O'C 2S~C , c~ 70'C ~~ \ 'LVcc-sv Vo"'O.4V 800 "I " 2.0 \. '\ 400 o 0.1 Vo - OUTPUT VOLTAGE - V \ \. 0: ::> 0: I- 1,0 / / '1/" ~ z 1200 if OS~A '== Vee "'6 V .,--...--- " 2000 I 0 1,0 10 " IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 1. SN138/SN139 DC Transfer Characteristics Figure 2. Current Transfer Ratio vs Forward Current SN138/SN139 ~ I ffi 0: 0: ::> "~ II- 5 I E 10 V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 3. SN138/SN139 Output Current vs Input Diode Forward Current Figure 4. Input Diode Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. 26 100.1--------+_-------,."9----_1 \ 2. 22 \ 2J. Kll "I 20 RL'· ~c 18 Jlf+" 50[.tS V IF'" 1.6mA 16 z ,. ~ Cl 12 0 ~ g: ,,~y I ~ ;: "", 10 \ I '1 V ....... /' 10,1------/-'-~+_-------+---_1 ISr FIG. ~ FOR TEST CIRCUIT) ~ IF ADJUSTED FOR VOL' 2V tpHL 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ',OO'":.l--.l.-....l......L...LL..L"':'l,::-O--'--'-....L.L..w.":,~O.--'-...J,.J RL - LOAD RESISTANCE - kS1 Figure 5. Propagation Delay vs. Temperature. Figure S. Non Saturated Rise and Fall Times vs. Load Resistance. 9-69 I, ...._ _ _ _ _ _-.., o~ PUI.SE I I Va 5V I GEN. 2o"lll60n t r "'5M I--...,----.Q +5V 1/f< 100",s 1---+----,r- VCM. 1---""'--<> Va A Va ______ ~~~ SWITCH AT A: IF'" OmA +5V __- - - - - - - - - - - - 5 V VCM Va -----------~VaL + SWITCH AT B: IF = 1.6 rnA Jl}---+--, PULSE GEN. Figure 8. Test Circuit for Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms. "See Note 10 'JEDEC RegiStered Data. 9-70 Flin- HEWJ;;.ETT .:a PACKARD _ 1 9 ,40 ~I -IOUTL'NEDR'A'W'NG 9.00 C390) is 7 65 TYPE NIJMaEJl rJ;;tI XXXX a!1P.A YYWW!U " 2 ~t,Z401 I 7.3G1.2901 6.60 (Ta{f) rn ITlOl UL 4 ~ _ - t.l9 (047) MAX. DIMENSIONS IN MII..LlMETAE$ ANO (INCHES). -t ' ,I t I~ I I ANODE" VOl ~ 4]0 t.1Bfi) MAX. -- I "TYP'l 7 _I I-us {.01O) MAX. ONEil -... 3 SCHEMATIC ---.!E.c 8 .--1'"--...---==-- HL 2730/1 2731 tNt 2730/1 20 Ten Conditions Units p., p.. IF " O.SmA, Rt. "4.7kO IF • I.GmA, Al " 2.2kl1 IF = 12mA, RL "270n If - O,SmA, A~" 4,7kOl 0.5 2 10 SO 1'$ 10 35 10 j1S IF = I.GmA, At. " 2.2kf! IF" 12mA, R~ = 2700 1 Fig. Not. 9 6 9 6 ICMHI 500 VIliS If " OmA. Al = 2.2kl'l IVCMI = IOVp.p 10 6,10,11 ICMd 500 V/p.s IF" 1,6mA, Rt. = 2.2kf! IVCM 10Vpop 10 6.10,11 0 NOTES: 1. Derate linearly above 50 C frelHllr temperature at a rate of O.5mAI C. 2. Derate linearly above 50°Cfree-alr temperature at a rate of O.9mWr·C. 3. Derate linearly above 3~ C free-alr temperature at a rate of 0.6mArC. 4. Pin 5 should be the most negative voltage at the detector side. 5. Derate linearly above 35°C free-air .temperature at a rate of 1.7mW/oC. Output powsr is collector output power plus supply power. 6. Each channel. 7. CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO i, defi~ed as the ratio of output collector current, la, to the forward LED input current, IF, times 100%. B. Device considered a two·termlnal device: Pins 1, 2, 3, and 4,hort8ct . together and Pins 5, 6, 7, and 8 shorted together.' 9. Measured between pins 1 and 2 shorted together. and plns3 and 4 shorted together. 9-72 1= 10. Common mode transient Immunity In LogiC High level IS the maximum tolerable (positive) dVCM/dt on the leading edge of the i::ommon mode pulse VCM. to essure that the output will remain in Logic High state Ii.e .. Va > 2.0VI. Common mode tran,lent Immunity in Logic Low level is the maximum tolerable (negative) dVCM dt on the trailing edge' of the common mode pulse signal, VCM, to assu~e that the output will remain In a Logic Low state U.e., Va < O.BVI. 11. In applications where dV/dt may exceed 50,000 V/lJ.s (such as B static discharge) a series resistor, RCC .. should be in~luded to protect the detector IC from destructively high surge currents. The recommended value Is RCC R:j 0.3 1;'~mA) kn . 12. This Is a proof test. This rating is equally validated bye 2500 Vee, 1 sec. test. 13. See Option 010 data sheet for more Information. ----------.~~--------~~---~-- ~---.---- Absolute Maximum Ratings Storage Temperature .......... -55°C to +12S o C Operating Temperature ......... -40° C to +85° C Lead Solder Temperature ....... 260°C for 10sec (1.6mm below seating plane) Average Input Current - IF (each channel) ..................... 20mA[1] Peak Input Current - IF (each channel) . • . . . . . . . • . . • • . . • . . . . .. 40 mA (50% duty cycle, 1 ms pulse width) Reverse Input Voltage - VR (each channel) . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . • • . . . . .. SV Input Power Dissipation (each channel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 35 mW [2J Output Current - 10 (each channel) . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60 mA [3J Supply and Output Voltage - Vee (Pin 8-5), Vo (Pin 7,6-S)[4 J HCPL-2730 ........................ -0.Sto7V HCPL-2731 ....................... -0.5 to 18V Output Power Dissipation (each channel) . . . • . . . . . • . . . . .. . .. 100 mW [51 '00 f_.:.:.HC:;:.P:;:.L2'1=30;,;""',,,"CPr"L.;:;27.;:;31,--_V~ ::~v HOPL - ~'I3OIHCI'L - 2131 ~ 25oof_---:+~--_:l:-d o ~ ~200Df_~~~~~~~-+--_1 I iii ffi a: 11600 a: i i!: ~ ~"c.---l--=""'~;'-'+""--! 1000 Hi a: 1l I E I ~ O·'OL:.,-------!----,:!:O---' IF -INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - mA IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Vo - QUTPUTVOLTAGE-V Figure 1. DC Transfer Characteristics (HCPL-2730/HCPL-2731 ) Figure 3. Output Current VB Input Diode Forward Current Figure 2. Current Transfer Ratio VB Forward Current aI 1 I ~ ffi a: a: §" i ~ 1l ~ I o az g !5 ~ ~ f iii e, I Ji VF -FORWARDVOLTAGE-VOLTS Figure 4. Input Diode Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. '00 IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 5. Supply Current Per Channel vs. Input Diode Forward Current. 9-73 1 '~0L:-,..J...LllJlIL.II:-,...L.ll.LIIJ,IlL.o,........L.U.1Il!':,o:-'--U T - INPUT PULSE PERIOD - ml Figure 6. Propagation Delay To Logic Low vs. Pulse Period. 33 _-HCPr.m'I!lF ot 0.5mA.RI.. ... 4.7kn) .....·HCPl213Qihc "".6mA, ~1.."'22kn! 30 27~~~--~4--+--+-4--4--4 ~r-4--f~~~-+--+-~~--1 21 1--4--+-~-I '.I--+-+--~-I 15r-4--+--r-+~~~~~--1 12 10 IF -INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - rnA TA - TEMPERATURE _ °C Figure 7. Propagation Delay vs. Temperature. " Figure 8. Propagation Delay vs. Input Diode Forward Current. r----- ---~I PUL.S!: Vo-....,-~ 1,5V ',--- HCPL·2730 HCPL·2731 GEN, H---- 2.5V). Common mode transient immunity in Logic Low level is the maximum tolerable (negative) dVcm/dt on the trailing edge of the common mode pulse signal, Vcm , to assure that the output will remain in a Logic Low state (I.e., Vo < 2.5Vl. 10. This is a proof test. This rating is equally validated by a 2500 Vac, 1 sec. test. 11. See Option 010 data sheet for more Information. 9-76 100 ~ -rl.J.c r- ~.to"'" \f;r.-1· 80 ,, I ~ ::> '" "5 5o 60 : ~~ 0 ..•.... ~ iCY 1.6 '"w 1.4 Z 1.2 ee- 1.0 ~ ~ ;i ::; a'"'" - -- ."", I'-" ;",A1 O.SJA =- - YO:l1mA 3.0 2.0 5.0 4.0 Va - OUTPUT VOLTAGE - V Figure 1. Input Diode Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. ~ ~ k·.·· 1.0 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS 0 r-- . -~~ ~.~:{-: -- = . - - ~ :i,,!,.~ ':r- 20 o o IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA Figure 2. Typical DC Transfer Characteristics. 10,000 Vo "'1.0V ;i ~ , V~ I .$} " ~ ~ I----±--~ ~~~~1;~Z;.~ ~o,; Figure 3. Output Current vs. Input Current. ~ _ _ tpl.H ---til TA~ 26~C I ~ , ~ 1000 V_Rlll0kll C Z Z o 0.8 ~ ~ ~ ::; ~ ~ I '"Z 100 o E\ <' \ ' .. ..... 10 ~ I 5 10 20 IF - FORWARD CURRENT - rnA ......... 10 TA It r-~""" 15 I I 25~C " 20 1'~5C:0--_2::5---:!:---:!:25:--:50:--:7:-5--:C '00 TA - TEMPERATURE _ °C IF - fORWARD CURRENT - mA Figure 4. Current Transfer Ratio vs. Input Current. 10,000 ..... --- --- ' ..... 1.0 50 100 ~ >Rl"220n 0 '"t; 1000 o Figure 5. Propagation Delay vs. Forward Current. Figure 6. Propagation Delay vs. Temperature. "O---~r---- ""---~---r---r---' _ _'tpUt --tPHL I I ~ vo----r' . "He-! t="----,!-,---- o 2."5V' z o ~ ~ o o :l: ---Val ,, I I ,I I I I 1·~"::.I---I"'.0:---""":'1O:-----":"0:':O--1000 Rl - LOAD RESISTOR - kn Figure 7. Propagation Delay vs Load Resistor. Figure 8. Switching Test Circuit 90%} VCM ,.:;10%:;;:.._ _ 'f C Va Vo - - - - ' - . . . - . -.. -_ - - - - - - - - 5V SWITCH AT A: IF= OmA Vo -----------~VOl SVoJITCH AT B: IF = 1.0 rnA Figure 9. Test Circuit for Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms. 9-77 .e 2,0 ~ i1 1,6 I- a: a: . a: 1,8 , I ~ I,' I- 1,2 ~ a: 1,0 ---+-"X'~ C '------1 z e Ax =A7kn I.. a: "" fil Vo .. N ::; I "a:z 0 I 100 a: t; Figure 10. External Base Resistor, RX IF - FORWARD CURRENT - mA Rx - EXTERNAL RESISTOR -kU Figure11. Effect of RX On Current Transfer Ratio Figure 12. Effect of R X On Propagation Delay Applications 100KO RH <>-'WIrt-l -48 V DC AX tkHl '00 lP"J..wsJ 5 6 47 5 200 140 20 10 B 00 6 48 ~ tPUf t#sl 320 T{+) 100 KO Vo NOTE: AN INTEGRATOR MAY BE REQUIRED AT THE OUTPUT TO ELIMINATE DIALING PULSES AND LINE TRANSIENTS. ·SCHMIDT TRIGGER RECOMMENDED BECAUSE OF LONG tf. t,. TTL Interface Telephone Ring Detector v 4N46 O,S mA - 'N46) j" (>>1,OmA-.N.S Vee RS ADD FOR AC INPUT I Vo Line Voltage Monitor CMOS Interface +vcc,o----,...r-, CHARACTERISTICS RIN '" 30M!!, ROUT" 50n VIN1MAX.l = Vee, -1V'jLlNEARITV BETTER THAN 5% /---l- Rs> 1 m,A VIN !MAX.I 2.5mA R, 22k 6.ak NOTE: ADJUST R3 SO VOUT '" VIN AT VIN '" VIN tMAX.1 2 R, -Vee, 0,.02 - 2N3904 03 - 2N3908 Analog Signal Isolation 9-78 ------.-~~---~-. AC/DC TO LOGIC INTERFACE OPTOCOUPLER F/i'PW HEWLETT .:~ PACKARI;) HCPL~3100 SCHEMATIC Vee Dc+ INPUT ! - 14.10 1.IS5t MAX. I .--c... t G.• II I rl Features • • • • • • AC OR DC INPUT PROGRAMMABLE SENSE VOLTAGE HYSTERESIS LOGIC COMPATIBLE OUTPUT SMALL SIZE: STANDARD 8 PIN DIP THRESHOLDS GUARANTEED OVER TEMPERATURE • THRESHOLDS INDEPENDENT OF LED CHARACTERISTICS • RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF U.L. (FILE NO. E55361) FOR DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND PROOF TEST VOLTAGES OF 1440 Vae, 1 MINUTE AND 2500'Vac,1 MINUTE (OPTiON 010). • HCPL-5760 COMPATIBILITY LIMIT SWITCH SENSING LOW VOLTAGE DETECTOR AC/DC VOLTAGE SENSING REL.AY CONTACT MONITOR RELAY COIL VOLTAGE MONITOR CURRENT SENSING MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACING • TELEPHONE RING DETECTION HCPL-3700 2 ••2 (,116) '--0.65 (.025) MAX. O.181.03(U I - 1.401.0.51 I.........J- ~;:::~~: MIN. DIMENSIDI 2.0V). Common mode transient immunity in Logic Low level is the maximum tolerable (negative) dVCM/dt on the trailing edge of the common mode pulse Signal, VCM, to ensure that the output will remain in a Logic Low state (i.e., Vo < 0.8 V). See Figure 10. 13. In applications where dVCM/dt may exceed" 50,000 V/Jl.s (such as static discharge), a series resistor, Ace, should be included to protect the detector Ie from destructively high surge currents. The recommended value for Rce is,240n per volt of allowable drop in Vee (between Pin 8 and Vee) with a minimum value of 2400, 14. Logic low output level at Pin 6 occurs under the conditions of VIN;::: VTH+ as well as the range of VIN > VTH- once V1N has exceeded VTH+. Logic high output level at Pin 6 occurs under the conditions OrVIN::; VTH- as well as the range of V1N < VTH+ once V1N has decreased below VTH-. 15. AC voltage is instantaneous voltage. 16. Device considered a two terminal device: pins 1, 2. 3, 4 connected together, and Pins 5,6,7,8 connected together, 17; This is a proof test. This rating is equally validated by a 2500 Vac, 1 sec. test. 18. See Option 010 data sheet for more information. 60 d;tHIPC) TH+ 3.8V S.W VTH fAC.' 'TH IACIDC) 2.SmA 55 50 'E" ... > 45 I I w 40 ~ .~ 35 """ "... 25 ~ 20 I ~ 10 PINS 2. 3 P)NS1.4 OR I I ~ACVOlTAGE PlNS 1,4 is INSTANTANEOU$ I I I VO<) ·4.SV 10l '" 4.2mA VOL" MV lQH .;;; 100pA 1 .I I I ~".I:-J-J. 01~~2~3~4~-5--6--~7~S--9~1~0--1-1-1~2~'3 PINS 2,3 1.3mA '.ev VAI-Uf I 15 2 r- g ~ !:io 30 ~ Vo" TH_ f.iiii TH_ VIN -INPUT VOLTAGE - V Figure 1. Typical Input Characteristics, liN 'vs. VINo (AC voltage is instantaneous value.) 4.2 , 4.0 > 3.S 90 3.6 I J: iil "...J: w "'~" 2.6 I 2.4 > ~ i I '3.0 -~ I ' VTH+ 1 ...... ~ 3.2 2.S [ i J 3.4 0 ! ! 3.2 ; 3.0 LI I If±: I L 11H+ j I J I 2.8 l- 2.6 -- !-- I Iitt: I ~, I 2.2 -- 2.2 1 9 0 ~ "~ ffi 1 .6 ~ 1.4 ""I 1 .2 i 2.0 1.S 2.4 -- !-- 2.0 !-- 1.8 ;--4- IT~_ Figure 2. Typical Transfer Characteristics. (AC voltage is instantaneous value.) j I -40 -20 20 40 I 60 1 .0 so 0.8 TA - TEMPERATURE - °e Figure 3. Typical DC Threshold Levels vs. Temperature. TA - TEMPERATURE _ °c Figure 4, Typical High Level Supply Current; ICCH vs, Temperature, 9-82 4.2 ! I 4.0 1 'E" 3.6 .... 3.4 a: a: 3.2 ~ :> 3.0 ~ 2.8 ".... ;!; I z VIN I i , , I I i ! , i 2.4 2.2 2.0 -20 - I VOL I I 40 60 TA - TEMPERATURE _ 80 ~ ~ > w 20 ~0 '"0 I 12 - 14 ~t!l I 10 ;t ...I g: g I I> I -40 80 I/( 1I I I I I tpHl f-- t-- I 1I I J I , 60 80 i 20 40 TA - TEMPERATURE _ °C Figure 6. Typical Propagation Delay vs. Temperature. 5000 liN 4000 40 VOt."'O.8V Rt. o;4,7k!t TA ". 25~C u; CML 30 300 ~ '"'a:" ...I '"i< ~ I i ! fit :; '" 1000 8 ~ °c Figure 7. Typical Rise, Fall Times vs. Temperature. I 7MH I I I I .1 I ~4.1kQ I I I :; " ! I TA _25°C ~ 10 I II VOH"" 2.0V o ;> , Vee "'5.0V lIN .. DmA ~ 2000 o 200 I 20 I ~ 3000 w :; ~3.tlmA '" .... I I i I tc Js.oJ :§ TA - TEMPERATURE _ I 1 -20 °c w :; I L I I .: I Yl I I IJ ~ ~ W , ~ ~ ;:: ,, I :%. //, ! I ~ Figure 5, Typical Input Current, liN, and Low Level Output Voltage, VOL. vs. Temperature. ~ I , I 0 60 ;: 40 I I i 20 ---c 100 - 'Ol,4.2mA I I I I 20 140 ~ _, ~ II : I i -40 1 16 J II I I I I I V1Cf~ I Vi • 1 m. PU LSE WIDTH I tpLH ~ r- ,'"1 I-IDOH, . I" It· '"' (1()"91m) 1./ I ' I i I 1/ 18 >- g R~ .~.7~n i Cl '30pF 20 ~ I 180 ~ 160 I 22 200 w t!l I I 24 ~ I I I I 1 220 "'5.OV (PINS 2, 3) Vee'" 5.0V 1 2.6 1.8 ~ .....-r 240 I I I, I 3.8 I I I 500 00 400 800 1200 ,I !" I , 1600 2000 VCM - COMMON MODE TRANSIENT AMPLITUDE - V Figure 8. Common Mode Transient Immunity vs, Common Mode Transient Amplitude. HCPL-3700 +SV HCPL-3700 RCC· Vee 81--,----+ A O.01J.1f PULSE BYPASS GENERATOR to. son Vo 6 f---t----1~-o 1-~------~~_oVa Va GNP 51--1-------+ V,N PULSE AMPLITUDE::: 5.0V PULSE WIDTH::: 1 ms f'" 100 Hz t r '" tf = 1.0~s (10-90%) PULSE GENERATOR • CL IS 30 pF, WHICH INCLUDES PROBE AND STRAY WIRING CAPACITANCE. r-----------~------SV INPUT ----2.5V V," -= • SEE NOTE 13 ** CL IS 30 pF, WHICH INCLUDES PROBE AND STRAY WIRING CAPACITANCE. VCM OV J--1~---\~~~=::: OV 90% -.J..o=--VaH Vo OUTPUT Va 10% ~ SWITCH AT A: liN:: OmA ~----l.SV t-'.;;..;.;;...---'--------I''''''''t---- VOL Va VOMAX----I\. '------VOL. CML Figure 10. Test Circuit for Common Mode Transient Figure 9. Switching Test Circuit. Immunity and Typical Waveforms. 9-83 eMH - - - - VOMIN --------------~,~ S\'VITCH AT B: liN =3.11 rnA If ~rl---------------sv V ___ _ Electrical Considerations The HCPL-3700 optocoupler has internal temperature compensated, predictable voltage and current threshold pOints which allow selection of an external resistor, Rx, to determine larger external threshold voltage levels. For a desired external threshold voltage, V" a corresponding typical value of Rx can be obtained from Figure 11. Specific calculation of Rx can be obtained from Equation (1) of Figure 12. Specification of both V. and V- voltage threshold levels simultaneously can be obtained by the use of Rx and Rp as shown in Figure 12 and determined by Equations (2) and (3). Rx can provide over-current transient protection by limiting input current during a transient condition. For monitoring contacts of a relay orswitch, the HCPL-3700 in combination with Rx and Rp can be used to allow a specific current to be conducted through the contacts for cleaning purposes (wetting current). The choice of which input voltage clamp level to choose depends upon the application of this device (see Figure 1). It is recommended that the low clamp condition be used when possible to lower the input power dissipation as well as the LED current, which minimizes LED degradation over time. In applications where dVCM/dl may be extremely large (such as static discharge), a series resistor, Rcc, should be connected in series with Vcc and Pin 8 to protect the detector IC from destructively high surge currents. See note 13 for determination of Rcc. In addition, it is recommended that a ceramic disc bypass capacitor of 0.D1 ILf be placed between Pins 8 and 5 to reduce the effect of power supply noise. IYH+ I-I %Rx HCPL-3700 t Ac Vee -( "~'"'( : DC+ H Vo DC- %Rx I 4AC Figure 12. External Threshold Voltage Level Selection. Either AC (Pins 1,4) or DC (Pins 2, 3) input can be used to determine external threshold levels. For one specifically selected external threshold voltage level V. or V- , Rx can be determined without use of Rp via R x- V. - H VTH. ITH. H (1 ) (-) For two specifically selected external threshold voltage levels, V. and V-, the use of Rx and Rp will permit this selection via equations (2), (3) provided the follovying conditions are met. and Rx = For interfacing AC signals to TTL systems, output low pass filtering can be performed with a pullup resistor of 1.5 kO and 20 ILf capacitor. This application requires a Schmitt trigger gate to avoid slow rise time chatter problems. For AC input applications, a filter capacitor can be placed across the DC input terminals for either signal or transient filtering. ITH. < -ITH_ VTH_ (V.) - VTH. (V_ ) ITH. (VTH_) - ITH_ (VTH.) VTH_ (V.) - VTH. (V_ ) Rp = ITH. (V_ - VTH_ ) + ITH_ (VTH+ _ V.) See Application Note 1004 for more information. > I w ~ g 9 ~a: F -' ~ a: ~ I ';' RX - EXTERNAL SERIES RESISTOR - kD: Figure 11. TVplcal External Threshold Characteristic, V± vs. RX- 9-84 (2) (3) Fli;' OPTICALLY COUPLED 20 rnA CUR'RENT LOOP HEWLETT ~e.. PACKARD T~ANS.M1TTER SCHEMATIC OUTLINE DRAWING' 1~~:~~1 ICC Vee 0-=--.-----, ~ i ~~: ~ Fh;:tj xxxx t.:~VVWWfU o--=--_+_--+----' SHIELD 4 O.lS 1.0ll?J Q33"(;ffiJ::l r TYPE NUMBER DATE CODE ONEil 3 '".:.....1 4 - 1_1.781.070) MAX. - f-- 1.191.047) MAX. L 10 TRUTH TABLE (POSITIVE LOGIC)* V, H L H L Vee ON ON OFF OFF I DL 2 -, \ !!l!! 1.2401 ~r.mi a.•0(.260) ),.,:..,........".,....,...".,....,....,.-' RECOGNITION , _ _ PIN 1 - GND HCPL-4100 I ~=I"::-=~i§:::=::::-L 5' TVP'l -,- DIMENSIONS IN M)LLlMETRES AND (INCHES) 14.70 1.186) MAX. 10 I! H L H H *CURRENT. LOOP CONVENTION - H = MARK: 10;;;' 12 rnA, L = SPACE: 10 .;;; 2 rnA. ! 1.40 1.056) II -lo.511:20J 'I d 0.761.030) ,--I MIN. 2.921.115} MIN. -0.65 1.025} MAX. ~ 1.D901 ,.... 2.BO 1.110) 1___1 Features Description • GUARANTEED 20 rnA LOOP PARAMETERS • DATA INPUT COMPATIBLE WITH LSTTL, TTL AND CMOS LOGIC • GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE OVER TEMPERATURE (0° C to 70° C) • INTERNAL SHIELD FOR HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION • 20 KBaud DATA RATE AT 400 METRES LINE LENGTH • GUARANTEED ON AND OFF OUTPUT CURRENT LEVELS • RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF U.L. (FILE NO. E55361) FOR DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND PROOF TEST VOLTAGES OF 1440 Vac, 1 MINUTE AND 2500 Vac, 1 MINUTE (OPTION 010). • OPTICALLY COUPLED 20 rnA CURRENT LOOP RECEIVER, HCPL-4200, ALSO AVAILABLE The HCPL-4100 optocoupler is designed to operate as a transmitter in equipment using the 20 rnA current loop. 20 mA current loop systems conventionally signal a logic high state by transmitting 20 mA of loop current (MARK), and signal a logic low state by allowing no more than a few milliamperes of loop current (SPACE). Optical Applications coupling of the signal from the logic input to the 20 mA current loop breaks ground loops and provides very high immunity to common mode interference. The HCPL-4100 data input is compatible with LSTTL, TTL, and CMOS logic gates. The input integrated circuit drives a GaAsP LED. The light emitted by the LED is sensed by a second integrated circuit that allows 20 mA to pass with a voltage drop of less than 2.7 volts when no light is emitted and allows less than 2 mA to pass when light is emitted. The transmitter output is capable of withstanding 27 volts. The input integrated circuit provides a controlled amount of LED drive current and takes into account LED light output degradation. The internal shield allows a guaranteed 1000 V/J.Ls common mode transient immunity. • IMPLEMENT AN ISOLATED 20 rnA CURRENT LOOP TRANSMITTER IN: Computer Peripherals Industrial Control Equipment Data Communications Equipment 9-85 Absolute Maximum Ratings Recommended operating Conditions Parameter Power Supply Voltage Input Voltage Low (No Derating Required up to 55°C) Symbol Min. Max. Units Vee VIL VIH 4.5 0 20 0.8 Volts Volls 2.0 20 Volts TA Vo 10 0 70 27 °C Volts mA Input VOltage High Operating Temperature Output Voltage Output Curren! 0 0 24 Storage Temperature ................. -55° C to 125° C Operating Temperature................ -40°C to 85°C Lead Solder Temperature ............ 260°C for 10 sec. (1.6 mm below seating plane) Supply Voltage - Vee ........................ 0 to 20 V Average Output Current - 10 ••...••• -30 mA to 30 mA Peak Output Current - 10 •.••...•... internally limited Output Voltage - Vo ................... -0.4 V to 27 V Input Voltage - VI ..................... -0.5 V to 20 V Input Power Dissipation - PI .............. 265 mW[ll Output Power Dissipation - Po ............ 125 mW[2l Total Power Dissipation - P ............... 360 mW[3l Electrical Characteristics for 0° C ~ TA ~ 70° C, 4.5 V ~ Vee Parameter ~ Symbol Mark State Output Voltage 20 V, all typicals at TA = 25° C and Vee = 5 V unless otherwise noted Min. ~:. .2 2.35 VMO Max. Units Test Conditions 2.25 Volts Volts Volts 10 =2 mA lo=12mA 10= 20 mA 2.7 Mark State Short Circuit Output Current Ise 30 85 Space State Output Current Iso 0.5 1.1 2.0 .0.12 Low Level Input Current IiL Low Level Input Voltage VIl_ High Level Input Voltage VIH High Level Input Current IiH Supply Current Icc Input-Output Insulation 11-0 I OPT 010 ViSO ReSistance (Input-output) RI-o Capacitance (input-outpull CI-O Fig. VI'" 2.0 V rnA VI'= 2 V, Vo = 5 V to 27 V mA VI =0.8 V, Vo= 27 V .0.32 rnA Vee = 20 V, VI = 0.4 V 0.8 Volts 2.0 Note 1.2 4 3 - = - Volts 0.005 20 100 250 #A p.A #A VI'" 2.7 V VI =5.5V VI=20V 7.0 7.8 11.5 13 rnA rnA Vee = 5.5 V Vee =20 V 1 JiA OV::;;VI$20V 45% RH, t = 55, VI-O '" 3 kV dc, TA '" 25°C 5,6 VRMS RH~50%t=1 1012 Ohms VI-O = 500 V dc 5 1 pF f == 1 MHz, VI-O = 0 V dc 5 2500 MIN 13 Notes: 1. Derate linearly above 55° C free air temperature at a rate of 3.8 mW/' C. Proper application of the derating factors will prevent IC junction temperatures from exceeding 125' C for ambient temperatures up to 85' C. 2. Derate linearly above a free-air temperature of 70'C at a rate of 2.3 mW/oC. A significant amount of power may be dissipated in the HCPL-4100 output circuit during the transition from the SPACE state to the MARK state when driving a data line or capacitive load (COUT). The average power dissipation during the transition can be estimated from the following equation which assumes a linear discharge of a capacitive load: P = Isc (V so + VMoI/2, where Vso is the output voltage in the SPACE state. The duration of this transition can be estimated as t = COUT (Vso - VMo)/lse. For typical applications driving twisted pair data lines with NRZ data as shown in Figure 11, the transition time will be less than 10% of one bit time. 3. Derate linearly above 55°C free-air temperature at a rate of 5.1 mW/'C. 4. The maximum current that will flow into the output in the mark state lise) is internally limited to protect the device. The duration of the output short circuit shall not exceed 10 ms. 5. The device is considered a two terminal device, pins 1, 2, 3, and 4 are connected together, and pins 5, 6, 7, and 8 are connected together. 6. This is a proof test. This rating is equally validated by a 2500 Vac, 1 sec. test. 9-86 Switching Characteristics for 0::; TA::; 70° C, 4.5 V::; Vee::; 20 V, all typicals at TA = 25° C and Vee = 5 V unless otherwise noted Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units O.~•• 1.6 pS 1.0 Propagation to Logic HighD~I~~~~¥~ ",<, Level tPLH Propagation Delay Time to Logic Low Output Level tPHL 0.2 Propagation Delay Time Skew tpLH-tPHL Output RiSe Time (10-90%) Output Fall Time (90-10%) Testing Conditions Co'" 1000 pF, =1000 pF, CL = 15 pF, 10 = 20 mA 10 = 20 mA, Co'" 1000 pF, CL = 15 pF. 5,7 9 10 = 20 mA, Co'" 1000 pF, CL = 15 pF. 5,7 10 8,9,10 11 ps 10=20 mA tr 16 ns tf 23 ns Common Mode Transient Immunity at Logic Low Output Level ICMLI VII's VI =2 V, TA=25°C VCM = 50 V (peak), Vee = 5 V 10 (min.l '" 12 mA 1,000 10,000 VII's VI = 0.8 V, TA = 25°C VeM = 50 V (peak), Vce = 5 V 8,9,10 12 10 (max.) '" 3 mA Notes: 7. The tPLH propagation delay is measured from the 1.3 volt level on the leading edge of the input pulse to the leading edge of the output pulse. 8. The tPHL propagation delay is measured from the 1.3 volt level on the trailing edge of the input pulse to the trailing edge of the output pulse. 9. The rise time. tr. is measured from the 10% to the 90% level on the rising edge of the output current pulse. 10. The fall time. tf. is measured from the 90% to the 10% level on the falling edge of the output current pulse. 11. The common mode transient immunity in the logic high level is the maximum (positive) dVCM/dt on the leading mode pulse. VCM. that can be sustained with the output in a Mark (UH") state (i.e .• 10> 12 mAl. 12.The common mode transient immunity in the logic low level is the maximum (negative) dVCM/dt on the leading mode pulse. VCM. that can be sustained with the output in a Space (ULU) state (i.e .• 10> 3 mAl. 13. See Option 010 data sheet for more information. 3.0 > I 2.6 w '"!::i" 0 > t- ~ t::> 2.4 2.2 to - -~ ---., 12mA r-::-:- ---., 2.0 r- 2mA I 0 I 1.8 ,;< 1.6 10 mA level on the 10 mA level on the edge of the common edge of the common 3.5 2.8 3.0 > ....... ..........., r---..... ....... ....., ....., ..........., t"--..... VI ""2V 1.4 1.2 -40 -20 20 - 60 2.5 0 2.0 '" ;0 .... > -- 40 I w t::> ~ ::> 0 I ,;< 1.5 f i--:--- -- 1.0 V, =2V TA -25 C g 0.5 10 80 15 20 25 30 10 - OUTPUT CURRENT - rnA Figure 1. 7 8 0.1 1,000 10,000 4,5,6 4,5,6 CO ICMHI yL = 15 pF, 10 == 20 mA Noti i, I'S Common Mode Transient Immunity at Logic High Output Level Fig. Typical Mark State Output Voltage Temperature VB. Figure 2. 9-87 Typical Output Voltage Mark State VB. Output Current In 1.3 1 1.2 I 1.1 ~ 1.0 izw Vee :0 ..,.. -? ...... Vo "" O.9 - '"I O.8 - 20V W ~ .!!.' 3 V,10 KHz SOUAREWAVE i-"" ~~ [}~~ ~ P' PULSE __~a~E:~TgR 5.6K tr=tf=6M ~1.O.8y o.7 o. 6 ~-ffi~, ' INCLUDING,PROBE'AND JIG CAPACITANCES. -40 -20 20 40 60 80 TA -,TEMPERATURE _oC Figure 3: Typical Space State Output Current vs. Temperature 'Figure 4. Test Circuit for tpLH. tpHL. t r • and tf 0.6 '!l 0.5 ..,. I V, .... w 0.4 ~ 0.3 ~ f-- 0.2 ~ f..- 0 Z 0 to ~ 10 0 if Co',OODpF I CL-15pF a- -- 0.1 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 TA - TEMPERATURE _ °C Figure 5. Figure 6. Waveforms for tpLH. tpHL. t r• and tf Typical Propagallon Delay vs. Temperature 70 2, I '"w '........" ;:: ;t 60 40 .. 30 '"iii: 20 0 z w I =- '" CoUT • 1000 pF C,. "SpF 50 f\. ~ - If t'-;;- r-- ...... 10 -40 -20 20 40 TA - TEMPERATURE _ Figure 7. 60 80 °c Typical Rise. Fall Times vs. Temperature 9-88 ~~~~~~~~~~- ~~------ 50V~ VllNE 124VI VCM OV VMON [V SWITCHATA CMH VMON SWITCH ATB CML Figure 8. Test Circuit for Common Mode Transient Immunity Figure 9. 0.8 V OR MORE ~ OV------------------------ l f1 v -----------------------0.4 V OR LESS 0.6VMAX.~ OV------------------------ Typical Waveforms for Common Mode Transient Immunity 12000 l TAl " 25 C ~ 10000 > ~ I 0>- :;;>- 8000 ZZ o :J :;; :;; :;; :;; 6000 0- u>- Iffi 0:0; 4000 :;;Z u" 0: >- 2000 00 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 VCM - COMMON MODE TRANSIENT AMPLITUDE - V Figure 10. Common Mode Transient Immunity vs. Common Mode Transient Amplitude Applications Data transfer between equipment which employs current loop circuits can be accomplished via one of three configurations: simplex, half duplex or full duplex communication. With these configurations, point to point and multidrop arrangements are possible. The appropriate configuration to use depends upon data rate, number of stations, number and length of lines, direction of data flow, protocol, current source location and voltage compliance value, etc. ISOLATED STATION r------, I I I I I DATA I IL I I I I I I XMTR HCPL-4100 I SIMPLEX The simplex configuration, whether point to point or multidrop, gives unidirectional data flow from transmitteris) to receiver. This is the simplest configuration for use in long line length itwo wire), moderate data rate, and low current source compliance level applications. A block diagram of simplex point to point arrangement is given in Figure .11 for the HCPL -4100 transmitter optocoupler. I I NON-ISOLATED STATION r----, I I _____ -' I I I I'- _ _ I _ _ ---lI Figure 1",. Simplex Point to Point Current Loop System Configuration 9c89 DATA Major factors which limit maximum data rate performance for a simplex loop are the location and compliance voltage of the loop current source as well as the total line capacitance. Application of the HCPL-4100 transmitter in a simplex loop necessitates that a non-isolated active receiver (containing current source) be used at the opposite end of the current loop. With long line length, large line capacitance will need to be charged to the compliance voltage level of the current source before the receiver loop current decreases to zero. This effect limits upper data rate performance. Slower data rates will occur with larger compliance voltage levels. The maximum compliance level is determined by the transmitter breakdown characteristic. In addition, adequate compliance of the current source must be available for voltage drops across station(s) during the MARK state in multidrop applications for long line lengths. distance and number of stations on the loop are fixed. A minimum transmitter output load capacitance of 1000 pf is required between pins 3 and 4 to ensure absolute' stability. Length of the current loop (one direction) versus minimum required DC supply voltage, Vee, of the circuit in Figure 12 is graphically illustrated in Figure 13. Multidrop configurations will require larger Vee than Figure 13 predicts in order to account for additional station terminal voltage drops. 40 36 32 I - vee ~ 0.00212;;'{L) +5.7 V A recommended non-isolated active receiver circuit which can be used with the HCPL-4100 in point to point or in multidrop 20 mA current loop applications is given in Figure 12. This non-isolated active receiver current threshold must be chosen properly in order to provide adequate noise immunity as well as not to detect SPACE state current (bias current) of the HCPL-4100 transmitter. The receiver input threshold current is Vth/Rth ~ 10 mA. A simple transistor current source provides a nominal 20 mA loop current over a Vee compliance range of 6 V dc to 27 V dc. A resistor can be used in place of the constant current source for simple applications where the wire loop - 28 r---!l,CAaLE oco"0.05296 flIm In a simplex multidrop application with multiple HCPL4100 transmitters and one non-isolated active receiver, priority of transmitters must be established. ILOOl'f 20mA V/>lARK "2.7 Yd. (HCPl~l00l -1.5 Vd. (CURRENT SOURCE) ~ ~ 24 I-VSAT g 20 I I -» 16 / 12 /. o 1111 o 1111 10000 Iitli 1000 100 L = LOOP LENGTH (ONE DIRECTION) METRES Figure 13. Minimum Required Supply Voltage. VCC. vs. Loop Length lor Current Loop Circuit 01 Figure 12 TRUTH TABLE (POSITIVE LOGIC) (6 V de - 27 V del ALTERNATIVE I HCPL-4100 OPTIONAL TERMINATION r~RT r-I I I I Vee ~~~:~~T I 2N3740 ~I RS~ 5V de I I ·Ii Figure 12. Recommended Non-Isolated Active Receiver with HCPL-4100 Isolated Transmitter lor Simplex Point to Point 20 rnA Current Loop .. 9-90 1K H FULL DUPLEX Full duplex pOint to point communication of Figure 15 uses a four wire system to provide simultaneous, bidirectional data communication between local and remote equipment. Basic application uses two simplex point to point lOOPS which have two separate, active, non-isolated units at one common end of the lOOps. The other end of each lOOP is isolated. 1000 As Figure 15 illustrates, the combination of HewlettPackard current lOOP optocouplers, HCPL-4100 transmitter and HCPL-4200 receiver, can be used at the isolated end of current lOOps. Cross talk and common mode coupling are greatly reduced when optical isolation is implemented at the same end of both lOOps, as shown. Full duplex data rate is limited by the non-isolated active receiver current lOOp. Comments mentioned under simplex configuration apply to the full duplex case. Consult the HCPL-4200 receiver optocoupler data sheet for specified device performance. 10,000 L - LOOP LENGTH (ONE DIRECTION) - METRES Figure 14. Typical Data Rate vs. Distance and Supply Voltage Typical data rate performance versus distance is illustrated in Figure 14 for the combination of a non-isolated active receiver and HCPL-4100 optically coupled current lOOP transmitter shown in Figure 12. Curves are shown for 25% distortion data rate at different Vee values. 25% distortion data rate is defined as that rate at which 25% distortion occurs to output bit interval with respect to the input bit interval. Maximum data rate (dotted line) is restricted by device characteristics. An input Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ) test waveform of 16 bits (0000001011111101) was used for data rate distortion measurements. Enhanced speed performance of the loop system can be obtained with lower Vee supply levels, as illustrated in Figure 14. In addition, when loop current is supplied through a resistor instead of by a current source, an additional series termination resistance equal to the characteristic line impedance can be used at the HCPL4100 transmitter end to enhance speed of response by approximately 20%. HALF DUPLEX The half duplex configuration, whether point to point or multidrop, gives non-simultaneous bidirectional data flow from transmitters to receivers shown in Figures 16a and 16b. This configuration allows the use of two wires to carry data back and forth between local and remote units. However, protocol must be used to determine which specific transmitter can operate at any given time. Maximum data rate for .a half duplex system is limited by the loop current charging time. These considerations were explained in the Simplex configuration section. Figures 16a and 16b illustrate half duplex application for the combination of HCPL-4100/-4200 optocouplers. The unique and complementary designs of the HCPL-4100 transmitter and HCPL-4200 receiver optocouplers provide many designed-in benefits. For example, total optical isolation at one end of the current lOOP is easily accomplished, which results in substantial removal of common mode influences, elimination of ground potential differences and reduction of power supply requirements. With this combination of HCPL-4100/-4200 optocouplers, specific current lOOP noise immunity is provided, i.e., min-· imum SPACE state current noise immunity is 1 mA, MARK state noise immunity is 8 mA. The .cable used contained five pairs of unshielded, twisted, 22 AWG wire (Dearborn #862205), Loop current is 20 mA nominal. Input and output logic supply voltages are 5 V dc. ,-----, NON-ISOLATED STATION I DATA DATA I I I DATA DATA L- _ _ _ _ ....l Figure 15. Full Duplex Point to Point Current Loop System Configuration 9-91 Voltage compliance of the current source must be of an adequate level for operating all units in the loop while not exceeding 27 V dc, the maximum breakdown voltage for the HCPL-41 00. Note that the HCPL-4100 transmitter will allow output loop current to conduct when input Vee power is off. Consult the HCPL-4200 receiver optocoupler data sheet for specified device performance. For more informaton about the HCPL-4100/-4200 optocouplers, consult Application Note 1018. NON-ISOLATED STATION DATA DATA DATA IL _ _ _ _ ....I (a) POINT TO POINT DATA DATA --, I NON-ISOLATED STATION XMTII HCPI.-4100 ilSOLATED 1STATION I ---' DATA DATA r-I ISOLATED·I XIIITR STATION 1 HCPL-4'OO IICVII HCP\._ I L_ DATA DATA (b) MULTIDROP Figure 16. Half Duplex Current Loop System Configurations for (a) Point to Point, (b) Multidrop 9-92 rli~ HEWL..J~TT a!~ PACKARD OPTICALLY C0UPLED 20 rnA CURRENT LOOP RECEIVER SCHEMATIC I+m :-, IJ 1 HCPl-4200 OOTLINE DRAWING' _~!'3701_1 9.901.MO) .--lcC l r--_t_--QVCC 8 I ~I I I L L----+..---4--oGND s TRUTH TABLE (POSITIVE LOGIC)· ! *CURRENT LOOP CONVENTION - H '" MARK: II;;;' 12 rnA, L '" SPACE: I, 0;; 3 rnA, Z '" OFF (HIGH IMPEDANCE) STATE. 0.76 (.03O) iTo 1-:o55j I II - t t j 4.70 (.lasl MAX. -to.51 1.020) I MtN. 2.921.1151 MIN. ,....... -0.651.0261 MAX. I_Ir- 2.BO ~~ 1.1101 Features Description • DATA OUTPUT COMPATIBLE WITH LSTTL, TTL, AND CMOS • 20K BAUD DATA RATE AT 1400 METRES LINE LENGTH • GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE OVER TEMPERATURE (0 0 C TO 70 0 C) • GUARANTEED ON AND OFF THRESHOLDS • LED IS PROTECTED FROM EXCESS CURRENT • INPUT THRESHOLD HYSTERESIS • THREE-STATE OUTPUT COMPATIBLE WITH DATA BUSES • INTERNAL SHIELD FOR HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION • RECOGNIZED UNDER THE COMPONENT PROGRAM OF U.L. (FILE NO. E55361) FOR DIELECTRIC WITHSTAND PROOF TEST VOLTAGES OF 1440 Vac, 1 MINUTE AND 2500 Vac, 1 MINUTE (OPTION 010). • OPTICALLY COUPLED 20 mA CURRENT LOOP TRANSMITTER, HCPL-4100, ALSO AVAILABLE The HCPL-4200 optocoupler is designed to operate as a receiver in equipment using the 20 mA Current Loop. 20 mA current loop systems conventionally signal a logic high state by transmitting 20 mA of loop current (MARK), and signal a logic low state by allowing no more than a few milliamperes of loop current (SPACE), Optical coupling of the signal from the 20 mA current loop to the logic output breaks ground loops and provides for a very high common mode rejection. The HCPL-4200 aids in the design process by providing guaranteed thresholds for logic high state and logic low state for the current loop, providing an LSTTL, TTL, or CMOS compatible logic interface, and providing guaranteed common mode rejection. The buffer circuit on the current loop side of the HCPL-4200 provides typically 0.8 mA of hysteresis which increases the immunity to common mode and differential mode noise. The buffer also provides a controlled amount of LED drive current which takes into account LED light output degradation. The internal shield allows a guaranteed 1000 VIf.J.S common mode transient immunity. Applications • IMPLEMENT AN ISOLATED 20 mA CURRENT LOOP RECEIVER IN: Computer Peripherals Industrial Control Equipment Data Communications Equipment 9-93 Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Absolute Maximum Ratings (No Derating Required up to 70° C) Symbol Min. Max. Units Power Supply Voltage Vee 4.5 20 Volts Forward Input Current (SPACE) lSI 0 2.0 mA Forward Input Current (MARK) 1M! 14 24 mA Operating Temperature TA. °C N 0 0 70 FanOut 4 TTL Loads LogiC Low Enable Voltage VEL 0 0.8 Volts Logic High Enable Voltage VEH 2.0 20 Volts Storage Temperature .••..•...•.•..•• -55°C to 125°C Operating Temperature ••...••....•..• -40° C to 85° C Lead Solder Temperature •.•••••••... 260°C for 10 sec. (1.6 mm below the seating plane) Supply Voltage - Vee ..................... 0 V to.20 V Average Input Current - II ........•• -30 mA to 30 mA Peak Transient Input Current - Ii ............. 0.5 A11] Enable Input Voltage - VE •••.••••.•... -0.5 V to 20 V Output Voltage - Vo ....••...••••.•••. -0.5 V to 20 V Average Output Current - 10 .........••••.•••• 25 mA Input Power Dissipation - PI .....•.•.•••••• 90 mW1 2] Output Power Dissipation - Po ..•..•..••.• 210 mW13] Total Power Dissipation - P ••••••...•...•• 255 mW14] Electrical Characteristics For 0° C:S; T A.:S; 70° C, 4.5 V:S; Vee :s; 20 V, VE = 0.8 V, all typicals at T A. = 25° C and Vee = 5 V unless otherwise noted Parameler Symbol Mark State Input Current Mark State Input Voltage ..... Space State Inpul Current lSI Space State Input Voltage VS, Input Hysteresis Currem IHVS Logic Low Output Voltage VOL Logic High Output Voltage VOH Output Leakage Current NOUT>Vccl IoHH Logic High Enable Voltage VEH Logic Low Enable Voltage VeL Logic High Enable Current Min. IEH LogiC Low Enable Current IEL Logic Low Supply Current ICCL Logic High Supply Current ICCH Typ. 0.3 Logic Low Short Circuli Output CUrrent 2.52 2.75 3 mA 1.6 2.2 Volts Logic High Short Circuit Output Current 10SH Input-Outpullnsulalion 11-0 I OPT. 010 VISO Yolts 0.5 Valls 2.4 Volts 100 500 2.0 h=20mA VE'" Don't Care II '" 0.5 to 2.0mA Ve - Don't Care 10L <= 6.4 rnA!4 TTL Loads) Ii = 3 mA 10H = -2.6 mA, 11=12rnA p.A Vo=5.SV 1,=20 rnA p.A • Vo=2OV 0.8 Volts 20 p.A Ve=2.7V 100 p.A VE=S.5 V 250· p.A Ve=2OV -0.32 rnA Ve= 0.4 V ~ mA • . mA Vcc = 5.5 V 3.1 6.0 rnA : Vcc=20V VE" Don't Care -20 p.A p.A 100 pA • Vo" 0.4 V Vo '" 2.4 V Vo=5.5V Ve=2.0Y,It=20mA 20 500 p.A Vo=20V h= 20 rnA Ve=2Y, h"'OmA 26 40 mA Vo=Vcc=5.5VI rnA Yo = Vcc "" 20 V -10 mA Vcc=5.5V 1t-20 mA -25 mA Vcc=20V Vo=GND pA 45% RH, t .. 5s. 1 2500 I h=OmA VI.o=3kVdc, TA=25'C RH S:50%, t= 1 min. 1.0 pF 1= 1 MHz, VI-o=QVdc C,N 120 pF f - 1 MHz, VI - 0 V do, Pins 1 and 2 Input Capacitance 6 Ve= Don't Care CI-O Input-Output CapaCitance 1 5 1,= 0 rnA • Vcc"'S.5V Vcc=20V VRMS ohms RI-O • 1, Vcc=4.5V 1012 Input-Output Resistance ~ Volts ~ I Test Conditions mA 0.8 IOZH 10SL Units rnA loZL High Impedance S'late Output Current Max. 12 IMI VMI 9-94 VI.O = 500 V dc 5 5 6,7 14 6 6 --------------- - - - - - -------------------------- switching Characteristics For 0° C ~ TA ~ 70° C, 4.5 V ~ Vee ~ 20 V, Ve Parameter Symbol = 0.8 V, all typicals at TA = 25° C and Vee = 5 V unless otherwise noted Min. TeSI'e~ndllions Typ. Max. Units 0.23 1.6 IJ.S tPHL 0.17 1.0 pS Ve '" 0 V, CL tPLH-tPHL 60 ns II OUlput Enable Time to Logic Low Level tPZL 25 ns II = 0 mA, CL = 15 pF Output Enable Time to Logic High Level tPZH 26 ns Ii = 20 mA, CL'" 15 pF Propagation Delay Time to Logic High Output Level tPLH Propagation Delay Time to Logic Low Output Level Propagation Delay Time Skew ... Fig. Note Ve =OV, CL= 15 pF 7,8,9 8 = 15 pF 7,B,9 9 .i\p;rA. CL = =• 15 pF 7,8,9 11,12, 14 11,1,2, 13 Output Disable Time from Logic Low Level tpLZ 60 ns Ii = 0 mA, CL'" 15 pF 11,12, 14 Output Disable Time from Logic High Level tPHZ 105 ns ,,= 20 mA, CL =15 pF 11, 12, 13 Output Rise Time (10-90%) Ir 55 ns Vee = 5 V, CL "" 15 pF 7,8,10 10 OutpUI Fall Time (90-10%) If 15 ns Vee = 5 V, Cl'" 15 pF 7,8,10 11 Common Mode TranSient Immunity at Logic High Output Level ICMHI 1,000 10,000 V/p$ VeM = 50 V (peak) /J=12mA,TA=25°C 15,16 12 Common Mode TranSient Immunity at Logic Low Output Level ICMLI 1,000 10,000 VlfJ.s VCM = 50 V ipeak) II = 3 mA, T A = 25° C 15, 16 13 NOTES: 1. :S 1 p's pulse width, 300 pps. 2. Derate linearly above 70° C free air temperature at a rate of 1.6 mW/o C. Proper application of the derating factors will prevent IC junction temperatures from exceeding 125° C for ambient temperatures up to 85°C. 3. Derate linearly above 70° C free air temperature at a rate of 3.8 mW/o C. 4. Derate linearly above 70° C free air temperature at a rate of 4.6 mW/o C.' 5. Duration of output short circuit time shall not exceed 10 ms. 6. The device is considered a two terminal device, pins 1, 2, 3, and 4 are connected together and pins 5, 6, 7, and 8 are connected together. 7. This is a proof test. This rating is equally validated by a 2500 Vac, 1 sec. test. 8. The tpLH propagation delay is measured from the 10 mA level on the leading edge of the input pulse to the 1.3 V level on the leading edge of the output pulse. 9. The tpHL propagation delay is measured from the 10 mA level on the trailing edge of the input pulse to the 1.3 V level on the trailing edge of the output pulse. 10. The rise time, t" is measured from the 10% to the 90% level on the rising edge of the output logiC pulse. 11. The fall time, tf, is measured from the 90% to the 10% level on the falling edge of the output logic pulse. 12. Common mode transient immunity in the logic high level is the maximum (negative) dVCM/dt on the trailing edge of the common mode pulse, VCM, which can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic high state Ii.e., Vo 2': 2 V). 13. Common mode transient immunity in the logic low level is the maximum (positive) dVCM/dt on the leading edge of the common mode pulse, VCM, which can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic low state ILe., Vo:S 0.8 V). 14. See Option 010 data sheet for more information. 9-95 10 3.0 :::: :::::: 1-~ tr 2.5 :::: , ":;" > w 2.0 0 > 1.5 / / I TA =25 C \--- - -- ~ 0 9, -- 1.0 "> 0.51--+--+-+--+--1---; o -so II - 'INPUT CURRENT - mA Figure 1. -25 25 50 Typical Output Voltage vs. Loop Current Figure 2. ~ 2.6 I, =20mA "" :; I--: :;:; i""' 0 ,,"12mA ~. 0 , S 2.' II - LOOP CURRENT - mA vic <.1 ~ 0.8 10 "'"6.4ntA- g 0.7 ~ 0.6 ~ 0.5 5V _ 1,=3mA w > ~.' : o ~ w ~ ~, "> -25 25 50 75 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - Figure 4. Typical Input Voltage Temperature ~ 0.2 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 -. -60 -40 TA - TEMPERATURE -'C Figure 5. " ot .r-.. '" -20 20 Typical Logic Low Output Voltage VB. Temperature Figure 6. r---------~-,~~5V 10 -son lSI "'OmA 02 VOH-- 03 90% - - - 04 Vo 10%--":" Figure 7. VOL ---t-" CL '" 15 pF INCLUDING PROBe AND JIG CAPACITANCE Test Circuit for tpHL. tpLH. t r • and tf Figure 8_ 9-96 60 80. 100 Typical Logic High Output Current VB. Temperature PULSE GENERATOR 1r=tp*$nJ 40 TA - TEMPERATURE -"C 1M' =20mA-----.,--_ _ _ _ _ _""""'\ VIN = 5 VOLT, 100 KHz 10% DUTY CYCLE D1 - 04 ARE lN916 OR lN3064 12mA- \ 0.3 -60 J. ..1v I\, Vo -MV "c VB. Typical Input Loop Voltage . VB. Input Current VO..:2.7V 0.4 o 100 1 2 ~ '0. 1 2.2 -50 °0L--~-~10~--'~5--2~0-~25~~30 Figure 3. 0.9 ~ w 100 Typical Current Switching Threshold vs. Temperature 1 2.• g , 75 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE -"C Waveforms for tpHL. tPLH. t r • and tf - _ ..._-_.... - - - - 120 100 ~ I w ~ ";:: 80 ~ Q ~ Z :1: o ~ lIi ~ " 60 a: '" I .. 40 ~ I 20 TA - TEMPERATURE TA - TEMPERATURE -'C Figure 9. Typical Propagation Delay vs. Temperature r - - - - ' C L = 15 pF INCLUDING PROBE AND JIG CAPACITANCE PULSE GENERATOR ,-----3.0 V INPUT V, Zo = 50n tr -= tf"d; _·c Figure 10. Typical Rise. Fall Time vs. Temperature n$ 02 03 04 INPUT Ve MONITORING NODE OUTPUT = 1.5 V Vo Sl OPEN S2 CLOSED 01-4 ARE lN916 OR lN3064 Figure 11. Test Circuit for tpZH. tpZL. tpHZ. and tpLZ ----r- -J;0 200 CL .. 15pF ~ I ~ ~ I rov 150 Q '';'z z I Figure 12. Wavelorms lor tpZH. tpZL. tpHZ. and tpLZ o ~ I Q Z o i 4.5V 100 ::: w ~ ~ w rov 0 .. - 20 20 ~ j}v tpZIi I ~ 40 TA - TEMPERATURE - 60 80 .. I 100 'c TA - TEMPERATURE _OC Figure 13. Typical Logic High Enable Propagation Delay vs. Temperature Figure 14. Typical Logic Low Enable Propagation Delay vs. Temperature 50V VCM ~ Z 8000 I- 6000 ,.- " 4000 II =12mA 0 0 3000 w ~ '" 0,8 V '\\\W, T:='25-C-1 j hl 5000 I- a: Pfm 7000 _V _VO(MAX.) VOL 9000 15 !i1 =2.0V Vo 10000 ; I > I- ""O! OV VOH~ . Vo iMIN.) ~ "z 2000 ""u 1000 0 11=3.0mA 0 I " u Figure 15. Test Circuit lor Common Mode Transient Immunity 0 "0 500 1000 1500 2000 VCM - COMMON MODE TRANSIENT VOLTAGE - V Figure 16. Typical Common Mode Transienllmmunity vs. Common Mode Transient Amplitude 9-97 Applications Data transfer between equipment which employs current loop circuits can be accomplished via one of three configurations: simplex, half duplex or full duplex communication. With these configurations, point-to-point and multidrop arrangements are possible. The appropriate configuration to use depends upon data rate, number of stations, number and length of lines, direction of data flow, protocol, current source location and voltage compliance value, etc. SIMPLEX The simplex configuration, whether point to point or multidrop, gives unidirectional data flow from transmitter to receiver(s). This is the simplest configuration for use in long line length (two wire),for high data rate, and low current source compliance level applications. Block diagrams of simplex pOint-to-point and multidrop arrangements are given in Figures 17a and 17b respectively for the HCPL4200 receiver optocoupler. For the highest data rate performance in a current loop, the configuration of a non-isolated active transmitter (containing' current source) transmitting data to a remote isolated receiver(s) should be used. When the current source is located at the, transmitter end, the loop is charged approximately to VMI (2.5 V). Alternatively, when the current source is located at the receiver end, the loop is charged to the full compliance voltage level. The lower the charged voltage level the faster the data rate will be. In the configurations, of Figures 17a and 17b, 'data rate is independent of the current source voltage compliance level. An adequate compliance level of current source must be available for voltage drops across station Is) during the MARK state in multidrop applications or for long line length. The maximum compliance level is determined by the transmitter breakdown characteristic. A recommended non-isolated active transmitter circuit which can ,be used with the HCPL-4200 in pOint-to-point or in multidrop 20 mA current loop applications is given in Figure 18. The currerit source is controlled via a standard TTL 7407 buffer to provide high output impedance of current source in' both the ON and OFF states. This non-isolated active transmitter provides a nominal 20 mA lOOp' current for the listed values of Vee, R2and R3 in Figure 18. NON-ISOLATED STATION r-----, I I ISOLATED STATION 2~ ,...----, DATA DATA L _ _ _ _ _ _ .J (a) POINT-TO-POINT DATA DATA ISOLATED' STATION I ......--'-...... I I NON-ISOLATED r - -STATION ----, ,..----. ISOLATED STATION 2~1 r----' DATA DATA , ISOLATED' STATION r-Io--l-, I I I DATA • .., ISOLATED I r-Io--l-, I STATION I I I I DATA (b) MULTIDROP Figure 17. 'Simplex Current Loop System 'Configurations for' (a) Polnt-Io-Polnt, (b) Multidrop ILOOP'= 20 rnA Vee =5Vdc-27Vdc Vec Vdc R2 H R3 II 10 15 24 27 1K 2.15K 3.16K 5.62K 6.19K 82.5 237 383 681 750 Figure 18. Recommended Non-Isolated Active Transmitter with HCPL-4200 Isolated Receiver lor Simplex Point-Io-Polnt 20 mA Current Loop Length of current loop (one direction) versus minimum required DC supply voltage, Vee, of the circuit in Figure 18 is graphically illustrated in Figure 19. Multidrop configurations will require larger Vee than Figure 19 predicts in order to account for additional station terminal voltage drops. Typical data rate performance versus distance is illustrated in Figure 20 for the combination of a non-isolated active transmitter and HCPL-4200 optically coupled current loop receiver shown in Figure 18. Curves are shown for 10% and 25% distortion data rate. 10% (25%) distortion data rate is defined as that rate at which 10% (25%) distortion occurs to output bit interval with respect to input bit interval. An input Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ) test waveform of 16 bits (0000001011111101) was used for data rate distortion measurements. Data rate is independent of current source supply voltage, Vee. The cable used contained five pairs of unshielded, twisted, 22 AWG wire (Dearborn #862205), Loop current is 20 mA nominal. Input and output logic supply voltages are 5 V dc. FULL DUPLEX The full duplex point-to-point communication of Figure 21 uses a four wire system to provide simultaneous, bidirectional data communication between local and remote = Vee'" 0,00212 ~ equipment. The basic application uses two simplex pointto-point loops which have two separate, active, nonisolated units at one common end of the loops. The other end of each loop is isolated. As Figure 21 illustrates, the combination of Hewlet.tPackard current loop optocouplers, HCPL-4100 transmitter and HCPL-4200 receiver, can be used at the isolated end of current loops. Cross talk and common mode coupling are greatly reduced when optical isolation is implemented at the same end of both loops, as shown. The full duplex data rate is limited by the non-isolated active receiver current loop. Comments mentioned under simplex configuration apply to the full duplex case. Consult the HCPL-4100 transmitter optocoupler data sheet for specified device performance. HALF DUPLEX The half duplex configuration, whether pOint-to-point or multidrop, gives non-simultaneous bidirectional data flow from transmitters to receivers shown in Figures 22a and 22b. This configuration allows the use of two wires to carry data back and forth between local and remote units. However, protocol must be used to determine which specific transmitter can operate at any given time. Maximum data rate for a half duplex system is limited by the loop current charging time. These considerations were explained in the Simplex configuration section. ~ III t 4.~S V _ _ _ _ :....- RCAllL.E -= 0.05298 Q/m :--IWOV':/OmA ~ 28 :,............. VMARK ,. 2.75 Vdc (HCPl-4200) 24 VSAT" 1,5 Vdc (CORRENT SOURCE):::; = ~2°111 ~ 16 L 12 0, a 100 1000 10000 100,000 L = LOOP LENGTH (ONE DIRECTION) - METRES LOOP LENGTH (ONE DIRECTION) - METRES Figure 19. Minimum Required. Supply Voltage, Vee, VS. Loop Lenglh lor Currenl Loop Circuit 01 Figure 18 Figure 20. Typical Dala Rale vs. Dlslance 9-99 ,-----, NON-ISOLATED STATION I DATA DATA I I I DATA DATA L- _ _ _ _ -I Figure 21. Full Duplex Polnt-to-Polnt Current Loop System Conllguration Figures 22a and 22b illustrate hali duplex application for the combination of HCPL-4100/-4200 optocouplers. The unique and complementary designs of the HCPL-4100 transmitter and HCPL-4200 receiver optocouplers provide many designed-in benefits. For example, total optical iso- lation at one end of the current loop is easily accomplished, which results in substantial removal of common mode influences, elimination of ground potential differences and reduction of power supply requirements. With this combination of HCPL-4100/-4200 optocouplers, specific current loop noise immunity is provided, i.e., minimum SPACE state current noise immunity is 1 mA, MARK state noise immunity is B mA. Voltage compliance of the current source must be of an adequate level for operating all units in the loop while not exceeding 27 V dc, the maximum breakdown voltage for the HCPL-4100. Note that the HCPL-4100 transmitter will allow loop current to conduct when input Vee power is off. Consult the HCPL-4100 transmitter optocoupler data sheet for specified device performance. For more information about the HCPL-4100/-4200 optocouplers, consult Application Note 101 B. NON-ISOLATED STATION DATA DATA DATA DATA IL- _ _ _ _ - I (a)POINT-TO-POINT DATA DATA ISOLATED STATION NON-ISOLATEO STATION 1.----, ...... - - - - 1 I I I DATA I I I I I ~~~x=~~~~=x~~>c>C>C~t DATA i-- I ISOLATED STATION I I I XM"TR HCl't.-4100 RCVR HCl'L-4200 L_ DATA I I _.J DATA (b) MULTIDROP Figure 22. Half Duplex Current Loop System Configurations for (a) Point-to-Polnt, (b) Multidrop 9-100 I I I I I DATA HerInetic Optocouplers 9-101 rlin- a!aI WIDE SUPPLY VOLTAGE, HIGH CMR, HERMETICALLY SEALED OPTOCOUPLER HEWL.ETT PACKARD SCHEMATIC I ~ HCPL~5200 HCPL-S201 (883B) OUTLINE DRAWING ,-----1t-----Qs Vee +J'!'"1": 2 I 3 I I I VF - ~--~--~---oGND SHIELD TRUTH TABLE 5 (Positive Logic) Features • NEW-MANUFACTURED AND TESTED ON A MIL-STD-1772 CERTIFIED LINE • HERMETICALLY SEALED 8 PIN DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE • PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER ~55° C TO +1250 C AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE • WIDE Vcc RANGE (4.5 TO 20 VOLTS) • MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TESTING • 500 Ydc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE • COMPATIBLE WITH LSTTL, TTL, AND CMOS LOGIC • 300 ns PROPAGATION DELAY GUARANTEED OVER TEMPERATURE • HCPL-2200 FUNCTION COMPATIBILITY • THREE STATE OUTPUT (NO PULLUP RESISTOR REQUIRED) • INTERNAL SHIELD FOR HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION -1000 V/IJ.S GUARANTEED Applications • MILITARY/HIGH RELIABILITY SYSTEMS • ISOLATION OF HIGH SPEED LOGIC SYSTEMS • COMPUTER-PERIPHERAL INTERFACES • MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM INTERFACES • GROUND LOOP ELIMINATION • PULSE TRANSFORMER REPLACEMENT • ISOLATED BUS DRIVER • HIGH SPEED LINE RECEIVER Description The HCPL-5200 and 5201 units are hermetically sealed, logic gate optocouplers. The products are capable of operation and storage over the full military temperature range and can be pu rchased as either a standard product (HCPL-5200) or with full MIL-STD-883 Class Level 8 testing (HCPL-5201). 80th products are in eight pin hermetic dual in-line packages. Each unit contains an AIGaAs light emitting diode which is optically coupled to an integrated high gain photon detector. The detector has a three state output stage and has a detector threshold with hysteresis. The three state output eliminates the need for a pullup resistor and allows for direct drive of data busses. The hysteresis provides differential mode noise immunity and eliminates the potential for output signal chatter. The detector IC has an internal shield that provides a guaranteed common mode transient immunity of 1,000 Volts/lLsec. Improved power supply rejection eliminates the need for special power supply bypassing precautions. The HCPL-5200 and HCPL-5201 are guaranteed to operate over a Vee range of 4.5 Volts to 20 Volts. Low IF and wide Vee range allow compatibility with TTL, LSTTL,.and CMOS Logic. Low IF and low Icc result in lower power consumption compared to other high speed optocouplers. Logic signals are transmitted with a typical propagation delay of 100 nsec when used in the circuit of Figure 12. These devices are useful for isolating high speed logic interfaces, buffering of input and output lines, and implementing isolated line receivers in high noise environments. Recommended operating Conditions Absolute Maximum Ratings MaX. Units Power Supply \/oltage Vec 4.5 20 V~its Enable Voltage High 2.0 VEH VEL . . 0 2q.; Volts 0:8 Volts 'Parameter ri f Enable Voltage Low Symbol Min. Input Current (High) IF (ON) 4 8 mA Input Voltage (Low) VF (OFF) 0 0.8 Volts 4 TTL Loads N rFan Out Storage Temperature ...•.•..•.....• -65° C to +150° C Operating Temperature .............. -55° C to 125° C Lead Solder Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . •. 260° C for 10 s (1.6 mm below seating plane) Average Forward Input Current - IF ............. 8 mA Peak Transient Input Current - IFPK . .. . . . . .. 20 mA [11 Reverse Input Voltage - VR ....•.•.•........... 5 V Supply Voltage - Vcc ........... 0.0 V min., 20 V max. Three State Enable Voltage - V E ..........•... " -0.3 V min., 20 V max. Output Voltage - Vo ........... -0.3 V min., 20 V max. Total Package Power Dissipation - Pd .... " .. 200 mW Average Output Current - 10 ................. 15 mA Electrical Characteristics TA = -55°C to 125°C, unless otherwise specified. For 0 V ~ VF(OFF) ~ 0.8 V, 4.5 V ~ Vcc ~ 20 V, 4 mA ~ IF(ON) ~ 8 mA, 2.0 V ~ V EH ~ 20 V, O. V ~ VEL ~ 0.8 V .iPafliitWler Symbol Logic Low Output Voltage VOL Logic High Output Voltage VOH Output Leakage Current (VOUT> Vecl 10HH cdjiglliilns Min. lYp,. Max. Unlt$ Test Volts 'Ol'" 6.4 mA (4 TIL Loads) 2.4 .. 0.5 Volts Volts IOH=-2.6 mA 10H = -0.32:IliA ("VOH = V('.('. - 2.1 V) Vo=5.5V Vo = 20 V IF = 8 mA Vee = 4.5 V 3.1 100 500 p.A JlA 2.0 VEH Logic Low Enable Voltage VEL 0.8 Volts 20 p.A VEN" 2.7 V Logic High Enable Curent IEH 100 p.A VEN= 5.5 V 250 JlA VEN = 20 V -0.32 mA VEN = 0.4 V 0.004 IEL Logic Low Supply Current ICCl 4.5 3.3 IOZl High Impedance State Output Current 6.0 5.3~ 2.9 Logic High Supply Current ICCH IOZH . IOSL Logic High Short Circuit Output Current 10SH Input Forward Voltage VF 1.0 Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage VR 5 Input-Output Insulation 11-0 1.3 mA Vee = 5.5 V VF= 0 V mA VCC=20V VE = Don't Care mA mA Vce = 5.5 V Vec=20V 'F" 8 mAo VE = Don't Care VEN" 2 V, VF = 0 V -20 ,..A VO=O.4V 20 p.A Vo = 2.4 V 100 p.A VO=5.5V 500 ,..A Vo=20V rnA rnA Vo -10 -25 mA mA Vce=5.5V Vee- 20V 1.B Volts IF=8mA Volts 'R: 10IlA 20 35 Logic Low Short Circuit Output Current Nole 1,3 2,3 Volts Logic High Enable Voltage Logic Low Enable Current Fig. 1 p.A ~ Vce" 5.5 V VEN = 2 V, 'F = 8 mA VF = 0.8 V :2 IF ~ 8 mAo Vo=GND 2 Vo~Vec=20V 4 45% RH, t " 55, VI-O = 500 Vdc, TA " 25°C 3,4 Propagation Delay Time to tPHL Logic Low Output Lavel 100 300 ns 5.6 5 Propagation Delay Time to tpLH Logic High Output Lellel 90 300 nS 5,6 5 9,10 6 9,10 6 LogiC High Common Mode ICMHI Transient Immunity 1000 10,000 VII'S Logic Low Common Mode jCMd Transient Immunity 1000 10,000 Vlp.s TA=25·C.fF~4mA VCM: 50 Vp.p T A ~ 25' C, IF = 0 mA VCM: 50 Vp_p 'All typical values are at TA = 25'C, Vee = 5 v. IF(ON) = 5 rnA unless otherwise specified. 9-103 Typical Characteristics AI.I typical values are at Vee = 5 V, T A = 25 0 G, IF(ON) = 5 mA unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Typ. Units Test Conditions Figure Note Input Current Hysteresis IHYS 0.Q7 Input Diode Temperature Coefficient ~ -1.25 mV/"G Input-Output Resistance RI-o 1012 ohms Input-Output Capacitance CI-O 2.0 pF f '" 1 MHz Input Capacitance GIN 15 pF f '" 1 MHz, VF " 0 V Output Enable Time to Logic High tpZH 30 ns mA Vee=5 V 3 IF'" 8 mA ATA 4,7 VI.O " 500 V dc 7 8 7 Output Enable Time to Logie Low tpZL 30 ns 7 Output Disable Time from Logic High tpHZ 45 ns 7 Output Disable Time from Logie Low tpLz 55 ns 7 Output Rise Time (10-90%) Ir 45 ns 5,8 Output Fall Time (90-10%) If 10 ns 5,8 Notes: 1. Peak Forward Input Current pulse width < SOl'S at 1 KHz maximum repetition rate. 2. Duration of output short circuit time not to exceed 10 ms. 3. Device considered a two terminal device: pins 1, 2, 3 and 4 shorted together, and pins 5, 6, 7 and 8 shorted together. 4. This is a momentary withstand test, not an operating condition. 5. The tpLH propagation delay is measured from the 50% point on the leading edge of the input pulse to the 1.3 V point on the leading edge of the output pulse. The tpHL propagation delay is measured from the 50% point on the trailing edge of the input current pulse to the 1.3 V point on the trailing edge of the output pulse. 6. CML is the maximum rate of rise of the common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic low state (Vo < 0.8 V). CMH is the maximum rate of fall of the common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic high state (Vo > 2.0 V). 7. Measured between the LED anode and cathode shorted together and pins 5 through 8 shorted together. 8. Zero bias capacitance measured between the LED anode and cathode. 1 l« .•15 > I 0.9 0.7 '"~ 0.6 ::> o _ '" If "'OmA ~ g lo-""MmA- O.B -2 -3 0.5 -4 ~ I--0.4 -5 § 0.3 I 0.2 .; O. ~ -6 , o """- v•• ,I, '" ~cc ~41v_ If "~rnA 65 95 V f'\. Vo '" 2AV --- -7 -55 -25 35 95 65 -8 -55 125 -25 Figure 1. Typical Logic Low Output Voltage vs. Temperature 10.0 > I ~ lo~ - -i.o ff1A ~o I r _v' 1.0 ~i3 o. '~ 0.0 '~ ~ 1,1 ~ ~ .s w ~ 125 Figure 2. Typical Logic High OutpulCurrent vs. Temperature Vile'" 4.5 V TA .. 25"C §; 35 TA - TEMPERATURE -"C TA - TEMPERATURE - "C / ~ 1 ~ o > 10"1.- "'K4mA °o~------L-------~----~ 0.00 , / V 1.050 1.100 I" - INPUT CURRENT - rnA V +:) V TA ,,~t:~c / 1.150 1.200 1.250 1.300 1.350 VI' - FORWARD VOLT AGE (V) Figure 3. Output Voltage vs. Forward Input Current Figure 4. Typical Input Diode Forward Characteristic 9-104 PULSE GENERATOR 200 ~mA IF '" .-kG Vee. '" 5 V CL c I 15 pF '" 150 ~ C Z C -=- ~ ,/ 100 ::::::: ~V ;;:'" c g: THE PROBE AND JIG CAPACITANCES ARE INCLUDED IN CL .. I ALL DIODES ARE 1N916 OR 1N3064 / ..... k' - 50 o INPUT IF ,/ ..........- - PWO· -55 -25 65 35 125 95 TA - TEMPERATURE _ °C OUTPUT Vo "PULSE WIDTH DISTORTION (ns) AT 100 KHz, 10"10 DUTY CYCLE. Figure 6. Typical Propagation Delay vs. Temperature Figure 5. Tesl CirculI for 'pLH. tpHL. I r • and If . - - - - ' C L = 15 pF INCLUDING PROBE AND JIG CAPACITANCE Vee 120 Vee)s V I~ 100 02 03 04 :E ;:: 80 -' -' ;l ii' .. INPUT V, I " 40 ;; 20 Vo 1,3V ,// t,. 60 lii 01-4 ARE 1N916 OR 1N3064 "':" OUTPUT - -25 -55 S2 CLOSED ..........- r-.l! o -S-'-0-P-EN-'"--OV 35 ~10000 "... 125 \ :! a5 i',. 6000 ~ u; ~ a; ~ 4000 ~ -50V' c o " OV SWITCH AT A: IF = 4 rnA ~ 2000 I 0 "8" VOH o 95 I \ I ~ ~ 8000 eUTPUT 65 Figure 8. Typical Rise. Fall Time vs. Temperature Figure 7. Test Circuli for tpHZ. 'pZH. 'pLZ. and 'pZL VeM =5mA __ Cl. '" 15.pF SWITCH AT B: IF = 0 rnA u " VOL Figure 9. Tesl Clrcuil for Common Mode Transienllmmunity and Typical Waveforms 9-105 100 0 VCM .. SEE NOTE 6 - 200 300 400 500 COMMON MODe TRANSIENT VOLTAGE - V Figure 10. Typical Common Mode Transient Immunity vs. Common Mode Transient Amplllude Figure 12. Recommended LED Drive Circuit Figure 11. LSTTL to CMOS .Interlace Circuit ,..----.,---0 ~~) Vee I<5V) DATA I ,. , • OUTPUT I I II"'-!.. .... >-0 :I LAI LOADS UP TO 16 LSTTL ' .r......!... OR 4 TTL LOADS H >-0 DATA INPUT .: I I ~-1 i'..~. . L.1 L..... Figure 13. Series LED Drive with Open Collector Gate (4.02 Kfl Resistor Shunts 10H from the LED) ,,""""-0 Figure 1". Recommended LSTTL to LSTTL Circuit MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TEST PROGRAM PART NUMBERING SYSTEM Hewlett-Packard's HCPL-5201 optocoupler is in compliance with MIL-STD-883, Revision C. Testing consists of 100% screening to Method 5004 arid quality conformance inspection to Method 5005. Details of these test programs may be found in Hewlett-Packard's Optoelectronics Designer's Catalog. Commercial Product Class B Product HCPL-5200 HCPL-5201 Vee + 20 V See table for specific electrical tests, pg. 6. + 11t.=.--AN'v--f VIN 1.90 V 1Don l!....._~......- ......-I CONDITIONS: IF • 8 mA 10 "; -15 mA Figure 15. Operating Circuit for Burn-In and Steady State . Life Tests 9-106 GROUP A - ELECTRICAL TESTS QUANTITY/ACCEPT NO. = 116/0 Subgroup 1 'Static tests aLTA =25"C - VF, VR' 11-0, 'OHH, VOH, VOL, iccH. IGCl~ioZL. 'EH. '~k' VEL, VEH• 10Sl. IOSH Subgroup 2 'Static tests alTA Subgroup 3 =+125°C - " .••';; EL. < VF, VR, 10HH. VOHo VOL, ICCH. ICCl. 10Zl, IEH.IEL. ... "". ... VEH, 10SL' 10sH .;.'. .'•. "Stalic tests at TA = -55°9 - VF• VR. 10HHiVOH. VoL.lcCH. 'ceblozl. IEH,JElIeYEL, VEH. 10SL' 10§H Subgroup 4. 5, 6, 7, SA and 88 These subgroups are not applicable to this device type. Subgroup 9 'Switching tests at T A =25"C - tpHL. tpLH.lcMHI, ICMLi Subgroup 10 'Switching tests at T A" +125° C - tpHL' IpLH Subgroup 11 'Switch tests at T A =-55" C - tpHL, tpLH "Limits and conditions per Electrical Characteristics. 9-107 rlin- DUAL CHANNEL WIDE SUPPLY VOLTAGE, HIGH CMR, HERMETICALLY SEALED OPTOCOUPLER HEWLETT ~e.. PACKARD I" +}'- J r~--j I.!. 9.90 (0.390) 1.1 SCHEMATIC r-----~-~-ov" 8 I v" - 2 1F2 _J3V" 7 -I I I I PIN . . ONE, ~~::f:~:E 5 LETTER) 2 3 4 n TYPE NUMBER l~i~~S::~) 7.'J1 (0.290) ~J 8.'3 (0.3201 AX . U M "20 (00'°) v., 3• (O.·0'~4) O • ""=::!===ilp...!.. 0.51 IQ.020) ~j' c:~~:~o: J (POSITIVE LOGICI 6 XXXXXXXXX i -I 4 I T~UTH TABLE I 7 (883B) OUTLINE DRAWING HP YYWWX U. S.A. t--t--oVo, HCPl-S230 HCPl-5231 ~ ~ ~ ~-l OS, --II-~JI 5 (0.0201 ~--=-"":";-+---""""-""""---oGND MAX. 381 (0:'50) MIN. CATHODE" CATHODE 23 AI'IOPE 2 4 5 GND ....._ _.J' 2.28 (0.901 2.80: m:111il DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS AND (INCHES) Features Applications • NEW-MANUFACTURED AND TESTED ON A MIL-STD-1772 CERTIFIED LINE • MILITARY/HIGH RELIABILITY SYSTEMS • ISOLATION OF HIGH SPEED LOGIC SYSTEMS • HERMETICALLY SEALED 8 PIN DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE • COMPUTER-PERIPHERAL INTERFACES • MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM INTERFACES • PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER -55° C TO +125° C AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE • PULSE TRANSFORMER REPLACEMENT • WIDE Vcc RANGE (4.5 TO 20 VOLTS) • ISOLATED BUS DRIVER • MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TESTING • HIGH SPEED LINE RECEIVER • 500 Vdc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE • COMPATIBLE WITH LSTTL, TTL, AND CMOS LOGIC • 300 ns PROPAGATION DELAY GUARANTEED OVER TEMPERATURE • HCPL-2231 FUNCTION COMPATIBILITY • TOTEM POLE OUTPUT (NO PULL-UP RESISTOR REQUIRED) • NO OPTICAL CROSSTALK • INTERNAL SHIELD FOR HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION - 1000 V/!-,s GUARANTEED Description The HCPL-5230 and 5231 units are dual channel, hermetically sealed, logic gate optocouplers. The products are capable of operation and storage over the full military temperature range and can be purchased as either a standard product (HCPL-5230) or with full MIL-STO-883 Class Level B testing (HCPL-5231). Both products are in eight pin hermetic dual in-line packages. Each unit contains two independent channels, consisting of an AIGaAs light emitting diode optically coupled to an integrated high gain photon detector. The detector has a totem pole output and a threshold with hysteresis. The hysteresis provides differential mode nois.e immunity and eliminates the potential for output signal chatter. The detector IC has an internal shield that provides a guaranteed common mode transient immunity of 1,000 volts/ !-,sec. Improved power supply rejection eliminates the need for special power supply bypassing precautions. The HCPL-5230 and HCPL-5231 are guaranteed to operate over a Vcc range of 4.5 Volts to 20 Volts. Low I F and wide Vec range allow compatibility with TTL, LSTTL, and CMOS logic. Low IF and low Icc result in lower power consumption compared to other high speed optocouplers. Logic signals are transmitted with a typical propagation delay of 100 nsec when used in the circuit of Figure 11. These devices are useful for isolating high speed logiC interfaces, buffering of input and output lines, and implementing isolated line receivers in high noise environments. 9-108 Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter SynUlol Nlln. IlVIax. Power Supply Voltage Vee 4.5 20 4 8 mA VF (OFF) 0 a8 Volts 4 TTL Loads @® Fan Out N Storage Temperature •.••••••••••••• -65°C to +150°C Operating Temperature ..•••.••.••.• -55°C to +125°C Lead Solder Temperature. • • . • . . • . • . • •. 260° C for 10 s (1.6 mm below seating plane) Average Forward Input Current - IF •.••.•••••.•• 8 mA Peak Transient Input Current - IFPK •..•..•••• 20 mA11] Reverse Input Voltage ..•.•••••••••••••.••.•.•• 5 V Supply Voltage - Vee •....•.••.• 0.0 V min., 20 V max. Output Voltage - Vo •••.••.••.• -0.3 V min., 20 V max. Total Package Power DisSipation - Pd • • •• •• •• 400 mW Average Output Current - lo(per channel) •.•..• 15 mA Units IF (ON) Input Current (High) Input Voltage (Low) Absolute Maximum Ratings Volts Electrical Characteristics T A = -55°C to 125° C, unless otherwise specified. For 4.5 V:S; Vee:S; 20 V, 4 mA:S; IF(ON):S; 8 mA, 0 V:S; VF(OFF):S; 0.8 V Parameter ~ym~bol Logic Low Output Voltage VOL Logic High Output Voltage VO H Output Leakage Current (VouT>Ved "Min. 1)'p•• Max. Units Test Conditions Volts ]OL 2.4 .. 0.5 Volts IOH"-2.6mA 3.1 IOHH Logic Low Supply Current Ieel I Logic High Supply Current 5.8 6.6 ICCH Logic Low Short Circuit Output Current Logic High Short Circuit Output Current 9.0 10.6 IOSL 20 35 IOSH -10 -25 Input Forward VOltage VF 1.0 Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage VR 5 I I 1.3 Volts 100 500 p.A p.A 12.0 mA * 12.0 1.8 Fig. =6.4 mA (4 TTL Loads) ("VOH '" Vee-2.1Af) Note 1,3 2 2,3 2 IOH :: -0.32 mA = Vo 5.5 V Vo"20V IF'" 8 mA Vcc 4.5 V = ~ Vee'" V 2 VF1=VF2"OV mA 5.5 Vee = 20 V mA rnA Vo '" Vee 5.5 V Vo = Vee = 20V VF"'OV 2,3 mA mA Vce = 5.5 V Vee 20V IF=8 mA, Vo =GND 2,3 = Volts IF=8mA Volts IR =10 p.A IF1 " IF2 =8 mA 4 2 2 ........ Input-Output Insulation 1'-0 1 p.A Propagation Delay Time to tpHL. Logic Low Output Level 100 300 ns Propagation Delay Time to tpLH Logic High Output Level 90 300 ns = 45% RH, t 55, V,-o " 500 Vdc, T A = 25"C = I 4,5 5,6 2,6 5,6 2,6 Logic High Common Mode ICMHI Transient Immunity 1000 10,000 Vlp,s TA 25°C,IF"4 rnA VeM =50 Vp,p 8,9 2,7 Logic Low Common Mode ICMt! Transient Immunity 1000 10,000 V!p.S T A = 25"C, IF'" 0 mA VeM '" 50 Vp.P 8,9 2,7 "All typical values are at TA = 25°C,Vee = 5 V, IF (ON) = 5 mA unless otherwise specified. Notes: 1. Peak Forward Input Current pulse width < 50 "s at 1 KHz maximum repetition rate. 2. Each channel. 3. Duration of output short circuit time not to exceed 10.ms. 4. Device considered a two-terminal device: Pins 1 through 4 are shorted together, and pins 5 through 8 are shorted together. 5. This is a momentary withstand test, not an operating condition. 6. tpHl propagation delay is measured from the 50% point on the leading edge of the input pulse to the 1.3 V paint on the leading edge of the output pulse. The tplH propagation delay is measured from the 50% point on the trailing edge of the input pulse to the 1.3 V paint on the trailing edge of the output pulse. 7. CMl is the maximum rate of rise of the common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic low state (Vo < 0.8 V). CMH is the maximum rate of fall of the common mode voltage that can be sustained .with .the output voltage in the logic high state (Vo > 2.0 V). 8. Measured bet~een the LED anode and cathode shorted together and pins 5 through 8 shorted together. 9. Measured between adjacent input pairs shorted together, i.e. between pins 1 and 2 shorted together and pins 3 and 4 shorted together. 10. Zero-bias capacitance measured between the LED anode and cathode. 9-109 Typical Characteristics All typical values are at Vee" 5 V, T A" 25° C, IF (ON)" 5 rnA unless otherwise specilied. Parameter Fig. Note 3 2 Symbol TYP· Units Input Current Hysteresis IHYS 0.07 rnA Vee'" 5V Input Diode Temperature Coefficient AVF ATA -1.25 mW·C IF=8 mA I nput-Output Resistance RI-o 1012 ohms VI_O " 500 Vdc 2,8 Input-Output Capacitance CI-O 2.0 pF I 2,8 IH 0.5 nA 45% Relative Humidity, VH "500 Vdc, T A = 2Soc, t = 5 s Input-Input Insulation Leakage Current Test Conditions 2 =, MHz 9 Resistance (Input-Input) RI-) 1012 n VI-I" 500 Vdc 9 Capacitance (Input-I nput) Cf-I 1.3 pF f" 1 MHz 9 Input Capacitance f=1MHz,VF=OV CIN 15 pF Output Rise Time (10-90%) Ir 45 ns 5, 7 2 Output Fall Time (90-10%) tf 10 ns 5,7 2 ~ 0.9 "~ ~e<: .4!S IF "'UmA 0.8 10·6,4 mA- > g .... ::::> 1= 0.7 0,5 w 0,4 9I ~ I .... -1 a: a: -2 ~ "".... ~" 0.6 "....o ~ ;:: "E o l-- ~ .... -5 ;J: -6 ":;: 0.2 I ,o 0.1 -55 -4 .... w 0.3 o -3 35 -25 65 95 L '4.~V_ IF'" SmA Vo .217 V """ '"I\. r-- I"'"- ~'2.4V -7 -8 -55 125 2,10 -25 35 95 65 125 TA - TEMPERATURE _ DC Figure 2. Typical Logic High Output Current vs. Temperature Figure 1. Typical Logic Low Output Voltage vs. Temperature 10.0 Vee II> 4$ V E > ~ I w .s.... "~ a: ~ .... .... ;r ";r !; o 0.1 ~ ~ I oJ ::J r ffi fOM '" -2.6 mA g 1.0 .,1 1 1. ·;I5"C ~ 0.01 1 ~ 101. "'6..4 mA / 0.00 1 0 1.050 / 1.100 / L V V ' •• 26'C / 1.150 1.200 1.250 1.300 1.350 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE {V} IF -INPUT CURRENT - mA Figure 4. Typical Diode Input Forward Characteristic Figure 3. Output Voltage vs. Forward Input Current 9-110 PULSE GENERATOJI lR =tF -5ns f -100kHz Vee IGf\QjJTY 6V CVC~E ~ I ~ w Q Z o ~ -= co ~ o THE PROBE AND JIG CAPACITANCES ARE INC~UDED IN CL if .. I ALL DIODES ARE IN91B OR lN3064 PWD" PLH ' . - - VOH ~ OUTPUT Vo tPHL -25 35 __ 65 ~ ____ ~ __ ~ __ ~ ~ -55 OmA --------- __ ~ ___ IF (ONI -)50% IF ION) 95 __ ~ -d ------ O INPUT IF 126 TA - TEMPERATURE _DC 1.3V VOL "PULSE WIDTH DISTORTION (nsl AT 100 KHz. 10% DUTY CYC~E. Figure 6. Typical Propagation Delay vs. Temperature Figure 5. Test Circuit for tpLH. tpHL. t r • and tf 120 Vee .. Is V ~L :;~F- 100 w :0 ;:: 80 oJ oJ ;1: ... 60 ........ :l!' a: I . :: ..... .". / V 20 ~ -50V VCM' 40 - OV - -.!!. o -65 SWITCH Pir A: IF = 4 mA VOH~~"" -25 35 65 95 OUTPUT Vo '\.L_vo (mlnl* SWITCH AT B: IF • 0 rnA V VOL 125 ·SEE NOTE 7 TA -TEMPERATURE _oC Figure 8. Test Circuit for Common Mode Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms Figure l Typical Rise. Fall Time vs. Temperature ~10000 1 \ \. I ~ § BODO :0 ! ~ ~ w 6000 "- .......... 4000 ~ ~ 2000 RL :0 8 I ~ '1.ii< 2.37K 3.83K 5.11K 0 100 0 VCM - 200 300 COMMON MODE TRANSIENT 400 VO~TAGE 500 - V Figure 9. Typical Common Mode Transient Immunity vs. Common Mode Transient Amplitude Figure 10. LSTTL to CMOS Interface Circuit 9-111 Vee 1+5V) Vee1 I+5V) 619 n 750 n DATA INPUT Figure DATA INPUT 11. Recommended LED Drive Circuit Figure 12. Series LED Drive with Open Collector Gate (4.02 KO Resistor Shunts 10H from the LED) ,..---.,...-0 ~~~I DATA OUTPUT I I 665 n 665 i'~. L tI ..~L......1. >'-0 UP TO 16 LSTTL n HCPL·5230 I • I DATA INPUT LOADS ~ i......t.. OR 4 TTL LOADS I L......." n, I ;....0 I i'."~"'''' ..... t..' DATA I OUTPUT L 1 ;10 .. -0 Figure 13. Recommended LSTTL to LSTTL Circuit MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TEST PROGRAM PART NUMBERING SYSTEM Hewlett-Packard's HCPL-5231 optocoupler is in compliance with MIL-STD-883, Revision C. Testing consists of 100% screening to Method 5004 and quality conformance inspection to Method 5005. Details of these test programs may be found in Hewlett-Packard's Optoelectronics Designer's Catalog. Commercial Product Class B Product HCPL-5230 HCPL-5231 Vee + 20 V See table on next page for specific electrical tests. Figure 14. Operating Circuit for Burn-In and Steady State Life Tests 9-112 GROUP A - ELECTRICAL TESTS QUANTITY/ACCEPT NO. = 116/0 Subgroup 1 'Static tests at T A =25°C - VF• VR. II-a. IOHH. VOH. VOL. ICCH. ICCL. iOSL. laSH Subgroup 2 'Stalic tests at TA =+125"C...,. VF. VR. 10HH. VOH. VOL, ICCH. leCl' 10SL. IOSH Subgroup 3 'Static tests at T A =-55"C - VF. VA. IOHH' VOH. VOL, ICCH. leCl, 10SL. IOSH Subgroup 4, 5, 6, 7, 8A and 88 These subgroups are not applicable to this device type, Subgroup 9 'Switching tests at T A Subgroup 10 'Switching tests at T A =25°C - tpHL. tplH, iCMHl.iCMd =+12S"C - tpHL. tpLH Subgroup 11 'Switch tests at T A" -55" C - tpHL, tplH 'Limits and conditions per Electrical Characteristics. 9-113 Flin- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARO HIGH SPEED, HERMETICALLY SEALED OPTOCOUPLER SCHEMATIC HCPl-S400 HCPl-S401 (8838) OUTLINE ORAWING r--_ _~_---"""CC,--o8 Vee 2,ANODE ) ' v,' CATHODE DATE CODe ~ TRUTH TABLE (POSITIVE LOGIC) n (-,SUffiX ~ 5 XXXXXXXXX L---~---OGND DIN < 1 LETTER 1 TVPE S.ll W.3201 NUMBER MAX. U H1CPL.54001 {64011l1113B) ... - ONE 2 7.:r7 (O.290) 7.87 (Q.3101 4 0.2010.008) 0.:l6 (0,0141 """'~==l:,...L I Y1fl7'" ~~ '~s 3.91 (0.160)-1 Features ANODE Z • NEW-MANUFACTURED AND TESTED ON A MIL-STD-1772 CERTIFIED LINE o.a1 10.020) -ll-~'I MAX, • HERMETICALLY SEALED 8 PIN DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE 3.81 (0.160) MIN. CATHODE 3 Vee 7 VE ..... 11. NC 4 6 Va 5 GND 2.ZB IO.aOl 2.ao to.ll01 • PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER -55°C TO +125°C AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS AND (iNCHES) Applications • MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TESTING • MILITARYIHIGH RELIABILITY SYSTEMS • HIGH SPEED GUARANTEED OVER TEMPERATURE • ISOLATION OF HIGH SPEED LOGIC SYSTEMS • COMPUTER-PERIPHERAL INTERFACES • 75 ns MAXIMUM PROPAGATION DELAY • 35 ns MAXIMUM PULSE WIDTH DISTORTION • ISOLATED BUS DRIVER (NETWORKING APPLICATIONS) • HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION - 500 VlJ,lS GUARANTEED • GROUND LOOP ELIMINATION • HCPL-2400 FUNCTION COMPATIBILITY • HIGH SPEED DISK DRIVE 1/0 • COMPATIBLE WITH TTL, STTL, LSTTL, AND HCMOS LOGIC FAMILIES • DIGITAL ISOLATION FOR AID, DIA CONVERSION • SWITCHING POWER SUPPLIES • PULSE TRANSFORMER REPLACEMENT • THREE STATE OUTPUT (NO PULL-UP RESISTOR REQUIRED) a three state output stage. The three state output eliminates the need for a pull-up resistor and allows for direct drive of a data bus. The hysteresis provides typically 0.25 mA of differential mode noise immunity and minimizes the potential for output signal chatter. • HIGH POWER SUPPLY NOISE IMMUNITY • 500 Vdc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE Description The HCPL-5400 and HCPL-5401 units are hermetically sealed, high speed optocouplers. The products are capable of operation and storage over the full military temperature range and can be purchased as either a standard product (HCPL-5400) or with full MIL-STD-883 Class Level B testing (HCPL-5401). Both products are in eight pin hermetic dual in-line packages. Each unit contains an AIGaAs light emitting diode which is optically coupled to an integrated high speed photon detector. This combination results in very high data rate capability. The detector has a threshold with hysteresis and The HCPL-5400 and HCPL-5401 are compatible with TTL, STTL, LSTTL, and HCMOS logic families. The 35 ns pulse width distortion specification guarantees a 10 mBaud signaling rate at 125°C with 35% pulse width distortion, Figure 11 shows a recommended circuit for reducing pulse width distortion and improving the signaling rate of the product. CAUTION: The small junction sizes inherent to the design of this bipolar component increases the component's susceptibility to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD). It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly of this component to prevent damage and/or degradation which may be induced by ESD. 9-114 ~--~------------~--------~ Recommended operating Conditions Parameter Max. Units 4.75 5.25 Volts Symbol' Min. Power Supply Voltage Vee Absolute Maximum Ratings Input Current (High) IF (ON) 8 10 mA Input Voltage (Low) VF (OFF) - 0.7 Volts 'Enable Voltage (Low) VEL 0 0.8 Volts Enable Voltage (High) VEH 2.0 Vcc Volts 5 TTL Loads N fan Out Storage Temperature .. , ................ -65°C to +150°C Operating Temperature ................. -55°C to +125°C Lead Solder Temperature ................. 260°C for 10 s (1.6 mm below seating plane) Average Forward Current-I FAVG ................. 10mA Peak Input Current-IFPK ..................... 20 mAil] Reverse Input Voltage - VR •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 V SupplyVoltage-Vcc ................. OV min., 7.0V max. Three State Enable Voltage - VE .... -0.5 V min., 10 V max. Average Output Current-Io .... -25 mA min., 25 mA max. OutputVoltage-Vo ............... -0.5 V min., 10V max. Output Power Dissipation - Po .................. 130 mW Total Package Power Dissipation Pd .............. 400 mW Electrical Characteristics TA = -55°C to 125°C, 4.75 V 5, Vce 5, 5.25 V, 8 mA 5, IF (ON) 5, 10 mA, 2.0 V 5, VEH 5, 5.25,0 V 5, VEL 5, 0.8 V, OV 5, VF(OFF) 5, 0.7V, unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Logic Low Output Voltage Min. Typ.* VOL Logic High Output Voltage VOH Output Leakage Current IOHH Logic High Enable Voltage VEH Logic Low Enable Voltage VEL Logic High Enable Current IEH Max. Units Test Conditions 0.5 Volts 10l = 8.0 mA (5 TTL Loads) 1 IOH = -4.0mA 2 Volls 2.4 100 /lA 0.8 Volts Volts 20 /lA 100 p.A VE" 5.25V VE '" 204 V -0.28 -004 mA Ve=Oo4V Logic Low Supply Current ICCL 19 26 mA Vcc= 5.25V Logic High Supply Current lecH 17 26 mA VE = OV High Impedance State Supply Current lecz 22 28 mA Vcc "5.25V VE=5.25V IOZl 20 j.lA Va fOZH 20 j.lA Va'" 204V 100 /lA I Vo = 5,25V 1.85 Volts IF=10mA Volts IR" 10j.lA High Impedance State Output Current Input Forward Voltage VF 1.0 1.4 Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage VR 5.0 7.0 Input-Output Insulation Leakage Current 11-0 Propagation Delay Time to Logic Low Output Level tpHL Propagation Delay Time to Logic High Output Level Pulse Width Distortion Note Va" 5.25\1, VF= 0.7V IEL Logic Low Enable Current Figure =004\1, VE =2V I VE =2V I 4 1 j.lA 45% RH, t = 55, VI-O " 500 Vdc, TA " 25°C 33 75 ns IF (ON) = 9mA 5,6,7 4 tplH 30 65 ns IF (ON) "9mA 5,6,7 4 ItpHL-tpLHI 3 35 ns IF (ON) = 9mA 5,6 2,3 Logic High Common Mode Transient Immunity ICMHI 500 3000 VII'S TA=25°C,fp=0 10 5 Logic Low Common Mode Transient Immunity ICMd 500 3 V/p.s TA = 25°C, IF = 8mA 10 5 'All typical values are at Vec =5V, TA =25'C 9-115 Typical Characteristics All typicals Vee = 5 V. VE = OV. TA = 25°C. IF = 9 mA except where noted. Symbol Typ. Units Input Current Hysteresis IHVS 0.25 mA Input Diode Temperature Coefficient AVF -- -1.11 mV/oC IIF=10mA Input-Output Resistance RI-o 1012 0~O=500VDC Input·Output Capacitance CI-o 0.6 Input Capacitance CIN 15 Parameter Figure Note 3 Test Conditions 4 aTA pF ~ Logic Low Short Circuit Output Current IOSl 65 Logic High Short Circuit Output Current lasH -50 tr 15 ns Output Rise Time (10-90%) Output Fall Time (90-10%) 2 "1 MHz, V,.o = OVdc 2 f'" 1 MHz, VF'" OV, Pins 2 and 3 6 { ' " Vee" 5.25 V, IF'" lOrnA 6 co" S.25 V, IF';' OmA, Va'" GND 5 tf 10 ns 5 tpZH 15 ns Output Enable Time to Logic Low tpZL 30 ns Output Disable Time from Logic High tPHZ 20 ns Output Disable Time from Logic Low tpLZ 15 ns 8,9 8.9 8,9 8.9 PSNI 0.5 Vp-p Output Enable Time to Logic High Power Sl!PJ2fy Noise Immunity 7 46Hzs fAO:::; 50 MHz Notes: 1. Not to exceed 5% duty factor. not to exceed 50 "sec pulse width. 2. Device considered a two terminal device: pin 1·4 shorted together, and pins 5·8 shorted together. 3. This is a momentary withstand test. not an operating condition. 4. tpHL propagation delay is measured from the 50% level on the rising edge of the input current pulse to the 1.5 V level on the falling edge of the output' pulse. The tpLH propagation delay is measured from the 50% level on the falling edge of the input current pulse to the 1.5 V level on the rising edge of the output pulse. 5. CMH is the maximum slew rate of common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic high state (Vo (MIN) > 2.0). CML is the maximum slew rate of common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic low state (Vo (MAX) <: 0.8 V). 6. Duration of output short circuit time not to exceed 10 ms. 7. Power Supply Noise'lmmunity is the peak to peak amplitude of the ac ripple voltage on the Voe line that the device will withstand and still remain in the desired logic state. For desired, logic high state. VOH (MIN) > 2.0V. and for desired logic low state. VOL (MAX) < 0.8 volts. > > w g g !; !5 ~ ~ ~ o ~o ~ ;: § § l: c:J u I 4.5 I I w 4.0 3.6 I I ·c I -- - lTTAT•i125 ... ks·c '"' ............. ./ I I I vT fA '~552.0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 IOH - LOGIC HIGH OUTPUT CURRENT - mA IOL - LOGIC LOW OUTPUT CURRENT - rnA Figure 2. Typical Logic High Output Voltage VS. Logic High Output Current Figure 1. Typical Logic Low Output Voltage VB. Logic Low Output Current 9-116 1000,----,--,.--...,..--,.---, Vcc~5.0V TA '" 25 "C >, ~ Jot-! '" -4 mA w 100 v~~ -+---1----,f-----i t- :ia: ~ a: g ~ :J t.> o a: ;: a: " !; , o ir § IOL."'.smA o o 1.5 IF-INPUT CURRENT - rnA VF - Figure 3. Typical Output Voltage vs. Input Forward Currenl PVLSS QENERATOR lr"1f"'S,U f;j- 500 KHz 25% DUTY FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS Figure 4. Typical Diode Input Forward Current Characteristic s.ov Vee HCPL·5400 CYCLE Vo OUTPUT MONITORING 1.3K NODE n 100 IF INPUT MONITOR ING o--.,.-~ill-...t NODE ,. ~ ~ mA Vee "15 V = 30 pF Cl. 75 ~ 0 C1 15 pF z 0 THE PROBE AND JIG CAPACITANCES ARE ~ REPRESENTED BY Cl AND C2. ALL DIODES ARE ECG 519 OR EQUIVALENT. INPUT " tP~ - --- - - - ...-t::: f...- ~ -:1---5::",'ONI IF (ON) 0 Ii: 25 "5- ~ - I> PWD o r- 90%- - 1.SV OUTPUT 50 to -55 Vo -25 35 65 TA - TEMPERATURE _ Figure 5. Test Circuit for tpLH. tpHL. I r • and If 95 125 °c Figure 6. Typical Propagation Delay vs. Ambient Temperature Vee PUL.SE GENERATOR Zo " 50}) 5.0" T t f .. tf'" $ri$ 51 'F o---+---1.lh 1.3K n 50 fA"" 25-"C D2 D3 ,. 40 ~0 z 0 i= 30 " ~ Ii:, ~ tPt.H INPUT VE MONITORING NODE ----- ---- D4 0----4-+-----------' 3.QV 1.5 V INPUT VE OUTPUT Vo 20 52 "'1.5V {IF" 9 mAl VOL o! VOH (IF = " IF - INPUT FORWARD CURRENT -rnA 5, 5, CLOSED OPEN CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED OPEN "'1.5 V OUTPUT Vo 10 SWITCH MATRIX tPHZ tPZH tPLZ tPZL a rnA) 12 ALL DIODES ARE. ECG 519 OR EQUIVALENT C1 = 30 pF INCLUDING PROBE AND JIG CAPACITANCE. Figure 7. Typical Propagation Delay vs. Input Forward Current Figure 8. Test Circuli for tpHZ. IpZH. IpLZ. and tPZL 9c117 HCPL·5400 60 ! I ...~ w c 50 CL -15 ---- ., 40 :/ Q ~if: . 30 -65 NODE pF- TI'I/Z Tp%.H TpLZ 60V'r------"====, VCM -26 35 65 95 OV VOH ---- 10 o '-I,IiI--I--....~ MONITORING .>- -.? 20 !!l 'zw" OUTPUTVO A vee! 6 V z li Vee" 5.0 V SWITCH AT A: IF '= 0 rnA ---.l'\vo MAX." .....-sw=,T~e~H~A::T-:.~':-,,-.~·8~m~A~----- VOL -TOTAL LEAD LENGTH 125 ~... < 10 mm FROM DeVICE UNDER TEST. "SEE NOTE 5. t Cl IS APPROXIMATELY 15 pF, WHICH INCLUDES PROBE AND STRAY WIRING CAPACITANCE. TA - TEMPERATURE _ °C Figure 9. Typical Enable Propagailon Delay vs. Ambient Temperature Figure 10. Test Diagram lor Comlllon Mode Transient Immunity and Typl,cal Wavelorms Applications Vee, • +5 V - -.....-..., r----:=::;3!5l~-___<..--...:.VCC2 = 5V OATA IN DATA A OUT GND 1 Figure 11. Recommended HCPL-5400 Interlace Circuit --+-'-'.-' L---~::~~~~_+-~__ :ND2 Figure 12. Alternative HCPL-5400 Interlace Circuit 9-118 Data Rate, and Pulse-Width Distortion Definitions Propagation delay is a figure of merit which describes the finite amount of time required for a system io translate information from input to output when shifting logic levels. Propagation delay from low to high (tpLH) specifies the amount of time required for a system's output to change from a Logic a to a Logic 1, when given a stimulus at the input. Propagation delay from high to low (tpHd specifies the amount of time required for a system's output to change from a Logic 1 to a Logic 0, when given a stimulus at the input (see Figure 5). and determines the maximum data rate capability of a distortion-limited system. Maximum pulse width distortion on the order of 25-35% is typically used when specifying the maximum data rate capabilities of systems. The exact figure depends on the particular application (RS-232, PCM, T-1, etc.). The HCPL-5400 optocoupler offers the advantages of specified propagation delay (tpLH, tpHd, and pulse-width distortion (ItpLH-tpHL I) over temperature, and power supply voltage ranges. When tpLH and tpHL differ in value, pulse width distortion results. Pulse width distortion is defined as ItpHL-tpLH I MIL-STD-883 CLASS 8 TEST PROGRAM Hewlett-Packard's HCPL-5401 optocoupler is in compliance with MIL-STD-883, Revision C. Testing consists of 100% screening to Method 5004 and quality conformance inspection to Method 5005. Details of these test programs may be found in Hewlett-Packard's Optoelectronics Designer's Catalog. Vee =f5.5 V 1 ...!.!:.... ~II2.IV loon 8 2 7 3 6 4 5 ~ ~~c: loon See table below for specific electrical tests. Commercial Product HCPL-5400 I I Class 8 Product I HCPL-5401 J Figure 13. Operating Circuit for Burn-In and Steady State Life Tests Subgroup 1 'Static tests at TA '" 25°C - VOL, VOH, IOHH' VSH, VEL, 'SH, 'El, fCCl' ICCH' 'eez, 10Zl, 10ZH' VF, VR, Ir-o Subgroup 2 'Static tests at TA = +125D C - VOL, VOH' fOHH' VSH' VEL, ISH, IEL' 'CCl' 'eeH, leez, 10Zl, 10ZH' VF, VR Subgroup 3 'Static tests at TA '" -55·C - VOL, VOH, 'OHH, VSH' VEl. ISH, 'El, IceL' 'eCH, leez, IOZl, IOZH' VF, VR Subgroup 9 'Switching tests at TA" 25°C - tpHL. tplH, ItpHL-tpLHI. ICMHI. ICML/ Subgroup 10 'Switching tests at TA '" +125Q C - tpHL. tpLH, ItpHl-tplHI Subgroup 11 'Switching tests at TA '" -55·C - tpHL. tpLH. ItpHL-tPLH I 'Limits and conditions per Electrical Characteristics. 9-119 ,bO.01.F CONDITIONS: IF '" 10 rnA, Icc = 25 rnA, 10 '" 25 rnA, TA .. +125°C GROUP A - ELECTRICAL TESTS QUANTITY/ACCEPT NO. = 116/0 Subgroup 4. 5, 6, 7, 8A and 88 These subgroups are not applicable to this device type. 111 '::' ":" PART NUM8ERING SYSTEM + Flipta DUAL CHANNEL, HIGH SPEED, HERMETICALLY SEALED OPTOCOUPLER HEWLETT ~e.tI PACKARO HCPL-S430 HCPL·S431 (8838) r~~--j OUTLINE DRAWING SCHEMATIC I 1.. 8 765I :~:~F::E r----~---,-ovcc - 9.90 (0.3901 HP VVW 7 )--+--oVo, !. x lETTE AI U.S.A. 1o, PIN ONe ... TYPE XXXXXXXXX n 0.13 (O.a20) NuMBER MUAX. :::t;;::~JD) vo, ANOPE I 0.51 II- t (0.0<0) --I MAX. ~ I - I I r--' ,~svoe CATHODE I 2 \. 7 VOl CATHOPE 23 yo!'.£J ~ ANODE 2 4 v., 5 GNP (0.90) 2.ao (0.1101 DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETI;RS AND (INCHES) Features Applications • NEW-MANUFACTURED AND TESTED ON A MIL·STD·1772 CERTIFIED LINE • MILITARY/HIGH RELIABILITY SYSTEMS • HERMETICALLY SEALED 8 PIN DUAL IN·LlNE PACKAGE • COMPUTER-PERIPHERAL INTERFACES • ISOLATION OF HIGH SPEED LOGIC SYSTEMS • ISOLATED BUS DRIVER (NETWORKING APPLICATIONS) • PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER -55°C TO +125°C AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE • SWITCHING POWER SUPPLIES • MIL·STD·883 CLASS B TESTING • GROUND LOOP ELIMINATION • HIGH SPEED GUARANTEED OVER TEMPERATURE • HIGH SPEED DISK DRIVE I/O • DIGITAL ISOLATION FOR AID, D/A CONVERSION • 75 ns MAXIMUM PROPAGATION DELAY • 35 ns MAXIMUM PULSE WIDTH DISTORTION • PULSE TRANSFORMER REPLACEMENT • HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION 500V/~s GUARANTEED speed photon detector. This combination results in very high data rate capability. The detector has a threshold with hysteresis. The hysteresis provides typically 0.25 mA of differential mode noise immunity and minimizes the potential for output signal chatter. • COMPATIBLE WITH TTL, STTL, LSTTL, AND HCMOS LOGIC FAMILIES • HIGH POWER SUPPLY NOISE IMMUNITY • 500Vdc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE Description The HCPL-5430 and HCPL-5431 units are dual channel hermetically sealed, high speed optocouplers. The products are capable of operation and storage over the full military temperature range and can be purchased as either a standard product (HCPL-5430) or with full MIL-STD-883 Class Level B testing (HCPL-5431). Both products are in eight pin hermetic dual in-line packages. Each unit contains two channels, consisting of an AIGaAs light emitting diode optically coupled to an integrated high The HCPL-5430 and HCPL-5431 are compatible with TTL, STTL, LSTTL, and HCMOS,logic families. The 35 ns pulse width distortion specification guarantees a 10 mBaud signaling rate at 125°C with 35% pulse width distortion. Figure 9 shows a recommended circuit for reducing pulse width distortion and improving the signaling rate of the product. CAUTION: The small junction sizes inherent to the design of this bipolar component increases the component's susceptibility to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD). It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly of this component to prevent damage and/or degradation which may be induced by ESD. 9-120 Absolute Maximum Ratings Recommended operating Conditions Max. Units Volts Storage Temperature ...••.•......••.••. -65°C to +150°C Operating Temperature ...............•. -55°C to +125°C Lead Solder Temperature ..•••.••......... 260°C for 10 s (1.6mm below seating plane) Average Forward Current-IFAVG ............••... 10 mA Peak Input Current-IFPK ..•..••............•. 20 mAltl Reverse Input Voltage-VR •••.•......•.............. 5 V Supply Voltage - Vee ...........•....• 0 V min., 7.0 V max. Average Output Current -10 .... -25 mA min., 25 mA max. Output Voltage - Vo ..•.•.••.••.••. -0.5 V min., 10 V max. Output Power Dissipation - Po (per channel) .•••. 130 mW Total Package Power Dissipation Pd ••.•......... .400 mW Electrical Characteristics TA = -55°C to 125°C, 4.75 V S; Vee S; 5.25 V, 8 mA S; IF(ON) S; 10 mA, 0 V S; VF(OFF) S; 0.7 V, unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Logic Low Output Voltage VOL Logic High Output Voltage VOH Output Leakage Current 10HH Logic Low Supply Current lecL Logic High Supply Current ICCH Input Forward Voltage Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage Typ.' Max. Units Test Conditions Figure Note 0.5 Volts 10L:; 8.0 mA (5 TTL Loads) 1 9 Volts IOH = -4.0mA 2 9 2.4 100 38 I 52 ..... pA 1 mA Vo = 5.25\1, VF=0.7V 9 Vee = 5.25 V 34 52 mA VF 1.0 1.4 1.85 Volts IF= 10mA ' VR 5.0 7.0 Volts IR VE=OV 4 = 10/iA 9 9 1 /i A 45% RH, t = 5s, V,.o '" 500 Vdc, TA '" 25°C 33 75 ns IF(ON)"'9mA 5,6,7 4,9 tpLH 30 65 ns IFrON) = 9mA 5,6,7 4,9 ItpHL-tPLH I 3 35 ns IF (ON):; 9mA 5,6 9 Input-Output Insulation Leakage Current 1,-0 Propagation Delay Time to Logic Low Output Level tpHL Propagation Delay Time to Logic High Output Level Pulse Width Distortion Min. 2,3 Logic High Common Mode Transient Immunity ICMHI 500 3000 VI/is TA:; 25°C, IF =0 8 5,9 Logic Low Common Mode Transient Immunity ICMLi 500 3000 Vlp.s TA =25°C, if:; SmA 8 5,9 'AIi typical values are at Vee = 5 V, TA = 25'C, IF = 9 mA except where noted. 9-121 Typical Characteristics All typicals Vee" 5 V, TA" 25°0, IF" 9 mA except where noted. Symbol lYp. Units Test Conditions I nput Current Hysteresis IHY$ 0.25 Vee" 5V 3 Input DJode Temperature Coefficient AVF -ATA -1.11 mA mVloO IF=10mA 4 10 '2 ohms VI-a" 500 vao 2 0.6 pF f" 1 MHz, VI_O '" OVdc 2 15 pF hrl f'" 1 MHz, Vo'" OV, Pins 1 and 2, Pins 3 and 4 pF f " 1 MHz, VF " 0 V Parameter I Figure I nput-Output Resistance RI_O Input-Output Capacitance CI-O I nput Capacitance CIN Input-Input Capacitance 01_1 Input-I nput Leakage Current II-I 0.5~A V,_, " 500 VDC, 45% RH Input-Input Resistance RI_I 1012 VH"SOOVDC I ms a 8 8 6,9 'F '" 10mA Logic Low Short Circuit Outpul Current IOSL 65 rnA Vo " Vee =5.2SV, Logic High ShOrt Circuit Output Current laSH -SO mA Vee'" 5.25 V. IF" 0 mA, Vo =GND Output Rise Time (10-90%) tr 15 ns Output Fall Time (90-10%) If PSNI 10 0.5 ns Vp_p Power Suppl~ Noise Immunity Note 6,9 5 5 48Hz::; fAeS SOMHz 7 Notes: 1. Not to exceed 5% duty factor, not to exceed 50/Lsec pulse width. 2. Device considered a two terminal device: pins 1~4 shorted together. and pins 5-8 shorted together. 3. This is momentary withstand test. not an operating condition. 4. tpHL propagation delay is measured from the 50% level on the rising edge of the input current pulse to the 1.5 V level on the falling edge of the output pulse. The tpLH propagation delay is measured from the 50% level on the falling edge of the input current pulse to the 1.5 V level on the rising edge of the output pulse. 5. CMH is the maximum slew rate of common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic high state (Vo (MIN) > 2.0 V). CML is the maximum slew rate of common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic low state (Va (MAX) < 0.8 V). 6. Duration of output short circuit time not to exceed 10 ms. 7. Power Supply Noise Immunity is the peak to peak amplitude of the ac ripple voltage on the Vee line that the device will withstand and still remain in the desired logic state. For desired logic high state. VOH(MIN) > 2.0V, and for desired logic low state, VOL(MAX) < 0.8 volts. 8. Measured between pins 1, 2 shorted together and pins 3, 4 shorted together. 9. Each channel. > > I w I w '"~ '"~ ::" o" ~ §; .... §; .... 4.5 , 4. o~ 3. 5 ':; o ~ :J: '" :;: u 3. 0 u a § 9 I 2. 5 I z o oJ > .0 I I - - trTA = 125·C I I T,,=25"C . 1(_ j . =~55·C~ L - ..... 1'?'+-l.L t-,i7' t-. 'f"'-o. t-. I-. f..;:: r-... -1--,- "'" m -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 IOH - LOGIC HIGH OUTPUT CURRENT - rnA IOL - LOGIC LOW OUTPUT CURRENT - rnA Figure 2. Typical Logic High Output Voltage vs. Logic High Output Current Figure 1. Typical Logic Low Output Voltage vs. Logic Low Output Current 9-122 1000.---,---r---r--..,----, ~ .... > I fOH'" -4 rnA w ~ 15a: ~ .... a: 100 I a: g => "c ~ => o ~ I I ~ 1.5 IF-INPUT CURRENT - rnA VF - Figure 3. Typical Output Voltage vs. Input Forward Current FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS Figure 4. Typical Diode Input Forward Current Characteristic PULSE GENERATOR tr lltf=5flS 1"'500 KHt 25% DUTY CYCLg ',! INPUT MON ITOR ING NODE Vo 5.0 V OUTPUT MONITORING NODE L -_ _ _ r.11 1.3 Kn o--,-t--llI1--' 100 .~mA I, Vee Ot Cl 15 pF ~c " THE PROBE AND JIG CAPACITANCES ARE REPRESENTED BY 0 --:1----- AtL DIODES ARE ECG 519 OR EQUIVALENT, INPUT I, ~ ________ tPLH t!l I (ON) 5 0% I: (ON) -- 25 I ~ tPHL 9 ----- 50 ~ it0 if C, AND C2. 6V 30 pF 75 > -=- ;t ~ o r-- 1.5 V OUTPUT Vo -55 -25 35 "5-........... ........... ~ - PWD Figure 5. Test Circuit for tpLH, tpHL, t r , and tf 95 65 TA - TEMPERATURE _ 125 °c Figure 6. Typical Propagation Delay vs. Ambient Temperature Vee'" 5.0V HCPL-5430 OUTPUT Vo B A IU!J--f!l--+--'--+--o MONITORING 1 0 TA .... 25-¢C NODE '="VFF 0 0 k - - tPt.H ----- ---- 50V~------------------~ VCM av VOH ________~SW~IT~C~H~A~T~A~:~I~f=~O~m~A~__. 1\- VoMAX.** 20 VOL----I 10 11 12 IF - INPUT FORWARD CURRENT -rnA VOMIN ... Y \~~~~~~~~~------- SWITCH AT B: IF - 8 rnA *TOTAL LEAD LENGTH < 10 mm FROM DEVICE UNDER TEST. **SEE NOTE 5. tCI. IS APPROXIMATELY 15 pF. WHICH INCLUDES PROBE AND STRAY WIRING CAPACITANCE. Figure 7. Typical Propagation Delay vs. Input Forward Current Figure 8. Test Diagram for Common Mode Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms 9-123 Applications Vee1'''' 5 V 100 pF ---o__------, r-r--..,....--VCC2= +5 V DATA INA - - - , . DATA OUT Y TOTEM POLE OUTPUT GATE (e.g. 54AS1000) ~A~A _ _ _ _ _ _ _~__~ GND1---------~-~ L-~---1--GND2 Figure 9. Recommended HCPL-5430 Inter/ace Circuit Vee, = + 5 V - - - - - - - - , +---~---'lN'v--.., ,............- -....--VCC2= +5 V DATA OUT Y STTL OPEN COLLECTOR OUTPUT GATE (e.g. 54505) L-~--~~---GND2 Figure 10. Alternative HCPL-5430 Interlace Circuit Data Rate and pulse-width Distortion Definitions Propagation delay is a figure of merit which describes the finite amount of time required for a system to translate information from input to output when shifting logiC levels. Propagation delay from low to high (tpLH) specifies the amount of time required for a system's output to change from a Logic 0 to a Logic 1, when given a stimulus at the input. Propagation delay from high to low (tpHLl specifies the amount of time required for a system's output to change from a Logic 1 to a Logic 0, when given a stimulus at the input (see Figure 5). When tpLH and tpHL differ in value, pulse width distortion results. Pulse width distortion is defined as ItpHL-tpLH I and determines the maximum data rate capability of a distortion-limited system. Maximum pulse width distortion on the order of 25-35% is typically used when specifying the maximum data rate capabilities of systems. The exact figure depends on the particular application (RS-232, PCM, T-1, etc.). The HCPL-5430 optocoupler offers the advantages of specified propagation delay (tpLH, tpHL), and pulse-width distortion (ItpLH-tpHL Il over temperature and power supply voltage ranges. 9-124 MIL-STO-883 CLASS B TEST PROGRAM PART NUMBERING SYSTEM Hewlett-Packard's HCPL-S431 optocoupler is in compliance with MIL-STD-883, Revision C. Testing consists of 100% screening to Method 5004 and quality conformance inspection to Method 5005. Details of these test programs may be found in Hewlett-Packard's Optoelectronics Designer's Catalog. I I J CommercillNproduct I Class B Product I HCPL-S4~0 J HCPL-5431 Vee" 5.25 V --.!o:..... See table below for specific electrical tests. 2.1 100 n TYP. v .--t,JIII - 1 100 n TYP. V,N --r,;- 1 8 2 1 3 4 -= 4--- Y Icc :::!:: 0.01 pF _10 'rt 5 100 100 n n ~- = Vac= 3.0 V 10 rnA. Icc = 48 rnA. 10" 25 rnA. TA" +125°C CONDITIONS: IF -= Figure 11. Operallng Circuit lor Burn-In and Steady State Llle Tests GROUP A - ELECTRICAL TESTS QUANTITY/ACCEPT NO. = 116/0 Subgroup 1 'Static tests at TA = 2S"C - VOL, VoH,loHH,leCL, leCH' VF, VR, 1,-0 Subgroup 2 'Statlo tests at Til =+12S"C -- VOL> VOH, 10HH' ICOl' lecH. Vr; Vp, Subgroup 3 'Static tests at Til .. -55~C -- VOL, VOH, IOHH' ICCL' ICCH' Vp, VA Subgroup 4. 5, 6. 7, 8A and 88 These subgroups are not applicable to this device type. Subgroup 9 'Switchlng tests at Til =25c C - Subgroup 10 'Switching tests at TA = +125·C -- tpHl, tpLH, ItpHL-tpLHI tpHL, Ipl.H, ItpHL-tpLHI, ICMHI, ICMLI Subgroup 11 'Switching tests at TA" --5So C -- tpHL> tpLH, ItpHL-tpLH I 'Limits and conditions per Electrical Characteristics. 9-125 . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.. __ __ _ - - - - _ __ .. .. .. .- Flin- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARO LOW INPUT CURRENT, HIGH GAIN, HERMETICALLY SEALED OPTOCOUPLER Schematic ~~-:;1 r;:8 7 6 5 9.90 10.3901 3 2 ANODE + lice HCPL-5700 HCPl-5701 (8838) Outline Orawlng 7.37 (0.290) 7.87~J DATE CODE • ! Icc " v, 'l PIN ...,... ;;....""--.:::r-.",,.. ONE'" CATHODE - 3.81 (0.150) 3 r;=;c::::::;;::::;::;:::::r;]--t--t MAX. NClfgJ8VCC PIN ONE ANODE 2 ~ CATHODE 3 NC 4 Features 5 GNP DIMENSIONS IN MllLlMET!;RS AND (INCHES) • NEW-MANUFACTURED AND TESTED ON A MILSTD-1772 CERTIFIED LINE Applications • • MILITARY/HIGH RELIABILITY SYSTEMS HERMETICALLY SEALED 8 PIN DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE • TELEPHONE RING DETECTION • PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER -SsoC TO +12SoC AME\IENT TEMPERATURE RANGE • 7 NC 6 Vo • MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM INTERFACE • EIA RS-232-C LINE RECEIVER MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TESTING • LEVEL SHIFTING • 6N138, 6N139 AND 6N140A OPERATING COMPATIBILITY • DIGITAL LOGIC GROUND ISOLATION • LOW INPUT CURRENT REQUIREMENT - O.S rnA • CURRENT LOOP RECEIVER • HIGH CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO 1S00% TYPICAL • ISOLATED INPUT LINE RECEIVER • LOW OUTPUT SATURATION VOLTAGE0.11 V TYPICAL • PROCESS CONTROL INPUT/OUTPUT ISOLATION • SOO Vdc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE • HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION higher signaling speed than possible with conventional photo-darlington optocouplers. • SYSTEM TEST EQUIPMENT ISOLATION The supply voltage can be operated as low as 2.0 V without adversely affecting the parametric performance. • LOW POWER CONSUMPTION • HIGH RADIATION IMMUNITY The HCPL-5700 and 5701 units are hermetically sealed. low input current. high gain optocouplers. The products are capable of operation and storage over the full military temperature range and can be purchased as either a standard product (HCPL-570Q) or with full MIL-STD-883 Class Level B testing (HCPL-570n Both products are in eight pin hermetic dual in-line packages. The HCPL-5700 and HCPL"5701 have a 200% minimum CTR at an input current of only 0.5 mA making them ideal for use in low input current applications such as MOS. CMOS. low power logic interfaces or line receivers. Compatibility with high voltage CMOS logiC systems is assured by the 18 V Vee. VOH current and the guaranteed maximum output leakage current at 18 V. The shallow depth and small junctions offered by the IC process provides better radiation immunity than conventional phototransistor optocou piers. Each unit contains an AIGaAs light emitting diode which is optically coupled to an integrated high gain photon detector. The high gain output stage features an open collector output providing both lower output saturation voltage and Upon speCial request. the following device selections can be made: CTR minimum of 300% to 600% at 0.5 mAo lower drive currents to 0.1 mAo and lower output leakage current levels to 100 /LA. Description 9-126 Recommended operating Conditions Parimeter Input Voltage, Low Level Average Input Current 'M?"t\t.;3 'High Level Sugply V~SJe Symbol Current Transfer Ratio EJI1lts Min, Max. VFL V 0.1 .. VIP IFH "1°·5 5 rilHiJ &: 2.0 18 Electrical Characteristics Parameter Absolute Maximum Ratings Storage Temperature •••••.•.•••.•••..••.. -65·C to +150·C Operating Temperature ..•..•••••••.•. ,... -55·C to +125·C Lead Solder Temperature .•..••••.•..•....•• 260·C for 10 sec. 11.6 mm below the seating planel Output Current 10 ....••..•••...••.•••••••.••••.•.••• 40 rnA Output Voltage Vo .•••••••..••...•..••••.••• -0.5 V to 20 Vl 11 Supply Voltage Vee •.•••••••..••.•••..•...•.•• -0.5 to 20 WI Output Power Dissipation .•••...•.••....••••.•••.• 50 mWl 21 Peak Input Current ....••••••.••••••••.•••.••••.•••••. 8 rnA Reverse Input Voltage, VR .••••••••.•••••.•••..••....••.. 5 V V -wc to 125·C, unless otherwise specified TA = Symbol Min. Typ.- CTR 200 200 200 1500 1000 500 Max. Ufill$ T Fig, % V V V IF- 0.5 rnA, 10 1.0 rnA, Vee- 4.5 V IF = 1.6 rnA, 10 = 3.2 rnA, Vee'" 4.5 V IF = 5.0 rnA, 10 = 10 rnA, Vee = 4.5 V 0.4 0.4 0.4 Logic High Output Current 10H 0.001 250 I'A Logic Low Supply Current leeL 1.0 2.0 rnA IF '" 1.6 mA, Vee Logic High Supply Current leeH 0.001 7.5 ,..A 1Ft =0, Vee-1S V 1.3 1.6 V IF -1.6 rnA, TA -25·C V IR=1O"A VF 1.0 Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage BVfI 5 Input-Output Insulation Leakage Current h-o Propagation Delay Time to LogiC High At Output Propagation Delay Time to Logic Low AtOutpul tpLH tpHL 3 = 0.11 0.13 0.16 Inpul Forward Voltage 3 = VOL L~9iC Low Output Voltage Nole = IF '" 0.5 rnA, Vo 0.4 , Vee=4.5V IF = 1.6 mA, Vo 0.4 V, Vee'" 4.5 V IF=5 rnA, Vo =0.4 V, Vee =4.5 V % % 1.0 I'A 2 VF =0.7 V, Va =Veej'ffi 18 V =HIlI! 4 1 45% Relative Humidity, TA = 25' C t = 5 sec, VI-O = 500 Vdc 4,5 17 185 f.lS IF =0.5 rnA, RL- 4.7 kil, Vee = 5 V 14 115 /lS IF= 1.6 rnA, RL = 2.2 kll, Vee=5 V 7,8 8 60 /ls IF = 5.0 rnA, RL =680 fl, Vee'" 5 V 7,8 10 185 f.lS IF =0.5 rnA, RL-4.7 ktl, Vee = 5 V 7$ 5 $0 ItS IF= 1.6 mA, RL ~2.2 kll. Vee=5 V 7,8 2 12 IF = 5.0 mA, RL =680 ll. Vcc '" 5 V 7Jl 9,10 6,8 9,10 7,8 ,..S 7,8 Common Mode Transient Immunity At Logic High Level Output ICMHI 500 2:2000 Vlp.s IF = 0, RL'" 2.2 kll IVeMI = 50 Vp-p, Vee'" 5.0 V, TA = 25·C Common Mode Transient Immunity At Logic Low Level Output ICMLI 500 2:1000 VI/ls IF'" 1.6 rnA, RL = 2.2 kll IVCMI '" 50V p_p, Vee =5.0 V. TA = 25·C 'All typi.cal values are at Vee'" 5 V, TA '" 25·C. Typical Characteristics TA = 25°C, Vee = 5 V Parameter Typ. Units RI-o 1012 II VI-O = 500 Vdc 9 Capacitance Hnput-Output) Ci-o 2.0 pF f - l MHz: 9 Temperature Coefficient of Forward Voltage ATA ~ -1.5 mVi ·C Input Capacitance CIN 15 pF NOTES: 1. GND Pin should be the most negative voltage at the detector side. Keeping Vee as low as possible. but greater than 2.0 V, will provide lowest total IOH over temperature. 2. Output power is collector output power plus one half of total supply power. 3. CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO is defined 85 the ratio of output collector current, 10 , to the forward LED input current, IF' times 1000Al. 4. D.evice considered a two-~ermlnal device. Pins 1 through 4 are shorted together and pins 5 through 8 are shorted together. 5. This is a momentary withstand test, not an operating condition. 6. CM H is the maximum tolerable common mode transient such that the output will • remain in a high logic state U.e. Va > 2.0 V)' Test Conditions Nole Symbol Resistance (Input-Output) Fig. IF=1.6mA f= 1 MHz, VF =0 7. CM L is the maximum tolerable common mode transient such that the output will' remain in a low logic state (Le. Va < 0.8 VI. 8. In applications where dVldt may exceed 50,000 VlIlS (such as a static discharge) a series resistor, Ace. is recommended to protect the detector Ie from destruc· tively high surge currents. The recommended maximum value is Ace'" 0.15 :;(mAI kO. 9. Measured between the LED anode and cathode shorted together and pins 5 through 8 shorted together. 9-127 ._..._--_... __ .._._._------------------_ .. _.. 5.0 1 1.0 ffi a" O.11;r-+--+-+.f--!---+--I ~ ~ ~ 0,01 lE--t--,if--+-+--!---I Vo -QUTPUTVOLTAGE (V) VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE (V) Figure 1. 'Inpul Current vs. Forward Voltage. 50 54 g " ""u u ~ > 7 .3 G > g ~ .. ~ 0 iilN """ z 0 ";1; ~ ~ 1.;. .. 25-~C I 0 "";1; vcc ... taV 0 if, ... ~ II I 0,01 0.1 1.0 10 § 100 0.1 0.1 Figure 4. Normalized Supply Current vs. Input Forward Current. 25 .l!tU... At. 20 > 15 z 0 ~ ~if 10 I "'t;son RI. .. 2.2 kO AI.. "'4.1kn '\ .,...,. vcc"""ov TA "'2t'¢ PIJL.S~WIOTH""$Op$ ".. k '4.7~!l "\. ""'-" Itt. '*'680n -.......:: .....:::::-. ~ 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TA - TEMPERATURE (OC) Figure 6. Propagation Delay vs. Temperature. .------ " 0--- --.J ~I)C$E VO---JE-V I GEN. Zo""5()ft l r,t; '" (:: Ii$ f= tOOt-b' li'lILSt! ... 50jJ! 1.5V --, tpHL \ -20 100 Figure 5. Propagation Delay to Logic Low vs. Input Pulse Period. RL'2.2~n= IT 10.0 1.0 T -INPUT PULSE PERIOD (ms) IF - INPUT FORWARD CURRENT (rnA) " 35 z ~ Z 0 NORMAt.lZEP- TO: lee AT t~ .. 'M, rnA 4' 0 0 ::; ~ 0 Figure 3. Normalized Current Transfer Ratl.o vs. Input Forward Current. -;: ..ill .;; IF -INPUT FORWARD CURRENT (rnA) Figure 2. Normalized DC Transfer Characteristics. ',--- - - -VOL - ¥!---. . 5V_=:vo o 00 +5V Vo IF MONITOR 1.5V --- IF -INPUT FORWARD CURRENT (rnA) VOL t pLH - Figure 7. Propagation Delay vs. Input Forward Current. Figure 8. Switching Test Circuit 7 '" 10K ~ ~ . Vo . +5V " lK ill ~ ~ w 0 0 "z ""u , Vo ----,,____""-------- 5V 0 SWITCH AT A: IF. OmA Va ----------~VOl SWITCH AT B: IF = 1.6 rnA E 100 ~ E 10 ~ 0 VeM + Jl.}---~---, PULSE GEN. Figure 9. Test Circuit for Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms 'See Note 8 9-128 1i" '0 \:r l--CMlI \ I \. VCC"'5V IFH'~UmA At. ·2.2kll T. . 'S'C J 200 j 400 600 800 1000 1200 VCM - COMMON MODE TRANSIENT AMPLITUDE (V) Figure 10. Common Mode Transient Immunity vs. Common Mode Transient Amplitude MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TEST PROGRAM PART NUMBERING SYSTEM Hewlett-Packard's HCPL-S701 optocoupler is in compliance with MIL-STD-883, Revision C. Testing consists of 100% screening to Method S004 and quality conformance inspection to Method SOOS. Details of these test programs may be found in Hewlett-Packard's Optoelectronics Designer's Catalog. I Commercial Product I Class B Product I I J HCPL-S700 HCPL-5701 I r Vee +18 V See table below for specific electrical tests. ~IIV,N 1.71 V 1 a 2 7 ) :-1 100 n TYP. ":" CONDITIONS: IF .. 6 rnA ID -10 rnA 4 Voe + 1.4 To.o1 "F 100 !lTYP. TA • +126'C Figure 11. Operating Circuli for Burn-In and SIeady SIale Life Tesls GROUP A - ELECTRICAL TESTS QUANTITY/ACCEPT NO. = 116/0 Subgroup 1 'Static tests at TA = 2SoC -IOH, VOL, tCCL. ICCH, CTR, VF, BVR and ' 1-0 Subgroup 2 'Statlc tests at TA '" +125°C -IOH, VOL, leCL,lcCH, BVA and CTR Symbol I VF I Min. I Max. I 1.8 Subgroup 3 'Static tests at TA = -55° C Symbol I VF I Min. I j Units V I I Test Conditions IF =1.6mA 10H, VOL, lecl, teCH, BVA and CTR I I Max, 1.8 J I Units V I Test Conditions I 'F = 1.6 mA Subgroup 4, 5, 6, 7, 8A and 88 These su bgroups are not applicable to this device type. Subgroup 9 'Switchlng tests at TA = 25° C - tpLH1, tpHL I, IpLHZ, tpHL2' tpLH3, IpHL3, CMH and CML Subgroup 10 'Switching tests at TA = +125°C -tpLH" tpHL1, tpLH2, tpHL2, tpLH3, tpHL3 Subgroup 11 'Switching tests at TA '" -55°C - tpLH1> tpHl1' tpLH2' tpHL2, tpLHS, tpHL3 'limits and conditions per Table II. 9-129 v FliP'l a!a HEWLETT PACKARD DUAL CHANNEL LOW INPUT CURRENT, HIGH GAIN, HERMETICALLY SEALED OPTOCOUPLER r; Schematic 8 r---~~----------~~c PIN . . QNE ~.40 10.3701-:;] •.00 (0.300) 7 HP • 5 Outline Drawing n DATE COOE YYW~ I-t~~~~\X U.S.A. HCPl-S730 HCPL-S731 (8838) U~ :~:~~~- "FT'==::::>-- MUII 1_ TYPE 8.13 {0.320} AX • NVM9EfI IHCI'L·51301 xxxxxxxxx- r {573I1eB3!lI • .20 {0.0081 036 (l)ut4} ' , 1 ",====~..I.. f .- 1234 PINmR~rt::, '~8: t CAtliOOE 1 2 ~ 1 Vo') ! {~i'l101 CATHODE 2 3 'l, 6 VO'/. - v" (:'0;1--1 \..MA , 5 I ~ MIN, ANOOE 2 • V(:e S GND 2.28 (0,001 ~-----+-~GND 2.00 {•• ttO' OIMEN$loNS IN MllUMETERS AND f!NCI"U:iS) Features Applications • NEW - MANUFACTURED AND TESTED ON A MILSTD-1772 CERTIFIED LINE • • HERMETICALLY SEALED 8 PIN DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE • MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM INTERFACE • EIA RS-232-C LINE RECEIVER MILITARY/HIGH RELIABILITY SYSTEMS • TELEPHONE RING DETECTION • PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER -SsoC TO +12SoC AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE • LEVEL SHIFTING • DIGITAL LOGIC GROUND ISOLATION • HCPL-2730/2731 AND 6N140A OPERATING COMPATIBILITY • CURRENT LOOP RECEIVER • LOW INPUT CURRENT REQUIREMENT - O.S mA • ISOLATED INPUT LINE RECEIVER • HIGH CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO 1S00% TYPICAL • SYSTEM TEST EQUIPMENT ISOLATION • MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TESTING • PROCESS CONTROL INPUT/OUTPUT ISOLATION • LOW OUTPUT SATURATION VOLTAGE 0.11 V TYPICAL • HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION lower output saturation voltage and higher signaling speed than possible with conventional photo-darlington optdtouplers, • LOW POWER CONSUMPTION • HIGH RADIATION IMMUNITY The supply voltage can be operated as low as 2.0 V without adversely affecting the parametric performance, Description The HCPL-5730 and HCPL-5731 units are dual channel, hermetically sealed, low input current. high gain optocouplers, The products are capable of operation and storage over the full military temperature range and can be purchased as either a standard product IHCPL-5730) or with full MIL-STD-883 Class Level B testing IHCPL-5731l. Both products are in eight pin hermetic dual in-line packages, The HCPL-5730 and HCPL-5731 have a 200% minimum CTR at an input current of only 0,5 mA making them ideal for use in low input current applications such as MOS. CMOS, low power logic interfaces or line receivers, Compatibility with high voltage CMOS logic systems is assured by the 18 V Vee, VOH current and the guaranteed maximum output leakage current at 18 V, The shallow depth and small junctions offered by the IC process provides better radiation immunity than conventional phototransistor optocouplers. Each unit contains two independent channels. consisting of an AIGaAs light emitting diode optically coupled to an integrated high gain photon detector. The high gain output stage features an open collector output providing both Upon special request. the following device selections can be made: CTR minimum of 300% to 600% at 0,5 mAo lower drive currents to 0,1 mA, and lower output leakage current levels to 100 J1.A. • SOO Vdc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE 9-130 ------.~.------- Recommended operating Conditions Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter' iiM'Symbol' Min. Max. Input Voltage;i.iqw VFL 0.7 Level (Each Ch.annell i't'verage Input Current 1i IFH 5 High Level (Each Channell 2.0 S~pply Voltqge Yee 18 Electrical Characteristics 'PlIrameter Current Transfer Ratio Logic Low Output Voltage Symbol CTR Storage T~mperature ............... ..,.65°C to +150°C Operating Temperature ............. -55°C to +125°C Lead Solder Temperature .....•...... 260° C for 10 sec .. (1.6 mm below the seating plane) Output Current 10 (Each Channell ............ " 40 mA Output Voltage Vo (Each Channell ..... -0.5 V to 20 VIII Supply Voltage Vee .................... -0.5 to 20 VI1I Output Power Dissipation (Each Channell .... 50 mWl2J Peak Input Current (Each Channell ..•.•......... 8 mA Reverse Input Voltage, VR (Each Channell ....•..... 5 V Units V mA V TA = -55°C to 125°C, unless otherwise specified Min. Typ." 200 1500 0/0 200 1000 % 200 500 VOL Max. Units TesICoii~!ljons $ % IF - 0.5 mA, 10 = 1.0 mA, Vee = 4.5 V IF = 1.6 rnA, 10'" 3.2 mA, Vcc = 4.5 V IF = 5.0 rnA, 10'" 10 mA. Vcc '" 4.5 V 2 0.11 0.13 0,16 0.4 0,4 0.4 V V V Logic High Output Current 10HX IOH 0.001 250 Jl.A VF - 0.7 V 1Channel Under Test) IF '" 6 rnA (Other Channell Vo= Vce = 18 V Logic Low Supply Current lecl 1.0 4 mA 1Ft'" IF2 '" 1.6 mA Vee '" 18V Jl.A IF1- I FZ=0 Vee = 18 V Logic High Supply Current Input Forward Voltage ICCH Vf 1.0 Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage BVA 5 Input-Output Insulation Leakage Current 11-0 Propagation Delay Time to Logic High At Output Propagation Delay Time to Logic Low At Output tPHL ICMHI Common Mode Transient Immunity At Logic Low Leyel Output ICMd 15 1,3 1.6 1.0 tPLfi Common Mode Transient Immunity At logic High Level Output 0.001 500 500 FIg. IF'" 0.5 rnA, Vo = 0.4 V, Vec '" 4.5 V IF= 1.6 rnA. Vo "'0.4 V, Vec =4.5 V IF =5 rnA. Vo = 0.4 V, Vee =4.5 V V 'f -1.6 rnA, TA - 25°C V IA= IO I'A Note $,4 3 3,5 4 3 1 3 pA 45% Relative Humidity, T A '" 25" C t = 5 sec, VI-O '" 500 Vdc 6,12 17 185 ,.5 IF "'0.5 mA, Rl =4.7 kil, Vee'" 5 V 7,8 8 14 115 I's IF= 1,6 mA, Rl =2,2 kil, Vee'" 5 V 7,8 3 8 60 1'5 IF- 5.0 mA,RL =680 il, Vec =5 V 10 185 JI.S IF -0.5 mA, Rl =4.7 kil, Vce-5 V I 5 30 /.lS IF - i.6 mA, RL - 2.2 kO, Vee - 5 V 1.7,8 3 2 12 I's IF -5.0 rnA, Rl "'680 0, Vec -5 V L7,8 3 ;::2000 VII'S ;::1000 V/p.s 7,8 3 7,8 3 IF = 0, RL = 2.2 kfl IVCMI = 50Vp- p, Vee =5.0 V, TA =25·C 9,10 IF = I.S mA, RL'" 2.2 kn IVeMI = 50 Vp-p' Vee = 5.0 V, TA = 25°C 9,10 3 9,11 3 10,11 "All typical values are at Vee = 5 V, TA = 25°C. Typical Characteristics TA = 25°C, Vee = 5 V Symbol Typ. UnUs Te$t Conditions Resistance (input-Output) RI-O 10'2 n VI-O = 500 Vdc 3, 7 Capacitance (lnput-Outputl CI-O 2.0 pF f= 1 MHz 3,7 Parameter Input-Input Insulation Leakage Current ii-I 0,5 nA 45% Relative Humidity, VI-t '" 500 Vdc Fig. Note 8 TA '" 25"C, t '" 5s. Resistance (fnput-lnpull RI-J 10'2 fl V,-,- 500 Vdc 8 Capacitance (Input-Input! C,_I 1.3 pF f'" 1 MHz 6 Temperature Coefficient of Forward Voltage AVF ATA -1.5 mVl ·C IF=l.SrnA 3 Input Capacitance C'N 15 pF f = 1 MHz, VF = a :3 9-131 NOTES: G~D Pin should be the most negative voltage at the detector side. Keeping Vee as low' as possible. but greater than 2.0 V, will provide lowest total IOH over temperature. 2. Output power is collector output power plus one half of total supply power. 3, Each channel 4. CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO Is defined as the ratio of output collector current. 1. '0' to·the forward LEO input current, IF' times 100%. 5. 'OHX Is the leakage current resulting from channel to channel optical crosstalk. VF 0.7 V for channel under test. = 8. Measured between adjacent Input pairs shorted together, I.e. between pins 1 and 2 shorted together and pins 3 and 4 shorted together. 9. CM H Is the maximum tolerable common mode transient such that the output will . remain In a high logic state (j.e. Vo > 2.0 V)' 10.CM L is the maximum tolerable common mode transient such that the output will remain In a low logic state (/.e. Vo < 0.8 Vl. , 11. In applications where dV/dt may exceed 50,000 V/IJS (such 8S a static dlsc~argel a series resistor, Ace, is recommended to protect the detector IC's from destructively high surge currents. The recommended maximum value is 6. Device considered a two-terminal "device: Pins 1 through 4 arB shorted together and pins 5 through 8 are shorted together. 7. Measured between the LED anode and cathode shorted together and pins 5 thro'ugh 8 shorted together. 10.0 6.0 1 1.0 ~ II: B ~ ~ O. 1 0.0 1 ~ I.J // r ~:J ~ ~ / / 0.00 1 1.050 1.100 / / ~4 -2\VC 2.0f-==....,.....--~':~~o~'tv 1----+--- i!'! ~bF "O.5,"A l-....,rl'R~ ~ / ~ 1.0 f--"lH'-+"7'.... :; ~ II: g I 1.150 1.200 1.250 1.300 ~ 1.350 1.0 10.0 IF -INPUT FORWARD CURRENT (mAl Vo -OUTPUT VOLTAGE IVI Figure 2. Normalized DC Transfer Characteristics. Figure 3. Normalized Current Transfer Ratio VS. Input Forward Current. ]; ... ~. ~ "9":e :> " ~ I >- ~C ~ :; ,. « 2 0 NO~MALIZED TO: ~ 1t" 0 If lee A.T Ip "" 'f.6mA Vtc -I$V II: 0 z T", I ~ 2trc !l I 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 J 100 0.1 0.1 1.0 Figure 4. Normalized Supply Current vs. Input Forward Cu.rrent. Figure 5. Propagation Delay to Logic Low VS. Input Pulse Period. I, .6 ~60 -40 -2"; 0-20 -40 .0 o v - I'UL$I; GEN. 1r, tf~ 5na '-'00110 *PtJu;£" 60 oilS '--vo~ , ',----, tpHL 10 0 I ¥~5V::VO o ~ 1.6V -IF - INPUT FORWARD CURRENT (mA) 80 100 120 140 Figure 6. Propagation Delay vs. Temperature. Zo-Gon -:h=-V 1.5V . 16 IE 60 ,..-_ _ __ o--~ >- 100 10.0 T -INPUT PULSE PERIOD (ml) IF - INPUT FORWARD CURRENT (mA) ~ r::::===+===-;;tf;;Q;~M;;A;;;L:;:'U;;;D-:;ro;;,:I :i 1l iii z 9 kfi. 2.5 := ~ Figure 1. Input Current vs. Forward Voltage. ~c 1~~mAl S ~ VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE (V) J Aee .. 0.3 12. This Is a momentary withstand test. not an operating condition. VOL tpLH- Figure B. Switching Test Circuit. Figure 7. Propagation Delay VB. Input . Forward Current; 9-132 1-1---o+5V 10K E 1K t r• tf = \:"1' 80 ns 100 I VO~5V S'NITCH AT A: IF = OmA 10 =- r- CMH 1\ '\.. Vee'" 5 V IfH '" 1.6mA Al" 2.2 kn TA '" 25~C VO-------~VOL SWITCH AT B: 1 IF = 1.6mA I 200 I 400 600 800 1000 1200 VCM - COMMON MODE TRANSIENT AMPLITUDE (V) Figure 9. Test Circuit for Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms. Figure 10. Common Mode Transient Immunity vs. Common Mode Transient Amplitude. MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TEST PROGRAM Voc +1.4 V Hewlett-Packard's HCPL-5731 optocoupler is in compliance with MIL-STD-883, Revision C. Testing consists of 100% screening to Method 5004 and quality conformance inspection to Method 5005. Details of these test programs may be found in Hewlett-Packard's Optoelectronics Designer's Catalog. 100 n TYP. -= CONDITIONS: IF = 5 rnA 10'" 10mA See table below for specific electrical tests. Figure 11. Operating Circuit for Burn-In and Steady State Life Tests. PART NUMBERING SYSTEM Commercial Product Class 8 Product HCPL-5730 HCPL-5731 GROUP A - ELECTRICAL TESTS QUANTITY/ACCEPT NO. = 116/0 Subgroup 1 'Static tests at TA = 25"C -I OH ' 10HX, VOL, 'CCl, ICCH' CTR, VF, BVR and 1'.0 Subgroup 2 'Static tests at TA = +125 0 C - IOH, 10HX, VOL leCl, leCH. BVR and CTR Symbol I VF ) Min, I Max. I Units I Test Conditions ) 1.8 I V I IF Subgroup 3 "Static tests atTA = -55°C Symbol I VF I Min, = 1.6 mA IOH, IOHX, VOL, ICCl, leCH, BVR and CTR I I Max. 1.8 I j Units V I I Test Conditions IF = 1.6 rnA Subgroup 4, 5, 6,7, SA and 88 These subgroups are not applicable to this device type. Subgroup 9 'Switching tests at TA = 25°C - tpLH1, tpHL1' tplH2, tpHL2' tpLH3, tpHL3, CMH and CML Subgroup 10 •SWitch; ng tests at TA = +125° C - tplHl, tpHL1, tpLH2, tpHL2, tpLH3, tpHL3 Subgroup 11 'Switching tests at TA = -55°C - tpLH1, IpHU, tpLH2, tpHL2, tPLH3, tpHL3 'Limits and conditions per Table II. 9-133 --_._---_.. -_ ... _---' FliP'l a:e. AC/DC TO LOGIC INTERFACE HERMETICALLY SEALED OPTOCOUPLER HEWLETT PACKARD SCHEMATIC OUTLINE DRAWING J !!.. 9.40 (0.3701 9.90 10.3901-1 1 G 5 DATE CODE -HP-Y--'-Y-Ww-'N'!?--+--rE~~::t U.S.A. xxxxxxxxx~ II MAX. • MANUFACTURED AND TESTED ON A MIL-STD-1772 CERTIFIED LINE • HERMETICALLY SEALED 8 PIN DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE • PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER -55°C TO +125°C AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE • MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TESTING • AC OR DC INPUT • PROGRAMMABLE SENSE VOLTAGE • HYSTERESIS • LOGIC COMPATIBLE OUTPUT • HCPL-3700 OPERATING COMPATIBILITY • 500 Vdc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE • THRESHOLDS GUARANTEED OVER TEMPERATURE • THRESHOLDS INDEPENDENT OF LED CHARACTERISTICS Applications MILITARY/HIGH RELIABILITY SYSTEMS LIMIT SWITCH SENSING LOW VOLTAGE DETECTOR AC/DC VOLTAGE SENSING RELAY CONTACT MONITOR RELAY COIL VOLTAGE MONITOR CURRENT SENSING MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACING TELEPHONE RING DETECTION ACIOC POwER LOGIC 1 3,81 (0,1501 O.51 £0,0201 -.1N P I-t- 0.51 (0,020)-+1 I'-~ Features n ..- TYPE S,13 {0.320J NIJMBER MAX, (110Pl·57601 (5761168381 __ nn GND DC- INPUT • • • • • • • • • HCPL~5760 HCPL-5761 (8838) MAX. j 3.81 10.1501 MIN. 2,26 10.901 2.90 {o,1101 OIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES AND {INCHES) Description The HCPL-5760 and HCPL-5761 units are hermetically sealed, voltage/current threshold detection optocouplers. The products are capable of operation and storage over the full military temperature range and can be purchased as either a standard product (HCPL-5760) or with full MILSTD-883 Class Level 8 testing (HCPL-5761). 80th products are in eight pin hermetic dual in-line packages. Each unit contains an AIGaAs light emitting diode (LED), a threshold sensing input buffer IC, and a high gain photon detector to provide an optocoupler which permits adjustable external threshold levels. The input buffer circuit has.a nominal turn on threshold of 2.5 rnA (I TH +) and 3.6volts (VTH+)' The addition of one or more external attenuation resistors permits the use of this device over a wide range of input voltages and currents. Threshold sensing prior to the LED and detector elements minimizes effects of different optical gain and LED variations over operating life (CTR degradation). Hysteresis is also provided in the buffer for extra noise immunity and switching stability. The buffer circuit is designed with internal clamping diodes to protect the circuitry and LED from a wide range of overvoltage and over-current transients while the diode bridge enables easy use with ac voltage input. The HCPL-5760/1, by combining several unique functions in a single package, provides the user with an ideal component for computer input boards and other applicatiors where a predetermined input threshold optocoupler level is desirable. The high gain output stage features an open collector output providing both TTL compatible saturation voltages and CMOS compatible breakdown voltages. 9-134 Recommended operating Conditions Symbol Min. Max. Parameter Power Supply Voltage Units Vcc 3,0 18 Volts f 0 10 Kfjz Operating Frequ~ncyf1J Operating Temperature ................. -55°C to +125°C Lead Solder Temperature ............... 260°C for 10 s[2) Average Input Current-liN .................... 15 mA[3) Surge Input Current-IIN,SG ., ............... 140 mA[3A) Peak Transient Input Current -IIN,PK .......... 500 mA[3A) Input Power Dissipation- PIN .... , .... , ....... 195 mW[S) Total Package Power Dissipation - Pd . , .......... 225 mW Output Power Dissipation - Po ' ....... , .......... 50 mW Average Output Current -10 ..................... 40 mA Supply Voltage - Vcc (Pins 8-5) .... -0.5 V min., 20 V max. Output Voltage - Vo (Pins 6-5) ..... -0.5 V min., 20 V max. Absolute Maximum Ratings Storage Temperature ................... -65°C to +150°C Electrical Characteristics TA = -55°C to 125°C, unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Min. 'Jyp.* Max. Units 1.75 2.5 3.20 rnA ITH- 0.93 1.3 1.62 rnA VIN " VTH-: Vcc " 4,5 V; Vo = 2.4 V; iOH$2S0I-'A VTH+ 3.18 3.6 4.10 V VIN " V2 - V3; Pins 1 & 4 Open Vec 4.5 V; Vo 0.4 V; = 7 = 10~2,6mA dc (Pins 2, 3) VTH_ 1,90 2.5 3.00 V VIN " V2 - V3; Pins 1 & 4 Open Vcc -= 4.5 V; Vo " 2.4 V; 10$ 250JlA V VIN 1V 1 - V41 ; Pins 2 & 3 Open Vcc " 4.5 V; Vo '" 0.4 V; 10;;:2,6mA 1,2 - = VTH+ 3.79 5.0 5.62 ac (Pins 1,4) Input Clamp Voltage VTH _ 2.57 3.7 4.S2 V VIN '" I V 1 - V41 ; Pins 2 & 3 Open Vee'" 4.5 V; Vo = 2.4 V; 10$ 250JlA V1HC1 5.3 5.9 6.7 V VIHC1 '" V,;; - Va; V3 '" GND liN -= 10mA; Pin 1 &4 Connected to Pin3 VIHC2 6.0 6.6 7.4 V VIHC2 -= IV1 - V41; IIIN! '" 10mA; Pins 2 & 3 Open 12.0 13.0 V VIHC3 Input Current liN Logic Low Output Voltage VOL Logic High Output Current 10H Logic Low Supply Current ICCl logic High Supply Current ICCH Input-Output Insulation 1'.0 Propagation Delay Time to Logic Low Output Level tpHL Propagation Delay Time to Logic High Output Level tpLH Logic High CommOn Mode Transient Immunity ICMHI Logic Low Common Mode Transient Immunity Note = ITH+ Input Threshold Current Input Threshold Voltage Fig. Conditions VIN = VTH+; Vcc 4.5 V; Vo -= 0.4 V; lo~ 2.6 mA 3.0 3.9 4.5 mA = 4 Vcc = 4.5 V; 10L =2.6 rnA 4 V JlA 0,05 2.0 mA 0.001 7.S JlA Vce'" 18 V; Vo " Open 1 JlA 45% RH, t = 55, V1-0" 500Vdc, TA" 25"C 20 ps Rt." 1.8kn, CL VOH -= Vee =l8V 7 V2 - Va = 5,0 V; Vo= Open VCC:: l8V 5 g, 10 =15pF 6, 7 4 25 Jl$ 1000 ;;;:10,000 Vips ;;;:10,000 !CMt.! Rt." t8kn, Ct." 15pF VeM" SOV VCM" 450 V 1000 ;;:5,000 V/p,s ;;;:5,000 , All typical values are at TA = 25°C, Vce = 5 V, unless otherwise specified. 9-135 - liN" 15mA, Pins 1 & 4 Open VIN V2 - Va " 5.0 V; Pins 1 & 4 Open 0.4 7 3 VIHC3 " V2 - Va: Va " GND, 2S0 0.1 7,8 VCM"50V VCM =250 V - 6,11 6, 12 TA "'25"C IIN"OmA 8 TA = 25"C I'N"'4mA 13,14 Typical Characteristics Parameter All typical values are at VCC = 5 V. T A = 25°C unless otherwise specified: Conditions' Fig. Symbol 'TYP· Unit. IHVS 1.2 mA VHVS 1.1 V VHvs:O VTH+ - VTH- VILC -0.76 V VILC=V2- Vs: Vs= GND; liN'" -10mA Hysteresis Input Clamp Voltage IHYS =ITHt ~ ITH- Note 1 V01.2 0.62 VOSA 0.73 Input-Output Resistance RI_o 1012 n VI-O '" 500 Vdc 9 Input-Output Capacitance C,-o 2.0 pF 9 Input Capaoitance CIN 50 pF f'" 1 MHz. VI-O= OVdc f= 1 MHz:; VIN=OV, Pins 2 & 3, Output Rise Time (10-90%) Ir 10 p.e 7 Output Fall Time (90-10%) If 0.5 p's 7 Bridge Diode Forward Voltage liN = 3 mA (see schematic) Pins 1 &. 4 Open 12~~~~-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. Vc-e ." 4,.6 V 101. '1= 2.6mA > 10 VOL ~ G.4 V VOtl '>t 4,$ V > I 'OH .., 2S0~A 9 0 ~ 4.2 3.2 3.8 2.8 I 3.4 2.4 ~ 3.0 2.0 2.6 1.6 TH_ TH+ INPUT VOLTAGE OR CURRENT ......J: ffia: a: ::> u I , -> J: a: '-' 0 0 :fl J: > E c ..J a: ... w .. 2.2 1.2 1.8 0.8 ,I " TA - TEMPERATURE -"C Figure 1. Typical Transfer Characteristics (ac voltage Is Instantaneous value,) Figure 2. Typical dc Threshold Levels vs. Temperature. Notes: 1. Maximum operating frequency is defined when output waveform (Pin 6) attains only 90% of VCC with RL = 1.8 kn. CL = 15 pF using a5 V square wave input signai. 2. Measured at a point 1.6 mm below seating plane. 3. Current int%ut of any single lead. 4. Surge input current duration is 3 ms at 120 Hz pulse repetition rate. Transient input current duration is 10l'S at 120Hz pulse repetition rate. Note that maximum Input power. PIN. must be observed. 5. Derate linearly above 100°C free-air temperature at a rate of 4.26 mW/oC. Maximum input power dissipation of 195 mW allows an input IC junction temperature of 150°C at an ambient temperature of TA = 125°C with a typical thermal resistance from junction to ambient of OJAi = 235°C/W. The typical thermal resistance from junction to case is equal to 170°C/W. Excessive PIN and TJ may result in device deg radation. 6. The 1.8 kn load represents 1 TTL unit load of 1.6 mA and the 4.7 kn pull-up resistor. 7. Logic low output level alPin 6 occurs under the conditions of VIN 2! VTH+ as well as the range of VIN > VTH- once VIN has exceeded VTH+' Logic high output level at Pin 6 occurs under the conditions of VIN ::; VTH- as well as the range of VIN < VTH+ once VIN has decreased below VTH-. 8. The ac voltage is instantaneous voltage. 9. Device considered a two terminal device: pins 1. 2. 3. 4 connec,ted together. and Pins 5. 6. 7. 8 connected together. 10. This is a momentary withstand test. not an operating condition. 11. The tpHL propagation delay is measured from the 2.5 V level of the leading edge of a 5.0V input pulse (11's rise time) to the 1.5 V level on the leading edge of the output pulse (see Figure 7). 12. The tpLH propagation delay is measured from the 2.5 V level of the trailing edge of a 5.0V input pulse (1 I'S fall time) to the 1.5 V level on the trailing edge of the output pulse (see Figure7). 13. Common mode transient immunity in Logic High level is the maximum tolerable dVCM/dt of the common mode voltage. VCM. to ensure that the output will remain in a Logic High state (i.e .• Vo > 2.0V). Common mode transient immunity in Logic Low level is the maximum tolerable dVCM/dt of the common mode voltage. VCM. to ensure that the output will remain in a Logic Low state (i.e .• Vo < 0.8 V). See Figure 8. 14. In applications where dVCM/dt may exceed 50.000 V/I'S (such as static discharge). a series resistor. RCC. should be included to protect the detector IC from destructively high surge currents. The recommended value for RcC is 240.0 per volt of allowable drop In VCC (between Pin 8 and VCC) with a minimum value of 240.0. 9-136 60 65 50 ~ I ffi II: § " ~ 1 TAl. m 2~C I- > ! i 45 40 ~ I V 0 Ie f'" CONNEClep S " 'fOGETllER: , de 'PINS3.4 CONNECTED TOGETHER 0 15 10 I I 3 4 a g 5 3.0 I-hHH-f-+-+-+-+++++-1120 ~ o ~ M ~ ~ 2.2 ~ ~ do IPINS 2. 3 ' ,l.'PINS1.4_ OPEN) __ !- I- ""11 I I 2 ~ f- jr ~ ~ I 1mil 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 TA ... TEMPERATURE ... ·C V,N'" INPUT VOLTAGE ... V Figure 4. 'iYplcallnput Current, liN, and Low level Output Voltage, VOL, vs. Temperature. Figure 3. 'iYplcallnput Characteristics, liN vs. VIN' (ac voltage Is Instantaneous value.) -;, I 10 ~ 24 I I ./ lr~ E - ~1~NttDn'lA V" / ~ Ic~V' Vcc"lav VO' OPEN ~ 20 ,/' ,/ 1 I 1 R, Vf~~ 6.~ ~ c 16 2 0 12 1-1...... I- ~ ~ 11: c 1.: .. I " 'I.d.!! f-f- Cl.. *" 15,pF H- I ~ 1-1f-I-- i-\.I v I fOV 1 "IS PULSE WIDTH Itt f= 100 Hz: tl. tl • 1/J," (10·90%) I '7 I ~H=t± I"-oI-J..I 35 65 TA ... TEMPERATURE ... 95 125 -55 'c -25 I , I , I ""H '/ .". I I ttttL. I I I ~I -25 ~ ~ ~ I-- w 01 I~;zg:; l- rr-0PENJ E I w u ~ ~ I 5 200 3.0 35 65 95 125 TA ... TEMPERATURE ... C Figure 6. 'iYPlcal Propagation Delay VI. Temperature. Figure 5. 'iYplcal High Level Supply Current, ICCH vs. Temperature. 9...137 HCPL·5760/1 Rce· +5V HCPL·5760/1 -t--'IIIiIr-....,.-O+5V 0.01.' BYPASS -;---+---o Vo -;r.-'---+-o Vo Y,N ·SEE NOTE 14 PULSE AMPLITUDE = 5.0V PULSE WIDTH -1 m. f .. 100Hz t:, .. tf = 1.0"s (1O-900A.) PULSE GENERATOR ·CL IS 16 pF. WHICH INCLUDES PROBE . AND STRAY WIRING CAPACITANCE. AND STRAY WIRING CAPACITANCE. tr = 40 ns tf = 40 ns r-----------~----5V INPUT --- - --- Y,N .". "C L IS 15 pF, WHICH INCLUDES PROBE - - - 2.5V OV '------VOH __ ..- - - - - - - 5 V Vo OUTPUT SWITCH AT A: liN '" 0 rnA Vo -+---1.5V I~~~~~~~~~~~-----~L VO----------~VOL " SWITCH AT B: liN = 4 rnA Figure 7. Switching Test Circuit. Figure 8. Test Circuit for Common Mode Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms. . PART NUMBERING SYSTEM MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TEST PROGRAM HewleU-Packard's HCPL-5761 optocoupler is in compliance with MIL-STD-883, Revision C. Testing consists of 100% screening to Method 5004. and quality conformance inspection to Method 5005. Details of these test programs may be found in Hewlett-Packard's Optoelectronics Designer's Catalog. Commercial Produi:t Class B Product HCPL-5760 HCPL-5761 8t-..,..--......--, 560 See table below for specific electrical.tests. 560 3 liN .. 12 rnA RMS lo=20mA GROUP A - ELECTRICAL TESTS QUANTITY/ACCEPT NO. = 116/0 Figure 9. Operating Circuit for Burn-In and Steady State Life Tests Subgroup 1 "Static tests at TA " 26°C - ITH+, ITH~ VTH+{dC), VTH-(d.Q1o VTH+~a..Q1o VTH.:La..Q1o VlfiCl, V HC2, VIHC3, IOH' Iccl.> ICCH ' Subgroup 2 'Statlc tests at TA +125°C -ITH.. ITt,.., VTH+ldCl, VTH .. (dc), VTH+(ae), VTH..(ae}, VIHC1. VIHC2' V'HC3, IOH' ICCL' lecH SUbgroupS 'Static tests at TA -55°C -ITH+o IrH-, VTH+(dc},VTH-(dCj, V'rH-{acl. VTH-Iacr VIHC1, VIHC2, VIHC3. IOH' JceL' leCH Subgroup 4, 5, 6.1, SA and 6B These SUbgroups are not applicable to this device type. = = Subgroup 9 'Switching tests at TA" 25"C - tpHL, tpLH. ICMHI, ICMLi Subgroup 10 'Switchlng tests at TA '" +125"C - tpHL. tPLH Subgroup 11 'Switchlng tests at TA =-65·C - tpHL< tpLH 'Limits and conditions per Electrical Characteristics. 9-138 Electrical Considerations ITH+ %R ~ x (-) P 1-) Va ~6 3 L dc- h. I.r ~4Lac )lAx GNDW5 '---~ S·01 Va PF Figure 11. External Threshold Voltage Level Selection. Either ac (Pins 1, 4) or dc (Pins 2, 3) input can be used to determine external threshold levels. Rx can provide over-current transient protection by limiting input current during a transient condition. For monitoring contacts of a relay or switch, the HCPL-5760/1 in combination with Rx and Rp can be used to allow a specific current to be conducted through the contacts for cleaning purposes (wetting current). For one specifically selected external threshold voltage level V+ or V_, Rx can be determined without use of Rp via V+ - VTH+ The choice of which input voltage clamp level to choose depends upon the application of this device (see Figure 3). It is recommended that the low-clamp condition be used when possible to lower the input power dissipation as well as the LED current, which minimizes LED degradation overtime. For interfacing ac signals to TTL systems, output low pass filtering can be performed with a pullup resistor of 1.5 fl. and 20 J.Lf capacitor. This application requires a Schmitt trigger gate to avoid slow rise time chatter problems. For ac input applications. a filter capacitor can be placed across the dc input terminals for either signal or transient filtering. V"~8U:VCC P7 AL h, t[ V+(~A ~I VTH+(~[::+ ,r The HCPL-5760/1 optocoupler has internal temperature compensated, predictable voltage and current threshold points which allow selection of an external resistor, Rx, to determine larger external threshold voltage levels. For a desired external threshold voltage, V±, a corresponding typical value of Rx can be obtained from Figure 10. Specific calculation of Rx can be obtained from Equation (1) of Figure 11. Specification of both V_ and V+ voltage threshold levels simultaneously can be obtained by the use of Rx and Rp as shown in Figure 11 and determined by Equations (2) and (3). In applications where dVeM/dt may be extremely large (such as static discharge), a series resistor, R ee , should be connected in series with Vee and Pin 8 to protect the detector IC from destructively high surge currents. See note 14 for determination of Ree. In addition, it is recommended that a ceramic disc bypass capacitor of 0.01 J.Lf to 0.1 J.Lf be placed between Pins 8 and 5 to reduce the effect of power supply noise. HCPL·5760!1 Rx = (-) (-) (1 ) ITH+ (-) ~ For two specifically selected external threshold voltage levels, V+ and V_, the use of Rx and Rp will permit this selection via equations (2). (3) provided the following conditions are met: ~ 2: VTH+ and V+ - VTH+ < ITH+ V_ Rx = VTH- V_ - VTH- ITH- (2) ITH+ (VTH-) - ITH- (VTH+) (3) See Application Note 1004 for more information. If 100 VVTH, - 3.6V} do' PINS 2 3 J /' 1# 1-' 50 VI If" JV VTH~ = 2.5V VTH, = 5.0V} . • . PI'NS 1 4 VTH. =3.7V a~. 'I' j' ITH+ = 2.5 rnA __LhLHJ--j '1 H A - : ~5~;A -+--!i-j'-----l II' lac VOLTAGE IS INSTANTANEOUS VALUE) 00 40 80' 120 160 200 240 RX - EXTERNAL SERIES RESISTOR - kH Figure 10. Typical External Threshold Characteristics, V± vs. Rx. 9-139 Flipa DUAL CHANNEL HERMETICALLY SEALED OPTOCOUPLER HEWLETT a:~ PACKARD 4N55 4N55/8838 Outline Drawing'" DAT£CODE -~: ' 3'1 <: ;: 4 I VF Va I CATHODE _ h SUFFIX U1T61\) 11 Mr Lt-c-~~~_, hpVYWW X ,6.4N55 PIN 1IOENT,FIEA •. 13 (.320) TYPE !-. U.S.A.883B) 13 ~ ~:D V. ~ 7 ANOOE: 8 -#( IF I 9 Vo V, CATHODE _ 11 Vee 1 '-t--...----o~~D '-----==--0 ~~ Features • NEW-MANUFACTURED AND TESTED ON A MIL-STD-1772 CERTIFIED LINE • PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER -SS"C TO +12S"C AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE • MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TESTING • HERMETICALLY SEALED • HIGH SPEED: TYPICALLY 400k BIT/S • 2 MHz BANDWIDTH • OPEN COLLECTOR OUTPUTS • • • • • 18VOLTVcc DUAL-IN-LINE PACKAGE 1S00 Vdc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE HIGH RADIATION IMMUNITY HCPL-2S30/2S31 FUNCTION COMPATIBILITY channel has a light emitting diode and an integrated photon detector. Separate connections for the photodiodes and output transistor collectors improve the speed up to a hundred times that of a conventional phototransistor optocoupler by reducing the base-collector capacitance. The 4N55 is suitable for wide bandwidth analog applications, as well as for interfacing TTL to LSTTL or CMOS. Current Transfer Ratio (CTR) is 9% minimum at IF = 16mA over the full military operating temperature range, -55 0 C to +125 0 C. The 18V Vee capability will,enable the designer to interface any TTL family to CMOS. The availability of the base lead allows optimized gainl bandwidth adjustment in analog applications. The shallow depth of the IC photodiode provides better radiation immunity than conventional phototransistor couplers. Applications • HIGH RELIABILITY SYSTEMS • LINE RECEIVERS Hewlett-Packard's new high reliability part type 4N55/883B meets Class B testing requirements for MIL-STD-883. This part is the recommended and preferred device from the 4N55 product family for use in high reliability applications. • DIGITAL LOGIC GROUND ISOLATION • ANALOG SIGNAL GROUND ISOLATION • SWITCHING POWER SUPPLY FEEDBACK ELEMENT See the selection guide at the front of this section for other devices in this family. • VEHICLE COMMAND/CONTROL • SYSTEM TEST EQUIPMENT • LEVEL SHIFTING Description The 4N55 conSists of two completely independent optocouplers in a hermetically sealed ceramic package. Each CA UT/ON: The small junction sizes inherent to the design of this bipolar component increases the component's susceptibility to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD). It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly of this component to prevent damage and/or degradation which may be induced by ESD. *JEDEC Registered Data 9-140 Absolute Maximum Ratings* Emitter Base Reverse Voltage, VEBO ............ 3.0V Base Current, Is (each channel) ................ SmA Output Power Dissipation (each channel) ..... SOmW Derate linearly above 100° C free air temperature at a rate of 1.4mW/o C. Storage Temperature ............... -6So C to +1S0° C Operating Temperature ............ -SsoC to +12SoC Lead Solder Temperature ............ 260° C for 10 s (1.6mm below seating plane) Average Input Current, IF (each channel) ...... 20mA Peak Input Current, IF (each channel, ~ 1ms duration) .................. 40mA Reverse Input Voltage, VR (each channel) ......... SV Input Power Dissipation (each channel) ...... 36mW Average Output Current, 10 (each channel) ..... SmA Peak Output Current, 10 (each channel) ....... 16mA Supply Voltage, Vee (each channel) ..... -O.SV to 20V Output Voltage, Va (each channel) ...... -O.SV to 20V TABLE I. Recommended Operating Conditions (EACH CHANNEL) ~Ymbol Input Current. Low Level $Upply Voltage Min. Max. Units IFl 2 Vec "" TABLE II. Electrical Characteristics Parameter Current Transfer Ratio Symbol CTA' TA = -Ssoc to +125°C, unless otherwise specified Min. Typ.·' Max. Units 9 20 Test Condlllons Fig. Note % IF=16mA. Vo=OAV, Vec"'45V 2.3 1,2 4 1 IOH 10 100 flA IF=O. IF lather channel,=20mA Vo=Vec=J8V IOH1' 30 250 p.A IF250p.A, IF lather channel\=20mA Vo=VCG;S18V 4 1 Logic Low Supply Current ICCl' 35 200 p.A IF1'-IF2='20mA, Vcc=18V 5 1 Logic High Supply Current ICCH' 0.1 10 p.A IF=OmA, IF lather channel'=20mA Vcc=18V 1.5 1.8 V IF20mA V IR=10p.A Logic High Output Current Output Leakage Current Input Forward Voltage VF' Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage BVR' Input-Output Insulation Leakage Current 11-0' Propagation Delay Time to Logic High at Output Ipu-t" Propagation Delay Time to Logic Low at Output 3 1.0 OA tPHl' 1 1 1 1 1.0 p.A 45% Relative Humidity, TA=2S Q C, t=5s, V,-o=1500Vdc 6.0 p.s RL=8.2Kfl, Cl =50pF IF16mA. Vcc=5V 6,9 1 pS RL=8.2Kfl, Cl=50pF IF=16mA. Vcc=5V 6,9 1 2.0 3,9 "JEDEC RegIstered Data. *- All typical values are at Vee = 5V, TA = 25° C. TABLE III. Typical Characteristics at TA =25°C Parameter Temperature Coefficient of Forward Voltage Symbol ,,\,VF "TIA Typ. Units -1.5 mV/'C Test Conditions Fig. Note IF=20 mA 1 1=1 MHz. VF=O 1 Cin 120 pF Resistance Ilnput.Output.l RI-o 1012 n ~VI-o=500 Capacitance (Input·Output) CI-O 1.0 pF 1=1 MHz Ii-I 1 pA 45% Relative Humidity, VI-I=500Vdc, t=5s 5 Capacitance (Input-Input I CI-I .55 pF 1=1 MHz 5 Transistor DC Current Gain hFE 150 - Vo=5V. 10=3mA 1 Small Signal Current Transfer Ratio "\'10 21 00/ Input Capacitance Input-Input Insulation Leakage Current 1 1,4 0 Vcc=5V, Vo=2V 7 1 1000 V//J-s IF=O, RL=8,2kfl VCM=10V p- p Vo (min,) = 2.0 V 10 1,6 ICMLI 1000 V/p.s IF=lSmA, RL=8.2kfl VCM=10V p - p Vo (max,) = 0.8 V 10 1.7 6W 2 MHz Rl=10Pfl 8 8 TiF Common Mode Transient Immunity at Logic High Level Output ICMHI Common Mode Transient Immunity at Logic Low Level Output Bandwidth Vdc 9-141 250 p.A 18 V Notes: 1. Each channel. 2. Current Transfer Ratio is defined as the ratio of output collector current. 10. to the forward LED input current. IF. times 100%, CTR is known to degrade slightly over the unit's lifetime as a function of input current. temperature. signal duty cycle and system on time. Refer to Application Note 1002 for more detail. In short it is recommended that designers allow at least 20-25% guard band for CTR degradation. 3. Measured between pins 1 through 8 shorted together and pins 9 through 16 shorted together. 4. Measured between each input pair shorted together and the output pins for that channel shorted together. 5. Measured between pins 3 and 4 shorted together and pins 7 and 8 shorted together. 6. CMH is the steepest slope (dV/dt) on the leading edge of the common mode pulse. VCM. for which the output will remain in the logic high state (i.e. Vo > 2.0 V). 7. CML is the steepest slope (dV/dt) on the trailing edge of the common mode pulse. VCM. for which the output will remain in the logic low state (i.e. Vo < 0.8 V). 8. Bandwidth is the frequency at which the ac output voltage is 3dS below the low frequency asymptote. 9. This is a momentary withstand test. not an operating condition. 20 0cc ~ sv I '8 I-- TA • 2S'C "E ,.'6 "E I I t- t- iiia: a: iiia: '2 a '0 a: ao a: t- a: ~ " I .9 "i= ~ Ii 0 I v r o .-' ~ tt- o 'DO 1 Vee "'-5V I Va -0.4V ~ a: a: "c.> ,.ol----·---+-----b-.;-~-_1 8 ,."a: :;: c.> (; 9 I I,· 250 ~A. I, 12 14 16 18 20 .9 0.0 ~ ,~ ,J V V 0.00 -60 -40 -20 'DO I~TH~R C~AN~El) i 20 i A , ~ I a: '0 r--- 10 I, - I, (OTHEA CHANNELl' ffi o. 0.51------~~---+--·-_1 oz t; If ",lO-rnA I, • SmA ,rl'"jAA((rrrr)·:m; "o a fil ~ i= a: N \f::~!:::: ._2O':':;t,.....,... :=ie:: -,••15 mA _ - 10 ~ iiia: :::; - ~: t:- -~~~~.-.- Figure 2. DC and Pulsed Transfer Characteristic '"~ a: - Va - OUTPUT VOLTAGE - V Figure 1. Input Diode Forward Characteristic. o ~ - - - ~ -= V F -FORWARDVDLTAGE-VOLTS a: \~;'2!.!? ~-;~.:'~ IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - mA ./ V v V ,,/ vcr vr 1iV 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TA - TEMPERATURE _ °c Figure 4. Logic High Output Current vs. Temperature. Figure 3. Normalized Current Transfer Ratio vs. Input Diode Forward Current. 50r-.--,-,--,-.--,-,--r-,-, 4.0 3.6 "I >- ~ 0 3.2 2.8 2.4 2 0 i= "'" "&g: I ~ 2.0 '.6 '.2 0.6 0.4 25 IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT - rnA TA - TEMPERATURE _ Figure 5. Logic Low Supply Current vs. Input Diode Forward Current. °c Figure 6. Propagation Delay vs. Temperature. 9-142 o ~ 2.0 z 1.B f--ITA Vo =2V 1.6 f-- VCC' 5V a: * ~ II- .125'J 1.4 :ia: 1.2 ::> 1.0 a: <.J j ...... iii" 0.6 If Ii! NO.4 ;:; ~ a: o z , e" "." ~ ~~RMALIZED TO: _ - I O.B I'F ','6 mt 1 0,2 o o ~I:a 15 10 20 10 25 f - FREQUENCY - MHz IF - QUIESCENT INPUT CURRENT - rnA Figure Sa. Frequency Response Figure 7. Normalized Small Signal Current Transfer Ratio vs. Quiescent Input Current. ,--,---0 +15V +5V RL o---~-----, /'-I----~--oVo Figure Sb. Frequency Response t" tf "" 8ns VCM ':~, Va ,, 5V Va 1.5V ----""~ __- - - - - - - 5 V SWITCH AT A: Va IF= OmA -----------~VOL SWITCH AT B: If=16mA ,.....-----,,6 ...------.,6 r-+--~~-~-~O+5V r-+---+~-~--O+5V '--"""--0 Va ,--........--0 VA IF MONITOR 50% DUTY CYCLE 1/f = 100,l.ls 10% DUTY CYCLE 1/fo;;;; 100llS Figure 9. Switching Test Circuit*. 'JEDEC Registered Data Figure 10. Test Circuit for Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms. 9-143 Vee lOGIC FAMilY DEVICE NO. Vee RlS% TOLERANCE LSTTL 54LS14 CMOS 6V CD40106aM 5V 15V ·l9kn 8.2kn J22k!l *THE EOUIVALENT OUTPUT LOAD RESISTANCE IS AFFECTED BY THE LSTTllNPUT CURRENT AND IS APPROXIMATELY B.2kn. This is a worst case design which takes into account 25% degradation of CTR. See App. Note 1002 to assess actual degradation and lifetime. Figure 11. Recommended Logic Interface. LOGIC GATE MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TEST PROGRAM PART NUMBERING SYSTEM Hewletl-Packard's 883B optocouplers are in compliance with MIL-STD-883, Revision C. Deviations listed below are specifically allowed in DESC drawing 81028 for an H.P. Optocoupler from the same generic family using the same manufacturing process, design rules and elements of the same microcircuit group. Commercial Product Class B Product 4N55 4N55/8838 Testing consists of 100% screening to Method 5004 and quality conformance inspection to Method 5005 of MILSTD-883. Details of these test programs may be found in Hewlett-Packard's Optoelectronics Designer's Catalog. 200n 4N55/883B Clarifications: I. 100% screening per MIL-STD-883, Method 5004 constant acceleration - condition A not E. 200n Voe +3.5V 270n 270n ':' II. Quality Conformance Inspection per MIL-STD-883, Method 5005, Group A, B, 0 and D. Group A Group B Group C Group D - Vee +5.5V 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 CONDITIONS: IF = 20 rnA See table below for specific electrical tests. No change Constant Acceleration - Condition A not E. Constant Acceleration - Condition A not E. TA = +125°C Figure 12. Operating Circuit for Burn-In and Steady State Life Tests GROUP A - ELECTRICAL TESTS QUANTITY/ACCEPT NO. = 116/0 Subgroup 1 • Static tests at TA "" 25· C, 10H. BVR. leel. leeH CTR, Subgroup 2 VF, 10HI and It-o. * Static tests at TA '" +125· C, 10K, BVR lecl.. leCH. OTR, VF and 10HI subgroup 3 • StatiC tests at TA = -55'0, 10K, eVR leCL, leeH, CTR, VF and IOHI subgroup 4, 5, 6, 7, 8A and 8S These subgroups are non-applicable to this device type Subgroup 9 • Switching tests at TA '" 25·C, tPLH and tPHL subgroup 10 • Switching tests at TA = +125·0. tPLH and tPHL Subgroup 11 • Switching tests at T A"" -55" C, tPLH and tPHL • Limits and Conditions per Table II. 9-144 DUi'; HIGH CMR RIGH HEJiMETICALLY OP:rO ;1M +3 2 .!..EL.., ~ VFI - VF2 5 l+--======..----'~ I PIN 1 IDENTIFIER I I 4I I ~ CONNECTED BETWEEN PINS 15 AND 10. ; (,990) --;; r2.79 mlii Features ° NEW - MANUFACTURED AND TESTED ON A MIL-STD-1772 CERTIFIED LINE o PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER -55°C TO +125°C AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE o HERMETICALLY SEALED • HIGH SPEED o NEW - INTERNAL SHIELD FOR HIGHER CMR o TTL COMPATIBLE INPUT AND OUTPUT • HIGH COMMON MODE REJECTION DUAL-IN-L1NE PACKAGE 1500 VDC WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE o EIA REGISTRATION o HIGH RADIATION IMMUNITY o HCPL-2631 FUNCTION COMPATIBILITY Applications o LOGIC GROUND ISOLATION • LINE RECEIVER • COMPUTER - PERIPHERAL INTERFACE • VEHICLE COMMAND/CONTROL ISOLATION o HARSH INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTS o SYSTEM TEST EQUIPMENT ISOLATION MAX I0.51 f.(J20) foj3 ~ _ Yfli11ffl :'" 10 L---~----+---<~--o GND o 4,32 (,170) 20 06 P~OI-------l • NOTE: A 0.01 TO O.1flF BYPASS CAPACITOR MUST BE o ~ll~l-:.o) 6Nl34 I I +36,~ - hpVYWW X I 1 -r h SUFFj/j LETTER) OATfeOOE I 6N134 0." (,OZO) 113 MAX.--; 3,0\1.150) MIN. DIMENSION'S IN MILLIMETERS AND fiNCHES). 16 15 11 10 Description The 6N134 consists of a pair of inverting optically coupled gates, each with a light emitting diode and a unique high gain integrated photon detector in a hermetically sealed ceramic package, The output of the detector is an open collector Schottky clamped transistor. Internal shields provide a guaranteed common mode transient immunity specification of 1000 V/p,s, This unique dual coupler design provides maximum DC and AC circuit isolation between each input and output while achieving TTL circuit compatibility. The isolator operational parameters are guaranteed from -550 C to +125 0 C, such that a minimum input current of 10 mA in each channel will sink a six gate fanout (10 mAl at the output with 4.5 to 5,5 V Vee applied to the detector. This isolation and coupling is achieved with a typical propagation delay of 55 nsec. Hewlett-Packard's high reliability part type 8102801 EC meets Class B testing requirements of MIL-STD-883. This part is the recommended and preferred device from the 6N134 product family for use in high reliability applications. Details of the 8102801 EC test program may be seen in the data sheet for this part. See the selection guide at the front of this section for other devices in this family. *JEDEC Registered Data 9-145 Absolute Maximum Ratings* Recommended operating Conditions (No derating required up to 125° C) Storage Temperature ............. , ........ -65°C to +150° C Operating Temperature .... , .............. -55° C to +125° C Lead Solder Temperature .................... 260° C for 10 s (1.6mm below seating plane) Peak Forward Input Current (each channel) ........ 40 mA (:'>1 ms Duration) Average Input Forward Current (each channel) ... 20 mA Input Power Dissipation (each channel) ............ 35 mW Reverse Input Voltage (each channel) .................. 5 V Supply Voltage - Vce ........... 7 V (1 minute maximum) Output Current - 10 (each channel) ., .............. 25 mA Output Power Dissipation (each channel) .......... 40 mW Output Voltage - Vo (each channel) ................... 7 V Total Power Dissipation (both channels) ......... 350 mW TABLE I Input Current, Low Level Each Channel Sym. Min. Max. Units 250 J.lA IFL 0 Input Current, High Level, Each Channel IFH 12.5t 20 rnA Supply Voltage Vee 4.5 5.5 V -55 125 Fan Out (TTL Load) Each Channel N Operating Temperature TA 6 "C t12.S mA condition permits at least 20% eTR degradation guardband. Initial switching threshold is 10 mA or less. TABLE II Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Temperature (T A = -55° C to +125° C) Unless Otherwise Noted 'tYP··· Max. Units High Level Output Current 10H* 5 250 pA Vee" 5.5 V, Vo" 5.5 V, IF" 250 pA Low Level Output Voltage VOL* 0.4 0.6 V Vce=5.5V, IF" lOrnA 10l (Sinking) = 10 mA High Level Supply Current leeH' 18 28 mA Vee "'5.5V,IF=0 (Both Channels) Low Level Supply Current leel' 26 36 mA Vee'" 5.5 V, IF" 20 mA (Both Channels) Vp' 1.5 1.75 V IF" 20 mA, T A " 25" C 1 1 1.85 V iF"20mA 1 1 V IR = 10 p.A, T A Parameter Input Forward Voltage. Symbol Min. VF Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage BVR* Input-Output Insulation Leakage Current 1,-0' Propagation Delay Time to tpLH* High Output Level tpLH Propagation Delay Time to tpHl* Low Output Level tpHL 5 1.0 60 90 90 Figure 4 =25° C 2, 10 n$ Cl = 15 pF RL "5100 Cl" 50 pF IF" 13 rnA. T A 25°C CL = 15 pF RL=5100 CL = 50 pF IF = 13 mA, T A " 25" C ns 1,9 1 VI-O " 1500 Vdc, Relative Humidity TA"25"C,t=5s 100 Note 1 J.lA 100 55 Test Conditions =45% 2,3 1.5 2,3 1,6 = Common Mode Transient Immunity at High Output Level ICMHI 1000 10000 VI/J.s VeM'" 50 V (peak), Vo (min.) " 2 V, RL "5100, IF =0 mA 6 1,7 Common Mode Transient Immunity at Low Output Level ICMJ 1000 10000 V/IlS V eM '" 50 V (peak), Vo (max.) =0.8 V, RL" 5100, IF" 10 mA 6 1,8 'JEDEe Registered Data "All typical values are at Vee = 5 V. TA = 25°e 9-146 TABLE III "TYpical Characteristics tiN loput Capacitance : t;V F Input Diode Temperature Coefficient : d3.esistance (Input-Output) Typ. Max. Units 60 pF -1.5 mV/oC Test Conditions IF=20mA CI.a Note 1 .... :.... n V,.o = 500 V 1.7 pF f = 1 MHz 05 nA 1012 Figure VF = 0, f = 1 MHz ..... t;TA RI·a Capacitance (Input-Output) EACH CHANNEL at T A = 25°C, Vee = 5 V SYmi:l91 Min. Parameter 1 ..; ...••..••••.•..•••..... 13 3 RelativeHumidity= 45% Input-Input Leakage Current 11-1 Resistance (Input-input) RI-I 1012 n :VI-I= 500 V 4 :·f = 1 MHz 4 \:'1" \1,+= .500 V, t = 55 4 Capacitance (Input-Input) CI-I 0.55 pF Output Rise Time (10-90%) tr 35 ns RL = 510 n, CL " 15 pF Output Fall Time (90-10%) tf 35 ns IF" 1?mA 1 NOTES: 1. Each channel. 2. Measured between pins 1 through 8 shorted together and pins 9 through 16 shorted together. 3. Measured between pins 1 and 2 or 5 and 6 shorted together, and pins 10, 12, 14 and 15 shorted together. 4. Measured between pins 1 and 2 shorted together, and pins 5 and 6 shorted together. 5. The tpLH propagation delay is measured from the 6.5 mA point on the trailing edge of the input pulse to the 1.5 V point on the trailing edge of the output pulse. 6. The tpHL propagation delay is measured from the 6.5 mA point on the leading edge of the input pulse to the 1.5 V point on the leading edge of the output pulse. 7. CMH is the max. tolerable common mode transient to assure that the output will remain in a high logic state (i.e., Va > 2.0V). 8. CML is the max. tolerable common mode transient to assure that the output will remain in a low logic state (i.e., Va < 0.8 V). 9. It is essential that a bypass capacitor (.01 to 0.1I'F, ceramic) be connected from pin 10 to pin 15. Total lead length between both ends of the capacitor and the isolator pins should not exceed 20 mm. 10. This is a momentary withstand test, not an operating condition. I h '"co, GENERATOR ZO" 50!':: 'DOD ~ 100 ~ a: '0 § '.0 E I ... ::l CJ C ~ a: 0.001 ~/ V 1,10 'i 5 MONITORING NODE 47~! 1.20 RL 14 ; I 6 I CLo 11 LGND 10 -=- a 'CL INCLUDES PROBE AND STRAY WIRING CAPACITANCE . ',~PUT 1.40 J-----\--- --- -I 1.50 ~~TPUT V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE - VOLTS tPHL 1-- -I tPLH IF-13mA IF-05mA ~ ~VOH 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ l.5V - - - - - VOL Figure 1. Input Diode Forward Characteristic Figure 2. Test Circuit for tpHL and tPLH* 9-147 Va .01 i-IF BYPASS 12 7 ./ 1.30 5V I ,1>_13 ~I~ 8 V I 0.01 INPUT 4 IG 15 1-' 1 ..... 3 - /v "'a:" 0"11 ~ .!!- tH~511~ ~ TA' 20t/'~ / § " 'L. c-o2 I~.J, ;..cc ,. 100 TA'= 2&~(: RL =51onl..- RL # RL 4k.n - - - - Vec~5V 0 0 0 -- ---- '-~--oVo 1--1--I- K r-- ....-f..- F.t ><: ........r--.... r-- rr- - .... ~H~ >, ;g 0 §~ 0 '2 10 14 20 18 16 2~----~----~-b~~~~~--~~--~ '" '0 > IF - PULSE INPUT CURRENT • rnA 6 I. If - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT Figure 3. PropagationD~lav, tpHL and tpLH YS. Pulse Input Current, IFH 12 mA Figure 4. Input·Output Characteristics, . , .b~--1---....-Q+5V . 120 VCC=5V Ip'"13mA / ~L ~51on I 100 > ~ 0 V z 0 ;:: "~ to 60 0 IE 40 / / 80 k" t.PUf 11 -< ...... ./ '0 'PHt PUl~E GEN. -= 20 VCM OV -40 -20 20 40 60 ·80 100 5V 120 Vo TA - TEMPERATURE·"C va ~~~Im_._.,_'___...JI\..________~IF~·..:'.:.O:::m;;.A_________ Figure 5. Propagation Delav YS. Figure 6. TVpical Common Mode Rejection Characteristics/Circuit Temperature *JEDEC Registered Data 9-148 ~-----------.----.------.--~~------.-- F/in- -- -------~---- b13AL CfiliANNEL HIGH CM,R HIGH SPEED HERMETICALLY SEALED HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD ,:,: "'Jt 6 hpYVWW SUFFIX LE.TTER) n ~~~~B1~02r'O~1E~C~~~~ a, 13 (,320) __ M_rX. v:'3- ~ - x U.S.A. lF2 5 (~, DATECODE::::J I I 1 8102801EC OPTQCOUPL~R QESC ARRROVEQ . .. _ -------- fiN 110ENTIFIER I I 16 I 10 '------<'------+---+----0 GND V" NOTE: A .01 TO O.l"F BYPASS CAPACITOR MUST BEICONNECTED BeTWEEN PINS 15 AND 10. 15 14 Features • o • • • • • • • • • NEW-MANUFACTURED AND TESTED ON A MIL-STD-1772 CERTIFIED LINE RECOGNIZED BY DESC* HERMETICALLY SEALED MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TESTING HIGH SPEED NEW-INTERNAL SHIELD FOR HIGHER CMR PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER -55°C TO +125° C AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE TTL COMPATIBLE INPUT AND OUTPUT DUAL-IN-LINE PACKAGE 1500 VDC WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE HIGH RADIATION IMMUNITY GND 10 DtMEr-$lONS IN MIt..LIMcTER$ AND (INCHES), a minimum input current of 10 mA in each channel will sink a six gate fanout (10 mAl at the output with 4.5 to 5.5 V Vee applied to the detector. This isolation and coupling is achieved with a typical propagation delay of 55 nsec. The photo ICs used in this device are less susceptible to, radiation damage than PI N photo diodes or photo transistors due to their relatively thinner photo region. The test program performed on the 8102801 EC is in compliance with DESC drawing 81028 and the provisions of Method 5008, Class B of MIL-STD-883. Applications Recommended Operating Conditions • MILITARY/HIGH RELIABILITY SYSTEM • LOGIC GROUND ISOLATION • LINE RECEIVER • COMPUTER-PERIPHERAL INTERFACE • VEHICLE COMMAND/CONTROL ISOLATION • SYSTEM TEST EQUIPMENT ISOLATION Supply Voltage Description The 8102801 EC is the DESC selected item drawing assigned by DOD for the6N134 optocoupler which is in accordance with MIL-STD-883 class B testing. Operating characteristic curves for this part can be seen in the 6N134 data sheet. The 810280EC consists of a pair of inverting optically coupled gates, each with a light emitting diode and a unique high gain integrated photon detector in a hermetically sealed ceramic package. The output of the detector is an open collector Schottky clamped transistor. Internal shields provide a guaranteed common mode transient immunity specification of 1000 VIliS. This unique dual coupler design provides maximum DC and AC circuit isolation between each input and output while achieving TTL circuit compatibility. The isolator operational parameters are guaranteed from -55° C to +125° C, such that .................. 4.5 V dc minimum to 5.5 V dc maximum High Level Input Currentl 1] •••.••• 12.5 mA dc minimum (each channel) Low Level Input Current ..•....... 250 IIA dc maximum (each channel) Normalized Fanout (TTL Load) ...........• 6 maximum (each chan nel) Operating Temperature Range ....... -55° C to +125° C 1. This condition permits all east 20 percent hF (CTRI degradation. The initial switching threshold is 10 mA dc or less. Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage Range ......... 7 V (1 minute maximuml Input Current (each channel) ................ 20 mA dc Storage Temperature Range ......... -65°C to +150°C Maximum Power Dissipation (both channels) .. 350 mW Lead Temperature (soldering 10 seconds) .......... 300°C for 10 seconds (1.6 mm below seating plane) Junction Temperature (TJI ..................... 175°C 'Defense Electronic Supply Center IDESC) is an agency of the Department of Defense 10001. 9-149 100% Screening MIL-STD-883, METHOD 5004 (CLASS B DEVICES) TestScl'$Wi 1. Precap Internal Visual 2. High Temperatvre Storage Conditions Meth 2017 1008 3. Temperature Cycling 4. Oonstant Acceleration 5, Fine Leak 6. Gross Leak 7. Interim Electrical Test 6. Bum-In Oondltion O. TA'''' 150·C, Time 24 hours minimum Oondltion 0, -65°C to +150·0.10 cycles Oonditlon A. 5KG's. Vi and V:a axis only Oonditlon A Condition C Optional Condition B, Time 160 hours minimum TA=+125"C, Vcc "'5,5V, IF=2O mA, 10'" 25 mA (Figure 1) Group A, Subgroup 1, 5% PDA applies Group A. Subgroup 2, 3, 9 = 1010 2001 1014 1014 - = 1015 - 9. Final Electrical Test Electrical Test 10. External Visual 2009 Quality Conformance Inspection GROUP p., ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS QUANTITY/ACCEPT NO. = 116/0 limits Group A SubgroupS£61 Min. Max. Test Symbol Low Level Output Voltage VOl. Current Transfer RatiO hf'{CTR) Vo" 0,6 V; IF = 10 mA;!1l Vec=5.5V High Level Output Current 10H Vcc = 5.5 V; Vo Ip=250 /lA High Level Supply Current lecH Vee = 5.5 V; 11'1 = 1F2"'OmA 1,2,3 leol Vee = 5.5 V; 1Ft = 11'2'" 20 mA 1,2,3 VI' 11'=20 mAil) Low Level Supply Current Input Forward Voltage Condhlons 0'" 5.5 V; IF'" 10 mAl1l; =5.5 Vf11; - 0.6 V 1,2.3 100 - % 1,2,3 - 250 /LA dc 1,2 3 Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage tnputtoOvtput Insulation Leakage Current Capacitance Between Input/Output i VBR • '11-0 IR=10pA!11 V10= 1500 V de121; aUve Humidity 45 percent 5 seconds = Unit 1,2,3 * mAdc mAdc ~VdC 1,2.3 5.0 - Vdc 1 - 1.0 /LAde 4.0 pF Ct-o f'" 1 MHz; To '" 25"CI3! 4 Propagation Delay Time, Low to High Output Level tPlH Al"" 5100; OL '" 50 pFI1,4!; IF=13mA 9 10.11 Propagation Delay Time, High to LOW Output Level WHL RL =5100; CL =50 pFlt,5l; IF'" 13 mA 10, 11 9 - 100 140 100 ns ns - 120 - 40 ns - Al = 510 ottl; CL =050 pF; IF'" 13 mA 9,10,11 ICMHI VCM=50V (peak);Il.81 Vo '" 2 V (minimum); Rl=5100; IF=OmA 9,10.11 1000 - VIpS iCMLi VCM" 50V (peak);!1. 8J Vo = 0.8 V (maximum); Rl",S10n; IF"" 10 rnA 9.10,11 1000 - V/ItS Output Rise Time ILH Output Fall Time tHL Common Mode Transient Immunity at High Output Level Common Mode Transient Immunity at Low Output Level See notes on followmg page. 9-150 90 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Each channel. Measured between pins 1 through 8 shorted together and pins 9 through 16 shorted together. Measured between input pins 1 and 2, or 5 and 6 shorted together and output pins 10, 12, 14 and 15 shorted together. ThetpLH propagation delay is measured from the6.5 mA point on the trailing edge oftheinput pulsetothe 1.5 V point on the trailing edge of the output pulse. ThetpHL propagation delay is measured from the6.5 mA point on the leading edge of the input pulse tothe 1.5 V point on the leading edge of the output pulse. Conditions of Group A subgroups may be seen in the High Reliability section of this catalog. This is a momentary withstand test, not an operating condition. The DESC drawing for this part guarantees a minimum CMH and CML of 40Vll's and -60Vll's respectively at VCM = 10 V (peak). HP's CMR testing exceeds these requirements. GROUP B TESTING MIL-STD-883, METHOD 5005 (CLASS B DEVICES) Ci' Test Subgroup 1 ~')::':"':; Physical Dimensions (Not,t$quired if Group 0 is to be performed) Subgroup 2 Resistance to Solvents Subgroup 3 Solderability (LTPD applies to number of leads inspected - no fewer than 3 devices shall be used). Subgroup 4 Internal Visual and Mechanical SubgroupS Bond Strength Thermocompression: ' (Performed at precap, prior to seal LTPD applieS to number of bond). Subgroup 6 Internal Water Vapor Content (Not applicable - does not contain deSiccant) Method 'Condiii8ns 2016 2 Devices (0 failures) 4 Devices (0 failures) 2015 , Solderi~~T~mperature of 245 2003 ± 5° C for 10 seconds 10 (3 Devices) 1 Device (0 failures) 2014 Test Condition D 2011 - 15 - Subgroup 7* Electrical Test Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity LTPO Group A, and Delta Limits In Accordance with Method 3015 3015 3(0) with repeat for cumulative effects 15(0) Group A, and Delta Limits in AccordqQce with. Method 30)5 Electrical Test '(To be performed at initial qu"!!jfication only) GROUP C TESTING MIL-STD-883, METHOD 5005 (CLASS B DEVICES) Test Subgroup 1 Steady State Life Test M'ethod Condition B, Time = 1000 hours total TA = +125° C, Vee = 5.5 V, IF = 20 mA, 10 = 25 mA (Figure 1) 1005 LTPD 5 Group A, Subgroup 1, 2, 3 Endpoint Electricals at 1000 hours Subgroup 2 Temperature Cycling Conditions Condition C, -65°C to +150°C, 10 cycles 1010 Constant Acceleration 2001 Condition A, 5KGs, Y1 and Y2 axis only Fine Leak 1014 Condition A Gross Leak 1014 Condition C Visual Examination 1010 Per Visual Criteria of Method 1010 Group A, Subgroup 1,2,3 EndpointElectricals 9-151 15 GROUP D TESTING MIL-STD-883, METHOD 5005 (CLASS B DEVICES) Test Conditions Method LTPD Subgroup 1 Physical Dimensions 2016 Subgroup 2 lead Integrity 2004. Test Condition B2 (lead fatigue) 15 Subgroup 3 Thermal Shock 1011 Condition 8, (-55· C to +125°C) 15 cycles min. Condition C, (-65°C to +150·C) 100 cycles min. 15 Temperature Cycling 1010 Moisture Resistance Fine leak Gross leak Visual Examination Endpoint Electricals 1004 1014 1014 Subgroup 4 Mechanical Shock 15 Condition A Condition C Per Visual Criteria of Method 1004 & 1010 Group A, Subgroup 1,2,3 2002 Condition S, 1500G, t '" 0.5 ms, 5 blows in each orientation Condition A Condition A, 5KGs, Y, and Y2 axis only Condition A Condition C Per Visual Criteria of Method 1010 Group A. Subgroup 1, 2, 3 15 1009 1014 1014 1009 Condition Condition Condition Per Visual 15 1018 5000 ppm maximum water content at 100 0 C. 2007 2001 1014 1014 1010 Vibration Variable Frequency Constant Acceleration Fine Leak Gross Leak Visual Examination Endpoint Electricals SubgroupS Salt Atmosphere Fine Leak Gross Leak Visual Examination Subgroup 6 Internal Water Vapor Content Subgroup 7 Adhesion of Lead Finish Subgroup 8 Lid Torque (not applicable - solder seal} A min. A C Criteria of Method 1009 202~ 15 2024 5 Devices 10 failures) Vee Voe +5.5 V +5.5 V 200n I c--- 2 200n - 3 4 S >--- 6 -7 - a VIN 5.3 V 3 Devices (0 failures) 5 Devices (1 failure) 161lfir-- 200 n 14 131- 200n 12 111101--91- .Ol~F - .;-J- TA = +125"C J:. -= Figure 1. Operating Circuit for Burn-in and Steady State Life Tests. 9-152 DUAL C L LINE RECEIVER LETT HE~f\ltETIC ARC SCHEMATIC :~~1 1F1 OUTLINE DRAWING DATE. CODE I h SUFFix ~eTTER! ~~~~~~~~~ ~----:-:15:- 2.0 VI· 10. CM L is the maximum, tolerable rate of fall of the common mode voltage to assure that the output will remain in a low logic state (i.e. VOUT MONITORING NODE 'taut o z !2 1\ / ;> tiHL \1 ........... 'f" ....~ ....." 40 0 ~, ~::~~ 0 Vel,..""ov ~:UT t"7~- 0 Il' 0 -55 'CL INCLUDES PROBE AND STRAY WIRING CAPACITANCE -: --3.0V - -25 35 95 65 -.i------\---UN :....i 'EHL I- '25 Figure 6. Enable Propagation Delay vs. Temperature -.I 'ELH to- i------Y-= OUTPUT Vo T A- TEMPERATURE-·C Figure 7. Test Circuit for tEHL and tELH' Vee .Js.ov lU-I"10mA 11I,,"'OmA a,ov VOH .. VD\.""o.aV RL "SlOO: TA;W:ZWC /" "M, AN\) eM" 0 0 ~----~·~Il~-~.----i '< 200 PULSE GEN. r-"'\----5OV 400 600 800 .'CMH 1000 VCM- COMMON MODE TRANSIENT AMPLITUDE - V Vo f\- O.SV----J· Figure 8. 1\tplcal Common Mode Transient Immunity r-- VCM O V - - ' '-------' . SWITCH AT A: II" 0 5V~' Vo . - - - - - V o (min.) SWITCH AT B: I, -,OmA . --Volmax.) CMl Figure 9. Test Circuit for Common Mode Transient Immunity and 1\tplcal Waveforms 9-156 PART NUMBERING SYSTEM 'Commercial Rr~duct HCP,L-1930 MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TEST PROGRAM Glass B Product ·'····1 li,:l;lCPL-1931 ,,: Hewlett-Packard's 883B Optocouplers are in compliance with Mll-STD-883, Revision C. Deviations listed below are specifically allowed in DESC drawing 81028 for an H.P. Optocoupler from the same generic family using the same manufacturing process, design rules and elements of the same microcircuit group. 1 1 Vee +5.5V VOUT +2.6 V loon 1 ~2 15- -3 100n Testing consists of 100% screening to Method 5004 and quality conformance inspection to 'Method 5005 of MllSTD-883. Details of this test program may be found in the High Reliability section of the Optoelectronics Designer's Catalog. 10- " -" 13 5 12 200n HCPl-1931 Clarifications: 200n ~6 -7 +5.0 v + -8 VI~ +t- J- I. 100% screening per Mll-STD-883, Method 5004 constant acceleration - Condition A not E. 11 O.01.u F - 10- 9T A'" +125°C CONDITIONS: 11=30mA -=- 10= 10 rnA Vee'" 5.5 V Figure 10. Burn In Circuit Il. Quality Conformance Inspection per M I l-STD-883, Method 5005, Group A, B, C, and D. Group A - See table on next page for specific electrical tests. Group B - No change. Group C - Constant Acceleration - Condition A not E. Group D - Constant Acceleration - Condition A not E. GROUPA QUANTITY/ACCEPT NO. = 116/0 Subgroup 1 'Static tests at T A = 25° C - IOH, VOL, VI, leCH, ICCL' IEL, VEH, VEL, VR, 11-0 SUbgroup 2 'Static tests at T A = +12S'C Subgroup 3 'Static tests at TA = -55°C - 10H, VOL, V,. ICCH' ICCl' tEL, VEH, VEL, VR 10H' VOL, V" leCH, ICCl' IEL, VEH, VEL, VR Subgroup 4, 5, 6, 7, 8A & 88 - These subgroups are non-applicable to this device type. Subgroup 9 'Switching tests at T A = 25° C - tplH, tpHl, CMH and CMl Subgroup 10 Switching tests at TA = +125° C Mal(, Units tpLH 140 ns II = 13mAdc. RL = 510il, CL = 50pF tpHL 120 ns II Symbol Test Conditions = 13mAdc. Rl = S1011, CL = 50pF = 13mAdc, RL = 5100, C l = 50pF Subgroup 11 Switching tests at T A = -55'C Symbol Max. Units tpLH 140 ns Test Conditions II tpHL 120 ns I, 13mAdc, RL = 51 on, CL = 50pF 'Limits and conditions per Electrical Characteristics Table. 9-157 Application Circuits* ~~~~--~--~~-------o+5V );Hf-"'---+--~,---+--------o VOUT1 l.>!Il-'-'---+----II----+--------o VOUT2 TYPICAL INCREMENTAL DELAY TIMES'" R I. R lpHl I tpLH ¢:o~ C ~OPEN <1 I 1$0 I 300 42 21 121 31112112911 1'1 =33(l, C = OPEN 1'1=330, C =39OpF UNITS m <1 1150 I 3DO <1 I 150 I 3DO 37 28 146 nsec 43 I 47 I 171 0$00 26111146 31 1 31 1 71 PROPAGATION DELAY TIMES SHOWN EXCLUDE DRIVER AND LINE DELAYS. Figure AI Polarity Non-Reversing. ...-__:.;H;;:CP.:L;;;.1:,;:9;;:30;;;/3::;1:......--.'6 ~1~5__~__~~__~__________--o+5V 560n Your VOUT -= TYPICAL INCREMENTAL DELAY TIMES" II' ----wiTH WITHOUT SCHOTTKY DIODES SCHOTTKY 010 <1 <1 150 150 300 78 112 455 820 365 $4 52 410 130 305 410 54 52 490 395 SWITCH SWITCH UNITS A B m OPEN OPEN nsec OPEN CLOSED rtsec CLOSED CLOSED nooo PROPAGATION DELAY TIMES SHOWN EXCLUDE DRIVER AND LINE DELAYS USING 1/3 74LSQ4 INVERTERS AND 74LSOO QUAD NAND Figure A2 Polarity Reversing, Split Phase. NAND flip flop tolerates simultaneously HIGH inputs; NOR flip flop tolerates simultaneously LOW inputs; EXCLUSIVE- r I ~~~~~r-".. I I ~~ ~-.~~ OR flip flop tolerates simultaneously HIGH OR LOW inputs without causing either of the outputs to change. EXCLUSIVE-OR FLIP FLOP Figure A3 Flip Flop Configurations. *FOR A DESCRIPTION OF THESE CIRCUITS SEE HCPL-2602 DATA SHEET. **THE INCREMENTAL DELAY TIMES ARE THE TIME DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TIME AT WHICH THE OUTPUT VOLTAGE CROSSES THE 1.5-V LEVEL AND THE TIME AT WHICH THE VOLTAGE WAVEFORM CROSSES 50% ON A RESISTIVE TERMINATION OF THE TRANSMISSION LINE. 9-158 Flidl ,HERMETICALLY SEALED FOUR CHANNEL LOW INPUT CURRENT OPTOCOUPLER HEWLETT Ita!~ PACKARD Schematic *--: ; *I" 15 I :V;~ .--l-I I I I I" ~ DATE COD€=:J. Vee ,. I V" ? 13 I· 1F3 I 12 VOJ 1F4 I --j I V a; .....J...I I I ~ 11 NEW-MANUFACTURED AND TESTED ON A MIL-STD-1772 CERTIFIED LINE • PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER -55 0 C TO +125 0 C AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE • MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TESTING • HIGH DENSITY PACKAGING • NEW-INTERNAL SHIELD FOR HIGHER CMR • HERMETICALLY SEALED • LOW INPUT CURRENT REQUIREMENT: 0.5 rnA • HIGH CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO: 1500% TYPICAL • LOW OUTPUT SATURATION VOLTAGE: 0.1 V TYPICAL • LOW POWER CONSUMPTION • 1500 Vdc WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE • HIGH RADIATION IMMUNITY • HCPL-2730/2731 FUNCTION COMPATIBILITY Applications MILITARY/HIGH RELIABILITY SYSTEMS ISOLATED INPUT LINE RECEIVER SYSTEM TEST EQUIPMENT ISOLATION • DIGITAL LOGIC GROUND ISOLATION • EIA RS-232C LINE RECEIVER • MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM INTERFACE • CURRENT LOOP RECEIVER • LEVEL SHIFTING • PROCESS CONTROL INPUT/OUTPUT ISOLATION *JEDEC Registered Data I I-?. 2.0VI. .. 11. CM L is the maximum tolerable common mode transient to assure that the output will remain in a low logic. state (i.~; Va. < 0.8VI. 12. In applications where dV/dt may exceed 50,000 VllJs (such as a static discharge) a series reSistor, Ace, should .. be included to protect the detector IC's from destructively high surge currents. The recommended value is ACC'" 0.6 1:~mA) kU. 13,. This is a momentary withstand t!lsl, not an operating conditior:l., 9-160 10000 1000 .s<' ~ '00 ~ '0 "" ~ « '.0 1i: ~ O. ... I 0.0 12 § ~ g--- ~ L# ~ ~ a ,/ 1.20 1.30 TA, "'25"C f/ -'.o~- ,;, i-"'" ~ " 0 ~ :::; I.k"" It- ~ « ~ 0 IV Z I y E 1.40 .- /j;<,,~ I~ p.....,.~ " / --'"1 H' ,,,,, s~ 1/ ~o"" . - ...... !J v.:: ~ /' '~ Vee "6V 11 '0 ~ /. '~ 0.00 1.10 ~ TA "'" 25"C 1, o 'V o 1.50 0.8 NORMALIZED TO. 1o AT IF'" 0.5 rnA, Vo"'OAV IF ""O.5mA I 1.2 2.0 1.6 Vo - OUTPUT VOLTAGE - Figure 1. Input Diode Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. t '-I - ,\.Oltlf'- I 0.4 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE IV) .-I- ? -......,..- -- - I-'" i-"'" 2.0"'~ v IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT (rnA) Figure 3. Normalized Current Transfer Ratio vs. Input Diode Forward Current. Figure 2. Normalized DC Transfer Characteristics '00 , - - - - . , . - - - - - , - - - - - , 60 1\1:-,-- 50 I ... /"" -- ---------- _-_ ..... ................... --_ ........ --... -... ~ o z o 40 ~ 0 ~, 20 !> 0 ";;< '\ ,LL,UL.LL If" L6mA. RL "L5 kE If <+ZOrnA,RL "680H r'>. ...... ..... ;-.... tpHL tpUi /" -_ .....- . -.- tPHI tPt."H ... "Il>HL _r!!> flI';.; 0 20 T - INPUT PULSE PERIOD (ms) IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT (rnA) Figure 4. Normalized Supply Cl,lrrent vs. Input Diode Forward Current. eo -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 TA - TEMPERATURE (OC) Figure 5. Propagation Delay to Logic Low vs. Input Pulse Period. " ~ tPHL 100 120 Figure 6. Propagation Delay vs. Temperature ..--..,..-- ---~ vo-.,.- ~'1.5V tPHLj~ PULSE GEN. ---VOL "---1 ¥!---5V ===Vo ~: ;~,(l =~-'-"::. .,;v t"' 100Hz tp-=SO/.lt IF MONITO~ o 1.5V 10 12 IF - INPUT DIODE FORWARD CURRENT {mAl -- - VOL t pLH - - Figure 7. Propagation Delay vs. Input Diode Forward Current. Figure 8. Switching Test Circuit.' (f, tp not JEDEC registered) VOM 2.4- VF "'>-,,- Vo ----.. .;;.,;;;..;;o"'--------5V . R, 0;; VCC-VF-IFR2 IF SWITCH AT A: IF= OmA + ILEAK r------, I , , Vo -----------~VOL SWITCH AT B: IF'" 1.6mA I I R2 MAY BE OMITTED IF ____ I I ADDITIONAL FANOUT I I IS NOT USED. L _____ .J **See Note 12. Figure 9. Test Circuit for Transient Immunity and Typical Waveforms. *JEDEC Registered Data I 9-161 Figure 10. Recommended Drive Circuitry Using TTL LogiC. MiL-STD-883 CLASSB TEST PROGRAM Group C - Constant Acceleration - Condition A not E. Group D - Constant Acceleration - Condition A not E. Hewlett Packard's 883B Optocouplers are in compliance with MIL-STD-883, Revision C. Deviations li,sted below are specifically allowed in DESC drawing 83024 for an H.P. Optocoupler from the sarrie generic family using the same manufacturing. process, design rules and elements of the same microcircuit group. PART NUMBERING SYSTEM I Commercial Product I Class B Product 6N140A I 6N140Al883B I Testing consists of 100% screening to Method 5004 and quality conformance inspection to Method 5005 of MILSTD-883. Details of these test programs may be found in Hewlett-Packard's Optoelectronics Designer's Catalog. 200n 1 r- 2 P---- 6N,140A/883B Clarifications: I. 100% screening per MI L-STD-883, Method 5004 constant acceleration - condition A not E. II. Quality' Conformance Inspection per MIL-STD-883, Method 5005, GroupA,B,C and D. Group A.,.- See table below for specific electrical tests, Group B - No change GROUP A - ELECTRICAL TESTS Vcc+ 18V TYP. s V,N 2.3 V -= 3 4 ~6 +f ~1 8 CONDITIONS: 16 IS 14 13 12 8 " 10q 9'- Subgroup 2 'Static tests at TA = +1250 C -IOH, IOHX. !ceL, lOCH. CTR Min. VF BVR Max. Units 1.7 V IF=1.6mA V IR""10p.A 5 Test Conditions Subgroup 3 'Static tests at TA = -550 C - IOH. IOH)(, Icct... lecH. CTA Symbol Min. VF BVA Max. Units 1.8 V IF=1.6 mA V IR"" 10 pA 5 Test Conditions Subgroup 4, 5, 6, 7, SA and 8B These subgroups are not applicable to this device type. Subgroup 9 'Switching tests at TA ""2SQ C -If>J..Hl, tpHL1' tpt..H2, tpHt..2. CMH and CML Subgroup 10 Switching tests at TA = +l25°C F Max. Units tpLHl 60 p's IF"" 0.5 rnA, Rt.. = 4.7 kfl tpt..H2 30 pS IF = 5 mA, RL = 680 4:>Ht..l 100 pS IF = 0.5 mA, RL "" 4.7 kfl Vee = 5.Q V tpHt..2 10 pS IF=5 rnA, AL =6800 Vee = 5,Q V Symbol Test Conditions n Voc=5.0V Vcc = S.O V Subgroup 11 Switching tests at TA = -55°C SVmbol Max. - Units TYP. TA "+125 C Figure 11. Operating Circuit for Burn-In and Steady State Life Tests. Subgroup 1 'Static tests at TA = 25°C -IOH, IOH)(, ICCl> ICCH • CTR, VF. BVR and 11-0 Symbol Voc,+2AV 200n If =5·~A 10 = 10mA Vee = 1SV QUANTITY/ACCEPT NO. = 116/0 Test Conditions tpt..Hl 60 I'S IF "" 0.5 mA, RL = 4.7 lUI Vee=5.0V tpLH2 30 I'S IF" 5 rnA, RL =6800 Vcc tpHl:.l 100 I'S IF ... 0.5 mA, RL = 4.7 kO VeC= 5.0 V tPHt..2 10 p$ IF == 5 rnA, RL = 680 n Vcc = 5.0 V • Limit~ .a(ld COl)ditions per T .able II. 9-162 =5.0 V I J D ---~---.-"---~ ~.7iiJI HE;¥V LETT ~~ PA"€KARO QI;~C 15 SCHEMATIC ~ -------- ... FOUR CHANNEL ;.HERMETICALLV seA'EeD OPTOCOUPLER .•...... 20 ,VF~. ------ 8302401EC APPROVED OUTLINE DRAWING Vee (-. SUFFIX ,. LETTEA~ ~ V01 U. "8.131.3201 30 5 60 70 U,S,A. 8302401EC I" ;lb--.::r~~r-= ~ 13 VOl ~ 12 Vo, ~ 11 MAX _ PIN llD€NT1FIER 1F3 :F~ 1F4 sV; V04 10 DIMENSIONS IN MllLlMETERSAND fINCH€SL GND Features Applications o NEW-MANUFACTURED AND TESTED ON A MIL-STD-1772 CERTIFIED LINE o • • o • o o o o • o o o o o o o o o • • RECOGNIZED BY DESC· HERMETICALLY SEALED MIL-STD-883 CLASS B TESTING HIGH DENSITY PACKAGING NEW-INTERNAL SHIELD FOR HIGHER CMR PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OVER -55 0 C TO +125°C AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE 1500 V de WITHSTAND TEST VOLTAGE LOW INPUT CURRENT REQUIREMENT: 0.5 rnA HIGH CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO: 1500% TYPICAL LOW OUTPUT SATURATION VOLTAGE: 0.1 V TYPICAL LOW POWER CONSUMPTION HIGH RADIATION IMMUNITY MILITARY/HIGH RELIABILITY SYSTEMS ISOLATED INPUT LINE RECEIVER SYSTEM TEST EQUIPMENT ISOLATION DIGITAL LOGIC GROUND ISOLATION EIA RS-232C LINE RECEIVER MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM INTERFACE CURRENT LOOP RECEIVER LEVEL SHIFTING PROCESS CONTROL INPUT/OUTPUT ISOLATION Description The 8302401 EC is the DESC selected item drawing assigned by DOD forthe 6N140A optocoupler which is in accordance with MIL-STD-883 class B testing. Operating characteristic curves for this part can be seen in the 6N140A data sheet This hybrid microcircuit is capable of operation over the full military temperature range from -55 0 C to +125 0 C. The 8302401 EC contains four GaAsP light emitting diodes, each of which is optically coupled to a corresponding integrated high gain photon detector. The high gain output stage features an open collector output providing both lower output saturation voltage and higher speed operation than possible with conventional photo-darlington type optocouplers. Also, the separate Vee pin can be strobed low as an output disable or operated with supply voltages as low as 2.0V without adversely affecting the parametric performance. (Continued on next page) • Defense Electronic Supply Center IDESC) is an agency of the Department of Defense IDOD). 9-163 Absolute Maximum Ratings The high current transfer ratio at very low input currents permits circuit designs in which adequate margin can be .allowed for the effects of CTR degradation over time. Storage Temperature Range ....... :.. -65° C to +150° C Operating Temperature .........•.... -55° C to +125° C Lead Solder Temperature ......•....•.. 260°C for 10 s. (1.6mm below seati ng plane) Output Current,l o (each channell ....•.......... 40 mA Output Voltage, Va (each channell .' . . . . .. -0.5 to 20 Vl11 Supply Voltage, Vee ,................... -0.5 to 20 Vl11 Output Power Dissipation (each channell ...... 50 mWl21 Peak Input Current (each channel, ~ 1 ms duration) .............................. 20 mA Average Input Current, IF (each channell ....... 10 mAI 3 1 Reverse Input Voltage, V R (each channell ............ 5V rhe 8302401 EC has a 300% minimum CTR at an input current of only 0.5mA making it ideal for use in low input current applications such as MOS, CMOS and low power logic in'terfacing or RS-232C data transmission systems. Compatibility with high voltage CMOS logic systems is assured by the 18V Vee and by the guaranteed maximum output leakage (JOH) at 18V. The shallow depth of the IC photodiode provides better radiation immunity than conventional phototransistor couplers. The test program' performed on the 8302401 EC IS In compliance with DESC drawing 83024 and the provisions of method 5008, Class B of MIL-STD-883. Recommended operating Conditions Mal(. Units 2 p.A 0.5 5 mA 2.0 18 V Symbol Min. Input Current, Low Level (Each Channel) IFL Input Current. High Level (Each Channell IFH Supply Voltage Vee 100% Screening MIL-STD-883, METHOD 5004 (CLASS B DEVICES) Test Screen Method Conditions 1. Precap Infernal Visual 2017 2. High Temperature Storage 1008 Condition C, TA '" 150· C, Time;: 24 hours minimum 3. Temperature Cycling 1010 Condition C, -65"C to +150·C, 10 cycles 4. Constant Acceleration 2001 Condition A, 5KG's, Y1 and Y2 axis only 5. Fine Leak 1014 Condition A 6. Gross Leak 1014 Condition C 7. Interim Electrical Test 8. Burn-In 9. Final Electrical Test 1015 - Electrical Test 10, External Visual 2009 9-164 Optional Condition S, Time = 160 hours minimum TA"'+125·C, Vee = 18V, IF= 5 mA, 10" 10 mA (Figure 1) Group A, Subgroup 1, 5% PDA applies Group A, Subgroup 2, 3, 9 Quality Conformance Inspection GROUP A ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS QUANTITY/ACCEPT NO. = 116/0 Parameter Symbol GYOupA Subgroups Test Conditions Uffil\s Min. Max. Ip=O.SmA, \(q¥0:1)(, Vcc",4.5Vc Ai. 1,2, 3 300 I F:;'i.6mA, \!8bo:4V;Ycc=4ISV 1,2.3 300 IF=SmA, Vo=O.4V, Vcc=4;$V 1,2,3 200 IF=0.5rl1A 10l=1 ,SmA,Vcc=4.5V 1,2,3 0.4 Val 'T~b5mA, lOl=10mA,.Vcc=4.5V 1,2,3 lOH Ip=2/1A 10HX logic Low Supply Current logic High Supply Current Current logic low Output Voltage logic High Output Current Input Forward Voltage ·• •·• •· .·c.•.•.•.•. Unit O/,~ Note ,0 4,5 0/0 4,"S: 0/0 4,5 V 4 0.4 V 4 1,2,3 250 /1A 4 Vo=Vcc=18V 1,2,3 250 /1A 4,6 ICCl IF1=IF2=I FTIF4=1.6mA Vcc=lBV 1,2,3 4 mA ICCH IF1'=IFFI F3=IF4=OmA Vcc=lBV 1,2,3 40 /1 A 1\'2 1.7 V 4 3 1.8 V 4 V 4 hF IcTAl VF Ip=L6mA Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage BVR IR=10/1A Input-Output Insulation Leakage Current 11-0 45% Relative Humidity, T=25°C, 1=5s., VI . o=1S00 Vdc 1 1.0 /1A 7, 12 Capacitance Between Input-Output C'_O f=lMHz, Tc=25°C 4 4 pF 4,8 9,10,11 60 /15 Propagation Delay Time To logic High At Output tpLH 9 20 /15 1,2,3 I p=O.SmA,RL=4.7kfl, Vcc=5.0V I F=5mA, RL=680n, Vcc""5.0V IF=0.5mA,RL=4.7kn, Vcc=5.0V Propagation Delay Time To logic Low At Output Common Mode Transient Immunity At Logic High Level Output Common Mode Transient Immunity At Logic Low Level Output tPHL 1p=5mA, RL=680n, Vcc=5.0V 5 10, 11 30 /15 g, 10, 11 100 ps 9 5 ps 10,11 10 "'s ICMHI 'p=0, RL=1.5k!l jVc MI=25Vp_p , Vcc=S.OV 9,10,11 500 Vips ICMLI 1p=1.6mA, RL=l.5kfl jVcMI=25Vp_p, Vcc=5.0V 9,10,11 SOO Vips 10, 11 NOTES: 1. Pin 10 should be the most negative VOltage at the detector side. Keeping Vcc as low as possible, but greater than 2.0 volts, will provide lowest totalloH over temperature. 2. Output power is collector output power plus one fourth of total supply power. Derate at 1.66mWfO C above 110' C. 3. Derate IF at 0.33mAl'C above 110'C. 4. Each channel 5. CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO is defined as the ratio of output collector current, 10 , to the forward LED input current, IF, times 100%. 6. 10HX is the leakage current resulting from channel to channel optical crosstalk. IF = 2MA for channel under test. For all other channels, IF = 10mA. 7. Device considered a two-terminal device: Pins 1 through 8 are shorted together and pins 9 through 16 are shorted together. 9-165 9.11 8. Measured between the LED anode and cathode shorted together and pins 10 through 15 shorted together. 9. CM H is the maximum tolerable common mode transient to assure that the output will remain in a high logic state Ii.e. Va> 2.0V). 10. CM L is the maximum tolerable common mode transient to assure that the output will remain in a low logic state Ii.e. Vo < 0.8VI. 11. In applications where dVldt may exceed 50,000 V/MS Isuch as a static discharge) a series resistor, Rce , should be included to protect the detector IC's from destructively high surge currents. The recommended value is Rec = 1V 0.6 IF ImA) kfl. 12. This is a momentary withstand test, not an operating condition. GROUP B TESTING MIL~STD-883, METHOD 5005 (CLASS B DEVICES) Method Teat Subgroup 1 Physical Dimensions (Not required if Group 0 is to be performed) SUbgroup 2 Resistance to Solvents Subgroup 3 Solderablfity il.TPD applles to number of lead$ Inspected - no fewer than 3 devices shall be used), Subgroup 4 Internal Visual and Mechanical SubgroupS Bond Strength Thermocompresslon: (Performed at precap, prior to $9al LTPO applies to number of bond). Subgroup 6 Internal Water Vapor Content (Not applicable - does not contain desiccant) 2016 2 Devioes (no failures) 2015 4 Devices (no faUures) Soldering Temperature of 245 ± 5· C for 10 $9conds 2003 2014 (3 10 Devices) 1 Device (no failures) Test Condition 0 2011 15 - - Subgroup 7* Electrical Test Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity LTPD Conditions Group A, and Delta Limits In Accordance with Method 3016 3015 Group A, and Delta Limits in Accordance with Method 3015 Electrical Test "(To be performed at IniUal qualification only) 3(0) with repeat for cumulative effects 15(0} GROUP C TESTING MIL-STD-883, METHOD 5005 (CLASS B DEVICES) Test Subgroup 1 Steady State Life Test Method Condition S, Time .. 1000 hours total TA ,.. +125"C. Vee = 18 V. IF'" 5 mA, 10"" 10 mA (Figure 1) 1005 LTPD 5 Group A, Subgroup 1, 2, 3 Endpoint Electrlcals at 1000 hours Subgroup 2 . Temperature Cycling Conditions Condition C, -65 0 C to +150· C, 10 cycles 1010 Constant Acceleration 2001 Condition A, SKG's, V1 and V2 axis only Fine Leak 1014 ConditlonA Gross Leak 1014 Condition C Visual Examination 1010 Per Visual Criteria of Method 1010 Group A. Subgroup 1, 2.3 Endpoint Electricals 9-166 15 GROUP D TESTING MIL-STD-883, METHOD 5005 (CLASS B DEVICES) Mlithod Test ~onditlons LTPD Subgroup 1 2016 Physical Dimensions 15 Subgroup 2 2004 Test Condition B2 !lead faJigue} 15 Thermal Shock 1011 15 Temperature Cycling 1010 Condition B, (-55°C to +125° C) 15 cycles min. Condition C, (-659C to +150·C) 100 cycles min. Moisture Resistance Fine Leak Gross Leak Visual Examination Endpoint Electricals 1004 1014 1014 Lead Integrity Subgroup 3 11 it ~ Condition A Con71ition C PerVistTa''briteria of Method 1004,1010 Group A, Subgroup 1, 2, 3 Subgroup 4 Condition B, 1~t&OG. t = 0.5 ms, 5 blows eac ) orientation Condition A Condition A,5KG's'Y1 and Y2 axis only Condition A Condition C Per Visual Criteria of Method 1010 Group A. Subgroup 1, 2, 3 15 1009 1014 1014 1009 Condition Condition Condition Per Visual 15 1018 5,000 ppm Maximum Water content at 100· C Mechanical Shock 2002 Vibration Variable Frequency Constant Acceleration Fine Leak Gross Leak Visual Examination Endpoint Electricals 2007 2001 1014 1014 1010 in SubgroupS Salt Atmosphere Fine Leak Gross Leak Visual Examination A min. A C Criteria of Method 1009 SUbgroupS Internal Water Vapor Content 3 Devices (0 failures) 5 Devices <1 failurel Subgroup 7 Adhesion of Lead Finish 2025 15 2024 5 Devices (0 failures) SubgroupS Lid Torque (not applicable-solder seal) 200n TYP. -= V,N 2.3 V +f 1 -2 0--- 3 4 0--0--- 5 6 7 8 ;J+18V 16200n 16 TYP. 14 13 12 11 10=-1. 9- Voe +2.4V TA "+125°C Figure 1. Operating Circuit for Burn-In and Steady State-Life Tests. 9-167 --- -- - -_._----------- -- Applications • • Application Bulletins, Notes, Handbooks, and Manual Listing . Abstracts Applications Because technology is growing and changing so rapidly, HP's commitment to customers includes an extensive applications department. In an effort to anticipate design needs and answer design questions, this team of engineers has published a complete library of applications literature. This literature is available, free of charge, through HP sales and service offices, authorized distributors, and direct from the factory. Also available for $12 each are application handbooks which contain complete application notes bound together with additional product information, allowing you to keep the design information you need from year-to-year. These handbooks are available through your local authorized distributor. A listing of these distributors can be found in the appendix. This section contains a listing of all available application bulletins, application notes, technical briefs, and designer guides. 10-2 ~~~~~---~~----- -~~- --------- _ .. - - - - - - - - - _.. - . _ - - _ . Applications . ··Listing MOTION SENSING AND CONTROL Model Pub. No. (Date) AN-951-1 5953-7794 (10/82) AN~951-2 Description AN-1011 5953-9393 (12/83) Design and Operational Considerations for the HEDS-5000 Incremental Shaft Encoder . AN~1025 . 5954-0920 (9/85) Applications and Circuit Design for the HEDS-7500 series Digital Potentiometer . AN-1032 5954-0932' (4/86) Design of the HCTL-1000's Digital Filter Parameters by the Combination Method AB-59 5953-9365 (7/83) AB-61 5953-9361 (8/83) Linear Applications of Optocouplers 5963-7730 (4/82) BAR CODE COMPONENTS Model Pub. No. (Date) Applications for Low Input Current, High Gain Optocouplers Description HP 16800A/16801A Bar Code Reader Configuration Guide for a DEC VT-100 or Lear Siegler ADM-31 to a DEC PDP-11 Computer AN-1002 5953-7799(10/82) Consideration of CTR Variations in Optically Coupled Isolator Circuit Designs AN"1004 5953-0406 (11/79) Threshold Sensing for Industrial Control Systems with the HCPL-3700 Interface Optocoupler .. AN-1018 5953-9359 (8/83) Designing with HCPL-4100 and HCPL-4200 20·mA Optocouplers AN-1023 5954-1003 (3/85) Radiation'lmmunity of HP Optocouplers AN-1024 5954-1006 (3/85) Ring Detection_with the HCPL-3700 Optocoupler FIBER OPTICS HP 16800A/16801A Bar Code Reader Configuration Guide for an IBM 3276/3278 Terminal Model Pub. No. (Date) Description AB-65 5953-9370 (9/83) Using 50/125 I'm Optic;al Fiber.with Hewlett-Packard Components AB-71 5954-1021 (12/85) Using 200 I'm PCS Optical' Fiber with HP Components AB-73 5954-8415 (6/87) LOW-Cost Fiber Optic Transmitter and Receiver Interface Circuits AN-915 5953-0431 (4/80) Threshold Detection of Visible and Infrared Radiation-with PIN Photodiodes AN-1022 '5954-0979 (1/85) High Speed Fiber Optic Link Design with Discrete Components TB-101 5954-1004 (4/85) Fiber Optic SMA Connector Technology AB-62 5953-9362 (8/83) HP 16800A/16801A Bar Code Reader Configuration Guide for an IBM 4955F Series 1 Process Control CPU/Protocol Converter and an IBM 3101 Terminal AB-63 5953-9363 (8/83) HP 16800A/16801A Bar Code Reader Configuration Guide for an IBM 5101 Personal Computer AB-68 5953-9382 (11/83) HP 16800Al16801A Bar Code Reader Configuration Guide for a MICOM Micr0280 Message Concentrator AB-75 5954-2170 (12/86) ESD Control in Portable Bar Code Readers AB-77 5954-2176 (9/87) Interfacing the HP SmartWand TB-102 5954-1011(5/85) Fiber/Cable Selection for LED Based LoCal Communications Systems AB-1008 5953-0460 (1 /81 ) Optical Sensing with the HEDS-1000 TB-104 5954-1025 (12/85) Baseband Video Transmission with Low CosfFiber Optic Components AN-1013 5953-9387 (11/83) Elements of a Bar Code System ,TB-1Q5 5954-8436 (6/87) STConnector/Cable Guide LIGHT BARS·,ANDBAR GRAPH ARRAYS OPTOCOUPLERS Model Pub. No. (Date) Model Pub. No. (Date) Description TB-103 5954-1017 (7/85) High Speed Optocouplers vs. Pulse Transformer AB-60 5953-9347(4/83) Applications Circuits for HCPL-3700 and HCPL-2601 Description AN-1007 5953-0452 ('1/81) Bar Graph Array Applications. AN-1012 5953-0478 (2/81) Methods of Legend Fabrication SOLID STATE LAMPS AB-69 5953-9384 (10/83) CMOS Circuit Design using HewlettPackard Optocouplers AN-939 5953-9368 (10/73) High Speed Optocouplers Model Pub. No. (Date) AN-947 5953-7759 (6/82) Digital Data Transmission Using Optically Coupled Isolators AB-1 5952-8378 (1/75) AN-948 5953-7716 (12/81) Performance of the 6N135, 6N136 and 6N137 Optocouplers in Short to Moderate Length Digital Data Transmission Systems Construction and Performance of High Efficiency Red, Yellow and Green LED Materials AB-74 5954-8402 (11/86) Auto-I nsertion of Option 002 Tape and Reel LED Lamps 10-.3 Description INK-JET COMPONENTS SOLID STATE LAMPS (Cont.) Model Pub. No. (Date) AN-945 5952-0420 (10/73) AN-l005 5953-0419 (3/80) AN-l017 5953-7784 (10/82) AN-l019 5954-0921 (1/86) AN-l021 5953-0861 (5/84) AN-l027 Model Pub. No. (Date) Description Designer's Guide 5954-8535 (11/86) Photometry of Red LEOs Operational Considerations for LED Lamps and Display Devices Model Pub. No. (Date) Using the HLMP-47001-1700/~7000 Series Low Current Lamp Utilizing LED Lamps Packaged on Tape and Reel Soldering LED Components Surface Mount Subminiature LED Lamps 5954-0902 (9/85) SOLID STATE DISPLAYS Model Pub. No. (Date) AB-4 5952-8381 (4/75) AB-64 5953-9366 (9/83) Description Detection and Indication of Segment Failures in 7-Segment LED Displays Mechanical and Optical Considerations for the 0.3" Microbright Seven-Segment Display AB-76 5954-8427 (5/87) Use of LED Lamps and Displays in Night Vision Goggle Secure Lighting Applications AN-934 5952-0337 (11/72) 5082-7300 Series Solid State Display Installation Techniques AN-l006 Seven Segment LED Display Applications 5953-0439 (7/80) AN-l015 5953-7788 (11/82) AN-l016 5953-7787 (3/84) AN-l026 5954-0886 (6/85) AN-l029 5954-0923 (2/86) Contrast Enhancement Techniques for ' LED Displays Using the HDSP-2000 Alphanumeric Display Family Designing with HP's Smart Display - the HPDL-2416 Luminous Contrast and Sunlight Readability of the HDSP-238X Series LED Alphanumeric Displays for Military Applications AN-l031 5954-0933 (3/86) Achieving Uniform Front Panel Appearance using Hewlett-Packard's S02 Option LED Devices AN-l033 5954-8424 (3/87) Designing with the HDSP-211 X Smart Display Family Thermal Ink-Jet Print Cartridge Designer's Guide APPLICATIONS HANDBOOKS LED Solid State Reliability 5954,0893 (7/85) AN-l028 Description 10-4 Description HPBK-4000 (1986) 5954-8416 LED Indicators and Displays Applications Handbook $12 HPBK-5000. (1986) 5954-8417 Optocouplers and Fiber Optics Applications Handbook $12 Abstracts and an IBM Series 1 Process Control CPU/Protocol Converter. In this configuration the IBM Series 1 is connected to an IBM mainframe computer. APPLICATION BULLETIN 1 Construction and Performance of High Efficiency Red, Yellow and Green LED Materials The high luminous efficiency of Hewlett-Packard's High Efficiency Red, Yellow and Green lamps and displays is made possible by a new kind of light emitting material utilizing a GaP transparent substrate. This application bulletin discusses the construction and performance of this material as compared to standard red GaAsP and red GaP materials. ' This application bulletin provides information to aid in configuring the HP 16800A/16801 A bar code reader with an IBM 5101 Personal Computer. APPLICATION BULLETIN 4 Detection and Indication of Segment Failures in Seven Segment LED Displays APPLICATION BULLETIN 64 Mechanical and Optical Considerations for the 0.3" Microbright Seven-Segment Display The occurrence of a segment failure in certain applications of seven segment displays can have serious consequences if a resultant erroneous message is read by the viewer. This application bulletin discusses three techniques for detecting open segment lines and presenting this information to the viewer. The need to conserve space in electronic instruments has increased drastically in the drive to design more compact, more portable equipment. Hewlett-Packard has facilitated the saving of space in the design of front panels with the introduction of the Microbright, HewlettPackard's new HDSP-7300/-7400/-7500/-7800 series compact 0.3" seven segment displays. Smaller than the conventional 0.3" device, the Microbright requires less space without sacrificing display height and is also Hewlett-Packard's most sunlight viewable seven segment display. APPLICATION BULLETIN 63 HP 16800A/16801A Bar Code Reader Configuration Guide for an IBM 5101 Personal Computer APPLICATION BULLETIN 59 HP16800A/16801A Bar Code Reader Configuration Guide for a DEC VT-100 or Lear Siegler ADM-31 to a DEC PDP-11 Computer This application bulletin provides informatiOn to aid in configuring the HP 16800A/16801A bar code reader with a.DEC-PDP-11 computer, and either a DEC-VT-100 terminal or a LEAR SIEGLER ADM-31 terminal. This application bulletin deals with several issues in the use of the Microbright. Optical filtering is covered, with recommendations on filters to use over the devices. Adjusting the package height and recommended sockets are also presented, followed by a discussion on the brightness of the display. APPLICATION BULLETIN 60 Applications Circuits for HCPL-3700 and HCPL-2601 APPLICATION BULLETIN 65 Using 501125 I'm Optical Fiber with Hewlett-Packard Components Simple circuit illustrations are given for use of the HCPL"3700 threshold detection optocoupler for ac or dc sensing requirements. Programmable threshold levels are given for the HCPL-3700. .' Also, a basic LSTTL to LSTTL isolation interface circuit for 10 MBd operation is given which uses the high common mode transient immunity HCPL-2601 optocoupler. Applications Bulletin 65 explains factors that influence the power coupled into various fiber diameters and numerical apertures. Test results showing coupled power from HP LED sources into 100/140 J.I metre and 50/125 I' metre fiber are included. APPLICATION BULLETIN 61 HP 16800Al16801A Bar Code Reader Configuration Guide for an IBM 3276/3278 Terminal APPLICATION BULLETIN 68 HP 16800A/16801A Bar Code Reader Configuration Guide for a MICOM Micr0280 message concentrator This application bulletin provides information to aid in configuring the HP 16800A/16801A bar code reader with an IBM 3276/3278 terminal to an IBM3272/3274 Remote Communications Controller. In this configuration the IBM 3272/3274 is connected to an IBM mainframe computer. In some applications, multiple bar code readers may be • required to input data to a logging terminal or a central" processing unit. However, connecting each unit to a CPU may utilize more input(output ports than desired. A port concentrator will allow several devices to be connected using only one port to the CPU. This application bulletin provides information to aid in configuring the HP 16800A/16801A bar code reader with a MICOM Micro280 Message Concentrator. APPLICATION BULLETIN 62 HP 16800A/16801A Bar Code Reader Configuration Guide for an IBM 4955F Series 1 Process Control CPU! Protocol Converter and an IBM 3101 Terminal This application bulletin provides information to aid in configuring the HP 16800A/16801A bar code reader in an eavesdrop configuration with an IBM 3101 terminal 10-5 Abstracts (cont.) APPLICATION BULLETIN 69 CMOS Circuit Design Using Hewlett-Packard Optocouplers . ' '. , Within this appiicatio~ q~lI~tiri are CMOS isolatio~" , interface circuits use with ihe various, low input' current, Hewlett-Packard optocouplers,specificillly, the HCPL-2200/2300/2731 and 6.N1~9 devices. Advantages, of and recommen.dations fOT different, input and output., circl!il configurations are given in tabular formfor low, pO\l\ler,op,eration at v~rious sig'nalling 'rates. , : . ior APPLICATION BULLETIN 7'1' 200-lLm PCS Fiber with Hewlett-Pac,kar,d Fiber, Optic., ..' Transmitters and Receivers " " " , ' A description of the properties of ,200-lLm PCS,fiberis given and the performance when used with HewlettPackard fiber optic components ii:i,'described in ihe form of graphs and tables, APPLICATION BULLETIN 73 ' Low-cost Fiber Optic Transmitter and Receiver Interface' Circuits ' Thisbulletin provide's assistance in designing circ\,lits to interface Hewlett-Packard HFSR-0400 low~cost ' , miniature fiber optic components with TTL I/O for applications at data rates up to 35 Msb. The tTL t xlRx circuits presented in this applications bulletin have been' designed, built, and tested. They are suitable forawide range of applications.' The HFSR-0400 fiber optic, components are compatible with'either SMA or ST style connectors; The concepts illustrated in this bulletin are' .' applicable to both types. '; APPLICATION BULLETIN 74 Option 002 Tape and Reel LED Lamps ,'. Hewlett-Packard Option 002 tape and reel LED. lamps , have straight leads on standard 2.54 mm (0.100'inch) center spacing, These lamps maybeauto-inserted into printed circuit boards'With most radial autocinsertion equipment. However, it is important to have the 'proper plated through hole siie and spacing ih the printed ' circuit to assure high insertion yields.' . issued a Secure Lighting Statement of Work, SOW, which details the lighting modification, guideli.ne~ t!lat. may be incorporated to make variouslightsources NVG . secure. The objective of tile'Secure Lighting' Program " (paraphrased) is "to render all' combat nomen'clatured . items designated for use at Corps levelandbeiow'less' detectable tothrest image intensifier night observation' ' as far as is practicaL" , . This' applicati6n bulletin di'scusses theparticulafs of the u.s: Army NVG Secure Lighting sow. 'Hlgh 7 ' perforrTuince green and yellow LED/NVG filter . . combinations that satisfy secure lighting requirements are discussed. Predicted performance values are ,. presented ,in tabular for~at. . APPLICATION BULLETIN 71 Interfacing t~e Hewlett-P~ckard SmartWand This application bulietin.prOliides circyits to allow the' user to interface the Hp, SmartWarid to true RS232 ' conn.~cti6ns:. '. " APPLICATION NOTE 915 Threshold Detection of Visible and ,Infrared Radiation with PIN,Photodiod!'S' . , PIN photcidiodes are:compared with multiplier phototubes in an 11-point summary of their relative' merits. This .is followed bya ,description, pf PIN photcidiode device structur(3, ,.-:node of operation, and, analysis of the diode's equivalent circuit. Four pre-amplifier circuits are presented, Two of these ,. describe use of operational amplifiers - one for linear response, the other for logarithmic response. The other: two circuits are·design'edfo(substantially higher: speeds of response, using discrete components to '" obtain v.!ide band'width as w!3lf as'hi9h sensitivity. APPLICATION NOTE 93~ .". 5082-7300 Series Solid State Display Installation Techniques . ' . ', , This application bulletin details the specific,i,nformatiqn .. on the printed board .plated through hQle size, spaci'ng and tolerances necessary to assure,high insertion ,yields of Option 002 LED lamps with 0:46 mm (0.018 inch) . square leads. ' The 4N5X, HDSP-07XX/08XX/09XX, and5082-73XX series Numeric/Hexadecimal' i'ndicators are a'n excellent' solution to most standard display problems in : commercial, industrial and military applications. The : unit integrates the display c,haracter and associated drive electronics in a~ingle package. Ttii's advantage allows for space, pin and labor cost reductions, at the same time improving oVerall reliability, APPLICATION BULLETIN 75 ESC Control in Portable Bar Code Readers The information presented. in this note describe!! , general Il')ethodsof incorporating this series, intciitaried , applications. . ' This application bulletin provides information to heip' the designer of portable bar,code decoders to harden .. " their system to ESD. (Elect~ostaticdischarge). ' .', APPLICATION NOTE 945 Photometry of Red LEOs .. APPLICATION BULLETIN 76 Use of LED Lamps and Displays in Night Vision Goggle Secure Lighting Applications NVG secure lighting is concerned with the detectability of a light source on the ground by GEN II night vision goggles at some distance. The U.S. Army CECOM has !: . ', . '. : "." .i , • .. \, ~ •• Nearly ail, LEOs .areused either. as discreteil')dicator lamps or,as,eiemElnts of a segmented or dot-m,atrix display. As such, they are viewed directly by human .... viewers, sothe primary criteria for determining thElir performance is the jocigmeritof a viewer. Equipme'nt fo~ meas~ring LED lightoutput shouid, therefore, simulate human vision. . , . , , / Abstracts (cont.) . ~-- This application note will provide answers to these questions: 1. What to measure (definitions of terms) 2. How to measure it (apparatus arrangement) 3. Whose equipment to use (criteria for selection) -- ... ..-- - ...---------- - .... .... ~-- ........ _00'-' - ""', ... APPLICATj.ON·NOTE 1002 \ Consideration of CTR Variations in Optocoupler Circuit Designs 1 A lersistent, and sometimes crucial, concern of ,/ dfsigners using optocouplers is that of the curr~r\t transfer ratio, CTR, changing with time. The change, or ~TR degradation, must be accounted for if 100ig, functional lifetime of a system is to be guaranteed. This ap'plication note will discuss a numbe!.•o{clifferent soiJrces for this degradation. .~./" APPLICATION NOTE 947 Digital Data Transmission Using Optically Coupled Isolators Optocouplers make ideal line receivers for digital data transmission applications. They are especially useful for elimination of common mode interference between two isolated data transmission systems. This application note describes design considerations and circuit techniques with special emphasis on selection of line drivers, transmission lines, and line receiver termination for optimum data rate and common mode rejection. Both resistive and active terminations are described in detail. Specific techniques are described for multiplexing applications, and for common mode rejection and data rate enhancement. APP~ON-NGT-E"10!i4'" .........' Threshold Sensing for Industrial Control Systems with the HCPL-3700 Interface Optocoupler Interfacing from industrial control systems to logic systems is a necessary operation in order to monitor system progress. This interfacing is found in wocess control systems, programmable controllers, microprocessor subsystems which monitor limit and proximity switches, environmental sensors and ac line status; in switching power supplies for detection of ac power loss; in power back up systems which need an early warning of power loss in order to save special microprocessor memory information or switch to battery operation, etc. Applications of· the HCPL-3700 interface optocoupler are addressed in this' note. The isolation and threshold detection capability of the HCPL-3700 allows it to provide unique features which no other optocoupler can provide. Addressed in this note are the advantages of using this optocoupler for isolating systems as well as the device characteristics, dc/ac operational performance with and without filtering, simple calculations for setting desired thresholds, and four typical application examples for the HCPL-3700. Additional coverage is given to protection considerations for the optocoupler from the standpoint of power transients; thermal conditions, and electrical safety requirements of the industrial control environment. APPLICATION NOTE 948 Performance of the 6N135/6/7 Series of Optocouplers in Short to Moderate Length Digital Data Transmission Systems Describes use of HP 6N135/6/7 optocouplers as line receivers in a TTL-TTL compatible NRZ (nonreh,J.rn-tozero) data transmission link. It describes several useful total systems including line driver, cable, terminations, and TTL compatible connections. APPLICATION NOTE 951-1 Applications for Low Input Current, High Gain Optocouplers Optocouplers are useful in line receivers, logic isolation, power lines, medical equipment, and telephone lines. This note discusses use of the 6N138/9 series high CTR ?ptocouplers in each of these areas. APPLICATION NOTE 1005 Operational Considerations for LED Lamps and Display Devices APPLICATION NOTE 951-2 Linear Applications of Optocouplers Although optocouplers are not inherently linear, the separate photodiodes used in Hewlett-Packard optocouplers provide better linearity as well as higher speed of response than phototransistor detectors. Linearity enhancement by use of paired optocouplers is described with specific circuit examples offering DC-to25 KHz response. These examples illustrate the relative merits of differential and servo techniques. In the deSign of a display system, which incorporates LED lamps and display devices, the objective is to achieve an optimum between light output, power dissipation, reliability, and operating life. The performance characteristics and capabilities of each LED device must be known and understood so that an optimum design can be achieved. The primary source for this information is the LED device data sheet. The data sheet typically contains Electrical/Optical Characteristics that list the performance of the device. and Absolute Maximum Ratings in conjunction with characteristic curves and other data which describe the capabilities of the device. A thorough understanding of this information and its intended use provides the basis for achieving an optimum design. This application note presents an in-depth discussion of the theory and use of the electrical and optical information contained A circuit with IinearAC response to 10 MHz is also described for analog optocouplers having the photodiode terminals externally accessible. Digital techniques of voltage-to-frequency conversion and pulse width modulation are discussed. Their linearity is quite independent of optocoupler linearity but require use of high speed optocouplers for low distortion. 10-7 Abstracts (cont.) depth of field; and reflective sensor design. It also discusses the optical and electrical operation of the HBCS-1100 High Resolution optical sensor. Finally, it presents electrical design techniques which allow the HBCS-1100 to interface with popular logic families. within a data sheet. Two designs using this information in the form of numerical examples are presented, one for dc operation and one for pulsed (strobed) operation. APPLICATION NOTE 1006 Seven Segment LED Display Applications APPLICATION NOTE 1011 Design and Operational Considerations for theHEDS5000 Incremental Shaft Encoder This application note begins with a detailed explanation of the two basic product lines that Hewlett-Packard offers in the seven segment display market. This discussion includes mechanical construction techniques, character heights, and typical areas of application. The two major display drive techniques, dc and strobed, are covered. The resultant tradeoffs of cost, power, and ease of use are discussed. This is followed by several typical instrument applications including counters, digital voltmeters, and microprocessor interface applications. Several different microprocessor based .drive techniques are presented incorporating both the monolithic and the large seven segment LED displays. This application note is directed toward the system designer using the HEDS-5000 and HEDS-6000 modular incremental shaft encoders. First the note briefly analyzes the theory of design and operation of the HEDS-5000 and HEDS-6000. Apractical approach to design considerations and an error analysis provide an indepth treatment of the relationship between motor mechanical parameters and encoding error accumulation. Several design examples demonstrate the analysis techniques presented. Operation considerations for assembly, test, trouble shooting and repair are presented. Finally some circuits and software concepts are introduced which will be useful in interfacing the shaft encoder to a digital or microprocessor based system. Appendix A summarizes the uses and advantages of various encoder technologies while Appendix B provides guidance for selecting DC motors suitable for use with the HEDS5000 and HEDS-6000. The application note contains a discussion of intensity and color considerations made necessary if the devices are to be end stacked. Hewlett-Packard has made several advances in the area of sunlight viewability of LED displays. The basic theory is discussed and recommendations made for achieving viewability in direct sunlight. Information concerning display mounting, soldering, and cleaning is presented. Finally, an extensive set of tables has been compiled to aid the designer in choosing the correct hardware to match a particular application. These tables include seven segment decoder/drivers, digit drivers, LSI chips designed for use with LEOs, printed circuit board edge connectors, and filtering materials. APPLICATION NOTE 1012 Methods of Legend Fabrication Hewlett-Packard LED Light Bar Modules inscribed with fixed messages or symbols can be used as economical annunciators. Annunciators are often used in front panels to convey the status of a system, to indicate a selected mode of operation or to indicate the next step in a sequence. This application note discusses alternative ways the message or symbols (legends) can be designed. A selection matrix is provided to assist in the selection of the most appropriate method of legend fabrication. Each fabrication method is explained in detail along with mounting and attachment techniques. Finally, prevention of cross-talk is discussed for legend areas of a multi-segmented light bar. APPLICATION NOTE 1007 Bar Graph Array Applications This application note begins with a description of the manufacturing process used to construct the 10 element array. Next is a discussion of the package design and basic electrical configuration and how they affect designing with the bar graph array. Mechanical information including pin spacing and wave soldering recommendations are made: Display interface techniques of two basic types are thoroughly discussed. The first of these two drive schemes is applicable in systems requiring display of analog signals in a bar graph format. The second major drive technique interfaces bar graph arrays in systems where the data is of a digital nature. Examples of microprocessor controlled bar graph arrays are presented. APPLICATION NOTE 1013 Elements of a Bar Code System This application note describes in detail the elements that make up most bar code systems. Included is a discussion of the fundamental system design, detailed discussion of 7 popular code symbologies, a section on symbol generation, and methods of data entry. A glossary of terms and a reference section are also included. This is an excellent publication for people' who are just learning about bar code, or for those who need a more comprehensive understanding of the subject. Summarized for the design engineer are tables of available integrated circuits for use with bar graph arrays. Finally, a list of recommended filters is included. APPLICATION NOTE 1008 Optical Sensing with the HBCS-1100 APPLICATION NOTE 1015 Contrast Enhancement Techniques for LED Displays This application note gives the basic optical flux coupling design for discrete emitters and detectors. Presents the concepts of modulation transfer function, Contrast enhancement is essential to assure readability of LED displays in a variety of indoor and outdoor 10-8 Abstracts (cont.) along with applications for digital, 20 mA, simplex, half duplex and full duplex loops. These loops can be either point-to-point or multidrop configurations. Factors which affect data performance are discussed. Circuit arrangements with specific data performance are given in graphical and tabular form. ambients. Plastic filters are typically used for contrast enhancement with indoor lighting and glass circular polarized filters are typically used to achieve readability in sunlight ambients. This application note discusses contrast enhancement technology for both indoor and outdoor ambients, the theory of Discrimination Index and provides a list of tested contrast enhancement filters and filter manufacturers. APPLICATION NOTE 1019 Using the HLMP-4700/-1700/-7000 Series Low Current Lamps Hewlett-Packard manufactures a series of LED lamps that are designed for operation at 2 rnA DC. These lamps are available in high efficiency red, yellow, and high performance green in a variety of package styles. These lamps allow the designer to reduce system power dissipation, and drive circuit costs. APPLICATION NOTE 1016 Using the HDSP-2000 Alphanumeric Display Family The HDSP-2000 family of alphanumeric display products provides the designer with a variety of easy-touse display modules with on board integrated circuit drivers. The HDSP-2000 family has been expanded to provide three display sizes with character heights ranging from 3.B mm (0.15") to 6.9 mm (0.27"), four display colors, and both commercial and military versions. These displays can be arranged to create both single line and multiple line alphanumeric panels. This application note contrasts electrical characteristics of the low-current lamp with HP's conventional lamp. Costs of implementing lamp drive circuits are discussed, as in power conservation in TTL and circuits involving higher Voltages. Finally, telecommunications and battery information are presented. This note is intended to serve as a design and application guide for users of the HDSP-2000 family of alphanumeric display devices. It covers the theory of the device design and operation, 'considerations for specific circuit designs, thermal management, power derating arid heat siriking, and intensity modulation techniques. APPLICATION NOTE 1021 Utilizing LED Lamps Packaged on Tape and Reel Hewlett-Packard offers many of its LED lamps packaged on tape and reel for radial insertion by automatic equipment during high volume production of PC board assemblies. APPLICATION NOTE 1017 LED Solid State Reliability This application note is a guide to the use of tape and reel LED lamps in the automatic insertion process. Discussed are the LED lamp tape and reel configuration, the radial lead insertion process, PC board design considerations, a method to maintain LED lamp alignment during soldering and lamp stand-off height information. Light emitting diode display technology offers many attractive features including multiple display colors, sunlight readability, and a continuously variable intensity adjustment. One oithe most common reasons that LED displays are designed into an application, however, is the high level of reliability of the LED display. HewlettPackard has taken a leadership role in setting reliability standards for LED displays and documenting reliability performance. This note explains how to use the reliability data sheets published for HP LED indicators and displays. It describes the LED indicator and display packages, defines device failures, and discusses parameters affecting useful life, failure rates and mechanical test . performance. APPLICATION NOTE. 1022 High Speed Fiber Optic Link Design with Discrete Components As the technology of fiber optic communication matures, design considerations for large volume applications focus as much on cost and reliabiiity, as bandwidth and bit-error-rate. This application note describesa 100 MBd fiber optic communication link which was implemented with low-cost, non-exotic technology, including LED transmitter, PIN photodiode detector, off-the-shelf ICs and discrete components, laid out on epoxy-glass circuit boards. APPLICATION NOTE 1018 Designing with the HCPL-4100 and HCPL-4200 Current Loop Optocoupler APPLICATION NOTE 1023 Radiation Immunity of Hewlett-Packard Optocouplers Opening with a quotatio[l from MIL-HDBK-279 describing optocouplers containing .photodiodes as superior to optocouplers containing phototransistors, the text describes the properties of ionizing radiation (particles and photons) and how it affects the performance of optocouplers. Graphs show degradation of CTR (Current Transfer Ratio) in the 6N140 as a function of gamma total dose (up to 1000 Digital current loops provide unique advantages of large noise immunity and long distance communication at low cost. Applications are wide and varied for current loops, but one of the critical concerns of a loop system is to provide a predictable, reliable and isolated interface with the loop. The HCPL-4100 (transmitter) and HCPL-4200(receiver) optocouplers provide for easy interfacing to and from a current loop with minimal design effort. Within this application note.a complete description of the HCPL-4100/4200 devices is given 10-9 Abstracts (cont.) rad lSi] and. as a function of total neutron fluence (up to 6 x 10 12 n/cm 2). A table gives radiation hardness requirements for various military requirements. APPLICATION NOTE 1024 Ring Detection with the HCPL-3700 Optocoupler With the increased use of modems, automatic phone answering equipment, private automatic branch . exchange (PABX) systems, etc., low-cost, reliable, isolated ring detection becomes important to many electronic equipment manufacturers. This application note addresses the definition of ringing requirements (U.S.A. and Europe), applications of the HCPL-3700 optocoupler as a simple, but effective, ring detector. A design example is shown with calculations to illustrate proper use of the HCPL-3700. Features which are integrated .into the HCPL-3700 provide for predictable detection, protection and isolation when compared to other optocoupler techniques. APPLICATION NOTE 1025 Applications and Circuit Design for the HEDS-7500 series Digital Potentiometer This application note demonstrates some ofthe uses for the Hewlett-Packard HEDS-7500 series digital potentiometer, explains how a digital potentiometer works, and explains some of the advantages of a digital potentiometer over a standard .resistive potentiometer. I n addition, this application note provides some examples of circuitry which will interface the digital potentiometer to a microprocessor, and provides mechanical design considerations and available options for the HEDS-7500 series digital potentiometer. APPLICATION NOTE 1026 Designing with Hewlett-Packard's Smart Display HPDL-2416 The The trend in LED Alphanumeric displays is to simplifiy a designer's job as much as possible by incorporating on board character storage, ASCII character generation, and multiplexing within the display. The HPDL-2416 is a four character alphanumeric display which incorporates a 64 charaCter ASCII decoder and an on board CMOS IC to perform these functions. This ,application note is intended to serve as a design and application guide for users of the HPDL-2416. The information presented will cover: electrical description, electrical design considerations, interfacing to micro-processors, preprogrammed message systems, mechanical and . electrical handling, and contrast enhancement. APPLICATION NOTE 1027 Soldering LED Components The modern printed circuit board is assembled with a wide variety of semiconductor components. These components may include LED lamps and displays in combination with other components. The quantity of solder connections will be' many times the component count. Therefore, the solder connections must be good on the first pass through the soldering process. The effectiveness of the soldering process is a function of the care and attention paid to the detai Is of the process. It is important for display system designers and PC board assembly engineers to understand the aspects of the soldering process and how they relate to LED components to assure high yields. This application note provides an in depth discussion on the aspects of the soldering process and how they relate to LED lamps and display components, with the objective of being to serve as a guide towards achieving high yields for solder connections. APPLICATION NOTE 1028 Surface Mount Subminiature LED Lamps Modern printed circuit boards are being assembled with surface mounted components, replacing through hole mounted components in many traditional applications. Hewlett-Packard has s.urface mount options for its HLMP-6000/7000 series of subminiature LED lamps, Options 011 and 013 for "gull wing" leads and Option 021 for "yoke" leads for inverted mounting. This application note provides information on how to surface mount and vapor phase reflow solder these surface mount subminiature LED lamps. APPLICATION NOTE 1029 Luminous Contrast and Sunlight Readability of the HDSP-238X Series LED Alphanumeric Displays for Military Applications Military specifications for avionics and other kinds of electronics that require readability in sunlight use specific definitions for luminous contrast. The concept of chrominance contrast and the theory of Discrimination Index (see Hewlett-Packard Application Note 1015) are not used by the military as a means of determining readability in sunlight.Thus, the military requirements for readability in sunlight are based solely on luminous contrast measurements. This application note discusses the luminous contrasts used by military specifications, describes anti-reflection/circular polarized filters designed for use with the HDSP-238X series sunlight viewable LED displays and presents luminous contrast data for various HDSP-238X display/filter combinations. APPLICATION NOTE 1031 Front Panel Design In many applications designers are faced with the problem of how to match the perceived brightness of an assortment bf seven segment displays, light bars, linear arrays, and lamps on the same front panel. To simplify this problem Hewlett-Packard has introduced S02 option selected parts. S02 option selected parts provide a restricted range of luminous intensity for a given part number. This application note is written.as a design guide to matching the perceived brightness of LED displays and lamps on a front panel. The procedure shown in the application note will enable the designer to calculate the needed display drive currents (either dc or pulsed) for a given ambient light level and specified filter. Two techniques are explained.The first is how to 10-10 Abstracts (com.) calculate the drive currents to insure minimum acceptable brightness. The second is how to calculate the drive currents to match the display on the front panel to a known display. TECHNICAL BRIEF 103 High Speed Optocouplers VS. Pulse Transformers For high speed signaling with ground loop isolation, pulse transformers are often used. Here are summarized briefly the difficulties encountered in the use of pulse transformers, such as rise-time, sag, and interwinding capacitance. A table summarizes the parameters of Hewlett-Packard optocouplers designed for high speed signaling. A second table summarizes the advantages of using these optocouplers instead of pulse transformers. APPLICATION NOTE 1032 Design of the HCTL-1000's Digital Filter Parameters by the Combination Method Digital closed loop motion control systems employing a dedicated IC as a controller are becoming increasingly popular as a solution to the need for controlled velocity and positioning systems. Hewlett-Packard's HCTL-1000 is a general purpose motion control IC which has been designed for this type of closed loop systems. A digital compensator has been designed into the HCTL-1000 to provide a stable response to an input command. This application note explains how the combination method can be used for calculation of the HCTL-1000's digital compensation filter parameters to provide a stable, closed loop position control system. The transmission of video signals over fiber-optic links offers several advantages relative to comparable wire distribution systems. Technical Brief 104 describes simple Tx/Rx circuits providing 20 MHz, 3 dB bandwidth for high resolution analog video transmission. APPLICATION NOTE 1033 Designing with the HDSP-211X Smart Display Family TECHNICAL BRIEF 105 ST Connector/Cable Guide TECHNICAL BRIEF 104 Baseband Video Transmission with Low Cost Fiber Optic Components Hewlett-Packard's smart alphanumeric display, the HDSP-211X, is built to simplify the user's display design. Each HDSP-211X has an on board CMOS IC which displays eight characters. All of the IC features are software driven. These features include 128 character ASCII decoder, 16 user-defined symbols, seve~ brightness levels, flashing characters, a self test, and all of the circuitry needed to decode, drive, and refresh eight 5 x 7 dot matrix characters. A fairly recent development, by AT&T, is the sr Connector, and its rapid acceptance by users of fiber optic components is an indication that it may soon become a standard connector. Technical Brief 105 provides a quick comparison between the SMA and the ST style connector. A table at the end lists some suppliers of the ST style connectored cables. This application note discusses how to interface the HDSP-211 X display to either a Motorola 6808 or an Intel 8085 microprocessor. A 32 character display interface is explained for each microprocessor. The note includes a detailed description of the hardware and software. The software illustrates how the user-defined symbols and a string of ASCII characters are loaded into the display. *ST is a registered trademark of AT&T Lightguide Cable Connectors. INK-JET DESIGNER'S GUIDE This Designer's Guide is intended to supplement the print cartridge data sheet by providing technical assistance in the design and operation of any printing device using the Thermal Ink-jet print cartridge. To this end, it will: provide a basic understanding of the print cartridge operation identify the key design parameters affecting printing performance suggest methods for optimizing or enhancing performance identify the primary failure modes and limitations of the print cartridge provide guidelines for maintenance and troubleshooting of the print cartridge TECHNICAL BRIEF 101 Fiber Optic SMA Connector Technology Technical Brief 101 discusses tradeoffs between various SMA connector techniques and provides a contact matrix of manufacturers versus SMA connector type. TECHNICAL BRIEF 102 Fiber/Cable Selection for LED Based Local Communications Systems Technical Brief 102 is intended to assist the first time user of fiber optics with the selection of a fiber cable that best meets desired system requirements. Issues discussed in Technical Brief 102 include: Tradeoffs between various fiber types, the effect of LED emitters on fiber performance, coupled power versus numerical aperture and factors that influence cable selection. A contact matrix that lists fiber cable manufacturers versus cable type is also included. 10-11 Appendix . • • • HP Components Authorized Distributor and Representative Directory HP International Sales and Service Offices HP Components U.S. Sales and Service Offices UP COlDponents Authorized Distributor and Representative Directory United States Alabama California (cont) California (cont) Florida (cont.) Hall-Mark Electronics" 4900 Bradford Drive Huntsville 35807 (205) 837-8700 Hamilton/Avn~t Schweber Electronics 90 East· Tasman Drive San Jose 95134 (408) 432-7171 Hamilton/Avnet 6947 University Blvd, lIinter Park 32792 (305) 628 - 3888 Hami 1 toniAvne t Southwest Regional Stocking Center 350 McCormick Avenue Costa Mesa. CA 92626 (714) 754-6100 4940 Research Drive N.W. Huntsville 35805 (205) 837-7210 Schweber Electronics 4910 Corporate Drive, Suite J 'Huntsville 35805 (205) 895-0480 Colorado Hamilton/Avnet (Corp) 10950 II. lIashington Blvd, Culver City 90230 (213) 558-2020 Hamilton/Avnet 8765 East Orchard Suite 708 Englewood 80111 (303) 740-1000 Hamilton/Avnet 3002 East G Street Ontario 91764 (714) 989-4602 Schweber Electronics 8955 E, Nichols Avenue Suite 200 Englewood 80112 (303) 799-0258 Arizona Hami 1 toniAvne t 30 S. McKemy Avenue Chandler 85226 (602) 961-6400 Schweber Electronics 11049 N, 23rd, Drive Suite 100 'Phoenix 85029 (602) 997-4874 California Avnet Electronics 350 McCormick Avenue Costa Mesa 92626 (714) 754-6100 Hall-Mark Electronics Hamilton/Avnet 4103 Northgate Blvd, Sacramento 95834 (916) 925-2216 Connectlcul Hanl1lton/Avnet 4545 Viewridge Avenue San Diego 92123 (619) 571-7510 Hall-Mark Electronics Barnes Industrial Park 33 Village Lane P,O. Box 5024 lIallingford 06492 (203) 269-0100 Hamilton/Avnet 1175 Bordeaux Drive Sunnyvale 94086 (408) 743-3300 Hamilton/Avnet Commerce Drive Commerce Industrial Park Danbury 06810 (203) 797-2800 ·Hamilton Electro Sales 3170 Pullman Street Costa Mesa 92626· (714) 641-4199 Canoga Park 91304 (818) 716-7300 Hamilton/Avnet 1361 "B"I West 190th Street Gardena 90248 (213) 217-6700 Hall-Mark Electronics 6341 Auburn Blvd. I Suite D Citrus Heights 95610 (916) 722-8600 Schweber Electronics 21139 Victory Blvd, Canoga Park 91303 (818) 999-4702 Hall-Mark Electronics 19220 S, Normandie Torrance 90502 ,(213) 217-8400 Schweber Electronics 371 Van Ness Way Suite 100 Torrance 90501 (213) 320-8090 8130 Remmet Avenue Hall-Mark Electronics 1110 Ringwood Court San Jose 95131 (408) 432-0900 Hall-Mark Electronics 14831 Franklin Avenue Tustin 92680 (714) 669-4100 Hamilton/Avnet 9650 De Soto Avenue Chatsworth 91311 (818) 700-6565 Schweber Electronics Finance Drive Commerce Industrial Park Danbury 06810 (203) 748-7080 Hami 1 tonI Avne t 5825 D. Peachtree Corners East Norcross 30092 (404) 447-7500 Schweber Electronics 303 Research Drive Suite 210 Norcross 30092 (404) 446-5842 illinois Hamilton/Avnet 1130 Thorndale Ave~ue, Bensenville 60106 (312) 860-7700 Hamilton/Avnet 3197 Tech Drive North St. Petersburg 33702 (813) 576-3930 11-2 Hall-Mark Electronics 6410 Atlantic Boulevard Suite 115 Norcross 30071 (404) 447-8000 Florida Hamilton/Avnet 6801 N, II, 15th -llay Ft, Lauderdale 33309 (305) 971-2900 Schweber Electronics 6750 Nancy Ridge Drive Bldg. 7, Suites D & E San Diego 92121 (619) 450-0454' Georgia Hall-Mark Electronics 15301 Roosevelt Blvd. Suite 303 Clearwater 33520 (813) 530 -4543 Hall-Mark Electronics 3161 S, II. 15th Street Pompano Beach 33069-4800 (305) 971-9280 Schweber Electronics 1771 Tribute Road Suite B Sacramento 95815 (916) 929-9732 Schweber Electronics 3665 Park Central Blvd, North Building #6 Pompano Beach 33064 (305) 977-7511 Hall-Mark Electronics 210 Mittel Drive Wooddale 60191 (312) 860-3800 Hall-Mark Electronics 7648 Southland Blvd, Suite 100 Orlando 32809 (305) 855 -4020 Schweber Electronics 17822 Gillette Avenue Irvine 92714 (714) ,863-0200 Schweber Electronics 317 S, North Lake Blvd, Suite 1024 Altamonte Springs 31701 (305) 331-7555 Schweber Electronics 904 Cambridge Drive Elk Grove Village 60007 (312) 364-3750 Indiana Hall-Mark Electronics 4275 \I, 96th Street ' Indianapolis 4626'8 (317) 872-8875 Hamilton/Avnet 485 Gradle Drive Carmel 46032 (317) 844'-9333 Iowa Minnesota New Mexico Ohio (cont.) Hami 1 ton/Avne t Hall-Hark Electronics 10300 Valley View Road Suite 101 Eden Prairie 55344 (612) 941-2600 Hamilton/Avnet 2524 Baylor S. E. Albuquerque 87106 (505) 765-1500 Hamilton/Avnet 954 Senate Drive Dayton 45459 (513) 439-6700 Haml1ton/Avnet 12400 Whi tewater Road Minnetonka 55343 (612) 932-0600 New York Hamilton/Avnet 777 Brooksedge Blvd. Westerville 43081 (614) 882-7004 915 33rd Avenue S. W. Cedar Rapids 52404 (319) 362-4757 Schweber Electronics 5270 North Park Place N. E. Cedar Rapids 52402 (319) 373-1417 Kansas Hall-Mark Electronics 10809 Lakeview Drive Lenexa 66215 (913) 888-4747 Hamilton/Avnet 9219 Quivira Road Overland Park 66215 (913) 888-8900 Schweber Electronics 10300 W. 103rd. Street Suite 200 Overland Park 66214 (913) 492·2922 Maryland Hall-Mark Electronics 10240 Old Columbia Road Columbia 21046 (301) 988-9800 Hamilton/Avnet 6822 Oak Hall Lane Columbia 21045 (301) 995-3500 Schweber Electronics 9330 Gaither Road Gaithersburg 20877 (301) 840-5900, Schweher Electronics 7424 W. 78th Street Edina 55435 (612) 941-5280 HamiltonJAvnet 100 Centennial Drive Peabody 01960 (617)· 531-7430 Schweber Electronics 25 Wiggins Avenue Bedford 01730 (617) 275-5100 Michigan Hamilton/Avnet 2215 29th Street S.E. Grand Rapids 49508 (616) 243-8805 Hamil toniAvne t 32487 Schoolcraft Road Livonia 48150 (313) 522-4700 Schweber Electronics 12060 Hubbard Drive Livonia 48150 (313) 525-8100 Hamilton/Avnet 933 Motor Park Way Hauppauge 11788 (516) 434-7421 Missouri Hall-Hark Electronics 13750 Shoreline Drive Earth City 63045 (314) 291-5350 Hamilton/Avnet 13743 Shoreline Court Earth City 63045 (314) 344-1200 Schweher Electronics 502 Earth City Expwy. Suite 203 Earth City, 63045 (314) 739-0526 New Hampshire Hamilton/Avnet 444 East Industrial Park Dr. Manchester 03103 (603) 624-9400 Schweber Electronics Bedford Farms, Bldg. Kilton & South River Road Manchester 03102 (603) 625-2250 MassachuseHs Hall-Hark Electronics 6 Cook Street Pinehurst Park Billerica 01521 (617) 935-9777 Hall-Mark Electronics 101 Comac Street Ronkonkoma 11779 (516) 737-0600 New Jersey Hall-Mark Electronics 107 Fairfield Road Suite IB Fairfield 07006 (201) 575-4415 Hall-Mark Electronics 1000 Midlantic Drive Mt. Laurel 08054 (609) 235-1900 Hamilton/Avnet 1 Keystone Avenue, Bldg 36 Cherry Hill 08003 (609) 424-0118 Hamilton/Avnet 10 Industrial Road Fairfield 07006 (201) 575-3390 Schweber Electronics 18 Madison Road Fairfield 07006 (201) 227 -7880 Hamilton/Avnet 2060 Town Line Road Rochester 14623 (716) 475-9130 Hamilton/Avnet 103 Twin Oaks Drive Syracuse 13206 (315) 437-2641 Schweber Electronics 3 Town Line Circle. Rochester 14623 (716) 424-2222 Schweber Electronics Jericho Turnpike, CB 1032 Westbury 11590 (516) 334-7474 Schweber Electronics 23880 Commerce Park Road Beachwood 44122 (216) 464·2970 Schweber Electronics 7865 Paragon Road Suite 210 Dayton 45459 (513) 439-1800 Oklahoma Hamilton/Avnet 12121 E. 51st Street Suite 102A Tulsa 74146 (918) 252-7297 Schweber Electronics 4815 S. Sheridan Fountain Plaza, Suite 109 Tulsa 74145 (918) 622-8000 Oregon North Carolina Hall-Mark Electronics 5237 North Boulevard Raleigh 27604 (919) 872-0712 Hamilton/Avnet 3510 Spring Forest Road Raleigh 27604 . (919) 878-0810 Schweber Electronics I North Commerce Center 5285 North Boulevard Raleigh 27604 (919) 876-0000 Ohio Hall-Hark Electronics 5821 Harper Road Solon 44139 (216) 349-4632 Hall-Mark Electronics 400 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Suite S Worthington 43085 (614) 888-3313 Hall-Mark Electronics/DESC 938 Blackfoot Trail Jamestown, 45335 (513) 675-2129 Hamilton/Avnet 30325 Bainbridge Road, Bldg A Solon 44139 (216) 349-5100 11-3 Almac Electronics 1885 N. W. 169th Place Beaverton 97006-4849 (503) 629-8090 Hamilton/Avnet 6024 SoW. Jean Road Bldg. C, Suite 10 Lake Oswego 97034 (503) 635-8831 Pennsylvania Hamilton/Avnet 2800 Liberty Avenue Bldg. E Pittsburgh 15222 (412) 281·4150 Schweber Electrol'.ics 900 Business Center Dr. Horsham 19044 (215) 441-0600 Schweber Electronics 1000 R.I.D.C. Plaza Suite 203 Pittsburgh 15238 (412) 782-1600 Texas Texas (cont.) Utah Wisconsin Hall-Mark Electronics (Corp.) 11333 Pagemill Drive Dallas 75234 (214) 343-5000 Hamilton/Avnet 4850 IIright Road Stafford. 77477 (713) 240-7733 Haml1ton/Avnet 1585 .lIest 2100 South· Salt Lake City 84119 (801) 972-2800 Hall-Hark Elec tronies Hall-Mark Electronics 12211 Technology Blvd. Suite B Austin 78727, (512) 258-8848 Hami 1 toni Avne t 2111 II. lIa1nut Hill Lane Irving 75038 (214) 659-4111 Hall-Mark Electronics 11420 Pagemil1 Road Dallas 75238 (214) 553-4300 Schweber Electronics 6300 La Calma Drive Suite 240 Austin 78752 (512) 458-8253 Hall-Mark Electronics 8000 lJestglen Houston 77063 (713) 781-6100 4202 Beltway Drive Dallas 75234 (214) 661-5010 Hamil ton/Avnet IS07A West Braker Lane Austin 78758 (512) 837-8911 Washington Almac Electronics 14360 S. E. Eastgate lIay Bellevue 98007 -6458 (206) 643-9992 Almac Electronics 10905 Montgomery Spokane 99206 (409) 924-9500 Schweber Electronics 16255 West Lincoln Ave. New Berlin 53151 (414) 797 -7844 Hamilton/Avnet 2975 Moorland Road New Berlin 53151 (414) 784-4510 Schweber Electronics 3050 South Calhoun New Berlin 53151 (414) 784-9020 Hamilton/Avnet 14212 N. E .. 21st Street Bellevue 98007 (206) 453-5844 Schweber Electronics 10625 Richmond Avenue Suite 100 Houston 77042 . (713) 784-3600 International Australia Canada Canada (cont.) Denmark VSI Electronics Pty. Ltd. Office 4 116 Melbourne Street North Adelaide South Australia 5006 (61) 8 267 4848 Hamilton/Avnet Electronics Ltd, 2550 Boundary Road, Suite 115 Burnaby, BC V5M 3Z3 (604) 437-6667 Zentronics, Ltd. 8 Tilbury Court Brampton, Ontario L6T 3T4 (416) 451-9600 Distributoren Silovej 18 , DK- 2690 Karlslunde (45) 3 140700 Hamilton/Avnet Electronics Ltd. 2816 21st Street NE Calgary, . Alberta T2E 6Z2 (403) 250-9380 . Zentronics, Ltd. Bay #1 3300 14th Avenue, N. E. Calgary, Alberta T2A '6J4 (403) 272-1021 VSI Electronics Pty. Ltd. Suite 3, Bell Court ' Cnr. Water & Brunswick Streets Fortitude Valley Brisbane, Queensland 4006 (61) 7 52 5022 VSI Electronics Pty. Ltd. Unit I 25 Brisbane Street East Perth, W.A. 6000 (61) 9 328 8499 VSI Electronics Pty. Ltd. 16 Dickson Avenue Artarmon, N. S. W. 2064' (61) 2 439 8622 VSI Electronics Pty. Ltd. 6/417 Ferntree Gully Road Mt. Waverle'y Melbourne, Victoria 3149 (61) 3 543 6445 Austria Transistor V.m.b.H Auhofstr. 4la A-1130 lIien (43) 222 829451 Belgium Diode Belgium Excelsiorlaan 53 B-1930 Zaventem (02) 721 29 92 Hamilton/Avnet Electronics Ltd. 6845 Rexwood Drive Units 3, ,4 & 5 Mississauga, Ontario' "L4V lR2 (416) 677-7432 Zentronics, Ltd. 155 Colonnade Road Units 17 & 18 Nepean, Ontario K2E 7Kl (613) 226-8840· . Zentronics, Ltd. 817 McCaffrey Street Ville St. Laurent Montreal, Quebec H4T lN3 (514) 737-9700 Hamilton/Avnet Electronics Ltd. 2795 Halpern ~treet St. Laurent Montreal, Quebec H4S lP8 (514) 335-1000 Zentroni~s, Ltd. Unit 108 11400 Br1dgeport Road Richmond, B. C. V6X 1 T2 (604) 273-5575 Hamilton/Avnet Electronics Ltd. 190 Colonnade Road Nepean, Ontario K2E 7J5 (613) 226-1700 Hi-Tech Sales Limited (REP) Box 115 ' 339 10th Avenue S. E. Calgary I Alberta T2G OW.2 (403) 239-3773 Hi-Tech Sales Limited (REP) 75l0B Kingsway Burnaby, B. C. V3N 3C2 (604) 596-1886' Zentronics, Ltd. #173-1222 Alberta Ave. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada S7K lR4 (306) 955-2202 Zentronics, Ltd. 60-1313 Border Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H OX4 (204) 694-1957 . China Hi-Tech Sales Limited (REP) 102-902 St. James Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 3J7 (204) 786-3343 EBV Elektronik Excelsiorlaan 35 B-1930 Zaventem (20) 720 99 36 11-4 (Peoples Republic of China) China HP Rep Office 4th Floor, 2nd Watch Factory Shuang Yu Shu Bei San Huan Lu Hai-Dian District, Beijing (560) 280-567 Finland Field-OY Niittylanpolku 10 SF-00620 Helsinki (435) 80 757 10 11 France· Almex Zone Industrielle d'Antony 48, rue de I' Aubepine 92160 Antony (33) 1 6662112 F. Feutrier 8, Benoit Malon F-921S0 Surensnes (33) 1 7724646 F. Feutrier Rue des Trois Glorieuses 42271 St. Priest En Jarez (33) 7 7746733 S.C.A.LB. 80 rue d' Arceui1 Zone Sillc 137 94523 Rungis Cedex (33) 1 6872313 Germany EBV- Elektronik Oberweg 6 D- 8025 Unterhaching Munich (49) 89 611051 Germany (cont.) Italy New Zealand Switzerland ING. -BUERO K. -H. Dreyer Celdis Italiana S.p.A. Via Fratel!i Gracchi. 36 1-20092 Cinisello Balsamo Milano (39) 261 83 91 VSI Electronics Pty. Ltd. #7 Beasley Ave., Penrose Auckland (64) 9593603 Baerlocher AG Foerrllbuckstrasse 150 CH-8037 Zuerich (41) 142 99 00 VSI Electronics Pty. Ltd. Box 21-239 Chris tchurch (64) 60928 Fabrimex Ag Kirchenweg 5 CH-8032 Zuerich (41) 12 51 29 29 VSI Electronics Pty. Ltd. P.O. Box 11145 Wellington (64) 4848922 Taiwan (Republic of China) Flensburger Strasse 3 0-2380 Schleswig (49) 4621 23121 JERMYN GmbH 1m Dachsstueck 9 0-6250 Limburg/Lahn (49) 64 31 5 08-0 SASCO GmbH Herrnann-Oberth Strasse 16 D-8011 Putzbrunn Munich (49) 89 46 11-211 Dis tron GmbH & Co Behaims trasse 3 0-1000 Berlin 10 (49) 30 342 10 41-45 Hong Kong CET Ltd. (REP) 22/F Chuang I s Finance Centre 81-85" Lockhart Road Wanchai (852) 5 200922 (FAX) 5 285764 Japan Ryoyo Electric Corporation Meishin Building 1-20-19 Nishiki Naka-Ku, Nagoya, 460 (81) 52 2030277 Ryoyo Electric Corporation Taiyo Shoj i Building 4-6 Nakanoshima Kita-Ku, Osaka, 530 (81) 6 4481631 Ryoyo Electric Corporation Konwa Building 12-22 Tsukiji, 1-Chome Chuo-Ku, Tokyo (81) 3 543771 Tokyo Electron Company, Ltd. Sinj uku-Nomura Building Tokyo 160 (81) 3 3434411 Norway HEFRO E1ectronikk A/S Postboks ,6, Haugenstua N-0915 Oslo 9 (47) 210 73 00 Singapore Dynamar International Ltd. (REP) 12. Lorong Bakar Batu, #05-11 Kolam Ayer Industrial Park Singapore 1334 (65) 747-6188 India Blue Star Ltd. (REP) Sabri Complex 11 Floor 24 Res Idency Road Bangalore 560 025 (91) 812-578881 Blue Star Ltd. (REP) Sahas 414/2 Veer Sarvarkar Prabhadevi Bombay 400 025 (91) 22-430-6155 Blue Star Ltd. (REP) 13 Communi ty Centre New Friends Colony New Delhi 110 065 (91) 11-633-773 Blue Star Ltd. (REP) 2-2-47/1108 Bo1arurn Road Secunderabad 500-003 (91) 842-72057 Israel Computation & - Measurement Systems. Ltd. (REP) 11 Masad Street P.o. Box 25089 Tel Aviv (972) 3 388456 Korea So. Africa Supertek Korea Inc. (REP) Han Ryo Building 34-2 Yoido-Dong Youngdungpo-Ku, Seoul (82) 2 782-9076/8 AdVanced Semiconductor Devices (Pty) Ltd. P.O. Box 2944 Johannesburg 2000, S .A. (27) 11 802-5820 Malaysia Spain Dynamar International Ltd. Lot 3.03, 3rd Floor, Wisma, Esplanade 43. Green Hall, 10200 Penang (60) 4 377269 or 4 377292 Diode Espana Avda. Brasil 5. 1st Planta E-Madrid 20 (34) 914 55 36 86 Sweden Netherlands Diode Nederland Meidoornkade 22 NL- 3992 AE Houten (31) 15 60 99 06 EBV Elektronik 3606 AK-Maarssenbroek Planetenbaan 2 (31) 3/. 65 62 353 Traco AB Box 103 5-12322 Farsta (46) 893 00 00 ITT Multikomponent AB Ankdammsgatan 32 Box 1330 S-17126 Solna 11-5 Morrihan Internati'onal Inc. 9F, No. 176 Fu, Hsing N. Road Taipei (886) 2 7151083 TUrkey EMPA Refik Saydam Cad 89/5 Sishane/Istanbul United Kingdom Celdis Ltd. 37-39 Loverock -Road Reading. Berkshire RG3 lED (44) 734 585171 Farnell Electronic Components Ltd. Canal Road Leeds LS12 2TU (44) 532-636311 Jermyn Distribueion Vestry Estate Otford Road Sevenoaks. Kent TN14 5EU (44) 732 450144 Macro Marketing Ltd. Burnham Lane Slough, Berkshire SL1 6LN (44) 628 64422 Yugoslavia Elektrotehna Do Junel 0.So1.0. Tozd Elzas O. Sol. O. Titova 81 61001 Lj ub1j ana (38) 61 347749 (38) 61 347841 International Sales Offices and Representatives .---------.,-,-----:-::-----,--,::---------'-----------, Brisbane, Queensland Product Line Sales/Support Key Olflee Key Product Line Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd. A Analytical 10 Payne Road CM Components THE GAP, Queensland 4061 C Computer Systems Tel: 61-7-300-4133 E Electronic Instruments & Measurement Systems Telex: 42133 M Medical Products Cable: HEWPARD Brisbane P Personal Computation Products A,C,CM,E,M,P Sales only for specific product line Support only for specific product line Canberra, Australia IMPORTANT: These symbols designate general product line capability. They do not insure sales or g~fr~~1 Territory support availability for all products within a line, at all locations. Contact your local sales office for Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd. in.:.:fo~rm.::.a::t.:.:io.::.n.::re:!'g::a:.:rd.::.in:.eg.::1o:.:c:::at:::io:.:,n::.s,e:w",h",er.:.e",H;,..P.:.su",p",p.:.or..:.t.:.:is-'a"-v;::.ai..:.la..:.b..:.le_fo"-r..:s2:.pe_c_if_ic-'-p_ro_d_uc_t_s._ _ _ _~ Thyn ne Street, Fern Hill Park L::: BRUCE, A.C.T. 2617 HEADQUARTERS OFFICES P.O. Box 257, If there is no sales office listed for your area, contact one of these headquarter offices. JAMISON, A.C.T. 2614 Tel: 61-62-80-4244 UNITED KINGDOM ANGOLA ASIA Telex: 62650 Hewlett-Packard Asia Ltd. Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Telectra Angola LOA Cable: HEWPARD Canberra Empresa Tecnica de 47/F,26 Harbour Rd .. Nine Mile Ride C,CM,E,P Wanchai, HONG KONG Equipamentos WDKINGHAM Melbourne, Victoria G.P.O. Box 863, Hong Kong Berkshire, RG113LL 16 rue Cons. Julio de Vihelma Olfiee Tel: 5-8330833 Tel: 0344 773100 LUANDA Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd. Telex: 76793 HPA HX Telex: 848805/848814/848912 Tel: 355 15,355 16 31-41 Joseph Street Cable: HPASIAL TO Telex: 3134 UNITED STATES OF P.O, Box 221 E,P AMERICA CANADA BLACKBURN, Victoria 3130 Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. Customer Information Center ARGENTINA Tel: 61-3-895-2895 3877 Goreway Drive (800) 752-0900 Hewlett-Packard Argentina SA Telex: 31-024 MISSISSAUGA, Ontario L4V 1M8 6:00 AM to 5 PM Pacific Time Montaneses 2140/50 Cable: HEWPARD Melbourne Tel: (416) 678-9430 1428 BUENOS AIRES EASTERN USA A,C,CM,E,M,P Telex: 069-8644 Tel: 541-11-1441 Hewlett-Packard Co. Perth, Western Australia Telex: 22796 HEW PAC-AR EASTERN EUROPE 4 Choke Cherry Road Olfiee A,C,E,P Hewlett-Packard Ges.m.b.h. ROCKVILLE, MD 20850 Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd. Biotron S,A.C,I.M.e.l. Lieblgasse 1 Tel: (301) 948-6370 Herdsman Business Park Av. Paso Colon 221, Pi so 9 P.O. Box 72 MIDWESTERN USA CLAREMONT, W.A. 6010 1399 BUENOS AIRES A-1222 VIENNA, Austria Hewlett-Packard Co. Tel: 61-9-383-2188 Tel: 541-333-490, Tel: (222) 2500-0 5201 Tollview Drive Telex: 93859 541-322-587 Telex: 1 34425 HEPA A ROLLING MEADOWS, IL 60008 Cable: HEWPARD Perth Telex: 17595 BIDNAR Tel: (312) 255-9800 NORTHERN EUROPE C,CM,E,P M Hewlett-Packard SA Laboratorio Rodriguez SOUTHERN USA Sydney, New South V. D. Hooplaan 241 Corswant S.R.L. Hewlett-Packard Co. Wales Office P.O. Box 999 Misiones, 1156-1876 2000 South Park Place Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd. NL-118 LN 15AMSTELVEEN Bernal, Oeste ATLANTA, GA 30339 17-23 Talavera Road The Netherlands BUENOS AIRES . Tel: (404) 955-1500 P.O. Box 308 Tel: 20 5479999 Tel: 252-3958, 252-4991 NORTH RYDE, N.SW. 2113 WESTERN USA Telex: 18919 hpner A Tel: 61-2-888-4444 Hewlett-Packard Co. Intermaco S.R.L. SOUTHEAST EUROPE Telex: 21561 5161 Lankershim Blvd. Florida 537/71 Hewlett-Packard SA Cable: HEWPARD Sydney NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91601 Galeria Jardin-Local 28 World Trade Center A,C,CM,E,M,P Tel: (818) 505-5600 1005 BUENOS AIRES 110 Avenue Louis-Casai AUSTRIA OTHER Tel: 393-4471/1928 1215 Cointrin, GENEVA Hewlett-Packard Ges.m.b.h, INTERNATIONAL Telex: 22796 HEW PAC-AR Switzerland Verkaufsbuero Graz AREAS P (Calculators) Tel: (022) 98 96 51 Grottenhofstrasse 94 Hewlett-Packard Co. Argentina Esanco S.R.L. Telex: 27225 hpser A-8052 GRAZ Intercontinental Headquarters A/ASCO 2328 Mail Address: Tel: 43-316-291-5660 3495 Deer Creek Road 1416 BUENOS AIRES P.O. Box Telex: 312375 PALO ALTO, CA 94304 Tel: 541-58-1981, 541-59-2767 CH-1217 Meyrin 1 C,E Tel: (415) 857-1501 Telex: 22796 HEW PAC-AR GENEVA Telex: 034-8300 Hewlett-Packard Ges,m.b.h. A Switzerland Cable: HEWPACK All Computers SA Lieblgasse 1 MIDDLE EAST AND Montaneses 2140/505 Piso P.O. Box 72 ALGERIA CENTRAL AFRICA A-1222 VIENNA 1428 BUENOS AIRES Hewlett-Packard Trading SA Hewlett-Packard SA Tel: 781-4030/4039/783-4886 Tel: 43-222-2500 Bureau de Liaison Alger Middle East/Central Telex: 18148 Ocme Telex: 134425 HEPA A Villa des Lions Africa Sales H.O. P A,C,CM,E,M,P 9, Hai Galloul 7, rue du Bois-du-Lan DZ-BORDJ EL BAHRI AUSTRALIA BAHRAIN P.O. Box 364 Tel: 76 03 36 Adelaide, South Green Salon CH-1217 Meyrin 1 Telex: 63343 dilon dz P.O. Box 557 Australia Office GENEVA Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd. MANAMA Switzerland 153 Greenhill Road Tel: 255503-250950 Tel: (022) 83 12 12 Telex: 84419 PARKSIDE, SA 5063 Telex: 27835 hmea ch Tel: 61-8-272-5911 P Telefax: (022) 83 1535 Telex: 82536 Cable: HEWPARD Adelaide A',C,CM,E,P 11-6 Wael Pharmacy P,O. Box 648 MANAMA Tel: 256123 Telex: 8550 WAEL BN E,M Zayani Computer Systems 218 Shair Mubarak Building Government Avenue P.O. Box 5918 MANAMA Tel: 276278 Telex: 9015 plans bn P BELGIUM Hewlett-Packard Belgium SA/N.V. Blvd de la Woluwe, 100 Woluwedal B-1200 BRUSSELS Tel: (02) 32-2-761-31-11 Telex: 23494 hew pac A,C,CM,E,M,P BERMUDA Applied Computer Technologies Atlantic House Building P.O. Box HM 2091 Par-La-Ville Road HAMILTON 5 Tel: 295-1616 Telex: 3803589/ ACT BA P BOLIVIA Arrellano Ltda Av. 20 de Octubre #2125 Casilla 1383 LA PAZ Tel: 368541 M BRAZIL Hewlett-Packard do Brasil SA Alameda Rio Negro, 750-L AND. ALPHAVILLE 06400 Barueri SP Tel: (011) 421.1311 Telex: (011) 71351 HPBR BR Cable: HEWPACK 5ao Paulo CM,E Hewlett-Packard do Brasil SA Praia de Botafago 228-A-614 6. AND.-CONJ,601 Edificio Argentina - Ala A 22250 RIO DE JANEIRO, RJ Tel: (021) 552-6422 Telex: 21905 HPBR BR Cable: HEWPACK Rio de Janeiro E Van Den Cientifica Ltda. Rua Jose Bonifacio, 458 Todos os Santos 20771 RIO DE JANEIRO, RJ Tel: (021) 593-8223 Telex: 33487 EGLB BR A ANAMED I.C.E.I. Ltda. Rua Vergueiro, 360 04012 SAO PAULO, SP Tel: (011) 572-1106 Telex: 24720 HPBR BR M Datatronix Electronica Ltda. Av. Pacaembu 746-C11 SAO PAULO, SP Tel: (118) 260111 CM BRUNEI Komputer Wisman Sdn Bhd G6, Chandrawaseh Cmplx, Jalan Tutong P.O. Box 1297, BAN DAR SERI BEGAWAN NEGARA BRUNI DARUSSALAM Tel: 673-2-2000-70/26711 C.E,P CAMEROON Beriac B.P.23 DOUALA Tel: 420 153 Telex: 5351 C,P CANADA Alberta Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 3030 3rd Avenue N.E. CALGARY, Alberta T2A 6T7 Tel: (403) 235-3100 A,C,CM,E',M,P' Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 11120-178th Street EDMONTON, Alberta ISS lP2 Tel: (403) 486-6666 A,C,CM,E,M,P British Columbia Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 10691 Shell bridge Way RICHMOND, British Columbia V6X 2W8 Tel: (604) 270-2277 Telex: 610-922-5059 A,C,CM,E',M,P' Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 121-3350 Douglas Street VICTORIA, British Columbia V8Z 3L1 Tel: (604) 381-6616 C Manitoba Hewlett-Packard (Canada)Ltd. 1825 Inkster Blvd. WINNIPEG, Manitoba R2X 1R3 Tel: (204) 694-2777 A,C,CM,E,M,P' New Brunswick Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 814 Main Street MONCTON, New Brunswick E1C 1E6 Tel: (506) 855-2841 C Nova Scotia Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. Suite 111 900 Windmill Road DARTMOUTH, Nova Scotia B3B lP7 Tel: (902) 46S-7820 C,CM,E',M,P' Ontario Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 3325 N. Service Rd., Unit W03 BURLINGTON, Ontario UN 3G2 Tel: (416) 335-8644 C,M' Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 552 Newbold Street LONDON, Ontario N6E 2S5 Tel: (519) 686-9181 A,C,CM,E',M,P' Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 6877 Goreway Drive MISSISSAUGA, Ontario L4V 1M8 Tel: (416) 678-9430 Telex: 06S-83644 A,C,CM,E,M,P Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 2670 Queensview Dr. OTTAWA, Ontario K2B 8K1 Tel: (613) 820-6483 A,C,CM,E',M,P' Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 3790 Victoria Park Ave. WILLOWDALE, Ontario M2H 3H7 Tel: (416) 49S-2550 C,E Quebec Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 17500 Trans Canada Highway South Service Road KIRKLAND, Quebec H9J 2XB Tel: (514) 697-4232 Telex: 058-21521 A,C,CM.E,M,P' Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 1150 rue Claire Fontaine QUEBEC CITY, Quebec G1R 5G4 Tel: (418) 648-0726 C Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. 130 Robin Crescent SASKATOON, Saskatchewan S7L 6M7 Tel: (306) 242-3702 C CHILE ASC Ltda. Austria 2041 SANTIAGO Tel: 223-5946, 223-6148 Telex: 392-340192 ASC CK C,P Jorge Calcagni y Cia Av. Italia 634 Santiago Cas ilia 16475 SANTIAGO 9 Tel: S-Oll-562-222-0222 Telex: 392-440283 JCYCL CZ CM.E,M Metrolab S.A. Monjitas 454 of. 206 SANTIAGO Tel: 395752, 398296 Telex: 340866 METLAB CK A Olympia (Chile) Ltda. Av. Rodrigo de Araya 1045 Casilla 256-V SANTIAGO 21 Tel: 225-5044 Telex: 340892 OLYMP Cable: Olympiachile Santiagochile C,P CHINA, People's. Republic of China Hewlett-Packard Co., Ltd. 471F China Resources Bldg. 26 Harbour Road HONG KONG Tel: 5-8330833 Telex: 76793 HPA HX Cable: HP ASIA LTO A',M' China Hewlett-Packard Co., Ltd. P.O. Box 9610, Beijing 4th Floor, 2nd Watch Factory Main Shuang Yu Shou, Bei San Huan Road Hai Dian District BEIJING Tel: 33-1947 33-7426 Telex: 22601 CTSHP CN Cable: 1920 Beijing A,C,CM,E,M,P China Hewlett-Packard Co., Ltd. CHP Shanghai Branch 23/F Shanghai Union Building 100 Van An Rd. East SHANG-HAl Tel: 265550 Telex: 33571 CHPSB CN Cable: 3416 Shanghai A,C,CM,E,M,P COLOMBIA Instrumentacion H.A. Langebaek &Kier S.A. Carrerra 4A NO.52A-26 Apartado Aereo 6287 BOGOTA 1, D.E. Tel: 212-1466 Telex: 44400 INST CO Cable: AARIS Bogota CM,E,M Nefromedicas Ltda. Calle 123 No. 9B-31 Apartado Aereo 100-958 BOGOTA D.E, 10 Tel: 213-5267, 213-1615 Telex: 43415 HEGAS CO A Compumundo Avenida 15 # 107-80 BOGOTA D.E. Tel: 57-214-4458 Telex: 39645466 MARCO P Carvajal, S.A. Calle 29 Norte No. 6A-40 Apartado Aereo 46 CALI Tel: S-011-57-3-621888 Telex: 39655650 CUJCL CO C,E,P CONGO Seric-Congo B.P.2105 BRAZZAVILLE Tel: 815034 Telex: 5262 COSTA RICA Cientifica Costarricense SA Avenida 2, Calle 5 San Pedro de Montes de Dca Apartado 10159 SAN JOSE Tel: S-011-506-243-820 Telex: 3032367 GALGUR CR CM,E,M O.Fischel R. Y. Cia. SA Apartados 434-10174 SAN JOSE Tel: 23-72-44 Telex: 2379 Cable: OFIR A 11-7 CYPRUS Telerexa Ltd. P.O. Box 1152 Valentine House 8 Stassandrou SI. NICOSIA Tel: 45 628, 62698 Telex: 5845 IIrx cy E,M,P DENMARK Hewlett-Packard A/S Kongevejen 25 DK-3460 BIRKEROD Tel: 45-02-81-6640 Telex: 37409 hpas dk A,C,CM,E,M,P Hewlett-Packard A/S Rolighedsvej 32 DK-8240 RISSKOV, Aarhus Tel: 45-06-17-6000 Telex: 37409 hpas dk C,E DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Microprog S.A. Juan Tomas Mejia y Cotes No. 60 Arroyo Hondo SANTO DOMINGO Tel: 565-6268 Telex: 4510 ARENTA DR (RCA) P ECUADOR CYEDE Cia. Ltda. Avenida Eloy Alfaro 1749 y Belgica Casilla 6423 CCI QUITO Tel: S-011-593-2-450975 Telex: 39322548 CYEDE ED E,P Medtronics Valladolid 524 Madrid P.O. 9171, QUITO Tel: 2-238-951 Telex: 2298 ECUAME ED A Hospitalar S.A. Robles 625 Casilla 3590 QUITO Tel: 545-250,545-122 Telex: 2485 HOSPTL ED Cable: HOSPITALAR-Quito M Ecuador Overseas Agencies C.A. Calle 9 de Octubre #818 P.O. Box 1296, Guayaquil QUITO Tel: 306022 Telex: 3361 PBCGYE ED M EGYPT Sakrco Enterprises P.O. Box 259 ALEXANDRIA Tel: 802908, 808020, 805302 Telex: 54333 C International Engineering Associates 6 EI Gamea Street Agouza CAIRO Tel: 71-21-68134-80-940 Telex: 93830 lEA UN Cable: INTEGASSO E Sakrco Enterprises 70 Mossadak Street Dokki, Giza CAIRO Tel: 706440, 701 087 Telex: 9337 C S.S.C. Medical 40 Gezerat EI Arab Street Mohandessin CAIRO Tel: 803844, 805998, 810263 Telex: 20503 SSC UN M' ELSALVADOR IPESA de EI Salvador S.A. 29 Avenida Norte 1223 SAN SALVADOR Tel: S-011-503-266-858 Telex: 301 205391PESA SAL A,C,CM,E,P ETHIOPIA Seric-Ethiopia P.O. Box 2764 ADDIS ABABA Tel: 185114 Telex: 21150 C,P FINLAND Hewlett-Packard Finland Field Oy Niittylanpolku 10 00620 HELSINKI Tel: (90) 757-1011 Telex: 122022 Field SF CM Hewlett-Packard Oy Piispankalliontie 17 02200 ESPOO Tel: (90) 887-21 Telex: 121563 HEWPA SF A,C,E,M,P FRANCE Hewlett-Packard France Z.I. Mercure B Rue Berthelot 13763 Les Milles Cedex AIX-EN-PROVENCE Tel: 33-42-5S-4102 Telex: 410770F A,C,E,M Hewlett-Packard France 64, Rue Marchand Saillant F-61 000 ALENCON Tel: (33) 29 04 42 C~' Hewlett-Packard France Batiment Levitan 2585, route de Grasse Bretelle Autoroute 06600 ANTIBES Tel: (93) 74-5S-19 'C FRANCE (Cont'd) , Hewlett-Packard France 28 Rue de ,Ia Republique Boite Postale 503 25026 BESANCON Cedex Tel: (81) 83-16-22 Telex: 361157 C.E' Hewlett-Packard France ZA Kergaradec Rue Fernand Forest F-29239 GOUEESNOU Tel: (98) 41-87-90 ' E Hewlett-Packard France Chemin des Mouilles Boite Postale 162 69131 ECULLY Cedex (Lyon) Tel: 33-78-33-8125' , Telex: 310617F A,C.E,M,P' Hewlett-Packard France Parc d'activites du Bois Briard 2 Avenue du Lac F-91040 EVRY Cedex Tel: 3311/6077 9660 Telex: 692315F C Hewlett-Packard France Application Center 5, avenue Raymond Chanas 38320 EYBENS (Grenoble) , Tel: (76) 62-57-98 Telex: 980 124 HP GRENOB EYBE C Hewlett-Packard France Rue Fernand, Forest Z.A. Kergaradec 29239 GOUESNOU Tel: (98) 41-87-90 Hewlett-Packard France Parc Club des Tanneries Batiment B4 4, Rue de la Faisanderie 67381 LlNCOLSHEIM (Strasbourg) Tel: (88) 76-15-00 Telex: 890141F C,E',M',P' Hewlett-Packard France Centre d'aflalres Paris-Nord' Batiment Ampere Rue de la Commune de Paris Boite Postale 300 93163 LE BLANC-MESNIL Tel: (1) 865-44-52. Telex: 211032F C,E,M Hewlett-Packard France Parc d'activites Cadera Quartier Jean-Mermoz Avenue du President JF Kennedy 33700 MERIGNAC (Bordeaux) Tel: 33-56-34-0084 Telex: 550105F C,E,M Hewlett-Packard France 3, Rue Graham Bell BP 5149 57074 METZ Cedex Tel: (87) 36-13-31 Telex: 860602F C,E. Hewlett-Packard,France Miniparc-ZIRST Chemin du Vieux Chene 38240 MEYLAN (Grenoble) Tel: (76) 90-38-40 980124 HP Grenobe C Hewlett-Packard France Bureau vert du Bois Briand Cheman de la Garde -CP 212 212 44085 NANTES Cedex Tel: (40) 5{)-32-22 Telex: 711085F A,C,E,CM',P Hewlett-Packard France 125: Ruedu Faubourg Bannier ,':' 45000 ORLEANs Tel: 33-38-62-2031 E,P' Hewlett-Packard France Zone Industrielle de Courtaboeuf Avenue des Tropiques 91947 LES ULiS Cedex (Orsay) Tel: 33-6-907 7825 Telex: 600048F A,C,CM,E,M,P" Hewlett-Packard'France 15, Avenue de L:Amiral-Bruix 75782 PARIS Cedex 16 Tel: 33-15-02-1220 Telex: 613663F C,P' Hewlett-Packard France 242 Ter. Ave J Mermoz 64000 PAU Tel: 33-59-8{)-3802 Telex: 550365F C,E' Hewlett-Packard France 6, Place Sainte Croix 86000 POITIERS Tel: 33-49-41-2707 Telex: 792335F C,E' Hewlett-Packard France 47, Rue de Chativesle 51100 REIMS Tel: 33-26-88-6919 C,P' Hewlett-Packard France Parc d'activites de la Poterie' Rue Louis Kerautel-Botmel 35000 RENNES Tel: 33-99-51-4244 Telex: 740912F A',C,E,M,P' Hewlett-Packard France 98 Avenue de Bretagne 76100 ROUEN Tel: 33-35-63-5766 Telex: 770035F C,E Hewlett-Packard France 4. Rue Thomas-Mann Boita Posta Ie 56 67033 STRASBOURG Cedex Tel: (88) 26-56-46, Telex: 890141F C,E,M,P' Hewlett-Packard France Le Peripoledll 3. Chemin du Pigeonnier de la Cepiere 31081 TOULOUSE Cedex Tel: 33-61-4{)-1112 Telex: 531639F A,C,E,M,P" Hewlett-Packard France Les Cardoulines Batiment B2 Route des Oolines Parc d'activite de Val bonne Sophia Antipolis 06560 VALBONNE (Nice) Tel: (93) 65-39-40' " C Hewlett-Packard France 9, Rue Baudin 26000 VALENCE Tel: 33-75-42-7616 C" Hewlett-Packard'France Carolor ZAC de Bois Briand 57640 VIGY (Metz) Tel: (8) 771 2022 C Hewlett-Packard France Parc d'activite des Pres 1, Rue Papin Cedex 59658 VILLENEUVE O'ASCQ Tel: 33-2{)-91-4125 Telex: 160124F Telex: 160124F C,E,M,P Hewlett-Packard France Parc d'activites Paris-Nord 11 Boite Postale 60020 95971 Roissy Charles de Gaulle VILLEPINTE Tel: (1) 48 63 80 80 Telex: 211032F C,E,M,P' GABON Sho Gabon P.O. Box 89 LIBREVILLE Tel: 721 484 Telex: 5230 GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC Hewlett-Packard GmbH Vertriebszentrum Mitte Hewlett-Packard-Strasse 0-6380 BAD HOMBURG Tel: (06172) 40{)-0 Telex: 410 844 hpbhg A,C,E,M,P Hewlett-Packard GmbH Geschaftsstelle Keithstrasse 2-4 0-1000 BERLIN 30 Tel: (030) 21 9904-0 Telex: 018 3405 hpbln d A,C,E,M,P 11-8 Hewlett-Packard GmbH ' Verblndungsstelle Bonn Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 26 5300 BONN Tel: (0228) 234001 Telex: 8869421 Hewlett-Packard GmbH Vertriebszentrun Sud west Schickardstrasse 2 0-7030 BOBLINGEN Postlach 1427 Tel: (07031) 645-0 Telex: 7265743 hep A,C,CM,E,M,P Hewlett-Packard GmbH Zeneralbereich Mktg Herrenberger Strasse 130 0-7030 BOBLINGEN Tel: (07031) 14-0 Telex: 7265739 hep Hewlett-Packard GmbH Geschaftsstelle Schleefstr. 28a 0-4600 00RTMUNO-41 Tel: (0231) 45001 Telex: 822858 hepdod A,C,E Hewlett-Packard GmbH Reparaturzentrum Frankfurt Berner Strasse 117 6000 FRANKFURT /MAIN 60 Tel: (069) 500001-0 Telex: 413249 hpffm Hewlett-Packard GmbH Vertriebszentrum Nord Kapstadtring 5 0-2000 HAMBURG 60 Tel: 49-4{)-63-804-0 Telex: 021 63032 hphh d A,C,E,M,P Hewlett-Packard GmbH Geschaftsstelle Heidering 37-39 0-3000 HANNOVER 61 Tel: (0511) 5706-0 Telex: 092 3259 hphan A,C,CM,E,M,P Hewlett-Packard GmbH Geschaftsstelle Rosslauer Weg 2-4 0-6800 MANNHEIM Tel: 49-0621-7{)-05-0 Telex: 0462105 hpmhm A,C,E Hewlett-Packard GmbH Geschaftsstelle Messerschmittstrasse 7 0-7910 NEU ULM Tel: 49-0731-7{)-73-0 .. Telex: 0712816 HP ULM-O A,C,E' Hewlett-Packard GmbH Geschaftsstelle Emmericher Strasse 13 0-8500 NURNBERG 10 Tel: (0911) 5205-0 Telex: 0623 860 hpnbg C,CM,E,M,P Hewlett-Packard GmbH Vertriebszentrum ,Ratingen Berliner Strasse 111 0-4030 RATI NGEN 4 Postfach 3112 Tel: (02102) 494-0 Telex: 589070 hprad A.C,E,M,P Hewlett-Packard GmbH Vertriebszentrum Muchen Eschenstrasse 5 0-8028 TAUFKIRCHEN Tel: 49-89-61-2070 Telex: 0524985 hpmch A,C,CM,E.M,P Hewlett-Packard GmbH Geschaftsstelle Ermlisallee 7517 WALOBRONN 2 Postfach 1251 Tel: (07243) 602-0 Telex: 782 838 hepk A,C,E GREAT BRITAIN See United Kingdom GREECE Hewlett-Packard A.E. 178. Kirissias Ave. Je 6th Floor Halandri-ATHENS Greece Tel: 301116473360, 301116726090 Telex: 221 286 HPHLGR A,C,CM",E,M;P Kostas Karaynnis SA 8, Omirou Street ATHENS 133 Tel: 32 30 303,32 37 371 Telex: 215962 RKAR GR A,C',CM,E Impexin Intelect Oiv, 209 Mesogion 11525 ATHENS Tel:. 647448112 Telex: 216286 P Haril Company 38, Mihalakopoulou ATHENS 612 Tel: 7236071 Telex: 218767 M' Hellamco P.O. Box 87528 18507 PIRAEUS Tel: 4827049 Telex: 241441 A GUATEMALA IPESA DE GUATEMALA Avenida Reforma ~48, Zona 9 GUATEMALA CITY Tel: 316627, 317853,66471/5 9-011-502-2-316627 , Telex: 3055785IPESA GU A,C,CM,E,M,P Blue Star Ltd. HONG KONG Hewlett-Packard Hong Kong, Ltd. 7 Hare Street P.O. Box 506 G.P.O. Box 795 5th Floor, Sun Hung Kai Centre CALCUTTA 700 001 Tel: 230131, 230132 30 Harbour Road, Wan Chai Telex: 031-61120 BSNF IN HONG KONG Cable: BLUESTAR Tel: 852-5-832·3211 A,M,C,E Telex: 66678 HEWPA HX Cable: HEWPACK HONG KONG Blue Star Ltd. E,C,P 133 Kodambakkam High Road MADRAS 600 034 CET Ltd. 10th Floor, Hua Asia Bldg. Tel: 472056, 470238 Telex: 041-379 64-66 Gloucester Road Cable: BLUESTAR HONG KONG Tel: (5) 200922 A,M Telex: 85148 CET HX Blue Star Ltd. CM 13 Community Center Schmidt &Co. (Hong Kong) Ltd. New Friends Colony 18th Floor, Great Eagle Centre NEW DELHI 110 065 23 Harbour Road, Wanchai Tel: 682547 Telex: 031-2463 HONG KONG Cable: BLUEFROST Tel: 5-8330222 Telex: 74766 SCHMC HX A,C',CM,E,M A,M Blue Star Ltd. 15/16 C Wellesley Rd. ICELAND Hewlett-Packard Iceland PUNE 411011 Hoe/dabakka 9 Tel: 22775 112 REYKJAVIK Cable: BLUESTAR Tel: 354·1-67-1000 A Telex: 37409 Blue Star Ltd. A,C,CM,E,M,P 2-2-47/1108 Bolarum Rd. SECUNDERABAD 500 003 tNDIA Computer products are sold Tel: 72057, 72058 through Blue Star Ltd. All Telex: 0155-459 computer repairs Cable: BLUEFROST and maintenance service A,C,E is done through Computer Blue Star Ltd. Maintenance Corp. T.C. 7/603 Poornima Blue Star Ltd. Maruthunkuzhi B. D. Patel House TRIVANDRUM 695013 Near Sardar Patel Colony Tel: 65799, 65820 AHMEDABAD 380 014 Telex: 0884-259 Tel: 403531, 403532 Cable: BLUESTAR Telex: 0121-234 E Cable: BLUE FROST Computer Maintenance A,C,CM,E Corporation Ltd. 81ue Star Ltd. 115, Sarojini Devi Road SECUNDERABAD 500 003 40/4 Lavelle Road Tel: 310-184, 345-774 BANGALORE 560 001 Tel: 57881, 867780 Telex: 031-2960 Telex: 0845·430 BSLBIN C" Cable: BLUESTAR INDONESIA A,C',CM,E BERCA Indonesia P.T. P.O. Box 496/Jkl. Blue Star Ltd. Band Box House JI. Abdul Muis 62 Prabhadevi JAKARTA Tel: 21-373009 BOMBA Y 400 025 Tel: 4933101, 4933222 Telex: 46748 BERSAL IA Cable: BERSAL JAKARTA. Telex: 011·71051 Cable: BLUESTAR P A,M BERCA Indonesia P.T. P.O. Box 2497/Jkl. Blue Star Ltd. Antara Bldg .. 12th Floor Sahas JL Medan Merdeka Selatan 17 414/2 Vir Savarkar Marg JAKARTA-PUSAT Prabhadevi Tel: 21·340417 BOMBAY 400 025 Telex: 46748 BERSAL IA Tel: 422-6155 A,C,E,M,P Telex: 011-71193 BSSS IN Cable: FROSTBLUE BERCA Indonesia P.T. A,CM,E,M Jalan Kutai 24 Blue Star Ltd. SURABAYA Kalyan, 19 Vishwas Colony Tel: 67118 Alkapuri, BORODA, 390005 Telex: 31146 BERSAL SB Tel: 65235, 65236 Cable: BERSAL-SURABAYA Cable: BLUE STAR A',E,M,P A IRAQ Hewlett-Packard Trading·S.A. Service Operation AI Mansoor City 9B/3/7 BAGHDAD Tel: 551-49-73 Telex: 212-455 HEPAIRAQ IK C IRELAND Hewlett-Packard Ireland Ltd. Temple House, Temple Road Blackrock, Co. DUBLIN Tel: 88/333/99 Telex: 30439 C,E,P Hewlett-Packard Ltd. 75 Belfast Rd, Carrick/erg us Belfast BT38 8PH NORTHERN IRELAND Tel: 09603·67333 Telex: 747626 M ISRAEL Eldan Electronic Instrument Ltd. P.O. Box 1270 JERUSALEM 91000 16, Ohaliav SI. JERUSALEM 94467 Tel: 533 221, 553 242 Telex: 25231 AB/PAKRD IL A,M Computation and Measurement Systems (CMS) Ltd. 11 Masad Street 67060 TEL-AVIV Tel: 388388 Telex: 33569 MotillL C,CM,E,P tTALY Hewlett-Packard Italiana S.p.A. Traversa 99C Via Glulio Petroni, 19 1-70124 BARI Tel: (080) 41-07-44 C,M Hewlett-Packard Italian a S.p.A. Via Emilia, 51/C 1-40011 BOLOGNA Anzola Dell'Emilia Tel: 39-051-731061 Telex: 511630 C,E,M Hewlett-Packard Italiana S.p.A. Via PrinCipe Nicola 43G/C 1-95126 CA TANIA Tel: (095) 37-10-87 Telex: 970291 C Hewlett-Packard Italiana S.p.A. Via G. di Vittorio 10 20094 CORSICO (Milano) Tel: 39-02-4408351 Hewlett-Packard Italiana S.p.A. Viale Brigata Bisagno 2 16129 GENOVA Tel: 39-10-541141 Telex: 215238 Hewlett·Packard Italiana S.p.A. Viale G. Modugno 33 1-16156 GENOVA PEGU Tel: (010) 68-37-07 Telex: 215238 C,E 11-9 Hewlett-Packard Italiana S.p.A Via G. di Vittorio 9 1-20063 CERNUSCO SUL NAVIGLIO (Milano) Tel: (02) 923691 Telex: 334632 A,C,CM,E,M,P Hewlett·Packard Italiana S.p.A. Via Nuova Rivoltana 95 20090 LlMITO (Milano) Tel: 02-92761 Hewlett-Packard Italiana S.p.A. Via Nuova San Rocco a Capodimonte, 62/ A 1-80131 NAPOLt Tel: (081) 7413544 Telex: 710698 A",C,E,M Hewlett-Packard Italiana S.p.A. Via Orazio 16 80122 NAPOLI Tel: (081) 7611444 Telex: 710698 Hewlett-Packard Italiana, S.p.A. Via Pellizzo 15 35128 PADOVA Tel: 39-49·664-888 Telex: 430315 A,C,E,M Hewlett-Packard Italiana S.p.A. Viale C. Pavese 340 1-00144 ROMA EUR Tel: 39-65-48-31 Telex: 610514 A,C,E,M,P' Hewlett-Packard Italiana S.p.A. Via di Casellina 571C 500518 SCANDICCI-FIRENlE Tel: 39-55·753863 C,E,M Hewlett-Packard Italiana S.p.A. Corso Svizzera, 185 1-10144 TORINO Tel: 39-11-74-4044 Telex: 221079 A',C,E IVORY COAST S.I.T.E.L. Societe Ivoirienne de Telecommunications Bd. Giscard d'Estaing Carre/our Marcory lone 4.A. Boite postale 2580 ABIDJAN 01 Tel: 353600 Telex: 43175 E S.I.T.I. Immeuble "La General" Av.du General de Gaulle 01 BP 161 ABIDJAN 01 Tel: 321227 Telex: 22149 C,P JAPAN Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd. 152-1, Onna ATSUGI, Kanagawa, 243 Tel: (0462) 25-0031 C,CM,E Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Meiji·Seimei Bldg. 6F 3-1 Motochiba-Cho CHIBA,280 Tel: (0472) 257701 C,E Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Yasuda-Seimei Hiroshima Bldg. 6-11, Hon-dori, Naka-ku HIROSHIMA,730 Tel: (082) 241-0611 Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Towa Building 2-2-3 Kaigan·dori, Chuo-ku KOBE,650 Tel: (078) 392-4791 C,E Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Kumagaya Asahi 82 Bldg. 3-4 Tsukuba KUMAGAYA, Saitama 360 Tel: (0485) 24-6563 C,CM,E Yokogawa·Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Asahi Shinbun Daiichi Seimei Bldg. 4-7, Hanabata-cho KUMAMOTO, 860 Tel: 95-354-7311 C,E Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Shin-Kyoto Center Bldg. 614, Higashi-Shiokoji-cho Karasuma-Nishiiru KYOTO, 600 Tel: 075-343-0921 C,E Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Mito Mitsui Bldg. 1-4-73, Sanno-maru MITO, Ibaraki 310 Tel: (0292) 25-7470 C,CM,E YOkogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Meiji-Seimei Kokubun Bldg. 7-8 Kokubun, 1 Chome, Sendal MIYAGI,980 Tel: (0222) 25-1011 C,E Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Gohda Bldg. 2F 1-2-10 Gohda Okaya-Shi Okaya-Shi NAGANO, 394 Tel: (0266) 23 0851 C,E Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Nagoya Kokusai Center Building 1-47-1, Nagono, Nakamura-ku NAGOYA, AICHI450 Tel: (052) 571-5171 C,CM,E,M YOkogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd. Sai·Kyo-Ren Building 1-2 Dote·cho OOMIYA·SHI SAITAMA 330 Tel: (0486) 45-8031 JAPAN (Cont'd) Yokogawa·Hewlett,Pack
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